CATALOGUE OF THE LINONIAN ANI) BROTHERS' LIBRARY, YALE COLLEGE.. - I TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR, PRINTERS. 1873. THE last printed catalogue of the Linonian Library, in I86o, gives a total of II300 volumes, and the last Brothers' Library Catalogue, in 1851, 11652 volumes. In I871, when by a vote of the two Societies, the care of their Libraries was transferred to the College Library Committee, the number had increased to about 13500 each. In the consolidation of the two Libraries, and the rearrangement for the present Catalogue, many useless duplicates and many worn-out and valueless books have been thrown out, and other volumes more appropriate in character to the College Library have been transferred; so that the present number of volumes is 1700o. Books are generally entered under the name of the author, and also under subjects. Novels appear under the first word of the title (except an article or preposition), as well as under the author. In consulting the catalogue it should be remembered that when more than one copy of a work is in the Library, only one copy is referred to under the title or subject, but all the different copies will be found under the author's name. CATALOGUE. A. Abbot, The. Scott. Edinb., I870. 8~.. I882 Abbotsford, Visit to. Irving. Philad., I835. I2~.. 4246 Abbott, E. A. Shakespearian Grammar. 3d ed. Lond., 1871. I6~. I477 and Seeley, J. R. English Lessons for English People. Bost., 1872. I6......... 62 Abbott, Jacob. Corner-Stone. Bost., I834. 12~.. 9994 Hist. of Cleopatra. N. Y. [I85I.] I6~..7497 Hoaryhead. Bost., 1I838. I2~... 2725 Summer in Scotland. N. Y., 1848. 120.. 16742 The Teacher. Bost., I834. 12~.... 7039 Way to do Good. Bost., 1836. 12~.. 9995 Young Christian. N. Y., 1834. I20. 9993 Abbott, John S. C. Empire of Austria. N. Y., I859. I2~.. 5812 Russia. N. Y., I86o. 120. 6443 Hist. of the Civil War. N. Y., I863-66. 2 v. 80.. 6275 Italy. N. Y. [I860.] 12....... 4688 Josephine. N. Y. [I851.] 16.. 5450 Napoleon I. N. Y., I855-56. 2 v. 8~. 5712 Napoleon III. (2 copies.) Bost., I868-69. 8~. 5714 Romance of Spanish Hist. N. Y., I869. I2~. 6405 Abdallah, Death of. [B. Allen.] N. Y., I814. I2~. ~ ~ ~ I4924 A'Becket, Thomas. See BECKET. A'Beckett G. A. Comic Blackstone. Lond. I6~.. 4274 Hist. of England. Lond., I865. 8~.. 4262 of Rome. Lond. 8~. ~. ~ 4314 Abeel, D. Residence in China, etc. N. Y., I834. 12~...6477 Abelard, P., and Heloise, Hist. of. Berington. Philad., I819. 8~.. I6407 Abercrombie, J. Essays. N. Y., I845. I2.. 9805 Inquiries concerning Intellectual Powers. N. Y., I84I. z2~.. IIO4I Philosophy of Moral Feelings. N. Y., I840. I2~.. 11278 Abipones of Paraguay, Account of. Dobrizhoffer. Lond., 1822. 3 v. 8..5828 Abolition. See SLAVERY. About, E. P. V. The Fellah. Lond., I870. 8~.. 2395 Germaine. Bost., I86o. I2~...2597 Man with the Broken Ear. N. Y., 1867. 12~.. 2394 The Roman Question. Bost., I859. 12~. 2.~.. 4689 6 Abraham-Adams. Abraham, Lectures on Hist. of. Blunt. Philad., 1839. 12~. I7353 Abraham, 0. J. Unity of History. Eton, I845. 8~.. 4087 Abraham Page, Esq. A Novel. [Holt.] Philad., I868. I2~.. 15643 Abrantes, Duchesse d'. See Mme. JUNOT. Abruzzi, Excursions in the. Craven. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~.. 6715 Abyssinia, Hist., etc., of. Russell. N. Y., I840. 12. II28I Journal in, I830-32. Gobat. N. Y., I850. I2.... 8251 Life in, I847-50. Parkyns. N. Y., I854. 2. 22. I. 7978 Abyssinia. See, also, EGYPT; DONGOLA. Academician, The. Ed. Picket. N. Y., 1820. v. I. 8... 14079 Acoustics. See SOUND. Across the Continent. Bowles. Springfld, I865. I2~... 8414 Acting; Actors. See DRAMA; THEATER. Actress of Padua. [R. P. Smith.] Philad., I836. 2 v. I2~. 15644 Acts of the Apostles, Notes on. Barnes. N. Y., I84I. I2... 9860 Ad Fidem. Burr. Bost., I871. 12~.. 9990 Adam, A. Summary of Geography and History. 3d ed. Lond., I802. 8........... I6322 Adam Bede. M. J. Lewes. N. Y., I871. 120.. 2529 Adam Blair. [Lockhart.] Bost., I822. I20. I5359 Adams, Mrs. A. Letters. Bost., 1840. I6~. 7217 Adams, Miss A. Journal and Correspondence. N. Y., 1841. 12~.. 7220 Adams, 0. J. and H. Chapters of Erie and other Essays. Bost., I87I. 12~.........8643 Adams, P. 0. Justice in the By-Ways. N. Y., 1856. 12~.. 15727 Adams, Hannah. Compendium of Religious Sects. Bost., I784. 80. I6465 Hist. of New England. Dedham, I799. 8~.. 5848 Adams, H. G. Cyclopxedia of Female Biography. Lond., I869. I6~. 6675 [Adams, Rev. John.] Hist. of Spain. Lond., I793. 3 v. 8~... I6i56 Adams, Pres't 3John. Defence of Constitutions of U. S. 3d ed. Philad., I799. 3 v. 8... 6138 Letters to his Wife. Bost., I841. 2 V. I60. 7218 Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. r.) N. Y., I854. 80.. 6200 Works, ed. C. F. Adams. Bost., I85o-56. Io v. 8~... 9688 CONTENTS.-1. Life, by editor. 2, Diary, 1755-77; Notes of Debates in Congress, 1775-76; Autobiography for 1775-76. 3, Autobiography for 1775-77; Diary, 1778-96; Essays and Controversial Papers of the Revolution. 4, Novanglus; Works on Government. 4-6, Defence of the Constitutions. 6, Discourses on Davila; Letters, etc. 7-9, Official Letters, Messages, etc. 9, 10, General Correspondence: Index. Lecture on. Theodore Parker. Bost., I870. 12~.... 7409 and Cunningham, W. Correspondence. Bost., 1823. 8~.. 7344 Adams, John Q. Lectures on Rhetoric and Oratory. Cambr., I8IO. 2 v. 80...........I7527 Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. I.) N. Y., I854. 8~.. 6200 Poems. Auburn, I854. 16.. 719 Life of. Seward. Auburn, I849. I2..7325 Adams, John S. Town and Country. Bost., I855. 12~. 14594 Adams, M. New Biographical Dictionary. Lond. v. I. 8~.. I6399 Adams, S., Life of. Wells. Bost., I865. 3 v. 8~.. 7444 Adams, W. H. D. Lighthouses and Lightships. N. Y., I870. 12.. 10132 The Queen of the Adriatic. Lond., I869. 8~.. 82r3 Adamson-lEsop. 7 Adamson, J. Memoirs of Camoens. Lond., I820. 2 v. 8~.. 7695 Addington, J. P. Poetical Quotations. Philad., I829. 4v. I2~.. 4320 Addison, C. G. Damascus and Palmyra. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~. 8099 Knights Templars. 2d ed. Lond., I842. 8~.. 46'7 Addison, J. Cato. (Brit. Drama, v. I.) Lond., I804. 8~... i629 Criticism on Paradise Lost. Ed. Arber. Lond., I868. 16~.. 3887 Miscellaneous Works. Lond., I830. 4 v. 12~. ~ ~. 3991 CONTENTS.-1, Poems; Essay on Georgics; Discourse on Ancient and Modern Learning. 2 Dramas; Whig Examiner Lover. 3, Evidences of Religion; Dialogues on Medals; State of the War; Trial of Count Tariff. 4, Remarks on Italy. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~0.... 270 Poetical Works. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 240.. Io The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8.. I5098 Works. N.Y., I855. 3 v. 8.. 3791 CONTENTS.-1, 2, The Spectator. 3, Tatler; Guardian; Freeholder; Whig-Examiner; Lover; Dialogues on Medals Remarks on Italy; State of the War; Evidences; Poems; Dramas, etc. Works. Ed. G. W. Greene. N. Y., I856. 6 v. I2~... 3995 CONTENTS.-1, Poems; Dramas. 2, Dialogues on Medals;Remarks on Italy Essay on Georgics; Discourse on Ancient and Modern Learning; of the Christian Religion; Letters; Political Writings. 3, Freeholder; Plebeian; Old Whig; Lover. 4, Tatler; Guardian. 5, 6, Spectator. Works, except the Spectator. N. Y., I8Ii. v. I-5. I20.. 3816 CONTENTS.-1, 2, Tattler. 2, Guardian. 3, Freeholder; Whig Examiner; Lover. 4, Dialogues on Medals; Remarks on Italy. 5, Present State of the War; Evidences; Poems. Life of. Aikin. Lond., 1843. 2 V. I2~.. 6993 See, also, The SPECTATOR. Addisoniana. Lond. [I804.] 2.. I6~. 3808 Adela Cathcart. MacDonald. Bost. I2~...... 2584 Adeline Mowbray. Opie. Bost., 1827. 12~.. I4439 Adirondacks, Adventures in the. Murray. Bost., I869. I6~... 8226 Admirals, British, Lives of. Southey. Lond., 1833-40. 5 v. 6~.. 5171 Adolphus, J. Memoirs of Bannister. Lond., I839. 2 v. 8~.. 7996 Memoirs of the French Revolution. Lond., I799. 2 v. 80~. 556} The same.... 6248 [Adolphus, J. L.] Letters to Heber on the Waverley Novels. Bost., I822. 120...... 15227 Adshead, J., Prisons and Prisoners. Lond., I845. 80. ~ ~ ~ I7097 Adultery, Essay on. Polwhele. Lond., 1823. I20.. 7006 Advent; a Mystery. Coxe. N. Y., I837. 12. 80o Adventurer, The. Ed. Hawkesworth. Lond., 1823. 3. I2. 3128 Essays illustrating the. Drake. Lond., I809-IO. 2 v. 8~.. 3236 Adventures of Harry Franco. [Briggs.] N. Y., I839. 2 v. I2~.. 15646 of Verdant Green. [Bradley.] N. Y., I870. I2~.. 9250 of a Younger Son. [Trelawny.] N. Y., I832. 2 v. I2~.. I536o Aeronauts. See AIR; BALLOONS. AEschylus. Agamemnon and Choephore, tr. Potter. Philad., I823. 240. 245 Prometheus Bound, transl. by E. B. Browning. N.Y., I85I. 160. II50 Tragedies, transl. by Plumptre. Lond., I868. 2 V. 8~.. 873 transl. by Potter. N. Y., I839. I2~.... 4520 The same. N. Y., I834. 120.. ~ 454I for English Readers. Copleston. Philad., I871. T2~... 77 /Esop. Fables, ed. Croxall. N. Y., 186I.. 2~.... 924 8 /Esop-Agrippa. JEsop Junior in America. N. Y., I834. 2~..T5652 lEsthetic Letters and Essays. Schiller. post., I845. I6~... 8847.Esthetic Works. F. v. Schlegel. Lond., I849. 8~. 431 &Esthetics. See, also, BEAUTY, TASTE. Afghanistan, Journal of Disasters in, I84I-42. Sale. Lond., I843. I20~. 7975 Memoir of. Harlan. Philad., 1842. 12~.. Afghans, Rohilla, Hist. of the. Hamilton. Lond., 1787. 8~.. 16052 Africa and the American Flag. Foote. N. Y., 1854. 12~.. 8572 Discovery in. Murray, etc. N. Y., 1840. I2.... i6 Hist. of Discoveries and Travels in. Murray. Edinb., I8I8. 2 v. 8~...........8088 Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. 3 v. 12~.. 7848 Researches on Nations of. Heeren. Oxfd., 1832. 2 v. 8'.. 4II7 Central, Journey to, 1851-52. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., I867. 120. 8281 Travels in, 1780-85. Le Vaillant. Dubl., 1790. 80.. I6523 Travels in, 1795-97. Park. Philad., I8oo00. 8~... 16526 Equatorial, Explorations in, I856-59. DuChaillu. Lond., i86i. 8'. 8090 Northern and Central, Travels in, 1822-24. Denham & Clapperton. Bost., I826. 80... I6530 Southern, Five Years in, I843-48. Cumming. N. Y., 185I. 2 v. I2~... 7980 Hist. of Brit. Colonies in. Martin. Lond., 1843. I6~.. 7898 Missionary Labors in. Moffat. N. Y., I843. 12~...652I Missionary Travels in. Livingstone. N. Y., i868. 8~. 8124 Residence in, I820-25. Pringle. Lond., I840. 8~.. 8IOI Travels in, 1797-98. Barrow. N. Y., 1802. 8~... I6534 Wanderings in. Steedman. Lond., 1835. 2 v. 8~... 6527 South-Western, Explorations in, I850-54. Andersson. N. Y., I857. 80. 8091 Western, Condition of. East. Lond., I844. 12~... 6472 Exc. in, I834-35. Alexander. Lond., I840. 2 v. 8~. 8Ir14 Hist. of Brit. Settlements in. Martin. Lond., I837. I6~. 7905 African Cruiser, Journal of an. [Bridge.] N. Y., 1845. I2~... I6291 Slaver, Twenty Years of an. Canot. N. Y., I866. 12~.'.. 8573 Africa. See, also, the NILE, EGYPT, etc. After Dark; a Novel. Collins. N. Y. 80.. 2298 Agassiz, E. C. and A. Seaside Studies in Nat. Hist; Radiates. Bost., i865. 8~.. 9002 Agassiz, L. Geological Sketches. (2 copies.) Bost., I866-70. I2~. 8955 Methods of Study in Natural Hist. Bost., I864. I2~.. 8835 Structure of Animal Life. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 9099 and Eliz. C. Journey in Brazil. (2 copies.) Bost., I868. 8~. 8461 and Gould, A. A. Principles of Zoology. Pt. I. (2 copies.) Bost., 1848. I2~.. 8890 Agatha's Husband. Craik. N. Y., I87I. 2~. 2485 Agnes de Mansfeldt. Grattan. Philad., I836. 2 v. 12~.. 15362 Agnes of Sorrento. Stowe. Bost., 1862. I2~.. 2962 Agriculture on the Rhine. Banfield. Lond., I846. 12~..,. 8795 Agrippa, H. Cornelius, Life of. Morley. Lond., 1856. 2 v. 8. 7766 Agueseau-Alcock. 9 Aguesseau, H. F. d', Memoir of. Butler. Lond., I83o. 8~.. 7682 Aguilar, G. Days of Bruce. N. Y., I857. 2 v. 12~.. 2525 Home Influence. N. Y., I850. I20... 24I8 Home Scenes. N. Y., 1853. 12~.. 2527 Mother's Recompense. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1856-68. I2~.. 2516 Vale of Cedars. (3 copies.) N. Y., I85i-68. 12~... 2520 Woman's Friendship. (2 copies.) N. Y., I85I-57. 120.. 25I8 Women of Israel. N. Y., I851. 2 V. I2~.. 2523 Ahasuerus; a Poem. [Tyler.] N. Y., 1842. I20.. I5039 Aids to Faith. Ed. W. Thomson. N. Y., I862. 12~. ~ ~ ~ 9955 Aikin J. Annals of Reign of Geo. III. Lond., 1816. 2 v. 80.. 5322 Essays on Song-Writing, with Songs. Ed. Evans. (2 copies.) Lond., i8io, 8... I2I Letters on English Poetry. Bost., 18o6. I2~.... 60 from a Father to his Son. Lond., I838. I6~.. 9I33 Lives of Selden and Usher. Lond., I812. 8... 7I6 Select Works of Brit. Poets. (2 copies.) Philad., I83I-39. 8. I304. Memoir and Miscellanies of. L. Aikin. Philad., I824. 80. ~ 7I70 Aikin, L. Court of Chas. I. Philad., I833. 2 v. 8~.. 5302 of Elizabeth. Philad., I823. 8~.. 5295 of James I. Bost., I822. 2 v. 80.. ~ 5300 Life of Addison. Lond., I843. 2 v. I2~... 6993 Ainslie, H. The Pilgrim and the Shrine. Lond., I87I. 8~.. 9814 Ainsworth, W. F. Researches in Assyria, etc. Lond., I838. 8~.. 8048 Ainsworth, W. H. The Tower of London. Lond. 8~.... 266I Air, The. Mudie. Lond. I835. 12. 2~... 14632 Queen of the. Ruskin. N. Y., I869. I2~... 9047 Travels in the. Ed. by Glaisher. Lond., I87I. 80... 9093 See, also, BALLOON. Aird, T. The Old Bachelor in the Old Scottish Village. Edinb., 1845. 6....... I5531 Othuriel; and other Poems. Edinb., 1840. 8~.. I5076 Akenside, M. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24~.. 539 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24~.. 22 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8... I5IOI Alain Family, The. Karr. Lond., 1853. 8..... 2646 Alaska, Travel and Adventure in. Whymper. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 8399 Albergati-Capaoelli, F. Pleasures of Beneficence. (Ital. Novelists, 4.) Lond., I836. I2... 902 Alberoni, J., Life of. James. Lond., I837. I6~.,. 5769 Albert, Prince. Speeches and Addresses. Lond., I862. 80... 5337 Early Years of. Queen Victoria. N. Y., I868. I20.. 5336 Albert N'yanza, The. Baker. Lond., I866. 80..... 8I8 Albigenses, Crusades against the. Sismondi. Lond., I826. 8~.. 6343 See, also, WALDENSES. Alchymists, The. Mackay. Lond., I869. 80.... 8525 Alcibiades, a Tragedy. Otway. (Works, v. I.) Lond., I812. 8~. I475 Aloiphron; or the Minute Philosopher. Berkeley. Lond., I837. 8~.. 8759 Alcock, R. Three Years in Japan. N. Y., x863. 2 v. 2~... 7952 Io Alcott-Alison. Alcott, L. M. Hospital Sketches. Bost., I863. I2~.... 6I06 Little Men. Bost., I87I. I6~.. 2743 Little Women. (2 copies.) Bost., I869. 2 v. i6~. 2737 Old-Fashioned Girl. (2 copies.) Bost., 1870. I6~.... 2741 Alcott, W. A. Confessions of a School Master. Andover, I839. 12~. I704I House I live in. 2d ed. Bost., I837. I2~.. 9126 Moral Reformer. Bost., 1835. v. I. 12.. 16966 The Sabbath School as it should be. N. Y., 184I. I2~. I736I Vegetable Diet. Bost., I838. I2... 9170 Young Man's Guide. Bost., I835. I2~.. 9138 The same. Bost., I837. I2... 9172 Young Wife. Bost., I837. 12.. I70I0 Alcui, Life of. Lorenz. Lond., I837. I6...... 7507 Alderbrook. [Mrs. Judson.] Bost., I850. 2 v. I2~.... I5650 Alec Forbes. MacDonald. Lond. 8....... 2582 Alexander the Great, Life of. Williams. N. Y., I84I. I2~... ioo6 Alexander, James E. Exc. in W. Africa. 2d ed. Lond., I840. 2 v 80. 8 8II4 Travels from India to England. Lond., I827. 4~.. I6032 through Russia and the Crimea. Lond., I830. 2 v. 8~. I6487 Alexander, JosephA. The Psalms. N. Y., I85I. 3 v. I2~.. 9875 Alexander, Wim. (Earl of Stirling.) Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~. 2 Alexander, Wmin., M.D. Hist. of Women. Lond., I782. 2 v. 8~.. I7007 Alexandra, Empress of Russia, Mem. of. Grimm. Edinb., I870. 2 v. 8~. 6444 Alfieri, V. Autobiography, ed. Lester. N. Y., I845. I2~.,. 7748 Alford, H. Abbot of Muchelnaye, Sonnets, etc. Lond., I84I. I2~. 599 How to study the N. T. Lond., I865-70. 3 v. I6~.. 9838 Plea for the Queen's English. Lond., I866. I6~... 57 Alfred the Great. T. Hughes. Lond. 8....... 5134 (An historical Play.) Knowles. (Works, v. I.) Lond., 184I. I2~. 1432 Life of. Asser. Lond., I848. 8~. 499 The same. Dunham. Lond., 1840. I6~. ~ ~ ~ 5774 The same; with version of Orosius. Pauli. Lond., I857. 80......402 Alfred Hagart's Household. A. Smith. Bost., 1865. 12~... 2449 Alger, W. R. Hist. of Doctrine of a Future Life. N. Y., I869. 8~. I0022 Friendships of Women. Bost., I870. I6~.. 9209 Poetry of the East. Bost., I856. I2~... 875 Solitudes of Nature and Man. (2 copies.) Bost., I867. 16~.. 3567 Algeria, A Whirl through. Browne. N. Y., i866. I2~.... 8315 Algerine Captive, The. [Tyler.] Hartfd, i816. 12~.... 15653 Algic Researches. Schoolcraft. N. Y,., I839. 2 v. I2~.... 5755 Algiers, with Notices of Barbary. Lord. Lond., I835. 2 v. 12~.. 7976 The French in, I836-41. Lamping and de France. N. Y., I845. 12~. 8369 Sketches of. Shaler. Bost., 1826. 80..... 16524 Alhambra, The. Irving. Philad., I872. I2...... 4364 Ali Pacha, of Jannina, Life of. Lond., I823. 80..... I643 Alice; or, the Mysteries. Bulwer. N. Y., I838. 2 v. I2~... 2072 Alison, Rev. A. Essay on Taste. Bost., I812. 8..... I7067 Alison-Amelia. II Alison, Sir A. Hist. of Europe, I789-I1815. (2 copies.) Edinb., 1839-42. Io v. 8........... 4636 The same, I8I5-52. N. Y., I855-60. 4 v. 8~.. 4804 Lives of Castlereagh and Stewart. Edinb., i86I. 3 v. 8~.. 6790 Miscellaneous Essays. Philad., I845. 8~.... 3462 The same. N. Y., I86o. 8~.. 346I All the Year Round. New Series. Lond., I868-72. 8 v. 8~... I2404 Allan, G. Life of Sir W. Scott. (2 copies.) Philad., I835. 8.. 7174 Allen, B. Death of Abdallah. N. Y., 81I4. I2..... I2924 Urania. N. Y., I8I4. 240... 12925 Allen, D. 0O. India, Ancient and Modern. Bost., I856. 8... 6559 Allen, Ethan. Narrative. Bost., I845. I2~0.... 7494 Life of. Sparks. (Amer. Biogr., I.) Bost., I834. I6~... 7250 Memoir of. Moore. Plattsburgh. I834. 12~. ~ ~. 7495 Allen, P. Hist. of Amer. Revolution. Balt., 1822. 2 V. 80... 6I56 Exped. of Lewis and Clarke. Philad., I814. 2 v. 80. I6867 The same. (Abridged.) N. Y., I842. 2 v. I20.. II756 Allen, W. Book of Christian Sonnets. Northampton, I86o. I2~.. I5046 Wunnissoo; a Poem. Bost., I856. I2~.. 14969 Allen, Z. Practical Tourist. Prov., 1832. 2 v. I2..... 6766 Allen Prescott. [Mrs. Sedgwick.] N. Y., I834. 2 v. I2~.. 15654 Allston, W. Lectures on Art, and Poems. N. Y., I850. 12~... 8885 Monaldi. Bost., I84I. I2..15744 Sylphs of the Seasons, with other Poems. Bost., I813. I2~.. I4970 Almack's. A Novel. N. Y., 1827. 2 v. I2...... I5364 Almack's revisited. [White.] N. Y., I828. 2 v. I20... I5366 Almanac, Tribune. I838-68. N. Y. 2 v. I2..... 6Io3 [Almon, J.] Anecdotes of Pitt. Lond., I792. 4 v. 8~.. 6795 Biogr. Anecdotes of Eminent Persons. Lond., 1797. 3 v. 80. I6372 Almost a Heroine. [Sheppard.] Bost., I86o. I2..... 2512 Alone to the Alone. Cobbe. Lond., I87I. 8...... 9967 Alonzo and Melissa. Jackson. Hartf'd. I853. I6~..... I5656 Alps, Glaciers of the. Tyndall. Bost., I86I. 8~... 8957 The High, without Guides. Girdlestone. Lond., I870. 8~.. 8383 Hours of Exercise in the. Tyndall. N. Y., 1872. I2~... 8382 Scrambles amongst the, I86o-69. Whymper. Lond., I87I. 8~. 8380 Sketches of the. Headley. N. Y., I846. 12~... 16574 Vacation Ramblesin the, I84I-43. Talfourd. Lond., I845. I2~. 8381 Alroy, Tale of. Disraeli. Lond., I833. 3 v. 12..... 2124 [Altop, R., and Dwight, Th.] The Echo. N. Y., I807. 8~... 814 Altanesi, G. F'. Novels. (Roscoe, Ital. Novelists, 4.) Lond., I836. I2~. I902 Alson Locke. Kingsley. N. Y., i86I. I2..2562 Alves, R. Hist. of Literature. Edinb., I794. 8~... 209 Amadis of Gaul. Trans. by Southey. Lond., I872. 3 v. 6~.. 2007 Amaranth, The. Philad., I842. I2... I488I Amazon R., Voyages up the, I846. Edwards. N. Y., I847. I20.. 17140 Amazonian Republic, The. Savage. N. Y., I842. I20.. 17091 Amber Witch, The. Meinhold. N. Y., 1845. 12~.. 3044 Amelia. Fielding. Lond., I87I. 2v. 8.. I983 12 America. America and the Amer. People. v. Raumer. N. Y., I846. 8~.. 6172 and her Commentators. Tuckerman. N. Y., I864. I2~... 6I83 and England. A Comparison. N. Y., 1834. 8~.... 5860 and Europe. Gurowski. N. Y., 1857. 12..... 6io before Europe. Gasparin. N. Y., I862. I2~.... 8560 Account of European Settlements in. Burke. Bost., 1835. 8~. 5946 Annals of, to 1826. Holmes. Cambr., 1829. 2 v. 80.. 5966 Democracy in. De Tocqueville. N. Y., I845. 2 v. 80. ~ 6I34 historical and descriptive. Buckingham. Lond., [I841.] 3 v. 8~. 5857 Hist. of [Disc. and Conq. of]. Robertson. Lond., 1792. 3 v. 8~. 16138 Myths of. Brinton. N. Y., i868. 8.. I925 Realities and Resources of. Wyse. Lond., I846. 3 v. 8~.. 5892 The Spanish Conquest in. Helps. N. Y., 1856-68. 4 v. I2~. 5820 Survey of Polit. Situation of. [A. H. Everett.] Philad., 1827. 80. I6I26 Travels in, 179I-92. Chateaubriand. Lond., I828. 2 v. 80.. 16898 British, Hist., etc., of. Murray. Edinb., I839. 3 v. I6~.. 5716 Central, Inc. of Trav. in, I839-40. Stephens. N. Y., I84I. 2 v. 8~. 8454 Travels in, I850. Froebel. Lond., I859. 8~... 8437 Travels in. Morelet. N. Y., 187I. 12~.... 8431 Voyages in, 18I6. Roberts. Edinb., 1827. 12~.. 4479 New. Dixon. Philad., I867. 12~. 8427 North, Anti-Slavery Mission to; I863. Massie. Lond., I864. 8~. 8555 Description of. Conder. Lond. 2 v. in I. 12~... 7857 Diary in. Marryatt. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 120... i68oo The same. 2d series. Philad., I840. 12~... I6803 France and Eng. in. Parkman. Bost., I865-69. 3 v. 12~. 6I31 CONTENTS. —1 Pioneers of France in the New World. 2, The Jesuits in the 17th century. 8, Discovery of the Great West. Hist. of Disc. and Trav. in. Murray. Lond., 1I829. 2 v. 80. I6782 Dispute with, I754-74. J. Adams. (Works, v. 4.) Bost., I85I. 8. 969I European Settlements in. Raynal. Lond., I776. 5 v. 8.. I6I49 Impressions of, I833-35. Power. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12~. I6796 Journey through, I8I9-2I. Hodgson. N. Y., 1823. 80. 1678I Men and Manners in. Hamilton. Edinb., I843. 6~0.. 8222 New Tracks in, I867-68. Bell. Lond., I869. 2 v. 80. 8422 Rambler in, 1832-33. Latrobe. N. Y., 1835. 2 v. 120. I6804 Residencein Deserts of. Domenech. Lond., i86o. 2 v. 8~. 8497 Rule and Misrule of the English in. Haliburton. N. Y., I851. 12........ 6025 Society in. Martineau. N. Y., I837. 2 v. I2~... 5998 Stranger in. Lieber. Philad., 1I835. 8~.. 16780 Three Years (1828-3I) in. Stuart. N. Y., I833. 2 v. 12~. I6790 Travels in, 1776-81. [Anburey.] Lond., I791. 2 v. 80. I6784 in I827-28. B. Hall. Philad., 1829. 2 v. I20. I6786 in I841-42. Lyell. N. Y., 1845. 2 V. in I. I20. 8410 in I834-36. Murray. N. Y., I839. 2 v. 12.. I6788 I825-26. Duke of Saxe-Weimar. Philad., 1828. 80........ I6924 America. 13 America, North, Travels in, I86I. A. Trollope. N. Y., 1862. 120.. 8413 South, Letters on the Unite~'Prov. of. Pazos. N. Y., I819. 8~. 17I38 Life and Nature under the Tropics of. Myers. N. Y., I871. 12......... 8433 Voyage to, I817-I8. Brackenridge. Balt., 1819. 2 v. 80. I7127 1735. Juan and Ulloa. Lond., I772. 2V. 80. I7I25 Wild Scenes in. Paez. N. Y., 1862. I2~.. 8434 Spanish, Outline of Revolution in. N. Y., 1817. 2~.. 5735 American Adventure by Land and Sea. N. Y. [1841.] 2 v. I2~.. 1775 Antiquities. Bradford. N. Y., 1843. 8~... 5954 Artist Life. Tuckerman. N. Y., I867. 8~.. 8126 Biblical Repository. See BIBLICAL. Biography. Belknap. N. Y., I846. 3 v. 12~... 11762 Library of. Sparks. Bost., 1834-48. 25 v. I6~. 7250 For Contents, see SPARKS. Colleges and the Amer. Public. Porter. N. H., 1870. 12~.. 9254 Criminal Trials. Chandler. Bost., 1844. v. 2. I2~.. 9226 Eclectic. See ECLECTIC. Eloquence. Ed. Moore. N. Y., I857. 2'v. 8~.... 9432 Specimens of. Middletown, 1837. 12... 9291 Facts. Putnam. Lond., 1845. 12~.... 6I84 Female Poets. Griswold. Philad., 1849. 8...924 Journal of Science. N. H., 1818-45. 49 v. 80. 1 I7545 Index (v. 50). N. H., I846. 8~. The same. 2d Series. N. H., 1846-70. 50 v. 8~... I7594 The same. 3d Series. N. H., 1871-72. V. I-4. 80.. I7644 Law, Commentaries on. Kent. N. Y., I840. 4 v. 8~... 9356 Library of Useful Knowledge. Bost., 183I-32. 5 V. I2~.. 8824 Life, Traits of. Hale. Philad., 1835. 12~... 15805 Literary Magazine, ed. Sprague. Albany & Hartfd. 1847-49. 5 v. in 3. 80. 13254 Literati, The. Poe. N. Y., 1857 12.. 4378 Literature and Manners. Chasles. N. Y., 1852. I20... 124 Cyclopaedia of. Duyckinck. N. Y., I866. 2 v. 8~. 234 Views and Reviews in. [Simms.] N. Y., I845. I2~. 3587 Lounger, The. [Ingraham.] Philad., 1839. 12~'. I5657 Military Biography. I825. I20.... 6434 Monthly Magazine. N. Y., I817-I8. v. I-4. 8~.... i3558 The same. Ed. N. P. Willis. Bost., 1829. v. I. 80.. I3II3 The same. New Series. N. Y., I836. v. I, 2. 8~. 13II4 Museum. Ed. Carey. 1787-98. Philad. v. I-9, II-I3. 80. 14758 Naval Battles. Bost., I837 12..... I6I20 Officers, Lives of. J. F. Cooper. Philad., I846. 2 v. I20. 7275 For Contents, see COOPER. Newspaper Literature, Specimens of. Buckingham. Bost., I850. 2 v. 12....... 125 Note Books. Hawthorne. Bost., I868. 2 v. 8.. 8388 Notes. Dickens. N. Y., I865. 2 v. I6~.. 264 Orator, The. Ed. Munn. Worc., 1855. 12.... 9292 3 14 American-Anatomy. American Oratory, Selections from. (2 copies.) Philad., 1836-40. 8~. 9430 Painters, Sketches of. Tuckerman. N. Y., I847. 12~.. 7917 Poetry, Selections of, N. Y., I794. I2~. 1.... I4966 Specimens of. Kettell. Bost., 1829. 3 v. I2~.,. 678 Poets. Keese. N. Y., i84I-42. 2 V. 12~. 684 and Poetry. Griswold. Philad., i855. 8.. 238 Golden Leaves from. Hows. N. Y., i865. 2~.. 687 Selections from. Bryant. N. Y., I84I. 12... I586 Politics, Issues of. Skinner. Philad., I872. 12~... 0205 Prose Writers. Griswold. Philad., 1855. 8~.... 236 Pulpit, Annals of the. Sprague. N. Y., 1857-69. 9 v. 8.. 7730 Quarterly Observer. (2copies.) Bost., I833-34. 3 v. 8~. 13880 Review. Philad., I827-37. 22 v. 80... 13213 The same. v. 3-7, 9-20..... 13235 Rejected Addresses. [Bigelow.] N. Y. [x855.] I2~... 686 Review. Ed. R. Walsh. (2 copies.) Philad., I8II-I2. v. I-4. 80. I4038 Revolution. See UNITED STATES HISTORY. Society. Towle. Lond., I870. 2 v. 8~.. 8386 Speeches, Select. Carpenter. Philad., I8I5. 2 v. 8~.. 9428 Theatre, Hist. of. Dunlap. N. Y., 1832. 8..I6I6 Theatrical Management. Sol. Smith. N. Y., I868. 8~.. I6T7 Whig Review. N. Y;, I845-52. I6 v. 80... I256I The same. v. 3-Io, I2-6.. I2723 Women, Noble Deeds of. Clement. Buffalo, I85I. 12~.. 9208 Year Book. Camp. Hartfd, 1869. 8...... 6145 Americanisms. Schele de Vere. N. Y., 1872. 12... 82 Dict. of. Bartlett. 3d ed. Bost., I86o. 80. 212 American's Guide, The; the Constitutions, etc. Philad., 1832. I2~.. 6032 Own Book, The; the Constitution, etc. N. Y. I2~.. 6033 Americans, in moral, social, and political relations. Grund. Bost., I837. I2... 6019 of Recent Times, Famous. Parton. Bost., I869. 12~... 74Io Domestic Manners of. Mrs. Trollope. N. Y., I832. 8~.. 8440 Notions of the. J. F. Cooper. N. Y., I859. I20.. 2805 Ames, P. Works, with Life. Bost., I809. 8.. 9644 The same. [2d ed.] Bost., I854. 2 v. 8~.. 9698 Among the Pines. [Gilmore.] N. Y., I862. 12~.. 2929 Amoor, Russians on the. Ravenstein. Lond., I86I. 8~... 8o0I3 Travels in the Regions of the. Atkinson. Lond., I860. 8~.. 8136 Amusements. See GAMES; SPORTS. Amyas Leigh. Kingsley. Lond., I87I. 8.. 2566 Anacharsis, Travels of. Barthelemy. Lond., I798. 8.. 15953 Anacreon. Odes, transl. by Bourne. N. Y., I837. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 4540 byT. Moore. Philad., I804. 8~.. 14775 in Dublin. 2d ed. Lond., I814. I2~.. I4866 Analectic Magazine. Philad., I814-20. I6 v. 8... I4235 Anastasius. [Hope.] N. Y., I832. 2 V... I5157 Anatomy, Wonders of. Le Pileur. N. Y., I870. 12~.... IOI3I of Melancholy. Burton. N. Y., I870. 3 v. 2~.... 394I Anburey-Animals. 15 Anburey, T. Travels in America. Lond., 1791. 2 v. i6784 Ancient Regime, The. James. N. Y., I84I. 2 v. I2... 15213 Andersen, H. C. The Improvisatore. N. Y., I869. 80... 2602 O. T. A Danish Romance. (2 copies.) N. Y., I870. 8~.. 2606 Only a Fiddler. (2 copies.) N. Y., I870. 80.. 2608 Only a Fiddler! and 0. T. N. Y., I845. 8~.. 2652 A Poet's Bazaar. N. Y., I871. 80.. 2614 In Spain and Portugal. (2 copies.) N. Y., I870. 8~... 2604 Stories and Tales. (2 copies.) N. Y., I87I. 80.. 2612 Story of My Life. (2 copies.) N. Y., I87I. 80.. 26Io Two Baronesses. N. Y., I869. 80.. 2603 Anderson, Adam. Hist. of Commerce. Dubl., I790o. 6 v. 8.. 4067 Anderson, IEneas. Narrative of Embassy to China. N. Y., I795. I2~. I6480 Anderson, P. Zenaida. Philad., I858. I2~.. I5820 Anderson, James. The Bee. Edinb., I79I-93. I8 v. 8~... I3041I Anderson, John. Course of Creation. Cincinn., I85I. I2. I6946 Anderson, R. Foreign Missions. N. Y., I869. 8~.... 6289 The Hawaiian Islands. Bost., I864. I2~.... 8330 Andersson, C. J. Lake Ngami. N. Y., I857. 8~.. 8091 Andes and the Amazon, The. Orton. N. Y., I870..... 8432 Andre, J. Life of. Sargent. Bost., i86I. I2~.. 7307 Andrews, A. Hist. of British Journalism. Lond., I859. 2 v. 8~.. 5273 Andrews, J. R. Life of Cromwell. Lond., I870. 80.... 53II Andrews, S. J. Life of our Lord. N. Y., I862. 8~.. 9907 Andryane, A. Memoirs of a Prisoner of State. Lond., I840. 2 v. I2~. 7683 Anecdotes of Churches and Sects. Lond., I825. 3 v. I6~... I384 of Distinguished Persons. Seward. Lond., 1795-97. 5 v. I6~. I3202 Encyclopaedia of. Oxberry. Lond., 1821. 3 v. 12~.. 433I for the Family. N. Y. I6~...... I5830 Book of Iooo. Byrn. Bost., I859. I2. 4319 Common-Place Book of. N. Y., I830. I60...583I Cyclopaedia of. Arvine. Bost., I856. 8~.... 4432 Moral and Religious, Cyclopaedia of. Arvine. N. Y. [I848.] 8~. 434I Religious, Moral, and Entertaining. Buck. N. Y., I83I. 8~. I5826 Angelo, Michael. See M. A. BUONARROTI. Angels, On. Tonna. N. Y., 1842. 120.. I5I70 Angler, Complete. Walton and Cotton. N. Y., 1848. 2 v. in I. 12~. 3920 Anglo-Saxon and Early Eng., Hand-Book of. Corson. N. Y., 187I. 12~. 94 Chronicle. Ed. Giles. Lond., I847. 80...... 497 Home,The. Thrupp. Lond., I862. 8~.. 5264 Anglo-Saxons, Hist. of the. Turner. Paris., I840. 3 v. 8~... 5075 Animal Kingdom, The. Cuvier. N. Y., I831. 4 v. 8~... 16954 Life, Structure of. Agassiz. N. Y., I866. 8~.... 9049 Magnetism. See MAGNETISM; MESMERISM. Mechanism and Physiology. Griscom. N. Y., I840. I2~.. II409 Animals under Domest., Variation of. Darwin. N. Y. [I868]. 2 v. I2~. 8930 in Menageries. Swainson. Lond., I838. I6~... 6053 Geography and Classification of. Swainson. Lond., I835. I6~. 6056 Habits and Instincts of. Swainson. Lond., I840. I6~... 6054 I6 bnimals-Apocryphal. Animals, Hist., Habits, etc., of. Kirby. Philad., I837. 8~...6984 Instinct in. Chadbourne. N. Y., 1872. I2~... 8946 Intelligence of. Menault. N. Y., I869. I2~.... IoII9 Animated Nattire, Hist. of. Goldsmith. Philad., 1823-25. 5 v. 8~. I6925 See, also, BIRDS; FISHES; NATURAL HISTORY; QUADRUPEDS, etc. Annals of the Parish. Galt. Philad., I82I. 12... 2365 of a Quiet Neighborhood. MacDonald. N. Y., I867. 1I2~.. 2578 Anne of Austria, Memoirs of. De Motteville. Lond., I726. 5 V. I2~. 14627 Anne of Geierstein. Scott. Bost., I845. 12..I837 Anne Grey. [Lister.] N. Y., I835. 120.. I51II Anne Severin. Craven. N. Y., I869. I2~. 239I Annihilation Theory, Refutation of the. Bartlett. Bost. [I866.] 12~. IOOOO Annual Review, The. Ed. A. Aikin. Lon., i802-04. v. 1I-3. 80. I4536 Scrap-Book. Lond., 1838. I6~.. I5828 Anquetil, L. P. Memoirs of Court of Lewis XIV. Edinb., I79I. 2 v. 8~ 16199 Anson, G. Voyage round the World. Edinb., 1776. 2 v. 12.. 63I7 The same. (Mavor, v. 4.) Lond., 1796. 12.. 13847 Life of. Barrow. Lond., 1839. 8~.. 6850 Anspach, Eliz., Margavine of, Memoirs of, by herself. Lond., I826. 2 V. 80.. I6355 Ansted, D. T. The Ancient World. Philad., I847. I2~... 8983 Anster Fair. [Tennant.] Bost., I815. 12~. 1.....4893 Antelope, Shipwreck of the. [Constable's Misc., v. 4.] Edinb., I827. I2......... 4466 Antenor, Travels of. Lantier. Lond., I799. 3 v. 8~.... I65I3 Anthon, C. E. Pilgrimage to Treves. N. Y., 1845. 12~... I6704 Antidote to Miseries of Human Life. [Carp.] N. H., 1809. 12~.. 15368 Sequel to. [Carp.] N. Y., I8Io. 12.. 15369 Anti-Jacobin, or Weekly Examiner. [Ed. W. Gifford.] 4th ed. Lond., 1799. 2 V. 8.......... II300 Review and Magazine. Lond., I798-1800. v. I-5. 8~.. 11302 Antiquary. Scott. Edinb., I870. 8.. I863 Antiquities, American. Bradford. N. Y., I843. 8..5954 British. Brand. Lond., I848-49. 3 v. 8~. 504 Christian. Coleman. Andover, I84I. 8. 100Ioo14 Northern. Mallet. Lond., I859. 8~.. 507 Popular. Chambers. Edinb., I863-64. 2 v. 8~. 4437 Roman. Fuss. Oxf'd, I840. 8'.. 4751 Anti-Slavery Conflict, Recollections of our. May. Bost., I869. 12~. 8545 Measures in Congress, 186I-64. H. Wilson. Bost., I864. 12~. 8579 Mission to America, I863, Massie. Lond., I864. 8~.. 8555 Papers. Thoreau. Bost., I866. 8~..3556 Society, Inquiry into Character of the. Jay. N. Y., I835. I2~. 8549 See, also, SLAVERY. Antommarchi, F. Derniers momens de Napoleon. Paris, 1825. 2 v. 80. 5632 Antonia. G. Sand. Bost., I870. I6~. 2350 Antoninus: M. Aurelius. Meditations, transl. by Graves. Bath, 1792. 8~. 423I Thoughts, transl. by Long. Bost., I864. I2~.. 4232 Apician Anecdotes. N. Y., I836. 12~....69G3 Apocryphal N. T., The. N. Y. 8.. 1000ooo3 Apostles-Architecture. 17 Apostles, Hist. of the. Renan. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 9895 Lives of the. [Bacon.] N. H. [I835.] 8~.... 6463 Cave. Oxfd, I840. 8...... I0009 Apparitions, Hist. of. DeFoe. Oxfd, I840. 6~..... 3878 See, also, DEMONOLOGY; GHOSTS; MAGIC. Appletons' Cyclopaedia of Biography. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1856. 8~.. 6909 Journal. N. Y., I869-72. v. 2-8. 4~..I4392 New American Cyclopaedia. N. Y., 1864. I6 v. 8~.. Annual Cyclopaedia, for I86I-7I. N. Y., I864-72. II v. 8.. Aquarelles. Samuel Sombre. (Pseud.) N. Y., I858. I20.. 1 5035 Arabia, Hist., etc., of. Crichton. N. Y., I834. 2v. I2~.... 11286 Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. I2~.. 7843 Travels through, I761-63. Niebuhr. Edinb., I792. 2 v. 8~.. 8246 Petrama, Impressions of Travel in, 1830. Dumas. N. Y., I839. 12~. 7973 See, also, ExoDus; SINAI. Arabian Nights' Entertainments. (2 copies.) N. Y., I831. 8~... 674 The same, transl. by Lane. Lond., I840-4I. 3 v. 80..671 The same. 2d ed. Lond., I847. 3 v. 80... 2002 Talesfrom the. Hanley. N. Y., 1869. 16~. 1907 Arabs under the Caliphs, Hist. of the. De Marigny. Lond., 1758. 4 v. 80. 1. 6055 in Spain, The. Lond., I840. 2 v. 12.. 6399 Hist. of [7Io-I493]. Conde. Lond., I854. 3 v. 8~. ~ ~ 424 See, also, SARACENS; SPAIN. Ararat, Journey to. Parrot. N. Y., I846. I6~... 16278 Aratra Pentelici. Ruskin. N. Y., 1872. 12~...... 9048 Araucanians, The. E. R. Smith. N. Y., I855. 12.. 1713I Arber, E. English Reprints. Lond., 1868-71. 14 v. 16~.. 3885 CoNTENTs.-1, Milton's Areopagitica; Latimer's Sermon on the Ploughers; Gosson's Schoole of Abuse. 2, Sidney's Apologie for Poetrie; Webbe's Travailes; Selden's Table-Talk. 3, Ascham's Toxophilus; Addison on' Paradise Lost.' 4, Lyly's Euphues. 5, Villiers' Rehearsal; Gascoigne's Steele Glas, etc.- Earle's Micro-Cosmographie. 6, Latimer's Seven Sermons; More's Utopia. 7, Puttenham's Irte of Engl. Poesie; 8, Howell's Instructions for Travell; Udall's Roister Doister; Revelation to Monk of Evesbam; James I Essayes in Poesie, and Counterblast to Tobacco. 9, Naunton's Fragmenta Regalia; Watson's Poems; 10, Habington's Castara; Ascham's Scholemaster. 11, Tottel's Miscellany, by Surrey, Wyatt, Grimald, etc. 12, Lever's Sermons; Webbe's Discourse of Poetrie. 183, Bacon s Essays. 14, Roy and Barlow's Rede me and be nott Wrothe, etc.; Raleigh, Markham, and van Linschoten's Last Fight of the Revenge; Googe's Eglogs, etc. Arblay. See D'ARBLAY. Arc. See JOAN OF ARC. Arcadia, The. Sidney. Lond., I867. 8~.. 3940 Archaeology. See ANTIQUITIES. Archer, Maj. Tours in Upper India and the Himalayas. Philad., 1833. 8............ I5356 Architects, Lives of. Vasari. Lond., I850-52. 5 v. 8~. ~ ~ 474 Architecture, Gothic. F. v. Schlegel. Lond., 1849. 8~. ~ ~ 43I Hist. of. Memes. Bost., I831. 12~.. 8858 Lectures on. Ruskin. N. Y., I859. 12... 9034 Rural. Downing. N. Y., I844. 8...... 9084 Seven Lamps of. Ruskin. N. Y., I849. 12~... 9031 Wonders of. Lefbbre. N. Y., I870. 20... IOI2I See, also, ART. AI 8Arctic-Arnold. Arctic Adventure, Hist of. Sargent. Bost., r857. I2~... 8294 Expedition in Search of Franklin, The U. S. (I850-5I.) Kane. Philad., I856. 8.. 8io6 Explorations; Second Expedition in Search of Franklin, I85355. Kane. Philad., i857. 2 v. 8..... 8Io7 Journal, Leaves from an, I850-5I. Osborn. N. Y., I852. 12~. 8295 Land Expedition, Narrative of the, I833-35. Back. Lond., 1836. 8..,........ 8IO5 Researches, i86o-62. Hall. N. Y., i865. 8~... 8113 Voyage, Journal of Parry's, I8I8. [Fisher.] Lond., 1819. 8~. 8051 Letters written during Parry's, I8I1-20. (Voyages, v. 5.) Lond., 182I. 8~.. 8055 Narrative of Second, I829-33. Ross. Philad., I835. 8~. 8Io4 Voyages, 1818-39. Abridged by Barrow. N. Y., I846. I6~.. 7906 See, also, POLAR Regions. Arcturus. N. Y., I841-42. v. 3. 8-.. I12768 Argenson, M. P. d'. Essays. Worc., 1797. I2e.'.. I525I Argentine Republic, 24 Years in the. King. N. Y., I846. 12~. 5736 Argosy, The. Lond., I866-67. 4 v. 8~. 1. 4388 Argyll, Duke of. Reign of Law. 5th ed. Lond., I868. I6~... 8839 Ariosto, L. Orlando Furioso: transl. by Hoole. Philad., I8i6. 6 v. r2~. 567 The same. Lond., I783. 5 v. 8~. 901 The same: transl. by Rose. Lond., I823-3I. 8 v. 8~.. 893 Stories. (Hunt's Ital. Poets.) N. Y., I846. I2~... 887 Aristocracy. Brougham. (Polit. Philos., v. 2.) Lond., i844. 8~. ~ 8681 Aristophanes. Wasps, tr. by Mitchell. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 24~. 36 Aristotle. Ethics and Politics, tr. by Gillies. 3d ed. Lond., I813. 2 v. 8..8705 Arithmetic, Comic. [Forrester.] Lond., I843. I2~.. 4278 Treatise on. Lardner. Lond., I836. I6~... 6048 Arkansas Territory, Journal of Travels in, I8I9. Nuttall. Philad., 182I. 8............ I6866 Armadale. Collins. N. Y., I866. 8...... 2301 Armata. 2d ed. N. Y., I817. I2~..... I5370 Arminius, J., Life of. Bangs. N. Y., I843. I2~.. 7514 Armstrong, John, M.D. Art of Preserving HEealth. Walpole, I808. I2~. I4807 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~. ~. 543 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 24~.. 25 Armstrong, Gen. John. Life of Montgomery. (Sparks, v. I.) Bost., I834. I6............ 7250 of Wayne. (Sparks, v. 4.) Bost., I835. i6'.. 7253 Notices of the War of I812. (3 copies.) N. Y., I840. 2 v. I2~. 608I Army. See MILITARY; also, names of Countries. Arnault, V., etc. Memoirs of Napoleon. Bost. I839. 2 v. I2~. 5444 Arne. Bj6rnson. Bost., I869. I6~.. 2615 Arnold, B., Life of. Sparks. (Amer. Biogr., 3.) Bost., I835. I6~. 7252 Arnold, G. Poems grave and gay. Bost., I867. I6~. 777 Arnold, H. P. European Mosaic. Bost., I864. I6~... 8205 The Great Exhibition, etc. N. Y., I868. i6.... 8206 Arnold-Art. 19 Arnold, J. L. Poems. Prov., I797. I2'.. I4968 Arnold, M. Culture and Anarchy. Lond., I869. 8.. 3736 Essays in Criticism. (2 copies.) Bost., I865. I2~. 3734 New Poems. Bost., I867. I6~... II93 * Poems. Bost., 1856. r16. 1192 St. Paul and Protestantism. Lond., I870. 8~.. 99Io0 Arnold, S. J. Shipwreck. (Oxberry's Plays, v. 7.) Bost., 1822. 24~. 1351 Arnold, T. Christian Life; and Sermons at Rugby. (2 copies.) 2d ed. Lond., 1843. 8~.. I0050 Hist. of the later Roman Commonwealth. (2 copies.) N. Y., I846. 8.......... 4748 Hist. of Rome. 2d. ed. Lond., I84o-45. 3 v. 8~. 4743 The same. N. Y., I846. 2 v. 8~..4746 Lectures on Modern History. (2 copies.) 2d ed. Lond., 1843. 8~. 47I8 The same, ed. H. Reed. (2 copies). N. Y., I845. I2~. 4567 Miscellaneous Works. N. Y., I845. 8~,. 3426 Sermons at Rugby. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1846. I6.... 9823 Life and Correspondence of. Stanley. Lond., 1844. 2 v. 8~. 7130 Arnold, W. D. Oakfield. Bost., I855. I2~.. I5528 Arrivabene, C. Italy under Victor Emmanuel. Lond., I862. 2 v. 8~. 4777 [Arrom, C. Bohl de.] La Gaviota. N. Y., I864. 12~.. 2601 Art, a Dramatic Tale. Reade. Bost., I855. I2~. 2096 Art Criticism, Elements of. Samson. Philad., I867. I2~.. 9057 Criticisms on. Hazlitt. Lond., I843-44. 2 v. i6~.. 8856 Education. W. Smith. Bost., 1872. 8~.. 9054 in England. Waagen. Lond., I838. 3 v. I2. ~. 9068 Essays on. Goethe. N. Y., I862. 6~.... 8846 The same. Palgrave. N. Y., I867. I6~.. 8859 in Europe. Wallace. Philad., 1857. I2..... 8886 European, Wonders of. Viardot. N. Y., I87I. I2~... I24 Fine: Hist., Theory, Practice, etc. of. Wyatt. Lond., I870. 8~. 9076 in Greece. Taine. N. Y., I87I. I2~.. 885o Handbook to the Galleries of, in and near London. Jameson. Lond., I842. 2 v. I2.. 8874 Hist. of, in the Schools of Italy. Fuseli. (Works. v. 3.) Lond., I83I. 8......... 9053 The Ideal in. Taine. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 8848 Italian, Wonders of. Viardot. N. Y., 1870. I2~.... IOI22 Lectures on. Allston. N. Y., I85o. I2~.. 8885 The same. Ruskin. Oxfd, I870. 8~.. 8884 Memoirs and Essays on. Jameson. N. Y., I846. I2~. 3954 Monuments of. Lubke, etc. N. Y. 8~. and 2 V. of plates. 4~. in the Netherlands. Taine. N. Y., I87I. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 8849 Political Economy of. Ruskin. N. Y., I86o. I2~... 904I Rhymes on. Shee. Philad., I815 I2. 2~... 14845 Sacred and Legendary. Jameson. Bost., I865. 2 v. I6~. 8854 Studies. Jarves. N. Y., I86I. 8~.. 9067 Thoughts. Jarves. N. Y., I869 I2'..8888 Thoughts about. Hamerton. Bost., I87I. I6~... 8858 20 Artevelde-Asia-Minor. Artevelde, Philip van; a dramatic romance. Taylor. Cambr., I835. 2 vW.I6..00II Art-Idea, The. Jarves. N. Y., I864. 16~.. 886I Art-Journal, The. Lond., 1852-60. 8 v. 4~. Artist's Tour in England. Passavant. Lond., I836. 2 V. 12~... I712I Arthur, King, Story of. Cox and Jones. (Popular Romances.) Lond., I87I. 8. 2010. and his Knights. Bulfinch. Bost., I86I. 12~... I9I Book of. Malory. Lond., I868. I2~... 19I2 Arthur, T. S. Illustrated Temperance Tales. Philad., I850. 8~. I5305 Sketches of Life and Character. Philad., I850. 12~.. I5304 Arthur, Winm. Etymological Dict. of Names. N. Y., I86o. 120.. IO2 Arthur, Wm. Italy in Transition, I86o. 2d ed. Lond., I860. 8~.. 4593 Arthur Arundel. [Horace Smith.] N. Y., I844. 80... 2328 Arthur Clenning. [Flint.] Philad., I828. 2 v. I2~...~ 5659 Arthur Mervyn. C. B. Brown. Bost., I827. 2 v. I2.. 15297 Arts and Artists, The. Elmes. Lond., I825. 3 v. I60... 8851 Ancient, Hist. of. Rollin. Lond., 1768. 3 v. 8~... I5898 Dictionary of. Ure. N. Y., I847. 8~. Domestic and Mechanic, Science applied to the. Potter. Bost., I841. 12.......... 17002 of the Greeks and Romans. Fosbrooke. Lond., I833-35. 2 v. 16~. 4869 The Fine. (From Encycl. Britannica.) Hazlitt. Edinb., I838. I2~. 8876 Contributions to Literature of. Eastlake. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8........ 9074 Discourses on. Reynolds. Lond., I852. 2v. 8~.. 482 Imitation in. Quatremgre de Quincy. Lond., 1837. 8~. 9071 Origin, etc., of, in Gt. Britain and Ireland. Taylor. Lond., I841. 2 V. 120.. 8872 Outline Hist. of. Lossing. N. Y., I840. I2... II427 The Useful. Bigelow. Bost., I840. 2 v. 12.7.. I7003 Cyclopaedia of. Tomlinson. Lond., I854. 2 v. 8~. See, also, ARCHITECTURE; MANUFACTURES; PAINTING. Arundel. Vincent. Lond., I840. 3 v. 8.1..5371 Arvine, K. Cyclopaedia of Anecdotes. 3d ed. Bost., I856. 8~.. 4432 Moral and Relig. Anec. N. Y. [1848.] 8~.. 4341 Arwed Gyllenstierna. Van der Velde. Bost., 1837. I2~... 3029 Aryan Nations, Mythology of. Cox. Lond., I870. 2 v. 8~.. 4Io3 Ascham, R. The Scholemaster. Ed. Arber. Lond., I870. 16~.. 3894 Toxophilus. Ed. Arber. Lond., I868. 16~.. 3887 Asgard, Heroes of. Keary. Lond., I871. I2.. 1700 [Ash, E.] The Speculator. Dubl., I79I. I2~.. 13037 Ashango-Land, Journey to. I863-64. Du Chaillu. N. Y., I867. 80. 8122 Asia, Hist. of Discoveries and Travels in.' Murray. Edinb., I820. 3 v. 8~...8o6o Central, Travels in, I863. Vambery. N. Y., I865. 8~... 8141 Asia-Minor, Travels in, I864. Van Lennep. N. Y., I870. 2 V. 120. 8244 See, also, SYRIA. Asiatic-Auerbach. 21 Asiatic Nations, Ancient, Researches on. Heeren. Oxf'd., I833. 3 v. 8~. 41I4 Aslauga's Knight. La Motte Fouqug. Tr. Carlyle. Bost., I841. I2~. 3ro7 Asmodeus at large. Bulwer. Philad., I833. 12~.. 2147 Aspendale. Preston. Bost., I87I. I6~.. 2744 Assent, Grammar of. Newman. N. Y., I870. 12.. 9599 Asser. Annals of Alfred. Ed. Giles. Lond., 1848. 80. 499 Assyria, Hist., etc., of. Fraser. N. Y., I845. I2~..... II759 Researches in. Ainsworth. Lond., I838. 8~...., 8048 Assyrian Monarchy, The. Rawlinson. (v. I, 2.) N. Y., 1871. 8~.. 4063 Astoria. Irving. N. Y., 1850. 12.. 8403 Astronomer, Practical. Dick. N. Y., I846. I6~...6974 Astronomy of the Bible. Mitchel. N. Y., I863. 12~.,,, 89I5 Discourses on the Christian Revelation in connexion with. Chalmers. (Works, v. I.) Bridgep't., I829. 80.. 9633 Letters on. Olmsted. Bost., I841. 12~... I6971 Parish. [Burr.] Bost., I870. 12~.. 8917 Planetary and Stellar, Worlds of. Mitchel. N. Y., I863. I2~. 8912 Popular. Mitchel. N. Y., I86o. 120... 89I3 with referenceto Natural Theology. Whewell. Philad., I836. 8~. I6983 Solar System of. Hind. N. Y., I852. I2~.. 8845 Treatise on. Herschel. Lond., I839. I6~.. 6045 Atala. Chateaubriand. Lond., I825. 240.. 2346 Athanasion. [Coxe.] N. Y., 1842. 12..... 803 Atheism, Polit., Lectures on. L. Beecher (Works, I). Bost., I852. I2~. 12753 Sermons on Folly of. Bentley (v. 3). Lond., I838. 80.. I7229 Atheists, Voltaire and Rousseau against the. Ed. Akerly. N. Y., I845. I2......,.... 9979 Athelwold; a Tragedy. W. Smith. Lond., I842. 80. 845 Athenaeum, The. N. H., 1814. v.I. 8~.. r7475 Athenaid, The. Lond., I787. 3 v. 20.. 14867 Atheneum, The. Bost., I8I7-25. i6 v. 8~.. 14578 Athens, Public Economy of. Boeckh, tr. by Lewis. Lond., 1842. 8~, 4430 Atkinson, T. W. Upper and Lower Amoor. Lond., I86o. 80... 8136 Atlantic Club Book, The. N. Y., I834. 2 v. 2~.. 14879 Monthly. Bost., I857-70. 26 v. 80... 13429 The same. v. I-30.. I13455 Telegraph, Hist. of the. H. M. Field. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 8900 Atlas, Family. Johnson. N. Y., I866. 40.... General. Colton. N. Y., I868. 4~.. Atmospheric System, The. Butler. Hartfd., 1870. 12~.. 8919 Atonement, The; a Story. Hook. N. Y., I839. 12~.... 2594 Attila. A Romance. James. N. Y., I837. 2 v. 2 12.. I52II Atwater, C. Tour to Prairiedu Chien. Columbus, I83I. I2~. i68I8 Aubigne, J. H. Merle d'. See MERLE. Aubigne, T.A. d', Life of. [S. Scott.] Lond., I772. 80.... 7646 Audubon, J. J., Life of. By his Widow. -N. Y., I869. i2~. 73II Auerbach, B. Black Forest Village Stories. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869. 120. 3024 Country House on the Rhine. Lond., I870. 3 v.'8~.., 3026 Edelweiss. (2 copies.) Bost., I869. 12~.2. 2710 4 22 Auerbach-Azeglio. Auerbach, B. On the Heights. (2 copies.) Bost., 1868-69. I6~.. 2712 Auf der H6he. 6 te. Aufl. Stuttg., I868. 2 Bde. in 1. 16~.. 9758 Schwarzwailder Dorfgeschichten. Stuttg., I86I-62. 6 Bde. in 3. 16'.. 946I Augustine, St. Confessions. N. Y., I844. I2~.. 9945 Aumale, H. E. P. L., Duc d'. Hist. of the Princes de Conde. Lond., I872. 2 v. 8.......... 5657 Aurelius Antoninus. See ANTONINUS. Aurora Floyd. Braddon. N. Y., 1863. 80.. 2311 Austen, Jane. Northanger Abbey. (2 copies.) Philad., I833. 2 v. 12~. 2473 Novels. Philad., I838. 2 V. in I. 8~. 2662 Persuasion. N.Y., I832. 2 v. 12.. 2477 Pride and Prejudice; Northanger Abbey. Bost., I863. 12~. 2479 Memoir of. Austen-Leigh. Lond., 1870. 8~... 7068 Austin, James T. Life of Gerry. Bost., 1828-29. 2 v. 8~.. 7365 Austin, S. Characteristics of Goethe. (2 copies.) Lond., I833. 3 v. 12~. 7829 The same. Philad., I84T. 2 V. I2~.. 7835 Fragments from German Prose Writers. (2 copies.) Lond., I84I. 12~.......3950 The same. N.Y., 1841.. I6... I14 Austin, W. Letters from London. Bost., 1804. 80.. I6750 Austin, Elliot. H. Kingsley. Bost., I863. I2~.. 2575 Australasia, Hist. of. Martin. Lond., I839 16. I6~. 7897 Australia, Expeditions in, 1831-36. Mitchell. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 80.' 8o85 Felix, Impressions of, I839-44. Howitt. Lond., I845. I6~.. 7985 Southern, Expeditions in, 1828-31-. Sturt. Lond., I834. 2v. 8~. 8083 Austria as it is. Lond., I828. 8.. I66ii in I848-49. Stiles. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 8..... 5930 and the Austrians. Lond., 1837. 2 V. 8..... 5813 Empire of. J. S. C. Abbott. N. Y., 1859. I20.... 5812 Hist. of House of (I218-1792). Coxe. 3d ed. Lond., 1847. 3 v. 8~. 413 Travels in, I834-36, etc. Turnbull. Lond., I840. 2 v. 8~.. I6659 Authors, Calamities and Quarrels of. I. Disraeli. N. Y., 1841. 12~. 3391 See, also, LITERATURE. Autobiographers, Half-Hours with. Knight. Lond., I867. 8~. ~ 3769 Autobiography. Lond., I826-3I. v. 1-32. 12~.. 6639 CONTENTS.-1, Cibber. 2, Hume; Lilly; Voltaire. 3, 4, Marmontel. 5, R. Drury. 6, Whitefield; J. Ferguson. 7, Mrs. M. Robinson; Mrs. Charke. 8 Lord Herbert of Cherbury. Eugene of Savoy. 9,10, Kotzebue. 11, Creichton; W. Gifford; Elwood. t12, Holberg. 18, J.. Vaux. 14 15, Gibbon. 16,17, Cellini. 18 J. Lackington. 19, T. W. Tone. 20, 21, Margravine of Bareith. 22, G. B. Doddington. 2 2,24, tGoIoni. 25-28, Vidocq. 29-82, Mme. Du Barri. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Holmes. Bost., I86o. 120... 3606 Ava, Embassy to, I795. Symes. Edinb., I827. 2 V. I2~.. 4470 Avesta, Studies on the. Whitney. N. Y., I872. 120.. 36 Axel and Anna. Bremer. Lond., I853. 80..... 47I Aytoun, W. E. Lays of Scottish Cavaliers, etc. (2 copies.).N. Y., i866. I2....... 10, I97 Life of Richard I. Lond., 184o. I6~.. 5128 Azarian. H. P. Spofford. Bost., I864. 8~.. 3011 Azeglio, M. d'. Ettore Fieramosca, or the Challenge of Barletta. N. Y., I845. I20........ 15171 Babbag — Bdie. 23 B. Babbage, C. Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. A Fragment. Lond., I837. 8.......... 6989 Babo, 3J. M. Otto of Wittlesbach; Dagobert. Transl. by Thompson. (German Theatre, v. 4.) Lond., I8II. I2.. I359 Babylonia, Researches in. Ainsworth. Lond., 1838. 8~.. 8048 Babylonian Monarchy, The. Rawlinson. N. Y., I871. 8~.. 4064 Bacchus: an Essay on Intemperance. Grindrod. N. Y., I840. i2~. i6967 Bachelor of the Albany. [Savage.] N. Y., I848. I2~... 5374 of Salamanca. Le Sage. Philad., 1854. 3 v. I2~... 69I Bachelors, The. Knapp. N. Y., I836. I2~.. I5662 Back, G. Narrative of Arctic Expedition. Lond., I836. 8~... 8IO5 Bacon, David F. Lives of the Apostles. N. H. [I835.] 8~.. 16463 [Bacon, Delia.] Bride of Fort Edward. N. Y., I839. 12~.. I5666 Tales of the Puritans. (2 copies.) N. H., I83I. I2~.. I5799 Bacon,F. Essays. Lond., I8oI.. I6~. 3523 The same. Philad., I8I8. 2 v. 24~.. 3524 The same. Bost., I820. I6~.. 3843 The same. N. Y., 1845. I20.... 11 772 The same...I2285 The same. Bost., I868. I60... 4. 3155 The same. Ed. B. Montagu. Lond., I836. 6~.. 3154 The same. Ed. by Whately. N. Y., 1857. 8. 3394 The same. Revised ed. Bost., i86i. 8~.. 3395 The same. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1871. I6~.. 3897 Works. Lond., I824. IO V. 8~.. 9678 The same.....962I The same. Lond., I838. 2 v. 80.. 9738 Life of. Campbell (Ld. Chancellors, v. 2). Lond., I845. 80.. 6867 Novum Organon of, Account of. [Hoppus.] Lond., I829. 8~. i6468 Personal History of. Dixon. Bost., i86I. I20.. 6755 Bacon, J. Life of Francis I. 2d ed. Lond., I830. 2 v. 80.. 565I Bacon, L. Historical Discourses at N. Haven. N. H., 1839. 8~.. 5897 Slavery discussed in Occasional Essays. N. Y., 1846. I2~. 8570 Bacon, N., Memoir of. Ware. Bost., I844. I6~.... 7262 Bacon, W. T. Poems. N. H., I839. 8~.. I5047 The same. Bost., I837. I2~.. I4971 Bagehot, W. Physics and Politics. N. Y., 1873. I2.. IOI83 Bagg, J. H. Magnetism. Detroit, I845. I2~.. 8527 [Bagg, L. H.] Four Years at Yale. (2 copies.) N. H., 1871. 8~.. 9275 Bailey, P. 3J. The Angel World, etc. Bost., I850. I6~.... 832 Festus. N.Y. I60. 98I The Mystic, etc. Bost., i856. I6~'. 831 [Bailey, B.] Essays on Formation, etc., of Opinions. Philad., I831. I.......... 3165 Baillie, J. Complete Poetical Works. Philad., I832. 8~.... I655 Plays. Lond., 1821. 3 V. 8S..1..592 24 Baillie-Bandinel. Baillie, R. Letters and Journals, I637-62. Ed. Laing. Edinb., 1841-42. 3 v. 8......... 7213 Bainbridge, W., Life of. Cooper (Naval Biogr., v. I). Philad., I846. 12......7275 The same. Harris. Philad., I837. 8..7458 Baines, B. Hist. of the French Revolution. Philad., I835. 2 v. and I v. maps. 8.......... 567I Baird, H. M. Modern Greece. N. Y., I856. I2~.. 8323 Baird, R. Protestantism in Italy. Bost., I847. I2~..... I7263 Visit to Northern Europe. N. Y., I84I. 2 v. I2.. I6597 Baker, H. The Universe. 2d ed. Lond. 8~.. I4806 Baker, S. W. The Albert N'yanza. (2 copies.) Lond., I866. 8~.. 8II8 Eight Years' Wanderings in Ceylon. Philad., I869. I2~.. 7909 Nile Tributaries of Abyssinia. Lond., I868. 8~.. 8120 The same. Hartf'd., I868. 8~. 8121 Baker, W. M. The New Timothy. N. Y., I870. I20... 2852 Bakewell, R. Introd. to Geology. Ed. Silliman. N. H., I839. 8~. 9008 Balboa, V. N. de, Life of. Bost., I840. I2~.. 75II Baldwin, E. Annals of Yale College. N. H., I83I. 80... 9322 Baldwin, J. D. Pre-Historic Nations. N. Y., I869. I2~... I5936 Baldwin, T. Airopaidia; a Balloon Excursion. Chester, I786. 8~. I6944 Bale, J. God's Promises. (Old Plays, v. I.) Lond., I825. 80..508 Balearic Islands, Hist. of. [Dameto and Mut.] Lond., I7I9. 8~.. I6163 Ball, A. M. W. Claim to the Authorship of" Rock Me to Sleep." N. Y., I867. 80. 1. 5048 Ball, C., Life of. Fisher. N. Y., I837. 12~. 8569 Ballads, Ancient, Imitations of. Sir W. Scott. (Poems, v. 6.) Bost., I87I. 6........... I76 Ancient Spanish. Lockhart. N. Y., I842. 80.. 913 English and Scottish. Child. Bost., I857-59. 8 v.. I6~.. IO38 Old. Evans. Lond., I8IO. 4 v. I6...... I89 Pictorial Book of. J. S. Moore. Lond., i847-48. 2 v. 80. 1205 relating to Robin Hood. Ritson. [Lond., I845.] 8~.. 948 Scottish. Chambers. Edinb., I829. I20... 955 See, also, MINSTRELSY; POETRY; SONGS. Ballard, G. Memoirs of Learned Ladies of Grt. Brit. Oxf'd., I752. 40. 16030 Balloon Ascents. Marion. N. Y., I870. 12~..... IoII6 Excursion, Narrative of. Baldwin. Chester, I786. 8~...6944 See, also, AIR. Ballston Springs. Poems. N. Y., I8o6. I2~.. I4965 Balmes,J.L. Protestantism and Catholicity compared. Balt., I85. 80. 6492 Baltic, Letters from the Shores of the. 2d ed. Lond., I842. 2 v. I2~. I66I3 Balwhidder, Micah. Annals of the Parish. [Galt.] Philad., I82I. I2~. 2365 Bancroft, A. Life of Washington. Bost., I826. 2 v. I2~.. 7490 Bancroft, G. Hist. of the U. S. (2 copies.) Bost., I84I-66. 9 v. 8~. 6203 The same. v. 2, 3. 6221 Literary and Historical Miscellanies. (2 copies.) N. Y., I855. 8~. 3473 Bandello, M. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., I836. I2~.. I901 Bandinel, J. Trade in Slaves from Africa. Lond., I842. 80... 8753 Banditti-Barnaby. 25 Banditti, Lives of. MacFarlane. Philad., I839. 2 V. I2~.. 6705 See, also, BRIGANDS. Banfield, T. C. Agriculture on the Rhine. Lond., 1846. I2~.. 8795 Bangs, N. Life of Arminius. N. Y., I843. I2~... 7514 [Banim, J.] The Croppy. Philad., 1839. 2 V. 2~.. 15408 The Mayor of Wind-Gap. N. Y., I835. I20. I5505 The Smuggler. N. Y., I832. 2 V. 12...1 5159 Banker's Wife, The. Gore. N. Y., 1843. 8~.. 2313 Banking in America, Hist. of. Gilbart. Lond., I837. 8~. ~ ~ ~ 8649 Treatise on. Raguet. Philad., I839. 8~... 8755 Bankrupt Stories. [Briggs.] N. Y., i844. 8~...5078 Banks, W. English Master. Lond., I823. 8~.. I7528 Banks, Hist. of. Goddard. N. Y., I831. 8~.. 8650 Theory of. Tucker. Bost., I839. 12.. 8648 Bannister, J., Memoirs of. Adolphus. Lond., I839. 2 V. 8~... 7996 Bannockburn; a Novel. Porter. Philad., 1822. 2 V. 12~.. 15192 Banvard, J. Life of Webster. Bost., 1853. i6..7541 Baptist Pulpit, Annals of the American. Sprague. N. Y., I86o0. 8~. 7735 Barbacovi, P. V. Literary Hist. of Italy. Edinb., I835. I2~... II2 Barbary States, Hist., etc., of the. Russell. N. Y., I835. I2~. ~ II290 See, also, ALGIERS. Barbauld, A. L. Works. N. Y., 1826. 2 V. I2... I3672 Barber, John W. Hist. Collections of Mass. Worc., I84I. 8~. 5937 Hist. of N. E., N. Y., and N. J. Worc., I841. 80.. 5936 Interesting Events in U. S. History. N. H., 1829. I2~... I6050 and Howe, H. Hist. Collections of N. J. N. Y., I844. 8~~ ~ 5938 Barber, Jos. Crumbs from the Round Table. N. Y., I866. I2~. 3579 Bareith, F. S. W., Margravine of, Memoirs of. By herself. Lond., I827. 2 V. I2~... 6658 Bargagli, S. A Novel. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., I836. I2~.. I902 Barham, R. H. Ingoldsby Legends. Philad., I844. I2..~ ~ ~ 4255 My Cousin Nicholas; Rubber of Life. Lond., I84I. 3 v. I2~. 155I9 Baring-Gould, S. Curious Myths of Middle Ages. 2 Series in I. New ed. Lond., I869. I6... I915 The same. 2d Series. Lond., i868. 8~.. 1916 In Exitu Israel. N. Y., I870. 8....... 2442 Legends of Patriarchs and Prophets. N. Y., I872. 8~. I914 Origin and Development of Religious Belief. N. Y., I870. 2V. I2'.......9959 Barker, Lady F. N. Spring Comedies. Lond., I87i. 8~.. 2515 Station Life in N. Zealand. Lond., I870. 8... 7988 [Barker, M. H.] The Warlock. Philad., 1836. 2 120. 2~.. 5633 Barlow, Joel. Vision of Columbus. Hartfd., 1787. 8.. 14926 The same. 2d ed. Hartf'd., 1787. I20.. 688 Barlow, J. Physiology and Intellectual Philosophy; Man's Power over himself to control Insanity. (Small Books, v. I.) Philad., I847. I20.. 8496 Barnabee's Journal. [Braithwait.] Lond., I8IS. I2~... I48IO Barnaby Rudge. Dickens. N. Y., I87T. 6~.. 2173 26 Barnard-Barry. [Barnard, C. F.] The Soprano. Bost. [I869.] 12.... 3012 Barnes, A. Inquiry into Scriptural Views of Slavery. Philad., 1846. I20............ 8577 Lectures on Evidences of Christianity. N. Y., I868. 12~. 9998 Notes on Isaiah. Bost., I840. 3 v. 8~.. IooI6 The same. 3d ed. N. Y., I85I. 2 V. I2~.... 9856 Notes on Job. 5th ed. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1847. 2 V. 12~. 9852 Notes on the N. T. N. Y., I836-52. 8 v. 12~..... 9858 CONTENTS.-1 2, Gospels. 3, Acts. 4, Romans. 5, I Corinthians. 6, II Corinthians, Galatians. 7, Hebrews. 8, Revelation. The same. Gospels to Hebrews. 9866 The same. Romans; I Corinthians.. 9873 Practical Sermons. Philad., 1841. I2~.. I7360 Sermons on Revivals. N. Y., I84I. I2~.. 17271 Barnes, R. Writings. Lond. 120..9482 Barnett, P., Memoirs of. By himself. Bost., 1823. 2 v. I2~... I6384 Barney, J., Biogr. Memoir of. Bost., I832. 80..74I8 Barnum, H. L. The Spy Unmasked. N. Y., 1828. 8~.. 6124 Barnum, P. T. Humbugs of the World. N. Y., I865. I2~.. I7104 Life of. By himself. N. Y., I855. I2~.. Barnum, S. W. Comprehensive Dict. of the Bible. N. Y., I869. 12~. 10058 Baron, J. Life of Jenner. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8.... 7160 Barr, W. Journal of March to CAbul, etc. Lond., 1844. 120.. 7939 Barren Honour. [Lawrence.] N. Y. 8~.. 2311 Barrera, Mme. de. Memoirs of Rachel. N. Y., I858. I2~... 7965 Barrett, E. G. Poems. N. Y., I866. 120... 14972 Barrett, Walter. Old Merchants of N. Y. [Scoville.] N. Y., I863. 2v. I2~.. 74I5 Barrington, D. Possibility of approaching the N. Pole. N. Y., I818. 8~. I6593 Barrington, G. Voyage to New South Wales. N. Y. 8~... 16288 Barrington, J. Personal Sketches of his Times. Philad., 1827. 2 V. in I. 80.. I6341 Rise and Fall of the Irish Nation. N. Y., I86o. 12~.. 5253 Barrow, I. Works, ed. Hughes. Lond., I830. 5 v. I2~.. I2756 Barrow, Sir John. Life of Lord Anson. Lond., I839. 80.. 6850 Life of Earl Howe. Lond., I838. 80.. 6849 Memoir of Peter the Great. N. Y., I84I. 12~..I. II285 The same. N. Y., I834. 120..I2115 Pitcairn's Island, and Mutiny of the Bounty. N. Y., 1840. I2~. 11033 Travels in China. Philad., I805. 80.. I6520 in S. Africa. N. Y., I802. 8. 16534 Voyages in Arctic Regions. N. Y., 1846. 16~.. 7906 Barrow, John, Jr. Tour round Ireland. Lond., I836. I2.. 8307 Visit to Iceland. Lond., I835. 12~.. 8292 Barruel, A. Hist. of Jacobinism. N. Y., 1799. 4 v. 8~....6201 of the Clergy during the French Revol. Dubl., I795. 12.......... 6220 Barry, J., etc. Lectures on Painting. (2 copies.) Lond., I848. 8~.. 8881 Barry, L. Ram-Alley. (Old Plays, v. 5.) Lond., 1825. 8~.. 512 Barry —Beard. 27 Barry Lyndon. Thackeray. Lond., I872. 8~. 2192 Barthelemy, J.J. Travels of Anacharsis. Lond., 1798. 8~.. 5953 Bartholomew, Massacre of St. White. N. Y., I868. I2~... 6327 Bartlett, D. W. What I saw in London. Auburn, 1852. I2~.. 16759 Bartlett, J. Familiar Quotations. (2 copies.) 5th ed. Bost., I868-69. I6......... 4348 Bartlett, J. R. Dict. of Americanisms. 3d ed. Bost., i86o. 80.. 212 Narrative of Explor. in Texas, etc. N. Y., 1854. 2 v. in I. 8~. 8087 Bartlett, S. C. Life and Death Eternal. Bost. [I866.] I2~... IOOO Bartlett, W. H. Pictures from Sicily. Lond., i869. 8~.. 8352 Barton, B. Poems. Philad., I821. I2.. 819 Barton, W., Life of. Williams. Prov., I839. I2~... 6430 Bascom, J. Science, Philosophy and Religion. N. Y.,' I87. I2~.. 8512 Bashan, Giant Cities of. Porter. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 8256 Basil Barrington and his Friends. Lond., I830. 3 v. 8~... 15375 Baskerville, A. Poetry of Germany. 3d ed. (2 copies.) Philad., 1856. 8........... 857 Bass Rock, Geology of the. Miller. N. Y., 185I. I2~. 8829 Bassompierre, P. de. Embassy to England. Lond., I8I9. 8~.. 5073 Bastile, Hist. of the. Davenport. Lond., 1839. I6~... 5512 Bates, W. Spiritual Perfection unfolded. Lond., I834. I6~.. 9487 Bathing, Hist. of. Mahomed. Lond., I843. I20.. 9230 Bathurst, Lord H., Observations on Speech of. N. Y., I8I8. 12~. I6222 Battle of the Books. Swift. (Works, v. 3.) N. Y., I8I2. I2~... 3849 Battles of the World, Decisive. Creasy. N. Y., I863. I2~.. 4572 Baur, W. Religious Life in Germany. Lond., I870. 2 v. 8~... 6323 Bausset, L. F. de. Life of Fenelon. Lond., I8Io. 2 v. 8~.. 7672 Bausset, L. F. J. de. Memoirs of Court of Napoleon. Philad., I828. 8........... 5590 Bautain, L. E. M. Art of Extempore Speaking. (2 copies.) N. Y., I859-67. I20.. 9294 Baviad, The. Gifford. N. Y., I8oo. I2~..1I4823 Baxter, G. R. W. Humour and Pathos. Lond., i842. I2~.. 4264 Baxter, R. Call to the Unconverted. N. Y. 12.. 9807 Dying Thoughts. Ed. Stebbing. Lond., I834. 16~.. 9489 Jesuit Juggling. N. Y., I835. 120.. 9580 The Reformed Pastor. Ed. Park. Andover, 1845. I2~... 9913 Bay Path, The. Holland. N. Y., I862. 120.. 29I8 Bayley, F. W. N. New Tale of a Tub. N. Y., I854. I20. I. 5049 Bayley, J. Hist. of Tower of London. (2 copies.) Lond., I830. 8~. 5II6 Bayne, P. The Christian Life, Bost., I86o. 12~.. 9975 Essays on Biography and Criticism. Bost., i860. 2 v. I20.. 3729 Life of H. Miller. Bost., I87I. 2 v. I2... 7IoI Testimony of Christ to Christianity. Bost., I862. I60.. 9901 Bazar Book of Decorum. (2 copies.) N. Y., I870. I6~... 9I3I Beach, S. B. Escalala. Utica, I824. I2~..4973 Beale, T. Nat. Hist. of the Sperm Whale; Sketch of a Whaling Voyage. Lond., I839. I20.. I6330 Beard, J.R. Schools. Lond., I842. I2~.... 9I07 28 Beatrice-Beecher. Beatrice. Sinclair. N. Y. 12~.... 15378 Beattie, J. Essays on Poetry, Music, etc. 3d ed. Lond., I779. 8~. 214 The Minstrel; with other Poems. N. Y., I802. 16~.. 148o8 Poetical Works. Philad., I842. 80.. 945 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24~.... 26 Works. Philad., 1809. o V. I20.. 2287 Life, etc., of. Forbes. N. Y., I807. 8~.. 16354 Beattie, W. Life of Campbell. (2 copies.) N. Y., I850. 2 V. 12~. 7038 Beaumarchais, P. A. C. de, and his Times. De Lomenie. N. Y., I857. 12........... 7623 Beaumont, F., and Pletcher, J. Selected Works. Ed. L. Hunt. Lond., 1I855. 80. 449 Works. Lond., I711. v. I, 3-7. 80. 1426 Works, ed Darley. Lond., I840. 2 v. 8~... 1625 Works, ed. Dyce. Lond., I843-46. II v. 8~..497 CONTE.NT. —1 Memoir- Woman-Hater- Thierry and Theodoret; Philaster; Maid's Tragedy. 2 Faithful Shepherdess; kt. of Burning Pestle; King and No King; Cupid's Revenge; Masque; Pour Plays in One. 8, Scornful Lady; Coxcomb; Captain Honest Man's Fortune; French Lawver. 4, Wit at several Weapons- Wit without Money; Faithful Friends; Widow- Custom of the Country. 5, Bonduca; Kt. of' Malta; Valentinian; Laws of Candy; Q. of Corinth. 6 Loyal Subject Mad Lover- False One; Double Marriage; Humorous Lieutenant, 7 Women Pleased; Womans Prize; Chances; M. Thomas; Island Princess. 8, Pilgrim; *ild-Goose-Chase; Prophetess; Sea-Voyage; Spanish Curate. 9 Beggars' Bush; Love's Cure; Maid in the Mill; Wife for a Month - Rule a Wife and Have a Wife. 10, Fair Maid of the Inn; Noble Gentleman; Elder Brother; Nice Valour; Bloody Brother, or Rollo, D. of Normandy. 11, Lover's Progress; Night-Walker; Love's Pilgrimage; Two Noble Kinsmen; Poems; Index. Beaumont, G. de. Ireland. Lond., I839. 2 v. I2~.. 5419 Beautiful, Origin of Ideas of the. Burke. Bost., 1839. 8~. 9649 See, also, ESTHETICS; TASTE. Beauty and the Beast. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., 1872. I20... 2941 Beazley, S. Is he Jealous? (Oxberry's Plays, v. 8.) Bost., I822. 240. 1352 Becker, W. A. Charicles, tr. by Metcalfe. Lond., I845. 12~... 4326 Gallus, tr. by Metcalfe. Lond., i844. I2~... 4324 The same. 3d ed. N. Y., 1866. 80... 4325 Becket, Thomas a; a Drama. Darley. Lond., 1840. 80.. ~ 844 Life of. Campbell (Ld. Chancellors, v. I). Lond., 1845. 8~.. 6866 Beckford, W. Excursion to Monasteries of Alcobaca, etc. Philad., 1835. 12....... 8317 Hist. of Vathek. N. Y., I869. I20. Io0078 Italy, Spain and Portugal. Philad., 1834. 2 v. 120... 8217 Beckmana, J. Hist. of Inventions. Lond., 18I7. 4 v. 8~. ~ ~ 15854 The same. (2 copies.) Lond., 1846. 2 v. 8~. 354 Beckwourth, J. P., Life and Adventures of. N. Y., 1856. 120. ~ 7407 Becon, T. Writings. Lond. I2~.. 9481 Bede, Cuthbert. (Pseudonym.) See E. BRADLEY. Bede, Venerable. Eccl. Hist. of England. (2 copies.) Lond., I847. 8~. 497 Bedell, W., Life of. Burnet. Lond. 24~.. 6677 Bedford Row Conspiracy. Thackeray. (Works, v. 9.) Lond., I872. 80~. 2197 Bee, The; or, Literary Weekly Intelligencer. Anderson. Edinb., I79I-93. 8 v. 80........ I3041 Beecher, C. E. Essay on Slavery. Philad., I837. 12... 8470 Beecher, H. W. Eyes and Ears. Bost., I863. I2~.. 3592 Freedom and War. Bost., I863. I2~...... 3593 Beecher-Bell. 29 Beecher, H. W. Lecture Room Talks. N. Y., I870. I2~. ~ ~ 9879 Lectures to Young Men. Salem, I846. 12~.. 9179 The same. Revised ed. (2 copies.) Bost., i866-68. I2~. 9I80 Life of Jesus. N. Y., I871. v. I. 80.. 6539 Life Thoughts. (2 copies.) Bost., I858. I2.. 3588 Norwood. (2 copies.) N. Y., i868. I2~.. 2943 Sermons. N. Y., 1869. 2 v. 8~...I053 Sermons (" Plymouth Pulpit "). N. Y., I869. 2 v. 8~. 00.. oo55 Star Papers. (2 copies.) N. Y., I855. I20.. 3590 Yale Lectures on Preaching. (2 copies.) N. Y., I872. I20.. 9919 Beecher, L. Autobiography, Correspondence, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., i864-65. 2 v. I2......... 7634 Lectures on Scepticism. (2 copies.) Cincinn., I835. I2~.. 98II Plea for the West. Cincinn., I835. I2~..... I7303 Works. Bost., 1852-53 3 v. 3 I2.. 2753 Beecher, T. K. Our Seven Churches. N. Y., I870. I6~.... 9833 Beechey, H. W. Life and Works of Reynolds. Lond., I835. 2 V. I6~. 8879 Bees, Natural Hist. of. Huber. Lond., I84I. I2.. 8893 Beethoven, L. v. Letters. N. Y., I868. 2 v. in I. I6~... 7880 Life of. Moscheles. Lond., I84I. 2. 2 2.. 7961 Beets, N. Life of van der Palm. N. Y., I865. 80.. 7770 Behemoth; a Legend. [Mathews.] N. Y., I839. I20... 15663 Belcher, Lady. Mutineers of the Bounty. N. Y., I871. I2~.. 8324 Belden, L. W. Account of a Somnambulist. Springf'ld., 1834. I2~. 8483 Belford Regis. Mitford. Philad. 80.. 2675 Belgian Traveller, in Holland, France and Switzerland. Middletown, I807. 8.......... I6658 Belgiqjoso, C. T. de. Oriental Harems and Scenery. N. Y., I862. I20. 8252 Belgium. Tennent. Lond., I84I. 2 v. I2.. I6654 in I833. Mrs. Trollope. Philad., I834. 8~.. I6656 Belgravia. Lond., I870-72. v. IO-I4, I7. 8~.. I7757 Belinaye, H. Sources of Health and Disease. Bost., I833. I20.. 9169 Belinda. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 3.) Bost., 1824. 8~.... I5337 Belisarius. A Tale. Marmontel. Lond., I794. I20. ~ ~ ~ 2355 Belisarius, Life of. Lord Mahon. Philad., I832. I2~... 7576 Belknap, J. Amer. Biography, ed. Hubbard. N. Y., I846. 3 v. 120. II762 The same. N. Y., I844. 3 v. 2~.. I2278 Hist. of N. Hampshire. Bost., I792. 3 v. 80... I6I33 The same. 2d ed. Bost., I8I3. 3 V. 8~... 586I Bell, Acton. (Pseudonym.) See A. BRONTi. Bell, Chas. The Hand, as evincing Design. Philad., I836. 8~.. I6983 Letters. Lond., I870. 8~.... 7IO5 Bell, Currer. (Pseudonym.) See C. BRONTA. Bel Elllis. (Pseudonym.) See E. BRONTi. Bell, H. G. Birmnese War,'etc. Edinb., I827. I2~.. 447I Life of Mary, Queen of Scots. Edinb., I828. 2 v. I2~... 4486 The same. N. Y., I83I-44. 2 V. I2.. II023 The same. N. Y., I837. 2 V. 12~. I.. I949 The same. N. Y., I833. 2 v. I2~.. 1195I S\ 30 Bell-Bentley. Bell, James S. Residence in Circassia. Lond., 1840. 2v. 8~... 8040 Bell, John. (Born i69I.) Travels to Asia. Edinb., I788. 2 v. 8~.. I650o9 Bell, John. Poets of Great Britain. [Bagster's ed.] Lond., I807. 62 double vols. 24~. (Io v. wanting.).246 CONTENTS.-V. ii-v vii, Chaucer. viii-xi, Spenser. xli, Denham. xiii, Waller. xiv, xv, Milton. xvii, Butler, Dillon (Earl of Roscommon). xviii, xix, Cowley. xix, Wilmot (Earl of Rochester). xx-xxiv, Dryden. xxv, W. King. xxvi, xxvii, Prior. xxvii, Granville (Lord Lansdowne). xxxi, Addison. xxxii, xxxiii, Rowe. xxxiv, xxxv Watts. xxxv, J. Philips, E. Smith. xxxvi Parnell. xxxvii, Garth, Fenton. xxxviii, Somerville. xl-xlii, xliv, Pope. xliv, A. Philips. xlv, xlvi, Gay. xlvi, Tickell. xlvii, Broome, Pitt, Green. xlviii, xlix, Young. 1, Savage. 11, J. Thomson. Ill Dyer, G. West, Lyttelton. liii, Hammond, Collins, E. Moore. liv, Shenstone. Iv Mallet, Bray, R. West. lvi, Akenside. lvii, lviii, Churchill. lviii, Jenyns. lix, Falconer, J. Cunningham. lx, Armstrong, Goldsmith, Johnson. Bell, R. Hist. of Russia. (2 copies.) Lond., I836-38. 3 V. I6~. 5480 Life of Canning. N. Y., 1846. I6~.. 6695 Lives of English Poets. (2 copies.) Lond.. 1839. 2 v. I6~.. 5777 CONTENTS.-1, Drayton; Cowley; Waller; Milton; Butler. 2, Dryden; Minor Poets; Prior; Pope; Young; Akenside. Bell, W. A. New Tracks in N. A. Lond., I869. 2 v. 8~... 8422 Bellows, H. W. The Old World in its New Face. N. Y., I869. 2 v. I2~. 8273 Beloe, W. The Sexagenarian. 2d ed. Lond., I818. 2 V. 8~... 3487 Belsham, W. Memoirs of Geo. I, II, and III. Dubl., I796. 3 v. 8~. 5282 Belton Estate, The. A. Trollope. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 2290 Beltz, G. F. Memorials of Order of the Garter. Lond., I84I. 8~.. 5114 Ben Brace. Chamier. Philad., 1836. 2 v. I2~..... I5379 Bench and the Bar, The. [Grant.] Philad., I837. 2. I2~.. 6605 [Benedict, F. L.] Miss Van Kortland. N. Y., I870. 8~.. 2688 Benevolence, Philosophy of. Church. N. Y., I836. I2~.. ~ 7356 Systematic, Essays on. N. Y., I2~.. 9803 Benger, E. O. Memoirs of A. Boleyn. Philad., 1822. 8~.. 5239 Benjamin, S. G. W. The Turk and the Greek. N. Y., I867. I6~.. 8198 Bennet, J. H. Winter and Spring on Mediterranean Shores. 4th ed. N. Y., I870. 8~... 8375 Bentham, J., Select Extracts from. Ed. Burton. Philad., I844. I2~. 9589 Works. Edinb., I838-43. II v. in 22 pts. 8~... 9700 CONTENTS.-1, Principles of Morals and Legislation - on the Promulgation of Laws; Specimen of a Penal Code- Influence of Time and Place in Legislation; Table of Springs of Action; Fragments on Government. 2, Principles of the Civil Code; Principles of Penal Law, 3, The Hard-Labour Bill; Panopticon, etc.; Plea for the Constitution; Draught of Code for a Judicial Establishment in France, 4, Organization of Judicial Establishments; Emancipate your Colonies; on Houses of Peers and Senates; Papers on Codification. 5, Scotch Reform; Plan of a Judicatory Art of Packing Juries; Swear not at all; Truth vs. Ashurst; The King against Edmonds, etc.; the King against Wolseley; Official Aptitude maximized. 6 The last, continued; on Humphreys' Real Property Code; Plan of a General Register of Real lProperty; Justice and Codification Petitions; Ld. Brougham displayed. 7, Principles of Judicial Procedure; Rationale of Reward; Principles of a Constitutional Code; Liberty of the Press etc. 8, Political Tactics; Book of Fallacies; Anarchical Fallacies; Principles of Internationai Law Junctiana Proposal; Protest against Law Taxes; Supply without Burden; Tax with Monopoly. 9, Defence of Usury; Manual of Polit, Economy; Restrictive Commercial System; Circulating Annuities; View of a Complete Code of Laws; Pannomial Fragments; Nomography; Logical Arrangements. 10, Equity Dispatch Court Proposal,-and Bill; Plan of Parliamentary Reform; Radical Reform Bill; Radicalism not dangerous. 11-14, Rationale of Judicial Evidence. 15, Chrestomathia; Ontology; Logic; Language. 16, The last, continued; Universal Grammar; Poor Laws and Pauper Management - Tracts on Spanish and Portuguese Affairs; Letters to Toreno on the Spanish Penal Code; Reformation inTripoli. 17,18, The Constitutional Code. 19-21, Memoirs by Bowring. 21, 22, Index. 22, Introd, to Study of Bentham, by J. H. Burton. Bentley, R. Works, ed. Dyce. Lond., I836-38. 3 v. 80.. 17227 Essay on. De Quincey. (Works, v. 7.) Edinb., 1858. 8~.. 3280 Life of. H. Coleridge (Worthies). Lond., i836. 8~.,. 6904 Bentley's Miscellany. Lond., 1837-44. v. I-3, 5-IO, I3-I6. 80.. 14212 The same. N. Y. v. 8, 9. 14225 Benton-Bible. 31 Benton, T. H. Examination of the Dred Scott case. N. Y., I858. 8~. 8679 Thirty Years' View. (2 copies.) N. Y., I854-56. 2 v. 8~.. 6244 Benyowsky, M. A. de. Memoirs and Travels. Dubl., I790. 2 v. 8~. I6294 Beranger, P. J. de. Lyrical Poems, transl. by Young. N. Y., 1850. I2~. 919 Songs. Philad., I844. I2.. 918 Berber, The. Mayo. N. Y., i85o. I2~.. 15664 Berg, J. 1. Lectures on Romanism. Philad., 1840. I2~... 9605 Berger, E. (Pseudonym.) See E. S. SHEPPARD. Berington, J. Hist. of Abeillard and Heloisa. Lond., I8I5. 4~.. I6036 The same. Philad., 1819. 8~... I6407 Hist. of Henry II, Richard I, and John. Dubl., I790. 2 v. 8~. 5255 Lit. Hist. of Middle Ages. (2 copies.) Lond., I846. 8~.. 32I Berkeley, G. Works. Lond., 1837. 8~.. 8759 The same. Lond., 1820. 3 v. 8~. 8760 Berkeley, H. Memoirs of Mme. D'Arblay. N. Y., 1844. 2 v. in I. I2~. 6987 Berlin and Sans-Souci. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., I869. 8~.. 3079 Bermingham, J. Memoir of Father Mathew. N. Y., I84I. 12~.. I6336 Bernadotte, O. J., Memoirs of. Philippart. Bost., I8I5. 8~...6I72 Bernard of Cluny. O Mother Dear Jerusalem, ed. Prime. N. Y., I865. 12..292 Bernard, F., and Whiteing, R. Wonderful Escapes. N. Y., I87I. I2~. IOI129 Bernays, L. J. Goethe's Faust, pt. 2, with other Poems. Lond., I839. 8........... I300 Berni, P. Orlando Innamorato, transl. by Rose. Lond., 1823. 8~. 892 Bernier, P. Travels in the Mogul Empire. Lond., I826. 2 v. 8~. I654I Berri, Duchess of, in La Vend6e. Dermoncourt. Lond., I833. 8~. 5666 Berry, M. Journals and Correspondence. 2d ed. Lond., I866. 3 v. 8~. 7065 Bertha and Lily. E. O. Smith. N. Y., I854. I2~.. 15665 Berthre de Bournisseaux, P. V. J. Hist. of the Vendee War. Paris, I802. 8.......... 625I Bertrams, The. A. Trollope. N. Y., I859. I2... 2IO7 Bertrand de Moleville, A. F. Memoirs of last year of reign of Louis XVI. Lond., I797. 3 v. 8... I683 Bethune, G. W. British Female Poets. Philad., I848. 8~.. 946 Lays of Love and Faith, etc. Philad. [I847.] 8~.. I5050 Memoir of. Van Nest. N. Y., I867.. I2~. 7643 Bethune, J. E. D. Lives. (Libr. of U. K.) Lond., I833. 8~.. 675I Specimens of Swedish and German Poetry. Lond., I848. 8~. 92I Betrothed, The. Scott. Edinb., I87I. 8~....888 Betterton, T. Hist. of the English Stage. Bost., I814. 8~. i6io Beveridge, W. Private Thoughts on Religion. Ed. Stebbing. Lond., 1834. 2 v. I6~.. 9492 Beyond the Breakers. Owen. Philad., I870. 8~.. 2693 Beza, T. Life of Calvin. (2 copies.) Philad., I836. I2~.. 7667 Biber, E. Life of Pestalozzi. Philad., I833. 8~.... I5356 Bible, Apology for the. Watson. N. Y., I835. 8~.. 17269 Astronomy of the. Mitchel. N. Y., I863. 2~.... 8915 Bards of the. Gilfillan. N. Y., I85I. I2~.. 9886 Biography. Sears. N. Y., IS 42. 8~... I75II 32 Bible. Bible, Commentary on the. Clarke. N. Y., I840o. v. I, 3-5. 8~.. 17325 Comprehensive Dict. of the. Smith and Barnum. N. Y., I869. 8~. IOO58 Concordance to the. Cruden. Lond., I867. 8.... 9836 Cottage; with Notes by Williams and Patton. Hartfd., I834. 2 v. 8~.. I73I5 Evidences of the. Burr. Bost., I87I. I2~.. 9990 Exposition of the. Henry. N. Y., I83I. 6 V. 8~... 17309 Historical Geography of the. Coleman. Philad., 1850. 120. 9884 Hist. of the. Gleig. N. Y., 1841. 2 v. I2... IIOI2 Hist. of the. Sears. N. Y., I845. 80..00II Legends of Patriarchs and Prophets of the. Baring-Gould. N. Y., I872. 8..914 Night Scenes in the. March. Philad., I869. 8~..100oo12 Notes on the. Pres. Edwards. (Works, v. 9.) N. Y., 1830. 8. I7I84 The same. T. Scott. Bost., I830. 6 v. 8~... 7330 Obligations of the World to the. Spring. N. Y., I854. 12~. 17166 Opinions of Eminent Men on the. Lond., I839. I2~.. 9887 in our Public Schools, Right of the. Cheever. N. Y., I854. 12~. 9146 and the School Fund, The. Clark. Bost., I870. I6~.. 9147 Smaller Dict. of the. W. Smith. Bost., I866. 8~... 9881 in Spain, The. Borrow. Philad., 1843. 8~.. 2308 Old Testament, History of the. W. Smith. N. Y., i866. I2~. 9837 Notes on Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Joshua, Judges. Bush. N. Y., 184I-44. 7 V. 2. ~ ~ ~ 9845 Speaker's Commentary. Lond., 1871. v. I in 2 pts. 8~. 10267 CONTENTS.-Pt. 1, Genesis, Exodus. 2, Leviticus-Deuteronomy. Notes on Isaiah. Barnes. Bost., I840. 3 v. 8~.. Ioor6 New Testament, transl. by Tyndale, I526, ed. Dabney. Andover, I837. 12......... 9890 Hist. of Books of the. Stowe. Hartfd., I867. 80.. Ioo0020 How to study the. Alford. Lond., I865-70. 3 v. I6~. 9838 Notes on the. Barnes. N. Y., I836-52. 8 v. I2~.. 9858 Revision of English Version of. Lightfoot, Trench, and Ellicott. Ed. Schaff. N. Y., I873. 8~.... IO263 Synonyms of the. Trench. N. Y., I855. 120... 9891 Gospels, Origin of the. Tischendorf. Bost. [I867.] I6~. 9802 Studies in the. Trench. N. Y., I867. 8~.. Iooo8 Paraphase and Notes on Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians. Locke. Lond., I8o0. 8~.... 9597 Lectures on Romans. Chalmers. N. Y., 1843. 8~.. IOOI0 Sermons on Corinthians. Robertson. Bost., I86o. 120. 9927 Commentary on I Peter. Leighton. Edinb., I840. 80.. Ioo68 See, also, GOSPELS; PALESTINE; SCRIPTURE. Biblical Archaeology. Jahn. N. Y., 1832. 80..0. IOOI5 Legends of Mussulmans. Weil. N. Y., 1846. 120.. 9548 Repository. Andover and N. Y., I83I-50. 30 v. in 3 series. 80. I2776 The same. ISt series, v. I-7, II, 12; 2d series, v. I-9, II, 12. 3d series, 6 v.... 282 Index, v. 1-24, (2 copies,) Biblical-Biography. 33 Biblical Studies. Plumptre. Lond., 1870. 8..... 9889 Bibliotheca Sacra. Andover, I844-72. 29 v. 80. 12. 85I The same. v. 9-26. 12803 Index, v. I-13. Bickerstaff I. Dr. Last; Love in a Village; Maid of the Mill; Padlock; Sultan. (Brit. Drama, v. 5.) Lond., I804. 8~.. I633 Hypocrite; Maid of the Mill; Lionel and Clarissa; Love in a Village. (Oxberry's Plays, v. 2.) Bost., I822. 240.. I347 Love in a Village; Lionel and Clarissa; Maid of the Mill. (Brit. Theatre, v. 27.) Lond. I2.. I345 The Padlock; Maid of the Mill; Hypocrite. N. Y. 80. I669 Bickersteth, E. H. Two Brothers, etc. N. Y., I87I. I2~... 822 Yesterday, To-day, and Forever. 2d ed. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 823 Bigelow, Jacob. Eolopoesis. American Rejected Addresses. N. Y. [I855.] I2.......... 686 The Useful Arts. Bost., I840. 2 v. I2~... I7003 Bigelow, John. Jamaica in I85o. N. Y., I85I. I2~... 8547 Memoir of Fremont. N. Y., I856. I2~.. 7397 Bigland, J. Letters on History. Philad., i8o6. 8~.. I5878 Sketch of Hist. of Europe. Lond., I8IO. 2 v. 8~... 15915 Biglow Papers. [Lowell.] Cambr., I848-67. 2 v. I6~... 729 Bingham, H. 21 Years in the Sandwich Islands. 3d ed. Hartf'd., I849. 8........... 8082 Biographical Anecdotes of Eminent Persons. [Almon.] Lond., I797. 3 v. 8~.. I6372 Dictionary. Blake. Bost., I848. 8~.. 6908 of Scotsmen. Chambers. Glasgow, I835. 4 v. 8~. 6862 Essays. Tuckerman. Bost., I857. 8~.. 3475 Memoirs of Celebrated Characters. Lamartine. N. Y., 1854-56. 3 v. 12~. 6725 For Contents, see LAMARTINE. Sketches. Knapp. Bost., I82I. 8~.. 747I The same. H. Martineau, N. Y., I869, I2~.. 6748 of American Artists. Tuckerman. N. Y., I867. 8~. 8126 of living characters of France. [de Lomenie.] Philad., i84I.. 2... 7612 Biography, American. Belknap. N. Y., I846. 3 v. 12~... II762 Library of. Sparks. Bost., I834-48. 25 v. I6~. 7250 For contents, see SPARKS. Military. 1825. I20.. I6434 Naval. Cooper. Philad., I846. 2 v. I2~.. 7275 of Famous Americans of Recent Times. Parton. Bost., I869. I2........ 74I Appleton's Cyclopaedia of. N. Y., 1856. 8~.. 6909 Bible. Sears. N. Y., I842. 8,.. I75II British Naval. Charnock. Lond., I794-98. 6 v. 8~.. 6897 of Brit. Painters and Sculptors. Cunningham. N. Y., I839-40. 5 V. I2~..1.... IOI7 of the British Stage. N. Y., I824. I2~.. 7895 34 Biography-Biology. Biography of Celebrated Women. Ed. G. P. R. James. Philad., 1839. 2 V. I2~.. 6701 Cottage Cyclopedia of. Pierce. Hartfd., I867. 8~. of Distinguished Men of Modern Times. N. Y., 1840. 2 V. 12. I11598 Eccentric. Bost., I825. I20.. 66o8 The same. Lond., I826. 120.. 6703 of Eminent Christians. Frost. Hartfd., I86o. 8~. i6400 of Eminent Englishmen [to i688]. Cunningham. Glasg., 1836. 3 v. in 6. 8~. 6886 of Eminent Persons. (Libr. of Useful Knowledge.) Lond., I833. 8.......... 6751 CONTETS.-Galileo, Kepler, Sir I. Newton, Mahomet Wolsey, Sir E. Coke, Lord Somers, Caxton, Admiral Blake, Adam Smith, C. Niebuhr, Wren, Miichael Angelo. of Eminent Women of the Age. Hartfd., I868. 8~. 6905 of English Poets. Cary. Lond., I846 6.... 6599 The same. Johnson. Lond., 1831. I6~.. 6598 Exemplary and Instructive. Chambers. Edinb., 1836. I6.. 6680 Female. Hays. Lond., 1803. 6 V. I2~... I4426 The same. Knapp. Philad., 1836. 120... 16303 Cyclopaedia of. Adams. Lond., I869. I6~... 6675 of Female Sovereigns. Jameson. N. Y., I845-48. 2 V. I2~. 12095 of French Writers. Mrs. Shelley, etc. Philad., 1840. 2 V. 12~. 7615 of Georgian Era in Grt. Brit. Lond., 1832-34. 4 v. 8~... 6721 of Great Commanders. James. Philad., I835. 2 v. 12~..6699 of Great Men, Lectures on. Myers. Lond., I856. 80.. 6711II of Illustrious Men, New. (From Encyl. Brit.) Bost., 1857. 12~. 6715 Imaginative. Brydges. Lond., 1834. 2 V. 120... 3406 Indian. Thatcher. N. Y., 1I840. 2 V. 2~..... 11049 of Italian Poets. Stebbing. Lond., 1831. 3 v. 12~.. 7775 of literary and scientific men of Italy. Mrs. Shelley, etc. Philad., I84I. 2 V. 12~.... 7773 of Learned British Ladies. Ballard. Oxf'd., I752. 40~.. I630 of Pious Women. Burder. Philad. [1836.] 8~.. I6361 of the Players. Galt. Bost., I831. v. I. 12~...6402 Popular. Peter Parley. N. Y., 1854. I2~.... 6604 of Public Characters of I8oo-I80o. Lond., I8oi. 8~.. I6359 Romance of; Women Loved by Poets. Jameson. Lond., I837. 2 V. 8~.........6709 Romantic, of Age of Eliz. Taylor. Philad., 1842. 2 V. 120. 6746 of Scottish Poets. Lond., 1822. 3 V. in 4. 24~. ~ ~' 6609 of Scottish Writers. Irving. Edinb., I839. 2 V. in I. 12~.. 6714 of Self-taught Men. Edwards, etc. Bost., 1I846-47. 2 V. I2~. 6672 of Travellers. St. John. N. Y., 184I. 3 v. 120... 2097 Universal. Lempriere, ed. Lord. N. Y., I825. 2 v. 8~.. 163I5 Hand-Book of. Godwin. N. Y., 1852. 12~.. 6716 chronologically arranged [to I6oo]. Platts. Lond:, 1825-26. 5 v. 8~.. 6892 of Wonderful Characters. Wilson. N. Y., I834. 8~. 6906 Biology, Principles of. H. Spencer. N. Y., I866-67. 2 V. 12~.. 8599 Bird-Blanchard. 35 Bird, R. M. Adventures of Robin Day. Philad., I839. 2 v. 12~. 15648 Calavar. Philad., 1835. 2V. I2~.. 15670 The Hawks of Hawk-Hollow. Philad., I835. a v. I2~. 1 I5714 The Infidel. 2d ed. Philad., I835. 2 v. I2~.. I5724 Sheppard Lee. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. 120. I5775 Birds, Architecture, Domestic Habits, and Faculties of. [Rennie.] Lond., I83I-35. 3 v. I2~.. 8821 Natural HEist. of. [Rennie.] N. Y., 1840. 12~... 11422 Nat. H'ist. and Classification of. Swainson. Lond., 1836-37. 2 V. I60.. 6058 Popular Account of the Orders of. Figuier. Lond. [I869.] 8~. 8997 Water, of U. S. and Canada. Nuttall. Bost., I834. I2~. ~ 8892 Births, Deaths, and Marriages. Hook. Philad., 1839. 2 v. I2~,. I5381 Bisaccioni, M. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., I836. I2~.. I902 Bishop, S. Poetical Works. Lond., I796. 2 v. 4~... 15084 Bismarck, K. W. P. v., Life of. Hesekiel. N. Y., I870. 8~.. 7758 Bisset, R. Hist. of Reign of Geo. III. Balt., 18Io. 4 v. 8~..6Io5 Life of Burke. 2d ed. Lond., 1800. 2 v. 80... I6342 Bits of Travel. [H. Hunt.] Bost., 1872. I2~... 867 Bjornson, B. Arne. (2 copies.) Bost., 1869. I6~.. 2615 The Happy Boy. (2 copies.) Bost., 1870. 6~.. 2617 Love and Life in Norway. Lond. I6~.. 2715 The Railroad and Churchyard, etc. Bost., 1870. I6~.. 2619 Black Dwarf, The. Scott. Edinb., 1870. 8...... 1870 Black-Forest Village Stories. Auerbach. N. Y., I869. 12~.. 3024 Black Watch, The. Picken. Philad., 1I835. 2 V. 2 v. 1~... 5384 Blackgown Papers. Mariotti. Lond., 1846. v. 2. 12~... I5383 Blacklock, T. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh., Philad., 1822. 24~.. 29 Blackmore, R. Creation. Philad., I8o6. 2~...... I4809 The same. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 18I9. 24~. II Blackstone, W. Commentaries on the Laws of England. Lond., I783. v. 2-4. 8~........... 9328 The same. N. Y., 1845. v. 2. 8~... 9331 The same. Ed. Sharswood. N. Y., 1872. 2 v. 8~.. 9395 Blackstone, The Comic. a Beckett. Lond. 16..... 4274 Blackwood's Magazine. Edinb. & N. Y., I817-72. v. 1-4, 6-30, 32-112. II620 The same. v. I-I8, 21, 24-26, 28, 33-91, 93-Io6.. I1957 Blair, H., Account of Life of, etc., of. Hill. Philad., I8o8. 8~.. I6352 Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres. Dubl., 1789. 2 v. 80~.. 17524 The same. N. Y., I815. 80.. I7526 Blair, R. The Grave. Bost;, I8o8. 6~....... 820 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 18I9. 24~... I5 Blake, J. L. Biographical Dict. 8th ed. Bost., I848. 8~... 69o8 Blake, R., Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., I833. 8~., 6751 Blakeman, R. Essay on Credulity and Superstition. N. H., 1849. 12~. 8613 Blakiston, T.W. 5 Months on the Yang-Tsze. Lond., 1862. 8'.. 8008 Blano, L. History of 1830-40; or, France under Louis Philippe. (2 copies.) Philad., I848. 2 V. 80.. 5575 Blanchard, A. Book of Martyrs. Buffalo, I852. 8.... I6401I 36 Blanchard-Bonaparte. Blanchard, L. Life and Remains of L. E. L. Philad., I841. 2 V. 12~. 15239 Sketches from Life. (2 copies.) N. Y., I846. 2 v. in I. 120. 3959 Blaquiere, E. Letters from Greece. Lond., I828. 80.... 16027 Bleak House. Dickens. N. Y., 187I. 16..... 2179 Bleecker, A. E. Posthumous Works. N.Y., I793. I2~... 15273 Bleek, W. H. I. Reynard the Fox in S. Africa; Hottentot Fables. Lond., I864. 80. 1. 891 Blennerhassett, H., Life of. Safford. Cincinn., 1853. I2~... 7357 Blessington, Lady. See M. GARDINER. Blindness. Kitto. Lond., 1845. I2....... 8487 Blindpits. A Story of Scottish Life. N. Y., I869. 12~.... 15386 Blithedale Romance. Hawthorne. Bost., 1862. I6~.... 2889 Blockade of Phalsburg. Erckmann-Chatrain. N. Y., I87I. 12~. 2363 Bloomfield, R. Poems & Remains. Lond., 1822-27. 5 v. in 4. 12~. Ioo8 Blucher, G. L. v., Life and Campaigns of. Gneisenau and Marston. Lond., I815. 8...7759 Blunt, H. Lectures on Abraham and Jacob. Philad., I839. 12~. 17353 on Hist. of St. Paul. Philad., I839. 12~... 9909 Blunt, J. J. Essays. Lond., I86o. 8..... 3430 Sketch of the Reformation in England. Philad., I837. 12~.. 6312 Boaden, J. Memoirs of Kemble. Philad., I825. 80... 7998 Mrs. Siddons. Lond., I827. 2 V. 8~. 7969 The same. Philad., 1827. 80... 797I Boardman, H. A. The Bible in the Counting-House. Philad., 1859. 12~. I7305 The Bible in the Family. Philad., I859. I20.. 17306 The Great Question. Philad. [I855]. 120.,, 7346 Boardman, W. E. He that overcometh. Bost. [I869.] 12~.. 7342 Boat Races, Oxford and Cambridge, I829-69. Macmichael. Cambr., 1870. 16........ 9116 Boccaccio, G. The Decameron. Lond. (Bohn'sed.) 8~... 473 Selected Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. I.) Lond., I836. 12~. 899 Boeckh, A. Public Economy of Athens, ed. Lewis. 2d ed. Lond., 1842. 8.......... 4430 Boelte, A. Mme. de Stail: a Novel. N. Y., I869. 12~... 3023 Boiardo, M. M. Orlando innamorato, transl. by Rose. Lond., 1823. 8~. 892 Stories. (Hunt's Ital. Poets.) N. Y., I846. I2.... 887 Boissy, T. G., Marquise de. Recollections of Byron. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869. I2... 7096 Boker, G. H. Poems of the War. Bost., I864. 8..773 Bokhara, Mission to, I843-45. Wolff. N. Y., 1845. 8.... 8049 Boleyn, A., a dramatic poem. Milman. (Works, v. 3.) Lond., I839. I6~. 997 Life of. Strickland. Philad., I85I. 80.. 5229 Memoirs of. Benger. Philad., 1822. 80..... 5239 Bolingbroke, Lord. See H. ST. JOHN. Bolivar, S., Memoirs of. Ducoudray-Holstein. Bost., I829. 8~.. 7699 Bombet, L. A. C. Lives of Haydn and Mozart, etc. Bost., I839. I6~. 788I Bonaparte Family, Hist. of the. [Lester.] N. Y., 1I852. 80... 5600 Bonaparte, Louis. On the Gov't of Holland. Lond., 1820. 3 v. 8~. 5877 Bonaparte, Louis Napoleon. See NAPOLEON III. Bonaparte-Botany. 37 Bonaparte, Lucien. Charlemagne; an Epic. Philad., I8I5. 2 V. I6~. 3829 Memoirs of himself. Pt. I. N. Y., 1836. 12~.. 5507 Bonaparte, Napoleon. See NAPOLEON I. Boniface, J. X. Picciola. N. Y., I86I. 120.. 2596 Bonneau, A. Life of Mme. de Miramion. Lond., I870. 8~... 7676 Bonneville, B. L. E. Adventures. See W. IRVING. Bonnycastle, R. H. The Canadas in I841. Lond., i841. 2 v. I2~.. I6771 Bonstetten, C. V. de. The Man of the North and of the South. N. Y., I864. 12~.. 8552 Book of Common Prayer, Illustration of. Wheatley. Lond., I849. 8~. 496 Book-Hunter. Burton. Ed. R. G. White. N. Y., I863. r2~... I42 Book without a Name, The. Morgan. N. Y., I841. 2 v. I2~.. I5387 Book of Snobs. Thackeray. (Works, v. 9.) Lond., 1872. 8~... 2197 Books and Reading. Porter. N. Y., 187I. I2..... 122 Ancient, Hist. of transmission of. I. Taylor. Lond., I827. 8~. 244 See, also, READING. Boone, D., Adventures of; a Poem. Bryan. Harrisburg, I8I3. 12~. 14928 Life of. Peck. (Sparks, v. 23.) Bost., 1847. I6~... 7272 Booth, D. Art of Brewing. (Libr. of U. K.) Lond. [I835.] 8~,. I6468 Principles of English Composition. Lond., 183I. I2... 9187 Boothby, H. Letters to Dr. Johnson. Lond., I8o5. I6~.... 6925 Border Wars of Amer. Revolution. Stone. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. I2~. I2282 Borneo, Expedition to, I843. Keppel. N. Y., 1846. I6~... 8195 Borrow, G. Bible in Spain. Philad., I843. 8~.. 2308 Lavengro. (3 copies.) N. Y., I85I. 12~... 2157 The Romany Rye; Sequel to Lavengro. N. Y., I859. 8.. 2316 The Zincali; or, Gypsies of Spain. Lond., I84I. 2 v. 120. 17II5 Boscana, G. Chinigchinich. N. Y., I846. I2~... 16888 Bossuet 3J. B. Hist. of France. Edinb., I762. 4 V. I20.. 5523 Universal History. Dubl., 1785. 8~. I15934 Boston Bard, Poems of the. [Coffin.] Prov., I826. 80.. I5052 Book, The. Ed. Thatcher. Bost., I836-37. 2v. 22. I2~. 5o65 Lectures, I870. Christianity and Scepticism. (2 copies.) Bost., 1870. I2~... 9996 Miscellany. Ed. Hale. Bost., I842. v.I. 8~.. 145I9 Tea-Party, Retrospect of the. N. Y., 1834. 12~.. 6013 Trip to, in I838. [Wines.] Bost., I838. 12~... I6846 Boswell, J. Account of Corsica. Glasg., I768. 80... 16718 Life of Johnson. (2 copies.) Bost., I824. 5 v. I2~.. 6926 The same. Dubl., I792. 3 v. 8~.. 7119 The same. Lond., I840. I6~.. 6936 The same. Ed. Croker. N. Y., I837. 2 v. 8~.. 7209 The same. v. 2. N. Y., I840. 80.. 7211 Tour to the Hebrides. Philad., I8IO. 8~.. 8354 Botanic Garden, The; a Poem. Darwin. Dubl., I790-93. 2 v. 8~. 1479I Botanical Harmony. St. Pierre. Worc., I797. 8~.. 16976 Text-Book. Gray. N. Y., I850. 12~.. 8986 Botany, Physiological and Descriptive. Henslow. Lond., I836. I6~. 6064 of Northern U. S., Manual of. Gray. N. Y., I869. 8~.. 8985 6 38 Both-Boyle. Both Sides of the Sea, On. [Charles.] N. Y., I868. 12~. ~ ~ 2469 Botta, A. C. L. Hand-Book of Universal Literature. Bost., I863. I2~. I37 Rhode Island Book. Prov., I84I. I2~.. I5004 Botta, C. Hist. of Italy under Napoleon. Lond., I828. 2 v. 8~. 4775 War of Independence. N. H., I842. 2 V. 80. 6. 9 The same. Philad., I820-2I. 3 v. 8.. 6I2I Botta, V. Dante. N. Y., i865. 12..775I Bottari, G. A Novel. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., I836. I2~. 1902 Bounty, Mutineers of the. Lady Belcher. N. Y., I87I. I2~.. 8324 Mutiny of the. [Barrow.] N. Y., I840. I2... 11033 Bourdaloue, L., in the Court of Louis XIV. Bungener. Bost., 1853. I2~. 9968 Bourgoing, J. F. de. Travels in Spain. Lond., I789. 3 v. 8~.. i6665 Bourne, G. Picture of Slavery. Middletown, I834. I2~... 8468 Bourne, V. Poetical Works. Oxfd., I826. 8~.. 818 Bourrienne, F. de. Memoirs of Napoleon. Philad., 1832. 8~.. 5631 Bouterwek, P. Hist. of Spanish Literature. Lond., I847. 8~. 323 Bowditch, N., Memoir of. By his Son. Bost., I84I. I2~., 7552 Bowdler, E. Poems and Essays. N. Y., I8II. I2~... I4776 Bowen, 1F. American Polit. Economy. N. Y., 1870. 8.... 8640 Life of B. Lincoln. Bost., 1847. I6~..7272 Otis. Bost., I844. I6~.. 726I Sir W. Phips. Bost., 1837 160. 7256 Steuben. Bost., I838. I6..7258 Bowen, H. L. Memoir of T. Burges. Prov., I835. 8~... 7362 Bower, A. Life of Luther. Philad., 1824. 80.. 6429 The same...6512 Bower of Spring, The. Philad., I8I7. 2~... 4906 Bowles, C. See C. B. SOUTHEY. Bowles, S. Across the Continent. (2 copies.) Springfld., I865. 12~. 8414 Our New West. Hartf'd., I869. 8~.. 8416 The Switzerland of America. Springf'ld., I869. 12~... 8169 Bowles, W. L. Scenes of Days departed; with Poems. Lond., 1837. I60. II79 Bowman, S. M., and Irwin, R. B. Sherman and his Campaigns. N. Y., I865. 8~........ 7402 Bowring, J. Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain. (2 copies.) Lond., 1824. 8~. 915 Memoirs of Bentham. Edinb., 1842. 3 v. 8~. ~ ~. 9718 Specimens of Russian Poets. Lond., I821-23. 2 v. 12. 288 Boyd, A.K.H. Autumn Holidays. (2 copies.) Bost., I865. 8~.. 3685 Counsel and Comfort. (2 copies.) Bost., I864. 8. ~ ~ 3683 Every-Day Philosopher. (2 copies.) Bost., I863. 8~.. 3681 Graver Thoughts of a Country Parson. (2 copies.) Bost., I863-65. 2 v. 8......... 3677 Leisure Hours in Town. (2 copies.) Bost., I862. 80. 3675 Recreations of a Country Parson. (2 copies.) Bost., I86I. 2 v. 8~. 3671 Boydell, J. Illustrations of Shakspeare. N. Y., I852. fol. Boyhood of Extraordinary Men. Russell. Lond., I853. I2~. 6754 Boyle, R. Treatise on Veneration, Things above Reason, and Style of the Scriptures. Ed. Rogers. Lond., I835. I6~... 9500 Boyse-Brazil. 39 Boyse, S. Deity, a Poem. Lond., I752. 8...... I4806 The same. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 240.. 25 Boz. See C. DICKENS. Brace, C. L. Hungary in 185I. N, Y., 1852. I2~.. 83I6 The New West. N. Y., 1869. I2~.. 8426 The Norse-Folk. N. Y., I857. I2~... 8303 Races of the Old World. N. Y., 1863. I2~.. 8965 Bracebridge Hall. Irving. N. Y., I850. I2~.... 436I Brackenridge, Henry M. Hist. of the late War. Philad., I836. 12~. 6002 Voyage to S. America. Balt., I819. 2 v. 8~.... 17127 Brackenridge, Hugh H. Modern Chivalry. Philad., I804. 2 v. 12~. I5742 Brackett, A. G. Hist. of U. S. Cavalry. N. Y., I865. 12~.. 6102 Braddon, M. E. Aurora Floyd. N. Y., I863. 8~.. 2311I Dead-Sea Fruit. N. Y., i868. 8..2674 Lady Audley's Secret. N. Y. 80.. 2673 Bradford, Alden. Hist. of Mass., 1775-89. Bost., 1825. 80. 5849 Bradford, Alex. W. Am. Antiquities, etc. N. Y., I843. 8~. ~ 5954 Bradford, J. Writings. Lond. 12~.. 9476 Bradford, W. J. A. Notes on the Northwest. N. Y., I846. I2~.. I6863 [Bradley, E.] Adventures of Verdant Green. (2 copies.) N. Y. I86o-70. I2......,... 9249 Nearer and Dearer. N. Y., I864. I2~.. 2431 Brahe, T., Life of. Brewster. N. Y., I841. 12~.. II605 Brain, Functions of the. Gall. Bost., I835. 6 v. 12.. 1276I and Mind. Laycock. N. Y., 1869. 2 v. 8~.. 858I Brainard, J. G. C. Literary Remains. Hartf'd. [I832]. 12... 14975 Occasional Pieces of Poetry. N. Y., I825. I20.. I4974 Poems, with Memoir. Hartf'd., I846. 12~.. 806 Brainerd, D., Life of. Peabody. Bost., I837. I6~.... 7257 Memoirs and Journal of. Edwards, ed. Dwight. N. H., I822. 80. 7632 [Braithwait, R.] Barnabee's Journal, ed. Haslewood. Lond., I8I8. I2~. 14810 Brambletye House. H. Smith. N. Y., I835. I2~.. I5III Brand, B. [Lady Dacre.] Tales of Peerage and Peasantry. N. Y., 1835. 2 V. 12......... 1 I5598 Brand, J. Popular Antiquities of Grt. Brit. Lond., I8IO. 80... I6II7 The same. Ed. Ellis. Lond., I84I-42. 3 V. 8~.. 5138 The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I848-49. 3 v. 8~.. 504 Brande, W. T. Dict. of Science, Literature, and Art. (2 copies.) N.Y., I848. 8~.. Brandenburg, Memoirs of House of. [Frederick II.] Lond., I75I. I20. I6456 Brant, J., Life of. Stone. N. Y., I838. 2 v. 8~.. 5952 Brassey, T. Work and Wages. N. Y., 1872. 80.. 8628 Brave Lady, A. [Craik.] N. Y., 1870. 8~.. 2682 Bravo, The. Cooper. Philad., 183I. 2 V. I20..... 2771 Brawnville Papers. Tyler. Bost., I869. I2~.. 3566 Bray, A. E. The Protestant. N. Y., 1829. 2 V. I20.... I5557 Traditions of Devonshire. Lond., I838. 3 v. 12~.. 5266 Trials of the Heart. Philad., I839. 2 v. I2~.... I56I4 Brazil an(l the Brazilians. Kidder and Fletcher. Philad., IS57. 8. 8~. 4( 40 Brazil-Bridgewater. Brazil, Description of. Conder. Lond., 1825. 2 V. I2.. 7860 Geology and Phys. Geogr. of. Hartt. Bost., I870. 8~.. 9013 Journey in, I865. Agassiz. Bost., I868. 80.. 846I Notices of, in I828-29. Walsh. Bost., 183I. 2 V. 2... I7I34 Travels in, I8I5-I7. Prince Maximilian. Lond., I820. 8~.. 8053 Travels in, 18I7-20. Spix and Martius. Lond., I824. 2 v. 8~. 8435 Breckenridge, J. Discussion with Hughes. Philad., i836. 8~.. 9606 Breitmann, Hans. Ballads. [By C. G. Leland.] Philad., I869. 12~. 4293 Bremer, F. A Diary; and Strife and Peace. N. Y., 1844. 8~.. 2652 Four Sisters. Philad. I20... 5136 H- Family; Tralinnan; Axel and Anna. N. Y., 1844. 8~. 2654 The same. N.Y., I867. 8~.. 2657 Hertha. N. Y., I856. 120..... 2623 The Home. N. Y., 1843. 8~.. 2656 The same. N. Y., I844. 8~.. 2653 The same. N. Y. 8~.... 2657 The Midnight Sun. N. Y. 8~....... 2655 The Neighbours. N. Y., 1844. 8~.. 2654 The same. N. Y., I85o0. I2.~.. 2622 President's Daughters. Bost., 1843. I2~... 2621 The same. N. Y., I843. 2 pts. in I. 8~.. 2653 Strife and Peace. Lond., 1844. I6~... 2714 Works, tr. by Howitt. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1852-53. 4 v. 8~. 468 CONTENTS.-i, The Neighbours; Hopes; the Twins; the Solitary; the Comforter; Letter about Suppers; Tralinnan. ii, The President's Daughiers; Nina. iii, The Home; Strife and Peace. iv, A Diary; the H- Family; Axel and Anna. Life, Letters, etc., of. C. Bremer. N. Y., I868. 8~. 7586 Bremner, R. Excursions in Russia. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 8~.. 8296 Brenton, E. P. Naval. Hist. of Grt. Brit. Lond., 1837. 2 v. 8~. 5338 Brevio, G. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., 1836. 12.. 900 Brewer, A. Lingua. (Old Plays, v. 5.) Lond., I825. 8~... 15I2 Brewer, G. Hours of Leisure. Lond., I8o6. 12~. I5176 Brewer, J. Patmos and the Seven Churches. Bridgep't., I85I. 8~.. 6450 Residence at Constantinople. N. H., 1830. 2~.... I6636 Brewing, Art of. [Booth.] Lond. [I835.] 8~.. I6468 Brewster, A. H. M. Compensation. Philad., I86o. I2~... 2982 St. Martin's Summer. Bost., i866. 8~. 8211 Brewster, D. Letters on Natural Magic. N. Y. [I840.] I2~... II270 The same. N. Y., 1832. 120... I2I06 Life of Newton. N. Y., 1840. I2...110. II28 The same. N. Y., 1833. I2~..... II955 Martyrs of Science. N. Y., I841. I20.. II6o5 The same........2272 Treatise on Optics. Lond., I838. 6~.... 6050 Bride of Fort Edward. [D. Bacon.] N. Y., I839. 2~.. 15666 Lammermoor. Scott. Edinb., I870. 80...875 [Bridge, H.] Journal of an African Cruiser. N. Y., I845. 12~.. I6291 Bridgewater Treatises. Philad. and Lond., I836-37. 7 v. 8~... I6982 CONTlENTS.-I, Chalmers, Adaptation of Nature to the Moral and Intellectual Constitution of Man; Prout, Chemistry, Meteorology, and Digestion. 2, Kidd, Adaptation of Nature to Physical Condition of Man; Whewell, Astronomy and General Physics Bell, The Hand. 8, Kirby, Habits, etc., of Animams. 4, 5, Roget, Animal and Vegetable Physioiogy. 6, 7, Buckland, Geology and Mineralogy. Brierre —ritish. 41 Brierre de Boismont, A. J. F1. Hist. of Dreams, etc. Philad., I855. 8~. 8763 Briffault, F. T. The Prisoner of Ham. Lond., I846. 12~.. 5640 Brigands, Italian. Moens. N. Y., I866. 12~.. 8347 See, also, BANDITTI. [Briggs, C. F.] Adventures of Harry Franco. N. Y., I839. 2 v. 12~. I5646 Bankrupt Stories. N. Y., I844. 8~. I5078 Briggs, G. N., Memoir of. Richards. Bost., 1856. I2~.. 7339 Brigham, A. Influence of Mental Cultivation on Health. Bost., I833. I2~. 9171 Religion on Health. Bost., 1835. I2... I7351 Bright, J. Speeches on the American Question. (2 copies.) Bost., I865. 2.......... 6I on Questions of Public Policy. Lond., I868. 2 v. 80...935I Bright, Miss. [Lyndon.] Margaret. N. Y., I868. I2~. 1 I5739 Brightwell, D. B. Concordance to Tennyson. Lond., I869. 8~.. I24I Brindley, C. Stable Talk and Table Talk. Philad., I845. 12.. IOI63 Brinton, D. G. Myths of the New World. (2 copies.) N. Y., I868. 8~. 1925 Brisbane, A. Social Destiny of Man. Philad., I840. I2~.. I7087 Brissot de Warville, J. P., and Claviere, E. Commerce of America with Europe. N. Y., I795 120. J~. 6o45 Bristed, C. A. Five Years in an English University. N. Y., I852. 2 v. I20. 9237 The same. v. 2.... 9239 The same. 3d ed. N. Y., I873. I2~. I0240 Interference Theory of Gov't. N. Y., I867. I2~... 8539 The same. 2d ed. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 8540 Bristed, J. Resources of the Brit. Empire. N. Y., I8II. 80.. I6II5 of the U. S. N. Y., I818.' 8~.... 5846 Britain, Ancient, under the Romans. F. Thackeray. Lond., 1843. 2 v. 8~. 5069 Hist. of Celt, Roman, and Saxon. T. Wright. Lond., I86I. 8~. 5272 British Admirals, Lives of; with Naval Hist. to I8I6. Campbell. Lond., I8I7. 8 v. 80.. 6878 Lives of. Southey. Lond., I833-40. 2 v. I6~.. 5I7I Antiquities. Brand. Lond., I848-49. 3 v. 8~.... 504 Cicero, The; a Selection of Speeches. Browne. Philad., I8io. 3 v. 80.. 9415 Colonies, Description of. Martin. Lond., I836-44. io v. I6~. 7896 For Contents, see MARTIN. Commerce, Hist. of. Craik. Lond., I844. 3 v. I2~.. 8783 Constitution, The. Brougham. Lond., I86I. I6~... 4854 Costume, Hist. of. Planche. Lond., -I846. 12~.... 4814 Drama, The; a Collection. Lond., I824. 2 v. 8~.... I66o The same. Philad., I833. 2 v. 8~.....662 Drama, The. [Ed. W. Scott.?] Lond., I8o4. 5 v. 80... i629 For Contents, see DRAMA. Eloquence, Common-place Book of. (2 copies.) Lond., I827. 240. 9149 Select. Goodrich. N. Y., I86I. 80.... 9426 Essayists. Ed. J. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 40 v. 12~... 3Io9 CONTENTS.-1-4, Tatler. 5-12, Spectator. 13-15 Guardian. 16-18, Rambler. 19, Idler. 20-22 Adventurer, 23-25, World. 26-27, Connoisseur. 28-29, Mirror. 80, 1, Lounger. 32-34, Observer. 35-37, Knox's Essays. 38-40, Knox's Winter Evenings. The same (wanting v. 6). 3149 42 British-Brockway. British Female Poets. Bethune. Philad., 1848. 8~.. 946 and Foreign Review. Lond., 1835-44. v. I-I6. 8.. 11440 Military Commanders, Lives of. Gleig. Lond., I831-32. 3 v. I6~. 5771 For Contents, see GLEIG. Novelists. Masson. Bost., I859. 12.. 51 Orators of the Age. Francis. N. Y., 1847. I6~.. 6697 Painters and Sculptors, Lives of. Cunningham. N. Y., I839-40. 5 v. 12~.. IIOI7 Plutarch, The. 3d ed. Lond., 179I. 8 v. 12.. I4o06 Plutarch, The Modern. Taylor. N. Y., 1846. I6~... 6678 Poets. Ed. J. Bell. Lond., I807. 52 v. 24~..... 246 For Contents, see BELL. Golden Leaves from. Hows. N. Y., I865. I2~.. 1099 Homes and Haunts of. Howitt. N. Y., I847. 2V. I2~. 6600 Lives and Works of. S. Johnson. Dubl., 18o4. 8 v. 80. I5095 For Contents, see JOHNSON. Selections from. Halleck. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. I2.. I11587 Select Works of, Chaucer to Jonson. Ed. Southey. Lond., 1831. 8.. 1302 Select Works of, Jonson to Beattie. Aikin. Philad., I839. 8......... I304 Select Works of, Falconer to Scott. Ed. Frost. Philad., I838. 8......... 1306 The same. Southey to Croly. Ed. Frost. Philad., 1843. 8...... I308 Works of. Sanford & Walsh. Philad., I819-23. 50 v. 240. I For Contents, see E. SANFOR). Portraits. Lodge. Lond., I849-50. 8 v. 8.. 5I5 Prose Writers. Bost., 1820. 8 v. I6.. 3839 CONTENTS.-1 H. Walpole, Reminiscences and Walpoliana. 2, Burns, Letters. 3 Goldsmith, Essays and the iee. 4, T. Gray, Letters. 5, Bacon and Clarendon, Essays. 6, Lady Russell, Letters. 7, Cowley and Shenstone, Essays. 8, S. Johnson, Sermons. Reformers, Writings of the. Lond. 8 v. 12~.... 9476 CONTENTS.-1, Bradford. 2, Latimer. 3, Ridley; Philpot. 4, Hooper. 5, Knox. 6, Becon. 7, Tindal; Frith; Barnes. 8, Cranmer; Rogers; Saunders; Taylor; Careless. Senate, Eloquence of the, I625-I802. Ed. Hazlitt. Brooklyn, I8IO. 2 V. 8.......... 9423 Spy, Letters of the. Wirt. N. Y., 1832. I2~.. 6074 Stage, Biogr. of the. N. Y., I824. I20... 7895 Statesmen, Lives of. Forster, etc. Lond., 1831-39. 7 v. 16~. 5759 For Contents, see FORSTER. of time of Geo. III. See BROUGHAM. Theatre. See THEATRE. Tourists, The. Mavor. Lond., I798. 5 v. I2~.. 8I8I Worthies, Cabinet Portrait Gallery of. Lond., 1845-46. 8 v. I2~. 6615 See, also, ENGLAND; GREAT BRITAIN. Brittany, Ramble into, 1869. Musgrave. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8~. 8371 Broad Stone of Honour. Digby. Lond., 1I844. I2~... 4620 Brocklesby, J. Elements of Meteorology. N. Y., I849. 12~... 8894 [Brockway, T.] The Gospel Tragedy. Worc., 1795. I2~.. I4976 Brockwell-Brown. 43 Brockwell, C. Hist. of Portugal. Lond., 1726. 8'... I6i65 [Bronte, A.] Tenant of Wildfell Hall. N. Y., 1857. I2~. 2557 Bronte, C. Jane Eyre. (4 copies.) N. Y., 1869-72. 12~.. 2546 The Professor. (2 copies.) N. Y., I86i-68. I2~.. 2555 Shirley. Lond., I870.. I6~.. 2550 The same. (2 copies.) N.Y., I856-60. I2.. 2551 Villette. (2 copies.) N. Y., I856. I20.. 2553 Life of. Gaskell. N. Y., 1857. 2 V. I2~..... 6985 [Bronte, E.] Wuthering Heights. N. Y., I857. I2C.. 2419 [Brooke, P. M.] History of Emily Montague. Lond. 4 v. 12~.. 15422 Brooke, H. Brookiana. Lond., I804. 2 v. I6.. 38Io Fool of Quality. Lond., I777. 5 V. I2~.. I70I The same. Ed. C. Kingsley. Lond., I859. 2 V. 8~.. 20 Gustavus Vasa. (Brit. Drama, v. I, pt. 2.) Lond., 1804. 8~.. I630 Brooke, S. A. Life of Robertson. (2 copies.) Bost., I865. 2 V. 12~. 7603 Brooke, T. H. Hist. of St. Helena. Lond., I8o8. 8~.. I6I68 Brooke and Brooke Farm. Martineau. Bost., I832. I2~.. I4610TO Brooks, C. S. The Gordian Knot. N. Y., I868. 80.... 2308 Brooks, J. G. and M. E. Rivals of Este and other Poems. N. Y., I829. I2........... I4977 Brooks, Maria. Z6phi6l. Bost., 1834. I6.. 720 Brooks, N. C. Literary Amaranth. Philad., 1840. 12.. I5274 Scriptural Anthology. Balt. [1836.] I2~..1..4927 Broome, R. The Jovial Crew. (Old Plays, v. IO.) Lond., I826. 80. I5I7 Broome, W. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~... 530 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.... I5099 Brothers in Unity. See YALE COLLEGE. Brougham, H. The British Constitution. 2d ed. Lond., I86I. I6~. 4854 Crit. and Miscellaneous Writings. (2 copies.) Philad., I841. 2 V. I20. 3202 Dialogues on Instinct. Lond., 1844. I2~..2. 8488 Discourse of Natural Theology. Philad., I835. I20.. I698I Discourse on the Objects, etc., of Science. N. Y. [LI840.] 12. II779 Hist. Sketches of Statesmen of the Time of Geo. III. ISt Series. Philad., I840. 2 V. I2~.. 6733 The same. ISt and 2d Series. Philad., I839. 4 v. 12~. 6735 The same. 3d Series. New ed. Lond., I845. 2 v. 12~. 6613 Letters and Speeches. Philad., I840. 2 V. I2~... 9271 Lives of Men of Letters and Science of Time of Geo. III. Philad., I845-46. 2 v. I2~.. 6739 Opinions of, as exhibited in his writings. Paris, I841. 8~.. 9341 Political Philosophy. Lond., I844. 3 v. 8~.. 8680 Sketches of Public Characters, Discourses, etc. Philad., I839. 2 v. 12~...674I Speeches on Questions relating to Public Interests; with Dissertation on Eloquence of the Ancients. Edinb., I838. 4 v. 8~...9337 Life and Times of. By himself. N. Y., I87I-72. 3 v. I20.. 6772 Brown, C. B. Edgar Huntly. Philad., I799. 3 v 2. 2~.... 5293 44 Brown-Browning. Brown, C. B. Novels. Bost., 1827. 7 V. I2~... I5296 CONTENTS.-1, Wieland. 2, 3, Arthur Mervyn. 4, Ormond. 5, Jane Talbot. 6, Clara Howard. 7, Edgar Huntly. Wieland. N. Y., 1798. 12...15292 Life of. Prescott. Bost., 1834. I6~.. 7250 Brown, Captain John., Public Life of. Redpath. Bost., I86o. 120. 7393 See, also, HARPER'S FERRY. Brown, John (of Cambr., Engl.). Gleanings from Life's Harvest. N. Y., I859. 120. I. 6358 Brown, Jchn, M.D. Horae Subsecivae. Edinb., I859-61. 2 V. 8~. 3687 Spare Hours. (2 copies.) Bost., i866. 2 v. 8~.... 3689 Brown, John W. Life of L. da Vinci. Lond., 1828. 80... 7919 Brown, Samuel G. Life of Choate. (2 copies.) 2d ed. Bost., 1870. 12~. 7333 Works of Choate, with Memoir. (2 copies.) Bost., 1862. 2V. 80. 9668 Brown, Solyman. Dental Hygeia. N. Y., 1838. I2~.. I4979 Dentologia. N. Y., I840. 80.. I505I Essay on Amer. Poetry, with Miscellaneous Pieces. N. H., I8I8. I20....... I4978 Brown, Thos. Inquiry into Cause and Effect. Andover, I822. 8~. 8728 Lectures on Philosophy of the Mind. Hallowell, 1829. 2 V. 80. 17061 Brown, Thos. N. Life of Hugh Miller. N. Y., I86o. I2~.. 6978 [Browne, C. P.] Artemus Ward; his Travels. N. Y., i865. 120.. 429r Browne, Dunn, in Foreign Parts. [Fiske.] Bost., 1857. I2... 16568 Browne, J. Ross. American Family in Germany. N. Y., i866. 8~. 8315 Etchings of a Whaling Cruise, etc. N. Y., I846. 8~... 8080 Yusef; a Crusade in the East. N. Y., 1855. 12~.... 8238 Browne, M. Chaucer's England. Lond., I869. 2 v. 16~... 215 Browne, Sir T. Christian Morals. Lond., 1756. I20.... I7288 Miscellaneous Works. [Ed. Young.] Cambr., 1831. 12~.. 3906 Religio Medici, Christian Morals, Urn-Burial, etc. Bost., I862. 80. 3902 Works, ed. Wilkin. Lond., 1835-36. 4 v. 8~..... 3986 CONTENTS.-1, Life; Letters; Journals. 2, Religio Medici. 2, 83, Pseudodoxia Epidemica (Vulgar Errors). 3, Garden of Cyrus; Hydriotaphia (Urn-Burial), etc. 4, Repertorium, or Antiquities of Norwich; Letter to a Friend; Christian Morals; Miscellanies. The same. v. i. Lond., I836. 8~.. 3990 Browne, Thos. The British Cicero. Philad., I8Io. 3 v. 8~.. 9415 [Brownell, H. H.] Lyrics of a Day. N. Y., I864. I2~... 772 Browning, E. B. Aurora Leigh. (2 copies.) N. Y., I857. 160..II5I Drama of Exile: and other Poems. N. Y., I845. 2 v. I2~.. 1148 Essays on the Poets. (2 copies.) N. Y., i863. I6~.. 39 Last Poems. With Memorial, by Tilton. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1862. I6......... 11. II53 Poems. N. Y., I858. 2 v. 12~. 1. 146 Prometheus Bound, Casa Guidi Windows, etc. N. Y., I85I. I6~. II50 Browning, R. Balaustion's Adventure. Bost., 1871. 6~... II43 Bells and Pomegranates. Lond., I84I-46. 8 pts. in I. 8~. 1259 Dramatis Personae. Bost., I864. I6~. II38 Fifine at the Fair, etc. Bost., I872. I60... 45 Men and Women. Bost., 1869. I6~.. II34 Browning-Bubbles. 45 Browning, R. Paracelsus. Lond., 1835. I6... II35 Poems. Bost., I850. 2 v. I6... II32 Prince Hohenstiel-Schwangau. Lond., I871. 16~.. 144 The Ring and the Book. (2 copies.) Bost., I869. 2 v. 16~. 11 39 Sordello. Lond., 1840. 6.. II36 Sordello, Strafford, Christmas-Eve, and Easter-Day. Bost., I864. 16~.. ~.. I137 Browning, W. S. Hist. of the Huguenots in the I6th Century. Lond., I829. 2 V. 80..... 6485 The same. 1598-1838. (2 copies.) Paris, I839. 80. 6487:Brownlee, W. C. Letters on the Rom. Cath. Controversy. (2 copies.) N. Y., I834. 8~... 9607 Brownlow, W. G. Rise and Decline of Secession. Philad., I862. I20. 6io8 Brownson, O. A. The American Republic. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 677 Charles Elwood. Bost., I840. 16~. 15676 Quarterly Review. Bost., I844-46. 3 v. 81... I425I The same. New Series. Bost., I849-50. v. 3, 4. 8~.. I4256 Bruce, James, Life of. Head. N. Y., I84I. I2... II603 The same. St. John. N. Y., I841. I2~.... II043 Travels to Source of the Nile. Dubl., I790-9I. 6 v. 8~.. 8092 The same. (Mavor, v. I4.) Lond., I797. I2~. ~.. 3857 Bruce, James, (Earl of Elgin,) Mission of, to China, etc. Oliphant. Edinb., I859. 2 v. 8~.. 80o6 Bruce, M. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 24~... 31 Bruce, P. H., Memoirs of. By himself. Dubl., I783. 8~... 6375 Bruce, Days of; a Story. Aguilar. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. I2~.. 2525 [Bruen, M.] Journal of a Tour in Italy. N. Y., 1824. 8~...6736 Brummell, G., Life of. Jesse. Philad., 1844. 8~.. 6826 Brunel, I. K, Life of. By his Son. Lond., I870. 80... 59 Brunton, M. Emmeline, etc. With Memoir. N. Y., 1819. 120. 15426 Brutus. Foreign Conspiracy against U. S. [Morse.] N. Y., 1835. I2~. I7278 Bryan,lD. Mountain Muse. Harrisonburg, 18I3. I2~.. 14928 Bryant, E. What I saw in California. N. Y., 1848. 12~....6889 Bryant, J. D. Redemption. Philad., 1859. I2..1. I7543 Bryant, W. C. The Fountain and other Poems. N. Y., I842. I20.. 693 Letters from the East. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 8239 of a Traveller. 2d ed. N. Y., I850. I2~.. 8320 Poems. N. Y., 1832. 120.. 689 The same. Bost., I834. 12~..690 The same. 4th ed. Philad., I848. 8~. 927 The same. N.Y., I857. 2v. 12... 691 Selections from American Poets. N. Y., I841. I2... II586 Thirty Poems. (2 copies.) N. Y., I864. I2.... 694 etc. The Talisman. N. Y., I833. 3 v. I20. 4132 Brydges, Sir E. Autobiography. Lond., I834. 2 v. 80... 7I36 Imaginative Biography. Lond., I834. 2 v. 12.... 3406 Brydone,P. Tour through Sicily and Malta. Edinb., I79I. 2 v. I20. 16731 Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. [Head.] N. Y., I845. 12~.. 8366 7 46 Buccaneers-Bulwer-Lytton. Buccaneers, The. N. Y., I827. 2 V. I2~. I5667 of America, Hist. of the. N. Y., I826. 3 v. I2~.. 6oo9 The same. 13842 Buchanan, G. Hist. of Scotland. Continued by Watkins. Lond. 2 V. 8~. 5406 Buchanan, Jas. Sketches of the Indians. N. Y., I824. 2 v. in I. I2~. 5749 [Buchanan, Pres't. Jas.] Mr. Buchanan's Administration. N. Y., i866. 8.. 6192 Life of. Horton. N. Y., I856. I2~.. 7332 Buck, Rev. Chas. Anecdotes. N. Y., I83I. 2 V. in I. 8~.. 15826 The same. N. Y., I84I. I2.. 15827 Bucke, Chas. Beauties and Sublimities of Nature. Lond., I837. 3 v. 8~. I699o The same. Ed. Page. N. Y., I842. I2~... II747 Book of Human Character. Lond., I837. 2 V. I6~.. 4329 of Table-Talk. Lond., 1836. 2 v. I6~.. 4327 Ruins of Ancient Cities. N. Y., I84I. 2 V. I2 -... II609 Buckingham, Duke of. See G. VILLIERS. Buckingham, J. S. America. Lond. [I84I.] 3 v. 8~. 5857 The same. N. Y., I84I. 2 v. 8~.. I6843 Notes on Lectures of. Hildreth. N. Y., 1838. I20... I6279 Buckingham, Joseph T. Specimens of Newspaper Literature. Bost., 1850. 2 V. I2. 125 Buckland, W. Geology and Mineralogy. Philad., I837. 2 v. 80.. I6987 Buckle, H. T. Essays, with Biogr. Sketch. N. Y., I863. I2~... 3219 Hist. of Civilization in England. (2 copies.) N. Y., I858-66. 2 V. 8~. 5065 Buddhist Nihilism, with transl. of Buddha's "Path of Virtue." N. Y., I872. 80........... 3733 Budget of the Bubble Family. Lady Bulwer-Lytton. N. Y., 1840. 2 V. I2~...5389 Biuchner, L. Man in the Past, Present, and Future. Lond., 1872. 80. 8993 Buenos Ayres, Five Years (I820-25) in. Lond., I825. 80... I7I32 See, also, BRAZIL. Buisching, J. G. G. Popular Traditions. (German Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., I826. I2~..896 Buffum, E. G. Sights and Sensations in France, Germany, etc. N. Y., I869. I2........... 8272 Buffon, G. L. L. de, etc. Natural Hist. Ed. J. Wright. Lond., I83I. 4 v. 8~.. 88oi Bulfinchl T. Age of Chivalry. Bost., I86I. I2... I9IO Fable. Bost., I863. I20. 1909 Legends of Charlemagne. Bost., I864. I2... 9II Bull, L. C. A Child's Poems. Hartfd., I872. I20.. I4929 Bulla. (Pseudonym.) Beauties of Brother Bullus. N. Y., I8I2. I20. 15658 Bulls, Irish, Essay on. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 2.) Bost., 1824. 8~. I5336 Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Alice. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1838. 2 v. 12~.. 2072 Asmodeus at large. Philad., I833. I2.... 2I47 Caxtoniana: a Series of Essays. N. Y., I864. I2~... 3216 The Caxtons. N. Y., i86o. 120.... 2I33 The same. Philad., i86o. 2 v. I2~... 2134 Bulwer-Lytton. 47 Bulwer-Lytton, E. L. Chairolas. Philad., I836. I2~... 2149 Crit. and Misc. Writings. (2 copies.) Philad., 184I. 2 V. 120. 3212 Devereux. (2 copies.) N. Y., I829. 2 V. I2.... 2052 The same. N. Y., 1829. 2 V. in I. I2~.. 2056 The Disowned. Philad., 1868. I2~.... 2038 Dramas and Poems. Bost., I863. T6~.. 976 Dramatic.Works. Leipz., I86o. 2 v. in I. I6~. I.. 1446 Duchess de la Valliere: a Play. (2 copies.) N. Y., I836. 12~. I443 England and the English. N. Y., I833. 2 V. 120.. 3209 The same. 4828 Ernest Maltravers. N. Y., I837. 2 V. 120. 2069 The same. 2 V. in I. I2~... 207I Eugene Aram. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1832. 2 V. I2~... 2059 Falkland. N. Y., 1830. I2..... 2050 The same. N. Y., I835. I2.... 2150 Godolphin. N. Y., I840. 2 V. I2.... 2153 Harold. Lond., I853. 8..... 2152 The same. Philad., I87I. I6~.. 2037 Last of the Barons. Philad., I86i. 2 v. 12~.... 208I The same. Philad., I867. 2 V. in I. I2~.. 2083 Last Days of Pompeii. Lond., I854. I2~..... 2064 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I835. 2 V. in I. I2~.. 2065 Leila; Calderon, the Courtier; Pilgrims of the Rhine. Philad., I868. I2........... 2036 Lost Tales of Miletus. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866. I2~.. 837 Lucretia. Lond., I853. 8~. 2144 Miscellaneous Prose Works. N. Y., i868. 2 V. I2~.. 3217 My Novel. N. Y. 8~.. 2315 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I860. 2 V. 12... 2136 The same. N.Y. 8~. [Imperfect.].. 2309 The New Timon. Philad., I847. I2.. 836 Night and Morning. N. Y., I84I. 2 V. in I. 12... 2151 The Oxonians. N. Y., I830. 2 V. I2... 2145 Paul Clifford. N. Y., 1830. 2 V. 12.. 2057 The same. Philad., I868. 120... 2035 Pelham. Lond. 12..... 2051 The same. Leipz., 1842. I6~.. 2034 Pilgrims of the Rhine. N. Y., I834. 120... 2063 The Rebel, and other Tales, etc. N. Y., I835. 2~.. 120. 32II Rienzi. N. Y., 1836. 2 V. in I. I2.. 2078 The same. 2148 The same. Philad., I836. 2 V. I20.. 2079 Siamese Twins, with other Poems. N. Y., I83. I2~.. 835 Strange Story. Bost., I862. I2~. 2143 Strange Story; the Haunted and the Haunters. Philad., I868. 12~. 2084 The Student. N. Y., 1836. 2 V. in I. I20.. 2068 The same, v. 2. N. Y., 1832. I2.. 2067 What will he do with it? Philad., I86o. 3 v. I2~.... 2140 The same. (2 copies.) Philad., I87I-72. 2 v. I60.. 2039 48 Bulwer-Lytton-Burke. Bnlwer-Lytton, E. L. Zanoni. N. Y., I842. 2 V. I2~.... 2076 Bulwer-Lytton, Robert. (Owen Meredith.) Lucile. (2 copies.) Bost., i866. 6.......... 80 New Poems. Bost., I868. 2 v. 6. 11. 82 Ring of Amasis. N. Y., i863. 12... 2I54 Serbski Pesme; National Songs of Servia. Lond., I86I. 16~. 1184 Bulwer-Lytton, Lady Rosina. Budget of the Bubble Family. N. Y., I840. 2 V. 2 2.......... 5389 Cheveley. N. Y., I839. 2 V. I2...5396 Bulwer, H.L. E. France, social, literary, political. N. Y., I834. 2 v. 2............ 5527 The same. Lond., I834. 2 V. I2~.. 5451 Life of Palmerston. Philad., I87I. 2 V. 12~.. 6775 Bungener, L. F. The Preacher and the King. Bost., I853. I2~.. 9968 The Priest and the Huguenot. Bost., I856. 2 V. I2~. 2647 Bunn, A. The Stage. Philad., I840. 2 V. I2~.... I6I4 Bunsen, C. C. J. Life of Niebuhr. N. Y., I852. 12~.. 7762 Memoir of. By his Widow. Lond., I868. 2 v. 8~.. 7756 Bunyan, J. Holy War. Ed. Burder. Hartfd., I850. I2~.. 9948 Jerusalem Sinner Saved, etc. N. Y., I846. I6~.. 9545 Pilgrim's Progress. Ed. T. Scott. Hartfd., I833. I2~. 9813 The same. Northampton, I826. 8~... 17267 Lectures on, and on Pilgrim's Progress. Cheever. N. Y., 1845. 80. I0037 Life and Times of. Philip. N. Y., I839. 12~.. 7597 Buonarotti, Michael Angelo, und Raphael. Grimm. Bost. I2~.. 9614 considered as a Poet. Taylor. Lond., I840. I20... 7506 Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., 1833. 8~.... 675I The same. Duppa. Lond., 1,846. 8~. 345 The same. Grimm. Bost., I866. 2 V. I2~... 7957 The same. Harford. Lond., I858. 2 v. 80.... 7989 Burder, H. P. Mental Discipline; Hints to Theol. Students. N. Y., I830. 12........... 17035 Burder, S. Memoirs of Pious Women. Philad. [1836.] 8~...636I [Burdett, C. D.] English Fashionables abroad. Bost., 1828. 2 V. I2~. I5427 Burges, T., Memoir of. Bowen. Prov., I835. 8~.. 7362 Burghley, W. Cecil, Lord, Life of. Lond., 183I. I6~.... 5759 Burgoyne, J. Dramatic and Poetical Works. Lond., I8o8. 2 V. 12~. 1450 Burke, E. Correspondence, 1744-97. Lond., I844. 4 v. 8~... 7197 European Settlements in America. Lond., 1757. 2 v. 8~.. I6I29 The same. (2 copies.) Bost., I835. 8~.. 5946 Works. Bost. & N. Y., I806-13. 6 v. 80.. 9740 The same. N. Y., I837. 3 V. 8~.. 9560 The same. Bost., I839. 9 V. 8~.. 9649 CONTENTS.-1, Vindication of Natural Society; on the Sublime and Beautiful; Observations on "The Present State of the Nation "- Cause of the Present Discontents; Speech on Amer. Taxation. 2, Speeches at Bristol and on E. India Bill and on Nabob of Arcot's Debts. 8, Speech on the Arms Estimates; Reflections on the Revolution in France; Appeal to the Old Whigs; Letters on the Irish Catholics. 4, On French Affairs; on the Conduct of the Minority; Preface to Brissot's Address; Thoughts on Scarcity; Letters on a Regicide Peace; etc. 5, Letter on a Regicide Peace; Miscellaneous Letters on Irish and American Affairs: Tracts on the Popery Laws; Fragments and Notes of Speeches in Parliament; Hints on the Drama; English History. 6, Reports on Indian Affairs; Articles of Charge against Hastings. 7, 8, Speeches on Impeachment of Hastings. 9, European Settlements in America; Correspondence with Dr. Laurence. Burke-Burton. 49 Burke, E. Beauties of. Lond. I6~.. 3527 a historical study. Morley. Lond., I867. 80.. 68II Life of. Bisset. Lond., I8oo. 2v. 8... 16342 The same. P. Burke. Lond., I853. 8~.. 6812 Memoir of. Prior. Lond., I839. 8~...... 6809 Burke, J. W. Life of R. Emmett. Charleston, 1852. 12~. 6682 Burkhard, J. G. Philosophy of Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1804. 12. I2~.. 6937 Burlamaqui, J. J. Nat. and Politic Law. Philad., I830. 2 v in I. 8~. 8635 Burmah, Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. 12~.... 7843 Burman Empire, Journal of Resid. in, 1796-97. Cox. Lond., 182I. 8~. II506 Burmese War, Narrative of the, 1824-26. Snodgrass. Lond., I827. 8~. 6504 Burnes, A. Cabool. Philad., I843. 8~... 8050 Burnap, G. W. Life of L. Calvert. Bost., 1846. I6~.. 7268 Burnet, G. Hist. of my own Time. Edinb., 753. 6 v. I2~... 4817 The same. Lond., 1818. 4 v. 8~.. 5352 the Reformation of the Church of England. (2 copies.) Lond., I825. 3 v. in 6. 12~.. 6357 Lives of Hale, Bedell, and Rochester. Lond. 240~... 6677 Burney, C., Memoirs of. D'Arblay. Philad., I833. 8~. ~ 7139 Burney, P. See F. D'ARBLAY. Burns, R. Correspondence with Clarinda. N. Y. [1843.] 12~. 7043 Letters. Bost., I1820. 160.. 3840 Poems. 2d ed. Edinb., I793. 2v. 8.. I236 Poetical Works. Leipz., I845. I60..959 The same. Ed. Walsh., Philad., 1822. 2 v. 240. 32 Tam O'Shanter. (Illustrated.) N. Y., I868. 4~. Works. Philad., I8So. 4 v. I2.. I4777 Works, with Life, by Currie. Philad., I837. 80.. I28I Works, with Life, by Cunningham. Bost., I834-35. 4 v. 12~. 584 The same. Lond., 1840. 8... I279 The same. Bost., I852. 80... 280 Genius and Character of. J. Wilson. N. Y., 186I. 12~... 7044 Life of. Lockhart. N. Y., 1831. 12~.. 6951 Life and Land of. Cunningham. N. Y., I84I. I2~.. 7042 Burr, A. Private Journal, I808-I2. N. Y., I838. 2 v. 80.. 7352 Arguments on Trial of. Wirt. Richmond, I8o8. I2~.. 7487 Life and Times of. Parton. N. Y., I858. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 7356 Memoirs of. Davis. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. 8~.. 7354 Reports of Trials of. Philad., I808. 2 v. 80.. 7358 [Burr, E. P.] Ad Fidem; Evidences of the Bible. Bost., 1871. 12~. 9990 Ecce Coelum. (2 copies.) Bost., I870. 12~.. 8917 Pater Mundi. Bost., 1870. v. I. 120.. 9989 Burroughs, S., Memoirs of. By himself. Albany, I8ii. I2~...7573 Burton, E. Description of Rome. 2d ed. Lond., I828. 2 v. 120.. 16725 Burton, J. H. Book-Hunter. Ed. White. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1863. 12~. I42 Hist. of Scotland, I689-1748. Lond., 1853. 2 v. 8~.. 5408 Life and Correspondence of Hume. Edinb., I846. 2 v. 8~.. 7128 Lives of Lord Lovat and D. Forbes. Lond., I847. 8~... 6762 Burton, Richard F. City of the Saints. Lond., I86I. 8~. ~ ~ 8417 50 Burton-Butler. Burton, Richard F. Vikram and the Vampire. Lond., I870. 8.. 1923 Burton, Robert. Anatomy of Melancholy. N. Y., I870. 3 v. 8~. 394I The same. Lond., 1826. 2 V. 80.. 3806 [Bury, Lady C.] Diary of Times of Geo. IV. Philad., I838-39. 4 v. I20. 5217 Bush, A. P. Memoirs of Queens of France. Lond., 1843. 2 v. 8~. 5432 Bush, G. Life of Mohammed. N. Y., I84I. I2~.. IIOIO The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I830. 12~... II937 Notes on the 0. T. N. Y., 184I-44. 7 v. I2~. * 9845 CONTENTS.-1, 2, Genesis. 3, 4, Exodus. 5, Leviticus. 6, Joshua. 7, Judges. Bush R. J. Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow-Shoes. N. Y., I871. 8.. 8299 Bushnell, H. Character of Jesus. N. Y., I86. I6~.... 9804 Christ and his Salvation. N. Y., I864. 12~.. 994I Christ in Theology. Hartfd., I85I. I2~..9939 Christian Nurture. N. Y., I86I. 12~.. 9940 God in Christ. Hartf'd., 1849. I2~.. 9935 Moral Uses of Dark Things. (2 copies.) N. Y., I868-69. I2~. 9943 Nature and the Supernatural. 4th ed. (2 copies.) N. Y., I859. 8~. I0023 Oration at Y. C., I865. N. H., I866. 80.. 9280 Sermons on Living Subjects. N. Y., I872. I20.. 9938 for the New Life. (2 copies.) N. Y., I859. I20.. 9936 The Vicarious Sacrifice. N. Y., I866. 8..... 10025 Woman Suffrage. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869. I2~.... 9211 Work and Play. N. Y., I864. I2~.. 9942 Busby, T. Hist. of Music. Lond., I8I9. 2 v. 8~.. 9078 Busk, M. M. Hist. of Spain and Portugal. (2 copies.) Lond., I833. 8~. I6T54 Bussey, G. M., and Gaspey, T. Pictorial Hist. of France. Lond., I843. 2 v. 8...... 5704 Butler, B. P., (of N. Y.) Life and Opinions of. Mackenzie. Bost., 1845. 8~. 7433 Butler, Gen. B. F., in New Orleans. Parton. N. Y., I864. I2~.. 7403 Butler, C. Life of Erasmus. Lond., I825. 8~.. 7686 Fenelon. Philad., I8II. I2~.. 7557 Grotius. Lond., I826. 8.. 7685 Memoir of d'Aguesseau, and Account of Roman and Canon Law. Lond., I830. 8~.. 7682 Reminiscences. Bost., I827. I20. 7046 Butler, Frances K. See F. A. KEMBLE. Butler, Fred'k. Hist. of U. S. Hartf'd., I82I. 3 v. 8~... 5843 Sketches of Universal Hist. Hartfd., I8I9. I2~.... I5924 Butler, James. American Bravery. Carlisle, I8I6. I20.... I605 Butler, Joseph. Analogy of Religion. Ed. Croly. Lond., 1834. I6~. 9490 The same. Ed. Barnes. (2 copies.) N. Y., I833. I2~. ~ 9949 The same. N. Y., I857. I20.. 9951 Sermons. Ed. Cattermole. Lond., I836. I6~.... 9509 Works. Lond., 1834. 8~... 1oo69 Works. Lond., I836. I2~.... 9546 Lectures on the Analogy of. Chalmers. N. Y., I850. 12~.. 9530 Butler, S. Poetical Works, [with Life by Mitford.] Lond., I835. 2 v. I6. IO027 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. 15096 The same. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 18I9. 2 v. 24~. 6 Butler-Cabot. 5 Butler, S. Satires. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24~. 259 and his Works. Ramsay. Lond., 1846. I2~.. 6954 Butler, T. B. The Atmospheric System. Hartf'd., 1870. 12... 89I9 Buxton, T. P. The African Slave Trade. N. Y., 1840. I20~.. 8554 Memoirs of. By his Son. Philad., 1849. I2~.. 6771 Byrn, M. L. Repository of Wit and Humor. Bost., 1859. 12~.. 4319 Byron, Lady A., vindicated. Stowe. Bost., 1870. I2~.... 6988 Byron, Lord G. G. N. Correspondence with Dallas. Philad., I825. 12~. 6944 The Island. N. Y., 1823. I2 ~.. 14811 Lara. N. Y., 1814. I2...14812 Works. Philad., I846. 8.. 1283 The same. Bost., 1852. 80. 1282 The same. Philad., 1824. v. I-5, 7, 8. 240.. 552 CONTENTS. — Childe Harold. 2, Corsair; Lara; Bride of Abydos; Parisina; Beppo; Engl. Bards and Scotch Reviewers; Manfred. 3, Marino Faliero; Mazeppa; Prisoner of Chillon; Prophecy of Dante; Ode to Napoleon; Vision of Judgment; Morgante Maggiore etc. 4, Cain; Sardanapalus; Deformed Transformed; Hebrew Melodies. 5, Two Foscari;'Werner; The Giaour. 7, 8, D5on Juan. The same, with Life, by Lake. Philad., I834. 8 v. 16~. 559 CONTENTS.-1, Life Hours of Idleness; Engl. Bards and Scotch Reviewers. 2, Childe Harold. 3 Giaour; Bride of Abydos; Corsair; Lara; Curse of Minerva; Siege of Corinth; Parisina; irisoner of Chillon; Beppo Mazeppa. 4, Manfred; Marino Faliero; Sardanapalus, 5, Two Foscari Cain; Werner, 6, beformed Transformed- Heaven and Earth * Prophecy of Dante Island; Vision of Judgment; Morgante Maggiore; Hebrew Melodies; etc. 7, Miscellaneous. 7; 8, Don Juan. The same, with Life, by Moore. Lond., 1832-33. v. I-7, 9-15. 16~. 306 CONTENTS.-I-6, Life and Letters, 6, Miscellaneous Prose Pieces. 7, Hours of Idleness; Engl. Bards and Scotch Reviewers; Occasional Pieces. 9, Hints from Horace; Curse of Minerva- The Waltz; The Giaour; Bride of Abydos; The Corsair; Occasional Pieces, 10, Ode to Napoleon; Lara kHebrew Melodies; Siege of Corinth; Domestic and Occasional Pieces' Prisoner of Chillon; Trhe Dream, 11, Manfred; Lament of Tasso; Beppo; Mazeppa Ode on Venice; Morgante Maggiore; Prophecy of Dante; Occasional Pieces. 12, Francesca of iimini; The Blues; Marin& Faliero; Vision of Judgment Occasional Pieces. 13, Heaven and Earth; Sardanapalus; Tht Two Foscari; The Deformed Transformed. 14, Cain; Werner; Age of Bronze; The Island; etc. 15, Testimonies of Authors concerning Don Juan; Byron's Observations; Don Juan, Cantos 1-3. and his Contemporaries. L. Hunt. Lond., I828. 2 v. 8~.. 7187 Beauties of. Philad., i826. 120...I4813 Biography of, with Critical Essay on. Elze. Lond., I872. 8~. 7094 Conversations with. Lady Blessington. Philad., I838. 8~.. 2669 on Religion. Kennedy. Philad., I833. 12~. 6942 Life of. Galt. N. Y., I84I. I2~.. II009 Life, Letters and Journals of. Moore. Lond., 1844. 8~,. 7186 Recollections of. Dallas. Philad., 1I825. 80.... 7190 The same. Guiccioli. N. Y., I869. I2.... 7095 C. Caballero, Fernan. (Pseudonym.) La Gaviota. [de Arrom.] N. Y., 1864. 120.. 2601 Cabinet of Curiosities. Goodrich. Hartf'd., 1822, 2 v. 12~... 16939 Cyclopaedia, The. Lardner. Lond. I71 v. 16~.. 4855 Minister, The. Gore. N. Y., I839. 2 v. 12~... ~ 15391 Portrait Gallery of Brit. Worthies. Lond., I845-46. 8 v. 12~. 6615 of Romantic Tales, The. N. Y., 1836. I20.. 14871 Cabot, S., Life of. Hayward. Bost., 1838. 16~.. 7258 52 Cabul-Cambridge. Cabul, Military Operations at, I841-42. Eyre. Philad., 1843. 8.. 8o5o Residence in, 1836-38. Burnes. Philad., 1843. 80.. 8o5o Cademosto, M. Novel. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., I836. 8.. 1900 Cwsar, C.J. Works, tr. by Duncan. N. Y., 1840. 2 V. 12.. 4513 Abstract of. Trollope. Philad., 187o. 16~. 74 Hist. of. Napoleon III. N. Y., i865-66. 2v. 8... 4779 Cwsars, The [Twelve]. De Quincey. (Selec., v. io). Edinb., 1858. 8~. 3283 Lives of. Rogers. Lond., iSxI. 5 v. 8~. i6ooi Caged Lion, The. Yonge. Lond., 1870. 80.. 2504 Oailliaud, F. Travels in Oasis of Thebes. Lond., 1822. 80.. 8057 Calavar. [Bird.] Philad., 1835. 2 V. 12~..15670 Oalderon de la Barca, F. E. Life in Mexico. Bost., I843. 2 v. 12~. 16905 Calderon de la Barca, P., Life and Genius of; with Specimens. Trench. N.Y., i856. 120....7697 Calderon, the Courtier. A Tale. Bulwer. Philad., I868. I2.. 2036 Caldwell, D., Sketch of. Caruthers. Greensborough, 1842. 8.. 16416 Caldwell, J.S. Results of Reading. Lond., I843. 80.. 4335 Oaldwell, M. Manual of Elocution. 3d ed. Philad., 1846. I2.. 9301 Caledonian Muse. Ritson. Lond., 1785. 160.. 096 Calendar of the Church, Analysis of. Martyndale. Lond. 12.. 4622 Calhoun, J. C. Disquisition on Gov't., etc. Charleston, 1851. 8.. 6171 Life of, to I843. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1843. 80.. 7431 Life of. Jenkins. Auburn. [1850.] 12~.... 7330 California; a book for travellers and settlers. Nordhoff. N. Y., 1873. 8~. I024I in i867-68. Brace. N. Y., 1869. 12.. 8426 Hist. of. Greenhow. Bost., 1845. 8~. 5993 Life in, 1829-45. [Robinson.] N.Y., T846. 12.. i6888 Life in, I849-5o. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., I867. I2.. 828o Resources of. Hittel. S. Francisco, I863. I20.. 8402 Travels in, 1841. Farnham. N. Y., 844. I20... 16887 What I saw in, i846-47. Bryant. N. Y., 1848. I20.. 6889 Caliphs and Sultans. Hanley. N.Y., 1869. 16... I907 Callcott, J. W. Musical Grammar. Bost., I833. 120.. 17117 Callcott, M. Hist. of Spain. (2 copies.) Lond., I828. 2v. I2.. 6401 Calverley, C.S. Fly Leaves, etc. N.Y., I872. 16... 4248 Calvert, G. H. The Gentleman. (2 copies.) Bost., 1863. 80... 9175 Goethe; his Life and Works. Bost., 1872. 16~.. 7837 Scenes and Thoughts in Europe. N. Y., 1846. 120.. ~ ~ 629I The same. Bost., 1863. 2 v. 6.... 8201 Calvert, L., Life of. Burnap. Bost., 1846. 16.... 7268 Calvin, J. Institutes of the Christian Religion, ed. Allen. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8......... 10034 Life of. Beza. Philad., I836. 120...7667 Memoirs of. Waterman. Hartf'd., 1813. 80. 7666 Calvinism, Address on. Froude. N.Y., 187I. 12~... 9961 Cambaceres, J. J. R. de, Evenings with. Langon. Lond., 1837. 2 V. 8~. 56oi Cambridge Univ., England, Conversations at. Lond., 1836. 160. 9II5 Essays. 1855, I857, I858. Lond. 3 v. 8.. 3439 Five Years in. Bristed. N. Y., 1873. 12~..I... 10240 Cambridge-Campbell. 53 Cambridge Univ., Hist. of. Fuller. Lond., 1840. 8~.. 9286 Lectures on. W. Everett. Cambr., 1865. I2~.... 9240 Letters from. Lond., I828. 6~.. 9236 and Oxford Boat Races, I829-69. Macmichael. Cambr., 1870. I6~. 9116 See, also, ENGLISH UNIVERSITIES. Camel Hunt, The. Fabens. Cambr., 1851. I2~..6872 Camilla. D'Arblay. Bost., I797. 3v. I2~.. 2397 Camoens, L. de. The Lusiad. Transl. by Mickle. 3d. ed. Dubl., I79I. 2 v. 8.......... 9II Memoirs of. Adamson. Lond., I820. 2 v. 8~... 7695 Camp, D. N. Amer. Year-Book for I869. Hartf'd., I869. 8~.. 6145 Camp, G. S. Democracy. N. Y., I84I I. I2..... I6I3 Camp, H.W., Biogr. of. Trumbull. Bost., I865. 12... 7280 Camp Meeting, The; a Poem. W. Holmes. Bost., I842. I2~.. I4936 Camp of Refuge, The. [Macfarlane.] Lond., 1844. 2 v. I20... 2380 Campan, J. L. H. G. Memoirs of Marie Antoinette. Philad., 1823. 8~. 5630 Oampaner Thal, The. Richter. Bost., 1864. 8~.. 3056 Camperdown. Philad., I836. I2~...15672 Campbell, A. Voyage round the World. N. Y., I8I9. I2~.'..6301I Campbell, C. Traveller's Guide through Belgium, Holland, and Germany. Lond., 1815. 2... I66Io Campbell, Donald. Narrative of Adventures. N. Y., 1798. I2~.. I6274 Campbell, Duncan, Life of. De Foe. Oxfd., I84I. 12~... 3884 Campbell, Geo. Lectures on Pulpit Eloquence, ed. Park. Andover, 1845. I2.......... 9913 Lectures on Theology and Eloquence. Bost., 1832. 80.. 10038 Philosophy of Rhetoric. Edinb., I8i6. 2 v. 8~.. 17519 Campbell, Geo. J. D., Duke of Argyll. Reign of Law. 5th ed. Lond., i868. 16.. 8839 Campbell, John. Lives of Brit. Admirals, &c. Lond., I817. 8 v. 80. 6878 Campbell, Lord John. Lives of Atrocious Judges, ed. Hildreth. N.Y., 1856. I2~.. 6759 Lives of Chief Justices. Philad., I85I. 2 v. 8~.... 6873 of Lord Chancellors and Keepers. Lond. and Philad., I845-48. v. 1I-7. 80'.... 6866 CONTENTS.-1, to 1547. 2,1547-1645. 3,1642-88. 4, 1688-1737. 5,1737-92. 6, 1792-1807. 7,1801-27. Campbell, John W. Hist. of Va. Philad., I813. 12~.. 6005 Campbell, T. Essay on English Poetry. Bost., I8I9. 12.. 55 Letters from the South. Philad., I836. I2~.. I6470 Life of Petrarch. Philad., I84I. 8~.. 7753 The same. 2d ed. Lond., I843. 2 v. 8~.. 7754 Poetical Works. Philad., 1827. 240.. 962 The same. Philad., I830. 8~.. 944 The same........... 947 The same. N. Y., 1850. 12~.. 963 The same, with Life, by Hill. Bost., I857. I6~. 972 Theodric; and other Poems. N. Y., I825. I20.. 14814 Life and Letters of. Beattie. N. Y., I850. 2 v. 2~.. 7038 Campbell, Wm. British India. Lond., 1839. 80... I6498 8 54 Campbell —Carl. Campbell, Wm. W. Border Warfare of N. Y.; Annals of Tryon Co. N. Y., 1849. 120.. 5726 Can you forgive her? Trollope. N. Y. 8~.. 2289 Canada in I837-38. Theller. Philad., I84I. 2 V. I2~... 5722 in I841. Bonnycastle. Lond., I841. 2 V. 12~.. I677I Backwoods of. [Traill.] Lond., I846. 12.... 8148 Bubbles of. [Haliburton.] Philad., I839. I20.... I6II8 Hist. and Geogr. of. Martin. Lond., I838. I6~.. 7896 Military Operations in, during the late War. Christie. Quebec, 18I8. 12........... 5720 Narrative of Affairs in, I832-38. Head. Lond., I839. 8~. 5856 Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in. Jameson. N. Y.. I839. 2 v. I2~....1. I6773 Yankee in. [I850.] Thoreau. Bost., I866. 8~.. 3555 Lower, Sketches of, in I817. Sansom. N. Y., I8I7. I2. I 16775 Canning, G. Select Speeches. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I835. 8~... 9368 Speeches. With Mem., by Therry. 3d ed. Lond., I836. 6 v. 8~. 9389 Life of. Bell. N. Y., 1846. I6~.. 6695 Memoirs of. Lond., I828. 2 v. 8~.. 6693 Canoe and Saddle, The. Winthrop. Bost., I864. 2~.... 2860 Canon of the Scriptures. Gaussen. Bost. [I862.] 12~.. 9875 Canot, T. 20 Years of an African Slaver. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 8573 Canterbury Tales. H. Lee. N. Y., I857. 2. 12..... I5393 Capacelli. See ALBERGATI. Cape Cod. [I849-55.] Thoreau. Bost., 1865. 80.. 3553 and all along shore: Stories. Nordhoff. N. Y., 1868. 12~.. 295I Cape of Good Hope, Hist. of. Martin. Lond., 1843. I6~.. 7898 Capefigue, J. B. H. R. Diplomatists of Europe. Lond., I845. I6~. 6676 Capital. See POLITICAL Economy; LABOR. Capital Punishment. Cheever. N. Y., I842. I2~..17080 Letters on. Whelpley. Prov., I8I8. 8~.. I7081 Report in favor of Abolition of. O'Sullivan. N.Y., 184I. 80.. 8698 Captain Dangerous, Adventures of. Sala. Bost., I863. 8~.. 2333 Captain Singleton, Life of. DeFoe. Oxf'd., i840. I60.. 3873 Carafas of Maddaloni, The. v. Reumont. Lond., I854. 8~. 403 Careless, J. Letters. Lond. I2~.. 9483 Carew, T. Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I819. 240~. 2 Carey, Henry. Chrononhotonthologos; Contrivances; Honest Yorkshireman. (Brit. Drama, v. 5.) Lond., I804. 8~.. I633 Carey, Henry O. Essay on Rate of Wages. Philad., I835. 12~.. 8641 Principles of Polit. Economy; Part I, Wealth. Philad., I837. 80. 8756 Carey, M. The American Museum, I787-98. Philad. v. I-9, II-I3. 80. I4758 Miscellaneous Essays. Philad., I830. 8~.. 14770 Olive Branch. Ioth ed. Philad., iI88. 8..... 6I4 Answer to. [Anon.] N. Y., I8I6. I2~... I6132 Caricature, Hist of. Wright. Lond., I864. 80... 4315 Hist. of the Georges. Wright. Lond. 8~.. 4281 Carl Werner. Simms. N. Y., I838. 2 v. I2~... 5673 Carleton-Carr. 55 Carleton, W. Traits and Stories of Irish Peasantry. Lond., 1836. 5 v...2017 Carleton, Memoirs of Captain. DeFoe. Oxfd., I840. I6~... 3876 Carleton. [C. C. Coffin.] Our New Way round the World. Bost., I869. 8.......... 8059 Carlos, Don; a Drama. Schiller. Lond., I847. 8... 437 a Tragedy. Otway. (Works, v. I.) Lond., I8I2. 8.. I475 Carlton, R. The New Purchase. N. Y., I843. 2 V. I2~. I.. 5753 Carlyle, A. Autobiography. Bost., i86I. 2~...... 735 Carlyle, T. Chartism. Bost., I840. 12~.. 3366 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Bost., I855. 8~.. 3467 The same. (2 Bost., I838-39. 4 V. I2... 3355 The French Revolution. (2 copies.) N. Y., I856-6o. 2 v. I2~. 5566 The same. Bost., 1838. 2 V. 12.. 5570 German Romance. Bost., I84I. 2 v. 2~... 3I07 Heroes and Hero-Worship. (2 copies.) N. Y., I859-6i. 12~.. 3363 Hist. of Frederick the Great. N. Y., I859-66. 6 v. 12~. 579I The same. v. I, 2, 4-6. 5797 Latter-Day Pamphlets. N. Y., I850. I20.. 3370 Life of Schiller. (2 copies.) Lond., I825. I20.. 7838 The same. Ed. Follen. Bost., I833. 12~.. 7840 of Sterling. Bost., I852. 12~.. 6999 Past and Present. Bost., i843. 12~.. 3365 The same. N. Y., I843. I2.... 2115 The same; and Chartism. N. Y., 1848. 8~.. 3368 The same; and Sartor Resartus. N. Y., I859. I2~.. 3369 Sartor Resartus. N. Y., I844. I20....... 3367 Collected Works. Lond., I869-72. 3I v. 8~.. 4020 (ONTENTS.-l, Sartor Resartus. 2-4, French Revolution. 5, Life of Schiller. 6-11, Miscellaneous Essays. 12 Heroes and Hero-Worship. 13, Past and Present. 14-18, Cromwell's Letters and Speeches. 19, Latter-Day Pamphlets. 20, Life of Sterling. 21-30, Hist. of Frederick the Great. 31, Index. Works. Lond., I87I-72. I8 v. I60.. 3922 CONTENT8.-1, Sartor Resartus. 2-4, French Revolution. 5, Life of Sterling. 6-10, Cromwell's Letters and Speeches. 11, Heroes, etc. 12-18, Essays. Carmichael, A. Memoir of Spurzheim. Bost., I833. I2~. 8532 Carmichael, Mrs. Manners in the W. I. Philad., I833. 8~. ~ ~ I5537 Carmina Collegensia. Waite. Bost. [I868.] 8~... 9091 [Carne, J.] Stratton Hill. N. Y., I829. 2 v. 12.. 15589 Tales of the West. N. Y., I828. 2 v. I20... 56oo Carolinas, Campaign of I78I in the. Lee. Philad., I824. 80... 6ii7 Caroline, Queen, Speeches in Defence of. Brougham. Edinb., I838. 8~. 9337 [Carp. H.] Antidote to Miseries of Human Life. N. H., I8o9. 12~. I5368 Sequel to the above. N. Y., 18Io. 12.. 15639 Ccelebs Deceived. Philad., I817. I2~. 15400 Carpenter, F. B. Six Months at the White House. N. Y., I866. 8~. 7542 Carpenter, S. C. Memoirs of Jefferson. N. Y., I8o9. 2 v. 8~.. 7349 Select American Speeches. Philad., I8I5. 2 v. 80... 9428 Carpenter, W. W. Travels in Mexico. N. Y., I85I. I2. 2~..6908 Carr, J. Caledonian Sketches. Philad., I809. 80...6739 A Northern Summer. Philad., I805. 8....,. 16602 56 COarr-Caucasus. Carr, J. Stranger in France. Hartf'd., I804. I2~.. I6703 Stranger in Ireland. N. Y., I807. 120. I. 6770 Carrel, N. A. Hist. of Counter-Revolution in England. (2 copies.) Lond., I846. 8..338 Carrick, J. D. Life of Wallace. Lond., I840. 80.. 6840 The same. 3d ed. Lond. 8~.. 6841 Cartaphilus, Chronicles of. Hoffman. Lond., 1853. 2 v. 80.. IOO59 Carter, E. Letters to Mrs. Montagu. Lond., I8I7. 3 v. 8~.. 7070 Memoirs of. Pennington. Bost., I809. 8~.. I637I Carter, N. H. Letters from Europe. N. Y., I827. 2 V. 8~.. 6535 Carter, R. A Summer Cruise. Bost., I864. 8~... I6808 Cartwright, W. The Ordinary. (Old Playl, v. IO.) Lond., I826. 8~. I5I7 Caruthers, E. W. Sketch of D. Caldwell. Greensborough, I842. 80. I64I6 Carver, J. (Pseudonym.) Sketches of N. England. N. Y., I842. I2~. I5780 Cary, A. Pictures of Country Life. N. Y., i866. 12~.. 2987 Cary, H. F. Lives of Engl. Poets. Lond., I846. i6~.. 6599 Memoir of. By his Son. Lond., I847. 2 v. I2~.... 7091 Cary, P. Poems and Parodies. Bost., I854. I2..... 813 Casimir Maremma. Helps. Bost., I870. 6~.. 2377 [Cass, L.] France, its King, Court, and Gov't.; and Three Hours at St. Cloud. 2d ed. N. Y., I84I. I2~.. 6700 Castellan, A. L. Letters on Italy. Lond., I820. 8~.. 8053 [Castera, J. H.] Life of Catherine II., transl. by Dakins. Lond., 1799. 2 v. 80...........I6I78 Castilian, The. De Trueba y Cosio. N. Y., 1829. 2 v. I2~.. I5140 Castilian Days. Hay. Bost., I871. 80.. 82Io Castle Dangerous. Scott. Bost., I845. I2~.. I845 of Otranto. Walpole. Philad., I840. I2~.... 2458 Rackrent. Edgeworth. Bost., I824. 80~..1.5336 Richmond. Trollope. N.Y., I86o. I2~..21. 2IO Castlereagh, Lord(R. Stewart), Life of. Alison. Edinb., I86I. 3 v. 8~. 6790 Castles in the Air. Barry Gray. N. Y., I87I. 8.. 2928 Castriot, G. (Scanderbeg), Life of. Moore. N. Y., I850. I20.. 7583 Catacombs of Rome, The. Kip. N. Y., I854. I2~.... 6308 Church in the. Maitland. Lond., I846. 8~.. 6451 Catherine II. of Russia, Life of. [Castera.] Transl. by Dakins. Lond., I799. 2 v. 80...... I6I78 The same. Tooke. Lond., i800oo. 3 v. 8~.. 6439 Memoirs of, by herself. (?) N. Y., I859. I2~.. 6442 Catherine; a Story. Thackeray. Lond., I872. 8... 2199 Catherine's Lovers. Erckmann-Chatrain. Bost., I87I. I6~.. 2360 Catholic Church. See ROMAN Catholic. World. N. Y., I865-72. v. I-II, I3-5. 8.... I4272 Catlin, G. Letters and Notes on the N. A. Indians. 3d ed. N. Y., I84r4. 2 v. 80.. 5948 Notes in Europe. Lond., 1848. 2 v. 8~... 8304 Cattermole, R. The Great Civil War. Lond., I857. 8~. Caucasus, Letters from the, I8II-I2. Lond., I823. 8~.... I65I9 Tour to the, I847-48. Ditson. N. Y., I85o. I20.... I6489 Caucasus-Cervantes-Saavedra. 57 Caucasus, Travels in, I837. Wilbraham. Lond., I839. 8~.. 8039 Western, Travels in the, I836. Spencer. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~. 8044 See, also, CIRCASSIA. Caudle, Mrs. Curtain Lectures. [Jerrold.] N. Y., I867. I2~.. 4253 Caulaincourt, A. A. L. de. Napoleon and his Times. Philad., 1838. 2 V. I2~. 5503 Recollections. Lond., 1838. 2 V. I2.. 5501 Caulkins, P. M. Hist. of Norwich. N., 1845. I2~..... 6II3 Cause and Effect, Relation of. T. Brown. Andover, 1822. 8~... 8728 Caustic, Christopher. (Pseudonym.j See T. G. FESSENDEN. Cave, W. Lives of the Apostles, etc. Ed. Stebbing. Lond., I834. 2 V. 160.. 9485 The same. Ed. Cary. Oxfd., I840. 8~... IOOO9 of the Fathers. Ed. Cary. Oxfd., I840. 3 v. 8~. 9970 Primitive Christianity. Ed. Trollope. Lond., I834-35. 2 v. 160. 9494 Cavendish, G. Life of Wolsey. Ed. Singer. Lond., 1827. 80.. 6813 Cavendish, T., Life of. N. Y. I840. 12~..... II032 Cavour, C. B. di, Reminiscences of. De la Rive. Lond., I862. 80.. 7788 Cawthorne, J. Select Poems. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I819. 24~. I8 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8~. 15 IIO Caxton, W., Biogr. of. Knight. Lond., I844. I2~.. 6914 Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., I833. 8~... 6751 Caxtons, The. Bulwer. N. Y., I86o. 2~.... 2133 Cazin, A. Phenomena and Laws of Heat. N. Y., I869. I2~... IOIII Cecil, R. (Earl of Salisbury), Life of. Courtenay. Lond., 1I838. I6~. 5763 Cecil, W. (Lord Burghley), Life of. Lond., 183I. 16.. 5759 Cecil Dreeme. Winthrop. Bost., i86I. I2~.. 2856 Cecilia. D'Arblay. Bost., I803. 3 v. 12~..... 2400 Celestial Scenery. Dick. N. Y., 184I. 12..... II408 Cellini,B., Lifeof. Byhimself. Tr. byNugent. Philad., I812. 2v. 12~. 7876 The same. Lond., I828. 2 v. I20.. 6654 The same. Tr. by Roscoe. (Bohn's ed.) (2 copies.) Lond., 1847-50. 8~.... 427 Celnart, E. FP. Book of Politeness. Bost., I833. 12~. 17051 Celt Roman, and Saxon, Hist. of. Wright. Lond., I86I. 80.. 5272 Celtic Antiquities. Pezron. Lond., 80og. I6...... I593I Religion and Learning, Hist. of. Toland. Lond. [I814.] 8~.. I6073 Celuta. Chateaubriand. Lond., 1832. 3 v. I6.. 2387 Centlivre, S. Bold Stroke for a Wife; The Wonder. (Brit. Drama, v. 2, pt. 2.) Lond., I804. 8.. I632 Bold Stroke for a Wife; Busy Body; Wonder. (Brit. Theatre, v. I8.) Lond. I2.. 1342 Busy Body. (Brit. Drama, v. 2, pt. I.) Lond., I804. 8~...631 Central America. See AMERICA. Cerceau, J. A. Du. Life of Rienzi. Philad., I836. I2~.... 7750 Cervantes-Saavedra, M. de. Don Quixote. N. Y., 1855. I2~.. i624 The same, transl. by Jarvis. Lond., I837-39. 3 v. 8~.. I6I9 The same. Philad., 1852. 2 V. 8...... 622 The same, ed. by Clark, illust. by Dord. Lond. 4~. 58 fCeylon — hamisso. Ceylon, Eight Years' Wanderings in, I845-52. Baker. Philad., 1869. 12~.......7909 Hist. etc., of. Martin. Lond., 1837. I6~.. 7905 Travels in. Haafner. Lond., I82I. 8.. 8055 Chadbourne, P. A. Instinct. N. Y., I872. 12... 8946 Chadwick, W. Life of DeFoe. Lond., I859. 80. 7082 Chainbearer, The. Cooper. N. Y., I856. 120.. 2822 Chairolas. Bulwer. Philad., I836. 12... 2149 Chaldea, Researches in. Ainsworth. Lond., I838. 8~.. 8048 Chaldaean Monarchy, The. Rawlinson. N. Y., 187I. 8~... 4063 Chalmers, T. Adaptation of Nature to Man. Philad., I836. 8~.. I6982 Astronomical Discourses. 3d ed. Glasg., I817. 8~.. I6972 Lectures on Romans. N. Y., 1843. 8~. 010oo Miscellanies. N,. Y., I843. 80.. 3427 Political Economy. N. Y., 1832. I20.. 8543 Posthumous Works. N. Y., I848-50. 9 V. I2~.. 9522 CONTENTS. —1-3, Daily Scripture Readings. 4 5, Sabbath Scripture Readings. 6, Sermons. 7, 8 Institutes of Theology. 9 Lectures on Butler's Analogy and Paley's Evidences; Notes on Hill's Lectures in Divinity; Xddresses at New College, Edinburgh. Select Correspondence. N. Y., I855. 12~.. 7602 Sermons. N. Y., 1848. 2 v. 80. 1.7507 Works. Philad., 1833. 8~..... 9632 The same. Bridgeport, I829. 3 v. 8~.. 9633 Works. N. Y., 1840-41. 6 v. 12.. 9516 CONTENTS.-1, 2, Natural Theology. 3, 4, Evidences of the Christian Revelation. 5, Moral and Mental Philosophy. 6, Commercial Discourses. Memoir of. Wayland. Bost., I864. I6~... 7566 Chambers, R. Biogr. Dict. of Eminent Scotsmen. Glasg., I835. 4 v. 80............6862 Book of Days. Edinb., I863-64. 2 v. 8~... 4437 Cyclopadia of English Literature. Edinb., I844. 2 v. 8~.. 222 The same. Bost., 1847. 2v. 8..224 Hist. of Rebellions in Scotland, I638-60. Edinb., I828. 2 v. 12~. 4493 The same, I689 and I7I5. Edinb., 1I829. 12~. ~ ~ 4504 The same, I745-46. Edinb., 1827. 2v. I2~... 4477 The same. 7th ed. Edinb., I869. 8~.. 5278 Popular Rhymes of Scotland. Edinb., I870. 8. 10... o95 Scottish Ballads. Edinb., I829. I20...... 955 Songs. Edinb., 1829. 2 v. I2~.. 956 Traditions of Edinburgh. Edinb., I869. 8... 5154 Popular Rhymes of Scotland. Edinb., I870. 8~... Iog5 Memoir of, with Autobiogr. W. Chambers. N. Y., 1872. 8~. 7099 Chambers, W. and R. Exemplary Biography. Edinb., I836. I6~.. 6680 Miscellany. Bost. Iov. 12~.. 9156 Papers for the People. Philad., I85I. 6 v. 8~.. 3665 Pocket Miscellany. Bost., I852. v. I. 12~.. 9166 Chamier, F. Ben Brace. Philad., I836. 2 v. 12.. 15379 Jack Adams. Philad., I839. 2 V. 12.. 15466 Walsingham. Philad., I838. 2 v. in I.. I2. I5630 Chamisso, A. v. Peter Schlemihl's Wundersame Geschichte. Hamb. I2~. 9615 Champion-Charles. 59 Champion, The. [Fielding, etc.] 2d ed. London, I743. 2 V. 122. I. 3035 Champions of Freedom. Woodworth. N. Y., 18i6. I2~... I5675 Chandler, P. W. American Criminal Trials. Bost., I844. V. 2. I20. 9226 Channing, E. T. Lectures [on Rhetoric and Oratory.] Bost., I856. I20. 9306 Life of W. Ellerr. (Sparks, v. 6.) Bost., I836. I6~.. 7255 Channing, Rev. W. E. The Perfect Life. Bost., I873. 2~.. 10264 Slavery. (2 copies.) Bost., I835. 16...... 8550 Works. Bost., I841. 6 V. I2~.. 9568 CONTENTS.-1, Remarks on Milton * on Napoleon; on Fenelon Moral Argument against Calvinism; National Literature; Associations; The Union; Education. 2, Slavery, etc.; Annexation of Texas; Catholicism; Creeds; Temperance; Self-Culture. 3, 4, Discourses. 5, Remarks on the Slavery Question; Lecture on War; Lectures on the Elevation of Laborers; Discourse on Dr. Follen; Ordination Charges: Miscellanies. 6, Emancipation; Discourse on Dr. Tuckerman; The Present Age; The Church; Duty of the Free States; Address at Lenox. The same. v. I-5........ 9574 Memoir of. W. H. Channing. 2d ed. Bost., I848. 3 v. 12~. 7607 Channing, W. E. Poems. Bost., I843. I6..721 Channing, W. H. Memoir of J. H. Perkins. Bost., I85I. 120.. 3637 Chaplet of Pearls. Yonge. N. Y., I869. 8~.. 2665 Chapman, G. All Fools; Eastward Hoe. (Old Plays, v. 4.) Lond., I825. 80........... I5II Widow's Tears. (Old Plays, v. 6.) Lond., 1825. 8. I5. 1513 Chapman, N. Select Speeches. Philad., I8o8. 5 v. 8~... 9418 Chapone, H. Letters on Improvement of the Mind. Bost., I834. I2~. 9182 Chapsal, C. P. Le9ons et modgles de litterature frangaise. N. Y., i845. 12.......... 9620 Character. Smiles. N. Y., I872. I2.. 3703 and Characteristic Men. Whipple. Bost., I866. I2.. 3544 Human, Book of. Bucke. Lond., I837. 2 v. 6~...'4329 National, Essay on. Chenevix. Lond., 1832. 2 v. 8~... 8670 Charcoal Sketches. Neal. Philad., 1838. 12~.. 2868 Chardin, J. Travels. (Mavor, v. II.) Lond., I797. 120... I3854 Charicles; Private Life of the Greeks. Becker. Lond., I845. I2~. 4326 Charity, The Romance of. De Liefde. Lond., I867. 80.. 8542 Charke, C., Life of. By herself. Lond., I829. I2~... 6645 Charlemagne, Hist. of. James. N. Y., I84I. I2... II280 Legends of. Bulfinch. Bost., I864. 20.. 1911. Charles I. of England. Eikon Basilike [by Gauden]. Lond., I824. I20. 4906 a Tragedy. Mitford. Philad. 8~.. 2675 Life of. Harris. Lond., I8I4. 8~.. 5305 Memoirs of Court of. Aikin. Philad., I833. 2 v. 8~.. 5302 The same. Jesse. Philad., I840. I2~. 5212 Charles II, Preservation of; also, Letters. By himself. Lond., I766. 8~. 5151 Beauties of Court of. Jameson. Philad., I834. 8~. ~. 6907 Life of. Harris. Lound., I814. 2 v. 8.. 5306 Memoirs of Court of. Jesse. Philad., I840. 2 v. 120.. 5213 Personal Hist. of. [Bohn.] Lond., i846. 8~.. 4836 Charles V. of Germany. Autobiography. (I5I6-48.) Lond., I862. 8~. 6408 Cloister Life of. Stirling. Lound., I853. 8..... 6409 Hist. of Reign of. Robertson, ed. Prescott. Phil., I872. 3 v. 80. 10335 Charles XII. of Sweden, Hist. of. Voltaire. Otsego, I8II. 12~.. 5818 6o Charles —Chaucer. Charles XIV., Memoirs of. Philippart. Balt., I815. 80... I6I72 Charles the Bold (of Burgundy), Hist. of. Kirk. Philad., I864. 2 V. 8~. 5653 [Charles, E.] On both Sides of the Sea. N. Y., i868. I2~... 2469 Chronicles of Sch6nberg-Cotta Family. Lond., I868. 8.. 2463 The same. N. Y., I864. I2~.. 2464 The same. N. Y., I865. I6~.. 2424 Diary of Kitty Trevelyan. Lond., I866. 8~.. 2465 The same. N. Y., I864. 8~.. 2466 The Draytons and Davenants. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866. I2~.. 2467 The Early DaWvn; Christian Life in England in the Olden Time. N. Y., 1864. I2~.. 2472 Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord. N. Y., I865. I2~.. 9842 Winifred Bertram. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866. 12~.. 2470 Charles Auchester. [Sheppard.] N. Y., I862. 8~.. 2666 Charles Elwood. Brownson. Bost., I840. I6.. I5676 Charles Lever; a Tale. Gresley. N.Y., I1843. I2~. 15395 Charles O'Malley. Lever. Dubl., I84I. 80.. 2318 Charmed Sea, The. Martineau. Bost., I833. I2~.... I4620 Charnock, J. Naval Biography. Lond., I794-98. 6 v. 8~.. 6897 Chartism. Carlyle. Lond., I869. 8..... 4029 Chase, L. B. Hist. of the Polk Administration. N. Y., I850. 80.. 6272 Chase, M. M., Life and Writings of. Bost., I855. 12~.... 14980 Chase, T. Hellas. Cambr., I863. I6~.. 8208 Chasles, V. E. P. Anglo-Amer. Literature and Manners. N. Y., I852.I....... I24 Chastity, Lecture on. Graham. Bost., I847. I2~.. I7024 Chateaubriand, F. A. de. Atala. Lond., 1825. 24~... 2346 Celuta; or, the Natchez. 2d ed. Lond., 1832. 3 v. I6~.. 2387 Congress of Verona. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8.. 4656 Tho Martyrs. N. Y., I812. 3 v. I20.. I5I33 Recollections of Italy, England, America, etc. Philad., I8I6. 80. 16286 Sketches of English Literature. Lond., I837. 2 v. 8~... 226 Travels in America and Italy. Lond., I828. 2 v. 80...6898 in Greece, Palestine, Egypt, etc. Philad., I8i6. 8~.. 16724 Chateauvieux de Lullin, J. P. Travels in Italy. Lond., I8I9. 80.. 805I Chatfield, C. Teutonic Antiquities. Lond., I828. 80... 4675 Chatham, Earl of. See W. PITT. Chatham and Mary Kay. Martineau. Hartfd., I845. I2~... 14624 Chatterton, T. Poetical Works, with Life and select Prose Works. (2 copies.) Cambr., I842. 2 v. 6~... 66I Poetical Works, ed. Skeat and Bell. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8. 665 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 24~.. ~ ~ 23 Works, with Life by Gregory. Lond., I803. 3 v. 8~. I244 Biogr. of. Wilson. Lond., I869. 8~.. 6998 Life of. Davis. Lond. I6~.... 6939 The same. Dix. Lond., I85I. I6~.. 6956 Chaucer, G. Canterbury Tales, ed. T. Wright. Lond. 8~... 1261 Canterbury Tales, Selections from. Ed. Saunders. Lond., I845. v.I. 240...... 95I Chaucer —Chil& 6I Chaucer, G. Legende of GoodeWomen, ed. Corson. Philad., I864. 12~. Io23 Poems, modernized. Lond., I84I. I6~. o6. I6 Poetical Works.' Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. I4 v. in 7. (v. I, 6, wanting.) 24..246 The same, with Tyrwhitt's Essay, etc. Lond., I847. 8~. 1260 The same, with Life by H. Nicolas. Lond., I845. 6 v. I6~. I017 CONTENTS. — Memoir; Essay on Language and Versification of Chaucer by T rwhitt; Introd. to Canterbury Tales. 2, 8, Canterbury Tales. 4, Romaunt of the Rose; Troilus and Creseide. 5, The Last Concluded; Legend of Good Women, Goodly Ballade; Booke of the Dutchesse; Assembly of Foules. 6, Miscellaneous. The Prologue, the Knightes Tale, the Nonne Prestes Tale. Ed. Morris. 2d ed. Oxf'd., I869. I6.... IoI5 Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~.. I Chapters on. Hippisley. Lond., I837. 120... I63 The same. Morley. (v. 2, pt. I.) Lond., i867. 80... I6o Pictures of English Life from. Saunders. Lond., 1845. 24~. 44 Chaucer's England. M. Browne. Lond., I869. 2 v. 6~.. 215 Cheetham, J. Life of T. Paine. Lound., 18I7. 8~.. 7419 Cheever, G. B. Amer. Common-Place Book of Prose. Bost., 1832. I20. 4347 Bible in our Schools. N. Y., 1854. 12... 9146 Lectures on Pilgrim's Progress. 3d ed. N. Y., 1845. 8~.. 10027 The Pilgrim in Shadow of Mont Blanc. N. Y., I846. 12~.. I6554 Punishment by Death. N. Y., I842. 120....I7080 The same. N. Y., I849. 12...17079 Studies in Poetry. Bost., 1830. I2~.. 293 Cheever, H. T. Life in the Sandwich Islands. N. Y., 1851. 12~.. 8329 Chelsea Hospital, and its Traditions. [Gleig.] Lond., I838. 3 v. I2~. I6067 Chemical Manufactures of Grt. Brit. Dodd. Lond., 1844. I6~.. 8787 Chemistry of Common Life. Johnston. N. Y., I863. 2 v. I2~.. 8948 and Digestion. Prout. Philad., I836. 8~.....6988 Treatise on. Donovan. Lond., I837. 6~..... 604I Chenevix, R. Essay on National Character, Lond., I832. 2 v. 8~. 8670 Chenier, L. S. de. State of Morocco. Lond., I788. 2 v. 8~... 6532 Cherbuliez, V. Joseph Noirel's Revenge. (2 copies.) N. Y., I872. I20. 2392 Cherry, A. Soldier's Daughter. (Oxberry's Plays, v. 4.) Bost., I822. 24.......... 348 Chess-Games, Morphy's. N. Y., i86o. I2~.. I0175 Player's Companion. Staunton. Lond., I849. 8~.... IO173 Chester, J. L. Greenwood Cemetery and other Poems. N. Y., 1843. I20. 1498I Chesterfield, Earl of. See P. D. STANHOPE. Chevalier, M. Society, etc., in the U. S. Bost., I839. 8... 6I9I Cheveley. Lady Bulwer-Lytton. N. Y., I839. 2 v. I2~.. i5396 Chicago and the Great Conflagration. Colbert and Chamberlin. Cincinn., I872. I2~... 6092 Chief Justices of England, Lives of. Campbell. Philad., I85I. 2 v. 8~. 6873 U. S., Lives of. Flanders. Philad., I855 80.. 7473 Child, F'. J. English and Scottish Ballads. Bost., I857-59. 8 v. I6~. Io38 Child, L. M. Autumnal Leaves. N. Y., I857. I20..... 566 Biogr. of Mme. de Stael and of Lady Russell. Edinb., 1836. I6~. 6633 Hist. of Condition of Women. Bost., I835. 2 v. 12~... 9193 9 62 Child-Chivalry. Child L.M. Hobomok. Bost., I824. I20..I5717 I. T. Hopper; a true Life. Bost., 1854. 12..... 76Io Letters from N. Y. N. Y., I844-45. 27V. 2 12. I. 685I Memoirs of Mme. de Stal, and of Mme. Roland. N. Y., I854. I6~. 7659 The Oasis. Bost., I834. I2~.. 8466 Philothea. Bost., I836. I2...15762 The Rebels. Bost., I825. I2~...I5765 A Romance of the Republic. Bost., 1867. I2~.. 3013 Chili, Journal on Coast of, 1820-22. Hall. Lond., 1840. 8~... 8I Tour among the Araucanians of. E. R. Smith. N. Y., I855. I2~. I713I Travels in, I8I9-25. Miers. Lond., I826. 2 v. 8.. 8463 Chinaand the Chinese. Nevius. N. Y. I869. I2... 7948 and the English. N. Y., I835. I2~...... I6476 Commercial Intercourse with. Lond., I842. 12~... 7866 Elgin's Mission to, I857-59. Oliphant. Edinb., I859. 2 v. 8~. 8006 Embassy to, I792. Staunton. Dubl., I798. 2v. 8~.. I6474 Hist., etc., of. Gutzlaff. N.Y., I834. 2 V. I20... 6475 Journal in, I829-33. Abeel. N.Y., I834. I20.. I6477 Journal of Embassy to, I816-I7. Ellis. Lond., I840. 8~.. 8IoI The last year [I841-42] in. Philad., I843. 8~... 8050 Memoirsof Residence in, I706-I9. Ripa. N. Y., I846. 12~.. 8365 The Middle Kingdom; A Survey of. Williams. N. Y., I849. 2V. I25...647I Narrative of Embassy to, I792-94. Anderson. N. Y., I795. I20. I6480 Sketches of. Wood. Philad., I830. 120... I6479 State and Prospects of. Medhurst. Lond., 1838. 8~.. 8004 Travels in, I803. Barrow. Philad., I8o5. 80.... 6520 The same, I844-46. Huc. Lond., I856. 8~... 7945 Visit to, I853. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., I855. 12~.... 8283 Visit to Consular Cities of, I844-46. G. Smith. N. Y., I847. I20. 7944 Voyage to, I8I6. Hall. Lond., I840. 80.... 8Ioi Voyages along Coast of, 1831-32. Gutzlaff. N. Y., I833. I20. I6478 North, Journeys in, I865-69. Williamson. Lond., I870. 2 v. 8~. 7950 Chinese as they are, The. Lay. Lond., I84I. 8~.. 8005 Description of the. Davis. Lond., I844. 4 v. 12.. 8154 Dissertations on the. De Pauw. Lond., I795. 2 V. 8~... I6169 Social Life of the. Doolittle. N. Y., I865. 2 v. I2~.. 7942 Empire, Journey through the, I846-52. Huc. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. I2~. 7946 View of the. Winterbotham. Lond., I795. 8~.. I6473 Expedition, Six Months with the, I840. Jocelyn. Lond., I84I. I6~. 7941 Chittenden, L. E. Debates, etc., of Conference Convention in I86I. N.Y., I864. 80. 6250 Chivalry, Age of. Bulfinch. Bost., i86I. I2~.... i910 Hist. of. James. N. Y., I840. I2~... IIO22 The same. Mills. Philad., I825. 80.. 4737 Letters on. [Hurd.] Lond., I762. 8.. I15932 True Sense and Practice of. Digby. Lond., I844. I2~... 4620 Ancient, Memoirs of. La Curne de Ste. Palaye. Lond., I784. 8~. 4619 See, also, KNIGHTS. Choat —Christianity. 63 Choate, R. Works, with Memoir. (2 copies.) Bost., I862. 2 v. 80. 9668 Life of. Brown. 2d ed. Bost., I870. 2~..... 7333 Chorley, H. F. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans. N. Y., I836. 2 v. in I. I2~. I6379 Sketches of a Sea-Port Town. Philad., I836. 2 V. 12~... I5584 Choules, J. 0. and T. Smith. Hist. of Missions. Bost., I837. 2 v. 4~. 6596 Chris and Otho. J. P. Smith. N. Y., I870. 12~... I5677 Christ of the Gospels, The. Schaff and Roussel. N. Y., I869. i6~. 9896 of History, The. Young. N. Y., I86. I2~.. 9899 the Life and Light of Men. Young. Lond.. I866. 8~.. 9900 and his Salvation. Bushnell. N. Y., I864. I2~.. 994I in Theology. Bushnell. Hartf'd., I85I. I2.... 9939 God in. Bushnell. Hartf'd., I849. I2~.. 9935 Imitation of. Thomas A, Kempis. Bost., I86r. I2~.. 9947 Kingdom of, delineated. Whately. N. Y., I842. I2~.. 9953 Testimony of, to Christianity. Bayne. Bost., I862. 8~.. 9901 Vicarious Sacrifice of. Bushnell. N. Y., I866. 8~... 0025 Witness of History to. Farrar. Lond., I87I. 8.... 9906 See, also, JESUS. Christian, The Young. Abbott. N. Y., I834. I2~.. 9993 Ballads. [Coxe.] N. Y., I840. I2~.. 802 Character, Formation of. Ware. Cambr., I831. I2~.. 9808 Church. See ECCLESIASTICAL History. Denominations, Book of the. Lond., I837. I6~.. 6352 Doctrine and Practice in 2d Century. Philad., I846. I2~.. 8497 Treatise on. Milton. (Works, v.4,5.) Lond., I868-70. 2 v. 80. 457 Life, The. Bayne. Bost., I86o. I2~.. 9975 in Early and Middle Ages. Neander. Lond., I852. 8~. 487 Endeavors after the. Martineau. Bost., 1858. I2~.. 9974 Nurture. Bushnell. N. Y., I86I. I2.. 9940 Philosophy. Knox. Lond., I835. I6~.. 9501 Professor, The. James. N. Y., I838. I2~..7349 Religion, Evidences, Doctrines, and Duties of. Gregory. Lond., I851. 8........... 486 Institutes of the. Calvin. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~.. 10034 Truth of the. Grotius. Lond., I825. I20... 98Io Sects in I9th Century. Philad., I846. I2..... 8498 Spectator, Monthly. N. H., I819-28. 10 V. 80.... I2940 Quarterly. (2 copies.) N. H., I829-38. IO v. 80.. 12950 Christianity and Positivism. M'Cosh. N. Y., I87I. I2~.... 9999 and Scepticism. Boston Lectures, I870. Bost. I2~.. 9996 Ancient, and the Oxford Tracts. Taylor. Philad., I840. I2~. 954I Apology for. Watson. N.Y., I835. 80.. I7269 Evidences of. Barnes. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 9998 The same. Chalmers. N. Y., I840-4I. 2 v. 12~. ~ 9518 The same. Gurney. Bost., I833. I2~.... 17292 The same. Paley. Philad., I83I. 8~.. 963I The same, abridged by Wrangham. Edinb., I828. I20.. 4488 Latin, Hist. of, to I854. Milman. N. Y., I86o-6I. 8 v. 8~.. 6391 64 Christianity-Churches. Christianity, Meditations on Essence of. Guizot. N. Y., I865. I2~. 9982 Origins of. Renan. N. Y., 866-69. 3 v. 12~.. 9893 COmNTNTS.-1, Life of Jesus. 2, The Apostles. 8, St. Paul. Primitive. Cave. Lond., I834-35 2 V. 62..9494 Reasonableness of. Locke. (Works, v. 7.) Lond., I8oI. 8~.. 9596 Spiritual. I. Taylor. N. Y., I841. I2~.. 9542 Supernatural Origin of. Fisher. N. Y., I866. 8~.... Ioo26 Women of. Kavanagh. N. Y., i852. I2..... 7568 See, also, ECCLESIASTICAL History. Christian's Defensive Dictionary. Sleigh. Philad., I837. 12~... I7304 Christian's Mistake. A Novel. Craik. N. Y., I866. I2~. 2486 Christian, Eminent, Lives of. Frost. Hartfd., I850. 8~.. i64oo Professing, Lectures to. Finney. N. Y., I837. 120. *. 17352 Christie, R. Military Operations in the Canadas. Quebec, I8IS. I2~. 5720 Christie, W. D. Life of Earl of Shaftesbury. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 80. 6624 Christie Johnstone. Reade. Bost., 1871. I6~... 2094 Christmas, Book of. Hervey. N. Y., I845. 2~..3899 Stories. Dickens. N. Y., 1871. I6.... 2174 Christopher Kenrick. Hatton. N. Y., I869. 12~.. 2432 Christus. Longfellow. Bost., I872. 3 V. I2.. 715 Chronicles of the Canongate. Scott. Bost., 1834-45. 4 v. in 2. 12~. 1833 Clovernook. Jerrold. Lond., I846. I6~.... 4251 Sch6nberg-Cotta Family. Charles. Lond., I868. 8~. 2463 Chronology of History, The. Nicolas. Lond., I838. 6.. ~4855 Haydn's Dict. of, with Amer. Supplement. N. Y., I867. 8~.. 4066 The World's Progress of. Putnam. N. Y., I85I. 12~.. 4605 Chrysostom, Life of. Neander. Lond., I845. 8~.. 7700 Chubbuck, BE. See Mrs. E. C. JUDSON. Chunder, B. Travels of a Hindoo. Lond., I869. 2 v. 8~... 8oI8 Church, P. Philosophy of Benevolence. N. Y., I836. 12~.. 17356 Church, T. Hist. of the Indian War, I675-76, and of French and Indian Wars, I689-1704. Ed. Drake. Hartf'd. [I845.] 8~. 5957 The same. Exeter, I834. 12~.. 5748 Church, Antiquities of the. Coleman. Andover, 184I. 8~... IooI4 in the Catacombs, The. Maitland. Lond., I846. 8.. 6451 Doctrine, Bible Truth. Sadler. N. Y., I869. I2... 9821 Government, Reason of. Milton. Lond., I848. 8~. 455 History. See ECCLESIASTICAL History. Music, Our. Willis. N. Y., I856. 12~.. 8866 and State'. Coleridge. (Works, 6.) N. Y., I87I. 12~.. 4018 The same. Gladstone. Lond., 184I. 2 v. 8.. 8693 Early English. Churton. N. Y., I852. I60.. 63II Eastern, Hist. of [to i86o]. Stanley. N. Y., I870. 8~.. 6418 of England, Essays on. Stanley. Lond., I870. 8~... 3436 Jewish. See JEWISH. Lectures on the. Hyacinthe. N. Y., I870. I2~... 9984 Churches, Lectures on Reunion of. D611inger. N. Y., I872. I20.. Io266 Our Seven. Beecher. N. Y., I870. 6~. 9833 See, also, CHRISTIANITY. Churchill-Clara. 65 Churchill, C. Poems. Lond., I763. 4~.. 15o86 The same. 3d ed. Lond., I766. 2 v. 80.... I242 The same. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 3 v. in 2. 24~.. 540 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.... 5I02 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1I822. 240.... 21 Churchill, J. (Duke of Marlborough,) Life of. Gleig. Lond., I831-32. 2 V. I60. 577I Memoirs of. Coxe. Lond., I847-48. 3 v. 8~.. 369 Churchill, S. (Duchess of Marlborough.) Correspondence, etc. 2d ed. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8.. 7164 Churchyards, Chapters on. C. Southey. N. Y., I842. I20.. 3746 Churton, E. The Early English Church. N. Y., 1842. I6~.. 6311 Cibber, C. Dramatic Works. Lond., I777. 5 v 120. I2~. 1.. 454 She Would and She Would Not; Love makes a Man; Careless Husband. (Brit. Theatre, v. 17.) Lond. 12~. I341 Apology for Life of. By himself. Lond., I750. 8~.. 7991 The same. Lond., I826. I2~.. 6639 Cicero, M. T. Letters to Friends, transl. by Melmoth. Dubl., I753. 3 V. 12.. ~ I3995 The same. Lond., I803. v. 2, 3. 8~.. I5859 Orations, Offices, Cato, and Lmlius, translated. N. Y., I84o-45. 3 v. 12~...45I5 Tusculan Questions, transl. by Otis. Bost., 1839. 12~. 4623 Works, translated. Lond., I8o4-o8. ii v. 8~.. 4624 COTrEzNTs. —14, Letters. 4-6, Epistles to Atticus. 7, 8, Orations. 9, 10, De Oratore. 11, De Senectute and De Amicitia. Life of. Forsyth. N. Y., I866. 2 v. 80.. 7744 The same. Middleton. Lond., I837. 8~.... 7743 Cid, Chronicle of the. Ed. Southey. (2 copies.) Lowell, I846. 8~.. I676 Romance of the, Analysis of. N. Y., 1842. 8~.... 913 Translations from. Dennis. Lond., I845. 24~.... 284 Cinq-Mars; an Historical Romance. De Vigny. Lond., I847. 8~.. 472 Circassia, Residence in, I837-39. Bell. Lond., I840. 2 v. 8~.. 8040 Tour to, I847-48. Ditson. N. Y., I85o. I2.... 6489 Travels in, I836. Spencer. Lond., I839. 2 v. 8~.... 8042 See, also, CAUCASUS. Circumnavigation of the Globe, Hist. of. N. Y., 1840. I2~... II407 See, also, VOYAGES. Cities and Principal Towns of the World, The. Lond., I830. v. I. 6~. 5789 CONTENTS.-Grt. Britain; Netherlands; France; Spain. Moral Influence of. Todd. Northampton, 184I. I2~.. 17290 Ancient, Ruins of. Bucke. N. Y., I84I. 2 v. I2~... II6o9 City of the Saints, The. Burton. Lond., I86I. 8~.. 8417 Civil Liberty and Self-Government. Lieber. Philad., I859. 80.. 8686 Civilization, Hist. of. Guizot. Lond., 1846. 3 v. 8~.... 326 Origin of. Lubbock. N. Y., I870. I2~.. 4073 in England, Hist. of. Buckle. N. Y., I859-66. 2 v. 80. 5065 Clara; or, Slave Life in Europe. Hacklinder. N. Y., I856. 120.. 15130 Clara Howard. C. B. Brown. Bost., I827. I2~..... 15301 66 Clarence- Clemens. Clarence. Sedgwick. Lond., I830. 3 v. I2..... 15310 Clarendon, Lord. See E. HYDE. Clarissa Harlowe. Richardson. Lond., i8II. 8 v. I60.... 193I Clark, John A. Glimpses of the Old World. Philad., 1840. 2 V. I2~. I6576 Clark, L. G. Knick-knacks. (2 copies.) N. Y., I853. 12~.. 4299 Clark, N. G. Elements of the English Language. N. Y., I863. I6~. 63 Clark, R. W. The Bible and the School Fund. (2 copies.) Bost., I870. I6........... 9147 Clark, V. Rhyming Geography. Hartf'd., 1819. I2~.. I4982 Clark, W. G. Literary Remains. N.Y., I844. 8~.. 3660 The same. 15079 Clarke, Adam. Commentary on the Bible. N. Y., I840. v. I, 3-5. 80. 17325 Life of. N. Y., I833. I2~......... I6338 Clarke, A. B. Travels in Mexico and California. Bost., I852. I20. I6896 [Clarke, C.] Three Courses and a Dessert. (2 copies.) Lond., 185o-67. 8.......... 523 Clarke, Chas. C. Wonders of the World. N. H., I821. I20... I694I Clarke, E. A. Tales and Sketches. Lond., I838. 8~.... I5348 Clarke, EdwardD. Travels. Lond., I816-24. II v. 8~... 8020 CONTENTS.-1, 2, Russia, Tahtary, Turkey. 3-8, Greece, Egypt, Holy Land. 9-11, Scandinavia. Life and Remains of. Otter. N. Y., I827. 80.. 7I51 Clarke, F. J., and Dunlap, W. Life of Wellington. N. Y., I814. 80. I6353 Clarke, James F. Eleven Weeks in Europe. Bost., I852. I2~. 16579 Ten Great Religions. Bost.,-I87I. 8~...10265 Clarke, John. Letters to a Student. Bost., I796. I2~.. I7023 Clarke, M. C. Concordance to Shakspere. N. Y., I846. 8~... I657 The same. Bost. 8~..658 The Iron Cousin. N. Y., I862. I20... I5463 Portia, and other Stories of Shakespeare's Heroines. N. Y., I868. I2........... 1493 Shakespeare Proverbs. Lond., I848. I6~.. I366 Clarke, S. R. Vestigia Anglicana. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 80... 5102 Clarkson, T. Hist. of Abolition of Slave Trade. (2 copies.) Lond., i8o8. 2 v. 8.......... 8672 Classical Studies. Sears, Edwards, and Felton. Bost., I843. I2~.. 9259 Study, Method of. Taylor. Bost., I86I. I2~.. 9273 Value of, illustrated. Taylor. Andover, I870. 12~.. 9263 Claveringx, The. A. Trollope. N. Y., I866. 8..... 2291 Clavers, Mary. (Pseudonym.) See C. M. KIRKLAND. Clavigero, P. S. Hist. of Mexico. Philad., I804. 3 v. 8~.. 5974 Claxton, T., Memoir of. By himself. Bost., 1839. 12~.... 694I Clay, C. M. Writings. N. Y., 1848. 8....... I763 Clay, H. Speeches. Philad., 1827. 8~....... 9434 Biogr. of. Prentice. Hartf'd., I83I. 12. 2... 7327 Life of. Sargent and Greeley. Auburn, I852. I2~.... 7326 and Speeches of. (2 copies.) N. Y., I843. 2 v. 8~.. 9437 The same, ed. by D. Mallory. N. Y., 1844. 2 v. 8~. 9435 and Times of. Colton. N. Y., I846. 2 v. 8~... 7429 [Clemens, S. L.] Innocents Abroad. (2 copies.) Hartf'd., I869. 8~. 4285 Clemens-Cobbett. 67 [Clemens, S. L.] Mark Twain's Autobiography. N. Y., 187I. 12~.. 4287 Roughing it. Hartf'd., 1I872. 8~.. 4288 Clement, J. Noble Deeds of American Women. Buffalo, I851. 12~. 9208 Clement Falconer. Balt., 1838. 2 V. I2~.... 5678 Cleopatra, Hist. of. Abbott. N. Y. [185I.] I6~.... 7497 Clergy, Book about the. Jeaffreson. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8~... 6456 Clerical Manners and Habits, Letters on. Miller. N. Y., 1827. I20~. 9828 Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of English Literature [to 1800]. Philad., 1847. I2. 139 Concordance to Poet. Works of Milton. Lond., I867. 16.. 1203 English Literature of I9th century. Philad., I865. I2... 140 Cleveland, H. R. Life of Hudson. Bost., 1839. I6~.... 7259 The same. Bost., I839. I2~.. 16314 Clever Woman of the Family. Yonge. N. Y., I865. 8~.... 2664 Cliffton, W. Poems. N. Y., I8oo. I2...... I4930 Climate, Influence of. De Bonstetten. N. Y., 1864. I2~.... 8552 Clinton, D. Letters on Nat. Hist., etc., of N. Y. N. Y., I822. 120.. 16847 Speeches and Messages, as Governor. Albany, I825. 8~. 17538 Life of. Renwick. N. Y., 1841. I2.. II60o Tribute to Memory of. [Staats.] Albany, I828. I20.. 7551 [Clive, C.] Paul Ferroll. N. Y., I856. 12~...11534 Clive, Lord R., Life of. Gleig. Lond., I832. I6..... 5773 Cloister and the Hearth. Reade. N. Y., I868. 8..... 2279 Cloney, T. Personal Narrative of Transactions in I798. Dubl., 1832. 80. 5244 Cloquet, J. Private Life of Lafayette. N. Y., 1836. 2 V. I2~... 7624 Cloudesley. Godwin. N. Y., 1830. 2 V. 2 2..... I5398 Clouds and Sunshine. Reade. Bost., I855 2~..,.2. 2096 Clough, A. H. Poems, with Memoir by Norton. Bost., I862 160. 6~.. 980 Poems and Prose Remains, Lond., 1869. 2 V. 16~. 846 Club-Book, The. N. Y., I831. 2 V. I2....... 14638 Cobb, J. Wife of 2 Husbands; Ramah Droog. (Mod. Theatre, v. 6.) Lond., I8II. I20. 1332 Cobbe, P. P. Alone to the Alone: Prayers for Theists. Lond., 187I. 80. 9967 Broken Lights. 2d ed. Lond., I865. 8~.. 9965 Darwinism in Morals, and other Essays. Lond., 1872. 80. 10028 Dawning Lights. Lond., 1868. 8~.. 9966 Hours of Work and Play. Lond., I867. 8~.. 3984 Italics. Lond., 1864. 12......... 8348 Studies of Ethical and Social Subjects. Lond., 1865. 8~.. 3985 Cobbe, T. Hist. of Norman Kings of England. Lond., I869. 8~.. 5285 Cobbett, W. Advice to Young Men, etc. N. Y., I831. I20.. I7025 Bloody Buoy. By Peter Porcupine. 2d ed. Philad., I796. I2~. I6223 Grammar of the English Language. N. Y., I846. I20... 90 Hist. of the Reformation in England and Ireland. N. Y., I83234. 2 v. 12.. 6369 Legacy to Parsons. N. Y., I844. 12.. I7283 Paper against Gold, Lond., 18I5. 2 v. 8.. 8655 The same. N. Y., I834. 12~.. 8465 Porcupine's Works. Lond., I8oI. I2 v. 8~. 1. 72IO 68 dobbett-Coleridge. Cobbett, W. Thirteen Sermons. N. Y., I846. I2~... 17282 Life of. Philad., 1835. I2.. 6692 Sketch of. Thorold Rogers. Lond., I869. 8... 6731 Cobden, R. Political Writings. Lond., I867. 2 v. 80.. 9587 Biography of. McGilchrist. N. Y., I865. I6~... 6688 Cochin, A. Results of Emancipation. (2 copies.) Bost., I863. 120. 8562 of Slavery. (2 copies.) Bost., I863. I20.. 8564 Cochin-China, Embassy to, I832. Roberts. N. Y., 1837. 8~.. 6499 Cochrane, G. Wanderings in Greece. Lond., I837. 2 v. 80.. 832 Cochrane, J. D. Journey through Russia, etc. Edinb., I829. 2 V. 120~. 4498 Cochrane, Lord T., Trial, etc., of. N. Y., I8I4. I2~... 9T52 Cockburn, G. Diary of Voyage to St. Helena. Bost., I833. 12. 5438 Cockburn, H. T. Life of Lord Jeffrey. Philad., 1852. 2 V. 20. 70I4 Codman, J. Visit to England. Bost., I836. 2 I2~..I.. I676o Ccelebs deceived. [Carp.] Philad., 1817. 12~..1. I5400 in search of a Wife. More. N. Y., I809. 2 v. I2~. 2403 Coffey, C. Devil to pay. (Brit. Drama, v. 5.) Lond., I804. 8~. 1663 Coffin, C. C. Our New Way round the World. Bost., I869. 8~. 8059 [Coffin, Robert B.] Castles in the Air, etc. N. Y., I871. 80... 2928 Matrimonial Infelicities. (2 copies.) N. Y., I865-66. 12~.. 2925 My Married Life at Hillside. (2 copies.) N. Y., I865. 12~.. 2923 Out of Town. N. Y., I866. 8~.... 2927 [Coffin, Robert S.] Poems of the Boston Bard. Prov., I826. 8~.. 15052 Coghlan, M., Memoirs of. By herself. N. Y., I795. I20. 16433 Cogswell, W. Letters to Young Men. Bost., I837. I2~. ~.. 17036 Cohen, M. M. Florida and the Campaigns. (2 copies.) Charleston, 1836. 12.......... 5732 Coit, T. W. Puritanism. N. Y., I845. I2~.. 6332 Coke, Sir E., Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., 1833. 8~.. 6751 Life of. Campbell (Chief Justices, v. I.) Philad., I85I. 80.. 6873 Coke, E. T. A Subaltern's Furlough. N. Y., I833. 2 v. I20.. I6794 Colbert E. and Chamberlin, E. Chicago and the Great Conflagration. Cincinn., I872. I2~. 6092 Colbert, J. B., Life of. G. P. R. James. Philad., I837. 2 v. I2~.. 7613 Colden, O. D. Life of Fulton. N. Y., I817. 8~.. 16423 [Cole, M.] Rutledge. N. Y., i86o. I2.. 2985 St. Philip's. N. Y., I865. I2...2986 Cole, S. W. The Muse. Cornish, I827. I2~... I. 14967 Coleman, L. Antiquities of the Christian Church. Andover, I84I. 8~. IooI4 Historical Geography of the Bible. Philad., I849. I2~... 9883 The same. New ed. Philad., i85o. I2~.... 9884 Coleridge, Hartley. Worthies of Yorkshire and Lancashire. Leeds, I836. 80......6904 Coleridge, Henry N. Introd. to Greek Poets. (2 copies.) Philad., I831. I20........... 41 Coleridge, J. T. Memoir of Keble. 2d ed. Oxfd., I869. 2 v. 8~. 7003 Coleridge, Samuel T. Aids to Reflection, ed. Marsh. Burlington, 1829. 80.... 8729 The same, ed. McVickar. N. Y., 1841. 12~.... 8603 Coleridge-Collins. 69 Coleridge, Samuel T. Biographia Literaria. N. Y., 1834. 8~... 4005 The same. New ed. N. Y., I847. v. I. 12~.. 3983 Church and State; Lay Sermons. Lond., I839. I6~.. 8538 Confessions of an Inquiring Spirit. Bost., I841. 16~.. 9834 The Friend. Burlington, I83I. 8~.. 3425 Idea of Life. Philad., I848. I2....... 6948 Letters, Conversations, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., I836. 12~.. 3980 Literary Remains. Lond., 1836-39. 4 v. 8~.. 4006 CONTENTS.-1, Fall of Robespierre; Poems; Lectures; Notes and Fragments; Omniana. 2 Notes on Shakespeare, Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher, Prometheus, etc. 3, Notes on Hooker, Field, Donne, Jer. Taylor, etc. 4, Notes on Luther, Baxter, Leighton, Sherlock, Waterland, etc. The same. v. I, 3,4... 40Io Poetical Works. Lond., 1829. 3 v 6. I6~...848 The same. Lond., I840. 3 v. I6~.. 967 Poetical and Dramatic Works. Bost., 1864. 24~.. 975 Specimens of Table Talk. N. Y., I835. 2 v. in Is I2~... 3982 Statesman's Manual. Burlington, I832. I2~.. 8629 Works, ed. Shedd. N. Y., I868-71. 7 V. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 4013 CONTENTS.-1, Introd. Essay; Aids to Reflection; Statesman's Manual. 2, The Friend. 3. Biographia Literaria, 4, Notes and Lectures on Shakspeare and other Dramatists, etc. 5, Literary Remains. 6, Church and State; Lay Sermon; Table Talk. 7, Poems; Dramas. Life of. Gillman. Lond., I838. 2 v. 80... 7182 Reminiscences of. Cottle. N. Y., I847. 12~. 7097 [Coleridge, Sara H.] Phantasmion. N. Y., I839. 2 v. I2~.. I5544 Colin Clink. Hooton. Philad., I840-4I. 2 v. I2~... I540I College, Letters to Sons in. Miller. Philad., I843. 120. 2~.. I703I Courant, The. N. H., I867-70. v. 3-7. (2 copies of v. 3-5.) 4~. Words and Customs. Hall. Cambr., I856. I2~.. 9258 Colleges, American. Porter. N. H., 1870. I2~... 9254 Songs of. Waite. Bost. [I868.] 8~.. 9091 Collegiate Addresses. Maxcy. Lond. 6~.... 9128 System in U. S., Thoughts on. Wayland. Bost., 1842. I6~.. 9I83 See, also, EDUCATION; UNIVERSITIES. Collier, J. P. Annals of the Stage. (2 copies.) Lond., I83I. 3 v. 160. I556 Notes to Shakespeare. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1853. I2~. 1554 Poetical Decameron. Lond., I820. 2 v. 6. I6~... I128 Reasons for new ed. of Shakespeare. Lond., I842. 80.. I553 Collins, L. Hist. Sketches of Ky. Cincinn., I850. 8~... 589i Collins, Wm. Poetical Works. Philad., I842. 8... 945 The same. Bost., I854 16. 6~..... 970 The same. Ed. Bell. Lond., I857. 240. ~ 536 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~. I5IOI The same. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I8I9. 24~.. 7.. 7 Collins, Wm. L. Ancient Classics for English Readers. (2 copies.) Philad., I870-7I. 8 v. I6... 7I CONTENTS.-1, Homer's Iliad. 2, Homer's Odyssey. 3, Herodotus. 4, Caesar. 5, Virgil. 6, Horace. 7,AEschylus. 8, Xenophon. Collins, Wm. Wilkie. Armadale. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866. 8~.. 2301 After Dark. N.Y. 8~,. 2298 Hide and Seek. N.Y. 8~..2297 Man and Wife. (2 copies.) N. Y., I870. 8~.. 2304 The Moonstone. N. Y., I869. 80.. 2303 IO 70 Collins —omic. Collins, Wm. Wilkie. No Name. N. Y., I863. 80.. 2299 Poor Miss Finch. N. Y., 1872. 80.. 2306 Woman in White. N. Y., I87I. 8~.. 2300 Colman, Geo. Clandestine Marriage; English Merchant; Jealous Wife. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., 8o04. 8~...632 Deuce is in him. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804. 8~.... I633 English Merchant. (Mod. Theatre, v. 9.) Lond., i8II. 12~.. I335 Jealous Wife. (Oxberry's Plays, v. ii.) Bost., I822. 240. I. 355 and Thornton, B. The Connoisseur. Lond., 1823. 2 v. I2~. 3I34 Colman, CGo., Jr. Poetical Works. Philad., I834. 12... 1478I Who Wants a Guinea? (Mod. Theatre, v. 3.) Lond., i8ii. I2~. 1329 Colman, H. European Life and Manners. Bost., I850. 2 v. 12~.. i6562 Colombia, Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. I2~.. 7859 Recollections of Service in. Lond., i828. 2 v. 80~. I7129 Visit to, 1822-23. Duane. Philad., I826. 80.... 17I33 Colombo, M. Novel. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., 1836. 12~.. 1902 Colonies, Emancipate your. Bentham. (Works, v. 4.) Edinb., I838. 8........... 9703 European. Howison. Lond., I834. 2 v. 8~.. 4711 Colonization and Christianity. Howitt. Lond., I838. 12.. 15886 Society, Inquiry into Character of the. Jay. N. Y., I835. I20. 8549 Colorado, the Switzerland of America. Bowles. Springf'ld., I869. I2~. 869 Colors, Theory of. Goethe, tr. by Eastlake. Lond., 1840. 8~.. 9072 Colton, C. Four Years in Grt. Brit. N. Y., I835. 2 v. I2~.. 16755 Life of Clay. 2d ed. N. Y., i846. 2 v. 8~. 7429 Colton, Geo. H. Tecumseh. N. Y., 1842. I20. 1.. 4983 Colton, G. W. General Atlas. N. Y., i868. 4~. Colton, W. The Sea and the Sailor, etc. N. Y., I85I. 12~.. 15269 Ship and Shore. N. Y., i835. 12~.. I6648 Visit to Constantinople and Athens. N. Y., I856. I2~.. r6635 Columba St., Life of. Dunham. Lond., I840. I6~.. 5774 Columbia R., Adventures on the, I81I-17. Cox. N. Y., I832. 80.. I6862 Columbian Muse, The. N. Y., 1794. I2~....... I4966 Columbus, C. Narrative of First Voyage to America. Bost., 1827. 8~. 7783 Life of. Helps. Lond., i869. 6~0.. 7822 and Voyages of. Irving. N. Y., I850-5I. 3 v. I2.. 7816 Voyages of Companions of. Irving. Philad., I83I. 8~.. 7815 Combe, A. Principles of Physiology. N. Y., I840. 12~.... 9125 The same. N. Y., I841. I2~... II289 The same. N. Y., 1835. I2..... 2116 Combe, G. Constitution of Man. (2 copies.) Bost., I833. I2~.. 8533 The same. Hartfd., I842. 8~...... 3472 Moral Philosophy. N. Y., I844. I2~...8495 Notes on the U. S. Philad., I84I. 2 v. I2~.. 16826 Physiology of Digestion. N. Y., I836. I2... 9124 System of Phrenology. Bost., i834. 8~.. 8780 Combe, W. Tour of Dr. Syntax. Philad., 1829. I2~.... 984 Comic Almanack, Cruikshank's. Lond. 2 v. 8..... 4260 Arithmetic. [Forrester.] Lond., I843. 12~.. 4278 Comic-Confidence-Man. 71 Comic Blackstone. A'Beckett. Lond. I6... 4274 English Grammar, The. Lond., 1840. I2~.. 4275 Hist. of England. A'Beckett. Lond., r865. 8~.. 4262 of Rome. A'Beckett. Lond. 8~.. 43I4 of U. S. Sherwood. Bost., I870. I2~... 43II Writers, English, Lectures on. Hazlitt. Lond., I819. 8~. 68 Literature.. See, also, CARICATURE; DRAMA; THEATER. Comines, P. de. Memoirs. Lond., 1823. 2 v. 8~.. 5532 Coming out. Porter. N. Y., I828. 2 v. I2~.. 5I79 Coming Race, The. N. Y., I871. 12~.. 9202 Commander of Malta. Sue. N. Y., I86o. 8..2311 Commerce, Hist. of. Anderson. Dubl., I790o. 6 v. 8~... 4067 British, Hist. of. Craik. Lond., I844. 3 v. 12~.. 8783 U. S., Statistics of. Pitkin. N. H., I835. 8~.. 5854 Commercial Affairs, Application of Christianity to. Chalmers. N. Y., I840. 12......... 9521 Common Prayer Book, Illustration of. Wheatly. Lond., I849. 8~.. 496 Commune of Paris, Hist. of the. Vesinier. Lond., 1872. 80.. 5554 Communion, Terms of. R. Hall. (Works, v. i.) N. Y., I833 8. 8~ 007. oo7o Comnenus, Isaac; a Play. Taylor. Lond., I845. 240., ~. 983 Companions of my Solitude. Helps. Bost., I852. I60.. 3695 Compensation. Brewster. Philad., I86o. I2~.. 2982 Composition, Letters on. Gregory. Philad., I809. 120.... 17028 Principles of. Booth. Lond., I83I. 12..... 9187 Student's Guide to. Banks. Lond., I823. 8~.. 17528 See, also, ENGLISH. Comstock, John L. Hist. of the Greek Revolution. N. Y., I828. I20. 4559 Comstock, Joseph. Tongue of Time. N. Y., I838. I2~... I6999 Comte, A., Positive Philosophy of. J. S. Mill. Bost., 187I. I2~. ~ 859s Concord and Merrimack Rivers, A Week on. [I839.] Thoreau. Bost., I863. I20......... 3557 Concordance to the Bible. Cruden. Lond., I867. 80.... 9836 Poems of Milton. Cleveland. Lond., I867. I6~.. I203 Shakspeare. Clarke. Bost. 8..... 658 Tennyson. Brightwell. Lond., I869. 8... 1241 Conde, J. A. Hist. of Arabs in Spain. Lond., I854. 3 v. 8~. 424 Conde, L., Prince de, Life of. Lord Mahon. N. Y., I845. I2~.. 76I9 Conde, Princes de, Hist. of the. Duc d'Aumale. Lond., I872. 2 v. 80. 5657 Condensed Novels. Bret Harte. Bost., I87I. 8~... 2916 Conder, J. Italy. Lond., I834. 3 v. I2~... 8178 Modern Traveller. Lond., I825-39. 2I v. 12~. *. 7841 Condorcet, M. J. A. N. C. de. Hist. of Progress of the Mind. Philad., I796. I20......... 8499 Confessional, Hist. of the. Hopkins. N. Y., I850. 12~.... 9609 Confessions of an Elderly Gentleman and Lady. Lady Blessington. Philad., I838. 8~......... 2668 of an Inquirer. Jarves. Bost., I857. 12~... I15680 of a Poet. Philad., I835. 2 v. I2~. 1..... I568I Confidence-Man, The. Melville. N. Y., I857. I2~..2. 15683 72 Confirmation-Contrast. Confirmation, Discourse on. Jer. Taylor. (Works, 3.) Lond., I836. 8~. Ioo64 Confucius. Morals, ed. Gowan. N. Y., I835. 2~.. 9531 Congregational Pulpit, Annals of the American. Sprague. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 8.......... 7730 Congregationalism, Hist. of, to I6i6. Punchard. Salem, 184I. I2~. 6310ro Congress of Nations, Prize Essays on a. Bost., I840. 8~... 870I Congress of the U. S. See U. S. Congreve, W. Double Dealer; Way of the World; Love for Love. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I8o 4. 80. I63I Dramatic Works. Ed. Hunt. Lond., 1849. 8~.... I0300 Mourning Bride. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804 80. 8~. I629 Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 1819. 24~ IO The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8~.. I5098 Coningsby. Disraeli. N. Y., I845. 8~....... 2344 Conn., Hist. of, to I764. Trumbull. N. H., I818. 2 v. 8.. 5962 to I776. [Peters.] N. H., I829. 12~.. 6006 to I84I. Dwight. N. Y., I842. I20.... II608 during the Revolution. Hinman. Hartf'd., I842. 80.. 6295 during the War, I861-65. Croffut and Morris. N. Y., I868. 8~. 626I Hist. of 27th Regiment. Sheldon. N. H., I866. 8~.. 6IIo Poets of. Everest. Hartf'd., I843. 8..926 Report on Geology of. Percival. N. H., I842. 8~... 9Io2 Connoisseur, The. Colman and Thornton. Lond., I823. 2 V. I2.. 3I34 Conolly, A. Journey to India. 2d ed. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~. ~ 8037 Conscience, Liberty of. See TOLERATION. The Rule of. Jer. Taylor. (Works, 3.) Lond., I836. 8~.. Ioo64 Conspiracies in Europe, Hist. of. Lawson. Edinb., I829. 2 V. I20. 4505 Constable's Miscellany. Edinb., I826-9. 45 v. I2~.. 4463 CONTENTS.-1-8, Voyages; B. Hall. 4, Adventures of British Seamen; Murray. 5, La Rochejaquelein- Memoirs. 6,7, Converts from Infidelity; Crichton. 8, 9 Embassy to Ava; Symes. 10, Table Talk. 11 Perils and Captivity. 12, Phenomena of Nature- Bhell. 13, 14, Account of the Tonga Islands; W. Mariner. 15,16, Hist. of the Rebellion in 1745, i746; R. Chambers. 17, Voyages and Excursions in Central America; Roberts. 18,19, Thirty Years' War; Schiller. 20, 21, Illustrations of the History of Great Britain; R. Thomson. 22. egister of Politics and Literature in Europe and America, 1827. 28, Life of Burns; Lockhart. 24, 25, Life of Mary, Queen of Scots; Bell. 26, Evidences of Christianity; F. Wrangham. 27, 28, Memorials of the Peninsular War. 29, 30, Tour in Germany; J. Russell. 31, 32, Hist. of Rebellions in Scotland, 1638-1660; R. Chambers. 38-35, Hist. of Revolutions in Europe; C. W. Koch. 36, 7, Pedestrian Journey through Russia, etc.; J. D. Cochrane. 38, Journey through Norway, Sweden, and Denmark; -i. D. Inglis. 39, Hist. of Sculpture, Painting, and Architecture; Memes. 40, 41, Hist. of the Ottoman Empire E. Upham. 42, History of Rebellions in Scotland, 1689 and 1715; R. Chambers. 43, 44, History of Remarkable Conspiracies; J. P. Lawson. 62, Hist. of Conquest of Peru; Trueba y Cosio. Constance. Mancur. Philad. 8~.. 2313 Constant-Rebecque, H. B. de. Philosophical Miscellanies, tr. by Ripley. Bost., I838. 12........ 8585 Constantinople, the City of the Sultan. Pardoe. Philad., 1837. 2 v. I20. I6639 Promenades round. Pertusier. Lond., 820. 8~.. 8054 Residence at, I820-34. Walsh. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~.. 8446 Residence at, I827. Brewer. N. H., I830. I2~.. I6636 Visit to. Colton. N. Y., 1836. I20... I6635 Constitution. See ENGLAND, U. S., etc. Contarini Fleming. Disraeli. N. Y., I832. 2 V. I2.. 2046 Contemporary Review. Lond., I866-72. v. I-20. 8.... I2231 Continental Monthly. N. Y., I862-64. 6 v. 8~... I3332 Contrast. Roche. N. Y., I828. 2 v. I2....... 15403 Conversation-Cooper. 73 Conversation, Book of. Charleston, I837. I2~....I7021 Conway, Derwent. (Pseudonym.) See H. D. INGLIS. Conybeare, W. J., and Howson, J. S. Life and Epistles of S. Paul. N. Y., i866. 2 v. 8~.. 6566 Cook, James. Narrative of Voyages. N. Y., I824. 2 V. I60... 8192 Voyages. Lond., I796. 2v. I2~.. I3849 Life of. Coleridge (Worthies.) Leeds, I836. 8~.... 6904 Cook, John. Green's Tu quoque. (Old Plays, v. 7.) Lond., I825. 8~. I514 Cooke, Geo. F., Memoirs of. Dunlap. N. Y., I813. 2 V. I2~. 7893 Cooke, Geo. W. Hist. of Party. Lond., I836-37. 3 v. 8~.. 499I Life of Shaftesbury. Lond., I836. 2 v. 80.. 6823 Cooke, P. Divine Law of Beneficence. N. Y. I2~.. 9803 Cooke, Wm. Memoirs of Foote. N. Y., I8o6. 2 v. I2~.... 7928 Cookery, Crumbs of, from the Round Table. Barber. N. Y., I866. I2~. 3579 Cooley, J. E. The American in Egypt. N. Y., I842. 8~.... 8068 Cooley, W. D. Hist. of Discovery. Lond., I830-3I. 3 v. I6~.. 5786 Coolie, Rights and Wrongs of the. [Jenkins.] N. Y., 187I. I2~.. 6470 Cooper, A. A., ISt Earl of Shaftesbury, Life of. Campbell (Ld. Chancellors, 3.) Lond., I845. 8~.. 6868 The same. Christie. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~... 6624 The same. Cooke. Lond., I836. 2 v. 8~... 6823 Cooper, A. A., 3d Earl of Shaftesbury. Characteristicks. 2d ed. Lond., I7I4-15. 3 v. 8...1.5840 Cooper, James Fenimore. The Bravo. (3 copies.) Philad., I831-33. 2 V. I2.. 277I The Chainbearer. (2 copies.) N. Y., I856. I2~.. 2822 The Crater. (2 copies.) N. Y., I855. I2~.. 2826 The Deerslayer. (2 copies.) N. Y., I857-59. I20.. 2815 The same. N.Y., I1872. I2~. 2840 Gleanings in England. Philad., I837. 2 V. 120. I~... 676I France. Philad., I837. 2 v. 120... I6556 The Headsman. (3 copies.) Philad., I833-36. 2. 12V.. 2779 The Heidenmauer. Philad., I836. 2 V. I2.. 2777 The same. Philad., 1832. 2. 22.. 2835 Hist. of U. S. Navy. (2 copies.) Philad., I839. 2 v. 8~.. 6I46 Home as Found. Philad., I838. 2. 12.. 2787 The same. Philad., I838. 2 v. in I. 12~.. 2789 Homeward Bound. Philad., I838. 2 v. 2~.. 2785 The same. (2 copies.) Philad., I838-42. 2 v. in I. 120. 28IO The same. N. Y., x865. I2.. 2812 Jack Tier. N. Y., I848. 2 V. in I. 12~.. 2832 The same. N.Y., i856. I2.. I5468 Last of the Mohicans. N. Y., I856. 12~.. 2802 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I873. I2~.. 2842 Lionel Lincoln. Philad., I836. 2 v. I2~.. 2753 Lives of Naval Officers. Philad., I846. 2 v. 80.... 7275 CONTENTS.-1, Bainbridge; Somers; Howe; Shubrick; Preble. 2, J. P. Jones; Woolsey; Perry; Dale. Mercedes of Castile. Philad., I840. 2 v. in I. 12~... 2794 74 Cooper —Cornaro. Cooper, James Fenimore. Miles Wallingford. N. Y., I856. I2~. 2820 The Monikins. Philad., I84I. 2 v. in I. 12~.... 2809 The same. Philad., I835. 2 V. I2~. 2833 Ned Myers. (2 copies.) N. Y., I854-57. 2~.... 2818 The Oak-Openings. N. Y., I857. 12~. 2828 The Pathfinder. (2 copies.) N. Y., I85I-56. 12~. 2813 The same. N. Y., I873. I2.. 284I The Pilot. (2 copies.) Philad., I833-36. 2 V. I2~.. 2749 The same. Philad., I84I. 2 V. in I. 12.. 2800 The same. N. Y., I856. 120.. 2801 The Pioneers. N. Y., I870. I2~.. 2792 The Prairie. (2 copies.) Philad., 1827-36. 2 V. I2~. 2757 The same. Philad., I841. 2 v. in I. I2.... 2803 Precaution. N. Y., I820. 2 V. 12~. 2745 The same. Philad., i839. 2 v. in I. 12~. 2798 The same. N. Y., x855. 2~..... 2799 The Red Rover. Philad., I836. 2 V. 2~.. 2755 The same. N. Y., I872. 12~.. 2839 The Redskins. (2 copies.) N. Y., I855-56. 12~. 2824 Satanstoe. N. Y., I845. 2~....2795 The same. N. Y., I855. 12~.. 2821 The Sea Lions. N. Y., 1849. 2 v. in I. 2~.....2793 The same. N.Y., I855. 12~..2829 Sketches of Switzerland. Philad., I836. 2 V. 12~.. i6683 The Spy. Philad., I836. 2 V. 12~..2747 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I872. 12~. 2837 See, also, H. L. BARNUM. (The Spy Unmasked.) The Travelling Bachelor; or, Notions of the Americans. (2 copies.) N.Y., I859. I20.. 2805 The same. Philad., I836. 2 V. 120.. 68I2 The same. Philad., I84I. 2 v. in I. 12.. 2804 The Two Admirals. (2 copies.) N. Y., I849-51. 12~. 2796 The Water-Witch. (4 copies.) Philad., I83I-36. 2 v. 12~. 2763 The same. Philad., I84I. 2 v. in I. 120.. 2808 Ways of the Hour. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1850-55. 12~.. 2830 Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Philad., 1831. 2 v. 120.. 276I The same. Philad., I84I. 2 V. in I. 120.. 2807 Wing-and-Wing. Philad., I842. 2 v. 2~.. 2790 The same. N. Y., I867. 120.. 2817 Cooper, John G. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240.. 22 Cooper, S. P. Rural Hours. N. Y., I850. 12~. 1. i6977 Coppee, H. Grant and his Campaigns. N. Y., I866, 8~. 7401 Corals and Coral Islands. Dana. N. Y., I872. 80... 9IOI Corbet, R. Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., 1819. 24~. 2 Corinne; or, Italy. De Stael-Holstein. N. Y., 1844. 8~... 2626 Corinthians, Notes on Epistles to. Barnes. N. Y., I841. 2 v. 12~. 9862 Cormenin, L. M. de la H. de. Orators of France. N. Y., 1849. I2~. 7611 Corn-Laws, Hist. of the. Platt. Lond., 1842. 2~.. 8479 Cornaro, L. Writings on Health. Abridged. Andover, 1824. 12~. I6964 Corneille-Courtenay. 75 Corneille, P., and his Times. Guizot. N. Y., I852. I2~.. 7650 Corner-Stone, The. Abbott. Bost., I834. I20...... 9994 Cornhill Magazine. Lond., I867-72. v. I6-25. 80.. 17666 Cornwall, Barry. (Pseudonym.) See B. W. PROCTER. Cornwall, S. P. The Finland Family. N. Y., 1853. I6~... 2736 Cornwallis, C. P. Brief View of Greek Philosophy. Philad., 1846. 120.... 8497 Philosophical Theories and Experience. Philad., 1847. 12~.. 8496 Correlation and Conservation of Forces. Grove, Mayer, etc. N. Y., I869. 2........... 8895 Correspondence, Epistolary, Gems of. Wilmott. Lond., I846. I20. 7045 See, also, LETTERS. Corse de Leon. James. Lond., 184I. 3 v. 8~... 15224 Corsica, Account of. Boswell. Glasg., I768. 8~.. I67I8 Corson, H. Hand-Book of Anglo-Saxon and Early English. N. Y., 187. I2.......... 94 Cortes, H. Despatches, written during the Conquest. Ed. Folsom. (2 copies.) N. Y., I843. I2.... 7693 Hist. Notice of. Sands. N. Y., I835. 8~.. I5354 Life of. Bost., I840. I2.... 75II The same. Helps. N. Y., I871. 16. I6~..... 7692 The same. DeTruebay Cosio. Edinb., 1829. I20. 75IO Cosmos. Humboldt. Lond. and N. Y., I849-68. 5 v. I2~.. 8960 Costello, L. S. Early Poetry of France. Lond., I835. 8~. 917 Tour to and from Venice. Lond., I846. 8~.. 8449 Costume, British, Hist of. Planche. Lond., I846. I2~.. 4814 Cottage Tales of Magic, etc. Philad., I852. I20.. 8482 Cottin, S. R. Elizabeth. Philad., I8II. I2~.. 2358 The same. N. Y., I853. I2~..2. 359 Cottle, J. Reminiscences of Coleridge and Southey. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1847-48. 120.... 7097 Cotton, N. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 24~. 29 Cotton Kingdom, The. Olmsted. N. Y., I86I. 2 v. I2~.. 6093 Count of Monte-Cristo. Dumas. Lond. 8.. 2628 Robert of Paris. Scott. Bost., I839. I2... I839 Counterparts. [Sheppard.] Bost., I859. 8~.. 2667 Countess, The; and other Tales. Philad., I836. 2 v. 12~.. 14872 Gisela. [John.] Philad., I869. 12~.. 3039 Ida, The. [Fay.] N. Y., I840. I2...... 5684 Country House on the Rhine. Auerbach. Lond., 1870. 3 v. 80.. 3026 Living and Thinking. Gail Hamilton. Bost., I863. 8~... 3647 Parson. See A. K. H. BOYD. Sketch Book. January Searle. [Philips.] Lond., I85I. 12~. 8I86 Year-Book. Howitt. N. Y., I850. I2... I6978 Court, Book of the. Thoms. Lond., I844. 8~.. 5265 Courtenay, T. P. Commentaries on Shakspeare. Lond., I840. 2 v. I2~....... I545 Lives of Cecil and Danby. Lond., 1838. I6~.. 5763 Memoirs of Temple. Lond., I836. 2 v. 8~.. 6832 76 Courtney-Coxe. Oourtney, J. Manners, Arts, and Politics. Lond., I794. 80.. 14806 Cousin, V. Course of Hist. of Modern Philosophy. N. Y., I857. 2 V. 80.....8717 Elements of Psychology. (2 copies.) Hartfd., I834. 8~.. 8588 Introd. to Hist. of Philosophy. (2 copies.) Bost., I832. 8~.. 8715 Lectures on the True, the Beautiful, the Good. N. Y., I866. 8~. 8734 Philosophical Miscellanies, tr. by Ripley. Bost., I838. 12~.. 8584 Cousin Marshall. Martineau. Bost., 1833. 120... I46I4 Covenanters, Traditions of the. Simpson. Edinb. I6~.... 4813 Coventry, G. Enquiry regarding Junius. Lond., I825. 8~... 6857 Cowell, J. Thirty Years among the Players. N. Y., I845. 8~.. I670 Cowley, A. Essays, in Prose and Verse. Bost., I820. I6~.. 3845 Poems, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~..I596 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 2 v. 24... 260 Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I819. 240.. 3 Cowley, H. Belle's Stratagem. (Oxberry's Plays.) Bost., I822. 240. I348 Which is the Man? (Mod. Theatre, v. io.) Lond., 18II. I2~. I336 Cowper, W. Poems. Amherst, I8o8. 3 v. I2~. I4815 Bost., I833. 3. I2.... I4782 Bost., I826. 3 v. I2.... I383I Poems, with Life by Johnson. Bost., I84I. 3 v. 12~. 604 Poet. Works, ed. Benham. Lond., I870. I6... IIII Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 2 V. 24~... 30 The Task. Bost., I842. I2~... 607 The Task, and other Poems. Philad., I849. 80. I238 Works. Philad., 183I. 80... I253 Ed. Grimshawe. (2 copies.) N. Y., I849. 8~... 938 With Life, by Hayley. Ed. Grimshawe. Lond., I835. 8 v. 6... 624 CONTENTS.-1-5, Life and Letters. 6-8, Poems. With Life, by Southey. Lond., I835-37. I5 v. I6~.. 609 CONTENTS.-1-3, Life. 8-7, 15, Letters. 8, Early Poems; Olney Hymns; Anti-Thelyphthora; Poems publ. 1782. 9, Translations from Mme. Guion; The Task, etc. 10, Posthumous Poems; Miscellaneous Translations. 11, 12, Iliad. 13, 14, Odyssey. 15, Papers in the Connoisseur; Commentary on Paradise Lost. Life of. Taylor. Philad., I833. I20.... 7IO9 Life and Posthumous Writings of. Hayley. Bost., I8o3. 2 v. I20. 16381 Coo, F. A. Life of Melancthon. 2d ed. Lond., I817. 8~... 7665 Coo, G. V. Recollections of Oxford. Lond., I868. 8~.... 9246 Cox, G. W. Mythology of Aryan Nations. Lond., I870. 2v. 8~. 4I03 and Jones, E. H. Romances of the Middle Ages. Lond., 1871. 8.......... 200 Cox, H. Residence in the Burmhan Empire. Lond., I82I. 8~.. I6506 Cox, R. Adventures on the Columbia R., etc. N. Y., 1832. 8~.. I6862 Cox, S. S. Search for Winter Sunbeams. N. Y., I870. 8~... 8277 Cox's Diary. Thackeray. (Works, v. 8.) Lond., I872. 80... 2196 Coxe, A. C. Advent, a Mystery. N. Y., I837. I20.. 8oi Athanasion; also, Miscellaneous Poems. N.Y., I842. I20. 803 Christian Ballads. N. Y., I840. I2~.. 802 St. Jonathan, the Lay of a Scald. N. Y., 1838. I2~... 804 Coxe —Craik. 77 C~oxe, W. Hist. of House of Austria. 3d ed. (Bohn's.) (2 copies.) Lond., I847. 3 v. 8.. 413 Memoirs of Duke of Marlborough. (Bohn's ed.) (2 copies.) Lond., I847-48. 3 v. 8~.. 369 of Walpole. Lond., I800. 3 v. 8~.. 6827 Travels in Poland, Russia, etc. 5th ed. Lond., 1802. 5 v. 80. I6605 in Switzerland. Basil, 1802. 3 v. 8~... 16685 Crabb, G. English Synonymes. N. Y., I839. 8... I73 Crabbe, G. The Borough. Philad., I8Io. 12~... I4786 Poems. N.Y., i8o8. I2..14785 Poetical Works. Philad., I839. 80. I247 The same: with Letters and Life. Lond., 1834-35. 8 v. 16~. 653 CONTENTS.-I, Life. II, The Library; The Village; The Newspaper- Parish Register etc.; Juvenile Poems. III IV The Borough; Occasional Pieces. IV,a V Tles; Occasional Pieces. VI, VII, Tales of the Hall. VIII, Posthumous Tales; Index. Posthumous Poems. Philad., I835. 12.. 14788 Tales. N. Y., I8I3. 2 V. I2.. I4818 Tales of the Hall. Lond., I8I9. 2 v. 8... I248 Life of. By his Son. Cambr., I834. I2~.. 698I with Letters and Journals. Philad., I835. 12. I2~.. 14787 Crafts, W. Sullivan's Island, and other Poems. Charleston, 1820. 8~. I5053 Craftsman, The. D'Anvers. Lond., 173I. v. 1I-7. I2~.... I2025 Craik, D. M., (Miss Mulock.) Agatha's Husband. N. Y., I87I. I2~. 2485 A Brave Lady. (2 copies.) N. Y., I870. 80.. 2682 Christian's Mistake. (2 copies.) N. Y., I865-66. I2~.. 2486 Fair France. N.Y., I87I. 12~.. 8374 Hannah. N. Y., 1I872. I2~.. 2494 Head of the Family. N. Y., I864. 8~.. 2680 John Halifax. (3 copies.) N. Y., I860-72. 12~.. 2480 A Life for a Life. (2 copies.) N. Y., I859-69. I2~... 2492 Mistress and Maid. N. Y., 1867. 80.. 2310 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I863. 8~.. 2679 A Noble Life. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866-68. I2~.. 2483 The Ogilvies. N. Y., I864. 8~.. 2680 Olive. N.Y., I864. 8......... 2679 Poems. Bost., I864. I6..... 69 The same. New ed. Bost., I868. I6~.... II70 Two Marriages. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. I2~.... 2490 Unkind Word, and other Stories. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1870. I2~. 2488 The Woman's Kingdom. N. Y., I868. 80..... 268I Craik, G. L. Compendious Hist. of Eng. Lit. N. Y., I863. 2 v. 8~. I95 English Causes celbres. (2copies.) Lond., I844. I6~... 9154 Hist. of British Commerce. Lond., I844. 3 v. I2~. ~. 8783 Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. N. Y., I840. 2 v. I20. II4I8 The same. Bost., I830. v. I. 2.. 8807 The same. v. 2. Bost., I831. I2.... 8812 The same. New ed. Lond., I845. 3 v. 12~.. 9104 Sketches of Literature and Learning in Eng. Lond., I844-45. 6 v. 240....... 45 Spenser and his Poetry. Lond., 1845. 3 v. 12~..,. 285 II 78 Craik-Croker. Craik, G. L., and MacFarlane, C. Pictorial Hist. of England, [to I688.] Lond., I84I. 4 v. 8....... 5I4 The same, during reign of Geo. III. Lond., I841-44. v. I, 3, 4. 8... 5Io8 Oramp, J. M. Text Book of Popery. N. Y., 183I. 12~... 96Io Cranmer, T. Writings. Lond. 12~.. 9483 Life of. (Cabinet Cyclopaedia.) Lond., I83I. I6~.. 5759 The same. LeBas. N. Y., I833. 3 V. I2~... 7518 and Times of. [Lee.] Bost., I84I. 16.. 7556 Crater, The. Cooper. N. Y., I855. I2~.. 2826 Craven, Mrs. A. Anne Severin. N. Y., 1869. I2~.... 2391 A Sister's Story. N. Y., I868. 8~.. 2644 Craven, R. Excursions in the Abruzzi, etc. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~. I6715 Crawford, C. The Christian. Philad., I802. 8~.. 14789 Crayon, Geoffrey. (Pseudonym.) See W. IRVING. Cteasy, E. S. Decisive Battles of the World. (2 copies.) N. Y., I851-63. 12.......... 4571 Rise, etc., of the English Constitution. 3d ed. N. Y., I856. I2~. 4852 Creation, The Course of. Anderson. Cincinn., I85I. 120.. 16946 Sketches of. Winchell. N. Y., 1870. I2.... 8958 Vestiges of Nat. Hist. of, with Sequel. N. Y., I846. 12~.. 8927 Credo. [Townsend.] Bost., 1869. I6~.... 9830 Credulity, Essay on. Blakeman. N. H., 1I849. 12~.. 8613 Creichton, J., Memoirs of. By himself. Lond., I830. I2~.. 6649 Crete, Notes on. Lord Strangford. (v. 2.) Lond., I869. 8.. 37II Travels in, I8I7. Sieber. (Voyages, v. 8.) Lond., 1823. 8~. 8058 Crevier, J. B. L. Hist. of Roman Emperors. Lond., I755-61. V. 2-IO. 80.. I5937 Crichton, A. Converts from Infidelity. Edinb., I827. 2 v. I2.. 4468 Hist. of Arabia. N. Y., 1834. 2 v. I20. II286 and Wheaton, H. Scandinavia. N.Y., 184I. 2 v. 12.. II6II The same. N. Y., 1I843. 2 v. I20. I2274 Crimea, Invasion of the. Kinglake. N. Y., I863-68. 2 v. 12.. 4613 Travels through the, 1829. Alexander. Lond., I830. 2 v. 8~. I6487 Criminal Law, Principles of. Philad., I846. I2~.. 8498 See, also, PRISONS; TRIALS. Critic in Parliament and in Public, The. Lond., I84I. I2~.. 5275 Criticism, Elements of. Kames. N. Y., I855. I2~... 9298 Essays in. Arnold. Bost., I865. I20.. 3734 Critick of Pure Reason. Kant. Lond., 1838. 8~.. 8732 Crock of Gold, The. Tupper. N. Y., 1I846. I2~... I56I9 Crockett, D. Exploits, etc., in Texas. (2 copies.) Philad., 1836. I2~. I6439 Narrative of Life of. By himself. Philad., I834. I20.. 16438 Sketches and Eccentricities of. (2 copies.) N. Y., I833. 12~.. 16436 Crockford's; or, Life in the West. N. Y., I828. 2 V. 120... I5406 Croffut, W. A., and Morris, J. M. Hist. of Conn. during the War. N.Y., i868. 80.. 6261 Crofton Boys, The. Martineau. N. Y., 1I867. I2~.. I4621 Croker; T. C. Popular Songs of Ireland. Lond., I839. 12~.. I204 Oroly —Crust. 79 Croly, G. Hist. Sketches, Speeches and Characters. Lond., I842. 8~. 4602 Life of Geo. IV. N. Y., I840. I2.. IIOI5 The same. N. Y., I83I. I2. 11. II94I Marston. Philad., 1845. 8~.. 2325 Poetical Works. Lond., I830. 2v. 8~. 854 Salathiel. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. in I. I2.. 2089 The same. N. Y., I850. 8~.. 2326 Tales of the Great St. Bernard. N. Y., I829. 2 V. I20.. I5592 Cromwell; a Novel. [Herbert.] N. Y., I838. 2 v. I2~... 15685 Cromwell, O. Letters and Speeches, ed. Carlyle. (2 copies.) N. Y., I845-56. 2 v. I2......... 522I The same. Lond., I870. 5 v. 8~... 4033 The same. Lond., I87I-72. 5 v. I6~.. 3927 The Protector. Merle D'Aubigne. N. Y., I857. I2~. 5312 Hist. of. Guizot. Philad., 1854. 2 V. 12..5226 Lecture on. Goldwin Smith. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 6749 Life of, to I649. Andrews. Lond., I870. 8~... 53II Life of. Forster. Lond., I838-39. 2 v. I6~.. 5764 The same. Gleig. Lond., 183I. I6~.. 577I The same. Harris. Lond., I8I4. 8..5306 The same. [Kimber.] Lond., I724. 80.. 5225 The same. Russell. N. Y., I844. 2 V. 12.. 11282 The same. Southey. N. Y., I845. I2~. 5135 Memoirs of. Lamartine. N. Y., I854. I2~.. 6726 of Court of. Jesse. Philad., I840. I20... 5213 Cromwell, R., Hist of. Guizot. Lond., I856. 2 V. 8~.. 5023 Croppy, The. [Banim.] Philad., I839. 2 v. I2.. 15408 Crosby, E., Memoirs of; the Spy unmasked. Barnum. N. Y., I828. 80. 6124 Crosby, H. Jesus; His Life and Work. N. Y., I87I. 80. 6593 Crowe, C. Night-Side of Nature. N. Y., I850. I2~.. 8615 Crowe, E. E. Hist. of France. Philad., I832. 3 v. I2... 6067 The same. Lond., I836-37. 3 v. (2 copies of v. I, 3.) I60. 5I86 The same. Enlarged ed. Lond., I858-68. 5 v. 8~.. 5643 Lives of Eminent Foreign Statesmen. Lond., I833. I6~. ~ 5766 For Contents, see G. P. R. JAMES. Crowfield, Christopher. (Pseudonym.) See H. B. STOWE. Crown of Wild Olive, The. Ruskin. N. Y., I866. I2~... 9042 Crowquill, Alfred. (Pseudonym.) See A. H. FORRESTER. Cruden, A. Concordance to the Bible, ed. Carey. Lond., I867. 8~. 9836 Cruilrkshank, G. Comic Almanack, I835-53. Lond. 2 v. 8~... 4260 Three Courses and a Dessert. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I867. 8~. 524 at Home; and the Odd Volume. Lond., I845. 4 v. in 2. I6~. 4258 Cruise of the Betsey. Miller. Bost., I862. I20... 8980 Crusaders, The. Keightley. Lond., I834. 2 v. I6~.. 4585 Crusades, Chronicles of the. Bohn's ed. (2 copies.) Lond., I848. 8~. 5I2 Hist. of the. Mills. Philad., 1824. 80.. 4738 The same. Procter. Edinb., I854. 8~.. 4621 Crusius, L. Lives of Roman Poets. 3d ed. Lond., I753. 2 v. I2~. 7771 Crust and the Cake, The. Garrett. N. Y. 8~.. 2436 80 Cryptogram —Curtis. Cryptogram, The. De Mille. N. Y., I87I. 8~.... 2690 Cuba and Back, Voyage to, I859. Dana. Bost., I86o. I2~... 8225 and the Cubans. [Kimball.] N. Y., 1850. 12~.... 69I7 Notes on. Wuderman. Bost., I844. 12~.. I69i8 See, also, WEST INDIES. Cudjo's Cave. Trowbridge. Bost., 1864. 12... 2954 Culture and Anarchy. Arnold. Lond., I869. 8~..... 3736 and Religion. Shairp. N. Y., I87I. 16~.. 98I9 Conversations on. Helps. Bost., I87I. I6~.. 3700 Primitive. Tylor. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 80.. 4075 Cumberland, R. Brothers; Choleric Man; W. Indian. (Brit. Drama, v. 2, pt. 2.) Lond., 1804. 8.... I632 Calvary. Burlington, I795. I20....I4820 The same. Morris-Town, 1815. 8..... 15077 False Impressions; Mysterious Husband; Box-Lobby Challenge; Natural Son; Carmelite; Impostors. (Mod. Theatre, v. 5, 6.) Lond., i8ii. 12. I331 Retrospection. Bost., 1812. 12... I4790 West Indian; She Would and She Would Not; Wheel of Fortune. (Oxberry's Plays, v. 6.) Bost., I822. 240.. 1350 Wheel of Fortune; West Indian; Jew; Brothers; First Love. (Brit. Theatre, v. I6, 23.) Lond. I2~. 1340 Memoirs of. By himself. N. Y., i8o6. 8~.. 7I24 Cumming, G. Wild Men and Wild Beasts. N. Y., I872. I20... IOI78 Cumming, J. Last Warning Cry. N. Y., 1867. I2~... I7350 Cumming, R. G. Five Years in S. Africa. N. Y., I85I 2. 2. 12~.. 7980 Cummings, A. Memoir of Payson. Bost., I830. I20....6420 Cummins, M. S. Haunted Hearts. Bost., I864. 120~. 15713 Cunningham, A. Life and Land of Burns. N. Y., I84I. I2~... 7042 of Scott. Bost., 1832. I2~.. 6923 of Wilkie. Lond., I843. 3 v. 8~... 7999 Lives of Painters and Sculptors. N. Y., I839-40. 5 v. 120... IOI7 The same. N. Y., I831-34. 5 v. I2.. II942 Lord Rolden. N. Y., I836. 2 v. in I. I20~. 15496 Paul Jones. Philad., 1I827. 3 v. 12.. 15535 Cunningham, G. G. Lives of Eminent Englishmen. Glasg., 1836. 3 v. in 6. 8~. 6886 Cunningham, John. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 240. 542 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240.. 26 Cunningham, John W. De Rance. N. Y., I8I6. 24~.. I482I The Velvet Cushion. Lond., I8I5. I20.. I5627 Cunningham, W. and Adams, J. Correspondence. Bost., I823. 8~. 7344 Curran, J. P. Speeches. N. Y., I80o9. 2 v. 8~..... 9349 Life of. By his son. N. Y., I82O. 8~.. 6803 Recollections of. Phillips. N. Y., 1818. 8~.. 6804 Currency. See BANKING. [Curtis, A. W.] The Spirit of'76, etc. Bost., t868. I6~... 9213 Curtis, Geo. T'. Hist. of the Constitution. (2 copies.) N. Y., I85463. 2 v. 8~... 6223 Curtis —Dana. 8 Curtis, Geo. T. Life of Webster. 2d ed. N. Y., I870. 2 v. 8~.. 7427 Curtis, Geo. W. The Howadji in Syria. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1852. 12~. 8236 Lotus-Eating. (2 copies.) N. Y., I856. I2.... 3585 Nile Notes of a Howadji. (2 copies.) N. Y., I851-52. I2~.. 8234 The Potiphar Papers. (2 copies.) N. Y., I856-69. I2~... 2871 Prue and I. N. Y., I857. I2~. 2870 Trumps. (2 copies.) N. Y., I86I. I2..2873 Curtius, E. Hist. of Greece. (2 copies.) N. Y., I871-72. 3 v. I2~. 4396 Curzon, R. Monasteries in the Levant. N. Y., I849. I2~.. 8254 Cushing, C. Reminiscences of Spain. Bost., I833. 2 v. I2... 64Io The same.. 6669 Review of the Revolution in France. Newburyport, I833. 2 v. I2~. 5453 Cushing, L. S. Law and Practice of Legislative Assemblies. Bost., I866. 8.......... 8727 Manual of Parliamentary Practice. Bost., I857. I6~.. 8475 Custis, G. W. P. Recollections of Washington. N. Y., I86o. 80.. 7486 Cuvier, G. L. C. P. The Animal Kingdom. N. Y., I83I. 4 v. 80. I6954 and Zoology. Lond., I844. 12~. 8798 Memoirs of. Mrs. Lee. N. Y., I833. I20.. 7629 Cyclopaedia. See DICTIONARY; ENCYCLOPAEDIA. Cynick, The. Philad., 1812. I2~....15325 Cyril Thornton. [Hamilton.] N. Y., I827-32. 2 v. I20... I5149 Cyrilla. Tautphoeus. N. Y. 8.. 231 I D. Dacre, Lady. See B. BRAND. Dahlmann, F. E. Hist. of the Engl. Revolution. Lond., I844. 8~.. 50I2 Dairy, The. Lond., I843. I20..16952 Daisy, The. S. Warner. Philad., i868. I2~.. 3002 Daisy Chain, The. Yonge. N. Y., 187I. 2 v. I2~. 250I Dakota Land. Hankins. N. Y., I869. I2~..8429 Dale, R., Life of. Cooper. (Naval Biogr.) Phil., 1846. I2... 7276 Dale, T. Widow of Nain, and other Poems. Lond., 1842. I6~. I202 Dallas, E. S. The Gay Science. Lond., I866. 2 v. 8~. 9055 Dallas, R. C. Recollections of Byron. Philad., I825. 80.. 7190 Dallas Galbraith. Davis. Philad., I868. 8~.. 2696 Dalzel, A. LectureS on the Ancient Greeks. Edinb., I82I. 2 v. 8~. 15868 Damascus and Palmyra, in I835. Addison. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8~.. 8099 Dameto, J., and Mut, V. Hist. of the Balearic Islands. Tr. by Campbell. Lond., I7I9. 8. 16163 Dampier, W., Life of. N. Y., 1840. 12.... II11032 Dana, C. A. Household Book of Poetry. Revised ed. N. Y., I867. 80, I3II Dana, J. D. Coral Reefs and Islands. N. Y., I853. 8... 9Ioo Corals and Coral Islands. N. Y., I872. 80.. 9IOI Manual of Geology. (2 copies.) Philad., I863. 8~.... 90II of Mineralogy. N. H., I848. 2~..... 8920 The same. 3d ed. N. H., i85I. 120. 8921 82 Dana —Darwin. Dana, M. S. B. The Parted Family, etc. N. Y., 1842. I20.. 14984 Dana, R. H. The Idle Man. N. Y., I82I. 80.. I5303 Poems and Prose Writings. Bost., I833. 120. 13.. II87 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I850. 2 V. I20.. 366I Dana, R. H. (Jr.) To Cuba and back. Bost., I86o. I20.. 8225 Two Years before the Mast. N. Y., I846. 12~... II430 The same. N. Y., 1840. I2.. 12125 The same. Bost., I869. I2... 8199 Danby, Earl of, T. Osborne, Life of. Courtenay. Lond., I838. I6~. 5763 Danforth, J. N. Memoir of W. C. Walton. Hartfd., I837. I2~.. 6422 Daniel, Gabriel. Hist. of France. Lond., I726. 5 v. 8~... I6236 Daniel, George. England in the Olden Time. Lond., I842. v. 2. I2~. 4263 Dante Alighieri. Abstract of his Vision, by L. Hunt. N. Y., I846. 12~. 887 Divina Commedia. Transl. by H. Boyd. Lond., I802. v. 2, 3. 8~. 890 The same, transl. by Longfellow. Bost., I867. 3 v. 8~. I324 The Inferno. Prose transl. by Carlyle. 2d ed. Lond., 1867. 80. 882 The Vision, transl. by Cary. N. Y., I845. 120.. 878 The same. N. Y., I86I. I20.. 879 The same. v. 2, 3. Lond., I83I. I6~. 880 The same, illustrated by Dord. Lond., I868. 2 v. fol. The Vita Nuova, transl. by Martin. Lond., I862. 8~.. 3948 Compositions from. Flaxman. Lond., I807. 4~. Life of. Stebbing. Lond., I83I. I2..... 7775 as Philosopher, Patriot, and Poet: with Analysis of the Divina Commedia. Botta. N. Y., I865. 12~.. 7751 A Shadow of. M. F. Rossetti. Bost., I872. 8~.. 877 Danube, Voyage down the. Quin. N. Y., I836. I2.... 6619 D'Anvers, C. The Craftsman. Lond., I73I. v. I-7. I2~.. I2025 D'Arblay, F. Camilla. Bost., I797. 3 v. 12... 2397 Cecilia. Bost., 1803. 3. 3 2... 2400 Diary and Letters. Philad., 1842. 2 v. 8.. 7063 Evelina. N. Y., I832. 2 v. in I. I2.. 25Ir Memoirs of Dr. Burney. (2 copies.) Philad., i833. 8~.. 7139 Memoirs of. Berkeley. N. Y., I844. 2 v. in I. I20.. 6987 Darby, W. Tour to Detroit. N. Y., 1819. 80... 6825 Dard, 0. A. Shipwreck of the Medusa. Edinb., I827. 120.. 4473 Dark Night's Work, A. Gaskell. N. Y., I863. 8~.. 2311 Darley, F. O. C. Illustrations of Rip Van Winkle. N. Y., I848. 4~. Sketches abroad with Pen and Pencil. N. Y., I868. 8~... 8376 Darley, G. Sylvia. Lond., I827. I6..843 Thomas A Becket. Lond., I840. 80.. 844 Darnley. G. P. R. James. N. Y., 1830. 2 V. I2..1. I5219 Darwin, C. The Descent of Man. (3 copies.) N. Y., I87I. 2 V. 2~. 8932 Expression of Emotions. N. Y., I873. 120.. 8938 Journal of Voyage of the Beagle. (2,copies.) N. Y., I846. 2 V.. 16...........8831 Origin of Species. 2d ed. N. Y., I86o. I2~.. 8928 The same. 5th ed. N. Y., I87I. I2~... 8929 Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication. N. Y. [i868.] 2 V. 120..... 8930 Darwin-Day. 83 Darwin, C. Facts and Arguments for. Miuller. Lond., I869. 8~.. 8945 Darwin, E. The Botanic Garden. Dubl., I790-93. 2 v. 8~.. I479I Memoirs of. Seward. Philad., I8o4. 8~.. 7147 Darwinism in Morals. Cobbe. Lond., I872. 80..10028 Dates. See CHRONOLOGY. D'Aubigne, J. H. Merle. See MERLE. Daughter of an Empress, The. [Mundt.] N. Y., I867. 8~.. 3089 Daughters of England. Ellis. N. Y., I843. I20.. 9200 Davenant, W. The Wits. (Old Plays, v. 8.) Lond., I825. 80.. 1515 Davenport, C. A. Gifts of Genius. N. Y. [I859.] I2~. 14882 Davenport, Richard A. Hist. of the Bastile. (2 copies.) Lond., I839. I6......... 55I2 Narratives of Peril and Suffering. Lond., I840. 2 v. I6~.. 8164 Perilous Adventures. N. Y., I846. I20.. II76I Davenport, Robert. City Night-Cap. (Old Plays, v. II.) Lond., I827. 80........... I518 David Copperfield. Dickens. N. Y., I87I. I6~.. 2178 David Elginbrod. MacDonald. Bost. I2~.. 2583 Davidson, L. M. Amir Khan, and other Poems. N. Y., I829. I20.. 769 Memoir of. Sedgwick. Bost., 1837. I60..,.. 7256 Davidson, Mrs. M. M., Selections from Writings of. Philad., I843. I2~. 77I Davidson, Miss M. M., Biography and Poems of. Irving. 2d ed. Philad., I84I. I20........ 770 Davie, W. R., Life of. Hubbard. Bost., I848. 16~.. 7274 Davies, Life of Mrs. Christian. DeFoe. Oxfd., I840. I6~.. 3876 Davies, J. Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 240~. 2 Davies, T. Dramatic Miscellanies. New ed. Lond., 1785. 3v. I6~.0 I494 Memoirs of Garrick. Bost., I8I8. 2 V. 12..789I Davila, E. C. Hist. of Civil Wars in France. Lond., I758. 2 v. 4~. 5706 Discourses on. J. Adams. (Works, v. 6.) Bost., I851. 8~.. 9693 Davis, E. The Half Century. Bost., I85I. I2.... 4606 Davis, John. Life of Chatterton. Lond. I6~.. 6939 Davis, John F. The Chinese. Lond., I840. 8~.... 79I3 The same. N. Y., 1840. 2. 12. I2. I11405 The same. New ed. (with Supplement.) Lond., I844-45. 4 V. I2.... 8I54 The same. v. 4. (Supplement.) (Sketches of China.) Lond., I845. 120.. 7914 Davis, M. L. Memoirs of Burr. N. Y., I836. 2 v. 8~.... 7354 [Davis, P. S.] The Young Parson. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866. I2~.. 2853 Davis, R. H. Dallas Galbraith. Philad., I868. 8~.. 2696 Waiting for the Verdict. N. Y., I868. 80.. 2695 [Davis, S. M.] Life of Sidney. Bost., I859. I6~.. 6992 Davy, H. Consolations in Travel. Philad., 1830. 12~.. 7867 Fragmentary Remains, with Life, by J. Davy. Lond., I858. 8~. 7I50 Life of. J. A. Paris. Lond., I83I. 2 v. 8... 7148 Dawes, R. Geraldine, and other Poems. N. Y., 1839. I2~.. I4985 Dawning Lights. Cobbe. Lond., I868. 8~.. 9966 Day, Henry N. Elements of Rhetoric. 4th ed. N. Y., I854. I2~.. 9305 Introd. to English Literature. N. Y., I869. I6~.... I38 84 Day-De Lolme. [Day, Horace.] The Opium Habit. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 9233 Day, M. Literary Remains. N. H., I834. I2...... 5054 Day, S. Hist. Collections of Pa. Philad. [I843.] 8~. 5939 Days, The Book of. Chambers. Edinb., I863-64. 2 v. 8~. 4437 Days of Bruce. Aguilar. N. Y., I857. 2 V. 122. 2525 [Deacon, W. F.] Warreniana. Bost., 1824. I2.....I4793 Dead-Sea Fruit. A Novel. Braddon. N. Y., I868. 8~. 2674 Deaf and Dumb, The. Mann. Bost., I836. I2~.. I7075 Deafness. Kitto. Lond., I845. 12~...8486 Death's Doings. Bost., I828. 2 v. 8~...4282 Debit and Credit. A Novel. Freytag. N. Y., I863. I2~.. 3042 Decameron, The. Boccaccio, tr. by Kelly. Lond. 8.. 473 Decatur, S., Life of. Mackenzie. Bost., I846. I6~.. 7270 The same. Waldo. Hartf'd., I82I. I2~... 6426 Decision, The. [Kennedy.] N. Y., I829. I2~..I54I Declaration of Independence, Lives of Signers of. Goodrich. Hartf'd. [I848.] I2.......... I6403 The same. Sanderson. Philad., I823-27. 9 v. 8~. 7462 Decorum, Bazar Book of. N. Y., I870. I6... 9131 Deep, Wonders of the. Schele de Vere. N. Y., I869. I2~...6949 Deerslayer, The. Cooper. N. Y., I872. I2~.. 2840 De Poe, D. Hist. of the Great Plague. Lond., 1832. I6~. 4844 Hist. of Plague; and Religious Courtship. N. Y., I857. I2~. 4228 Hist. of the Plague; the Storm; True-born Englishman. Lond., I855. 8........... 4227 Novels. Edinb., I8Io. V. 2-I2. I60.. 4160 CONTENTS.-2, 3, Robinson Crusoe. 4 5, Memoirs of a Cavalier. 6, 7, Life of Col. Jack. 8, 9, Adventures of Capt. Singleton. 10,11,,Wew Voyage round the World. 12, Hist. of the Plague. Novels and Miscellaneous Works. Oxf'd., 1840-4I. v. I-3, 6-8, I2-I9. I6... 387I CONTENTS.-1, 2, Robinson Crusoe. 3, Life of Capt. Singleton. 6, Memoirs of a Cavalier. 7, New Voyage round the World. 8, Memoirs of Capt. Carleton; Life of Mrs. Davies. 12, System of Magic. 13, Hist. of Apparitions. 14, Religious (Courtship. 15,16, Family Instructor. 17, 18, English Tradesman. 19, Life of Duncan Campbell; Dumb Philosopher; Everybody's Business is Nobody's Business. Robinson Crusoe, ed. Clark. Cambr., I866. I6~.. I706 Life and Times of. Chadwick. Lond., I859. 8~.. 7082 Life and Writings of. Lee. Lond., I869. 3 v. 8~.. 7083 DeForest, J. W. Hist. of Indians of Conn. Hartf'd., I85I. I2~.. 5847 Miss Ravenel's Conversion. N. Y., I867. I2. I. 2942 Overland. N. Y. [I87I.] 8.. 2697 Degerando, J. M. Self-Education. Bost., I830o. 80... I7052 Deism, Gospel its own Witness against. Fuller. Lond., I852. 8.. 495 [DeKay, J. E.] Sketches of Turkey. N. Y., I833. 8.... I6632 Dekker, T. Honest Whore. (Old Plays, v. 3.) Lond., I825. 80. 15Io Delano, A. Narrative of Voyages. Bost., iI8S. 8~....6282 Delany, M. G. Autobiography and Correspondence. Lond., I861-62. 6 v. 8~. 7057 DeLisle. [Grey.] N.Y., I828. 2. 2 v 2...I54II De Lolme, J. L. Constitution of England. Dubl., I785. 80... 500I The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I853. 8~.... 484 Delusions-De Quincey. 85 Delusions, Popular, Memoirs of. Mackay. Lond., I869. 8~.. 8525 See, also, APPARITIONS; MAGIC; SUPERSTITION; etc. Demerara. A Tale. Martineau. Bost., I832. 12~.. 146II De Mile, J. The Cryptogram. (2 copies.) N. Y., I87I. 8~.. 2690 The Dodge Club. N. Y., 1870. 8~.. 2689 Deming, H. C. Life of Grant. Hartf'd., I868. 8..7400 Democratic Review. Wash. and N. Y., I837-52. V. 1-2I, 23-31. 8~. 13059 The same. v. I-5, 9-2I, 23-25, 27-31... I3089 Democracy. Brougham. (Polit. Philos., v. 3.) Lond., 1844. 80.. 8682 in America. De Tocqueville, ed. Bowen. Bost., I863. 2 V. 12~. 6185 Treatise on. Camp. N. Y., I84I. I20.. 11613 The same. Partridge. Philad., i866. 8~.... 8695 Demonology, Letters on. Sir W. Scott. N. Y., 1839. 12~... IIII See, also, APPARITIONS: GHOSTS; MAGIC; NECROMANCERS; PLANCHETTE. De Morgan, A. Essay on Probabilities. Lond., I838. I6~.. 6043 Demosthenes. Orations, tr. by Leland. N. Y., 1840. v. I. 12~. ~ 45II Dendy, W. C. Phenomena of Dreams. Lond., I832. I20.. 848I Philosophy of Mystery. (2 copies.) N. Y., I845-47. I2~.. 8518 Denham, D., and Clapperton, H. Travels in Africa. Bost., I826. 80. i6530 Denham, J. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 240. 255 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. I5096 Works, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~. ~ ~ 3 Denis Duval. Thackeray. Lond., 1872. 8~.. 2199 Denmark, etc., Hist. of[to I8I4]. Dunham. Lond., I839-40. 3 v. I6~. 5468 Dennis, G. The Cid. Lond., I845. 24~....... 284 Denominations. See SECTS. Denon, D. V. Travels in Egypt. N. Y., I803. 2 v. 8~... 6483 Dent, A. Ruin of Rome. Lond., 1828. 8~... 1726I Depping, G., and Russell, C. Wonders of Strength and Skill. N. Y., T87I. I2~.... IOI30 De Profundis. Gilbert. Lond., I866. 8... 15413 De Quincey, T. Autobiographic Sketches. (2 copies.) Bost., I855-56. I6.......... 3319 Beauties. Bost., 1862. 120....... 3332 Biographical Essays. Bost., I850. 16~.. 3313 CONTENTS.-Shakspeare; Pope; Lamb; Goethe; Schiller. The Caesars. Bost., I85I. 160.. 3314 Confessions of an English Opium Eater. Bost., I84I. I6~.. 3180 The same, and Suspiria de Profundis. Bost., 1856. I6~. 3312 Essays on Philosophical Writers, etc. Bost., I854. 2 v. I6~.. 3326 on the Poets, etc. Bost., I855 16.. 3325 Historical and Critical Essays. Bost., 1856. 2 v. I6~.. 3323 Klosterheim. Bost., I855. 8........ 2559 Letters to a Young Man. Philad., I843. I2~.. 3164 The same. (2 copies.) Bost., I856-58. 160. 6~. 3330 Literary Reminiscences. Bost., I85I. 2 v. I6~.. 3315 The same. New ed. Bost., I859. 2 v. I6~... 3317 Logic of Polit. Economy. Edinb., I844. 8~..... 8624 12 86 De Quincey-Dickens. De Quincey, T. Narrative and Misc. Papers. Bost., I854. 2 v. I6~. 332I Selections from his Writings. Edinb., I856-6o. I4 v. 8~.. 3274 Theological Essays, etc. Bost., I854. 2 v. I6~.. 3328 [Derby, G. H.] Phenixiana. (2 copies.) N. Y., I856-67. I2~.. 4295 Squibob Papers. N. Y., I865. I2~.. 4297 Dermoncourt, Gen. The Duchess of Berri in La Vendee. 3d ed. Lond., I833. 8~.. 5666 De Rohan. Sue. N. Y., 1845. 8~.. 2324 Derrick and Drill. [Morris.] N. Y., I865. I2~... I7000 De Saunmarez, Lord J., Memoirs of. Ross. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~..6386 Despotism, Spiritual. Taylor. N. Y., I835. I2~.. 9538 Desultory Man, The. James. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. I2~.... 15209 DeVere, A. Song of Faith, etc. Lond., I842. I6~. 598 De Vere. [Ward.] N. Y., I83I. 2 v. I2.. 5155 Devereux. Bulwer-Lytton. N. Y., I829. 2 V. I2~.. 2052 Devil. See APPARITIONS; DEMONOLOGY; etc. Devonshire, Traditions of. Bray. Lond., I838. 3 v. I2~.. 5266 Devrient, E. Recollections of Mendelssohn. Lond., I869. 8~.. 7922 Dewar, D. Observations on Ireland. Lond., 1812. 8~... 6746 De Wette, W. M. L. Theodore; or, the Skeptic's Conversion. Bost., 184I. 2 V. I2.......... 17264 Dewey, O. The Old World and New. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. I2~.. I6564 Dial, The. Bost., 1843-44. v. 4. 8~.. 12767 Dialogues of the Dead. [Lyttelton.] Lond., I768. 8~.. 15241 Diary of Besieged Resident in Paris. N. Y., I87I. 8~.. 5642 of a Desennuyee. Gore. Philad., I836. 12~... I5415 of an Ennuyee. Jameson. Philad., I826. I2~.... I6722 of Kitty Trevelyan. [Charles.] Lond., I866. 8~.... 2465 of a late Physician. Warren. Edinb., I87I. 8.... 2447 Diaz del Castillo, B. Hist. of Conquest of Mexico. Salem, I803. 2 v. 8~. 5972 Dibble, S. Hist. of Sandwich Islands' Mission. N. Y., I839. I2~.. 6416 Dibdin, C. Deserter; Quaker. (Oxberry's Plays.) Bost., I823. 24~. I353 Songs. 2d ed. Lond., I84I. i6~. 677 Dibdin, T. Reminiscences. N. Y., I828. 2 v. in I. 8~.. 7993 School for Prejudice. (Mod. Theatre, v. 4.) Lond., I8ii. 12~. I330 Dick, J. Lectures on Theology. N. Y., I846. 2 V. 8~.. 17512 Dick, T. Celestial Scenery. N. Y., I841. I2.... II408 Improvement of Society. N. Y., I840. I2..... II279 Philosophy of Religion. Brookfield, I830. I2~. 17363 Practical Astronomer. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1846. I6~.. I6974 Sidereal Heavens, etc. N. Y., I840. I2~.... II423 Dickens, C. Barnaby Rudge. N. Y., 187I. I6~.. 2173 The same. N. Y., I872. I6~.... 0212 The same. (4 copies.) Philad. 8~.. 2253 Bleak House. (2 copies.) N. Y., I871-72. I6~.... 2179 The same. N. Y., I873. i6.. I02I18 Christmas Stories. N. Y., I871. I6~... 2174 The same. N. Y., I873. 6. I6. 10220 The same. Philad. 8~. 2263 Dickens. 87 Dickens, C. David Copperfield. Lond., I864. I2~.. 2208 The same. (2 copies.) Philad. I2~.. 2209 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869-71. 160... 2177 The same. N. Y., I872. I6~...10216 The same. Philad. 8.. 2262 Dombey and Son. N. Y., I87I. I6~. 2176 The same. N. Y., I872. I60... I0214 The same. (3 copies.) Philad. 8~.. 2259 Great Expectations. N. Y., I87I. I6.... 217I The same. N. Y., 1872. I6~....1. 0215 The same. (3 copies.) Philad. 8~.. 2272 Hard Times. N. Y., I854. 12.... 2211II The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I868-7I. 16~... 2I8I The same. N. Y., I872. I60... I0217 The same. N. Y., 854. 8.... 2264 Lamplighter's Story; Hunted Down, etc. Philad. 8~... 2265 Little Dorrit. N. Y., I871. I6.. 2183 The same. N. Y., I873. I6.. 10219 The same. Philad. 8~.. 2266 Martin Chuzzlewit. Bost., I869. 2 v. 8~.. 2204 The same. N. Y., I87I. 16..... 2175 The same. N. Y., I873. 160. I0213 The same. (2 copies.) Philad. 8~.... 2257 Mystery of Edwin Drood. N. Y., I871. 6~... 2I86 The same. N. Y., I873. 16~... 10224 The same. (2 copies.) Bost., I870. 8~.. 2277 New Stories. (2 copies.) Philad. 8~.. 2275 Nicholas Nickleby. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867-7I. I6~... 2169 The same. N. Y., 1872.. I6... I0210 The same. (2 copies.) Philad. 8~.. 2246 Old Curiosity Shop, and Reprinted Pieces. N. Y., 1871. 16~.. 2172 The same. N. Y., I872. I6.. I02II The same. (3 copies.) Philad. 8~.. 2250 Oliver Twist. Bost., i868. 80........ 2206 The same. N. Y., I87I. 6..... 217I The same. N. Y., I872. I6..... I02I5 The same. (2 copies.) Philad. 80.. 2248 Our Mutual Friend. N. Y., I868. I6~... 2184 The same. N.Y., 1872. I6..... 10221 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., i865. 8~. 2269 The same. Philad. [I865.] 8~..... 2271 Pic Nic Papers. Philad., I841. 2 V. I2. 21. 66 The same.....220I Pickwick Papers. N. Y., I872. I6..... 2168 The same. N. Y., I873. I6.. 10222 The same. (2 copies.) Philad. 8~.... 2244 The same. Philad. I2~..1. 2203 Pictures from Italy. N.Y., I846. I2~.. 8368 and American Notes. Bost., I867. 80.. 2207 88 Dickens-Diplomatists. Dickens, C. Pictures from Italy, and American Notes. N. Y., 1865. 2 v. I60. 2164 The same. N. Y., I87I. I6... 2174 The same. N. Y., 1873. I6~... 10220 Sketches by Boz. N. Y., I871. 2 V. i6~... 2172 The same. N. Y., I872. 2 V. I60. I0. 2II The same. (3 copies.) Philad., I839. 80... 2241 Tale of Two Cities. (2 copies.) N. Y., I868-71. I60.. 2I8I The same. N. Y., I872. I60. I0217 The same. (2 co'pies.) Philad. [I859.] 8~... 2267 The Tuggs at Ramsgate, and other Sketches. Philad., I837. I2~. 2I87 Uncommercial Traveller; Master Humphrey's Clock; New Christmas Stories; General Index of Characters in his Novels. N. Y., 187I. I6. 2. 285 The same. N. Y., I873. I61. I0223 Works. Philad. v. I, 2, 4-6. 8~. 2236 CONTNTTS.-1, Pickwick Papers; Old Curiosity Shop. 2, Oliver Twist; Sketches by Boz; Barnaby Rudge. 4, David Copperfield; Dombey & Son; Christmas Stories; Pictures from Italy. 5, New Stories (Seven Poor Travelers, New Christmas Stories, Hard Times, etc.); Bleak House. 6, Little Dorrit. Life of. Forster. Philad., 1872. 2 v. 12~. 7020 Mackenzie. Philad., I870. 12~.. 70I9 Pen Photographs of Readings of. Field. Bost., I87I. I6~.. 2188 Story of Life of. [Taylor.] Lond. [1870.] 8~.... 7018 Yesterdays with. Fields. Bost., 1872. 8..... 3612 Dictionary. Pierce and Wheeler. Bost., 1872. 12~... 2212 Dickinson, A. E. What Answer? (2 copies.) Bost., I868. 12~.. 2983 Dickinson, B. Prize Letters to Students. N. Y., I83I. I2~.. I7022 Dickson, W. Japan. Edinb., I869. 80.. 6505 Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures, and Mines. Ure. N. Y., I847. 8~. American, of the English Language. Webster, Goodrich and Porter. Springf'ld., I869. 4~.. See, also, ENCYCLOPIEDIA. Diderot, D., and Grimm, F. M. de. Select Correspondence, I753-69. Lond., I8I4. 2 v. 80... 7648 Didier, F. J. Letters from France, etc. N. Y., 1821. 80... i6694 Diet, Vegetable. Alcott. Bost., I838. I2~..9170 Digby, G. Elvira. (Old Plays, v. I2.) Lond., 1827.. 8~.... I519 Digby, Sir K. Memoirs of. By himself. Lond., I827. 80... 6816 Digby, K. H. The Broad Stone of Honour. Lond., I844. 12~.. 4620 Digestion, Physiology of. Combe. N. VY., 1836. I2~.... 9124 See, also, CHEMISTRY; FOOD. Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain. Philad., I869. I2~.. 8438 Dillon, A. A Winter in Iceland and Lapland. Lond., I840. 2 v. 8~. 8290 Dillon, W. (Earl of Roscommon.) Poetical Works. Ed, Bell. Lond. I807. 24~....... 259 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.... I5096 Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., I819. 24~.. 7 Diplomatists of Europe, The [in I9th century]. Capefigue. Lond., I845. I6........... 6676 Dircks-Doctor. 89 Dircks, H. Life of Marquis of Worcester. Lond., I865. 80... 7152 Discovery, Maritime and Inland, Hist. of. Cooley. Lond., 1830-31. 3 v. i6....5786 See, also, GEOGRAPHY; INVENTIONS; TRAVELS; VOYAGES. Disgrace to the Family, The. Jerrold. Lond., 1848. 8~... 2453 Disowned, the. Bulwer. Philad., i868. I2... 2038 Disraeli, B. Coningsby. N. Y., I845. 8~.. 2344 Contarini Fleming. (2 copies.) N. Y., I832. 2 v. I20... 2046 Henrietta Temple. Philad., I837. 2 v. I2... 2127 Lothair. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1870. 12... 2131 Novels. Philad., I840. 8~....... 2343 CONTENTS.-Vivian Grey; Young Duke; Contarini Fleming; Tale of Alroy; Rise of Iskander; Henrietta Temple; Venetia. Sybil. N. Y. Philad., 1845. 8.... 2345 Venetia. Philad., I837. 2 v. 12~. 21. 29 Voyage of Captain Popanilla. (2 copies.) Philad., I828. 12~. 2155 Wondrous Tale of Alroy, and Rise of Iskander. Lond., I833. 3 v. I2~.. 2124 The Young Duke. N. Y., I83I. 2 v. I2.. I5I53 Disraeli, I. Amenities of Literature. (2 copies.) Lond., I841. 3 v. 8~. 3412 The same. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. 12~.. 3389 Curiosities of Literature. ISt series. 7th ed. (2 copies.) Lond., 1823. 5 v. 8~.. 3375 The same. 2d series. Lond., I824. 3v. 80... 3409 The same. 2d series. Bost., I834. 2. 2 v. I2~. 3385 The same. 2d series. Bost., I834. (2 copies of v. I.) I2~. 3387 The same. 2 series in I v. N. Y. 8~.. 3408 The Literary Character. 3d ed. Lond., I822. 2 v. 80.. 3373 The same. 5th ed. Lond., I839. I6~.. 3I87 Miscellanies of Literature. N. Y., I84I. 3 v. I2~... 339I CONTENTS.-1, Miscellanies; Calamities of Authors. 2, Quarrels of Authors. 3, The Literary Character; Character of James I. Narrative Poems. Philad., 1803. I2~..4794 Quarrels of Authors. (2 copies.) N. Y., I814. 2 v. I2~. 3183 Ditson, G. L. Circassia; a Tour to the Caucasus. N. Y., I850. I2~. I6489 Divorce and Divorce Legislation. Woolsey. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 8642 Doctrine, etc., of. Milton. Lond., I848. 8..456 Dix, J. Life of Chatterton. Lond., I85I. I6~.. 6956 Dixon, W. H. Free Russia. N. Y., 1870. I2~.. 8298 Her Majesty's Tower. N. Y. and Philad., I869. 2 v. I2~. 5148 New America. (2 copies.) Philad., I867. 2~.. 8427 Personal Hist. of Lord Bacon. (2 copies.) Bost., I86I. I2~. 6755 William Penn. Philad., i85I. I2~...7313 Dobrizhoffer, M. The Abipones. Lond., 1822. 3 v. 8~. 5828 Dobson, S. Life of Petrarch. Philad., I809. 2 v. 12~. 7508 The same. Philad., I8I7. 8~...7752 Doctor, The, &c. Southey. N. Y., I836. I2~..3272 Antonio. Ruffini. N. Y., I862. I2~..2446 Austin's Guests. Gilbert. Lond., I867. 8~...54I4 Goethe's Courtship. Muiller. Lond., I866. I6~. 3046 90 Doctor-Doolittle. Doctor Howell's Family. Goodwin. Bost., I869. 12~.. 2989 Johns. Mitchell. N. Y., I866. 2 v. 80.. 2909 Thorne. A. Trollope. N. Y. I2... 2Io9 Doctors, Book about. Jeaffreson. N. Y., I862. 2~.... 8988 Dodd, G. Manufactures of Grt. Brit. Lond., I844-46. 6 v. 12.. 8786 CONTENTS.-1, Textile. 2, Chemical. 3, Metals. 4-6, Miscellaneous. Dodd, W. Beauties of Shakspeare. Philad., I830. 24~... 378 Doddridge, P. Works. Lond., 1803-04. 5 v. 8~.. 17201 [Dodge, M. A.] (Gail Hamilton.) Battle of the Books. Cambr., I870. 8......... 3645 Country Living and Thinking. Bost., I863. 8~.. 3647 Gala-Days. Bost., I864. 8~.. 3648 A New Atmosphere. (2 copies.) Bost., I865. 8~.. 3650 Skirmishes and Sketches. (2 copies.) Bost., I865. 8~... 3652 Stumbling-Blocks. Bost., I864. 80~..3649 Summer Rest. Bost., I866. 8~.. 3654 Woman's Worth and Worthlessness. N. Y., I872. I2~... 9216 Wrongs. (2 copies.) Bost., I868. I60.. 9214 Dodge Club, The. De Mille. N. Y., 1870. 8~. 2689 Dodington, G. B. Diary. Lond., I828. I2~.. 6660 The same. Lond., 1I823. 8~. 7143 Dodsley, R. Collection of Old Plays. [Ed. Collier.] Lond., I825-27. I2 V. 80. I508 The same. v. I, 2, 4-I2, 1...... I520 For Contents, see PLAYS. Collection of Poems. Lond., 1770. V. 2-6. I2~. 14019 King and Miller of Mansfield; Sir John Cockle at Court. (Brit. Drama, v. 5.) Lond., 1804. 8~..633 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 240... 20 Dollinger, J.J. I. v. Lectures on Reunion. N. Y., 1872. I2~.. I0266 Dollars and Cents. Warner. N. Y., I852. 2 v. I20.... 3007 Dombey and Son. Dickens. N. Y., I87I. I6.... 2176 Domenech, E. Residence in Deserts of N. America. Lond., I86o. 2 V. 8~........... 8497 Domestic Economy. Donovan. Lond., I830-37. 2 v. I6~.. 6035 Happiness portrayed. N. Y., I835. I2~.. I7009 Manners and Sentiments in England, in Middle Ages. Wright. Lond., I862. 8~.. 5263 Donaldson, P. Life of Wallace. Hartf'd., I830. 12~... 6444 Dongola, Expedition to, 1820. English. Bost., I823. 8~....6529 Doni, A. P. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., I836. 12~.. I9g Donne, J. Poetical Works. Bost., I87I. I6... I34 Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~.. 2 Life of. Walton. [Lond., I845.] 8..948 Donovan, M. Domestic Economy. Lond., I830-37. 2 v. I6~. 6035 Treatise on Chemistry. Lond., I837. I6~... 604I Don Quixote. Cervantes. Lond., I837-39. 3 v. 8... 1619 Rambles in the Footsteps of. Inglis. Philad., I840. 12~.. I668o Doolittle, J. Social Life of the Chinese. N. Y., i865. 2 v. 12~. 7942 Dora —Drama. 9I Dora. Kavanagh. N. Y., I868. 8~.. 2685 Doran, J. Annals of the English Stage. N. Y., i865. 2 v. 12~. I6I2 Knights and their days. Lond., 1856. 8~. 5I4I The same. N. Y., I856. I2~... 5142 Monarchs retired from business. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. I2~.. 6752 Dore, G. Illustrations of Dante. Lond., I868. 2 v. fol. of Don Quixote. Lond. 4~.. Legend of the Wandering Jew. I2 Designs. Lond. fol. Dore. By a Stroller in Europe. N. Y., I857. I2~.. 8276 Dorset, Earl of. See SACKV1LLE. Douglas, J. Advancement of Society in Knowledge and Religion. Hartf'd., I830. I2. 17345 Douglas, S. A. Treatise on Constitutional and Party Questions. N. Y., I866. 8... 6I73 and Lincoln, A. Political Debates. Columbus, i86o. 8~... 9388 Douglass, F. My Bondage and Freedom. Auburn, I855. I2~.. 8577 Life of. By himself. Bost., i847. I2~. 8576 Dove in the Eagle's Nest. Yonge. N. Y., I866. I2~. 2503 Dover, Lord. See G. J. W. A. ELLIS. Dowling, J. Hist. of Romanism. 3d ed. N. Y., I845. 8~.. 9672 Down-Easters, The. Neal. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. i2~... i5689 Downes, J. The Mountain Decameron. Lond., I836. 3 v. I2~. ~ I5513 Downing, A. J. Landscape Gardening and Rural Architecture. 2d ed. N. Y., I844. 8~.. 984 Downing, Major Jack. (Pseudonym.) See SEBA SMITH. Doyle, R. Manners and Customs of ye Englyshe. Lond. 2 v. 40. Drake, B. Life of Tecumseh, etc. Cincinn., I841. I2'.. 575I Drake, Sir F., Life of. N. Y., 1840. I2... 11032 Voyages of. Lond., I774. 8.. 1.6306 Drake, J. R. Culprit Fay, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., I836. 8~... 929 Drake, L. Heroes of England. Lond., I843. I6~. 6674 Drake, N. Essays illustrative of the Rambler, Adventurer, and Idler. Lond., I809-IO. 2 v. 8......3236 of the Tatler, Spectator, and Guardian. Lond., I8o5. 3 v. 8~. 3233 Literary Hours. Lond., I804. 3 v. 8~..3418 Memorials of Shakspeare. Lond., I828. 8~..585 Mornings in Spring. Lond., I828. 2 v. 8~. 296 Noontide Leisure; with a Tale of the Days of Shakspeare. Lond., 1824. 2 V. 62.. 1488 Shakspeare and his Times. (2 copies.) Paris, 1838. 8~... 1583 Drama, Defence of the. N. Y., I826. 6~..1395 British. [Ed. W. Scott.] Lond., I804. 3 v. in 5. 8~.. I629 CONTENTS.-1, Tragedies. Pt. 1, Maid's Tragedy, Philaster, False One, Bonduca, by Beaumont and Fletcher; Bondman, Fatal Dowry, Massinger; Rival Queens, Lee All for Love, Dryden; Orphan Venice Preserved, Otway; Mourning Bride, Congreve; Tamerlane, Fair Penitent, Jane Shore, Lady J. Gray, Rowe- Cato, Addison; Distressed Mother, Philips Siege of Damascus, Hughes; Revenge, Young; deorge Barnwell, Lillo. Pt. 2, Zara, by Hill; Fatal Curiosity, Arden of Feversham, Lillo; Gustavus Vasa, Brooke; Mahomet, Miller; Tancred and Sigismunda, Thom. son; Irene Johnson; Roman Father, Creusa, Whitehead Brothers, Young; Gamester, Moore; Boadicea, Glover; Barbarossa, Brown; Douglas, Home; Isabella, Southern Orphan of China Zenobia, Grecian Daughter, Murphy; Countess of Salisbury, Hartson; Earl of Warwick, Matilda, Francklin. 2, Comedies. Pt. 1, Every Man in his Humour, Alchymist, by Jonson * New Way to Pay Old Debts, D. of Florence, Massinger; Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, Beaumont and Fletcher; 92 Drama —Dreams. Plain Dealer, Wycherley- Double Dealer, Way of the World, Love for Love, Congreve; Provoked Wife, Vanbrugh; Love makes a Man, She would and She would not, Careless Husband, Double Gallant, Cibber; Constant Couple, Inconstant, Recruiting Officer, Beaux' Stratagem, Farquhar; Busy Body, Centlivre. Pt. 2, Wonder, Bold Stroke for a Wife, by Centlivre; Drummer, Addison; Conscious Lovers, Steele; Provoked Husband, Vanbrugh and Cibber; Suspicious Husband, Hoadly; Way to keep him, Ail in the Wrong, Murphy; Jealous Wife, Clandestine Marriage, English Merchant, Colhnan; School for Lovers, Whitehead; Brothers, W. Indian, Choleric Man, Cumberland; She Stoops to Conquer, Goldsmith School for Wives, Kelly; Rivals, Sheridan. 3, Opera-s and Farces. Cheats of Scapin, by Otway; Country House, Vanbrugh; Contrivances, Chrononhotonthologos, Honest Yorkshireman, Carey; Devil to pay, Coffey; Beggar's Opera, Gay; Intriguing Chambermaid, Mock Doctor, Fielding; King and the Miller of Mansfield, Sir John Cockle at Court, Dodsley; Lying Valet, Miss in her Teens Male-Coquette Guardian, Neck or Nothing, Peep behind the Curtain, Irish Widow, Bon Ton, Garrlck. Taste, Englishman in Paris, Knights, Englishman from Paris, Author, Minor, Liar, Orators Mayor of Garratt, Patron, Commissary, Devil on Two Sticks, Lame Lover, Maid of Bath, Foote; Apprentice, Upholsterer, Old Maid, Citizen, 3 Weeks after Marriage, Murphy; Deuce is in him, Colman; Love in a Village, Maid of the Mill, Padlock, Dr. Last in his Chariot, Sultan, Bickerstaff; High Life Below Stairs [Townley]; Midas. Drama, The British. Philad., I833. 2 v. 8~..662 CONTENTS.-1, Fatal Curiosity, Lillo; Guardian, Lying Valet, Garrick; Grecian Daughter, Murphy. Man of the World, Macklin; A.pprentice, Murphy-; J. Shore, owe; Ways and Means, Colman; Devil to Pay, Coffey; Fair Penitent, Rowe; Bold' Stroke for a Wife, Centlivre- Midas, O'Hara - Douglas, Home Inconstant, Farquhar; Mayor of Garratt, Foote; Barbarossa, Brown; Recruiting Sergeant, Bickerstaff; Hero and Leander, Jackman; Isabella, Southern' Quaker C. Dibdin; Rosina, Brooke; Venice Preserved, Otway; The Wonder, Centlivre; 3 Weeks after Marriage, Murphy; Cato, Addison; Fortune's Frolic, Allingham; Padlock, Bickerstaff; Revenge, oung; Rivals, Sheridan; Deuce is in him, Colman; Gustavus Vasa, H. Brooke; She Stoops to Conquer, Goldsmith; Bon Ton, Garrick; Orphan, Otway; New Way to Pay Old Debts, Massinger; Doctor and Apothecary, Cobb; Gamester, Moore; Suspicious Husband, Hoadly; Tom Thumb, O'Hara Percy H. More; Belle's Stratagem Crowley; Critic, Sheridan; Oroonoko, Southern; Country Girl, Irish Widow, Garrick; Arden of Feversham Lillo; Jealous Wife, Colman; Beggar's Opera, Gay; G. Barnwell, Lillo; Hypocrite, Bickerstaif; Mock Doctor, Fielding; Mourning Bride, Congreve; Clandestine Marriage, Garrick and Colman; Liar, Foote; Tancred and Sigismunda, Thomson; Beaux' Stratagem, Farquhar. 2, Lionel and Clarissa, Bickerstaff; Zara, Hill; W. Indian, Cumberland; High Life below Stairs, Townley; Tamerlane, Rowe- He would be a Soldier, Pilon; Miss in her Teens, Garrick; Distressed Mother, Philips; Tender Husband, Steele Who's the Dupe, Cowley- Pizarro, Kotzebue Every man in his Humour, Jonson; Love in a Village, Bickerstaff; All the World's a Stage, Jackman; Alex. the Great, Lee' Way to keep him, Murphy; Duenna, Sheridan; Ximena, Cibber; Rule a Wife and Have a Wife, Beaumont and Fletcher; Love a la Mode, Macklin; Roman Father, from Whitehead; Love for Love, Congreve; The Chances, from Beaumont and Fletcher; Intriguing Chambermaid, Flelding; All for Love, bryden; City Wives' Confederacy, Vanburgh; Lame Lover, Foote; Earl of Essex, H. Jones; Brothers, Cumberland- Careless Husband, Cibber; Comus, Milton; Orphan of China, Murphy; Provoked Husband, Vanburgh and Cibber; Inkle and Yarico Colman; Mahomet, Miller; Drummer, Addison; Recruiting Officer, Farquhar; First Floor, Uobb; Siege of Damascus, Hughes; Provoked Wife, Vanbrugh; Alzira, Hill; School for Scandal, Sheridan. Engl., Hist. of, to Shakspeare. Hudson. (Shakspeare, v. ii.) Bost., I859. I20. I388 Musical, Memoirs of the. Hogarth. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8~.. 9080 Dramatic Art and Literature. A. v. Schlegel. Lond., 1846. 8~.. 429 Literature of Age of Eliz. Hazlitt. Lond., 840. I6~... 69 Miscellanies. Davies. Lond., I785. 3 v. I6.. I494 Poetry, English, Hist of. Collier. Lond., I83I. 3 v. i6~. 556 Poets, Brit. and Amer., Golden Leaves from. Hows. N. Y., I865. I2........... I403 British, Lives of. Dunham, Bell, etc. Lond., I837-40. 3 v. i6... 5774 For contents, see DUNHAM. English, Specimens of. Lamb. N. Y., I845. I2~.. 1426 See, also, PLAYS; THEATERS. Draper, J. W. Hist. of American Civil War. N. Y., 1868-70. 3 v. 8~. 6252 Hist. of Intellectual Development of Europe. N. Y., I863. 8~. 4753 Drawing, Elements of. Ruskin. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 9032 See, also, ART. Draytons and Davenants. [Charles.] N. Y., I866. I20.. 2467 Dreams, Hist. of. Brierre de Boismont. Philad., I855. 80 8763 Literature of. Seafield. Lond., I865. 2 v. 8~.. 8528 Phenomena of. Dendy. Lond., I832. I2~.. 8481 of a Quiet Man. Fay. N. Y., 1832. 2. 2~... 3569 See, also, APPARITIONS; SLEEP. Dreamthorp-Duke. 93 Dreamthorp. A. Smith. Bost., I864. 8~..3747 Dred. Mrs. Stowe. Bost., 1856. 2 v. 12~. 2959 Dress. See COSTUME. Drew, S., Life of. By his son. N. Y., I835. I2~.. 16369 Dring, T. Recollections of the Jersey Prison-Ship. Ed. Greene. Prov., I829. 12.......... 6121 Droz, F. X. J. Art of being happy. Ed. Flint. Bost., I832. 12~.. 17032 Druids. See CELTIC. Drummond, W. Poems. (2 copies.) Lond., I790.. 6~. 952 Drunkenness, Anatomy of. Macnish. Hartfd., I842. 8~.. 3472 See, also, INTEMPERANCE; TEMPERANCE. Drury, A. H. Eastbury. N. Y., 1856. 12~. I5418 Drury, R., Adventures of. By himself. Lond., 1831. 12~... 6643 Dryden, J. Critical and Miscellaneous Prose Works. With Life, by Malone. Lond., I8oo0. 3 V. in 4. 8.. 3772 Dramatic Works. (2 copies). Lond., I725. 6 v. I2~... I405 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 5 V. 24~... 262 The same, with Memoir, by Christie. Lond., 1870. I6~. IIIo The same. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 1819. 2 V. 24'. 8 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8~.. 15097 Works, with Life, by Mitford. N. Y., 1836. 2 V. I2~... o8 Life of. W. Scott. Bost., I829. I20.. 3I88 Duane, W. Visit to Colombia. Philad., 1826. 8~.. 17133 Du Barrin M. J. G. de V., Memoir of. By herself. Lond., I830-31. 4 V. 12. 6667 Dublin University Magazine. Dubl., 1841-72. v. 18-22, 79. 8. 1769I Dubois, J. A. Manners and Customs of India. Philad., I818. 2 v. 8~. I6504 Ducas, T. Travels in Italy. Lond., 1822. 2 v. 80.. 16733 DuCerceau, J. A. Life and Times of Rienzi. Philad., 1836. I2~.. 7750 DuChaillu, P. B. Explorations in Equatorial Africa. Lond., i86i. 8~. 8090 Journey to Ashango-Land. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867. 80.. 8122 Ducoudray-Holstein, H. L. V. Memoirs of Bolivar. Bost., I829. 8~. 7699 of Lafayette. N.Y., 1I824. I20. 7593 Du Deffand, M. de V. C. Correspondence. Lond., I8Io. 2 v. 8~. 7655 Dudevant A. L. A. D. (George Sand.) Antonia. Bost., 1870. 16~.. 2350 Mauprat. Bost., I870. I6~.. 2349 Miller of Angibault. Bost., I87I. I6~.. 2352 M. Sylvestre. Bost., 1870. I6~.. 2351 Duelling, Hist of. Millingen. Lond., 1841. 2 v. 80... 15148 Romance of. Steinmetz. Lond., i868. 2 v. 8~. I5146 Diirer, A., Life, Journal, and Works of. Heaton. Lond., 1870. 8~.. 8125 Life and Works of. Scott. Lond., 1869. 8~.. 7956 Married Life of. Schefer. N. Y., 1862. I6~.. 7878 Du Fresnoy, C. A. Art of Painting; transl. by Mason, with Reynolds' notes. Lond., i8II. 80..17239 Du Hausset, Mme., Memoirs of. By herself. N. Y., 1827. 120. 7654 Duke, R. Poems, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~... 15097 Duke Christian. J. Porter. Bost., 1824. 2 V. 12.. 15182 13 94 Dumas-Durbin. Dumas, A. Count of Monte-Cristo. Lond. 8~. 2628 The same, with Edmond'Dantes. Philad. 3 v. in I. 8~. 2629 Impressions of Travel, in Egypt and Arabia. N. Y., I839. I2~. 7973 Marguerite of Valois. N. Y., I846. 8~... 2630 Memoirs of a Physician; Queen's Necklace; Six Years Later. Philad. 8~.. 2627 Pascal Bruno. Philad., I839. I2~.. 2594 Progress of Democracy; Gaul and France. N. Y., I84I. I20. 5421 Dumas, M. Memoirs of my own Time. Philad., I839. 2 V. I2~.. I6207 Dumont, P. E. L. Recollections of Mirabeau. Lond., 1835. 80.. 772I Dumont, P. J. Narrative of Slavery in Africa. Lond., I8I9. 8~.. 8052 Dunallan. [Kennedy.] Bost., I827. 2 v. I20.... 54I6 Duncan, H. Philosophy of the Seasons. Bost., I839. 4 v. I2~.. I6995 Duncan, John M. Travels in U. S. and Canada. N. H., I823. 2 V. 12~. I6792 Duncan, Jonathan. The Dukes of Normandy. Lond., 1839. I2~.. 5422 Dunham, I. Memoir of B. Swift. Bost., I842. I2~.... 7526 Dunham, S. A. Hist. of Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. (2 copies.) Lond., I839-40. 3 v. I6..5468 of Europe during the Middle Ages. (2 copies.) Lond., I833-34. 4v. 16V.. 4874 of the Germanic Empire. (2 copies.) Lond., I834-35. 3 v. 160..... 5462 of Poland. (2 copies.) Lond., I836. I6~.. 5478 of Spain and Portugal. Lond., I832-33. 5 v. I6~. 5456 The same. 519I and others. Lives of Literary and Scientific Men of Grt. Brit. Lond., I837-40. 3 v. 60..5774 CONTENTS. —, St. Columba; Alfred the Great; Chaucer; Heywood; Spenser. 2, Shakespear; Jonson; Massinger; etc. 8, Shirley- Davenant: Otway; Lee; Behn; Shadwell; Wycherly; Vanbrugh; Congreve; Farquhar; Cibber; Centlivre; Murphy; Cumberland; Cowley. Dunlap, -. Thirty Years ago: Memoirs of a Water-Drinker. N. Y., 1I836. 2 v. 12.. I5802 Dunlap, W. Hist. of the American Theatre. N. Y., I832. 80..I6I6 Memoirs of G. F. Cooke. N. Y., I813. 2 v. 120.... 7893 Narrative of Events following Bonaparte's Russian Campaign. Hartf'd., I814. I2~........ I6I89 Dunlop, J. Hist. of Fiction. 2d ed. Edinb., i8i6. 3 v. 8~... I44 of Roman Literature. Phil. and Lond., I827. 3 v. 80. I98 The same. v. I, 2. [to B. C. 31.] Philad., I827. 80. 20I Memoirs of Spain, I621-I700. (2 copies.) Edinb., I834. 2 v. 80. 6520 Dunn, H. Guatimala. N. Y., I828. 80.. I690I Du Paty, C. M. J. B. M. Sentimental Letters on Italy. Lond., I789. 2 V. I2~.. I6723 Dupin, C. Excursions to British Posts. Lond., I8I9. 8~.. 805I Tour through Naval and Military Establishments of Grt. Brit. Lond., I822. 80.. 8057 Duplessis, G. Wonders of Engraving. N. Y., I871. I20.... IOI25 Duppa, R. Life of Michael Angelo. Lond., I846. 8~... 345 Durbin, J. P. Observations in the East. N. Y., I845. 2 v 20.. I6494 in Europe. N. Y., I844. 2 v. 12.. I6558 Durfee-Earthquakes. 95 Durfee, J. What Cheer? Leeds, 1840. 12~. 1. 4986 Dust, Ethics of the. Ruskin. N. Y., i866. 12~... 9043 Dutch in the Medway, The. [Macfarlane.] Lond., 1845. I2~... 2382 Republic, Rise of the. (1555-84.) Motley. N. Y., 1856. 3 v. 8~. 5903 See, also, NETHERLANDS. Duyckinclk, E. A. and G. L. Cyclopaedia of American Literature. N. Y., I855. 2 v. 8~. 232 The same. Including Supplement. N. Y., I866. 2 V. 8~. 234 Dwight, B. W. Modern Philology. N. Y., I864-65. 2 v. 8.. I78 Dwight, H. E. Travels in North of Germany. N. Y., 1829. 8~.. 16650 Dwight, S. E. Life of Edwards. N. Y., I830. 8~.. 7709 Dwight, Theodore. Character of Jefferson. (3 copies.) Bost., 1839. I20. 7224 Hist. of Hartford Convention. (2 copies.) N. Y., I833. 8.~ ~ 6143 Open Convents. N. Y., I836. I2~.. 17280 Dwight, Theodore, Jr. Hist. of Conn. N. Y., I842. I2~... 116o8 The same. N. Y., I84I. I2..... 2273 Life of Garibaldi. (2 copies.) N. Y., i86I. I2. 7785 Roman Republic of I849. N. Y. [I85I.] 120.... 4685 Dwight, Timothy. Conquest of Canian. Hartfd., I785. 120.. 768 Decisions of Questions. N. Y., 1833. I20.. 9186 Genuineness of the N. T. Hartf'd., 1837. I2~... I7287 Remarks on Review of Inchiquin's Letters. Bost., I8I5. 8~. I68Io Sermons. N. H., 1828. 2 v. 80... I7509 Travels in N. E. and N. Y. N. H., 1821. 4 v. 8~... 6839 Life of. Sprague. Bost., I845. I6~.. 7263 Dwyer, J. H. Essay on Elocution. N. Y., 1828. I2~.. I7530 Dyer, J. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24~.. 535 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8~.... 510I The same. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I8I9. 240.. 14 Dyer, T. H. Hist. of Kings of Rome. Lond., I868. 8~.... 4731 of Modern Europe. Lond., I86I-64. 4 v. 80.. 4720 Dying Thoughts. Baxter. Lond., 1834. I6~.. 9489 Dymond, J. Essays on Morality. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1844. 8~. 17069 Dyspepsy forestalled and resisted. Hitchcock. Amh., 1830. 120.. I6969 E. Earl, G. W. The Eastern Seas. Lond., I837. 8~..... 8031 Earle, J. Micro-Cosmographie, ed. Arber. Lond., I868. 16~... 3889 Earth, The. Mudie. Lond., 1835. I2.. 14633 and Man, The. Guyot. Bost., I85I. 12~... 8968 Age of the. Rhind. Edinb., 1838. 16~..... 16945 Continents of. Reclus. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8~.... 9006 Hist. of the. Goldsmith. Philad., 1823-25. 5 v. 8~.. i6925 Physical Condition and Phenomena of the. Higgins. N. Y., I840. 12........... 11403 Earthquakes. Wittich. Lond., i846. 12~.. 878i Zuircher and Margoll6. Philad., I869. I2~. 101.. 47 96 East-EccolesiasticaL East, D. J. Western Africa. Lond., 1844. I2~... I6472 East, Ancient History of the. Lenormant and Chevallier. Lond., I869-70. 2 v. 8......... 4057 Diary in the, 1869. Russell. Lond., 1869. 8... 8075 Letters from the, I852-53. Bryant. N. Y., I869. 12~.. 8239 Poetry of the. Alger. Bost., I856. I2~.. 875 Sketches of Travel in the. Spencer. N. Y., I85o. 8~.. 8069 See, also, the LEVANT; ORIENTAL; and names of countries. East India Co., Hist. of Possessions of the. Martin. Lond., I837. 2 V. 16~.. 7903 East Indies, Hist. of English Transactions in. Cambr., I776. 12~.. I6072 of European Settlements in. Raynal. Lond., 1776. 2 v. 8~. 16149 See, also, INDIA. Eastburn, J. W., and Sands, R. C. Yamoyden. N. Y., 1820. I20.. I4987 Eastbury. Drury. N. Y., 1856. 120.. 1 I5418 Easter, Sermons for. Ed. Stebbing. Lond., I835. 16~.. 9498 Eastern Church. See CHURCH. Life, present and past. Martineau. Philad., 1848. 8... 8098 Travel, Romance of. MacFarlane. Lond., 1846. I2~... 85o Eastlake, O. L. Contributions to Literature of the Fine Arts. With Memoir. Lond., 1I870. 2v. 8~.. 9074 Eastman, F. S. Hist. of N. Y. State. N. Y., I828. 120... 6012 Eaton, 0. A. W. Rome in the i9th Century. N. Y., 1827. 2 v. I20. 16728 The same. 5th ed. (Bohn.) Lond., 1852. v. I. 8~.. 527 Eatonl W., Life of. Felton. Bost., 1838. I6~.. 7258 The same. [Prentiss.] Brookfield, 1813. 8~.... 6396 Eberhard, P. Popular Traditions. Lond., 1826. I2~.... 1896 Ebers, G. Daughter of an Egyptian King. Philad., I87I. 12~... 3041 Ecce Ccelum. [Burr.] Bost., 1870. 12...... 8917 Deus. [Parker.] Bost., 1867. 16~.. 9905 Femina. White. Bost., 1870. 16.. 9210 Homo. [Seeley.] Bost., 1867. I6~... 9902 On. Gladstone. Lond., i868. 6~.... 9843 Ecclesiastical Hist., Apostolic. Neander. Edinb., 1842. 2 v. 16~.. 6339 Era of. De Pressense. N. Y., 1870. 12~. 6307 Commentaries on, A. D. 1-200. Mosheim. Lond., I813. 2 v. 8....... 659I to 380. W. C. Taylor. Lond., 1844. 16~... 6333 to 412. Milman. Lond., 1840. 3 v. 8~... 6568 to 1073. Neander, transl. by Torrey. Bost., 1848. 3 v. 8....6563 to 1492. Stebbing. Lond., I833-34. 2 v. 16~. 5488 to the Reformation. Waddington. Lond., I833. 80. 16467 to 1530. Milner. Bost., 1822. 5 v. 12... 6334 to 1700. Jones. Philad., I832. 8.... 16466 Institutes of, to 1750. Mosheim, tr. Murdock. N. H., 1832. 3v. 80.. 6585 to 1790. Gregory. Lond., I790. 2 v. 12.. 14636 to 1839. Palmer. N. Y., I84I. I2~... 1646I Ecclesiastical-l.ducation. 97 Ecclesiastical Hist., Studies in; Rise of the Temporal Power; Benefit of Clergy; Excommunication. Lea. Philad., 1839. I2........ 6314 Polity. Hooker. Lond., I830o. 3 v. 8~.. 8688 See, also, CHRISTIANITY; CHURCH. Echard, L. Hist. of the Revolution in I688. Lond., I725. 80.. I6065 Echo, The. [Alsop and Dwight.] N. Y., I807. 8~.. 814 Eckardt, J. Modern Russia. Lond., I870. 8~... 6448 Eckermann, J. P. Conversations with Goethe. Bost., 1839. I2~.. 7828 Eclectic, The American. (2 copies.) N. Y., I84I-42. 4 v. 8~. I374I The Eclectic Museum, v. I-3, is a continuation (as v. 5-7). Magazine, The. N.Y., I1844-64. v. 1-9, II-63; and New Series. N. Y., 1865-72. I6v. 80...3562 The same. v. 1-33, and N. S., v. I-8. I3752 Museum, The. N. Y., I843. 3 v. 8~..13749 Review, The. Lond., 1805-IO. 6 v. in II. 8.. 14377 Edda of Saemund. Transl. by Cottle. Bristol, I797. 8~. ~ ~. 920 Songs from the. Ed. Morris. Lond., 87o. 8~... 922 See, also, SCANDINAVIAN Mythology. Eddy, Z. Immanuel; or the Life of Jesus. (2 copies.) Springf'ld., 1870. 8.........6541 Edelweiss. Auerbach. Bost., I869. 12~.. 27Io Edgar, 8. Variations of Popery. 2d ed. Lond., I838. 8~.. 6491 Edgar Huntly. C. B. Brown. Bost., I827. I20~... 15302 Edgewood, My Farm of. Mitchell. N. Y., I863. 120.. 8922 Wet Days at. Mitchell. N. Y., I865. I2~.. 8924 Edgeworth, M. Tales and Novels. N. Y., I834-35. 20 v. in Io. 12~. 13662 Works. Bost., 1823-26. I3 v. 8~.. 15335 Edgeworth, R. L. and M. Essay on Irish Bulls. N. Y., I803. I2~. 17050 Edinburgh, Traditions of. Chambers. Edinb., I869. 8~... 5154 Annual Register, for I8o8-I5. Edinb., I810-I7. 8 v. in 1I3. 80. 11731 Monthly Review. Edinb., 18I9-2I. v. I-5. 80... 13II6 Review. Edinb. and N. Y., I802-72. V. I-22, 24-38, 40-83, 86-130, 133-I36. 8.. IO11051 The same. v. I-I7, I9-90, 93-I22, 125-I32.... II154 Index to v. I-20. (2 copies.) Also, Index to v. 2I-50.. Selections from. Ed. Cross. Lond., I833. v. I, 4. 8. II1293 The same. Paris, I835. v. I, 2, 4-6. 80.. II295 Weekly Magazine. Edinb., I771-72. v. I4, I5 (in i). 8. I2745 Edmond Dantes. Dumas. Philad. 8~.. 2629 Education, Dialogues concerning. Fordyce. Lond., I745. 8~. ~ 17043 Discussions on. Sir W. Hamilton. N. Y., I86I. 8~.. 8769 Doctrine of. Richter. Bost., 1863. 8~.. 3067 Essays on, Milton, Locke, etc. Lond., I76I. 8~.. 17046 Hints on. Home. Dubl., 1782. I20.. I7OI5 Hist. of. Schmidt. N.Y., I844. I2~...II758 Home. I. Taylor. N. Y., I838. 12~.. 9307 intellectual, moral, and physical. H. Spencer. N. Y., i866. 120 8595 Liberal. Knox. Lond., 1785. 2 V. 122... 9Io8 9 8 lducation-1-gypt. Education, Liberal, Essays on a. Ed. Farrar. Lond., I868. 8~.. 9289 Physical. Maclaren. Oxfd., I869. I6~... 9II8 Practical. Edgeworth. (Works, v. I.) Bost., 1823. 8~... I5335 Importance of. Everett. Bost., 1840. 12~... 9266 Speeches connected with. Brougham. Edinb., i838. 8~. 9339 See, also, COLLEGES; STUDENTS; UNIVERSITIES. Edward. (A Novel.) Moore. (Works, v. 6.) Edinb., I820. 8~.. 17322 Edward I, Chronicle of. Peele. (Works, v. x.) Lond., I829. 8~.. I463 Edward II, a Tragedy. Marlowe. Lond., I870. 8~.. 1572 Edward I. of England, Life of. Longman. Lond., I869. 2 v. 8~. 5286 The same. Williams. Lond., I843. I20... 5I33 Edward the Black Prince, Hist. of. James. Lond., I839. 2 v. 8~.. 5I3I Life of. Williams. Lond., I843. 120.... 5I33 Edward, D. B. Hist of Texas. Cincinn., 1836. 12~.... 5994 Edwards, Bela B. Biography of Self-taught Men. Bost., 1832. I20. 6696 The same, enlarged. Bost., I846-47. 2 V. 12~... 6672 Slavery in Ancient Greece. Edinb., I835. I6~.... 9I37 and others. Classical Studies. Bost., I843. 12~.. 9257 and Park, E. A. Selections from German Literature. (2 copies.) Andover, 1839. 80.. Ioo6i Edwards, Bryan. Hist. of Brit. Colonies in the W. I. Dubl., I793. 2 V. 8~. 5832 Edwards, E. Life of Ralegh. Lond., i868. 2 v. 8~.. 6814 Edwards, J. Freedom of the Will. Lond., I775. 8~.. I7063 Memoirs of Brainerd. Ed. Dwight. N. H., I822. 8.. 7632 Works, with Memoir by Dwight. N. Y., I829-30. Io v. 8~.. I7176 Life of. Dwight. N. Y., I830. 8~.. 7709 The same. Miller. Bost., I837. 6~... 7257 Edwards, R. Damon and Pithias. (Old Plays, v. I.) Lond., 1825. 80. I5o8 Edwards, S. Hist. of the Opera. Lond., I862. 2 v. I20.. 8863 Edwards, T. The World's Laconics. N. Y., I856. 12~.. 4338 Edwards, W. H. Voyage up the Amazon. N. Y., I847. I2~. 17140 Edwin Brothertoft. Winthrop. Bost., I862. I2~.. 2858 Edwin Drood. Dickens. N.Y., I87I. 6~... 2I86 Edwin the Fair; a drama. Taylor. Lond., I845. 24~.. 983 Eganr P. Life in London. Lond., I823. 8~... 6713 Egede, H. Description of Greenland. Lond., I818..8~... 6595 Eggleston, E. The End of the World. N. Y. [I872.] I20... 298 Egypt 3300 years ago. De La Noye. N.Y., I870. I2~.... IOI28 American in, 1839-40. Cooley. N. Y., I842. 80.... 8068 Englishwoman in, I842-46. Poole. Lond., I844-46. 3 v. 120. 8I5I Hist. of, to A. D. 640. Sharpe. Lond., I846. 80.... 4446 of Brit. Exped. to, i8oi. Wilson. Philad., 1803. 80.. 5281 Impressions of Travel in, I83o. Dumas. N. Y., 1839. I2~.. 7973 Incidents of Travel in, I836. [Stephens.] N. Y., I837. 2 v. 12~. I6490 Journal of Visit to, I869. Grey. N. Y., I870. 2~... 8253 Letters on. Savary. Dubl., I787. 2 v. 8~...6485 Monuments of. Hawks. N. Y., I850. 8.. 4456 past and present. Thompson. Bost., I854. 12~... 7972 Egypt-Elizabeth. 99 Egypt, Sketches of Travel in, I848-49. Spencer. N. Y., 185o. 80.. 8069 Travels in, 1777-78. Sonnini. Lond., 1799. 3 v. 8~...65I6 I783-85. Volney. Dubl., I788. 80.... I648I I798. Denon. N. Y., I803. 2 V. 8... 16483 I817-18. Forbin. Lond., I8I9. 8.... 8052 1818-19. Montule. Lond., 182I. 80.... 8055 1821. Scholz. Lond., 1822. 8..... 8058 1827-28. Webster. Lond., 1830. 2 v. 8~.. 8065 I840. Olin. N. Y., 1843. 2 V. I20.... I6492 View ot Ancient and Modern. Russell. N. Y., I83I. 12~.. IIO25 and Nubia, Boat Life in. Prime. N. Y., I857. I2~.. 8233 Travels in, I817. Irby and Mangles. Lond., I844. I6~. 8197 I825-27. Madden. Lond., I829. 8~.. 8067 and Abyssinia, Description of. Conder. Lond. 2 v. in I. I2~... 7847 the Soudan, and Central Africa, 1845-6I. Petherick. Edinb., i86i. 8........... 8071 Egyptians, Dissertations on the. De Pauw. Lond., I795. 2 v. 8~. I6I69 Ancient, Manners and Customs of. Wilkinson. Lond., 1I837. 3 v. 8~.. 4447 The same. 2d series. Lond., I84I. 2 v. and I v. pl. 8~. 4453 Modern, Manners and Customs of. Lane. Lond., I842. 2 V. 8~. 8063 See, also, NILE. Eichendorff,; J. v. Aus dem Leben eines Taugenichts. Bost., 1866. I2~. 9615 Memoirs of a Good-for-Nothing. N. Y., 1866. I2~.. 2709 Eikon Basilike. Lond., 1824. 12~.. 4906 Eisdell, J. S. Treatise on Industry of Nations. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 8~. 866I Elder, W. Biogr. of Dr. Kane. Philad., I858. 80... 7475 Elder Sister, The. James. N. Y., 1855. I2~... 5419 Eldon, Lord (J. Scott), Life of. Campbell. Lond., 1847. 80.. 6872 Eldorado; Life in California and Mexico, I849-50. Taylor. N. Y., I867. I2~... 8280 Electricity, Notes of Lectures on. Tyndall. N. Y., 187I. 120.. 8907 Papers on. Franklin. (Works, v. 5.) Bost., I837. 8~.. 9752 Elegant Extracts in Poetry. Lond., I8. 2 v. 8..... 15836 The same. [Revised ed.] Lond., i816. 2 v. 80. I5838 in Prose. 2d ed. Lond. [I784.] I2~.. I3357 in Prose. Bost., 1826. 6 v. I20. I3358 in Verse. Bost., 1826. 6 v. I20. I3364 Elephant, The. [Ogilby.] Lond., 1844. 2~..... 8792 Elgin, Earl of. See J. BRUCE. Elia. See C. LAMB. Eliot, George. See M. J. LEWES. Eliot, Sir John, Life of. Forster. Lond., 1836. 6~..... 5760 Eliot, Rev. John, Life of. Francis. Bost., I836. 16~.... 7254 Eliot, S. The Liberty of Rome. N. Y., I849. 2 v. 8~.... I6o28 Elizabeth, Queen, and Mary Q. of Scotts. v. Raumer. Lond., I836. 12~. 52IO and her Times. Original Letters, ed. Wright. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~.. 5293 1oo Elizabeth-Ellis. Elizabeth, Queen, Life of. Strickland. Philad., I847. 8~... 5230 Memoirs of Court of. Aikin. Philad., I823. 80.... 5295 and Isabella, Review of Prescott's Comparison of. Bost., I84I. 12............ 664 Elizabeth, Charlotte. See C. E. TONNA. Elizabeth; or, the Exiles of Siberia. Cottin. N. Y., 1853. I2~. ~ 2359 Elizabeth de Bruce. [Johnstone.] N. Y., I827. 2 V. I20.. 15420 Elklwatawa. N. Y., I836. 2 v. 12....... 5687 Ella of Garveloch. Martineau. Bost., 1832. 2~..... 14612 Ellery, W., Life of. Channing. Bost., 1836. 6~..... 7255 Ellet, E. F. Poems. Philad., I835. I2....... 14988 Women of the Revolution. N. Y., 1848-50. 3 v. I2~... 7300 Ellicott, C. J. Considerations on Revision of N. T. N. Y., I873. 8~. 10263 Lectures on Life of Christ. Bost., i862. 12~. 6420 Elliot, J. Debates on Adoption of Constitution. Wash., I828. V. 2-4. 80. 6126 [Elliot, S. H.] The Parish-Side. N. Y., I854. 12~...~ ~ 5756 Elliott, C. B. Letters from North of Europe. Philad., I833. 12~. ~ I6575 Elliott, C. W. New England History. N. Y., I857. 2 v. 8~.. 675 Remarkable Characters of the Holy Land. Hartf'd., I867. 8~. 1ooI3 Wind and Whirlwind. (2 copies.) N. Y., I868. I2~.. 15817 Elliott, E. Poems. Lond., I833-34. 2 v. 12~..... IO06 Poetical Works. (2 copies.) Edinb., I840. 8~.... 940 Elliott, G. D. Journal during the French Revolution. Lond., I859. 8~. 5711 Ellis, G. Early English Metrical Romances. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 848. 8.......... 501 Specimens of Early English Poets. 4th ed. Lond., I8II. 3 v. I6~. Io8o The same. 5th ed. Lond., I845. 3 v. 6~.... IO83 Ellis, G. E. Life of Anne Hutchinson. Bost., 1845. I6~.. 7265 of J. Mason. Bost., I844. I6~.. 7262 of Penn. Bost., I847. I6~.. 7271 Ellis, G. J. W. A. (Lord Dover.) Life of Frederic II. N. Y., 1839. 2 V. I2...... 110. IIO45 The same. N. Y., 1832. 2 v. 12. 12100 Ellis, H. Journal of Embassy to China. Lond., I840. 8~... 8IOI Ellis, S. S. Daughters of England. N. Y., 1843. I2~.... 9200 Hearts and Homes. N. Y., I850. 8.. 2671 Home. N. Y., I836. 2 v. in I. 12....15457 Irish Girl: and other Poems. N. Y., I844. I2~. ~. 1231 Minister's Family. N. Y., I844. I20.. 15509 Mothers of England. N. Y., I844. I2~... 9201I Pictures of Private Life. Philad., I833-34. 2 v 12. I5548 Poetry of Life. Philad., I835. 2 v. I2~... 15242 Pretension. Philad., I837. 2 v. I2~... 5555 Temper and Temperament. N. Y., I846. 12~.. 2426 Wives of England. N. Y., I843. 12~...... 9199 Women of England. N. Y., I839. I2~...... 9197 The same. N.Y., 1843. 12~....... 9198 Ullis-Emerson. o10 Ellis, S. S. Works. N. Y., I843-44. 3 v. 8~... I5349 CONTENTS.-l, Women of England; Wives of England; Daughters of England. 2, Pictures of Private Life; Voice from the Vintage. 3, Mothers of England; Poetry of Life. Ellis, W. Hist. of Madagascar. Lond. [1838.] 2 v. 8~.... 6494 Ellsworth, H. W. Valley of the Upper Wabash. N. Y., I838. 12. 2~. 6877 Ellwood, T., Life of. By himself. Lond., I829. I2~... 6649 Elmes, J. The Arts and Artists. Lond., 1825. 3v. I6~... 8851 Classic Quotations. N. Y., I863. 6~...... 4337 Elocution, Cultivation of the Voice in. Russell. Bost., I85I. 12~. 9303 Essay on. Dwyer. N. Y., I828. 120.. I7530 Exercises in. Russell. Bost., 184I. 12~.. 9302 Lectures on. Sheridan. Lond., I798. 80... I7523 Manual of. Caldwell. Philad., I846. I2~... 9301 Philosophy of the Voice in. Rush. Philad., I833. 80. ~ ~ 17540 See, also, ORATORY; RHETORIC. Eloisa. Rousseau. Lond., I8Io. 3 v. 8...... I5146 Eloquence, American. Ed. Moore. N. Y., I857. 2 v. 80.. 9432 Specimens of. Middletown, I837. I20.. 9291 of the Ancients. Brougham. Philad., 1839. I20.. 6742 British, Common-place Book of. Lond., I827. 240... 9149 Select. Goodrich. N. Y., I86I. 80.. 9425 of the British Senate, I625-I802. Ed. Hazlitt. Brooklyn, I8Io. 2 v. 80.. 9423 Dialogues on. Fenelon. Andover, I845. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 9913 Irish, Specimens of. Phillips. N. Y., I820. 8~... 9427 Lectures on. Porter. Andover, I836. 80... 17521 Patriotic (U. S.) Ed. Mrs. Kirkland. N. Y., I866. 12~.. 9325 Principles of. Maury. N. Y., 1I848. 120....II926 Pulpit, Lectures on. Campbell. Bost., 1832. 8.... IOO38 of the XIX. century. Fish. N. Y., I857. 8.. 0Ioo57 of the U. S. Williston. Middletown, 1827. 5 v. 8~.. 9332 See, also, ORATORY; SPEECHES. Elphinstone, M. Hist. of India [to 176I.] Lond., I84I. 2v. 8~.. 6500 Elsie Venner. Holmes. Bost., 86I. 2 v. 16.. 2720 Elze, K. Lord Byron. Lond., 1872. 80...... 7094 Emancipation. See SLAVERY. [Embury, E. C. M.] Guido, and other Poems. N. Y., I828. I20.. 14989 Emerson, J., Life of. R. Emerson. Bost., I834. 12'. I2~. i64I9 Emerson, R. W. The Conduct of Life. (2 copies.) Bost., i86I. I2~. 3633 English Traits. (2 copies.) Bost., 1856-57. 120.. 3627 Essays. Ist Series. (2 copies.) Bost., 1850-63. 12~. 3619 2d Series. (2 copies.) Bost., 1844-45. 120.. 362I 2d Series. 2d ed. (2 copies.) Bost., I850-55. 120.. 3623 May-Day, etc. Bost., 1867. I6... 8o Miscellanies: Nature, Addresses, and Lectures. (2 copies.) Bost., 1856-6o.. 2~.. 3625 Poems. (2 copies.) Bost., 1I847-50. I6~.. 8o8 Representative Men. (4 copies.) Bost., I849-68. I2~... 3629 Society and Solitude. (2 copies.) Bost., I870. 12~.. 3635 I4 102 hEmily-England. Emily.Montague. [Brooke.] Lond. 4v. 12~. 15422 Emma. Austen. Philad., 1838. 8~.. 2662 Emmet, R., Life of. Burke. Charleston, 1852. 12~.. 6682 Emmet, T. A., Memoir of. Haines. N. Y., 1829. I2~.... 668i Emmons, N. Works. Bost., I842. 6 v. 8~... I786 Emmons, R. The Fredoniad. 2d ed. Philad., I830. 4 v. I2~.. 1507I Emotions, Expression of. Darwin. N. Y., I873. I20.. 8938 Emptor, Caveat. (Pseudonym.) See G. STEPHEN. Encyclopaedia Americana. Lieber. Philad., I830-33. I3 V. 8~. Appleton's New American. N. Y., I864. i6 v. 8~. Annual Supplement, I86I-7I. N. Y., I864-72. II V. 8. British, of Arts and Sciences. Nicholson. Philad.., I8I9-2I. 12 V. 8. Family. Goodrich. Hartf'd., I849. I2~.. Iconographic. Heck. N. Y., I85I. 4 v. 8~. and 2 v. 4~. of Political Knowledge, etc. [Long.] Lond., I848-49. 4 v. 8~. 350 of Science, Literature and Art. Brande. N. Y., I848. 8~. See, also, DICTIONARIES. End of the World, The. Eggleston. N. Y. [I872.] I2.... 10298 Enfield, W. Hist. of Philosophy. Lond., I837. 8... 8719 Scientific Recreations. Lond., I825. I20..... I6943 Engel, M. E. Novels. (German Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., I826. I20. I898 England in I835. v. Raumer. Philad., I836. 8.... 5334 Abbeys, Castles, etc., of. Timbs. Lond. 2 v. 8~.. 5136 and America. A Comparison. N. Y., I834. 8... 586o The American in, I834. [Mackenzie.] N. Y., I835. 2 v. 12. I 6757 Biogr. of Reform Ministers of. Jones. Lond., 1832. 8~. 5330 Book of the Court of. Thoms. Lond., I844. 8~... 5265 Christian Leaders of, in I8th century. Ryle. Lond., I869. 8~. 6607 Comic Hist. of. A'Beckett. Lond., I865. 80.. 4262 Commentaries on Laws of. Blackstone. N. Y., I872. 2 V. 8~. 9395 Constitution of. Brougham. Lond., i86I. I6~... 4854 De Lolme. Lond., 1853. 8'.... 484 Book of. Stephens. Glasgow, I835. 8~. 5 sooo Growth of. Freeman. Lond., I872. 8~.. 5011 Hist. of. Russell. Lond., I823. 8~... 4988 Lectures on. Sullivan. Dubl., I790. 8~.. 4949 Manual of. Rowland. Lond., I859. I20... 4853 Rise and Progress of. Creasy. N.Y., I856. I2~. 4852 The same. (Anglo-Saxon period.) Palgrave. Lond., I832. 2 v. 40........ 5III Constitutional Hist. of, 1485-I760. Hallam. Bost., i86i. 3 v. 8~. 4907 The same, I76o0-860. May. Bost., I862-63. 2 v. 80.. 4912 Illustrations of, to I300. Stubbs. Oxfd., I870. 8~. 485I Dialogue of the Common Law of. Hobbes. Lond., I840. 8~. 9677 Domestic Manners and Sentiments in, in Middle Ages. Wright. Lond,, I862. 8~. 5263 Eccl. Hist. of [to A. D. 73I]. Bede. Lond., I847. 8~... 497 England. 103 England, Embassy to, I626. Bassompierre. Lond., IS89. 8~.. 5073 I840. Guizot. Lond., I862. 8~.... 5259 and the English. Bulwer. N. Y., I833. 2 v. I2~.... 4828 Fame and Glory of, vindicated. N. Y., I842. I20.... 4832 Foreigner's Opinion of. G6de. Bost., I822. 8~.... i6749 German Artist's Tour in. Passavant. Lond., 836. 2 V. 2 12. I7I2I Gleanings in. [Cooper.] Philad.,I837. 2 v. I2~.... I676I Hist. of (under the Romans). Thackeray. Lond., I843. 2 v. 8~. 5069 in 6 early chronicles. Ed. Giles. Lond., I848. 8~.. 499 of (to A. D. Io66). Milton. (Works, v. 5.) Lond., I868. 8~. 458 The same. Temple. (Works, v. 3.) Lond., 1814. 8~.. I7199 of the Four Conquests of (to Io087). St. John. Lond., 1862. 2 v. 8......... 4994 Abridgement of, to 1216. Burke. (v. 5.) Bost., I839. 8~. 9653 of, to I485. Clarke. Lond., I826. 2 v. 8... 5Io2 to 1547, as illustrated by Shakspeare. Reed. Philad., I857. I6......... I478 to I6o3. Turner. Lond., I839. I2 v. 8~.... 5078 to I67I. Lingard. Lond. and Philad., I823-30. I2 V. 8~. 4950 to I688. Hume. Bost., I849-5o. 6 v. I20... 4892 Pictorial, to I688. Craik, etc. Lond., I84I. 4 v. 8.. 5Io04 to I730, Remarks on. Bolingbroke. Lond., I8o09. 8~. 17223 [to 1760.] Mackintosh, Wallace and Bell. Lond., 1830-40. IO v. I6....... 4882 to I760. Rapin and Tindal. Lond., I757-62. 2I v. 8~. I6074 to I82I. Hume, Smollett, and Miller. Philad., I836-37. 4 v. 8~. 5389 to I835. Hume, Smollett, and Hughes. Paris, I835-36. V. 2-I5. 80.. 5365 to I839. Keightley. N. Y., 1840. 5 V. I2~... II589 to I858. "The Student's Hume." N. Y., I862. I20.. 4904 to 1858. White. Lond., I864. 16~.. 4849 to I867. Knight. Lond. 8 v. 8..... 5049 447-I235. Roger of Wendover. Lond., I849. 2 v. 8~. 5Io0 449-II42. Wm. of Malmesbury. Lond., I847. 8~.. 508 Norman Conquest of. Freeman. Oxf'd., I869-7I. 4 v. 8~. 5006 The same. Thierry. Lond., I847. 2 v. 8~... 332 Norman Kings of. (Io66-II54.) Cobbe. Lond., I869. 8~. 5285 Henry II, Richard I, and John. (II54-I216). Berington. Dubl., I790. 2 v. 8~.. 5255 I326-99. Froissart. Lond., I839. 2 v. 8.... 5696 I527-88. Froude. N. Y., I865-70. 12 v. 8~... 4924 Political, I528-I660. v. Raumer. Lond., I837. 2 v. 8~. 4996 Reformation in (I527-59). Blunt. Philad., I837. I2~.. 6312 The same. Burnet. Lond., 1825. 6 V. I20.. 6357 The same. Cobbett. N. Y., I832-34. 2 v. I2.. 6369 I547-57, in original letters. Ed. Tytler. Lond., I839. 2 V. 8.. 5291 I603-60. Mrs. C. Macaulay. Lond., I769-72. 5 v. 8~. I6095 104 England-English. England, Hist. of Rebellion, etc., in (I625-60). Clarendon. Bost., 1827. 6 v. 8........ 5340 The same. Cattermole. Lond., 1857. 8~. The same. Guizot. Lond., 1846. 8~. 337 Rebellion, Causes of. Hobbes. Lond., I840. 8". 9677 Commonwealth of. Godwin. Lond., I824-27. v. I-3. 8... 5360 R. Cromwell and the Restoration in. Guizot. Lond., I856. 2 v. 80.. 5023 Counter-Revolution in (I658-89). Carrel. Lond., 1846. 8......... 338 I685-1702. Macaulay. N. Y., 1849-7I. 5 V. 8~. 5025 Revolution in, I688. Dahlmann. Lond., I844. 8~. 5012 The same. Echard. Lond., 1725. 80.. I6o65 The same. Mackintosh. Philad., 1835. 8~.. 5013 I701-I3. Stanhope. Lond., I870. 80.... 5040 [I709-13.] J. Swift. (Works, v. 7.) N. Y., I8I2. 12~. 4177 I713-83. Stanhope. Leipz., I853-54. 7 v. I60.. 4837 I760-180I. Bisset. Balt., I8Io. 4v. 8... I605 I760-I820. Jones. Lond., I825. 3 v. 8... 4985 Pictorial, I760-I820. Lond., I841-44. v.I, 3,4. 80. 5I08 1800-1854. Martineau. Bost., I864-66. 4 v. 80. 4916 I826-36. Fonblanque. Lond., I837. 3 v. 80.. 4823 of Civilization in. Buckle. N. Y., 1859-66. 2v. 80. 5065 of Party in, I666-I832. Cooke. Lond., I836-37. 3 v. 80...4991 of Representative Gov't. in, to I485. Guizot. Lond., I852. 80. 362 Letters from. By Espriella. [Southey.] Lond., I8o8. 3 v. 12~. 8173 Letters on. A. de Stael-Holstein. Lond., I830. 8~...6748 Lives of Queens of. Strickland. Philad., I851-52. 12v. in 6. 80. 5228 For Contents, see STRICKLAND. Lives of Tudor Princesses of. Strickland. Lond., I868. 8~.. 5208 Naval Hist. of. See NAVAL. Notes on, I861-7I. Taine. N. Y., I872. 8... 5158 Old. Hoppin. N. Y., 1872. 6~....... 8362 Sketch of. [Paulding.] N. Y., I822. 2 v. in I. 12.. 15286 and'its People. Hugh Miller. Bost., I856. I2~... 8355 Religious Life in. Esquiros. Lond., I867. 80.. 6325 Romance of Hist. of. Neele. Philad., 1828. 2 v. 12~.. 5563 Rural Life of. Howitt. Lond., I840. 8~... 5260 Social Condition and Education of. Kay. N. Y., I864. I2~.. 5271 Stories of the Heroes of. Drake. Lond., 1843. I6~... 6674 Works of Art and Artists in. Waagen. Lond., I838. 3 v. 8~. 9068 English, G. B. Narrative of Exped. to Dongola. Bost., I823. 8~. 16529 English Antiquities, Popular. Brand. Lond., 184I-42. 3 v. 8~.. 504 causes celbres. Craik. Lond., I844. I6~... 9154 Church, The Early. Churton. N. Y., 1842. 16~.... 63II Composition. See COMPOSITION. English-Epicurean. Io5 English, The Dean's. [Criticism onAlford.] Moon. 4th ed. [Lond., I865.] i60.. 58 Fashionables abroad. [Burdett.] Bost., 1828. 2 V. 12~.. 15427 Good; or, Errors in Language. Gould. N. Y., I867. 12~.. Io7 Gov't., Essay on hist. of the. Russell. Lond., I823. 80.. 4988 Historical View of, to i688. Millar. Lond., I803. 4 v. 8~.. 5356 Grammar. See GRAMMAR. Home, Our. Oxf'd., i86I. 120.. 5271 Ladies in XVII. century, Home Life of. Lond., I86o. I6~. 9127 Language. See LANGUAGE. Lessons for English People. Abbott and Seeley. Bost., I872. I60. 62 Literature, Amenities of. Disraeli. Lond., 1841. 3v. 8~.. 3412 Compendium 6f, to I8oo. Cleveland. Philad., 1847. 12~. 139 Curiosities of. Disraeli. N. Y. 8*. ~. ~ 3408 Cyclopaedia of. Chambers. Edinb., I844. 2 v. 8~. 222 Early, Chapters on. Hippisley. Lond., 1837. 120. 163 Handbook of. Corson. N. Y., I87I. 12~.. 94 Hist. of. Craik. N. Y., 1863. 2 v. 8~.... 195 The same. Gray. Oxf'd., I835. 8~.. 180 The same. Spalding. N. Y., I853. 120.. 15o69 The same. Taine. N. Y., 187I. 2 v. 80.. I89 Introd. to. Day. N. Y., 1869. 6~.... 138 and Learning. Craik. Lond., 1844-45. 6 V. 24.. 45 Lectures on. Reed. Philad., 1863. 120.. 66 and Literary Men. Mills. N. Y., 1856. 2 v. 8~. 228 of the i9th century. Cleveland. Philad., 1865. 120. I40 Outlines of. Shaw. Philad., I864. 1r2.... I41 Sketches of. De Chateaubriand. Lond., I837. 2 v. 8~. 226 of Age of Elizabeth. Whipple. Bost., I869. 8~.. 70 Metrical Romances. Ellis. Lond., I848. 80. 501 Note-Books, I853-57. Hawthorne. Bost., I870. 2 V. 120.. 8358 Plea for the Queen's. Alford. Lond., I866. I6~.... 57 Poetry. See POETRY. Sketches; Our Old Home. Hawthorne. Bost., 1863. 8~.. 8357 Traits. Emerson. Bost., 1856. 12~.. 3627 Writers. Morley. Lond., I866-67. 2 v. in 3. 8~... 158 See, also, ANGLO-SAXON; BRITISH; GREAT BRITAIN; and names of Sovereigns. Englishman's Sketch-Book. N. Y., 1828. 12~.. I6848 Engraving, Wonders of. Duplessis. N. Y., 1871. I20.. 10125 Ennis, J. Origin of the Stars. N. Y., I867. I2... I6973 Ensenore. A Poem. [Myers.] N. Y., I840. 8~..15o6I Enthusiasm, Natural Hist. of. Taylor. Bost., I830. I2~.. ~ 9534 Eolopoesis. Amer. Rejected Addresses. [Bigelow.] N. Y. [I855.] 12~. 686 Eothen. [Kinglake.] N. Y., 1850. I2~... 7974 Epaminondas, Life of. Seran de la Tour. Lond., I787. 2 v. 8~.. I6or8 Epictetus. Morals, transl. by Stanhope. Lond., I700. 8~.. 4229 Epicurean, The; a Tale. T. Moore. N. Y., 1862. 120.... 2461 io6 Episcopacy-Eugene. Episcopacy, Sacred Order and Offices of. Jer. Taylor. Lond., I836. 8~. 1OO63 Episcopalian Pulpit, Annals of American. Sprague. N. Y., I859. 80. 7734 Episodes in an Obscure Life. N. Y., I871. 8~.. 2433 Erasmus, D., Life of. Butler. Lond., I825. 80. 7686 The same. Jortin. Lond., I8o8. 3 v. 8~.. 7687 The same. Milman. Lond., I870. 8~.. 3435 Erckmann, E., and Chatrain, A. Blockade of Phalsburg. N. Y., I87I. 12........ 2363 Forest House, and Catherine's Lovers. Bost., I87I. I6~.. 2360 Invasion of France in 18I4. N. Y., i87I. I2~.. 2362 Madame Therese; or, the Volunteers of'92. N. Y., I869. I2~. 236i A Miller's Story of the War; or, the Plebiscite. N. Y., 1872. 12~. 2364 Outbreak of the French Revolution. Lond., i871. 3 v. 8~. 2598 Eric, or, Little by Little. Farrar. N. Y., i866. I2~.. 2427 Erie, Chapters of. Adams. Bost., I87I. I2.. 8643 Erizzo, S. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, 3.) Lond., I836. I2~.. 1901 Ernest Maltravers. Bulwer. N. Y., I837. 2 v. I2~.. 2069 Errata. [J. Neal.] N. Y., 1823. 2 V. I2... 569I Errors, Popular. Timbs. Lond., I84I. I6~.. I6980 Erskine, T., Life of. Campbell. Lond., I847. 8. ~ ~ ~. 687I Escapes, Wonderful. Bernard. N. Y., I871. I2~..... 1029 Eskimos, Life among the, I860-62. Hall. N. Y., I865. 8~... 8II3 Espriella, M. A. (Pseudonym.) See R. SOUTHEY. Esquiros, A. Religious Life in England. Lond., I867. 8~.. ~ 6325 Essayists, British. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., I823. 40 v. I2~.. 3IO9 For Contents, see BRITISH. Essays and Reviews. 2d ed., ed. by Hedge. Bost., i86I. 12~.. 9954 Reply to. Ed. Thomson. N. Y., I862. I2~.. 9955 on Social Subjects, from the Saturday Review. Bost., I865. 8~. 3704 written in Intervals of Business. Helps. Bost., I871. 16~.. 3698 Essenes, The. De Quincey. Bost., I856. 16~.. 3323 Estelle Russell. N. Y., I870. 8~.. 2327 Estlack, R. Ethick Diversions. N. Y., I807. I2~.... 5045 Ethel. James. N. Y., I855. 20.... I5429 Ethelwerd, F. Chronicle. Ed. Giles. Lond., I848. 8~.. 499 Ethics of the Dust. Ruskin. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 9043 Ethics. See PHILOSOPHY. Ethiopia, Highlands of. Harris. N. Y. [I845.] 8~.... 6525 Ethnology. See MAN; RACE. Eton, W. Survey of Turkish Empire. Lond., I799. 8~.. I6o6I Eton, Recollections of. Lond., I870. 8~.. 9248 Etonian, The. 3d ed. Lond., I823. 3 v. I2.. I2297 Etruria, Hist. of, to the Foundation of Rome. Gray. Lond., I843. 12~. 4728 Tour to Sepulchres of, I839. Gray. Lond., 1841. I20.. 8870 Eudoxia, Hist. of. Kortz. Hudson, i816. I2~... i68o Eugene Aram. Bulwer. N. Y., 1832. 2 v. 2~.... 2059 Eugene of Savoy, Prince, Memoirs of. By himself. Lond., 1830. I2~. 6646 The same. Lond., I8I. 8~.. 7645 Eugene of Savoy, Prince. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., I869. 8~.. 3068 Eulenspiegel-Europe. 107 Eulenspiegel, or Howleglass; transl. by Roscoe. Lond., 1826. I2~.. 1895 Euler, L. Letters on Nat. Philosophy. N. Y., 1840 2 V. 2. I.. II275 Euphues. Lyly. Ed. Arber. Lond., I868. 6~..... 3888 Euripides. Bacche and Iphigenia in Aulis, tr. by Potter. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I823. 240. 245 Tragedies, transl. by Potter. N. Y., I834-41. 3 v. 12~. 4522 The same. N. Y., I834-35. 3 v. I2~.. 4543 Europe in 1821. De Pradt. Lond., I822. 2 V. 8~.. 5884 in I827. [Constable's Misc., v. 22.] Edinb., I828. I20.. 4484 in 1840. Menzel. Edinb., I84I. 8~.. 4635 after Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle, I8I8. De Pradt. Philad., 1820. 8........... I5921 before and after the French Revolution. Gentz. Lond., I804. 8~. I59I9 The Continent of, in I835. Hoppus. Lond., I836. 2 V. 12~.. 16587 Fresh Gleanings from. Ik. Marvel. N. Y., i856. I2........ 8270 Diplomatists of [in i9th century]. Capefigue. Lond., I845. I6~. 6676 Eastern, and the Emperor Nicholas. Lond., 1846. 3 v. 120...6175 Eleven Weeks in, I849. Clarke. Bost., 1852. I20... I6579 Familiar Letters from, 1853-54. Felton. Bost., I865. 8~.. 8275 Glimpses of, in I838. Clark. Philad., 1840. 2v. V 12. I. 6576 Hist of, Ancient. Russell. Lond., I793. 2 v. 8~... I5904 Progress of Society in, to I500. Robertson. Philad., 1871. 8......... 10335 Introduction to (to I743). Puffendorf. Lond., 1764. 2 v. 80.... 15912 during Middle Ages. Dunham. Lond., I833-34. 4 v. I60.. 4874 The same. Hallam. N. Y., I862. 3 v. 8~.. 4669 Student's Manual of. (340-I840.) Taylor. Lond., I841. I2....... 4564 Revolutions of, 400-I400. Taylor. Lond., I843. 2 v. 8~. 4088 The same, 406-I848. Koch,:etc. Hartf'd., I849. 80. I5858 philosophically illustrated, 476-I789. Miller. Lond., 1848-49. 4 v. 80.... 358 Modern, to I783. Smyth. Lond., I854. 2 v. 8~.. 363 to I8I5. Russell. Philad., I822. 6 v. 8. 15906 to I857. Dyer. Lond., I861-64. 4 v. 80.. 4720 Lectures on. v. Schlegel. Lond., I847. 8~. 433 Conspiracies in, I437-I678. Lawson. Edinb., 1829. 2 V. I2~... 4505 Political System of, I492-I830. Heeren. Oxf'd., I834. 2 v. 8..,.4716 XVI. and XVII. centuries in. v. Raumer. Lond., 1835. 2 V. I2....,. 4607 I665-8I. Temple. (Works, v. I, 2.) Lond., I814. 80. I7I97 I8th century in. Schlosser. Lond., I843-45. 6 v. 8~ 4798 from Peace of Utrecht. [I7IO-23.] J. Russell. Lond., 1826, 2 v. 8~...,... 4600 oS t.urope-Evans. Europe, Hist. of, 17I3-18. Gibson. Lond., I725. 8~. 1 59I4 I740-78. Frederic II. (Works, I-4.) Lond., I789. 8~. I7244 I783-I8IO. Bigland. Lond., I8Io. 2 V. 80... I59I5 I789-I815. Alison. Edinb., I839-42. IO V. 8. 4636 18I5-52. Alison. N. Y., I855-6o. 4 v. 8~... 4804 of Civilization in. Guizot. Lond., I846. 3 v. 8~.. 326 of Intellectual Development of. Draper. N. Y., I863. 8......... 4753 of Repres. Gov't. in. Guizot. Lond., I852. 8~... 362 Impressions of, in I867-68. Bellows. N. Y., I869. 2 v. I2~. 8273 Letters from, I867. Forney. Philad. I2~.... 6575 Literature of, 1400-I700. Hallam. Lond., I837-39. 4 v. 8~. I50 during Middle Ages. Berington. Lond., I846. 8~. 32I of South of. Sismondi. Lond., I850. 2 v. 8~. 346 Notes in, 1839-47. Catlin. Lond., I848. 2 v. 8~... 8304 past and present. Ungewitter. N. Y., I850. I2~... 8266 Poets and Poetry of. Longfellow. Philad., I847. 8.. 218 Polit. Survey of. Zimmermann. Dubl., I788. 8~.. I59I7 Present Situation of. [A. H. Everett.] Bost., I822. 8~... 15922 Rambles in, in I836. Hall. N. Y., I839. 2 v. I2~.. 1657I in 1839. Gibson. Philad., I84I. I20.. I6573 Saunterings in. Warner. Bost., I872. I2~.. 8I66 Scenes and Thoughts in. [I840-4I.] Calvert. Bost., I863. 2 v. t6~. 8201 State of Polite Learning in. Goldsmith. (Works, I.) Lond., I837. 8......... 3778 Tales and Souvenirs of a Residence in. Philad., I842. I20. 16555 Tour in, I825-27. Carter. N. Y., I827. 2 v. 8~... 6535 Tourist in. N. Y., I838. I20.. I6578 View of Society in. Stuart. Edinb., I792. 8~.. I59I8 Visit to, in I85I. Silliman. N. Y., I856. 2. I2... 8263 A Year in, I8S8-I9. Griscom. N. Y., I823. 2 v. 8~... 6538 European Capitals, Sketches of. Ware. Bost., I85. I2~... 8267 Colonies. Howison. Lond., I834. 2 v. 8.. 47II Life and Manners. Colman. Bost., I850. 2 v. I2~...6562 Morals, Hist. of, from Augustus to Charlemagne. Lecky. N. Y., I869. 2 V. 80.. 4709 Mosaic. Arnold. Bost., I864. I6~.. 8205 Travel, Bits of. [Hunt.] Bost., I872. I2~.. 8I67 Reminiscences of, I866-67. Peabody. N. Y., i868. 16~. 8209 1834-4I. Mott. N. Y., I842. 8..... I6621 I835-36. Fisk. N.Y., I838. 8..... I6537 Eusebius Pamphilus. Eccl. History, tr. Cruse. Philad., I840. 80.. 6449 Eustace, J. C. Classical Tour through Italy. 8th ed. Lond., I841. 3 v. 120...8333 Eustaphilve, A. Demetrius. Bost., i8I8. I2.. I4795 Resources of Russia. 2d ed. Bost., ISI3. 120.. ~. 16174 Evans, A. J. See Mrs. A. J. WILSON. Evans, G. W. D. Classic and Connoisseur in Italy and Sicily. Lond., I835. 3 v. 80...... 9060 Evans-Paber. o09 Evans, J. Parnassian Garland. Philad., I814. I2~... I4905 Evans, N. Poems, etc. Philad., I772. 8~... I5055 Evans, T. Old Ballads. New ed. Lond., I8Io. 4 v. 16. IO89 [Evarts, J.] Condition of the Amer. Indians. Bost., I829. 8~.. 5895 Evelina. D'Arblay. N. Y., I832. I2~.. 25II Evelyn, J. Life of Mrs. Godolphin. N. Y., I847. I2~.. 7050 Memoirs of; Diary and Letters. Lond., I827. 5 v. 80... 7023 Everest, C. W. Poets of Connecticut. Hartf'd., I843. 8~... 926 Everett, A. H. America. (2 copies.) Philad., I827. 8~...6126 Crit. and Misc. Essays. Bost., I845-46. 2 v. 12~.. 3576 Europe. Bost., 1822. 80... 5922 Life of P. Henry. Bost., I844. I6~.. 7260 of J. Warren. Bost., I839. I6~... 7259 The same.... I63I4 Everett, E. Importance of Practical Education, etc. (2 copies.) Bost., I840. 12. 9266 Life of Stark. Bost., I834. 6~... 7250 The same. Bost., I839. 12W.. I6313 of Washington. N. Y., I86o. I20.. 7293 Mount Vernon Papers. N. Y., I86o. I2~.. 3578 Orations and Speeches. Bost., I859-68. 4 v. 8~. 9378 The same. v. I-3..9382 Everett, W. On the Cam. Cambr., I865. I2~.. 9240 Evesham, Monk of, Revelation to. Ed. Arber. Lond., I869. 16~.. 3892 Evidence, Judicial, Rationale of. Bentham. (Works, pts. II-I4.) Edinb., I839-40. 4 V. 8~.. 97IO Evidences, Christian. See CHRISTIANITY; SCRIPTURE. Ewald, H. F. Waldemar Krone's Youth. Philad., I868. 12~... 3040 Examiner, The. Swift. (Works, v. 5.) N. Y., I812. I20... 3851 Exercises, Physical, Manual of. Wood. N. Y., I867. 12~.. 9268 Exitu Israel, In. Baring-Gould. N. Y., I870. 8~.. 2442 Exmouth, Viscount. See E. PELLEW. Exodus, Desert of the. Palmer. Cambr., I87I. 2 v. 8~.... 8046 Notes on. Bush. N. Y., I84I. 2 V. I2~.. 9847 See, also, ARABIA; SINAI. Extemporary Preaching. Zincke. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 9915 Speaking, Art of. Bautain. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 9294 Extracts, Elegant. See ELEGANT. Eyes, Hints on Use of the. Reynolds. Edinb., I835. I6~... 9I37 Eyre, V. Military Operations at Cabul. Philad., I843. 8~. ~. 8o050o F. Fabens, J. W. The Camel Hunt. Cambr., I85I. I2~.. I6872 Faber, G. S. Difficulties of Infidelity. Philad., I829. 12~., 9912 of Romanism. Philad., I840. 12~.. 9550 Faber, T. Internal State of France. Philad., I812. I20.... I6I88 I5 IIo Fable —arquhar. Fable, Age of. Bulfinch. Bost., I863. 120. 1909 for Critics. [Lowell.] N. Y., I848. 120.. 727 Fables. AEsop, ed. Croxall. N. Y., 86I. 12.. I924 La Fontaine. Transl. by Wright. Bost., I843. 2 V. I2~.. 985 Hottentot. Bleek. Lond., I864. 8.. 89I Russian. Krilof. Lond.,'I869. 8~.. 2624 Fabliaux, French. Ed. Legrand. Transl. byWay. Lond., 1815. 3 v. 16~. 302 Factory System of Great Brit. Ure. Lond., I835 20.. I 1700I Fair Harvard. [Washburne.] N. Y., I869. I2~.. 9264 Fairfax, Lord T. Life of. H. Coleridge. Leeds, 1I836. 80... 6904 The same. Markham. Lond., I870. 80... 6821 Fairfield, S.L. Last Night of Pompeii, etc. N. Y., 1832. 8~. 15056 Poems. N. Y., 1823. I20... 14931 The same. Philad., I84I. 8~... 15057 Fairy Mythology. Keightley. Lond., I86o. I6~... I892 Tales and Romances. Hamilton. Lond., I849. 8.. 452 Falconer, W. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 240.. 542 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~. 15102 The Shipwreck. Philad., 1830. 120... 14822 The same. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 240... 21 Faliero, Marino; a Tragedy. Byron. (Works, v. I2.) Lond., I832. I6e. 316 Falk, J. Goethe pourtrayed. Tr. Austin. (v. I, 2.) Lond., I833. 12~. 7829 [Falkenskjold, S. 0.] Hist. of Struensee and Brandt, tr, by Latrobe. Lond., I789. I20.. 58I9 Falkland. [Bulwer-Lytton.] N. Y., I835. 12~... 2I50 Falkner. Mrs. Shelley. N. Y., I837. I2~..I5430 Fallacies, Book of. Bentham. (Works, pt. 8.) Edinb., I839. 8~.. 9707 Falloux, F. A. P. de. Life of Mme. Swetchine. Bost., I868. I6~.. 7558 False Favourite Disgrac'd. [d'Ouvilly.] Lond., I657. I2~.. 13354 Family, Lectures on the. Hyacinthe. N. Y., I870. 12~... 9984 Instructor, The. De Foe. Oxfd., 1841. 2 V. I6~.... 3880 Fanaticism. Taylor. N. Y., I834. 12~.. 9536 Fanning, E. Voyages to the South Seas, etc. N. Y., I838. I2~.. I63I9 round the World. N. Y., I833. 80.. 8076 Fanshawe, Lady A., Memoirs of. By herself. Lond., I830. I2~.. 6781 Fanshawe. [Willis.] Bost., I828. I20.... 5326 Far West, The. [Flagg.] N. Y., I838. 2. 2~... I6857 Faraday, M., as a Discoverer. Tyndall. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 7158 Life and Letters of. Bence Jones. Philad., I870. 2 v. 8~.. 7156 Faijeon, B. L. Joshua Marvel. Bost., 187I. 80.. 2335 Farmer, R. Essay on Learning of Shakespeare. 2d ed. Cambr., I767. 6........... I483 Farnham, E. W. Life in Prairie Land. N. Y., I847. I6~... 16865 Farnham, T. J. Travels in the Californias, etc. N. Y., I844. I20.. I6887 Farquhar, G. Beaux' Stratagem; Recruiting Officer; Inconstant. (Oxberry's Plays, v. 5.) Bost., 1822. 240.... 1349 Constant Couple; Inconstant; Recruiting Officer; Beaux' Stratagem. (Brit. Drama, v. 2, pt. i.) Lond., I804. 80. I631 Dramatic Works. Ed. L. Hunt. Lond., I849. 80... Io0300 Farrar-Female. III Farrar, A. S. Critical Hist. of Free Thought. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 6322 Farrar, E. Recollections of 70 Years. (2 copies.) Bost., I866. 12'. 6990 Farrar, P. W. Eric. N. Y., i866. I20.. 2427 Julian Home. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 2428 St. Winifred's. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867. I2~... 2429 Witness of History to Christ. Lond.; I87I. 8~... 9906 and others. Essays on a Liberal Education. 2d ed. Lond., i868. 8........... 9289 Farrar, T. Manual of the Constitution. Bost., I867. 80.... 6I8i Farrenc, E. Carlotina; a Night with the Jesuits. N. Y., I853. I2~. I7258 Fashion and Famine. Stephens. N. Y., I854. I2~... 15693 Fashionable World displayed, The. Owen. N. Y., I8o6. I2~. 17048 Fast of St. Magdalen, The. A. M. Porter. Bost., I8I9. 2 V. 12~.. I5194 Fatalla Sayeghir. Residence among the Arabs. Philad., I840. I2~. 16471 Father Clement. [Kennedy.] N. Y., I829. I2~.. 15410 and Daughter. Opie. Bost., I827. I20. I4446 Father's Letters to his Son. Aikin. Lond., I838. 16~.. 9133 Fathers of the Church, Lives of. Cave. Oxf'd., I840. 3 v. 8~.. 9970 and Sons. A Novel. Turgeneff. N. Y., 1867. I2~... 2716 Pauriel, C. C. Hist. of Provengal Poetry. Tr. by Adler. N.Y., I86o. 8~. 241 Faustus, Doctor, Hist. of. [Widmann.] Tr. by Roscoe. Lond., I826. I20. I895 Life of, etc. Lond., I840. I6~.. 2699 See, also, GOETHE; MARLOWE. Fawcett, H. Manual of Polit. Economy. 3d ed. Cambr., I869. 12~. IO206 and M. G. Fawcett. Essays and Lectures. Lond., 1872. 80. 8636 Pay, T. S. The Countess Ida. N. Y., I840. 2 v. in I. I2~.. I5684 Dreams and Reveries of a Quiet Man; the Little Genius; etc. N. Y., 1832. 2 v. I20.. 3569 Sydney Clifton. N. Y., I839. 2 V. 12..1.5790 Peatherstonhaugh, G. W. Excursion through the Slave States. N. Y., I844. 8~......... 9734 Feats on the Fiord. Martineau. Lond. 16~.. 14622 Federalist, The. See A. HAMILTON. P6lice, G. de. Hist. of Protestants of France. N. Y., I85I. 8~.. 6484 Felix Holt. [Lewes.] N. Y., I866. 80.. 2676 Fell, J. Life of Hammond. Lond. 24~.. 6677 Fellah, The. About. Lond., I870. 8~.. 2395 Felltham, O. Resolves. [Ed. Young.] Cambr., I832. 12~... 3907 The same. 3913 The same. Lond., I840. 16~... 3918 Felton, C. C. Familiar Letters from Europe. Bost., I865. 8~.. 8275 Greece, Ancient and Modern. (2 copies.) Bost., I867. 2 v. 8~. 442I Life of W. Eaton. Bost., I838. 16~.. 7258 and others. Classical Studies. Bost., I843. I2~.. 9259 Felton, H. Dissertation on Reading the Classics, etc. Lond., I753. 12. 91I Felton, J. B. The Horse-Shoe. Cambr., I849. 12~... I4990 Female Biography. Hays. Lond., I803. 6 v. I2~....4426 Knapp. Philad., I836. I20. I63IO Mentor, The. Philad., 1802. 2 v. in I. I2~. 17014 112 Female-Field. Female Quixotism. [Tenney.] Bost., 1825. 2 V. 120.... I5694 Sovereigns, Memoirs of. Jameson. N. Y., I845-48. 2 v. I2~. IIO37 See, also, WOMEN. FPneloni, F. de S. de La M. Adventures of Telemachus. Lond. 8~. I996 Dialogues on Eloquence. Bost., 1832. 80..... 0038 The same, ed. Park. Andover, 1845. 120. I2~. 9913 Lives of Ancient Philosophers. N. Y., 1842. I20.... 6I5 Selections from, with Memoir by Follen. 4th ed. Bost., 184I. 12~. 9980 The same. Bost., I829. 120... I7298 Treatise on Education of Daughters. Bost., I820. 120.. I7059 Life of. Bausset. Lond., I8IO. 2v. 80.. 7672 Life of. Butler. Philad., I8II. I2... 7557 Remarks on. Channing. (Works, v. i.) Bost., I84I. I20.. 9568 Fennell, J. H. Nat. Hist. of Quadrupeds. Lond., I843. 80... 9004 Fenton, E. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~... 276 Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 18I9. 240.. IO The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. 15098 Ferdinand and Isabella, Hist. of. Prescott. Philad., I871. 3 v. 8~. I0332 Ferdinand Count Pathom. Smollett. N. Y., 186o. I2~.... I956 Fergus, H. Hist. of the U. S. Lond., I837-38. 2 v. I6~... 5486 Ferguson, A. Essay on Hist. of Civil Society. Philad., I8I9. 80.. I7085 Hist. of the Roman Republic. Lond., I829. 8~.. I5988 The same. Dubl., 1783. 3 v. 80.. 15985 The same, abridged. N. Y. [I836.1 I2..... 11928 Ferguson, J., Life of. By himself. Lond., 1830. I2. ~ ~ ~ 6644 Fergusson, J. Rude Stone Monuments. Lond., I872. 8~.. 9096 Ferishtah, M. 0. Hist. of Hindostan, transl. by Dow. 3d ed. Dubl., 1792. 3 v. 8.......... 16448 Fern Leaves. [Parton.] Auburn, I854. I2~.. 3659 Ferrex and Porrex. Sackville. (Old Plays, v. I.) Lond., 1825. 80. 15o8 Ferrier, S. Marriage. N. Y., 1847. 80.. 2672 erris, J. A. Financial Economy of U. S. S. Francisco, 1867. I2~. 8630 [Fessenden, T. G.] Democracy unveiled. 3d ed. N. Y., i8o6. 2 v. I2~. I4992 Original Poems. Philad., i8o6. I2~... 1499I Terrible Tractoration. 2d ed. Lond., I803. 120.. I4932 The same. Philad., I8o6. 8....I5058 Festivals, Games, and Amusements. H. Smith. N. Y., I868. I2~.. II027 Feuerbach, P. J. A. v. Account of Casper Hauser. Bost., I832. 12~. 7528 Remarkable Criminal Trials. N. Y., I846. I6~.. 9153 Fibbleton, G. (Pseudonym.) See A. GREENE. Fichte, J. G. Science of Knowledge. Philad., I868. I2~. ~ 8583 Memoir of. W. Smith. Bost., J846. 12~... 7795 Fiction, Dict. of Noted Names of. Wheeler. Bost., I868. 12~.. 301I Hist. of. Dunlop. Edinb., I8i6. 3 v. 8~... I44 Fictions, Popular. Keightley. Lond., I834. 12... I698 See, also, NOVELS; ROMANCE. Fidler, I. Observations in U. S. and Canada. N. Y., I833. I2~.. I6798 Pield, H. M. Hist. of Atlantic Telegraph. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866. I2~. 8900 The Irish Confederates, and Rebellion of'98. N. Y., I85I. 12~. 5243 Field-Fisher. 113 Field, K. Pen Photographs of Dickens. Bost., 1871. r6~... 2188 Field, S. Miscellaneous Poetry and Prose. Greenfield, 1818. 12~. 14933 Field, T. W. The Minstrel Pilgrim. N. Y., 1848. I2~.. 14994 Field of the Forty Footsteps, The. J. Porter. N. Y., I828. I20.. 15181 Sports of U. S. Frank Forrester. N. Y., 1849. v. I. 8~.. 0207 Fielding, H. Miscellaneous Works. N. Y., i86I. 4 v. (2 copies of v. 3.) I2~. 1971 CONTENTS. —1, 2, Tom Jones. 3, Amelia. 4, Joseph Andrews; Jonathan Wild. The same, v. 4. Io301 Select Works. Philad., 1832. 2 v. 8.. I987 CONTENTS. —1, Tom Jones. 2, Joseph Andrews; Amelia; Jonathan Wild. Works. N. Y., I8I3-I6. v. I-5, 7, 8, IO-I4. 120... 4215 CONTENTS.-1-5, Life; Plays. 7, 8, Tom Jones. 10 11, Amelia. 12 Jonathan Wild; Causes of the increase of Robbers. 13, Journey from this World to the Next; Voyage to Lisbon; the True Patriot. 14, Covent-Garden Journal; Essays; &c. Works. Ed. Browne. Lond., 187I-72. II v. 8~.... I976 CONTENTS.-1-4, Dramas; 4, Jonathan Wild; Journey from this World to the Next. 5, Joseph Andrews- Prefaces to'David Simple. 6, 7, Tom Jones. 8, Miscellaneous; Amelia. 9, Amelia, concluded; Essays. 10, Covent-Garden Journal; Essay on Nothing; Voyage to Lisbon; etc. 11, Miscellanies; Poems. Fielding; or, Society. Ward. Philad., I838. 120. 1. 543I Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with Authors. Bost., 1872. 8~... 3612 Fiesco: a tragedy. Schiller. Lond., I849. 8....438 Fifteen Years. Talvi. N. Y., I87I. 12~. 15696 Figuier, L. Insect World. Lond., I868. 8~.. 8999 Mammalia. Lond., I870. 8~.. 8996 Ocean World. Lond. [I869.] 80.. 8998 Primitive Man. Lond., 1870. 8~.. 8994 Reptiles and Birds. Lond. [I869.] 8.. 8997 Vegetable World. Lond., I869. 8~.. 9000 World before the Deluge. Lond. [1866.] 80.. 8995 Fillmore, M. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. 3.) N. Y., I854. 8............ 6202 Finance, Essays on. P. Webster. Philad., I791. 8~.. 17095 Finances of the U. S. Gallatin. N. Y., I796. 8~.. 6240 Financial Economy of U. S. Ferris. S. Francisco, I867. I2~.. 8630 Finati, G., Life of. By himself. Lond., 1830. 2 v. I6~.. 7502 Findley, W. Hist. of Insurrection in Pa. Philad., 1796. 80.. 6091 Fine Arts. See ARTS; ARCHITECTURE; MUSIC; PAINTING. Finland Family, The. Cornwall. N. Y., I853. 16~. 2736 Finlayson, G. Mission to Siam and Huc. Lond., 1826. 80.. I6482 Finn, J. Sephardim. Lond., I84I. 12~.. 6300 Finney, C. G. Lectures to Professing Christians. N. Y., I837. I2~. I7352 on Revivals. N. Y., I835. 12.. 7300 Fior d'Aliza. Lamartine. N. Y., I868. 16..... 2347 Fiorentino, G. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. I.) Lond., I836. 12.. I899 Firenzuola, A. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., I836. 12~.. 1900 First of the Knickerbockers. N. Y., 1848. 12~... I5697 Fish, F. W. Poems. N. H., I855. 12~.. 14934 Fish, H. C. Pulpit Eloquence of XIX. Century. N. Y., I857. 8~.. 10057 [Fisher, A.] Journal of Arctic Voyage. Lond., 18I9. 8.. 805I I 14 Fisher-Fly. Fisher, G. P. Essays on Supernatural Origin of Christianity. (2 copies.) N.Y., I866. 80.. Ioo26 Life of Silliman. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866. 2 v. I2~.. 7372 The Reformation. (2 copies.) N. Y., I873. 8~.... 0260 Fisher, J. Fuimus Troes. (Old Plays, v. 7.) Lond., I825. 80. I5I4 Fishes, Nat. Hist. and Classification of. Swainson. Lond., I838-39. 2 V. I6...6060 Fishing. See ANGLER. Fisk, W. Travels on the Continent. 3d ed. N. Y., I838. 8~.. I6537 Fiske, J. Myths and Myth-Makers. Bost., I873. 8.. I0.. 262 [Fiske, S.] Dunn Browne's Experiences in Foreign Parts. Bost., I857. I2........... 6568 Fitch, E. T. Sermons. N. H., I87I. 8~... 0052 Fitch, J., Life of. Whittlesey. Bost., i845. I6~. 7265 Fitzboodle Papers. Thackeray. (Works, v. 9.) Lond., i872. 80.. 2197 Fitzgerald, Lord E., Life of. Moore. N. Y., I83I. 2 V. 12~... 6684 Fitzosborne. (Pseudonymz.) See W. MELMOTH. Flagg, E. The Far West. N. Y., I838. 2 v. I2..... I6857 Flammarion, C. Travels in the Air. Lond., I871. 8~.... 9093 Wonders of the Heavens. N. Y., I871. 12~., IOII4 Flanders, H. Lives of the Chief Justices. Philad., J855. 80... 7473 Flavel, J. Fountain of Life. N. Y. I2....... 7347 Flaxman, J. Compositions from Dante. Lond., I807. 40~. from the Iliad. Lond., I805. 4~. Fleetwood. Godwin. N. Y., I805. 2 v. 2~...... 2015 Fletcher, James. Hist. of Poland. N. Y., I840. 12~.... 1026 The same. N. Y., I83I. 12...I953 Fletcher, John. See F. BEAUMONT. Fletcher, M. J. Three Histories. Bost., I831. I2~..... I5604 [Fleury, J. A. B.] Adventures of an Actor. Ed. Hook. Lond., I842. 2 V. 12. I608 Flint, T. Arthur Clenning. Philad., 1828. 2 v. I20.... I5659 Recollections of io years in Mississippi Valley. Bost., 1826. 80. i686i Flood, H., Sketch of. Lecky. N. Y., I872. 12~..... 6743 Floral Biography. Charlotte Elizabeth. N. Y., I840. 12~... I5168 Florence, Hist. of [to 1492]. Machiavelli. Lond., I847. 8~... 389 to 153I. Trollope. Lond., I865. 4 v. 8~.. 4676 Florentine Republic, Hist. of the. Da Ponte. N. Y., I833. 2 v. 120. 4587 See, also, TUSCANY. Florian, J. P. C. de. Hist. of the Moors of Spain. N. Y. [i840.] I20. II777 The same. N. Y., I84I. 120.. 6160 Florida and the Campaigns. Cohen. Charleston, I836. I2~... 5732 Conquest of, by De Soto. T. Irving. Philad., I835. 2 v. I20. 5728 Exiles of. Giddings. Columbus, I858. 12~... 689I War, The. Sprague. N. Y., I848. 8...5955 Floridas, Observations on the. Vignoles. N. Y., 1823. 80~.. 16919 Flower, Fruit and Thorn Pieces. Richter. Bost., I845. 2 v.. 3054 Garden, The. Charlotte Elizabeth. N. Y., I840. 12... 569 Fly Leaves, etc. Calverley. N. Y., 1872. 6~...... 4248 Flying-Fors. 15 Flying Mail, The. Goldschmidt. Bost., 1870. I2..... 2619 Pollen, C. T. C. Works. Bost., 184I. v. I-3, 5. I2.. I2746 Follen, M. Sketches of Married Life. Bost., I839. I20. I. 15779 [Folsom, G.] Mexico in I842. N. Y., I842. 120..... I69II Fonblanque, A. England under 7 Administrations. Lond., i837. 3 v. 8~. 4823 Fontenelle, B. Le B. de. Northern Worthies; Lives of Peter the Great and Catherine. Lond., I728. 12~.... I6I82 Ponvielle, W. de. Thunder and Lightning. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869. I2~. IOII2 Travels in the Air. Lond., 1871. 8~.. 9093 Food, Human. Donovan. Lond., I837. I6~.. 6036 Useful Arts employed in Production of. Lond., I844. I2~.. 8800 Vegetable Substances used for. Bost., 1832. I2~.. 88I9 Fool of Quality, The. Brooke. Lond., I859. 2 v. 8~.... 2011 Foote, A. H. Africa and the American Flag. N. Y., I854. 120. 8572 Foote, H. S. Texas and the Texans. Philad., I84I. 2 V. I2~. 5995 The same.. I6884 Foote, S. Farces. (Brit. Drama, v. 5.) Lond., I804. 80.. I633 Works. Lond., I830. 3 v. I20.. 1399 Memoirs of. Cooke. N. Y., i8o6. 2 v. I20.. 7928 Footprints: or, Fugitive Poems. [Passmore.] Philad., I843. I20. I50I6 FootPrints of the Creator, The. Miller. Bost., I850. I2~.. 8974 Forbes, C. S. Campaign of Garibaldi in the Sicilies. Edinb., I86I. 8~. 4690 Forbes,D., Life of. Burton. Lond., I847. 8~.. 6762 Forbes, W. Life and Writings of Beattie. N. Y., I8O7. 8~.. 16354 Forbin, L. N. P. A. de. Travels in Egypt. Lond., 1819. 8~.. 8052 in the Levant. Lond., I8Ig. 8~.. 805I Force of Truth. Scott. N. Y., I825. I20... I7289 Forces, Correlation and Conservation of. Grove, etc. N. Y., 1869. I20. 8895 Ford, J. Dramatic Works. N. Y., I83I. 2 v. 12.. 689 The same, ed. H. Coleridge. Lond., I840. 80.. 1627 Ford, R. The Spaniards and their Country. N. Y., I847. I20.. 8364 Ford, S. R. Grace Truman. N. Y., 1I857. I2... I15707 Fordyce, D. Dialogues concerning Education. 2d ed. Lond., I745. 80. I7043 Fordyce, J. Addresses to Young Men. Lond., I789. 2 v. I6~. 17054 Foreign Quarterly Review. Lond. and N. Y., 1827-46. v. 1-3, 5-37. 8~. I2682 The same. v. II, I2, I4-23, 26-30, 32-36..... I2709 Review. Lond., I828-30. 5 v. 8...II.. 435 Forest, The; a Story. Huntington. N. Y., I852. I2~. 15698 of Arden, The. Gresley. N. Y., I843. I2~... I5432 Days. G. P. R. James. N. Y. 80.. 2323 House, The. Erckmann-Chatrain. Bost., 1871. 6~.. 2360 Life and Trees. Springer. N. Y., I85I. 12~.. 16820 Forester, Fanny. (Pseudonym.) See E. C. JUDsoN. Forester, Frank. (Pseudonym.) See H. W. HERBERT. Foresters, The. J. Wilson. Bost., I845. I2.. 15433 Forget me not. Lond., I826. I20... I3840 Forney, J. W. Letters from Europe. Philad. [I867.] I2~.. I6575 [Forrester, A. H.] Comic Figures of Arithmetic. Lond., I843. I2~. 4278 Fors Clavigera. Ruskin. N. Y., 1871-72. 2 V. 2~.... 8632 II6 Forster-France. Forster, Johann R. Hist. of Northern Voyages. Dubl., I786. 8~.. I6594 Forster, John. Landor. A Biography. Bost., I869. 8~.. 7093 Life of Dickens. Philad., I872. V. I, 2. 2~.... 7020 of Goldsmith. New ed. Lond., I855. 8~... 6997 Statesmen of the Commonwealth. N. Y., 1846. 8~.. 6903 and others. Lives of Eminent British Statesmen. Lond., I83I39. 7 V. i6.. 5759 CONTENTS.-1, Sir T. More (by J. Mackintosh); Wolsey; Cranmer; Lord Burleigh. 2, Eliot; Strafford. 3, Pym; Hampden. 4, Vane; Marten. 5, Robert Cecil; larl of Danby. (By T. P. Courtenay.) 6, 7, Cromwell. Forsyth, J. Antiquities, etc., in Italy. 4th ed. Lond., I835. I6~.. 82I6 Forsyth, W. Life of Cicero. (2 copies.) N. Y., I865-66. 2 V. 8. 7744 Novels and Novelists of I8th century. N. Y., I87I. 120. 231 Fortini, P. Novel. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., I836. 12~.. I900 Fortnightly Review. Lond., I865-72. v. i-I8. 80.. 12195 Fortunes of Nigel. Scott. Bost., I845. I20.. I809 Fosbrooke, T. D. Arts, etc., of Greeks and Romans. (2 copies.) Lond., 1833-35. 2 v. I6......... 4869 Foscari, a Tragedy. Mitford. Philad. 8~. 2675 The Two; A Tragedy. Byron. [Works, v. I4.] Lond., I833. I6~. 318 Foster, James. The Married State. N. Y., I845. 120.. IIOI6 Foster, John. Contributions to Eclectic Review. Lond., I844. 2 v. 8~. 3459 Essay on Popular Ignorance. Bost., I82I. I2~. I7049 Essays. Hartf'd., 1842. 8~.. 3472 Lectures at Broadmead Chapel. Lond., I844. 8~... I7506 The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I853. 2 v. 8~.. 491 Life and Correspondence of. Ryland. Lond., I852. 2 V. 80. 489 The same. N. Y., I846. 2 v. I2.. 7680 Foster-Brother, The. Hunt. N. Y., I846. 8~.. 2686 Fouche, J., Memoirs of. By himself. Bost., I825. 8~.. 7716 The same. 5634 Foul Play. Reade. Bost., I869. I6~... 2098 Fouque. See LAMOTHE FOUQUA. Four Sisters, The. Bremer. Philad. I2~... I5I36 Fourteen to Fourscore, From. Jewett. N. Y., I871. 12~.. I5699 Fowler, 0. 8., etc. Phrenology proved and illustrated. N. Y., I837. I20. 853I Fowler, W. C. English Grammar. N. Y., I85I. 8~.. I66 The same. Revised. N. Y., I865. 8.. I67 FPo C0. J. Hist. of reign of James II. (2 copies.) Philad., I8o8. 8~. 5257 The same. (2 copies.) Lond.,'I846. 80. ~ ~ ~ 338 Characters of. [Parr.] Lond., I809. 2 v. 8~.. 6793 Memoirs of latter years of. Trotter. Philad., 1812. 80... I6346 Memorials and Correspondence of. Russell. Philad., I853. 2 V. I2~.. 6629 Recollections of. Walpole. Lond., i8o6. I2~... 6628 Fox, G., Life of. Janney. Philad., I853. 80.. 6825 Fox, J. Book of Martyrs. Philad., I830. 2 v. in I. 4~. 17329 Framley Parsonage. A Trollope. N. Y., I862. I2~.... 2Io8 France$ A. de. See C. LAMPING. France. 117 France in i8i6. Lady Morgan. Philad., 1817. 8.. 8448 in 1829-30. Lady Morgan. N. Y., I830. 2 V. 120.. I6692 and England in America. Parkman. Bost., 1865-69. 3 v. 12. 6131 and Germany, Campaign in, 1813-14. Philippart. Lond., I814. 2 v. 8......... 16186 and Germany, Narrative of War in, s1813-14. Londonderry. Philad., I831. 120..16191 Constitutional Monarchy in. Renan. Bost., 1871. 160. 5573 Early Poetry of. Costello. Lond., 1835. 80. 917 Fair; Impressions of a Traveller, 1867. Mrs. Craik. N. Y., 1871. 12.......8374 Gallery of Portraits of National Assembly of. [Luchet, etc.] Dubl., 1790. 2 v. in I. 12.... 5508 Hist. of, to r453. Michelet. Lond., 1844-46. 2 v. 8~.. 5648 to 1529. Smedley. Lond., 1836. 80... 16210 to I574. Bossuet. Edinb., 1762. 4 v. I2.. 5523 to 1715. Daniel. Lond., 1726. 5 v. 8.. 16236 Lectureson, to 1715. Stephen. N.Y., 1852. 8.. 57IO to 1793. Ranken. Lond., 18o1-22. 9 v. 80.. 16227 Pictorial, to 1793. Bussey and Gaspey. Lond., 1843. 2 v. 80...... 5704 to 1814. Crowe. Lond., 1836-37. 3 v. i6.. 5i86 to 1852. Crowe. Lond., i858-68. 5 v. 8.. 5643 to 1852, Student's. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1862-72. 120 5529 I326-99. Froissart. Lond., 1839. 2v. 80. 5698 1400-1516. Monstrelet. Lond., 1840. 2 v. 80. 5700 1464-98. De Comines. Lond., 1823. 2 v. 80. 5532 Civil Wars in, 1547-98. Davila. Lond., 1758. 2 v. 4~. 5706 1574-161o. Wraxall. Lond., 1814. 6 v. 8~... 16241 I773-1826. Dumas. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12... i62o7 Revolution of 1789 in, etc. Lond., 1817-26. 4 v. 80. 5690 CONTENTS. —1, 2, Reign of Terror. 3, Sufferings of the Royal Family. 4, Hist. of France, 1792-1815. The same. Baines. Philad., 1835. 3 v. 8.. 5671 The same. Carlyle. Lond., I870. 3 v. 8~.. 4021 The same. (1789-1814.) Mignet. Lond., 1856. 80. 377 The same. v. Sybel. Lond., 1867-69. 4 v. 80. 5667 The same. Thiers. Philad., 184o. 3 v. 8~.. 5674 Revolution of'89, Biogr. Memoirs of. Adolphus. Lond., 1799. 2 v. 80.. 5563 Causes and Progress of. Moore. Edinb., 182o. 80. 17320 Clergy during. Barruel. Dubl., 1795. 120.. 16220 Considerations on. De Sta/l. N. Y., i188. 2 v. 80. 5686 Defence of. Mackintosh. Philad., 1847. 80.. 3470 Girondists of. Lamartine. N.Y., 1868. 3 v. 120. 5560 Jacobinism in. Barruel. N.Y., 1799. 4 v. 80. 16201 Journal during. Mrs. Elliott. Lond., I859. 80.. 5711 The same. J. Moore. Edinb., 1820. 8~.. 17319 Lectures on. W. Smyth. Lond., 1855. 2v. 8~. 380 ii6 i i8 Prance —rancis. France. Hist. of Revolution of'89, Letters on. Williams. Lond., 1795. 3. I2...... 5514 Letters on. N. Y., I8I7. 80... I6225 Old Regime and. De Tocqueville. N.Y., I856. 120. 5522 Opinions of Brit. Writers on. Lond., I8II. V. 2, 3. 8~. 5708 Outbreak of, Erckmann-Chatrain. Lond., I87I. 3 v. 8~. 2598 Reflections on. Burke. Bost., I839. 8~.. 9651 Wars arising from. Stephens. Philad., I804. 2 v. 80. I6205 Consulate and Empire in (1799-1815). Thiers. Lond., I845-62. 20 V. in Io. 8...... 5614 Court of St. Cloud, I8o6. Lond., I8o6. 3 v. 12. ~ 5517 I807-40. Guizot. Lond., I858-6I. 4 V. 8~.... 5579 Internal State of, I807. Faber. Philad., I8I2. 12~. I6I88 Restoration in, I813-30. Lamartine. Lond., 1854. 4 v. 8~. 385 Invasion of, in I8I4. Erckmann-Chatrain. N. Y., 187I. I20. 2362 Events in, July, I8I5. Philad., ISi. I2... 16226 Revolution of I830 in. Sarrans. Lond., I832. 2 v. 80. 7724 The same. Cushing. Newburyport, I833. 2 v. I2~. 5453 Revol. of 1848 in. St. John. N. Y., I848. 2... 5455 Ten Years of Imperialism in, I852-I862. Edinb., I862. 8~. 564I Civilization in, 400-13oo. Guizot. Lond., I846. 3 v. 8~. 326 Protestant Reformation in. Marsh. Lond., I847. 2 v. 8~. 643I Protestants of, to I85o. De Felice. N. Y., I85I. 8~.. 6484 Tales of aGrandfather from. W. Scott. Philad., I85I. I6~. I712 Tiers ttat in. Thierry. Lond., I855. 2 v. 8... 5555 Idler in. Lady Blessington. Philad., I84I. 2 v. 12~... I6707 Journals in, 1848-52. Senior. Lond., 187I. 2v. 8~.. 8331 King, Court, and Gov't. of, I839. [Cass.] N. Y., 184I. I20.. I6700 Letters from, I8I6-20. Didier. N. Y., I82I. 8~.... I6694 Lives of Literary Men of. Shelley. Lond., I838-39. 2 v. I6~. 578I For Contents, see M. W. SHELLEY. Memoirs of Queens of. Bush. Lond., I843. 2 v. 8~.. 5432 Modern Literature of (I830-39). Reynolds. Lond., I839. 2 v. 12~. I09 Orators of. De Cormenin. N. Y., 1849. I2~.. 76II Progress of Democracy in. Dumas. N. Y., I84I. I2~... 542I Residence in, I792-95. Ed. Gifford. Elizabeth-Town, I798. 80. 16250 Romance of Hist. of. Ritchie. N. Y., I831. 2 v. 12~... I5565 Secret Memoirs of Royal Family of. De Lamballe. Philad., 1826. 8'.......,... 5694 Sketches of living Characters of. [De Lomenie.] Philad., I84I. 120. 7612 Social, Literary, Political. H. L. Bulwer. Lond., I834. 2 v. I2~. 545I Sportsman in. Tolfrey. Lond., 1841. 2 v. 8~.... IoI64 Travels in, 1787-89. Young. Dubl., I793. 2 v. 8~... I6695 Western, A Summer in, 1840. Trollope. Lond., I84I. 2 v. 8~. I669o See, also, the NAMES OF SOVEREIGNS. Francia's Reign of Terror. Robertson. Philad., I839. 2 v. 12~.. 5741 Francis I. of France, Court of. Pardoe. Philad., I849. 2 v. I20. 5426 Life and Times of. Bacon. Lond., 1830. 2 v. 8~... 5651 Francis-Frederic. II9 Francis of Assisi, Hist. of. Oliphant. Lond. 8~.. 7669 Francis of Sales. Introd. to a Devout Life. Bailt., I8i6. I2~... I7295 Francis, C. Life of Eliot. (Sparks, v. 5.) Bost., 1836. I6~. 7254 of S. Rale. (Sparks, v. I7.) Bost., I845. I6~.. 7266 Francis, G. H. Orators of the Age. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1847. I6~. 6697 Francis, P., Memoirs of. Parkes and Merivale. Lond., I867. 2 v. 8~. 6852 Francklin, T. Earl of Warwick; Matilda. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804. 8........... I630 Franco, Harry. (Pseudonym.) See C. F. BRIGGS. Frank Mildmay. Marryat. N. Y., 1835. 12... 15522 Frankenstein. Mrs. Shelley. Philad., 1I833. 2 V. I22... 2406 Franklin, B. Autobiography, ed. Bigelow. Philad., i869. I2~.. 7316 Autobiography and Essays. Easton, ISIo. I2~.. 7550 The same. Bost., 1825. 12.... 7512 Essays and Letters. N. Y., 1821. 2 V. 2~... 3533 Essays and Life. N. Y., I825. I2~... 3535 Familiar Letters, etc. Bost., I833. 12... 7317 Memoirs, Essays, etc. N. Y., I840. 2 v. I2.... II4I6 The same.......I2120 Works. Lond., I8o6. 3v. 8.....I7I52 The same. Philad., I8og-I8. 5 v. 8.... 7155 Works, ed. Sparks. Bost., I1836-4o. Iov. 8~. 9748 CONTENTS.-1, Autobiography; continued by the editor. 2, Essays on Moral subjects; Bagatelles Essays on Commerce, Polit. Economy, etc. 3, Hist. of Pa. 8, 4, Essays and Tracts, Historical and Political, before the Revolution. 5, Political Papers during and after the Revolution; Letters and Papers on Electricity, 6, Letters and Papers on Philosophical Subjects. 7, Letters, 1725-72. 8, Letters, 1772-81, 9, Letters, 1781-88; Journal of Negotiation of Treaty of Peace. 10, Letters, 1783-90; Index. Anecdotes of. [Almon, v. 2.] Lond., I797. 8~.... I6372 Lecture on. Theodore Parker. Bost., I870. 12~.... 7409 Life and Times of. Parton. N. Y., I864. 2 v. I2~. ~ ~ 7314 Life and Writings of. Ed. Duane. Philad., I834. 2 v. 80.. 9746 Franklin, James. Present state of Hayti. Lond., 1828. 8~.. I6912 Franklin, SirJohn. Journeys to the Polar Sea. Lond., I829. 4 v. I20. 7868 Narrative of 2d Polar Expedition. Philad., I828. 8~.. 8Io3 Fraser, J. B. The Kuzzilbash. N. Y., I828. 2 v. I2~.. 15481 Mesopotamia and Assyria. N. Y., I845. I2.... II759 Persia. N. Y., I84I. I2. II288 The Persian Adventurer. Philad., i83I. 2 v. 12~.. I5542 Fraser, S. (Lord Lovat), Life of. Burton. Lond., I847. 8~.. 6762 Fraser's Magazine. Lond., I83o-69. 79 v. 8~.. I2300 The same. New series. Lond., I870-72. 6 v. 8~.. 12380 Freaks of Cupid. Philad. 8..2312 Frederic II. (the Great), of Prussia. Memoirs of House of Brandenburg. Lond., I75I. 120... I6456 Posthumous Works. Lond., I789. I3 v. 80.. I7244 and his Court. A Romance. [Mundt.] N. Y., I868. I2~.. 3099 and his Family. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., I867. 80.. 3080 and his Times. v. Raumer. Lond., I837. I2.... 5802 Court and Times of. Ed. T. Campbell. 2d ed. Lond., I844. 2 V. 120.. 5803 120 Frederic —Froebel. Frederic II. Hist. of. Carlyle. Lond., 1870-71. Io v. 8~.. 4040 The same. Segur. Lond., I80I. 3 v. 8~.. 5880 Life of. Lord Dover. N. Y., I839. 2 v. I2~... 11045 Life and Character of. Zimmermann. Dubl., 1792. I2~. I6453 Reign of. Gillies. Dubl., 1789. 8.... 6452 Frederic II, Memoirs of. Towers. Dubl., I789. 2 v. 8~.. 6454 Fredet, P. Ancient History. 2d ed. Bait., 1851. I2~.. 4054 Modern History. Bait., I850. I2~.. 4570 Fredoniad, The. Emmons. Philad., I830. 4 v. 12~.. 1507I Free Institutions, Nature and Tendency of. Grimke. Cincinn., 1848. 8........... 8697 Man's Companion. Hartfd., I827. 80.. I7092 Masonry exposed. N. Y., I828. 80. I7I10 Letters on. Stone. N. Y., I832. 80.. I7III Masons, Proofs of Conspiracy by. Robison. N. Y., 1798. 80. I7Io8 Thought, Hist. of. Farrar. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 6322 Freedom and Bondage, Jurisprudence of. Hurd. N. Y., I856. 80. 9282 of the Press. See LIBERTY. of the Will, Inquiry into the. Edwards. N. Y., 1829. 8~.. I7I77 Freeholder, The. (Addison's Works, v. 3.) N. Y., I856. I2~.. 3997 Freeman, E. A. Growth of the English Constitution. Lond., I872. 80. 50II Historical Essays. Lond., 1871. 8~.. 4658 Hist. of the Norman Conquest. Oxfd., 1869-7I. 4 v. 8~.. 50o6 of the Saracens. Oxfd., 1870. I6~... 6341 Outlines of History. N. Y., I872. I2... 4561 Fremont, J. C., Life of. Upham. Bost., i856. 12~.. 7398 Memoir of. Bigelow. N. Y., I856. I20.. 7397 French Fabliaux, ed. Legrand. Tr. by Way. Lond., I815. 3 v. I60. 302 Note-Books, Passages from (I858-59). Hawthorne. Bost., 1872. 2 v. I2......... 8203 Revolutionary Plutarch. [Stewarton.] Lond., I805. 3 v. I2~. 5509 Stage, Picture of. [Fleury.] Ed. Hook. Lond., 1842. 2 V. I20. I6o8 Sticks, A Faggot of; or, Paris in'5I. Head. N. Y., I852. I20. 8373 Wines and Politics. Martineau. Lond., I833. I2~... I4619 FPreneau, P. Poems. 2d ed. Monmouth, 1795. 8~.... 935 Freytag, G. Debit and Credit. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1863. I20.. 3042 Pictures of German Life. Lond., 1862. 2 v. 8~.... 5806 Soll und Haben. I3te. Aufl. Leipz., I867. 2 Bde. in I. 9759 Die verlorene Handschrift. 4te. Aufl. Leipz., I865. 3 Th. I6~. 9616 Friedlainder, H. Views in Italy. Lond., I82I. 80.. 8055 Friend, The: a Series of Essays. Coleridge. (Works, 2.) N. Y., I868. 12........... 40I4 Friends in Council. Helps. 2d Series. N. Y., 1863. 2 v. 16~.. 3696 Friendship, Essay on. Cicero. Lond., 1807. 8~.... 4634 Friendships of Women. Alger. Bost., I870. I6~.. 9209 Fright, The. Pickering. Philad., 840. 2 v. I2~.. 15434 Frith, J. Writings. Lond. I2~.. 9482 Frithiof's Saga. Tegner. Transl. by Strong. Lond., 1833. 8~. 922 Froebel, J. 7 Years' Travel in Central Amer., etc. Lond., 1859. 8~. 8437 Proissart —Galaxy. 12I Froissart, J. Chronicles, tr. by Johnes. (2 copies.) Lond., I839. 2 V. 80. 5696 Stories from. Lond., I832. 3 v. 8~. 5423 Frost, J. Book of the Indians. Hartf'd., 1852. I2~. 5746 of the Navy. N. Y., I843. 12~.. I6II9 Lives of Eminent Christians. Hartf'd., I850. 8~.. i6400 Pictorial Life of Jackson. Hartf'd., 1847. 80.... 7425 Select Works of Brit. Poets, Falconer to Scott. (2 copies.) Philad., 1838. 8.. I306 The same, Southey to Croly. Philad., I843. 8~.. 1308 Froude, J. A. Calvinism. (2 copies.) N. Y., I871. 12... 9961 The English in Ireland. (2 copies.) N. Y., I873. v. I. 12~.. I0233 Hist. of England. (2 copies.) N. Y., I865-70. I2 v. 8~. 4924 The same, v. I. 4948 Short Studies on Great Subjects. N. Y., I868-71. 2 series. I2~. 3726 The same. ISt series. 3728 Fruits, Description of. Bost., I830. 12~.. 88o6 Pry, C. The Listener. Philad., I837. 2 V. 12.. 15172 Fudge Doings. Mitchell. N. Y., i855. 2 V. 12~... 2907 Family in Paris, The. [Moore.] N. Y., I8i8. I2~.. I4837 Fuller, A. Works; with Memoir. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I852. 8~.. 495 Fuller, Margaret, Memoirs of. Bost., I857. 2 v. 12... 7391 Fuller, T. Good Thoughts in Bad Times, etc. Bost., I863. 8~.. 3903 Hist. of Univ. of Cambridge, and of Waltham Abbey. With the Appeal of Injured Innocence. Ed. Nichols. Lond., 1840. 8........... 9286 Holy and Profane States. [Abridged.] Camb., I83I. 12~.. 3904 The same..... 39II Fullerton, G. A Stormy Life. N. Y., i868. 8~. 2684 Too Strange not to be True. Leipzig, I864. 2 v. in I. I6~. 2408 Fulton, R., Life of. Colden. N. Y., i8I7. 80... 16423 The same. Renwick. Bost., I839. I6~... 7259 Furness, W. H. The Veil partly Lifted. Bost., I864. 8~.. 9815 Fuseli, H. Lectures on Painting. (2 copies.) Lond., 1848. 8~.. 888I Life and Writings of. Knowles. Lond., I83I. 3 v. 8~.. 9051 Fuss, J. D. Roman Antiquities. Oxf'd., I840. 8~.. 4751 Future Life, Doctrine of a. Hudson. Bost., I858. 12~.... 99II Hist. of. Alger. N. Y., I869. 80.... I0022 Physical Theory of. Taylor. N. Y., I836. I2~.. 9540 Punishment, Lectures on. Tyler. Middletown, I829. I20. 17299 G. Gael, The Scotish. Logan. Hartf'd., 1846. 8~.. 54Io Gain of a Loss, The. N. Y., I869. I2..2454 Gajani, G. The Roman Exile. Bost., 1856. 12~... 469I Galatians, Notes on Epistle to. Barnes. N. Y., I84I. I2~.. 9863 Galaxy, The. N. Y., I868-69. v. 5-8. 8~... I3886 The same. N. Y., 1868-72. V. 6-Io, I2-I4.. 13890 122 Galileo-Garibaldi. Galileo, G., Life of. [Bethune.] Lond., 1833. 8'.. 6751 The same. Brewster. N. Y., 1841. 120.. 11605 Private Life of. Lond., 1870. 8~..7778 Gall, F'. J. Works. Bost., 1835. 6 v. 12.. 12761 Gallatin, A. Sketch of Finances of U. S. N. Y., 1796. 8~... 6240 Gallus; Roman Scenes in Time of Augustus. Becker. N. Y., i866. 8~. 4325 Galt, J. Annals of the Parish. Philad., 182I. 12'. 2365 Autobiography. Philad., 1833. 2 v. I2~.. 6979 The same. Philad., I833. 8~.... 5358 Flowers of Literature. Lond., 1803. I2..... 5834 Last of the Lairds. N. Y., I827. I20.. 15235 Lawrie Todd. N. Y., I830. 2 v. 12~. 15237 Life of Byron. N. Y., 1841. 12~.. 11009 The same. N. Y., 1830. 12~.. II936 of West. Lond., 1820. 8~.. 7966 of Wolsey. 3d ed. (2 copies.) Lond., I846. 8'.. 340 Lives of the Players. Bost., I831. v. I. 120... 16402 The Provost. N. Y., I822. I2'.. 15232 Sir Andrew Wylie. N. Y., I822. 2 v. 12.. 15233 Stanley Buxton. Philad., 1833. 2 v. 12... I5228 The Steam-Boat. N. Y., 1823. I20. 15230 The Stolen Child. Philad., I833. 12'.. 15231 Galton, F. Hereditary Genius. N. Y., 1870. 80. 8992 Vacation Tourists, i86o-6I. Cambr., 1861-62. 2 v. 8'... 8378 Gambling, Exposure of Arts of. Green. Philad., I847. I2'... IOT71 unmasked. Green. Philad., I847. I20.. 10172 Game of Life, The. Ritchie. Philad., 1833. 8'.... 15356 Games, Amusements, etc. H. Smith. N. Y., i868. 120... I1027 Hand-book of. Lond. (Bohn), 185o. 8~....0176 See, also, CHESS; SPORTS. Gaming, Victims of. Bost., I838. I2~....10170 Gammell, W. Life of S. Ward. Bost., 1846. i6~.. 7268 of R. Williams. Bost., 1845. 6~. 7263 Gammer Gurton's Needle. (Old Plays, v. 2.) Lond., 1825. 8~. 1509 Gardening, Landscape. Downing. N. Y., 1844. 8~... 9084 for Ladies. Loudon. N. Y., I843. 12~.. 16979 Gardiner, 3J., Life of. Doddridge. (Works, v. I.) Lond., 1804. 8~. I7201 Gardiner, M. (Lady Blessington.) Desultory Thoughts. N. Y., 1839. I60............ 4159 The Governess. Philad., 1I839. 2 v. I2~... 15453 The Idler in France. Philad., 1841. 2 v. 12~... 16707 in Italy. Paris, 1839. 8'.. 8336 Works. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 8~.. 2668 Life and Correspondence of. Madden. N. Y., I856. 2 v. 12~. 7076 Gardiner, W. Music and Friends. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8~... 9082 Gardner, A. K. Old Wine in New Bottles. N. Y., 1848. I2~. i6705 Garibaldi, G., Life of. By himself. Ed. by Dwight. N. Y., i86i. 12'. 7785 The Rule of the Monk. N. Y., 1870. 8'.. 2651 Campaign of, in the Sicilies. Forbes. Edinb., i861. 8~... 4690 Garland-Gentleman. 123 Garland, H. A. Life of Randolph. N. Y., 185I. 2 v. 12~.. 7309 Garrett, Edward. (Pseudonym.) See I. F. MAYO. Garrick, D. Dramatic Works. Lond., I798 3. 23 v. I2~. 1396 Farces. (Brit. Drama, v. 5.) Lond., I804. 8~. 1. 633 Life of. Murphy. Lond., I8o0. 2 v. 8~.. 7967 Memoirs of. Davies. Bost., I8I8. 2 v. 12~.. 7891 Garstangs, The. T. A. Trollope. Leipz., I870. 2 v. i6~. ~ ~ 2375 Garter, Memorials of Order of the. Beltz. Lond., I841. 8~.. 5II4 Garth, S. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 240.... 276 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.... 15098 Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 1819. 24~.. IO Gascoigne, G. The Steele Glas; etc. Ed. Arber. Lond., i868. I6~. 3889 Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I819. 24~.. I Gaskel, E. C. A Dark Night's Work. N. Y., I863. 80.... 23II Life of C. Bronte. N. Y., 857. 2. 122..... 6985 Wives and Daughters. N. Y., I866. 8~. 2663 Gasparin, A. de. America before Europe. (2 copies.) N. Y., I862. I20. 8560 Uprising of a Great People. (2 copies.) N. Y., I86I. I2~.. 8558 Gaston de Blondeville. Radcliffe. Philad., I826. 2 v. I2~.. I5436 Gates, T. R. Life and Writings. Philad., I8I8. I2~.. 1368I Gates Ajar, The. Phelps. Bost., I869. 2~...2972 [Gauden, J.] Eikon Basilike. Lond., I824. I20.. 4906 Gaussen, S. R. L. Canon of the Scriptures. Bost. [I862.] I20.. 9885 Theopneusty; Inspiration of the Scriptures. N. Y., I842. I20~. 998I The same. N. Y., I845. I20.. 9800 Gaviota, La. Caballero. N. Y., 1864. 12~.. 2601 Gay, J. Beggar's Opera. (Brit. Drama, v. 5.) Lond., I804. 8~.. I633 The same. (Oxberry's Plays, v. I2.) Bost., I822. 240.. I356 Poems. Glasg., I75I. 2 V. I6..675 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 2 V. 24... 528 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8~... I5Io The same. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 240.. I2 Gay Science, The. Dallas. Lond., I866. 2 v. 8~.. 9055 Gayarr, C. A. Louisiana. N. Y., I85I. 8~.. 5992 Philip II. of Spain. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 6584 CGayworthys, The. Whitney. Bost. [I865.] I2.. 2967 Gazetteers. See GEOGRAPHY. Gebel Teir. [Tudor.] Bost., I829. I20. 1. 5700 Geijer, E. G. Hist. of the Swedes. (2 copies.) Lond., I845. 8~.. 5924 Genesis, Notes on. See BIBLE. Geneva and France, Letters from, I803-o6. Bost., 1819. 2 v. 8~.. I6688 Genius, Hereditary. Galton. N. Y., I870. 8~.. 8992 Illustrations of. Giles. Bost., I854. 8..... 355I Infirmities of. Madden. Philad., I833. 2 V. I2~... 3I8I Genlis, S. F. de, Memoirs of. By herself. N. Y., 1825. 2 v. 8.. 7652 New Moral Tales. N. Y., I825. I20. 2589 Gentleman, The. Calvert. Bost., I863. 8~,... 9175 Character of. Lieber. Philad., 1864. I2~..... 9129 of the Old School. A Tale. James. N. Y., 1839. 2 V. I2~.. I5215 124 Gentleman's-George. Gentleman's Magazine, Curious Articles from the. Lond., 1814. 4 v. 8~. 14227 Gentz, P. Europe before and after the French Revolution. Lond., I804. 8.......... 1 I5919 Geoffrey of Monmouth. British History. Ed. Giles. Lond., I848. 8~. 499 Geoffrey de Vinsauf. Chronicle. Lond., I848. 8~.. 512 Geoffrey the Knight. A Tale. Lond., I869. 8~.. 19I3 Geographical Dictionary. McCulloch. N. Y., I847-48. 2 v. 80.. 8143 Discovery, Hist. of. Cooley. Lond., 1830-31. 3 v. I6~0. 5786 Studies. Ritter. Bost., 1863. I2.. 8970 Geography, Encyclopedia of. Murray. Philad., I849. 3 v. 80.. 8145 Physical. Somerville. Philad., 1I848. 12.... 8969 as modified by Human Action. Marsh. N. Y., I867. 80. 8966 of the Sea. Maury. N. Y., I857. 8~... 9Io3 See, also, ATLAS; EARTH; TRAVELS; VOYAGES. Geological Sketches. Agassiz. Bost., I870. 12~.. 8956 Geology, Elementary. Hitchcock. N. Y., I856. I20.. 898I Elements of. Lee. N. Y., I846. I20... II778 Foot-Prints of the Creator in. Miller. Bost., 1850. I2~.. 8974 Introduction to. Bakewell. N. H., I839. 8..... 9008 Man in Genesis and in. Thompson. N. Y., I870. I2~.. 8959 Manual of. Dana. Philad., 1863. 8... 90II and Natural Religion. Hitchcock. Edinb., I835. I6~... 9137 and Natural Theology. Buckland. Philad., I837. 2 v. 8~.. I6987 Popular. H. Miller. Bost., I865. 120.. 8978 Principles of. Lyell. Philad., I837. 2 v. 8~.. 9009 The old Red Sandstone in. Miller. Bost., 185I. I2~... 8972 Religion of. Hitchcock. Bost., I85I. 12.. 8840 and Revelation. Molloy. N. Y., I870.. 2~. 8982 Treatise on. Phillips. Lond., I837-39. 2 V. I6... 6051 of the Bass Rock. Miller. N. Y., I85i.. 2~.. 8829 of Brazil. Hartt. Bost., I870. 8~.. 9013 of Conn., Report on. Percival. N. H., 1842. 8~... 9I02 George I, II, mII, and IV, of Grt. Brit., Caricature Hist. of. Wright. Lond. 80... 428I Lectures on. Thackeray. Lond., 1872. 80... 2198 Memoirs of Era of. Lond., I832-34. 4 v. 8.. 6721 George I, II, and III, of England, Memoirs of. Belsham. Dubl., I796. 3v. 8.......... 5282 George II, Hist. Sketches of Reign of. Oliphant. Bost. 8~.. 5393 Memoirsof Reignof [I727-42]. Hervey. Philad., I848. 2v. I2~. 5215 George III, Annals of Reign of. 1760-.8I5. Aikin. Lond., I8i6. 2v. 8~. 5322 Memoirs of Reign of [I760-71]. Walpole. Philad., 1845. 2 v. 8\. 5320 [1772-89.] Wraxall. Philad., I836-37. 2 v. 80.. 5324 George IV, Diary of Times of (I8Io-30). [Bury.] Philad., 1838-39. 4 v. 12~.. 5217 Life and Times of. Croly. N. Y., I840. I2~... IIOI5 George a Greene, the Pinner of Wakefield. (Old Plays.) Lond., 1825. 8~......1 I5IO Georgia- Germany. 125 Georgia, Journal on Plantation in, I838-39. Kemble. N. Y., I863. I2~. 8408 Scenes. [Longstreet.] N. Y., I843. I2~... I570I G6rando, J. M. de. Self-Education. Bost., I830. 8~.. I7052 [Gerbier d'Ouvilly, G.] The False Favourite disgraced. Lond., I657. 12........... I3354 Germaine. E. About. Bost., i86o. I2~. 2597 German Dictionary. Kunst. Harrisburg, I847. 12~.. 9619 Experiences. Howitt. Lond., I844. 16~.. 8220 Life in XVth, XVIth, and XVIIth Centuries, Pictures of. Freytag. Lond., I862. 2 V. 80.. 5806 and Manners. Mayhew. Lond., 1864. 2 v. 8~.. 8313 Literature. Menzel. Transl. by Gordon. Oxf'd., I840. 4 v. 16~. II5 Selections from. Edwards and Park. Andover, I839. 8......... Ioo6 Studies in. Bancroft. (Miscellanies.) N.Y., 1855. 80. 3473 Modern. Heine. Bost., I836. 16~.... 43 Novelists, transl. by Roscoe. Lond., I826. 4 V. I2~.. 895 For Contents, see RoscoE. Poetry, Transl. by Baskerville. Philad., I856. 80... 857 Historic Survey of. W. Taylor. Lond., I830. 3 v. 8~. 206 Popular Tales. Grimm. Bost., I862. 2 v. I2~.. 19I7 Prose Writers. [Translated] by Hedge. N. Y., I856. 8~.. 243 Fragments from. Austin. Lond., 84. I284. 2~. 3950 Romance, Specimens of. Carlyle. Bost., I84I. 2 V. I2~.. 3IO7 Theatre, The. Transl. by Thompson. Lond., i8ii. v.2-6. I2~. I357 For Contents, see THEATRE. Universities, View of. Robinson. Edinb., I835. I6~... 9137 Theology, and Religion. Schaff. Philad., I857. 12~. 9252 University Education. Perry. Lond., I845. I20... 9251 Germanic Empire, Hist. of the [to I792]. Dunham. Lond., I834-35. 3 v. 16~...5462 Empire, Hist. of Polit. Constitution of. Putter. Lond., 1790. 3 v. 8~.. 6457 Germany. Hawkins. Lond., 1838. 8~.. 5883 Mme. de Stael. Lond., I814. 3 v. 8~.. 8307 in I83I. Strang. N. Y., I836. 120.......6653 American Family in. Browne. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 8315 Hist. of (to 18I4). Kohlrausch. N. Y., I845. 80~ 5874 (to I842). Menzel. Lond., I848-49. 3 v. 8~.. 404 of Thirty Years' War in (I618-48). Schiller. Lond., 1846. 8.......... 435 Notes during Ramble in, I825. [Sherer.] Bost., I827. I2~.. 8I9T Religious Life in, during the Wars of Independence. Baur. Lond., I870. 2 v. 80.. 6323 and the Revolution [I8I3-I9]. v. G6rres. Lond., I820. 80.. 5876 Rural and Domestic Life of. Howitt. Philad., I843. 8~.. 8050 Student-Life of. Howitt. Philad., I842. 80.. 83IO Tour in, I820-22. J. Russell. Edinb., I828. 2 v. I20... I6649 Travels through, 1780. v. Riesbeck. Dubl., I787. 2 v. 8~.. i665I I7 t26 Gerry-Gilfillan. Gerry, E., Life of. Austin. Bost., I828-29. 2 v. 8~.... 7365 Gervinus, G. G. Shakespeare Commentaries. Lond., I863. 2 v. 8~. I580 Gessner, S. Death of Abel; Idylls; First Navigator. Lond., I825. 240. 2346 Works. Liverpool, I802. 3 v. in I. I60.. 13207 Gesta Romanorum, Select Tales from the. N. Y., I845. I20... 1908 The same. 3956 Ghosts and Ghost-Seers. Crowe. N. Y., I850. I2.. 8615 See, also, APPARITIONS; DEMONOLOGY; MAGIC. Giafar al Barmeki. N. Y., I836. 2 v. I2~.. I5702 Gibbon, E. Essay on Study of Literature. Dubl., I788. 120.. 89 Hist. of Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Dubl., I781-88. I2 v. 80.........6oo6 The same. Dubl., I789. 6 v. 8.. 4769 The same. N. Y., I826. 6 v. 8.. 4784 The same. N. Y., I835. 4 v. 8.. 4790 The same. Ed. Milman. N. Y., I84I. 4 v. 8~.. 4794 The same. (2 copies.) Bost. and N. Y., I850-64. 6 v. 12~. 4754 The same. Abridged by W. Smith. (2 copies.) N. Y., I857-60. I2........ 766 Memoirs of. By himself. Lond., I827-30. 2 V. I2~... 6652 The same. Lond., I829-30. 2 v. I2..... 6947 Miscellaneous Works. Dublin, I796. 3 v. 8~... 3785 The same. (2 copies.) Lond., I837. 8~.... 3770 Life and Correspondence of. Milman. Lond., I839. 80.. 7123 Gibbs, G. Memoirs of Administrations of Washington and Adams. From 0. Wolcott's Papers. N. Y., I846. 2 v. 8~.. 6248 Gibraltar, Hist. of. Martin. Lond., I837. I6~... 7902 Gibson, Walter M. The Prison of Weltevreden; and E. Indian Archipelago. N. Y., I855. I20... 6296 Gibson, Wm. Hist. of Europe, I713-I718. Lond., I725. 80... I59I4 Gibson, Wm. (M. D.) Rambles in Europe. Philad., 184I. 12~.. I6573 Giddings, J. R. Exiles of Florida. Columbus, I858. I2~... I689i Giffard, E. Visit to the Ionian Islands, etc. Lond., I837. I2~.. I6647 Gifford, W. The Baviad and Maeviad. N. Y., I8oo. 12~.. I4823 Memoir of. By himself. Lond., I83I. 2~.. 6649 Gil Blas. Le Sage. Lond. 8... I997 Gilbart, J. W. Hist. of Banking in America. Lond., I837. 80~. 8649 Gilbert, W. De Profundis. 2d ed. Lond., I866. 8~.. 15413 Doctor Austin's Guests. Lond., 1867. 8~. 15414 Struggle in Ferrara. Philad., I87I. 8~.. 2692 Gildas. Works. Ed. Giles. Lond., 1848. 8~.. 499 Giles, H. Christian Thought on Life. 2d ed. Bost., I85I. 8~.. 3547 Human Life in Shakespeare. (2 copies,) Bost., I868. I6~. 1480 Illustrations of Genius. Bost., I854. 8...... 3551 Lectures and Essays. Bost., I85I. 2 v. 8~.. 3548 The same. vol. I.. 3550 Giles, W. B. Political Miscellanies. 1829. 80..... 6128 Gilfillan, G. Bards of the Bible. N. Y., I85I. I2~.. 9886 Life of Scott. Edinb., I870. I6~.. 6975 Gillett-Gleig. 127 Gillett, E. H. Life of Huss. Bost., I863. 2 v. 8~... 65og Gillies, J. Hist. Collections of the Success of the Gospel. Ed. Bonar. Lond., 1845. 8~.. 6595 Hist. of Ancient Greece. Dubl., 1786. 3 v. 8~.. I5949 of the World. Philad., I809. 3 v. 8~.. 15892 Memoirs of Whitefield. Lond., I772. 8~... 6363 Memoirs and Writings of Whitefield. Middletown, I838. 8~. 1oo48 View of Reign of Frederick II. Dubl., I789. 80.. i6452 Gillman, J. Life of Coleridge. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8~... 7I82 Gilly, W. S. Excursion to Piemont, and Researches among the Vaudois. Lond., I824. 4~.. I6035 Memoir of Neff. Philad., I832. I2... 7572 The same. Bost., 1832. I2~.. 7520 Valdenses, Valdo, and Vigilantius. Edinb., 1841. 12~... 6342 Gilman, C. H. Love's Progress. N. Y., I840. I2... 15738 Poetry of Travelling in U. S. - N. Y., I838. 12~.. 16835 Recollections of a Housekeeper. N. Y., I836. I2~.. 15766 of a Southern Matron. N. Y., I838. 12~.. I5767 Tales and Ballads. Bost., I839. 120.. I5794 [Gilmore, J. R.] Among the Pines. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1862. 120. 2929 My Southern Friends. (3 copies.) N. Y., I863. I2~.. 2931 Gilpin, J. Lives of Wiclif, Cobham, Huss, etc. N. Y., 1814. 12~.. 16376 Ginx's Baby. [Jenkins.] N. Y., I87I. I2..8541 Giovanni Sbogarro. N. Y., 1820. 2 v. in I. 120.. I5I39 Gipsy. See GYPSY. Giraldi-Cintio, G. B. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., I836. 120. I900 Girard, S., Biogr. of. Simpson. Philad., 1832. 12~..2. 16428 Girdlestone, A. G. The High Alps without Guides. Lond., I870. 8~. 8383 Girondists, Hist. of the. Lamartine. N. Y., I868. 3 v. I20... 5560 Gisborne, T. Enquiry into the Duties of Men. Lond., I797. 2. 8. 80 I7083 Glaciers of the Alps. Tyndall. Bost., I86I. 8..,. 8957 Gladstone, T. H. Englishman in Kansas. N. Y., I857. 2~... 6855 Gladstone, W. E. "Ecce Homo." (2 copies.) Lond., i868. 8~.. 9843 Juventus Mundi. Lond., 1869. 8~.. 4235 State and Church. 4th ed. Lond., 1841. 2 v. 80... 8693 Glaisher, J. Travels in the Air. Lond., 187I. 8~.. 9093 Glass and Porcelain, Manufacture of. Porter. Lond., 1832. 16~.. 6040 Glass-making, Wonders of. Sauzay. N. Y., I870. 12~.... IOI26 Glaucus; or, Wonders of the Shore. Kingsley. Bost., 1855. 16~.. 8836 Gleig, G. R. The Brit. Army at Washington and N. Orleans. 4th ed. Lond., I836. 12~......... 6003 Chelsea Hospital, and its Traditions. Lond., I838. 3 v. 12~. I6067 Essays. Lond., I858. 2 v. 8~.. 3428 Hist. of the Bible. N. Y., I841. 2 v. I2..... IIOI2 Lives of Brit. Military Commanders. Lond., 1831-32. 3 v. I6~. 577I CONTNTS. —I, Manny; De Vere; Cromwell. 1, 2, Duke of Marlborough. 2, Earl of Peterborough; Wolfe. 3, Clive; Cornwallis; Abercromby; Moore. Memoirs of Hastings. Lond., 184I. 3 v. 8~.. 6805 The Subaltern. N. Y., 1825. 12.... 2085 The Subaltern in America. Philad., 1833. I2~.... 6004 128 Glenarvon-Goethe. Glenarvon. [Lady C. Lamb.] Philad., I8i6. 2 v. 12~.. I544I Gliddon, J. R. See J. C. NOTT. Glide, Wreck of the. Oliver. N. Y., I848. 12~..... I6298 Glover, R. The Athenaid. Lond., I787. 3 v. I2~... 14867 Boadicea. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804. 8. 8~.... 630 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240.. 27 Gneisenau, A. N. v., and Marston, J. E. Life of Bliicher. Lond., I815. 8........... 7759 Gobat, S. Journal in Abyssinia. N. Y., 1850. I2~.. 825I God in Christ. Bushnell. Hartf'd., I849. I2~...... 9935 Goddard, J. Search for the Gral. Lond. I6~.. 2422 Goddard, T. H. Hist. of Banks. N. Y., 83I. 8.. 8650 Godolphin, Gregory. (Pseudonym.) The Unique. Bost., I844. I2~. I7285 Godolphin, M., Life of. Evelyn. N. Y., I847. I2~..7050 Godolphin, a Novel. Bulwer. N. Y., I840. 2 v. 12~.... 2153 Godwin, M. W., Memoirs of. [W. Godwin.] Philad., I804. 12~.. 6938 Godwin, P. Hand-Book of Universal Biography. N. Y., I852. I20. 6716 Political Essays. (2 copies.) N. Y., I856. I2W... ~ 3560 Godwin, W. Cloudesley. N. Y., I830. 2 v. 12.. I5398 Fleetwood. N. Y., I8O5. 2 v. 12....... 20I5 Hist. of the Commonwealth. Lond., I824-27. v. I-3. 8.. 5360 Lives of Necromancers. (2 copies.) N. Y., I835. I2~. ~. 6707 Mandeville. Philad., I8I8. 2 v. I2.... I550I St. Leon. Alexandria, I80I. 2 V. I20.. I707 Transfusion. N. Y., I836. 120... I5II2 [Oodwine, A.] The Refugee. N. Y., I825. 2 v. I2~... I5769 Goede, C. A. G. A Foreigner's Opinion of England. Bost., I822. 80. I6749 G6rres, J. J. v. Germany and the Revolution. Lond., 1820. 8~.. 5876 Goethe, J. W. v. Autobiography; Letters from Switzl'd. and Italy. (2 copies.) Lond., I848-49. 2 v. 8~.. 444 Correspondence with a Child. Lowell, I84I. 2 V. 12~... 7805 with Schiller. N. Y., I845. v. I 20.. ~ 7827 Elective Affinities. N. Y., I872. I2...... 2704 Essays on Art. Tr. by Ward. N. Y., I862. I6~.... 8846 Faust, transl. by Brooks. 7th ed. Bost., I868. I6~... I304 The same, transl. by Hayward. Bost., I872. I6~... 10305 The same, transl. by B. Taylor. Bost., i87I. 2 v. 80. 1298 The same, pt. 2. Transl. by Bernays. Lond., I839. 8~. 1300 Faustus; Bride of Corinth; First Walpurgis Night. Transl. by Anster. Lond., I835. 16... I435 Goetz of Berlichingen, transl. by Scott. N. Y., I8I4. 24~.. I362 Hermann and Dorothea, transl. by Frothingham. Bost., I870. I60............ 862 Memoirs of. By himself. Lond., I824. 2 V. 8~.. 7823 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I824. 8~.. 7825 Novels and Tales. Lond. (Bohn's ed.), I87I. 8~... 448 Poems and Ballads, transl. by Aytoun & Martin. N. Y., I87I. 120............ 863 Reynard the Fox, tr. by Arnold. Lond., i86o. 8~.... 1301 Goethe-Goldsmith. 129 Goethe, J. W. v. Sammtliche Werke. Stuttg. und Tuib., I840. 40 Bde. in 20. 16... 944I The same. Bde. I-4, 6-40.... 9760 Select Minor Poems, transl. by Dwight. (2 copies.) Bost., I839. I2....... 859 Sorrows of Werter. Ithaca. I2.... 2700 Stella. (German Theatre, v. 6.) Lond., i8II. I2~... I36I Theory of Colours. Tr. by Eastlake. Lond., I840. 8~... 9072 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship. Transl. by Carlyle. Bost., I828. 3 V. I2.......... 2701 The same. Philad., I840. 3 v. 12~.. 3047 The same. Bost., I865. 2 v. 8~. 3050 The same. Lond., I87I. 2 V. 8~.. 405I Characteristics of. Ed. Mrs. Austin. Lond., I833. 3 v. 12~. 7829 Conversations with. Eckermann. Bost., I839. I2~... 7828 Essay on Life and Works of. -Calvert. Bost., I872. I60.. 7837 Female Characters of, from Kaulbach's Drawings. N. Y. fol. and his Influence. Hutton. (Essays, v. 2.) Lond., I87I. 8~. 3709 and Schiller. A Romance. [Mundt.] N. Y., I868. 8~.. 3086 Goethe's Courtship, Dr. A Tale. Miiller. Lond., I866. I6~... 3046 Goguet, A. Y. Origin of Laws, Arts, etc. Edinb., I775. 3 V. 8~.. I5895 Gold Elsie. John. Philad., I868. 12~.. 3038 and Name. Schwartz. Bost., 1871. 8~.. 3096 Golden Christmas, The. Simms. Charleston, I852. I20... I5704 Dagon. [Palmer.] N. Y., I856. I2.. 79IO Lion of Granpere. A. Trollope. N. Y., I872. 8~... 2296 Gcldoni, C., Memoirs of. By himself. Lond., I828. 2 V. I2~... 666I Goldschmidt, -. The Flying Mail. Bost., I870. I6~... 26I9 Goldsmith, J. Geogr. View of the World. Ed. Percival. N. Y., I826. 12~............I6265 Manners, etc., of Nations. N. H., I822. 2 v. I2~....6266 Goldsmith, O. Essays; and The Bee. Bost., I820. I6~.... 384I Goodnatured Man; She Stoops to Conquer. (Brit. Theatre, v. i6.) Lond. I2........ I340 Grecian Hist., ed. Grimshaw. Philad., I833 I20. I2~. I5870 Hist. of the Earth, and Animated Nature. (2 copies.) Philad., I823-25. 5 v. 8......... 6925 Miscellaneous Works. Balt., I809. 5 v. I2~... 4195 CONTENTS.-1, Life- Vicar of Wakefield. 2, Citizen of the World. 3 The same, concluded; The Bee. 4, Present State of Polite Learning; Essays; Life of T. Parneli; Life of Lord Bolingbroke. 5, Prefaces; Poems; Plays. The same. Ed. Irving. (2 copies.) Philad., I830-34. 8~. 3782 The same. Ed. Prior. Lond., I837. 4 v. 80.. 3778 CoNTENTs.-1, The Bee; Essays; Present State of Polite Learning in Europe; Prefaces and Introductions. 2, Letters of a Citizen of the World- Natural History. 3, Vicar of Wakefield; Biographies; Miscellaneous Criticism. 4, Poems; bramas; Criticism of Poetry and BellesLettres. The same. N. Y., I850. 4 v. I2~... 4001 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~.. 543 The same, with Life by Macaulay. Bost., 1862. I6~. I054 Roman Hist., abridged. Hartf'd. I2~. 1. 5948 130 Goldsmith-Gore. Goldsmith, O. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24~. 24 Select Works, in French and Eng. (2 copies.) N. Y., I815. 12~. 13200 She Stoops to Conquer. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804. 80. I632 The same. Philad., 1833. 8~.. 1662 The same. (Oxberry's Plays, v. I.) Bost., 1822. 240.. 1346 Vicar of Wakefield. N. Y., 1845. 120...... 3899 The same. Lond., 1838. I6~.. 2384 Works. Lond., I867. 16~.. 3921 Works. Edinb., 1836. v. 3, 4. I20...I3198 CONTENTS.-3, Citizen of the World. 4, State of Polite Learning; The Bee; Lives of Parnell and Bolingbroke, etc. Biogr. of. Irving. N. Y., i86o. 12~.. 6995 Life of. Prior. Lond., 1837. 2 V. 80.. 3776 Life and Times of. Forster. Lond., 1855. 80..... 6997 Gondi, J. P. P. de (Cardinal de Retz), Life of. James. Philad., I837. 120. 7613 Memoirs of. By himself. Philad., I8I7. 3 v. 8~.. 7713 See, also, JOLY'S Memoirs. Good, J. Poems. Sherborne. 8.. I14806 Good Words. Lond., I866-67. v. 7, 8. 80..14534 Goodman, G. Court of James I, ed. Brewer. Lond., I839. 2 v. 80. 5298 Goodrich, Chas. A. Family Encyclopaedia. Hartf'd, 1849. I2~. Tourist, in Amer. Cities. Hartt'd., I848. 8~. I6897 Great Events in Hist. of America. Hartfd., I851. 8~...6I46 Hist. of the U. S. Hartf'd., I824. I20...6047 Lives of the Signers. Hartfd. [I848.] I2~...6403 Pictorial View of Religions. Hartf'd., I851. 120.. ~ 6298 Universal Traveller. Hartfd., I850. I2~..... I6259 Goodrich, Chauncey A. Select British Eloquence. (2 copies.) N. Y., i86I. 80.. 9425 Goodrich, S.G. Cabinet of Curiosities. Hartfd., 1822. 2 v. I2~.. I6939 History of All Nations. N. Y., I857. 2 v. 80~.. 4122 The Outcast, and other Poems. Bost., I836. I2~.. 14995 Pictorial Hist. of England. Philad., 1846. 120.. 6064 Popular Biography. N. Y., I854. 12~.. 6604 Recollections of a Lifetime. (2 copies.) N. Y., I856. 2 v. 12~. 7367 Sketches from a Student's Window. Bost., I84I. I2~... 15o68 Goodwin, H. B. Dr. Howell's Family. Bost., 1869. 12~... 2989 Madge. N.Y., 1863. 12~..... 988 Goodyear, C., Life of. Peirce. N. Y. [I866.] 16~.. 7278 Googe, B. Eglogs, Sonettes, etc. Ed. Arber. Lond., I871. 16~.. 3898 Gordian Knot, The. Brooks. N. Y., i868. 80.. 2308 Gordon, C. (Vieux Moustache.) Two Lives in One. N. Y., i870. 16~. 2922 Gordon, J. Hist. of Ireland. Lond., I8o6. 2 v. 8~.. 54I2 Gordon, M. Memoir of J. Wilson. N. Y., 1863. 8.. 7086 Gordon, T. 1F. Hist. of Penns., to I776. Philad., I829. 8.. 5840 Gore, C. G. P. Banker's Wife. N. Y., I843. 8~. 2313 The Cabinet Minister. N. Y., I839. 2 v. I2~... 1539I Diary of a Desennuyee. Philad., 1836. I2~..... 15415 Polish Tales. Lond., 1833. 3 v. 2~.. I5550 Gore —Grammar. 13I Gore, C. G. F1. Preferment. N. Y., I840. 2 v. I2~. 15553 Sketch-Book of Fashion. N. Y., I833. 2 V. I2~.. I558I Soldier of Lyons. Philad. 80.. 2313 Gorton, S., Life of. Mackie. Bost., 1845. I6~.. 7264 Goslington Shadow. N. Y., 1825. 2 V. I20. I5705 Gospel Tragedy, The. [Brockway.] Worc., I795. I2~... I4976 Gospels. See BIBLE. Gosson, S. School of Abuse, etc. Ed. Arber. Lond., I868. 16~.. 3885 Gothic Architecture. See ARCHITECTURE. Gotthelf, J. Wealth and Welfare. Lond., 1867. 8~.. 2452 Gotthold's Emblems. Scriver. Bost. [I859.] I2~.. 3Io6 Gottschalck, C. F. Popular Traditions. (German Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., I826. 120. 1. I896 Gough, J. B. Autobiography. (2 copies.) Springfld., I869-70. 8~. 7434 Goulburn, E. M. The Idle Word. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 9817 Thoughts on Personal Religion. N. Y., I866. I2~... 9816 Gould, 1E. S. Good English. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. I2.. I07 Gould, H. P. Poems. Bost., I839. 2 V. I2.. 14996 Gould, S. Baring. See BARING. Gourbillon, J. A. de. Travels in Sicily. Lond., I820. 8~.. 8054 Gourgaud, G. Memoirs of Hist. of France. See NAPOLAON I. Governess, The. Lady Blessington. Philad., I839. 2 v. I2.. I5453 Government, Discourses on. A. Sidney. N. Y., I805. 3 v. 8~.. I7199 Disquisition on. Calhoun. Charleston, I85I. 8~.. 6I7I Essay on origin and nature of. Temple. Lond., I8I4 80. 8~.. I7197 Interference Theory of. Bristed. N. Y., I868. I2~... 8540 Principles of. See BENTHAM. Thoughts on. Helps. Bost., I872. 8~.. 8620 Two Treatises of. Locke. (Works, v. 5.) Lond., I8oi. 8~.. 9594 Representative, Considerations on. J. S. Mill. N. Y., I867. I2~. 8618 See, also, POLITICS. Gower, J. Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~. I Gozzi, C. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., I836. 12~.. 1902 Grace Truman. Ford. N. Y., 1857. I2~...... I5707 Graham, James, (Earl of Montrose,) Life and Times of. Napier. Edinb., I840. 8~.. 6760 Graham, James. Life of Gen. Morgan. N. Y., I859. I2~.. 7306 Graham, S. Lecture to Young Men on Chastity. Bost., I847, I20. I7024 Graham, W. Travels through Portugal and Spain. Lond., I820. 8~. 8053 Graham, W. S. Remains. Philad., I849. 12~... 14998 Grahame, Rev. James. Birds of Scotland, with other Poems. Bost., I807. I2~...... I4824 The Sabbath: a Poem. N. Y., I805. I2~... I4796 Grahame, James. Hist. of the U. S. (2 copies.) Lond., I833. 2 v. 8~. 5940 Grainger, J. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24~.. 21 Grammar of Assent. Newman. N. Y., I870. I2~.... 9599 English. Cobbett. N. Y., I846. 12~... 90 The same. Fowler. N. Y., I865. 8.... I67 The same. Ben Johnson. Lond., I842, 8~.... 1607 t32 Grammar-Gdray. Grammar, English, Comic. Lond., I840. I2~. 4275 Diversions of Purley in. Horne Tooke. Lond., I829. 2 V. 8.. 2IO Principles of. Philad., I847. 12~.. 8498 Shakespearian. Abbott. Lond., I871. 16.. I477 See, also, ENGLISH; LANGUAGE; PHILOLOGY. Grammont, P. de, Memoirs of. Hamilton. Lond., 1846. 8~... 320 Granada, Chronicle of Conquest of. Irving. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 6407 Granby. [Lister.] N. Y., I826. 2 V. I2.... I5455 Granger, J. Letters and Miscellanies. Lond., I805. 8~... 16347 Grant, A. The Highlanders, and other Poems. Edinb., I803. 8~.. I5075 Memoirs of an American Lady. N. Y., I846. I2~.. I6398 The same. Bost., I8o9. I2~.. I6397 Memoir and Correspondence of. By her son. Lond., I844. 3 v. 8~. 7078 Grant, J. Bench and Bar. Philad., I839. 2 v. 12~.. 6605 The Great Metropolis. N. Y., I837. 2 V. 12~.. 5144 Metropolitan Pulpit. N. Y., I839. I20.. 9914 Paris and its People. Lond., I844. 2 V. I2~.. I670I Random Recollections of House of Commons. Phil., I836. I2~. 4845 of House of Lords. Philad., I836. 12~. 4846 Sketches of London. Philad., T839. 2 V. 12~... 5146 Grant, U. S., and his Campaigns. Coppee. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 7401 The same. Larke. N. Y., I864. I2~... 7399 Life of. Deming. Hartf'd., I868. 8~.. 7400 Granucci, N. Novel. (Ital. Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., I836. 12~. I9oI Granville, G. (Lord Lansdowne.) Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24......... 269 Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~. I3 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8.. 15099 Grattan, H. Speeches. Dubl., I8II. 80.. 9347 The same. N. Y., I813. 8~.. 9348 Memoirs of. By his Son. Lond., I839-46. 5 v. 8'~.. 6784 Sketch of. Lecky. N. Y., I872. I2.. 6743 Grattan, T. C. Agnes de Mansfeldt. Philad., I836. 2 V. 12~0. I5362 Heiress of Bruges. N. Y., I83I. 2 v. 12.. I5446 Highways and Byways. Bost., I840. 3 V. I2~.. I5450 Hist. of the Netherlands. (2 copies.) Lond., I833-38. I6~. 5474 The same. Philad., I83I. I20.. 6070 Jacqueline of Holland. N. Y., I83I. 2 V.... 5469 Traits of Travel. N. Y., I829. 2 V. 12~... I56o9 Gravenhurst. W. Smith. Edinb., I862. 8~.. 9964 Graves, Mrs. A. J. Woman in America. N. Y., I844. I2~. I767 The same. N. Y., I843. I2.. 12281 Gray, A. Botanical Text-Book. 3d ed. N. Y., I850. I2~... 8986 Manual of Botany of Northern U. S. Cambr., 1848. I2~.. 8984 The same. 5th ed. N. Y., I869. 8~.. 8985 Gray, Barry. (Pseudonym.) See R. B. COFFIN. Gray, D. Poems, with Memoirs. (2 copies.) Bost., I864. I6~.. II97 Gray-Greece. 133 Gray, Mrs. H. Hist. of Etruria. Lond., I843. v. I. 12~.. 4728 Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruria. 2d ed. Lond., I841. 12~. 8870 Gray, T. Letters. Bost., I820. I6~..3842 Letters and Poems. Philad., I842. 8..945 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~.... 538 The same [with Memoir by Mitford]. Lond., I853. 16~. 1029 The same, ed Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8. 8~..I510 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240.... 23 Works [with Life by Mitford]. Lond, I836. 4 v. 160. I6~... I30 Gray, W. Hist. Sketch of Engl. Prose Literature. Oxf'd., I835. 8~. I8O Gray's Inn Journal. Murphy. Lond., 1756. 2. 122. 1303I Grazzini, A. P. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., 1836. 8~.. I9oo Great Britainn i1833. d'Haussez. Philad., I833. I2~.... 5333 Appeal from Judgments of. Walsh. Philad., 1819. 80... 599I Continental Interests of. Heeren. Oxfd., I836. 8~.. 4713 Four Years in, I83I-35. Colton. N. Y., I835. 2 v. 12~.. I6755 Hist. of, to 1547. Henry. Lond., I788-95. I2 v. 8~.. 4973 [1660-I713]. Burnet. Edinb., I753. 6 v. I20.. 48I7 Illustrations of. Thomson. Edinb., 1828. 2 V. I2~.. 4482 Journal of Tour and Residence in, I8Io-II. N. Y., 1815. 2 v. 8~. I6751 of Travels in, i805-o6. Silliman. Bost., 1812. 2 V. 120. 8261 Resources of. Bristed. N. Y., i8i'. 80..... 6115 Sketches of Society in, I832. Stewart. Philad., 1834. 2 v. 12~. 16753 Statistical Account of. McCulloch. Lond., I837. 2 v. 8~.. 4989 See, also, BRITISH; ENGLAND. Great Expectations. Dickens. N. Y., 1871. I6~... 217I Great Hoggarty Diamond. Thackeray. Lond., 1872. 80.. 2196 Greater Britain. Travel in English-speaking Countries. Dilke. Philad., I869. 12~.. 8438 Grecian Wreath of Victory. N. Y., 1824. 12~.. 4558 Greece, Antiquities of. Potter. N. Y., I825. 80.. 15867 Art in. Taine. N. Y., I87I. I2.... 8850 Hist. of, to B. C. 404. Curtius. N. Y., I871-72. 3 v. I2.. 4396 to B. C. 337. Gillies. Dubl., I786. 3 v. 8~. 15949 The same. Mitford. Lond., I820. IO v. 8~. I5954 to B. C. 300. Grote. N. Y., 1857. I2 v. I2~.. 4384 to B. C. I47. [Malkin.] Lond., I829. 8~.. I6O22 to B. C. 1I46. Robertson. Edinb., I82I. 8... I6026 The same. Thirlwall. Lond., I835-44. 8 v. I6~. 4426 Literature of. Miuller. v. I. Lond., I840. 8... 97 Monuments and Scenery of. Chase. Cambr., I863. I6~.. 8208 Political Antiquities of. Hermann. Oxfd., I836. 8~.. 4431 Politics of. Heeren. Oxfd., I824. 8~.. 4406 Politics and Literature of. Dalzel. Edinb., I82I. 2 v. 80. 15868 Slavery in. Edwards. Edinb., I835. I6~.... 9137 Travels of Anacharsis in. Barthelemy. Lond., I798. 8~. 15953 Ancient and Modern. Felton. Bost., I867. 2 v. 80.. 4421 Modern, in I823-4. Stanhope. Philad., I825. 8~.... I6020 in 1827-28. Miller. N. Y., I828. I2.. I5952 18 134 Greece-Greene. Greece of the Greeks. Perdicaris. N. Y., I845. 2 v. I2~...6645 and the Greeks, Notes on, I866-68. Strangford. Lond., I869. 8~. 37I0 Modern, Hist. of. Bost., I827. 80.. 1602I Revolution in, 1820-27. Comstock. N. Y., 1828. I2........... 4559 The same. Howe. N. Y., 1828. 12~.. 4560 Modern, Hist. of, Literary. Negris. Edinb., 1835. I6~. 9I37 Incidents of Travel in, I835. [Stephens.] N. Y., I84I. 2 v. I20. I6637 Journal in, I858. Senior. Lond., I859. 8~. 8243 Journey through, I82I. Miiller. Lond., 1822. 8~.. 8058 Letters on. Savary. Dubl., I788. 80.. I6628 Letters from, I826-27. Blaquiere. Lond., I828. 8~...6027 Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. 2 v. in I. I2~.. 785I Tour through, I8I8-I9. Laurent. Lond., 1822. 8... 1664I Modern, Travels in. Baird. N. Y., I856. 12~... 8323 The same. Clarke. Lond., I8I8. 3 v. 80... 8025 The same. I8o5-I6. Pouqueville. (Voyages, v. 4, 7.) Lond., 1820-22. 80.. 8054 The same. I834. Temple. Lond., I836. 2 v. I2~.. I6625 The same. I858. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., I859. 12~.. 8285 Visit to, I827-28. Post. N. Y., I830. 80... 16627 Wanderings in, 1828-36. Cochrane. Lond., I837. 2 v. 8~.. 8321 Greek Church. See CHURCH. Etymology. Peile. Lond., I872. I60... 93 Mythology. Cox. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8..... 4Io3 The same. Keightley. Lond., I838. 8~... 4425 Philosophy, Brief View of. [Cornwallis.] Philad., I846. I2~. 8497 Poets, Introd. to. H. N. Coleridge. Philad., 183I. 12~... 4I Specimens of. Peter. Philad., I847. 8~.... 239 Christian, Essays on. E. B. Browning. N. Y., I863. I6~. 39 Greeks, Arts, Manners, etc., of the. Fosbrooke. Lond., I833-35. 2 V. I60.. 4869 Dissertations on the. Pauw. Lond., I793. 2 v. 8... I1587I Private Life of the Ancient. Becker. Lond., I845. 12~.. 4326 Greeley, H. The American Conflict. (2 copies.) Hartf'd., I864-66. 2 v. 80.. 6257 Hints towards Reforms. N. Y., I85o. I2..... 8622 Recollections of a Busy Life. (2 copies.) N. Y., I868. 8~.. 7438 Green, J. H. Exposure of Gambling. Philad., I847. I2~... II7 Gambling unmasked. Philad., 1847. I2~..... 10172 C(reen, M. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~.. 530 The same. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 1819. 24~. I3 Green, T. J. Journal of Texan Exped. N. Y., I845. 8~... 16902 Green Book, The. O'Callaghan. Philad., I842. I20... 5254 Greenbank, T. K. Periodical Library. Philad., I833. 3 v. 8~.. I5356 [Greene, A.] Perils of Pearl Street. N. Y., I834. I20. ~. I576I Travels in America. By G. Fibbleton. N. Y., I833. I2~.. I6799 Greene, G. W. Hist. View of the Revolution. (2 copies.) Bost., I865. I2........... 6099 Greene —Grimm. 135 Greene, G. W. Life of N. Greene. Bost., I846. I6~... 7269 Greene, Gen. Nath'l., Life of. G. W. Greene. Bost., I846. I6~.. 7269 The same. Simms. N. Y., I859. I2~... 7303 Greene, Nath'l. Tales from the German. Bost., I837. 2 v. I2~.. 3029 Greene, R. Dramatic Works. Ed. Dyce. Lond., I83I. 2 v. 80. I466 Greenhow, R. Hist. of Oregon, California, etc. 2d ed. Bost., 1845. 8~. 5993 Greenland, Description of. Egede. Lond., I8I8. 8~.. 16595 Hist. and Description of. [Russell.] N. VY., I841. I20.. II6o6 See, also, ARCTIC; POLE. Greenough, H., Memorial of. Tuckerman. N. Y., I853. I2~. ~ ~ 7938 Greenwell, D. Essays. Lond., I866. I6~.. 9547 Greenwood, Grace. (Pseudonym.) See S. J. LIPPINCOTT. Greenwood, J. The Seven Curses of London. Bost., I869. I20.. 8617 Gregg, J. Commerce of the Prairies. N. Y., 1844. 2 v. I20... I6878 Gregoire, H. Enquiry concerning Negroes. Brooklyn, I8IO. 8~.. I71I3 Gregory, G. Hist. of the Christian Church. Lond., 1790. 2 v. 12~. 14636 Letters on Literature, Taste, and Composition. Philad., I809. I20. 17028 Gregory, J., Life of. Smellie. Edinb., I8oo00. 8~. 7138 Gregory, O. Evidences, etc., of the Christian Religion. Lond., I85I. 8~. 486 Grenville, G. N. T. (Lord Nugent.) Lands, Classical and Sacred. Lond., I846. 2 V. 2. 12... 8162 Memorials of Hampden. (2 copies.) 2d ed. Lond., I832. 2 v. 8~. 6842 Gresham, Sir T., Life of. Lond., I845. I2~...... 6623 Gresley, W. Charles Lever. N. Y., I843. I20. I5395 Forest of Arden. N. Y., I843. I20. 15432 Siege of Lichfield. Lond., I84I. 12~...... I5580 Grettir the Strong, Story of. Ed. Morris. Lond., I869. 8~.. I92I [Grey, AMrs.] De Lisle. N. Y., I828. 2 v. I2... I5411 Trials of Life. N. Y., I829. 2 v. I20.. 156I6 Grey, Lady J., Life of. Strickland. Lond., I868. 8~.. 5208 and her times. Howard. Lond., 1822. 80. 5209 Romance of. Miller. Philad., I840. 2 v. I2~. 15483.Grey, T. Journal of Visit to Egypt, etc. N. Y., I870. 12~.. 8253 Greylock, Godfrey. (Pseudonym.) See J. E. A. SMITH. Greyslaer. Hoffman. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12...... 15708 Griffin, E. D. Sermons. N. Y., I839. 2 v. 8~. 1... I7504 Memoir of. Sprague. N. Y., I839. 8~. 7740 Griffin, G. The Rivals; Tracy's Ambition. N. Y., I830. 2 v. I2. I556I Tales of My Neighborhood. Philad., I836. 2 v. I2.. I5596 Griffith Gaunt. Reade. Bost., I866. 8..2282 Grimald, N. Poems, ed. Arber. Lond., I870. 16~.. 3895 Grimaldi, J., Memoirs of. Ed. by " Boz." Lond., I838. 2 v. I2~.. 7925 Grimk6, P. Nature and Tendency of Free Institutions. Cincinn., I848. 8.......... 8697 Grimm, A. T. v. Alexandra, Empress of Russia. Edinb., I870. 2 v. 8~. 6444 Grimm, H. Life of M. Angelo. (2 copies.) Bost., I865-66. 2 v: I20. 7957 Die Venus von Milo; Rafael und Michael Angelo. Bost. I2~. 9614 136 Grimm —Guild. Grimm, F. M. de, and Diderot, D. Correspondence, I753-69. Lond., I814. 2 V. 8.......... 7648 Grimm, J. L. C. and W. C. German Popular Tales. Bost., I862. 2 v. I2... I9I7 Popular Traditions. (German Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., I826. I2~. I896 Grimshaw, W. Hist. of the U. S. Philad., I830. 12~.. I6o49 Grimshawe, T. S. Memoir of L. Richmond, abridged. N. Y., I829. I20. 7563 Grindrod, R. B. Bacchus: an Essay on Intemperance. (2 copies.) N. Y., I840. I20.... 16967 Gringo, Harry. (Pseudonym.) See H. A. WISE. Griscom, John. A Year in Europe. N. Y., I823. 2 v. 80.. I6538 Griscom, John H. Animal Mechanism and Physiology. N. Y., 1840. 12.......... II409 Griswold, R. W. Curiosities of American Literature. N. Y. 8~.. 3408 Female Poets of America. Philad., I849. 8~.. 924 Poets and Poetry of America. Philad., 1842. 8~.... 923 The same. Philad., I855. 80.. 238 Prose Writers of America. (2 copies.) Philad., i847. 8~.. 236 Grosvenor, W. M. Does Protection protect? N. Y., 1871. 8~.. 8669 Grote, G. Hist. of Greece. N. Y., I857. I2v. 12 v.... 4384 The same. v. i-8. Lond., I846-50. 8~... 4409 The same. v. 1-4. 2d ed. Lond., I849. 8~... 4417 Plato and the Companions of Sokrates. 2d ed. Lond., I867. 3 v. 8.......... 4443 Grote, H. Collected Papers. Lond., I862. 8~... 3438 Grotius, H. Truth of the Christian Religion. Lond., I825. I20.. 9810 Life of. Butler. Lond., I826. 8..7685 Grout, L. Zulu-Land. Philad. [I864.] 12~...7982 Grove, W. R., etc. Correlation and Conservation of Forces. (2 copies.) N. Y., I865-69. 12~.. 8895 Grund, F. J. The Americans. Bost., I837. I2~.. 6019 Guardian, The. Steele, etc. Philad., 183I. 80.. 3398 The same. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 3 v. I2. 312I Addison's Contributions to. See ADDISON. Essays illustrative of. Drake. Lond., I805. 3 v. 8~.. 3233 Guardian Angel, The. Holmes. Bost., 187I. I2~... 2900 Guatemala in I827-28. Dunn. N. Y., I828. 80... 16901 Journey to, I838. Montgomery. N. Y., I839. 80... I6900 See, also, MEXICO. Gubernatis, A. de. Zoological Mythology. Lond., 1872. 2 v. 8~.. I0341 Gurin, E. de. Journal. Lond., i866. I6.. 7662 Letters. N. Y., I868. I60.. 7663 Gurin, M. de. Journal. N. Y., I867. I20.. 7664 Guest, E. Hist. of English Rhythms. (2 copies.) Lond., 1838. 2v. 8~. I74 Guettee, R. F. The Papacy. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 9579 Guiana, Voyages to. Raleigh. (Hist., v. 6.) Edinb., I820. 8~.. 4077 Guiccioli, Countess. Recollections of Byron. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869. 12........... 7095 Guild, C. Over the Ocean. Bost., I87I. I20.. 8377 Guillemin —Gypsy. 137 Guillemin, A. The Sun. N. Y., I870. I2...10115 Wonders of the Moon. N. Y., I873. I2... IOI50 Guizot, E. Young Student. (2copies.) N. Y., I844-45. I2~.. 2353 Guizot, F. P. G. Corneille and his Times. N. Y., I852. 120.. 7650 Embassy to Court of St. James in I840. Lond., I862. 80. 5259 Essay on Washington. Bost., I840. I6~..7492 The same. N. Y., I863. I6~.. 7493 Hist. of Civilization in Europe. Oxfd., i837. 8~... 4659 The same [with 2 courses of Lectures, on Hist. of Civ. in France]. N. Y., i86i. 4. 4 I2.. 4660 The same. (Bogue's ed.) 2 copies. Lond., I846. 3 v. 8~. 326 of 0. Cromwell. Philad., I854. 2 v. I2~... 5226 of R. Cromwell and the Restoration. Lond., I856. 2 V. 8~. 5023 of the English Revolution. Transl. by Coutier. (4 copies.) Oxf'd., I838. 2 v. 8... 5015 The same. Transl. by Hazlitt. Lond., I846. 8~.. 337 of Representative Gov't. Lond., 1852. 8~.. 362 Last Days of Reign of Louis Philippe. Lond., I867. 80. 5583 Meditations on Christianity. N. Y., I865. 120.. 9982 Memoirs of Monk. Lond., I838. 80.. 6822 of my own Time. Lond., I858-6I. 4 v. 8~. 5579 Gulistan, or Rose Garden. Sadi. Tr. Gladwin. Bost., I865. 12~.. 876 Gulliver's Travels. Swift. Philad., I869. I20.. I970 Gurney, J. J. Hints on the Evidence of Christianity. Bost., I833. I2~. 17292 Gurowski, A. G. de. America and Europe. N. Y., I857. I20.. 6TOI Russia as it is. N. Y., I854. I2~.. 6447 Gustavus Adolphus II, King of Sweden, Life of. Harte. Lond., I807. 2 v. 8.......... 5928 Guthrie, W. Hist. of Scotland. Lond., I767-68. Io v. 8~.. 5394 Gutzlaff, C. Journal along Coast of China. N. Y., 1833. 12~.. I6478 Sketch of Chinese Hist., etc. N. Y., I834. 2 v. I2~.. 6475 Guy, W. A. Public Health. Lond., 1870. 8~... 9168 Guy Livingstone. [Lawrence.] N. Y., I871. I2~. 2462 Guy Mannering. Scott. Edinb., I87I. 8~. i. 860 Guy Rivers. Simms. N. Y., I834. 2 v. 120. 1. I5710 Guyon, J. M. B. de la Mothe. Method of Prayer. Balt., I812. 12~. 17294 Life of. Upham. N. Y., I847. 2 v. I2~... 7674 Guyot, A. Earth and Man. 2d ed. Bost., I850. 12~.. 8967 The same. 3d ed. Bost., I85I. I2~.. 8968 Gymnastics, The New. Lewis. Bost., 862. 2~... 9228 for Youth. Salzmann. Philad., I803. 8~.. 17058 Gypsies of the Danes' Dike; a Story. Phillips. Bost., I864. I20.. 285I Hist. of the. Simson. N. Y., I866. 12~.. 17II4 of Spain, The. Borrow. Lond., 1841. 2 v 120.. 17II5 Gypsy, The; a Tale. G. P. R. James. N. Y., T864. 2 V. in I. 12~. 2i63 138 Hl-Hall. H. H Family, The. Bremer. Lond., I852. 8.. 47I Habermeister, The. Schmid. N. Y., I869. I6..... 2706 Habington, W. Castara. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1870. I6~.... 3894 The Queen of Arragon. (Old Plays, v. 9.) Lond., I825. 80..I516 Habit and Discipline, Thoughts on. Lond., I844. i6.... 85Io Habits of Good Society. (2 copies.) N. Y., I863-65. I2~... 9269 Hackett, H. B. Illustrations of Scripture. Bost., I86o. I2~... 9888 Hackett, J. H. Notes on Shakespeare, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., I863. I2~. I547 Hacklander, F. W. Clara; or, Slave Life in Europe. N. Y., I856. I2~. I5130 Haffner, J. Travels in Ceylon. Lond., I821. 8~.. 8055 Hahn-Hahn, I. Adventures and Travels. 2d ed. Lond. 3 v. 120. 8248 Haines, C.G. Memoir of Emmet. N. Y., I829. 12... 668I Hajji Baba in England. [Morier.] N. Y., 1828. 2 v. I2~.. I5443 Halcyon Luminary. N. Y., I812. v. I. 80... I4080 Hale, E. E. His Level Best, etc. Bost., I873. I6~..10303 If, Yes, and Perhaps. (2 copies.) Bost., I868. I6~... 2945 Ingham Papers. Bost., I869. 6~....... 2947 Sybaris and Other Homes. Bost., I869. I6~.. 2948 Ten times One are Ten. (2 copies.) Bost., 187I. 160.. 2732 Hale, Sir M. Advice to his grandchildren. Bost., I817. 12~... I7033 Life of. Burnet. Lond. 24~....... 6677 Campbell. (Chief Justices, v. I.) Philad., I85I. 8~. 6873 Hale, Salma. Hist. of the U. S. N. Y., 1827. I2~. 6. I648 The same. N. Y., I84I. 2 V. I2. II594 Hale, Sarah J. Traits of Amer. Life. Philad., I835. I2~... 15805 Halen, J. van. Narrative of Imprisonment, and Journey. N. Y., I828. 8......... I6405 Half-Hours with the Best Authors. Knight. Lond., I865-67. 2v. 80. 3764 with Letter-Writers and Autobiographers. Knight. Lond., I867. 8.......... 3769 Haliburton, T. C. The Bubbles of Canada. Philad., I839. I2~.. 6I8 Hist. of Nova-Scotia. Halifax. [I829.] 2 v. 8~... 5888 Rule and Misrule of the English in America. (3 copies.) N. Y., I85I. 12........... 6025 Sayings and Doings of Sam. Slick. (2 copies.) Philad., I837-38. I2......... 4305 The same. 2d series. Philad., I839. I2~... 4307 Halifax, Earl of. See C. MONTAGU. Hall, A. M. (Mrs. S. C.) Lights and Shadows of Irish Life. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 12~...... I5487 Midsummer Eve. N. Y., I848. 8~.. 2312 Sketches of Irish Character. N. Y., I829. I20. 15583 Uncle Horace. Philad., I838. 2 v. I20.. I5623 Hall, Basil. Fragments of Voyages and Travels. Philad., I83I. 2 v. I20. I6253 Journal on the Coast of America. Lond., I840. 8~.. 8IOI The same. Philad., I824. 2 V. I2. 17144 Patchwork. Philad., I84I. 2 v. I2.. I5850 Hall-Halleck. I39 Hall, Basil. Skimmings. Philad., I836. 12~... I6612 Travels in N. Amer. Philad., I829. 2 V. 12~... 16786 Voyage to Java, etc. Lond., I840. 8... 8IOI Voyages. Edinb., I826. 3 v. I2~..4463 Hall, Benj. H. College Words and Customs. Cambr., 185I. I2~.. 9257 The same. Revised ed. Cambr., i856. I2~... 9258 Hall, C. F. Arctic Researches, etc. N. Y., I865. 8~.. 8i13 Hall, E. The Puritans. 2d ed. N. Y., I846. 8~.. 6458 Hall, P. W. Rambles in Europe. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12~.. I657I Hall, James. The Harpe's Head. Philad., I833. 120.. I5712 Legends of the West. 2d ed. Philad., I833. I2. I5729 Memoir of Harrison. Philad., I836. I2~.. 7279 of Posey. (Sparks, v. I9.) Bost., I846. I6~... 7268 Notes on the Western States. Philad., I838. 120.... I688o Sketches of the West. Philad., I835. 2 v. 2. 12.. 6079 The Wilderness and the War Path. N. Y., I846. I2~.. I58I6 Hall, Joseph. Satires, and other Poems. Lond., 1838. 8~... I250 Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 240.. 2 Treatises, devotional and practical. Ed. Cattermole. Lond., I834. 6......... 9488 Hall, N. From Liverpool to St. Louis. (2 copies.) Lond., I870. I6~. 8223 Sermons. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 9932 Hall, R. Miscellaneous Works, with Memoir. (2 copies.) Lond., I846. 8........... 493 Polemical Miscellanies, etc.; Freedom of the Press. Bost., i827. I2............ I7088 Works. (2 copies.) N. Y., I832-38. 3 v. 8... Ioo070 Hall, Samuel C. and A. M. Ireland. Lond., I84I-43. 3 v. 8~.. 8441 Hall, Samuel R. Lectures on School-Keeping. Bost., I830. I2~.. I7040 Hallam, A. H. Remains. Bost., I863. 8~..... 3952 Hallam, H. Constitutional Hist. of England. Paris, I827. 4 v. 8~. 5002 The same. (2 copies.) Bost., I86I. 3 v. 8~.... 4907 Europe during the Middle Ages. Philad., 182I. 4 v. 8~.. 4664 Supplemental Notes to. Lond., i848. 8~... 4668 The same. [New ed.] 2 copies. N. Y., I862. 3 v. 80.. 4669 Introd. to Literature of Europe, I400-I700. [ist ed.] Lond., I837-39. 4v. 8*..1... I50 The same. Paris, I837-39. 4 v. 80... I54 Hallberg, Baron von. Journey through N. Germany, etc. Lond., I821. 8........ 8055 Halleck, F. G. Alnwick Castle, etc. N. Y., I836. 8~.. 933 Fanny. N. Y., I8I9. 8~.. I6779 Fanny, with other Poems. N. Y., I839. 12~..799 Poetical Works. N. Y., I847. 8~...... 931 The same. 3d ed. N. Y., I85o. 8~. 932 Selections from British Poets. N. Y., I840. 2 V. I2~.. II587 Young America: a Poem. N. Y., I865. 6~.... 8oo Life and Letters of. Wilson. N. Y., I869. 12~.. ~ 7386 140 Halliwell-Hampden. Halliwell, J. O. Dict. of Archaic and Provincial Words. 3d ed. Lond., I855. 2 V. 80. 71... of Old English Plays. Lond., I86o. 8~.. i635 Introd. to Midsummer Night's Dream. Lond., I840. 8~... I587 Hallock, Mrs. G. A Mother's Love. N. Y., I867. I2~... I7047 Hallock, W.-A. Memoir of H. Page. N. Y. I2.. 7523 Hallucinations, Hist. of. Brierre de Boismont. Philad., I855. 80.. 8763 Halsted, C. A. Richard III. Philad., I844. 8..... 5288 Halyburton, T., Memoirs of. By himself. Princeton, I833. I2~.. i6368 Hamerton, P. G. Thoughts about Art. Revised ed. Bost., I87I. I6~. 8858 Hamilton, Alex. Official Papers, etc. N. Y., I842. v. I. 80... I7102 Works, except the Federalist; ed. J. C. Hamilton. N. Y., I85I. 7 v. 8.. 966I CONTENTS.-1, Letters, to 1789. 2, Other Writings, to 1789. 8, Official Papers, 1790-95. 4, Cabinet Papers, 1789-94. 5, Cabinet Papers, 1794-95; Military Papers, etc.; Letters, 1789-95. 6, Letters, 1795-1804; Miscellaneous Political Papers. 7, Political Essays; Law Papers; Index. Life of. J. C. Hamilton. N. Y., I834. v. i. 80.. 746I The same. N. Y., I84O-4I. 2 v. 8~.. 7459 Life of. Renwick. N. Y., I84I. I20.. II604 and others. The Federalist. N. Y, I8O2. 2 v. 8~... 608q The same, ed. Dawson. N. Y., I863. 8~.... 6198 The same, ed. J. C. Hamilton. Philad., I864. 80... 6199 Hamilton, Anthony. Fairy Tales and Romances. (2 copies.) Lond., 1849. 8..452 Memoirs of Court of Chas. II., by Count Grammont. Lond., 846. 8........... 320 The same..4836 The same. Philad., 1836. 8~.. 53IO Hamilton, C. Hist. of the Rohilla Afgans. Lond., 1787. 8~... I6052 Hamilton, E. Popular Essays. Bost., I817. 2 v. I20.. I3845 Hamilton, Gail. (Pseudonym.) See M. A. DODGE. Hamilton, J. A. Reminiscences. N. Y., I869. 8~.. 7426 Hamilton, T. Annals of Peninsular Campaigns. Philad., 183I. 3 v. I2~.. 6412 Cyril Thornton. N. Y., 1827-32. 2 v. 12.. I5I49 Men and Manners in America. Edinb., I843. 16~... 8222 The same. Philad., I833. 2. 122 V. I68o6 Hamilton, Sir W. Discussions on Philosophy, etc. N. Y., I86I. 8~. 8769 Lectures on Logic. Bost., i86o. 8~...... 8742 Metaphysics. (2 copies.) Bost., I86o. 8~. 8740 Hamlets, The. Martineau. Bost., I836. 120.. I4625 Hammer and Anvil. A Novel. Spielhagen. N. Y., I870. I2~.. 3022 Hammond, H., Life of. Fell. Lond. 24~...... 6677 Hammond, Jabez D. Hist. of Political Parties in N. Y. Albany, 1842. 2 v. 8.......... 5900 Hammond, James. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~. 536 The same, with Life, by Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~.. I3 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.... I5099 Hampden, J., Life of. Forster. Lond., I837. I6~. 576I Memorials of. Nugent. Lond., I832. 2v. 8~.... 6842 HIampden-Hart. 141 Hampden in the i9th Century. Lond., I834. 2 v. 8~.. 3481 Hancock, T. Principles of Peace. Philad., 1829. 12~.. 8473 Hand, The, as evincing Design. Bell. Philad., 1836. 8~...6983 Handy Andy. Lover. Lond. 8~.. 2659 Hankin, C. C. Life of Mrs. Schimmel Penninck. Lond., i858. 2v. 8~. 7051 Hankins, C. Dakota Land. 2d ed. N. Y., 1869. 12~... 8429 Hanley, S. Caliphs and Sultans. N. Y., 1869. 16~.... I907 Hannah, J. Courtly Poets from Raleigh to Montrose. Lond., 1870. 16~........ Ioo5 Hannah. [Mrs. Craik.] N.Y., 1872. 12.... 2494 Hannah Thurston. Bayard Taylor. N.Y., 1864. 2~.... 2934 Hans of Iceland. Hugo. N. Y., 1862. 8~...... 2635 Happy, Art of being. Droz. Bost., 1832. 120... 17032 Harbaugh, H. Poems. Philad., i86o. 16~... 775 Hardenberg, F3. v. Henry of Ofterdingen. Cambr., 1842. I20.. 30I4 Harding, R. B. See Mrs. R. H. DAvIS. Hardinge, G. Miscellaneous Works. Lond., 1818. 3 v. 8~... 17206 Hard Times. Dickens. N. Y., 187I. 6~... 2181 Hardwicke, Lord (P. Yorke), Life of. Campbell. Philad., 1848. 8~. 6870 Hare, A. J. C. Walks in Rome. Lond., I871. 2 v. 8.... 8349 Harford, J. S. Life of M. Angelo. 2d ed. Lond., I858. 2 v. 8~.. 7989 Harlan, J. Memoir of India and Avghanistaun. Philad., 1842. 120. 64I7 Harland, Marion. (Pseudonym.) See M. V. TERHUNE. Harold. Bulwer-Lytton. Lond., I853. 80...... 2152 Haroon Er-Rashid and Zobeideh. Lond., I840. 12~.... 15479 Harper, R. G. and Walsh, R. Correspondence, etc., respecting Russia. Philad., I8I3. 80.. 16173 Harper's Classical Library. N. Y. 31 v. I2~.. 45IO Family Library. N. Y. 182 V. 120..II000 Ferry, Echoes of. Redpath. Bost., i86o. 12~. ~ ~ ~ 8575 New Monthly Magazine. N. Y., I850-72. 45 v. 8~.. 13121 The same. v. I-36, 38-42...13291 Index, v. I-40. 2 copies. Harpe's Head, The. J. Hall. Philad., I833. 2~. I5712 Harrington; a Tale. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 8.) Bost., I825. 80.. I5342 Harris, James (1st Earl of Malmesbury). Letters of himself, his Family, and Friends. Lond., I870. 2 v. 8~.. 6830 Harris, John. The Pre-Adamite Earth. Bost., I850. I20~.. 16947 Harris, S. Zaccheus; or, the Scriptural Plan of Benevolence. N. Y., I2~........... 9803 Harris, T. Life of Bainbridge. Philad., I837. 8..7458 Harris, Wm. Lives of James I, etc. Lond., 1814. 5 v. 8~.. 5304 CONTENTS.-1, Hugh Peters; James I. 2, Chas. I. 3, Cromwell. 4, 5, Chas. II. The same. v. 2.. 5309 Harris, Wm. C. Highlands of Ethiopia. N. Y. [1845.] 8~... 6525 Harrison, W. H., Memoir of. Hall. Philad., I836. 12... 7279 Sketch of. Todd & Drake. Cincinn., I847. I6~.... 7496 Harsha, D. A. Eminent Orators and Statesmen. N. Y., 1855. 8~.. 6875 Hart, A. M. Hist. of Discov. of Mississippi Valley. St. Louis, 1852. 12...... 6876 I9 142 Hart —awkinsl. Hart, J. S. Essay on Spenser. N. Y., I847. 8.. I275 Harte, P. Bret. Condensed Novels. Bost., I87I. 8~.. 2916 East and West Poems. Bost., I87I. 12~.. 764 Luck of Roaring Camp, etc. Bost., i87I. 80..' 2915 Mrs. Skaggs's Husbands, etc. Bost., I873. 12~.. Io302 Poems. Bost., I87I. 120.. 765 Harte, W. Life of Gustavus Adolphus. 2d ed. Lond., I767. 2 v. 8~. 5926 The same. 3d ed. Lond., I807. 2 v. 8~. 5928 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240. 23 Hartford Convention, Hist. of. Dwight. N. Y., I833. 8~. ~ ~ 6143 Letters in Defence of. Otis. Bost., I824. 80... 6141 Hartson, H. Countess of Salisbury. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804. 8~. I630 Hartt, C. P. Geol. and Phys. Geogr. of Brazil. Bost., 1870. 80.. 9013 Hartwig, G. The Polar World. N. Y., I869. 8... 8Io2 Harvard, Fair; a Story. [Washburne.] N. Y., I869. I2~.. 9264 University, Hist. of. Quincy. Cambr., I840. 2 v. 8~... 9398 Lyceum. Cambr., I8Io-II. 80......7472 Magazine. (2 copies.) Cambr., I855-60. v. I-6. 8~.. 17462 [Harvey, C.] The Synagogue. Lond., I838. I6..10. o24 Haskins, J. Poetical Works. Hartfd., 1848. I2~.. I4797 Haskins, R. W. Hist. of Phrenology. Buffalo, I839. I2.. 8609 Hastings, -. A Winter in the W. I. and Florida. N. Y., 1839. I2~. I6915 Hastings, W., Impeachment of. (Burke's Works, v. 6-8.) Bost., I839. 8~. 9654 Memoirs of. Gleig. Lond., I84I. 3 v. 8~.. 6805 Trial of. Lond., I796. 8~.. 6808 Hatfield, E. P. Universalism. (2 copies.) N. Y., 84I. I2.. 17343 Hatton, J. Christopher Kenrick. N. Y., I869. 120.. 2432 Haunted Hearts. Cummins. Bost., I864. I2~... 15713 Hauser, C., Account of. Feuerbach. Bost., I832. 12~.. 7528 Haussez, C. d'. Great Britain in I833. Philad., I833. 20.. 5333 Havelock, H., Life of. Headley. N. Y., i86i. I2~.. 6782 Haverhill; or, Memoirs of an Officer in Wolfe's Army. Jones. N. Y., I83I. 2 v. I2~....... 5720 Hawaiian Islands, Hist. of. Jarves. Bost., I843. 8~.. 6506 Life in. Cheever. N. Y., I85I. I2.. 8329 Past and Present of. Hunt. San Francisco, I853. I6~.. I6303 Progress and Condition of. Anderson. Bost., I864. I2~. 8330 Residence in, 1823-25. Stewart. Bost., i839. I2... I632I 2I years in. Bingham. Hartfd, I849. 8~... 8082 Mission, Hist. of. Dibble. N. Y., I839. I20.. 6416 Haweis, H. R. Music and Morals. N. Y., I872. 12~.. 8865 Hawes, J. Lectures to Young Men. 3d ed. Hartf'd., I829. I2~.. 9I73 Travels in the East. Hartfd., I847. I20... I6277 Life of. Lawrence. Hartfd., I87I. 8~.. 7712 Hawkesworth, J. The Adventurer. Lond., 1823. 3 v. 12~.. 3128 Hawkins, B. Germany. Lond., I838. 8~... 5883 Hawkins, Sir John. Hist of Music, ed. Busby. Lond., I8I9. 2 v. 8~. 9078 Life of Johnson. Dubl., 1787. 8~.. 722 Hawkins, John H. W., Life of. By his son. Bost., I859. 12~.. 16424 Hawks-Hazlitt. I43 Hawks, F. L. Monuments of Egypt. 2d ed. N. Y., 1850. 8~. 4456 Narrative of Perry's Expedition. N. Y., I857. 8~.... 8135 Hawks of Hawk Hollow, The. Bird. Philad., I835. 2 v. 12~.. 157I4 Hawley, Z. Journal of Tour. N. H., 1822. I2..... 6890 Hawthorne, N. Blithedale Romance. (2 copies.) Bost., I852-62. I6~. 2889 House of Seven Gables. (2 copies.) Bost., I85I-6o. I6~.. 2887 Marble Faun. (3 copies.) Bost., I86o-69. 2 v. I6~.. 2892 Mosses from an Old Manse. N. Y., I846. I2~.. 2879 The same. Bost., I86o. 2 v. I6~.. 2880 The same. vol. I. Bost., I865. I6. -. 2882 Our Old Home. Bost., 1863. 8~.. 8357 Passages from American Note-Books. (2 copies.) Bost., I868. 2 v. 80.. 8388 English Note-Books. Bost., I870. 2 v. I20.. 8358 French and Italian Note-Books. Bost., I872. 2 V. I20.. 8203 Scarlet Letter. (4 copies.) Bost., I85o-66. I6~.... 2883 Septimius Felton. (2 copies.) Bost., I872. I60.. 2898 The Snow-Image, and other twice-told Tales. Bost., I852. I2~. 2722 The same. Bost., I857. I2~....... 2891 Twice-Told Tales. (2 copies.) Bost., I842-45. 2 V. I6~. 2875 Hawthorne, S. Notes in England and Italy. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1869. I2........... 8360 Hay, J. Castilian Days. Bost., 1871. 8~.. 8210 Haydn, 1F. J., Life of. Bombet. Bost., I839. 16...788I Haydn and other Poems. N. Y., I870. 16~. 812 Haydn's Dictionary of Dates. Vincent. N. Y., 1867. 80.. 4066 Haydon, B. R. Autobiogr. and Journals. Ed. Taylor. Lond., I853. 3 v. 8~.. 7934 Painting. (2 copies.) Edinb., I838. I2~.. 8876 Hayes, I. I. Open Polar Sea. N. Y., 1867. 80.. 8III Hayley, W. Life of Cowper. Bost., I803. 2 v. I2.. I638I The same. Ed. Grimshawe. Lond., I835. 5 v. I6~.. 624 Life of Milton. Dubl., I797. 8... 7110 Triumphs of Temper. Newburyport. 12.. I4798 Hays, M. Female Biography. Lond., I803. 6 v. I2~.. I4426 Hayti. See SAINT DOMINGO. Hayward, C. Life of S. Cabot. (Sparks, v. 9.) Bost., I838. I6~.. 7258 The same. Bost., I837. 12. I. 6314 Hazen, E. Popular Technology. N. Y., 1842. 2 v. 12... 1175I Hazlitt, W. Characters of Shakspeare's Plays. Bost., I8i8. 120.. I485 Conversations of Northcote. Lond., I830. I2~.. 3421 Criticisms on Art. Lond., I843-44. 2 v. 160.. 8856 Eloquence of Brit. Senate. Brooklyn, I8Io. 2 v. 8~... 9423 The Fine Arts. (2 copies.) Edinb., I838. I2~. ~. 8876 Lectures on Dramatic Literature of Age of Eliz. Lond., I840. 16........... 69 on English Comic Writers. Lond., I819. 8~... I62 The same. 3d ed. Lond., I84I. I6~.... 68 144 Hazlitt-Heartsease. Hazlitt, W. Lectures on English Poets. 3d ed. Lond., I84I. I6~. 67 The same. N. Y., I849. I20... I27 Life of Napoleon. (2 copies.) N. Y., I847-49. 3 v. I2~.. 5492 Literary Remains. (3 copies.) N. Y., I836. 8~.. 3454 Notes of Journey through France and Italy. Philad., I833. 8~. I5356 Plain Speaker. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8..3457 Round Table. 3d ed. Lond., I841. I6~..3177 Sketches and Essays. Lond., I839. I6~..3176 Spirit of the Age. 2d ed. Lond., I825. I20. 3422 The same. N. Y., I849. I20.. 3225 Table-Talk. Lond., I846-57. 2 v. I6~..3178 The same. N. Y., I847. 2 pts. in I. I2. 3222 The same. 2d series. (2 copies.) N. Y., I846. 2 pts. in I. I2~.. 3223 View of the English Stage. Lond., I8I8. 80. I6II Hazlitt, W. C. English Proverbs. Lond., I869. 8~.... 4439 [Head, Miss.] Rybrent de Cruce. N. Y., I829. 2 v. 120.. I5571 Head, F. B. Bubbles from the Brunnen of Nassau. (2 copies.) N. Y., I845. 12.......... 8366 A Faggot of French Sticks. N. Y., I852. I20. 8373 Life of Bruce. N. Y., I84I. I2~.. II603 A Narrative [of Affairs in Canada]. Lond., I839. 8~.. 5856 Rough Notes in Journeys across the Pampas. Lond., I826. I2~. I7I36 Head of the Family, The. [Mrs. Craik.] N. Y., I864. 8~... 2680 Headley, J. T. The Alps and Rhine; and Letters from Italy. N. Y., I846. I2........... 6574 Life of Havelock. N. Y., 186I. I2... 6782 Napoleon and his Marshals. (2 copies.) N. Y., I846-47. 2 v. 120. 5434 Sacred Mountains. N. Y., I851. I20..1. I7301 Scenes and Characters. N. Y., I85I. I2~. 17302 Washington and his Generals. (2 copies.) N. Y., I847. 2 v. I2~. 7294 Headlong Hall. Peacock. N. Y., I845. I2...3956 Heads, Lecture on. Stevens. Lond., I795. I20. Heads of the People. Philad., I84I. 8~.. 15352 Headsman, The. Cooper. Philad., I836. 2 v. I2.. 278I Health, Code of. Sinclair. Lond., I844. 80.. 8987 and Disease in Communities. Belinaye. Bost., I833. I2~.. 9169 Economy of. Johnson. N. Y., I837. I2... 9123 Effects of the Trades,etc., on. Thackrah. Philad., I83I. I2~. I6965 Herald of. N. Y., I867-70. v. 43, 44, 49, 50 (in 2 v.) 8~... I7488 Influence of Mental Habits on. Brigham. Bost., I833. I20.. 9I7I of Religion on. Brigham. Bost., I835. 12. I. I7351 Philosophy of. S. Smith. Lond., I838. 2 v. I2~.. 9II9 Public. Guy. Lond., 1870. 80.. 9168 Heard, F. F. Curiosities of Law Reporters. Best., 187I. 6.. 4346 Heard, I. V. D. Hist. of Sioux War. N. Y., I864. 12~. 5745 Heart of the Continent, The. Ludlow. N. Y., 1870. 8~... 84I8 of Mid-Lothian. Scott. Edinb., 1870. 8... I1872 Heartsease. Yonge. N. Y., I87I. 2 v. 12...2499 Heat-Helps. I45 Heat as a Mode of Mption. Tyndall. N. Y., I868. 12.. 8902 Phenomena and Laws of. Cazin. N. Y., I869. 12... IOIII Treatise on. Lardner. Lond., 1833. i6~.. 6047 Heaton, M. M. Life of A. Diirer. Lond., I870. 8~.. 8125 Heavens, The. Mudie. Lond., I835. I2~..... I4634 Wonders of. Flammarion. N. Y., I87I. I2~.... I0114 Heber, R. Journeys through India, etc. Philad., I828. 2 V. 80.. 8oi6 Life of Jer. Taylor. Lond., 1824. 2 V. I6.. 7559 Palestine and other Poems. Philad., I828. I2'.. 14825 Poetical Works. Philad., I839. 8~...247 Life of. By his Widow. N. Y., I830. 2 V. 8~... 7705 Hebrew Poetry, Spirit of. Taylor. N. Y., I862. 12~... 9544 Hebrews, Notes on Epistle to the. Barnes. N. Y., I844. I2~.. 9864 Hebrides, Cruise of the Betsey in the. Miller. Bost., I862. I2~.. 8980 Journey to the, I773. Boswell. Philad., 18io. 8~... 8354 The same. Johnson. (Works, v. 4.) Dubl., I793. 8~. 3751 Voyage to the. Necker de Saussure. Lond., I822. 80... 8058 Heck, J. G. Iconographic Encyclopaedia. N. Y., I85I. 4 v. 8~. and 2 V. 4~. Hedge, P. H. Prose Writers of Germany. Philad., I849. 8~.. 242 The same. N. Y., i856. 8..243 Hedged in. Phelps. Bost., I870. I2~.. 2977 Heeren, A. L. H. Historical Researches on Asiatic Nations. Oxfd., 1833. 3 V. 8*.. 4II4 on Nations of Africa. Oxf d., I832. 2 V. 8.......... 4II17 Historical Treatises; on the Reformation; Political Theories; Continental Interests of Grt. Brit. Oxf'd., 1836. 8~.. 4713 Hist. of Polit. System of Europe. Oxf'd., I834. 2 v. 8~.. 4716 The same. Northampton, I829. 2 V. 8~.... 47I4 of States of Antiquity. Northampton, I828. 80... 4112 Manual of Ancient History. Oxfd., I833. 8~.... 4113 Reflections on Politics of Ancient Greece. Bost., 1824. 80.. 4406 Heidenmauer, The. Cooper. Philad., 1836. 2 V. 12~.. 2777 Heine, H. Book of Songs, transl. by Leland. (2 copies.) Philad., 1864. I6........... 868 Letters on Modern Literature in Germany. Bost., I836. I6~. 43 Reisebilder. Philad., I865. I2~.. 9613 Heir of Redclyffe. Yonge. N. Y., I87I. 2 V. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 2495 of Wast Wayland. Howitt. N. Y., I85I. I2. I5445 Heiress of Bruges. Grattan. N. Y., 1831. 2 v. I2.. I5446 He knew he was right. Trollope. N. Y., I869. 8.... 2293 Hellas, Monuments and Scenery of. Chase. Cambr., I863. I6~.. 8208 Hellborn, H. v. Life of Schubert. Lond., I869. 2 v. 80.. 7920 Hdloise, Hist. of. Berington. Philad., 1819. 8~.... 6407 Helon's Pilgrimage to Jerusalem. Strauss. Bost., I835. I2~... 6306 Helper, H. R. Impending Crisis of the South. N. Y., 1857. I2~. 8574 Helps, A. Brevia. Bost., I87I. I60....... 3699 Casimir Maremma. Bost., I870. I6~.. 2377 146 Helps-Henry. Helps, A. Companions of my Solitude. Bost., I852. L6~... 3695 Conversations on War and Culture. (2 copies.) Bost., I87I. I6~. 3700 Essays written in Intervals of Business. Lond., 1843. 16~.. 3693 The same. And Essay on Organization. Bost., I87I. I6~. 3698 Friends in Council. 2d Series. Bost., and N. Y., I86o-63. 2 v. I60.. 3696 Fruits of Leisure: or, Essays written in Intervals of Business. N. Y., I85I. 120.. 3694 Life of Columbus. Lond., I869. I6~.. 7822 of Cortes. N. Y.. I87I. 16..7692 of Pizarro. Lond., 1869. I60.. 7691 Realmah. (2 copies.) Bost., 1869. I6~.. 2450 Spanish Conquest in America. N. Y., I856-68. 4 V. I2~.. 5820 Thoughts on Government. Bost., I872. 80.. 8620 Helvetic Union. See SWITZERLAND.' Hemans, C. J. Hist. of Medieval Christianity and Sacred Art in Italy. Lond., I869. 8......... 6309 Hemans, P. D. Poems. Bost., 1827. 2 v. 8~.. 1255 Poetical Works. Philad., 1836. 8~... 15087 Records of Woman: with other Poems. N. Y., I828. I20.. 14826 Works, with Memoir, by her sister. Philad., I840. 7 v. I2~. 668 Memorials of. Chorley. N. Y., 1836. I2~.. 16379 Henderson, E. Iceland. 2d ed. Edinb., I8I9. 8~.. 8293 Journal in Iceland; abridged. Bost., I831. I2~... 16599 Henderson, J. Observations on New South Wales, etc. Calcutta, 1832. 80........... 6287 Henningsen, C. P. Campaign with Zumalacarregui. Philad., I836. I2........... I66I Henrietta Temple. Disraeli. Philad., I837. 2 v. I20.. 2I27 Henry I., of England, Hist. of. Cobbe. Lond., I869. 8~... 5285 HenryIL, Hist. of. Lyttelton. Lond., I769-73. 6 v. 8~... I6Io09 Henry VII., Hist. of England under. Bacon. (Works, v. I.) Lond., I838. 8.......... 9738 Henry VIII., Memoirs of Court of. Thomson. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 80. 5289 and his Court; a Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., I868. I2~.. 3102 Henry IV., of France, Life of. James. N. Y., I850. v. I. I2~.. 5537 Memoirs of, and of his Court. [Ireland.] Lond., I824. 2 v. 8~. 5538 Henry, J.J. Campaign against Quebec, I775. Lancaster, I8I2. I2~. 572I Henry, M. Exposition of the Bible. N. Y., I831. 6 v. 8~. 17309 Henry, P., Life of. A. H. Everett. Bost., I844. I6~.... 7260 Sketches of Life of. Wirt. Ithaca, 1850. 80.. 7342 Henry, R. Hist. of Grt. Brit. Lond., 1788-95. I2 v. 8~.. 4973 Henry Esmond. Thackeray. Lond., 1872. 8..... 2192 Henry of Guise: a Novel. James. N. Y., I839. 2 v. I2~.. 15205 Henry Milner. Sherwood. (Works, v. 1, I5.) N. Y., I837. I2.. 5II3 Henry of Ofterdingen; a Romance. v. Hardenberg. Cambr., I842. I2........... 30I4 Henry Powers (Banker). Kimball. N. Y., I868. I2~.... I57I6 Henslow-Hess. 147 Henslow, J. S. Descriptive and Physiological Botany. Lond., 1836. I........... 6064 [Hentz, N. M.] The Valley of Shenandoah. N. Y., 1824. 2 V. I2~. I58o8 Herald of Health. N. Y., 1867-70. v. 43, 44, 49, 50 (in 2 v.) 8~.. I7488 Herbert, C. Italy and Italian Literature. Lond., I835. I2~. ~. 1II Herbert, Lord E., Life of. By himself. Lond., 1830. 12~.... 6646 Herbert, G. The Country Parson, ed. Park. Andover, 1845. 12~.. 9913 The Temple. Sacred Poems. Lond., 1I838. 16.. 0.. 24 Writings, with Life. Lowell, I834.. 60..25 Life of. Walton. [Lond. 1845.] 80...... 948 [Herbert, H. W.] Cromwell. N. Y., I838. 2 V. I2~... 5685 Field Sports of U. S. N. Y., I849. v. I. 80. 0. O207 Manual for Young Sportsmen. N. Y., I857. I20.. ioi6o Sporting Scenes and Characters. Philad. [1857.] 2 v. 12~.. Ioi6i CONTENTS.-1, My Shooting Box. 2, Warwick Woodlands. Herbert Lacy. [Lister.] Philad., I828. 2 v. 12~.. 15448 Hereditary Genius. Galton. N. Y., 1870. 8~.. 8992 Hereward the Wake. C. Kingsley. Lond., I867. 80.. 2570 Hermann, C. P. Polit. Antiquities of Greece. Oxf'd., 1836. 8~.. 4431 Hermann Agha. Palgrave. N. Y., 1872. 16~.. 2371 Hermit in the Country, The. N. Y., 1820. 2 V. I2~... 15249 London, The. Philad., I820. 2 V. 120. I5247 Hermits, Lives of the. Kingsley. Philad., I868. 8~.. 6315 Herodotus. History, transl. by Beloe. N. Y., I836-41. 3 v. 12~.. 4536 The same. N. Y., I836-44. 3 V. 2~.. 4552 The same. Lond., I82I. V. I-3. 8..... 6023 The same. Lond., I791. V. I, 2, 4. 80.... 15875 transl. by Cary. (2 copies.) Lond., 1850. 8~. 4233 Abstract of. Swayne. Philad., 1870. I6~.. 73 Geography of. Niebuhr. Oxf'd., I830. 8~.. 4442 Heroes and Hero-Worship. Carlyle. Lond., I870. 8~.. 403I Herrick, R. Hesperides. Bost., 1856. 2 V. 6~..... 036 Herschel, J. P. W. Discourse on Study of Nat. Philosophy. Lond., I835. 16.......... 6042 Familiar Lectures on Scientific Subjects. Lond., I869. 8~.. 8898 Treatise on Astronomy. Lond., 1839. 16~.. 6045 Hertha. Bremer. N. Y., I856. 12~.. 2623 Hertz, H. King Rene's Daughter. N. Y., I867. 12~.... I4883 Hervey, James. Meditations. N. Y., I824. 2 v. in I. I20.. 17296 Hervey, Lord John. Memoirs of Reign of Geo. II. Philad., I848. 2 V. I2~.. 5215 Hervey, T. K. The Book of Christmas. N. Y., I845. 12~.. 3899 Herzen, A. My Exile. Lond., I855. 2 V. 12~.... 7584 Hesekiel, J. G. L. Life of Bismarck. N. Y., 1870. 8.. 7758 Hesiod. Works and Days, transl. by Chapman. Ed. Hooper. Lond., 858. I6.......... 993 Hesperus. Richter. Bost., I865. 2 V. 8~.... 3059 Hess, J. G. Life of Zwingle. Lond., 1812. 80.. 7555 The same...7630 148 Hetherington-Historical. Hetherington, W. M. Hist. of Westminster Assembly. N. Y., 1843. 12.......... 6313 Hetty. H. Kingsley. N. Y., I869. 8~.. 2330 Hewitt, M. E. Songs of Our Land and Other Poems. Bost., 1846. I2~. I4999 Hey, W., Life of. Pearson. Lond., I827. 2 V. 8... 7569 Heyse, P. Anfang und Ende; Die Einsamen. Bost. I2~... 9615 Heywood, J. The Four P's. (Old Plays, v. I.) Lond., I825. 80.. I508 Life of. Dunham. Lond., I840. I6~.. 5774 Heywood, T. Plays. See DODSLEY'S Old Plays, v. 6, 7. Hiatt, J. M. Voter's Text-Book. (2 copies.) Indianapolis, I868. I2~. 6017 Hibernicus. (Pseudonym.) See D. CLINTON. lickey, W. Constitution of the U. S., etc. (3 copies.) 2d ed. Philad., I847. I20.. 6028 The same. 6th ed. Philad., I853. I2~... 603I Hide and Seek. Collins. N. Y. 80.. 2297 Hieover, Harry. (Pseudonym.) See C. BRINDLEY. Hiestand, H. Travels. N. Y., I837. 12~... 16584 Higgins, W.M. The Earth. N.Y., 1840. I2~... 11403 Higginson, T. W. Out-Door Papers. Bost., 1863. 8~.. 3559 High Life below Stairs. Townley. N. Y. 8.... 1669 HEighland Widow, The. W. Scott. Edinb., 1871 8. 8~.... 888 Highlanders. See SCOTLAND. Highways and Byways. Grattan. Bost., 1840. 3 v. I2~. I5450 Hildreth, R. Hist. of the U. S. N. Y., I849-52. 2 Series in 6 v. 80. 6228 The same. [Revised ed. of 2d Series.] N. Y., 1849-60. 6 v. 8~. 6234 Lives of Atrocious Judges, from Lord Campbell. N. Y., i856. 12....... 6759 Eill, A. Zara. (Brit. Drama, v. I, pt. 2.) Lond., 1804. 8~... I630 -Hill, Geo. Ruins of Athens; and other Poems. Bost., I839. 8~.. I5059 [Hill, Geo. C.] Homespun. By Thomas Lackland. N. Y., I867. I2~. 3564 Hill, J. Life of Dr. Blair. Philad., i8o8. 8~.. 16352 Hill, R., Life of. Sidney. N. Y., 1834. 120.. 16337 Hillard, G. S. Life of McClellan. Philad., I864. I2~.. 7281 of Capt. J. Smith. Bost., I834. 160. I6. 7251 The same. Bost., I839. 120...6313 Six Months in Italy. Bost., I86o. I2~.. 8341 Hillhouse, J. A. Dramas, Discourses, etc. Bost., I839. 2 v. I6~.. 796 Hadad. N. Y., I825. 80.. 798 Percy's Masque. N. Y., I820. 12.. 795 Hills of the Shatemuc. Warner. N. Y., 1857. I2~.. 3004 Hind, J. R. The Solar System. N. Y., I852. I20.. 8845 Hindostan. See INDIA. Hinman, R. R. Conn. during the Revolution. Hartf'd., 1842. 8~.. 6295 Hinton, J. H. Hist. and Topography of the U. S. Bost., I85o-5I. 2v. 4~...6289 The same. Lond., r830. 3 v. 40.. 6286 Hints to my Countrymen. N. Y., 1826. 12~. 15276 Hippisley, J. H. Chapters on Early Eng. Lit. Lond., I837. I2.. 163 Historical Causes and Effects, 476-I517. Sullivan. Bost., 1838. 12~. 4569 Historical-History. 149 Historical Parallels. [Malkin, etc.] Lond., I846. 3 v. I2~... 4555 Proof, Process of. I. Taylor. Lond., I828. 80. History, Dark Scenes of. James. N. Y., I850. I2~. 4573 Great Events in. Lieber. Bost., I840. 12~. 1. 5930 Lectures on Study of. Goldwin Smith. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 458I Letters on Study and Use of. Bolingbroke. (Works, v. 3, 4.) Lond., I809. 8~..... 3796 philosophically illustrated (A. D. 476-1789). Miller. Lond., I848-49. 4 v. 8~...... 358 Philosophy of. v. Schlegel. Lond., I835. 2V. 8~... 4Ioo0 The same. Shedd. Andover, I856. I2~. ~. 4584 Sketches of. Lord Kames. Edinb., I8I3. 3 v. 8~.. 4097 of Society, Natural. Taylor. N. Y., I84I. 2 V. 2. 2. 4562 Unity of. Abraham. Eton, I845. 8~.. 4087 Use and Study of. McCullagh. Dubl., I842. 80.. 4090 Ancient. Fredet. Balt., I85i.. I2~.. 4054 The same. Raleigh. Edinb., I820. 6 v. 8~. 4077 The same. Rollin. N. Y., I834. 2 v. 80... 4124 The same. P. Smith. N. Y., I870-72. 3 v. 8C.. 4II9 The same. Tylor. 2d ed. Lond., I870. 8~. ~ ~ 4074 Lectures on. Niebuhr. Philad., I852. 3 V. I2~. ~ 4059 Manual of. Heeren. Oxf'd., I833. 8~... 4II3 The same. Rawlinson. Oxf'd., I869. 8... 4062 Outline of. [Ellis.] Libr. of Useful Knowl., v. I2. Lond., I83I. 80.. I6468 of the East. Lenormant and Chevallier. Lond., I869-70. 2 V. 8........ 4057 of the Minor Kingdoms. Lond., I845. 8~.... 4096 Modern, I8 Christian Centuries of. White. N. Y., I863. I2~. 4566 A. D. I-I850. Fredet. Balt., I85o. I2~... 4570 Student's Manual of, 340-I840. Taylor. Lond., I84I. I2......... 4564 (I453-I789.) Michelet. N. Y., I843. I20... II77I I520-I8I5. Lord. Philad., I862. I2... 4565 of the I8th Century. Miller. N. Y., I803. 2 v. 8~. I5902 The same. Schlosser. Lond., I843-45. 6 v. 8... 4798 I800-I85o. Davis. Bost., I85I. I2.... 4606 of Our Own Times. Lond., I843-45. 2 v. I20.. 46II Lectures on. Arnold. Lond., I843. 8~.. 4718 The same. W. Smyth. Cambr., I84I. 2 v. 8~.. 4808 Universal, to 8oo. Bossuet. Dubl., I785. 80... I5934 to I783. v. Miller. Lond., I8i8. 3 v. 8.. 4Io7 to I8oi. Mavor. N. Y., I803-o05. 25 v. I2. 13497 to I820. Tytler. N. Y., I840. 6 v. I2.. 11.. 4I0 [to 1840.] v. Rotteck. Philad., I840-4I. 4 v. 8~. 4083 to I857. Goodrich. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 8~... 4122 Essay on. Voltaire. Edinb., 1777. 4 v. I2.. 14. I4 The Fifteen Decisive Battlesof. Creasy. N. Y., I863. I2~.. 4571 Outlines of [to I815]. Keightley. Lond., I830. I6~... 4856 20 i50 oistory-IHogg. History, Universal, Outlines of, to I872. Freeman. N. Y., I872. I20. 456I System of. Whitaker. Lond., I82I. 4 V. 4~.. I6o38 Hitchcock, D. Poetical Dictionary. Part i. Lenox, I8o8. I2~.. I4935 Hitchcock, E. Connection of Geology and Natural Religion. Edinb., I835. I6... 9137 Dyspepsy forestalled and resisted. Amh., I830. I2~.. I6969 Elementary Geology. 3oth ed. N. Y., I856. I2~.... 8981 Hist. of a Zoological Temperance Convention. Northampton, 1850. I6........... 912I Life of Mary Lyon. Northampton, I85I. I2~... I6417 Religion of Geology. Bost., I85I. I2~.. 8840 Religious Lectures on the Seasons. Bost., I86I. I2~...6994 Truth illustrated from Science. Bost., I857. 12~.. 17354 Sketch of Scenery of Mass. Northampton, I842. 4~. Hitherto. Whitney. Bost. 12~. 2969 Hittel, J. S. Resources of California. S. Francisco, I863. I2~.. 8402 Hoadly, B. Suspicious Husband. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I8o04. 80. I632 Hoaryhead. Abbott. Bost., I838. I2.. 2725 Hobart, N. Life of Swedenborg. Bost., I845. I2~0.... 7562 Hobbes, T. English Works, ed. Molesworth. Lond., 1839-4I. v. I, 3-6. 80. I. 9673 CONTENTS.-1, Elements of Philosophy, concerning Body. 3, Leviathan. 4, Discourses on Human Nature, on the Elements of Law, and on Liberty and Necessity; Answers to Bramhall and Davenant; Heresy* on the Reputation, etc., of T. Hobbes. 5, Questions concerning Liberty, Necessity, and Chance debated by Bramhall. 6, Dialogue of the Common Law of England; Behemoth; Rhetoric; Sophistry. Hobomok. Child. Bost., I824. I2~... I5717 Hochelaga. [Warburton.] N. Y., i846. I2~.. 8370 Hodgson, A. Journey through N. America. N. Y., 1823. 80... I6781 Hofer, Andreas. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., I868. 80... 3088 Hoffnan, C. P. Administration of Leisler. (Sparks, v. I3.) Bost., I844. I6........... 7262 Greyslaer. N. Y., I840. 2 v. I2~.. I5708 A Winter in the West. 2d ed. N. Y., I835. 2 v. I2~... 16859 Hoffman, D. Chronicles of Cartaphilus. Lond., I853. 2 v. 8~.. I0059 Course of Legal Study. 2d ed. Balt., I836. 2 v. 8~.. 9354 Thoughts, by A. Grumbler. Balt., I841. I2~.... I5275 Hoffmann, E. T. W. The Golden Pot, transl. by Carlyle. Bost., I84I. I2....... 3I08 Hofland, B. Tales of the Manor. N. Y., I822. 2 V. 12. 2~. I5594 Hogarth, G. Memoirs of the Musical Drama. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~. 9080 Musical History, Biography and Criticism. N. Y., I845. 80.. 9077 Hogarth, W. Works, in a Series of Engravings, with Descriptions. Lond., I833. 2 v. 4~. Hogg, Jabez. The Microscope. 7th ed. Lond., I869. 8~.. 8899 Hogg, James. Familiar Anecdotes of Scott. (2 copies.) N. Y., I834. I2~.........6921 Poet. Works, with Autobiogr. Glasg., I838-40. 5 v. I2~. 573 The Queen's Wake. Bost., I815. I6.. I4827 Songs. N. Y., I832. 12~. ~.'..... 608 Tales and Sketches. Glasg., I836-37. 6 v. I2~.... 578 Hogg-Holy. I51 Hogg, T. J. Life of Shelley. Lond., I858. 2 v. 80.. 700I Hohensteins, The. Spielhagen. N. Y., I870. 12~. 3021 Holberg, L., Memoirs of. By himself. Lond., I830. I20.. 6650 Holcombe, J. P. Literature in Letters. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866. 8~. 7i62 Holcroft, T. Duplicity; School for Arrogance; Seduction. (Mod. Theatre, v. 4.) Lond., i8II. I2~. I330 Holland, H. Essays. Lond., I862. 8~.. 900 Recollections of past Life. N. Y., I872. I20. 7Io6 Holland, John. On Manufactures in Metal. Lond., I83I-34. 3 v. I6~. 6037 Holland, Josiah G. The Bay Path. (2 copies.) N. Y., I862. I20. 2918 Bitter-Sweet: a Poem. (2 copies.) N. Y., i862. I20. 760 Gold-Foil, hammered from Proverbs. N. Y., I863. 12~.. 3642 Kathrina: a Poem. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867-69. I2.. 762 Lessons in Life. (2 copies.) N. Y., I862. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 3643 Letters to the Joneses. N. Y., I863. I2~... 3646 to Young People. (2 copies.) N. Y., I862-63. 12~.. 3640 Life of Lincoln. Springfield, I866. 8~.. 7405 Miss Gilbert's Career. (2 copies.) N. Y., 186o-62. 120.. 2920 Plain Talks on Familiar Subjects. N. Y., I866. I2~... 3645 Holland, Lady S. Memoir of Sydney Smith. (2 copies.) N. Y., I855 -56. 2 V. I2..... 7010 Holland, W. M. Life of Van Buren. (3 copies.) Hartf'd., I835. I2~. 7322 Holland, The Gov't. of. L. Bonaparte. Lond., I820. 3 v. 8~. ~ 5877 See, also, DUTCH; NETHERLANDS. Hollister, G. H. Mount Hope. (2 copies.) N. Y., I85I. I2~. ~ 15749 Holman, J. G. Votary of Wealth. (Mod. Theatre.) Lond., I8II. I2. I329 Holmes, A. American Annals. Cambr., I8o5. 2 v. 8~... I6I4I The same. 2d ed. Cambr., I829. 2 v. 8~... 16143 The same. (2 copies.)..5966, Life of Stiles. Bost., I798. 8~.. 9274 Holmes, E. Life of Mozart. N. Y., I845. I6~... 7882 Holmes, O. W. Astraea. Bost., I850. I2~. 748 Autocrat of the Breakfast-Table. Bost., I86o. I20.. 3606 Border Lines of Knowledge in Medical Science. Bost., I862. I20.......... 8947 Currents and Counter-Currents in Medical Science, etc. Bost., i86I. I2..... 3605 Elsie Venner. Bost., i86. 2 v. 16...... 2720 The Guardian Angel. Bost., I87I. I20.. 2900 Mechanism in Thought and Morals. Bost., I87I. I6~... I0107 Poems. Bost., i86I. I6..... 746 The same. New ed. Bost., I864. I6~.. 747 Poet at the Breakfast-Table. Bost., I872. I2~. 3609 Professor at the Breakfast-Table. (2 copies.) Bost., I86o-68. 120. 3607 Soundings from the Atlantic. (2 copies.) Bost., I864. I2~.. 36IO Holmes, W. The Camp Meeting. Bost., I842. I2~... 14936 [Holt, J. S.] Abraham Page, Esq. Philad., I868. I2~... 5643 [Holthaus, P. D.] Wanderings of a Tailor. Lond., I844. I6~.. 8194 Holy War, The. Bunyan. Hartfd., 1850o. I2..... 9948 152 Home-Honeywood. Home, D. D. Incidents in my Life. 2d Series. N. Y., I872. I2~. 8524 Home, H. (Lord Kames.) Elements of Criticism. Edin., I769. 2 V. 8~.. I7533 The same. Ed. Boyd. N. Y., I855. I20.. 9298 Loose Hints on Education. Dubl., I782. I2~.... I7015 Sketches of Hist. of Man. Glasg., I802. 4 v. I6~... 8500 The same. Edinb., I8I3. 3 v. 8.... 4097 Life of. Smellie. Edinb., I8oo. 8~..... 7138 Home, J. Douglas: a Tragedy. N. Y. 8~.. I669 The same. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804. 8.. I630 The same. (Brit. Drama.) Philad., I833. 8~... i662 Works. Edinb., 1I822. 3 v. 8~.... 1 I7514 Home. A story. Mrs. Ellis. N. Y., I836. 2 v. in I. 2.. 15457 The; a Tale. F. Bremer. N. Y., I843. 8.. 2656 Education. Taylor. N. Y., I838. 12~. i..... 9307 as Found. Cooper. Philad., I838. 2 V. in I. I2~.. 2789 Influence. Aguilar. N.Y.,'85o. I2...... 24I8 Life of English Ladies in XVII. century. Lond., I86o. 12~. 9127 and Social Philosophy. N. Y., I852. 2 V. I20. 3353 Homer, Iliad, transl. by Cowper. N. Y., I85O. 8.... I319 The same. Philad., I838. 2 v. 240..... 988 transl. by Earl of Derby. N. Y., I865. 2 v. 8~ 87I transl. by Pope. Ed. Bell. Lond., I8O7. 2 v. 24~. 279 The same. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 2 v. 240. 34 Abstract of. Collins. Philad., I870. I6~... 7I Flaxman's Illustrations of. Lond., I8o5. 4~... Iliad and Odyssey, transl. by Cowper. Lond., I837. 4 v. I6~. 619 The same. Lond., I854-55. 2 V. 8~..... 466 The same, transl. by Bryant. Bost., and N. Y., I870-72. 4 v. 8~.. 1320 Odyssey, transl. by Pope. Philad., I822. 240.... 987 Abstract of. Collins. Philad., I870. I6~... 72 Works, transl. by Chapman, ed. Hooper. Lond., I857-58. - V. I, 2, 4, 5. I6..990 CONTENTS.-V. 1, 2, Iad. 4, Odyssey. 5, Hymns, etc. and the Homeridae. De Quincey. (Works, v. 6.) Edinb., I857. 8........... 3279 Introduction to. H. N. Coleridge. Philad., I83I. I2... 4I On Translating. M. Arnold. Bost., I865. I2~. 3734 Homes Abroad. Martineau. Bost., I833. I20... I4617 without Hands. Wood. N. Y., I866. 80.. 9605 Homespun; or, five and twenty years ago. [Hill.] N. Y., I867. 8~. 3564 Homeward Bound. Cooper. N. Y., 1865. 120.. 2812 Homilist, The. Editor's Series. Lond., I870-7I. 4 V. 8~.. I2888 Homceopathy, Lectures on. O. W. Holmes. Bost., I86I. I2~. 3605 Hone, W. Table-Book. Lond., I827-28. V. I, 2, in I. 8~.. 4342 Year Book. Lond., 1838. 8~.. 4343 Honeywood, St. J. Poems, etc. N. Y., I80I. I2... I4937 Honor-Horne. 153 Honor O'Hara. A. M. Porter. N. Y., I827. 2 V. I20.. I5I96 Hood, E. P. Milton: the Patriot and Poet. Lond., 1852. 120.. 6953 Hood, Robin, Poems, etc., relative to. Ritson. [Lond., I845.] 8~.. 948 Hood, T. Hood's Own. Selected Papers. N. Y., I852. I20... 4268 Poetical Works. Bost., I859-66. 5 v. I6... o6I Tylney Hall. N. Y., I835. 120... I5IIO Up the Rhine. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. I2~.. 4269 The same. Lond., I869. 8~.. 4271 Whims and Oddities. (2 copies.) N. Y., I861-67. I2~... 4272 Works. N. Y., I86I. 6 v. 8.. 396I CONTENTS.-1-3, Poems. 4, Whims and Oddities; National Tales; Humorous Tales. 5, Up the Rhine; Romances and Extravaganzas. 6, Our Family; Comic Miscellany; Autobiogr. Memorials of. By his children. Bost., I86I. 2 v. 8~.. 6983 [Hook, J.] Pen Owen. N. Y., 1822. 2 V. I2~.. 15538 Percy Mallory. Philad., 1824. 2 V. I2~... 15540 Hook, T. E. Adventures of an Actor. Lond., I842. 2 V. I20.. I6o8 The Atonement. Philad., I839. I2~..... 2594 Births, Deaths and Marriages. Philad., I839. 2 v. 12... I538I The Humorist. Philad., I837. 12... 4256 Hooke, N. Roman Hist. Lond.. 3 v. 8~...... 5998 Hooker, R. Eccl. Polity and other Works. Ed. Hanbury. Lond., I830. 3 v. 8........ 8688 Works. Oxfd., I843. 2 v. 8.. 869I Life of. Walton. [Lond., I845.] 8~.. 948 Hooker, W. Hist. of Medical Delusions. N. Y., I850. 12.. I6970 Hooper, J. Writings. Lond. 12~.. 9479 Hooper, L. Poetical Remains. N. Y., I842. I2.... I5o000 Hooton, C. Colin Clink. Philad., I840-4I. 2 v. I2.. I5401I [Hope, T.] Anastasius. N. Y., 1832. 2 V. I2.. I5157 Hope Leslie. Sedgwick. N. Y., I827. 2 v. 120.. 15314 Hopkins, J. H. Hist. of the Confessional. N. Y., I850. 12~... 9609 Hopkins, M. Law of Love and Love as a Law. N. Y., I869. I2~. 8607 Moral Science. Bost., I865. 12~.. 8606 Hopkins, Rev. Sam'l., Reminiscences of. Patten. N. Y., I843. I2~. 7521 Hopkins, Sam'l. The Puritans. Bost., I86o-6I. 3 v. 8~. ~ ~ 5314 Hopkinson, P. Miscellaneous Essays, etc. Philad., I792. 3 v. 8~. 12750 Hopper, I. T., Life of. Child. Bost., I854. 12..... 76Io Hoppin, J. M. Notes of a Theol. Student. N. Y., I854. 12~... I633I Old England. 4th ed. N. Y., I872. I6~..... 8362 Hoppus, J. Account of Bacon's Novum Organon. Lond. [I829.] 80. I6468 The Continent in I835. Lond., I836. 2 v. 12.... I6587 Horace. Works, transl. by Francis. N. Y., I835-44. 2 v. I2~;. 4525 The same. N. Y., 1835-40. 2 v. 2~..4546 for English Readers. Martin. Philad., I871. I6~.... 76 Horace in London. [H. and J. Smith.] Lond., 85. 12. I2~. 4887 Hordynski, J. Hist. of the Polish Revolution. Bost., I833. 8~.. I6167 Horne, G. Commentary on Psalms. With Memoir by W. Jones. Lond., I836. 3 v. 16~.. 9510 Horne, R. H. New Spirit of the Age. (2 copies.) N. Y., I844. 16~. 3423 154 Horne-Howe. Horne, T. H. A Protestant Memorial. N. Y., I844. I2~.. 17279 Home Tooke, J. See TOOKE. Horner,IFt., Memoirs of. Edinb., I849. I6~.. 6691 Horner, S. A Century of Despotism in Naples and Sicily. Edinb., i86o. 16'.......... * 4592 Horry, P., and Weems, M. L. Life of Marion. Philad., 1839. I2~.. I6395 Horse, The. Youatt. Lond., I842. 12~... 6951 Adventures in search of a. [Stephens.] Philad., I836. I2~.. IoI69 Art of taming. Rarey. Lond., I862. i6~. I. o68 Hist. of the. Martin. Lond., I845. I2~... 8782 See, also, STABLE; SPORTS. Horse Shoe Robinson. Kennedy. Philad., I836. 2 V. I2~.... I578 Hortense, Queen. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., I870. 8~... 3076 Horton, R. G. Life of Buchanan. N. Y., I856. I20. ~ ~ ~ 7332 Hosack, J. Mary Queen of Scots and her Accusers. 2d ed. Edinb., i870-73. 2 V. 8......... 5240 Hospital Sketches. Alcott. Bost., I863. I2... 6Io6 Hot Corn. Robinson. N. Y., I854. 12~..1I5722 Hottentot Fables and Tales. Bleek. Lond., I864. 8. 8.. 891 Hours at Home. N. Y., I865-70. ii v. 8~. 1. 3397 The same. v. 4, 5, 7........ I3408 House of Commons, Random Recollections of. Grant. Philad., I836. I2....... 4845 of Lords, Random Recollections of. Grant. Philad., I836. I2~. 4846 I live in, The. Alcott. Bost., I837. I2~..... 9126 on the Moor, The. [Oliphant.] N. Y., i86I. I2~.... 2514 of the Seven Gables, The. Hawthorne. Bost., i86o. I6~.. 2888 Housekeeper, Recollections of a. [Gilman.] N. Y., I836. 12~. 15766 Household Words. Ed. Dickens. Lond. and N. Y., I850-59. v. I-4, 15, i6, I8. 8....... I7497 The same. v. I....17496 Chapters reprinted from: or, Home and Social Philosophy. N. Y., I862. 2 v. I20. 3353 Housman, R. F. Collection of English Sonnets. (2 copies.) Lond. [1I835.] I2.......... I093 Houssaye, A. Philosophers and Actresses. N. Y., i852. 2 v. I20~. 3737 Houston, S., Life of. N. Y., I855. I2~.. 7328 Houstoun, Mrs. Texas and the Gulf of Mexico. Philad., I845. I2~. I688I Howard, E. Jack Ashore. Philad., 1840. 2 v. 12~.... 2437 Outward Bound. Philad., I838. 2 v. 12~.. 2439 Howard, G. Lady Jane Grey, and her Times. Lond., I822. 8~.. 5209 Howard, H. (Earl of Surrey.) Poems. Ed. Arber. Lond., I870. I6~. 3895 Poet. Works, with Memoir. Bost., I854. I6~.... I52 Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~.. I Howe, H. Hist. Collections of the Great West. Cincinn., I85I. 8~. 16145 Howe, John. Theological Treatises. With Memoir by T. Taylor. Lond., I835. 16...9502 Works, with Memoirs by Calamy. N. Y., 1838. 2 v. 8~.. Ioo65 Howe, Julia W. From the Oak to the Olive. Bost., I868. I6~. 8207 Howe-Hudson. 155 Howe, R., Life of. Barrow. Lond., I838. 8~.. 6849 Howe, S. G. Hist. of the Greek Revolution. 2d ed. N. Y., I828. I2~. 4560 Howell, J. Instructions for Forreine Travell, ed Arber. Lond., 1869. i6.......... 3892 Howells, W.D. Italian Journeys. Bost., I872. I2~... I238 Their Wedding Journey. Bost., I872. I20.. 2952 Venetian Life. 2d ed. N. Y., I867. 80.. 8212 Howison, J. European Colonies. Lond., 1834. 2 v. 8~.. 47II Howison, R. R. Hist. of Va. Philad., I846-48. 2 v. 8~.. 5898 Howitt, M. Ballads and other Poems. N. Y., I847. I20. ii. 68 The same. N. Y., I848. I2~..... II67 Birds and Flowers, etc. Bost., I839. I6~.. I4799 Heir of Wast-Wayland. N. Y., I85I. I2~..... I5445 Strive and Thrive. Bost., I840. I20.. I559I Wood Leighton. N. Y., I847. 8~.. 2313 The same. Philad., I837. 3 v. I2~.... I5635 Howitt, R. Impressions of Australia. Lond., I845. I6~. 7985 Howitt, W. Book of the Seasons. 6th ed. Lond., 1840. I6~.. 8797 Colonization and Christianity. Lond., I858. I20.. I5886 Country Year Book. N. Y., I850. 12~.. 16978 German Experiences. 2d ed. Lond., I844. I60.. 8220 Homes of British Poets. (2 copies.) N. Y., I847. 2 v. I2~.. 6600 Land, Labor and Gold; or, Two Years in Victoria. Bost., I855. 2 v. I2........ 7986 Popular Hist. of Priestcraft. 7th ed. Lond., T845. I6~... 633I Rural and Domestic Life of Germany. Philad., 1843. 8~.. 8050 The same..8310 Rural Life of England. (2 copies.) Lond., I840. 8~.. 5260 Student-Life of Germany. Philad., I842. 80.. 9397 Traditions of Ancient Times. Lond., I839. 2 V. 12'. ~. I893 Visits to Remarkable Places. 2d ed. Lond., I840. 8~.. 8353 Woodburn Grange. Philad. I2~... 5638 Howleglass. Transl. by Roscoe. (German Novelists.) Lond., I826. I20. I895 Hows, J. W. S. Golden Leaves from Amer. Poets. N. Y., I865. I2~. 687 from Brit. Poets. N. Y., I865. I2. Io099 from Dramatic Poets. N.Y., I865. I2~. I403 Hoyt, J. G. Miscellaneous Writings. Bost., I863. I2~... 3656 Hubbard, F. M. Life of W. R. Davie. (Sparks, v. 25.) Bost., I848. I6~. 7274 Huber, P. Nat. Hist. of Bees. Lond., I84I. I2~..... 8893 Huber, V. A. The English Universities. Ed. Newman. Lond., I843. 2 v. in 3. 8......... 9283 Hue, E. R. Journey through the Chinese Empire. N, Y., I857. 2 v. I2~. 7946 Recollections of Journey through Tartary, Thibet, and China. Condensed transl. by Mrs. Sinnott. N. Y., I852. 2 v. I60. 79I5 Travels in Tartary, Thibet, and China. Tr. by Hazlitt. 3d ed. Lond., I856. 8~.. 7945 Hudson, C. F. Doctrine of a Future Life. 2d ed. Bost., 1858. I2~. 99II Hudson, P. Journalism in the U. S. N. Y., 1873. 8~.. Io209 Hudson, Henry, Life of. Cleveland. Bost., I839. I60... 7259 156 EHudson —Hume. Hudson, Henry N. Lectures on Shakspeare. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1848. 2 V. I2........ I549 Shakespeare: his Life, Art, and Characters. Bost., i872. 2 v. I2~. I490 Hudson River, Legends and Poetry of the. N. Y., I868. I2~... 8228 Letters about the. [Hunt.] N. Y., 1836. I2~.... I6849 Hudson's Bay, Voyage to, I812. McKeevor. Lond., I8I9. 80.. 8052 Hughes, Mrs. Memoir of Mrs. Hemans. Philad, I839. 12~... 6940 Hughes, John. Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~. IO The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. I5098 Siege of Damascus. (Brit. Drama, v. i.) Lond., I804. 8. 8. 629 Hughes, Abp. John. Discussion with Breckenridge. Philad., I836. 8~. 9606 Hughes, Thos. Alfred the Great. Lond. 8...... 5134 Scouring of the White Horse. Bost., I859. 12~.. 2444 Tom Brown at Oxford. Lond., I870. 8~.. 9245 The same. Bost., I870. 2 v. 80.. 9243 Tom Brown's School Days at Rugby. (2 copies.) Bost., I864-70. 8.......... 924I Hughes, Thos. S. Hist. of England, I76o-I835. Paris, I836. 5 v. 8~. 5374 Hugo, V. M. The Destroyer of the Second Republic, Napoleon the Little. N. Y., I870. 120.. 5547 Hans of Iceland. N. Y., I862. 80.....,. 2635 L'Homme qui rit. N. Y., I869. 8~. 9735 The Man who laughs. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869. 80.. 2642 Les Miserables, transl. by C. E. Wilbour. (3 copies.) N. Y., I862-63. 8.......... 2636 The Rhine. N. Y., I845. I2~.. 8365 William Shakespeare. Lond., I864. 8... I582 Slave-King. Lond., I833. I6........ 2390 Toilers of the Sea. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866. 8.. 2640 Les Travailleurs de la Mer. Brux., I866. 8~.. 2639 Life of. By his Wife. (2 copies.) N. Y., I863-64. 8~... 7728 Huguenot, The: a Tale. James. N. Y., I839. 2 V. I20... I52I7 Galley-Slave, The. Marteilhe. N. Y., I867. 12~.... 6355 and Priest. Bungener. Bost., I856. 2 v. 120.... 2647 Huguenots in England and Ireland, The. Smiles. Lond., I867. 8~. 6430 in France and America, The. [Mrs. Lee.] Cambr., I843. 2 v. I2~. 6353 Hist. of, in the I6th Century. Browning. Lond., I829. 2 V. 8~. 6485 I598-I838. Browning. Paris, I839. 80.... 6487 See, also, FRANCE. Hull, T. Henry II. (Mod. Theatre, v. 9.) Lond., I8II. I20.. 1335 Hull, W. Defence of himself. Bost., I8I4. I2..... 6024 Humboldt, A. v. Cosmos. Lond. and N. Y., I849-68. 5 v. I2~.. 8960 Letters to Varnhagen. N. Y., I86o. I2~.. 7764 Views of Nature. (2 copies.) Lond., I850. 8.. 8841 Travels and Researches of. Macgillivray. Lond., I852. 8~.. 8439 Humbugs of N. Y. Reese. N. Y., I838. I2~. I7Io 3 of the World, The. Barnum. N. Y., I865. I2~.... I7IO4 Hune, D. Hist. of England. (2 copies.) Bost., I849-50o. 6 v. I2~. 4892 The same, abridged and continued to I858. (2 copies.) ("The Student's Hume.") N. Y., I862-63. I2.... 4904 Hume-Hunt. 157 Hume, D. Hist. of England. Continued by Smollett. Lond., 1825. v. 3, 5-I3. 8...... 5379 The same, continued by Smollett and Hughes. Paris, I835-36. V. 2-I5. 80.. 5365 The same, continued by Smollett and Miller. Philad., I836-37. 4 v. 80..... 5389 Philosophical Essays. (2 copies.) Georgetown, I817. 2 v. 8~. 3399 Works. Edinb., I826. 4 v. 8. ~ ~ ~. 8735 CONTENTS.-1, Life. 1, 2, Treatise of Human Nature. 2, Dialogues on Natural Religion. 8, Essays. 4, Inquiry concerning the Understanding; Inquiry concerning Morals; Nat. Hist. of Religion; Additional Essays. Life of. By himself. Lond., 1829. I2~.. 6640 Life of. Smellie. Edinb., i8oo. 8.. 7138 Life and Correspondence of. Burton. Edinb., I846. 2 v. 8~. 7128 Humor and Pathos. Baxter. Lond., 1842. I2...... 4264 Humorist, The. Hook. Philad., 1I837. 12~.. 4256 Humorists, English, of i8th century. Thackeray. Lond., I872. 80. 2198 Humaphrey, H. Great Brit., France, and Belgium. N. Y., I838. 2 V. I2~. I6549 Letters to a Son in the Ministry. Amh., 1842. 12~... 9917 The same. N. Y., I845. 12~.. I7034 Miscellaneous Discourses, etc. Amh., I834. I2~.. I7359 Humphreys, D. Life of Putnam. N. Y., I8I5. 12~... I643I The same. N. Y., 1835. 120...... 6432 The same. Bost., 1818. I2~.. 7538 Miscellaneous Works. (2 copies.) N. Y., I790-1804. 8~. 1 4595 Hlumphry Clinker. Smollett. N. Y., I86o. I2..... 965 Hungary in I835. Paget. Lond., I839. 2 v. 80.. I6617 in 185I. Brace. N. Y., 1852. I20.. 83I6 and Kossuth. Tefft. Philad., I852. I20.. 5815 Revolution in, 1849. Pragay. N. Y., 1850. 2~... 5816 and its Revolutions [to 1853; with Memoir of Kossuth.] Lond., I854. 80........... 422 Hunt C. H. Life of E. Livingston. N. Y., I864. 8~.... 7457 Hunt, F1. Letters about the Hudson R. N. Y., I836. I2... 6849 Hunt, H. Bits of Travel. Bost., 1872. I2.... 8167 Hunt, L. Autobiography. Lond., I870. 8~.. 7047 Book for a Corner. N. Y., 1852. I2.. 3228 Byron and Contemporaries, etc. 2d ed. Lond., 1828. 2 v. 80~. 7187 The same. Philad., I828. 8~... 7189 Correspondence. Lond., 1862. 2 v. 80. 7048 A Day by the Fire, etc. Bost., I870. I6~... 317I Imagination and Fancy. (2 copies.) N. Y., I845. I2~..~ ~ 234 The Indicator and Companion. (2 copies.) N. Y., I845. 2 v. in I. I20. 3226 Men, Women, and Books. (2 copies.) N. Y., I847. 2 V. I2~. 3229 Poetical Works. (2 copies.) Lond., I832. 8~... 1257 Rimini and other Poems. Bost., I844. 60. 1220 The Seer. Bost., I865. 2 v. I6... 3168 The same. v. I. 3170 21 i58 Hunt-HTyde. Hunt, L. Stories from Italian Poets. (2 copies.) N. Y., I846. 3 pts. in I. I2~. 887 Wit and Humor. N. Y., I847. I2. 1234 and Lee, S, A. Book of the Sonnet. Bost., I867. 2 V. I6~.. 294 Hunt, R. The Poetry of Science. Bost., I850. I2~... I6993 Hunt, Thornton. The Foster-Brother. N. Y., I846. 8~.... 2686 Hunt, Timothy D. Past and Present of the Sandwich Isl. S. Francisco, I853. I6~.. I6303 Hunter, T. Reflections on Letters of Lord Chesterfield. Lond., I777. 8....... 7044 Hunter, W. P. Expedition to Syria. Lond., I842. 2 V. I20... 5I6o Hunting Grounds, Adventures on. Meunier. N. Y., I869. 12~.. IOI20 Huntington, S. S. H., Countess of, Life and Times of. Lond., I844. 2 v. 8~.. 7678 Huntington, F. D. Christian Believing and Living. Bost., I86o. 12~. 9976 Home and College. Bost., I86o. i6~... 985 Huntington, G. The Shadowy Land, and other Poems. N. Y., I86i. 80. 1506o Huntington, J. V. The Forest. N. Y., 1852. I2~.. I5698 Huntley, L. See Mrs. L. H. SIGOURNEY. Hunt's Merchants' Magazine. N. Y., I839-59. v. I-5, 8-I3, 20-40. 8~. 13525 Hurd, J. C. Jurisprudence of Freedom and Bondage. N. Y., I856. 8~. 9282 Hurd, R. Letters on Chivalry and Romance; Dialogues on Travel. Lond., 1762. 8~.... 15932 Moral and Polit. Dialogues, etc. 3d ed. Lond., I765. 3 v. I6~. 15844 Hurdis, J. Lectures on Poetry. Bishopstone, I797. 4'~.. I583 Hurst, J. F. Hist. of Rationalism. N. Y., I865. 8~... 6519 Huskisson, W. Select Speeches. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I837. 80. ~ 9367 Speeches, with Memoir. Lond., 183I. 3 v. 8~... 9364 Huss, J., Life and Times of. Gillett. Bost., I863. 2 v. 8~.. 6509 Husson, -. Report on Magnetical Experiments. Bost., I836. I2~. 8526 Hutchinson, Anne, Life of. Ellis. Bost., I845. I6~.... 7265 Hutchinson, J., Memoirs of. By his Widow. Lond., I8o8. 4~.. 69II The same. (Bohn's ed.) 2 copies. Lond., 1846. 8~.. 367 Hutchinson, T. Hist. of Mass., I628-I750. 3d ed. Bost., I795. 2 v. 80. 5836 Hutton, C. Oakwood Hall. Philad., 1819. 2 V. I2~.. 15529 Hutton, R. H. Essays. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~.. 3708 Huyshe, G. L. The Red River Expedition. Lond., I87I. 8~... 8396 Huxley, T. H. Lay Sermons, Addresses, and Reviews. N. Y., 1871. I2............ 8941 Man's Place in Nature. N. Y., I863. I2~.. 8939 More Criticisms on Darwin, and Administrative Nihilism. N. Y., I872. I2~.. 8942 Origin of Species. N. Y., I863. 12~.. 8940 Hyacinthe, Pere. See C. LoYSON. Hyde, E., LordClarendon. Essays. Bost., 1820. I6~.... 3843 The same. Lond., 1815. 2 v. I2~... 3530 Hist. of the Rebellion. (2 copies.) Bost., I827. 6 v. 8~.' 5340 Life of. Campbell. (Ld. Chancellors, v. 3.) Lond., I845. 8~. 6868 The same. Lister. Lond., I837-38. 3 v. 8~.. 6846 Hyder-Incognito. I59 Hyder Ali, Life of. Robson. Lond., I786. 8~....6414 Hydrostatics, Treatise on. Lardner. Lond., 1836. 16~. 6044 Hymns, National. White. N. Y., I86I. 8~. 925 Hypatia. C. Kingsley. Bost., 1I859. I2~.. 2564 Hyperion. Longfellow. Bost., I853. I6~.. 2723 I says, says I. A Novel. Bost., I8I2. 12...... 5459 Ianthe. (Pseudonym.) See Mrs. EMBURY. Icebergs with a Painter, After. Noble. N. Y., 1862. I20... 8112 Iceland, Hist. and Description of. [Russell.] N. Y., I841. I2~.. II6o6 Journey to, 1845. Pfeiffer. N. Y., I852. 12~.. 8200 Letters on, 1772. von Troil. Lond., I780. 8~.. I6596 Residence in, 1814-15. Henderson. Edinb., 1819. 8~... 8293 Visit to, 1834. Barrow. Lond., I835. I2... 8292 A Winter in, I834-35. Dillon. Lond., I840. 8~.. 8290 See, also, EDDA; SCANDINAVIA. Icon Basilike. [Gauden.] Lond., 824. I2...... 4906 Ida May. [Pike.] Bost., 1855. I2~...... 15723 Idle Man, The. [Dana.] N. Y., 1821. 8~...... 5303 Word, The. Goulburn. N. Y., I866. I20.. 9817 Idler, The. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., I823. I2...... 3127 Essays illustrating. Drake. Lond., I809-IO. 2 v. 8~.. 3236 If, Yes, and Perhaps. Hale. Bost., I868. I6~.. 2945 Iffland, A. W. Conscience. (German Theatre, v. 5.) Lond., i8II. 12~. 136o thne, W. Hist. of Rome. Lond., 187I. 2 V. 8..... 4729 Iliad, The. See HOMER. of the East; Selections from the Ramayana. Lond., 1I870. 8~. 90o6 Illicini, B. Novel. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., I836. I2~.. I900 Imagination and Fancy; Selections from English Poets. Hunt. N. Y., I845. 12. 1234 Imitation of Christ, The. Thomas a Kempis. Bost., i86I. I20.. 9947 in the Fine Arts, Essays on. Quatremere de Quincy. Lond., 1837. 80..907I Imitations of Celebrated Authors. H. and J. Smith. Lond., 1844. 8~. 3258 Imlay, G. Description of Western N. America. Lond., I792. 8~.. I6814 Immola, and the Two Milanese Tragedies. I835. I2~... I448 Immortality of the Soul, Discourses on. Richter. Bost., I864. 80. 3056 Impending Crisis of the South. Helper. N. Y., I857. I2~. ~ ~ 8574 Improvisatore, The. Andersen. N. Y., I869. 8..... 2602 Inchbald, E. British Theatre. Lond. v. II-I3, I6-19, 23, 27. I20. I337 For Contents, see THEATRE. Modern Theatre; a Collection. Lond., I8Ir. v. 2-IO. I2~. I328 For Contents, see THEATRE. The Mourning Ring. N. Y., I821. I20. 1. 5516 Inchiquin. (Pseudonym.) See C. J. INGERSOLL. Incognito, The. De Trueba y Cosio. N. Y., I831. 2 V. 12~. I5142 i60 India-Ingelow. India, Considerations on Polit. State of. Tytler. Lond., I8I5. 2 V. 8~. I6446 Hist. of [to 176I]. Elphinstone. Lond., I84I. 2 v. 8~.. 6500 977-I669. Ferishtah. Dubl., 1I792. 3 v. 83.. 16448 Hist., etc., of. Rickards. Lond., I829-32. 2 v. 8~.. 6502 of Burmese War in, I824-26. Snodgrass. Lond., 1827. 80. 6504 Journeys through, 1824-26. Heber. Philad., I828. 2 v. 8~. 8oi6 Letters from, 1828-31. Jacquemont. Lond., I835. 2. 62. 791I Manners and Customs of. Dubois. Philad., I8I8. 2 v. 8~. I6504 A Memoir of. Harlan. Philad., 1I842. I2... 6417 Origin of Burmese War in,.185I-52. Cobden. Lond., 1867. 80. 9588 Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. 4 v. in 2. 12~.. 7841 Scenes and Characteristics of. Roberts. Philad., 1836. 2V. I2~. I6502 Travels of a Hindoo in, I845-66. Chunder. Lond., I869. 2 V. 80.. 8018 Visit to, I853. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., I855. 12.... 8283 Ancient, Disquisition concerning. Robertson. Dubl., 1791. 8~. I645I and Modern. Allen. Bost., I856. 8~... 6559 British, and the Decline of Hindooism. Campbell. Lond., I839. 8........... 16498 Hist of. Martin. Lond., I835. 8.. I6II6 [to I805.] Mill. Lond., 1826. 6 v. 8~.. 6464 and Description of. Murray, etc. N. Y., I840. 3 v. I2.. II1267 Lectures on. Thompson. Pawtucket, 1840. 12.. I65oo See, also, EAST INDIES. Indian Archipelago. See MALAY Archipelago. Biography of N. A. Thatcher. N. Y., I840. 2 V. 2~.., 12104 Sketches, among the Pawnees. Irving. Philad., I835. 2 V. I2~. 5752 Wars of U. S. Moore. Philad., 1840. 12.. 5747 I675-1704, Hist. of. Church. Hartfd. [1845.] 8~.. 5957 Indians of N. Amer., Book of. Frost. Hartf'd., I852. 12~. 5746 Essayson Condition of. [Evarts.] Bost., 1829. 8~.. 5895 Notes on Manners, etc., of. Catlin. N. Y., I844. 2 v. 8~.. 5948 Researches respecting. Schoolcraft. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. I2~. 5755 into Origin and Hist. of. Bradford, N. Y., I843. 8~. 5954 Sketches of. Buchanan. N. Y., 1824. 2 v. in I. 12~.. 5749 Speeches on Removal of. Bost., 1830. 12..5754 Travels among. McKenney. N. Y., 1846. 2 v. in I. 8~. 5950 of Conn., Hist. of. De Forest. Hartf'd., i851. I2~. ~ 5847 Indicator, The. L. Hunt. N. Y., 1845. I2~...... 3226 Industry of Nations, Treatise on. Eisdell. Lond., I839. 2 v. 8~. 866I Infidel, The: a Romance. [Bird.] Philad., I835. 2 v. I2~.. 15724 Infidelity, Cause and Cure of. Nelson. N. Y. 12~.... 9880 Counsels to Young Men on. Morison. N. Y. I2~. 17018 Difficulties of. Faber. Philad., 1829. 12~.. 9912 Lives of Converts from. Crichton. Edinb., 1827. 2 v. I2~.. 4468 Sermons on. Thomson. Windsor, I833. 120... I7270 Ingelow, J. Monitions of the Unseen, and Poems of Love and Childhood. (2 copies.) Bost., I871. I6.... II75 Ingelow-Irby. I6t Ingelow, J. Off the Skelligs. Bost., I872. 16~.... 10297 Poems. Bost., I863. I6..... 173 The same. New ed. Bost., I869. I6~. 11. 74 Studies for Stories. Bost., I865. I6.. 2421 Ingersoll, C. J. Hist. of War of 1812. Philad., I845. v. I. 8.. 5990 Inchiquin's Letters. N. Y., I8IO. 8...... 6227 Remarks on a Review of. [Dwight.] Bost., I8I5. 8.... I68Io Ingham Papers, The. Hale. Bost., I869. I6~.... 2947 Inglis, H. D. Journey through Norway, etc. Edinb., I829. I2~. 4500 Rambles in Footsteps of Don Quixote. Philad., 1840. 12~. x668o Spain in 1830. Lond., I83I. 2 v. 8~.. 8450 Ingoldsby Legends. Barham. Philad., 1844. 2~..... 4255 [Ingraham, J. I.] The American Lounger. Philad., I839. I2~. 5657 Initials, The. Tautphoeus. Philad. I2~....... 2505 Innisfoyle Abbey. Moriarty. Lond., I840. 3 v. I2~.... 15460 Innocenits Abroad, The. Mark Twain. Hartf'd., I869. 8~... 4285 Inquisition Unmasked, The. Puigblanch. Lond., I8I6. 2 v. 8~.. 6426 of Spain, Hist. of. Llorente. Lond., 1826. 8~... 6425 Insanity, Man's power to control. Barlow. Philad., I847. I2~.. 8496 Shakspeare's Delineations of. Kellogg. N. Y., I866. 16~.. 1482 Insect Architecture, Ravages, etc. Rennie. Lond., I845. 2. 122. 8793 Miscellanies. [Rennie and Westwood.] Bost., I832. 120.. 88I6 Transformations. [Rennie and Westwood.] Bost., I831. 12~. 88Io World, The. Figuier. Lond., I868. 8~.. 8999 Insects, Nat. Hist. of. [Rennie and Westwood.] N. Y., I840o. 2 V. 2~. 1100oo7 See, also, ZOOLOGY. Inspiration of the Scriptures. Gaussen. N. Y., I842. 12~. 9981 Instinct in Animals and Men. Chadbourne. N.. Y., I872. 120.. 8946 Dialogues on. Brougham. Lond., 1844. 12~.. 8488 Insurance, Probabilities in. De Morgan. Lond., 1838. i6~.. 6043 Intellectual Qualities, Transmission of. N. Y., 1843. 12~.. 8530 Powers, Inquiries concerning the. Abercrombie. N. Y., I84I. I20.....10IIO4I Intemperance, Essay on. Grindrod. N. Y., I840. I2~.... 16967 Lectures on. L. Beecher. (Works, v. I.) Bost., 1852. 120.. I2753 Plea for. Reese. N.Y., I84I. 2~...... 9122 See, also, DRUNKENNESS; TEMPERANCE. Interest. See USURY. Intermarriage. Walker. N. Y., I839. I2~...... 16959 International Law, Elements of. Wheaton, ed. Dana. Bost., i866. 8~. 8704 Introd. to. Woolsey. N. Y., 1864. 8~... 8702 Principles of. Bentham. (Works, pt. 8.) Edinb., I839. 8. 9707 Inventions, Hist. of. Beckmann. Lond., I846. 2 V. 8~.. 354 The same. Williams. Lond., I820. 2 V. 8~.. 4105 Ionian Islands, Hist., etc., of. Martin. Lond., I837. I60.... 7902 Visit to, I836. Giffard. Lond., 1837. 12~... 6647 Irby, C. L., and Mangles, J. Travels in Egypt, etc. Lond., 1844. I6~. 8197 I62 Ireland-Irving. Ireland. A Tale. Martineau. Bost., 1833. I2~..... 14616 Biogr. Dict. of Worthies of. Ryan. Lond., 182I. 2 v. 8~.. 6876 The English in, in I8th century. Froude. N. Y., I873. v. I. 12~. 10233 Hist. of [to I545]. T. Moore. Lond., I837-40. 3 v. I6~.. 5176 [to 1700]. Mac Geoghegan. N. Y. 8~... 54II to I8oI. Gordon. Lond., I8o6. 2 v. 80.. 5412 to I803. Taylor. N. Y., I84I. 2 v. I20.... I2I07 Journals, Essays, etc., relating to. Senior. Lond., I868. 2 V. 8~. 5245 Legends of Wars in. Joyce. Bost., I870. I6~.. 2366 Scenery, Character, etc., of. Hall. Lond., I84I-43. 3 v. 8~.. 844I social, polit., and religious. Beaumont. Lond., 1839. 2 V. 12~. 5419 Songs of. Croker. Lond., 1839. I2~.. 1204 State of, to i652. Clarendon. (Hist., v. 6.) Bost., I827. 8~.. 5345 State of, to i8oi. Plowden. Philad., I805-o6. 5 v. 8.. 5414 Tour in, I8o5. Carr. N. Y., I807. 12~.. I6770 Tour round, in I835. Barrow. Lond., I836. 12~.. 8307 Travels in, I843. Kohl. N. Y., I844. 8~.. I670 Views of. O'Driscol. Lond., I823. 2 v. 8~... 16744 [Ireland, W. H.] Memoirs of Henry the Great. Lond., I824. 2 v. 8~. 5538 of Jeanne d'Arc. Lond., I824. 2v. 80.. 5534 Irish Bar, Sketches of the. Shiel. N. Y., I858. 2 v. I2~... 6744 Bulls, Essay on. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 2.) Bost., 1824. 8~.. I5336 character, etc., Observations on. Dewar. Lond., I8I2. 8~.. I6746 Sketches of. Mrs. Hall. N. Y., I829. I2~.. 15583 Confederates, The, and the Rebellion of'98. Field. N. Y., I85I. I2.......... 5243 Eloquence, Specimens of. Phillips. N. Y., I820. 8... 9427 Life, Lights and Shadows of. Mrs. Hall. Philad., I838. 2 v. 12~. I5487 Realities of. Trench. Lond., I869. 8... 5252 Nation, Rise and Fall of. Barrington. N. Y., I86o. 12~.. 5253 Peasantry, Traits and Stories of. Carleton. Lond., i836. 5 v. 16~. 20I7 Rebellion of I798, Narrative of. Cloney. Dubl., I832. 8~.. 5244 The same. Jones. Cambr. I2~.. 5242 Sketch Book of 1842. Thackeray. Lond., I872. 8~... 2195 Irishmen, The United. Madden. [ist Series.] Philad., I842. 2 v. I2~. 5247 The same. 3d Series. Dubl., I846. 3 v. I2~.. 5249 Proceedings of Dublin Society of. Philad., 1795. I20~.. 6o63 Iron and Steel Manufactures. Holland. (v. I, 2.) Lond., I83I-33. 2 v. I6..6037 Iron Cousin, The. M. C. Clarke. N. Y., i862. I2..... 5463 Irvine, W. Letters on Sicily. Lond., I8I3. 8...... I6714 Irving, D. Lives of Scotish Writers. Edinb., I839. 2 v. in I. I2. 6714 Irving, E. Orations, for the Oracles of God, for Judgment to come, and for Missionaries. N. Y., I825. 8~.. 9969 Life of. Oliphant. N. Y., I862. 8~..... 7739 Irving, J. T. Indian Sketches. Philad., 1835. 2. 12~.... 5752 Irving, T. Conquestof Florida. (2 copies.) Philad., I835. 2 v. I2~. 5728 Irving, W. Adventures of Capt. Bonneville in Rocky Mts., etc. Philad., I837. 2 v. 120.. 8404 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I850-5I. 120.... 8406 Irving-Italian. I63 Irving, W. The Alhambra. N. Y., I863. I2~. 4363 The same. Philad., 1872. I20... * 4364 Astoria. N. Y., I850. I2..... 8403 The same. Philad., I836. 2 v. 8~.. 8424 Biogr. of M. M. Davidson. 2d ed. Philad., I84I. 12~. 770 Bracebridge Hall. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1850. 12~. 436i Conquest of Granada. (2 copies.) N. Y., I860-68. 12~... 6406 Crayon Miscellany. N. Y., I850. I2...4367 The same. Philad., I835. 3 v. I2~.... ~ 4243 CONTENTS.-I, Tour on the Prairies. 2, Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey. 8, Legends of the Conquest of Spain. The same. v. 2, 3. 4246 Goldsmith: a Biography. (2 copies.) N. Y., I85I-6o. I20.. 6995 Knickerbocker's Hist. of N. Y. N. Y., I824. 2 v. 12~. ~ 4239 The same. Philad., I834. 2 v. 12~.... 4237 The same. Philad., I835. 2 v. in I. [2~.... 4356 The same. Revised ed. N. Y., I850. I2~.... 4357 Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle. N. Y., I824. 80.. I6779 Life and Voyages of Columbus. (2 copies.) N. Y., I828. 3 v. 80. 7807 The same. N. Y., I831. 2 v. 8. 7813 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I85O-5I. 3 v. 12.. 7816 The same, abridged. N. Y., I829. I2~.....7554 The same. Bost., I839. I2~.. 7587 Life and Select Writings of Goldsmith. N. Y., I840. 2 v. I2~. II596 Life of Washington. (2 copies.) N. Y., I856-59. 5 v. I2~.. 7283 Mahomet and his Successors. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1859-60. 2 v. I2~. 7577 The same. N. Y., I850-68. 2 v. 12~ and I6~.. ~ 758I Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon. Philad., I834. 2 v. I20.. 4241 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1851-53. I2~... ~ 4358 The same. Philad., I87I. 12... 4360 Spanish Papers and Miscellanies. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866. 2 v. I2~. 4368 Voyages of Companions of Columbus. Philad., I83I. 8~.. 7815 Wolfert's Roost, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., I855-6I. 120.. 4365 Life and Letters of. P. M. Irving. (2 copies.) N. Y., I864. 4 v. I2~. 7376 Isabel. (Pseudonym.) See W. G. SIMMs. Isabella and Elizabeth, Review of Prescott's comparison of. Bost., I84I. I2......... 6164 See, also, FERDINAND. Isaiah, Notes on. Barnes. N. Y., I85I. 2 v. I2~.... 9856 Israel, Land of. Keith. N. Y., I844. I2~... I6275 Israel Potter. Melville. N. Y., I855. I2~..... 15726 Italian Art, Wonders of. Viardot. N. Y., 1870. I2.... IOI22 Brigands. Moens. N. Y., I866. 12~.. 8347 Journeys, I864-65. Howells. Bost., 1872. I2.. 10238 Life and Legends. Ritchie. N. Y., I870. I2~.. ~. 8342 Note-Books, Passage from (I858-59). Hawthorne. Bost., I872. 2 v. I2......... 8203 Novelists, transl. by Roscoe. Lond., I836. 4 v. I2~... I899 For Contents, see RoscoE. Poets, see POETS. t64 Italian-Italy. Itaian Schools of Painting, Handbook of. Kugler. Lond., I869. 2 v. 8~.. 9058 Itaics; Brief Notes on Italy, I864. Cobbe. Lond., I864. 12~.. 8348 Italy [in I864]. Taine. N. Y., I868-69. 2 v. 80.. 9064 CONTZETS.-1, Rome and Naples. 2, Florence and Venice. in 1819-20. Lady Morgan. N. Y., I821. 2 v. 8~... 8337 Antiquities, Aris and Letters in, I802. Forsyth. Lond., x835. 6........... 8216 The Awakening of, i864. Wylie. N. Y. [I866.] I2~... 459I Celebration of Unity of, I87I. N. Y., I871. 80... 4768 The Classic and Connoisseur in, I826. Evans. Lond., 1835. 3 v. 8~.. 9060 Classical Tour through, i8or. Eustace. Lond., I841. 3 v. 12~. 8333 Description of. Conder. Lond., I839. 3 v. I2.... 8I78 Diary of an Ennuyee in. [Jameson.] Philad., I826. I20.. I6722 General Views of. Mariotti. Lond., I84I. 2 V. 12~... 4686 Hist. of., to 1831. Sforzosi. N. Y.,'I839. I20.... II404 to I840. Spalding. N. Y., I842. 3 V. 12~.. II753 to I860. Abbott. N.Y. 120..... 4688 476-I789. Procter. Lond., I844. 8~.. 4812 under Napoleon, I799-18I4. Botta. Lond,, I828. 2 V. 8~.. 4775 Literary [to IIoo]. Barbacovi. Edinb., 1835. 120.. II2 Christianity and Sacred Art in, 900-I350. Hemans. Lond., I869. 8~.. 6309 of Painting in. Lanzi. Lond., 1847. 3 v. 8~... 479 of the Reformation in. McCrie. Edinb., 1827. 80.. 6452 of Republics in. Sismondi. Lond., I832. I60.. 546I Idler in, 1822-27. Lady Blessington. Paris, I839. 8~... 8336 and the Italians [in 1839]. v. Raumer. Lond., 1840. 2 v. 80. 4692 and Italian Literature. Herbert. Lond., 1835. 12.. III Journal of Tour in, 1821. [Bruen.] N. Y., I824. 8~.. 16736 Journals in, I850-51. Senior. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8... 833I Letters on, 179-. Castellan. Lond., I820o. 8... 8053 Letters from, I780. Beckford. Philad., I834. 2 V. 120.. 8217 The same, 1842. Headley. N. Y., 1846. 12~.. 16574 Lives of Literary and Scientific Men of. Shelley. Lond., I835. 2 v. I6..5783 For Contents, see SHELLEY. Notes in, I858. Mrs. Hawthorne. N. Y., I869. y2... 8360 Notes on, r829-30. Peale. Philad., 183I. 80~. 6735 Pictures from, 1844-45. Dickens. N. Y., I873. I6.. 10220 Political State of. Lyman. Bost., 1820. 8~. 1. 5997 Remarks on, 1701-3. Addison. (Works, v. 3.) N. Y., I855. 8~. 3793 Sentimental Letters on, I785. Du Paty. Lond., 1789. 2 V. 12~. I6723 Six Months in, 1847-48. Hillard. Bost., i86o. 12~.. 8341 Sketches of Protestantism in. Baird. Bost., I847. I2~.. 17263 Tour in, I8I7-IS. Simond. Lond., I828. 80... I67I7 in Transition, I86o. Arthur. Lond., I86o. 8~.... 4593 Italy-James. t65 Italy, Travels in, in I6th Century. Ducas. Lond., I822. 2 V. 80. I6733 [I786-87]. Goethe. Lond., I849. 8~.. 445 1803. Chateaubriand. Lond., I828. 80... 6899 I812-I3. Lullin de Chateauvieux. Lond., I8I9. 80. 805I View of Society and Manners in, I77-. J. Moore. (Works, v. 2.) Edinb., I820. 80.. I73I8 Views in, I815-I6. Friedlainder. Lond., 182I. 80.... 8055 under Victor Emmanuel. Arrivabene. Lond., I862. 2 v. 80.. 4777 Visit to, I84I-42. Mrs. Trollope. Lond., I842. 2 v. 8~. 8339 Ancient, Mythology of. Keightley. Lond., I838. 8~.. 4425 Ivanhoe. Scott. Edinb., 187I. 8........ I877 Ives, C. Chips from the Workshop. N. H., I843. I2~... 15001 Ivimey, J. Milton. N. Y., I833. I2....... 6952 J. Jack, Colonel, Life of. De Foe. Edinb., I8Io. 2 v. I6~.. 464 Jack Adams. Chamier. Philad., I839. 2 v. I2~.. I5466 Jack Ashore. Howard. Philad., I840. 2 v. I2.. 2437 Jack Tier. Cooper. N. Y., I848. I2~.. 2832 Jackson, A. Messages. Concord, I837. 120.. 6023 Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual.) N. Y., 1854. 8~.. 6201 Life of. Parton. N. Y., I86I. 3 v. I2~.. 7318 The same, condensed. N. Y., I863. I2~.. 732I Memoirs of. Waldo. Hartfd., I819. I2~.. T6394 Pictorial Life of. Frost. Hartf'd., I847. 80..... 7425 Jackson, D. Alonzo and Melissa. Hartf'd., I853. 16. I. I5656 Jackson, J. R. What to Observe. Lond., I84I. I2~.. 8952 Jackson, T. Curiosities of the Pulpit. N. Y. [I868.] I6.. 9831 Jacksonism, Review of. N. Y., I835. I2~.... 6oi6 Jacob, Lectures on Hist. of. Blunt. Philad., I869. I2~. I7353 Jacob Faithful. Marryatt. N. Y., I835. I2..... I5IIo Jacobinism, Hist of. Barruel. N. Y., I799. 4 v. 8~.... 16201 See, also, FRANCE. Jacqueline of Holland. Grattan. N. Y., I83I. 2 v. 12~.. I5469 Jacquemont, V. Letters from India. 2d ed. Lond., I835. 2 v. i6~. 7911II Jacquerie, The. James. N. Y., I842. 12~...15204 Jahn, J. Biblical Archaeology, ed. Upham. 3d ed. N. Y., i832. 8. IOOI15 Jamaica in I85o. Bigelow. N. Y., 1851. I20.. 8547 Past and Present of. Phillippo. Philad., I843. 8~. ~. 16921 Tour through, 1823. Williams. Lond., I827. 8~0.... I6920 See, also, WEST INDIES. James L, of England. Essayes, in Poesie; Counterblaste to Tobacco. Ed. Arber. Lond., I869 I6~..6.. 3892 Character of. I. Disraeli. (Misc., v. 3.) N. Y., I84I. 120. 3393 Court of. Goodman. Lond., I839. 2 v. 8~.. 5298 Memoirs of. Aikin. Bost., I822. 2 v. 8~... 5300 The same. Jesse. Philad., I840. I20.. 5211 22 i66 Sames. James L, Life of. Harris. Lond., I814. 8~.. 5304 James II., Hist. of part of reign of. Fox. Lond., I846. 8~.. 338 Memoirs of Court of. Jesse. Philad., I840. I2~... 5214 James, G. P. R. The Ancient Regime. N. Y., I84I. 2 v. I2~.. I5213 Attila. N. Y., I837. 2 V. 2 v 2...I52II Blanche of Navarre, a Play. N. Y., I839. I2.... I449 Corse de Leon. Lond., I84I. 3v. 8~... 5224 Dark Scenes of History. N. Y., I85o. I2~.. 4573 Darnley. N. Y., I830. 2 v. 1r2..I52I9 The Desultory Man. N. Y., I836. 2 v. I2~.. 15209 Forest Days. N. Y. 8~.. 2323 Gentleman of the Old School. N. Y., I839. 2 v. I2~. I5215 The Gipsy. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. in I. 12~... 2088 The same..15223 The same. N. Y., I864. 12... 2163 Henry of Guise. N. Y., I839. 2 V. 12~..15205 Hist. of Charlemagne. N. Y., I84I. I2~.....II280 The same. N. Y., I833. I20..I2IIO The same. N. Y., I837. I2~..1.. I2III of Chivalry. N. Y., 1840. I2~0. IIo22 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., 183I. 120.. II947 of Edward the Black Prince. 2d ed. Lond., I839. 2 v. I6~. 5I3I of Richard Cceur-de-Lion. N. Y., I842. 2 V. 2 v. I2~... 5129 The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I854. 2 v. 8~. 365 The Huguenot. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. I2...15217 The Jacquerie. N. Y., I842. 2 v. I2...15202 The same. 2 v. in I......... I5204 The King's Highway. (2 copies.) N. Y., I840. 2 V. I2~. I5198 Life of Henry IV. of France. N. Y., I85o. v. I. I20.. 5537 of John Marston Hall. N. Y., I834. 2 V. I2... 15I51 of Louis XIV. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I85I. 2 v. 8~.. 375 Lives of de Retz, Colbert, de Witt, and de Louvois. Philad., I837. 2 v. I2......... 7613 Margaret Graham. N. Y., I847. 8~.. 2313 Mary of Burgundy. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. I2.. 2086 Memoirs of Great Commanders. Philad., I835. 2 V. 12~.. 6699 Old Oak Chest. N. Y., I85o. 8.. 2309 One in a Thousand. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. in I. 12~.. I522I Richelieu. N. Y., I833. 2v.. I2~..2044 The same. N. Y., I835. 2 v. 12... 2160 The same. N. Y., I86o. 2 v. in I. I2.... 2162 The Robber. N. Y., I838. 2V. i2~... I5207 Rose d'Albert. N. Y. 8.... 2312 Russell. N. Y., 1847. 8~.. 2322 String of Pearls. N. Y., 1833. I2~.....15222 A Whim, and its Consequences. N. Y., I848. 8~... 2324 and others. Lives of Eminent Foreign Statesmen. Lond., I833-38, 5 v. I6........ 5766 CONTENTS.-1, (by E. E. Crowe) Amboise Ximenes; Leo X Cardinal Granvelle, and Maurice of Saxony; Barneveldt; Sully; Duke of Lerma; Duke of 6ssuno; Lorenzo de' Medici. 2, James-Japan. i67 Richelieu; Oxenstiern; Olivarez Mazarin. 3, de Retz; Colbert; John de Witt; Marquis de Louvols. 4, de Haro * Cardinal lubois; Alberoni * Duke of Ripperda. 5, Fleury Zinzendorf; Marquis of Pombal; bount of Florida Blanca; Duke of Choiseul; Necker. James H. Substance and Shadow. 2d ed. Bost., I866. 8~.. 9985 James, J. A. The Anxious Enquirer. N. Y., I834. I2~.. I7293 The Christian Professor. N. Y., I838. I2~.. I7349 Young Man from Home. N. Y. I2~.. 17056 Young Man's Friend. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1852. I2~.. 9I44 James, J. Travels in Sicily, Italy and France. Albany, I820. I20~. I6730 James, M. Elder Sister. N. Y., 1855. 120. I54I9 Ethel. N. Y., I855. 12~. I5429 James, W. Military Occurrences of the late War. (2 copies.) Lond., I8I8. 2 v. 8.......... 5868 Naval Occurrences of the late War. Lond., I8I7. 8~... 5872 Jameson, A. Beauties of Court of Chas. II. Philad., 1834. 8~. ~ 6907 Characteristics of [Shakspeare's] Women. N. Y., 1833. I2~.. I486 The same. Bost., i866. I6.... 487 Diary of an Ennuyde. Philad., 1826. I2~.. 16722 Handbook to Public Galleries. Lond., I842. 2 v. I2~.. 8874 Memoirs and Essays. N. Y., I846. 12~.. 3954 The same...8368 of Female Sovereigns. N. Y., I845-48. 2v. I2~.. IIo37 The same. N. Y., I832. 2 v. I2... 12095 Romance of Biography; or, Women loved by Poets. 3d ed. Lond., 1I837. 2 v. 8~.. 6709 The same. 16311 Sacred and Legendary Art. Bost., i865. 2 v. I6~... 8854 Visits and Sketches at home and abroad, with Tales, and Diary of an Ennuyee. N. Y., I834. 2 v. I2~... 8318 Winter Studies and Summer Rambles in Canada. N. Y., I839. 2 v. I2.......16773 Jamieson, A. Grammar of Rhetoric. N. H., I82I. I2~... I753I Jamieson, R. Eastern Manners and the Gospels. Edinb., I837. I2~. 9841 Jane Bouverie. Sinclair. N. Y., I85I. 12...15471 Jane Eyre. Bronte. N. Y., I872. 12~.. 2549 Jane Lomax. [Horace Smith.] Philad., I838. 2 v. I2~.. I5472 Jane Talbot. C. B. Brown. Bost., I827. 120.. 15300 Janin, J. G. The American in Paris. N. Y., I844. 8~. I6699 Janney, S. M. Life of G. Fox. Philad., 1853. 8~.. 6825 Janus. The Pope and the Council. (2 copies.) Bost., 1870. I6~.. 9514 Japan, Elgin's Mission to, 1857-59. Oliphant. Edinb., I859. 2 v. 8~. 8oo6 Hist., etc., of. Dickson. Edinb., I869. 8~.. 6505 Narrative of Perry's Exped. to, I852-54. Hawks. N. Y., I857. 8.......... 8135 in our day. Ed. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., 1872. I2~.. 0oI77 Our Life in (I866-67). Jephson and Elmhirst. Lond., I869. 8~. 8oII Ten Weeks in (I86o). G. Smith. Lond., I86I. 8~... 8012 Three Years in, I859-62. Alcock. N. Y., I863. 2 v. I2~. 7952 Visit to, I853. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., I855. I2~. ~ ~ 8283 I68 Japan-Jeffreys. Japan, Voyage to, I775-76. Thunberg. (Travels, v. 3, 4.) Lond., I795. 8..... I6263 Old, Tales of. Mitford. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 80.... 2005 Japanesein America, The. Lanman. N. Y., I872. I2~. 7955 Manners and Customs of the. Lond., I84I. 2~.. 7954 The same. N. Y., 184I. 120.. 1607 Japhet in Search of a Father. Marryat. Philad., I835. 2 v. I2~. 2090 [Jardine, D.] Criminal Trials. Bost., I832. V.I. 12~... 8820 Jarves, J. J. The Art-Idea. N. Y., i864. I60.. 886i Art Studies. N. Y., I86I. 8~..9067 Art Thoughts. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869. 12~.. 8888 Hist. of Sandwich Islands. Bost., I843. 8~.. 6506 Why and What am I? Confessions of an Inquirer. Bost., I857. I2......... I5680 Java, Hist. of (to I8iI). Raffles. Lond., I83o. 2. 8... 6496 Illustrations to the same. Lond., I844. 4.. Voyage to, 1816. Hall. Lond., I840. 80..8Io Jay, J., Life of. Flanders. Philad., I855. 8.... 7473 W. Jay. N. Y., I833. 2 V. 8~. ~ 7363 Renwick. N.Y., I84I. I20.... 1I604 Jay, W. Inquiry into Colonization and Anti-Slavery Societies. 3d ed. N. Y., I835. 12....8549 Life of John Jay. N. Y., I833. 2 v. 8....7363 Jeaffreson, J. C. Annals of Oxford. Lond., I871. 2 v. 8~.. 9287 Book about the Clergy. 2d'ed. Lond., I870. 2 v. 8~.. 6456 about Doctors. N. Y., I862. 12... 8988 about Lawyers. 2d ed. Lond., I867. 2 v. 8~.. 9218 Not Dead Yet. N. Y., I864. 8~.. 2332 Jeanne d'Arc. See JOAN of Arc. Jefferson, T. Manual of Parliamentary Practice. Philad., I840. I2~. 8474 Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. I.) N. Y., 1854. 80. 6200 Notes on Virginia. Bost., I829. I2~..5743 Character of, from his Writings. Dwight. Bost., I839. I2~. 7224 Domestic Life of. Randolph. N. Y., I87I. 12~.. 7351 Lecture on. Theodore Parker. Bost., 1870. 12~.... 7409 Life of. Randall. N. Y., I858. 3 v. 8~.. 7440 Rayner. Bost., I834. I2~.. 7223 Tucker. Philad., I837. 2. 2 v. 8... 7345 Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies, ed. Randolph. 2d ed. (2 copies.) Bost., I830. 4 v. 8~.. 9636 Memoirs of. [Carpenter.] N. Y., I809. 2 V. 8~. 7349 Private Life of. Pierson. N. Y., I862. 80.. 7443 Jeffrey, F. Contributions to the Edinb. Review. N. Y., I864. 4 v. in J. 80.. 3463 The same. Lond., I844. v. 2-4. 80.. 3464 Life of. Cockburn. Philad., I852. 2 v. 120.. 70I4 Jeffreys, fudge G., Life of. Campbell. (Ld. Chancellors, v. 3.) Lond., I845. 8~.. 6868 Jeffreys-Jesus. I69 Jeffreys, 7iudge G. Memoirs of. Woolryvch. Lond., I829. 8~.. 6757 Jenkin, C. Madame de Beaupre. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 2423 Jenkins, E. The Coolie. N. Y., I87I. I2~.. 6470 Ginx's Baby. N. Y., I87I. 12~.. 8541 Jenkins, J. S. Life of Calhoun. Auburn. [I850.] 12~.. 7330 of Polk. Auburn. [I850.] I2~.. 733;E of S. Wright. Auburn, 1850. 12~... 7329 Jenkinson, R. B. (Earl of Liverpool), Public Life of. Lond., I827. 80. 6783 Jenner, E., Life of. Baron. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8.. 76o Jenyns, S. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24~.. ~ 541 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240. 26 Works. Dubl., 1790. 2 V. 8~...13252 Jephson, R. Law of Lombardy; Braganza. (Mod. Theatre.) Lond., i' I8II. I2.......... 332 Jephson, R. M., and Elmhirst, E. P. Our Life in Japan. Lond., i869. 80.......... 8oiI Jericho, Going to. Swift. N. Y., i868. I20.. 8240 Jerningham, E. Poems. Lond., I767. I2~.. I4828 Jeronimo; Part I. (Old Plays, v. 3.) Lond., I825. 80. I5IO Jerrold, D. Chronicles of Clovernook. Lond., I846. I6~.. 4251 Hist. of St. Giles and St. James. N. Y., I845. 80.. 2321 Men of Character. N. Y. 12~.. 4254 Mrs. Caudle's Curtain Lectures. N. Y., I867. I6~... 4253 Punch's Complete Letter Writer. Lond., I845. I6~.. 4250 Specimens of Wit of. Bost., I858. I6~.. 4252 Jerrold, W. B. The Disgrace to the Family. Lond., I848. 8~.. 2453 Jersey Prison-Ship, Recollections of the. Dring. Prov., I829. I2~. i612I Jesse, J. H. Court of England under the Stuarts, etc. Lond., I840. 2 v. 8~. 5296 The same (with continuation). Philad., I840. 4 V. I2~. 52II Jesse, W. Life of Brummell. Philad., I844. 8~.. 6826 Jest Book. Lemon. Cambr., I865. I6~.. 4276 Jesuit Juggling. Baxter. N. Y., I835. I20.. 9580 Missions in N. America, Early. Kip. N. Y., I847. I2~.. 6098 Hist. of the. Poynder. Lond., I8i6. 2 v. 8~.. 6423 The same. Steinmetz. Philad., I848. 2 v. 80... 6421 A Night with the. Farrenc. N. Y., I853. I2~. 17258 in N. America, in the 17th century, The. Parkman. Bost., I868. I2~.... 6132 Provincial Letters exposing the. Pascal. N. Y., I828. I2~.. 9586 at Rome, Mornings among the. Seymour. N. Y., I849. 12~. 9582 Travels of the. Lockman. Lond., I762. 2 v. 80....6324 A Year among the English. Steinmetz. N. Y., I846. I2b.. I7274 See, also, LOYOLA; ROMAN CATHOLIC. Jesus Christ, Character of. Bushnell. N. Y., I86I. I6~.... 9804 Life of. Andrews. N. Y., I862. 8~.. 9907 The same. Beecher. N. Y., I871. v. I. 8~.. 6539 The same. Eddy. Springfld., I870. 8~.... 6541 The same. Ellicott. Bost., I862. 120... 6420 170 Jesus-Johnson. Jesus Christ, Life of. Neander. N. Y., I848. 8..6537 The same. Renan. N. Y., i869. I2~.. 9894 The same. Jer. Taylor. Lond., I835. 3 V. I6~. 9504 and Doctrine of. (Ecce Deus.) [Parker.] Bost., I867. I6~. 9905 and Work of. Crosby. N. Y., I87I. 8~.. 6593 The same. (Ecce Homo.) [Seeley.] Bost., I866. 16~. 9902 Modern Representatives of Life of. Uhlhorn. Bost., I868. I6~. 9898 See, also, CHRISTr. Jew, The. A Novel. Spindler. N. Y. 8~.. 2312 Jewett, I. A. Passages in Foreign Travel. Bost., I838. 2 v. I2~.. I6560 Jewett, Mrs. S. W. From Fourteen to Fourscore. N. Y., I871. I2~. I5699 Jewish Church, Hist. of the. Stanley. N. Y., I866-67. 2 v. 8.. 6533 Jeers, Antiquities of the. Josephus. Philad., I84I. 2 v. 8~... 4407 Hist. of the. Ed. by Berk. Bost., I844 12.... 6301 The same. Enlarged ed. Bost., I847. 120.. 6302 The same. Milman. N. Y., I864. 3 v. 8~... 6303 in Spain and Portugal. Finn. Lond., 1841. 12~... 6300 Jewsbury, M. J. Three Histories. Bost., I83I. 12~.. 15604 Joan of Arc. De Quincey. (Miscellanies, v. 3.) Edinb., I858. 8~. 3276 [a Novel.] Serle. Lond., I84I. 3 v. 12~.. I5474 [a Poem.] Southey. Lond., I838. 16~. 633 The Maid of Orleans: a Drama. Schiller. Lond., I847. 8~.. 438 Life of. Parr. Lond., I866. 2 v. in I. 16~. 5536 Memoirs of. [Ireland.] Lond., I824. 2 V. 8~.. 5534 The same. Ed. G. P. R. James. Philad., I839. I2~.. 6701I Trial of. (Celebrated Trials, v. I.) Lond., 1825. 8~.. 9220 Joanna of Naples. A Tale. Park. Bost., 1838. 120.. 2731 Job, Notes on. Barnes. N. Y., I847. 2 V. 122.. 9852 Jobsiad, The. Kortum. Philad., I863. 120.. 870 Jocelin.. Life of St. Patrick. Philad., I823. 12~.... I6339 Jocelyn, Lord. Six Months with the Chinese Expedition. 4th ed. Lond., I841. I60.. 794I John, St., Pupils of. Yonge. Lond. [I868.] 8~.. 6316 See, also, BIBLE. [John, E.] Countess Gisela. Philad., I869. I2~.. 3039 Gold Elsie. Philad., I868. I2~.. 3038 The Old Mam'selle's Secret. Philad., I868. I2~.. 3037 John Brent. Winthrop. Bost., I862. 120.. 2857 John Bull and Brother Jonathan. Paulding. N. Y., 1835. I2~. I5285 John of Gaunt, Adventures of. J. White. Dubl., I790. 2 v. I2~.. I5477 John Godfrey's Fortunes. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., I864. I20... 2936 John Halifax, Gentleman. Mrs. Craik. N. Y., 1872. I20.. 2482 John MarstonHall. G.P.R. James. N.Y., I834. 2 V. I2~.. I5I5I Johnson, A. J. Illustrated Family Atlas. N. Y., I866. 4~. Johnson, C. Hist. of the Pirates. Norwich, I814. 120.. 16323 Johnson, G. W. Memoirs of Selden. Lond., I835. 80.. 7212 Johnson, J. Economy of Health. N. Y., I837. I2~... 9123 Johnson, Richard M. Biography of. N. Y., I833. I2.. I6435 Johnson, R. Introd. to Study of Hist. Lond., I772. I20... I5923 Johnson —4nes. 17I Johnson, S. History of Rasselas. Lond., I838. I6~. ~ ~ ~ 2385 The Idler. Lond., 1823. I6~.. 3127 Irene. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804. 8...... 630 Lives of the Poets. Lond., I831. I6~.. 6598 Lives and Works of Brit. Poets. Dubl., I804. 8 v. 8~... I5095 CONTrENTS.-1 Lives. 2, Cowley, Denham Milton, Butler, Rochester Roscommon, Otway, Waller, Pomfret, C. Sackville, Stepney, J. Philips, Walsh. 3, Dryden, h. Smith, Duke, King, Sprat Montagu. 4, Garth, Rowe Addison, Hughes, Sheffield, Prior, Congreve, Fenton. 5, Granville, Yalden, Tickell, Hammond, Somerville, Savage Swift, Broome, Parnell. 6, Pope. 7, E. Moore, Cawthorne Collins, Dyer, Shenste, Gray, Lyttleton, Gay. 8. Churchill, Falconer, Lloyd, Young, Thomson. Poetical Works. Lond., 1789. 16.. 14829 The same. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~. ~ ~ ~ 543 The Rambler. Lond., I823. 3 V. I2..... 3124 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 24~..,. 25 Sermons. Bost., I820. I60.. 3846 Table-Talk. Lond., I798. 80.. 3759 Works. Dubl., I793. 6 v. 8~.. 3748 CONTENTS.-Essay on his Life and Genius by Murphy; Poems; Philological Tracts; Political and Miscellaneous Essays. 2 Greek Comedy, etc.; Observations on Macbeth; Papers from the Adventurer; Rasselas. 2, En The Rambler. 4' The Idler; Essays; Political Tracts; Journey to Western Islands of Scotland. 5, 6, Lives of English Poets. 6, Lives of Eminent Persons; Letters; Prayers. The same. v. I, 3-6... 3754 The same. Lond., i8I6. V. I, 2, 4-II. 12 ~ ~ ~ 3828 CONTENTS.-l, Life; Poems. 2, Philological Tracts Political Essays. 4-6, The Rambler. 7, The Idler. 8, Miscellaneous Essays; Journey to the Hebrides; etc. i9-11, The Lives of the English Poets. 12. Lives of Eminent Persons; Letters; Prayers. Life of. Boswell, ed. Croker. N. Y., I837. 2 V. 80.. 7209 The same. Hawkins. Dubl., I787. 80... 7122 to his IIth year. By himself. Lond., I8O5. 16~.. 6925 Life and Select Writings of. Ed. Page. N. Y., I844. 2 V. I20. II433 The same. N. Y., I84I. 2. VI2.... I12126 Literary Life of. Drake. Lond., I809. 8~.... 3236 Tour to the Hebrides with. Boswell. Philad., I8Io. 8~.. 8354 Johnsoniana. Ed. Croker. Philad., 1842. I2~.. 3760 The same..6924 Johnston, J. P. Chemistry of Common Life. N. Y., I863. 2 v. I2~. 8948 Johnstone, Mrs. Elizabeth de Bruce. N. Y., I827. 2 v.... 15420 Joinville, J. de. Memoirs of Louis IX. (2 copies.) Lond., I848. 8~. 512 Joly, G. and C. Memoirs. Lond., 1775. 3 v. I2~... 7498 Jomini, H. de. Hist. of Campaign of Waterloo. N. Y., I86o. I2~.. 5572 Jonathan Wild. Fielding (v. 4). Lond., I87I. 8~. I979 Jones, B. Life of Faraday. Philad., I870. 2 v. 8~.. 7156 Jones, G. Sketches of Naval Life. N. H., I829. 2 v. I2~...6272 Jones, James A. Haverhill. N. Y., 183I. 2 v. I2... 15720 Jones, J. Narrative of the Irish Rebellion. Camb. I2~.... 5242 Jones, John. Attempts in Verse. Ed. Southey. Loend., I831. I6~. 305 Jones, John Paul, Life of. Cooper. (Naval Biog.) Philad., I846. I2~. 7276 The same. Mackenzie. N. Y., I846. 2 v. I60... 7536 The same. Sherburne. Wash., I825. 8~... 7360 and Correspondence of. N. Y., I830. 8~. 736I Memoirs of, from his Journals. Loend., I843. 2 V. in I. 12~.. 7535 Jones, L. Memoir of Mrs. Taylor. N. Y., I847. I2~.... 7525 172 Jones-Judson. Jones, P. My Uncle Hobson and I. N. Y., I845. 120... 15751 Jones, Samuel. Treatise on Right of Suffrage. Bost., 1842. I2~.. 8537 [Jones, Stephen.] Hist. of Poland. Dubl., I795. 8~.. I6054 Jones, Sir Wm. Poetical Works, with Life. Lond., I8Io. 2 v. I20. 14830 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 24~.... 29 Memoirs of. Teignmouth. Philad., I805. 8~. 7. 7146 [Jones, Rev. Wm.] Observations in Journey to Paris. Lond., I777. 2 V.... 1860..1I88 Jones, Wm. Hist. of England, under Geo. III. Lond., I825. 3 v. 8~. 4985 Jones, Rev. Wm. Hist. of the Christian Church. Philad., I832. 80. I6466 Jones, Wm. Biogr. Sketches of Reform Ministers. Lond., 1832. 8~. 5330 The same, in 2 V. 5331 Jonson, B. Works. Lond., I7I6. 6 v. 120. 1420 The same, with Memoir by B. Cornwall. Lond., I842. 80. I607 Jortin, J. Life of Erasmus. Lond., I8o8. 3 V. 8~.. 7687 Joseph II., and his Court. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., I867. 80.. 3084 Joseph Andrews. Fielding. (v. 5.) Lond., I87I. 8~.. 1980 Joseph and his Friend. A Story. B. Taylor. N. Y., I870. I2~.. 2939 Joseph Noirel's Revenge. Cherbuliez. N. Y., 1872. I20.. 2392 Jos6phine, Empress. Correspondence with Napoleon. N. Y., i856. I2.......... 5447 Historical Sketch of. N. Y., I867. 8~. Hist. of. Abbott. N. Y. [185I.] 6~... 5450 Memoirs of. Le Normand. Philad., I848. 2 V. I2.~. 5448 The same. Memes. N. Y., I834. 120.. II030 Josephus. Works, transl. by L'Estrange. Philad. and N. Y., I773-75. 4 v. 8.. I5964 transl. by Whiston. N. Y., I824. 6 v. I20.. I5968 The same. Philad., I84I. 2 v. 8~.. 4407 Joshua, Notes on. Bush. N. Y., I844. 120.. 9850 Joshua Marvel. Farjeon. Bost., I87I. 8~.. 2335 Jouffroy, T. S. T. Introd. to Ethics, tr. by Channing. Bost., 1840. 2 v. I2~..1.8586 Philosophical Miscellanies, tr. by Ripley. Bost., I838. 2 V. 12~. 8584 Journalism, British, Hist. of. Andrews. Lond., I859. 2 v. 8~.. 5273 in the U. S., I69o-I872. Hudson. N. Y., I873. 8. 10 IO209 See, also, NEWSPAPERS. Joyce, R. D. Legends of Wars in Ireland. Bost., I870. I6~... 2366 Juan, G., and Ulloa, A. de. Voyage to S. America. Lond., 1772. 2 V. 8~. 17125 Judea capta. Charlotte Elizabeth. N. VY., I845. 12~.. 14916 Judah's Lion. Charlotte Elizabeth. N. Y., I843. 12. 15166 Judd, S. Margaret. Bost., I845. I2~.. 2953 Philo. Bost., I850. I2~....1.. I5002 Judges, Notes on. Bush. N. Y., I844. I20. 985I Judges, Atrocious, Lives of. Campbell, ed. Hildreth. N. Y., 1856. 12~. 6759 See, also, CHIEF JUSTICES. Judicial Establishments, etc. See BENTHAM'S Works. Judiciary, Debates in U. S. Senate on the. Philad., I802. 80... 9353 Judson,Adoniram, Memoir of. Wayland. Bost., 1853. 2 v. 120. 7638 Judson-Kay. 173 Judson, Amos M. The Wanderer and other Poems. Philad., I859. I20. I5003 Judson, Ann H., Memoir of. Knowles. Bost., I820. T2~...642I Judson, E. C. Alderbrook. Bost., I850. 2 v. 12... I5650 Judson, S. B., Memoir of. E. C. Judson. N. Y., I849. 12~... 7524 Jukes, J. B. Excursions in Newfoundland. Lond., I842. 2 V. I20. I6777 Julia de Roubigne. Mackenzie. N. Y., I837. I20.. 1992 Julian: or, Scenes in Judea. Ware. N. Y., 84I. 2 V. I2.. 2864 Julian Home. Farrar. N. Y., I866. I2~. 2428 Junius, Letters of. N. Y., I82I. 2 V. 20... 6635 The same. Bost., I826. 2 V. I20.. 6637 The same. With additional Letters. Philad., 1836. 2 V. 8~. 6854 The same. Ed. by Wade. Lond. (Bohn), I855-68. 2 V. 8~. 464 Posthumous Works. With Sketch of Horne Tooke. N. Y., T829. 8........... 6859 Enquiry regarding the Author of. Coventry. Lond., 1825. 8~. 6857 Essay on. Waterhouse. Bost., I83I. 8~... 6858 Identity of with [Sir P. Francis]. Taylor. N. Y., I8I8. 8~.. 6856 Junkin, G. Political Fallacies. N. Y., I863. 120.. 6IO5 Junot, L. P. Memoirs of Napoleon. N. Y., I86o. 2 v. 8~.. 5543 Juries, Art of Packing. Bentham. (Works, pt. 5.) Edinb., I838. 80. 9704 Juvenal. Satires, transl. by Badham. N. Y., I837. I20... 4539 Juventus Mundi. Gladstone. Lond., I869. 8..... 4235 K. Kalevala, Selections from the. Transl. by Porter. N. Y., I868. I6~. 290 Kaloolah. Mayo. N. Y., I849. I2........ 7984 Kames, Lord. See H. HOME. Kamtschatka, Travels in, I787-88. De Lesseps. Lond., I790. 2 v. 80. I6507 Kane, E. K. Arctic Explorations; the Second Expedition in search of Franklin. (2 copies.) Philad., I857. 2 v. 8~... 8Io7 U. S. Expedition in Search of Franklin. Philad., i856. 8~.. 8Io6 Biogr. of. Elder. Philad., I858. 8~. 7475 Kansas, The Englishman in, 1856. Gladstone. N. Y., I857. I20.. I6855 Life of. Robinson. Bost., I857. I2~.. 6856 Kant, L Critick of Pure Reason. Lond., I838. 80. 8732 The Metaphysic of Ethics. Tr. by Semple. Edinb., I836. 8~. 8733 Metaphysical Works, ed. Richardson. (2 copies.) Lond., I836. 8~. 8730 Last Days of. De Quincey. (Miscellanies, v. 3.) Edinb., I858. 8~. 3276 Life of. Stapfer. Edinb., I836. 16~. 6633 Karr, A. The Alain Family. Lond., I853. 8~.. 2646 Kater, H. and Lardner, D. Treatise on Mechanics. Bost., I83I. 12~. 8825 The same. Lond., I837. 16~.. 6046 Kaulbach, W. Drawings of Female Characters of Goethe. N. Y. fol. Kavanagh, J. Dora. N. Y., I868. 8....... 2685 Women of Christianity. N. Y., I852. I20.... 7568 Kay, J. Social Condition and Education of the English. N. Y., I864. 12'........... 5276 23 174 Rean —Kennedy. Kean, E., Life of. [Procter.] N. Y., I835. 120.. 7927 Hoeary, A. and B. Heroes of Asgard. [2d ed.] Lond., 187I 120.. I700 Keate, G. Sketches from Nature. 3d ed. Lond., I782. 2 V. I2. 15245 Keats, J. Poetical Works, with Life. Bost., I859. I6~... 1056 Life, Letters, etc., of. Milnes. N. Y., I848. I2~.. 7000 Keble, J. The Christian Year. [Ed. Doane.] Philad., I834. I2~.. I177 Miscellaneous Poems. N. Y., I869. i6~.. 1178 Memoir of. Coleridge. Oxf'd., I869. 2 v. 8~.. 7003 Keeler, R. Vagabond Adventures. Bost., i870. I2~.. I6258 Rleese, J. Poets of America. N. Y., I841-42. 2 V. I2.... 684 Keightley, T. The Crusaders. Lond., 834. 2 V. I6~... 4585 Fairy Mythology. Lond., I833. vol. 2.. I6~... I692' The same. Revised ed. Lond., I86o. (2 v. in I.) I6~. I892 Hist. of England. N. Y., I840. 5 v. 12~... 11589 The same....I2267 The same. Ed. J. T. Smith. Bost., 1840. 2 v. 8~.. 5363 The same. Bost., 1840. 2 v. I2~..... 4826 of the Roman Empire. Bost., I841. 8~... 4750 Mythology of Greece and Italy. 2d ed. Lond., I838. 8~.. 4425 Outlines of History. Lond., i830. I6~.. 4856 Tales and Popular Fictions. Lond., I834. I2~.. 698 Keith, A. Land of Israel. N. Y., 1844. 120...I6275 Signs of the Times. N. Y., I832. 2 v. I2... I7340 Kellogg, A. O. Shakspeare's Delineations of Insanity, etc. N. Y., I866. I6.......... 482 Kellogg, E. Labor and other Capital. N. Y., I849. 8~. ~ ~. 8623 Kelly, H. School for Wives. Lond., i8II. I20.. 1335 Kelly, M. Reminiscences. N. Y., I826. 80.. 7995 Kelly,W. K. Hist. of Russia. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1854-55. 2 v. 8~. 420 Syria and the Holy Land. Lond., I844. 8~.. 8070 Kemble, C. Point of Honour. (Brit. Theatre, v. 27.) Lond. 12~.. I345 Eemble-Butler, F1. A. Journal [in the U. S.] Philad., I835. 2 v. in I. 12~. I6834 Journal on a Georgian Plantation. N. Y., I863. I2~.. 8408 Star of Seville. N. Y., I837. 20.... 442 The same... I444 A Year of Consolation. N. Y., I847. 2 v. in I. I20... 16548 Kemble, J. P. Memoirs of. Boaden. Philad., I825. 8~.... 7998 Kempis, Thomas A. See THOMAS. Kendall, B. A. Travels in U. S. N. Y., I809. 3 v. 2~.,.. i6815 Kendall, G. W. Narrative of Texan Santa Fe Exped. N. Y., I844. 2 V. I20....... 6903 Kenilworthl Scott. Edinb., 1870. 8~..... 883 Kenilworth Castle, Pageants at, I575. Laneham. Philad., I822. I2~. 4816 lennaxn G. Tent-Life in Siberia. N. Y., I870. 12.. 8257 Kennedy, G. The Decision; Profession is not Principle; Father Clement. N. Y., I829. I20..1.5410 Dunallan. Bost., I827. 2 V. I20.. I5416 Kennedy, James. Conversations with Byron. (2 copies.) Philad., I833. 2......... 6942 Kennedy-Kingsley. 175 Kennedy, John P. Annals of Quodlibet. Philad., I840. I2~... 4292 Horse Shoe Robinson. Philad., I836. 2 v. I2~.. I5718 Memoirs of Wirt. Philad., 1850. 2 V. 80.. 7420 Rob of the Bowl. Philad., I838. 2 V. 12~.. 15771 Swallow Barn. Philad., I832. 2 V. 12~.. 15788 Kent, J. Commentaries on Amer. Law. 3d ed. N. Y., I836. 4 v. 8~. 9356 The same. 4th ed. N. Y., 1840. 4v. 8~.. 9360 Course of Reading. N. Y., I840. 2~.. 298 The same. Ed. King. N. Y., I853. I2~. 299 lKentucky, Hist. Sketches of. Collins. Cincinn., 1850. 8~... 5891 Kepler, J., Life of. [Bethune.] Lond., I833. 8~.... 6751 The same. Brewster. N. Y., 184I. I2~.... I6o5 Keppel, G. Journey from India. 2d ed. Lond., 1827. 2 v. 8~.. 8035 Keppel, H. Expedition to Borneo. N. Y., I846. I6~.... 8195 Ierr, Orpheus C. (Pseudonym.) See R. H. NEWELL. Kett, H. Flowers of Wit. Hartf'd., I825. I2...... 4284 Xettell, S. Specimens of Amer. Poetry. (2 copies.) Bost., 1829. 3 v. 12~. 678 Key, P. 8. Poems. N. Y., 1857. 12........4938 Khalif Haroon Er-Rashid and Princess Zobeidgh. Lond., I840. I2~. I5479 K3idd J. Adaptation of Nature to Man. Philad., 1836. 80... I6983 kidder, D. P., and Pletcher, J. 0. Brazil and the Brazilians. Philad., 1857. 8........... 8460 KCillegrew, T. The Parson's Wedding. (Old Plays, v. ii.) Lond., 1827. 80. I5I8 Kimnbal EL. B. Cuba and the Cubans. N. Y., 185o. 12~.... I6917 Henry Powers, (Banker.) N. Y., I868. 12~.. I5716 Romance of Student Life Abroad. N. VY., I862. I2~.. 5784 Saint Leger. N. Y., I862. I20... 773 In the Tropics. N. Y., I863. 12....... 6895 Undercurrents. N. Y., I862. 12~.. 15806 [KMimber, L] Life of Cromwell. Lond., 1724. 8~.. 5225 King O. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. Bost., 1872. 80.. 8401 King, J. A. 24 years in the Argentine Republic. N. Y., 1846. I2~.. 5736 King, (Lord) P. Life of Locke. Lond., 1830. 2 v. 8~.. 7126 King, T. Starr. Patriotism, and other Papers. Bost., I864. 12~.. 3594 The White Hills. N. Y., I870. 8~.. 8392 King Win. (born 1663.) Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I8o7. 240. 267 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.... 5097 King, Wm., LL.D. (born I685.) Anecdotes of his Times. Bost., 819. I2........... I6377 Kinglake, A. W. E6then. N. Y., I85. I2.. 8255 The same. N. Y., I846. I2~.. 8369 The same. Auburn, I845. 120. 7974 Invasion of the Crimea. (2 copies.) N. Y., I863-68. 2 V. I2~. 4613 King's Highway, The. James. N. Y., 1840. 2 V. 12~.... 5198 King's Own. Marryat. N. Y., 1837. 120.. 2III Kingsford, Jane. (Pseudonym.) [C. F. Barnard.] The Soprano. Bost. 120... 3012 Ia-gsley, C. Alton Locke. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1850-6I. I20... 2560 176 Kingsley-Knapp. Kingsley, C. Andromeda, and other Poems. Bost., 1858. I6~.. II9I Glaucus. (2 copies.) Bost., I855. I6...... 8836 Hereward. (2 copies.) Bost., 1866. I2~.. 2571 The same. Lond., I867. 80.. 2570 The Hermits. Philad., I868. 8~.. 6315 Hypatia. (2 copies.) Bost., I859-64. I2~.. 2564 The same. Leipzig, I866. 2 v. I6~.. 2373 At Last: Christmas in the W. I. Lond., I87I. 8~.. 8430 New Miscellanies. Bost., I86o. I2~.. 3763 Poems. (2 copies.) Bost., I856. I6..... II89 Sir Walter Raleigh, etc. (2 copies.) Bost., I859. I2~.. 376I Two Years Ago. Bost., I857. 12~.. 2569 Westward Ho! or, Sir Amyas Leigh. (2 copies.) Bost., I857. I2~. 2567 The same. Lond., I87I. 8.. 2566 Yeast. N. Y., I864. I20.. 2563 Kingsley, H. Austin Elliot. Bost., I863. I2...... 2575 Hetty. N. Y., I869. 80.. 2330 The same....23I1 Leighton Court. (2 copies.) Bost., I866. I2~.. 2576 Ravenshoe. (2 copies.) Bost., I862-66. I2~.. 2573 Stretton. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869. 8~.. 2329 Tales of Old Travel. Lond., I869. 80.. 7940 Kingsley, J. L. Hist. Discourse at New Haven. N. H., I838. 8~.. 5896 Life of Stiles. (Sparks, v. I6.) Bost., I845. I6~. 7265 Kingston, W. H. G. Lusitanian Sketches. Lond., I845. 2 v. I2~.. 8452 Kip, W. I. Catacombs of Rome. N. Y., I854. I2~..... 6308 Christmas Holydays in Rome. N. Y., I846. I2~.. 835I Early Jesuit Missions to N. America. N. Y., I847. I2~.. 6098 The same. N. Y., I848. 120.. I7260 Kirby, W. Hist., Habits, etc., of Animals. Philad., I837. 80... I6984 Kirk, E. N. Sermons. N. Y., I84I. I2..I7358 Kirkl J. FP. Hist. of Charles the Bold. (2 copies.) Philad., I864. 2 v. 8~. 5653 Kirke, Edmund. (Pseudonym.) See J. R. GILMORE. Kirkland, C. M. Holidays abroad. N. Y., I849. 2.. I2~... 16566 A New Home. Who'll Follow? N. Y., I839. I2~.. I5752 Patriotic Eloquence. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 9325 Western Clearings. N. Y., I846. I2~. I58I2 Kirklan, S., Life of. Lothrop. (Sparks, v. 25.) Bost., I848. I6~.. 7274 Kitchi-Gami. Kohl. Lond., i86o. 8~.. 842I Kitto, J. The Lost Senses. Lond., I845. 2 2...... 8486 Scripture Lands. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I85o. 8~.... 526 Klopstock, F. G. Odes, transl. by Nind. Lond., 1848. 6~... 291 and M., Memoirs of. 2d ed. Bath, i809. 80.. 7796 Klosterheim. De Quincey. Bost., I855. 80.. 2559 Knapp, G. C. Lectures on Christian Theology. N. Y., 183I. 2 v. 8~. 10076 [Knapp, J. L.] Journal of a Naturalist. Philad., I831. I20... 8830 Knapp, S. L. Advice in Pursuits of Literature. N. Y., I832. I20.. 59 The same. 64 The Bachelors, and other Tales. N. Y., I836. I2~... 15662 Knapp-Knox. I77 Knapp, S. L. Biogr. Sketches. Bost., I82I. 8~..... 747I Female Biography. Philad., I836. 12~. ~.. I6303 Memoir of Webster. Bost., I83I. I20.. 7308 Sketches of Public Characters. N. Y., I830. I2~.... I6443 Tales of the Garden of Kosciusko. N. Y., I834. 12~. 15797 Knickerbocker, The. N. Y., I833-62. 59 v. 8~.... I4457 The same. v. 2-5, 7, 8, IO-25, 27-30, 32, 35, 36, 38-41, 4345, 47-66...... I4640 Knickerbocker, Diedrich. (Pseudonym.) See W. IRVING. Knight, C. W. Caxton: a Biography. Lond., I844. I2~... 6914 Half-Hours with the Best Authors. Lond., I865-67. 2 v. 8~. 3764 The same. N. Y., I848-49. V. 2-4. 8~.. 3766 Half-Hours with Letter-Writers and Autobiographers. Lond., I867. 8........... 3769 Hist. of England. (2 copies.) Lond. 8 V. 8~.. 5049 London. Lond., I84I-44. 6 v. 8.. 5II8 The same. 6 v. in 3. 80.. 5124 Penny Magazine. Lond., I846-47. 2 v. in I. 8~.. 4597 Pictorial Hist. of England. See G. L. CRAIK. A Volume of Varieties. Lond., 1844. 12~.. 2379 [Knight, Henry C.] Letters from the South and West. By A. Singleton. Bost., I824. 8~.. 6779 Poems. 2d ed. Bost., I82I. 2 V. I20..I4939 Knight, Henry G. Eastern Sketches. Lond., 1819. I6~... I4800oo EKnight, R. P. Inquiry into Principles of Taste. Lond., I8o8. 8'.. I7066 Knight, T. Honest Thieves. (Oxberry's Plays, v. 6.) Bost., I822. 240. 1350 Inight, W. Oriental Outlines. Lond., I839. I6~..... 8196 Knighton, Sir W., Memoirs of. Lady Knighton. Philad., I838. 8~. 6836 Knights and their Days. Doran. Lond., I856. 8..... 5I4 of Malta, Achievements of the. Sutherland. Philad., I846. I2~. 46I8 Templars, The. Addison. Lond., I842. 8~. 4617 See, also, CHIVALRY; GARTER. Knorring, A. v. The Peasant and his Landlord. N. Y., I848. 12~.. 2658 Knowledge, Human, Treatise concerning the Principles of. Berkeley. Lond., I837. 8~.. 8759 Science of. Fichte. Philad., 1868. 12~.. 8583 Knowles, James D. Memoir of Mrs. Judson. Bost., I829. I2~.. I642I Memoir of R. Williams. (2 copies.) Bost., 1834. 12~.. 7548 Knowles, James S. Dramatic Works. Lond., I84I-43. 3 V. I2~., 1432 The Love Chase. N. Y., I838. 12.... I44I The Magdalen, and other Tales. N. Y., 1835 120. 2~. 51 5IIO Select Dramatic Works. Balt., I835. 12~... 1364 Select Works. Bost., I833. 2 v. in I. 16... 392 The same. Bost., I836. v. I. 12... 393 The Wife. Philad., I833. 12~.. I3356 Woman's Wit. N. Y., I838. 12~...449 Knowles, John. Life of Fuseli. Lond., I831. 3 v. 8~... 9051 Knox, J. Hist. of Reformation in Scotland. Ed. McGavin. Glasg., 1832. 8........ 6478 I78:Knox-La Curne. Knox, J. Writings. Lond. 12....... 9480 Life of. McCrieO Edinb., I839. 8~.. 7702 Knox, V. Christian Philosophy. Ed. Stebbing. Lond., I835. 16~. 950I Essays. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., I823. 3 v. I2~. 3I43 Liberal Education. 7th ed. Lond., 1785. 2. 2 v. 2~... 9o8 Winter Evenings. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., I823. 3 v. I2~. 3146 Koch, C.W. Hist. of Revolutions in Europe. Hartf'd., I849. 8~.. I5858 The same. Edinb., I828. 3 v. I2~. 4495 Kock, C. P. de. The Modern Cymon. Philad., I833. 2 v. 2~. 15137 K6rner C. T., Life of. By his Father. Lond., I827. 2 V. 8~.. 7797 Kohl, J. G. Ireland. N. Y., 1844. 8~. I670 Kitchi-Gami. Lond., I86o. 80.. 842I Russia and the Russians in 1842. Philad., I843. 8~.. I66I5 Kohlrausch, P. Hist. of Germany. Lond., I844. 8~. ~ ~, 5874 The same. N. Y., I845. 8~. 5875 KHoningsmarke. Paulding. N. Y., I838. 2 v. I2~.. 5283 Koran, The. Transl. by Sale. Lond., I825. 2 V. 8~.... I0032 Kortum, C. A. The Jobsiad, transl. by Brooks. Philad., I863. 12~. 870 Kortz, J. Hist. of Eudoxia. Hudson, i8i6. I2~...6. 8o Kosciusko, Tales of the Garden of. Knapp. N. Y., I834. I20. I15797 Kossuth, L. See HUNGARY. Kotzebue, A. F. P. v. 7 Plays, transl. by Thompson. (German Theatre, v. 2-5.) Lond., I8II.. I2..357 Life of. By himself. Lond., I830. 2 V. I2~.. 6647 Kotzebue, O. v. Voyage of Discovery. Lond., I82I. 8... 8056 Krasinski, V. Hist. of the Reformation in Poland. Lond., 1838-40. 2 v. 8~...6454 Krilof, I. A., and his Fables. Ralston. Lond., I869. 8~.... 2624 Kugler, P. T. Handbook of Painting: Italian Schools. Ed. Eastlake. Lond., I869. 2 v. 8~.. 9058 Kunst P. J. English and German Dictionary. Harrisburg, 1847. I20. 9619 Kuzzilbash, The. [Fraser.] N. Y., I828. 2 V. 12.....1548 Kyd, T. Cornelia, and the Spanish Tragedy. (Old Plays, v. 2, 3.) Lond., I825. 80. 1509 L. L. E. L. See L. E. LANDON. Labaume, E. Narrative of Campaign in Russia. Philad., I8I5. 8~. I6I90 Labor and other Capital. Kellogg. N. Y., I849. 8~.. 8623 Essays on. Lieber. N. Y., I84I. 12.. II748 See, also, WORK. Laboulaye, E. Paris in America. N. Y., I863. 12~. 2649 Labrador, SummerVoyage to, J859. Noble. N. Y., I862. I2~.. 8II2 Lackington, J., Memoirs of. By himself. Lond., I830. I2... 6656 Lackland, Thomas. (Pseudonym.) See G. C. HILL. Laconics. Philad., 1829. 3. 123.. 3370 La Curne de Ste. Palaye, J. B. Memoirs of Chivalry. Lond., I784. 8~. 46I9 Ladd —Lamon. 790 Ladd, J. B. Literary Remains. N. Y., I832. I20.. I5007 Lady Audley's Secret. Braddon. N. Y. 8~.. 2673 Lady of the Manor, The. Sherwood. N. Y., 1837. 4 V. I2~.. 1512I Lady Willoughby's Diary. [Rathbone.] N. Y., I845. I20... 2558 Lafayette, G. de M. de, Journey of, in America, 1824-25. Levasseur. Philad., I829. 2 V. I2... I6831 Memoirs of. Bost., I824. I2.. 7594 The same. Hartf'd., I825. I20.. 7592 The same. Ducoudray-Holstein. N. Y., I824. I2~. 7593 The same. Sarrans. Lond., I832. 2 V. 8~... 7724 Memoirs, Correspondence and MSS. of. N. Y., 1837. 2 v. 8~. 7726 Private Life of. Cloquet. N. Y., I836. 2 V. I2~... 7624 La FPontaine, J. de. Fables, tr. by Wright. Bost., I843. 2 V. I2~.. 985 The same. Bost., I84I. v. i. 8~.. I327 Laing, S. Notes of a Traveller in Europe: Philad., I846. 80... I6622 Residence in Norway. 2d ed. Lond., 1837. 8~. ~ ~. 8301 Tour in Sweden. Lond., I839. 80.. 8302 Lamartine, M. L. A. P. de. Fior d'Aliza. N. Y., I868. 16~.. 2347 Hist. of the Girondists. (2 copies.) N.Y., r848-68. 3 v. I2~. 5557 The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I848-49. 3 v. 8~. 382 Hist. of the Restoration. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I854. 4 V. 8~. 385 Memoirs of celebrated characters. (2 copies.) N. Y., I854-56. 3 v. I20.. 6725 CONTRNT8.-1 Nelson; Heloise; Columbus; Palissy; Roostam; Cicero. 2, Socrates; Jacquard; Joan of Arc; Cromwell; Homer; Gutenberg; Fenelon. 3, Tell; Mme. de Sevigne; Mllton; Antar; Bossuet. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Philad., I835. 2 v. I2~... 8229 Lamb, Lady Caroline. Glenarvon. Philad., i8i6. 2 v. 12~... 1544I Lamb, Charles. Eliana. Bost., I864. 8~.. 3979 Essays of Elia. Philad., I828. 2 v. I2~.. 3528 Last Essays of Elia. (Period. Libr., i.) Philad., I833. 80. 15356 Letters, with Life by Talfourd. Lond., I837. 2 V. 12~... 3970 The same, with Poems. N. Y., 1838. I2~... 3972 Poetical Works. Lond., I836. 16~.. 632 The same. Philad., 1830. 8~.. 947 The same..... 944 Prose Works. Lond., 1836. 3 v. 12~.. 3967 Specimens of Engl. Dramatic Poets. Lond., I8I3 i6. I61402. I4o2 The same. N. Y., I845. 2 pts. in I. I2. I436 Works. N. Y., I87I. 5 v. I2~.. 3974 CONTENTS.-1, 2 Life, Letters, and Final Memorials, by Talfourd. 8, Elia. 4, Rosamond Gray; Essays, Letters, from the Reflector- Mr. H —- Poems. 5, Eliana; Uncollected Essays; Pawn. broker's Daughter; Adventures of UJlysses; Tales; Poems; Letters. Final Memorials of. Talfourd. N. Y., I849. 12~.. 3973 Memoir of. Barry Cornwall. Bost., I866. 6~... 6959 Lamballe, M. T. L. de. Secret Memoirs of the Royal Family. (2 copies.) Philad., I826. 80.. 5694 Lambert, E. R. Hist. of Colony of N. Haven. N. H., I838. I2~.. 5727 Lambeth and the Vatican. Lond., I825. 3 v. 16~. 13184 Lamon, W. H. Life of Lincoln. Bost., I872. 80.. 7406 I80 Lamothe-Langon-Langsdorff. Lamothe-Langon, E. L. de. Evenings with Prince Cambaceres. Lond., I837. 2 v. 8... 56oi Memoirs of Court of Louis XVIII. Lond., 1830. 2 V. 8~.. 5638 La Motte Fouqud, P. de. Aslauga's Knight, transl. by Carlyle. Bost., I84I. I2.... 3Io7 Popular Traditions. (German Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., I826. I20. I896 Thiodolf the Icelander. Philad., i863. 12~.. 3019 Thiodolf the Icelander. And Aslauga's Knight. (2 copies.) N. Y., I845-48. I2~.... 3017 Undine. N. Y., 1857. I20.. 2705 The same, with Sintram. (2 copies.) N. Y., I862. 8.. 3015 The same. N. Y., I845. I20.. 3044 Lampadius, W. A. Life of Mendelssohn. (2 copies.) N. Y., I865. 16~. 7885 Lamping, C. and France, A. de. The French in Algiers. N. Y., 1845. I2~.......... 8369 Lancashire, Popular Traditions of. Roby. Lond., I343. v. 2, 3. I20. 5269 Worthies of. H. Coleridge. Lond., I836. 8~.. 6904 Land we Love, The. Charlotte, N. C., I866-69. v. I-6. 8~... I2934 Lander, R. and J. Journal of Niger Expedition. N. Y., I84I. 2 v. I2~. II039 Lando, O. Novels. (Roscoe's Ital. Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., I836. I2~. I901 Landorn, L. E. (Mrs. Maclean.) The Golden Violet: and other Poems. Philad., 1827. I2. I4832 Poetical Works. Philad., I838. 8~... 943 The Troubadour; Catalogue of Pictures, etc. Philad., I825. 120. I4803 Works. Philad., I838. 2 v. in I. 8. 3784 Life and Remains of. Blanchard. Philad., 184I. 2 v. I2~.. 15239 Landor, E. W. Adventures in North of Europe. Lond., I836. 2 v. I20. I66oo Landor, W. S. Exam. of Shakspeare before Sir T. Lucy, etc. Lond., I834. I6........... I492 Gebir, Count Julian, and other Poems. Lond., I83I. 8~.. 1222 Imaginary Conversations. 2 Series. Lond., I826-29. 5 v. 80. 3442 The same. Ist Series. Lond., I826-28. 3 v. 80...' 3447 Pericles and Aspasia. (2 copies.) Philad., I839. 2 v. 8~.. 3450 Biogr. of. Forster. Bost., I869. 8~.. 7093 Landscape Gardening. Downing. N. Y., I844. 8~.... 9084 Lane, B. I. Mysteries of Tobacco. N. Y., I846. I2~. ~. 9231 Responses on the Use of Tobacco. N. Y., I846. 12~.. 9232 Lane, E. W. Modern Egyptians. Lond., I836-37. 2. 12... 817I The same. 3d ed. Lond., I842. 2 v. 80.. 8063 The same. Lond., I846. 3 v. 120...... 8158 Laneham, R. Letter describing Pageants at Kenilworth. Philad., 1822. 12~...... 4816 Lanfrey, P. Hist. of Napol6on I. Lond., I87I-72. 2 V. 8.. ~ 5586 Langbein, A. P. E. Novels. (German Nov., v. 4.) Lond., I826. I2~. I898 Langdon, Mary. (Pseudonym.) See M. H. PIKE. Langhorne, J. Fables of Flora. N. Y., I804. I2.. I4833 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 240... ~ 24 Langon, L. See LAMOTHE-LANGON. Langsdorff G. v. Voyages. Carlisle, I8I7. 8~.... 6300 Language —La fRochefoucauld. I8i Language. By a Heteroscian. Prov., I836. 12~..... I5oo6 Essay on. Bentham. (Works, pts. I5, i6.) Edinb., I84I. 8~. 9714 Science of. Max Mfuller. N. Y., I862-65. 2 V. 12~... I30 and the Study of Language. Whitney. N. Y., I867. I2~. 134 Theory of. Beattie. (Works, v. 2.) Philad., I809. I20... I2288 English, Dissertations on. Webster. Bost., I789. 8... 230 Elements of. Clark. N. Y., I863. i6~.... 63 Hand-Book of. Latham. N. Y., I852. I20.. 92 Lectures on. Marsh. N. Y., I863. 8~.... I69 Origin and Hist. of. Marsh. N. Y., I862. 80.. I70 past and present. Trench. N. Y., I87I. I2~.. o6 Studies in. Schele de Vere. N. Y., i867. I2~. 99 Synonymes of. Crabb. N. Y., I839. 8~... I73 Selection of. [Whately.] Bost., 1832. 120.... IOI Words of, Dict. of Archaic and Provincial. Halliwell. Lond., I855. 2 v. 8.... 171 Rambles among. Swinton. N. Y., I859. I2~. 95 Select Glossary of. Trench. N. Y., I859. I2~. I03 Study of. Trench. N. Y., I856. I2~. I04 Thesaurus of. Roget. Bost., I856. I2~. 96 and their Uses. White. N. Y., I870. I2~. 97 See, also, ENGLISH; GRAMMAR; PHILOLOGY. Lanman, C. The Japanese in America. N. Y., I872. I20.. 7955 Private Life of Webster. N. Y., I852. I20.. 722I Lanman, J. H. Hist. of Michigan. N. Y., I84I. I2~.... ii6I4 The same. N. Y., I843. I2~. 12276 The same. N. Y., I839. 8~.. 5890 La Noye, P. de. Egypt 3300 years ago. N. Y., 1870. I2~.. I0128 The Sublime in Nature. N. Y., 187I. 12.... IOI17 Lansdowne, Viscount. See GRANVILLE. Lantier, E. F. Travels of Antenor. Lond., I799. 3 v. 8~.. 16513 Lanzi, L. Hist. of Painting in Italy. Lond., I828. 6 v. 8.,. 9085 The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I847. 3 v. 80. 479 Lapland, A Winter in, I836. Dillon. Lond., I840. 80.. 829I La Plata, Travels in, 1819-25. Miers. Lond., I826. 2 v. 8~.. ~ 8463 See, also, ARGENTINE Republic. [La Rame, L. de.] Tricotrin. Philad., I869. 12~.. I56I8 Lardner, D. The Cabinet Cyclopaedia. Lond. I7I v. 16~.. 4855 The Steam Engine. 7th ed. Lond., 1840. 8~....17005 Treatise on Arithmetic. Lond., I836. I6~.. 6048 on Heat. Lond., 1833. I6~.. 6047 on Hydrostatics and Pneumatics. Bost., I832. I20. 8827 The same. Lond., I836. I6~.... 6044 on Mechanics. Lond., I837. 6~..... 6046 Larke, J. K. Grant and his Campaigns. N. Y., I864. 12~. 7399 La Rive, G. de. Reminiscences of Cavour. Lond., I862. 8~... 7788 La Rochefoucauld, F. de. Moral Reflections, Sentences and Maxims. N. Y., I853. I2~........ 4334 24 182 La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt-Law. La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, F. A. F. de. Travels through U. S., etc. Lond., I799. 2 v. 41.. I6033 La Rochejaquelein, Marquise de, Memoirs of. By herself. Edinb., I827. I2~... 4467 La Salle, R. O. de, Life of. Sparks. Bost., I844. I6~... 7260 Las Cases, M. J. E. D. Journal of Napoleon at St. Helena. Lond., 1823. 8 v. 8.......... 16212 Last of the Barons. Bulwer. Philad., I86I. 2 v. I2~.. 2081 Last Chronicle of Barset. Trollope. N. Y., I867. 8.... 2288 Last Days of Pompeii. Bulwer. Lond., I854. I2~.. 2064 Last of the Lairds. Galt. N. Y., I827. 120.. 15235 Last of the Mohicans. Cooper. N. Y., I873. 12~.. 2842 Last of the Plantagenets. N. Y., 1829. 2 V. 12~.. 15485 Lathanm, R. G. Hand-Book of the English Language. N. Y., 1852. I2~. 92 Man and his Migrations. N. Y., I852. I20.. I7IO7 Lathy, T. P. Memoirs of Court of Louis XIV. Lond., I8I9. 3 v. 8~. 5635 Latimer, H. Select Sermons. Ed. A. Young. Cambr., I832. 12~.. 39Io and Letters. Lond., I2~.. 9477 Sermon on the Ploughers. Ed. Arber. Lond., I868. I6~.. 3885 Seven Sermons before Edw. VI. Ed. Arber. Lond., I869. I6~. 3890 Latin Christianity, Hist. of, to 1454. Milman. N. Y., I86o-6I. 8 v. 8~. 6391 Etymology. Peile. 2d ed. Lond., I872. I6~... 93 See, also, ITALY; ROME. Latrobe,. J. The Rambler in Mexico. N. Y., I836. I2~... 69o9 in N. Amer. N. Y., I835. 2 v. I2.. I6804 Laud, W. Autobiography. Oxf'd., I839. i6~.. 667I Life and Times of. Lawson. Lond., I829. 2 v. 80.. 6819 Sketch of. Thorold Rogers. Lond., I870. 8~.. 6732 Laughter, Essay on. Beattie. Lond., I779. 8~... 214 Laurent, Paul M. Hist. of Napoleon. N. Y., I842. 2 v. 80.. 5603 Laurent, Peter E. Classical Tour through Greece, etc. Lond., 1822. 8........... 6641 La Valliere, Duchess de; a Play. Bulwer. N. Y., 1836. 12~. 1443 Lavengro. Borrow. N. Y., 185I. 12.. 2157 Law, J., Memoir of. Thiers. N. Y., I859. I2~...6634 Law, Elements of. Hobbes (v. 4). Lond., I840. 8~.. 9675 of Love and Love as a Law, The. Hopkins. N. Y., I869. 12~. 8607 Principles of, etc. See BENTHAM'S Works. Reform. Brougham. (Speeches, v. 2.) Edinb., I838. 8~.. 9338 Reign of. Duke of Argyll. Lond., I868. I6~..'. 8839 Reporters, Curiosities of the. Heard. Bost., I87I. I6~. ~ 4346 Studies, Popular Introd. to. Warren. Lond., I835. 8~. ~ 9217 Tracts. Lord Bacon. (Works, v. I.) Lond., I838. 8~.. 9738 American, Commentaries on. Kent. N. Y., I840. 4 v. 8~.. 9356 Ancient. Maine. N. Y., I864. 8.'..8687 Criminal, Principles of. Philad., I846. I2..... 8498 English, Commentaries on. Blackstone, ed. Sharswood. N. Y., 1872. 2 v. 8.......... 9395 Common, Dialogue of the. Hobbes. Lond., I840. 8~. 9677 Law-Lee. I83 Law, Natural and Politic, Principles of. Burlamaqui. Philad., I830. 8....... 8635 Roman and Canon. Butler. Lond., I830. 8~.. 7682 See, also, INTERNATIONAL Law; LEGAL; TRIALS. Lawrence, A. Diary and Correspondence. Bost., i856. 8~.. 7644 Lawrence, E. A. Life of J. Hawes. Hartf'd., I87I. 8... 7712 Systematic Beneficence. N. Y. I2~.. 9803 [Lawrence, G. A.] Barren Honour. N. Y. 8~.. 2311 Guy Livingstone. N. Y., I871. I20.. 2462 Maurice Dering. N. Y., I865. 80.. 2331 Lawrence, H. London in the Olden Time. Lond., I827. V. 2. 80. I5495 Lawrence, J. Biography of. N. Brunswick, 18I3. 160.. 7489 Lawrie Todd. Galt. N. Y., I830. 2 V. I2.. I5237 Laws, Spirit of. Montesquieu. Lond., 1766. 2 v. 8~... 477I Lawson, J. P. Hist. of European Conspiracies. Edinb., 1829. 2 V. 12~. 4505 Life of Abp. Laud. Lond., I829. 2 v. 8.... 6819 Lawyers, Book about. Jeaffreson.'Lond., I867. 2 v. 80. 9218 Lay, G. T. The Chinese as they are. Lond., I84I. 8~... 8005 Lay of the Scottish Fiddle. [Paulding.] N. Y., I8I3. 24~.. ~4947 Layard, A. H. Nineveh and its Remains. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1849. 2 v. 80... 8137 The same. N. Y., I849. 2 V. 2... 8014 Laycock, T. Mind and Brain. 2d ed. N. Y., i869. 2 v. 8~.. 858I Lea, H. C. Studies in Church Hist. Philad., I869. I2~... 63I4 Superstition and Force. 2d ed. Philad., 1870. 12~.. 3657 Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal. Whittier. Bost., I849. I6~. 2950 Le Bas, C. W. Life of Cranmer. N. Y., I833. 2 V. 122.. 7518 of Wiclif. (2 copies.) N. Y., I832. I20. ~ 75I6 Lecky, W. E. H. Hist. of European Morals. N. Y., I869. 2 v. 8~. 4709 of Rationalism in Europe. N. Y., i866. 2 v. 8~. 6320 Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland. N. Y., I872. I20. 6743 Ledyard, J., Life of. Sparks. Bost., I847. I6~..7273 Lee, A., Life of. R. H. Lee. Bost., I829. 2 v. 8.. 7453 Lee, Chas., Life of. Sparks. Bost., I846. I6~.. 7267 Life and Memoirs of. N. Y., 1813. I2~.. 7553 Memoirs, Letters, etc., of. [Langworthy.] Dubl., 1792. 8~.. 7450 Lee, Chas. A. Elements of Geology. N. Y. [I846.] I2~... II778 Lee, E. B. Life of Jean Paul. (2 copies.) Bost., 1842. 2 V. I6.. 7799 The same. 3d ed. (2 copies.) Bost., 1864. 8~.. 7803 rLee, Hannah P.] Hist. Sketches of old Painters. Bost., I84I. 12~. 8878 Huguenots in France and America. Cambr., I843. 2 v. 12~. 6353 Life of Cranmer. Bost., I84I. 16~.. 7556 and Times of Luther. Bost., I84I. I6~.. 6347 Three Experiments of Living, etc. Bost., I837. I2.. 15804 The World before you. Philad., I844. I2.. 5819 Lee, Harriet Canterbury Tales. N. Y., I857. 2 v. 2~... I5393 Lee, Henry. Campaign of'8I in the Carolinas. Philad., I824. 80.. 617 Lee, N. Alex. the Great. (Oxberry's Plays.) Bost., I822. 240. I35I Rival Queens. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804. 8~... i. 629 184 Lee-Le Pileur. Lee, R. H., Memoir of. By his Grandson. Philad., I825. 2 V. 80~. 745I Lee, Sarah. Memoirs of Cuvier. N. Y., I833. I2~. 7629 Lee, Sophia. Chapter of Accidents. (Mod. Theater, v. 9.) Lond., I8II. I2.......... I335 Lee, W. Defoe's Life and Writings. Lond., I869. 3 V. 8~... 7083 Leech, H. H. Letters of a Sentimental Idler. N. Y., 1869. 120. i6280 Lefanu, A. Memoirs of Mrs. Sheridan. Lond., 1824. 8~... 708I Lefgbre. Wonders of Architecture. N. Y., 1870. 120.... IOI2I Legal Study, Course of. Hoffman. Balt., 1836. 2 v. 8.... 9354 and Political Hermeneutics. Lieber. Bost., I839. 12~... 862I Legar6, H. S. Writings. Charleston, I845-46. 2 v. 80.... I7192 Legend of Montrose, The. Scott. Edinb., 1870. 8~.. 1870 Legendary, The. Ed. Willis. Bost., 1828. 2 V. I2C... 14877 Legends of Patriarchs and Prophets. Baring-Gould. N. Y., I872. 80. 1914 Legge, A. O. Temporal Power of the Papacy. Lond., 1870. 8~.. 6326 Leggett, W. Political Writings. N. Y., I840. 2 V. I2~... 17194 Legislative Assemblies, Law and Practice of. Cushing. Bost., I866. 8........... 8727 Legrand d'Aussy, P. J. B. Fabliaux, transl. by Way. Lond., i815. 3. I6......... 302 Leigh, P. Mr. Pips, hys Diary. Lond. 2 V. 4~.. Leighton, J. Paris under the Commune. Lond., I87I. 8~.. 5553 Leighton, R. Expositions on the Creed, Lord's Prayer, etc. Lond., I835. I6.......... 9496 Works, with Life by Aikman. (2 copies.) Edinb., 1835-40. 8~. Ioo67 Leighton Court. H. Kingsley. Bost., I866. I2~.. 2576 Leila. Bulwer-Lytton. Philad., 1868. I2~.. 2036 Leipoldt, W. Memoir of Rauschenbusch. Lond., I843. I6~.. 7532 Leisler, J., Administration of. Hoffman. Bost., 1844. I6~.. 7262 Leisure Hours. Bost., I835. 12....14870 Leland, C. G. Hans Breitmann's Ballads. Philad., I869. 12~.. 4293 Sunshine in Thought. N. Y., I862. I2~.. 3565 Leland, H. P. Americans in Rome. N. Y., I863. 120.... I6721 Leland, T. Hist. of Philip of Macedon. Lond., I820. 2 V. 80.. 4428 Lemaistre, J. G. Travels through France, etc. Lond., i8o6. 3 v. 8~. 16543 Lemon, M. The Jest Book. (2 copies.) Cambr., I865. I6~... 4276 Lempriere, J. Universal Biography. Ed. by E. Lord. N. Y., I825. 2 v. 8~......... I6315 Lempriere, W. Tour to Morocco. 2d ed. Lond., I793. 8~.. I653I Lennox, C. R. Shakspeare Illustrated, ed. Noah. Philad., I8O9. v. I. 8~. 159I Le Normand, M. A. Memoirs of Josephine. Philad., 1848. 2 v. 12~. 5448 Lenormant, F., and Chevallier, E. Ancient Hist. of the East. Lond., I869-70. 2 v. 8......... 4057 Lent, Sermons for. Ed. Cattermole. Lond., I835. 160. 6~. 9497 Leo X., Life of. Roscoe. Lond., 1846. 2 v. 8.... 396 Leonora. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 2.) Bost., I824. 80... 15336 Leonowens, A. H. English Governess at the Siamese Court. Bost., I870. 12.......... 80I Le Pileur, A. Wonders of the Human Body. N. Y., I870. I2~. 1. 3I Les-Lewes. 185 Les Mis6rables, transl. by Wilbour. Hugo. N. Y., I863. 8~.. 2636 Lesage, A. R. Bachelor of Salamanca. Philad., I854. 2 V. 120.. I69I Gil Blas. (2 copies.) Lond. and N. Y., i863. 80. I997 The same. N. Y., I824. 3 v. 8~. 1999 Leslie, C. R. Autobiogr. Recollections, ed. Taylor. Bost., 86o0. 80. 7937 Leslie, E. Mr. and Mrs. Woodbridge. Prov., I841. I2. 2~. I4923 Pencil Sketches. Philad., I833-37. 3 v. I2~.. 15758 Leslie Linkfield. Roch., 1I826. 2 V. 12....15730 Lesseps, J. B. B. de. Travels in Kamtschatka. Lond., 1790. 2 V. 80. I6507 Lessing, G. E. Emilia Galotti. (German Theatre, v. 6.) Lond., i8Ii. I2............ I36I Life and Works of. Stahr. Bost., I866. 2 V. I2~... 779I Lester, C. E. Condition and Fate of England. N. Y., I843. 2 V. I20. 4833 Glory and Shame of England. N. Y., I84I-42. 2 v. I2~.. 4830 The Napoleon Dynasty; Hist. of the Bonaparte Family. N. Y., I852. 80........... 5600 and Foster, A. Life of Americus Vespucius. N. H., I852. 80. 7782 Letters, Familiar, on Public Characters. [Sullivan.] Bost., I834. I2C. 7277 Literature in. Holcombe. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 7162 Letter-Writers, Half-Hours with the best. Knight. Lond., I867. 80. 3769 Letter-Writing, Young Man's Book of. Philad., I835. I20... I7026 See, also, CORRESPONDENCE. Le Vaillant, PF. Travels in Interior of Africa. Dubl., I79o. 8~.. I6523 Levana; or, the Doctrine of Education. Richter. Bost., I863. 8~.. 3067 Levant, Tour in the, I8I2-15. Turner. Lond., I820. 3 v. 8~... I6629 Travels in the, I817-I8. Forbin. Lond., I8Ig. 8~... 805I Visit to Monasteries in the, I833. Curzon. N. Y., I849. I2~. 8254 Levasseur, A. Lafayette in America. Philad., I829. 2 v. 12.. 16831 Le Vassor, M. Hist. of Reign of Lewis XIII. Lond., 1700. 8~.. I6I98 Lever, C. J. Charles O'Malley. Dubl., 1841. 2 v. in I. 8~.. 2318 Confessions of Harry Lorrequer. Lond. 8~.. 2660 Maurice Tiernay, the Soldier of Fortune. N. Y., i863. 8~.. 2319 The Nevilles of Garretstown. N. Y., i846. 8~.. 2317 The O'Donoghue. N. Y., I847. 8~.. 2317 Tony Butler. N. Y., I865. 80... 2320 Lever, T. Sermons, ed. Arber. Lond., I870. I6.. 3896 Leviathan. Hobbes. (Works, v. 3.) Lond., I839. 8~.. 9674 Leviticus, Notes on. Bush. N. Y., I843. I2~.. 9849 Lewes, G. H. Biogr. Hist. of Philosophy. Lond., I846. v. 3, 4. I2~. 8489 The same. [2d ed.] N. Y., I859. 8~.. 8723 The same. 4th ed. Lond., I871. 2 v. 8~.. 8724 Physiology of Common Life. N. Y., I86o. 2 v. I2~.. 8950 Sea-Side Studies. Edinb., I858. 80.... 9003 [Lewes, M. J.] (George Eliot.) Adam Bede. (4 copies.) N. Y., I868-7I. I2......... 2529 Felix Holt, the Radical. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 2539 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., i866. 8~... 2676 Middlemarch. (3 copies.) N. Y., I872-73. 2 v. I2~... 2540 Mill on the Floss. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1872. I20.... 2533 i86 Lewes-Life. [Lewes, M. J.] Romola. (2 copies.) N. Y., I872. I20.. 2537 The same. N.Y., I863. 8~.. 2678 Scenes of Clerical Life; Silas Marner. N. Y., 1871. 12~.. 2528 Silas Marner. (2 copies.) N. Y., i86i. 12~.. 2535 The Spanish Gypsy, a Poem. (2 copies.) Bost., I868. I6. 117I Lewis, D. The New Gymnastics. Bost., I862. I2~.. 9228 Weak Lungs. Bost., I864. I2~... 9229 Lewis, Matthew G. Rugantino. (Oxberry's Plays, v. Ii.) Bost., 1822. 24.......... I355 Life, Correspondence, etc., of. Lond., I839. 2 V. 8... 7089 Lewis, Meriwether, and Clarke, W., Hist. of Exped. of. Allen. Philad., I8I4. 2 v. 80... 6867 Travels of. Philad., I8o9. I2....6869 Liberty, On. J. S. Mill. Bost., I863. I6~.. 3714 and Necessity. Hobbes. (Works, v. 4, 5.) Lond., I840-4I. 80. 9675 of the Press. R. Hall. Lond., I846. 8~.. 493 and of Discussion. Bentham. (Works, pt. 7.) Edinb., I838. 8~.. 9706 of Printing. Milton. Lond., I848. 8~. 455 of Rome, etc., Hist of. Eliot. N. Y., I849. 2 v. 8~.. 16028 See, also, TOLERATION. Library of Entertaining Knowledge. Bost., 1830-32. I6 v. 2~.. 8805 CONTENTS.-1, The Menageries; Quadrupeds. 2, Vegetable Substances; Trees, Fruits. 3, Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, v. i. 4, Insect Architecture. 5 The New Zealanders. 6, Insect Transformations. 7, The Menageries; Elephant. 8, Pursuit of knowledge under Difflculties v. 2, 9 Architecture of Birds. 10, Paris and its Historical Scenes, v. 1. 11, Historical Parallels. 12, insect Miscellanies. 13, Pompeii. 14, Paris and its Historical Scenes, v. 2. 15, Vegetable Substances; Food. 16, Criminal Trials. of Useful Knowledge, American. Bost., 1831-32. 5 v. I2~.. 8824 Libyan Desert, Adventures in the, I847. St. John. N. Y., I850. I2~. 16522 License Law, Reports to Mass. Legislature on the. Bost., I867. 8~. 9323 Lichfield, Siege of. Gresley. Lond., I84I. I2~... 15580 Lichtensteins, The. van der Velde. (Tales, v. 2.) Bost., I837. 120. 3030 Liddell, H. G. Hist. of Rome. N. Y., i86o. I2~.. 4725 Lieber, F. Character of the Gentleman. (2 copies.) 3d ed. Philad., I864. I2..,........ 9129 Civil Liberty and Self Government. Philad., I859. 8~... 8686 Essays on Property and Labour. N. Y., I84I. I2.... II748 The same..12277 Great Events by Great Historians. Bost., 1840. I284. 15930 Legal and Political Hermeneutics. Bost., I839. I2~... 8621 Manual of Political Ethics. Bost., I838-39. 2 v. 8... 8683 The same. Lond., I839. v. I. 8~.. 8685 Reminiscences of Niebuhr. Philad., I835. I20.. 7763 The Stranger in America. Philad., I835. ~. 8. 16780 and others. Encyclopaedia Americana. Philad., I830-33. 13 v. 8~. Liefde, J. de. The Romance of Charity. Lond., I867. 8~.. 8542 Life as it is. Leslie, etc. Prov., I84I. 120.. I4923 below: in 7 Poems. N. Y., I868. I6... 8I Christian Thought on. Giles. Bost., I85I. 80.. 3547 here and there. Willis. N. Y., I85o. I20. 1. I533I Life-Literature. I87 Life, Idea of. Coleridge. Philad., 1848. 12~.. 16948 on the Lakes. N. Y., 1836. 2v. 12~... I6853 for a Life, A. Mrs. Craik. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 2493 The Transmission of. Napheys. Philad., 1871. 12~.. 9167 View of. Petrarch. Lond., I79I. 8~.. 3949 in the Wilds. Martineau. Bost., I833. 12~.... 14608 Liffith Lank. Webb. N. Y., I866. 12~.. 4301 Lifting the Veil. N. Y., 1870. 16~.. 2728 Light of Nature pursued. Tucker. Lond., 1807. 8~.... I7082 See, also, OPTICS. Lightfoot, J. B. Revision of the English N. T. 2d ed. N. Y., I873. 80. 10263 Lighthouses and Lightships. Adams. N. Y., 1870. 120... IOI32 and Smeaton. Lond., I844. I20..8799 Lights and Shadows of Domestic Life, etc. Bost., 1850. I6~... I5732 of Irish Life. Hall. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 12~.. 15487 of Scottish Life. Wilson. Philad. 16~.. 2023 Ligne, C. J. de. Letters and Reflections. Philad., 1809. 12... 15843 Lillo, G. Dramatic Works, ed. Davies. 2d ed. Lond., I81o. 2 v. in I. I20.. I363 Lilly, J. Alexander and Campaspe. (Old Plays, v. 2.) Lond., I825. 8........... 1509 Dramatic Works, ed. Fairholt. Lond., I858. 2 v. I6~.. 1390 Euphues; the Anatomy of Wit; Euphues and his England. Ed. Arber. Lond., I868. 16~.. 3888 Lilly, W. Hist. of my Life and Times. Lond., I829. I20.. 6640 Lincoln, A. The President's Words. Bost., I865. I6~.. 7513 Life of. Holland. Springfld., I866. 8~.. 7405 to I861. Lamon. Bost., I872. 80.. 7406 Six Months at the White House with. Carpenter. N. Y., 1866. 80..7542 and Douglas, S. A. Political Debates. Columbus, I86o. 8~. 9388 Lincoln, B., Life of. Bowen. Bost., I847. I6~.. 7272 Lingard, J. Hist. of England. Lond. and Philad., I823-30. 12 v. 8~. 4950 The same. Philad., I827-30. 12 v. in 1I. 8~.. 4962 Linonian Society. See YALE College. Lionel Lincoln. Cooper. Philad., I836. 2 v. 12... 2753 Lionel Wakefield. [Massey.] Philad., I837. 2 v. I2~.. I5490 [Lippincott, S. J.] Records of Five Years. Bost., I867. 8~... 3558 Lippincott's Magazine. Philad., I868-72. 9 v. 8~... I3373 Listener, The. Fry. Philad., I837. 2 v. 120..I. 15172 Lister, T. H. Anne Grey. N. Y., I835. I2.. 1..15II Granby. N. Y., 1826. 2 v. 12....5455 Herbert Lacy. Philad., I828. 2 v. I2~... 5448 Life of Clarendon. Lond., I837-38. 3 v. 8~.. 6846 Literary Character, The. I. Disraeli. Lond., 1839. I6~.. 3187 Gem, The. Bost., I827. I20. 13841 Portfolio. Philad., 1830. v. I. 4.. I14412 and Theological Review. N. Y., I834-38. v. I-5. 8~.. I277I Literature, Amenities of. Disraeli. Lond., I841. 3 v. 8~.. 3412 i88 tLiterature —Locke. Literature, Characteristics of. Tuckerman. Philad., 1849. 12~.. 3571 Curiosities of. Disraeli. N. Y. 8~...... 3408 Essay on Study of. Gibbon. Dubl., 1788. 12~. 89 Flowers of. Galt. Lond., I803. 12..... I5834 Hist. of. F. von Schlegel. Philad., I8I8. 2 V. 8~..~ ~ 47 to the I5th century. Tannehill. Nashville, I827. 80. 15070 Sketches of. Alves. Edinb., I794. 8... 209 Miscellanies of. I. Disraeli. N. Y., i84I. 3 v. 12~.. 339I Pursuits of. [Mathias.] Lond., 1798. 8~..... I5088 Advice in. Knapp. N. Y., I832. I2~.. 59 National, Importance and Means of a. Channing. Edinb., I835. 6........... 937 Universal, Hand-Book of. Botta. Bost., I863. 120. ~.. 37 See, also, BOOKS; POETRY. Also, AMERICAN, ENGLISH, GERMAN, etc. Littell's Living Age. Bost., I844-72. v. I-I4, I6-I03, I05-I07, I09-. I14. 8........... I3924 Little Dinner at Timmins's. Thackeray. (Works, v. 9.) Lond., I872. 80........... 297 Dorrit. Dickens. N. Y., I87I. 6~.. 2266 Gentleman, The. N. H., I831. 12~.... 5733 Henry and his Bearer. Sherwood. (Works, v. 3.) N. Y., I836. I2........... 5115 Men. Alcott. Bost., 871. I6.... 2743 Savage, The. Marryat. N. Y., I849. 8~... 2122 Women. Alcott. Bost., I869. 2 v. I6v... 2737 Liturgy, Apology for Forms of. Jer. Taylor.'Lond., I836. 8~.. Ioo63 Live and Let Live. Sedgwick. N. Y., I837. 12... I53I6 Liverpool, Earl of, Public Life of. Lond., I827. 80.. 6783 Liverpool to St. Louis, From. N. Hall. Lond., 1870. I6~.. 8223 Living Beings, Lectures on Physical Phenomena of. Matteucci. Philad., I848. 12~.. I696I and the Dead, The. [Neale.] N. Y., I827. I20. 15492 Livingston, E., Life of. Hunt. N. Y., I864. 8.... 7457 Livingston, W., Memoir of. Sedgwick. N. Y., I833. 8. ~ ~ 7456 Livingstone, D. Travels in S. Africa. N. Y., I858. 80... 8124 How I found. Stanley. N. Y., I872. 8.... 10239 Livy. Hist. of Rome, transl. by Baker. N. Y., I823. 6 v. 8~.. I5989 The same. N. Y., I84I-63. 5 v. 12~.. 4531 Liza. Turgenieff. N. Y., I872. I2.. I0079 Llorente, J. A. Hist. of the Inquisition of Spain. Lond., I826. 8~. 6425 Lloyd, R. Poems. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8..... I5I02 Lobeira, V. Amadis of Gaul, tr. by Southey. Lond., I872. 3 v. I6~. 2007 [Locke, D. R.] (P. Nasby.) Ekkoes from Kentucky. Bost., I868. I2~. 4290 " Swingin Round the Cirkle." Bost., I867. I2~... 4289 Locke, J., Beauties of. Lond. I6~.. 3526 Conduct of the Understanding. N. Y., I845. 12.. 11. II772 The same. I12285 The same. Chiswick, 1829. 12~.. 8492 Locke-London. I89 Locke, J. Essay concerning Human Understanding. Lond., I753. 2 V. 8~.... 9590 The same. N. Y., I824. 2 V. 80. 8757 Reasonableness of Christianity, etc. Ed. St. John. Lond., I836. I6........... 9507 Two Treatises of Government. Lond., I772. 8~.... I7198 Works. Ioth ed. Lond., I8or. v. 3-8. 8~.. 9592 CONTENTS.-3, Letters - Constitution of Carolina; Vine and Silk Culture; Hist. of Navigation; Catalogue of Voyages. 4, Answers to Remarks on iEssay of Human Understanding. 5, Of lowering of Interest, and raising the Value of Money; of Government. 6 Letters on Toleration. 7, Reasonableness of Christianity. 8, Paraphrase and Notes on Paul's Epistles. Life, Correspondence, etc., of. King. Lond., I830. 2 v. 8~.. 7126 Locke Amsden. Thompson. Bost., I856. I2.... I5734 Lockhart, J. G. Ancient Spanish Ballads. (2 copies.) N. Y., I842. 8~. 913 Hist. of Napoleon. N. Y., I840. 2 V. 122 v. 2~. 1003 The same. N. Y., I830. 2 v. 12..II932 Life of Burns. Edinb., 1828. I2~.. 4485 The same. N. Y., i831. I2~.. 695I Memoirs of Scott. (2 copies.) Bost. and Philad., I837-38. 7 v. I2~.. 696i Passages in Life of Adam Blair. Bost., I822. I20.. I5359 Valerius. Bost., 182I. 2 V. 12... I5625 and others. Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1820. 80...3396 Lockman, J. Entertaining Instructor. Lond., I765. 120.. I5829 Travels of the Jesuits. 2d ed. Lond., 1762. 2 v. 8~0.. 6324 Lockwood, J. D., Memoir of. By his father. N. Y., I845. I2~. 7527 Lodge, E. British Portraits. (Bohn's ed.) Lound., I849-5o. 8 v. 8~. 515 Lodge, T. Wounds of Civil War. Lond., I825. 8. 151. I5 Lodoli, C. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., I836. I2~.. I902 Logan, J. The Scotish Gail. Hartf'd., I846. 8~. 54Io Logan, 0. Before the Footlights and Behind the Scenes. Philad., I870. 8........... I68 Logan. [J. Neal.] Philad., I822. 2 v. I2~.. 5735 Logic. Kant. Lond., 1819. 8~. 8730 Essay on. Bentham. (Works, pt. I5.) Edinb., I84I. 8~. 9714 Lectures on. Hamilton. Bost., I86o. 8~.. 8742 System of. J. S. Mill. N. Y., I864. 8~. 8743 Lombnie, L. de. Beaumarchais and his Times. N. Y., I857. I2.. 7623 Sketches of living characters of France. Philad., I841. I2~. 76I2 London Art-Galleries, Handbook to the. Jameson. Lond., i842. 2 V. I2~.. 8874 Bridge, Chronicles of. [Thomson.] Lond., I839. I6~. 51. 43 Daily News, War Correspondence of, I870-7T. Lound., I87I. 2 V. 8~.. 555I the Great Metropolis. [Grant.] N. Y., I837. 2 v. I2~.. 544 Life in. Egan. Lond., I823. 80.. I67I3 Nights' Entertainments. Ritchie. Philad., I833. 2 v. I2~..5493 in the Olden Time; tales. Lawrence. Lond., I827. 80.. I5495 pictorially illustrated. Knight. Lound., I841-44. 6 v. in 3. 8~. 5II8 25 I9o London-Lorenz. London, Pulpit of. [Grant.] N. Y., 1I839. I20... 9914 The Seven Curses of. Greenwood. Bost., 1869. 12~.. 8617 Sketches of. Grant. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12~... 5146 Society. Lond., 1868-71. v. I3, 14, I6-I9. 8. 17798 Stage, The; a Collection of Tragedies, etc. Lond. [i830.] 4 v. 8~.. r664 The same. v. 4.. 668 Times, Essays from the. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. I2~.... 366 Tower of; a Romance. Ainsworth. Lond. 8~... 2661 Her Majesty's. Dixon. N. Y. and Philad., I869. 2 v. I20... 5148 Hist. of. Bayley. Lond., 1830. 8~.. 5II6 What I saw in. Bartlett. Auburn, 1852. 120.. 16759 Londonderry, Marquis of. See C. W. VANE. Long, G. Civil Wars of Rome. Lond., 1844-46. 3 v. I2~.. 4594 Decline of the Roman Republic. Lond., 1864-72. 4v. 80.. 4732 Grammar Schools. Lond., 1I842. I20.. 9Io7 Standard Library Cyclopaedia. Lond., I848-49. 4 v. 8~. 350 Long Look Ahead, A. Roe. N. Y., I856. 12~....I5737 Longevity, Code of. Sinclair. Lond., I844. 8~... 8987 Longfellow, H. W. Christus, a Mystery. Bost., 1872. 3 v. I2. 7If CONTENTS.-1, Divine Tragedy. 2, Golden Legend. 3, New England Tragedies. Courtship of Miles Standish, etc. (2 copies.) Bost., I859. I6~. 708 The Divine Tragedy. Bost., 1871. I6~... 713 Evangeline. (2 copies.) 6th ed. Bost., 1848. 16~.. 701 Hyperion. N. Y., 1839. 2 V. 2...2905 The same. Bost., I853. 160.. 2723 New England Tragedies. (2 copies.) Bost., I868. I6~.. 7II Outre-Mer. N. Y., I835. 2 v. I2~.. 2901 The same.'(2 copies.) Bost., 1850. I6~.. 2903 Poems. Bost., 1856. 2 v. 16~.. 703 The same. v. 2. Bost., 1852. I6~.. 705 The same. Bost., I857. 2 v. I6~.. 588 Poets and Poetry of Europe. (2 copies.) Philad., I845-47. 80. 217 Song of Hiawatha. (2 copies.) Bost., 1856. I6~.. 706 Tales of a Wayside Inn. Bost., I863. 12~.. 7Io Three Books of Song. Bost., 1872. 6~... 714 Voices of the Night. (2 copies.) Cambr., I839-40. 16~.. 699 Longman, W. Life of Edward III. Lond., I869. 2 v. 8~.. 5286 [Longstreet, A. B.] Georgia Scenes. 2d ed. N. Y., I843. 12.. I570I Looker-On, The. Ed. Roberts. Philad., 1796. 4 v. in 2. I2~... 13033 Lord, J. Modern History. Philad., 1862. 120. 4565 The Old Roman World. N. Y., 1867. 80.. 4752 Lord, P. B. Algiers and Barbary. Lond., I835. 2 v. 12~.. 7976 Lord Chancellors and Keepers of England, Lives of. Campbell. Lond. and Philad., i845-48. v. I-7. 80.. 6866 Lord Nial, etc. N. Y., I834. 2........ 15009 LordRoldan. Cunningham. N. Y., I836. I2~... I15496 Lorenz, F. Life of Alcuin. Lond., 1837. 16~.. 7507 Lorgnette-Lowell. I9I Lorgnette, The. [D. G. Mitchell.] N. Y., 1854. 2 V. I2~.. 3603 Loring, F. W. The Boston Dip, and other Verses. Bost., i87I. I6~. 807 Lorrequer, Harry. (Pseudonym.) See C. LEVER. Lossing, B. J. Outline Hist. of the Fine Arts. N. Y., 1840. I2~.. II427 Pictorial Field-Book of the Revolution. (2 copies.) N. Y., I855-59. 2v. 8......... 629I Hist. of the Civil War. Philad., i866-68. 3 v. 8~.. 6269 Lothair. Disraeli. N. Y., 870. I2....... 2I3 Lothrop, S. K. Life of Kirkland. Bost., I848. I6~... 7274 Lotus-Eating. Curtis. N. Y., I856. 12~.. 3585 Loudon, J. W. Gardening for Ladies. N. Y., I843. I2~... 6979 Louis IX., of France, Memoirs of. De Joinville. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I848. 8........... 512 Louis XIII., Hist. of Reign of. Levasseur. Lond., I700. 8~...I698 Louis XIV., Age of. Voltaire. Lond., I779-8I. 3 v. 8~... 5540 and his Court. Pardoe. N. Y., I847-48. 2 v. I2~. ~. 5428 Life and Times of. G. P. R. James. Lond., I85I. 2 v. 8~.. 375 Memoirs of Court of. Anquetil. Edinb., I79I. 2 v. 8~.. I6I99 The same. [Lathy.] Lond., I8I9. 3 v. 8~.. 5635 Louis XVI. Correspondence, ed. H. M. Williams. Lond., I803. 3 v. 8~. 5624 Memoirs of Reign of. Soulavie. Lond., I802. 6 v. 8~.. I6I92 Memoirs of last year of reign of. Bertrand de Moleville. Lond., I797. 3 v. 8~..I6I83 Louis XVIIm., Memoirs of Court of. De Lamothe-Langon. Lond., I830. 2 v. 8.......... 5638 Louis Philippe, France under, I830-40. Blanc. Philad., I848. 2 v. 8~. 5575 Last Days of Reign of (I840-48). Guizot. Lond., I867. 80.....,. 5583 Life and Times of. Wright. Lond. 8~.. 5584 Louisa of Prussia and her Times. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., I867. 8~. 3085 Louisiana, Colonial Hist. and Romance of. Gayarrd. N. Y., I85I. 8~. 5992 Lounger, The. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., I823. 2 v. I2~... 3138 L'Ouverture, T., Biography and Autobiography of. Bost., 1863. I2~. 7698 Louvois, P. M. le T. de, Life of. James. Philad., I837. I2~.. ~ 7614 Lovat, Lord (S. Fraser), Life of. Burton. Lond., I847. 8~... 6762 Love, Anecdotes of. Lola Montez. N. Y. [I858.] I2~.... I5824 Love me little, love me long. Reade. N. Y., I859. I20.... 2I02 Lovejoy, E. P., Memoir of. By his Brothers. N. Y., I838. I2~.. 8546 Lovejoy, J. C. Memoir of Torrey. Bost., I847. I2~.... 8566 Lovel the Widower. Thackeray. Lond., I872. 80. 2199 Lover, S. Handy Andy. Lond. 8~.. 2659 The same. N. Y. 8~.. 23Io Songs and Ballads. 3d ed. N. Y., 1847. I20.. 233 Love's Progress. Gilman. N. Y., I840. I2~..15738 Lovibond, E. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 24~. 31 Lovzinski, Baron de., Hist of. By himself. Hartf'd., I8oo. 24~. 7533 Low, S. Poems. N. Y., 8oo. 2 v. in I. I2... I5008 Lowell, J. R. Biglow Papers. Camb., 1848-67. 2?v. I6~... 729 Among my Books. (2 copies.) Bost., I870. 12~.... 3616 I92 Lowell-Lyly. Lowell, J. R. The Cathedral. (2 copies.) Bost., I870. I2~... 732 Conversations on Old Poets. Cambr., 1845. I6~... 53 Fable for Critics. (2 copies.) N. Y., I848. 2~... 727 Fireside Travels. (2 copies.) Bost., I864. 8~... 3614 My Study Windows. Bost., I87I. 8~.. 3618 Poems. 2d ed. Camb., I844. 6~..... 722 The same. [Revised ed.] 2copies. Bost., I849. 2 V. i6~. 723 Under the Willows, and other Poems. Bost., I869. I2~. ~ 73I Lowell, R. New Priest in Conception Bay. Bost., I864. 2 v. in I. 8~. 2914 Lowell Offering, Selection from the. Lond., 1845. I2~.... 2727 Lowth, R. Life of William Wykeham. Lond., 1758. 8.. i6340 Loyola, I., and the Early Jesuits. Rose. Lond., I870. 8~.. 767I and Jesuitism. I. Taylor. N. Y., 185I. I2~.. 7670 See, also, JESUITS. Loyson, C. (Pore Hyacinthe.) Discourses. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 9983 The Family and the Church. N. Y., I870. I2~.. 9984 Lubbock, J. W. Origin of Civilization, etc. N. Y., I870. I2~.. 4073 Pre-Historic Times. N. Y., I872. 80.. 899I and Bethune, J. E. D. On Probability. Lond. [I835.] 80.. I6468 Lucan. Pharsalia, tr. by Rowe. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 2 v. 24~. 27I [Luchet, J. P. L., etc.] Gallery of Portraits of the Nat. Assembly. Dubl., I790. 2 v. in I. 12~.. 5508 Luck of Barry Lyndon. Thackeray. Lond., 1872. 8~.. 2192 of Roaring Camp. Bret Harte. Bost., I87I. 8~.. 2915 Lucretia. Bulwer. Lond., I853. 8..... 2144 Ludlow, F. I. The Heart of the Continent. N. Y., I870. 8~... 8418 Libke, W., etc. Monuments of Art. N. Y. 8~. and 2 v. of plates. 4~. Luke, St. See BIBLE. Lullin de Chateauvieux, J. F. Travels in Italy. Lond., I8I9. 8~. 8051 Lungs, Weak, and how to make them strong. Lewis. Bost., I864. I2~. 9229 Lusitanian Sketches, I843. Kingston. Lond., I845. 2 v. I2~. ~ 8452 Luther, M. Select Treatises, in German. Ed. Sears. Andover, I846. I2........... 96II Table Talk. Ed. Hazlitt. (2 copies.) Lond., 1848. 80.. 343 and the Lutheran Reformation. Scott. N. Y., 1833. 2 v. I2~. 6349 and his Times. Riddle. Lond., I837. 160.. 6346 Life of. Bower. Philad., I824. 80.. 6429 The same, by himself. Michelet. Lond., I846. 8~. 342 The same. Meurer. N. Y., I848. 8... 6511 The same. Sears. Philad. [I85o.] 8~.. 6571 The same. Tischer. Hudson, I8I8. 2~.. 6348 Life and Times of. [Lee.] Bost., I84I. I6~.. 6347 Lutheran Pulpit, Annals of the American. Sprague. N. Y., I869. 80. 7738 Lyell, C. Antiquity of Man. (2 copies.) Philad., I863. 8~... 8989 Principles of Geology. From 5th ed. Philad., 1837. 2 v. 8~. 9009 Second Visit to the U. S. N. Y., I85O. 2 V. 12... 8411I Travels in N. A. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. in I. I2~.... 84IO Lying, Illustrations of. Opie. Bost., I827. I2..... 14447 Lyly. See LILLY. Lyman-McCullagh. 193 [Lyman, S. P.] Life and Memorials of Webster. N. Y., 1853. 2 v. I6~. 7539 Lyman, T. Diplomacy of the U. S. Bost., I826. 80.. 6i6o The same. 2d ed. Bost., i828. 2 v. 8~.. 6I6I Polit. State of Italy. Bost., I820. 80. 15997 Lynch, A. C. See Mrs. BOTTA. Lyndon. (Pseudonym.) See Miss BRIGHT. Lyon, G. F. Journal in Mexico. Lond., 1828. 2 V. in I. 8~.. I69IO on Parry's Voyage. Bost., 1824. 12~...6592 Lyon, M., Life of. N. Y. [1858.] 12~.. 16418 The same. Hitchcock. Northampton, I85I. 12~.. I6417 Lyttelton, G. (Lord). Dialogues of the Dead. 5th ed. Lond., I768. 8~. I524I Hist. of Henry II. Lond., I769-73. 6 v. 8~.. 6Iog Letters. 8th ed. Lond., I793. 2 v. I6~... I5847 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 240. ~ ~ ~ 535 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. I5IOI Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240. 25 Lyttelton, Lord T. Letters. Philad., I82I. 240. 15849 M. Mabinogion. Bulfinch. (Age of Chivalry.) Bost., I86I. I2~... I9IO Macaulay, C. Hist. of England. Lond., I769-72. 5 v. 8~.. ~ I6095 Macaulay, T. B. Biographical and Historical Sketches. (2 copies.) N.Y., I857. I2. 3243 Essays, critical and miscellaneous. (2 copies.) N. Y., I86768. 80.. 3468 The same. Philad. and N. Y., I84I-60. 5 v. I2~.. 3238 The same. v. 2-4. 3245 The same. v. 2, 3. 3248 The same. N. Y.. I87I. 6 v. I20..... 3252 Essays and Poems. (2 copies.) N. Y., I86o. 12~... 3250 Hist. of England. (3 copies.) N. Y., I849-71. 5 v. 8~ and 12~. 5025 Speeches. N. Y., I853. 2 V. 12~.. 9345 and others. New Biographies. (From Encycl. Brit.) Bost., I857. 2........ 67I5 McCarthy, D. The Siege of Florence. Philad., I84I. 2 v. I20.. I5575 McCarty, W. Songs, etc., on National Subjects. Philad., I842. 3 v. I2~. 592 McClellan, G. B., Life and Campaigns of. Hillard. Philad., 1864. 120. 7281 MacCoil, M. Ober-Ammergau Passion Play. 4th ed. Lond., I87I. I60........ I453 McCosh, J. Christianity and Positivism. N. Y., I87I. I20.. 9999 M'Crie, T. Hist. of the Reformation in Italy. Edinb., I827. 80.. 6452 in Spain. Edinb., I829. 8~.. 6453 Life of Knox. N. Y., I8I3. 80.. 7701 The same. 6th ed. Edinb., I839. 8~.. 7702 McCullagh, W. T. Use and Study of History. (2 copies.) Dubl., I842. 80........... 4090 194 MuCulloch-Mackenzie. McCulloch, J. R. Statistical Account of Brit. Empire. Lond., I837. 2 V. 8~.. 4989 Universal Gazetteer, ed. Haskel. N. Y., 1847-48. 2 v. 8~.. 8143 MacDonald, G. Adela Cathcart. Bost. 12~.. 2584 Alec Forbes. Lond. 8......... 2582 Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 2578 David Elginbrod. Bost. I2~.. 2583 Robert Falconer. Bost. I2~.. 2581 Seaboard Parish. Lond., I869. 8~.. 2579 Vicar's Daughter. Bost., I872. I2~..2. 2580 Wilfrid Cumbermede. N. Y., I872. I2~..2. 2585 Within and Without. [A Poem.] N. Y., I872. I6~... 96 MacFarlane, C. Camp of Refuge. Lond., 1844. 2 v. I2~... 2380 The Dutch in the Medway. Lond., I845. I2~.. 2382 Legend of Reading Abbey. Lond., I845. I2~.... 2383 Lives of Banditti and Robbers. Philad., I833. 12~.. 6704 The same. Philad., I839. 2 v. 2~.... 6705 Romance of Eastern Travel. Lond., I846. v. I. I2~.. 8I5o Macfie, M. Vancouver Island and Brit. Columbia. Lond., I865. 8~. 8395 McGee, T. D. Poems. N. Y., I869. 8..821 MacGeoghegan, J. Hist. of Ireland. N. Y. 8~... 54II McGilchrist, J. Richard Cobden. N. Y., I865. I6~.. 6688 Macgillivray, W. Travels of Humboldt. Lond., I852. 8~.. ~ 8439 The same. N. Y., I840. 120... II274 The same. N. Y., 1833. 12...I2I09 Macgregor, J. A Thousand Miles in the Rob Roy Canoe. Bost., I87I. I6........... 822I McGuire, E. C. Religious Opinions of Washington. (2 copies.) N. Y., I836. 12~.. I6389 McHarg, C. K. Life of Talleyrand. N. Y., I857. I2~. ~. 7626 McHenry, J. Pleasures of Friendship and other Poems. Philad., I836. 12........... 14834 Machiavelli, N. Hist. of Florence; the Prince; etc. (2 copies.) Lond., I847. 8~. 389 Story of Belphagor. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., I836. 80. 900oo Machin, L. The Dumb Knight. (Old Plays, v. 4.) Lond., I825. 80. I5II Mackay, C. Collected Songs. Lond., I859. 6~..I0. 2 Memoirs of Popular Delusions. Lond., I869. 8~... 8525 Voices from the Mountains, etc. [Poems.] Bost., I853. 16~.. 830 McKeevor, T. Voyage to Hudson's Bay. Lond., 1819. 80... 8052 McKenney, T. L. Memoirs; with Travels among the Indians. N. Y., 1846. 2 V. in I. 80. 5950 Tour to the Lakes. Balt., I827. 80... I6823 Mackenzie, A. S. The American in England. N. Y., I835. 2 V. I20. i6757 Life of Decatur. (Sparks, v. 2I.) Bost., I846. I6~... 7270 Life of Paul Jones. N. Y., I846. 2 v. I6~.. 7536 Life of Perry. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. I2~... i6oi Spain Revisited. N. Y., I836. 2 v. 12~... I6678 A Year in Spain. 3d ed. N. Y., 1836. 3 v. 12.... I6675 Mackenzie-Madden. 195 Mackenzie, C. Notes on Haiti. Lond., 1830. 2 V 20.. I69I3 Mackenzie, H. Man-of the World. Philad., I799. I2~.. 15500 Miscellaneous Works. N. Y., I837. 12~. 1. 992 Works. Glasg., I8S8. 3 v. 12~.. 13992 CONTENTS.-1, Man of Feeling, etc. 2, Man of the World. 3, Julia de Roubigne. Mackenzie, R. S. Life of Dickens. Philad., I870. I2~... 70r9 Mackenzie, W. L. Lives of Butler and Hoyt, etc. Bost., I845. 8~. 7433 Mackie, J. M. From Cape Cod to Dixie. N. Y., 1864. I2~. 8409 Life of Gorton. (Sparks, v. I5.) Bost., I845. i6'... 7264 of Tai-Ping-Wang. N. Y., I857. 12.... 6477 Mackintosh, Sir J. Dissertation on Progress of Ethical Philosophy. 2d ed. Philad., I834. 8~.. 8721 The same. Ed. by Wetherell. Edinb., I837. 8~... 8722 Hist. of the Revolution in I688. (2 copies.) Philad., I835. 8~. 5013 Life of Sir T. More. Lond., I83I. I6~.. 5759 Miscellaneous Works. Philad., I847. 80..... 3470 The same. Lond., I846. 3 v. 8~... 9658 Vindiciae Gallicae. Defence of the French Revolution. 4th ed. Lond., I792. 8~.. 5565 Memoirs of. R. J. Mackintosh. 2d ed. Lond., I836. 2 v. 8~. 6834 and others. Hist. of England. Lond., r830-40. I0 v. I6~.. 4882 The same. v. r-9.... 5i62 Maclaren, A. A System of Physical Education. Oxf'd., 1869. I6~. 9II8 Maclear, G. F. Apostles of Mediaeval Europe. Lond., I869. 80.. 6317 McLellan, H. Journal in Scotland, etc. Bost., I834. I20.. i6743 McLellan, J. Mount Auburn, and other Poems. Bost., I843. I2~. ~ 14941 Macleod, N. Eastward. (2 copies.) Lond., I866. 8~.... 8073 Macmichael, W. F. Oxford and Cambridge Boat Races. Cambr., I870. 6........... 9II6 Macmillan's Magazine. Lond., I859-72. v. I-8, I6-26. 8.. 12155 McMurtrie, H. Scientific Lexicon. Philad., I847. 12~. ~ ~ I6936 Macnally, L. Fashionable Levities. (Mod. Theatre, v. io.) Lond., i81i. I2.......... 336 Macneil, H. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 240... 33 Macnish, R. Anatomy of Drunkenness. N. Y., 1I835. I2~... 9324 Philosophy of Sleep. (2 copies.) N. Y., I834. I20... 7076 Philosophy of Sleep; Anatomy of Drunkenness. Hartford, 1842. 8......... 3472 Tales, Essays, and Sketches. With Life, by Moir. 2d ed. Lond., 1844. 2 v. I6~.. 2367 Macready, W. The Bank Note. (Mod. Theatre, v. 9.) Lond., i8II. I2~. I335 Madagascar and its People. Sibree. Lond. [I870.] 80.. 7983 Hist. of. Ellis. Lond. [I838.] 2 v. 8~.. 6494 Madame de Beaupre. Jenkin. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 2423 Madame Therese. Erckmann-Chatrain. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 236I Madden, R. R. Infirmities of Genius. Philad., I833. 2 v. 12~.. 3181 Life of Countess of Blessington. N. Y., I856. 2 v. 120.. 7076 The Mussulman. Philad., I830. 2 v. I2..... 15517 Travels in Turkey, Egypt, etc. Lond., I829. 2 v in I. 8~.. 8067 I96 Madden-Malibran. Madden, R. R. Twelvemonth in the W. I. Lond., I835. v. I. I2~. I6916 The United Irishmen. [Ist Series.] Philad., 1842. 2 V. I2~. 5247 The same. 3d Series. Dubl., 1846. 3 v. I2~.. 5249 Madeline. Opie. Bost., I827. 12....... 4438 Madge. Goodwin. N. Y., I863. I2~.. 2988 Madison, J. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. I.) N. Y., I854. 8........... 6200 Papers. (2 copies.) Wash., I840. 3 v. 8~.. 6163 CONTENTS.-1 Debates in 1776; Debates in Congress, 1782-83; Letters, 1780-83. 2, Debates in Congress, 1787; Letters, 1787-88. 2, 3, Debates in Federal Convention, 1787. Life and Times of. Rives. Bost., I859-68. 3 V. 8~.. 7447 Madrid in I835. N. Y., I836. 2 v. in I. 8~.. I666I Magalotti, L. Sigismond and Claudia. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., I836. 12........... I902 Magellan, Voyage to Strait of. Lond., I8I9. 8~.. 8052 Magic, Narratives of. Wright. N. Y., I852. I2.... 8614 Philosophy of. Salverte. N. Y., I847. 2 V. I2.... 8520 System of. De Foe. Oxf'd., I840. I6~.. 3877 Natural, Letters on. Brewster. N. Y. [I840.] I2~... 11270 See, also, APPARITIONS; DEMONOLOGY; NECROMANCERS. Magie, D. Spring-Time of Life. N. Y., I853. I2~. 17053 Maginn W. Shakespeare Papers. Ed. Mackenzie. N. Y., I856. I2~. I484 Maglathlin, H. B. The National Speaker. Bost., I851. 12~.. 9304 Magnetical Experiments, Report on. Husson. Bost., I836. I20.. 8526 Magnetism, or the Doctrine of Equilibrium. Bagg. Detroit, I845. I2~. 8527 See, also, MESMERISM. Magoon, E. L. Living Orators in America. N. Y., I849. I2~.. 7412 Orators of the Revolution. N. Y., 1848. 12~.. 74II Mahomed, H. The Bath. Lond., I843. I2~.. 9230 Mahomet. See MOHAMMED. Mahon, Lord. See P. H. STANHOPE. Mahoney, S. I. Six Years in Monasteries of Italy. Bost., I845. I2~. 9583 Maine, H. S. Ancient Law. N. Y., I864. 8...... 8687 Village Communities in East and West. Lond., I87I. 8~.. 4I02 Maine Woods. Thoreau. Bost., I864. 80...10226 Mainstone's Housekeeper. Meteyard. Bost., I864. I2~. 15497 Maintenon, P. d'Aubigne, Mine. de, Memoirs of. Philad., I839. I2~. 6702 Maistre, X. de. Journey round My Room. N. Y., I87I. I6~.. 3198 Maitland, C. Church in the Catacombs. Lond., I846. 8~.. 6451 Maitland, F. L. Narrative of Surrender, etc., of Bonaparte. Bost., 1826. I2........... 16221 Malacology. Swainson. Lond., I840. I6~...... 6062 Malay Archipelago, The. Wallace. N. Y., I869. 8~.... 8032 Voyages in, I832-34. Earl. Lond., I836. 8~.. 8031 Malcolm, J. Sketches of Persia. Lond., 1828. 2 v. 8~.... 823I Malcom, H. Travels in S. E. Asia. Bost., I839. 2 v. I2~.. I65II Malespini, C. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., I836. I2~.. I901I Malibran, M. F., Memoirs and Letters of. De Merlin. Philad., I840. 2 V. 12~........ 7923 lMalkin-Mankind.'97 [Mallkin, F.] Hist. of Greece. Lond., I829. 80.... I622 [Malkin, J. H., etc.] Historical Parallels. Lond., I846. 3 v. 12~.. 4555 The same. v. I. Bost., 83I. I2..... 8815 Mallet, D. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 240... 538 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240.... 20 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8~.. I51OI Mallet, P. H. Northern Antiquities. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I859. 8'. 507 Mallet du Pan, J. Hist. of Destruction of the Helvetic Union. Bost., I799. 12~...... 6162 Malmesbury, Earl of. (J. Harris.) Letters. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8~. 6830 Malmesbury, William of. Chronicle. (2 copies.) Lond., I847. 8~. 508 Malone, E. Life of Dryden. Lond., I8oo. 8...... 3772 Malory, T. Morte d'Arthur. Lond., I868. 120. I9I2. 1912 Malta, Achievements of Knights of. Sutherland. Philad., I846. 12~. 4618 Hist. of. Martin. (Colonial Libr., v. 7.) Lond., 1837. 16~.. 7902 Malthus, T. R; Essay on Population. Wash., I8o9. 2 v. 8~... 8657 The same. 6th ed. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8.... 8659 Principles of Polit. Economy. Bost., I82I. 8~.... 8634 Mammalia, Orders and Habits of. Figuier. Lond., I870. 8~... 8996 Man, Adaptation of Nature to moral and intellectual constitution of. Chalmers. Philad., I836. 8~... I6982 to Physical Condition of. Kidd. Philad., I836. 8...... 16983 Antiquity of. Lyell. Philad., I863. 8~.. 8989 with the Broken Ear, The. About. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 2394 Constitution of. Combe. Hartf'd., I842. 80.. 3472 Descent of. Darwin. N. Y., 1871. 2 V. I2.. 8932 of Feeling. Mackenzie. N. Y., I837. I20.. 1992 in Genesis and in Geology. Thompson. N. Y., I870. 12~.. 8959 and his Migrations. Latham. N. Y., 1852. 12~.. I7Io 7 and his Motives. Moore. N. Y., I848. I6~.. 8517 and Nature. Marsh. N. Y., i867. 8~.. 8966 in the Past, Present, and Future. Buichner. Lond., 1872. 8~. 8993 Physical Structure of. Mudie. Bost., I838. 12.. 9117 Place of, in Nature, Evidence as to. Huxley. N. Y., 1863. I2~. 8939 Primitive. Figuier. Lond., I870. 8~.. 8994 Condition of. Lubbock. N. Y., I870. I2~.. 4073 Culture of. Tylor. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~.. 4075 about Town, The. Webbe. Lond., I838. 2 v. 12~.. 15498 who laughs, The. Hugo. N. Y., I869. 8~.. 2642 and Wife. W. Collins. N. Y., I870. 8~... 2304 of the World. Mackenzie. N. Y., I837. I2..1. I992 See, also, RACE. Manchester Strike, A. Martineau. Bost., 1833. I2~.. 14614 Mancur, J. H. Constance. Philad. 8.... 2313 Mandeville, Sir J. Voiage and Travaile. Ed. Halliwell. Lond., I839. 8........... 8034 Mandeville. Godwin. Philad., i818. 2 v. I2~... 1550 Mankind, Types of. Nott and Gliddon. Philad., I855. 8~.. 9094 26 198 Mann-Markham. Mann, E. J. The Deaf and Dumb. Bost., 1836. I2~.. 17075 Mann, H. Slavery: Letters and Speeches. Bost., I853. 120~. 8578 Thoughts for a Young Man. Bost., 1850. I6~... 9II4 Life of. By his Wife. Bost., I865. 8~.. 7371 Manni, D. M. Ginevra. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., I836. I2~. I902 [Manning, A.] Maiden and Married Life of Mary Powell. N. Y. I6~. 2420 Mansfield, E. D. Life of Gen. Scott. N. Y., I848. I2~.. 7394 Political Grammar of U. S. Cincinn., 1836. 12~.. 6020 Mansfield, Earl of. See W. MURRAY. Mansfield Park. Austen. Philad., I838. 8~.. 2662 Mansie Wauch. [Moir.] N. Y., I828. I2..... 15236 Manufactures, Cyclopadia of. Tomlinson. Lond., I854. 2 v. 8~. Philosophy of. Ure. Lond., I835. I20..17001 British. Dodd. Lond., I844-46. 6 v. I2.. 8786 of the Greeks and Romans. Fosbrooke. Lond., I833-35. 2 v. 160.. 4869 See, also, ARTS. Manzoni, A. I Promessi Sposi. Wash., 1834. 8~.. 2650 [Marana, J. P.] Letters by a Turkish Spy. Lond., I753-54. 8 v. I2~. 13682 Marble Faun, The. Hawthorne. Bost., I86o. 2 v. I6~... 2892 March,D. Night Scenes in the Bible. Philad., I869. 8~... 012 Yankee Land. Hartf'd., I840. I2.. I15010 Marcy, R. B. Army Life on the Border. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 6129 Margaret: a Story. Lyndon. N. Y., I868. I2~. I5739 a Tale. Judd. Bost., I845. 12~.. 2953 of Anjou, Life of. Strickland. Philad., I847. 8~.. ~ 5234 Memoirs of. Ed. G. P. R. James. Philad., I839. 12~.. 6701 Graham. G. P. R. James. N. Y., I847. 8~.. 2313 Lyndsay. [Wilson.] N. Y., I823. I20.. 2460 Ravenscroft. St. John. Philad., I836. 2 v. I20... 15503 Marguerite of Valois; a Romance. Dumas. N. Y., I846. 8~.. 2630 Maria del Occidente. See M. BROOKS. Marie Antoinette, Memoirs of. Campan. Philad., I823. 8~... 5630 The same. Weber. Lond., 1805-25. 3 v. 8~.. 5627 and her Son. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., I867. 80.. 3072 Marigny, A. de. Hist. of the Arabians. Lond., 1758. 4 v. 80.. I6o55 Mariner, W. The Tonga Islands, ed. Martin. 3d ed. Edinb., I827. 2 v. I2~.. 4475 Mariner's Chronicle, The. N. H., I835. I2~.. I6255 Marion, Gen. Francis, Life of. Horry and Weems. Philad., I839. 120. I6395 The same. Simms. N. Y., I845. I20..... 7305 Marion, F. Wonderful Balloon Ascents. N. Y., I870. 120... oII6 Wonders of Optics. (2 copies.) N. Y., I870. I20.... 9 of Vegetation. N. Y., I872. I2.. IOI48 Mariotti, L. The Blackgown Papers. Lond., I846. v. 2. I2~. 15383 Italy. Lond., 1841. 2 v. I2~...... 4686 Mark, St. See BIBLE. Markham, C. R. Life of Lord Fairfax. Lond., 1870. 8~... 6821 Markham, G. Tragedy of Sir R. Grenville. Ed. Arber. Lond., 1871. I6.......... 3898 Marlborough-Marshall. 99 Marlborough, Duke of, and Duchess. See CHURCHILL. Marlitt, E. (Pseudonym.) See E. JOHN. Marlowe, C. Works, ed. Dyce. New ed. Lond., I870. 80.. 1572 The same. [Ed. Robinson.] Lond., I826. V. I, 2. I60. I473 Marmionr S. The Antiquary. (Old Plays, v. IO.) Lond., I826. 8~. I5I7 Marmontel, J.. F. Belisarius. Lond., I794 12....2355 Memoirs of. By himself. Philad., I807. 2 V. I2.. 7590 The same. Lond., I826-30. 2 V. I2... 664I Moral Tales. Lond., I8OO. 2 V. I2...I513I Maroncelli, P. See S. PELLICO. Marot, O., and other Studies. Morley. Lond., I87I. 2 V. 8~... 3740 Marquette, J., Life of. Sparks. Bost., I839. 16.... 7259 Marriage. A Novel. Ferrier. N. Y., I847. 80... 2672 Married State, Duties of the. Foster. N. Y., I845. I2~.. I70I6 Marryat, P. Diary in America. Philad., I839. 2 v. I2~...68oo The same. N. Y., I839. I20... I6802 The same. 2d series. Philad., I840. 12.. I6803 Jacob Faithful. N. Y., I835. I2.... I5II The same. (2 copies.) Philad., I834. 3 v. I2... 2116 Japhet, in search of a Father. Philad., I835. 2 V. I2~.. 2090 The same. 2 V. in I. 12... 2092 The King's Own. N. Y., 1836. I20.... 5480 The same. N. Y., I837. I20... 2III The Little Savage. (2 copies.) N. Y., I849. I2~.. 2122 The Naval Officer; or, Frank Mildmay. N. Y., I835. I2~. I5522 Pacha of Many Tales; the Three Cutters. N. Y., I836. I2~.. I5II2 The Phantom Ship. Philad., I839. I2~. 15546 The Pirate, and the Three Cutters. (2 copies.) Philad., I836. 2 V. in I. 12. 2112 Snarleyyow. Philad., I837. 2 v. in I. 120.. 215II Stories of the Sea. (Pirate, and Three Cutters.) N. Y., 1836. 12.......... 2114 Marsh, G. P. Lectures on the English Language. 3d ed. N. Y., I86o. 8.......... 68 The same. 4th ed. N. Y., 1863. 8~..69 Man and Nature. N. Y., I864. 8~.. 9092 The same. N. Y., I867. 8~.. 8966 Origin and Hist. of the English Language. N. Y., I862. 80.. I70 Marsh, J. Epitome of Eccl. Hist. N. Y., I828. I2~... I6462 Temperance Recollections. An Autobiography. N. Y., I866. I2........... 6425 Marsh-Caldwell, A. The Reformation in France. Lond., I847. 2 v. 8~...6431 Tales of the Woods and Fields. N. Y., 1836. 120.... I5603 Marshall, C., Passages from the Remembrancer of. Philad., 1839. 12~. Marshall, E. C. Hist. of U. S. Naval Academy. N. Y., I862. I20. 6034 Marshall, J. Life of Washington. Philad., I8o4-o7. 5 v. 8S.. 7476 The same. Philad., I833. 2 v. and Atlas. 8~.. 7481 Writings on the Federal Constitution. (2 copies.) Bost., I839. 8.......... 6283 200 Marston-Martyrs. Marston John. The Malcontent. (Old Plays, v. 4.) Lond., I825. 8~. I5II Works. Lond., I856. 3 v. I6.. I417 Marston, John W. Gerald; and other Poems. Lond., I842. I20.. I4847 Marston, P. B. Song-Tide, and other Poems. Bost., I87I. I2~.. 1194 Marston. [Croly.] Philad., I845. 80....... 2325 Marteilhe, J. The Huguenot Galley-Slave. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. I2~. 6355 Marten, H., Life of. Forster. Lond., I838. I6~.. 5762 Martin, A. Natural History. N. Y., I86i-62. 2 v. I2. I2. 8953 Martin, J. Account of the Tonga Islands. 3d ed. Edinb., I827. 2 v. I2~.. 4475 Martin, R. M. British Colonial Library. Lond., 1836-44. Io v. I6~. 7896 CONTENTS.-1, The Canadas. 2, Austral-Asia. 85 Southern Africa. 4,5, West Indies. 6, Nova Scotia, etc. 7, Mediterranean Possessions. 8, 9, East Indies. 10, Possessions in the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Hist. of Brit. Possessions in Asia. 2d ed. Lond., I835. 8~..61i6 Hist., etc., of Canada. 2d ed. Lond., I838. I6~. 5719 Martin, W. C. L. Hist. of the Horse. Lond., I845. I2~... 8782 Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens. Bost., I869. 2 v. 8~.. 2204 Martineau, H. Biogr. Sketches. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 6748 The Charmed Sea: a Tale. Philad. 80. 2312 The Crofton Boys. N. Y., I867. I2.... I1462I Eastern Life. Philad., I848. 8~.. 8098 Feats on the Fiord. Lond. I6....I4622 The Hamlets. Bost., I836. I2..... 4625 Hist. of England, I800-54. (2 copies.) Bost., I864-66. 4 v. 8~. 4916 How to observe Morals and Manners. N. Y., I838. 12~.. I6329 Illustrations of Polit. Econ. Bost. and Lond., I832-33. 13 v. I2~. 14608 CONTENTS. —1, Life in the Wilds. 2, Hill and Valley. 3, Brooke and Brooke Farm. 4, Demerara. 5, Ella of Garveloch. 6, Weal and Woe in Garveloch. 7 A Manchester Strike. 8, Cousin Marshall. 9, Ireland. 10, Homes Abroad. 11, For Each and Ali. 12, French Wines and Politics. 13, The Charmed Sea. Miscellanies. (2 copies.) Bost., I836. 2 v. I2~.. 3346 Prize Essays. Bost., I836. I2~....... 9799 Retrospect of Western Travel. N. Y., 1838. 2 v. I2~... 16821 The Settlers at home. N. Y., I84I. I2.. I4623 Sickness and Health in Bleaburn. Bost., I853. 160.. I5777 Society in America. (2 copies.) N. Y., I837. 2 v. 12~.. 5998 Sowers not Reapers, or Chatham and Mary Kay. Hartfd., I845. I2........... 14624 Traditions of Palestine. 2d ed. Lond., I843. I20... I4626 Martineau, J. Endeavours after the Christian Life. Bost., I858. I2~. 9974 Essays. Bost., I868-70. 2 v. 80.. 3712 Martius, C. F. P. v., and Spix, J. B. v. Travels in Brazil. Lond., I824. 2 v. 8.......... 8435 Martyn, -H. Journal and Letters, ed. Wilberforce. (Abridged.) N. Y., I851. 12~.......... 7601 Memoir of. Sargent. Bost., 1831. I2..7565 Martyndale, B. F. Analysis of the Church-Calendar. Lond. I2~.. 4622 Martyrs, The. De Chateaubriand. N. Y., I812. 3 v. 12.. I 5133 Book of. Blanchard. Buffalo, I852. 80... 1640I The same. Fox. Philad., I830. 4~...,. I7329 Marvel-Masuccio. 201 Marvel, Ik. (Pseudonym.) See D. G. MITCHELL. Marvell, A. Poetical Works, with Memoir. Bost., 1857. I6~.. 971 The same. I057 Life of. H. Coleridge. (Worthies.) Leeds, I836. 8.. 6904 Mary of Burgundy. G. P. R. James. N. Y., I833. 2 V. I2~... 2086 Mary I., Queen of Engl., Life of. Strickland. Philad., I847. 80. ~ 5235 Mary II., Q. of Engl., Life of. Strickland. Philad., 185I. 80.. 5232 Mary, the Handmaid of the Lord. [Mrs. Charles.] N. Y., I865. 12~. 9842 Mary Powell. [Manning.] N. Y. I6~.. 2420 Mary, Queen of Scots. Letters. Ed. A. Strickland. Lond., I843. 2 v. I2'. 5152 and her Accusers. Hosack. Edinb., I870-73. 2 v. 80.. 5240 and Elizabeth. v. Raumer. Lond., I836. I2~... 5210 and her latest Historian (Froude). Meline. N. Y., 1872. I2~. 10237 Life of. Bell. N. Y., I837. 2 V. I2~.. II949 The same. Strickland. N. Y., I855-59. 5 V. I2~.. 5201 Mary Stuart: a Tragedy. Schiller. Lond., I847. 8~.. 439 Mason, E. P., Life and Writings of. Olmsted. N. Y., I842. I20.. I644I Mason, Major John, Life of. Ellis. Bost., I844.. I6~.. 7262 Mason, Rev. John. Treatise on Self-Knowledge. Hartf'd., I842. 80. 3472 Mason, John M. Comments on [Reed's] Shakespeare. Lond., I785. 8......... I589 Mason, L. Manual of Vocal Music. Bost., I834. I20.... 17II8 Mason, W. Memoirs of Whitehead. Lond., 1788. 8~.. 6955 Works. Lond., I8II. 4v. 80... I7237 Masonry. See FREE Masonry. Massachusetts, Conference on Society and Manners in. Bost., I820. I2........... 4962 Historical Collections of. Barber. Worc., I84I. 8~.. 5937 Hist. of, I628-I750. Hutchinson. Bost., I795. 2 v. 8... 5836 I748-65. Minot. Bost., I798-I803. 2 v. in i. 80.. 5835 I775-89. Bradford. Bost., I825. 8.... 5849 Quarterly Review. Bost., I847-49. V. I, 2. 8.. 12769 Scenery. Hitchcock. Northampton, I842. 4.. See, also, NEW ENGLAND. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. White. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 6327 Massey, G. Poems. Bost., 86. 6~....... 977 Poems and Ballads. N. Y., I854. 2~..856 Shakspeare's Sonnets interpreted. Lond., I866. 8.. I636 [Massey, M.] Lionel Wakefield. Philad., I837. 2 v. I2~.. I5490 Massie, J. W. Anti-Slavery Mission to America. Lond., I864. 8. 8555 Massillon, J. B. Sermons. Dundee, I803. 3 v. 12~.. I3522 The same, ed. Dickson. Philad., I818. 2 v. 8... Ioo39 Massinger, P. Dramatic Works, ed. H. Coleridge. (2 copies.) Lond., I840. 8... I627 Plays: abridged ed. (2 copies.) N. Y., I831. 3 v. I20.. I683 Masson, D. British Novelists. (2 copies.) Bost., 1859. I2~. 51 Life of Milton. Lond., I859-7I. 2 v. 80.. 7II2 Recent British Philosophy. N. Y., I866. I20... 8580 Masuccio, G. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. I.) Lond., I836. I2~.. I899 202 Mathematical-Mayer. Mathematical Sciences, Hist. of the. Powell. Lond., I837. I60. 6049 Study, Advantages of. Young. Lond., I846. 12~... 9253 Mathematics, Recreations in. Enfield. Lond., I825. I2~...6943 Mather, C. Magnalia; Eccl. Hist. of N. E. (2 copies.) Hartf'd., I820. 2 V. 8.......... 5958 Life of. Peabody. Bost., I836. I6~.. 7255 Mathew, T., Memoir of. Bermingham. N. Y., I841. I2~.. I6336 [Mathews, A.] Walter Ashwood. N. Y., I86o. I2~.... I58II Mathews, Chas., Memoirs of. By his widow. Philad., I839. 4 v. I2~. 7930 Mathews, Cornelius. Behemoth. N. Y., I839. I2..... I5663 Writings. N. Y., 1I843. 80..I 509I Mathias, G. H. D. A Tutor's Counsel to his Pupils. Philad., I867. I6...9143 [Mathias, T. J.] The Pursuits of Literature. 7th ed. Lond., I798. 8~. I5O88 The same. Philad., I800. 8~. 15089 Matrimonial Infelicities. Barry Gray. N. Y., I866. 120... 2926 Matteucci, C. Physical Phenomena of Living Beings. (2 copies.) Philad., I848. I2....696I Matthew, St. See BIBLE. Matthews, H. Diary of an Invalid. Paris, T836. I2~.. 8187 Maturin, E. Montezuma. N. Y., I845. 2 V. 2~..... 15745 Maunder, S. Treasury of History. N. Y., I847. 2 v. 8~.. I5890 Mauprat. G. Sand. Bost., I870. I6~.. 2349 Maurice Dering. [Lawrence.] N. Y., I865. 80.. 233I Maurice Tiernay. Lever. N. Y., I863. 8~.. 2319 Mauritius, Hist. of. Martin. (Colonial Library, v. 3.) Lond., I843. I6~. 7898 Maury, J. S. Principles of Eloquence. N. Y., I848. I2~... II926 Maury, M. F'. Physical Geography of the Sea. N. Y., I857. 8~. 9Io3 Mavor, W. British Tourists. Lond., I798. 5 v. I2~.. 818I Hist. of Voyages. Lond., I796-97. v. 4-20. I2~. I3847 Universal History. N. Y., I803-05. 25 v. I2~.. I3497 CONTENTS.-V. 1-9, Ancient: 10-25, Modern. Max Hromer. Stretton. N. Y., 1871. I6~.. 2425 Maxcy, J. Collegiate Addresses. Lond. I6~.... 9128 Maximilian, Emperor of Mexico. Recollections of my Life. Lond., i868. 3 v. 8.......... 8258 Maximilian, Prince of Neuwied. Travels in Brazil. Lond., I820. 80. 8053 Maxwell, J. S. The Czar; his Court and People. N. Y., I848. I2~. I6604 [Maxwell, W. H.] Memoirs of Peel. Lond., 1842. 2 v. I2~.. 6779 May, S. J. Recollections of our Antislavery Conflict. Bost., I869. I2~. 8545 May, Thos. Plays. See DODSLEY's Old Plays, v. 8, Io. May, Thos. E. Constitutional Hist. of Engl. (2 copies.) Bost., I862-63. 2 v. 8........ 4912 Mayer, B. Captain Canot. N. Y., I866. I2...... 8573 Mexico as it was and as it is. N. Y., I844. 8~~ ~ ~ ~ 5977 Aztec, Spanish and Republican. Hartfd., I85I. 2 v. in I. 8~.. 5978 Mayer, J. B., etc. Correlation and Conservation of Forces. N. Y., I869. I2........... 8895 Mayflower-Memes. 203 Mayflower, The; or Sketches. H. B. Stowe. N. Y., I844. I2~.. 2734 Mayhew, H. German Life and Manners. Lond., 1864. 2 v. 8~.. 8313 Mayne, J. The City Match. (Old Plays, v. 9.) Lond., 1825. 80. 1516 Maynwaring, A., Life and Posthumous Works of. Lond., I7I5. 80. 16362 [Mayo, I. F.] The Crust and the Cake. N. Y. 8.. 2436 Occupations of a Retired Life. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1869. 8~. 2434 White as Snow. N. Y. 12~.. 2441 Mayo, W. S. The Berber. N. Y., 1850. I2~.. 15664 Kaloolah. N.Y., 1849. 12.. 7984 Mayor of Wind-Gap. [Banim.] N. Y., 1835. 12~.. 15505 Mazzini, G., Life, Writings, and Principles of. N. Y., 1872. 8~. 7787 Mechanics, Illustrations of. Moseley. N. Y., I844. I2... 1780 Treatise on. Kater and Lardner. Lond., I837. I6~.. 6046 Medals, Dialogues on Ancient. Addison. (Works, v. 3.) N. Y., I855. 8.......... 3793 Medbery, J. K. Men and Mysteries of Wall Street. Bost., I870. 120. 8647 Medhurst, W. E. China. Lond., I838. 80.. 8004 Median Monarchy. Rawlinson (v. 2, 3). N. Y., I87I. 8... 4064 Medical Delusions, Lessons from the Hist. of. Hooker. N. Y., I850. I2........... 6970 Science, Border Lines of Knowledge in. Holmes. Bost., I862. I20........... 3605 Medici, Lorenzo de', Life of. Roscoe. Lond., 1847. 8~... 400 Medici Family, Memoirs of the. Pignotti. Lond., I826. 4 V. 8~.. 4680 Mediterranean, Hist. of Brit. Possessions in the. Martin. Lond., I837. I6........... 7902 Shores, Winter and Spring on the. Bennet. N. Y., 1870. 8~. 8375 Meeker, N. C. Life in the West. N. Y., I868. 12~... 16871 Meinhold, J. W. The Amber Witch. (2 copies.) N. Y., I845. I2~. 3044 Melancholy, Anatomy of. Burton. N. Y., 1870. 3 v. 8~... 3941 Melanchthon, P., Life of. Cox. Lond., I817. 80.. 7665 Melanie. Willis. N. Y., 1837. e12.. 792 Melbourne House. S. Warner. N. Y., I868. I2... 300I Meline, J. P. Mary, Q. of Scots, and her latest Historian. N. Y., I872. I2........... 10237 Melish, J. Description of the U. S., etc. N. Y., I826. 80...6824 Mellen, G. W. F. Unconstitutionality of Slavery. Bost., I84I. 12~. 8571 Mellen, Grenville. The Martyr's Triumph, and other Poems. Bost., I833. I2.......... I5011 Melmoth, W. Fitzosborne's Letters; and Dialogue on Oratory. Bost., I815. I20..17029 Melville, H. The Confidence-Man. N. Y., I857. 120.. I5683 Israel Potter. N. Y., 1855. 120..... 5726 Omoo. (2 copies.) N. Y., I847-68. I2~... 8325 Redburn. N. Y., I849. 12~..I5768 Typee. (2 copies.) N. Y., I846-47. I2~. 12. 8327 White-Jacket. N. Y., I85o. 12~...1. I5813 Memes, J. S. Hist. of Sculpture, Painting, etc. Edinb., I829. 12~.. 450I The same. Bost., I83I. 12.. 8868 204 Meines —Metaphysic. Memes,J. S. Memoirs of Josephine. N. Y., 1832. 120... II130 The same. N. Y., I834 I2~....II956 Men, Women, and Ghosts. Phelps. Bost., I869. 120.... 2975 Menageries, The. [Ogilby.] v. I. (Quadrupeds.) Bost., 1830. 12~. 8805 The same. v. 2. (The Elephant.) Bost., 1832. 120.. 8811 Animals in. Swainson. Lond., 1838. 16~.. 6053 Menault, E. The Intelligence of Animals. N. Y., I869. 12~... IorI9 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, P. Letters, I833-47. (2 copies.) Philad., I864-66. 6.......... 7889 from Italy and Switzerland. (2 copies.) Philad., I863-65. 16~.. 7887 Life of. Lampadius. N. Y., I865. 6~..7885 Recollections of. Devrient. Lond., I869. 8~.. 7922 Men's Wives. Thackeray. (Works, v. 9.) Lond., I872. 8~.. 2198 Mental Action, Imperfect and Disordered. Upham. N. Y., 1841. I20. 11424 Discipline. Burder. N. Y., 1830. I2~.. 17035 Hygiene. Ray. Bost., I863. I2~.... 8513 See, also, MIND; PHILOSOPHY: PSYCHOLOGY. Menzel, W. Europe in I840. Edinb., I84I. 8~..... 4635 German Literature, transl. by Felton. Bost., 1840. 3 v. I2~. II9 The same, transl. by Gordon. Oxf'd., I840. 4 v. 16~. I5 Hist. of Germany. (Bohn's ed.) 3 copies. Lond., 1848-53. 3 v. 8~. 404 Mercedes of Castile. Cooper. Philad., 1840. 12~.. 2794 Merchant of Berlin. Miihlbach. N. Y., I867. 12~... 31o4 and the Friar, The. Palgrave. Lond., 1844. I6~.... 2369 Merchant's Clerk, The. Warren. N. Y., I836. I2~'.... 15506 Merchant's Magazine. See HUNT'S Merchant's Magazine. Meredith, Owen. (Pseudonym.) See R. BULWER-LYTTON. Merimee, P. 1572. A Chronicle. N. Y., 1830. 12~.... 2645 Merivale, C. Conversion of the Northern Nations. N. Y., 1866. 8~. 6319 of the Roman Empire. N. Y., I865. 8~.. 6318 Hist. of Romans under the Empire. N. Y., 1863-65. 7 v. 8~. 4702 Merle d'Aubigne, J. H. Hist. of Reformation in I6th century. (3 copies.) N. Y., 1842-61. 5 V. 120.. 6371 The same. Philad. and N. Y., 1844-66. v. 1-4, in 2. 8~ and 12~... 6482 Hist of Reformation, in time of Calvin. N. Y., 1863-72. 5 v. 12~. 6386 Miscellany. N. Y., I845. I2~........ 9806 The Protector. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1850-57. 120... ~ 5312 Merlin, M. J. de. Memoirs of Malibran. Philad., 1840. 2 v. 12~. 7923 Merry Tales of Wise Men of Gotham. [Paulding.] N. Y., 1826. I20. 15287 Mesmerism, Facts in. Townshend. N. Y., 1848. 12~.... I7105 See, also, MAGNETISM; SOMNAMBULISM. Mesopotamia, Hist., etc., of. Fraser. N. Y., I845. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 11759 Metal, Manufactures in. Holland. Lond., I83I-34. 3 v. I6~.. 6037 Manufactures of Grt. Brit. Dodd. Lond., I845. I20... 8788 Metaphysic of Ethics, The. Kant. Edinb., 1836. 8~.... 8733 See, also, PHILOSOPHY. Vletastasio-Michigan. 205 Metastasio, P. Dramas and Poems. Transl. by Hoole. Lond., t8oo. 3 v. 8~.... 9 Meteorology, Elements of. Brocklesby. N. Y., I849. I2~... 8894 Meteors, etc. Ziircher and Margolli. N. Y., 1870. I2~.... IOI46 Meteyard, E. Mainstone's Housekeeper. Bost., I864. I2~.. 15497 Methodist Pulpit, Annals of the American. Sprague. N. Y., 1859. 80. 7736 Metropolis, The Great. [Grant.] N. Y., I837. 2 V. I20... 5I44 Metropolitan Magazine. N. Y., I836-42. I3 v. 8..... I4520 Metropolitan Pulpit, The. [Grant.] N. Y., I839. 12.. 9914 Meunier, V. Adventures on Hunting Grounds. N. Y., i869. 2~.. IOI20 Meurer, M. Life of Luther. N. Y., I848. 8~.. 65I1 Mexican Revolution of I8Io-Ig, Memoirs of. Robinson. Philad., I820. 8........... I6I48 War of I846-47, Notes for Hist of. Ed. Ramsey. N. Y., I850. I2........ 5824 Service afloat and ashore during. Semmes. Cincinn., I85I. 8........... 5825 Mexico. Ward. 2d ed. Lond., I829. 2 v. 8~. 5979 in I842. [Folsom.] N. Y., I842. I20.. I691I Adventures in, I846. Ruxton. N. Y., I848. 120.... I6923 as it was and is. Mayer. N. Y., I844. 8~. 5977 Aztec, Spanish and Republican. Mayer. Hartf'd., I85I. 2 v. in I. 8~. 5978 Description of. Conder. Lond. I2..7858 Diary in, I867. Salm-Salm. Lond., I868. 2 v. 8~... 5826 Hist. of. [to I52I.] Clavigero. Philad., I804. 3 v. 8.. 5974 of Conquest of. Diaz del Castillo. Salem, I803. 2 v. 8~. 5972 The same. Prescott. Philad., I871. 3 v. 8~.. 0I327 The same. Wilson. Philad., I859. 8~. ~ ~ 597I Journal on coast of, 182o-22. Hall. Lond., I840. 8~...8Io Journal in, 1826. Lyon. Lond., I828. 80... I69io Life in, I839-4I. Calderon de la Barca. Bost., I843. 2. 122 v. 6905 Rambler in, 1834. Latrobe. N. Y., I836 I20. I2~. I6909 Recollections of, I842-44. Thompson. N. Y., I847. I20.. I6907 Travels in, I846-47. Carpenter. N. Y., I85I. 12~...6908 Michael Armstrong. Mrs. Trollope. N. Y., I840. 2 v. 12~... r55o7 Michailow, -. Adventures in Tartary. Lond., 1822. 8~... 8057 Michel-Angelo. See BUONARROTI. Michelet, J. Hist. of France [to I453.] Tr. by Kelly. Lond., I84446. 2 v. 8~.. 5648 The same [to I380]. Tr. by G. H. Smith. N. Y., I845. I v. 8.......... 5650 Hist. of Roman Republic. (2 copies.) Lond., I847. 8~... 324 Modern History. N. Y., I843. I2~.. 11II77I The same.. 12284 Priests, Women and Families. Also, The People. Lond., I846. I6......., 9513 Michell, R. Honesty: a Poem. Lond., 1769. 8.... I4806 Michigan, Hist. of., to I837. Lanman. N. Y., I84I. I2~... I1614 27 206 Michigan-Miller. Michigan, Sketches of. Detroit, 1834. I2~... 16043 Mickle, W.J. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 240.. 28 Microcosm, The. N. H., 1836-37. v. 3, N. S. 8..... I4598 Microscope, The. Hogg. Lond., i869. 8~.. 8899 Microscope, The. [A periodical.] N. H., 1820. 2 v. in I. 8~.. I7474 Middle Ages, Literary Hist. of. Berington. Lond., 1846. 8~... 321 Romances of the. Cox and Jones. Lond., 1871. 8~... 2010 See, also, CRUSADES; EUROPE (History of). Middle Kingdom, The. Williams. N. Y., I849. 2 v. 12~... 6471 Middlebury College. The Philomathesian. 1833-34. v. I. 8~.. 17473 Middlemarch. George Eliot. N. Y., I872. 2 v. 120.. 2540 Middleton, C. Life of Cicero. Lond., I837. 8~.. ~ ~ ~ 7743 Middleton, T. Plays. See DODSLEY'S Old Plays, v. 5, 6, II. Works, ed. Dyce. Lond., I840. 5 v. 8~. 1468 Midshipman's Expedients, and other Tales. Philad., I837. 2 v. I2~. I4874 Midsummer Eve; a Fairy Tale. Hall. N. Y., 1848. 8~.... 23I2 Miers, J. Travels in Chile and La Plata. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8~.. 8463 Mignet, 1. A. M. Hist. of French Revolution. N. Y., I827. 80.. I6247 The same. (Bohn's ed.) 3 copies. Lond., I846-56. 80. 377 Milburn, W. H. The Rifle, Axe, and Saddle-Bags, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., I857. I2~..... 3583 Miles Wallingford. Cooper. N. Y., 1I856. I2~..... 2820 Milford, J. Norway, and her Laplanders. Lond., 1842. 80.. 8300 Military Commanders, British, Lives of. Gleig. Lond., I831-32. 3 v. 16...5771 For Contents, see GLEIG. Sketch-Book, The. N. Y., 1827. 2 v. 12~.. I6270 Mill, James. Elements of Polit. Economy. 3d. ed. Lond., I844. 8~. 8625 Hist. of British India. 3d ed. Lond., I826. 6 v. 8~.. 6464 Mill, John Stuart. Dissertations and Discussions. Bost., 1865-67. 4 v. 8~.. 3715 The same. v. 1, 2.. 3719 Liberty. 2d ed. Bost., I863. I6~.. 3714 Positive Philosophy of Comte. Bost., I871. 12~... 8590 Principles of Polit. Economy. (2 copies.) N. Y., I870. 2 v. 8~. 8663 Representative Government. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1862-67. I2~. 8618 Subjection of Women. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1869. I2~.. 9203 System of Logic. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1848-64. 8~... 8743 Mill on the Floss. George Eliot. N. Y., I86o. 12~.. 2533 Millar, John. Hist. View of the Engl. Gov't. Lond., I803. 4 v. 8~. 5356 Origin of Ranks. 4th ed. Edinb., I8o6. 8.... I7086 Miller, G. History, philosophically illustrated. Lond., 1832. 4 v. 8~. 4092 The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I848-49. 4 v. 8~. 358 Miller, Hugh. Cruise of the Betsey; Rambles of a Geologist. Bost., 1862. 120........... 8980 Essays. (2 copies.) Bost., I865. I20.. 372I First Impressions of England. (2 copies.) Bost., I851-56. 120. 8355 Foot-Prints of the Creator. (2 copies.) Bost., I850. 12~. 8974 Geology of the Bass Rock. N. Y., i85i. I2~.. 8829 Miller-Milton. 207 Miller, Hugh. My Schools and Schoolmasters. Bost., I855. I2~. 7I00 Old Red Sandstone. (2 copies.) Bost., I85I. I2~... 8972 Popular Geology. (2 copies.) Bost., I86o-65. I20... 8978 Scenes and Legends of Scotland. (2 copies.) Cinc., I851-52. I20~. 2586 Tales and Sketches. Bost., I863. I2~.. 2588 Testimony of the Rocks. (2 copies.) Bost., I857. 12~... 8976 Life and Letters of. Bayne. Bost., I87I. 2 v. I2~... 7IoI Life and Times of. T. N. Brown. N. Y., I86o. I2~... 6978 Miller, James. Mahomet. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804. 8~... I630 Miller, Joaquin. Songs of the Sierras. (2 copies.) Bost., I87I. 16~. 766 Miller, Jona. P. Greece in I827-28. N. Y., 1828. 120.... 15952 Miller, J. R. Hist. of Great Britain. Philad., I837. 80.. ~ ~ 5392 Miller, L. W. Notes of an Exile. Fredonia, I846. 120.... I6256 Miller, S. Letters on Clerical Manners and Habits. N. Y., 1827. I2~. 9828 to Sons in College. Philad., I843. I20.. I703I Life of J. Edwards. Bost., I837. 6~..7257 Retrospect of I8th century. N. Y., I803. 2 v. 8~. 15902 Miller, T. Lady Jane Grey. Philad., I840. 2 v. 12.. I5483 Rural Sketches. Philad., I842. 12~... I5570 Miller of Angibault, The. George Sand. Bost., I87I. I6~... 2352 Miller's Story of the War, A. Erckmann-Chatrain. N. Y., I872. I20. 2364 Millingen, J. G. Hist. of Duelling. (2 copies.) Lond., i84I. 2 V. 8~. I5I48 Millot, C. P. X. Elements of Hist. Worc., I789. 5 v. 8~.. I5879 Mills, A. Literature of Grt. Brit. and Ireland. N. Y., I856. 2 v. 8~. 228 Mills, C. Hist. of Chivalry. Philad., I825. 80..4737 of the Crusades. Philad., I824. 8~.. 4738 of Muhammedanism. 2d ed. Lond., I8i8. 8~.. 1003I Milman, H. H. Annals of S. Paul's. 2d ed. Lond., I869. 8~.. 6419 Hist. of Christianity [to 412]. Lond., I840. 3 v. 8~... 6568 of the Jews. Enlarged ed. N. Y., I864. 3 v. 8~... 6303 The same. N. Y., I840. 3 v. 1I2~... IIOOO The same. N. Y., I830. 3 v. I2~.. II929 of Latin Christianity. N. Y., I86o-6i. 8 v. 8... 6391 Life and Correspondence of Gibbon. Lond., I839. 8~.. 7123 Poetical Works. (2 copies.) Lond,, I839. 3 v. I6~.. 995 Samor, Lord of the Bright City. N. Y., I8I8. I20... 14835 Savonarola, Erasmus, and other Essays. Lond., I870. 8~. 3435 Milner, J. Hist. of the Church. Bost., 1822. 5 v. I2~.. 6334 Milnes, R. M. Life and Letters of Keats. N. Y., I848. I20... 7000 Poems of Many Years. New ed. Bost., I846. 16~.. 1212 Milns, W. The Well-bred Scholar. Lond., I794. 8~.. I7532 Milton, J. Areopagitica. Ed. Arber. Lond., I868. I6~... 3885 Comus, as performed at the Theatre. Edinb., 1782. I20. I404 Poetical Works. Philad., 1842. 80.... 945 The same. N. Y., I832. 2 v. in I. I2... 958 The same. Ed. Bell. Lond., I8I7. 2 v. 24~.. ~ 257 The same, with Life. Ed. Mitford. Bost., 1839. 2 v. 8~. 125I The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. I5096 The same. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 2 v. 24~.. 4 208 Milton-Miscellaneous. Milton, J. Prose and Poetical Works. Lond., I844. 8~... 3789 Prose Works. Lond., 1844. 8~. 3788 The same. (Bohn's ed.) 2 copies. Lond., 1848-70. 5 v. 8~. 454 CONTENTS.-1, Defences of People of England; Elkonoklastes. 2, Tenure of Kings and Magistrates; Areopagitica; Tracts on the Commonwealth; On Ormond's Peace; Letters of State; Of Reformation in England; Reason of Church Gov't. against Prelaty, etc. 3, Smectynuus Pieces; On Divorce; Tetrachordon; Colasterion- On Education; Familiar Letters, etc. 4, 5, On Christian Doctrine. 5, Hist. of Britain; Hist. of Moscovia; Latin Grammar; Index. Select English Prose Works. (2 copies.) Bost., 1826. 2 v. I2~. 3944 Character and Writings of. Channing. Bost., I84I. I2~. 9568 Concordance to Poems of. Cleveland. Lond., I867. i. I 1203 Criticism on Paradise Lost of. Addison. Ed. Arber. Lond.,:868. I6~... 3887 Life of. Bell. Lond., I839. I6~.. 5777 The same. Hayley. Dubl., I797. 8~.. 7II Life and Times of. Ivimey. N. Y., I833. 2~.... 6952 Life of, with Hist. of his Time. Masson. Lond., I859-7I. 2 v. 8~. 7112 Life and Writings of. Todd. Lond., 1826. 80.. 71II the Patriot and Poet. E. P. Hood. Lond., I852. I2~. 6953 and his Times. A Novel. Ring. N. Y., I868. 8~.. 3093 Mind and Brain. Laycock. N. Y., I869. 2 v. 8~.. 858I Improvement of the. Watts. Bost., 1826. I20.... 8493 amongst the Spindles. Lond., I845. I2~.. 2727 Use of the Body in relation to the. Moore. N. Y., I849. 12~. 8515 See, also, MENTAL. Mineral Kingdom, The. Lond., 1842. I20.. I6942 Mineralogy, Manual of. Dana. N. H., I85I. 12~. 8921 Minister's Family, The. Mrs. Ellis. N. Y., I844. I2~.. 15509 Wooing, The. Mrs. Stowe. Bost., i868. I2~... 2961 Ministry, Letters on the. Wayland. Bost., I863. i6~.... 9832 to a Son in the. Humphrey. N. Y., 1845. I2~.. 17034 to Young Men preparing for the. Cogswell. Bost., I837. I2........ 17036 Minot, G. R. Hist. of Mass., I748-65. Bost., I798-I803. 2 v. in I. 8~. 5835 Minstrelsy: ancient and modern. Motherwell. Bost., I846. 2 v. I6~. 824 of Scottish Border. Scott. Lond., I839. 8~. I309 See, also, BALLADS; POETRY; SONGS. Mirabeau, H. G. Riquetti de. Gallery of Portraits. See LUCHET. Secret Hist. of Court of Berlin. Dubl., I789. 8~.. 16460 Life-History of. [Pipitz.] Philad., I848. I2~.. 7622 Memoirs of. By himself, etc. Lond., 1835-36. v. I-4. 80. ~ 7717 Recollections of. Dumont. Lond., 1835. 8..772I Mirabeau. An historical Novel. Mundt. N. Y., I868. 8~.. 3092 Miracles, past and present. Mountford. Bost., I870. I2~.. 9908 of our Lord, Notes on the. Trench. N. Y., I858. 8~... Io004 Miramion, M. B. de, Life of. Bonneau. Lond., I870. 8~.. 7676 Miriam Coffin. N. Y., 1834. 2 v. I2...... I5740 Mirror, The. [A Periodical.] 6th ed. Lond., 1786. 3 v. 12~.. 13038 The same. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 2 v. I2~.. 3136 Mirror Library, The. N. Y. 3 v. 8~.. 15092 Miscellaneous Works, by a Young Gentleman. N. Y., I795. I20.. I5306 Miscellanies-Moffat. 209 Miscellanies. Bost., 182I. I2...I5323 Miserrimus. [Reynolds.] N. Y., I833. 120.. 55IO Miss Gilbert's Career. Holland. N. Y., I862. I2~..... 2920 Miss Ravenel's Conversion. DeForest. N. Y., I857. I20.. 2942 Miss Van Kortland. [Benedict.] Bost., I87I. 8~..... 2688 Missionaries, Orations for. E. Irving. N. Y., I825. 8~... 9969 Missions, History of. Smith and Choules. Bost., I837. 2 v. 4~.. 6596 Relations and Claims of. Anderson. N. Y., I869. 8~.. 6299 Mississippi Bubble, The. Thiers. N. Y., I859. I2~.. ~ ~ 6634 Valley, Hist. of Discovery of. Hart. St. Louis, I852. I20.. I6876 Recollections of; I814-24. Flint. Bost., I826. 8. I686I Missouri, Journal of Tour in, I818-I9. Schoolcraft. Lond., I82I. 80. 8054 Mrs. Jerningham's Journal. N. Y., I870. I6...... II95 Mistress and Maid. A Story. Craik. N. Y., I867. 80... 23IO Mitchel, O. M. Astronomy of the Bible. (3 copies.) N. Y., I863-67. I2~. 8914 Planetary and Stellar Worlds. (2 copies.) N. Y., I85I-63. I2~. 89II Popular Astronomy. N. Y., I86o. I2~.. 89I3 Mitchell, D. G. The Battle Summer. (2 copies.) N. Y., I850-53. I2~. 5545 Doctor Johns. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866. 2 v. 8~.. 2909 Dream Life. N. Y., 1868. I20.. 3598 Fresh Gleanings. (2 copies.) N. Y., I847-56. I20.. 8270 Fudge Doings. N. Y., I855. 2 v. I2.. 2907 The Lorgnette. (3 copies.) N. Y., I851-54. 2 v. I2~. 3599 My Farm of Edgewood. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1863. 120... 8922 Reveries of a Bachelor. (2 copies.) N. Y., I850-5I. I2. 3595 The same. New ed. N. Y., I87I. I20... ~. 3597 Rural Studies. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 8926 Seven Stories, with Basement and Attic. N. Y., I864. I2~.. 2913 Wet Days at Edgewood. (2 copies.) N. Y., I865. I2~... 8924 Mitchell, James. Tour through Belgium, etc. Lond., I8I6. 8~.. I6657 Mitchell, John. Life of Wallenstein. 2d ed. Lond., I840. 8~.. 7790 Mitchell, T. L. Expeditions in Australia. 2d ed. Lond., I839. 2 v. 8~. 8085 Mitford, A. B. Tales of Old Japan. Lond., I871. 2 v. 8~... 2005 Mitford, M. R. Our Village. N. Y., I828-30. 4 v. I20.... 2409 The same. v. 1-3. 2413 Works. Philad. 8~.. 2675 Life and Letters of. N. Y., I870. 2 v. I2~.. 7053 Mitford, W. Hist. of Greece. Lond., I820. IO V. 8~.... I5954 Mivart, St. G. Genesis of Species. (2 copies.) Lond., I87I. 8~.. 8943 Modern Accomplishments. Sinclair. N. Y., I836. I2~.... I55II Chivalry. Brackenridge. Philad., I804. 2 v. I2~... 15742 Cymon, The. Kock. Philad., I833. 2 v. 12~.. 5137 Griselda, The. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 9.) Bost., I825. 8~.. I5343 Society. Sinclair. N. Y., I837. I20...I5512 Women. N.Y., I868-70. 2 v. I20.. 9206 The same. v. I.. 9205 Mo611hausen, B. Journey to the Pacific. Lond., I858. 2 v. 8~.. 8419 Moens, W. J. C. English Travelers and Italian Brigands. N. Y., I866. 12........... 8347 Moffat, R. Missionary Labors in S. Africa. N. Y., I843. I2C.. 16521 21I Mogul —Montesquieu. Mogul Empire, Travels in the, I655-68. Bernier. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8~. I654I Mohammed. The Koran. Tr. by Sale. Lond., I825. 2 v. 8~.. J0032 Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., I833. 8~.. 675I The same. Bush. N. Y., I84I. I2.. II937 and his Successors. Irving. N. Y., i86o. 2 V. I2~.. 7579 Lives of. Ockley. Lond., I847. 8.. 423 Mohammed Al and his House. A Romance. [Mundt.] N. Y., I872. 8.......... 309I Mohammedanism, Hist. of. Mills. Lond., I818. 8~... I003I Moir, D. M. Life of Macnish. (Tales, v. I.) Lond., I844. I60.. 2367 Mansie Wauch. N. Y., I828. I20... I5236 [Moir, G.] Treatises on Poetry and Romance. Edinb., I839. 12~.. I64 Mollien, G. Travels in Africa. (Voyages, v. 3.) Lond., I820. 8~. 8053 Molloy, G. Geology and Revelation. N. Y., I870. I2~... 8982 Mommsen, T. Hist. of Rome. N. Y., I869-70. 4 v. I2~.. 4694 The same. N. Y., I87I. 4 v. 8~.. 4698 Monaldi. Allston. Bost., I84I. I2.. I5744 Monarchs retired from business. Doran. N. Y., I857. 2 v. I2~.. 6752 Monarchy. Brougham. (Polit. Philos., v. I.) Lond., I844. 8~.. 8680 Monastery, The. Scott. Edinb., I870. 80. i. 88I Money, Theory of. Tucker. Bost., I839. I2~..1. 8648 Monikins, The. Cooper. Philad., I84I. I2~.. 2809 Monk, G., Life of. Skinner. Dubl., 1724. 8...... 6626 Memoirs of. Guizot. Lond., I838. 8~.. 6822 Monk of Cimies, The. Sherwood. (Works, v. I4.) N. Y., I837. I2~. I5126 Monks of the West. (500-700.) Montalembert. Edinb., I86I. 2 v. 8~. 6489 Monmouth, Geoffrey of. See GEOFFREY. Monnier, M. Wonders of Pompeii. N. Y., I870. 120.... IOI27 Monroe, J. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. I.) N. Y., I854. 8~. 6200 Tours of, in I8I7-I8. Waldo. Hartfd., I8I8. 120... I6393 Monsieur Sylvestre. Sand. Bost., I870. I6~.. 2351 Monstrelet, E. de. Chronicles, tr. by Johnes. (2 copies.) Lond., I840. 2 v. 8.......... 5700 Montagu, B. Selections from Taylor, Hall, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., I845. I2.......... 3957 The same. Lond., I839. I6~.. 3917 Montagu, C. (Earl of Halifax). Poems, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~. 15097 Sketch of. Thorold Rogers. Lond., I869. 8~.. 673I [Montagu, E.] Essay on Shakespeare. Lond., 1769. 8~.. I590 Montagu, M. W. Letters and Works. Philad., I837. 2 v. 8~. 3802 Works. Lond., I803. 5 v. I2... I3208 Montaigne, M. de. Essays. Lond., I759. 3 v. 8~..... 3403 Montalembert, C. PF. de. The Monks of the West. Edinb., I86i. 2 v. 8~. 6489 Montenegro, Travels in, I8IO-I2. Vialla de Sommi~res. Lond., I820. 8~.. ~.. 8054 Montesquieu, C. de Secondat de. Spirit of Laws. Lond., I766. 2 v. 80. I477I Works. Lond., 1777. 4 v. 8.. 9522 CONTENTS.-1, 2 Spirit of Laws. 3, Grandeur and Declension of the Roman Empire; Persian Letters. 4, Familiar Letters; Miscellanies; Analysis of Spirit of Laws by d'Alembert, etc.; Index. Montez-Moore. 2II Montez, Lola. Anecdotes of Love. N. Y. [I858.] I2~.... 15824 Lectures and Autobiography. N. Y., I859. I2~.... I5825 Montezuma; a Romance. Maturin. N. Y., I845. 2 V. I2~.. I5745 Montgomery, C. Eagle Pass. N. Y., 1852. 120... 16882 Montgomery, G. W. Journey to Guatemala. N. Y., 1839. 8~.. I6900 Montgomery, J. Lectures on Literature, Poetry, etc. N. Y., 1840. 120. II284 The same. N. Y., I833. I2~...... I2II4 Poetical Works. Philad., 1830. 8~. 944 The same. 947 The same. Bost., I825. 4 V. 240.. 544 The same. 13834 The same. Bost., I86o. 5 v. 160.. IO66 Prose, by a Poet. Philad., 1824. 2 v. in I. I2.. 372 The Wanderer, and other Poems. Philad., I8II. I2~.. I4848 Montgomery, R., Life of. Armstrong. Bost., I834. I6~. 7250 Month, The. Lond., I870-7I. New Series, v. 1-4. 8~. ~ ~ ~ 17778 Monthly Magazine. Lond., 1796-1825. 60 v. 8~.. T4152 Review. Lond., I8I7-33. v. 82-129, 131, 132. 8... 14300 Montholon-Semonville, C. T. de. Hist. of Captivity of Napoleon. N. Y., 1846. 8~.. 5598 Memoirs of Hist. of France. See NAPOLON I. Montrose, Marquis of. See J. GRAHAM. Montsalvatge, R., Life of. N. Y., I845. 120. 1. I728I Montule, E. de. Travels in Egypt; Voyage to N. America, etc. Lond., 1821. 80.. 8055 Moon, G. W. The Dean's English. 4th ed. [Lond., I865.] 6~.. 58 Moon, Wonders of the. Guilleinin. N. Y., 1I873.. I2.. IO150 Moonstone, The. Collins. N. Y., I869. 80.. 2303 Moore, C0. 0. G. Castriot, surnamed Scanderbeg. N. Y., I850. I2~. 7583 Moore, E. The Gamester. (Brit. Drama, v. I, pt. 2.) Lond., I804. 80. 1630 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~... ~ 536 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I8I9. 24~. 17 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8~... 15101 Moore, P. American Eloquence. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 8~.. ~ 9432 Diary of the American Revolution. N. Y., I86o. 2 v. 8~.. 6189 The Rebellion Record. N. Y., I86I-64. v. I-7. 80~. 6262 Moore, G. Man and his Motives. N. Y., I848. 16~... 8517 Power of the Soul over the Body. N. Y., I847. I20. 85I6 Use of the Body in relation to the Mind. N. Y., 1849. I2~.. 8515 Moore, H. Memoir of Ethan Allen. Plattsburgh, 1834. 12~... 7495 Moore, J. S. Pictorial Book of Ballads. Lond., 1847-48. 2 v. 8~. 1205 Moore, John. View of Society and Manners in Italy. 3d ed. Lond., 1783. 2 v. 8......... I6737 Works. Edinb., I820. 7 v. 8~.. 17317 Moore, T. The Epicurean. Bost., 1827. I2~...... 2022 The same. N.Y., I862. 12~.. 246i Fudge Family in Paris. N. Y., I8I8. I20... I4837 Hist. of Ireland. (2 copies.) Lond., 1836-40. 3 v. I6~. 5176 Lalla Rookh. Philad., I817. 12~. 994 212 Moore-More. Moore, T. Lalla Rookh. N. Y., 1849. I2.... 62 The same. Philad., 1849. 8~.. I278 Life of Byron. Philad., I869. 2 v. 8~.. 7184 The same. Lond., 1844. 8~. 7186 of Fitzgerald. N. Y., 183I. 2 V. 12.... 6684 Melodies, Songs, Sacred Songs, and National Airs. N. Y., I82I. I2. 602 The same. I4836 Memoirs of Sheridan. Philad., I826. 2 V. I2~.. 6912 Poetical Works. Bost. [I864.] 240..... 974 The same. Lond., I840-44. v. 1-9. 16..... 643 CONTENTS.-1, Odes of Anacreon; Juvenile Poems. 2, Juvenile Poems; Poems Relating to America. 3, Corruption and Intolerance; The Sceptic; Twopenny Post-Bag; Satirical and Humorous Poems; Irish Melodies. 4, Irish Melodies; NationalAirs; Sacred Songs; Summer Fete. 5, Evenings in Greece; Ballads; Songs; Miscellaneous Poems. 6, 7, Lalla Rookh. 7, Political and Satirical Poems; Fudge Family in Paris; Fables for the Holy Alliance; Rhymes on the Road; Miscellaneous Poems. 8, Loves of the Angels; Miscellaneous Poems Satirical and Humorous Poems. 9, Satirical and Humorous Poems; The Fudges in England; gongs from M. P., or the Blue Stocking; Miscellaneous Poems. Tom Crib's Memorial to Congress. N. Y., I8I9. 12~.. I4838 Memoirs, Journal, and Correspondence of. Russell. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 80.......... 7178 Moore, W. V. Indian Wars of the U. S. Philad., I840. 120... 5747 Moors. See SARACENS; SPAIN. Moraes, F. de. Palmerin of England, ed. Southey. Lound., I807. 4 v. 24... 694 Moral Feelings, Philosophy of the. Abercrombie. N. Y., I840. I20. II278 Philosophy. See PHILOSOPHY. Reformer, The. Ed. Alcott. Bost., I835. v.I. I2~.. I6966 Science, Elements of. Beattie. Philad., I809. 3v. I2~.. 12293 The same. Wayland. N. Y., I835. 8~.... 8739 Lectures on. Hopkins. Bost., I865. I2~... 86o6 Sentiments, Theory of. A. Smith. Lond., I853. 8~. ~ ~ 485 Morality, Essays on Principles of. Dymond. N. Y., I844. 8~. ~ I7069 Morals, European, Hist. of, from Augustus to Charlemagne. Lecky. N. Y., I869. 2 V. 8~.. 4709 See, also, PHILOSOPHY. Mordaunt. J. Moore. (Works, v. 7.) Edinb., I820. 8~... I7323 More, Hannah. Ccelebs in search of a Wife. N. Y., I809. 2 v. I2~. 2403 Sacred Dramas; Sensibility. 2d ed. Lond., 1782. I60.. I4849 Search after Happiness; Armine and Elvira. Philad., I774. 8~. I4850 Works. Bost., 1827. 2 v. 8.. 15103 Philad., 1818. v. I-5, 7, 8. I2.... I3674 Life of. Thompson. Philad., I838. 2 V. I2~... I6IO7 Memoirs of. Roberts. N. Y., I834. 2 V. 12.... I6Io5 More, Sir T. Utopia, transl. by Burnet. Lond., I850. I2~.. ~ 3953 The same, tr. by R. Robinson. Ed. Arber. Lond., i869. 6........... 3890 Life of. Campbell. (Ld. Chancellors, v. I.) Lond., I845. 8~. 6866 The same. Mackintosh. Lound., I83I. 16~... 5759 More, Sir Thomas; or, Colloquies on Society. Southey. Lound., 1831. 2 V. 8.......... 3479 PMoreau-Morrs. 2t3 Moreau, J. V., Life and Campaigns of. N. Y., I8o6. I2~... 7501 Memoirs of. Philippart. Philad., I816. 8~... I6404 Moredun. N.Y., I855. 8~.. 2309 Morelet, A. Travels in Central America. N. Y., I87I. I2.. 843I Morell, Sir C. (Pseudonym..) See J. RIDLEY. Morell, J. D. Hist. of Speculative Philosophy of Europe in I9th century. N. Y., I848. 8... 8726 Philosophy of Religion. N. Y., 1849. I2~.... 9952 Morell, Thos., D.D. Poems on Divine Subjects. Lond., 1732. 8~.. 485I Morell, Rev. Thos. Elements of Hist. of Philosophy and Science. Lond., I827. 80.. 8720 Morgan, D., Life of. Graham. N. Y., I859. I2~... 7306 Morgan, G. G. W. Poems. 2d ed. Bost., I855. 120. 2~. I4942 Morgan, Lady S. O. Book of the Boudoir. N. Y., I829. 2 v. I2~.. 4344 Dramatic Scenes. N. Y., 1833. I2~...... I440 France [in I8I6]. Philad., I817. 8~.. 8448 France in 1829-30. N. Y., I830. 2 v. I2... I6692 Italy. N.Y., I82I. 2 V. 8........ 8337 Lay of an Irish Harp. N. Y., I8o8. I2~. 1. 4839 Wild Irish Girl. N. Y., 1807. I2~.. 2405 Morgan, Sir T. C. and Lady S. O. Book without a Name. N. Y., I84I. 2v. I2.......... I5387 Mori, A. de'. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., I836. I2~..I90 Moriarty, D. I. Innisfoyle Abbey. Lond., I840. 3 v. I2~... I5460 [Morier, J.] Adventures of Hajji Baba in England. N. Y., I828. 2 v. I20......... I5443 Zohrab. N. Y., I833. 2 v. I2........5641 Morison, J. Counsels to Young Men on Modern Infidelity. N. Y. I2~. I70I8 Morley, H. English Writers. Lond., I866-67. 2 v. in 3. 8~... I58 CONTENTS.-1, pt. 1, Celts and Anglo-Saxons. 1, pt. 2, from the Conquest to Chaucer. 2, pt. 1, Chaucer to Dunbar. Life of Cornelius Agrippa. Lond., I856. 2 v. 8~... 7766 Life of Palissy. Lond. [I869.] I6~.. 7879 Clement Marot and other Studies. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~. 3740 Morley, J. Edmund Burke. Lond., I867. 8~.. 68II Voltaire. N. Y., I872. 80...Io296 Mormonism in all ages. Turner. N. Y. [I842.] 12~. 10029 Origin and Progress of. Tucker. N. Y., i867. 2... Ioo30 See, also, BURTON'S City of the Saints. Morocco, Present State of. De Chenier. Lond., I788. 2 v. 80. I6532 Tour to, I789. Lempriere. Lond., I793. 8~..... I653I Morphy, P., Games played by. N. Y., I86o. 12.... I0175 Morrell, B. Narrative of Voyages. N. Y., I832. 80.. 8077 [Morris,E.] Derrick and Drill. N. Y., I865. I2~... 7000 Morris, G. P. Little Frenchman with his Water Lots, etc. Philad., I839. I20....,.. 4294 Morris, J. M. See W. A. CROFFUT. Morris, W. Earthly Paradise. (2 copies.) Bost., I868-7I. 3 v. 12~. 1225 Life and Death of Jason. Bost., I867. I2~... I224 28 214 Morris-Mudie. Morris, W. Love is Enough. Bost., I873. 6. I6I.. 03o6 Morrison, R., Memoirs of. By his Widow. Lond., I839. 2 v. 8.. 7777 Morse, J., and Parish, E. Hist. of N. England. Charlestown, I8o4. I2~. I6o46 Morse, O. A. Vindication of Mr. Ball. N. Y., 1867. 8~....5048 [Morse, S. P. B.] Foreign Conspiracy against the U. S. N. Y., I835. 12~.. I7278 Morton, S. W. My Mind and its Thoughts. Bost., I823. 8~. 15308 Morton, T. Zorinski; Secrets worth knowing. Lond., I8II. I2~.. I329 Morton's Hope. [Motley.] N. Y., I839. 2 V. I2... I5747 Moscheles, J. Life of Beethoven. (2 copies.) Lond., I84I. 2 V. I2~. 796i Moseley, H. Illustrations of Mechanics. N. Y., I844. I20.. II780 Mosheim, J. L. v. Commentaries on Eccl. Hist., I-200. Lond., I8I3. 2 v. 80.. 659I Institutes of Eccl. Hist., tr. by Murdock. (2 copies.) N. H., I832. 3 v. 80.......... 6585 Mosses from an Old Manse. Hawthorne. Bost., I86o. 2 V. I6~.. 2879 Mother's Love, A. [Mrs. Hallock.] N. Y., I867. I2~... I7047 Recompense, The. Aguilar. N. Y., I868. I2~... 2517 Mothers of England, Influence of the. Ellis. N. Y., I844. I2~. ~ 9201 Motherwell, W. Minstrelsy: ancient and modern. Glasg., I827. 80. 942 The same. Bost., I846. 2. 12.. 824 Poems narrative and lyrical. (2 copies.) Bost., I84I. I6~.. 826 Poetical Works. With Memoir. Bost., I847. I6~.. 828 Posthumous Poems. Bost., I85I. I6..829 Motley, J. L. Hist. of the United Netherlands. (3 copies.) N. Y., I86i-68. 4 v. 8......... 5912 Morton's Hope. N. Y., I839. 2. 22 v. 25747 Rise of the Dutch Republic. (3 copies.) N. Y., I856-6I. 3 v. 8~. 5903 Mott, V. Travels in Europe and the East. N. Y., I842. 8~... I6621 Motteville, P. B. de. Memoirs of Anne of Austria. Lond., I726. 5v. 12.. I4627 Mount Hope; a Romance. Hollister. N. Y., I85I 12. I2~. I5749 Vernon Papers. Everett. N. Y., I86o. I2~.. 3578 Washington in Winter. Bost., I87I. I20.. 8393 Mountain Decameron, The. Downes. Lond., I836. 3 v. I2~0. I5513 Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada. King. Bost., I872. 8~.. 8401 Mountford, W. Miracles. Bost., 1870. I2~.. 9908 Mourning Ring. Mrs. Inchbald. N. Y., I82I. I2~... I5516 Mourt, G. Relation, ed. Cheever. (2 copies.) N. Y., I849. I2~.. 6007 Mouse-Trap, The; with other Poems. N. Y. [I840.] 12~.. 1~ 4963 Mowatt, A. C. See A. C. M. RITCHIE. Mozart J. W. A. Letters, I769-9I. N. Y., I866. 2 v. I60.. 7883 Life of. Bombet. Bost., I839. I6~.. 7881 Life and Correspondence of. Holmes. N. Y., 1845. 16~.. 7882 Mozart; a biographical Romance. Rau. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 3035 Mudie, R. The Air. Lond., 1835. I2....... I4632 The Earth. Lond., I835. I20. I4633 The Heavens. Lond., I835. 12~. 1.....4634 Mlan, in his Physical Structure. Bost., I838. I2~.. 9117 Mudie-Munter. 215 Mudie, R. Popular Guide to Observation of Nature. N. Y., I839. I2.......... II277 The Sea. Lond., 1835 120. I2~. I4635 Mi'ller, C. Journey through Greece. (Voyages, v. 8.) Lond., I822. 8~. 8058 Miiller, F. Max. Chips from a German Workshop. N. Y., 1869-71. 3 v. I2~...37Io Lectures on Science of Language. (2 copies.) N. Y., 186265. 2V. 12V. I30 on Science of Religion; Papers on Buddhism. N. Y., I872. 80.......... 9958 Miiller, Fritz. Facts and Arguments for Darwin. Lond., I869. 8~. 8945 Mffller, G. The Life of Trust. Bost., I862. 12..... 7765 Miller, J. v. Universal Hist. Lond., I8I8. 3 v. 8~.. 4IO7 The same. Bost., I83I v. I. 12~.. 8826 The same. v. 2. 2~..8828 The same. Bost., I840. 4 V. I2... 15925 Mifller, K. O. Hist. of Literature of Greece. Lond., L840. v.I. 8~. 197 Miller, O. Dr. Goethe's Courtship. Lond., I866. I6~.. 3046 Muhlbach, L. (Pseudonym.) See C. M. MUNDT. Muley Liezit, Emperor of Morocco, Life of. Lond., I797. I20.. I64IO Mulford, E. The Nation. N. Y., I870. 8~.. 8696 Mullen, S. Pilgrim of Beauty, and other Poems. Lond., 1845. 80. 1223 Muloch, D. M. See D. M. CRAIK. Munchausen, Baron, Travels of. N. Y., I862. I2~.. 4279 The same. Lond., I869. 8~.. 4280 [Mundt, C. M.] (Mrs. Muhlbach.) Andreas Hofer. N. Y., I868. 80. 3088 Berlin and Sans-Souci. N. Y., I867. I2~... 3IO5 The same. N. Y., I869. 8~.. 3079 The Daughter of an Empress. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. 80.. 3089 The Empress Josephine. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. 80.. 3070 Frederick the Great and his Court. (3 copies.) N. Y., I86668. I20.. 3099 and his Family. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. 8~. 3080 Goethe and Schiller. (2 copies.) N. Y., I868. 8~... 3086 Henry VIII. and his Court. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867-68. I2~. 3102 Joseph II. and his Court. N. Y., I867. 8.... 3084 Louisa of Prussia and her Times. N. Y., I867. 80.. 3085 Marie Antoinette and her Son. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. 8~.. 3072 Merchant of Berlin. N. Y., I867. 12~.. 3IO4 Mohammed Ali and his House. N. Y., I872. 8~.. 309I Napoleon and Blucher. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. 80.. 3074 and the Queen of Prussia. N. Y., I867. 8~.. 3078 Old Fritz. (2 copies.) N. Y., I868. 80...... 3082 Prince Eugene and his Times. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869. 8~.. 3068 Queen Hortense. (2 copies.) N. Y., I870. 8~. 3076 Mlundt, T. Count Mirabeau. N. Y., I868. 8...... 3092 MNunera Pulveris. Ruskin. N. Y., 1872. 12...... 863I Munn, L. C. The American Orator. Worc., I855. I20.... 9292 Munter, B. Count Struenzee. Bost., I853. I60.... 756I 216 Murdock-Mlusical. Murdock, J. Sketches of Modern Philosophy. Hartfd., 1842. I20. 8494 Murphy, A. All in the Wrong; Way to keep him. Lond., 18o4. 80. 1632 Apprentice; Citizen; Old Maid; 3 Weeks after Marriage; Upholsterer. Lond., I8O4. 80. 1633 The Gray's-Inn Journal. Lond., 1756. 2 v. 120. 1. 13o31 Grecian Daughter; All in the Wrong; Way to Keep him; Know your own Mind. Lond. 120... 1338 Life of Garrick. Lond., Ti8oI. 2 v. 8~. 7967 Orphan of China; Zenobia; Grecian Daughter. Lond., 1804. 8~. 163o Murray, C.A. Travels in N. Amer. N. Y., 1839. 2 v. 12... 16788 Murray, H. Adventures of Brit. Seamen. Edinb., 1827. 120... 4466 British America. Edinb., T839. 3 v. 16~.. 5716 The same, abridged. N. Y., 1840. 2 V. 120.. 11425 The same...12122 Encyclopaedia of Geography. Philad., 1849. 3 v. 8.. 8145 Hist. of Discoveries in Africa. 2d ed. Edinb., i818. 2 v. 8~. 8o88 in Asia. Edinb., 1820. 3 v. 8... 8060 in N. Amer. Lond., 1829. 2 v. 80.. I6782 and others. British India. N. Y., I840. 3 v. x2.. 11267 Discovery in Africa. N. Y., 1840. 12. 1. ioi6 in the Polar Regions. N. Y., 1840. 12. 110oI4 Murray, J.B. O. Hist. of Usury. Philad., i866. 8.. 8651 Murray, T. Life of Rutherford. Edinb., 1828. I2... 7515 Murray, Win. (Lord Mansfield), Life of. Campbell. Philad., 1851. 80. 6874 Murray, Wn. H. H. Adventures in the Adirondacks. (2 copies.) Bost., I869. 16.. 8226 Music-Hall Sermons. Bost., 1870. 12.. 9829 Musaus, J. C. A. Dumb Lover. (German Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., 1826. 12........... 1897 Popular Tales. Transl. by Carlyle. Bost., I84I. 120.. 3IO8 The same. Lond., 1871. 80.. 4053 Muscipula; the Mouse-Trap; with other Poems. N. Y. [1840.] 120. 14961 Museum, The. Lond., 1746-47. 3 v. 80..12742 of Foreign Literature. Philad., 1822-39. v. 1-26, 28-29, 31-33, 35-37. 8~..14046 Musgrave, G. A Ramble into Brittany. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 80.. 8371 Music, English Church, Essays on. Mason. (Works, v. 3.) Lond., i8ii. 80........... 17239 and Friends. Gardiner. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8... 9082 Hist. of. Hawkins, Burney, and Busby. Lond., 1819. 2 v. 80. 9078 Lessons in. Warner. N.Y., 1845. 12.... I7119 and Morals. Haweis. N. Y., 1872. 120..... 8865 Our Church. Willis. N.Y., i856. 12.... 8866 Vocal, Manual of. Mason. Bost., 1834. 120. ~. 17118 Musical Cyclopedia, The. Porter. Bost., 1834. I2.. 8862 Drama, Memoirs of the. Hogarth. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8.. 9080 Grammar. Callcott. Bost., 1833. 12.. 17I17 History, Biography, and Criticism. Hogarth. N.Y., 1845. 80. 9077 Sketches. Polko. N.Y., 1866. 16.... 8867 Mussulman-Naples; 217 Mussulman, The; a Tale. Madden. Philad., 1830. 2v. 12~.. I5517 Mussulmans, Biblical Legends of the. Weil. N. Y., I846. I2~.. 9548 My Aunt Margaret's Mirror. Scott. Edinb., I871. 8~... 889 My Cousin Nicholas. [Barham.] Lond., I84I. 2 V. 12~. I5519 My Discontented Cousin. Bost., I87I. 16~.. 2378 My Little Lady. N. Y., I872. I60.. 2372 My Married Life at Hillside. Barry Gray. N. Y., I865. I2~.. 2923 My Novel. Bulwer. N. Y., I86o. 2 v. I2... 2136 My Southern Friends. Gilmore. N. Y., I863. I2~.. 2931 My Summer in a Garden. Warner. Bost., I871. 8~.. 3639 My Uncle Hobson and I. P. Jones. N. Y., I845. I20.. 1. I575I My Wife and I. Stowe. N. Y., I871. I2~.. 2964 Myers, P. Lectures on Great Men. Lond., 1856. 8~... 67II Myers, H. M. and P. V. N. Life and Nature under the Tropics. N. Y., 187I. I2~. 8433 [Myers, P. H.] Ensenore. N. Y., I840. 80.. I5o6I Mysteries of Udolpho. Radcliffe. N. Y., i86I. I2~.... 2513 Mystery, Philosophy of. Dendy. N. Y., 1847. 12~.... 8519 Mythology, Beauties of. Bulfinch. Bost., I863. I2~.... I909 of Aryan Nations. Cox. Lond., I870. 2 v. 8~.... 4I03 of Greece and Italy. Keightley. Lond., I838. 8.... 4425 Metamorphoses in. Ovid. N. Y., I836. 2 V. I20.. 4527 Scandinavian. Pigott. Lond., I839. 8~. 1. I919 Tales from. Keary. Lond., 187I. I20... I700 Zoological. De Gubernatis. Lond., I872. 2 v. 80.. I034I Myths of Middle Ages, Curious. Baring-Gould. Lond., I869. 160. 96~. I5 and Myth-Makers. Fiske. Bost., I873. 6~... I0262 of the New World. Brinton. N. Y., i868. 8~.... I925 See, also, EDDA; FAIRY. N. Nabbes, T. Microcosmus. (Old Plays, v. 9.) Lond., I825. 8~.. I5I6 Nack, J. Earl Rupert, etc. N. Y., I839. I2~.. I5012 Nala and Damayanti, etc. Transl. by Milman. Lond., I839. I6~.. 997 Names, Etymological Dict. of. Arthur. N. Y., i86o. 120... 102 Napheys, G. H. The Transmission of Life. Philad., 1871. I20.. 9167 Napier, E. Wild Sports. Lond., I844. 2 v. 8~..... IOI66 Napier, M. Life of Montrose. (2 copies.) Edinb., I840. 80... 6760 Napier, W. P. P. Hist. of War in the Peninsula. 4th ed. Brussels, 1839. 3 v. 80..... 6524 Naples, A Century of Despotism in, 1759-1856. Horner. Edinb., i86o. I6...... 4592 Excursions in Northern Provinces of. Craven. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 80..... 16715 218 Napoleon. Napoleon I. Confidential Correspondence with his brother Joseph. N. Y., I856. 2 v. 12.. 5498 with Josephine. Ed. Abbott. N. Y., IS856. I2~.. 5447 Memoirs of Hist. of France during my Reign. Lond., 1823-24. 2 pts. in 7 v. 80. [Dictated to Montholon and Gourgaud.] 559I Military Maxims. N. Y., I845. I2~. 5446 Campaigns of. Bost., I835. 120.. 5500 in Council, Opinions of. Pelet. Edinb., i837. 8~.. 5443 Court and Camp of. N. Y., I84I. I20.. II03I The same. N. Y., I832. I20.. 12094 Derniers momens de. Antommarchi. Paris, 1825. 2 v. 80.. 5632 in Exile: or, a Voice from St. Helena. O'Meara. Bost., r823. 2 V. I2~.. 544I Historic Doubts relative to. Whately. N. Y., 1835. 8~.. I7269 Historical Memoirs of. O'Meara. Philad., 1820. I2~.. 5440 Hist. of. Abbott. N. Y., I855-56. 2 V. 8~.. 5712 The same. Lanfrey. Lond., 1871-72. 2 v. 8~... 5586 The same. Laurent. N. Y., I842. 2 V. 8~... 5603 The same. Lockhart. N. Y., I840. 2 V. I2~... II003 Hist. of Waterloo Campaign of. Jomini. N. Y., I86o. 12~.. 5572 of Captivity of. Montholon. N. Y., I846. 8~.. 5598 Letters describing Conversations of. Warden. N. H., 1817. I2~. 5439 Life of. By an American. Elizabeth-Town, I820. 80.. 6209 The same. Hazlitt. N. Y., I847. 3 v. I2~... 5492 The same. Scott. Philad., I827. 3 v. 8~.. 5605 and his Marshals. Headley. N. Y., I847. 2 v. I2~.. 5434 Memoirs of. Arnault, etc. Bost., 1839. 2 v. I2~... 5444 The same. Bourrienne. Philad., I832. 80... 563I The same. Rapp. Lond., I823. 8.... 5599 Memoirs of Court of. Bausset. Philad., I828. 8~... 5590 Memoirs of, and of his Court and Family. Mme. Junot. N. Y., i860. 2 v. 80.. 5543 Narrative of Surrender, etc., of. Maitland. Bost., I826. I2~. I6221 Remarks on Life and Character of. Channing. (Works, v. I.) Bost., 184I. I2~.. 9568 Russian Expedition of. Segur. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. I2~... 6252 at St. Helena. N. Y., I815. I20.. 16224 Journal of. Las Cases. Lond., 1823. 8 v. 8~. I6212 Observations on Ld. Bathurst's Speech on. N. Y., I818. I20.. 16222 Sayings and Deeds of. Vieusseux. Lond., I846. 2 v. I2~.. 5505 Sketch of. De Cormenin. (Orators of France.) N. Y., T849. 12.~. and his Times. De Caulaincourt. Philad., 1838. 2 v. 12~.. 5503 Voyage of, to St. Helena; Cockburn's Diary, etc. Bost., I833. 12~........... 5438 Napoleon and Blucher. A Novel. [Mundt.] N. Y., I867. 8~.. 3074 Napoleon and the Queen of Prussia. [Mundt.] N. Y., I867. 80.. 3078 Napoleon —Naval. 219 Napol{on HI. Hist. of Julius Caesar. (2 copies.) N. Y., I86566. 2 V. 8~.. 4779 the Destroyer of the Second Republic. Hugo. N. Y., I870. I2~. 5547 Hist. of. Abbott. Bost., I869. 8..5714 The same. Smucker. Philad., I86o. I2~... 5548 The Prisoner of Ham. Briffault. Lond., I846. I2~... 5640 Napoleon Dynasty, The. [Lester.] N. Y., I852. 80. 5600 Nasby, P. V. (Pseudonym.) See D. R. LOCKE. Nash, T. Summer's Last Will. (Old Plays, v. 9.) Lond., I825. 8~. I5I6 Nassau, Bubbles from the Brunnen of. [Head.] N. Y., I845. I2~.. 8366 Nation, The. A Weekly Journal. N. Y., I865-72. v. I-I5. 4~.. Critical and Social Essays from. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. I2~. 3562 Nation, The. Mulford. N. Y., I870. 8.. 8696 National Character, Essay on. Chenevix. Lond., I832. 2 v. 8~.. 8670 Tales. N. Y., 1825. 2 V. 12~.. 14913 Natural History. Buffon, ed. Wright. Lond., I83I. 4 v. I2~.. 880oi The same. Martin. N. Y., I86I-62. 2 V. I20.. 8953 Discourse on Study of. Swainson. Lond., I839. I6~..... 6055 Methods of Study in. Agassiz. Bost., I864. 12~. 8835 Philosophy of. Smellie. Bost., i832. 8~.. I6935 Seaside Studies in. Agassiz. Bost., I865. 80.. 9002 of Selborne. White. Lond., I85I. 8~... 525 See, also, ANIMALS; ZOOLOGY. Philosophy, Discourse on Study of. Herschel. Lond., I835. I6~. 6042 Letters on. Euler. N. Y., I840. 2 V. 2... 11275 Theology, Bridgewater Treatises on. Philad. and Lond., 1836-37. 8 v. 80.. I6982 For Contents, see BRIDGEWATER. Discourse of. Brougham. Philad., I835. I2~. 1698I Naturalist, Journal of a. [Knapp.] Philad., I831. I2~... 8830 Voyage of a. Darwin. N. Y., I846. 2 v. I6~.. 8831 Nature, Beauties, Harmonies and Sublimities of. Bucke. Lond., 1837. 3 V. 8~... I6990 Guide to Observation of. Mudie. N. Y,, I839. I2~.. II277 Remarkable Phenomena of. Ed. Bell. Edinb., I827. I2~. 4474 The Sublime in. De la Noye. N. Y., I87I. 12.... IOII7 and the Supernatural. Bushnell. N. Y., I859. 8.. Ioo23 Views of. Humboldt. Lond., I85o. 8~.. 8841 Naunton, R. Fragmenta Regalia. Ed. Arber. Lond., I870. 6~.. 3893 Naval Academy, U. S., Hist. of the. Marshall. N. Y., I862. I20.. 6034 Battles, American. Bost., I837. I2~.. I6I20 Biogr. of Grt. Brit., from I66o. Charnock. Lond., I794-98. 6 v. 8~.. 6897 Heroes, American, Biogr. of. Waldo. Hartf'd., I823. 8~.. 7472 Hist. of England [to 1400.] Southey. Philad., I835. I2~.. 4847 of Grt. Brit., I783-1836. Brenton. Lond., I837. 2 v. 8~. 5338 with Lives of Admirals, to I816. Campbell. Lond., I817. 8 v. 8~.. 6878 220 Naval-Nelson. Naval Life, Sketches of. G. Jones. N. H., 1829. 2 V. I2~.. I6272 Magazine. Ed. C. S. Stewart. N. Y., 1836. v. I. 8~.. 3557 Occurrences of the late War. James. Lond., I8I7. 8~.. 5872 Officers, American, Lives of. J. F. Cooper. Philad., 1846. 2 v. 12~...7275 For Contents, see COOPER. Navigation, Hist. of, to I704. Locke. (Works, v. 3.) Lond., I8oI. 8~. 9592 Navigators, Early, Lives of. N. Y., I840. I2~.. I1032 Navy of the U. S., Hist. of. Cooper. Philad., I839. 2 v. 8~... 6146 Neal, D. Hist. of the Puritans. Ed. Toulmin. Newburyp't., I816-I7. 5 v. 8~.. 6459 Neal, John. Battle of Niagara; and Goldau. Balt., I8i8. 12~.. I4943 The Down-Easters, &c. N. Y., I833. 2 V. 122.. I5689 Errata. N. Y., I823. 2 V. 12~. 1.. 569I Logan. Philad., I822. 2 V. I2.. I5735 Rachel Dyer. Portland, I828. I20. 15764 Wandering Recollections of a Busy Life. Bost., I869. I6~.. 7545 Neal, Joseph C. Charcoal Sketches. (2 copies.) Philad., I838. I20. 2868 Neale, A. Travels in Germany, Poland, and Turkey. Lond., I818. 4~. I6037 [Neale,E.] The Living and the Dead. N. Y., I827. I20... 15492 Neale, P.A. Residence in Siam. Lond., 1852. 80..... 80o09 Neander, J. A. W. Hist. of the Christian Religion and Church, I-300. Tr. by Rose. Philad., I843. 8~.. 6560 The same. Lond., I84I-42. 2 v. 8~.. 656I The same [to Io73]. Tr. by Torrey. Bost., 1848-50. 3 v. 8~.. 6563 Hist. of Planting and Training of the Church. Edinb., I842. 2 v. I60...6339 Life of Chrysostom. Lond., I845. 8~...... 7700 of Jesus Christ. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1848. 8~.. 6537 Memorials of Christian Life. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., T852. 8~.. 487 Nearer and Dearer. [Bradley.] N. Y., T864. I2~.. 243I Necker, J., Life of. James. Lond., 1838. 16~. 5770 Memoirs and Miscellanies of. Mme. de Stael. Lond., I8I8. 80. 765I Necker de Saussure, L. A. Travels in Scotland. Lond., I82I. 80. 8056 Voyage to the Hebrides. Lond., 1822. 80... 8058 Necromancers, Lives of the. Godwin. N. Y., I835. I2~. ~ ~ 6707 See, also, APPARITIONS; DEMONOLOGY; MAGIC. Ned Myers. Cooper. N. Y., I854. I20..28I8 Neele, H. Lectures on English Poetry, etc. Lond., I829. I2~. I65 Literary Remains. N. Y., I829. 80... I5I09 Romance of Engl. Hist. Philad., I828. 2 v. I2~.. I5563 Neff, PF., Memoir of. Gilly. Bost., 1832. 120.. 7572 The same. Philad., I832. I20.. 7520 Negris, A. Lit. Hist. of Modern Greece. Edinb., I835. I6.. 9I37 Negroes, Moral Faculties and Literature of. Gregoire. Brooklyn, I8IO. 80...1....... 7II3 Neighbours, The. Bremer. Lond., I852. 8..468 Nelson, D. Cause and Cure of Infidelity. N. Y., I837. I2~.. 9880 The same.. 9835 Nelson —New, 22! Ntelson, H., Life of. Southey. N. Y., I84I. 120.. IIoo5 The same. Tucker. Lond. 8~.. 685i Nemours, M. de Longueville de. Memoirs. Lond., I775. I2~. 7500 Nennius. Hist. of the Britons. Ed. Giles. Lond., 1I848. 8~. 499 Netherlands, Annals of, I506-1629. Romans. Hartf'd., 1778-82. 8~. 58II Art in the. Taine. N. Y., I87I. 12~.. 8849 Hist. of the [to I83I]. Grattan. Lond., 1838. I6~.... 5474 of Revolt of. Schiller. Lond., I846. 2 v. 8~... 436 of the United, I584-I609. Motley. N. Y., I86I-68. 4 v. 8~. 5912 Observations on the, to I672. Temple. Lond., I8I4. 8.. I7197 Austrian, Sketches of the. Shaw. Lond., 1788. 8~.. 16053 See, also, DUTCH; HOLLAND. Nettleton, A., Memoir of. Tyler. Hartfd., I845. I2.. 7633 Never too late to mend. Reade. Bost., 1869. 16~.. 2097 Nevilles of Garretstown, The. Lever. N. Y., I846. 8~.... 2317 Nevius, J. L. China and the Chinese. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1869. 120. 7948 New Brunswick. See NOVA SCOTIA. N. England, Eccl. Hist. of, to I698. C. Mather. Hartf'd., I820. 2 v. 8~. 5958 Hist. of, to I689. Palfrey. Bost., 1859-64. 3 v. 80... 6241 The same, abridged and continued to I727. Bost., I866 -72. 3 v. 12.. 6076 to I776. Elliott. N. Y., 1857. 2 v. 80.. 6175 [to 1783.] Barber. Worc., I841. 8~... 5936 to I791. Adams. Dedham, I799. 8~... 5848 and her Institutions. Bost., I835. I2~.. 5724 The same. I68o9 Legends of. Whittier. Hartf'd., I831. 12~.. 2949 Magazine. Ed. Buckingham. (2 copies.) Bost., I83I-34. 7v. 8~. I3864 Northmen in. J. T. Smith. Bost., I839. 12~. 5997 Sketches of. Carver. N. Y., I842. 120. 15780 Summer Cruise on Coast of. Carter. Bost., I864. 8~.. I6808 Travels in. Dwight. N. H., 182I. 4 v. 80.. I6839 New Englander, The. N. H., I843-72. V. 1I-24, 26-36. 8~.. 12997 The same. v. 2-5, 7-28. 8~.. I297I Index, v. I-I9. 2 copies. New Hampshire, Hist. of, to 1790. Belknap. Bost., I8I3. 3 v. 8~. 5861 New Haven, Hist. Discourse at. Kingsley. N. H., 1838. 8~... 5896 Hist. Discourses at. Bacon. N. H., 1839. 8~.... 5897 Colony, Hist. of. Lambert. N. H., 1838. 12~. ~ ~ ~ 5727 Records of, I638-49, I653-65. Hartf'd., I857-58. 2 v. 8~. 5932 New Home, A. [Kirkland.] N. Y., 1839. I2~. I5752 New Jersey, Hist. Collections of. Barber and Howe. N. Y., 1844. 8~. 5938 New Mirror. Ed. Morris & Willis. N. Y., I843-44. 3 v. 8~... 145I6 New Mirror for Travellers. [Paulding.] N. Y., I828. I2~.. I5289 New Monthly Magazine. Bost., I823-24. v. 6-8. 8~. 1I4350 New Purchase, The. Carlton. N. Y., I843. 2 v. 12~. 15753 New S. Wales, Observations on. Henderson. Calcutta, I832. 80.. I6287 Voyage to. Barrington. N. Y. 8~... I6288 New Testament. See BIBLE. 29 222 New-Nicholas. New Timon, The. Bulwer-Lytton. Philad., 1847. 120.. 836 New Timothy, The. Baker. N. Y., 1870. I2~.. 2852 New York Book of Poetry. N. Y., I837. 8~. I5064 N. Y. City Exhibition, 1853-54, Illustrations of the. N. Y., I854. 40~. Humbugs of. Reese. N. Y., I838. 12~... I7103 Knickerbocker's Hist. of. Irving. N. Y., 185o. I2~. 4357 Letters from. Child. N. Y., I844-45. 2 V. I2.. 1685I Old Merchants of. [Scoville.] N. Y., I863. 2 V. I2~.. 7415 Police Reports. Skillman. N. Y., I830. 8~... 15835 Sunshine and Shadow in. M. H. Smith. Hartf'd., I869. 8........... 6837 Literary Gazette. Ed. J. G. Brooks. N. Y., 1825-26. v.I. 80. I2577 Quarterly. N. Y., I854-55. v. 3. 8~...1.. 3338 Review. (2 copies.) N. Y., I837-42. Io v. 8~.. I29I4 State during the Revolution, Border Warfare of. Campbell. N. Y., I849. I2..5726 Hist. of, to I825. Eastman. N. Y., 1828. I20.. 6012 Polit. Parties in, to I840. Hammond. Albany, 1842. 2 v. 8....... 5900 Nat. Hist. and Internal Resources of. [D. Clinton.] N. Y., 822. I20.. 6847 Notes on. Seward. (Works, v. 2.) N. Y., I853. 8.~ ~ 9646 Speeches of Governors of, 1777-1825. Albany, 1825. 80. 17538 Tribune Almanac, I838-68. N. Y., I868. 2 v. I20.... 6I03 New Zealand, Station Life in, I865-68. Lady Barker. Lond., I870. 8~. 7988 New Zealanders, The. Bost., I830. 12.. 8809 Newcomes, The. Thackeray. Lond., I87I. 8~.. 219I Newell, C. Hist. of the Revolution in Texas. N. Y., I838. 12~. 5734 Newell, H., Memoirs of. Woods. Bost., I8I4. I2~.. 7522 [Newell, R. H.] Orpheus C. Kerr Papers. N. Y., I862-65. 3 v. I20. 4302 Newfoundland, Excursions in, 1839-40. Jukes. Lond., 1842. 2 v. I2~. I6777 Newman, J. H. Apologia pro Vita sua. N. Y., I865. 12~.. 9598 Essays, critical and historical. Lond., 1872. 2 v. 8~.. 9600 Grammar of Assent. N. Y., I870. 12~.. 9599 Newman, S. P. Elements of Polit. Economy. Andover, I835. 120. 17o96 Practical System of Rhetoric. Portland, 1827. I20... I7529 Newspaper Literature, Specimens of..Buckingham. Bost., 1850. 2 V. 12. 125 See, also, JOURNALISM. Newstead Abbey. Irving. Philad., I835. 12~.. 4244 Newton, I., Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., I833. 8~.. 675I The same. Brewster. N. Y., I840. I2~.... II028 Newton, J. Works. Philad., I834. 2 v. 8~. I7541 Ney, M., Memoirs of. Philad., 1834. 2 v. in I. 8~....6406 Ngami, Lake. Andersson. N. Y., I857. 8~..... 8091 Niagara, Battle of. [Neal.] Balt., I8I8. 12~.. I4943 Nicaragua, People, Monuments, etc., of. Squier. N. Y., 1856. 8~.. 8459 Nicholas I., Emperor of Russia, and Eastern Europe. Lond., I846. 3 V.. I........16175 Nicholas-North. 223 Nicholas I., Life and Reign of. Smucker. Philad., I86o. I2~.. 6446 Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens. N. Y., 1871. I6.... 2170 Nichols, G. W. Story of the Great March. N. Y., I865. I2~... 61og Nicholson, W. British Encyclopaedia of Arts and Sciences. Philad., I819-21. I2 v. 8.. Nicolas, N. H. The Chronology of History. 2d ed. Lond., I838. I6~. 4855 Nicolay, C. G. The Oregon Territory. Lond., I846. I2~.. 8i6I Niebuhr, B. G. Geography of Herodotus, etc. Oxfd., I830. 8~.. 4442 Hist. of Rome. (2 copies.) Philad., 1835. 2 v. 8~.. 4739 Lectures on Ancient Hist. Philad., I852. 3 v. I2~. 4059 Life and Letters of. Bunsen, etc. N. Y., 1852. I20.. 7762 Reminiscences of. Lieber. Philad., 1835. I2~. ~. 7763 Niebuhr, C. Travels through Arabia. Edinb., 1792. 2 v. 8~.. 8246 Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., 1833. 8~... 675I By his-Son. Edinb., I836. I6~.. 6633 Niger Expedition, Journal of, I830-3I. Lander. N. Y., I84I. 2 V. I20. 1IO39 Night and Morning; a Novel. Bulwer. N. Y., I841. 2 V. in I. I2~. 215I Scenes in the Bible. March. Philad., 1869. 8~.... IOO12 Side of Nature, The. Crowe. N. Y., i85o. 12... 8615 Nightmare Abbey. Peacock. N. Y., I845. 12~.,. 3956 Nile, Great Basin of the; The Albert N'yanza. Baker. Lond., I866. 8~. 8118 Journal of Discov. of Source of, 1859-63. Speke. N. Y., I864. 80. 8II6 Notes of a Howadji. [Curtis.] N. Y., I852. I20... 8235 Travels to discover the source of the, I768-73. Bruce. Dubl., 1790-9I. 6 v. 8......... 8092 Tributaries of Abyssinia, The. Baker. Lond., I868. 8~.. 8I20 See, also, EGYPT. Niles, H. Principles and Acts of the Revolution. Balt., I822. 80. 6297 Niles, J M. Life of Comm. Perry. Hartf'd., I820. I20... 6427 Niles' Weekly Register. Balt., I816-37. 52 v. 8~ and 4~. ~ 14553 Nineveh and its Remains. Layard. N. Y., I849. 2 V. 8~.. 80I4 No Fiction. Reed. N. Y., I835. 12~... 16383 Hero of. Barnett. Bost., I823. 2 v. I2~.. I6384 No Name. Collins. N.Y., I863. 8~.. 2299 Noa, M. M. Travels in Europe and Africa. N. Y., I8I9. 8~.. I6540 Noble, L. L. After Icebergs with a Painter. N. Y., 1862. I20.. 8112 Noble Life, A. Mrs. Craik. N. Y.,,i868. I2~.. 2484 Noctes Ambrosiana. Wilson, etc. N. Y., 1857. 5 v. I2~.. 3336 Nordhoff, C. California. N. Y., I873. 8~....... I24I Cape Cod and all along shore. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 295I Normarn B. M. Rambles in Yucatan. N. Y., I843. 8.. 8458 Norman Conquest. See ENGLAND. Normandy, The Dukes of. Duncan. Lond., I839. 12~. 5422 Norse-Folk, Visit to the. Brace. N. Y., I857. 12~. 8303 North, Christopher. (Pseudonym.) See John WILSON. North America. See AMERICA. American Review. Bost., I815-72. v. I-102, Io4-II5. 8~.. I2425 The same. v. 2-45, 47-54, 56-67, 69-IO2, I04-IO08.. 12579 Index, v. 1-25. (2 copies.). 224 North-Nuttall. North British Review. Edinb. and N. Y., I844-7I. 53 v. 8~... II684 The same. v. IO-37, 42-49.... II713 Briton, The. [With Notes, etc.] Wilkes. Dubl., I765. 3 V. 12~. 5155 Carolina, Hist. of (to I776). Williamson. Philad., 1812. 2 v. 80. 5864 Northanger Abbey. Austen. Bost., I863. I2~.. 2479 Northcote, J. Memoirs of Reynolds. Philad., I8I7. 8~.. 7992 Conversations of, by Hazlitt. Lond., I830. I2~.. 3421 Northmen in N. England. J. T. Smith. Bost., I839. 12~.. 5997 Northmore, T. Washington; a Poem. Balt. 12~. 1. 4840 Norton, C. E. S. The Child of the Islands. N. Y., 1846. 12~.. 14853 The Dream; and other Poems. Bost., I85I. I2.... II66 Poems. Bost., I833. I20...I4852 Norway, and her Laplanders, in I84I. Milford. Lond., I842. 8~.. 8300 Residence in, I834-36. Laing. Lond., I837. 80. ~ ~. 830o See, also, SCANDINAVIA; SWEDEN. Norwich, Hist. of. Caulkins. [Ist ed.] Norwich, 1845. I2~... 6II3 Norwood. H. W. Beecher. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 2943 Not Dead Yet. Jeaffreson. N. Y., I864. 8~.. 2332 Nothing, by Nobody. Philad., I827. 120.. I5755 Nott, E. Counsels to Young Men. N. Y., I84I. I20.... 9177 Nott, J. C., and Gliddon, J. R. Indigenous Races of the Earth. Philad., I857. 8~......... 9095 Types of Mankind. 7th ed. Philad., 3855. 8~.. 9094 Nourmahal. Quin. Lond., I838. 3 v. 120.. 15523 Nova-Scotia, Hist. and Statistics of. Haliburton. Halifax. [I829.] 2 v. 8~. 5888 New Brunswick, etc., Hist. of. Martin. Lond., I837. I6~.. 7901I Novalis. (Pseudonym.) See F. v. HARDENBERG. Novelists, Biogr. Notices of. W. Scott. Bost., I829. I20... 3190 British. Masson. Bost., I859. I2~. 51. German, Translations from. Roscoe. Lond., I826. 4 v. I20. I895 Italian, transl. by Roscoe. Lond., I836. 4 v. I2~... I899 Novels and Novelists of I8th century. Forsyth. N. Y., 1871. 12~.. 23I See, also, FICTION; ROMANCE. Now and Then. Warren. N. Y., I848. I20.. 15526 Nowrojee, J., etc. Journal of Residence in Grt. Brit. Lond., I84I. I2~. I6765 Noyes, J. 0O. Roumania. N. Y., I858. I20.. I6620 Nubia, Hist., etc., of. Russell. N. Y., I840. I2~.. 11281 See, also, EGYPT. Nugent, Lord. See G. N. T. GRENVILLE. Nuts to Crack; Quips, etc., of Oxford and Cambridge. (2 copies.) Philad., I835. I20. 9234 Nuttall, T. Ornithology of U. S.; Water Birds. Bost., I834. 120.. 8892 Travels into Arkansa Territory. Philad., 182I. 8~.. i6866 O.-Old. 225 O. O. T. A Danish Romance. Andersen. N. Y., 1870. 80... 2606 Oak to the Olive, From the. Howe. Bost., I868. I6~.. 8207 Oak-Openings, The. Cooper. N. Y., I857. I2~... 2828 Oakes, W. Scenery of the White Mts. Bost., I848. 4~. Oakfield. Arnold. Bost., I855. I2~... 15528 Oakwood Hall. Hutton. Philad., 1819. 2 V. I2~... 15529 Oasis, The. Child. Bost., I834. 12~.. 8466 Oaths. See SWEARING. Ober-Aummergau Passion Play. MacColl. Lond., I87I. I6~. I453 Observe, What to. Jackson. Lond., 184I. 2.... 8952 Observer, The. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 3.. 12.. 3140 O'Callaghan, J. C. The Green Book. Philad., I842. I20... 5254 O'Cataract, Jehu. (Pseudonym.) See J. NEAL. Occult Sciences, The. Smedley, etc. Glasg., 1855. 8~.. 86i6 Occupations of a Retired Life. Garrett. N. Y., I869. 8~. ~ ~ 2434 Ocean Harp, The. Philad., 1819. I2...I496I Scenes. N. Y., I848. 120.... 6260 World, The. Figuier. Lond. [I869.] 80.. 8998 See, also, SEA. Ockley, S. Hist. of Saracens. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I847. 8~.. 423 The same. Cambr., I757. 2 v. 80... 16059 O'Connell, D., Sketch of. Lecky. N. Y., I872. I2~.. 6743 [O'Connor, T.] Hist. of the late War. 3d ed. N. Y., I8I6. I2~.. 5725 Odd Whims. Repton. Lond., I804. V. 2. I2~.... 3955 Odds, At. Tautphoeus. Philad., I863. I2~.. 2509 Odds and Ends. Cincinn., I868. I6~.... I5832 by a Droll Fellow. N. Y., I830. 12~.. 15833 Odes on Cash, Corn, Catholics, etc. Philad., I828. I20.. 14865 Odiorne, T. Poems. Bost., 1792. 12...I4944 O'Donoghue, The. Lever. N. Y., I847. 80.. 2317 O'Driscol, J. Views of Ireland. Lond., I823. 2 v. 8~... 6744 Odyssey, The. See HOMER. [Ogilby, W.] The Elephant. New ed. Lond., I844. I2~.. 8792 The same. N. Y., 1844. I2...II765 The Menageries; Quadrupeds, v. I. Bost., 1830. 12~.. 8805 The same. v. 2. (The Elephant.) Bost., 1832. 120.. 8811 Natural Hist. of Quadrupeds. N. Y., 1840. I2~.... II428 Ogilvies, The. [Mrs. Craik.] N. Y., I864. 8~... 2680 Oglethorpe, J., Life of. Peabody. Bost., I844. I6~..726I O'Haloran, J. C. Life of St. Patrick. Philad., 1823. 12~.... 16339 O'Hara Family, The. (Pseudonym.) See J. BANIM. O'Keeffe, J. Lie of a Day. (Mod. Theatre, v. IO.) Lond., I8II. I2~. I336 Wild Oats. (Oxberry's Plays, v. 7.) Bost., I822. 240.. 135I Old Age, Essay on. Cicero. Lond., I807. 8...... 4634 Bachelor, The. Aird. Edinb., I845.. I6~... 15531 Curiosity Shop. Dickens. N. Y., I871. 16~... 2172 226 Old —Opera. Old-fashioned Girl, An. Alcott. Bost., I870. I6~.... 2741 Fritz. [Mundt.] N. Y., I868. 8~. 3082 Humphrey's Addresses. [Mogridge.] N. Y., I84I. I2~. 15I74 Observations. [Mogridge.] N. Y., I84I. I20.. 15175 Mam'selle's Secret, The. [John.] Philad., I868. I2~.. 3037 Mortality. Scott. Edinb., 870. 8~.. I868 and New. Bost., I870-72. 5 v. 8.... I37II Oak Chest, The. G. P. R. James. N. Y., I85o. 8~.. 2309 Olaf. Thoresen. Bost., I870. I6....... 26I9 Red Sandstone, The. Miller. Bost., I85I. 120... 8972 Whig, The. Addison. (Works, v. 3.) N. Y., I856. I2~.. 3997 World, Letters from the. By a Lady of N. Y. N. Y., I840. 2 V. I2~... 6569 Oldbug, John. (Pseudonym.) See L. WITHINGTON. Oldstyle, Jonathan. (Pseudonym.) See W. IRVING. Oldtown Folks. Mrs. Stowe. Bost., I869. I2..... 2963 Olin, S. Travels in Egypt, etc. 3d ed. N. Y., 1843. 2 v. 12~.. I6492 Olio, The; or, Museum of Entertainment. Lond. v. I, 2. 8.. II307 Oliphant, L. Elgin's Mission to China and Japan. Edinb., I859. 2 V. 80.........8oo006 Oliphant, M. Francis of Assisi. Lond. 8...... 7669 Hist. Sketches of Reign of Geo. II. Bost. 8~... 5393 House on the Moor. N. Y., I86I. I2~.. 2514 Life of E. Irving. N. Y., I862. 80.. 7739 Olive. A Novel. [Mrs. Craik.] N. Y., I864. 8..... 2679 Olive Branch, The. Carey. Philad., I8I8. 8...... 6I4 Oliver, I. Poems. Carlisle, 805. 12....... 14945 Oliver, J. Wreck of the Glide. N. Y., I848. I2.... I6298 Oliver Twist. Dickens. Bost., I868. 8~.... 2206 Olmsted, D. Letters on Astronomy. Bost., I84I. I2.... I697I Life and Writings of E. P. Mason. N. Y., I842. I20...6441 Olmsted, Francis A. Incidents of a Whaling Voyage. N. Y., I841. I2............ 16302 Olmsted, Fred. L. The Cotton Kingdom. N. Y., I86I. 2 v. I2~.. 6093 Journey in the Back Country. N. Y., I86I. I2... 6097 in the Seaboard Slave States. N. Y., I856. 120.. 6095 through Texas. N. Y., I86o. I2..... 6096 Olney, J., and Barber, J. W. Family Book of History. N. H. [I839.] 8........... I5889 Olney, S., Life of. Mrs. Williams. Prov., I839. I20.... I6430 O'Meara, B. E. Historical Memoirs of Napoleon. Philad., I820. I20. 5440 Napoleon in Exile. Bost., I823. 2 v. I2.... 5441 Omoo: Adventures in the South Seas. Melville. N. Y., I868. I2~. 8326 Once a Week. Lond., I870-7I. v. 6, 7. 8.... I7856 One in a Thousand. James. N. Y., 1836. 120... I522I Onea; an Indian Tale. Charleston, I820. I2.... I5044 Only a Fiddler. Andersen. N. Y., I870. 80.. 2608 Opera, Hist of the. Edwards. Lond., I862. 2 v. 12~.... 8863 See, also, DRAMA; MUSIC. Opie-Osborne. 227 Opie, A. Cure for Scandal. Bost., I839. 120. 1. 4922 Works. Bost., I827. IO v. I2.. 14438 CONTENTS.-1, Madeline. 2, Adeline Mowbray. 3, 4 Simple Tales. 5 Tales of Real Life. 6,7, New Tales. 8, 9, Temper. 10, Father and Daughter; illustrations of L'ying. Opie, J. Lectures on Painting. Lond., I848. 8~.. 888r Opinions, Formation and Publication of. [Bailey.] Philad., I83I. 12~. 3165 Opium-Eater, Confessions of an. DeQuincey. Edinb., I856. 8~.. 3278 Habit, The. [Day.] N. Y., I868. 12~.. 9233 Optics, Notes of Lectures on. Tyndall. N. Y., I87I. 12~.. 8907 Treatise on. Brewster. Lond., I838. I6~.. 6050 Wonders of. Marion. N.Y., I870. I2~....Io09 Optimist, The. Tuckerman. N. Y., I85o. I20.. 3573 Orator, The American. Ed. Munn. Worc., I855. I2~.. 9292 The Christian. Bost., I8I8. I2~.. I7365 Orators of the Age, Lives of. Francis. N. Y., I847. I6~... 6697 in America, Living. Magoon. N. Y., I849. I2~.. 7412 of the Amer. Revolution. Magoon. N. Y., I848. I2~.. 7411II of France, The. De Cormenin. N. Y., I849. I2~.. 76II and Statesmen, Eminent. Harsha. N. Y., I855, 8~.. 6875 Oratory, Lectures on. Channing. Bost., I856. 120.. 9306 and Orators, On. Cicero. Lond., I8o08. 2 v. 80... 4632 American, Golden Age of. Parker. Bost., I857. 120.. 7413 Selections from. Philad., 1840. 8~... 943I See, also, ELOCUTION; RHETORIC; SPEECHES. Ord, M. Essay on Law of Usury. Hartf'd., I809. 8~.. 17094 Oregon, Geogr., etc., of. Nicolay. Lond., I846. 12~... 816i Hist. of. Greenhow. Bost., I845. 80.. 5993 Hist. and Discovery of. Twiss. N. Y., I846. I2~... 5744 Oriental Harems and Scenery. Belgiojoso. N. Y., 1862. I2~... 8252 and Linguistic Studies. Whitney. N. Y., 1I872. I20. I36 Outlines. Knight. Lond., I839. I6~.... 8196 Origin of Species. Darwin. N. Y., I87I. I2~.. 8929 Huxley. N. Y., I863. 120.. 8940 Orleans, P. J. Revolutions in England under the Stuarts. Lond., I722. 8........... I6o66 Orleans, Memoirs of House of. Taylor. Philad., I850. 2 v. I2~.. 5520 Orley Farm. A. Trollope. N. Y., I863. 8~.. 2287 Ormond. C. B. Brown. Bost., 1827. I2~... 15299 Ormond; a Tale. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 8.) Bost., 1825. 8~. 15342 Ornithology. See BIRDS. Orosius, P. Hist., transl. by King Alfred. Lond., I857. 8~.. 402 Orsua, P. de, Expedition of. Southey. Philad., I821. I20.. 5805 Ortmar. Popular Traditions. (Germ. Nov., v. 2.) Lond., I826. I2~. I896 Orton, J. The Andes and Amazon. N. Y., I870. I2~.. 8432 Osander. Miscellaneous Poems. N. Y., I8I2. I20... I4946 The same. Hudson. I8II. I20.. 150I3 Osborn, Selleck. Poems. Bost., 1823. I20... 150I4 Osborn, Sherard. Leaves from an Arctic Journal. N. Y., I852. I20. 8295 Osborne, T., Earl of Danby. Life of. Courtenay. Lond., I838. I6~. 5763 228 Osgood-Oxford. Osgood, F. S. Poems. N. Y., 1846. I2~...50I5 Osgood, S. American Leaves. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. I2~... 3580 Osler, E. Life of Admiral Exmouth. N. Y., I835. 120. I2~. I6370 Osma and Almeria. Roche. Philad., I8io. I2~... 15458 Ossian. Poems, transl. by Macpherson. Lond., I785. 2 v. 80~.. I480I Ossoli, M. F., Memoirs of. Bost., I857. 2 V. 12~... 739I O'Sullivan, J. L. Report on Capital Punishment. N. Y., I84I. 80.. 8698 O'Sullivan, M. Guide to an Irish Gentleman in his Search for a Religion. Philad., I833. 2...... I7272 Otis, H. G. Letters on the Hartford Convention. (2 copies.) Bost., I824. 8...6I4I Otis, J., Life of. Bowen. Bost., 1844. I6~.. 726I The same. Tudor. Bost., I823. 8.... 734I Otter, W. Life of E. D. Clarke. (2 copies.) N. Y., I827. 80... 7I51 Otto, F. Hist. of Russian Literature. Oxfd., I839. 8~... 205 Ottoman Empire, Hist. of the, to I828. Upham. Edinb., I829. 2 v. I2~. 4502 Otway, T. Orphan; Venice Preserved; Lond., I804. 8~...629 The same. Philad., I833. 8~... 662 Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 240.. 7 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~... I596 Works. Lond., I8I2. 2 v. 80...475 Ouida. (Pseudonym.) See L. de LA RAME. Our Family. Hood. (Works, v. 6.) N. Y., I86I. 8~.. 3966 Mutual Friend. Dickens. N. Y., i868. I6~... 2I84 New West. Bowles. Hartfd., I869. 8~.. 8416 Village. Mitford. Philad. 8~.. 2675 Ouseley, W. G. Remarks on Statistics, etc., of U. S. Philad., I832. 80. 6282 Outward Bound. Howard. Philad., I838. 2 v. 2~.... 2439 [Ouvilly, G. G. d'.] The False Favourite Disgrac'd. Lond., I657. 12~. 13354 Overland. A Novel. De Forest. N. Y. [I87I.] 8~.... 2697 Overland Monthly. San Francisco, I870-72. v. 4-8. 80... I3690 Ovid. Metamorphoses and Epistles, translated. N. Y., I836. 2 v. I2~. 4527 The same. 4548 Owen, J. Fashionable World displayed. N. Y., I8o6. I2~. 17048 Owen, Robert. New View of Society. N. Y., 1825. I2~... I7090 Life of. [Packard.] Philad., I866. I2~.. 6945 Owen, Robert D. Beyond the Breakers. (2 copies.) Philad., I870. 8~. 2693 Owen, W. 1. W., Voyages of. Robinson. N. Y., I833. 2 v. 12.. I6289 Owenson, S. See S. O. MORGAN. Oxberry, W. Flowers of Literature. Lond., I82I. 3 v. 12~.. 4331 Plays. Bost., 1822-23. V. I, 2, 4-I2. 240.... I346 For Contents, see PLAYS. Oxford, Annals of. Jeaffreson. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~.... 9287 and Cambridge Boat Races, I829-69. Macmichael. Cambr., I870. 16.......... 9II6 Scholars, Quips, etc. of. Philad., I835. I2~.. 9234 delineated; with a Series of Views. Oxfd., I83I. 4~.. ~ 5II3 English Prize Essays. (2 copies.) Oxford, 1830-36. v. I, 3-5. 120. 3260 The same. v. 3, 4......... 3268 Oxford-Palfrey. 229 Oxford Essays for I855, 1856. Lond. 2 v. 8~.. 3270 Recollections of, I789-I860. Cox. Lond., I868. 8.. 9246 Sausage, The; Select Poetical Pieces. Lond., I815. 8~. 949 Tom Brown at. [Hughes.] Lond., I870. 8~.. 9245 Oxonians, The. [Bulwer.] N. Y., I830. 2 V. I2~.... 2145 P. Pacha of Many Tales. Marryat. N. Y., I836. I2~. I5II2 Pacific, Three Years in the. [Ruschenberger.] Philad., 1834. 8~.. i6305 Packard, Clarissa. (Pseudonym.) See C. H. GILMAN. [Packard, F1. A.] Life of R. Owen. Philad., I866. I2~... 6945 Paddock, J. Narrative of Shipwreck of the Oswego. N. Y., I8I8. 80. I6283 Paez, R. Wild Scenes in S. America. N. Y., 1862. I2... ~ 8434 Page, H., Memoir of. Hallock. N. Y. I2~.. 7523 Paget, J. Hungary and Transylvania. Lond., I839. 2 v. 8~.. I6617 Paine, R. T. Works. Bost., 1812. 8...... 937 Paine, T., Life of. Cheetham. Lond., I8I7. 8~.. 7419 Painters, American, Sketches of. Tuckerman. N. Y., I847. 12~.. 7917 Eminent Brit., Lives of. Cunningham. N. Y., I839-40. 5 V. I2~. IIOI7 Lives of. Vasari. Lond., I850-52. 5 v. 8~. 474 Modern. Ruskin. N. Y., I857-62. 5 v. I2~.... 9014 Old, Hist. Sketches of the. [H. F. Lee.] Bost., 184I. I20.. 8878 Painting. (From the Encycl. Brit.) Haydon. Edinb., 1838. 120.. 8876 Art of. Du Fresnoy, tr. by Mason. Lond., i8II. 8~.. 17239 Discourses on. J. Reynolds. Lond., I852. 2 v. 8~.. 8879 Handbook of Italian Schools of. Kugler. Lond., I869. 2 v. 8~. 9058 Hist. of. Memes. Bost., I83I. I2~.. 8868 in Italy. Lanzi. Lond., I847. 3 V. 8~.. 479 Lectures on. Barry, Opie, and Fuseli. Lond., 1848. 80.. 888I The same. Ruskin. N. Y., I859. 12~... 9034 Lectures on Hist. and Principles of. Phillips. Lond., I833. 8~. 9073 Rise and Progress of. Bost., I846. 12~.. 8887 See, also, ART. Palestine, Hist., etc., of. Russell. N. Y., I840. I2~... IIO29 Pilgrimage to, I832-33. Lamartine. Philad., I835. 2 V. I2~. 8229 Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. I2~.. 7846 Remarkable Characters and Places of. Elliott. Hartf'd., I867. 8~. Ioo0013 Sketches of Travel in, I849. Spencer. N. Y., I850. 8~... 8069 Traditions of. Martineau. Lond., I843. I20... I4626 Travels in, Early. Ed. Wright. Lond., I848. 8~... 514 I844. Lord Nugent. Lond., I846. 2 v. 12~.. 8162 See, also, SYRIA. Paley, W. Natural Theology, ed. Potter. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. I2~.. II420 Works. Philad., 183I. 80.. 963I Palfrey, J. G. Hist. of N. England, Bost., I859-64. 3 v. 80.. 624I The same, abridged and continued. N. Y. and Bost., I866-72. 3 v. 12........ 6076 30 230 Palfrey-Paris. Palfrey, J. G. Life of W. Palfrey. Bost., I845. I6~. 7266 Palfrey, W., Life of. J. G. Palfrey. Bost., I845. I6~... 7266 Palgrave, P. Hist. of the Anglo-Saxons. Lond., I837. I6~.. 4835 The Merchant and Friar. (2 copies.) 2d ed. Lond., 1844. I6~. 2369 Rise of the English Commonwealth: Anglo-Saxon Period. Lond., 1832. 2 V. 4... 5111 Palgrave, P. T. Essays on Art. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. I6~.. 8859 Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics. Cambr., I863. I6~.. 954 Palgrave, W. G. Hermann Agha. N. Y., I872. I60.. 237I Palissy, B., Life of. Morley. Lond. [I869.] I6~.. 7879 Palm, J. H. v. d., Life of. Beets. N. Y., I865. 8.... 7770 Palmer, E. H. Desert of the Exodus. Cambr., I87I. 2 v. 8~.. 8046 [Palmer, J. W.] The Golden Dagon. N. Y., I856. 12~.... 79IO Palmer, W. Eccl. History. N. Y., I84I. I2.. I646I Palmerin of England. De Moraes, ed. Southey. Lond., I807. 4 V. 240. I694 Palmerston, Lord. See H. J. TEMPLE. Palmyra, Letters from. [A Tale.] Ware. N. Y., I837. 2 V. 120.. 2862 Pamela. Richardson. Lond., I8II. 4 v. I60. I927 Pamphleteer. Lond., I8I3-28. v. I-4, 6-24, 29. 80... I4353 Panics, The Three. Cobden. Lond., I867. 8~.. 9588 Papacy. See POPES. Paper against Gold. Cobbett. Lond., I815. 2 v. 8~... 8655 Parables of our Lord, Notes on the. Trench. N. Y., 1859. 80.. Iooo6 Parabosco, G. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., 1836. I20. I900 Paraguay, The Abipones of. Dobrizhoffer. Lond., 1822. 3 v. 8~.. 5828 Four Years (I8Io-r4) in. Robertson. Philad., 1838. 2 v. I2~. 5739 Francia's Reign in. Robertson. Philad., 1839. 2 V. I2~. 5741 The same. (I819-25.) Rengger. Lond., I827. 8~.. 583r Pardoe, J. City of the Sultan. Philad., I837. 2 v. I2~....6639 Court and Reign of Francis I. Philad., I849. 2 v. I2~. 5426 Louis XIV. and his Court. N. Y., I847-48. 2 v. I2~... 5428 Traits and Traditions of Portugal. Philad., I834. 2 v. I2. 16671 Parent's Assistant, The. Edgeworth. (Works, v. Io.) Bost., I826. 8~. 15344 Pariah, A. (Pseudonym.) See C. F. CORNWALLIS. Paris, J.A. Life of Davy. Lond., I831. 2 V. 8~. 7r48 Paris; or, the Book of the Hundred-and-one. Bost., I833. v. 2. I2~. 2396 in America. Laboulaye. N. Y., I863. 12~.. 2649 The American in. [Sanderson.] Philad., I839. 2 v. 12~.. 16709 during the Winter. Janin. N. Y., I-844. 8~. 16699 The Battle Summer in, I848. Ik. Marvel. N. Y., 1853. I20.. 5546 Commune, Hist. of the. Vesinier. Lond., I872. 8~.. 5554 and its Historical Scenes. Bost., I83I. v. I. 12.... 8814 The same. Bost., 1832. v.2. 12... 888 Life in. N. Orleans, I837. 2 v. in I. I2~... 16712 Observ. on a Journey to, I776. [W. Jones.] Lond., I777. 2 V. I6~. 8I88 and the Parisians in I835. Trollope. N. Y., I836. 8~... 16698 and its People. Grant. Lond., I844. 2 v. 12~.... 16701 Sketch Book. Thackeray. (Works, v. 7.) Lond., 1872. 8~. 2195 Sketches of, I835-36. Philad., t838. I2. I2.. 6711 Parish-Side-Parties. 231 Parish-Side, The. [Elliot.] N. Y., I854. I20.. 15756 [Park, L. J.] Joanna of Naples. Bost., I838. 120.. 273I Park, M. Travels in Africa. Philad., i8oo. 80.. 16526 Life of. Edinb., I835. 12~.. 6631 Life and Travels of. N. Y., I844. I20.. IT429 The same. N. Y., I840. I2.. I2I24 Parker, A. A. Trip to the West and Texas. Concord, I835. I2~.. 16873 Parker, E. G. Golden Age of Amer. Oratory. (2 copies.) Bost., I857. I20...... 7413 [Parker, J.] Ecce Deus. Bost., 1867. I6~.. 9905 Parker, S. Journal of Exploring Tour. Ithaca, I838. 12~.. I6870 Parker, Theodore. Additional Speeches, Addresses, and Sermons. Bost., I86I. 2 V. 120.. 9296 Historic Americans. Bost., I870. 12~.. 7409 Life and Correspondence of. Weiss. N. Y., I864. 2 V. 8~. 7710 Parkes, J. and Merivale, H. Memoirs of Sir P. Francis. Lond., 1867. 2 v. 8.......... 6852 Parkman, P. France and England in N. America. Bost., I865-69. 3 v. 12...613I CONTENTS.-I, Pioneers of France in the New World. 2, The Jesuits in N. America in the 17th century. 3, Discovery of the Great West. The same. v. I... 6130 Hist. of Conspiracy of Pontiac. Bost., 185I. 8~.., 5956 Parkyns, M. Life in Abyssinia. N. Y., I854. 2 V. 122. I2~. 7978 Parley, Peter. (Pseudonym.) See S. G. GOODRICH. Parliamentary Practice, Manual of. Cushing. Bost., I857. I6~.. 8475 The same. Jefferson. Philad., I840. I2~.... 8474 Reform, Plan of. Bentham. (Works, pt. IO.) Edinb., I839. 8~. 9709 Parliaments, Judicature in. Selden. Lond. [I68I.] I6~.. 5I5 See, also, SPEECHES; ORATORY; ELOQUENCE. Parnassian Garland, The. Evans. Philad., I814. 12. I2~.. 14905 Parnell, T. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~.. 275 Poetical Works, with Life by Goldsmith. Bost., I854. I6~., Io55 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. I5099 Parodies. See POETIC MIRROR: and Authors, as J. BIGELOW; C. S. CALVERLEY; P. CARY; F. BRET HARTE; H. & J. SMITH; THACKERAY. Parr, H. Life of Jeanne d'Arc. Lond., I866. 2 v. in I. I6~.. 5536 Parr, S. Characters of Fox. Lond., I809. 2 v. 8~.. 6793 Essay on. De Quincey. Bost., I854. I6~.. 3327 Parricide, The. [Reynolds.] Philad., I836. 2 v. I2~.. 15532 Parrot, P. Journey to Ararat. N. Y., I846. I6~.. 16278 Parry, W. E. Three Voyages of Discovery. Lond., I835. 4 v. 12~. 7872 The same. N. Y., I845. 2 v. I2... II43I Parsons, T. Essays. Bost., I845. 12...17355 Parterre, The. Lond., I834-35. v. 1-3. 8~ ~... II744 Parties, Dissertation on. Bolingbroke. (Works, v. 2.) Philad., 184I. 8........., 10313 Hist. of, in England. Cooke. Lond., I836-37. 3 v. 8~., 4991 232 Partington-Paulding. Partington, Mrs., Life and Sayings of. Shillaber. N. Y., I854. I20. 4298 Parton, J. Gen. Butler in New Orleans. (2 copies.) N. Y., I864. 12~. 7403 Famous Americans of Recent Times. Bost., I869. I2~... 74IO Life of Burr. N. Y., I858. 12~.. 7356 of Franklin. N. Y., I864. 2 V. 120.. 7314 of Jackson. N. Y., I86I. 3 v. I2.. 7318 The same, condensed. N. Y., I863. I2~. 732I [Parton, S. P.] Fern Leaves. Auburn, I854. I2~..... 3659 Partridge, J. A. Democracy. Philad., i866. 8~.. 8695 Pascal, B. Provincial Letters. N. Y., I828. I2.... 9586 The same..... 7257 Thoughts on Religion, etc. Amh., 1829. 12~.. 9585 Thoughts, Letters, etc. N. Y., I86I. 12~.. 9584 Pascal Bruno. Dumas. Philad., I839. I2~.. 2594 Passavant, J. D. Tour of a German Artist in England. Lond., I836. 2 V. 12~..1712I Passion-Play, The Ober-Ammergau. MacColl. Lond., I87I. I6~.. I453 [Passmore, J. C.] Footprints; or, Fugitive Poems. Philad., I843. I2~. I50I6 Paston Letters. Ed. Fenn and Ramsey. Lond., I84I. 2 v. in I. 8~. 6982 The same. Lond., I849. 8~. 500 Pastor's Sketches, A. Spencer. N. Y., I854. I2~.. 9992 Patchwork. B. Hall. Philad., I841. 2 V. 2 I2.. I5850 Pater Mundi. Burr. Bost., I870. I2~....... 998I Pathfinder, The. Cooper. N. Y., I873. I2~.. 284I Patience Strong's Outings. Whitney. Bost., I870. I2~.... 2968 Patmore,C. Faithfulforever. Lond., I86. 16. 11. II99 Patmos, and the 7 Churches. Brewer. Bridgep't., I85I. 8~.. 6450 Paton, A. A. Servia. Lond., I845.. I2~. 6590 Patrick, St, Life of. Jocelin, ed. O'Haloran. Philad., I823. I20.. I6339 Patronage. Edgeworth. (Works, v. 7.) Bost., 1825. 8~.... I534I Patten, W. Reminiscencesof Dr. Hopkins. N.Y., I843. I2~.. 752I Pattison, W. Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~. IO Patton, J. H. Hist. of the U. S. N. Y., I862. 80.. 6281 Paul, St., Character and Practical Writings of. H. More. (Works, v. 2.) Bost., I827. 80. I5I04 Hist. of. Blunt. Philad., I839. I2~...... 9909 Renan. N.Y., I869. I2~.. 9897 Life and Epistles of. Conybeare and Howson. N. Y., I866. 2 V. 8~.. 6566 and Protestantism. Arnold. Lond., I870. 8~.. 99IO See, also, BIBLE. Paul Clifford. Bulwer-Lytton. Philad., I868. 120.... 2035 Paul Pane. Willis. N. Y., I857. 12~..... 15333 Paul Ferroll. [Clive.] N. Y., I856. 12.. 1.5534 Paul Jones. Cunningham. Philad., I827. 3 v. I2~. ~ ~ ~ I5535 Paul and Virginia. Saint-Pierre. Philad., I856. I6~.. 2356 Paulding, H. Journal of Cruise of the Dolphin. N. Y., I83I. I2~.. I6297 Paulding, J. I. Lay of the Scottish Fiddle. N. Y., 18I3. 240... I4947 Paulding-Peile. 233 Paulding, J. K. Letters from the South. N. Y., I817. 2 v. I2~.. 15290 Life of Washington. N. Y., I840. 2 v. I20.. II129I The same. N. Y., I835. 2 V. 12.. 12117 Merry Tales of Wise Men of Gotham. N. Y., I826. I2~.. 15287 New Mirror for Travellers. N. Y., I828. I20... 15289 Sketch of Old England. N. Y., 1822. I2~.. 15286 Slavery in the U. S. N. Y., 1836. 2~...... 8467 Tales of the Good Woman. N. Y., 1829. I20... 15288 Westward Ho! N. Y., I832. 2 v. I20. I5I6I Works. N. Y., I835. 9 v. I2~...15277 CONTENTS.-1-4, Salmagundi. 5, 6, Letters from the South. 7, 8,'Koningsmarke. 9, John Bull and Brother Jonathan. Literary Life of. By his Son. N. Y., I867. 12~.. 7390 Pauli, R. Life of Alfred the Great. Lond. (Bohn) 1857. 8~. 402 Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. W. Scott. Bost., I829. I2~.. 16697 Pauw, C. de. Dissertations on the Egyptians and Chinese. Lond., 1795. 2 v. 8.......... 16169 on the Greeks. Lond., I793. 2 v. 8~.. 1587I Payne, A. R. M. The Geral-Milco. N. Y., I852. I2~. I7I39 Payson, E., Memoir of. Portland, I830. I2~.. 7574 The same. Cummings. Bost., I830. I2~... 6420 Pazos, V. Letters on United Provinces of S. A. N. Y., I8I9. 8~. 17138 Peabody, A. P. Reminiscences of European Travel. N. Y., I868. 160. 8209 Peabody, O. W. B. Life of Putnam. (Sparks, v. 7.) Bost., I837. I6~. 7256 The same. Bost., I839. 12~.. 16314 Life of J. Sullivan. (Sparks, v. I3.) Bost., I844. I60... 7262 Peabody, W. B. 0O. Life of Brainerd. (Sparks, v. 8.) Bost., 1837. I6~. 7257 The same. Bost., I839. 12~.. 16313 Life of C. Mather. (Sparks, v. 6.) Bost., I836. I6~.. 7255 of Oglethorpe. (Sparks, v. 12.) Bost., I844. I6... 726I of A. Wilson. (Sparks, v. 2.) Bost., I834. I6~.. 7251 Peace, Manual of. Upham. N. Y., I836. 8~.. 8699 Principles of. Hancock. Philad., I829. I20.. 8473 Peacock, T. L. Headlong Hall, and Nightmare Abbey. N. Y., I845. I2........... 3956 Peale, R. Notes on Italy. Philad., I83I. 8~.. I6735 Pearl, C. Youth's Book on the Mind. Portl'd., I847. I2~.. I7065 Pearson, J. Life of Hey. New ed. Lond., I827. 2 v. 80. 7569 Peasant and his Landlord, The. v. Knorring. N. Y., I848. 12~.. 2658 Peck, Jesse T. Hist. of the Great Republic. (2 copies.) N. Y., I868. 8~. 6277 Peck, John M. Life of Boone. (Sparks, v. 23.) Bost., I847. I60.. 7272 Peculiar. A Tale. Sargent. N. Y., I866. I20.. 2917 Peel, Sir R., Life of. From the "Times." (2 copies.) N. Y., I852. 120. 6689 Memoirs of. [Maxwell.] Lond., I842. 2 v. I2~.. 6779 Peele, G. Works, ed. Dyce. Lond., I829-39. 3 v. 8.. I463 Peg Woffington. Reade. Bost., I871. I6~.. 2094 Peile, J. Introd. to Greek and Latin Etymology. 2d ed. Lond., I872. I6........... 93 234 Peirce-Percy's. Peirce, B. K. Trials of an Inventor. N. Y. [I866.] I6~. 7278 Pelayo. Simms. N. Y., I836. I2~...5757 Pelet de la Loz~re, J. Napoleon in Council. Edinb., I837. 8~.. 5443 Pelham. Bulwer. Lond. I2~. 205I Pellew, E. (Viscount Exmouth), Life of. Osler. N. Y., i835. I2~.. I6370 Pellico, S. My Prisons. Ed. Maroncelli. Cambr., I836. 2 v. I6~. 7504 The same. Transl. by Roscoe. N. Y., I833. I2~... 7784 Pen Owen. [J. Hook.] N. Y., 1822. 2. 2 v. 15538 Penal Law. See BENTHAM. Pencil Sketches. Leslie. Philad., I1833-37. 3 v. 2~... 5758 Pencillings by the Way. Willis. Philad., I836. 2 V. 120.. 15328 Pendennis, History of. Thackeray. Lond., I871. 8~... 2I90 Peninsular Campaigns, Annals of the. [Hamilton.] Philad., 1831. 3 v. I2~...6412 War, Hist. of the. Napier. Brussels, 1839. 3 v. 8~.. 6524 The same. Southey. Lond., I828. v. 1-4. 8~.. 6527 Memoirs of the. Suchet. Lond., I829. 2 v. 8~.. 653I Memorials of the. [Constable's Misc.] Edinb., I828. 2V. 12'.. 4489 See, also, SPAIN. Penn, J. Poems. Lond., I80I. 2 v. 8~.. I7517 Penn, Win., Select Works. 4th ed. Lond., I825. 3 v. 8~.. I724I Biogr. of. Dixon. Philad., I85I. 12..7313 Life of. Weems. Philad., 1836. 12~..7488 Penn, Wm. (Pseudonym.) See J. EVARTS. Pennington, M. Memoirs of Eliz. Carter. Bost., I809. 8~.. 1637I Pennsylvania, Historical Collections of. Day. Philad. [I843.] 8~. 5939 Hist. of, to 1770. Proud. Philad., 1797-98. 2 v. 80. 584I to I776. Gordon. Philad., I829. 80.. 5840 Constitution and Gov't. of, to I759. Franklin. Bost., I836. 80......... 9749 Insurrection in, I794. Findley. Philad., I796. 8~. 6091 Penny Magazine. Lond., I832-4I. Io v. in ii. fol.. 14413 Knight's. Lond., I846-47. 2 v. in I. 8.. 14597 Pepys, S., Memoirs of; Diary and Correspondence. 2d ed. Lond., 1828. 5 v. 8........ 7028 The same. 3d ed. Lond., I848-49. 5 v. 8~.. 7033 Perceval, S. Writings. Lond., I79I- I809. 80... 17209 Life of. Williams. Philad., I8I3. I2.. I6380 Percival, J. G. Clio. N. Y., I827. I2~. 696 Dream of a Day, etc. (2 copies.) N. H., I843. I2~... 697 Poetical Works. Bost., I859. 2 v. I6~.. 590 Report on Geology of Conn. N. H., I842. 80..... Io2 Life and Letters of. Ward. Bost., I866. I2~.. 7387 Percy, S. and R. Anecdotes. Lond., I823. 20v. 12... 4138 Percy, T. Reliques of Ancient English Poetry. Lond., I840 8. 8~. 13I2 The same. (2 copies.) Philad., I823. 3 v. 8.. I3I3 Percy Mallory. [J. Hook.] Philad., I824. 2 v 20.. I5540 Percy's Masque. [Hillhouse.] N. Y., I820. I2... 795 Perdicaris-Periodicals. 235 Perdicaris, G. A. Greece of the Greeks. N. Y., I845. 2 v. I2~.. I6645 Peregrine Pickle. Smollett. N. Y. 8~..989 Pericles and Aspasia. Landor. Philad., I839. 2 v. 8~... 3450 Peril, Narratives of. Davenport. Lond., I840. 2 v. I6~.. 8164 Perils of Pearl Street. [Greene.] N. Y., I834. I20.. I576I Periodical Library, Greenbank's. Philad., I833. 3 v. 8. ~ ~. 15356 Literature, Index to. Poole. N. Y., I853. 8~~. Periodicals: Academician, The. N. Y., I820. v. I. 8.... I4079 All the Year Round. Lond., I868-72. 8 v. 8~.... I2404 American Journal of Science. N. H., I818-72. I04 v. 8.. I7545 Literary Magazine, Sprague's. Albany and Hartf'd., 1847-49. 5 v. in 3. 80.... 13254 Monthly Magazine. N. Y., I817-18. 4 v. 8~. ~ I3558 The same. Ed. Willis. Bost., I829. v. I. 80... 13I13 The same. New Series. N. Y., I836. 2 V. 8~. 13II4 American Museum, Carey's. I787-98. Philad. v. I-9, II-13. 80. I4758 QuarterlyObserver. (2copies.) Bost., 1I833-34. 3v. 8~. 13880 Review. Philad., I827-37. 22 v. 80. 13213 The same. v. 3-7, 9-20. I3235 American Review, Walsh's. (2 copies.) Philad., I811-I2. 4 v. 80. 14038 Whig Review. N. Y., I845-52. I6 v. 8o.. 12561 The same. v. 3-IO, 12-16.. 12723 Analectic Magazine. Philad., I814-20. I6 v. 8~.... I4235 Annual Review. Ed. Aikin. Lond., I802-04. 3 v. 8~... 14536 Anti-Jacobin. 4th ed. Lond., I799. 2 v. 80.... II300 Review and Magazine. Lond., 1798-I800. 5 v. 8~. II302 Appletons' Journal. N. Y., I869-72. v. 2-8. 4~.... I4392 Arcturus. N. Y., I841-42. v. 3. 8..... 12768 Argosy. Lond., I866-67. 4 v. 8..... I14388 Art-Journal. Lond., 1852-60. 8 v. 40. Athenaeum. N. H., I814. v. I. 80....17475 Atlantic Monthly. Bost., I857-72. 30 v. 8~.. ~ I3455 The same. v. 1-26.... I3429 Bee. Ed. Anderson. Edinb., I791-93. I8 v. 8~.. I304I Bentley's Miscellany. Lond., 1837-44. v. 1-3, 5-IO, I3-I6. 8~. 14212 The same. v. 8, 9. N. Y. 80... 14225 Biblical Repository. Andover and N. Y., I83I-50. 30 v. 8~. I2776 The same. v. 1-7, II-21, 23-30.. 12821 Index to v. I-24. (2 copies.) Bibliotheca Sacra. Andover, I844-72. 29 v. 8~.. I285I The same. v. 9-26..12803 Index to v. I-I3. Blackwood's Magazine. Edinb. and N. Y., I817-72. v. I-4, 6-30, 32-112. 80.. 11620 The same. v. 1-18, 21, 24-26, 28, 33-9I, 93-I06... II957 British and Foreign Review. Lond., I835-44. I6 v. 8~... II440 Brownson's Quarterly Review. Bost., I844-46. 3 v. 8~.. 14251 The same. New Series. Bost., I849-50. v. 3, 4. 8~. I4256 Christian Spectator, Monthly. N. H., I819-28. IO v. 8~. I2940 Quarterly. (2 copies.) N. H., I829-38. IOV. 8...... I2950 Contemporary Review. Lond., I866-72. 20 v. 80... 12231 Continental Monthly. N. Y., I862-64. 6 v. 8~... 13332 Cornhill Magazine. Lond., I867-72. v. I6-25. 8. 17666 Craftsman. Lond., I73I. 7v. 12~... 12025 Democratic Review. Wash. and N. Y., I837-52. v. 1-2I, 23-3I. 8~. I3059 The same. v. 1-5, 9-21I, 23-25, 27-31.. 13089 Dublin University Magazine. D., I841-72. v. I8-22, 79. 8~. 1769I 236 Periodicals. Periodicals:Eclectic, American. (2 copies.) N. Y., I841-42. 4 v. 8~.. 1374 Magazine. N. Y., I844-72. v. I-9, II-79. 8.. 13562 The same. v. I-33, 64-7I..... 13752 Eclectic Museum. N. Y., I843. 3 v. 8.. I3749 Review. Lond., I805-.o. 6 V. in 11. 80.. I4377 Edinburgh Annual Register, for I808-15. E., I810-I7. 8 v. in I3. 80.. II73I Edinburgh Monthly Review. Edinb., 18I9-21. 5 v. 8~. 13116 Review. E. and N. Y., I802-72. V. 1-22, 24-38,4083, 86-I30, I33-I36. 80.. II05I The same. v. I-I7, I9-90, 93-122, I25-132... III54 Index to v. I-20. (2 copies.) Also, Index to v. 2I-50. Selections from. Lond., I833, and Paris, 1835. 7 V. 8... II293 Edinburgh Weekly Magazine. E., 1771-72. V. I4, I5 (in I). 8. I2745 Foreign Quarterly Review. Lond. and N. Y., I827-46. v. I-3, 5-37. 8~.. 12682 The same. v. 11, 12, I4-23,'26-30, 32-36... I2709 Foreign Review. Lond., I828-30. 5 v. 8~.. II435 Fortnightly Review. Lond., I865-72. I8 v. 80.. 12I95 Fraser's Magazine. Lond., I830-72. 85 V. 8~.. I2300 Galaxy. N. Y., I868-72. v. 6-Io, 12-14.. I3890 The same. v. 5-8.. I3886 Good Words. Lond., I866-67. v. 7, 8. 8.. 4534 Halcyon Luminary. N. Y., I8I2. v. I. 80.. I4080 Harper's Monthly Magazine. N. Y., I850-72. 45 v. 80. 13121 The same. v. 1I-36, 38-42.. I329I Harvard Lyceum. Cambr., I8I1-II. 8. ~ 17472 Magazine. (2 copies.) Cambr., I855-6o. 6'v. 8~.. 17462 Herald of Health. N. Y., I867-70. v. 43, 44, 49, 50 (in 2 v). 8~. I7488 Homilist, The. Lond., I870-7I. 4 v. 8~... I2888 Hours at Home. N. Y., I865-70o 11 v. 8I.. I3397 The same. v. 4, 5, 7.1. I3408 Household Words. Lond. and N. Y., I850-59. v. vI-4,, I56, I8. 8~...I7497 Hunt's Merchant's Magazine. N. Y., I839-59. v. I-5, 8-I3, 20-40. 80....3525 Knickerbocker. N. Y., I833-62. v. 1-59. 8~. 14457 The same. v. 2-5, 7, 8, I0-25, 27-30, 32, 35, 36, 38, 4I, 43 -45, 47-66.. I4640 Knight's Penny Magazine. Lond., I846-47. 2 V. in 1. 8~.. 14597 Land we Love, The. Charlotte, N. C., I866-69. 6 v. 8~.. I2934 Lippincott's Magazine. Philad., I868-72. 9 V. 8~... I3373 Literary Portfolio. Philad., I830. v.I. 4~.. I4412 Literary and Theological Review. N. Y., I834-38. 5 v. 85.. I2771 Littell's Living Age. Bost., I844-72. v. I-I4, I6-Io3, I05-IO7, I09-I 14. 80.. I3924 London Society. Lond., I868-7I.' v. I3, I4, I6-I9. 8 ~ I17798 Macmillan's Magazine. Lond., I859-72. v. I-8, I6-26.. I2155 Mass. Quarterly Review. Bost., I847-49. 2 V. 8~.. I2769 Metropolitan Magazine. N. Y., I836-42. I3 v. 8.. I4520 Microcosm. N. H., I836-37. v. 3, New Series. 8~.. I14598 Microscope. N. H., I820. 2 v. in I. 80.. I7474 Month. Lond., I870-71. 4 v. New Series. 8~... I7778 Monthly Magazine. Lond., I796-I825. 6o v. 8~... I4I52 Monthly Review. Lond., I817-33. v. 82-129, 13I, I32. 8. I4300 Museum. Lond., I746-47. 3 V. 8~.... I2742 of Foreign Literature. Philad., I822-39. V. I-26, 28 -29, 31-33, 35-37. 80 S *. 14046 Nation. N. Y., I865-72. I5 v. 4.. Periodicals. 137 Periodicals: Naval Magazine. N. Y., I836. v. I. 8..13557 New England Magazine. (2 copies.) Bost., I831-34. 7 v. 8~. I3864 New Englander. N. H., I843-72. v. 1-24, 26-36. 8~... I2997 The same. v. 2-5, 7-28..1297I Index, v. I-I9. (2 copies.) New Mirror. N. Y., I843-44. 3 v. 8~.. 4516 New Monthly Magazine. Bost., I823-24. v. 6-8. 8~.. 14350 New York Literary Gazette. N. Y., I825-26. v. I. 80... I2577 New York Quarterly. N. Y., I854-55. v. 3. 8.... 3338 New York Review. (2 copies.) N. Y., I837-42. Iov. 80.. I29I4 Niles' Register. Balt., 18i6-37. 52 v. 8~ and 4~.. 14553 North American Review. Bost., I815-72. v. I-I02, 104-II5. 80. 12425 The same. v. 2-45, 47-54, 56-67, 69-I02, I04-Io8... I2579 Index, v. 1-25. (2 copies.) North British Review. Edinb. and N. Y., I844-7I. 53 v. 8~.. 11684 The same. v. 10v. -37, 42-49. 11713 Old and New. Bost., I870-72. 5 v. 80...... I371I Olio, The. Lond. v. I, 2. 80........ II307 Once a Week. Lond., I870-7I. v. 6, 7. 80.. 7856 Overland Monthly. S. Francisco, I870-72. v. 4-8. 80... 369 Pamphleteer. Lond., i8I3-28. v. I-4, 6-24, 29. 80~. 14353 Parterre. Lond., i834-35. v. I-3. 80....II744 Penny Magazine. Lond., 1832-4I. I0 v. in II. fol. 14413 Philomathesian. Middlebury, I833-34. v. I. 8~.. 17473 Port Folio. 2d and 3d Series. Philad., i809-I4. 6 v. 8~.. I2736 Portico. Balt., I8I6-I7. V. 2-4, in I. 80. 12. I2578 Putnam's Monthly Magazine. N. Y., I833-58. I2 v. 8~.. I3257 The same. v. I-Ir.. I3274 The same. New Series. N. Y., I868-70. 6 v. 8~.. I3285 The same. v. I-5. 3269 Quarterly Review. Lond. and N. Y., 8o09-72. v. I-I2, 14-28, 30-33, 35-38, 40-I22, 124-I32. 8... 1470 The same. v. I-I6, I8-48, 50-8I, 84-I22, I24-127... II310 Also, Indexes to v. I-6o, in 3 v. 8~.. Retrospective Review. Lond., I820-26. 14V. 8.... 456 Rural Magazine. Hartf'd., I8I9. v. I. 8... I3879 Sabbath at Home. Bost., i867. v. I. 8..I3878 St. James' Magazine. Lond., I869-7I. v. 3-7. 8o.. 7835 Saint Paul's Magazine. Lond., 1872. v. IO. 80.. I7815 Scribner's Monthly. N. Y., I870-72. 4 V. 84. 13411 Select Journal of Foreign Period. Lit. Bost., I833-34 4v. 8~. 14231 Sharpe's London Magazine. Lond., I870. v. 36. 80. 17480 Southern Literary Messenger. Richmond, I835-59. v. I-20, 22, 24-28. 80..... I4539 The same. v. 7, I7-20...4728 Southern Review. Charleston, I828-32. 8 v. 80.. 14024 The same. v. I-4, 6, 8...... 14032 Student's Companion. N. H., I83I. v. I. 8~... I7393 Tait's Edinburgh Magazine. E., I842-43. v. 9-0o, in 4. 8~. 13823 Theological Review. Lond., I870. v. 7. 8~. 17736 Union Review. Lond., I870-71. 2 v. 8.... I2902 University Quarterly. N. H., I86o-6I. 4 v. 8~.. 17476 Westminster Review. Lond. and N. Y., 1824-72. v. 1-45, 4784, 86-98. 80.... 853 The same. v. I-17, 20-54, 57-92. I2032 Yale Courant. (2 copies.) N. H., I865-67. 2 v. 40. Literary Magazine. N. H., 1836-72. v. I-37. 8~. I.. 7393 The same. v. 2-15, 17-26, 28, 29. 17367 The same. v. i-6, 8-I2.. 17451 Index to v. I-33. N. H., i868. 8~. 3I 238 Perkins-Pfeiffer. Perkins, J. H., Memoir and Writings of. Bost., 1851. 2 v. 12~.. 3637 Perkins, S. Historical Sketches of the U. S. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1830. 12~. 602I Hist. of the late War. N. H., 1825. 8~. 5873 Perry, A. L. Elements of Polit. Economy. N. Y., i866. 8~.. 8639 Perry, M. C. Narrative of Expedition to Japan. N. Y., I857. 8~.. 8135 Perry, 0. H., Life of. Cooper. (Naval Biogr., v. 2.) Philad., I846. 120. 7276 The same. Mackenzie. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12... II6o The same. Niles. Hartfd., I820. IZ~... 16427 Perry, W. C. German University Education. Lond., 1845. I2~. 9251 Persia, Hist. and Description of. Fraser. N. Y., 1841. 12~.. 11288 Narrative of Tour in. Southgate. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12~.. I6496 Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. 2 v. in I. 12~. 7844 Sketches of. Malcolm. Lond., 1I828. 2 v. 8~... 8231 Persian Adventurer, The. Fraser. Philad., I83I. 2 V. I20.. 15542 Letters. Montesquieu. (v. 3.) Lond., 1777. 8~... 9554 Monarchy, The. Rawlinson. (v. 3.) N. Y., I87I. 8~.. 4065 Persius. Satires, transl. by Drummond. N. Y., I837. 120.. 4539 by Gifford. Lond., I82I. 80... 889 The same. Philad., 1822. 24.. 36 Perspective, Elements of. Ruskin. N. Y., i86o. 12~.. 9037 Persuasion. Austen. N. Y., 1832. 2 v. 12..2477 Perthes, F. C., Memoirs of. C. T. Perthes. Edinb., 1856. 2 v. 80. 7760 Pertusier, C. Promenades round Constantinople, etc. Lond., 1820. 8~. 8054 Peru, Description of. Conder. Lond. 12~.. 7846 Hist. of Conquest of. Prescott. Philad., 187I. 2 v. 8~.. 10330 The same. Trueba y Cosio. Edinb., 1830. 12~.. 4507 Journal on coast of, I820-22. Hall. Lond., I840. 8~... 81io Travels in, I838-42. v. Tschudi. N. Y., 1847. 12~... 8363 Pestalozzi, J. H., Life of. Biber. Philad., 1833. 8~... 15356 Peter, St. See BIBLE. Peter I. of Russia (the Great), Anecdotes of. Staehlin. Dubl., 1789. 120. 16181 Hist. of. De Segur. Philad., I833. 8~. 15356 Life of. Fontenelle. Lond., 1728. 12~.. 6182 Peter, W. Poets and Poetry of Greece and Rome. (2 copies.) Philad., I847-48. 80.. 239 Peter Pindar, Works of. [Wolcott.] Philad., I835. 8.~ ~ 1239 [Peters, S.] Hist. of Conn. N. H., 1829. 120~... 6006 Peter's Letters to his Kinsfolk. [Lockhart, etc.] N. Y., 1820. 8~.. 3396 Petherick, J. Egypt, the Soudan and Central Africa. Edinb., i861. 8~. 8071 Petrarch, F., Translations from. By J. Penn. Lond., i8oi. 8~.. 17517 View of Human Life, transl. by Mrs. Dobson. Lond., 1791. 8~. 3949 Life of. Dobson. Philad., 1817. 8... 7752 The same. Stebbing. Lond., 1831. 12~.. 7775 Life and Times of. Campbell. Lond., I843. 2 v. 8. 7754 Petroleum, Discovery, etc., of. [Morris.] N. Y., I865. I20.. 17000 Peveril of the Peak. Scott. Bost., I845. 2 v. in I. 12... 812 Pezron, P. Antiquities of Nations. Lond., 1809. i6~.. I593I Pfeiffer, I. Journey to Iceland, and Travels in Sweden and Norway. N. Y., 1852. 120.. 8200 Pfeiffer-Philology. 239 Pfeiffer, I. Second Journey round the World. N. Y., I856. 12~.. 8033 A Woman's Journey round the World. Lond., I852. 8~.. 8265 Phaedrus. Fables, transl. by Smart. N. Y., I835. I2~.. 4536 The same. 4547 Phalaris, Dissertation on Epistles of. Bentley. Lond., I836. 2 v. 8~. I7227 Phantasmion. [S. H. Coleridge.] N. Y., I839. 2 v. I2~.. I5544 Phantom Ship, The. Marryat. Philad., I839. I2.... I5546 Phelps, A. The Still Hour. Bost., I86I. I6~.. 955I Phelps, E. S. Gates Ajar. (3 copies.) Bost., I869. I20... 2972 Hedged In. (3 copies.) Bost., 1870. I2~.. 2977 Men, Women, and Ghosts. (2 copies.) Bost., I869. I2~.. 2975 The Silent Partner. (2 copies.) Bost., I87I. I2~.... 2980 Phelps, Samuel M. Triumphs of Divine Grace. N. Y., I835. I2~.. I50I7 Phelps, Sylvanus D. Holy Land, Europe and Egypt. N. Y., I863. I20. I6276 The Poet's Song. N. Y., I867. I2.. 150I9 Sunlight and Hearthlight. N. Y., I856. I2~.. I5OI8 Phenix, The; a Collection of Fragments. Gowan. N. Y., I835. I2~. 953I Phi Beta Kappa Orations and Poems, Yale College, I8O2-46. 80.. 932I Philadelphia Book, The. Philad., I836. 12~.. I5067 Souvenir, The. Philad., I826. I20..I3839 Philadelphus. (Pseudonym.) See S. WHELPLEY. Philip of Macedon, Hist. of. Leland. Lond., I820. 2 v. 8~... 4428 Philip II.of Spain. Gayarre. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 6584 Hist. of Reign of. Prescott. Philad., I87I. 3 V. 8~.. IO0338 and II., Hist. of Reigns of. Watson. Dubl., I777-83. 3 v. 8~. 6556 Philip, King (Indian Chief), Hist. of War of, I675-76. Church. Hartfd. [I845.] 8~.. 5957 Philip, R. Life of Bunyan. (2 copies.) N. Y., I839. I2~. 7597 of Whitefield. N. Y., I838. I2~. 7599 Manly Piety. N. Y., I833. I2~..... 1.I7OI7 Philippart, J. Campaign in Germany and France. Lond., I814. 2 v. 8~. I6I86 Memoirs of Charles John of Sweden. Balt., I8I5. 8~...6172 of Moreau. Philad., I8i6. 80.. I6404 Philips, A. Distressed Mother. (Brit. Drama, v. I.) Lond., I8o4. 80. I629 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~.. 28I Philips, G. The Country Sketch Book. Lond., 185I. I2~.. 8I86 Philips, J. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~.. 274 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.1..5096 Phillippo, J. M. Jamaica. Philad., I843. 80.. I6921 Phillips, C. The Emerald Isle. Philad., I8i6. 240..1. I484I Recollections of Curran, etc. N. Y., I8I8. 8~... 6804 Specimens of Irish Eloquence. N. Y., I820. 8~.. 9427 Speeches. Saratoga, I820. 8~..I7536 Phillips, G. S. Gypsies of the Danes' Dike. Bost., I864. I2~.. 285I Phillips, J. Treatise on Geology. Lond., I837-39. 2 v. I6~... 6o5I Phillips, T. Lectures on Painting. Lond., I833. 8.... 9073 Phillips, Wendell. Speeches, Lectures, and Letters. Bost., I863. 8~. 9326 Philology, Modern. Dwight. N. Y., I864-65. 2 v. [v. I, 2d ed.] 8~. I78 See, also, LANGUAGE. 240 Philomathesian-Phrenology. Philomathesian. Middlebury, I833-34. v.I. 8~... 7473 Philosophers and Actresses. Houssaye. N. Y., I852. 2 V. I20. 3737 Ancient, Lives of the. Fenelon. N. Y., I842. I20.. II615 Philosophical Dictionary. Voltaire. Lond., I824. 6 v. I2~.. 8504 Miscellanies. Cousin, Jouffroy, and Constant. Tr. Ripley. Boston, I858. 2 V. I2~.. 8584 Theories and Experience. [Cornwallis.] Philad., I847. I2~.. 8496 Philosophy of Active and Moral Powers. Stewart. Philad., I866. I2~. 8592 Ancient, Hist. of. Ritter. Oxfd., I838-39. V. I-3. 8~.. 8707 Discussions on. Hamilton. N. Y., i86I. 8~.. 8769 Ethical, Dissert. on Progress of. Mackintosh. Edinb., I837. 8~. 8722 Introd. to. Jouffroy. Bost., I840. 2 v. I2~... 8586 First Principles of. H. Spencer. N. Y., I864. I2~.. 8598 Greek, Brief View of. [Cornwallis.] Philad., I846. 12~. 8497 Hist. of, to I700. Enfield, from Brucker. Lond., I837. 8~. ~ 8719 from Thales to Comte. Lewes. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 80. 8724 Elements of, to I700. T. Morell. Lond., I827. 8~.. 8720 Epitome of. N. Y., I845. 2 V. I2.. II6I8 Introd. to. Cousin. Bost., I832. 8..... 8715 Manual of, to I828. Tennemann. Oxfd., I832. 80~. 8713 Intellectual, Lectures on. Young. Glasg., I835. 8~. 1707I of Life, and of Language. F. v. Schlegel. Lond., I847. 8~.. 434 Mental, Bearings of, on Science and Religion. Bascom. N. Y., I87. 12........... 8512 Elements of. Upham. N. Y., I848. 2 v. I2~... 8604 Metaphysical. Kant. Lond., I836. 8~.. 8730 Lectures on. Hamilton. Bost., i86o. 8~. 8740 Modern, Hist. of. Cousin. N. Y., I857. 2 v. 8~... 8717 Sketches of. Murdock. Hartfd., I842. I20.. 8494 Moral. Combe. N.Y., 1844. I2~.. 8495 Lectures on. Follen. Bost., I841. 120.. I2748 Sketches of. Sydney Smith. N. Y., I850. I2~... 8593 and Mental. Chalmers. N. Y., I840. 12~... 9520 and Political. Paley. (Works.) Philad., I83I. 8~.. 963I and Morals, Recent Discussions in. H. Spencer. N. Y., 187I. 120............ 8602 Natural. See NATURAL. of the Plan of Salvation. [Walker.] Bost., I856. I2~.. 9987 Positive, of Comte. Mill. Bost., I87I. I2~.. 8590 Recent British. (I835-65.) Masson. N. Y., I866. I2~... 8580 Speculative, Hist. of, in I9th century. Morell. N. Y., I848. 8~. 8726 See, also, METAPHYSICS; PSYCHOLOGY. Philothea. Mrs. Child. Bost., I836. I2~... I5762 Philpot, J., Examinations and Letters of. Lond. I2~. 9478 Phineas Finn. A. Trollope. N. Y., I869. 8~.. 2292 Phips, Sir W., Life of. Bowen. Bost., I837. I6~. 7256 Phoenix, John. (Pseudonym.) See G. H. DERBY. Phrenological Works. Gall. Bost., I835. 6 v. I2.. 1276I Phrenology. Spurzheim. Bost., I832. 2 v. 8~.. 8777 Phrenology-Pilgrim. 241 Phrenology in connexion with Physiognomy. Spurzheim. Bost., 1833. 8.......... 8779 Examination of objections to. Spurzheim. Bost., I833. I2~.. 8611 Hist. of Progress of. Haskins. Buffalo, I839. 12~.. 8609 Illustrations of. Ed. by Calvert. Balt., 1832. I20.... 86io known by its Fruits. Reese. N. Y., 1836. 12~.. 8608 System of. Combe. Bost., 1834. 8~.. 8780 Physical Education, A System of. Maclaren. Oxf'd., I869. I6~.. 918 Exercises, Manual of. Wood. N. Y., I867. 12~.. 9268 Geography. See EARTH; GEOGRAPHY. Sciences. See SCIENCE. Theory of another Life. Taylor. N. Y., 1836. I2~.. 9540 Physics. See NATURAL Philosophy. Physiognomy, System of. Redfield. N. Y., 1849. 8~.. 17078 See, also, PHRENOLOGY. Physiology, Animal and Vegetable. Roget. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 80. 16985 of Common Life. Lewes. N. Y., I86o. 2 V. 12.. 8950 and Intellectual Philosophy. Barlow. Philad., I847. I2~. ~ 8496 Principles of. Combe. N. Y., 1840. 12~... 9125 Wonders of. Le Pileur. N. Y., 1870. 120.. IOI3I Piatt, J.J. Western Windows and other Poems. N. Y., I869. I6~. 785 Picciola. Boniface. N. Y., 186I. 12.. 2596 Picken, A. The Black Watch. Philad., I835. 2 v. I2. ~.. 15384 Pickering, E. The Fright. Philad., 1840. 2 V. 2 v... 15434 The Grandfather. N. Y., I845. 80.. 2656 The Secret Foe. Philad., I845. 8~.. 2670 The same. Lond., I84I. 3 v. 12..... 15577 The Squire. Philad., 1838. 2 v. I2.... 15586 Picket, A. & J. W. The Academician. N. Y., 1820. v. I. 8~. 14079 Pickwick Papers. Dickens. N. Y., 1I872. 16~.... 2168 Pic Nic Papers. Ed. by Dickens. Philad., I84I. 2 v. I2~... 2166 Picturesque, Essays on the. Price. Lond., I8Io. 3 v. 8~.. 17072 Piemont, Excursion to. Gilly. Lond., I824. 4~.. I6O35 Pierce, E. M. Cottage Cyclopedia of Hist. and Biogr. Hartf'd., 1867. 80. Pierce, G. A., and Wheeler, W. A. Dickens Dictionary. Bost., 1872. I2........... 2212 Pierce, W. L. The Year. N. Y., I8I3. 12...14948 Pierpont, J. Airs of Palestine. 2d ed. Bost., I8I7. 12~. 815 and other Poems. (2 copies.) Bost., 1840. 16..... 816 Pierson, H. W. Jefferson at Monticello. N. Y., 1862. 8~... 7443 Pignotti, L. Hist. of Tuscany and the Medici. Lond., 1826. 4 v. 8~. 4680 Pigott, G. Scandinavian Mythology. (2 copies.) Lond., 1839. 80.. I919 Pike, A. Prose Sketches and Poems. Bost., I834. 12~.... 15324 [Pike, M. H.] Ida May. Bost., I855. I120.. 15723 Pike, Z. M., Life of. Whiting. Bost., I845. 16..... 7264 Pilgrim Good-Intent, Progress of the. N. Y., I802. I2~... I7307 Pilgrim and the Shrine, The. Ainslie. Lond., I871. 8~.... 9814 242 Pilgrim's-Plantagenets. Pilgrim's Progress. Bunyan. Hartf'd., I833. 12~.. 9813 Pilgrims, Chronicles of the. Young. Bost., I844. 80~. 5935 [Mourt's] Journal of the. Ed. Cheever. N. Y., I849. I2~.. 6007 of the Rhine. Bulwer. Philad., i868. I2~.. 2063 of Walsingham, The. Strickland. Philad., I835. 2 V. 12~.. 24I6 Pilkington, J. C., Real Story of. By himself. Lond., I760. 4~.. i6469 Pillet, R. M. Views of England. Bost., I8I8. I2~....6768 Pilot, The. Cooper. N. Y., i856. I20.. 2801 Pindar. Odes, transl. by Wheelwright. N. Y., I837. 12~.. 4540 Pindar, Peter, Works of. [Wolcott.] Philad., I835. 8~. ~ ~. I239 Pines, Among the. [Gilmore.] N. Y., I862. 120.. 2929 Pink and White Tyranny. Mrs. Stowe. Bost., I87I. 16~.. 2735 Pinkerton, R. Russia. Lond., I833. 80.. 8444 Pinkney, W., Life of. Wheaton. (Sparks, v. 6.) Bost., 1836. i6~.. 7255 Life and Writings of. Wheaton. N. Y., I826. 80... 9327 Pioneers, The. Cooper. N. Y., I870. I2.. 2792 Piozzi, H. L. (Thrale). Autobiography, Letters, etc. Bost., I86I. 120. 7075 Love Letters, to W. A. Conway. Lond., I843. 8~. ~ ~ ~ 7074 Recollections of. Lond., I833. 8~.. 7073 [Pipitz, P. E.] Mirabeau. Philad., I848. 12...... 7622 Pips, Mr., hys Diary. Leigh. Lond. 2 V. 4~.. Pirate, The. Marryat. Philad., I836. 12~...... 21I2 Scott. Edinb., I87I. 8... 887 Pirates, Hist. of the. Johnson. Norwich, 1814. I2~.... 16323 See, also, BUCCANEERS. Pitcairn's Island, Description of. [Barrow.] N. Y., I840. 12~.. IIo33 Pitkin, T. Hist. of U. S., I763-97. (3 copies.) N. H., I828. 2 v. 80. 6I50 Statistics of Commerce, etc., of U. S. N. H., I835. 8~... 5854 Pitt, C. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24.... 530 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1819. 24~.... I5 Pitt, Wm., (Earl of Chatham.) Correspondence, I74I-78. Lond., I838-40. 4 v. 8......... 7201 Letters to his Nephew. N. Y., I804. 12~.. 9136 Anecdotes of Life of. [Almon.] Lond., 1792. 4 v. 8.. 6795 Pitt, Rt. Hon. Wm. Speeches in House of Commons. Lond., I8o6. 4 v. 8~........9369 Lectures on. Goldwin Smith. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 6749 Life of. Philad., i8o6. I2~..... 6627 The same. Stanhope. Lond., I86I-62. 4 v. 8~.. 6799 Memoirs of. Tomline. Philad., I82I. 2 v. 8~.. 16344 Pizarro, F., Life of. Bost., I840. 120... 75II The same. Helps. Lond., I869. 16~.. 769I Pizarro, a tragedy. Sheridan. Lond., I854. 12~. 450 Plague in London, Hist. of the. De Foe. Lond., 1855. 8~.. 4227 Plain Speaker, The. Hazlitt. Lond., I826. 2 V. 8~... 3457 Planche, J. R. British Costume. (2 copies.) Lond., I836-46. 12~. 4814 Planchette, the Despair of Science. [Sargent.] Bost., I869. 16~.. 8484 Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Mitchel. N. Y., I863. 12~.. 8912 Plantagenets, Last of the. N. Y., I829. 2 v. 12..... I5485 Plants-Pocock. 243 Plants, Hist. of. Figuier. Lond., 1869. 8...... 9000 Plato and the Companions of Sokrates. Grote. Lond., I867. 3 v. 8~. 4443 Life of. Tennemann. (German Selections.) Andover, 1839. 8~. Ioo6I Platt, J. C. Hist. of the Corn-Laws. Lond., I842. 12~.... 8479 Platts, J. Universal Biography. Lond., 1825-26. 5 v. 8~... 6892 Plautus. Men2echmi, transl. by C. R. Lennox. Philad., I809. 80.. I59I Plays. Ed. Oxberry. Bost., I822-24. V. I, 2, 4-I2. 240. ~ ~ I346 CONTENTS.-1, Distrest Mother, by A. Philips; She Stoops to Conquer, by [Goldsmith - New Way to pay Old Debts, by Massinger; Woodman's Hut. 2, Hypocrite, Maid of the Mill, Lionel and Clarissa, Love in a Village; all by Bickerstaff. 4, Soldier s Daughter, by Cherry; Provoked Husband, by Vanbrugh and Cibber; Belle's Stratagem, by Cowley; Suspicious Husband, by Hoadly. 5, Beaux' Stratagem, Recruiting Officer, Inconstant, by Farquhar; Tobacconist, from Jonson, by Gentleman Rosina, by Brookes. 6, West Indian, She Would and She Would Not, Wheel of Fortune, by Cumberland; Honest Thieves, by Knight. 7, Alex. the Great, by N. Lee; Wild Oats, by O'Keeffe; The Wonder, by Centlivre; Shipwreck, by Arnold. 8, Jane Shore, by Rowe; Magpie; Evadne Damon and Pythias, by Shiel; Is he Jealous, by Beazley. 9, Guy Mannering,by Terry; Rob Roy Macgregor, by Pocock; Deserter, Quaker, by C. Dibdin; Mayor of Garratt, by Foote. 10, Grecian Daughter, Way to Keep him, Know your own Mind, Three Weeks after Marriage, Citizen, all by Murphy. 1l, Jealous Wife, by Colman. Busy Body, by Centlivre; Barber of Seville, from Rossini; Rugantino, by M. G. Lewis. 12, Duenna, and Rivals, by Sheridan; Beggar's Opera, by Gay; Midnight Hour, by Inchbald. Living. N. Y., i824-25. 8 v. I60...3346 Old, Dodsley's Select Collection of. [Ed. Collier.] Lond., i825-27. 12 v. 8......... 1508 CONTENTS.-1, God's Promises, by Bale; The Four P's, by Heywood; Ferrex and Porrex, by Sackville; Damon and Pithias, by Edwards; New Custome. 2, Gammer Gurton's Needle; Alexander and Campaspe, by Lyly; Tancred and Gismunda, by W ilmot; Cornelia, by Kyd; Eldward II., by Marlowe. 3, George a Greene; Jeronimo, pt. 1; Spanish Tragedy by Kyd; Honest Whore, by Dekker. 4, Malcontent, by Marston; All Fools, by Chapman; Eastward Hoe, by Jonson, Marston and Chapman; Revenger's Tragedy, by Tourneur; Dumb Knight, by Machin. 5, Miseries of Iniorced Marriage, by Wilkins; Lingua, by Brewer; Merry Devil of Edmondton; A Mad World, my Masters, by Middleton; Ram-Alley, by Barry. 6, Roaring Girl, by Middleton and Dekker; Widow's Tears, by Chapman; White Devil by Webster; The Hog hath lost his Pearl, by Tailor; Four Prentices of London, by Heywood. 7, Green's Tuquoque, by Cook; Albumazar, by Tomkins; Women kill'd with Kindness, by Heywood; Match at Midnight, by iowley; Fulmus Troes, by Fisher. 8, Wounds of Civil War, by Lodge The Heir, by May, Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay by Greene; Jew of Malta, by Marlowe; The Wits, by Davenant. 9, Summer's Last Will, by Nash; Microcosmus, by Nabbes; Muse's Looking-Glass, by Randolph; City Match, by Mayne; Queen of Arragon, by Habington. 10, Antiquary, by Marmion; Goblins, by Suckling; The Ordinary, by Cartwright; Jovial Crew, by Broome; Old Couple, by May. 11, Edward I., by Peele; Mayor of Quinborough, by Middleton; Grim, the Collier of Croydon; City Night-Cap, by Davenport; Parson's Wedding, by Killegrew. 12, Adventures of Five Hours, by Tuke; Elvira, by Digby; The Widow, by Jonson, etc.; Apius and Virginia; Notes; Index. Old English, Dict. of. Halliwell. Lond., I86o. 8~.. 1635 See, also, DRAMA; STAGE; THEATER. Pleasures, Book of. Campbell, Rogers, Akenside. Philad., I836. I2~. I4902 Plebeian, The. Steele. (Addison's Works, v. 3.) N. Y., I856. I2~. 3997 Plowden, FP. Review of State of Ireland. Philad., I805-o6. 5 v. 8~. 5414 Plumptre, E. H. Biblical Studies. Lond., I870. 8~.... 9889 Plutarch. Lives, ed. by Clough. Bost., I872. 5 v. 80.... 4127 transl. by Langhorne. Ithaca, I838. 80.. 4126 The same. Philad. and N. Y., I822-34. 8 v. I2~0. I3998 Select Lives, tr. by Long. Lond., I844-46. 3 v. I2~.. ~ 4594 Plutarch, The British. Lond., I79I. 8 v. 2~...... 4006 Plymley, Peter. Letters on the Catholics. See Sydney SMITH'S Works, v. 3. Plymouth. See PILGRIMS. Pneumatics, Treatise on. Lardner. Lond., I836. I6~.. 6044 Pocahontas: a Drama. N. Y., 1837. 12~. 1. 5043 Pocket Magazine. Lond., I829-30. 3 v. I2.. 1582I Poco Mas. (Pseudonym.) Scenes and Adventures in Spain., Philad., I846. I20.. 890o Pocock, J. Rob Roy Macgregor. Bost., 1823. I2... I3355 244 Pococke-Poets. Pococke, R. Travels through Egypt. (Mavor, v. I3.) Lond., I797. I2~. 13856 Poe, E. A. The Literati. (2 copies.) N. Y., I850. I2~. 438i Narrative of A. Gordon Pym. N. Y., I838. I2~... 5763 Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque. Philad., I840. V. T. I2~. 4383 Works. N. Y., I856-58. 4 v. I2~.. 4372 CONTENTS.-1, Tales. 2, Poems and Tales. 8, The Literati. 4, A. Gordon Pym; Miscellanies. The same. vol. I. (2 copies.)..4376 The same. vol. 3..4378 The same. N. Y., I850-52. 2 v. 2~.. 4379 CONTENTS.-1, Tales. 2, Poems; Miscellanies. Poems, Collection of. Dodsley. Lond., I770. V. 2-6. 12. I40I9 Select Collection of. Edinb., I768. v. I.... I40I8 Poetic Mirror. Philad., I8I7. I20...I4903 Poetical Decameron, English. Collier. Lond., 820o. 2 V. 6~.. 128 Poetry, American, Selection of. N. Y., I794. I2... I4966 Specimens of. Kettell. Bost., I829. 3 v. I20.. 678 of the East. Alger. Bost., I856. I2..875 English, Anthology of. [Ritson.] Lond., I793-94. 3 v. I6~. IO86 Beauties of. Albany, I8I4. 12..... I4910 Elegant Extracts in. Lond., i8I6. 2 v. 80... I5838 [Another collection.] Bost., I826. 6 v. I20.. I3364 Essay on. T. Campbell. Bost., I819. 12~... 55 Hist. of. Warton. Lond., I840. 3 v. 8... 83 Lectures on. Neele. Lond., 1829. I2~.... I65 Letters on. Aikin. Bost., I8o6. I2~.... 6o Reliques of. Percy. Lond., I840. 8~.... 13I2 Sacred, of XVII. century. Ed. Cattermole. Lond., I835. v.I. I6........ 9503 The same. Lond., 1836. v. 2. I6~.. 9508 Essay on. Beattie. Lond., I779. 8~. 214 of France, Early. Costello. Lond., I835. 80~.... 917 German, Historic Survey of. W. Taylor. Lond., I830. 3 v. 8~. 206 Translations from. Baskerville. Philad., I856. 80.. 857 Hebrew, Spirit of. Taylor. N.Y., I862. I2~.. 9544 Household Book of. Dana. N. Y., I867. 8. II. 1311 Lectures on. Montgomery. N. Y., I840. I2~.. II284 on the sources of Pleasure from. Hurdis. Bishopstone, 1797. 4*.. I50o83 of Life, The. Mrs. Ellis. Philad., 1835. 2 V. I2... I5242 Provengal, History of. Fauriel. N. Y., I86o. 80. 241 Scottish, Selection of. Ritson. Lond., I785. 16. o. 96 of Spain, Ancient. Bowring. Lond., I824. 8~. 915 Studies in. Cheever. Bost., I830. I2.. 293 Tragic, as illustrated by Shakspeare. Reed. Philad., I857. I6~. I479 Treatise on; from Encycl. Brit. [Moir.] Edinb., i839. I2~... 64 See, also, BALLADS; LITERATURE; RHYTHMS; SONGS; SONNETS. Poet at the Breakfast-Table. Holmes. Bost., I872. I20... 3609 Poets of America. Keese. N. Y., I84I-42. 2 V. I20.... 684 and Poetry of. Griswold. Philad., I855. 8~.. 923 Poets-Polar. 245 Poets of America, Female. Griswold. Philad., 1849. 8~... 924 Selections from. Bryant. N. Y., I84I. I2~.. II586 British. Ed. J. Bell. Lond., I807. 52 V. 24~.. 246 For Contents, see Bell. Female. Bethune. Philad., I848. 8~... ~ 946 Golden Leaves from. Hows. N. Y., I865. I2~.. IO99 Homes and Haunts of. Howitt. N. Y., I847. 2 V. 12~. 6600 Lives and Works of. S. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8 v. 8~. 15095 Select Works of. Chaucer to Jonson. Ed. Southey. Lond., I83I. 80.. I302 Jonson to Beattie. Ed. Aikin. Philad., I839. 8... I304 Falconer to Scott. Ed. Frost. Philad., I838. 8... I3o6 Southey to Croly. Ed. Frost. Philad., I843. 8.. I308 Selections from. Halleck. N. Y., I840. 2 v. I2~.. II587 of Connecticut. Everest. Hartf'd., I843. 8~..926 English, Beauties of. J. E. Taylor. Lond., I824. I20.. I4908 Courtly. Ed. Hannah. Lond., I870. 16~.... IOO5 Early, Specimens of. Ellis. Lond., I845. 3 v. I6~. IO83 Golden Treasury of Songs and Lyrics of. Palgrave. Cambr., I863. 16........... 954 English, Lectures on. Hazlitt. N. Y., 1849. I2~... 67 Lives of. Bell. Lond., I839. 2 V. 1.. 5777 For Contents, see BELL. The same. Cary. Lond., I846. I6~.. 6599 The same. Johnson. Lond., I83I. I6~.. 6598 and Poetry of Europe. Longfellow. Philad., I845. 8~... 218 and Poetry of Greece and Rome, Specimens of. Peter. Philad., 1848. 8........... 240 Greek Christian and English, Essays on. Browning. N. Y., I863. 16........... 39 Italian, Lives of. Stebbing. Lond., I83I. 3 v. I20... 7775 Stories from. Hunt. N. Y., I846. 12~... 887 Old, Conversations on. J. R. Lowell. Cambr., I845. I6~.. 53 Russian, Specimens of. Bowring. Lond., I82I-23. 2 V. I20. 288 Scottish, Lives of. Lond., I822. 3 v. in 4. 24~.... 6609 Thoughts on the. Tuckerman. N. Y., 1848. I6~... 54 Poland, Hist. of, to 1I795. [S. Jones.] Dubl., I795. 80... 6054 [to I83O.] Dunham. Lond., 1836. I6~... 5478 The same. Fletcher. N. Y., 1840. 12~..... IO26 of the Reformation in. Krasinski. Lond., 1838-40. 2 v. 8~... 6454 of the Revolution in, 1830-31. Hordynski. Bost., I833. 8~. I6I67 Travels in, I778. Coxe. Lond., I802. 8~.... 6605 Polar Expedition, Narrative of, I820-23. v. Wrangell. Lond., I844. 16~. 7907 1825-27. Franklin. Philad., IS828. 8~. 8Io3 Regions, Discovery in the. Murray, etc. N. Y., I840. 12~.. IOI4 32 246 Polar-Polk. Polar Regions explored. Snelling. Bost., I83I. 80.... I659I Sea, Journeys to, I8I9-27. Franklin. Lond., I829. 4 v. I2~. 7868 The Open; a Voyage of Discovery, I86o-6I. Hayes. N. Y., I867. 8... 8III Voyage, Journal of Parry's, I82I-22. Lyon. Bost., I824. I20. 16592 Voyages, Northern, Hist. of. Forster. Dubl., I786. 80.. 16594 Three, i8I9-27. Parry. Lond., I835. 4 v. I2.. 7872 World, The. Hartwig. N. Y., I869. 8~... 8102 Pole, Possibility of approaching the. Barrington. N. Y., i8I8. 8~. i6593 See, also, ARCTIC. Police Reports, N. Y. City. Skillman. N. Y., 1830. 8~. 15835 Polish Tales. Mrs. Gore. Lond., I833. 3 v. I2~.. 5550 Politeness, Book of. Celnart. Bost., I833. 12~.. 1705I Polltical Class Book, The. Sullivan. Bost., I83I. 2~... 6015 Economy. Chalmers. N. Y., 1832. I2~.. 8543 A. Potter. N. Y. [I84I.] 120... II925 American. Bowen. N. Y., I870. 8... 8640 Dissertation on. Rousseau. Lond., 1767. 12. 13I89 Elements of. James Mill. Lond., I844. 8~.. 8625 The same. Newman. Andover, I835. I2~. 17096 The same. Perry. N. Y., I866. 8~... 8639 The same. Wayland. N. Y., 1837. 80... 8667 Essays on. Ruskin. N. Y., 1872. I2~... 863I Illustrations of. H. Martineau. Bost. and Lond., I832-33. 13 v. 12.. I4608 For Contents, see MARTINEAU. Logic of. De Quincey. Edinb., I844. 8~... 8624 Manual of. Bentham. (Works, pt. 9.) Edinb., I839. 80. 9708 The same. Fawcett. 3d ed. Cambr., I869. I2~.. I02o6 New Principles of. Rae. Bost., I834. 8... 8754 Principles of. Malthus. Bost., 1821. 8~.. 8634 The same. John Stuart Mill. N. Y., I870. 2 v. 8~.. 8663 Treatise on. Say. Philad., 1836. 8~.. 8652 See, also, WEALTH. Essays. P. Godwin. N. Y., I856. I2~.. 3560 Ethics, Manual of. Lieber. Bost., I838-39. 2 v. 8~.. 8683 Hermeneutics. Lieber. Bost., 1839. I2~.. 8621 Knowledge, Standard Library Cyclopadia of. [Long.] Lond., I848-49. 4 v. 80... 350 Mirror; or, Review of Jacksonism. N. Y., 1835. 12~.. 6oi6 Philosophy. Brougham. Lond., I844. 3 v. 8~.. 868o Tactics. Bentham. (Works, pt. 8.) Edinb., I839. 8~.. 9707 Politics, American, Issues of. Skinner. Philad., 1872. I20~... I0205 Physics and. Bagehot. N. Y., I873. 12. 2~. o83 See, also, GOVERNMENT. Polk, J. K. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. 3.) N. Y., I854. 80. 6202 Hist. of the Administration of. Chase. N. Y., I850. 8~.. 6272 and Hist. of his Administration. Jenkins. Auburn. [I850.] I2~. 733I Polko —Pope. 247 Polko, El. Musical Sketches. N. Y., I866. 6~.... 8867 Pollok, R. Course of Time. Bost., 1828, z120.. I14854 The same. Philad., I839. 8... 1247 Life of. D. Pollok. Edinb., I843. 8~.. 6937 Polo, M. Travels, ed. Murray. N. Y., I845. I2~.. I1774 The same. I2286 Polwhele, R. Essay on Marriage, Adultery, Divorce, etc. Lond., I823. I2.......... I7006 The Old English Gentleman. Lond., I797. 8~.. I4804 Traditions and Recollections. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 8~.. 7I41 Polynesia, Hist. of. Russell. N. Y., I845. 120... II760 Pomfret, J. Poems and Remains. Philad., 179I. I2~.. I4842 Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~. 7 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8.... I5096 Pompeii. (2 copies.) Bost., I833. I2~.. 8214 The same..88I7 Last Days of. Bulwer. Lond., I854. I20.. 2064 Wonders of. Monnier. N. Y., I870. 120..IOI27 Ponsonby, C. The Countess d'Auvergne. Edinb., I841. 16I. I. 5405 Ponte, L. da. Hist. of the Florentine Republic, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., I833. 2 v. 12~.. 4587 Pontiac, Hist. of Conspiracy of. Parkman. Bost., I85I. 80.. 5956 Poole, M. E. Pictures of Cottage Life. Lond., I870. 80.. I5547 Poole, S. Englishwoman in Egypt. Lond., I844-46. 3 v. 120.. 8I5I Poole, W. F. Index to Periodical Literature. (2 copies.) N. Y., I853. 8. Index to Subjects in Reviews in Bros. Library. N. Y., 1848. 8~. Poor Laws and Pauper Management. Bentham. (Works, pt. I6.) Edinb., I841. 80.. 9715 Poor Miss Finch. Collins. N. Y., I872. 80.. 2306 Pope, A. Essay on Man. Lond., I786. I20..14855 The same. Lond., i8o6. I2.......14856 The same. Hartfd., I844. 120. 603 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. v. 2, 3, 4, 6. 240.. 278 Ed. Carruthers. Lond., I853. v. I-3. I60. Iio5 Ed. Walsh. Philad., I819. 24~.... I5 with Life by Johnson. Philad., I839. 80~. 1284 The same. Dubl., I804. 8~... 15oo Works. Ed. Elwin. Lond., I87I-72. v. I, 2, 6-8. 80.. I285 The same. With Life by Johnson. Lond., I8I2. V. I, 3-8. I12.. 3821 CONTENTS. —1 Life; Panegyrical Poems; Pastorals Messiah; Windsor Forest; Odes; Essay on Criticism., Essay on Man; Universal Prayer; *oral Essays; Satires and Epistles. 4, The Dunciad; Guardians. 5, Memoirs of M. Scriblerus; Memoirs of P P Clerk of this Parish. Key to the Lock. Miscellaneous Thoughts, etc. 6-8, Letters to and from Wriends. Essay on Genius of. Warton. Lond., I8o6. 2v. 8~.. 3483 Life and Last Will of. Lond., 1744. 6~... 6946 Pope, Sir T., Life of. Warton. Lond., 1772. 80..... 6367 Pope Leo X., Life of. Roscoe. Lond., 1846. 2 v. 8~.... 396 Pope and the Council, The. Janus. Bost., 1870. 16~.... 9514 248 Popery-Portugal. Popery. Rogers. Lond., I839. I2~.. 9602 Dissuasive from. Jer. Taylor. (Works, v. 2.) Lond., I836. 80. Ioo63 Hist. of. (2 copies.) N. Y., I834. I2~.. 9603 Text-Book of. Cramp. N. Y., I83I. I20.. 96IO Variations of. Edgar. Lond., I838. 8~.. 6491 Popes, Growth of Temporal Power of the. Legge. Lond., I870. 80. 6326 Hist. of the, and of Latin Christianity, to I454. Milman. N. Y., I860-6I. 8 v. 8~0..639I Hist. of the, I500-I700. Ranke. Lond., I847-48. 3 v. 8.. 39I last four, Recollections of the. Wiseman. Lond. [I859.] 80.. 7677 Origin of the. Guettee. N. Y., I867. I20..... 9579 Population, Essay on the Principle of. Malthus. Lond., I826. 2 v. 80~. 8659 Porcelain. See GLASS. Porcupine, Peter. (Pseudonym.) See W. COBBETT. Porsoniana. Lond., I856. 80. 3208 Port Royal, Memoirs of. Schimmel-Penninck. Lond., 1858. 3 v. 8~. 6328 Porter, A. M. Coming Out. N. Y., I828. 2v 12v. II5179 Fast of St. Magdalen. Bost., I8I9. 2 v. 12~... 5194 Honor O'Hara. N. Y., I827. 2 V. I2..... I5196 Recluse of Norway. Wash., I834. I2... 15186 Village of Mariendorpt. Bost., I82I. 4 v. in 2. I20...5184 Porter, D. Journal of Cruise to the Pacific. N. Y., I822. 2 v. 80. 17I23 Voyage in the South Seas. Lond., I823. 8~.. 8058 Porter, E. Lectures on Eloquence and Style. Andover, I836. 8~. 17521 Principles of Rhetorical Delivery. Andover, I827. I20.. 17366 Porter, G. R. Treatise on Manufacture of Porcelain and Glass. Lond., I832. I6...........6040 Treatise on Silk Manufacture. Lond., 83I. I6~... 5790 Porter, Jane. Duke Christian of Luneburg. Bost., 1824. 2 V. 2 I2. I5I82 Field of the Forty Footsteps. N. Y., I828. I20.. I58I Scottish Chiefs. (2 copies.) Philad., I867-69. 12~... I5190 Sir Edward Seaward's Narrative of his Shipwreck. N. Y., I83I. 3 v. I20. 15187 Thaddeus of Warsaw. N. Y., I858. I2~....I5I78 The same. Philad., I868. I2~.. I5177 Porter, John L. The Giant Cities of Bashan. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 8256 Porter, N. American Colleges and the American Public. (2 copies.) N.Y., I870. I2~.. 9254 Books and Reading. (2 copies.) N. Y., I87I. I2~... 122 Addresses at Inauguration of. N. Y., I87I. 80.... 9281 Porters Robert K. Travels in Russia and Sweden. Philad., I809. 80. 16603 Porter, Rose. Summer Drift-wood. N. Y., I870. I2~.. I5787 Porter, W. S. The Musical Cyclopedia. Bost., I834. I2~.. 8862 Porteus, B. Death, a poem. Lond., I803. 8~.. I4806 Port Folio, The. 2d and 3d Series. Philad., I8O9-I4. 6 v. 8~.. I2736 Portico, The. Balt., 18I6-I7. v. 2-4, in I. 8... I2578 Porto, L. da. Juliet. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., I836. I2~.. I9oo Portraits, British. Lodge. Lond., 1849-5o. 8 v. 8'. 8~... 515 Portugal, Civil War in, etc. [182o-33.] Lond., 1836. 12~... 6415 Portugal —Prentiss. 249 Portugal, Hist. of, 1090-1725. Brockwell. Lond., I726. 8... I665 of Revolutions in, to I683. Vertot. Lond., I754. 80. 16166 Traits and Traditions of. Pardoe. Philad., I834. 2 V. I2~.. 16671 See, also, PENINSULAR WAR; SPAIN. Posey, T., Memoir of. Hall. Bost., 1846. I6~.. 7268 Positive Philosophy of Comte. Mill. Bost., I87I. 12~. 8590 Positivism and Christianity. Hopkins. N. Y., 1871. 12.. 9999 Post, H. A. V. Visit to Greece, etc. N. Y., I830. 8~... 16627 Posthumous Records of a London Clergyman. N. Y., 1836. 120.. 17286 Post-Office, The. Lond., 1842. 12~.. 8478 Potiphar Papers. Curtis. N. Y., I869. 120.. 2872 Potomac, Campaigns of Army of the. Swinton. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 6196 Potter, A. Handbook for Readers. N. Y., 1845. 12.. 11.. II766 Polit. Economy. N. Y. [I84I.] T120. II925 Science applied to the Arts. Bost., 1841. 12.. 17002 Potter, J. Antiquities of Greece. N. Y., I825. 80.. 15867 Pouqueville, F. C. H. L. Travels in Greece. (Voyages, v. 4, 7.) Lond., I82O. 8.. 8054 Pcwell, B. Hist. of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Lond., I837. 16........... 6049 Power, T. Impressions of America. Philad., I836. 2 v. 12~.. 16796 Poynder, J. Hist. of the Jesuits. Lond., I8I6. 2 v. 8~... 6423 Literary Extracts. Lond. [I844.] 2 v. 80..... 4339 Pradt, D. D. de. The Congress of Vienna. Philad., 1816. 8~.. 15920 Europe and America in 1821. Lond., 1822. 2 v. 8~... 15884 after the Congress of Aix-la-Chapelle. Philad., I820. 8~. 1592i Praed, W. M. Poems. With Memoir by D. Coleridge. N. Y., 1865. 2 V. 120. 841 Poet. Works. Ed. Griswold. (2 copies.) N. Y., I844. I2~.. 839 Pragay, J. The Hungarian Revolution. N. Y., I850. 12~.. 5816 Prairie, The. Cooper. Philad., 1836. 2 v. 12.. 2759 Prairie Land, Life in. Farnham. N. Y., I847. 16~... 16865 Prairies, Commerce of the. Gregg. N. Y., 1844. 2 v. 12'. 2. 6878 Tour on the. W. Irving. Philad., I835. I2~.. 4243 Prayer, Method of. Mme. Guyon. Balt., 1812. I2... 17294 Prayers of the Ages. Ed. Whitmarsh. Bost., I868. 8~... 9818 for Theists. Cobbe. Lond., 187I. 8.. 9967 Preacher and the King, The. Bungener. Bost., I853. I2~.. 9968 and Pastor, The. Ed. by Prof. Park. Andover, 1845. I2~.. 9913 Preaching, Aids to. Skinner. N. Y., I839. 12~.. 9918 Extemporary. Zincke. N. Y., I867. 12~.. 9915 Yale Lectures on. Beecher. N. Y., I872. 12~... 9919 See, also, PULPIT. Preble, E., Life of. Cooper. (Naval Biogr., v. I.) Philad., I846. 12~. 7275 The same. Sabine. (Sparks, v. 22.) Bost., I847. 160. ~ 7271 Precaution. Cooper. N.Y.,1855. I2~.. 2799 Preferment. Mrs. Gore. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. I2~.. I5553 Prentice, G. D. Biogr. of Clay. Hartf'd., I831. 12~. ~ ~ ~ 7327 [Prentiss, C.] Life of Gen. Eaton. Brookfield, I813. 8~... I6396 250 Prentiss-Prior. Prentiss, E. Stepping Heavenward. (2 copies.) N. Y. [I869.] I20. 3009 Prentiss, S. S., Memoir of. By his Brother. N. Y., I86I. 2 V. I2~. 7337 Pre-Raphaelitism. Ruskin. N. Y., I86o. I2~.. 9040 Presbyterian Pulpit, Annals of American. Sprague. N. Y., I859. 2 v. 80.. 7732 Prescott, H. E. See Mrs. H. (E.) P. SPOFFORD. Prescott, W. H. Biographical and Critical Miscellanies. N. Y., I845. 8........... 3477 The same. New ed. Bost., I855. 80. 3478 Hist. of Chas. V. See W. ROBERTSON. Conquest of Mexico. (2 copies.) N. Y., I844. 3 v. 8~. 598I The same. Philad., I87I. 3 v. 8~... I327 Hist. of Conquest of Peru. Philad. and N. Y., I848-68. 2 v. 80. 5987 The same. v. 2. N. Y., I848. 8~.. 5989 The same. Philad., I87I. 2 v. 8~.. 10.330 of Ferdinand and Isabella. 2d ed. Bost., I838. 3 v. 8~. 6572 The same. Philad., I87I. 3 v. 8~.. 10332 The same. 5th ed. Bost., I839. v. 2, 3. 8~.. 6575 of Philip II. Bost., I855-58. 3 v. 80..... 6579 The same. v. I, 2. 6582 The same. Philad., I87I. 3 v. 8~... Io338 Life of C. B. Brown. Bost., I834. 16~.. 7250 Life of. Ticknor. Bost., I864. I2~.. 7388 Review of part of Hist.'of Ferdinand and Isabella by. Bost., 1841. 12....... 6164 President's Daughters, The. Bremer. Lond., 1852. 8~.. 469 Press, Liberty of the. See LIBERTY. Pressense, E. de. Early Years of Christianity; Apostolic Era. N. Y., 1870. I2~..... 6307 Preston, H. W. Aspendale. Bost., I87I. 16~.. 2744 Pretension. Ellis. Philad., 1837. 2. 120.. I5555 Price, U. Essays on the Picturesque. Lond., I8Io. 3 v. 80.. I7072 Pride and Prejudice. Austen. Bost., I863. I2~.. 2479 Priest and Huguenot. Bungener. Bost., 1856. 2 v. I2~.. 2647 Priestcraft, Popular Hist. of. Howitt. Lond., I845. I6~.. 6331 Priestley, J. Lectures on Hist. and Policy. Philad., I803. 2 v. 8~. 15887 Priests, Women, and Families. Michelet. Lond., I846. 16~.. 95I3 Prime, W. C. Boat Life in Egypt and Nubia. N. Y., I857. 120.. 8233 0 Mother Dear Jerusalem. N. Y., I865. I2~.. 292 Princes of Wales, Lives of. Williams. Lond., I843. v. I. I2~. 5I33 Pringle, T. Residence in S. Africa. Lond., I840. 8~... 8IO Prior, J. Life of Goldsmith. Philad., i837. 8... 7I7I The same. Lond., I837. 2 v. 80.. 3776 The same. 7I72 Memoir of Burke. Philad., 1825. 8~.. 68Io The same. Lond., I839. 8~.. 6809 Voyage along E. Coast of Africa, etc. Lond., I819. 8~... 8052 in the Indian Seas. Lond., I820. 80... 8051 Prior, M. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 2 v. 24~.. 268 Prior-Psalms. 251 Prior, M. Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~. II The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. I5o98 Prison, Voices from; a Selection of Poetry. Bost. [I847.] I2~. 14904 Prisons and Prisoners. Adshead. Lond., I845. 8~..1. I7097 Probabilities, Essay on. De Morgan. Lond., 1838. I6~... 6043 Probability. [Lubbock and Bethune.] Lond., I835. 8~....6468 Problematic Characters. Spielhagen. N. Y., 1870. I20... 3020 Probus. Ware. N. Y., 1838. 2 V. I2.. 2866 [Procter, B. W.] (Barry Cornwall.) Dramatic Scenes, with other Poems. Bost., I857. 6... I20I English Songs, etc. Bost., I844 6... 200 Life of Kean. N. Y., I835. I2~.. 7927 C. Lamb: a Memoir. (2 copies.) Bost., I866. I6~.. 6959 Songs and Miscellaneous Poems. N. Y. 8~. 15092 Procter, G. Hist. of the Crusades. Edinb., 1854. 80.. 462I of Italy. 2d ed. Lond., 1844. 8~.. 4812 Proctor, E. D. Poems. N. Y., 1866. I6~. 778 Proctor, R. A. Light Science for Leisure Hours. N. Y., 187I. 12~. 8897 The Sun. Lond., 1871. 8~.. 8909 Profession is not Principle. [Kennedy.] N. Y., I829. I2~.. I54IO Professor, The. A Tale. C. Bronte. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 2556 at the Breakfast-Table. Holmes. Bost., I868. 12~.. 3607 Promessi Sposi, I. Manzoni. Wash., I834. 8~... 2650 Property, Essays on. Lieber. N. Y., 184I. I2.. 11748 Prophecy, Hints on Interpretation of. Stuart. Andover, I842. I20. I7266 Prose, by a Poet. [Montgomery.] Philad., 1824. 12~.... 3172 Protection protect, Does. Grosvenor. N. Y., I87I. 8.... 8669 Protestant, The; a Tale. [Bray.] N. Y., I829. 2 V. I20.. I5557 and Catholic Nations compared. Roussel. Bost., I855. I2~. 6433 Memorial. Horne. N. Y., I844. I20.. 17279 Protestantism and Catholicity compared in Effects on Civilization. Balmes. Balt., 185I. 8~.. 6492 Proud, R. Hist. of Penns. Philad., I797-98. 2 v. 8~.... 5841 Prout, W. Chemistry, Meteorology, and Digestion. Philad., I836. 80. I6982 Provengal Poetry, Hist. of. Fauriel. Transl. by Adler. N. Y., I86o. 8~. 241 Proverbs, English. Hazlitt. Lond., I869. 8~. 4439 Lessons in. Trench. N. Y., I855. I2.. 4316 National, in 5 Languages. Ward. Lond., I842. I6~.. 4318 Shakspeare. Clarke. Lond., I848. I6~... I366 See, also, QUOTATIONS. Provincial Letters. Pascal. N. Y., I86I. I2~. 9584 Provost, The. Galt. N. Y., 1822. I2~0. I5232 Prue and I. Curtis. N. Y., I857. 12~.. 2870 Prussia, Hist. of, I740-78. Frederic II. Lond., I789. 4 v. 80. 17244 Secret Hist. of Court of. Mirabeau. Dubl., I789. 8~. I646o See, also, FREDERIC II. and III.; GERMANY. Psalms, Commentary on the. Horne. Lond., 1836. 3 v. 16~. 9510 translated and explained by J. A. Alexander. N. Y., I85I. 3 v. 2..9875 252 Psychology-Pycroft. Psychology, Elements of. Cousin. Hartf'd., 1834. 8~... 8588 Principles of. H. Spencer. N. Y., 187I. v.I. I2~.. 86o0 See, also, PHILOSOPHY. Public and Private Economy. Sedgwick. N. Y., I836-39. 3 V. I2~. 8644 Puckle, J. The Club. Ed. Singer. Chiswick, I834. 16~.. 4158 Piickler-Muskau, H. v. Tutti Frutti, transl. by Spencer. N. Y., I834. I2........... 3790 Puiitter, J. S. Hist. of Constitution of the Germanic Empire. Lond., 1790. 3 v. 8.......... 6457 Puffendorf, S. Introd. to Hist. of Europe. Lond., I764. 2 v. 80.. I5912 Puigblanch, A. The Inquisition Unmasked. Lond., I8I6. 2 v. 8~. 6426 Pulaski, C., Life of. Sparks. Bost., I845. I6.. 7263 Pulci, L. Stories. (Hunt's Italian Poets.) N. Y., 1846. 120... 887 Pulpit, Curiosities of the. Jackson. N. Y. [I868.] I6... 9831 Eloquence of XIX. century. Fish. N. Y., 1857. 8~.. 100oo57 The Metropolitan. [Grant.] N. Y., 1839. I2~.. 9914 Power of the. Spring. N. Y., I854. I20.. I7173 Pungencies. N. Y., I866. I2~. 9973 See, also, PREACHING. Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia. N. Y., I870. 8~... 8o8I Punch, Cartoons from. Tenniel. Lond. 4~. Punch's Complete Letter-Writer. Jerrold. Lond., I845. 16~.. 4250 Pocket-Book of Fun. N. Y., I857. I6~.. 4249 Punchard, G. Hist. of Congregationalism. Salem, I84I. 12~... 63IO Punctuation, English. Wilson. Bost., I862. I6... 6 Punning, Art of. Swift. (Works, v. 24.) N. Y., I813. 12~.. 3870 Puritan, The: Essays. [Withington.] Bost., I836. 2 v. I2~...6320 Puritanism, A Churchman's Defence against the Aspersions of. Coit. N. Y., 1845. I20.. 6332 Puritans, Anecdotes of the. N. Y., I849. I2~.. 635I Hist. of the. Neal. Newburyp't., I816-I7. 5 v. 8~.. 6459 and their Principles. Hall. N. Y., I846. 8~.. 6458 and Q. Elizabeth. Hopkins. Bost., I86o-6I. 3 v. 8~.. 53I4 Purley, Diversions of. Horne Tooke. Ed. Taylor. Lond., 1829. 2 V. 80.......... 2IO Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties. [Craik.] Lond., I845. 3 v. 12.. 9I04 Put yourself in his place. Reade. N. Y., I870. 80.. 2284 Putnam, G. P. American Facts. Lond., I845. I20... 6I84 Chronology. N. Y., I833. 12...I5935 The World's Progress: a Dict. of Dates. N. Y., I85I. 2~.. 4605 Putnanm, I., Life of. Humphreys. Bost., I8I8. I2~.. 7538 The same. Peabody. Bost., I837. I6~... 7256 Putnam's Monthly Magazine. N. Y., I853-58. 12 v. 80... I3257 The same. v. I-II. I13274 The same. New Series. N. Y., I868-70. 6 v. 8~. 13285 The same. v. I-5........ 13269 Puttenham, G. Arte of English Poesie, ed. Arber. Lond., I869. 16~. 389I Pycroft, J. Course of English Reading. Ed. Spencer. N. Y., 1857. 120. 56 Pym-QuotationS. 2S3 Pyn A. Gordon. (Pseudonym.) See E. A. PoE. Fym 3J., Lecture on. Goldwin Smith. N. Y., I867. 12~.. 6749 Life of. Forster. N. Y., I846. 8~.. 6903 Q. Q. Q., Contributions of. Jane Taylor. N. Y., I826. 2 v. I20.. 3371 Quadrupeds, Natural Hist. of. Fennell. Lond., I843. 8.. 9004 The same. [Ogilby.] N. Y., I840. 2~0.... II428 and Classification of. Swainson. Lond., i835. I6~..... 6057 See, also, ANIMALS; NATURAL History. Quakers, Hist. of the (to I717). Sewel. N. Y., I844. 2 v. in I. 80. 6594 Quarterly Christian Spectator. (2 copies.) N. H., i829-38. Iov. 8~. I2950 Observer, American. Bost., I833-34. 3 v. 8~.... I3880 Review. Lond. and N. Y., 1809-72. V. I-I2, I4-28, 30-33, 3538, 40-I22, 124-132. 80. II470 The same. v. I-i6, 18-48, 50-8I, 84-122, 124-I27. ~. II3Io Also, Indexes to v. I-6o. 3 v. 8. Papers from the. N. Y., I852. I2~. II309 Quatremere de Quincy, A. C. Hist. of Raffaello. Lond., I846. 8~.. 345 Imitation in the Fine Arts. (2 copies.) Lond., I837. 8~. ~ 9071 Quebec, Campaign against, I775. Henry. Lancaster, 18I2. I2~0. 572I Tour to, I8I9. Silliman. N. H., I820 12. I. 6776 Queechy. Warner. N. Y., 1852. 2 V. 2~0. 2997 Queen's Necklace, The. Dumas. Philad. 8~.. 2627 Quentin Durward. Scott. Bost., I845. 12~.8. 86 Quin, M. J. Nourmahal. Lond., I838. 3 v. 12~.. 5523 Steam Voyage down the Danube. N. Y., 1836. 120.. 16619 Quincy, J.,'.unior, Memoir of. By his son. Bost., 1825. 8~.. 7340 Quincy, Pres't. J. Hist. of Harvard University. (2 copies.) Cambr., I840. 2 v. 8........ 9398 Life of. E. Quincy. (2 copies.) Bost., I868. 80.... 7436 Quintana, M. J. Lives of celebrated Spaniards. Lond., x833. I20.. 7690 Quintilian. Institutes of the Orator, transl. by Patsall. Lond., 1774. 2 v. 8~........ 5995 Quintus Filein, Life of. Richter. Bost., i864. 80... 3056 Quite Alone. Sala. N.Y. 80.. 2334 Quits. v. Tautphceus. Philad., I867. 2 v. in I. 12~.. 2508 Quiz. Sketches of Young Ladies and Gentlemen. N. Y., I838. 12~. 4313 Quodlibet, Annals of. [Kennedy.] Philad., I840. 120.. 4292 Quotations, Classic. Elmes. N. Y., I863. i6~... 4337 Common-Place Book of. Southey. N. Y., 1849-50. 2 v. 8~. 4433 Dictionary of Latin, etc. Philad., I834. 120.. 4336 Familiar. Bartlett. Bost., I869. 6~.... 4349 Literary. Poynder. Lond. [i844.] 2 v. 8~.. 4339 or, Pocket Lacon. Taylor. Philad., I839. 2 V. 120.. 4353 33 254 Quotations-Ramnsay. Quotations, Poetical. Addington. Philad., I829. 4 v. I20... 4320 or, Results of Reading. Caldwell. Lond., I843. 8~.. 4335 or, World's Laconics. Edwards. N. Y., I856. I2~... 4338 See, also, PROVERBS. R. Rabelais, Fl. Works. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1863. 2 v. 80... 502 Race, The Coming. [Bulwer-Lytton.] N. Y., I871. 12~.... 9202 Races of the Earth, Indigenous. Nott and Gliddon. Philad., i857. 8~. 9095 of the Old World, The. Brace. N. Y., I863. I2~.... 8965 See, also, MAN. Rachel FMlix, E., Memoirs of. Mme. de Barrera. N. Y., I858. I2~. 7965 Rachel Dyer. Neal. Portl'd., I828. I20... 5764 Radau, R. Wonders of Acoustics. N. Y., I870. I2~.... IqIo8 Radcliffe, A. Gaston de Blondeville; St. Alban's Abbey; etc. Philad., I826. 4 v. I20........ 5436 Mysteries of Udolpho. N. Y., I86I. I20.. 2513 Radiation, Lecture on. Tyndall. N. Y., I865. I2~.. 8904 Rae, J. New Principles of Polit. Economy. Bost., I834. 8~0. 8754 Rae, W. F. Westward by Rail. N. Y., I87I. I2.. 8394 Raffaello. See RAPHAEL. Raffles, T. S. Hist. of Java. 2d ed. Lond., I830. 2 v. 8~... 6496 Illustrations to. Lond., I844. 40~. Memoir of. By his Widow. Lond., 1835. 2 v. 8~.. 6498 Raguet, C. Treatise on Currency and Banking. Philad., I839. 8~. 8755 Raikes, T. Journal. Lond., I856. 2 v. 8... 7144 Visit to St. Petersburg. Lond., I838. 8~.. 8445 Railroad, N. Y. and Erie. See ERIE. Rale, 8., Life of. Francis. Bost., 1845. i6~..7266 Raleigh, W. Hist. of the World; Voyages to Guiana. Edinb., I820. 6 v. 8..4077 Last Fight of the Revenge. Ed. Arber. Lond., I871. I6~.. 3898 Poetry. Ed. Hannah. Lond., I870. 6.. I005 Life of. Tytler. Philad., I833. 80... 5358 Life and Letters of. Edwards. Lond., I868. 2 v. 8~.. 6814 Memoirs of. Mrs. Thomson. Philad., 183I.. ~.. 6632 and his Time. C. Kingsley. Bost., 1859. 12~... 3762 Trial of. (Celebrated Trials, I.) Lond., I825. 80... 9220 Ralph the Heir. A. Trollope. N. Y., 187I. 80... 2295 Ralston, W. R. S. Krilof and his Fables. (2 copies.) Lond., 1869. 8~. 2624 Ramayana, Selections from. Richardson. Lond., I870. 8~...906 Rambler, The. Ed. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 3 V. I2~.. 3124 The same..3498 Essays illustrating. Drake. Lond., T809-IO. 2 V. 8~.. 3236 Ramsay, Alex. S. Butler and his Works. Lond., 1846. 12~... 6954 Ramsay, Allan. Poems. Edinb., I728. 2 V. 40... 15080 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240~... 20 Ramsay-Ravenstein. 255 Ramsay, Allan. Tea-Table Miscellany of Songs. Berwick, I793. 4 v. in 2. -I2.. I49II Ramsay, D. Hist. of the Amer. Revol. Philad., I789. 2 v. 8~.. I6I23 The same. Trenton, i8II. v. I. 8.... 6II8 Hist. of S. C. Charleston, I809. 2 v. 8~... 5866 of the U. S. 2d ed. Philad., I818. 3 v. 8~... 5850 Life of Washington. N. Y., I807. 8~...... 6388 Ramsay, B. B. Scottish Life and Character. Bost., I86I. I2~. 5277 Ramsey, A. C. The Other Side. Hist of Mexican War. N. Y., 1850. 12........... 5824 Randall, H. S. Life of Jefferson. N. Y., i858. 3 v. 8~... 7440 Randolph, J. Letters to a young relative. Philad., I834. 8~. 7417 Life of. Garland. N. Y., I85I. 2 V. 12.... 7309 Randolph, S. N. Domestic Life of Jefferson. N. Y., 1871. 12~. 7351 Randolph, T. Muse's Looking Glass. (Old Plays, v. 9.) Lond., I825. 8........... I56 Ranke, L. Hist. of the Popes. Lond., I840. 3 v. 8~.. 6513 The same. 2d ed. Lond., 184I. 3 v. 8~.. 6516 The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I847-48. 3 v. 8~. 39I The same. v. I, 3. 394 Hist. of Servia, and Bosnia. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I853. 8~.. 419 Rankin, A. Hist. of France. Lond., 1801-22. 9 v. 8~. i6227 Rankin, J. Letters on Slavery. Bost., I833. I2~.. 8469 Ranks, Origin of Distinction of. Millar. Edinb., I8o6. 80.. I7086 Raphael Sanzio, Hist. of. Quatrem~re de Quincy. Lond., 1846. 8~. 345 Life and Works of. v. Wolzogen. Lond., I866. 8~. 79I8 und Michael Angelo. Grimm. Bost. 12~.. 9614 Rapin Thoyras, P. de. Hist. of England, continued by Tindal. Lond., I757-62. 2I v. 80.. I6074 Rapp,,. de. Memoirs. Lond., I823. 80..5599 Rarey, J. S. Art of taming Horses. Lond., I862. I6~0. IOI68 [Rathbone, H. M.] Diary of Lady Willoughby. N. Y., I848. I20.. 2558 The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., I845. I2~. 3957 Rationalism, Hist. of. Hurst. N. Y., I865. 80.... 6519 in Europe, Hist. of Rise and Influence of. Lecky. N. Y., I866. 2 v. 80.. 6320 Rau, H. Mozart, a Romance. (2 copies.) N. Y., I868. 12~.. 3035 Raumer, F. v. America. N. Y., i846. 8~... 6172 Contributions to Hist. of Eliz. and Mary Q. of Scots. Lond., I836. I2.......... 5210 England in I835. Philad., I836. 80.. 5334 Fred'k II. and his Times. Lond., I837. I20. 5802 Hist. of XVI. and XVII. Centuries. (2 copies.) Lond., 1835. 2 V. I2~.. 4607 Italy and the Italians. Lond., I840. 2 v. 8..... 4692 Political Hist. of England. (2 copies.) Lond., I837. 2 v. 8~. 4996 Rauschenbusch, H. E., Memoir of. Leipoldt. Lond., 1843. I6~.. 7532 Ravenshoe. H. Kingsley. Bost., I862. I2~.. 2573 Ravenstein, E. G. The Russians on the Amur. Lond., I86I. 8~.. 8013 256 Rawlinson-Redburn. Rawlinson, G. Five Great Monarchies. 2d ed. N. Y., I87I. 3 v. 8~. 4063 Hist. Evidences of the Truth of Scripture Records. Bost., I86o. I2........... 9957 Manual of Ancient History. Oxfd., I869. 80... 4062 Ray, I. Mental Hygiene. (2 copies.) Bost., I863. I2~... 8513 Ray, W. Poems. Auburn, 1821. 120.. I5020 Raynal, T. G. F. Hist. of E. and W. Indies. Lond., 1776. 5v. 80. I6I49 The same. Edinb., 1782. 6 v. 120.. 4432 Rayner, B. L. Life of Jefferson. Bost., I834. 12~. 7223 Reach, A.B. Claret and Olives. N. Y., I852. 12~... x6706 Read, T. B. The New Pastoral. Philad., 1855. I2~. 779 A Summer Story, Sheridan's Ride, etc. (2 copies.) Philad., I865. I2........... 78 Sylvia, and other Poems. Philad., 1857. 12~.. 780 Reade, C. Christie Johnstone. Bost., x868. I6... 2093 The Cloister and the Hearth. N. Y., I868. 8~... 2279 Clouds and Sunshine; and Art. Bost., I855. I2~.. 2096 Foul Play. Bost., I869. I6... 2098 The same. Bost., I868. 8~.. 228I Griffith Gaunt. (2 copies.) Bost., I866. 8~.. 2282 It is never too late to mend. Bost., 869. I6..... 2097 Love me little, love me long. N. Y., 1859. I2~. 2043 The same. (2 copies.) Bost., I869. 160.. 2102 Peg Woffington. Bost., I868. 6~.... 2095 Peg Woffington, Christie Johnstone, etc. Bost., 1871. 6~.. 2094 Put Yourself in his Place. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1870. 80.. 2284 A Terrible Temptation. Lond., I87I. 3 v. 8~.. 2104 Very Hard Cash. N. Y., I868. 8.... 2281 White Lies. (3 copies.) Bost., i860-69. I6~.. 2099 Readers, Handbook for. Potter. N. Y., 1845. I2~..7. II766 Reading, English, Course of. Kent. Ed. by King. N. Y., I853. I2~. 299 The same. Pycroft. N. Y., I857. 12~... 56 Two Lectures on. Ruskin. N.Y., I865. I2~.. 213 See, also, BOOKS. Reading Abbey, Legend of. I MacFarlane.] Lond. I845. 12~. ~ 2383 Real Folks. Whitney. Bost., I872. 8~.. 2971 Realmah. Helps. Bost., I869. I6~..2450 Rebecca and Rowena. Thackeray. (Works, v. 8.) Lond., I832. 8~. 2I96 Rebellion Record, The. Ed. F. Moore. N. Y., I86I-64. v. I-7. 80. 6262 Rebels, The. Child. Bost., I825. I20.... I5765 R6camier, J. F. J. A., Memoirs and Correspond. of. Bost., I867. 12~. 766I Recantation. Ed. Kip. N. Y., I846. I6~. 1.. 7273 Reclus, B. The Earth: Continents. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~... 9006 Recluse of Norway, The. A. M. Porter. Wash., I834 120. I2~. 5.. 86 Recollections of a Housekeeper. Gilman. N. Y., I836. I2~... I5766 of a Southern Matron. Gilman. N. Y., I838. I2~.. I5767 Red River Expedition, The, I870. Huyshe. Lond., I871. 8~... 8396 Red Rover, The. Cooper. N. Y., I872. I20.. 2839 Redburn. Melville. N. Y., I849. 120..15768 Redding-ReJected. 257 Redding, C. Hist. of Shipwrecks. Lond., 1835. 4 v. 16~... 7862 Redfield, J. W. Outlines of System of Physiognomy. N. Y., 1849. 8~. 17078 Redgauntlet. Scott. Bost., I845. I20. 1823 Red.Jacket, Life of. Stone. N. Y., x841. 8.. 595I Redpath, J. Echoes of Harper's Ferry. Bost., I86o. I2~.. 8575 Life of John Brown. Bost., I86o. 2~.. 7393 Redskins, The. Cooper. N. Y., I855. I20.. 2824 Redwood. Sedgwick. N. Y., I850. I2.. 15319 Reed, A. No Fiction. N. Y., I835. I2~... 6383 and Matheson, J. Visit to the Amer. Churches. N. Y., I835. 2 V. I20.. I6829 Reed, H. Lectures on Engl. Hist. and Tragic Poetry, illustrated by Shakspeare. (2 copies.) Philad., I856-57. I6~.. I478 English Literature. 4th ed. Philad., I858. I2~. 65 The same. 5th ed. Philad., I863. I20.. 66 Life of J. Reed. (Sparks, v. I8.) Bost., I846. I6~.. 7267 Reed, J., Life of. H. Reed. Bost., 1846. I6~.. 7267 Reed, R. T. Six Months in a Convent. Bost., I835. I2~. 17275 Supplement. Bost., I835. I2~.... 7276 Reese, D. M. Humbugs of N. Y. N. Y., I838. I2~.. 17IO3 Phrenology known by its Fruits. N. Y., I836. 12~.. 86o8 Plea for the Intemperate. N. Y., 184I. 2~..... 922 [Reeve, C.] The Two Mentors. Lond., I783. 2 V. I20.. I562I Reflection, Aids to. Coleridge. N. Y., x87. 12... 4013 Reform Ministers, Biogr. Sketches of the. Jones. Lond., I832. 80. 5330 Reformation, The. Fisher. N. Y., I873. 8~.. 1026o Essay on Spirit and Influence of the. Villers. Philad., 1833. I2~. 6344 Hist. of the. Stebbing. Lond., 1836-37. 2 v. W6~... 5757 on the Continent. Waddington. Lond., 1841. 3 v. 8~.. 6479 in i6th Century. Merle d'Aubign6. N. Y., I8426i. 5 v. 12....... 637I in Time of Calvin. Merle d'Aubign6. N. Y., I863-72. 5 v. I2...... 6386 Political Consequences of the. Heeren. Oxfd., I836. 8.. 4713 See, also, LUTHER; and the various EUROPEAN Countries. Reformers, British, Writings of the. Lond. 8 v. 12~.. 9476 For Contents, see BRITISH. Reforms, Hints towards. Greeley. N. Y., I850. 12~.. 8622 Refugee, The. [Godwine.] N. Y., 1825. 2 V. I20.... 5769 in America. Mrs. Trollope. N. Y., I833. 2 v. 12~.. I5559 Reid, T. Essays on Powers of the Human Mind. Lond., I827. 80. 8764 Works. Charlestown, I813-15. 4 v. 8~.. 8765 CONTENTS.-1, Life, by D. Stewart; Account of Aristotle's Logic; Inquiry into the Human Mind. 2, 3, Essays on Intellectual Powers. 3, 4, Essays on Active Powers. Reign of Law. Duke of Argyll. Lond., I868. I60... 8839 Reindeer, Dogs, and Snow-Shoes. Bush. N. Y., I87I. 8~.. 8299 Rejected Addresses. H. and J. Smith, ed. Sargent. N. Y., 1857. I2~. I22I American. [Bigelow.] N. Y. [I855.] I2~.. 686 258 Religio-Representatlve. Religio Medici. Browne. Lond., I835. 8~.. 3987 Religion, Authority in. Bolingbroke. (Works, v. 3, 4.) Philad., I84I. 8........... IO34 and Culture. Shairp. N. Y., I87I. I6~... 9819 Influence of, on Health. Brigham. Bost., I835. I2~.. 17351 Lectures on Science of. Max Miiller. N. Y., I872. 80... 9958 Personal, Thoughts on. Goulburn. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 98I6 Philosophy of. Dick. Brookf'ld., I830. 12~. I7363 The same. Morell. N. Y., I849. I2~.. 9952 and Science, Connexion of. Wiseman. Andover, 1837. 8~.. 1oo36 Religions, Pictorial View of. Goodrich. Hartfd., I851. I2~... 6298 Ten Great. Clarke. Bost., I871. 8~...I265 Religious Belief, Origin and Development of. Baring-Gould. N. Y., 1870. 2 V. I20.. 9959 Courtship. De Foe. (Works, v. I4.) Oxfd., I84o. I6~.. 3879 Faith, Condition and Prospects of. Cobbe. Lond., I865-66. 2 V. 8~.. 9965 Truth illustrated from Science. Hitchcock. Bost., I857. I2~. I7354 Sects. See SECTS. Reminiscences of half a century. Lond., I838. I2~.. I6378 Renan, E. The Apostles. N. Y., i866. I2.. 9895 Constitutional Monarchy in France. (2 copies.) Bost., I87I. I6~. 5573 Life of Jesus. (2 copies.) N. Y., I864-69. I2.... 9893 Saint Paul. N.Y., I869. I2~.. 9897 The Romance of. Roussel. N. Y., I869. I6~.. 9896 Rengger, J. R. Reign of de Francia in Paraguay. Lond., I827. 8~. 5741 Rennie, J. Architecture of Birds. Lond., I83I. I2~.. 882I The same. Bost., I83I. 12~.. 8813 Domestic Habits of Birds. Lond., I832. 12~.. 8822 Faculties of Birds. Lond., I835. I2~.. 8823 Insect Architecture, etc. New ed. Lond., I845. 2 v. I2~.. 8793 [and Westwood, J. O.] Insect Architecture. Bost., I830. I2~. 8808 Insect Miscellanies. Bost., I832. I2..... 88I6 Insect Transformations. Bost., I83I. I20.... 88io Nat. Hist. of Birds. N. Y., I840. 12~.. II422 [and Westwood, J. O.] Nat. Hist. of Insects. N. Y., I840. 2 V. I2.... 11007 Renwick, H. B. and J. Lives of Jay and Hamilton. N. Y., I84I. I2~. II604 Renwick, J. Life of Dewitt Clinton. N. Y., I84I. I20... II6oo of Fulton. (Sparks, v. Io.) Bost., I839. I6. 7259 The same. Bost., I839. I2~.. I6313 D. Rittenhouse. (Sparks, v. 7.) Bost., I837. I6~. 7256 The same. Bost., I839. I20.. I63T4 Count Rumford. (Sparks, v. I5.) Bost., I845. I6~. 7264 Repealers, The. Lady Blessington. (Works, v. I.) Philad., I838. 80. 2668 Representative Government. Mill. N. Y., I867. I20.. 8619 in Europe, Hist. of. Guizot. Lond., I852. 80... 362 Men. Emerson. Bost., I86I. I2.. 3630 Reptiles-Rhetoric. 259 Reptiles, Nat. Hist. and Classification of. Swainson. Lond., 1838-39. 2 V. I60........... 6o60 Popular Account of. Figuier. Lond. [i869.] 8~.. 8997 Repton, H. Odd Whims. Lond., 1804. v. 2. I2~.. 3955 Responsibility, Human, Limitations of. Wayland. Bost., i838. I2~. 8535 Resurrection, Sermons on the. Ed. Stebbing. Lond., I835. I6~.. 9498 Retrospective Review. Lond., I820-26. v. I-I4. 8.... 11456 Retz, J. F. P. de Gondi, Cardinal de. See GONDI. Reumont, A. v. The Carafas of Maddaloni. Lond., I854. 8~. 403 Reuter, F. In the Year'13. Leipz., I867. i6~.. 2707 Seed-Time and Harvest. Philad., I87I. 8~.. 10299 Revelation, Notes on the Book of. Barnes. N. Y., I852. 12~... 9865 of Nature, The. N. Y. I2~.. 3597 Reveries of a Bachelor. Mitchell. N. Y., i87I. I2~.. 3597 Revival of I740, Hist. of the. Tracy. Bost., I842. 8~.. 6493 Thoughts on the. Pres. Edwards. (v. 4.) N. Y., 1830. 8.. 17179 Revivals, Lectures on. Finney. N. Y., I835. I20. 1. 7300 Sermons on. Barnes. N. Y., I84I. I2~... I7271 Revolutionary Plutarch, The. [Stewarton.] Lond., I805. 3 v. I2~. 5509 Revolutionary War. See U. S. History. Reynard the Fox. Goethe, transl. by Arnold. Lond., I86o. 80..3o0 Hist. of. Lond., 1844. I60..693 The same. Transl. by Roscoe. (German Novelists.) Lond., I826. I20..895 in S. Africa. Bleek. Lond., I864. 8~. 1. 891 Reynolds, E. Hints on use of the Eyes, and on Physical Culture. Edinb., I835. 16... 9I37 Reynolds, Fred'k. Speculation; Delinquent; Laugh when you can; Fortune's Fool; Folly as it flies; Werter. (Mod. Theatre, V. 2, 3.) Lond., I8II. 12. 2. 328 Life of. By himself. Philad., I826. 2 v. in I. 8~... 8I27 [Reynolds, F. M.] Miserrimus. N. Y., I833. I20.. 15510 The Parricide. Philad., I836. 2v. I2~...5532 Reynolds, G. W. M. Modern Literature of France. Lond., I839. 2 V. 12. I09 Reynolds, John N. Voyage of the Potomac. N. Y., 1835. 80.. 8078 Reynolds, Sir Joshua. Literary Works. With Memoir. Lond., I835. 2 V. I60.. 8879 The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I852. 2 v. 8~.. 482 Memoirs of. Northcote. Philad., 1817. 8.. 7992 Rhetoric, Art of. Hobbes. (Works, v. 6.) Lond., I840. 8~.. 9677 Elements of. Day. N. Y., I854. 2~...... 9305 The same. Whately. Cambr., I834. 2~.. 9300 Grammar of. Jamieson. N. H., I82I. 20..... I7531 Lectures on. Adams. Cambr., I8Io. 2 v, 8~. 17527 The same. Blair. N. Y., I8I5. 8~. 17526 The same. Channing. Bost., I856. 12.. 9306 Outlines of. Theremin, ed. Shedd. Andover, I86o. I2~.. 9293 Philosophy of. Campbell. Edinb., I8i6. 2 v. 8~... I75I9 26o0 Rhetoric-Richter. Rhetoric, Suggestions on. De Quincey. Edinb. 8~.. 3284 System of. S. P. Newman. Portl'd., 1827. I2~..... 7529 Treatise on; from Encycl. Brit. [Spalding.] Edinb., I839. 12~. I64 Rhetorical Delivery, Principles of. Porter. Andover, 1827. 120.. 17366 Grammar. Walker. Bost., 1I822. 80.. 9299 See, also, ELOCUTION; ORATORY; SPEECH. Rhind, W. Age of the Earth. Edinb., 1838. 16~.. I6945 Rhine, Agriculture on the. Banfield. Lond., I846. 120. 8795 Legends and Hist. of the. Snowe. Lond., 1839. 2 v. 8~.. 83II Tour on the, I839. Hugo. N. Y., I845. 120.. 8365 Up the. Hood. N. Y., I852. 2 v. I20.. 4269 Rhode-Island Book, The. Mrs. A. C. L. Botta. Prov., 1841. 12~.. 15004 Rhythms, English, Hist. of. Guest. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8~... 174 Ribault, 3J., Life of. Sparks. (Amer. Biogr., v. I7.) Bost., 1845. I6~. 7266 Rice, E. L. Introd. to Amer. Literature. Cincinn., I846. 12~... I5005 Rich, E., etc. The Occult Sciences. Glasg., I855. 80.... 8616 Richard L, of England (Cceur-de-Lion), Life of. G. P. R. James. Lond., 1854. 2 v. 8... 5129 Life and Times of. Aytoun. Lond., I840. I6~.... 5128 See, also, CRUSADES. Richard II. Halsted. Philad., I844. 80~.. 5288 Historic Doubts on. Walpole. Lond., 1768. 4~... 5074 Richard of Cirencester. Ancient State of Britain. Lond., 1848. 8~. 499 Richard of Devizes. Chronicle. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 1I848. 8~.. 512 Richards, W. C. Memoir of G. N. Briggs. Bost., I866. 12~... 7339 Richardson, A. D. The Secret Service, the Field, the Dungeon, and the Escape. Hartfd., i865. 8... 6197 Richardson, F. Iliad of the East. Lond., I870. 80. 9o. 1906 Richardson, G. F. Sketches in Prose and Verse. Lond., 1838. 120. I5353 [Richardson, J.] Wacousta. Philad., 1833. 2 v. I20.... I5628 Richardson, S. Works. (2 copies.) Lond., i8ii. I9 v. I60.. 1927 CONTENTS.-1-4, Pamela. 5-12, Clarissa Harlowe. 13-19, Sir Charles Grandison. Richelieu, A. J. D., Cardinal de. Life of. James. Lond., 1836. I6~. 5767 Richelieu; a Drama. Bulwer-Lytton. Bost., I863. I6~.. 976 Richelieu; a Tale. G. P. R. James. N. Y., I86o. 2 v. in I. I2~.. 2162 Richmond, L., Memoir of, abridged. Grimshawe. N. Y., I829. 12~. 7563 Richter, J. P. F. The Campaner Thal, Life of Quintus Fixlein, etc. Bost., 1864. 80...... 3056 Flower, Fruit and Thorn Pieces. (2 copies.) Bost., 1845-63. 2 v. 80... 3052 Hesperus. (2 copies.) Bost., I865. 2 v. 8~.. 3059 Levana. Bost., I863. 8~.. 3067 Reminiscences for the hour of death. N. Y., I863. I6~... 17297 Schmelzle's Journey to Flaetz, and Life of Quintus Fixlein. Transl. by Carlyle. Lond., I87I. 80.. 4053 The same. Bost., 1841. I2.. 3Io8 Titan. (2 copies.) Bost., I863-64. 2 v. 80.. 3063 Walt and Vult; or the Twins. N. Y., 1863. 2 v. 8~.. 3057 Life of. Lee. Bost., I864. 8~.... 7803 Rickards-Robertson. 261 Rickards, R. India. Lond., I829-32. 2 v. 80.. 6502 Riddle, J. E. Luther and his Times. Lond., I837 160... 6346 [Ridley, J.] Tales of the Genii. N. Y., I825. 2 V. 2~... 2013 Ridley, N. Treatises and Letters. Lond. 12~.. 9478 Riedesel, F. C. L. de. Letters and Memoirs. N. Y., I827. I2~.. 6oi4 Rienzi, N. G., Life and Times of. Ducerceau. Philad., I836. I2~.. 7750 Rienzi, the Last of the Tribunes. Bulwer. N. Y., I836. I2~... 2078 Rienzi, a Tragedy. Mitford. Philad. 8~.. 2675 Riesbecl; C. v. Travels through Germany. Dubl., I787. 2 v. 8~.. I665I Riley, J. Narrative of Loss of the Commerce. Hartf'd., I8I7. 8~.. I6299 Ring, M. John Milton and his Times. (2 copies.) N. Y., i868. 8~. 3093 Ring of Amasis, The. R. Bulwer-Lytton. N. Y., I863. 12~... 2154 Rip Van Winkle, illustrated by Darley. N, Y., I848. 40~. Ripa, -. Memoirs of Residence at Peking. N. Y., I846. I2~. 8365 Ritchie, A. C. M. Italian Life and Legends. N. Y., I870. I2~. 8342 Ritchie, L. The Game of Life. Philad., I833. 8~.. 15356 London Nights' Entertainments. Philad., I833. 2 v. 120.. 15493 Romance of French Hist. N. Y., I83I. 2 v. 12~. 15565 Russia and the Russians. Philad., I836. 12~... I66I6 Ritson, J. The Caledonian Muse. Lond., I785. 160. I6~.. Io96 English Anthology. Lond., I793-94. 3 v. I6~.... IO86 Robin Hood Ballads, etc. [Lond., I845.] 8~..'. 948 Rittenhouse, D., Life of. Renwick. Bost., I837. I6~.... 7256 Ritter, C. Geographical Studies. (2 copies.) Bost., I863. I2~.. 8970 Ritter, H. Hist. of Ancient Philosophy. (2 copies.) Oxfd., I838-39. v. I-3. 80... 8707 Rivals, The. [Griffin.] N. Y., I830. I2~... I556I Rivers, Rambles by. Thorne. Lond., I844. I2... 8149 Rives, W. C. Life of Madison. Bost., I859-68. 3 v. 8~.. 7447 Rob of the Bowl. Kennedy. Philad., I838. 2 v. 12.. 15771 Rob Roy. Scott. Edinb., I870. 8.. I866 Canoe, A thousand miles in the. Macgregor. Bost., I87I. I6~. 8221 Macgregor; an Opera. Pocock. Bost., I8O3. 12.. 13355 Roba di Roma. Story. Philad., I867. 2 v. I2... 8345 Robber, The. James. N. Y., I836. 2 v. 120. I5207 Robbers. See BANDITTI; BRIGANDS. Robbins, A. Journal of Loss of the Commerce, etc. Roch., I818. 12~. I6293 Robbins, R. Outlines of Anc. and Mod. Hist. Hartfd., I830. I20. I5929 Robert PFalconer. MacDonald. Bost. 12~.. 258I Roberts, Edmund. Embassy to Cochin-China, etc. N. Y., I837. 8~. I6499 Roberts, Emma. Scenes and Characteristics of Hindostan. Philad., I836. 2 v. I20.......... 16502 Roberts, O. W. Voyages in America. Edinb., I827. I2..~ ~ 4479 Roberts, Wm. The Looker-On. Philad., I796. 4 v. in 2. 120.. I3033 Memoirs of H. More. N. Y., I834. 2. 122... 15IO5 Roberts, Wm. H. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240.. 31 Robertson, F. W. Lectures and Addresses. Bost., I859. 120... 9931 Sermons. Bost., I859-64. 5 v. 12~... 9924 The same. Bost., I869. 5 v. in 2. I20.... 9929 34 262 Robertson-Rogers. Robertson, P. W. Life and Letters of. Brooke. Bost., I865. 2 v. I2~. 7603 Robertson, I. L. (Pseudonym.) See S. L. KNAPP. Robertson, S. P. and W. P. Four years in Paraguay. Philad., I838. 2 V. I2~. 5739 Francia's Reign of Terror. Philad., I839. 2 V. I2~.. 5741 Robertson, W. Historical Disquisition concerning Ancient India. Dubl., I79I. 8...6451 Hist. of America. Dubl., I777. 2 V. 8~...... I36 The same. 6th ed. Lond., I792. 3 v. 8.. 6.. 38 The same, abridged. N. Y., 1848. I2~. II927 of Ancient Greece. Edinb., I82I. 8... i6026 of Chas. V. [Philad.] I770. 3 v. 8~..... 6543 The same. Basil., I788. 4 v. 8~.. 6547 The same. (2 copies.) Albany, I822. 3 v. 8~... 6550 The same, ed. W. H. Prescott. Philad., i872. 3 v. 80.. Io335 The same. Bost., I857. v. 2, 3. 8..... 6577 of Scotland, I542-I603. With Life. Philad., I8II. 2 v. 80. 5404 Life of. D. Stewart. (Works, v. 7.) Cambr., 1829. 8~... 8776 Robespierro, Fall of. A Drama. Coleridge. (Remains, I.) Lond., 1836. 8........... 4006 Robin Day. Bird. Philad., I839. 2 v. I2~.. 5648 Robin Hood, Poems, etc., relative to. Ritson. [Lond., I845.] 8~. ~ 948 [Robinson, A.] Life in California. N. Y., 1846. I20.... I6888 Robinson, E. Universities and Theol. Education in Germany. Edinb., I835. I6........... 9137 Robinson, H. B. Narrative of Owen's Voyages. N. Y., I833. 2 v. I20. I6289 Robinson, Henry Crabb. Diary and Correspondence. (2 copies.) Bost., I869. 2 v. I2... 7005 Robinson, Mary, Memoirs of. By herself. Lond., I830. r2... 6645 Robinson, P. Immortality. N. Y., I846. I20.. 50. 21.. Robinson, Sara T. L. Kansas. Bost., I857. I2~.. I6856 Robinson, Solon. Hot Corn. N. Y., I854. I20... I5722 Robinson, Therese A. L. v. J. Fifteen Years. N. Y., I87I. 120. I5696 Languages and Literature of Slavic Nations. N. Y., I850. I2~. I13 Robinson, Thos. R. Poems. Brooklyn, I8o8. I2~.. I4857 Robinson, W. D. Memoirs of the Mexican Revol. Philad., I820. 80. I6I48 Robinson Crusoe. DeFoe. Cambr., I866. I6~... 1706 Robison, J. Proofs of Conspiracy by Free Masons, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., I798. 8.........I7IIO Robson, P. Life of Hyder Ally. Lond., I786. 8~.. I6414 Roby, J. Popular Traditions of Lancashire. Lond., I843. v. 2, 3. I20. 5269 Roche, R. M. Contrast. N. Y., I828. 2 v. I20...5403 Houses of Osma and Almeria. Philad., I8Io. 12~.. I5458 Rochester, Earl of. See J. WILMOT. Roderick Random. Smollett. N. Y. 8~.... I989 Roe, A. S. A Long Look Ahead. N. Y., I856. I20. ~ ~ ~ I5737 Roger of Wendover. Flowers of Hist. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I849.,2 v.. 80. 510 Rogers E., Lives of the Caesars. Lond., ISII. 5 v. 5 0. 8~... 600 Atogers-Roman. 263 Rogers, James E. Thorold. Historical Gleanings. Lond., I869-70. 2 v. 8~...6731 CONTINTS.-1, C. Montagu; R. Walpole; A. Smith; Cobbett. 2, Wiklif; Laud; Wilkes; Horne Tooke. Rogers, John (The Martyr). Writings. Lond. I20.. 9483 Rogers, John. Antipopopriestian. Part I, Popery. Lond., I839. I2~. 9602 Rogers, S. Pleasures of Memory. N. Y., I824. I2... 4843 Poems [illustrated by Stothard and Turner]. Lond., I834. 8~. III2 Poetical Works. Philad., I83. 8. 944 The same. 947 Table-Talk of. Dyce. Lond., I856. 8~. 3208 Roget, P. M. Animal and Vegetable Physiology. Philad., I836. 2 v. 80.. i6985 Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases. Ed. B. Sears. Bost., I856. I20. 96 Roister Doister. Udall., ed. Arber. Lond., I869. I6~.. 3892 Roland, M. J. P., Memoirs of. Child. N. Y., I854. I6~... 7659 Rollin, C. Ancient History. N. Y., I834. 2 v. 8~... 4I23 The same. Hartfd., I836. v. I-4, 6-8. I2~... 4574 Hist. of Arts and Sciences of the Antients. 2d ed. Lond., I768. 3 v. 8~..... I5898 and Crevier, J. B. L. Roman Hist. Lond., I768. Io v. 8~.. I5975 Roman Antiquities. Fuss. Oxf'd., 1840. 8~. 4751 Caesars, The. De Quincey. Edinb., I858. 8~. ~ ~ ~ 3283 Lives of the. Rogers. Lond., I8II. 5 v. 80... I6ooi Catholic Church, Lectures on the. Wiseman. Lond., I844. I6~. 958I Controversy, Letters on the. Brownlee. N. Y., I834. 8......9607 Monasteries of Italy, Six Years in. Mahoney. Bost., i845. I20..... 9583 Priest, Confessions of a. Ed. Morse. N. Y., I837. 12~. I7262 and Protestant Nations compared. Roussel. Bost., I855. 120..... 6433 Religion, Discussion of the. Hughes and Breckinridge. Philad., I836. 8~.. 9606 Catholicism and Protestantism compared in their Effects on Civilization. Balmes. Balt., I85I. 8~... 6492 See, also, MONKS; POPES; ROMANISM. Commonwealth, Hist. of. [B. C. 20o-A. D. I3.] Arnold. N. Y., I846. 8....... 4748 Emperors, Hist. of, A. D. I4-337. Crevier. Lond., I755-6I. v. 2-10. 8.. I5937 Empire, Causes of Grandeur and Declension of. Montesquieu. (v. 3.) Lond., I777.. 8~..9554 Conversion of the. Merivale. N. Y., i866. 8~.. 63I8 Fall of the. Sismondi. Lond., I834. I6~... 4873 Hist. of. [B. C. 29-A. D. 476.] Keightley. Bost., I84I. 8~. 4750 of Decline and Fall of. [A. D. I8o-I500oo.] Gibbon. Ed. Milman. Bost. and N. Y., I850-64. 6 V. I2~. 4754 The same, abridged by W. Smith. N. Y., I86o. I2~.. 4767 264 Roman-Rome. Roman Empire, Hist. of Overthrow of. [A. D. 200-I5oo.] Taylor. Lond., I836. I2....... 4726 Exile, The. Gajani. Bost,, I856. 12~.. 469i Imperialism, Lectures on. Seeley. Lond., I870. 8~... 3739 Literature, Hist. of. Dunlop. Philad. and Lond., I827. 3 v. 80. I98 Mythology. Cox. Lond., 1870. 2 V. 8..... 4IO3 Nights. [A Series of Tales.] Verri. N. Y., I826. 2 V. I2~. I5144 Poets, Lives of the. Crusius. Lond., I753. 2 V. I2~.. 777I Question, The. About. Bost., I859. I2..... 4689 Republic, Decline of. [B. C. I54-50.] Long. Lond., I864-72. 4 v. 8~.. 4732 Hist. of. Ferguson. Lond., I829. 8... 15988 [to B. C. 3I]. Michelet. Lond., I847. 8~. 324 Revolutions in. Vertot. Lond., I770. 2 v. 80.. I5946 of 1849, The. Dwight. N. Y. [I85I.] 12~.. 4685 Scenes in time of Augustus. Becker. N. Y., I866. 8... 4325 World, The Old. Lord. N. Y., I867. 8~.. 4752 Romance, German, Specimens of. Carlyle. Bost., 1841. 2 v. I2~.. 3IO7 of the Republic, A. Child. Bost., I867. I2~... 3013 of Travel. Willis. N. Y., I840. I2~.. I5330 Treatise on; from Encycl. Brit. [Moir.] Edinb., I839. I2~.. I64 Romances, Early English Metrical. Ellis. Lond., I848. 8~. 501 of the Middle Ages. Cox and Jones. Lond., 1871. 8~.. 2010O See, also, FICTION, NOVELS. Romanishm Difficulties of. Faber. Philad., 1840. I2~.. ~ 9550 Hist. of. Dowling. N. Y., I845. 8~.. 9672 Lectures on. Berg. Philad., I840. 120.. 9605 Romans, B. Annals of Troubles in the Netherlands. Hartf'd., I77882. 2 v. in I. 8i....... 58II Romans, Arts, Manners, &c., of the. Fosbrooke. Lond., I833-35. 2 v. I60.. 4869 Domestic Manners and Institutions of the. Philad., I822. I20. k6o62 under the Empire, Hist. of. [B. C. Ioo-A. D. I8o.] Merivale. N. Y., I863-65. 7 V. 8~.. 4702 Notes on Epistle to. See BIBLE. Romany Rye, The. Borrow. N. Y., I859. 8~...... 2316 Rome, Americans in. Leland. N. Y., I863. 120.. 16721 Catacombs of. Kip. N. Y., 1854. I2~.. 6308 Christmas Holydays in. Kip. N. Y., I846. I2~... 835I Church in the Catacombs of. Maitland. Lond., 1846. 8~.. 645I Civil Wars of. Plutarch, tr. Long. Lond., I844-46. 3 v. I2~. 4594 Description of Antiquities, etc., of. Burton. Lond., I828. 2V. I20. I6725 Hist. of. [to A. D. 330.] (2 copies.) Lond., I835-39. 2 v. I6~. 4865 The same. [to B. C. 201.] Arnold. Lond., 1840-45. 3 v. 8~. 4743 The same, to A. D. I4. Eliot. N. Y., I849. 2 v. 8~.. 16028 The same, to B. C. 28. Hooke. Lond. 3 v. 8~.. 15998 The same. [to B. C. 20oI.] Ihne. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~. 4729 The same, to B. C. 30. Liddell. N. Y., I86o. 12~.. 4725 Rome-Rousseau. 265 Rome, Hist. of. [to B.C. 46.] Mommsen. N.Y., I869-70. 4 v. I2~. 4694 The same. [to A. D. 384.] Niebuhr. Philad., 1835. 2 V. 80. 4739 The same, to B. C. 29. Rollin and Crevier. Lond., 1768. Iov. 8......... I5975 The same, to A. D. I92. Schmitz. N. Y., I847. I20.. 4724 Comic. A Beckett. Lond. 8~. 4314 Kings of. Dyer. Lond., I868. 8... 473I in I9th century. Eaton. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I852. v. I. 8~. 527 Specimens of Poets and Poetry of. Peter. Philad., I847. 8~. 239 Walks in. Hare. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~.. 8349 See, also, ITALY; LATIN. Romilly, S., Memoirs of. By himself. 2d ed. Lond., I840. 3 v. 8~. 6837 Romola. [Lewes.] N. Y., I872. I20.. 2538 Ronge, J. Autobiography. Lond., I846. I6~.. IIOI6 Rosamond, Narrative of. N. Y., 1836. I2~...17259 Roscoe, H. E. Spectrum Analysis. Lond., I869. 8~.... 9097 Roscoe, T. German Novelists translated. Lond., 1826. 4 v. I2~.. I895 CONTENTS.-1, Reynard the Fox. Howleglass. Doctor Faustus. 2, Traditions, by Otmar, Gottschalk, Eberhardt, Buesching, Grimm Brothers, Lothar, La Motte Fouque. 3, Tales, by Musaus, Schiller. 4, Novels, by Tieck, Langbein, Engel. Italian Novelists translated. 2d ed. Lond., I836. 4v. 12~.. I899 The same. vols. I-3. 1903 CONTENTS.-1, Novelle antiche; Boccaccio; Sacchetti- Fiorentino; Massuclo Salernitano. 2, Sabadino degli Arienti; da Porto; Illicini; Sozzini; Machiavelli; Firenzuola; Fortini; Sermini; Brevio; Parabosco; Cademosto da Lodi; Giraldi Cinthio; Grazzini. 3, Lando; Straparola; Bandelio; Sansovino; Doni- Erizzo. Granucci- Mori da Ceno; Malespmini; Salvucci; Anonymous. 4, Bisaccioni; Colomnbo; Bargagli; Botiari; Capacelli; Soave; Altanesi; Magalotti; Lodoli; Manni; Padovani; Sanvitale; C. Gozzi; Bramierl; Gironi; Anonymous. Life of Wm. the Conqueror. Philad., I846. I2~.. 5127 Roscoe, W. Life of Leo X. Ed. T. Roscoe. Lond., I846. 2 v. 8~. 396 The same. Ed. Hazlitt. Lond., 1846. 2 v. 8~... 398 Life of L. de'Medici. Philad., I803. 3 v. 80.. 7779 The same. Ed. T. Roscoe. Lond., I847. 8~... 400 The same. Ed. Hazlitt. Lond., I846. 8~.... 40I Life of. H. Roscoe. Bost., I833. 2 v. I2.. 7087 Roscommon, Earl of. See W. DILLON. Rose, S. Loyola and the Early Jesuits. Lond., I870. 80... 767I Rose d'Albret. G. P. R. James. N. Y. 8~.. 2312 Rose Douglas. N. Y., I85I. 120.... I5569 Ross, J. Memoirs of Admiral de Saumarez. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~.. I6386 Narrative of 2d Arctic Voyage. Philad., I835. 8~... 8IO4 Rossetti, M. P. A Shadow of Dante. Bost., I872. 8~... 877 Rossini, G. Barber of Seville. (Oxberry's Plays, v. II.) Philad., 1822. 24....... 1355 Rotteck, C. v. History of the World. Philad., I84O-4I. 4 v. 8~.. 4083 Roughing it. Mark Twain. Hartf'd., I872. 8~... 4288 The same..10242 Roumania, Adventures in. Noyes. N. Y., I858. I2~.. 16620 Roundabout Papers. Thackeray. (Works, v. IO.) Lond., I872. 8~. 2198 Rousseau, J. J. Confessions. Lond., I783-90. 5 v. 120... I3193 Eloisa. Lond., i8Io. 3v. 8...... I5146 Emilius and Sophia. Lond., 1763. 4 v. I20... 9II 266 Rousseau-Ruskin. Rousseau, J. J. Letters of an Italian Nun, etc. Harrisburgh, 80og. I2~. 2386 Miscellaneous Works. Lond., I767. 5 v. I2~.. I3I88 On the Social Compact, etc. 2~.. I7089 against the Atheists. Ed. Akerly. N. Y., i845. I2~.. 9979 Roussel, N. Catholic and Prot. Nations Compared. Bost., I855. I2~. 6433 The Romance of Renan. N. Y., I869. 6~..... 9896 Rowe, N. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 2 V. 24~.. 27I The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. I5098 Tamerlane; Fair Penitent; Jane Shore; Lady J. Gray. (Brit. Drama, v. I.) Lond., I804. 8.. 629 Rowland, D. Manual of the English Constitution. Lond., I859. I2~. 4853 Rowley, W. Match at Midnight. (Old Plays, v. 7.) Lond., I825. 80. I5I4 Rowley Poems. See T. OHATTERTON. Roy, W., and Barlow, J. Rede me and be not wrothe. Ed. Arber. Lond., I87I. I6.. 3898 Royall, A. Sketches in the U. S. N. H., I826. I20... I6836 The Tennessean. N. H., I827. 12~. I58oI Rubber of Life, The. [Barham.] Lond., I84I. 2 v. I2~.. 5520 Rubens, P. P., Life and Genius of. Waagen. Lond., I840. 8~... 887I Ruffini, G. Doctor Antonio. N. Y., I862. I2~.. 2446 Rugby School Sermons. Arnold. Lond., I843. 8~.. 10050. Ioo Tom Brown's School Days at. [Hughes.] Bost., I870. 80.. 9242 Rule of the Monk, The. Garibaldi. N. Y., 1870. 8~... 2651 Rumford, Count (B. Thompson), Life of. Renwick. Bost., 1845. I6~. 7264 Rural Hours. [Cooper.] N. Y., I850. I2.. I6977 Life of England. Howitt. Lond., 1840. 80.. 5260 of Germany. Howitt. Philad., i843. 8~... 83IO Magazine. Ed. Waldo. Hartf'd., I8I9g. v. I. 8... I3879 Sketches. Miller. Philad., 1842. I2~.. I5570 Studies. Mitchell. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 8926 Ruschenberger, W. S. W. Three Years in the Pacific. Philad., I834. 8~. I6305 Voyage round the World. Philad., 1838. 80.. 8079 Rush, B. Essays. Philad., I800. 80. I5853 Rush, Jacob. Charges on Moral and Religious Subjects. N. Y., I804. I2........... 9I5 Rush, James. Philosophy of the Voice. Philad., I827. 80~.. I7539 The same. 2d ed. Philad., I833. 80~.... I7540 Rush, R. Memoranda of Residence at London. 2d ed. Philad., I833. 8........... 7423 The same, continued. Philad., 1845. 8~.~ ~ 7424 Ruskin, J. Aratra Pentelici. Lectures on Sculpture. N. Y., 1872. 12~. 9048 Crown of Wild Olive. N. Y., I866. I20.. 9042 Elements of Drawing. (2 copies.) N. Y., I859-67. I2~... 9032 of Perspective. (2 copies.) N. Y., I86o. I20... 9037 Ethics of the Dust. (3 copies.) N. Y., I866. I2~... 9043 Fors Clavigera. Letters to Workmen. N. Y., I87I-72. 2 v. I20. 8632 Lectures on Architecture and Painting. (3 copies.) N. Y., I856-59. I2~..... 9034 Lectures on Art, I870. (2 copies.) Oxfd., I870. 8~... 8883 Ruskin-Russia. 267 Ruskin,J. Modern Painters. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1847-62. 5 v. 12~. 9014 Munera Pulveris. Essays on Polit. Economy. N. Y., 1872. I20. 863I Polit. Economy of Art. N. Y., I86o. I20... 9041 Pre-Raphaelitism; Construction of Sheepfolds; King of the Golden River. N. Y., I86o. I20.. 9040 Queen of the Air. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869-7I. I2~.. 9047 Sesame and Lilies. N. Y., I865. I2.. 213 Seven Lamps of Architecture. (2 copies.) N. Y., I849. I2~.. 9030 Stones of Venice. (2 copies.) N. Y., I86o. 3 v. I2~.. 9024 Time and Tide. N. Y., i868. I20.. 9046 The Two Paths; Lectures on Art. N. Y., I859. 12~.. 9039 " Unto this last." Essays on Polit. Economy. Lond., I862. 6~. 8544 Selections from. (The True and the Beautiful.) 2 copies. N. Y., I859-69. I2~.. 9049 Russell, A. Principles of Statistical Inquiry. N. Y., I839. 8~.. 17093 Russell, Lord John. Essay on the English Gov't. and Constitution. 2d ed. Lond., I823. 8~.. 4988 Hist. of Europe, from Peace of Utrecht. Lond., I826. 2 v. 8~. 4600 Life of Wm., Lord Russell. 3d ed. Lond., I820. 2 v. 8~.. 6817 Memoirs of T. Moore. (2 copies.) N. Y., I857. 2 v. 8~. 7178 Memorials of C. J. Fox. Philad., I853. 2 v. 12... 6629 Russell, John. Tour in Germany, etc. Bost., I825. 80... 6649 The same. New ed. Edinb., I828. 2 V. 2 v.. 449I Russell, M. The Barbary States. N. Y., I835. I2~... II290 Iceland, Greenland, etc. N. Y., I841. 120... Ii6o6 Life of Cromwell. N. Y., I844. 2 v. I2.. II282 The same. N. Y., I833. 2 V. 120...I2I2 Nubia and Abyssinia. N. Y., I840. I2~..I1128I Palestine. N. Y., I840. I20..110. I29 Polynesia. N. Y., I845. 12~.. I.760 View of Ancient and Modern Egypt. N. Y., 183I. I2~... II025 Russell, Lady R. Letters. Philad., I854. 12. 2. 7055 The same. Lond., I8o9. 8~.. 7056 The same. Bost., I820. I6~.. 3844 Biogr. of. Child. Edinb., I836. I6~.. 6633 Russell, (Lord) Wm., Life of. Lord J. Russell. 3d ed. Lond., I820. 2 v. 8~.. 6817 Russell, Wm. Hist. of Ancient Europe. Lond., I793. 2 v. 8~. ~ I5904 of Modern Europe. Philad., I822. 6 v. 80.. I5906 Russell, Wm. Extraordinary Men; their early life. Lond., 1853. I20. 6754 Russell, Wm. Exercises in Elocution. Bost., I84I. 120.. * 9302 Orthophony; or Vocal Culture. Bost., I85I. 12.. 9303 Russell, W.m H. A Diary in the East. Lond., I869. 8~... 8075 My Diary North and South. Bost., I863. 12. 6Io7 Russell A Tale. G. P. R. James. N. Y., 1847. 80.. 2322 Russia as it is. Gurowski. N. Y., I854. I2~.. 6447 Correspondence, etc., respecting. Harper and Walsh. Philad., 1813. 8~.. I6I73 The Czar of; his Court and People. Maxwell. N. Y., I848. I2~. I6604 268 Russia-Sabbath. Russia, The Empire of, to 1855. J. S. C. Abbott. N. Y., I86o. 120.. 6443 Excursions in, I836. Bremner. Lond., I839. 2 v. 8~.. 8296 Free. Dixon. N. Y., I870. I2.. 8298 Hist. of (to I762). Tooke. Lond., 1800. 2 v. 8~.... 6434 The same [to I814]. Bell. Lond., 1836-38. 3 v. I6~.. 5480 The same [to I854]. Kelly. Lond., 1854-55. 2 v. 80. 420 of Napoleon's Exped. to. Segur. N. Y., 1845. 2 v. I2~. II616 Journey through, I820. Cochrane. Edinb., 1829. 2 v. I2~.. 4498 Journey to, I835. Ritchie. Philad., I836. I20.. I66I6 Modern. Eckardt. Lond., 1870. 8~.. 6448 Narrative of Bonaparte's Campaign in. Labaume. Philad., I815. 8........... I6I90 Notes of Residence in. Sala. Bost., 1858. I20... 8219 Past and Present State of. Pinkerton. Lond., I833. 8~... 8444 Political Writings on. Cobden. Lond., I867. 2 v. 8... 9587 Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. I2~.. 7852 Resources of. [Eustaphi~ve.] Bost., 1813. 120. I2. I6I74 and the Russians in I842. Kohl. Philad., I843. 8~...6615 Travels in, I778-79. Coxe. Lond., I802. 4 v. 80... I66o5 I8oo. Clarke. Lond., I8I6. 2 v. 80.... 8020 I805-07. Porter. Philad., I809. 80.... I66o3 I829. Alexander. Lond., 1830. 2 v. 80... I6487 I858. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., I859. 120... 8285 Russian Empire, View of the, 1762-I800. Tooke. Lond., i8oo. 3 v. 8~. 6436 Literature, Hist. of. Otto. Oxf'd., I839. 8..205 Poets, Specimens of. Bowring. Lond., 1821-23. 2 v. I2~.. 288 Russians on the Amur, The. Ravenstein. Lond., I86I. 8~.. 8013 See, also, the names of the SOVEREIGNS. Rutherford, S., Life of. Murray. Edinb., I828. 12~.. 7515 Rutledge, J., Life of. Flanders. Philad., I855. 80... 7473 Rutledge. [Cole.] N. Y., i86o. 12~.. 2985 Ruxton, G. P. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mts. N. Y., I848. I2........... I6923 Life in the Far West. N. Y., I849. I2~..... 6864 Ryall, C. The Mourner. Sherborne. I740. 8~... I4806 Ryan, R. Biogr. Dict. of Worthies of Ireland. Lond., 1821. 2 v. 80. 6876 Rybrent de Cruce. [Head.] N. Y., 1829. 2 v. 12~.... I557I Ryland, J. E. Life of J. Foster. N. Y., I846. 2 v. I2~.... 7680 The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I852. 2 v. 8~.. 489 Ryle, J. C. Christian Leaders of the last century. Lond., I869. 80. 6607 S. Sabadino degli Arienti, J. Novels. Lond., 1836. I2~.. 1900 Sabbath at Home. Bost., I867. v. I. 8~.. I3878 Recreations. Sacred Poetry. Taylor. Bost., I839. 12~.. 14909 School as it should be, The. Alcott. N. Y., 184I. I2~... I736I Teacher, The. Todd. Northampton, I837. 120... 17362 Sabbation-Saint Paul's. 269 Sabbation. Trench. Lond., 1838. I6~..2I7 Sabine, L. Life of Preble. (Sparks, v. 22.) Bost., I847. 16~... 7271 Sacchetti, P. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. I.) Lond., 1836. 12~.. I899 Sackville, C. (Earl of Dorset). Poems, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~. I5096 Sackville, T. (Earlof Dorset). Ferrex and Porrex. Lond., I825. 8~. 1508 Sacred History of the World. Turner. N. Y., I838-39. 3 v. I20. II34 Offering, The. Bost., I838. I20... 4907 Poetry of XVII. century. Ed. Cattermole. Lond., I835. v. I. I6~. 9503 The same. v. 2. Lond., I836. I6..... 9508 Sacristan's Household, The. [Mrs. T. A. Trollope.] N. Y., I869. 80. 2310 Sadi. The Gulistan, transl. by Gladwin. Bost., I865. 12~... 876 Sadler, M. P. Church Doctrine, Bible Truth. 3d ed. N. Y., I869. I6~. 9821 Saemund, S. Edda, transl. by Cottle. Bristol, I797. 8~... 920 Safford, W. H. Life of Blennerhassett. Cincinn., I853. I2~.. ~ 7357 St. Bartholomew's Day, Massacre of. White. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 6327 St. Cloud, Secret Hist. of Court of. Lond., I8o6. 3 v. I2~.. 5517 St. Domingo, Hist. of, to I8I7. N. Y., I824. 8... I6147 Notes on. Mackenzie. Lond., I830. 2 V. I20.. 16913 past and present. Hazard. N. Y., I873. 8~.. 1. 0244 State of, in I828. Franklin. Lond., I828. 8~.... I6912 St. Elmo. A. J. Wilson. N. Y., I867. 12~.. 2990 St. Giles and St. James. Jerrold. N. Y., 1845. 8~.. 2321 St. Helena. Hist. of, to i8o6. Brooke. Lond., i8o8. 8~.. I6I68 See, also, NAPOLtON I. St. James' Magazine. Lond., I869-7I. v. 3-7. New Series. 8~. 17835 St. John, B. Adventures in the Libyan Desert. N. Y., I850. I20.. I6522 St. John, Henry (Lord Bolingbroke). Collection of Political Tracts. Lond., I769. 8... I7224 Dissertation on Parties. With Life. Lond., I77I. 80.. 17222 Letters to Windham and Pope, and Reflections on State of the Nation. Lond., I753. 80...... 7223 Remarks on Hist. of England. Lond. 80.. I7225 Works. Lond., I809. 8 v. 8~... 3794 The same. Philad., I841. v. 2, 3, 4. 8~.... IO3I3 CONTENTs.-2, Dissertation on Parties; Letters on Study and Use of History; Idea of a Patriot King; Reflection on State of the Nation; etc. 3, Letter on one of Tillotson's Sermons. 3,4, Letters or Essays, addressed to Pope on Human Knowledge, Philosophers, Monotheism, Authority in Religion, etc. 4, Fragments of Essays. St. John, J. A. Hist. of 4 Conquests of England. Lond., 1862. 2 v. 8~. 4994 Lives of celebrated Travellers. N. Y., I84I. 3 v. I2~. ~. IIo42 The same. N. Y., 1832. 3 v. 12..2. 097 Margaret Ravenscroft. Philad., I836. 2 v. I2~... 5503 St. John, P. B. The Three Days of Febr., I848. N. Y., I848. 12~.. 5455 St. John de Crave Oceur, J. H. Letters from an American Farmer. Philad., I793. I20. 9. I68I9 St. Jonathan, the Lay of a Scold. [Coxe.] N. Y., I838. I2~.. 804 Saint Leger. Kimball. N. Y., I862. I2~....5773 St. Leon. Godwin. Alexandria, i8o0. 2 v. I2~. 1707 St. Martin's Summer. Brewster. Bost., I866. 8~.. 82II Saint Paul's Magazine. Lond., I872. v. io. 8.... I7815 35 270 St. Petersburgh-Sansom. St. Petersburgh in I833. v. Tietz. Lond., I836. 2 v. 8~.. I6546 Visit to, I829-30. Raikes. Lond., I838. 8~.. 8445 St. Philip's. [Cole.] N. Y., I865. I20.. 2986 St. Pierre, J. H. B. de. Botanical Harmony. Worc., I797. 8~. I6976 Paul and Virginia. (2 copies.) Philad., i856. I6~.... 2356 Saint-Real, C. V. de. Conspiracy of Spaniards, against Venice. Bost., 1838. 16........... 6159 St. Ronan's Well. Scott. Bost., I845. 2 V. in I. I2.. I820 St. Winifred's. Farrer. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 2429 Sainte Palaye. See LA CURNE. Saintine, J. X. Boniface. Picciola. N. Y., I86I. I20.. 2596 Sala, G. A. A Journey Due North. Bost., I858. 12~.. 8219 Quite Alone. N. Y. 8..2. 334 Strange Adventures of Capt. Dangerous. Bost., I863. 8~. 2333 Salathiel; or the Wandering Jew. Croly. N. Y., I850. 8~.. 2326 Sale, (Lady) P. Journal in Affghanistan. Lond., I843. I2~... 7975 Salem Belle, The. Bost., I842. I2~.. 2726 Witchcraft, Account of. Thacher. Bost., I83I. 12~... 8480 Salisbury, Earlof (R. Cecil), Life of. Courtenay. Lond., I838. I6~. 5763 Sallust. Works, tr. by Rose. N. Y., I837. I20... 4512 Salmagundi. Paulding, etc. N. Y., I835. 4. 24.. ~ ~ 15277 Salm-Salm, P. Diary in Mexico. Lond., I868. 2 V. 8~.... 5826 Salvation, Philosophy of the Plan of. [Walker.] Bost., I856. 12~.. 9987 Salverte, E. Philosophy of Magic. Ed. Thomson. (2 copies.) N. Y., I847. 2v. 12.. 8520 Salvucci, S. Four Dukes. (Ital. Novelists, 3.) Lond., I836. 12~.. I90I Salzmann, C. G. Gymnastics for Youth. Philad., I803. 8~.,. I7058 Sampson, W., Memoirs of. By himself. Leesburg, I8I7. 8~.. I6360 Samson, G. W. Elements of Art Criticism. Philad., I867. I2~.. 9057 Sand, George. (Pseudonym.) See A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. Sanderson, J. The American in Paris. Philad., I839. 2 v. 12~.. I6709 Biogr. of Signers of the Declaration. Philad., I823-27. 9 v. 80. 7462 Sanderson, R., Life of. Walton. [Lond., I845.] 8.. 948 Sands, R. C. Writings. N. Y., I835. 2 v. 8.... I5354 and others. The Talisman. N. Y., I833. 3 v. I2~... 4132 and Eastburn, J. W. Yamoyden. N. Y., I820. I20.. I4987 Sandwich Islands. See HAWAIIAN Islands. Sanford, E., and Walsh, R. Works of British Poets, with their Lives. Philad., I819-23. 50 V. (II wanting.) 240.... I CONTENTS.-VO1. 1, Chaucer, Gower, Skelton, Wyat, Howard (Earl of Surrey), Gascoigne. 4, Davies, Donne, Hall, Alexander (Earl of Stirling), Corbet, Carew. 6, Cowley, Waller, Denham. 7, 8, Milton. 9 10 Butler. 10. Wilmot (Earl of Rochester), Dillon (Earl of Roscommon), Otway, Pomfret. l1, 12, Diryden. 14, Addison, Garth, Hughes, Sheffield, Congreve Fenton, Pattison. 15, Prior, Blackmore. 16, Gay. 17, Tickell, Granville (Baron Lansdowne) Yalden, Green, Hammond, Somerville. 19 Savage, Dyer. 21, Pope, Blair, Pitt. 22, Thomson. 23, Watts Collins, E. Moore. 24, Shenstone, Cawthorn. 25, 26, Young. 26, Dodsley, Mallett, Ramsay. 27, Churchill, Falconer, Grainger. 28, Akenside, Cooper, Thompson. 29, Gray, Chatterton, Harte. 30, Goldsmith, Langhorne, Smart. 31, Johnson, Armstrong, Shaw, Lyttelton, Boyse. 32, Beattie, J. Scott, Cunning.ham, Jenyns. 33, Glover, Smollett. 34 Mickle, J. and T. Warton. 35, W. Jones, Blacklock, N. Cotton. 36, 37, Cowper. 37, Lloyd Fergusson, Richardson, Blackstone, Jago, Whitehead, Logan, Craggs, Bishop, Bampfylde, iussell, Lovell Lovibond, Bruce, Roberts, Porteus, Glynn. 38, 9, Burns. 39~ Macneill. 40, 41, Pope's Homer's Iliad. 44, Mitchell's Aristophanes, Colman's Terence, Gifford s Persius. 48, 49, Hunt's Tasso. 50, Potter's 2Eschylus and Euripides, Francklin's Sophocles. Sansom, J. Sketches of Lower Canada. N. Y., 1817. 12~.. ~ 16775 Travels in Lower Canada. Lond., I820. 80.. 8053 Sansoviho —Saxe-.Weitnar. 27 i Sansovino, F. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., T836. I2~.. I90I Santa Fe Exped., Narrative of the. Kendall. N. Y., I844. 2 v. I2~. I6903 Saracen, The Lands of the. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., I855. I2~.. 8282 Saracens, Hist. of [A. D. 600-750]. Ockley. Lond., I847. 8~.. 423 Hist. and Conquests of the. Freeman. Oxfd., I870. I6~.. 634I See, also, ARABS; SPAIN. Saranacs, Summer in the. Street. N. Y., I865. I2~... 16838 Saratoga; a Tale. Bost., I824. 2 V. I2~. I5573 Sargent, E. Arctic Adventure. Bost., I857. I2~.. 8294 Life of Clay. Ed. by Greeley. Auburn, I852. I2~... 7326 Peculiar. N. Y., I866. I20.. 2917 Planchette, the Despair of Science. (2 copies.) Bost., I869. I6~. 8484 The Woman who dared. Bost., 870. 12..... 794 Sargent, J. Memoir of H. Martyn. Bost., I83I. 12~.... 7565 Sargent, L. M. Hubert and Ellen, with other Poems. Bost., I8I3. 80. 15062 Sargent, W. Life of Andre. Bost., I86I. I2..7307 Sarrans, B. Memoirs of Lafayette and the Revol. of I830. Lond., 1832. 2 V. 8........... 7724 Sartor Resartus. Carlyle. Lond., 1870. 8... 4020 Sass, H. Journey to Rome and Naples. N. Y., I8I8. 8~.. I67I9 Satanstoe. Cooper. N. Y., I855. 120. 2821 Saturday Evening. Taylor. N. Y., 1832. 120.. 9532 Saumarez, J. de (Lord), Memoirs of. Ross. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~. I6386 Saunders, J. Pictures of English Life from Chaucer. Lond., I845. 24~. 44 Saunders, L. Letters. Lond. 12~.. 9483 Saunterings. Warner. Bost., 1872. I2... 8i66 Saurin, J. Sermons, ed. Burder. Princeton, I827. 2 v. 8~... 004I The same. Balt., 1832. 2 v. 8...I0043 Sauzay, A. Wonders of Glass-Making. N. Y., I870. I2~... IOI26 [Savage, M. W.] The Bachelor of the Albany. N. Y., I848. I2.. I5374 Savage, R. Poetical Works. Lond. I2~... I4844 The same. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~... ~ 533 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~... 5099 The same. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 18I9. 24~.... I4 Savage, T. (Pseudonym.) The Amazonian Republic. N. Y., I842. 12~. I709I Savary, C. Letters on Egypt. Dubl., I787. 2 v. 8~.. I6485 on Greece. Dubl., I788. 80~. I6628 Savonarola, G., Essay on. Milman. Lond., I870. 8~.. 3435 Hist. of. Villari. Lond., I863. 2 v. 8~.. 7595 Memoirs of. Harford. Lond., I858. 8~.. ~ ~ 7989 Say, J. B. Treatise on Polit. Economy. Philad., I836. 8~... 8652 The same. Bost., I824. 2 v. in I. 8~. 8653 Say and Seal. Warner. Philad., I86o. 2 v. 12.. 3005 Saxe, J. G. Fables and Legends, in Rhyme. Bost., I872. I60. 754 The Masquerade and other Poems. (2 copies.) Bost., I866. 12~. 752 Poems. 3d ed. Bost., I85I. 160. 749 The same. I9th ed. Bost., I86I. 12~. 750 The same. New ed. Bost., I868. I2~.. 75I Saxe-Weimar Eisenach, B., Duke of. Travels through N. Amer. Philad., I828. 2 v. in I. 80.. 16924 272 Saxony-SchimmelPenninck. Saxony, Life and Manners in. Mayhew. Lond., I864. 2 v. 8~.. 8313 Scampavias. [Wise.] N. Y., I857. I2... I6922 Scandal, Cure for. Opie. Bost., I839. I2.... I4922 Scanderbeg. See G. CASTRIOT. Scandinavia, Antiquities of. Mallet. Lond., I859. 8~. 507 Hist. of, to I814. Dunham. Lond., 1839-40. 3 v i6'.. 5468 to I837. Crichton and Wheaton. N. Y., I84I. 2 V. I20. II6II [to I852.] Sinding. N. Y., I858. 12~.. 5817 Journey through. [Inglis.] Edinb., r829. 120.. 4500 Mythology of. Pigott. Lond., I839. 80... I919 Tales from. Keary. Lond., I87I. I2~.... 700 Travels in, I799. Clarke. Lond., I824. 3 v. 8~.. 8028 See, also, DENMARK; SWEDEN; NORWAY; EDDAS. Scarlet Letter, The. Hawthorne. Bost., I866. I6~. 2886 Schaff, P. The Christ of the Gospels. N. Y., I869. I6~... 9896 Germany; its Universities, Theology, and Religion. Philad., I857. I2......... 9252 Schefer, L. The Artist's Married Life. N. Y., I862. I6~.. 7878 Schele de Vere, M. Americanisms. N. Y., 1872. 120... 82 Studies in English. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. I20.. 99 Wonders of the Deep. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869. I2~.. I6949 Schellen, H. Spectrum Analysis. N. Y., I872. 80.. 9098 Schiller, J. 0. F. v. Aesthetic Letters and Essays, and Philosophical Letters. Ed. Weiss. Bost., 1845. I6~.. 8847 Correspondence with Goethe. N. Y., I845. v. I. I20.. 7827 Don Carlos, transl. by Thompson. Lond., I8II. I2~.. 1357 Hist. of Revolt of the Netherlands. (2 copies.) N. Y., I847. I2~. 5809 of Thirty Years War. Transl. by Morrison. N. Y., 1846. I6~. 5808 The same. Transl. by Moir. Edinb., I828. 2 V. I2~.. 4480 The same..4508 Maid of Orleans, transl. by Bethune. Lond., I848. 8~... 921 The Piccolomini, and Death of Wallenstein, tr. by Coleridge. [Works, v. 3.] Lond., I829. I6~. 850 Poems and Ballads, tr. by Bulwer. N. Y., 1844. I2~.. 86I The Robbers, transl. by Thompson. Lond., I8II. 12~. I36o Siammtliche Werke. (2 copies.) Stuttg. und Tiib., I840. 80.. 9736 The same. Stuttg. und Tiib., I838. 12 Bde. I6~... 9464 Select Minor Poems, transl. by Dwight. (2 copies.) Bost., I839. 2........... 859 Tales. (German Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., I826. 12~... I897 Wallenstein's Camp. Transl. by Moir. Bost., I837. I6~.. I437 Works. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I846-67. 4 v. 8~. (2 copies of v. I; 3 copies of v. 3, 4.).. 435 CONTENTS.-1, Thirty Years' War. 1. 2, Revolt of the Netherlands. 2 Wallenstein; Piccolomini; W. Tell. 8, Don Carlos; Mary Stuart; Maid of Orleans; Bride oi Messina. 4, Robbers; Fiesco; Love and Intrigue; Demetrius; Ghost-Seer; Sport of Destiny. Life of. Carlyle. Lond., I869. 80.. 4024 SchimmelPenninck, M. A. Memoirs of Port Royal, etc. sth ed. Lond., I858. 3 v. 8..6328 Life of. Hankin. Lond, I858, 2 v, 80. 7051I Schlegel-Sciences. 273 Schlegel, A. W. v. Lectures on Dramatic Art and Literature. Transl. by Black. Philad., I833. 8.. I656 The same. Revised by Morrison. (2 copies.) Lond., 1846. 8........... 429 Schlegel, F. C. W. v. AEsthetic and Misc. Works. (2 copies.) Lond., I849. 8........... 431 Lectures on Hist. of Literature. Philad., I88. 2 V. 8.. I47 The same. 2 V. in I. 8~.. I49 Lectures on Modern Hist. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I849. 80. 433 Philosophy of History. Lond., I835. 2 v. 8~.... 4I00oo The same. N. Y., I84I. 2 V. 12~.. 4055 Philosophy of Life, and of Language. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I847. 8........... 434 Schleiermacher, P. E. D., Life of; in Autobiography and Letters. Lond., 186o. 2 v. 8~.. 7768 Schlemihl's (Peter). Wundersame Geschichte. v. Chamisso. Hamb. I2~. 9615 Schlosser, F. 0. Hist. of I8th Century. Lond., I843-45. 6 v. 8~.. 4798 Schmid H. The Habermeister. N. Y., I869. I6~.. 2706 Schmidt, H. I. Hist. of Education, etc. N. Y., 1844. 12~.. II758 Schmitz, L. Hist. of Rome. N. Y., I847. I2~.. 4724 Sch6nberg-Cotta Family. [Charles.] Lond., I868. 8~.. 2463 Scholz, J. M. A. Travels in Egypt and Lybia. Lond., I822. 8~.. 8058 Schoolcraf H. R. Algic Researches. N. Y., I839. 2 v. I2~.. 5755 Journal of Tour in Missouri. Lond., I82I. 80... 8054 School Fund, The Bible and the. Clark. Bost., I870. I6~.. 9147 School-Keeping, Lectures on. Hall. Bost., I830. I2~. 17040 School Master, Confessions of a. Alcott. Andover, I839. I2~. 17041 Schools. Beard and Long. Lond., I842. I20.. 9Io7 of England, The Great. Staunton. Lond., I865. 80.. 9247 Public, Right of the Bible in our. Cheever. N. Y., I854. 12~. 9146 School-Teacher, The. Abbott. Bost., I834. I2~.. I7039 Schroeder, F. L. The Ensign. (German Theatre, v. 6.) Lond., I8II. I2~. I36I Schubert, P., Life of. v. Hellborn. Lond., I869. 2 v. 8~.. 7920 Schwartz, M. S. Birth and Education. Bost., I87I. 8~.. 3097 Gold and Name. Bost., I87I. 8~.. 3096 Guilt and Innocence. Bost., 187I. 8~.. 3098 Wife of a Vain Man. Bost., 1871. 80.. 3095 Science, Elements of Hist. of, to 1700. T. Morell. Lond., 1827. 80. 8720 Fragments of. Tyndall. N. Y., 187I. I20.. 8908 for Leisure Hours. Proctor. N. Y., I87I. I2~.. 8897 Martyrs of. Brewster. N. Y., I841. 12.. 11605 Poetry of. Hunt. Bost., I85o. 120... I6993 Recent Discussions in. H. Spencer. N. Y., I87I. 120... 8602 and Revealed Religion, Connexion of. Wiseman. Andover, I837. 80..... Io0036 Sciences, Inductive, Hist. of. Whewell. Lond., I837. 3 v. 8~.. 8745 Philos. of. Whewell. Lond., I840. 2 v. 8~.. 875I Physical, Connection of. Somerville. N. Y., I846. I6~. 8843 Hist of. Powell. Lond., I837. I6~... 6049 274 Scientific-Scott. ScientificLexicon. McMurtrie. Philad., I847. 120... I6936 Subjects, Familiar Lectures on. Herschel. Lond., I869. 8~.. 8898 Scipio Africanus, Life of. Seran de la Tour. Lond., I787. 2 v. 8~. I6oi8 Scotch Reform, Letters on. Bentham. (Works, pt. 5.) Edinb., 1838. 8~. 9704 Scotland, The Genius of. Turnbull. N. Y., I847. I2~.... 3207 Highlanders of. Skene. Lond., I837. 2 v. I2~.... 5279 Hist. of [to I603.] W. Scott. Lond., i836-37. 2 v. I6~.. 5I82 [to I746.] Guthrie. Lond., I767-68. Io v. 8~.. 5394 [to I825.] Buchanan and Watkins. Lond. 2 v. 8~.. 5406 I542-I603. Robertson. Philad., I8II. 2 v. 8~.. 5404 I689-I748. Burton. Lond., I853. 2 v. 80... 5408 of Civilization in. Buckle. N. Y., i866. 8~.... 5068 of Rebellion of, I745. Home. (Works, 2, 3.) Edinb., I822. 8~......... 17515 of Rebellions in, I638-60. Chambers. Edinb., I828. 2 V. I2.. 4493 of Rebellions in, I689 and I7I5. Chambers. Edinb., I829. 120... 4504 of Rebellions in, I745-46. Chambers. Edinb., I869. 80. 5278 of Reformation in. Knox. Glasg., I832. 8.... 6478 Lives of Queens of. Strickland. N. Y., I85I-59. 7 v. I2.. 5I99 For Contents, see STRICKLAND. Popular Rhymes of. Chambers. Edinb., I870. 8~... I095 Scenes and Legends of North of. Miller. Cincinn., I852. I20. 2586 and the Scotch. Sinclair. N. Y., I840. 12~.. I674I A Summer (I847) in. Abbott. N. Y., 1848. I2~.... I6742 Tales of a Grandfather from Hist. of. W. Scott. Philad., I851. 3 v. i6~.. I709 Tour through, in I807. J. Carr. Philad., I809. 8~..~ ~ 6739 Traditions of Covenanters of. Simpson. Edinb. 16~.. 4813 Travels in. Necker de Saussure. (Voyages, v. 6.) Lond., 82I. 8........... 8056 Scotsmen, Biogr. Dict. of Eminent. Chambers. Glasg., I835. 4 v. 8~. 6862 Scott, John. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240.. 26 Scott, John, (Lord Eldon) Life of. Campbell. Lond., I847. 8~. 6872 Scott, John. Luther, and the Lutheran Reformation. N. Y., I833. 2 v. 12~...6349 Scott, Jonathan M. Blue Lights. N. Y., I8I7. 240... I4949 The Sorceress. N. Y., I817. I20.. I14950 Scott, Julia H. Poems. Bost., 1843. 12~... I495I [Scott, M.] Tom Cringle's Log. Philad., I834. 3 v 12. I5605 [Scott, S.] Life of T. A. d'Aubigne. Lond., 1772. 8.. 7646 Scott, T. Bible with Notes. N. Y., I832. 3 v. 8.... 7330 The Force of Truth. N. Y., I825. I20... 7289 Life of. J. Scott. Bost., I822. I2... 7564 Scott, Sir Walter. The Abbot. Philad., I825. 2 v. I2~... 1729 The same. (2 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 v. in I. 12.. I803 The same. Edinb., I870. 8~. I882 Anne of Geierstein. (2 copies.) N. Y. and Philad., 1829. 2v. I2~. 1772 Scott. 275 Scott, Sir Walter. Anne of Geierstein. (3 copies.) Bost.,I834-45. 12~. I836 Antiquary. Bost., I829-32. 2 V. I2.. I723 The same. Bost., I834. 2 V. in I. I2~... 1790 The same. (4 copies.) Edinb., 1870. 8~.. 1862 Autobiography. (2 copies.) Philad., I83I. 12~.. 6976 Ballads and Lyrical Pieces. Bost., I807. 2~... 4858 The Betrothed. Edinb., i87I. 8~.. 888 Black Dwarf. (2 copies.) Edinb., I870. 8..... I870 Chronicles of the Canongate. Ist Series. (3 copies.) Philad., I827. 2 V. I20. 1..... 752 CONTENTS.-1, Highland Widow; Two Drovers. 2, Surgeon's Daughter. The same. (4 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 v. in I. 12.. I830 (Including, also, My Aunt Margaret's Mirror; Tapestried Chamber; Laird's Jock.) The same. Edinb., I871. 2 v. 8... I889 Chronicles of the Canongate. 2d Series. (3 copies.) N. Y. and Philad., I828. 2. 12.. I758 CONTENTS.-St. Valentine's Day, or, the Fair Maid of Perth. The same. (2 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 v. in I. I2.. I834 Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Philad., I84I. 3 v. I2~. 3199 The same...3289 Doom of Devorgoil; and Auchindrane. (2 copies.) N. Y., I830. I2......438 Fortunes of Nigel. (4 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 V. in I. I2. I807 Guy Mannering. Philad., I826. 2 V. I2~.... I72I The same. (3 copies.) Bost., I845. 2 v. in I. I2~. I787 The same. (2 copies.) Edinb., I87I. 8~... I860 Heart of Mid-Lothian. (2 copies.) Edinb., I870. 80.. 1872 Hist. of Scotland. (2 copies.) Lond., I835-37 2 v. 2. I6~ I82 The same. Philad., I835. 2 V. I2.... 6065 Ivanhoe. Bost., I855. 2 v. in I. 12.... 799 The same. Bost., I86I. 80.. 1857 The same. (4 copies.) Edinb., I87I. 8... I877 The same. Philad., I820. 2 V. 122.... 5464 Kenilworth. (4 copies.) Edinb., I87o. 8~... 1883 Legend of Montrose. (2 copies.) Edinb., I870. 8.. 870 Letters on Demonology and Witchcraft. N. Y., I839. 12~.. IIOII The same. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1830-32. 120... 11939 Life of Napoleon. (2 copies.) Philad., 1827. 3 v. 8~.. 5605 The same. N. Lond., I834. 3 v. 8~. 56II Lives of the Novelists. Philad., 1825. 2 v. 12~... 6712 Marmion. Bost., iSIo. 12..950 Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. (2 copies.) Lond., I839. 8~. I309 Miscellaneous Prose Works. (2 copies.) Bost., 1829. v. I-5. I2~. 3I88' CONTENTS.-I, Life of Dryden. 2, Life of Swift. 3, Lives of Novelists. 4, Biographical Memoirs. 5, Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk; Abstract of the Eyrbiggia-Saga. Monastery.]f Philad., I827._2 V. I2.. I727 The same. (3 copies.) Bost., 1834-45. 2 v. in I. I2~.. I8oo The same. Edinb., I870. 8~.. I88I 276 Scott, Scott, Sir Walter. Moredun. [Not by this author.] N. Y., I855. 8~. 2309 Old Mortality. (2 copies.) Edinb., I87o. 8..... 868 Paul's Letters to his Kinsfolk. 4th ed. Edinb., I8I7. 8~. I6697 Peveril of the Peak. Philad., I826. 3 v. I20.. I733 The same. (3 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 v. in I. I2.. I8II Pirate. N. Y., 1822. 2 v. I2... I73I The same. (2 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 v. in I. I2~.. I805 The same. Edinb., I87i. 8~.. 1887 Poetical Works. Philad. 8.. I240 The same. Balt. and N. Y., I8I2-15. v. 1, 2, 5, 6. 240.. 548 CONTENTS.-1, Vision of Don Roderick; Ballads; Lyrics. 2, Lay of the Last Minstrel. 5, Rokeby. 6, Lord of the Isles. The same. Bost., I87I. 9 v. 16... Io7I CONTENTS. —1 Memoir; Lay of Last Minstrel. 2, Marmion. 3, Lady of the Lake. 4, Rokeby; Visionof Don Roderick. 5, Lord of the Isles. 6, Ballads, ancient and translated; Songs. 7, Miscellaneous. 8 Bridal of Triermain; Harold the Dauntless; Waterloo; Halidon Hill; Mac Duff's Cross. 9, loom of Devorgoil; Auchindrane; House of Aspen; Goetz of Berlichingen. Quentin Durward. (2 copies.) N. Y. and Philad., I823. 2 v. 12~. I736 The same. (4 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 v. in I. 12.. I814 Redgauntlet. Philad., I827. 2 v. I2.. 1748 The same. (4 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 v. in I. I2~.. I82I Religious Discourses. By a Layman. N. Y., I828. 12~.. 9809 Rob Roy. Bost., I832. 2 v. 2~... 725 The same. (2 copies.) Bost., I845. 2 v. in I. 12. I791 The same. (2 copies.) Edinb., I870. 8~... 866 St. Ronan's Well. (4 copies.) Philad., 1824-27. 2 v. I2~. I740 The same. (3 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 v. in I. I2.. I8I8 Tales of Crusaders. Bost., I825. 2 V. 12.. I750 CONTENTS.-1, The Betrothed. 2, The Talisman. The same. N. Y., I825. 2 v. I20... I764 The same. Bost., I845. 2 v. in I. I20... I825 Tales of a Grandfather. Complete in 4 Series. Philad., I851. 8 v. in 4. I6.. I709 The same. (2 copies.) Bost., 1834-45. 7 v. in 4. I2~.. 845 The same. Ist Series. (2 copies.) Philad., I828. 2 V. 24~. 1713 The same. 2d Series. (2 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 v. in. 12... I849 The same. 3d Series. (2 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 v. in I. I20.. 85 The same. 4th Series. (2 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 v. in I. I2~. 1853 Tales of My Landlord. Ist Series. (2 copies.) Bost., 1839-45. 2v. in I. 12~... I793 CONTENTS.-Black Dwarf; Old Mortality. The same. 2d Series. (2 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 V. in I. I20. I795 CONTENTS. —Heart of Mid-Lothian. The same. 3d Series. (2 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 v. in I. 12...797 CONeTNTs. —Bride of Lammermoor; Legend of Montrose. Scoti —Scripture. 270 Scott, Sir Walter. Tales of My Landlord. Bride of Lammermoor. N. Y., I850. 8~. 1. 993 The same. (2 copies.) Edinb., I870. 80... ~ I875 The same. 4th Series. N. Y., I832. 3 V. in I. I2~. I776 CONTENTS.-1, Castle Dangerous. 2, 83, Count Robert of Paris. The same. (3 copies.) Philad., I832. 3 V. I2~. I777 The same. (2 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 3 V. in 2. I2~.. I839 CONTENTS,-1, Count Robert of Paris; 2, Castle Dangerous. Talisman. (2 copies.) Edinb., I87I. 8~.. I889 Waverley. (2 copies.) Edinb., I870. 8~...858 The same. (2 copies.) Philad., I82I-25. 2 V. I20. I717 The same. Bost., I845. 2 v. in I. I20.. 1786 The same. Paris, I830. 8.... 855 The same. Exeter, I83I. 8.... I856 Waverley Novels. Philad., I839. v. 3, 4. 8~..... I994 CONTENTS.-3, Kenilworth (imperfect); Pirate (imperfect) Fortunes of Nigel; Peveril of the Peak; Quentin Durward. 4, St. Ronan's Well; Redgauntlet; Betrothed; Talisman; Woodstock. Woodstock. (3 copies.) N. Y. and Philad., 1826. 2 V. I20.. I766 The same. (4 copies.) Bost., I834-45. 2 V. in I. I2.. I826 Familiar Anecdotes of. Hogg. N. Y., I834 I20... 692I Life of. G. Allan. Philad., I835. 8~.. 7174 The same. Cunningham. Bost., I832. I20.... 6923 The same. Gilfillan. Edinb., 1870. I6~.... 6975 Memoirs of. Lockhart. Bost. and Philad., I837-38. 7 V. I2~. 696I Scott, Wm. B. Albert Durer. Lond., I869. 8.... 7956 Scott, Winfield. Autobiography. N. Y., I864. 2 V. 12~... 7395 Life of. Mansfield. N. Y., I848. I2~.. 7394 Scottish Ballads. See BALLADS. Border, Minstrelsy of. Scott. Lond., 1839. 8~..3. I309 Cavaliers, Lays of the. Aytoun. N. Y., I866. I2~... Io97 Chiefs, The. A Romance. Porter. Philad., I869. I2~... I5191 Gael, The. Logan. Hartfd., I846. 8~..... 5410 Life and Character, Reminiscences of. Ramsay. Bost., I86I. I2~. 5277 Minstrelsy: ancient and modern. Motherwell. Glasg., I827. 8~. 942 Poetry, Selection of. Ritson. Lond., I785. I6.. Io96 Poets, Lives of. Lond., I822. 3 v. in 4. 240... 6609 Songs. Chambers. Edinb., I829. 2 v. 12~.... 956 Writers, Lives of. Irving. Edinb., I839. 2 v. in I. I20. 6714 Scouring of the White Horse. Hughes. Bost., I859. I2~.. 2444 [Scoville, J. A.] Old Merchants of N. Y. N. Y., I863. 2 v. 12~. 7415 Scrap Table, The. Bost., I830. I2~..I5774 Scriblerus, Martinus. See SWIFT'S Works. Scribner's Monthly. N. Y., I870-72. 4 v. 8...I34II Scripture, Illustrations of. Hackett. Bost., I86o. 12~.. 9888 Lands. Kitto. Lond., I850. 8..526 Readings. Chalmers. N. Y., I848-49. 5 v. I2~.... 9522 Records, Hist. Evidences of the Truth of the. Rawlinson. Bost., I86o. I2~.. 9957 36 278 Scriptures-Sedgwick. Scriptures, Canon of the. Gaussen. Bost. [I862.] I2~.. 9885 Inspiration of the. Gaussen. N. Y., I845. I20... 9800 Style of the. Boyle. Lond., I835. I6~.. 9500 See, also, BIBLE. Scriver, C. Gotthold's Emblems. Bost. [1859.] 12~.... 3Io6 Scudder, D. C., Life and Letters of. H. E. Scudder. N. Y., 1864. I2~. 7641 Scudder, J.. Memoir of. Waterbury. N. Y., 1870. I2~.... 7640 Sculptors, Lives of. Vasari. Lond., 1850-52. 5 v. 8~.... 474 Eminent British, Lives of. Cunningham. N. Y., I839-40. 5 V. I2~..11017 Sculpture, Hist. of. Memes. Bost., I83. I2.. 8858 Lectures on. Ruskin. N. Y., I872. I2..... 9048 See, also, ART. Sea, The. Mudie. Lond., I835.. I2~..I4635 Bottom of the. Sonrel. N. Y., I870. 12~.. IOII8 Lions, The. Cooper. N. Y., 1855. 120... 2829 Physical Geography of the. Maury. N. Y., I857. 8~. 9Io3 Shore, Wonders of the. Kingsley. Bost., 1855. I6~.. 8836 Sea-Side Studies. Lewes. Edinb., I858. 8...... 9003 in Natural Hist. Agassiz. Bost., I865. 8~... 9002 See, also, OCEAN. Seaboard Parish, The. MacDonald. Lond., I869. 8.... 2579 Seaborn, Captain Adam. (Pseudonym.) Symzonia. N. Y., 1820. 120. I5792 Seafield, F. Literature of Dreams. Lond., 1865. 2 v. 80... 8528 Sealsfield, C. The Cabin Book, or Life in Texas; and North and South. N. Y., I844. 8'. 1. 5669 Life in the New World. N. Y., I844. 8~. 1.. 5090 Beaman, E. C. Essays on Progress of Nations. N. Y., I868. 2 V. 12~. 4603 Search for the Gral, The. Goddard. Lond. 16... 2422 Searle, January. (Pseudonym.) See G. PHILIPS. Sears, B. Life of Luther. Philad. [I850.] 8... 6571 and others. Classical Studies. (4 copies.) Bost., I843-49. I2~. 9259 Sears, R. Bible Biography. N. Y., 1842. 80.. I75II Hist. of the Bible. N. Y., I845. 8~....10011 Seasons, Book of the. Howitt. Lond., I840. I6~.. 8797 Chronicles of the. Lond., 1844. v. I-3. I2.. 4350 Religious Lectures on the. Hitchcock. Bost., I86I. I2~.. I6994 Sacred Philosophy of the. Duncan. Bost., I839. 4 V. 12~.. I6995 Seaton, W. W., Biogr. Sketch of. Bost., 1871. 12~.. 7389 Seatsfield. See SEALSFIELD. Seaward, Sir Edward. (Pseudonym.) See Jane PORTER. Secession. See U. S. History. Secret Foe, The. Pickering. Philad., 1845. 8~.. 15577 Sects of Christendom, Book of the. Lond., I837. 16~.. 6352 Christian, in Ig9th century. Philad., J846. 120.. 8498 Religious, Compendium of. Adams. Bost., I784. 8~.. 16465 Pictorial View of. Goodrich. Hartf'd., 185I. I20. 6298 Sedgwick, C. M. Clarence. Lond., I830. 3 v. 16~.... I53IO The same. N. Y., I849. 12~... I53I3 Sedgwick-Seran. 279 Sedgwick, C. M. Hope Leslie. N. Y., 1827. 2 v. 12~... I53I4 Letters from Abroad. N. Y., I84I. 2 V. 12~. 16552 Live and Let Live. N. Y., I837. I2~. 15316 Memoir of L. M. Davidson. (Sparks, v. 7.) Bost., I837. I6~. 7256 Redwood. N. Y., 1824. 2 v. I2.. I53I7 The same. N. Y., i85o. I2~.. 153I9 Tales and Sketches. Philad., 1835. I2~. 15309 [Sedgwick, S. L.] Allen Prescott. N. Y., I834. 2 v. I2~.. I5654 Sedgwick, T. Memoir of W. Livingston. N. Y., I833. 8~. ~ ~ 7456 Public and Private Economy. N. Y., I836-39. 3 v. I2~.. 8644 Seed-Time and Harvest. Reuter. Philad., I87I. 8.... I0299 Seeley, J. R. Ecce Homo. (3 copies.) Bost., I866-67. I6~.. 9902 Lectures and Essays. Lond., I870. 8~.. 3437 Roman Imperialism, etc. Bost., I87I. I6~. 3739 Seer, The. L. Hunt. Bost., I865. 2 v. I6~.. 3168 S6gur, L. P. de. Hist. of Reign of Fred. Wm. II.; and a Political Picture of Europe, 1786-96. Lond., I80I. 3 v. 80... 5880 Memoirs and Recollections. Bost., I825. 8~.. 7647 Segur, P. P. de. Hist. of Exped. to Russia. Philad., I825. 8~.. I6252 The same. N. Y., I845. 2 v. I2... II6I6 Hist. of Peter the Great. Philad., I833. 8~.. I5356 Selborne, Natural Hist. of. White. Lond., I85I. 8~.... 525 SeldenJ. Judicature in Parliaments. Lond. [I68I.] I6~.. 5150 Table-Talk. Ed. Young. Cambr., I83I. 12~. ~ ~ 3905 The same....3912 The same, ed. Arber. Lond., I868. I6~.. 3886 Life of. Aikin. Lond., I812. 8.. 7II6 Memoirs of. Johnson. Lond., I835. 8~.... 7212 Select Journal of Foreign Period. Literature. Bost., I833-34. 4 v. 8~. I4231 Selection, Natural, Contributions to the Theory of. Wallace. Lond., I871. 8........... 8838 Origin of Species by. Darwin. N. Y., I87I. I2~... 8929 Self-Education. De Gerando. Bost., I830. 8~... I7052 Self-Help. Smiles. Bost., I86I. 120.. 3702 Self-Knowledge, Treatise on. Mason. Hartf'd., I842. 80.. 3472 Semmes, R. Service Afloat and Ashore. Cincinn., I85I. 8~.. 5825 Seneca. Morals, transl. byL'Estrange. Lond., I793. I2.. 15974 The same. Hartf'd., I807. I2~.. 4236 Senegal and Gambia, Travels in, I8i8. Mollien. Lond., I82o. 8~.. 8053 Senior, N. W. Journal in Turkey and Greece. Lond., I859. 80~. 8243 Journals in France and Italy, I848-52. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~. 8331 Journals, etc., relating to Ireland. 2d ed. Lond., I868. 2 v. 8~. 5245 Sense and Sensibility. Austen. Philad., I838. 80.. 2662 Sentimental Idler, Letters of a. Leach. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 16280 Journey. Sterne. Philad., I864. 8.. I990 Sephardim; or, the Jews in Spain and Portugal. Finn. Lond., 184I. I2~. 6300 Septimius Felton. Hawthorne. Bost., I872. I60. 2898 S6ran de la Tour. Life of Scipio Africanus and of Epaminondas. Lond., I787. 2 v. 8.. I6o0I8 280 Sergeant-Shakspeare. Sergeant, J. Select Speeches. Philad., 1832. 8~.. 9377 Serle, T. J. Joan of Arc. Lond., I84I. 3 v. I2. 1. 5474 Sermini, G. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., I836. I2~. I900 Sermons on the Holy Spirit. For Whitsuntide. Ed. Cattermole. Lond., I835. I6~.. 9499 on the Resurrection, for Easter. Ed. Stebbing. Lond., I835. I6~. 9498 on Retirement, etc., for Lent. Ed. Cattermole. Lond., I835. I6~. 9497 Servia, Hist. of (to I843). Ranke. Lond., I853. 8~.. 419 National Songs of. Owen Meredith. Lond., I86I. I60.. I184 Residence and Travels in, I842-44. Paton. Lond., I845. I2~. I6590 Sesame and Lilies. Ruskin. N. Y., I865. 12~.. 213 Settle, E. Thalia Triumphans. Lond., I7I6. fol. Sevign6, M. de R.-C. de, and her Contemporaries. Philad., I842. 2v. 120.. 7657 Sewall, Jonathan M. Miscellaneous Poems. Portsmouth, I8oi. I2~. 14952 Sewall, Jotham B. Evenings with the Bible and Science. Bost., 1864. I6~..6. 9827 Seward, A. Letters, 1I784- I807. Edinb., i8ii. 6 v. 80.. 6915 Memoirs of Dr. Darwin. Philad., 1804. 80.. 7147 Seward, Wm. Anecdotes. Lond., I795-97. 5 v. i. I6~. I3202 Seward, Wmin. H. Life of J. Q. Adams. Auburn, 1I849. I2~... 7325 Works, ed. Baker. N. Y., I853. 3 v. 8~.... 9645 Sewel, W. Hist. of the Quakers. N. Y., I844. 2 v. in I. 8~... 6594 Sexagenarian The. Beloe. Lond., I8I8. 2 v. 8~.. 3487 [Seymour, A. 0. H.] Life and Times of Countess of Huntingdon. Lond., I844. 2 V. 8~.. 7678 Seymour, M. H. Morning among the Jesuits. N. Y., I849. I2~. 9582 Sforzosi, —. Hist of Italy. N. Y., I839. 12. 11. II404 The same. N. Y., I836. I20... I2119 Shabby Genteel Story. Thackeray. Lond., 1872. 80.... 2I94 Shaftesbury, Lord. See A. A. COOPER. Shahcoolen, a Hindu Philosopher, Letters from. Bost., 18o2. I20.. I5322 Shairp, J. C. Culture and Religion. (2 copies.) N. Y., I87I. I60.. 9819 Shakspeare, W. Dramatic Works. Photo-Lithographic Reproduction of the first folio ed. of I623. Lond., I866. fol. The same. (2 copies.) Bost., I839. v. I-6. 8~... I595 C(ONTENTS.-1, Life; Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Merry Wives; Twelfth Night; Measure for Measure; Much Ado about Nothing. 2 Midsummer-Night's Dream; Love's Labor's Lost; Merchant of Venice; As you Like it; All's Well that Ends Well; Taming of Shrew. 8, Winter's Tale Comedy of Errors; Macbeth- John; Richard II.- Henry V.,pt. I. 4, Henry IV. pt. 2; Henry tV.; Henry VI. 5, Richard IiI.; Henry VIII.; lroilus and Cressida; Timon of Athens; Coriolanus. 6, Julius Caesar; Ant. and Cleopatra; Cymbeline; Titus Andronicus; Pericles. Merchant of Venice, Tempest, Henry VIII., Julius Caesar, ed. Rolfe. N.Y., 1872. I60... 1389 Plays. Philad., I830. v. I-7. I6.... 3339 Plays, ed. Reed. Philad., 8o9 I8 7. I I2.... 5252 The same. Lond., I809. v. I-II. 12.. 1367 Poems. Lond., I774. I2......1 I4859 Poems. Lond., I84I. 80..1. I562 Romeo and Juliet. Variorum, ed. by Furness. Philad., 1871. 8~. I659 Sonnets, interpreted-by Massey. Lond., I866. 8~.. I636 Shakspeare. 281 Shakspeare, W. Works, ed. Dyce. 2d ed. Lond., I866-67. 9 v. 8~. I563 CONTENTTS.-1, Life; Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona - Merry Wives; Measure for Measure. 2, Comedy of Errors Much Adoabout Nothing; Love's Labour's Lost * Midsummer Night's Dream; Merchant of Venice. 3, As you Like it - Taming of Shrew; All's *ell that Ends Well; Twelfth-Night; Winter's Tale. 4, John; Richard II.; Henry IV.; Henry V, 5, Henry VI.; Richard III - Henry VIII. 6, Troilus and Cressida- Coriolanus; Titus Andronicus; Romeo and Juliet; Timon of Athens; Julius Caesar. 7, Macbeth; Hamlet; Lear; Othello; Ant. and Cleopatra; Cymbeline. 8, Pericles; Two Noble Kinsmen; Poems. 9, Glossary. Works. Ed. Hudson. Bost., I85I-59. V. I, 3-II. I2. I379 CONTENTS. —, Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Merry Wives; Twelfth Night. 3, Merchant of Venice; As you Like it; All's Well that Ends Well; Taming of Shrew. 4 Winter's Tale; Comedy of Errors - Macbeth; John. 5, Richard II.; Henry IV.; Henry V. 6, Henry VI. 7, Richard III.; Henry ViII.; Troilus and (Cressida. 8, Timon of Athens; Coriolanus; Julius Caesar; Ant. and Cleopatra. 9. Cymbeline; Titus Andronicus; Pericles; Lear. 10, Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Othello. 11, Life; Hist. of Drama; Poems. Works, ed. Reed. Bost., I8I1-I2. 9 V. I20.. 4448 Works, ed. White. Bost., I859-65. I2 v. 8~. 1531 CONTENTS.-1, Life; Essays; Poems. 2, Tempest; Two Gentlemen of Verona; Merry Wives. 3, Measure for Measure; Comedy of Errors - Much Ado about Nothing; Love's Labour's Lost. 4, Midsummer Night's Dream; Merchant of Venice; As you Like it; Taming of Shrew. 5, All's Well that Ends Well; Twelfth Night; Winter's Tale. 6 John; Richard II.;- Henry IV. 7, Henry V.; Henry VI. ts. 1, 2. 8, Henry VI pt. 3; Richard III.; HenryVIII. 9, Troilus and Cressida: Coriolanus; Titus Andronicus. 10, iomeo and Juliet - Timon of Athens; Julius Cesar; Macbeth. 11, Hamlet; Lear; Othello. 12, Ant. and Cleopatra; Cymbeline; Pericles; Index. Beauties of, ed. Dodd. Philad., I830. 240. I. 1378 Characteristics of Women of. Jameson. Bost., I866. I6~. 1487 Characters of. Hazlitt. Bost., x8I8. 12.. 1485 Commentaries. Gervinus. Lond., I863. 2 v. 8~.... I580 on Historical Plays of. Courtenay. Lond., 1840. 2 V. I2..... I545 Comments on [Reed's] ed. of. Mason. Lond., 1785. 8~. 1589 Concordance to. Clarke. Bost. 8~. I658 Delineations of Insanity, Imbecility, and Suicide by. Kellogg. N. Y., 866. I6..1. I482 Essay on. De Quincey. Bost., I85o. I60.. 3313 The same. [Montagu.] Lond., I769. 8~..1590 Essay on Learning of. Farmer. Cambr., I767. I6~. I. 483 Exam. of, before Sir T. Lucy. [Landor.] Lond., i834. I6~.. I492 Heroines of Stories of. M. C. Clarke. N. Y., i868. 12~. I493 Hist. and Tragic Poetry as illustrated by. Reed. Philad., 1857. I6.......... 478 Human Life in. Giles. Bost., I868. I6~.. 1480 Illustrated. Lennox, ed. Noah. Philad., 8o09. v. I. 8~. I59I Illustrations of. Boydell. N. Y., I852. fol. [Introduction to.] Hugo. Lond., I864. 8..... 1582 Lectures on. Hudson. N. Y., 1848. 2 v. I2~. ~. ~ 1549 Life, Art, and Characters of. Hudson. Bost., I872. 2 V. I2~. I490 Life and Genius of. R. G. White. Bost., i865. I6~... I543 Memorials of. Ed. by Drake. Lond., I828. 8~. I.. 585 Midsummer Night's Dream, Introd. to. Halliwell. Lond., I84I. 8........... 1587 Notes and Emendations to. Collier. N. Y., I853. I2~.. I 1554 and Lectures on. Coleridge. (Works, 4.) N. Y., I87I. I2~. 40I6 on Plays and Actors of. Hackett. N. Y., I863. I2~.. I547 Novels. [Williams.] Lond., 1838. 9 V. 120. 6. I37 CONTENTS.-Youth of Shakspeare, 3 v.; Shakspeare and his Friends, 3 v.; The Secret Passion, 3 v. 282 Shakspeare-Shelley. Shakspeare, W., Observations on. Davies. Lond., I785. 3 v. 16~. I494 Papers on. Maginn. N. Y., I856. I2~... 484 Proverbs. Clarke. Lond., I848. I6.. 1366 Reasons for new ed. of. Collier. Lond., I842. 80.. I553 Tale of Days of. Drake. Lond., I824. 2 v. I6~.. I488 Text of, vindicated from Collier's Notes. Singer. Lond., I853. 8~. I588 and his Times. Drake. Paris, I838. 8~.... 1583 Times and Contemporaries of. Tweddell. Lond., I852. I60.. I365 Shakspearian Grammar. Abbott. Lond., I871. I6'... 477 Shaler, W. Sketches of Algiers. Bost., I826. 80... 6524 Sharpe, S. Hist. of Egypt. Lond., I846. 8~.. 4446 Sharpe's London Magazine. Lond., I870. v. 36. 8~... 17480 Shaw, C. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240... 25 Shaw, James. Sketches of the Austrian Netherlands. Lond., I788. 80. I6O53 Shaw, John, Life of. Cooper. (Naval Biogr., v. I.) Philad., I846. I20. 7275 Shaw, Thos. Travels. (Mavor, v. I2.) Lond., I797. I2~..~ ~ 3855 Shaw, Thos. B. Outlines of English Literature. Ed. Tuckerman. Philad., I864. 2... I41 Shedd, W..G. T. The Philosophy of History. Andover, I856. I2~. 4584 Shee, M. A. Rhymes on Art. Philad., I8I5. I2~.. 4845 Life of. By his Son. Lond., i86o. 2 v. 8... 8002 Sheffield, J. (Duke of Buckingham.) Poems. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8....15098 Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 1819. 24~.. I0 Sheil, R. L. Evadne; Damon and Pythias. Bost., I824. 240.. I352 Sketches of the Irish Bar. N. Y., I858. 2 v. 12~.. 6744 Speeches. With Memoir. Ed. MacNevin. Lond., I845. 8~.. 9373 Sheldon, W. D. The "Twenty-Seventh." N. H., I866. 8~.. 6IIo Shelley, M. W. Falkner. N. Y., 1837. I2~..1I5430 Frankenstein. Philad., I833. 2 v. 12~.. 2406 Lives of Literary and Scientific Men of France. Lond., I838-39. 2 v. I60. 578I CONTIENTS.-1, Montaigne; Rabelais; Corneille; Rochefoucauld- Moliere; La Fontaine; Pascal; Mme. de Sevigne; Boileau; Racine; Fenelon. 2, Voltaire; RPousseau; Condorcet; Mirabeau; Mme. Roland; De Stael. and others. Lives of Eminent French Writers. (2 copies.) Philad., I840. 2 v. I2~. 7615 Lives of Literary and Scientific Men of Italy, Spain, and Portugal. Lond., I835-37. 3 v. I6~. 5783 CONTENTS. — Dante; Petrarch; Boccaccio Lorenzo de' Medici, &c.; Bojardo; Berni; Ariosto; Machiavelli. 2, Galileo; Guicciardini; V. Colonna; Guarini; Tasso; Chiabrera; Tassoni; Marini; Filicaja- Metastasio- Goldoni Alieri; Monti; U. Foscolo. 3, Boscan; G. de la Vega; Mendoza; L. de Leon; Herrera; Ercilla; Cervantes; L. de Vega; Gongora; Quevedo; Calderon; Camoens, etc. Lives of Eminent Literary and Scientific Men of Italy. Philad., I841. 2 V. I2~.. 7773 Shelley, P. B. Essays, Letters, etc. Philad., I840. 2 V. I2... 335I Poetical Works. Philad. 8~. 1254 The same, ed. Mrs. Shelley. Lond., I839. v. 2-4. I6~. 964 The same, ed. Rossetti. Lond., I870. 2 v. 80... III3 Life of. Hogg. Lond., I858. 2 v. 8~...700I Shells-Siam. 283 Shells and Shell-Fish. Swainson. Lond., I840. 160.. 6062 [Shelton, PF. W.] The Trollopiad. N. Y., 1837. I2.. I5022 Shenstone, W. Essays. Bost., I820. I60.. 3845 Poetical Works. Lond. 12~.. 14846 The same. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 240... 537 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. I5IOI Works. Edinb., I767. 2 v. I2.. 3900 The same. Ed. Sanford. Philad., 18I9. 24.. I8 [Shepherd, -.] Hist. of Amer. Revol. Lond. [I830.] 8~.. I6468 [Sheppard, E. S.] Almost a Heroine. Bost., I86o. I2~.. 2512 Charles Auchester. N. Y., i862. 80.. 2666 Counterparts. Bost., 1I859. 80... 2667 Sheppard Lee. [Bird.] N. Y., I836. 2 V. I20... I5775 Sherburne, J. H. Life of Paul Jones. Wash., I825. 8... 7360 Sherer, M. Imagery of Foreign Travel. Lond., I838. 12~...6326 Memoirs of Wellington. Philad., I833. 2 V. I20... 6686 Notes during a Ramble in Germany. Bost., 1827. I2~.. 819I The Story of a Life. N. Y., 1825. I20... 5588 Sheridan, P., Memoirs of. Lefanu. Lond., I824. 80... 708I Sheridan, R. B. Dramatic Works. With Memoir. (Bohn's ed.) 2 copies. Lond., I854. I2..450 The same, in Brit. Drama. Philad., I833. 2 v. 8~.. I662 Duenna; Rivals. (Oxberry's Plays.) Bost., 1822. 240... I356 Pizarro. N.Y. 8~.. 1669 Rivals. (Brit. Drama, v. 2, pt. 2.) Lond., I8o4. 8~.. I632 Speeches. Lond., I842. 3 v. 80.. 9374 Memoirs of. Moore. Philad., 1I826. 2 v. 12~.. 6912 Sheridaniana; or Anecdotes of R. B. Sheridan. Lond., I826. I2~.. 3206 Sheridan, T. Lectures on Elocution, etc. Lond., I798. 8~.. 17523 Life of Swift. Dubl., I785. 80.... 7II8 Sherley, A., R., and T. Travels. Lond., 1825. I6~.. 7908 Sherman, H. Slavery in the U. S. Hartf'd., I858. I20... 8548 Sherman, W. T., and his Campaigns. Bowman and Irwin. N. Y., I865. 80......... 7402 Story of the Great March of. Nichols. N. Y., I865. 12~.. 6o09 Sherwood, J. D. Comic Hist. of the U. S. Bost., I870. 12.. 4311 Sherwood, M. M. Works. N. Y., I836-37. 15 v. 120... I5113 Shetland and the Shetlanders. Sinclair. N. Y., I840. I2~... I6740 Shillaber, B. P. Life and Sayings of Mrs. Partington. N. Y., I854. I20. 4298 Ship and Shore. [Colton.] N. Y., 1835. I20.. 16648 Shippey, J. Specimens of Leisure Hours. N. Y., I84I. 120.. 15023 Shipwrecks, etc., Hist. of. Redding. Lond., I835. 4 v. 6~... 7862 Shirley, J. Dramatic Works and Poems. Ed. Dyce. Lond., 1833. 6 v. 8..I574 Shirley. C. Bront6. Lond., 1870. I6~.. 2550 Shubrick, J. T., Life of. Cooper. (Naval Biogr., v. I.) Philad., 1846. 12~. 7275 Siam, Embassy to, I836. Roberts. N. Y., I837. 8~..1. 16499 Mission to, I821-22. Finlayson. Lond., I826. 80... 16482 Narrative of Residence in, I840-41. Neale. Lond., 1852. 80. 8009 Siamese Court, English Governess at the (I862-68). Leonowens. Bost., I870. 120.. 8010 See, also, BURMAH. Siberia, Tent-Life in, i865-67. Kennan. N. Y., 1870. 2~.. 8257 Siberian Travel, Journal of, I865-67. Bush. N. Y., 187r. 8~.. 8299 Sibree, J. Madagascar and its People. Lond. [I870.] 8~.. 7983 Sicily, Letters on, I8o8. Irvine. Lond., 18I3. 80... 6714 Pictures from. Bartlett. Lond., I869. 8~... 8352 Pilgrimage to. Tuckerman. N. Y., 1852. I2~.. 16720 Tour through, I770. Brydone. Edinb., I79I. 2 V. 12~.. 1673I Travels in, in I8Ig. Gourbillon. Lond., 1820. 80... 8054 Sickness and Health in Bleaburn. [Martineau.] Bost., I853. 16~.. 15777 Siddons, H. Time's a Tell-Tale. N. Y., i8o8. I2~. 13356 Siddons, S., Memoirs of. Boaden. Lond., I827. 2 v. 8.. 7969 Sidereal Heavens, The. Dick. N. Y., I840. 120.. 11423 Sidney, A. Discourses on Gov't. N. Y., I805. 3 v. 8~.. 17199 Life and Writings of. Van Santvoord. N. Y., 185I. I2~.. 6720 Trial of. (Celebrated Trials, v. 3.) Lond., I825. 80..... 9222 Sidney, E. Life of R. Hill. N. Y., 1834. 120.....6337 Sidney, H. Diary and Correspondence. Lond., I843. 2 v. 80.. 7207 Sidney, P. Apologie for Poetrie. Ed. Arber. Lond., i868. 6~.. 3886 The Arcadia. Ed. Friswell. Lond. I867. 80.. 3940 Defence of Poesy. Ed. Young. Cambr., I83I. 120.. 3905 The same.. 3912 Misc. Works, with Life by W. Gray. Oxfd., I829. 8~.. 3804 The same. Bost., i86o. 8~.. 3805 Life and Times of. [Davis.] Bost., 1859. I6~.. 6992 Memoirs of. Zouch. York, I809. 40.. 7216 Sieber, F. W. Travels in Crete. (Voyages, v. 8.) Lond., I823. 80.. 8058 Sierra Nevada, Mountaineering in the. King. Bost., I872. 80.. 840o Sigourney, L. H. Letters of Life. N. Y., i866. I2~... 16442 Moral Pieces. Hartfd., 18I5. I20. 15024 Pleasant Memories of Pleasant Lands. Bost., 1842. 120~. 1 5029 Poems. Bost., I827. I2e.. 15026 Poems. (Another collection.) Philad., I834. I2~.. 15027 Poetryfor Seamen. Bost., I845. I6~... 15030 Sketches. Philad., 1834. 12...15778 Traits of the Aborigines. Cambr., 1822. I20... 15025 Zinzendorff and other Poems. N. Y., I835. 120. 1. 5028 Silas Marner. George Eliot. N. Y., 871. 2~.... 2536 Silent Partner, The. Phelps. Bost., I87I. I2~.. 2980 Silk Manufacture, Treatise on. Porter. Lond., I831. I6~... 5790 Sill, E. R. The Hermitage and other Poems. N. Y., i868. I2~.. 786 Slliman, A. E. A Gallop among Amer. Scenery. N. Y., I843. I6~.. 16828 Silliman, B. Tour to Quebec. N. H., I82o. 20..... 6776 Travels in England, Holland, and Scotland. 2d. ed. Bost., 1812. 2 V. 120.826I Visit to Europe in I85i. N. Y., I856. 2 v. I2.... 8263 Life of. Fisher. N. Y., i866. 2 v. I2~. 7372 ;illfnian —Simondi. 285 Silliman, B. (7r.), etc. The World of Science, Art, and Industry. N.Y., I854. 4. Simms, W. G. Carl Werner. N. Y., I838. 2 V. 12~... I5673 The Golden Christmas. Charleston, I852. I2. I5704 Guy Rivers. N. Y., 1834. 2 V. I2~.. I57IO Life of Gen. Greene. N. Y., I859. I2~...... 7303 of Marion. (2 copies.) N. Y., I844-45. I2~. 7304 of Capt. John Smith. N. Y. [I846.] I20.. 73x2 Norman Maurice: a Drama. Philad., I853. 120.. I5o32 Pelayo. N. Y., I836. 12...I5757 Southern Passages and Pictures. N. Y., 1I839. I2~.. I5031 Views and Reviews. N. Y., I845. 2 v. in I. I2.. 3586 The Wigwam and Cabin. N. Y., I845. 2 v. in I. I2~.. 2719 Woodcraft. N. Y., I854. I20........I7i96 Simon, B. A. Evangelical Review of Modern Genius. N. Y., I823. I20. I5033 Simond, L. Switzerland. Bost., 1822. 2 V. 8~... I668I Tour in Italy and Sicily. Lond., 1828. 80.. I6717 Simpkinson, J. N. The Washingtons. Lond., i86o. 12~.. 2443 Simpson, R. Traditions of the Covenanters. Edinb. I6~.. 4813 Simpson, S. Biography of Girard. Philad., 1832. I2~... 6428 Simson, W. Hist. of the Gipsies. N. Y., i866. I20... I7II4 Sinai and Palestine. Stanley. N. Y., I863. 8~.. 8072 See, also, ARABIA; EXODUS. Sinclair, C. Beatrice. N. Y. I2....... I5378 Hill and Valley, or Hours in Engl. and Wales. N. Y., I838. I2~. I6747 Jane Bouverie. N. Y., I85I. I20. I547I Modern Accomplishments. N. Y., I836. I2~... I55II Modern Society. N. Y., I837. I2...I5512 Scotland and the Scotch. N. Y., I840. I2~.... I674I Shetland and the Shetlanders. N. Y., I840. I2~.... I6740 Sinclair, J. Code of Health and Longevity. 6th ed. Lond., I844. 80~. 8987 Correspondence and Reminiscences. Lond., I83I. 2 v. 8~.. 7205 Sinding, P. C. Hist. of Scandinavia. N. Y., I858. I2~.... 5817 Singer, S. W. Text of Shakespeare vindicated. Lond., 1853. 80.. I588 Singleton, Arthur. (Pseudonym.) See H. C. KNIGHT. Singleton, Life of Captain. De Foe. Oxfd., I840. I6~.... 3873 Sintram and his Companions. De La Motte Fouque. N. Y., I862. 80. 30I5 Siogvolk, Paul. (Pseudonym.) See A. MATHEWS. Sioux War and Massacres of I862-63. Heard. N. Y., I864. I2~,. 5745 Sir Andrew Wylie. Galt. N. Y., 1822. 2 v. I2.. 15233 Sir Charles Grandison. Richardson. Lond., I8II. 7 v. I6~... I939 Sir Launcelot Greaves. Smollett. (Works, v. 6.) N. Y., I86o. I2~. I967 Sismondi, J. C. L. de. Hist. of Crusades against the Albigenses. Lond., 1826. 8~..... 6428 The same. Bost., I833. 12... 6343 Hist. of Fall of Roman Empire. Philad., I835. 8~.. 4783 The same. Lond., I834. 2 v. in I. I6~... 4873 Hist. of the Italian Republics. Lond., I832. I6~.. 546I The same. Philad., 1832. I20...... 6072 37 286 Sismondi-Slavery. Sismondi, J. 0. L. de. Hist. of Literature of South of Europe. N. Y., 1827. 2. 8......... 203 The same. 2d ed. (Bohn.) Lond., I846. 2 v. 8~. 346 The same. 3d ed. (Bohn.) Lond., I850. 2 v. 8~. 348 Sister's Story, A. Craven. N. Y., I868. 8~.. 2644 Six Months in a Convent. Reed. Bost., I835. I2~.. 17275 a House of Correction. Bost., I835. I2~. 17277 Skelligs, Off the. Ingelow. Bost., I872. I6...... I0297 Skelton, J. Poetical Works. (2 copies.) Bost., I862. 3 v. 16.. I046 Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I819. 240.. I Skene, W. F. The Highlanders of Scotland. Lond., I837. 2 v. I2~. 5279 Skeptic, The Gentle. Walworth. N. Y., I863. 12..... 7364 Skepticism, Lectures on. L. Beecher. Cincinn., I835. I2~... 98II Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon. Irving. Philad., 187I. I2~.. 4360 Sketch-Book of Fashion. Mrs. Gore. N. Y., I833. 2 V. I2~... 15581 Sketches of Married Life. Follen. Bost., I839. I2~... ~ I5779 of a Sea-Port Town. Chorley. Philad., I836. 2 v. I2~.. 15584 Skillman, J. B. N. Y. Police Reports. N. Y., I830. 8~... I5835 Skinner, J. Songs and Poems. Peterhead, I859. I6~... I4886 Skinner, O. Issues of American Politics. Philad., I872. 12~... I0205 Skinner, Thos., M.D. Life of Gen. Monk. Dubl., I724. 8~... 6626 Skinner, Lt. Col. Thos. Journey over land to India. Philad., I837. I2~. I6501 Skinner, Thos. H. Aids to Preaching and Hearing. N. Y., I839. I2~. 9918 The same.. 1 7339 LSlade, A. Travels in Turkey, etc. Philad., I833. 2 v. 12~.. I6633 Slave-King, The. Hugo. Lond., I833. 160.. 2390 Slave Power in America, Hist. of Rise and Fall of. Wilson. Bost., 1872. v. I. 8...,...... 6193 States, Excursion through the, I834. Featherstonhaugh. N. Y., I844. 80..... 9734 Seaboard, Journey in the. Olmsted. N. Y., I856. I2~. 6095 Trade and Slavery, Speeches on. Brougham. (v. 2.) Edinb., I838. 8.......... 9338 Abolition of the. Wilberforce. Lond., I807. 8~... 8553 The African. Buxton. N. Y., I840. I2~.. 8554 Account of. Bandinel. Lond., I842. 80. 8753 Hist:of Abolition of. Clarkson. Lond., I808. 2 v. 8~. 8672 Slavery, American, as it is. N. Y., I839. 8...... 8676 Letters on. Rankin. Bost., I833. I2. 8469 in Ancient Greece. Edwards. Edinb., I835. I6~. 9I37 Argumenton Unconstitutionality of. Mellen. Bost., I84I. I2~. 8571 Essay on. Miss Beecher. Philad., I837. I20.. 8470 Essays on. L. Bacon. N.Y., I846. I2~.. 8570 Inquiry into the Scriptural Views of. Barnes. Philad., I846. I2~. 8567 Lectures and Discussions on. Thompson. Bost., I836. I2~. 8556 Letters and Speeches on. Mann. Bost., I853. I20.. 8578 Results of. Cochin. Bost., I863. I2~.. 8564 of Emancipation from. Cochin. Bost., I863. I2~.. 8562 Testimony of God against. Sunderland. Bost., I836. I2~.. 8471 Slavery-Smith. 287 Slavery in the U. S. Paulding. N. Y., I836. I2~..... 8467 Laws relating to. Stroud. Philad., I827. 80.. 8678 National Recognition of. Sherman. Hartf'd., 1858. I2....... 8548 Picture of. Bourne. Middletown, I834. I2~.. 8468 in the W. I., Emancipation from. Thorne and Kimball. N. Y., 1838. 12........... 8568 Writings on. Channing. (Works, v. 2, 5, 6.) Bost., 1841. I2~. 9569 See, also, AFRICA; ANTI-SLAVERY. Slavic Nations, Lang. and Literature of. Mrs. Robinson. (Talvi.) N. Y., 1850. 12. 113 Sleep, Philosophy of. Macnish. Hartf'd., I842. 8..... 3472 See, also, DREAMS; SOMNAMBULISM. Sleigh, W. W. The Christian's Defensive Dictionary. Philad., 1837. I20.... 17304 Slick, Sam. (Pseudonym.) See T. C. HALIBURTON. Small Books on Great Subjects. Philad., I846-47. 3 v. 12~.. 8496 Small House at Allington. Trollope. N. Y., I864. 8~... 2286 Smart, C. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1I822. 24~.. 24 Smeaton, J., and Lighthouses. Lond., I844. 12.... 8799 Smedley, E. Hist. of France, to 1529. (2 copies.) Lond., I836. 80. I62IO Sketches from Venetian Hist. N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12... 11047 The same. N. Y., 1832. 2 V. I20... I2IO2 The Occult Sciences. Glasg., I855. 8~.. 8616 Smellie, W. Lives of Gregory, Ld. Kames, Hume, and Adam Smith. Edinb., I8oo. 8... 7138 Philosophy of Natural History. Bost., 1832. 8~... 6935 Smiles, S. Character. N. Y., I872. I2~.. 3703 The Huguenots in England and Ireland. Lond., I867. 8~.. 6430 Life of George Stephenson. Bost., I858. 12~.... 7153 G. and R. Stephenson. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1868. 8~.. 7154 Self-Help. Bost., 186I. I20.. 3702 Smith, Adam. Theory of Moral Sentiments. 6th ed. Dubl., I777. 8~. 859I The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I853. 8~... 485 The same. Lond. 8~.. 17064 Wealth of Nations. 4th ed. Dubl., I785. 2 v. 8... 8626 The same. Ed. by McCulloch. Edinb., 1838. 8.., 8654 Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., I833. 80... 675I The same. Smellie. Edinb., I8oo. 8~... 7138 The same. D. Stewart. (Works, v. 7.) Cambr., I829. 8~. 8776 Sketch of. Thorold Rogers. Lond., I869. 80... 6731 Smith, Albert. The Wassail-Bowl. Lond., 1843. v.I. I2.. 4257 Smith, Alex. Alfred Hagart's Household. Bost., I865. I2~.. 2449 City Poems. Cambr., I857. I6..596 Dreamthorp. Bost., I864. 8~.. 3747 Edwin of Deira. 2d ed. Cambr., I862. 16..595 The same. Bost., I86I. I60.. 1116 Poems. 4th ed. Lond., 1856. 6~..597 The same. II15 288 Smith. Smith, C. B. A Life in Earnest. N. H., I848. 12~. 17027 Smith, Edmond R. The Araucanians. N. Y., I855. 12.. 17I31 Smith, Edmund [Neale.] Poems. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~. 274 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I8o4. 8~.. 15097 Smith, Eliz. Oakes. Bertha and Lily. N. Y., I854. I2~.. I5665 The Sinless Child, and other Poems. N. Y., 1843. 120.. I4953 Smith, George. Ten Weeks in Japan. Lond., i86i. 8~.. 8012 Visit to China, etc. N. Y., I847. I2.. 7944 Smith, Goldwin. Lectures on Study of History. (3 copies.) N. Y., i866. 12.......... 4581 Three English Statesmen. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867. 120. ~ 6749 Smith, Henry I. See SCHMIDT. Smith, Horace. Arthur Arundel. N. Y., I844. 80.. 2328 The same.. 2313 Brambletye House. N. Y., 1835. I20..51 III The same. Bost., I826. 3 v. I2~.. 2455 Gaieties and Gravities. N. Y., 1I852. I20.. 3532 Jane Lomax. Philad., I838. 2 V. 12~. I5472 The Tor Hill. Hartfd., I846. 12~.. I5608 Walter Colyton. N.Y., I830. 2. 22. I5631 Zillah. N. Y., 1829. 2 V. I2.... I5639 Smith, Horace and James. Horace in London. Lond., I8I5. 12~.. 14887 Imitations of Celebrated Authors. (2 copies.) Lond., 1844. 8~. 3258 Poetical Works (Rejected Addresses, etc.). Ed. Sargent. N. Y., 1857. I2. 1221 Smith, Horatio. Festivals, Games, and Amusements. N. Y., i868. I2~. 11027 The same. N. Y., I83I. 12~... 11954 Smith, J. E. A. Taghconic. Bost., I852. 120.. 16845 Smith, James. Memoirs, Letters, and Comic Miscellanies. Philad., I84I. v.I. 12......... I15244 See, also, HORACE SMITH. Smith, Capt. John, Life of. Hillard. (Sparks, v. 2.) Bost., I834. I6~. 725I The same. Simms. N. Y. [1846.] 12~.. 7312 Smith, Joshua T. The Northmen in N. England. Bost., 1I839. I2~.. 5997 Smitl Julie P. Chris and Otho. N. Y., 1870. I2~..5. 15677 Smith, Margaret. See J. G. WHITTIER. Smith, Matthew H. Mount Calvary. N. Y., I866. I20... 17348 Sunshine and Shadow in N. Y. Hartf'd., I869. 8~... 6837 Smith P. [Ancient] History of the World. N. Y., 1870-72. 3 v. 8~. 4II9 [Smith, R. P.] Actress of Padua, and other Tales. Philad., I836. 2 v. I2.. I5644 Smith Seba. Letters of Major Jack Downing. N. VY., I834. 120.. 43IO Life and Writings of Jack Downing. (2 copies.) 2d ed. Bost., I834. I2.......... 4308 Powhatan. N. Y., 184I. 12.. 15034 Smith Sol. Theatrical Management for 30 years. N. Y., I868. 8~.. 1617 Smith, T. Southwood. Philosophy of Health. Lond., I838. 2v. 12~. 9II9 Smith, Sydney. Sketches of Moral Philosophy. N. Y., I850. 12~.. 8593 Works. Lond., I840. 4 v. 8~.. 3431 Smith —Society. 289 Smith, Sydney. Works. Philad., I844. 3 v. I2.. 3292 Memoir and Letters of. Lady Holland. N. Y., I856. 2V. I2~. 7010 Smith, Walter. Art Education. Bost., 1872. 8~.. 9054 Smith, Wm. (LL.D.) Comprehensive Dict. of the Bible. Ed. Barnum. N. Y., I869. 8....Ioo58 Old Testament History. N. Y., I866. i2~.... 9837 Smaller Dict. of the Bible. (2 copies.) Bost., I866. 8~... 988i Smith, Win. Memoir of J. G. Fichte. Bost., 1846. I2~.. 7795 Smit Win. [H.] Athelwold. A Tragedy. Lond., I842. 8~.. 845 Gravenhurst. Edinb., I862. 8~.. 9964 Thorndale. Bost., I859. 12~. 9963 Smoke; a Novel. Turgenieff. N. Y., I872. I6~.. 2718 Smollett, T. Hist. of England, I688-I760. Dubl., I787. 5 v. 80.. I6IOO The same. Paris, I836. 4 v. 8~.. 5370 The same. Philad., I837. 8*.. 5391 Humphry Clinker. N. Y., I856. I2~...968 Miscellaneous Works. N. Y., I86o. v. I, 5,6. I2.. 965 CONTENTS.-1, Humphry Clinker. 5, Ferdinand Count Fathom. 6, Sir Launcelot Greaves; Hist. of an Atom. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 24~.... 27 Select Works. N. Y. 8..... 989 Smucker, S. M. Hist. of Napoleon III. Philad., i86o. I20.. 5548 Life of Nicholas I. Philad., I86o. 12~.. 6446 Smuggler, The. [Banim.] N. Y., 1832. 2 v. 12. 15. 159 Smyth, C. P. Teneriffe, an Astronomer's Experiment. Lond., I858. 8~. 89IO Smyth, Wm. Lectures on the French Revolution. (2 copies.) Camb., I840. 3 v. 8~.. 5680 The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I855. 2 v. 8~... 380 Lectures on Modern Hist. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I854. 2 v. 8~. 363 The same. Ed. Sparks. (2 copies.) Cambr., I84I. 2 v. 8~. 4808 Smyth, Wm. H. and Lowe, F. Journey from Lima to Para. Lond., I836. 8.......... I7I37 Smythe, P. E. P. W. (LordStrangford.) Writings. Lond., I869. 2 v. 8~. 37IO Snarleyyow. Marryat. Philad., I827. 2 v. in I. I2~... 2II5 Snelling, W. J. The Polar Regions explored. Bost., I83I. 8~.. I6591 Tales of the Northwest. Bost., I839. I2~. 15798 Snodgrass, J. J. Narrative of the Burmese War. Lond., I827. 80.. 6504 Snowe, J. The Rhine. Lond., I839. 2 v. 8~... 83II Snow-Image, The. Hawthorne. Bost., I857. I2~..289 Soave, F. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 4.) Lond., I836. I2~... 902 Social Compact, Treatise on the. Rousseau. 2~.... 7089 Destiny of Man. Brisbane. Philad., I840. I2. 17087 Statics. H. Spencer. N. Y., I868. I2~..8597 Society, Civil, Essay on Hist. of. Ferguson. Philad., I8I9. 80.. I7085 Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of. Southey. Lond., 1831. 2 v. 80.. 3479 Good, The Habits of. N. Y., I865. 2~.. 9269 Natural Hist. of. Taylor. N. Y., I841. 2 v. 12.. 4562 Natural, Vindicationof. Burke. (v. I.) Bost., 1839. 8... 9649 New Views of. Owen. N. Y., I825. 12.. I7090 290 Socinian-Soul. Socinian System examined. Fuller. Lond., I852. 80. 495 Socrates, The Companions of. Grote. Lond., I867. 3 v. 8~. ~ ~ 4443 DefenceTandiMemoirs of. Xenophon. Philad., I836. 80.. 4440 Life of. Wiggers. Lond., I840. I2~.. 7575 Solar System, The. Hind. N. Y., I852. I20.. 8845 Soldier of Lyons. Gore. Philad. 80.. 2313 Solitude, On. Zimmermann. Lond., I792. 8~...7068 Solitudes of Nature and Man. Alger. Bost., I867. I6~.... 3567 Sombre, S. (Pseudonym.) Aquarelles. N. Y., I858. 120. 2~.. I5035 Somers, Lord J., Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowledge.) Lond., I833. 80...675I The same. Campbell. (Ld. Chancellors, 4.) Philad., I848. 8'.......... 6869 Somers, R., Life of. Cooper. (Naval Biogr., v. I.) Philad., I846. I2~...........7275 Somerset, E. (Marquis of Worcester.) Life of. Dircks. Lond., I865. 80. 7152 Somerville, M. Connection of the Physical Sciences. Philad., 1834. I2........... 8843 The same. From 7th ed. N. Y., I846. I6~. ~ ~ 8844 Physical Geography. Philad., I848. I2~.. 8969 Preliminary Dissertation on Mechanism of the Heavens. Philad., 1832. I20.. 8796 Somerville, W. The Chase. Balt., 18I4. 240.. I4888 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24... 277 Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~.. 3 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. I5099 Something to Do. Bost., I87I. 8~.. 2687 Somnambulist, Account of a. Belden. Springf'ld., I834. 12~... 8483 See, also, MAGNETISM; MESMERISM; SLEEP. Song-Writing, Essays on, with a collection. Aikin. Lond., I8ro. 80. I210 Songs of American Colleges. Waite. Bost. [I868.] 8~.... 909I of Ireland. Croker. Lond., I839. I2~. I204 Scottish. Chambers. Edinb., I829. 2 v. 12~. 956 Songster, Universal. Lond. [I832.] 3 v. 80. I207 See, also, BALLADS; MINSTRELSY~; POETRY. Sonnet, Book of the. Hunt & Lee. Bost., I867. 2 v. I6~... 294 Sonnets, English, Collection of. Housman. Lond. [I835.] I2~. I093 Sonnini, C. S. Travels in Egypt. Lond., I799. 3 V. 8~.... I656 Sonrel, L. The Bottom of the Sea. N. Y., I870. 12~.... II8 Sophocles. (Edipus Tyrannus & Antigone, tr. by Francklin. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I823. 24~. 245 Tragadies, transl. by Francklin. N. Y., 1834. I20... 4521 The same. 4542 Soprano, The; a Musical Story. [Barnard.] Bost., I869. 12~... 30I2 Sorcery, Narratives of. Wright. N. Y., I852. I2..... 86I4 Sotheby, W. Constance de Castile. Bost., I8I2. I20.... 14889 Soto, H. de. See FLORIDA. Soul, Power of, over Body. Moore. N. Y., I847. I2~.... 8516 Soulavie-Southey. 291 Soulavie, J. L. Memoirs of Reign of Louis XVI. Lond., I802. 6 v. 80...6192 Sound, Lectures on. Tyndall. N. Y., I867. I2~. 8905 Phenomena of. Radau. N. Y., I870. I2. I2~. 10108 South, R. Discourses. (2 copies.) Bost., I827. 80... IOOOI South, Letters from the. [Paulding.] N. Y., I817. 2 v. I20.. I5290 South America. See AMERICA. South Carolina, Hist. of, to I8o8. Ramsay. Charleston, I809. 2 v. 80... 5866 South Sea Islander, The. N. Y., I820. I20... 6320 South Seas, Voyage in, 1812-14. Parker. Lond., 1I823. 80.. 8058 South-West, The. By a Yankee. N. Y., I835. 2 V.. I~. 16874 Southern, T. Isabella. (Brit. Drama, v. I., pt. 2.) Lond., I804. 8~.. I630 Oroonoko; Isabella. (Brit. Theatre, v. I3.) Lond. 12~... 1339 Southern Literary Messenger. Richmond, I835-59. v. I-20, 22, 24-28. 8... I14539 The same. v. 7, I7-20.. 14728 Passages and Pictures. [Simms.] N. Y., I839. I2~.. 1503I Review. Charleston. I828-32. 8 v. 8....I4024 The same. v. I-4,6, 8.. I14032 Southey, C. B. Chapters on Churchyards. N. Y., I842. I20.. 3746 Solitary Hours; Birth-Day; etc. N. Y., I845-6. I20. 2 v. in I. I232 Southey, R. Chronicle of the Cid. Lowell, I846. 8~.... I676 Common-Place Book. (2 copies.) N. Y., I849-50. 2 v. 8~. 4433 The Doctor, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1836. 2 v. in I. 120.. 3272 Early Naval Hist. of England. (2 copies.) Philad., I835. I2~. 4847 Essay on Uneducated Poets. Lond., I83I. 16~.. 305 Essays, Moral and Political. Lond., I832. 2 v. 60. 3173 The same. v. I... 3175 The Expedition of Orsua. Philad., I82I. I2~.. 5805 Hist. of the Peninsular War. Lond., I828. v. I-4. 80... 6527 Letters from England: by Espriella. 2d ed. Lond., I8o8. 3 v. I2........... 873 Letters during a Journey in Spain, etc. 3d ed. Lond., I8o8. 2V. I20.. 8176 Life of Cowper. Lond., I835-6. 3 v. I6~.. 609 The same. Bost.,4I839. 2 v. I2.... 7Io7 of Cromwell. N. Y., I845 12. I~...5135 of Nelson. N. Y., I84I. I20.. II005 The same. N. Y., I833. I20.....II934 The same. N. Y., I8I3. 2 v. I2~.. 6949 of Wesley. N. Y., I820. 2 v. 8... 7703 Lives of Uneducated Poets, etc. Lond., I836. 8~.. 6719 Poetical Works. N. Y., I842. 8..... I1277 The same. Lond., I838. IO v. I6~.. 633 CONTENTS. —1, Joan of Are. 2, 3, Juvenile and Minor Poems. 4, Thalaba. 5, Madoc. 6,7, Ballads and Metrical Tales. 8, Curse of Kehama. 9, Roderick. 10, Poet's Pilgrimage to Waterloo; Lay of the Laureate; Vision of Judgement. C Select Works of Brit. Poets. (2 copies.) Lond., I831. 8~. 1302 292 Bouthey-Spain Southey, R. Sir Thomas More: or, Colloquies on the Progress of Society. 2d. ed. Lond., I831. 2 v. 8~.. 3479 A Tale of Paraguay. Bost., I827. I20.. I4890 and Bell, R. Lives of Brit. Admirals, with Naval Hist. of England. Lond., I833-40. 5 v. 6...... 5171 Life and Correspondence of. By his Son. (2 copies.) N. Y., I85I. 8........... 7176 Reminiscences of. Cottle. N. Y., I847. 120... 7097 Southey, T. Hist. of W. Indies. Lond., I827. 3 v. 8~.. 5885 Southgate, H. Narrative of Tour through Armenia, etc. N. Y., 1840. 2 V. I2.. I6496 Southwold. Umsted. N.Y., I859. I20..I578I Sozzini, A. Novels. (Ital. Novelists, v. 2.) Lond., x836. I2~.. 900 Spain in I830. Inglis. Lond., I831. 2 v. 8~.. 8450 Ancient Poetry and Romances of. Bowring. Lond., I824. 80. 915 The Arabs in. Lond., I840. 2 v. I2~.. 6399 The Attach6 in, I849. Warren. N. Y., I852. I20.. I6673 The Bible in. Borrow. Philad., I843. 80... 2308 The Gypsies of. Borrow. Lond., 184I. 2 v. V... I7II5 Hist. of, to 1759. [Adams.] Lond., I793. 3 v. 8~.. 16156 (to I823.) Callcott. Lond., I828. 2 v. 0... 6401 Arabs in[7Io-1493.] Conde. Lond., I854. 3 v. 8~.. 424 Moors of. Florian. N. Y., 184I. 120... I66o Reformation in. McCrie. Edinb., I829. 80.... 6453 War of the Succession in (I700-I4). Mahon. Lond., 1836. 8~... 6507 Journey in, I795-96. Southey. Lond., I808 2. I2... 8176 Journey through, I786-87. Townsend. Lond., I792. 3 v. 80. I6662 Legends of Conquest of. Irving. Philad., I835. I20... 4245 Memoirs of, I62I-I700. Dunlop. Edinb., I834. 2 v. 8.. 6520 Reminiscences of. Cushing. Bost., I833. 2 v. I2~...6669 revisited, in I834. [Mackenzie.] N. Y., I836. 2 v. 120.. I6678 Romance of Hist. of. Abbott. N. Y., I869. I20.... 6405 The same. De Trueba y Cosio. N. Y., I830. 2 v. 12~. I5567 Scenes in. N. Y., I837. 120. 2.. I6674 Scenes and Adventures in, I835-40. Poco Mas. Philad., I846. I20....8190 Travels in [in I782]. De Bourgoing. Lond., I789. 3 v. 8~.. I6665 Travels through, 1775-76. Swinburne. Dubl., I779. 8~.. i6668 Wanderings in, I872. Hare. Lond., 1873. 8~... I0243 A year in, I826-27. [Mackenzie.] N. Y., 1836. 3 v. 120.. I6675 and Portugal, In. Andersen. N. Y., 1870. 8~.... 2604 Description of. Conder. Lond. I2~.. 7853 Hist. of [to 1790]. Dunham. Lond., I832-33. 5 v. I6~.. 5456 to I814. [Busk.] Lond., 1833. 80~. I6I54 the Jews in. Finn. Lond., I84I. I2~.. 6300 Lives of Literary and Scientific Men of. Shelley, etc. Lond., I839. 16..... 5785 Spain-Spectrum. 293 Spain and Portugal, Sketches of, I787-95. Beckford. Philad., I834. I2~. 8218 Travels through, I812-I4. Graham. Lond., I820. 8........ 8053 See, also, GRANADA; INQUISITION; PENINSULAR War; SARACENS. Spalding, W. Hist. of English Literature. N. Y., I853. 120... 15069 Italy, etc. N. Y., I842. 3 v. I2....... II753 Treatise on Rhetoric. Edinb., I839. I2~... 64 Spaniards and their Country, The. Ford. N. Y., I847. I2~.. 8364 Lives of celebrated. Quintana. Lond., I833. I2~.. 7690 Spanish Ballads, Ancient. Lockhart. N. Y., I842. 80. 913 Brothers, The; a Tale. Lond., I871. 8~... 2445 Conquest in America, The. Helps. N. Y., I856-68. 4 V. I2~. 5820 Literature, Hist. of. Bouterwek. Lond., I847. 8~... 323 The same. Ticknor. N. Y., I849. 3 v. 8~... 219 Spare Hours. J. Brown. Bost., I866. 2 v. 8~.... 3689 Sparks, J. Inquiry into Tendency of Trinitarian and Unitarian Doctrines. Bost., I823. 8~..I7268 Library of Amer. Biography. Bost., I834-48. 2 Series in 25 V. I60.. 7250 CONTENTS.-1, Stark, John, by E. Everett; Brown, Charles B., by W. H. Prescott; Mont, gomery, R., by J. Armstrong; Allen, Ethan, by J. Sparks. 2, Wilson, Alex., by W. B. O. Peabody; Smith, Capt. John, by G. S. Hillard. 3, Arnold Benedict, by J. Sparks. 4, Wayne, Anthony, by J. Armstrong; Vane Sil Henry, by C. W. tTpham. 5, Eliot, John, by C. Francis. 6, Pinkney, Wm., by H. Wheaton Eillery, William by E. T. Channing- Mather, Cotton by W. B. O. Peabody. 7, Phlps, Sir Wm., by F. Bowen; Putnam Israel, by O. W. B. Peabody; bavidson, L. Maria by C. M. Sedgwick: Rittenhouse, David, by J. Renwick. 8, Edwards, Jonathan by S. Miller; Brainerd, David, by W. B. O. Peabody. 9 Steuben, Baron, by F. Bowen; Cabot, Sebastian, by C. Hayward, Jr.; Eaton, Wm., by C. C. Felton. 10, Fulton, Robert, by J. Renwick; Hudson, Henry by H. R. Cleveland; Warren, Joseph, by A. H. Everett * Marquette by J. Sparks. 11, Salle, R. de fa, by J. Sparks; Henry, Patrick, by A. H. Everett. 12, 6tis, James by F. Bowen; Oglethorpe James, by W. B. O. Peabody. 13, Sullivan, John, by 6. W. B. Peabody; Leisler Jacob, by C. F. Hoffman; Bacon Nathaniel, by W. Ware - Mason, John, by G. E. Ellis. 14 Williams, Roger by W. Gammell; )wight, Timothy, by W. B. Sprague; Pulaski, Count, by J. Sparks. 15, Rumford, Count, by J. Renwick; Pike Z. M., by H. Whiting; (Gorton, Samuel, by J. M. Mackie. 16, Stiles, Ezra by J. L. Kingsley; Fitch John, by C. Whittlesey; Hutchinson, Anne. by G. E. Ellis. 17 Ribault, John, by J. Sparks; -iale, Sebastian, by C. Francis; Palfrey Wm., by J. G. Palfrey. 18, Lee, Charles, by J. Sparks; Reed, Joseph, by H. Reed. 19, Calvert, Leonard, by G. W. Burnap; Ward, Samuel byW. Gammell; Posey, Thomas, by J. Hall. 20, Greene Nathaniel, by G. W. Greene. 21 Decatur, Stephen, byA. S. Mackenzie. 22, Preble, Edwardt by L. Sabine; Penn, William, by 4. E. Ellis. 23, Boone Daniel by J. M. Peck; Lincoln, Benjamin, by F. Bowen. 24, Ledyard, John, by J. Sparks. 25, Iavie, W. R., by F. M. hubbard; Kirkland, Samuel, by S. K. Lothrop. The same. v. 2-8, I6-25. 7227 Life of Ethan Allen. Bost., 1839. 12~.. I63I4 of Washington. (2 copies.) Bost., I839-43. 8~. ~ ~ 7484 Speaker, The National. Maglathlin. Bost., I851. 12.. 9304 Speaking, Extempore, Art of. Bautain. N. Y., I867. I2t.. 9295 Species, Genesis of. Mivart. Lond., I87I. 8.. 8943 Origin of. Huxley. N. Y., I863. I20.. 8940 by Natural Selection. Darwin. N. Y., I871. 12~.. 8929 Spectator, The. Philad., I803. 8 V. I2.... 3156 N. Y., I809-10. v. 2-9. I20.. 4200 (Addison's Works, v. I-2.) N. Y., 855. 8~. 379I (Addison's Works, v. 5, 6.) N. Y., I856. I2~.. 3999 Ed. Ferguson. Lond., I823. 8 v. 12~.. 3II3 The same. v. I, 3-8. 3I53 Essays illustrative of the. Drake. Lond., I805. 3 v. 8~.. 3233 Spectrum Analysis explained. Schellen. N. Y., 1872. 8~... 9098 Lectures on. Roscoe. Lond., I869. 8~.. 9097 38 294 Speculator-Spirits. Speculator, The. [Ash.] Dubl., I791. I2~..I3037 Speeches, Select American. Carpenter. Philad., 1815. 2 v. 8~.. 9428 Forensic and Parliamentary. Ed. Chapman. Philad., I808. 5 v. 8........ 9418 Selection of British. Browne. Philad., I8IO. 3 v. 8~.. 9415 See, also, ELOQUENCE; ORATORY. Speke, J. H. Discovery of Source of the Nile. (2 copies.) N. Y., I864. 8........... 8I6 Spencer, E. Travels in Circassia, etc. 3d ed. Lond., I839. 2 v. 8~. 8042 Travels in the Western Caucasus. Lond., I838. 2 v. 80.. 8044 Spencer, H. Education. (2 copies.) N. Y., I862-66. 12~. 8595 Essays; Moral, Political, and Asthetic. N. Y., I866. I20.. 3724 Essays; Scientific, Political, and Speculative. N. Y., I864. 8*. 3723 First Principles of a New System of Philosophy. N. Y., i864. 12.......... 8598 Illustrations of Universal Progress. N. Y., I867. I2~... 3725 Principles of Biology. N. Y., I866-67. 2 v. 12~.. 8599 of Psychology. N. Y., I871I-73. 2 V. I2.. 86oi Recent Discussions in Science, Philosophy, and Morals. N. Y., I87I. 12........... 8602 Social Statics. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 8597 Spencer, I. S. A Pastor's Sketches. (2 copies.) N. Y., I85I-54. I2~. 9991 Spencer, J. A. The East. N. Y., 1850. 8~.. 8069 Spenser, E. Faery Queene. Lond., I819. 2 v. I2~... 14884 The same. Bks. I, 2. Ed. Kitchin. Oxf'd., I868-71. 2 V. I6.. IOI3 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. 9 v. in 5. Lond., I807. 24~.. 25I The same. [Ed. Hillard.] Bost., I839. 5 v. 8~.. I262 The same. Bost., 1839. v. 2-5. I2.... IIOI Works, ed. Collier. Lond., I862. 5 v. 8.. I268 The same, ed. Morris. With Memoir by Hales. Lond., 187I. I6......... IIOO The same, with Life by Todd. Lond., I845. 80.. I267 Essay on. Hart. Philad., I847. 8~.. I275 Life of. Dunham. Lond., I840. 6~..5774 Observations on Fairy Queen of. Warton. Lond., 1807. 2 v. 80. I273 and his Poetry. Craik. Lond., I845. 3 v. I2~.... 285 Spielhagen, F. Hammer and Anvil. N. Y., 1870. 12~... 3022 The Hohensteins. N. Y., 1870. I2~... 3021 Through Night to Light. N. Y., I87I. I2~.. 2708 Problematic Characters. N. Y., 1870. I2~.... 3020 Spilman, J. Journey to Persia. Lond., I742. 8~.... I628I Spindler, C. The Jew. N. Y. 8..2312 Spinoza, B. de., Life, Correspondence, and Ethics of. Willis. Loend., 1870. 80...7789 Spirit of'76, The. A Drama. [Curtis.] Bost., I868. 16~.. 9213 of the Age, The. Hazlitt. N. Y., I849. I2~.. 3422 A New. Horne. N. Y., I844. I20.. 3423 Spirits of Odin, The. N. Y, I826. 2 v. I2.. I5782 Spiritual-Stael-Holstein. 295 Spiritual Despotism. Taylor. N. Y., I835. 120..... 9538 Spiritualism, Modern. [Sargent.] Bost., I869. I6~... 8484 See, also, APPARITIONS; DEMONOLOGY; MAGIC. Spix, J. B. v., and Martius, C. F. P. v. Travels in Brazil. Lond., 1824. 2 V. 8......... 8435 Spofford, H. P. Azarian. Bost., I864. 8~... 3011 Sporting Scenes and Characters. Frank Forester. Philad. [I857.] 2 V. 12'...o10161i Sports, Field, of the U. S. Frank Forester. N. Y., 1849. v. I. 8~.. IO207 and Pastimes of the English. Strutt. Lond., I845. 80... 5115 Wild, in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Napier. Lond., I844. 2 v. 8~. IOI66 Sportsman in France, The. Tolfrey. Lond., 1841. 2 v. 8~... IOI64 Sportsmen, Young, Manual for. Frank Forester. N. Y., I857. I20. IOI60 See, also, AMUSEMENTS; GAMES; HUNTING. Sprague, C. Poetical and Prose Writings. New ed. Bost., I85o. I2~. 805 Writings. N. Y., I841. 8...15063 Sprague, J. T. The Florida War. N. Y., I848. 8~. 5955 Sprague, T. D. Amer. Literary Magazine. Albany and Hartford, I847-49. 5 v. in 3. 80 *.13254 Sprague, W. B. Annals of the Amer. Pulpit. N. Y., 1857-69. 9 v. 8~. 7730 CONTENTS.-1, 2 Trinitarian Congregational. 3, 4 Presbyterian. 5, Episcopalian. 6, Baptist. 7, Methodist. 8, Unitarian. 9, Lutheran, Reformed, Associate, Associate Reformed, and Reformed Presbyterian. Letters to Young People. N. Y., I83I. 120.... 17020 Life of Dwight. (Sparks, v. I4.) Bost., I845. I6~... 7263 Memoir of Griffin. N. Y., 1839. 8~.. 7740 Sprat, T. Poems, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. 15097 Spring, G. Obligations of the World to the Bible. N. Y., I839. I2~. 17164 Works. N. Y., T852-54. I V. 12 v.. 17165 Spring Comedies. Barker. Lond., I87I. 8~.. 2515 Springer, J. S. Forest Life and Trees. N. Y., I85I. I2~... 16820 Spurgeon, C. H. Feathers for Arrows. Lond., 1870. I6~... 4209 Spurzheim, J. G. Examination of Objections to Phrenology. Bost., 1833. 12......... 86 Philosophical Catechism of the Laws of Man. Bost., I832. I20. I7291 Phrenology. Bost., 1832. 2 v. 8~.. 8777 in connexion with Physiognomy. Bost., I833. 8~. 8779 Memoir of. Carmichael. Bost., I833. I2~..... 8532 Spy, The. Cooper. N. Y., 1872. 12~.... 2837 Spy unmasked; Memoirs of E. Crosby. Barnum. N. Y., 1828. 8~. 6124 Squibob Papers, The. Derby. N. Y., I865. 12~.. 4297 Squier, E. G. Nicaragua. N. Y., I856. 8~.. 8459 Squire, The. [Pickering.] Philad., I838. 2 v. I20... I5586 [Staats, C.] Tribute to Memory of D. Clinton. Alb., I828. 120. 755I Stable Talk, etc. [Brindley.] Philad., I845. 120.. IOI63 StaehUin, J. de. Anecdotes of Peter the Great. Dubl., I789. I2~.. I6I8I Stael-Holstein, Mmne. Anne L. G. N. de. Considerations on the French Revolution. (2 copies.) N. Y., 8I88. 2 v. 80.. 5686 Corinne; or, Italy. N. Y., I844. 8~.. 2626 The same. (2 copies.) Philad., I836. 2 V. 12~. 2590 296 Stael-Holstein-Stanley, Stael-Holstein, Mme. Anne L. G. N. de. Germany. Lond., I814. 3 v. 8~.. 8307 Influence of Literature on Society. Bost., I813. 2 V. I2.. 87 The same, with Reflections on Suicide. Hartf'd., I842. 8~. 3472 Memoirs of Necker. Lond., I818. 8'.. 7651 Ten Years of Exile. N. Y., I82I. 12~.. 7660 Memoirs of. Child. N. Y., I854. 16~. 7659 Sta61, Madame de; a Novel. B61lte. N. Y., I869. 120.... 3023 Sta6l Holstein, Aug. L. de. Letters on England. 2d ed. Lond., I830. 8~. i6748 Stage, The; before and behind the Curtain. Bunn. Philad., i840. 2 V. 125.. I614 Annals of the. Collier. Lond., I83I. 3 v. 16.. 1556 British, Biogr. of the. N. Y., i824. I20.. 7895 English, Annals of the. Doran. N. Y., I865. 2 V. 120..612 Hist. of the. Betterton. Bost., I814. 8~.. 1610 View of the. Hazlitt. Lond., i8i8. 8.... 6 French, Picture of the. [Fleury.] Ed. Hook. Lond., 1842. 2 V. I20..I608 Inquiry into the Nature of the. Witherspoon. N. Y., 1812. 12~. I394 The London. Lond. [I830.] 4 v. 8.. 1664 See, also, DRAMA; THEATER. Stagg, E. Poems. St. Louis, I852. I2.. 15036 Stahr, A. Life and Works of Lessing. (2 copies.) Bost., I866. 2 V. 12~. 779I Stanhope, L. Greece in I823-24. Philad., I825. 80....16020 PStanhope, P. D. (Earl of Chesterfield.) Letters to his Son. Lond., I804. 4 v. 12........ 939 The same. Lond., 1775. v. 3, 4. 8.. 9308 Miscellaneous Works, with Memoir by Maty. 2d ed. Lond., 1779. 4 v. 8......... 9556 Beauties of. Bost., I828. 12~...7308 Reflections on Letters of. Hunter. Lond., 1777. 8~. 17044 Stanhope, P. H., Earl. Hist. of England, I70I-13. Lond., 1870. 8~. 5040 The same, 1713-62. Lond., I839-44. 4 v. 8~.. 5041 The same. 3d ed. Paris, I84I. 2 v. 8~.. 5045 The same. Ed. by H. Reed. N. Y., I849. 2 v. 80. 5047 The same, I7I3-83. Leipz., 1853-54. 7 v. i6.. 4837 Hist. of the War of the Succession in Spain. 2d ed. Lond., 1836. 8........... 6507 Life of Belisarius. Philad., I832. 12~.. 7576 of Louis, Prince of Conde. (3 copies.) N. Y., I845-48. I20. 7619 of Pitt. Lond., I86I-62. 4 v. 8~.. 6799 Stanley, A. P. Essays. Lond., I870. 8~.. 3436 Hist. of the Eastern Church. N. Y., I862. 80.. 6508 The same. Revised ed. N. Y., I870. 8~.. 6418 of the Jewish Church. (2 copies.) N. Y., I863-67. 2 v. 80. 6533 Life of Arnold. 2d ed. Lond., I844. 2 v. 8~... 7130 The same. From 3d English ed. N. Y., I845. 120.. 7132 Sermons in the East. N. Y., I863. 8~.. 992I Sinai and Palestine, N, Y., I863. 8... 8072 Stanley-Stephens. 297 Stanley, H. M. How I found Livingstone. N. Y., I872. 8~... 239 Stanley Buxton. Galt. Philad., I833. 2 v. I2~...5228 Stapfer, P. A. Life of Kant. Edinb., I836. I6~.. 6633 Star Papers. Beecher. N. Y., I855. 12~.. 3590 Stark, J., Life of. Everett. Bost., 1834. I6~...... 7250 [Starling, E.] Noble Deeds of Woman. Philad., 1836. 2 v. I2.. 9195 Stars, Origin of the. Ennis. N. Y., I867. 12~.. I6973 Statesman, The. Taylor. Lond., I836. 6... 8476 Statesman's Manual, The. Coleridge. (Works, v. I.) N. Y., I87I. 12~. 4013 The same. Williams. N. Y., I854. 3 v. 8~... 6200 Statesmen, Lives of British. Forster, etc. Lond., I831-39. 7 v. I6~. 5759 For Contents, see FORSTER. Foreign. Crowe and James. Lond., 1833-38. 5 v. I60.. 5766 For Contents, see JAMES. Statistical Inquiry, Principles of. Russell. N. Y., x839. 8. ~ ~ I17093 Staunton, G. Account of Embassy to China. Dubl., I798. 2 v. 8~. I6474 Staunton, H. Chess-Player's Companion. (2 copies.) Lond., 1849. 8~. I0173 The Great Schools of England. Lond., i865. 80... 9247 Steam-Boat, The; a Tale. [Galt.] N. Y., 1823. 12~... 1523 Steam Engine explained, The. Lardner. Lond., I840. 8.. 17005 Stebbing, H. Hist. of the Christian Church. (2 copies.) Lond., I833-34. 2 v. I6~... 5488 of the Reformation. Lond., 1836-37. 2 v. 6~.. 5757 Lives of the Italian Poets. Lond., 1831. 3 v. 12*... 7775 Stedman, C. Hist. of the Amer. War. Dubl., I794. 2 V. 8~... 5944 Steedman, A. Wanderings in S. Africa. Lond., I835. 2 v. 8~.. I6527 Steele, Anne. Works. Bost., I8o8. 2 v. I20...4860 Steele, R. Conscious Lovers, a Comedy. Gottingen, 1767. 160. 1. 452 Tender Husband. (Brit. Drama, v. 2.) Philad., I833. 8~.. i663 Essays on. Drake. Lond., 1805. 8~.. 3233 See, also, The GUARDIAN, PLEBEIAN, SPECTATOR, and TATLER. Steffens, H. Story of my Career. Bost., I863. I6~.. 7571 Steinmetz, A. Hist. of the Jesuits. Philad., I848. 2 v. 8... 642I The Novitiate; a Year among the Jesuits. N. Y., I846. 12~.. 17274 Romance of Duelling. Lond., i868. 2 v. 8~.... 15146 Stephen, King of England, Hist. of. Cobbe. Lond., I869. 80.. 5285 [Stephen, G.J Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse. Philad., I836. 120... Io69 Stephen, J. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. Philad., i846. 8~.. 347I The same. Philad., I843. 120.. 3288 The same.. 3350 Lectures on Hist. of France. N. Y., I852. 80.. 5710 Stephen, T. Book of Constitution of Grt. Brit. Glasg., 1835. 8~.. 5000 Stephens, Alex. Hist. of Wars of the French Revol. Philad., I804. 2 v. 80... I6205 Memoirs of Horne Tooke. Lond., I813. 2 V. 8~.. 686o Stephens, Alex. H. The Late War Between the States. Philad. [I868-70.] 2 v. 8......... 6255 298 Stephens-Stone. Stephens, Ann S. Fashion and Famine. N. Y., I854. I2~.. I5693 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of Travel in Central America. N. Y., I84I. 2 V. 8~...8454 in Egypt, Arabia, etc. N. Y., 1837. 2 V. I2~........6490 in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland. N. Y., 1841. 2 V. 12~.. I6637 in Yucatan. N. Y., I843. 2 v. 8~. 8456 Stephenson, G. and R., Life of. Smiles. N. Y., i868. 8~.. 7I54 Stepney, G. Poems. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. I5096 Stepping Heavenward. Prentiss. N. Y. [1869.] 12~. 3009 Sterling, J. Poetical Works. Philad., 1842. I2~. ~ 667 Life of. Carlyle. Lond., I870. 8~...... 4039 Sterne, L. Sentimental Journey. Paris, I8oo. I2..... 8170 Works. (2 copies.) Philad., 1864. 8'..... 1 I990 The same. N. Y., 1813-14. V I, 3-6. I20.. 4210 CONTENTS.-1, Tristram Shandy. 3, Sentimental Journey; Hist. of a good warm Watch-Coat; Fragment. 4,5, Sermons. 6, Letters; The Koran. Steuben, F.W. A., Life of. Bowen. (Sparks, v 9.) Bost., I838. 16~. 7258 Stevens, G. A. Lecture on Heads. Lond., 1795. 12~. Stewart, C. S. Residence in Sandwich Isl. 5th ed. Bost., 1839. 120. I6304 The same. 2d ed. N. Y., 1828. 120.... 6321 Sketches of Society in Grt. Brit. and Ireland. Philad., I834. 2 v. I20........16753 Visit to the South Seas. N. Y., I83I. 2'r. I20... 16332 Stewart, D. Life and Writings of W. Robertson. 2d ed. Lond., I802. 8...... 16357 Philosophical Essays. Philad., 1811. 8~...... 7060 Philosophy of the Active and Moral Powers. Ed. by Walker. Philad., I866. 120... 8592 Works. Cambr., 1829. 7 v. 8~... 8770 CONTENTS.-N-1-, Elements of Philosophy of the Human Mind. 4, Philosophical Essays. 5, Philosophy of Active and Moral Powers. 6, Dissertation on Progress of Philosophy. 7, Lives of A. Smith, Robertson, Reid; Tracts on Election of Prof. Leslie. Stewart, R. (Lord Castlereagh), and Sir C., Lives of. Alison. Edinb., I86I. 3 v. 8~...... 6790 Stewart, V. A., Hist. of. Howard. N. Y., 1836. I20... 17112 [Stewarton, -.] The Revolutionary Plutarch. Lond., I8O5. 3 v. 12~. 5509 Stiles, E., Life of. Holmes. Bost., I798. 8~. 9274 The same. Kingsley. Bost., I845. I6~... 7265 Stiles, W. H. Austria in 1I848-49. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 8~.. 5930 Still Hour, The. Phelps. Bost., I86I. 16~...... 955I Stilling, J. H. Autobiography, trans. by S. Jackson. N. Y., I845. 8~. 2686 Stirling, Earl of. See W. ALEXANDER. Stirling, W. Cloister Life of Charles V. 2d ed. Lond., I853. 8~. ~ 6409 Stolen Child, The. Galt. Philad., 1I833. I2~.. 15234 Stone, W. L. Border Wars of the Revolution. N. Y., I845. 2 v. 12~. II768 The same.....12282 Letters on Masonry. N. Y., I832. 8... I7III Stone-Stretton. 299 Stone, W. L. Life of Joseph Brant. N. Y., I838. 2 V. 8.. 5952 of Red-Jacket. N. Y., i84I. 8~.. 5951 Poetry and Hist. of Wyoming. (2 copies.) N. Y., I84I. I2.. 5737 Tales and Sketches. N. Y., I834. 2 V. I2~.-... ~ 5795 Uncas and Miantonomoh. N. Y., I842. 2~... 5750 Ups and Downs. N. Y., I836. I20... i5807 Stone Monuments. Fergusson. Lond., I872. 8~.. 9096 Stormy Life, A. Fullerton. N. Y., I868. 8~.. 2684 Story, J. Commentaries on the Constitution. 3d ed. Bost., I858. 2 V. 8....6179 The same. Bost., I833. 8.... 6178 Miscellaneous Writings. Bost., I835. 8~.... 3476 Story, W. W. Roba di Roma. 4th ed. N. Y., I864. 2 V. 12~.. 8343 The same. 5th ed. Philad., I867. 2 V. I2'.. 8345 Story of my Life. [Sherer.] N. Y., 1825. 12~... 15588 Stowe, C. E. Hist. of the Books of the N. T. (2 copies.) Hartf'd., I867. 8........0020 Stowe, H. B. Agnes of Sorrento. Bost., I862. I2..... 2962 Lady Byron Vindicated. (2 copies.) Bost., i870. I2~... 6988 The Chimney-Corner. Bost., I868 12'.. 2966 Dred. Bost., I856. 2 V. 12.. 2959 House and Home Papers. Bost., I865. 12~.. 2965 The Mayflower. N. Y., I844. I2.. 2734 Men of our Times. Hartfd., I868. 80.. 7408 The Minister's Wooing. Bost., I868. I2~.... 296I My Wife and I. N. Y., I87I. 12~.. 2964 Oldtown Folks. Bost., I869. I2....... 2963 Pink and White Tyranny. Bost., I87r. I6~.. 2735 Religious Poems. Bost., I867. 12... 7I8 Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands. Bost., I854. 2 V. I2.. 8268 Uncle Tom's Cabin. Bost., I852. 2 V. 2~.. 2956 The same. Bost., I869. 12~.. 2958 Strafford, Earl of (T. Wentworth), Life of. Forster. Lond., 1836. I6~. 5760 Strang, J. Germany in I83I. N. Y., 1836. 12~... I6653 Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous. Sala. Bost., I863. 8'. 2333 Story. Bulwer. Philad., I868. I2~... 2084 Strangford, Lord. See P. E. F. W. SMYTHE. Straparola, G. P. Novel. (Ital. Novelists, v. 3.) Lond., I836. 12~.. 1901 Stratton Hill. [Carne.] N. Y., I829. 2 v. 120. I.....5589 Strauss, G. F.A. Helon's Pilgrimage. Bost., I835. I2~.... 9878 The same....6306 Street, A. B. Frontenac. N. Y., I849. 2~.... 15037 Poems. N. Y., I845. 8..... 934 Poems. N. Y., I867. 2 v. I60.. 789 Woods and Waters. N. Y., I865. 120.. I6838 Strength, Wonders of. Depping. N. Y., I871. 120.... IOI30 Stretton, H. Max Kromer. N. Y., I87I. I6~.. 2425 Stretton. A Novel. H. Kingsley. N. Y., I869. 8~.... 2329 300 Strickland-Sublime. Strickland, A. Lives of Queens of England. Philad., I851-2. I2 V. in 6. 8~.. 5228 CONTENTS.-1, 2 3 Matilda Queen of Winm. I., to Anne, Q. of Richard III. 4, 5 Eliz,, Q. of Henry VIII., to 4. ary. 6, i Q. Elizabeth; Anne Q of James I. 8, Henrietta Maria Q. of Chas. I., Catharine, Q. of Cha's. II. 9, 10, Mary, Q. of James II. 10, Q. Mary II. 11, 12, Q. Anne. The same. v. I-II, bound in 5. Philad., I847. 8~. ~ 5234 The same. v. I-3. Philad., I84I. 12~... 5196 Lives of Queens of Scotland, etc. N. Y., I85I-59. 7 v. I2.. 5I99 CONTENTs.-1, Margaret Q. of James IV.; Magdalene, Q. of James V. 1, 2, Mary, Q. of James V. 2, Margaret Douglas, Countess of Lennox. 8, 7, Mary Stuart. The same. v. I, 3. 5206 Lives of Tudor Princesses. Lond., I868. 8~... 5208 Pilgrims of Walsingham, Philad., I835. 2 v. I2... 2416 Strife and Peace. Bremer. Lond., I853. 8~... 470 String of Pearls. James. N. Y., I833. I2~0.. 15222 Strive and Thrive. Howitt. Bost., I840. I2~.... 15591 Strong, C. Speeches. Bost., I8o8. I2.... 7537 Stroud, G. M. Laws relating to Slavery in the U. S. (2 copies.) Philad., I827. 80.. 8677 Strozzi, F. History of. Trollope. Lond., i86o. 8~.. 4684 Struensee,3. JF. v. Hist. of. [Falkenskjold.] Lond., 1789. I20.. 5819 Last Days of. Munter. Bost., I853. I6~.. 756I Strutt, J. Sports and Pastimes of England. Lond., 1834. 80.. 5262 The same. Lond., I845. 80.. 5II5 Stuart, G. View of Society in Europe. 2d ed. Edinb., I792. 80.. I59j8 Stuart, I. W. Lifeof Gov. Trumbull. Bost., I859. 8~... 7455 Stuart, J. Three years in N. America. N. Y., I833. 2 v. I2~.. I6790 Stuart, M. Hints on Prophecy. Andover, I842. I20. 17266 Stubbs, W. Select Charters and other Illustrations of English Constitutional Hist. Oxfd., I870. 80.. 4851 Student Life Abroad, Romance of. Kimball. N. Y., I862. I20.. I5784 of Germany. Howitt. Philad., I842. 80.. 9397 Young, Letters to a. Bost., 1832. 120..I7037 Student's Companion. N. H., I831. v. I. 80..1.7393 Manual, The. Todd. Northampton, I835. I20... 9I34 Students, Hints to, on the Use of the Eyes. Reynolds. Edinb., i835. I........... 9137 Prize Letters to. Dickinson. N. Y., I83I. 12~.. I7022 A Tutor's Counsel to. Mathias. Philad., I867. 16~.. 9143 Studies, Classical. Sears, Edwards, and Felton. Bost., I843. I2~.. 9260 for Stories. Ingelow. Bost., I865. 160.. 2421 Study, Classical, Method of. Taylor. Bost., I86I. I2~.. 9273 Value of. Taylor. Andover, i870. I2~... 9263 Sturt, C. Expeditions in S. Australia. 2d ed. Lond., I834. 2 v. 8~. 8083 Style. See RHETORIC. Subaltern, The. Gleig. N. Y., 1825. 12...... 2085 in America. Gleig. Philad., i833. I2~.... 6004 Subaltern's Log-Book, The. N. Y., I829. 2 V. I2~.. I5785 Sublime and Beautiful, Inquiry into our Ideas of. Burke. (v. I.) Bost., i839. 8~... 9649 Substance-Swainson. 301 Substance and Shadow. James. Bost., I866. 80.. 9985 Success and its Conditions. Whipple. Bost., 1871. 8~. 3546 Suchet, L. G. Memoirs of the War in Spain. Lond., 1829. 2 v. 8~. 653I Suckling, J. The Goblins. (Old Plays, v. Io.) Lond., i826. 8~. I5I7 Sue, E. Commander of Malta. N. Y., i86o. 8~.. 23II De Rohan. N. Y., I845. 80.. 2324 Wandering Jew. Lond. 8~.. 2595 The same..2631 The same. Lond., 1845. 3 v. 8~.. 2632 Suffrage, Treatise on Right of. S. Jones. Bost., I842. 2~.. 8537 Woman. Bushnell. N. Y., I869. I20.. 92II Suicide, Shakspeare's Delineations of. Kellogg. N. Y., I866. I6~.. I482 Sullivan, P. S. Lectures on Constitution and Laws of England. Dubl., I790. 8~.. 4949 Sullivan, John, Life of. Peabody. Bost., I844. 16~.. 7262 Sullivan, W. Familiar Letters on Public Characters. Bost., 1834. I20. 7277 Historical Causes and Effects. Bost., I838. I2~... 4569 Political Class Book. Bost., I83I. I2... 6oi5 Sully, M. de Bethune, Duke of, Memoirs of. Philad., 1817. 5 v. 8~. 566I Summer Rest. Gail Hamilton. Bost., I866. 8~. ~ ~. 3654 Sumner, C. Orations and Speeches. (2 copies.) Bost., I850. 2 v. I2~. 988 Recent Speeches and Addresses. Bost., I856. I2~.... 9I92 Sun, The. Guillemin. N. Y., 1870. I2...I0II5 Proctor. Lond., 187I. 80.. 8909 Sunday Magazine. Lond., I867-68. v. 4. 8..14533 Sunday Schools. See SABBATH. Sunderland, L. Testimony of God against Slavery. Bost., I836. I2~. 8471 Sunnybank. Terhune. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 2955 Sunset Land, The. Todd. Bost., I870. I6~.. I6886 Superior, Lake, Wanderings round. Kohl. Lond., I86o. 8~... 8421 Supernatural, Nature and the. Bushnell. N. Y., 1859. 8~.. I0023 Supernaturalism of N. Engl. [Whittier.] Lond., I847. I2~... 8612 Superstition, Enquiries into Vulgar Errors of. T. Browne. Lond., I835. 2 v. 80..... 3987 Essay on. Blakeman. N. H., I849. I2~. 8613 and Force. Lea. Philad., 1870. 12~..3657 Memoirs of Popular Delusions of. Mackay. Lond., i869. 16~. 8529 Modern. De Quincey. (Miscellanies.) Edinb., I858. 8~.. 3276 See also, APPARITIONS; DEMONOLOGY; GHOSTS; MAGIC. Surgeon's Daughter, The. Scott. Bost., 1845. I2~.. 1833 Surrey, Earl of. See H. HOWARD. Sutherland, A. Knights of Malta. Philad., I846. 2 v. in I. 12~.. 4618 Swain, O. Poems. (2 copies.) Bost., I857-63. I6~...978 Swain, J. Redemption. Charleston, I8I9. I2~... 4862 Swainson, W. Animals in Menageries. Lond., 1838. I6~. 6053 Discourse on Study of Nat. History. Lond., I839. 16~. 6055 Geography and Classification of Animals. Lond., I835. I6~.. 6056 Habits and Instincts of Animals. Lond., I840. I6~... 6054 Malacology, or Shells and Shell-Fish. Lond., I840. I6~... 6062 39 302 Swainson-Switzerland. Swainson, W. Nat. Hist. and Classification of Birds. Lond., I836-37. 2V. I6'.. 6058 of Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles. Lond., 1838-39. 2 v. 16~.. 6060 of Quadrupeds. Lond., I835. I6~. 6057 Taxidermy, with Biography of Zoologists. Lond., I840. I6~.. 6063 Swallow Barn. Kennedy. Philad., 1I832. 2. 122.... 15788 Swear not at all. Bentham. (Works, pt. 5.) Edinb., I838. 8~.. 9704 Sweden, Hist. of [to I654]. Geiger. Lond., I845. 8~.... 5924 Revolutions in [to I560]. Vertot. Lond., I7II11.. 8 6171 Tour in, in I838. Laing. Lond., I839. 8.. 8302 Travels in, I779. Coxe. (v. 4.) Lond., I802. 8~.... I66o8 I807-08. Porter. Philad., 1809. 8~.... I6603 I856-57. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., I865. 12~... 8284 See, also, GUSTAVUS; SCANDINAVIA. Swedenborg, E. Conjugial Love. Bost., I840. 80... 17224 Life of. Hobart. Bost., I845. I2~. 7562 Swetchine, S., Life and Letters of. De Falloux. Bost., I868. I6~. 755 Swift, B., Memoir of. Dunham. Bost., I842. I2..7526 Swift, John F. Going to Jericho. N. Y., I868. I20.. 8240 Swift, Jona. Gulliver's Travels, ed. W. C. Taylor. Philad., I869. 120. I970 Poetical Works, with Life by Mitford. Bost., 1859. 3 v. I60. I158 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1803. 8~.. I5099 Works, ed. W. C. Taylor. N. Y., I853. I20..969 Works. Ed. Sheridan and Nichols. N. Y., I812-I3. 24 v. 12~. 3847 CONTENTS. —, 2, Life, by Sheridan, etc. 3, Tale of a Tub; Hist. of Martin; Battle of the Books; On the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit; Meditation on a Broomstick;Sentiments of a Church of England Man; etc. 4, Argument against Abolishing Christianity; tetter concerning the Sacramental Test; Remarks on "The Rights of the Christian Church"; Bickerstaff's Predictions, etc.; Project for the Advancement of Religion; etc. 5, The Examiner; Conduct of the Allies, etc. 6, Remarks on the Barrier Treaty; Public Spirit of the Whigs Political Papers, etc. 7, Hist. of the Four last Years of the Queen; Abstract of Hist. of England; etc. 8, Preface to Bp. of Sarum- Tatlers; Spectators; Intelligencers; Directions to Servants, etc. 9, Gulliver's Travels. 10 11, Poems. 12,13, Tracts relative to Ireland. 14, Sermons Memoirs of Capt. Creichton, etc. 15-0, Letters to and from Swift. 21, 22, Journal to Stella. 21, Polite Conversation. 23, Miscellanies in Prose, by Pope, Arbuthnot, Gay, etc.; Martinus Scriblerus; Hist. of John Bull; etc. 24, Miscellanies in Verse and Prose; Art of Punning; etc. The same. 417I Essay on Life, Writings, etc., of. D. Swift. Lond., I755. 8~.. 7II7 Life of. W. Scott. Bost., I829. I20... 3190 The same. Sheridan. Dubl., I785. 8~... 7II8 Sketch of. Lecky. N. Y., I872. I20.. 6743 Swiftiana. Lond., I804. 2 v. I6~.. 3812 Swinburne, A. C. Atalanta in Calydon. Bost., I866. I6... II85 Chastelard. Bost., I866. I6.. II86 The Queen-Mother and Rosamond. (2 copies.) Bost., I866. I6~. II87 Swinburne, H. Travels through Spain. Dubl., I779. 8~.... I6668 Swinton, W. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. N. Y., I866. 8~. 6196 Rambles among Words. N. Y., 1859. I2..... 95 Switzerland, Hist. of, to I830. [Wilson?] Lond., 1832. I60... 5476 to I838. Vieusseux. Lond., 1846. 8~.. 5884 of Destruction of Helvetic Union of. Mallet du Pan. Bost., I799. 12..... 6162 Letters from. Goethe. Lond., I849. 8~.... 445 Switzerland-Taine. 303 Switzerland, Sketches of, in 1828. [J. F. Cooper.] Philad., I836. 2 V. I20...6683 Tour in, I817-I9. Simond. Bost., I822. 2 v. 8..668I Travels in, I776. Coxe. Basil, I802. 3 v. 8~... 6685 See, also, ALPS. Sybaris and other Homes, Hale. Bost., I869. I6~.. 2948 Sybel, H. v. Hist. of the French Revolution. Lond., I867-69. 4 v. 8~. 5667 Sybil. Disraeli. Philad., I845. 8...2345 Sydney Clifton. [Fay.] N. Y., I839. 2. 22. 2. I5790 Symes, M. Embassy to Ava. Edinb., I827. 2 v. I2~.. 4470 Sympson, J. Science Revived, or the Vision of Alfred. Philad., I8IO. I2........... 1489I Symzonia. N. Y., I820. I2...15792 Synonyms, English. Crabb. N. Y., I839. 8~. I73 Selection of. [Whately.] Bost., I852. I20.. IOI of the N. T. Trench. N. Y., I855. I2~..9891 Syntax, Doctor, Tour of, in search of a Wife. Combe. Philad., I829. I2........... 984 Syria, Expedition to, I840-41. Hunter. Lond., I842. 2 V. I20.. 5I6o The Howadji in. Curtis. N. Y., 1852. I2..8236 Travels through, I783-85. Volney. Dubl., I788. 8~...6481 and Asia Minor, Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. 2 v. in I. I2..7845 Scenery and People of. Kelly. Lond., I844. 8~.... 8070 etc., Travels in. Irby and Mangles. Lond., 1844. I6~... 8197 T. Table-Book, The. Hone. Lond., 1827-28. 2 v. in I. 80.. 4342 Table-Talk. [Constable's Miscellany, v. IO.] Edinb., I827. I20.. 4472 of Coleridge. (Works, v. 6.) N. Y., I87I. 120.. 4018 of Hazlitt. Lond., I846-57. 2 V. I6.. 3178 of S. Johnson. Lond., I798. 80.. 3759 of Luther. Lond., I848. 8~.. 343 of S. Rogers. Lond., I856. 8~... 3208 of Selden. Cambr., I83I. 12~.. 3905 of R. B. Sheridan. Lond., 1826. I2~.. 3206 Book of. [Bucke.] Lond., I836. 2 v. I6.. 4327 Tablet, The. N. H., I83I. I2.. I5793 Tacitus. Historical Annals, transl. by Murphy. Philad., 1829. 3 v. I2~. 4597 Works, transl. by Murphy. Philad., I822. 6 v. 80.. 1586I Taghconic. [J. E. A. Smith.] Bost., 1852. I2~.. 6845 Tailor, R. The Hog hath lost his Pearl. Lond., 1825. 8~.. I513 Taine, H. A. Art in Greece. N. Y., I87I. I2~.. 8850 in the Netherlands. N. Y., I87I. 12. I2~. 8849 Hist. of English Literature. (3 copies.) N. Y., I87I. 2 v. 8~. I89 The same, abridged by Fiske. N. Y., I872. I20... I0208 The Ideal in Art. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 8848 304 Taine-Tarleton. Taine, H. A. Italy; Florence and Venice. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869. 8~. 9065 Italy; Rome and Naples. (2 copies.) N. Y., i868. 80.. 9063 Notes on England. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1872. 8.... 5158 Philosophy of Art. N. Y., I873. 16~.. 8869 The same. I0225 Tai-Ping-Wang, Life of. Mackie. N. Y., I857. I2~.. 6477 Tait's Edinburgh Magazine. Edinb., I84I-43. v. 9-O in 4. 8~.. I3823 Tale of a Tub. J. Swift. N. Y., I853. I20. 1969 of Two Cities. Dickens. N. Y., I872. I60.. I02I7 Tales of the Borders, and of Scotland. Wilson. N. Y. 5 v. 8.. I678 of the Genii. [Ridley.] N. Y., 1825. 2 v. I20.. 2013 of Glauber-Spa. N. Y., 1832. 2 V. I20.. 15163 of the Good Woman. [Paulding.] N. Y., I829. I2~.. 15288 of a Grandfather. Scott. Philad., I85I. 4 v. I6~.. 1709 of the Great St. Bernard. [Croly.] N. Y., I829. 2 V. I2~.. 15592 of the Manor. Hofland. N. Y., I822. 2 V. 120.. I5594 of My Landlord. See W. SCOTT. of My Neighborhood. [Griffin.] Philad., I836. 2 v. 12~.. I5596 of the Northwest. [Snelling.] Bost., I830. I2~.... I5798 of the Peerage and Peasantry. Dacre. N. Y., I835. 2 V. I2~. 15598 of the Puritans. Bacon. N. H., I83I. I2.. 15. I799 of Romance. Philad., I833. 2 V. 12. 14875 of the West. [Carne.] N. Y., I828. 2 V. I20.... I5600 of Woman. N. Y., I829. I2.. 15602 of the Woods and Fields. [Marsh-Caldwell.] N. Y., I836. I2~. 15603 and Traditions, Foreign. Glasgow, I828. v. I. I2~.. 3034 Talfourd, T. N. Critical and Miscellaneous Writings. Philad., I846. 8~. 347I The same. (2 copies.) Philad., 1842. 120.... 3220 Ion. 4th ed. N. Y., I837. I2~... 1444 Ion; and the Athenian Captive. N. Y., I837-38. 120... I445 Life, Letters, and Final Memorials of Lamb. N. Y., I87I. 2 V. I2~.. 3974 Vacation Rambles. 2d ed. Lond., I845. 120.. 8381 Talisman, The. Scott. Edinb., I871. 8~.. I889 The. Verplanck, Bryant, and Sands. (2 copies.) N. Y., I833. 3 v. I2...4I32 Talleyrand-Perigord, C. M. de, Life of. McHarg. N. Y., I857. I2~. 7626 The same. [De Villemarest.] Lond., I834. v. I, 2. 8~. 7722 Talmage, T. D. W. Crumbs swept up. Philad. [1870.] 120.. 15272 Talvi. See T. A. L. v. I. ROBINSON. Tam O'Shanter. Burns. (Illustrated.) N. Y., I868. 4~. Tamerlane, Hist. of. Sherefeddin Ali. Lond., I723. 2 v. 8~... I64II Tannehill, W. Sketches of Hist. of Literature. Nashville, I827. 8~. 15070 Tappan, A., Life of. L. Tappan. N. Y., 1870. 12~.. 7642 Tappan, H. P. University Education. N. Y., I851. 12~.. 9256 Tappan, W. B. Poems. Philad., I836. 12~.. I5038 The same. Bost., I840. I60.. I4954 Tarleton, B. Hist. of Campaigns of 1780-8I. Lond., I787. 4~. I642 The same. Dubl., 1787. 80.. 6II6 Tartary-Taylor. 305 Tartary, Travels in, I844-46. Huc. Lond., I856. 80.. 7945 Siberian, Journey through. Cochrane. Edinb., I829. 2 v. 12~. 4498 Tasistro, L. F. Random Shots and Southern Breezes. N. Y., I842. 2 V. I20... 6892 Tasso, T. Jerusalem Delivered. Transl. by Hunt. Lond., I8I8. 2 v. 8~. gog The same. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 2 v. 24~.. 37 The same, transl., with Life, by Wiffen. 3d ed. Lond., I830. 2 v. 12........ 883 Recovery of Jerusalem, transl. by Fairfax. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1846. 2v.n. I2......... 885 The same. Ed. C. Knight. Lond., I844. 2 v. 24~.. 282 Stories. (Hunt's Ital. Poets.) N. Y., I846. I2. 887 Life of. Stebbing. (v. 3.) Lond., I83I. I2... 7777 Love and Madness of. Wilde. N. Y., i842. 2 v. I2~. i6408 Tassoni, A., Memoirs of. Walker. Lond., I8I5. 8~.. 7749 Taste, Essay on. Alison. Bost., I812. 8~....7067 Principles of. Knight. Lond., I8o8. 8~... I7066 See, also, AESTHETICS; BEAUTY. Tatler, The. Steele, Addison, etc. Philad., I83I. 8~.. 3398 Ed. Ferguson. Lond., I823. 4 v. I2~... 3I09 The same. 3149 Essays illustrative of the. Drake. Lond., I805. 3 v. 8~.. 3233 See, also, ADDISON; STEELE. Tautphoeus, I. von. Cyrilla. N. Y. 8.... 23II The same. 2657 The Initials. (2 copies.) Philad. I2~.. 2505 At Odds. (2 copies.) Philad., I863. 12~.. 2509 Quits. (2 copies.) Philad., I86I-67. 2 v. in I. 12~.. 2507 Taxidermy. Swainson. Lond., I840. 6... 6063 Taylor, Bayard. At Home and Abroad. (2 copies.) N. Y., I86o-67. 2 V. I20..8286 Beauty and the Beast; and Tales of Home. N. Y., I872. I2~. 2941 Cyclopaedia of Modern Travel. Cincinn., I856. 80... 8128 Eldorado; Life in California and Mexico. (2 copies.) N. Y., I86I-67. I2.......... 8279 Hannah Thurston. (2 copies.) N. Y., I864. I2~.... 2934 Japan, in our day. N. Y., I872. I20.. IOI77 John Godfrey's Fortunes. N. Y., I864. I2~.. 2936 Joseph and his Friend. (2 copies.) N. Y., I870. 12~.. 2939 Journey to Central Africa. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 8281 Lands of the Saracen. N. Y., I855. I2~.. 8282 Northern Travel; Sweden, Denmark, Lapland. N. Y., I865. I2~. 8284 The Picture of St. John. (2 copies.) Bost., I866-67. I6~. 758 Poems of the Orient. Bost., I855 6. I6~..756 The Poet's Journal. Bost., I863. I6~.. 757 Rhymes of Travel, Ballads, and Poems. 2d ed. N: Y., 1849. 2........... 755 Story of Kennett. (2 copies.) N. Y., I866-67. 12~... 2937 Travels in Greece and Russia. N. Y., I859. 12~.. 8285 306 Taylor. Taylor, Bayard. Views a-foot. N. Y., I848. 2 v. in i. 12~. 8278 Visit to India, China, and Japan. N. Y., I855. I2~.. 8283 Taylor, E. Sabbath Recreations. Ed. Pierpont. Bost., I839. I2~.. I4909 Taylor, F.W. The Flag Ship; a Voyage. N. Y., 840. 2 v. 12~.. I6334 Taylor, Henry. Edwin the Fair; and Isaac Comnenus. 2d ed. Lond., I845. 240...... 983 Philip van Artevelde. Bost., I863. I6~. 982 The same. (2 copies.) Cambr., I835. 2 V. I6~... Ioo0 The Statesman. (2 copies.) Lond., I836. I6~.. 8476 Taylor, Herbert. Last Illness and Decease of Duke of York. Lond., I827. I6......... 6683 Taylor, Isaac (the elder). Self-Cultivation recommended. Bost., I820. I2....... I7038 Youth's Own Book. Hartf'd., I836. I2~.. 17057 Taylor, Isaac. Ancient Christianity and the Oxford Tracts. Philad., i840. I2......,... 954I Elements of Thought. From 9th ed. N. Y., I851. I20. 8594 The same. 6th ed. Lond., I842. 6~..35II Fanaticism. (2 copies.) N. Y., I834. I2~.. 9536 Hist. of transmission of ancient books. Lond., 1827. 8~. 244 Home Education. N. Y., I838. I20.. 9307 Lectures on Spiritual Christianity. N. Y., I84I. 12~.. 9542 Logic in Theology, and other Essays. N. Y., I86o. I2~. 9543 Loyola, and Jesuitism. N. Y., I85I. I2.... 7670 Natural Hist. of Enthusiasm. (2 copies.) Bost.. 1830. I20. 9534 Physical Theory of another Life. N Y., 1836. I20... 9540 The Process of Historical Proof. Lond., I828. 8~.... 00I9 Saturday Evening. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1832. I20... 9532 Spirit of the Hebrew Poetry. N. Y., I862. I20.. 9544 Spiritual Despotism. (2 copies.) N. Y., I835. 12~.. 9538 Taylor, James E. Beauties of the Poets. Lond., I824. I2.. 14908 Taylor, Jane. Contribution of Q. Q., etc. N. Y., I826. 2 v. I20.. 337I Poetical Remains and Correspondence. Bost., 1833. I2~. 14892 Writings. Bost., I835. 3 v. I2. 3705 Taylor, Jeremy. Discourses. Bost., i8i6. 3 v. 80.. 100oo45 Holy Living and Dying. Philad., I835. I2~.. 9822 The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I85o. 8~.. 488 Liberty of Prophesying. Ed. Cattermole. Lond., I834. I6~. 0 9484 Life of Jesus Christ. Ed. Stebbing. Lond., I835. 3 v. i6.. 9504 Selections from Writings of. Montagu. (2 copies.) N. Y., I845. I12... 3957 Works. [Ed. H. Rogers.] Lond., I836. v. 2, 3. 8~.. Ioo63 Works, with Life, by Hughes. Lond., I83I. 5 v. 12~.. 9563 CONTENTS.-1-4, Sermons. 4, Contemplations of the State of Man. 5, Holy Living and Dying. Life of. Heber. Lond., I824. 2 v. I60.. 7559 Notes on. Coleridge. (Remains, v. 3.) Lond., I838. 8~.. 4008 Taylor, John, (born I756, died I832.) Records of my Life. N. Y., 1833. 8........ 7994 Taylor, John, (born 178I, died I864.) Identityof Junius. From 2d ed. N. Y., I818. 80... 6856 Taylor-Temperance. 307 Taylor, John. (U. S. Senator.) New Views of the Constitution. Wash., I823. 8... 6182 Taylor, John. The Pocket Lacon. Philad., 1839. 2 v. 12~.. 4353 Taylor, John E. M. Angelo as a Poet. Lond., 1840. I2~.. 7506 Taylor, R. Writings. Lond. 12~.. 9483 Taylor, Samuel H. Classical Study, its Value illustrated. Andover. 1870. I2........... 9263 Method of. Bost., 186I. 120.. 9273 Taylor, Sarah L., Memoir of. L. Jones. N. Y., I847. I2~.. ~ 7525 Taylor, Thos. Life of Cowper. Philad.. 1833. 12~.. 7Io9 Taylor, Tom. Life of Dickens. Lond., 1870. 8~. 7018 of Haydon. 2d ed. Lond., 1853. 3 v. 8~.. 7934 Thackeray, the Humourist and Man of Letters. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1864. 12. 2... 706 Taylor, Win. Historic Survey of German Poetry. Lond., I830. 3 v. 80........... 206 Taylor, Win. B. S. The Fine Arts in Grt. Britain and Ireland. Lond., I84I. 2 v. 12.. 8872 Taylor, Wm. C. Hist. of Christianity (to 380). Lond., I844. I6~.. 6333 Hist. of Ireland. N. Y., 184I. 2 V. 12.. 11271 The same. N. Y., I833. 2 V. I2~... 2IO7 of Overthrow of the Roman Empire. (2 copies.) Lond., I836. 12......... 4726 Memoirs of House of Orleans. Philad., I85o. 2 V. I2~. ~ 5520 Modern British Plutarch. (2 copies.) N. Y., I846. i6~.. 6678 Natural History of Society. N. Y., I84I. 2 v. I20... 4562 Revolutions and Conspiracies of Europe. Lond., I843. 2 v. 8~. 4088 Romantic Biography of the Age of Eliz. Philad., 1842. 2 v. 12~. 6746 Student's Manual of Mod. Hist. 2d ed. Lond., 184I. I20. ~ 4564 And others. The Occult Sciences. Glasg., I855. 8~.. 86i6 Taylor, Z. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. 3.) N. Y., I854. 8~. 6202 and his Generals. Philad., I847. I2~. 7543 The same. Hartfd., I848. I2~.. 7544 Teaching. See SCHOOLS; EDUCATION. Tea-Table Miscellany. Ramsay. Berwick, I793. 2 v. I20.. I4911 Technology. See ARTS; MANUFACTURES. Tecumnseh, Life of. Drake. Cincinn., 184I. I2~. 5751 Tecumseh; a Poem. Colton. N. Y., I842. 120.. 14983 Tefft, B.. Hungary and Kossuth. Philad., 1852. 120... 5815 Tegner, E. Frithiof's Saga, transl. by Strong. Lond., I833. 80. 922 Miscellaneous Poems, transl. by Bethune. Lond., 1848. 8~.. 921 Teignmouth, J. S. Memoir of Sir W. Jones. Philad., I8o5. 8~.. 7I46 Telegraph, Atlantic, Hist. of the. H. M. Field. N. Y., I866. 120.. 8900 Telemachus, Adventures of. Fenelon. Lond. 8~...996 Tell, Wilhelm; a Drama. Schiller. Lond., I846. 8.. 437 Tell, William; a Play. Knowles. (Works, v. I.) Lond., I84I. I20. 1432 Temper; a Tale. Opie. Bost., I827. 2 v. 12.....4445 Temper and Temperament. Mrs. Ellis. N. Y., 1846. 12~.. 2426 Temperance Convention, Hist. of a. Hitchcock. Northampton, 1850. I60..9121 308 Temperance-'Texas. Temperance Recollections. Marsh. N. Y., I866. I2~... 16425 See, also, DRUNKENNESS; INTEMPERANCE. Temple, G. Travels in Greece and Turkey. Lond., I836. 2 V. I2~. I6625 Temple, H.J. (Viscount Palmerston), Life of. Bulwer. Philad., I87I. 2 V. I20.. 6775 Temple, (Sir) W. Works. Lond., I8I4. 4 v. 8.. 17197 CONTENTS.-1 Life; Essay on Gov't.; Observations on the United Provinces of the Netherlands; Letters on Transactions 1665-72. 2, Letters; Constitution and Interests of the Empire, Sweden, Denmark, etc.; Memoirs of Events 1672 to 1681. 8, Essays and Miscellaneous Pieces; Poems; Hist. of England. 4, Letters to the King, Prince of Orange, etc. Memoirs of. Courtenay. Lond., I836. 2 v. 80.. 6832 Temple Bar. Lond., I867-72. v. 2I-36. 80...7901I Ten Thousand a year. Warren. Edinb., 1872. 80... 2448 Ten times One are Ten. Hale. Bost., I871. I6~... 2732 Tenant of Wildfell Hall, The. [A. Bronte.] N. Y., I857. 12~... 2557 Teneriffe; an Astronomer's Experiment. Smyth. Lond., I858. 80.. 89IO [Tennant, W.] Anster Fair; with other Poems. Bost., I8I5. I2~. I4894 Tennemann, W. G. Manual of Hist. of Philosophy. (2 copies.) Oxf'd., I832. 80.. 8713 Tennent, J. E. Belgium. Lond., I84I. 2 v. 120. I6652 Tennessean, The; a Novel. Royall. N. H., I827. I20.... I5801 [Tenney, T.] Female Quixotism. Bost., 1825. 2 v. I2~.. I5694 Tenniel, J. Cartoons from Punch. Lond. 4~. Tennyson, A. Enoch Arden, etc. (2 copies.) Bost., I864. I6~. II6o Gareth and Lynette. Bost., I872. I6~. II65 The Holy Grail, and other Poems. (2 copies.) Bost., I870. I6~. 1162 The Last Tournament. Bost., I872. I60..1. II64 Maud and other Poems. Lond., I855. I6~. 11. II58 The same. Bost., I855. I6~.. I59 In Memoriam. Bost., I850. I6~...... II57 Poems. Bost., I848. 2 v. I6~... II55 Poetical Works. Bost., I86I. 2 v. in I. I6~. 960 The same. New ed. Bost., I866. 2 v. in I. I6~... 96I Concordance to. Brightwell. Lond., I869. 8~.. 1241 TUnot, E. Paris in Dec., I85I. (2 copies.) N. Y., I870. 8~.. 5549 Terence. The Andrian, Brothers, Phormio, tr. by Colman. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 120. 36 Terhune, M. V. Sunnybank. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 2955 Terrible Temptation, A. Reade. Lond., I87I. 3 v. 8~.. 2104 Tractoration. [Fessenden.] Philad., I8o6. 8~.. I5058 Terry, Rose. Poems. Bost., I86. I6.... 776 Teutonic Antiquities. Chatfield. Lond., I828. 80.. 4675 Texan Exped. against Mier, I842-44. Green. N. Y., I845. 120. ~ I6902 Santa Fe Exped., Narrative of the, 1841-42. Kendall. N. Y., 1844. 2 v. T2........ 6903 Texas, Hist. of. Edward. Cincinn., I836. I2~.. 5994 of Revolution in, I835-36. Newell. N. Y., I838. I20.. 5734 Journey through, I855. Olmsted. N. Y., I86o. I2~.. 6096 Life in. Sealsfield. N. Y., I844. 8~..15669 and the Texans. Foote. Philad., 1841. 2 v. 12~.... 5995 Thacher-Thackrak 309 Thacher, J. Essay on Demonology, Salem Witchcraft, etc. Bost., I83I. 12.......... 8480 Military Journal of the Revolution. Bost., 1823. 8~... 625 The same, 2d ed. Bost., I827. 80.. 5855 Thackeray, P. Ancient Britain. Lond., I843. 2 v. 80.... 5069 Thackeray, W. M. Adventures of Philip. (2 copies.) N. Y., I862. 80. 234I Ballads. (2 copies.) Bost., I856. I6~.. 833 Book of Snobs. N. Y., I853. I2~.. 2033 English Humorists; Four Georges. N. Y., I868. 12~.. 3744 Four Georges. (2 copies.) N. Y., i86o. I2~.. 3742 Four Georges; English Humorists; Roundabout Papers; etc. Bost., I869. 8~.. 3745 Henry Esmond. N. Y., I869. 8~.. 23Io Henry Esmond; Lovel the Widower. Bost., i869. I2~... 2224 Journey from Cornhill to Cairo. N. Y., I846. 12~.. 8367 Little Dinner at Timmins's, Bedford-Row Conspiracy, Fitz Boodle Papers, and a Shabby Genteel Story. Leipz., i867. 6........... 2027 Lovel the Widower. Lond., i86i. 160.. 2225 Luck of Barry Lyndon. N. Y., I853. 2 v. I2~.. 203I The same....2232 Men's Wives. N. Y., I853. I2~.. 2229 Mr. Brown's Letters to a Young Man about Town, etc. N. Y., I853. I2~........2235 The Newcomes. N. Y., 855. 80..... 2340 Paris Sketch Book. 2d ed. Lond., I840. 2 v. I2~.. 2230 The same. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 12~.. 2029 Pendennis. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1855-67. 2 V. 8~.. 2336 Roundabout Papers. (2 copies.) N. Y., I864. 120.. 2226 Shabby Genteel Story, etc. N. Y., 1852. I2~.. 2028 Shabby Genteel Story, etc.; Fitz-Boodle's Confessions; Passages in the Life of Maj. Gahagan. N. Y., I866-68. 12~. 2234 Works. Lond., I871I-72. I2 v. 80.. 2I89 CONTENTS.-1, Vanity Fair. 2, Pendennis. 3, Newcomes. 4 Henry Esmond; Barry Lyndon. 5, Virginians. 6, Shabby Genteel Story; Philip. 7, Paris and Irish Sketch Books; Journey irom Cornhill to Cairo. 8, Great Hoggarty Diamond; Memoirs of Mr. Yellowplush; Burlesques. (Novels by Eminent Hands; Jeames's Diary; Adventures of Maj. Gahagan; Legend of the Rhine; Rebecca and Rowena; The Next French Revolution; Cox's Diary etc.) 9 Book of Snobs; Sketches of Life and Character; Men's Wives; Fitzboodle Papers; Bedford iow Conspiracy; Little Dinner at Timmins's; etc. 10, Roundabout Papers; Four Georges; English Humorists; Second Funeral of Napoleon. 11, Catherine; Lovel the Widower; Denis Duval; Ballads; The Wolves and the Lamb; Critical Reviews; Little Travels. 12, Christmas Books. The same. v. I-6. I0307 Works. Philad., I87I-72. II v. 80.. 2213 CONTENTS.-1, Vanity Fair. 2, Pendennis. 3, Newcomes. 4, H. Esmond; Barry Lyndon. 5, Virginians. 6, Shabby Genteel Story; Philip. 7, Book of Snobs Sketches of Life and Character; Burlesques. 8, Paris and Irish Sketch Books Memoirs of MYr. Yellowplush; Journey from Cornhill to Cairo. 9, Christmas Books; Ballads; ien's Wives; etc. 10, Catherine; Little Travels Fitz-Boodle Papers; Critical Reviews; The Wolves and the Lamb Denis Duval Lovel the Wiaower; Bedford Row Conspiracy; A Little Dinner at Timmins's; -he Fatal Boots. 11, The Georges; English Humorists; Roundabout Papers; Second Funeral of Napoleon. Yellowplush Correspondence. Philad., I838. I2~... 2228 Yellowplush Papers; Cox's Diary. Leipz., I866. I6~... 2026 the Humorist and Man of Letters. Taylor. N. Y., 1864. I2~. 7016 Thackrah, C. T. Effects of the Principal Trades, etc., on Health. Philad., I83I. I2~.. I6965 40 310 Thaddeus-Theological. Thaddeus of Warsaw. J. Porter. N. Y., I858. 12... I5I78 Thatcher, B. B. Boston Book. Bost., I836-37. 2 v. 12~.. 15065 Indian Biography. N. Y., I840. 2. 12.2 V.. 1I2I04 The same. N. Y., 1832. 2 V. I20... 11049 Memoir of P. Wheatley. Bost., 1834. 12~. 8472 Thayendanegea, Life of. Stone. N. Y., 1838. 2 v. 8.. 5952 Theater, American, Hist. of. Dunlap. N. Y., 1832. 80.... I616 Before the Footlights and Behind the Scenes of. Logan. Philad., 1870. 8.. I618 British. Leipsic, 1828. 8...634 CONTENTS.-Cato, Addison; Mourning Bride, Double Dealer, Way of the World, Congreve; Zara, Hill; Douglas, Home; G. Barnwell, Lillo; Duke of Milan, New Way to pay Old Debts, Massinger; Gamester, Moore- Venice Preserved, Orphan, Otway; Distrest Mother, Philips; Fair Penitent, Rowe; Siege of Damascus, Hughes; *Hypocrite, Love in a Village, Maid of the Mill, Bickerstaff- Bold Stroke for a Wife, Busy-Body, Centlivre; Provoked Husband, Vanbrugh and Cibber; Jealous Wife, Inkle and Yarico, Colman; Fashionable Lover, W. Indian, Cumberlaund Recruiting Officer, Farquhar; Clandestine Marriage, Bon Ton, Lying Valet, Garrick; Good-natured Man, She Stoops to Conquer, Goldsmith; Every Man in his Humour, Jonson; Chapter of Accidents, S. Lee; Man of the World, Macklin Cure for Heart-Ache, Morton; 8 Weeks after Marriage, Apprentice, Murphy; Rivals, School for Scandal, Duenna, Sheridan; Conscious Lovers, Steele; Rosina, Brooke; Beggar's Opera, Gay; High Life Below Stairs, Townley; Mayor of Garrat, Foote; Fortune's Frolic, Allingham; Who's the Dupe, Cowley. British. Inchbald. Lond. v. II-13, 16-I9, 23, 27. 12~.. I337 CONTENTS.-11, De Montfort, by J. Baillie; Barbarossa by J. Brown; Gustavus Vasa, by Brooke; All for Love, by Dryden. 12, Grecian Daughter, All in the Wrong, Way to Keep him Know your own Mind, all by Murphy. 13, Oroonoko, and Isabella, by Southern; Siege oi Damascus, by Hughes; )Roman Father, bv Whitehead. 16, Good-natured Man, and She Stoops to Conquer, by Goldsmith; Wheel of Fortuane, by Cumberland. 17, Love for Love, by Congreve; She Would and She Would Not, Love makes a Man, Careless Husband, by Cibber. 18, Bold Stroke for a Wife, Busy Body, The Wonder, by Centlivre; Conscious Lovers, by Steele. 19, Every one has his Fault, To Marry or Not, Such Things are, Wives as they were and Maids as they are; all by Inchbald. 23, West Indian, Jew, Brothers, First Love; all by Cumberland. 27, Love in a Village, Lionel and Clarissa, Maid of the Mill, by Bickerstaff; Point of Honour, by;. Kemble. German. Transl. by Thompson. Lond., 81II. v. 2-6. I2'.. 1357 CONTENTS.-2 Don Carlos, by Schiller; Count Benyowsky by Kotzebue. 3, Lovers' Vows Deaf and Dumi, Indian Exiles, False Delicacy, all by Kotzebue. 4, Otto of Wittlesbach, and Dagobert, by Babo; Adelaide of Wulfingen, by Kotzebue. 5, Robbers by Schiller; Happy Family, by Kotzebue - Conscience by Iffland. 6, Ensign, by Schroeder; C'ouut Koenigsmark, by Reitzenstein; Stella, by Goethe; Ermilia Galotti, by Lessing. Modern. Inchbald. Lond., i8ii. V. 2-. 12. I..... I328 CONTENTS.-2, Speculation, The Delinquent, Laugh when you can, Fortune's Tool, Folly as it flies; all by Reynolds, 3, Votary of Wealth, by Holman. Zorinski, and Secrets worth knowing by Morton; Who wants a Guinea, by Colman Jr.; - Werter by Reynolds. 4, Duplicity, School for Arrogance, and Seduction. by Holeroft; He's Much to Blame; School for Prejudice by T. Dibdin. 5, iFalse Impressions, Mysterious Husband, Box-Lobby Challenge, Natural Son, Carmelite; all by Cumberland. 6, Impostors, by Cumberlaild; Wife of two Husbands, and Ramah Droog, by Cobb; Law of Lombardy, and Braganza by Jephson. 7, I'll tell you what, Next Door Neighbours, Wise Men of the East by Inchbald; Percy, by H. Moore Trip to Scarborough, by Sheridan from Vanbrugh. 8, Matilda by Francklin; Mary Q. of Scots, by St. John Fugitive, by J. Richardson; He Would be a Soldier, by Philon; England Preserved, by Watson. 9, Bank Note, by Macready; Chapter of Accidents by S. Lee; English Merchant, by Colman; School for Wives, by Kelly -,Henry II., by Hull. 10. Fashionable Levities by Macnally; Time's a Tell-Tale, by H. Siddons; Which is the Man, by Cowley; What is She; Lie of a Day, by O'Keeffe. Theatrical Management for 30 years. Sol. Smith. N. Y., I868. 80. 1617 Stage, The; before and behind the Curtain. Bunn. Philad., I840. 2 v. I2.... 614 See, also, DRAMA; PLAYS; STAGE. Thebes, Travels in the Oasis of; 1815-i8. Cailliaud. Lond., 1822. 80. 8057 Their Wedding Journey. Howells. Bost., 1872. 12~.. 2952 Theists, Prayers for. Cobbe. Lond., 1871. 8.. 9967 Theller, E. A. Canada in I837-38. Philad., 184I. 2 v. 12.. 5722 Thelwall, J., Life of. By his Widow. Lond., 1837. v I. 8.. 6789 Theodore. De Wette. Bost., 1841. 2 v. 12.... 17264 Theological Review. Lond., I870. v. 7. 8~..7736 Students, Hints to. Burder. N. Y., 1830. 12~.. 7035 Theology-Thompson. 3II Theology, Institutes of. Chalmers. N. Y., I849. 2 v. I2~.. 9528 Recent Inquiries in. Ed. Hedge. Bost., i86i. I2.. 9954 Natural. Chalmers. N. Y., I84I. 2 v. I2~.. 9516 The same. Paley, ed. Potter. N. Y., I840. 2 v. I2~.. II4no Systematic, Lectures on. Campbell. Bost., 1832. 8~.. Io038 Theophrastus. Characters, transl. by Jebb. Cambr., I870. 16~.. 4230 Theremin, P. Eloquence a Virtue; Systematic Rhetoric. Ed. Shedd. Andover, I86o. 12~.. 9293 Thibet, Travels in. Huc. Lond., I856. 80..7945 Thierry, J. N. A. Hist. of Norman Conquest. (2 copies.) Lond., I841. 8........... 507o7 The same. (Bohn's ed.) 2 copies. Lond., I847. 2 v. 8~. 332 The same. vol. I. Lond., I856. 8..... 336 of the Tiers ttat. Lond., I855. 2 v. 8~.. 5555 Thiers, A. Hist. of the Consulate and Empire. Lond., I845-62. 20 v. in IO. 80.. 5614 of the French Revolution. (2 copies.) Philad., I840. 3 v. 8~.. 5674 The Mississippi Bubble: Memoir of Law. N. Y., I859. I20. 6634 Thiodolf the Icelander. De La Motte Fouque. Philad., I863, 1.2~. 3019 Thirlwall, C. Hist. of Greece. N. Y., I845. 2 v. 8~.. 4426 The same. Lond., I835-44. 8 v. I6~.. 4857 Thirty Years' War. See GERMANY (history, I6I8-48). Tholuck, F. A. D. Life, etc., of Paul; Sermons. (2 copies.) Andover, I839. 8~.. Ioo6i Thorn, W. Rhymes and Recollections. 2d ed. Lond., I845. 8~. I4805 Thomas, Kempis. The Imitation of Christ, ed. Chalmers. N. Y., I846. I2...... 9946 The same, ed. Malcom. Bost., I86I. 120.. 9947 Thomas, E. S. Reminiscences. Hartf'd., I840. 2 v. 2~... 7335 Thome, J. A., and Kimball, J. H. Emancipation in'the W. I. N. Y., I838. I2........... 8568 Thoms, W.J. Book of the Court. 2d ed. Lond., I844. 8*.. 5265 Thompson, Benj. (Count Rumford), Life of. Renwick. Bost., I845. I6. 7264 Thompson, Benj. (translator.) German Theatre. 4th ed. Lond., 1811. v 2-6. I2......... I357 For Contents, see THEATER. Thompson, D. P. Locke Amsden. Bost., I856. I2~.... I5734 Thompson, G. Lectures on British India. Pawtucket, 1840. I2~.. I65oo and Discussions. Ed. Garrison. Bost., I836. I2.......... 8556 The Prison Bard. Hartf'd., I848. I2~.. I4863 Prison Life and Reflections. 3d ed. Hartf'd., I849. I2~.. 8557 Thompson, Henry. Life of H. More. Philad., 1838. 2 v. I2~.. I5IO7 Thompson, Rev. Henry, etc. The Occult Sciences. Glasg., I855. 8~. 8616 Thompson, Joseph P. Egypt, past and present. Bost., I854. 120.. 7972 The Holy Comforter. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 17284 Love and Penalty. N. Y., I86o. 12~.. 9825 Man in Genesis and in Geology. N. Y., I870. I2~.... 8959 312 Thompson-Tickell. Thompscn, Waddy. Recollections of Mexico. N. Y., 1847. I2~.. I6907 Thompson, Wm. Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 240.. 22 Thompson, Z. Hist. of Vt. Burlington, 1842. 80..5902 rthomson, A. Sermons on Infidelity. Windsor, I833. I2~.. I7270 Thomson, James. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~.. 534 The same, ed. Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~.... I6 The same, with Memoir. Philad., 1831. 8.. 1253 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~... 5I02 The Seasons. Philad., I83I. I2. I4894 Tancred and Sigismunda. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804. 8~..630 Thomson, K. B. Memoirs of Court of Henry VIII. Lond., I826. 2 v. 8~. 5289 of Ralegh. Philad., I831. I2~.... 6632 Thomson, R. Chronicles of London Bridge. 2d ed. Lond., I839. I6~. 5143 Illustrations of Hist. of Grt. Brit. Edinb., I828. 2 V. I2~.. 4482 Thomson, Win. M. The Land and the Book. N. Y., 1859. 2 v. I2~. 8241 Thorburn, G. Forty Years in America. Bost., I834. I2~... 16429 Thoreau, H.D. Cape Cod. (2 copies.) Bost., I865. 8~... 3553 Maine Woods. Bost., 1864. 8.......10226 Walden. Bost., I863. 80.. 3552 Week on the Concord and Merrimack. Bost., I868. I2~.. 3557 A Yankee in Canada, with Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers. (2 copies.) Bost., i866. 8~.. 3555 Thoresby, R. Diary and Letters. Lond., I830-32. 4 v. 8~.. 7166 Thoresen, M. Old Olaf. (2 copies.) Bost., I870. I6~.. 2619 Thorndale; or the Conflict of Opinions. W. Smith. Bost., I859. 12~. 9963 Thorne, J. Rambles by Rivers. Lond., I844. 12... 8149 Thornwell J. H. Discourses on Truth. N. Y., 1859. I20.. 9978 Thought, Elements of. Taylor. N. Y., I85I. 12.. 8594 Thrale, Mrs. H. L. See PiozzI. Three Courses and a Dessert. [Clarke.] Illustrated by Cruikshank. Lond., I867. 8~......... 523 Cutters, The. Marryat. N. Y., I836. 120.... 2II2 Experiments of Living. Lee. Bost., 1837. I2~.. 15804 Histories. Miss Jewsbury. Bost., 183I. I2~... 15604 Nights in a Lifetime. N. Y., I835. I2~.. ISII Thrupp, J. The Anglo-Saxon Home. Lond., I862. 80.. 5264 Thucydides. Hist. of the Peloponnesian War, transl. by W. Smith. Philad., I836. 80.. 444I The same. N. Y., I839. 2 v. I2~.. 4529 The same. N. Y., 1836. 2 v. 12~.. 4550 The same. Lond., 1805. 2 v. 8~.. 15873 Thunberg, C. P. Travels. Lond., I795. 4 v. 80.. 626I Thunder and Lightning. De Fonvielle. N. Y., 1869. I2~... I112 Thurlow, E., Life of. Campbell. (Ld. Chancellors, v. 5.) Philad., I848. 8........... 6870 Tickell, T. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24~... 529 The same, with Life by Johnson. Bost., I854. 16~. I055 The same. Dubl., 1804. 8~. 15099 Works. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 240... I3 Ticknor-Tom. 313 Ticknor, 0. The Philosophy of Living. N. Y., I840. 12... II402 Ticknor, G. Hist. of Spanish Literature. N. Y., I849. 3 v. 8~. 219 Life of Prescott. Bost., i864. 8.... 7474 The same. Bost., I864. I2~....... 7388 Tieck, L. Novels, transl. by Roscoe. Lond., I826. I20... I898 Popular Tales, tr. by Carlyle. Bost., 184I. 12~.. 3IO7 The same. Lond., I87I. 8~.. 4053 Tiers lttat, Hist. of the. Thierry. Lond., 1855. 2 v. 8~.... 5555 Tietz, von. St. Petersburgh, Constantinople, etc. Lond., I836. 2 v. 80. I6546 Tighe, M. Psyche, with other Poems. Philad., 1812. 12~.. 14895 Timbs, J. Abbeys, Castles, etc., of England. Lond. 2 v. 8~.. 5I36 Popular Errors. Lond., I84I. 16. 6. 6980 Timur, Hist. of. Sherefeddin Ali. Lond., I723. 2 v. 8~.. 16411 Tin Trumpet, The. Philad., I836. 2 v. 12.. 4265 The same. N. Y., I859. 120.. 4267 Tindal, N. Hist. of England. Lond., I759-6I. 9 v. 8~..6086 Tischendorf, L. F. C. Origin of the Gospels. Bost. [I867.] I6~.. 9802 Tisoher, J. F. W. Life of Luther. Hudson, i8i8. I2~.. 6348 Tissandier, G. Travels in the Air. Lond., 187I. 8~..,. 9093 The Wonders of Water. N. Y., I872. I2W.... IOI49 Titan: a Romance. Richter. Bost., 1864. 2 v. 8~... 3063 Titcomb, Timothy. (Pseudonym.) See J. G. HOLLAND. Titterwell, Timothy. (Pseudonym.) Yankee Notions. Bost., I838. I2~. 4312 Tobacco, A Counterblast to. James I. Ed. Arber. Lond., I869. I6~. 3892 Mysteries of. Lane. N. Y., 1846. I2~.. 9231 Responses on the use of. Lane. N. Y., I846. I20.. 9232 Tocqueville, A. C. H. C. de. Democracy in America. N. Y., 1838-40. 2 V. 80.......... 685 The same. N. Y., I845. 2 v. 8~.. 6187 The same. Revised by F. Bowen. (2 copies.) Cambr., i862-63. 2 v. 12........ 6134 The Old Regime and the Revolution. N. Y., I856. I2~... 5522 Memoir, Letters, and Remains of. Bost., i862. 2 v. 8~.. 7627 Todd, C. S., and Drake,B. Sketch of Gen. Harrison. Cincinn., I847. 16.......... 7496 Todd, H. J. Life and Writings of Milton. Lond., I826. 80.. 7III Todd, J. Hints to Young Men. Northampton, I844. 12~.. 9I74 Moral Influence of Great Cities. Northampton, 1841. I20.. 17290 Sabbath School Teacher. Northampton, I837. I2~... 17362 Student's Manual. (2 copies.) Northampton, I835. 2.. 9134 The Sunset Land. Bost., 1870. I6~....i6886 Toilers of the Sea, The. Hugo. N. Y., i866. 80.. 2640 Toland, J. Hist. of the Celtic Religion, etc. Lond. [I814.] 8~.. I6073 Toleration, Letters Concerning. Locke. (Works, v. 6.) Lond., i8oI. 80............9595 Treatise on. Voltaire. Lond., 1763. 12~.. 9801 Tolfrey, F. The Sportsman in France. Lond., 184I. 2 v. 8~... OI64 Tom Brown at Oxford. [Hughes.] Lond., 1870. 8~... 9245 at Rugby. [Hughes.] Bost., I870. 8... 9242 3r4 Tom-Tracy. Tom Crib's Memorial. [Moore.] N. Y., I8I9. I2~.. I4838 Tom Cringle's Log. [M. Scott.] Philad., 1834. 3 v. I2~. I5605 Tom Jones. Fielding. (v. 6, 7.) I87I. 2 v. 8..... 198I Tomline, G. Memoirs of Pitt. Philad., I82I. 2 v. 8~... I6344 Tomlinson, C. Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts, etc. Lond., I854. 2 v. 8~. Tone, T. W., Life of. By himself. Lond., I83I. 12~... 6657 Tonga Islands, Account of the. Mariner, ed. Martin. Edinb., I827. 2 v. I2~.. 4475 Tonna, C. E. Alice Benden, and other Tales. N. Y., I84I. I2~.. I4919 Conformity; Falsehood and Truth. N. Y., I866. I2~.. I492I Floral Biography. N. Y., I840. I2...... I568 The Flower Garden. N. Y., I840. I2~.. I5169 The Flower of Innocence and other Tales. N. Y., 1842. I20.. 14920 Judaea Capta. N. Y., I845. 120.. I49I6 Judah's Lion. N. Y., I843. I20.. I5I66 The Museum. N. Y., I84I. I2...I4915 Passing Thoughts. N. Y., I84I. I2... I4918 Personal Recollections. N. Y., I842. I2~.. I5I65 Principalities and Powers. N. Y., I842. I20.. I5I70 The Siege of Derry. N. Y., I84I. 120.. I5I67 The Simple Flower and other Tales. N. Y., I842. I2~.. I49I7 Tony Butler. [Lever.] N. Y., I865. 8~.. 2320 Too Strange not to be True. Fullerton. Leipz., I864. I6.~. 2408 Tooke, J. Horne. Diversions of Purley. Ed. R. Taylor. Lond., I829. 2v. 8. 210 Memoirs of. Stephens. Lond., I813. 2 v. 8~.. 6860 Sketch of. Thorold Rogers. Lond., I870. 8~... 6732 See, also, JUNIUS. Tooke,W. Hist. of Russia to I762. Lond., I8oo. 2v. 8~.. 6434 Life of Catharine II. 4th ed. Lond., I80o. 3 v. 80.. 6439 View of the Russian Empire, I762-I800. 2d ed. Lond., I8oO. 3 v. 8~.. 6436 Tor Hill, The. H. Smith. Hartf'd., I846. I2~.. I15608 Torrey, C. T., Memoir of. Lovejoy. Bost., I847. I2~.... 8566 Tott, P. de. Memoirs on the Turks and Tartars. Dubl., I785. 3 v. I2~. I6642 Tottel, R. Miscellany. Ed. Arber. Lond., I870. 16~.... 3895 Tourneur, C. Revenger's Tragedy. (Old Plays, v. 4.) Lond., I825. 80. I5II Toussaint L'Ouverture, P., Biogr. and Autobiogr. of. Bost., I863. 12~. 7698 Tower of London, The. See LONDON. Towers, J. Memoirs of Frederick III. Dubl., I789. 2 v. 8~... I6454 Towle, G. M. American Society. Lond., I870. 2 v. 8~... 8386 Towle, N. C. Hist. and Analysis of the Constitution. Bost., I86o. I2~. 6174 Townley, J. High Life below Stairs. N. Y. 8... I669 Townsend, J. Journey through Spain. 2d ed. Lond., I792. 3 v. 8~. I6662 [Townsend, L. T.] Credo. Bost., I869. I6~.. 9830 Townshend, C. H. Facts in Mesmerism. Bost., 1841. 12~. 17106 The same. N. Y., 1848. I2~... I7IO5 Tracts for Priests and People. Bost., I862. I2..... 9956 Tracy, J. The Great Awakening. Bost., I842. 8~. ~ ~ ~ 6493 Tracys —Treves. 315 Tracy's Ambition. [Griffin.] N. Y., I830. 2 v. 12~.... 1556i Trades and Professions. Hazen. N. Y., I842. 2. 12. I2~... II75I Tradesman, The Complete English. De Foe. Oxf'd., 1841. 2 v. I6~. 3887 Traditions of Ancient Times. W. Howitt. Lond., I839. 2 V. 12~.. 1893 [Traill, C. P.] The Backwoods of Canada. New ed. Lond., I846. 120. 8148 Traits of the Aborigines. [Sigourney.] Camb., 1822. I20.. 15025 of Travel. Grattan. N. Y., 1829. 2 v. I2~.. I5609 Tralinnan. Bremer. Lond., i852. 8.... 468 Transfusion. Godwin. N. Y., I836. I2...I5II2 Translation, Essay on Principles of. [Tytler.] Lond., 1791. 8~. 18I Transmission of Qualities from Parents to Offspring. N. Y., I844. 12~. 8530 Travel, Consolations in. Davy. Philad., I830. I2~... 7867 How to observe Morals and Manners in. Martineau. N. Y., i838. I2......... 6329 Tales of, renarrated. Kingsley. Lond., I869. 8~.... 7940 Foreign, Dialogues on Uses of. [Hurd.] Lond., 1762. 8~.. I5932 Imagery of. Sherer. Lond., I838. 12~.... I6326 Modern, Cyclopaedia of. B. Taylor. Cincinn., 1856. 8~.. 8128 Travellers, Celebrated, Lives of. St. John. N. Y., I84I. 3 V. I2~.. I11042 Travelling Bachelor, The. Cooper. N. Y., I859. I2.. 2805 Travels. See, also, GEOGRAPHY; VOYAGES. Trees, Timber, Description of. Bost., I830. I2~.. 8806 See, also, FOREST. [Trelawny, J. E.] Adventures of Younger Son. N. Y., I832. 2 V. I20. 15360 Tremaine. [Ward.] Philad., I825. 3 v. I20.. I56II Trench, M. C. Remains, ed. by her son. Lond., I862. 80... 7069 Trench, R. C. Authorized Version of the N. T. N. Y., I873. 8~.. 10263 Elegiac Poems. Lond., 1843. 16....... 6o English, past and present. N. Y., I855. I2~.. IO105 The same. 7th ed. N. Y., I871 12. Io6 Genoveva. A Poem. Lond., I842. I6~.. 600 Hulsean Lectures. Philad., I856. 12~.. 9923 On the lessons in Proverbs. (2 copies.) N. Y., I855-56. I20~. 43I6 Life of Calderon. N. Y., 1856. 12~... 7~97 Notes on the Miracles. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1856-58. 8~... 0004 on the Parables. (2 copies.) N. Y., I859. 8~.. Iooo6 Poems. N.Y., I856. I20... I219 Poems from Eastern Sources, etc. Lond., I842. 16~... 1218 Sabbation; Honor Neale; and other Poems. Lond., 1838. 160. I217 Select Glossary of English Words. N. Y., I859. I2~.. 03 Sermons in Westminster Abbey. N. Y., i86o. I20... 9922 Studies in the Gospels. N. Y., I867. 80.. 100oo08 Study of Words. N. Y., I856. 12.... 104 Synonyms of the N. T. (2 copies.) N. Y., I855. 12~.. 9891 Trench, W. S. Realities of Irish Life. 2d ed. Lond., I869. 80.. 5252 Trenck, (Baron) P. v. d., Life of. By himself. Lond., 1788. 2 v. I2~. 7529 The same. Bost., 1828. I20.. 753I Trenton Falls. Ed. Willis. N. Y., i85I. 6.... 8168 Treves, Pilgrimage to, I844. Anthon. N. Y., I845. 12.. I6704 316 Trials-riowbridge. Trials, Celebrated. Lond., 1I825. 6 v. 8~.. 9220 Criminal. [Jardine.] Bost., I832. I20.. 8820 American. Chandler. Bost., I844. V. 2. 12~.. 9226 Narratives of Remarkable. Feuerbach. N. Y., I846. 16~. 9153 English, Reports of remarkable. Craik. Lond., I844. 16~.. 9154 of the Heart. Bray. Philad., 1839. 2 V. 12~... I5614 of Life. [Mrs. Grey.] N. Y., I829. 2 v. I20... 15616 of Margaret Lyndsay. J. Wilson. Philad., 1823. I20.. 2460 of Murderers in U. S. Bost., 1837. 12~.. 9227 Tribune Almanac, 1838-68. N. Y., I868. 2 V. I2~... 6IO3 Tricotrin. [De La Rame.] Philad., I869. I2~... I5618 Tripp, A. Crests from the Ocean-World. Bost., I855. 12~...655I Tristram Shandy. Sterne. Philad., I864. 8~.. I990 Troil, U. v. Letters on Iceland. Lond., I870. 8~.. 16596 Trollope, A. The Belton Estate. N. Y., I866. 80.. 2290 The Bertrams. N. Y., 1859. 12... 2Io7 Can you forgive her? N. Y. 80.. 2289 Castle Richmond. N. Y., I86o. 12.. 211 The Claverings. N. Y., i866. 8~.. 2291 Doctor Thorne. N. Y. 12... 2IO9 Framley Parsonage. N. Y., 1862. I2~.. 2108 Golden Lion of Granpere. N. Y., 1872. 8~.. 2296 He knew he was right. N. Y., 1869. 80.. 2293 Last Chronicle of Barset. N. Y., I867. 80.. 2288 North America. N. Y., 1862. I20.. 8413 Orley Farm. N. Y., I863. 80.. 2287 Phineas Finn. N.Y., 1869. 80.. 2292 Ralph the Heir. N. Y., I871. 8~.. 2295 Small House at Allington. N. Y., I864. 8~.. 2286 Vicar of Bullhampton. N. Y., 1870. 80... 2294 Trollope, F. Belgium and Western Germany in 1833. Philad., I834. 8~. i6656 Domestic Manners of the Americans. N. Y., 1832. 8~... 8440 The same. (2 copies.). 8384 Michael Armstrong. N. Y., I840. 2 v. 12~.. 15507 Paris and the Parisians. N. Y., 1836. 8~... 16698 The Refugee in America. N. Y., I833. 2 v. I2... I5559 Visit to Italy. Lond., 1842. 2 v. 8~..8339 Trollope, T. A. Filippo Strozzi. Lond., I86o. 8~.. 4684 The Garstangs of Garstang Grange. Leipzig, I870. 2 v. 16~. 2375 Hist. of the Commonwealth of Florence. Lond., I865. 4 v. 8~. 4676 A Summer in Western France. Lond., I84I. 2 v. 8~... 6690 [Trollope, Mrs. T. A.] The Sacristan's Household. N. Y., I869. 8~. 23IO Trollopiad, The. [Shelton.] N. Y., I837. 120.. I5022 Tropics, In the. Kimball. N. Y., I863. 12.. 6895 Health Trip to the. Willis. N. Y., 1853.. I2~... 15332 Trotter, J. B. Memoirs of Fox. Philad., 1812. 8~... I6346 Troubadours. See PROVENCAL Poetry. Trowbridge, J. T. Cudjo's Cave. Bost., I864. 12~. 2954 The Vagabonds, and other Poems. (2 copies.) Bost., I869. I2~. 783 Trueba-Tupper. 317 Trueba y Cosio, T. de. The Castilian. N. Y., 1829. 2 V. I2~.. I5140 Hist. of Conquest of Peru. Edinb., 1830. I2~.. 4507 The Incognito. N. Y., I83I. 2 V. I2...I5142 Life of Cortes. Edinb., I829. I2~.. 75Io Romance of Spanish Hist. N. Y., I830. 2 V. I2~... 15567 Trumbull, B. Hist. of Conn. N. H., I8i8. 2 v. 80... 5962 The same. vol. I. (2 copies.) Hartfd., I797. 8~.. 5964 of U. S. Bost., I8Io. v.I. 8~... 5853 Trumbull, H. C. The Knightly Soldier. Bost., 1865. 120... 7280 Trumbull, John (LL.D.) Poetical Works. Hartf'd., I820. 2 V. in I. 8~. 936 Progress of Dulness. Exeter, I794. I2~..0... I4955 Trumbull, John (the painter). Autobiography and Letters. N. H., I841. 8......... 7422 Trumbull, Jonathan, Life of. Stuart. Bost., I859. 8~.. 7455 Trumps. A Novel. Curtis. N.Y., I86I. I2~.. 2873 Truth, Discourses on. Thornwell. N. Y., I859. I2~. ~. 9978 Essay on. Beattie. (Works, v. 4, 5.) Philad., I8o9. 12~.. I2290 Tryon County, Annals of. Campbell. N. Y., 1849. I2~... 5726 Tschudi, J. J. v. Travels in Peru. N. Y., I847. I2~... 8363 Tucker, A. Light of Nature pursued. Abridged. Lond., I807 8. 8~. I7082 Tucker, G. Essays. Wash., 1I822. 80..17175 Life of Jefferson. (2 copies.) Philad., I837. 2 v. 80.. 7345 Progress of the U. S. N. Y., 1843. 80...... 5970 Theory of Money and Banks. Bost., I839. I2~... 8648 Tucker, J. M. Life of Lord Nelson. Lond. 8~.... 685I Tucker, P. Origin and Progress of Mormonism. N. Y., I867. I2~. I0030 Tuckerman, H. T. America and her Commentators. N. Y., I864. 12~. 6183 Artist-Life. N. Y., I847. I2~.. 7917 Biographical Essays. Bost., I857. 8~.. 3475 Book of Artists. N. Y., I867. 8... 8126 Characteristics of Literature. (2 copies.) Philad., I849. 12~. 357I Isabel; or Sicily. Philad., I839. 12~...... I6727 Memorial of Greenough. N. Y., I853. I20.. 7938 The Optimist. (2 copies.) N. Y., I850. I2~..... 3573 Poems. Bost., I85I. I6..774 Sicily. N. Y., 1852. 120.. I6720 Thoughts on the Poets. N. Y., I848. I6~. 54 The same. N. Y., I846. I2~. 3575 Tudor, W. Gebel Teir. Bost., I829.. I2~..15700 Life of Otis. Bost., I823. 80.. 734I Tuke, S. Adventures of 5 Hours. Lond., I827. 8~.. I5I9 Tupper, M. FP. Complete Poetical Works. Bost., I850. 12~. I213 Probabilities: an Aid to Faith. N. Y., I847. I2~. 9826 Proverbial Philosophy. [ISt Series.] 2d ed. Lond., I838. I6~. I214 The same. 2 series in I. N. Y., 1848. 12~... 12I5 The same. N. Y., I846. I2~.. I216 The Twins. Heart. The Crock of Gold. A Thousand Lines. N. Y., 1845-46. I2~. 1..... I56I9 4I 3I8'urgenieff-Tyler. Turgenieff, I. S. Fathers and Sons. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867. 120.. 2716 Liza. N. Y., I872. I20...IOO79 Smoke. N. Y., I872. I60.. 2718 Turk and the Greek, The. Benjamin. N. Y., I867. I6~... 8i98 Turkey, Journal in, I857. Senior. Lond., I859. 8~... 8243 Narrative of Tour in. Southgate. N. Y., I840. 2 v. I2~.. I6496 Notes on. Lord Strangford. Lond., I869. 8~.., 3710 Popular Description of. Conder. Lond. I2~.. 7852 Sketches of, I83I-32. [De Kay.] N. Y., I833. 8~.. I6632 Travels through [in I805-6]. Neale. Lond., I8I8. 4~... I6037 Travels in, 1824-25. Madden. Lond., 1829. 80~.. 8067 I829-31. Slade. Philad., I833. 2 v. 12.... I6633 I834. Temple. Lond., I836. 2 v. I2~.... 6625 Turkish Empire, Survey of the. Eton. Lond., I799. 8~... I6o6I Spy, Letters by a. [Marana.] Lond., I753-54. 8 v. 12~.. I3682 Turks, Domestic Manners of the, I836. Pardoe. Philad., I837. 2 v. I2~. I6639 Memoirs on the. De Tott. Dubl., 1785. 3 v. 12~... r6642 Turnbull, P. E. Austria. Lond., I840. 2 v. 8~.. I6659 Turnbull, R. The Genius of Scotland. N. Y., I847. I20. ~.. 3207 Turner, J. B. Mormonism in all Ages. N.Y. [I842.] 12~... Ioo29 Turner, S. Hist. of the Anglo-Saxons. Paris, I840. 3 v. 8~... 5075 of England. (2 copies.) Lond., I835-39. I2 v. 80. 5078 CONTENTS.-V. 1-3, Hist of Anglo-Saxons. 4-8, Middle Ages. 9-12, Henry VIII. to death of Elizabeth. Sacred Hist. of the World. N. Y., I838-39. 3 v. 12~...1034 Turner, W. Journal of Tour in the Levant. Lond., I820. 3 v. 8~. I6629 Tuscany, Hist. of, [to I535.] Pignotti. Lond., 1826. 4 v. 80... 4680 See, also, FLORENCE. Tutor's Counsel to his Pupils. Mathias. Philad., I867. I6~.. 9143 Tutti Frutti. v. Piickler-Muskau. N. Y., I834. I2. ~ ~.. 3790 Twain, Mark. (Pseudonym.) See S. L. CLEMENS. Tweddell, G. Shakspere: his Times and Contemporaries. Lond., 1852. 6........... I365 Tweddell, J. Remains. Lond., I8I6. 4~... I6031 Twelve Years' Military Adventure. N. Y., I829. 2 v. I20...6268 Twice-Told Tales. Hawthorne. Bost., 1845. 2 V. I6~... 2877 Twins, The. Tupper. N. Y., I845. I2~. 15619 Twiss, T. The Oregon Territory. N. Y., I846. I2~... 5744 Two Admirals, The; a Tale. Cooper. N. Y., I85I. I2.. 2797 Baronesses, The. Andersen. N. Y., 869. 8.... 2603 Drovers, The. Scott. Edinb., 187I. 80. 1889 Families, The. N. Y., I852. I20.......I5620 Lives in One. Vieux Moustache. N. Y., I870. I6~.. 2922 Marriages. Mrs. Craik. N. Y., I867. I2~.. 2490 Mentors, The. [Reeve.] Lond., I783. 2 V. 12~... 15621 Years Ago. Kingsley. Bost., I857. 120... 2569 before the Mast. Dana. Bost., I869. 12~.. 8I99 Tyler, B. Memoir of Nettleton. Hartf'd., I845. I2~.... 7633 Tyler, E. R. Lectures on Future Punishment. Middletown, I829. I20. 17299 Tyler-Unique. 319 Tyler, J. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. 2, 3.) N. Y., 1854. 8~. 6201 Tyler, M. C. The Brawnville Papers. Bost., I869. I20.. 3566 [Tyler, Robert.] Ahasuerus; a Poem. N. Y., 1842. I2~. I5039 [Tyler, Royall.] The Algerine Captive. Hartf'd., I816. I2~.. I5653 Tylney Hall. Hood. N. Y., I835. I2~. I5IIO Tylor, E. B. Early History of Mankind. 2d ed. Lond., I870. 8~.. 4074 Primitive Culture. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~.. 4075 Tyndale, W. The New Testament. Reprint of I526 ed. by. Dabney. Andover, I837. I2... 9890 Writings. Lond. 12~......... 9482 Tyndall, J. Faraday as a Discoverer. N. Y., I868. 2~... 7158 The Forms of Water. N. Y., I872. 12~.. IOI82 Fragments of Science. N. Y., I87I. I2~.. 8908 The Glaciers of the Alps. Bost., I86i. 8~.. 8957 Heat as a Mode of Motion. N. Y., I864. 12~.. 8902 The same. From 2d ed. N. Y., I868. I2~.... 8903 Hours of Exercise in the Alps. N. Y., 1872. I2.... 8382 Light and Electricity. N. Y., I87I. I2~.. 8907 Radiation. N. Y., I865. I20.. 8904 Sound. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. 120.. 8905 Typee. Melville. N. Y., I847. I2.. 8325 Tytler, A. P. Considerations on India. Lond., I8I5. 2 v. 8~.. I6446 Essay on the principles of Translation. Lond., 1791. 8..I8I Universal History, to I700. Bost., 1844. 2 v. 80... 4IIO The same, continued to I820. N. Y., I840. 6 v. I2.. II4IO The same. N. Y., I848. 6 v. I2~.. 4457 Tytler, P. P. England under Edw. VI. and Mary. Loend., I839. 2 v. 8~. 529I Life of Raleigh. Philad., I833. 8~.. I5358 Progress of Discovery on Northern Coasts of America. N. Y., I84I. I20.........11II273 U. Udall, N. Roister Doister, ed. Arber. Lond., I869. I6~.. 3892 Uhland, L. Gedichte. Philad. I2~.. 9612 Uhlhorn, G. Modern Representations of Life of Jesus. Bost., I868. I6~. 9898 Ulloa, A. de. See JUAN. Umphraville, A. The Siege of Baltimore; with other Poems. Balt., I817. I2~. 1........ I4956 Umsted L.D. Southwold. N. Y., I859. 12~... 578I Uncas and Miantonomoh. Stone. N. Y., 1842. I2~... 5750 Uncle Horace. Mrs. Hall. Philad., I838. 2 v. 2. I5623 Uncle Tom's Cabin. Stowe. Bost., I869. I2~.. 2958 Undercurrents. Kimball. N. Y., I862. I20.... I5806 Underhill, Updike. (Pseudonym.) See R. TYLER. Undine. De La Motte Fouque. N. Y., I857 120...2705 Ungewitter, F. H. Europe, past and present. N. Y., I850. I2~.. 8266 Union Review, The. Lond., I870-7I. 2 v. 8~.. I2902 Unique, The. Bost., I844. I2....7285 320 Unitarian-U. S. Unitarian Doctrines, Moral Tendency of. Sparks. Bost., 1823. 80.. 17268 Pulpit, Annals of the American. Sprague. N. Y., I865. 8~.. 7737 U. S. Army, Regulations for Uniform and Dress of. Philad., 1851. 4~. Life on the Border. Marcy. N. Y., i866. I2~.. 6I29 Cavalry, Hist. of the, to 1863. Brackett. N. Y., 1865. 12~.. 6102 Commerce, Statistics of. Pitkin. N. H., 1835. 8..~ ~ ~ 5854 Congress, Anti-Slavery Measures in, I861-64. Wilson. Bost., 1864. 12........... 8579 Biogr. and Polit. Hist. of. Wheeler. N. Y., I848. 2 v. 8~.. 6279 Debates in, I782-87. (Madison Papers, v. I, 2.) Wash., I840. 8... 6163 Constitution, etc. Hickey. Philad., I853. 12~.... 6031 and the State Constitutions. Philad., I832. I20. 6032 and Inaugural Addresses, etc. N. Y. I2~.. 6033 Commentaries on. Story. Bost., 1858. 2 v. 8~. 6179 Debates on adoption of. Elliot. Wash., 1828. V. 2-4. 8.. 6126 Secret Debates of Convention for forming, I787. (2 copies.) Richmond, 1839. 12~... 6087 Debates in Convention framing. (Madison Papers, v. 2, 3.) Wash., 1840. 8... 6I64 Debates of Va. Convention on, 1788. Richmond, i8o5. 8....... 6125 Proceedings of Convention for forming. Wash., I836. 8... 6I69 Defence of. Adams. Philad., I797. 3 v. 8~.. 6138 Discourse on. Calhoun. Charleston, 185I. 8~. 6171 Hist. of. Curtis. N. Y., 1863. 2 V. 8~... 6223 Hist. and Analysis of. Towle. Bost., i86o. 12~. 6174 Manual of. Farrar. Bost., I867. 8~.... 6181 New Views of. J. Taylor. Wash., 1823. 80.. 6182 Treatise on. Douglas. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 6173 Writings on. Marshall. Bost., 1839. 8~... 6283 Description, Geographical, of. Melish. N. Y., I826. 80.. I6824 Rhyming, of. V. Clark. Hartfd., I8I9. 12~. 14982 Diplomacy of the (to I828). Lyman. Bost., 1828. 2 v. 8~.. 6I6I Exploring Expedition, I838-42, Narrative of. Wilkes. Philad., I845. 5 v. and Atlas. 8....... 8129 Finances of the. Gallatin. N. Y., I796. 8~.. 6240 Financial Economy of the. Ferris. S. Francisco, I867. 12~.. 8630 Foreign Conspiracy against the. [Morse.] N. Y., I835. I20. 17278 Gov't. and Laws of the. Wedgwood. N. Y., 1866. 8~... 6170 Historical Sketches of, 1815-30. Perkins. N. Y., I830. I2W. 6021 History of, to i688. Grahame. Lond., I833. 2 v. 8~... 5940 to 1765. Trumbull. Bost., I8Io. 80.... 5853 [to I778.] Bancroft. Bost., 1856-66. 9v. 80.. 6203 to I8I5. Ramsay. Philad., 18I8. 3 v. 8~... 5850 to 181I7. Hale. N. Y., 184I. 2 v. 12... II594 U. S. 321 U. S., History of, to 1820. Butler. Hartf'd., I821. 3 V. 8~. 5843 to I82I. Grimshaw. Philad., I830. I2~.. 16049 The same. Hildreth. N. Y., 1849-60. 6 v. 80.. 6234 [to 1826.] Hinton. Bost., 1850-5I. 2 v. 4~.. 6289 [to 1830.] Fergus. Lond., I837-38. 2. 2 16.. 5486 to 1841. Willard. N. Y., I847. 8... 6115 to 1859. Patton. N. Y., i862. 8... 6281 [to i865], from a Christian Stand-Point. Peck. N. Y., 1868. 80.. 6277 Comic. Sherwood. Bost., 1870. I2~... 43II I763-97. Pitkin. N. H., I828. 2 v. 80... 6I50 Revolution; Anecdotes of the. Philad., I854. 120. 2~. 6073 Border Wars of the. Stone. N. Y., 1845. 2 V. I20. II768 Campaign of'8I in the. Lee. Philad., I824. 80.. 6II7 Campaigns of I780-81 in. Tarleton. Dubl., I787. 80. 6iI6 Diary of the. Moore. N. Y., i86o. 2 v. 8~.. 6189 Historical View of the. Greene. Bost., 1865. 12~. 6099 History of the. P. Allen. Balt., 1822. 2 v. 80.. 6156 The same. Botta. N. H., 1842. 2v. 80.... 6119 The same. Ramsay. Philad., I789. 2 v. 80...6123 The same. [Shepherd.] Lond., 1830. I2~.... 16468 The same. Stedman. Dubl., I794. 2 v. 8~. ~ ~ 5944 Letters and Memoirs relating to the. De Riedesel. N. Y., I827. I20... 6014 Military Journal of the. Thacher. Bost., I827. 80. 5855 Naval Heroes of the. Waldo. Hartfd., 1823. 80~. 7472 Orators of the. Magoon. N. Y., I848. I2~.. 7411 Pictorial Field-Book of the. Lossing. N. Y., I859. 2 v. 80.. 6291 Principles and Acts of the. Niles. Balt., I822. 80. 6297 Women of the. Ellet. N. Y., 1848-50. 3 v. I20. 7300 War of I8I2, Barbarities of the Enemy in the. Troy, 1813. 120. I613I Bravery in the. Butler. Carlisle, I8i6. 12~.. I6o5I Campaigns of the British at Wash. and N. Orleans, in the. Gleig. Lond., I836. 12~.... 6003 Hist. of the. Brackenridge. Philad., 1836. 12~.. 6002 The same. Ingersoll. Philad., I845. 8~... 5990 The same. [O'Connor.] N. Y., I8I6. 2~.. 5725 The same. Perkins. N. H., I825. 8~. 5873 Military Occurrences of the. James. Lond., I8I8. 2 v. 8*.. 5870 Naval Occurrences of the. James. Lond., I817. 8~. 5872 Notices of the. Armstrong. N. Y., I840. 2 v. I2~. 6o8I Florida War [I821-45]. Sprague. N. Y., I848. 8~.. 5955 Peace Convention in I86I, Debates, etc., of the. Chittenden. N. Y., 1864. 8... 6250 War, I86I-65, Constitutional View of the. Stephens. Philad. [I868-70.] 2 v. 8........ 6255 Hist. of the. Abbott. N. Y., I863-66. 2 v. 8~.. 6275 322 U. B.-Universities. U. S., War, I86I-65, Hist. of the. Draper. N. Y., I868-70. 3 v. 8~. 6252 The same. Greeley. Hartf'd., I864-66. 2 v. 8~... 6257 Pictorial. Lossing. Philad., I866-68. 3 v. 8~.. 6269 The same (I860-62). Victor. N. Y. [I861-63.] 2 V. 8~. 6273 The Rebellion Record [to Oct.,'63]. N. Y., I86I-64. v. I-7. 8.......... 6262 Rise and Decline of Secession. Brownlow. Philad., I862. I2.......... 6Io8 Speeches on the. Bright. Bost., I865. 12'... 611I The Uprising in i86I. Gasparin. N. Y., i86I. I2~. 8558 Internal Condition of, Sketch of the. Balt., 1826. 80... 6251 Memoirs of, 1789-I801. 0. Wolcott. N. Y., I846. 2 v. 8~.. 6248 Naval Academy, Hist. of. Marshall. N. Y., I862. I20.. 6034 Navy, Book of the. Frost. N. Y., I843. I2~... I6II9 Hist. of the. Cooper. Philad., I839. 2 v. 8~.. 6146 and Marine Corps, Regulations for Uniform and Dress of the. Philad., I852. 40. Notes on the, I838-40. Combe. Philad., I841. 2 v. 12.. 16826 Political Essays on the. Godwin. N. Y., 1856. I2~.. 3560 Grammar of the. Mansfield. Cincinn., I836. 8~.. 6020 Presidents of the, Messages of the, to 1838. N. Y., I839. 8~.. 6158 to I84I. N. Y., 1841. 80.. 6159 to I854. E. Williams. N. Y., I854. 3 v. 80... 6200 Progress of, in 50 years. Tucker. N. Y., I843. 8~. 5970 in 80o years. Hartfd., 1867. 2 v. in i. 8~.. 6285 Resources of the. Bristed. N. Y., I88. 8... 5846 Retrospect of Western Travel in. Martineau. N. Y., 1838. 12~. 16821 Seat of Gov't. of the. Varnum. Wash., 1854. 8'.... 5834 Senators, I837-38, Sketches of. Wash., I839. I2~.... 7282 Senate Debates on the Judiciary. Philad., I802. 8~.. 9353 Thirty Years in the. Benton. N. Y., I854-56. 2 v. 8~. 6244 Society, Manners, and Politics in. Chevalier. Bost., I839. 8~. 6I9I Soil and Climate of. Volney. Philad., I8o4. 8~.... I6833 Statistics and Polit. Institutions of. Ouseley. Philad., 1832. 80. 6282 Travelling in the, Poetry of. Gilman. N. Y., I838. I2~.. I6835 Travels in the, I849-50. Wortley. N. Y., I85I. I20...68Ir View of, I783-I801. Porcupine's Works. (Cobbett.) Lond., I8oi. 12 V. 8....... 1 7210 Second Visit to the, 1845-46. Lyell. N. Y., I850. 2. 2 12.. 8411 Voter's Text-Book, The. Hiatt. Indianapolis, i868. 12~.. 6017 Northern, Travels in, in I807-8. Kendall. N. Y., 1809. 3 v. 12'. 16815 Northwest, Notes on the. Bradford. N. Y., I846. 12~.. i6863 Western, Hist. Collections of the. Howe. Cincinn., I85I. 8~. 16I45 Notes of the. Hall. Philad., I838. 12~.. I688o Sketches of the. Hall. Philad., I835. 2 v. I2~. 6079 See, also, the names of the PRESIDENTS. Universalism, as it is. Hatfield. N. Y., I84I. I2..1. 7343 Universities, The English. Huber and Newman. Lond., I843. 2 v. in 3. 8'.......9283 Universities-Vane. 123 Universities of Germany. Schaff. Philad., I857. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 9252 View of the. Robinson. Edinb., I835. I6~. 9137 University Education. Tappan. N. Y., I85. I2~... 9256 German. Perry. Lond., I845. 12.. 925I Quarterly. N. H., I86o-6I. 4 v. 8.... I7476 See, also, COLLEGES; EDUCATION. Unkind Word, The. Mrs. Craik. N. Y., I870. 12.. 2488 Upham, O. W. Life of Fremont. Bost., I856. 12~.. 7398 of Sir H. Vane. (Sparks, v. 4.) Bost., I835. I6... 7253 Upham, E. Hist. of the Ottoman Empire. Philad., I833. 8~... I5357 The same. Edinb., I829. 2 V. I2~... 4502 Upham, T. C. Elements of Mental Philosophy. N. Y., I848. 2 V. 12~. 8604 Imperfectand Disordered Mental Action. N. Y., 184I. 2... 424 Lives of Mme. Guyon and Fenelon. N. Y., I847. 2 v. 120~. 7674 Manual of Peace. (2 copies.) N. Y., I836. 8~.. 8699 Uprising of a Great People, The. Gasparin. N. Y., I86I. I2~. 8558 Ups and Downs. [Stone.] N. Y., I836. I20.. I5807 Ure,A. Dict. of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. N. Y., I843. 8~. The same., with Supplement. N. Y., I847. 8~. Philosophy of Manufactures. 2d ed. Lond., I835. 120... 700I Urquhart, D. The Spirit of the East. 2d ed. Lond., I839. 2 v. 80. 16623 Usher, J., Life of. Aikin. Lond., I8I2. 8.... 7II6 UJsury, Defence of. Bentham. (Works, pt. 9.) Edinb., I839. 8~.. 9708 Essay on the Law of. Ord. Hartf'd., I809. 8~... I7094 Hist. of. Murray. Philad., I866. 8~.. 865I Utopia. More. Lond., I850. 2~.. 3953 V. Vacation Tourists, I860-I86I. Galton, editor. Cambr., I86I-62. 2 v. 80. 8378 Vagabond Adventures. Keeler. Bost., 870 120. ~. 6258 Valdenses. See WALDENSES. Vale of Cedars. Aguilar. N. Y., I868. 120.. 2522 Valerius. [Lockhart.] Bost., I82I. 2 V. I..I5625 Valley of Shenandoah, The. [Hentz.] N. Y., I824. 2 v. I20.. I5808 Vambery, A. Travels in Central Asia. (2 copies.) N. Y., I865. 8~. 8141 Vanbrugh, J. City Wives' Confederacy; Provoked Husband; Provoked Wife. (Brit. Drama, 2.) Philad., I833. 8~...663 Dramatic Works, ed. L. Hunt. Lond., I849. 8~.. 10300 Van Buren, M. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. 2.) N. Y., I854. 8.......... 6201 Life of. Holland. Hartf'd., I835. 120.. 7322 Vancouver Island and British Columbia. Macfie. Lond., I865. 8~. 8395 Van Diemen's Land, Notes of an Exile to. Miller. Fredonia, 1846. 12~. I6256 Observations on. Henderson. Calcutta, I832. 80. I6287 Vane, C. W. (Marq. of Londonderry.) Narrative of War in Germany and France, 18I3-14. Philad., 1831. 12... I6I9 324 Vane-Vertot. Vane, Sir H. (the younger), Life of. Forster. Lond., I838. I6~.. 5762 The same. Upham. Bost., 1835. I6~. 7253 Vanity Fair. Thackeray. Lond., I871. 8... 2189 Van Lennep, H. J. Travels in Asia-Minor. N. Y., I870. 2 v. 12~. 8244 Van Nest, A. R. Memoir of G. W. Bethune. N. Y., I867. I20. 7643 Van Santvoord, G. Life of A. Sidney. N. Y., I85I. I2~... 6720 Varnum, J. B. The Seat of Gov't. of the U. S. 2d ed. Wash., 1854. 8~. 5834 Vasari, G. Lives of Painters, etc. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I850-52. 5 v. 8~. 474 Vashti. A. J. Wilson. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 2993 Vathek. Beckford. N. Y., I869. 12~...0078 Vaughan, H. Sacred Poems, etc., with Memoir. Bost., 1854. I6~.. 1035 Vaux, J. H., Memoirs of. By himself. Lond., 1830. I2~... 665I Veda, Studies on the. Whitney. N. Y., 1872. I20... I36 Vegetable Diet. Alcott. Bost., 1838. I2~.... 9170 Substances, Description of; Timber Trees and Fruits. Bost., 1830. I2~... 8806 used for Food of Man. N. Y., 1844. I2~.. II770 World, The. Figuier. Lond., I869. 8~.. 9000 Vegetation, Wonders of. Marion. N. Y., I872. 12~.... IOI48 Veil partly lifted, The. Furness. Bost., I864. 8~.. 98I5 Velde, C. FP. van der. Tales, transl. by N. Greene. Bost., I837. 2 v. I2~. 3029 CONTENTS.,-1, Arwed Gyllenstierna. 2, The Lichtensteins; The Sorceress; The Anabaptist. Velvet Cushion, The. Cunningham. Lond., I8i5. 120... 15627 Vendee War, Hist. of the. Berthre de Bournisseaux. Paris, 1802. 80. I625I Venetia. Disraeli. Philad., I837. 2 v. I2~...... 2129 Venetian Hist., Sketches from. [Smedley.] N. Y., 1840. 2 v. 12~. II047 Life. Howells. N. Y., I867. 80.. 8212 Venezuela, Campaigns and Cruises in, and Tales of. Lond., I83I. 3 v. 120.. I714I Venice, Conspiracy of the Spaniards against, I618. St. Real. Bost., I838. 16........... 16159 past and present. Adams. Lond., I869. 8~.. 8213 The Stones of. Ruskin. N. Y., i86o. 3 v. I2~.... 9024 Tour to, I845. Costello. Lond., I846. 8~.. 8449 Venice Preserved; a Tragedy. Otway. (Works, v. 2.) Lond., 18I2. 80. I476 Ventriloquism explained. Amh., 1834. 120.. I6958 Verdant Green, Adventures of. [Bradley.] N. Y., I870. 12~... 9249 Vermont, Hist., etc. of, to I841. Thompson. Burlington, I842. 8~. 5902 Natural and Civil Hist. of (to 1807). Williams. Burlington, I809. 2 V. 8.......... 5838 Vernon, J. Letters, 1696-17o8, ed. James. Lond., 1841. 3 v. 8~.. 5317 Verona, The Congress of. De Chateaubriand. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~. 4656 Verplanck, G. C. Discourses and Addresses. N. Y., I833-34. I20. 3658 and others. The Talisman. N. Y., I833. 3 v. I2~.. 4132 Verri, A. Roman Nights. N. Y., I826. 2 v. I2~. I5I44 Vertot d'Aubceuf, R. A. de. Hist. of Revolutions in Portugal. Lond., I754. 8~........6I66 1754.'80. i6i66 Hist. of Revolutions in the Roman Republic. Lond., 1770. 2 v. 80. 1....5946 Vertot-Virginia. 325 Vertot d'Aubceuf, R.A. de. Hist. of Revol. in Sweden. Lond., I7II. 80. I617I Very Hard Cash. Reade. N. Y., I868. 80.. 228I V6sinier, P. Hist. of the Commune of Paris. Lond., I872. 8~. 5554 Vespucius, A., Life of. Lester and Foster. N. H., I852. 80.. 7782 Vestiges of Nat. Hist. of Creation. Including Sequel. From 3d ed. N. Y., I846. I2~.. 8927 Vialla de Sommitres, L. C. Travels in Montenegro. Lond., I82o. 8~. 8054 Viardot, L. Wonders of European Art. N. Y., I87I. 2~... II24 of Italian Art. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1870. I2~.. 10122 Vicar of Bullhampton. A. Trollope. N. Y., I870. 8~.. 2294 of Wakefield, The. Goldsmith. N. Y., 1845. I2~... 3899 Vicarious Sacrifice, The. Bushnell. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 10025 Vicar's Daughter, The. MacDonald. Bost., I872. I2... 2580 Victim of Chancery, The. N. Y., I84I. I2....I58IO Victims of Society. Lady Blessington. (Works, v. 2.) Philad., I838. 8~. 2669 Victor, O. J. Hist. of the Southern Rebellion. N. Y. [I861-63.] 2 v. 8~.. 6273 Victoria, Queen. Early Years of Prince Albert. N. Y., I868. 120.. 5336 Leaves from the Journal of Our Life in the Highlands. N. Y., I868. 120........... 5335 Victoria, Two Years in. Howitt. Bost., I855 2.. I2~. 7986 Vidocq, E. F., Memoirs of. By himself. Philad., I834. 2 V. I2~.. 758 The same. Lond., I829-30. 4 v. I2.. 6663 Vienna, Congress of. De Pradt. Philad., I8i6. 80~.. 15920 Vieusseux, A. Hist. of Switzerland. Lond., 1846. 8~.... 5884 Napoleon Bonaparte. Lond., I846. 2 V. I2.... 5505 Vieux Moustache. (Pseudonym.) See C. GORDON. Views a-foot. Bayard Taylor. N. Y., I848. 12~.. 8278 Vignoles, C. Observations on the Floridas. N. Y., 1823. 8'... I69I9 Vigny, A. de. Cinq-Mars. Tr. Hazlitt. Lond., I847. 8'. 472 Vikram and the Vampire. Burton. Lond., 1870. 8. 8~. 1923 Village Communitiesinthe Eastand West. Maine. Lond., I87I. 8~. 4Io2 of Mariendorpt. A. M. Porter. Bost., I821. 2 v. I2'... 15184 Villari, P. Hist. of Savonarola. Lond., I863. 2 v. 8.. 7595 [Villemarest, C.M. de.] Life of Talleyrand. Lond., I834. v. I, 2. 8~. 7722 Villers, C. Essay on the Reformation. (2 copies.) Philad., I833. 12'. 6344 The same. Lond., I8o5. 80.. I6464 Villette. Bronte. N. Y., I856. I20...2553 Villiers, G., (2d Duke of Buck'm.) The Rehearsal. Ed. Arber. Lond., i868. I6... 3889 Vincent, B. Haydn's Dict. of Dates. N. Y., I867. 8~.. 4066 Vincent, T. Arundel. Lond., I840. 3 v. 8... 15371 Vinci, L. da, Life of. Brown. Lond., I828. 8~... 79I9 Virgil. Works, transl. by Dryden. N. Y., 1825 2 v. 62 v. 13827 The same. N. Y., I840. 2 v. I2'.. 4518 The same. N.Y., I836. 12.... II09 The same. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 2 v. 24'... 262 for English Readers. Collins. Philad., I87I. 6. I6~. 75 Virginia, Debatesof Convention of, 1788. 2d ed. Richmond, 18o5. 8'. 6I25 42 326 Virginia-Wages. Virginia, Hist. of, to I78I. Campbell. Philad., I813. I2.. 6oo005 to I847. Howison. Philad., I846-48. 2 V. 8.. 5898 Notes on. Jefferson. Bost., I829. I2.. 5743 Virginians, The. Thackeray. Lond., I872. 8~.... 2193 Vision, Essay towards a new Theory of. Berkeley. Lond., I837. 8~. 8759 Visit to my Discontented Cousin. Bost., I87I. I6~.. 2378 Voice. See ELOCUTION. Volcanoes. Wittich. Lond., 1846. 120.. 878I Zurcher and Margolle. Philad., I869. I20..... IOI47 Volney, C. P. C. de. Travels through Syria and Egypt. Dubl., I788. 8........... 648I View of Soil and Climate of U. S. Philad., I804. 8~.. I6833 Volsungs and Niblungs, Story of the. Ed. Morris. Lond., I870. 8~. 1922 Voltaire, P.M. A. de. Age of Lewis XIV. Lond., 1752. 2 V. 8*.. 5430 The same. Lond., I779-8I. 3 v. 8~..... 5540 Correspondence with Frederic II. Lond., I789. 3 v. 8~. ~ I7249 Essay on Universal Hist. Edinb., I777. 4 v. I2.. I40I4 Hist. of Charles XII. Otsego, I8Ii. I2~.. 5818 Memoirs of himself. Lond., I826. I20.. 6640 Philosophical Dictionary. Lond., I824. 6 v. I20.. 8504 Treatise on Toleration, etc. Lond., I763. 12~... 9801 against the Atheists. Ed. Akerly. N. Y., I845. I2~. ~ ~ 9979 [Essay on]. Morley. N. Y., I872. 80.... 10296 Life of. Mrs. Shelley. Lond., I839. I6~... 5782 Voter's Text-Book. Hiatt. Indianapolis, I868. I20.... 6017 Voyage of Captain Popanilla. Disraeli. Philad., I828. I2~... 2155 round the Globe, I83I-34. Reynolds. N. Y., I835. 8~... 8078 round the World, I835-37. Ruschenberger. Philad.. I838. 8~. 8079 round the World, Journal of. Darwin. N. Y., I846. 2 v. I6~. 883I Voyages, Hist. of. Mavor. Lond., I796-97. v. 4-20. I2~.. I3847 Narrative of, I822-31. Morrell. N. Y., I832. 8~.... 8077 New. Lond., I8I9-23. 8 v. 8.... 8051 round the World, (Harper's Family Library.) N. Y., I844. I2~. II407 round the World, I792-1832. Fanning. N. Y., I833. 8~.. I6319 Hist. of English. Lond., I774. 4 v. 8~.. I6306 See, also, GEOGRAPHY: TRAVELS. W. Waagen, G. F. Rubens, his Life and Genius. Lond., I840. 8~.. 8871 Works of Art and Artists in England. Lond., I838. 3 v. I2~. 9068 Wabash Valley. Ellsworth. N. Y., I838. 12~... I6877 Wacousta. [Richardson.] Philad., I833. 2 v. 12~... 5628 Waddington, G. Hist. of the Church. Lond., I833. 80.. 16467 of the Reformation on the Continent. Lond., I84I. 3 v. 8...... 6479 Wages, Essay on the Rate of. Carey. Philad., I835. I2~.. 8641 Work and. Brassey. N. Y., I872. 8~.. 8628 Waite-Walpole. 327 Waite, H. R. Carmina Collegensia. Bost. [I868.] 8~.. 9091 Waiting for the Verdict. Davis. N. Y., i868. 8~.. 2695 Wakefield, G., Memoirs of. By himself. Lond., I792. 8~. i6349 The same. New ed. Lond., I804. 2 v. 8.. i6350 Waldegrave, J. Memoirs. Philad., 1822. I20... 16445 Walden. Thoreau. Bost., 1863. 8~.. 3552 Waldensoes, Legend of the. Windle. Philad., 1852. I2.. 15728 Researches among the. Gilly. Lond., 1824. 4~.. 16035 Valdo, etc. Gilly. Edinb., 1841. 12~.. 6342 Waldie, C. A. See Mrs. C. A. EArON. Waldo, S. P. Biogr. of Amer. Naval Heroes. Hartf'd., 1823. 8.. 7472 Life of Decatur. Hartfd., I82I. 120.. 16426 Memoirs of Jackson. Hartf'd., I819. 12~. 16394 Monroe's Tour. Hartf'd., 1818. I2~... 6393 Wales, Lives of Princes of. Williams. Lond., I843. v. I. I2.. 5133 Walker, Alex. Beauty in Woman. N. Y., I840. 12~.. I70I3 Intermarriage. N. Y., 1839. 12....... 16959 Woman physiologically considered. (2 copies.) N. Y., I840. 12~. 170II Walker, Amasa. Science of Wealth. (2 copies.) Bost., I866. 8~.. 8637 [Walker, James B.] Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation. (2 copies.) Bost., 1856. I2~.. 9986 The same. N. Y., I843. 12 ~... 9988 Walker, John. Rhetorical Grammar. Bost., 1822. 8e... 9299 Walker, Jos. C. Memoirs of Tassoni. Lond., I815. 80... 7749 Wall Street, Men and Mysteries of. Medbery. Bost., I870. I2~.. 8647 Wallace, A. R. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection. 2d ed. Lond., I87I. 8~.. 8838 The Malay Archipelago. N. Y., 1869. 8..... 8032 Wallace, H. B. Art and Scenery in Europe, etc. Philad., 1857. 12~.. 8886 Wallace, Sir W., Life of. Carrick. Lond. 8...... 6841 The same. Donaldson. Hartfd., I830. 12~... 16444 Wallenstein, A. v., Life of. Mitchell. Lond., I840. 8~... 7790 Wallenstein. Schiller. Lond., 1846. 8~.... 437 Waller, E. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24~.. 256 Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., I819. 240. 3 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.... I5096 Waller, J. A. Voyage in the W. Indies. Lond., I820. 8~... 8052 Walpole, B. C. Recollections of Fox. Lond., I8o6. 12~.... 6628 Walpole, H. Castle of Otranto. Philad., I840. I2..... 2458 Historic Doubts on Richard III. Lond., 1768. 4~.. 5074 Letters, 1735-97. Philad., 1848. 4 v. 8..... 7191 Letters to Sir H. Mann. N. Y., I833. 2 V. I2.. 7I03 The same. New Series. Philad., I844. 2 v. 8~... 7195 Memoirs of Reign of Geo. III. Philad., I845. 2 v. 8~... 5320 Reminiscences; Walpoliana. Bost., 1820. I6~.... 3839 Walpoliana. [Ed. Pinkerton.] Lond. [I804.] 2 v. I6~.. 3814 Walpole, Sir Rob't., Memoirs of. Coxe. Lond., 800oo. 3 V. 8~.. 6827 Sketch of. Thorold Rogers. Lond., 1869. 8.... 673I Walpole, Rev. Robert. Garland of Flowers. N. Y., I8o6. I2~.. I4864 328 Walsh-Warner. Walsh, Rob't. American Review. Philad., I811-I2. 4 v. 8.. 14038 Didactics. Philad., 1836. 2 v. I2~. 15270 Works of British Poets. See E. SANFORD. Walsh, Rev. Rob't. Journey from Constantinople to England. Philad., 1828. I20... 6769 Notices of Brazil. Bost., 183I. 2 v. 12~.7. I7I34 Residence at Constantinople. 2d ed.'Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8:. 8446 Walsh, W. Poems, ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8~.. 15o96 Walsingham. [Chamier.] Philad., 1838. 12.. I5630 Walt and Vult; or, the Twins. Richter. N. Y., 1863. 2 v. 8~.. 3057 Walter Ashwood. [Mathews.] N. Y., i86o. 12~... 5811 Walter Colyton. H. Smith. N. Y., 1830. 2 V. 12.... I5631 Waltham Abbey, Hist. of. Fuller. Lond., I84O. 80.. 9286 Walton, I. Lives of Donne, Wotton, Hooker, Herbert, and Sanderson. [Lond., I845.] 8~. 948 The same. Ed. Young. Cambr., 1832. 2 V. 12~. 3908 The same.. 3914 The same, with Zouch's Life of Walton. N. Y., 1846. 2 V. I20.. 6717 and Cotton, C. Complete Angler. Lond., I836. 16~.. 3919 The same. N. Y., 1848. 2 pts. in I. 120.. 3920 Walton, W. C., Memoir of. Danforth. Hartfd., I837. 12~...6422 Walworth, C. The Gentle Skeptic. N. Y., 1863. 12~... 7364 Wandering Jew, The. Sue. Lond. 8~.. 2595 illustrated by Dore. Lond. fol. Cartaphilus, Chronicles of. Hoffman. Lond., 1I853. 2 v. 80. I0059 War, Conversations on. Helps. Bost., 1871. I6~.. 3700 [Warburton, G.] Hochelaga. N. Y., I846. I2~.. 8370 Warburton, W. Letters to Hurd. N. Y., 1809. 80... 16348 Ward, Artemus. (Pseudonym.) See C. F. BROWNE. Ward, C. National Proverbs. Lond., 1842. I6~.. 4318 Ward, H. G. Mexico. 2d ed. Lond., 1829. 2 v. 8~. 5979 Ward, John. Diary, 1648-79. Lond., I839. 8~.. 1586 Ward, Julius H. Life of Percival. Bost., i866. 12~. ~ ~ ~ 7387 Ward, R. P. De Vere. N. Y., 1831. 2V. 12... 15155 Fielding; or, Society. Philad., 1838. 12~.. 15431 Tremaine. Philad., 1825. 3 v. I2.. 156II Ward, S., Life of. Gammell. Bost., 1846. I6~.. 7268 Warden, W. Letters from St. Helena, etc. N. H., 1817. 12~. 5439 Ware, H. Formation of Christian Character. Cambr., I831. I20.. 9808 Ware,W. Julian. N. Y., 1841. 2v. 12~.. 2864 Letters from Palmyra. N. Y., I837. 2 v. I2~.. 2862 Memoir of N. Bacon. (Sparks, v. I3.) Bost., 1844. 160.. 7262 Probus. N. Y., 1838. 2 V. 12.. 2866 Sketches of European Capitals. Bost., I85I. 12~. 8267 Zenobia. Lond., 1844-45. 2 v. 16~... 2729 Warlock, The. [Barker.] Philad., 1836. 2 v. I2~... 15633 Warner, A. B. Dollars and Cents. N. Y., 1852. 2 v. 12.. 3007 Warner-Washington. 329 Warner, A. B. and S. Say and Seal. Philad., I86o. 2 v. I2~... 3005 Warner, C. D. My Summer in a Garden. Bost., I871. 8~.. 3639 Saunterings. Bost., I872. I20... 866 Warner, J. F. Rudimental Lessons in Music. N. Y., I845. I20.. I7II9 Warner, R. Literary Recollections. Lond., I830. 2 v. 8~.. 3485 Warner, S. The Daisy. (2 copies.) Philad., I868. 12~... 3002 Hills of the Shatemuc. N. Y., I857. I20.. 3004 Melbourne House. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 300I Queechy. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1852. 2 V. I20.. 2997 Wide, Wide World. Philad., 1872. I2.. 2994 The same. N. Y., 1851-52. 2 v. I2~.. 2995 Warren, John E. Vagamundo; or, the Atiache in Spain. N. Y. I852. I2......... 6673 Warren, Jos., Life of. A. H. Everett. Bost., I839 16... 7259 Warren, S. Affecting Scenes; Passages from the Diary of a late Physician. N.Y., 1836. 2 v. I2~..... 2024 Diary of a late Physician. Edinb., 187I. 80.. 2447 Introd. to Law Studies. Lond., I835. 8.... 9217 Merchant's Clerk, and other Tales. N. Y., 1836. I2~.. I55o6 Now and Then. (2 copies.) N. Y., I848. 12~.. I5526 Ten Thousand a Year. Philad. 80.. 2314 The same. Edinb., I872. 80.. 2448 Warreniana. [Deacon.] Bost., I824. I20.... I4793 Warton, J. Essay on Pope. 2d ed. Lond., I762. 8~... 6366 The same. 4th ed. Lond., I782. 2v. 80.. I6364 The same. 5th ed. Lond., I8o6. 2 v. 8~.. 3483 Poems. Salisbury, I794. 8~...I4806 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I822. 240.. 28 Warton, T. Hist. of English Poetry. (2 copies.) Lond., I840. 3 v. 8~. I83 Life of Sir T. Pope. Lond., 1772. 8~.. I6367 Observations on Spenser's Fairy Queen. Lond., I807. 2 v. 8~. 1273 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 240.... 28 Warwick Woodlands. [Herbert.] Philad., I857. I2~.... IoI62 [Washburne, W. T.] Fair Harvard. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869. i2~.. 9264 Washington, G. Messages, etc. (Statesman's Manual, v. i.) N. Y., 1854. 8........... 6200 Official Letters to Congress during the War. Bost., I796. 2 v. 12~. 7546 Revolutionary Orders, I778-82. N. Y., I844. 8... 6296 Writings, ed. Sparks. Bost., I834-37. I2 v. 8.. 9722 CONTENTS.-1, Life, by Sparks. 2, Letters, etc., 1754-May, 1775. 8, June,'75-July,'76. 4 July,'76-July,'77. 5, July,'77-July,'78. 6, July,'78-Mch.,'80. 7, Mch.,'80-Apr'81. 8, Apr.,'81-Dec.,'83. 9, Dec.,'83-Apr.,'89. 10, May,'89-Nov.,'94. 11, Nov.,'94-Dec.,'99. 12, Speeches and Messages to Congress; Proclamations; Addresses. Essay on Character and Influence of. Guizot. N. Y., I863. I6~. 7493 Fac Simile of Accounts of, I775-83. [Wash., 1833.] fol.. and the Generals of the Revolution. Philad., I847. 2 v. I2~. 7298 and his Generals. Headley. N. Y., I847. 2 v. 12. 7294 Lecture on. Theodore Parker. Bost., I870. I2~.. 7409 Life of. A. Bancroft. Bost., I826. 2 v. I2.. 7490 The same. Everett. N. Y., I86o. 12~... 7293 330 Washington-Wayne. Washington, G., Life of. Irving. N. Y., 1856-59. 5 v. I2~... 7283 The same. Marshall. Philad., I833. 2 v. and Atlas. 8~. 7481 The same. Paulding. N. Y., I840. 2 V. 12... II29I The same. Ramsay. N.Y., 1807. 8~.. I6388 The same. Sparks. Bost., 1843. 8~. ~' ~ 7485 The same. Weems. Philad., I809. I2~... 6391 Recollections of. Custis. N. Y., I86o. 8~.. 7486 Religious Opinions and Character of. McGuire. N.Y., I836. 12~. 16389 Vie de. Philad., I835. 12~.. i6392 Washington, D. C., the Seat of Gov't. Varnum. Wash., I854. 80.. 5834 Washingtons, The. A Tale. Simpkinson. Lond., i86o. 120... 2443 Wassail-Bowl The. A. Smith. Lond., 1843. V.I. I12.... 4257 Water, The Forms of. Tyndall. N. Y., 1I872. 12... IOI82 Wonders of. Tissandier. N.Y., 1872. 120..10149 Drinker, Memoirs of a. Dunlap. N. Y., 1836. 2 V. I20~.. 15802 Water-Witch, The. Cooper. Philad., I841. I20.. 2808 Waterbury, J. B. Memoir of J. Scudder. N. Y., I870. 120.. 7640 Waterhouse, B. Essay on Junius. Bost., I831. 80.. 6858 Waterloo, Campaign of. De Jomini. N. Y., i86o. I2~... 5572 Waterman, E. Memoirs of Calvin. Hartfd., 1813. 8~... 7666 Watson, G. England Preserved. (Mod. Theatre, v. 8.) Lond., I8II. 120. I334 Watson, Bishop Richard, Anecdotes of Life of. By himself. Philad., i8i8. 8....... 7125 Apology for the Bible; and Apology for Christianity. N. Y., 1835. 80...... 7269 Watson, Rev. Richard. Life of Wesley. N. Y., I83I. I2~.. ~ 7534 Watson, Robert. Hist. of Philip II. and III. Dubl., 1777-83. 3 v. 8~. 6556 Watson, T. Poems, ed. Arber. Lond., 187o. I6.. 3893 Watts, I. Horm Lyrica. Poems, chiefly Lyric. Lond., 1834. I6~.. 9491 Improvement of the Mind. Bost., 1826. 120..... 8493 Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 2 v. 24~... 273 Select Poems. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I819. 24~.... 17 Wauch, Mansie. (Pseudonym.) See D. M. MOIR. Waverley Novels, The. See Sir W. SCOTT. Letters to Heber on the author of. [Adolphus.] Bost., 1822. I20. 15227 Wayland, F. Elements of Moral Science. N. Y., I835. 8~. ~ ~ 8739 of Polit. Economy. (2 copies.) N. Y., I837. 80..... 8667 Letters on the Ministry. Bost., 1863. 16.... 9832 Limitations of Human Responsibility. (2 copies.) Bost., 1838. I20........ 8535 Memoir of Chalmers. Bost., I864. 6~.. 7566 Memoir of Judson. Bost., 1853. 2 v. I2~.. 7638 Occasional Discourses. Bost., I833. I20.. I7357 Thoughts on the Collegiate System. (2 copies.) Bost., 1842. I60......9183 University Sermons. 2d ed. Bost., 1849. 12~.. 9977 Memoir of. By his Sons. N. Y., 1867. 2 v. 12~.. 7384 Wayne, A., Life of. Armstrong. Bost., I835. I6~.. 7253 Ways —Welby. 331 Ways of the Hour, The; a Tale. Cooper. N. Y., I855. 12~.. 2830 Wealth, Production and Distribution of. Carey. Philad., 1837. 80.. 8756 Science of. Walker. Bost., i866. 8~.. 8637 of Nations, Inquiry into the. A. Smith. Edinb., I838. 8~.. 8654 and Welfare. Gotthelf. Lond., I867. 8~.. 2452 Webb, C. H. Liffith Lank. N. Y., I866. I2~.. 4301 Webbe, C. Glances at Life. Lond., I836. I2~... I5440 Man about Town. Lond., I838. 2 V. I2~... I5498 Webbe, E. Travailes. Ed. Arber. Lond., I868. I6... 3886 Webbe, W. Discourse of English Poetrie. Ed. Arber. Lond., I870. I6~... 3896 Webber, C. W. Gold Mines of the Gila. N. Y., 1849. 2 V. in I. I20. 16883 Webber, S. Logan, an Indian Tale. Cambr., I82I. 12~... I4957 Weber, J. Memoirs of Maria Antoinetta. Lond., I805-25. 3 V. 8~. 5627 Webster, D. Diplomatic and Official Papers, while Secr. of State. N. Y., I848. 80.. 9414 Speeches and Forensic Arguments. Bost., I835-43. 3 V. 8~.. 9385 Works. (2 copies.) Bost., I85I. 6v. 8... 9402 Beauties of. Ed. Rees. N. Y., I839. I2~.. * 17535 Discourse on. Theodore Parker. Bost., I86. I2~... 9296 Life of. Banvard. Bost., I853. I6~.. 7541 The same. Curtis. N. Y., I870. 2 V. 8~.. 7427 Life and Memorials of. [Lyman.] N. Y., I853. 2. I6~. 7539 Memoir of. Knapp. Bost., I83I. I2.. 7308 Private Life of. Lanman. N. Y., I852. I20.. 7221 Webster, James. Travels through the Crimea, Turkey, and Egypt. Lond., I830. 2 v. 80.. 8065 Webster, John. Works, ed. Dyce. Lond., I830. 4. 4. I1455 The same. New ed. Lond., I87I. 8... I573 Webster, N. American Dictionary of the English Language. Ed. Goodrich and Porter. Springfield, I869. 4~. Dissertations on the English Language. Bost., I789. 8~. ~ 230 Hist. of Animals. N. H., I812. I2....... I6953 Letters to a Young Gentleman. N. H., 1823. 80.. I7042 Miscellaneous Political and Commercial Papers; Effects of Slavery; Errors of English Grammars. 8~.... I5852 Webster, P. Political Essays. Philad., I791. 8~. 17095 Wedgwood, J. John Wesley. Lond., 1870. 8~... 7600 Wedgwood, W. B. Gov't. and Laws of the U. S. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 6170 Weekes, R. Poems. N. Y., I820. 12.. 15040 Weeks, R. K. Episodes and Lyric Pieces. N. Y., 1870. I2~... 788 Poems. N. Y., I866. I20.. 787 Weems, M. L. Life of Penn. Philad., 1836. I2~. 7488 Life of Washington. Philad., I809. I20.. x639I Weil, G. Biblical Legends of the Mussulmans. (2 copies.) N. Y., I846. 12~......... 9548 Weiss, J. Life of T. Parker. N. Y., I864. 2 V. 80... 77Io0 Welby, A. Poems. 5th ed. N. Y., I848. I2~.... 5041 332 Wellesley — Whately. Wellesley, A. (Duke of Wellington), Life of. From the "Times." (2 copies.) N. Y., 1I852. I2~.. 6689 The same (to I814). Clarke and Dunlap. N. Y., 1814. 8~. I6353 Military Memoirs of. Sherer. Philad., I833. 2 V. I2~... 6686 Wells, W. V. Life of S. Adams. Bost., I865. 3 v. 80~... 7444 Weltevreden, The Prison of. Gibson. N. Y., I855. I2~.... 6296 Wendeborn, F. A. A View of England. Dubl., I79I. 2 V. I20.. 16763 Wendover, Roger of. Flowers of Hist. Lond., I849. 2 v. 8~.. 5Io Wentworth, T. (Earl of Strafford), Life of. Forster. Lond., 1836. I6~. 5760 Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish. Cooper. Philad., I84I. I2~0... 2807 Wesley, J. Works. N. Y., 183I. 7 v. 8.. I17230 Life of. Southey. N. Y., I820. 2 V. 80.. 7703 The same. Watson. N. Y., I831. 12... 7534 and the Reaction of the I8th Century. Wedgwood. Lond., 1870. 8.......... 7600 West, B., Life and Works of. Galt. Lond., I820. 80.. 7966 West, G. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., i807. 240~. ~ ~ 535 West, R. Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., 1807. 24~.... 538 West, Legends of the. Hall. Philad., I833. 20.... I5729 Plea for the. L. Beecher. Cincinn., 1835. I2~.... I7303 West Indies, A Christmas in the. Kingsley. Lond., I87I. 8. 8. 8430 Domestic Manners in the. Carmichael. Philad., I833. 80. 15537 Emancipation in the. Thome and Kimball. N. Y., I838. 12~. 8568 Hist. of (to I8I5). T. Southey. Lond., 1827. 3 v. 8~.. 5885 Hist. of Brit. Colonies in the. Edwards. Dubl., I793. 2 v. 8~. 5832 The same. Martin. Lond., I836-37. 2 v. I6~.. 7899 of European Settlements in. Raynal. Lond., 1776. 5 v. 8~. 16149 A Twelvemonth (I833) in the. Madden. Lond., I835. v.I. I2.......... 6916 Voyage in the, I8o7. Waller. Lond., I820. 8~.. 8052 A Winter in the. Hastings. N. Y., 1839. I2.. I6915 West Point, Guide Book to. N. Y., I844. I2~... I6850 Westoott, B. F. Hist. of the English Bible. 2d ed. Lond., I872. 80. I026I Western Clearings. Kirkland. N. Y., I846. 12..... I58I2 Westminster Assembly of Divines, Hist. of. Hetherington. N. Y., I843. I2.......... 6313 Review. Lond. & N. Y., I824-72. v. I-45, 47-84, 86-98. 80. 11853 The same. v. I-I7,20-54, 57-92..... I2032 Westward Ho. Kingsley. Lond., I87I. 8.. 2566 Paulding. N. Y., I832. 2v. 120.. I5161 Westward by Rail. Rae. N. Y., I871. I2~.. 8394 Wetherell, Eliz. (Pseudonymt.) See S. WARNER. Whale, Sperm, Nat. Hist. of the. Beale. Lond., I839. I2~... I6330 Whaling Cruise, Etchings of a; and Hist. of the Whale-Fishery. Browne. N. Y., I846. 8..... 8080 What Answer? Dickinson. Bost., I868. I2~..... 2983 What will he do with it? Bulwer. Philad., 186o. 3 v. 12~... 2140 [Whately,E. J.] Selection of English Synonyms. Bost., I852. 12. 2~. Whately, R. Elements of Rhetoric. Camb., I834. 12~... 9300 Whately-White. 333 Whately, R. Historic Doubts Relative to Napoleon. N. Y., I835. 8~. 17269 The Kingdom of Christ. N. Y., 1842. I20.. 9953 Life and Correspondence of. Whately. Lond., t866. 2 v. 8~. 7133 Wheatley, P. Poems. i816. I20.. I4958 Memoir of. Thatcher. Bost., I834. I2~..8472 Wheatly, C. On the Book of Common Prayer. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., I849. 8........ 496 Wheaton, H. Elements of International Law. 8th ed., by Dana. Bost., I866. 8~.. 8704 Life of Pinkney. N. Y., I826. 8~..9327 The same. (Sparks, v. 6.) Bost. I836. I6~.. 7255 Wheeler, H. G. Hist. of Congress. N. Y., 1848. 2 v. 8.. 6279 Wheeler, W. A. Dict. of Noted Names of Fiction. Bost., I865. I2~. 300 The same. 2d ed. Bost., I868. 12~. 301 Whelpley, S. Compend. of History. N. Y., I8I4. 2 v. in I. 80. I5901 Letters on Capital Punishment, War, etc. Prov., I8i8. 80. 1708I Whewell, W. Astronomy and Physics. Philad., I836. 8~...6983 Hist. of the Inductive Sciences. (2 copies.) Lond., I837. 3 v. 80........... 8745 Philosophy of the Inductive Sciences. Lond., 1840. 2 v. 8~. 875I Whig-Examiner, The. (Addison's Works, v. 3.) N. Y., 1855. 8~. 3818 Whig Review. See AMERICAN Whig Review. Whigs and Democrats, a Comedy. Richmond, I839. I2~. ~ I447 Whim, A, and its Consequences. G. P. R. James. N. Y., I848. 8~. 2324 Whims and Oddities. Hood. N. Y., I867. 12~... 4273 Whipple, E. P. Character and Characteristic Men. (2 copies.) Bost., I866. I2........... 3544 Essays and Reviews. 2d ed. Bost., I85I. 2 v. 8~.. 3540 The same. 3d ed. Bost., I853. 2 v. 8~... 3542 Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. Bost., I869. 80. 70 Success and its Conditions. Bost., I871. 80.. 3546 Whitaker, E. W. System of Universal Hist. Lond., I821. 4 v. 40. I6038 White, Carlos. Ecce Femina. Bost., I870. i6~.. 92Io [White, Charles.] Almack's Revisited. N. Y., 1828. 2 v. I2~.. I5366 White, Rev. Charles. Essays in Literature and Ethics. Bost., I853. I2~. 3582 White, G. Natural Hist. of Selborne. N. Y., 1842. 12~... 11749 The same. (Bohn's ed.) Lond., 185I. 8~.... 525 White, Henry. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. N. Y., I868. I2~.. 6327 White, Henry firke, Beauties of. Selected by A. Howard. Bost., I827. I2........... 14896 Complete Works, with Life by Southey. N. Y. 80.. I276 Poetical Works. Philad., I830. 8..944 The same..947 Remains, with Life by Southey. Bost., 1823. 2 v. I2~... 14897 White, James. Adventures of John of Gaunt. Dubl., I790. 2 V. I2~. 15477 White, Rev. James. The Eighteen Christian Centuries. N. Y., I863. I2~. 4566 Hist. of England. (2 copies.) Lond., I864. 16~.. 4849 White, R. G. Life and Genius of Shakespeare. (2 copies.) Bost., I865. I6.......... 543 43 334 White-Wide. White, R. G. National Hymns. N. Y., I86i. 8..925 Words and their Uses. (2 copies.) N. Y., I870. I2~... 97 White, Thom. (Pseudonym.) See C. W. ELLIOTT. White, W., Memoir of. Wilson. Philad., I839. 8~... I64I5 White Hills, The. King. N. Y., I870. 8~.. 8392 White-Jacket. Melville. N. Y., I85o. I2...I58T3 White Lies. Reade. Bost., I866. I6~.. 2IO1 White Mountain Scenery. Oakes. Bost., I848. 4~.. White as Snow. Garrett. N. Y. I2~... 244I White Sulphur Papers, The. N. Y., 1839. I2...... I6894 Whitefield, G. Journals. Lond., I830. I2..6644 Sermons, with Memoir. Lond., I835. 80..I. 10049 Life and Times of. Philip. N. Y., I838. I20.. 7599 Memoirs and Writings of. Gillies. Middletown, I838. 8~.. Ioo48 Whitehead, P. Poems, etc. Lond., I777. 4~..... I5082 Whitehead, W. Roman Father; Creusa. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804. 8........... 630 School for Lovers. (Brit. Drama.) Lond., I804. 8... I632 Memoirs of. Mason. Lond., I788. 8~.. 6955 Whiting, H. Life of Z. M. Pike. (Sparks, v. I5.) Bost., I845. I6~. 7264 Whitney, A. D. T. The Gayworthys. Bost. [I865.] I2~.... 2967 Hitherto. (2 copies.) Bost. I2~.. 2969 Patience Strong's Outings. Bost., I870. I2~.. 2968 Real Folks. Bost., I872. 8'.. 2971 Whitney, W. D. Language and the Study of Language. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1867. I2... I34 Oriental and Linguistic Studies. N. Y., I872. I20.... I36 Whitsuntide, Sermons for. Ed. Cattermole. Lond., i835. I6~.. 9499 Whittler, J. G. Home Ballads and Poems. Bost., I86I. I6... 736 Lays of my Home, and other Poems. Bost., I843. I6~.. 734 Leaves from Margaret Smith's Journal. Bost., 1849. I6~.. 2950 Legends of New-England. Hartf'd., I83I. 12~... 2949 Miriam and other Poems. (2 copies.) Bost., I87I. I6~.. 743 Old Portraits and Modern Sketches. (2 copies.) Bost., I85o. I6~. 3538 The Panorama, and other Poems. Bost., I856. I2~.. 735 The Pennsylvania Pilgrim, and other Poems. Bost., I872. I6~. 745 Poems. Bost., I849. 8~.. 928 Prose Works. Bost., I866. 2 v. I6.. 3536 Snow-Bound. (2 copies.) Bost., I866. I6~. 739 Supernaturalism of N. England. Lond., I847. I2.... 8612 The Tent on the Beach, and other Poems. (2 copies.) Bost., I867-69. I6.......... 74I In War Time and other Poems. (2 copies.) Bost., I864. I2~. 737 Whittlesey, 0. Life of J. Fitch. (Sparks, v. I6.) Bost., I845. I6~. 7265 Whymper, E. Scrambles amongst the Alps. Lond., I87I. 8~.. 8380 Whymper, F. Travel and Adventure in Alaska, etc. (2 copies.) N. Y., I869, I20,. 8399 WicklifL See WYCLIFFE. Wide, Wide World, The. [Warner.] Philad., I872. 120.... 2994 Widmann-Williams. 335 [Widmann, G. R.] Doctor Faustus. Lond., I826. I20.... I895 Wieland, C. M. Oberon, transl. by Sotheby. 3d ed. Lond., 1826. 2 v. 160. 864 The same. Newport, I8Io. 2 v. I2'. 866 Wieland. C. B. Brown. Bost., 1827. 12~.. 15292 Wife, The Young. Alcott. Bost., I837. 12 0.. I70o10 Wife of a Vain Man, The. Schwartz. Bost., 187I. 8~.. 3095 Wiggers, G. Life of Socrates. Lond., I840. I2~.. 7575 Wigwam and Cabin. Simms. N. Y., I845. I20.. 2719 Wilberforce, W. Correspondence. Philad., 1841. 2 v. 2~... 6769 Letter on Abolition of the Slave-Trade. Lond., I807. 8~.. 8553 Life of. By his Sons. 2d ed. Lond., I839. 5 v. 12~.. 6763 The same, abridged. Philad., 1839. 12~.. 6768 Wilbraham, R. Travels in Trans-Caucasian Provinces of Russia. Lond., 1839. 8.. 8039 Wild Irish Girl, The. Lady Morgan. N. Y., I807. 120.... 2405 Wild Men and Wild Beasts. Cumming. N. Y., 1872. 12~... OI78 Wilde, R. H. Love and Madness of Tasso. N. Y., 1842. 2 v. 120. I6408 Wilderness, The. N. Y., 1823. 2 v. I20. I15814 Wilderness and the War Path, The. Hall. N. Y., I846. 120... 15816 Wilfrid Cumbermede. MacDonald. N. Y., 1872. I2~.. 2585 Wilhelm, Meister. Goethe, transl. by Carlyle. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~. 4051 Wilkes, C. Narrative of U. S. Exploring Exped. Philad., I845. 5 v. and Atlas. 8~.. 8129 Wilkes, J. North Briton, The. Dubl., I765. 3 v. 12~.. 5I55 Sketch of. Thorold Rogers. Lond., I870. 8~... 6732 Wilkie, D., Life of. Cunningham. Lond., I843. 3 v. 8~... 7999 Wilkins, G. Miseries of Inforced Marriage. Lond., I825. 8~.. I512 Wilkinson, J. G. Manners and Customs of the Ancient Egyptians. ist Series. (2 copies.) Lond., I837. 3 v. 8~... 4447 The same. 2d Series. Lond., I841. 2 v. and I v. plates. 8~. 4453 Will, P. Practical Philosophy of Social Life. Lansingburgh, 1805. 8~. 17045 Will, Freedom of the. Edwards. N. Y., I829. 80. I7I77 Willard, E. Hist. of the U. S. N. Y., I831. 8~.. 16122 The same. N. Y., 1847. 8... 6II5 Journal and Letters from France and Grt. Brt. Troy, I833. I20. I6586 William I. (the Conqueror), of England, Hist. of. Cobbe. Lond., I867. 8........... 5285 Life of. Roscoe. Philad., I846. 120..... 5127 William II., Hist. of. Cobbe. Lond., I869. 80.. 5285 William IV., Life and Reign of. Wright. Lond., I837. 2 v. 80~. 5326 William of Malmesbury. English Chronicle. (2 copies.) Lond., I847. 8......... 508 Williams, Catharine R. Lives of Barton and Olney. Prov., I839. I2~. I6430 Williams, Charles V. Life of S. Perceval. Philad., I813. I2~.. I638o Williams, Cynric R. Tour through Jamaica. 2d ed. Lond., 1827. 80. I6920 Williams, E. Statesman's Manual. N. Y., I854. 3 v. 80... 6200 Williams, H. M. Correspondence of Lewis XVI. Lond., I803. 3 v. 8~. 5624 Letters from France. Lond., I795. 3 v. I2~. 5514 336 Williams-Wilson. Williams, Rev. John. Life of Alexander the Great. N. Y., 184I. 12~. IIoo6 The same. N. Y., I830. I20. I.. 1935 Williams, J. F. Lake. Hist. of Inventions. Lond., I820. 2 v. 8~.. 4105 Williams, Rob't. P. Lives of Princes of Wales. Lond., I843. v. I. 120. 5133 The Secret Passion. (2 copies.) Lond., 1844. 3 v. I2'. 1649 Shakspeare and his Friends. (2 copies.) Lond., 1838. 3 v. I2'. 1643 The Youth of Shakspeare. (2 copies.) Lond., 1839. 3 v. I2~. 1637 Wlliams, Roger, Life of. Gammell. Bost., I845. 16~.. 7263 Memoir of. Knowles. Bost., I834. I2~..... 7548 in Banishment; a Poem. Durfee. Leeds, I840. I2~... 14986 Williams, Sam'l. Hist. of Vt. 2d ed. Burlington, I809. 2 v. 8~.. 5838 Williams, Sam'l. Wells. The Middle Kingdom. (2 copies.) N. Y., I848-49. 2 v. I2~..... 647I Williamson, A. Journeys in N. China, etc. Lond., I870. 2 v. 8~. 7950 Williamson, H. Hist. of N. Carolina. Philad., I812. 2 v. 8~.. 5864 Willis, N. P. A l'Abri. N. Y., I839. I20... I5327 Fanshawe. Bost., I828. 12~. 15326 Health Trip to the Tropics. N. Y., I853. I2~. I5332 Hurry-graphs. N. Y., I85I. I2~.. 3613 Letters from under a Bridge. N. Y. 8~...15092 Life here and there. N. Y., I85o 12. ~...5331 Melanie, and other Poems. N. Y., I837. 12~.. 792 Paul Fane. (2 copies.) N. Y., I857. I2~... 15333 Pencillings by the Way. Philad., I836. 2 v. I2~... 15328 Poems. N. Y., I864. 12....793 Romance of Travel. N. Y., I840. I2....I5330 [Poetical] Sketches. Bost., i827. 8.. 791 Willis, Richard S. Our Church Music. N. Y., I856. 12~.. 8866 Willis, R. Spinoza. Lond., I870. 8~. 7789 Williston, E. B. Eloquence of the U. S. Middletown, r827. 5 v. 8~. 9332 Willoughby, Lady, Diary of. [Rathbone.] N. Y., I845. I2~.. 3957 Wilmot, J. (Earl of Rochester.) Poetical Works. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 24........... 26I Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., I8I9. 24~. 7 The same, ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8~.. 15096 Life of. Burnet. Lond. 24~.. 6677 Wilmot, Rob't. Tancred and Gismunda. Lond., 1825. 80. I509 Wilmott, Rob't. A. Gems of Epistolary Correspondence. Lond., I846. I2........... 7045 Wilson, Alex., Life of. Peabody. (Sparks, v. 2.) Bost., 1834. I6~. 7251 Wilson, Augusta J. (Evans.) St. Elmo. (3 copies.) N. Y., I867-68. I2~. 2990 Vashti. N. Y., I869. 12~.. 2993 Wilson, B. Memoir of Bp. White. Philad., I839. 8.. I6415 Wilson, D. Chatterton. Lond., I869. 8~.. 6998 Wilson, Henry. Wonderful Characters. N. Y., I834. 8~... 6906 Wilson, Hon. Henry. Hist. of Anti-Slavery Measures in Congress, I861-64. Bost., I864. 12...... 8579 Hist. of Rise and Fall of the Slave Power in America. Bost.. I872. v. I. 8.......... 693 Wilson-Wirt. 337 Wilson, James G. Life and Letters of Halleck. N. Y., I869. I2~.. 7386 Wilson, Prof. John. Critical and Miscellaneous Essays. (3 copies.) Philad., I842. 3 v. I2*.. 3303 The Foresters. Bost., I845. I2.... I15433 Genius and Character of Burns. N. Y., I845. I20.. I234 The same. N. Y., I86I. I2~... 7044 Isle of Palms, and other Poems. N. Y., I812. I2~.. 13838 Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life. Philad. I6~.... 2023 The same. Philad., I822. I2~. 15489 Noctes Ambrosianae. (2 copies.) Philad., I843. 4 v. I2~. 3295 The same. Ed. by Mackenzie. (2 copies.) N. Y., 1857. 5 V. I2...3336 Recreations of Christopher North. Edinb., I842. 3 V. 12~.. 3333 Trials of Margaret Lyndsay. N. Y., 1823. I2~.. 2460 The same. Philad., I823. 12~..... 2459 Memoir of. Mrs. Gordon. N. Y., I863. 8... 7086 Wilson, John. Treatise on English Punctuation. I4th ed. Bost., I862. I6........... 6i [Wilson, John.?] Hist. of Switzerland. (2 copies.) Lond., I832. I6~. 5476 The same. Philad., 1832. I20.. 6071 Wilson, John M. Tales of the Borders, and of Scotland. N. Y. 5 v. 8~. I678 Wilson, Robt. A. New Hist. of the Conquest of Mexico. Philad., I859. 8.......... 5971 Wilson, Rob't. T. Hist. of Brit. Exped. to Egypt. Philad., 1803. 80. 528I Narrative of Abercrombie's Exped. to Egypt. [Abridged.] Lond., 1803. I20.......... I670 Winchell, A. Sketches of Creation. N. Y., I870. I2.. 8958 Wind and Whirlwind. [Elliott.] N. Y., I868. 12~.. 15817 Windham, W. Select Speeches. Ed. Walsh. Philad., I837. 8~. ~ 9367 Speeches in Parliament; with Life by Amory. Lond., I812. 3 v. 8~.. 9342 Windle, M. J. Legend of the Waldenses, etc. Philad., 1852. I20.. I5728 Wines, E. C. A Trip to Boston. Bost., I838. I2..... 6846 Two Years and a half in the Navy. Philad., 1832. 2 V. I20.. I6284 Wing-and-Wing. Cooper. N. Y., I867. I20.. 2817 Winifred Bertram. [Mrs. Charles.] N. Y., I866. 12~.. 2470 Winslow, H. The Young Man's Aid. Bost., I837. I2~.. 17030 Winter Sunbeams, Search for. Cox. N. Y., 1870. 8~.. 8277 Winterbotham, W. View of the Chinese Empire. Lond., I795. 8~. I6473 Winthrop, T. Canoe and Saddle. (2 copies.) Bost., I863-64. 120. 2860 Cecil Dreeme. Bost., i86: I2~... 2724 The same. (2 copies.) Bost., I866. 12~.. 2855 Edwin Brothertoft. (2 copies.) Bost., I862. I2~0. 2858 John Brent. Bost., I862. I20.. 2857 Wirt, W. Arguments on the Trial of Burr. Richmond, I8o8. 12~.. 7487 Letters of the British Spy. N. Y., I832. I20.. 6075 The same. N.Y., I836. 12~... 6074 Life of P. Henry. Ithaca, I85. 8.... 7342 The same. N. Y., I835. 80. 7343 338 Wirt-Woman's. Wirt, W. Memoirs of. Kennedy. Philad., I850. 2 v. 8~.. 7420 Wise, H. A. Los Gringos. N. Y., I850. I2~.. I6257 Scampavias. N. Y., I857. I2~........ 6922 Wiseman, N. Lectures on the Catholic Church. 2d ed. Lond., I844. 2 V. in I. 16~.. 958I on Science and Religion. Andover, 1837. 8~. 10036 Recollections of the last four Popes. Revised ed. Lond. 8~. 7677 Wit, Flowers of. Kett. Hartfd., I825. I20...... 4284 and Humor, selected from the English Poets. L. Hunt. N. Y., I847. 2.......... 1234 Witch, The Amber. Meinhold. N. Y., I845. 2~..... 3044 Witchcraft, Letters on. Sir W. Scott. N. Y., I839. 12~.. IIOII See, also, APPARITIONS; MAGIC; NECROMANCERS. Witherspoon, J. Inquiry into the Stage. N. Y., 1812. 12.. 1394 [Withington, L.] The Puritan. Bost., I836. 2 v. 120.. I5320 Witt, J. de, Life of. James. Lond., 1836. 6~...... 5768 Wittich, W. Earthquakes and Volcanoes. Lond., I846. 12~... 8781 Wives and Daughters. A Novel. Gaskell. N. Y., I866. 8~.. 2663 Wives of England, Duties, etc., of. Mrs. Ellis. N. Y., I843. 12~.. 9199 [Wolcott, J.] Works of Peter Pindar. Philad., 1835. 80. I239 Wolcott, O. Memoirs of Administrations of Washington and Adams. Ed. Gibbs. N. Y., 1I846. 2 v. 80.. 6248'Wolfert's Roost, etc. Irving. N. Y., I855. 12~.. 4365 Wolf; J. Mission to Bokhara. N. Y., 1845. 8.... 8049 Wolff O. L. B. Poetischer Hausschatz des deutschen Volkes. Leipz., I867. 8........... 9648 Wollstonecraft, M., Memoirs of. [W. Godwin.] Philad., I804. 120. 6938 Wolsey, T., Life of. (Cabinet Cyclopadia.) Lond., 1831. 16~.. 5759 The same. Campbell. (Lord Chancellors, v. I.) Lond., I845. 8........... 6866 The same. Cavendish. Lond., 1827. 80.. 6813 The same. Galt. Lond., 1846. 8~.. 340 The same. [K. Thomson.] (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., 1833. 8.......... 6751 Wolzogen, A.v. Raphael's Life and Works. Lond., I866. 8~.. 7918 Woman in America. Graves. N. Y., I844. 120.. 11767 Beauty in. Walker. N. Y., I840. 12.. I7013 Noble Deeds of. [Starling.] Philad., I836. 2 V. 12~... 9195 physiologically considered. Walker. N. Y., I840. 12~... 17011 Question, Attempt to solve the. C. White. Bost., I870. I6~. 92IO Suffrage. Bushnell. N. Y., I869. I2... 92II Tales of. N. Y., I829. 120. I156o in White, The. Collins. N. Y., 187I. 8~.. 2300 Woman's Friendship; a Story. Aguilar. N. Y., I85I. 12~.. 2518 Kingdom. A Love Story. Mrs. Craik. N. Y., 1868. 8~.. 2681 Work and Woman's Culture. Lond., i869. 8~.... 9290 Worth and Worthlessness. Gail Hamilton. N. Y., 1872. I20. 9216 Wrongs. Gail Hamilton. Bost., i868. I60.. 92I5 Women-Woolsey. 339 Women, Characteristics of. Jameson. Bost., i866. I6~... 1487 The Coming Race of. f [Bulwer-Lytton.]': N. Y., 1871. 12~.. 9202 Cyclopaedia of Biography of. Adams. Lond., i869. I6~.. 6675 Friendships of. Alger. Bost., i870. 6~.... 9209 Hist. of. Alexander. Lond., I782. 2 v. 8~. 17007 Hist. of Condition of. Child. Bost., 1835. 2 V. 2~... 9I93 Memoirs of Celebrated. Ed. G. P. R. James. Philad., I839. 2 V. 12~.. 6701 CONTENTS.-I, Joan of Arc; Margaret of Anjou; Lady J. Grey. 2, Mme. de Maintenon; Q. Elizabeth; Maria Pacheco. of Learned British.'; Ballard. Oxf'd., I752. 4~.. I6030 The Subjection of. J. S. Mill. N.Y., i869. I2~.. 9203 of the Age, Eminent. Hartfd., I868. 80.. 6905 American, Noble Deeds of. Clement. Buffalo, I85I. 120.. 9208 oftheAmer. Revolution, The. Ellet. N. Y., I848-50. 3 v. I2~. 7300 of Christianity. Kavanagh. N. Y., I852. 120.. 7568 of England, Social Duties and Domestic Habits of. Ellis. N. Y., I839. I20.. 9197 of Israel. Aguilar. N. Y., I85I. 2 V. 12.... 2523 Loved by Poets, Memoirs of. Jameson. Lond., I837. 2 v. 8~. 6709 Modern, and what is said of them. N. Y., 1868-70. 2 V. I2~. 9206 Pious, Memoirs of. Burder. Philad. [I836.] 8~.. 1636i See, also, FEMALE. Wonders of the Universe. N. Y., I83I. 8~... 6938 of the World, Hundred. Clarke. N. H., 182I. 12~.. 1694I Wondrous Tale of Alroy. Disraeli. Lond., 1833. 3. 12~.. 2124 Wood,J. G. Homes without Hands. N.Y., i866. 8~... 9005 Wood, Winm. Manual of Physical Exercises. N. Y., I867. 120.. 9268 Wood, Wm. M. Wandering Sketches. Philad., I849. I2~... 6292 Wood, W. W. Sketches of China. Philad., 1830. 120... 16479 WoodlLeighton. M. Howitt. N. Y., I847. 80.. 2313 Woodburn Grange; a Story. W. Howitt. Philad. 2~.. 15.. 638 Woodbury, L. Writings. Bost., I852. 3 v. 8~..... 17160 Woodcraft. Simms. N. Y., I854. I2..... 96 Woods, L. Memoirs of H. Newell. Bost., I8I4. 12~. 7522 Woodst6ck. Sir W. Scott. Bost., I845. I2~. 1828 Woodworth, S. Champions of Freedom, or Mysterious Chief. N. Y., i8i6. 12........ I5675 Melodies, Songs, etc. N. Y., I826. I20.. I4959 The same. 3d ed. N. Y., I83I. 12~. 14960 Poems, Odes, etc. N. Y., I8i8. I20..1.5042 Woolman, J. Journal. N. Y., I845. 120.. 7631 The same. Ed. by Whittier. Bost., I871. 12~.. 7567 Woolrych, H. W. Memoirs of Judge Jeffreys. Lond., 1827. 80..: 6757 The same. Philad., 1852. I20.. 6758 Woolsey,M. T.,, Life of. Cooper. (Naval Biogr.) Philad., 1846. 12~. 7276 Woolsey, T. D. Divorce and Divorce Legislation. N. Y., I869. I2~0. 8642 Hist. Discourse at Yale College, I850. N. H., I85o. 8~... 9279 Introd. to International Law. (2 copies.) 2d ed. N. Y., x864. 8~. 8702 340 Woolsey-Wright. Woolsey, T. D. Religion of the Present and the Future. (2 copies.) N. Y., I871. I2~.. 9933 Worcester, Marquis of. See E. SOMERSET. Worcester, J. E. Elements of History. Bost., I852. I2... I5933 Sketches of the Earth. Bost., i823. 2 V. I2... 6327 Words. See LANGUAGE (English). Wordsworth, W. Lyrical Ballads, with other Poems. 4th ed. Lond., 1805. 2 V. I2....... I4899 Poetical Works. Bost. [i864.] 24.. 973 The same. Lond., I870. 6 v. I6. 11. I26 The same. Bost., I824. 4 V. I2... III7 The same. Lond., 1836-37. v. I-5. 11... II21 The Prelude. (2 copies.) N.Y., 1850. I2~.... 852 Yarrow revisited, and other Poems. N. Y., 1835. 16~.. 851 The same. 14901 Essay on. Jno. Wilson. (Essays, v. i.) Philad., I842. I2~.. 3303 Memoirs of. Chr. Wordsworth, ed. Reed. Bost., I85I. 2 V. I6~. 6957 Work, Letters on the Laws of. Ruskin. N. Y., I868. I2... 9046 and Wages. Brassey. N. Y., I872. 80... 8628 Working Man, Memoirs of a. Lond., I845. 120... 8491 Workman, J. Essays and Letters. N. Y., I8o9. I20.. 16071 Workmen, Letters to. Ruskin. N. Y., 1871-72. 2 V. I2~.. 8632 World, The. (Essays.) Ed. Ferguson. Lond., 1823. 3 V. I2~.. 3131 The same. 3505 The Ancient. Ansted. Philad., I847. I2~..... 8983 before the Deluge, The. Figuier. Lond. [I866.] 8~.. 8995 before You, The. Lee. Philad., I844. I2~.. I5819 Hist. of the. See HISTORY. Sacred Hist. of the. Turner. N. Y., I838-39. 3 v. I2~.. IIO34 World's Progress, The. Putnam. N. Y., I85I. 12~... 4605 Wortley, E. S. Travels in the U. S., etc. N. Y., I85I. 120.. 68ii Wotton, H., Life of. Walton. [Lond., I845.] 80..... 948 Poems. Ed. Hannah. Lond., I870 16. I6~..00. oo5 Wrangell, P. v. Expedition to the Polar Sea. N.Y., I84I. I2~.. II750 The same. 2d ed., by Sabine. Lond., I844. I60. ~. 7907 Wrangham, F. The Pleiad; Evidences of Christianity. Edinb., I828. I2....... 4488 Wraxall, N. W. Historical Memoirs of My Own Time, 1772-84. Philad., 1837. 80...... 5324 Hist. of France, I574-I6Io. 2d ed. Lond., I814. 6 v. 80.. I6241 Posthumous Memoirs of my Time, I784-89. Philad., 1836. 8~. 5325 Wren, C., Life of. (Libr. of Useful Knowl.) Lond., 1833. 8~.. 6751 Wright, G. N. Life and Times of Louis Phillipe. (2 copies.) Lond. 8~. 5584 Life of Wm. IV. (2 copies.) Lond., i837. 2 v. 80. ~ ~ 5326 Wright, S., Life of. Jenkins. Auburn, I850. 12.. 7329 Wright, F. Caricature Hist. of the Georges. Lond. 8~.... 4281 Celt, Roman, and Saxon. 2d ed. Lond., I86i. 8.... 5272 Domestic Manners and Sentiments in England in Middle Ages. Lond., I862. 8~........ 5263 Wright-Yale. 341 Wright, F. Queen Elizabeth and her Times. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~. 5293 Hist. of Caricature and Grotesque. Lond. [I864.] 8.. 4315 Narratives of Sorcery and Magic. N. Y., I852. I2~.. 8614 Writer, The. Bost., 1822. I20..15307 Wuderman, -. Notes on Cuba. Bost., I844. I2~.... 6918 Wuthering Heights. E. Bronte. N. Y., I857. 2~.... 2419 Wyatt, M.D. Fine Art. Lond., I870. 8.... 9076 Wyatt, Sir Thos. Poems, ed. Arber. Lond., I870. I6~.... 3895 Poetical Works, with Memoir. Bost., I854. 6. I6~. 10 I53 The same. Lond., I83I. I6... I026 Select Poems, with Life. Ed. Sanford. Philad., 18I9. 240.. I Wyatt, Sir Thos., Hist. of; a play. Greene. (Works, v. 2.) Lond., I830. 8........... I467 Wycherley, W. Dramatic Works, ed. L. Hunt. Lond., 1849. 8~.. Io3oo Plain Dealer. (Brit. Drama, v. 2, pt. I.) Lond., I8o4. 8~.. I63I Wycliffe, J., Life of. Le Bas. N. Y., I832. I2~.. 7516 Sketch of. Thorold Rogers. Lond., 1870. 8~... 6732 and his disciples, Lives of. Gilpin. N. Y., I814. I2~...6376 Wykehanm, William of, Life of. Lowth. Lond., I758. 8~.. 16340 Wylie, J. A. The Awakening of Italy. N. Y., [I866.] I2~... 459I Wyndham, N. Travels through Europe. Lond. 4 v. 8~.. I6580o Wyoming, The Poetry and Hist. of. Stone. N. Y., I84I. 12~... 5731 Wyse, P. America. Lond., I846. 3 v. 80. 5892 x. Xenophon. The Cyropaedia, transl. by Cooper. N. Y., I84I. 12~.. 4510 Works. Philad., I836. 8~.. 4440 for English Readers. Grant. Philad., I87I. I6~. 78 Ximenes, P., Life of. Crowe. Lond., 1833. I6~.. 5766 Y. Yalden, T. Select Poems. With Life, by Sanford. Philad., 1829. 240. 12 The same. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., I804. 8.... 5099 Yale College, Addresses at Inauguration of Pres. Porter. N. Y., I871. 8........... 9281 Annals of. Baldwin. N. H., 1831. 80.. 9322 Atheneum, The. [A Magazine.] N. H., I8I4. v.. 8~. 17475 Biennial Examination Papers of, I850-64. 8~.. 93I9 Brothers in Unity, Catalogue of Society of, to I854. N. H., I854. 8........... 9278 Catalogues, Annual, 18I7-72. 4 v. 80.. 93IO The same, I8I7-64. 3 v. 80.. 9314 Triennial, I820-62. 2 v. 8~... 9317 Class Valedictory Orations and Poems, I837-52. 8~. ~. 9320 Commemorative Celebration and Roll of Honor. N. H., I866. 8~. 9280 44 342 Yale-Young. Yale Courant. (2 copies.) N. H., 1865-67. 2 v. 4~... [Continued as the COLLEGE COURANT.] Decisions of Questions discussed by Senior Class in. Dwight. N. Y., 1833. I2~.. 9186 Four Years at. [Bagg.] N. H., I87I. I2~.. 9275 Historical Discourse at. Woolsey. N. H., I850o. 8~.. 9279 Lectures on Preaching. Beecher. N. Y., I872. I2~.. 9919 Linonian Society, Catalogue of Members, to I853. (2 copies.) N. H., I853. 8~... 9277 Centennial Celebration. N. H., 1I853. 8~.. 9282 Literary Magazine. N. H., I836-72. v. I-37. 8.~ ~ ~ ~ I7393 The same. v. 2-I5, 1I7-26, 28, 29. I7367 The same. v. I-6, 8-I2.. I745I Index to v. I-33. N. H., I868. 8~.... Phi Beta Kappa Orations and Poems, I802-46. 80... 9321 Portraits of Classes of I853 (2 copies), I854 (2 copies), 855, 1857, 1858 (2 copies), I859 (2 copies), I86I (2 copies). I2 V. 40 Student's Companion. N. H., I83I. v.. 80... I7393 Yang-Tsze, Five Months on the, I86I. Blakiston. Lond., 1862. 80. 8008 Yankee Notions. By Timo. Titterwell. Bost., I838. 12~.. 43I2 Year'I3, In the: a Tale. Reuter. Leipz., 1867. I6~.. 2707 Year Book, The. Hone. Lond., 1I838. 8~...... 4343 Yeast; a Problem. Kingsley. N. Y., 1864. I2~... 2563 Yellowplush, Memoirs of. Thackeray. Lond., I872. 8~.. 2196 Yonge, C. M. Book of Golden Deeds. Cambr., I865. I6~.. 4208 The Caged Lion. Lond., I870. 80.. 2504 Chaplet of Pearls. N. Y., I869. 8~.... 2665 Clever Woman of the Family. N. Y., I865. 8~.... 2664 Daisy Chain. N. Y., I87I. 2 v. I2~.. 2501 Dove in the Eagle's Nest. N. Y., I866. I2.... 2503 Heartsease. N. Y., I871. 2 V. 12~.... 2499 Heir of Redclyffe. (2 copies.) N. Y., I854-7I. 2 V. I2~.. 2495 Pupils of St. John. Lond. [I868.] 8~.. 6316 York, Fred'k., Duke of, Last Illness and Decease of. Taylor. Lond., I827. I6.......... 6683 Yorke, P. (Lord Hardwicke), Life of. Campbell. Philad., I848. 8~. 6870 Yorkshire, Worthies of. H. Coleridge. Leeds, 1836. 8~... 6904 Youatt, W. The Horse. Lond., I842. I20.. 16951 Young, Alex. Chronicles of the Pilgrims. Bost., I841. 8~.. ~ 5934 The same. 2d ed. Bost., I844. 8..... 5935 Library of Old English Prose Writers. Camb., I831-32. 7 v. 12~. 3904 CONTENTS.-1, Fuller's Holy and Profane States. 2. Sidney's Defence of Poesy; Selden's Table-Talk. 3, Sir T. Browne's Misc. Works. 4, Felltham's Resolves. 5, 6, Walton's Lives. 7, Latimer's Sermons. The same. v. I, 2, 4-7. 39II Young, Arthur. Travels in France. Dubl., I793. 2 v. 8~.. I6695 Young, C. M., Memoir of. By his Son. Lond., 187I. 80... 7009 Young, E. Poetical Works. Philad., I842. 8~.. 945 The same. Ed. Bell. Lond., I807. 4v. in 2. 24~.. 531 Young-Zimmerman. 343 Yonng, E. Poetical Works. Ed. Johnson. Dubl., 1804. 8~. I5102 The same. Ed. Walsh. Philad., 1822. 2 V. 240.. 19 Works. Edinb., I774. 6. 6...14602 Lond., I798. 3 v. I2~..1... I4599 Young, Prof. John. Lectures on Intellectual Philosophy. Glasg., I835. 8........... I7071 Young, Rev. John. The Christ of History. N. Y., i86o. I2~... 9899 The Life and Light of Men. Lond., 866. 8~.. 9900 Young, John R. Lectures on Mathematical Study, etc. Lond., 1I846. I2~. 9253 Young Christian, The. Abbott. N. Y., I834. 2~. 9993 Duke, The. Disraeli. N. Y., I83I. 2 V. I20... I5153 Gentleman, Advice to a, on entering Society. Philad., I839. 12~. 9I78 Ladies and Gentlemen, Sketches of. By Quiz. N. Y., I838. I2~. 4313 Man, Letters to a. Aikin. Lond., I838. 16~... 9I33 The same. Earl of Chatham. N. Y., 1804. I20.. 9I36 The same. Earl of Chesterfield. Lond., I804. 4 v12. 912~. 39 Thoughts for a. Mann. Bost., 1850. I6~.. 9114 from Home, The. James. N. Y. I2~.. I7056 Man's Aid, The. Winslow. Bost., I837. I2~. 17030 Friend. James. N. Y., I852. I2~.. 9144 Guide. Alcott. Bost., I837. I2~.. 9138 Men, Addresses to. Fordyce. Lond., 1789. 2 v. 8~.. 7054 Advice to. Cobbett. N.Y., I83I. 12~... 17025 Counsels to. Nott. N. Y., 184. 12... 9177 Hints to. Todd. Northampton, I844. 2.. 91. 74 Lectures to. H. W. Beecher. Bost., i866. I2~.. 9181 The same. Hawes. Hartfd., 1829. I2.. ~ 9I73 The same. C. B. Smith. N. H., I848. 12.. I7027 preparing for the Ministry, Letters to. Cogswell. Bost., I837. I2......... I7036 Muscovite, The. Zakosken. N. Y., I834. 2 V. 2~... 15128 Parson, The. [Davis.] N. Y., I866. 12... 2853 People, Letters to. Holland. N. Y., 1862. 12.. 3640 The same. Sprague. N. Y., 1831. I2~.. 17020 Student, Letters to a. Bost., 1832. I20.1. I7037 Yucatan, Incidents of Travel in. Stephens. N. Y., 1843. 2 V. 82. 8456 Rambles in, I84I-42. Norman. N. Y., 1843. 8~.... 8458 Yusef; a Crusade in the East. Browne. N. Y., I855. 12~... 8238 Z. Zakosken, M. The Young Muscovite. N. Y., I834. 2 v. 12~.. I5128 Zanoni. Bulwer. N. Y., 1842. 2 v. I2~... 2076 Zeluco. J. Moore. (Works, v. 5.) Edinb., I820. 8~.. 17321 Zenaida. Anderson. Philad., I858. 120...5820 Zenobia; a historical Romance. Ware. Lond., 1844-45. 2 v. I6~. 2729 Zillah. H. Smith. N. Y., I829. 2 v. I20.. I5639 Zimmermann, E. A. W. Polit. Survey of Europe. Dubl., I788. 8~. 15917 344 Zimmermann-Zwingli. Zimmerniann, J. G. On Solitude. Lond., 1792. 80. 17.. I768 Views of Frederick the Great. Dubl., 1792. 2 V. in I. 12~.. I6453 Zincali, The. Borrow. Lond., I84I. 2 v. 120..71. 17I5 Zincke, F. B. Extemporary Preaching. (2 copies.) N. Y., I867. I2~. 9915 Zohrab. [Morier.] N. Y., I833. 2 v. 120. I. 5641 Zoological Mythology. De Gubernatis. Lond., 1872. 2 V. 8~.. I0341 Zoology, Bibliography of. Swainson. Lond., I840. I6~.... 6o63 Physiological. Agassiz and Gould. Bost., 1848. I2~... 8890 See, also, ANIMALS; BIRDS; FISHES; NATURAL HISTORY; QUADRUPEDS; REPTILES. Z6phiel. Brooks. Bost., I834. 12. 720 Zoroaster. Oracles and Maxims, ed. Gowan. N. Y., I835. I2~. 9531 Zouch, T. Memoirs of Sidney. 2d ed. York, I809. 4~... 7216 Zschokke, J. H. D. Journal of a Poor Vicar. N. Y., I852. 12~.. 2698 The same, with Walpurgis-Night, etc. Philad., I845. I20. 3033 Tales, transl. by Godwin. (2 copies.) N. Y., I845. 12~... 303I Zulu-Land, Life in. Grant. Philad. [i864.] 12~.. 7982 Zurcher, F., and Margolle, E. Meteors, etc. N. Y., 1870. I2~.. IOI46 Volcanoes and Earthquakes. Philad., I869. 12~.. 01.. oI47 Zwingli, U., Life of. Hess. Lond., I812. 8.. 7555 ADDENDA. Bible, Speaker's Commentary on the. vol. 3, Joshua-I. Kings... Io0269 Craven, A. Fleurange. N. Y., I873. 12~...oo008o DeForest, J. W. Kate Beaumont. Bost., 1872. 80... I0295 Hare, A. J. C. Wanderings in Spain. Lond., I873. 8~.. 10243 Hazard, S. Santo Domingo. N. Y., I873. 80.. I0244 Mayo, W. S. Never Again. N. Y., I873. 120. Io0294 Medhurst, W. H. The Foreigner in Far Cathay. N. Y., I873. 120... I0232 CATALOGUE OF THE LINONIAN AND BROTHERS' LIBRARY, YALE COLLEGE. FIRST SLTJEIPLEIEMN T. NEW HAVEN: TUTTLE, MOREHOUSE & TAYLOR, PRINTERS. I 88o. THIS supplement contains about 5000 volumes added to the library since the printing of the last catalogue in I873. It has been thought desirable, also, to repeat a few of the entries of that catalogue, in order to give the whole of a series, instead of the continuation simply, and to bring together different editions of the same work. When a personal name (not fictitious), used as a heading - or the dash representing it, is immediately followed by another such name in italics, the latter is to be understood as the name of the author; the former, of the subject treated. When the same name appears both as author and subject, the author entries precede the subject entries. Novels and anonymous works appear under the first word of the title not an article. But title-headings of novels contained in the main catalogue are not repeated in the supplement. Cross-references likewise are only repeated when other references are added. The library now numbers about 22500 volumes. ERRATA. P. 20, 1. I9, for " Morwenstrow" read Morwenstow. P. 21, 1. 22, the entry Burr should have place on p. 35. P. 3I, 1. i6, for " Bric-a-Brac" read Bric-a-Brac. P. I7I, i. 7 from below, for "Waverly" read Waverley. SUPPLEMENT. $_ -—.... A., Major. See Coles, B. C. A., Anna d'. See Almeida, Anna d'. Abandoned. Verne, J. (The Mysterious Island, v. 2.).. 24278 [Abbe, J. E.] " Back from the Mouth of Hell;" or, The rescue from drunkenness. Hartf., I878. 120... 28886 Abbe (The) Tigrane: [a novel.] Fabre, F. N. Y., I875. I2~.. 24472 Abbott, B. V. Judge and Jury: a popular explanation of leading topics in the law of the land. N. Y., I88o..... 28846 Aberdeen, Lord. See Gordon, G. H. Abinger, Lord. See Scarlett, J. Abode (The) of Snow. Wilson, A. N. Y., I875. 12~.... 21707 About, E. F. V. Le Fellah: souvenirs d' Pgypte. Paris, I873. I6~. 25620 Handbook of Social Economy. N. Y., 1873. I2~.... 28880 The Notary's Nose. N. Y., I874, I6~.. 24032 Le Roi des Montagnes. Paris, I876. I6~... 2562I The Story of an Honest Man. N. Y., i88o. 8... 24707 - Trente et Quarante.-Sans Dot.-Les Parents de Bernard. Paris, 1875. I6........... 25622 Abroad again. Guild, C. Bost., I877. 80.. 21722 Abyssinia. Rassam, H. Narrative of the British Mission to Theodore, King of A. Illust. Lond., I869. 2 v. 8~.. 5659- Stanley, H. M. Coomassie and Magdala: the story of two British campaigns in Africa. Illust. N. Y., I874. 8~... 20621 Acadia (Acadie). See Nova Scotia. Acoustics. Pepper, J. H. Pneumatics [and Acoustics]. Lond., [I874]. I2.......... 29315 - See, also, Sound. Actors (and Acting). Baker, H. B. English A., from Shakespeare to Macready. N. Y., I879. 2 v. I2... 23627Lewes, G. H. Actors and the Art of Acting. Lond., I875. I2~. 26559 Oxberry, W. The Actor's Budget. Lond. I2~.. 26521 Ada Reis. [Car. Lamb.] Lond., I823. 3 v. I6~.. I862IAdam Brown, the Merchant. [Hor. Smith.] Lond., 1843. 3 v. 120. I8629Adams, Abigail S. Familiar Letters of John Adams and his wife. With a memoir of Mrs. Adams. By C. F. Adams. N. Y., 1876. I2........... 22622 Adams, C. F. Life of John Adams. (See Adams, J. Q. & C. F.) - Welles, G. Lincoln and Seward: remarks upon the memorial address of C. F. A. on the late Wm. H. Seward. N. Y., I814. 22645 2 6 Adams-Africa. Adams, C. F., jr., Notes on Railroad Accidents. N. Y., I879. I20.29933 - Railroads: their origin and problems. N. Y., I878. I2'. (2 cop.). 2993IAdams, C. K. Democracy and Monarchy in France. N. Y., I874. 20413 Adams, F. 0O. The History of Japan. Lond., 1874-5. 2 v. 8~.. 20383Adams, H. Documents Relating to New-England Federalism; ISo-I8I5. Bost., I877. 8........ 21442 Adams, J., (Pres't). Familiar Letters of John Adams and his wife during the Revolution. By C. F. Adams. N. Y., I876. I2~. 22622 Adams, 7. Q., (&' C. F. Adams). Life of A. Phila., I874. i6~. 22621 Adams, J. Q. Memoirs, comprising portions of his diary from 1795 to I848. Ed. by C. F. Adams. Phila., I874-'77. I2 v. 8~. 22760(& C. F. Adams). The Life of John Adams. Begun by J. Q. A.; completed by C. F. A. 2 vols. in I. Phila., I874. I6~.. 22621 Adams, W. H. D. English Party Leaders and English Parties, from Walpole to Peel. Lond., I878. 2 v. 8~...2I054CONTENTS:-1, Walpole; Pitt (earl); Burke; Fox; Wm. Pitt. -2, Pitt (cont'd); Canning; Peel. Addington, H., (Lord Sidmouth). Earle, 7. C. (In'Eng. Premiers,' v. 2.).. 22883 Addison, J. Poetical Works. With memoir and crit. diss. by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I859. 8~. (In same vol..- Gay's Fables and Somerville's Chase.)..26319 - Selections from [his] papers contributed to the Spectator. Ed. by Thos. Arnold. 2d ed. Oxf., I878. I6~.. 26872 Adventures of Caleb Williams. Godwin, W. N. Y., I856. I2~.. 24479 Adventures of Captain Mago. Cahun, L. N. Y., 1876. 80.. 24209 Adventures of Philip. Thackeray. Lond., I872 (&c.) I2~. (2 cop.) 24874-.Egyptische K6nigstochter. Ebers. Stuttg. & Leipz., I88o. 12~.. 25872 Aeronautics. Pettigrew, J. B. Animal Locomotion; with a dissertation on A. Illust. N. Y., I874. 12... 29247 - See, also, Pneumatics. E.schylus. The Agamemnon, transcribed [in meter] by R. Browning. Lond., I877. I60... 26804 -Esthetic Papers. Peabody, E. P., editor. Bost., I849. 80... 27560 &Esthetics. Brown, J. Ethics and AE. of Modern Poetry. Lond., 1878. 12........... 26293 - Hand, F. G. AE. of Musical Art. Lond., I88o. 8~... 29798 Ve'ron, E. Lond., 1879. I2~.. 28171 Afghanistan, Hist. of. Malleson, G. B. Lond., I878. 80... 20614 Afloat and Ashore. Cooper, J. F. N. Y., I873. I2~.... 2834 Afraja. Mugge, T. Breslau, I862. 3 B. I6~. (Miigge's Romane, B. I3-I5.)'..25844Africa. Baker, S. W. Ismailia: the expedition to Central A. for the suppression of the slave trade. Illust. N. Y., 1875. 89. 21846 - Burton, R. F. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8~.. 2854- Cameron, V. L. Across Africa. N. Y., 1877. 8~... 21850 - Drummond, W. H. The Large Game and Natural Hist. of South and South-East A. [Illust.] Edinb., I875. 8~. ~ ~ ~ 29492 Africa-Alcott. 7 Africa. Gillmore, P. The Great Thirst Land: a ride through Natal, Orange Free State, Transvaal, and Kalahari Desert. Lond., etc., [I878]. 8.. 2I1864 Livingstone, D. Last Journals in Central A. N. Y., 1875. 8~. (Map in detached case).. 23532- Long, C. C. Central Africa. N. Y., I877. 80.... 2185I - Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 24. Bost., I878. I6~. 26463 - Schweinfurth, G. A. The Heart of A. N. Y., I874. 2 v. 8~. 2I852- Stanley, H. M. How I found Livingstone: travels in Central A. N. Y., I872. 8... 21856 - - Through the Dark Continent. Illust. N. Y., I878. 2 v. 8~. 21857- Trollope, A. South A. Lond., I878. 2 V. I2~.. 2I698-- Valdez, F. T. Six Years in West'n A. Lond., I86I. 2 v. 8~.. 2I862- Wood, J. G. The Natural Hist. of Man. (vol. t.)... 29590 See, also, Abyssinia; Angola; Ashanti; Atlas lIts.; Carthage; Congo; Dahomey; Egypt; MIorocco; Nile; Sahara; Sudan; Zanzibar. Aftermath. Longfellow, H. W. Bost., I873. I6~.. 26075 Agassiz, L. J. R. Geological Sketches. Bost., i866 &'76. 2 v. 12~. 8955 & 29416 Agnel, H. R. Chess for Winter Evenings. N. Y., I848. I2~.. 297IO Agriculture. Brewer, W. H. Agricultural Progress. (.In First Cent. of the Republic.)..21520 Johnson, S. W. How Crops Feed. N. Y., [I870]. I2~... 29459 - How Crops Grow. N. Y., [I868]. I2~... 29460 Loring, G. B. A Treatise on A. and the Horse. (Zn Murray, W. H. H.,'The Perfect Horse.').. 29496 Ahnen (Die). Freytag, G. Leipz., I875-6. 4 Abth. 120... 259IIAikin, J. Essays, Literary and Miscellaneous. Lond., I8II. 80.. I8615 Aikin, Lucy. Memoir of Mrs. Barbauld. (See Barbauld, A. L. A.'Works.') Memoirs, Miscellanies and Letters. Ed. by P. H. LeBreton. Lond., I864. I20.... 23219 Air and its Relations to Life. Hartley, W. N. N.Y., I875. I2~.. 29298 Akenside, M. Poetical Works. With memoir and critical dissertation by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I857. 8~..... 26320 Alabama Claims. Cushing, C. The Treaty of Washington. N. Y., I873. I20...........2136I Alaska and Missions on the North Pacific Coast. Jackson, K. Illust. N. Y., [i88o]. 12........ 21287 Albany, Count of. See Charles Edward Stuart. Albert Edward, Prince of Wales. Gay, 7. D. The Prince of Wales in India. N. Y., I877. I2. 21246 Russell, W. H. The Prince of Wales' Tour: a diary in India; with some account of [his] visits to the courts of Greece, Egypt, Spain, and Portugal. Illust. Lond., I877. 2 v. 80. 2I967Alcestis: [a novel.] N. Y., I874. I6~...... 24033 Alcock, R. Art and Art Industries in Japan. Illust. Lond, I878. 29823 (See Margary, A. R.'Journey.') Alcott, A. B. Table-Talk. Bost. I877. I2~,.. 27219 8 Alcott-Ambrose. Alcott, Louisa M. Under the Lilacs. Bost., I878. I6~... 24034 Aldrich, T. B. Cloth of Gold, and other poems. Bost., I878. I6~. 26000 -- Flower and Thorn: later poems. Bost., I877. I20... 2600o - Marjorie Daw, and other people. Bost., 1873. I6~... 24035 Prudence Palfrey: a novel. Bost., I874. I20.. 24036 - The Queen of Sheba. Bost., 1877. I6~.. 24037 Alert (ship). Markham. A. H. The Great Frozen Sea: narrative of the voyage of the A. during the arctic exp. of I875-6. Lond., I878. 80........... 21882 Alexander I., Pavlovich, emp. of Russia. yoyneville, C. Life and Times of A. Lond., I875. 3 v. 80. (2 copies.).. 20605Alexander, Mrs., (pseud.). See Hector, Annie F. Alfieri, Vittorio. Life [Autobiography] of. With an essay by Wm. D. Howells. Bost., I877. I6~.. 23240 -Tragedies; transl. by C. Lloyd. Lond., 1815. 3 v. 16~. i86I6- Same, including his posth. works. Transl. [by C. Lloyd and E. A. Bowring]. Ed. by Bowring. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 120. 26490Alford, H. Life, Letters and Journals. Ed. by his widow. 2d ed. Lond., I873. 80.. 22267 Alfred the Great, Life of. Pauli, R. [With] Alfred's Anglo-Saxon version of Orosius. Lond., I853. 12~... 20805 Alice Lorraine. Blackmore, R. D. N. Y., I876. 80... 24301I All the Year Round. Lond., I859-79. v. I-I5; and New Series, v. I-23. 80......... I8345Allen, J. H. Hebrew Men and Times. [2d ed.] Bost., I879. I6~. 28442 Allibone, S. A. Poetical Quotations, from Chaucer to Tennyson. Phila., I879. 80.......... 26761 Prose Quotations from Socrates to Macaulay. Phila., 1879. 8~. 26760 Allzeit voran. Spielhagen, F. Leipz., I877. I6~. (Siimmtl. Werke, B. I.)..25870 Almeida, Anna d'. A Lady's Visit to Manilla and Japan. By Anna D'A. Lond., I863. 8~.. 21937 Alone. Terhune, M. V. H. N. Y., I856. 12~.... 15818 Aloys. Auerbach, B. N. Y., I877. I6~. (2 copies.)... 24038Alps. Bonney, T. G. The Alpine Regions of Switzerland and the neighbouring countries. Camb., i868. 8~... 21787 -- See, also, Switzerland; Tyrol. Amari, M. History of the War of the Sicilian Vespers. London, I85o. 3v. 120. 200oooAmateur (The) Poacher. [Jefferies, R.] Boston, I879. 12~... 29330 Amateur Theatricals. Pollock, W. H. London, I879. I2~... 26519 Amazon (river). Bates, H. W. The Naturalist on the River Amazons. London, 1873. I2~... 2I207 -- Brown (C. B.) & Lidstone (W.) I5000 miles on the Amazon and its Tributaries. [Illust.] Lond., I878. 8.. 2I800oo Amazon (The): [a novel.] Dingelstedt, F. N. Y., I88o. I6~.. 24175 Amberley (Viscount). See Russell, J. Ambrose (St.) and the Union of the Christian Church with the State. Merivale, C. (In' Four Lect.')..28445 America-American. 9 America. Anderson, R. B. A. not discovered by Columbus: an historical sketch of the discovery of A. by the Norsemen in the Ioth cent. Chic., 1877. I2..... 2I280 Keane, A. H. Ethnography and Philology of A. (App. to Bates, H. W.,' Centr. Amer.,' &c.) Contains an "Alphabetical list of all known Amer. tribes and languages.".. 21700 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places: [A., exclusive of the United States.] (v. 30.)........26469 Wood, J. G. (In'Nat. Hist. of Man.' v. 2.)... 29591 See, also, Antiquities, American; also, names of geographical divisions. Central. Bates, H. W. Central A., the West Indies, and South A. Illust. Lond., i878. 12~.. 21700 -- Whetham, J. W. B. Across Central A. London, I877. 8~. 218r2 North. Butler, W. F. The Great Lone Land: travel in the North-west of A. Illust. London, I872. 8~.. 21552. -- - Parkman, F. France and England in N. A. Bost., I865-77. 5 pts. 80. 6I30- & 2I403South. Hutchinson, T. J. The Parana; with incidents of the Paraguayan war, and South American recollections from i86I to I868. Illust. Lond., i868. 8..... 2I805 - Waterton, C. Wanderings in S. A., [etc.] Lond., I866. 16~. 21264 American (The): James, H., jr. Boston, I877. I2~. (2 copies.). 24595American Angler's Book. Norris, T. Phila., [I865]. 80... 29629 American Antiquities. See Antiquities, American. American College Fraternities. Baird, W. M. Phila., I879. I2~.. 28995 American Colleges and the Amer. Public. Porter, N. New Haven, 5870. I2~. And N. Y., [I878]. 12~. (2 cop.). 9254 & 28837 American Currency, A Hist. of. Sumner, W. G. N. Y., i874, (etc.) I20. (2 copies.)......... 29059American Eclectic. N. Y., 184I-2. 4 v. 8~. (2 copies.). I374IAmerican Explorers, A Book of. Higginson, T. W. Bost., I877. 22600 American Gun Club. Verne, J. N. Y., I874. I2~.... 24262 American Health Primers. Keen, W. W., editor.. 29958CONTENTS: —Hearing, by C. H. Burnett.-Long life, J. G. Richardson.-Summer and its diseases, J. C. Wilson.-Eyesight, G. C. Harlan.-Throat and voice, J. S. Cohen.-Winter and its dangers, H. Osgood.-Mouth and teeth, J. W. White.-Our homes, H. Hartshorne.-Brain work and overwork, H. C. Wood.Sea-air and sea-bathing, J. H. Packard. American Indians. See Indians (American). American Journal of Science. [Ist Series.] N. H., I8I8-45. 49 v. 8~. I7545Index (v. 50.) N. H., 1846. 8~. (2 copies.) -- 2d Series. N. H., I846-70. 50 v. 8~...175943d Series. N. H., I87I-79. I8 v. 80..... I7644American Literature. Beers, H. A. A Century of. N. Y., I878. I6~. (2 copies.)......... 26909Tyler, M. C. A Hist. of. N. Y., 1878. v. I-2. 8~... 26779CONTENTS:-1, 1607-1676; 2, 1677-1765. Whipple, E. P. (In First Cent. of the Republic.)... 21520 American Politics, Hist. of. Johnston, A. N. Y., 1879. I6~... 21332 American Politics, Issues of. Skinner, 0. Phila., I873. I2~. ~ 21327 American (The) Senator: a novel. Trollope, A. N. Y., I877. 8~.. 24702 American (The) State and Amer. Statesmen. Dix, W. G. Bost., 1876. 21333 IO Amicis-Animals. Amicis, E. de. Constantinople. N. Y., I878. I2~.... 2i691 Studies of Paris. N. Y., I879. 12~. (For contents see Paris.). 27273 Among my Books. Lowell, J. R. Bost., I870-76. 2 series. I2~. (2 copies.).3616-& 2693I[Amory, T.] The Life of John Buncle. Lond., I770. 4 v. I6~. I7484Amos, S. The Science of Law. N. Y., I874. 12~.... 29249 Ampere, A. M. 7ames H.,jr. (In'French Poets.').. 26905 Ampire, J. J. A. See Hamerton, P. G.,'Modern Frenchmen' (22488); James, H., jr.,' French Poets' (26905); Lenormant, A. C.,'Mad. R6camier and her Friends' (22483). Anatolia. See Asia Minor. Ancient Classics for English Readers. Collins, W. L., editor. Phil., I870-79. 28 v. I6....... 71-86 & 26835CONTENTS:-1, Homer's Iliad, by the editor.-2, Homer's Odyssey, editor.3, Herodotus, G. C. Swayne.-4, Caesar, A. Trollope.-5, Virgil, editor.-6, Horace, T. Martin.-7, AEschylus, R. S. Copleston.-8, Xenophon, A. Grant. -9, Cicero, editor.-10 Sophocles, C. W. Collins.-11. Pliny, A. J. Church & W. J. Brodribb.-12, Euripides, W. B. Donne.-13, Juvenal, E. Walford.14, Aristophanes, editor.-15, Hesiod & Theognis, J. Davies. —16, Plautus and Terence, editor.-17, Tacitus, W. B. Donne.-18, Lucian, editor.-19, Plato, C. W. Collins.-20, Greek Anthology, C. Neaves. SUPPLEMENTARY SERIES:-1, Livy, editor.-2, Ovid, A. J. Church.-3. Catullus, Tibullus & Propertius, J. Davies.-4, Demosthenes, W. J. Brodribb.5, Aristotle, A. Grant.-6, Thucydides, editor.-7, Lucretius, W. H. Mallock. -8, Pindar, F. D. Morice. Ancient History from the Monuments. 20040CONTENTS:-Egypt, S. Birch.-Assyria, Geo. Smith.-Persia, W. S.W.Vaux. -Babylonia, Geo. Smith.-Greek Cities and Islands of Asia Minor, Vaux.Sinai, H. S. Palmer. Ancient (The) R6gime. Taine, H. A. N. Y., I876. I2~... 20425 Anderson, J. Mandalay to Momien: a narrative of the two expeditions to Western China of I868 and I875. Lond., I876. 8~. 21926 Anderson, R. B. America not discovered by Columbus. New ed. Chic. I877. I2.. 21280 Norse Mythology. Chic., I875. I2~.......27715 - The Younger Edda; also called Snorre's Edda, or the Prose Edda: an Eng. version of The Foreword; The Fooling of Gylfe; Brage's Talk,... The Poetical Diction; with introduction, notes, and vocabulary. Chic., I88o. 12~.. 27707 & Bjarnason (J.). Viking Tales of the North: the sagas of Thorstein, Viking's Son, and Fridthjof the Bold. Also, Tegner's Fridthjof's Saga. Chic., I877. I2~..... 27708 Andre. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I869. I6~.. 25671 Andrewes (Andrews), Bp. L. See Barry, A.,'Masters' (22111); Classic Preachers (22113); Teale, W. H.,' Lives' (22IIO). Andrews, A. The Hist. of Brit. Journalism. Lond., I859. 2 v. I2~. I8588Anecdotes. Cliffe, L. Anecdotal Reminiscences of Distinguished Literary and Political Characters. Lond., I830. I6~.. I8560 The London Anecdotes. Lond. 2 v. in I. I6~.... 25245 Angel (The) in the House. Patmore, C. Lond., [I879.] I6~.. 26031 Angell, H. C. How to take care of our eyes. Bost., I878. I6~. 29956 Angling. See Fishing. Angola and the River Congo. Monteiro, J. J. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 2I620 Animal Mechanics. See Mechanics (Animal). Animal Parasites and Messmates. Beneden, P. J. van. N. Y., I876. 29259 Animals. Couch, J. Illustrations of Instinct. Lond., I847. I2~. 29326 Animals-Apostolic. tI Animals. Drummond, W. H. The Large Game and Natural Hist. of South and Southeast Africa. [Illust.] Edinb., I875. 80. 29492 - Gubernatis, A. de. Zoological Mythology; or, The legends of A. N. Y. [Lond.], I872. 2 V. 80.. 29490- Hamerton, P. G. Chapters on A. Bost., I874. I20... 29327 -- Helps, A. Some Talk about A. and their Masters. Lond., I873. 29329 -- Thomson, J. Public and Private Life of A. Lond., I877. I20. 24698 See, also, Apes; Birds; Dog; Horse; Natural Hist.; Zoology. Annals of England: an epitome of English history. Oxf., I865,'62-3. 3 v. i6. 20853CONTENTS -1, B. C. 57 to A. D. 1399.-2, 1399 to 1649.-3, 1649 to 1714. Annals of a Fortress. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Bost., I876. 80... 24313 Anne, queen of Eng. Burton, 7. H. A Hist. of the Reign of A. Edinb., I88o.3 v. 8~. 21060Morris, E. E. The Age of Anne. N. Y., [I877.] I6~... 20456 Anne Boleyn, queen of Eng. Dixon, W. H. Hist. of Two Queens. Lond., I873-4- 4 v. 8~....... 23005Anthologia Germanica. Mangan, J. C. Dubl., I845. 2 V. in I. I6~. 26030 Anthropology. See Man (and references). Antilles. Ober, F. A. Camps in the Caribbees: the adventures of a naturalist in the Lesser A. (Illust.) Bost., I880 [1879]. 8~. 21813 Waterton, C. Wanderings in the A. Lond., I866. I6~... 21264 See, also, West Indies. Antiquities. MUller, F. M. Essays on Literature, Biography and A. (His'Chips,' v. 3.).. 3733 - American. Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America. N. Y., 1I872. I2~. 21320 - Foster, J. W. Prehistoric Races of the U. S. of A. Chic., 1873. 8........... 21401 - Short, J. T. The North Americans of Antiquity. N.Y., 1880. 21400 English. Evans, J. The Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments of Great Britain. Lond., 1872. 8~.. 20202 -- Jewitt, L. Half-hours among some Eng. Ant. Lond., I880. 20206 - -Lubbock, J. On the preservation of our ancient national monuments. (In'Addresses.')..274II --- Wilson, D. Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. Lond., I863. 2 v. 80.. 20203See, also, Archeology; History, Ancient; Man, Prehistoric, Rome. Antoinette. Theuriet, A. N. Y., I878. I6~.. 24927 Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius. Capes, W., W. (In'The Roman Empire of the 2d Cent.; or, The Age of the Antonines.'). 20439 See, also, Farrar, F. W.,'Seekers' (23682); Renan, J. E.,'Eng. Conferences' (28570). Antony Brade. Lowell, R. T. S. Bost., 1874. 120.... 24236 Anvers, N. d'. See D'Anvers, N. Apes, Man and. Mivart, St. G. N. Y., I874. I2~.... 29395 Aphorisms. See Proverbs. Apologists. See Fathers (of the Ch.). Apostolic Fathers. See Fathers (of the Ch.). a2 Appleton-Armada. Appleton, T. G. A Nile Journey. Illust. Lond., 1876. I2~.. 21204 Appleton's Annual Cyclopaedia, for I861-79. N. Y., 1864-80. I9 v. - Index to v. I-I5, I861-75. N. Y., I876. 8. Appleton's Journal. N. Y., I869-79. 22 v. 4~ and 80... I7842Apthorp, W. F. Hector Berlioz: selections transl., [with] biographical sketch. N. Y., 1879. I2~.. 23766 Aquatics. See Boat-racing; Boat-sailing; Sports (& references). Arabs. Blackburn, H. Artists and A. Illust. Lond., I868. 8~.. 21692 Blunt, A. Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates. Ed., with... some account of the Arabs, by W. S. B. N. Y., 1879. 80... 21900 Clark, E. L. The Arabs and the Turks. Bost., 1876. I2~. 20492 Duncker, M. W. (In'Hist. of Antiquity,' v. I.).. 20240 Ararat and Transcaucasia. Bryce, J. Lond., I877. I2~.... 21214 Archaeology. Lubbock, J. Introd. to the Study of Prehistoric A. (In'Scientific Lectures.')...... 29532 See, also, Antiquities (and references). Archery (Book of). Hansard, G. A. Lond., I841. 8~.. 29635 - See, also, Sports. Architect, Notes and Sketches of an. Narjoux, F. Bost., I877. 8~. 29926 Architects and their Works. Clement, C. E. Bost., 1879. I2~.. 2979I Architecture. Freeman, E. A. Historical and Architectural Sketches: chiefly Italian. Lond., 1876. I20... 20184 - Ruskin, J. Poetry of A.: cottage, villa, etc. N. Y., I873. I2~. 29833 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. The Habitations of Man in all ages. Bost., I876. 80.. 29927 Arctic Regions. Blake, E. V. Arctic Experiences; cont'g Capt. G. E. Tyson's drift on the ice-floe, a hist. of the Polaris Expedition, the cruise of the Tigress, and rescue of the Polaris survivors; a general Arctic chronology. N. Y., 1874. 8~. 21880 - Leslie, A. The Arctic Voyages of A. E. Nordenski6ld: I858I879. Illust. Lond., I879. 8..... 288 Markham, A. H. The Great Frozen Sea: voyage of the "Alert." Lond., I878. 8~. 21882 Payer, J. New Lands within the Arctic Circle. N. Y., 1877. 80. 21883 Areopagitica. Milton, J. Oxf., I878. 6~.. 26878 Argolis, The Prince of. Illust. by J. Moyr Smith. N. Y., 1878. I20. 24176 Argyll, Geo. J. Douglas, duke of. The Eastern Question: I856 to i878, and to the second Afghan war. Lond., [I879.] 2 v. I20. 20487Ariadne: a novel. Durand, A. F. N. Y., 1878. I6~.... 24082 Ariadne Florentina. Ruskin, J. N. Y., I874-5. I2~.. 29831 Arians (The) of the 4th Cent. Newman, J. H. Lond., I87I. I2~. 28412 Aristophanes. Translations of the Acharnians, Knights, Birds, Frogs, Peace. (In Frere, J. H.,'Works,' v. 2.).. 27482 Collins, W. L. (In'Anc. Clas. for Eng. Readers,' v. I4.) ~. 26840 Aristophanes' Apology. Browning, R. Bost., I875. 12~. ~. 26047 Aristotle. Grant, A. (Anc. Clas. for Eng. Readers, supplem. ser., v. 5.) 26851 See, also, Blackie, J. S.,'Four Phases' (28080); Mill, J. S.,'Diss. and Disc.,' v. 5 (27360). Armada (Spanish). Jones, F. The Life of Sir Martin Frobisher; cont'g a narrative of the S. A. Lond., I878. I2~... 22848 Armitage-Art. t1 Armitage, Ella S. The Childhood of the English Nation. N. Y., I877. I2~.......20842 Arms and Armor. Lacombe, M. J. P. Lond., I869. I20... 29928 Armstrong, J. Poetical Works. With memoir and crit. diss., by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I858. 8~. (In same vol.: Dyer and Green.)..2632I Arnason, J. Icelandic Legends. Lond., I864. I2~.... 277IO Arnauld, J. M. Angelique de Ste. Madelaine, abbess of Port Royal. Martin, F. Lond., 1873. 120.. 22I44 Arndt, E. M., Life of, [mostly autobiography]. With pref. by J. R. Seeley. Bost. [Lond.], I879. I2~...225II Arnold, A. Through Persia by Caravan. N. Y., I877. 12~.. 2I205 Arnold, B., Life of; his patriotism and his treason. Arnold, I. N. Chic., i88o. 8~.. 22694 Arnold, E. The Indian Song of Songs. From the Sanskrit. With other oriental poems. Lond., I875. I60.. 26002 The Light of Asia; or, The Great Renunciation: being the life and teaching of Gautama, as told in verse by an Indian Buddhist. Bost., I879. I6~.. 26003 Arnold, F. Our Bishops and Deans. Lond., I875. 2 v. 80.. 22268Oxford and Cambridge: their colleges, memories, and associations. Illust. Lond., [I874]. 8~..21979 Turning-Points in Life. Lond., I873. 2 v. I2~.... 27379Arnold, I. N. The Life of Benedict Arnold. Chic., I88o. 80.. 22694 Arnold, M. Friendship's Garland. [Mis. essays.] Lond., I87I. 160. 27242 God and the Bible: a review of objections to "Literature and Dogma." N. Y., I875. I2~..... 28688 Higher Schools and Universities in Germany. Lond., I874. I2~. (2 copies.)......... 2882I- Last Essays on Church and Religion. [Lond. &] N. Y., I877. I20. 28690 - Literature and Dogma: an essay towards a better apprehension of the Bible. N. Y., I873. I2~... 28689 - Mixed Essays. N. Y., I879. I2~.. 27241 CONTENTS:-Democracy; Equality; Irish Catholicism and British Liberalism; "Porro unum est necessarium;" A Guide to Eng. Literature; Falkland; A French Critic on Milton; A French Critic on Goethe; George Sand, On the Study of Celtic Literature. Lond., I867. 80.. 2786I -.- Poems. New and compl. ed. Lond., I877. 2 V. I2~... 26084CONTENTS:-1, Early poems, narrative poems, and sonnets; 2, Lyric, dramatic, and elegiac poems. Around a Spring. Droz, G. N. Y., I873. I6~.. 24233 Around the World in Eighty Days. Verne, J. Bost., I874. I2~.. 24263 Around the World in the Yacht'Sunbeam.' Brassey, A. N. Y., I878. 8....... 2173I Arrabiata (L'), and other tales. Heyse, P. J. L. Leipz., 1867. I6~. 24538 Art. Blanc, A. A. P. C. Art in Ornament and Dress. N. Y., i877. 8........... 29873 Clement, C. E. A Handbook of Legendary and Mythological Art. Illust. N. Y., I877. I2~... 29790 Conant, S. S, Fine Arts, (In First Cent. of the Republic.). 21520 3 14 Art. Art. Couture, T. Conversations on Art Methods. N. Y., 1879. 120. 298z6 -- D'Anvers, N. Elementary Hist. of Art: architecture, sculpture, painting, music.. Illust. N. Y., I875. x2~... 29877 - Howitt, A. M. An Art-student in Munich. Land., I853, 2 V12..........29879Hunt, W. M. Talks on Art. Bost., I88o. 80.... 29916 - Jameson, A. M. The Hist, of Our Lord as exempl-ified in works of art. Lond., I8.65,. 2. 8~....... 4- Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the fine arts. Illust. 5th ed. Lond., 1872. 8~..... 0ago --- Legends of the Monastic Orders, as represented. in the fine arts. 5th ed. Lond., 1872. 8~,...2. 991 I -.- Sacred and Legendary Art. 6th ed. Lond., 187o. z v. 8~. z99I2Jarves, J. J. Art Thoughts. N. Y., 1875. I2~.... 2982I -- A Glimpse at the Art of Japan. N. Y., 1876. 12.. 2. 9822 - Johnson, E. W. The Studio Arts. N. Y., 1878. 16~... 29828 Lacroix, P, The Arts in the Middle Ages, and at the period of the Renaissance. Illust. Lond., 87o0. 8... 20362 - Lessing, G. E. Laocoon: an essay upon the limits of painting and poetry; with remarks [on) the hist. of ancient art. Bost., 1874, 6~. 60....26290 -Loftie, W. J. A Plea for Art in the House. Phila., [I877]. 12~. 29781 Liibke, W. Outlines of the Hist. of A. Ed. by C. Cook. Illust. N. Y., I878 [I8771. 2 v. 80.. * 2994-o Mivart, St. G. AEsthetic Evolution. (dat'Contemporary Ev,') zg3S94 Narjoux, F. Notes and Sketches of an Architect.. Bost., I877. 29926 Ossoli, M. F. A., Literature, and the Drama. (Works, v. 5.). 27290 - Pater, W. The Renaissance: studies in art and poetry. Lond., I877. 8........... 29878 - Poynter, E. J. Ten Lectures on A. Lond., I879. 80... 29820 - Ruskin, J. The Eagle's Nest: ten lectures on the relation. of natural science to art. N. Y., 1873. 12~.. 29830 - Mornings in Florence. N. Y., E876. i2~.. 29834 - Seemann, O. The Mythology of Greece and Rome, with special reference to its use in art. [L. &] N. Y., 1877. 1'".. 29788 - - Same. N. Y., I879. I6~. 29.. 789 Smith, R. M. Persian Art. Lond., [I8761. [2~.... 2977I Taine, H. A. The Philosophy of A. N. Y., 1873. i6~.. 29827 - Winckelmann, J. J. The Hist. of Ancient A. Bost., 1873. 4 v. 29980See, also, Architecture; Bronzes; Decoration & D)esign; Drawing; Engraving; Etching; Ivories; Maioica; Music; Ornament; Paixting; Sculpture; Tapestry; —lEsthetics; Antiquities; Caricature; Gems lRenaissance; aiso,'Art' under England, Europe, Italy, Spain. Art Decoration applied to Furniture. Spofford, H. E. P. N. F., 1878 [1877]. 8.........9872 Art Education applied to Industry. Nichols, G. W. N. Y., 1877. 29925 Art at Home Series......... 29780COIT:EBTS:-Hlouse Decoration, by I, & E. Garret.-Art in the House, W. J. Loftie. —Dress, Mrs. Olphant. —IMusic fn the House, J. Hullah. Art-Student in Munich. Howitt, A. M. Lond., r853. 2 v. r2~. 29879Art Tour to Northern Capitals of Europe. Atkinson, J. B. Lond, I873. 8~... 29874 Arthur-Astrology. I 5 Ardtur (King). Cox (G. W.) and 7ones (E. H.). King A. and his Knights. (In'Pop. Romances.').... 27712& 201.0 Arthur Bonnicastle. Holland, J. G. N. Y., I873. I6~. (2 copies.) 24544Arthur O'Leary. fLever, C. J.] Lond,, 1845. 8~..., 24669 Artists, Clayton, E. C. English Female A.. Lond., I876. 2 v.. 23865- Illustrated Biographies of the Great A. Lond. & N. Y., I879-8o. 14 v. I2t' (Far ontests see Illust, Biogr.).. 23777Artists and Arabs. Blackburn, H. Lond., I868. 8'.... 21692 Arts, Industrial. Se Iandustrial Arts. Arvor Spang. Miigge, T. Breslau, i865. 2 B. I6~. (MUgge's Romane, B. 22-23.)..25847 Asbjorasea, P. C. Tales from the Fjeld: a ad series of popular tales, [transl.] from the Norse by G. W. Dasent. Lond., 1874. 27705 Ascanio. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~.. 24406 Ashanti. Brackenbury, H. The Ashanti War. Edinb., I874. 2 v. 206I9Stanley, H. M. Coomassie and Magdala: the story of two British campaigns in Africa. Illust. N. Y., I874. 8~.. 2062I Ashley, E. The Life of Henry John Temple, Viscount Palmerston: I846-I865. With selections from his speeches and correspondence. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8'.. 23069Asia. Burnaby, F. A Ride to Khiva: travels and adventures in Central Asia. N. Y., 1877. I2'. 21215- Hellwald, F. von. The Russians in Central Asia: examination of the geography and history of C. A. Lond., I874. 8~. 21608 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 21-23. Bost., I878. 26460Prejevalski, N. M. From Kulja, across the Tian Shan to LobNor. And notices of the lakes of Central A. Lond., I879. 21929 - Mongolia, the Tangut Country, and the Solitudes of Northern Tibet: Lond., 1876. 2 v. 8'. 2I927-- Wood, J. G. (In'Nat. Hist. of Man,' v. 2.)... 2959I See, also, Afghanistan; Arctic Regions; Asia Minor; Assyria; Babylon; Burma; Caucasus; China; Corea; East (The); East Indlas Archipelago; Euphrates; Himalayas India; Indo-China; Japan; Khiva; Manchuria; Mongolia; Oxus; Palmyra; Persia; Russia; Sliamn Tartary; Tibet; t; ralscaucasa; Turkestan; Turkey. Asia Minor. Burnaby, F. On Horseback through Asia Minor. Lond., I877. 2 v. 8~..21907- Duncker, M. W. (In'Hist. of Antiquity,' v. I.)... 20240 -- Plumptre, E. H. St. Paul in Asia Minor, and at the Syrian Antioch. Lond., [I878]. I6.. 28499 --- Vaux, W'. S. W. Greek Cities and Islands of Asia Minor. Lond., I877. I6'.. 20043 - See. also, Lydia. Assommoir (L'). Zola, E. Paris, I877. 6~. 25670 Assyria. Duncker, M. W. (In'Hist. of Antiquity,' v. 2-3.). 2024ISmith. G. Assyria, from the earliest times to the Fall of Nineveh. N.Y., I876. 6...., 20040 See, also, Babylon. Astrology, Proctor, R. A. (in'Our Place.'). 29447 I6 Astronomy-Auerbach. Astronomy. Ball, R. S. N. Y., I878. 16~.. 29350 Flammarion, C. Stories of Infinity. Bost., I873. I6~.. 29441 ---— Guillemin, A. The Heavens. Lond., I872. 80.... 29573 - Lockyer, J. N. (Science Primers.) Lond., I877. I6~.. 29361 - Proctor, R. A. Flowers of the Sky. Illust. N. Y., [I879]. I6~. 29442 - Myths and Marvels of A. N. Y., I877. 8~... 29449 -- - A New Star Atlas... with introd. on the study of the stars. Lond., I877. I20.. 29446 - -- Our Place among Infinities. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 29447 -- (ln'Rough ways made smooth.'). 29444 - Science Byways. Phila. [Lond.], I876. I2~.... 29445 See, also, Earth; Heavens; Light; Moon; Spectrum Analysis; Sun; Venus. At his Gates. Oliphant, M. O. W. Lond., I872. 3 V. I2~... 24805Athens. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. A.: its rise and fall. N. Y., I874. I2........... 20096 Capes, W. W. University Life in Ancient A. Lond., 1877. 12~. 28826 - Cox, G. W. The Athenian. Empire [from the flight of Xerxes to the fall of A.]. N.Y., [I877]. 6....20441 Atherton. Mitford, M. R. Lond., I1854. 3 v. 12~.... I8632Athletics (Modern). Wilkinson, H. F. Lond., I877. I2~. ~ ~ 29638 - See, also, Gymnastics. Atkinson, J. B. An Art Tour to North. Capitals of Europe. Lond., 1873. 8..,.........29874 Atlantic Monthly. Bost., I857-79. 44 v. 8~. I0526Same. v. 1-26. I0500Index to v. 1-38.. Atlas (Mountains). Hooker (J. D.) and Ball (J.). Journal of a Tour in Marocco and the Great A. Lond., I878. 80... 21847 Atomic Theory, A sketch of. Lonsdale, A. (In'John Dalton').. 23564 Atonement of Leam Dundas. Linton, E. L. Phila., I876. 80.. 24312 Atta Troll, and other poems. Heine, H. Lond., I876. 120.. 260I8 Attic (An) Philosopher in Paris. Souvestre, t. N. Y., i88o. 16~.. 24926 Attwood, F. G. Manners and Customs of ye Harvard Studente. Bost., I877. Ob. 40~.. Auerbach, B. Aloys. Transl. by C. T. Brooks. N. Y., I877. (2 cop.) 24038Barfiissele. Stuttg., I876. I2~.. 25895 - Same. Little Barefoot. N. Y., I874. 6~0... 24045 Christian Gellert, and other sketches. Transl. from the German. Lond., I858. I20.... 24000 The Convicts and their Children. N. Y., I877. 16~. (2 cop.). 24040Drei einzige T6chter. Stuttg., I875. I2~......25896 -- Edelweiss. Stuttg., I874. I2~.... 25897 German Tales. N. Y., I874. 6.. 24042 CONTENTS:-Christian Gellert's Last Christmas; The Step-Mother; Benigna; Rudolph and Elizabeth; Erdmutha. - Joseph im Schnee. Stuttg., 1874. I20.. 25893 Joseph in the Snow. N. Y., I874. I6..24043 Das Landhaus am Rhein. Stuttg., 1878. 3 B. I6~.. 25884- Landolin. N. Y., I878. I6..24044 Auerbach-Austria. 17 Auerbach, B. Lorley and Reinhard. N. Y., I877. I6~. (2 cop.) 24046- Nach dreissig Jabhren. Neue Dorfgeschichten. Stuttg., 1876. 3 B. in I. I20.. 25894 CONTENTS: —1, Des Lorle's Reinhard.-2, Der Tolpatsch aus Amerika.-3, Das Nest an der Bahn. On the Heights. N. Y., I875. I2~.......24001 Poet and Merchant: a picture of life from the times of Moses Mendelssohn. N. Y., 1877. I6~.....24048 - Romane. Stuttg., 1871. 12 B. in 6. I60... 25887CONTENTS:-1, Spinoza. —2, Dichter u. Kaufmann. —3-4, Neues Leben.-5-8, Auf der Hohe.-9-12, Das Laudhaus am Rhlein. Schatzkaistlein des Gevattersmanns. Stuttg., I875. I6~... 25883 -- Waldfried. Stuttg., I874. 3 B. I6~.. 25880Same. Transl. by S. A. Stern. N. Y., I874. I20. (2 copies.). 24002Zur guten Stunde. Gesammelte Volkserzahlungen. Mit 334 Bildern. Stuttg. 2 B. 8~.. 25902Auersperg, A. A. The Last Knight: a romance-garland. From the German of Anastasius Griin [pseud.]. Transl., with notes, by J. O. Sargent. N. Y., I87I. 8~.. 26240 Auf der Duine. Spielhagen, F. (Sammtl. Werke, B. 3.)... 25862 Auf der H6he. Auerbach, B. (Romane, B. 5-8.).... 25889Augenblick des Gliicks. Hacklander, F. W. von. (Werke, B. 2I.) 25810 Augustine, St. Clark, W. R. (The Fathers for English Readers.) Lond., [I878]. I60.. 28504 - Merivale, C. St. A.: some lessons from his life and teaching. (In'Four Lect.').. 28445 See, also, Newman, J. H.,'Histor. Sketches,' v. 2 (20092); Shedd, W. G. T.,'Lit. Essays' (26927). Aurelius, Marcus. See Antoninus. Austen, Jane. Emma: a novel. Lond., I853. I6~.. 24049 Samne. Lond., I856. I6~.. 24050 Mansfield Park: a novel. Lond., 1853. I6~.. 24051 - Same. Lond., I856. I60.. 24052 -- Northanger Abbey. [&] Persuasion. Lond., I856. I6~... 24053 Pride and Prejudice: a novel. Lond., I856. I6~.... 24054 Sense and Sensibility: a novel. Lond., I856. 16~... 24055 Austin, Sarah. Germany, from I760 to I814; or, Sketches of German Life. Lond., I854. 80. 2064I Australia. Beauvoir, L. de. ('A Voyage,' v. I.). 21200 Howitt, W. The Hist. of Discovery in A., Tasmania, and New Zealand. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8.. 21816Trollope, A. A. and New Zealand. Lond., I873. 2 v. I20.. 21818Wood, J. G. The Natural Hist. of Man. (Vol. 2)... 2959I - See, also, Victoria (province). Austria. Hackliinder. F. W. von. Bilder aus dem Soldatenleben im Kriege. (Werke, B. 28-29.) (Wars of Austria and Sardinia, I848-9.).. 258I3- Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. I6. Bost., I877. I6~. 26455 -- Metternich, C. W. N. L. Memoirs, 1773-I8I5. N. Y., I88o. V. 1-2. 8~........ 22585 I8 ~Austria —Bain. Austria. See, also, Hungary; Transylvania; Tyrol. Authors. Clarke, C. C. and M. C. Recollections of Write,rs. N. Y., [I878]. I2~.. 26936 - See, also, Classical Writers; English Men of Letters; Literature. Automatism. Elam C. Winds of Doctrine: being an examination of the modern theories of A. and Evolution. Lond., i876. 8~. 28165 Autour d' une Source. Droz, G. Paris, I876. I6~.... 25628 Avd-Lallemant, R., joint author. See Bruhns, C., Life of A. von Humboldt. Avis, The Story of. Phelps, E. S. Bost., I877. I6~. (3 copies.). 24845Ayres, Anne. The Life and Work of W. A. Muhlenberg. N. Y., i88o. 8...........22724 Azamat-Batuk, (pseud.) See Thieblin, N. L. Babolain. Droz, G. Paris, 1876. I60.. 25629 Same. Transl. from the French. N. Y., I873. I6~. ~ ~ 24234 Babylon. Duncker, M. W. (In'Hist. of Antiquity,' v. I & 3.). 20240Babylonia, Hist. of. Geo. Smith. Lond. I6~.. 20041 See, also, Assyria. Bach, C. P. E. Letters. (In Nohl, L.,'Letters.').... 23765 "Back from the Mouth of Hell."' [Abbe, J. E.] Hartf., 1878. I20. 28886 Backlog Studies. Warner, C. D. Bost., 1873. I6... 27240 Bacon, A. M. A Manual of Gesture. Chic., 1879. 12~... 27822 Bacon, Delia. The Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere unfolded. Lond., I857. 8~.. 27040 Bacon, F. Essays. [Ed.] by E. A. Abbott. Lond., I876. 2 v. I6~. 272I7-Works. N. Y., I877. 2 v. I2.. 27280CONTENTS:-1, Philosophical Writings. —2, Literary and Religious Works. — M ontagu, B. The Life of B. Lond., I834. 8~...23010 Bacon, G. B. Siam, as it was and is. N. Y., I873. I2~.. 212o6 Bacon, L. Genesis of the New England Churches. N. Y., I874. 80~. 28447 Baddeck. Warner, C. D. Bost., I874. I6~.. 24291 Bagehot, W. Economic Studies. Ed. by R. H. Hutton. Lond., I88o. 8........... 2966 CONTENTS:-The postulates of English pol. economy; The preliminaries of pol. ec.; Adam Smith on our modern econ.; Malthus; Ricardo; The growth of capital,; Cost of production. - The English Constitution. Bost., I873. I2~.. 20883 - Literary Studies. With a memoir. Ed. by R. H. Hutton. Lond., I879. 2 V. 8~.... 26767CONTENTS: —1, Memoir; The first Edinburgh Reviewers; H. Coleridge; Shelley Shakspeare-the man; Milton; Lady M. W. Montagu; Cowper; Letters on the French coup d'&tat of i851; Csesarism as it existed in 1865; Memoir of James Wilson.-2, Gibbon; Butler; Sterne and Thackeray; Waverly novels; Dickens; Macaulay; B6ranger; Clough's poems; H. C. Robinson; Appendix. -- Lombard Street: a description of the money market. Lond., 1873. I2......... 2905I Physics and Politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the principles of "Natural Selection" and "Inheritance" to political society. N. Y., I873. I20.. 29241 Baile, J. Wonders of Electricity. Illust. N. Y., I872, I20.. IOI35 Bain, A. Correlation of Nervous and Mental Forces. (In app. to Stewart, B.,'Conservation of Energy'.). 29246 Bain-Banks. 19 Bain, A. Education as a Science. N. Y., 1879. 12~.... 29265 Mind and Body: the theories of their relation. N. Y., 1873. 12~. 29243 Baird, H. M. Hist. of the Rise of the Huguenots of France. N. Y., 1879. 2 V. 8........ 20680Baird, W. R. American College Fraternities. Phil., 1879. 120.. 28995 Baker, H. B. English Actors, from Shakespeare to Macready. N. Y., 1879. 2 v. 12~....2.3627- French Society from the Fronde to the Great Revolution. Lond., 1874. 2 V. I2~.... 0400Baker, J. Turkey. N. Y., I877. 8~.......21909 Baker, S. W. Cast up by the Sea. N. Y., I869. 12~.. 24004 Ismailia. Illust. N. Y., 1875. 8~.. 2I846 Balbo, C. The Life and Times of Dante. Lond., 1852. 2 V. 120. 23293Baldwin, J. D. Ancient America, in notes on Amer. Archaeology. Illust. N. Y., 1I872. 2........ 21320 Baldwin (J. L.) & Clay (J.). Laws of Short Whist. London, [1876]. 6........... 29683 Balfe, M. W., Memoir of. Kenney, C. L. Lond., 1875. 80.~ ~ ~ 23845 Ball, John (died I38I). (In Maurice, C. E.,' Lives of Eng. Pop. Lead'ers,' v. 2.).. 22941 Ball, John. Journal of a Tour in Marocco. (See Hooker, J. D., & Ball.) Ball, R. S. Astronomy. Rev. by S. Newcomb. N. Y., I8'7. 6~.- 29350 Ballad Stories of the Affections. Buchanan, R. Lond., [I866]. 8~. 26254 Ballads. Lang, A. B. and Lyrics of Old France. Lond., 1872. I2~. 26026 - Maidment, J. Scottish B. and Songs. Edinb., 1868. 2v. 12~'. 26I6I*- Moore, J. S. The Pictorial Book of'B. Lond., 1849. 80.. 26243 - Roberts, J. S. The Legendary B. of England and Scotland. Lond., [I875]. 2~...27665 Balzac, H. de. The Comedie Humaine and its author; with translations from the French of Balzac by H. H. Walker. [Lond. &1 N. Y., [1879]. 12....... 2698 CONTENTS:-The "Comedie," [etc.]; The Purse; Gaudlssart 11., or the Selim Shawl; Albert Savarus. - Poor Relations: Cousin Pons. Lond., I880. I2.... 24056 (See Thomson, J.,'Public and Private Life of Animals.') - See, also, Curwen, H.,'Sorrow and Song,' v. 2 (23286); James, H., jr.,'French Poets' (26905); Stephen, L.,'Hours in a Lib.,' v. I (26933). Bancroft, G. History of the United States of America. Rev. ed. Bost., I876. 6 v. 120. (2 copies.).. 21335Banim, J., Life of; with extracts from his corresp. Murray, P. J. Lond., I857. 6. I. 8558 Banking. Bagehot, W. Lombard Street: a description of the money market. Lond., i873. 12~.. 29051 - Price, B. Currency and B. N. Y., 1876. 12~. (2 copies.). 29056- Richardson, H. W. The National Banks. N. Y., i88o. 32.. 29063 See, also, Currency; Money; Pol. Ec. Banks, E. G. Hints on Oxford and Cambridge Aquatics. Oxf'd, x868. I16.. 29658 20 Barbarossa-Bascom. Barbarossa. See Frederick I., einp. of Ger. Barbarossa, and other tales. Heyse, P. J. L. Leipz., I874. I6~. 24539 Barbauld, Anna L. A. Life of Sam. Richardson. (See Richardson,'Correspondence,' v. I.) Works. With a memoir by Lucy Aikin. Lond., 1825. 2 V. 80. I8612Barchester Towers. Trollope, A. Lond., [t875]. I2~. (2 cop.). 24828Bardsley, C. W. Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature. N. Y. [Lond.], i88o. 12... 27867 Barfiissele. Auerbach, B. Stuttg., I876. I2~.. 25895 Barham, F. F., A Memorial of: autobiographical and other compositions. Ed. by I. Pitman. [Printed phonetically, except 55 pp. of pref.] Lond., I873. 120.. 27839 Barham, R. H. Personal Reminiscences. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Bric-i-Brac Series.').. 23255 Barham, R. H. D. The Life and Letters of the Rev. R. H. Barham: with a selection from his miscellaneous poems. Lond., I870. 2 V. I2.......... 23210- The Life and Remains of Theo. E. Hook. Lond., I877. I20. 23295 Baring-Gould, S. The Vicar of Morwenstrow: a life of R. S. Hawker. N. Y., [I879]. I2~... 22105 Barker, J. Syria and Egypt under the last five Sultans of Turkey. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8~.. 23960Barker, Mary A., (Mrs. Fred. Napier Broome.) Station Amusements in New Zealand. Lond., I873. 12~..... 21735 Barnard, C. Light. (See Mayer, A. M., & Barnard.) Barneveldt, J. van Olden, Life and Death of. Motley, J. L. N. Y., 1874. 2 v. 80. (2 copies.)....... 23894Barr6, I., Memoir of. (See Britton, J.,'Authorship of Junius.'). 26778 Barron, A. Foot Notes; or, Walking as a fine art. Wallingford, Conn., I875. 120.....29321 Barrow, I. Wace, H. (In Classic Preachers.).... 22I12 Barry, A., editor. Masters in English Theology: King's College Lectures for I877. N. Y., I877. I20.. 22III CONTENTS;-Historical pref., by the ed.; R. Hooker by the ed.; L. Andrewes, by R. W. Church; W. Chillingworth, by. H. Plumptre; B. Whichcote, by B. F. Westcott; Jer. Taylor, by F. W. Farrar; J. Pearson, by S. Cheetham. Barry, H. Ivan at Home; or, Pictures of Russian life. Illust. Lond., I872. 80..21940 Bartholomew Fair, Memoirs of. Morley, H. Lond,, I859. 80.. 26641 Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Palestine, through Sinai, the Wilderness and the South Country: with special reference to the hist. of the Israelites. Illust. N. Y., I879. 8~.. 21843 Bartlett, W. F., Memoir of. Palfrey, F. W. Bost., 1878. I6~.. 22602 Bartol, C. A. Principles and Portraits. Bost., I88o. I6~... 27268 Barton, B. Selections from [his] Poems and Letters. Lond., I849. I8586 Barton Experiment. [Habberton, J.] N. Y., I877. 12~.. 24453 Bascom, J. Comparative Psychology: or, The growth and grades of intelligence. N. Y., I878. I2~.. 28207 Philosophy of English Literature: lectures. N. V., I874. 12~. 26912 Basque —Beaumont. 21 Basque Language, Essay on. Vinson, J. (With Basque Legends.) 27781I Basque Legends. Webster, W. Lond., I877. 8~.. 27781 Bastian, H. C. The Beginnings of Life. Lond., 1872. 2 V. I2~.. 29290Bastiat, F. Essays on Political Economy. N. Y., I874. I6~.. 28801 Same, rev., with notes by D. A. Wells. N. Y., I877. I2~.. 28802 Bates, H. W. The Naturalist on the River Amazons: eleven years of travel. Lond., I873. I2. 21207 - editor. Central America, the West Indies, and South America. Based on Hellwald's'Die Erde;' [Trans.] with ethnological app., by A. H. Keane. Illust. Lond., 1878. I2~.. 21700 Bathing. Packard, J. H. Sea-air and Sea-bathing. Phil., 188o. 16~. 29967 Steedman, C. Manual of Swimming: incl. bathing,... drowning, and rescuing. Melbourne, I867. I6~.. 29643 [Bathurst, C.] Remarks on the Differences in Shakspeare's Versification in different periods of his life. Lond., I857. I6~.. 2701I Batrachomyomachia. Battle of the Frogs and Mice. See Homer. Batty, J. H. How to hunt and trap. Phil., 1878. I2~... 296II Baudelaire, C., Translations from; with a few orig. poems. By R. H. Shepherd. Lond., I869. I6~... 26040 Baxley, H. W. Spain: art-remains and art-realities, painters, priests, and princes. Lond., I875. 2 V. I2~.... 2I24IBurr, E. F. Pater Mundi: lectures. Bost., I870-73. 2 v. I2~. 9989 & 28087 CONTENTS:-1, Modern science testifying to the Heavenly Father.-2, Doctrine of evolution. Bayne, P. The Chief Actors in the Puritan Revolution. Lond., I878. 8........ 23013 Lessons from my masters, Carlyle, Tennyson, and Ruskin. N. Y., 1879. I2~... 23287 Beaconsfield, Lord. See Disraeli, Benj. Beale, L. S. Bioplasm: an introd. to the study of physiology and medicine. Illust. Lond., I872. I6~.. 29292 -- Life Theories: their influence upon religious thought. Lond., I87I. 12........... 29293 -- On Life and on Vital Action in Health and Disease. Lond., I875. I2....... 29296 -- The Machinery of Life: a lecture. Lond., [I875]. I2~.. 29294 -- The Mystery of Life. Lond., 187I. I2~.. 29295 -- Protoplasm; or, Matter and Life. Lond., I874. I2~... 29297 Beattie, J. Poetical Works. With life, crit. diss., and explanatory notes, by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I854. 8~. (In same vol..- Blair and Falconer.)..26322 Beau Tancrede; or, The marriage verdict. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [18791. I6.......... 24415 Beauclerk, Diana de Vere, Lady. A Summer and Winter in Norway. Illust. Lond., I868. I2~.. 21208 Beaufort, Emily A. Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines, including a visit to Palmyra. New ed. Lond., I874. I2~. 21209 Beaumarchais, P. A. C. de. Besant, W. (In'French Humourists.') 26776 Beaumont (F.) and Fletcher (J.). Works. With introd. by G. Darley. Lond., T840. 2 v. 8....... 266804 22 Beaumont-Bell. Beaumont (F.) and Fletcher (J.). Coleridge, S. T. Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, B. and F.: notes and lectures. Liverp., I874. i6~. (2 copies.). 3180 & 2702I Beauregard, H. J. C. de. See Costa de Beauregard. Beauvoir, L. de. A Voyage Round the World. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 2I200CONTENTS:-1, Australia.-2, Java, Siam, Canton. Pekin, Jeddo, and San Francisco: the conclusion of a Voyage round the world. Lond., I872. I2~.. 21202 Becker, B. H. Scientific London. N. Y., I875. I2~.... 27300 Becket, Thomas a. Freeman, E. A. St. Thomas of Canterbury and his Biographers. (In' Histor. Ess.,' Ist ser.).. 4658 Froude, 7. A. Life and Times of B. N. Y., I878. I2~... 22140 -- Morris, 7. The Life and Martyrdom of B. Lond., I859. 12~. 22141 - Robertson, 7. C. B., Archb. of Cant.: a biogr. Lond., 1859. 8~. 22142 -- Trotter, L. 7. (In'Studies in Biography.').... 23883 Beckford, W. The History of the Caliph Vathek. N. Y., I869. I6~. 24057 Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates. Blunt, A. N. Y., I879. 8~.. 21900 Beecher, H. W. A Summer Parish. N. Y., I875. I2~... 28552 - Yale Lectures on Preaching. N. Y., I872-4. 3 series. I2~. (2 cop. of ISt.).9919-& 284I6Beerbohm, J. Wanderings in Patagonia. N. Y., I879. I6~.. 21243 Beers, H. A. A Century of American Literature: I776-1876. N. Y., I878. I6~. (2 copies.)..26909— Odds and Ends: verses humorous, occasional, and miscellaneous. Bost., I878. I6~.. 26041 Beesly, A. H. The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. N. Y., [I879]. I6~. 20440 Beesly, E. S. Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius. Lond., 1878. 8~. 23725 Beethoven, L. van. [Millier van K6nigszuinter, W.] Furioso; or, Passages from the life of B. Cambr. & L., I865. I2~.. 23809 -- ohl, L. B., depicted by his contemporaries. Lond., i88o. I2C. 238Io -- - An Unrequited Love: an episode in the life of B. Lond., i876. 8........... 23806 -- Wagner, W. R. Transl. by A. R. Parsons. Bost., i872. I2~.. 23808 --- Same. Transl. by E. Dannreuther. Lond., I88o. I2~... 23807 Behind the Counter. Hacklander, F. W. Leipz., I868. I6~.. 24455 Being a Boy. Warner, C. D. Bost., I878. i6~.. 24292 Belgium. Gibbons, P. E. French and Belgians. Phila., I879. I2~. 21228 -- Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 15. Bost., I877. I6~. 26454 -- See, also, Netherlands. Belgravia. Lond., I867-79. 39v. 8.... I797I- & I8007Bell, A. M. The Elocutionary Manual. 3d ed. Lond., [I859]. I6~. 27823 [Bell, C. M.] Tales from the Odyssey, for boys and girls. By "Materfamilias." N. Y., I88o. 24~.......26818 Bell, D. C. Notices of the Historic Persons buried in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, in the Tower of London. Lond., I877. 23002 Bell, R., editor. The Poems of Greene, Marlowe, and Jonson. With critical and historical notes, and memoirs. Lond., 1876. I2~. 26096 Bell, W. Shakespeare's Puck, and his Folkslore, illustrated from the superstitions of all nations.... Lond., I852, ['6I,&?]. 3 v. I2~.. 270I2 Bellasis-Bevis. 23 Bellasis, E. Cherubini: memorials of his life. Lond., I874. 8~. 23767 Belloc, Bessie R. P. Vignettes: I2 biographical sketches. Lond., I866. I6....... I8559 Beneden, P. J. van. Animal Parasites and Messmates. Illust. N. Y., I876. I2~...29259 Benger, Elizabeth 0. Memoirs of Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia, daughter of King James I. Lond., I825. 2 v. I2~.. 23680— Memoirs of John Tobin; with a selection from his unpublished writings. Lond., I820. I2~.. I8565 Benjamin, S. G. W. Contemporary Art in Europe. N. Y., I877. 80. 29871 Benrath, K. Bernardino Ochino, of Siena: a contribution towards the history of the Reformation. N. Y., I877. 8~... 22I8I Benson, Carl, (pseud.). See Bristed, C. A. Bent, J. T. A Freak of Freedom; or, The Republic of San Marino. Lond., I879. I20..20483 Bentinck, Lord G. F. C., Biography of. Disraeli, B. Lond., 1852. 23068 Bentinck, W. H. C., 3d duke of Portland. Earle,. C. (In'Eng. Premiers,' v. 2.). 22883 Bentley's Miscellany. Lond., I837-68. 64 v. 8~.. I8266-- Same. v. 1-3, 5-IO, I3-I6.. I42I2Bentzon, Th., (pseud.). See Blanc, Thdrese. Beowulf. Cox (G. W.) & Jones (E. H.). (In' Pop. Romances.') 27712 & 20Io Btranger, P. J. de. Memoirs, written by himself. Lond., i858. 8~. 23416 See, also, Bagehot, W.,'Lit. Stud.,' v. 2 (26768); Besant, XW.,'French Humourists' (26776). Berkeley, G. C. G. Fitz-H. My Life and Recollections. Lond., I865-6. 4 v. 8......... I86o5Berlioz, H. Selections from his Letters, and Writings; transl., [with] biographical sketch, by W. F. Apthorp. N. Y., I879. 12~. 23766 Bernard, B. The Life of Samuel Lover, with selections. Lond., 1874. 2 v. 12......... 8539 Bernstein, J. The Five Senses of Man. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 2926I [Berry, Mary.] A Comparative View of Social Life in England and France, from [i66o] to the present, [I830]. [And] the lives of the Marquise Du Deffand, and of Rachael Lady Russell; Fashionable Friends, a comedy. Lond., 1844. 2 v. I2~. 620IBesant, W. Constantinople. (See Brodribb, W. J., & Besant.) -- The French Humourists from the I2th to the I9th century. Lond., 1873. 8~..26776 -- Gaspard de Coligny. [L. &] N. Y., I879. I6~... 22452 -- Rabelais. (Foreign Clas. for Eng. Readers, v. 8.) Phila., [I879]. 23269 -- Studies in Early French Poetry. Lond., i868. 120.. 26280 Bessie Lang. Corkran, A. N. Y., 1877. i6~. 2407I Betrothed (The). Manzoni, A. Lond., I876. 12~.. 24634 Beugnot, J. C. Life and Adventures [Autobiogr.] of Count Beugnot, Minister of State under Napoleon I. Ed. from the French by Charlotte M. Yonge. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~. 22565Beveridge, W. Clark, W. R. (In Classic Preachers.). 22112 Bevis of Hamtoun. Cox (G. W.) & Jones (E. H.). (In' Pop. Romances.').27712 & 20IO 24 Bewick-Biography. Bewick, W. Life [Autobiogaphy] and Letters. Ed. by Thos. Landseer. Lond., I87I. 2 V. I2~.. 23840Beyle, Marie Henri, (pseud.,'De Stendhal;' also,' Bombet, L. A. C.'). Hayward, A. (Zn'Selected Essays,' v. I.). 27244 Bible. Arnold, M. God and the B.: a review of objections to'Literature and Dogma.' N. Y., I875. I2~. 28688 -- - Literature and Dogma: an essay towards a better apprehension of the B. N. Y., I873. 12~.... 28689 — Davidson, S. The Canon of the Bible. Lond., I877. I2~.. 28529 — Dore, J. R. Old Bibles; or, An account of the various versions of the Engl. B. Lond., 1876. I2~.. 28526 G —Godet, F. Studies on the New Test. N. Y., I877. I2~... 28531 — Greg, W. R. The Creed of Christendom: its foundations contrasted with its superstructure. Detroit, 1878. I2~.. 28694 — Moulton, W. F. The Hist. of the English B. Lond., [I878]. I2~. 28528 - Smyth, N. Old Faiths in New Light. N. Y., I879. I2~.. 28701 - Stephens, W. R. W. Christianity and Islam; the B. and the Koran: four lect. N. Y., 1877. I2~... 28566 -- Westcott, B. F. Hist. of the English B. Lond., I872. I2~.. 28527 — Commentaries. Cook, F. C., editor. [The'Speaker's' Comm.] Lond., 1871-78. v. I-7. 8~.. 28765CONTENTS:-Vol. 1, pt. 1, Gen.-Ex.; pt. 2, Levit.-Deut.-2, Joshua-I. Kings. -3, II. Kings-Esther.-4, Job-Song of Solomon.-5. lsaiah-Lam.-6, Ezekiel, Daniel, and the minor prophets.-(7), N. T., v. 1, Matthew —Loke. -- - Ellicott, C. J., editor. A New Test. Comm. Lond. (v. I), & N. Y., [I878-9]. 3 v. 8~.. 28760CONTENTS: —1, Gospels.-2, Acts-Galatians.-3, Ephesians-Revelation. - Revision. Schaff, P., and others. The Revision of the English Version of the New Test., by J. B. Lightfoot, R. C. Trench, and C. J. Ellicott. With an introd. by P. Schaff. N. Y., 1873. 3 V. in I. I2......... 28525 -- See, also, names of Books and writers; Jews; Palestine; Theology (& references). Bible Lands. Van-Lennep, H. J. N. Y., I875. 80.. 21902 Bibliotheca Sacra. Andover, I844-79. 36 v. 8... I285ISame. v. 9-26... I2803Index to v. I-I3. Bickmore, A. S. Travels in the East Indian Archipelago. Lond., I868. 8'.......... 21944 Bigelow, J. The Life of Benjamin Franklin, written by himself; now first edited from orig. MSS. and from his printed correspondence and other writings. Phila., I874. 3 v. 8~... 22695Bigg-Wither, T. P. Pioneering in South Brazil: 3 years in the province of Parana. Illust. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 12~... 2I702Biographical Stories. Hawthorne, N. Bost., I876. I2'... 24524 Biography. MUller, F. M. Essays on Literature, B. and Antiquities. (His'Chips' v. 3.). 3733 Collections. Arnold, F. Our Bishops and Deans. Lond., 1875. 2 v. 8...... 22268-- - Bartol, C. A. Principles and Portraits. Bost., I88o. I6C. 27268 CONTENTS OF PT. 2:-The personality of Shakespeare; W. E. Channing; Hor. Bushnell; The genius of J. Weiss; W. L. Garrison; W. M. Hunt. Biography-Biology. 25 Biography. Collections. Bell, D. C. Notices of the Historic Persons buried in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, in the Tower of London. Lond., I877. 8~.. 23002 - Burke, J. B. Fragments of Family and Personal Hist., &c. (In' Rise of Great Families.')...... 27322 ----— Chambers, W. Stories of Remarkable Persons. Edinb., I878. I6......... 23640 - Clarke, J. F. Memorial and Biographical Sketches. Bost., 1878. I2........... 22618 --- Constable, T. Archibald Constable and his literary correspondents. Edinb., I873. 3 V. 8.. 23204--- Curiosities of B.; or, Memoirs of remarkable men. Illust. Glasgow, I845. I2~.......23600 - Distinguished Persons in Russian Society. Lond., I873. I2~. 23614 -Field, M. B. Memories of Many Men and of Some Women. N. Y., I874. I2. 22620 Freeman, E. A. (See contents of his'Histor. Ess.') ~ — - Godwin, P. The Clyclopaedia of B. New ed., with suppl. to Aug. I877. N. Y., I878. 8.. 23880 ___ - Hamerton, P. G. Modern Frenchmen: five biographies. Bost., I878. I2~. (For contents see Hamerton.)... 22488 - Jerdan, W. Men I have known. Lond., I866. I2~... 23605 - Larnartine, A. M. L. de. Biographies and Portraits of some celebrated people. Lond., I866. 2 v. 8~. (For contents see Lamartine.)........ 23727-Redding, C. Personal Reminiscences of Eminent Men. Lond., I867. 3 v. I2~... 2372I- Teale, W. H. Lives of English Divines. Lond., 1848. 160. 22110 - Trotter, L. J. Studies in B. Lond., I865. 8~. (For contents see Trotter.)..23883 See, also, Actors; Artists; Authors; Booksellers; Chroniclers; En. gineers Epigrammatists; Etonians; Fathers (of the Ch.); Humor. ists; Lawyers; Navigators; Novelists; Painters; Poets; Popes; Pretenders; Regicides; Travellers; see, also,'Biography' under England, France, Germany, Music, Women. Biology. Bastian, H. C. The Beginnings of Life: the nature, modes of origin and transformations of lower organisms. Illust. Lond., I872. 2 v. I2....... 29290Beale, L. S. Protoplasm, or, Matter and Life. Lond., I874. I20. 29297 Cook, J. (Boston Monday Lectures.) Bost., I877. I2~. (2 cop.) 28020Hartley, W. H. Air and its Relations to Life. N. Y., I875. I2~. 29298 Huxley, T. H. Lecture on the Study of Biology. (In'American Addresses.').. 29300 - & Martin (H. N.). Elementary B. Lond., I875. I20. ~ ~ 29299 Le Conte, J. Correlation of Vital with Chemical and Physical Forces. (App. to Stewart, B.,'The Conservation of Energy.').. 29246 Letourneau, C. Lond., I878. 8~.. 29390 Papillon, F. Nature and Life. N. Y., I875. I20.. ~. 29397 - Wallace, A. R. (In'Tropical Nature, and other essays.'). 29533 26 Biology-Black. Biology. Wythe, J. H. The Science of Life; or, Animal and vegetable B. N. Y., I88o. I2'.. 29392 See, also, Body and Mind; Botany; Darwinism; Evolution; Hered. ity; Life (vitalforce); Materialism; Physiology; Zoology. Bioplasm. Beale, L. S. Lond., 1872. I6~.. 29292 Birch, S. Egypt, from the earliest times to B. C. 300. N. Y., I875. 20042 Birch, W. J. Philosophy and Religion of Shakspere. Lond., I848. 27008 Bird, Isabella L. A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains. N. Y., I879. 12.......... 21281 Birds. Brehm, A. E. Bird-Life: a hist. of the bird, its structure, and habits. Lond., I874. 8~.......29570 Burroughs, J. B. and Poets; with other papers. N. Y., I877. 29322 -- Wake-Robin. [' A book about the birds.'] N. Y., I877. I6~. 29324 Dixon C. Rural Bird Life: essays on ornithology. Lond., i880. 29337 -- Flagg, W. B. and Seasons of New England. Bost., I875. I2~. 29320 Minstrelsy of the Woods. Lond., I832. I2~.. 29333 Ruskin, J. Love's Meinie: lectures on Greek and English birds. N. Y., I873. I2....29835 Bishop, N. H. Voyage of the Paper Canoe. Bost., 1878. 8~.. 29666 Bishop, W. H. Detmold: a romance. Bost., I879. I6~.. 24058 Bismarck-Schdnhausen, 0. E. L. Letters, from I844 to I870. N. Y., 1878. 16~... 22503 Busch, M. B. in the Franco-German War, I870 —'7I. N. Y., [I879]. 2. I2.......... 2250IG&Clach, W. Prince B.: a biographical sketch. Leipz., I875. 22504 - Klaczko, 7. Two Chancellors: Gortchakof and B. N. Y., I876. 22500 Strauss, G. L. M. (In'Men who have made,' etc.)... 22583 Bisset, A. Essays on Historical Truth. Lond., I87I. 8~... 20I87 CONTENTS:-IS there a science of government? Hobbes; James Mill; Hume; Walter Scott; The government of the Commonwealth and the government of Cromwell; Prince Henry; Sir Thos. Overbury. Hist. of the Commonwealth of England. Lond., I864-'67. 2 V. 2Io56- Struggle for Parliamentary Government in England. Lond., I877. 2 V. 80.......... 21058Bits of Talk about Home Matters. [Jackson, H. H.] Bost., 1873. 27237 Bits of Travel at Home. [Jackson, Helen H.] Bost., 1878. 16~.. 21289 Bjarnason, J. Viking Tales of the North. (See Anderson, R. B., & Bjarnason.) Bjdrnson, B. Fisher-Maiden. N. Y., I874. I6.. 24059 Black, W. A Daughter of Heth. N. Y., I877. I2~. (3 copies.). 24005Goldsmith. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. I2~. 23337 Green Pastures and Piccadilly. N. Y., I878 [I877]. (2 copies.) 24008In Silk Attire. N. Y., I877. 120. (2 copies.).... 240IOMacleod of Dare. N. Y., I879 LI878]. I2~. (2 copies.).. 240I2- Madcap Violet. N. Y., I877. I2~. (3 copies.)... 24oI4Maid of Killeena, and other stories. Lond., I874. I2~... 24017 Monarch of Mincing-Lane. N. Y., 1878. 80. (2 copies.). 24299Princess of Thule. Lond., I875. I20. (5 copies.)... 240I8Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. Lond., I872. 2 V. I6~.. 24023- Sanze. N. Y., I877. 120. (2 copies.).. 24025 Black-Blanc. 27 Black, W. Three Feathers. N. Y., I877. I2~. (2 copies.).. 24027Black (The) Hills; routes, scenery, etc. Dodge, R. I. N. Y., 1876. 12........... 21282 Black Tulip. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. (2 copies.). 24412 & 24419 Blackburn, H. Artists and Arabs. Lond., I868. 8~.... 21692 Normandy Picturesque. Lond., 1869. 8~. 2178I Blackburne, E. O. Illustrious Irishwomen. Lond., I877. 2 v. 8~. 23884Blackie, J. S. Four Phases of Morals: Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, Utilitarianism. N. Y., i872. I2~.. 28080 Hore Hellenicae. Lond., I874. 8~.... 26960 - Language and Literature of the Scottish Highlands. Edinb., I876. I2........... 26916 - Musa Burschicosa. Edinb., i869. I6~.. 26042 On Self-culture. N. Y., I874. I6~.. 27386 Songs of Religion and Life. N. Y., I876. I6~.... 26043 The Wise Men of Greece, in a series of dramatic dialogues. Lond., I877. I2~.. 26822 Blackmore, R. D. Alice Lorraine: a tale of the South Downs. N. Y., 1876. 8~... 24301 Cradock Nowell: a tale of the New Forest. N. Y., I866. 8~. 24302 Cripps, the Carrier. N. Y., I876. 8~.. 24303 Ererna; or, My father's sin. N. Y., I877. 8~..24304 Lorna Doone: a romance of Exmoor. N. Y., [1878]. 8~.. 24305 The Maid of Sker. N. Y., I877. 80... 24306 Blackstone, W. Student's Blackstone; abr. and adapted to the present state of the law by R. M. Kerr. Lond., I879. 12~.. 28848 Blackwood, F. T. H., earl of Dzfferin. A Yacht Voyage: Letters from High Latitudes: some account of a voyage, in I856,... to Iceland, Jan Mayen, and Spitzbergen. N. Y. 21222 Stewart, G. Canada under the Administration of the Earl of Dufferin. Toronto, I878. 80..2r420 Blackwood's Magazine. Edinb. and N. Y., I817-79. 126 v. II620-& I178ISame. v. I-I8, 21, 24-26, 28, 33-91, 93-Io6... II957-& I2128Blaikie, W. How to get strong, and how to stay so. N. Y., 1879. I6~. (2 copies.)......... 29953[Blair, E. T.] Lloyd Lee: a story of Yale. [N. H., I878.] (2 cop.) 24060Blair, R. Poetical Works. With life, crit. diss. and notes, by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I854. 8~. (In vol. with Beattie.).. 26322 Blake, E. V. Arctic Experiences. N. Y., I874. 80.... 2I880 Blake, W. Poetical Sketches. Lond., I868. I6~.... 26044 Poetical Works. Ed., with memoir, by W. M. Rossetti. Bost., I875. I6.......... 26046 Songs of Innocence and of Experience. Lond., I868. 16~.. 26045 Blamire, Susanna. Poetical Works. Collected by H. Lonsdale; with pref., memoir, and notes by P. Maxwell. Edinb., I842. 18620 Blanc, A. A. P. C. Art in Ornament and Dress. N. Y., I877. 8c. 29873 Blanc, J. J. L. Letters on England. 2d series. Lond., I867. 2 v. 20807[Blanc, Thdr&se.] Remorse: a novel. From the French of Th. Bentzon [pseud.]. N. Y., I878. 16~.. 24086 28 Blanchard-Boleyn. Blanchard, E. (See Duncan, P. M.,'The Transformations.') Blanid. Joyce, R. D. Bost., 1879. I6~....... 26023 Blanqui, J. A. Hist. of Political Economy in Europe. With a pref. by D. A. Wells. N. Y., I88o. 8~.. 29163 Blaserna, P. Sound in its Relation to Music. N. Y., I876. I2~. 29262 Blindness and the Blind. Levy, W. H. Lond., I872. I20... 29978 Blindpits. [Taylor, E.] N. Y., i869. 12...... 5386 Blockade (The) Runners. Verne, J. (With'A Floating City.'). 24266 Blois. Cochrane, A. B. (Zn' Historic Chateaux.').... 21785 Blood. Willis, R. William Harvey: a hist. of the discovery of the circulation of the B. Lond., 1878. 80..... 2354I Blue Laws. Trumbull, J. H. The True-Blue Laws of Conn. and New Haven, and the False Blue-Laws invented by the Rev. Sam. Peters. Hartf., I876. 120. 21322 Blunt, Anne. Bedouin Tribes of the Euphrates. N. Y., I879. 8~. 21900 Blunt, J. J. Sketch of the Reformation in England. Lond., I86I. I6~. 20843 Boat-Racing. Banks, E. G. Hints on Oxford and Cambridge Aquatics. Oxf., I868. I6. 29658 Brickwood, E. D. B.-R.; or, The arts of rowing and training. Lond., I876. 120......... 29657 Morgan, J. E. University Oars: being a critical enquiry into the after health of the men who rowed in the Oxford and Cambridge boat-races, from I829 to I869. Lond., I873. I20. 29656 Proctor, R. A. Oxford and Cambridge Rowing. (And) Rowing Styles. (In'Rough ways made smooth.').. 29444 Woodgate, W. B. " Oars and Sculls;" and how to use them. Lond., I875 16.. 29659 Boat-Sailing. Frazar, D. Practical B.-S.; [with] vocabulary of nautical terms. Bost., 1879. I6~.. 29660 Bob Norberry. Prout, T. Dublin, I844. 8~.. 24680 Bodenstedt, F. M. The Morning-Land; or, A thousand and one days in the East. Lond., 185I and'53. 2 series. 4 v. I2~. 2I724Bodines. Up de Graff, T. S. Phila., I879. 12~.. 29664 Body and Mind. Bain, A. Correlation of Nervous and Mental Forces. (App. lo Stewart, B.,'Conservation of Energy'.). 29246 - Mind and Body: the theories of their relation. N. Y., I873. 29243 Holmes, O. W. Mechanism in Thought and Morals. Bost., 187I. I6....... 27255 Maudsley, H. N. Y., I875. I2~.......28000 Proctor, R. A. Bodily Illness as a Mental Stimulant. (And) Influence of the Mind on the Body. (In'Rough Ways made Smooth'.).........29444 See, also, Biology; Mental Physiology; Mind. Bogardus, A. H. Field, Cover, and Trap Shooting. N. Y., 1874. 29609 Bohlen Lectures. See Brooks, P.,'Influence of Jesus.' Bohn, H. G. The Hand-book of Games. Lond., I85o. I6~.. 29680 A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs. Lond., I867. I20.. 26940 Boileau-Desprdaux, N. Besant, W. (In'French Humourists.'). 26776 Boleyn, Anne. See Anne Boleyn. Bollaert-Botany. 29 Bollaert, W. The Wars of Succession of Portugal and Spain, from I826 to I840. Lond., I870. 2 v. 8~.... 20709CONTENTS: —1, Portugal. —2, Spain. Bolles, A. S. The Financial Hist. of the U. S., I774-I789. N. Y., I879. 8~.......... 29048 Bombet, L. A. C., (pseud.). See Beyle, Marie Henri. Bonaparte, Elizabeth P., Life and Letters of. Didier, E. L. N. Y., I879. I2~...........22489 Boner, C. Transylvania: its products and its people. Lond., I865. 2I730 Bonitz, H. The Origin of the Homeric Poems: a lecture. Transl. from the 4th Ger. ed. by L. R. Packard. N. Y., I88o. I6~. 26817 Bonnechose, F. P. E. B. de. Hist. of France, to the Revolution of I848. Lond., I868. 2 v. 8....... 20682Bonney, T. G. The Alpine Regions of Switzerland and the neighboring countries: a pedestrian's notes. Cambr., I868. 8~. 21787 Book (The) of the Knight of the Tower, Landry. [La Tour Landry, G. de.] Lond., I862. I2~.. 242II Books. Maurice, J. F. D. The Friendship of Books, and other lectures. Lond., I874. I2........ 27301 -- Perkins, F. B. The Best Reading: a classified bibliography. N. Y., I873. I2~.. 26930 __'-'Same. 4th ed. N. Y., I877. I2~. - - editor. Putnam's Library Companion:.. a quarterly continuation of "The Best Reading." N. Y., I878-80. 3 v. 8~. -- Porter, N. Books and Reading. N. Y., I871. I2~. (2 cop.) I22- Same. 4th ed. N. Y., 1876. I2~. (2 copies.)... 26928See, also, Education (and references). Booksellers, Hist. of. Curwen, H. Lond., [I873]. I2~... 23207 Booth, A. J. Saint-Simon and Saint-Simonism. Lond., 1871. 8~. 23522 Borbstaedt (A.) & Dwyer (F.). The Franco-German War, to the catastrophe of Sedan and the fall of Strassburg. Lond., I873. 8........... 20684 Borgia, Lucrezia, Duchess of Ferrara. a biogr. Gilbert, W. Lond., i869. 2 v. I2.......... 23945Borrow, G. Wild Wales. Lond., i872. I6~.. 21709 Bossuet, J. B. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Monday-Chats.'). 23290 Boston Monday Lectures. See Cook, J. Boston Public Library. Catalogue of... History, Biography, and Travel. Bost., I873. 8~ (Bound with'Cat. of Poetry.') [Catalogue of] Poetry, Drama, Collections, Periodicals, and Miscel. Works. Bost., I870. 8~.. A Chronological Index to Historical Fiction. Bost., I875. 8~. Boswell, J. Life of Sam. Johnson; [and the] Tour to the Hebrides. Ed. by P. Fitzgerald. Lond., I874. 3 v. 80.. 23370- Same, abridged. N. Y., 1878. I2~. (2 cop.)..23373Botany. Gray, A. School and Field Book of B.: consisting of " Lessons in B.," and " Field, Forest, and Garden B.," bound in I v. N. Y., I874. 8~......29451 Hooker, J. D. (Science Primers.) Lond., 1877. I6~... 29358 Prantl, C. An Elementary Text-book of B. Lond., i88o. 8~. 29450 5 30 Botany-Brassey. Botany. Ruskin, J. Proserpina: studies of wayside flowers. N. Y., I875-77. Parts I-4 in 2 v. I2....... 29840Thom6, O. W. Text-book of Structural and Physiological B. N. Y., 1877. I6W.. 29462 See, also, Fertilization; Flowers; Fungi; Natural Hist.; Plants. Bothwell, Jas. Hepburn, 4th earl of. Schiern, F. Life of B. Edinb., I88o. 23009 Bothwell: a tragedy. Swinburne, A. C. Lond., I874. I2~. ~ 26165 Bottrell, W. Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West Cornwall. Penzance, I870-73. 2 series. 120.. 27700Boulger, D. C. The Life of Yakoob Beg: Athalik Ghazi, and Badaulet: Ameer of Kashgar. Lond., 1878. 80.... 23720 Boulton, M. Smiles, S. Lives of B. and Watt. Phila., I865. 8~.. 23534 Bourke, R. S. Hunter, W. ZV. A Life of the Earl of Mayo, 4th Viceroy of India. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~.. 23932Bourne, H. R. F. English Seamen under the Tudors. Lond., i868. 22942 The Life of John Locke. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 80.... 23520A Memoir of Sir Philip Sidney. Lond., 1862. 8~.... 23417 Bow Street. Hodder, G. Sketches of Life and Character, taken at the Police Court, Bow St. Lond., I845. I6~.. 23641 Bowden, J. Naturalist in Norway. Lond., 1869. I2~... 21210 Norway. Lond., I867. I2.. 21211I Bowen, F. Modern Philosophy. N. Y., 1877. 8~... 28282 Bowne, B. P. Philosophy of Herbert Spencer. N. Y., 1I876. I2~. 28168 Bowring, E. A. Poems of Goethe, transl.; with life. Lond., I853. 26066 Same. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Lond., 1874. I2~... 26095 Tragedies of V. Alfieri, transl. Lond., 1876. 2 v. I2~... 26490Bowring, J. Autobiographical Recollections. Lond., I877. 8~. ~ 23934 Boyd, M. Reminiscences of Fifty Years. N. Y., 1871. I2~... 23606 Boyesen, H. H. Falconberg. N. Y., 1I879. 12~.. 24029 Goethe and Schiller. N. Y., I879. 12~.. 26904 Gunnar: a tale of Norse life. Bost., I874. I6~.. 24063 Tales from Two Hemispheres. Bost., I877. 16~.. 24064 Brackenbury, H. The Ashanti War. Edinb. and Lond., 1874. 2 v. 206I9Brackett, Anna C., editor. Education of Amer. Girls. N. Y., I874. 28823 Braddon, Mary E. See Maxwell, M. E. B. Bradley, E. White Wife; with other stories. Lond., I865. 16~.. 24062 Brahmanism. See Hinduism. Brain. Clarke, E. H. Building of a B. Bost., I874. 16~... 28827 Clifford, W. K. Seeing and Thinking. Lond., 1879. I20.. 28006 See, also, Mind (and references). Brain-work and Overwork. Wood, H. C. Phil., I88o. I6~... 29966 Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. Lever C. J. Lond., I872. 80.. 24254 Brandenburg, Memoirs of the House of. Ranke, F. L. von. Lond., I849. 3 v. 8......... 20651Brandes, G. Lord Beaconsfield: a study. N. Y., I88o. 12~.. 22897 Brassey, Annie. Around the World in the Yacht'Sunbeam.' N. Y., I878. 80...... 21731 Brassey-Brodribb. 3 Brassey, Annie. Sunshine and Storm in the East. N. Y., I88o. 80. 2190o Brassey, T. Foreign Work and English Wages. Lond., I879. 8~. 2900I Lectures on the Labour Question. Lond., I878. 8~.. 29000 Helps, A. Life and Labors of B. Bost., I874. 8~.. 23560 Brazil. Burton, R. F. Highlands of the B. Lond., I869. 2 V. 21802Smith, H. H. Amazons and the Coast. N. Y., I879. 80.. 2180I See, also, Amazon (river); Parand. Breck, S., Recollections of. Phil., I877. I20..22619 Brehm, A. E. Bird-Life. Lond., I874. 80.. 29570 Bremer, Fredrika. Two Years in Switzerland and Italy. Lond., I86I. 2 V. 8.......... 2I2I2Bressant: [a novel]. Hawthorne, J. N. Y., I873. 120... 24500 Brethren (and Clerks) of the Common Life. Ullmann, C. (In'Reformers' etc., v. 2.).. 22301 Brewer, E. C. Readers' Handbook. Phil., I88O. I2~.... Bric-a-Brac Series. See Stoddard, R. H., editor. Brickwood, E. D. Boat Racing. Lond., I876. I2~.... 29657 Bride of the Rhine. Waring, G. E. Bost., 1878. 12~.... 21263 Brides and Bridals. Jeaffreson, J. C. Lond., 1872. 2 v. 8~... 28961Bridge, Christiana. Hist. of French Literature. (See Demogeot, J. C.) Brief Biographies of European Public Men. Higginson, T. W., editor. N. Y., I875-6. 3 v. I6. 22440CONTENTS:-t, Eng. Statesmen, by the ed.-2, Eng. Radical Leaders, R. J. Hinton.-3, French Political Leaders, E. King.-4, Ger. Political Leaders, H. Tuttle. Brigand Life in Italy. Maffei, A. Lond., I865. 2 v. 8~... 20302Bright, H. A. A Year in a Lancashire Garden. Lond., I879. 12~. 29452 Bright, Jas. F. An English Hist. Lond., I875-77. 3 v. I6~.. 20844Same. A Hist. of Eng. [L. &] N. Y., 1878. 3 v. I6~.. 20847CONTENTS:-1, Mediaeval Monarchy, 449-1485.-2, Personal Monarchy, 14851688.-3, Constitutional Monarchy, 1688-1837. Bright, John. Public Addresses. Lond., 1879. 8~.... 27489 Brillat-Savarin, A. Gastronomy as a Fine Art. Lond., I877. I2~. 29976 Brine, L. The Taeping Rebellion in China. Lond., 1862. I20.. 20386 Brinton, D. G. The Religious Sentiment. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 28687 Bristed, C. A. Five Years in an English University. N. Y., I873. 28824 Britain. See England. British America. See America. British Poets. See Poets, English. British Popular Customs. Dyer, T. F. T. Lond., I876. 120.. 20806 British Quarterly Review. N. Y., I87I-79. v. 53-70. 8... 122I7British Rule in India. Martineau, H. Lond., I857. I6~.. 20497 Brittany. Macquoid, T. R. & K. S. Pictures and Legends from Normandy and B. Lond., I879. I20. 21252 Palliser, B. B. and its Byways. Lond., I869. 12.... 21686 Britton, J. The Authorship of the Letters of Junius elucidated; including a biographical memoir of Isaac Barre. Lond., I848. 26778 Broad Stone of Honour. Digby, K. H. Lond., I844-48. 3 v. I2.......... 4620 & 12900Brodribb, W. J. Demosthenes. (Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers, supplem. ser., v. 4.).. 26850 32 Brodribb- Brown. Brodribb, W. J. Pliny's Letters. (See Church, A., & Brodribb.) & Besant (W.). Constantinople: a sketch of its history. Lond., I879. I20. 21244 Broglie, A. de. The King's Secret: the secret correspondence of Louis XV. with his diplomatic agents, from I752 to I774. Lond., [I879]. 2 v. 8~... 20685Brome, R. Dramatic Works. Lond., I873. 3 v. 16~... 26492Bront6, Anne. Poems. (With Bront6, C.,'The Professor.'). 24031 Brontd, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. N. Y., I874. 12~... 24030 Same. Lond., I874. I60.. 24065 The Professor; with poems. Lond., I876. 12~.. 24031 Shirley: a tale. Lond., I874. I2~.. 24066 Reid, T. W. C. B.: a monograph. N. Y., I877. I2~... 23248 Swinburne, A. C. A Note on C. B. Lond., I877. I2~.. 26920 Bront6, Emily J. Poems. (With Brontd, C.,'The Professor.'). 24031 Bront6, P. Cottage Poems. (With the same.). 2403I Bronzes. Fortnum, C. D. E. Lond., [I877]. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 29762 Brooke, S. A. English Literature. Lond., I877. 16... 26855 Milton. (Classical Writers.) N. Y., I879. 16'.. 26890 Theology in the English Poets. [Pope to] Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Burns. Lond., I874. 8'.. 2628i Brooks, C. S. Wit and Humour: poems from "Punch." Lond., I875. I2~.......... 25268 Brooks, C. T. Faust; transl. from Goethe, with notes. Bost., I868. I6........ 26067 W. E. Channing: a centennial memory. Bost., I88o. i6~. 22613 Brooks, P. Influence of Jesus. (The Bohlen Lectures, I879.) N. Y., I879.. I6.. 28533 Lectures on Preaching. N. Y., I877. I20. (2 copies.). 28420Sermons. N. Y., I878. 120........ 28532 Broom, H. Philosophy of Law. San Fran., &c., [I876]. I6~.. 2885I Broome, Mary A. B. See Barker, M. A. Brougham, H., Lord. Letters to Wm. Forsyth. Lond., I872. I60. I8562 [Brougham (J.) & Elderkin (J.), editors.] Lotus Leaves. Lond., I875. 8. 27563 Broughton, H. D., Lord. Italy. Lond., I859-'6I 2 V. 2 2... 21733Brown, C. A. Shakespeare's Autobiog. Poems. Lond., 1838. I2~. 27005 Brown C. B. Canoe and Camp Life in British Guiana. Lond., I876. 8....... 2I8I & Lidstone (W.). Fifteen Thousand Miles on the Amazon and its Tributaries. Lond., I878. 8~.. 21800 Brown, H. The Sonnets of Shakspeare solved. Lond., I870. 8~. 2705I Brown, H. A. Hoyppin, 7. M. Memoir of Henry Armitt Brown; with 4 orations. Phil., I88o. 8~. 22693 Brown, J., (of Selkirk). Ethics and,Esthetics of Modern Poetry. By J. B. Selkirk (pseud.). Lond., 1878. I2. ~ ~ ~. 26293 Brown, R. Countries of the World. Lond., [I879]. v. I-3. 4~~ 2I970Races of Mankind. Lond., [I874-'76]. 4 v. 8~... 29575Brown, W. Hist. of Christian Missions. Lond., I864. 3 v. 8~. 28448 Browne-Buddhism. 33 Browne, C. F., (pseud.,'Artemas Ward'). Complete Works. Lond. 25269 Browne, W. Y. Fun, Poetry, and Pathos. Lond., I850. 12~.. 25206 Browning, Elizabeth B. Life, Letters and Essays. N. Y., I877. 2 V. 160............2324I — CONTENTS:-1, Letters to R. H. Horne, with a pref. and memoir by R. H. Stoddard.-2, The Book of the Poets. Browning, O. Modern England, i820-I875. (In Epochs of Eng. Hist.). 2085I editor. Historical Handbooks. Oxf., [etc.], I874-76. 6 v. I6~. (For contents see Historical Handbooks.)... 20064Browning, R. The Agamemnon of ~Eschylus, transcribed. Lond., I877. I6........... 26804 Aristophanes' Apology. Bost., i875. I2~. 26047 -- The Inn Album. Bost., I876. 12~.. 26048 Pacchiarotto, with other poems. Bost., I877. i6~... 26049 - Red Cotton Night-cap Country. Bost., I873. I6~.... 26050 Bagehot, W. Wordsworth, Tennyson, and B. (In'Lit. Stud.,' v. 2.).. 26768 See, also, Dowden, E.,'Studies in Lit.' (26926); Hutton, R. H.,'Essays,' v. 2 (27488). Bruce, E. C. The Century; its fruits and its festival. Phil., I877. 21522 Briider vom deutschen Hause. Freytag, G. Leipz., I875. I2~. (' Die Ahnen,' Abth. 3.)..25913 Brugsch, H. C. Hist. of Egypt under the Pharaohs. Lond., I879. 2 v. 8~.. 20247True Story of the Exodus of Israel. Bost., I88o. I20... 20046 Bruhns, C., editor. Life of A. v. Humboldt. Compiled by J. L6wenberg, R. Ave-Lallemant, and A. Dove. Lond., I873. 2 v. ~ 23530Brunhild: a tragedy. Geibel, E. Bost., I879. 6~.... 26065 Bryant, W. C. Library of Poetry and Song. N. Y., I874. 8~.. 26273 editor. Picturesque America. N. Y., [1872-3]. 2 v. 4~.. & Gay (S. H.). Popular Hist. of the United States. N. Y., I876-79. v. I-3. 80. (2 copies.).. 2I56ICONTENTS:-1, to 1647.-2, 1636-1740.-3, 1678-1779. Bryce, J. Holy Roman Empire. 4th ed. Lond., i873. 12~... 20Ioo Same. 5th ed. Lond., I875. I2. 20IOI Transcaucasia and Ararat. Lond., I877. I20... 21214 Brydges, E. Character and Poetical Genius of Byron. Lond., I824. I8575 Recollections of Foreign Travel. Lond., i825. 2 v. I2~.. 18576Buchanan, R. Ballad Stories of the Affections. Lond., [I866]. 80. 26254 Poetical Works. Bost., I874. 3 v. 12~.. 26086Shadow of the Sword: a romance. N. Y., 1877. I20.. 24930 Buckingham, Dukes of. See Villiers, G.; Sheffield, J. Buckland, F. Log-book of a Fisherman and Zoilogist. Lond., I875. 8............ 29495 Buckle, H. T. Miscellaneous and Posthumous Works. Lond., I872. 3 v. 8......... 27526I~uth, A. H. Life and Writings of B. Lond., i880. 2 v. 8~. 23066Bucknill, J. C. Mad Folk of Shakespeare. Lond., I867. I2~.. 27015 Buddhism. Arnold, E. The Light of Asia. Bost., i879. i6~.. 26003 34 Buddhism-Burke. Buddhism. Davids, T. W. R. Lond., [I777]. i6"..6. 28577 -- See, also, India; Religions (various). [Budgen, Miss L. M.] Episodes of Insect Life. Lond., I849-51. 3 v. 8~.. 29500Bull, G. See Teale, W. H.,'Lives of Eng. Divines' (22110); Classic Preachers, I878 (22II3). Bulwer, H. L. E., Lord Dalling. Historical Characters: Talleyrand, Cobbett, Mackintosh, Canning. Lond., I868. 2 v. 80.. 2388ISir Robert Peel: an historical sketch. Lond., I874. 80... 23048 Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Alice. Phil., 1874. I2~... 24140 Athens: its rise and fall. N. Y., I5874. 2 v. in I. I20... 20096 Kenelm Chillingly: a novel. N. Y., I873. I20. (2 COp.). 24I42Last Days of Pompeii. Phila., 1876 (&c.). I20. (4 copies.). 24I44" My Novel." Phila., I875. 2 v. I2~.. 24148[Novels. Knebworth ed.] Lond., I875-7. (28 v.) 12~.. 24IOICONTENTS: —Alice; or, The Mysteries.-Caxtons.-Coming Race.-Devereux.-Disowned.-Erne t Maltravers.-Eugene Arlam.-Falkland; Zicci.- I Godolphin. —Harold. —Kenelm Chillingly.-Last Days of Pompeii.-Last of the Barons.-Leila.-Calderon the Courtier.-Pilgrims of the Rhine. —Lucretia.-My Novel. 2 vols.-Night and Morning.-Parisians. 2 vols.-Paul Clifford.-Pausanias,the Spartan.-Pelham.-Rienzi.-Strange Story.-What will he do with it? 2 vols.-Zanoni. Novels and Romances. With illust. Lond., [I848-'53]. II v. 24129CONTENTS:-1, Pelham; Godolphin.-2, Disowned; Devereux.-3, Eugene Aram; Paul Clifford.-4, Rienzi; Last Days of Pompeii.-5, Ernest Maltravers; Alice.-6, Last of the Barons; Leila.-7. Zanoni; Harold.-8, Night and Morning; Strange Story.-9, Lucretia; Caxtons.-10, My Novel.-11, What will he do with it? Pilgrims of the Rhine. - Parisians. N. Y., I874. I20.. 24150 Pausanias the Spartan. N. Y., I876. I2~. 2415I Speeches. With a memoir by his son. Edinb. & Lond., I874. 2 v. 8~.. 23064Bulwer-Lytton, E. R., (pseud.,'Owen Meredith'). Fables in Song. Bost., I874 160...26052 Orval. Lond., I869. I60.. 2605I Buncle, J., Life of. [Amory, T.] Lond., I770. 4 I6~.. I7484Bunsen, Frances W. von: Life and Letters. Hare, A. J. C. N. Y., I879. I2... 2362I Bunyan, J. Froude, 7. A. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I88o. 12~. 23346 Buonarotti, Michelangelo. Clement, C. Michelangelo. (Illust. Biog. of the Great Artists.) L. & N. Y., I880. I20... 23790 -- - Michelangelo, Lionardo da Vinci, and Raphael. Lond., I880. 23837 Perkins, C. C. Raphael and Michelangelo. Bost., 1878. 80.. 23835 Burial, Embalming, and Cremation. Richardson, B. W. (In'A Ministry.')..29996 See, also, Antiquities (and references). Burke, E. Select Works. Ed. by E. J. Payne. Oxf., I878. 2 v. 26873CONTENTS:-1, Thoughts on the present discontents; The two speeches on America.-2, Reflections on the revolution in France. M- acknight, 7. Life and Times of B. Lond., I858-'6o. 3 v. 8~. 23034Morley, 7. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. 120... 23342 See, also, Adams, W. H. D.,'Eng. Party Leaders,' v. I (2I054); Dilke, C. W.,'Papers of a Critic,' v. 2 (26766); Maurice, J. F. D.,'The Friendship' (27301). Burke, J. B. Rise of Great Families; other essays, and stories. Lond., I873. 80.. 27322 Burlesque-Burton. 35 Burlesque. Walsh, W. S., editor. Bost., I875. I6~.. 25246 Burlesques. Thackeray, W. M. Lond., I876. I2~.. 24883 Burlingame, E. L., editor. Art Life and Theories of Richard Wagner. Selected. N. Y., I875. I2~.. 23815 Current Discussion: a collection from the chief Eng. essays on questions of the time. N. Y., 1878. 2 v. I2~... 27282CONTENTS: — (International Politics), The Russians, etc., by A. Forbes; Turkey, Stratford de Redcliffe; Montenegro, W. E. Gladstone; Political destiny of Canada, Goldwin Smith; Prussia in the 19th cent., J. S. Blackie- Future of Fgypt, E. Dicey; Slaveowner and Turk, Gold. Smith; Stability of Brit. Empire in India, S. J. Owen; Relation of the Eng. People to the Russo-Turkish war, E. A. Freeman.-2 (Questions of Belief), The soul and future life, by F. Harrison; A modern symposium: (1), The soul and future life; (2), The influence upon morality of a decline in religious belief; Course of modern thought, G. H. Lewes; Condition and prospects of the Church of Eng., T. Hughes; Is life worth living? W. H. Mallock. Burma. Forbes, C. J. F. S. British Burma and its People. Lond., I878. I2...... 224 See, also, Mandalay. Burnaby, F. On Horseback through Asia Minor. Lond., I877. 2 V. 8.. 21907Ride to Khiva. N. Y., I877. I2~. (Maps in a detached case.) 2I215Burnand, F. C. My Health: [a novel]. Bost., 1872. I6~... 24921 Burnett, C. H. Hearing, and how to keep it. Phila., I879. I6~.. 29958 Burnett, Frances H. Dolly: a love story. Phila., [I877]. I2~.. 24153 Haworth's. N. Y., I879. I2~. (2 cop.)..24I54Louisiana: [a novel]. N. Y., I88o. I2~. (2 copies.). 24I56Surly Tim, and other stories. N. Y., I877 i6'.. 24158 - That Lass o' Lowrie's. N. Y., I877. I2~. (2 cop.). 24I59"Theo ": a love story. Phil., [I877]. I6.... 2416I Burns, R. Poetical Works. With memoir, crit. diss.,. and notes, by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I856. 2 v. 8~. 26325Works. [Ed. by W. S. Douglas.] Edinb., I877-I879. 6 v. 80. 27520CONTENTS:-1-3, Poetry, with index (in vol. 3) of first lines.-4-6, Prose, with index of letters, etc. Brooke, S. A. (In'Theology in the English Poets.').. 2628I Shairp, 7. C. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. I2~.. 23339 Burnt Njal. See Njal. Burritt, E. Chips from Many Blocks. Toronto, 1878. I2~... 27220 - orthend, C. Life of; with selections. N. Y., [I88o]. I2~.. 22642 Burroughs, J. Birds and Poets; with other papers. N. Y., I877.. 29322 Locusts and Wild Honey. Bost., I879. 6~. 29323 Wake-Robin. N. Y., I877. I6~...29324 Winter Sunshine. N. Y., I876. I6~... 29325 Burton, Isabel. Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~...2I905Burton, J. H. Reign of Queen Anne. Edinb., i880. 3 v. 8~.. 21060Hist. of Scotland. Edinb. & Lond., I873. 8 v. & index. I20. 2090IBurton, R. F. Highlands of the Brazil. Lond., I869. 2 v. 80.. 2I802Letters from the Battle-Fields of Paraguay. Lond., I870. 8~.. 21804 Mission to Gelele, King of Dahome. Lond., I864. 2 v. 80.. 2I2I7Two Trips to Gorilla Land. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8. 21854Ultima Thule. Lond., I875. 2 V. 8~.. 2I884Zanzibar. Lond., I87e. 2 v. 8~..2I860 36 Busch-Cairnes. Busch, M. Bismarck in the Franco-German War. N. Y., [1879]. 2 v. 2250IBushnell, H. Forgiveness and Law. N. Y., I874. I2~.... 28550 Life and Letters of. Cheney, M. B. N. Y., i88o. 80.. 22723 Busk, Miss R. H. Roman Legends. Bost., 1877. 8~.. 27714 Valleys of Tirol. Lond., I874. I2~. 21219 Bute, J. Stuart, earl of. Earle, 7. C. (In' Eng. Premiers,' v. I.). 22882 Butler, J. Egglestone, W. M. Stanhope Memorials of Bishop B. Lond., 1I878. 80.. 22I87 See, also, Arnold, M.,'Last Essays' (28690); Bagehot, W.,'Lit. Stud.,' v. 2 (26768); Classic Preachers (22II2); Stephen, L.,'Hist. of Eng. Thought' (28200). Butler, S. Poetical Works. With life, crit. diss., and notes, by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., 1854. 2 v. 80... 26327Butler, W. A. Hist. of Ancient Philosophy. Phila., I857. 2 V. 28I60Butler, W. F. The Great Lone Land. Lond., 1872. 8~.. 21552 Butt, Beatrice M. Delicia. N. Y., 1879. 16... 24o67 Eugenie. N. Y., I877. I6~..24068 Hester. N. Y., 1879. 160... 24924 Miss Molly. N. Y.,'I876. 160... 24069 Butt, I. Hist. of Italy. Lond., i86o. 2 v. 80.. 20320Byron, G. G. N., Lord. Cain. Lond., I830. 12. 8574 Fugitive Pieces and Reminiscences of Lord Byron; new ed. of the Hebrew Melodies... By I. Nathan. Lond., 1829. I6~. I8636 - Poetical Works. Ed., with memoir, by W. M. Rossetti. Lond. 26090 - Brydges, E. The Character and Poetical Genius of B. Lond., I824. 12.......... 1857.5 Castelar, E. Life of B. N. Y., 1876. 120. (2 copies.). 27269Hodgson, 7. T. Memoir of Francis Hodgson. With letters from B. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 12~... 22I06- ebb, R. C. B. in Greece. (Zn'Mod. Greece.').. 200oo4 Life, Writings, Opinions, and Times of Lord B. Lond., 1825. 3 v. 8.. I8653Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Byron. Lond., I822. 8~. 18573 - Nichol, 7. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., i88o. 12~.. 23350 Parry, W. The Last Days of B. Lond., 1825. 8~... 8656 -Trelawny, E. 7. Records of Shelley, B., and the Author. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 120... 23296See, also, Morley, J.,'Crit. Miscel.,' v. I (27407); Swinburne, A. C.,'Ess. and Stud.' (26942). & Hunt (J. H. L.). The Liberal: [an anon. periodical]. Lond., I822-3. 2 v. 80.....II400Byron, M. N., Lady, Vindication of. Lond., 1871. 80. 23449 Cadell, Mrs. H. M. Ida Craven. N. Y., I876. 160.. 24070 Caesar: a sketch. Froude, J. A. N. Y., I879. 80... 23724 Cahun, L. Adventures of Captain Mago. N. Y., 1876. 80... 24209 Cain. Byron, G. G. N. With notes by H. Grant. Lond., 1830. 120. 18574 Cairnes, J. E. Character and Logical Method of Political Economy. N. Y., I875. 120.. 28803 Essays in Political Economy. Lond., 1873. 8~. ~ ~ ~ 29167 Cairnes-Camping. 37 Cairnes, J. E. Some Leading Principles of Political Economy. Lond., 1874. 29I68 Calderon de la Barca, P. Dramas: The wonder-working magician; Life is a dream; The purgatory of St. Patrick. Lond., I873. I2~...... 26495 H-asell, E. 7. (Foreign Classics for Eng. Readers, v. 9.) Phil., [I879]. 6.......... 23270 Caleb Williams,. Adventures of. Godwin, W. N. Y., I856. I2~.. 24479 California. Beauvoir, L. de. (In'A Voyage,' v. 3.)... 2I202 Cooke, P. St. G. Conquest of New Mexico and C. N. Y., 1878. 21323 Fisher, W. M. The Californians. Lond., i876. I2~.. 21285 Nordhoff, C. C.; for health, pleasure, and residence. N. Y., 1873. 8...........21585 - Northern C., Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands. N. Y., I874. 8~...........21584 Callista. Newman, J. H. Lond., I873. I2~... 28413 Calvert, G. H. Charlotte von Stein: a memoir. Bost., I877. I6~. 23656 Calvin, J. Henry, P. Life and Times of C. Lond., I849. 2 v. 8~. 22302- erle d'Aubignd, 7. H. Hist. of the Reformation in Europe in the time of C. N. Y., I863-'79. 8 v. I2~... 6386- & 2845ICambodia. See Indo-China. Cambridge, University of. Arnold, F. Oxford and C.: their colleges, memories, and associations. Lond., [I874]. 8~.. 21979 Bristed, C. A. Five years in an English University. N. Y., 1873. I2........... 28824 Everett, W. On the Cam: lectures on the U. of C. Cambr., [Mass.], I865. I6~... 28829 - Whitely, G. C. The Cambridge Union Society: Inaugural Proceedings. Lond. & Camb., I866. I6~.. 28825 Cameron, V. L. Across Africa. Illust. N. Y., I877. 8~... 21850 Camp and Cabin. Raymond, R. W. N. Y., I88o. i6~.... 2966I Campaigning on the Oxus. MacGahan, J. A. N. Y., I874. 8~.. 21924 Campbell, G. Handy Book on the Eastern Question. Lond., I876. 20493 - White and Black. N. Y., I879. 8~.. 2459 Campbell, J. F. Popular Tales of the West Highlands. Edinb., I86o-'62. 4 V. i6....27660Campbell, John, Lord. Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements. Lond., I859. 8........... 2700 Campbell, J. McL. Memorials: selections from his correspondence. Lond., I877. 2 V. 12.. 22108Campbell, T. Redding, C. Literary Reminiscences and Memoirs of C. Lond., 86o0. 2 v. 12~.. 23224Stoddard,'. H., editor. Personal Recollections of C. N. Y., I875. 6.......... 23254 See, also, Constable, T.,'A. Constable,' v. I (23204); Mackay, C.,'Forty Years' Recol.,' v. I (22943); Patmore, P. G.,'My Friends,' v. I (23609). Camping-out. Gould, J. M. Hints for Camping and Walking. N. Y., I877. I6~. (2 copies.). 296626 38 Camping-Carlyle. Camping-out. Up de Graff, T. S. Bodines: or, Camping on the Lycoming. Phila., I879. I2~.. 29664 - Warner, C. D. (In'In the Wilderness.').. 24293 Camps in the Caribbees. Ober, F. A. Bost., I88o. 80.... 28I3 Canaanites. Duncker, M. W. (In'Hist. of Antiquity,' v. I.). 20240 Canada. Grant, G. M. Ocean to Ocean: Sandford Fleming's Expedition through C. in I872. Lond., I873. 8~.. 21549 -- - Same. Enl. and rev. ed. N. Y., I877. 120... 21550 Norton (C. L.) & Habberton (J.). Canoeing in Kanuckia. N. Y., 1I878. I2~... 29665 Parkman, F. The Old Regime in C. Bost., I874. 80. (Pt. 4 of' France and Eng. in N. Amer.').. 21404 - Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Bost., 1877. 80. (Pt. 5 of same.)....... 21406 Stewart, G. C. under the Administration of the Earl of Dufferin. Toronto, I878. 80.. 21420 Canary Islands. Murray, Mrs. E. Sixteen Years of an Artist's Life in Morocco, Spain, and the C. I. Lond., I859. 2 v. 8~. 23926Canning, Geo. See Adams, W. H. D.,'-Eng. Party Leaders,' v. 2 (21055); Bulwer, H. L. E.,'Histor. Characters,' v. 2 (23882); Earle, J. C.,' Eng. Premiers,' v. 2 (22883); Hayward, A.,' Biogr. and Crit. Ess.,' 2d ser., v. I (27401); Kebbel, T. E.,' Eng. Statesmen' (22884). Canoe and Camp Life in British Guiana. Brown, C. B. Lond., 1876. 8........... 2I8I0 Canoeing. Bishop, N. H. Voyage of the Paper Canoe. Bost., I878. 8............ 29666 - Norton (C. L.) & Habberton (J.). Canoeing in Kanuckia. N. Y., 1878. I2~... 29665 Capes, W. W. Livy. (Classical Writers.) N. Y., i88o. I6~.. 26893 - Roman Empire of the 2d Cent. N. Y., I879. I6~.. 20439 - Roman History: the early empire. N. Y., [I876]. 16~... 20436 University Life in Ancient Athens. Lond., I877. I20.. 28826 Captain Fracasse. Gautier, T. N. Y., I88o. I6~... 24448 Captain Hatteras. Verne, J. Bost., 1875.. I2~. 24282 Captain Mago. Cahun, L. N. Y., I876. 80... 24209 Captain Paul. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. (2 copies.) 24412 & 24419 Cardano, G. Morley, H. Lond., I854. 2 V. I2~..2. 2356ICards. Jones, H. Card Essays, Clay's Decisions, and Card-table Talk. Lond., I879. I2~.. 2968I - Same. Amer. ed., with index. N. Y., I88o. 16~... 29682 - See, also, Games; Whist. Caribbee Islands. See Antilles. Caricature, and other comic art. Parton, J. N. Y., 1877. 8~.. 29944 Carlyle, T. Carlyle Anthology. Selected by E. Barrett [R. K. Weeks]. N. Y., I876. I2~. ~.. 27307 -- Early Kings of Norway; also an essay on the portraits of John Knox. N. Y., I875. 12~.. 23616 Life of Schiller. Lond., I873. I6~.. 23323 Carlyle-Celts. 39 Carlyle, T. Bayne, P. Lessons from my masters, C., Tennyson, and Ruskin. N. Y., I879. 12~.. 23287 Guernsey, A. H. C.: his life, his books, his theories. N. Y., I880. 23312 - See, also, Greg, W. R.,'Literary and Social Judgments' (27293); Morley, J.,'Crit. Miscel.,' v. I (27407); Mozley, J. B.,'Essays,' v. I (27409); Sterling, J.,' Essays,' v. I (I2898). Carn6, L. de. Travels in Indo-China and the Chinese Empire. With a notice of the author by the Count de Carn6. Lond., 1872. 80........... 21932 Carpathians, Round about the. Crosse, A. F. Ed. & L., I878. I20. 21729 Carpenter, W. B. Mesmerism, Spiritualism, &c. N. Y., I877. 120. 28044 - Principles of Mental Physiology. N. Y., I875. I2~.. 28003 Carr, Alice. North Italian Folk. By Mrs. Comyns Carr. Lond., i878. I2........... 21220 Carson, C.: Life and Adventures. Peters, D. C.. Hartf., I875. 80. 22682 Carthage and the Carthaginians. Smith, R. B. Lond., 1878. I2~. 20094 Cartwright, W. C. The Jesuits. Lond., I876. 8~.... 22182 Cary, Alice & Phoebe. Poetical Works. With a memorial by Mary Clemmer. N.Y., 1878. 8........ 26241 Cary, L., Viscount Falkland. Arnold, M. (In'Mixed Essays.') 2724I Casaubon, I. Pattison, M. Lond., I875. 8~.. 22264 Cassell's Library of Eng. Lit. (See Morley, H., editor.) Cassell's Nat. Hist. (See Duncan, P. M., editor.) Cast up by the Sea. Baker, S. W. N. Y., 1869. 12~.. 24004 Castelar, E. Life of Lord Byron, and other sketches. N. Y., I876. I20. (2 copies.).......... 27269Castle Daly. Keary, A. Phila., [I879]. I20.. 24607 Castle St. Angelo. Story, W. W. Lond., I877. I2~. ~ ~. 21626 Castlereagh, Viscount. See Stewart, R. H. Catharine, of Aragon. Dixon, W. H. History of Two Queens. Lond., I873-4. 4 v. 8~.. 23005Catherine Blum. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~.. 24418 Catholic Church. See Rom. Cath. Ch. Catholic World. N. Y., I865-79, 29 v. 80... I4285Catiline, Clodius, and Tiberius. Beesly, E. S. Lond., I878. 80.. 23725 Catullus. Davies, 7. (Ancient Classics for English Readers, supplem. ser., v. 3.)... 26849 Caucasus, Eastern, Travels in. Cunynghame, A. T. Lond., I872. 21913 Cavalcaselle, G. B. See Crowe (J. A.) & Cavalcaselle. Cavalier Songs and Ballads of England. Mackay, C. Lond., I863. 26II9 Cavendish, (pseud.). See Jones, H. Cavour, C. B. di, Life of. Mazade, C. de. N. Y., I877. 8... 23942 Cazelles, M. E. Outline of the Evolution-Philosophy. With an app. by E. L. Youmans. N. Y., I875. I2~... 28I66 Celesia, E. Conspiracy of Gianluigi Fieschi. Lond., I866. 8~. 20297 Celtic Literature. Arnold, M. On the Study of. Lond., I867. 80. 2786I. Joyce, P. W. Old Celtic Romances. Lond., I879. 120... 27702 Celts (The). Maclear, G. F. (Conversion of the West, v. I.) Lond., [I878]. I6........... 28494 40 Central-Charles. Central America. See America, Central. Century (The); its fruits and its festival. Bruce, E. C. Phila., I877. 21522 Ceramics. See Pottery. Ceremonial Institutions. Spencer, H. N. Y., I88o. I20... 28123 Cernuschi, H. Nomisma; or," Legal Tender." N. Y., I877. I2~. 29052 Certain Dangerous Tendencies in Amer. Life. [Harrison, J. B.] Bost., I88o. I6~.. 28885 Cervantes-Saavedra, M. de. Don Quixote. Bost., i870. 4 v. i6~. 24I62Same. Edinb., I879. v, I. 8...24314 Roscoe, T. Life and Writings of C. Lond., I86I. I6~.. 23243 C6vennes. Stevenson, R. L. Travels with a Donkey in the C. Bost., I879. 16~.. 21254 Chadwick, J. W. Faith of Reason: discourses. Bost., I879. I6~. 2869I Chambers, W. Stories of Remarkable Persons. Edinb., I878. I6~. 23640 Chamisso, A. von. Peter Schlemihl. N. Y., I874. I2~.. ~. 24166 Champeaux, A. de. Tapestry. Lond., [I878]. I2~.... 29760 Chance (A) Acquaintance. Howells, W. D. Bost., I873. (3 cop.) 24558Channing, W. E. The Perfect Life: in 12 discourses. Bost., I873. 28535 Brooks, C. T. C.: a centennial memory. Bost., i88o. 16~.. 22613 - Peabody, E. P. Reminiscences of C. Bost., I88o. I6~... 22614 Channing, W. E. Thoreau: the poet-naturalist. Bost., I873. I6~. 22606 Channing, W. H. Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. (See Ossoli,'Works,' v. I-2.). 27286Chantrey, F. Holland, 7. Memorials of C. Lond., [I85I]. 8~.. I8572 yones, G. Sir F. C.: recollections of his life. Lond., I849. I2~. I8583 Chapman, B. Hist. of Gustavus Adolphus and of the 30 Years' War. Lond., I856. 8~.. 20640 Chapman, G. Comedies and Tragedies. Lond., 1873. 3 v.. I6~. 26496- [Homeric Hymns, translated.] (See Homer.) Odysseys of Homer. Lond., I874. 2 v. I2~.....268I3Works: poems and minor translations. Lond., I875. I20.. 2609I Chapman, Maria W. See Martineau, H.,'Autobiog.' Charlemagne (Charles I., of Germany). Eginhard. Life of C. Transl. by S. E. Turner. N. Y., i88o. 240...... 22506 Life of Karl the Great; transl. by W. Glaister. Lond., I877. 22505 - ullinger, 7. B. Schools of Charles the Great. Lond., I877. 28839 Charles I., of England. Disraeli, I. Commentaries on the Life and Reign of C. Lond., I85I. 2 v. 80. 230I4Gardiner, S. R. Personal Government of C. Lond., 1877. 2 v. 8.. 2II26- Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage. Lond., I869. 2 v. 2II22Charles I., of Germany. See Charlemagne. Charles V. (I. of Spain.) Robertson, W. Hist. of the Reign of the Emperor C. [Ed.,] with an account of the emperor's life after abdication, by W. H. Prescott. Phila., I872. 3 v. 8~. 20348Charles XII., of Sweden. Oscar 11. Lond., I879. 8~.... 23898 Charles Edward Stuart (Prince), Life and Times of. Ewald, A. C. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~.. 23032- See, also, Pretenders. Charles-Chess. 4I Charles the Great. See Charlemagne. Charley Chalk; or, the Career of an Artist. With illust. by Jacob Parallel. Lond., [I84I]. 8... 24307 Chase, S. P., Life and Public Services of. Schuckers, J. W. [And] the eulogy by W. M. Evarts... N. Y., I874. 80~. ~ 22775 Chatrian A. See Erckmann (E.) & Chatrian. Chaucer, G. Canterbury Tales. [With] an essay by T. Tyrwhitt; [and] memoir and crit. diss. by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I860. 3 v. 8~.. 26329Parlament of Foules. Ed. by T. R. Lounsbury. Bost., I877. 26009 Poetical Works. Ed. by R. Morris. With memoir by Sir H. Nicolas. Lond., [I872]. 6 v. I60.. 260Io-- Ed., with a memoir, by Rob. Bell. Rev. ed. by W. W. Skeat. Lond., I878. 4 V. I2~... 26005Prioresses Tale; Sire Thopas; Monkes Tale; Clerkes Tale; Squires Tale. Ed. by W. W. Skeat. Oxford, I874. I6~. 26869 Tale of the Man of Lawe; Pardoneres Tale; Second Nonnes Tale; Chanouns Yemannes Tale. Ed. by W. W. Skeat. Oxf'd, I877. I6. 26870 Pauli, R. (In'Pictures of Old England.')... 20850 - Ward, A. W. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I88o. I2~. 23345 Chauncey Judd. Warren, I. P. N. Y., [I874]. I6~.. I70I3 Cheltenham College, Reminiscences of. Ward, P. Lond., I868. 129I2 Chemistry. Cooke, J. P. The New C. N. Y., I874. 120.. 29245 Gore, G. The Art of Scientific Discovery; or, The general conditions and methods of research in physics and C. Lond., I878. I2........... 29380 - Johnson, S. W. How Crops feed. N. Y., [I870]. I2~.. 29459 -- How Crops grow. N. Y., [I868]. 120... 29460 Roscoe, H. E. (Science Primers.) Lond., I877. I6~... 29362 See, also, Atomic Theory; Fermentation. Chemistry of Light. Vogel, H. N. Y., I875. I2~.... 29253 Cheney, Mary B. Life and Letters of Horace Bushnell. N. Y., I880. 8...........22723 Chtnier, A. M. de. Curwen, H. (In'Sorrow and Song.' v. 2.) 23286 Cherbuliez, V. Count Kostia: a novel. N. Y., I873. I60.. 24167 Jean TUterol's Idea. N. Y., I878. I6~.. 24087 - Meta Holdenis: a novel. N. Y., I877. I2~... 24077 Miss Rovel. 5e ed. Paris, I877. 6~.. 25623 Prosper: a novel. N. Y., I874. I6~... 24168 Prosper Randoce. 2e ed. Paris, I874. I6... 25624 La Revanche de Joseph Noirel. Paris, 1872. I6~.. 25625 Romance of an Honest Woman. Bost., I874. I2~... 24169 - Samuel Brohl et Cie. 3e ed. Paris, I877. I6~0. 25626 Samuel Brohl and Company. N. Y., I877. I2~.. 24072 Stroke of Diplomacy. N. Y., I88o. I6~.. 24922 Cherubini: memorials. Bellasis, E. Lond., I874. 8~.... 23767 Chess. Agnel, H. R. C. for Winter Evenings. N. Y., I848. I2~. 29710 Chess Handbook. By an amateur. Phila., I859. I6~.. 29713 42 Chess-Chips. Chess. Fiske, D. W. Book of the First Amer. C. Congress. N. Y., I859. I2........... 29709 Gossip, G. H. D. Chess-Player's Manual. Lond., 1875. 8~. 29679 L6wenthal, J. Morphy's Games. Lond., I86o. I2~.. 297II - Same. N. Y., I86o. I2.... 29712 Proctor, R. A. Automatic C. and card playing. (In'Science Byways.').. 29445 Staunton, H. Chess-Player's Companion. Lond., I849. I6~. (2 copies.)..29714- Chess-Player's Handbook. Lond., I873. I2~.. 29717 - Chess Praxis. Lond., 187I. 12~... 29716 - C. Tournament. Lond., I873. I2..29718 - Laws and Practice of C. Lond., I876. I20.. 29719 Chevalier (Der). Miigge, T. Breslau, I862. 3 B. I6~. (Romane, B. 1-3.)...25840 Chevalier (The) de Maison Rouge. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~. 24414 Chevalier (The) d'Harmental. Dumas, A. D. (Same as "The Conspirators.")..24404 Chevreuse, Marie de Rohan de. Cousin, V. Secret Hist. of the French Court under Richelieu and Mazarin; or, Life and times of Mad. de C. N. Y., I87I. I2... 20414 Chicot, the Jester. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~.... 24406 Chillingworth, W. Plumrptre, E. H. (In Barry, A.,'Masters.') 22III China. Anderson, J. Mandalay to Momien: the two expeditions to Western China of I868 and 1875. Lond., I876. 80.. 21926 Beauvoir, L. de. (In'A Voyage,' v. 2-5.).. 2I20IBrine, L. Taeping Rebellion in C. Lond., I862. I20... 20386 - Carne, L. de. Travels in Indo-China and the Chinese Empire. Lond., I872. 80.. 2I932 Edkins, J. Religion in China. Bost., I878. 8~... 28563 Giles, H. A. Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. Lond., i88o. 2 V. 12~.. 27787Gill, W. The River of Golden Sand: a journey through China and Eastern Tibet to Burmah. Illust. Lond., I880. 2 v. 80. 21930Gray, J. H. C.: a history of the laws, manners, and customs of the people. Illust. Lond., I878. 2 v. 8~.... 2I935Hiibner, J. A. von. (In'A Ramble round the World.'). 21203 Johnson, Sam. Oriental Religions. China. Bost., I877. 80. 28560 [Lindley, A. F.] Ti-ping Tien-kwoh: the history of the Tiping Revolution. Lond., I866. 2 v. 8~. 20. 38IMargary, A. R. Journey, from Shanghae to Bhamo, and back to Manwyne. Lond., I876. 8~. 21925 Medhurst, W. H. Foreigner in Far Cathay. N. Y., I873. I20. 2I6I9 - See, also, Manchuria; Mongolia; Tibet. China Sea. Collingwood, C. Rambles of a Naturalist on the shores and waters of the C. S. Lond., I868. 8~... 29494 Chips from a German Workshop. MUller, F. M. N. Y., I869-76. 4 v. I20.. 3731-3 & 27302 Chips from Many Blocks. Burritt, E. Toronto, 1878. 12~... 27220 Chivalry-Church. 43 Chivalry. Digby, K. H. Broad Stone of Honour; or, The true sense and practice of C. Lond., 1844-48. 3 v. 12~. 4620 & I2900See, also, Arthur (King); Crusades. Chopin, F. F. Karasowski, M. Chopin: his life, letters and works. Lond., 1879. 2 V. I2~... 23769Liszt, F. Life of C. Phila., i863. I6.... 23768 Chorley, H. F. Modern German Music. Lond., i854. 2 v. I2~.. 29743National Music of the World. Lond., i88o. 12~... 29745 Personal Reminiscences. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Bric-a-Brac Series..')..23256 - Recent Art and Society. N. Y., I874. I2~. 23762 Christ. Brooks, P. The Influence of Jesus. (Bohlen Lectures, I879.) N. Y., I879. I6........ 28533 Crosby, H., &' others. C.: His nature and work. N. Y., I878. 28487 Farrar, F. W. Life of C. Lond. 2 V. I2~.. 28644- - Same. N. Y., I875. 2 v. I2~.. 28646Geikie, C. Life and Words of C. N. Y., I878. 2 v. 8~.. 28763Hanna, W. Our Lord's Life on Earth. Edinb., I869. 6 v. I6~. 28480Hughes, T. Manliness of C. Bost., I88o. I6~... 28486 Jameson, A. M. Hist. of Our Lord as exemplified in works of art. Lond., I865. 2 v. 8... 299I4Christian Gellert, and other sketches. Auerbach, B. Lond., I858. 24000 Christianity. Arnold, M. Literature and Dogma. N. Y., I873. 28689 Blakie, J. S. (In'Four Phases of Morals.'). 28080 - Christlieb, T. Modern Doubt and Christian Belief. N. Y., I874. 8............ 2868I Fisher, G. P. Beginnings of C. N. Y., 1877. 8~. (2 copies.) 28587Greg, W. R. Creed of Christendom. Detroit, I878. I2~.. 28694 Peabody, A. P. C. and Science. N. Y., I874. 120.... 28700 Renan, J. E. Rome and C. (English Conferences.) Bost., I880. 120........... 28570 Stephens, W. R. W. C. and Islam; the Bible and the Koran: 4 lect. N. Y., I877. I2........ 28566 Wright, G. F. Logic of Christian Evidences. Andover, I880. 28702 Uhlhorn, G. Conflict of C. with Heathenism. N. Y., I879. 8~. 28602 See, also, Religion. Christianity and Humanity: sermons. King, T. S. Bost., I877. 28538 Christina, queen of Sweden, Memoirs of. Woodhead, H. Lond., I863. 2 V. 12.......... 2390IChristlieb, T. Best Methods of counteracting Modern Infidelity. N. Y., I874. I20.. 28682 Modern Doubt and Christian Belief. N. Y., I874. 8~... 28681 Christmas Books. Thackeray, W. M. Lond., I876. I2~... 24878 Chromatics. See Colors. Chroniclers. See Early Chroniclers. Chronology. Putnam, G. P. World's Progress: a dictionary of dates,... to Aug. 1877. N. Y., I878. 8~.. Church,.A. J. Ovid. (Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers, suppl. ser., v. 2).. 26848 44 Church-Clarke. Church, A. J. Stories from the Greek Tragedians. [Lond. &] N. Y., I880. 12.......... 26806 Stories from Homer. Illust. N. Y., I878. 16~.. 268I9 Stories from Virgil. N. Y., 1879. I20.. 26803 & Brodribb (W. J.). Pliny's Letters. (Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers, v. II.)..26837 Church, Florence M. Life and Letters of Captain Marryat. Lond., I872. 2 V. 12.......... 23212Church, R. W. Beginning of the Middle Ages. N. Y., [1878]. i6~. 20457 Dante: an essay. Lond., I878. I20... 26282 Spenser. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., 1879. 12~... 23340 Church of England. See England, Church of. Church of Rome. See Roman Cath. Ch. Church of Scotland. See Scotland, Church of. Church and State. Thompson, R. W. Papacy and the Civil Power. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 29096 Church Union. D6llinger, J. J. I. von. Reunion of the Churches. N. Y., I872. I60... 28536 Tullidge, H., editor. The Evangelical Ch.: discourses. N. Y., I879. 8........... 28600 Churchill, C. Poetical Works; with notes and a life by W. Tooke. Bost., I854. 3 v. I60.. 26053Churton, E. Gongora: an essay on the times of Philip III. and IV. of Spain. Lond., 1862. 2 v. I6...... 23652Cicero. Collins, W. L. (' Anc. Classics for English Readers,' v. 9.) 26835 Cid (The), Translations from. Frere, J. H. (In'Works,' v. 2.). 27482 Circuit Rider. Eggleston, E. N. Y., I874. I20..2993 Civil Liberty and Self-Government. Lieber, F. Phila., 1874. 8~. 29082 Civil Service in Gt. Britain. Eaton, D. B. N. Y., I88o. 8~... 2II40 Civilization. Dean, A. Hist. of C. Albany, I868-9. 7 v. 80.. 20233Rawlinson, G. Early Civilizations. (In'Origin of Nations.') 20047 Wilson, D. Prehistoric Man: researches into the origin of C. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8~.. 20200See, also, Man; Sociology. Clara Vere. Spielhagen, F. (Saimmtl. Werke, B. 3.)... 25862 Claretie, J. A. Camille Desmoulins and his Wife. Lond., 1876. 80. 22560 Clarissa [Harlowe]. Richardson, S. Condensed by C. H. Jones. N. Y., 1874, I6~...24850 Clark, E. L. Arabs and Turks. Bost., I876. 12~.... 20492 Clark, H. A. College Book. (See Richardson, C. F., & Clark.) Clark, W. R. Saint Augustine. (The Fathers for English Readers.) Lond., [I878]. 160.. 28504 Clarke, C. C. Shakespeare-Characters. Lond., I863. 80... 27041 & Mary C. Recollections of Writers. With letters of Chas. Lamb, Leigh Hunt, Douglas Jerrold, and Chas Dickens. N. Y., [I878]. 12~.. 26936 Clarke, E. H. Building of a Brain. Bost., I874. I6~.... 28827 Sex in Education. Bost., 1873. I6~..2...28828 - Visions: a study of false sight. Bost., I878. I2~.. 28005 Clarke-Cochut. 45 Clarke, J. F. Common-sense in Religion. Bost., 1874. 12~.. 28692 Memoirs of Marg. Fuller Ossoli. (See Ossoli,'Works,' v. 1-2.) 27286Memorial and Biographical Sketches. Bost., 1878. 120.. 226I8 Ten Great Religions. Bost., I871. I20.. 28564 - Same. Bost., 1877. 12~........ 28565 Clarke, Mary C. (See Clarke, C. C. & M. C.) Classic Preachers of the English Church: lectures deliv. at St. James's Ch. [Westminster] in 1877, (and 1878). With an introd. by J. E. Kempe. N. Y., (& Lond.), i877-8. 2 V. I2~. 22112CONTENTS:-1877, J. Donne, by J. B. Lightfoot; I. Barrow, by H. Wace; R. South, by W. C. Lake; W, Beveridge, by W. R. Clark; T. Wilson, by F. W. Farrar; J. Butler, by E. M. Goulburn.-1878, G. Bull, by W. P. Warburton; S. Horsley, by J. R. Woodford ~ J. Taylor, by A. Barry; R. Sanderson, by W. Alexander; J. Tillotson, by W. G. Humphry; L. Andrewes, by J. H. North. Classical Geography. Tozer, H. F. Lond., I876. 16~.. 26860 Classical Writers. Green, J. R., editor...... 26890CONTENTS: —Milton, by S, A. Brooke.-Euripldes, J. P. Mahaffy.-Vergil, H. Nettleship.-Livy, W. W. Capes. Clay, J. Short Whist. (See Baldwin & Clay.) Clayton, Ellen C. English Female Artists. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 8~. 23865Queens of Song. Lond., I863. 2 v. 8~.. 23847Clemens, S. L., (pseud.,'Mark Twain.') Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Hartf'd, I876. 8~. (2 copies.). 25584Mark Twain's Sketches. Hartf'd, I875. 8~.... 25588 Roughing it. Hartf., 1878. 8~.. 25587 A Tramp Abroad. Hartf., i88o. 8~. (2 copies.).. 25589- & Warner (C. D.). Gilded Age. Hartf., 1874. 8~. ~ ~ 25586 Clement, C. Michelangelo. L. & N. Y., I88o. 12... 23790 Michelangelo, Lionardo da Vinci, and Raphael. Lond., i880. 23837 Clement, Clara E. Handbook of Legendary and Mythological Art. Illust. N. Y., I877. 12~.. 29790 Painters, Sculptors, Architects, Engravers, and their works. Bost., 1I879. I2~. 29791 Clement (St.) of Rome. Holland, H. S. (In'The Apostolic Fathers.') 28502 Cliffe, L. Anecdotal Reminiscences. Lond., 1830. 16~.. I8560 Clifford, W. K. Seeing and Thinking: [4 lectures]. Lond., 1879. 28006 Clinton, H. F. Literary Remains. Lond., I854. I20... 18587 Clodius, Catiline, and Tiberius. Beesly, E. S. Lond., I878. 8~. 23725 Cloncurry, Baron. See Lawless, V. B. Cloth of Gold, and other poems. Aldrich, T. B. Bost., I878. I6~. 26000 Coan, T. Adventures in Patagonia. N. Y., i88o. 12~... 21704 Coates, H. T. Fireside Encyclopmdia of Poetry. Phila., [I878]. 26380 Cobbe, Frances P. False Beasts and True. Lond., [1875]. 12~.. 129II Cobbett, R. S. Memorials of Twickenham. Lond., I872. 8~. (2 cop.) 21777Cobbett, W. Smith, Edward. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 12~.... 22890See, also, Bulwer, H. L. E.,'Histor. Characters,' v. 2 (23882); Forsyth, W.,'Essays' (27480). Cobden (R.) and Modern Political Opinion. Rogers, J. E. T. Lond., 1873. 8........... 29088 Cochrane, A. B. Historic Chateaux. Lond., 1877. 80... 21785 Cochut, P. A. The Financier, Law. Lond., I856. I6~.. 22843 7 46 Cockburn-Color. Cockburn, H. T. Journal: a continuation of the Memorials of his time. Edinb., I874. 2 v. 8~.. 23054Memorials of His Time. Edinb., I856. 8~.. 23053 Cockton, H. George St. George Julian, the Prince. Phila, I842. 8~. 243II Cohen, J. S. The Throat and the Voice. Phil., I879. i6~... 29962 Coins. See Numismatics. Cokain, A. Dramatic Works; with memoir. Edinb. & Lond., I874. 26565 Coleridge, H. J. Life and Letters of St. Francis Xavier. Lond., I872. 2 v. I2.......... 22IO3Coleridge, S. T. Letters, Conversations, and Recollections. N. Y., I836. I2~. (2 copies.). 3980Same. 2d [3d] ed. Lond., I858. I2~.. 23302 Osorio: a tragedy. Lond., I873. 8~... 26640 Shakespeare, Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher. Liverpool, I874. I6~. (2 copies.)....... 380 & 27021 See, also, Brooke, S. A.,'Theology in the Eng. Poets' (26281); Mill, J. S.,'Diss. and Disc., v. 2 (37i6); Shedd, W. G. T.,'Lit. Essays' (26927); Swinburne, A. C.,'Essays and Stud.' (26942). Coleridge, Sara. Memoirs and Letters. Lond., 1873. 2 v. I2~. 23291[Coles, B. C.] Short Whist. By Major A. [pseud.], with an essay... by Prof. P[ole]. Lond., I865.- 6~.. 29684 Coligny, G. de. Besant, W. [L. &] N: Y., I879. I6~.. 22452 College Tramps. Stokes, F. A. N. Y., 88o. 2~.... 21255 Colleges. Baird, W. M. Amer. College Fraternities. Phil., I879. 28995 Porter, N. American C. and the Amer. Public. New Haven, 1870. I2~. And N. Y., [I878]. 12~.... 9254 & 28837 Richardson (C. F.) & Clark (H. A.). The College Book. Bost., I878. 8.. See, also, Oheltenham i Eton; Harvard; Owens; Winchester i Yale -Education; Universities. Collingwood, C. Rambles of a Naturalist on the Shores and Waters of the China Sea. Lond., i868. 8~.. 29494 Collins, C. W. Plato. (Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers, v. I9.). 26845 Sophocles. (Same, v. io.).....26836 Collins, W. Poetical Works. With life, crit. diss., and notes, by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I854. 8~.....26338 Collins, W. L. Montaigne. Phila., [1879]. 12~... 23268 editor (and author). Ancient Classics for English Readers. Phila., I870-79. 28 v. I6~. (For contents see Ancient Clas.)...... 7i-86 & 26835TOLS. BY THE EDITOR:-1-2, Homer's Iliad & Odyssey (2 cop.); 5. Virgil (2 cop.); 9, Cicero; 14, Aristophanes; 16, Plautus and Terence; 18, Lucian; (Suppl. ser.,) 1, Livy; 6, Thucydides. Collins, W. W. The Yellow Mask. N. Y., 1879. I6~.. 24923 Colloquia Peripatetica. Duncan, J. Edinb., I871. i6~.. 23655 Colonies, European, Hist. of. Payne, E. J. Lond., I877. I6~.. 20084 Colonna, Vittoria: her life and poems. Mrs. H. Roscoe. Lond., i868. I2~...23227 Colorado, Summer Etchings in. Greatorex, E. N. Y., [I873]. 8~. 21976 Color-Blindness. Jeffries, B. J. Bost., I879. I2~... 29319 Colors-Consuelo. 47 Colors. Rood, O. N. Modern Chromatics. N. Y., I879. I2~.. 29266 See, also, Light. Columbus, C., Life of. Knight, A. G. Lond., I877. I2~... 23617 Combe, G., Life of. Gibbon, C. Lond., I878. 2 V. 8~.. 23523Comedies for Amateur Acting. Matthews, J. B., ed. N. Y., I880. 26526 Comic Annual. Hood, T. Lond., I830-39. Io v. I6~.. 25248Comic Art. See Caricature. Coming Race. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Lond., I875. I2~. ~ 24103 Commerce. Atkinson, E. (In First Cent. of the Republic.). 2I520 Webster, R. G. Trade of the World. Lond., I88o. 8~... 29003 Common Place Books. Buckle, H. T. (In'Miscel. Works,' v. 2-3.) 27527Communism. James, H. A. C. in America. N. Y., I879. 8~. 29I60 Woolsey, T. D. C. and Socialism. N. Y., I88o. I2.. 29II9 See, also, Socialism. Communistic Societies of the U. S. Nordhoff, C. N. Y., I875. 80. (2 copies.)..29II5Compromise. Morley, J. Lond., I874. 8~.. 29089 Comte de Monte-Cristo. Dumas, A. D. Paris, I846. 6 t. en 3. ~ 2563IComtesse de Rudolstadt. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I879. 2 v. 25673Con. Cregan. Lever, C. J. Lond., [1872]. 80... 24255 Conder, C. R. Judas Maccaboeus. [Lond. &] N. Y., 1879. I6~. 22453 Tent Work in Palestine. N. Y., I878. 2 v. 8~.... 2I903Confessions of a Thug. Taylor, M. Lond., I873. I20.... 24827 Confidence: [a novel]. James, H. Bost., I88o. I2~. (2 copies.) 24597Confucianism and Taouism. Douglas, R. K. Lond., I879. I6~. 2858I Confucius, Life and Teachings of. Legge, J. Lond., I867. 80. 23730 Congo. Burton, R. F. Two Trips to the Congo. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 2I854Monteiro, J. J. Angola and the River C. N. Y., I876. I2~. 21620 Congreve, W. Dramatic Works. Lond., I849 (&'SI). 8~. (2 copies.) 2669IConington, J. 2Eneid of Virgil transl. into Eng. verse. N.Y.,I877. 12~. 26802 Connecticut. Peters, Sam. General Hist. of Conn. Ed. by S. J. McCormick. N. Y., I877. 2... 21321 Trumbull, J. H. True-Blue Laws of Conn. Hartf., I876. I2~. 21322 Conscience. Cook, J. Bost., I879 [I878]. I20.. 28024 Conservation of Energy. See Force. Conspirators (The). Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. 16. I6~. 24404 Constable, A. Personal Reminiscences. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Bric-a-brac series.')..23257 Constable, T. Editlb., I873. 3 v. 8~... 23204Constable, T. Archibald Constable and his Literary Correspondents. Edinb., I873. 3 v. 8...23204Constantinople. Amicis, E. de. N. Y., 1878. I2~.... 21691 Brassey, A. Sunshine and Storm in the East. N. Y., I880. 2I901 Brodribb (W. J.) & Besant (W.). C.: a sketch of its history. Lond., I879. 12.. 21244 Gautier, T. Paris, I854. I6~.. 25647 Same. Transl. by Gould. Lond., I854. I2~... 21226 - Same. N. Y., I875. 12~. 2I227 Consuelo. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I873. 3 t. I6~.. 25675 48 Consuelo-Costa. Consuelo. Same, transl. Phil., [I870]. I6~. (2 cop.)... 249I6Contemporary Review. Lond., I866-79. 36 v. 8~.... I072IContes bleus. Laboulaye, E. R. L. Paris, I877.... 25666 Contes populaires. Erckmann (E.) & Chatrian (A.) Paris, [I877]. 25639 Conversion of the West. 28494CONTENTS;-V. 1, Maclear, G. F., The Celts.-2, The English.-3, The Northmen.-4, Merivale, C., The Continental Teutons. Convicts. See Prisons. Convicts (The) and their Children. Auerbach, B. N. Y., I877. (2 cop.) 24040Cook, D. Book of the Play. Lond., I876. 2 V. I2~... 26557Cook, J. Boston Monday Lectures. Bost., I877-80.' 8 v. I20. 28020CONTENTS;-Biology (2 copies).-Transcendentalism.-Orthodoxy.-Conscience.-Heredity.-Marriage.-Labor.-Socialism. Cook, Martha W., translator. See Krasinski, S.,'The Undivine Comedy.' Cooke, J. P., jr. The New Chemistry. N. Y., 1874. I2~.. 29245 Cooke, M. C. Fungi. N. Y., I875. I2~... 29254 Cooke, P. St. G. Conquest of New Mexico and California. N. Y., I878. I20.......... 21323 Cooley, T. M. General Principles of Constitutional Law in the U. S. of A. Bost., i88o. 12~.. 28845 Coolidge, Susan, (pseud.). See Woolsey, Sarah C. Coomassie and Magdala. Stanley, H. M. N. Y., I874. 80... 20621 Cooper, Elizabeth. Life of Thomas Wentworth, Earl of Strafford. Lond., I874. 2 v. 80.. 230I1ICooper, J. F. Afloat and ashore. N. Y., I873. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 2834 Codperation, Hist. of, in England. Holyoake, G. J. Phil. [Lond.], 1875-79. 2 v. I2......... 29005Coral Reefs. Darwin, C. R. Lond., I874. I2~... 294I5 Coran. See Koran. Cordery, Bertha M. Struggle against Absolute Monarchy. (In Epochs of Eng. Hist.)..20851 Corea. Oppert, E. A Forbidden Land. N. Y., I88o. 8~.. 21943 Corkran, Alice. Bessie Lang. N. Y., I877. I6. 2407I Corn Laws. Mackay, C. (In'Forty Years' Recoil.,' v. I.). 22943 Peel, R. Repeal of the Corn Laws. (In'Memoirs,' ed. by Stanhope and Cardwell, v. 2.). 22888 Rogers, J. E. T. Defence of the C. L. (In'Cobden and Mod. Pol. Opin.')..29088 See, also, England, Hist., i845-6. Corney, B. Curiosities of Literature, by I. D'Israeli, illustrated. 2d ed., rev.; added, Ideas on controversy. Lond., I838. 12~. 18566 Cornhill Magazine. Lond., I860-79. 40 v. 8. I8Io8- & I8233Cornwall (England). Bottrell, W. Traditions and Hearthside Stories of West C. Penzance, 1870-'73. 2 series. I2~.. 27700Hunt, R. Popular Romances of the West of England. Lond., [I87I]. 12......... 27664 Correlation of Forces. See Force. Cossacks (The). Tolst6i, L. N. Y., I878. 16~.... 249Io Costa de Beauregard, H. J. Recollections. Lond., 1877. 2 v. 12~. 22484 Costume-Cranford. 49 Costume. See Dress; Manners & Customs. Cotton, C. Complete Angler. (See Walton, I., & Cotton.) Couch, J. Illustrations of Instinct. Lond., I847. I2~.... 29326 Coulanges, M. D. F. de. See Fustel de Coulanges. Count Alarcos: a tragedy. Disraeli, B. N. Y. [Lond., I878]. 24247 & 24252 Count Kostia. Cherbuliez, V. N. Y., I873. 16~.. 24167 Counterfeit (A) Presentment. Howells, W. D. Bost., 1877. 16~. 2456I Countess de Charny. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. 16~. 24408 & 24425 Countess of Rudolstadt. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Phila., [I870]. I6~. (2 copies.)........ 249I8 — Cousin, V. Secret History of the French Court under Richelieu and Mazarin. N. Y., I87I. I2~....... 20414 Cousin Pons. Balzac, H. de. Lond., I88o. I2~.. 24056 Cousins. Walford, L. B. N. Y., I879. I6~.. 24286 Couture, T. Conversations on Art Methods. N. Y., I879. I2~. 29826 Coverley, Sir Roger de. From the Spectator. With notes by W. H. Wills. N. Y., I878. I6~... 27265 Cowper, W. Poetical Works. With life, critical dissertation, and notes, by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I854. 2 v. 8~.. 26333[Select Works.] Ed. by H. T. Griffith. Oxford, I874. 2 v. 16~. 26876CONTENTS:-1, Didactic Poems of 1782, with selections from the minor pieces, A.D. 1779-83; with introd. and notes.-2, Task, with Tirocinium, and selections, A.D. 1784-99; with life and nutes. Hayley, W. Life and Letters of C. Lond., I835. 8~... 23420 Smith, Goldwin. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I88o. I2~. 23347 See, also, Bagehot, W.,' Lit. Stud.,' v. I (26767); Brooke, S. A.,'Theol. in the Eng. Poets' (26281); Sainte-Beuve, C. A.,'Eng. Portraits' (22885); Stephen, L.,'Hours in a Library,' v. 3 (26935). Cox, E. W. Arts of Writing, Reading, and Speaking. Lond., I879. 27821 Cox, G. W. Athenian Empire. N. Y., [I877]. I6~... 2044I Crusades. N. Y., [I874]. I6.. 20449 - Greeks and the Persians. N, Y., 1876. I6~.. 20435 History of Greece. Lond., I874. v. I-2. 8~.. 20I65Tales of Ancient Greece. Chicago, I877. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 27742 & Jones (E. H.). Popular Romances of the Middle Ages. Lond., I87I. 12... 2010 Same. Ist Amer., from 2d Eng. ed. N. Y., I88. 2~... 27712 CONTENTS:-Arthur and his knights; Merlin * Sir Tristrem; Bevis of Hamtoun; Guy of Warwick; Havelok; Be6wulf; REoland; Olger the Dane ~ Stories of the Volsungs; Nibelung story Walter of Aquitaine: Story of Hugdietrich and Hildeburg; Gudrun lay,; Atory of Frithjof and Ingebjorg Grettir the strong; Gunnlaug and the fair Helga; Burnt Njal. (Note.-This edition contains the matter of the two books, " Pop. Romances," Lond., 1871, and " Tales of Teut. Lands," Lond., 1872, less 80+ 30 pp. of introduction.) Tales of the Teutonic Lands. Lond., I872. I20.... 27713 Cox (G. W.) & Sankey (C.), editors. See Epochs of Anc. Hist. [Cox, J. E.] Musical Recollections. Lond., 1872. 2 v. 8~.. 29792Cox, S. S. Why we laugh. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 25205 Cradock, J. Literary and Miscellaneous Memoirs. Lond., I826. 8~. I8594 Cradock Noel. Blackmore, R. D. N. Y., I866. 8.... 24302 Craik, Dinah M. M. Sermons out of Church. N. Y., 1875. I20. 27221 Cranford. Gaskell, E. C. Lond., I870. 16~.. 24446 50 Crashaw-Crusades. Crashaw, R. Poetical Works. With memoir and crit. diss., by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., 1I857. 80... 26335 Craven, Pauline. Fleurange: a novel. N. Y., 1873. I6~.. 24170 Crayfish. Huxley, T. H. N. Y., i88o. I2~...... 29269 Crayon Miscellany. Irving, W. N. Y., [I865]. 16~.... 24590 Creasy, E. S. Hist. of England. Lond., 1869-70. v. I-2. 8~.. 21002History of the Ottoman Turks. Lond., I877. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 20489 Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians. Lond., I850. 8~. I.. 8592 Creation, Hist. of. Haeckel, E. HI. N. Y., I876. 2 v. I2~... 2938ICreed of Christendom. Greg, W. R. Detroit, 1878. I2~.. 28694 Creighton, Louise. England a Continental Power. (In Epochs of Eng. Hist.)...2085I Life of Edward the Black Prince. Lond., 876. I6~... 22446 Life of Sir Walter Ralegh. N. Y., I877. 160.. 22447 Creighton, M. Age of Elizabeth. N. Y., I876. I6~.. 20452 Hist. of Rome. Lond., I877. I6~...20052 - Life of Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester. Lond., I876. I6~. 22445 The Tudors and the Reformation. (In Epochs of Eng. Hist.). 2085I editor. Epochs of English Hist. Complete in one vol. Lond., I879. I6~. (For contents see Epochs.)..... 20851 - See, also, Historical Biographies. Cremation. Richardson, B. W. (In' A Ministry of Health.').. 29996 Cretan Insurrection of I866-7-8. Stillman, W. J. N. Y., 1874. I2~. 20496 Cricket Ground, Guide to. Selkirk, G. H. Lond., 1867. 16~.. 29636 Cripps, the Carrier. Blackmore, R. D. N. Y., 1876. 8~... 24303 Critic, The Papers of a. Dilke, C. W. Lond., 1875. 2 v. 8~.. 26765Croker, J. W. Early Period of the French Revolution. Lond., I857. 20687 Cromwell, O. Vaughan, R. Protectorate of C. Lond., I838. 2 v. 21000See, also, Bayne, P.,'Chief Actors' (23013); Forster, J.,' Histor. and Biog. Ess.,' v. I (27320); Mozley, J. B.,'Essays,' v. i (27409). Crookes, W. Researches in Spiritualism. Lond., I874. 8.. 28041 Crosby, H. Christian Preacher. N. Y., [1880]. I2~.... 28425 - & others. Christ: discourses. N. Y., 1I878. 12.... 28487 Cross, Marian (Evans). See Eliot, George. Cross, Holy. Prime, W. C. N. Y., [I877]. 16...285jI0 Crosse, A. F. Round about the Carpathians. Edinb. & L., I878. 120. 21729 Crotchet Castle. Peacock, T. L. (In'Works,' v. 2.).. 27304 Crouch, Anna M. P., Memoirs of. Young, M. J. Lond., i8o6. 2 v. I8556Crowe, J. A. Handbook of Painting. (See Waagen, G. F.) & Cavalcaselle (G. B.) Early Flemish Painters. Lond.,1872. 120. 23801 - Hist. of Painting in Italy. Lond., 1864-66. 3 v. 8~. 29945Hist. of Painting in North Italy. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8~... 29948Titian. Lond., I877. 2 v. 8~... 23832Crowest, F. Great Tone Poets. Lond., I874. I20... 2376I Crowne, J. Dramatic Works. Edinb. & Lond., I873-4. 4 v. 80. 26566Crusades. Cox, G. W. N. Y., [I874]. 16...20449 Dutton, W. E. Hist. of the Crusades. Lond., 1877. I2~.. 20105 Michaud, J. F. Hist. of the C. Lond., 1852. 3 V. I2~... 20102 Crusades-Dana. 5 Crusades. Sybel, H. C. L. von. Hist. and Literature of the C. Lond., I86I....20o6 See, also, Europe, Hist., Io96-I291. Cruttwell, C. T. Hist. of Roman Literature. N. Y., [i8'8]. 8~. 26964 Culture. Greenwood, J. G. On Some Relations of C. to Practical Life. (In Owens Coll. Ess. & Ad.). 27412 Cumming, W. G. Wild Men and Wild Beasts. N. Y., 1872. I2". 21680 Cundall, J. Hans Holbein. Lond. & N. Y., I879. I2~.... 23781 Cunningham, A., Life of; with selections. Hogg, D. Lond., I875. 23244 Cunynghame, A. T. Travels in the Eastern Caucasus. Lond., 1872. 21913 Curiosities of Biography. Glasgow, I845. 12. I2~. 23600 Currency. Howe, J. B. Mono-Metalism and Bi-Metalism. Bost., 1879. I6........... 2906 Hughes, R. W. Pop. Treatise on the C. Question. N.Y.,1879. I2~. 29054 Price, B. C. and Banking. N. Y., I876. I2~. (2 copies.). 29056Sumner, W. G. Hist. of American C. N. Y., I874 (etc.). (2 cop.) 29059See, also, Banking; Money. Current Discussion. Burlingame. E. L. N. Y., I878. 2 v. I2~. (For contents see Burlingame.)..27282Currie, J., Memoir of. Currie, W. W. Lond., I831. 2 v. 8~.. I8595Curteis, A. M. Hist. of the Roman Empire. Lond., I875. I6~.. 20068 Curtis, B. R. Memoir of; with writings. Bost., 1879. 2 v. 8~.. 22680 — Curwen, H. History of Booksellers. Lond., [I873]. I2~... 23207 Sorrow and Song. Lond., I875. 2 v. 12~.. 23285CONTENTS -1, H. Murger; Novalis; A, Petifl.-2, Balzac; E. A. Poe; A. Ch6nier. Cusack, Mary F. The Liberator [Dan. O'Connell]. Kenmare. 2 v. 23044Cushing, C. Treaty of Washington. N. Y., I873. I20... 2136I Cushman, Charlotte. Stebbins, E. Bost., 1878. I2~...22698 Custer, G. A. My Life on the Plains. N. Y., I874. 80... 2I58I - Whittaker, F. Life of Gen. C. N. Y., [I876]. 8~... 22772 Customs. See Manners and Customs. Cutts, E. L. Saint Jerome. Lond., [I878]. 6...28505 Cuzco. Markham, C. R. Lond., I856. 120...21701 Cyprus. Brassey, A. Sunshine and Storm in the East. N. Y., I88o. 21901 --- Lher, F. von. Lond., 1878. 12~.. 21251 D' A., Anna..See Almeida, Anna'd. Daghestan, Travels in. Cunynghame, A. T. Lond., 1872. 8~.. 21913 Dahomey, Mission to. Burton, R. F. Lond., I864. 2 v. 8~.. 2I217Daily News (London). War Correspondence,I877-8. L.,I878. 2v. I2~. 20494Daisy Miller. James, H., jr. N. Y., I879. 32~.. 24599 Dale, R. W. Lectures on Preaching. N. Y., etc., I878. (2 cop.) 28422Dallas, G. M. Letters from London. Lond., I870. 2 v. I2~.. 22646Dalling, Lord. See Bulwer, H. L. E. Dalton, J. Lonsdale, H. Lond., I874. 12~...23564 Damascus, St. Paul in. Rawlinson, G. Lond., [I878]. I6~... 28498 Dana, J. D. Geological Story briefly told. N. Y., I875. (2 cop.) 294I3- Manual of Geology. N. Y., I874. 80.. 294II Manual of Mineralogy and Lithology. N. Y., I878. I20.. 29412 52 Daniel-Davies. Daniel, the Beloved. Taylor, W. M. N. Y., 1878. I2~.... 28648 Daniel Deronda. Eliot, Geo. N. Y., 1876. 2 v. I2~. (5 copies.). 24184Daniell, W. H. The Voice, and how to use it. Bost., I873. I6~.. 29804 Daniels, W. H. [D. L.] Moody. N. Y., I878. 12~... 226I6 Dannreuther, E. Richard Wagner. Lond., I873. 8~... 29800 Dante Alighieri. De Monarchia, transl. (In Church, R. W.,'Dante: an essay.')..26282 Inferno. Transl. by T. W. Parsons. Bost., I867. 8~.. 26272 Balbo, C. Life and Times of D. Lond., I852. 2 v. I2~.. 23293Church, R. W. Lond., I878. I2~.. 26282 Oliphant, M. O. W. (Foreign Classics for Eng. Readers, v...) Phila., [I877]. I6..23262 Makers of Florence. Lond., I876. 8~... 23836 Syvmonds, 7. A. Introd. to the study of D. Lond., 1872. I2~. 26283 Danton, G. J. See Baker, H. B.,'French Society,' v. 2 (20401); Claretie, J. A.,'Camille Desmoulins' (22560); Lamartine, A. M. L. de,'Biogr.,' v. 2 (23728). D'Anvers, N. Elementary History of Art. N. Y., I875. I2~.. 29877 - Raphael. Lond. & N. Y., 1879. I2~.... 23779 Darwin, C. R. Different Forms of Flowers. N. Y., I877. I2~.. 29455 Cross and Self Fertilisation in the Vegetable Kingdom. N. Y., I877. I2.......... 29454 Insectivorous Plants. N. Y., I875. I2~......29457 Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants. Lond., I875. I2~. 29453 Structure and Distribution of Coral Reefs. Lond., I874. I2~. 29415 — Various Contrivances by which Orchids are fertilised by Insects. N. Y., I877. 12....... 29456 Darwin E. Krause, E. N. Y., I88o. I2~...23545 Darwinism. Gray, A. Darwiniana. N. Y., I876. I2~... 29396 Hodge, C. What is D.? N.Y., I874. I2~.. 28089 Schmidt, O. Doctrine of Descent and D. Lond., I875. I2~.. 29252 - Wagner, M. Darwinian Theory. Lond., I873. 8~... 2939I See, also, Biology; Evolution; Natural Selection. Dasent, G. W. Story of Burnt Njal. Edinb., I86i. 2 v. I2~.. 27703Story of Gisli the Outlaw. Edinb., I866. 8~.. 27780 Daudet, A. Fromont jeune et Risler aine. Paris, 1877. I6~.. 25627 Kings in Exile. Bost., i88o. I6~...24171 Les rois en exil. Paris, I88o. I6~.. 25600 Daughter of an Egyptian King. Ebers, G. M. Phil., I87I. I2~. 304I Daughter of Heth. Black, W. N. Y., I877. I2~. (3 copies.). 24005D'Avenant, W. Dramatic Works; with memoir. Edinb. & Lond., I872-74. 5 v. 8......... 26560Davenport Dunn. Lever, C. J. Lond., I872. 8~.. 24256 David, King of Israel. Taylor, W. M. N. Y., I875. I2~... 28649 Davids, T. W. R. Buddhism. Lond., [1877]. I6~.. 28577 Davidson, S. Canon of the Bible. Lond., I877. I2~.... 28529 Davies, G. S. St. Paul in Greece. Lond., [I878]. I6~... 28500 Davies, J. Catullus, Tibullus, and Propertius. (Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers, suppl. ser., v. 3.). 26849 Davies-Demosthenes. 53 Davies, J. Hesiod and Theognis. (Anc. Clas., ISt ser., v. I5.). 2684I Davillier, C. Spain. Illust. by G. Dore. [L. &] N. Y., I876. 4~.. Dawn of History. Keary, C. F. N. Y., [I879].. I2~. 20090 Dawson, J. W. Origin of the World. N. Y., I877. 12~. ~ ~ 29418 Story of the Earth and Man. N. Y., I873. I6~.. 29417 Day (A) of my Life. By a present Eton Boy. N. Y., I877. I6~.. 28830 Dead Lake. Heyse, P. J. L. Leipz., 1870. i6~.. 24540 Dean, A. History of Civilization. Albany, I868-9. 7 v. 8~.. 20233Deane, R., Life of. Deane, J. B. Lond., 1870. 8~... 23023 Dear Lady Disdain. McCarthy, J. N. Y., I876. 8~. ~. 24670 Deccan. Frere, M. Old Deccan Days. Lond., I870. I6~.. 27790 Decoration and Design. Garrett, R. & A. Suggestions for House Decoration in Painting, Woodwork and Furniture. Phila., [I877]. I2~...... 29780 - Redgrave, R. Manual of Design. N. Y., [I876]. I2~.. ~ 29768 Spofford, H. E. P. Art Decoration applied to Furniture. N. Y., 1I878 [I877]. 8~.~. 29872 See, also, Ornament. Deerstalkers. Herbert, H. W. (zi'Sporting Scenes,' v. 1.).. 29602 Defence of Guenevere. Morris, W. Lond., I875. 12~... 26IOI Defenders of the Faith. Watson, F. Lond., [1878]. 16~.. 28503 Defoe, D. Minto, W. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. I2~. 23338 See, also, Dennis, J.,'Studies' (26915); Forster, J.,'Histor. and Biog. Essays,' v. 2 (2732I); Stephen, L.,'Hours in a Lib.', v. I (26933). De Forest, J. W. Honest John Vane: a story. New Haven, I875. 24172 Irene, the Missionary. Bost., I879. I6~.. 24173 Kate Beaumont. Bost., I872. 8~.... 24308 Wetherell Affair. N. Y., I873. 8~...... 24309 Deirdr'. [Joyce, R. D.] Bost., 1876. i6~.. 26024 Deism. Stephen, L. (In' Hist of Eng. Thought.'). 28200 Dekker, T. Dramatic Works; with notes and a memoir. Lond., I873. 4 v. 16.......26499Delaroche, H. Rees, 7. R. (Illust. Biog. of the Great Artists.). 23787 Delicia. Butt, B. M. N. Y., I879. I6~... 24067 Demaus, R. Hugh Latimer: a biography. Lond., [1869]. I2~.. 22I00 Demetrius the Impostor. Merimee, P. Lond., 1853. I2~... 23903 Democracy. Adams, C. K. Democracy and Monarchy in France. N. Y., I874. I2~,.. 20413 Ingersoll, C. Fears for Democracy. Phila., 1875. 8~. ~ ~ 21449 May, T. E. Democracy in Europe. N. Y., I878. 2 v. 8~.. 20565Democracy: an American novel. N. Y., I88o. i60.... 24174 Demogeot, J. C. Hist. of French Literature. Adapted from the French by C. Bridge. Phila., I874. I6~.. 20065 Demonology. Spalding, T. A. Elizabethan D. Lond., i88o. I2~. 28042 - See, also, Magic; Spiritualism; Supernatural (The); Visions. Demosthenes. Brodribb, W. 7. (Ancient Classics for English Readers, supplem. ser., v. 4.)........26850 8 54 Denham-Dickens. Denham, J. Poetical Works. With memoir and crit. diss., by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I857. 8~.. 26363 Denmark. Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 8. Bost., 1876. 26447 Dennis, J. Studies in English Literature. Lond., I876. 12~... 26915 CONTENTS:-Pope; Defoe; Prior; Steele; The Wartons; John Wesley; Southey; Eng. Lyrical Poetry; Eng. Rural Poetry; The Eng. Sonnet. Dennistoun, J. Memoirs of the Dukes of Urbino. Lond., I85I. 3 v. 23939Denton, W. Servia and the Servians. Lond., I862. 8~.. 20486 editor. Serbian Folk-lore. Lond., I874. I20.. 27784 DeQuincey, T. Confessions of an English Opium-eater; and Autobiographic Sketches. Bost., I873 (&c.). I2~. (3 cop.). 27365Works. Riverside ed. N. Y., I878. 12 v. 12~.. 27367CONTENTS: -1, Confessions, and kindred papers. —2, Autobiographic Sketches.-3, Literary Reminiscences.-4, Literary Criticism.-5. The 18th Cent. in Scholarship and Literature.-6, Biographical and Historical Essays.7, Essays in Ancient Hist. and Antiquities.-8, Essays on Christianity, Paganism, and Superstition.-9, Essays in Philosophy —10, Politics and Political Economy.-11, Romances and Extravaganzas.-12, Narrative and Miscel. Papers; with a general index. [7app, A.] DeQ.: his life and writings. N.Y., I877. 2 v. I2~. 23303See, also, Masson, D.,'Wordsworth,' [etc.] (27298); Mathews,'.,'Hours with Men and Books' (27340); Stephen, L.,' Hours in a Lib.,' v. I (26933). Derby, Lord. See Stanley, E. H. S. Dermody, T., Life of. Raymond, J. G. Lond., T8o6. 2 v. I2~. I8554Dernier amour. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I867. I6~.. 25679 Derniere Aldini. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I876. 16~... 25678 Deshler, C. D. Afternoons with the Poets. N. Y., I879. I20.. 26284 Design. See Decoration and Design. Desmoulins, B. C., and his wife. Claretie, J. A. Lond., I876. 80. 22560 Desperate Remedies. Hardy, T. N. Y., I874. 16~.. ~ 24456 Detmold. Bishop, W. H. Bost., 1879. 16~.. 24058 Deucalion. Ruskin, J. N. Y., I875-77. 2 v. I2~.... 29836Deutsch, E. O. M. Islam. (In Smith, R. B.,' Mohammed,' etc.) 28567 Deutsche Pioniere. Spielhagen, F. (Sdmmtl. Werke, B. 8.). 25867 DeVere, A. T., editor. Proteus and Amadeus. Lond., 1878. I2~. 28169 DeVere, S. See Schele de Vere. Devey, J. Comparative Estimate of Modern English Poets. Lond., I873. I12'.... 26285 Dewees, F. P. The Molly Maguires. Phila., I877. I2~... 28996 DeWitt, J., The Administration of. Geddes, J. N. Y., i88o. v. 1. 20602 Diamond cut Diamond. Trollope, T. A. N. Y., I874. I20.. 24830 Diamond Necklace, Story of. Vizetelly, H. Lond., I867. 2 v. 12~. 22523Diamonds and Precious Stones. Dieulafait, L. N. Y., I876. I2~. Io134 Diary of a Woman. Feuillet, O. N. Y., I879. 16~.... 24089 Dichter und Kaufmann. Auerbach, B. Stuttg., I87I. (Romane, B. 2.) 25887 Dick, R., baker, of Thurso. Smiles, S. N. Y., 1879. 12~.. 23566 Dickens, C. J. H. Barnaby Rudge; Sketches, Part 2. N. Y., I872. 24213 Bleak House. N. Y., 1873. 6~....... 24214 - A Child's History of England. Bost., I873. 6~... 20840 Christmas Stories; Pictures from Italy; American Notes. N. Y., I873. 160.. 24215 David Copperfield. N. Y., I872. I60.. 24216 Dickens-Disraeli. 55 Dickens, C. J. H. Doinbey and Son. N. Y., 1872. I6~.. 24217 Letters. Ed. by M. Dickens and G. Hogarth. N. Y., I879. 2 V. 23305Little Dorrit. N. Y., I873. I60... 24219 Martin Chuzzlewit. N. Y., I873. I6~....24220 Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi. Lond., I846. I6~.. 2365I Mystery of Edwin Drood. N. Y., I875. 16~.. 24218 Nicholas Nickleby. N. Y., 1872. 16~.... 24221.Same. Lond., I848. 12~. 24222 -- Szme. Phila. 8~. 24310 Old Curiosity Shop; Sketches, Part I. N. Y., I872. I6~.. 24212 -- Oliver Twist; Great Expectations. N. Y., 1872. I6~.. 24223 Our Mutual Friend. N. Y., I873. i6~. 24224 Same. Condensed by R. Johnson. N. Y., 1876. I6~.. 24225 Pickwick Papers. N. Y., I876. 16~... 24226 - Samze. Lond., I847. I2~. ~ ~ 24227 Sketches of Young Couples. [L. &] N. Y., [I8791. I6~. (2 cop.) 24228Tale of Two Cities; Hard Times for these Times. N. Y., I872. 24230 Uncommercial Traveller; Master Humphrey's Clock; New Christmas Stories. N. Y., I873. 160.. 24231 S/ot~da'ar, R. H. Anecdote Biography of D. (In'Bric-ia-Brac Series.'). ~ 23252 ~See, also, Bagehot, W.,' Lit. Stud.,' v. 2 (26768); Clarke, C. C. & M. C.,'Recollections' (26936); Whipple, E. P.,'Lit. and Life' (27267). Diderot, D., and the Encyclopaedists. Morley, J. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 23423Didier, E. L. Life and Letters of Madame [E. P.] Bonaparte. N. Y., IS879. 2..... 22489 Diet. See Food; Health. Dieulafait, L. Diamonds and Precious Stones. N. Y., 1876. I2~. IoI34 Digby, K. H. Broad Stone of Honour. Lond., I844-48. 3 v. 4620 & I2900CONTENTS: —1, Godefridus.-2, Tanncredus.-3, Morus. Dilke, C. W. Papers of a Critic. Lond., 1875. 2 v. 8~.. 26765CONTENTS:-1, Pope's writings; Lady Mary W. Montagu; Swift, etc.-2, Jnnius; Wilkes; Grenville, etc.; Burke. Dimitri Roudine. Turg6nief, I. S. N. Y., 1873. i6~. (2 copies.) 24860Dingelstedt, F. The Amazon: [a novel.] N. Y., IS8o. 6~.. 24175 Dippold, G. T. Brunhild. By E. Geibel. Transl. [in meter]. Bost., I879. 26065 Discoveries (and Inventions) of the i9th Century. Routledge, R. Lond., 1876. I2~.......29929 See, also, Industrial Arts (& references). Diseases of Modern Life. Richardson, B. W. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 29995 Disraeli, B., carl of Beacons.fel(. Alroy; Sybil. Lond., [I870]. I6~. 24248 Henrietta Temple; Tancred. Lond., [I870]. 12~.. 24250 Same. N. Y. [& Lond.], I878. 6~. ~ ~ ~ ~ 24249 Lord George Bentinck: a biography. Lond., 1852. 80... 23068 [Novels.] N. Y. [Lond., I878.] o v. 6~... 24238('CNTEN'r: —(1,) Ah'ov; IxiOi in lleaven; Infernal Marriage: Popanilla.(2,) Coningsl)y.-(3,) Co;ntarini Fleming; Rise of tskanider. —(4,) Henrietta Temple.-(5,) Lotlatir.-(6,) Sylil.-(7,) Tncred. —(S,) Venetia. —(9,) Vivian (;rey.-(10,) Young Duke t; Count Alarcos. 56 Disraeli-Dodge. Disraeli, B., earl of Beaconsfield. Speeches on the Conservative Policy of the last 30 years. Lond., [I869]. I6~.... 27222 Venetia; Contarini Fleming. Lond., [1870]. i6~.... 24251 - Vivian Grey; Ixion in Heaven; The Infernal Marriage; Poparnilla; Count Alarcos. Lond., [1870]. 12..... 24252 Young Duke; Coningsby. Lond., [I870]. I6~.... 24253 Brandes, G. Lord Beaconsfield: a study. N. Y., I88o. I2~.. 22897 - [Hi/l, F. H.] Political Adventures of Lord Beaconsfield. N. Y., [1878]. 16~.. 22851 -- Hitchman, F. Public Life of Earl Beaconsfield. Lond., I879. 2 v. 23072-- McGilchrist, 7. Life of Disraeli. N. Y., [I869]. I6~.. 22850 O'Connor, 7'. P. Lord Beaconsfield: a biography. Lond., 1879. I2..22898 -- Punch. Benj. Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield, K. G.; in Ioo cartoons from " Mr. Punch." Lond., I878. 4~.... - Benjamin Disraeli, Earl of Beaconsfield: a biography. Lond. 22849 — See, also, Kebbel, T. E.,' Eng. Statesmen' (22884); Stephen, L.,'Hours in a Lib.', v. 2 (26934). Disraeli, I. Life and Reign of Charles I., King of England. Lond., I851. 2 v. 8......... 23014- Corney, B. Curiosities of Literature, by I. D'Israeli, illustrated. Lond., I838. I2~.. 18566 Distinguished Persons in Russian Society. Transl. from the German by F. E. Bunnett. Lond., I873. I2~.. 23614 Distracted Young Preacher. Hardy, T. N. Y., I879. I6~... 24924 Dita. Majendie, M. E. N. Y., I877. I6~..24632 Dix, W. G. The American State and American Statesmen. Bost., I876. I2.......... 21333 Dixon, C. Rural Bird Life. Lond., I88o. I2~.... 29337 Dixon, W. H. Her Majesty's Tower. Lond., I869-'71. 4 v. 8~. 2I769History of Two Queens: Catharine of Aragon; Anne Boleyn. Lond., I873-4. 4 v. 8~.. 23005Dixwell, J. Warren, I. P. (In'The Three Judges.').. 22627 Dobell, S. T. Poetical Works. With memoir by J. Nichol. Lond., 1875. 2 v. 12~.. 26092- Life and Letters of. Ed. by E. J. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 8~.. 2389IDobson, A. Hogarth. Lond. & N. Y., I879. I2~... 23789 Doctor Basilius. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~.. 24404 Doctor Ox. Verne, J. Bost., I874. i6~..24264 Dodd, H. P. The Epigrammatists. Lond., I870. 12~.... 26925 Dodd, W. Three Weeks in Majorca. Lond., I863. I2... 21221 Dodd Family abroad. Lever, C. J. Lond., I854. 8~. (2 copies.) 24257Dodge, Mary A., (pseud.,'Gail Hamilton.') First Love is Best. Bost., I877. I2~...24232 Our Common School System. Bost., [I880]. i6~.. 28836 Sermons to the Clergy. Bost., 1876. I2~... 27223 Dodge, R. I. The Black Hills. N. Y., I876. I2.... 2282 Plains of the Great West. N. Y., I877. 8~.. 2I580 Dodsley-Douce. 57 Dodsley, R. Select Collection of Old English Plays. 4th ed. Lond., I874-76. I5 V. 12....... 26600CONTENTS:-1. The four elements; Calisto and Melibaea; Everyman; Hickscorner; The pardoner and the friar, by Heywood; The world and the child; God's promises, by Bale; The four P. P., by Heywood; Thersites.2, Youth; Lusty Juventus, by Wever; Jack Juggler; Nice wanton; Jacob and Esau; The disobedient child, by Ingelend; Marriage of wit and science.-3, New custom; Ralph Roister Doister, by Udall; Gammer Gurton's needle, by Still; The trial of treasure; Like will to like, by Fulwell.-4, Damon and Pithias, by Edwards; Appius and Virginia; Cambyses, by Preston; The misfortunes of Arthur, by Hughes (and others); Jeronimo.-5, The Spanish tragedy, by Kyd; Cornelia, by Garnier; Soliman and Perseda; Life and death of Jack Straw.-6, The conflict of conscience, by Woodes; Rare triumphs of love and fortune; The three ladies of London, by Wilson; Three lords and three ladies of London, by Wilson; A knack to know a knave.-7, Tancred and Gismunda, by Wilmot- Wounds of civil war, by Lodge; Mucedorus; The two angry women of Abington, by Porter; Look about you.-8, Summer's last will and testament, by Nash; Downfall of Robert, Earl of Huntington, by Munday; Death of [the same], by Munday and Chettle; Contention between liberality and prodigality; Grim, the collier otf Croydon.-9, How to choose a good wife from a bad, by Cooke; The return from Parnassus; Wily beguiled; Lingua; Miseries of enforced marriage, by Wilkins. —10, The revenger's tragedy, by Tourneur; The dumb knight, by Machin; The merry devil of Edmonton; Ram-alley, by Barry; The second maiden's tragedy; Englishmen for my money, by Haughton.11, A woman is a weathercock, by Field; Amends for ladies, by Field; Green's tu quoque, or, The city gallant, by Cook; Albumazar, by Tomkins; The hog hath lost his pearl, by Tailor; The heir, by May.-12, The old couple, by May; A woman never vexed, by Rowley - The ordinary, by Cartwright; The London chanticleers; The shepherd's holiday by Rutter; Fuimus Troes: the true Trojans, by Fisher; The lost lady, by Barclay.13, A match at midnight, by Rotwley; The city nightcap, by Davenport; The city-match, by Mayne; The queen of Arragon, by Habington; The antiquary, by Marmion.-14, The rebellion, by Rawlins- Lust's dominion, or, The lascivious queen; Andromana; Lady Alimony; The parson's wedding, by Killigrew.-15, Elvira, or, The worst not always true, by Digby; The marriage night, by Cary; The adventures of five hours, by Tuke; All mistaken, or, The mad couple, by Howard; Historia histrionica, by Wright; Index and glossary. Dollinger, J. J. I. von. Reunion of the Churches. N. Y., I872. I6~. 28536 Dog, British, Hist. of. Jesse, G. R. Lond., I866. 2 v. 8~... 29497Doine. Murray, E. G. C. Lond., 1I854. I2~.. 27786 Dolbear, A. E. The Telephone. Bost., I877. 6~..i6. 29935 Dolliver Romance. Hawthorne, N. Bost., 1876. I2~. (2 copies.) 24505Dolly: a love story. Burnett, F. H. Phila.,.[1877]. l21. 2~. 24153 Donaldson, J. W. Hist. of the Literature of Ancient Greece. (See Miller, C. O.) Donne, J. Lightfoot, 7. B. (In Classic Preachers.). 22112 Donne, W. B. Euripides. (Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers, v. I2.) 26838 Tacitus. (Ancient Classics for Englisb Readers, v. I7.).. 26843 Don Quixote, Der neue. Hackldnder, F. W. von. Stuttg., 1876. 5 B. I6~. (Werke. B. 30-34.).258I4Doran, J. A Lady of the Last Century (Mrs. Elizabeth Montagu). Lond., 1873. 8~. 23404 Lives of the Queens of England of the House of Hanover. Lond., 1855. 2 v. 12~... 22931London in the Jacobite Times. Lond., 1877. 2 v. 8~... 2I761Memoirs of Our Great Towns. Lond., 1878. 8... 21760 Saints and Sinners. Lond., i868. 2 v. I2~.. 28492Dore, G. London. By G. Dore and B. Jerrold. Lond., 1872. 4~. - -- Spain. By C. Davillier. Illust. [L. &] N. Y., 1876. 4~. Vivien, by Tennyson. Illust. N. Y., I868. 2~. Dore, J. R. Old Bibles. Lond., I876. I2~.. 28526 Dorfcoquette (Die). Spielhagen, F. (Srimmtl. Werke, B. 8.).. 25867 Dorothy Fox. Parr, L. Lond., 187I. 3 v. 6~. 24838Dorr, Julia C. R. Friar Anselmo, and other poems. N. Y., I879. 26057 Douce, F. Illustrations of Shakspeare. New ed. Lond., I839. 8~. 27054 58 Douglas-Dryden. Douglas, R. K. Confucianism and Taouism. Lond., I879. I6~. 2858I Dove, A.,joint author. See Bruhns, C.,'Life of A. von Humboldt.' Dowden, E. Shakspere. (Lit. Primers.) Lond., I877. I6~. 26856 & 27025 Shakspere: a critical study. Lond., I875. 8~... 27000 Southey. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I88o. I2~.. 23344 Studies in Literature: I789-I877. Lond., I878. I2~... 26926 CONTENTS:-The French Rev. and Lit.; The transcendental movement and Lit.; The scientific movement and Lit.; Prose works of Wordsworth; Landor; Tennyson and Browning; Geo. Eliot - Lamennais; Quinet; Soulme French writers of verse, 1830-1877; Poetry of Hugo; Whitman. Doyle, F. H. Lectures on Poetry. 2d ser. [With orig. poems.] Lond., I877. I2~. 26286 Doyle, J. A. History of the United States. N. Y., I876. I6~.. 20083 Drafts on my memory. Lennox, W. P. Lond., I866. 2 v. 8~.. 23889Drake, N. Evenings in Autumn. Lond., I822. 2 v. I6.. I8624Drake, S. A. Nooks and Corners of the New England Coast. Illust. N. Y., I875. 8~~....... 21586 Drama. Cook, D. Book of the Play. Lond., I876. 2 v. I2~.. 26557 — Ossoli, M. F. Art, Literature, and the D. (Works, v. 5.). 27290 - Matthews, J. B., ea'. Comedies for Amateur Acting. N. Y., I88o. I6. (For contents see Matthews.).... 26526 Pollock, W. H. Amateur Theatricals. Lond., I879. I2~.. 26519 See, also, Actors & Acting; Plays; Stage. Dramatists of the Restoration. Maidment (J.) & Logan (W. H.). Edinb. & Lond., I872-79. I4v. 8~. (Forcontents seeMaidme nt.). 26560Draper, J. W. Conflict between Religion and Science. N. Y., I875. 29251 Drawing. Ruskin, J. The Laws of Fesole. N. Y., I877. Part I. 29844 Walker, W. Handbook of D. Lond., I879. I2~..29825 Drayton, M. Complete Works. Lond., I876. 3 v. I6~... 26058Drei einzige T6chter. Auerbach, B. Stuttg., I875. I2~.... 25896 Dresden. Hawthorne, J. Saxon Studies. Bost., I876. I2~... 21607 Dress. Blanc, A. A. P. C. Art in Ornament and D. N. Y., 1877. 29873 Oliphant, M. O. W. Phila., [1879]. I2~.. 29782 See, also, Manners & Customs. Drift from Two Shores. Harte, F. B. Bost., I878. I6~. (2 copies.) 24489Dropped from the Clouds. Verne, J. (The Mysterious Island, v. I.) 24277 Droz, G. Around a Spring. N. Y., I873. 16~. 24233 Autour d'une source. Paris, I876. I6~.. 25628 Babolain. Paris, I876. I6~.. 25629 Same. Transl. N. Y., I873. I6~.. 24234 Une femme genante. Paris, 1876. I6~.. 25630 -- (See Thomson, J.,' Public and Private Life of Animals.'). Drummond, R. B. Erasmus: his life and character. Lond., I873. 2 V. I2~........... 22IOIDrummond, Wm., of Hawthornden. Poetical Works. Lond., I856. 26061 Masson, D. Lond., I873. 2........ 23217 Drummond, Wm. H. Large Game and Natural Hist. of South and South-East Africa. Edinb., I875. 8~~.... 29492 Dryden, J. [Select Poems.] Ed. by W. D. Christie. Oxf., I878.. 26875 CONTENTS:-Stanzas on the death of Cromwell; Astrvea redux; Annus mirabilis; Absalom and Achitophel; Religio laici; The hind and the panther Dryden-Du Moncel. 59 Dryden, J. See, also, Lowell, J. R.,'Among my Books,' v. I (3616); Macaulay, T. B.,'Miscel. Writings,' Lond., I87I (27406); Masson, D.,'Three Devils' (27299). Dublin Review. Lond. and D., 1836-79. 85 v. 8~... I843IDublin University Magazine. D., I833-73. 8I v. 8~.... i8I38DuDeffand, Marie de V. C., marquise, Life of. Berry, M. (In'Compar. View,' v. 2.). 6202 Dudevant, Amantine L. A. D., (pseud.,'Geo. Sand.') Consuelo. Transl. Phil., [I870]. J6~. (2 cop.)..24916Countess of Rudolstadt; a sequel to "Consuelo." Phila., [I870]. I6~. (2 copies.).. 24918My Sister Jeannie. Bost., I874. i6'. 2348 (- Euvres. Nouv. ed. Paris, I866-79. 28 v. I6~.... 2567ICONTENTS: —Andr6.-Antonia.-La comtesse de Rudolstadt. 2 v.-Consuelo. 3 v.-Le dernier amour.-La derniWre Aldini; Simon.-Elle et lui.-Un hiver a Majorque; Spiridion.-Fran(:ois le Champi.-Indiana.-Jacques. — Jean dc la Roche.-Les maitres MosaYstes.-La mare au diable.-Le ma-rquis de Villemer.-Mauprat.-Mont-Reveche. —Nanon.-La petite Fadette.-Le secrbtaire intime; Mattea; La Vall6e-Noire.-Les sept cordes de la lyre; Lettres a Marcie; Carl; Le Dieu inconnu; La fille d'Albano; Cleopatre; Fragment d'une lettre; Les fleurs de mai; Coup d'ceil g6neral sur Paris.Teverino; Leone Leoni.-L'Uscoque; La fauvette du docteur; Sur la derniore publication de M. F. Lamennais; Quelques r6flexions sur J. J. Rousseau.-Valentine. — Valvadre. Recollections. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Bric-a-Brac Series.'). 2326i Snow Man. Bost., I872. I6~.. 24920 Tower of Percemont. N. Y., I877. I6~.. 24076 (.See Thomson, J.,'Public and Private Life of Animals.') Duff, Alex., Life of. Geo. Smith. N. Y., [I880]. 2 v. 8~... 22190Duff, M. E. G. Studies in European Politics. Edinb., I866. 8~.. 20567 CONTENTS:-Spain; Russia; Austria; Prussia; The Germanic Diet; Holland; Belgium. Duff-Gordon, Lady. See Gordon, Lucy A. Dufferin, Earl of. See Blackwood, F. T. H. Dugdale, R. L. "The Jukes." N. Y., I877. I2..... 29399 Dumas, A. D. Black Tulip; Captain Paul; Sicilian Bandit. Lond. 24419 Comte de Monte-Cristo. Paris, 1846. 6 v. en 3. I6~... 2563I- Count of Monte-Cristo. Lond. I6~..... 24421 Half Brothers. Lond. i6~. 24422 Memoirs of a Physician. Lond. 6~..24423 Nanon; The Two Dianas. Lond. I6~.. 24424 Novels and Tales. Lond., [1879]. I9 v. 6~... 24400CONTENTS;-1, Count of Monte-Cristo.-2, Three musketeers; Twenty years after.-3-4, Vicomte de Bragelonne.-5, Dr. Basilius; Conspirators.6, Nanon; Two Dianas. —7, Ascanio; Chicot, the jester.-8, Memoirs of a phllysician.-9, Queen's necklace; Countess de Charny.-10, Taking the Bastile. —l, Half brothers.-12, Marguerite de Valois.-13, Black tulip; Captain Paul; Sicilian bandit.-14, Page of thle Duke of Savoy; Forty-five guardsmen.-15, Chevalier de Maison Rouge; Twin captains.-16, Bean Tancredoe; Watchmaker.-17, Ingenue; Isabel of Bav, ria.-18, Russian gipsy; Regent's daughter.-19, Pauline; Catherine Blum. Page; Forty-Five Guardsmen. Lond. i6~. 24420 Queen's Necklace; Countess de Charny. Lond. I6~.. 24425 - Taking the Bastile; or, Six years later. Lond. i6~. 24426 - Trois mousquetaires. Paris, I846-7. I6~. 25634 -- Vicomte de Bragelonne; or, Ten years later. Lond. 2 v. I6~. 24427Vingt ans apres. Paris, I876. 3 t. I6.... 25635Fitzgerald, P. Life and Adventure's of D. Lond., I873. 2 v.. 23402Du Moncel, T. Telephone, Microphone, and Phonograph. N. Y., I879. I2~..... 29936 60 Duncan —East. Duncan, J. Colloquia Peripatetica: conversations... with Wm. Knight. Edinb., I87I. I6~.. 23655 Stuart, A. M. Recollections of D. Edinb., I872. I6~... 23654 Duncan, P. M., editor. Cassell's Natural History. Lond., [I879-80]. V. I-3. 4.~ 29579- Transformations, or Metamorphoses, of Insects. By E. Blanchard. [With additions.] Lond., [I8771. 8~.... 29499 Duncker, M. W. Hist. of Antiquity. Lond., I877-79. v. 1-3. 80. 20240CONTENTS;-1, Egypt; The Semitic Nations.-2, Assyria; Phlcenicia; Israel.-3, Assyria; Israel; Egypt; Babylon; Lydia. Dunkle Stunde. Hacklinder, F. W. von. Stuttg., I866. 5 B. I6~. (Werke, B. 44-48.)..... 25821Duns, J. Memoir of Sir Jas. Y. Simpson. Edinb., I873. 8~... 23542 Durand, Alice F., (psezud.,'Henzy Gre'ville.') Ariadne: a novel. N. Y., 1878. 160.. 24082 -- L' Expiation de Savdli. Paris, I876. i6~... 25638 Durant, G. Hygiene of the Voice. N. Y., 1879. I2~.... 29802 Durch Nacht zum Licht. Spielhagen, F. (' Problematische Naturen,' Th. 2.).. 2586I Durfort-Duras, C. de K. de. Saiynte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Portraits of Celeb. Women.')..23643 During my Apprenticeship. Reuter, F. Phila., 187I. 8~... 2468I Dutcher, S. Minority or Proportional Representation. N.Y., 1872. 29091 Dutchman's Fireside. [Paulding, J. K.] N. Y., I83I. 2 V. 120.. I7482Dutton, W. E. History of the Crusades. Lond., I877. I20.. 20I05 Dwyer, F. Franco-German War. (See Borbstaedt, A., & Dwyer.) Dyck, A. van. Head, P. R. (Illust. Biographies of the Great Artists.) Lond. & N. Y., 1879. I2~.. 23780 Dyer, J. Poetical Works. With memoir and crit. diss. by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I858. 8....... 2632I Dyer, T. F. T. British Popular Customs. Lond., 1876. 120.. 20806 English Folk-lore. Lond, I88o. I2~.. 27668 Dyer, T. H. Modern Europe. Lond., I877. 5 v. 8"... 20560Eagle's Nest. Ruskin, J. N. Y., I873. I2~.. 29830 Ear (The). See Hearing. Earle, J. C. English Premiers. Lond., I87I. 2 V. 12~... 22882CONTENTS:-1. Walpole; Walpole and Lord Cartaret; Henry Pelham and the Duke of Newcastle; Earl of Chatham and Lord Bute; Chatham, Grenville, andRockingham; Lord North; C. J. Fox.-2, Wm. Pitt- Pitt and Addington; Grenville, Portland, and Perceval; Liverpool ana Canning; Duke of Wellington; Earl Grey; Melbourne and Peel. Early Chroniclers of Europe. Lond. 2 v. I2~.. 2047ICONTENTS: —England, J. Gairdner.-France, G. Masson. Earnest Trifler. [Sprague, M. A.] Bost., I880 [1879]. I6~. (2 cop.) 24858Earth. Dawkins, W. B. Limits of our Knowledge of the E. (In Owens College Ess. and Ad.). 27412 Dawson, J. W. Story of the E. and Man. N. Y., 1873. 16~.. 29417 Marsh, G. P. E. as modified by Human Action. N. Y., I874. 29574 See, also, Geography; Geology; Nature. East (The). Bodenstedt, F. M. Morning-Land. Lond., I85I and'53. 2 series. 4 V. 12.. 2I724- Hacklinder, F. W. von. Reise in den Orient. Stuttg., I875. 2 B. I6~. (Werke, B. 8-9.)....... 25803 East-Edinburgh. 6i East. See, also, Levant; names of countries, etc. East Indian Archipelago, Travels in. Bickmore, A. S. Lond., I868. 2I944 Eastern Question. Argyll, G. J. D. Lond., [1879]. 2 v. I2~.. 20487Campbell, G. Lond., I876. I2~..20493 Eastlake, Elizabeth R. Hist. of Our Lord. See Jameson, A. M. Eastwick, E. B. Venezuela. Lond., I868. 8~. 21808 Eaton, D. B. Civil Service in Great Britain. N. Y., I88o [I879]. 8~. 2II40 Ebers, G. M. AEgyptische K6nigstochter. Stuttg. & Leipz., I880. 25872 - Daughter of an Egyptian King. Transl. by H. Reed. Phila., I87I. I2.. 304 Egyptian Princess. From the Ger. by Eleanor Grove. Leipz., I871. I6~. (Same as thepreceding.).... 24429 Homo sum: Roman. Stuttg. & Leipz., I88o. 12~. 25873 Same. [Transl.] by Clara Bell. Lond., [1878]. 2 v. I2. 24465- Same. N. Y., I88o. I6~...24430 The Sisters: a romance. Leipz., I88o. I6~. (2 copies.).. 2443IUarda: Roman. Stuttg. & Leipz., I879. I20. 25874 Same. [Transl.] N. Y., I880. 2 V. I6~. (2 cop.). 24433Ecclesiastical Hist. Maclear (G. F.) & Merivale (C.). Conversion of the West. Lond., [I878]. 4 v. 6~. ~ ~ ~. 28494CONTENTS:-1, The Celts.-2, The English. —, The Northmen.-4, The Continental Teutons. (v. 1-3 by Maclear; v. 4 by Merivale.) Merivale, C. Four lectures on Early Church Hist. [L. &] N. Y., [I8791]. I2......... 28445 CONTENTS:-St. Ambrose, and the union of the Chr. Ch. with the state; St. Augustine i St. Leo the Great, and the rise of the papacy; St. Gregory, and the early missions of the church. Ordericus Vitalis. Ecc. Hist. of England and Normandy. Lond., 1853-56. 4 v. I20.. 28462Rawlinson, G., and others. Heathen World and St. Paul. Lond., [1878]. 4 v. i6~. (For contents see Heathen World.).. 28498Robertson, J. C. Hist. of the Christian Church, A.D. 64-1517. Lond., I874-5. 8 v. I6~.. 28454Smith, P. The Student's Ecc. Hist. N. Y., I879 ['78]. 12~.. 28444 See, also, Christianity; England, Ch. of; Fathers (of the Ch.); Huguenots; Missions; Prot. Ep. Ch. I Puritanism; Reformation; Rom. Cath. Ch. Scotland, Ch. of. Ecclesiastical Reform. Shipley, O. Lond., I873. I20... 28491 Echoes of the Foot-hills. Harte, F. B. Bost., I875. I6~.. 26072 Echoes from Mist-land. Forestier, A. Chic., I877. I2~.. 277II [Eckardt, J.] Russia before and after the War. Lond., I88o. 8~.. 20613 Eclectic Magazine. N. Y., I844-79. 93 v. 8~.... I3562Same. v. I-7I......... I3752Economic Studies. Bagehot, W. Lond., I88o. 80.. 29I66 Eddas. Anderson, R. B. Norse Mythology. Chic., I875. I2~. 27715 -- Younger Edda. Chic., I88o. I2~. (For contents see Anderson.) 27707 Eden, F. The Nile without a Dragoman. 2d ed. Lond., 1871. I6~. 21245 Edgeworth, R. L. Memoirs; begun by himself, and concluded by his daughter, Maria Edgeworth. Lond., 1820. 2 v. 80.. I8599Edinburgh. Wilson, D. Reminiscences of Old E. Ed., I878. 2 v. 2I266Edinburgh Review. E. and N. Y., I802-79. v. I-I7, I9-150. 80.. III54Same. v. I-30o. II05I9 62 Edinburgh-Eginhard. Edinburgh Review. Index to v. I-20 (2 copies); and 2I-50.. Selections from. Lond., I833, and Paris, I835. 7 v. 8~... II293Edkins, J. Religion in China. Bost., 1878. 8~.. 28563 Education. Bain, A. E. as a Science. N. Y., I879. I2~... 29265 Blackie, J. S. On Self-culture. N. Y., I874. I6~... 27386 Brackett, Anna C., editor. E. of American Girls. N. Y., I874. 28823 Clarke, E. H. Building of a Brain. Bost., T874. I6~.. 28827 - Sex in E. Bost., I873. I6.. 28828 Dodge, M. A. Our Common School System. Bost., [I88o]. I6~. 28836 Helps, A. (In'Friends in Council,' Ist ser., v. I.).. 27250 Hill, T. True Order of Studies. N. Y., I876. I2~... 28832 Huxley, T. H. University E. (In his'Amer. Addresses.').. 29300 Kingsley, C. Health and E. Lond., I874. I2.... 29979 Lawrence, E. (In First Cent. of the Republic.)... 21520 Lubbock, J. Addresses, political and educational. Lond., I879. 274II Mullinger, J. B. Schools of Charles the Great. Lond., 1877. 8~. 28839 Porter, N. American Colleges and the Amer. Public. New Haven, I870. I2~.. 9254 -Samne. New ed.; with after-thoughts on college and school education. N. Y., [1878]. I2~.. 28837 -- Quincy, J. P. Coercion in the later stages of E. (In'Protection of Majorities,' etc.).. 29093 Roscoe, H. E. Original Research as a Means of E. (Owens Coll. Ess. and Ad.).. 27412 Thompson, D. W. Wayside Thoughts on E. Edinb., I868. I2~. 28834 Wiese, L. English E.... in I876. [Lond. &] N. Y., I879. I2~. 28838 See, also, Books; Colleges; Culture; Germany, Ediucation; Universities; Young Men. Edward II.: [a play.] Marlowe, C. Oxf., 1879. I6~.... 26525 Edward III., king of England. Warburton, W. P. (Epochs of Mod. Hist.) Lond., I875. I6~..20459 Edward the Black Prince, Life of. Creighton, L. Lond., 1876. I6~. 22446 Edward, Thos., Life of. Smiles S. N. Y., I877. I2~.... 23565 Edwards, Amelia B. A Thousand Miles up the Nile. N. Y. & L., I877. 8.......... 21966 Edwards, Annie. Leah: a woman of fashion. N. Y., [I875]. 8~. 24648 Edwards, H. S. Life of Rossini. Lond., I869. 8~... 23846 Edwards, J. Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Coins in the Numismatic Collection of Yale College. N. H., I88o. 8~. 20379 Egan, T. S. Atta Troll, by H. Heine; transl. [in meter]. Lond., 1876. I2..... 26018 Eggleston, E. Circuit Rider. N. Y., I874. I2~.. 2993 End of the World: a love story. N. Y., [I872]. I6~.. 24468 Hoosier School-Master. N. Y., [I87I] 6'.... 24469 Mystery of Metropolisville. N. Y., [I873]. I2~.. 24470 Roxy. N. Y., I878. I2~.. 24471 Egglestone, W. M. Stanhope Memorials of Bp. Butler. Lond., 1878. 22187 Eginhard (or Einhard). Life of Charlemagne. Transl. by S. E. Turner. N.Y., i88o. 24~.. 22506 Eginhard-Eliot. 63 Eginhard (or Einhard). Samze. Karl the Great. Transl. by W. Glaister. Lond., I877. I2........ 22505 Egleston, N. H. Villages and Village Life. N. Y., I878. I2~.. 2888I Egypt. About, E. F. V. Le Fellah: souvenirs d'tgypte. Paris, I873. I6........... 25620 Barker, J. Syria and E. under the last five Sultans of Turkey. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 8~...23960B- artlett, S. C. From E. to Palestine. N. Y., 1879. 8~.. 21843 Birch, S. E., to B. C. 300. N. Y., I875. I6~. 20042 - Brugsch, H. C. Hist. of E. under the Pharaohs. Lond., I879. 2 v. 8~...20247-- True Story of the Exodus of Israel. Bost., I88o. I2~.. 20046 - Duncker, M. W. (In'Hist. of Antiquity,' v. I & 3.).. 20240- Klunzinger, C. B. Upper Egypt. N. Y., 1878 [I877]. 8~.. 21849 - Leland, C. G. Egyptian Sketch-book. Lond., I873. I2~.. 21616 McCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is. N. Y., I877. 8~.. 21844 R- enouf, P. L. Religion of Ancient E. N. Y., I88o. I2~.. 28569 Taylor, J. B. E. and Iceland in the year I874. N. Y., I874. I6~. 21256 Warner, C. D. Mummies and Moslems. Hartf'd, I876. 8~.. 21842 Zincke, F. B. E. of the Pharaohs and of the Khedive. Lond., I873. 8.......... 21845 e — ee, also, East (The); Nile; Pyramids; Suez. Egyptian Princess. Ebers, G. M. Leipz., I17I. i6~... 24429 Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines. Beaufort, E. A. Lond., 1874. I2~.....21209 Eighteenth (The) Century. Lacroix, P. Lond., 1876. 8~.. 20363 Einhard. See Eginhard. Ekkehard. Scheffel, J. V. Leipz., I872. I6~... 24853 Elam, C. Winds of Doctrine. Lond., I876. 8~... 28165 Elderkin, J. Lotus Leaves. (See Brougham, J., & Elderkin.) Election of Representatives. Hare, T. Lond., I873. i6~... 29092 Elections. See Government; Politics; Representation. Elective Franchise in the U. S. McMillan, D. C. N. Y., 1878.. 21331 Electoral Reform, Considerations relating to. Quincy, J. P. Bost., 1876. I2........... 29093 Electricity. Baile, J. Wonders of E. N. Y., I872. I2~.. 10135 Proctor, R. A. Electric Lighting. (In'Rough Ways.'). 29444 Tyndall, J. Lessons in E. Lond., I876. I2~... 29314 See, also, Telegraph; Telephone. Elijah the Prophet. Taylor, W. M. N. Y., 1876. I2~.. 28650 Eliot, George, (pseud. for Mrs. Marian Evans Cross.) Adam Bede. N. Y., I874. I2~. (3 copies.). 24I80Daniel Deronda. N. Y., I876. 2 v. I2~. (5 copies.). 24184Felix Holt, the Radical. N. Y., I878. I2~... 24194 Impressions of Theophrastus Such. N. V., 1879. I2~. (2 cop.) 24I95Legend of Jubal, and other poems. Bost., I874. i6~.. 26056 Middlemarch. N. Y., I875. 2 v. T2~. (3 cop.). 24197Mill on the Floss. N. Y., I875. I2~. (2 copies.). 24203Romola. N. Y., 1874. I2~. (4 copies.).. 24205 64 Eliot-Endless. Eliot, George. Scenes of Clerical Life. (And) Silas Marner. N. Y. 24183 Do wden, E. (In'Studies in Lit.')..26926 - oslyn, G. Geo. Eliot in Derbyshire: passages and people in [her] novels. Lond., 1876. 160.. 26919 Elizabeth, queen of England, The Youth of. Wiesener, L. Lond., I879. 2 V. I2......... 22933Elizabeth Stuart, queen of Bohemia, Memoirs of. Benger, E. O. Lond., I825. 2 V. I2~... 23680Elizabethan Demonology. Spalding, T. A. Lond., i88o. 120.. 28042 Ella, J. Musical Sketches. Lond. & N. Y., 1878. I20.. 29740 Ellacombe, H. N. Plant-lore and Garden-craft of Shakspeare. Exeter, [1878]. 80.. 27047 Elle et lui. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, 1869. 16~.... 25680 Ellicott, C. J. Revision of the New Test. N. Y., I873. I2~. (See Schaff, P.)..28525 editor. New Testament Commentary. Lond. (v. I) & N. Y., [1878-9]. 3 v. 8..........28760CONTENTS:-1, Mat., Mark & Luke, by E. H. Plumptre; John, by H. W. Watkins.-2, Acts, Plumptre; Romans, W. Sanday; I. Corinthians, T. T. Shore; II. Corinthians, Plumptre; Galatians, Sanday.-3, Ephesians, Philipplans, and Colossians, A. Barry; Thessalonians, A. J. Mason; Timothy and Titus, H. D. M. Spence;* Philemon, A. Barry; Hebrews, W. F. Moulton; James, E. G. Punchard; i. Peter. A. J. Mason; II. Peter, A. Plummer; John, W. M. Sinclair; Jude, A. Plummer; Revelation, W. B. Carpenter. Elliott, E., the Corn-law Rhymer. Stirling, J. H. (In'Jerrold,' etc.) 26917 Elocution. Bacon, A. M. Manual of Gesture. Chic., 1879. 120. 27822 Bell, A. M. Elocutionary Manual. Lond., [I859]. I6~... 27823 Pitman, H. Hints on Lecturing,... E., [etc.] Lond, 1879. 27835 Plumptre, C. J. King's College Lectures on E. Lond., 1876. 27820 See, also, Rhetoric (and references). Elwood, Anne K. C. Memoirs of the Literary Ladies of England. Lond., I843. 2 v. 12~. 1.. 8541Elze, C. Essays on Shakespeare. Lond., I874. 8~.... 27046 Embalming. Richardson, B. W. (In'A Ministry of Health.'). 29996 Embryology. Haeckel, E. H. The Evolution of Man. N. Y., 1879. 2 V. 2 2.......... 29383See, also, Biology. Emerson, R. W. Letters and Social Aims. Bost., 1876. 120. (2 cop.) 27224Memoirs of Marg. Fuller Ossoli. (See Ossoli,'Works,' v. 1-2.) 27286Parnassus. [A selection of poetry.] Bost., I875. 120... 26I20 Emilia Galotti. Lessing, G. E. Leipz., i868. I6~... 26512 Emma Corbett. [Pratt, S. J.] Lond. 3 v. I6~. I7792Emotions. McCosh, J. N. Y., i88o. 120.. 28170 Enchanted Moccasins. Mathews, C. N. Y., I877. I2~... 24800 Enchiridion. Quarles, F. Lond., I856. I6~.. 27263 Encyclopaedists, Diderot and the. Morley, J. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 8~. 23423Encyclopedias. Appletons' Annual Cyclopxdia, for I861-79. N. Y., 1864-80. 19 v. 8.. - Index to v. I-I5, 186I-75. N. Y., 1876. 8.. See, also, Biography, Collections. End of the World. Eggleston, E. N. Y., [I872]. 16~.. 24468 Endless Punishment. See Future Punishment. Energy-England. 65 Energy. See Force. Engel, C. Musical Instruments. N. Y., 1876. 12~.. 29761 Musical Myths and Facts. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8~... 29794Engineers, English, Personal Recollections of. Lond., i868. 8~.. 23537 England. Blanc, J. J. L. Letters on E. 2d series. Lond., 1867. 2 v. I2~... 20807- Escott, T. H. S. England: her people, polity, and pursuits. N. Y., I88o. 8.. 21143 Laugel, A. England, political and social. N. Y., I874. I6~.. 208Io Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places. E. (and Wales). v. I-4. Bost., 1876. 4 v. 16~...26440Maclear, G. F. The Celts. [And] The English. (Conversion of the West, v. 1-2.) Lond., [I878.] I6. i6.. 28494Rodenberg, J. England, literary and social. Lond., I875. 8~. 21142 Art. Graham, J. M. Historical view of literature and art in Gr. Brit., [17I4 to I837]. Lond., I871. 8~... 26777 Biography. Earle, J. C. English Premiers, from Walpole to Peel. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 12~.. 22882-_ - Kebbel, T. E. English Statesmen since the Peace of 1815. Lond., 1868. I2~.. 22884- Walford, E. Tales of Our Great Families. Lond., I877. 2 V. 12~..22846England, Church of. Arnold, F. Our Bishops and Deans. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8.......... 22268-- Arnold, M. Last Essays on Church and Religion. [L. &] N. Y., I877. I2~..2...... 28690 -Barry, A. Masters in English Theology. N. Y., I877. I2~. 22111 Classic Preachers of the Eng. Ch. (See Classic Preachers.) - Doran, J. Saints and Sinners; or, In church and about it. Lond., I868. 2 v. I2~.. 28492- erry, G. G. Hist. of the Ch. of E. N. Y., 1879. 8~... 28443 -Shipley, O., editor. Ecclesias. Reform: eight essays. Lond., I873. I2~.......... 28491 CivilService. Eaton, D. B. N. Y., i88o. 8.. 211II40 Constitution and Laws. Bagehot, W. The English Constitution. Bost., I873. I2~.. 20883 Blackstone, W. Student's Blackstone, abr. and adapted to the present state of the law, by R. M. Kerr. Lond., 1879. I2~. 28848 Bryce, J. Judicature Act of I873. (In Owens College Ess. & Ad.). 27412 Fonblanque, A. W. de. How we are governed. Lond., [I879]. 20885 Fulton, F. Manual of Constitutional Hist. Lond., 1875. I2~. 20884 Paterson, J. Liberty of the Subject and the laws of E. relating to the Security of the Person. Lond., 1877. 2 v. I2~.. 28854Smith, P. V. Hist. of the English Institutions. Phila., I874. ~ 20064 Stubbs, W. Constitutional Hist. of E. Oxf'd, I874-78. 3 v.. 20880Wilson, R. K. Hist. of Modern English Law. Lond., I875.. 20067 66 England. England. Descriptionz and 7ravel. Burroughs, J. An October abroad. (In'Winter Sunshine.'). 29325 Doran, J. Memories of Our Great Towns. Lond., t878. 8~.. 21760 Hawthorne, N. English Note-books. Bost., 1876. I2~.. 24503 [Jefferies, R.] Wild Life in a Southern County. Bost., 1879.. 29332 Jennings, L. J. Field Paths and Green Lanes: Surrey and Sussex. N. Y., 1878. I2... 21612 Rimmer, A. Ancient Streets and Homesteads. Lond., I877. 21980 Walford, E. Pleasant Days in Pleasant Places. Lond., I879.. 21262 Winter, W. The Trip to E. Bost., I879. I6~... 21682 History. Creasy, E. S. Lond., i869-70. v. 1-2. 8~... 21002(to 1154) Henry of Huntingdon, Chronicle of. Also, the Acts of Stephen. Lond., I853. I2~... 20804 (to 1189) Armitage, E. S. Childhood of the English Nation. N. Y., I877. 12~. 20842 -- (to 1307) Matthew of Westminster. Flowers of Hist. Lond., I853. 2 v. 12~.. 20802(to 1307) Pearson, C. H. Early and Middle Ages. Lond., I86I. 2IO9I. —. Same. [2d ed.] Lond., I867. 2 v. 80.. 2IO92-- (to I327) Longman, W. Lectures. Lond., I863. 8~... 21088 (to I360) Gairdner, J. (Early Chroniclers of Europe.) Lond., [I879.] I2.......... 2047 (to 1714) Annals of E. Oxf., I865,'62-3. 3 v. i6... 20853CONTENTS: —1, B. C. 57-A. D. 1399. 2, 1399-1649. 3, 1649-1714. (to I805) Hozier, H. M. Invasions of England. Lond., i876. 2 v. 8... 2I052(to i815) Guest, M. J. Lectures. Lond., 1879. I6~... 20820 (to 1837) Dickens, C. J. H. A Child's Hist. of E. Bost., I873. 20840 (to I837) Guizot, F. P. G. Lond., I877-79. 3 v. 8~... 21160(to I854) Green, J. R., editor. Readings from English Hist. N. Y., I879. I2~... 20841 (to I863) Vaughan, R. Revolutions in Eng. Hist. Lond., I859-63. 3 v. 8.. 2I094CONTENTS:-1, Rev. of Race. 2, Rev. in Religion. 3, [Political, etc.]. (to I867) Knight, C. Popular Hist. Lond., [i862-68]. 8 v. 8~. 2Io80(to I872) Thompson, E. N. Y., I873. I6~. 20079 (to 1875) Creighton, M., editor. Epochs of English Hist. Lond., I879. 16~. (For contents see Epochs.).. 20851 (449-o1066) Lappenberg, J. M. Hist. of E. under the AngloSaxon Kings. Lond., I845. 2 v. 8~..210o89(449-I272) Freeman, E. A. Norman Conquest of E. Oxf., 1870 -79. 6 v. 8.. 5o006- Same. Rev. Amer. ed. Oxf. & N. Y., I873-79. 6 v. 8~. (For contents see Freeman.). 20920(449-I837) Bright, J. F. An English Hist. Lond., I875-7. 3 v. 20844- - Same. A Hist. of England. [L. &] N. Y., I878. 3 v. I6~. 20847 England. 67 England. History (continued). (449-I874) Green, J. R. Short Hist. of the English People. Lond., I874(-5). I2~. (3 copies.).. 20960- Same. N. Y., I878(-9). 8~. (2 copies.). 20963- - Hist. of the English People. N. Y., 1878-80. 4 v. 8~. (2 copies.) (For contents see Green.). 20965(732-I20I) Roger of Hoveden, Annals of. Lond., I853. 2 v.. 20800(Io66-I8I8) Sanford, J. L. Estimates of the English Kings. Lond., I872. I2~.. 20821 (II35-t327) Stubbs, W. Early Plantagenets. N. Y., [I876].. 20455 (Ir54-I603) Forster, J. Plantagenets and Tudors. (In'Histor. and Biog. Essays,' v. I.).. 27320 I-. (II54-1500) Pauli, R. Pictures of Old E. Cambr. & L., I861.. 20850 (1300-I400) Pearson, C. H. English Hist. in the I4th Century. Lond., I876. I6~... 20066 (1327-I377) Warburton, W. P. Edward III. Lond., I875. I6~. 20459 (I360-I560) See Reformation, England. (I377-I485) Gairdner, J. Houses of Lancaster and York. Lond., I874. 6..20451 (I452-I485) Gairdner, J. Life and Reign of Richard III. Lond., 1878. I2...20813 -(I5I9)-6o03) Creighton, M. The Age of Elizabeth. N. Y., 1876. I6........... 20452 (1603-i616) Gardiner, S. R. Hist. of E. Lond., I863. 2 v. 8~. 21120(I603-I660) Gardiner, S. R. First Two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution. Bost., I876. I6~.. 20454 (i6o3-I760) Ranke, F. L. von. Oxf'd, 1875. 6 v. 8~. (2 cop.) 2IO040(I617-I623) Gardiner, S. W. Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage. Lond., I869. 2 v. 8.. 2II22(I6I9-T682) Warburton, E. B. G. Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers. Lond., I849. 3 v. 8....... 23018(I624-I628) Gardiner, S. R. Hist. of E. under the Duke of Buckingham and Charles I. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~... 2II24(I625-I649) Bisset, A. Struggle for Parliamentary Government. Lond., I877. 2 v. 8~.. 2I058(I628-I637) Gardiner, S. R. Personal Government of Charles I. Lond., I877. 2 v. 8~..2II26-- (640-I674) Bayne, P. Chief Actors in the Puritan Revolution. Lond., 1878. 8~...23013 (I64I-I658) Forster, J. Debates on the Grand Remonstrance; (and) Civil Wars and Cromwell. (In'Histor. and Biogr. Essays,' v. I.)....27320 (I649-I653) Bisset, A. [Hist. of the Commonwealth. Lond., r864-67. 2 v. 8.. 21056(I649-I658) Vaughan, R. Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8. ~. 2I000(I678-T697) Hale, E. Fall of the Stuarts and Western Europe. N. Y., [I876]. I6~... 20453 (1700-1800) Lecky, W. E. HI. Hist. of E. in the ISth Century. N. Y., I878. 2. 12... 20926 68 England-English. England. History (continued). (I700-I850) Adams, W. H. D. English Party Leaders and English Parties. Lond., I878. 2 v. 8...... 2I54(I702-I714) Burton, J. H. Hist. of the Reign of Queen Anne. Edinb., I880. 3 v. 8~... 21060- Morris, E. E. The Age of Anne. N. Y., [I877.] I6~.. 20456 — (176o0-820) Jesse, J. H. Life and Reign of George III. Lond., i867. 3 v. 8~...23037(I8I5 — ) Walpole, S. Hist. of E. from 18I5. Lond., I878-80. v. I-3. 8.. 2I097- (I830-1874) Molesworth, W. N. Lond., 1874. 3 v. I2~... 20822(I837-I869) Disraeli, B. Speeches on the Conservative Policy of the last 30 years. Lond., [I869]. I6~.. 27222 (1837- ) McCarthy, J. Hist. of Our Own Times. Chic., [I879]. v. 1-2 in I. I2........ 20825 (I867-1874) Harrison, F. Studies of Political Crises. (In' Order and Progress.')..29087 — Parliament. [Lucy, H. W.] Men and Manner in P. Lond., I874. I2........... 20811 -- Palgrave, R. F. D. The House of Commons. Lond., I869. 20812 - See, also, Parliament; Parliamentary Reform. Princesses of. Green, M. A. E. W. Lives [IO66-I670]. Lond., i85o-55. 6 v. 12......... 22920 — Strickland, A. Last Four Princesses of the House of Stuart. Lond., 1872. 12. 22926 ( Queens of. Doran, J. Queens of the House of Hanover. Lond., I855. 2 V. I20........ 22931See, also, Antiqnluities, English; English Literature; London; Oxford; Selborne; T wickenham;-Ireland; Scotland; Scottish Border; Wales. England's Antiphon. Macdonald, G. [Lond., I868.] I2~... 26125 English Conferences. Renan, J. E. Bost., I88o. I2~.... 28570 English Divines, Lives of. Teale, W. H. Lond., 1848. I6~... 22110IO English Folk-lore. Dyer, T. F. T. Lond., i88o. I2~.... 27668 English Humour, Hist. of. L'Estrange, A. G. K. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 26938English Humourists. Thackeray, W. M. Lond., I876. I2~... 24895 English Literature. Bagehot, W. Literary Studies. Lond., I879. 2 v. 8~. (For contents see Bagehot.)..26767Bascom, J. Philosophy of Eng. Lit. N. Y., I874. I2~.. ~ 26912 Brooke, S. A. (Lit. Primers.) Lond., I877. i6'.. 26855 Dennis, J. Studies in Eng. Lit. Lond., I876. I2~... 26915 Dilke, C. W. The Papers of a Critic. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~. 26765Graham, J. M. Literature and art in Gr. Britain, [I714 to I837]. Lond., I87I. 8~.........26777 Masson, D. Scottish Influence in Brit. Lit. (In'Wordsworth.') 27298 Minto, W. Manual of Eng. Prose Lit. Edinb., I872. I2~.. 26913 Morley, H. First Sketch of Eng, Lit. Lond., [18731. I6~.. 269II - editor. Cassell's Library of Eng. Lit. Lond., [I876-80]. 4 v. 26368CONTENTS: —Shorter Eng. Poems.-Illust. of Eng. Religion.-Eng. Plays. -Shorter works in Eng. Prose. Stephen, L. (In' Hist. of Eng. Thought.'). 28200 English-Equality. 69 English Literature. Taine, H. A. History of Eng. Lit. Abridged. N. Y., I872. 120. 269I4 See, also, Drama; Literature (and ref.); Poetry; Poets. English Men of Letters. Morley, J., editor. N. Y., I878-80. I9 v. 23332CONTENTS: —1, Johnson, by L. Stephen.-2, Gibbon, J. C. Morison.-3, Scott, R. H. Hutton.-4, Shelley, J. A. Symonds.-5, Hume, T. H. Huxley.-6, Goldsmith, W. Black.-7, Defoe, W. Minto.-8, Burns, J. C. Shairp.-9, Spenser, R. W. Church.-10, Thackeray, A. Trollope.-11, Burke, editor.12 Milton, M. Pattison.-13, Southey, E. Dowden.-14, Chaucer, A. W. Ward.-15, Bunyan, J. A. Froude.-16, Cowper, G. Smith.-17, Hawthorne, H. James.-18, Pope, L. Stephen.-19, Byron, J. Nichol. English Men of Science. Galton, F. N. Y., I875. I2~.... 29400 English Party Leaders. Adams, W. H. D. Lond., I878. 2 v. 8~. 2IO54English Popular Leaders. Maurice, C. E. Lond., 1872-5. 2 v. I2~. 22940English Portraits. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Lond., 1I875. I2~... 22885 English Positivism. Taine, H. A. Lond., 1I873. I6~.. 28092 English Radical Leaders. Hinton, R. J. N. Y., 1875. I6~.. 22441 English Religion, Illustrations of. Morley, H. Lond., [1878]. 4~. 2637I English Seamen under the Tudors. Bourne, H. R. F. Lond., I868. 22942 English Songs from Foreign Tongues. Ricord, F. W. N. Y., I879. 26164 English Statesmen. Higginson, T. W. N. Y., r875. 16~... 22440 English Statesmen since I8I5. Kebbel, T. E. Lond., i868. 12~.. 22884 English Thought, Hist. of. Stephen, L. N. Y., I876. 2 v. 8~.. 28200Engravers and their works. Clement, C. E. Bost., I879. 12~.. 29791 Engraving. Ruskin, J. Ariadne Florentina: 6 lectures. N. Y., I874-5. I2........ 29831 Enigmas of Life. Greg, W. R. Bost., I874. 12~..27292 Ennemoser, J. History of Magic. Lond., I854. 2 V. I20... 28048Entomology. See Insects. Epic of Hades. [Morice, L.] Bost., 1I879. 16~.. 26097 Epictetus. Discourses; with the Encheiridion and fragments. With notes, life, [etc.] by G. Long. Lound., I877. I2~.. 26805 Farrar, F. TV. (In'Seekers after God.')..23682 Epigrammatists (The). Dodd, H. P. Lond., I870. 120.. 26925 Episodes of Fiction. Edinb., I870. 8.. 24649 Episodes of Insect Life. [Budgen, L. M.] Lound., I849-51. 3 v. 8~. 29500Epochs of Ancient History. Cox (G. W.) & Sankey (C.), editors.. 20435CONTENTS:-The Greeks and the Persians, by G. W. Cox.-Roman Hist., the early empire, W. W. Capes.-The Roman Triumvirates, C. Merivale.Early Rome W. Ihne.-Roman Empire of the 2d cent.; or. Age of the Antonines, W. W. Capes.-The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla, A. H. Beesley.-The Athenian Empire, G. W. Cox. Epochs of English History. Creighton, M., editor. Lond., 1879. I6~. 2085f CONTENTS: —Early England (to 1066), by F. Y. Powell; Eng. a continental power (1066-1216), L. Creighton; The rise of the people (1215-1485), J. Rowley; The Tudors and the Reformation (1485-1603), editor; Struggle against absolute monarchy (1603-1688), B. M. Cordery; Settlement of the constitution (1688-1778), J. Rowley; Eng. during the Amer. and European wars (1765-1820), 0. W. Tancock; Mod. Eng. (1820-1875), 0. Browning. Epochs of History. See Epochs of Ancient Hist.; Epochs of Modern Hist. Epochs of Modern History. Morris, E. E., editor.. 20448CONTENTS:-Era of the Prot. Revolution, by F. Seebohm.-Crusades, G. W. Cox.-Thirty Years' War, S. R. Gardiner.-Houses of Lancaster and York, J. Gairdnero —Age of Elizabeth, M. Creighton.-Fall of the Stuarts, E. Hale.-The First Two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution, S. R. Gardiner. -Early Plantagenets, W. Stubbs.-Age of Anne, E. E. Morris.-Beginning of the Middle Ages, R. W. Church,-Normans in Europe, A. H. Johnson.Edward III., W. Warburton.-War of Amer. Independence, J. M. Ludlow. Equality, Liberty, Fraternity. Stephen, J. F. N. Y., I873. 12~.. 28856 IO 70 Erasmus-Europiisches. Erasmus, D. In Praise of Folly. Lond. I6~... I2910 - Drummond, R. B. Lond., I873. 2 v. 12~..... 22IOIErbin (Die). Mugge, T. Breslau, I866. I6~. (Romane, B. 26.). 25848 Erckmann (E.) & Chatrian (A.) Contes populaires. Paris, [I877]. 25639 Friend Fritz. New York, I877. I2~. (2 copies).. 24437Histoire d'un paysan. Paris, I87I-'75. 4 t. i6'.. 25640- Histoire du plebiscite. Paris, [1877]. I6~.. 25645 Same, transl. N. Y., I877. I6~...24439 Histoire d'un sous-maitre.-Les papiers de Madame Jeannette. -Les orateurs de.mon village.-Le bon vieux temps.-La sentinelle perdue. Paris, I871.. I6~. 25644 Erectheus: a tragedy.' Swinburne, A. C. Lond., 1876. 12~.. 26166 Erema. Blackmore, R. D. N. Y., I877. 8.... 24304 Erich Randal. Miigge, T. Breslau, 1862. 4 B. (Romane, B. 9-12.) 25842Erlebtes. Hacklinder, F. W. von. Stuttg., 1876. 2 B. I6~. (Werke, B. 25-26.).. 25812 Ersilia. [Poynter, E. F.] N. Y., I876. I6~.. 24848 Erskine, Thos. Speeches. With mem. by E. Walford. Lond., I870. 2 V. 8........ 27490Erskine, Thos., of Linlathen. Letters, I800o-I840. [Edinb. &] N. Y., 1877. I2~........ 23612 Erskine, Mrs. Thos. Wyncote. N. Y., I875. I6~... 24440 Escott, T. H. S. England. N. Y., i88o. 80..21143 Esthetics. See )Esthetics. Etcher's Voyage of Discovery. Hamerton, P. G. Bost., I876. I2~. 29328 Etching and Etchers. Hamerton, P. G. Bost., I876. 8~... 29870 Eternal Punishment. See Future Punishment. Ethics. See Morals. Ethics and'Esthetics of Modern Poetry. [Brown, J.] Lond., 1878. 26293 Ethnology. Rawlinson, G. Origin of Nations. N. Y., I878. I2~. 20047 See, also, Man; Races. Etiquette. Ward, H. O. Phil., I878. I2~.. 28965 Eton (College). A Day of my Life. By a present E. boy. N. Y., I877. 28830 Etonians. Creasy, E. S. Memoirs of Celebrated E.; with notices of Eton College. Lond., I850. 8~.. I8592 - Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of Celebrated E. Lond., I875. 2 V. 8~. 23003Ettrick Shepherd. See Hogg, J. Eucken, R. Fundamental Concepts of Modern Philosophic Thought. N. Y., I88o. 12~.. 28088 Eugen Stillfried. Hacklander, F. W. von. Stuttg., I875. 3 B. I60. (Werke, B. 10-I2.)....... 25804Eugdnie. Butt, B. M. N. Y., I877. I6~..24068 Euphrates, Bedouin Tribes of. Blunt, A. N. Y., I879. 8~. 21900 Euripides. Hercules Furens, transl. by R. Browning. (In'Aristophanes' Apology.')..26047 -- Donne, W. B. (Anc. Classics for English Readers, v. I2).. 26838 Mahaffy, 7. P. (Classical Writers.) N. Y., I879. I6~... 2689I Europiisches Sklavenleben. Hacklander, F. W. von. Stuttg., 1875. 5 B. I6~. (Werke, B. 16-20.). 25807 Europe-Evolution. 71 Europe. Ward, A. W. The Peace of E. (In Owens College Ess. & Ad.)..27412 - Wood, J. G. Ancient E. (In'Nat. Hist. of Man,' v. 2.).. 2959I Art. Atkinson, J. B. Art Tour to Northern Capitals of E. Lond., 1873. 8~.. 29874 - Benjamin, S. G. W. Contemporary Art in E. N. Y., I877. 29871 Description and Travel. Lippincott, S. J. C. Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in E. Bost., I854. I2.......... 6491 Stokes, F. A. College Tramps. N. Y., I88o. 12~... 2I255 - Symonds, J. A. Sketches and Studies in Southern E. N. Y., I880. 2 V. I2......... 27341- Terhune, M. V. H. Loiterings in Pleasant Paths. N. Y., I880. 2I68I History. Duff, M. E. G. Studies in European Politics. Edinb., I866. 8~. 20567 Freeman, E. A. (Hist. Primers.) Lond., i876. I6~.. 20053 May, T. E. Democracy in E.: a history. N. Y., 1878. 2 V. 80. 20565- (732-120I) Roger of Hoveden, Annals of. Lond., I853. 2 V. 12~. 20800(787-II54) Johnson, A. H. The Normans in E. Lond., I877. I6~. 20458 (I453-I87I) Dyer, T. H. Modern Europe. Lond., I877. 5 v.. 20560- (I5I7-I648) Htiusser, L. Period of the Reformation. Lond., 1873. 2 V. 8....... 20480(I5I9-I603) Creighton, M. The Age of Elizabeth. N. Y., I876. 20452 (I64I-I678) Vaughan, R. Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell, and the state of Europe. Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~... 2Iooo00— (1678-I697) Hale, E. Fall of the Stuarts and Western Europe. N.Y., [I876]. I60... 20453 (I776-i876) Frost, T. Secret Societies of the European Revolution. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8~.. 28998- See, also, names of geographical divisions. European Colonies. Payne, E. J. Lond., I877. i6~.... 20084 Europeans (The). James, H., jr. Bost., I879. I2~. (2 copies.). 246o0IEustace Diamonds. Trollope, A. Lond., I873. 3 v. I6~.. 24870Evangelical Church. Tullidge, H., editor. N. Y., I879. 80... 28600 Evans, J. Ancient Stone Implements, Weapons, and Ornaments, of Great Britain. Lond., i872. 80.. 20202 Evenings in Autumn. Drake, N. Lond., I822. 2 V. I6~...8624Everett, W. On the Cam. Camb., [Mass]., I865. I6~... 28829 Evers, H. Steam and the Steam Engine. N. Y., [I872]. i6~.. 29934 Evil Eye. Story, W. W. Lond., I877. 22~. 21626 Evolution. Bowne, B. P. Philosophy of Spencer. N. Y., 1876. I20. 28I68 - Burr, E. F. (' Pater Mundi,' v. 2.)..28087 Cazelles, M. E. Outline of the Evolution-Philosophy. N. Y., I875. 12......... 2866 Elam, C. Winds of Doctrine. Lond., I876. 8~.... 28165 Fiske, J. Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy. Bost., I875. 2v. I2~. 28I63- Haeckel, E. H, The E. of Man, N. Y., i879. 2 v. 12~,. 29383 72 Evolution-Farrar. Evolution. Haeckel, E. H. Freedom in Science and Teaching. N. Y., I879. I2~..........29385 - - Hist. of Creation. N. Y., 1876. 2 V. 12~.. 29381Henslow, G. Theory of E. Lond., I873. 12~... 28i67 Huxley, T. H. Three Lectures on E. (In'Amer. Addresses.') 29300 Mivart, St. G. Contemporary Evolution. N. Y., 1876. I20.. 29394 Williamson, W. C. Primeval Vegetation in its relation to Natural Selection and E. (In Owens College Ess. & Ad.).. 27412 See, also, Biology; Darwinism; Natural Selection. Ewald, A. C. Life and Times of Sydney. Lond., I873. 2 v. 8~. 2302I- Life and Times of Prince Charles Stuart. Lond., I875. 2 v.. 23032Excursions. Thoreau, H. D. Bost., I875. 120.. 29335 Exhibition, Centennial. Bruce, E. C. The Century. Phil., I877. 21522 Expiation de Sav4li. Durand, A. F. Paris, I876. I6~... 25638 Exploration of the World. Verne, J. N. Y., 1879. 8.... 21983 Eyes. Angell, H. C. How to take care of our eyes. Bost., I878. 16~. 29956 Clifford, W. K. Seeing and Thinking: [4 lectures]. Lond., 1879. 28006 Harlan, G. C. Eyesight, and how to care for it. Phil., I879. 16~. 29961 Fables in Song. Bulwer-Lytton, E. R. Bost., I874. 6~.. 26052 Fabre, F. The Abbd Tigrane. N. Y., 1875. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 24472 Fair (The) God. Wallace, L. Bost., I873. 120. (2 copies.).. 24289Fair Lusitania. Jackson, C. C. Lond., I874. 8~. ~ ~ 21969 Fairbairn, W., Life of. Pole, W. Lond., I877. 8. ~ 23540 Fairholt, F. W. Tobacco. Lond., 1859. 12~...29458 Faith and Rationalism. Fisher, G. P. N. Y., 1879. I2~. (2 cop.) 28589Faith of Reason. Chadwick, J. W. Bost., 1879. 16.... 2869I Falconberg. Boyesen, H. H. N. Y., I879. I2~.. 24029 Falconer, W. Poetical Works. With Life, and notes, by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., 1854. 80.. 26322 Falkland, Viscount. See Cary, L. False Beasts and True. Cobbe, F. P. Lond., [I875].20.. 12911II Falstaff's Letters. White, J. Lond., 1877. 120.. 12904 Family (The) Pen. Taylor, I., 3d. Lond., 1867. 2 v. 120... 23603Famous French Authors: biographical portraits... by T. Gautier, E. de Mirecourt, etc. N. Y., 1879. 8~0... 23450 CONTENTS:-T. Gautier; Sainte-Beuve; Mad. Swetchine; Mad. de Girardin; A. Houssaye; Geo. Sand; A. de Musset; Hugo; P. de Kock; A. de Lamartine; Gavarni; C. Baudelaire; Balzac; B6ranger; H. Monnier; A. Dumas; M. de Gudrin; Diderot; La Fontane. Fanshawe. Hawthorne, N. Bost., 1828. I20. ~ 15326 Same. Bost., 1876. 120. (2 copies.)....24505Far from the Madding Crowd. Hardy, T. N. Y., I874. (2 copies.) 24457Farini, L. C. The Roman State, from I8i5 to I85o. Lond., I85I-54. 4 v. 8~........20304Farley, J. L. Modern Turkey. Lond., 1I872. 8~.. 21910 Farmer's (A) Vacation. Waring, G. E. Bost., 1876. 80.. 21977 Farming. See Agriculture. Farquhar, G. Dramatic Works. Lond., I849. 80.. 2669I Same. New ed. Lond., I85I. 80. ~ 26692 Farrar, F. W. Life of Christ. Lond. 2 v. 12~... 28644Same. N. Y., I875. 2 v. 12~..... 28646 Farrar-Fields. 73 Farrar, F. W. Life and Work of St. Paul. N. Y., [I879]. 2 v. 8~. 28642Seekers after God. [Lond., I868.] 120.. 23682 CONTENTS:-Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius. Farrer, J. A. Primitive Manners and Customs. N. Y., i879. I6~. 28966 Fated to be Free. Ingelow, J. Bost., I875. I2~. (2 copies.). 24578Fathers (of the Church). The Fathers for English Readers. Lond., 4 v. i6.. 28502CONTENTS:-Apostolic Fathers, by H. S. Holland.-Defenders of the Faith, by F. Watson.-St. Augustine, by W. R. Clark.-St. Jerome, by E. L. Cutts. Jackson, G. A. Apostolic Fathers, and the Apologists of the 2d cent. N. Y., 1879. 160.. 285I2 Favre, J. C. G. Government of the National Defence. Lond., I873. 20688 Fawcett, H. Free Trade and Protection. Lond., I878. I2~.. 28804 Manual of Political Economy. 4th ed. Lond., I874. I2~.. 28805 Fawcett, W. L. Gold and Debt. Chic., I877. I2~... 29053 Federalism. Adams, H. Documents relating to New-England Federalism. Bost., I877. 80.. 21442 Fellah (Le). About, E. F. V. Paris, I873. 6.. 25620 Female Biography. See Women, Biography. Femme (Une) g6nante. Droz, G. Paris, I876. I6~.... 25630 F6nelon, F. de S. de La M. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'MondayChats.'). 23290 Ferdinand and Isabella, Reign of. Prescott, W. H. Phil., I87I. 3 v. 80... 20345Fermentation. Schiitzenberger, P. N. Y., I876. 12.... 29260 [Ferrier, Susan E.] The Inheritance. Edinb., I824. 3 v. 120.. I8637Fertilization (in botany). Darwin, C. R. Effects of Cross and Self Fertilisation. N. Y., 1877. I2~. 2. 9454 - Various Contrivances by which orchids are fertilised by insects. N. Y., I877. 120..29456 Lubbock, J. On British Wild Flowers considered in relation to Insects. Lond., I875. I2 ~..2946i Feuillet, O. The Diary of a Woman. N. Y., I879. i6~.. 24089 A Marriage in High Life. Philad., [1876]. I2~.. 24473 Fiction, Episodes of. Edinb., i870. 8~.. 24649 Field, H. M. From Egypt to Japan. N. Y., I877. I2~... 21721 - From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. N. Y., I877. 21720 Field, M. B. Memories of Many Men and of Some Women. N. Y., I874. 12........ 22620 Field, W. Life, Writings, and Opinions of Sam. Parr. Lond., I828. 2 v. 8. I8603Field Paths and Green Lanes. Jennings, L. J. N. Y., I878. 120.. 21612 Fielding, H. Joseph Andrews. [And] Jonathan Wild. N. Y., I86I. 12.......... 24474 Tom Jones. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 6~.......24475- Miscellanies and Poems. Lond., 1872. 8~. 24664 - Works. Lond., I87I. Io v. 80.. 24654- Lawrence F. Life of F. Lond., 1855. I2~... 23215 Fields, J. T. Underbrush. Bost., I877. 16~... 27226 74 Fields-Flagg. Fields, (J. T.) & Whipple, (E. P.) Family Library of Brit. Poetry. Bost., I878. 80.. 2638I Fieschi, G. L. de', The conspiracy of. Celesia, E. Lond., I866. 8~. 20297 Finance. Fawcett, W. L. Gold and Debt. Chic., I877. I2~.. 29053 Newcomb, S. The Abc of Finance. N. Y., I878. 16~... 29062 See, also, Political Ec. (& references); U. S., Finances. Finney, C. G. Memoirs; written by himself. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 22612 Finod, J. de. A Thousand Flashes of French Wit, Wisdom, and Wickedness. N. Y., I88O. I6~.. 2694I First Century of the Republic. Woolsey, T. D., and others. N. Y., I876. 80. (2 cop.)........ 21520CONTENTS — Introd.: Colonial progress, by E. Lawrence; Mechanical prog., E. H. knight; Prog. in manufacture, D. A. Wells; Agricultural prog., W. H. Brewer; Development of mineral resources T. S. Hunt; Commercial development, E. Atkinson; Population, F. A. Walker; Monetary development, W. G. Sumner; The experiment of the Union etc., T. I. Woolsey; Education, E. Lawrence Exact sciences, F. A. P. Barnard Nat. science, T. Gill; Amer. Literature, E. P. Whipple; Fine Arts, S. S. tonant; Medical and sanitary prog., A. Flint Amer. jurisprudence, B. V. Abbott; Humanitarian prog., C. L. Brace; Religious development, J. F. Hurst. First Fam'lies of the Sierras. Miller, C. H. Chic., I876. I2~.. 24834 First Love is Best. Dodge, M. A. Bost., I877. I2.. 24232 First Violin. Fothergill, J. N. Y., 1878. I6~. (2 copies.). 2444IFisher, G. P. Beginnings of Christianity. N. Y., I877. 8~. (2 COp.) 28587Discussions in History and Theology. N. Y., I88o. 8~.. 28591 - Faith and Rationalism. N. Y., I879. I2~. (2 copies.). 28589The Reformation. N. Y., I873. 8~. (2 copies.). 28585Fisher, W. M. The Californians. Lond., I876. 12~... 21285 Fisher-Maiden. Bj6rnson, B. N. Y., I874. I6~... 24059 Fishing. Francis, F. A Book on Angling. Lond., 1867. I2~.. 29625 Gillmore, P. Prairie and Forest. N. Y., I874. I2~... 29620 Hallock, C. The Fishing Tourist. N. Y., I873. 8... 29623 Herbert, H. W. Fish and Fishing of the U. S. [etc.]. N. Y., 1850. 80............ 29624 - Norris, T. American Angler's Book. Phila., [I865]. 8~.. 29629 Prime, W. C. I go a-fishing. N. Y., I873. 80... 29628 Scott, G. C. Fishing in American Waters. N. Y., I869. I2~. 29626 - Walton (I.) & Cotton (C.). The Complete Angler. Lond., I875. 29627 Fiske, D. W. Book of the First Amer. Chess Congress. N. Y., 1859. I2~....... 29709 Fiske, J. Myths and Myth-Makers. Bost., I873. I6~.... 2774I Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy. Bost., I875. 2 v. I2~... 28I63Unseen World, and other essays. Bost., I876. I2~. ~ ~ 27243 Fitzgerald, P. The Great Canal at Suez. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8~. 21840Life and Adventures of Alex. Dumas. Lond., I873. 2 v. 8~. 23402Fitzpatrick, W. J. Life of C. [J.] Lever. Lond., I879. 2 v. 80. 23400Five (The) Senses of Man. Bernstein, J. N. Y., I876. I2~... 2926I Five Weeks in a Balloon. Verne, J. Lond., I870. 16~.... 24265 Five Years in an English University. Bristed, C. A. N. Y., I873. 28824 Five Years' Penal Servitude. Lond., 1878. 12~.. 28857 Flagg, W. Birds and Seasons of New England. Bost., I875. I2~. 29320 Woods and By-ways of New England. Bost., 1872. 120.. 21283 Flammarion-Folk-lore. 75 Flammarion, C. Stories of Infinity. Bost., 1873. I6~... 2944I Fleay, F. G. Shakespeare Manual. Lond., 1876. 160.... 27019 Fleming, G. Travels on Horseback in Mantchu Tartary. Lond., I863. 8............ 21920 Fleming, S. Grant, G. M. Ocean to Ocean: F.'s expedition through Canada in I872. Lond., I873. 8~.....21549 - Same. Enl. and rev. ed. N. Y., I877. I2~... 21550 Flemish Painters, Early. Crowe (J. A.) & Cavalcaselle (G. B.) Lond., I872. I2........... 23801 Fletcher, Eliza D. Autobiography. Edinb., I875. 12~... 23683 Fletcher, J. See Beaumont (F.) & Fletcher. Fleurange. Craven, P. N. Y., I873. I6...... 24170 Floating City. Verne, J. N. Y., I875. I2~......24266 Florence. Horner, S. and J. Walks in F. Lond., I873. 2 v. I20. 2I249 — — Napier, H. E. Florentine Hist. [to 185I.] Lond., I846-7. 6v. 120. 20004Oliphant, M. O. W. Makers of F.: Dante, Giotto, Savonarola; and their city. Lond., I876. 80.. 23836 Ruskin, J. Mornings in F. N. Y., 1876. I2~.... 29834 Symonds,. T. A. Florence and the Medici. (In'Sketches and Stud.,' v. I.). 27341 Weld, C. R. F., the New Capital of Italy. Lond., 1867. 120. 21265 Florida. Stowe, H. E. B. Palmetto-Leaves. Bost., I873. I6~.. 21288 Flower and Thorn. Aldrich, T. B. Bost., I877. I2~.... 26001 Flowers. Darwin, C. R. Different Forms of F. N. Y., I877. 12~. 29455 Lubbock, J. On British Wild F. Lond., I875. I2.~.. 29461 See, also, Botany; Fertilization. Flowers of History. Matthew of Westminster. Lond., I853. 2 v. 20802Flowers of the Sky. Proctor, R. A. N. Y., [I879]. I6~.. 29442 Folk-lore. Anderson (R. B.) & Bjarnason (J.) Viking Tales of the North. Chic., I877. 12~~.. 27708 Asbj6rnsen, P. C. Tales from the Fjeld. Lond., I874. 12~. 27705 Bell, W. Shakespeare's Puck, and his Folkslore. Lond., 1852, ['6I &?] 3 v. 12~.. 27012Bottrell, W. Traditions of West Cornwall. Penzance, I870-73. 2 series. I2~... 27700Buchanan, R. Ballad Stories of the Affections. From the Scandinavian. Lond., [I866]. 8~.. 26254 Busk, R. H. Roman Legends. Bost., I877. 8~~ ~. 27714 Campbell, J. F. Popular Tales of the West Highlands. Edinb., 1860-62. 4 v. I6......... 27660Dyer, T. F. T. English Folk-lore. Lond., i88o. I2... 27668 Frere, M. Old Deccan Days. Lond., I870. 16~... 27790 - Giles, H. A. Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. Lond., i880. 2 v. 12...... 27787Henderson, W. Folk-lore of the Northern Counties of England. Lond., i866. 12........ 27666 Hunt, R. Popular Romances of the West of England. Lond., [I871]. 12....... 27664 -- Kelly, W. K. Indo-European Tradition and F. Lond., 1863. 27789 76 Folk-lore-Forman. Folk-lore. Kennedy, P. Fireside Stories of Ireland. Dubl., I870. 16~. 27667 Leland (C. G.) &' others. English-Gipsy Songs. Phil., I875. I6~. 26123 - Ludlow, J. M. Popular Epics of the Mid. Ages. Lond., I865. 2 v. I6~..... 2767IMacquoid, T. R. & K. S. Legends from Normandy and Brittany. Lond., I879. 12.. 21252 Magnusson (E.) & Morris (W.) Three Northern Love Stories, and other tales. Lond., 1875. I2~......2463I Mathews, C. Enchanted Moccasins, and other legends of the Amer. Indians. N. Y., I877. I2~.. 24800 Metcalfe, F. Icelandic F. and Sagas. (In'Oxonian in Iceland.') 21705 Mijatovies, C. Serbian Folk-lore. Lond., I874. 12~.. 27784 Murray, E. C. G. Dolne; or, The national songs and legends of Roumania. Lond., I854. I20~.. 27786 Naak6, J. T. Slavonic Fairy Tales. Lond., I874. I2~. ~ ~ 27785 Ralston, W. R. S. Russian Folk-tales. Lond., I873. 80. ~ 27783 - Songs of the Russian People. Lond., I872. 80.... 27782 Smith, H. H. Myths and F. of the Amazonian Indians. (In' Brazil.').. 2I80I Thorpe, B. Yule-tide Stories. Lond., I875. I2~... 27669 See, also, Ballads; Legends; Manners & Customs; Myths; Romances. Fonblanque, A. W. de. How we are governed. Lond., [I879]. 120. 20885 Fonblanque, E. B. de. Life of A. Fonblanque. Lond., I874. 8~. 23893 Fontainebleau. Cochrane, A. B. (In'Histor. Chateaux.'). 21785 Foods. Edward Smith. N. Y., I876. I20.. 29242 Fool's Errand. [Tourgee, A. W.] N. Y., I879. I6~. (3 copies.) 24913Foot Notes. Barron, A. Wallingf., I875. I2~..... 2932I Footfalls. Owen, R. D. Philad., I86o. I2~.. 28053 For Summer Afternoons. [Woolsey, S. C.] Bost., 1876. I6~.. 27238 Forbes, A. See Daily News (London). Forbes, C. J. F. S. Brit. Burma and its People. Lond., 1I878. 12~. 21224 Forbes, C. S. Iceland. Lond., i86o. 12.. 21223 Forbidden (A) Land. Oppert, E. N. Y., I88o. 8~... 21943 Force. Helmholtz, H. L. F. Interaction of the Natural Forces. [And] Conservation of F. (In'Pop. Lectures.').. 29389 Stewart, B. Conservation of Energy. N. Y., I874. I2~.. 29246 - See, also, Physics. Forces of Nature. Guillemin, A. N. Y. [Lond.], I873. 8~... 29572 Forces, Physical, Applications of. Guillemin, A. Lond., I877. 8~. 2957I Foregone Conclusion. Howells, W. D. Bost., 1I875. I20. (3 cop.) 24562Foreign Classics for English Readers. Oliphant, M. O. W., editor. Phila., [I877-79]. 9 v I6. 16. 23262CONTENTS:-1, Dante, by the editor.-2, Voltaire, E. B. Hamley. —3, Pascal, J. Tulloch.-4, Petrarch, H. Reeve.-5, Goethe, A. Hayward.-6, Moliere, ed. and F. Tarver.-7, Montaigne, W. L. Collins. —8, Rabelais, W. Besant.-9, Calderon, E. J. Hasell. Forest Life in Acadie. Hardy, C. Lond., I869. 8~.... 21553 Forestier, A. Echoes from Mist-land. Chic., I877. 120.. ~ 277II Forgiveness and Law. Bushnell, H. N. Y., I874. I2~.... 28550 Forman, H. B. Our Living Poets. Lond., I87I I2~..~. 26287 Forrester-France. 77 [Forrester, A. H.] Phantasmagoria of Fun. Lond., I843. 2 v. I2~. 25207Fors Clavigera. Ruskin, J. Orpington, Kent, I87I-77. 7 v. 8~.. 2903IForster, J. Historical and Biographical Essays. Lond., I858. 2 v. 27320CONTENTS:-1, The debates on the grand remonstrance, 1641; The Plantagenets and the Tudors; The civil wars and 0. Cromwell.-2, Dan. DeFoe; Rich. Steele; Chas. Churchill; Sam. Foote. Life of Jonathan Swift. Vol. I. N. Y., 1876. 8~... 23418 Forsyth, W. Essays, critical and narrative. Lond., I874. 80.. 27480 CONTENTS:-Speeches of Brougham; Criminal procedure; Kingdom of Italy; Judges of Eng.; Literary style; Progress of legal reform; an election in France; Journey to Ashango Land; Eugenie de Gu6rin; Tunnel through the Alps; Hudson's Bay Co.; Visit to Russia and the great fair [etc.]; Visit to Portland prison; Three days in Sark; Wm. Cobbett; Historical evidence. Hist. of Lawyers. Bost., I875. 80....23886 - History of Trial by Jury. N. Y., I875. 80.. 2884I Fortnightly Review. Lond., I865-79. 32 v. 80.. I0622Fortnum, C. D. E. Bronzes. Lond., [I877]. I20.. 29762 Maiolica. N. Y., I876. I20.. 29763 Fortress, Annals of a. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Bost., I876. 80.. 24313 Forty-five Guardsmen. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. (2 cop.) 2443 &24420 Foster, J. W. Pre-historic Races of the U. S. of A. Chic., I873. 8~. 2140I Foster, M. Physiology. (Sci. Prim.) Lond., 1878. i60.. 29355 -- Text Book of Physiology. [L. &] N. Y., I88o. I2~... 29302 Fothergill, J. M. Maintenance of Health. N. Y., I879. I2~. 29994 Fothergill, Jessie. First Violin. N. Y., I878. I6~. (2 copies.). 2444IProbation: a novel. N. Y., 1879. I6~.. 24443 Fould, Wilhelmine J. S., (pseud.,' Gustave Haller.') Renee and Franz. N. Y., I878. I6.. 24079 Fourth (The) Estate. Hunt, F. K. Lond., I850. 2 v. I2~... I8590Fox, C. J. Rae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox. Lond., I874. 8~. 23040 See, also, Adams, W. H. D.,'Eng. Party Leaders,' v. I (21054); Earle, J. C.,'Eng. Premiers,' v. I(22882). France. Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 9-10.... 26448- Biography. King, E. (See his' French Political Leaders.')'. 22442 - R6musat, C. E. J. G. de V. de. Memoirs: I802-I808... 22567Description and Travel. Gibbons, P. E. French and Belgians. Phil., 1879. I2~... 21228 Hamerton, P. G. Round my House. Bost., I876. I20... 21248 Hawthorne, N. Note-books. Bost., I878. 2 v. in I. I2~.. 24504 Murray, E. C. G. Round about France. Lond., 1878. I2~.. 21622 Piazzi, H. L. Journey through France. Lond., I789. 2 v. 8~. I8609Stevenson, R. L. An Inland Voyage. Lond., I878. I2~.. 21710 - Tolfrey, F. The Sportsman in France. Lond., I84I. 12~.. 29608 History. Kitchin, G. W. Oxf., 1873-77. v. I-3. 120.. 20404CONTENTS:-1, To 1453.-2, 1453 to 1624.-3, 1624 to 1793. Taine, H. A. Origins of Contemporary France. N. Y., 1876-78. V. 1I-2. I2~.....20425CONTENTS:-1, Ancient R6gime.-2, French Revolution. (to I789) Guizot, F. P. G. Lond., 1872-76. 5 v. 8~... 20760___ - -- Same. Bost., [I877]. 6 v. 8.... 20765Same, abridged. Lond., I879. 8~. 20690 II 78 France. France. History (continued). (to I848) Bonnechose, F. P. E. B. de. Lond., I868. 2 v. 80.. 20682(300-I525) Masson, G. (Early Chroniclers.).... 20472 (752-987) Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. The French under the Carlovingians. Lond., I850. 8~. 20691 (987-1137) Sismondi, J. C. L. S. de. France under the Feudal System. Lond., i85i. 8~.. 20692 (377-I485) Gairdner, J. Houses of Lancaster and York, with the conquest and loss of France. Lond., I874. i6~... 20451 (I450-I600) Ranke, F. L. von. Civil Wars and Monarchy in F. N. Y., 1853. I2... 20412 (146I-I483) Willert, P. F. Reign of Lewis XI. Lond., I876.. 20069 (I512-I574) Baird, H. M. Rise of the Huguenots in F. N. Y., I879. 2 v. 8.......... 20o680- (15r-I610) Hanna, W. Wars of the Huguenots. Edinb., I87I. 20402 (I529-I574) Marsh, A. C. Protestant Reformation in F. Phila., I85I. 2 v. I2.. 204I7(I60o-I643) Cousin, V. Secret Hist. of the French Court under Richelieu and Mazarin. N. Y., I87I. I2~... 20414 (I648-I794) Baker, H. B. French Society from the Fronde to the Great Revolution. Lond., I874. 2 v. 12~.... 20400(r66I-I715) Martin, B. L. H. Age of Louis XIV. Bost., I865. 2 V. 80.. 20720(I700-I789) Lacroix, P. The I8th Century. Lond., I876. 80. 20363 (I715-I789) Martin, B. L. H. Decline of the French Monarchy. Bost., i866. 2 v. 8~.. 20722(I752-I774) Broglie, A. de. The King's Secret. Lond., [1879]. 2 V. 8~.. 20685(I774-1870) Van Laun, H. French Revolutionary Epoch. N. Y., I879 [I878]. 2 v. 120..204I9(1789) Burke, E. Reflections (I790) on the Revolution in F. (Inz'Sel. Works,' v. 2).. 26874 - Croker, J. W. Early Period of the French Revolution. Lond., I857. 80. 20687 - Lamartine, A. M. L. de. Hist. of the Constituent Assembly. Lond., I858. 4 v. in 2. 12....... 204I5(I789-I79I) Michelet. J. French Revolution. Lond., I864. I20. 204Io (1789-I815) Morris, W. O. French Rev. and First Empire. Lond., I874. I2~.......204II (I789-I870) Adams, C. K. Democracy and Monarchy in F. N. Y., 1874. I2. 20413 (I8I5) Williams, H. M. Narrative of the Events. Lond., I8I6. I86II (I830-I857) Oliphant, M. O. W. Memoir of Count de Montalembert. Edinb. & L., I872. 2 V. I20~.... 22486(I84I-I847) Guizot, F. P. G. France under Louis-Phillipe. Lond., I865. 8~.. 20689 (I85I) Hugo, V. M. Histoire d'un crime. Paris, I877-8. 2 t. I60. 2565I(I870) Borbstedt (A.) & Dwyer (F.) Franco-German War. Lond., I873. 8~.. 20684 France-Freeman. 79 France. History (continued). (1870) Favre, J. C. G. Government of the National Defence. Lond., I873. 8~.. 20688 (1871) Wartensleben, H. von. Lond., 1872. 80.... 20644 (1871-1873) Simon, J. F. Government of Thiers. N. Y., I879. 2 v. I2~... 20693See, also, Brittany; C6vennes; French Literature; Normandy; Paris; Pyrenees. France, Pastorals of. Wedmore, F. Lond., I878. 120.... 24294 France and England in North Amer. (See Parkman, F.) Franchise. McMillan, D. C. Elective F. in the U. S. N. Y., I878. 21331 Maurice, J. F. D. Workman and the F. Lond., I866. 8~.. 09090 See, also, Representation. Francis, F. Book on Angling. Lond., I867. 12~.. 29625 Franqois le Champi. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, 1869. 16~.. 25682 Franklin, B. Life, written by himself; ed. by J. Bigelow. Phil., I874.- 3 v. 8......... 22695Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Eng. Portraits.').. 22885 Fraser's Magazine. Lond., I830-79. OO v. 8V.. 12300Fraser-Tytler, Christina C. See Tytler. Frazar, D. Practical Boat-sailing. Bost., 1879. I6~.. 29660 Freak of Freedom. Bent, J. T. Lond., i879. 12~.. 20483 Frederick I. (Barbarossa), emperor of Germany. Testa, G. B. War against the Communes of Lombardy. Lond., I877. S8.. 20296 Frederick II. (the Great), king of Prussia. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Monday-Chats.'). 23290 Free Trade and Protection. Fawcett, H. Lond., I878. I20... 28804 Freedom in Science and Teaching. Haeckel, E. H. N. Y., 1879. I20. 29385 Freeman, E. A. Comparative Politics: 6 lectures. N. Y., I874.. 20183 General Sketch of History. N. Y., [I876]. I6~... 20078 -- Historical and Architectural Sketches; chiefly Italian. Lond., I876. 12...... 20184 CONTENTS:-The Venetian March; Ravenna and her Sisters; Central Italy; Ronme; Southern Italy; Lombardy; The Burgundian March. Historical Essays. Lond., 1871,'73 &'79. 3 series. 4658 & 20I85CONTENTS:-1, Mythical and Romantic elements in early Engl. history; Continuity of Eng. hist.; Relations between the crowns of Engl. and Scotland; St. Thomas of Canterbury and his biographers; Reign of Edward III.; Holy Rom. Empire; The Franks and the Gauls ~; Early sieges of Paris Frederick I., King of Italy The Emp. Frederick II.; Charles the Bold; Presidential government. —, Ancient Greece and mediaeval Italy; Gladstone's Homer and the Homeric Age; The historians of Athens: The Athenian democracy; Alexander the Great; Greece during the Macedonian period; Mommsen's Hist. of Rome; Lucius Cornelius Sunla; The Flavian Caesars;-3, First impressions of Rome; The Illyrian emperors and their land; Diocletian's place in architectural history; Augusta Treverorum; The panegyrists of the 4th cent. The Goths at Ravenna; Race and language; The Jews in Europe; The Byzantine empire First impressions of Athens; Mediaeval and modern Greece: The Southern Slaves; Sicilian cycles; The Normans at Palermo. - Hist. of Europe. Lond., I876. I6~... 20053 Norman Conquest of England. Oxf'd, I870-79. 6 v. 80.. 5006Same. Rev. Amer. ed. Oxf. & N. Y., I873-79. 6 v. 8~.. 20920CONTENTS:-1, Prelim.... to the election of Eadward the Confessor.-2, Reign of Eadward.-3, Reign of Harold and the interregnum.-4, Reign of William the Conqueror.-5, Effects of the Norman Conquest.-6, Index. Ottoman Power in Europe. Lond., I877. 12. ~ ~.. 20490 editor. Historical Course for Schools. N. Y. (& Lond.,) 187277. 7 v. i6~. (For contents see Historical Course.).. 20078 80 Freethinking-Frontenac, Freethinking and Plainspeaking. Stephen, L. [L. &] N. Y., I877. 12~. 27271 French, G. R. Shakspeareana Genealogica. Lond., etc., I869. 80. 27048 French Criminal Law, Romance of. Spicer, H. Lond., 1872. 80.. 28840 French Home Life. Edinb. & Lond., I873. 8~..... 21782 French Literature. Besant, W. French Humorists. Lond., 1873.. 26776 - Demogeot, J. C. Hist. of French Lit. Phila., 1874. 16~.. 20065 Famous French Authors. (See Famous)....23450 - Van Laun, H. Hist. of French Lit. N. Y., I876-7. 3 v. 80. (2 cop.) 26770See, also, Poetry, French; Poetry, Provenpal; Poets, French. French Men of Letters. Mauris, M. N. Y., i88o. I6~... 23313 French Revolutionary Epoch. Van Laun, H. N. Y., I879. 2 v. 12~. 204I9Frenchi Society. Baker, H. B. Lond., I874. 2 V. 12~... 20400French Wit, Wisdom, and Wickedness. Finod, J. de. N. Y., i88o. 2694I Freneau, P. Poems. Lond., i86I. I6~... 26062 Frere, J. H. Works; with a memoir. Lond., I872. 2 v. 8~.. 2748TFrere, M. Old Deccan Days. Lond., 1870. 16~.. 27790 Freytag, G. Die Ahnen. Leipz., I875-6. 4 Abth. 12~.. 259IICONTENTS:-1, Ingo und Ingraban.-Das Nest der Zaunkoinige.-3, Die Brfider vom deutschen Hause.-4, Marcus Kbnig. Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit. Leipz., I876-7. 4 B. in 3. 80... 25907CONTENTS:-1, AUs dem Mittelalter.-2, (1. Abth.), Vom Mittelalter zur Neuzeit (1200-1500). (2te Abth.), Aus dem Jahrh. der Reformation (1500-1600). -3, Aus dem Jahrh. des grossen Krieges (1600-1700).-4, Aus neuer Zeit (-1848). Dramatische Werke. Leipz., I874. I2~......25910 Ingo; transl. N. Y., I873. I6~.. 24444 Ingraban; transl. N. Y., I873. 16~.. 24445 Die verlorene Handschrift. Leipz., I877. 2 B. 80.... 25905Friar Anselmo, and other poems. Dorr, J. C. R. N. Y., 1879. I6~. 26057 Friend Fritz. Erckmann (E.) & Chatrian (A.). N. Y., 1877. (2 cop.) 24437Friends in Council. Helps, A. Lond., 1872-3. 2 ser.; 4 v. I6~.. 27250Friendship's Garland. Arnold, M. Lond., I87I. 16~... 27242 Frithiof. Cox (G. W.) & Jones (E. H.). Story of Frithjof and Ingebjorg. (In'Pop. Romances.' And in'Tales.'). 27712 & 27713 Tegn6r, E. Frithiof; transl. by Latham. Lond., I838. I20.. 27709 Fridthjof's Saga; transl. by Stephens. (With Anderson & Bjarnason's Viking Tales.).. 27708 Frobisher, M., Life of. Jones, F. Lond., I878. I2~.. 22848 Froebel, F., Reminiscences of. Marenholz-Biilow, B. von. Bost., I877. I2~........23647 Frog, Common. Mivart, St. G. Lond., I874. 2~.... 29508 From the Earth to the Moon. Verne, J. N. Y., I874. I20. (2 cop.) 24267From Egypt to Japan. Field, H. M. N. Y., 1877. I2~.. ~ ~. 21721 From Egypt to Palestine. Bartlett, S. C. N. Y., I879. 8~.. 2I843 From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Horn. Field, H. M. N. Y., I877. 120.. 21720 Fromont jeune et Risler ain6. Daudet, A. Paris, I877. 16~.. 25627 Frondes Agrestes. Ruskin, J. Orpington, Kent, I875. I2~... 29829 Frontenac, L. de B. de, and New France. Parkman, F. Bost., I877. 80...........21406 Frost-Gage. Si Frost, T. Life of Thomas, Lord Lyttelton. Lond., I876. 8~.. 23930 Secret Societies of the European Revolution, I776-I876. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8......... 28998Frothingham, O. B. Gerrit Smith: a biography. N. Y., 1878. I2~. 22623 -- Theodore Parker: a biography. Bost., I874. I20... 2261o -- Transcendentalism in New England. N. Y., 1876. 80.. 28204 Visions of the Future, and other discourses. N. Y., 1879. I2~. 28553 Frothingham, R. Rise of the Republic of the U. S. Bost., 1872.. 21440 Froude, J. A. Bunyan. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I88o. 120. 23346 Cmsar: a sketch. N. Y., 1879. 80...23724 The English in Ireland in the I8th Century. N. Y., 1873-4. 3 v. I2~...20816Same. v. I..20819 Life and Times of Thomas Becket. N. Y., 1878. 12... 22140 Short Studies on Great Subjects. N. Y., i868,'71 &'77. 3 series. T2.. 3726-7 & 27339 CONTENTS:-1, Science of history; Times of Erasmus and Luther; Influence of the Reformation on the Scottish character; Philosophy of Catholicism; Plea for the free discussion of theological difficulties; Criticism and the Gospel history; The Book of Job; Spinoza; Dissolution of the monasteries; England's forgotten worthies; Homer; Lives of the Saints; Representative men; Reynard the fox; Cat's pilgrimage; Fables; [&c.]-2, Calvinism; A bishop of the 12th cent.; Father Newman on the Grammar of Assent " Condition and prospects of Protestantism; England and her colonies; A fortnight in Kerry (2 pts); Reciprocal duties of State and subject; The merchant and his wife; On progress; The colonies once more; Education; England's war; Eastern question Scientific method applied to history.-3, Annals of an English abbey; Revival of Romanism; Sea Studies; Society in Italy in the last days of the Roman Republic- Lucian; Divus Caesar; On the uses of a landed gentry; Party politics; Leaves from a South African journal. Fiirst und Kavalier. Hacklinder, F. W. von. Stuttg., I873. I6~. (Werke, B. 49.)...25824 Fuller, Margaret. See Ossoli, M. F. Fullom, S. W. History of Shakespeare. Lond., I864. 8.. 27052 Fulton, F. Manual of Constitutional Hist. Lond., I875. 120.. 20884 Fun, Poetry, and Pathos. Browne, W. Y. Lond., 1850. 120.. 25206 Funeral Ceremonies. See Burial. Fungi. Cooke, M.C. N. Y., 1875. I. 2..29254 Fur Country. Verne, J. Bost., I874. 120..24269 Furioso. [Miiller von K6nigswinter, W.] Cambr. & L., I865. 120. 23809 Furness, Mrs. H. H. Concordance to Shakespeare's Poems. Phil., 1875. 8........... I658 Furniture. Jacquemart, A. Hist. of Furniture. Lond., I878. 80.. 29993 Pollen, J. H. Ancient and Modern F. and Woodwork. N. Y., 1876. I2......... 29766 -- Spofford, H. E.P. Art Decoration applied to F. N. Y., 1878. 29872 Fustel de Coulanges, M. D. The Ancient City. Bost., I874. 80.. 20182 Future Punishment. [Whiton, J. M.] Is "Eternal" Punishment Endless? Bost., I878. 160...28509 Fyffe, C. A. Hist. of Greece. Lond., [1877] i6. 6..20054 Gaboriau, E. Le petit vieux des Batignolles. Paris, I877. I60. 25646 Gabriel Conroy. Harte, F.B. Hartf., 1876. 80. (2 copies.).. 24650Gaddings with a Primitive People. Grohman, W. A. B. N. Y., 1878. 160........ 21247 Gage, WT. L. Life of Carl Ritter. N. Y., 1867. I2... 23563 82 Gairdner-Gay. Gairdner, J. England. (Early Chroniclers of Europe.) Lond., [1879]. I20. 2047I Houses of Lancaster and York. Lond., I874. 16~... 20451 Life and Reign of Richard the Third. Lond., I878. 120~.. 20813 editor. The Paston Letters. Lond., I872-75. 3 v. I6~.. 22840Galaxy. N. Y., I866-78. 25 v. 8..I3886Galiani, F. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (rn'Monday-Chats.'). 23290 Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia. Gebler, K. von. Lond., I879. 23548 Gallenga, A., (pseud.,'L. Mariotti'). History of Piedmont. Lond., 1855. 3 v. I2~.. 20000Galton, F. English Men of Science. N. Y., I875. 12~.... 29400 - Vacation Tourists and Notes of Travel in I862-3. Lond., I864. 21732 Gamekeeper at Home. [Jefferies, R.] Bost., I879. 16~.. 2933I Games. Bohn, H. G. Hand-book of Games. Lond., I850. I6~.. 29680 See, also, Archery; Cards; Chess; Cricket; Sports; Whist. Gardening. Bright, H. A. A Year in a Lancashire Garden. Lond., I879. I2.......... 29452 Gardiner, Marg. P., countess of Blessington, Personal Recollections of. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Bric-a-Brac Ser.'). 23254 Gardiner, S. R. First Two Stuarts and the Puritan Revolution. [Lond. &] Bost., I876. I6~..20454 Hist. of England: I603-I6I6. Lond., I863. 2 v. 80... 2II20History of England: I624-I628. Lond., 1875. 2 v. 80... 2II24Personal Government of Charles I. Lond., I877. 2 v. 80.. 211II26Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage. Lond., I869. 2 v. 21122Thirty Years' War. Lond., I874. 16~.. 20450 Garfield, J. A., Life of. Hinsdale, B. A. N. Y., I88o. 80.. 21532 Garnett, R. Relics of Shelley. Lond., I862. 16~. (2 COp.). 262I3Garrett, Rhoda and Agnes. Suggestions for House Decoration. Phila., [I877]. I2~.. 29780 Garth: a novel. Hawthorne, J. N. Y., I877. 80.. 24652 Gaskell, Elizabeth C. Cranford. Lond., 1870. 16~.. 24446 Mary Barton: a tale. Lond., I848. 120..... 24467 Ruth: a novel. Lond., 1872. I6~.. 24447 Gastronomy as a Fine Art. Brillat-Savarin, A. Lond., I877. I2~. 29976 Gautama. See Buddhism. Gautier, T. Captain Fracasse. N. Y., I88o. 16~.. 24448 Constantinople. Paris, 1854 16.. 25647 Same. Transl. Lond., 1I854. 120. 21226 Same. Amer. ed., rev. N. Y., I875. 12~......21227 Spirite: nouvelle fantastique. Paris, I877. I6~... 25648 Same. Spirite: a fantasy. N. Y., I877. 16~. (2 COp.). ~ 24074Voyage en Espagne. Paris, I878. 16~.. 25649 - Voyage en Russie. Paris, I867. 16~.. 25650 - Same. A Winter in Russia. N. Y., I874. I2.. 21225 - See, also, Famous French Authors. Gay, J. D. Prince of Wales in India. N. Y., I877. I2~. ~ ~ 21246 Gay, John. Fables. With mem. and crit. diss. by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I859. 80......... 26319 Gay-German. 83 Gay, John. Poetical Works; with a life by Dr. Johnson. Bost., 1854. 2 V...,...... 26063Gay, S. H. Popular Hist. of the U. S. (See Bryant, W. C., & Gay.) Gebler, K. von. Galileo Galilei and the Roman Curia. Lond., 1879. 8........... 23548 Geddes, J. John DeWitt, Grand Pensionary of Holland. N. Y., I88o. v. I. 8.......... 20602 Geheimniss der Stadt. Hacklainder, F. W. von. Stuttg., I873. 3 B. i6~. (Werke, B. 58-60.)..25828Geibel, E. Brunhild. Bost., 1879. I6~.. 26065 Geier-Wally. Hillern, W. von. N. Y., I876. 16~.. 24543 Geikie, A. Elem. Lessons in Phys. Geography. Lond. & N. Y., I877. 6........... 21240 Geology. Lond., I877. 16~.. 29356 Life of Sir R. I. Murchison. Lond., I875. 2 V. 8~... ~ 23538Phys. Geography. (Sci. Prim.) Lond., I878. I6~.... 29357 Geikie, C. The English Reformation. N. Y., 1879. I20... 20814 Life and Words of Christ. N. Y., I878. 2 V. 8~... 28763Gellert (Christian), and other sketches. Auerbach, B. Lond., I858. 24000 Genoa. Celesia, E. Conspiracy of Gianluigi Fieschi. Lond., I866. 20297 Malleson, G. B. Studies from Genoese Hist. Lond., I875. 8~. 20013 Geoffrin, Marie T. R. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Monday-Chats.') 23290 Geoffry Hamlyn. Kingsley, H. Lond., I874. I20. (2 copies.). 246I9Geography. Brown, R. Countries of the World. Lond., [I879]. v. 1-3. 4. 2. 2I970-- Geikie, A. Elem. Lessons. L. & N. Y., I877. 16~. 21240 - Phys. Geography. (Sci. Primers.) Lond., 1878. I6~... 29357 Grove, G. (Hist. Primers.) Lond., I877. 16~.. 20055 Tozer, H. F. Classical Geog. (Lit. Prim.) Lond., I876. I6~. 26860 See, also, Earth; Physiography; Travels; Voyages. Geology. Agassiz, L. J. R. Geological Sketches. Bost., i866 & 76. 2 series. 120....... 8955 & 29416 Dana, J. D. Geological Story briefly told. N. Y., I875. I2~. (2 copies.).........294I3- Manual of Geology. N. Y., I874. 8~.. 294rI Dawson, J. W. Origin of the World. N. Y., 1877. I2~. ~. 29418 Geikie, A. (Sci. Primers.) Lond., I877. I6~... 29356 - Life of Murchison; with a sketch of Geol. Lond., I875. 2 V. 23538Kingsley, C. Town Geology. Lond., I872. I60.... 29420 Le Conte, J. Elements of Geology. N. Y., I878. 80... 294IO Ruskin, J. Deucalion. N. Y., I875-77. Parts I-4 in 2 V. 12~. 29836See, also, Earth. George III., king of England, Life and Reign of. Jesse, J. H. Lond., I867. 3 v. 8~.. 23037George, H. Progress and Poverty. N. Y., i88o. I2~.... 28806 George St. George Julian, the Prince. Cockton, H. Phila., I842. 8~. 243II Gerard's Marriage. Theuriet, A. N. Y., I877. I60... 24073 German Element in the War of Amer. Independence. Greene, G. W. N. Y., I876. I2........ 2I36o 84 German-Gibbon. German Home Life. N. Y., 1876. I2~. 21269 German Literature. Gostwick (J.) & Harrison (R.). Outlines of. Lond., I873. I2~.. 26902 Hosmer, J. K. Short Hist. of. St. Louis, I879. I2~... 26903 Hurst, J. F. Life and Lit. in the Fatherland. N. Y., I875. I20. 26901 -— Taylor, J. B. Studies in. N. Y., I879. I2~.. 26900 - See, also, Poetry, German. German Tales. Auerbach, B. N. Y., I874. I6~.. 24042 Germany. Freytag, G. Bilder aus der deutschen Vergangenheit. Leipz., I876-7. 4 B. in 3. 8~..25907Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. I7-I8. Bost., 1877. 2v. 26456Ward, J. Experiences of a Diplomatist. Lond., I872. 8~.. 22582 - Biography. Strauss, G. L. M. Men who have made the New German Empire. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~.. 22583- Tuttle, H. German Political Leaders. N. Y., 1876. I6~. (For contents see Tuttle.).. 22443 Description 6P Travel. Piozzi, H. L. Observations. Lond., I789. 2 v. 8.......... I8609-- - Shelley, M. W. Rambles. Lond., I844. 2 V. 12~... 8552Education. Arnold, M. Higher Schools and Universities in G. Lond., I874. I2~. (2 copies.)..2882I-- - Hart, J. M. German Universities. N. Y., I874. I2~... 28831 History. - (to I87I) Bryce, J. Holy Roman Empire. Lond., 1875. (2 cop.) 2oIoo- Sime, J. N. Y., I874. I60...20082 (to 1874) Lewis, C. T. N. Y., I874. 8~.. 20642 - (15I9-I556) Robertson, W. Reign of Charles V. Ed. by W. H. Prescott. Phila., I872. 3 v. 8~... 20348(I594-I648) Chapman, B. Hist. of Gustavus Adolphus. Lond., I856. 8............ 20640 (1609-I623) Motley, J. L. John of Barneveld; with a view of the primary causes of the thirty years' war. N. Y., I874. 2 v. 8~. (2 copies.)..23894(I618-I648) Gardiner, S. W. Thirty Years' War. Lond., I874. 20450 (I760-I814) Austin, S. Sketches of German life. Lond., I854. 2064I - (806-I822) Seeley, J. R. Life and Times of Stein. Bost., 1879. 2 v. 8~. 22580— (I866) Malet, A. Overthrow of the Germanic Confederation. Lond., I870. 80. 20643 (I870) Borbstxdt (A.) & Dwyer (F.). Franco-German War, to the fall of Strassburg. Lond., I873. $o.. 20684 (187I) Wartensleben, H. von. Operations of the South Army in Jan. & Feb., I87I. Lond., 1872. 8..... 20644 Gesta Romanorum. New ed., by T. Wright. Lond., [I871]. 2 v. 16~. 24477Gesture, Manual of. Bacon, A. M. Chic., I879. I2~.... 27822 Getting on in the World. Mathews. W. Chic., I876. I20... 27381 Giannetto. Majendie, M. E. N. Y., I876. I6~.. 24633 Gibbon, C. Life of George Combe. Lond., I878. 2 v. 8~... 23523 Gibbon-Gladstone. 85 Gibbon, E. Roman Empire. New ed., by Wm. Smith. Lond., I872. 8 v. 80............20280Bagehot, W. (In' Lit. Stud.,' v. 2.)..26768 Morison, 7. C. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I878. I2~.. 23333 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Eng. Portraits.').. 22885 Gibbons, Phebe E. French and Belgians. Phila., I879. 120.. 21228 Gift, T., (pseud.) See Havers, Dora. Gilbart, J. W. Lectures and Essays. Lond., I865. 8~0.. ~ 27483 Gilbert, Ann T. Autobiography. Lond., I874. 2 v. I20... 23684Gilbert, W. Lucrezia Borgia, Duchess of Ferrara. Lond., I869. 2 V. I2~... 23945Gilded (The) Age. Clemens (S. L.) & Warner (C. D.). Hartf., i874. 80, 25586 Giles, H. A. Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. Lond., I&80. 2 V. I2~... 27787Gilfillan, G., editor. Less known Brit. Poets. Edinb., I86o. 3 v. 8~. (For contents see Poets, English.) 26354Library Edition of the Brit. Poets. Edinb., I853-60. 48 v. 8~. 263I9Gill, W. River of Golden Sand. Lond., I88o. 2 v. 8~.. 2I930Gill, W. F. Life of E. A. Poe. N. Y., etc., I877. I2..,. 22604 Gillies, R. P. Memoirs. Lond., I85I. 3 v. I2~..... I8536- Personal Reminiscences. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Bric-a-brac series.')..23257 Gillmore, P. Great Thirst Land. Lond., etc., [I878]. 8~.. 21864 Prairie and Forest. N. Y., I874. I2~.. 29620 Gillray, Jas., the caricaturist. Works; life and times. Ed. by T. Wright. Lond. 4~.. Giotto. Olphant, M. 0. W. (In'Makers of Florence.')... 23836 Gisli the Outlaw. Dasent, G. W. Edinb., I866. 8~... 27780 Gladstone, W. E. Gleanings of Past Years, I843-78. N. Y., [I879]. 7 v. i6..27227CONTENTS: —1, The Throne, and the Prince Consort; the Cabinet, and Constitution, (viz.: The county franchise; Kin beyond sea.)-2, Personal and Literary, (viz.: J. B. White; G. Leopardi; Tennyson; Wecdgewood- Bishop Patteson; Macaulay; Norman Macleod.)-3, Historical and Speculative, (viz: The theses of Erastus and the Scottish Church establishlment; On'Ecce Homo;' The courses of religious thought; The influences of authority in matters of opinion; The 16th cent. arraigned before the 19th.)-4, Foreign, (viz.: Letter[s] to the Earl of Aberdeen, on the state prosecutions of the Neapolitan government; An examination of the official reply of the Llatter] - Farini on the States of the Church; G(ermany, France, and England; The Hellenic factor in the Eastern problem; Montenegro; Aggression on Egypt and freedom in the East.) 5-6 Ecclesiastical, (viZ.: 5 Present aspect of the church; Ward's ideal of a Christian church; Remarks on the royal supremacy.6, On the functions of laymen in the church; The Bill for divorce; The Ch. of Eng. and ritualism; Italy and her church.)-7, Miscellaneous, (viz.: Inaugural address on the work of universities; Place of ancient Greece in the providential order; A chap. of autobiography; The law of probable evidence, and its application to conduct; The evangelical movement: its parentage, progress and issue.) Homer. (Literature Primers.) [L. &] N. Y., I879. I6~... 2686I Homeric Synchronism. N. Y., I876. 12......26820 - Rome and the Newest Fashions in Religion. Three tracts: The Vatican Decrees; Vaticanism; Speeches of the Pope. N. Y., I875. 80... 28724 Speeches on Parliamentary Reform, in I866. Lond., I866. 12~. 20809 The Vatican Decrees. N. Y., I875. 8~. 28723 - ones, C. H. Short life of G.; with extracts. N. Y., I88o. I6~. 22853 12 86 Gladstone-Gold. Gladstone, W. E. Kebbel, T. E. (In'Eng. Statesmen.')... 22884 - Lucy, H. W. N. Y., i880. 24~........22852 - Punch. Cartoons. Lond., I878. 4~.. Smith, Geo. B. Life of Gladstone. N. Y., I880 [I879]. 8~.. 2307I Glapthorne, H. Plays and Poems; with notes and a memoir. Lond., I874. 2 v. 160... 26503Glass. Nesbitt, A. Lond., [I878]. I2~...... 29765 Gluck, C. W. von. Letters. (In Nohl, L.,'Letters.')... 23765 Gobineau, J. A. de. Romances of the East. N. Y., I878. I6~.. 24078 Goblin Market, and other poems. Rossetti, C. G. Lond., I865. I6~. 26144 Goch, John of. See Pupper, Joh. God and the Bible. Arnold, M. N. Y., I875. I2~.. 28688 Godet, F. Studies on the New Testament. N. Y., I877. I2.. 28531 Godfrey Malvern. Miller, T. Lond., I844. 80.. 24678 Godkin, E. L. Hungary and the Magyars. Lond., I856. 8~.. 20380 Godson of a Marquis. Theuriet, A. N. Y., I878. I6~.. 2408I Godwin, Mary W. Letters to Imlay. With memoir by C. K. Paul. Lond., I879. 160.. 23214 Godwin, P. Cyclopedia of Biography. N. Y., I878. 8~... 23880 Godwin, W. Adventures of Caleb Williams. N. Y., I856. 120. 24479 Paul, C. K. Bost., I876. 2 V. 8~.. 23326Gorlach, W. Prince Bismarck. Leipz., I875. r6~.... 22504 Goethe, J. W. von. Dramatic Works. Lond., I879. I2~... 26520 CONTENTS:-The wayward lover; The fellow-culprits; Goetz von Berlichingen; Clavigo; Egmont; Torquato Tasso; Iphlgenia in Tauris. Faust. Transl. by C. T. Brooks. Bost., i868. 6~.. 26067 Same. Transl. by A. Hayward. Bost., I872. I60.. 26068 - Transl. by A. Swanwick. Lond., I879. 8~.. 26367 - Transl. by A. B. Taylor. Bost., I87I. 2 v 8.. I298- Same. Bost., I879. I2e.. 26094 Poems. Transl. by E. A. Bowring. Lond., I853. I6~. 26066 - Same, 2d ed. Lond., I874. I2~.. 26095 Reineke Fuchs. Mit Zeichnungen von W. von Kaulbach. Stuttgart, etc., 1846. 4~... West-Easterly Divan. Transl. by J. Weiss. Bost., I877. I6~. 26069 Wilhelm Meister. Transl. by T. Carlyle. Lond., I874. 3 v. 24449Boyesen, H. H. Goethe and Schiller. N. Y., I879. I2~.. ~ 26904 - ayward, A. (Foreign Classics for Eng. Readers.) Phil., [I878]. I6.......... 23266 Lewes, G. H. Life and Works of G. Bost., I856. 2 v. I6~. 23307- Same, abridged. Story of G.'s Life. Lond., I873. 12~. ~ ~ 23309 Masson, D. (In'The Three Devils.')..... 27299 - endelssohn-Bartholdy, C. Goethe and Mendelssohn, 182I-I83I. Lond., I874. I20...23772 See, also, Arnold, M.,'Mixed Essays' (27241); Helmholtz, H. L. F.,' Pop. Lect.' (29389); Hutton, R. H.,'Essays,' v. 2 (27488); Merivale, H.,'Histor. Stud.' (20I88). Goffe, W. Warren, I. P. (In'The Three Judges.'). 22627 Gold and Debt. Fawcett, W. L. Chic., I877. 12~. 29053 Gold and Silver Smiths' Work. Pollen, J. H. Lond., [I879]. 12~. 29767 Goldsmid-Grant. 87 Goldsmid, F. J. Telegraph and Travel. Lond., I874. 80... 21946 Goldsmith, O. Poetical Works. With life, [etc.,] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I854. 8~.. 26338 Black, W. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. I2~. ~ 23337 Irving, W. N. Y., [I864].. I6..24592 Gongora y Argote, L. de. Churlon, E. Gongora: an essay on the times of Philip III. and IV. of Spain; with translations. Lond., I862. 2 v. I6~... 23652Good Company (a continuation of " Sunday Afternoon"). Springf., I879- v. 4- 8.......... I8408Gordon, G. H., Lord Aberdeen. Kebbel, T. E. (In'Eng. Statesmen')..22884 Gordon, Lucy A., Lady Duff Gordon. Last Letters from Egypt, [and] the Cape. With a memoir. Lond., I875. I2~.... 23615 Gore, G. Art of Scientific Discovery. Lond., 1878. I2~... 29380 Gortchakof, A. M. Klaczko, 7. Two Chancellors. N. Y., I876. I2~. 22500 Gossip, G. H. D. Chess-Player's Manual. Lond., I875. 8~.. 29679 Gostwick (J.) & Harrison (R.) Outlines of German Literature. Lond., I873. 2. 26902 Gould, J. M. Hints for Camping and Walking. N. Y., I877. i6~. (2 copies.)..29662Government. Harrison, F. Order and Progress. Lond., i875. 80. 29087 Helps, A. (In'Friends in Council,' ISt ser., v. 2, & 2d ser., v. 2.) 27251Hill, B. A. Liberty and Law under Federative G. Phila., i874. 28843 Humboldt, C. W. von. Sphere and Duties of G. Lond., I854. 29095 Stickney, A. A True Republic. N. Y., I879. I2~.... 29094 Gower, R., Lord. Figure Painters of Holland. L. & N. Y., i880. 23785 Gracchi (The), Marius, and Sulla. Beesly, A. H. N. Y., [I879]. i6~. 20440 Graffiti d'Italia. Story, W. W. Lond., I875. I2~.. 26135 Graham, Ennis, (pseud.) See Molesworth, Mrs. Graham, J., marquis of Montrose. Napier, M. Memoirs. Edinb., I856. 2 v. 8.......... 230I6Graham, J. J. G. Autobiography of John Milton; or, Milton's life in his own words. Lond., I872. I6~... 23245 Graham, J. M. Literature and Art in Gr. Brit. Lond., I87I. 80. 26777 Grahame, J. Poetical Works. With memoir [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., i856. 80.. 26364 Grammar, English. Morris (R.) & Bowen (H. C.) Exercises. Lond., I878. I60.. 26858 Whitney, W. D. Essentials of Eng. Gram. Bost., i877. I2~. 27863 Grammar-Land. Nesbitt, M. L. N. Y., i878. I6~.... 27868 Grandfather's Chair. Hawthorne, N. Bost., i876. I2~... 24527 Grange Movement, Hist. of. Martin, E. W. Chic., I874. 8~.. 29004 Grant, A. Aristotle. (Ancient Classics for English Readers, supplem. ser., v. 5.).. 26851 Grant, Anne. Letters from the Mountains. Lond., 1807. 3 v. I2~. 18547- Superstitions of the Highlands of Scotland. Lond., I8II. 2 v. I8550Grant, G. M. Ocean to Ocean. Lond., I873. 80... 21549 - Same. Enl, and rev, ed. N. Y., I877. I2~. 21550 88 Grant-Greek. Grant, H. Lord Byron's Cain, with notes. Lond., 1830. 12~. 18574 Grant, J. The Newspaper Press. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 80... 26762Granville, J. M. Secret of a Clear Head. Salem-, I879. 16~... 29955 Granville, John Carteret, Earl. Earle, 7. C. (In'Eng. Premiers,' V. I.).. 22882 Grave-mounds. Jewitt, L. Lond., 1870. I2~... 20205 See, also, Antiquities (and references); Burial; Mound-builders. Gray, A. Darwiniana. N. Y., 1876. 12~.. 29396 Natural Science and Religion. N. Y., i88o. I2~.. 28697 School and Field Book of Botany. N. Y., I874. 8~0.. 2945I Gray, J. H. China. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 80...2I935Graziella. Lamartine, A. M. L. de. Paris, 1876. 16~.. 25669 Great Britain. See England. Great Frozen Sea. Markham, A. H. Lond., 1878. 80~.. 2I882 Great Fur Land. Robinson, H. M. N. Y., 1879. I2~.. 21284 Great Lone Land. Butler, W. F. Lond., 1872. 80... 21552 Great South. King, E. Hartf., I875. 80..21588 Great Thirst Land. Gillmore, P. Lond., etc., [I878]. 8~.. 21864 Greatorex, Eliza. Summer Etchings in Colorado. N. Y., [I873]. 8~. 21976 Greece. Cox, G. W. Tales of Ancient G. Chic., 2877. I20.. 27742 - Davies, G. S. St. Paul in G. Lond., [1878]. 160.... 28500 Fustel de Coulanges, M.D. The Ancient City. Bost., I874. 8~. 20182 Guhl (E.) & Koner (W.). Life of the Greeks and Romans, described from antique monuments. Lond., I875. 8~. (2 cop.) 20I80Jebb, R. C. Modern G.: two lectures. Lond., i88o. I2~.. 20014 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 19. Bost., 1878. 16~. 26458 - Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek Life. Lond., 1876. 16~.... 20056 - Rambles and Studies in Greece. Lond., I876. 120... 21617 -- -Social Life in G., from Homer to Menander. Lond., IS874. 12. 20095 Sergeant, L. New Greece. Lond., [I878]. 80.... 20617 History. Cox, G. W. Lond., I874. V. 1I-2. 80.. 20o65(to B. C. 478) Cox, G. W. The Greeks and the Persians. N. Y., 1876. 16........... 20435 (to B. C. 30) Fyffe, C. A. Lond., 1877. 160... 20054 (B. C. 480-43I) Lloyd, W. W. The Age of Pericles. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8.......... 2063(B. C. 479-405) Cox, G. W. The Athenian Empire. N. Y., [I877]. 16.......... 2044I See, also, Athens; Mythology. Greek Cities and Islands of Asia Minor. Vaux, W. S. W. Lond., 1877. 16.'.......... 20043 Greek Language and Literature. Blackie, J. S. Horae Hellenicae. Lond., 1874. 8~.. 26960 Church, A. J. Stories from the Greek Tragedians. [L. &] N. Y., 188o. I2~... 26806 Jebb, R. C. (Literature Primers.) Lond., I877. 16~... 26857 Mahaffy, J. P. Hist. of Classical Greek Lit. N. Y., i880. 2 v. 26807CONTENTS:-1, The poets; with an app. on Homer, by Prof, Sayce.-2, The prose writers. Greek-Gresset. 89 Greek Language and Literature. Mfiller, C. O. Hist. of the Literature of Ancient Greece. Lond., I840. v. I. 8~... 197 - Same. Continued by J. W. Donaldson. Lond., [I858]. 3 v. 8~. 2696I- Neaves, C. Greek Anthology. (Ancient Classics for Eng. Readers, v. 20.)..26846 See, also, Poets, Greek. Greeley, H. Political Economy. Bost., I871. 16~.. 28807 Parton, 7. Life of Greeley. Bost., I872. I2~.... 22643 Green, J. R. Hist. of the English People. N. Y., I878-80. 4 v. 8~.,2 copies.).. 20965CONTENTS:-1, Early England, 449-1071; Eng. under foreign kings, 10711214; The Charter, 1204-1291; The Parliament, 1307-1461.-2, The Monarchy, 1461-1540; The Reformation, 1540-1603.-3, Puritan Eng., 1603-1660; The Revolution, 1660-1683.-4, The Revolution, 1683-1763; Mod. Eng., 1760-1815. Short History of the English People. Lond., I874(-5). (3 cop.) 20960Same. N. Y., I878 (-9). 80. (2 copies.). 20963Strav Studies from England and Italy. N. Y., I876. 120.. 27295 editor. Classical Writers. N. Y., 1879-80. 3 v. 16~. (Forcontents see Clas. Writers.). 2689o- Readings from English History. N. Y., 1879. I2~... 2084I - See, also, History Primers; Literature Primers. Green, Mary A. E. W. Lives of the Princesses of England. Lond., I850-55. 6 v. 12~..... 22920editor. Letters of Royal and Illustrious Ladies of Great Britain, [IIoo-I558]. Lond., I846. 3 V. 2..... 22927Green, Mat. Poetical Works. With memoir [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I858. 80.. 26321 Green Pastures and Piccadilly. Black, W. N. Y., I878. I2~. (2 COP.) 24008Greene, G. W. The German Element in the War of American Independence. N. Y., I876. I2.. 21360 Greene, R. Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay. Ed. by A. W. Ward. Oxf., I878. 160.. 2687I Poems. Ed. by R. Bell. Lond., 1876. I2~.. 26096 Greenland. Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places. (In v. 30.) ~ 26469 Greenwell, Dora. Liber Humanitatis. Lond., I875. 120.. 27272 Greg, W. R. Creed of Christendom. Detroit, 1878. I2~.. 28694 Enigmas of Life. Bost., I874. 12~..27292 CONTENTS:-Realizable ideals; Malthus notwithstanding; Nonsurvival of the fittest; Limits and directions of human development; The significance of life; De profundis; Elsewhere. Literary and Social Judgments. Bost., I873. I2~.... 27293 CONTENTS:-Mad. de Stael; British and foreign characteristics; False morality of lady novelists - Kingsley and Carlyle: French fiction; Chateaubriand; De Tocqueville; WVhy are women redundant? Truth versus edification; Time; Good people. Rocks Ahead. Lond., I874. I2~..27294 CONTENTS:-Political rock; Economic rock; Religious rock. Appendix: The mistake of honest democrats; Unionist restrictions on labour; Three men and three eras; United States in recent years. Gregory I. (the Great), Pope. Merivale, C. St. G., and the Early Missions of the Church. (In' Four Lect.').. 28445 Gregory VII. (Hildebrand), Pope. King, T. S. (In'Substance,' etc.) 28539 Grenville, Geo. Earle, 7. C. (In'Eng. Premiers,' v. I.).. 22882 Grenville, Richard. See Temple, R. G., Earl. Gresset, J. B. L. Besant, W. (In'French Humorists.'). 26776 90o Grettir-Guizot. Grettir. Cox (G. W.) & Jones (E. H.). G. the Strong. (Zn'Pop. Romances.' And in'Tales.')... 277I2 & 27713 Greville, C. C. F. Memoirs. Lond., I875. 3 v. 8~.... 2306ISame. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Bric-a-Brac Series.')... 23253 Grnville, Henry, (pseud.) See Durand, Alice F. Grey, Charles, 2d Earl. Earle, 7. C. (In'Eng. Premiers,' v. 2.) 22883 - Kebbel, T. E. (In' Eng. Statesmen.').. 22884 Griffis, W. E. The Mikado's Empire. N. Y., I876. 80.. 2I939 Griffiths, A. Lola: a tale of Gibraltar. N. Y., I877. 16~.. 24452 Memorials of Millbank. Lond., I875. 2 V. 12~.... 28858Grillparzer, F. Sappho: a tragedy. Bost., 1876. I6~.... 26070 Grimaldi, J., Memoirs of. Dickens, C. J. H. Lond., I846. I6~.. 23651 Grimk6, T. S. [Orations, Addresses, etc.] Charleston, New Haven, and Phila., I829-33. 8~.. 8703 Grimm, H. Uniiberwindliche Miichte. Roman. Berlin, 1870. 2 B. 25878Grohman, W. A. B. Gaddings with a Primitive People. N. Y., I878. I6.......... 21247 Grote, G. History of Greece. Lond., I849. v. 2-4. 8~.. 20I60Minor Works. Lond., I873. 80.. 27400 - Grote, H. L. Personal Life of G. Lond., I373. 8~. ~ ~ ~ 23419 Grove, G. Geography. Lond., I877. I6~.. 20055 Griin, Anastasius, (pseud.) See Auersperg, A. A. Gryll Grange. Peacock, T. L. (In'Works,' v. 2.)... 27304 Gubernatis, A. de. Zoological Mythology. N. Y. [L.], I872. 2 V. 8~. 29490Gudrun; [transl. by E. Letherbrow.] Edinb., I863. I6~... 27670 Cox (G. W.) & Jones. (In'Pop. Romances.' And in'Tales.') 27712 & 27713 Guernsey, A. H. Thomas Carlyle. N. Y., I88o. 16~.... 23312 Guesses at Truth. Hare, A. W. & J. C. Lond., I876. I6~.. 2808I Guest, M. J. Lectures on the Hist. of England. Lond., 1879. I6~. 20820 Guhl (E.) & Koner (W.). Life of the Greeks and Romans. Lond., I875. 80. (2 copies.)..... 20I80Guiana. Brown, C. B. Canoe and Camp Life in Brit. G. Lond.,I876. 80. 21810 Palgrave, W. G. Dutch G. Lond., I876. 8~. 2I8II Guild, C. Abroad again. Bost., I877. 8~..21722 Guilford, Frederick, 2d earl of. See North, F. Guillemin, A. Applications of Physical Forces. Lond., I877. 8~. 2957I Forces of Nature. N. Y. [Lond.], I873. 8~.... 29572 The Heavens. Lond., I872. 80... 29573 Guinnard, A. Three Years' Slavery among the Patagonians. Lond., 1871. 12.......... 21229 Guizot, Elisabeth C. P. de M. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Portraits of Cel. Women.')....23643 Guizot, F. P. G. France under Louis-Phillipe. Lond., 1865. 8~. 20689 History of England. Lond., I877-79. 3 v. 8~.. 2II60- Hist. of France. Lond., I872-76. 5 v. 8~.. 20760Same. Bost., [I877]. 6 v. 8~.. 20765- abridged. Lond., I879. 8.... 20690 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Monday-Chats.').. 23290 Guizot-Hales. 91 Guizot, F. P. G. Senior, N. W. Conversations with G. Lond., I878. 2 V. 80.......... 23922Gunnar: a tale of Norse life. Boyesen, H. H. Bost., I874. 16~. 24063 Gunnlaug and the Fair Helga. Cox (G. W.)& Jones. (In'Pop. Romances.' Andin'Tales.'). 27712 & 27713 Gustavus II., Adolphus. Chapman, B. Lond., I856. 8~.. 20640 Guthrie, F. Practical Physics. N. Y., I879. I6~.. 2935I Guthrie, T. Autobiography; and memoir by D. K. & C. J. Guthrie. N. Y., I874. 2 V. I2~........22I47Guy of Warwick. Cox (G. W.) & Jones. [(n'Pop. Romances.') 27712 & 20IO Gwen: a drama in monologue. [Morice, L.] Lond., I879. 16~. 26098 Gymnastics. Blaikie, W. How to get strong. N. Y., I879. (2 cop.) 29953Howard, J. H. Gymnasts and G. Lond., I873. I2~... 29639 Ravenstein (E. G.) & Hulley (J.). Handbook of G. and Athletics. Lond., I867. 8~.. 29637 See, also, Athletics. Gypsies. Leland (C. G.) & others. English-Gipsy Songs. Phila., I875. I6~...... 26123 H. H. See Jackson, Helen H. Habberton, J. Barton Experiment. N. Y., I877. 12~... 24453 Canoeing in Kanuckia. (See Norton, C. L., & Habberton.) Scripture Club of Valley Rest. N. Y., I877. 6~... 24454 Habitations of Man. Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Bost., I876. 8~... 29927 Hacklinder, F. W. Behind the Counter. Leipz., I868. 16~.. 24455. Werke. Stuttg., I860-76. 60 B. in 30. 16~.. 25800CONTENTS:-1-3, Namenlose Geschichten.-4, Das Soldatenleben im Frieden; Wachtstubenabenteuer (Th. 1.)-5, (Th. 2-4.)-6, Kleinere Erzaihlungen u. humoristische Skizzen.-7, Handel u. Wandel.-8-9. Reise in den Orient.10-12, Eugen Stillfried-13, Mirchen.-14, Der Pilgerzug nach Mekka.-15, [Lustspiele,] Der geheime Agetnt Magnetische Kuren * Schuldig!-16-20, Europiisches Sklavenleben.-21, Iber Augenblick des Gliicks.-22-24, Ein Winter in Spanien.-25-26, Erlebtes.-27, [Lustspiele,] Zur Ruhe setzen; Monsieur de BI; Unten im Hause.-28-29, Bilder aus dem Soldatenleben im Kriege.-3 —34, Der neue Don Quixote.-35-36, Tag u. Nacht.-37, Der Tannhauser.-38-39, Krieg u. Frieden.-40, Tagebuchblatter.-41-42, Der Wechsel des Lebens-43, Der verlorene Sobn.-44-48, Die dunkle Stunde.49. Fiirst u. Kavalier.-50. Nahes u. Fernes.-51, Neue Geschichten.-52-56, Kiinstlerroman.-57, Zwolf Zettel.-58-60, Das Geheimniss der Stadt. Hadley, J. Essays, philological and critical. N. Y., I873. 8~.. 27860 Introduction to Roman Law. N. Y., I875. I20... 28847 Haeckel, E. H. Evolution of Man. N. Y., i879. 2 v. I2~... 29383- Freedom in Science and Teaching. N. Y., I879. I2~.. 29385 -- History of Creation. N. Y., I876. 2 v. 12~.. 2938IHandel, G. F., Life of. Sch6lcher, V. N. Y., I857. I20... 23771 Hiausser, L. Period of the Reformation, I517-I648. Lond., I873. 2 v. 8~.. 20480Hale, E. Fall of the Stuarts and Western Europe from I678 to I697. N. Y., [I876]. 16....... 20453 Hale, E. E., (pseud.,'Frederic Ingham.') His Level Best; and other stories. Bost., I873. 16~.. 24480 Ingham Papers. Bost., 1869. 6~.... 2448I - Philip Nolan's Friends. N. Y., I877. I20. 24482 What Career? Bost., I878. I6~.. 27385 Hales (J. W.) & Jerram (C. S.), editors. London Series of English Classics. (For contents see London Series.) 92 Half-Hans. Half Brothers. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. 16~. (2 cop.) 24410 & 24422 Hall, B. Schloss Hainfeld; or, a, winter in Lower Styria. Edinb., I836. 12~.. 18635 Hall, J. God's Word through Preaching. N. Y., [I875]. 120.. 28418 Hall (J.) & Stuart (G. H.). The Amer. Evangelists, Moody and Sankey, in Great Britain and Ireland. N. Y., [I875]. 12. 22615 Haller, Gustave, (pseud.). See Fould, Wilhelmine J. S. Halliwell, J. O. Life of Shakespeare. Lond., I848. 8~.. 27044 Hallock, C. Fishing Tourist. N. Y., I873. 8~.. 29623 Sportsman's Gazetteer and General Guide. N. Y., I877. I20~. (Map in separate case.).. 29621Hals, F. Head, P. R. L. & N. Y., I879. I20... 23780 Hamerton, P. G. Chapters on Animals. Bost., I874. I20... 29327 Etching and Etchers. Bost., I876. 80..... 29870 The Intellectual Life. Bost., I873. I2~0.....27382 Life of J. M. W. Turner, R. A. Bost., I879. 120.... 23803 Modern Frenchmen: five biographies. Bost., I878. 12~.. 22488 CONTENTS:-Victor Jacquemont; H. Perreyve; F. Rude; J. J. Ampere; H. Regnault. Round my House. Bost., I876. I2~....21248 Sylvan Year. (And) Unknown River. Bost., I876. 120... 29328 Wenderholme. Bost., 1876. 12..... 24483 Hamilton, Alex. Morse, 7. T. Life of H. Bost., I876. 2 v. I2~. 22624Riethmiiller, C. 7. Life and Times of H. Lond., [I864]. I20. 22626 Shea, G. Life and Epoch of H. Bost., I879. 8~.... 22722 Hamilton, Augusta. Marriage Rites, Customs, and Ceremonies, of all Nations. Lond., I822. 80..... 28960 Hamilton, R. Money and Value. Lond., 1878. 8~. ~ ~.. 29044 Hamilton, Walter. Poets Laureate of England. Lond., 1879. 120. 23288 Hamilton, Sir Wm.: his philosophy. Mill, J. S. N. Y., I874. 2 V. 12~...... 28202Hamley, E. B. Lady Lee's Widowhood. Edinb., I854. 2 v. 80.. 24484Voltaire. (For. Classics for Eng. Readers.) Phila., [I877]. 16~. 23263 Hamlin, C. Among the Turks. N. Y., 1878. I2~... 600 Hammer und Amboss. Spielhagen, F. Leipz., 1877. 2 B. 16~. (S/immtl. Werke, B. 9-Io.).......25868Hammersmith. Severance, M. S. Bost., 1878. I2~. (2 copies.). 24819Hammond, H. Teale, W. H. (In'Lives of Eng. Divines.'). 22IIO Hammond, W. A. Spiritualism. N. Y., I876. I20.. 2SO43 Hamran Arabs. Myers, A. B. R. Lond., I876. 8~... 2I697 Hancock, W. S. 7unkin (D. X.) Nlorlon (F. H.). N. Y., I880.. 22648 Hand, F. G. AEsthetics of Musical Art. Book I. ~Lond., I88o. 8~. 29798 Hand of Ethelberta. Hardy, T. N. Y., 1876. 16~. (2 copies.). 24459Handel, G. F. See Handel. Handel und Wandel. Hacklander, F. W. von. Stuttg., I875. 16~. (Werke, B. 7.)..25803 Hanna, W. Our Lord's Life on Earth. Edinb., I869. 6 v. 16~.. 28480Wars of the Huguenots. Edinb., I87I. 6~.. 20402 Hannay, J. Studies on Thackeray. Lond., [I869]. I6~.. 269I8 Hans und Grete. Spielhagen, F. (Simmtl. Werke, B. 8.). 25867 Hansard-Harte. 93 Hansard, G. A. Book of Archery. Lond., I84I. 8~... 29635 Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. Lippincott, S. J. C. Bost., I854. I2........... 6491 Hard Cash. Reade, C. N. Y., I876. I6~.. 248II Hardenberg, C. A. von. Seeley, 7. R. (In'Life and Times of Stein.'). 22580 Hardenberg, F. von, (pseud.,'Novalis.') Curwen, H. (In'Sorrow and Song,' v. I.)..23285 Hardy, C. Forest Life in Acadie. Lond., I869. 80... 21553 Hardy, T. Desperate Remedies: a novel. N. Y., I874. I6~. 24456 Distracted Young Preacher. N. Y., I879. I6~.... 24924 Far from the Madding Crowd. N. Y., 1874. I6~. (2 copies.). 24457Hand of Ethelberta. N. Y., 1876. I6~. (2 copies.).. 24459Pair of Blue Eyes. N. Y., I873 16...2446I Return of the Native. N. Y., I878. I6~. (2 copies.). 24463Under the Greenwood Tree. N. Y., I873. I6~.... 24462 Hare, A. J. C. Cities of Northern and Central Italy. N. Y., I876. 3 v. I20... 2I603Days near Rome. Phila., 1875. I2~...... 2I6o2 Life and Letters of Frances Baroness Bunsen. N. Y., I879. 23621 Memorials of a Quiet Life. Lond., I873-76. 3 v. I2~... 236I8Walks in London. N. Y., I878. I20..2I6o6 Wanderings in Spain. Lond., I873. I6~..2I6oI Hare, A. W. & J. C. Guesses at Truth. Lond., I876. 16~... 2808I Hare, J. C. Life of John Sterling. (See Sterling,'Essays.').. 12898 Hare, T. Election of Representatives. Lond., I873. I60.. 29092 Harlan, G. C. Eyesight, and how to care for it. Phil., 1879. I6~. 2996I Harness, W. Personal Reminiscences. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Bric-A-Brac Series.')..23255 Harold: a drama. Tennyson, A. Bost., I877. 16~. (2 copies.). 265I4Harper's Monthly Magazine. N. Y., I850 —79. 59 v. 8~.. ~ I3413- Same. v. 1-42.... I3291Index to v. I-40; and I-50o.. Harrison, F. Order and Progress. Lond., I875. 8~.... 29087 and others. A Modern Symposium. Detroit, I878. I2~... 28094 - Same. (In Burlingame, E. L.,'Cur. Disc., v. 2.). 27283 [Harrison, J. B.] Certain Dangerous Tendencies in American Life, and other papers. Bost., I88o. I6~.. 28885 Harrison, R. German Literature. (See Gostwick, J., & Harrison.) Harry: [a poem] by the author of " Mrs. Jerningham's Journal." N. Y. [& L.], I877. I60.. 260I6 Hart, E. A. Shakespeare's King Lear. (See Seeley, J. R., &' ot/ers.) Hart, J. M. German Universities. N. Y., I874. 12~... 2883I Harte, F. B. Drift from Two Shores. Bost., I878. I6~. (2 cop.) 24489Echoes of the Foot-hills. Bost., I875. I6~...26072 Gabriel Conroy. Hartf., I876. 8~. (2 cop.). 24650Mrs. Skaggs's Husbands. Bost., I875. I6~.. 24486 -- Poetical Works. Complete ed. Bost., I873. I6~... 26071 - Story of a Mine. Bost., I878. I6~...2449I I3 94 Harte-Hawthorne. Harte, F. B. Tales of the Argonauts. Bost., I875. I20. (2 copies.) 24487Thankful Blossom. Bost., 1877. I6~. (2 copies.)... 24492Twins of Table Mountain. Bost., I879. I6~. (2 copies.). 24495Two Men of Sandy Bar: a drama. Bost., I876. 16~. ~. 24494 Hartley, W. N. Air and its relations to Life. N. Y., I875. I20.. 29298 Hartshorne, H. Our Homes. Phil., 1880. I6~.. 29965 Harvard, Student-Life at. [Tripp, G. H.] Bost., I876. I2~. (2 cop.) 249IIHarvard Advocate, Verses from. Cambridge, 1876. 16~.. 26017 Harvard Studente, Manners and Customs of ye. Attwood, F. G. Bost., I877. Ob. 40~.. Harvey, P. Reminiscences of Dan. Webster. Bost., I877. (2 cop.) 22699Harvey, Wm. Richardson, B. W. (In'A Ministry of Health.'). 29996 Willis,R. Lond., I878. 8~.. 2354I Hasell, E. J. Calderon. (Foreign Classics for Eng. Readers, v. 9.) 23270 Hathercourt. Mrs. Molesworth. N. Y., I878. 16~.... 24835 Havard, H. Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee. Lond., I875. 8~. ~ 21779 Picturesque Holland. Lond., I876. 8~. 21780 Havelok. Cox (G. W.) & Jones (E. H.). (In' Pop. Romances.) 27712 & 2010 Havers, Dora, (pseud.,'Theo. Gift.') Maid Ellice. N. Y., I878. 16~. (2 copies.)..24497Pretty Miss Bellew. N. Y., 1875. I6~. 24499 Hawaiian Islands. Nordhoff, C. (In'Northern California,' etc.). 2I584 Hawker, R. S. Baring-Gould, S. Vicar of Morwenstow. N. Y., [I879]. I20... 22I05 Haworth's. Burnett, F. H. N. Y., I879. 120. (2 cop.). 24I54Hawthorne, J. Bressant: a novel. N. Y., I873. I2~. ~ ~. 24500 Garth: a novel. N. Y., I877. 8...24652 - Idolatry: a romance. Bost., I874. I2~......24501 - Mrs. Gainsborough's Diamonds: a story. N. Y., I878. 16~.. 24925 - Saxon Studies. Bost., I876. I20...... 2I607 Sebastian Strome: a novel. N. Y., i88o. 8~.. 24653 Hawthorne, N. Biographical Stories. (In vol. with'Tanglewood Tales.')........24524 Blithedale Romance. (Zn vol. with'Scarlet Letter.')... 245I7Dolliver Romance, and other pieces. Bost., I876. I2~. (2 cop.) 24505Fanshawe: a tale. [By N. Hawthorne.] Bost., I828. I20~. I5326 Same, and other pieces. Bost., I876. 120. (2 copies.). 24505Grandfather's Chair. (In vol. with'Wonder-Book.').. 24527 House of Seven Gables. Bost., I876 (&c.). 120. (4 copies). 24507Marble Faun. Bost., I869 (&c.). I20. (4 copies.). 245IIMosses from an Old Manse. Bost., I877. 12~... 24515 - Our Old Home. Bost., 1877. I20..... 24516 Passages from the Amer. Note-Books. Bost., I877. I2~. ~ 24502 Passages from the English Note-Books. Bost., I876. 12~. ~ 24503 Passages from the French and Ital. Note-Books. Bost., 1878. 24504 Scarlet Letter. Bost., I87I (&c.). I2~. (7 copies.). 24517Septimius Felton. (Invol. with'Our Old Home.). 245I6 - Snow Image. (With'The House of Seven Gables.'). 24507Tanglewood Tales. Bost., I876. I20...24524 Hawthorne-Hearing. 95 Hawthorne, N. Twice-told Tales. Bost., I87I (&c.). I2~. (2 cop.) 24525Wonder-Book. Bost,, 1876. I2~.. 24527- 7yamnes, H.,jr. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I88o. I2~.. 23348 - [7app, A.] Memoir of H.; with stories... Lond., 1872. 12~. 22609 Lathrop, G. P. A Study of H. Bost., 1876. 160.... 22608 See, also, Hutton, R. H.,'Essays,' v. 2 (27488); Mackay, C.,' Forty Years' Recol.,' v. 2 (22944); Stephen, L.,'Hours in a Lib.,' v. I (26933). Haydn, F. J. Letters. (In'Nohl, L.,'Letters.'). 23765 Haydon, B. R. Correspondence and Table-Talk. With a memoir by F. W. Haydon. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 80.... 23830Hayley, W. Life and Letters of Cowper. Lond., I835. 80... 23420 Hayti. Hazard, S. (In'Santo Domingo.')..21728 Hayward, A. Biographical and Critical Essays. [2d] series. Lond., I873. 2 v. 8......... 2740ICONTENTS-1, Pearls and mock pearls of history; Fred. von Gentz; Maria Edgeworth; Geo. Canning; Marshal Saxe; S. van de Weyer; Alex. Dumas - Salons; Whist and whist-players.-2, Varieties of history and art; Ed. Livingston: Richard III.; Marie Antoinette; The Countess of Albany and Alfieri; Sir H. Holland's Recollections; Lady Palmerston; Lord Lansdowne; Lord Dalling and Bulwer; More about Junius. Sanze. 3d series. Lond., I874. 80.......27403 CONTENTS:-British Parliament; Curiosities of German archives; England and France; Lanfrey's Napoleon; Vicissitudes of families; Lives of the Lord Chancellors of Ireland; The second Armada; The purchase system. - Goethe. (Foreign Classics for Eng. Readers.) Phil., [I878]. I6~. 23266 Selected Essays. N. Y., I879. 2 v. I2.. 27244CONTENTS: —1, Sydney Smith; Sam. Rogers; Fred. von Gentz; Maria Edgeworth; Countess Hahn-Hahn; Henri Beyle A. Dumas.-2, British Parliament; Pearls and mock pearls of history- Vicissitudes of families; England and France; Lady Palmerston; Lord Lansdowne; Lord Dalling and Bulwer; Whist and whist-players. Hazard, S. Santo Domingo, past and present; with a glance at Hayti. N. Y., 1873. 120.. 21728 Hazel-Blossoms. Whittier, J. G. Bost., 1875. I6~.... 26140 Hazlitt, W. Hazlitt, W. C. Memoirs; with correspondence. Lond., 1867. 2 v. 12........ 23228Stoddard, R. N. (Bric-a-Brac Series.) N. Y., I875. 160... 23254 Hazlitt, W. C. Hist. of theVenetian Republic. Lond., i86o0. 4 v. 20322Memoirs of Wm. Hazlitt. Lond., 1867. 2 v. 12~.. 23228Head, P. R. Van Dyck. [And] Frans Hals. Lond. & N. Y., 1879. 23780 Headley, J. T. Mountain Adventures. Illust. N. Y., 1872. I6~. IOI33 Heads of the People. Meadows, K. Lond., 1840-I. 2 v. 8~.. 2558IHealth. Blaikie, W. How to get strong. N. Y., I879. 16~. (2 cop.) 29953Fothergill, J. M. Maintenance of H. N. Y., I879. 12~.. 29994 Granville, J. M. Secret of a Clear Head. Salem, I879. 16~.. 29955 Keen, W. W., editor. American H. Primers. Phila., 1879-80. Io v. I6~. (For contents see Amer. H. Primers.).. 29958Kingsley, C. Health and Education. Lond., 1874. I2~.. 29979 Parkes, E. A. Personal Care of Health. Lond., [I876]. I6~. 29957 - Richardson, B. W. A Ministry of H., and other addresses. Lond., I879. 12~.. 29996 - See, also, Foods; Gastronomy; Hygiene. Hearing, and how to keep it. Burnett, C. H. Phil., 1879. i6~.. 29958 96 Heath-Herbert. Heath, R. F. Titian. N. Y. & Lond., 1879. I2~.. 23777 Heathen World and St. Paul. Lond., [I878]. 4 v. I6~.... 28498CONTENTS:-St. P. in Damascus and Arabia, by G. Rawlinson.-In Asia Minor and at the Syrian Antioch, E. H. Plumptre.-In Greece, G. S. Davies. -At Rome, C. Merivale. Heathenism, Conflict of Christianity with. Uhlhorn, G. N. Y., I879. 8......... 28602 -- See, also, Religions (various). Heavens (The). Guillemin, A. Lond., I872. 8~.. 29573 Hebrew Men and Times. Allen, J. H. Bost. 1879. i6~... 28442 Hebrew Monarchy, Hist. of the. [Newman, F. W.] Lond., I847. 8~. 28441 Hebrides. Smith, W. A. Lewsiana; or, Life in the Outer Hebrides. Lond., I875. I2~.......... 21253 Heckethorn, C. W. Secret Societies. Lond., I875. 2 v. I2~.. 28993Hector, Annie PF. (pseud.,'Mrs. Alexander.') Her Dearest Foe. N. Y., I876. I6~...24528 Heritage of Langdale. N. Y., I877. I6~...24529 Maid, Wife, or Widow? N. Y., I879. i60.. 24530 Ralph Wilton's Weird. N. Y., I875. I6~. (2 cop.). 2453IWhich shall it be? N. Y., 1874. I6~....24533 The Wooing o't. N. Y., I874. I6~. (3 cop.)... 24534Hector Servadac. Verne, J. N. Y., I878. 80.. 24270 Hedge, F. H. Ways of the Spirit, and other essays. Bost., I877. 28537 Hegel, G. W. F. Philosophy of History. Lond., 1872. I20.. 20089 Heidelberg: a romance. James, G. P.R. N. Y., 1869. 8~... 24668 Heine, H. Atta Troll, and other poems. Lond., 1876. 120.. 260I8 Pictures of Travel. Phila., I855. I2~......27248 Prose Miscellanies. Phil., I876. I2~.. 27247 - Scintillations. N. Y., I873. I6~. 27246 Wit, Wisdom, and Pathos. Lond., I879. I2~.. 27249 Stigand, W. Life Work, and Opinions of Heine. Lond., I875. 2 V. 8~............23408Hellenics. Landor, W. S. Edinb., 1859. 8~... 26246 Hellwald, F. von. Russians in Central Asia. Lond., I874. 8~.. 2I608 Helmholtz, H. L. F. Popular Lectures. Lond., I873. 8~... 29389 Helps, A. Friends in Council. Lond., I872-3. 2 series; 4 vols. 27250- Ivan de Biron. Bost., I874. I2~... 24537 Life and Labors of Brassey. Bost., I874. 80.. 23560 Social Pressure. Bost., 1875 120...28882 Some Talk about Animals and their Masters. Lond., I873. I6~. 29329 Henderson, W. Folk Lore of the Northern Counties of England and the Borders. Lond., i866. 12~.. 27666 Henrietta Maria, queen of England. Letters. Lond., I857. I2~. 22930 Henry of Huntingdon, Chronicle of. Lond., I853. I2~.... 20804 Henry, P. Life and Times of Calvin. Lond., I849. 2 v. 80.. 22302Henslow, G. Theory of Evolution. Lond., I873. I2~.. 2867 Her Dearest Foe. Hector, A. F. N. Y., I876. I6... 24528 Herbert, G. Poetical Works. With life [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., 1854. 8~.....26339 [Herbert (G. R. C.) & Kingsley (G. H.).] South-Sea Bubbles. N. Y., 1872. I2~.... 2I609 Herbert-Hildebrand. 97 Herbert, H. W., (pseud.,'Frank Forester.') Complete Manual for Young Sportsmen. N. Y., 1857. I2~..... 29604 Field Sports. N. Y., I849. 2 v. 80... 29600Fish and Fishing of the United States and British Provinces of North America. N. Y., I850. 80.. 29624 - Sporting Scenes and Characters. Phil., [I857]. 2 v. I2~.. 29602CONTENTS:-1, My Shooting Box; Deerstalkers.-2, Warwick Woodlands; Quorndon Hounds. Heredity. Cook, J. (Bost. Mond. Lectures.) Bost., I879. I2~.. 28025 Dugdale, R. L. "The Jukes:" a study in crime, pauperism, disease and heredity. N. Y., I877. 120... 29399 Galton, F. English Men of Science. N. Y., I875. I2~. ~. 29400 Papillon, F. (In'Nature and Life.').. 29397 - Proctor, R. A. Hereditary Traits. (In'Rough ways.'). 29444 Ribot, T. Heredity: a psychological study. N. Y., I875. 12~. 29398 See, also, Evolution. Heritage of Langdale. Hector, A. F. N. Y., I877. I6~.. 24529 Hero Carthew. Parr, L. N. Y., I873. 160.. 24841 Herschel, Caroline L., Memoir and Correspondence of. Mrs. J. [F. W.] Herschel. N. Y., I876. I2~...23546 Hervey, Mary Lepel, Lady. Letters; with a memoir. Lond., i82I. I8593 Hesiod. Davies, J. (Ancient Classics for English Readers, v. I5.) 26841 Hessey, J. A. Prayer. (Moral Difficulties connected with the Bible, 3d series.) Lond., I873. 160.. 285II - Sunday. Lond., I866. I2.........28490 Hester. Butt, B. M. N. Y., 1879. I6~.. 24924 Heyse, P. J. L. L'Arrabiata, and other tales. Leipzig, i867. 160. 24538 Barbarossa, and other tales. Leipz., i874. 6~.. 24539 - ead Lake, and other tales. Leipz., 1870. I6~.. 24540 In Paradise: a novel. N. Y., i878. 2 v. i6~... 24084Tales. N. Y., I879. 16~.. 24088 CONTENTS: —Count Ernest's Home; Dead Lake; The Fury (L'Arrabiata); Judith Stern. Heywood, T. Dramatic Works; with memoir. Lond., I874. 6 v. 26505Hibbert Lectures.. 28568CONTENTS:-1878, Religions of India. by F. M. Miller.-1879, Religion of Ancient Egypt, P. L. Renouf.-1880, English Conferences, J. E. Renan. Higginson, T. W. Atlantic Essays. Bost., I874. 12~... 27254 CONTNTS:-A plea for culture; Literature as an art; Americanism in literature; A letter to a young contributor; Ought women to learn the allphabet? A charge with Prince Rupert; Mademoiselle's campaigns; The Puritan minister; Fayal and the Portuguese; The Greek goddesses; Sappho; On an old Latin text-book. -- Book of American Explorers. Bost., I877. I6~.... 22600 English Statesmen. (Brief Biographies, v. I.) N. Y., I875. i6~. 22440 CONTENTS:-Gladstone; Disraeli; Bright; Earl Russell Earl Granville; Duke of Argyll; Lord Cairns; Duke of Richmond; Earl of Derby; Marquis of Salisbury; Northcote; Hardy; Marquis of Hartington; Forster; Lowe; Harcoart; Goschen; Childers. Malbone: an Oldport romance. Bost., I871. I2~.. 2454I Oldport Days. Bost., I873. I6~...24542 Young Folks' Hist. of the U. S. Bost., 1875. 16~.... 21325 editor. Brief Biographies of European Public Men. N. Y., I875-6. 3 v. I60. (For contents see Brief Biog.). 22440Hildebrand. See Gregory VII. 98 Hill-History. Hill, B. A. Liberty and Law under Federative Government. Phila., - I874. 12.......... 28843 [Hill, F. H.] Political Adventures of Lord Beaconsfield. N. Y., [1878]. 16........... 22851 Hill, G. B. -Dr. Johnson: his friends and his critics. Lond., I878. 23375 Hill, T. True Order of Studies. N. Y., I876. I2~... 28832 Hillard, G. S. Life, Letters, and Journals of Geo. Ticknor. Bost., I876. 2 v. 8....... 22688Hiller, F. Mendelssohn: letters and recollections. Lond., I874. 23774 Hillern, W. von. Geier-Wally. N. Y., I876. I6~... 24543 Himalaya. Wilson, A. The Abode of Snow. N. Y., I875. I2~. 21707 Hinduism. Williams, M. Lond., I877. I6~....28578 L See, also, Religions (various.) Hinsdale, B. A. Republican Text-book: J. A. Garfield's public life, [etc.] N. Y., I88o. 8.. 21532 Hinton, R. J. English Radical Leaders. (Brief Biographies, v. 2.) N. Y., I875. I6. 22441 CONTENTS: —Henry Fawcett; C. W. Dilke P. A. Taylor; John Lubbock; Joseph Cowan; R. M. Carter; Thos. Hughes; A. J. Mundella; Alex. Macdonald - Thos. Brassey; Sam. Morley; Sam. Plimsoll; Wilfred Lawson; E. Miall; Henry Richards; G. J. Holyoake; Joseph Arch; Chas. Bradlaugh; Geo. Odger; Joseph Chamberlain. His Level Best. Hale, E. E. Bost., I873. I6~.. 24480 Histoire d'un crime. Hugo, V. M. Paris, I877-8. 2 t. I6~.. 2565IHistoire d'un paysan. Erckmann (E.) & Chatrian (A.) Paris, I87I-75. 4 t. I6......... 25640Histoire du plebiscite. Erckmann (E.) & Chatrian (A.) Paris, [I877]. I6.......... 25645 Histoire d'un sous-maitre. Erckmann (E.) & Chatrian (A.) Paris, I87I. 6........ 25644 Historic Chateaux. Cochrane, A. B. Lond., 1877. 8~... 2785 Historical and Architectural Sketches. Freeman, E. A. Lond., I876. 20I84 Historical Biographies. Creighton, M., editor. Lond., I876-7. 3 v. 22445CONTEN'rs:-Simon de Montfort, by the ed.-The Black Prince, L. Creighton.-Walter Ralegh, L. Creighton. Historical Characters. Bulwer, H. L. E. Lond., I868. 2 v. 8~. 2388IHistorical Course for Schools. Freeman, E. A., editor. N. Y. (& Lond.), I872-77. 7 v. I6~.. 20078CONTENTS:-1, General Sketch of Hist., by the editor.-2, Hist. of Eng., E. Thompson,-3, H. of Scotl., M. Macarthur.-4, H. of Italy, W. Hunt.-5, H. of Germatty, J. Sime.-6. H. of the U. S., J. A. Doyle.-7, H. of European Colonies, F. J. Payne. Historical Handbooks. Browning, O., editor. Phila. [Oxf.], I87476. 6 v. I6~.2. 20064CONTENTS:-Hist. of Eng. Inst., by P. V. Smith.-Hist. of Fr. Lit., J. C. Demogeot.-Eng, Hist. in 14th Cent., C. H. Pearson.-Mod. Eng. Law, R. K. Wilson.-Rom. Emp., A. M. Curteis.-Reign of Lewis XI, P. F. Willert. Historical Narratives from the Russian. Romanoff, H. C. Lond., I87I. I6........... 20498 Historical Sketches. Newman, J. H. Lond., I873. 3 v. I2~.. 2009IHistorical Studies. Merivale, H. Lond., I865. 8~. (For contents see Merivale.).. 20I88 History. Bisset, A. Essays on Historical Truth. Lond., I871. 8~. (For contents see Bisset.).. 20I87 Freeman, E. A. General Sketch of Hist. N. Y., [I876]. I6~. 20078 History-Holland. 99 History. Freeman, E. A. Historical Essays. Lond., I87I,'73 &'79. 3 series. 80. (For contents see Freeman.).. 4658 & 20I85- Unity of Hist.: a lecture. (With' Comparative Politics.). 20183 Hegel, G. W. F. Philosophy of Hist. Lond., 1872. I20.. 20089 Ancient. Ancient Hist. from the Monuments. 6 v. (For contents see Anc. Hist.)..20040- Duncker, M. W. Hist. of Antiquity. Lond., I877-79. V. I-3. 8~. (Far contents see Duncker.)..20240- Keary, C. F. Dawn of Hist. N. Y., [1879]. I2~... 20090 _- - Thalheimer, M. E. Manual of Anc. Hist. Cincin., [I872]. 20189 - See, also, Antiquities; Institutions; Man, Pre-historic. MiddleAges. Thalheimer, M. E. Cincin., [I874]. 8~.. 20I90 - See, also, Crusades; Middle Ages. Modern. Mackenzie, R. The I9th Century. Lond., I88o. 2~. 20482 -.- Michelet, J. Summary of Modern Hist. Loend., I875. i6~. 20051 - Thalheimer, M. E. Cincin., [1874]. 8~... 20I90 History of the Hebrew Monarchy. [Newman, F. W.] Lond., I847. 2844I History and Pleasant Chronicle of Little Jehan de Saintre. [La Sale, A. de.] Lond., 1862. I20.. 24211 History Primers. Green, J. R., editor. Lond., I876-7. 6 v. I6~.. 20052CONTENTS:-Rome, by M. Creighton.-Europe, E. A. Freeman.-Greece, C. A. Fyffe.-Geography, G. Grove.-Old Greek Life, J. P. Mahaffy.-Roman Antiquities, A. S. Wilkins. Hitchcock, R. D. Socialism. N. Y., I879. I2~.. 29II7 Hitchman, F. Public Life of Earl Beaconsfield. Lond., I879. 2 V. 23072Hodder, G. Personal Reminiscences. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Brica-Brac Series.')..23255 Sketches of Life and Character. Lond., I845. i6~... 2364I Hodge, C. What is Darwinism? N. Y., I874. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 28089 Hodgson, F., Memoir of. Hodgson, J. F. Loend., i878. 2 V. I2~. 22io6Hoffman, C. F. Poems. Phil., I873. I2~......26019 Hofmann, A. W. Life-work of Liebig. Lond., I876. 8~.. 23544 Hogarth, W. Dobson, A. (Illustrated Biog. of the Great Artists.) L. & N. Y., I879. I2~... 23789 Sala, G. A. Lond., I866. I2~.. 23802 Hogg, D. Life of Allan Cunningham. Lond., I875. I20... 23244 Hogg, J., the Ettrick shepherd. A Queer Book. Edinb. & L., 1832. 26II4 Holbein, H. Woltlmann, A. [Transl. and condensed] by J. Cundall. L. & N. Y., I879. I20.. 2378r Hole, R. Hymn to Ceres, translated. (See Homer.) Holland, H. S. The Apostolic Fathers. Lond., [I878]. 16~.. 28502 Holland. J. Memorials of Sir Francis Chantrey. Lond., [185I]. 8~. I8572 Holland, J. G. Arthur Bonnicastle. N. Y., I873. I6~. (2 copies.) 24544Mistress of the Manse. N. Y., I874. I20... 24546 Nicholas Minturn. N. Y., I877. I2~. (2 copies.). 24547Sevenoaks. N. Y., I875. I20. (2 copies.).. 24549Holland. Geddes, J. Administration of John DeWitt, Grand Pensionary of Holland. N. Y., I88o. v. i. 8~... 20602 Havard, H. Dead Cities of the Zuyder Zee. Lond., I875. 8~. 21779 Picturesque Holland. Loend., 1876. 8~.. 21780 Too Holland-Hoppin. Holland. Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 15. Bost., I877. 26454 Holland House. Liechtenstein, M. Lond., 1874. 2 v. 8~... 2I773Holm, Saxe, (pseud.) Stories. N. Y., 1874 &'78. 2 series. 12~.. 2455IHolmes, G. Vocal Physiology and Hygiene. [L. &] Phil., i88o. 120. 29803 Holmes, O. W. Elsie Venner: a romance. Bost., I875. 12~. 24553 J. L. Motley: a memoir. Bost., 1879. 16~... 22603 Mechanism in Thought and Morals. Bost., 1871. 16~.. 27255 Poetical Works. Bost., I877. I2~.......26020 Songs of Many Seasons. Bost., I875. 160.. 26021 Hoist, H. von. Constitutional and Political Hist. of the U. S. Chic., 1876-79. V. I-2. 80. (2 copies.)..... 2I450CONTENS:-1, 1750-1833: State sovereignty and slavery.-2, 1828-1846: Jackson's administration; annexation of Texas. Holy Roman Empire. Bryce, J. Lond., I873. I2~~. (2 copies.). 20I00ooHolyoake, G. J. Co-operation in England. Philad. [Lond.], 187579. 2 V. I2~... 29005CONT1ENTS:-1, The pioneer period, 1812-1844.-2, The constructive period, 1845-1878. Home, D. D. Lights and Shadows of Spiritualism. N. Y., I879. 12~. 28051 Homer. Minor Poems: Battle of the Frogs and Mice; Hymns and Epigrams; transl. by Parnell, Chapman, Shelley, Congreve, and Hole. N. Y., 1872. 12~.... 26816 The Odyssey, transl. by Pope; Battle of the Frogs and Mice, by Parnell; and the Hymns, by Chapman, etc. Lond., 1867. 26815 The Odysseys, transl. by Chapman. Lond., I874. 2 V. 12~.. 268I3Tales from the Odyssey. By "Materfamilias," [C. M. Bell.] N. Y., I880. 240........... 26818 - Bonitz, H. Origin of the Homeric Poems. N. Y., I88o. 16~. 26817 Church, A. 7. Stories from Homer. N. Y., I878. 160.. 26819 - Gladstone, W. E. (Literature Primers.) [L. &] N. Y., I879. 160. 26861 - Homeric Synchronism. N. Y., I876. 12~.. 26820 Homo sum: Roman. Ebers, G. M. Stuttg. & Leipz., i88o. 12~.'. 25873 - Same, transl. by Clara Bell. Lond., [1878]. 2 v. 12~... 24465---- Same. N. Y., I88o. 16..24430 Honest John Vane. De Forest, J. W. New Haven, I875. I6~.. 24172 Honorable (The) Miss Ferrard. [Laffan, M.] N. Y., I878. I6~.. 24929 Hood, T. Comic Annual. Lond., I830-39. I v. 6~... 25248Hood's Own. Lond., 1839. 8~....... 25583 Works, comic and serious. Lond., I869-73. I0 V. 12~... 25258Hook, T. E., Life and Remains of. Barham, R. H. D. Lond., I877. 23295 Hook, W. F., Life and Letters of. Stephens, W. R. W. Lond., I879. 2 v. 8.......... 22265Hooker, J. D. Botany. Lond., 1877. 16~.. 29358 - & Ball (J.). Tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas. Lond., 1878. 8............ 21847 Hooker, R. Barry, A. (In'Masters in English Theology.').. 22111 Hoosier School-Master. Eggleston, E. N. Y., [187I]. 16~... 24469 Hopkins, M. Strength and Beauty. N. Y., [I874]. I2~.. 27383 Hoppin, J. M., editor. Memoir of Henry Armitt Brown; with four historical orations. Phil., i88o. 80.. 22693 Hora-Huber. IOI Horm Hellenice. Blackie, J. S. Lond., I874. 8~... 26960 Horner, Susan and Joanna. Walks in Florence. Lond., I873. 2 v. 2I249Horse. Murray, W. H. H. The Perfect Horse. Bost., I873. 8~.. 29496 Neville, G. Horses and Riding. Lond., I877. I20.. 2964I Horsley, S. Woodford, 7. R. (In Classic Preachers; I878.). 22II3 Horton, S. D. Silver and Gold. Cinc., I877. 80..... 29045 Hosmer, J. K. Hist. of German Literature. St. Louis, I879. I2~. 26903 Hostages to Fortune. Maxwell, M. E. B. Lond., I875. 3 v. 12~. 2480IHotel Life, Law of. Rogers, R. V. San Fran., I879. I6~... 28852 Houghton, Lord. See Milnes, R. M. Hours in a Library. Stephen, L. Lond., I874-80. 3 v. I2~... 26933Hours with Men and Books. Mathews, W. Chic., I877. I2~.. 27340 Hours of Thought on Sacred Things. Martineau, J. Lond., I87779. 2 V. 12~.......... 28542House Decoration. See Decoration & Design; Furniture. Household of Sir Thos. More. [Manning, A.] N. Y., [I867]. I6~. 23646 Houssaye, A. Life in Paris: letters. N. Y., I879. I2~... 26I How to camp out. Gould, J. M. N. Y., I877. I60. (2 copies.). 29662How Crops feed. Johnson, S. W. N. Y., [I870]. I20.... 29459 How Crops grow. Johnson, S. W. N. Y., [I868]. I2~.... 29460 How to get strong. Blaikie, W. N. Y., I879. 16~. (2 copies.). 29953How to hunt and trap. Batty, J. H. Phil., I878. I2~.... 296II How I found Livingstone. Stanley, H. M. N. Y., I872. 8~... 21856 How to take care of our eyes. Angell, H. C. Bost., I878. I6~.. 29956 How we are governed. Fonblanque, A. W. de. Lond., [I879]. I2~. 20885 [Howard, Blanche W.] One Summer. Bost., I876. I6~. (3 cop.) 24554One Year abroad. Bost., I877. 16~... 24557 Howard, H., earl of Surrey. Poetical Works. With memoir [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I856. 80.. 26352 Howard, J. H. Gymnasts and Gymnastics. Lond., I873. I2~.. 29639 Howe, J. B. Mono-Metalism and Bi-Metalism. Bost., I879. 16~. 29061 Howell, G. Conflicts of Capital and Labour. Lond., 1878. I2~.. 29007 Howells, W. D. A Chance Acquaintance. Bost., I873 (etc.). (3 cop.) 24558A Counterfeit Presentment. Bost., I877. I60. 2456I A Foregone Conclusion. Bost., I875. I20. (3 copies.). 24562Italian Journeys. Bost., 1872. 12.. 2I6I1 Lady of the Aroostook. Bost., I879. I2~. (3 copies.). 24565No Love lost. N. Y., I869. 160.. 26II8 Out of the Question. Bost., I877. I60. (2 copies.). 24568Suburban Sketches. N. Y., 187I. I2~......24570 Their Wedding Journey. Bost., I875. I2~. (2 copies.).. 24571Undiscovered Country. Bost., I88o. 120. (2 copies.). 24573Howitt, Anna M. Art-student in Munich. Lond., I853. 2 v. I2~. 29879Howitt, W. History of Discovery in Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Lond., 1875. 2 v. 8~......21816- Hist. of the Supernatural. Phila., I863. 2 v. I2~.... 28046Hozier, H. M. Invasions of England. Lond., I876. 2 v. 80.. 2I052Huber, V. A., (pseud.,'Janus.') The Pope and the Council. Bost., I870. I60. (2 copies.)....... 9514I4 102 Hudson —Hungary. Hudson, Elizabeth H. Life and Times of Louisa, Queen of Prussia; with a sketch of Prussian history. Lond., I874. 2 V. 22507Hudson (river). Lossing, B. J. Troy. 8~. 21587 Hudson's Bay Territory. Robinson, H. M. Great Fur Land. N. Y., 1879. 120. 21284 Hiibner, J. A. von. Ramble round the World, I87I. N. Y., I874. I2~. 2I203 Hueffer, F. Troubadours. Lond., I878. 8~.. 26769 Wagner and the Music of the Future. Lond., I874. 12~.. 29748 Hugdietrich and Hildeburg, Story of. Cox (G. W.) & Jones. (In' Pop. Romances.' And in'Tales.').. 27712 & 277I3 Hughes, G. E. Hughes, T. Memoir of a Brother. Bost., I873. 16~. 23622 Hughes, R. W. Currency Question. N. Y., 1879. I2~.. 29054 Hughes, T. The Manliness of Christ. Bost., I88o. I6~. 28486 Memoir of a Brother [G. E. H.]. Bost., 1873. 16~... 23622 Hugo, V. M. Histoire d'un crime. Paris, I877-8. 2 t. 16.. 25651Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Lond., I874. 16~.. 24575 - Jargal. N. Y., I866. 12... 24576 Les Miserables. Brux., I862. Io t. 6~...25653Same, transl. N. Y., I878 (etc.). 8~. (3 copies.). 24665Ninety-Three. N. Y., I874. 12~....24577 Notre-Dame de Paris. Paris, I87I. 2 t. 16~... 25663- Les travailleurs de la mer. Paris, I877. 16... 25665 See Amicis, E. de,'Studies of Paris' (27273); Castelar, E.,'Life of Byron,' etc. (27269); Dowden, E.,'Studies in Lit.' (26926); Swinburne, A. C.,'Ess. and Stud.' (26942); Taylor, J. B.,' Crit. Ess.' (27364). Huguenots. Baird, H. M. Rise of the H. of France. N. Y., I879. 2 v. 8~............20680- Hanna, W. Wars of the H. Edinb., 1I871. 16... 20402 See, also, Ecclesiastical Hist.; France, Hist., 1561-; Reformation. Hullah, J. Hist. of Modern Music. Lond., I875. 8~.. 29796 - Music in the House. Phila., [I877]. 12~.. 29783 Third or Transition Period of Musical Hist. Lond., I876. 8~. 29797 Hulley, J. Handbook of Gymnastics. (See Ravenstein, E. G., & Hulley.) Humboldt, C. W. von. Letters to a Female Friend. Lond., I849. 2 v. I2~..... 23607- Sphere and Duties of Government. Lond., I854. 12~... 29095 Humboldt, F. H. A. von., Life of. Bruhns, C., editor. Lond., I873. 2 v. 8~...23530Hume, D. Bisset, A. (In'Essays on Historical Truth.').. 20187.Huxley, T. H. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. 12~.. 23336 - Stephen, L. (In'Hist. of Eng. Thought.').. 28200 Humor. L'Estrange, A. G. K. Hist. of English H.; with an introd. upon ancient H. Lond., I878. 2 I2.....26938- See, also, Wit and Humor. Humorists, French. Besant, W. Lond., I873. 8~... 26776 Hunchback of Notre-Dame. Hugo, V. M. Lond., 1874. 16~.. 24575 Hungary. Godkin, E. L. Hist. of H. and the Magyars. Lond., I856. 20380 Hungary-Hygiene. Io3 Hungary. Hacklander, F. W. von. Ungarnim Jahre I857. (In'TagebuchblAtter.' Werke, B. 40.).....25819 - Patterson, A. J. Magyars. Lond., I869. 2 v. 12.... 2I7IIHunnewell, J. F. The Lands of Scott. Edinb., I87I. I20.. 21736 Hunt, F. K. The Fourth Estate. Lond., I850. 2 v. 12~.. I8590Hunt, Helen. See Jackson, Helen H. Hunt, H. G. B. History of Music. N. Y., [I878]. I2~... 29749 Hunt, J. H. L. A Jar of Honey from Mount Hybla. Lond., 1847. II399 Table-Talk; [and] imaginary conversations of Pope and Swift. N. Y., I879. I60.. 27640 & Lord Byron. The Liberal: [an anon. periodical.] Lond., 1822-3. 2 v. 8... I.11400Hunt, R. Popular Romances of the West of England. Lond., [I87I]. 27664 Hunt, W. History of Italy. Lond., I874. 6~... 20081 Hunt, W. M. Talks on Art. Bost., I88o. 80.. 29916 Hunter, J. New Illustrations of Skakespeare. Lond., I845. 2 v. 27049Hunter, W. W. Life of the Earl of Mayo. Lond., I875. 2 v. 80~. 23932Hunting. Batty, J. H. How to hunt and trap. Phil., I878. I20.. 29611 Gillmore, P. Prairie and Forest: game of N. Amer. N. Y., I874. 29620 [Jefferies, R.] Amateur Poacher. Bost., I879. I2~. ~. 29330 See, also, Shooting; Sports. Hunting Grounds of the Old World. [Leveson, H. A.] Lond., I865. 29493 Hurdis, J. Poems. Oxf., I8o8. 3 v. I60.. I8677Hurst, J. F. Life and Literature in the Fatherland. N. Y., I875. I2~. 26901 Hutchinson, A. H. Try Lapland. Lond., 1870. I2~.. 21706 Hutchinson, T.J. The Parant. Lond., I868. 8~... 2I805 Huth, A. H. Life and Writings of H. T. Buckle. Lond., I880. 2 v. 23066Hutten, U. von: his life and times. Strauss, D. F. Lond., I874. 12~. 22143 Hutton, R. H. Essays in Literary Criticism. Phila., [I876]. I2~. 26937 CONTENTS:-Goethe and his influence; Nat. Hawthorne; A. H. Clough; Wordsworth and his genius; George Eliot; Mat. Arnold. Essays, theological and literary. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 8~... 3708Same. 2d ed., rev. & enl. Lond., I88o. 2 v. 8~.... 27487CONTENTS:-1, Theological: Moral significance of atheism; Atheistic explanation of religion; Science and theism; Popular pantheism; What is revelation? Christian evidences (in 2d ed. only); Historical problems of the fourth gospel; The incarnation and principles of evidence; Renan's Christ; R.'s St. Paul; The Hard Church; Romanism, protestantism, and anglicanism. 2, Literary: Goethe and his influence; W'orasworth and his genius; Shelley's poetical mysticism; Browning- Poetry of the Old Testament; Geo. Eliot (in 1st ed.); Clough; Poetry of Mat. Arnold (in 2d ed.); Tennyson (in 2d ed.); Nat. Hawthorne. Scott. (Eng. AMen of Letters.) N. Y., I879. 12~... ~ 23334 Hutton, W., Life of; and history of the Hutton family. Lond. I2~. 23642 Huxley, T. H. Amer. Addresses; with a lecture on the study of biology. N. Y., I877. I2. 29300 The Crayfish. N. Y., I88o. 12......29269 Hume. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. I2~.. 23336 Lessons in Elem. Physiology. Lond., I876. I8~.. 29301 Physiography. N. Y., I878. I2.. 29419 - Science Primers: Introductory. Lond., I88o. I6~... 29354 editor. See Science Primers. & Martin (H. N.). Elementary Biology. Lond., I875. I2~.. 29299 Hygiene. Wilson, G. [Edinb. &] Phil., I88o. I2.... 29997 See, also, Health. Io4 I-Indo-China. I go a-fishing. Prime, W. C. N. Y., 1873. 80..... 29628 Iceland. Blackwood, F. T. H. Yacht Voyage in 1856. N. Y. I20. 21222 Burton, R. F. Ultima Thule. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~.. 2I884Dasent, G. W. Burnt Njal: Iceland in the Ioth cent. Edinb., I86i. 2 V. 12.......... 27703- Forbes, C. S. Lond., i86o. I2~...21223 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 8. Bost., 1876. 16~. 26447 Metcalfe, F. The Oxonian in Iceland. Lond., i86i. I2~.. 21705 - Paijkull, C. W. A Summer in Iceland. Lond., i868. 8~.. 21886 Taylor, J. B. Egypt and Iceland in 1874. N. Y., 1874. 160. 21256 Icelandic Legends. Arnason, J. Lond., I864. 12~.... 27710 Ida Craven. Cadell, H. M. N. Y., 1876. 160..... 24070 Idolatry: a romance. Hawthorne, J. Bost., I874. I2~.... 24501 Ignatius, St., of Antioch. Holland, H. S. (In'Apostolic Fathers.') 28502 Ihering, R. von. Struggle for Law. Chic., 1879. 12~. ~ ~. 28844 Ihne, W. Early Rome. Lond., 1876. I6...... 20438 Hist. of Rome. Lond., I871-77. v. I-3. 8~.. 20288Illustrated Biographies of the Great Artists. L. & N. Y., 1879-80. i6 v. I2............ 23777CONTENTS:-(1,) Titian, by R. F. Heath.-(2,) Rembrandt, C. Vosmaer.(3,) Raphael, J. D. Passavant.-(4,) Van Dyck & Hals, P. R. Hlead.-(5,) Holbein, A. Woltmann.-(6,) Tintoretto, W. R. Osler.-(7,) Turner, W. C. Monkhouse.-(8,) The Little Masters, W. B. Scott.-(9,) The Figure Painters of Holland, R. Gower.-(10,) Leonardo, J. P. Richter.-(11.) Vernet & Delaroche, J. R. Rees.-(12,) Rubens, C. W. Kett.-(13,) Hogarth, A. Dobson.(14,) Michelangelo, C. Cl6ment.-(15,) Sir E. Landseer, F. G. Stephens.-(16,) Reynolds, F. S. Pulling. Impressions of Theophrastus Such. Eliot, G. N. Y., 1879. 12~. (2 copies.)..24I95In Change unchanged. Villari, L. N. Y., 1877. 16~.... 24285 In Paradise. Heyse, P. J. L. N. Y., I878. 2 v. I6~.. 24084In Reih' und Glied. Spielhagen, F. Leipz., 1876. 2 B. I6~. (Sammtl. Werke, B. 5-6.)...25864In Silk Attire. Black, W. N. Y., I877. I2~. (2 copies.).. 240IOIn the Wilderness. Warner, C. D. Bost., 1878. I6~.... 24293 In der zw6lften Stunde. Spielhagen, F. (Saimmtl. Werke, B. 3.). 25862 Incas (The) See Peru. India. Cumming, W. G. Wild Men and Wild Beasts. N. Y., I872. I20........... 21680 - Gay, J. D. Prince of Wales in India. N. Y., I877. 12~.:. 21246 Johnson, Sam. Oriental Religions. India. Bost., I873. 80. 28561 - Martineau, H. British Rule in India. Lond., I857. I6~.. 20497 -- Miiller, F. M. Religions of India. N. Y., 1879. I2~... 28568 - Russell, W. H. Prince of Wales' Tour. Lond., I877. 2 V. 8~. 2I967-- Sherring, M. A. Prot. Missions in India. Lond., 1875. 8~.. 28601 - Williams, M. Modern India and the Indians. Lond., I878. 80. 21945 See, also, Buddhism I Deccan; East (The); Hinduism; Travancore. Indian Song of Songs. Arnold, E. Lond., I875. 160.... 26002 Indiana: [roman.] Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, 1869. 16~.. 25683 Indians (American). Custer, G. A. My Life on the Plains. N. Y., I874. 8........... 21581 - See, also, Antiquities, American; Modocs. Indo-China. Carne, L. de. Travels in I.-C. Lond., 1872. 8~.. 21932 Indo-China-Intellectual. Io5 Indo-China. Mouhot, A. H. Travels in I.-C. Lond., I864. 2 v.. 21933- See, also, Burma; Siam. Indo-European Tradition, Curiosities of. Kelly, W. K. Lond., I863. I2.......... 27789 Industrial Arts. Lacroix, P. Arts in the Middle Ages. Lond., I870. 8............ 20362 [Maskell, W.] [L. &] N. Y., I876. I2~.. 29772 Nichols, G. W. Art Education applied to Industry. N. Y., I877. 8...........29925 See, also, Aeronautics; Arms & Armor; Art (& references); Colors; Furniture; Glass; Inventions; Manufactures; Phonography; Photography; Pottery; Railroads; Steam; Telegraph; Telephone; Textile Fabrics. Infernal (The) Marriage. Disraeli, B. N. Y. [Lond., I878]. 24238 & 24252 Infidelity, Modern. Christlieb, T. N. Y., I874. 12~.... 28682 Ingelow, J. Fated to be Free. Bost., I875. I2~. (2 copies.). 24578- Off the Skelligs. Bost., I872. I60.. 24580 Sarah de Berenger: a novel. Bost., I879. I6~.. 2458I Ingenue. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6...... 24416 Ingersoll, C. Fears for Democracy. Phila., I875. 8~~.. 21449 Ingersoll, C. J. Second War between the U. S. of A. and Gr. Brit. Phila., I845-53. 4 v. (wanting 2d). 8~.. 2I443Ingham, Frederic, (pseud.) See Hale, E. E. Ingo. Freytag, G. N. Y., I873. 160.... 24444 Ingo und Ingraban. Freytag, G. Leipz., 1875. I2~. (" Die Ahnen," Abth..).. 25911 Ingraban. Freytag, G. N. Y., I873. 6~.... 24445 Inheritance (The). [Ferrier, S. E.] Edinb., I824. 3 v. I20... I8637Inland (An) Voyage. Stevenson, R. L. Lond., I878. I2~... 217r0 Inn (The) Album. Browning, R. Bost., I876. I2~.... 26048 Inquisition, Hist. of. Rule, W. H. Lond., I874. 2 v. 80... 28720Insanity. Kellogg, A. O. Shakspeare's Delineations of I., Imbecility, and Suicide. N. Y., I866. I60... 27016 - Maudsley, H. Responsibility in Mental Disease. N. Y., I874. 29248 See, also, Mental Physiology. Insectivorous Plants. Darwin, C. R. N. Y., I875. I2~... 29457 Insects. [Budgen, L. M.] Episodes of Insect Life. Lond., I8495I. 3 v. 8.......... 29500- Duncan, P. M. Transformations of Insects. Lond., [I877]. 8~. 29499 -- Lubbock, J. British Wild Flowers considered in relation to Insects. Lond., I875. I2... 29461 - Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects. Lond., I874. I6~.. 29503 - Scientific Lectures. Lond., I879. 80.. 29532 Packard, A. S., jr. Half Hours with Insects. Bost., I877. I2~. 29505 Wood, J. G. Insects abroad.- Lond., I874. 8~.. 29585 -_ - Insects at Home. N. Y., I872. 80.. 29586 Instinct, Illustrations of. Couch, J, Lond., I847. I20.... 29326 Institutions. Maine, H. J. S. Early Hist. of. N. Y., I875. 80.. 28968 Smith, P. V. Hist. of the Eng. Institutions. Phila., 1874. I6~. 20064 Intellectual (The) Life. Hamerton, P. G. Bost., I873. I20... 27382 io6 Intellectual-Is. Intellectual Observer. Lond., I862-68. 12 v. 80. I77IIIntelligence. Bascom, J. Comparative Psychology; or, The growth and grades of Intelligence. N. Y., I878. 120.. 28207 Taine, H. A. N. Y., i875. 2 v. I2~.. 28205Intemperance. [Abbe, J. E.] " Back from the Mouth of Hell;" or, The rescue from drunkenness. Hartf., 1878. 12~.. 28886 - See, also, Temperance. International (An) Episode. James, H., jr. N. Y., [1878]. 320.. 24600 International Politics. Burlingame, E. L. (' Current Discus.,' v. I.) 27282 International Review. N. Y., I874-79. 7 v. 8.... I591International Scientific Series. N. Y., I872-80. 28 v. I2~... 29240CONTENTS:-1, Tyndall, Forms of water.-2, Bagehot, Physics and politics.-3, E. Smith, Foods.-4, Bain, Mind and body.-5, Spencer, Study of sociology.-6, Cooke, New chemistry.-7, Stewart, Conservation of energy. -8, Pettigrew, Animal locomotion.-9, Maudsley, Responsibility in mental disease-10, Amos, Science of law.-11, Marey, Animal mechanism.-12, Draper, Conflict betw. religion and science.-13, Schmidt, Doctrine of descent.-14, Vogel, Chemistry of light.-15, Cooke, Fungi.-16, Whitney, Life and growth of language (2 copies).-17, Jevons, Money.-18, Lommel, Nature of light.-19, Beneden, Animal parasites.-20, Schiitzenberger, Fermentation.-21, Bernstein, Five senses.-22, Blaserna, Sound. —23, Lockyer, Spectrum analysis.-24, Thurston, Steam engine.-25, Bain, Education.-26, Hood, Modern chromatics.-27, Quatrefages, Human species (2 copies).-28, Huxley, Crayfish. Inventions. Knight, E. H. Mechanical Progress. (In First Cent. of the Republic.)..21520 Routledge, R. Discoveries and I. of the I9th Cent. Lond., I876. 120......29929 See, also, Industrial Arts (&' references). Ionian Islands. Brassey, A. Sunshine and Storm in the East. N. Y., I880. 80. 21901 Irby, Adelaide P. Travels. (See Mackenzie, G. M. M., & Irby.) Ireland. Kennedy, P. Fireside Stories of I. Dublin, I870. I6~. 27667 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 5. Bost., 1876. 16~. 26444 Smith, G. Irish Hist. and Irish Character. Oxf.& L., 186I. I2~. 20815 History. Froude, J. A. The English in I. in the I8th Cent. N. Y., I873-4. 3 v. I2~.. 20816- Maxwell, W. H. Hist. of the Irish Rebellion in I798; with memoirs of the Union, and Emmett's Insurrection in I803. Lond., I877. I20.......2099I _ Sullivan, A. M. New Ireland. [I837 to I877.] Phila.,I878. I2~. 20990 Irene, the Missionary. [De Forest, J. W.] Bost., I879. 16~... 24173 Iron Mask, Man with the. Topin, M. Lond., I870. I2~... 20403 Irving, D. Hist. of Scotish Poetry. Edinb., i86I. 8~... 26288 Irving, W. The Alhambra. N. Y., [I865]. 16..... 24588 Bracebridge Hall. N. Y., [I865]. I6~.. 24589 Crayon Miscellany. N. Y., [I865]. 6~..24590 Hist. of New York. By Diedrich Knickerbocker. N. Y., [1864]. 160...... 2459I - Oliver Goldsmith: a biography. N. Y., [I864]. I6~.. 24592 Sketch-Book of Geoffrey Crayon. N.Y., [I864]. 16~.. 24593 Tales of a Traveller. N. Y., I851. I2~.. 24587 — Same. N. Y., [I865]. 16~... 24593 Wolfert's Roost, and other papers. N. Y., [I865]. 16~.. 24594 Is "Eternal" Punishment Endless? answered. [Whiton, J. M.] Bost., I878. 160.. 28509 Is-Italy. 107 Is Life Worth Living? Mallock, W. H. N. Y., I879. 120... 28085 Isabel of Bavaria: an historical romance. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. i....... 24416 Isabella I. (of Castile), queen of Spain. Prescott, W. H. Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. Phil., I87I. 3 v. 8~... 20345Islam. See Mohammedanism. Isles of Shoals. Thaxter, C. Bost., I873. I6~... * 21257 Ismailia. Baker, S. W. N. Y., I875. 8~...... 2846 Istria, Dora d', (pseud. for H. G. Koltzof-Massalski.) Switzerland the Pioneer of the Reformation. Lond., I858. 2 v. 80.. 20600Italian Literature. Dennistoun, J. (In' Dukes of Urbino.'). 23939Symonds, J. A. (n'Sketches and Studies in Southern Europe.') 2734IItaly. Freeman, E. A. Historical and Architectural Sketches; chiefly Italian. Lond., I876. I2~. 20184 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. II-I3. Bost., I877. 3 v. I6~... 26450Art. Clement, C. Michelangelo [etc.]; with chap. on art in Italy before the I6th cent. Lond., I88o. 12~.... 23837 -Crowe (J. A.) & Cavalcaselle (G. B.). Painting in Italy from the 2d to the I4th cent. Lond., I864-66. 3 v. 8~.. 29945- - Painting in North Italy from the I4th to the I6th cent. Lond., I871. 2 v. 8...29948-- Dennistoun, J. (In'Dukes of Urbino.')... 23939-Symonds, J. A. (' Renaissance in Italy,' v. 3.)... 20300 Biography. Trollope, T. A. A Decade of Italian Women. Lond., I859. 2 v. I6~... 23644Description and Travel. Bremer, F. Two Years in Switzerland and Italy. Lond., I86I. 2 v. 80.. 2I2I2Broughton, H. D. Italy: several visits, I8i6-I854. Lond., I859-6I. 2 v. 2........ 21733Carr, A. North Italian Folk. Lond., 1878. 120... 21220 Hare, A. J. C. Cities of Northern and Central Italy. N. Y., I876. 3 v. 12.......... 2603Hawthorne, N. French and Ital. Note-books. Bost., I878. I20. 24504 Howells, W. D. Italian Journeys. Bost., I872. 120.. 216II Piozzi, H. L. Journey through France, Italy, and Germany. Lond., I789. 2v. 8.. I8609Shelley, M. W. Rambles in Germany and I. Lond., I844. 2 v. i8552History. Maffei, A. Brigand Life in Italy. Lond., i865. 2 v. 8~.. 20302- Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in I. Lond., I875-77. v. 1-3. 8~. 20298(to I8o6) Bryce, J. Holy Roman Empire. Lond., I875. I20.. 20Ioo00 - (364-1466) Urquhart, W. P. Life of Sforza, Duke of Milan; with preliminary sketch. Edinb., I852. 2 v. 8~.. 23935(476-I815) Butt, I. Lond., I86o. 2 v. 80.. 20320(476-I870) Hunt, W. Lond., I874. I6~. 2008I -- (846-5o) Legge, A. 0. Pius IX. and Italy. Lond., I875. 2 v. 80. 22I85 Io8 Italy-Japan. Italy. History (continued). - (859-60) Trollope, T. Social Aspects of the Ital. Rev. Lond., i86I. I2........... 20003 See, also, Florence.t Genoa; Lombardy; Piedmont; Pompeii; Rome; Sicily; Tiber; Urbino; Venice. Ivan de Biron. [Helps, A.] Bost., I874. I2~.... 24537 Ivan at Home. Barry, H. Lond., 1872. 8...... 21940 Ivories, ancient and mediaeval. Maskell, W. [L. &] N. Y., I876.. 29764 Ixion in Heaven. Disraeli, B. N. Y. [Lond., I878]. I20. 24238 & 24252 J., R. See Jefferies, R. Jack Hinton. Lever, C. J. Phila., [I878]. 80.. 24259 Jackson, Catherine C., Lady. Fair Lusitania. Lond., I874. 80. ~ 21969 - Old Paris: its court and literary salons. Lond., I878. 2 v. I20. 2I687Jackson, G. A. The Apostolic Fathers, and the Apologists of the 2d century. N. Y., I879. I6~.. 28512 Jackson, Helen H. ("' H. H.") Bits of Talk about Home Matters. Bost., I873. I6~.. 27237 Bits of Travel at Home. Bost., I878. I6~0. 21289 Verses. Bost., 1874. I6~.. 26073 Jackson, S. Alaska, and Missions on the North Pacific Coast. N. Y., [I880]. 120.. 21287 Jackson, W. Philosophy of Natural Theology. N. Y., I875. 8~.. 28685 Jacquemart, A. Hist. of Furniture. Lond., I878. 8~... 29993 Jacquemont, V. Hanzerton, P. G. (In'Mod. Frenchmen.'). 22488 Jacques. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I866. 16... 25684 James, G. P. R. Heidelberg: a romance. N. Y., I869. 8~... 24668 My Aunt Pontypool. [Anon.] Phil., I836. 2 v. I20... 2I6IJames, H., jr. The American: [a novel.] Bost., I877. I2~. (2 cop.) 24595Confidence: [a novel.] Bost., i88o. 12~. (2 copies.). 24597Daisy Miller: a study. N. Y., I879. 320.. 24599The Europeans: a sketch. Bost., I879 [1878]. I2~, (2 copies.) 2460oIFrench Poets and Novelists. Lond., I878. I2~.. 26905 CONTENTS:-A. de Musset; Gautier; Baudelaire- Balzac; Geo. Sand; C. de Bernard and G. Flaubert; Turgenieff; The two Amperes; Mad. de Sabran; M6rim6e's letters; The Theatre Franqais. ---- Hawthorne. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I88o. I2~. 23348 An International Episode. N. Y., [I878]. 32~ (2 copies).. 24600A Passionate Pilgrim, and other tales. Bost., I875. I2~.. 24603 Roderick Hudson. Bost., I876. I20.. 24604 Watch and Ward. Bost., I878. I6~... 24605 James, H. A. Communism in America. N. Y., P879. 8~.. 29I60 Jameson, Anna B. M. Hist. of Our Lord as exemplified in works of art. Completed by Lady Eastlake. Lond., I865. 2 v. 8~. 29914Legends of the Madonna. Lond., 1872. 8~.. 299IO Legends of the Monastic Orders. Lond., I872. 8~.... 299II Sacred and Legendary Art. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 8.... 299I2- Macpherson, G. B. Memoirs. Bost., I878. I2~.... 23838 Janin, J. G. (See Thomson, J.,'Public and Priv. Life of Animals.') Janus, (pseud.) See Huber, V. A. Japan. Adams, F. 0O. Hist. of Japan. Lond., I874-5. 2 V. 8~.. 20383Alcock, R. Art and Art Industries in J. Lond., 1878. 120.. 29823 Japan-Jerrold. Io9 Japan. Almeida, A. d'. Visit to Manilla and J. Lond., I863. 80. 21937 Beauvoir, L. de. (In'A Voyage,' v. 3.)..21202 Griffis, W. E. The Mikado's Empire. N. Y., I876. 8~... 21939 Hfibner, J. A. von. (In'A Ramble round the World.'). 21203 Jarves, J. J. Glimpse at the Art of J. N. Y., I876. 120.. 29822 Mossman, S. New Japan. Lond., I873. 8~.. 21938 Mounsey, A. H. The Satsuma Rebellion. Lond., 1879. I2~.. 20385 Taylor, J. B. Japan in our day. N. Y., 1872. I2~... 21684 Japp, A., (pseud.,' H. A. Page.') Memoir of Nat. Hawthorne. Lond., I872. I2........... 22609 Thomas De Quincey. N. Y., I877. 2 V. 12~... 23303-Thoreau: his life and aims. Bost., I877. I6~. 22607 Jar (A) of Honey from Mt. Hybla. Hunt, J. H. L. Lond., I847. 8~. II399 Jargal. Hugo, V. M. N. Y., i866. I2~.... 24576 Jarves, J. J. Art Thoughts. N. Y., 1875. 12~. 29821 Glimpse at the Art of Japan. N. Y., I876. I2~.... 29822 Java. Beauvoir, L. de. (In'A Voyage,' v. 2.).. 2120I Jeaffreson, J. C. Brides and Bridals. Lond., I872. 2 v. 8~.. 2896ILife of Robert Stephenson. Lond., I866. 2 v. 80... 23535Jean de la Roche. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I876. I6~.. 25685 Jean Teterol's Idea. Cherbuliez, V. N. Y., I878. I6~... 24087 Jebb, R. C. Greek Literature. Lond., I877. I6~.. 26857 Modern Greece: two lectures. Lond., I88o. I2~.. 20014 [Jefferies, R.] Amateur Poacher. Bost., I879. I2~.. 29330 Gamekeeper at Home. Bost., I879. I6~... 2933I Wild Life in a Southern County. Bost., I879. 6. I6. 29332 Jefferson, Thos., Life of. Parton, J. Bost., I874. 8~.. 22640 Jeffries, B. J. Color-Blindness. Bost., I879. I2~.. 29319 Jenkin, Mrs. Chas. Jupiter's Daughters. N. Y., I874. 16~.. 24582 A Psyche of To-day. N. Y., I868. 16~.. 24583 Skirmishing. N. Y., I874. I6~..24584 "Who breaks, pays." N. Y., I873. I6~. 24585 Within an Ace. N. Y., I875. 16~.. 24586 [Jenkins, E.] Lord Bantam: a satire. N. Y., I872. I2~... 24606 Jennings, H. The Rosicrucians. Lond., I870. I2~.... 28997 Jennings, L. J. Field Paths and Green Lanes. N. Y., 1878. I2~. 2I6I2 Jennings, Mrs. V. Rahel: her life and letters. Lond., I876. 80.. 23726 Jerdan, W. Autobiography. Lond., 1852-3. 4 v. I2~. I8578Men I have known. Lond., I866. 12~.. 23605 - Personal Reminiscences. N. Y., I875. 16... 23259 Jerome, St. Cults, E. L. (The Fathers for Eng. R.) Lond., [I878]. 28505 Jerram, C. S. See Hales, J. W. & Jerram. Jerrold, D. W. Works; with life by W. B. Jerrold. Lond. 5 v. 6~0. 25200CONTENTS:-1, St. Giles and St. James; Punch's letters to his son.-2, Story of a feather; Cakes and ale.-3, Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures; Men of character; Punch's Complete letter writer.-4, A man made of money; Sketches of the English; Chronicles of Clovernook; Sick Giant and Doctor Dwarf.-5, Life. Stirling, 7. H. Edinb., I868. I6~.. 26917 Jerrold, W. B. Life of Napoleon III. Lond., I874-77. v. I-3. 8~. 2256ILondon: a pilgrimage. Lond., 1872. 4~.. I5 110 Jesse-Johnson. Jesse, G. R. Hist. of the British Dog. Lond., i866. 2 v. 8~.. 29497Jesse, J. H. Life and Reign of George III. Lond., 1867. 3 v. 80. 23037— London. Lond., I87I. 3 v. I2~...21766Memoirs of Celebrated Etonians. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~.. 23003The Pretenders and their Adherents. Lond., I845. 2 v. 8~. 23030Jessup, H. H. Syrian Home Life. N. Y., [I874]. I2~... 21613 Jesuits. Cartwright, W. C. Lond., I876. 80.... 22182 Kip, W. I. Old Jesuit Missions. N. Y., [I875]. I2~... 28726 Nicolini, G. B. Hist. of the Jesuits. Lond., 1873. 12~... 28727 Jesus. See Christ. Jevons, W. S. Logic. (Sci. Prim.) Lond., I878. I6~... 29359 Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. N. Y., I875. I20.. 29257 Political Econ. (Sci. Prim.) Lond., I878. I6~.... 29360 Theory of Political Economy. 2d ed. Lond., I879. 8~... 29169 Jewitt, L. Grave-Mounds and their Contents. Lond., 1870. 120. 20205 Half-hours among Eng. Antiquities. Lond., I88o. I2~... 20206 editor. Life of Wm. Hutton. Lond. I2~.. 23642 Jews. Allen, J. H. Hebrew Men and Times. Bost., I879. I6~. 28442 Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Palestine,... with ref. to the hist. of the Israelites. N. Y., I879. 8~.. 2I843 Brugsch, H. C. The Exodus. (Added to' Hist. of Egypt,' v. 2.) 20248 -True Story of the Exodus. Bost., I88o. 120... 20046 Conder, C. R. Judas Maccabaus, and the Jewish War of Independence. [L. &] N. Y., I879.. I6~.. 22453 Duncker, M. W. (In' Hist. of Antiquity.').. 20240- [Newman, F. W.] Hist. of the Hebrew Monarchy. Lond., 1847. 80....... 28441 Stanley, A. P. Hist. of the Jewish Church. N. Y., I853-76. 3 v. 8~...... 6533- & 28440 Joan of Arc, "the Maid." Tuckey, J. N. Y., I88o. 16~.. 22454 John, St., Life and Writings of. Macdonald, J. M. N.Y., I877. (2 cop.) 28640John of Goch. See Pupper, Joh. John of Wesel. See Ruchrath, Joh. John Thompson. Parr, L. Phila., [I878.] 16~.. 24842 Johnson, A. H. The Normans in Europe. Lond., I877. 16~.. 20458 Johnson, Elizabeth W. The Studio Arts. N. Y., I878. 16~.. 29828 Johnson, R., editor. Play-Day Poems. N. Y., I878. I6~... 26032 - Single Famous Poems. N. Y., I877. I2~. 26022 Johnson, Sam., LL.D. Six Chief Lives of the Poets. Ed. by M. Arnold. Lond., I878. I2~. 23376 CONTENTS:-Milton, Dryden, Swift, Addison, Pope, Gray. Same. [With] Macaulay's and Carlyle's essays on Boswell's'Life.' N. Y., I878. I20.. 23377 Boswell, 7. Life of Johnson. Ed. by P. Fitzgerald. Lond., I874. 3 v. 8~.....23370Same, [abridged.] N. Y., I878. I2~. (2 copies.).. 23373Hill, G. B. Dr. J.: his friends and his critics. Lond., I878. I2~. 23375 Piozzi, H. L. Anecdotes of Johnson. Lond., I786. 120.. I8641 - Stephen, L. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I878. 120... 23332 Johnson- Karasowski. 11I Johnson, Sam. (born 1822). Oriental Religions. [2 vols.]: India; China. Bost., I873 &'77. 8~.. 28560Johnson, Sam. W. How Crops Feed. N. Y., [I870]. 12~... 29459 - How Crops Grow. N. Y., [i868]. I20.. 29460 Johnston, A. Hist. of American Politics. N. Y., I879. I6~.. 21332 Johnston, W. C. (Yale,'60.) [L/ohnston, M. C. H.]. N. Y., I876.. 22601 Jonathan: a novel. Tytler, C. C. F. N. Y., 1876. 160... 24283 Jones, C. H. Short Life of Gladstone. N. Y., i880. 16~.. 22853 Jones, E. Studies of Sensation and Event: poems. Lond., I879. ~ 26146 Jones, E. H. See Cox (G. W.) & Jones. Jones, F. Life of Sir Martin Frobisher. Lond., I878. 12~... 22848 Jones, G. Sir Francis Chantrey. Lond., I849. 12~.... 18583 Jones, H., (pseud.,'Cavendish.') Card Essays, Clay's Decisions, and Card-table Talk. Lond., 1879. I2~.. 29681 Same. Amer. ed., with index. N. Y., i880. I6~.... 29682 Jones, Wm., curate of Nayland. Teale, W. H. (In'Eng. Divines.') 22110 Jonson, Ben. Every Man in his Humour. Ed. by H. B. Wheatley. Lond., I877 16.. 265II Poems. Ed. by R. Bell. Lond., 1876. I2~.. 26096 -Works. With notes and a memoir by W. Gifford; introd. by F. Cunningham. Lond., I875. 9 v. 8... 26682Coleridge, S. T. Notes and lectures. Liverp., I874. I6~.. 27021 Joseph and his Brethren. Wells, C. Lond., 1876. I2~. (2 copies.) 26I38Joseph im Schnee. Auerbach, B. Stuttg., I874. I2~.... 25893 Joseph in the Snow. Auerbach, B. N. Y., I874. 16~.... 24043 Joubert, J. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Monday-Chats.')... 23290 Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Verne, J. Bost. 120... 2427I Journey from this world to the next. Fielding, H. (Works, v. 4.) 24657 Joyce, P. W. Old Celtic Romances. Lond., I879. I2~.. 27702 Joyce, R. D. Blanid. Bost., I879. 16~... 26023 - Deirdr6. Bost., I876. 16~... 26024 Joyner, Mrs. A. B. Cyprus. (See Liher, F. von.) Joyneville, C. Life and Times of Alexander I., of Russia. Lond., I875. 3 v. 8~. (2 copies.)....... 20605Judas Maccabaeus. Conder, C. R. [Lond. &] N. Y., I879. 16. 22453 Judge and Jury. Abbott, B. V. N. Y., I880. I2~... 28846 Judicial Dramas. Spicer, H. Lond., 1872. 80~. 28840 Jukes (The). Dugdale, R. L. N. Y., I877. I20.. 29399 Junius. Britton, J. Authorship of the Letters of J. elucidated; incl. a biographical memoir of Isaac Barre. Lond., I848. 8~. 26778 Junkin (D. X.) & Norton (F. H.). Life of W. S. Hancock. N. Y., I880. 12.......... 22648 Jupiter's Daughters. Jenkin, C. N. Y., I874. 16~.... 24582 Jury, Trial by, Hist. of. Forsyth, W. N. Y., 1875. 8~.... 2884I Juste, T. Leopold I., King of the Belgians. Lond., i868. 2 v. 8~. 23899Juvenal. Walford, E. (Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers, v. I3.). 26839 Kant, I. Stirling, 7. H. De Quincey and Coleridge upon Kant. (In' Jerrold, Tennyson,' &c.)....... 26917 Karasowski, M. Frederic Chopin. Lond., I879. 2 v. 12~... 23769 112 Karl-Kenney. Karl the Great. See Charlemagne. Kashgar. Boulger, D. C. Life of Yakoob Beg, Ameer of K. Lond., 1878. 8~.. 23720 Shaw, R. Visits to High Tartary, YArkand, and K. Lond., I87I. 8........... 21923 Kate Beaumont. De Forest, J. W. Bost., 1872. 8~.... 24308 Kaufmann, M. Socialism. Founded on "Kapitalismus und Socialismus," by A. E. F. Schaffle. Lond., 1874. I20.. 291I18 Kaulbach, W. von. Reineke Fuchs von Goethe, mit Zeichnungen. Stuttg., I846. 4~. Keane, A. H. Ethnography and Philology of America. (App. to Bates, H. W.'Cent. Amer.' &c.)..21700 Keary, Annie. Castle Daly: the story of an Irish home thirty years ago. Phila., [I879]. I20....... 24607 Oldbury. Phila., [1879].. I2~. 24608 Keary, C. F. Dawn of History. N. Y., [I879]. 12~.... 20090 Keats, J. Correspondence. (See Haydon, B. R.,'Corresp.,' v. 2.) 2383I - Letters to Fanny Brawne. N. Y., 1878. 16~.. 23246 Poetical Works. Ed., with memoir, by W. M. Rossetti. Lond., [I876]. I20.....26025 Clarke, C. C. &" M. C. (In'Recollections of Writers.'). 26936 Lowell,. R. (In'Among my Books,' 2d ser.)... 26931 - asson, D. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats, and other essays. Lond., I874. I20.... 27298 - Owen, F. M. Keats: a study. Lond., I88o. I20... ~ 26292 Kebbel, T. E. Eng. Statesmen since the Peace of I815. Lond., i868. 12.......... 22884 Keddie, Henrietta, (pseud.,'Sarah Tytler.') Musical Composers and their Works. Bost., I875. I2~..... 23760 & Watson (J. L.). Songstresses of Scotland. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 23763Keen, W. W., editor. American Health Primers. Phila., 1879-80. Io v. 16~. (For contents see Amer. Health Primers.).. 29958Keightley, T. Life, Opinions, and Writings of John Milton. Lond., I855. 8........... 23440 Kellogg, A. O. Shakespeare's Delineations of Insanity, Imbecility, and Suicide. N.Y., I866. 160.....27016 Kelly, M. Personal Reminiscences. N. Y., 1875. 16~... 23260 Kelly, W. K. Curiosities of Indo-European Tradition and Folklore. Lond., 1863. I2....,.. 27789 Kemble, J. P. An Authentic Account of Mr. Kemble's Retirement from the Stage. [With] an essay, biographical and critical. Lond., 18I7. 80..........I8743 Kemble-Butler, Frances A. Records of a Girlhood. N. Y., I879. 23626 Kempe, J. E. (See Classic Preachers.) Kendall, Amos. Autobiography. Bost., 1872. 80.. 22773 Kenelm Chillingly. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Lond., 1875 (etc.) I2~........... 24111 & 24142Kennedy, P. Fireside Stories of Ireland. Dublin, 1870. 16~.. 27667 Kenney, C. L. Memoir of M. W. Balfe. Lond., 1875. 8~.. 23845 Kdramos-Knight. I13 K6ramos. Longfellow, H. W. Bost., I878. I6.. 26076 Kett, C. W. Rubens. L. & N. Y., 1879. I2~.. 23788 Keyser, R. Private Life of the Old Northmen. Lond., I868. I2~. 20049 Khiva. MacGahan, J. A. Campaigning on the Oxus, and the Fall of Khiva. N. Y., I874. 8~. 21924 King, E. French Political Leaders. N. Y., I876. I6~.... 22442 CONTENTS:-Hugo; Thiers; Gambetta; Jules Simon; Mac Mahon; Dupanloup; Gr6vy; E. Laboulaye; Rouher; Duval; Due de Broglie; Buffet; Due d'Audiffret - Pasquier; Dufaure; Ollivier; Jules Favre; Comte de Chambord; Duc d'Aumale; Comte de Paris; Picard; Rochefort; PWrier; Jules Ferry. The Great South. Hartf'd, I875. 80~..21588 King, R. J. Sketches and Studies. Lond., 1874. 8.... 27404 CONTENTS:-Carolingian romance; Sacred trees and flowers; Dogs of folk-lore, history, and romance; Change of faith in Iceland A. D. 1000; Great shrines of England; Travelling in Eng.; Devonshire*;Robert Herrick and his vicarage; Sketches and studies from Belgium: Iechlin, Louvain, Bruges from the belfry tower, Visit to the chateaux of Rubens and Teniers; Pilgrimage to St. David's. King, T. S. Christianity and Humanity: sermons. Ed., with a memoir, by E. P. Whipple. Bost., I877. I2~.. 28538 Substance and Show, and other lectures. Bost., I877. I2~.. 28539 Kings in Exile. Daudet, A. Bost., I88o. 6~..... 24I7 Kingsley, Miss. South by West. Ed. by C. Kingsley. Lond., I874. 21582 Kingsley, C. Health and Education. Lond., I874. I2~... 29979 His Letters and Memories of his Life. Ed. by his wife. Lond., I877. 2 v. 8........ 2226ISame. Abridged. N. Y., I877. I2.... 22263 Hypatia. Lond., I875. I2~. (2 copies.)... 24609Town Geology. Lond., I872. I60.. 29420 Twenty-five Village Sermons. Lond., I873. 16~.. 28540 - Two Years ago. Lond., 1874. I2~. (3 copies.). 246IIWestward Ho! Lond., I874. I2~. (3 copies.). 24614Yeast. Lond., I875. I2~. (2 copies.).... 24617Kingsley, G. H. See Herbert, G. R. C., & Kingsley. Kingsley, H. Fireside Studies. Lond., I876. 2 v. 2.... 27296CONTENTS:-1, The fathers of the Spectator; Two old Sussex worthies; The old-fashioned member; The master of the " Mermaid." 2, The father of irregular drama; Fletcher and Beaumont; Sir Philip Sydney. Geoffry Hamlyn. Lond., I874. I2~. (2 copies.)... 246rgKingsley, W. L., editor. Yale College: a sketch of its history. N. Y., I879. 2 v. 4~.. Kip, W. I. Historical Scenes from the Old Jesuit Missions. N. Y., [I875]. I2...... 28726 Kirk, E. N., Life of. Mears, D. O. Bost., I878. 8~.... 22692 Kirkman, J. T. Life of Chas. Macklin. Lond., I799. 2 v. 8.. I8658Kitchin, G. W. Hist. of France. Oxf., I873-77. v.I -3. I20.. 20404CONTENTS:-1, To the year 1453. 2,1453-1624. 3,1624-1793. Klaczko, J. Polish Poetry in the I9th Cent. (With Krasinski, S.,'The Undivine Comedy,' etc.). 2612I Two Chancellors: Gortschakof and Bismarck. N. Y., I876. I20. 22500 Klkden, C. F. von. The Self-made Man: autobiography. Ed., with a sketch of his after life, by M. Jahn. Lond., I876. 2 v. 23920Klunzinger, C. B. Upper Egypt. N. Y., 1878. 80.... 21849 Knight, A. G. Life of Christopher Columbus. Lond., I877. I2~. 23617 114 Knight-Lacroix. Knight, Chas. Passages of a Working Life. Lond., I864-5. 3 v. 23200Same, [abridged.] Bost., I874. I2~.. 23203 Popular Hist. of England. Lond., [I862-68]. 8 v. 80... 2I080Studies of Shakspere. Lond., I849. 8.. 27042 William Shakspere: a biography. Lond., I867. 8~... 27184 Knight, E. Cornelia. Autobiography. Lond., I86I. 2 v. 8~.. 23057Personal Reminiscences. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Bric-A-Brac Series.')..23258 Knight, W. Colloquia Peripatetica: notes of conversations with J. Duncan. Edinb., I871. 16~.. 23655 Knight's Quarterly Magazine. Lond., I823-4. 3 v. 8~.,.. I8335Knox, John, On the portraits of. Carlyle, T. (In'Early Kings.'). 236I6 Kinig Jakob's letzte Tage. Miigge, T. Breslau, I867. 16~. (Romane, B. 30.).......... 25849 Kirner, C. G. Correspondence with Schiller. Lond., 1849. 2 v. 23320Koltzof-Massalski, H. G. See Istria, Dora d'. Koner, W. See Guhl, E., & Koner. Koomassie. See Coomassie. Koran. Muir, W. The Corin. Lond., [I878]. 16~... 28580 Stephens, W. R. W. Christianity and Islam; the Bible and the Koran: 4 lectures. N. Y., I877. 12~.... 28566 See, also, Mohammedanism. Kossuth, L. Memories of my Exile. N. Y., I88o. 8~... 23947 Krasinski, S. The Undivine Comedy, and other poems. Phila., I875. 12~...........26121 Krause, E. Erasmus Darwin. N. Y., I88o. I2.. 23545 Krieg und Frieden. Hacklander, F. W. von. Stuttg., I866. 2 B. 160. (Werke, B. 38-39.)........ 258I8Kriidener, Juliane de V. de. Sainte-Beave, C. A. (In' Portraits.'). 23643 Kiinstlerroman. Hacklander, F. W. von. Stuttg., I873. 5 B. 16~. (Werke, B. 52-56.)........ 25825Kugler, F. T. Handb. of Painting. (See Waagen, G. F.). 29875Labilliere, F. P. Early Hist. of the Colony of Victoria. Lond., 1878. 2 v. I2~.. 20484Labor. Brassey, T. Lectures on the L. Question. Lond., 1878. 8~. 29000 Cook, J. (Bost. Monday Lectures.) Bost., I88o. 120.. 28027 - Newcomb, S. Money and L. Questions. N. Y., 1878. 24~.. 29062 - Thornton, W. T. Lond., 1870. 80.. 29002 See, also, Wages. Laboulaye, E. R. L., (pseud.,'Rene Lefebvre.') Contes bleus. [&] Nouveaux contes bleus. Paris, 1877. 16~.. 25666 Paris en Amierique. Paris, I877. 16~.. 25667 Le Prince-Caniche. Paris, I877. I6~..25668 Lacombe, M. J. P. Arms and Armour. Lond., I869. 12~... 29928 Lacordaire, J. B. H. D., abbe', Memoir of. Montalembert, C. F. R. de. Lond., I863. 8~.. 2280o Lacretelle, H. de. Lamartine and his Friends. N. Y., I88o. 120.. 22482 Lacroix, P. The Arts in the Middle Ages, and at the periodl of the Renaissance. Lond., I870. 80. 20362 Lacroix-Landseer. 115 Lacroix, P. The I8th Century. Lond., I876. 8~.. 20363 Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Middle Ages. Lond., I874. 8........... 2036 - Military and Religious Life. Lond., 1874. 8~... 20360 Science and Literature. Lond., 1878. 8~... 20364 Lacy, J. Dramatic Works; with memoir and notes. Edinb. & L., I875. 80... 26570 Lady of the Aroostook. Howells, W. D. Bost., I879. 12~. (3 cop.) 24565Lady Lee's Widowhood. Hamley, E. B. Edinb., I854. 2 v. 80.. 24484LaFayette, M. M. Pt, comtesse de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In' Portraits.'). 23643 [Laffan, May.] The Honorable Miss Ferrard. N. Y., I878. I6~.. 24929 LaFontaine, J. de. Besant, W. (In'French Humourists.').. 26776 Lamartine, A. M. L. de. Biographies and Portraits. Lond., I866. 2 v. 80........... 23727CONTENTS:-1, Lord Chatham; Wm. Pitt; Shakespeare.-2, Shakespeare; Charlotte Corday; Mad. Roland; Mirabeau; Danton; Vergniaud. Graziella. Paris, 1876. 16~.. 25669 Hist. of the Constituent Assembly, 1789. Lond., I858. 4v. in 2. 20415Twenty-five Years of my Life, and Memoirs of my Mother. Lond., I872. 2 V. I2~.. 22525Same, abridged. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Bric-a-Brac Series.'). 23261 Lacretelle, H. de. Lamartine and his Friends. N. Y., I88o. I2~. 22482 Lamb, Caroline, Lady. Ada Reis: a tale. Lond., 1823. 3 v. 16~. I862IOriginal Poetry, Letters, and Recollections. (See Nathan, I., editor.).. i8636 Lamb, Chas. Stoddard, R. H. (In'Bric-A-Brac series.').. 23254 & Mary Lamb. Poems, Letters, and Remains. Ed. by W. C. Hazlitt. Lond., I874. 120... 23216 La Motte Fouqu6, F. de. Sintram und seine Gefahrten. Braunsch., 1873. I6.......... 2583I Undine. Eine Erzahlung. Mit 60 Holzschnitten. Berlin, I870. 25904 Der Zauberring. Braunsch., 1865. 3 Th. in I B. I6~.. 25830 La Motte-Valois, J. de L., comtcsse de; Life of. Vizetelly, H. Lond., I867. 2 V. I2~........ 22523Lamphere, G. N. United States Government. Phil., i88o. 8~. 2153I Lancashire Memories. Potter, L. Lond., I879. 12~... 23686 Land (The) of Charity. Mateer, S. N. Y. 12~. 21618 Landhaus (Das) am Rhein. Auerbach, B. Stuttg., I871. 4 B. I6~. (Romane, B. 9-12.)... 25891- Same. Stuttg., 1874. 3 B. x6~... 25884Landolin. Auerbach, B. N. Y., I878. 16~.. 24044 Landor, W. S. Hellenics. Edinb., I859. 8~... 26246 The Last Fruit off an Old Tree. Lond., I853. I2~.... 18644 See Dowden, E.,' Stud. in Lit.' (26926); Milnes, R. M.,' Monographs' (23220); Stephen, L.,' Hours in a Lib.,' v. 3 (26935). Landseer, Sir E. Stephens, F. G. (Illust. Biographies.) L. & N. Y., i88o. I20.....,... 23791 Landseer, T., editor. Life [Autobiog.] and Letters of Wm. Bewick, artist. Lond., I871. 2 V. 120.. 23840 II6 Lane-Law. Lane, E. W., Life of. Poole, S. L. Lond., I877. 8~.... 23425 Lang, A. Ballads and Lyrics of Old France; with other poems. Lond., 1872. I20.. 26026 Lange, F. A. Hist. of Materialism. Bost., I877-80. v. 1I-2. 8~.. 28209Langton, Stephen, Life of. Maurice, C. E. Lond., I872. I20.. 22940 Language. Miuller, F. M. Sci. of Language. (His'Chips,'v. 4.). 27302 Sayce, A. H. Introd. to the Science of L. Lond., I880. 2 V. I20. 27864Whitney, W. D. Life and Growth of L. N. Y., I875. I2~. (2 cop.) 29255— Oriental and Linguistic Studies. N. Y., I873-4. 2 series. I2........... 36 & 27862 Wilkins, A. S. Some Historical Results of the Sci. of L. (In Owens College Ess. & Ad.).. 27412 See, also, Basque; Greek Lang.; Literature; Philology; Scandinavian. English. Lounsbury, T. R. Hist. of the Eng. L. N. Y., I879. 27870 - Oliphant, T. L. K. Sources of Standard English. Lond., I873. 6........... 27869 - White, R. G. Every-Day English. Bost., I88o. I20... 27866 - See, also, English Lit.; Grammar, Eng.; Rhetoric. Lanier, S. Science of English Verse. N. Y., I88o. 120... 26289 Lansdowne, Marquis of. See Petty, H. Laocoon. Lessing, G. E. Transl. by E. Frothingham. Bost., I874. 26290 Laos. See Indo-China. Lapland. Hutchinson, A. H. Lond., I870. I2~. 21706 Lappenberg, J. M. England under the Anglo-Saxon Kings. Lond., I845. 2 v. 8......... 2I089Larpent, G. Turkey. From the journals and correspondence of Sir James Porter; continued by G. Larpent. Lond., 1854. 2 V. 206I5Larwood, Jacob, (pseud.) See Sadler, L. R. [La Sale, A. de.] Hist. and Pleasant Chronicle of Little Jehan de Saintre. Lond., 1862. I2~.. 24211 La Salle, R. C. de.; and the discovery of the Great West. Parkman, F. Bost., I879. 80...21403 Last (The) Athenian. Rydberg, V. Phil., [I879]. 120. I2~.. 24817 Last (The) Fruit off an Old Tree. Landor, W. S. Lond., I853. I20. I8644 Last (The) Knight. Auersperg, A. A. N. Y., I871. 80... 26240 Latham, R. G. Frithiof: [poem] from the Swedish of E. Tegner. Lond., I838. I20.. 27709 Lathrop, G. P. A Study of Hawthorne. Bost., I876. I6~... 22608 Latimer, H.: a biography. Demaus, R. Lond., [I869]. 12~... 22I00 [La Tour Landry, G. de.] Book of the Knight of the Tower, Landry. Lond., 1862. I2~.. 24211 Laugel, A. England, political and social. N. Y., I874. I6~... 208I1 Laun, H. van. See Van Laun. Law, J., the Financier. Cochut, P. A. Lond., I856. I6~... 22843 Law. Amos, S. Science of Law. N. Y., I874. I2~... 29249 Ihering, R. von., Struggle for Law. Chic., I879. I20.. 28844 - Maine, H. J. S. Ancient Law. N. Y., I877. 8.... 28967 - Montesquieu, C. de S. de. Spirit of Laws. With D'Alembert's analysis of the work. Lond., I878. 2 v. I2~.... 28849 Law-Legends. I17 Law, American. Abbott, B. V. American Jurisprudence. (In First Cent. of the Republic.).. 21520 _ - - Judge and Jury. N. Y., I88o. I2~... 28846 Constitutional. See England, Const. &' Laws; U. S., Const. &' Laws; Politics. Natural. Broom, H. Philosophy of Law. San Fran., [I876]. 2885I - Simcox, E. Bost., I877. 80... 28208 - Parliamentary. See Parliamentary Practice. Roman. Hadley, J. N. Y., I875. I2~......28847 See, also, Jury; Lawyers; Social Sci.; Trials. Law of Hotel Life. Rogers, R. V. San Fran., I879. I6~.. 28852 Lawless, V. B., Baron Cloncurry. Personal Recollections. Dublin, I849. 8........... 8598 Lawrence, F. Life of Henry Fielding. Lond., I855. I20.. 23215 Laws (The) of Fesole. Ruskin, J. N. Y., 1877. Part I. 12~.. 29844 Lawyers. Forsyth, W. Hist. of Lawyers. Bost., I875. 8~... 23886 Woolrych, H. W. Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-Law of the English Bar. Lond., 1869. 2 v. 8~... 23887Leading Cases done into English. Lond., 1876. 80... 26122 Leah: a woman of fashion. Edwards, A. N. Y., [I875]. 8~. 24648 Leahy, J. Art of Swimming in the Eton Style. Lond., I875. I2~. 29642 Leam Dundas, The Atonement of. Linton, E. L. Phil., I876. 8~. 24312 Lear (A) of the Steppe. Turgenief, I. S..24867 Le Bas, C. W. Life of T. F. Middleton, D.D. Lond., 1831. 2 v. 8~. i874ILe Brun, Elisabeth L. V. Souvenirs. N. Y., I879. 8... 23839 Lechler, G. V. Wiclif and his English Precursors. Lond., I878. 2 v. 80.. 22305Lecky, W. E. H. Hist. of England in the I8th Century. N. Y., 1878. 2 v. I2.......... 20926LeConte, J. Correlation of Vital with Chemical and Physical Forces. (With Stewart, B.,'Conservation of Energy.') 29246 Elements of Geology. N. Y., 1878. 80.. 294Io Lecturing, Hints on. Pitman, H. Lond., 1879. 16~.... 27835 Lee, Eliza B. Life of J. P. F. Richter; with his autobiogr. [Ist ed.] Bost., 1842. 2 v. I20. (2 copies.).... 7799Same. 2d ed. Lond., I849. I2~.. 23226 Same. 3d ed. Bost., I864. 12~. (2 copies.).... 7803Lee, Sophia. The Recess; or, A tale of other times. Lond., 1792. 3 v. 6............I8684Lefebvre, Rend. See Laboulaye, E. R. L. Leftvre, A. Philosophy, historical and critical. Lond., I879. 12~. 28162 Legal Tender. See Money. Legend of Jubal. Eliot, Geo. Bost., I874. I6~.. 26056 Legends. Arnason, J. Icelandic Legends. Lond., I864. I20.. 27710 Cox, G. W. Tales of Ancient Greece. Chic., I877. I20. ~ 27742 - - & Jones (E. H.). Tales of the Teutonic Lands. Lond., I872. 27713 See, also, Myths (and references). Legends and Lyrics. Procter, A. A. Lond., I872-3. 2 v. 16~. 26034 II8 Legends-Letters. Legends of the Madonna. Jameson, A. M. Lond., I872. 80.. 29910 Legends of the Monastic Orders. Jameson, A. M. Lond., 1872. 29911 Legends of Number Nip. Lemon, M. Lond., I864. I6~... 2462I Legge, A. O. Pius IX.: his life to I850. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~. 22I85Legge, J. Life and Teachings of Confucius. Lond., 1867. 8~.. 23730 Life and Works of Mencius. Phila., I875. 12~.... 23729 Legislative Assemblies, Rules of. See Parliamentary Practice. Le Goff, F. Life of Louis Adolphe Thiers. N. Y., 1879. 12~.. 22521 Leighton, R. F. Hist. of Rome. N. Y., i88o. I2~.... 20099 Leisure-Day Rhymes. Saxe, J. G. Bost., I875. I20. 2~... 13I Leland, C. G. Abraham Lincoln, and the abolition of slavery in the U. S. [L. &] N. Y., 1879. I6~.. 22451 Egyptian Sketch-book. Lond., I873. I2~..... 21616 &' others. English-Gipsy Songs in Rommany, with metrical English translations. By C. G. Leland, E. H. Palmer and Janet Tuckey. Phila., I875. 16..26123 Lemoine, E. (See Thomson, J.,'Public and Private Life of Animals.') Lemon, M. Legends of Number Nip. Lond., I864. I6~.I. 24621 Lennox, W. P. Drafts on my Memory. Lond., i866. 2 V. 8~.. 23889Lenormant, Amdlie C. Mad. Recamier and her Friends. Bost., 1875. I2........... 22483 Leo I., St., (the Great,) and the Rise of the Papacy. Merivale, C. (In'Four Lect.')........ 28445 Leonardo da Vinci. See Vinci. Leone Leoni. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. (In vol. with'Teverino.'). 25695 Leopold I., king of the Belgians, Memoirs of. Juste, T. Lond., I868. 2 v. 8.......... 23899Leslie, A. Arctic Voyages of A. E. Nordenskiiild: 1858-I879. Lond., I879. 8.. 2188I Lesseps, F. de. Fitzgerald, P. Canal at Suez, [and] its projector. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 80...21840 — Lessing, G. E. Laocoon. Transl. by Ellen Frothingham. Bost., 1874. I6~.. 26290 Nathan the Wise. [And] Emilia Galotti. Leipz., I868. I6~. 26512 Selected Prose Works. Ed. by E. Bell. Lond., I879. I2.~.. 27256 CONTENTS:-Laokoon; How the ancients represented death; Dramatic notes. Fiske, 7. Nathan the Wise. (In'Unseen World.').. 27243 - Lowell, Y. R. (In'Among my Books,' 1st ser.).... 3616 Sime, 7. [A Biography.] Lond., I877. 2 v. 8~.... 23328Zimmern, H. His Life and his Works. Lond., 1878. 12~.. 23330 Lessons from my Masters. Bayne, P. N. Y., 1879. I20... 23287 L'Estrange, A. G. K. Hist. of Eng. Humour. Lond., I878. 2v. 12~. 26938Letourneau, C. Biology. Lond., 1878. 8.. 29390 Letters. Scoones, W. B. Four centuries of English Letters: selections from the correspondence of 15owriters. Lond.,I88O. I2~. 23378 Letters from High Latitudes. Blackwood, F. T. H. N. Y. I2~. 21222 Letters from the Mountains. Grant, A. Lond., 1807. 3 v. 12~.. 8547 Letters-Lieber. II9 Letters and Social Aims. Emerson, R. W. Bost., I876. I2~. (2 copies.)..27224Letters, written for the Post, and not for the Press. [Russell, J.] Lond., 1820. I2~.. I8696 Lettsom, W. N. Nibelungenlied. Transl. [into Engl. verse]. Lond., I874. 80..27706 Levant, In the. Warner, C. D. Bost., 1877. I2~... 2i690 Lever, C. J., (pseud.,'Harry Lorrequer.') Arthur O'Leary. Lond., I845. 80............ 24669 The Bramleighs of Bishop's Folly. 1872. 80.. 24254 Confessions of Con. Cregan, the Irish Gil Blas. Lond., [1872]. 24255 Davenport Dunn: a man of our day. Lond., I872. 80... 24256 Dodd Family abroad. Lond., 1854. 80......24257 Same. New ed. Lond., I872. 80.. 24258 J- ack Hinton, the Guardsman. Phila., [I878]. 8... 24259 -- Luttrell of Arran. Lond., I873. 8~.....24260 The Martins of Cro' Martin. Lond., I873. 80~.. 24261 - Fitzpatrick, W. %7. Life of Lever. Lond., I879. 2 v. 8.. 23400 Leveson, H. A., (" The Old Shekarry.") Hunting Grounds of the Old World. Lond., I865. 8.... 29493 Levy, W. H. Blindness and the Blind. Lond., 1872. I20. 29978 Lewes, G. H. Actors and the Art of Acting. Lond., I875. I20. 26559 Life of Robespierre. Lond., 1849. I2~.. 22527 Life and Works of Goethe. Bost., I856. 2 v. I6~.... 23307Same, abridged. Story of G.'s Life. Lond., I873. 12... 23309 Lewes, Marian Evans. See Eliot, George. Lewis (kizngs of ]Fance). See Louis. Lewis, C. T. Hist. of Germany; founded on Dr. David Miiller. N. Y., 1874. 8~~. 20642 Lewis, G. C. Letters, to various friends. Lond., I870. 8~.. 23056 Lewsiana. Smith, W. A. Lond., I875. 120. 21253 Liber Humanitatis. Greenwell, D. Lond., I875. I2~.... 27272 Liberal (The). [Hunt, J. H. L., & Byron.] Lond., 1822-3. 2 v. 80. II400Liberty. Hill, B. A. Liberty and Law under federative government. Phil., I874. I2~... 28843 Lieber, F. Civil Liberty and Self-Government. Phila., I874. 29082 Mill, J. S. Bost., I863. I6~.. 28853 -- Morley, J. On Compromise. Lond., I874. 8~.. 29089 Paterson, J. Liberty of the Subject and Security of the Person. Lond., I877. 2 v. 2 2....28854Stephen, J. F. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. N. Y., I873. 120. 28856 Liberty of the Press. See Newspapers. Liddon, H. P. Some Elements of Religion: Lent lectures. N. Y., I872. I20........... 28541 Lidstone, W. Fifteen thousand Miles on the Amazon. (See Brown, C. B., & Lidstone.) Lie, J. The Pilot and his Wife. Chic., I876. I2~.. 24210 Lieber, F. Civil Liberty and Self-Government. Ed. by T. D. Woolsey. Phila., I874. 8~.. 29082 120 Lieber-Literature. Lieber, F. Manual of Political Ethics. Ed. by T. D. Woolsey. Phila., I875. 2 v. ~...29080Liebig, J. von, The Life-work of. Hofmann, A. W. Lond., I876. 23544 Liechtenstein, Marie. Holland House. Lond., I874. 2 v. 8~.. 2I773Life (conduct andphilosophy of). Arnold, F. Turning-points in Life. Lond., I873. 2 V. 12~.. 27379Greg, W. R. Enigmas of Life. Bost., I874. I2~.... 27292 - Mallock, W. H. Is Life Worth Living? N. Y., I879. I2~.. 28085 - Value of Life: a reply to Mallock's essay "Is Life worth living?" N. Y., I879. I2~.. 28086 See, also, Education (&' references); Professions. Life (vitalforce). Beale, L. S. Life Theories: their influence upon religious thought. Lond., I87I. 12~.. 29293 - - Machinery of Life: a lecture. Lond., [I875]. I2... 29294 - Mystery of Life. Lond., I87I. I2~.. 29295 -On Life and on Vital Action in Health and Disease. Lond., I875. I2.......... 29296 See, also, Biology. Life in the Open Air. Winthrop, T. N. Y., I876. i6~... 27239 Life (The), Writings, Opinions, and Times of Lord Byron. Lond., I825. 3 v. 8......., I8653Light. Lommel, E. Nature of Light. N. Y., I876. 12~... 29258 -- Mayer (A. M.) & Barnard (C.). N. Y., I877. I20... 29317 - Vogel, H. Chemistry of L. and Photography. N. Y., I875. I2~. 29253 - See, also, Colors; Spectroscope; Spectrum Analysis. Light (The) of Asia. Arnold, E. Bost., 1879. I6~.. 26003 Lightfoot, J. B. Revision of the Eng. New Test. N. Y., I873. I2~. 28525 Lights and Shadows of Amer. Life. Mitford, M. R., editor. Lond., 1832. 3 v. 12....... I8544Lima. Markham, C. R. (With'Cuzco.').. 2170I Lincoln, A. Leland, C. G. Lincoln and the Abolition of Slavery. [L. &] N. Y., I879. I6~.. 22451 Welles, G. Lincoln and Seward. N. Y., 1874. I2~.. 22645 Linderman, H. R. Money and Legal Tender in the U. S. N. Y., I877. I2........... 29058 [Lindley, A. F.] Ti-ping Tien-kwoh: history of the Tiping Revolution. By Lin-le. Lond., I866. 2 v. 8~.. 2038ILinton, Eliza L. The Atonement of Leam Dundas. Phila., I876. 24312 Lippincott, Sara J. C., (pseud.,'Grace Greenwood.') Haps and Mishaps of a Tour in Europe. Bost., I854. I2~.. 6491 Lippincott's Magazine. Philad., I868-79. 24 v. 8~.. I3373Liszt, F. Life of Chopin. Phila., I863. 16~.. 23768 Literary and Social Judgments. Greg, W. R. Bost., I873. I20.. 27293 Literature. Dowden, E. Studies in Literature. Lond., I878. I2~. (For contents see Dowden.)..26926 - Lacroix, P. Science and Literature in the Middle Ages. Lond., I878. 8........... 20364 Muller, F. M. Essays on Literature. (His'Chips,' v. 3.).. 3733 - Ossoli, M. F. Art, Lit., and the Drama. (Works, v. 5.).. 27290 Literature-Lombard. I2I Literature. Stephen, L. Hours in a Library. Lond., i874-8o. 3 v. I2~. (For contents see Stephen.). 26933See, also, Biography; Books* Drama; History; Journalism; Language;'Myths; Poetry; Quotations; Wit & Humour.-Also,'Literature' underthe folloigpref es: American; Celtic; English; French; German; Greek; Italian; Roman; Scandinavian. Literature and Dogma. Arnold, M. N. Y., I873. I2~.... 28689 Literature and Life. Whipple, E. P. Bost., I87I..... 27267 Literature Primers. Green, J. R., editor. Lond., i876-9. 7 v. I6~. 26855CONTENTS; —English Lit., by S. A. Brooke.-Shakspeare E. Dowden.Greek Lit., R. C. Jebb.-Eng. Gram. Exercises, R. Morris & i. C. Bowen.Philology, J. Peile.-Classical Geography, H. F. Tozer.-Homer, W. E. Gladstone. Littell's Living Age. Bost., I844-79. v. I-I43. 8~.. 13924Little Barefoot. Auerbach, B. N. Y., I874. I60... 24045 Little Jehan de Saintre. [La Sale, A. de.] Lond., 1862. I2~... 24211 Liverpool, R. B. J., earl of. Earle, 7. C. (In'Eng. Premiers,' v. 2.) 22883 Livingstone, D. Last Journals in Central Africa. N. Y., I875. 8~. (Map in separate case.). 23532-- Stanley, H. M., How I found Livingstone. N. Y., I872. 80.. 21856 Livy. Capes, W. W. (Classical Writers.) N. Y., I88o. I6~... 26893 - Collins, W. L. ('Ancient Classics for English Readers,' supplem. series, v. I.)......... 26847 Liza. Turgenief, I. S. N. Y., I872. 16~. (2 copies.)... 24862Lloyd, C. Tragedies of Alfieri; transl. [into Eng. blank verse]. Lond., 181I5. 3 v. 160... I86I6Lloyd, L. Peasant Life in Sweden. Lond., I870. 80.... 21788 Lloyd, W. W. Age of Pericles. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~... 20I63Lloyd Lee. [Blair, E. T. New Haven, I878.] 16~. (2 copies.). 24060Lock, D. R., (pseud.,'Petroleum V. Nasby.') Nasby. Cincin., I867. 25212 Struggles, social, financial and political. Bost., 1873. 8.. 6490 Locke, John, Life of. Bourne, H. R. F. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8~.. 23520Locker, F. London Lyrics. Lond., I874. I6.. 26074 Lockyer, J. N. Astronomy. (Sci. Primers.) Lond., I877. 160.. 2936I The Spectroscope and its Applications. Lond., I873. I2~.. 293I8 Studies in Spectrum Analysis. N. Y., I878. 120.... 29263 Locusts and Wild Honey. Burroughs, J. Bost., I879. I6~... 29323 Ldher, F. von. Cyprus, historical and descriptive. Adapted from the German; with much additional matter by Mrs. A. B. Joyner. Lond., 1878. I2.. 21251 Lowenberg, J.,joint auzhor. See Bruhns, C.,'Life of A. von Humboldt.' Lowenthal, J. Morphy's Games of Chess. Lond., I86o. I2~.. 297II Same. Morphy's Games. N. Y., I86o. I2~.. 29712 Loftie, W. J. Plea for Art in the House. Phila., [I877]. I2~.. 2978I Logan, W. H. See Maidment, J., & Logan. Log-book of a Fisherman. Buckland, F. Lond., I875. 8~~ ~. 29495 Logic. Jevons, W. S. (Sci. Primers.) Lond., I878. I6~.. 29359 Logic of Christian Evidences. Wright, G. F. Andover, I88o. 12~. 28702 Loiterings in Pleasant Paths. Terhune, M. V. H. N. Y., I880. 2i68i Lola: a tale of Gibraltar. Griffiths, A. N. Y., 1877. I6~.. 24452 Lombard Street. Bagehot, W. Lond., I873. I2~.. 29051 122 Lombardy-Longfellow. Lombardy. Testa, G. B. Hist. of the War of Frederick I. against the Communes of L. Lond., I877. 80.. 20296 Lommel, E. Nature of Light. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 29258 London. Becker, B. H. Scientific London. N. Y., I875. I2~.. 27300 Doran, J. London in the Jacobite Times. Lond., I877. 2 v.. 2176IDore (G.) &'Jerrold (W. B.). Lond., I87I. 4~.... Hare, A. J. C. Walks in London. N. Y., I878. I2~.. 21606 Jesse, J. H. Lond., I87I. 3 v. I2. 21766Nadal, E. S. Impressions of London Social Life. N. Y., I875. 21708 - [Sadler, L. R.] Story of the Lond. Parks. Lond., [I871]. 2 V. 2I6I4Thornbury (W.) & Walford (E.). Old and New London. Lond., [I873-8]. 6 v. 8......... 2I960Timbs, J. Club Life of London. Lond., I866. 2 v. I2~.. 21764- Curiosities of London. Lond., [I867]. 80.... 21763 Walford, E. Londoniana. Lond., I879. 2 V. 12~.... 2I2607o- wer. Bell, D. C. Notices of the Historic Persons buried in the Chapel of St. Peter ad Vincula, in the Tower of L. Lond., I877. 8~.. 23002 -- Dixon, W. H. Her Majesty's Tower. Lond., I869-7r. 4 V. 2I769See, also, Bow-Street; Lombard St.; Southwark; Westminster Abbey. London (The) Anecdotes. Lond. I6~.. 25245 London Daily News. See Daily News (Lond.). London Dialectical Society. See Spiritualism, Report. London Life, Oddities of. [Poole, J.] Lond., I838. 2 v. 8~.. 25209London Lyrics. Locker, F. Lond., I874. I6~... 26074 London Quarterly Review. See Quarterly Rev. London Review. Lond., I835-6. 2 v. 8~.. II885London Series of English Classics. Hales (J. W.) & Jerram (C. S.), editors. CONTENTS: —Bacon's Essays, ed. by E. A. Abbott.-Selections from Pope, by T. Arnold. —Marlowe's Dr. Faustus, by W. Wagner.-Jonson's Every Man in his Humour, by H. B. Wheatley. London Society. Lond., I862-79. v. 1-I9, 22-36. 80.... I7755London and Westminster Review. Lond., I836-40. 7 v. 8~.. II887Long, C. C. Central Africa. N. Y., I877. 8~.... 2185I Long, G. Epictetus: [selections and] life. Lond., 1877. I2~.. 26805 Long, J, W. American Wild-fowl Shooting. N. Y.. I874. I20.. 29610 Long Life, and how to reach it. Richardson, J. G. Phil., 1879. I6~. 29959 Longevity, Human. Thoms. W. J. Lond., I873. I2~.. 29388 Longfellow, H. W. Aftermath. Bost., I873. I6~...26075 Keramos, and other poems. Bost., I878. I6~.. 26076 -- Masque of Pandora, and other poems. Bost., I875. (2 copies.) 26077New-England Tragedies: I, John Endicott; 2, Giles Corey of the Salem Farms. Bost., I868. I2~.. 26079 editor. Poems of Places. Bost., I876-79. 31 v. I6... 26440CONTENTS:-1-4. England (and Wales).-5 Ireland.-6-8, Scotland, (Denmark, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden).-9 —10, France (and Savoy). -11-13 Italy.-14-15, Spain, (Portugal, Belgium and Holland).-16, Switzerland, and Austria.-17-18, Germany.-19, Greece, and Turkey in Europe.-20, Russia.21-23, Asia.-24, Africa.-25-30, America, (viz.: 25-26, New England; 27, Middle States; 28, Western; 29, Southern * 30, British Amer., Danish Amer., Mexico, Central Amer., S. Amer., W. Indies.)-31, Oceanica. Longman-Lubbock. 123 Longman, W. Lectures on the Hist. of England. Lond., I863. 80. 2I088 Lonsdale, H. John Dalton. Lond., I874. I2~. 23564 Lonsdale, Margaret. Sister Dora: a biography. Bost., I88o. 16~. 23650 Lord Bantam. [Jenkins, E.] N. Y., I872. I20.. 24606 Loring, F. W. Two College Friends. Bost., [I871]. I6~... 24235 Loring, G. B. Treatise on Agriculture and the Horse. (In Murray, W. H. H.,'The Perfect Horse.').. 29496 Lorley and Reinhard. Auerbach, B. N. Y., I877. 16~. (2 copies.) 24046Lorna Doone. Blackmore, R. D. N. Y., [1878]. 8~.. 24305 Lossing, B. J. The Hudson. Troy. 8~... 21587 Pictorial Field-book of the War of I812. N. Y., I868. 8~.. 21560 Lotus Leaves. [Ed. by J. Brougham and J. Elderkin.] Lond., I875. 27563 Louis XI., king of France, Reign of. Willert, P. F. Lond., I876.. 20069 Louis XIV., king of France. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Monday Chats.')..23290 Louis XV., king of France. Broglie, A. de. The King's Secret: correspondence with his diplomatic agents, from 1752-I774. Lond., [I879]. 2 v. 80. 20685Louisa, queen of Prussia, Life and Times of. Hudson, E. H. Lond., I874. 2 V. 12.......... 22507Louisiana: [a novel.] Burnett, F. H. N. Y., I88o. I2~. (2 cop.) 24I56Lounsbury, T. R. Hist. of the English Language. N. Y., I879.. 27870 Love is Enough. Morris, W. Bost., I873 160.. 26102 Lovelace, R. Lucasta: poems. With [life] by W. C. Hazlitt. Lond., I864. 120.. 26080 Lover, S. Songs and Ballads. Lond., I844. I6~... 26081 Bernard, B. The Life of Lover, artistic, literary, and musical; with selections. Lond., I874. 2 V. I20.. I8539CONTENTS: —1, Life.-2, Selections. - Symington, A. 7. Biographical sketch, with selections. N. Y., i88o. 160....... 233II Lover's (The) Tale. Tennyson, A. Bost., 1879. I6~.. 692 Love's Meinie. Ruskin, J. N. Y., I873. I2~.. 29835 Low, C. R. Memoir of Sir Garnet J. Wolseley. Lond., I878. 2 V. 22844Lowell, J. R. Among my Books. Bost., I870-76. 2 series. I2~. (2 copies.)..... 36I6- & 2693IPoetical Works. New rev. ed. Bost., I877. 80.. 26160 A Year's Life: [poems.] Bost., 1841. I6~.. 26082 Lowell, R. T. S. Antony Brade. Bost., I874. I2~.... 24236 Poems. New ed., with new poems. Bost., I864. I6~. 26083 A Story or two from an Old Dutch Town. Bost., I878. 16~. 24237 Lowndes, T. Tracts in Prose and Verse. Dover (v. I) & Lond., 1825-27. 2 v. 80... I8646Lubbock, J. Addresses, political and educational. Lond., I879. 8~. 274II CONTENTS:-The imperial policy of Gt. Brit.; Bank act of 1844; Present system of public school education, 1876 Present system of elementary education; Income tax; National debt; Declaration of Paris Marine insurances; Preservation of our ancient national monuments; Egypt. - On British Wild Flowers considered in relation to Insects. Lond., I875. I2.. 2946i - On the Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects. Lond., I874.. 29503 124 Lubbock-McCosh. Lubbock, J. Scientific Lectures. Lond., I879. 8~... 29532 CONTENTS:-On flowers and insects; On plants and insects; on the habits of ants; Introd. to the study of prehistoric archaeology; Address, Wiltshire Archaeological Soc. Lubomirski, J. Safar-Hadgi; or, Russ and Turcoman. N. Y., I878. 24083 Lucasta: poems. Lovelace, R. Lond., I864. 120.... 26080 Lucian. Collins, W. L. ('Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers,' v. I8.) 26844 Lucretius. Mallock, W. H. (Anc. Clas. for Eng. Readers, suppl. ser., v. 7.).. 26853 Lucy, H. W. Gladstone: a biographical sketch. N. Y., I880. 240. 22852 Men and Manner in Parliament. By the member for the Chiltern Hundreds. Lond., I874. I2~......208II Ludlow, J. M. Popular Epics of the Middle Ages of the NorseGerman and Carlovingian Cycles. Lond., I865. 2 v. I2~. 2767I- War of Amer. Independence, I775-I783. Bost., I876. (2 cop.) 20460Luibke, W. Hist. of Art. Transl. by F. E. BunnAtt. Lond., I869. v. i. 80.. 29942 Same. New transl.; ed. by C. Cook. N. Y., I878. 2 v. 80.. 29940Lumley, B. Reminiscences of the Opera. Lond., I864. 8~... 29799 Luther, M. Masson, D. The Three Devils: L.'s, Milton's, and Goethe's. Lond., I874. I2~.......27299 Luttrell of Arran. Lever, C. J. Lond., I873. 8~.. 24260 Lycidas. Milton, J. Ed. by C. S. Jerram. Lond., I874. I20.. 26205 Lydia. Duncker, M. W. (In'Hist. of Antiquity,' v. 3.).. 20242 Lyttelton, Thos., Lord; Life of. Frost, T. Lond., I876. 8~. - 23930 Lytton. See Bulwer-Lytton. Macalister, A. Zoology of the Invertebrate Animals. N. Y., I879. 29352 - Zoology of the Vertebrate Animals. N. Y., I878. I6~... 29353 Macarthur, Margaret. Hist. of Scotland. N. Y., I874. I6~.. 20080 Macaulay, T. B. Life of Sam. Johnson. (See Johnson,'Six Chief Lives.') Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches. Lond., I87I. 120.. 27406 Selections. Ed., with notes, by G. O. Trevelyan. N. Y., I877. 27405 - More, H. Letters to Z. Macaulay, containing notices of Lord M.'s youth. Lond., I86o. I6~. 1. 856I Stirling, 7. H. Jerrold, Tennyson, and Macaulay. Edinb., i868. 6........... 26917 Trevelyan, G. 0. Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. N. Y., I876. 2 v. 80. (2 copies.)...... 234IoSee, also, Bagehot, W.,'Lit. Stud.,' v. 2 (26768); Gladstone, W. E.,' Gleanings,' v. 2 (27228); Morley, J.,' Crit. Miscel.,' 2d ser. (27408); Stephen, L.,'Hours,' v. 3 (26935). MacCarthy, D. F. Calderon's Dramas, transl. in the metre of the original. Lond., I873. 12~... 26495 Shelley's Early Life. Lond., [I872]. I20.. 23298 McCarthy, J. Dear Lady Disdain. N. Y., I876. 8.... 24670 A Hist. of Our Own Times. Chic., [I879]. v. I-2 in I. I2.. 20825 --— Miss Misanthrope. N. Y., I877. 80..... 2467I McCoan, J. C. Egypt as it is. N. Y., I877. 8~... 21844 McCosh, J. The Emotions. N. Y., I88o. I20.. 28170 McCosh —Maffei. 125 McCosh, J. The Scottish Philosophy. N. Y., I875. 80... 28283 McCullagh, W. T. Memoirs of Rich. L. Sheil. Lond., I855. 2 v. I2~. I8669MacDonald, G. David Elginbrod. Lond. 160.. 24622 - England's Antiphon. [Lond., 1868.] 120.. 26125 Malcolm. Phila., I875. 8~.. 24672 Marquis of Lossie. Phila., 1877. 8~. (Sequel to'Malcolm.'). 24673 Paul Faber, Surgeon. Phila., 1879. 8~. (2 copies.). 24674St. George.and St. Michael. Bost., [I877]. I2~.. 24623 Sir Gibbie. Phil., 1879. 8~. (2 copies.)... 24676Thomas Wingfold, Curate. N. Y., 1876. I2~.. 24624 Vicar's Daughter: an autobiographical story. Lond., 1872. 3 V. 24625Wilfrid Cumbermede. Lond., 1872. 3 V. I6~.. 24628Macdonald, J. M. Life and Writings of St. John. N. Y., 1877. 8~. (2 copies.).. 28640MacGahan, J. A. Campaigning on the Oxus, and the Fall of Khiva. N. Y., 1874. 8.. 21924 McGilchrist, J. Life of Benjamin Disraeli. N. Y., [I8691. I6~.. 22850 Machiavelli, N., and his Times. Villari, P. Lond., I878. 2 V. 12~. 23943Mackay, C. Cavalier Songs and Ballads of England. Lond., I863. 26119 - Forty Years' Recollections. Lond., I877. 2 v. 8~.... 22943Life and Times of Sir Robert Peel. (See Taylor, W. C., & Mackay.) Mackenzie, (G. M. M., Lady Sebright) & Irby (A. P.). Travels in the Slavonic Provinces of Turkey-in-Europe. Lond., I877. 2 v. 80.'.. 2I9IIMackenzie, R. The i9th Century: a history. Lond., i88o. 12~.. 20482 Mackintosh, J. Bulwer, H. L. E. (In'Histor. Characters,' v. 2.). 23882 Macklin, C. Kirknzan, 7. T. Life of Macklin. Lond., 1799. 2 v. I8658Memoirs of Chas. Macklin, Comedian. [Anon.] Lond., 1804. 8~. i8657 Macknight, T. Life:and Times of Edmund Burke. Lond., I85860. 3 v. 80.. 23034Maclear, G. F. Conversion of the West; v. I-3. Lond., [I878]. 28494Macleod, N., Memoir of. Macleod, D. N. Y., I876. 2 v. 80.. 22I88Macleod of Dare. Black, W. N. Y., 1879. I2~. (2 copies.)... 240I2McMillan, D. C. Elective Franchise in the U. S. N. Y., I878. I20. 21331 Macmillan's Magazine. Lond., 1859-79. v. I-40. 8~.. I2I55McPherson, E. Hand-book of Politics for 1874,'76,'78 &'80. Wash., 1874-80. 4 v. 80.. 2I523Macpherson, Gerardine B. Life of Anna Jameson. Bost., i878. 23838 Macquoid, T. R. & Katharine S. Pictures and Legends from Normandy and Brittany. Lond., 1879. I2... 2I252 Macready, W. C. Reminiscences. Ed. by F. Pollock. N. Y., I875. 12........... 23624 Madame Gosselin. Ulbach, L. N. Y., 1878. I6~... 24080 Madcap Violet. Black, W. N. Y., I877. 12~. (3 copies.). 240I4Madeleine. Sandeau, L. S. J. Chic., I879. 16~.. 24818 Madonna, Legends of the. Jameson, A. M. Lond., I872. 80.. 29910 Maffei, A. Brigand Life in Italy: a history of Bourbonist reaction. Lond., i865. 2 v. 8~.... 20302 I7 I26 Magic —Mallock. Magic. Ennemoser, J. Hist. of Magic. Lond., I854. 2 V. I20.. 28048Rydberg, V. Magic of the Middle Ages. N. Y., I879. 120.. 28050 See, also, Demonology; Spiritualism; Supernatural (The); Visions. Magnusson, E. Runeberg's Lyrical Songs, Idylls and Epigrams; done into English [verse] by E. Magnfisson and E. H. Palmer. Lond., I878. 16~.. 26128 - Morris (W.). Three Northern Love Stories, and other tales. Lond., I875. 120.. 24631 Magyars. See Hungary. Mahaffy, J. P. Euripides. (Classical Writers.) N. Y., I879. I6~. 2689I Hist. of Classical Greek Literature. N. Y., I880. 2 v. I2~.. 26807CONTENTs:-1, The poets; with an app. on Homer, by Prof. Sayce.-2, The prose writers. Old Greek Life. Lond., I876. I6~.. 20056 - Rambles and Studies in Greece. Lond., I876. I2~.... 21617 Social Life in Greece, from Homer to Menander. Lond., I874. 20095 Mahan, A. Critical Hist. of the late Amer. War. N. Y., I877. 8~. 21458 Mahony, F. S. The Reliques of Father Prout [pseud.]. Collected by Oliver Yorke [pseud.]. Lond., I873. I2~. 27257 Maid Ellice. [Havers, D.] N. Y., 1878. I6~. (2 copies.). 24497Maid of Killeena. Black, W. Lond., I874. I2~.. 24017 Maid Marian. Peacock, T. L. (In'Works,' v. 2.). 27304 Maid of Sker. Blackmore, R. D. N. Y., I877. 8~.. 24306 Maid, Wife, or Widow? [Hector, A. F.] N. Y., I879. I6~... 24530 Maidment, J. Scottish Ballads and Songs. Edinb., I868. 2 v. I2~. 26I6I& Logan (W. H.). Dramatists of the Restoration. Edinb. & L., 1872-79. (I4 v.) 8.. 26560CONTENTS:-W. Davenant, 5 v.-A. Cokain.-J. Crowne, 4 v.-J. Lacy.S. Marmion.-J. Tatham.-J. Wilson. Main, D. M. Treasury of English Sonnets. Manchester, I88o. I2~. 26124 Maine, H. J. S. Ancient Law. N. Y., I877. 8~.. 28967 - Early History of Institutions. N. Y., I875. 8~.. 28968 Maiolica. Fortnum, C. D. E. N. Y., 1876. 12..... 29763 Maitres (Les) Mosaistes. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I869. I6~. 25686 Majendie, Marg. E. Dita. N. Y., I877. I6... 24632 Giannetto. N. Y., I876. I6~...24633 Majolica. See Maiolica. Majoratsherr (Der). Miugge, T. Breslau, I866. (Romane, B. 29.) 25849 Majorca. Dodd, W. Three Weeks in Majorca. Lond., I863. I2~. 21221 - Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Un hiver a Majorque. Paris, I867. 2568I Malbone. Higginson, T. W. Bost., I87I. I2~.. 24541 Malcolm: a romance. Macdonald, G. Phil., I875. 8~. ~.. 24672 Malet, A. Overthrow of the Germanic Confederation by Prussia in i866. Lond., I870. 8......... 20643 Malleson, G. B. Hist. of Afghanistan. Lond., I878. 80.. 20614 - Studies from Genoese History. Lond., I875. 80... 200I3 Mallock, W. H. Is Life Worth Living? N. Y., I879. 12~. (For reply see Value of Life.).. 28085 Lucretius. (Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers, suppl. ser., v. 7.). 26853. New Paul and Virginia; or, Positivism on an island. N. Y. [Lond.], I878. I2~.. 28084 Mallock-Marcus. 127 Mallock, W. H. New Republic. Lond., I877. 2 v. I2~... 28082Malone, E., Life of. Prior, J. Lond., I860. 8.. 23451 Man. Dawson, J. W. Story of the Earth and Man. N. Y., I873. 29417 Haeckel, E. H. Evolution of Man. N. Y., I879. 2 V. 12~. 29383- Mivart, St. G. Man and Apes. N. Y., I874. I20.... 29395 Quatrefages de Breau, J. L. A. de. The Human Species. N. Y., I879. I20. (2 copies.)..29267-__ - Metamorphoses of Man and the Lower Animals. Lond., I864. I2........... 29303 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Habitations of Man in all ages. Bost., I876. 8............ 29927 Wood, J. G. The Natural Hist. of Man. Lond., I868-70. 2 V. 29590Pre-historic. Keary, C. F. Dawn of History. N. Y., [1879]. 20090 Wilson, D. Lond., 1876. 2 V. 80.. 20200See, also, Antiquities; Biology (& references); Ethnology; Races. Man (The) with the Iron Mask. Topin, M. Lond., 1870. I2~.. 20403 Man (The) in the Moon. [A monthly periodical,] ed. by Albert Smith and A. B. Reach [during the first year; afterwards by Reach]. Lond., [I847-9]. 5 v. (6 nos. each). 16~.. 25240Manchester Science Lectures. See Science Lectures for the People. Manchuria. Fleming, G. Travels on Horseback in Mantchu Tartary. Lond., I863. S..21920 - See, also, Tartary. Mandalay to Momien. Anderson, J. Lond., I876. 80.... 21926 Mangan, J. C. Anthologia Germanica: [metrical] translations from German poets. Dublin, I845. I60. 26030 Manilla, A Lady's Visit to. Almeida, A. d'. Lond., I863. 8~.. 21937 Manners and Customs. Dyer, T. F. T. British Popular Customs, present and past. Lond., I876. I20.. 20806 Farrer, J. A. Primitive Manners and Customs. N. Y., I879. 28966 -- Lacroix, P. The I8th Century. Lond., I876. 80.... 20363 Manners, Customs, and Dress during the Mid. Ages. Lond., I874. 8............ 2036[ See, also, Burial; Etiquette; Man; Marriage. [Manning, Anne.] Household of Sir Thos. More. N. Y., [I867]. 23646 Manning, H. E. Miscellanies. Lond., 1877. 2 v. 12~.. 27258CONTENTS:-1, Roma oeterna; Work and wants of the Cath. Ch. in Eng.; On the subjects proper to the Academia; Father Faber; Visit of Garibaldi to Eng.; Cardinal Wiseman; Inaugural address, 1866; French infidelitv; Ireland; Inaug. address, 1868; On progress; The Daemon of Socrates; Letter to the Archb. of Armagh.-2, Dr. Nicholson's accusation; Dignity and rights of labor; Ch. of Rome; Caesarism and ultramontanism; Ultramontanism and Christianity; Christianity and antichristianism The pope and magna charta; Inaug. address, 1876; Philosophy without assumptions; Frederic Ozanam. Mansfield, E. D. Personal Memories. Cincin., I879. I20... 22617 [Mansfield, R. B.] School-Life at Winchester College. Lond., I866. I2........... 28835 Mantchuria. See Manchuria. Manufactures. Wells, D. A. (In First Cent. of the Republic.). 21520 See, also, Industrial Arts (&' references). Manuscripts (The) of Erdely. Stephens, G. Lound., I835. 3 v. I2C. I8626Mangoni, A. I Promessi Sposi: the betrothed. Lound., I876. I2~. 24634 Marcus Aurelius. See Antoninus. I28 Marcus-Martin. Marcus Konig. Freytag, G. Leipz., I876. I2~. (' Die Ahnen,' Abth. 4). 259T4 Mare (La) au diable. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I869. i6~.. 25687 Marenholz-Biilow, Bertha von. Reminiscences of Fried. Froebel. With a life by Emily Shirreff. Bost., I877. I2~.... 23647 Marey, E. J. Animal Mechanism. N. Y., I874. I2~.... 29250 Margary, A. R. Journey, from Shanghae to Bhamo, and back to Manwyne; added, a chapter by Sir R. Alcock. Lond., I876. 21925 Margolld, E., joint author. See Ziircher, F., & Margolld. Marie. Pushkin, A. S. Chic., I877. I6~.. 24849 Marie Antoinette, queen of France. Yonge, C. D. Lond., I876. 2v. 12~. 22480_ - Same. N. Y., I876. 8~.. 22520 Mariotti, Luigi, (pseud.) See Gallenga, Antonio. Marius, Sulla, and the Gracchi. Beesly, A. H. N. Y., [I8791. I6~. 20440 Marjorie Daw. Aldrich, T. B. Bost., I873. I6~.. 24035 Mark Twain's Sketches. Clemens, S. L. Hartf'd, I875. 8~.. 25588 Markham, A. H. Cruise of the " Rosario." Lond., I873. 8~.. 21814 Great Frozen Sea. Lond., 1878. 8~..2I882 Markham, C. R. Cuzco. [And] Lima. Lond., I856. I2~... 21701 Marlowe, C. Doctor Faustus. Ed. by A. W. Ward. Oxf., I878. 26871 Same. Ed. by W. Wagner. Lond., I877. I60... 26513 Edward the Second. Ed. by 0. W. Tancock. Oxf., I879. I6~. 26525 Poems. Ed. by R. Bell. Lond., I876. I2~.. 26096 Marmion, S. Dramatic Works; with memoir. Edinb. & L., I875. 2657I Marocco. See Morocco. Marquis of Lossie. Macdonald, G. Phila., 1877. 8~... ~ 24673 Marquis (Le) de Villemer. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I869. 25688 Marriage. Cook, J. (Bost. Mond. Lect.) Bost., I879. I2~... 28026 Hamilton, A. Marriage Rites, Customs, and Ceremonies. Lond., I822. 80.. 28960 Jeaffreson, J. C. Brides and Bridals. Lond., 1872. 2 V. 8~. 2896IWood, E. J. Wedding Day in all ages and countries. Lond., I869. 2 V. in I. 12......... 28963 Marriage (A) in High Life. Feuillet, O. Philad., [I876]. 12~. 24473 Marryat, F. [Novels.] N. Y., I86i. (I2 v.) 12~.. 24635CONTENTS: —Jacob Faithful.-Japhet.-King's own.-Mr. Midshipman Easy (2 cop.).-Frank Mildmay; or, The naval officer.-Newton Forster.Pacha of many tales.-Percival Keene.-Peter Simple.-Phantom ship.Poacher.-Snarleyyow. Church, F. M. Life and Letters of Capt. M. Lond., 1872. 2 V. 232I2Marsh, Anne C. Hist. of the Prot. Reformation in France. Phila., 185I. 2 V. I2.......... 20417Marsh, G. P. The Earth as modified by Human Action. N. Y., I874. 8........... 29574 Martin, B. L. H. Age of Louis XIV. Bost., I865. 2 v. 8~.. 20720Decline of the French Monarchy. Bost., I866. 2 v. 8~... 20722Martin, E. W. Hist. of the Grange Movement. Chic., etc., I874. 29004 Martin, Frances. Angelique Arnauld, Abbess of Port Royal. Lond., I873. I2.22144 Martin, H. N. Elem. Biology. (See Huxley, T. H., & Martin.) Martineau-Matthews. 129 Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography. Ed. [with memorials] by Maria W. Chapman. Bost., I877. 2 v. 8. ~ ~ ~ 23447British Rule in India: a historical sketch. Lond., I857. I6~. 20497 Martineau, J. Hours of Thought on Sacred Things. Lond., I87779. 2 v. 12~... 28542Modern Materialism in its relations to Religion and Theology. N. Y., I877. 6~. 29696 Religion as affected by Modern Materialism. N. Y., I875. I6~. 28695 Martins (The) of Cro' Martin. Lever, C. J. Lond., I873. 80.. 24261 Mary Barton. [Gaskell, E. C.] Lond., I848. 12~. ~ ~ ~ 24467 Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. Melinze, 7. F. Mary and her latest Eng. Historian [Froude]. N. Y., I872. I60.. 22936 Mignet, F. A. M. Hist. of Mary. Lond., I863. I2~.. 22935 - Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Eng. Portraits.').. 22885 Maskell, W. The Industrial Arts. [L. &] N. Y., I876. 120... 29772 Ivories, ancient and medieval. [L. &] N. Y., I876. I2~... 29764 Masque of Pandora. Longfellow, H. W. Bost., I875. I2~. (2 cop.) 26077Masque of Poets. Bost., I878. I60... 26027 Massillon, J. B. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Monday-Chats.').. 23290 Masson, D. Drummond of Hawthornden. Lond., I873. I20~. 23217 Life of John Milton. Cambr. (& L.), I859-60. 6 v. 8~... 23441CONTENTS:-1, 1608-39.-2, 1638-43.-3, 164349.-4, 1649-54.-5, 1654-60.-6, 1660-74. The Three Devils: Luther's, Milton's, and Goethe's. With other essays. Lond., I874. I20. 27299 CONTENTS (other):-Shakespeare and Goethe; Milton's youth; Dryden and the literature of the Restoration; Swift; How literature may illustrate history. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats; and other essays. Lond., I874. 27298 CONTENTS (other): —Scottish influence in Brit. literature; Theories of poetry; Prose and verse: De Quincey. Masson, G. France. (Early Chroniclers of Europe.) Lond., [I879.] I2...... 20472 Master Humphrey's Clock. Dickens, C. J. H. N. Y., I873. I6~.. 24231 Mateer, S. " The Land of Charity." N. Y. I2~.. 2I618 Materialism. Lange, F. A. Hist. of. Bost., I877-80. v. I-2. 8~. 28209Martineau, J. Modern Materialism. N. Y., 1877. I6~... 28696 Mathews, C. Enchanted Moccasins; and other legends of the Amer. Indians. N. Y., I877. I20. (Orig. title.- The Indian Fairy Book.)..24800 Mathews, W. Getting on in the World. Chic., I876. I2~... 2738I - Hours with Men and Books. Chic., I877. I2~. ~ ~. 27340 editor. See Sainte-Beuve, C. A.,'Monday Chats.' Mattia. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. (In vol. with'Le secretaire.'). 25693 Matter. Beale, L. S. Protoplasm; or, Matter and life. Lond., I874. I2........... 29297 Maxwell, J. C. Matter and Motion. Lond., I876. I6~... 29375 Mivart, St. G. Lessons from Nature. N. Y., I876. T2~... 29393 Matthew of Westminster. Flowers of History. Lond., 1853. 2 v. 20802Matthews, J. B., editor. Comedies for Amateur Acting. With a pref. on private theatricals. N. Y., I88o. I6~.. 26526 CONTENTS:-A trumped suit, by J. Magnus; A bad case, J. Magnus and H. C. Bunner; Courtship with variations, H. C. Bunner; A teacher taught, A. H. Oakes; Heredity, A. Penn; Frank Wilde, by the editor. 130 Maudsley-Memoirs. Maudsley, H. Body and Mind. N. Y., I875. I2~.. 28000 - Pathology of Mind. Lond., I879. 8~.. 28002 Physiology of Mind. 3d ed. N. Y., 1877. 120.... 2800I Responsibility in Mental Disease. N. Y., I874. I20.. 29248 Maurice, C. E. Lives of English Popular Leaders. Lond., I872-75. 2 V. 120.. 22940CONTENTS:-1, Stephen Langton.-2, Tyler, Ball, and Oldcastle. Maurice, J. F. D. Friendship of Books, and other lectures. Lond., I874. 120...... 27301 CONTENTS (other):-Newspapers; Christian civilization; Ancient history; English history; Spenser's "Faerie Queene;" Milton; Burke; Acquisition and illumination; Critics. Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. Lond., I872. 2 v. 8~.. 28240The Workman and the Franchise. Lond., I866. 8... 29090 Maurice of Saxony. See Saxe, M. de. Mauris, M., marchese di Calenzano. French Men of Letters. N. Y., I88o. I6....... 23313 CONTENTS: —Hugo; A. de Musset; Gautter; Murger; Sainte-Beuve; G6rard de Nerval; Dumas, ills; Augier; Feuillet; Sardou; Daudet; Zola. Maxwell, Cecil. Story of Three Sisters. N. Y., 1876. 16~.., 24831 Maxwell, J. C. Matter and Motion. Lond., I876. 16~... 29375 Maxwell, Mary E. B. Hostages to Fortune. Lond., 1I875. 3 V. 2480IMaxwell, W. H. Hist. of the Irish Rebellion in I798. Lond., I877. 2099I May, T. E. Democracy in Europe: a history. N. Y., 1878. 2 V. 20565Mayer, A. M. Sound. N. Y., I878. 120.....29316 - & Barnard (C.). Light. N. Y., I877. I2~.... 29317 Mayo, Earl of. See Bourke, R. S. Mayo, W. S. Never Again. N. Y., I873. 12~.... 24832 Mazade, C. de. Life of Count Cavour. N. Y., I877. 80.. 23942 Mazarin, J. Cousin, V. (In'Secret Hist.').... 20414 Meadows, K. Heads of the People. Lond., I840-I. [2 vols.] 8~. 2558IMears, D. 0. Life of E. N. Kirk, D. D. Bost., I878. 8~.. ~ 22692 Mecca. HacklAnder, F. W. von. Pilgerzug nach Mekka. Stuttg. i863. I60. (Werke, B. I4.).... 25806 Mechanics. See Industrial Arts (&' references); Physics. Mechanics (Animal). Marey, f. J. Animal Mechanism. N. Y., 1874.. I2.....29250 Pettigrew, J. B. Animal Locomotion. N. Y., I874. I20.. 29247 Mechanism in Thought and Morals. Holmes, O. W. Bost., I87I.. 27255 Medhurst, W. H. The Foreigner in Far Cathay. N. Y., I873. I2~. 21619 Mediaeval History. See Hist., Mid. Ages; Middle Ages. Medici, Lorenzo de'. Reumont, A. von. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8~.. 23937Medicine. Flint, A. (In First Cent. of the Republic.)... 21520 Gamgee, A. Science and Med. (In Owens College Ess. & Ad.) 274I2 See, also, Health (&- references). Meeting the Sun. Simpson, W. Bost., I877. 8~.... 21982 Melbourne, W. L., Viscount. Earle, 7.C. (In' Eng. Premiers,' v. 2.) 22883 Melincourt. Peacock, T. L. (In'Works,' v. i.).... 27303 Meline, J. F. Mary Queen of Scots. N. Y., I872. I6~.... 22936 Melmoth, Courtney, (pseud.) See Pratt, Sam. J. Melville, G. J. Whyte. See Whyte-Melville. Memoirs of a Physician. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879].. 24407 & 24423 Memorials-Michael. 131 Memorials of a Quiet Life. Hare, A. J. C. Lond., I873-76. 3 V. 236I8Memories. [Miiller, F. M.] Chic., I876. I6~... 24833 Men and Manner in Parliament. [Lucy, H. W.] Lond., I874. I2~. 208II Mencius, Life and Works of. Legge, J. Phil., I875. I2~..~ 23729 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, C. Goethe and Mendelssohn, 182I-I83I. Lond., I874. 120........ 23772 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. Letters. (In Nohl, L.,'Letters.'). 23765 Hiller, F.. Lond., I874. 8~........23774 Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, C. Lond., I874. I2~..... 23772 Polko, E. Reminiscences of Mendelssohn. N. Y., I869. i6~. 23773 Mental Physiology. Carpenter, W. B. Principles of. N. Y., I875. 28003 Proctor, R. A. Bodily illness as a mental stimulant. [And] Dual consciousness. (In'Rough Ways.').... 29444 See, also, Body & Mind; Insanity; Mind; Philosophy; Psychology. Meridiana. Verne, J. N. Y., I874. I2~. (2 copies.)... 24273Mirim/e, P. Demetrius the Impostor. Lond., I853. I2~. ~ ~ 23903 Letters to an Incognita. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Bric-A-Brac Series.')...........2326I Merivale, C. Continental Teutons. (Conversion of the West, v. 4.) Lond., [1878]. I6~... 28497 Four Lectures on Early Church Hist. [L. &] N. Y., [I879]. I20. (For contents see Ecc. Hist.)....28445 General Hist. of Rome. N. Y., i875. I2~. (2 copies.).. 20097The Roman Triumvirates. N. Y., [1877].. 6~.. 20437 St. Paul at Rome. Lond., [I878]. 16....2850I Merivale, H. Historical Studies. Lond., I865. 8~.... 20I88 CONTENTS:-On some of the precursors of the French Rev.; Studies from the history of the 17th cent.; Leisure hours of a tourist. Merle d'Aubign6, J. H. Hist. of the Reformation in Europe in the time of Calvin. N. Y., I863-79. 8 v. I20. 6386- & (v. 6-8) 2845IMerlin. Cox (G. W.) & Jones. (In' Pop. Romances.'). 277I2 & 20IO Merriam, G. S. A Living Faith. Bost., I876. I6~... 28508 [Meryon, C. L.] Memoirs of Lady Hester Stanhope. Lond., 1846. 3 V. 12~....I2892Travels of Lady Hester Stanhope. Lond., 1846. 3 v. I2~.. I2895Mesmerism, Spiritualism, etc. Carpenter, W. B. N. Y., I877. I2~. 28044 Meta Holdenis: a novel. Cherbuliez, V. N. Y., I877. I2~... 24077 Metamorphoses of Insects. Duncan, P. M. Lond., [I877]. 8~.. 29499 Metamorphoses in Man and the lower animals. Quatrefages de Breau, J. L. A. de. Lond., I864. 2~......29303 Metaphysics. See Philosophy. Metcalfe, F. The Oxonian in Iceland. Lond., i86i. I2~... 21705 Meteorology. Proctor, R. A. (In' Rough Ways.').. 29444 - Science Byways. Phila. [Lond.], I876. I20.... 29445 Meteyard, Eliza. A Group of Englishmen. Lond., I87I. 8~.. 23543 Metternich, C. W. N. L. Memoirs, I773-I815. N. Y., I88o. 2 V. 22585Mexico. Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places. (In v. 30.).. 26469 Prescott, W. H. Hist. of the Conquest of M. Phila., I87I. 3 v. 20340Michael Strogoff. Verne, J. N. Y., I877. 80. (2 copies.).. 24275 I32 Michaud-Milton. Michaud, J. F. History of the Crusades. Lond., I852. 3 v. T2~. 20Io2Michelet, J. Historical View of the French Revolution. Lond., I864. I2........... 20410 - Summary of Mod. Hist. Continued by M. C. M. Simpson. Lond., I875. I6.. 20051 Microphone. DuMoncel, T. N. Y., 1879. 12~.. 29936 Middle Ages. Church, R. WV. Beginning of the Mid. Ages. N. Y., [I878]. I6........... 20457 Lacroix, P. Arts in the Mid. Ages. Lond., I870. 80. 20362 - - Manners, Customs, and Dress. Lond., I874. 80... 20361 - - Military and Religious Life. Lond., 1874. 8~. ~. 20360 -- Science and Literature. Lond., I878. 80.. 20364 See, also, History, Mid. Ages. Middle States (U. S.). Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 27. 26466 Middleton, C. S. Shelley and his Writings. Lond., I858. 2 v. 12~. 23300Middleton, T. F., Bp., Life of. Le Bas, C. W. Lond., I83I. 2v. 8~. I874IMignet, F. A. M. Antonio Perez and Philip II. Lond., I846. I2~. 23904 - Hist. of Mary, Queen of Scots. Lond., 1863. I20... 22935 Mijatovies, Csedomille. Serbian Folk-lore. Ed. by W. Denton. Lond., I874. I2~...27784 Mikado's (The) Empire. Griffis, W. E. N. Y., I876. 8~... 21939 Mill, J. S. Autobiography. N. Y., I873. I2~. (2 copies.). 23525- Dissertations and Discussions. Bost. (v. 1-4), I865-67, & N. Y. (v. 5), I875. 5 v. 12.... 37I5-I8 & 27360 Examination of Hamilton's Philosophy. N. Y., I874. 2 v. 120. 28202- On Liberty. Bost., I863. I6~.. 28853 Three Essays on Religion. N. Y., 1874. I2~..... 28698 CONTENTS:-Nature; Utility of religion; Theism; Berkeley's life and writings. - Spencer, H., and others. Twelve sketches. Bost., I873. I6~.. 23527 - aine, H. A. English Positivism. Lond., I873. I6~... 28092 Millbank (prison), Memorials of. Griffiths, A. Lond., I875. 2 v. 28858Miller, C. H., (pseud.,'Joaquin Miller.') First Fam'lies of the Sierras. Chic., I876. 12~.. 24834 Life amongst the Modocs. Lond., I873. 8~. 21551 Miller, J. Questions awakened by the Bible: I, Are souls immortal? 2, Was Christ in Adam? 3, Is God a Trinity? Phil., I877. I2~........28699 Miller, T. Godfrey Malvern. Lond., I844. 8~.. 24678 Milner, I., Life of. Milner, M. Lond., 1842. 8~.. 866 Milner, T. The Turkish Empire. Lond., [1877]. I20.... 2049I Milnes, R. M., Lord Houghton. Monographs, personal and social. N. Y., I873. I60.. 23220 Same. 2d ed. Lond., I873. I60. 23221 Poetical Works. Bost., I876. 2 v. I60.. 26028 Milton, J. Areopagitica. Ed. by J. W. Hales. Oxf., I878. 16~.. 26878 Autobiography; or, Milton's life in his own words. Ed. by J. J. G. Graham. Lond., I872. I6~,.. 23245 Lycidas, and Epitaphium Damonis. Ed. by C. S. Jerram. Lond., I874. 12......... 26205 Milton-Missions. 133 Milton, J. Paradise regained. Ed., byC. S.Jerram. Lond., I877. 16~. 26206 Poetical Works. Ed. [with life] by E. Brydges. Lond., i862. 8C. 2620c - XWith life [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I853. 2 v. 8~... 2634I- Ed. by D. Masson. Lond., I874. 3 v. 8~...26201- Same, Globe edition. Lond., I877. I2~... 26204 Brooke, S. A. (Classical Writers.) N. Y., I879. 16~... 26890 Keighlley, T. Life, Opinions, and Writings of M.; with an introd. to Paradise Lost. Lond., I855. 8~.. 23440 Masson, D. Life [and times] of Milton. Cambr. (& L.), I85980. 6 v. 80...2344I- - The Three Devils. Lond., I874. 12~..27299 Pattison, M. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I88o [I879]. I20. 23343 - See, also, Arnold, M.,'Mixed Ess.' (2724I); Bagehot, W.,'Lit. Stud.,' v. i (26767); Bayne, P.,'Chief Actors' (23013); Lowell, J. R.,' Among my Books,' 2d ser. (2693I); Maurice, J. F. D.,'Friendship of Books' (27301). Mind. Maudsley. H. Pathology of Mind. 3d ed. Lond., I879. 8~. 28002 - Physiology of Mind. 3d ed. N. Y., I877. I2~.... 2800o Mivart, St. G. Lessons from Nature. N. Y., 1876. I2~... 29393 Proctor, R. A. Growth and Decay of Mind. (In'Science Byways.'). 29445 See, also, Body & Mind; Brain; Mental Physiology; Philosophy; Psychology. Mind and Body. See Body and Mind. Mine, The Story of a. Harte, F. B. Bost., I878. W6~.... 24491 Mineralogy and Lithology, Manual of. Dana, J. D. N. Y., 1878. 294I2 Mines and Mining. Hunt, T. S. (In First Cent. of the Republic.) 21520 Minority Representation. See Representation. Minstrelsy of the Woods. Lond., 1832. I2..... 29333 Minto, W. Characteristics of Eng. Poets. Edinb. & Lond., I874. 2629I Daniel Defoe. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. I2~. 23338 - Manual of Eng. Prose Literature. Edinb., I872. I20.. 269I3 Miracles. Wallace, A. R. Lond., I875. 16~... 28045 See, also, Supernatural (The). Mirecourt, E. de. See Famous French Authors. Miriio: a Provencal poem. Mistral, F. Bost., 1872. 120.. 26126 Misdrables (Les). Hugo, V. M. Brux., 1862. io t. 16~.. 25653- Same, transl. N. Y., i878 (&c.). 8~. (3 cop.). 24665Misfortunes of Elphin. Peacock, T. L. (In'Works,' v. 2.). 27304 Miss Misanthrope. McCarthy, J. N. Y., I877. 8~.. 2467I Miss Molly. Butt, B. M. N. Y., I876. I6~.. 24069 Miss Rovel. Cherbuliez, V. Paris, I877. I6~.. 25623 Missions (Christian). Brown, W. Hist. of the Christian Missions of the i6th, I7th, I8th, and I9th centuries. Lond., I864. 3 v. 28448Kip, W. I. Historical Scenes from the Old Jesuit Missions. N. Y., [i875]. 120... 28726 MiUller, F. M., (& A. P. Stanley.) On Missions: a lecture, with an introductory sermon. N. Y., 1874. I2~... 28488 i8 i34 Missions-Monastic. Missions (Christian). Murray, A. W. Forty Years' Mission Work in Polynesia and New Guinea, I835-1875. Lond., 1876. I2~. 22146 Sherring, M. A. Hist. of Prot. Missions in India. Lond., 1875. 28601 West, M. A. Romance of Missions. N. Y., [i875]. I2~.. 28489 See, also, Ecclesiastical Hist. Mississippi Scheme. See Law, John. Mr. Midshipman Easy. Marryat, F. N. Y., I86I. I2~. (2 cop.) 24638Mr. Smith: a part of his life. Walford, L. B. N. Y., I875. I6~.. 24287 Mistral, F. Mireio: a Provengal poem. Transl. by H. W. Preston. Bost., 1872. I20.. 26126 Mrs. Gainesborough's Diamonds. Hawthorne, J. N. Y., I878. i6~. 24925 Mistress Judith. Tytler, C. C. F. N. Y., I875. i6~.... 24284 Mistress of the Manse. Holland, J. G. N. Y., I874. 120... 24546 Mrs. Skagg's Husbands. Harte, F. B. Bost., I875. I6~... 24486 Mitford, Mary R. Atherton; and other tales. Lond., I854. 3 v. I8632Letters; 2d series. Lond., 1872. 2 v. I2~.. 23208Recollections of a Literary Life. Lond., I853. I2~... I8585 editor. Lights and Shadows of Amer. Life. Lond., I832. 3 v. I8544Mivart, St. G. The Common Frog. Illust. Lond., I874. I2~.. 29508 - Contemporary Evolution: on some recent social changes. N. Y., I876. I2...........29394 Lessons from Nature, as manifested in Mind and Matter. N. Y., I876. I2~... 29393 Man and Apes. N. Y., I874. I2~.....29395 Moab, The Land of. Tristram, H. B. Lond., I873. 8~.... 21723 Modern (A) Symposium. Harrison, F., and others. Detroit, I878. 28094 Modocs. Miller, C. H. Life amongst the Modocs. Lond., I873. 21551 Peters, D. C. Kit Carson's Life; and a history of the Modoc Indians and the Modoc war. Hartf., I875. 8~... 22682 Mohammedanism. Smith, R. B. Mohammed and Mohammedanism. N. Y., I875. I20.......... 28567 Stephens, W. R. W. Christianity and Islam. N. Y., I877.. 28566 Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its Founder. Lond., [I877]. I6~. 28579 See, also, Heathenism; Koran; Religions (various). Molesworth, Mrs., (pseud.,'Ennis Graham.') Hathercourt. N. Y., I878. I6........... 24835 Molesworth, W. N. Hist. of England from I830 to I874. Lond., I874. 3 v. I2......... 20822Moliire, J. B. P. Dramatic Works. Transl. by C. H. Wall. [L. &] N. Y., I879. 3 v. I20.. 26522Besant, W. (In'French Humourists.')..26776 - Oliphant (M. O. W.) &' Tarver (F.). (For. Classics for Eng. Readers, v. 6.) Phil., [I879]. 6~.. 23267 Mollett, J. W. Rembrandt. N. Y. & Lond., I879. I2~.. 23778 Molly Maguires. Dewees, F. P. Phila., I877. I2~.... 28996 Moltke, H. C. B. von. Letters from Russia. Lond., 1878. 120.. 23613 Monaco, Hist. of. Pemberton, H. Lond., I867. 80.... 20618 Monarch of Mincing-Lane. Black, W. N. Y., I878. 80. (2 cop.) 24299Monastic Orders. Jameson, A. M. Lond., I852. 8~... 299II Monastic-Montgomery. 135 Monastic Orders. See, also, Ecclesiastical Hist.; Monks; Religions (various). Monday-Chats. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Chic., I877. 12'... 23290 Money. Cernuschi, H. Nomisma; or, "Legal Tender." N. Y., 1877. I2..29052 Hamilton, R. Money and Value. Lond., I878. 8'... 29044 Horton, S. D. Silver and Gold, and Resumption. Cincin., I877. 29045 - Jevons, W..S. Money and the Mechanism of Exchange. N. Y., 1875. 12'.29257 - Linderman, H. R. Money and Legal Tender in the U. S. N. Y., I877. I2'...29058 Poor, H. V. Money and its Laws. N. Y., I877. 8~.. 29043 Sumner, W. G. (In First Cent. of the Republic.). 21520 - Walker, F. A. N. Y., I878. 8~...29040 - Money in its relations to Trade and Industry. N. Y., I879. 29042 - Wells, D. A. Robinson Crusoe's Money. N. Y., i876. 8'.. 29046 See, also, Currency; Pol. Economy (&' references). Mongolia. Prejevalski, N. M. Lond., I876. 2 V. 8~.... 2I927See, also, Tartary; Tibet. Monkhouse, W. C. Turner. (Illust. Biogr. of the Great Artists, v. 7.) L. & N. Y., I879. I2~.. 23783 Monks. Montalembert, C. F. R. de. Monks of the West. Edinb. & L., I861-79. v. I-7. 8~...28728See, also, Monastic Orders (&' references). Montagu, B. Life of Francis Bacon. Lond., 1834. 8~.... 230Io Montagu, Elizabeth R. Doran, 7. A Lady of the Last Century. Lond., I873. 8'...23404 Montagu, Mary W. Letters and Works. Ed. by Wharncliffe. Lond., I837. 3 v. 8'.. 23405Montaigne, M. E. de. Essays. Ed. by J. H. Friswell. Lond., i869. 6......... 27260 Besant, W. (In'French Humourists.')..26776 Collins, W. L. (For. Classics for Eng. Readers, v. 7.) Phila., [I879]. I2....... 23268 Sterling, 7. (In'Essays,' v. I.)..2898 St. 7ohn, B. Lond., i858. 2 v. I2'.. 23222Montalembert, C. F. R. de. Memoir of the Abbe Lacordaire. Lond., I863. 8'.. 2280o Monks of the West. Edinb. & L., I86I-79. v. I-7. 8~... 28728Olipkhant, M. O. W. Edinb. & Lond., I872. 2 V. I2~... 22486Monteiro, J. J. Angola and the River Congo. N. Y., 1876. I2~. 2I620 Montesquieu, C. de S. de. Spirit of Laws. With D'Alembert's analysis of the work. Lond., 1878. 2 v. I2~.... 28849Montfort, Simon de, earl of Leicester. Creighton, AM. Lond., I876. 22445 Pauli, R. Lond., i876. I2~.. 22880 Prothero, G. W. Lond., I877. I2~. 22881 Montgomery, H. R. Life and Writings of Sir Richard Steele. Edinb., I865. 2 v. 8~. 23482Montgomery, R. Poetical Works. Lond., I854. 8~.... 26242 136 Mont-Morley. Mont-Revgche. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I869. i6~.. 25690 Monuments. See Antiquities; Burial. Moody, D. L. Daniels, W. H. N. Y., I878. 120.. 22616 Hall (7.) &I Stuart (G. H.). The Amer. Evangelists, Moody and Sankey, in Gt. Brit. and Ireland. N. Y., [1875]. 12~. 22615 Moon. Proctor, R. A. Lond., I873. I2.. 29443 Moore, Geo.: merchant and philanthropist. Smiles, S. Lond., I878. 8........ 23931 Moore, J. S. Pictorial Book of Ballads. Lond., I849. 8~... 26243 Moore, T. Personal Reminiscences. N. Y., I875. 16~.. 23259 Prose and Verse. Ed. by R. H. Shepherd. N. Y., 1878. 8~. 2736I Symington, A. 7. N. Y., I88o. I60.. 23314 Morals. Blackie, J. S. Four Phases of Morals: Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, Utilitarianism. N. Y., I872. I20.. 28080 Holmes, O. W. Mechanism in Thought iand Morals. Bost., I87I. 160.. 27255 Maurice, J. F. D. Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. Lond., 1872. 2 V. 8.......... 28240- Simcox, E. Natural Law: an essay in ethics. Bost., I877. 80. 28208 - Spencer, H. The Data of Ethics. N. Y., I879. I2~. (2 cop.) 28129See, also, Life (Conduct and philosophy of). More, Hannah. Letters to Zachary Macaulay. Lond., I86o. I6~. I856I More, T. Utopia. Ed. by E. Arber. Lond., I869. I6~.. 27214 - Same. Ed. by T. R. Lumby. Cambr. [Eng.], I879. 16~. (2 cop.) 272I5- [Manning, A.] Household of Sir Thos. More. [Historical fiction.] N. Y., [I867]. I6. 23646 Morgan, J. E. University Oars. Lond., 1373. 12~.... 29656 Morgan, S. O., Lady. Autobiography, Diaries and Correspondence. Lond., I863. 2 v. 8~.. 23484Life and Times of Salvator Rosa. Lond., 1824. 2 V. 8.. I8569Woman and her Master. Lond. 2 V. I2~.. I8673Morgann, M. Essay on Sir John Falstaff. Lond., 1825. I2~.. 27002 Morice, F. D. Pindar. (Anc. Clas. for Engl. Readers, suppl. ser., v. 8.) 26854 [Morice, L.] The Epic of Hades. Bost., 1879. I6~.... 26097 Gwen: a drama in monologue. Lond., 1879. I6~.. 26098 The Ode of Life. Bost., I88o. I6~.. 26099 Songs of Two Worlds. Lond., I88o. I6~... 26Ioo Morison, J. C. Gibbon. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., 1878. 23333 Morley, H. First Sketch of Eng. Literature. Lond., [1873]. I6~. 269II -- Jerome Cardan. Lond., I854. 2 V. I2~...... 2356I-- Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. Illust. Lond., I859. 8.. 2664I -- editor. Cassell's Library of Eng. Lit. Lond., [1876-80.] 4 v. 4~. (For contents see Eng. Lit.)...26368Morley, J. Burke. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. I2~.. 23342 -- Critical Miscellanies. Lond., I87I-77. 2 ser. 80... 27407CONTENTS:-1, Vauvenargues; Condorcet; Joseph de Maistre; Carlyle; Byron; Some Greek conceptions of social growth; Development of morals Appendix.-2, France In the 18th cent.; Robespierre; Turgot; Death of Mill; Mill's Autobiog.; Mill on religion; Popular culture; Macaulay. ---- Diderot and the Encyclopxdists. Lond., I878. 2 v. 80. 23423-- On Compromise. Lond., I874. 8~.......29089 Morley-Mound. I37 Morley, J. Rousseau. Lond., I873. 2 v. 80... 23421- Voltaire. 2d ed., rev. N. Y., I872. I20~.. 23310 — editor. English Men of Letters. N. Y., I878-80o. 9 v. 12~. (For contents see Eng. Men of Letters.).. 23332Morning-Land (The). Bodenstedt, F. M. Lond., i85I &'53. 2 series. 4 v. I2~... 2I724Mornings in Florence. Ruskin, J. N. Y., I876. I2~.... 29834 Morocco. Hooker (J. D.) & Ball (J.). Journal of a Tour in Marocco and the Great Atlas. Lond., I878. 80.. 2I847 -- Murray, Mrs. E. Sixteen Years of an Artist's Life in Morocco, Spain, and the Canary Islands. Lond., I859. 2 v. 8~.. 23926- Rohlfs, G. Adventures in Morocco. Lond., I874. 8~.. 21848 Morphy, P.: his games of chess. L6wenthal, J. Lond., I86o. 120. 297II - Same. N. Y., i86o. I2~.. 29712 Morris, E. E. Age of Anne. N. Y., [I877]. I6~... 20456 - editor. Epochs of Modern History. (For contents see Epochs.) 20448Morris, J. Life and Martyrdom of St. Thomas Becket. Lond., I859. I2.........2214 Morris (R.) & Bowen (H. C.). Eng. Gram. Exercises. Lond., 1878. I6........... 26858 Morris, WT. _Eneids of Virgil, done into Eng. verse. Bost., I876. 120. (2 copies.)......... 26800Defence of Guenevere, and other poems. Lond., I875. I2~.. 26IOI Love is enough; or, The Freeing of Pharamond. Bost., I873. 26Io2 Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs. Bost., I877. 80.. 26Io3 - Three Northern Love Stories. (See Magnusson, E., & Morris.) Morris, W. O'C. French Revolution and First Empire. Lond., I874. I2........... 204II Morse, J. T. Famous Trials: The Tichborne Claimant; Troppmann; Prince Pierre Bonaparte; Mrs. Wharton; The Meteor; Mrs. Fair. Bost., 1874. I2~.. 28842 Life of Alexander Hamilton. Bost., 1876. 2 v. I20.. 22624Morse, S. F. B., Life of. Prime, S. I. N. Y., I875. 80... 22721 Moscheles, I. Recent Music and Musicians. Ed. by his wife. N. Y., I873. I20...29742 M- oscheles, Charlotte. Life of Moscheles. Lond., I873. 2 v. I2~. 23775Moselle (river). Waring, G. E. Bride of the Rhine. Bost., 1878.. 21263 Moses, the Law-giver. Taylor, W. M. N. Y., I879. I2~... 2865I Mossman, S. New Japan. Lond., I873. 80. 21938 Motley, J. L. Life and Death of Barneveld. N. Y., I874. 2 v. 8~. (2 copies.). 23894Holmes, O. W. Bost., 1879 [I878]. I6~.... 22603 Mouhot, A. H. Travels in Indo-China, Cambodia, and Laos. Lond., I864. 2 v. 8.. 21933Moulton, W. F. Hist. of the English Bible. Lond., [1878]. 12.. 28528 Mound-Builders. Foster, J. W. Pre-historic Races of the U. S. of A. Chic., I873. 8.. 2140I See, also, Grave-Mounds. 138 Mounsey-Murray. Mounsey, A. H. The Satsuma Rebellion. Lond., 1879. 12~.. 20385 Mountain Adventures. Headley, J. T. N. Y., 1872. I60.. I0133 Mouth and Teeth. White, J. W. Phil., 1879. 16~... 29964 Mozart, J. C. W. A., Life of. Nohl, L. Lond., I877. 2 v. 120.. 238II — Mozley, J. B. Essays, historical and theological. N. Y., I878. 2 V. 8~.....27409CONTENTS:-1, Lord Strafford: Archb. Laud; Carlyle's Cromwell; Luther.-2, Dr. Arnold; Blanco White; Dr. Pusey's sermon; The Book of Job; Maurice's theol. essays; Indian conversion; Argument of design; The principle of causation. - Ruling Ideas in Early Ages. N. Y., 1877. 8~... 28686 Sermons, parochial and occasional. N. Y., I879. 12~.. 28545 Sermons before the Univ. of Oxford, and on various occasions. N. Y., I876. 12~.. 28544 Miigge, T. Romane. Breslau, I862-7. 33 B. in II. I6~... 25840CONTENTS: —1-3, Der Chevalier. —4-8, Toussaint.-9-12, Erich Randal.-1315, Afraja.-16-18,Tinzerin und Grifidn.-19-20, DieVend6erin.-21,Weihnachtsabend.-22-23, Arvor Spang.-24-25, Verloren u. gefunden.-26, Die Erbin. 27-28, Der Voigt von Sylt.-29, Der Majoratsherr.-30, Kinig Jakob's letzte Tage.-31-33, Der Prophet. Miller, C. O. Hist. of the Literature of Ancient Greece. Lond., 1840. v. I. 8.......... I97 Same. Continued by J. W. Donaldson. Lond., [1858]. 3 v.. 2696IMiuller, D. See Lewis, C. T.,'Hist. of Germany.' Miiller, F. M. Chips from a Ger. Workshop. N. Y., I869-76. 4 v. I2......... 3731-3 & 27302 CONTENTS:-1, Essays on the science of rellgion.-2, Essays on mythology, traditions and customs; [also, index to v. 1-2 ].-3, Ess. on literature, biography and antiquities.-4, Ess. chiefly on the science of language; with index to v. 3-4. --- Memories. [By F. M. Mfiller.] Chic., 1876. 16~.. 24833 On Missions. N. Y., I874. I2... 28488 - Religions of India. N. Y., 1879. 12...28568 [MUller von Konigswinter, W.] Furioso. Cambr. & L., I865. I2~. 23809 Muhlenburg, W. A., Life of. Ayres, A. N. Y., I88o. 8~.. 22724 Muir, W. The Coran. Lond., [1878]. I6~.. 28580 Mullinger, J. B. Schools of Charles the Great. Lond., I877. 80. 28839 Mummies and Moslems. Warner, C. D. Hartf., I876. 8~.. 2I842 Munich. Howitt, A. M. Art-student in M. Lond., 1853. 2 v. 12~. 29879- Wilberforce, E. Social Life in Munich. Lond., I864. I20.. 21685 Murchison, R. I., Life of. Geikie, A. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~. ~ 23538Murger, H. Curwen, H. (In'Sorrow and Song,' v. I.)... 23285 Murphy, A. Life and Genius of Henry Fielding. (See Fielding, H.,'Works,' Lond., I87I.) Murray, A. W. Forty Years' Mission Work in Polynesia and New Guinea. Lond., I876. 120.. 22146 Murray, Alex. S. Manual of Mythology. N. Y., I874. I2~.. ~ 27740 Murray, Elizabeth. Sixteen Years of an Artist's Life in Morocco, Spain, and the Canary Islands. Lond., I859. 2 v. 8~.. 23926Murray, E. C. G. Domne; or, The national songs and legends of Roumania. Lond., I854. 12~.. 27786 Round about France. Lond., 1878. 2~... 2622 Murray, J. H. Travels in Uruguay. Lond., 187I. I2~.... 21621 Murray, P. J. Life of John Banim. Lond., 1857. 16~....8558 Murray, T. C. Origin and Growth of the Psalms. N. Y., 88o0.. 28530 Murray-Mysteries. 139 Murray, W. H. H. The Perfect Horse. Bost., I873. 8~... 29496 Musa Burschicosa. Blackie, J. S. Edinb., 1869. 16~.... 26042 Musa (La) Madrigalesca. Oliphant, T. Lond., I837. I20... 26163 Music. Chorley, H. F. Modern German Music. Lond., I854. 2 v. 29743- The National Music of the World. Lond., I88o. I2~... 29745 Ella, J. Musical Sketches, abroad and at home. L. & N. Y., I878. I2.......... 29740 Hand, F. G. Esthetics of Musical Art. Lond., I88o. 8~.. 29798 Hueffer, F. Richard Wagner and the Music of the Future. Lond., 1874. I2~...29748 Hullah, J. Hist. of Modern Music. Lond., I875. 80.. 29796 -- Music in the House. Phila., [I877]. I20.. 29783 - Third or Transition Period of Musical Hist. Lond., I876. 29797 Hunt, H. G. B. Concise Hist. of Music. N. Y., [1878]. I2~. 29749 Moscheles, I. Recent Music and Musicians. N. Y., I873. 120. 29742 Ritter, F. L. Hist. of Music. Bost., I876 &'74. 2 v. 16~.. 29750- Schopenhauer, A. On the Metaphysics of Music. (In suppl. to Wagner's Beethoven, transl. by Dannreuther.)... 23807 Schumann, R. Music and Musicians. N. Y., I877. I2~.. 2974I Thibaut, A. F. J. On Purity in Musical Art. Lond., I877. I2~. 29746 Wieck, J. G. F. Piano and Song. Bost., I875. I2~... 29801 Biography (collections). Clayton, E. C. Queens of Song. Lond., I863. 2........... 23847*- - Crowest, F. Great Tone Poets. Lond., I874. 120.. 23761 - Keddie, H. Musical Composers and their Works. Bost., 1875. I2......... 23760 - Keddie (H.) & Watson (J. L.). Songstresses of Scotland. Lond., 1871. 2 v. 8~...23763- [Nohl, L.] Letters of Distinguished Musicians. Lond., I867. 23765 -- Phipson, T. L. Celebrated Violinists. Lond., I877. I20.. 23816 See, also, Art; Opera; Sound; Voice. Musical Instruments. Engel, C. N. Y., I876. 12~.. 29761 Musical Memoirs. Parke, W. T. Lond., I830. 2 v. 12.. I867IMusical Myths and Facts. Engel, C. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8~. 29794Musical and Personal Recollections. Phillips, H. Lond., I864. 2v. 23813Musical Recollections. [Cox, J. E.] Lond., I872. 2 v. 8~... 29792Musical Tales, Phantasms, and Sketches. Polko, E. 2d series. Lond., I877 12. I2....24808 Musset, L. C. A. de. Selections. N. Y., I870. 160... 27261 (See Thomson, J.,'Public and Private Life of Animals.') Musset, P. E. de. Biography of A. de Musset. Bost., 1877. 23247 My Aunt Pontypool. [James, G. P. R.] Phil., I836. 2 v. I2~.. 2I6IMy Health: [a novel.] Burnand, F. C. Bost., I872. I6~... 2492I My Little Lady. [Poynter, E. F.] N. Y., I872. 16~. (2 copies.). 2372My Shooting Box. Herbert, H. W. (' Sporting Scenes,' v. I.). 29602 My Sister Jeannie. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Bost., I874. I6~.. 2348 My Young Alcides. Yonge, C. M. N. Y., I876. 12~... 24296 Myers, A. B. R. Life with the Hamran Arabs. Lond., 1876. 80. 21697 Mysteries of Paris. Sue, M. J. E. Lond., I845-6. 3 v. 8~. 24695 140 Mysterious-Natural. Mysterious Island. Verne, J. N. Y., I875-6. 3 v. 12~.. 24277Mystery of Edwin Drood. Dickens, C. J. H. N. Y., I875. I6~.. 24218 Mystery of Metropolisville. Eggleston, E. N. Y., [1873]. I2~.. 24470 Mystics (and Mysticism). Ullmann, C. (In' Reformers,' etc., v. 2.) 22301 Mythology. Murray, A. S. Manual of Mythology: Greek and Roman, Norse and Old German, Hindoo and Egyptian. N. Y., 1874. I2.......... 27740 - Seemann, O. Mythology of Greece and Rome, with reference to its use in art. [L. &] N. Y., I877. 12~~. 29788 - Same. N. Y., I879. 16~... 29789 Myths. Fiske, J. Myths and Myth-Makers. Bost., I873. I6~. 27741 - See, also, Eddas; Folk-lore; Legends; Romances. Naak6, J. T. Slavonic Fairy Tales. Lond., I874. I2~... 27785 Nach dreissig Jahren. Auerbach, B. Stuttg., I876. 12~... 25894 Nadal, E. S. Impressions of London Social Life. N. Y., I875. 21708 Nahes und Fernes. Hacklander, F. W. von. Stuttg., 1873. I6~. (Werke, B. 50.).........25824 Nairne, Carolina 0. Life and Songs of the Baroness Nairne; with a memoir and poems of Caroline Oliphant the younger. Ed. by Chas. Rogers. Lond., 1869. I6~.. 23249 Namenlose Geschichten. Hacklander, F. W. von. Stuttg., I875. 3 B. I6~. (Werke, B. I-3.)...25800Names. Bardsley, C. W. Curiosities of Puritan Nomenclature. N. Y. [Lond.], I88o. I2~........27867 Nanon. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, 1878. 16~... 25691 Nanon. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [1879]. I6~. (2 copies.). 24405 & 24424 Napier, E. H. D. E. Wild Sports in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Lond., I844. 2 v. I60........ 29606Napier, H. E. Florentine History. Lond., 1I846-7. 6 v. I2~.. 20004Napier, Macvey. Selection from [his] Correspondence. Ed. by his son, Macvey Napier. Lond., 1879. 8~..23060 Napier, Mark. Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose. Edinb., i856. 2 V. 8..230I6Napoleon I., emp. of France. Metlernich, C. W. A. L. (In' Memoirs.') 22585-;Rmnusat, C. E. 7. de. (in'Memoirs.')...22567Napoleon III., emp. of France, Life of. Jerrold, W. B. Lond., I874-77. v. I-3. 8.. 2256INarjoux, F. Notes and Sketches of an Architect. Bost., 1877. 8~. 29926 Nasby, Petroleum Vesuvius, (pseud.) See Locke, D. R. Nash, W. Oregon: there and back in I877. Lond., 1878. 120.. 2I286 Nasr-ed-Din. Diary of the Shah of Persia. Lond., I874. 8~.. 21625 Nathan, I., editor. Fugitive Pieces and Reminiscences of Byron; cont'g a new ed. of the Hebrew Melodies, with remarks [etc.]. Also, original poetry, letters [etc.] of Lady C. Lamb. Lond., 1829. 160. 18636 Nathan the Wise. Lessing, G. E. Leipz., i868. I6~.. 26512 Natural History. Burroughs, J. Locusts and Wild Honey. Bost., I879. I6~.... 29323 -- Winter Sunshine. N. Y., I876. I6~...29325 Natural-Nest. I4I Natural History. Cobbe, F. P. False Beasts and True: essays on natural kand unnatural) history. Lond., [I875]. 120... I29II — Collingwood, C. Rambles of a Naturalist on the shores and waters of the China Sea. Lond., I868. 8... 29494 Duncan, P. M., editor. Cassell's Nat. Hist. Illust. Lond., [I879-80]. v. I-3. 4~. (For contents see Duncan.). 29579[Jefferies, R.] Gamekeeper at Home: sketches of Nat. Hist. and rural life. Bost., I879. I6~..29331 -Wild Life in a Southern County [of England]. Bost., I879. 29332 Rhind, W. Studies in Nat. Hist. Edinb., I830. I2~.. 29334 Thoreau, H. D. Excursions. Bost., I875. 120. I2~. 29335 Wallace, A. R. Tropical Nature, and other essays. Lond., I878. 8........... 29533 Waterton, C. Essays on Nat. Hist. Lond., [r870]. I2~.. 29402 Wood, J. G. Illustrated Nat. Hist. Lond., I869-7I. 3 v. 8~. 29587See, also, Animals; Biology; Man; Natural Selection; Science; Zoology;-also, Selborne, and other local naimes. Natural Law. See Law, NVatural. Natural Philosophy. See Physics. Natural Science. See Science. Natural Selection. Williamson, W. C. Primeval Vegetation in its relation to the doctrines of Natural Selection and Evolution. (In Owens College Ess. & Ad.)...... 27412 See, also, Darwinism; Evolution. Natural Theology. See Theology, Natural. Naturalist (The) in Norway. Bowden, J. Lond., 1869. I2~... 2I2I0 Naturalist (The) on the River Amazons. Bates, H. W. Lond., I873. 21207 Nature. Huxley, T. H. Physiography: an introd. to the study of nature. N. Y., I878. I2~...29419 Mivart, St. G. Lessons from Nature, as manifested in Mind and Matter. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 29393 Papillon, F. Nature and Life. N. Y., I875. 120... 29397 Shairp, J. C. On Poetic Interpretation of Nature. Edinb., I877. I20.. 26294 Nature Series. CONTENTS -Spectroscope, by J. N. Lockyer.-Origin and Metamorphoses of Insects, J. Lubbock.-Common Frog, G. Mivart.-On British Wild Flowers, J. Lubbock.-Light, Mayer & Barnard.-Sound, A. M. Mayer.Seeing and Thinking, W. K. Clifford. Naval Officer; or, Frank Mildmay. Marryat, F. N. Y., I86i. 120. 24640 Navigators. Vogel, T. A Century of Discovery: Portuguese and Spanish Navigators from Prince Henry to Pizarro. Lond., I877. 8........... 23567 - See, also, Seamen. Neaves, C. Greek Anthology. (Anc. Clas. for Eng. Readers, v. 20.) 26846 Nero: [an historical play.] Story, W. W. Edinb. & L., I875. I20. 26136 Nervous Derangement and Spiritualism. Hammond, W. A. N. Y., 1876. 12...... 28043 Nesbitt, A. Glass. Lond., [I878]. 12~... 29765 Nesbitt, M. L. Grammar-Land. N. Y., I878. I6~... 27868 Nest (Das) der Zaunk6nige. Freytag, G. Leipz., 1875. I20. ('Die Ahnen,' Abth. 2.)..259I2 I9 I42 Netherlands-New. Netherlands. Motley, J. L. John of Barneveld. N. Y., I874. 2 v. 8~. (2 copies.).. 23894- See, also, Belgium; Holland. Nettleship, H. Vergil. (Classical Writers.) N. Y., i88o. i6~.. 26892 Neue (Der) Don Quixote. Hackl/inder, F. W. von. Stuttg., I876. 5 B. I6~. (Werke, B. 30-34.). 258I4Neue Dorfgeschichten. Auerbach, B. Stuttg., 1876. 3 B. in I. I2~. 25894 Neue Geschichten. Hacklinder, F. W. von. Stuttg., I873. I6~. (Werke, B. 5I.).........25825 Neues Leben. Auerbach, B. Stuttg., I87I. 2 B. I6~. (Romane, B. 3-4.)...........25888 Never again. Mayo, W. S. N. Y., 1873. I2~.. 24832 Neville, G. Horses and Riding. Lond., I877. I20... 2964I New England. Bacon, L. Genesis of the N. Eng. Churches. N. Y., I874. 8. 28447 - Drake, S. A. Nooks and Corners of the N. Eng. Coast. N. Y., I87. 8........... 21586 Flagg, W. Birds and Seasons of New Eng. Bost., 1875. I2~. 29320 - Woods and By-ways of N. Eng. Bost., 1872. I2~. 21283 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 25-6. 26464- See, also, Federalism. New-England (The) Tragedies. Longfellow, H. W. Bost., I868. I20. 26079 New Englander. N. H., 1843-79. 38 v. 8~.... 2997- & I3I2I- Same. v. 1-28. I2970-- Index, v. I-I9. (2 copies.). New Exegesis of Sbakespeare. Edinb., I859. I2~.. 27003 New Guinea. Murray, A. W. Forty Years' Mission Work. Lond., 1876. I2.........22146 New Haven. Trumbull, J. H. The True-Blue Laws of Conn. and New Haven, and the False Blue-Laws invented by the Rev. Sam. Peters. Hartf., I876. I2~. 21322 New Hebrides. Markham, A. H. Cruise of the "Rosario." Lond., I873. 8........... 21814 New Lands within the Arctic Circle. Payer, J. N. Y., I877. 80. 21883 New Mexico, Conquest of. Cooke, P. St. G. N. Y., I878. 12~.. 21323 New (The) Paul and Virginia. Mallock, W. H. N. Y. [L.], I878. 28084 New (The) Plutarch: lives of men and women of action. [L. &] N. v., I879-80. 4 v. 16... 2245ICONTENTS:-A. Lincoln, by C. G. Leland.-Coligny, W. Besant.-Judas Maccabseus, C. R. Conder.-Joan of Arc, J. Tuckey. New (The) Puritan. Pike, J. S. N. Y., I879. I20.. 22644 New (The) Reformation: a narrative of the Old Catholic movement from I870 to the present time; with a historical introd. by Theodorus [pseud.]. Lond., I875. 8~0. ~..28725 New (The) Republic. [Mallock, W. H.] Lond., I877. 2 v. 12~.. 28082New Zealand. Barker, M. A. Station Amusements. Lond., I873. 21735 Howitt, W. Hist. of Discovery. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~.. 2I8I6Old New Zealand: a tale; and a Hist. of the War in the North against the chief Heke, in the year I845. Lond., I876. 8~. 218I5 Trollope, A. Australia and New Zealand. Lond., I873. 2 v. 2I818 New-Noblesse. 143 New Zealand. Wood, J. G. Natural Hist. of Man. (Vol. 2.). 2959I Newcastle, Henry Pelham Clinton, duke of. Earle, 7. C. (In'Eng. Premiers,' v. I.)..22882 Newcastle, Thos. Holles Pelham, duke of. (In the same.) Newcomb, S. The Abc of Finance. N. Y., I878. I6~.... 29062 [Newman, F. W.] Hist. of the Hebrew Monarchy. Lond., I847. 8~. 2844I Newman, J. H. Arians of the Fourth Century. Lond., 1871. 12~. 28412 -- Callista: a sketch of the third century. Lond., I873. 12~.. 28413 - Discussions and Arguments on various subjects. Lond., I873. 28410 - Fifteen Sernions, preached before the Univ. of Oxford. Lond., I872. 12....... 28409 - Historical Sketches. Lond., I873. 3 v. I2~.. 2009ICONTENTS:-1. Turks in their rel. to Europe D Cicero; Apollonius; Prim. Christianity.-2, Church of the Fathers; St. Chrysostom; Theodoret; Mission of St. Benedict; Benedictine schools.-3, Rise and progress of univer. sities; Northmen and Normans in England and Ireland; Medieval Oxford; Convocation of Canterbury. - Parochial and Plain Sermons. Lond., I873. 8 v. I2~... 28400- Sermons bearing on subjects of the day. Lond., I873. I20.. 28408 Tracts, theological and ecclesiastical. Lond., I874. I20... 284II Newspapers. Grant, J. The Newspaper Press. Lond., I87I. 2 v. 26762Hunt, F. K. The Fourth Estate: contributions towards a history of N., and of the liberty of the press. Lond., 1850. 2 v. I8590Newton Forster. Marryat, F. N. Y., I86I. I2~.. 2464I Nibelung. Cox (G. W.) & Jones. (In'Pop. Romances.' And in'Tales.'). 27712-13 - Dippold, G. T. Account of the Nibelung Epics and Sagas. (Itn Geibel, E.,'Brunhild.')..26065 - Forestier, A. Echoes from Mist-land. Chic., 1877. I2~... 277II - Lettsom, W. N. The Nibelungenlied; transl. Lond., I874. 80. 27706 Nichol, John. Byron. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I88o. I2~.. 23350 Nicholas Minturn. Holland, J. G. N. Y., I877. I20. (2 copies.). 24547Nicholls, J. Recollections and Reflections. Lond., 1822. 8~.. I8662 Nichols, Charlotte (Bront6). See Brontd, C. Nichols, G. W. Art Education applied to Industry. N. Y., i877. 29925 Nicolini, G. B. History of the Jesuits. Lond., I873. I20.. 28727 Niebuhr, B. G. History of Rome from the First Punic War to the death of Constantine. Lond., I844. 2 v. 8~.... 20294Nile. Appleton, T. G. A Nile Journey. Lond., 1876. I20... 21204 Eden, F. The Nile without a Dragoman. Lond., I871. 160.. 21245 Edwards, A. B. A Thousand Miles up the Nile. N. Y. and Lond., I877. 80. 21966 Nineteenth Century. Lond., I877-79. 6 v. 80... I675Nineteenth Century: a history. Mackenzie. R. Lond., I88o. I2~. 20482 Ninety-Three. Hugo, V. M. N. Y., I874. I2~.. 24577 Njal (Burnt). Cox (G. W.) & Jones. (In' Pop. Romances.' And in'Tales.').27712-I3 - Dasent, G. W. Edinb., I86I. 2 v. I2~.. 27703No Love Lost. Howells, W. D. N. Y., I869. I6~... 26II8 Noblesse Oblige. [Roberts, M.] N. Y,, I876. 160.,. 24851 144 Nohl-Nova. Nohl, L. Beethoven. Lond., I88o. 120... 23810 Life of Mozart. Lond., I877. 2 V. I20.. 238IIAn Unrequited Love: an episode in the life of Beethoven. Lond., I876. 8~.. 23806 editor. Letters of Distinguished Musicians: Gluck, Haydn, P. E. Bach, Weber, Mendelssohn. [Ed. by E. Nohl.] Lond., I867. I2........... 23765 Non-Christian Religious Systems. 28577CONTENTS: —Buddhism, by T. W. R. Davids.-Hinduism, M. Williams.Islam, J. W. H. Stobart.-The Coran, W. Muir.-Confucianism and Taouism, R. K. Douglas. Nordenskiold, A. E., Arctic Voyages of. Leslie, A. Lond., I879. 21881 Nordhoff, C. California. N. Y., I873. 8~...... 21585 Communistic Societies of the U. S. N. Y., I875. 8~. (2 cop.) 29II5Northern California, Oregon, and the Sandwich Islands. N. Y., I874. 8........ 21584 Politics for Young Americans. N. Y., I875. I20. (2 copies.) 21329Normandy. Blackburn, H. Normandy Picturesque. Lond., I869. 21781 Macquoid, T. R. & K. S. Pictures and Legends from N. and Brittany. Lond., I879. I2~... 21252 Normans. Johnson, A. H. The Normans in Europe. Lond., I877. 20458 - See, also, Northmen. Norris, T. American Angler's Book. Phila., [I865]. 8~.. 29629 Norse Literature. See Scandinavian Lang. and Lit. Norse Mythology. Anderson, R. B. Chic., I875. 120. 2~.. 27715 Norsemen. See Northmen. North, F., 2d earl of' Guilford. Earle, _7. C. (In' Eng. Premiers,' v. I.) 22882 North American Indians. See Indians (American). North American Review. Bost., I8I5-79. I29 V. 8~.. I2425Same. v. 2-45, 47-54, 56-67, 69-Io2, IO4-IO8.... I2579Index, v. 1-25 (2 copies); and v. I-I25. Northend, C. Elihu Burritt. N. Y., [88o]. 12~.. 22642 Northmen. Anderson, R. B. America not discovered by Columbus. Chic., I877. I2~..........21280 - Keyser, R. Private Life of the Old Northmen. Lond., I868. 20049 Maclear, G. F. (Conversion of the West, v. 3).. 28496 See, also, Normans; Scandinavia. Norton (C. L.) & Habberton (J.). Canoeing in Kanuckia. N. Y., I878. I2......... 29665 Norton, F. H. Life of Hancock. (See Junkin, D. X., & Norton.) Norway. Beauclerk, D. de V. A Summer and Winter in N. Lond., i868. 120.. 21208 - Bowden, J. The Naturalist in Norway. Lond., I869. 12~.. 21210 - Norway: its people, products, and institutions. Lond., I867. 2I21I Carlyle, T. Early kings of Norway. N. Y., I875. I2~~ ~.. 23616 - Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 8. Bost., I876. I6~.. 26447 Notary's (The) Nose. About, E. F. V. N. Y., I874. 16~... 24032 Notre-Dame de Paris. Hugo, V. M. Paris, I87I. 2 t. 16~... 25663Nott, E., Memoirs of. Van Santvoord, C. N. Y., [I876]. I2~.. 22641 Nova Scotia. Hardy, C. Forest Life in Acadie. Lond., I869. 80. 21553 Novelists-Oliphant. 145 Novelists, French. James, H., jr. Lond., I878. 12~.... 26905 Numismatics. Edwards, J. Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Coins in the Numismatic Coll.of Yale College. N. H., I880. 20379 "Oars and Sculls." Woodgate, W. B. Lond., I875. I6~... 29659 Ober, F. A. Camps in the Caribbees. Bost., I88o [I879]. 8~.. 21813 Ocean to Ocean. Grant, G. M. Lond., I873. 8~. And N. Y., I877. 21549Oceanica. Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places,v. 3I. Bost., I879. 26470 ---- See, also, Polynesia; East Ind. Archipelago. Ochino, Bernardino, of Siena. Benrath, K. N. Y., I877. 80.. 22181 O'Connell, D. Speeches and Public Letters. Dublin, I875. 2 v. 80. 23046-- Cusack, JM. F. The Liberator. Kenmare. 2 V. 8.... 23044O'Connor, T. P. Lord Beaconsfield: a biography. Lond. & Belf., I879. I2.......... 22898 Oddities of London Life. [Poole, J.] Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8~.. 25209Odds and Ends. Beers, H. A. Bost., I878. 16~...26041 Ode of Life. [Morice, L.] Bost., i88o. I6~.. 26099 Off the Skelligs. Ingelow, J. Bost., I872. 16. 24580 O'Keeffe, J. Personal Reminiscences. (In Bric-a-Brac Ser.). 23260 - Recollections. Lond., I826. 2 v. 8~.. 23928Old Age. See Longevity. Old Bushman, (fpseud.) See Wheelwright, H. W. Old Catholics. The New Reformation: a narrative of the Old Catholic movement; with a historical introd. by Theodorus [Riseud.]. Lond., I875. 8~..28725 Strauss, G. L. M. (In'Men who have made,' etc.). 22583 Old Kensington. Ritchie, A. I. T. Lond., I873. 8~.... 24700 Same. N. Y., I873. 80..24701 Old and New. Bost., I870-75. II v. 8...... I3705Old New Zealand: a tale. By a Pakeha Maori. With an introd. by the Earl of Pembroke. Lond., I876. 80. 21815 -Old (The) Regime in Canada. Parkman, F. Bost., I874. 8~. (2 cop.) 2I404Old Shekarry, (pseud.) See Leveson, H. A. Oldbury. Keary, A. Phila., [I879]. I2...... 24608 Oldcastle, J. See Maurice, C. E.,'Lives of Eng. Pop. Leaders,' v. 2.. 2294I Oldenbarneveldt. See Barneveldt. Oldport Days. Higginson, T. W. Bost., I873. I6~.... 24542 Olger the Dane. Cox (G. W.) & Jones (E. H.). (In'Pop. Romances.')..27712 & 2010 Oliphant, Caroline. Memoir and Poems. (See Rogers, Chas.,' Life of Baroness Nairne.') Oliphant, L. Piccadilly. Ed. & Lond., I870.. I2~... 24804 Oliphant, Margaret O. W. At his Gates: a novel. Lond., 1872. 3 v. 120.....24805Dress. Phila., [I879]. I20... 29782 -- Makers of Florence. Lond., I876. 8~.. 23836 Memoir of Count de Montalembert. Edinb. & L., I872. 2 v. 22486Whiteladies: a novel. N. Y., I875. I6~.. 24836 I46 Oliphant-Ossian. Oliphant, Margaret O. W., editor (andauthor). Foreign Classics for English Readers. Phil., [1877-79]. 9 v. i6~. (Forcontents see Foreign Classics.)..23262VOLS. by the editor:-1, Dante.-6, Mollire. Oliphant, Thos. La Musa Madrigalesca. Lond., I837. 2~... 26i63 Oliphant, Thos. L. K. Sources of Standard English. Lond., I873. 27869 Oliver Newman. Southey, R. Lond., 1845. 16..... 8619 Omar Khayydm, astronomer.poet of Persia. Rubhiyat [Quatrains]; rendered into Eng. verse. Lond., 1872. 8~... 26256 O'Meara, Kathleen. Frederic Ozanam. Edinb., I876. 12~... 22145 On the Cam. Everett, W. Cambr., i865. i6~... 28829 On the Edge of the Storm. [Roberts, M.] N. Y., I877. I6~... 24852 On the Eve. Turg6nief, I. S. N. Y., I873. I6~. (2 copies.). 24864On the Heights. Auerbach, B. N. Y., I875. I2~.. 2400IOne Summer. [Howard, B. W.] Bost., I876. I6~. (3 copies.). 24554One Year abroad. [Howard, B. W.] Bost., I877. I6~... 24557 Opera. Clayton, E. C. A chronological list of all the operas that have been performed in Europe. (In'Queens of Song.'). 23847 - Lumley, B. Reminiscences of the Opera. Lond., I864. 8~.. 29799 Oppert, E. A Forbidden Land: voyages to the Corea. N. Y., i88o. 2I943 Optics. See Light. Orchids. See Darwin, C. R.,'Various Contrivances.'... 29456 Order and Progress. Harrison, F. Lond., I875. 8~.... 29087 Ordericus Vitalis. Ecclesiastical Hist. of England and Normandy. Lond., I853-56. 4 v. 12.. 28462Oregon. Nash, W. Oregon in 1877. Lond., I878. I2~... 21286 Nordhoff, C. Northern California and Oregon. N. Y., I874. 21584 Oregon (The) Trail. Parkman, F. Bost., 1873. 8~... 21402 Orford, Earls of. See Walpole. Oriental Monarchies. See Rawlinson, G. Oriental Religions. Johnson, S. Bost., I873 &'77. 2 v. 8~.. 28560See, also, Religions (various). Orleans, L. P. A. d'. See Paris, Comte de. Ormsby, R. McK. Hist. of the Whig Party. Bost., I859. I2~.. 21326 Ornament. Blanc, A. A. P. C. Art in Ornament and Dress. N. Y., I877. 80~.. 29873 See, also, Decoration. Orosius, Paulus. Historiarum Libri vii. See Alfred the Gt. Orphan of Pimlico. Thackeray, W. M. Phil., I876. 4~... Orthodoxy. Cook, J. (Bost. Mond. Lectures.) Bost., I878. 120. 28023 Orton, J. Comparative Zoology. N. Y., I876. 80... 29504 Orval. Bulwer-Lytton, E. R. Lond., I869. 16~.. 26051 Oscar II., king of Sweden and Xorway. Charles XII. By'Oscar Fredrik' [pseud.]. Lond., I879. 8~.. 23898 Osgood, H. Winter and its Dangers. Phil., I879. 16~... 29963 Osler, W. R. Tintoretto. Lond. & N. Y., I879. I2~.... 23782 Osorio: a tragedy. Coleridge, S. T. Lond., 1873. 8~.... 26640 Ossian. Campbell, 7. F. (In' Pop. Tales of the West Highlands,' v, 4.)..... 27663 Ossoli-Painting. I47 Ossoli, Marg. (Fuller) d'. [Works. Ed. by A. B. Fuller.] Bost., I874. 6 v. 12........ 27286CONTENTS:-1-2, Memoirs, ed. by Emerson, Channing, and Clarke.-3, Woman in the 19th cent and kindred papers relating to the sphere, condition, and duties of woman.-4, At home and abroad; or, Things and thoughts in Amer. and Europe.-5, Art, literature, and the drama.-6, Life without and life within; or. Reviews, narratives, essays, and poems. Ott6, Elise C. Scandinavian History. Lond., I874. I2~... 20050 Ottoman Power in Europe. Freeman, E. A. Lond., I877. I2~.. 20490 Out of the Question. Howells, W. D. Bost., I877. I6~. (2 copies.) 24568"Out of the World" Series. N. Y., I878. 3 v. in I. I6~... 25247 CONTENTS:-1, Fables. By G. Washington Asop. 2, The World's Almaniac for 1879. 3, Archibald the Cat, and other sea yarns. Overbury, T. Miscellaneous Works. Ed. by E. F. Rimbault. Lond., I856. I6..........27262 Overland Monthly. S. Francisco, I868-75. I5 v. 8~.... I3690Ovid. Church, A. 7. (Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers, supplem. ser., v. 2.)'...26848 Owen, F. M. John Keats: a study. Lond., i88o. I2~.... 26292 Owen, R. D. The Debatable Land. N. Y., I872. I20.... 28052 - Footfalls on the Boundary of another World. Phil., I86o. 12~. 28053 -- Threading my Way. N. Y., I874. 12.. 23648 Owens College, Manchester, Eng. [Stewart (B.) & Ward (A. W.), editors.] Essays and Addresses. Lond., I874. 80.. 27412 CONTENTS: —On some relations of culture to practical life, by J. G. Greenwood; Original research as a means of education, H. E. Roscoe; Solar physics, B. Stewart - Distance of the sun, T. H. Core; Limits of our knowledge of the earth, W. B. Dawkins; Use of steam, 0. Reynolds; Primeval vegetation, W. C. Williamson; Science and medicine, A. Gamgee; Some historical results of the science of language, A. S. Wilkins; The Talmud, T. Theodores; Proven(al poetry, H. Breymann; Judicature Act of 1873, J. Bryce; Railways and the State, W. S. Jevons; Peace of Europe, A. W. Ward. Oxberry, W. The Actor's Budget. Lond. I2~.. 2652I Oxford and Cambridge. Arnold, F. Lond., [I874]. 8~.... 21979 Oxford and Cambridge Aquatics. Banks, E. G. Oxf., I868. I6~.. 29658 Oxford Spectator. Oxf., I878. 80. (Nos. I-3I; first pub. in I867-8.) 27562 Oxford University. Student's Handbook. Oxf., I873. 16~... 28833 Oxonian (The) in Iceland. Metcalfe, F. Lond., I86I. I2~.. 21705 Oxus. MacGahan, J. A. Campaigning on the Oxus. N. Y., I874. 21924 Ozanam, A. F., Life and Works of. O'Meara, K. Edinb., I876.. 22145 Pacchiarotto. Browning, R. Bost., I877. I6.. 26049 Packard, A. S., jr. Half Hours with Insects. Bost., I877. I20. 29505 ~ Zoology. N. Y., I879. 12...29506 Packard, J. H. Sea-Air and Sea-Bathing. Phil., i88o. I6~.. 29967 Paganism. See Heathenism. Page, Henry A., (pseud.) See Japp, Alex. Page (The). Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~. (2 cop.) 24413 & 24420 Paijkull, C. W. A Summer in Iceland. Lond., 1868. 8~.. 21886 Painters. Clement, C. E. Bost., I879. I2.. 29791 - Crowe (J. A.) & Cavalcaselle (G. B.). Early Flemish Painters. Lond., I872. I2~...23801 - Gower, R. Figure Painters of Holland. L. & N. Y., I88o. I2~. 23785 Painting. Couture, T. Art Methods. N. Y., I879. I2~... 29826 - Crowe (J. A.) & Cavalcaselle (G. B.). Hist. of Painting in Italy. Lond., I864-66. 3 v. 8~.. 29945-~ - Hist. of Painting in North Italy. Lond., 1871. 2 v, 8~., 29948 148 Painting-Paris. Painting. Ruskin, J. Laws of Fesole. N. Y., 1877. Part I. I2~. 29844 Waagen, G. F. Handbook of Painting: the German, Flemish, and Dutch schools. Based on the handbook of Kugler. Lond., 1874. 2 v. 8~. 29875Pair of Blue Eyes. Hardy, T. N. Y., 1I873. 16~.. 24461 Palestine. Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Palestine. N. Y., 1879. 21843 - Burton, I. Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land. Lond., 1875. 2 V. 80.. 21905Conder, C. R. Tent Work in Palestine. N. Y., I878. 2 v. 8~. 2I903Palfrey, F. W. Memoir of Wm. F. Bartlett. Bost., 1878. 160.. 22602 Palgrave, R. F. D. The House of Commons. Lond., I869. I2~. 20812 Palgrave, W. G. Dutch Guiana. Lond., 1876. 8~.... 21811 Hermann Agha: an Eastern narative. N. Y., I872. I60.. 24837 Palleske, E. Schiller's Life and Works. Lond., i86o. 2 v. 12~. 23324Palliser, Mrs. B. Brittany and its Byways. Lond., I869. 12~.. 21686 Palmer, E. H. English-Gipsy Songs. (See Leland, C. G., & others.) 26123 See, also, Magnusson, E.,'Runeberg's Lyrical Songs.'. 26128 Palmer, H. S. Sinai. (Anc. Hist. from the Monuments.) Lond., [I878]. I60...... 20045 Palmerston, Viscountess. See Temple, A. L. Palmetto-Leaves. Stowe, H. E. B. Bost., I873. 16~.... 21288 Palmyra. Beaufort, E. A. (In'Egyptian Sepulchres.')... 2I209 Papacy. Thompson, R. W. Papacy and the Civil Power. N. Y., I876. 120.. 29096 See, also, Popes. Papal (The) Conclaves. Trollope, T. A. Lond., I876. 80.. 28722 Papillon, F. Nature and Life. N. Y., I875. 12..29397 Paradoxical Philosophy. [Stewart, B., & Tait, P. G.] Lond., 1878. 28091 Paraguay. Burton, R. F. Letters from the Battle-Fields of Paraguay. Lond., I870. 8. 2I1804 Hutchinson, T. J. The Parana; with incidents of the Paraguayan war. Lond., i868. 8~...21805 Parana' (province). Bigg-Wither, T. P. Pioneering in South Brazil. Lond., 1I878. 2 V. 12..... 2I702Parasites, Animal. Beneden, P. J. van. N. Y., I876. 12~... 29259 Parents (Les) de Bernard. About, E. F. V. (With'Trente,' etc.). 25622 Paris, Comte de. Hist. of the Civil War in Amer. Phil., t875-6. V. I-2. 80.. 21460Paris. Amicis, E. de. Studies of Paris. N. Y., I879. I2~... 27273 CONTENTS: —First day in P.; Glance at the Exposition; Hugo; Zola; Paris. - Hacklander, F. W. von. Parisim Winter I85I. (In'Tagebuchblatter,'' Werke,' B. 40.)....... 25819 - Houssaye, A. Life in Paris: letters. N. Y., 1879. I2~... 2I6IO Jackson, C. C. Old Paris: its court and literary salons. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 12~. 2I687- Sala, G. A. Paris herself again in 1878-9. Illust. 2d ed. Lond., I879. 2 v. 8....... 2I984Taine, H. A. Notes on Paris. N. Y., 1875. 120.... 21628 - Thackeray, W. M. The Student's Quarter. Lond. I2~... 21629 Paris-Patagonia. 149 Paris en Amerique. [Laboulaye, E. R. L.]. Paris, 1877. I6~.. 25667 Parisians (The). Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Lond., 1875 (etc.). 2 v. 12... 24II9- & 24I50 Parke, W. T. Musical Memoirs. Lond., I830. 2 v. I20.. I867IParker, Theo.: a biography. Frothingham, O. B. Bost., I874. I2~. 22610 Parkes, Bessie R. See Belloc, B. R. P. Parkes, E. A. On Personal Care of Health. Lond., [I876]. I6~. 29957 Parkman, F. France and England in North America. Bost., I86577. 5 parts. 8~. 6130- & 2I403CONTENTS — 1, Pioneers of France in the New World.-2, The Jesuits in N. Amier.-3, Discovery of the Great West (in the 11th ed., " La Salle, and the Discov.," &c.).-4, Old RWgime in Canada.-5, Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. La Salle and the Discovery of the Great West. IIth ed., rev., with add. Bost., I879. 80~. 21403 - The Oregon Trail. 5th ed., rev. Bost., I873. 8~.... 21402 Parliament. Bisset, A. Struggle for Parliamentary Government in Eng. Lond., I877. 2 v. 80.. 2I058Parliamentary Practice. Palgrave, R. F. D. House of Commons: history and practice. Lond., I869. I2~. 20812 Parliamentary Reform. Gladstone, W. E. Speeches on, in I866. Lond., I866. 12....20809 Grote, G. Essentials of. (In'Minor Works.'). 27400 Parnassus. Emerson, R. W. Bost., I875. I20.. 26120 Parnell, T. Battle of the Frogs and Mice. (See Homer.) Parr, Louisa. Dorothy Fox. Lond., I87I. 3 v. I6~... 24838Hero Carthew; or, The Prescotts of Pamphillon. N. Y., I873. 2484I John Thompson, and other stories. Phila., [1878]. I6~... 24842 Parr, Sam.: life, writings, and opinions. Field, W. Lond., I828. 2 v. 80... I8603Parry, W. Last Days of Lord Byron. Lond., I825. 8~...8656 Parsons, T. W. Dante's Inferno; transl. [in meter.] Bost., I867. 26272 Parthia. Rawlinson, G. Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy. Lond., I873. 8.......... 20249 Parties. Adams, W. H. D. English Parties, from Walpole to Peel. Lond., I878. 2 v. 8.. 21054Ormsby, R. M. Hist. of the Whig Party; [and] of the principal parties of the country. Bost., I859. 12... 21326 Stickney, A. A True Republic. N. Y., I879. I2~... 29094 See, also, Federalism; Politics. Parton, J. Caricature, and other comic art. N. Y., I877. 8~.. 29944 Life of Horace Greeley. Bost., r872. 120...22643 Life of Thomas Jefferson. Bost., I874. 80..... 22640 Party. See Parties. Pascal, B. Saiznte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Monday Chats.')... 23290 - Tulloch, 7. (For. Clas. for Eng. Readers.) Phil., [I878]. I6~. 23264 Passavant, J. D. Raphael. Lond. & N. Y., I879. I20... 23779 Passionate (A) Pilgrim. James, H., jr. Bost., I875. I20.. 24603 Paston (The) Letters. Gairdner, J., editor. Lond., 1872-75. 3 v. 160. 22840Patagonia. Beerbohm, J. Wanderings in Patagonia. N. Y., I879. 2I243 - Coan, T. Adventures in P.: a missionary's trip. N. Y., i88o. 2I704 20 156 Patagonia-Peel. Patagonia. Guinnard, A. Three Years' Slavery among the Patagonians. Lond., I871. I20....21229 Pater, W. The Renaissance. Lond., I877. 8~.. 29878 Pater Mundi. Burr, E. F. Bost., I870-73. 2 v. I2~.. 9989 & 28087 Paterson, J. Liberty of the Subject and Security of the Person. Lond., I877. 2 V. 120.. 28854Patmore, C. The Angel in the House. Lond., [I879]1. I6. 2603I Patmore, P. G. My Friends and Acquaintance. Lond., I854. 3 V. 23609Patterson, A. J. The Magvars. Lond., i869. 2 v. I2".. 2171IPatteson, J. C., Bp., Life of. Yonge, C. M. Loud., 1874. 2 v. 8~. 22270Pattison, Dorothy W. Lonsdale, M. Sister Dora. Bost., I88o. I6~. 23650 Pattison, M. Isaac Casaubon, I559-I614. Lond., 1875. 80... 22264 Milton. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I88o. 12~... 23343 Pattou, A. A. The Voice as an instrument. N. Y., 1878. I6~.. 29805 Paul, St. Farrar, F. W. Life and Work of St. P. N. Y., [I879]. 2 V. 8~........... 28642The Heathen World and St. P. Lond., [1878.] 4 v. I6~.. 28498CONTENTS:-St. Paul in Damascus and Arabia, by G. Rawlinson.-In Asia Minor [etc.], E. H. Plumptre.-In Greece, G. S. Davies.-At Rome, C. Merivale. Paul, C. K. Mary Wollstonecraft. (See Godwin, M. W.,'Letters.') 23214 William Godwin: his friends and contemporaries. Bost., I876. 2 v. 80........ 23326Paul Faber, Surgeon. MacDonald, G. Phila., I879 [1878]. (2 cop.) 24674[Paulding, J. K.] The Dutchman's Fireside. N. Y., I83I. 2 V. I2~. I7482Pauli, R. Life of Alfred the Great. Lond., I853. I2~... 20805 Pictures of Old England. Cambr. & L., I86I. 120... 20850 Simon de Montfort, Earl of Leicester. Lond., I876. I2~.. 22880 Pauline. Walford L. B. N. Y., 1877. I6~.. 24288 Pauline; or, Buried alive. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~.. 24418 Pausanias the Spartan. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Lond., 1876 (&c.). I2.... 24I22 & 24I5I Payer, J. New Lands within the Arctic Circle. N. Y., I877. 8~. 21883 Payne, E. J. Hist. of European Colonies. Lond., I877. I6~.. 20084 Peabody, A. P. Christianity and Science. N. Y., I874. 120.. 28700 Peabody, Elizabeth P.,Esthetic Papers [by the ed. and others]. Bost., I849. 80..........27560 Reminiscences of Rev. Wm. E. Channing. Bost., I88o. I6~.. 22614 Peacock, T. L. Works; [with life, etc.] Ed. by H. Cole. Lound., I875. 3 V. 12.. 27303[Peard, Frances M.] Thorpe Regis: a novel. Bost., I874. I6~.. 24843 Pearson, C. H. Early and Middle Ages of England. Lond., I86I. 2109I - Same, [2d ed.] Hist. of England during the early and middle ages. Lond., I867. 2 v. 80.....21092Eng. History in the I4th Cent. Lond., I876. I6~... 20066 Pearson, J. Cheetham, S. (In Masters in Eng. Theology.). 22111 Peel, R. Memoirs. Pub. by Lord Mahon and E. Cardwell. Lond., I857-8. 2 v. 8..... 22887CONTENTS:-1, The Roman Catholic question, 1828-9.-2, The new Government, 1834-5; Repeal of the Corn Laws, 1845-6. Bulwer, H. L. E. Lond., I874. 80.. 23048 Peel-Periodicals. I5I Peel, R. Ta/lor, W. C. (&' C. Mackay). Lond., [1846-5I]. 4 v. 8~. 23049See, also, Adams, W. H. D.,'Eng. Party Leaders,' v. 2 (21055); Earle, J. C.,' Eng. Premiers,' v. 2 (22883); Kebbel, T. E.,'Eng. Statesmen' (22884). Peile, J. Philology. Lond., I877. I6. 26859 Peking and the Pekingese. Rennie, D. F. Lond., I865. 2 v. I20. 2I623Pelham. See Newcastle, dukes of. Pemberton, H. Hist. of Monaco, past and present. Lond., I867. 20618 Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, G. R. C. People (The) of Turkey: 20 years' residence. By a consul's daughter and wife. Ed. by S. L. Poole. Lond., I878. 2 v. I2~. 2I693Pepper, J. H. Pneumatics [and Acoustics]. Lond., [I874]. I2~.. 29315 Pepys, S. Diary and Correspondence; with a life and notes by R. N. Braybrooke; [and] notes by M. Bright. Lond., I87579. 6 v. 80.. 23024Perceval, S. Earle, 7y C. (In'Eng. Premiers,' v. 2.). 22883 Percival Keene. Marryat, F. N. Y., I86i. 12~.. 24643 Percy, T. Reliques of Anc. Eng. Poetry. With memoir [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., 1858. 3 v. 8~...26343Perez, A., and Philip II. Mignet, F. A. M. Lond., i846. 12~.. 23904 Periodicals:Academician. N. Y., I820. v. I. 8. ~ I.4079 All the Year Round. Lond., I859-79. v. I-I5; and New Series, V. 1-23. 8~.....8345American Eclectic. N. Y., I841-2. 4 v. 8~. (2 copies.). ~ I374IAmerican Journal of Science. [Ist Series.] N. H., I8I8-45. 49 v. 8... I7545Index (v. 5o). N. H., I846. 8~. (2 copies). 2d Series. N. H., I846-70. 50 v. 8~...... I7594- 3d Series. N. H., I87I-79. I8 v. 8...7644American Literary Magazine, Sprague's. Albany and Hartford, 1847-49. 5 v. in 3. 8~. I3254American Monthly Magazine. Ed. by Willis. Bost.,'I829 V. I. 80...13113 American Monthly Magazine. New Series. N. Y., I836. 2 v. 8~. I3II4American Monthly Magazine,.and Critical Review. N. Y., I8I7i8. 4 v. 8...13558American Museum, Carey's. I787-98. Philad. v. I-9, I-13. 8~. I4758American Quarterly Observer. (2 copies.) Bost., I833-34. 3 v. 8.. I3880American Quarterly Review. Philad., I827-37. 22 v. 8~. 132I3- Same. v. 3-7, 9-20.. I3235American Review, [Walsh's.] (2 copies.) Philad., i81I-I2. 4 v. 8s... I4038American Review: a whig journal. See Amer. Whig Rev. American Whig Review. N. Y., I845-52. I6 v. 8~... I4696-- Samze. v. 3-10, I2-I 6.. I2723Analectic Magazine. Philad., I8I4-20. i6 v. 80 ~. 14235Annual Review. Ed. by Aikin. Lond., I802-04. 3 v. 8.. I4536Anti-Jacobin. 4th ed. Lond., I799. 2 v. 8... 11300Anti-Jacobin Review and Magazine. Lond., I798 —I800. 5 v. 8~. II302Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia, for I861-79. N. Y., I864-80. 9v. 8... Index to v. I-I5.. Appletons' Journal. N. Y., I869-79. 22 v. 4~ and 80. I7842Arcturus. N. Y., 184I-42. v. 3. 80... 12768 152 Periodicals. Periodicals:Argosy. Lond., 1866-67. 4 v. 8~.... I4388Art-Journal. Lond., I852-60. 8 v. 4.. Athenaeum. N. H., I84. v. I. 8~..17475 Atheneum.. Bost., I8I7-25. I6 v. 8. I14578Atlantic Monthly. Bost., I857-79. 44 v. 8.. 10526 Same. v. 1-26.. I0500 Index to v. 1-38... Bee. Ed. by Anderson. Edinb., I79I-93. I8 v. 8. V. 1304IBelgravia. Lond., I867-79. 39 v. 8... I797I- and I8007Bentley's Miscellany. Lond., 1837-68. 64 v. 8~.... 18266Same. v. I-3, 5-IO, I3-6.. I.4212Biblical Repository. Andover and N. Y., I831-50. 30 V. 8~. I2776Same. v. I-7, II-21, 23-30.. I2821- Index to v. 1-24. (2 copies.).. — Bibliotheca Sacra. Andover, 1844-79. 36 v. 8.. I285ISame. v. 9-26.. I2803Index to v. I-13.. Blackwood's Magazine. Edinb. and N. Y., I817-79. V. 1-4, II6206-30, 32-126. 8~... II78ISame. v. I-I8, 21, 24-26, 28, 33-9I, 93-I06.. 1I957- and 12I28Boston Miscellany. Ed. by Hale. Bost., 1842. v.I. 8~.. 14519 British and Foreign Review. Lond., I835-44. I6 v. 8~... II440British Quarterly Review. N. Y., I87I-79. v. 53-70. 8. I22I7Catholic World. N. Y., I865-79. 29 v. 8..... 4285Christian Spectator. [Monthly.] N. H., I819-28. IO v. 8~.. I2940Christian Spectator, Quarterly. N. H., 1829-38. IO v. (2 cop.) I2950College Courant. N. H., July, I867- June, I869 (2 cop.); Jan.Dec., 1870. 5 v. 4~.. Contemporary Review. Lond., I866-79. 36 v. 8~.. I072IContinental Monthly. N. Y., I862-64. 6 v. 8~.. I3332Cornhill Magazine. Lond., I860-79. 40 v. 8~. I8Io8- and I8233Craftsman. Lond., I73I. 7 v. 121. I2025Democratic Review. Wash. and N. Y., I837-52. 3I v. 8~.. I3059- Same. v. 1-5, 9-2I, 23-25, 28-31.. 13089Dublin Review. Lond. and D., 1836-79. 85 v. 8~... I8431Dublin University Magazine. D., I833-73. 8I v. 8~.. I8I38Eclectic Magazine. N. Y., I844-79. 93 v. 8~... I3562- Same. v. 1-7I.... I3752Eclectic Museum. N. Y., I843. 3 v. 8~.. I3749Eclectic Review. Lond., I805-Io. 6 v. in I. 8... I4377Edinburgh Annual Register, for I808-I5. E., 1810-I7. 8 v. in 13. 80... II73IEdinburgh Monthly Review. Edinb., 1819-2I. 5 v. 8.. I31I6Edinburgh Revicw. E. and N. Y., 1802-79. v. I-I7, 19-I50. 8~. II154Same. v. I-130.. II05I — - Index to v. I-20 (2 copies); and 21-50. - Selections from. Lond., I833, and Paris, I835. 7 v. 8~.. II293Edinburgh Weekly Magazine. E., I77I-72. v. 14, i5 (in I). 8~. I2745 Etonian. 3d ed. Lond., 1823. 3 v. I2~... I2297Foreign Quarterly Review. Lond. and N. Y., 1827-46. v. 1-3. 5-37. 8~... I12682Same. v. IT, 12, 14-23, 26-30, 32-36.. I12709Foreign Review. Lond., 1828-30. 5 v. 8~... I435Fortnightly Review. Lond., I865-79. 32 v. 8~.... 10622Fraser's Magazine. Lond., I830-79. Ioo v. 8~... I2300Galaxy. N. Y., I866-78. 25 v. 8.. 13886Good Company (a continuation of " Sunday Afternoon"). Springf., I879- v. 4- 8....... I8408Good Words. Lond., I866-67. V. 7, 8. 8~... I4534Halcyon Luminary. N. Y., 18I2. v. I. 8~..... I4080 Periodicals. 153 Periodicals:Harper's Monthly Magazine. N. Y., I850-79. 59 v. 8~~. ~ I34I3Same. v. I-42. I13291- Index to v. 1-40; and [-50. Harvard Lyceum. Cambr., I8[-II. 8. ~ 17472 Harvard Magazine. (2 copies.) Cambr., I855-6o. 6 v. 8~.. 17462Herald of Health. N. Y., 1867-70. v. 43, 44, 49, 50 (in 2 v.) 8~. I7488Homilist. Lond., 1870-71. 4 v. 8~...... I2888Hours at Home. N. Y., I865-70. II v. 8.. I39IIHousehold-Words. Lond. and N. Y., I850-59. v. 1-4, 15, i6, I8. 8.. I7497Hunt's Merchant's Magazine. N. Y., I839-59. v. I-5, 8-13, 20-40. 80. 1 I3525Intellectual Observer. Lond., 1862-68. 12 v. 8~. I771IInternational Review. N. Y., I874-79. 7 v. 8~.... I059IKnickerbocker. N. Y., 1833-62. v. 1-59. 8~. I4457Same. v. 2-5, 7, 8, 10-25, 27-30, 32, 35, 36, 38-4I1, 43-45, 4766. I4640Knight's Penny Magazine. Lond., I846-47. 2 v. in I. 8~.. 14597 Knight's Quarterly Magazine. Lond., 1823-4. 3 V. 8~... 18335Land we Love. Charlotte, N. C., 1866-69. 6 v. 80.... 1I2934Lippincott's Magazine. Philad., 1868-79. 24 v..8~... I3373Literary Portfolio. Philad., 1830. v. I. 4.... 7828 Literary and Theological Review. N. Y., 1834-38. 5 v. 8~.. I2771Littell's Living Age. Bost., I844-79. 143 V. 8~... I3924London Quarterly Rev. See Quarterly Rev. London Review. Lond., J835-6. 2 v. 8.... 11885London Society. Lond., I862-79. v. I-19, 22-36. 80.. I7755London and Westminster Review. Lond., 1836-40. 7 v. 8~.. II887Macmillan's Magazine. Lond., I859-79. 40 v. 8~.... 12155Mass. Quarterly Review. Bost., I847-49. 2 v. 8~.... I2769Metropolitan Magazine. N. Y., 1836-42. 13 v. 8~.... 14520Microcosm. N. H., I836-37. v. 3, New Series. 8~.... I4598 Microscope. N. H., 1820. 2 v. in I. 8~. 17474 Month. Lond., I870-71. 4 v. New Series. 80.. I2235Monthly Magazine. Lond., 1796-I825. 60 v. 8~. 14152Monthly Review. Lond., I8I7-33. v. 82-I29, 13I, 132. 8. 14300Museum. Lond., I746-47. 3 V. 8...1I2742Museurn of Foreign Literature. Philad., I822-39.- V. I-29, 31-33, 35-37. 8~.. I4046Nation. N. Y., I865-72. 15 V. 4.. Naval Magazine. N. Y., I836. v. I. 8 T3557 New England Magazine. (2 copies.) Bost., I831-34. 7 v. 8~. 13864New Englander. N. H., I843-79. 38 v. 80. 12997- and 13I21Sae. V. 1-28.....I2970Index, v. 1-19. (2 copies.)..... New Mirror. N. Y., 1843-44. 3 V. 8... I45I6New Monthly Magazine. Bost., I823-24. v. 6-8. 8~.. 14350New York Literary Gazette. N. Y., I825-26. v.I. 8... 14712 New York Quarterly. N. Y., I854-55. v. 3. 8~.. ~ 13338 New York Review. (2 copies.) N. Y., I837-42. I0 v. 8. I2914Niles' Register. Balt., I8I6-37. 52 v. 8~ and 4~. 14553- and 17829Nineteenth Century. Lond., I877-79. 6 v. 8~... I675North American Review. Bost., ISI5-79. I29 v. 8.. 12425Seae. v. 2-45, 47-54, 56-67, 69-102, 104-I08.. I2579Index, v. I-25 (2 copies); and v. 1-125.. North British Review. Edinb. and N. Y., I844-7I. 53 v. 8~.. 1684Same. v. 10-37, 42-49..1.. II1713Old and New. Bost., I870-75. rs v. 8. So. I3705Olio. Lond. v. I 2. 8........ II307Once a Week. Lond., I870-71. v.6, 7. 8... 1221IOverland Monthly. S. Francisco, I868-75. I5 v. 8~.. I369o 154 Periodicals-Perry. Periodicals:Pamphleteer. Lond., I813-28. v. I-4, 6-24, 29. 80... I4353Parterre. Lond., I834-35. v. I-3. 8~... III744Penny Magazine. Lond., I832-4I. IO v. in II. 2~.. I7831Philomathesian. Middlebury, I833-34. v. I. 8~... 7473 Popular Science Monthly. N. Y., 1872-79. I5 v. 8. ~.. 17679Popular Science Review. Lond., I862-76. I5 v. 8~.. 17728Port Folio. 2d and 3d Series. Philad., I809-I4. 6 v. 8~.. I2736Portico. Balt., I8I6-I7. v. 2-4, in I. 80. 1. 4713 Punch. Lond., I841-79. 74 v. 4~.. Putnam's Monthly Magazine. N. Y., I833-58. I2 V. 8'... I3257Same. v. I-I...., I3274New Series. N. Y., I868-70. 6 v. 8.... 285Sa me. v. I-5.. I3269Quarterly Review. Lond. and N. Y.,'I809-79. v. -I2, I4-28, 30-33, 35-38, 4I-148. 80... I470Same. v. 1-16, I8-48, 50-I27... I3IO- Indexes to v. I-6o, ill 3 v. 8~.... Retrospective Review. Lond., I820-26. I4 v. 8.. II456Rural Magazine. Hartf'd., 1819. v. i. 8~.. I3879 Sabbath at Home. Bost., 1867. v. I. 8~... I3878 St. James's Magaiine. Lond., I86I-79. 45 v. 8.. I8047Saint Paul's Magazine. Lond., I872-3. v. 10-13. 8~.. I22I3Scribner's Monthly. N. Y., I870-79. i8 v. 80... I3I50Select Journal of Foreign Period. Lit. Bost., I833-34. 4 v. 80~ I423ISharpe's London Magazine. Lond., I870. v. 35. 8~. ~. 17480 Southern Literary Messenger. Richmond, 1835-59. v. I-20, I453922, 24-28. 80... I47I6Same. v. 7, I7-20... 4728Southern Review. Charleston, 1828-32. 8 v. 8~.. I4024- Same. v. I-4, 6-8. I4032-. Student and Intellectual Observer. Lond., I868-7I. 5 v. 880. I7723Student's Companion. N. H., I83I. v. I. 8~. (Bound with Yale Lit., v. I.)..17393 Sunday Afternoon. Springf., I878-9. 3 v. 8~.. I8405(Continued under the name " Good Company.") Sunday Magazine. Lond., I867-68. v. 4. 80. I4533 Tait's Edinburgh Magazine. E., I842-3. v. 9-IO, in 4. 8~.. 13823Temple Bar. Lond., I86I-79. 57 v. 8... I7889Theological Review. Lond., I870. v. 7. 8. I7496 Union Review. Lond., I870-7I. 2 v. 8.... I2902University Quarterly. N. H., I86o-6I. 4 v. 8~.. I7476Westminster Review. Lond. and N. Y., I824-79. v. I-I7, 20-{ I203254, 57-112. 8.. I2239Same. v. I-24, 27-92...II86IYale Courant. (2 copies.) N. H., I865-67. 2 v. 40. Yale Literary Magazine. N. H., I836-79. 44 v. 8~... I7393Same. v. 1-26, 28, 29. I7367Index to v. 1-33. N. H., I868. 8. — See, also, Adventurer; Champion; Connoisseur; Fors Clavigera; Gray's-Inn Journal; Guardian; Looker-on; Lounger; Mirror; Observer; Rambler; Spectator; Speculator; Tatler; Toma. hawk; World. Perkins, C. C. Raphael and Michelangelo. Bost., I878. 80.. 23835 Perkins, F. B. The Best Reading. N. Y., I873. I20.... 26930 Same. 4th rev. and enl. ed. N. Y., I877. I2~.. Putnam's Library Companion for I877-79. N. Y., I878-80. 3 v. - - Scrope; or, The lost library: a novel. Bost., I874. 8~. ~. 24679 Perreyve, H. Hamerton, P. G. (In'Mod. Frenchmen.').. 22488 Perry, A. L. Elements of Political Economy. N. Y., I866, 8~., 8639 Perry-Philip. I55 Perry, A. L. Same. 2d ed., rev. N. Y., I867. 8~... 28809 - Introduction to Political Economy. N. Y., 1877. 120... 28808 Perry, G. G. Hist. of the Church of England. With an app.: The hist. of the Prot. Epis. Ch. in the U. S., by J. A. Spencer. N. Y., I879. 8~.. 28443 Persia. Arnold, A. Through Persia by Caravan. N. Y., I877. I2~. 21205 - Cox, G. W. The Greeks and the Persians. N. Y., i876.. 16~ 20435 Cuninghame, A. T. Travels on the frontiers of Persia. Lond., 1872. 8............ 2913 Omar Khayyfm. Rubaiyat [Quatrains] of the astronomer-poet of Persia. Lond., I872. 8~... 26256 Rawlinson, G. Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy. Lond., I876. 20250 Smith, R. M. Persian Art. Lond., [I876]. I20.... 2977I Vaux,W.S.W. (Anc. Hist. from the Monuments.) N.Y., I876. 20044 Personal Recollections of English Engineers, and of the introduction of the railway system into the United Kingdom. By a Civil Engineer. Lond., I868. 8~..23537 Peru. Markham, C. R. Cuzco; with an account of the hist., lang., lit., and antiquities of the Incas. [And] Lima: a visit to the capital and provinces of modern Peru. Lond., I856. I20.. 2170I Prescott, W. H. Hist. of the Conquest of Peru; with a view of the civilization of the Incas. Phila., I87I. 2 v. 8.. 20343- Squier, E. G. Peru: incidents of travel and exploration. N. Y., 1877. 8.. 21809 Peschel, O. Races of Man, and their geographical distribution. Lond., 1876. 80.. 29386 Peter, the Apostle. Taylor, W. M. N. Y., I878. 12~.. 28652 Peter Schlemihl. Chamisso, A. von. N. Y., 1874. I2~.. 24166 Peter Simple. Marryat, F. N. Y., i86I. I2... 24644 Peters, D. C. Kit Carson's Life and Adventures. Hartf., 1875. 80. 22682 Peters, S. General Hist. of Conn. [Ed.] by S. J. McCorlnick. N. Y., 1I877. I20. 21321 Trumbull, 7. H. (In'The True-Blue Laws.') Petit (Le) vieux des Batignolles. Gaboriau, E. Paris, 1877. I6~. 25646 Petite (La) Fadette. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I869. I6~.. 25692 Petifi, S. Curwen, H. (In'Sorrow aod Song,' v. I.)... 23285 Petrarch. Reeve, IH. (For. Clas. for Eng. R.) Phila., [I878]. 16~. 23265 Pettigrew, J. B. Animal Locomotion. N. Y., 1874. I2~. ~. 29247 Petty, H., marquis of Lansdowne. Hayward, A. (In " Biogr. and Crit. Ess.," 2d ser., v. 2. Also in " Selected Ess.," v. 2.) 27402 & 27245 Phantasmagoria of Fun. [Forrester, A. H.] Lond., I843. 2 v. I2~. 25207Phelps, Elizabeth S. Sealed Orders [and other stories]. Bost., I879. 24844 - The Story of Avis. Bost., I877. I6~. (3 copies).. 24845Phi Beta Kappa Society. See Yale College, Phi Beta Kappa. Philip II., king of Spain. Mignet, F. A. M. Antonio Perez and Philip II. Lond., I846. I2~.. 23904 - Prescott, W. H. Hist. of the Reign of Philip. Phila., 187I. 3 v. 8~. 2035IPhilip, Adventures of. Thackeray, W. M. Lond., I872 (&c.) (2 cop.) 24874Philip Nolan's Friends. Hale, E. E. N. Y., I877. 120.... 24482 156 Phillips-Physics. Phillips, H. Musical and Personal Recollections. Lond., I864. 2 v. 23813Philology. Hadley, J. Essays, philological and critical. N. Y., I873. 8. 27860 - Peile, J. (Literature Primers.) Lond., I877. I6~.... 26859 See, also, Language. Philosophy. Blackie, J. S. The Wise Men of Greece, in a series of dramatic dialogues. Lond., I877. I20.. 26822 Bowen, F. Modern Philosophy, from Descartes to Schopenhauer and Hartmann. N. Y., I877. 80... 28282 Butler, W. A. Hist. of Anc. Philosophy. Phila., I857. 2 v.. 28I60Duncan, J. Colloquia Peripatetica. Edinb., I871. I6~... 23655 Eucken, R. Fundamewtal Concepts of Modern Philosophic Thought. N.Y., I88o. I2~..28088 Lefevre, A. Philosophy, historical and critical. Lond., I879. 28162 -- McCosh, J. The Scottish Philosophy. N. Y., 1875. 80... 28283 Mallock, W. H. The New Republic. Lond., I877. 2 V. 120. 28082Maurice, J. F. D. Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy. Lond., i872. 2 V. 8...........28240Mill, J. S. An Examination of Hamilton's Philosophy. N. Y., I874. 2 V I2....... 28202- Schwegler, A. Hist. of Philosophy in Epitome. N. Y., I864. 28090 Stephen, L. Hist. of English Thought in the I8th Cent. N. Y., I876. 2 v. 8.......... 28200Taine, H. A. English Positivism: a study on J. S. Mill. Lond., I873. I60. 28092 Ueberweg, F. Hist. of Philosophy, from Thales to the present time. N. Y., I873-4. 2 v. 8~...28280See, also, IEsthetics; Evolution; Materialism; Mind (aidO reference,); Morals; Mystics; Psychology; Spiritualism. - Natural. See Physics. Philosophy of History. See History. Philosophy of Religion. See Religion. Phineas Redux. Trollope, A. Lond., I874. 2 v. 8~. And N. Y., 1874. 8......... 24703- & 24705 Phipson, T. L. Celebrated Violinists. Lond., I877. I2~... 238I6 Phoenicia. Duncker, M. W. (In'Hist. of Antiquity,' v. 2.). 2024I Phonograph. DuMoncel, T. N. Y., I879. I20.. 29936 Prescott, G. B. N. Y., I878. 80...29937 Phonography. Pitman, H. Hints on Lecturing, and notes on phonography. Lond., I879. I6~...27835 Pitman, I. A Manual of Phonography. Lond., 875. I6~.. 27834 - nd others. [Phonographic Tracts.] Lond., I877-79. I2 in I vol. I6........ 27838 Photography. Meteyard, E. A Group of Englishmen; [with] the discovery of photography. Lond., 187I. 8~.. 23543 - Tissandier, G. Hist. and Handbook of Photography. Lond., I878. I2~.......... 29930 - Vogel, H. Chemistry of Light and Photography. N. Y., I875. 29253 Physics. Gore, G. Art of Scientific Discovery. Lond., I878. I2~. 29380 Physics-Pitman. 157 Physics. Guillemin, A. Applic. of Physical Forces. Lond., 1877. 29571 _ — The Forces of Nature. N. Y. [Lond.], 1873. 8~... 29572 Guthrie, F. Practical Physics: molecular physics and sound. N. Y., I879. I6,..29351 Maxwell, J. C. Matter and Motion. Lond., I876. I6~... 29375 Stewart, B. (Science Primers.) Lond., 1878. 16~.... 29363 Tait, P. G. Recent Advances in Physical Science. Lond., I876. 29305 See, also, Air; Chemistry; Electricity; Light; Mechanics; Nature; Pneumatics; Sound; Water. Physics and Politics. Bagehot, W. N. Y., I873. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 29241 Physiography. Huxley, T. H. N. Y., I878. I2~... 29419 Physiology. Beale, L. S. Bioplasm: an introd. to the study of Physiol. and Medicine. Lond., I872. 16~... 29292 Bernstein, J. The Five Senses of Man. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 29261 - Foster, M. (Science Primers.) Lond., 1878. 16~.... 29355 - A Text Book of Physiol. [L. &] N. Y., I88o. I2~... 29302 Huxley, T. M. Lessons in Elem. Physiology. Lond., 1876. I8~. 29301 - Wilder, B. G. What Young People should know. Bost., [I875]. 29977 See, also, Biology (&' references); Blood; Eyes; Hearing; Mental Physiolgy. Physiology of Mind. Maudsley, H. N. Y., I877. 2~.... 2800o Piano and Song. Wieck, J. G. F. Bost., I875. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 29801 Piccadilly. Oliphant, L. Ed. & Lond., I870. I2~.. 24804 Piccadilly and Pall Mall, Round about. Wheatley, H. B. Lond., I870. 8~...........21775 Picturesque America. Bryant, W. C., editor. N. Y., [I872-3]. 2 V. Piedmont, Hist. of. Gallenga, A. Lond., I855. 3 v. I2~... 20000Pierce, E. L. Mem. and Letters of Chas. Sumner. Bost., I877. 2 v. 8~. 22683Pike, R. Pike, 7. S. The New Puritan; New England 200 years ago. N. Y., I879. I2~.. 22644.Pilgerzug nach Mekka. Hacklander, F. W. von. Stuttg., I863. 160. (Werke, B. 14.)........25806 Pillars of the House. Yonge, C. M. Lond., I874. 2 V. I2~.. 24297Pilot (The) and his Wife. Lie, J. Chic., I876. I2~... 24210 Pindar. Morice, F. D. (Anc. Clas. for Engl. Readers, suppl. ser., v. 8.).. 26854 Pioneering in South Brazil. Bigg-Wither, T. P. Lond., 1878. 2 V. 21702Pioneers of France in the New World. Parkman, F. Bost., I865. 8~. (2 copies.). 6I30Piozzi, Hester L., (Mrs. Thrale.) Anecdotes of Sam. Johnson. Lond., I786. I2~... I864I Observations and Reflections [on] a Journey through France, Italy and Germany. Lond., I789. 2 v. 8..... I8609Pitman, H. Hints on Lecturing [etc.]. Lond., I879. 16~... 27835 Pitman, I. Manual of Phonography. Lond., I875. I60. ~. 27834 editor. Memorial of F. [F.] Barham: autobiographical and other compositions. (Printed phonetically, except pref., of 55 pp.) Lond., I873. I2~.... 27839 - - Plea for Spelling Reform. Lond., 1878. 16~. (2 copies.). 2783621 158 Pitman-Poe. Pitman, I., and others. Phonographic Teacher [and other works on phonography]. Lond., I877-79. 6~. 27838 Pitt, Wm., earl of Chatham. See Adams, W. H. D.,'Eng. Party Leaders,' v. I (21054); Earle, J. C.,'Eng. Premiers,' v. I (22882); Lamartine, A. M. L. de,' Biogr.', v. I (23727). Pitt, Wm., the younger. See Adams, W. H. D.,'Eng. Party Leaders,' v. I-2 (21054-); Earle, J. C.,'Eng. Premiers,' v. 2 (22883); Lamartine, A. M. L. de,'Biogr.,' v. I (23727); Macaulay, T. B.,'Miscel.,' Lond., I87I (27406). Pius IX., Pope. Gladstone, W. E. Speeches of the Pope. (In'Rome,' etc.). 28724 Legge. A. O. Pius IX.: his life to I850. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~. 22I85Trollope, T. A. Life of Pius IX. Lond., r877. 2 v. 8~... 22183Planch6, J. R. The Conqueror and his Companions. Lond., I874. 2 V. 80.. 23000Personal Reminiscences. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'Bric-a-Brac Series.')..23256 Recollections and Reflections. Lond., 1872. 2 v. 80... 23452Plantagenets, Early. Stubbs, W. N. Y., [1876]. 16~.... 20455 Plants. Darwin, C. R. Insectivorous Plants. N. Y., I875. 12~.. 29457 - Movements and Habits of Climbing Plants. Lond., 1875. ~ 29453 Plato. Collins, C. W. (Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers, v. I9.). 26845 Plautus. Collins, W. L. (in'Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers,' v. I6.) 26842 Play-Day Poems. Johnson, R. N. Y., I878. I6..... 26032 Plays. Dodsley, R. Select Collection of Old Eng. Plays. 4th ed. Lond., I874-76. I5 v. I2~. (For contents see Dodsley.). 26600Morley, H., editor. English Plays. Lond., [I879]. 80... 26370 Plays for Private Acting; transl. from the French and Ital. by members of the Bellevue Dramatic Club of Newport. N. Y., I878. 16........... 265I8 Sargent E., & others, editors. Modern Standard Drama. N. Y., I847 (etc.). 2 v. I2~. (Forcontents see Sargent.).. 26487See, also, Drama. Pleasant Days in Pleasant Places. Walford, E. Lond., I879. I2~. 21262 P16biscite. Erckmann (E.) & Chatrian (A.). N. Y., I877. I9~.. 24439 Pliny's Letters. Church (A. J.) & Brodribb. (Anc. Clas. for Eng. Readers, v. II.)..26837 Plumptre, C. J. King's College Lectures on Elocution. Lond., I876. 8........... 27820 Plumptre, E. H. St. Paul in Asia Minor. Lond., [I878]. 16~.. 28499 Tragedies of Sophocles: a new transl., with essay. Lond., I871. 12........ 26821 Plutarch, Shakespeare's: a selection illustrating S.'s plays. By W. W. Skeat. Lond., I875. I2~... 27009 Pneumatics. Pepper, J. H. Lond., [I874]. 12...29315 See, also, Aeronautics. Poacher (The). Marryat, F. N. Y., I86I. I2~.. 24646 Poe, E. A. Poems. With memoir by R. H. Stoddard. N. Y., I875. 26033 - Works. Ed. by John H. Ingram. Edinb., 1874-5. 4 v. I2~. 27323CONTENTS:-1, Memoir; Tales.-2, Tales.-3, Poems and Essays.-4, Autobiography; Criticisms. Poe-Poetry. 159 Poe, E. A. Curwen, H. (In'Sorrow and Song,' v. 2.). 23286 Gill, W. F. The Life of Poe. N. Y., etc., I877. I20... 22604 Rice, S. S. E. A. Poe: a memorial volume. Balt., I877. 80. 22685 Poet and Merchant. Auerbach, B. N. Y., I877. I6~.... 24048 Poetry. Aikin, J. (In'Essays.')..8615 [Bathurst, C.] Differences in Shakespeare's Versification [etc.]. Lond., I857. 16.. 270I I Brown, J. Ethics and AEsthetics of Modern Poetry. Lond., I878. 26293 Doyle, F. H. Lectures on Poetry. 2d ser. Lond., 1877. I2~. 26286 Lessing, G. E. Laocoon: an essay upon the limits of painting and poetry. Bost., I874. I6~.. 26290 MacDonald, G. England's Antiphon. [On her religious poetry; with examples. Lond., 1868.] 120.. 26125 - Pater, W. The Renaissance: studies in art and poetry. Lond., I877. 8........... 29878 -- Shairp, J. C. On Poetic Interpretation of Nature. Edinb., I877. I20...... 26294 - Symonds, J. A. Blank Verse [etc.]. (In'Sketches and Stud.,' v. 2.).. 27342 - Taylor, H. Critical Essays on Poetry. Lond., I878. 12~.. 26296 See, also, Literature; Poets; Sonnet; Verse. Collections (English). Bryant, W. C. Library of Poetry and Song. N. Y., I874. 8~... 26273 - Coates, H. T. Fireside Encyclopadia of Poetry. Phila., [I878]. 8........... 26380 - Emerson, R. W. Parnassus. Bost., I875. I20. x2~. 26I20 - Fields (J. T.) & Whipple (E. P.). Family Library of British Poetry. Bost., 1878. 8.... 2638I - Harvard Advocate, Verses from. Cambr., I876. I6~... 26017 - Johnson, R. Play-Day Poems. N. Y., 1878. I6~.. 26032 - - Single Famous Poems. N. Y., I877. I2~. ~ ~. 26022 --- - Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places. Bost., I876-79. 31 v. I6~. (For contents see Longfellow.)..... 26440-- A Masque of Poets. Bost., I878. I6~... 26027 -Morley, H. Shorter English Poems. Lond., [I876]. 8~.. 26368 - -Oliphant, T. La Musa Madrigalesca. Lond., I837. I2~.. 26I63 - - Percy, T. Reliques of Anc. Eng. Poetry. Ed. by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., i858. 3 v. 8....... 26343-- Seven (The) Great Hymns of the Mediaeval Church. N.Y., I868. 6........... 766 -- Whittier, J. G. Songs of Three Centuries. Bost., I876. 12~. 26141 See, also, Ballads; Minstrelsy; Poets; Songs'; Sonnets. French. Besant, W. Studies in Early Fr. Poetry. Lond., i868. 26280 - Lang, A. Ballads and Lyrics of Old France. Lond., i872. 26026 German. Mangan, J. C. Anthologia Germanica: translations from the German poets. Dubl., I845. 2 v. in I. I6~.. 26030 - Polish. Klaczko, J. Polish Poetry in the I9th Cent. (With Krasinski, S.,'Undivine Comedy.')..26121 Provenfal. Breymann, H. (In Owens College Ess. and Ad.) 27412 I6o Poetry —Political. Poetry. Scottish. Irving, D. Hist. of Scottish Poetry. Edinb., I86I. 8............ 26288 - Veitch, J. History and Poetry of the Scottish Border. Glasgow, I878. I2~... 26298 - -Wilson, J. G. Poets and Poetry of Scotland. N. Y., I876. 2 v. 8~.. 26270Poets. Dodd, H. P. The Epigrammatists. Lond., I870. I2~.. 26925 English. Brooke, S. A. Theology in the Eng. Poets. Cowper, Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Burns. Lond., 1874. 80... 26281 -- Burroughs, J. Birds and Poets. N. Y., I877. I6~... 29322 -Deshler, C. D. Afternoons with the Poets. N. Y., I879. 26284 - - Devey, J. Comparative Estimate of Mod. Eng. Poets. Lond., 1873. I20.......... 26285 - Forman, H. B. Our Living Poets: an essay in criticism. Lond., I87I. I2.. 26287 -_- Gilfillan, G. Specimens, with Memoirs, of the less-known Brit. Poets. Edinb., I860. 3 v. 8~.. 26354CONTENTS: —1, 1st period, 1300-1556.-1-2, 2d period, 1550-1640. —3, 3d period, 1640-1800. - Hamilton, W. The Poets Laureate of Eng.: a history of the office, notices of its holders, and a collection of the satires [etc.] against them. Lond., I879. I2..... 23288 - Minto, W. Characteristics of Eng. Poets, from Chaucer to Shirley. Edinb. & L., I874. I20. 26291 - Rossetti, W. M. Lives of Famous Poets. Lond., I878. I20. 23289 Stedman, E. C. Victorian Poets. Bost., I876. I2~...26295 Ward, T. H. The Eng. Poets: selections, with critical introductions by various writers, and a general introd. by M. Arnold. Lond., I88o. v. 1I-2. I2~.. 26174CONTENTS: —1, Chaucer to Donne.-2, Ben Jonson to Dryden. French. James H., jr. Lond., I878. I20... 26905 Greek. Symonds, J. A. Studies. Lond., I873-76. 2 v. I2~. 26809- - Same, [re-arranged, rev. & enl.] N. Y., I880. 2 v. I6~.. 268 iiPoganuc People. Stowe, H. B. N. Y., [1878]. I2~. (2 copies.) 24823Polar Regions. See Arctic Regions. Polaris Expedition. Blake, E. V. (n'Arctic Exp.'). 21880 Pole, W. Life of Sir Wm. Fairbairn. Lond., I877. 8~... ~ 23540 Short Whist. (See Coles, B. C.) Theory of Whist. Lond., I878. I6~... 29685 Political Adventures of Lord Beaconsfield. [Hill, F. H.] N. Y., [1878]. I6~..... 22851 Political Economy. About, E. F. V. Handbook of Social Economy. N. Y., I873. I2~........ 28880 Bagehot, W. Economic Studies. Lond., I88o. 8~. (For contents see Bagehot.).........29I66 Bastiat, F. Essays on Political Econ. N. Y., I874. I6~.. 28801 - Same, rev., with notes by D. A. Wells. N. Y., I877. I2~.. 28802 - Blanqui, J. A. Hist. of Pol. Ec. in Europe. With a pref. by D. A. Wells. N. Y., i88o. 8~...29163 Brassey, T. Foreign Work and English Wages, considered with ref. to the depression of trade. Lond., I879. 8~.. 2900I Political. i6i Political Economy. Cairnes, J. E. Character and Logical Method of Pol. Ec. N. Y., I875. I20.. 28803 - Essays in Pol. Ec., theoretical and applied. Lond., I873. 8~. 29167 - Some Leading Principles of Pol. Ec. Lond., I874. 8~.. 29168 Fawcett, H. Free Trade and Protection. Lond., I878. I2~. 28804 -- Manual of Pol. Ec. Lond., I874. I2~.. 28805 - George, H. Progress and Poverty. N. Y., I880. i2~.. 28806 Greeley, H. Essays [on] Pol. Ec., serving to explain and defend the policy of protection. Bost., I87I. I6~.. 28807 Howell, G. Conflicts of Capital and Labour. Lond., I878. 12~. 29007 Jevons, W. S. (Science Primers.) Lond., I878. I6~... 29360 - Theory of Pol. Ec. Lond., I879. 8~. 29169 - Perry, A. L. Elements of Pol. Ec. N. Y., i866. 8.. 8639 - Same. 2d ed., rev. N. Y., I867. 8~.... 28809 - - Introduction to Pol. Ec. N. Y., I877. 2~... 28808 Rogers, J. E. T. Cobden and Modern Political Opinion. Lond., I873. 8........ 29088 Social Economy. Rev. for Amer. readers. N. Y., I872. I20. 28884 Roscher, W. G. F. Principles of Pol. Ec. N. Y., I878. 2 v. 8~. 29I61Smith, Adam. Wealth of Nations. Ed. by J. E. T. Rogers. Oxf'd, I869. 2 v. 8........ 2964Stephen, L. (Zn'Hist. of Eng. Thought.').... 28200 Thompson, R. E. Social Science and National Economy. Phila., I875. 12........... 28810 See, also, Banking (& references); Commerce; Communism; Co-op. eration; Corn Laws; Finance; Labor; Population; Protection; Social Science (& references); Socialism; Taxation; Wages. Political Science & Politics. Bagehot, W. Physics and Politics. N. Y., I873. I2~...29241 Duff, M. E. G. Studies in European Politics. Edinb., I866. 8~. 20567 Freeman, E. A. Comparative Politics. N. Y., I874. 80.. 20183 Harrison, F. Order and Progress. Part I: Thoughts on government. Pt. 2: Studies of political crises. Lond., I875. 8~. 29087 Lieber, F. Civil Liberty and Self-Government. Phila., I874. 80. 29082 -Manual of Political Ethics. Phila., I875. 2 v. 80.. 29080Mivart, St. G. Political Evolution. (In' Contemp. Ev.').. 29394 Montesquieu, C. de S. de. Spirit of Laws. Lond., I878. 2 v. I2~. 28849Morley, J. On Compromise. Lond., I874. 80.... 29089 Nordhoff, C. Politics for Young Americans. N. Y., 1875. (2 cop.) 2I329Quincy, J. P. Protection of Majorities. Bost., I876. I2~.. 29093 Rogers, J. E. T. Cobden and Modern Political Opinion. Lond., 1873. 80. 29088 Skinner, O. Issues of American Politics. Phila., I873. (2 cop.) 21327 Stephen, L. (In' Hist. of Eng. Thought.').. 28200 Tremenheere, H. S. Political Experience of the Ancients, in its bearing upon modern times. Lond., I852. I60... 20048 Woolsey, T. D. N. Y., I878. 2 v. 8~. (2 copies.). 29083See, also, Civil Service; Colonies; Democracy; England, Const. anrd Laws; Franchise; Government; Liberty; Parties; Representation; Slavery; Social Science; U. S., Constitution, History; Whig Party. i62 Polko-Porter. Polko, Elise. Musical Tales, Phantasms, and Sketches. 2d series. Lond., 1877. I2~.. 24808 Reminiscences of Mendelssohn. N. Y., i869. I6~... 23773 Pollen, J. H. Anc. and Mod. Furniture and Woodwork. N. Y., 1876. I2........... 29766 Gold and Silver Smiths' Work. Lond., [I879]. I2~... 29767 Pollock, W. H. Amateur Theatricals. By W. H. Pollock and Lady Pollock. Lond., 1879. I2~... 26519 Polycarp, St. Holland, H. S. (In'The Apostolic Fathers.').. 28502 Polynesia. Murray, A. W. Forty Years' Mission Work in Polynesia. Lond., I876. I2~.. 22146 - Wood, J. G. Natural Hist. of Man. (Vol. 2.).. 29591 -. See, also, Hawaiian Islands; Oceanica; South Seas. Polynia, Gateway to the. Wells, J. C. Lond., I873. 8~... 21887 Poole, F. Queen Charlotte Islands. Lond., i872. 8~.... 21583 Poole, John, (pseud.,' Paul Pry.') Oddities of Lond. Life. L., 1838. 2 v, 8~... 25209- Sketches and Recollections. Lond., I835. 2 V. I2~.. I8563Poole, S. L. Life of Edward William Lane. Lond., I877. 8~. ~ 23425 Poor, H. V. Money and its Laws. N. Y., I877. 8. ~ ~.. 29043 Poor Relations. Balzac, H. de. Lond., I88o. I2~..... 24)56 Popanilla. Disraeli, B. N. Y. [Lond., I878.]... 24238 & 24252 Pope, Alex. Essay on Man. Ed. by M. Pattison. Oxf., I875. I6~. 26108 - Odyssey of Homer, transl. With notes by J. S. Watson. Lond., I867. I2.......... 26815 Poetical Works. Ed. by R. Carruthers. Lond., 1858. 2 v. 12~. 26I05- With mem. [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I856. 2 v. 8~.. 26346- Ed., with notes and memoir, by A. W. Ward. Lond., 1879. 26107 — Satires and Epistles. Ed. by M. Pattison. Oxford, I874. I6~. 26109 Selected Poems; Essay on Criticism; Moral Essays; Dunciad. Ed., by T. Arnold. Lond., I876. I6~... 26104 - Works. [Ed.] by J. Warton. Lond., I799. 9 v. 80... 8711Stephen, L. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I88o. I20.. 23349 See, also, Dennis, J.,'Studies' (26915); Dilke, C. W.,'Papers,' v.I (26765); Sainte-Beuve, C. A.,' Eng. Portraits' (22885); Stephen, L.,'Hours,' v. I (26933). Popes. Trollope, T. A. Papal Conclaves as they were and as they are. Lond., I876. 8~.. 28722 See, also, Papacy; Rom. Cath. Ch. Popular Science Monthly. N. Y., I872-79. I5 V. 8~... ~ I7679Popular Science Review. Lond., I862-76. i5 v. 8~.... I7728Population. Walker, F. A. (In First Cent. of the Republic.). 21520 Porcelain. See Pottery. Porter, Sir Jas. Turkey. Continued, with memoir, by G. Larpent. Lond., I854. 2 v. 80.. 206I5Porter, N. Amer. Colleges and the Amer. Public. N. H., I870. 12~. 9254 Same. New ed.; with after-thoughts on college and school education. N.Y., [1878]. I2~.. 28837 Books and Reading. N. Y., I87I. 120. (2 copies.)... 122 Porter-Prescott. i63 Porter, N. Same. 4th ed., with an index. N. Y., 1876. 12~. (2 copies.)..26928Portland, Dukes of. See Bentinck. Portugal. Bollaert, W. Wars of Succession of Portugal and Spain, from I827 to 1840; with resume of the political hist. to the present time. Lond., 1870. 2 v. 80... 20709Jackson, C. C. Fair Lusitania. Lond., I874. 8~.... 2I969 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. I5. Bost., I877. i6~. 26454 Southey, R. Letters [from] Spain and Portugal. Bristol & L., I799. 8.... 1857I Positivism on an Island. Mallock, W. H. N. Y. [Lond.], I878. I2~. 28084 Potter, Louisa. Lancashire Memories. Lond., I879. I2~.. 23686 Pottery and Porcelain. Prime, W. C. N. Y., I878. 80... 29924 See, also, Maiolica. Pottleton Legacy. Albert Smith. Lond., I852. I20... 24821 Poushkin. See Pushkin. Powell, F. Y. Early England. (In Epochs of Eng. Hist.). 2085I [Poynter, Miss E. F.] Ersilia. N. Y., I876. 16~.. 24848 - My Little Lady. N. Y., I872. I60. (2 copies.). 2372Poynter, E. J. Ten Lectures on Art. Lond., r879. 80~. 29820 Prairie and Forest. Gillmore, P. N. Y., I874. I2~. ~ ~ ~ 29620 Praise of Folly. Erasmus, D. Lond. I6~.. 12910 Prantl, C. Elem. Text-book of Botany. Lond., I88o. 80... 29450 Pratt, S. J., (pseud.,'Courtney Melmoth.') Emma Corbett. 4th ed. Lond. [Ist ed., I78I.] 3 v. I6~.... I7792- Shenstone Green. Lond., I779. 3 v. 16'. I. 8687Prayer. Hessey, J. A. Lond., I873. 120.. 285II - Tyndall, J., and others. The Prayer-Gauge Debate. Bost., I876. 28093 Preaching. Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students. N. Y., I875. I2........... 28546 Storrs, R. S. Preaching without Notes. N. Y., I875. I2~.. 28415 Yale Lectures on Preaching. 9919 & 284I6CONTENTS:-1872-74, H. W. Beecher, 3 series.-1875, J. Hall.-1876, W. M. Taylor.-1877, P. Brooks (2 copies).-1878, R. W. Dale (2 copies).-1879, M. Simpson.-1879-80, H. Crosby. See, also, Rhetoric (and references). Preadamites. Winchell, A. Chic., I88o. 8....29387 Precious Stones. Dieulafait, L. N. Y., i876. I2~... IOI34 Pre-historic Man. See Man, Pre-historic. Pre-historic Races of the U. S. of A. Foster, J. W. Chic., I873. 8~. 2140I Prejevalski, N. M. From Kulja to Lob-Nor. Lond., 1879. 8~.. 21929 Mongolia, the Tangut Country, and the Solitudes of Northern Tibet. Lond., I876. 2 v. 80. 2I927Prentice, G. D. Poems. Ed., with a biog. sketch, by J. J. Piatt. Cincin., I876. 12~.. 26127 Prescott, G. B. Speaking Telephone, Talking Phonograph, and other novelties. N. Y., I878. 80... 29937 Prescott, Harriet E. See Spofford, Harriet E. P. Prescott, W. H. Hist. of Charles V. (See Robertson, W.) Hist. of the Conquest of Mexico. Phila., 187I. 3 v. 8~.. 20340 I 64 Prescott-Prolusions. Prescott, W. H. Hist. of the Conquest of Peru. Phila., I87I. 2 v. 8~. 20343Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. Phila., I87I. 3 v. 8~.. 20345Reign of Philip II., King of Spain. Phila., I871. 3 v. 8~. 2035IPress (The). See Journalism; Newspapers. Preston, Harriet W. Mireio: a Provengal poem, by F. Mistral; transl. [into Eng. verse]. Bost., 1872. I2~.. 26126 Troubadours and Trouveres, new and old. Bost., 1876. I2~.. 26906 Pretenders (The), and their Adherents. Jesse, J. H. Lond., 1845. 2 v. 8~.. 23030See, also, Charles Edward Stuart. Pretty Miss Bellew. [Havers, D.] N. Y., I875. I6~.... 24499 Price, B. Currency and Banking. N. Y., I876. I2~. (2 copies.). 29056Prime, S. I. Life of S. F. B. Morse. N. Y., I875. 8~.... 22721 Prime, W. C. Holy Cross. N. Y., [I877]. I6~.. 28510 I go a-fishing. N. Y., I873. 8~........29628 Pottery and Porcelain. N. Y., I878 [I877]. 8~.... 29924 Prime (The) Minister. Trollope, A. Phila., [I876]. I2~... 24873 Prince (The) of Wales in India. Gay, J. D. N. Y., I877. I2~.. 21246 Prince (The) of Wales' Tour. Russell, W. H. Lond., I877. 2 v. 8~. 2I967Prince-Caniche (Le). Laboulaye, E. R. F. Paris, I877. I6~.. 25668 Princess of Thule. Black, W. Lond., I875. I2~. (5 copies.). 24018Princesses of England. See England, Princesses of. Prior, J. Life of Edmond Malone. Lond., I86o. 8.... 23451 Prior, M. Poetical Works. With mem. [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., 1858. 8~.. 26348 Prisons and Prisoners. Griffiths, A. Memorials of Millbank, and Chapters in Prison Hist. Lond., I875. 2 V. I2~... 28858Five Years' Penal Servitude. Lond., I878. I2~.... 28857 Probation: a novel. Fothergill, J. N. Y., 1879. I6~.... 24443 Problematische Naturen. Spielhagen, F. Leipz., I876. 2 B. I6~. (Siimmtl. Werke, B. I-2.)..25860Procter, Adelaide A. Legends and Lyrics. Lond., I872-3. 2 V. 26034Procter, B. W., (pseud.,'Barry Cornwall.') Autobiographical Fragment and Biographical Notes; with un-pub. lyrics. Bost., I877. I2....... 23218 Proctor, R. A. Flowers of the Sky. N. Y., [1879]. I6~. 29442 The Moon. Lond., I873. I2~.. 29443 Myths and Marvels of Astronomy. N. Y., I877. 8~. ~ ~ 29449 - A New Star Atlas. Lond., I877. I2~...29446 Our Place among Infinities. N. Y., I876. I2~.... 29447 Rough Ways made Smooth. N. Y., I88o. 12~.. 29444 Science Byways. Phila. [Lond.], I876. I2~.. 29445 - Transits of Venus. Lond., I874. I2~. 29448 Profession. Hale, E. E. What Career? Ten papers on the choice of a vocation. Bost., I878. I6~.. 27385 See, also, Life (conduct and philosophy of). Progress and Poverty. George, H. N. Y., I88o. 120.. 28806 Prolusions. Turner, S. Lond., I819. I6~.. 18676 Propertius-Punch. I65 Propertius. Davies, 7. (Anc. Clas. for Eng. Readers, supplemen. ser., v. 3.).. 26849 Prophet (Der). Miigge, T. Breslau, I867. 3 B. I6~. (Romane, B. 31-33.)... 25850 Prophet (The): a tragedy. Taylor, J. B. Bost., I874. I6~... 26172 Proserpina. Ruskin, J. N. Y., I875-77. 2 v. 12... 29840Prosody. See Verse. Prosper Randoce. Cherbuliez, V. Paris, I874. I6~.. 25624 - Same, transi. N. Y., 1874. I6......24168 Protection, Hist. of, in the U. S. Sumner, W. G. N. Y., I877. 8~. (2 copies.)..29170Protestant Epis. Ch. (U. S.), Hist. of. Spencer, J. A. (In Perry, G. G.,'Hist. of the Ch. of Eng.')......28443 Protestant Revolution. See Reformation. Proteus and Amadeus. De Vere, A. T. Lond., I878. I2~... 28169 Prothero, G. W. Life of Simon de Montfort. Lond., I877. I2~. 22881 Protoplasm. Beale, L. S. Lond., I874. I2~.. 29297 Prout, Father, (pseud.) See Mahony, F. S. Prout, T. Bob Norberry. Dublin, I844. 80.... 24680 Provengal Poetry. See Poetry, Provenpal. Proverbs. Bohn, H. G. A Polyglot of Foreign Proverbs. Lond., I867. 12........... 26940 See, also, Quotations (& references). Prudence Palfrey. Aldrich, T. B. Bost., 1874. I2~.... 24036 Prussia. History. - Wyatt, W. J. Hist. of Prussia. Lond., I876. v. 1-2. 8~. 20645CONTENTS: —1, 700 to 1890.-2, 1390 to 1525. (to I786) Ranke, F. L. von. House of Brandenburg. Lond., 1849. 3v. 8.......... 2065I(to I8ro) Hudson, E. H. Life and Times of Louisa, with an introductory sketch. Lond., I874. 2 v. I2~.. 22507(I745-I814) Voss, S. M. von P. von. Sixty-nine Years at the Courtof Prussia. Lond., 1876. 2 v. I2~.. 22509- (1806-1822) Seeley, J. R. Life and Times of Stein. Bost., I879. 2 v. 8.......... 22580- (i866) Malet, A. Overthrow of the Germanic Confederation. Lond., I870. 80. 20643 Pry, Paul, (pseud.) See Poole, J. Psalms (The), Origin and Growth of. Murray, T. C. N. Y.,'I88o. 28530 Psyche (A) of To-day. Jenkin, C. N. Y., I868. I6~... 24583 Psychology. Bascom, J. Comparative Psychology. N. Y., 1878. 28207 - McCosh, J. The Emotions. N. Y., T88o. I2~.... 28170 - Maudsley, H. Body and Mind. [With] psychological essays. N. Y., I875. I2~...... 28000 Taine, H. A. On Intelligence. N. Y., 1875. 2 v. 120... 28205- See, also, Mental Physiology; Philosophy. Puliga, Comtesse de. Madame de Sevigne. Lond., I873. 2 v. 8~.. 234I4Pulling, F. S. Sir Joshua Reynolds. L. & N. Y., I88O. I2~.. 23792 Punch. [Weekly.] Lond., 1841-79. 74 v. in 39. 4~. 22 i66 Punch-Races. Punch. Punch's twenty Almanacks, I842-I86I. r v. Lond. 4~.. - Benj. Disraeli: in Ioo cartoons. Lond., 1878. 4~.... - W. E. Gladstone: cartoons. Lond., I878. 40.. Punch and Judy: with 24 illust. by Geo. Cruikshank. Lond., I873. 26489 Pupper, Joh., (John of Goch.) Ullmann, C. (In' Reformers' etc., V. I.).. 22300 Puritan Nomenclature. Bardsley, C. W. N. Y. [Lond.], I88o. 12~. 27867 Puritanism. Bacon, L. Genesis of the New Eng. Churches. N. Y., I874. 80....... 28447 Pushkin, A. S. Marie: a story of Russian love. Chic., I877. 16~. 24849 Russian Romance[s]. Lond., I88o. 12~.. 24809 CONTENTS:-The Captain's Daughter (the same as " Marie" above); The Lady-rustic; The Pistol-shot- The Snow-storm; The Undertaker; The Station-master; The Moor of Peter the Great. Putnam, G. P. World's Progress: a dict. of dates. N. Y., I878. 8~. Putnam, Israel, Life of. Tarbox, I. N. Bost., I876. 80... 22691 Putnam's Library Companion. Perkins, F. B., editor. N. Y.,. I87880. 3 v. 8~.. Pyramid, Our Inheritance in the Great. Piazzi Smyth. Lond., 1874. 21695 Pyrenees, Tour through the. Taine, H. A. N. Y., I874. I20.. 21627 Quarles, F. Emblems. With mem. [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I857. 8........... 26335 — Enchiridion. Lond., I856. I6~... 27263 Quarterly Review. Lond. & N. Y., I809-79. v. I-I2, 1I4-28, 30-33, 35-38, 41-I48. 80... I470Same. v. 1-16, I8-48, 50-I27.. II3I0Indexes to v. i-6o, in 3 v. 8~.. Quatrefages de Brdau, J. L. A. de. The Human Species. N. Y., 1879. I2~. (2 copies.)........ 29267Metamorphoses of Man and the Lower Animals. Lond., I864. 29303 Queen Charlotte Islands. Poole, F. Lond., I872. 8~... 21583 Queen Mary: a drama. Tennyson, A. Bost., I875. I2~. (2 cop.) 265 6Queen of Sheba. Aldrich, T. B. Bost., I877. I6~... 24037 Queer (A) Book. [Hogg, J.] Edinb. & L., I832. i6.. I. 26114 Quincy, J. P. Protection of Majorities; with other papers. Bost., I876. 12........... 29093 Quixstar. [Taylor, E.] N. Y., I873. I60.. 24826 Quorndon Hounds. Herbert, H. W. (In'Sporting Scenes,' v. 2.) 29603 Quotations. Allibone, S. A. Poetical Quotations. Phil., I879. 8~. 2676I - Prose Quotations. Phil., 1879. 8~.. 26760 Finod, J. de. A Thousand Flashes of French Wit, Wisdom, and Wickedness. N. Y., I88o. I6~.. 26941 - See also, Common-place Books; Proverbs; Table-talk. Rabelais, F. Besant, W. (For. Clas. for Eng. Readers, v. 8.) Phila., [I879]. 16.......... 23269 -- -(In' French Humourists.')..26776 Races. Brown, R. The Races of Mankind. Lond., [I874-76]. 4 v. 80... 29575Peschel, O. The Races of Man. Lond., I876. 8~... 29386 Winchell, A. Preadamites. Chic., i88o. 8~.. 29387 - See, also, Ethnology; Man. Radcliffe —Reade. I67 Radcliffe, Ann. The Romance of the Forest. Lond., I8o6. 3 v. I2~. I8690Rae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox. Lond., 1874. 8~... 23040 Rahel. See Varnhagen von Ense, R. A. F. L. Raikes, T. Personal Reminiscences. (In Stoddard, R. H.,'BricA-Brac Series.')..23258 Railroads. Adams, C. F. Notes on Railroad Accidents. N. Y., I879. 2........... 29933 -- Railroads: their origin and problems. N. Y., i878. (2 cop.) 29931Jevons, W. S. Railways and the State. (In Owens College Ess. & Ad.). 27412 Raleigh, Sir Walter. Creighton, L. N. Y., I877. 60... 22447 St. yohn, 7. A. Lond., I869. 12~.. 22889 Ralph Wilton's Weird. Hector, A. F. N. Y., 1875. 16~. (2 cop.) 2453IRalston, W. R. S. Early Russian Hist. Lond., i874. I6~... 20499 Russian Folk-tales. Lond., 1873. 8~... 27783 Songs of the Russian People. Lond., I872. 8~.. 27782 Rambaud, A. Hist. of Russia. Lond., I879. 2 v. 80... 2061IRandolph, T. Poetical and Dramatic Works. Lond., I875. 12~.. 26036 Ranke, F. L. von. Civil Wars and Monarchy in France. N. Y., I853. I2............20412 Hist. of England. Oxf'd, I875. 6 v. 8~. (2 copies.).. 21040CONTENTS -1 Crises in the earlier hist., 1603-29.-2, 1629-49.-3, 1649-74.-4, 1675-91.-5, 1690-1760; App., orig. doc.-6, App., etc. Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg. Lond., 1849. 3 v. 80. 2065IRankine, W. J. M. Songs and Fables. Glasgow & L., I874. I20. 26Iio Raphael. ClZment, C. Lond., I88o. I2......23837 Passavant, 7. D. Lond. & N. Y., I879. I2~.. 23779 Perkins, C. C. Bost., 1878. 80.. 23835 Rassam, H. Brit. Mission to Theodore, King of Abyssinia. Lond., I869. 2 V. 8.......... 5659Rationalism. Chadwick, J. W. The Faith of Reason. Bost., I879. 2869I - Fisher, G. P. Faith and Rationalism. N. Y., 1879. I2~. (2 cop.) 28589Ravenstein (E. G.)& Hulley (J.). Handb. of Gymnastics and Athletics. Lond., I867. 8..... 29637 Rawlinson, G. Origin of Nations. In 2 pts.: On early civilizations; On ethnic affinities. N. Y., I878. 12~. 20047 St. Paul in Damascus and Arabia. Lond., [1878]. I6~... 28498 Sixth Great Oriental Monarchy. Lond., I873. 80.... 20249 Seventh Great Oriental Monarchy. Lond., I876. 80... 20250 Raymond, J. G. Life of Thos. Dermody. Lond., I8o6. 2 V. 12~. I8554Raymond, R. W. Camp and Cabin. N. Y., I88o. I6~.... 2966I Raymonde. Theuriet, A. N. Y., I878. I6~... 24927 Reach, A. B. See Man in the Moon. Read, T. B. Poetical Works. Phila., I874. 3 v. I6~.... 26IIIReade, C. Cloister and the Hearth. Bost., I872. I60.... 248io - Hard Cash. N. Y., I876. I6W.. 24811 It is never too late to mend. N. Y., I876. I6~... 24812 A Simpleton. Lond., I873. I2.... 24813 A Terrible Temptation. N. V., I877 6..... 24814 - A Woman-Hater. N. Y., I877. I2~. (2copies.)... 248I5 i68 Reader-Religion. Reader's (The) Handbook. Brewer, E. C. Phil., i88o. I2~. Reading. See Books. Rdcamier (Madame), and her Friends. Lenormant, A. C. Bost., I875. I2....... 22483 Recess (The). Lee, S. Lond., 1792. 3 V. I6~.... 8684Red Cotton Night-cap Country. Browning, R. Bost., I873. 16~.. 26050 Redding, C. Literary Reminiscences and Memoirs of Thos. Campbell. Lond., i86o. 2 V. 12~.. 23224* Personal Reminiscences of Eminent Men. Lond., 1867. 3 V. 2372IRedgrave, R. Manual of Design. N. Y., [I876]. 12~.... 29768 Redhouse, J: W. Diary of the Shah of Persia. (See Nasr-ed-Din.) Rees, J. R. Horace Vernet [and] Paul Delaroche. L. & N. Y., I880. 120.. 23787 Reeve, H. Petrarch. (For. Clas. for Eng. Readers, v. 4.) Phil., [1878]. 6.......... 23265 Reform. See Civil Service; Parliamentary Reform. Reformation (The). Fisher, G. P. N. Y., 1873. 80. (2 copies.). 28585- Hiiusser, L. The Period of the Ref., I517-1648. Lond., I873. 2 v. 80............20480- Merle d'Aubign6, J. H. Hist. of the Ref. in Europe in the time of Calvin. N. Y., I863-79. 8 v. I2.... 6386- & 28451-- Seebohm, F. Era of the Protestant Revolution. Lond., I874. 20448 England. Blunt, J.J. Lond., i86I. i6. 20843 - Geikie, C. N. Y., I879. 12~.. 20814 — Lechler, G. V. John Wiclif and his English Precursors. Lond., I878. 2 v. 80.. 22305- France. Marsh, A. C. Phila., I851. 2 v. 12~..... 204I7- G#'many. Strauss, D. F. Ulrich von Hutten: his life and times. Lond., I874. I2~.......... 22143 - Italy. Benrath, K. Bernardino Ochino, of Siena. N. Y., I877. 22181 - Switzerland. Istria, D. d'. The Pioneer of the Ref. Lond., I858. 2 v. 8.......... 20600See, also, Ecclesiastical Hist.; History. Reformers before the Reformation. Ullmann, C. Edinb., I855. 2 V. 80..... 22300Regent's Daughter. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~.. 24417 Regicides. Warren, I. P. The Three Judges. N. Y., [I873]. I60. 22627 Regnard, J. F. Besant, W. (In'French Humourists.').. 26776 Regnault, H. V. Hamerton, P. G. (In' Mod. Frenchmen.').. 22488 R6gnier, M. Besant, W. (In'French Humourists.')... 26776 Reid, T. W. Charlotte Bronte: a monograph. N. Y., 1I877. I2~. 23248 Reineke Fuchs. Goethe, J. W. von. Mit Zeichnungen von Kaulbach. Stuttg., I846. 4~..- - Reise in den Orient. Hacklainder, F. W. von. Stuttg., 1875. 2 B. 160. (Werke, B. 8-9.)..... 25803Religion. Arnold, M. Last Essays on Church and Religion. [L. &] N. Y., I877.. I2...28690 Beale, L. S. Life Theories: their influence on religious thought. Lond., I87I. 120....29293 Religion-Renan. I69 Religion. Clarke, J. F. Common-sense in Religion. Bost., 1874. 28692 Draper, J. W. Hist. of the Conflict between Religion and Science. N. Y., I875. I2~.. 29251 Gray, A. Natural Science and Religion: two lectures. N. Y., I880. 12........... 28697 Hurst, J. F. (In First Cent. of the Republic.).. 21520 Liddon, H. P. Some Elements of Religion. N. Y., I872. I20. 2854I Martineau, J. Modern Materialism in its relation to Religion. N.Y., 1877. i60.. 28696 Mill, J. S. Three Essays on Religion. N. Y., I874. I20.. 28698 Miiller, F. M. Origin and Growth of Religion, as illustrated by the religions of India. N. Y., 1879. I2~.. 28568 Renan, J. E. Studies of Religious Hist. and Criticism. N. Y., i864. 8~.. 28680 Renouf, P. L. Origin and Growth of Religion, as illustrated by the Religion of Anc. Egypt. N. Y., I88o. I2~... 28569 - See, also, Christianity; Evolution; Theology. Religions (various). Clarke, J. F. Ten Great Religions. Bost., I87I. I2~..... 28564 Same. Bost., I877. I20..28565 Johnson, Sam. Oriental Religions: India;' China. Bost., I873 &'77. 2 V. 8......... 28560See, also, Buddhism; Confucianism; Heathenism; Hinduism; Mohammedanism. Religious Belief, Analysis of. Russell, J. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8~.. 28683Religious (The) Sentiment. Brinton, D. G. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 28687 Remarks on the Differences in Shakespeare's Versification [etc.]. [Bathurst, C.] Lond., I857. I6..... 270II Rembrandt van Ryn, P. H. Mollett, 7. W. [From the text of C. Vosmaer.] L. & N. Y., I879. 12~.. 23778 Reminiscences of Half a Century. By an Accurate Observer. Lond., I838. 12~... I8543 Remorse: a novel. [Blanc, T.] N. Y., 1878. I6~.. 24086 Remusat, Claire E. de V. de. Memoirs: I802-I808. N. Y., I88o. 80. (2 copies.). 22567- Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (lin'Portraits of Celebrated Women.'). 23643 Renaissance. Lacroix, P. Arts in the Middle Ages, and at the period of the Renaissance. Lond., I870. 80... 20362 - Manners, Customs, and Dress. Lond., I874. 8~.. 2036I - - - Military and Religious Life. Lond., J874. 8~... 20360 - Science and Literature. Lond., I878. 80.. 20364 - Pater, W. The Renaissance: studies in art and poetry. Lond., I877. 8........... 29878 Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. Lond., I875-77. v. 1-3. 20298CONTENTS:-1, Age of the Despots.-2, Revival of Learning.-3, Fine Arts. Renan, J. E. English Conferences: Rome and Christianity; Marcus Aurelius. Bost., I880. I2~.. 28570 - Studies of Religious Hist. and Criticism. N. Y., I864. 80.. 28680 I70 Rendle-Riding. Rendle, W. Southwark in the Time of Shakspere. [Lond.], 1878. 27176 Ren6e and Franz. [Fould, W. J. S.] N. Y., I878. i6~... 24079 Rennie, D. F. Peking and the Pekingese. Lond., i865. 2 v. 12~. 2I623Renouf, P. Le P. Religion of Ancient Egypt. N. Y., i88o. I2~.. 28569 Report on Spiritualism. See Spiritualism, Report. Representation. Dutcher, S. Minority or Proportional Representation. N.Y., 1872. 80.. 2909I Hare, T. Election of Representatives, parliamentary and municipal. Lond., I873. 16.. 29092 See, also, Franchise; Politics (& references). Return of the Native. Hardy, T. N. Y., 1878. 16~. (2 copies.). 24463Reumont, A. von. Lorenzo de' Medici the Magnificent. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 8.......... 23937Reuter, F. Seed-time and Harvest. Phila., I87I. 8~... 24681 Revanche de Joseph Noirel. Cherbuliez, V. Paris, 1872. 16~.. 25625 Revolutions in English Hist. Vaughan, R. Lond., I859-63. 3 V. 2I094Reynolds, Sir J. Pulling, F. S. Lond. & N. Y., i88o 120... 23792 Rhetoric. Cox, E. W. Arts of Writing, Reading, and Speaking. Lond., I879. I20. 27821 Townsend, L. T. Art of Speech. N. Y., I88o. v. I. 6~.. 27824 - See, also, Elocution; Language; Preaching; Voice. Rhind, W. Studies in Natural History. Edinb., I830. I2~... 29334 Riafio, J. F. Industrial Arts in Spain. Lond., I879. I2~. 29769 Ribot, T. Heredity. N. Y., 1875. 12~.. 29398 Rice, Sara S. Edgar Allan Poe: a memorial volume. Balt., 1877. 22685 Richard III., king of Eng., Life and Reign of. Gairdner, J. Lond., I878. 120........... 20813 Richardson, B. W. Diseases of Modern Life. N. Y., 1876. 12~.. 29995 A Ministry of Health, and other addresses. Lond., I879. I2~. 29996 Richardson (C. F.) & Clark (H. A.). The College Book. Bost., I878. 8.. — Richardson, H. W. The National Banks. N. Y., I880. 320.. 29063 Richardson, Rev. J. Recollections, political, literary, dramatic, and miscellaneous, of the last half-century. Lond., I856. 2 v. in I. I20.. I8666 Richardson, J. G. Long Life, and how to reach it. Phil., 1879.. 29959 Richardson, S. Clarissa [Harlowe]; condensed by C. H. Jones. N. Y., I874. I60...24850 Correspondence. [With life] and observations. By A. L. Barbauld. Lond., 1804. 6 v. I2~.. I7490Richelieu, A. J. du P. de. Cousin, V. Secret Hist. N. Y., I87I.. 20414 Richter, J. P. Leonardo. (Illust. Biogr. of the Great Artists.) L. & N. Y., i88o. 12.... 23786 Richter, J. P. F., Life of. Lee, E. B. [Ist ed.] Bost., I842. 2 v. 7799- Same. 2d ed. Lond., 1849. 120.. 23226 - 3d ed. Bost., I864. I2~. (ISt & 2d ed., anon.). 7803 Ricord, F. W. English Songs from Foreign Tongues. N. Y., I879. I2......... 2664 Riding. See Horse; Sports. Riding-Roland. I7I Riding Recollections. Whyte-Melville, G. J. Lond., 1878. 12~., 29640 Riethmiiller, C. J. Life and Times of Alex. Hamilton. Lond., [I864]. 22626 Rimmer, A. Anc. Streets and Homesteads of England. L., I877. 8~. 2I980 Rise of Iskander. Disraeli, B. N. Y. [Lond., i878]. I6~.. 24240 Ritchie, Anne I. (Thackeray). Old Kensington. Lond., I873. 8~. 24700 Same. N. Y., I873. 8...24701 Writings. N. Y., 1870. 8~... 24699 Ritter, C., Life of. Gage, W. L. N. Y., i867. 12~... ~ 23563 Ritter, F. L. Hist. of Music. Bost., i876 &'74. 2 v. I6~... 29750River of Golden Sand. Gill, W. Lond., i880. 2 v. 8~... 2I930Roberts, J. S. Legendary Ballads of England and Scotland. Lond., [I875]. I2......... 27665 [Roberts, Margaret.] Noblesse Oblige. N. Y., i876. 16~... 2485I On the Edge of the Storm. N. Y., I877. 16~.. 24852 Robertson, J. C. Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury. Lond., I859. 22I42 Hist. of the Christian Church, A. D. 64-1517. Lond., I874-5. 8 v. I6~....28454Robertson, W. Reign of Charles V. [Ed.] by W. H. Prescott. Phil., I872. 3 V. 8~...20348Robespierre, M. M. I. de, Life of. Lewes, G. H. Lond., I849. I2~. 22527 Robinson, H. M. Great Fur Land. N. Y., I879. I2~... 21284 Robinson, Mrs. Mary. Memoirs, written by herself. Lond., I8oI. 4 v.. 6.. I868oRobusti, Jacopo (or Giacomo). See Tintoretto. Roby, J. Legendary and Poetical Remains. Lond., I854. I2~.. 18643 Rock, D. Textile Fabrics. N. Y., 1876. 2~.... 29770 Rockingham, C. W. Wentworth, marquis of. Earle, 7. C. (In'Eng. Premiers,' v. I.)..22882 Rocks ahead. Greg, W. R. Lond., I874. 120..... 27294 Rocky Mountains. Bird, I. L. A Lady's Life in. N. Y., I879. I2~. 2128I - Parkman, F. The Oregon Trail. Bost., I873. 80... 2I402 Rodenberg, J. England, literary and social. Lond., 1875. 80.. 21142 Roderick Hudson. James, H., jr. Bost., I876. I20.. 24604 Roschen vom Hofe. Spielhagen, F. (Sammtl. Werke, B. 3.).. 25862 Roger of Hoveden, Annals of. Lond., I853. 2 v. I20.... 20800Rogers, C. Life and Songs of the Baroness Nairne; with a memoir and poems of Caroline Oliphant the younger. Lond., I869. I6'.23249 Scotland, social and domestic. Lond., I869. 8~... 2II4I Rogers, J. E. T. Cobden and Modern Political Opinion. Lond., I873. 8....... 29088 Social Economy. N. Y., 1872. 12.. 28884 Rogers, May. The Waverly Dictionary. Chic., I879 [I878]. I2~. 26921 Rogers, R. V. The Lav of Hotel Life. San Fran., I879. 16~.. 28852 Rogers, Sam. Recollections. Lond., I859. 6~... 8675 Rohlfs, G. Adventures in Morocco. Lond., I874. 80... 2I848 Roi des montagnes. About, E. F. V. Paris, I876. I6~. 25621 Rois en exil. Daudet, A. Paris, I88o. 6~..25600 Roland. Cox (G. W.) & Jones (E. H.). (In' Pop. Romances.') 277I2 & 20Io 172 Roland-Rome. Roland de la Plati~re, Marie J. P. Works. [Ed.] by L. A. Champagneux. Lond., i8oo. 80... I8720.See Baker, H. B.,'French Society,' v. 2 (20401); Lamartine, A. M. L. de,' Biogr.,' v. 2 (23728); Sainte-Beuve, C. A.,'Portraits' (23643). Roman Catholic Church. Gladstone, W. E. Rome and the Newest Fashions in Religion. Three tracts: The Vatican decrees; Vaticanism; Speeches of the Pope. N. Y., I875. 8~.. 28724 Renan, J. E. Rome and Christianity. (English Conferences.) Bost., I88o. I20.. 28570 See, also, Ecc. Hist.; Inquisition; Jesuits; Monastic Orders; Monks; Old Catholics; Papacy; Popes; Vatican. Roman Days. Rydberg, V. N. Y., I879. 2~...21689 Roman Empire. See Rome, History. Roman Law. See Law, Roman. Roman Legends. Busk, R. H. Bost., I877. 8~.. 27714 Roman Literature, Hist. of. Cruttwell, C. T. N. Y., [I878]. 80.. 26964 Roman Mythology. See Mythology. Roman Republic. See Rome, Hist. to B. C. 31. Romance (The) of the Forest. Radcliffe, A. Lond., I8o6. 3 v. I2~. I8690Romance (The) of an Honest Woman. Cherbuliez, V. Bost., I874. 24169 Romances. Cox (G. W.) & Jones. Pop. Romances of the Middle Ages. Lond., I871. 120. 2010 - Samte. N. Y., i88o. 12~. (For contents see Cox.).. 27712 - Joyce, P. W. Old Celtic Romances. Lond., I879. I2~.. 27702 See, also, Myths (&' references). Romances of the East. Gobineau, J. A. de. N. Y., 1878. 16~.. 24078 Romanism. See Rom. Cath. Ch. (d& references). Romanoff, H. C. Historical Narratives from the Russian. Lond., i87I. I6........... 20498 Rome. Fustel de Coulanges, M.D. The Ancient City: a study on the religion, laws, and institutions of Greece and Rome. Bost., I874. 80.. 20I82 - Guhl (E.) & Koner (W.). Life of the Greeks and Romans, described from antique monuments. Lond., I875. 80. (2 COp.) 20I80- Hare, A. J. C. Days near Rome. Illust. Phila., I875. I2~.. 2I602 Merivale, C. St. Paul at Rome. Lond., [I878]. 6~... 28501 Story, W. W. Castle St. Angelo. Lond., I877. I20.. 2i626 Wilkins, A. S. Roman Antiquities. (History Primers.) Lond., I877. 6........... 20057 Church of. See Roman Cath. Ch. History. - Creighton, M. (Hist. Primers.) Lond., I877. i6~,. 20052 Ihne, W. Lond., I87I-77. v. I-3. 8~..... 20288— (to B. C. 387) Ihne, W. Early Rome. Lond., 1876. I6~... 20438 - (to A. D. 476) Leighton, R. F. N. Y., I88o. I2~... 20099 - Merivale, C. N. Y., I875. I2~. (2 cop.).... 20097(B, C. 264-A, D. 337) Niebuhr, B. G. Lond., 1844. 2 v. 8~., 20294 Rome-Rousselet. 173 Rome. History (continued). (B. C. I33-82) Beesly, A. H. The Gracchi, Marius, and Sulla. N. Y., [1879]. 160.. 20440 (B. C. 60-31) Merivale, C. The Roman Triumvirates. N. Y., [I877]. I6~.. 20437 (B. C. 44-A. D. 96) Capes, W. W. N. Y., [i876]. i6~... 20436 - (A. D. 96-I80) Capes, W. W. Rom. Emp. of the 2d Cent. N. Y., I879. 160... 20439 - (180-I453) Gibbon, E. Decline and Fall of the Rom. Emp. Lond., I872. 8 V. 80.. 20280(395-800) Curteis, A. M. Lond., I875.. 20068 (1815-i850) Farini, L. C. The Roman State. Lond., I851-54. 4 v. 8..., 20304See, also, Italy; Law, Roman; Roman Literature. Rood, O. N. Modern Chromatics. N. Y., I879. I2~... 29266 Rosa, Salvator: Life and Times. Morgan, S. O. Lond., 1824. 2 V. 8~... 8569Rosario (ship), Cruise of. Markham, A. H. Lond., I873. 80.. 21814 Roscher, W. G. F. Principles of Political Economy. N. Y., 1878. 2 V. 29I6IRoscoe, Mrs. Henry. Vittoria Colonna. Lond., I868. I2~... 23227 Roscoe, Henry E. Chemistry. Lond., I877. I6~....29362 See Science Lectures for the People. Roscoe, T. Life and Writings of Cervantes. Lond., I86I. I6~.. 23243 Rose, H. J. Untrodden Spain, and her Black Country. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8........ 21783Rosicrucians (The). Jennings, H. Lond., 1870. 12~.. 28997 Roslyn, G. Geo. Eliot in Derbyshire. Lond., 1876. I6~... 26919 Rossetti, Christina G. Goblin Market, and other poems. Lond., I865. I6......,.. 26144 - Poems. Bost., I876. 160.. 26I45 Rossetti, D. G. Poems. Lond., I870. I2~...26143 Rossetti, W. M. Lives of Famous Poets. Lond., I878. 120.. 23289 Rossini, G. A., Life of. Edwards, H. S. Lond., I869. 8~... 23846 Rough Ways made Smooth. Proctor, R. A. N. Y., i88o. 12~.. 29444 Roughing it. Clemens, S. L. Hartf., I878. 8~.. 25587 Roumania. Murray, E. C. G. Dolne; or, The national songs and legends of Roumania. Lond., I854. 12.... 27786 Round about France. Murray, E. C. G. Lond., I878. 120... 21622 Round about Piccadilly and Pall Mall. Wheatley, H. B. Lond., I870. 21775 Round my House. Hamerton, P. G. Bost., I876. I2~.... 21248 Round Table (Knights of). See Arthur (King). Rousseau, J. J. Original Correspondence, with Mad. La Tour de Franqueville, and M. Du Peyrou. Lond., 1804. 2 v. 80. I8663- PMorley, 7. Lond., I873. 2 v. 80.. 2342ISee, also, Clarke, J. F.,'Memorial and Biogr. Sketches' (226I8); Lowell, J. R.,'Among my Books,' v. I (3616); Merivale, H.,' Histor. Stud.' (20I88); Sainte-Beuve, C. A.,'MondayChats' (23290); Stephen, L.,' Hours,' v. 3 (26935). Rousselet, L. The Serpent-Charmer. N. Y., [I8791. 8~... 24682 23 174 Routledge-Russell. Routledge, R. Discoveries and Inventions of the I9th Cent. Lond., 1876. I2........ 29929 Rowing. See Boat-racing; Sports. Rowley, J. Rise of the People, and Growth of Parliament. (In Epochs of Eng. Hist.)..2085I - Settlement of the Constitution. (In the same.). 2085I Roxy. Eggleston, E. N. Y., 1878. 12~....24471 Rubaiyit of Omar Khayyam. Lond., 1872. 8C.. 26256 Rubens, P. P. Kett, C. W. (Illust. Biog. of the Great Artists.) L. & N. Y., 1879. I2~..23788 Sainsbury, W. N. Original Unpublished Papers illustrative of the life of R., as an artist and a diplomatist. Lond., I859. 23834 Ruchrath, Joh., (John of Wesel.) Ullmann, C. (In'Reformers,' v. I.) 22300 Rude, F. Hamerton, P. G. (In'Mod. Frenchmen.')... 22488 Rugby (The) Miscellany. Lond., Mar. I845-Oct. 1846. Nos. I-Io. i vol. 8........... II398 Rule, W. H. Hist. of the Inquisition. Lond., I874. 2 v. 8~.. 28720Ruling Ideas in Early Ages. Mozley, J. B. N. Y., 1877. 8~.. 28686 Runeberg, J. L. Lyrical Songs, Idylls and Epigrams. Done into Eng. [verse] by E. Magnusson and E. H. Palmer. Lond., I878. I6........... 26128 Rupert (Prince) and the Cavaliers, Memoirs of. Warburton, E. B. G. Lond., I849. 3 v. 8~.. 230I8Rushton, W. L. Shakespeare's Euphuism. Lond., I87I. 12~.. 27010 Ruskin, J. Ariadne Florentina: six lectures on wood and metal engraving. N. Y., I874-5. I2~. 29831 - Same. Lect. 4-6. N.Y., I875. I2~~..... 29832 Deucalion: lapse of waves, and life of stones. N. Y., I875-77. Parts I-4 in 2 v. I2~.. 29836The Eagle's Nest: ten lectures on the relation of natural science to art. N. Y., I873. 2~.29830 - Fors Clavigera: letters to the workmen and labourers of Great Britain. [Monthly.] Orpington, Kent, I87I-77. 7 v. 80~. (Index to v. I-2, in v. 2; to v. 3-4, in v. 4.)... 2903I— Frondes agrestes: readings in'Modern Painters.' Orpington, Kent, I875. I20.. 29829 The Laws of Fesole: a treatise on drawing and painting. N. Y., I877. Part I. 120... 29844 Love's Meinie: lectures on Greek and English birds. N. Y., I873. I2........... 29835 - Mornings in Florence: being simple studies of Christian art, for English travellers. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 29834 Poetry of Architecture: cottage, villa, etc. N. Y., 1873. I2~. 29833 Proserpina: studies of wayside flowers among the Alps, and in Scotland and England. N. Y., I875-77. Pts. I-4 in 2 v. I2~. 29840- St. Mark's Rest: the history of Venice. N. Y., I877. Parts I-2. 29844 - Bayne, P. (In'Lessons from my Masters.').... 23287 Russell, John, Earl. Letters, written for the Post, and not for the Press. [Anon.] Lond., I820. I20... 8696 Russell-Sabbath. 175 Russell, John, Earl. Recollections and Suggestions, I813-I873. Lond., I875. 8~. 23059 - Kebbel, T. E. (In'Eng. Statesmen.').. 22884 Russell, John, Viscount Amberley. Analysis of Religious Belief. Lond., I876. 2 V. 8~.. 28683Russell, Rachael W., Lady, Life of. Berry, M. (In'Comparative View,' v. 2.). 6202 Russell, W. H. The Prince of Wales' Tour. Lond., 1877. 2 v. 8~. 2I967Russia. Barry, H. Ivan at Home; or, Pictures of Russian life. Lond., I872. 8.. 21940 Distinguished Persons in Russian Society. Lond., I873. I20. 23614 -[Helps, A.] Ivan de Biron; or, The Russian court in the middle of the last century. Bost., I874. I2..... 24537 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 20.. 26459 - Ralston, W. R. S. The Songs of the Russian People, as illustrative of Slavonic mythology and Russian Social life. Lond., 1872. 80.......... 27782 Sketches of Russian Life before and during the Emancipation of the Serfs. Ed. by H. Morley. Lond., I866. 12~.. 21683 -- Wallace, D. M. N. Y., I877. 80.. 21941 Description and Travel. Bryce, J. Transcaucasia and Ararat. Lond., I877. I2~..........21214 - -Cunynghame, A. T. Travels in Daghestan. Lond., 1872. 8~. 21913 - Gautier, T. Voyage en Russie. Paris, I867. I6~... 25650 - Same. A Winter in Russia. N. Y., I874. I20.. 21225 - Wahl, 0. W. The Land of the Czar. Lond., I875. 8~.. 21942 History. - [Eckardt, J.] Russia before and after the War. Lond., I88o. 20613 - Ralston, W. R. S. Early Russian History. Lond., I874. I6~. 20499 Romanoff, H. C. Historical Narratives from the Russian. Lond., I87I. I6.. 20498 -- (to I877) Rambaud, A. Lond., I879. 2 v. 8~.. 206II- (I584-I613) Merim6e, P. Demetrius, the Impostor. Lond., I853. 23903 (I777-I825) Joyneville, C. Life and Times of Alexander I. Lond., I875. 3 v. 8~. (2 copies.)....... 20605- (I877-8) Daily News (Lond.). War Correspondence. Lond., I878. 2 V.......... 20494Russian Folk-tales. Ralston, W. R. S. Lond., I873. 8~. 27783 Russian Gipsy. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~.. 24417 Russian (Two) Idyls. N. Y., i88o. I6.. 24928 Russian Romance[s]. Pushkin, A. S. Lond., I88o. I20... 24809 Russians (The) in Central Asia. Hellwald, F. von. Lond., I874. 8~. 21608 Ruth. Gaskell, E. C. Lond., I872. I6~... 24447 Rutherford, J. The Troubadours. Lond., I873 12.. 26907 Rydberg, V. The Last Athenian. Phil., [I879] 12.. 248I7 The Magic of the Middle Ages. N. Y., 1879. I2~.. 28050 - Roman Days. N. Y., I879. I2...21689 Sabbath. Hessey, J. A. Sunday: its orgin, history, and present obligation. Lond., I866. 12~.. 28490 176 Sabbath-Sarah. Sabbath. Proctor, R. A. The Jewish Sabbath. (In'Our Place,' etc.).. 29447 Sadler, L. R., (pseud.,' Jacob Larwood.') Story of the London Parks. Lond., [I87I]. 2 V. 20.. 2I6I4Sadler, M. T.: Memoirs of [his] life and writings. Lond., 1842. 8~. 18661 Safar-Hadgi. Lubomirski, J. N. Y., 1878. I6~. 24083 Sahara, The Great. Tristram, I. B. Lond., 1860. 12~.... 21696 Sainsbury, W. N. Original Unpublished Papers illustrative of the life of Rubens. Lond., I859. 8...... 23834 Saint Amant, M. A. G. de, Besant, W. (In'French Humourists.') 26776 St. Domingo. See Santo Domingo. St. George and St. Michael. MacDonald, G. Bost., [1877]. 12~.. 24623 St. James's Magazine, Lond., I861-79. 45 v. 8~... 18047St. John, the evangelist. See John (St.). St. John, B. Montaigne, the Essayist: a biography. Lond., 1858. 2 v. I20.. 23222St. John, H., Ist Viscount Bolingbroke. Works; with a life. Phila., i841. V. 2-4. 8......... 27492St. John, J. A. Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. Lond., I869. I2~.. 22889 St. Mark's Rest. Ruskin, J. N. Y., I877. Parts 1-2. 12~... 29844 St. Paul. See Paul (St.). Saint-Simon, C. H. de R. de. Booth, A. _7. Lond., 187I. 80.. 23522 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. English Portraits. Selected and transl. from * the " Causeries du Lundi," with a chap. on Sainte-Beuve's life and writings [by W. F. Rae]. Lond., i875. 12~... 22885 - Same. N. Y., 1875. 12~. ~...22886 Monday-Chats. Selected and transl. from the "Causeries du Lundi," with an essay by Wm. Mathews. Chic., I877. 120. 23290 Portraits of Celebrated Women. Bost., I868. I6~.. 23643 Saints and Sinners. Doran, J. Lond., i868. 2 v. 12~... 28492Sala, G. A. Paris herself again in i878-9. Lond., I879. 2 v. 8~. 21984William Hogarth. Lond., I866. I20....... 23802 Samuel Brohl et Cie. Cherbuliez, V. Paris, 1877. I60.. 25626 Same, transl. N. Y., 1877. I2~... 24072 Sandeau, L. S. J. Madeleine: a story of French love. Chic., 1879. 24818 Sanderson, R. Alexander, W. (In Classic Preachers; I878.). 221I3 Sandys, G. Poetical Works. [Ed.] by R. Hooker. Lond., 1872. 2 V. 12. 26129Sanford, J. L. Estimates of the English Kings. Lond., I872. I2~. 2082I Sankey, I. D. Hall (.) &P Stuart (G. H.). The Amer. Evangelists, Moody and Sankey, in Great Brit. and Ireland. N. Y., [I875]. 22615 San Marino. Bent, J. T. A Freak of Freedom. Lond., 1879. I2~. 20483 Sans Dot. About, E. F. V. ( With'Trente,' etc.). 25622 Sans-Souci Series. See Stoddard, R. H., editor. Santo Domingo. Hazard, S. N. Y., 1873. I2~... 21728 Sanzio, Raffaello. See Raphael. Sappho: a tragedy. Grillparzer, F. Bost., 1876. 160.... 26070 Sarah de Berenger: a novel. Ingelow, J. Bost., 1879. 16~... 24581 Sargent-Schopenhauer. 177 Sargent (E.) &' others, editors. Modern Standard Drama. N. Y., I847 (etc.). 24 nos. in 2 V. 2~...... 26487CONTENTS:-1, Corsican brothers, adapted from Dumas * Charles XII., by J. R. Planch6; Cure for the heartache, by T. Morton; Sketches in India, Morton; Lady of Lyons, Bulwer-Lytton; Richelieu, by the same- School for scandal Sheridan; Stranger, Kotzebue; Rivals, Sheridan; disippus, G. Griffin; Bertram, C. Maturin; George Barnwell, by G. Lillo.-2, Follies of a night, Planch;6 Don Caesar de Bazan, Dumanoir & Dennery- Blue devils, G. Coleman; *ioney Bulwer-Lytton; Bridal, J. S. Knowles; *Damon and Pythias, J. Banim; Rob Roy, I. Pocock; Gamester, E. Moore; Hunchback, Knowlesa Jealous wife, Coleman; Writing on the wall, T. & J. M. Morton; Jane Shore, N. Rowe. Sargent, N. Public Men and Events, 1817-i853. Phil., 1875. 2 V. 2I447Satsuma (The) Rebellion. Mounsey, A. H. Lond., I879. I2.. 20385 Savonarola, G. Oliphant, M. O. W. The Makers of Florence. Lond., I876. 8~.. 23836 Savoy. Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. Io.... 26449 Saxe, J. G. Leisure-Day Rhymes. Bost., I875. I2~.... 2613I Saxe, M. de. Hayward, A. (In'Biogr. and Crit. Ess.,' 2d ser., v. I.) 27401 Saxon Studies. Hawthorne, J. Bost., 1876. I2~.. 21607 Sayce, A. H. Introd. to the Science of Language. Lond., I88o. 2 v. 27864Scandinavia. Otte, E. C. Scandinavian Hist. Lond., 1874. 12~. 20050 See, also, Denmark; Iceland; Northmen; Norway. Scandinavian Languages and Lit. Anderson, R. B. (in'America not discovered by Columbus.').21280 See, also, Eddas. Scandinavian Races. Sinding, P. C. N. Y., I875. 80.... 20387 Scarlett, James, Ist Lord Abinger, Memoir of. Scarlett, P. C. Lond., I877. 8........ 23043 Scarron, P. Besant, W. (In'French Humourists.')... 26776 Scenes of Clerical Life. Eliot, G. N. Y. I2..... 2483 Schiiffle, A. E. F. See Kaufmann, M.,'Socialism.' Schaff, P. Hist. of the Vatican Council. (With Gladstone, W. E.,'The Vatican Decrees.').. 28723 Same, with Gladstone's'Rome,' &c. 28724 - Revision of the Eng. Version of the New Test., by J. B. Lightfoot, R. C. Trench, and C. J. Ellicott. [Ed.,] with an introd., by P. Schaff. N. Y., 1873. 3 v, in I. 12~.. 28525 Schatzkiistlein. Auerbach, B. Stuttg., I875. 16~.. 25883 Scheffel, J. V. Ekkehard: a tale of the Ioth cent. Leipz., I872. I6~. 24853 Schiern, F. Life of James Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell. Edinb., i88o. 8.......... 23009 Schiller, J. C. F. Correspondence with K/irner. Lond., I849. 3 v. 23320Boyesen, H. b. Goethe and Schiller. N. Y., I879. I2~... 26904 Carlyle, T. Life of Schiller. Lond., I873 6.. 23323 Palleske, E. Life and Works. Lond., 86o. 2 v. I2~.. 23324Schloss Hainfeld. Hall, B. Edinb., I836. i2~.. 18635 Schmidt, O. Doctrine of Descent and Darwinism. Lond., 1875. I2~. 29252 Schoelcher, V. Life of Handel. N. Y., I857. 2~.... 2377I Schonen (Die) Amerikanerinnen. Spielhagen, F. (Simmtl. Werke, B. 8.)..25867 Schopenhauer, A. On Visions.-Metaphysics of Music. (Suppl. to Wagner's'Beethoven,' transl. by Dannreuther.).. 23807 - immnzern, H. Lond., I1876. I2~.. 23529 178 Schuckers-Scoones. Schuckers, J. W. Life and Public Services of S. P. Chase. N. Y., I874. 8..........22775 Schiitzenberger, P. On Fermentation. N. Y., I876. I2... 29260 Schumann, R. Music and Musicians: essays and criticisms. N. Y., I877. I2~...2974I Schuyler, E. Turkistan. N. Y., I876. 2 v. 8~..2I921Schwegler, A. Hist. of Philosophy in Epitome. N. Y., I864. I2~. 28090 Schweinfurth, G. A. The Heart of Africa. N. Y., I874. 2 v. 8~. 21852Science. Barnard, F. A. P. Exact Sciences. (izn First Cent. of the Republic.).. 21520 Draper, J. W. Hist. of the Conflict between Religion and Sci. N. VY., I875. 12~..........29251 Gill, T. Natural Sci. (I'n First Cent. of the Republic.).. 21520 Gray, A. Natural Sci. and Religion: two lectures. N. Y., I88o. 28697 Helmholtz, H. L. F. Pop. Lectures on Scientific Subjects. Lond., I873. 80. 29389 Lacroix, P. Sci. and Lit. in the Middle Ages. Lond., I878. 80. 20364. Peabody, A. P. Christianity and Science. N. Y., I874. I2~.. 28700 Proctor, R. A. Science Byways. Phil. [Lond.], 1876. I2~.. 29445 - Ruskin, J. The Eagle's Nest: Io lectures on the relation of nat. sci. to art. N. Y., I873. I20... 29830 Tyndall, J. Advancement of Sci.: inaugural address. N. Y., I874. I2.......... 29304 - Fragments of Science. N. Y., I877. I2~.....29401 Science Lectures for the People. Manchester, I867-76. 8 series in 4 vols. I20.. 29306CONTENTS:-1st ser., Four lect. on elem. chem., by H. E. Roscoe; Four on elem. zoology, by T. Alcock; Coal, W. S. Jevons; Four lect. on elem. physiol., J. E. Morgan.-2d, Coral and coral reefs, T. H. Huxley; Spectrum analysis, Roscoe; Ditto, by W. Huggins; Coal, W. B. Dawkins; Chas. Dickens, A. W. Ward; Natural history of paving stones, Prof. Williamson; Deep sea, W. B. Carpenter; Coal, A. H. Green; Sun, J. N. Lockyer.-3d, Yeast, T. H. Huxley Coal colors, Roscoe; Origin of the Eng. people, A. S. Wilkins; Food of plants, Prof. Odling; Unconscious action of the brain, Carpenter; Epidemic delusions, ditto: Progress of sanitary science, Roscoe.-4th, Rainbow, Roscoe Ice age in Britain, A. Geikie; Sun and earth, B. Stewart; Atoms, W. K. Clifford; Flame, Prof. Core; Life of Faraday, J. H. Gladstone Star depths, R. A, Proctor; Kent's cavern, W. Pengelly; Fragment of Faraday's electrical discoveries, W. F. Barrett; Anc. and mod. Egypt, Carpenter. —th, Pularisation of light, W. Spottiswoode; How flowers are fertilised, A. W. Bennett; Parasites, T. S. Cobbold; Gun cotton, F. A. Abel; Animal mechanics, S. M. Bradley; The senses, C. Robertson; Muscle and nerve, A. Gamgee- Era of the cave men of Devonshire, W. Pengelly.-6th Crystalline and molecular forces, J. Tyndall; John Dalton and his atomic theory, Roscoe; Transit of Venus, W. Huggins; Joseph Priestley, Prof. Thorpe; Geographical distribution of mammals, P. L. Sclater; Earthquakes and volcanoes, W. C. Williamson: Modern savages, J. Lubbock; Palestine exploration, C. W. Wilson.-7th, Arctic discoveries, J. E. Davis; Soap bubbles, Prof. Rticker; Birds, R. B. Sharpe; Great extinct quadrupeds, P. M. Duncan; Henry Cavendish, Prof. Thorpe; Functions ot tle brain, Prof. Ferrier; Food, H. E. Armstrong; Era of the cave men of Devonshire, pt. 2, Pengelly.-Sth What the earth is composed of, Roscoe; Succession of life on the earth, IV. C. Williamson; Why the earth's chemistry is as it is, Lockyer. Science Primers. Huxley (T. H.), Roscoe (H. E.) & Stewart (B.), editors. Lond., 1876-8. 9V. 16~... 29354CONTENTS:-Introductory, T. H. Huxley.-Physiology, M. Foster.-Geology, A. Geikie.-Phys. Geog., do.-Botany, J. D. Hooker.-Logic, W. S. Jevons.-Pol. Econ., do.-Astroinomy, J. N. Lockyer.-Chemistry, H. E. Roscoe.-Physics, B. Stewart. Scientific Discovery, The Art of. Gore, G. Lond., I878. I2~.. 29380 Scientific London. Becker, B. H. N. Y., I875. I20... ~ 27300 Scoones, W. B. Four Centuries of English Letters. Lond., I880. 23378 Scotland-Sculptors. 179 Scotland. Blackie, J. S. Language and Literature of the Scottish Highlands. Edinb., 1876. 120.. 26916 Campbell, J. F. Popular Tales of the West Highlands. Edinb., 1860-62. 4 v. I6~.. 27660Grant, A. Superstitions of the Highlanders of Scotland. Lond., 1811. 2 V. I2......... I8550-- Keddie (H.) & Watson. Songstresses of Scotland. Lond., I871. 2 v. 8~....23763Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 6-8. 26445Rogers, C. Scotland, social and domestic. Lond., I869. 80.. 214I -- Wilson, D. Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. Lond., I863. 2 v. 20203-- Wordsworth, D. Recollections of a Tour, I803. N. Y., I874.. 21268 Church of. Stanley, A. P. Hist. of the Ch. of Scotland. Lond., 1872. 8............ 28446 History. Burton, J. H. Hist. [to I748]. 8 v. & index. 12~.. 209oI-- Macarthur, M. Hist. [to 1843]. N. Y., 1874. 16~... 20080 See, also, Edinburgh; English Literature; Poetry, Scottish; Scottish Border. Scott, G. C. Fishing in Amer. Waters. N. Y., 1869. 12~... 29626 Scott, R. P. The Place of Shelley among the Eng. poets of his time. Cambr., 1878. 12~.. 26212 Scott, W. Ivanhoe. Condensed by R. Johnson. N. Y., I876. 16~. 24854 Rob Roy. Condensed by R. Johnson. N. Y., 1877. 16~.. 24855 Poetical Works. With mem. [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I857. 3 v. 8......... 26349CONTENTS:-1, Lay of the last minstrel; Lady of the lake.-2, Marmion; Vision of Don Roderick.-3, Rokeby; Lord of the Isles. -- Hunnewell, 7. F. The Lands of Scott. Edinb., 1871. 12~. 21736 - sHutton, R. H. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., 1879. 12~.. 23334 Rogers, M. The Waverley Dictionary: an alphabetical arrangement of all the characters in S.'s Waverley novels, [etc.]. Chic., 1879. I2~...26921 See, also, Bagehot, W.,'Lit. Stud.,' v. 2 (26768); Bisset, A.,'Ess. on Histor. Truth' (20187); Constable, T.,'Arch. Constable,' etc., v. 3 (23206); Doyle, F. H.,' Lect. on Poetry,' 2d ser. (26286); Mackay, C.,' Forty Years' Recol.,' v. I (22943); Stephen, L.,'Hours in a Lib.,' v. I (26933). Scott, W. B. The Little Masters. (Illust. Biogr. of the Great Artists. L. & N. Y., I879. 12~...23784 CONTENTS:-A. Altdorfer; H. S. Beham; B. Beham; H. Aldegrever; G. Pencz; J. Binck; H. Brosamer. Scottish Ballads and Songs. Maidment, J. Edinb., i868. 2 v.. 26I6IScottish Border, Hist. and Poetry of. Veitch, J. Glasgow, 1878.. 26298 Scottish (The) Philosophy. McCosh, J. N. Y., I875. 8~... 28283 Scottish Poetry. See Poetry, Scotiish. Scribner's Monthly. N. Y., 1870-79. i8 v. 80.. 13I50Scripture Club of Valley Rest. [Habberton, J.] N. Y., I877. 16~. 24454 Scrope; or, The lost library. Perkins, F. B. Bost., I874. 8~..24679 Scudder, H. E. Men and Manners in America one hundred years ago. N. Y., 1876. I6... 21324 Sculptors, and their works. Clement, C. E. Bost., I879. I20.. 2979I I80 Sculpture-Sermons. Sculpture. Viardot, L. Wonders of Sculpture. N. Y., I873. I2~, 10136 -- Westmacott, R. Handbook of Sculpture, ancient and modern. Edinb., 1864. I2~.. 29824 Sea-air and Sea-bathing. Packard, J. H. Phil., I88o. I6~... 29967 Sealed Orders. Phelps, E. S. Bost., 1879. I2~.. 24844 Seamen. Bourne, H. R. F. Eng. Seamen under the Tudors. Lond., I868. 8~.. 22942 - See, also, Navigators. Sebastian Strome. Hawthorne, J. N. Y., I88O. 8~.... 24653 Sebright, Lady. See Mackenzie, G. M. Secret (The) of the Islaind. Verne, J. (The Mysterious Island, v. 3.) 24279 Secret Societies. Baird, W. M. Amer. College Fraternities. Phil., I879. I2~......... 28995 Frost, T. Secret Societies of the European Revolution, I776I876. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8....... 28998Heckethorn, C. W. The Secret Societies of all ages and countries. Lond., 1875. 2 V. I2...28993- See, also, Grange Movement; Molly Maguires; Rosicrucians. Secrdtaire (Le) intime. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I878. I6~.. 25693 Seebohm, F. Era of the Prot. Revolution. Lond., I874. I6~.. 20448 Seeing and Thinking. Clifford, W. K. Lond., 1879. I20. ~. 28006 Seekers after God. Farrar, F. W. [Lond., i868.] 120... 23682 Seeley, J. R. Life and Times of Stein. Bost., 1879. 2 v. 8~.. 22580-- & others. Three Essays on Shakespeare's King Lear. Lond., 1851. 80........... 27053 CONTENTS:-By J. R. Seeley, Wm. Young, and E. A. Hart. Seemann, 0. The Mythology of Greece and Rome, with special reference to its use in art. [L. &] N. Y., I877. I2~~.. 29788 Same. N. Y., 1879. 16W. 29789 Selborne, Nat. Hist. and Antiquities of. White, G. Lond., 1877. 2 v. 80.......... 29530Self-culture. Blakie, J. S. N. Y., 1874. I6~.,. 27386 Self-made (The) Man. K1iden, K. F. von. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 80. 23920Selkirk, G. H. Guide to the Cricket Ground. Lond., 1867. I6~.. 29636 Selkirk, J. B., (pseud.) See Brown, J., (of Selkirk.) Seneca. Farrrar, F. W. (In' Seekers after God.').. 23682 Senior, N. W. Conversations with Thiers, Guizot, [etc.]. Lond., I878. 2 V. 8.......... 23922Correspondence and Conversations with Alexis de Tocqueville. Lond., I872. 2 V. I2~... 23924Sept cordes de la lyre. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I869. I6~.. 25694 Serbian Folk-lore. Mijatovies, C. Lond., I874.. 27784 Sergeant, L. New Greece. Lond., [1878]. 80. 206I7 Sermons. Beecher, H. W. A Summer Parish. N. Y., I875. I2~. 28552 Brooks, P. N. Y., 1878. I2~........28532 Chadwick, J. W. The Faith of Reason. Bost., I879. I6~.. 2869I - Channing, W. E. The Perfect Life. Bost., I873. 16~.. 28535 Crosby (H.) &' others. Christ: His nature and work. N. Y., 1878. I2~........28487 Sermons-Shakspeare. i8 Sermons. Frothinghatm-, O. B. Visions of the Future. N. Y., I879. I2........... 28553 King, T. S. Christianity and Humanity. Bost., I877. I20.. 28538 Kingsley, C. Twenty-five Village Sermons. Lond., 1873. I6~. 28540 Martineau, J. Hours of Thought on Sacred Things. Lond., I877-79. 2 V. I2........ 28542Mozley, J. B. Sermons, parochial and occasional. N. Y., I879. 28545 -Sermons preached before the Univ. of Oxf. N. Y:, I876. I2~. 28544 Newman, J. H. Fifteen Sermons preached before the Univ. of Oxf. Lond., I872. I2~... 28409 - Parochial and Plain Sermons. Lond., I873. 8 v. 120.. 28400- Sermons on subjects of the day. Lond., I873. I20. 28408 Spurgeon, C. H. Sermons. First series. N. Y., I873. I20. 28547 -- Stanley, A. P. Addresses and Sermons deliv. at St. Andrew's. Lond., I877. I2~... 28548 -Addresses and Sermons, deliv. [in] the U. S. and Canada in I878. N. Y., I879. I2..... 28549 Taylor, W. M. Limitations of Life. N. Y., I88o [I879]. 8~.. 28554 Sermons out of Church. Craik, D. M. M. N. Y., I875. 120.. 27221 Sermons to the Clergy. Dodge, M. A. Bost., I876. I2~... 27223 Serpent-Charmer. Rousselet, L. N. Y., [1879]. 8~.... 24682 Servia and the Servians. Denton, W. Lond., I862. 8~... 20486 Seven (The) Great Hymns of the Mediaeval Church. N. Y., I868.. 766 Sevenoaks. Holland, J. G. N. Y., I875. I20. (2 copies.). 24549Severance, M. S. Hammersmith: his Harvard days. Bost., 1878. I2~. (2 copies.)......... 248I9S6vign6, Marie de R. C. de. Puliga, Comtesse de. Madame de S.: her correspondents and contemporaries. Lond., I873. 2 V. 234I4Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Portraits of Cel. Women.').. 23643 Seward, W. H. Autobiography. With life from I83I to I846, by F. W. Seward. N. Y., I877. 8~~. 22774 Travels around the World. N. Y., 1873. 8~.. 2I98I - elles, G. Lincoln and Seward: remarks upon the memorial address of C. F. Adams. N. Y., I874. I2~.... 22645 Sex in Education. Clarke, E. H. Bost., I873. I6~.... 28828 Sforza, F. A., duke of Milan, Life and Times of. Urquhart, W. P. Ed. & L., 1852. 2 v. 8~.....23935Shadow of the Sword. Buchanan, R. N. Y., I877. I2~. ~ ~ 24930 Shah of Persia, Nasr-ed-Din, Diary of. Lond., I874. 80... 21625 Shairp, J. C. On Poetic Interpretation of Nature. Edinb., 1877. 26294 Robert Burns. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. 12~.. 23339 Shakspeare, W. The Leopold Shakspere: works, in chronological order, from the text of Prof. Delius, with "The two noble kinsmen" and " Edward III.," and an introd. by F. J. Furnivall. Lond., [I877]. 80.. 27144 Pictorial Edition. Ed. by Chas. Knight. Lond., I867. [8 v., including Biography.] 8. 27I77CONTENTS: —Comedies, 2 v.: 1, Two gentlemen of Verona; Love's labor's lost; Merry wives of Windsor; Comedy of errors; Taming of the shrew; Midsummer-night's dream; Merchant of Venice. 2, All's well; 24 I82 Shakspeare. Shakspeare, W. Much ado; Twelfth night; As you like it; Measure for measure; Winter's tale; Tempest.-Histories, 2 v.: 1 [3], King John; Richard II.; Henry IV.; Henry V. 2 [4], Henry VI.; Richard III.; Henry VIII.-Tragedies, 2 v.s 1 [5], Romeo and Juliet- Hamlet; Cymbeline; Othello; Timon of Athens; King Lear. 2 [6], Macbeth; Troilus and Cressida; Coriolanus; Julius Cuesar; Antony and Cleopatra; Poems.-[7], Doubtful plays, etc. -[8], Biography. Works. Ed. by W. G. Clarsk and (v. I) J. Glover, (v. 2-9) W. A. Wright. Cambr. & L., I863-66. 9 v. 8~.. 27135CONTENTS:-1, Tempest; Two gentlemen of Verona; Merry wives Measure for measure; Comedy of errors.-2, Much ado about nothing; Love's labor's lost; Midsummernight's dream; Merchant of Venice; As you like it.-3, Taming of the shrew; All's well that ends well; Twelfth night; Winter's tale.-4, King John; Richard It.; Henry IV.; Henry V.-5, Henry VI.- The Contention: The true tragedy; Richard Iit. —6, Henry VIII.; Troilus and Cressida Coriolanus; Titus Andronicus.-7, Romeo and Juliet; Timon of Athens; Julius Caesar; Macbeth.-8, Hamlet; King Lear; Othello. -9, Antony and Cleopatra; Cymbeline; Pericles; Poems. Plays [and Poems]. Ed. by H. Staunton. Lond., 1858-6o. 3 v. 8~...27173CONT'ENTS:-1, Two gentlemen; Love's labour; Comedy of errors; Romeo and Juliet; Taming of the shrew; King John; Midsum. night's dream; Merchant of Venice; Richard II.; Henry IV.; Merry wives; Much ado.2. All's well; Henry V.; As you like it; Pericles; Twelfth night; Henry VI.; Timon of Athens; Richard III.; Measure for measure; Henry VIII.; Cymbeline. —, Tempest; King Lear; Coriolanus; Winter's tale; Troilus and Cressida; Hamlet; Julius Caesar; Macbeth; Antony and Cleopatra; Titus Andronicus; Othello; Poems. - Plays. Ed. by T. Keightley. Lond., I864. 6 v. I6~... 27080CONTENTS:-1, Comedy of errors; Two gentlemen; Love's labour; All's well; Midsum.-night's dream; Taming of the shrew; Merchant of Venice.2. As you like it; Much ado; Merry wives; Twelfth night- Measure for measure; Winter's Tale; Tempest.-3, King John; Richard Ii.; Henry IV.; Henry V.-4, Henry VI.; Richard III.; Henry VIII.-5, Romeo and Juliet; Hamlet; Othello; Jul. Csesar; Antony and Cleopatra; King Lear.-6, Macbeth; Troilus and Cressida; Timon; Coriolanus; Cymbeline; Titus Andronicus. Plays; with life. Ed. by G. C. Verplanck. N. Y., I847. 3 V. 27170CONTENTS:-1, Histories.-2, Comedies.-3, Tragedies. - [Plays.] Ed., with notes, by W. J. Rolfe. N. Y., I876-80. (15 v.) 27087CONTENTS:-As you like it.-Hamlet.-King Henry IV. (parts 1 & 2.), 2 v. -King Henry V.-King John.-King Richard II. —King Richard II1. —Macbeth.-Midsummer-night's dream.-Much ado.-Othello.-Romeo and Juliet. -Twelfth night.-Winter's tale. [Plays.] Ed. by W. A. Wright (and W. G. Clark). Oxf., Clar. Press, I876-78. (8 v.) I6~... 27II7CONTENTS:-As you like it.-Julius Caesar. —King Lear.-King Richard II. -Macbeth.-Merchant of Venice.-Midsummer-night's dream.-Tempest. New Variorum Edition. Ed. by H. H. Furness. Phil., I87I80. 5 v. 8~.. 1659 & 27I85CONTENTS:-1, Romeo and Juliet.-2, Macbeth.-3-4, Hamlet.-5, King Lear.Poetical Works. With memoir [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I856. 8........... 26352 Doubtful Plays. [Ed. by Max Moltke.] Leipz., I869. I6~.. 27086 CONTENTS:-King Edward III.; Thomas Lord Cromwell; Locrine; A Yorkshire tragedy; London prodigal; Birth of Merlin. -- Concordance to Shakspeare's Poems. By Mrs. H. H. Furness. Phil., I875. 8. 1658 -- Bacon, D. Philosophy of the Plays of Shakspere unfolded. Lond., I857. 80...27040 [Bathurst, C.] Remarks on the Differences in Shakespeare's Versification in different periods of his life. Lond., I857. I6~. 27011 - Bell, W. Shakespeare's Puck, and his Folkslore. Lond., I852, ['6I, &?]. 3 v. I2......... 270I2 Shakspeare. I83 Shakspeare, W. Birch, W. 7. Philosophy and Religion of Shakspere. Lond., I848. I2~.. 27008 Brown, C. A. Shakespeare's Autobiographical Poems: being his sonnets clearly developed. Lond., i838. I2~.. 27005 Brown, H. The Sonnets of Shakespeare solved. Lond., I870. 27051 Bucknill, 7. C. The Mad Folk of Shlakespeare: psychological essays. Lond., I867. 120.. 27015 Campbell, 7. Shakespeare's Legal Acquirements considered. Lond., I859. 80.. 27001 Clarke, C. C. Shakespeare-Characters; chiefly those subordinate. Lond., I863. 80... 27041 Coleridge, S. T. Shakespeare, Ben Jonson, Beaumont and Fletcher: notes and lectures. Liverp., I874. I6~. (2 copies.). 380o & 27021 -Douce, F. Illustrations of Shakspeare. Lond., I839. 8~.. 27054 Dowden. E. Shakspere. (Lit. Primers.) Lond., 1877. i6~. 26856 & 27025 - Shakspere: a critical study of his mind and art. Lond., I875. 27000 Ellacombe, H. N. The Plant-lore and Garden-craft of Shakespeare. Exeter, [I878]. 80..27047 Elze, C. Essays on Shakespeare. Lond., I874. 8~.... 27046 - Fleay, F. G. Shakespeare Manual. Lond., I876. I6~... 27019 French, G. R. Shakspeareana Genealogica. Pt. I, [Notes on the historical plays]. Pt. 2, The Shakspeare and Arden families. Lond., I869. 8~.. 27048 Fullom, S. W. Hist. of Shakespeare: with new facts and traditions. Lond., I864. 8~...27052 Halliwell,'7. 0. Life of Shakespeare. Lond., I848. 8~.. 27044 Hunter, 7. New Illustrations of the Life, Studies, and Writings of Shakespeare. Lond., r845. 2 v. 8~.. 27049AKellogg, A. O. Shakspeare's Delineations of Insanity, Imbecility, and Suicide. N. Y., I866. I6~.. 270I6 -K night, C. Shakspere: a biography. Lond., I867. 8~... 27184 - Studies of Shakspere. Lond., 1849. 80.... 27042 - Mogann, M. Dramatic Character of Falstaff. Lond., I825. I20. 27002 New Exegesis of Shakespeare: interpretation of his principal characters and plays on the principle of races. Edinb., I859. I2~........... 27003 Prior, 7. Life of E. Malone, editor of Shakspeare. Lond., I86o. 8~. 2345I Rendle, W. Southwark in the time of Shakspere. [Lond.,] I878. 27176 Rushton, W. L. Shakespeare's Euphuism. Lond., I87I. 12~. 270I0 Seeley, 7. R., and others. Three Essays on King Lear. Lond., I85I. 8............ 27053 Skeat, W. W. Shakespeare's Plutarch: a selection from the lives in North's Plutarch which illustrate Shakespeare's plays. Lond., 1875. I2.....,..27009 Spalding, T. A. Elizabethan Demonology: with special ref. to Shakspere. Lond., i880o. 2~. 28042 Stokes, H. 1'. Chronological Order of Shakespeare's Plays. Lond., I878. 160.. 27020 I84 Shakspeare-Shelley. Shakspeare, W. Swinburne, A. C. A Study of Shakespeare. N. Y., i88o. I2........... 27006 - Thoms, W. 7. Three Notelets on Shakspeare. I, S. in Germany. 2, Folk-lore of S. 3, Was S. ever a Soldier? Lond., 1865 12........... 27004 Ulrici, H. Shakspeare's Dramatic Art. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 120. 270I7-4Walker, W. S. A Critical Examination of the Text of Shakespeare. Lond., i86o. 3 v. 16~.. 27022Weiss, 7. Wit, Hum-or, and Shakspeare. Bost., I876. I2~.. 27308 - White, R. TI. Shakespeare's Scholar. N. Y., 1854. 8~... 27043 Wilkes; G. Shakespeare, from an Amer. point of view. N. Y., I877. 8.......... 27045 Wordsworth, C. On Shakspeare's Knowledge and Use of the Bible. Lond., I864. 120.. 27007 See, also, Bagehot, W.,' Lit. Stud.,' v. I (26767); Clarke, J. F.,'Mem. and Biogr. Sketches' (226i8); Doyle, F. H.,'Lect. on Poetry,' 2d ser.,' Lear,'' Othello,''Macbeth,'' Tempest' (26286); Lamartine, A. M. L. de,'Biogr.,' v. 1-2 (23727-); Lowell, J. R.,'Among my Books,' v. I (3616); Masson, D.,' Three Devils' (27299); Maudsley, H.,'Body and Mind,' Hamlet (28000). Shaw, R. Visits to High Tartary, Yarkand, and KAshghar, and return journey over the Karakoram pass. Lond., I871. 80.. 21923 Shea, G. Life and Epoch of Alex. Hamilton. Bost., 1I879. 8~.. 22722 Shedd, W. G. T. Literary Essays. N. Y., [1878]. 12~... 26927 CONTENTS:-The true nature of the beautiful and its relation to culture -; Influence and method of English studies; Ethical theory of rhetoric and eloquence; Characteristics and importance of a natural rhetoric; Relation of language and style to thought; Scientific and popular education; Intellectual temperance; Puritan character; African nature; Coleridge as a philosopher and theologian; Confessions of Augustine. Sheil, R. L., Memoirs of. McCullagh, W. T. Lond., I855. 2 v. I2~. I8669Shelley, Jane. Shelley Memorials. Lond., I859. I2~.... 26211 Shelley, Mary W. Rambles in Germany and Italy, in 1840, 1842, and I843. Lond., I844. 2 V. 120. I8552Valperga. [Anon.] Lond., I823. 3 v. I2~. 8. I693Shelley, P. B. Essays, Letters from abroad, Translations and Fragments. Ed. by Mrs. Shelley. Lond., 1845. 8~... 27561 Poetical Works. Ed. by H. B. Forman. Lond., I876-7. 4 v. 8~. 26207Prose Works. Ed. by H. B. Forman. Lond., i88o. 4 v. 8~. 27495CONTENTS:-1, Zastrozzi, a romance; St. Irvyne, or, the Rosicrucian; Necessity of atheism; Address to the Irish people; Proposals for an association; Declaration of rights; Letter to Lord Ellenborough.-2, Vindication of natural diet; Refutation of deism; Proposal for putting reform to the vote; Death of Princess Charlotte; Six weeks' tour; Journal at Geneva; The Assassins; Punishment of death; Life- Love- Future state; Speculations on morals; Essay on Christianity; 6n the devil, and devils; etc.-3, Notes on sculptures; Defence of poetry; Translations; Letters before the final departure from Eng.; App. to v. 1-3; etc.-4, Letters from Italy; General index to Poetical and Prose Works. Works. 4th series. Ed. by R. H. Shepherd. Lond., I875. I6~. 27600 CONTENTS -Zastrozzi; St. Irvyne; Dublin and Marlow pamphlets; Refutation of deism; Miscel. letters; The Shelley papers. - Garnett, R. Relics of Shelley. Lond., I862. I6~. (2 copies.). 262I3- Mac-Carthy, D. F. Shelley's Early Life, from original sources. Lond., [I872]. I20.. 23298 Masson, D. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats. Lond., I874. 12~.. 27298 Shelley —Sicily. 185 Shelley, P. B. Middleton, C. S. Shelley and his Writings. Lond., 1858. 2 V....23300Scott, R. P. The Place of Shelley among the Eng. poets of his time. Cambr., 1878. I2.. 26212 Shelley, yane. Shelley Memorials: from authentic sources. Lond., 1859. I2~..... 262II Smith, G. B. Shelley: a critical biography. Edinb., I877. I6~. 23299 Stoddard, R. H. Anecdote Biography of Shelley. N. Y., 1877. 2325I Symonds, 7. A. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879 [I878]. 12~. 23335 Trelawny, E. 7. Records of Shelley, Byron, and the Author. Lond., I878. 2 V. 12~.. 23296See, also, Bagehot, W.,'Lit. Stud.,' v. i (26767); Hutton, R. H.,'Essays,' v. 2 (27488); Peacock, T. L.,' Works,' v. 3 (27305); Swinburne, A. C.,'Ess. and Stud.' (26942). Shenstone, W. Poetical Works. With life [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I854. 80......... 26353 Shenstone Green. [Pratt, S. J.] Lond., 1779. 3 v. 6~. V. I 8687[Shepherd, R. H.] Tennysoniana. 2d ed., rev. and enl. Lond., I879. 16........... 23250 Translations from Charles Baudelaire. With a few orig. poems. Lond., I869. I6~.. 26040 Sheridan, R. B. Works; with a memoir by Jas. P. Browne, containing extracts from the life by Thos. Moore. Lond., I873. 26642 Rae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox. Lond., 1874. 8~... 23040 Sheridan and his Times. By an Octogenarian. Lond., i859.. 23625 Watkins, 7. Mernoirs of the Public and Private Life of Sheridan. Lond., 8I88. 2 v. 8~. I8567Sherman, J. Selected Speeches and Reports on Finance and Taxation, from 1859 to I878. N. Y., I879. 80. 29047 Sherman, W. T. Memoirs. By himself. N. Y., I875. 2 v. 8~.. 22686Sherring, M. A. Hist. of Prot. Missions in India. Lond., I875. 80. 28601 Shipley, 0. Ecclesiastical Reform: eight essays by various writers. Lond., I873. I20.. 28491 CONTENTS:-1, Existing relations bet. Church and State, by the editor; 2, Convocation and other synods, E. L. Blenkinsopp; 3, Decay of discipline, J. C. Chambers; 4, Cathedrals and chapters, H. Humble; 5, Rights of the laity, J. W. Lea; 6, Eccles. suits, E. G. Wood 7, Church patronage, A. H. Prichard; 8, Creeds in relation to reform, W. J. K. Little. Shooting. Bogardus, A. H. Field, Cover, and Trap Shooting. N. Y., 1874. 12~... 29609 Long, J. W. American Wild-fowl Shooting. N. Y., 1874. 12~. 296IO - Walsh, J. H. Hints to Sportsmen on Guns and Shooting. Lond. I6..29612 See, also, Hunting; Sports. Short, J. T. The North Americans of Antiquity. N. Y., I88O. 8~. 21400 Shorthand. Pitman, H. Lond., I879. I6~.. 27835 Siam. Bacon, G. B. Siam as it was and is. N. Y., I873. I2~.. 21206 - Beauvoir, L. de. (In'A Voyage,' v. 2)...2120I See, also, Indo-China. Sicilian Bandit. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~. (2 cop.) 24412 & 24419 Sicily. Amari, M. Hist..of the War of the Sicilian Vespers. Lond., I850. 3. I2.......... 200IO i86 Sidmouth-Smiles. Sidmouth, Lord. See Addington, H. Sidney, Algernon, Life and Times of. Ewald, A. C. Lond., I873. 2 V. 8o. 23021Sidney, Philip, Memoir of. Bourne, H. R. F. Lond., I862. 8.. 23417 Sight. See Eyes. Sigurd the Volsung, The Story of. Morris, W. Bost., I877. 80.. 26I03 Silver and Gold. Horton, S. D. Cincin., I877. 8~... 29045 Simcox, Edith. Natural Law: an essay in ethics. Bost., I877. 8~. 28208 Sime, J. Hist. of Germany. N. Y., T874. 16~.. 20082 - Lessing: [a biography.] Lond., I877. 2 v. 8~.... 23328Simon, J. The Government of Thiers. N. Y., I879. 2 v. 8~.. 20693Simon. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. (In vol. with' La derniere Aldini.') 25678 Simpleton (A). Reade, C. Lond., 1873. 3 v. in I. I2~..,. 24813 Simpson, J. Y., Memoir of. Duns, J. Edinb., I873. 8~.. 23542 Simpson, L. Correspondence of Schiller with K6rner. With biographical sketches and notes. Lond., 1849. 3 v. 12~.. 23320Simpson, M. Lectures on Preaching. N. Y., I879. 120.. 28424 Simpson, W. Meeting the Sun. Bost., 1877. 80... 21982 Sin, Christian Doctrine of. Tulloch, J. N. Y., [I8761. I2~... 2855I Sinai. Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Palestine, through Sinai. N. Y., T879. 80.. 21843 Palmer, H. S. Sinai, from the fourth Egyptian dynasty to the present day. Lond., [I878]. I6~... 20045 Sinding, P. C. The Scandinavian Races. N. Y., I875. 8~... 20387 Sintram. La Motte Fouque, F. de. Braunsch., I873. I6~... 2583I Sir Gibbie: a novel. MacDonald, G. Phil., I879. 8~. (2 copies.) 24676Sismondi, J. C. L. Simonde de. France under the Feudal System. Lond., I85I. 8.. 20692 The French under the Carlovingians. Lond., I850. 8~... 20691 Sister Dora. Lonsdale, M. Bost., I88o. I6~... 23650 Sisters (The). Ebers, G. M. Leipz., I88o. I6~. (2 copies.).. 2443ISix Years later. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. (2 copies.) 24409 & 24426 Skeat, W. W. Shakespeare's Plutarch. Lond., I875. 120... 27009 Songs and Ballads of Uhland, transl. [metrically]. Lond., I864. 26173 Skelton, J. Poetical Works. With notes [etc.] by A. Dyce. Lond., I843. 2 v. 8.......... 26244Sketches of Russian Life before and during the Emancipation of the Serfs. Ed. by H. Morley. London, I866. 12~.. 2I683 Sketches of Young Couples. Dickens, C. J. H. [L. &] N. Y., [I879]. 16~. (2 copies.)....... 24228Skinner, O. Issues of American Politics. Phila., I873. (2 copies.) 2I327Skirmishing. Jenkin, C. N. Y., I874 16.. 24584 Slavery. Helps, A. (In'Friends in Council,' ISt ser., v. 2.).. 27251 Leland, C. G. Abraham Lincoln, and the Abolition of Slavery in the U. S. [L. &] N. Y., I879. I6~.. 22451 Slavonic Fairy Tales. Naake, J. T. Lond., I874. I2~.. 27785 Slip (A) in the Fens. N. Y., 1873. 6~..... 24857 Smiles, S. George Moore, merchant, and philanthropist. Lond., I878. 80...... 23931 Smiles-Social. 187 Smiles, S. Life of a Scotch Naturalist: Thoimas Edward. N. Y., I877. 12........... 23565 - Lives of Boulton and Watt. Phila., I865. 8".. 23534 Robert Dick, baker, of Thurso, geologist and botanist. N. Y., I879. I2.... 3566 Thrift. N. Y., I876. 12~.. 28883 Smith, Adam. Wealth of Nations. Ed. by J. E. T. Rogers. Oxf., I869.. 2 V. S......... 2964Smith, Albert. The Pottleton Legacy. Lond., I852. 120... 2482I The Wassail-Bowl. Lond., I843. 12~.. 25211 See Man (The) in the Moon. Smith, Edward. Foods. N. Y., I878. I20.. 29242 Smith, Edward. William Cobbett: a biography. Lond., I878. 2 v. I20... 22890Smith, Geo. Assyria. (Anc. Hist. from the Monuments.) N. Y., 1876. I6.........., 20040 Hist. of Babylonia. Ed. by A. H. Sayce. Lond, I6~... 2004I Smith, Geo. Life of Alex. Duff, D.D., LL.D. N. Y. & Toronto, [I8801. 2 v. 8.......... 22I90Smith, Geo. B. Life of Wm. E. Gladstone. N. Y., I88o [1879]. 8~. 23071 - Shelley: a critical biography. Edinb., I877. I6~.... 23299 Smith, Gerrit: a biography. Frothingham, O. B. N. Y., I878. I2~. 22623 Smith, Goldwin. Cowper. (Eng. Men. of Letters.) N. Y., I88o0.. 23347 - Irish Hist. and Irish Character. Oxf. & Lond., I86I. I2~.. 20815 Smith, Herbert H. Brazil: the Amazons and the coast. N. Y., I879. 80........... 2I80 Smith, Horace. Adam Brown, the Merchant: [an anon. novel.] Lond., I843. 3 v. 120... I8629& James Smith. Rejected Addresses. Bost., I85I. 12~.. 27266 Smith, J. Moyr. The Prince of Argolis. Illust. by J. Moyr Smith. N. Y., I878. I20.. 24176 Smith, Philip. The Student's Ecclesiastical History. N. Y., I879. 28444 Smith, Philip V. Hist. of the English Institutions. Phila., I874. 20064 Smith, R. Murdoch. Persian Art. Lond., [I876]. I2~.. 29771 Smith, Reginald B. Carthage and the Carthaginians. Lond., I878. 20094 Mohammed and Mohammedanism. N. Y., I875. I2~... 28567 Smith, Strother A. The Tiber and its Tributaries. Lond., I877.. 2I786 Smith, W. Anderson. Lewsiana: or, Life in the outer Hebrides. Lond., I875. 120.. 21253 Smollett, T. G. Works; with his life ['and an essay on] romance, by J. Moore. New ed., by J. P. Browne. Lond., I872. 8 V. 24683CONTENTS:-1, On Romance; Life; Plays & Poems.-2, Roderick Random.-3-4, Peregrine Pickle.-5, Ferdinand Count Fathom.-6, Sir Launcelot Greaves.-7, Humphry Clinker.-8, Travels thro' France and Italy; Expedition against Carthagena. Smyth, Newman. Old Faiths in New Light. N. Y., I879. 120.. 28701I Smyth, Piazzi. Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid. Lond., I874. I2........... 21695 Snow Man. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Bost., I872. I60.... 24920 Social Economy. Rogers, J. E. T. N. Y., 1872. I20.... 28884 Social Economy, Handbook of. About, E. F. V. N. Y., I873. 12~. 28880 I88 Social-Soudan. Social Pressure. Helps, A. Bost., 1875 I20.... 28882 Social Science. [Harrison, J. B.] Certain Dangerous Tendencies in Amer. Life, and other papers. Bost., I88o. I6~... 28885 Thompson, R. E. Social Sci. and National Ec. Phil., I875.. 288I0 See, also, Civilization; Education; Institutions; Law; Liberty; t Man; Political Ec.; Prisons; Slavery; Sociology; Temperance. Socialism. Booth, A. J. Saint-Simon and Saint-Simonism. Lond., 1871. 8........... 23522 Cook, J. (Bost. Monday Lectures.) Bost., i88o. 120.. 28028 Hitchcock, R. D. N. Y., I879. I2~... 29II7 Kaufmann, M. Lond., I874. I2~. 29II8 - See, also, Communism. Sociology. Spencer, H. Ceremonial Institutions: Principles of Sociology, v. 2, pt. I. N. Y., I88o.. 28123 - - Principles of Sociology. N. Y., I877. v. I. I2. (2 COp.). 28I2I- - The Study of Sociology. N. Y., 1874. I2~..... 28120 _- Same. N. Y., 1875. I20... 29244 See, also, Social Science (&' references). Socrates. Blackie, 7. S. (In'Four Phases of Morals.').. 28080 Solar Spectrum. See Spectrum. Soldatenleben im Frieden. Hacklander, F. W. von. Stuttg., I875. 160. (Werke, B. 4.). 25801 Somerville, Mary F. Personal Recollections. Bost., I874. 8~.. 23547 Somerville, W. The Chase. With memoir [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I859. 80.. 26319 Somnambulism, Artificial. Proctor, R. A. (In'Rough Ways.'). 29444 Songs. Blackie, J. S. Musa Burschicosa: songs for students. Edinb., I869. I6~... 26042 Songs of Religion and Life. N. Y., 1876. I6~.... 26043 Holmes, O. W. Songs of many Seasons. Bost., 1875. I6~.. 2602I Lover, S. Songs and Ballads. Lond., I844. I6~... 26081 Mackay, C. Cavalier Songs and Ballads of England. Lond., I863. I6...........26II9 - [Morice, L.] Songs of Two Worlds. Lond., i88o. 16~... 26oo00 Ralston, W. R. S. Songs of the Russian People. Lond., I872. 8~. 27782 Ricord, F. W. English Songs from Foreign Tongues. N. Y., I879. I20....... 26164 Swinburne, A. C. Songs before Sunrise. Lond., I87I. I2.~.. 26I69 - Songs of the Springtides. N. Y., [1880]. I2~.... 26170 Whittier, J. G. Songs of Three Centuries. Bost., I876. I20.. 2614I Songstresses of Scotland. Keddie (H.) & Watson (J. L.). Lond., 187I. 2 v. 8~...23763Sonnet (The): its origin, structure, and place in poetry. Tomlinson, C. Lond., 1874 120. 2~..26297 Sonnets, English, A Treasury of. Main, D. M. Manchester, I880. 26124 Sophocles. Tragedies. New translation [etc.] by E. H. Plumptre. Lond., 187I. I20........26821 Collins, C. W. (Anc. Classics for Eng. Readers, v. Io.). 26836 Sorrow and Song. Curwen, H. Lond., I875. 2 v. I2~... 23285Soudan. See Sudan. Sound-Spain. 189 Sound. Blaserna, P. Theory of Sound in its relation to Music. N. Y., I876. I2~...29262 Mayer, A. M. N. Y., I878. I20... 293I6 See, also, Acoustics; Music. South, R. Lake, W. C. (In Classic Preachers.). 22112 South Kensington Museum Art Handbooks.... 29760CONTENTS: —Tapestry, by A. de Champeaux.-Mus. Instruments, C. Engel. -Bronzes. C. D. E. Fortnum.-Maiolica, ditto.-Ivories, W. Maskell.-Glass, A. Nesbitt.-Furniture and Woodwork, J. H. Pollen.-Gold and silver, ditto.-Manual of Design, R. Redgrave.-Spanish Arts, J. F. Riaio.-Textile Fabrics, D. Rock.-Persian Art, R. M. Smith.-Industrial Arts, W. Maskell. South-Sea Bubbles. [Herbert (G. R. C.) & Kingsley (G. H.).] N. Y., 1872. I2~... 26o09 South Seas. Markham, A. H. The Cruise of the " Rosario." Lond., 1873. 8............ 2I8I4 See, also, Polynesia. South by West. Miss Kingsley. Lond., I874. 8~.... 21582 Southern States (U. S.). Longfellow, H. W. Poems and Places, v. 29. 26468 Southey, R. Letters [from] Spain and Portugal. Bristol & L., I799. I857I Oliver Newman: a New England tale (unfinished); with other poetical remains. Lond., I845. I6~.. 18619 - Dowden, E. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., i880. 12~... 23344 Southwark in the time of Shakspere. Rendle, W. [Lond.,] I878. 80. 27176 Southwell, R. Poetical Works; ed. by W. B. Turnbull. Lond., I856. I6........... 26132 Souvestre, E. An Attic Philosopher in Paris. N. Y., I88o. 16~.. 24926 Souza, Adelaide M. E. de. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In' Portraits.'). 23643 Spain. Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. I4-I5.... 26453Thieblin, N. L. Spain and the Spaniards. Lond., I874. 2 V. 2I258Thornbury, W. Life in Spain, past and present. Lond., I859. 2 v. 2I630Art. Riafto, J. F. Industrial Arts in Spain. Lond., I879. I2~. 29769 Description and Travel. - Baxley, H. W. Spain: art-remains and art-realities [etc.] Lond., I875. 2 v. 120. 2I24IDavillier, C. Spain. Illust. by G. Dore. [L. &] N. Y., i876. 4~. - Gautier, T. Voyage en Espagne. Paris, i878. I6~.. 25649 - Hacklnder, F. W. von. Ein Winter in Spanien. Stuttg., I876. 3 B. 16~. (Werke, B. 22-24.)..258IO- Hare, A. J. C. Wanderings in Spain. Lond., 1873. I60.. 2160o - Murray, Mrs. E. Sixteen Years of an Artist's Life. Lond., I859. 2 v. 8.......... 23926Rose, H. J. Untrodden Spain, and her Black Country. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8......... 21783Southev, R. Letters [from] Spain and Portugal. Bristol & L., I799. 8........... 857I History. - (I474-I516) Prescott, W. H. Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. Phil., I87I. 3 v. 80.... 20345(I5i6 —I556) Robertson, W. Reign of Charles V. [I. of Spain]. Ed. by W. H. Prescott. Phil., I872. 3 V. 8~... 2034825 T90 Spain-Spiridion. Spain. History (continued). -- (I555-I574) Prescott, W. H. Reign of Philip II. Phila., I871. 3 v. 8.. 2035I(I598-I665) Churton, E. Gongora: times of Philip III. and IV. Lond., i862. 2 v. I6....... 23652(1826-I870) Bollaert, W. Wars of Succession of Portugal and Spain; with resume of the political hist. to the present time. Lond., 1870. 2 V. 8~... 20709See, also, Inquisition. Spalding, T. A. Elizabethan Demonology. Lond., i88o. I2~.. 28042 Spanish Armada. See Armada. Spaulding, M. C. Handbook of Statistics of the U. S. N. Y., 1874. 2I363 Speaking. See Rhetoric (and references). Spectator (The). [Addison (J.) & Steele (R.).] Ed. by H. Morley. Lond., [I879]. 120....27264 -Sir Roger de Coverley. With notes by W. H. Wills. N. Y., I878. 320... 27265 Spectroscope (The) and its Applications. Lockyer, J. N. Lond., I873. 2........... 29318 Spectrum Analysis, Studies in. Lockyer, J. N. N. Y., I878. I20. 29263 Spelling Reform, Plea for. Pitman, I., editor. Lond., I878. (2 cop.) 27836Spence, J. M. The Land of Bolivar. Lond., I878. 2 v. 8~.. 2I806Spencer, H. Ceremonial Institutions. N. Y., I88o. 120.. 28123 - Data of Ethics. N. Y., I879. I2~. (2 copies.).. 28129Principles of Sociology. N. Y., I877. v. I. 12~. (2 copies.). 2812I-— Study of Sociology. N. Y., I874. I20.. 28120 -- Same. N. Y., I875. I2~..29244 Bowne, B. P. Philosophy of Spencer. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 28I68 - &"'others. J. S. Mill: twelve sketches. Bost., I873. I6~.. 23527 Spencer, J. A. Hist. of the Prot. Epis. Church in the U. S. (In Perry, G. G.,' Hist. of the Ch. of Eng.'). 28443 Spenser, E. Complete Works (Globe edition). Lond., I877. I2~. (2 copies.).. I4884 & 26133 Poetical Works. With memoir [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I859. 5 V. 8......... 26357CONTENTS;-1-4, Faerie Queene.-4 —5, Shepherd's calender, etc. Church, R. W. (English Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. 12~.. 23340 See, also, Lowell, J. R.,'Among my Books,' v. 2 (26931); Maurice, J. F. D.,'Friendship of Books' (27301I). Spicer, H. Judicial Dramas. Lond., I872. 8..... 2884o Spielhagen, F. Sammtliche Werke. Leipz., I876-7. 12 B. I6~.. 25860CONTENTS:-1-2, Problematische Naturen: (2te Abth., Durch Nacht zum Licht.)-3, Novellen, Ister Band: (Clara Vere; Auf der Dfine; In der zwolften Stunde; Roschen vom Hofe.)-4, Die von Hohenstein.-5-6, In Reih' und Glied.-7, Aus meinem Skizzenbuche; Gedichte.-8, Novellen, 2ter Band: (Die schonen Amerikanerinnen; Hans u. Grete; Die Dorfcoquette; Deutsche Pioniere.)-9-10, Hammer u. Amboss.-11, Allzeit voran.-12, Was die Schwalbe sang; Ultimo. What the Swallow Sang. N. Y., I873. I60... 24856 Spinoza. Ein Denkerleben. Auerbach, B. Stuttg., I87I. I6~. (Romane, B. I.)..25887 Spiridion. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. (Zn vol. with' Un hiver a Majorque.')..2568I Spirite-Stanhope. I91 Spirite: nouvelle fantastique. Gautier, T. Paris, I877. i6~.. 25648 - Saare, transl. N. Y., 1877. I6~. (2 copies.). 24074Spiritualism. Carpenter, W. B. N. Y., I877. I2~... 28044 Crookes, W. Researches. Lond., I874. 8~..2804I Hammond, W. A. N. Y., I876. I2~... 28043 Home, D. D. Lights and Shadows of Spiritualism. N. Y., I879. I2~...........2805I Owen, R. D. The Debatable Land. N. Y., 1I872. I2~... 28052 - Footfalls. Philad., I86o. I2~.. 28053 Report on Spiritualism, of the committee of the Lond. Dialectical Soc., [etc.] Lond., I87I. 8... 28040 Wallace, A. R. On Miracles and Mod. Spiritualism. Lond., I875. 28045 See, also, Supernatural (The); Visions. Spitzbergen. Wells, J. C. The Gateway to the Polynia. Lond., I873. 8......... 2887 Spofford, Harriet E. P. Art Decoration applied to Furniture. N. Y., I878 [1877]. 80~.. 29872 Sporting Sketches. [Wheelwright, H. W.] Lond., I866. 12~.. 29605 Sports. Herbert, H. W. Complete Manual for Young Sportsmen. N. Y., I857. I2~..........29604 - - Field Sports of the U. S. and Brit. Provinces of N. America. N. Y., 1I849. 2 V. 8~... 29600- Sporting Scenes and Characters. Phila., [I857]. 2 v. I2~. 29602Napier, E. H. D. E. Wild Sports in Europe, Asia, and Africa. Lond., I844. 2 v. I60.. 29606Whyte-Melville, G. J. Riding Recollections. Lond., 1878. I2~. 29640 See, also, Boat-racing; Boat-sailing; Camping-out, Canoeing; Fishing; Games (& references); Gymnastics; Hunting; Shooting; Swimming. Sportsman (The) in France. Tolfrey, F. Lond., 1841. 12~... 29608 Sportsman's Gazetteer and General Guide. Hallock, C. N. Y., I877. I2~. (Map in separate case.)..... 2962I[Sprague, Mary A.] An Earnest Trifler. Bost., I88o. 16~. (2 copies.) 24858Spring Floods. Turgenief, I. S. N. Y., 1874. 16'.. 24867 Spurgeon, C. H. Lectures to my Students. Ist series. N. Y., 1875. 28546 Sermons. Ist series. 20th ed.; with add., and a biogr. sketch by E. L. Magoon. N. Y., 1873. I2~......28547 Squier, E. G. Peru. N. Y., I877. 80.. 2I809 Stael-Holstein, Anne L. G. N. de. See Greg, W. R.,'Literary and Social Judgments' (27293); Sainte-Beuve, C. A.,'Portraits' (23643). Stage. Young, M. J. Memoirs of Mrs. Crouch; [with] a retrospect of the stage [I780-99]. Lond., I8o6.,2 V. 12~... I8556See, also, Drama (,& references). Stanhope, Hester L. Meryon, C. L. Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope. Lond., I846. 3 v. I20.. I2892- - Travels of Lady Hester Stanhope. Lond., I846. 3 v. I2~. I2895Stanhope, P. D., earl of Chesterfield. Letters (and Works). Ed., with notes, by Lord Mahon. Lond., I845-53. 5 v. 8Q.. I8648CONTENTS:-1-2, On Education; Characters.-3-4, Political and Miscellaneous.-5. Miscellanies. 192 Stanhope-Stein. Stanhope, P. D., earl of Chesterfield. Sainte-Beuve, C. A. (In'Eng. Portraits.')..22885 Stanhope, P. H., Earl. Miscellanies. Collected and ed. by Earl Stanhope. Lond., 1863-72. 2 ser. I2.. 27362Stanhope (England). Egglestone, W. M. Stanhope Memorials of Bishop Butler. Lond., I878. 80... 22187 Stanley, A. P. Addresses and Sermons, deliv. at St. Andrew's in I872,'75 &'77. Lond., I877. I2~.. 28548 - Addresses and Sermons, deliv. [in] the U. S. and Canada in I878. N. Y., I879. I2~.. 28549 Historical Memorials of Westminster Abbey. Lond., I876. 80. 21776 Hist. of the Church of Scotland. Lond., I872. 8~... 28446 Hist. of the Jewish Church. N. Y., I853-76. 3 v. 8~. (2 cop. of v. 1-2). 6533- & 28440 CONTENTS:-1, Abraham to Samuel.-2, Samuel to the Captivity.-3, From the Captivity to the Christian era. - On Missions. (See Miller, F. M., & Stanley.) Thoughts that breathe. Selected by E. E. Brown. Bost., [I880]. 12........... 28534 Stanley, E. H. S., earl of Derby. Kebbel, T. E. (In'Eng. Statesmen.')..22884 Stanley, H. M. Coomassie and Magdala. N. Y., I874. 8~.. ~ 20621 How I found Livingstone. N. Y., I872. 8~. 21856 Through the Dark Continent. N. Y., I878. 2 v. (with maps in detached case). 8~..21857Star Atlas. Proctor, R. A. Lond., I877. I2~.... 29446 Staunton, H. Chess-Player's Companion. Lond., I849. (2 copies.) 297I4Chess-Player's Handbook. Lond., I873. I2~... 29717 Chess Praxis. Lond., I87I. I2~...29716 - The Chess Tournament. Lond., I873. I2~.. 29718 Laws and Practice of Chess. Lond., I876. 12~... 29719 Steam (and Steam-Engine). Evers, H. N. Y., [I872]. I60... 29934 Reynolds, O. (In Owens College Ess. & Ad.).. 27412 Smiles, S. Lives of Boulton and Watt. Phila., I865. 8~.. 23534 - Thurston, R. H. N. Y., 1878. I2~.. 29264 See, also, Railroads. Stebbins, Emma. Charlotte Cushman. Bost.,'I878. I20... 22698 Stedman, E. C. Poetical Works. Complete ed. Bost., I874. I2~. 26134 Victorian Poets. Bost., 1876. I20.. 26295 Steedman, C. Manual of Swimming. Melbourne, i867. i6~.. 29643 Steele, R. Epistolary Correspondence; [with] fragments of three plays. Lond., 1809. 2 v. 80.....23480- Montgomery, H. R. Life and Writings of Steele. Edinb., i865. 2 v. 80...23482- See, also, Dennis, J.,' Studies' (26915); Forster, J.,' Histor. and Biogr. Ess.,' v. 2 (2732I). Stein, Charlotte A. E. von. Calvert, G. H1. Bost., I87I. I6~.. 23656 Stein, H. F. C. vom, Life and Times of. Seeley, J. R. Bost., 1879. 2 v, 8~...,.... 22580 Stephen-Stirling. I93 Stephen, kingt of England and duke of Aoromandy, Acts of. (With Henry of Huntingdon,'Chronicle.')..20804 Stephen, J. F. Liberty, Equality, Fraternity. N. Y., I873. I2~.. 28856 Stephen, L. Alex. Pope. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., [880.. 23349 Essays on Freethinking and Plainspeaking. [L. &] N. Y., I877. 2727I CONTENTS:-The broad church; Religion as a fine art; Darwinism and divinity; Are we Christians? A bad live minutes in the Alps; Shaftesbury's'Characteristics'; Mandeville's'Fable of the bees'; Warburton; An apology for plainspeaking. — Hist. of Eng. Thought in the I8th Cent. N. Y., I876. 2 v. 80. 28200Hours in a Library. Lond., I874-80. 3 series. I2~... 26933CONTENTS:-1, De Foe's novels; Richardson's novels; Pope as a moralist; Mr. Elwin's edition of Pope; Walter Scott; Nat'l Hawthorne; Balzac's novels; De Quincey.-2, Sir Thos. Browne; Jona. Edwards; Winm. Law; Hor. Walpole; Dr. Johnson's writings; Crabbe's poetry; Wm. Hazlitt; Mr. Disraeli's novels.-3, Massinger; Fielding's novels Cowper and Rousseau; First Edinburgh Reviewers; Wordsworth's ethics; Landor's Imaginary conversations; Macaulay; Charlotte Bronte; Charles Kingsley. - Samuel Johnson. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I878. 12~.. 23332 Stephens, F. G. Sir Edwin Landseer. L. & N. Y., I880. 120.. 23791 Stephens, George (b. i8oo, d. I851). The Manuscripts of Erdely: a romance. Lond., I835. 3 v. 12~.. I8626Stephens, George (Prof., Univ. of Copenhagen). Tegn6r's Fridthjof's Saga, transl. into Eng. [verse]. (W ith Anderson, R. B., & Bjarnason,'Viking Tales.')....27708 Stephens, W. R. W. Christianity and Islam; the Bible and the Koran: four lectures. N. Y., I877. 12~.. 28566 - Life and Letters of W. F. Hook. Lond., I879. 2 v. 80... 22265Stephenson, Robt., Life of. Jeaffreson, J. C. Lond., I866. 2 v. 8~. 23535Sterling, J. Essays and Tales. Ed., with a memoir, by J. C. Hare. Lond., I848. 2 v. 2 V. I.. 2898Sterne, L. Works; with [autobiogr.]. Ed. by J. P. Browne. Lond., I873. 4 V. 8~.. 2469ICONTNTS:- 1-2, Tristram Shandy.-2, Sentimental journey.-3-4, Sermons, letters, etc. Stevenson, R. L. An Inland Voyage. Lond., I878. I2~.. 217IO - Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes. Bost., I879. I6. 21254 Stewart, B. Conservation of Energy. N. Y., I874. 12~.. 29246 Physics. (Sci. Primers.) Lond., I878. 16~.. 29363 - Tait, P. G. Paradoxical Philosophy. [Anon.] Lond., i878. I2.......... 28091 Stewart (B.) & Ward (A. W.), editors. Essays and Addresses, Owens College. Lond., I874. 8~. (For contents see Owens College.).. 27412 Stewart, G. Canada under the Administration of the Earl of Dufferin. Toronto, I878. 8~. 21420 Stewart, J. Collections and Recollections. Edinb., I823. I2~.. 18642 Stewart, R. H., Viscount Castlereagh. Kebbel, T. E. (In'English Statesmen.'). 22884 Stickney, A. A True Republic. N. Y., I879. I2~... 29094 Stigand, W. Life Work, and Opinions of H. Heine. Lond., 1875. 2 V. 8~.. 23408Stillman, W. J. The Cretan Insurrection of I866-7-8. N. Y., I874. 20496 Stirling, J. H. Jerrold, Tennyson, and Macaulay; with other critical essays. Edinb., i868. I6.. 26917 194 Stobart-Stuart. Stobart, J. W. H. Islam and its Founder. Lond., [I877]. I6~.. 28579 Stockmar, C. F. von, Memoirs of. By his son. Lond., 1872. 2 V. 2360IStoddard, R. H. Poems; complete ed. N. Y., i88o. I2~. 26247 editor. Bric-A-Brac Series. N. Y., 1874-76. Io v. I6~.. 23252CONTENTS:-Anecdote biographies of Thackeray and Dickens.-Greville memoirs.-Personal recollections of Lamb, Hazlitt, and others. Personal reminiscences of Barham, Harness, and Hodder.-Ditto of Chorley, Planch6, and Young.-Ditto of Constable and (illies.-Ditto of Cornelia Knight and Thos. Raikes.-Ditto by Moore and Jerdan.-Ditto of O'Keeffe, Kelly, and Taylor. —Mrim6e's Letters; Recollections by Lamartine and Geo. Sand. - Sans-Souci Series. N. Y., 1876- 7. 2 V. 16~.. 21324 & 23251 CONTENTS: —Men and manners in America, by H. E. Scudder.-Anecdote biography of Shelley. Stokes, F. A. College Tramps. N. Y., I88o. I2~.... 21255 Stokes, H. P. Chronological Order of Shakespeare's Plays. Lond., 1878. I6~...27020 Stone Implements. See Antiquities; Man, Pre-historic. Stonehenge, (pseud.) See Walsh, J. H. Storrs, R. S. Preaching without Notes. N. Y., I875. I2~... 28415 Story, W. W. Castle St. Angelo; and The Evil Eye: being additional chapters to " Roba di Roma." Lond., I877. I2~.. 21626 Graffiti d'Italia: [an Eng. poem.] Edinb. &L., I875. I2~~. 26135 - Nero: [an historical play.] Edinb. & L., I875. I2~... 26136 Story of Avis. Phelps, E. S. Bost., I877. 16~. (3 copies.). 24845Story of an Honest Man. About, E. N. Y., i88o. 8~.. 24707 Story of a Mine. Harte, F. B. Bost., 1878. 16~.. 2449I Story of Three Sisters. Maxwell, C. N. Y., 1876. I6~.... 24831 Story (A) or two from an Old Dutch Town. Lowell, R. Bost., 1878. 16W.......24237 Stowe, Harriet E. B. Oldtown Folks. Bost., 1869. I2~.. 24822 Palmetto-Leaves, [Florida.] Bost., I873. I6~... 21288 Poganuc People. N. Y., [I878]. 12~. (2 copies.).. 24823We and our Neighbors. Sequel to "My Wife and I." N. Y., [I875]. 120.... 24825 Strange Adventures of a Phaeton. Black, W. Lond., I872. 2 v.. 24023Same. N. Y., I877. I20. (2 copies.)......25025Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio. Giles, H. A. Lond., i88o. 2 V. 12~..27787Strauss, D. F. Ulrich von Hutten: his life and times. Lond., I874. I2~.... 22I43 Zeller, E. Lond., I874. I2~.23528 Strauss, G. L. M. Men who have made the New German Empire. Lond., 1I875. 2 v. 8~. 22583Strength and Beauty. Hopkins, M. N. Y., [I874]. I2~. ~ ~ 27383 Strickland, Agnes. Lives of the last four Princesses of the Royal House of Stuart. Lond., I872. I2~. 22926 Strikes. See Cooperation; Labor; Wages. Stroke (A) of Diplomacy. Cherbuliez, V. N. Y., i88o. 16~.. 24922 Stuart, A. M. Recollections of John Duncan. Edinb., I872. I6~. 23654 Stuart, G. H. The Amer. Evangelists. (See Hall, J., & Stuart.) Stuart, J., earl of Bute. See Bute, J. S. Stubbs-Swift.'95 Stubbs, W. Constitutional Hist. of England. Oxf'd, I874-78. 3 v. 20880- The Early Plantagenets. N. Y., [1876]. I6~... 20455 Student and Intellectual Observer. Lond., I868-7I. 5 v. 8~.. I7723Student-Life at Harvard. [Tripp, G. H.] Bost., I876. I2~. (2 cop.) 249IIStudent's (The) Quarter. Thackeray, W. M. Lond. I20... 21629 Studies of Sensation and Event. Jones, E. Lond., I879. 16~.. 26146 Studio (The) Arts. Johnson, E. W. N. Y., 1878. I6~... 29828 Styria. Hall, B. Schloss Hainfeld; or, A winter in Lower Styria. Edinb., I836. I2~... I8635 Suckling, J. Poems, Plays, and other Remains. A new ed. [by W. C. Hazlitt], with a copious account of the author. Lond., I874. 2 v. I6.......... 26137 Selections. [With] a life, and critical remarks, by A. Suckling. Lond., I836. 8~.. 26379 Sudan. Myers, A. B. R. Life with the Hamran Arabs: a sporting tour in the Soudan, I874 —5. Lond., I876. 80.... 21697 Sue, M. J. E. The Mysteries of Paris. Lond., I845-6. 3 v. 8~.. 24695Suez, The Great Canal at. Fitzgerald, P. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 8~.. 2I840Sulla, Marius, and the Gracchi. Beesly, A. H. N. Y., [I879]. I6~. 20440 Sullivan, A. M. New Ireland: [I837 to I877.] Phila., I878. I2~. 20990 Summer and its Diseases. Wilson, J. C. Phil., 1879. r6~.. 29960 Sumner, C. Prophetic Voices concerning America. Bost., I874.. 21362 Works. Bost., I874-77. I2 v. I2.. 27327- Pierce, E. L. Memoir and Letters of Chas. Sumner. Bost., 1877. 2 v. 8.......... 22683Sumner, W. G. Hist. of American Currency. N. Y., 1874 (etc.). I20. (2 copies.)......... 29059Hist. of Protection in the U. S. N. Y., I877. 8~. (2 copies.). 29I70Sun. Core, T. H. Distance of the Sun from the Earth. (In Owens College Ess. & Ad.)..27412 Stewart, B. Solar Physics. (In the same.).. 27412 Sunday. See Sabbath. Sunday Afternoon. Springf., I878-9. 3 v. 8~..... I8405(Continued under the name " Good Company.") Sunshine and Storm in the East. Brassey, A. N. Y., I88o. 80.. 2190I Supernatural (The). Howitt, W. Phila., I863. 2 V. I2~... 28046See, also, Spiritualism. Surly Tim. Burnett, F. H. N. Y., I877. I6~....24158 Swanwick, Anna. Goethe's Faust, in 2 parts. Transl. [into Eng. verse]. Lond., 1849. 8~.. 26367 - Goethe's Torquato Tasso and Iphigenia in Tauris, transl. into Eng. verse. (In Goethe,' Dram. Works,' Lond., I879.). 26520 Sweden. Lloyd, L. Peasant Life in Sweden. Lond., 1870. 80.. 21788 - Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 8.. 26447 Swift, Jona. Forster, 7. Life of Swift, vol I: I667-I7rI. N. Y., I876. 8.......... 23418 Wilde, W.?. The Closing Years of S.'s Life. Dublin, 1849.. 22260 - See, also, Dilke, C. W.,'Papers of a Critic,' v. I (26765); Masson, D.,'Three Devils' (27299). i96 Swimming-Syria. Swimming. Leahy, J. Swimming in the Eton Style. Illust. Lend., 1875. I2~. 29642 Steedman, C. Manual of Swimming; incl. bathing,... drowning, and rescuing. Melbourne, 1867. I6~... 29643 See, also, Bathing; Sports. Swinburne, A. C. Bothwell: a tragedy. Lond., I874. 120... 26165 Erechtheus: a tragedy. Lond., 1876. 120. 26i66 Essays and Studies. Lond., I875. I20.. 26942 CONTENTS:-Hugo: L'homme qui rit- Hugo: L'ann6e terrible; Poems of D. G. Rossetti; Morris's Life and Death of Jason; Mat. Arnold's New Poems; Notes on the text of Shelley; Byron; Coleridge; John Ford; Notes on designs of the old masters at ilorence; Notes on some pictures of 1868. A Note on Charlotte Bronte. Lond., I877. I2~.. ~ 26920 Poems and Ballads. 2d series. Lond., I878. 160... 26167 Same. N. Y., 1878. I20.. 26168 - Songs of the Springtides. N. Y., [1880]. I2~.. 26170 - Songs before Sunrise. Lond., I871. I2~... 26169 A Study of Shakespeare. N. Y., i88o. 12~.. 27006 Switzerland. Bremer, F. Two Years in Switzerland and Italy. Lond., 186I. 2 v. 8...2I212Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. I6.. 26455 See, also, Alps. Sybel, H. C. L. von. Hist. and Literature of the Crusades. Lond., I86. I2........... 2010o6 Sydney. See Sidney. Sylvan (The) Year. Hamerton, P. G. Bost., I876. 12... 29328 Symington, A. J. Samuel Lover: a biographical sketch. N. Y., I880. I6.......... 233II Thomas Moore, the Poet: his life and works. N. Y., i880. r6~. 23314 Symonds, J. A. An Introd. to the Study of Dante. Lond., 1872.. 26283 Renaissance in Italy. Lond., I875-77. v. 1-3. 8~... 20298CONTENTS:-1, Age of the Despots.-2, Revival of Learning.-3, Fine Arts. Shelley. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., 1879 [I878]. 12~.. 23335 Sketches and Studies in Southern Europe. N. Y., I880. 2 v. 2734ICONTENTS:-1, The Cornice; Ajaccio; Florence and the Medici; Debt of English to Ital. literature; Popular Ital. poetry of the Renaissance; The Orfeo of Poliziano; Siena * Perugia; Popular songs of Tuscany; Orvieto; Thoughts in Rome about Christmas; Antinous; Lucretius; Amalfi, Psestum, Capri.-2, Palermo; Syracuse and Girgenti; -Etna; Athens; Rimini; Ravenna; Canossa; Parma; Fornovo; Two dramatists of the last century; Crema and the crucifix; Bergamo and Bartolommeo Colleoni; Como and I1 Medeghino- Lombard vignettes; Monte Generoso; Love of the Alps; Old towns of Irovence; Appendix: Blank verse; Note on the Orfeo; Eight sonnets of Petrarch. - Studies of the Greek Poets. Lond., 1873-76. 2 v. I2~... 26809S- ame, [re-arranged, rev. & enl.] N. Y., I880. 2 v. I6c... 268IISyria. Barker, J. Syria and Egypt under the last five Sultans of Turkey. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 80.. 23960Beaufort, E. A. Egyptian Sepulchres and Syrian Shrines, including a visit to Palmyra. Lond., 1874. 12~. ~ ~ ~ 21209 Burton, I. Inner Life of Syria, Palestine, and the Holy Land. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8.. 2I905Jessup, H. H. Syrian Home Life. N. Y., [I874]. 120... 2I6I3 Tristram, H. B. The Land of Moab. Lond., 1873. 8~... 21723 Table-Taylor. 197 Table-Talk. Alcott, A.B. Bost., I877. I20... 27219 Hunt, J. H. L. N. Y., I879 16.. 27640 See, also, Quotations (&' references). Tacitus. Donne, W. B. (Anc. Clas. for Eng. Readers, v. I7.). 26843 Tanzerin und Grafin. Miigge, T. Breslau, I863. 3 B. I6~. (Romane, B. I6-I8.)..25845 Tag und Nacht. Hacklgnder, F. W. von. Stuttg., I866. 2 B. I6~. (Werke, B. 35-36.).. ~ ~ ~ 25817 Taine, H. A. English Positivism: a study on J. S. Mill. Lond., I873. I6........... 28092 Hist. of English Literature. Abridged. N. Y., I872. I2~.. 26914 Notes on Paris. N. Y., I875. I20. 21628 On Intelligence. N. Y., I875. 2 V. 12... 28205Origins of Contemporary France. N. Y., I876-78. V. 1-2. 12~. 20425CONT1ENTS:-Pt. 1, Anc. RWgime.-Pt. 2, Fr. Revolution (will consist of 2 v.). Philosophy of Art. N. Y., I873. 16~..29827 Tour through the Pyrenees. N. Y., I874. I20... 21627 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Taine's Eng. Lit. (In'Eng. Portraits.'). 22885 Taiping Rebellion. Brine, L. Lond., I862. I2~.. 20386 Tait, P. G. Recent Advances in Physical Science. Lond., I876. I2~. 29305 Paradoxical Philosophy. (See Stewart, B., and Tait.) Taking the Bastile. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. (2 cop.) 24409 & 24426 Tales of the Argonauts. Harte, F. B. Bost., I875. I2~. (2 cop.) 24487Tales of a Traveller. Irving, W. N. Y., [I865]. (2 cop.) 24593 & 24587 Tales from Two Hemispheres. Boyesen, H. H. Bost., I877. 160.. 24064 Talleyrand-Perigord, C. M. de. Buiwer, H. L. E. (In'Histor. Characters,' v. I.). 2388I Talmud. Theodores, T. (In Owens College Ess. & Ad.). 27412 Tancock, O. W. England during the Amer. and European Wars, 1765-I820. (In Epochs of Eng. Hist.)..... 2085I Tancred. Disraeli, B. N. Y. [Lond., I878.] I6~... 24244 Taney, R. B., Memoir of. Tylet, S. Bait., 1872. 80.... 22720 Tangut Country. Prejevalski, N. M. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8~.. 2I927Tannhaiuser (Der): eine Kiinstlergeschichte. Hacklander, F. W. von. (Werke, B. 37.)........25818 Taouism and Confucianism. Douglas, R. K. Lond., 1879. I6~.. 28581 Tapestry. Champeaux, A. de. Lond., [1878]. I2~.. 29760 Tarbox, I. N. Life of Israel Putnam. Bost., I876. 8~... 22691 Tartary. Shaw, R. Visits to High Tartary. Lond., I87I. 8~.. 21923 See, also, Manchuria; Mongolia. Tarver, F. Moliere. (See Oliphant, M. O. W., & Tarver.) Tasmania. Howitt, W. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8~. 2ISI6Tatham, J. Dramatic Works; with introd. and notes. Edinb. & L., 1879. 8........... 26572 Taxation. Sherman, J. Selected Speeches and Reports on Finance and Taxation, from I859 to I878. N. Y., I879. 8~.. 29047 [Taylor, Elizabeth.] Blindpits: a story of Scottish life. N. Y., I869. I2.......... 5386 Quixstar: a novel. N. Y., I873. I6~.. 24826 26 t98 Taylor-Telephone. Taylor, Henry. Critical Essays on Poetry, etc. Lond., 1878. I20. 26296 CONTENTS (other):-Crime considered in a letter to W. E. Gladstone; Review of Mill's work on " The Subjection of Women "; Correspondence with J. S. Mill. Taylor, Isaac, 2nd (I787-I865). Memoirs and Corresp. of Jane Taylor. (In " The Family Pen," v. I.).. 23603 Taylor, Isaac, 3d. The Family Pen: memorials, biographical and literary, of the Taylor family, of Ongar. Lond., I867. 2 V. 23603Taylor, Jas. Bayard. Critical Essays and Literary Notes. N. Y., I88o. 12........... 27364 CONTENTS: —Tennyson; Victor Hugo; The German Burns; Friedr. Riickert- The author of'Saul"; Thackeray; Autumn days in Weimar; Weimar in June; Notes on books and events. — Egypt and Iceland in the year 1874. N. Y., I874. 160... 21256 Faust. By Goethe. Transl., in the orig. metres. Bost., I87I. 2 v. 8... I298Same. Bost., I879. 2 V. in I. I2~.. 26094 Japan, in our day. N. Y., I872. I20..21684 Poetical Works. Bost., I88o [I879]. 12~... 2617I - The Prophet: a tragedy. Bost., I874. I60.. 26172 Studies in Ger. Lit. With an introd. by G. H. Boker. N. Y., I879. I2........... 26900 Taylor, Jeremy. See Barry, A.,'Masters' (22III); Classic Preachers (22II13). Taylor, John (b. I756, d. 1832). Personal Reminiscences. N. Y., I875. I60......... 23260 Taylor, Meadows. Confessions of a Thug. Lond., I873. I2~.. 24827 Story of my Life. Edinb., I878. I2~..1. I8584 Taylor, Win. C., (& C. Mackay.) Life and Times of Sir Robert Peel. Lond., [I846-51. 4 v. 8.. 23049Taylor, Winm. M. Daniel, the Beloved. N. Y., I878. I2~.. 28648 David, King of Israel. N. Y., I875. I2... 28649 Elijah, the Prophet. N. Y., 1876. 12~.. 28650 - Limitations of Life, and other sermons. N. Y., I88o [I879]. 8~. 28554 - Ministry of the Word. N. Y., I876. 120.. 28419 - Moses, the Law-giver. N. Y., I879. I2~... 2865I Peter, the Apostle. N. Y., I878. I2~.. 28652 Teale, W. H. Lives of English Divines: Bp. Andrewes, Dr. Hammond, Bp. Bull, Bp. Wilson, Jones of Nayland. Lond., I848. 16.......... 2211 Technology. See Industrial Arts. Tegetthoff(ship). Payer, J. (Zn'New Lands.').... 2I883 Tegnir, E. Fridthjof's Saga; transl. by Geo. Stephens. [With life.] (In Anderson & Bjarnason's'Viking Tales.').. 27708 - Frithiof; [" paraphrased"] by R. G. Latham. Lond., I838. I2~. 27709 Telegraph and Travel: a narrative of the [Indo-European Telegraph]. Goldsmid, F. J. Lond., I874. 80... 21946 Telephone. Dolbear, A. E. Bost., I877. I6~.. 29935 - Du Moncel, T. The Telephone, the Microphone, and the Phonograph. N. Y., I879. 12~.. 29936 - Prescott, G. B. Speaking Telephone, Talking Phonograph, [etc.]. N. Y., I878. 8~... 29937 Temperance-Thackeray. 199 Temperance. Weedon, W. B. Morality of Prohibitory Liquor Laws. Bost., I875. I60..28887 See, also, Intemperance. Temple, A. L., Viscountess Palmerston. Hayward, A. (In'Biogr. and Crit. Ess.,' 2d ser., v. 2. And in' Sel. Ess.,' v. 2.) 27402 & 27245 Temple, H. J., Viscount Palmerston. Ashley, E. Life of Palmerston, I846-I865. With sel. from his speeches and corresp. Lond., I876. 2 v. 8......... 23069Kebbel, T. E. (In'Eng. Statesmen.'). ~. 22884 Temple, R. Grenville, Earl. Earle, 7. C. (In' Eng. Premiers,' v. 2.) 22883 Temple Bar. Lond., I861-79. 57 v. 8~... I7889Tenney, S. Elements of Zo6logy. N. Y., I875. 12~. ~ ~ ~ 29507 Tennyson, A. Harold: a drama. Bost., I877. 16~. (2 copies.). 265 I4The Lover's Tale. Bost., 1879. 16~.. 692 Queen Mary: a drama. Bost., I875. I20. (2 copies.). 265I6Vivien. Illust. by Dore. N. Y., I868. 2~. Works. Lond., I872-3. 6 v. 8~.. 26248CONTENTS:-1-2, Miscel. poems.-3, The Princess, etc.-4. In Memoriam, and Maud.-5-6, Idylls of the King. - Bayne, P. Lessons from my Masters. N. Y., 1879. 12~.. 23287 [Shepherd, R. H.] Tennysoniana. Lond., I879. 6~... 23250 Stirling, 7. H. Jerrold, Tennyson, and Macaulay. Edinb., i868. I6........... 26917 See, also, Bagehot, W.,'Lit. Stud.,' v. 2 (26768); Dowden, E.,'Stud. in Lit.' (26926); Gladstone, W. E.,'Gleanings,' v. 2 (27228); Hutton, R. H.,'Essays,' 2d ed., v. 2 (27488); Preston, H. W.,'Troubadours' (26906); Sterling, J.,'Essays,' v. I (I2898); Taylor, J. B.,' GCrit. Ess.' (27364). Tennysoniana. [Shepherd, R. H.] Lond., I879. I6~... 23250 Terence. Collins, W. L. (' Anc. Clas. for Eng. Readers,' v. I6.). 26842 Terhune, Mary V. H., (pseud.,'Marion Harland.') Alone. N. Y., i856. 12~......15818 Loiterings in Pleasant Paths. N. Y., I88o. I2~... 2168 Testa, G. B. Hist. of the War of Frederick I. against the Communes of Lombardy. Lond., I877. 8~.. 20296 Teverino. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I877. I6~.... 25695 Textile Fabrics. Rock, D. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 29770 Thackeray, Anne I. See Ritchie, A. I. T. Thackeray, W. M. Adventures of Philip. (And) Shabby Genteel Story. Lond. (& Bost.), I872 (etc.). 12~. (2 copies.). 24874Book of Snobs. Lond., I876. 12~.. 24876 Catherine; Lovel the Widower; Denis Duval; Ballads; &tc. Lond., I876. I2~..........24877 Christmas Books. Lond., I876. I20.. 24878 CONTENTS:-Mrs. Perkins's Ball; Our Street; Dr. Birch; The Kickleburys on the Rhine; The Rose and the Ring. Great Hoggarty Diamond; Memoirs of Yellowplush; Burlesques. Lond., 1876. I2........ 24883 Henry Esmond. (And) Barry Lyndon. Lond. (& Bost.), I872 (etc.). I20. (4 copies.).. 24879 200 Thackeray-Theuriet. Thackeray, Wm. M. The Newcomes. Lond., I872 (etc.). (2 cop.) 24884Same. Lond., I873. 2 v.. I2. 24886The Orphan of Pimlico, and other sketches, fragments and drawings. With notes by Anne I. Thackeray. Phil., i876. - Paris Sketch Book; Irish Sketch Book; Notes of a Journey from Cornhill to Grand Cairo. Lond., I876. 120... 24888 - Pendennis. Lond., I87I (etc.). 2 V. I2~. (2 copies.). 24889Same. Lond., I872 (etc.). 120. (2 copies.). 24893Roundabout Papers; -The Four Georges; English Humourists; Second Funeral of Napoleon. Lond., I876. I2~.. 24895 The Student's Quarter; or, Paris 35 years since. Lond. I2~. 2i629 Vanity Fair.. [Lond. &] Phil., I873. 2 V. I2~. (2 copies.). 24896Same. Lond., 1876 (etc.). I2~. (5 copies.).... 24900The Virginians. Lond., I876 (etc.). I2~. (5 copies.). 24905-.Hannay, 7. Studies on Thackeray. Lond., [I869]. i6~.. 269I8 -Stoddard, R. F. Anecdote Biogr. of Thackeray. (In' Bric-aBrac Series.')..23252 Trollope, A. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. I2~... 23341 See, also, Bagehot, W.,'Lit. Stud., v. 2 (26768); Taylor, J. B.,'Crit. Ess.' (27364). Thackerayana. Lond., I875. I2~.. 2333I Thalheimer, Mary E. Manual of Ancient Hist. Cincin., [I872].. 20I89 Manual of Mediaeval and Mod. Hist. Cincin., [I874]. 80.. 20190 Thankful Blossom. Harte, F. B. Bost., I877. 16~. (2 copies.). 24492That Lass o' Lowrie's. Burnett, F. H. N. Y., I877. I2~. (2 cop.) 24I59Thaxter, Celia. Among the Isles of Shoals. Bost., 1873. I2~.. 21257 - Poems. N. Y., I874.. 6...26116 Theater. See Drama. Their Wedding Journey. Howells, W. D. Bost., I875. I2~. (2 cop.) 2457ITheism. De Vere, A. T., editor. Proteus and Amadeus. Lond., I878. I2...... 28169 "Theo.": a love story. Burnett, F. H. Phil., [I877]. 16~... 2416I Theodore, king of A byssinia. See Abyssinia. Theodorus, (pseud.) See New Reformation. Theognis. Davies, 7. (Anc. Clas. for Eng. Readers, v. I5.).. 2684I Theology. Bushnell, H. Forgiveness and Law. N. Y., I874. 120. 28550 - Fisher, G. P. Discussions in Hist. and Theol. N. Y., I8'So. 8~. 2859I — Newman, J. H. Tracts, theological and ecclesiastical. Lond., I874. r2.......... 284II - Stephen, L. Hist. of Eng. Thought in the I8th Cent. N. Y., f1876. 2 v. 80...28200Natural. Jackson, W. Philosophy of Nat. Theology. N. Y., I875. 8....... 28685 See, also, Christ; Christianity; Ecc. Hist.; Faith; Religion; Sermons; Sin. Theophrastus Such. Eliot, G. N. Y., I879. I20. (2 copies.). 24I95Theuriet, A. Antoinette: a story. N. Y., I878. I6~.. 24927 Grard's Marriage: a novel. N. Y., I877. 6~.. 24073 The Godson of a Marquis. N. Y., I878. 16~... 24081 Theuriet-Thurston. 201 Theuriet, A. Raymonde: a tale. N. Y., I878. 16~... 24927 Young Maugars. N. Y., 1879. I6~0. 24090 Thibaut, A. F. J. On Purity in Musical Art. Lond., 1877. I2~.. 29746 Thibet. See Tibet. Thieblin, N. L. Spain and the Spaniards. Lond., I874. 2 V. I2~. 21258Thiers, L. A. Le Goff, F. Life of Thiers. N. Y., I879. I2~.. 2252I Senior, N. W. Conversations with Thiers [etc.] during the second empire. Lond., 1878. 2 V. 8~... 23922Simon, 7. F. Government of Thiers, from I871 to I873. N. Y., I879. 2 v. 8.......... 20693Thomas a Becket. See Becket. Thomas Wingfold, Curate. MacDonald, G. N. Y., 1876. 120.. 24624 Thom/, O. W. Structural and Physiological Botany. N. Y., I877. 29462 Thompson, D'A. W. Wayside Thoughts. Edinb., I868. 120.. 28834 Thompson, Edith. Hist. of England. N. Y., I873. I6~. 20079 Thompson, J. P. The United States as a Nation. Bost., I877. 8~. 2I334 Thompson, Rich. W. The Papacy and the Civil Power. N. Y., I876. I2........... 29096 Thompson, Robt. E; Social Science and National Economy. Phila., I875. I20... 28810 Thoms, W. J. Human Longevity. Lond., I873. I2~... 29388 Three Notelets on Shakspeare. Lond., I865. I2~.... 27004 Thomson, J. Public and Private Life of Animals. Adapted from the French of Balzac, Droz, Jules Janin, E. Lemoine, A. de Musset, Georges Sand, &c. Lond., I877. I2~... 24698 Thomson, Jas. Poetical Works. With Life [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I853. 8~.. 26362 Thomson, Katherine B. Life and Times of George Villiers, [Ist] Duke of Buckingham. Lond., I860. 3 v. I20... 22937Thoreau, H. D. Excursions. [With a biographical sketch by R. W. Emerson.] Bost., I875. I2~... 29335 Letters to various persons. Bost., I865. I20.. 22605 The Maine Woods. Bost., I864. I6~.. 29336 Channing, W. E. Bost., I873. I6~.. 22606 [7app, A.] Bost., I877. I60...22607 Thornbury, W. Life in Spain, past and present. Lond., I859. 2 v. 2I630- Old and New London. Lond., [I873-4]. v. I-2. 8~. (For continuation see Walford, E.).. 2I960Thornton, W. T. On Labour. Lond., i870. 8~.. 29002 Thorpe, B. Yule-tide Stories. Lond., I875. 12~.. 27669 Thorpe Regis. [Peard, F. M.] Bost., I874. I6~... 24843 Three Feathers. Black, W. N. Y., I877. 12~. (2 copies.). 24027Three Musketeers. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~... 24401 Thrift. Smiles, S. N. Y., I876. I2.... 28883 Throat (The) and the Voice. Cohen, J. S. Phil., I879. I6~... 29962 Through the Dark Continent. Stanley, H. M. N. Y., I878. 2 v. 8~. 21857Thucydides. Collins, W. L. (' Anc. Clas. for Eng. Readers,' supplem. ser., v. 6.)......... 26852 Thurston, R. H. Growth of the Steam-engine. N. Y., I878. I2~. 29264 202 Tiber —-Transcendentalism. Tiber (The) and its Tributaries. Smith, S. A. Lond., I877. 8~.. 21786 Tiberius, Clodius, and Catiline. Beesly, E. S. Lond., i878. 80.. 23725 Tibet. Prejevalski, N. M. Lond., I876. 2 v. 80.... 2I927Tibullus. Davies, 7. (Anc. Clas. for Eng. Readers, supplem. ser., v. 3.)............26849 Tichborne Claimant. Morse, J. T. (In'Famous Trials.'). 28842 Ticknor, Geo.: life, letters, and journals. Hillard, G. S. Bast., I876. 2 v. 8.......... 22688Tigress (ship). Blake, E. V. (In'Arctic Experiences.'). 2I880 Tillotson, J. Hurzphry, W. G. (In Classic Preachers; I878.). 22113 Timbs, J. Club Life of London. Lond., I866. 2 v. I2~... 21764Curiosities of London. Lond., [1867]. 8~.. 21763 Tintoretto (Giacomo Robusti). Osler, W. R. Lond. & N. Y., 1879. 23782 Ti-ping Tien-kwoh. [Lindley, A. F.] Lond., i866. 2 v. 8~.. 2038ITirol. See Tyrol. Tissandier, G. Hist. and Handbook of Photography. Lond., 1878. 29930 Titian (Tiziano Vecelli). Croze (7. A.) &' Cavalcaselle (G. B.). Lond., 1877. 2 v. 80.. 23832H eath, R. F. N. Y. & Lond., i879. 12~.. 23777 Tobacco. Fairholt, F. W. Lond., I859. I20... 29458 Tobin, J., Memoirs of; with a selection from unpublished writings. Benger, E. 0. Lond., I820. 12~... 8565 Tocqueville, A. C. H. C. de. Correspondence and Conversations with N. W. Senior, 1834 to I859. Lond., I872. 2 V. I20.. 23924Todd, J., Life of. Todd, J. E. N. Y., 1876. I2~.. 22611 Toleration. See Compromise; Conscience; Liberty. Tolfrey, F. The Sportsman in France. Lond., I84I. 120.. 29608 Tolst6i, L. The Cossacks. N. Y., I878. i6~... 24910 Tom Sawyer. Clemens, S. L. Hartf'd, I876. 8~. (2 copies.). 25584Tomahawk (The): [weekly.] Lond., I867-69. 5 v. 4~.... Tomlinson, C. The Sonnet. With orig. translations. Lond., I874. 26297 Topin, M. The Man with the Iron Mask. Lond., 1870. I2~.. 20403 Tour of the World in eighty days. Verne, J. Bost., I873. I6~.. 24280 [Tourgee, A. W.] A Fool's Errand. N. Y., I879. I6~. (3 cop.). 24913Tourgenieff, I. S. See Turg6nief. Toussaint: ein Roman. Miigge, T. Breslau, i862. 5 B. I60. (Romane, B. 4-8.)......... 2584ITower of London. See London, Tower. Tower of Percemont. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. N. Y., 1877. I6~.. 24076 Townsend, L. T. The Art of Speech. N. Y., i88o. v.I. I6~.. 27824 Tozer, H. F. Classical Geography. Lond., 1876. i6~.... 26860 Trade (The) of the World. Webster, R. G. Lond., i88o. 8~... 29003 Trade Unions. See Co6peration; Labor; Wages. Trades. See Profession. Traditions. See Folk-lore (and references). Tramp (A) abroad. Clemens, S. L. Hartf., I88o. 8~. (2 copies.). 25589Transcaucasia and Ararat. Bryce, J. Lond., I877. 120... 21214 Transcendentalism. Cook, J. (Bost. Mond. Lectures.) Bost., 1878. 28022 - Frothingham, 0. B. Transcendentalism in New England. N. Y., 1876. 80... 28204 Transformations-Troilope. 203 Transformations (in zoology). See Metamorphoses. Transylvania. Boner, C. Lond., I865. 8~.. 21730 Travailleurs (Les) de la mer. Hugo, V. M. Paris, I877. I6~.. 25665 Travancore. Mateer, S. "The Land of Charity." N. Y. I2~.. 2I6I8 Travel, Pictures of. Heine, H. Phila., i855. I2~..... 27248 Travellers. Verne, J. Exploration of the World: famous travels and travellers. N. Y., 879. 8~.....21983 Travels. Guild, C. Abroad again. Bost., I877. 80.... 21722 Seward, W. H. Travels around the World. N. Y., I873. 8~.. 21981 - See, also, Geography; Voyages; geographical names. Travels with a Donkey. Stevenson, R. L. Bost., I879. i6~... 21254 Treaty of Washington. Cushing, C. N. Y., I873. I20... 2I36I Trelawny, E. J. Records of Shelley, Byron, and the Author. Lond., 1878. 2 V. 12...... 23296Tremenheere, H. S. Political Experience of the Ancients. Lond., i852. I6........ 20048 Trench, F., editor. A Few Notes from Past Life: I818-I832. Oxf., I862. I2........... 8645 Trench, R. C. See Schaff, P.,'The Revision.' Trente et quarente. About, E. F. V. Paris, I875. 16~... 25622 Trevelyan, G. O. Life and Letters of Lord Macaulay. N. Y., I876. 2 v. 80. (2 copies.)..234I0Trial by Jury. See Jury. Trials, Famous: Tichborne Claimant; Troppmann; Prince Pierre Bonaparte; Mrs. Wharton; The Meteor; Mrs. Fair. Morse, J. T. Bost., 1874. I2~... 28842 [Tripp, G. H.] Student-life at Harvard. Bost., I876. I20. (2 cop.) 249IITristram, H. B. The Great Sahara. Lond., I86o. I2~.. 21696 - The Land of Moab. Lond., I873. 8~...21723 Tristrem (Sir). Cox (G. W.) & Jones. (In'Pop. Romances.') 27712 & 2010 Triumvirates, Roman. Merivale, C. N. Y., [I877]. 16. 6~. 20437 Trois (Les) mousquetaires. Dumas, A. D. Paris, I846-7. I6~.. 25634 Trollope, A. The American Senator: a novel. N. Y., I877. 80.. 24702 Australia and New Zealand. Lond., I873. 2 v. I2~... 2I818- Barchester Towers. Lond., [I875]. I2~. (2 copies.). 24828The Eustace Diamonds. Lond., I873. 3 v. 60. 6. 24870--- Phineas Redux. Lond., I874. 2 v. 8~.. 24703Same. N. Y., I874. 8~..24705 The Prime Minister. Phila., [I876]. I2~... 24873 South Africa. Lond., 1878. 2 v. I20. 2I698- Thackeray. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I879. I2~... 2334I The Way we live now: a novel. N. Y., I875. 8~.... 24706 Trollope, Theodosia. Social Aspects of the Italian Revolution. Lond., I86I. I2~... 20003 Trollope, Thos. A. A Decade of Italian Women. Lond., 1859. 2 V. I6~... 23644Diamond cut Diamond. N. Y., I874. I2~..... 24830 Life of Pius the Ninth. Lond., I877. 2 v. 8~.... 22I83- Papal Conclaves as they were and as they are. Lond., I876. 28722 204 Tropical-Turks. Tropical Nature. Wallace, A. R. Lond., 1878. 8~.. 29533 Trotter, L. J. Studies in Biography. Lond., I865. 8~.... 23883 CONTENTS: —Mahomet; Thomas Becket; Frederic II. of Germany; Savonarola; Bacon and his new apologist; Wm. Pitt; The latter years of Winm. Pitt; R. B. Sheridan. Troubadours. Hueffer, F. Lond., I878. 8~... 26769 Preston, H. W. Troubadours and Trouvdres, new and old. Bost., 1876. 12~.. 26906 Rutherford, J. Lond., I873. I2~...26907 See, also, Poetry, Provenpal. Troublesome Daughters. Walford, L. B. N. Y., I88o. I6~... 2493I True-Blue Laws. Trumbull, J. H. Hartf., 1876. 12~.... 21322 Trumbull, J. H. The True-Blue Laws of Connecticut and New Haven, and the False Blue-Laws invented by the Rev. Sam. Peters. Hartf., 1876. 120. 21322 Trump, A., jr., (pseud.) Laws and Regulations of Short Whist. Paris & N. Y., i88o. I6~.. 29686 Tuckey, Janet. English-Gipsy Songs. (See Leland, C. G., &' others.)..26123 Joan of Arc, " the Maid." N. Y., i88o. 160.. 22454 Tullidge, H., editor.,The Evangelical Church: discourses. N. Y., 1879. 8........... 28600 Tulloch, J. Beginning Life: a book for young men. N. Y., [I876]. 27384 - The Christian Doctrine of Sin. N. Y., [I876]. I2~... 2855I Pascal. Phila., [I878]. I6~.. 23264 Turginief, I. S. Dimitri Roudine; a novel. N. Y., I873. I6~. (2 copies.)..24860- Liza: a Russian novel. N. Y., I872. I6~. (2 copies.). 24862On the Eve: a tale. N. Y., I873. I6~. (2 copies.).. 24864Smoke: a Russian novel. N. Y., 1873. i6~... 24866 Spring Floods. [And] A Lear of the Steppe. N. Y., I874. I60. 24867 Virgin Soil. N. Y., I877. I6~. (2 copies.). 24868Turkey. Baker, J. N. Y., I877. 8~..... 21909 - Bryce, J. Transcaucasia and Ararat. Lond., i877. 120.. 21214 - Cunynghame, A. T. Travels. Lond., I872. 80... 21913 - Daily News (London). War Correspondence, 1877-8. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 12.......... 20494Farley, J. L. Modern Turkey. Lond., 1872. 80.. 21910 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 19. 26458 - Mackenzie (G. M. M.) & Irby (A. P.). Travels in the Slavonic Provinces of Turkey-in-Europe. Lond., I877. 2 v. 8~.. 21911Milner, T. The Turkish Empire. Lond., [I877]. 120... 20491 The People of T.: 20 years' residence. Lond., I878. 2 v. I20. 2I693-- Porter (J.) & Laipent (G.). Lond., I854. 2 v. 80... 206I5West, M. A. The Romance of Missions. N. Y., [I875]. I2~. 28489 See, also, Eastern Question. Turkistan. Schuyler, E. N. Y., 1876. 2 v. 8... 2I92I- See, also, Kashgar. Turks. Clark, E. L. The Arabs and the Turks. Bost., I876. I2~. 20492 -Creasy, E. S. Hist. of the Ottoman Turks. Lond., I877. I2~. 20489 Turks-Ultima. 205 Turks. Freeman, E. A. Ottoman Power in Europe. Lond., I877. 20490 -- Hamlin, C. Among the Turks. N. Y., I878 [I877]. I20.. 2I6o0 Turner, J. M. W. Harnerlon, P. G. Bost., 1879. I20.... 23803 Monkhouse, W. C. Lond. & N. Y., I879. 12~... 23783 Turner, S. Prolusions on the present greatness of Britain; on modern poetry; [etc.] Lond., I8I9. I6~.. I8676 Tuttle, H. German Political Leaders. N. Y., I876. 16~.. 22443 CONTENTS:-Bismarck; Dr. Falk * Delbriick; Camphausen; Prince Hohenlohe; Von Arnim; Von Bennigsen; Dr. Simson; Lasker; Windthorst; Dr. Lowe; Schulze-Delitzsch; Jacoby; Hasselmann; Sonnemann; Gneist; Virchow; Treitschke; Von Sybel. Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Seas. Verne, J. Bost., I875. 24281 Twenty Years After. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~.. 24401 Twickenham, Memorials of. Cobbett, R. S. Lond., I872. (2 COP.) 2I777Twin Captains. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~.. 24414 Twins of Table Mountain. Harte, F. B. Bost., I879. I6~. (2 cop.) 24495Two College Friends. Loring, F. W. Bost., [I871]. I6~.. 24235 Two (The) Dianas. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. I6~. (2 copies.)... 24405 & 24424 Two Men of Sandy Bar. Harte, F. B. Bost., I876. I6~.. 24494 Two Russian Idyls: Marcella; Esfira. N. Y., i88o. I6~... 24928 Tyerman, L. Life and Times of John Wesley. N. Y., I872. 3 V. 22309Life of the Rev. Geo. Whitefield. N. Y., I877. 2 v. 80... 22307Tyler, M. C. Hist. of Amer. Literature. N. Y., T878. V. I-2. 8~. 26779CONTENTS:-1, 1607-1676.-2, 1677-1765. Tyler, S. Memoir of Roger B. Taney. Balt., I872. 80.... 22720 Tyler, Wat. See Maurice, C. E.,'Lives of Eng. Pop. Leaders,' v. 2. 2294I Tyndall, J. Advancement of Science. N. Y., I874. 120.. 29304 Forns of Water. N. Y., I872. I20... 29240 - Fragments of Science. N. Y., 177. I2~.. 29401 Lessons in Electricity. Lond., I876. 12~.... 29314 &- others. The Prayer-Gauge Debate. Bost., I876. I2~... 28093 Tyrol. Busk, R. H. The Valleys of Tirol. Lond., I874. 120.. 21219 Grohman, W. A. B. Gaddings with a Primitive People. N.Y. 1878. I6.......... 21247 - Waring, G. E. Tyrol and the Skirt of the Alps. N. Y., i880. 21978 Tyson, G. E. Blake, E. V. (In'Arctic Experiences.')... 21880 Tytler, Christina C. F. Jonathan: a novel. N. Y., I876. I6~.. 24283 - Mistress Judith: a Cambridgeshire story. N. Y., I875. I6~.. 24284 Tytler, Sarah, (pseud.) See Keddie, Henrietta. Uarda. Ebers, G. M. Stuttg. & Leipz., I879. 3 B. in I. I2~.. 25874 Same. Transl. N. Y., i880. 2 v. I6~. (2 copies.). 24433Ueberweg, F. History of Philosophy. N. Y., I873-4. 2 v. 8~.. 28280CONTENTS:-1, Ancient and Medipeval Phil.-2, Modern Phil. Uhland, J. L. Songs and Ballads. Lond., I864. I2~.. 26I73 Uhlhorn, G. Conflict of Christianity with Heathenism. N. Y., I879. 28602 Ulbach, L. Madame Gosselin. N. Y., I878. I6~..... 24080 Ullmann, C. Reformers before the Reformation. Edinb., I855. 2 v. 22300Ulrici, H. Shakspeare's Dramatic Art. Lond., I876. 2 v. 12~.. 270I7Ultima Thule; or, A summer in Iceland. Burton, R. F. Lond., I875. 2 v. 8.......... 2I88427 206 Ultimo-United States. Ultimo: Novelle. Spielhagen, F. Leipz., I877. 16~. (Siimmtl. Werke, B. I2.).. 25871 Uncommercial Traveller. Dickens, C. J. H. N. Y., 1873. I6~.. 24231 Under the Greenwood Tree. Hardy, T. N. Y., I873. 16~... 24462 Under the Lilacs. Alcott, L. M. Bost., 1878. I6~.. 24034 Undiscovered (The) Country. Howells, W. D. Bost., I88o. (2 cop.) 24573Undivine (The) Comedy. Krasinski, S. Phila., I875. I2~... 26121 United States. Bruce, E. C. The Century; its fruits and its festival: the Centennial Exhibition. Phil., 1877. 80... 21522 Dix, W. G. The American State and Amer. Statesmen. Bost., I876. I2........... 21333 Ingersoll, C. Fears for Democracy, regarded from the Amer. point of view. Phila., I875. 8~.. 2I449 Scudder, H. E. Men and Manners in America one hundred years ago. N. Y., I876. I6.. 21324 Skinner, O. Issues of Amer. Politics. Phila., I873. (2 cop.). 2I327Sumner, C. Prophetic Voices concerning America. Bost., 1874. 21362 Thompson, J. P. The U. S. as a Nation: lectures on the centennial of Amer. Independence. Bost., 1877. 8~.. 21334 Constitution and Laws. Cooley, T. M. General Principles of Constitutional Law in the U. S. of A. Bost., i88o. 12~.. 28845 -- Lamphere, G. N. The U. S. Gov't: its organization and practical workings. Phil., 188o. 80. 2I531 -- - See, also, Law, American. Description and Travel. Bryant, W. C., editor. Picturesque America. N. Y., [I872-3]. 2 v. 4. Campbell, G. White and Black: the outcome of a visit to the U. S. N. Y., I879. 80.. 21459 Dodge, R. 1. Plains of the Great West and their Inhabitants. N. Y., 1877. 8~...2I580 Hiibner, J. A. von. (In'A Ramble round the World.'). 2I203 King, E. The Great South: a record of journeys in [I873-4]. Hartf'd, 1875. 80.... 21588 Kingsley, Miss. South by West; or, Winter in the Rocky Mountains, and Spring in Mexico. Lond., I874. 80... 2I582 --— Laboulaye, E. R. L. Paris en Amerique. Paris, 1877. I6~.. 25667 Waterton, C. Wanderings in South Amer., the North-west of the U. S., [etc.] Lond., I866. I6.. 21264 Finances. Bolles, A. S. Financial Hist. of the U. S., from I774 to I789. N. Y., I879. 80. 29048 - -Sherman, J. Selected Speeches and Reports on Finance and Taxation from I859 to 1878. N. Y., 1879. 8~.... 29047 - Sumner, W. G. Hist. of Amer. Currency. N. Y., I874 (etc.). 120. (2 copies.).......... 29059 - See, also, Banking; Finance; Money. - Government. See U. S., Constitution and Laws. United States-Urquhart. 207 United States. History. Bryant (W. C.) and Gay (S. H.). N. Y., 1876-79. v. 1-3. 8~. (2 copies.) (For contents see Bryant & Gay.)... 2I56IJohnston, A. Hist. of Amer. Politics. N. Y., I879. I6.. 21332 (to 1776) Lawrence, E. (In First Cent. of the Repub.). 21520 (to 1782) Bancroft, G. Bost., I876. 6 v. I2~. (2 copies.). 2I335(to I790) Frothingham, R. Rise of the Republic. Bost., I872. 21440 (to I865) Doyle, J. A. N. Y., I876. 16~.. 20083 (to I875) Higginson, T. W. Young Folks' Hist. Bost., 1875. 21325 (I750- ) Hoist, H. von. Constitutional and Political Hist. Chic., I876,'79. V. I-2. 80. (2 copies.)... 2I450CONTENTS:-1, 1750-1833; State sovereignty and slavery.-2, 1828-1846; Jackson's administration; Annexation of Texas. (1I775-I783) Ludlow, J. M. War of Amer. Independence. Bost.,.876. I6~. (2 copies.)...... 20460-- (1776-1784) Greene, G. W. German Element in the War of Amer. Independence. N. Y., I876. I2~... 21360 (I776-I804) Riethmiiller, C. J. Life and Times of Alex. Hamilton. Lond., [I864]. 120. 2.22626 (1776-I876) Woolsey, T. D., and others. First Century of the Republic. N. Y., I876. 8~. (2 copies.) (For contents see First Century.)..... 2I520(18I2-I815) Ingersoll, C. J. Second War betw. the U. S. of A. and Gt. Brit. Phila., I845-53. 4 v. (wanting v. 2.) 8~.. 21443(I812-1815) Lossing, B. J. Pictorial Field-book of the War of I812. N. Y., I868. 8....... 21560 (1817-1853) Sargent, N. Public Men and Events. Phila., I875. 2 v. 8~.....2r1447- (I86I- ) Paris, Coimte de. Hist. of the Civil War. Phila., I875-6. V. I-2. 8........ 2I460(I86I-I865) Leland, C. G. Lincoln, and the Abolition of Slavery. [L. &] N. Y., I879. I6~....22451 (I86I-I865) Mahan, A. Critical Hist. of the War. N. Y., I877. 2I458 - (186I-I865) Sherman, W. T. Memoirs. N. Y., I875. 2 v. 8~. 22686 (1872-1880) McPherson, E. Handbook of Politics. Wash., i874-80. 4 v. 8......... 21523Statistics. Spaulding, M. C. Handbook of Statistics. N. Y., I874. I2.. 21363 See, also, America; Antiquities, Amer.; Indians; Politics; Mid. die, Southern, Western States; New Eng.; West (The); and other geographical names. Universities. Hart, J. M. German Universities. N. Y., I874. I2~. 28831I - See, also, Cambridge; Oxford; Colleges; Education. University Life in Anc. Athens. Capes, W. W. Lond., I877. I20. 28826 Unknown (The) River. Hamerton, P. G. Bost., I876. I2~.. 29328 Uniiberwindliche M/chte. Grinim, H. Berlin, 1870. 2 B. I2~.. 25878Up de Graff, T. S. Bodines; or, Camping on the Lycoming. Phila., 1879. I2~.......... ~ 29664 Urbino, Memoirs of the Dukes of. Dennistoun, J. Lond., 185I. 3 v. 23939Urquhart, W. P. Life and Times of Francesco Sforza. Edinb. & L., I852. 2 V. 80... 23935 208 Uruguay-Venice. Uruguay, Travels in. Murray, J. H. Lond., I871. 120.... 21621 Uscoque (L'). Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I879. I6~... 25696 Useful Arts. See Industrial Arts. Utilitarianism. Blackie, J. S. (In'Four Phases of Morals.).. 28080 Uwins, T., Memoir of. By Mrs. Uwins. Lond., 1858. 2 v. 120.. i8667Vacation Tourists, I862-3. Galton, F. Lond., I864. 80... 21732 Valdez, F. T. Six Years of a Traveller's Life in Western Africa. Lond., I86I. 2 v. 80. 2I862Valentine. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I869. 16~.... 25697 Vallde-Noire (La). Dudevant, A. L. A. D. (In vol. with'Le secr6taire.'). 25693 Valperga. [Shelley, M. W.] Lond., 1823. 3 v. I20.. I8693Value of Life: a reply to Mallock's essay "Is Life worth living?" N. Y., 1879. 12~.......... 28086 Valvdre. Dudevant, A. L. A. D. Paris, I875. 6~.. 25698 Vanbrugh, J. Dramatic Works. Lond., [849 (&'5I). 8~. (2 cop.) 26691Van Dyck, A. See Dyck. Vanity Fair Album. Lond. v. I, 3. 2~.. Van Laun, H. The French Revolutionary Epoch. N. Y., 1879. 2 v. 120.. 20419- Hist. of French Literature. N. Y., 1876-7. 3 v. 8~. (2 cop.) 26770Van-Lennep, H. J. Bible Lands. N. Y., 1875. 80... 21902 Van Santvoord, C. Memoirs of Eliphalet Nott. N. Y., [1876]. 12~. 22641 Varnhagen von Ense, Rahel A. F. L.: her life and letters. Jennings, Mrs. V. Lond., I876. 8~... 23726 Vathek. Beckford, W. N. Y., I869. I6~.. 24057 Vatican Council, Hist. of. Schaff, P. (With Gladstone, W. E.,'Vat. Decrees;' and' Rome.')..28723Vatican (The) Decrees, in their bearing on civil allegiance. [With text, Lat. and Eng.] Gladstone, W. E. N. Y., I875. 8~.. 28723 Same. (In Gladstone's'Rome.')..28724 Vaughan, R. John de Wycliffe, D.D. Lond., 1853. 8~... 22304 The Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell. Lond., 1838. 2 v. 8~. 2 I000Revolutions in Eng. Hist. Lond., 1859-63. 3 v. 8~... 21094CONTENTS:-1, Rev. of race. —2, Rev. in religion.-3, [Political, etc.] Vaux, W. S. W. Creek Cities and Islands of Asia Minor. Lond., I877. 16.......... 20043 Persia. (Anc. Hist. from the Monuments.) N. Y., 1876. 160. 20044 Vecelli, Tiziano. See Titian. Veitch, J. The Hist. and Poetry of the Scottish Border. Glasgow, 1878. 12....... 26298 Vendeerin (Die). Miigge, T. Breslau, I863. 2 B. 16~. (Romane, B. 19-20.)...........25846 Venezuela. Eastwick, E. B. Lond., i868. 8~.. 21808 - Spence, J. M. The Land of Bolivar. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 8~.. 2I806Venice. Hacklander, F. W. von, (In'Tagebuchblatter:' Werke, B. 40.)... 25819 Hazlitt, W, C. Hist. of the Venetian Republic. Lond., i860. 4 v, 80,...... 20322 Venice-Villari. 209 Venice. Ruskin, J. St. Mark's Rest: the history of Venice. N. Y., I877. Parts I-2. 12......... 29844 Venus, Transits of. Proctor, R. A. Lond., I874. I2~. ~ ~. 29448 Vergil. Aneid, transl. into Eng. verse by J. Conington. N. Y., I877. I2........... 26802 ~_Eneids, done into Eng. verse by Wm. Morris. Bost., I876. 12~. (2 copies.)......... 26800Church, A. 7. Stories from V. With 24 illust. N. Y., I879. 26803 ANettleship, H. (Classical Writers.) N. Y., I88o. I6~... 26892 Verloren und gefunden. Miigge, T. Breslau, I865. 2 B. I6~. (Romane, B. 24-25.)..25847Verlorene Handschrift. Freytag, G. Leipz., I877. 2 B. 8~. ~ 25905Verlorene (Der) Sohn. Hackliander, F. W. von. Stuttg., I866. I6~. (Werke, B. 43.)... 2582I Verne, J. The American Gun Club. N. Y., I874. I2~... 24262 -- Doctor Ox, and other stories. Bost., I874. I6~.. 24264 The Exploration of the World. N. Y., I879. 8.. 21983 -- Five Weeks in a Balloon. Lond., I870. I6~.. 24265 A Floating City; and The Blockade Runners. N. Y., I875. 24266 From the Earth to the Moon. N. Y., I874. 12~. (2 copies.). 24267The Fur Country. Bost., I874. I20. 24269 Hector Servadac. N. Y., I878 [I877]. 80.. 24270 Journey to the Center of the Earth. Bost. I2~.. 24271 Meridiana. N. Y., I874. I20. (2 copies.). 24273Michael Strogoff. N. Y., I877. 8~. (2 copies.). 24275The Mysterious Island. N. Y., I875-6. 3 v. I2~.. 24277CONTENTS:-1, Dropped from the Clouds.-2, Abandoned.-3, The secret of the island. Tour of the World in 80o Days. Transl. by G. M. Towle. Bost., i873. I6.......... 24280 Sante, tr. bysame. Around the World [etc.]. Bost., I874. I2~. 24263 Twenty Thousand Leagues under the Seas. Bost., 1875. 12~. 24281 Voyages and Adventures of Capt. Hatteras. Bost., I875. 120. 24282 Wreck of the Chancellor. Bost., I875. I6~.. 24272 Vernet, E. J. H. Rees, 7. R. L. & N. Y., I88o. I2~.. 23787 Veron, E. iEsthetics. Lond., I879. 120.. 28171 Verse, English, Science of. Lanier, S. N. Y., I88o. I2~... 26289 Viardot, L. Wonders of Sculpture. N. Y., I873. 120.... IOI36 Vicar of Morwenstow. Baring-Gould, S. N. Y., [1879]. I2~.. 22I05 Vicomte (The) de Bragelonne. Dumas, A. D. Lond., [1879]. 2 v. I6~. (2 copies.)...... 24402- & 24427Victoria (province), Early Hist. of. Labilliere, F. P. Lond., I878. 2 v. I2.. 20484Victorian Poets. Stedman, E. C. Bost., I876. 12~.. 26295 Vigde-Le Brun, Vadame. See Le Brun, Elisabeth L. V. Vignettes. Belloc, B. R. P. Lond., I866. I6~.. I8559 Viking Tales of the North. Anderson (R. C.) & Bjarnason (J.). Chic., I877. I2~...27708 Villages and Village Life. Egleston, N. H. N. Y., I878. I2~.. 2888I Villari, Linda. In change unchanged, N. Y,, I877. I6~,. 24285 2I0 Villari-Voyages. Villari, P. Niccol6 Machiavelli, and his Times. Lond., 1878. 2 v. 23943Villiers, Geo., Ist duke of Buckingham, Life and Times of. Thomson, K. B. Lond., I86o. 3 v. I2~.. 22937Vincennes. Cochrane, A. B. (In'Historic Chateaux.').. 21785 Vinci, Leonardo da. ClZment, C. Lond., I88o. 12~... 23837 Richter, 7. P. (Illust. Biogr. of the Great Artists.) L. & N. Y. I88o. 12......... 23786 Vindication of Lady Byron. Lond., 187I. 8~..... 23449 Vingt ans apres. Dumas, A. D. Paris, I876. 3 t. I6~... 25635Violinists, Celebrated. Phipson, T. L. Lond., I877. I2~... 23816 Viollet-le-Duc, E. E. Annals of a Fortress. Bost., I876. 80.. 24313 -- Habitations of Man in all ages. Bost., I876. 80.... 29927 Virgil. See Vergil. Virgin Soil. Turgenief, I. S. N. Y., I877. I6~. (2 cop.). 24868Vision of Echard. Whittier, J. G. Bost., I878. I6~.... 26142 Visions: a study of false sight. Clarke, E. H. Bost., I878. I2~.. 28005 Vitalis, Ordericus. See Ordericus. Vivian Grey. Disraeli, B. N. Y. [Lond., 1878]. I6~.. 24246 & 24252 Vivien. Tennyson, A. Illust. by Dore. N. Y., I868. 2~... Vizetelly, H. Story of the Diamond Necklace. Lond., I867. 2 v. 22523Vocation. See Profession. Vogel, H. The Chemistry of Light and Photography. N. Y., I875. 29253 Vogel, T. A Century of Discovery. Lond., I877. 8~... 23567 Voice. Cohen, J. S. The Throat and the Voice. Phil., 1879. I6~. 29962 Daniell, W. H. The Voice and how to use it. Bost., I873. I6~. 29804 Durant, G. Hygiene of the Voice; its physiology and anatomy. N. Y., I879. 12~... 29802 - Holmes G. Vocal Physiology and Hygiene. [L. &] Phil., i88o. 29803 Pattou, A. A. The Voice as an Instrument. N. Y., I878. I6~. 29805 Voigt (Der) von Sylt. Miigge, T. Breslau, 1866. 2 B. i6~. (Romane, B. 27-28.). 25848Volsungs (The). Cox (G. W.) & Jones. (In'Pop. Romances;' and'Tales.').27712-13 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Hamley, E. B. (For. Clas. for English Readers.')..23263 Morley, 7. N. Y., 1872. 120...23310 Vosmaer, C. Rembrandt. [Ed.] by J. W. Mollett. N. Y., & L. 1879. I2~.......... 23778 Voss, Sophie M. von P. von. Sixty-nine Years at the Court of Prussia. Lond., I876. 2 V. 12~... 22509Voyages. Beauvoir, L. de. Voyage round the World. Lond., I870-72. 3 v. 12......... 21200Brassey, A. Around the World in the Yacht'Sunbeam.' N. Y., 1878. 8. 2173I Field, H. M. ["Journey round the world."] N. Y., I877. (2 v.) 2I720CONTENTS:-1, From the Lakes of Killarney to the Golden Ilorn.-2, From Egypt to Japan. Hiubner, J. A. von. Ramble round the World, I87I. N. Y., I874. I2......, 21203 Voyages-Walking. 2II Voyages. Simpson, W. Meeting the Sun: a journey all round the world. Bost., I877. 80. 21982 See, also, Travels (and references). Waagen, G. F. Handbook of Painting: the German, Flemish, and Dutch schools. Based on the handbook of Kugler; remodeled by Waagen. A new ed., in part re-written by J. A. Crowe. Lond., I874. 2 v. 8~.. 29875Wachtstubenabenteuer. Hacklander, F. W. von. Stuttg., I875. 3 Th. in 2 B. i6~. (Werke, B. 4-5.).....2580IWages. Walker, F. A. The Wages Question. N. Y., I876. 8~.. 29041 Ward, J. Workmen and Wages. Lond., i868. 12~... 29008 Wagner, M. The Darwinian Theory, and the Law of the Migration of Organisms. Lond., I873. 8~......29391 Wagner, W. Richard. Art Life and Theories; selected by E. L. Burlingame. N. Y., I875. I2~. 23815 Beethoven. Transl. by A. R. Parsons. Bost., I872. I2~.. 23808 -- Transl. by E. Dannreuther. Lond., I88o. I2~... 23807 Dannreuther, E. Wagner: his tendencies and theories. Lond., I873. 8............ 29800 /Hueffer, F. Wagner and the Music of the Future. Lond., I874. 29748 Wahl, O. W. The Land of the Czar. Lond., 1875. 80... 21942 Wake-Robin. Burroughs, J. N. Y., I877. I6~.. 29324 Waldfried. Auerbach, B. Stuttg., I874. 3 B. 16~.... 25880Same. Transl. by S. A. Stern. N. Y., I874. I2~. (2 copies.). 24002Wales. Borrow, G. Wild Wales. Lond., I872. 16~.... 2I709 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 4. Bost., I876. I6~. 26443 Walford, E. Juvenal. (Anc. Clas. for Eng. Readers, v. 13.).. 26839 Londoniana. Lond., I879. 2 v. 12.... 21260- Old and New London. Lond., &c., [I875-78]. Vols. 3-6. 8~. 2I962(For v. I-2 see Thornbury, W.) Pleasant Days in Pleasant Places. Lond., I879. I2~.. 21262 - Tales of Our Great Families. Lond., I877. 2 V. I2~.. 22846Walford, Mrs. L. B. Cousins. N. Y., I879. I6~... 24286 Mr. Smith: a part of his life. N. Y., I875. I6~.. 24287 Pauline. N. Y., I877. 160... 24288 - Troublesome Daughters. N. Y., i88o. I6~...2493I Walker, F. A. Money. N. Y., I878. 8~.. 29040 Money in its relations to Trade and Industry. N. Y., I879. I2~. 29042 - The Wages Question. N. Y., I876. 8~.. 2904I Walker, H. H. The Comedie Humaine and its author; with translations from the French of Balzac. [L. &] N. Y., [I879]. I20. 26908 Walker, W. Handbook of Drawing. Lond., I879. I2~... 29825 Walker, W. S. Critical Examination of the Text of Shakespeare. Lond., I860. 3 v. 160... 27022Walking. Barron, A. Foot Notes; or, Walking as a fine art. Wallingf., I875. I20.. 2932I Gould, J. M. Hints for Camping and Walking. N. Y., I877. 16~. (2 copies.)......... 29662Thoreau, H. D. Excursions. Bost., I875. I2~... 29335 2t2 Walking-Warren. Walking. See, also, Sports (and references). Wallace, A. R. On Miracles and Modern Spiritualism. Lond., I875. 6........ 28045 Tropical Nature, and other essays. Lond., I878. 8~.. 29533 Wallace, D. M. Russia. N. Y., I877. 8~. 21941 Wallace, L. The Fair God; or, The last of the'Tzins. Bost., I873. I2~. (2 copies.)........ 24289Waller, E. Poetical Works. With memoir [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I857. 8~.. 26363 Walmsley, H. M. Ruined Cities of Zulu Land. Lond., I869. 2 v. 2I632Walpole, Horace, 4th earl of Orford. Adams, W. H. D. (In'Eng. Party Leaders,' v. I.)..2I054 Walpole, Sir Robt., earl of Orford. Earle, 7. C. (In'Eng. Premiers,' v. I.)..22882 Walpole, S. Hist. of England from I8I5. Lond., I878-80. v. I-3. 2I097Walsh, J. H., (pseud.,'Stonehenge'.) Hints to Sportsmen on Guns and Shooting. Lond. i6~.. 29612 Walsh, W. S., compiler. Burlesque. Bost., I875. I6~.... 25246 Walter of Aquitaine. Cox (G. W.) & Jones. (In' Pop. Romances'; and' Tales.'). 27712-I3 Walton (I.) & Cotton (C.). Complete Angler. With orig. memoirs and notes by [N.] H. Nicolas. Lond., I875. I20.. 29627 War. Helps, A. (In' Friends in Council,' 2d ser., v. I.). 27252 War Correspondence of the Daily News. See Daily News (London). Warburton, E. B. G. Memoirs of Prince Rupert and the Cavaliers. Lond., 1849. 3 v. 8........ 23018Warburton, W. P. Edward III. Lond., I875. I6~.... 20459 Ward, A. W. Chaucer. (Eng. Men of Letters.) N. Y., I88o. 12~. 23345 Ward, Harrietta 0., (pseud.?) Sensible Etiquette. Phil., I878. I2~. 28965 Ward, James. Workmen and Wages. Lond., i868. 12~.. 29008 Ward, John. Experiences of a Diplomatist: recollections of Germany, 1840-I870. Lond., 1872. 80.. 22582 Ward, P. Reminiscences of Cheltenham College. Lond., I868. I20. 12912 Ward, T. H., editor. The English Poets: selections, with critical introductions. Lond., I88o. v. I-2. I2~.. 26I74CONTENTS:-1, Chaucer to Donne.-2, Ben Jonson to Dryden. Waring, G. E. The Bride of the Rhine: 200 miles in a Mosel rowboat. Bost., I878. 120... 21263 - A Farmer's Vacation. Bost., I876. 80...21977 - Tyrol and the Skirt of the Alps. N. Y., 1880. 8'.. 21978 Warner, C. D. Backlog Studies. Bost., I873. I6~.. 27240 - Baddeck, and that sort of thing. Bost., 1874. 16~.. 24291I Being a Boy. Bost., 1878. 160... 24292 The Gilded Age. (See Clemens, S. L., & Warner.) In the Levant. Bost., I877. I20.. 21690 - In the Wilderness. Bost., I878. I6~... 24293 Mummies and Moslems. Hartf'd, 1876. 8~0.. 21842 Warren, I. P. Chauncey Judd; or, The stolen boy: a story of the Revolution. N. Y., [I874]. I6.. I70I3 Warren-Weiss. 2t3 Warren, I. P. The Three Judges [Goffe, Whalley, Dixwell]. N. Y., [I873]...... 22627 Wartensleben, H. von. The Campaign of I870-I. Lond., 1872. 80. 20644 Warton, T. Poetical Works. With life [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I854. 8............ 26338 Warwick Woodlands. Herbert, H. W. (' Sporting Scenes,' v. 2.). 29603 Was die Schwalbe sang. Spielhagen, F. Leipz., I877. 16~. (Sdimmtl. Werke, B. 12.)....2587I Watch and Ward. James, H., jr. Bost., 1878. I6~.. 24605 Watchmaker (The). Dumas, A. D. Lond., [I879]. i6~. 24415 Water, Forms of. Tyndall, J. N. Y., I872. I2~.. 29240 Waterton, C. Essays on Natural History. Ed., with a life, by N. Moore. Lond., [I870]. I2~.......29402 Wanderings in South America, the North-west of the United States, and the Antilles. Lond., I866. I6~... 21264 Watkins, J. Public and Private Life of R. B. Sheridan. Lond., i8i8. 2 v. 8......... I8567Watson, F. Defenders of the Faith; or, The Christian apologists of the 2d and 3d centuries. Lond., [LI878]. I60... 28503 Watson, J. L. See Keddie, H., & Watson. Watt, Jas., Life of. Smiles, S. Phil., I865. 8~.. 23534 Waverley (The) Dictionary. Rogers, M. Chic., I879 [I878]. I20. 2692I Way (The) we live now. Trollope, A. N. Y., I875. 8~... 24706 We and our Neighbors. Stowe, H. B. N. Y., [1875]. I20... 24825 Weapons. See Arms and Armor. Weber, C. M. F. E. von. Letters. (In Nohl, L.,'Letters.').. 23765 Webster, Dan. Great Speeches and Orations. With an essay on Webster as a master of English style by E. P. Whipple. Bost., I879. 8~.. 27564 - Harvey, P. Reminiscences and Anecdotes of Webster. Bost., I877. 8~. (2 copies.)........ 22699Webster, R. G. The Trade of the World. Lond., I88o. 8~. 29003 Webster, W. Basque Legends. Lond., I877. 80.... 27781 Wechsel des Lebens. Hacklander, F. W. von. Stuttg., I866. 2 B. I60. (Werke, B. 41-42.).. 25820 Wedding (The) Day, in all ages and countries. Wood, E. J. Lond., 1869. 12........... 28963 Wedgwood (Josiah), The sons of: a group of Englishmen. Meteyard, E. Lond., I87I. 8~. 23543 Wedmore, F. Pastorals of France. Lond., I878. I2~.... 24294 CONTENTS:-A Last Love at Pornic; Yvonne of Croisic; The Four Bells of Chartres. Weeden, W. B. Morality of Prohibitory Liquor Laws. Bost., I875. 6.......... 28887 Weeks, R. K. Twenty Poems. N. Y., I876. I2~.... 261I7 Weihnachtsabend. Miigge, T. Breslau, I864. I6W. (Romane, B. 21.)..25846 Weiss, J. Goethe's West-Easterly Divan. Transl., with introd. and notes. Bost., I877. I6~.. 26069 - Wit, Humor, and Shakspeare: I2 essays. Bost., 1876. I2~.. 27308 28 II4 Weld-Wheelwright. Weld, C. R. Florence, the new Capital of Italy. Lond., I867. I20. 21265 Welles, G. Lincoln and Seward. N. Y., 1874. I2~.... 22645 Wellesley, A., duke of Wellington. Yonge, C. D. Lond., I86o. 2 v. 2304I- See, also, Earle, J. C.,'Eng. Premiers,' v. 2 (22883); Kebbel, T. E.,'Eng. Statesmen' (22884). Wells, C. Joseph and his Brethren: a dramatic poem. With an introd. by A. C. Swinburne. Lond., 1876. I2~. (2 copies.) 26138Wells, D. A. Robinson Crusoe's Money. N. Y., I876. 80... 29046 Wells, J. C. The Gateway to the Polynia: a voyage to Spitzbergen. Lond., I873. 8.. 2I887 Welsted, L. Works, in Verse and Prose. With notes, and memoirs of the author, by J. Nichols. Lond., I787. 8~... I8614 Wenderholme. Hamerton, P. G. Bost., I876. I2~. ~. ~ 24483 Wentworth, Thos., Life of. Cooper, E. Lond., I874. 2 v. 80.. 23011Wesel, John of. See Ruchrath, Joh. Wesley, J., Life and Times of. Tyerman, L. N. Y., I872. 3 V. 8~. 22309Wessel, Jan. Ullrzann, C. (In' Reformers' etc., v. 2.).. 22301 West, Maria A. Romance of Missions; or, Inside views of life and labor in the land of Ararat. N. Y., [I875]. 12~... 28489 West (The, of the U. S.). Parkman, F. Discovery of the Great West. Bost., I869. 8~. (Pt. 3 of "France and Eng. in N. Amer.")..6133 - - Same. La Salle and the Discovery [etc.]. iith ed., rev., with add. Bost., I879. 8~.. 21403 Raymond, R. W. Camp and Cabin: sketches of life and travel in the West. N. Y., I88o. I6~.. 2966i West Indies. Bates, H. W., editor. Central America, [etc.]. Lond., I878. 12........... 21700 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places. (In v. 30.) ~.. 26469 See, also, Antilles. Westcott, B. F. Hist. of the Eng. Bible. Lond., I872. I20.. 28527 Western States (U. S.). Longfellow, H. W. Poems of Places, v. 28. 26467 Westmacott, R. Handbook of Sculpture, ancient and modern. Edinb., I864. I2~.. 29824 Westminster Abbey, Memorials of. Stanley, A. P. Lond., I876. 21776 Westminster Review. Lond. and N. Y., I824-79. v. I-I7, 20-54, 1203257-II2. 8.. I2239Same. v. 1-24, 27-92.. II86IWetherel (The) Affair. DeForest, J. W. N. Y., I873. 8~... 24309 Whalley, E. Warren, I. P. (In'The Three Judges.')... 22627 Whalley, T. S. Journals and Correspondence. Ed., with memoir and notes, by H. Wickham. Lond., I863. 2 v. 8~... I86IWhat Career? Hale, E. E. Bost., I878. 16~... 27385 What the Swallow sang. Spielhagen, F. N. Y., I873. I6~... 24856 What Young People should know. Wilder, B. G. Bost., [I875.] 29977 Wheatley, H. B. Round about Piccadilly and Pall Mall. Lond., I870. 8......... 21775 [Wheelwright, H. W.] Sporting Sketches, home and abroad. By the Old Bushman. Lond., I866. i2~.. 29605 Whetham-Wiese. 215 Whetham, J. W. B. Across Central America. Lond., I877. 80. 2I8I2 Which shall it be? [Hector, A. F.] N. Y., 1874. 16~... 24533 Whichcote, B. 14hestcott, B. F. (In Masters in Eng. Theol.). 22111 Whig Party (U. S.), Hist. of. Ormsby, R. M. Bost., I859. I2~.. 21326 Whipple, E. P. Literature and Life. Enl. ed. Bost., I871. I2~. 27267 CONTENTS:-Authors in their relations to life; Novels and novelistsDickens; Wit and humor; Ludicrous side of life; Genius; Intellectual health and disease; Use and misuse of words; Wordsworth; Bryant; Stupid conservatism and malignant reform. - joint author. See Fields, J. T., & Whipple. Whist. Baldwin (J. L.) & Clay (J.). Laws of Short Whist. Lond., [I876]. I6........... 29683 [Coles, B. C.] Short Whist. Lond., I865. 16~.... 29684 Pole, W. Theory of Whist. Lond., I878. I6~.... 29685 -- Trump, A., jr., (pseud.) Laws and Regulations of Short Whist. Paris & N. Y., I88o. I6~.. 29686 See, also, Cards; Games (&' references). White, G. Nat. Hist. of Selborne. N. Y., I842. I2~... II749 Same. Ed. by E. Jesse. Lond., i85i. I2~... 525 Same. With poems, corresp., &c. Ed. by T. Bell. Lond., I877. 2 v. 8......... 29530White, H. K. Poetical Works. With memoir [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I856. 8......... 26364 White, J. Falstaff's Letters. Lond., 1877. I2~.. I2904 White, J. W. The Mouth and the Teeth. Phil., I879. I6~... 29964 White, R. G. Every-Day English. Bost., I88o. J2... 27866 ~ Shakespeare's Scholar. N. Y., I854. 80......27043 White and Black. Campbell, G. N. Y., I879. 80.... 21459 White Wife. Bradley, E. Lond., I865. I6~.. 24062 Whitefield, G., Life of. Tyerman, L. N. Y., I877. 2 V. 8~... 22307Whiteladies. Oliphant, M. O. W. N. Y., I875. I6~.... 24836 Whiteley, G. C. The Cambridge Union Society: inaugural proceedings. L. & C., I866. 160.. 28825 Whitney, W. D. Essentials of Eng. Grammar. Bost., I877. I2~. 27863 Life and Growth of Language. N. Y., I875. 12~. (2 copies.). 29255Oriental and Linguistic Studies. N. Y., I873-4. 2 series. I36 & 27862 CONTENTS:-1, The Veda; The Avesta; The science ortlanguage.-2, The East and West; Religion and mythology; Orthography and phonology; Hindu astronomy. [Whiton, J. M.] Is "Eternal" Punishment Endless? answered. Bost., I878. I6~.. 28509 Whittaker, F. Life of Gen. Geo. A. Custer. N. Y., [I876]. 80.. 22772 Whittier, J. G. Complete Poetical Works. Bost., I876. 80.. 26255 Hazel-Blossoms: [poems.] Bost., I875. 16~.. 26140 Vision of Echard, and other poems. Bost., I878. 16~.. 26142 -ditor. Songs of Three Centuries. Bost., I876. 12~.. 2614I "Who breaks, pays." Jenkin, C. N. Y., I873. 16~.... 24585 Why we laugh. Cox, S. S. N. Y., 1876. I2~... 25205 Whyte-Melville, G. J. Riding Recollections. Lond., 1878. 12~.. 29640 Wiclif, John. See Wycliffe. Wieck, J. G. F. Piano and Song. Bost., I875. I2~.... 29801 Wiese, L. German Letters on Eng. Education. [L. &] N. Y., I879. 28838 216 Wiesener-Winthrop. Wiesener, L. The Youth of Queen Elizabeth. Lond., 1879. 2 v. 22933Wikoff, H. Reminiscences of an Idler. N. Y., i88o. 80... 22701 Wilberforce, E. Social Life in Munich. Lond., 1864.' 12... 21685 Wild Life in a Southern County. [Jefferies, R.] Bost., 1879. 160. 29332 Wild Men and Wild Beasts. Cumming, W. G. N. Y., 1872. I20. 21680 Wilde, W. R. Closing Years of Dean Swift's Life. Dublin, 1849. 22260 Wilder, B. G. What Young People should know. Bost., [I875].. 29977 Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship and Travels. Goethe, J. W. von. Transl. by T. Carlyle. Lond., I874. 3 v. 160.. 24449Wilkes, G. Shakespeare, from an Amer. point of view. N. Y., I877. 80. 8...27045 Wilkes (John), Sheridan, Fox. Rae, W. F. Lond., I874. 80.. 23040 Wilkins, A. S. Roman Antiquities. Lond., I877. 160.. 20057 Wilkinson, H. F. Modern Athletics. Lond., 1877. I2~... 29638 Willert, P. F. Reign of Lewis XI. Lond., 1876. 160.... 20069 William I., the Conqueror, and his Companions. Planche, J. R. Lond., 1874. 2 v. 8...23000Williams, Helen M. Narrative of the Events in France [in 1815]. Lond., i8i6. 8~..i86II Williams, M. Hinduism. Lond., I877. 16...28578 Modern India and the Indians. Lond., I878. 80.. 21945 Williams-Wynn. See Wynn. Willis, N. P. People I have met. N. Y., 1850. 12~.. 18640 Willis, R. William Harvey. Lond., I878. 80.. 23541 Wilson, A. The Abode of Snow. N. Y., I875. I2.... 21707 Wilson, D. Prehistoric Annals of Scotland. Lond., 1863. 2 v. 80. 20203Prehistoric Man. Lond., 1876. 2 v. 8.. 20200- Reminiscences of Old Edinburgh. Edinb., 1878. 2 v. 12~.. 21266Wilson, G. Handbook of Hygiene and Sanitary Science. [Edinb. &] Phil., i88o. 12.. 29997 Wilson, J. C. Summer and its Diseases. Phil., 1879. 160... 29960 Wilson, J. G. Poets and Poetry of Scotland. N. Y., 1876. 2 v. 80. 26270CONTENTS:-1, From Thomas the Rhymer to Rich. Gall.-2, Thos. Campbell to Marquis of Lorne. Wilson, John. Dramatic Works; with memoir. Edinb. &.Lond., 1874. 80. 26573 Wilson, R. K. Hist. of Modern English Law. Lond., I875. I6. 20067 Wilson, Thos. Farrar, F. TV. (In Classic Preachers.).. 22112 ---- Tale, W. H. (In'Lives of Eng. Divines.'). 22IIo0 Winchell, A. Preadarnites. Chic., i88o. 80...29387 Winchester College, School-life at. [Mansfield, R. B.] Lond., i866. I20.......28835 Winckelmann, J. J. Hist. of Anc. Art. Bost., I873. 4 v. 8.. 29980Windham, W. Diary, I784-i8IO. Lond., I866. 8.. 18597 Winter, W. Trip to England. Bost., 1879. 160.... 21682 Winter and its Dangers. Osgood, H. Phil., 1879. 16.. 29963 Winter Sunshine. Burroughs, J. N. Y., 1876. 16~.. 29325 Winthrop, T. John Brent. N.Y., 1876. 16~.. 24295 -- Life in the Open Air, and other papers. N. Y., 1876. 16. 27239 CONTENTS:-Love and Skates; New York 7th Regiment: our march to Washington; Washington as a camp; Fortress Monroe; Brightly's Orphan; The Heart of the Andes. Wit —Woodhead. 217 Wit and Humor. Brooks, C. S. Poems from' Punch." Lond., I875. I2........... 25268 [Forrester, A. H.] Phantasmagoria of Fun. Lond., I843. 2 v. I20... 25207Oxberry, W. The Actor's Budget of Wit and Merriment. Lond. 12~.. 26521 See, also, Caricature; Fun; Humor. Wit, Humor, and Shaltspeare. Weiss, J. Bost., I876. 12~... 27308 Witchcraft. See Demonology. Wither, Thos. P. Bigg. See Bigg-Wither. Within an Ace. Jenkin, C. N. Y., I875. I60.. 24586 Wollstonecraft, Mary. See Godwin, Mary W. Wolseley, G. J., Memoir of. Low, C. R. Lond., I878. 2 v. I2~. 22844Woltmann, A. Hans Holbein. L. & N. VY., I879. I2~... 23781 Woman-Hater (A). Reade, C. N. Y., 1877. I20. (2 copies.). 248I5Womankind in Western Europe. Wright, T. Lond., I869. 8~.. 28964 Women. Brackett, Anna C., editor. Education of Amer. Girls. N. Y., I874. I60.... 28823 Morgan, S. O. Woman and her master: a hist. of the female sex. Lond. 2 v. I2~... I8673Ossoli, M. F. Woman in the I9th cent. Bost., I874. I2~.. 27288 Biography. Belloc, B. R. P. Vignettes: 12 biographical sketches. Lend., I866. I6. 18559 - - Blackburne, E. O. Illustrious Irishwomen. Lond., I877. 2 V. 8'.. 23884- - Clayton, E. C. English Female Artists. Lond., I876. 2 V. 23865- - Queens of Song. Lond., I863. 2 v. 8~.. 23847-Elwood, A. K. C. Memoirs of the Literary Ladies of England, from [I700]. Lond., I843. 2 V. I2~.... I854I-Green, M. A. E. W., editor. Letters of Royal and illustrious Ladies of Great Britain [II00-I558]. Lond., I846. 3 v. I2~. 22927- - -Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of Celebrated Women. Bost., i868. I6........... 23643 -- Trollope, T. A. A Decade of Italian Women. Lond., I859. 2 v. I60... 23644-See, also, England, Princesses, Queens. Wonder-Book. Hawthorne, N. Bost., I876. I20... 24527 Wood, E. J. The Wedding Day in all ages and countries. Lond., I869. 12........... 28963 Wood, H. C. Brain-work and overwork. Phil., i88o. I6~... 29966 Wood, J. G. Illustrated Natural History. Lond., I869-7I. 3 v. 8~. 29587CONTENTS:-1, Mammalia.-2, Birds.-3, Reptiles, Fishes, Molluscs, &c. - Insects abroad. Lond., I874. 8~.......29585 Insects at home. N. Y., I872. 80.. 29586 Natural Hist. of Man. Lond., I868,'70. 2 V. 8~.... 29590CONTENTS:-1, Africa.-2, Australia, New Zealand, Polynesia, America, Asia, and ancient Europe. Wood, Mary A. E. See Green, Mary A. E. W. Woodgate, W. B. "Oars and Sculls." Lond., I875. I60... 29659 Woodhead, H. Memoirs of Christina, Queen of Sweden. Lond., I863. 2 v. 12~...2390I 218 Woodwork-Wycliffe. Woodwork. Pollen, J. H. Anc. and Mod. Furniture and W. N. Y., 1I876. I2~... 29766 See, also, Decoration. Wooing (The) o't. Hector, A. F. N. Y., 1874. I6~. (3 copies.). 24534Woolrych, H. W. Lives of Eminent Serjeants-at-Law of the Eng. Bar. Lond., I869. 2 v. 8... 23887Woolsey, Sarah C., (pseud.,'Susan Coolidge'.) For Summer Afternoons. Bost., I876. I60... 27238 Woolsey, T. D. Communism and Socialism. N. Y., I88o. I2~.. 29II9 Political Science. N. Y., I878 [I877]. 2 v. 8~. (2 copies.). 29083&' others. First Century of the Republic. N. Y., I876. 8~. (2 copies.) (For contents see First Century.).. 2I520Wordsworth, C. On Shakspeare's Knowledge and Use of the Bible. Lond., I864. I2~.. 27007 Wordsworth, Dorothy. Recollections of a Tour in Scotland, i803. N. Y., 1874. 16.. 21268 Wordsworth, W. Correspondence. (See Haydon, B. R.,'Corresp.,' V. 2.).. 23831 Poems. Chosen and ed. by M. Arnold. Lond., I879. 16~.. 26i15 Prose Works. Ed. by A. B. Grosart. Lond., I876. 3 v. 8~.. 27484CONTENTS:-1, Political and ethical.-2, aEsthetical and literary. —, Critical and ethical. Masson, D. Wordsworth, Shelley, Keats. Lond., i874. I2~.. 27298 See, also, Bagehot, W.,' Lit. Stud.,' v. 2 (26768); Brooke, S. A.,' Theol. in the Eng. Poets' (26281); Dowden, E.,'Stud. in Lit.' (26926); Doyle, F. H.,'Lect. on Poetry,' v. 2 (26286); Hutton, R. H.,'Essays,' v. 2 (27488); Lowell, J. R.,'Among my Books,' v. 2 (2693I); Mackay, C.,'Forty Years' Recol.,' v. I (22943); Stephen, L.,'Hours in a Lib.,' v. 3 (26935); Taylor, H.,'Crit. Ess. on Poetry' (26296); Whipple, E. P.,'Lit. and Life' (27267). Workmen. Maurice, J. F. D. The Workman and the Franchise. Lond., I866. 8~.. 29090 Ward, J. Workmen and Wages. Lond., I868. 12~... 29008 World. See Earth. World (New York). See Out of "The World" Series. World's (The) Progress. Putnam, G. P. N. Y., I878. 8~... Wreck of the Chancellor. Verne, J. Bost., I875. I6~.... 24272 Wright, G. F. Logic of Christian Evidences. Andover, i88o. I2~. 28702 Wright, Thos., of Birkenshaw. Autobiography. Ed. by his grandson, Thos. Wright. Lond., i864. I6~... 23649 Wright, Thos. Womankind in Western Europe. Lond., I869. 8~. 28964 Writers. See Authors. Writing. See Rhetoric (6& references). Wyatt, T. Poetical Works. With memoir [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I858. 8~.. 26365 Wyatt, W. J. Hist. of Prussia. Lond., I876. v. I-2. 80... 20645Wycherley, W. Dramatic Works. Lond., I849 &'5I. 80. (2 cop.). 2669IWycliffe, J. Lechler, G. V. John Wiclif and his Eng. Precursors. Lond., I878. 2 v, 8~.. 22305 Wycliffe-Young. 2I9 Wycliffe, 3. Pauli, R. (In'Pictures of Old England.').. 20850 - Vaughan, R. John de Wycliffe, D.D. Lond., I853. 8~... 22304 Wyncote. Erskine, Mrs. T. N. Y., I875. 16~.... 24440 Wynn, Charlotte Williams. Memorials. Ed. by her sister. Lond., I878. 12........... 23623 Wynn, Frances Williams. Diaries of a Lady of Quality [Miss Wynn], from I797 to I844. Ed., with notes, by A. Hayward. Lond., I864. 12~.. 18582 Wythe, J. H. The Science of Life. N. Y., r88o. I2~.... 29392 Xavier, F., Life and Letters of. Coleridge, H. J. Lond., 1872. 2 V. 22I03Yacht (A) Voyage. Blackwood, F. T. H. N. Y. 12.... 21222 Yakoob Beg, Life of. Boulger, D. C. Lond., 1878. 8~.... 23720 Yale College. Addresses before the Alumni. By B. Silliman, H. Bushnell, W. T. Dwight, L. Bacon, J. D. Dana, W. B. Sprague, J. M. Sturtevant, C. J. Stille, and S. B. Ruggles. 8~. 11396 Edwards, J. Catalogue of the Greek and Roman Coins in the Numismatic Coll. of Y. C. N. H., I88o. 8.... 20379 Kingsley, W. L., editor. Yale College: a sketch of its history, with notices of its several departments, by various authors. Illust. N. Y., I879, 2 v. 4~... Phi Beta Kappa Orations and Poems. Vol. 2. By Jarvis, Percival, etc. 8~... 1397 Yale Literary Magazine. N. H., I836-79. 44 v. 8... I7393Same. v. 1I-26, 28, 29.... I7367Index to v. I-33. N. H., i868. 8~.. Yarkand, Visits to. Shaw, R. Lond., I871. 8.. 21923 Year (A) in a Lancashire Garden. Bright, H. A. Lond., 1879. I2~. 29452 Year's (A) Life: [poems.] Lowell J. R. Bost., 184I. I6~... 26082 Yellow (The) Mask. Collins, W. W. N. Y., I879. 16~.... 24923 Yonge, C. D. Life of Arthur, Duke of Wellington. Lond., i86o. 2 V. 80. 2304ILife of Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. Lond., I876. 2 v. 22480- Same. N. Y., I876. 80.. 22520 Yonge, Charlotte M. Life of John C. Patteson. Lond., I874. 2 v. 22270My Young Alcides; a faded photograph. N. Y., I876. I2~.. 24296 Pillars of the House; or, Under wode, under rode. Lond., I874. 2 v. I2.......... 24297Yorke, Oliver, (pseud.) See Mahony, F. S. Young, E. The Complaint; or, Night Thoughts. With life [etc.] by G. Gilfillan. Edinb., I853. 8~... 26366 Young, J. C. Personal Reminiscences. (In Stoddard, R. H.,' Bric-t-Brac Series.)..23256 Young, Mary J. Memoirs of Mrs. Crouch; [with] a retrospect of the stage. Lond., I8o6. 2 V. 122.. I8556Young, W. Shakespeare's King Lear. (See Seeley, J. R., &' others.) Young Maugars. Theuriet, A. N. Y., I879. 16~.. 24090 Young Men. Hopkins, M. Strength and Beauty: discussions for Young Men. N. Y., [I874]. I2'. 2. 27383 2f20 ~Young —Zwolf. Young Men. Tulloch, J. Beginning Life: a book for Young Men. N. Y., [I876]. 16~.. 27384 Zanzibar: city, island, and coast. Burton, R. F. Lond., 1872. 2 v. 21860Zauberring (Der). La Motte Fouqu6, F. de. Braunsch., I865. I6~. 25830 Zeller, E. D. F. Strauss in his life and writings. Lond., I874. 12~. 23528 Zicci. Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Lond., I875. I2~... 24108 Zimmern, Helen. Arthur Schopenhauer. Lond., I876. I2~... 23529 Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. Lond., I878. 120.. 23330 Zincke, F. B. Egypt of the Pharaohs and of the Khediv6. Lond., I873. 8............ 2845 Zola, E. L'Assommoir. Paris, i877. 16~.. 25670 Anzicis, E. de. (In' Studies of Paris.')..27273 Zoology. Buckland, F. Log-book of a Fisherman and Zoologist. Lond., 1875. 8~.. 29495 Huxley, T. H. The Crayfish: an introd. to the study of Z. N. Y., i88o. I20... 29269 Macalister, A. Zoology of the Invertebrate Animals. N. Y., 1879. I6......... 29352 - Zoology of the Vertebrate Animals. N.. Y., I878. 16~.. 29353 Orton, J. Comparative Zoology, structural and systematic. N. Y., I876. 80.. 29504 Packard, A. S. Zoology, for students and general readers. N. Y., I879. I2~... 29506 Tenney, S. Elements of Zoology. N. Y., 1875. I2~... 29507 See, also, Animals (& references); Biology; Frog; Insects; Metamorphoses; Natural Hist. Zoological Mythology. Gubernatis, A. de. N. Y. [Lond.], I872. 2 V. 29490Zulu Land, Ruined Cities of. Walmsley, H. M. Lond., I869. 2 V. 2I632Zur guten Stunde. Auerbach, B. Stuttg. 2 B. 8~.... 25902Zuyder-Zee, Dead Cities of. Havard, H. Lond:, I875. 8~. ~ ~ 21779 ZwilfZettel. Hacklander, F. W. von. Stuttg., I873. (Werke B. 57.) 25828