J-,--- - (. 14, —.I — 4 CILL-Ai (A -V THE OF LU IBUS-0-0 RIS-PEt4l SUIAM-AMOE TnTrFFFl-R!-rTTrlljl-,Tn-fTTjJ 11-1 It I C11 F:/ I I 0 OA iKE HALL, Es. ARIRANGO E) BY UBJECTS, WHIICH COMPREIE3NB Dramatic, Legal, Journalistic and Local Literatu.re; Travels: Poetry; Fiction; Biography, etc., etc. Including Rare and Illustrated Books, with Autographic Letters that relate to Actors and Actresses; Shakesperian; Scarce and Rare Criminal Trials, Pamphlets Out of Print, Early Editions, and Scarce VoluTmes of Municipal History. TO ]BE SBOLD AT AUCTION, On Mlonday, January 17th, 1881, AND FOLLOWING DAYS, BY 739-74-1 BROAD WAY, NEW YORK. Sale to Begxin. at 3 30 t:- S IV -i~fr BUYERS UNABLE TO ATTEND TIE SALE, MAY HAVE THEIR ORDERS CAREFULLY EXECUTED BY THE AUCTIONEERS. I a f W, 111'>waw~~~~ W*s9Xfa!. This collection is believed to possess an almost exclusive richness in dramatic books. MAfany of them are positively not to be duplicated. For instance, "The Secret JMemoirs of Vestris": "' The Catalog6e of Charles Mathews' Library, Pictures and Effects marked at Sale"; "Bunn's Stafe," filled with autograph Letters; JMalibran's and Kelly's.Memoirs; all of Bunn's librettos, edited by his own conceited hand; and a variety of Biographies, illustrated by inserted Plates; also a collection of books relating to Shakespeare, which is not so extensive as it is odd. There are two sets of Shakespeare especially illuzstrated-one by the late owner-with inserted Plates. There is a! so the mursic of Shakespeare's acting plays. There is the Shakespeare in outline drawings. The arere dramatic Treatises, and a arge number of Plays difficult to proczre. This collection is known to be ununsually rich in criminal and sensational Trials, and in volrumes scarce and quxaint, illzstrative of the History of the Law and of legal occurrences within 200 years. What are in effect the original Trials of Charles L acnd Louis XVI. are here. The books included under the one head of Legal Literature cost their late owner over $5,000. Here are the original volumes of Greeley's first newspaper, "The,Jew Yorker" —germ of the " Tribzune"; the first volume of the "H erald," an early volume of the "Sun," and volumes of spasmodic journalismn not readily to be duplicated. The.",rrcturus" nMagazine, Duyccinckc's "Literary World" in full, " Vanity Fair," " Mrs. Grundy," "Yankee Doodle," the " Ficgaro" that preceded " Pu7nch," ii * * and a set of "London Illustrated Xews," "'British Annual Register" from 1758, Ackerman's "La Belle Assernblee," etc., etc, In local literature is a set of Central Park Minutes and Reports, a full set of Valentine Manuals (the two absent volumes being substantial duplicates of a preceding one, and 1867 being unknown), Laws and Ordinances and Pampklets, Sketches and Maps relating to.ew Bork City, and the volumes of Bolton's " History of Westchester County," now very scarce. There is practically a Library of British and American Poets, handsomely bound, uniformly-say to year 1873. There are original editions of Miss Edgeworth, Jrames, Dickens, Thackeray, Bulwer and Hawthorne; some of them with autographs inserted. Also a full uncut copy of the Edinburgh edition of Walter Scott; a full set of Sparks Aemerican Biography, bound in calf; a folio Bible, in four volzmes, with Dore and inserted Plates, Dunlap's "History of the Arts of Design"; original edition, with Ilzlustrations, of the Mysteries of Paris; a full set of W. G. Simms' Jovels and Poems; a very full Library of the Histories of all Jations and Countries; Volumes of Cruzlcshankiana; the full collection of Pamphlets that came from the sale of H. T. Tuckerman's Library; Burton's Cyclopmedia of Wit; Books relating to the Civil War; Chap-Books; Dickens' Life of Grimaldi; Memoirs of Harriet Wilson, origfinal edition; an unexpurgated Tom Brown, and Reynolds' illustrated Myst eries; and a variety of odd Novels and Travels which are out of print, and of odd volumes scattered through the collection that are rare. CATALOGUE. Iramatitc ixteratote. A 'BECKETT, G. A. The Quizziology of the British Drama. Woodcuts. 16mo Lond. 1846...:!? 2 ADOLPHUS, J. Memoirs of John Bannister, Comedian. Portrait. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo, half calf Lond.; 3 AEsCHYLUS. Tragedies, literally translated by T. A. Buckley. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1849 4 AMERICAN Dramatic Library. Athenia of Damascus, by R. Dawes; Bianca Visconti, by N. P. Willis. 12mo. N. Y. Tortesa the Usurer, has been torn out. 5 AMERICAN DRAMAS. The Discarded Daughter, by J. P. Pirsson; The Clergyman's Daughter, by W. C. White; Camillus, by J. B. Phillips; The Forest of Rosenwald, by J. Stokes; The Knight of the Rum Bottle & Co.; Rejected Plays; The Mystery of the Castle, by J. B. White. Together, 7 vols, 12mo & 18mo, stitched 1807-'32... 1 6 ANGELO. Reminiscences of Henry Angelo, with Memoirs of his late Father and Friends, including numerous Origi2j ~ ~ nal Anecdotes, &c.; curious traits of the most celebrated characters that have flourished during the last eighty years. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1830.: 7 ARCADIAN. A weekly paper of Dramatic, Musical and Art Criticism, &c. Vol. 1, Sept. 1872 to Sept. 1873. 4to, half roan N.Y. 8 ARISTOPHIANES. Comedies, literally translated by W. J. Hickie. Portrait. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1853 f ^I 1 1 1.,' 1 11,1 1 y 1 1 1 11 ' 11 1 ^ 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1 1 ii l i 1; l i l: 1 1 1 1 1 11: 2 CA T1LOG UE. 9 ASTOR Place Riot. Account of. 8vo, stitched. N Y. 1849 10 - Newspaper Clippings, containing an account of. In 8vo scrap-book NV Y. 1849 11 Account of; and 2 other Pamphlets. (3) 12 AUTHENTIC Memoirs of the Green-Room; involving Sketches, biographical, critical and characteristic, of the Performers of the Theatres Royal Drury Lane, Covent Garden and the Haymarket. With Portraits. 2 vols in 1. 16mo, half morocco. Very scarce Lond. BI? T ADDELEY. Memoirs of Mrs. Sophia Baddeley, late of B Drury Lane Theatre. By Mrs. Elizabeth Steel. 6 vols. bound in 3. 12mo, half calf Lond. 1787 "A rare biography; very curious revelations of the 'DemiMonde' of the last century, by one of its most celebrated members."?ff j 14 BANNISTER. Memoirs of John Bannister, Comedian. By John Adolphus, Esq. 2 vols, 8vo, tree calf, gilt tops Lond. 1839 A beautifully illustrated copy, containing 83 inserted plates and three playbills of the Drury Lane Theatre, 1807. 15 BEAUMONT and FLETCHER. The Works of. With an Introduction by George Darley. Portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond.: Edward MIoxon, 1840 16 BEAUTIES of the Opera and Ballet. Illustrated with 10 highly-finished Portraits, engraved on steel, and numerous engravings on wood, under the superintendence of Mr. Charles Heath. Royal 8vo, diamond calf Lond. A handsome volume, printed with colored borders. 17 BEDFORD, ARTHUR. The Evil and Danger of Stage Plays: showing their Natural Tendency to Destroy Religion and Introduce a General Corruption of Manners. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1706 18 BEHN. Plays written by the late ingenious Mrs. Behn. Third edition. Fine Portrait. 4 vols, post 8vo. Lond. 1724 Bound in sprinkled calf, red edges, by W. Pratt. Rare, good copy. C1ATA1LOG UE. 3 19 BELLAMY. An Apology for the Life of George Ann Bellamy, late of Covent Garden Theatre; written by herself, to which is annexed her original letter to John Calcraft, Esq., which was violently suppressed. Frontispieces. 5 vols, 12mo, calf Lond. 1786 20 BERNARD, B. Life of Samuel Lover: artistic, literary and musical. Portrait. 12mo N. Y. 1874 21 BERNARD, JOHN. Retrospections of the Stage. 2 vols, 12mo, green turkey morocco, full gilt _Lond. 1830 A beautiful copy, illustrated with 61 inserted plates, including many very fine and rare portraits. Bernard was manager of the American Theatres and Secretary of the Beefsteak Club. 22 BETTERTON, THOMAS. History of the English Stage, from the Restoration to the Present Time, including the Lives, Characters and Amours of the most Eminent Actors and Actresses; with Instructions for Public Speaking. Adorned with Cuts. 8vo, calf Lond. 1741 Contains an account of Nell Gwyn, by Oldys; her portrait and that of Mr. Wilks, bound in the same volume; Memoirs of Mrs. Anne Oldfield. 23 BIOGRAPHY of the British Stage; being correct Narratives of the Lives of all the principal Actors and Actresses at Drury Lane, Covent Garden, the Haymarket, the Lyceum, the Surrey, the Coburg and the Adelphi Theatres, with Original Anecdotes, &c. 12mo, half turkey, gilt tops Lond. 1824 Very scarce. 24 BIOGRAPHY of the British Stage. [The Same.] 12mo, boards, uncut N. Y. 1824 25 BLAsIS, C. The Art of Dancing; its Theory, Practice and History. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1830 26 BOADEN, JAS. Life of Mrs. Jordan; including Original Private Correspondence and numerous Anecdotes of her Contemporaries. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo,half calf Lond. 1831 27 BOOTH Memorials. By his Daughter. Portrait. 12mo V. Y. 1866 28 BRITISH Theatrical Gallery. A Collection of whole length Portraits, with Biographical Notices by D. Terry, Esq. 20 Plates. Folio, cloth Lond. 1825 Choice copy: portraits beautifully colored. 4 CATAZLOG UE..;;:"; 29 BROME, RICHARD. Dramatic Works of; containing Fifteen Comedies, now first collected. Portrait. 3 vols, 12mo, boards, uncut Lond. 1873 30 BROTHER-IN-LAW (The). A Comedy. 12mo, tree calf Kent: Printed at the private Press of Lee Priory, 1817 Scarce, not above forty copies printed. The woodcut illustrations by Bewick. 31 BUNN, ALFRED. The Stage; both Before and Behind the Curtain, from "Observations taken on the spot." 3 vols, 8vo, uncut, half red turkey Lond. 1840 A profusely illustrated copy, containing 68 plates and 128 autographs. Portraits of Kean, Macready, Sheridan, Matthews, Jerrold, Sir Ed. Landseer, Planche, Kemble, &c. Autographs of Dickens, Sheridan Knowles, George the Fourth, Tom Moore, William the Fourth, &c., 32 32 — Operatic Librettos: Songs, Duets, Choruses, &c. 15 vols, 8vo, half calf Lonc. An unique collection, interleaved and enriched with autograph letters, newspaper reviews and criticisms, Lord Chamberlain's approvals, &c. 33 -The Stage: both Before and Behind the Curtain. 2 vols, 12mo, half sheep Phil. 1840. 34 BURLESQUES. A Collection of Extravaganzas, &c. 10 vols, 12mo, half roan Loancd. I.;IIl 35 BUTLER, A. G. Charles I.; a Tragedy. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1874 ' 36 BUTLER, FRANCES ANNE. Journal. 2 vols, 12mo, half sheep Phil. 1835:., 37 BURLESQUE DRAMA. The Beggar's Opera; Tom Thumb; ';. The Tailors; Midas; Bombastes Furioso; The Mayor of Garratt. Illustrated by R. Cruikshank. 16mo, cloth, gilt Lond. 1837 38 BURTON. Catalogue of the Theatrical and Miscellaneous Library of the late William E. Burton. Portrait. L. P. 8vo, half calf N.. E 1860 Autograph letter inserted. 39 BYRON. Conversations noted during a Residence with his Lordship at Pisa in 1821 and '22, by Thomas Medwin. 2 vols, post 8vo, half blue morocco Lond. 1825 First and very rare edition; antique copy, illustrated with curious cuttings, portraits and rare prints. CJAtLiOG UE. C ALTCRAFT, J. W. A Defence of the Stage, or an Inquiry into the Real Qualities of Theatrical Entertainments, their Scope and Tendency. 8vo, cloth. Rare zDublin, 1839 41 CAMPBELL, THOS. Life of Mrs. Siddons. Portrait. 12mo <(g~~~~~~~ C. ~N.Y. 1834 42 CENTLIVRE, MRS. The Busie Body: a Comedy. The Second Edition. Small 4to, half calf Lond.: L intott 43 CHAPMAN, J. K. Complete History of Theatrical Entertainments at the English Court, from the Time of King Henry the Eighth to the present day. Embellished with beautiful engravings on steel, by Finden. Folio, cloth, gilt Lond. 44 CHEFs-D'CEUVRE du Repertoire des M6lodrames joues a differens theatres. 20 vols, 16mo, hf. shp. Paris, 1825 45 - Dramatiques du XVIIIe Siecle; edition ornee de Portraits en pied colories, et precede d'une introduction, &c., par Jules Janin. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt ii ~ edges Paris, 1872 46 CHORLEY, H. F. Thirty Years' Musical Recollections. 2 vols, 12mo, half roan Loand. 1862 47 CIBBER, MR. COLLEY. An Apology for the Life of; written by himself. 2d edition. 8vo, calf Lond. 1740 48 - An Apology for the Life of Mr. The' Cibber: a Proper Sequel to the above. 12~, cf. Rare. Dublin, 1741 49 --- Narrative of Life of Mrs. Charlotte Charke, youngest daughter of Colley Cibber. 16mo, boards Lond. 1827 50 CIBBER. Theophilus Cibber to David Garrick, Esq., with Dissertations on Theatrical Subjects. Adorned with a Frontispiece and curious Copperplates. 8vo, calf Lond. 1759 Very rare; a good copy, with all the plates. ': 51 CLAPP, W. W. A Record of the Boston Stage. Autograph of W. E. Burton. 12mo Bost. 1853 52 CLAYTON, ELLEN CREATHORNE. Queens of Song; being:;: ~? Memoirs of some of the most celebrated Female Vocalists, to which is added a Chronological List of all the Operas that have been performed in Europe. 6 Portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1863 6 C TCAALOG UE. ''', 53 COLLIER, JEREMY. A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage; together with the Sense of Antiquity upon this Argument. 8vo, calf, red edges Lond. 1699 From library of Rufus Choate, with his autograph on title-page. 5 4 -- A Short View of the Immorality and Profaneness of the English Stage. Fourth edition. 8vo, calf Lond. 1699 These parts complete; a fine old copy, in original binding. 5 5 --- A Defence of the Short View of the Profaneness and Immorality of the English Stage. 8~, cf. Lond. 1699 ' 56 A — Second Defence of the Short View, &c. 8vo, calf Lond. 1700 i;: 57 CORNISH Comedy (The): as it is acted at the Theatre Royal, Dorset Garden. Small 4to, half calf Lond. 1696 58 COVENT Garden Journal: an Account of the Destruction of the old Theatre; the Riots in Consequence of the Raising of the Prices for Admission into the New Theatre; Correspondence; Satirical Ballads; Trial of the Rioters, &c. Four Plates of Views. Large paper, thick 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1810 59 COWELL, JOE. Thirty Years passed among the Players in England and America, with Anecdotes and Reminiscences. 8vo, half roan N2: Y. 1845:;? 60 COXE, REv. M. Musical Recollections of the last half century. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1872 ' The author began life as a cathedral chorister."...;" 61 CRoss, J. C. Parnassian Bagatelles; being a Miscellaneous Collection of Poetical Attempts, to which are added a Comic Sketch in one act, called the Way to Get Unmarried, &c. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1796 A rare dramatic volume. 62 CROWN, J. City Politiques: a Comedy. Small 4to, half calf Lond. 1683 "')P.. 63 CRUIKSHANK. The Life of Sir John Falstaff. Illustrated by George Cruikshank. With a Biography of the Knight, from authentic sources, by Robert B. Brough. Small folio, cloth Lond. 1858 Scarce. Twenty plates. CATLOG UE. 7 64 CUMBERLAND'S Plays. Davidson's Shilling Volume of Cumberland's Plays; with ltemarks, Biographical and Critical. With Portraits. 11 vols, 16mo, half calf; newly bound Lond. 65 CUMBERLAND, RICHARD. Memoirs, written by himself; with Anecdotes and Characters of several distinguished characters. 12mo, sheep N. Y. 1806 66 CUNNINGHIAM, P. The Story of Nell Gwyn and the Sayings of Charles the Second. Frontispiece, &c. 12~ Lond. i852 67 W1ithdrawn during cataloguing. AVIDGE, WM. Footlight Flashes. 12mo, cloth X 2V:Y. 1866 Presentation copy, with autograph of author. 69 DECASTRO. The Memoirs of J. Decastro, Comedian. In the course of them will be given Anecdotes of various eminently distinguished characters with whom he has been intimate in his Peregrinations: Dr. Johnson, Garrick, Foote, Wilson, Charles Bannister, J. Palmer, C. Dibdin, &c., &c. A History of the Royal Circus; Scarce Theatrical Advertisements, &c. Edited by R. Humphreys. 12mo, bound in crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt Lond. 1824 A handsome copy, illustrated with 66 inserted plates; portraits of the distinguished persons mentioned, in character and otherwise. 70 DEFENCE of the Drama, containing Mansel's Free Thoughts, Extracts from the Most Celebrated Writers and a Discourse on the Lawfulness and Unlawfulness of Plays, by the celebrated Father Caffaro, Divinity Professor at Paris. 16mo, half calf. Stained N. Y. 1826 71 DEFENCE of the Character of a Noble Lord (Earl of Scarborough) from the Scandelous Aspersions contained in (Constantia Phillips') Malicious Apology. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1748 72 DEKKER, THIOS. Dramatic Works, now first collected, with A' Illustrative Notes and a Memoir of the Author. 4 vols, 12mo, boards, uncut Lond. 1873 8 CAT.ALOG UE. 73 DEVIL (THE). Containing a Review and Investigation of all Public Subjects Whatever. By a Society of Literary Gentlemen. 12 Nos. in 1 vol. 8vo, half sheep. Lond. Scarce; contains Dramatic Reviews, &c.;; 74 DIBDIN, C. A Complete History of the English Stage. Introduced by a comparative and comprehensive review of the Asiatic, the Grecian, the Roman, the Spanish, the Italian, the Portuguese, the German, the French and other Theatres, with Biographical Tracts and Anecdotes, &c. 5 vols, 8vo, calf. Printed for the Author Lond.; 75 -- Another copy. 5 vols, 8vo, sheep Lond.. 2 'hSl; 76 --- Professional Life, written by himself; together with the words of Six Hundred Songs selected from his works, interspersed with many humorous and entertaining Anecdotes incidental to the public character. 4 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1803.i,::Ji' 77 IDIBDIN. Reminiscences of Thomas Dibdin, of the Theatres Royal. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, half turkey Lond. 1837 '78 - The London Theatre; a collection of the Most Celebrated Dramatic Pieces. Correctly given from copies used in the Theatres, by Thomas Dibdin. 12 vols, 24mo, half calf Lond. 1815 Printed at the Chiswick Press. ':.. 79 DIcKs'British Drama. Illustrated. 4 vols, 12mo, bds. N. Y.:;;? i: 80 DICKENS. Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, edited by "Boz," with illustrations by George Cruikshank. 2 vols, 12mo, half green turkey Lond. 1838 Fine original copy, with brilliant impressions of Cruikshank's etching. fi 81 DODSLEY. Old Plays. A Select Collection of Old Plays. 12 vols, 12mo, old calf, red edges London: Printed for 1R. Dodsley, 1744 First Edition....;T:: 82 DONALDSON, J. W. The Theatre of the Greeks. Seventh edition, revised. Plates. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1860 83 DRAMA (THE); or, Theatrical Pocket Magazine. Wholly dedicated to the Stage, and containing biography, essays, criticisms, poetry, reviews, anecdotes, bon-mots, chit-chat, &c. Embellished with elegant Portraits. 7 vols, 16mo, half calf Lond. 1821-'25 Good copy, with all the plates. CT4 TILO G UtE. 9 84 DONNE, WM. B. Essays on the Drama. 12mo Lond. 1858 85 DRAMAS by Tom Taylor and Charles Reade. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1854 86 DRAMATIC Historiographer; or, The British Theatre Delineated. 12mo, calf Lond. 1735 87 DRAMATIC CENSOR; or, Critical Companion. 2 vols, 8vo, calf. Frontispieces Lond. 1770 A work "which contains criticisms upon some of the principal acting plays of that time; the remarks are both critical and moral and many of them very excellent. "-Plumptre. 88 DRAMATIC Table Talk; or, Scenes, Situations and Adventures. 3 vols, 16mo, half calf Lond. 1825 Lacks plates. 89 DRAMATIC RECORDER and Humorist. 12mo, stitched. Y. 1826 90 DRAWING-ROOM Plays and Parlor Pantomimes. Collected by Clement Scott. Frontispiece. 12mo L;ond. 1870 91 DRYDEN, JOHN. Tyrannick Love; or, The Royal Martyr. A Tragedy. Small 4to, half calf Lond. 1702 92 DUNLAP, WM. Memoirs of George Fred. Cooke, Esq., late of The Theatre Royal, Covent Garden. Composed principally from the personal knowledge of the author; comprising original anecdotes of his theatrical contemporaries, &c. 2 vols, 8vo, half crimson levant morocco, gilt tops Lond. 1813 A handsome, unique copy, specially illustrated with ninety-three choice and rare theatrical portraits and plates. 93 Life of George Fred. Cooke, comprising second edition. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1815 94 Memoirs of a Water Drinker. 2 vols in 1. 12mo N. Y. 1837 Memorials of Geo. Fred. Cooke 95 The Plays of. Translated and original, i, e.: The I:/" Wild-Goose Chase; The Virgin of the Sun; Pizarro in Peru; The Archers, or Mountaineers of Switzerland; Tell Truth and Shame the Devil. One vol, 8vo, sheep, broken. Very scarce NV Y. 1796-1800:: 96 ---- History of the American Theatre. 8vo, half calf Title-page lost and a small piece torn from the front leaf. IO I0CC/lTaLOG UE.:;.... 97 DUTTON, THOS. Dramatic Censor; or, Weekly T1heatrical Report; comprising a Complete Chronicle of the British Stage and a Regular Series of Theatrical Criticism. 4 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1800-1801 98 DYER, ROBT. Nine Years of an Actor's Life. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1833 BERS, JOHN. Seven Years of the King's Theatre. 8vo, half roan, gilt tops Lond. 1828 Five lithographed portraits of prima donnas inserted. 100 Another copy. 8vo, half green morocco 101 EDWARDS, H. S. The Life of Rossini. Portrait. 8vo, half blue calf Lond. 1869 102 EDWARDS, S. History of the Opera, from Monteverde to Donizetti. Second edition. 2 vols, 12~, cloth. Lond. 1862 103 EDWIN. The Eccentricities of John Edwin, Comedian. Collected from his Manuscripts and enriched with several hundred original Anecdotes, arranged and digested by Anthony Pasquin, Esq. 2 vols in 1. 12mo, half calf Dublin, 1791!I<1,; 104 ENGLISH DRAMA. A Pleasant Conceited Comedy; The Second Maiden's Tragedy; Love's Mistress; Dido; The Lady's Privilege. 12mo Lond. 1824 105 ENGLISH PROLOGUES and Epilogues. A Collection and Selection commencing with Shakespeare and concluding with Garrick. 4 vols. in 2. 12~, half vellum. Lond. 1779 A scarce collection, with a number of fine old character and costume portraits. 106 ENGLISH STAGE. Some Account of the English Stage, from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830. 10 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt backs Bath, 1832 " The most elaborate work on the Drama and the Acting Stage ever written, containing an analysis of the Plot of every English printed Play, and the Bills of each night's performance at Drury Lane, Covent Garden, &c., &c., for the last two hundred years; also, memoirs of actors, &c."-T. H. M. 107 (4) ERA ALMANACKS. Librettos. 8vo, stitched 108 EURIPIDES. Tragedies, literally translated by T. A. Buckley. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1850 C( T.A4LOG UuE. II ARCES. A Collection of the most esteemed Farces and Entertainments performed on the British Stage. 4 vols, 12mo, half calf lEdin. 1782 110 FARQUHAR, GEO. The Works of, containing all his Letters, Poems, Essays and Comedies. The Comedies are illustrated with Cuts representing the principal Scenes in each Play. Third edition. 8vo, handsomely bound in sprinkled calf, yellow edges, by Cecil & Larkins Lond. 111 FARQUHAR. Works, with "Cast of Characters" of each Play, including names of Wilks, Cibber, Mills, Mrs. Oldfield, &c. The Comedies illustrated with Cuts. 8vo, calf Lond. 112 FENNELL, JAMES. Statements relative to the late Disturbances at the Theatre-Royal, Edinburgh. 8vo, stitched Edin. 1788 113 FIGARO; or, Corbyn's Chronicle of Amusements; a Weekly Journal. Aug. 31, 1850-Jan'y 4, 1851. Cuts. 4to, half morocco. Scarce 2V. Y. 114 FITZBALL, ED. Thirty-five Years of a Dramatic Author's Life. 2 vols in 1. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1859 115 FITZGERALD, PERCY. The Romance of the English Stage. 2 vols, 8vo Lond. 1874 116 FITZGERALD. The Kembles. An account of the Kemble Family, including the Lives of Mrs. Siddons and her brother John Philip Kemble. 2 vols, 8~ do., uncut Lond. 117 FOOTE, SAMUEL. The Works of, with Remarks on each Play and an Essay on the Life, Genius and Writings of the Author, by Jon Bee. Portrait. 3 vols, 16mo, boards, uncut Lond. 1830 118 FOOTE. Memoirs of Samuel Foote, Esq., with a Collection of his genuine Bon-Mots, Anecdotes, Opinions, &c., and three of his Dramatic Pieces not published in his Works. By William Cooke. 2 vols, 12mo, sheep N. Y. 1806 119 FORREST. Catalogue of the Library of Edwin Forrest. P: ortrait. 8vo, stitched, uncut Phil.: Privately printed, 1863 1-Y 'd T.4Lo 0 tT-k 120 FOYERS ET COULISSES Historique Anecdotique de tons les Thdatres de Paris. Opera, Bouffes-Parisiens, Varietes, Comedie-Fran9aise, Gait6, Vaudevilles, Gymnase, FoliesDramatiques; avec photographies. 13 vols, 16mo, paper Paris, 1875 121 FROST, THos. Circus Life and Circus Celebrities. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1875 1 0 G ALT, JOHN. Lives of the Players. 2 vols, 12mo, half blue calf Lond. 1831 123 GARRICK, The Life of David Garrick, Esq., by Arthur Murphy. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, clo. Lon. 1801 124 GARRICK. Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick, with Characters and Anecdotes of his Theatrical Contemporaries. By Thomas Davies. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1784 " Unique copy, with Garrick's own Book plates and many fine old portraits, characters, costumes, scenes, &c., inserted. Illustrated many years since and containing plates now not to be found.' Zi. p 125 Life of David Garrick, from original family papers ~il; and numerous published and unpublished sources, by Percy Fitzgerald. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, half green turkey, uncut, gilt top Lond. 1868;..... 126 GERMAN THEATRE, translated by Benjamin Thompson, 6:?'~ vols, 1801; also, French Theatre, adapted by James Wild, 1 vol, 1805. Together, 7 vols, post 8vo, calf, scarce; with extra illustrations; contents lettered on back y,~ 127 Translated by Benj. Thompson. Frontispieces. 6 Ul'i el vols, 16mo, cloth Loud. 1811 Jl' 128 GILBERT, W. S. Original Plays. 12mo. Y. 1876 J 129 GREEN RoM. The Secret History of the Green Room; containing Authentic and Entertaining Memoirs of the Actors and Actresses in the Three Theatres Royal. Second edition. 2 vols, 12mo, half calf Lond. 1792 130 GREEN Room Gossip; or Gravity Gallinipt: a Gallimaufry, consisting of Theatrical Anecdotes, Bon-Mots, Chit-Chat, Drollery Entertainment, Fun, Gibes, Humour, Jokes, Kickshaws, &c., &c., with an Appendix of Grave Subjects. Gathered and garnished by Gridiron Gabble, Gent. 12mo, half calf Lond. 1809 Scarce and curious. l' 131 GUIZOT, M. Corneille and His Times. 12mo N. Y. 1852 1 1 ' CAT1LOG U0 E. I3 TH TANNAY, JAS. Satire and Satirists. 12mo, cloth 1,T~~-V7 N: Y. 1855 133 HAWKINS, THOS. The Origin of the English Drama. Illustrated in its various species, viz.: Mystery, Morality, Tragedy and Comedy, by specimens from our earliest writers. 3 vols, post 8vo, hf. rus. Oxford, 173 134 HAWKINS, F. W. Life of Edmund Kean. From Published and Original Sources. 2 vols, 8vo Lond. 1869 135 (HAZLITT, W. C.) The English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543-1664. Illustrated by a Series of Documents, Treaties and Poems. 4to, half roanl 1869 Only 91 copies printed and not for sale. 136 HEDEIIN. The Whole Art of the Stage, containing not only the Rules of the Drammatick Art, but many Curious Observations about it. Written in French by the Command of Cardinal Richelieu, and now made English. Small 4to, old calf Lond. 1684 137 HEINSDERSON. Letters and Poems by the late Mr. John Henderson, with Anecdotes of his Life by John Ireland. Portrait inserted. 8vo, calf Lond. 1786 138 HILL, B. E. Playing About; or Theatrical Anecdotes and Adventures, with Scenes of General Nature from the Life in England, Scotland and Ireland. 2 vols, 12mo, half blue calf, new Lond. 1840 139 HISTRIONIC Topography; or the Birthplaces, Residences and Funeral Monuments of the most Distinguished Actors. Engravings by J. & H. Storer. 8vo, boards Lond. 1818 140 HITCHCOCK, ROBT. Historical View of the Irish Stage, from the earliest period down to the close of the season 1788. With Theatrical Anecdotes, &c. 2 vols, 12mo, half calf Dublin, 1788 With autograph of Dr. Lefanu. Fine copy. 141 IHoGARTIi, GEO. Musical H-istory, Biography and Criticism. 8vo, half calf N. Y. 1848 The author was father-in-law of Charles Dickens. 142 HOLLAND MEMORIAL. Sketch of the Life of George Holland, the Veteran Comnedian, with Dramatic Reminiscences, Anecdotes, &c. Portrait. 4to, cloth -V. Y.1 1871 Only 50 copies printed on quarto paper. This copy has inserted an autograph letter by Holland. I4 CCA TJ L OGUE. 143 HOLLAND MEMORIAL. Another copy. Royal 8vo, cloth 1871 Autograph of T. H. Morrell and autograph letter of William Winter inserted. 144 HOME, JOHN. Works (Tragedies of Douglas, Agis, &c.; History of the Rebellion, 1745, &c.), with Life by Henry Mackenzie. 3 vols, 8vo, boards Edin. 1822 145 HOOK, THEO. The French Stage and the French People, as illustrated in the Memoirs of M. Fleury. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Lond. 1841 146 HOWE, JULIA W. The World's Own. 12mo.Bost. 1857 147 (HUNT, LEIGH.) Critical Essays on the Performers of the London Theatres. 12mo, boards, uncut Lozd. 1807,: 148 HUTTON, LAURENCE. Plays and Players. 8~, cl. N. Y. 1875 NGLIS, R. Dramatic Writers of Scotland. 16mo, cloth Glasgow, 1868 r';.:l/, TACKSON, JOHN. History of the Scottish Stage fromits first establishment to the present time, with a distinct narrative of some recent Theatrical Transactions; the whole necessarily interspersed with Memoirs of his own Life. 8vo, half calf Edin. 1793 Scarce. 151 JERROLD, DOUGLAS. Comedies and Dramas. Clovernook. 3 vols, 12mo Lond. 1853 152 JONES, T. P. Firmilian; a "Spasmodic" Tragedy. 12mo N Y. 1854.., 153 JONSON, BEN. The Works of. With a Biographical Memoir by William Gifford. Portrait. 8vo Bost. 1853 154 JORDAN. The Life of Mrs. Jordan; including original.:. private correspondence and numerous anecdotes of her contemporaries. By James Boaden, Esq. Second edition. 2 vols, 8vo, gros grain morocco, richly gilt Lond. 1831 Unique copy, illustrated with 112 inserted plates, portraits of authors and actors, including many scarce prints. K; EAN. Life and Theatrical Times of Charles Kean; including a Summary of the English Stage for the last Fifty Years. By John William Cole. Second edition. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Lond. 1860 CATA LOG UE. 15 156 KEAN. Life of Edmund Kean. By Barry Cornwall. 2 vols, 12mo,half calf Lond.: Ed. -Moxon, 1835 157 KELLY. Memoir of Frances Maria Kelly (from Oxberry's Dramatic Biography), inlaid and extended to quarto, and illustrated with an extraordinary collection of Autograph Letters, Playbills, fifteen rare Portraits, an original drawing (Portrait of Miss Kelly), &c. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Believed to be the only copy in America. 158 KELLY. Reminiscences of Michael Kelly of the King's Theatre, including a period of nearly half a century. Portrait. Second edition. 2 vols, 12mo, half calf L;ond. 1726 159 KEMBLE. Sixteen Portraits of Charles Kemble, Esq., drawn from Life by Richard J. Lane. Folio, morocco, gilt Lond. 1840 Large paper copy, proof impressions, autograph of Kemble and several plays, accompany the volume. 160 KEMBLE, FRANCES ANNrE. Plays. 12mo, cl..Lond. 1863 161 KEMBLE. Fanny Kemble in America; or the Journal of an Actress Reviewed. 8vo, stitched -Bost. 1835 162 KEMBLE. Memoirs of the Life of John Philip Kemble,;,i: Esq., including a History of the Stage fi om the time of Garrick to the present period. By James Boaden, Esq. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Lond. 1825 163 KEMBLE. An Authentic Narrative of Mr. Kemble's Re-:^? tirement from the Stage, including Farewell Address, Criticisms, Poems, &c., with an account of the dinner given at the Freemason's Tavern, June 27, 1817, &c. Embellished with Plates Lond. 1818 An unique volume, illustrated with seventy proof and other prints, curious caricatures, &c., showing the career of J. P. Kemble, his professional brethren and friends. The text is inlaid and extended to quarto size. The volume richly bound in crimson crushed levant morocco, gilt. 164 An Authentic Narrative of Mr. Kemble's Retirement from the Stage. Embellished with Plates. 8vo, half roan Lond. 1817 Proof portrait inserted. i6 (CAT/LOGUE.. 165 KENNEY, C. L. A Memoir of Michael William Balfe. Portrait. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1875 166 KNOWLES, J. S. The Dramatic Works of. Portrait. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1856 LT ANE, R. J. Theatrical Sketch, drawn from Life. 4to, cloth, gilt London Fifty well-drawn and finely colored lithographed portraits of famous actors and actresses. A very good copy. Scarce. 168 LAWSON, JAS. Giordano, a Tragedy. 8vo, clo. N. Y. 1832 Dedicated to Gen. Prosper M. Wetmore, by whom the Epilogue was written; his portrait inserted.. 169 LES BELLES Femmes de Paris par des Hommes de Lettres et des Hommes du Monde. Two Series. 2 vols, 8vo, morocco, gilt Paris, 1839-40 One hundred and fifteen lithographed portraits of the most beautiful and famous French actresses and other characters. '":/ 170 LEE, NATHANIEL. Works of. 3 vols, 12~, cf. Lond. 1722 "The Mad Poet." Bestedition; scarce.!; 171 LETTERS on the Drama. 8vo, half roan Lond. 1795 172 LEWES, CHARLES LEE. Memoirs, containing Anecdotes historical and biographical of the English and Scotch Stages during a period of forty years. 4 vols, post 8vo, calf Lond. 1805.'I.S 173 -- Another copy. 4 vols, calf 1805 174 - Comic Sketches; or, The Comedian His Own Manager. Calf Lond. 1804 iJ 175 LEWES, GEO. H. On Actors and the Art of Acting. 12mo Lond. 1875 176 LIBRETTOS of The Grand Duchess, Angelo, Maritana, The Rose of Castile, The Syren, The Daughter of St. Mark, Faust, La Spia, etc. Bound in 3 vols, 8vo and royal 8vo, half morocco N. Y. ^ 77 LOGAN, OLIVE. The Mimic World and Public Exhibitions: their History, Morals and Effects. 8vo Phil. 1871 178 -- Apropos of Women and Theatres. 12~ N. Y. 1869, 179 LOL.A MONTZ: a Reply to her Life, by the former Secretary of the King of Bavaria. 12mo, stitched V Y. 1851 CATALOGU UE. I7 180 LUMLEY, BENJAMIN. Reminiscences of the Opera. Portrait., 8vo, half calf Lond. 1864 Lumley was for twenty years director of Her Majesty's Theatre. 181 LYTTON. Walpole; or, Every Man has his Price; a comedy in rhyme. 8vo, cloth, gilt Edin. 1869 M; '.ACAULAY, MISS. Tales of the Drama. 16mo, half turkey 1822 From the Chiswick Press; cuts by Thurston. 183 MIAC-CARTHY, 1). F. Calderon's Dramas. The WonderWorking Magician; Life is a Dream; The Purgatory of Saint Patrick. Now first translated in the metre of the original. 12mo Lond. 1873 184 MAC-CARTHY. Love the Greatest Enchantment. The Sorceries of Sin. The Devotion of the Cross. From the Spanish of Calderon. Attempted strictly in English asonante and other imitative verse. Small 4to, cloth Lond. 1861 185 MACREADY, W. E. Reminiscences and Selections from His,. Diaries and Letters. Edited by Sir Frederick Pollock. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Londl. 1875 186 MACKLIN, CHARLES. Plays: The Man of the World; Love a la Mode. 4to, half calf Lond. 1793 Subscription edition; published for Mr. Macklin's benefit when he was over 100 years old. Fine portrait. 187 MACKLIN. Memoirs of, with the Dramatic Characters,, Manners, Anecdotes, &c., of the Age in which he lived, and a chronological list of all the parts played by him. Portrait. 8vo, calf Lond. 1804 188 MALIBRAN. Memoirs of Madame Malibran De Beriot. By I. Nathan. Third edition, 4to, half turkey Locd. 1836,:,; Unique volume; an extraordinary collection of rare portraits, original play-bills, cuttings, &c., relating to her life; all inlaid and extended to quarto. 189 - Memoirs of Madame Malibran, by the Countess De M? erlin and other Intimate Friends. Portrait. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Lond. 1840 CATzLOG UE. 190 MARETZEK, MAX. Crotchets and Quavers; or, Revelations of an Opera Manager in America. 12mo N. Y. 1855,,. iC 191 MARSTON, JOHN. Works of, reprinted from the original editions, with notes, &c., by J. 0. Halliwell. 3 vols, post 8vo Lond. 1856 192 MASSINGER AND FORD. Dramatic Works, with an Introduction by Hartley Coleridge. Portrait. 8vo bLond., Ed. Moxon, 1839 /l I;t 193 MATHEWS, MRS. ANN. Anecdotes of Actors; with other Desultory Recollections, etc., etc., etc. 8vo, boards, cloth back IJond. 1844 194 MATHEWS. Memoirs of Charles Mathews, Comedian. By Mrs. Mathews. Second edition. Illustrated with several portraits. 4 vols, 8vo, half calf Lond. 1839 I: ~i I 195 MATHEWSIANA. An Extraordinary collection of Papers, &c., relating to Charles Miathews. Catalogues of his Theatrical Portraits, Library and Furniture, Autograph Letters, Portraits and Characters, Scenes of Great Variety, Miscellaneous and Theatrical Scraps, &c. 4to, calf, gilt edges An unique volume. 196 MENKEN (ADAH IsAAcs) and her London Critics. 8vo, stitched Lond. '..J..7 197 MILLER, DAVID PRINCE. The Life of a Showman, and Managerial Struggles; with anecdotes and letters of some of the most celebrated modern actors and actresses; the Art of Fortune-Telling, &c. 12mo, half mor. bLond.?,:J' 198 MINOR DRAMA. A Collection published by Berford & Co., Taylor & French. 21 vols. in 14. 12mo, cloth V. Y.;i~"4I 199 MINsHULL, JoiN. A Comedy entitled The Sprightly Widow, N. Y. 1803. The Merry Dames; or, The Hunmorist's Triumph over the Poet in Petticoats, N. Y. 1805, &c. One vol, 8vo, spotted 200 MIRROR of Taste and Dramatic Censor. 4 vols, 8vo, sheep Phil. 1810 Very rare; containing dramatic anecdotes, criticisms on John Howard Payne's acting, &c.; lacks some plates....T fi 201 MISCELLANY. Big Abel and Little Manhattan, by Cornelius Mathews, 1845. The Prompter, imperfect. 120, half shp. CAT2LOG UBE. I9 202 MISCELLANY. Life and Recollections of Yankee Hill, N. Y. / 1850. Twenty-six Years of the Life of an Actor and Manager, by F. C. Wemyss, N. Y. 1847. 12mo, half sheep 203 --- Roscius Anglicanus; or, An Historical Review of the Stage, Lond. 1789. The King in the Country, a Dramatic Piece in Two Acts, 1788. Ceremonies for the Healing of them that be Diseased with the King's Evil, 1686; reprinted 1789. The Ceremonies of Blessing CrampRings on Good Friday, 1694. The Period of Mourning Disposed into Sixe Visions in Memorie of the late Prince, together with Nuptial Hymns, 1613. A Delicate Diet for daintie mouthde Droonkardes, 1576; reprinted 1789. 8vo, calf 204 [MITCHELL, D. G.] The Lorgnette; or, Studies of the Town, by an Opera Goer. Illustrated by Mr. Darley. 2 vols, 12mo N. Y. 205 MODERN Standard Drama; a collection of the most Popular acting Plays, with critical remarks, stage business, &c. Portrait. 15 vols, 12mo NI. Y. 1846, &c. 206 MOLIERE. His Dramatic Works, rendered into English by H, Henri Van Laun, with a prefatory memoir introducing notices, appendices and notes. Illustrated with etched Plates. 6 vols, 8vo, cloth Edin. & N. Y. 1876 207 MOLIERE-CIIARACTERS. By Charles Cowden Clarke. 12mo, cloth Edin. 1865 208 MOWATT, ANNA C. Autobiography of an Actress. Portrait. I? 12mo Bost. 1854 209 MUNDEN. Memoirs of Joseph Shepherd Munden, Comedian. By his Son. 12mo, half red morocco, gilt top Lond. 1846 A fine copy, illustrated with eighty inserted plates, fine and rare portraits, dramatic scenes, views of old theatres, &c. 210 -- Another handsome copy. Illustrated with eighty-two inserted plates, portraits and portraits in character of famous actors. 12~, brown turkey mor., full gt. Lond. 1844 (OI 'KEEFE, JOHN. The Dramatic Works of. Prepared for the Press by the Author. 4 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1798 Autograph of O'Keefe on title-page. 20 C T L O GUE. 212 O'KEEFE, JOHN. Recollections of the Life of, written by himself. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1826 213 OPERAS: a Collection of Italian Operas; the text with. English translation, and music of all the Principal Airs. Works of Rossini, Meyerbeer, Bellini, Pacini, Verdi, Auber, &c. 3 vols, 8vo, half roan.5:'/l 214 OPERATIC LIBRARY. Libretto of Robert the Devil; Songs &in Fra Diavolo. Programmes of Jenny Lind's Concerts, &c. 8vo, half sheep l,;/P 215 - Beatrice di Tenda, &c. 12mo, half sheep. Y. 216 OTWAY, THOS. The Works of; with notes critical and explanatory, and life of the author, by Thomas Thornton Esq. Portrait and fine plates. 3 vis, 12~, hf. cf. Lond. 1813 Best editon; scarce.!i"i? 217 OULTON, W. C. History of the Theatres of London, containing an Annual Register of New Pieces, Revivals, Pantomimes, &c.; with occasional notes and anecdotes, from 1795 to 1817. 3 vls, 12~, half calf, neat. Lond. 1818 a:? "'j 218 OXBERRY, W. The Actor's Budget, consisting of Monologues, Prologues, Epilogues and Tales Serious and Co nic Theatrical Anecdotes and Comic Songs. 12mo, half blue morocco Lond. 1820, 219 OXBERRY'S Dramatic Mirror, containing the Biography and an excellent likeness in steel of twenty-four Eminent Performers. 12mo, brown turkey mor, full gt. Lond. 1828 This copy is illustrated with 40 additional plates. p' v E wProse, with Notes. Portrait. 8vo, boards, uncut -Bost. 1812 Contains theatrical criticisms. ~; ^/ 2221 PATERSON. Glimpses of Real Life, as seen in the Theatrical World and in Bohemia; being the Confessions of Peter Paterson, a strolling Comedian. 12mo, cloth Edin. 1864... ' 222 PAULDING, J. K. American Comedies. 12, bds. Phil. 1847 CCATALLOG UE. 2 1 223 PEAKE, R. B. Memoirs of the Colman Family, including their Correspondence with the most distinguished personages of their time. 2 vols, 8vo, half crimson morocco, gilt tops Lond. 1841 Unique illustrated copy, with one hundred additional portraits inserted, including many fine proofs, rare prints, inlaid and mounted. 224 PEAKE, R. B. Memoirs of the Colman Family, including their correspondence with the most distinguished personages of their time. Portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, cl. Lond. 1841 225 PECK, ELIZABETH W. Nathaniel Hawthorne's Scarlet Letter dramatized. Small 4to, cloth Bost. 1876 226 PHILLIPs. An Apology for the Conduct of Mrs. Teresia Constantia Phillips, more particularly that part of it which relates to her marriage with an eminent Dutch merchant. Portrait. 3 vols, 8vo, calf Very rare and curious; a good copy, with the portrait and authoress' autograph. 227 PLANCHE, J. R. History of British Costume. Numerous Illustrations. 16mo, cloth Lond. 1847 228 - Recollections and Reflections: a Professional Autobiography. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1872 229 PLAUTUS. The Comedies of. Translated into Familiar Blank Verse, by Bonnell Thornton. Second edition. 5 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1769 230 PLAYS. Unique Collection of Modern Acted Plays, by Dibdin, Mrs. Inchbald, O'Keefe, Holcroft, Kolzebue, &c,, &c., not included in other collections. 12 vols, 8vo, calf Contents lettered on backs. 231 --- A Collection of Standard Dramas, Operas, Farces, I' ~ English and American Publications. Bound in 10 vols. 12mo & 16mo, half blue imitation morocco 232 - The Voice of Nature, by William Dunlap, V Y. 1807. The Liar, by S. Foote, N. Y. 1813, &c. 16mo, shp. 23 - By Bulwer, Jerrold and James. 16~, hf. shp. N. Y.; 234 --- By N. P. Willis, Burnand and others. 8 235 PLAY BILLS. A large Collection of Play Bills of the Theatre Royal Covent Garden, for the Years 1826-27. Bound (with uncut edges) in 1 vol. Folio, half calf CATALOG UE. 22 236 PLAY BILLS. A Large Collection of Play Bills of the Theatre Royal Drury Lane, during the Years 1812-13. Bound in 2 vols. Folio, calf calf:i,237 A Collection of Bills of the Old Chestnut Street Theatre, Phil., Dec. 3, 1827-June 14, 1S28. Long folio, half sheep Some of the bills are damaged, but they are very scarce. 238 Of the American Theatre, Walnut Street, Phil., Jan., 1835-Nov. 13, 1835. Folio, half sheep. Scarce (; '1 2239 Arch Street Theatre, March 4, 1846, to Dec. 31, 1846'. Folio, half sheep,,li 240 — Arch Street Theatre, Jan. 1, 1847-Dec. 31, 1847. Folio, half sheep ' 241 Of Burton's Theatre, Chambers Street, from July 12, 1848, 1849, 1850,1851, 1852, 1853, 1855, 1856 and 1857. 9 vols, folio, half morocco and half sheep:J.7... 242 A Collection of 159 Bills of Various Theatres and Shows in New York City and other towns in the United States. Some of them rare and curious I;:3 3j 243 PLAY BILL (The). Many Numbers for Sept. 1865. Bound in 1 vol. Thick folio, half morocco. Cuts N. Y. Proof Portrait of Edwin Forrest laid in. /.' 244 PONSARD, FR. Le Lion Amoureux. Comedie, en vers. Sixieme edition. 8vo, half roan Paris, 1866 'I245 POOLE, J. Hamlet Travestie, with Burlesque Annotations. Post 8vo, half calf Lond. 1812 Scarce. l/j 246 PRICE, M. A Theatrical Trip for A Wager! through Canada and the United States, by Capt. Horton Rhys. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1861 Capt. Price played in New York in 1861. Colored plates. Scarce.,;3i; t UIN, JAMES (Comedian). The Life of, with the History of the Stage from his commencing Actor to his Retreat '%u". tto Bath; with curious and interesting Anecdotes and a copy of his last Will and Testament. Port. Lond. 1766 In the same volume, Rosalind, or an Apology for the History of a Theatrical Lady (Mrs. Dancer). Dublin, 1759. 12mo, half calf. Rare. CGATA4LOGUE. 23 ACHEL. Memoirs of Rachel. By Madame De B. 12mo N. Y. 1858 249 RAVENSCROFT, ED. The Anatomist; or, The Sham Doctor; with The Loves of Mars and Venus, by Mr. Motteux. 4to, half calf Lond. 1697 250 RAYMOND, GEO. Life and Enterprises of Robert William Elliston, Comedian. Illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank and " Phiz." Post 8vo, boards Lond. 1857 251 RECOLLECTIONS of the Life of John O'Keefe, written by Iimself. 2 vols. in, 1. 8vo, boards, uncut Phil. 1827 j.525 REJECTED ADDRESSES; together with the Prize Address offered for the Opening of the New Park Theatre in the City of New York. 16mo, boards, uncut N. Y. 1821 Very scarce. / i#253 REVIEWS. A Collection of 107 Articles selected from the English Quarterlies; with Manuscript Index to each volume. 3 vols, 8vo, half morocco 254: REYNOLDS, FREDERICK. Life and Times of, writen by Himself. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo, boards, uncut.Pil. 1826 "A worknot solely confined to the Drama, but comprising numerous anecdotes relative to fashionable, legal and political character." Very scarce. - 255 RIHIMOND. The Calamityat Richmond; aNarrative of the Awful Conflagration of the Theatre, Dec. 26, 1811. 12mo, stitched N.Y. 1812 Scarce. 256 ROWE, NICHTOLA.S. The Tragedy of the Lady Jane Gray. Small 4to, half calf Lond. 1715 First Edition. S 'APPHO: a Tragedy by Stella. Portrait of Sappho. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1875:'"' 258 SCRIBE, EUGENE. Com6dies; Drames. 12mo, paper Paris, 1874 259 SEQUEL to the "Rejected Addresses;" or, the Theatrum Poetarum Minorum. Fourth edition. Portrait of Princess Sophia of Gloucester. 16rmo, boards Lond. 1813 24 CTALO G UE. jhaksieave mani *harsixeartirn. 260 SHAKESPEARE. Photo-Lithographic Reproduction in Exact Facsimile of the Famous First Folio, 1623; by H. Staunton. Folio, cloth Lond. 1866 This edition has now become very rare. 261 SHAKSPEARE. Complete Works. Revised from the original Editions, with Historical and Analytical Introductions, Notes and Life; by J. O. Halliwell. 100lfine Illustrations on Steel and Photographs. The 4 vols. enlarged to 8 vols, (with Extra Title-pages) by the Insertion of Extra Plates. Imperial 8vo, full morocco, extra, gilt edges London: lallis (1851-'53) Choice copy; EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the inserting of over 700 Plates, comprising Historical Portraits and Views, Portraits of! Actors and Actresses, Dramatic Scenes, &c., &c.; including Cruikshank's Illustrations to Falstaff and a complete series of Photographs of the Boydell Collection of Shakspeare Illustrations.?;b 262 - Dramatic Works, with Life and Notes. Fine Itlustrations on Steely 8vo, morocco, gilt backs, sides and edges Bost. 1854 Fine set. 263 - Plays; edited by Howard Staunton. Many fine illustrations on wood by the Bros. Dalzell, after John Gilbert's designs. The 3 vols. enlarged to 6 vols. by the Insertion of Extra Plates. Imperial 8vo, tree-calf, extra, gilt backs and edges Lond. 1858-'60 Beautiful set; EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 446 fine Engravings, comprising Portraits, Scenes in the Plays, &c., &c. 264 -- Works. 12,half morocco, gilt back Lond. 2 ~. /V 265 SHAKSPEARE'S COMEDY of Much Ado About Nothing. Photolithographed from the (Ellesmere) original of 1600. Small 4to, half roxburghe Lond. 1864 266 - The Devonshire Hamlets. Hamlet: 1603; Hamlet: 1604. Being Exact Reprints (on opposite pages) of the First and Second Editions, from the Originals in the possession of the Duke of Devonshire. With Preface by S. Timmins. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1860 CATAILOGx UE. 25 267 SHAKSPEARE. Romeo and Juliet; Macbeth. The New Variorum Edition, by I. I. Furness. 2 vols, imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt tops Phil. 1870-'73 268 ABBOTT, E. A. A Shakespearian Grammar. Enlarged Edition. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1870 269 BLADEs, W. Shakspere and Topography. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1872 270 BooK of Shakespeare Gems in a Series of [45] Landscape....:;,1 llustrations [beautifully engraved on steel] of the most interesting Localities of Shakespeare's Dramas. 8vo, cloth, full gilt Lond. 1871 /;: 271 BRADSHAW, C. B. Shakspere and Company. A Comedy. 8vo, stitched, uncut Lond. 1845 272 BROWN, J. Bible Truths with Shakspearian Parallels. Second Edition. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1864 273 CAMPBELL, JOHN, LORD. Shakspeare's Legal Acquirements Considered. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1859 274 CHIATELAIN, CHEVALIER DE. Shakspearean Gems: in French and English Settings [on opposite pages.] 12mo, cloth Lond. 1868 275 CLARKE, CHARLES COWDEN. Shakspeare-Characters; chiefly those subordinate. Portrait. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1863:: 276 COLLIER, J. PAYNE. Notes and Emendations to the Text of Shakspeare's Plays. Fac-simile. 12mo, cl. N. Y. 1853 277 CONOLLY, DR. J. A Study of Hamlet. 12mo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1863 ~ 278 DANIEL, P. A. Notes and Conjectural Emendations of Doubtful Passages in Shakespeare's Plays. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. i1870 279 DAVIES, THOMAS. Dramatic Miscellanies: consisting of Critical Observations on the Plays of Shakspeare.. with Anecdotes of Dramatic Poets, Actors, &c. Portrait. 8 vols, crown 8vo, half calf Lond. 1784 With the rare portrait of Betterton, which is often lacking. 280 DODD, DR. WILLIAM. The Beauties of Shakespeare. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth, gilt edges Lond. 26 CA TALOGUE. 281 DouCE, FRANCIS. Illustrations of Shakspeare and of An~i 61'# cient Mallners; with Dissertations on the Clowns and Fools of Shakspeare, on the Gesta Romanorum, etc. Plates, &c. 2 vols, 8vo, half.calf Lond. 1807 281 *I I 'l " 'I'i" 1f, 2 8 ' 2 DRAKE, NATHAN. Shakspeare and his Times. Very numerousfine IIrllstrations on steel. Thick 8vo, half calf, gilt back Paris, 1843,j;', 283 DRAKE. Memorials of Shakspeare. 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1828 - 284 ELZE, KARL. Essays on Shakspeare. Translated by L. D. Schmitz. 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1874; E, 1285 FARMER, RICHARD. An Essay on the Learning of Shakspeare. 3d Edition. Portrait inserted. 8vo, half calf Loud. 1789: iif 286 GERVINUS, DR. G. G. Shakespeare Commentaries. Translated by F. E. Bunnett. New Edition. Thick 8vo, cloth YV.. [2Lond.] 1875 287 GRIFFITH, MRS. The Morality of Shakspeare's Drama. Illustrated. 8vo, calf Lond. 1775, 1 P,. 4,;7 111'',?., " '' 11 11 ': "I" 'V,: P, I 288 GUIZOT, F. Shakspeare and his Times. 12mo, cl.. 1852 289 HALLIWELL, J. 0. Life of Shakspeare. 76 illustrations on wood. 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1848 290 HARTING, J. E. The Ornithology of Shakespeare, examined, explained and illustrated. Fine illustrations on wood. 8vo, cloth Loud. 1871 291 HERAUD, J. A. Shakspere: His Inner Life as Intimated in his Works. Portrait. Thick 8vo, cloth Lond. 1865 292 HOLMES, NATHANIEL. The Authorship of Shakespeare. Second edition. Portrait of Lord Bacon. 12mo, cloth N: Y. 1867 ~;lf: 293 HOWARD, F. The Spirit of the Plays of Shakspeare, exhibited in a Series of [483 fine] outline plates, illutstrative of the Story of each Play, with Quotations and Descriptions. 5 vols, 8vo, cloth lond. 1833 294 HUDSON, H. N. Shakspeare: his Life, Art and Characters. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth Bost. 1872 CJATALOG UE. 27 295 IRELAND, W. H1. Vortigern: an Historical Play, with an Original Preface. Facsimile. Svo, stitched, uncut Lond. 1832 296 IRELAND. The Confessions of William Henry Ireland, containing the particulars of his Fabrications of the Shakspeare MSS., with unpublished Anecdotes and Opinions. London, 1805. Plate and Facsimiles. Post 8vo, boards, worn, uncut Lond. E[Reprinted.] 297 JAcox, HI-. Shakespeare Diversions. 8vo, cloth NV. Y. [Lond.] 1875 298 KEMBLE, CHARLES. Shakspere Readings: being a Selection of the Plays of Shakspeare as read by him in public. 3 vols, post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1870 299 KNOWLES, JAMES SHERIDAN. Lectures on Dramatic Literature. (Never before published.) Macbeth. Small 4to, stitched, uncut Loud., Chiswick Press, 1875 300 LAMB. Le Memorial de Shakspere. Contes Shaksperiens, par Charles Lamb, traduits par A. Borghers, avec Introduction et Vies. Cuts, and 21 fine illustrations on steel. 8vo, morocco, gilt back and edges Paris, 1842 301 [LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE.] Citation and Examination of ' William Shakspeare, Euseby Treen, Joseph Carnaby and Silas Gough before Sir Thomas Lucy, Knight, touching Deer-Stealing, on the 19th day of September, 1582. Now first published from the Original Papers. Crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut Lond. 1834 Very rare. 302 LITERARY and Graphical Illustrations of Shakspeare and the *: ^ Drama. Over 200 Illustrations on Wood. 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1831 303 MAGINN, DR. WILLIAM. The Shakspeare Papers. 12mo, cloth VN Y. 1856 304 MARSHALL, F.A. A Study of Hamlet. 8~, l. Lond. 1875 305 MONTAGU, MRs. Essay on the Genius and Writings of "' T Shakspeare. — [MORGAvN, M.] Essay on the Dramatic Character of Sir John Falstaff.-2 vols in 1. 8vo, calf Lond. 1777 306 MORGAN, A. A. The Mind of Shakspeare as exhibited in his Works. 12mo, cloth lFond. 1861 28 G CAITJLOG UE. 307 PYE, H. T. Comments on the Commentators of Shakspeare. Portrait inserted. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, uncut Lond. 1807: 308 REMARKS on the Sonnets of Shakespeare, with the Sonnets. 12mo, cloth JNY Yr 1865 l 309 RUGGLES, H. I. The Method of Shakspeare as an Artist. 12mo, cloth XN. Y. 1870 310 SHAKSPEARIAN Music. A Collection of the Vocal Music in Shakspear's Plays: Engraved from original MSS. and early printed copies, chiefly from the Collection of Dr. Kitchiner. Arranged, with Piano-Forte Accompaniment, by Mr. Addison. Vignette titles. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. Scarce. 311 SHAKSPEARE. Ward's Statue in the Central Park, New - York. [An Account of the Inauguration Ceremonies.] Fine Illustrations on WIood. Folio, stitched, uncut N.Y. 1873 LARGE PAPER: only 12 copies printed; the entire edition consisting of 50 copies.: 312 SHAKESPEARE JEST-BOOKS. Reprints of the Early and very Rare Jest-Books supposed to have been used by Shakespeare. Edited by W. C. Hazlitt. 3 vols, post 8vo, half roxburghe, uncut Lond. 1864 313 STEARNS, C. W. The Shakspeare Treasury of Wisdom and Knowledge. 12mo, cloth N Y. 1869; 314 THORNBURY, G. W. Shakspere's England; or, Sketches of our Social History in the Reign of Elizabeth. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1856; 315 WAS Shakspeare a Lawyer? 8vo, cloth Lond. 1871 316 WEISS, JoHN. Wit, Humor and Shakspeare. 12mo, cloth.Bost. 1876 317 WHATELY, T. Remarks on some of the Characters of Shakspeare. 12mo, limp boards, uncut Oxford, 1808 318 [WILLIAMS, R. F.] The Youth of Shakspeare. 8vo, half morocco Paris, ]839 319 [WILLIArS.] Shakspeare and his Friends. 8vo, half morocco Paris, 1838 CATALOG UE. 29 320 WIVELL, A. Inquiry into the History, Authenticity and Characteristics of the Shakspeare Portraits. With the Supplement. Nineteen fite Portraits ancd NFacsimnile. 2 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1827 Fine copy of the scarce work. HERIDAN, RICHARD BRINSLEY. Dramatic Works. S Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1848. 322 ---- The Works of, with a Memoir by J. P. Browne. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1874 323 SIDDONS. Memoirs of Mrs. Siddons, Interspersed with Anecdotes of Authors and Actors. By James Boaden, Esq. 2 vols, 8vo, blue gros grain morocco, gilt tops and rich tooling on back and sides Lond. 1827 A choice copy, enriched with 103 inserted plates, including 13 different portraits of Mrs. Siddons, and portraits of nearly every member of the Kemble family, besides numerous other fine Illustrations. 324 SMITH, SOL. Theatrical Management in the West and South: for Thirty Years, interspersed with Anecdotical Sketches. Portrait and Fifteen Illustrations. 8vo N. Y. 1868 325 SONG SMITH and Story Stitcher; or the Humours of a Strolling Player. A Dramatic Olio, by Peter Plagiary. 16mo, boards. Stained Lond. 1818;1::< 326 SOPHOCLES. Tragedies in English Prose. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1849; 327 STONE, MRS. Chronicles of Fashion, from the time of Elizabeth, in Manners, Amusements, Banquets, Costumes, &c. Plates. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco Lou(d. 1845 w: 328 STORY, W. W. Nero: an Historical Play. Post 8vo, cloth J Edin. 1875 329 SUMBEL. Memoirs of the Life of Mrs. Sumbel, late Wells! of the Theatres Royal Drury Lane, Covent Garden and Haymarket. Written by Herself, including her correspondence. 3 vols in one. 12mo, half turkey, uncut Lonld. 1811 'Curious dramatic memoirs and anecdotes. Mrs. Wells was the most beautiful woman of the day on the stage." 330 SWINBURNE, A. C. Bothwell, a Tragedy. 12mo Lond. 1874 30 CATLILOG UE. 1j~ r T ALFOURD, T. N. Tragedies and Poems. 16mo, half calf N Y. 1846 '; / -1- 332 TAYLOR, JOHN. Records of My Life. 8vo, cloth NVY. 1833 333 TERENCE. Comedies, translated into English Prose, with the Latin Text, by S. Patrick. 2 vls, 8vo, elf. Lon. 1767 /l 334 -- Comedies and Fables of Phaedrus; Literally Translated by H. T. Riley. Frontispiece. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1853:,, i 335 Comedies, Translated. 12mo, old calf. (Lacks Title). I 336 THEATRE CONTEMPORA1NE (Le). Illustre. Nos. 1 to 144, '?;! lacking two or three numbers, ^with a few duplicates. 4to, paper Paris ous Characters, from 1700 to 1840. MIany Illustrations by Phiz. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 42 4CATALOG UE. E;/; 491 REPORTS on Internal Revenue Frauds; Custom House Frauds; and on Abuses in City Government. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth 1854-'5 7 492 REYNOLDS, JOHN. God's Revenge against Murder and Adultery: remarkably Displayed in Thirty Tragical Histories. Many curious Copper-plates. 4to, cf. Locd. 1778 IF l::. 493 ROAD MURDER (The). The Great Crime of 1860. A Summary of the Facts relating to the Murder; with the Evidence taken at the Various Inquiries, &c. By J. W. Stapleton. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1861,,I" 494 ROBINSOoX, the alleged Murderer of Helen Jewett. (R. P.) Life. 8vo, stitched. Scarce 2 Y. 1836 1,,y /:.. 495 [RoB RoY.] The Trials of James Duncan and Robert McGregor, three sons of the celebrated Rob Roy, in 175 -'54, With Anecdotes of Rob Roy, &c. 12mo, half calf Edinburgh, 1818.r * 496 ROGERS. Memoirs of Rev. Ammi Rogers, persecuted in the State of Connecticut, on account of Religion and Politics, for almost twenty years; and finally falsely accused and imprisoned in Norwich Jail for two years. Written by himself. 12mo, half sheep. Rare and curious Schenectady, 1826 r(:] 4~ 497 RYER, the Murderer (John). Life and Dying Speech, &c. 8vo, stitched cDanbury, 1793.... ' ^ AMPSON, M. B. Rationale of Crime. 12mo, half calf YE^~~ 1 rY 1846 1 499 SANFORD, H. S. The Different Systems of Penal Codes in Europe. 8vo, cloth Wash. 1854 500 SANGER, DR. W. W. History of Prostitution. 8vo, cloth N. 1K 1858,/:i 501 SAVAGE, E. H. Chronological History of the Boston Watch and Police, from 1631 to 1865. Portrait Bost. 1865?; 502 SCHERPF, G. A. A Story without Fiction: containing the Miscarried Transformation of E. F. Mieisel, of France, into E. L. Van Szadeczky of New York. 8vo, stitched,. Y. 1851 503 SHARSWOOD, G. Compendium of Lectures on the Profession of the Law. 8vo, half morocco Phil. 1854 CAT2ALOG UE. 43 504 SKILLMAN'S New York Police Reports. llustrated oith EngSravigs. 8vo, boards, uncut. Barce N Y. 1830 505 SLEIGHI, W. C. Handy-Book of Criminal Law. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1858; 506 SPICR, HENRY. Judicial Dramas; or, the Romance of French Criminal Law. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1872 507 STORER, I. R. On Criminal Abortion in America. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1860 508 STORER & HEARI). Criminal Abortion. 8vo, law sheep Bost. 1868.... i 509 STORY, JOSEPH. Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Bost. 1851 510 SURROGATES' COURTS. IIon. C. P. Daly's Opinion, 1863. Will of R. R. Randall, 1848.- Arguments for the Cities of New Orleans and Baltimore, in Matter of Will of J. McDonogh, 1852. — 3 vols, 8vo 511 SWINBURNE, DR. J. Review of the Case of Rev. Henry;..Budge, indicted for Murder of his Wife. Cuts. 8vo, stitched Albany, 1862 TNANEY. The Unjust Judge. A Memorial of Roger,' I: Brooke Taney. 8vo, half morocco N. Y. 1865 513 TOWNSEND, JOHN F. Relations between Law and,j r Medicine. Albany, 1854. Testimony concerning the Election Frauds of 1838, &c. —3 pamphlets. 8vo ':: 514 TUTHILL, MRS. L. C. Success in Life. The Lawyer. 12mo, half roan N. Y. 1850 515 TYBURN CHRONICLE; or, Villainy Display'd in all its Branches. Containing an authentic account of the Lives, Tryals, Executions, &c., of the most notorious Malefactors, from 1700 to the present. Copperplates. 4 vols, 8vo, half old calf Lond. 1768 V 'TAN SANTVOORD, G. The Study of Law as a Science..;' J — Legal Reform, by David Dudley Field.-The Topography and History of New York, by Horatio Seymour. -Vindication of the Rights of Alexander, Earl of Stirling, by J. L. Hayes. —With other Addresses, Argu- ments, &c.-1 vol, thick 8vo, half law calf 44 CATA ILOG UE. 517 VICTIM (The) of Chancery; or, a Debtor's Experience. 12rno, cloth N. Y. 1841 518 VIDocQ, EUGENE F. Memoirs, written by Himself. 4 vols, 12mo, half vellum, gilt backs and tops. Scarce Lond. / 519 Memoirs, written by Himself. Robert Macaire in England, by G. W. M. Reynolds. - England and Wales, by J. II. Kohl.-1 vol, 8vo, half sheep 1844-49 '^:i 520 VINCENT, B. Etudes sur la Loi Musulmane: Legislation Criminelle. 8vo, half morocco Paris, 1842..t 521 VINTRAS, A. On the Repressive Measures in Paris compared with the Uncontrolled Prostitution of London and New York. 8vo, paper Lond. 1867 lIii 522 VIRGINIA. Code, 1860. 8vo, law sheep Richmond, 1860 2?.; 523 Journal of House of Delegates, 1847-48; Acts of Assembly, 1861-63; &c. 5 vols, 8vo, boards and half sheep Richmond:: _ ALSH, M. McN. The Lawyer in the School-Room 12mo, cloth N.Y. 1867 525 WARNER, H. W. Discourse on Legal Science.The Bible and its Literature, by Dr. WV. Patton. - And other Pamphlets.-1 vol, 8vo, half sheep ':? 1- i 526 WEEMS, M. L. God's Revenge Against Adultery Awfully Exemplified in Cases of American Crim. Con. —The Drunkard's Looking Glass.- God's Revenge Against Duelling. God's Revenge Against Duelling. — God's Revenge Against Murder.-Bound in 1 vol, 8vo, half sheep. Curious Plates and Cuts Phil. 1818-23 A rare and very curious collection. i: ld 1:~ 527 WELSBY, W. N. Lives of Eminent English Judges. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1846 528 WESTMINSTER HALL; or, Professional Relics and Anecdotes of the Bench, Bar and Woolsack. 3 vols, 12mo, old cloth Lond. 1825 ".? ~';;i ' 529 WHEATON, H. Elements of International Law. Edited by W. B. Lawrence. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth Bost. 1863 530 WILD, JONATHAN. Life. 8vo, stitched Phil. (Nevwgate Calendar) 531 WILKES, GEORGE. The Mysteries of the Tombs; a Journal of Thirty Days' Unjust Imprisonment for Libel. Portrait. Square 12mo, stitched. Exceedingly rare NY. 3.1844 C ATALOG U. 45 At LLEN TRIALS (The). Namely: Allen vs. Hunter, &c. By D. AWemyss Jobson. Svo, stitched V Y. 1857 533 ALTON TRIALS. Of W. S. Gilman and others, for Riot, at Alton, Ills., &e. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth,. Y. 1838 534 ARGUMENTS of Gerrit Smith, &c., in Zecher Murder Case. - Of Wm. Curtis Noyes, in Vandervoort-Gould Case. -Two Pamphlets N. Y. 1857-60;: 535 ARRISON, WILLIAM. For Murder of Isaac Allison. 8vo, stitched Cinn. 1854;.. 536 AvERt, REv. E. K. For Murder of Sarah Maria Cornell. Imperial 8vo, half calf N.Y. 1883 53- Another copy ALTIMORE, FREDERICK CALVERT (Baron of). For a Rape on the body of Sarah Woodcock. 8vo, stitched.Edin. [1768] 539 BARRER, W. IH. Case; with the Documents. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1849: Xi: 540 BARCLAY, DAVID. The Several [Ecclesiastical] Trials of. 12mo, sheep, title torn, 541 BARKER, JACOB. Thos. Vermilyea and Matthew L. Davis. For Conspiracy. 8vo, hf. cf., gt. back and top. N. Y. 1827; / i1'542 BEALL, JOHN Y. As a Spy and Guerrillero. 8vo, stitched NT Y. 1865 Autograph letter of Gen. John A. 1)ix inserted.; 543 BEALE, DR. S. T. Review of the Trial of, for Rape. 8vo, stitched Phil. 1855 544 -- Another Copy ^ ' 545 R — eview of the Scandalous Beale Pamphlet. 8vo, stitched Phil. 1855 / 546 BEARDSLEY, MARY ELIZ. Alfred Beardsley against: Divorce. 8vo, stitched N Y. 1860 547 BEECIER, REV. LYM.AN. For Heresy. Imperial 8vo, half morocco. Title and some pages soiled. Scarce. 2V. Y. 1835 46 C CATALOG UE. 548 BENNETT, D. M. For Depositing Prohibited Matter in the Mail. 12mo, cloth NV Y. 1879: '';' 549 BIRD, ROBERT C. and SARAH. For Assaulting Mary Ann Parsons with Intent to Wound. Royal 8vo, half law calf. No title [Lond. 1851]... 550 BLAISDELL, ECKEL and McLAREN. For Defrauding the Government. Closing Argument for the Government. 8vo, half morocco. No title V. T. 1869 551 BODINE, POLLY. For Murder of Erneline Houseman and her Child. With her Early Life. Cuts. 12mo, stitched N. Y' 1846,;J'i '" 552 BRANCH (MRS.) and her Daughter. For Murder of Jane Buttersworth. 8vo, stitched Lonud. [1740] 553 BRECKENRIDGE, REV. ROBERT J. For Libel on James L. Maguire. 8vo, stitched Balt. 1840; 554 BRODIE (WILLIAM) and GEORGE SMITH. For Breaking into the General Excise Office at Edinburgh. 8vo, stitched Edin. 1788 f 555 BULLIONS, REV. ALEX. History of Ecclesiastical Trial of. 8vo, stitched NV Y. 1831 /[?...i. 556 BURCH vs. BURCH. Divorce. 8vo, stitched N. Y. 1860; 557 BURDELL CASE. Closing Argument of C. Edwards. 8vo, stitched N. Y. 1857;',1iif 558 BURNS, ANTHONY. The Boston Slave Riot and Trial of. 8vo, stitched Bost. 1854: IIPIei 559 BURR, AARON. For Treason. Reported by David Robertson. 2 vols, 8vo, boards, uncut Phil. 1808 1/ IiR.560 BurRows, SILAS E. Nancy van Haun vs.: For Seduction. 8vo, stitched. No title [N. I 1833] j,:,/ 561 BURTNETT, DANIEL. For Incest. 8vo, stitched. X;. 1846 562 BUTLER, PIERCE. Frances Anne [Kemble] Butler vs.: I; )~?Divorce. Newspaper Report, in scrapbook.,..l /..'...C AMPBELL, MUNGO. For Murder of Alexander, Earl ~ of Eglinton. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1770 564 CAROLINE (Consort of George IV.) Trial. Reported by J. Nightingale. Portraits. 3 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1821 C TALOGUE. 47 565 CAROLINE, QUEEN. Official Report of the Trial of. Thick folio, half calf Lon7d. 1820 566 CELEBRATED TRIALS of all Countries and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Jurisprudence. Roy. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1841 567 CHAPIN (A. & L.), Cole, Iolland and Kissane. Report of L~ Examination for Conspiracy to Burn the Steamboat MJartha Washington. 8vo, stitched. Rare. Cim. 1853 568 CHAPMrANX, LUCRETIA. For Murder of William Chapman. 8vo, half roan Phil. 1832 569 CHASE, JUDGE SAMUEL. Impeachment. With the Exhibits. Waterstained. 2 vols, 8vo, stitched WVash. 1805 570 CHASE & FELLOWS for Conspiracy and of J. Bull for Perjury. Svo, stitched N. Y. 1829 571 CHAUNCEY, ARMSTRONG & NIXON. For Murder of Eliza 4::;: Sowers, with her Life and the Suppressed Evidence. 8vo, stitched Phil. 1839 572 CHEETHAM, JAMES. Maturin Livingston against: For Libel. 8vo, stitched. Scarce N. Y. 1807 573 CITIZENS' ASSOCIATION. Testimony on Election Frauds. Imperial 8vo, half morocco V. Y. 1868 574 CLARK, WILLARD. For Murder of R. W. Wight. 8vo, stitched New fHaven, 1855 /:: 575 CLOUGH, JOEL. For Murder of Mary W. Hamilton. 12mo, stitched N.Y. 1833: 576 COBBETT, WILLIAM. For Libel, &c. 8~, stitched. V.Y. 1831 577 COLLECTION of the most Interesting Trials, in which the most Remarkable State Trials are included. 2 vols, 4to, calf Lond. 1775 /, / '578 COLLECTION of Reports of Celebrated Trials, Civil and Criminal: edited by W. 0. Woodall. Vol. I. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1873: 578* Another copy.. 579 CONSPIRACY CASES tried at -Harford Co. Court, Md. [Inc luded in] An Exhibit of Losses Sustained at the Office of Discount and Deposit, Baltimore. 8vo, bds. Balt. 1823 580 COOPER, THOMAS. For Libel against the President of the United States. 8vo, stitched. Scarce Phil. 1800 48 C.ATaLOGUE. 581 CORDER, WILLIAM. For Murder of Maria Marten. (The Red Barn Murder.) With History of the Murder, Execution, &c. By J. Curtis. Many Portraits and Plates. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1828 I 'lf 582. CORSE. Exposition of Proceedings of John P. Darg, H. W. Merritt and others in Relation to the Robbery of Darg, the Elopement of his alleged Slave and The Trial of Barney Corse as Accessory. 8vo, stitched N. Y. 1840 583 CRIMINAL TRIALS of Fisher, Campbell, Eliz. Southard and seven others. Reported by R. R. Howison. 8vo, stitched Richmond, 1851 584 CRIMINAL TRIALS. Accounts of the Trials of Wm. Parry,.; the Earl of Essex, Duke of Norfolk and Sir N. Throgmorton. Mounted to folio size and illustrated by the insertion of Portraits. Stitched 585 CROSWELL, HARRY. For Libel on Thomas Jefferson. Speeches of Van Ness, Caines, the Attorney-General, and General Hamilton. Scarce. 8vo, stitched. N. 1 1804 586 CROWN CASES. Report of Proceedings in Oyer and Terminer and Goal Delivery for the Trial of the Rebels in 1746, and other Crown Cases. By M. Foster. Folio, calf Oxford, 1762 n; 587 CURRAN, JOHN. For Assault with intent to Violate Louisa M. Jolly. The Great Dublin Rape Case. 8~, stitched. X. Y. ['! ~ D 1; vALRYMPLE, SIR HEN. Court of Inquiry. Portrait. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1808 K f5 589 DAWSON, ELIZA. For Murder of Charles Stewart and Wife. Illustrated. 8vo, stitched jak ^^:~vc,!Halifax, Nova Scotia, 1850 590 DEcow, HENDRICKSON and SHOTWELL. Report of Cases in Courts of Chancery and Appeals of New Jersey. 8vo, boards Phil. 1834 G:..: 591 DELAVAN, EDWARD C. John Taylor vs.: Libel suit. 8vo, stitched Alb. 1840 592 DEXTER, THOS. C. A. Case: Arguments for Defence, &c. 8vo, half morocco -N.. 1867 CATAi LOG UE. 49 593 )'HIAUTEVILLE CASE. Habeas Corpus for Custody of an Infant Child. Report. 8vo, stitched Phil. 1840 594 DORR, THOMAS W. For Treason against the State of Rhode Island. 8vo, half calf Bost. 1844: 595 DREW, CHARLES. For the Murder of his own Father. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1740 596 DREW. Authentic Account of Life: with Account of Trial. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1740.597 DWIGHT, HOTCKISS and SPENCER. The People vs.: Proceedings before Judge Russell. 8~, stitched V. Y. 1858 'F'~;AIR, LAURA D. For Murder of A. P. Crittenden. Royal 8vo, cloth San Francisco, 1871 599 FAIRBANKS, JASON. For the Murder of Miss Eliz. Fales. 8vo, stitched Stockbridge, 1801;,600 FAY, JOHN. For Conspiracy to Murder Rev. T. Butler, &c. 8vo, stitched Dublin, 1794 601 FENNERI, ARTHUR. John Dorrance vs.: Action for Libel. 8vo, stitched Providence, R. I, 1802 602 FERGUSON, JAMES. Grace R. vs.: Divorce. 12mo, half morocco. No title N. Y. 1851. 603 - - Another copy. Half morocco 604 FERRERS, EARL. Mary Elizabeth Smith against: For Breach of Promise. 8vo, boards Lond.: Pickering, 1846 C?.1605 FITZPATRICK, IUGH. For Libel upon the Duke of Richmond. 8vo, stitched Dublin, 1813 606 FLOWER, BENJAMIN. For Libel on the Bishop of Llandaff. 8vo, stitched Cambridge, 1800 607 FORBES (JAMES), W. GRAHAM and others. Conspiracy to Create a Riot in the Theatre Royal, and for a Riot. 8vo, half roan Dublin, 1823 608 FORREST, EDWIN. Mrs. Catherine Forrest against: Divorce. 8vo, stitched N. Y. 1852:4 XC609 FORREST DIVORCE CASE. Testimony in the. 12mo, paper Phil. 1850 610 FREEMAN, WILLIAM. For Murder of John G. Van. Ness. 8vo, sheep Auburn, 1848.; 611 FROST, DR. For Manslaughter. Royal 8vo, half morocco. Phil. 1838 50 CATALOGUE. ERRARD, JOSEPH. For Sedition. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco extra, gilt top, by R. TW. Smith. Rare N. Y 1794 613 GOODWIN, ROBERT M. For Killing James Stoughton. 8vo, sheep X Y. 1820.:*: 614 GORDON, GEO. E. For Murder. Closing Argument. 8vo, half morocco Alb. 1866 l: 615 GORDON, GEORGE W. The Case of: with Observations on the Jamaica Riot, 1865. By B. F. Williams. 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1866;..;;t1 616 GRAHAr, JOHN. Speeches in the Busteed-Carr, SicklesBennett, and five other cases. 8vo, half morocco N. IT 1857-60!4 617 Arguments and Speeches in Cases of Daniel E. Sickles, William Winter, E. M. Potter. ThreePamphlets, 8vo, stitched N. t. 1859-65 i ':.i:,; 618 GRANT, ROBERT. Eunice Hall against: For Slander. 8vo, stitched Elizabeth Town, N., 1821..!;p 619 GREAT CONSPIRACY CASE. State of Michigan against A. F. Fitch, and others, commonly called the Rail Road Conspirators. 8vo, half law calf Detroit, 1851;,|. 620 -- Another copy. 8vo, stitched J ':,^ 621 GREELEY, HORACE. De Witt C. Littlejohn against: For Libel. 8vo, half calf antique N. Y. 1861," 622 -- Another copy. Stitched 1;,: 623 GREEN, HENRY G. For Murder of his Wife. 8vo, stitched Troy, 1845.'l; ' ll 624 GRTNDER, MARTHA. For Murder of Mary Caroline Carothers. 8vo, half morocco Pittsburgh [1865]...'. 625 GRosscur, REV. I. For Seduction of Roxana L. Wheeler. 12mo, stitched CYanandaigua, 1848 1K ' i:'626 GROSVENOR, HENRIETTA (LADY). Richard, Lord: Divorce. 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1771 Al T AGERMAN, HENRY B. For Assault with intent to ii: Murder. Crown 8vo, stitched J L A.s1i NJLR!,o Asal!t. W2. Y. 1818,i.": 628 HANSON, JOHN. John Mackell vs.: Action for Libel. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1799 CATAILOG UE. 5I 629 HARDENBROOK, DR. J. K. For Poisoning T. Nott. Examination at Police Court. 8vo, stitched. Rochester, 1849 630 HARRIS, MARY. For Murder of A. J. Burroughs. 8vo, half morocco Wash. 1865 631 HASTINGS, WARREN. Speeches of the Managers and Counsel in the Trial of. Edited by E. A. Bond. 4 vols, thick 8vo, cloth Lond. 1859-'61 632 HEADFORT, MARQUIS OF. Rev. C. Massy vs.: For Crim. Con. 8vo, stitched N. Y. 1804 633 HENDRICKSON, JOHN. For Poisoning His Wife. 8vo, stitched Albany, 1853 634 HERSEY, GEO. C. For Murder of Betsy F. Tirrell. 8vo, cloth Bost. 1862 635 HICKs, ALBERT W. Life, Trial, Confession and Execution for Murder. Illustrated. 8vo. Stitched. V Y. 1860 636 HODGES, JOSEPH. For Carnally Abusing one Maranata Freestone, a Girl under Ten Years of Age. 12mo, stitched Shepton.Mallet, 1861 637 HONE, WILLIAM. Three Trials for Publishing Three Parodies. 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1818 638 HUGHES, DR. J. W. For Murder of Miss T. Parsons. 8vo, stitched Cleveland, 1866 639 HOOD & SHARPE. Sir John Carr vs. Action for Libel. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1808 640 HUNTINGTON, CHARLES B. For Forgery. 8vo, law calf N.Y. 1857 641 --- For Forgery. Newspaper Clippings in 8vo Scrapbook; 642 HYDE, FANNY. For Murder of George W. Watson. Portraits. 8vo, stitched N. Y. 1872: NGLIS, ALFRED. For Attempted Abortion on Mary Kirkpatrick. 8vo, stitched N Y 1861 ARVIS, SAMUEL F. Sarah M. vs.: Divorce. 12mo, half sheep. No Title [1839] In same volume are: Refutation of Calumnies contained in Lock. hart's Life of Scott; and Bishop Onderdonk's Statement.: i.., ' *:!!!1~ 52 C5ATALOGE UE. 645 JEFFERDS, CHARLES M. For Murder. 8vo, cloth. N. Y 1862 Autograph letter of Jefferds inserted. L 646 JEFFERDS. [Another copy.]. 647 JEWELL, JOSEPH. For Murder of L. L. Leuba. Cr. 8vo, stitched -V.Y. 1836,;l i. -iij 648 JOHNSON, RICHARD. For Murder of Mrs. U. Newman. 8vo, stitched N:Y. 1829 l 649 JONES, REV. CAVE. Report of the Case between: and the Rector [and Vestry] of Trinity Church. By Matthew L. Davis. 8vo, half roan NV Y. 1813,: 650 JOURNEYMEN CORDWAINERS of City of New York. For a Conspiracy to raise their Wages. 8vo, half calf, uncut X Y. 1810... S 651 JUDD, SAMUEL. James Maurice against: Report of Case; wherein the Problem "Is the Whale a Fish?" is discussed theologically, scholastically and historically. 8~, stitched. Top of title torn Y. 1819 r!/~ 4, A EENAN, MICHAEL. For Administering an Unlawful K^, Oath. 8vo, boards Dublainz 18?2 D/ T BANDIS, DR. S. M. For Publishing a Book entitled J "Secrets of Generation." 8vo, stitched Phil. 1870 fll 654 LAWRENCE, CORNELIUS W. The American Print Works vs.: 8vo, cloth VY.: 1 852... I? j; I 655 LAWRENCE, RICHARD. For an Attempt to Assassinate Andrew Jackson. Two cuts. 8vo, stitched V Y. 1835 ~:~. /!! ~i~~ 656 LkOTADE, FRERE. Proces du: accuse de Viol et d'Assassinat sur la personne de Cecile Combettes. 12mo, stitched Leipzig, 1851 657 LEWIS, CHARLES. For Murder of James Rowand. 8vo, stitched Princeton, 1863 658 LINCOLN ASSASSINATION. Trial and Execution of the Assas-...s3? ins and Conspirators.-The Life, Crime and Capture of John Wilkes Booth. The Assassination and History of the Conspiracy. Illustrated. The Parricides; or, the Doom of the Assassins. Knights of the Golden Circle. By Ned. Buntline. —In one vol, 8vo, half calf Phil. and N. Y. CA14 T LOG UE. 53 659 LINCOT.N ASSASSINATION. Argument of Special Judge Advocate Bingham. 8vo, half morocco Wash. 1865 660 LINSDAY, OWEN. For Murder of Francis A. Colvin. 8vo, cloth Syracuse, 1875 661 Louis XVI. Trial: in a Series of Letters. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1793 This volume is substantially an original and true account of an eye-witness and is RARE. 662 LOWENSTEIN, EMIL. For Murder of John D. Weston. 8vo, half calf Alb. 1874 M 'CURRY, HENRY. For Murder of Paul Roux, with his Confession. 8vo, stitched Balt. 1845 664 MCIVER, ELIZA. John McIver vs. For Divorce....;"?; 8vo, cloth Edin. 1859 665 MACKENZIE, ALEXANDER SLIDELL. Naval Court Martial, with Review by J. Fenimore Cooper. 8vo, cloth. Two autograph letters inserted NV. Y: 1844 666 M'LEoD, ALEXANDER. For Murder of Amos Durfee, and as Accomplice in the Burning of the Steamer Caroline in Niagara River, in 1837-'38. 8vo, stitched V. Y. 1841::: 667 Another copy. 66:: 668 -- The same. Reported by M. T. C. Gould. (Gould's Reporter.) 8vo, boards NV Y. 1841 669 MANNINGS (FREDERICK GEORGE and MARIA). For Murder of P. O'Connor, Illustrated. 8vo, stitched. Lond. 1849: 670 MARLOW, CHARLES. For Murder of W. Bachmann. 8vo, stitched Jamestown, NV. Y. 1871.I; 671 MATTHIAS, the Prophet. For Swindling B. H. Folger. 8vo, stitched A. Y. 1834 6672 ---- Another copy i ~?. 673 MELBOURNE, VISCOUNT. Hon. Mrs. Norton vs.: For Crim. Con. 12mo, stitched Lond. v S;! 674 MELVILLLE, VISCOUNT. Trials before the House of Peers. Portrait. 8vo, sheep Lond. 1806 675 MERRITT, JUSTICE HENRY W. For Malfeasance in office. 8vo, stitched. Scarce. Y. 1840 54 CA ITAX LOG UE. 676 MIDDLETON, MRS. EDWARD. Edward Middleton vs.: Paper Book in the Matter of Petition to the General Assembly of Pennsylvania for Divorce. 12mo, stitched. [Phil. 1849] 677 MILLIGAN, BOWLES and HORSEY. Augument of David Dudley Field in the Matter of. Royal 8vo, half law calf N. Y. 1866; 678 MITCHELL, MAJOR. For Felonious Assault on David H. Crawford. 8vo, stitched Portland, Me., 1834;; 11 679 MITFORD, JoHN. For Perjury. 8vo, half morocco. Lond. 1814 680 IMORDAUNT et al. Mordaunt vs.: Divorce. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1870 - 81 MORMON TRIALS (THE) at Salt Lake City. By G. A. Townsend. Small 4to, stitched AN.: 1871 682 MitLLER, FRANZ. Extradition Proceedings in case of Charged with Murder. 8vo, stitched N. Y 1864 683 MYERS, WILLIAM R., and others. For Murder of Dudley Marvin Hoyt. 8vo, stitched N1 Y. 1846 684 [MYERS.] Letters of Mrs. Virginia Myers to Dudley M. Hoyt. 8vo, stitched Phil. 1847 i ';i: 685 A-nother copy 686 --- Another copy ELSON AND BRAND. For Murder (The Jamaica Prosecution). Charge of the Chief Justice. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1867! 688 NEWMAN, DR. JOHN HENRY. Giacinto Achilli vs.: Report of Trial for Seduction and Adultery charged against Dr. Achilli, the Apostate Catholic Priest, by the celebrated Doctor Newman. 8vo, stitched V. I. 1852 689 NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS (mounted). Containing Trials of Cavendish v. Cavendish and Gordon., Crim. Con. — Harriet M. Wedgwood for Perjury, &c. 8vo, stitched: 690- Do. do. Containing Trials of Broadwood vs. Broadway and Duke of St. Albans, Crim. Con.- Of F. H. Fuller, Bigamy.-O'Kane vs. O'Kane and Lord Palmerston, with Pamphlet: " All About the Great Scandal." 8vo, stitched CAITALOG UE. 55 691 NEWSPAPER CLIPPINGS (mounted). Containing Reports of Trials of Robertson vs. Robertson and Sothern, Crim. Con. - Robert Coe for Murder, &c., &c. 8vo, stitched 692 Do. do. Containing Trial of William Dove for Poisoning his Wife; His Confession and Execution, &c. 8vo, stitched Leeds, 1854 693 NEW YORIK Judicial Repository, Vol. I.: Containing the Trials of Gibbon, for Libel; Hughes, for Larceny; Carpenter, for Rape; &c. 8vo, half sheep NV. Y. 1818 694 N. Y. GUTTA PERCHA, &c., Co. H. B. Goodyear vs.: Final Hearing, &c. Royal 8vo, half morocco NJV Y. 1862 695 O'CONNELL, DANIEL. (Irish State Trials.) 8vo, half calf. Antique. No title 696 OPINIONS of Judge Betts in Cases of IT. S. vs. Schooner Stephen Hart, Steamer Peterhoff and others. 8vo, half calf V. Y. 1863-'64 697 OPINIONS of Judges Ingraham, Sutherland, and others in the Ferris and Friery and Lamb Cases. Imperial 8vo, half calf NV. Y. 1866 698 ORSER and CARLIN. A Horse Story by an Old Gray Horse, continued by A. T. Jones: containing all the proceedings against John Orser, Sheriff, and Trial of Thomas Carlin, Deputy Sheriff of New York. 8vo, stitched. N. Y. 1856: 699 ONDERDONK, BISHOP BENJAMIN T. Ecclesiastical Trial. 8vo, half roan N. Y. 1845 700 - Trial; with 14 Pamphlets relating to the Case. / Bound in I vol. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1845 P i ARKER, THEODORE. For Mismeanor; with the Defence. 8vo, cloth Bost. 1855 7 02 - Another copy 703 PARKINS. The Extraordinary Proceedings at the City Hall, New York, in the Matter of J. W. Parkins, alleged to be a Lunatic. 8vo, stitched. Rare V Y. 1833,!:;'704 PALMER, WILLIAM. For the Rugely Poisonings. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1856 7?05 Another copy 56 CATALOGUE. 5& 706 PARISH WILL CASE. A Statement of Facts; the Points and?:;5 Opinions of Mr. O'Conor; the Opinions of the Court of Appeals; the End of the Litigation. Thick 8vo, law calf 2V Y. 1864 )..I.I.:.. 707 PARSHALL, REV. REVILO F. On Charges of Licentiousness, &c. 12mo, stitched T Y. 1860,:, 1;;. 708 PATCH, RICHARD. For Murder of Isaac Blight. 8vo, half sheep Lond. 1806 709 - The Same. Portraits, &c. 8vo, calf. Lond. 1806 7 10 PELTIER, JOHN. For Libel against Napoleon Buonaparte..... [including Sir Jas. Mackintosh's Defence]. Svo, half calf Lond. 1803;/?,:?:I 711 PENNSYLVANIA STATE TRIALS. Containing Trials of F. Hopkinson and J. Nicholson. Thick 8~, hf. cf. Phil. 1794!;,I'i~ 712 PETERS. Wheaton vs.: Copy-right Case. Imperial 8vo, boards N: Y. 1834 713 PICTON, THOMAS. For applying a most Cruel Torture upon Louisa Calderon. 8vo, stitched Phila. (Newgate Calendar);.../....'714 POPHAM, SIR HOME. Court-martial. 8~, stitched. Lond. 1807.:C; 7715 PORTEOUS, CAPT. JOHN. Genuine Tryal, before the High Criminal Court in Scotland. 8vo, stitched. Rare Lond. 1736:?I:,I 716 PRASLIN (LA DUCHESSE DE). Assassinat de: Procedure; Proces-Verbaux, D6positions de Teroins, Interrogatoires. 4to, half morocco Paris, 1847 /;1. 1 717 PRITCHARD, DR. E. W. For Poisoning his Wife and Motherin-law. With Newspaper Clippings (mounted). 8vo, stitched Edin. 1865:;' 718 PRIVATEEr SAVANNAH. Officers and Crew of the: For Piracy. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1862 ':,?:: 719 ---- The Same. Reported by A. F. Warburton. 8vo, cloth N, Y. 1862.fi;) 720 PROBST, ANTON. For Murder of C. Dearing. 8vo, half law calf Phil. 1866 ~:? 721 PROCEEDINGS in Case of the Contested Election for District Attorney upon Petition Contesting Election of L. C. Cassidy. 8vo, half law sheep Phil. 1857 CX".t4OrGA Ltf'. 57 fU TO WARRANTO PROCEEDINGS on the Relations ( ) of C. Bashford Vs. Wm. A. Barstow, contesting the _1^^ right to the Office of Governor of Wisconsin. 8vo, half morocco Madison, 1856 R;ACHEL (M1ADAME). For False Pretences. 8vo, stitched d Lond. 1868 724 - Another copy:ij'; J 725 RADEMACHIER (MRS.) Narrative of Murder of: with Evidence before Coroner. Illustrated. 8~, stitched. Phil. 1848 726 REGICIDES. The Indictment, Arraignment, Tryal and JudgI / ent, at large, of Twenty-nine Regicides, the Murtherers of Charles the First. Frontispiece. 8vo, calf. Dublin, 1730 i - 727- Trial of the. Small 4to, old calf. Lacks title, but evidently the original edition, and Rare:;;, 728 REMARKABLE TRIALS of all Countries. Compiled by T. Dunphy and T. J. Cummins. 8vo, law calf N. Y. 1867 1. 72 9 RESTELL (MADAME). For Abortion and Causing Death of Mrs. Purdy. 8vo, stitched 12V Y. 1841 ' 730 -- Another copy. 731 - For Producing Abortion upon Mary Bodine. 8vo, stitched N: Y. 1846. 732 -- Another copy 733 REYNOLDS, JACK. For Murder of Wm. Townsend. 8vo, stitched N. Y. 1870 734 RICHARDSON-MCFARLAND Tragedy. llustrated. 8vo, stitched Phil. 1870 735 MCFARLAND TRIAL. The Veiled Lady; or, The Mysterious Witness in the: -Ier Confession, &c. Illustrated. 8vo, stitched Phil. 1870 736 RICHARDSON-MCFARLAND Tragedy (The). A History of the Case. 8vo, stitched Phil. 1870::: 737 RICHIE et al. Hinchman vs.: Speeches of Defendant's Counsel. 8vo, stitched Phil. 1849 738 ROAD MUVDER (THE). Complete Report and Analysis. Illustrated.- Analysis of this Mystery, by J. R. Ware, 1865. In 1 vol, 8vo, half morocco:' '! 1!110 1,,,!!,!.!!!!,, 58 CAITALOG UE. 739 ROBERTSON, CAPT. A. M. Court Martial. 8vo, stitched Dublin, 1862 740 ROBINSON, HENRIETTA. The Veiled Murderess. Trial, &c. Portrait. 12mo, cloth 2V. Y. 1855 741 ROBINSON, PETER. For Murder of Abraham Suydam. 8vo, stitched New.Brunswick, 1841 7i 742 - True Account of the Murder of A. Suydam. 8vo, t; f~ stitched. No title l; i 743 ROGERS, Jr. (ABNER). For Murder of C. Lincoln, Jr. 8vo half sheep Bost. 1844 ~ | 744 ROUPELL VS. WAITE. The Great Forgeries of William Roupell. Report of case of Roupell vs. Waite. 12mo, stitched Lond. 1862 7: '45 ROUPELL. The Great Forgeries of: Report of Trial of Roupell v. Waite.- Protest against the severe Sentence of Roupell. And many Newspaper Clippings (mounted). Stitched ^;,; j 746 ROWAN, ARCHIBALD H. For Distribution of a Libel. Portrait. 8vo, stitched N 1 Y. 1794 ) 747 ROYAL BRITISH BANK DIRECTORS. For Conspiracy, &c, 8vo, stitched Lond. 1857 S:~;:I 748 RULOFF, EDWARD H. For Murder. 8~, stitched. Phil. 1871.. 749 Authentic History of E. H. Ruloff, Philologist and Murderer. 8vo, stitched N. Y. 1871 7; 50 RUSH, JAMES B. For Murder. Illustrated. 8vo, stitched. Lond. 1849: ALVADOR, F. G. State of New York. Bill of Exceptions in Court of Appeals. Royal 8vo, half law calf N Y. 1866;I /L: 752 SAUTANGELOS. Trial for Libel against S. McRoberts. Part I. 8vo, stitched N Y. 1842 753 SAVILL. For Assaulting Mary Bayly with Intent to Carnally Abuse. Frontispiece. 8vo, stitched Loond. 1800:.... 754 SCOTT, JOHN AND HENRY. For Assault. 12mo, stitched. Greenock, 1849 CATA 1LOG UE. 59 755 SELFRIDGE, THOMAS O. For Killing Charles Austin. 8vo, sheep Bost. 1806 '756 -Another copy. Stitched Bost. 1806 757 Correct Statement of the Preliminary Controversy between T. O. Selfridge and B. Austin, by T. O. Selfridge. 8vo, stitched Charlestown, 1 807 758 SESSIONS PAPERSS: Dec. 1729-Oct. 1731. 4to, half calf.Lond. 1730-31 759 -- The Proceedings of the Sessions of the Peace and Oyer and Terminer for London and County of Middlesex. Dec. 1731-Oct. 1733. (2). 4to, half calf. Lond. 1731-33 Bound with above is The Ordinary of Newgate, his Account of the Behaviour, Confessions and Dying Words of the Malefactors executed at Tyburn. The twelve numbers from 1731 to May, 1733. 760 -- [The same]: Dec. 1771-Oct. 1772. 4to, calf Lonzd. 1771-72 761 - [The same]: Dec. 1778-Oct. 1780. Thick 4to, calf Lond. 1778-80 762 -- [The same]: Dec. 1781-Oct. 1784. 3 vols, thick 4to, calf Lond. 1781-84 763 - [The same]: Dec. 1785-Oct. 1786. Thick 4to, calf, broken Lond. 1785-86 764 SEYS, REV. JOHN. For Assault on Mrs. E. Cram. 8vo, stitched N. Y. 1847 765 SHERIDAN, DR. Trial: [included in] The State of the Catholic Cause. 8vo, half morocco Dublin, 1812 766 SICKLES, DANIEL E. For Shooting Philip Barton Key. Illustrated. 8vo, stitched V Y. 1859 Two autograph letters of Sickles inserted. W l 767 SLOPER. Theo..s C[ibbe]r vs.: For Crim. Con. The Comforts of Matrimony Exemplified in [this] Memorable Case and Trial. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1739 i A:i::768 SMETHURST, DR. THOMAS. For Murder, and Prosecution for Bigamy. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1859 769 SMITH, JUDGE, G. W. Argument of Respondent against Charges submitted by the Senate. 8vo, hf. mor. Alb. 1867 770 SMITH, MADELEINE. For Poisoning Pierre Emile L'Angelier. 8vo, cloth Edin. 1857 6o CoCTALOG UE.; 771 SMITH, MADELEINE. For PoisoningP. E. L'Angelier. Edin. 1857. — With Newspaper Clippings (mounted) containing Trials of Catherine Wilson, John Gardner and T. Winslow, for Murder; &c. 8vo, stitched 772 SMITH (LIEUT. RICHARD) and ANN CARSON. For Murder of Capt. John Carson. 8vo, boards Phil. [1816]:, Ii:- 773 SMYTH VS. SMYTH and others. Supplement to the "Bristol Mirror," containing Report of Trial Bristol, 1853 I 774 SPANISH PIRATES (The Twelve) of Schooner Pauda. For Piracy. Illustrated. 8vo, stitched Bost. 1834 775 STARR and KENNEDY. Saurin vs.: "The Great Convent..... SllC:1 Case." The full Newspaper Report of the Trial, with Editorials and other Newspaper Cuttings. Photographic Portraits of the Witnesses, illustrations from Punch, &c. All neatly mounted in 4to scrap-book, half morocco _Lond. 1869 This was an action brought by a professed Sister of the Order of Mercy against the Mother Superioress, &c., of the Convent at Hull, to recover damages for assault, &c. 776 STATE TRIALS: a Collection of the most Interesting Trials prior to the Revolution of 1688: reviewed and illustrated by S. M. Phillips. 2 vols, 8vo, boards Lond. 1826.;ii;.. 777 STEWART, REV. H. L. Mrs. E. J. Stewart vs.: Divorce. 8vo, half morocco Chicago, 1867 i: 778 STEWART, WILLIAM. For Murder of his Father. 12mo, stitched. Title torn Balt. 1838 l 779 STOCKDALE. Nightingalevs.: Action for Libel. 8vo, stitched '"1 >1 t1" ^!!!!! L ond. 1809 780 STRANG, JESSE. For Murder of John Whipple. 8vo, stitched Alb. 1827 ' ii 781 STRONG, MARY E. Peter R. Strong against: Divorce. 8vo, half morocco. No title N. Y. 1865 782 STRONG Divorce Case. Argument of E. T. Gerry. 8vo stitched N.. 1865 783 -- [The same]. Half morocco JV. Y 1865 784 SURRATT, JOHN H. Trial in Criminal Court of District of j; C~Columbia. 2 vols, 8vo, law calf Washington, 1867 CATA 4LOG UE. 78.5 SWINFEN vs. SWINFEN. Report of Argument by C. Raun Kennedy, London, 1857. ---The Great Swinfen Case. - The Extraordinary Trial of Kennedy v. Brown and Wife. Verdict for ~20,000. —Newspaper Clippings (mounted), &c. 8vo, stitched Tr NACK BROTHERS, SCHALK and GRIERSON. For Conspiracy and Fraud. Addresses of District Attorney. 8vo, half morocco Phil. 1868 787 TALLMADGE, HON. F. A., Superintendent of Metropolitan Police. For Neglect of Duty. 8vo, stitched. N. Y. 1858 788 TAYLOR, JOHN EDWARD. For Libel on John Greenwood. 8vo, stitched Manchester, 1819 789 THISTLEWOOD (ARTHUR) and others. For High Treason. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt back Lond. 1820,790 THURTELL and HUNT. For Murder. Pierce Egan's Account; with Appendix, containing his Recollections of Thurtell, &c. Illustrated. 8vo, stitched. Lond. 1824:: 791 TICHBORNE ROMANCE (The). A full Report of Trial of Tichborne v. Lushington. 8vo, stitched Jlanerhester, 1871 792 TOCKER, MARY ANN. For Libel on R. Gurney. Portrait. 8vo, stitched. Autograph Letter of Miss Tocker inserted. Lond. 1817:/J 793 TowER, CAPT. WILLIAM H. For Felonious Scuttling a Ship. 8vo, stitched St. John, N B., 1880 794 TRIALS AT LARGE. On Prosecutions for the Crown in Oyer; and Terminer and Quarter Sessions, Dublin. 8vo, calf Dublin, 1792 795 TRIALS for Treason at Indianapolis: Edited by Benn Pitman. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth Cin. 1865 T TDDERZOOK, WILLIAM E. For Murder of W. S.?: j\ Goss. 8vo, stitched Baltimore, 1873 i~DROK WILIA 62 (ICAT T LOG UE. tary Commission. 8vo, law calf Cinn. 1863 } 4 v 798 VAN RENSSELAER, SOLOMON. Elisha Jenkins vs.: S. Van Rensselaer vs. J. Taylor, C. D. Cooper, F. Bloodgood. Assault and Battery. 8vo, stitched Albany, 1808 799 VERPLANCK (GULIANC.), HUGH MAXWELL and others. For a Riot in Trinity Church at the Commencement of Columbia College, in 1811. 8vo, stitched. Scarce.. Y. 1821;...L.., REV. DR. Miss D..v..sx vs.: Breach of Promise. 12mo, half roan Lond. 1747 Verdict given for the Plaintiff. Damages, ~7,000. 801 WAGNER, LOUTS II. F. For Murder of A. M. Christenson. 8vo, limp boards Saco, Me., 1874 802 WALKER, WILDES P. Mrs. Walker vs.: Divorce. Svo, stitched N. Y. 1854 803 WALLACK, FRANCES. Wm. H. Wallack vs.: Divorce. A. Bowden vs. A. Gifford. For Slander. C. Denny and others. For Libel. Nancy Van Haun vs. S. E. Burrows. For Seduction.- Reported by J. Lomas. 8vo, boards IV. Y. 1834 804 WARD, JOHN; or, the Victimized Assassin. A Narrative of the Crime, Trial, Confession, Execution of the Williston Murderer. 12mo, stitched WVindsor, Vt., 1869 804* Another copy 805 WARD, MATT. F. For Murder of W. H. G. Butler. 8vo, stitched N Y. 1854 806 WARDLE. Francis Wright against Colonel Wardle. Action for Furniture of Mrs. Clarke's House. Trial of Mary Ann Clarke, Francis and D. Wright for Conspiracy against Col. Wardle.- [The Same. Another Report.] Portrait of Mary Ann Clarke. — Trial of J. Brandon for Assault on H. Clifford. — In 1 vol, 8vo, half calf Lond. 1809 807 WATSON, JAMES. For High Treason. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt back Lond. 1817 CGIlTALOG UE. 63 808 WEBSTER, PROF. J. W. For Murder of Dr. G. Parkman. 8vo, half roan Bost. 1850 809 -- For Murder of Dr. George Parkman. 8vo, stitched Bost. 1850 810 Another copy 811 F-or Murder of George Parkman. Reported by George Bemis. Royal 8vo. llbust. Cloth Bost. 1850 Autograph Letter (signed) of Webster's inserted. 812 For Murder of Dr. George Parkman. Reported by J. W. Stone. Bost. 1850. Review of the Webster Case. 2V.Y. 1850.- With three other Pamphlets, and Newspaper Clippings upon same subject. In 1 vol, 8vo, law calf 813 WEED, THURLOW. Geo. Opdyke vs.: The Great Libel Case. 8vo, stitched N. Y. 1865 814 WHISTON, WILLIAM. For Defaming and Denying the Holy Trinity. With a New Catechism for the Fine Ladies, &c. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1739 A satirical imaginary-trial, with Parodies on the Gospel; Prayer of a Young Virgin in Great Distress; &c. 815 WHITE, EZRA, Plaintiff in Error, in the Court for the Trial of Impeachments, &c. Murder case. 8vo, stitched N. Y. 1840::; 816 WHITLEY, IHARRINGTON and WILLIAMS. For Conspiracy. Closing Argument for the Prosecution. 8vo, stitched Washington, 1874 817 Another copy 818 WHITELOCKE, GEN. JOHN. Court-Martial. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1808 819 WILKES, COMMODORE CHARLES. Court-Martial. 8vo, stitched Washington, 1864... 820 WILLIAMS, JANE and JOHN. For Murder of the Winston Family. 8vo, stitched Richmond, 1852 821 WILLIAMSON, PASSMORE. J. H. Wheeler vs.: Proceedings on Habeas Corpus. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1856 822 WILLIS, N. P. Edwin Forrest against: Libel Suit. 8vo, stitched N. Y 1859 64 C CA TLOG UE.; 823 WINDHAM, W. F. Commission de Lunatico Inquirendo. Before Samuel Warren and Jury. Illustrated. Lond. 1862 824 I — nquiry into the State of Mind of. With Newspaper Clippings (mounted). 8vo, stitched Lond. 1862 /.I... 825 WINTHROP, LIEUT.-COL. GRENVILLE TEMPLE. CourtMartial. 8vo, boards Bost. 1832 5'1 826 WoDSON. Richardson vs.: Trial for Libel. 8vo, stitched Lond. 1850 XT.. TELVERTON. Thelwall vs.: The Yelverton Marriage Case. Illustrated. 8vo, stitched Lond. 8928 -- Another copy;;,,::;; 829 YELVERTON CASE. Report of. Case of Thelwall vs. Yelverton, with many Newspaper Clippings (mounted). 8vo, stitched Glasgow, 1861:.:':;: 830 YORK. Account of Wardle's Charges, with the Minutes and Evidence; and Memoirs (with Portrait) of Mary Ann Clarke. 8vo, calf Lond. 1809;' 831 YORK, DUKE OF. The Investigation of the Charges brought against the Duke of York; by G. L. Wardle. With the Evidence. Fine Portraits of Wardle, Mary Ann Clarke and others. 2 vols, 12mo, calf Lond. 1809; i? A DAMS, HENRY W. The Book of Job in Poetry; or a Song in the Night. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth, gilt edges ADMS 2. Y. 1864 833 AINSLEE, HEN. Scottish Songs, Ballads and Poems. Portrait. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1855 | ~:;! 834 ALLINGHAM, WILLIAM. Poems. Half mor. Bost. 1870.;:;:? 835 ARNOLD, MATTHEW. Poems. 2 vols, 1 2mo, half morocco?;,1lr' _ll Lond. 1869 CAIZALO UE.6 65 836 AYTOUN, W. E. Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers, and other Poems. Post 8vo, half morocco NT. I 1866 837 AYTOUN and MARTIN. Bon Gaultier's Book of Ballads; and Firmilian, a Spasmodic Tragedy. Cuts. Post 8vo, half morocco N.Y. 1867 AILEY, P. J. Festus. 12mo, half morocco N. Y. 839 BAILLIE, JOANNA. Dramatic and Poetical Works. Portrait and vignette title. Sqr. 8~, cl. Lond. 1851 840 BEAUMONT, SIR JOHN. Bosvvorth-field: with a Taste of: Variety of other Poems. 12mo (in eights), half morocco, title mounted. Bare Loacd., F. Kyngston, 1629 From the Library of W. E. Burton. Pages 181, 182 are missingin all copies. Sold: Sykes, 21. 15sh; Lloyd, 21. 3sh. 841 BEAUTIFUL POETRY: a Selection of the Choicest of the Present and the Past. 6 vols, 12mo, cloth, full gilt. Lond.,842 Boo OF BRITISH BALLADS. Edited by S. C. Hall. 8vo, half morocco N. Y 1844 843 BRITISH PONTS (The), with Lives, Critical Dissertations and Notes by G. Gilfillan; the Texts edited by Charles Cowden Clarke. Portraits. 48 vols, 8vo, hf. mor. Edin. 1858-59 Complete set of this large-type library edition of the British Poets, uniformly and neatly bound in half green morocco, marbled edges. 844 BROWNING, ELIZABETH BARRETT. Poems. Portrait. 4 vols. Essays on the Greek Christian Poets. - 5 vols, 12mo, half morocco NVT Y.; 1845 BROWNING, ROBERT. Poems. Portrait. 2 vols. —The Ring and the Book. 2 vols. —Dranlatis Personae. Sordello, Strafford, &c. Portrait. — Men and Women. -- vols, 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1864-69 846 BUCHANAN, ROBERT. Poems. —Napoleon Fallen.2 vols, 12mo, half morocco Bost. and Lon.d., 1866-71 847 BULWER LYTTON, SIR E. Dramas and Poems. Portrait. 18mo, half morocco Bost. 1869 848 BURNS, ROBERT. Life and Works. Edited by R. Chambers. 4 vols, 12mo, cloth V. Y. 1852 849 BYRON, LORD. Poetical Works. Portrait. 10 vols, 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1868 66 C6(- TLOG UE. 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1870 851 CAREY, ALICE. Lyra and other Poems. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1852 852 CATULLUS and TIBULLUS and the Vigil of Venus. A Literal Prose Translation, with Notes, by W. K. Kelly. With the Metrical Versions of Lamb and Grainger. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1854 853 CHAPPELL, W. The Ballad Literature and Popular Music of the Olden Time: a History of the Ancient Songs, Ballads and Dance Tunes of England; with numerous Anecdotes and the Entire Ballads. 2 vols, imperial 8vo, cloth Lond. 854 CHATTERTON, THOMAS. Poetical Works. 2 vols, 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1864:lI j,:; 855 CHAvUCER. Poetical Works. Edited by T. Tyrwhitt. Portrait and vignette title. Royal 8vo, cloth Lond.: Mox0on, 1852;:.,l: 856 CLARE, JOHN. The Village Minstrel. Poems descriptive of Rural Life and Scenery.- The Shepherd's Calendar. The Rural Muse. —5 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs. Portraits and frontispieces. Scarce Lond. 1820-35;. /\:. 857 CLOUGH, ARTHUR HUGH. Poems. 12mo, half morocco Lond. 1871 858 COLERIDGE, S. T. Poetical Works. Portrait. 3 vols, 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1870..l.'"; 859 COOK, ELIZA. Poetical Works. 12mo, half morocco Lond. 1870 860 COURTLEY POETS (The), from Raleigh to Montrose. Portrait. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1870 851 CRABBE, GEORGE. Poetical Works, with Life, by Allan Cunningham. Portrait. Post 8vo, hf. mor. Bost. 1863: l: 862 - Poetical Works. Edited by his Son. Portrait and vignette title. Royal 8vo, cloth Lond.: Murray, 1851 D1 X ANTE. The Canzoniere, including the Vita Nuova and Convito; Italian and English. Translated by Charles Lyell. Crown 8vo, cloth. Rare Lond. 1835 CUATA1LOGUE. 67 864 DOBELL, SYDNEY. Poems. 18imo, half morocco. Bost. 1860 865 DRYDEN, JOHN. Poetical Works; with Notes, by J. Warton and others. Portrait and vignette title. Royal 8vo, cloth Lond.: Moxon, 1851 866 DUGANNE, A. J. H. Poetical Works. Portrait and Autograph Poem, signed. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt top 1865 Antograph edition; only 75 copies printed. Er, DWARDS, AMELIA B. Ballads. —The Sexton's Tale, by Theodore Tilton. — Poems by Edna Dean Procter. - Olrig Grange. Aquarelles.-5 vols, 12mo, cloth 868 ELIOT, GEORGE. The Spanish Gypsey. 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1869 869 EPIGRAMMATISTS (The). A Selection from the Epigrammatic Literature of Ancient, Mediaeval and Modern Times. With Notes, &c., by H. P. Dodd. Thick crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1870 |F AIRFIELD, S. L. Abaddon, and other Poems. 8vo, boards N. Y. 1830 OETHE. Faust. Translated into English Verse, by J. Birch. Twenty-nine Engravings on Steel, after Retszch. 8vo, half mor., gilt back and top. Lond. 1839 872 -- Faust. Translated by Lewis Filmore. 12mo, cloth. Scarce Lond. 1847 873 - Faust. The First Part. Translated by Bayard Taylor. Imperial 8vo, cloth, gilt top Bost. 1871 1": 874 Faustus. The Second Part. Translated by John Anster. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1864 875 ---- Poems, translated in the Original Metres, by E. A. Bowring. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1853 876 GRAY, DAVID. Poems, with Memoir. 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1864 68 CA T4ALOG TUE. TT SALPINE, CHARLES G. Poetical Works of Miles O'Reilly. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1869 878 HEDDERWICK, JAMES. Lays of Middle Age. 12mo, cloth Cambridge, 1859 879 HEMANS, MRS. Poetical Works. Illustrations on Steel. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1851 880 - Complete Works. Plates. 2 vols, 12mo, half morocco N. Y. 1868 881 HERBERT, GEORGE. Works in Prose and Verse. Edited by R. A. Willmott. 12mo, half morocco NV Y. 1869 882 HERTZ, H. King Rene's Daughter. Translated by Theodore Martin. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1867 I?. 883 HOLMES, OLIVER WENDELL. Astrsea: a Poem. 12mo, boards. Original edition Bost. 1850 884 HOMER. Iliad, rendered into Blank Verse, by Edward, Earl of Derby. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth 2V. Y. 1869 885 - Odyssey, rendered in Blank Verse, by George Musgrave. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1869 886 HOOD, THOMAS. Poetical Works. Portrait. 5 vols, 12mo, half morocco JBost. 1864 887 Miss Kilmansegg and Her Precious Leg. Text engraved throughout with 60 Illustrations by T. S. Seccombe. Small 4to, cloth, full gilt Lond. 1870 888 HORACE. A Poetical Translation, with the Original Text and Notes, by Philip Francis. 4 vols, 12~, cf. Lond. 1747 Neat old copy. )': ' 889 -- Odes and Epodes of Horace. A Metrical Translation, with Commentaries, by Lord Lytton. Small 8vo, cloth Edin. 1869:,-" 890 HOSANNA (The). A Little Epic, as sung by the Sacred Minstrels. Humorous Cuts. Ephesus, 1862.-The Historical Influence of the Medical Profession, by Dr. John W. Draper. Portrait. N. Y., 1863. — &c. 8vo, half morocco 891 HOSMER, W. H. C. Poetical Works. Portrait. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth NVY. 1854 892 HUNT, LEIGH. Poetical Works. Portrait. 2 vols, 18mo, half morocco Bost. 1864 CATA LOG UE. 69 INGELOW, JEAN. Poems. 2 vols. The Monitions of the Unseen, &c. 1 vol. - 3 vols, 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1871 TON DUAN. Illustrated. 4to. Lotidon, 1874. -The Pigmies and the Priests. 12mo. New York, 1868. — 2 vols, stitched 895 JOURNAL ANI PERSIUS. Literal Translation (in Verse, with the Latin Text), with Notes, by M. Madan. 2 vols, 8vo, boards Dublin, 1820 896 ---- Satires, Literally Translated into Prose by L. Evans, with Gifford's Metrical Version. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1852 K EATS, JOHN. Poetical Works. Portrait. 12mo, half morocco Bost. 187( 898 KEBLE, REV. JOHN. The Christian Year. 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1867: 899 KEMBIE, FRANCES ANNE. Poems. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1859 900 ---- Poems. 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1859 901 KINGSLEY, CHARLES. Poems. 12mo, half mor. Bost. 1866 902 KORTUM, DR. C. A. The Jobsiad: a Grotesco-ComicoHeroic Poem. Translated by C. T. Brooks. Cuts. 12mo, cloth, red edges Phil. 1863 L:: EEDOM, B. J. The Voyage to Harlem, Thirty Years Ago, and other Poems. Portrait and Fine Cuts. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1867 i: 904 LINCOLN. Poetical Tributes to the Memory of. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, gilt top Phil. 1865 /,: /? 905 LINEN, JAMES. Songs of the Seasons. 12mo, cloth. NV~.Y 906 LONGFELLOW, H. W. Poems. 2 vols. — TThe Golden Legend. - Kavanagh. Hyperion. Outre-Mer. — Courtship of Miles Standish.- Together 7 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs Bost. 1852-'58 ~?! 907 Tales of a Wayside Inn. 12mo, half calf, gilt back Bost. 1864 908 LYTTON. Poems, by Owen Meredith. 3 vols, 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1866 70 C7-ATALOG UE..' ] - ACAULAY, T. B. Lays of Ancient Rome. Portrait and Cuts. 12mo, half morocco V. Y. 1871:;; 910 MACKAY, CHARLES. Voices from the Mountains and From the Crowd. 12mo, half mor. Bost. 1853 ^; 911 MAGINN, DR. W. Homeric Ballads, and Comedies of Lucian. Translated. 2mo, cloth. Y. 1856 912 MANGAN, JAMES C. Poems. Crown 8vo, cl. J. Y. 1870 913 MASSEY, GENERAL. Poems. — A Tale of Destiny, and other Poems. Portrait. 2 vols, 12mo, half morocco. Bost. 1866-'70 914 MILNES, RICHARD MONCKTON. Poems of Many Years. 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1846; 915 MONTGOMERY, JAMES. Poetical Works. Portrait and Vignette Titles. 4 vols, 12mo, cloth Lond. 1841 916 MOORE, CLEMENT C. Poems. 12mo, half calf, gilt back. Scarce XV Y. 1844 lT:; 917 MOORE, THOMAS. Poetical Works. Portrait. 6 vols, 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1870 918 MOVAR (KNIGHT OF). Coila's Whispers. Photographic illustrations after Cruikshank and Por. Square crown 8vo, cloth Edin. 1869 919 MORRIS, WILLIAM. The Earthly Paradise. 3 vols, 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1868;, 1;1"i 920 The Life and Death of Jason. 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1871 921 MOTHERWELL, WILLIAM. Poetical Works. Portrait. 18mo, half morocco Bost. 1863: 922 MUHLENBERG, REV. W. A. "I Would not Live Alway." Photograph laid in. 4to, cloth. Y. 1871,.;:I ' 923 MULOCK, MIS. Poems. 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1868 N I ICHOLLS, MRS. L. H. Poems. 12mo, cloth 1 N.Y. R 1857 SBORN, LAUGHTON. The Vision of Rubeta: a Epic Story of the Island of Manhattan. With Illustrations done on Stone. 8vo, boards, uncut Bost. 1838 CATALOGUE. 7I: ERCIVAL, JAMES GATES. Poetical Works. Portrait 2 vols, 18mo, half calf, gilt backs Bost. 1866 927 PETRARCH. Sonnets, Triumphs, and other Poems, translated into English Verse. With Life by Thomas Campbell. Sixteen fine engravings on Steel. Post Svo, cloth Lond. 1859 928 POLITICAL BALLADS of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. By W. W. Wilkins. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1860 929 PRAED, WINTHROP MACKWORTH. Poems: with Memoir by Derwent Coleridge. Portrait. 2 vols, post 8vo, half morocco. YN. 1865 f:::' 930 PROCTER, ADELAIDE A. Poems. Portrait. 12mo, half morocco 3Bost. 1871 931 PATMORE, COVENTRY. The Angel in the House.-Faithful for Ever.-3 vols, 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1861-66 LR { OGERS, SAMUEL. Poems. Fine illustrations on steel after Turner and Stothard. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1843 933 Poetical Works. Illustrated. 12mo, half morocco Lond. 1862 934 ROSSETTI, DANTE GABRIEL. Poems. 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1870:::,:.935 ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA G. Poems. 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1870 S AVAGE, JOHN. Poems. 12mo, cloth X. Y. 1867 y ';, 937 SAXE, JOHN G. Fables and Legends of many Countries. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1872 938 SCOT'S MUSICAL MUSEUM. Consisting of upwards of Six Hundred Songs, with Proper Basses for the Pianoforte, by James Johnson. With Notes and Illustrations by W. Stenhouse. 4 vols, 8vo, half roxburghe Edin. 1853 f.,9 939 SKELTON, JOHN. Poetical Works. 3 vols, 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1862 72 1-(,4~eC~ i/_~; 940 SMITH, ALEXANDER. City Poems. —Edwin of Deira. A Life Drama.-3 vols, 12no, half morocco. Portrait -Bost. 1857-'70; 941 SMITH, HORACE. Poetical Works. Portrait. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1846 942 SMITH, HORACE and JAMES. Rejected Addresses and other Poems. Edited by Epes Sargent. Portrait. Post 8vo, half morocco NYV.. 1866 943 SONGS of Our Land [i. e., Ireland]. Very thick 18mo, cloth Bost. 944 SOUTHEY, ROBERT. Poetical Works. Portrait. 10 vols, 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1863 945 SPENSER, EDMUND. Works; with Notes, &c. Edited by H. J. Todd. Portrait and vignette title. Royal 8vo, cloth Lond., Moexon, 1852 946 STREET, ALFRED B. Frontenac: a Poem of the Iroquois. Portrait. 4to, cloth, gilt top Alb. 1866 LARGE PAPER COPY. 947 SWAIN, CHARLES. Poems. Portrait. 18mo, half morocco Bost. 1864 948 SWIFT, DEAN PATRICK. Poetical Works; with Life by J. Mitford. Portrait. 3 vols, 12mo, hf. mor. -Bost. 1864:;l 949 SWINBURNE, ALGERNON CHARLES. Laus Veneris. — The Queen-Mother and Rosamond. Chastelard. Atalanta in Calydon. — 4 vols, 12mo, half morocco -Bost. &7: N. 1866-'71 1 950 -- Songs before Sunrise. Post 8vo, hf. mor. Bost. 1871 ASSO. Jerusalem l)elivered; translated by John Hoole. Portrait and beautiful Plates, engraved by Heath, Fittler and others. 2 vols, roy. 8vo, calf Lond. 1803 Large paper copy. 952 TENNYSON, ALFRED. Poems. Portrait and vignette titles. 2 vols, post 8vo, half morocco Bost. 1871 953 THOMPSON, M. Plu-ri-bus-tah; by J. K. P. Doesticks. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth N. Y 1856 954 TRENCH, RICHARD CHENEVIX. Poems. 12, cl. N Y. 1856 CA1TdLOG UE. 73 ERSES on the Coronation of George II. Frontispiece 8vo, half calf Lond. 1761 With a Catalogue of the Coronation Medals of the Kings and Queens of England. 956 VIRGIL. Works. Translated into English Verse by John Dryden. Three Portraits and over 100 fine old copperplates by Vauder Gucht. 3 vols, small 8vo, sprinkled calf extra, gilt backs, yellow edges, by Jenkins and Cecil _Lond., Tonson, 1709 Beautiful copy. 957 VOCAL MUSIC; or, the Songster's Companion. Containing a new and Choice Collection of the greatest varieties of Songs, Cantatas, &c., with the Music prefixt to each. 12mo, sprinkled calf extra, gilt back, yellow edges Lond. [17**] Vezy choice copy. ALDRON, W. W. Pocahontas and other Poems. 12mo, cloth V. Y. 1841 959 WATTS, ISAAC. Hore Lyricme and Divine Songs. Portrait. 12mo, half morocco Bost. 1863 960 WEEKS, R, K. Poems. 12mo, cloth V. Y. 1866 961 WHITTIER, JOHN G. Poems. Portrait and fine Engravings by H1. Billings. 8vo, cloth. Scarce Bost. 1850 /: 962 ---- The Tent on the Beach. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1867 963 WHITTINGTON. The Story of Sir Richard Whittington, Lord Mayor of London. Written and Illustrated by E. Carr. Handsomely printed in Black Letter, with Ornamental Initials, on thick paper, with 13 full page Plates. Folio, cloth side and edges -Lond.: Longmans, 1871 S/:j: 964 [WILLIAMS, JOHN.] Poems: by Anthony Pasquin. 2 vols in 1. The Children of Thespis, a Poem.-The PinBasket to the Children of Thespis. — Together 4 vols. in 2. 12mo, half calf, gilt back Lond. 1792-'97 The works of this accomplished libeller contain much theatrical gossip, &c. 965 WILSON, PROFESSOR JOHIN. Poetical Works. Crown 8vo, cloth Edin. 1858 966 WOMEN of the Gospels and other Poems; by the Author of The SchonbIerg-Cotta Family. 12~, hf. mor. N. Y. 1867 967 WOODWORTH, S. Melodies, Songs and Ballads. Frontispiece and Vignette title. 18mo, calf N. Y. 1826 74 CATAZLOG UE. FiXstoig anAd IXtrXplhl INCLUDING AMERICANA. A )XBERNETHY, JOHN. Memoirs, by G. Macilwain. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1853: Al;969 ADAMS, JOHN. Life; by John Quincy, and Charles Francis, Adams. 2 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs Phil. 1871 I 970 ADDRESSES, Speeches, Proceedings at Tammany Celebrations, &c. —History of the Crimes of [Fernando Wood]. Pt. I. ---And other Pamphlets. 8vo, half calf i 971 ALBANY. The Annals of Albany; by Joel Munsell. Illustrated. 10 vols, 12mo, cloth Alb. 1850-'59 972 ALBANY ANNUAL REGISTER for 1849. Cuts. 12mo, half morocco Alb. 1849 973 ALBEMARLE, GEORGE THOMAS, EARL OF. Fifty Years of My Life. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth V. Y. 1876; 974 ALISON, ARCHIBALD. History of Europe, from 1789 to 1815. 4 vols, royal 8vo, half calf, gilt backs N. Y. 1853;/ ^l 975 AMERICAN ANNUAL REGISTER. Pt. II. 1827-'29. 8vo, boards N. Y. 1830.;;..I 976 AMERICAN ORATORY, or Selections from the Speeches of Eminent Americans. 8vo, half calf, gilt back. Phil. 1853 977 ANGELO, HENRY. Angelo's Pic-Nic; or Table Talk, including numerous Recollections of Public Characters; &c. 8vo, boards. Rare ]Lond. 1834: 978 ANNUAL REGISTER: from commencement 1758 to 1788, lacking Volumes 20 and 26; from 1795 to 1820, lacking Vols. 50, 57 and Pt I. 6; and Vols. 1827, 1828, 1829 and 1836; with Index Vol. for 1795-1820. 57 vols, 8vo, half calf and boards. Three or four vols. broken Lond. 1758-1836 978* - for 1870 and 1873. 2 vols, 8~, cl. Lond. 1870-'73 979 APPLETON, NATHAN. Memoir by R. C. Winthrop. Portrait. —Recollections of Chopin. —Eulogies on Dr. Francis, by Mott and Gardner. —Address by Edward Everett. Autograph. ----And other Pamphlets. 1 vol, 8vo, boards CATAI LOG UE. 75 980 ATLANTIC TELEGRAPH. History; by H. M. Field. —Papers relating to the. —2 vols, cloth and morocco 981 -- Report of Banquet to Cyrus W. Field. 4to, half morocco V. Y. 1866 982 AuSTEN, JANE. Memoir, by her Nephew. To which is added Lady Susan. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1871 B AIILEY, WILLIAM. Records of Patriotism and Love of Country. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top. Rare. Washington, 1826 EXTRA ILLUSTRATED by the insertion of 23 fine Portraits. 984 BALDWIN, J. G. [American] Party Leaders. 12mo, half morocco N.Y. 1855 X 985 BANCROFT, GEORGE. History of the United States. Vols. I.-VIII. 8 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt backs. -Bost. 1853-'60? 986 BANCROFT. [The same.]. Vols. VII., VIII. and X. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth Bost. 1859-'74 98- 7 -- Address upon Lincoln. Portrait. Washington, 1866. — Memoir of N. Hill. New York, 1859. —2 vols, 8vo, cloth 988 BANCROFT, H.H. The Native Races of the Pacific States of America. Maps and Cuts. 5 vols, royal 8vo, half calf, gilt back N. Y. 1874-'76 Fine copy. | AX; 989 BARBER, J. W. Historical Collections of the State of New York. Many Illustrations. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1851 990 BARHAu, Author of the Ingoldsby Legends (Rev. Richard. H.) Life and Letters, by his Son. Portrait. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1870 991 BARNES, WILTLIAM H. The Fortieth Congress oi the United States; Historical and Biographical. Very numerous Portraits on Steel. 2 vols, royal 8vo, morocco, gilt backs, sides and edges N. Y. 1869? 992 BARNUM, P. T. Struggles and Triumphs; or, Forty Years' Recollections. Portrait and Illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth Hartford, 1869 993 BARRINGTON, SIR JONAH. Personal Sketches of His Own Time. 12mo, cloth N.Y. 1853 '^, 1; * * 1. 1! 1 1 1 1!!! - '. 1 1 1! 1, 1 1 1!!!!!! 1 11 1 1 1!! ^!!: / 76 CATALLOG UE. 994 BELL, R. History of Russia. 3 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs Lond.:1 /i1 995 BENNETT, D. M. The World's Sages, Infidels and Thinkers. Biographical Sketches. Portrait. Thick 12mo, cloth Y. 1876 996 BENNETT, JAMES GORDON. Memoirs of, and his Times. Portrait. 12mo, cloth N. Y: 1855:/;' 997 - The Life and Writings of. 12mo, stitched. Scarce 2V. Y. 1844 9 998 BENSON, CARL. Letter to Dr. H. H. Jones on his Habit of Giving Advice to Everybody. —Memoir of Ristori. — De Peyster's Address before N. Y. Hist. Soc., 1865.Memoir of Rip Van Dam. — Memoir of Prof. Valentine Mott, by Dr. W. Francis. And other Pamphlets. 1 vol, thick 8vo, law calf 999 BERANGER. Memoirs, written by Himself. Portrait. 8vo, cloth Losd. 1858 ' 1000 BERGEN, TUNIS G. The Bergen Family. Portraits on Wood. 8vo, cloth V Y. 1866 f 1001 BLENNERHASSETT, HARMAN. Life: comprising a Narrative of the Burr Expedition, by W. H. Safford. 12mo, cloth Cin. 1853 1002 BLESSINGTON, COUNTESS OF. Literary Life and Correspondence, by R. R. Madden. Portraits. 3 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt backs Lond. 1855 1003 BOLTON, ROBERT. History of the County of Westchester from its First Settlement. Illustrated. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. Scarce N.Y. 1848 1004 BOSTON SIGHTS. Cuts.- Handbook of Newport.- The Irish Confederates. &c. 7 vols, 12mo 1005 BOTTS, JOHN MINOR. The Great Rebellion. 12mo, cloth N.Y. 1866 i 1006 BOYD, MARK. Reminiscences of Fifty Years. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1871:, 1007 BREMER, FEDRIKA. The Homes of the New World. Translated by Mary Howitt. 2 vols, 12mo, cl. NY. 1853 1008 BROADHEAD, J. R. History of the State of New York, 1609-1664. 8vo, cloth NT y. 1853 C. TALOG UE. 77 1009 BROOKLYN. History of the City of Brooklyn; by Henry R. Stiles. Illustrated. 3 vols, imperial 8vo, paper, stitched, uncut Brooklyn, 1861-'70 1010 - The Same. 3 vols, royal 8vo, cloth, gilt tops Brooklyn, 1867 1011 - Corporation Manuals for 1865 and 1869. 2 vols, 8~ 1012 BROUGHAM, HENRY, LORD. Historical Sketches of Statesmen, and of the Men of Letters and Science, who Flourished in the time of George III. Many fine Portraits. 5 vols, royal 8~, tree calf, extra gilt backs. Lond. 1839-'46 Very fine copy. Autograph Letters of Brougham (in third person) and of Necker, and Documents signed by Collot d'Herbois inserted. 1013 H- istorical Sketches of Statesmen of the time of George III. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Phil. 1839 1014 Lives of Men of Letters and Science of the time of George III. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo, half sheep Phil. 1845 1015 - ife and Times; written by himself. Portrait. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth Edinburgh, 1871 1016 BRUNEL, Civil Engineer (I. K.). Life, by I. Brunel. Portrait and Plates. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1870 1017 BUCHANAN, JAMES. Life and Public Services; by R. G. Horton. Portrait. 12mo, cloth.2. Y. 1856 Interesting Autograph Letter (signed) of Buchanan's inserted. 1018 BUCHANAN'S ADMINISTRATION on the Eve of the Rebellion. 8vo, cloth N2VY. 1866 1019 BUCKLE, H. T. History of Civilization in England. 3 vols, post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1868 /: 1020 BUNDLINCG: its Origin, Progress and Decline in America. By H. K. Stiles. 16mo, cloth Alb. 1871: 1021 BURKE, EDMUND. Public and Domestic Life: by Peter Burke. Illustrated. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1853, z 1022 BURNET, BISHOP GILBERT. Works: (History of His Own Time: and History of the Reformation) With Notes. Portrait. 3 vols, imperial 8vo, half calf, antique, red edges Lond. 1850 1023 BuRR, AARON. Life and Times; by James Parton. Two Portraits. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth V. Y. 1864 78 CAI4'LOG U.l. I' 1024 BURY, LADY CHARLOTTE. Diary Illustrative of the Times of George IV. Edited by John Galt. 4 vols, 12mo, cloth Phil. 1838 1025 BUTLER, CHARLES. Reminiscences. Crown 8vo, half sheep N.Y. 1824 1026 BYRON, LORD. Correspondence with a Friend; with Recollections, by R. C. Dallas. 3 vols. Impartial Portrait of Lord Byron, by Sir Egerton Brydges. Narrative of Lord Byron's Last Journey to Greece, by Count Peter Gamba. Journal of the Conversations of Lord Byron, by Thomas Medwin. Portrait. 2 vols.-Together, 7 vols, 12mo, half calf Paris, 1824-'25? 9l 1027 -- Letters and Journals, with Life, by Thomas Moore. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth N2V Y. 1853!?:l 1028 --- My Recollections of Byron, by the Countess Guiccioli. 12mo, cloth, worn NV. Y. 1869; 1029 -The True Story of Lord and Lady Byron. 12mo, cloth Liond. C i # AESAR AND SALLUST. Works. Translated by W. Duncan and W. Rose. Two Portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth N. Y 1852, 1031 CALHOUN, JOHN C. Life. 8vo, stitched NV Y. 1843 7:...; 1032 CAMPBELL, THOMAS. Life and Letters. Edited by W. Beattie. Portrait. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1850 J//t 1033 CANNING, RT. HON. GEORGE. Life, by Robert Bell. 12mo, cloth. Y. 1846 V 1034 CAPRON, E. S. History of California. Map. 12mo, cloth,/7,Ji~ zBost. 1854 IMI 1035 CAROLINrE, QUEEN. The Murdered Queen; or, Caroline of Brunswick. A Diary of the Court of George IV. Portraits. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top, by Miansell. Rare Lond. 1838 /,.J.. 1036 CARVER, CAPT. J. Travels in Wisconsin. Portrait, Map and Plates. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1838.... 1037 CATLIN, GEORGE. Illustrations of the Manners, Customs and Condition of the North American Indians. 360 Engravings after the Author's original Paintings. 2 vols, imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs Lond. 1857 CA/T1 ILOG UE. 79: 1038 CHAMBERS, ROBERT. Memoir, by William Chambers. 12mo, half roxburghe Edin. 1872: 1039 CHARLES V. The Cloister Life of the Emperor Charles V. By W. Stirling. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt back Lond. 1853 A? 1040 CHESNEY, Co,. rThe Russo-Turkish Campaigns of 1828 -'29. Maps. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1854 /:I/. 1041 CHOATE, RuFUS. Reminiscences of. By E. G. Parker. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth X Y. 1860 6i,: 1042 CHORLEY, HENRY F. Autobiography, Memoir and Letters. Compiled by H. G. Hewlett. Photograph. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1873 /N/ 1043 CICERO. Life, by Conyers Middleton. Portrait. 3 vols, 8vo, boards Bost. 1818 /?,/n'; 1044 --- Life, by William Forsyth. Illustrated. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1865 i/"^ 1045 CLAPP, REV. T. Autobiographical Sketches. - Elder Knapp's Autobiography. B-ethune's Life and Letters. — &c. 5 vols, 12mo, cloth '~' 1046 COCKBURN, HENRY. Memorials of His Time. 12mo, cloth. Y. 1856 /.. 1047 CODDINGTON, D. S. Speeches and Addresses, 1866. Speech of Win. H. Seward, 1868. - &c. 5 vols, 8vo / /? 1048 COMMEMORATIVE PAMPHLETS, &C. An Interesting Collection of 1I: on George Peabody, Frothingham, Verplanck, &c. —Old Cambridge and New, by T. C. Amory.1 vol, 8vo, half morocco.. 1049 CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE. 2d Session, 32d Congress; 2d Session, 39th Congress; Part 3, 3d Session, 40th Congress. 5 vols, 4to, half russia TWashington, 1852-'69?f',t,4l 1050 CONTRAST (THE), or Plain Reasons why Wm. Henry Harrison should be elected President. 8vo, stit'd N Y.. 1840 / 1051 CONYNGHAM, D. P. Sarsfield; or, the Last Great Struggle for Ireland. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1871:.1052 COSTELLO, LOUISA S. Memoirs'of Eminent Englishwomen. Fine Portraits. 4 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1844 8o C(A4T1ALOG U.,1..l... 1053 COSTELLO. Jacques Coeur, the French Argonaut and his Times. Portrait and Cuts. 8vo, tree calf extra, gilt back Lond. 1847 Fine copy. 011| 1054 COUSIN, VICTOR. Secret History of the French Court ~' Wunder Richelieu and Mazarin. Portrait. 12mo, cloth N:Y. 1859;s, i J/: 1055 COXE, TENCH. View of the United States. 8vo, calf Phil. 1794 AUTOGRAPH LETTER, signed, 1 page folio, inserted. A.I. 1056 COXE, WILLIAM. History of the House of Austria, with Continuation. Four Portraits. 4 vols, post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1847-'53.L C^ 1057 CRETE: an Address by Stewart L. Woodford, Albany, 1868.-The Cretan Refugees, by S. G. Howe, Boston, 1868.-2 vols, 8vo, half morocco:.i.1 1058 CRITTENDEN, JOHN J. Life. Edited by his Daughter. Two Portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Phil. 1871 1059 CROTON AQUEDUCT. Memoir on the, with an Account of the Civic Celebration, 1842. By Charles King. Frontispiece. 4to, cloth. Scarce V. Y. 1843, 1060 - Illustrations of the. By F. B. Tower. Fine Engravings. 4to, cloth V Y. 1843 i. 1061 -- Description of the. By T. Schramke. 20 folding ~' Plates. 4to, boards N Y. 1855 1062 CROwE, E. E. History of France. 5 vols, 8vo, cloth "Lond.: Longmans, 1858-'68 /! y-;p 1063 History of France. 3 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs Lond. 1830.Q,7,/ 1064 CUNNINGHAM, G. G. The English Nation; or, a History of England in the Lives of Englishmen. Many fine Portraits, facsimiles of Autographs, &c. 5 vols, royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs Edin.?it~. 1065 CURRAN, JOHN PHILPOT. Life, by his Son. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth N Y. 1855 /.;,', 1066 CURRAN and his Contemporaries. By Charles Phillips. Portrait. 12mo, cloth N.: 1851 C(AT TA LOG UJE. FD X ANA, D. D. The Fireman: the Fire Departments of the TUnited States, with a full Account of all Large Fires, &c. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1858 /. 1068 D'ARBLAY, MADAME. Diary and Letters. Seven Portraits. 7 vols, 12mo, cloth Lond. 1854 /.- 1069 D'AUBIGNE, J. H. M. History of the Reformation. Vols. I-IV. 4 vols, 12mo, boards NA Y. 1843-'46 " 1070 DAVIES, C. S. Address on the Decease of Adams and Jefferson. 8vo, stitched P1ortland, 1826 S '. 1071 DAWSON, H. B. The Assault on Stony Point, by Gen. Wayne, July 16, 1779. Map and Facsimiles. Imperial 8vo, half morocco. Morrisania. Dawson's Gleanings, No. XI. 1863 Only 250 copies printed. 1072 DELAFIELD, COL. R. Report on the Art of War in Europe, in 1854-'56. Numerous Plates. 4to, cloth Wash. 1861... 1073 DEMOCRATIC REVIEW. The United States Magazine and: from commencement 1838 to 1849 inclusive; lacking 6 vols. Portraits. 19 vols, 8vo, half mor. N. Y. 1838-'49 1074 DICKENS, CHARLES. Life, by John Forster. Portraits and illustrations. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1872-'74 /^ 1075 DICKENS as a Reader; by C. Kent. Crown 8vo, cloth _Lond. 1872 1076 DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE of the United States. 17 vols, 8vo, morocco, full gilt, half morocco and half russia WYashington, 1861-'66;;: ) 1076* --- 1865, Part I, and 1868. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth Washington, 1865-'68 A..... 1077 DRAKE, FRANCIS S. Dictionary of American Biography. Thick imperial 8vo, cloth Boston, 1872 f1078 DUNHAM, S. A. History of Spain and Portugal. 5 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs /Lond. 1832 /: Ji' 1079 - History of Denmark, Sweden and Norway. 3 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs Lond. 1839.;... 1080 --- istory of Poland. 12mo, half calf, gilt back Lond. 1840:::; 1,,. 1. 1 -! 1 *!; - - 1 ^. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 1: 1 - 1 - 1 - 1 1 1. 1 1 1 1 1 l i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 11 l l 1 * 1 1 l i i 1 11 1 " 82 CATALOG UE.:" ) llu i 1081 DUYCKINCK (EvEET A. and G. L.) Cyclopwedia of American Literature. With Portraits, Autographs and other Illustrations. Quarto Edition. 2 vols, 4to, sheets uncut -ew York: Scribner, 1866 2,iT! 1082 DWIGHT, THEODORE. History of the Hartford Convention. 8vo, cloth, waterstained N. E. 1833 2. ^ 1 T ADIE, JOHN. Early Oriental History. Illustrated. Crown 8vo, cloth, gilt top Lond. 1852 /, 1 f/y - 1084 ELECTIONS. The History of the Westminster and Middlesex Elections, November, 1806. Folding Plate (colored) by Gilroy. 8vo, half morocco, gilt top. scarce Lond. 1807 "Contains all the Facetiae, Songs, Squibs, &c., prevalent at that period." I/ /1i/f 1085 EMMET, ROBERT. Life, by R. R. Madden. Portrait. Post 8vo, half calf 1V Y. 1868 / j,J -.. 1086 EVELYN, JOHN. Diary and Correspondence; edited by W. Bray. Two Portraits. 4 vols, crown 8~, do. Lond. 1854, /. -f ANE, JULIAN. A Memoir, by Robert Lytton. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond 1871 p;a./ 1088 FARRAR, MRs. JOHN. Recollections of Seventy Years. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1866 1089 FEARON, H. B. Narrative of a Journey through the Eastern and Western States of America. Small 8vo, cloth Lond. 1819 /.OlL 1090 FERRIS, J. The States and Territories of the Great West. Illustrated.. 12mo, cloth NV Y. 1856,l 1091 FIELD, MAUNSELL B. Memories of Many Men. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1874 r i: 1092 FILLMORE, MILLARD. Biography. Portraits. 12mo, half morocco BBufalo, 1856 1093 FIRST CENTURY (THE) of the Republic: a Review of American Progress. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1876 CATALOG UE. 83 10(.04 FLANDERS, HENRY. The Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. 2 vols, half calf, gilt back and cloth Phil. 1855-59 1095 Fox, CHARLES JAMES. Memorials and Correspondence; edited by Lord John Russell. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Phil. 1853 1096 FRANCE. History, from the Earliest Period. 3 vols. in 1. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1852; 1097 FRANCIS, G.H. Orators of the Age. 12mo, cloth V.Y. 1847 1098 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Life, containing the Autobiography, i with Notes and a Continuation. By Jared Sparks. Portraits. Royal 8vo, cloth Bost. 1848 1099 FREE-MASONRY. Illustrations of Masonry [By Capt. William Morgan.] With an Account of his Kidnapping. 1827. ---Posthumous Works of Capt. William Morgan. Ithaca, 182 7.-2 pamphlets: 1100 FREMONT, JOHN C. Memoir: by John Bigelow. Portrait and Illustrations. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1856 I? 1101 FRENCH, B. F. Historical Memoirs of Louisiana. Portrait. 8vo, cloth N Y. 1853,.. 1102 FRIE:NDLESS ORPHAN (THE). A Narrative of the Trials and Afflictions of Sophia Johnson, the Early Victim of a Cruel Step-Mother. Cut of the Battle of'Bridgewater. 8vo, stitched N. Y. 1841 1103 FROISSART. Chronicles of England, France, Spain and the. i'. adjoining Countries. Translated by Thomas Johnes. Illustrated. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1852 /, 1104 FROST, DR. JOHN. Pictorial History of the Middle Ages. Numerous illustrations. Royal Svo, half calf, gilt back Phil. 1846, f 1105 FULLER, H. Grand Transformation Scenes in the United States. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1875 n i'' N { AYARRE, CHARLES. Louisiana, its Colonial History and Romance. 8vo, cloth V Y. 1851 1107 GENERAL ORDERS issued from the War Office;. 'l~ during Polk's Administration, 1845-'49. 12mo, sheep Wash. 1849 84 CATCILOG UE. 1108 GIBBON, EDWARD. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. Portrait and Maps. 8 vols, 8vo, calf extra, gilt backs Iound. 1848 Fine copy. 1109 GIrFILLAN, GEORGE. Modern Literature and Literary Men. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1850 1110 GOBRIGHT, L. A. Recollections of Men and Things at Washington. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Phil. 1869 1111 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. Life and Times: by John Forster. Two Portraits and Illustrations. 2 vols, SQ, cl. Lond. 1871 r; 1112 GOODWIN, H. C. Pioneer History; or Cortland County and the Border Wars of New York. 12mo, cloth, gilt edges N. r. 1859:;,, l0 1113 GORGEI, ARTHUR. My Life and Acts in Hungary in 1848 -'49. 12mo, cloth 7IV Y. 1852 1114 GOUGH, JOHN B. Autobiography and Personal Recollections. Illustrated by George Cruikshank and others. 8vo, cloth Springfield, 1869,, 1F1115 GuLAMMONT, COUNT. Memoirs of the Court of Charles II. Portrait of Nell Gwynne. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1846 1116 GRANT, MRS. Memoirs of an American Lady. 12mo, cloth N 1 Y. 1846::: 1117 GRATTAN, T. COLLEY. History of the Netherlands. 12mo, half calf, gilt back Lond., 1118 GREECE, MACEDONIA AND SYRIA. History by Pococke, Talfourd and others. Illustrated. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cl., gilt top Lond.: (Encyc. Metrop. Treatise) 1851-'52 1119 GPEEK LITERATURE. History by Talfourd, Blomfield and others. Crown 8vo, cloth, gilt top Iond. 1851 i 1120 GREEK AND ROMAN PHILOSOPHY and Science: by Blomfield, Newman and others. Crown 8vo, cloth, gilt top Lond,.: (Encyc. Metrop. lTreatise) 1853 1121 GREELEY, HORACE. The American Conflict. Illustrated. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth and sheep HIartford, 1864-'66:~ 1122 Life; by Parton. Illustrated. 12~, cl. N Y:. 1855 1123 Wreck-Elections of a Busy Life. 22 humorous 'I Plates on Stone, by J. Bowker, with text in verse. Oblong 4to, half morocco Hartford, 1867 CAT/AZLOG UE. 85 1124 GREENE, GEN_. NATHANIEL. An Examination of Bancroft's Statements; by G. W. Greene. Remarks upon Bancroft's Account of Gen. Schuyler, by G. L. Schuyler. Joseph Reed, an Historical Essay, by George Bancroft. -- Sketch of Henry Hudson, by G. M. Asher.- Notes Concerning Peter Pelham, by W. H. Whitmore. &c. 1 vol, 8vo, boards 1125 GEEENOUGH, HORATIO. Memorial, by H. T. Tuckerman. 12mo, cloth N.. Y 1853 1126 GUIZOT, F. History of Civilization, from the Fall of the Roman Empire to the French Revolution. 4 vols, post 8vo, half calf, gilt backs NV Y. 1852; 1127 --- History of Oliver Cromwell and the English Commonwealth. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Loncd. 1854 1128 GUROWSKI, ADAM. Diary, 186l-'63. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth NV. 1862-'64.T TIALE, CAPT. NATHAN. (the Martyr Spy of the Revolution). Life, by I. W. Stuart. Illustrations on stone. 12mo, cloth Hffarfford, 1856 4! X: 1130 HALE, MR. S. T. Woman's Record; or Sketches of all Distinguished Women. 230 Portraits on wood. Thick imperial 8vo, cloth. Y. 1853 y 1131 [HALIBURTON.] Rule and Misrule of the English in America 1132 HALL, S. C. A Book of Memories of Great Men and.. (i~? Women of the Age, from Personal Acquaintance. Numerous illustrations. Small 4to, cloth, gilt edges. Lond. 1871 1133 HALLAM, HENRY. View of the State of Europe during...... the Middle Ages. 3 vols. -Constitutional History of England. 2 vols. —Introduction to the Literature of Europe. 3 vols. - Together, 8 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond.: Murray, 1847-53 ' 1133* HALLECK, FITZ-GREENE. Life and Letters; by J. G. Wilson. Portrait. 12mo, cloth, gilt top YV Y. 1869 1134 A — Memorial, by Frederic S. Cozzens. Two Portraits. —Recollections of Berrver, by John Bigelow. Autograph. — The Poetry of the Arabs of Spain, by G. T. Adler. —And other Pamphlets. 1 vol, 8vo, boards 86 C TCTALOG UE. 1135 HAMILTON, ALEXANDER. Observations on Certain Documents, in which the Charge of Speculation against: is refuted; written by himself. 8vo, stitched Phil. 1797 The scarce original edition of Hamilton's " Confession" of his intimacy with Mrs. Reynolds. 1136 -- Collection of Facts and Documents relative to Death of. 8vo, sheep XN Y 1804 1137 - Eulogy on: by H. G. Otis. Boston, 1804. — 'I Oration Commemorative of: by Dr. J. M. Mason. New York, 1804. —Sermon occasioned by the Death of: by Dr. Abercrombie. Phil. 1804. — 3 pamphlets. 8vo 1138 HANGER, COL. GEORGE. Life, Adventures and Opinions:..16 written by himself. To which is added: Advice to Prelates and to the Lovely Cyprians; On the Misery of Prostitution, &c. 2 vols, 8vo, boards. Rare and cuirious Lond. 1801 $i::) 1139 HARLEIAN MISCELLANY: a Collection of Scarce, Curious and Entertaining Pamphlets and Tracts; with Notes. 12 vols, 8vo, calf, gilt backs Loand. 1808-11 Fine set. i w, 1140 HARVARD BOOK (The). A Series of Historical, Biographical and Descriptive Sketches, by various authors. Illustrated with very numerous fine heliotype views and portraits. 2 vols, royal 4to, half morccco, gilt edges Camb6. 1875 1141 HAVELOCK, SIR HENRY. Biographical Sketch, by W. Brock. Portrait. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1858 1142 HAYDON, BENJAMIN ROBERT. Life; from his Autobiography; 1 j and Journals. By Tom Taylor. 3 vols, crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1853 Autograph letter (signed) of Haydon's inserted. Ifl / 1143 Life; by Tom Taylor. 2 vls, 12mo, do. N Y; 1853,/,i/~- 1144 HAZLITT, WILLIAM. The Spirit of the Age; or Contemporary Portraits. 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. 1825 7r;;~. 1145 HELPS, ARTHUR. The Spanish Conquest in America. 3 vols, 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1857,, 1146 HENRY, PATRICK. Life and Character; by William Wirt. Portrait. 8vo, sheep Phil. 1818, 1147 Life, by William Wirt. Portrait. 12mo, cloth Ithaca, 1850 CATILO G UE. 87 1148 HICKS, THOMAS. Thomas Crawford: his Career, Character and Works.-And other Addresses by Everett, Bancroft and others. 1 vol, 8vo, boards 1149 HILDRETH, RTCHARD. History of the United States. Second; '"1: Series. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth 2V. Y. 1851 1150 HILLARD, GEORGE S. Connection between Geography and,: History. —The Lawyer, by R. B. Kimball. — PreRaphaelitism, by John Ruskin. —And other Pampnlets. 1 vol, 12mo, boards 1151 HI-NToN, J. H. History and Topography of the United ', i,;?.. States. Illustrated with a Series [of over 100] Views. Proofs on india paper. 2 vols, 4to, calf, gilt backs, by Fraser,ond. 1834 Fine copy. 1152 HISTOIRE DES PAPES, Crimes, Mentres, Empoisonnements, /. ~, Parricides, AdultBres, Incestes, depius Saint Pierre jusqui a Gregoire XVI..... Maynifique Edition, splendidement illustree de Gravures sur acier par les premiers Artistes. 10 vols. in 5. Imperial 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs Paris, 1842 1153 HISTORICAL GALLERY of Celebrated Men of every age and nation, exhibiting a Splendid Series of Authentic Portraits [on india paper]; with Biographical Sketches, by Robert Huish. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1830, 1154 HISTORICAL MAGAZINE: Jan. 1867-Aug. ]868 and Jan. ' -May, 1869. 4 vols, 4to, hf. mor. Morrisania, 1867-69 ^ 1155 HODDE, L. DE LA. History of Secret Societies and of the Republican Party in France, 1830-48. 8vo, cl. Phil. 1856 j, 1156 HODDER, GEORGE. Memories of My Time. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1870:',1 ]1157 HOLLAND, LORD. Foreign Reminiscences. 12mo, cloth N.Y.. 1851 4. 1158 HOLLAND, SIR HENRY. Recollectionsof Past Life. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1872 ] 159 HOOD, THOMAS. Memorials of. Collected by his Daughter. Cuts. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Bost. 1859 " 1;160 HOOK, THEODORE. Life and Remains, by R. II. D. Barham. Post 8vo, cloth Lcond. 1853 88 CAl174LOG LU..'... 1161 HOUGHTON, LORD. Monographs, Personal and Social. Portraits on Wood. 12mo, cloth V. Y. 1873 fl g, 1162 HouSSAYE, ARSENE. Men and Women of the Eighteenth Century. Two Portraits. 2 vols, 12mo, cl. N. Y. 1852 p fl3 1163 HOWIE, JOHN. The Scots Worthies. Revised from the Original Edition, by W. H. Carslaw. Many Portraits, Views, &c., on Wood. 8vo, cloth Edin. 1870 fk 9tj^, 1164 HUDSON RIVER PORTFOLIO. Twenty large beautifully colored Plates. Engraved by I. Hiet, after paintings by W. G. Hall, of Views on the Hudson River. Oblong Atlas folio, half sheep, broken. Scarce N Y. [ ] Lacks three plates; but containing among the remaining twenty, the fine Views of New York, from Governors Island, the Palisades, West Point, Hudson, Newburgh, Troy, &c. 'iD, 1165 HUMBOLDT (ALEXANDER AIND WILLIAM). Lives, by J. Bauer. 12mo, cloth 2 Y. 1853 K;.l. 1186 KIRK, J. F. History of Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Phil. 1864 f 1187 KIRKPATRICK, ANDREW. Memorials of, by J. Grant Wilson. Portrait. 8vo, cloth.. YI: Privately printed, 1870 9o CATTVLOG UE. tf 1188 KossuTI, LorIs. Report of Committee of Common Council of New York appointed to arrange Reception. Illustrations. 8vo, cloth V. Y. 1852 Autograph letter (signed) of Kossuth's inserted. 1189 KOSSUTH.' Life. —History of the English Language, by Thomas Wrigbt. —Letters of a Lunatic, by G. J. Adler. And other Pamphlets. 1 vol, 8vo, boards 4,? T L AMARTINE, A. DE. History of the Girondists. Three Portraits. 3 vols, post 8vo, cloth Loncld. 1849; 1191 LAMARTINE. History of the Restoration of the Monarchy in France. 4 vols, 12mo, cloth N Y. 1851;I.....".. 1192 LAMB, CHARLES. A Memoir, by Barry Cornwall. Portraits. 8vo, half calf, gilt back Lond.: Moxon, 1866.^ iiF 1193 LAMB, GEN. JOHN. Life and Times, by J. Q. Leake. Portrait and Plans. 8vo, cloth Alb. 1850 1' 1194 LANDON, M. D. The Franco-Prussian War in a Nutshell. Maps, &c. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1871:f.:7 1195 LAYARD, A. H. Popular Account of Discoveries at Nineveh. Many Illustrations. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1852, 1196 LEA, HENRY C. Historical Sketch of Sacerdotal Celibacy. /'ii *8vo, cloth Phil. 1867 1197 LECKIY, W. E. H. History of the Rise and Influence of Rationalism in Europe. 2 vols, post 8vo, cl. Lond. 1870 /i: "";*r 1198 LEE, HENRY. Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. Portraits and Plates. 8vo, half calf. Y. 1869 ms, 1199 LEE, JOHN. Letter to the President, concerning the Frontier disputed between the United States and Great Britain. 8vo, stitched Camb. 1839..l.;. 1200 LEGGETT, WILTAM. Political Writings. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth NY. 1840, l~i:r 1201 LEIGHTON, JOHN. Paris under the Commune. Numerous..... Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1871.l.. 1202 LENNOX, LORD WILLIAM PITT. Drafts on My Memory: being Men I have Known, Things I have Seen, Places I have Visited. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1866 CATA LOG UE. 9I 1203 LEWIS, PROF. TAYLER. State Rights.- New Gospel of Peace. -Heinrich Heine, by Matthew Arnold.- And other Pamphlets. 12mo, boards, I: 1204 LIEBER, FRANCIS. The Ancient and the Modern Teacher of Politics. —Eulogy on Daniel Webster, by Everett. Auttograph. —And other Pamphlets. 1 vol, 8vo, boards "... 1205 I, IFE of Zachary Taylor, by H. Montgomery, 1847. Life of Thomas Jefferson, by B. L. Raynor, 1834.-2 vols, 12mo, cloth /:..l 0LOG LINCOLN. Life and Public Services, by H. J. Raymond. Portrait and Illustrations. Thick 8vo, cloth. Y. 1865,4Si 1207 Obsequies in the City of New York. Portrait and Illustrations. Imperial 8vo, cloth X.Y. 1866 i::if:' 1208 [Another copy] 1209 -- Sermons preached in Boston on Death of. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1865 1210 Addresses and Proceedings at Athenaeum Club, in Union Square, &c. Portraits. Carey's Record of the Great Rebellion. Addresses by Gov. John A. Andrew, with his Autograph. —And other Pamphlets, in one vol, 8vo, law calf,.;..I -1211 LIVERMORE, A. A. The War with Mexico Reviewed. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1850: 1212 LIVES of Eminent British Statesmen. [By Sir James Mackintosh and others.] Vignette Titles. 7 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs Iond. '/.i 1213 LIVES of the most eminent Foreign Statesmen. Vignette Titles. 5 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs Lond.,./-/ 1214 LIVINGSTON, EDWAREI. Life, by C. H. Hunt. Portrait. Imperial 8vo, vellum cloth, uncut N.Y. 1864 Fine paper copy, but few of which were printed.,'" /i:/!1215 LONDON. City Biography, containing Anecdotes and Memoirs of the Aldermen and other Conspicuous Personages of London. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and edges, Lond. 1800 EXTRA ILLUSTRATED, by the insertion of 47 Portraits and Plates, many of which are old and rare; and two autograph letters, &c., signed by Sir William Curtis and Brass Croshy. 92 CATLLOGUE. 0I'"i 1216 LORD, JOHN. The Old Roman World. 8vo, cl. NY. 1868: 1217 Louis XIV. Life, by G. P. R. James. Two Portraits. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1851 1218 Louis XVII: his Life, his Sufferings, his Death: By A. de Beauchesne. Facsimiles, etc. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth NV. Y. 1853 &I,;,jI'/ 1219 LOYAL PUBLICATION SOCIETY. Numerous Pamphlets published by: in 1 vol, thick 8vo, law calf N. Y. 1863-'64.... ACAULAY, THOMAS BABINGTON. Critical and N /I Historical Essays. Portrait and engraved title. -.-'- Square 8vo, half calf, gilt back.London: Longmans, 1852 1221 MCCLELLAN, GEN. GEORGE B. Life and Campaigns; by s| S G. S. Hillard. Portrait. 12mo, cloth Phil. 1864 1222 Report on Organization of Army of Potomac. i,> TThe Army of the Potomac, by the Prince de Joinville. And other Pamphlets. 1 vol, 8vo, law calf AfS.. 1223 MCCORMICK, R. C. Visit to the Camp before Sevastopol. Map. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1855 1224 MACHIAVELLI, NICCOLO. History of Florence. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1851 rJ 1225 MACKAY, CHARLES. Life and Liberty in America. Illustrations. 12mo, cloth. Y. 1859. 1226 MCKE:NNEY, T. L. Reply to K. Armstrong's Assaults B" i l upon Col. McKenney's Narrative. 8vo, stitched. N Y. 1847 1227 MACKINTOSH, SIR JAMES. Life; by his Son. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Bost. [Lonc.] 1853 1228 McPHERSON, EDWARD. The Political History of the United States during the Great Rebellion. Royal 8vo, cloth. Autograph letter inserted Wash. 1865 ' 1229 MACPHERSON'S Political Manuals; Poor's Railroad Manual, 1871-'72; Hand-Book for the Democracy, 1863-'64, &c. 9 vols, 8vo, cloth 'i U', 1230 MACRAE, DAVID. The Americans at Home: Pen-and-Ink Sketches of American Men, Manners and Institutions. 2 vols, crown 8vo, cloth EdIin. 1870 CUATr LOG UE. 93 1231 MAINTENON, MADAME DE. Secret Correspondence with the Princesse des Ursins. Two Portraits. 3 vols, 8vo, boards Lond. 1827 1232 MARIOTTI, L. Italy, Past and Present. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half calf, gilt back Lond. 1848 Autograph Letter (4 pages, signed) of Cavour inserted. 1233 MARSHALL, JOHN A. American Bastile. History of f.. Illegal Arrests and Imprisonment during the Civil War. Illustrated. 8vo, law calf Phil. 1870 1234 MARTIN'S Statesman's Year Book for 1872. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1872 1235 MARTINEAU, HARRIET. History of England during the I /. Thirty Years' Peace: 1816-1846. Portraits on Steel. 2 vols, imperial 8vo, cloth Lonld., Charles Kniight, 1849 Original Edition. 1236 MASON, DR. J. M. Oration upon the late Alexander Hamilton. New York, 1804. —Oration at Lansingburgh, 1809, by D. Allen. -Noah's Statement of Conduct of H. Eckford. New York, 1824.- 3 pamphlets, 1237 MAXWELL, W. H. History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798, &c. Many illustrations by George Cruikshank. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1868, 1238 MEN of the Time, or Sketches of Living Notables. 12mo,:ii;l cloth. Y. 1852 ^:,, 1239 MENZEL, W. History of Germany. Three Portraits. 3 vols, post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1849 1240 MICHAUD, J. F. History of the Crusades. Translated by W. Robson. 3 vols, crown 8vo, half calf, gilt backs V. Y. 1853,.~ ~~ 1241 MIRABEAU: a Life-History. Two Portraits. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half vellum, gilt backs and tops Lond. 1848 1242 MITFORD, MARY RUSSELL. Letters. Second series. Edited by Henry Chorley. 2 vols, cr. 8vo, cl. Lond. 1872 1248 MONROE [Obsequies of]. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1858 1244 MOORE, THOMAS. History of Ireland. 4 vols, 12mo, half.... calf, gilt backs Lond. 94 CA214LOGUME. l,.;; 1245 MOoRE. The Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald. Portrait. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth N Y. 1831,i 1535 DIBDIN, C. The Younger Brother. 3 vols, 8vo, sprinkled calf Lond. [1793] 51; ~1536 DICKENS, CHARLES. Novels. Many Illustrations on Steel and Wood. by H. K. Browne and others. 10 vols, crown 8vo, cloth Lond.: Chapman & lHall, 1863-'66 Comprises: David Copperfield, Dombey and Son, Bleak House, Our Mutual Fricnd, Christmas Books, Great Expectations. 1537 - The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club. 43 Illustrations by Seymour and Phiz. 8vo, cl. Lond. 1845 1538 Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. Portrait and Illustrations on Steel, by Phiz. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1850 +w^^;.' l 1539 - Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit. Illustrations on Steel by Phiz. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1844; 1540 Sketches by Boz. 40 Illustrations on Steel by Cruikshank. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1856 CATALOG UE. 'I5 1541 DICKENS, CHARLES. Adventures of Oliver Twist. 24 Illustrations on Steel by Cruikshank. 8vo, cloth. Lond. 1846 "This is the 1846 Edition, but is from the original plates, with the original Illustrations."-MS. note on title-page.;: C: 1542. ---- The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Portrait and Illustrations. 8vo, cloth Londl. 1870 1543 Little Dorrit. Many Illustrations on Steel by H. K. Browne. 8vo, half calf Lond. 1857 1544 A Tale of Two Cities. Many Illustrations on Steel by H. K. Browne. 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1859 1545 -- American Notes. 2 vols. in 1. Crown 8vo, half calf, gilt back Loncd. 1842 V:.. 1546 The Pic-nic Papers. Illustrations on Steel by Cruikshank and Phiz. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1547 DIARY OF A MILLINER. — Harry Muir.- Paul Ferroll. &c. 5 vols, 12mo, cloth 1548 DISRAELI, BENJAMIN. Vivian Grey. 3 vols, 12mo, boards Phil. 1827 1549 - Lothair. 3 vols, crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1870 1550 DIXON, DR. E. H. Scenes in the Practice of a New York Surgeon. Illustrated by Darley. Post 8vo, cloth N~. Y, 1551 DRAYTON. — Sparks from a Locomotive — &c. 5 vols, 12mo, cloth ' i'; E ACH FOR HIMSELF, by F. Gerstaecker.-&c. 2 vols, 12mo, limp cloth Lond. 1553 EDGEWORTH, MARIA. Tales and Novels. Frontispieces and engraved titles. 9 vols, 12mo, calf, extra gilt backs Lond. 1848 Handsome copy. V 1554 E)DWARDS, MRS. Miss Forrester. Post 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1868 1 1555 EDWARDES. A Vagabond Heroine. 12mo, cl. Lond. 1873 1556 ENGLISH SPY (The). An Original Work; Characteristic,..';.i:/ Satirical and Humorous, by Bernard Blackmantle. Numerous finely colored Humorous Illustrations by Robert Cruikshank, and cuts. 2 vols, royal 8vo, half calf. Very rare Lond. 1825 C.ATLOG UE.... li 1557 ERCKMANN-CHATRIAN. The Blockade of Phalsburg. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1870 'j F ERRIER, MISS. Destiny. — Marriage. — The Inheritance. 3 vols, 12mo, cloth. Frontispieces Lond. 1841-53,t ' 1559 FIELDING, HENRY. Works complete in One Volume; with Life, by Thomas Roscoe. Portrait and many Illustrations on Steel by Cruikshank. Thick royal 8vo, cloth Lond. 1852 1560 FULLERTON, LADY GEORGIANA. Lady Bird.-A Hero. - The Two Families.- &c. 5 vols, 12mo, cloth 7.. _____^1 ENLIS, COUNTESS DE. The Duchess de la Valliere and Madame de Maintenon. Romances. 2 vols, crown 8vo, half vellum, gilt backs and tops. Rare. Lon. 1837 dl;?;~:^ S 1562 GIFT (A) from Fairy Land. 100 fanciful Embellishments. 12mo, morocco, gilt back and edges Lond. 1840 1563 GODWIN, WILLIAM. Caleb Williams. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1849 / 1564 GORE, MRs. Mothers and Daughters. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1849 iIf 1565 GOULD, EDWARD S. John Doe and Richard Roe; or, Epi~' " sodes of Life in New York. 12mo, cloth N:. Y. 1862 1566 GRANT, JAMES. Holywood Hall: a Tale of 1715. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1859!? 1567 GRAVES, RICHARD. The Spiritual Quixote; or, The Summer's Ramble of Mr. Geoffry Wildgoose: a Comic Romance. Vignettes on titles. 3 vols, 12mo, half vellum, gilt backs and tops Lond. 1773 Neat copy of the rare first edition of this curious and entertaining book, which is a satire upon the itinerant and illiterate Methodist preachers.... I: 1568 GRAYSON, E. Standish the Puritan. 12mo, cl. N. Y. 1850 1569 GREENWOOD, JAMES. In Strange Company: being the Experiences of a Roving Correspondent. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1873 CAT.L OGUE. 117 1570 GUARDIAN ANGEL, by O. W. HIolmes. ---My Married Life at Hillside. — Cupid and Psyche. —&c. 4 vols, 12mo, cloth 'H '][ALIBURTON. The Clockmaker, by Sam Slick. 12mo, cloth Phil. 1837 1572 HALL, MRS. S. C. Uncle Horace. 2 vols, 12mo, half sheep Phil. 1838 1, 5i 1573 HALIDAY, ANDREW. The Savage Club Papers. Illustrated. 2 vols. - Every Day Papers. - 3 vols, post 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1868::: 1574 HARRIS, RICHARD. Mayfair to Millbank. 3 vols, crown 8vo, cloth Lold. 1870 1575 HAWTHORNE, NATHANIEL. Novels (The Scarlet Letter, ':':ic.Twice-Told Tales, Snow Image, House of Seven Gables, Marble Faun, Blithedale Romance, Our Old Home). 9 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt back Bost. 1851-'63 i.;). 1576 HERBERT, WILLIAM HENRY. The Cavaliers of England; and of France. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1852-53: 5' 1577 Marmaduke Wyvil. 12mo, cloth N Y. 1853 1578 HOLLISTER, G. H. Mount Hope; or, Philip, King of the Wampanoags. 12mo, cloth 1. Y. 1851. 1579 HOUSSAYE, ARSENE. Philosophers and Actresses. Two Portraits. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Y. Y. 1852?J? 1580 HUtGHES, TfHOMAS. The Scouring of the White Horse. Illustrated by Richard Doyle. 12mo, cloth. Bost. 1859 / 4, 1581 I-UGO, VICTOR. Les Miserables (translated).-The Man Who Laughs. Portrait.-The Toilers of the Sea.Victor Hugo, by a Witness of his Life. 4 vols, royal 8vo, half morocco and cloth N. Y. 1863-'69 7,f/ 1583 --- Ninety-three. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1874,: 1584 HUNTINGTON, E. V. The Forest.- Alban.- Lady Alice or The New Una. —3 vols, 12mo, cloth Y. Y1 1849-'52 The Lady Alice " is of the original, uncastrated edition, I 8 ZCATALOGUE.,' T NCHBALD, MRS. A Simple Story. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1852 1586 ISA, by C. Chesebro'. —The Conspirator. — Broken Columns. ---&c. 5 vols, 12o, cloth,i,!;, AMES, MRS. EDWIN. Wanderings of a Beauty. Portrait. —Muriel. — 2 vols, 12mo, cloth *Lond. and N. Y. 1863-'67 1588 JAMES, G. P. R. Novels. 21 vols, square 12mo, half calf, gilt backs Leipzi-, 1842-'48 Neat set, comprising: Rose d'Albret, Heidelberg, Arrah Neil, Convict, Morley Ernstein, Arabella Stuart, Stepmother, Broughton, Smuggler, Darnley, Russell, Forest Days, Castle of Ehrenstein, False Heir, Beauchamp, Agincourt, Gipsy.;l~i7l 1589 Novels. 16 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs. Lond. Neat set, bound uniformly with the preceding lot, and comprising: The Huguenot, Richelieu, Philip Augustus, Henry Masterton, King's Highway, The Forgery, Gentleman of the Old School, De L'Orme, Jacquerie, Henry of Guise, Corse de Leon, A Whim and its Consequences, Attila, The Man-at-Arms, Gowrie, Charles Tyrrell. 1590 -- Novels by: 10 vols, 12mo, boards. Lond. 1850-56,;r; 1591 Dark Scenes of History. 12mo, cloth. V. Y. 1850 1592 JERROLD, DOUGLAS. Writings. (St. Giles and St. James; Men of Character; Caudle Lectures; Punch's Letters to his Son, &c.; A Man Made of Money.) 5 vols, 12~, cloth Lond. 1851..... T, ENNEDY, J. P. Rob of the Bowl. Swallow Barn. Portrait and Frontispiece. 2 vols, post 8vo, cloth A.V; KENT^~ E~~y, rN.,Y. 1852-'54,i 1594 KIMBALL, RICHARD B. Saint Leger. 12mo, cloth. Autograph letter inserted V. Y. 1850 1595 KINGSLEY, HENRY. Austin Elliot. 12mo,cl. Y. 1863 ADY LEE'S Widowhood.- Douglas Jerrold's Portfolio. Moneypenny, by C. Matthews.- &c. 12mo, boards Lond. CAfJTLOG UE. II9 1597 LAMARTTINE, A. DE. The Stone-Mason of Saint Point.Raphael. - 2 vols in 1, 12mo, half shp. YV Y. 1849-'51 -: 1598 [LAWRENCE, GEORGE A.] Brakespeare, Maurice Dering, Sans Merci, Sword and Gown, Breaking a Butterfly, Barren Honour. 6 vols, post 8vo, half mor. Lond. 1868-'70 1599 Sword and Gown. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1859!:':' rk": f:' 1600 LEE, D. K. The Master Builder. 12~, cloth. N. Y. 1852, 1601 LEE, SOPHIA. The Life of a Lover. 5 vols, small 8vo, half smooth morocco Lond. 1804 ^; 1 1602 LE SAGE. The Adventures of Gil Bias: translated by T. Smollett. Five hundred Illustrations after Gigoux. Thick 8vo, cloth, gilt edges Lond.: 1603 LEVER, CHARLES. Works. Numerous Illustrations on Steel and Wood. 19 vols, crown 8vo, half morocco, gilt backs Lond.: Chapman & Hall Handsome set.:: 1U04 -- Novels by: 13 vols. Numerous Illustrations on Steel by Phiz, &c. 8vo, cloth. Leaves in two vols. loosened Dublin and Lond. 1852-'54 Comprises: Tom Burke, Charles O'Malley, Jack Hinton, Harry Lorrequer, The Daltons, The Knight of Gwynne, The O'Donoghue, Roland Cashel..,.... X; 1605 ---- he Dodd Family Abroad. Many Illustrations by Phiz. 8vo, old cloth Lond. 1854 Original edition. 1606 - One of Them. Many Illustrations by Phiz. 8vo, ^ / half calf, gilt back Lond. 1861 Original edition. 21607 -- The Martins of Cro' Martin. Many Illustrations....by Phiz. Svo, cloth Lond. 1856 Original edition. 1608 - Davenport Dunn. Many Illustrations by Phiz. 4 Q, 8vo, half morocco Loond. 1859 Original edition.,i 2 1609 i I. ' 1610 1611 IWil LORENZO BENONL. 12mo, cloth XV Y. 1853 LOVER, SAMUEL. Rory O'More. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1853 LUTTRELL OF ARRAN, by Charles Lever.-Writings of Cornelius Matthews.- 2 vols, 8vo, cloth. N. Y. 1865-'62 120 CATAILOG UE. Mp T/C-CARTHY, JUSTIN. The Waterdale Neighbors. — My Enemy's Daughter. 2 vols, post 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1868-70 1613 MACLEOD, DONALD. Pynnshurst. 12~, cloth N;. Y. 1852 1614 MARRYATT, CAPT. F. Novels. Frontispiece. 12 vols, J1; 12mo, half calf, gilt backs Lond. 1847-53 Comprises: Peter Simple, The Phantom Ship, Mr. Midshipman Easy, Percival Keene, Newton Forster, Snarley Yow, Japhet, The Poacher, Pacha of Many Tales, The King's Own, Rattlin the Reefer, Jacob Faithful. 1615 MARSH, MRS. Emilia Wyndham; Castle Avon; Angela; Norman's Bridge; Lady Evelyn; Lettice Arnold; Two Old Men's Tales; Aubrey; Father Darcy. 9 vols, 12mo, half calf, extra gilt backs, by R. W. Smith Lond. Neat set.,?; 1616 MARTINEAU, HARRIET. Illustrations of Political Economy [Tales]. 9 vols. —Poor Laws and Paupers. Illustrated. 2 vols. — Together, 11 vols. 18~, half calf. Scarce. Lond. 1833-34!? 1617 MATURIN, EDWARD. Bianca. 12mo, cloth X. Y 1852 1618 MAYHEW, AUGUSTUS. Paved with Gold; or, The Romance and Reality of the London Streets. Many Illustrations on Steel, by H. K. Browne. 8vo, half mor. Lond. 1858 r, ';:...... 1619 MAYHEW (THE BROTHERS). The Image of His Father. Illustrated on Steel, by Phiz. 12mo, half morocco, gilt back and top, by Mansell. Scarce Lond. 1848. -; 1620 The Greatest Plague of Life. Illustrations on Steel, by George Cruikshank. Post 8vo, half morocco, gilt back and top by Mansell. Scarce Lond.;i~ 1621 MELVILLE, HERMAN. Moby-Dick. 12, clo. X. 1851 I:i?' 1622 MEPHISTOPHELES in England. 2 vols, 12mo, do. N. Y. 1835.....: 1623 MITCHELL, DONALD G. Dream Life. 12, clo. N1Y; 1851 1 1624 MODERN NOVELISTS of France. Selections from the. 12mo, t a i cloth Lond. 1863 1625 MORE, HANNAH. Works. Portrait and vignette titles. 8 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs Lond. 1853 Neat set.: 1626 MYERS, P. H. The First of the Knickerbockers: a Tale of 1673, 12mo, cloth N: Y. 1849 CAI TALOG UE. 12I NN E EW PRIEST (THE) in Conception Bay. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Bost. 1858 1628 NOVELS. D'Israeli's Venetia; Lockhart's Valerius; Mount Sorel. 3 vols, 12mo, paper Lond. O^ UR ISLAND. - Sydenham. —The Linwoods.- &c. 8 vols, 12mo, boards and cloth Lond. 1870 1631 PERRIER, A. Good Match. 12mo, cloth 1 Y. 1873 1682 PIERRE, by Herman Melville. Shirley.-Sandean's Money Bags and Titles. - &c. 4 vls, 12~, hf. shp. V. Y. i, 1633 PINKERTON, ALLAN. The Expressman and the Detective. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth Chicago, 1874: 1634 PORTER, JANE. Novels (Thaddeus of Warsaw; Pastor's Fire-Side; The Scottish Chiefs). 5 vols, 12mo, half calf Lond. 1849-50; 1635 PRIME, W. C. Later Years. 12mo, cloth NV. Y. 1854 1636 PRIVATE HISTORY of the Court of England. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1808 "The Private History of George IV., &c., under fictitious names." PRYINGS of a Postman. 12mo, roan Lond. 1845 ABELAIS. Works,. translated by Sir T. Urquhart and Motteux. Portrait. 2 vols, post 8~, cloth. Lond. 1851. 1639 READE, CHARLES. White Lies. 12mo, half calf, gilt back Bost. 1857:. 1640 Very Hard Cash. Illustrated. Royal 8vo, cloth Y.JV 1864:: 1641 READE, WINWOOD. The Outcast. 12mo, clo. Lond. 1875 i,: T22 CA zT2 LOC Ut..... I 1642 RECOLLECTIONS of Eton: by an Etonian. Illustrated by Sidney P. Hall. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1870 i. 1643 RECOMMENDED TO MERCY. Post 8, hf. mor. Lond. 1869 1644 REYNOLDS, GEORGE W. M. Pickwick Abroad; or The Tour in France. 41 steel Engravings by Crowquill and Phillips, and Cuts. 8vo, half mor., gilt top Lo^d. 1839 The scarce original edition. 1645 The Mysteries of London. Numerous Illustrations. 4 vols, imperial 8vo, cloth Lond. 1846 1646 - Mysteries of the Court of St. James. Lacking Vol. I. Illustrated. 7 vols, royal 8vo, cloth Lond. 1851: 1647 Alfred; or The Adventures of a French Gentleman. Portrait and illustrations on steel. 8~, do. Lond. 1 1648 RIDDELL, MRS. J. TI. Austin Friars. 3 vols, crown 8vo, cloth _ Lond. 1870.I. j: 1649 RUSSELL, DR. W. H. The Adventures of Doctor Brady. Post 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1864 l ^ ALA, GEORGE AUGUSTUS. Twice Round the Clock; or the Hours of the Day and Night in London. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth Lond. L 1651 [SEYMOUR, ROBERT.] The Evening's Amusement; or The Adventures of a Cockney Sportsman; by R. B. Peake. Illustrated with numerous humorous Plates by Seymour. Royal 8vo, half morocco, gilt back. Scarce Lold. 1846 ^ ' I i' 1652 Humorous Sketches, comprising Eighty-six Caricature Etchings, illustrated in prose and verse, by Alfred Crowquill. Royal 8~, do., gt. back & edges. Lond. 1872 5(!iJ 1:;' 1 1653 SCOTT, SIR WALTER. Waverley Novels. 48 vols. Poetical Works. 12vols.-Together 60 vols. 12mo, cloth. Fine frontispiece and vignette title to every volume Eclin. 1859-'61 Nice clean set, with uncut edges. 1654 [SHELLEY, MARY WOLLSTONCRAFT]. The Last Man. 3 vols, crown 8vo, half calf. Scarce Lond. 1826 4CATA,4 LO G U.E. 123 1655 SIMxMs, W. GILMORE. Romances, &c. Frontispieces by Darley. 15 vols, crown 8~, do. XN. Y., Redfield, 1854-'56 Comprises: The Partisan, Border Beagles, The Forayers, The Scout, Charlemont, The Yemasee, Southward Ho, Richard Hurdis, Mellichampe, Beauchampe, Woodcraft, Katherine Walton, Guy Rivers, and Poems (2 vols.) Becoming scarce.: 1656 The Lily and the Totem. Cr. 8~, do. N. Y. 1850 1657 SMITH, ALBERT. Adventures of Mr. Ledbury. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1853 1658 SMITH, WILLIAM. Thorndale; or The Conflict of Opinions. 12mo, cloth jBost. 1859 1659 SMOLLETT, TOBIAS. Miscellaneous Works. Complete in One Volume. With Memoir by Thomas Roscoe. Portrait and many illustrations on steel by Cruikshank. Thick royal 8vo, cloth, Lond. 1852 1660 SOUTHEY, ROBERT. The Doctor, &c. Edited by J. W. Warter. Two Portraits, engraved title and plate. Thick square 8vo, cloth Lond., Longmans, 1849 1661 STAEL, MADAME DE. Carinne, or Italy. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1850 1662 STEPHEN, SIR GEORGE. The Adventures of a Gentleman in Search of a Horse. Illustrated. 12mo, cl. Lond. 1841. 1663 Adventures of an Attorney in Search of Practice. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Phil. 1839 i: 1664 STERLING, JOHN. The Onyx Ring. 12mo, cl. Bost. 1856 1665 STERNE, LAURENCE. Works. Portrait. Thick, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1853 1666 STOCKTON, FRANK R. Round-About Rambles in Lands of Fact and Fancy. Numerous Illustrations N. Y. 18'72: 16667 STROTHER. The Blackwater Chronicle. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth N Y.. 1853 1668 SUE, EUG1ENE. The Wandering Jew. Numerous Illustrations on wood by Valentin. 3 vols, 8vo, cloth. Scarce Lond.: Chapman & Hall, 1844 J 1669 ---- The Mysteries of Paris. Many Illustrations. 3 vols, imperial 8vo, half calf, gilt backs Lond.: Chapman & fHall, 1845 The rare original edition, with the earliest impressions of the illustrations. 16'70 ---- Mysteries of the People. Square royal 8vo, half roan N. Y. 1867 124 C4 ATAILOG UE. A r-A LBOT & VERNON.- Grahame. The Same Devil. — &c. 5 vols, 12mo, cloth,? / - - 1672 TALES of the Classics. 3 vols, post 8vo, half calf Lond. 1830 l,:if 1673 TAYLOR, BAYARD. Beauty and the Beast. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1872,ij? 1den i 1674 THACKERAY, WILLIAM MAKEPEACE. The History of Pen6"ii'~.lo... dennis. Illustrations on Steel and Wood. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Lond. 1849 First edition.;3,,^ 1675 The Newcomes. Illustrations on Steel and Wood. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf Loud. 1854 First edition. r 7,. 1676 ---- The Irish Sketch Book. Illustrated. Post 8vo, '3 half calf Lond. 1857 1677 - Barry Lyndon; A Shabby Genteel Story; Confessions of Fitz-Boodle; Jeames's Diary,.&c.; Book of Snobs; Punch's Prize Novelists, &c.; Mr. Brown's Letters; Men's Wives; Yellowplush Papers; Paris Sketch Book. 10 vols, 12mo, half calf NV Y. 1852-53, 1678 Ballads. 12mo, half calf Bost. 1856 7 A; 1679 -- English Humorists. Square 12~, hf. cf. N.Y. 1854, 1,.... 1680 - Roundabout Papers. Illustrated. Post 8vo, half calf N.. 1863 7~ i, j.l. 1681 - The Four Georges. 12mo, half calf N. Y. 1860 The eight preceding lots are uniformly and neatly bound. '9;0,i/y. 1682 - The Virginians. Illustrations on Steel and Wood. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt backs Lond. 1858... 1683 History of Henry Esmond. 3 vols, post 8vo, half calf Lond. 1853 First edition. i Wi ( 1684 - Adventures of Philip. Illustrations. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt backs Lond. 1868 First edition. tf:l...1685 --- Catherine, Fitz-Boodle Papers, &c. Portrait and Illustrations. 8vo, half calf, gilt back Lond. 1869;:,: 1686 --- Denis Duval, Lovel the Widower, &c. Illustrated. 8vo, half calf, gilt back Iond. 1869 CATALOGUE. 125 1687 THACKERAY. Burlesques. Illustrated. 8vo, half calf, gilt back Lond. 1869 ^4:! l1688 Christmas Books. Illustrated. 8vo, half calf, gilt back.Lond. 1868, 1689 -- The Humorist and the Man of Letters, by Theodore Taylor. 12mo, half calf, gilt back N. Y. 1864../: 1690 TROLLOPE, ANTHONY. The Kellys and the O'Kellys. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1860:^ 1691 _- Orley Farm. With Illustrations by J. E. Millais. 2 vols, 8vo, calf, gilt back Lond. 1862 Original edition.: 1692 - The Small House at Allington. — Can You Forgive Her? Illustrated. —2 vls., roy. 8~, cl. NV Y. 1864 / i': 1693 Sir Harry Hotspur of Humbleth Waite. 12mo, cloth N. Y. [Lond.] 1871 /"^; 1694 -- Barchester Towers. The Warden. Below the Surface, by Sir A. H. Elton.-3 vls, 12~, cloth. Lond. V: ^ i ON HILLERN, WILHELMINE. A Twofold Life. 12mo, cloth Phil. 1873 W] TT ARREN, SAMUEL. Novels: (Ten Thousand a Year;::J ' /i / Diary of a Physician; Now and Then; Lily and the Bee.) 7 vols, square 12mo, half calf, gilt back Leipzic, 1844-51:| 1697 WATERS, THOMAS. The Recollections of a Policeman. 12mo, half sheep N. Y. 1852;! 1698 WIKOFF, HENRY. My Courtship and its Consequences. 12mo, cloth. Becoming scarce. X. Y. 1855:,5!?1 1699 WILsoN, J. M. Tales of the Borders and of Scotland: Historical, Traditionary and Imaginative. Vols. I.-IX., inclusive. 9 vols, 12mo, cloth Edinburgh: 1700 WooD, BENJAMIN. Fort Lafayette; or, Love and Secession. Portrait inserted. 12mo, cloth. Scarce. N. Y. 1862 I26 C2 TILOG UE../^ " ATES, EDMUND. A Righted Wrong.- Broken to Harness. The Rock Ahead. —Black Sheep.-4 vols, post 8vo, half morocco. Autograph Letter laid in:Lond. 1869-71 Si 1702 YOUTH (The) of Jefferson, or a Chronicle of College Scrapes. 12mo, cloth NV Y. 1854 eneral d gitLraturje. A..: Land. Ten Colored Etchings and 120 Woodcuts by John Leech. 2 vols, 8vo, old cloth Lond., Published at the Punch Office, 1847 1704- The Comic History of Rome. Ten Colored Etchings and numerous Woodcuts by John Leech. 8vo, old cloth Lond., Bradbury and Evans i ^ jl 1705 ACKERMANN'S REPOSITORY. Vol. XII. of 3d series. Fine Colored Views and Plates of Costumes. Royal 8vo, half calf. Some leaves loose Lond. 1828,~, / ' 1706 ADAMS, W. DAVENPORT. Famous Books; Sketches in the Highways and Byways of English Literature. Frontispiece. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1875,iI"'... 1707 ADDRESSES, Discourses, &c., by Jules Favre, E. P. Whippie (with Autograph), J. Lothrop Motley and others. In 1 vol, 8vo, boards 1867-68 t:*i 1708 ADDRESS by Dr. H. M. Pierce. The Danish Islands, by James Parton. &c. 6 vols, 8vo, half morocco 1709 ALBERT, II. R. H. PRINCE. Principal Speeches and Addresses. Portrait. 8vo, half calf Lond., Murray, 1862 From the Library of J. H. Markland. 1 1710 ALEXANDER, WILLIAM. The History of Women, from the Earliest Antiquity to the Present. 2 vols, 4to, boards, cloth backs, uncut -Lond. 1779 CATALOG UE. 1 27 1711 ANTHON, DR. C. System of Ancient and Medieval Geography. 8vo, cloth X2 Y. 1850 1712 ARCTURUS: A Journal of Books and Opinions [edited by Cornelius Matthews and Evert A. Duyckinck]. Vols. I. & II. 2 yols, 8vo, boards. Rare N. Y. 1840-41 (.;.:: 1713 ASCHAM, ROGER. The Schoolmaster; edited by J. Upton. 8vo, calf Lond. 1711 1714 ATHENAEUM; Spectator; Saturday Review. 3 vols, folio and 4to, half morocco Lond. 1869-70 1715 ATLANTIC MONTHLY. Vols. 17 and 18. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco Bost. 1866 1716 ATKINSON, T. W. Oriental and Western Siberia. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth V.Y. 1858:lA 1717 AUSTIN, E. Anecdotage. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1872 B AKER AND REED. Biographica Dramatica: Containing Memoirs and Anecdotes of British Dramatic Writers, with an Alphabetical Account and Chronological Lists of their Works, &c. 4 vols. in 2. 8vo, half calf. Best Edition Lond. 1812,^ 1719 BALDWIN, G. C. Representative Men of the New Testament. 12mo, cloth N.Y. 1860 1720 BARRINGTON [The Pickpocket]. Voyage to New South Wales. 12mo, old sheep Phil. 1796 1721 BARTLEY, G. C. T. The Schools for the People; contain/, a ing the History, &c., of each Description of English School for the Industrial and Poorer Classes. Illustrated. Thick 8vo, cloth, gilt edges Lond. 1871!. 1722 BECKMANN, JOHN. History of Inventions, Discoveries and Origins. Two Portraits. 2 vls, post 8~, cl. Lond. 1846 1723 BEECHER, HENRY WARD. Prayers from Plymouth Pulpit..i.:. 12mo, cloth N2V Y. 1867 1724 BELLE ASSEMBLEE, or Court and Fashionable Magazine, 1829-33. 10 vols, royal 8vo, half calf, broken. Lacks the Portraits, but contains many Colored Plates of Costumes Lonc. 1829-33 i 28 CAC.TALOG UE. l; ~:1 1725 BELLE ASSEMBLEE (New Monthly). 1843-49 inclusive. Many Colored Plates of Costumes and Plates on Steel. 14 vols, royal 8vo, half calf Lond. 1843-49: tid 1726 BENEDICT XIV. Heroic Virtue: a Portion of the Treatise and the Beatification and Canonization of the Servants of God. Portrait. 3 vols, post 8vo Lond. 1850-52 / J E r 1727 BESANT, WALTER. The French Humourists, from the Twelfth to the Nineteenth Century. 8vo, cl. Lond. 1873 1728 BIBLE. The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments and Apocrypha. Illustrated with Select, Rare and Curious Engravings after eminent Painters and by the celebrated Engravers. — Cassell's Edition, with the fine series of Dore's Illustrations. Enlarged to 4 vols. by the insertion of 482 very fine and curious Engravings, mostly ancient, and including many of great rarity, by and after Visscher, Ph. Galle, Peter de Jode, Wierx, Collaert, Corn, Galle, Sadeler, De Vos, Picart, Friderich, Corvinus, etc., etc., and two series of very old and rare Woodcuts; all the Plates being neatly inlaid or mounted to size. Elegantly bound by Hayday in full red levant morocco super-extra, gilt backs and edges O', 1729 BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE for July-December, 1823, 1845, 1852-54 inclusive (lacking two numbers), and several numbers for 1824-32. 9 vols, 8vo, hf. shp. Edin. 1824-54;I"T 8;Po~~-,.I Y, ~, B, ` 1730 BOOK OF FUN (The); or, Laugh and Learn. For Boys and Girls. Numerous handsome Illustrations by George Cruikshank and others. 2 vols, 12mo, half crushed morocco extra, gilt backs, by Mansell. Scarce Lond. [1843-44] 1731 BOSTON THEATRE (Spenser's). Vols. I-IV and IX-XIV, inclusive. 10 vols. in 5. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1855-57 1732 BRACE, CHARLES LORING. Hungary in 1851. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth X_. Y. 1852 1733 [BRISTED, CHARLES ASTOR.] Pieces of a Broken-down Critic, picked up by himself. 4 vols, 8vo, cloth Baden-Baden, 1858-59 %! tLFrle, 17 1734 BRITISH ALMANAC and Companion, for 1831 to 1852, inclusive. 22 vols. in 20. 12mo, half calf and cloth. Lond. CLtdTALOGUE. 129 1735 BRITISH ELOQUENCE. Political Oratory. Literary Addresses. First Series. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth. Lond. 1855: 1736 BRITISH ESSAYISTS. The Rambler; Idler; Adventurer; Connoisseur. Two Portraits. 2 vols, 8vo, half morocco Lond. 1851-52 I 1737 BROWN, THIOMAS [The Facetious]. Words, Serious and Comical, in prose and verse, with a Key to all his Writings. Frontispieces. 4 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs, yellow edges. Scarce Lond. 1715 1738 - The Beauties of Tom Brown: consisting of IHumor~ X;~ Leech, and Cuts. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1840 With autograph of W. E. Burton.,1 1774 CONTINENTAL TUTOR: French and German. London. Atti del Municipio di Milano, 1869.- 2 vols, 4to, paper 132 CATA L LOG UE. 1775 CORNHILL MAGAZINE. Vols I-V, inclusive. 5 vols, 8vo, half calf. Illustrated Lond. 1860-'62 4: 1776 CosAs de Espafia; or, Going to Madrid via Barcelona. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1855 1777 COSTUMES HISTORIQUES des XIIe, XIIIe, XIVe, et XVe Siecles; tires des Monuments les plus authentiques de Peintures et de Sculpture, dessines et graves par P. Meravri; avec Texte par C. Bonnard. 200 fine Plates, beautifully executed in colors and gold. 3 vols. — Costumes Historiques des XVIe, XVIIe et XVIIIe Siecles. Vol. I. 75 fine Plates, beautifully executed in colors and gold. Together, 4 vols, 4to, boards Paris, 1860-'67? 778 COWLEs, REV. H. Proverbs, Ecclesiastes and the Song of Solomon; with Notes. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1870,? 1779 Cox, DR. S. II. Interviews, Memorable and Useful. 12mo, cloth V. Y. 1853 1780 [CROSBY, DR. HOWARD.] Lands of the Moslem: a Narrative of Oriental Travel. By El-Mukattem. Plates. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1851 1 81 CROWE, C. The Night-Side of Nature; or, Ghosts and Ghost-6eers. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1850 i i'1782 CRUIKSIANK, GEORGE. Points of Humour. Part II. Ten Plates, and Cuts. 8vo, half morocco. Waterstained. _Lond. 1824 1783 CRUIKSHANK'S COMIC ALMANACKS: from 1835 to 1843, and from 1848 to 1853, inclusive. Very numerous Illustrations. Bound in 4 vols, 12mo (one vol. smaller in size, but binding stilted to match in size), half roxburghe Lond. 1843-'53:.'^ 1784 CRUIKSHANK'S TABLE BOOK; edited by G. A. a Beckett. Twelve Steel Plates and 116 Engravings on Wood, by George Cruikshank. Royal 8vo, cloth, gilt edges Lond. 1869 1785 CRUIKSHANK. Descriptive Catalogue of the Works of,;i^ George Cruikshank: Etchings, Woodcuts, Lithographs and Glyphotypes; with a List of the Books illustrated by him. By G. W. Reid. Text, 1 vol. Plates, 2 vols. 313 Engravings. 3 vols, 4to, half morocco, gilt tops Lond. 1871 Only 135 copies printed. CATI Ai LOG UE. i33 1786!", ':.,li~ CUDWORTH, RALPH. The True Intellectual System of the Universe. Translated by J. Harrison. 3 vols, 8vo, calf Lond. 1845 Fine copy. 1787 CUMMING, R. GORDON. A Hunter's Life in South Africa. Illustrated. 2 vols, 12no, cloth X. Y 1850 1788 CURIOSITIES OF STREET LITERATURE: comprising" Cocks,".... or ' Catchpennies," a large assortment of Street Drolleries, Squibs, Broadsides, Comic Tales, Ballads, Dying Speeches, etc., etc. Facsimile cuts. 4to, half morocco, gilt top Lond. 1871 1789 CURRAN, RT. HON. JOHN PHILPOT. Speeches, with Memoir, &c., by T. Davies. Portrait. 8vo, half morocco, gilt back Lond. 1847 1790 CUVIER, BARON GEORGES. The Animal Kingdom. A New:;....Edition, with Additions, by Carpenter and Westwood. 300 Engravings on Wood and 34 on Steel, finely colored. Imperial 8vo, calf, gilt back Lond. 1851 D> ALTON, FRANCIS. Hereditary Genius. 8vo, cloth N2. 1870 1792 DAVIS, HENRY WINTER. Speeches and Addresses. Portrait. 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1867. l!? ^1793 DAVIs, DR. N. Carthage and her Remains. Illustrations on Stone and Wood. Royal 8vo, cloth I Y. 1861 ry 1794 DE FORREST, J. W. European Acquaintance. 12mo, e: cloth N.Y 1858, 1795 DEMONOLOGIA: being an Expos6 of Ancient and Modern Superstitions, Credulity, Fanaticism and Imposture. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1827 f~.. 1796 DEMOSTHENES. The Olythiac and other Public Orations; translated by C. Raun Kennedy. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1852../; 1797 DE QUINCY, TiHOMAS. The Avenger, &c.; Literary Reminiscences; Biographical Essays. 4 vols, 12mo, cloth Bost. 1851-'60 1798 ---- Klosterheim. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1855 1799 DICK, WILLIAM. Occasional Papers on Veterinary Sub-.... ~/ jects. Portraits. 8vo, cloth Edin. 1869 t34 ClATtaLOG UE. 1800 DICKENS, CHARLES. Speeches, Literary and Social. Portrait. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1801 DISRAELI, ISAAC. Miscellanies of Literature. Vignette title. Royal 8vo, cloth Lond.: MJoxon, 1840,: 'l 1802 DIXON, DR. E. H. Back-Bone. Photographs. 12mo, cloth NY 1803 Dr CHAILLU, P. B. Explorations and Adventures in Equatorial Africa. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth N. Y: 1861. 1804 DUFFERIN, LORD. Letters from High Latitudes. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1859 i; ["; j 1805 DUNLAP, WILLIAM. History of the Rise and Progress of the Arts of Design in the United States. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth backs I Y. 1834 Fine clean copy of this rare work. v& ~11 E CHOES CARTOONS (THE.) First Series. Numerous Illustrations. Oblong folio, cloth, worn Lold.,,..u' 1807 EDINBURGH REVIEW. Selections from the: Edited by Maurice Cross. 4 vols, 8vo, calf extra, gilt backs Lond. 1833 1808 EDWARDS, EDWARD. Memoirs of Libraries: including a Hand-Book of Library Economy. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth Lond. 1859 (,' 1809 EGYPT. Memoirs on the Cotton of Egypt; by G. R. Glidden. — &c. 3 pamphlets, 1810 ELLIOTT, C. W. Mysteries: or Glimpses of the Supernatural; containing Accounts of the Salem Witchcraft, the Cock-Lane Ghost, the Rochester Rappings, &c. 12mo, half sheep X2 Y: 1852.,... '. l; 1811 ERSKINE (RT. HON. THOMAS, LORD.) Speeches; with Memoir by Lord Brougham. Collected by James Ridgway. Portrait. 4vols, 8vo, calf, gilt backs Lond. 1847 ' 1812 ESSAYS. Combe on the Constitution of Man. Foster on Decision of Character. Macnish's Philosophy of Sleep, and Anatomy of Drunkenness. De Stael's Influence of Literature upon Society. Mason on Self-Knowledge. Royal 8vo, cloth Hartford 1813 EVERETT, WILLIAM. On the Law. 12~, cl. Lond. 1869 C TALOG UkE I35 r AURIEL, C. C. History of Proven9al Poetry: Translated by G. J. Adler. Royal 8vo, cloth V. Y. 1860 1815 FIGARO IN LONDON. Vols. I.-VIII., inclusive. Humorous Cuts. 8 vols. in 4. 4to, half calf. Scarce Lond. 1832-'39 Complete set of this precursor of Punch; by A'Becket and Seymour. X? 1816 FIGUIER, Louis. The To-Morrow of Death. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1872 1817 FITZWYGRAM, COL. F. Horses and Stables. Illustrated. 8vo, cloth Lond.: Longmans, 1869 S 1818 FIVE YEARS in a Protestant Sisterhood and Ten Years in a Catholic Convent. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1869 1819 FLETCHER, ALEXANDER. Scripture Natural History. Very numerous Plates on Wood. 2 vols, square 12mo, half calf, gilt backs Lond. K//J ^ 1820 FLINT, DR. AUSTIN. The Physiology of Man. Illustrated. 4 vols, 8vo, cloth N; Y. 1870-'72 i 1821 FOUR YEARS at Yale: by a Graduate of '69. 12mo, cloth New JTaven, 1871::i::;... 1822 FOWLER, W. C. English Grammar. 8~, cl. N. Y. 1850 1823 Fox, RT. HON. CHARLES JAMES. Speeches; with Memoir and Notes. Portrait. Royal 8vo, calf, gilt backs Lond. 1853 Handsome copy.; 1824 FRANCIS, JOHN. History of the Bank of England, its Times and Traditions. 2 vols, 8vo.- History of the English Railway. 2 vols, 8vo. - Chronicles and Characters of the Stock Exchange. 8vo.- Annals, Anecdotes and Legends: a Chronicle of Life Assurance. Crown 8vo.- Together, 6 vols, half smooth morocco, gilt tops Lond. 1847-'55 Neat set of these scarce and entertaining works.. '.... 1825 FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN. Complete Works; with Memoirs of his Early Life, by himself. Portrait and vignette titles. 3 vols, 8vo, calf Lond.,4..: '1826 FROBISHER, J. E. System of the Culture of Voice and Action. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1867 L.~ *, o *~r ~ ~* * ~ r c c r.. *c, ~ r, r ~ ~c~ * * r 136 3C TdAILOG TUE.;;l 1827 FUN. Vol. XV. Many Illustrations. 4to, half morocco Lond. 1872 1828 FUN and Earnest. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1853, ARDINER, WILLIAM. The Music of Nature. With curious and interesting Illustrations. 8vo, cloth VBoston, 1852 ': 1830 GILLRAY, JAMES. Works; from the Original Plates, with the Addition of many Subjects not before collected. 582 Caricature Plates. Elephant folio; side of binding and corner of margin of 15 plates slightly injured by a nail. Lond. - Historical and Descriptive Account of the Caricatures of James Gillray. By Thomas Wright and R. H. Evans. 8vo. Lond. 1851.-Together, 2 vols, half red morocco, gilt backs.;? 1831 GLADSTONE, WILLIAM E. Juventus Mundi: The Gods and Men of the Heroic Age. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1869?; 11832 GOLDSMITH, OLIVER. Works; with Life and Notes. Portrait and frontispieces by Stothard and Cruikshank. 4 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt backs Lond. 1852?:' (~ 1833 [GRANT, JAMES.] The Great Metropolis. 2 vols, 12mo, boards.. Y. 183 7,:? 1834 GRAPHIC (The [London]). An Illustrated Newspaperi from Commencement, Dec. 1869 to 1875, inclusive. Vols. T.-VI. inclusive in half morocco, balance in parts (lacking two numbers). 12 vols, folio Lond. l 1835 GREAT EXHIBITION of 1851. Official Description and Illustrated Catalogue. 3 vols.-Reports of the Juries. 3 vols.-Together, 6 vols, thick folio, sumptuously bound by. Wright in red levant morocco extra, gilt backs, sides and edges. Very numerous fine Illustrations Lond. 1852 LARGE and THICK PAPER COPy; of which only a limited number were printed.,.. "'l 1836 GREELEY, HORACE. Success in Business. Portrait.Obsequies of Henry Clay. &c. 6 vols, 8vo 1837 GREENLEAF, S. Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists, by the [Legal] Rules of Evidence. 8vo, cloth Lond. 1847 CA 4 LO G UE. 137::?:; 1838 [GRoss, FRANCIS.] Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue. 8vo, half roan Lond. 1788 /: s i 1839 GUILLEMIN, A. The Heavens: an Illustrated Handbook of Popular Astronomy. Numerous fine Illustrations. 8vo, cloth.Y:. [Lond.] 1871?: 1840 GUROWSKI, COUNT A. DE. Russia as it is. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1854 T-l i H ALLECK, H. W. Elements of Military Art & Science. 12mo, cloth IV YI 1860;. 1842 HAMILTON, LADY AUGUSTA. Marriage Rites, Customs and Ceremonies of all Nations. Frontispiece. 8vo, boards Lond. 1822!'- 1843 HAMILTON F. H. Practical Treatise on Military Surgery. 8vo, cloth N.Y. 1861 j 1844 HAMILTON, SIR WILLIAM. Discussions on Philosophy and Literature. 8vo, cloth V. Y. 1853 e 9 S 1845 HAMMOND, DR. WILLIAM A. A Treatise on the Diseases of the Nervous System. 48 Illust'ns. 8vo, cl. -V. Y. 1873:!3 1846 HANNAY, JAMES. Satires and Satirists. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1854 1847 HAYTER, JOHN. Report upon the Herculaneum Manu)/?fi; scripts. Five colored Plates. Lond. 1811.- Description Botanique du Chiranthodendron, Arboe de Mexique; par J. D. Larr6antegui. Two colored Plates. Paris, 1805. -2 vols. in 1. 4to, half calf 1848 HAZARD of a Death-Bed-Repentance, fairly argued, from.... /.the late Remorse of W —, late D — of D-. With Serious Reflections on his Adulterous Life [etc.] To which is added Conjugal Perjury, or an Essay upon Whoredom; addressed to the Husbands of Quality that Keep Misses. Crown 8vo, half calf. Title soiled; margin of second leaf torn. London: Printed in the Year 1708 Rare and very curious. 1849 HAZLITT, WILLIAM. Works. 11 vols, 12mo, half calf, gilt.... backs Lond. 1840-'52 Comprises: Table Talk; Characters of Shakspeare's Plays; The Plain Speaker; The Round Table; Lectures on the English Poets, on the English Comic Writers, on the Dramatic Literature of the Age of Elizabeth; Criticisms on Art. I38 138 (k4tY 4oC 1880 HECKER, JOHN. The Scientific Basis of Education. Colored Plates and Cuts. 8vo, cloth NV Y. 1868 1851 HERBERT, WILLIAM HENRY. Hints to Horse-Keepers. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth V. Y; 1859 1852 HEROINES of Charity: with Preface by Aubrey de Vere12mo, cloth. Y. / 1853 H[EYWOOD], T[HOMAS]. The Generall History of Women Containing the Lives of the most Holy and Prophane, the most Famous and Infamous in all Ages.. C.urious en. graved title. Small 8vo, red morocco extra, gilt edges (Roger Payne style) Lond. 165'7 Fine copy of this rare and curious work. I;...;II 1854 HILDRETH, RICHARD. Theory of Politics. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1853 / [ yj1' 1855 HINDLEY, CHARLES. Tavern Anecdotes and Sayings. Cuts. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1875? 1856 HINTS addressed to Card Parties. Small 8vo, stitched lond. 1798 i'~l", 1857 HISTORICAL ILLUSTRATIONS of the Origin and Progress of the Passions. 2 vols, 8vo, boards Lond. 1825 i..4E 1858 HISTORY and Philosophy of Marriage. 12, cl. Bost. 1869 9,, ~,! 18.59 IIOGARTH, WILLIAM. Works: in a Series of 150 fine Steel Engravings; with Descriptions by J. Trusler. 2 vols, 4to, russia, gilt backs Lond. l? 1860 HOLCOMBE, W. H. The Sexes, Here and Hereafter, 12mo, cloth Phil. 1869 1861 HOLMES, ARTHUR. Parties and their Principles. 12mo, cloth X. Y. 1859: 1862 HOLYOAKE, G. T. Rudiments of Public Speaking. Patriotic and Heroic Eloquence. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth N Y: 1853-'61;ii /I,;, 1863 HONE, WILLIAM. The Every-Day Book.- Year Book. - Table-Book. — Very numerous Illustrations. 4 vols, 8vo, cloth, uncut Lond. eJ,// 1864 HOOD, EDWIN PAXTON. The Peerage of Poverty. 8vo, cloth Lond.:;*1865 HooD, THOMAS. Choice Works. Cuts. 4 vols, 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1853 C TA LO G UE. 139 di:: 1866 HOPE, ASCOTT R. Texts from the Times. 12mo, cloth Edin. 1870 ~ 1867i HORAcE. Works, literally translated by C. Smart. Portrait. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1853 1868 HUNT, LEIGH. The Seer; or Common-places Refreshed. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth Bost. 1864 1869 HUNT, V. D. The Horse and his Master. 12mo, cloth Lond. 1859 I LLUSTRATED LIBRARY OF WONDERS. Very nunmerous fine Illustrations. 13 vols, 12mo, calf extra, gilt backs, by R. W. Smith N. Y. 1869-'70 Comprises: Optics, The Sun, Thunder and Lightning, Heat, Human Body, Lighthouses and Lightships, Great Hunting Grounds, Sublime in Nature, Intelligence of Animals, Pompeii, Italian Art, Architecture, Glass-making. 1871 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS: from commencement 1842 to 1875, inclusive; lacking Vols. 42 and 58; Vols. 57 and 62 to 67 inclusive in parts (lacking two numbers); remainder in set in half morocco (two styles). 65 vols, folio Lond. 1872 IMPOSTURES. Testimony of the Authenticity of the Prophecies of Richard Brothers, by N. B. Halhed. Portrait. 1795. — A Revealed Knowledge of the Prophecies and Times. Book II. [by Richard Brothers], 1794. — A Testimony of the Spirit of Truth concerning Richard Brothers, 1795. —. A Revealed Knowledge of Some Things that will speedily be fulfilled in the world, 1794. — Authentic Anecdotes of George Lukins, the Tatton Dcemoniac, by S. Norman. Curious Frontispiece [1788]. An Authentic Account of the Shaksperian Manuscripts, &c. By W. H. Ireland, 1796. — In 1 vol, 8vo, half calf Lond. and Bristol, v. d. 1873 IRVING, WASHINGTON. Works. 15 vols, crown 8vo, half calf, gilt backs N. Y. 1853 Comprises: Knickerbocker's New York, Sketch-Book, Life of Columbus and his Companions, Bracebridge Hall, Tales of a Traveller, Astoria, Crayon Miscellany, Bonneville's Adventures, Oliver Goldsmith, Mahomet, Conquest of Granada, The Alhambra. 140 0 TCAA4LOG UE., 1874 IRVING, WASHINGTON. Life of Washington. Five Portraits. 5 vols, crown 8vo, cloth N r Y. 1856 1875 - Life and Letters, by his Nephew. Four Portraits. 4 vols, crown 8vo, cloth NV Y. 1864 ~??.r: 1876 The Sketch-Book, No. I. (of the Original Edition: containing Rip Van Winkle). New York, 1819. - With other Pamphlets.- In 1 vol, 8vo, half sheep....,~ 1877 -- The Sketch-Book. No. VII. (of the Original Edition). 8vo, paper N, Y. 1820.;??:, 1878 IRVING AND PAULDING. Salmagundi. First Series. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth N.Y 1835 rlll,/i: ACOX, FRANCIS. Aspects of Authorship; or, BookMakers. Crown 8vo, cloth Lond. 1862 1880 JAMESON, MRS. The Romance of Biography; or, Memoirs of Women Loved and Celebrated by Poets, Frontispiece. vols, crown 8vo, cloth Loud. 1837 V/,/L) 1881 JEAFFRESON, JOHN C. A Book about the Table. 2 vols8vo, cloth Lond. 1875 1882 JEFFREY, FRANCIS. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. Portrait and Vignette title. Thick square 8vo, half calf, gilt back Loond.: Lonygnans, 1853 /V?'"I;51 1883 JESSE, EDWARD. Anecdotes of Dogs. Numerous Engravings on Steel and Wood. Post 8vo, cloth Lond. 1858 1884 JoHNSON, DR. SAMUEL. Works; with Essay by Arthur Murphy. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 1850 'I.:?!,;1?,/ 1885 JOHNSON, T. B. The Sportsman's Cyclopaedia. Many Illustrations. Thick 8vo, old cloth Loud. 1831.... /.I1 1886 JOMINI, BARON DE. The Art of War. 12mo, cl. Phil. 1862, *I 1887 JONES, W. A. Characters and Criticisms. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth N. l. 1857 /.~? b1' j 1888 JUDY. Vols. VIII.-IX. Many Illustrations. 2 vols,4to, half morocco Lond. 1871-'72 1889 JUDY and PUNCH. Many Illustrations. Numbers of 1869 and 1870, bound in 1 vol. 4to, half morocco Lond. 1890 JUNIUS. 2 vols, 18mo, sheep Lond.: Woodfall CATALO G UE. 141 J( ANE, DR. E. K. The United States Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin. Many fine Illustrations on Steel and Wood. 8vo, cloth N. J4. 1863 1892 KER, JOHN BELLENDEN. Essay on the Archaeology of our Popular Phrases and Nursery Rhymes; with Supplement. 3 vols, 12mo, cloth, uncut. -Rare Lond. & Andover, 1835-'40 1893 [KIMBALL, RICHARD B.] Cuba and Cubans. 12mo, cloth NY. Y. 1850.. 1894 KING, E. F. Ten Thousand Wonderful Things. Post 8vo, cloth IJond. 1895 KINGSMAN, A. Over Volcanoes; or, Through France and Spain in 1871. Crown 8vo, cloth L.ond. 1872 1896 KNICKERBOCKER MAGAZINE: from January 1837 to Sept. 1838, and Jan.-June, inclusive, 1841. 4 vols, 8vo, half sheep 2V Y. 1837-'38:; 1897 F ---- rom March 1852 to Dec. 1863, inclusive; lacking several Nos. 17 vols, 8vo, half calf N. Y. 1852-'63 1898 KNIGHT, CHARLES. Half-Hours with the best Authors. ~t:: f~::' Frontispieces and Illustrations on Wood. 4 vols, post 8vo, tree calf, extra, gilt backs Lond. 1866 Fine copy. 1899 KNOX, JOHN P. Historical Account of St. Thomas, W. I. Frontispiece. 12mo, cloth NV Y. 1852 TLA ADIES' COMPANION: For 1838, '40, '44 and '45. Plates. 4 vols, royal 8vo, cloth, worn, hf. cf, &c. N. Y. 1901 LAFAYETTE. Oration upon: by J. A. Hillhouse. 8vo, stitched New Haven, 1834 1902 LAGNY, GERMAIN DE. The Knout and the Russians. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1854 1903 LAMB, CHARLES. Works. Portrait. 4 vols, 12mo, calf.: Lond.: Moxon, 1850 Neat copy. 1904 LANDOR, WALTER SAVAGE:. Works. 2 vols, royal 8vo, cloth.Lond.: ~iMoxon, 1853; 1905 LAY of the Scottish Fiddle. —Falconer's Shipwreck, &c. -6 vols, 18mo 142 CAIiLOG UE. 1906 LAYARD, AUSTEN H. Discoveries among the Ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. Maps and many Illustrations. Royal 8vo, cloth X Y. 1853 (9 /" 1907 LEWES, GEORGE HENRY. History of Philosophy, from Thales to Comte. 2 vis., 8~, cl. Lond.: Longmans, 1867 dtSJ 1908 LIFE and Adventures of Robert the Hermit of Massachusetts. Cut. 12mo, stitched Providence, 1829 lfIrl 1909 [LIGHTFOOT, JOANNES.] Horae Hebraicte et Talmudicee in Evangelias S. Marci et S. Joannis. 2 vols, small 4to, old calf Lond. et Cantab., 1663-71 (1 il 1910 LINCOLN OBSEQUIES. Portrait, &c. Imperial 8vo, cloth NV Y. 1865 1911 LITERARY WORLD: edited by E. L. Duyckinck. Vols. I.X., inclusive. 4to, boards and half calf. Complete V. Y.: Osgood & Duyckincks, 1847-52 1912 LITTLE BOOK about Great Britain. By Azamat-Batuk. 12mo, half roan Lond. 1870 1913 LIVINGSTONE, DAVID. Missionary Travels and Researches in South Africa. Illustrated. Thick 8vo, cloth N. Y. 1858 ( 1914 LOARING, II. J. A Selection of Common Sayings, Words and Customs: their Origin and History. 12~, cl. Lond...,:? / 1915 LOCKE, JOHN. Essay on the Human Understanding; with Notes and Illustrations. Portrait. 8vo, hf. cf. Lond. 1853 1916 LOTUS LEAVES: Original Stories, Essays and Poems. Illustrated. Small 4to, full morocco, gilt edges. Bost. 1875 1917 LOWNDES, WILLIAM T. The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New Edition; revised and enlarged by H. G. Bohn. 6 vols, 8vo, half roxburghe, gilt top Lond. 1869 Large paper copy; only 100 printed for subscribers, of which this is No. 33. A FyirACAULEY, JAMES. Plea for Mercy to Animals. Square post 8vo, cloth Lond. Frix -L VA^1919 MACAULAY, LORD. Speeches. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth NT Y. 1853 CATA4LOG UE. I43 1920 MACBETH, J. W. V. The Mirth and Might of Literature: a Treatise on Figurative Language. Crown 8vo, cloth V,:Y. 1875 1921 McCLINTOCK, CAPTAIN. Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth ]Bost. 1860 1922 MCCULLOCH, J. Distillation, Brewing and Malting, 1867. — Photographic Formulat, by D. D. T. Davie. 1870. — 2 vols, 12mo:;.1923 MCCULLOCH, J. R. Dictionary of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. Maps and Plates. 2 vols, 8vo, cloth Lond. 185,4... 1924 MACDONALD, A. T. Monuments, Grave Stones, &c. Crown 8vo, stitched Alb. 1848,::1: 1925 MCELRATH, T. Dictionary of Words and Phrases used in Commerce. 8vo, half russia, red edges N. Y. [1871]: 1926 MACGAROCK, R. W. A Tennessean Abroad. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1854, 1927 MACKINNON, CAPT. Atlantic and Transatlantic Sketches. 12mo, cloth N.V Y. 1852 |1 1928 MACKINTOSH, RT. HON. SIR JAMES. Miscellaneous Works. Portrait and Vignette Title. Square 8vo, cloth Lond.: -Longmans 1929 M'SHERRY, RICHARD. El Puchero: or, A Mixed Dish from Mexico. Illustrated. 12mo, cloth Phil. 1850 "' 1930 [MADAN, REV. DR. MARTIN.] Thelyphthora; or a Treatise V." on Female Ruin, "in its Causes, Effects, Consequences, Prevention and Remedy. 3 vls., 80, hf. elf. Lond. 1781 " In this singular work the author maintains the lawfulness of polygamy as being authorized by the Mosaic law, and therefore obligatory on Christians." The third volume is very frequently lacking. 4: 1931 MAGINN, DR. WILLIAM. The Odoherty Papers. Portrait. 2 vols, 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1855 ~;?.j 1932 MANGIN, ARTHUR. The Mysteries of the Ocean; translated by W. II. D. Adams. 130 beautiful Illustrations on wood. Royal 8vo, morocco, full gilt Lond. 1870 1933 MARCY, E. E. Christianity and its Conflicts. 12mo, cloth N. Y. 1867 qr.11taLdT4L0GUF,. I44 ICS 1934 MARSH, GEORGE P. Lectures on the English Language. First Series. Crown 8vo, cloth V Y. 1868 1935 MARSH. Man and Nature. Crown 8vo, cloth. Y. 1869.. '; 1936 The Origin and History of the English Language. Crown 8vo, cloth. Y. 1869, 1937 MASK (THE). A Humorous and Fantastic Review of the Month. Vol. 1. (all published.) Corner of one plate torn. Many illustrations. Imperial 8vo, cloth Lond. 1868 1938 MASON, REV. E. A Pastor's Legacy: being Sermons. Portrait. 8vo, cloth N Y, 1853, 1939 MATTHIAS THE PROPHET. Memoirs. Cut. Small 8vo, stitched N Y. 1835 A.: 1940 MAURICE, REV. F. D. Theological Essays. 12mo, cloth......1 ' '!!!. 2V 'Y. 1854 l 1941 MAURY, M. F. Physical Geography of the Sea. Royal 8vo, cloth V. Y. 1855? 1942 MAYHEW, EDWARD. The Illustrated Horse Management. Over 400 Illustrations. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1865,/.:l 1943 The Illustrated Horse Doctor. Over 400 Illustrations. 8vo, cloth Phil. 1866 lr C 1944 MAYHEW, IRA. Popular Education. 12mo, cl. VI Y. 1850 1945 MEAGHER, THOMAS FRANCIS. Speeches. Portrait. 12mo, cloth N.. Y. 1853,r,,,: 1946 MEN and Things as I Saw Them in Europe; by Kirwan... 12mo, cloth NV Y. 1853 1947 MERMAIDS. A Short History of. Illustrated. 8vo, stitched v"^~~~~ _-'~~~ ~Bost. 1842;..l 1948 MILES, WILLIAM. The Horse's Foot and How to Keep it Sound. Plates. Imperial 8vo, cl. ILond., Longmans, 1846 ^ll, 1949 MILLS, ABRAHAM. The Literature and the Literary Men of Great Britain and Ireland. 2 vols, 8vo, cl. NV Y. 1851 1950 MILNER, THOMAS. The Gallery of Nature: a Pictorial and Xl[ll Descriptive Tour Through Creation, Illustrative of the Wonders of Astronomy, Physical Geography and Geology. Very numerous fine Illustrations on steel and wood. Square imperial 8vo, half calf, gilt back Lond. 1852 CA(T TLOG UE. 145 1951 MIRROR LIBRARY; containing Willis' Pencillings by the Way, Morris Songs and Ballads, &c., &c. No titles. 2 vols, imperial 8vo, half calf; one cover lost SA y. 1844 1 1952 MISCELLANIES, first published under the name of The Talisman; by G. C. Verplanck, W. C. Bryant, and Robert C. Sands. Engravings. 3 vols, 18mo, cloth. Scarce N. Y. 1833 1953 MONTAGU, LADY MARY WORTLEY. Letters and Works. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt backs Paris, 1837 1954 MONTAIGNE. Works, comprising his Essays, Letters, &c., with Notes; by William Hazlitt. Portrait. Royal 8vo, cloth Lond. 1853 1955 MONTESQUIIEN. The Spirit of Laws. Translated by T. Nugent. With Memoirs and Analysis by D'Alembert. Portrait. 2 vols, 8vo, half calf, gilt backs Londl. 1823 Best edition. Scarce.::1956 MOORE, DR. G. Health, Disease, and Remedy. — Nothing To Wear. Illustrated. —The Whale and His Captors, by H. T. Cheever. Illustrated. — &c. 10 vols, 12mo 1957 MOORE, THOMAS. [Suppressed Letters.] Notes from his Letters to his Music Publisher, James Power. Plates. 12mo, cloth 2V. Y. 1854 1; 958 MORELL, J. D. Historical and Critical View of the Speculative Philosophy of Europe in the Nineteenth Century. Thick 8vo, cloth.V: Y. 1853 1959 MORFORD, HENRY. Paris in '67. 12mo, cl. N. Y. 1867 1960 MORLEY, HENRY. Memoirs of Bartholomew Fair. Facf i^:: simile Drawings, engraved on wood by the Brothers Dalziel. 8vo, cloth Lond., (Ihapman & Hall, 1859 The original edition. 1961 MOTIFS ET DECORATIONS; Cinquante Planches imprimees en couleur extraites du Journal-Manuel de Peintures. A:; Fifty Plates, most beautifully printed in colors, of interior decorations, frescoes, frises, mosaics, etc., etc. Imperial folio, cloth, gilt top Paris 1962 MOUNTFORD, WILLIAM. Euthanasy; or, Happy Talk l Towards the End of Life. 12mo, cloth Bost. 1874 I46 C4 TAILOG UE.,?; 1963 MRS. GRUNDY: [A Comic Journal.] Vol. I. (all published.) Many humorous Illustrations. 4to, half morocco. Rare. Y. 1865 T,L 1964 MUSEUM of Painting and Sculpture, or Collection of the Principal Pictures, Statues, and Bas-reliefs in the Public and Private Galleries of Europe. With Descriptive Notices [in French and English] by Duchesne. 1,150 Fine Plates in outline by Reveil. 17 vols, post 8vo, half calf, gilt boards. Lond. 1829-'33 Ni TEW MIRROR. Edited by George P. Morris and N. P. Willis. Vols. I and II. Plates. 2 vols, imperial 8vo, half calf, broken. Autograph inserted N. Y. 1843;? 1966 NOAH, M. M. Discourse on the Restoration of the Jews. 8vo, stitched N. Y 1 84.5 S 1967 NOLTE, VINCENT. Fifty Years in Both Hemispheres. 12mo, cloth N.YI 1854