lje $eft Ilebihg. HINTS ON THE SELECTION OF BOOKS; ON THE FORMATION OF LIBRARIES, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE; ON COURSES OF READING, ETC., WITH A CLASSIFIED BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR EASY REFERENCE. L6-heB NEW YORK: G. P. PUTNAM & SONS. 1872. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, By G. P. PUTNAM & SONS, In the Office of the ijbrarian of Congess, at Washington. LANGE, LITTLE A HILLMAN, Printers, Stereotypers, and Electrotypers, 108 to 114 Wooster Street. PREFACE. ONE of the most obvious conclusions of the intelligent reader who glances over any manual of this sort, will be that it is incomplete-that it certainly does not exhaust the subject. This little book claims no exemption from the inevitable imperfections of all attempts of this class. Perhaps one of its merits may be its comparative brevity; and its sins of omission-numerous as they may be-will probably be more excusable, in the judgment of most readers, than would be the error of burdening such a manual with an inordinate collection of titles, indiscriminately copied from the enormous mass of publications which crowd the market. We have aimed at a middle course between a meagre catalogue of a bookseller's collection, and the elaborate comprehensiveness of a general bibliography. Under some four hundred different themes or topics, we have quoted briefly the titles of such books on each subject as are best known, and most surely acceptable either in American or English editions. We have included in these selections only those works which are likely to be consulted by the general reader; and we have OMITTED (excepting a few leading specimens): I. Law Books. II. Theological and Religious Treatises. III. SundaySchool Books. IV. Technical works in Science and Art. V. School Text-Books. VI. Many anonymous and doubtful Novels. 4 PREFACE. Doubtless there are also accidental omissions of good books under the several departments which we have undertaken to fill: but this is inevitable in the present crude state of all sources of information as to recent publications. We have expended many months of patient labor in collating catalogues, both English and American, and we trust that a large proportion, at least, of all the best accessible books, relating to each subject indicated, will be found chronicled in our lists, under their respective heads. EDITIONS-REPRINTS, ETC. In all cases where English books have been reprinted in the United States, the American editions have been quoted, rather than the original. In some instances, however, the English editions being also supplied in this market, and usually being superior to the Reprint, they are also mentioned. PRICES QUOTED are, usually, the nominal retail prices of the publisher, for copies bound in cloth. These are frequently changed and modified; and, in most cases, libraries can be furnished at a considerable reduction from the published price, especially when many books are purchased. Many English publications have been largely reduced in price since their first publication; and the reduced price has been quoted in this volume, rather than the original price.* Such European books as can be readily purchased in the American market are priced in American currency; others, imported only occasionally, are priced in sterling. The ordinary cost in cur* After most of these pages were stereotyped, the prices of Bohn's Libraries, for instance, have been reduced to $2.00 and $1.40 per volume. PREFACE. 5 rency, at present (January, 1872), when duty and expenses are added, is about 40 cents per shilling sterling, or $8 per pound sterling; but this rate is variable. The present tariff, practically, adds about 40 per cent. to the cost of all European books except those more than twenty years old, which are now admitted free of duty. The exemption from duty can be claimed on all books when they are specially imported for incorporated institutions; but ALL purchasers are now exempted from paying duty on books printed prior to 1851. In several instances we have mentioned works in their proper places that are now out of print, or that have not been found in booksellers' lists, and these are, therefore, not priced. Most of them may be found in some shape, or may be consulted in the older libraries. The ADDENDA, beginning on page 194, include titles of the latest publications, and also several which were omitted in their proper places. At the end of this list is a select catalogue of BOOKS for YOUNG PERSONS, followed by a list of the leading literary PERIODICALS. The task of indicating in any adequate manner "the best" books on any one topic is obviously a delicate and difficult one. Any such comparisons are "odious," as well as arbitrary. In some departments we do not attempt it at all. But in others we have endeavored to give some aid in making selections, by marking those books which are presumed to be best, on the whole, for those who are making partial selections, according to their needs and their means. Thus: a. means simply that the book indicated is probably 6 PREFACE. the safest, on the whole, for those who want the best of the smaller works on the subject, at mnoderate cost. b. means the best of the more important, elaborate, and more costly books on the same themes. c. (used in a few instances) indicates a further choice for those who may require more than one book on the same subject. In many instances works of high character have not been marked at all; the choice will be made by the reader. Works of Fiction are marked by a double sign, indicating, to some extent, the relative estimation of the best (recent) critics, as to each work, and as to the general position of each author. In the plan and arrangement of this work, and the selection and classification of titles, we are largely in debted to the valuable aid of Mr. Frederick B. Perkins, whose suggestions in regard to " The Owning of Books," "Book Clubs," and " Courses of Reading," are given at the end of the Bibliographical list. If, as will surely be the case, the judgment of others should differ from ours, and our suggestions of relative values should be in some instances reversed, we may still presume that our classification will prove to be convenient and useful. The excellent works of Bishop Potter, Pycroft, Prof. Porter, and others, will still be consulted for general counsel on the methods of selecting books, and of reading them to the best advantage; but we believe the present classified list of modern publications is more comprehensive, for its purpose, than any other now in print. PREFACE. 7 The difficulty, in some cases, of assigning a book to its proper heading, is partly obviated by a repetition of the title in the places where it may be sought, or by cross references. This tabular record of books now in the market is supplemented by a brief selection from the wise words of good men, on the general subject of books, libraries, and systematic reading-which are better worthy of consideration than any suggestions of our own could be. The PRICES quoted are, in nearly every instance, those for the books in cloth binding. The additional net cost of binding in " half calf extra" (the library style usually preferred) is for duodecimos from 75 cents to $2 per volume; for octavos from $1.50 to $3.50 per volume. The SIZES of books are usually indicated thus:' 4to" (or Quarto).-The sheet folded in 4 leaves. " r. 8vo," or " imp. 8vo," (large size Octavo,) f Sheet folded in 8 " 8vo," Octavo; " cr. 8vo," Crown Octavo, or 16 leaves. " 12mo," Duodecimo.-Sheet folded in 12 or 24 leaves.'" 18mo," Sheet folded into 18 or 36 leaves. "24mo," and "32mo," Sheet folded into 24 and 32 leaves. INDEX TO SUTBJECTS. PAGES. PAGES. Abyssinia....................13, 194 Balloonin.................. 26 Acoustics......................... 13 Banks........................... 26 Afghanistan, etc............ 13 Battles...................... 26 Africa-generally............13, 194 Bible-its History............27, 195 Central and East......... 14 Study of................. 27 North.............. 14 Aspects of................ 29 South.................. 14 Bibliography............ 29, 195 West..................... 15 Billiards......................... 29 Agriculture............. 15, 194 Biography............ 29, 195 Alabama......................... 16 (11 divisions).......... 29 Alaska..........................16 Bookbinding...... 46 Albigenses............. 16 Book-keeping...............46, 196 Algiers...................... 16 Borneo..... 46 Alps................ 1 Botany....................7, 196 America-Discovery, etc....... 17, 194 Brazil, etc... 47 Anecdotes...................... 18 British America.................. 47 Anglingecdotes................... 18 Columbia................47 Angling............18... Bccaners.................... 48 Buccaneers..................... 48 Anglican Church............18, 194 Buddhism................ 48 Anglo-Saxons................., 194 Bue Ayres................ 48 Buenos Ayres............. 48 Animal Magnetism.............. 19 Bur.......48 Antiquities......................19 Business................ 48, 196 Apparitions..................... 19 Ca -Birds.................... 48 Aquarium............. 0 California................... 48 Arabia.................... 20.. Canada........................ 49 Architecture..................20, 194 Capital Punishment....... 49 Arctic Regions.............. 21 CardsPlaying. 49 Argentine Republic......... 22 Caricaures...................50, 19 Arizona................... 22. Carthage..................... 50 Armenia............ 22 Caucasus...................50, 19 Arms, Armor................... 2 Celibacy......................... 50 Art, Arts....................... 22 Ceylon..................... 50 Asia23 Chrities...................... 50 Asia Minor..................... 23 Chemistry............ 50, 197 Assassins...3 Chess........................ 51 Assaying................... 23 Chili........................... 52 Astrology..................... 23 China........................... 52 Astronomy.............. 23, 194 Chivalry......................... 53 Athens................ 24 Christ.........................53, 197 Athletic Sports............... 24 Christianity............... 53, 197 Atlases........................ 24 Chronology..................... 54 Australia..............5....... 25 Church History...............54. 197 Austria......................... 25 Civilization.................... 53 Autographic............. 25, 194 Classics, Gteek and Latin........... Ballads......................... 25 Climatology.................... 56 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 9 PAGES. PAGES. Clocks and Watches............. 56 Encyclopedias................... 73 Coal.........................56, 198 England-History............... 73 Collections, entertaining......... 56 Travels in.......... 74, 202 Composition................... 56 English Language.............75, 202 Conchology....................57, 198 English Literature...........137, 202 Concordance.................... 57 Engraving................... 76 Connecticut................... 58 Epigrams........................ 76 Constitution of U. S..........58, 198 Essays................... 76, 202 of England.......... 58 Ethnology...................80, 202 Conundrums..................... 58 Etiquette........................ 80 Cookery and Food............58, 198 Etruria.......................... 81 Co-operation of Labor.......... 59 Evidences of Christianity.....81, 203 Copyright....................... 59 Europe-History..............81, 203 Corporal Punishment............ 59 Travels in..........82, 203 Correspondence...............59, 198 Fables......................... 82 Corsica.....................60, 198 Fairy Tales................... 83 Cosmology...................... 60 Fiction-History of.............. 83 Costume......................... 60 Novels, etc........83, 203 Cotton-Manufact's.............. 61 Field Sports............... 105 Crete........................... 61 Fiji Islands...................... 105 Cricket................ 61 Fine Arts-History and Theo... 105 Crimea................. 61 Illustrated Works.107, 203 Crimes and Punishments........ 61 Fish-Fish Culture...........111, 203 Criticism-Literary............. 62 Florida........................ 111 Croquet......................... 62 France-History.............111, 204 Crusades........................ 62 Travels in.............. 113 Cuba............................ 62 French Language................ 113 Dancing......................... 62 Free Trade...................... 114 Darwinism....................63, 198 Furniture...................... 114 Decorative Art................63, 198 Future State.................. 114 Demonology and Witchcraft..... 63 Galvanism.................. 114 Denmark.................... 64 Gambling........................ 114 Devotion............... 64, 198 Games and Amusements........ 115 Dictionaries...................65, 198 Gardening..................... 115 Dogs....................66, 198 Gas.............................. 116 Domestic Animals............66, 198 Gazetteers....................... 116 Domestic Economy............66, 198 Gems........................ 116 Drama (6 sections).............67, 198 Genealogy...................... 116 Draughts....................... 69 Geography................. 116 Drawing-Books..............69, 198 Geology, etc.................... 117 Dreams........................ 70 Georgia.......................... 118 Duelling........................ 70 Germany..................... 118 East (The)....................70, 198 German Language............... 118 East Indies...................... 71 Gift Books............118, 204 Education.................... 71 Glass-Making.................. 120 Egypt.......................... 71 Gold...............120, 205 Electricity...................... 72 Government..................... 320 Elocution...................... 72 Grammar........................ 120 Emblems........................ 73 Greece......................... 121 Emigration..................... 73 Gymnastlcs, etc.................. 12' 10 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. PAGES. PAGES. Gypsies......................... 122 Light Houses.................... 136 Health.....................122, 205 Literature..................... 136 Heat......................... 123 History............. 136 Heathenism..................... 123 Classical........... 136 Heraldry....................... 123 Various............ 137 History-Philosophy of......... 123 Logic............................ 138 Universal............... 124 London......................... 138 Ancient.............124, 205 Louisiana...................... 139 Modern............... 125 Machinery,............. 139 Holland and Belgium.......... 125 Madagascar............... 139 Holy Land: Jerusalem.......125, 205 Madeira................ 139 Horse, The...................... 126 Magic..................... 139 Huguenots...............126, 205 Magnetism............... 139 Humorous Works............126, 205 Maine................. 140 Hungary.......................... 127 Malta.......................... 140 Hunting and Shooting........... 128 Mammoth Cave............... 140 Hydraulics..................... 128 Manufactures, etc............... 140 Hydropathy..................... 128 Marriage and Divorce............ 140 Iceland........................ 128 Martyrs.................. 141 Iconography..................... 128 Maryland................ 141 India............................ 129 Massachusetts................ 141 Indiana..................... 129 Maternity........................ 141 Indians.......................... 129 Mathematics............... 141 Infidelity........................ 130 Mauritius................ 141 Inventions....................... 130 Maxims......................... 141 Insanity......................... 130 Mechanics...................... 141 Inspilationof Bible............. 130 Mediterranean................. 142 International Law............... 180 Metallurgy...................... 142 Inter-Oceanic.................... 131 Metaphysics................. 142 Inquisitions..................... 131 Meteorology................... 144 Iowa............................. 131 Metric System.................. 144 Ireland.......................... 131 Mexico......... 144 Iron and steel................131, 205 Michigan............... 144 Italy..................131, 205 Microscope................... 144 Jamaica............. 132 Middle Ages........... 145 Japan........................... 132 Military......................... 145 Java............................ 133 Mind and Body............... 145 Jesuits......................... 133 Mineralogy.................. 145 Jews............................ 133 Mines....................... 146 Kentucky........................ 133 Minnesota....................... 146 Kindergarten................... 133 Missions...................... 146 Labor........................... 133 Mississippi............... 146 Landscape Gardening.......134, 205 Missouri................ 146 Language....................... 134 Mohammedanism............. 146 Language of Flowers............. 134 Money........................ 147 Law........................134, 205 Monograms............... 147 Legends....................... 135 Moral Science.................. 147 Levees........................... 135 Mormons........................ 147 Liberty................... 135 Municipal Government...... 147 Libraries and Collections....... 135 Music........................ 147 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 11 PAGES. PAGES. Mysticism................... 148 Phrenology................ 158 Mythology....................... 148 Physical Geography............ 159 Names..................... 148 Physiognomy...............159, 205 Narcotics....................... 148 Physiology, etc...............159, 205 Natural History................. 148 Poetry.......................160, 206 Natural Sciences................. 150 Humorous............167, 206 Natural Theology................ 152 Poisons.......................... 167 Navigation........................ 152 Poland......................... 167 Needlework...................... 152 Political Economy............. 167 Nestorians....................... 152 Science............. 168 New England.15............... 152 Polynesia........................ 168 Newfoundland.................. 152 Pompeii......................... 168 New Grenada.................... 152 Popular Science............. 168 New Hampshire................ 152 Porcelain and Pottery..... 168 New Jersey...................... 152 Portraits............. 169 Newspapers..................... 152 Positivism...................... 169 New York..................... 152 Poultry.......................... 169 New Zealand.................... 152 Preaching and Preachers......... 169 Nineveh......................... 152 Printing......................... 169 North Carolina.................. 154 Protoplasm...... 169 Norway......................... 151 Proverbs............ 170 Notabilia........................ 154 Prussia......................... 170 Nova Scotia.................... 154 Punctuation..................... 170 Nubia................. 154 Puritans................... 170 Numismatics.................... 154 Pyrotechnist................... 170 Object Lessons................. 154 Quotations....................... 170 Ocean......................... 154 Railroads...........170 Ohio............................ 154 Reading......................... 171 Optics......................... 155 Religion......................... 171 Oratory......................... 155 Rhetoric....................... 171 Oregon......................... 156 Rhode Island................... 171 Ornithology..................... 156 Romanism...................... 171 Pacific Ocean.................. 156 Rome (5 divisions)...........172, 206 Painting......................156, 205 Rural Sports................ 173 Paper-Making................... 157 Russia....................... 173 Paraguay........................ 157 St. Domingo..................... 174 Parliamentary Law.............. 157 Sandwich Islands............... 174 Patagonians................ 205 Sardinia........................ 174 Patent Law.................... 157 Scandinavia...................... 174 Pauperism....................... 157 School Architecture............. 174 Peace and War................. 157 Schleswig-Holstein............... 174 Peninsular War................ 157 Science and Religion............ 174 Pennsylvania.............. 157 Scotland......................... 175 Perfumery....................... 15 Secret Societies.................. 175 Perpetual Motio............. 58 Selections....................... 176 Persia.......................... 158 Sermons......................... 176 Peru............................ 158 Servia.......................... 176 Petroleum....................... 158 Sewing Machine.......... 176 Phonography.................... 158 Sheep....... 177 Photography...................158 Shetland................... 177 12 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. PAGES. PAGES. Shipwrecks...................... 177 Table-Talk.................. 182 Siam........................... 177 Tartary..........,............. 182 Siberia........................... 177 Taxidermy....................... 183 Sicily............................ 177 Technology...................... 183 Skating,..17................... 177 Telegraphing................ 183 Singing.......................... 177 Temperance............. 183 Sleep................ 178 Tennessee...................... 183 Social Science.............. 18 Texas......................... 183 South America.................. 178 Theology...................183, 206 South Carolina................ 178 Travels......................... 184 Spain and Portugal.........178, 200 Trees............................ 185 Spectroscope.................... 179 Turkey.....................186, 206 Spiritualism..................... 179 Turning......................... 186 Stammering.................... 180 United States (6 divisions)... 186, 206 Statistics................... 180 Virginia...................... 191 Steam Engine................ 180 Volcanoes....................... 191 Stereoscope.................. 180 West Indies..................... 191 Submarine....................... 180 Whist.......................... 191 Sugar........................... 180 White Mountains................ 191 Sumatra................. 181 Wines.......................... 191 Supernaturalism.............186, 208 Wisconsin................... 192 Superstition................... 186 Women....................... 192 Sweden.......................... 186 ADDENDA to the above......... 194 Swedenborgianism............... 186 COLLECTED WORKS...............207 Swimming..................... 182 CO CTED W. Switzerland..................... 182 PERIODICALS................214, 215 Synonymes............. 182 YouNG PEOPLE'S BOOKS........ 209 Syria.................... 182 PART SECOND. PAGES. I. READINGS ON READING.......................................... 217 II. SUGGESTIONS FOR COURSES OF READING.................... 231 III. ON OWNING BOOKS.......................................... 247 IV. HINTS ON BOOK CLUBS........................................... 252 ABBREVIATIONS. Alb.-Albany. L. & N.-London and New York. Bohn.-Bohn's Libraries (pub- L. & B.-London and Boston. lished in London). L. & P. —London and PhilaBost.-Boston. delphia. Camb.-Cambridge. [The three preceding lines indicate Chic.-Chicago. books usually printed in London, and C.in., or C.inc i.- incinnat'' i.~ imported in quantities and issued by., or Cincin Cincinnati publishers in New York. Boston, or Ed.-Edited. Philadelphia, usually with their im Edinb.-Edinburgh, print.] Glasg.-Glasgow. Trans.-Translated. Ill., or Illus.-Illustrated. Vol., or v.-Volume. L., or Lond.-London. Wash.-Washington. ADDENDA, 11. (NEW BOOKS. AND OTHERS OMITTED IN THEIR PLACE.) Acoustics and Ventilation. Sacltzer. Treatise on Acoustics, etc..................2mo N. Y. Anecdotes, Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with Authors.......... 12mo Bost. $2 00 Arabia. Taylor, Bayard. The Heart of Arabia. llustratedl.....l2mo N. Y. 1 0 Architecture. Bicknell. The Village Builder........... 4to N. Y. 10 00 Arts —UsEFUL. Pickert & Metcalf. Art of Graining.................. 8vo N. Y. Arctic Regions. Hayes, J.J. Land of Desolation................... 12mo N. Y. 1 7 Astronomy. Bartlett. Spherical Astronomy..................... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Atlases. Butler. Hand Atlas of Modern Geography............ 4to N. Y. 2 50 Biography. Chambers, Robert. By W. Chambers...............12mo N. Y. 1 50 Dunster, H. First Pres. Harvard Coll., by Chaplin.....12mo Bost. 1 50 Halleck. By J. G. Wilson........................ 12mo N. Y. 2 50 Holland, Geo. H. Recollections of Past Life.......... 12mo N. Y. 00 Livingstone. Dr. Popular Account of his Life........18mo N. Y. 1 50 Botany. Darby. Southern Botany......................... 8vo N.Y. 2 00 Wood. Intermediate Botany........................ 8vo N.Y. 2 25 Class Book of Botany......................... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 -— ~ — Botanical Apparatus................ NY. 6 00 Charities. Jones. Una and her Paupers; a Memorial............ 12mo L. & N. 2 00 Chemistry. Darby. Text Book ot Chemistry.............. 8vo N.Y. 1 75 Gregory. Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, each..... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Porter. Principles of Chemistry..................... 8vo N.Y. 2 00 208a THIE BEST READING': Addenda, ii, Chinese. Doolittie. Chinese Vocabulary and Hand-Book, 2 vols. Y. Church History. Marsh. Ecclesiastical Iistory......................2mo N. Y. $2 0(0 Concordance To the Constitution of the United States. By W. A. Stearns............................12mo N. Y. Copyright-LAW oF. Complete Collection of Copyright Cases.............. 8vo N. Y. Corals. Dana, J. D. Corals and Coral Islands................ Svo N.Y. 6 00 Criticism. Hudson. Life, Art, and Characters. 2 vols.........lmo Bost. 5 00 Dictionaries-CLASSICAL. Anthon. Classical Dictionary........................ 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Lempriere. Classical Dictionary..................... 8vo Phil. 3 75 Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology, I call, 3 vols..... 8vo L. & B. 30 00 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Gcoglaphy, i calf. 2 vols........................ 8vo L. & B. 20 00 Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, i calf........................... 8vo L. & B. 10 00 Classical Dictionary of Biography, Mythology, and Geography (condensed).... 8vo L. & B. - - Smaller Classical Dictionary............... vo N. Y. 2 50 ~ - Dictionary of Antiquities.......... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Drama. Shakespeare. Hudson's''Family" Shakespeare, 4 vols. Svo Bost. 9 00 Drawing-Books. Chapman's American Drawing-Book........... 4to N. Y. 6 00....- Elementary Drawing-Book.............. N. Y. 1 50 England. Hawthorne, Mrs. England and Italy..................12mo N. Y. 2 00 Eu rope-TRAVELS IN. Benedict, E. C. Run through Europe................12mo N. Y. 2 00 Silliman. Visit to Europe, 2 vols......................12mo N. Y. 3 00 Fiction. "Ainslie, Herbert." The Pilgrim and the Shrine..... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 ~___ _ — - IlHigher Law......................12mo N. Y. 175 Blanche, Aug. The Bandit; from the Swedish........ Svo N. Y. 1 50 Collins, Wilkie. Poor Miss Finch................... 8vo N.Y. 150 De Mille. The American Baron...................... 8vo N. Y. 1 50 Among the Brigands..................... 8vo Bost. 1 50 Five Hundred Majority; or, The Days of Tammany.. Svo N.Y. 1 25 Kingsley, H. The Herveys............................ 12mo Bost. Mabel Lee. By author of Morton House............ 8vo N.Y. 1 50 THE BEST READING: Addenda, li, 209a Marlitt, E. Little Mioorland Princess................ 12mo Phil. $1 75 Schwartz. Two Family Mothers..................... 8vo Bost. 1 50 Stoddard, Eliz. The Morghesons.................... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 - Two Men; Temple House; each........... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Taylor, Bayard. Beauty and the Beast...............12mo1 N. Y. 1 50 Terhune, Mrs. (" Marion Harland.") True as Steel...12mo N. Y. 1 50 Valerio, Kate. Ina, a Novel......................... 8vo Best. 150 Fine Arts. Clement, Mrs. A Hand-Book of Painters, Sculptors, etc......................... 12mo N. Y. Manual of Fine Arts. Edited by Huntington......... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Future State. Barrett, B. F. New View of Hell.......... l..........12t1o Phil. 1 25 Figiier. The To-morrow of Death.................. 16mo Bost. 1 50 Government. Young's First Lessons in Civil Govern ient.......... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 Heat. Maxwell. Theory of Heat....................... m..o N. Y. Humorous. Travels of Baron Munchaen........................ 121uo N. Y. Iron and Steel. Gruner on Manufacture of Steel. Translated from the French...................................... S... 8vo N. Y. Italy. Hawthorne. French and Italian Note Books. 2 vols..l2mo. Bost. 4 00 Language. French. The Study of Words.......................12mo N. Y. 1 25 Kavanagh. Origin of Language and Myths. 2 vols... 12mo Lond. 10 50 Wedgewood. Dictionary of English Etymology...mp. 8vo L. & N. 8 00 Literatu re-ENGLISH. Cleveland. Compendium of English Literature........ l2mo N. Y. 2 50 Hart, John S. Manual of English Literature..........12mo Phil. 2 25 Literatu re-AMERICAN. Cleveland. Compendium of American Literalure.....12mo N. Y. 2 50 Logi9. Mahan. Science of Logic............................ 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Marriage. Bingham. Christian Marriage Ceremony............ 12mo 1 75 Mechanics. Bartlett. Analytical Mechanics...................... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Synthetic Mechanics........................ 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Michigan. Sheldon. History of Michigan.......................l12mo N. Y. 1 75 210a THE BEST READING: Addenda, ii. Music. Haweis. Music and Morals........................... mo N. Y. $1 75 Natural Philosophy. Bartlett. Acoustics and Optics........................ 8vo N.Y. 3 50 Natural History. Chadbourne. Instinct and its Relations to Man and Animals.........................................12mo N. Y. 1 75 Natural Sciences. International Scientific Series, by Tyndall, Huxley, Spencer, Darwin, etc. - vols..................... N. Y. New York. Stone, W. L. History of City of New York. Illust.... 8vo. N. Y. Poetry. Taylor, Bayard. The Masque of the Gods............ 12mo Bost. Popular Science. Chadbourne. Instinct and its Relations..............12no N. Y. 1 75 Half-Hour's Recreations in Popular Science. Per Part.12mo Bost. 0 25 Porcelain and Pottery. i: Treadwell. Manual of Porcelain and Pottery. Illust... 8vo N.Y. Printing. Thomas, Isaiah. History of Printing in America. New edition........................ Svo. Bost. Religion. Muller, Max. The Science of Religion................ 12mo N.. 2 00 Skepticism.-[See Infidelity.] Somerset. Duke of. Christian Theology and Modern Skepticism...........12mo N. Y. 1 25 Singing, Gtertner. The Art of Singing..................... 4to Phil. 3 00 Social Evils. Talmadge, T. D. Abominations of Modern Society...12mo N. Y. 1 e5 Statistics. Educational Year Book for 1872..................... 12mo N.Y. 1 25 Travels and Voyages. Prime, E. D. G. Around the World.................. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 United States-HISTORY. Wilson, H. Rise and Progress of Slave Power. 3 vols. 8vo Bost. United Sates, — TRAVELS IN. King, C. Mountaineering in the Sierra Nevada..... 8vo. Bost. 2 00 CLASSIFIED LIST OF MODERN PUBLICATIONS ENGLISH AND AMERICAN: NOW SUPPOSED TO BE IN TIE MARKET: NTot including technical works on Law, Medicine, Controversial Theology-and exclusive, also, of most of the School text books-Sunday School Books. Popular Religious Books, anonymous and doubtful Works of Fiction, and merely temporary or occasional publications. Abyssinia and Ethiopia.-[See also Africa.] b. Baker, S. W. Albert Nyanza,........... 8vo Phil. $3 00 b. Nile Tributaries of A..... 8vo Phil. 2 75 Hotten, J. C. Abyssinia and its People, London,....12mo 7s. 6d. Hutchinson. Ten Years among Ethiopians, London,.... 8vo 14s. Lepsius, R. Letters from Ethiopia,......12mo Lond. 2 25 Markham. Abys'n Exped'n, 1869..Lond. 8vo 14s. Parkyns. Life in Abyssinia...........12mo Lond. 3 75 a. Russell. Nubia and Abyssinia,.........18mo N. Y. 75 a. Taylor, Bayard. Central Africa.........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Acoustics. Macdonald. Sound and Color......Lond. 8vo 3s. 6d. a. Rudan. Wonders of Acoustics.........12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Tyndall. On Sound,.................... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Aeronautics.-[See Ballooning.] Esthetics.-[See Criticism.] Affghanistan, BELOOCHISTAN, CABUL. Burnes, Sir A. Residence in Cabul, 1842. London,.... 8vo 18s. Elphinstone. Kingdom of Cabul, 2 vols. 1819. London,.... 8vo 28s Sale, Lady. Disasters in Aft. 1843. Lon., 8vo 2s. 6d. Africa.-For Ancient History of, see History, Ancient. [See also names of each country.] Grant, J. A. Walk across Africa. 1863. London,.... 8vo 15s. Hunting Scenes in the Wilds of Africa,..12mo Phil. 1 75 Kingston. In the Wilds of Africa (for Boys)....12mo Lond. 2 50 Merriam. Home Life in Africa,......... 14 THE BEST READING. Murray, Hugh. Discovery and Adventures in Africa. London,....12mo 5s. Africa-CENTRAL AND EASTERN. b. Barth. Travels in N. and C.Africa, 3 vols. 8vo N.Y. $12 00 a. The same. Abridged,...........12mo Phil. 1 75 a. Burton. Lake Regions of Central Africa, 8vo N. Y. 3 50 b. Du Chaillu. Explorations in Equat'l Af., 8vo N. Y. 5 00 b. - Journey to Ashango Land,. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 My Apingi Kingdom....... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 ai. Wild Life under the Equat'r,12mo N. Y. 1 75 Krupf, Dr. Travels in East. Africa. Lond. 8vo a. Park, Mungo. Travels and Life.........18mo N. Y. 75 Petherick, Mr. & Mrs. Cent'l Africa. Lond. 8vo 16s. b. Speke and Grant. Discovery of Source of the Nile,.... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Africa-NORTH.-[See also Egypt, etc.] Barth. [See Africa, Central.]............ b. Bartlett. The Nile Boat. Illustrated,... 8vo N.Y. 4 00 Cooke. Conquest and Civilization in North Africa. Edinburgh,....12mo 5s. Ditson. The Crescent and French Crusades. 1859,....12mo N. Y. a. Naphegyi. Ghardaia; 90 Days in the Desert of Sahara,....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Richardson. Travels in the Sahara. 1848. 8vo 30s. a. Russell. History of Barbary States,....18mo N. Y. 75 St. John. Adventures in Lybian Desert,. 12mo N. Y. Tristam. The Great Sahara, 2 vols. Lond. 8vo 15s. Africa-SOUTH. Alexander. Exp'n into So. Africa, 2 vols. London,.... 8vo 21s. Anderson. Lake Ngami,............... 8vo N. Y. 1 75 Okavango River............. 8vo N. Y. 3 25 South West Africa.........12mo Phil. 1 75 Baldwin. South African Hunting....... 8vo N. Y. 1 50 Chapman, J. Travels in So. Af....Lond., 8vo Lond. Cumming. Five years of Hunter in S. A. 2 vols.,.... 8vo N.Y. 8 00 b. Livingstone, Dr. Missionary Travels in South Africa,.... 8vo N. Y. 4 50 b. - Exped'n to Zambesi,........ 8vo N.Y. 5 00 a. Popular Ace. of Missionary Travels in S. A........8vo Lond. and N. Y. 3 00 a. So. Africa: Popular Ed.,....12mo Phil. 1 75 Moffatt. Missionary Adventures in S. A.. London,.... 8vo 12s. Pringle, T. South Africa,...London,.... 8vo 3s. 6d. Walmsley. Ruined Cities of ZuluLand. London, 2 vols. 8vo 18s. AFRICA, SOUTH & WESTERN-AGRICULTTRE, ETC. 15 Wilmot & Chase. Hist. of Cape Colony. London,.... 8vo 15s. Africa-WESTERN. Allen. Expedition to the Niger, 2 vols. London,.... 8vo 32s. Burton, R. F. Aheskuta and the Cameroons, 2 vols. Lond.... 8vo 25s. Forbes. Missions to Dahomey, 2 vols. London,..... 8vo 21s. a. Lander. Travels in Africa, 2 vols....... 18mo N. Y. $1 50 Poole. Sierre Leone and the Gambia, 2 vols. London,.... 8vo 21s. b. Reade, W. W. SaVage Africa........... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Valdez. Six Years in Western Africa... 8vo Lond. 5 00 a. Wilson, J. L. Western Africa..........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Agriculture.-[See also names of Crops, Animals, etc. Also Gardening, Botany, etc.] a. Allen. New Amer. Farm Book.........12mo N. Y. 2 50 Bentz. Elements of Agriculture (Saxton). N. Y. Buel. Farmer's Companion............ 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Farmer's Instructor, 2 vols.......18mo N. Y. 1 50 Boussingault. Rural Economy......... 8vo N. Y. 1 60 Clift. Tim Bunker Papers.............12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Copeland, W. T. Country Life. Illus... 8vo Bost. 5 00 Darlington. American Weeds and Useful Plants,....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Emerson, G. B. Manual of Agriculture..12mo Bost. Enfield. On Indian Corn................12mo N. Y. 1 00 French. Farm Drainage.............. 12mo N. Y. a. Farming for Boys, by author of Ten Acres.12mo Bost. 1 50 Flagg. European Vineyards...........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Gaylord & Tucker. Amer. Husbandry, 2 vols.... 18mo N.. 1 50 Grant. On Beet Root Sugar............12mo 1 25 Greeley. What I know about Farming..12mo N.Y. 1 50 a. Henderson. Gardening for Profit.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Johnson, C. W. Farmers' and Planters' Cyclope....R. 8vo Phil. 6 00 b. Johnson, S.W. How Crops Grow......12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. How Crops Feed......12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Johnston, J. F. W. Agricultl. Chemistry.l2mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Liebig. Agricultural Chemistry........12mo N. Y. 1 00 Liebig. Natl. Laws of Husbandry..... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Loudon. Cyclop. of Agriculture. Lond. 8vo 31s. 6d. Meade. Grape Culture and Wine Making. 8vo 3 00 Mitchell, D. G. My Farm at Edgewood.. 12mo N.Y. 1 75 a. Rural Studies..........12mo N... 1 75 Morrell. The American Shepherd....... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Norton. Scientific Agriculture.........12mo N. Y. 75 a. Our Farm of Four Acres............. 16mo N. Y. 60 16 TIE BEST READING. Stephens. Book of the Farm, 2 vols. R. 8vo Lond. Thaer. Practical Agriculture........... 8vo N. Y. Todd. Apple Cultivator............... 12mo N. Y. $1 50 Amer. Wheat Cultivator........12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Waring. Elements of Agriculture......12mo N. Y. 1 00 Draining for Health and Profit.12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Handy Book of Husbandry.... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Watson. American Home Garden.......12mo N. Y. 2 00 White, J. J. Cranberry Culture........ 12mo N. Y. Alabama. Pickett. History of Alabama, 2 vols....8vo Charlest. 3 00 Alaska.-(Recently Russian America.) b. Dall. Alaska and its Resources.......R. 8vo Bost. 7 50 a. Whymper. Alaska. Illustrated........ 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Albigenses. Faber. Ancient Vallenses and A. Lond. 8vo 12s. Sismondi. Crusades against the A. Lond. 8vo 8s. Alchemy.-[See Demonology-Magic.] Hitchcock,E. A. Alchemy & the Alchemists. 1857.... 12mo Bost. Algiers.-[See Africa.] Girard. Lion Hunting in Algeria........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Morell. Algeria-Topo. and His. of. Lond. 8vo 6s. Naphegyi. Among the Arabs...........12mo Phil. 1 75 Shaler. Sketches of Algiers. o. p....... 8vo Bost. Waalmsley. Algeria during Kabyle War. London,....12mo 10s. 6d. Alps. Ball. Guide to West'n Alps, 1863. Lond.12mo 7s. 6d. b. Brockedon. Passes of the Alps, 2 vols. London,.... 4to 150s. Berlepsch. The Alps. 1861. Lond..... 8vo 10s. Forbes. Tour of Mt. Blanc and Mt. Rosa.16mo Lond. 1 50 Freshfield. The Grisons, etc.'62. Lond.12mo 10s. 6d. Gridlestone. High Alps without Guides. 1870. London,.... 8vo 7s. 6d. a. Jones. The Regular Swiss Round. Lond. 8vo 7s. 6d. Peaks, Passes and Glaciers, 2 yols. R. 8vo Lond. 15 00 a. The same, cheap ed.12mo Lond. 2 00 Smith, Albert. Story of Mt. Blanc......12mo N. Y. 1 00 Tyndall, J. Glaciers of the Alps. Lond. 8vo 14s. Mountaineeringin the Alps. Lond. 8vo 7s. 6d. Hours of Exercise in the Alps..... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 a. Whymper. Scrambles among the Alps. London,.... 8vo 21s. America.-[See Arctic Regions, South America, and separate Countries, United States, etc.] AMERICA, DISCOVERY, EARLY HIST.-CENT. AMER., ETC. 17 American Biography.-[See under Biography.] Antiquities. Squier & Davis. Amer. Antiq. and Discoveries in the West. 4to. Smith. Inst.... $10 00 America-DISCOVERY OF. a. Abbott, J. Discovery of America, 3 vols.16mo N. Y. 2 25 Cabeca de Vaca. Trans. by Smith...... 8vo Alb'y. Da Costa, B. F. Pre-Columb. Discov. of A.12mo Alb'y. a. Irving. Columbus and his Companions. 3 vols.....12mo N. Y. 6 75 3 vols. 18mo, $3 75; abridged, 1 50 b. Irving T. De Soto in Florida............12mo N. Y. 2 00 Kohl. Discov. of Amer., 2 vols. Lond... 8vo 16s. Smith, J. T. Discovery of America by Northmen. London.... 8vo Ame-rica.-EARLY AND GENERAL HISTORY. Grahame, Jas. Hist. of the U. S. North America to the Revol., 4 vols.. p. p... 8vo Phila. a. Helps. Spanish Conquests in A. 4 vols.. 12mo N. Y. 6 00 a. Parkman, F. Discovery of the Gr't West, 8vo Bost. 2 50 b. Jesuits in North America....... 8vo Bost. 2 50 b. Pion'rs of France in the N. World, 8vo Bost. 2 50 b. Prescott. Conquest of Mexico. 3 vols... 8vo Phil. 7 50 b. - Peru. 2 vols..... 8vo Phil. 5 00 Robertson. History of America.......... 8vo N. Y. 2 25 Willson. American History. I vol....... N. Y. 2 00 America.-REVOLUT'N AND INDEPEND'CE OF U. S. OF N. A. [See Biography:-lIrving's Washington, Gen. Greene, etc. See also United States.] America-SOUTH.-Generally. Bishop. 1,000 MilesWalk across S. Amer.12mo Bost. 1 50 Humbolt. Equinoc. Regions of South Amer. 3 vols.... Bohn. 5 25 Paez. Travels in So. and Cent. Amer.... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 America-CENTRAL. Froebel, J. Seven Years in Cent. Amer. London.... 8vo 18s. Morelet. Travels in Central America. 1871. 8vo N.Y. 2 00 Norman. Ruined Cities of Yucatan. 1843. 8vo N. Y. Patterson, W. Seven Years in Cent. America. London.... 8vo 2s. 6d. b. Squier, E. G. Notes on Central America. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Nicaraugua............... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Honduras................. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Mrs. Travels in Cent. Amer. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 a. Stephens, J. S. Cent. Amer., etc., 2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 b. - Yucatan, 2 vols......... 8vo N.Y. 6 00 18 THE BEST READING. Wells. Honduras. Illustrated.......... 8vo N.Y. $3 50 Amusements-[See Games and Amusements.] Anatomy. —[See Physiology and Anatomy.] Ancient Biography, AND HISTORY. [See History: Biograpliy.] Anecdotes. Anecdotes of Clergy in America.........12mo Phil. 1 50 a. Arvine. Cyclopedia of Lit. Anecdotes.... 8vo Bost. 4 00 a. Moral and Religious Anecdotes.. 8vo Bost. 5 00 a. Bigelow. Anecdotes of Bench and Bar... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Gronow. Celebrities of London and Paris, 2 vols.12mo Lond. 3 00 b. Hood, E. P. The World of Anecdote; large 12mo Lond. 4 50 b. World of Moral and Relig. Anec.12mo Lond. 4 50 Jackson. Curiosities of the Pulpit....... 8vo Lond. 2 00 Jay, Cyrus. The Law-What I have Seen, &c....12mo Lond. Jeaffreson. Book about Lawyers, 2 vols. London,... 8vo 24s. Doctors, 2 vols. Lond. 8vo 30s. ~ —---- ~ Clergy, 2 vols. Lond. 8vo 30s. b. Kirkland. Cyclop. of Commerc.A.,2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 8 00 Neal, J. Great Mysteries and Little Plagues.......16mo Bost. 1 50 Nimmo. Anecdote Library, 6 vols. Lond.18mo ea. 1 25 a. Percy Anecdotes, 1 vol. 8vo. N. Y. $2; 2 vols. 12mo Loud. 3 50 b. Proctor. Bench and the Bar of N. Y.....12mo N. Y. 5 00 Spence, Jas. Anecdo. of Books and Men.12mo Lond. 3 00 Angling.-[See Fish, Fishing.] a. Davy, Sir H. Salmonia,.............. 16mo Bost. 1 50 b. Herbert, H. W. Fish and Fishing in N. Y. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Moffatt. Secrets of Angling.............12mo Lond. 3 00 a. Norris, T. American Angler's Book.....12mo Phil. 3 00 b. Roosevelt, R. B. Game Fish of N. Amer. 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Superior Fishing.....12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Scott, G. C. Fish and Fishing in Amer.. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 a. Walton & Cotton's Angler by Bethune.... 12mo N. Y. 3 00 ~-_ ~__- ~ Illust. by Major.. 12mo Bost. 2 50 Anglican Church.-[See also Church History.] Miall. British Churches and Brit. People. London,.... 8vo 4s. Macdonald, Geo. England's Antiphon...12mo Lond. 2 00 b. Perry, G. G. Hist. of Ch. of England, 2 vols. 8vo Lond., 42s.... 12 50 Short, T. V. History of Anglican Church.16mo Lond. a. Southey. Book of the Church........... 8vo Lond. 5 00 Anglo-Saxons. —[See also England; History.] Anglo-Saxon Derivitives...............12mo 1 50 A3GLO-SAXONS —ANIMAL MAGNETISM-ANTIQUITIES, ETC. 19 Anglo-Saxon Root Words...............12mo $1 25 b. Bosworth. Anglo-Saxon Dictionary.. 8vo Lond. & P. 4 50 Earle, J. Two Saxon Chronicles........ 8vo Oxf'd. Kemble, J. M. Saxons in England, 2 vols. London,.... 8vo 28s. a. Klipstein. Anglo-Saxon Grammar.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Analecta Anglo-Saxonica, 2 vols.l2mo N. Y. 3 50 a. Marsh, F. A. Anglo-Saxon Grammar.... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 a. Miller. History of Anglo-Saxons........12mo Lond. 2 50 a. Palgrave. Hist. of the Anglo-Saxons. Il1.12mo Lond. 2 50 Shute. Man'l of Anglo-Saxon for Begin'rs.12mo N. Y. Thorpe. Anglo-Saxon Vers. of the Gospel, 8vo London and P.... 3 00 Animal Magnetism:-MES1ERISM. Ashburner. Anim'l Mag. and Spiritualism. 8vo Lond. Esdaile. Mesmerism in India. Lond... 8vo 6s. 6d. Lee E. Animal Magnetism............ 16mo Lond. Reichenbach. Physico-Physiol. Research. London,.... 8vo 6s. 6d. Townshend. On Mesmerism..........12mo 1 25 Animals.-[See Natural History, Darwinism, etc.] Antarctic Regions.-[See Arctic, etc.] Anthropology. —[See Darwinism, Ethnology.] Antiquities.-[See also under names of Countries; Pompeii, etc.] Brande. Popular Antiquities, 3 vols....12mo Bohn. 7 50 a. Bucke. Ruins of Ancient Cities, 2 vols. 18mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Chambers. Book of Days, 2 vole......R. 8vo Lond. and Phila.... 9 00 Fosbrooke. Encyclo. of Antiqts, 2 vols. Lond. 1843....R. 8vo 35s. King, C. WV. Antique Gems. Lond..... 8vo 42s. Hand Book of Engraved Gems. London, 3 vols..... 8vo 63s. Palisser. Historic Devices, Badges, &c. London.... 8vo 28s. a. Pompeii and the Pompeiians...........12moN. Y. 1 50 Stephens. Monuments of Scandinavian England. 2 vols. fol.............Lond. 100s. Temples, Tombs and Monuments. Illus. 12mo Edinb. 1 50 b. Westropp. Hand Book of Archaeology. Egyptian, Greek, Roman, &c.... 8vo Lond. 7 50 Apparitions.-[See also Demonology and Witchcraft, Spiritualism, Dreams.] a. Crowe,Mrs. The Night Side of Nature.l2mo N. Y. 1 50 Hibbert, S. Philosophy of Apparitions. Edinburgh............ 8vo 12s. Jung-Stilling. Theory of Pneumatology.12mo N. Y. 75 a. Owen, R. D. Footfalls on the Boundaries of another World....12mo Phil. 1 75 ~ — ~ (New work)..............12mo N.Y. 20 THE BEST READING. Aquarium. a. Butler. Family Aquarium............ 16mo N.Y. $ 75 Hibberd. Book of the Aquarium; Marine. London....16mo 2s. ~~- ~ ~ ~ Freshwater. 16mo 2s. Edwards. Life Beneath the Waters...... Gosse. The Aquarium. London........ 8vo 17s. James, (Prof.). Aquarium Naturalist.... Wood, J. G. Common Objects by Seashore.16mo Lond. 60 Arabia. Blackburn, J. Artists and Arabs. Lond. 8vo 7s. Burckhardt. Travels in Arabia (1835) 2 vols. Lond... 8vo 24s. Burton, Lieut. Pilgrimage to Mecca, &c.12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Crichton, A. History of Arabia, 2 vols..18mo N. Y. 1 50 Laborde. Journ. thro' Arabia, 1836. Lond. 8vo 18s. Lowth, G.P. Wanderer in Arabia, 2 vols. Lond. 21s. b. Palgrave. Journey through Arabia.....12mo N. Y. 4 50 Archeology.-[See Antiquities.] Archery. Essays on. Illustrated................. 8vo Lond. 4 50 Arboriculture.-[See Trees.] Archipelago.-[See Greece.] Architecture-HISTORY OF. Architecture of the Victorian Age, 1, mor. 4to Lond. 12 00 Agincourt, d'. History of Art (and Arch.) by its Monuments, folio....Lond. b. Fergusson. Hist. of Architecture, 3 vols. 8vo London,.... ~4 14s. 6d. b. Modern Styles of Architec...8vo Lon. 3. 6d. Gallhibaud. Hist. d'Architecture, 4 vols. 4to Paris. b. Lafevre. Beauties of Mod. Architec..R. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 a. Lafevre. Architec. Instructor, Hist., etc. 4to N. Y. 16 00 a. Lefebre. Wonders of Architecture......12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Ruskin. Seven Lamps of Architecture..12mo N. Y. 1 75 Illus.......R. 8vo Lond. a. Lectures on Architecture.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Stones of Venice, 3 vols......12mo N. Y. 7 00 Illus., 3 vols. R. 8vo Lond. Sharpe. Seven Periods of Christian Arch. London..... 8vo 10s. Architecture-DICTIONARIES, GLOSSARIES, ETC. a. Downing's Wightwick's Hints to Arch... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Ferguson. Hand Book. [See Hist. of A.] b. Gwilt. Cyclopedia of Architect. Lond. 8vo 42s. ARCHITECTURE-ARCTIC AND ANTARCTIC REGIONS, ETC. 21 Hand Books to the Cathedrals of Eng., &c., 4 vols. Lond. a. Hatfield. American House Carpenter.... 8vo N. Y. $3 50 Nicholson. Principles of Architecture... 8vo Lond. a. Parker. Glossary of Terms in Architec..12mo Lond. 3 75 a. Intro. to Study of Gothic Arch. 8vo Lond. 2 50 Pugin. Gloss. of Eccles. Ornament. Lond. 4to 147s. Examples of Gothic Arch., 3 vols. 4to Lond. Pointed or Christ. Arch. Lond. 4to 15s. - DESIGNS FOR CHURCHES, RESIDENCES, ETC. b. Cleveland&Backus. Cottage & Farm Arch. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 a. Downing. Arch. of Country Houses..... 8vo N. Y. 6 00 a. Rural Arch. & Lands. Garden. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Field. City Architecture.............R. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Grammar of House Planning............12mo Lond. 2 50 b. Hibberd. Rustic Adornments for Homes of Taste.... 8vo Lond. 9 00 Holly. Designs for Country Seats...... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 b. Lafever. Architectural Instructor...... 4to N. Y. 16 00 b. Loudon. Ency. of Cottage, Farm, and Villa Architecture. Lond. 8vo 25s. Nicholson. Carpenters' & Builders' Guide. 4to Phila. 4 50 Riddell. Designs for Model Country Res., folio. Phila. b. Sloane. Constructive Architecture...... 4to Phila. 9 00 b. City and Suburban Architecture. 4to Phila. 15 00 b. Homestead Architecture........ 8vo Phila. 4 50 a. Todd, S. E. Country Homes............12mo N.Y. 1 50 a. Vaux. Villas and Cottages............. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 a. Wheeler. Homes for the People........12mo N. Y. 3 00 Wheeler. Rural Homes................12mo N. Y. 3 00 Weidenmann. Beautifying Country Homes. Illustrated.... 4to N. Y. 15 00 Woodward. National Architect......... 4to N. Y. 12 00 a. Suburban and Country Homes, 3 works, each....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Arctic and Antarctic Regions. a. Barrow. Voyages in Arctic Regions..... 18mo N. Y. 1 00 Back. Journey to Polar Sea. 1836. Lond. 8vo 30s. Franklin. Voyages to Polar Sea, 4 vols. London.... 18mo 20s. Hall, C. F. Explorations and Adventures in Arctic Seas... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 b. Hartwig. Polar World. Illustrated..... 8vo N.Y. 3 75 a. Hayes, J. J. Open Polar Sea........... 8vo N.Y. 3 75 a. - Arctic Boat Journey....... 12mo Bost. 2 50 a. Kane. Expd. in Pursuit of Franklin.... 8vo N.Y. 3 00 a. - Second Arctic Expedition, 2 vols. 8vo Phila. 5 00 a. Leslie, Sir J. Discovery and Adventures in Polar Regions..18mo N. Y. 75 22 THE BEST READING. McClintock. Fate of Sir J. Franklin London.... 8vo 16s. Discovery of N. W. Passage. Morrell, B. Voyages. 1845............ 8vo N. Y. $1 50 Osborne. Discovery of N. W. Passage by McClure.... 12mo Lond. a. Parry. Voyages to Polar Seas, 2 vols.... 18mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Richardson. Arctic Expedition...........12mo N. Y. 1 50 The Polar Regions, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 4 00 Ross. Voy. to Baffin's Bay. 1818. 2 vols. 8vo Lond. Second Voyage. 1829............ 4to Lond. Antarctic Voyage. 1839. 2 vols. 8vo Lond. Scoresby. The Franklin Exped. 1850. London,.... 8vo 6s. Thirty Years in Arctic Regions..........12mo Phila. 1 75 Weddell. Voyage to South Pole. 1825. 8vo Lond. Wilkes. U. S. Exploring Expedition round the World. 5 vols. 4to; 5 vols. R. 8vo Phila. The same, condensed in 1 vol. 8vo a. Mangell. Expedn. to Polar Sea. 1820.18mo N. Y. 75 [NOTE.-The larger works of Back, Franklin, Parry, Mackenzie, Ross Wilkes, &c., published in quarto. are now out of print and scarce.] Argentine Republic. King, J. D. Twenty-Four Years in Argentine Republic....12mo N. Y. 1 00 Page. La Plata and Argentine Confedn. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 a Sarmiento. Life in Argentine Repub. 1848. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Arizona. Maury, S. Arizona. 1871.............. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Arkansas. Armenia. a. Curzon, R. Armenia and Erzeroom.....12mo N. Y. 1 25 Dwight, H. G. O. Reformation in Armenia. London. 1854..... 8vo 5s. Southgate. Tour through Armenia and Kurdistan, 2 vols. London.... 8vo 15s. Arms-Armor. Hewitt. Anct. Armor & Weapons, 3 vols. Oxford.... 8vo 50s. Jervis. Engines of War. London...... 8vo 6s. a. Lacombe. Arms and Armor............ 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Meyrick Ancient Armor, (expensive.) London. 3 vols....folio. Art, Arts.-[See Fine Arts, Mechanics; also names of separate Arts.] Bigelow. The Useful Arts, 2 vols.......1t2mo N. Y. 3 00 Burty. Chefs d'ceuvre of Indus. Arts. Ill. 8vo Lond. 5 00 Five Black Arts: Printing, Gas, Glass, etc.12mo N. Y. 2 25 ART, ARTS-AA-S ASIA MINOR —ASTRONOMY, ETC. 23 Lacroix. The Arts in the Middle Ages. Illus......R. 8vo Lond. $12 00 Artillery.-[See Arms.] Asia.-[See also East; also names of Countries.] Heeren. Asiatic Nations, 2 vols. Lond.. 8vo 24s. Huc. Travels in Tartary and Thibet.. Knox, T. W. Overland through Asia.... 8vo N. Y. Malcolm. Mission. Travels in S. E. Asia. 1835. 2 vols.....12mo a. Marco Polo. Voyages and Travels......18mo N. Y. 75 a. Pumpelly. Across America and Asia.... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 a. Taylor, Bayard. India, China and Japan.12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Vambery. Travels in Central Asia..... 8vo N. Y. 4 50 Asia Minor. Fellowes. Excursion in Asia Minor. Lond.12mo 9s. Hamilton. Researches in Asia Minor, 2 vols. 1842. London,.... 8vo 38s. Leake. Travelsin Asia Minor. 1824. Lond. 8vo 18s. Van Lennep, H. J. Travels in Asia Minor. 2 vols. 1870. London,.... 8vo 24s. Assassins. Hammer-Purgstall. Hist. of the Assassins. 1835. London,....12mo 7s. 6d. Walpole, F. Ausayrii and Assassins, 3 vols. 1852. London,.... 8vo 42s. Assaying.-[See Dictionaries of Arts, fafnufact., Mines, etc.] Bodeman. Treatise on Assaying........12mo N. Y. 2 50 Astrology.Astrology as it is. 1856................12mo Lond. a. Lilly. Introduction to Astrology........12mo Lond. 2 25 Zadkiel. Grammar of Astrology. 2 vols. London,.....12mo 7s. Hand Book of Astrology, 1 vol. 3s. 6d. Astronomy.-[See also Cosmology.] Airy, G. B. Lectures on Astronomy...... 16mo Lond. 1 50 Arago, F. Astronomy, 2 vols. London.. 8vo 45s. b. Bouvier. Manual of Astronomy....... 8vo Phila. 3 00 Brewster, Sir D. More Worlds than One. 16mo N. Y. 1 00 a. Burritt. Geography of the Heavens, and Atlas, 2 vols.... N. Y. 2 50 a. Dick, Thos. Celestial Scenery; Sidereal Heavens; ea... 12mo N. Y. 75 a. Dick. Practical Astronomer............12mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Dunkin. The Midnight Sky. R. 8vo, Lond. &N.Y. 3 75 a. Denison. Astronomy without Mathematics.12mo N.Y. 1 75 Ennis. Origin of the Stars..............12mo N. Y. 2 00 24 THE BEST READING. a. Guillemin. The Heavens. Illustrated... 8vo N.Y. $4 50 a. Fay, T. S. System of Astronomy (in press). a. Flammarion. Wonders of the Heavens..12mo N. Y. 1 50 Herschel, J. F. W. Outlines of Astron...12mo N. Y. 2 50 Hind. Solar System...................2mo N. Y. 50 On Comets........... Lond.... 8vo 5s. 6d. a. Lockyer. Astronomy................... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Mitchell, O. M. Popular Astronomy.....12mo N. Y. 1 75 b. - Planetary and Stellar Worlds.12mo N. Y. 1 75 b. - Astronomy of the Bible......12mo N. Y. 1 75 Nichol,J.P. Architecture of the Heavens. 8vo 16s. Stellar Universe. Lond.... 8vo 5s. 6d. Solar System. Lond....... 8vo 10s. 6d. System of the World. Lond. 8vo 10s. 6d. b. Norton. Treatise on Astronomy......... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 b. Olmsted, Prof. Introduc. to Astronomy.. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Plurality of Worlds...................12mo Bost. 1 50 b. Proctor, R. A. Saturn and his System... 8vo Lond. 6 00 The Sun............... 8vo Lond. 5 50 b. Other Worlds than Ours....12moN.Y. 2 50 Hand Book of the Stars.... 12mo Lond. 2 00 ~_ -~- Half H'rs with the Telescope.16mo Phila. 1 25 - ~ - Stars..... 4to Lond. 2 50 Watson, I. C. Theoretical Astronomy..R. 8vo Phila. 10 00 Whewell. Astronomy and Physics......12mo Lond. 1 50 Whitall. Planisphere of Heavens, 2 parts, each, 3 00 Atheism.-[See Infidelity.] Athens.-[See also in works on Greece.] Boeck. Pub. Econ. of Athens. London. 8vo 18s. b. Leake. Topog. of Athens, 2 vols. Lond. 8vo 30s. a. Stuart & Revett. Antiquities of Athens.12mo Lond. 2 50 Athletic Sports.-[Seealso Gymnastics.] a. Depping. Wonders of Bodily Strength.l2mo N. Y. 1 50 Maclaren. Training, in Theory & Practice. Physical Education.......... Peverell. American Pastimes.......... a. Walker. Manly Exercises...........12mo Lond. 2 25 Defensive Exercises........ 12mo Lond. 2 00 Wilkinson. Modern Athletics. London.. 6s. Wood, W. Manual of Physical Exercise.l2mo N. Y. Atlases.-[Geographical, not including School Atlases.] a. Black. Atlas of the World.............folio Lond. 25 00 a. Chambers. Cyclopedia Atlas.........R. 8vo Lond. 5 00 b. Colton. General Atlas................. folio N. Y. 20 00 a. Fay. "Great Outline" Atlas........... 4to N. Y. 2 00 a. Globe Atlas of Europe, half bound.......12mo Lond. 4 50 Johnston. School Classical Atlas........ Lond. Royal Atlas of Mod. Geog..folio Lond. 50 00 ATLASES-AUSTRALIA AND TASMANIA, ETC. 25 Lowry. Universal Atlas................ 4to N. Y. $6 00 a. Macmillan. Globe Atlas of the World.. 12mo Lond. 3 00 b. Mitchell. New General Atlas.......... 4to Phila. 20 00 -~_ - ~ -~ (smaller). 4to Phila. 10 00 Atlases.-PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY. b. Berghaus. Physical Atlas..............folio Leips. 40 00 Collins. Physical Atlas. 1870. Lond... 4to 5s. Johnston, A. Keith. Atlas of Physical Geography. Edinburgh..... 8vo 7s 6d. Larger work....Folio. 85 00 Atlases.-HISTORICAL. a. Gage. Modern Historical Atlas......... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 b. Koeppen. Atlas of the Middle Ages..... 4to N. Y. 4 50 Spriiner. Atlas Antiquus............... Leips. 11 00 ~- -~ to Hist. Europe......... Leips. 26 00 Asia, Africa, America & Australia.... Leips. 10 00 Australia & Tasmania. Kennedy. Four Years in Queensland London,....16mo 5s. 6d. Stuart, J. M. Explorations in Australia. 1858-62.... 8vo Lond. 3 75 Austria. Abbott, J. S. C. Empire of Austria...... 8vo N. Y. b. Coxe. Hist. of House of Austria, 3 vols.. Lond. 5 25 Dignomitry. Bohemia under Aus. Despot.l2mo N. Y. Hosier. Seven Weeks' War. 1867. 2 vols. London.... 8vo 28s. Kohl. Travels in Austria. Lond........ 8vo 3s. 6d. Michiels. Secret Hist. of Austrian Gov't. London.... 8vo 10s. 6d. Newman, F. W. Crimes of the House of Austria. London,.... 8vo Is. Vehse. Memoirs of Court of Austria. 2 vols.... r. 8vo Lond. Ward, A. W. House of Austria.........12mo Lond. 1 00 Autobiography.-[See Biography.] Autographic-FAC-SIMILES. Autographic Album-470 Fac-Similes.... 4to Lond. 6 00 Autographic Mirror, 2 vols. Folio....... Lond. 21 00 Smith's Literary and Historical Curiosities. 4to Lond. 14 00 Babylon.-[See Nineveh.] Ballads.-[See also Poetry.] Aytoun. Bon Gaultier's Ballads.......... NY. 1 50 Lays of Scottish Cavaliers.....12mo N.Y. 1 50 Bab Ballads (Comic). Illustrated....... 4to Phila. 2 00 26 THE BEST READING. Book of Roxburgh Ballads, ed. by Collier. 4to Lond. Book of Brave Old Ballads. Lond....... 12mo 5s. Bennett Ballad Hist. of England. Lond.12mo 5s. a. Child, Prof. English and Scottish Ballads, Collection of, 8 vols....18mo Bost. $10 00 b. Hall, S.C. Book of British Ballads. Illus. mor....r. 8vo Lond. 13 50 Hayes. Ballads of Ireland............. 12mo N. Y. 1 00 a. Macaulay. Lays of Ancient Rome... m.....12mo Bost. 1 00 Moore. F. Songs of American Revolution.12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Personal and Political Ballads.32mo N. Y. 1 00 a. - Lyrics of Loyalty........... 32mo N. Y. 1 00 Songs of the Soldiers........32mo N. Y. 1 00 -Rebel Rhymes and Rhapsodies.32mo N. Y. 1 00 a. Palgrave. Golden Treas. of Songs and B.16mo Camb. 1 55 b. Percy. Reliquesof Old Eng. Poetry. 1vol. 8vo Phila. 3 00 3 vols.....18mo Lond. Roberts, J. S. Legendary Ballads. Lond. 8vo 7s. 6s. Rimbault. Book of Songs and B. Lond.12mo 5s. Scott. Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border.12mo Edinb. Wilkins. Political Ballads.............. 8vo Lond. 5 00 Ballooning. Glaisher. Travels in the Air.........r. 8vo Phila. 10 00 a. Marion. Wonderful Balloon Ascents...12mo N. Y. 1 50 Verne. Five Weeks in a Bal. (imaginary).12mo N. Y. 1 25 Banks.-BANKING. Francis. History of Bank of England.... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Gibbons, J. S. Banks of New York, &c...12mo N. Y. 1 50 Gilbart. History of Banking. London... 8vo 9s. Gilbart. Treatise on Banking, 2 v. Lond. 8vo 16s. Hankey. Principles of Banking......... 8vo Lond. a. - 1 vol.... 8vo Phila. Logic of Banking. London.......12mo 12s. 6d. Lawson. Hist. of Banks in Gt. Brit. Lond. 8vo 7s. 6d. Martin. Stories of Banks and Bankers. London....16mo 7s. 6d. McCulloch. Money and Banks. Lond. 4to 5s. Battles. Battles of America, by Sea and Land. Ill. 4to N. Y. 13 50 a. Creasy. Fifteen Decisive Battles of World.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Jomini. Campaign of Waterloo.........12mo N. Y. Persse. Battle Record.................. 8vo N. Y. Belgium.-[See Holland and B.] Belles-Letters.-[See Literature.] Bees. Bee Keeping. By "the Times"' Bee Master. London.... 12mo 2s. 6d. BIBLE: ITS HISTORY; AIDS TO THE STUDY OF. 27 a. Huber. Nat. Hist. of Honey Bee. Lond.12mo 6s. a. Langstroth. The Honey Bee...........12mo Phila. $2 00 Pettigrew. Handy Book of Bees. Lond.12mo 2s. 6d. Richardson. Hive & Honey Bees (Saxton).12mo N. Y. Weeks. Management of Bees (Saxton).. 12mo N. Y. Bible (The).-Its History.-[See also Church History, etc.] Anderson. Annals of the English Bible, 2 vols. London,.... 8vo 15s. a. The same, abridged by Prime. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Baker. Manual of Bible History. Lond.12mo 2s. 6d. Blunt. Plain Account of the Eng. Bible. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Gleig. History of the' Bible, 2 vols......18mo N. Y. 1 50 Kitto. History of Palestine.............12mo Bost. 1 75 b. Kitto. Biblical Encyclopedia, 3 vols..R. 8vo Lond. 24 00 a. Popular Cyclopedia of Bible Lit.. 8vo Bost. 4 00 a. Rawlinson. Historical Evidences of Truth of Bible... 12mo Bost. 1 75 a. Ramsard, Mrs. The Book and its Story. 12mo N.Y. 1 50 b. Smith, W. History of the Old and New Testament, each.... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 b. Dictionary of the Bible. [See Dictionaries.] Stuart, Moses. Hist. of Old Test. Canon. 8vo Andov. 1 75 Tischendorf. Discovery of Sinaitic Mss.. Westcott. History of English Bible..... Walden. Hist. of English Bible and its seven Ancestors. 12mo Lond. 1 25 Bible.-AIDS TO THE STUDY OF THE.-[See Holy Land.] Abbott, Lyman. Old Testa. Shadows of New Testa. Truths... 12mo N. Y. 3 50 Alford. How to Study the New Testam't, 3 vols. London,....18mo 10s. 6d. b. New Test. Commentary, 4 vols.. 8vo Lond. 16 00 b. Alexander, J. A. The Psalms; 2 vols., $5; Isaiah, 2 vols., $4; Matthew and Mark, each.l2mo N. Y. 2 00 Angus. Bible Hand Book. Lond.......12mo 10s. Ayre, J. Treasury of Bible Knowledge. Lond. and N. Y... 18mo 4 00 Bengel. Gnomen of the New Testament, 2vols.....R. 8vo N. Y. 9 00 a. Barnes. Notes on Isaiah, 2 vols......... N. Y. 3 00 a. Psalms, 3 vols........ N. Y. 4 50 a. On New Test., 11 vols. N. Y. 16 50 b. Bible Comment (" The Speaker's"). Ed. by Canon Cook. per vol......r. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 a. Blunt, J. J. Key to the Knowledge and Use of Bible....12mo Phila. 1 00 Boardman, H. A. The Bible in the Family.12mo Phila. 1 00 Bible in Count'g House.12mo 1 00 a. Bush. Notes on Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Dent. Joshua, 4 vols.... 12mo N. Y. ea. 1 25 Clarke. Bible Atlas................... 4to Lond. 15 00 28 THE BEST READING. b. Conybeare & Howison. Life and Epistles of St. Paul, 2 vols. in one.... 8vo N. Y. $3 00 Critical and Expl. Pocket Bible, with comt.12mo Bost. 6 50 a. Cruden. Concordance to the Bible.....r. 8vo Lond. 2 75 b. Crosby, Howard. New Test. with Notes. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Dunn. The Study of the Bible..........12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Eadie. Analytical Concordance to Bible. 8vo Bost. 4 00 Hackett, Prof. H. B. Comment. on the Acts.... 8vo Bost. 3 00 ~__ _ -~ ~Illustrations of Scripture. 12mo Bost. 1 50 Hunt, E. M. Bible Notes for Daily Readers, 2 vols..... r. 8vo N. Y. 7 00 b. Horne. Introduc. to the Bible, 2 vols.. r. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 New edition, 4 vols...... 8vo Lond. 20 00 Inglis. The Bible Text Cyclopedia...... 8vo Phila. 3 00 b. Kitto. Daily Bible Illustrations. 8 vols.12mo N. Y. 14 00 b. Kip, Bp. The Unnoticed Things of Scripture....12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Lange. Biblical Commentary, 13 vols... 8vo N. Y. ea. 5 00 b. McClintock & Strong. Bibli. and Theol. Cyclopedia, 4 vols....r. 8vo N. Y. 20 00 a. Malcom. Bible Dictionary..............18mo Bost. 1 25 b. Maunder. Treasury of Bible Knowledge.18mo N. Y. 4 00 Olshausen. Comment. on New Testament, 6vols... 8vo N.Y. 18 00 Owen, Prof. J. J. Commentary on Mark, Luke and John, each.....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Portable Comment. on Old and New Test. By Jamieson, etc., 2 vols.... 8vo Bost. 6 00 Ripley, Prof. Notes on Gospels; Acts, Rom. and Heb., 4 vols....12mo Bost. 5 75 Ritter. Geogr. of Palestine, for Biblical Students. Trans. by Gage, 4 vols.... 8vo N. Y. 14 00 Robinson. Calmet's Dic. of the Bible... r. 8vo Bost. 6 00 & Smith. Biblical Researches in Palestine, 4 vols.... 8vo Bost. 10 00 b. Physical Geogr. of Palestine. 8vo Bost. 3 50 b. Smith, W. Dictionary of the Bible. Ed. by Prof. Hackett, etc., 4 vols. 8vo N. Y. 26 00 Abridged in 1 vol..... N. NY. 5 00 London edition, 3 vols. 8vo 18 00 a. Concise Dict. Lond. & N. Y. 8vo 4 00 ~- - Smaller Dic. 8vo Lond. 3 00 ~ —- ~Another ed. Appleton. 8vo N.Y. 5 00 "Speaker's", (The) Commentary on the Bible. Publishing in large 8vo. vols., each. N.Y. 5 00 Tholuck. Comment. on Gospel of St. John. 8vo N.Y. 3 00 Trench, R. C. Studies on the Gospels... 12mo N. Y. 125 Tyng, S. H. Light in the Dwelling: Commentary on Gospels... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Wood, J. G. Bible Animals............ 8vo N.Y. 5 00 BIBLE, GENERAL ASPECTS OF-BIBLIOGRAPHY, ETC. 29 Bible.-GENERAL ASPECTS OF. Halsey. The Literary Attractions of the Bible....12mo N.Y. $1 75 Liber Librorum: Its Structure, Limita. tion and Purpose....18mo N. Y. 1 50 Matthews, J. M. The Bible, and Men of Culture.... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Spring, Gardiner. The Obligations of the World to the Bible.... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Bibliography. b. Allibone. Dictionary of Authors in English Language. 3 vols..... r. 8vo 22 50 b. Brunet. Manuel de Libraire, - vols..... 8vo Paris. Collier. Bibl. Act. of Rare Books in Eng. Literature, 4 vols..... 8vo N. Y. 12 00 Darling. Cyclo. of Biblical and General Literature, 3 vols......r. 8vo Lond. a. Lowndes. Bibliographer s Manual, 6 vols.12mo Lond. 13 50 c. Malcom, H. Index to Religious Litera. 8vo Phila. 4 00 Bible and Science.-[See Science and Religion.] Billiards. Crawley. The Billiard Book............ 8vo Lond. 7 50 Phelan. Hand Book of Billiards.........16mo N. Y. 1 50 Biography.-DICTIoNARIES. Alien. American Biog. Diet. (o. p.)...... 8vo Bost. Beeton. Diet. of Universal Biography. 8vo L. & N. 3 50 a. Godwin. Cyclo. of Biog. By Shepard... 12mo N. Y. 3 50 b. Haydn. Index of Biography........... 8vo Lond. 7 50 Hawks. Biographical Dictionary........ 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Hole & Wheeler. Brief Biog. Dictionary.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Imperial Diet. of Biography, 3 vols.....r. 8vo Lond. 18 00 a. Men of the Time (contemporary biog.).... 8vo Lond. 6 00 Maunder. Biographical Treasury.......18mo N. Y. 4 00 b. Smith. Dict. of Greek andRom. B., 3 vols. 8vo Lond. 22 50 a. abridg.12mo N. Y. 2 50 b. Thomas. Cyclo. of Biography (Lippincott), 2 vols....r. 8vo Phila. 22 00 Valpereau. Dict. des Contemporaines... 8vo Paris. 12 50 Biography.-COLLECTED WORKS; AMERICAN. Barrett. The Old Merchants of New York, 4 vols....1l2mo N.Y. 7 00 Belknap. American Biography, 3 vols...18mo N. Y. 2 25 Cooper, J. F. Dist. Naval Officers, 2 vols.12mo Phila. b. Ellett, Mrs. Women of the Revolution, 3 vols....12mo N. Y. 5 25 Eminent Individuals in Amer. Hist., 3 vols.12mo N. Y. 4 50 30 THE BEST READING. Flanders. Lives of Chief Justices of Sup. Court of U. S., 2 vols.... 8vo N.. $5 00 Hamersly. Living Officers of U. S. Navy. 8vo Phila. 5 00 Headley. Washington and his Generals, 2 vols....l2mo N. Y. 3 50 Lanman. Diet. of Congress............. 8vo Hartf'd 4 00 b. Lossing. Eminent Americans........... 8vo N. Y. Pioneer Biography: Ohio............... 8vo Cincin. 3 50 Parker, Theo. Historic Americans...... 8vo Bost. 1 50 Sabine. Loyalists of Amer. Revol., 2 vols. Bost. 7 00 b. Sparks. American Biogr. Library of. 1st Series, 10 vols.............12mo N. Y. 12 50 b. 2d Series, 15 vols..............12mo Bost. 15 00 Sprague. Annals of American Pulpit, 9 v. 8vo N. Y. 36 00 Thatcher. Indian Biography, 2 vols....18mo N. Y. 1 50 Raymond. Women of the South, 2 vols. Phila. 6 00 Biography.-COLLECTED WORKS; WOMEN. Adams. Cyclopedia of Female Biography.l2mo 1 75 Balfour, C. L. Working-Women of Last Century. London.... 8vo 3s. 6d. a. Child, Mrs. Celebrated Women........12mo N. Y. 75 Good Wives............... 12no Bost. 1 50 Mad. de Stael & Roland...12mo N. Y. 75 Noble Deeds of Am. Women.l2mo Bost. 1 50 a. Crossland (Mrs.) Memorable Women....18mo N. Y. 1 50 Ellett, Mrs. Pioneer Women of the West.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Queens of Society..........12mo N. Y. 3 00 Women Artists............12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Hale, Mrs. Woman's Record............ 8vo N. Y. 5 00 a. Jameson, Mrs. Female Sovereigns, 1 vol.12mo Phila. 1 50 2 vols.18mo N. Y. 1 50 Kavanagh. English Women of Letters, 2 vols. London.... 8vo 21s. Exemplary Women of Christ'y. 8vo Lond. -- French Women of Letters, 2 vols. London... 8vo 21s. a. St. Beuve. Portraits of Celebr'd Women.16mo Bost. 2 00 b. Strickland, Agnes. Queens of England, 6 vols.... Lond. 13 50 Abridged, I vol. N. Y. 2 50 Queens of Scotland, 8 vols.12mo N. Y. 12 00 Trollope, T. A. Decade of Ital. Women, 2 vols. London.... 8vo 22s. Warton; The Queens of Society.........12mo L. & N. 2 50 Women of History. By eminent Writers.18mo Lond. 2 00 Biography.-COLLECTED; SCIENTIFIC. Arago. Distingu. Scientific Men. Lond. Svo 18s. a. Brewster, Sir D. Martyrs of Science....18mo N. Y. 75 Dirchs. Inventors and Inventions. Lond. 8vo 4s. Milzia. Celebrated Architects........ 8vo Lond. 4 50 BIOGRAPHY, COLLECTED: LITERARY-ARTISTS, ETC. 31 Smiles. Lives of the Engineers, 3 vols... Lond. Stephensons....... 12mo N. Y. $1 50 a. Industrial Biog.....12mo Bost. 1 50 Biography.-COLLECTED; LITERARY. Brougham. Men of Letters and Science. Time of George III. London.... 8vo 5s: Curwen. Successful Booksellers. 1871.. 8vo Lond, a. De Quincey. Biographical Essays.......12mo Bost. 1 50 Fenelon. Ancient Philosophers..........18mo N. Y. 75 French Authors at Home, 2 vols........ Lond. 2 0' Hall, S. C. Book of Memories of Great Men and Women of the Age..... 8vo Lond. 10 00 b. Homes of American Authors............. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 b. Howitt, W. Homes and Haunts of British Authors, 2 vols..... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Jeaffreson. Lives of British Novelists. London, 2 vols.... 21s. a. Johnson, Dr. Lives of the Poets, 2 vols.12mo Phila. 3 00 Montgomery. Authors of Italy, Spain and Portugal (E. C. L.), 3 vols..... Lond. Morley. English Writers, 3 vols........ 8vo 15 00 Russell. Book of Authors.............. 12mo Lond. 1 75 Scott, Sir W. Lives of Eminent Novelists (In his Prose Works).... Shelley, Mrs. Authors of France (Ed.Cab. Lib.) 2 vols.....12mo Edinb. Stebbins. Lives of Italian Poets........ 12mo Lond. 1 7N Biography.-COLLECTED; ARTISTS. Bryan. Dictionary of Painters (chiefly included in Spooner).....r. 8vo Lond. b. Supplement to do. Liv. Artists..r. 8vo Lond. 4 50 Cunningham. Lives of Brit. Paint. and Sculpt. 6 vols. 18mo. Lond.; or 5 vols.18mo N. Y. 3 75 a. Jameson. Mrs. Lives of Italian Painters.16mo Bost. 2 00 b. Lanzi. History of Painting, &c., 5 vols. Bohn. 8 75 Perkins, Ch. C. Tuscan Sculptors; their Lives and Works, 2 vols.... 4to Bost. 22 50 Italian Sculptors; their Lives and Works. Imp.... 8vo Bost. 16 00 b. Spooner. Dict. of Painters, Sculptors, etc. 2 vols...... 8vo 10 00 a. Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the Artists; American Artist Life.... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Illust. Ed..-r. 8vo N. Y. 30 00 Urbino, Mrs. The Princes of Art, Painters, etc....12mo Bost. 2 00 b. Vasari. Lives of the Painters, 5 vols... 12mo Bohn. 8 75 Biography.-COLLECTED; POLITICAL, LEGAL, MILITARY, MEDICAL. Barrow. Naval Worthies of Reign of Qu'n Elizabeth. (1845.) London.... 8vo 14s. 32 THE BEST READING. Brougham. Statesmen of Time of Geo. III., 3 vols. Lond.... 8vo 31s. 6d. & Lyndhurst, Lives of. By Campbell.... 8vo Lond. 6 00 b. Campbell. Lives of the Lord Chancellors. 10 vols.... 8vo Lond. 20 00 Chief Justices. 3 vols. London.... 8vo 42s. Cust, Sir E. Lives of the Warriors......12mo Lond. b. Foster, John, Statesmen of Commonwealth.... 8vo N. Y. 2 25 Foss. Biog. Dict. of Judges of England. 8vo L. & B. 6 50 Gleig. Lives of Brit. Commanders, 3 vols.16mo Lond. James. Foreign Statesmen. (1837.) 5 v. Lond.17s. 6d. Great Commanders. Lond...... 12mo 5s. Kaye. Lives of Indian Officers, 3 vols.... Lond. 7 50 Lives of Drake, Cavendish and Dampier.. 18mo N. Y. 75 Mitchell, Gen. Eminent Soldiers of last four Centuries..... Proctor. The Bench and Bar of New York. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Pettigrew. Biogr. Mem's of Physicians...r. 8vo Lond. 6 00 Shiel. Sketches of the Irish Bar, 2 vols. London... 12mo 21s. a. Smith, Goldwin. Three Eng. Statesmen.12mo N.Y. 1 50 Biography.-COLLECTED; SELF-TAUGHT MEN. a. Craik. Pursuit of Knowledge under Difficulties, 2 vols....18mo N. Y. 1 50 Davenport. Lives of Self Made Men. London....18mo 3s. 6d. Seymour. Self-Made Men............. 12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Smiles. Self-Help..................... 12mo Bost. 1 50 Biography.-COLLECTED; MISCELLANEOUS. a. Abbott, J. Biog. of Illustrious Men and Women, 29 vols................ 1mo N. Y. ea. 1 20 Bourne. Famous London Merchants.....16mo N. Y. 1 00 a. Book of Golden Deeds (Golden Treasury). 16mo Lond. 1 25 Bulwer, H. L. Histor. Characters. Lond. 8vo 6s. Chambers, W. Lives Eminent Scotsmen, 4 vols. Edinburgh. 60s. Cornelius, Nepos. Roman Biographies... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Coleridge, S. T. Notes on Eng. Divines. 2 vols....12mo Lond. a. Edgar. Boyhood of Great Men..........16mo N. Y. 1 20 Sea Kings and Naval Heroes..16mo N. Y. 1 20 Farrar. Seekers after God: Seneca, &c..12mo Phila. 1 75 Fuller. Worthies of England, etc., 3 vols. London.... 8vo 18s. b. Grote. Plato and the Companions of Socrates, 3 vols.... Lond. 16 50 Houssaye. Men and Women of 18th Century, 2 vols..... N.Y. 3 00 BIOGRAPHY, MISCELLANEOUS-BIOGRAPHY, INDIVIDUAL. 33 Houssaye. Philosophers and Actresses, 2 vols. N. Y. $3 00 James, G. P. R. Lives of De Retz, Colbert, etc.... 8vo Lond. b. Jesse. Lives of the Pretenders.........12mo Lond. 2 50 Jones, J. W. Boyhood of Great Men.....12mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Lodge. Portraits of Illustrious Persons. 8 vols...12mo Lond. 18 00 Martin. Contemporary Biography....... Macaulay. Biographies, from Ency. Brit.12mo 3s. 6d. b. Martineau, Harriet. Biographl. Sketches. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Middleton. Evangel. Biography, 4 vols.. 8vo Lond. Montalembert. Monks of the West..... 8vo Edinb. a. Plutarch. Lives of Famous Men. Edited by A. H. Clough, 5 vols.... 8vo Bost. 15 00 ~ — ~ - (or) by Langhorn. 4 vols.12mo N. Y. 5 00 1 vol. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Russell. Eccentric Persons............ 12mo N. Y. Bedding. Remarkable Misers, 2 vols. London.... 8vo 21s. a. Smiles. Brief Biographies............. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Stebbings. Lives of the Italian Poets...12mo Lond. 1 25 St. John. Celebrated Travels, 3 vols.....18mo N. Y. 2 25 Taylor. Modern British Plutarch.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Thatcher. Indian Biography, 2 vols.....18mo N. Y. 1 50 American Medical Biog..o.p. 8vo a. Thackeray. The Four Georges.........12mo N. Y. 1 25 Timbs. School Days of Eminent Men. English Eccentricities.......... London....12mo 5s. Ware. American Unitarian Biog. 2 vols.12mo Bost. 3 00 b. Walton. Lives of Hooker, Doune, etc... 12mo N. Y. 2 25 Wharton. The Queens of Society.......12mo N. Y. 1 75 Wits and Beaux of Society... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Wilson. Wonderful Characters......... 12mo Lond. Biography-INDIVIDUAL.-(Alphabeted by names of subjects, not authors.) Abernethy. By Macllwain..............12mo N. Y. 1 50 Abrantes, Duchess d'. Memoirs, 8 vols. London.... 8vo 112s. Adams, Saml., Life. By Wells, 3 vols... 8vo Bost. 12 00 b. John. By J. Q. Adams & Cli. F. A. 8vo Phila. 3 00 ~- John Quincy. By Ch. Fr. Adams. 12mo Phila. Addison. By Lucy Aikin. 1834. 2 vols. Lond. Agrippa, Cornelius. By Henry Morley.... 12mo Lond. Albert, Prince, Early Years. By Grey... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Allibone, Susan. By Rev. A. Lee........ 8vo Phila. 2 25 b. Alexander, Rev. Dr. By H. C. Alexander, 2 vols....12mo N. Y. 5 00 Alfieri, Count, Autobiography, 2 v. Lond. 8vo 18s. a. Alfred the Great. By Thos. Hughes.....18mo Bost. 1 50 a. Alexander the Great. By J. Abbott....16mo N. Y. 1 20 84 THE BEST READING. Ames, Fisher. By Kirkland........... a. Andersen, Hans. Story of my Life.......12mo N. Y. $1 75 b. Andre, Major. By Winthrop Sargent.... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Angelo, Michel. By Grimm, 2 vols..... 8vo Lond. 5 00 By Harford, 2 vols....... 8vo Lond. 6 00 & Raphael. By Duppa.... 12mo Lond. 2 25 Anne of Austria. By Freer, 2 vols....... 8vo Lond. 7 50 Aquinas, Thos., Life of. By Hampden...16mo Lond. Arminius. By Bangs.................. 18mo N. Y. 75 b. Arnold, Dr. By Dean Stanley, 2 vols. in 1.12mo Bost. 2 00 Arnold, Thos. By Worbaise........... 8vo Lond. 1 50 Ars, Cure of. By Grimm...............12mo Bait. 2 00 a. Audubon, J. J., Life and Journals. By his widow....12mo N. Y. 2 50 a. Augustine, St., Life. By Schoff......... Austen, Jane. By Austen-Leigh. Lond.. 12mo 12s. Bacon, Lord. By W. H. Dixon.......o. p.12mo Phila. 1 50 By Macaulay (in his works). Balboa, Cortes and Pizzaro..............18mo N. Y. 75 Barante. By Guizot. Translated by M. Craik..... 8vo Lond. 2 00 Barham, Rev. R. H. By R. D. Bach, 2 vols. London.... 8vo 21s. Barnum, P. T. Struggles and Triumphs.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Barrington, Sir J. Sketches of his Own Times, 2 vols..... 8vo Lond. 6 00 Bayard, Chevalier. By W. G. Simms....12mo N. Y. 1 50 By rWalford.......16mo Lond. 1 25 Beaumarchais and his Times. By Lomeire. 4 vols. London.... 8vo 42s. Becket, Thos. a. By Millman........... Beecher, Lyman. Autobiography. Ed. by Chas. B. 2 vols......12mo N. Y. 5 00 b. Beethoven. By Moschelles..............16mo Bost. 2 00 By Schindler............... Belisarius. By Lord Mahon.............12mo N. Y. 1 50 Bentham. By Bowring (in his Works).. Beranger. Autobiography, 2 vols. Lond. 8vo 14s. Bethune, Mrs. By her Son.............. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Bismarck. By Hesekiel............... vo N. Y. 3 00 Blake, Admiral. By W. H. Dixon.......12mo Lond. Blake, Wm. (Painter). By Gilchrist, 2 v. 8vo Lond. 8 00 Blessington, Lady. By Madden, 2 vols...12mo N. Y. 3 00 Boardman, G. D. (Missionary). By Dr. Williams...12mo Bost. 1 25 Boone, Daniel. By Bogart..............12mo Bost. 1 50 Borgia, Lucrezia. By Gilbert, 2 vols. Lond.12mo 21s. Bourbon Prince (Louis XVII.). By Tomes.18mo N. Y. 75 Brainerd, Rev. T. By M. Brainerd.......12mo Phila. 2 50 Brant (Indian Chief). WV. L. Stone, 2 vols. 8vo Albany. 5 00 b. Bremer, Fredrika and Post.Wks. By Stone.l2mo N. Y. 1 75 Bright, John. By McGilchrist........... 16mo N. Y. 50 BIOGRAPHY —INDIVIDUAL. 35 a. Bronte, Charlotte. By Mrs. Gaskell.... 16mo L. & P. $1 25 Brougham, Lord. By Lord Campbell. Lon. 8vo 16s. b. By himself, 2 vols......1mo N. Y. 4 00 Brown John. By Redpath..............12mo Bost. 1 00 Brunel, Sir I. By I. K. Brunel.......... Bruce (Traveller). By Sir F. B. Head.....18mo N. Y. 75 Buckingham, Duke of. By Mrs. Thompson. London. 3 vols....2mo 30s. b. Bunsen, Baron. By his Widow, 2 vols...12mo Lon&P. 7 50 b. Burke, Edmund. By Prior, 2 vols.......12mo Bost. 3 00 By John Morley....... 8vo Lond. 2 50 Burns, Robt. By Carlyle...............18mo N. Y. 1 00 b. By Chambers, 4 vols......12mo N. Y. 6 00 a. By Lockhart.............18mo N. Y. 75 Burr, Aaron. By M. L. Davis. 2 vols.... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 a. By Jas. Parton, 2 vols...... 8vo Bost. 6 00 Buxton, Sir Fowell. By C. Buxton. Lond.12mo 2s. 6. b. Byron, Lord. By Moore, 2 vols......... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 By Guiccioli..............12mo N. Y. 1 75 Cabot, Sebastian. By Biddle. 1831...... 8vo Phila. b. Caesar, Julius. By Napoleon III., 2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 7 00 Canning, Geo. By Bell.................. 2mo N. Y. 1 00 Calderon. By French...........Lond. 12mo 7s. 6d. Calhoun, J. C., Life and Writings, 6 vols... 8vo N. Y. 15 00 Carson, Kit. By Burdett..............12mo Phila. 1 75 Cartwright, Inventor of power loom......12mo Lond. 2 50 Calvin, John. By Dyer......8vo, Lond.; 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Campbell, Thos. By Beattie, 3 vols. 8vo, London; 2 vols.12mo N. Y. 3 00 Alex. By Richardson, 2 vols.. 8vo 3 50 Carlyle, Dr. A. Memoirs........Lond... 8vo 14s. Catherine II. of Russia. By herself..... 8vo N. Y. 1 25 Cavour, Count. By Botta.............. 8vo N. Y. 1 25 By Dicey.............. 8vo Lond. By De la Rive......... 8vo Lond. 2 50 a. Cellini, Benvenuto. By herself......... 12mo Lond. 1 75 Cervantes. By Roscoe.................12mo Lond. 1 75 b. Chalmers, Dr. Thos. By Hanna, 4 vols... 12mo N.. 6 00 By Dr. Wayland........ 12mo Bost. 1 00 By J. Dodds............ 12mo N. Y. 1 25 b. Channing, Rev. Dr. W. E. By W. H. Channing, 1 vol, $1; 3 vols..12mo Bost. 2 50 a. Charlemagne. By G. P. R. James.......18mo N. Y. 75 CharlesV. CloisterLife. ByStirling. Lon. 8vo 8s. Autobiography. Trans. by Clayton. London.... 8vo 6s. 6d. b. By Robertson. Ed. by Prescott, 3 vols. 8vo Phila. 7 50 a. Charles I. and II. By J. Abbott, each.... 16mo N. Y. 1 20 b. Charles XII., Sweden. By Voltaire......12mo N. Y. 2 25 Chatterton. By Dix. 1845.............12mo Bost. By Prof. Wilson..........12mo Lond. 2 00 36 THE BEST READING. b. Choate, Rufus. By Brown.............. 8vo Bost. $2 50 Chopin (Musician). By Liszt............ 16mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Cicero. By Forsyth, 2 vols.............. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Clay, Henry. By Colton, 2 vols..........8vo N. Y. 4 50 By Smucker.............. 12mo Phila. 1 75 Clinton, Dewitt. By Campbell. 1849.... 8vo N. Y. Clive, Lord. By Gleig. [See also Macaulay.] London.... 12mo 6s. Cobden, Richard. By McGilchrist....... 16mo N. Y. 50 Cochrane, Lord. By himself and his son, 3 vols.... 8vo Lond. Coligny. By D. D. Scott...............16mo Edinb. a. Columbus. By Irving, 3 vols. 3 75. 3 v.12mo N. Y. 6 75 b. By Arthur Helps...........12mo Lon&P. 2 00 b. Coleridge. Biographia Literaria. Lon. 1 75. 2 vols....12mo N. Y. 3 00 By Gillman................. Colonna Vittoria. By Mrs. Roscoe.......12mo Lond. Conde (" the Great"). By Lord Mahon...12mo N. Y. Confucius. By Jas. Legge, D. D......... 8vo Phila. 4 00 Constable (the Painter). By C. 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Y. 2 50 Fairfax, Lord. By Markham. 1871..... 8vo Lond. 5 00 Faraday (Chemist). By Bence Jones, 2 v. 8vo Phila. 10 00 a. as Discoverer. By Tyndall....12mo N. Y. 1 00 Farragut, Admiral. By Headley.........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Fechter, J. G. By W. Smith. 1865. Lon.12mo 4s. Fitch, John (Inventor). By Westcott.....12mo Phila. 1 25 Foster, John; Life and Correspondence. By Ryland..........12mo Bost. 2 00 Fox, Chas. J. By Lord John Russell, 2 v. Lond. 6 00 Francis of Assisi. By Mrs. Olyphant....12mo Lond. 1 75 Francis, Sir Philip; Memoirs of, 2 v. Lon. 8vo 30s. Fourier, Chas. By E. Pellarin. Lond.12mo 2s. a. Franklin, Benj. Autobiog. Ed.byBigelow. 8vo Phila. 2 50 b. Life. By Parton, 2 vols. 8vo Bost. 6 00 -- Illust. By Chapman. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 a. (for Boys). By Mayhew.l8mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Life and Writings, 2 vols.l8mo N. Y. 1 50 b. By Sparks.............. 8vo Phila. 3 00 b. Frederick the Great. By Carlyle, 6 vols.l2mo N. Y. 12 00 -~- ~ - - ~ new ed. 10 vs.16mo Lond. 9 00 b. - By J. S. C. Abbott. I1. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 ~__- ~_ - By Lord Dover, 2 v.18mo Lond. 1 50 By Macaulay.......18mo N. Y. 1 00 Fry, Mrs. (Philanthropist). By Mrs. Creswell. London.... 8vo 8s. 6d. Fuller, Margaret. (See Ossoli.) Fulton, Robt. By Colden. 1817......... 8vo N. Y. Fuseli (Artist). ByKnowles, 3 vols. Lond. 8vo 21s. a. Galileo (Astronomer); Private Life of..... 12mo Bost. 1 50 - Life of. L. & N. Y.. 12mo Garibaldi. By T. Dwight...............12mo N. Y. By himself.................. 12mo Lond. Garrick. By Fitzgerald, 2 vols..........8vo Lond. 15 00 George IV. of England. By Croly....... 18mo N. Y. 75 Gibbon; Autobiography and Correspond.12mo Lond. 1 75 Life. By Lord Sheffield.'37. Lon. 8vo 14s. Gifford, W. (Critic); Autobiog. Lond... 18mo 3s. 6d. Gladstone. W. E. By McGilchrist........16mo N. Y. 50 Goethe; Characteristics of. By Mrs. Austen, 3 vols.....12mo Lond. 38 THE BEST READING. b. Life. By G. H. Lewes.......... 8vo Lond. $8 00 Autobiography. Translated by Godwin, etc., 2 vols.....12mo N. Y. Trans. by Oxenford, 2 v. Lond. 3 50 b. Goldsmith. By John Forster. Illus. 2 v. 8vo Lond. 5 00 a. - By Irving. 16mo, $1.25 & $1.75.12mo N. Y. 2 25 By Prior, 2 vols. 1837. Lond. 8vo 21s. Goodrich, S. G. (Peter Parley) Recollections, 2 vols.....12mo N. Y. 3 50 Gough, J. B. (Autobiography)............ 8vo Lond. 3 25 Grammont, Count. By Hamilton........12mo Lond. 1 75 b. Grant, U. S., Prest. By Gen. Badeau, 1 v. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 ~ - - ~ By Richardson...... 8vo N. Y. Grattan, Henry (Irish Orator). By his son. 5 vols. London.... 8vo 70s. Greeley, Horace. Recollec. of Busy Life. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 b. Life. By Parton........ 8vo Bost. 3 00 b. Greene, Gen. Nath'l. By G. W. Greene, 3 vols... 8vo N. Y. 12 00 By Johnson and by Caldwell, o. p. Greenough, Horatio. By Tuckerman, 1853.12mo N. Y. Gresham, Sir Thos. By McFarland. Lon.12mo Is. 6d. Gustavus Adolphus. By Chapman. Lon. 8vo 5s. By Harte. 1767. 2 vols. 8vo Lond. Guyon, Madame. By Upham. 2 vols...12mo N. Y. 3 00 Guizot. Memoirs of a Minister of State. London.... 8vo 14s. b. Hall, Rev. Robt. By,Dr. Gregory........12mo Lond. 1 75 Hamilton, Alex. By J. C. Hamilton. 1840. 2 vols.... 8vo N.Y. By Renwick............ 18mo N. Y. 75 Rev. J. By Arnot..............12mo N. Y. 2 50 Sir Wm. By Veitch........... 8vo Edinb. Life and Remains, 2 vols. London....12mo 10s. b. Hampden and his Times. By Lord Nugent.l2mo Lond. 2 25 Handel (musician). By Schoelcher....... 12mo N. Y. 2 50 a. Hannibal. By Arnold(?) By J.Abbott... 6mo N.Y. 1 20 Harrison, Prest., W. H. 1840........... 18mo N. Y. Hastings, Warren. By Gleig. 3 vols. Lon. 8vo 30s. - By Macaulay. [See his Essays.] Hatton, Sir Christ. By H. Nicolas. Lond. 8vo 15s. a. Havelock, Gen. By Brock.............18mo N. Y. 75 By Headley..............12mo N.. 1 50 Haydon, R. B. (artist.) Autobiography. 1853. 2 vols.... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Hazlitt, Wm. (Essayist.) By his son. 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 6 00 ~- ~- Literary Remains, 2 vols. Lon. 8vo 13s. 6d. Heber,Bishop. 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By his wife...........12mo Lond. 1 75 Huss, John. By E. H. Gillett, 2 vols..... 8vo Bost. 7 00 Inchbald,Mrs. (Dramatist.) Mem. & Corr., 2 vols. Lond... 8vo 28s. Irving, Washington. By his nephew, 4 vols.12mo N. Y. 9 00 a. - Condensed, 3 vols., $3.75; 3 vols.l2mo 6 75 b. Irving, Edward, Rev. By Mrs. Olyphant, 2 vols....12mo N. Y. 3 50 Jackson, Andrew. By Cobbett........ 18mo N. Y. 75 By Walker..........12mo Phila. 1 75 b. - By Parton, 3 vols..... 8vo N. Y. 9 00 Jackson, "Stonewall." By J. E. Cooke... 8vo N. Y. ~- ~ By Dabney........ 8vo N. Y. Jay, John (Ch'f Justice). By W. Jay, 2 vols. 8vo N. Y. ~_ - By Hamilton and Renwick.....18mo N. Y. 75 Jefferson, Thos. Autobiog. 1830. 4 vols. 8vo Bost. Life. By Randall, 3 vols. 8vo Phila. 10 00 By Tucker. 1853. 2 vols. 8vo Phila. a. - By Randolph.......... 8vo N.Y. 2 50 Domestic Life. Illus..... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Character of. By Dwight. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Observations on. By Lee. 1833. Jeffrey, Lord (Critic). 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By Sir Walter Scott, 5 v. Lond. 8vo 20s. b. - at St. Helena. By Las Casas. 4v.12mo N. Y. 6 00 - Voice from St. Helena. By O'Meara, 2 vols....12mo N. Y. 4 00 - Life. ByLaurent del'Ardeche. 8vo N.Y. 3 00 Napoleon III. By J. S. C. Abbott........ 8vo Hartf. 5 00 Neal, Jno. Autobiography............1.2mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Nelson, Lord. By Southey.............. 18mo N. Y. 75 a. Newton, Sir Isaac. By Brewster........18mo N. Y. 75 Niebuhr (Historian). By Chev. Bunsen.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Nollekens (Sculptor). By Smith. o. p. 2 v. 8vo Lond. Northcote (Painter). By Hazlitt.. do. 8vo Lond. O'Connell, Daniel. By Daunt.......2 vols. 8vo Lond. Oglethorp'e, Gen. By Rob. Wright...... 12mo Lond. 3 50 Ossoli, Margaret Fuller, March. d'. By Emerson, 2 vols.... 12tno Bost. Otis, James. By Tudor. 1823.......... 8vo Bost. Opie, Amelia. By Brightwell. Lond.... 12mo 2s. 6d. Palissy, B. (" The Potter.") By Morley...12mo Lond. 2 25 Palmerston, Lord. By Bulwer, 2 vols.... 8vo L.& P. 5 00 By McGilchrist......18mo N. Y. 50 Paine, Thos. By G. Vail............... 8vo N. Y. Parker, Theo. By Weiss, 2vols......... 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Paulding, J. K. By his son..............12mo N. Y. 2 50 Paul, St. By Renan.................. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. - By Conybeare & Howison...... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Pascal, Blaise. Convent Life at Port Royal.12mo N. Y. b. Pellico, Silvio. Imprisonments. By Sargent....12mo Bost. 1 75 Penn, Wm. By W. H. Dixon........... 12mo Phila. By Macaulay (in his works). - By Janney................ 8vo Phila. a. Pepys, Sam'l. Diary and Correspondence.12mo L. & N. 2 50 Peel, Sir Robt. Life and Times. By Taylor, 4 vols. Lond.... 42s. Perceval, J. G. (Poet.) By Ward, 2 vols..12mo Bost. 3 00 Perry, Commodore. By Mackenzie, 2 vols.18mo N. Y. 1 50 Perthes, Fred'k. By C. F. Perthes. Edinb.12mo 6s. BIOGRAPHY-INDIVIDUAL. 43 a. Peter the Great. By Barrow............18mo N.Y. $ 75 By Voltaire. Lond.... 12mo s. Petrarch. By Thos. Campbell. Lond.....8vo 16s. Petigru, J. L., Life of. By WV. J. Grayson.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Pfeiffer, Ida. Autobiography and Travels.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Phillidor (Chess Player). By Allen...... 8vo Phila. Philip II. (of Spain.) By Chas. Gayarre. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 b. Philip II. (of Spain). By Prescott, 3 vols. 8vo Phila. 7 50 - III. By Watson. Lond. 8vo 8s. Pickering, Timothy. By...........1 vol. 8vo Bost. 3 50 Pierce, F. (Prest.). By Hawthorne.......12mo Bost. 75 Pinckney, Wim. By Wheaton (Sparks, American Biography).... Pitt, Wm. By Macaulay.............. 18mo N. Y. 1 00 - By Earl Stanhope, 4 v. Lond. 8vo 42s. Pizarro. By Arthur Helps............... 8vo L. & P. 2 75 Pocahontas. By Rev. E. D. Neill........12mo Alb. 1 00 Porson, Rich'd. By Watson........... 8vo Lond. 3 75 Prentiss, S. S. By G. L. Prentiss, 2 vols.. 12mo N. Y. 3 50 b. Prescott, Wm. H. (Historian). By Ticknor.12mo Bost. 2 00 Pugin, A. W. & A. M.; Recollections. By Ferry. London.... 8vo 7s. 6d. Pulzsky, Theresa. By herself, 2 vols. Lond.12mo 12s. Potter, A. (Bp. of Pa.). By Rev. Dr. Howe. 8vo Phila. 3 00 b. Quincy, Josiah. By Edmund Quincey.... 8vo Bost. 3 00 Quitman, Gen. By Claiborne, 2 vols.....12mo N. Y. 3 50 Raikes, T.; Journal, 2 vols. London..... 8vo 12s. Raleigh, Sir Walter. By Edwards, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 9 00 - ~- ~- By Kingsley.;....12mo Bost. 1 75 By St. John, 2 vols. London.... 16mo 10s. 6d. ~- - - By Mrs. Thompson. London....12mo 2s. 6d. Randolph, John. By Garland, 2 vols... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Raphael & MichelAngelo. By Duppa....12mo Lond. 2 50 Red Jacket (Indian Chief). By W. L. Stone. 8vo Alb'y. 5 00 b. Recamier, Madame. By Luyster........12mo Bost. 2 00 Reed, Joseph, Gen. (Sparks' Amer. Biog.) Rembrandt. By John Burnet. Lond... 4to 12s. Retz, Cardinal de. Memoirs, 4 vols......12mo Lond. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. By Leslie........ 8vo Lond. - - By Northcote, 2 v. Lond. 8vo 21s. Richelieu, Cardinal. By Robson. Lond..12mo 5s. Richter, Jean Paul. Byhimself. Lond..12mo 7s. 6d. By Lee............. 12mo Bost. Riedesel, Baroness. By W. L. Stone..... 8vo Alb'y. 3 00 Ritter, Carl. By W. L. Gage............12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Robertson, F. W. Life and Letters......12mo Bost. 2 00 -m...... 12mo N. Y. 150 Robespierre. ByLewes........Lond....12mo 9s. b. Robinson, H. Crabb. Diary, 2 vols......12mo Bost. 4 00 Rogers, Samuel (Poet). Recollections... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 44 THE BEST READING. b. Roland, Madame. By Abbott...........16mo N. Y. $1 20 - By Mrs. Child.....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Romilly, Sir J. Autobiography, 2 v.'on.12mo 12s. Rossini (Composer). By Edwards........ 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Rousseau. Confessions. Abridged. Lond.12mo 2s. 3d. Rousseau. Confessions. ~ Illustrated......12mo Lond. 3 00 Rubens, Peter Paul. By Waagen. Lond.12mo 6s. Russell, Lord Wm. By Earl Russell. Lond.12mo 5s. Salvator Rosa. By Lady Morgan........ 8vo Lond. 1 25 Savanorola. Life and Times. 1843. Lond.12mo 6s. 6d. SchEeffer, Ary. By Mrs. Grote. Lond... 8vo 8s. 6d. b. Schiller. By Carlyle. 16mo. Lond., 90cts.12mo Bost. Schimmelpenick, Mrs. Life and Letters. London....12mo 10s. 6d. Schliermacher. Reminiscences, 2 vols. 12mo Edinb. 21s. Scott, Sir Walter. By Chambers, 2 vols. 8vo 21s. By Gilfillan.........12mo Lond. 1 25 b. -- By Lockhart, 9 vols..12mo Bost. 11 25 By McLeod........ 12mo N. Y. 1 25 a. -- By Mackenzie.......12mo Bost. 2 00 Scott, Gen. Winfield. Autobiography, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 4. 00 By Headley....... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 - ~- ~ By Mansfield.....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Schuyler, Gen. Philip. By Lossing..... 12mo N. Y. 2 50 Seaton, W. W. By his Daughter........12mo Bost. 2 00 Seward, W. H. By G. E. Baker.........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Sedgewick, Miss C. M. By Mary E. Dewey.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Shakespeare. By Chas. Knight..........8vo Lond. b. By Grant White.......... 8vo Bost. 2 50 and his times. By Guizot. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Shaftesbury, Earl of. By Martin, 2 v. Lond. 8vo 28s. Shelley; Melhorials of. London........12mo 5s. ~ — Life and Works. By Rosetti.... 12mo Lond. 1 75 b. Sheridan, R. Brinsley. By Moore, 2 vols.12mo N. Y. 3 00 Siddons, Mrs. By Thos. Campbell.. 1834.12mo N. Y. Sidney, Sir Philip; Life and times......12mo Bost. - H. F. Bourne....... 8vo Lond. 3 50 Algernon. By Van Santvoord.....12mo N. Y. 1 00 Silliman, Benj. By Geo. P. Fisher, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 5 00 Smith, Capt. John. By G. S. Hillard..... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 By Simms.........12mo Phila. 1 75 Sydney. By Lady Holland, 2 vols.l2mo N. Y. 3 00 - Sol.; Thirty Years' Theatricals... 8vo N. Y. Sobieski, J. By Palmer. b. Socrates. By Grote..................... 18mo N. Y. 1 00 Southey, Robt.; and Correspondence..... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Spring, Gardiner; Personal Reminis., 2 v.l2mo N. Y. 4 00 St. Augustine. By Bailey..........~.....16mo N. Y. 1 25 St. Paul; Continuous History. By Tait..12mo Lond. 3 00 St. Simon, Duke de. Memoirs, 4 v. Lond.12mo 42s. b. Sterling, John. By Carlyle.............16mo Lond. 90 Stephenson George. By Smiles.........12mo Bost. 1 50 BIOGRAPHY-INDIVIDUAL. 45 Story, Judge. By W. W. Story, 2 vols.... 8vo Bost. $5 00 b. Steuben, Baron. By Fredk. Kapp....... 8vo N.Y. 3 00 ~ —-- ~- (Sparks' American Biography). Stirling, Lord. By Duer................. 8vo N. Y. Swetchine, Madame. By Falloux........ 12mo Bost. 2 00 Swedenborg, E. By White............. 8vo L. & P. 5 00............. 12mo Phila. 1 50 Swift, Jona. By Scott (see his Works). Talleyrand. By McHarg. 1857......... 12mo N. Y Tasso. By Millman, 2 vols. London....12mo 12s. Tappan, Arthur. By L. Tappan.........12mo N. Y. 2 00 Telford, Thos. (Engineer). By Smiles.... 12mo L. & P. 3 00 Thackeray, Wm. M. By Yates.......... 8vo N.Y. b - - By Theo. Taylor... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 Titian. By Northcote, 2 vols. London.. 8vo 21s, Tocqueville, A d. By Beaumont, 2 vols.l2mo Bost. 3 00 Toussaint l'Ouverture. By Redpath. 12mo Bost. Thorwaldsen. By J. N. Thiele........... 12mo N. Y. Trenck, Baron. London................12mo 6s. Trumbull, John; Reminiscences......... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 - - Jona. By Stuart........ 8vo Bost. Turner, J. W. M. By W. Thornbury, 2 v. London.... 8vo 30s. Velasquez. By Sterling. London.......12mo 5s. Vespuccius, Americus. By Sartorius.... 16mo Bost. Vidocq; Memoirs. By himself, 4 vols..16mo Lond. Vittoria Colonna. By Roscoe...........12mo Lond. 3 00 Voltaire. By Bungener. Edinburgh....12mo 5s. Warren, Gen. Jos.; Life and Times. By Frothingham.... 8vo Bost. 3 50 Walpole, Horace. By Coxe, 2 v. Lond. 8vo 25s. Ware J. By H. Ware, Jr. a. Washington, Geo. By Irving, 5 vols.....12mo N. Y. 11 25 -- 5 v. $6.25, 1 v. r. 8vo N.Y. 5 00 Condensed, 1 vol.l2mo N. Y. 2 50 By Everett..........12mo N. Y. 1 50 ~.. ~_- ~ By Guizot. 1840.... 16mo Bost. By Marshall, 3 vols.. 8vo Phila. By Paulding, 2 vols.. 18mo N. Y. 1 50 b. and Writings. By Sparks, 12 vols. 8vo Bost. 24 00 b. Wayland, Dr. F. Life and Labors. By his sons, 2 vols. N. Y. 4 00 Watt. Jas. By Muirhead............... 12mo N.Y. 2 00 -.... 8vo Lond. 3 00 b. Webster, Daniel. By G. T. Curtis, 2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 10 00 - By his son, 2 vols...... 8vo Bost. 7 50 By Lanman...........1 2mo N. Y. 1 25 By C. W. Marsh...... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Wedgewood, "the Potter." By Meteyard, 2 vols.... 8vo Lond. 12 00 By Jewett... 8vo Lond. 8 00 46 THE BEST READING. Wellington, Duke of. By Brialmont & Gleig. Lond.... 8vo 15s. ByMaxwell, 3 vols. Lon. 8vo 27s. By Stocqueler, 2 v. Lon. 8vo 12s. a. Wesley, Chas. By Southey, 2 vols...... 12mo N. Y. $2 50 By Janes.............. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 By Wakeley............12mo N. Y. 1 25 By Watson...... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 -By Jackson............. 8vo N. Y. 2 70 Whately, Archb. By Miss Whately, 2 v.Lon. 15s. Life and Correspond.. 8vo Lond. 3 75 Whitefield, Rev. Geo. By Gillies. Lon. 8vo 7s. By Gledstone.... 8vo Lond. By Harsha....... a. Wiclif. By Le Bas................... 18mo N. Y. 75 Wilberforce, Wm. By his sons, 5 v. Lon. 8vo 21s. ~- ~ ~ abridged.18mo N. Y. 75 Wilkie, Sir David. By Cunningham, 3 v. 8vo Lond. 7 50 Williams, Roger. By Prof. Gammell.... 12mo Bost. 1 25 Wilson, Alex. (Sparks' Amer. Biography.) b. Wirt, Wm. By John P. Kennedy, 2 vols.12mo N. Y. 4 00 Wordsworth, Wm. By Rev. C. Wordsworth, 2 vols....12mo N. Y. 2 50 Worcester, Marquis of. By H. Dircks... 8vo Lond. 4 50 Wraxall, Sir Nath. Memoirs of his own Times... o. p. 8vo Phila. Xavier, F., (" Apostle to the Indies.") By H. Venn. Lond... 8vo 7s. Ximenes, Cardinal. By B. Barrett. Lond. 8vo 9s. Birds.-[See Cage Birds: Ornithology.] Bokhara and the Indus. By A. Burnes. Lon. 8vo 18s. Book Binding. a. Art of Book Binding. By J. B. Nicholson. 12mo Phila. 2 25 Art of Book Binding. By J. Hannett. Lon.12mo 6s. Ornamental Book Binding. By Jos. Cundall. Lond... 4to 15s. Book Keeping. Bryant & Stratton. Counting-house Book Keeping.... 8vo N. Y. 3 75 Crittenden,S.W. Induct.& Practical 8vo Phila. 2 75 Duff, P. Book Keeping................ 8vo N. Y. 3 75 Marsh, C. C. Theory and Practice of Book Keeping... 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Jones. Practical Book Keeping......... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Borneo. Brooke. Rajah: Narrative of Events in Borneo, 2 vols. Lond.... 32s. Ten Years in Sarawak, 2 vols..12mo Lond. a. Keppel. Expedition to Borneo. 1846... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 BOTANY —BRAZIL AND THE AMAZON, ETC. 47 Botany. Chapman. Flora of Southern U. S. Illus. 8vo N. Y. $3 60 b. Figuier. The Vegetable World. Illus.. 8vo Lond. 4 50 a. Gray, Prof. Asa. Botanical Text Book... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 a. First Lessons in Botany.....12mo N. Y. 1 30 Genera of Plants of North America, 2 vols., o. p. 8vo N.Y. a. How Plants Grow..........1l2mo N. Y. 1 12 a. Man'l of Botany of N. States. 8vo N. Y. 2 25 with Mosses, etc. 8vo N. Y. 3 75 b, Structural and Syst. Botany. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Grindon, L. H. Phenomena of Plant Life. 12mo Bost. 1 00 Karr, Alph. Tour round my Garden.... 8vo Lond. 2 50 b. Lindley, Prof. J. Vegetable Kingdom... 8vo Lon. 36s. & Moore. Treasury of Botany, 2 v. 18mo N. Y. 7 00 b. Loudon. Enclyclo. of Plants. Lond.... 8vo 73s. 6d. Cyclo. of Shrubs and Trees, thick 8vo Lond. 15 00 Mrs., Gardening for Ladies......12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Maunder. Treasury of Botany.......... 18mo N. Y. 4 00 b. Michaux & Nuttall. N. Amer. Sylva, 6 v. r. 8vo Phila. 75 00 Rhind. Hist. of the Vegetable Kingdom. 8vo Lond. 4 50 a. Youman, Miss. First Book of Botany...12mo N. Y. 1 00 Brazil-AND THE AMAZON. a. Agassiz, Prof. & Mrs. Journey in Brazil. 8vo Bost. 5 00 Bates. 11 Years of a Naturalist on Amaz. 8vo Lond. 6 00 Burton, Capt. Explor. of the Highlands of Brazil, 2 vols... 8vo Lond. 15 00 Codman, J. Ten Months in Brazil. Lond.12mo 5s. b. Ewbank. Brazil. Illustrated........... 8vo N.Y. 3 00 a. Fletcher & Kidder. Hist. of Brazil...... 8vo Bost. 4 50 Gardner. Travels in Interior of Brazil... 8vo Lond. 3 75 b. Hartt, C. F. Geology and Phys. Geog. of Brazil.... 8vo Bost. 5 00 Herndon & Gibbon. Exploration of the Amazon, 3 vols.... 8vo Wash. 2 50 Orton. The Andes and the Amazon..... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Southey. Hist. of Brazil. 1810. 3v. Lon. 4to 155s. Wallace, A. R. The Amazon and Rio Negro. 1870. Lond. 8vo 12s. British America.-[See Canada, Nova Scotia, British Columbia.] Waddington, A. Overland Route through British America. Lond. 8vo Is. British Columbia. Leonard. Travels in Brit. Columbia. Lon. 8vo 14s. Macfie. Vancouver's Island and British Columbia. 1865... 8vo Lond. Rattray. Vancouver's Island and British Columbia. Lond.... 8vo 62s. 48 THE BEST READING. Buccaneers. Burney, Admiral. Hist. of the Buccaneers. 4to Lond. Thornbury. Monarchs of the Main. Lon. 8vo 5s. Buddhism. Hardy, R. S.; Legends and Theories of Buddhists....16mo Lond. Modern Buddhist. By a Siamese. Lond.12mo 3s. 6d. Schlagintweit, Evan. Bufddhism in Thibet. 8vo Leips. Upham. History and Doctrines of Buddhism. London.... 8vo 21s. Buenos Ayres. Hutchenson. Buenos Ayres, etc. 1865... 8vo Lond. Random Sketches of Buenos Ayres, 1865. 8vo Lond. Burmah. Crawford. Embassy to Court of Ava.'34. 2 vols. London.... 8vo 32s. Cox. Residence in Burmah. Gouger, H. Two Years' Imprisonment in Burmah. London....12mo 12s. Palmer, J. W. Up and down the Irawaddy.l2mo N. Y. Symes, Maj. Embassy to Ava. 1827. 2 v. 8vo Lond. Business.-MORALS OF-PRINCIPLES, ETC. Chalmers, Thos. Christianity ap. to Comn. 12mo N. Y. Dewey, Orville. Morals of Trade........12mo N. Y. a. Freedley. Treatise on Business......... 12mo Phila. $1 25 Hillard, Geo. S. Dangers and Duties of Mercantile Pursuits.......12mo Bost. 25 b. Medberry, J. R. Men and Manners of Wall Street...12mo Bost. 2 00 Business.-MANUALS OF-COMMERCIAL STATISTICS, ETC. a. Anderson. Prac. Merc. Letter Writer.l2mo N. Y. 1 25 Colwell, J. Ways and Means of Payment; Credit, etc.. 8vo Phila. 5 00 Commercial Code of France. De Veitelle. Mercantile Dictionary...... 12mo N.Y. 2 00 Francis. History of the Stock Exchange. 8vo N. Y. History of the Bank of England. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 b. Homans. Cyclo. of Commerce.......... 8vo N. Y. 7 50 b. McCulloch, J. R. Dicty. of Commerce. New Edition.... 8vo Lond. 25 00 Treatise on Commerce. 1838. London.... 8vo Is. 8d, Simmonds. Commercial Dictionary....... 12mo L. & N. 2 00 Cabul.-[See Affghanistan.] Cage Birds. American Bird Fancier (Saxton)..........18mo N. Y. CALIFORNIA-CANADA, ETC. 49 Avis. The Canary.................... 16mo N. Y. $ 5Q b. Beckstein. Nat'l History of Cage Birds.12mo Lond. 2 50 (Colored, $3.75.) California. Annals of San Francisco. By Soulege... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 a. Brace, C. L. The New West: California in 1869....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Capron. History of California.........12mo Bost. 1 00 Colton, W. 3 Years in California. 1850.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Farnham, T. J. Early Days of California.12mo Phil. 1 75 Forbes, Alex. History of California. 1839. London.... 8vo 14s. Greenhow, Robt. History of Oregon and California. 1848.... 8vo Bost. 2 50 a. Hittell. Resources of California. 1867..12mo San F. 1 50 a. Taylor, Bayard. Eldorado: Mexico and California. 1849-59....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Wood, D. B. Gold Diggings of California.12mo N. Y. 1 00 Geology of; Publicat. of Geol. Survey, 7 vols., r. 8vo Bost. Calisthenics.-[See Gymnastics.] Canada. Chesshyre. Canada in 1864. Lond...... 12mo 2s. 6d. Copplestone, Mrs. Canada; Why we live there. Lond.... 8vo 2s. 6d. Head, F. B. Forest Scenes in Canada.... Emigrant in Canada. Lond. 8vo 2s. 6d. Hogan. Prize Essay on Canada. Mont.. 8vo 5s. King. Sportsman and Naturalist in Can. 8vo Lond. Kohl, J. G. Travels in Canada.......... 8vo Lond. 2 50 b. McMullen, J. History of Canada to 1867. 8vo L. & P. 3 50 Moodie, Mrs. Roughing it in the Bush.. 12mo N. Y. 1 25 Life in the Clearings. 1853. Lon.12mo 10s. 6d. Morris, A. Canada and her Resources. 1855.... 8vo Montr. a. Murray. Hist. Acc't of Brit. America, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Patterson, W. J. Home and Foreign Trade of Canada. Montreal.... 8vo 7s. a. Thoreau. A Yankee in Canada.........12mo Bost. 2 00 a. Warburton, E. Conquest of Canada, 2 v.l2mo N. Y. 3 00 Capital Punishment. a. Bovee, M. H. Christ and the Gallows..12mo N. Y. Cheever, Geo. B. Defence of Cap. Punish.l2mo N. Y. 50 Lewis, Tayler. Penalty of Death........1l2mo N. Y. Cape Colony.-[See Africa-South.] Carbonari. —[See Secret Societies.] Cards, Playing. Chatto. History of Playing-Cards. Lon. Svo 21s. Taylor. History of Playing-Cards.......16mo Loud. 60 THE BEST READING. Caricatures. Gilray. Caricatures, Political. hlf. moroc.folio Lond. $60 00 Leech. Sketches of Life and Character, 3 v.folio Lcnd. 30 00 Malcolm. History of Caricaturing....... Napoleon III.; Story of, as told by Popular Caricatures of 25 years.... 8vo Lond. 3 50 Punch, London. 30 vols.......... Lond. 4to 210s. Tenniel. Cartoons from Punch.......... 4to Lond. 10 50 Wright. Caricature Hist. of the Georges.12mo Lond. 3 50 Carthage. Davis. Carthage and its Remains........ 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Cattle.-[See Domestic Animals.] Caucasus. —See C(ircassia.] Haxthausen. Trans-Caucasia. 1854. Lond. 8vo 18s. Tribes of the Caucasus. Ln.12mo 5s. a. Kennan, Geo. Georgia and the Caucasus.12mo N. Y. Spencer. Travels in Western Caucasus.. 2 vols. London.... 8vo 28s. Celibacy. a. Lea, H. C. History of Sacerdotal Celibacy. 8vo Phila. 3 75 Ceylon. Baker, S.W. Eight yearsin Ceylon. Lon. 8vo 15s. Forbes. Eleven years in Ceylon, 2 v. Lon. 8vo 21s, Hoffmeister. Travels in Ceylon. Edinb.l2mo 10s. Pridham. Hist. of Ceylon. 1849. 2v. Lon. 8vo 28s. Rifle and Hound in Ceylon. 1869........ 12mo Phila. Tennent,J. E. History of Ceylon, 2v. Lon. 8vo 50s. Charities. Camman and Camp. Charities of N.Y.'68. 8vo N. Y. a. Church, P. Philoso. of Benevolence... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 De Liefde. Charities of Europe. 1865. 2v.12mo Lond. Howson. Deaconesses................. 16mo Lond. Jameson, Mrs. Sisters of Charity....... 12mo Bost. Jerrold, W. B. Signals of Distress. Lond.12mo 7s. 6d. Kirkland, Mrs. The Helping Hand.......12mo N. Y. a. Low. Charities of London. Lond....... 16mo 3s. 6d. Mayhew. Lond. Labor and Lond. Poor, 3 v. 8vo Lond. 7 50 Sieveking. Principles of Charitable Work. London....12mo 4s. Stephens, Miss. Service of the Poor, Sisterhoods, etc....12mo Lond. 2 25 Stollard, J.H. London Pauperism. Lon. 8vo 12s. Chemistry.-GENERAL WORKS. Day. Chem. in its Rela. to Physiology, etc. 8vo Lond. 3 75 Elliot & Storer. Manual of Inorganic Ch. 8vo N. Y. 2 75 Fownes. Manual of Chemistry. Lond...12mo 12s. 6d, Gmelin. Hand Bk. of Chem., 15 v. Lond. 8vo ~818s. 6d. CHEMISTRY, GENERAL WORKS, ANALYSIS, ETC. 51 Graham. Elements of Chemistry, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. $10 00 Hoffman. Introduction to Chemistry. Miller. Chemical Physics............... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Organ. and Inorgan. Chem.,2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 16 00 b. Muspratt, S. Chemistry; Theoretical, Practical and Analytical, 2 vols....r. 8vo Lond. 20 00 Normandy. Chem. Atlas and Dic. Lond. 4to 28s. Pynchon. The Chemical Forces, Heat, etc.12mo N.Y. 3 00 Stockhart. Agricultural Chemistry......12mo Bohn. 2 50 Principles of Chemistry......12mo Bohn. 2 50 Stocquard. Manual of Chemistry........ 12mo Phila. 2 75 Silliman. Chemistry................... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Topham. Chem. Made Easy, for Farmers. Lond. 12mo, 2s. b. Watt. Dictionary of Chemistry, 5 vols.... 8vo Lond. 65 00 a. Wells. Principles of Chemistry........ 12mo N. Y. 1 60 a. Youmans. Class Book of Chemistry..... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Chart of Chemistry, on roller. N. Y. 8 00 Correlation of Forces........ 2mo N. Y. 2 00 *** Many School Text Books, not included in this list. Chemistry.-ANALYSIS. Apjohn. Manual of Metalloids.......... Bloxam. Laboratory Teaching. Lond... 8vo 5s. 6d. Bolley & Paul. Manual of Technical Analysis. London....12mo 5s. a. Fresenius. Qualitative Anal. (by Johnson). 8vo N. Y. 4 50 a. Quantitative 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Noad. Qual. and Quantitative Analysis.. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Perkins. Qualitative Chemical Analysis.12mo N. Y. 1 00 Chemistry.-APPLIED. Farraday. Lect. on Forces of Matter. Lon.l6mo 3s. 6d. a. Chemistry of a Candle.......12mo N. Y. 1 00 Hassall. Food and its Adulterations. Sanitary Report. 1857. Lon. 28s. a. Johnston. Chemistry of Common Life, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 3 00 a. Mace. History of a Mouthful of Bread..12mo N. Y. 1 75 Muspratt. Chemistry applied to Manufactures, 2 vols....r. 8vo Lond. 20 00 Shaw. Chemistry of Pottery. 1837.... r. 8vo Lond. a. Youmans. Household Science...........12mo N. Y. 1 75 Chequers. -[See Draughts.] Chess. a. Agnell. Book of Chess; a complete Guide.12mo N. Y. 2 50 American Chess Player's Hand Book..... Hazeltine. Brevity & Brilliancy in Chess. 12mo N.Y. 1 00 Healy. Collection of Chess Problems.... 12mo 2 00 Jaenisch, C. F. Chess Preceptor........ 8vo Lond. 3 00 Kenny. Manual of Chess for Beginners.18mo N. Y. 50 Lowenthal. Morphy's Games of Chess..12mo N.Y. 1 50 Morphy. Exploits and Triumphs in Europe in Chess....12mo N. Y. 1 25 52 TTHE BEST READING. a. Staunton. Chess Player's Hand Book...12mo Bohn. $2 50 Chess Player's Companion.....12mo Bohn. 2 50 Chess Praxis................ 12mo Bohn. 3 00 Chess Player's Tournament.. 12mo Bohn. 2 50 Children's Health.-[See Maternity.] Chili. Gardiner. Chili Indians. 1841. Lond.. 2mo 6s. Hunter, D. J. Chili. 1866............. 8vo N.Y. Molini. History of Chili...............12mo N. Y. Strain, J. G. Journey in Chili, etc. 1853.12mo N. Y. 1 00 Smith, E. R. Auracanians: Travels in Chili.12mo N. Y. 1 50 China-HISTORY, ETC. China and Japan, Treaty Ports, Guide to. 8vo Lond. b. Confucius and the Chinese Classics. By Rev. A. W. Loomis.12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Davis, J. F. History of China, 2 vols....18mllo N. Y. 1 50 China during and after the War, 2 v.12mo N. Y. b. Doolittle, Rev. J. Social Customs of the Chinese, 2 vols.... 12mo N. Y. 5 00 Fortune. Tea Countries of China....... 8vo Lond. Gutzlaff. Chinese History, 2 vols....... 8vo Lond. China Opened, 2 vols.........Lond., 24s. Martin, R. M. China, Political, etc., 2 v. Lon. 8vo 14s. Medhurst. The Interior of China. Lond. 8vo 5s. 6d. Olyphant. Mission of Lord Elgin to China. 2 vols. Lond.... 8vo 21s. Thornton. History of China. Lond.... 8vo 16s. a. Williams, S. W. The Middle Kingdom; History, etc., 2 vols.....12mo 4 00 Williamson, Rev. A. Journeys in North China, 2 vols. Lond.... 8vo 21s. China-TRAVELS IN. Conwell. Why the Chinese Emigrate...12mo Bost. 1 50 Downing. Stranger in China, 3 v. Lond. 8vo 21s. Elgin, Lord. Mission to China & Japan, 2 v. 8vo Lond. Forbes. Five Years in China. Lond.... 8vo 15s. a. Huc. Journey through the Chinese Empire, 2 vols.... 12mo N. Y. 4 00 Loch. Personal Narrative.............. Macaulay. Kathay. 1854..............12mo N. Y. 1 00 Nevins. China and the Chinese........12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Olyphant, Lawrence. China and Japan.. 8vo N.Y. 3 50 Rennie. Pekin and the Pekinses, 2 vols. Lond. a. Smith, Rev. G. The Consular Cities of Ch.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Williams, Mrs. Year in China.........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Chinese Rebellion, etc. Callery & Yvan. Insurrection in China.. 12mo N. Y. 75 Meadows. The Chinese and their Rebellion. Lond... 8vo 18s. CHIVALRY-CHRIST-CHRISTIANITY. 53 b. Tai Ping. The Chinese Rebellion. Illus. 2 vols....r. 8vo Lond. $8 00 Webster, G. J. War with China in 1860. 8vo Lond. Chivalry. Addison. History of Knights Templars.. 8vo Lond. 2 50 a. Bulfinch. The Age of Chivalry.........12mo Bost. 3 00 a. James, G. P. R. Chivalry and the Crusades.18mo N. Y. 75 b. Mill. History of Chivalry, scarce, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. Vance. Romantic Episodes of Chivalric and'Mediaeval France.... 12mo Lond. Christ. a. Abbott, Lyman. Life of Christ. Illus... 8vo N.Y. 3 50 Andrews, S. J. Life of our Lord......... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 a. Beecher, H. W. Life of Christ.......... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Bushnell, Horace. Character of Jesus... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Crosby, Howard. Life of Jesus......... 8vo N. Y. Ecce Deus Homo. The Work and Kingdom of Christ.... 12mo Phil. 1 50 Ellicott, C. J. Life of our Lord, Historical. 12mo Bost. 1 75 Fleetwood, Rev. J. Life of Christ.......12mo Phil. 1 75 Hanna. Our Lord's Life on Earth, 6 v. in 3.12mo N. Y. 4 50 Liddon. The Divinity of our Lord....12mo Lond. 2 50 Neander. Life of Christ............... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 a. Parker, Jos. Ecce Deus: the Life and Doctrine of Christ.... 18mo Bost. 1 50 Pressense. Jesus Christ: His Life and Work. Lond...12mo 5s. Renan. Life of Jesus.................12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Seeley, Prof. Ecce Homo............. 18mo Bost. 1 50 Strauss. New Life of Jesus, 2 vols..... 8vo Lond. Schaff, Ph. The Person of Christ-Reply to Renan, etc....12mo N. Y. 1 25 Schleiermacher. Lectures on Life of Christ. 8vo Schenkel. Character of Jesus Portrayed. Trans. by Furness, 2 vols. 8vo Bost. 4 50 Townsend, Rev. L. T. The Divine Man. Lond. Ulhorn. Mod. Represent. of Life of Jesus.16mo Bost. 1 00 Christianity.-[See also Church History, Devotion, Evidences of Christianity, Natural Theology, Science and Religion.] Cocker. Christianity & Greek Philosophy. 8vo Lond. 2 75 Coleman, L. Ancient Christi. Exemplified. 8vo Phila. 2 50 Dollinger, Prof. First Age of Christianity and the Church.... 8vo Lond. 6 25 Elliot. History of Early Christians..... 8vo Lond. 4 25 Farrar. Crit. History of Free Thought in reference to Christianity.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Fisher, G. P. Supernatural Origin of Christianity... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 64 THE BEST READING. Grayson. True Theory of Christianity.16mo N. Y. $1 25 James. Christianity, the Logic of Creation.12mo 1 00 Keith. Demonstration of Truth of Christ.12mo N. Y. 1 50 McCosh. Lectures on Christianity and Positivism.... 8vo N. Y. 175 Marcy, E. E. Christi. and its Conflicts... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Miall. Memorials of Early Christianity.l 2mo Bost. 1 50 a. Millman. Hist. of Christianity. [See p. 55.] 8vo N.Y. 2 00 a. Pressense. Early Christi.: Apostolic Era. 12mo N. Y. 1 75 - The Apostles and Martyrs....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Thompson, J. P. Theology of Christ....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Chronology. Blair. Chronological Tables.............12mo Bohn 5 00 Hawes, S. Synchronology.............. 8vo Bost. 2 50 b. Haydn. Dictionary of Dates with American Supplement... 8vo L. & N. 9 00 ~ - ~ - Condensed.... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Nicolas, Sir H. Chronology of History... 16mo Lond. a. Putnam. The World's Progress, a Dictionary of Dates....12mo N. Y. 3 50 Tegg. Dictionary of Chronology........12mo Lond. 2 00 Townsend. Manual of Dates............ 8vo Lond. 8 00 Church History.-[See also Christianity, Missions, Monastic Orders, Reformation, Romanism.] a. Aubigne, J. H. Merle d'. History of the Reformation in the 16th Century. Illus.... 4to N.Y. 10 00 The same, cheap edition.... 8vo Phila. 6 00 5 vols....2mo N. Y. 6 00 Bede. Ecclesiastical History. Trans.... 12mo Bohn. 2 50 Bingham. Antiquities of the Christian Church, 2 vols....r. 8vo Lond. 11 00 Blunt. The Reformation of the Church of England.... 8vo Lond. 5 00 Bungener. Rome and the Council in the 19th Century. Lond....12mo 5s. History of Council of Trent...12mo Lond. 3 00 The Priest and Huguenot-Persecutions time Louis XV..12mo Bost. 3 00 b. Burnet, Bp. History of the Reform., 7 v. 8vo 84s. Butler, C.M. Ecclesiastical History. 1868. 8vo Phila. Chillingworth. Religion of Protestants..12mo Bohn. 1 75 Coleman, L. The Apostolic and Primitive Church.... 8vo Phila. 2 00 Dollinger, J. J. Heathenism and Judaism. 8vo Lond. Dorner. Hist. of Protest. Theology, 2 v. 8vo Lond. 10 00 Elliot. Hist. of the Early Christians, 2 v. 8vo Lond. 4 50 Eusebius. Ecclesiastical History........12mo Bohn. 2 50 Felt, J. B. Ecclesiastical History of New England, 2 vols.... 8vo Bost. CHURCH HISTORY-CHURCH OF ENGLAND, ETC. 55 Giesler. Ecclesiastical History, 4 vols.. 8vo N. Y. $9 00 Hagenbach. History of Doctrines, 2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 History of the Church, 2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Hardwick. History of Christ. Church, 2 v. 8vo Lond. 5 00 Hase. History of Christian Church...... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Janus. The Pope and the Council....... 18mo Bost. 1 50 Jones. History of the Church during Revolution.... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 King, C. W. The Gnostics............. Krauth. The Conservative Reformation and its Theol.... 8vo Phil. 5 00 Lea, H. C. Studies in Church History... 8vo Phil. 3 00 b. Merivale. Conversion of the Northern Nations. 1866.... 8vo N. Y. 1 50 b. -- Conversion of Roman Empire. 8vo N. Y. 1 50 a. Mosheim. Eccles. History, 2 vols....... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 a. Millman. History of Christianity, 3 vols. 8vo N. Y. 5 25 a. History of Latin Christ., 8 vols. 8vo N. Y. 14 00 b. Neander. History of Christ. Church, 6 v. 8vo Bost. 24 00 b. First Planting of Christ. Ch.. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Hist. of Christian Dogmas, 2 v. 12mo Bohn. 3 50 b. Pressense. The Early years of the Christian Church, 2 vols....12mo N. Y. 3 50 Prideaux. Connection of Sacred and Pro-' fane History, 2 vols... 8vo Lond. 5 00 b. Ranke. History of the Popes, 3 vols....12mo Bohn. 5 25 Riddell. History of the Papacy at Period of Reformation.... 8vo Lond. 4 00 Schaff, Philip. Hist. of Apostolic Church. 8vo N. Y. 3 75 b. - - History of Christian Church, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 7 50 b. Shedd, W. G. T. Hist. of Christ. Doctrine. 2 vols.... 8vo N.Y. 5 00 Smedley. Reformed Religion in France. 3 vols....18mo N. Y. 2 25 Smith, Henry B., Prof. History of Church of Christ in Chron. Tables.. folio N. Y. 6 75 Socrates. Ecclesiastical History.........12mo Bohn. 2 50 Soames. Anglo-Saxon Church..........12mo Lond. 2 00 Sozomen. Ecclesiastical History........12mo Bohn. 2 50 b. Stanley Dean. History of Jewish Church. 2 vols.... 8vo N.Y.ea.2 50 b. - -- History of Eastern Church. 8vo N.Y. 2 50 Stevens History of Methodism, 3 vols... 8vo N. Y. 5 25 Stoughton, J. Ecclesiastical History of England, 2 vols. 1870. Lond.. 8vo 25s. Theodoret & Evagrius. Eccles. History..12mo Bohn. 2 50 Church of England.-[See Anglican Church.] Stanley, Dean, on Church and State. Lon. 8vo 15s. Civilization.-[See Ethnology.] b. Buckle. History of Civilization, 2 vols.. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 D6 THE BEST READING. b. Guizot. History of Civilization, 4 vols...12mo N. Y. $6 00 ~- - ~- abridged, 1 vol.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Ozanom. Civiliza. in the 5th Century. 2 v.12mo Lond. Tytler. Early History of Mankind..... Classics-GREEK & LATIN; COLLECTED TRANSLATIONS. b. Bohn. Classical Library, 90 vols., 12mo, London. Average per vol., about 2 25 Collins, W. L. Anct. Classics for English Readers, - volse... L. & P. ea. 1 00 a. Harpers. Classical Library, 22 vols......12mno each 1 50 Climatology.-[See also Health.] Blodgett. Climatology of the U. States. r. 8vo Phila. 5 00 Clocks and Watches. a. Booth, Mary L. Clock and Watch Makers' Manual.... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Denison, E. B. Clock and Watch Making.16mo Lond. 1 75 Reid, T. Clock and Watch Making. 1847. 8vo Glasg. Wood. Curiosities of Clocks and Watches from Earliest Times.... 8vo Lond. 5 CO Coal-COAL MINING. Amer. Coals Applica. to Steam Navi., etc. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Daddow & Baunan. Coal, Iron and Oil... 8vo Pottsv. 7 50 Lesley, J. P. Coal and its Topog. 1856.12mo Phila. 1 00 Phillips. System of Mining Coal. 1858.12mo Phila. Smyth, W. W. Coal and Coal Mining.'67.12mo Lond. 4 00 a. Taylor. Statistics of Coal............... 8vo Phila. 5 00 Coins.-[See Numismatics.] Collections of Useful Knowledge.-[See Addenda.] Collections-ENTERTAINING. a. Chambers. Miscellany of Ent. Tracts, 10 v.12mo E.& P. 12 50 b. Papers for the People, 6 vols.l2mo E. &P. 9 00 b. Pocket Miscellany, 12 vols... 18mo E. & P. 9 00 b. Book of Days, 2 vols........r. 8vo E. &P. 9 00 a. D'Israeli. Curiosities of Literature, 4 vols.l2mo N. Y. 7 00 b. Amenities of Literature, 2 vols.12mo N. Y. 3 50 b. Literary Character, 1 vol......12mo N. Y. 1 75 Dodd, H. P. Epigrammatic Literature. Lon. 8vo 10s. 6d. b. Doran, Dr. Table Traits............... 8vo N. Y. 1 75 Habits and Men........... 8vo N. Y. 1 75 Knights and their Days..... 8vo N. Y. 1 75 b. Monarchs Retired from Business, 2 vols.. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 a. Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table....12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Professor at Breakfast..12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Hone, W. Every Day Book, 4 vols...... 8vo Lond. 18 00 King. 10,000 Wonderful Things, 2 vols..Lond. 7s. 6d. COLLEGES-COLORADO-COMPOSITION-CONCHOLOGY, ETC. 57 Maginn, W. Miscellanies, 5 vols........12mo N. Y. $11 25 a. Thackeray. Miscellanies, 5 vols.........l2mo Bost. 6 25 b. Wilson, John. Noctes Ambrosiana, 5 v.. 12mo N. Y. 8 75 Colleges.-[See also Education.] Blake, Sophia Jex. Amer. Cols. & Schools.12mo Lond. 1 75 Bristed. Five Yrs. in an Eng. Univer. o.p.12mo N. Y. Four Years in Yale. 1871...............12mo N. Y. 2 50 a. Porter, Noah. American Colleges.......12mo N. Hav. 1 50 a. Schaff, Ph. Universities of Germany....12mo Phila. 1 25 Colonization.-[See Emigration.] Colorado. Taylor, Bayard. Colorado; a Sum'r Trip.12mo N.. 1 50 Comedies.-[See Drama.] Comic Prose and Poetry.-[See Humorous Works.] Commerce.-[See Business.] Common Schools.-[See Education.] Complete Works-MISCELLANEOUS.-[See Addenda.] Composition.-[See also Rhetoric.] Bain, A. Composition and Rhetoric......12mo N. Y. 1 75 Day, H. A. English Composition........ 12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Parker. Aids to English Composition...12mo N. Y. 1 25 Communism.-[See Co-operation.] Conchology-MOLLUSCS. Adams, H. G. Beautiful Shells........12mo Lond. 1 60 Agassiz. Seaside Studies.............. 8vo Bost. 3 00 Brown, Thos. Elements of Conchol. Lon. 8vo 8s. Catton. Popular Conchology. Lond.... 8vo 14s. Crouch. Introduction to Lamarik's Conchology. Fleming. Moluscous Animals. Lond... 8vo 6s. Jay, I. C. Catalogue of Shells.......... 4to N. Y. Johnston. Introduc. to Conchology. Lon. 8vo 21s. Roberts, Mary. Popular Hist. of Mollusca. London...12mo 7s. 6' Sowerby. Pop. British Conchology. Lon.12mo 7s. 6d. Conchological Manual (colored, 36s.) Lond... 8vo 18s. Conchological Illustrations, 6 vols. Lond.... 8vo 150s. Swainson. Exotic Conchology. Lond.... 4to 52s. 6d. Concordance. To Bible. [See utnder Bible ] To Shakespeare. [See under Shakespeare.] To Milton. By Cleaveland. To Tennyson. By Brightwell. 8vo Lond. 8 00 58 THE BEST READING. Connecticut. Barber. Historical Collections of Conn.. 8vo N.Hav. Bacon, L. Historical Discourses........ 8vo N. Hav. $1 50 Blue Laws of Connecticut.............. 12mo Hartf. Carpenter. History of Connecticut......18mo Phila. Hoadley, C. J. N. Haven Colonial Records. 8vo N. Hav. Trumbull, B. History of Connecticut.... 8vo Trumbull, J.H. Conn. Historical Records. 8vo Constitution of the United States. Bayard. On the Constitution, U. S....... 1mo Phila. 75 Bowen, F. Documents on the Constitu...12mo Conkling. Young Citizens' Manual......l18mo Phila. Curtis, G. T. On the Constitu. U. S., 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Cutts, J. M. Constit'l & Party Questions.12mo N. Y. 1 25 Elliot. Debates on the Federal Const., 5 v. 8vo Phila. 20 00 a. Farrar. Manual of the Const. U. S....... 8vo Bost. 3 50 Federalist, The. Edited by Dawson..... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 b. Ed. by J. C. Hamilton... 8vo Phila. 3 50 Hickey. Manual of the Const. U. S..... 12mo Phila. a. Prince, L. B. E Pluribus Unum: Articles of Confederation....12mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Story, Jos. Judge. Coment. on the Cons. 2 v. 8vo Bost. 10 00 a. - abridged.12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Towle. Hist. and Analysis of Const. U. S. 8vo Bost. 2 00 Whiting, Wm. Powers of the President. 8vo Bost. 2 50 Constitution of England. Bagehart. Hist. of English Constitution.. 16mo Lond. 9s. Creasy. Rise and Progress of English Constitution. Lond.... 12mo 9s. 6d. a. De Lolm,. On the Constitution of Eng.. 12mo Bohn. 1 75 b. Hallam. Constitutional History of Eng.. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Hallam & May. Consti. Hist. of Eng., 3 v. 12mo N. Y. 5 25 Conundrums-PUZZLES, ETC.-[See also Games, etc.] Book of 500 Curious Puzzles............16mo N. Y. 50Howard. Conundrums and Puzzles...... 16mo N. Y. 50 One Hundred Double Acrostics. Lond...12mo 2s. 6d. Puniana............................. 12mo Lond. 6s. Cookery and Food.-[See also Chemistry (applied), Health.] Beecher, Cath. E. Receipt Book.........12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Bellows, Dr. F. W. Philosophy of Eating.12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Beard, G. M. Food and Diet in Health and Disease.... 12mo N. Y. 75 a. Blot, P. Hand Book of Cookery......... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Breakfast, Dinner and Tea.............. 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Brillat-Savarin. Hand Book of Dining... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 - Physiology of Taste....16mo Phila. 1 00 a. Cornelius, Mrs. Young H'keeper's Friend.12mo Bost. 1 50 Delamere. Wholesome Fare: the Doctor and the Cook.... 8vo Lond. 4 50 CO-OPERATION OF LABOR-COPYRIGHT, ETC. 59 Francatelli, C.E. Modern Cook. Illus... 8vo Phila. $5 00 b. Gouffe. Royal Cookery Book. Illus....r. 8vo Lond. 21 00 a. "Harland, Marion." Common Sense in the Household.... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Lankester, Dr. On Food................12mo Lond. 1 50 Leatherby. Lectures on Food........... 12mo Lond. Leslie, Miss. Receipt Book. Cookery..ea.12no Phila. 1 75 Mann, Mrs. Christianity in the Kitchei. 12moBost. 1 25 a. Putnam, Mrs. Receipt Book............12mo N. Y. 175 Soyer. Culinary Campaign in Crimean War. Lond... 8vo 5s. Cookery...............Lond.... 8vo 15s. b. Warne. Model Cookery and Housekeeping.12mo Lond. 3 75 a. Cheap edition...12mo Lond. 75 Co-operation of Labor. Constitu., etc. of Co-operative Build. Asso.16mo N. Y. 15 Co-operative Stores....................16mo N. Y. 50 Grant, E. P. Co-operation: Attractv. Indus.16mo N. Y. 50 Thurlow. Trades' Unions Abroad. 1870. 8vo Lond. Copyright. Carey, H. C. Let. on Internat'l Copyright. 8vo N. Y. 50 Inter. Copyright, Inter. Copyright Asso., Speeches and Letters.... 8vo N. Y. Corporal Punishment. Cobb, Lyman. On Corporal Punishment.12mo N. Y. 1 00 Cooper. Hist. of the Rod in all Countries. 8vo Lond. 5 00 Correspondence-COLLECTIONS OF LETTERS, ETC. [See also Biography.] Ellis. Letters Illustrative of Eng. Hist. 3 series, 11 vols. Letters of Eminent Literary Men. Hale, Mrs. Library of Standard Letters. a. Holcombe. Literature in Letters........12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Knight. Half Hours with the Best Letter Writers, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 6 00 Wallace. Lady. Let. of Disting. Musicians.12mo Lond. Willmot, R. A. Gems of Correspondence.12mo Lond. ~ ~- ~ Let. of Emi. Persons. Lon.12mo 4s. Correspondence-INDIVIDUAL. [For much Correspondence sce the Biographies of the Writers -as Byron; Life & Letters, etc.] Abelard & Heloise Letters.............. 18mo Lond. Adams, Mrs. Letters of Mr. John Adams, 2 vols....12mo Bost. Beethoven, Letters. Translated by Lady Wallace, 2 vols....16mo N. Y. 2 00 Cicero, Letters and Life, (3 vols. Lond. 1854. 16s.) Lond...r. 8vo 16s. 60 THE BEST READING. Goethe. Correspondencewith Schiller...12moN.Y. $1 00 - with Leipsic Friends. 12mo Lond. with a Child......... 12mo Bost. 1 75 Gray (the Poet), Letters to Mason. 1853. 8vo Lond. Guerin, Mad. de. Letters.............. 12mo N. Y. 1 25 Humboldt, A. Von. Letters to Von Ense.12mo N. Y. 1 25 - iWm. Letters to Female Friend.16mo N.Y. 1 25 Hunt, Leigh. Correspondence, 2 vols.... 12mo Lond. 5 00 a Junius, Letters of, 2 vols............... 12mo Lond. 3 50 Lewis, Sir Geo. C. Letters to various Friends. Lond.... 8vo 14s. Mendelssohn. Letters, 2 vols...........16mo N. Y. 3 50 a. Montagu, Lady Mary W. Letters...... 2mo Bost. 2 00 (2 vols. 8vo, Lond., 18s.) b. Mozart. Letters, 2 vols.................16mo N. Y. 3 50 Napoleon. Correspond. with Josephine..12mo N. Y. Confidential Correspondence with Josephine, 2 vols....12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Sevigne, Madame de. Letters..........12mo Bost. 2 00 Southey, Robert. Letters, 4 vols. Lond. 12mo 48s. b. Walpole, Horace. Letters, 9 vols. Lond.. 8vo 81s. Wellington. Select. from Correspon. Lon. 8vo 18s. Corsica. Campbell, F. E. Notes on Corsica. 1868. London.... 16mo 2s. 6d. Cosmology-THE CREATION; SYSTEM OF THE EARTH. [See also Astronomy, Geology, Phys. Geography.] Anderson, J. Course of Creation. Lond.12mo 7s. 6d. Buchner. Force and Matter. Lond..... 8vo 7s. 6d. Higgins. The Earth: Popular Phys. Geog. London.... 18mo 5s. Humboldt. Aspects of Nature, 2 v. Lon. 12mo 7s. b. Cosmos. (5 vols. Bohn.), 5 vols.l2mo N. Y. 6 25 Jones, H.B. Matter and Force. 1868. Lon.12mo 5s. McCosh. Typical Forms in Creation..... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 a. Pouchet. The Universe; the Infinitely Great and Infinitely Little. Illus. r. 8vo Lond. 12 00 Ramsay, G. M. Cosmology............ 12mo Bost. 2 00 a. Reclus. The Earth: Phenomena of the Life of the Glob6. Illus. 2 vols.... 8vo L.&N. 10 00 Vestiges of the Natural Hist. of Creation. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Warrington. G. The Week of Creation. 12mo Lond. 1 50 a. Winchell. D. S. Sketches of Creation....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Costume. Book of Costume. By a Lady of Rank. Ion. 8vo 21s. Cooley. The Toilet in Anct. & Mod. Times.12mo Lond. 1 75 Corset and Crinoline; Hist. of. By a Lady. London.... 4to 7s. 6d. b, Fairholt. History of Costume in England. Illustrated... 8vo Lond. 6 00 COTTON MANUFACTURIE-CRETE-CRICKET, ETC. 61 Fosbrooke. Synopsis of Anct. Cost. Jon. 4to 8s. Hinton, H. L. Historical Costume....... 8vo N. Y. b. Hope. Costumes of the Ancients, 2 v. Lon. 8vo 45s. Martin. Civil Costume of England (col'd). London.... 4to 52s. 6d. Modes et Cost. Historiques, colored plates. 4to Paris. $20 00 Shaw. Dresses and Decorations of Middle Ages, 2 vols. London.... 4to 115s. 6d. Cotton-COTTON MANUFACTURE. b. Baines. History of the Cotton Manufac.. 8vo Lond. 15s. a. Baird. American Cotton Spinners' Guide.12mo Phila. 1 50 Cassel. Cotton and its Culture.........r. 8vo Bombay. Ellison. Hand Book of the Cotton Trade. 1858. Lond.... 8vo 7s. 6d. a. Geldart. Hand Book of Cotton Manufact.12mo N. Y. 2 50 Hyde. Science of Cotton Spinning. 1867. 8vo Manch. 5 25 Loring & Atkinson. Cotton Culture at the South. 1869....12mo Bost. 50 Montgomery. On Cotton Spinning. Glasg. 8vo 9s. 6d. Turner. Cotton Planters' Manual. 1857.12mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Ure. Cotton Manufactures of Great Britain. 2 vols.... 12mo Lond. 4 50 Watts. Facts of the Cotton Famine.'66. 8vo Lond. 2 50 Wheeler. Madras vs. America. 1866.... 12mo L. &N. 1 00 Crete. Howe, S. G. Cretan Refugees and American Helpers.... 2mo Bost. 1 00 Pashley. Travels in Crete.'37. 2 v. Camb. 8vo 42s. Skinner. Roughing it in Crete.'67. Lond.12mo 10s. 6d. Spratt. Travels in Crete. 1865. 2 vols. 8vo Lond. Cricket.-[See also under Games and Sports Generally.] Pycroft, Jr. Cricket Field..............16mo L. & B. Crimea-CRIMEAN WAR. b. Chambers. History of the Russian War. r. 8vo Edinb. 6 00 a. Kinglake. Invasion of the Crimea, vols. 1 & 2. N. Y. 4 00 Koch, J. G. Crimea and Odessa. Lond. 8vo 10s. 6d. Olyphant, L. Rus. Shores of Black Sea.12mo N. Y. 75 Russell. Todleben's Def. of Sebastopol.l2mno N. Y. 2 00 Slade. Turkey & the Crimean War. Lon. 8vo 12s. Crimes and Punishments.-[See also Capital Punisihment.] Beaumont & De Tocqueville. Beccaria. o. p. Carpenter. Reformed Schools......o.p. Dix, Miss. On Prisons..............o.p. Hill. On Suppression of Crime. Lond.. 8vo 16s. On Juvenile Delinquents. Lond... 8vo 6s. Mayhew. Crim. Prisons of Lond. Lond. 8vo 10s. 6d. Pierce. Half Centu. with Juven'lDelinq. 12mo N.Y. 3 00 Woods, Mrs. C. Woman in Prison.......16mo N. Y. 1 25 62 THE BEST READING. Criticism-LITERARY.-[For Art Criticism see Fino Arts, Architecture, Painting, ctc.Also Essays-Also Literature. a. Arnold, Matthew. Essays in Criticism... 12mo Bost. $2 00 Austin, Alfred. Poetry of the Period. Lon. 8vo 7s. 6d. b. Coleridge. Biographia Literaria, 2 vols.. 2mo N. Y. 3 00 See Shakespeare (Drama)..... b. Dallas, E.J. The Gay Science,2 v. Lon. 8vo 28s. b. De Quincey. Hist. & Critical Essays, 2 v.l2mo Bost. 3 00 Fitzgerald, P. Comedy & Dramatic Effect. London.... 8vo 12s. b. Godwin, Parke. Critical Essays......... 12no N. Y. 2 00 Hazlitt. Lectures on Eng. Poets, etc., 4 v.l2mo Phila. Jeaffreson. Novels and Novelists........ Lond. a. Kames. Elements of Criticism.......... 8vo N. Y. a. Lowell, J. R. Among my Books.........12mo Bost. 2 00 b. My Study Windows......12mo Bost. 2 00 Fable for Critics........ 12mo Bost. 75 Masson. Brit. Novelists and their Styles.l2mo Bost. 1 25 Osioli (Marg. Fuller). Papers on Lit. & Art.12mo Bost. 1 50 Poe, E. A. Literati and Marginalia......12mo N. Y. 1 50 b Schlegel. Dramatic Art and Literature.l2mo Bohn. 1 75 St. Beuve. Celebrated Women..........16mo Bost. 2 00 b. Taine. English Literature, 2 vols....... 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Wallace, H. B. Literary Criticisms...... 12mo Phila. 2 00 b. Whipple, E. P. Essays and Reviews, 2 v.l2mo Bost. 3 00 Crochet.-[See Needle-Work.] Croquet. Fellow, R. Croquet..................... 12mo N. Y. 50 Routledge. Game of Croquet...........16mo Lond. Crusades.-[See Chivalry.] Edgar. Crusades and Crusaders.........18mo Bost. 75 a. Gray. Children's Crusade in 13th Cent...12mo N. Y. 1 00 Michaud. History of Crusades (New York Edition, o.p.). 3 vols. London....12mo 15s. b. Mill. Hist. of the Crusades (scarce), 2 v. 8vo Lond. Proctor. History of the Crusades. 1854. 8vo Phila. Sybel, H. Von. History and Literature of the Crusades. London.... 8vo 10s. 6d. Cuba. Carleton, G. W. Our Artist in Cuba......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Cuba and the Cubans (1850).............12mo N. Y. a. Dana, R. H., Jr. Trip to Cuba...........16mo Bost. 1 25 Howe, Mrs. S. G. Trip to Cuba.......... 16mo Bost. 1 25 Humboldt, A.Von. Island of Cuba. Lond.l2mo 7s. Gd. Currency.-[See.Banks-Money.] Cyclopedias. —[&-e Encyclopcdias.] Dancing. De Walden. Ball Room Companion......12mo N. Y. 60 DARWINISM-DECORATIVE ART, ETC. 63 a. Ferrero. Art of Dancing (D. & F.).......12mo N. Y. $1 50 Hillgrove. Ball Room Companion....... 12mo N. Y. 75 a. Wilkinson, W. C. Dance of Mod. Society.12mo N. Y. 75 Dark Ages.-[See Middle Ages.] Darwinism.-[Sce also Natural History.] b. Darwin. Animals and Plants under Domestication, 2 vols.... 12no N. Y. 6 00 Origin of Species.............. 12no N. Y. 2 00 a Descent of Man, 2 vols.........12mo N. Y. 4 00 Homo vs. Darwin. A Refutation of Darwin.12mo Phila. 1 00 a. Huxley, Prof. Man's Place in Nature.... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 b. Mivart. Genesis of Species.............12mo N. Y. 1 75 Morris, F. V. Difficulties of Darwinism. Muller, F. Facts and Arguments for Darwin. London....12mo 6s. Stebbing. Essays on Darwinism......... 12mo Lond. a. Wallace, A. R. Natural Selection.......12mo Lond. 2 00 Review of Descent of Man...... Decorative Art-ILLUMINATING, ETC. Copley. Alphabets...............oblong 4to N. Y. 3 00 a. Dunlevy, Alice. Art of Illuminating..... 4to N. Y. 3 0" Dresser, C. Decorative Design. Lond... 8vo 21s. b. Eastlake. Hints on Household Taste, in Furniture and Decoration. Lond. 8vo 18s. Gruner. Fresco Decorations in Italy. Lon.. folio, 168s. Illuminated Crest Book. Lond.......... 4to 21s. b. Jones, Owen. Grammar of Ornament...folio Lond. 40 00 Lillie. Alphabet of Monograms. Lond..folio 5s. 6d. Shaw. Decorative Arts of the Middle Ages. Lond.... 4to 42s. Encyclo.of Ornament. Lond.... 4to 25s. Hand Book of Illuminating.....r. 8vo Lond. 15 00 Medieval Alphabets, etc......... 8vo Lond. 7 50 Illuminated Ornaments, 6th to 17th Century. Lond.... 4to 36s. Standard Sign Writer................ 4to N. Y. Treasury of Ornamental Art...........r. 8vo Lond. Tymms & Wyatt. Art of Illuminating... 8vo Lond. 3 50 Whitlock. Decorative Painter's and Glacier's Guide... 4to Lond. a. WTornum. Analysis of Ornament. Lond.. 8vo 8s. Democracy.-[See Government.] Demonology and Witchcraft-THE SUPERNATURAL, ETC. Craik. Modern Palmistry; Book of the Hand....12mo N.Y. 1 75 a. Dendy, W. C. Philosophy of Mystery... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 Drake, S. G. Mather's Wonders of Invisible World, &c., 3 vols.... Bost. b. Ennemoser. History of Magic.........12mo Bohn. 2 23 64 THE BEST READING. Godwin, W. Lives of the Necromancers. 12mo N. Y. $ 75 Gould, S. B. Book of Were Wolves..... 12mo Lond. 1 75 Howitt, Wm. History of the Supernatural, 2 vols....12mo 3 00 Michelet. La Sorcier (in English). Lon.12mo 7s. a. Salverte. Philosophy of Magic, 2 vols...12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Scott, Sir WV. Letters on Demonology and Wlitchcraft...........18mo N. Y. 75 b. Upham. Hist. of Salem Witchcraft, 2 v. 8vo Bost. 7 50 Whittier, J. G. Supernaturalism of New England....16mo Bost. Denmark. Dunham, S.A. Hist. of Denmark, Sweden, etc., 3 vols. 12mo; 3 vols. 18mo N. Y. 2 25 Gallenga, A. Invasion of Denmark in 1864. 2 vols. Lond... 21s. Laing. Social and Political State of Denmark. Lond.... 8vo 5s. Syndig. History of Scandinavia......... 8vo Lond. Wheaton. History of the Northmen..o.p. 8vo N. Y. Devotion.-[See also Poetry; Religion.-This list may be largely extended.] Angel Voices........................... 16mo Bost. 1 25 a. Baxter. Saints' Rest.................. 12mo N. Y. 1 25 b. Beecher, H. W. Prayers from Plymouth Pulpit....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Morning and Even'g Exercises.l12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Boyd. Graver Thoughts (of Country Pastor).... 2mo Bost. 1 75 a. Bunyan. Pilgrim's Progress: Golden Treas. Series....16mo Lond. 1 50 Various other plain and illustrated editions. b. Child, G. C. Benedicite: the Power and Wisdom of God....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Devotional Libraries, several collections, published by Randolph, N. Y.; Lothrop, Bost., etc... Doddridge. Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul.... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 b. Fuller, Thos. Good Thoughts in Bad Times....16mo Bost. 2 00 b. Holy and Profane State..16mo Bost. 1 50 Gasparin, Madame. The Near and Heavenly Horizons...12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Goulburn. Thoughts on Personal Religion.16mo N. Y. 1 00 Greenwell, Dora. The Patience of Hope.16mo N. Y. 1 25 -Present Heaven.....16mo N. Y. 1 25 Two Friends.........16mo N.Y. 1 25 Hare, J. C. The Mission of the Comforter.12mo Bost. 1 75 a. Jay, Morning and Evening Exercises....12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Keble, J. The Christian Year.. 24mo and 18mo N. Y. a. Kempis, Thos. a Imitation of Christ...18mo Bost. 1 25 DICTIONARY, ENGLISH LANGUAGE, LATIN, ETC. 65 Kempis, Thos. a. Lond ed., 2s. 6d. to 9s....18mo Bost. $1 25 Larcom, Lucy. Breathings of a Better Life. 4to Bost. 2 50 Martineau, Jas. Endeavors after a Christian Life.... 12mo Bost. 1 00 b. Pascal, Blaise. Thoughts on Religion...12mo N. Y. 2 25 a. Prentiss, E. Stepping Heavenward.....12mo N. Y. 1 75 b. Prayers of the Ages.................... 12mo Bost. 2 50 b. Robertson, F. W. Sermons............. 12mo Bost. 2 00 Scougal. Life of God in the Soul of Man.18mo N. Y. Swetchine, Mad. de. Writings.......... 16mo Bost. 1 50 Taylor, Jeremy. The Golden Grove. Lon. 18mo 2s. 6d. a. - Holy Living and Dying, 2 vols. 12mo Bost. 2 50 Tholuck, A. Hours of Christian Devotion.l2mo Bost. 2 00 b. Thompson, Jos. P. Book of Fam.Worship. 4to Bost. Zschokke. Hours of Meditation, 2 vols.16mo Bost. ea. 1 50 b. Medita. on Death and Eter.12mo Bost. 1 50 - on Life and its Duties. (by Rowan).... 12mo Bost. 1 50 Diaries.-[See under Biography.] Dictionaries.-[See also Encyclopedias; and for Technical Dictionaries, as of Biography, Chemistry, &c., see names of subjects. Dictionary.-ENGLISH LANGUAGE. b. Bartlett. Dictionary of Americanisms... 8vo Bost. 2 50 Craik. Universal English Dictionary, 2 v. 8vo L.&N. 15 00 Johnson. English Dict. (by Latham)..... Richardson. English Dictionary, 2 v. Lon. 4to 94s. 6d. b. Webster. Unabridged Dictionary. Illust. 4to Spring. 12 00 National Pictorial Dictionary. r. 8vo Spring. 5 00 a. Royal Octavo; Imperial...... 8vo N.Y. ea. 5 00 Count. House & Fam. Dic. Imp.l2mo N. Y. 3 50 School & Pocket Dic. (various). b. Worcester. Dict. of English Language. 4to Bost. 10 00 a. -- Abridged..............r. 8vo Bost. 5 00 Comprehensive Dictionary.. 8vo Bost. 1 80 Dictionary-LATIN. b, Andrews. Lat. Eng. and Eng. Lat.....r. r. 8vo N. Y. 7 50 Ainsworth....... 8vo Phila. Anthon....... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Leverett....... 8vo Phila. 6 25 a. Riddell & Arnold.-......8vo N. Y. 5 00 White. -...... 8vo Phila. 4 50 Dictionary-GREEK. a. Drisler. Greek & Eng. and Eng. Greek D. r. 8vo N. Y. 7 00 b. Liddell & Scott r. 8vo N. Y. 7 50'Pickering. r. 8vo Phila. 6 25 Abridged.................. 8vo Oxfo. 4 50 Dictionary-FRENCH. Mole. Fr. & Eng.-Eng. Fr. Dictionary.. 8vo L. &N. 2 00 66 THE BEST READING. 5. Spier & Surenne. Fr. Eng. & Eng. Fr...r. 8vo N. Y. $6 00 a. Students' ed.12mo N. Y. 2 50 Surenne. -- 16mo N. Y. 1 25 Weller. French and English Dictionary. 8vo Phila. 4 00 Dictionary-GERMAN. b. Adler. Ger. Eng. & Eng. Ger..........r. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 James............ 8vo L. & N. 2 0) a. Oehlschlager -............ 18mo Phila. Dictionary-SPANISH. De Veitelle, Mere. Diet. Eng. Sp. Fr......12mo N. Y. 2 00 Neuman & Barretti.......12mo Phila. 1 88 b. Seoane. Sp. Eng. & Eng. Span......... r. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 a. - - abridged......12mo N. Y. 1 75 Dictionary-ITALIAN. Graglia. Eng. Ital. & Ital. Eng.........18mo L. &N. 1 50 a. Meadows............16mo N. Y. 2 50 b. Millhouse. - 2 vols..... 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Diet.-[See Health.] Diplomacy. Prescott. Diplomacy of the Revolution..12mo N.Y. 175 Divorce-[See Marriage and Divorce.] Dogs. a. Dinks, Mayhew & Hutchinson. On the Dog.12mo N. Y. 3 00 Herbert, H. W. The Dog............... 12mo N. Y. Hutchinson. On Dog Breaking. Lond...12mo 9s. a. Jesse. Anecdotes of Dogs. Illust....... 12mo Lond. 2 25 Richardson. On the Dog.............. 12mo N. Y. 60 Taylor. On the Dog.................. Walsh, J. H. (" Stonehenge.") The Dog, in Health and Dis. Lond.. 8vo 15s. The Greyhound. Lond.... 8vo 21s. a. Youatt. On the Dog............. 8vo Phila. 1 50 Domestic Animals.-[See also separate names.] Allen. Diseases of Domestic Animals....12mo N. Y. 1 00 Cole. The Veterinarian................12mo N. Y. 75 Dun. Veterinary...................... 8vo Edinb. Gamgee. Our Domestic Animals, 4 v. Edin.l2mo 6s. McClure. On Diseases of Horses, Cattle and Sheep. Morton. Manual of Veterinary Pharmacy. London..... 8vo 10s. Richardson. On the Hog..............12mo N. Y. 60 Youatt. On the Hog................ 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Dlomestic Economy.-[See also Cookery, Furniture, etc.] Beecher, Miss C. E. Domestic Economy.. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 ~______ _ - ~ ~ ~Receipt Book.. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. - and Mrs. Stowe. Amer. Woman's Home. Illus.... 8vo N.Y. 2 50 DRAMA, HISTORY OF THE, ETC. 67 Beecher. Principles of Domestic Science.12mo N. Y. $2 00 P-eton. Book of Household Management.12mo Lond. 3 75 b. ieu Voe. The Market Assistant........ 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Draper & Croffut. Helping Hand, for Town and Country.... 8vo Cinci. 4 25 Eastlake, C. L. Hints on Household Taste. London....12mo 18s. Ellett, Mrs. Practical Housekeeping.'69. 8vo N. Y. Haskell. Housekeeper's Cyclopedia..... 8vo N.Y. 1 75 Stowe, Mrs. House and Home Papers... 16mo Bost. 1 75 Six Hundred Dollars a Year............ 16mo Bost. 75 Warren, Mrs. How to Live on ~200 a Year.12mo Bost. 50 Comfort for Small Incomes. 12mo Bost. 50 How to Furnish a House on small means.... 12mo N. Y. 50 b. Webster. Cyclopedia of Domes. Economy. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 a. Youmans. Household Science........... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Drainage.-[~See under Agriculture.] Drama-HISTORY OF THE.-[LFor ( iticism, see under Criticism.] Blake. History of the Providence Stage. 12mo Prov.'68. Brown, T. A. Hist. of the American Stage. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 a. Doran. Annals of the English Stage, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Donaldson. Theatre of the Greeks. Lon. 8vo 14s. Dunlap. History of American Stage, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. Ireland. Record of the N. Y. Stage, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. Wemyss. Chronology of Amer. Stage.'52.12mo N. Y. Wilson, H. H. Theatre of the Hindus, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 21s. Drama —SHAKESPEARE; editions edited by b. Clarke, Mr. & Mrs. Cowden, 4 vols........ 8vo Lond. 12 00 -~ _- __ ~ - vol.........r. 8vo Lond. 8 00 b. Dyce (large type), 9 vols................ 8vo Lond. 24 00 Furness. Variorumed. I. Romeo&Juliet.'71. 8vo Phila. 7 50 a. Globe edition, 1 vol....................12mo Phila. 1 50 a. Handy Volume ed., 12 vols.............32mo Lond. 10 00 a. Hudson, Rev. W. N., 11 vols............12mo Bost. 16 50 Keightley, Thos., 6 vols............... 18mo Bost. 12 00 b. Knight, Chas. Pictorial ed., 8 vols......r. 8vo Lond. 40 00 Stratford cd., 6 vols.......12mo Lond. 10 00 a. White, Richard Grant, with Life, 12 vols.12mo Bost. 18 00 b. - fine ed., 12 vols.... Bost. 36 00 Also some 20 editions in 1 vol........... from 50 cts. to 15 00 Drama-COMMENTARIES, ETC. ON SHAKESPEARE. Abbott, E. A. Shakespearian Grammar.... Lond. Bible Truths with Shakespeare Parallel's.12mo Lond. 2 00 b. Clarke,Mrs. Concordanceto Shakesp....r. 8vo Bost. 10 00 Coleridge. Lectures on Shakesp. Lond. 8vo 3s. 6d. Craik, G. L. The English of Slakespeare.12mo Lond. 5s. Gervinus. Commentaries on Shakespeare. 2 vols. London.... 8vo 24s. 68 THE BEST READING. Giles. C. Human Life in Shakespeare... 12mo Bost. $2 00 Guizot. Shakespeare and his Times....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Halliwell, J. O. List of Works Illust. Shakespeare................16mo Lond. Hazlitt, W. C. Characters of Shakes.... 12mo Lond. 1 75 Hudson, H. N. Lectures on Shakesp., 2 v.12mo N. Y. 3 00 Holmes, N. Authorship of Shakespeare.12mo N. Y. 2 25 Jameson, Mrs. Female Characters of Sh. 8vo N. Y. Jervis. Dict. of the Language of S. Lon. 4to 12s. Keightley. Shakespeare Expositor. Lon.l2mo 7s. 6d. Rolfe. Some of the Plays of Shakespeare, with Notes....16mo N. Y. ea. 90 Ruggles. Shakespeare's Method as an Artist....12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Stearns, C. W. Shakespeare's Treasury of Wisdom, etc....12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. White, R. G. Shakespeare's Scholar.... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Wordsworth, B. Shakespeare's Knowledge of Bible. Lond....12mo 6s. Drama-COLLECTIONS OF PLAYS. Bell. British Theatre............... Cumberland's do. 43 vols. 18mo... Out of print, Dodsley's Old Plays............... and scarce. Inchbald's British Theatre............ French. Standard and Minor Drama.... N. Y. ea. 15 De Witt. Acting Plays (100)............ N. Y. ea. 15 Lacy. Acting Plays................. N. Y. ea. 25 Sargent (Epes). Acting Plays........... Lamb, Chas. Specimens of Dramatic Poets.12mo N. Y. Kettie. Works of Brit. Dramatists. Edinb. 8vo 5s. Drama-PARLOR DRAMAS. a. Baker, G. M. The Social Stage..........16mo Bost. 1 50 Amateur Drama..........16mo Bost. 1 50 Mimic Stage..............16mo Bost. 1 50 Fowle. Parlor Dramas................12mo Bost. 1 25 Gill. Parlor Tableaux..................12mo Bost. 1 50 Hudson & Howard. Private Theatricals.16mo N. Y. 1 50 Steele, J. S. Drawing-Room Plays..... Spirit of'76. By Mrs. Curtis............12mo Bost. 1 00 Drama-DRAMATIC WAORKS. a. ]Eschylus. Literal Trans. N. Y., $1.50..12mo Bohn. 1 75 --- By Potter. 18mo, 75c. N.Y. By Coppleston....12mo 1 00 Aristophanes. Translated, 2 vols........ Bohn. 5 00 Baillie, Joanna. Lond.................. 8vo 21s. b. Beaumont & Fletcher, 2 vols............ 8vo Lond. 10 00 ~ — ~- Selections by Leigh Hunt.12mo Bohn. 1 75 Boker, Geo. H. (with Poems), 2 vols......12mo Bost. Bulwer, Lytton, (with Poems)........... 16mo Bost. 1 25 DRAUGHTS, GAME OF-DRAWING BOOKS, ETC. 69 Calderon (Spanish). 1853. Lond........ 12mo 4s. 6d. Cibber, 5 vols.; Colman, 4 vols.; (both scarce.) Congreve (with Farquhar, etc.).......... 8vo Lond. $5 00 Corneille. Translated (?)............. Dryden. (In his works.) 2 vols......... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 5 vols........................18mo Bost. 6 25 b. Euripides. Trans. 2 v., Bohn., $5; 3 v.18mo N. Y. 2 25 Farquhar (with Congreve, etc).......... 8vo Lond. 5 00 Fielding. (In his works)............... 8vo Lond. 5 00 Ford. (With Massinger)............... 8vo Lond. 5 00 b. Goethe......................(Bohn).... 12mo Lond. 1 75 Goldsmith. (In his Works).............12mo Lond. 2 00 Guarini...................Lond.... 12imo 7s. 6d. Hertz. (King Rene)...................16mo N. Y. 1 25 b. Jonson, Ben. Complete Works......... 8vo Lond. 5 00 Knowles, Sheridan, 2 vols. Lond....... 12mo 12s. Lessing. Nathan the Wise............ 16mo N. Y. 1 50 Lytton, Bulwer................Lond....12mo 12s. Marlowe............................... 8vo Lond. 4 50 b. Massinger. (With Ford, $5)............12mo Lond. 3 50 Metastasio. Trans. by Hoole, 3 vols.... 8vo Lond. Millman. (-With Poems.) 3 vols. Lond.18mo 18s. Otway. Rowe. Both scarce............. Plautus. Trans. by.................2 v.12mo Bohn. 5 00 Racine (in French).....................12mo Paris. 1 25 The Suitors, Trans. by Browne...12mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Schiller. Trans. by various hands, 3 vols.12mo. Bohn. 5 25 b. Sheridan. Dramatic Works............ 12mo Lond. 1 75 a. Sophocles. Trans. by................... 12mo N. Y. $1.00.12mo Lond. 1 75 Talfourd...........................Lond.2mo 6s. Taylor, Henry. Edward the Fair, Ph. Van Artevelde, 2 vols. Lond. ea. 5s. Terence & Phmdrus. Trans.............12mo Bohn. 2 50 Vega, Lopez de. By Wiffen. Lond......i2mo 12s. Vanburgh (with Congreve, etc.)..... 8vo L. &N. 500 Wycherley -..... Draughts-GAME OF. Scattergood. Game of Draughts.........18mo N. Y. 50 a. Spayth. Game of Draughts............12mo N. Y. 1 50 Amer. Draught Players........ 12mo N. Y. 3 00 Draughts for Beginners.........1l2mo N. Y. 75 Sturges. Guide to Draughts.............12mo Phila. Drawing BoOks-PERSPECTIVE, ETC. b. Appleton. Cyclo. of Drawing (Mechan.) r. 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Burn. Illust. Drawing Book.............. L. & N. 1 50 Illust. Arch. & Engin. & Mech. D. Bk. L. & N. 1 50 Ornamental & Architectural D. Bk. L. & N. 1 50 Figure & Perspective Drawing Bk. L. & N. 6 00 a. Cave. New Method of Learning to Draw.12mo N. Y. 1 00 Metz. Drawing Book of Human Figure.12mo N. Y. 7 50 70 THE BEST READING. Minifee, W. Geometrical Drawing...... 8vo N.Y. $4 00 Chapman. Amer. Drawing Book........ 4to N. Y. 6 00 Dreams. Dendy. Phenomena of Dreams. Lond...12mo 4s. Seafield. Lit. and Curios. of Dreams, 2 v.12mo Lond. 5 00 Duelling. Millengen. History of Duelling, 2 v. Lond. 8vo 9s. a. Sabine. History of Duelling........... 8vo Bost. 1 75 b. Steinmetz. History of Duelling, 2 vols.. 8vo Lond. 8 00 Dutch Republic.-[See Hlolland.] Earth.-[See Astronomy, Cosmology, Physical Geography, Geology.] Earthquakes.-[~See Volcanoes.] East (The)-GENERALLY. —[See also Asia, Asia Minor.] Addison, C. G. Journey from Malta to Palmyra, etc., 2 v....Lond. 32s. Bartlett. Forty Days in the Desert. Lon. 8vo 7s. 6d. Burder. Oriental Customs. Illus. Script. 8vo Lond. 9s. Browne, J. Ross. Yusef: A Crusade in East....12mo N. Y. 1 75 cc. Bryant, W. Cullen. Letters from the East.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Chateaubriand. Travels................ o. p. and Clarke. E. D. Travels.................. scarce. Dicey, E. The Morning Land, 2 vols.... 12lo Lond. 5 00 Heeren. Carthage, Egypt, Ethiopia, etc.. 8vo Lond. 8s. Keppel-Travels. Kinnear-Journey. Both o. p. a. Kinglake, Eothen. Traces of Travel in East.12mo N.Y. 1 25 b. Kitto. Scripture Lands (col'd Maps)..... Lond. 3 75 Lamartine. Travels in the East, 2 vols..Lond. 5s. Lenormant & Chevalier. Travels, 2 vols. Lond. Lenormant, F. Students' Manual of Oriental History, 2 vols.... 8vo Lond. 5 50 Lindsay, Lord. Egypt, Edom and Holy Land, 2 vols.... Lond. 6s. Madden. Travels.-Morier. Journey. Both o. p. Maundeville. Travels from Aleppo to Jerusalem. Lond... 8vo 8s. Marco Polo, Book of. By Col. H. Yule, 2 vols. Lond.... 8vo 42s. Olin, Stephen. Egypt, Arabia, &c., 2 vols. 12mo N. Y. 3 00 Prime, S. I. Europe and the East, 2 vols. 12mo N. Y. 3 00 Richardson, Fredrika. The Iliad of the East. Lond.... 7s. 6d. Smith, Ph. Students' Ancient History of the East.... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Stephens, J. L. Egypt, Arabia and Holy Land, 2 vols.... N. Y. 3 00 a. Warburton. The Crescent and the Cross. 2 v. 8vo, Lon. (12mo N. Y., o. p.) EAST INDIES AND ISLANDS-EDUCATION, ETC. 71 East Indies-AND ISLANDS. a. Bickmore, A. S. East Indian Archipelago. 8vo N. Y. $3 50 Earl. Voyages to Eastern Seas. Lond.. 8vo 12s. Native Races of Indian Archipel.. 8vo Lond. 3 00 Lukes. Voyage in Eastern Archipelago. 2 vols. Lond.... 8vo 36s. Marryatt. Borneo.-Marsden. Sumatra. Both o. p. Munday. Borneo.-Newbold. Malacca. Both o. p. Raffles. History of Java. 1830. Lond.. 8vo 18s. St. John. Indian Archipelago. 1853. 2 v.12mo Lond. b. Wallace, A. R. Eastern Archipelago.... 8vo N.Y. 3 50 Eating.-[See Cookery, Health.] Ecclesiastical History.-[See Church History.] Education and Instruction.-[See also names of Studies, etc.; Colleges, Corporeal Punishment, School Architecture, Object Teaching.] Bryce. Native Education in India. Lond. 8vo 9s. 6d. Burton, W. The Dist. School as it was... 12mo N. Y. Farrar. Essays on Liberal Education.... 8vo Lond. 2 50 Kay. J. S. Social Condition of Ed. in Eng.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Lowell, A. C. J. Theory of Teaching. a. Mann, Horace. Lectures on Educa., 2 v. 8vo Bost. 6 00 a. Page, D. P. Theory & Pract. of Teaching.12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Randall, S. S. Com. School System of N.Y. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Richter, Jean Paul. Levana........... 12mo Bost. 2 00 Rogers, J. C. T. Educa. at Oxford. Lond.16mo 6s. a. Schermerhorn. Library of Education, 6v.18mo paper. ea. 25 viz.: Locke. On Education.............. Locke. On Study and Reading........ Milton. On Education................ Mann. On Physiology in Schools...... Scottish Univer. Addresses. By Mill, &c. Bible in Public Schools................ a. Spencer, Herbert. On Education........12mo N. Y. 1 25 Staunton. The Great Schools of Eng. Lon.16mo 7s. 6d. Taylor, Orville. The District School..... 12mo N. Y. Wyse, Thos. Education Reform. Lond. 8vo 15s. a. Youmans. Cult. Demand. by Modern Life.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Egypt-THE NILE; PYRAMIDS. — See also Abyssinia; East; Mediterranean.] Adams, W. H. D. The Land of the Nile, Past and Present.... 18mo Lond. 1 50 Baker, S. W. See Abyssinia............ b. Bartlett. The Nile Boat Illust........... 8vo Lond. 4 00 Belzoni. Travels in Egypt and Nubia, 2 v. London.... 8vo 28s. Bruce. Travels to Discover the Source of the Nile. London....18mo 3s. 6d. b, Bunsen, Chev. Egypt's Place in Universal History, 5 vols. London.... 8vo 171s. 72 THE BEST READING. a. Curtis, G. W. Nile Notes............... 12mo N. Y. $1 50 a. Dall, Mrs. C. H. Egypt's Place in History.12mo Lond. 1 50 Day, St. J. Great Pyramid........folio, Edinb. 28s. Eden, Fr. The Nile without a Dragoman. London... 12mo 7s. 6d. Farr. Hist. of Egypt, Assyria, &c., 4 vols.12mo Lond. Hawks, F. L. Monuments of Egypt; or, Egypt a Witness for the Bible.... l mo N. Y. Kenrick, J. Ancient Egypt. 1852. 2 vols. 8vo Lon. 30s. b Lane, E. W. Modern Egyptians, 2 vols. 8vo Lon. 38s. Lanoye, F. de. Egypt 3,000 Years Ago...12mo N. Y. 1 50 Lepsius. Egypt....................... 12mo Bohn 2 50 Lindsay, Lord. Letters from Egypt......12mo Bohn. 2 50 Palmer, W. Egyptian Chronicles, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 7 50 a. Prime, W. C. Boat Life in Egypt.......12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Russell, M. History of Egypt.........18mo N. Y. 75 Sharpe. History of Egypt to the Conquest by the Arabs, 2 vols. London.... 8vo 18s. Smyth, C. Piazzi. Life and Work at Great Pyramid, 3 vols. Edinburgh.... 8vo 56s. Smyth, C. Piazzi. Our Inheritance in the Great Pyramid.... 8vo Lond. 5 00 b. Speke. Discov. of the Source of the Nile. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Wilkinson, J. G. Ancient Egyptians, 5 v. 8vo Lon. 84s. a. Egyptians of Time of Pharaoh, 2 vols.... 12mo N. Y. 3 50 Electricity. b. Bakewell, F. C. Manual of Electricity...12mo Lond. 2 50 b. Farraday, M. Researches in Electricity. 3 vols. London.... 8vo 45s. b. Ferguson, R. M. Electricity. Illus......16mo Lond. 1 75 a. Fonvielle. Thunder and Lightning......12mo N. Y. 150 a. Harris,W. Snow. Elect. Magnet. & Galvan.l2mo Lond. 75 FrictionalElectricity.... 8vo Lond. 7 00 Miller. Electricity and Magnetism...... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Noad. Text Book of Electricity......... 8vo Lon. 24s. Introduction to Electricity....... 16mo Lond. 1 50 Elocution.-[See also Oratory.] Bantain. Art of Extempore Speaking...12mo N. Y. 1 50 Day, H. N. Elocution.................. 12mo Cincin. 1 50 Frobisher. The Force of Action.........12mo N. Y. 1 50 McIlvaine, J. H. Elocution..............12m N. Y. I 75 Monroe, L. P. Physical & Vocal Training.l2mo Phila. 1 00 Murdock & Russell. Vocal Culture......12mo Bost. Randall. Elocution.....................12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Rush, Jas. Philoso. of the Human Voice. 8vo Phila. 3 75 a. Reeves. Students' Own Speaker and Guide to Oratory....12mo N. Y. 75 a. Vandenhoff, G. Elocution............,. 12mo N. Y. Eloquence.-[See Oratory.] EMBLEMS-EMIGRATION-ENCYCLOPEDIAS, ETC. 73 Emblems. Bunyan. Emblems.....................16mo Lond. $1 50 Green. Shakespeare & Emblem Writers; London.... 8vo 31s. 6d. a. Quarles. Emblems. 16mo Lond. 4s.....18mo N. Y. 75 b. Whitney. Choice of Emblems........... 4to Lond. 12 50 Emigration-COLONIZATION. Bromwell. Immigration into U.S.'19-'55. 8vo N. Y. Brougham, Lord. Colonial Policy, 2 vols. o. p. Bury, Lord. Exodus of West. Nations, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 32s. Chickering. On Emigration. 1848....... 8vo Bost. Dufferin, Lord. Irish Emigration and Tenure of Land.... 8vo 10s. 6d. Goddard. Where to Emigrate and Why. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Union Colony of Colorado, with Map......12mo N. Y. 75 Encyclopedias.-[See also under names of Subjects, as Agriculture, Bible, Chemistry, Mechanics, etc.] b. Appleton. American Encyclopedia, 16 v. r. 8vo N. Y. 80 00 Annual Cyclo., 9 vols. pub. r. 8vo N. Y. 45 00 Brande. Cyclo. of Lit. Science & Art, 3 v. 8vo Lon. 60s. a. Chambers. Cyclopedia, new ed., 10 v. r. 8vo Edinb. 45 00 b. Encyclopedia Britannica, with Steel Plates. 8th edition, 21 volumes..... 4to Edinb. 125 00 English Cyclopedia, 22 vols...........r. 8vo Lon. ~12 b. Iconographic Cyclopedia. Illus.,6 vols. 8vo & 4to, N. Y. 50 00 Imperial Jour. of Lit. Arts & Sciences, 2 v. 4to Lond. 35 00 c. Maunder. Treasury of Knowledge; History, Bible, Botany, &c., 8 vols.18mo Lond. 32 00 National Cyclopedia. 13 vols............. 8vo Lond. 60 00 c. Zell. Popular Encyclopedia, 2 vols...... 4to Phila. For Kitto's Bible Encyclopedia, Smith's Dict., Dic. of Engineering, etc., see those subjects. England.-[See also Anglo-Saxons, Ireland, Scotland. Also Biography, such as Cromwell, etc.] GENERAL HISTORIES. c. Cassell. Pictorial History of England, 8 vols. Imp.... 8vo Lond. 24 00 Creasy. History of England, 5 vols. Lon. 8vo 52s. 6d. Half Hours of English History, 2 vols.... 8vo Lond. 6 00 a. Hume. History of England to....3 vols.12mo N. Y. 7 50 or b. - The same, 6 v. 12mo, $9; 6 v. 8vo Bost. 15 00 Smollett & Miller........4 vols. 8vo Phila. 16 00........8 vols. 8vo Lon. 63s. Smollett & Hughes, to Vict., 21 v. 12mo Lond. 26 00 Knight. Pictorial Hist. of England, 8 v.r. 8vo Lond. b. Popular History of England, 8. v. 8vo Lond. 25 00 74 THE BEST READING. Lingard. Hist. of England (R. Cath), 13 v. 12mo Lon. 54s. Mackintosh, 3 vols...................... 16mo N. Y. 3 00 (See England: partial Histories.) England-CONDENSED AND ABRIDGED GENERAL HISTORIES. a. Dickens. Child's History of England, 2 v.16mo N. Y. $2 00 The same, 1 vol............. 12mo Bost. 1 50 Freeman. Early Hist. of Eng., for Child. 16mo N. Y. 1 50 Goldsmith. Hist. of England by Pinnock.12mo Phila. 1 75 Goodrich, S. G. Pict. Hist. of England...12mo Phila. 1 75 b. Hume. Smith's "Student's" ed. of Hume.12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Keightley. History of England, 5 vols... 12mo N.Y. 3 75 a. Lossing. History of England, with maps. 12mo N. Y. 2 50 Lingard. History of England, abridged..12mo N. Y. 1 50 Markham. History of England.........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Smith, Wm. Smaller Hist. of England.. 12mo N. Y. 1 00 Yonge, Chr. Parallel Hist. of England and France. Lond... 12mo 7s. 6d. England-PARTIAL HISTORIES-SPECIAL PERIODS. a. Aikin, Lucy. Court & Times of Elizabeth.12mo N. Y. 2 00 James I., 2 v. Charles, 2 v. Scarce. Brodie. Constitutional Hist. from Charles I., 3 vols.... 8vo Lond. 12 00 c. Burnet, Bp. Hist. of his own Time. Lon. r. 8vo 10s. 6d. Carlyle. Cromwell's Life and Letters, 2 v.l2mo N. Y. 3 50 b. Clarendon. History of the Rebellion, 7 v. 18mo Lon. 25s. Court and Society. Elizabeth to Anne, 2 vols. Lond.... 8vo 30s. Croly. Life of George IV..............18mo N. Y. 75 Ellis. Original Letters, Illustrative of English History, 11 vols. Lond. Freeman. Hist. of Norman Conquest, 3 v. 8vo Oxf. 54s. a. Froude. History of England from Henry VIII. to Eliz., inclusive, 12 vols.12mo N. Y. 15 00 c. Forster, Jno. Statesmen of the Commonwealth.... 8vo N. Y. 2 25 c. Guizot. Revolution of 1640............. 12mo Bohn. 1 75 Life of Gen Monk............. 12mo Lond. 1 75 Revolution of. 1688............. Halliwell. Letters of the Kings of Eng.. 8vo Lond. 12s. Halsted, Caroline. Reign of Rich. III. 2 v. 8vo Lon. 30s. James. Naval History of England, 6 vols.2lmo Lon. 36s. c. Jesse. Lives of the Pretenders..........12mo Bohn. 2 25 c. Court of Eng. under Stuarts, 3 vols.l2mo Bohn. 6 75 Memoirs of Reign of Geo. III., 3 v.Lond. 42s. a. Macaulay. Hist. of England, Jas. II. to Wm. III., inclusive, 8 volumes...12mo N. Y. 18 00 Cheap Ed. 4 vols. $8.00. 5 v. 8vo Phila. 7 50 Mackintosh, Sir. J. Revolution of 1688... History of England to Geo. III., 2 v. 8vo $6.00. 3 v.... 12mo N. Y. 3 00 Mahon, Lord. England, under.......2 v. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 ENGLAND-ILLUSTRATIVE WORKS ON HISTORY, ETC. 70 Massey. Hist. Eng. 1745-1801. 4 vols.... 8vo Lon. 48s. b. Martineau, Harriet. History of England during the Peace, 4 vols... 8vo Bost. $10 00 Martin. Hist. British Colonies, 6 v. Lond. 8vo 84s. Olyphant, Mrs. Reign of George III., 2 v. 8vo Lon. 21s. Pearson. Hist. of Eng. Early & Mid. Ages. 8vo Lon. 12s. Roberts, Emma. Houses of York and Lancaster, 2 volumes.... 8vo 26s. Stanhope, Earl. History of England from Anne to Peace of Utrecht.... 8vo Lond. 8 00 b. Strickland. Queens of Eng., 1 v. $2.25. 8 v.12mo Bohn. 18 00 Towle, G. M. Hist. of Henry V.......... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 b. Thierry. Hist. of the Norman Conq't., 2 v.12mo Bohn. 3 50 c. Thackeray. The Four Georges........12mo N.Y. 1 00 Walpole. Reign of George II. and III., 5 v. 8vo Lon. 78s. Yonge. Hist. of the British Navy, 2 vols. 8vo 42s. England-ILLUSTRATIVE WORKS ON ENGLISH HISTORY. Blanc, Louis. Letters on Eng., 2 v. Lond. 16s. Dixon, W. H. Her Majesty's Tower; Hist. Study, 2 volumes....12mo Phila. 3 00 Donne, W. B. Correspondence of George III. and Lord North, 2 v. 1867. Lon. 32s. a. Evelyn. Diary of Times of Charles II., etc.l2mo N. Y. 2 50 a. "Mary Powell." Maiden & Married Life.16mo N. Y. 1 75 Pauli. Alfred the Great................12mo Bohn. 2 50 a. Pepys. Diary of Charles II. and James II.12mo N. Y. 2 50 England-TRAVELS IN; RESIDENCE THERE. Burritt, Elihu. Walks in the Black Country. London....12mo 6s. From Land's End to Johnny Groat's. 12mo Lon. 6s. Coxe, A. C. Bishop. Impressions of Engl.12mo Phila. 1 25 a. Emerson. English Traits..............12mo Bost. 2 00 Felton, C. C. Letters from Europe.......12mo Bost. 1 50 a. Hawthorne. Our Old Home.............l2mo Bost. 2 00 a. English Note Books, 2 vols.12mo Bost. 4 00 b. Hoppin, J. M. Old England.............12mo N. Y. 1 75 Howitt. Rural Life in England. Lond.. 8vo 12s. Visits to Remarkable Places. 2 volumes. London.... 8vo 12s. 6d. b. Homes & Haunts of Brit. Poets, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 b. Miller, Hugh. First Impressions of Engl.l2mo Bost. 1 75 Murray. Hand Books of England, 6 vols. Lond. 47s. 6d. Olmsted, F. L. Walks & Talks of American Farmer. 1854....12mo N. Y. 1 25 Sen, Keshub Chunder. English Visit.... *** The earlier Travels of Carter, Colton, Humphrey, Lester, Kohl, and many others, are now out of print. English Language. —[See also Composition, Dictionaries, Grammar, Literature, Philology.] Abbott, F. & J. R. Seeley. English Lessons for English People.... 16mo Bost. 1 50 76 THE BEST READING. Alford, Dean. The Queen's English......16mo Lond. $1 25 a. Bartlett,J. R. Dictionary of Americanisms. 8vo Bost. 2 50 Chambers. History of English Language.16mo Edinb. 1 25 Clark. Outlines of English Language.... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 b. Crabbe. English Synonymes............ 8vo N. Y. 2 50 b. Craik. Hist. Eng. Language and Lit., 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 7 50 a. De Vere. Studies in English............ 12mo N. Y. 2 50 Americanisms................12mo N. Y. 2 00 Donald. Etymologl. Dict. of Eng. Lang.l2mo Phila. 2 50 Ehener & Greenway. Words and Deriv. 8vo Phila. Fowler. English Language: Elements,&c. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Gould, E. S. Good English.............. 12mo N. -Y. 1 50 Johnson. Meaning of Words............12mo. 1 25 Latham. Hand Book of English Language. 8vo Lon. 7s.6d. b. Marsh. Lectures on English Language.. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 b. Origin and Hist. Eng. Language. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Moon.' The Dean's English.............12mo Lond. 1 75 Bad English. London........... 12mo 3s. 6. Smith. English Synonymes Explained... 8vo Lond. 6 50 Soule, R. Dict. of English Synonymes... 8vo Bost. 2 00 Strattman. Dict. of Old Eng. Language 12th and 15th Centuries.... 8vo Lond. Taine. Hist. English Literature, 2 vols.. 8vo N.Y. 10 00 Trench. English Past and Present...... 12mo Lond. 4s. a. Study of Words.............. 12mo N. Y. 1 25 Deficiencies in Eng. Dictionaries.l2mo Lond. 3s. Underwood, F. U. Hand Book Eng Lit.12mo Bost. 2 50 e. Wedgewood. Eng. Etymology, new ed. 2 v. 8vo Lond. b. White R. Grant. Words and their Uses.12mo N. Y. 2 00 English Literature.-[See Literature.] Engraving. a. Duplessis. Wonders of Engraving...... 18mo N. Y. 1 50 Hamerton. Etchers and Etching. Lond.r. 8vo 31s. 6d. b. Jackson. Treatise on Wood Engraving. r. 8vo Lond. 21 00 Sharpe. On Etching. Edinburgh....... 4to 63s Epigrams. Martial. Epigrams. Trans............. 12mo Bohn. 8 75 Essays-LITERARY; COLLECTIONS OF.-[See also Natural Science.] a. British Essayists. Viz.: Tatler, 4 v.; Spectator, 8 v.; Guardian, 3 v.; Idler, 1 v.; Rambler, 3 v.; Observer, 3 v.; Adventurer, 3 v.; World, 3 v.; Looker On, 3 v.; Mirror, 2 v.; Connoisseur. 2 v.; Lounger, 2 v. 38 volumes......................16mo Bost. ea. 1 25 *** Either work may be had separately. a. Modern British Essayists. Viz.; Macaulay, 1 v.; Carlyle, 1 v.; Alison, 1 v.; Jeffrey, 1 v.; Sydney Smith, 1 v.; Macintosh, ESSAYS-LITERARY, COLLECTIONS OF. 77 I v.; Wilson, 1 v.; Talfourd & Stephen. I v.....................8 volumes... 8vo N.Y. ea. $2 00 *** Either Work may be had separately. a. Addison. Works, including part of "Spectator," 6 volumes.... 12mo Phila. 9 00 Alford, H. Essays and Addresses. 1869. 8vo Lond. Alger, W. R. Solitude of Nature and Man. 1867....12mo Bost. b. Alison, Arch. Essays and Reviews, 1 vol. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Arnold, M. Culture and Anarchy. 1869. 8vo L. 10s. 6d. Ascham, R. Works................ 16mo Lond. Bacon, Lord. Advancement of Learning. 12mo Lon. 5s. a. Bacon. Essays; Golden Treasury Series.l6mo Lond. 1 25 orb. ~ Annotated (by Heard)... 8vo Bost. 3 50 c. Beecher, H. W. Star Papers, 2 series.... 12mo N. Y. 3 00 c. Boyd, A. K. H. " Country Parson" Books, viz.: Autumn Holidays.....................16mo Bost. 1 75 Counsel & Comfort.................... 16mo Bost. 1 75 Every Day Philosopher................16mo Bost. 1 75 Leisure Hours in Town................16mo Bost. 1 75 c. Recreations, 2 volumes................6mo Bost. 3 50 a. Brown, John, M.D. Spare Hours, 2 series.6mo Bost. 4 00 b. Browne,SirThcs. ReligioMedici, etc., 3v.16mo Bost. 7 50 Buckle, H. T. Essays...................12mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Burke, Edmund. Works, 12 volumes....12mo Bost. 18 00 b. Burnand. Happy Thoughts, 2 vols......16mo Bost. 2 00 a. Carlyle,Thos. Essays,Criti. andMisc.,4v.12mo N.Y. 9 00 -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ —8 v.16mo Lond. 7 20 -~_ _- -- ~1 v. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 a. Sartor Resartus, 12mo N. Y.16mo Lond. 90 c. Channing, W. E. Essays and Works, I vol. $1.00. 3 vols..... 2mo Bost. 3 00 Congdon, C. G. "Tribune Essays."......12mo N. Y. 2 00 c. Chesterfield, Lord. Essays, Maxims, etc.l6mo Lond. 1 25 Cobbe, Frances P. Hours of Work & Play.12mo Phila. 1 50 - Essays on Ethical and Soc. Subj. 8vo Lond. Cowley. Essays........................ 16mo Bost. 1 25 Crit. and Social Essays from " The Nation".16mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Curtis, G. W. Potiphar Papers........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Prue & I............... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Davy, Sir. Consolations in Travel.......16mo Bost. 1 50 b. De Quincey. Works, 22 vols............12mo Bost. 33 00 *** Any work separate. b. D'Israeli, I. " Amenities" and Curiosities. [See Literature.] c Dodge, Miss. "Gail Hamilton." Works, viz.: Country Living.......................16mo Bost. 2 00 Gala Days..........................16mo Bost. 2 00 New Atmosphere................... 16mo Bost. 2 00 Skirmishes and Sketches.............16mo Bost. 2 00 Stumbling Blocks...................16mo Bost. 2 00 a Emerson, R. W. Works in prose, 2 vols.. 12mo Bost. 5 00 78 THE BEST READING. Emerson's separate Works, viz.: Representative Men................. $2 00 Conduct of Life.....................2 00 Society and Solitude................. 2 00 b. Epictetus. Works ed. by Higginson..... 8vo Bost. 2 50 Essays from London " Times".......... 16mo N. Y. 50 Fichte, J. G. Works, 2 vols........... 12mo Lon. 20s. b. Freeman, E.A. Hist'l Essays. 1871. Lon. 8vo 10s. 6d. b. Foster, John. Decision of Character..... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 Popular Ignorance, etc.... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 c. Franklin, Benj. Essays and Letters, 2 v.18mo N. Y. 1 50 c. Friswell, J. H. The Gentle Life........12mo Lond. 3 00 - ~__ - Other Essays, 6 vols.....12mo Lond. ea. 3 00 a. Froude. Short Studies on Great Subjects, 2 series.N. Y. ea. 1 50 Giles, Henry. Lectures and Essays, 2 vols.12mo Bost. 3 00 a. Godwin, Parke. Out of the Past, Crit. and Misc. Essays....12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Goldsmith, Oliver. Miscellaneous Works. " The Bee," etc., 4 vols... 12mo Phila. 6 00 c. Hall, Rev. John. Papers for Home Read'g. 8vo N. Y. 1 75 c. Hare, J. & C. Guesses at Truth.........12mo Bost. 2 00 Hamilton, Gail. [See Dodge.] a. Hawthorne. American Note Books, 2 vs.12mo Bost. 4 00 b. Hazlitt, W. Essays and other Works, 6 v.12mo Phila. 9 0;) ~- The same, 5 vols........... 12mo Bohn. 9 50 a. Round Table............... 16mo Lond. 1 25 c. Helps. Friends in Council, 2 vols....... 12mo N. Y. 4 00 Essays. Organization in War...16mo Bost. 1 50 c. in Intervals of Business.. 16mo Bost. 1 50 Short Essays and Aphorisms.....16mo Bost. 1 50 b. Higginson, T.W. Out of Door Papers...12mo Bost. 1 50 Holmes, O. W. Sound'gs from the Atlantic. 12mo Bost. 1 75 a. " Autocrat" and "Professor"..... 12mo Bost. ea. 1 75 a. Holland, J. G. "Timothy Titcomb"..16mo N. Y. 1 50 c. Gold Foil, $1.75; Plain Talk..16mo N. Y. 1 75 Lessons in Life...............16mo N. Y. 1 75 Letters to Jones..............16mo N.Y. 1 75 b. Hunt, Leigh. Works(Miscell.) 4 vols....12mo Phila. 6 00 b. - A Day by the Fire......16mo Bost. 1 50 b. The Seer, 2 vols..........16mo Bost. 3 00 a. Irving, W. Sketch Book and other Essays. 4 vols. 16mo, ea. $1.25; 12mo N. Y. 2 25 c. Jameson, Mrs. Essays on Litera. & Art, 10 v.16mo Lond. 20 00 [See Fine Arts for separate Works.] c. Jeffrey, F. Essays and Reviews......... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 c. Jerrold, Douglas. Complete Works, 4 v.. 12mo Lond. 11 00 a. Lamb, Chas. Complete Works, 5 vols...12mo N. Y. 9 00 a. Elia, separate............12mo N. Y. 2 25 c. Landor, W. Savage. Complete Works, 2 v.r. 8vo Lond. 9 00 a. Selections from, by Hillard.16mo Bost. 1 25 b. Pericles and Aspasia.......16mo Bost. 1 50 Imaginary Conversations... 12mo Lond. 5s. ESSAYS-LITERARY, COLLECTIONS OF. 79 a. Lowell, J. R. Among my Books.........12mo Bost. $2 00 a. My Study Windows...... 12mo Bost. 2 00 b. Maistre, Xavier de. Journey Round my Room....12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Macaulay, Lord. Essays; best ed., 6 vols. 12mo N. Y. 13 50 Cheaper ed., 5 v., $6.25; 1 v. ed.. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 c. Mackintosh. Essays and Miscellanies.... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Martineau, Jas. Essays, 2 vols..........12mo Bost. 5 00 c. Maginn. Reliques of Father Prout......12mo Lond. 3 00 Millman, H. H. Savanarola and other Essays. Lond.... 8vo 15s. b. Mill, John Stuart. Dissertations and Discussions, 4 vols.... 8vo Bost. 9 00 b. Mitchell, D. G. Dream Life and other Works, 4 vols.... N. Y. 7 00 c. More, Hannah., Works (2 v. 8vo, $4;) 7 v. 8vo N. Y. 8 75 c. Montaigne. Essays; best ed., 4 vols.... 8vo N. Y. 9 00 ~ — - ~1 vol. 8vo; Gentle Life ed.12mo Lond. 3 00 Morte d'Arthur.......................12mo Lond. 2 00 Newman, J. Henry. Essays. Hist.& Crit., 2 v. 8vo Lon. 12s. b. Salmagundi. ByWm. Irving, Washington Irving and Paulding. 16mo $1.25 & $1.75.12mo N. Y. 2 25 c. Seeley, Prof. Roman Imperialism, etc...12mo Bost. 1 50 Senior, N. W. Hist. & Philos. Essays, 2 v. 8vo Lond. Shaftesbury, Lord. Characteristics, 3 vs. London.... 8vo $5.00 to 10 00 New Ed. (by Hatch). 1 vol. London..... 8vo 14s. Small Books on Great Subjects, 22 vols. London....16mo ea. 3s. 6d. c. Smith, Sydney. Essays, etc., from Edinburgh Review....12mo Lond. 4 00 1 vol. 8vo, N. Y. $2.00. 4 vols. Lond. 8vo 30s. Southey. Common Place Book, 4 v. Lond. 8vo 30s, c. - -~ 2 vols.... 8vo N.Y. 3 00 The Doctor, a part...........12mo N. Y. 1 25 London.... 8vo 12s. 6d. Essays, 2 vols. London..... 12s. a. Spectator, The. 8 v. 18mo Bost. $10. 6 v. 8vo N. Y 16 00 ~____- - complete in 1 volume...... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 c. Stephen, Sir J. & Talfourd. Essays, etc. 1 v. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 c. Swift, Dean. Works; carefully selected. 8vo Lond. 2 50 c. Stowe, Mrs. The Chimney Corner.......12mo Bost. 1 75 Tattler; Observer; Idler, etc. See British Essayists. a. Thackeray. Miscellanies and Essays, 5 v. 12mo Bost. 6 25 Early and Late Papers.....1.2mo Bost. 2 00 a. Thoreau. Walden, or Life in the Woods.12mo Bost. 2 00 Week on the Concord, etc......2mo Bost. 2 00 c. Warner. My Sumnier in a Garden......12mo Bost. 1 00 b. Whipple, E. P. Essays and Reviews, 2 v.12mo Bost. 3 00 Success and its Conditions....12mo Bost. 1 50 Literature and Life.........12mo Bost. 1 50 80 THE BEST READING. Whipple. Charac. and Characteristic Men.12mo Bost. $1 75 c. Works complete, 6 vols.......1l2mo Bost. 8 00 a. Wilson, Prof. John. Essays, 1 vol....... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 c. Noctes Ambrosiana, 6 vols... 8vo N. Y. 10 50 Recreations of Christ. North, 2 v. Lon. 12s. Willis, N. P. Rural Essays & other Works, 12 vols....12mo N. Y. ea. 1 75 Etching.-[See Engraving.] Ethics.-[See Moral Science.] Ethnology.-[See also Darwinism, Geography, Natural History.] b. Argyll, Duke of. Primeval Man........12mo Lond. 1 50 Baldwin, J. D. Pre-historic Nations.....12mo N. Y. 1 75 b. Brace, C. L. The Races of Men......... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Cobbell, Prof. J. L. The Unity of Mankind. 8vo N. Y. 1 25 Denison, W. The Antiquity of Man..... 8vo Lond. Earle. Races of Indian Archipelago. Ion. 8vo 10s. 6d. a. Figuier. Primitive Man. Illustrated... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 b. Guyot. Earth and Man................ 12mo Bost. 1 75 b. Huxley, Prof. Man's placein Nature.... 8vo N. Y. 1 50 Origin of Species........ 8vo N. Y. 1 25 Knox. The Races of Men............... 8vo Lond. 4 00 Latham. Native Races of Russian Empire. 8vo Lond. 3 00 Natural Hist. of Varieties of Man. 8vo Lon. 21s. c. Lesley, J. P. Man's Origin & Destiny.... 8vo Phila. 4 00 a. Marsh, G. P. Man and Nature.......... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 c. Moore, G. D. The First Man and his place in Creation. 1866.... 8vo Lond. Nott & Gliddon. Indigenous Races...... r. 8vo Phila. 5 00 c. Types of Mankind...r. 8vo Phila. 5 00 Page,W. Man: Where,Whence,Whither? Edinburgh....12mo 3s. 6d. Pickering. The Races of Man.......... 12mo Bohn. 2 50 Colored....12mo Bohn. 3 75 b. Prichard. Natural History of Man. Illus. 2 volumes...r. 8vo Lond. 11 50 Six Ethnographical Maps......folio Lond. 6 00 Physical History of Mankind. 5 vols. London.... 8vo 82s. Thoms, W. J. The Longevity of Man... 8vo Lond. a. Tylor,E.B. EarlyHist. of Mankind. Lon. 8vo 12s. b. Primitive Culture, 2 vols..... 8vo Lond. 12 00 Wilson, Dr, D. Pre-historic Man........ 8vo Lond. 5 00 Wood, J. G. Uncivilized Races.......... 8v Lond. b. Natural Hist. of Man, 2 vols. r. 8vo Lond. 14 00 Etiquette-SOCIAL LIFE AND CUSTOMS, Art of Conversation................... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Bazaar. Book of Decorum............16mo N. Y. 1 00 Calvert, Geo. I. The Gentleman......16mo Bost. 1 25 b. Chesterfield. Letters to his Son, etc.....12mo Phila. 1 50 ETRURIA-EUROPE, GENERALLY-ITS HISTORY. 8i Etiquette for Gentlemen, 75c.; for Ladies.18mo N. Y. $ 75 a. Habits of Good Society................. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Hartley, Flor. Ladies' Book of Etiquette. Hand Book of Etiquette................. 18mo N. Y. 75 Hervey. Principles of Courtesy......... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Rhetoric of Conversation.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Lieber, Dr. The Character of the Gentleman....12mo Phila. 75 Etruria. Dennis, Geo. Cities and Cemeteries of Etruria, 2 vols..... 8vo Lon. 42s. Gray, Mrs. History of Etruria, 2 vols.....12mo Lon. 24s. - Tour to the Sepulchres of Etruria.12mo Lon. 21s. Evidences of Christianity. b. Barnes, Rev. Albert. Evidences of Christi. 2mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Butler, Bp. Analogy of Religion........12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Chalmers,Thos. Evidencesof Christ'y, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 2 50 Dodge, E. Evidences of Christianity..... 12mo Bost. 1 50 Gregory, Olinthus. Evidences of Christ'y. 12mo Bohn. 1 75 a. Keith. Evidences of Christianity.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Lardner. Credibility of the Gospel Hist., 2 v.l2mo Lon. 7s. Lord, Rev. C. E. Evidences of Natural and Revealed Religion.... 8vo Phila. 3 50 Paley. Evidences of Christianity.......18mo N. Y. 75 b. Potter, Bp. A. Evidences of Christianity. 8vo Phila. 2 50 b. Rawlinson. Historic Truth of the Sacred Records.... 12mo Bost. 1 75 Watson. Apology for the Bible....... 18mo N. Y. 60 Whately, Archb. Evidences of Christ'y..12mo N. Y. Europe-GENERALLY-ITS HISTORY.-[See also Chivalry, Crusades, Middle Ages: names of Countries, as England, France, etc.] b. Alison. Hist. of Europe. 1789-1815. 20 v.l2mo Lond. 30 00 a. The same, 4 vols............. 8vo N. Y. 8 00 Hist. of Europe. 1815-1852. 8 v. Lon. 27s. The same, 4 vols................. 8vo N. Y. 8 00 - History to 1815, abridged........ 8vo N. Y. 2 50 a. Arnold, T. Lectures on Modern History. 8vo N.Y. 1 75 Bury, Viscount. Exodus of the Western Nations, 2 vols.... 8vo Lon. 32s. b. Draper, J. W. Intellectual Development of Europe... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 b. Dyer. History of Modern Europe, 4 vols. 8vo Lon. 42s. The same, condensed.....12mo N. Y. a. Greene. History of Middle Ages.......12mo. N. Y. 1 75 Heeren. Political System of Europe. Lon. 8vo 14s. Michelet. Element. Mod. Hist. of Europe.18mo N. Y. 75 Raumer, F. Von. History of 16th and 17th Centuries, 2 vols. London.... 8vo 21s. a. Russell. History of Modern Europe, 3 vs. 8vo N. Y. 6 CO 4 vs. 8vo Lond. 10 00 82 THE BEST READING. b. Schlegel. Lectures on Modern History...12mo Bohn. $1 75 Sewell & Yonge. European Hist., v. 1 & 2.12mo Lon. ea. 1 75 b. Smyth. Lectures on Modern Hist., 2 vols.12mo Bohn. 3 50 Steinmetz. Hist. Mod. Europe, for Schools.12mo Lon. 5s. b. Tsylor, W. C. Manual of Mod. History. 8vo N. Y. 2 25 Europe-TRAVELS IN. —[See also England, France, etc.] a. Bellows, H. W. The Old World in a New Face, 2 vols....12mo N. Y. 3 50 Colman, H. European Life and Manners. 1850. 2 vols..... 8vo Bost. b. Darley, F. 0. C. Sketches Abroad....... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Durbin, J. P Observations in Europe. 1844. 2 vols....12mo N. Y. 3 00 b. Guild, Curtis. Overthe Sea. Tourin Eu. 8vo Bost. 2 50 c. Harper. Hand Book for Europe and East.12mo N. Y. 5 00 a. Longfellow. Outre Mer..............12mo Bost. 1 50 c. MacGregor. 1000 Miles in Rob Roy Canoe.1lmo Bost. 1 25 Latrobe. Hints for Six Months in Europe.12mo Phil. 1 50 Murray. Hand Books for Travellers, viz.: The Continent; Northern Europe, 2 v., 20s. 6d.; Holland and Belgium; Northern Italy, 12s.; Central Italy, 10s.; Southern Italy, 10s.; France, 12s.; Sicily, 12s.; Switzerland, 10s.; Turkey, 10s.; Greece, 15s.; Spain, 2 v., 24s.; Portugal, 9s.12mo Lond. a. Stephens, J. L. Greece, Turkey, Russia, etc., 2 volumes.... 12mo N. Y. 3 00 a. Taylor, Bayard. Views Afoot..........12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Greece and Russia.... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. - Northern Europe......12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. - By-Ways of Europe...12mo N. Y. 1 50 Wallace, H. B. Art and Scenery in Europe.l2mo Phila. 2 00 Ware, Wm. European Capitals. 1851..12mo Bost. 1 00 *** Many other books of Travel, now o. p. Exercises.-[See Athletic Sports, Gymnastics, etc.] Extravagancies and Superstitions.-[See Superstitions, Demonology, etc.] Extracts.-[See Quotations.] Fables. 2Esop. Fables. Illustrated, 8vo, $2; do. N. Y. 3 00 Illustrated by Griset.... 4to 5 00 a. Bewick. Fables, with his own wood-cuts. 8vo L. & N. 3 00 Bidpai, Fables of. By Knatchbull....... 8vo Lond. 3 50 Gay, John. Fables. Illustrated. Lond.16mo 4s. 6d. Krilof and his Fables................. 8vo L. & N. 2 50 a. La Fontaine. Fables. Trans. by Wright. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 b. - Illustrated by Dor6........ 4to Lond. 15 00 Northcote. Artists' Book of Fables. Lon.12mo 6s. a. Pilpay. Fables. Illustrated............12mo N. Y. 1 50 FAIRY TALES AND LEGENDS-FICTION-NOVELS. 83 Facetie.-[See Humorous Works.] Fairy Tales and Legends.-[See also Juveniles.] a. Andersen, Hans C. Fairy Story B'ks, 4 v. (Miller) ca. $1 25 a. - Wonder Stories.....12mo N. Y. 2 25 Croker. Fairy Legends of South Ireland.12mo Lon. 5s. Frere. Old Deccan Days (Hindoo Fairy L.)12mo Phil. 1 50 b. Grimm, Bros. German Popular Stories.. 12mo N. Y. 3 00 - ~ Household Stories....... 12mo N. Y. 2 75 Hamilton, Count. Fairy Tales...........12mo Bohn. 1 75 a. Hawthorne N. The Wonder Book.......16mo Bost. 1 50 b. Keightley. Fairy Mythology.......... 12mo Lond. 2 25 Kingsley. Greek Fairy Tales............ 22mo Lond. 1 50 a. Kingsley. The Water Babies...........12mo Bost. 1 75 b. Laboulaye. Fairy Tales of all Nations... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Family.-[See Marriage.] Farming.-[See Agriculture.] Female Education.-[See Education.] Fiction.-[See also Fables, Fairy Tales, Juveniles, Legends.] History of Fiction. a. Dunlop, J. History of Fiction........... 8vo Lond. 3 50 Forsyth. Novels and Novelists of 18th Cent. L. 10s. 6d. N. 1 50 Jeaffreson. Novels & Novelists, 2 v. Lon.l2mo 21s. b. Masson. British Novelists............. 8vo Lond. 2 00 Fiction-NOVELS.-[Author's names arranged alphabetically.] [This classification of Fiction is naturally made on a somewhat different basis from that of the remainder of the list. Any classification is necessarily arbitrary and incomplete, and we submit this as merely suggestive, and without any claims to finality or infallibility. No standard can be adopted which, however true for the larger portion of the works classified, will not be open to criticism for its arrangement of many books, concerning which opinions are divided, or whose position in the scale is naturally doubtful. We have endeavored in our distribution to follow the opinions of the best critics, and the judgment of the better class of readers. The number of works of fiction is so enormous, and is increasing so rapidly from year to year, that it would be hardly possible to compile any catalogue without omissions and deficiencies. We trust, however, that in our list, these may not be found numerous or important. In our classification we have divided works of Fiction into three classes. The first class contains those which, from their acknowledged literary merit, or from their value in representing some 84 THE BEST READING. important historical period, social movement, or phase of thought, have come to be regarded as belonging to standard literature. The second contains the books that come under the designation of good novels, and which can be recommended to the readers of fiction; and in the third we have inserted those that we consider less desirable, but which may, in most cases, be added without detriment to an extended collection of fiction. It is by no means certain, however, that all of these are even worth reading; possibly some may be positively mischievous. The names of the authors, the majority of whose works belong to the first class, are marked a. The authors of the second class b; and those of the third, c. As in many cases, however, the works of one author are of varying merit and value, and would naturally come under different classes, we have used a further designation for the books themselves. Those in the first class are marked with two "stars;" those in the second with one, and those in the third have been inserted without " star." When it is considered that the English press alone turns out some three hundred novels every year; and on our side, including the "yellow-covered," we manufacture nearly as many more, it is obvious that even the long list which we give here is merely a selection from the vast mass of " fiction" now afloat, and indicates only those books which have been most generally recognized as (more or less) worth reading. But even this list comprises a great deal more than any library, private or public (less than the British Museum), is likely to want. Those who select the books indicated by'* in this list will be reasonably secure of having the best works of fiction now in the market.] b. About. (French.) The Fellah. Translated........... 12mo Lond. 9s. * King of the Mountains................16mo Lond. Is. Man with Broken Ear................ 16mo N. Y. $1 25 * Tolla.............................. 2mo Edinb. 2s. Germaine; Nose of a Notary......... b. Aguilar, Grace. Days of Bruce, 2 vols................12mo N. Y. 2 00 * Home Influence.................... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 Home Scenes and Heart Studies..... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 * Mother's Recompense................12ino N. Y. 1 00 Vale of Cedars...................... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 * Woman's Friendship................12mo N. Y. 1 00 Women of Israel, 2 vols..............12mo N. Y. 2 00 c. Aimard, G. (" Sensational" Novels.) Gold Seekers, Indian Chief & 6 others..12mo Phila. ea. 75 FICTION. 85 e. Ainsworth, W. H. (Sensational?) Flitch of Bacon, Jack Shephard, *Jas. 1 II., Lancashire Witches, Merwyn L Clithero, * Rookwod, Spendthrift, mo Lon. ea $ 50 * The Tower; 8 vols............. His Novels, 16 vols, bound in 8 vols...16mo Lond. 12 00 a. Alcott, Louisa M. * Hospital Sketches.................. 12mo Bost. 1 50 * Little Men, $1.50. * * Little Women, 2 v.l6mo Bost. 3 00 * Moods......................... 12mo Bost. 1 50 * Old Fashioned Girl................... 12mo Bost. 1 50 * Three Proverb Stories...............16mo Bost. 75 * Morning Glories..................16o N. Y. 1 50 Allston, Washington. Monaldi............................12mo Bost. 1 50 b. Ames, Mary Clemmer. * Eirene; A Story of New England..... 8vo N. Y. 1 25 a. Andersen, H. C. ** Improvisatore.......................2mo N. Y. 1 75 * Only a Fiddler...................... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 * O. F...............................12mo N. Y. 1 75 * Two Baronesses....................mo N. Y. 1 75 Appleton's Library of Romance, 17 vols.. 8vo N.Y. ea. 1 50 Library of Choice Novels, 23 v., paper. ea. 60 ** Arabian Nights Entertainments, Lane's Translation, 2 vols... 12mo N. Y. 3 50 c. Arthur, T. S. Forty-two Works........ Phila. a. Auerbach, Berthold. * Barefooted Maiden................ 2mo Lond. 6s. ** Black Forest Stories................2mo N. Y. 1 50 * German Tales.......................16mo Bost. 1 00 ** On the Heights.................... 16mo Bost. 2 00 * Professor's Wife........... Lond.... 12mo 2s. 6d. * Villa on the Rhine, 2 vols........... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 * Villa Eden (same as above)........... 16mo Bost. 2 00 * Edelweiss...........................16mo Bost. 1 00 a. Austen, Jane. ** Emma; ** Mansfield Park.......... ** Pride and Prejudice............... 12mo Bost. ea. 1 75 ** Sense and Sensibility, 4 vols........ c. Austen, Mrs. J. G. Cipher, 8vo, N.Y., $1.50; Moloch Mount. 8vo N.Y. 1 50 Azeglio, M. d'Ettore. Fieramosca....... 16mo Bost. b. Baker, W. M. * The New Timothy.....12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Balzac, H. De. ** Alchemist, The...................... * Caesar Birotteau..................... * Petty Annoyances of Married Life.... (And others.) c. Banim, J. Works. (Sadlier). 12 vols.... 12mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 b. Baring-Gould. * In Exitu Israel........ 12mo L. & N. 1 50 a. Beckford, W. Vathek, an Oriental Tale.. 16no N. Y. 1 25 86 THE BEST READING. b. Beecher, H. W. *Norwood............12mo N. Y. $1 50 c. Bird, R. M. (Out of print.) Calavar, 12mo, $2; Nick of Woods.... 12mo Phila. 2 00 Hawk Hollow, Peter Pilgrim, Infidel.. 12mo Phila. a. Bjornsen, B. (Swedish Novelist). **Arne, 12mo, $1.00. Fisher Maiden....16mo N. Y. 1 25 * Happy Boy..........................12mo N. Y. 1 00 * Love and Life in Norway............16mo N. Y. 1 25 b. Black, W. * In Silk Attire, * Kilmeny, * Love and) Marriage, *Mincing Lane, *Daugh- 8vo N. Y. ea. 50 ter of Heth, paper.............. c. Blessington, Lady. 5 Novels (now passe). **Blindpits. A Story of Scottish Life...12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Boccacio. **The Decameron. 10 days Ent.12mo Bohn. 1 75 b. Bolte, Amely (German). Mad. De Stael..12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Borrow, Geo. * Lavengro, * Romany Rye........... 8vo N. Y. ea. 50 Bound to John Company, paper......... 8vo N. Y. 75 c. Braddon, Miss. (Sensational?) * Aurora Floyd, Black Band, Birds of Prey,) Markham, Diavolo, Doctor's Wife, Eleanor, H. Dunbar, Marchmont, *Lady each Audley's Secret, Lady Lisle, Only a Clod, 8vo N. Y. 75 Rupert Godwin, Sir Jasper, Lovells of (paper.) Arden (1871), and some others not reprinted............................... b. Bradley (" Cuthbert Bede"). * Adventures of Verdant Green....... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Bremer, Fredrika. * Fathers and Daughters, * Four Sis- 12mo Phil. ea. 1 50 ters, ** Home, ** The Neighbors. \ The same, 4 vols.................... 12mo Bohn. 7 00 ~ 4 vols., paper.............. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 * President's Daughter, Every Day Life, o. Y. 25 * Parsonage of Mora, Midnight Sun.. vo N ea. 2 * H. Family, 50c.; Nina, 50c............ 8vo N. Y. c. Brewster, Anne M. H. (Phila.) Compensation.......................12mo Phila. 1 75 St. Martin's Summer................ a. Bronte, Charlotte (" Currer Bell"). **Jane Eyre, ** Professor, ** Shirley, 2mo Y. ea. 1 50 **Villette.......................... b. Bronte, Anne. Tenant of Wildfell Hall...12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Bronte, Emily. Agnes Grey and Wuthering Heights..12mo N. Y. 1 50 c. Brooke, H. (An old writer.) Fool of Quality, 2 vols...............12mo Lon. 21s. b. Brooks, Shirley. * Aspen Court, paper, 50c.; *Silver Cord. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 * Gordian Knot, 50c.; * Sooner or Later. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 FICTION. 87 c. Broughton, Rhoda. Red as a Rose is She..........paper. 8vo N. Y. $ 60 * Cometh up as a Flower......paper. 8vo N. Y. 60 c. Brown, Chas. Brockedon. (Early American writer.) Arthur Merwyn, Edgar Huntley, 12mo Phila. 6 00 Jane Talbot, Ormond, Wieland, 6 v. 2. 6 a. Brown, John, M. D. ** Marjorie Fleming.. 16mo Bost. 25 Brunton, Mary. (Early English Writer.) Discipline, Self Control............ ea.12mo o. p. Bulwer.-[See Lytton.] a. Burney, Miss. ** Evelina..............12mo N. Y. 1 50 * Cecilia, * The Wanderer, o. p........ b. Carlen, Emilie (Swedish). * Brothers, 25c.; Home in Valley, 50c.; * Ivar, 50c.; John, 25c.; Lovers' N Stratagem, 50c.; Woman's Life,' vo.. 75c.; Seven more o. p., paper.... b. Carleton, Wm. * Traits & Stories of Irish Peasantry, 2 v. 8vo L. & N. 6 00 a. Carlyle, T. **Specim's of German Romance. Trans.12mo N. Y. 1 25 b. Cary, Alice. * Clovernook, * Married Not Mated.. ca. 12mo N. Y. The Bishop's Son.................. 12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Cervantes. **Don Quixote, 1 vol. $1.50. 4 vols..... 12mo Bost. 5 00 ~ —- ~ Illustrated. Various editions. 4to Lond. 3 75 c. Chamier, Capt. Ben Brace. Life of Sailor. Lon. ea. 80 a. Chamisso, A. Von. ** Peter Schlemihl. b. Charles, Mrs. **Chronicles of Schonberg Cotta Family.. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 * Diary of Kitty Trevelyan............12mo N. Y. 1 50 * Davenants and Draytons............. 12mo N. Y. 1 75 * Early Dawn........................ 12mo N. Y. 1 50 * Both Sides of the Sea............... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 * Winfred Bertram.....................12mo N. Y. 1 75 Victory of the Vanquished............12mo N. Y. 1 75 Cripple of Antioch.................. 16mo N. Y. 1 25 Martyrs of Spain....................16mo N. Y. 1 25 Sketches of Christianity.............16mo N. Y. 1 25 Two Vacations......................16mo N. Y. 1 2 c. Charlotte, Elizabeth. Works, 12 vols... N. Y. a. Chateaubriand. * Atala, * Aben Hamet, * The Martyrs.. Lond. b. Chesebro, Caroline. * Foe in the Household..............12mo Bost. * Beautiful Gate, Dreamland, Isa, Philly and Kit, Victoria, Amy Carr....... Peter Carradine..................... 2mo N. Y. 1 75 b. Chubbock, Emily (Fanny Forrester). Alderbrook, 2 vols................... 896 THE BEST READTNG. c. Church, Mrs. Ross (Florence Marryatt). * For Ever and Ever, Girls of Feversham, each Love's Conflict, Too Good for Him, 8vo Bost. 75 Woman agst. Woman, Veronique.. paper. * Prey of the Gods, Poison of Asps.. ea. 8vo N.Y.&P. 30 Her Lord and Master, Gerald Estcourt,'Lo Petronel, Temper................. Lod. b. Clarke, C. * Mademoiselle Mori................12mo Bost. 1 50 * On the Edge of the Storm............12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Clarke, Mary Cowden. * The Iron Cousin...............Lond. 12mo 80c. and 1 50 Clemens, J. The Rivals, Bernard Lile, and others, 4 v.12mo Phila. 5 50 c. Cockton, Henry. Valentine Vox..Lon. 80c. 8vo Phila. 2 00 (And six others.) b. Collins, Mortimer. * Marquis and Merchant; Vivian...... 8vo N. Y. ea. 50 a. Collins, Wilkie. * After Dark, 8vo, $1; *Armadale, 8vo, $2; *Antonina, 8vo, 50c.; *Basil, 16mo, 60c.; * Dead Secret, 12mo, $1.75; *Hide and Seek, 8vo, $1; *Man and Wife, 8vo, $1.50; * Moonstone, Svo, $2; ** No Name, 8vo, $2; * Queen of Hearts, 8vo, $1.50; * Sister Rose, 8vo, 25c.; * Stolen Mask, 8vo, 25c.; ** Woman in White, 8vo, $2; * Yellow Mask, 8vo, 25c. N. Y. * Constance Aylmer, a Tale of 17th Century.12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Conscience, Hendrick. (Flemish Novelist). * Tales of Flemish Life (and 8 others)..16mo Bost. 75 c. Cooke, J. Esten (of Va.). Henry St. John and other Novels, 4 vs.12mo N.Y. ea. 1 50 a. Cooper, Fenimore. Novels, complete, 32 vols., fine ed., $72.12mo N. Y. 40 00 Each Work separate (fine ed., $2.25)..12mo N. Y. 1 25 Viz.: ** Spy, Crater, Pilot, Red Rover, Precaution, Lincoln, Mohicans, Pathfinder, Deerslayer, Mercedes, Admirals, Wing and Wing, Wyandotte, Afloat and Ashore, Prairie, Pioneers, Wishtonwish, Homeward Bound, Home as Found, Waterwitch, Bravo, Heidenmauer, Headsman, Monikins, Wallingford, Chainbearer, Satanstoe, Red-skins, Jack Tier, Sea Lions, Oak-Openings, Ways of the Hour................................... **The Sea Tales (separately) 10 vols. (fine ed., $22.50.) 12 50 **Leather Stocking Tales, 5 vols. (fine ed., $11.25.) 6 25 b. Cottin. * Elizabeth, or Exiles of Siberia.. 32mo N. Y. 50 a. Craik, Mrs. (Dinah Muloch.) * Agatha's Husband, paper, 50c.; ** A Brave.Lady, $1.50; * Christian's Mistake, $1.50; N. Y * Head of Family, 75c.; ** John Halifax, $1.50; * Life for Life, $1.50........... FICTION. 89 a. Craik, Mrs. (Dinah Mulock.) * Mistress and Maid, 50c.; *Noble Life, $1.50; ** Ogilvies, 50c.; * Olive, 50c.; * Two Marriages, $1.50; * Unkind Word, $1.50; ** Woman's Kingdom, $1; * Faith Un- ~ N. Y win, 60c.; * Leslie Tyrrell, 60c.;' Lost and Won, 60c.; * Mildred, 50c.; * Ester Hill; Hannah (1871), 8vo............. J b. Craven, Mrs. A. * Anne Severin, $1.25; ** Sister's Story... 12mo N. Y. $2 50 a. Croly, Rev. Geo. * Salathiel, 3 vols.....12mo Lond. c. Crouch, Julia. *Three Successful Girls.. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Cummings, Miss M. S. * El Fureidis, $1.75; * Haunted Hearts, 2mo Bost. * Lamp Lighter, $1.75; Mabel Vaughan. b. Curtis, G(. W. [See Essays.] * Trumps..12mo N.Y. 2 00 c. Dasent, G. W. * Gisle, the Outlaw................... 8vo L. & P. 3 50 * Popular Tales from the Norse......12mo L. & P. 1 50 b. Davis, L. C. (Phila.) * The Stranded Ship.. 16mo N. Y. 75 b. Davis, Mrs. R. H. (Phila.) * Dallas Galbraith................... 8vo Phila. 2 00 **Margaret Howth.................... 12mo Bost. 1 25 * Waiting for the Verdict............. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 a. De Foe. ** Robinson Crusoe (16mo, $1.50).12mo N. Y. 2 50 b. De Forest, J. WV. Seacliff..............12mo Bost. * Miss Ravenel's Conversion............12mo N. Y. 1 50 Kate Beaumont: Southern Society.... 12mo Bost. De la Rame, Julia. The" Ouida" Novels. (Sensational.) Beatrice Boville, $1.75; Rand. Gordon.12mo Phila. 1 75 Granville de Vigne, Puck, Strath- 12imo Phil ea. 00 more, Tricotrin, Under Two Flags. e c. De Mille, J. Cryptogram........................ 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Cord and Crease.................... 8vo N. Y. 75 * Lady of the Ice..................... 8vo N. Y. 1 25 c. De Leon, T. C. Askaros Kassis, the Copt. 12mo Phila. 1 50 a. De Stael, Madame. **Corinne, 12mo N.Y., $1.75; *Delphine.12mo N. Y. b. De Witt, Madame. * French Country Family. *Motherless.12no N. Y. ea. 1 50 c. De Vere. The Great Empress, a portrait.. 12mo Phila. 1 75 a. Dickens. *Complete Works, Globe edition, 15 vols.12mo N. Y. 22 00 Household ed., 55 vs.12mo N. Y. 54 00 Riverside, ed., 28 vs.12mo N. Y. 54 00 Chas. Dickens ed., 15 v.12mo Bost. 22 00 Diamond ed., 15 vols. 16mo Bost. 22 00 Plum Pudding ed., 6 v.12mo N. Y. 10 50 Separate Works, in cloth............. ea. 1 50 ~- ~ in paper..... ea. abt. 30 Viz.: Nickleby, Old Curiosity and Part 1 Sketches, 90 THE BEST READING. a. Dickens. Separate works, in paper...... ea. abt. $ 30 Barnaby Rudge, Sketches, Chuzzlewit, Dombey, Oliver Twist & Great Expectations, Copperfield, Two Cities and Hard Times, Bleak-House, Little Dorrit, Christmas Stories, American Notes and Italy, Mutual Friend, Pickwick, Uncommercial and Humphrey's Clock, Nickleby, Edwin Drood. c. Dickinson, Anna E. What Answer?...... 12mo Bost. 1 50 b. Dinglestedt. ** The Amazon. Trans... 12mo N.Y. 1 00 a. D'Israeli. Novels Complete, 6 vols......12mo Lond. 15 00 **Coningsby,*Cont. Fleming, Henrietta or Temple, * Sybil, ** Tancred, * Ve- v N netia, *Vivian Grey, *Alroy, Young ( o Y. e. Duke.......................... * Lothair............................... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 **Dorothy Fox. (By Mrs. Parr.)........12mo N. Y. c. Douglas, Amanda. * With Fate against Him...............2mo N. Y. 1 50 (Four others.) a. Droz, Gustave. **Around a Spring................... 8vo N. Y. 75 c. Drury, Ann H. Eastbury...............12mo N. Y. 1 50 Misrepresentation.................... 8vo N. Y. 1 00 b. Dumas, Alex. Count of Monte Cristo, 2 v.l12mo Lond. 1 50 Three Musketeers; 20 Years After... 12mo Lond. ea. 1 00 Margaret de Valois................. 12mo Lond. 1 00 Brageloue, 2 vols.................... Lond. 2 50 (48 stories in all-chiefly in 8vo, paper, Phila.) b. Ebers. The Daughter of an Egyptian King. Trans. by Reed....12mo Phila. 1 75 b. Eden, Emily. * Semi-Detached House.. * Semi-Attached Couple...............12mo Bost. 1 25 a. Edgeworth, Maria **Tales and Novels, 20 vols. in 10......12mo N. Y. 15 00 The same, 10 vols.....................12mo L.& B. 15 00 b. Edwards, Amelia B. * Barbara's Hist. * Debenham's Vow, 75c.; *Half a Million, 75c.; *Hand and Glove, 50c.; *Ladders of Life, 50c.; * Miss 8o Carew, 50c.; * My Brother's Wife, 50c.; * The Sylvestres........... b. Edwards, Mrs. Annie. **Archie Lovell (Lond. 12mo, $1)....... 8vo N. Y. 1 75 * Stephen Lawrence, ** Susan Fielding. 8vo N. Y. ea. 2 00 * Ought We to Visit Her............... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 b. Edwards, Miss M. Betham. * Doctor Jacobs, lOmo, $1; Kitty...... 8vo N. Y. 50 * The Outcasts. Illustrated.......... 8vo Phila. Eiloart, Mrs. Cris. Fauilie's Boyhood.. Curate's Discipline, 50c; From Thistles. 8vo N. Y. 50 Eliot, Geo. [See Lewes, Mrs.] Elliott, C. W. Wind and Whirlwind....12mo N. Y. 1 50 FICTION. 91 c. Ellis, Mrs. Hearts and Homes...................12mo N.Y. $1 50 Home or Iron Rule................. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Look at the End............. paper. 8vo N. Y. 50 (8 other Works, not reprinted.) * Episodes in an Obscure Life..paper.. 8vo Phila. 75 a. Erckmann-Chatrian. (French authors, trans.) **Blockade, * Conscript, * Madame Therese, ** Waterloo, * Plebiscite, 16mo N. Y. ea. 90 Invasion of France............. Evans, Augusta J. [See Wilson, Mrs.] Fair Harvard; a story of College Life......12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Farjeon, B. L. **Grif, 30c.; * Joshua Marvel, paper.... 8vo N. Y. 40 c. Fay, Theo. S. * Norman Leslie......... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Countess Ida; Hoboken, o. p. a. Fenelon. *Telemachus................ 12mo N. Y. 2 00 c. Ferrier, Miss. Marriage, 80c. Inheritance.12mo Lond. 60 b. Feuillet, A. * Romance of a Poor Young Man.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Fielding. Wholeworks 1v. 8vo,$5; or 10v. 8vo Lond. 40 00 **Amelia, 12mo $1.50. * Tom Jones, 2v.12mo N. Y. 2 75 * Joseph Andrews.................... 16mo Lond. 80 Fouqu6. Wild Love, 12mo; ** Aslauga's Knight, 5s. 6d.; * Minstrel Love, Lond 4s.; *Magic Ring, 4s.: *Sir Elidve, 7s.............................. * Theodolph, $1.50; **Undine & Sintram.12mo N. Y. 1 25 c. Fraser, J. B. Kuzzilbash (and two others).o.p. Lond. c. "Foxton, E." Agnes Wentworth.........12mo Phila. 1 50 a. Freytag. **Debit & Credit, $1.50; Lost MSS., pa.8vo N. Y. 75 * Friends and Acquaintances. By Author of Episodes of Obscure Life.......... 8vo Phila. b. Fullerton, Lady Georgiana. Constance Sherwood, 2 vols.; * Ellen 1mo eip. Middleton; * Lady Bird, 2 v., paper, m Leip eat 60 * Mrs. Gerald's Niece, paper............ 8vo N. Y. 60 * Stormy Life, 8vo $1.50; Too Strange. 8vo N. Y. 1 50 b. Galt, John (Scotch Novelist). * Annals of the Parish, * Provost, The Lod. ea. 2s. 6d. Entail, Sir A. Wylie...,......... Laurie Todd..................... 12mo Lond. 3s. 6d. c. Garibaldi (Italian Patriot). The Rule of the Monk, paper........ 8vo N.Y. 50 a. Garrett, Edward. **The Crust of the Cake............... 12mo Lond. 1 75 **Occupations of a Retired Life.........12mo Lond. 1 75 b. Garrett, Edw. & Ruth. * White as Snow......................12mo N. Y. 1 50 * Quiet Miss Godolphin................16mo Phila. 75 92 THE BEST READING. a. G(askell, Mrs. **Cranford, 1.25; * Dark Night, paper, 50c.; ** Mary Barton, paper, 50c.; *Lady Ludlow, 25c.; **North and South, 50c.; *Right at Last; $1.50; 8vo N. Y. **Ruth, 2 v.(Tauch.), $1.20; **Sylvia and Lovers, 75c.; ** Wives and Daughters, Illust., $2 00.......... b. Gautier, T. Romance of the Mummy... 8vo N. Y. b. G(erstaecker, F. (German.) Feathered Arrow, 2s. 6d.; Two Convicts.12mo Lond. 2s. * Frank Wildmew...................18mo Bost. * How a Bride was Won.............. 8vo N. Y. $1 50 G. Gilbert, W. De Profundis, 2 v., 12s. Dr.) Austin, 6s.; Goldsworthy Family, 2. Lond. v., 21s.; The Wizard, 21s.........) * King George's Middy...............12mo Bost. 2 50 Monomaniac....................... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 * Struggle in Ferrara................. 8vo Phila. 1 50 b. Girardin, Madame (French). * Marguerite; Stories of Old Maid..... b. Godwin, Wm. * Caleb Williams........16mo N. Y. 37 c. Gleig, Rev. L. * The Subaltern; The Hussar (2 others). 12mo Lond. 80 a. Goethe. * Elective Affinities......... 12o Lond. 1 75 * Sorrows of Werter............... **Wilhelm Meister, 2 vols......... 12mo Bost. 3 50 ca.. Goldsmith. The Vicar of Wakefield....12mo Phila. 1 00 c. Gore, Mrs. Abednego, the Money Lender. 8vo Phil. 50 (28 more novels, 8vo, paper, Phila.) c. Grant, Jas. Scottish Cavalier (15 more)..12mo Lond. ea. 80 c. Grattan, T. C. Heiress of Bruges (and 3 more), o.p. b. Greek Romances of Heliodorus, Longus, * Achilles Tatius, 1 vol.............. 12mo Bohn. 2 50 c. Grey, Mrs. The Gambler's Wife (17 more), paper.... 8vo N. & P. b. Griffin, Gerald. Works, 10 vols.........12mo N. Y. 12 00 a. Grimm (German). Household Stories....12mo Bost. 2 50 b. Guerazzi, F. D. * Beatrice Cenci....... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 * Isabella........................... 12mo N. Y. b. Gutzkow, Karl (Russian). * Through Night to Light......... 12mo Lond. 3s. 6d. b. Hacklander. * Clara................... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 * Enchanting and Enchanted..........12mo Phila. 1 25 a. Hale, E. E. * If, Yes, and Perhaps, **Sybaris, *Ten) 12mo Bost. ea. 1 50 Times One, -** Ingham Papers.... Halifax, Jno., Author of. [See Craik.] a. Haliburton, T. C. **The Clockmaker, or Sam Slick.......12mo N. Y. 1 25 * Old Judge, paper................... 8vo N. Y. 75 * Nature and' Human Nature.......... FICTION. 93 b. Hall, Mrs. S.C. Tales of Woman's Trials, paper...... 8vo N. Y. $ 75 Midsummer's Eve, Whiteboy, paper.. 8vo N. Y. ea. 50 * Sketches of Irish Character.........r. 8vo Lond. 8s. * Stories of Irish Peasantry............12mo Lond. 2s. 6d. Uncle Horace, 8s.; Marian...........12mo Lond. 2s. Can Wrong be Right? 2 vols......... 12mo Lond. 21s. Groves of Blarney, Harry O'Reardon.. Lond. c. Hannay, D. Ned Allen, paper........... 8vo N. Y. 50 c. Hamilton, Capt. Cyril Thornton...o. p.. 12mo N.Y. b. Hamley, E. B. **Lady Lee's Widowhood, paper....... 8vo N. Y. 50 b. Hardy, Lady. * Daisy Nichol, paper..... 8vo N.Y. 50 "Harland, Marion." [See Terhune, Mrs.] b. Harrington, F. * Inside; a Chronicle of Secession......12mo N. Y. 1 75 b. Harris, Miriam, Mrs. "Rutledge" Novels, viz.: * Rutledge, *St. Philip, Sutlherlands, *Frank o N Y Warrington,*Roundhearts, Louie's o.. ea. Last Term, * Vandermarcke......J Hartman. Last Days of a King.........12mo Phila. 1 25 b. Harte, Bret. * Condensed Novels........12mo Bost. 1 50 **Luck of Roaring Camp............12mo Bost. 1 50 c. Hatton, Jos. * Christopher Kenrick.....12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Hawthorne. ** Blithedale Romance.....12mo Bost. 1 50 **House of Seven Gables............... 12mo Bost. 2 00 **Marble Fawn; Mosses..............12mo Bost. ea. 2 00 **Scarlet Letter and Blithedale, 2 v. in 1.12mo Bost. 2 00 **Twice Told Tales. 2 vols. in 1........12mo Bost. 2 00 (Posthumous work)................. 12mo Bost. b. Helps, Arthur. **Realmah............16mo Bost. 2 00 c. Hentz, Caroline Lee. Planter's Northern Bride.............12mo Phila. 1 75 (Twelve others, each $1.75.) c. Herbert, H. W. Roman Traitor......... 12mo Phila. 1 75 (" Brothers" and six others o. p.) b. Heyse, P. **Arabiata, etc., paper.......16mo Leips. 60 b. Higginson, T. W. Malbone.............12mo Bost. 1 50 b. Hillern, W. *Only a Girl...............12mo Phila. 2 00 b. Hoefer, E. * The Old Countess.......... 12mo 1 00 b. Hoffman, C. F. * Greyslaer, 1849, (o.p.) 2 v.12mo N. Y. b. Hofland, Mrs. (Author of Juveniles also.) * Czarina, *Dan'l Denison, Unloved One. 8vo N. Y. pa. 50 b. Hogg, James (" The Ettrick Shepherd"). * Brownie of Bodsbeck, paper.......... 8vo N. Y. (Six other novels, Edinb. and Lond.) o. Holmes, Maria J. * Lena Rivers, Millbank, * Ethelyn's) Mistake, Dora Deane, Darkness and 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Daylight, Tempest and Sunshine.. (And 8 others, same price.) 94 THE BEST READING. b. Holmes, Oliver Wendell. * Elsie Venner, * Guardian Angel.....12mo Bost.ea. $2 00 b. Hood, Thos., * Tylney Hall..............12mo Bost. 2 00 c. Holland, J. G., * The Bay Path.......... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Hook, Theo. Gilbert Gurney, Gurney Married,) Lond * Sayings and Doings, Maxwell...r L. ea. 2s. All in Wrong, Widow and Marquis... Lon. ea. 1 00 c. Hope, Thos. Anastasius................12mo N. Y. 1 50 c. Howard, Edward. Old Commodore...... 8vo N. Y. Jack Ashore, Outward Bound, * Ratt — N. Y lin the Reefer, Sir H. Morgan.... b. Howitt, Mary. * Author's Daughter, paper............ 8vo N. Y. 25 * Heir of West Wayland............. N. Y. 1 50 * Peasant and Landlord............... N. Y. 1 50 [See also Juveniles.] b. flowitt, Wm. * Jack of the Mill, paper............... 8vo N. Y. 25 Hall & Hamlet; Woodburn Grange... Lond. a. Hughes, Thos. * Scouring of the White Horse.........16mo Lond. 1 25 **Tom Brown at Oxford & Rugby, 3 vols.12mo Bost. 4 25 - -~ - -- ~ pa. 2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 1 25 a. Hugo Victor. Claude Gueux...................... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 **Hunchback of Notre Dame, paper.... 8vo N. Y. 75 Man who Laughs.................... 8vo N. Y. 1 50 **Les Miserables.................... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 * Toilers of the Sea. Illust............ 8vo N. Y. 1 50 b. Inchbald, Mrs. * Simple Story, paper... 8vo N. Y. 50 c. Ingraham, J. H. La Fitte, Monterama, etc., 4 vols., o.p. * Prince of House of David.......... 12mo Bost. 2 00 * Throne of David.....................12mo Bost. 2 00 * Pillar of Fire......................12mo Bost. 2 00 a. Irving, Washington. **The Alhambra, ** Bracebridge Hall,) 6m $, **Knickerbocker, **Tales of a Trav- mo, $.2, or y 75 eller, * Wolfert's Roost........... 2mo, 25,or 2 50 b. James, G. P. R. Attila, Agnes Sorrel, Agincourt, Anah Neil, A Whim, Arabella Stuart, 12mo bds. Lon. 50 Beauchamp, Convict, Forest Days, or 8vo pa. N. Y. 50 Russell, Margaret Graham..... ea. (25 other novels, 8vo., pa., N. Y., ea. 50c.) Club Book, De Lorme, Old School, * Gypsey, * Henry of Guise, * H. Masterton, Man at Arms, Chs. Tyrell, Jacquerie, Morley Ernstein, 12mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 One in a Thousand, * Phil. Augustus, Coeur de Lion, Ancient Regime, Robber, * Richelieu........ FICTION. 95 b. James, G. P. R. * Huguenot, King's Highway, String of Pearls, Mary Burgundy, * Darnley, 1 2mo N. Y.ea.$1 50 * Marst. Hall, Desultory Man.....J These can be had also in 16mo Leip., or 12mo bds. Lon. ea. 50 c. Jeaffreson, I. C. * Olive Blake's Good Work, paper.... N. NY. 75 Isabel, 12mo., N.Y., $1.50; Live it Down. 8vo N. Y. 1 00 Not Dead Yet...................... 8vo N. Y. 1 75 b. Jenkin, Mrs. C. * Madame de Beaupre..16mo N. Y. 1 00 * Two Fr. Marriages;* Who Breaks Pays.1mo N. Y. 1 00 * Within an Ace.................... 16mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Jerrold, Douglas. Works, 4 vols........ 12mo Lond. 11 00 c. Jewsbury, Miss. Constance Herbert; Zoe, paper....... 8vo N. Y. ea. 50 Half Sisters, Adopted Child......... 16mo N. Y. ea. 1 00 a. Johnson, Dr., * Rasselas................32mo N. Y. 37 b. Judd, S. * Margaret................... 16mo Bost. 1 50 b. Kavanagh, Julia. Adele, Beatrice, *Daisy Burns, *Dora, * Grace Lee..................... 12mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 Madeleine, $1; Nathalie, Queen Mab. 12mo N. Y. ea. 1 00 Rachael Gray, $1; *Seven Years, *Sybil.12mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 a. Kennedy, John P. **Horse Shoe Robinson.................12mo N Y. 2 00 * Rob of Bowl, $2.00. * Swallow Barn.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Quodlibet...........................12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Kimball, R. B. * St. Leger, To-Day, * Undercurrents, 12mo N. ea. 1 75 Was he Successful, * Student Life. a. Kingsley, Charles. ** Alton Locke......12mo N. Y. 1 50 * Hereward, ** Hypatia,** Two Years ) 12mo Bost ea. 1 75 Ago, * Amyas Leigh............ **Yeast............................12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Kingsley, Henry. Austin Elliot........12mo Bost. 1 75 * Hetty, paper......................... 8vo N. Y. 25 **Hillyars & Burtons, *Leighton Court, 2mo Bost 75 * Ravenshoe, * Geoff. Hamlyn...... 7 * Silcotes, paper, 8vo., 75c. Stretton, pa, 8vo N. Y. 40 The Harveys, 12mo Lon.; The Lost Child. 4to Lond. 1 50 b. Laboulaye, E. * Abdallah...............16mo Lond. 1 25 b. Lamartine, A. * Genevieve, paper....... 8vo N.Y. 25 * My Youth, paper, 25c. Raphael......12mo N. Y. 1 25 * Stone Mason of St. Point............. 12mo N. Y. 1 25 e. Landon, Miss (" L. E. L.") Ethel Churchill (and 4 others.)........ Lond. c. Lawrence, Geo. A. Anteros, 1 50. paper, 8vo N. Y. 50 Brakspeare, paper................... 8vo N. Y. 50 Breaking a Butterfly................. 8vo Phila. 35 Guy Livingstone, 12mo., Lond., $1...12mo N. Y. 1 50 Maurice Dering, 50c. Sans Merci, pa. N. Y. 50 Sword & Gown, paper............... N. NY. 25 96 THE BEST READING. Lee, Holme. [See Parr, Harriet.] a. Lee, Sophia & Harriet. **Canterbury Tales, 3 vols.............12mo N. Y $6 75 b. Le Fanu, S. All in the Dark, Guy Deverell, Lost 8o N.Y. 50 Name, * Tenants of Mallory, paper. * Uncle Silas, paper.................. 8vo N. Y. 75 a. Le Sage. ** Gil Bias....................12mo N. Y. 1 50 Best Edition, 3 vols.16mo Bost. 3 75 b. Lever, Chas. Arthur O'Leary............12mo Lond 1 00 *Charles O'Malley, 2 v.; * Con Cregan.l2mo Lond. 1 00 Barrington; * H. Lorrequer...........12mo Lond. 1 00 Daltons, 2 v. $2.00. or 1 vol...........12mo Lond. 1 50 Dodd Family, $1.25; *Jack Hinton...12mo Lond. 1 00 Knight of Gwynne..................12mo Lond. 2 00 * Maurice Tierney.....................12mo Lond. 1 00 * That Boy of Norcott's, paper.......... 8vo N. Y. 25 (And several others.) Lever. Works complete. Illus. 21 vols.12mo L.& N. 50 00 a. Lewes, Mrs. G. H. (George Elliot.) ** Adam Bede, ** Felix Holt, Mill on 2mo N. Y ea. 5 Floss, ** Romola, ** Silas Marner. -. Works, including above, 5 vols....... 12mo Bost. 5 00 c. Lippard, Geo. Quaker City (and several others).... Phila. b. Lockhart, J. G. Matthew Wald, etc.....12mo Lond. 4s. Reginald Dalton, *Valerius...... ea. 12mo Lond. 4s. a. Longfellow, H.. V. **Hyperion.......12mo Bost. 1 50 **Kavanagh..........................1t2mo Bost. 1 25 b. Lover, Samuel. * Handy Andy, 2 v., $2; * Rory O'Moore. 12mo Lond. 1 00 Treasure Trove...................... b. Lowell, R. T. S. * New Priest of Conception Bay, 2 vols. 12mo Bost. 1 75 a. Lytton, Lord (Bulwer). Novels complete in 22 vols....12mo Phila. 33 00 Or separately, viz.: **Caxtons...........12mo., N.Y., $1.00.12mo Phila. 1 50 **My Novel, 2 vols...12mo., N.Y., $3.50.12mo Phila. 3 00 * What will he do with it? N. Y., $2.00.2 v. Phila. 3 00 * Devereux, ** Pompeii, Leila, etc.,) *Rienzi, * The Barons, *Harold, *Eugene Aram, * Zanoni, ** Pel- 12mo Phila.ea. 1 50 ham, Disowned, Paul Clifford, Mal- 8vo N. Y. pa. 50 travers,;Godolphin, *Alice, *Night I and M.; *Lucretia, *Strange Story. J b. McCarthy, Justin. * My Enemy's Daughter.............. 8vo N. Y. 50 * Lady Judith (and 3 others)........... 8vo N. Y. ea. 75 a. Macdonald Geo. Adela Cathcart........12mo Bost. 1 75 **Alec Forbes....................... 12mo Bost. 1 75 **Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood.....12mo N.Y. 1 75 FICTION. 97 **David Elginbrod, $1.75; Guild Court.. N. Y. $ 50 **Phantastes, $1.50; ** Portent....... 1 75 **Bannerman's Boyhood, $1.50; Robert Falconer, $1.75; Seaboard Parish... 1 75 b. Mackenzie, H. * Man of Feeling, etc.... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Mackenzie, Shelton. * Tressillian and Friends..............12mo Phila. b. Mackinstosh. Miss M. J. Charms and Counter Charms........12mo N. Y. 1 25 Lofty & Lowly, 2 v. $2.50. Two Lives..12mo N. Y. 1 25 (And also Juveniles.) b. Malory, Sir T. * Morte d'Arthur.......12mo Lond. 2 00 b. Manning. Miss Anne. **Mary Powell...16mo N. Y. 1 75 * Cherry & Violet, $1.; Sir Thos. Moore.16mo N. Y. 1 00 * Fair Gospeller, $1.; Jacques Bonneval.16mo N. Y. 1 00 (And other works; Essays. etc.) b. Manzoni (Italian). * The Betrothed. Lon.12mo 3s. 6d. a. "Marlitt, E." **Countess Gisela, $1.75; *Gold Elsie.12mo Phila. 1 75 **Old Mam'selle's Secret...............12mo Phila. 1 50 * Over Yonder,pa.,35c.; * Magdalena,pa. 8vo Phila. 30 Marryatt, Miss. [See Church, Mrs.] b. Marryatt, Capt. Works complete, 12 v...12mo N. Y. 12 00 Or Cheap ed. separately, paper.......12mo N. Y. ea. 50 Viz: * Jacob Faithful, Japhet, * Peter Simple, ** Midshipman Easy, Pacha, Snarleyow, etc. e. Mrs. Marsh. Adelaide Lindsay, paper.... 8vo N. Y. 50 Angelo, 12mo., $1.50; Aubrey, pa.] 75c.; Castle Avon, 50c.; E.Wyndham, 75c.; E. Marston, 50c.; Father 8vo N. Y.pa. Darcy, 75c.; (and 9 others) each 50c............................. b. Martineau, Harriet. Deerbrook. Lond..12mo Is. 6d. * Hour and the Man. Lond.........12mo Is. 6d. (Also Juveniles.) b. Maxwell, W. H. Brian O'Linn.........12mo Lond. 75 Hector O'Halloran, 12mo., 80c.; * Stories of Waterloo, 12mo., 75c.; Capt. 2mo Lond Blake, 2s.; Bivouac, 2s.; Captain o O'Sullivan, Is. 6d................ c. Mayhew, H. Mr. & Mrs. Sandboy. 2....12mo Lond. 6s. Greatest Plague of Life............. 12mo Lond. 2s. b. Mayo, W.S. ** Kaloolah...............12mo N.Y. 2 00 * The Berber.......................... 12mo N. Y. (New Work)............. b. Meinhold, Dr. The Amber Witch.......12mo Lond. 2s. Sidonia the Sorceress............... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Melville, G. Whyte. * Cerise...........12mo Phila. 1 50 **Interpreter, 8vo; M or N............. 8vo N. Y. ea. 75 * White Rose, $1.50; The Gladiator...12mo N. Y. 1 00 98 TH'E BEST READING. b. Melville. Herman. * Typee........... 12mo N. Y. $1 50 * Mardi, 2 vols, $3; ** Mobv Dick..... 2mo N. Y. 1 75 * Pierre, 2v., $1.50; * Omoo.......... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 * Redburn, 2 vols., $1.50; * White Jacket.l 2mo N.. 1 50 **Israel Potter......................12mo N. Y. ** Member for Paris, The, paper........... 8vo N. Y. 75 c. Meredith, Geo. Evan Harrington........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Ordeal (and 3 others)................ Lond. *Miss Van Kortlandt.................... 8vo N. Y. 1 00 b. Mitchell, D. G. ** Dream Life..........12mo N. Y. 1 75 * Doctor Johns, 2 vols., $3; ** Bachelor.12mo N. Y. 1 75 b. Mitford,Mary Russel. **OurVillage, 2v.12mo N.Y. 2 25 * Belford Regis.....Lond.......12mo 3s. 6s. b. Moore, Dr. John. ** Zelucco............ Lond. b. Moore, Thomas. **The Epicurean......12mo 1 50 b. More, Hannah. **Ccelebs in Search of Wife.12mo Phila. 1 50 c. Morford, Henry. Shoulder Straps (2 oth's).12mo Phil. ea. 1 50 c. Morgan, Lady. Florence Macarthy......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Wild Irish Girl.................... 12mo Lond. 2s. b. Morier, J. Ayesha, 2s.; * Haji Baba..Lon.l2mo Is. 6d. Zohrab, the Hostage.................. 12mo Lond. 2s. Miigge, Theo. Afraja............Lond.12mo 10s. 6d. e. "Muhlbach," Louisa. Novels, 17 vols... 8vo N. Y.ea.1 50 A. Hofer, Old Fritz, Napoleon, Josephine, Life Paths, Q. of Prussia, Prince Eugene, Daughter of Empress, Marie Antoinette, Joseph II., Henry VIII., Frederick the Great, Frederick and Family, Berlin and Sans Souci, Merchant of Berlin, Louisa of Prussia............................. Mulock, Miss. [Sce Craik, Mrs.] Murray, Chas. A. The Prairie Bird..... 8vo N. Y. 1 00 * My Daughter Elinor................. 8vo N. Y. 1 75 c. Newby,'Mrs. C. J. Margaret Hamilton,pa.; Right and Left. 8vo N.Y. ea. 50 (3 others, not reprinted.) Nichols, Mrs. [See Bronte, Charlotte.] Norton, Hon. Mrs. Lost and Saved......12mo Phila. 1 25 Old Sir Douglas.....................12mo Phila. 1 50 b. Oliphant, Mrs. * Agnes, *Atheling, * Brownlows...... 8vo N. Y. ea. 75 **Carlingford, (paper, $1.25)........... 8vo N.Y. 1 75 * Days of Life, * House on Moor........12mo N.Y. ea. 1 50 **John, 8vo, 50c.; * Katie Stewart...... 8vo N. Y. 75 * Laird of Norlaw, * Last of Mortimers.. 12mo ea. 1 50 * Lost Love, $1.75; *Lucy Crofton, ea. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 * Madonna Mary...................... 8vo N. Y. 50 *Margaret Maitland................. 12mo N. Y. 1 00 * Minister's Wife.................... 8vo N. Y. 75 * Miss Majoribanks.................. 8vo N. Y. 50 **Perpetual Curate, * Son of the Soil.. ca. 8vo N. Y. 1 50 * Lilliesleaf, * Three Brothers, **Zaidee. FICTION. 99 b. Opie, Mrs. Tales; eight in 1 vol........ 8vo "Ouida." rSee De la Rame.] b. Owen, Robt. Dale. * Beyond the Breakers. 8vo Phila. $2 00 c. Pardoe, Julia. Adopted Heir, $1.75; Pretty Woman.. 8vo Phila. 1 75 Jealous Wife, 8vo, 50c.; Life Struggle. 12mo Phila. 1 75 Rival Beauties, paper............... 8vo Phila. 75 * Wife's Trials............. 12mo Phil. ea. 1 75 Reginald Lyle, Romance of Harem... 8vo Phil. ea. 1 75, Speculation, Earl's Secret............12mo Phila. 1 75 b. Parr, Miss Harriet "Holme Lee." * Against Wind and Tide, paper........ 8vo N. Y. 75 * Annie Wardleigh, paper............. 8vo N. Y. 75 * Mrs. Wynyaw, 50c.; ** Sylvan Holt... 8vo pa. N. Y. b. Parr, Louisa. ** Dorothy Fox, paper.... 8vo N. Y. 75 b. Paulding, J. K. Works and Life, 5 vols...l2mo N. Y. 12 50 Dutchman's Fireside, $2.50; Bulls and Jonathans.... 2 50 b. Peacock, T. L. **Headlong Hall, $1; * Melincourt.... 12mo Lond 2s. a. Phelps, E. S. ** Gates Ajar............12mo Bost. 1 50 * Hedged In, $1.50; * Silent Partner....12mo Bost. 1 50 c. Pickering, Ellen. Sixteen novels, paper.. 8vo N. & P. (Nine published by Peterson, Phil., 8vo, paper.) c. Ploennies, Louise Von. Princess Ilse.... 16mo Bost. 1 25 a. Poe, E. A. ** Tales, 2 vols.............16mo N. Y. 3 50 b. Poole, John. * Little Pedlington....... 12mo a. Porter, Jane. *x* Thaddeus of Warsaw... 12mo Phila. 1 25 **Scottish Chiefs..................... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 * Pastor's Fireside....................12mo Lond. 80 "Powell, Mary," author-of. [See Afanning.] a. Prentiss, E. ** Stepping Heavenward....12mo N. Y. 2 00 * Aunt Jane's Iero.................... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 (Also Juveniles.) b. Preston, Louisa. * Aspendale..........16mo Bost. 1 50 Prescott, Harriet E. [See Spofford.] * Quiet Heart............................ 8vo N. Y. 25 a. Rabelais. Works, 2 vols................12mo Bohn. 3 50 b. Radcliffe, Mrs. ** Mysteries of Udolpho. 12mo Phila. 1 25 Romance of the Forest...............12mo Phila. 1 25 a. Reade, Chas. Novels. 10 vols........12mo Bost. ea. 1 00 Or separate, viz.: **Cloister and Hearth; *Course of True Love; *Foul Play; * Good Fight, etc.; * Griffith Gaunt; Terrible Temptation; ** Christie Johnson, etc., 1 vol.; ** Never too Late; ** Love me Little; * Put Yourself; * Hard Cash; * White Lies........J c. Reid, Mayne. Novels, 16 vols.......... 12mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 [See Juveniles.] Regester, S. [See Victor, Mrs.] a, Reynolds, G. W. M. " Sensational" novels, 40 vols. (!)...... 8vo Phila. 10) THE BEST READING. b. Richardson, Saml. ** Clarissa Harlowe..l2mo Lond. $1 25 * Pamela, ** Sir Chas. Grandison...... a. Richter, Jean Paul. * Hesperus, 2 vols; *Titan, 2 vols....... 12mo Bost. ea. 4 00 * Walt and Vult, 2 vols................. 12mo Bost. **Fruit, Flower and Thorn Pieces, 2 vols.l2mo Bost. b. Renter. * In the Year'13.............. 16mo N. Y. 1 00 c. Riddell, Mrs. J. H. * Race for Wealth... 8vo N. Y. 75 * Far above Rubies; Rich Husband..... Life's Assize; Phemie Keller, each pa. 8vo N. Y. 50 b. Robertson, Margaret M. * Christie...... **Janet's Love and Service.............. 12mo N. Y. 1 75 c. Robinson, Mrs. Edw. Heloise; Life's Discipline........... 12mo N. Y. b. Robinson, F.W. * Anne Judge, paper... 8vo N. Y. 75 * Stern Necessity, Sweet Nineteen, 8vo N.Y. ea. 50 True to Herself, Poor Humanity. ) For Her Sake, Carry's Confession, 8vo. Y. ea. 75 Mattie, No Man's Friend......... b. Roche, Anna M. Children of the Abbey. 2mo N. Y. 1 50 c. Roe, A.S. Cloud on the Heart. Long) Look Ahead, To Love and be Loved, I Time and Tide, I've been Thinking, } 12mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 Star and Cloud, True to the Last, I (and six others)................ b. Rosetti, C. G. ** Common Places and other stories.... 2mo Bost. 1 50 b. Ruffini. ** Doctor Antonio, * Lavinia, 2mo N. Y. ea. 1 75 * Vincenzo..................... * Carlino, 8vo, paper, 35c.; ** Lorenzo N. Y Benoni; * Paragreens; *Quiet Nook. ) "Rutledge," Author of (Miss Coles). [See Har~ris.] c, Rydberg, V. Last Athenian............12mo Phila. 2 00 a. St. Pierre. * Paul & Virginia..,........16mo N. Y. 1 25 a. Saintine, X. B. ** Picciola, best ed......16mo N. Y. 1 25 a. " Sand, Geo." (Madame Dudevant). * Antonia, 16mo; *Consuelo (P.), 12mo; * Countess Rudolf (P.); **Fadette; IBost. * Indiana (P.); * Jealousy (P.); and. ea. 1 50 **Mauprat; *Miller; *M. Sylvestre; Phila. ) **Snow Man.....................J * Handsome Lawrence.............. 1 00 *** Those marked (P.) pub. by Peterson, Phila., with 15 more, in paper, Others by Roberts, Boston. (Several others not reprinted.) b. Sartoris, Mrs. A. Kemble. **Week in a French Country House.... 8vo Bost. o. Saunders, J. Abel Drake's Wife, paper.. 8vo N.Y. 75 Bound to Wheel, 75c.; *Hirell, paper. 8vo N. Y. 50 Martin Pole......................... 50 b. Savage, M. *Bachelor of the Albany.....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Falcon Family. 12mo, London, $1.00. 8vo N.Y. pa. 75 FICTION. 101 b. Savage, M. * Woman of Business, paper........... 8vo N. Y. $ 75 Reuben Medlicott, paper............ 8vo N.Y. 1 00 b. Schmid, Hr. * The Habermeister.......16mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Scott, Michael. Cruise of the Midge.....12mo Lond.4s. * Tom Cringle's Log................. 8vo N. Y. 6s. b. Schwartz, Marie S. * Birth and Education. 8vo Bost. 1 50 * Gold and Name; * The Right One.... 8vo Bost. ea. 1 50 * Guilt and Innocence; * Two Family.. a. Scott, Sir Walter. Novels, 27 vols....... 12mo Phila. 33 50 - 25 vols........ 12mo Bost. 37 50 - centen. ed. 25 vols.12mo Lond. 43 75 - ~ — 6 vols...........12moN.Y. 10 50 Separate Novels, paper....8vo or 12mo E. & N. ea. 25 b. Sedgwick, Cath. M. ** Hope Leslie, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 3 00 * Linwoods, 2 v., $3.00; * Redwood, 1 v. N. Y. 1 50 * Clarence, 1 v.,; * N. Eng. Tale, 1 v...... N. Y. ea. 1 50 [See Juveniles.] b. Seemiller, Mrs. A. M. C. * Emily Chester. 12mo Bost. 2 00 * Opportunity, 12mo; * Reginald Archer. 12mo Bost. ea. 2 00 b. Sewell, Miss E. M. Amy Herbert.....12mo N. Y. 1 00 " Cleve Hall, $1.00; Earl's Daughter...12mo N. Y. 1 00 * Experience of Life, $1.00; Gertrude..12mo N. Y. 1 00 * Glimpse of World, $1.00; * Hawkstone.12mo N. Y. 1 00 Ivors. 2 v., $2.00; * Kate Ashton, 2 v. 12mo N. Y. 2 00 * Laneton Parsonage, $2.00; * Margaret Percival, 2 vols.... 2mo N. Y. 2 00 Ursula, 2 v., $2.00; Walter Lorimer, 1 v.12mo N. Y. 1 00 * Home Life, 1 vol...................12mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Shelley, Mrs. * Frankenstein........... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 * Perkin Warbeck.....................12mo Lond. 80 b. Sheppard, Elizabeth. *Chas.Auchester.. 8vo N. Y. 75 **Counterparts, 8vo, 1.25; * Rumour.... 8vo N. Y. 1 25 c. Simms, W. G. Works (paper 75c.) 17 vols. 12mo N. Y. 30 00 The best separately, viz.: Beau-) champe, Guy Rivers, Martin Faber.. 12mo N. Y. ea. 1 75 Mellichampe, Partizan, Yemasee.) c. Sinclair, Catherine. Modern Flirtations..12mo Phila. 1 75 Beatrice, Jane Bouverie, Lord and Lady ) Harcourt, Sir E. Graham. Modern Ac — 12mo Lond. complishments...................... c. Sisters of Orleans.....................i2mo N. Y. 1 50 c. Smart, H. * Breezie Langton, paper..... 8vo N. Y. 75 Race for a Wife.................... 8vo N. Y. 50 b. Smedley, Frank E. *Frank Fairleigh... 12mo Lond. 1 25 Harry Coverdale, $1.25; Lew. Arundel. Lond. 1 50 b. Smith, Albert.* Mr. Ledbury (3 others).. 12mo N. Y. ea. 80 b. Smith, Alex. Alfred Hagart's Household.12mo N. Y. 1 00 Dreamthorpe........................1Gmo N. Y. 1 50 b. Smith, Horace. Brambletye House......1l2mo Lond. (And others not reprinted.) 102 THE BEST READING. a. Smollett, Tobias. Novels, 3 vols.........16mo Lond. $3 75 * Count Fathom, *Humphrey Clinker, 12mo Lo e. 50 Peregrine Pickle, *Rod'rk Random. o Cheaper editions of above............ 12mo Lon. ea. 80 c. Southworth, Mrs. E. D. E. N. 37 Novels.12mo Phila. ea.1 75 a. Souvestre, E. *Attic Philosopher.......12mo N. Y. 1 00 * Lake Shore, *Family Journal.........12mo N. Y. 1 50 * Legends of Brittany.................. c. Spindler. The Jew.................... b. Spielhagen,F. *Problemat'l Characters.12mo N. Y. 2 00 * Hammer & Anvil, $2.00; *Hohenstein's.12mo N. Y. 2 00 * Through Night to Light............... 121o N. Y. 2 00 b. Spofford, Mrs. Harriet Prescott. **Amber Gods, $1.75; *Azarian....... 12mo Bost. 1 50 * Sir Rohan's Ghost................. 12mo Bost. a. Stael, Madame de. **Corinne..........12mo N. Y. 1 50 * Delphine........................... c. Stephens, Mrs. A. 14 Novels............12mo Phil. ea. 1 75 * Fashion and Famine............. 12mo Phila. 1 75 c. Sterling,John. Onyx Ring..............16mo Bost. a. Sterne, Laurence. *Tristam Shandy....12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Stowe, Mrs. **Uncle Tom's Cabin,*Agnes of Sorrento, * May Flower, **Minister's Wooing, **Old Town 12mo Bost. 2 CO Folk, *Nina Godwin, *Pink and White Tyranny................. J * My Wife and I......................12mo N. Y. 1 75 b. Sue, Eugene. * Mysteries of Paris.....12mo N. Y. 1 25 Wandering Jew.........12mo N. Y. 1 25 Martin, the Foundling... Phila. 2 00 b. Swift, Jona. ** Gulliver's Travels......12mo Phila. 1 00 Tales from Blackwood. 12 vols in 6.....18mo Edin. 15 00 Tales from the German. By Oxenford,&c. 8vo Lond. a. Tautphceus, Baroness. ** At Odds......12mo Phila. 1 75 **Initials, $1.75; * Quits............ 12mo Phila. 1 75 * Cyrilla, paper...................... 8vo Phila. 75 a. Taylor, Bayard. * Hannah Thurston, * John Godfrey, 12mo N. Y. a. 1 50 **Story of Kennett, * Joseph & Friend. c b. Terhune, Mrs. V. (" Marion Harland'). * Alone, * Hidden Path, Moss Side,) Nemesis, Miriam, At Last, Helen Gardener, Sunnybank, Hus- 12mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 band and Home, Ruby's Husband, I Phemie's Temptation, EmptyHeart J a. Thackeray, W.M. Novels, complete,6 v.12mo Bost. 7 50 3 v. 8vo N. Y. 6 50 Works, complete, best ed.,22 v. 8vo Lond. 66 00 now publishing in 11 v. 8vo Lond. 33 00 Separate, viz: * Vanity Fair, ** Pen-) dennis, **The Newcomes, *Philip,. 12mo Bost. ea. 1 25 **Esmond & Lovel, "Virginians.) FICTION. 103 a. Thackeray, W. M. Novels......Complete in paper.. 8vo N.Y. $4 00 * Miscellanies, Short Tales, &c., 5 v.....12mo Bost. 6 25 a. Thackeray, Miss, ** Tales, &c., 2 vols.... 12mo Bost. 2 00 c. Thomas, Annie. Called to Account, Only Herself, paper 8vo N. Y. ea. 50 Dennis Donne, Played Out, paper..... 8vo N. Y. ea. 50 Dower House, 50c.; High Stakes...pa. 8vo N. Y. 25 False Colors, Theo. Leigh, paper...... 8vo N. Y. ea. 50 On Guard, Walter Goring, paper...... 8vo N. Y. ea. 50 b. Townsend,Virginia F. * The Hollands.. 12mo N.Y. 1 50 Max Meredith...................... 12mo N. Y. Janet Strong, * Mills of Tuxbury..... 12mo b. Trollope, Anthony. **Barchester Towers, paper, 75c. *X Lottie Schmidt, 2 v., $2.50; *Belton Estate, pa., 50c.; *Miss Mackenzie, pa., 50c.; *Bertrams, 12mo, $1.50; *Oiley Farm, cloth, $2.00; *Castle Richmond, 12mo, $1.50; *Phineas Finn, cloth, $1.75; *Can you Forgive Her, 8vo, $2.00, 12mno, $1.00; *Rachel Ray, pa., 50c.; *Claverings,,Svo, $1.00; *Ralph the Heir, cloth, N. Y. $1.75; *Doctor Thorne, 12mo, $1.50; and *Sir H. Hotspur, pa., 50c.; *Framlev Phila. Parsonage, 12mo, $1.75; *Small House, cloth, $2.00; *He Knew he was Right, 12mo, $1.50; *Struggles of Brown, etc., pa., 50c.; *Kellys & O'Kellys, 12mo, $1.25; *Three Clerks, 12mo, cloth, $1.50; *Chronicle of Barset, 8vo, $2.00; *Vicar of Bulhampton, cloth, $1.75; *Warden (with Barchester Towers). J b. Trollope, T. A. * Beppo the Conscript, Dream Num-t bers, *Garstang Grange, Gemma, 12mo Phila. ea.1 75 Leonora......................... Lindisfarn, 8vo, N. Y., $2. A Siren. 8vo pa. 50 Tucker, B. Geo. Balcombe; Partisan Leader (o.p.) b. Turgeneff (Russian). *Fathers & Sons..16mo N.Y. 1 25 Liza................................ c. Tupper, M. F. Crock of Gold; Hearts and Twins. ea.l2mo N. Y. a. Tytler, Sarah. **Citoyenne Jacqueline.. 8vo N.Y. 2 00 * Days of Yore; *Diamond Rose........ 8vo N. Y. 2 00 **Huguenot Family..................... 8vo 2 50 c. Verne. Five Weeks in a Balloon........ 18mo N. Y. 1 25 Centre of the Earth; The North Pole 12mo Lond. Vigny, Alfred de. Cinq Mars, paper.......12mo Bost. 50 c. Victor, Mrs. M. Dead Letter, 12mo, $1.50; Too True..12mo N. Y. 1 25 Figure Eight; Who Was He?..... ea.12mo N. Y. 104 THE BEST READING. b. Walpole, Horace. The Castle of Otranto.. 12mo Phila. Warburton, Eliot. Darien............. Reginald Hastings................. c. Walworth, M. T. Hotspur; Lulu; 12mo N. Y.ea.$l 75 Storm Cliff, Warwick........... Ward, R. Tremaine (and 5 others) o. p... a. Ware, Wm. **Aurelian; **Zenobia; *Julian, 2 vols.. N. Y. ea. 2 00 Warfield, Mrs. C. Romance of Beausaincourt.......... b. Warner, Misses Anna and Susan. (" S. Wetherell.") **Wide World, ** Queechy...........ea. 12mo Phila. 1 75 * Daisy, $1.75; * Say and Seal, 2 vols... 12mo N. Y. 3 00 * Dollars and Cents.................. 12mo Phila. 1 75 * Hills of the Shatemuck.............. 12mo N. Y. 1 75 * Old Helmet........................ 12mo N. Y. 2 25 * Melbourne House.................. 12mo N. Y. 2 00 * What she Could, * Opportunities.. ea. 12mo N. Y. 1 25 House in Town..................... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 [See also Juveniles.] a. Warren, Saml. **Diary of a Physician, 3 v.18mo N. Y. 2 25 * Ten Thousand a Year................12mo Phila. 2 00 Now and Then; Merchant's Clerk.... Works, fine edition, 5 vols............12mo Lond. 12 00 Webber, C. W. Old Hicks, the Guide... 8vo Tales of Southern Border............ 8vo Phila. 2 00 What the World Made Them.......... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 a. Whitney, Mrs. A. D.T. **Faith Gartney.l6mo Bost. 1 50 **Gayworthys, $1.75; **Hitherto.......12mo Bost. 2 00 **Leslie Goldthwaite..................12mo Bost. 1 75 * Patience Strong; ** We Girls........12mo Bost. ea. 1 50 * Zerub Throop.......................12mo Bost. 1 75 b. Whittier, J.G. * Marg't Smith's Journal. 12mo Bost. 1 50 b. Wilson, Prof. Jno.'Margaret Lindsay..12mo Edin. Tales of Borders. (3 others.) c. Wilson, Mrs. (Augusta J. Evans.) * Beulah, Inez, Macaria...............12mo N. Y. ea. 1 75 St. Elmo, Vashlti............... 12mo N. Y. ea. 2 00 Wise, Henry A. Captain Brand......... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 c. Wood, Mrs. Henry. Novels, 13 vols......................12mo Phila.ea. 1 75 Novels, (add'n'lto above,) 10 vols. paper. 8vo Phila.ea. 50 The Channings; Roland Yorke.....ea. 8vo Phila. 1 50 b. Wormeley, Miss. Amabel..........o. p. 12mo N. Y. b. Yates, Edmund. * Black Sheep,paper... 8vo N. Y. 50 * Broken to Harness..................12mo Bost. 2 00 * Forlorn Hope, *Running Gauntlet, 12o Lond ea. 1 00 * Nobody's Fortune................. * Kissing the Rod, * Wrecked in Port, ) paper, * Land at Last..................... 8vo N. Y. ea. 50 Yelverton, Mrs. Zanita............... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 FICTION-FIELD SPORTS-FIJI ISLANDS-FINE ARTS. 105 b. Yonge, Miss C. M. ** Daisy Chain, 2 vols. 12mo N. Y. $2 00 * Dynevor Terrace, 2 vols..............12mo N. Y. 2 00 * Beechcroft.......................... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 * Clever Woman, 2 vols................12mo N. Y. 2 00 **Heir of Redcliffe, 2 vols..............12mo N. Y. 2 00 * Heartsease, 2 vols..................12mo N. Y. 2 00 * Hopes and Fears, 2 vois............. 12mo N. Y. 3 00 * Kenneth, $1.50; * Linwood.......... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 * Young Stepmother, 2 vols........... 12mo N. Y. 3 00 b. Zschokke, H. * The Dead Guest, paper.. 8vo N. Y. 50 **Goldsmith's Village................. * Labor on Golden Feet................12mo N. Y. 1 25 * Select Tales, * Social Life Tales......12mo N. Y. * Veronica................ paper.... 8vo N. Y. 50 Field Sports.-[See also Angling; Hunting.] Carlton, J. W. Sporting Sketch Book...12mo Lon. 16s. Greenwood, J. Wild Sports of the World. 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Herbert, H. W. Field Sports, 2 vols.... 8vo N.Y. Trollope, A. British Field Sports.......12mo Lond. Walsh, J. H. (Stonehenge.) Cyclopedia of Rural Sports... 8vo Lon. 15s. Fiji Islands. Smyth, Mrs. Ten Months in Fiji Islands. 8vo Oxf. 10s. Williams, T., & Calvert, J. Fiji and the Fijians. 1859.... 8vo N.Y. Finance.-[See Banking, Money, Political Economy, Taxation.] Fine Arts.-[See also Architecture, Decorative Art, Drawing, Music, Painting, Sculpture.] - (1.) HISTORY, THEORY, PRACTICE. Allston, W. Lectures on Fine Arts...... Art of Illuminating (col'd ed., $14)....... r. 8vo Lond. 3 50 Art Union Journal, 31 annual vols....ea. 4to Lon. 30s. b. Art, Pictorial and Industrial (monthly), annual vols.... folio L. & N. 16 00 Art Workmanship, Choice Examples of.r. 8vo Lon. 25s. Barnard. On Landscape Painting.......r. 8vo Lond. b. Bell. Anatomy of Expression..........r. 8vo Lond. 6 00 Blanc, Ch. Hist. of Painters of all Nations.folio Lond. 6 00 b. Burnet. Treat. on Color, Perspective, etc. 4to Lond. 22 00 Bryan. Dictionary of Painters.........r. 8vo Lon. 42s. a. Supplement to Dictionary of Living Artists....r. 8vo Lond. 4 75 b. Chaffer's Hist. of Pottery & Porcelain. Ill. 8vo Lond. 9 25 Chevreul. Laws of Contrasts in Color... 8vo Lond, 2 00 a. Clement, C. C. Legendary Art. Illus... 12mo N.Y. 3 25 Cleghorn. Ancient & Modern Art, 2 vols. 16mo Edn. 12s. Cunningham. Lives of Painters & Sculptors, 6 v., 16mo, Lond. 21s.; or 3 v... 18mo N. Y. 2 25 Cummings. Hist. of Nat. Acad. of Design. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 106 THE BEST READING. D'Agincourt. Hist. of Art by its Monum'ts. folio Lon. 105s. Delamotte. Art of Sketching from Nature.folio Lon. 63s. Dwight, M. A. Introd'n to Study of Art.. 12mo N. Y. $1 25 Dunlap, W. History of Arts of Design in United States, 2 vols....o. p. 8vo N. Y. Eastlake, C. L. Lit. of Fine Arts, 2 vols. 8vo Lon. 24s. Falkner, E. Ancient Art............... 8vo Lon. 42s. Fairholt. Dictionary of Terms in Art.... 8vo L. 10s. 6d. c. History of Costume in England. 8vo L. 31s. 6d. General View of Fine Arts. By a Lady. Introduction by Huntington.... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Hamerton. Thoughts about Art......... 16mo Bost. 1 50 Contem. French Painters, Ill. 4to Lond. 10 00 a. Hand Books on Art, (Windsor & Newton's) viz.: on Figures, Oil, Water Colors, etc. Illustrated, 27 vols............... ec..12ino Lon. 44s. b. Harding, J. D. Lessons on Art..........folio Lon. 15s. c. Guide and Companion to above.?'. 8vo Lond. 4 50 c. Principles and Practice of Art...folio Lon. 63s. Harris, G. Theory of the Arts, 2 vols... 8vo Lond. 10 50 Hazlitt, W. C. Essays on Fine Arts.....l 2mo Edin. 5s. e. Hobbes' Picture Collector's Manual, 2 v.. 8vo Lon. 32s. 4 50 Howard, R. On Color as a Means of Art.. 8vo Lon. 8s. Howitt, Miss. Art Student in Munich, 2 v. 12mo Lon. 14s. b. Jackson. History of Wood Engraving..r. 8vo Lond. 21 00 a. Jarves, J. J. The Art Idea............. 12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Art Thoughts................ 12mo N. Y. 2 50 b. Jameson, Mrs. Legends of the Madonna 6 vols. Illus. -- Monastic Orders... 6 vols. Illus. - of our Lord....... large Sacred and Legend. Art. vo Lond. a. Writings on Art, &c., 6 v.. 18mo Bost. 12 00 blue & gold.32mo Bost. 9 00 Jones, Owen. Grammar of Ornament, Ill.folio Lond. 50 00 Keramic Gallery. History and Examples of Porcelain, 2 vols.... 8vo Lond. 28 00 b. Kughler. Hand Books of Painting: Italian School, 2 v... 8vo Lon. 30s. b. - Flem. & Dutch Schools, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 24s. b. Lacroix. Arts of the Middle Ages, Illus.r. 8vo Lond. 12 00 Long, S. P. Art; Its Laws, and Reasons for them....12mo Bost. 3 00 Lubke. Hist. of Art, Illus., 2 vols......r. 8vo L. & P. 18 00 Hist. of Sculpture, Illus., 2 vols. r. 8vo Lond. Muller, C. O. Ancient Art & its Remains. 8vo Lond. 5 00 Palgrave, F. T. Essays on Art...........16mo Lond. 1 50 Reynolds, Sir J. Works on Art, 2 vols...12mo Bohn. 3 50 Rochette. Lectures on Ancient Art...... 8vo Lond. 5s. Rosetti, W. M. Fine Art, chiefly Contemp.l2mo L. 10s. 6d. a. Ruskin. Lectures on Art............... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. - Modern Painters, 5 vols........ 12mo N. Y. 18 00 FINE ARTS. 107 Ruskin. Miscellaneous Works on Art and kindred themes, 6 vols.12mo N. Y. $15 00 Stones of Venice. Ill., 3 v., Lon.r. 8vo ~5 15s. 6d. - Modern Painters. IIl., 5 v., Lon.r. 8vo ~8 3s. Lectures on Sculpture. Illust.. 8vo Lond. Samson, G. W. Elements of Art Criticism.12mo Phila. 3 50 -~ ~_ - Same, abridged..........12mo Phila. 1 75 Simmons. Sculptor's Manual.......... Stanley. Dutch and Flemish Painters...12mo Bohn. 2 50 b. Spooner. Dictionary of Fine Arts, 2 v., r. 8vo N. Y. 10 00 *** With the Supplement to Bryan ($4.75), this work is the best. Shaw. Decorative Arts of Middle Ages.. 4to Lon. 42s. - Dresses and Decorations of Middle Ages... 4to Lon. 147s. Hand Book of Alphabets.....folio Lon. 15s. Illuminated Ornaments.........4to Lon. 105s. a. Taine, H. The Ideal in Art............. 12mo N. Y. 1 25 Philosophy of Art............16mo Lond. 6s. Art in Greece................16mo N. Y. 1 25 Art in the Netherlands....... 16mo N. Y. 1 25 b. Italy, Florence and Venice.... Svo N. Y. 2 50 b. Naples and Rome...... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Taylor, W. B. S. Hist. of Fine Arts in Great Britain, 2 vols.... Lon. 7s. 6d. Tymnes, R. Art of Illuminating.......12mo Lond. 2 50 Thornbury, W. British Artists, Hogarth to Turner, 2 vols...12mo Lon. 21s. a. Tuckerman, H. T. Book of the Artists; American Artist Life.. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 The same. Illus. (Various cost.) Turner, J. WV. M. Life by Thornbury, Illustrated, 2 vols.... 8vo Lon. 30s. Waagen. Art Treasures in Gt. B., 4 vols. 8vo Lon. 72s. Walker. Analysis of Beauty in Women. r. 8vo Lon. 42s. Walpole. Anecd. of Painting in Eng., 3 v. 8vo Lon. 27s. - The same, cheap edition.......12mo L. & N. 2 00 Westmacott. Schools of Sculpture, Ancient and Modern.... 8vo Lond. 3 75 Wedgewood (the Potter), Life of. Ill., 2 v. 8vo Lond. 12 00 b. Winckelmann. Hist. of Ancient Art, 3 v. r. 8vo Bost. Ancient Art among Greeks.. 8vo Lond. 3 00 Wornum. Life and Works of Holbein..r. 8vo Lond. 8 00 Epochs of Paint'g from Early Ages. 8vo Lond. 5 00 Analysis of Ornament. Illust.., 8vo Lond. 2 50 Wyatt, M. D. Fine Art; a Course of Lect. 8vo Lond. 3 00 Fine Arts-ILLUSTRATED BOOKS. *** No attempt is made to classify these in the order of value or importance. Art Publications, Illustrated with Autotypes, Heliotypes, Woodburytypes, etc., all published in London. Hogarth. Works, 150 photographs, 2 v.. 4to 105s. 108 THE BEST READING. Landseer. Great Works................ 4to 42s Mulready's Great Works................ 4to 42s. Raphael. Great Works................ 4to 42s. Rembrandt Etchings.................... 4to 42s. Rembrandt Gallery................. 4to 63s. Reynolds, Sir Joshua. English Children. 4to 42s. Titian. Portraits, 17 photographs....... 4to 105s. Turner. Landscapes, 16 autotypes....... 4to 42s. Velasquez. Works, 17 photographs..... 4to 105s. Wilkie. Great Works................. 4to 63s. Contemporary French Painters.......... 4to 42s. Gems of the Dutch and Flemish Schools.. 4to 25s. Gems of Modern Belgian Art........... 4to 42s. Masterpieces of English Art............. 4to 42s. Italian Art............ 4to 42s. Flemish Art.......... 4to 42s. Mountains and Lakes of Switzerland..... 4to 42s. Shakespeare Gallery, from Boydell...... 4to 42s. Sheepshank's Gallery.................. 4to 42s. Wonders of Sculpture. By Viardot..... 4to 12s. 6d. Wonders of European Art. -.... 4to 12s. 6d. Wonders of Italian Art..... 4to 12s. 6d. World-Noted Pictures. 15 photographs.. 4to 21s. Art and Song. Ill. with Vignettes on Steel. 4to Lon. 21s. Baronial Halls, etc.,of Eng. By Hall, 2 v. folio L. (147s.)$30 00 Beautiful Women, with 16 photos. from Reynolds, etc....folio Lond. 20 00 Beautiful Pic. by Eng. Artists, eng. on steel. 4to Ion. 21s. Berlin and its Art Treasures, mor........ 4to Lond. 25 00 Booth. Characters in Trag. and Come. ll. 8vo Bost. Boissere Gallery at Munich, photog...... folio Lond. 50 00 The same (original copy, folio, ~105), 125 00 British Schools of Art, 2 vols. in 1....... 4to Lond. 40 00 Canova's Works in Sculpture, 3 v. Lond.r. 8vo (120s.) 13 50 Chamberlaine's Imitations of Drawings, etc. Lond., folio. (~12 12s.) 30 00 Claude. Liber Veritatis, 2 mor., 3 vols., Lond., folio. (~31 10s.) 54 00 Claude, Beauties of; 24 plates. Lon., folio. (~3 12s.) 7 50 Coesvelt. Picture Gallery. By Mrs. Jameson. Lond.... 4to (105s.) 12 75 Constable. GraphicWorks, 1 mor......folio Lond. 16 50 Cooper Vignettes. By Darley, mor....... 4to N. Y. 40 00 Cruikshank. Complete Catalogue of his Works. Illust.,3 vols. Lon. 4to ~12 12s. Cutts. Scenes and Characters in Middle Ages, Illustrated.... Lond. Dell, C. H. Nature Pictures. 30 Ill. on wood.folio L. 73s. 6d. Dor6. Illustrated Bible, 2 vols..........folio Lond. 64 00 Illus. Dante Inferno to Paradiso,2 v,folio Lond. 50 00 Milton's Paradise Lost.... folio Lond. 40 00 FINE ARTS. 109 Dore. Illus. Don Quixote.............. 4to Lond. $15 00 La Fontaine's Fables....... 4to Lond. 15 00 Baron Munchausen....... 4to Lond. 6 00 - Fairy Realm.............. 4to Lond. 9 00 Croquemitaine............ 4to Lond. 8 50 Tennyson's Idyls..........folio Lon. 75s. Fairholt. Homes, Haunts, and Works of Rubens, Illustrated... 4to Lon. 42s. Flaxman. Classical Compositions complete, Y mor....folio Lond. 35 00 Compositions from Dante....folio Lond. 16 00 Folk Songs; Illustrated on wood........ 4to N. Y. 15 00 Foster, Birket. Pictures of Eng. Landscape. 4to Lond. 10 00 Gal. of Landscape Painters, Amer. Scenery. 4to N. Y. 18 00 GALLERIES. Berlin Gallery, morocco.............. 4to Lond. 25 00 Dresden Gallery, mor................ 4to Lond. 25 00 Dusseldorf Gallery (pho.), mor.........folio N. Y. 30 00 Leuchtenberg Gallery (Munich), 2 mor. 4to Lond. 18 00 Munich Gallery, mor................. 4to Lond 25 00 New York Galleries (pho.), mor........folio N. Y. 40 00 Turner Gallery, 2 vols. London.......folio ~10. 10s. Vernon Gallery, 4 vols. London......folio ~8 8s. Vienna Galleries, mor................ 4to Lond. 25 00 Wilkie Gallery, mor. London.........folio 50s Gems of European Art (from Art Journal.) half mor., 2 vols.... 4to Lond. 50 00 Gems of English Poetry. Illustrated by Millais, Gilbert, etc.... 4to Lond. Goethe Gallery (photographs), mor....... 4to Stutt. 20 00 Female Characters by Kaulbach).folio Stutt. 36 00 Faust; with Silhouettes by Konewka.... 4to Bost. 4 00 Gems of Art, 36, in portfolio............. Lond. 9 00 Gruner. Italian Frescoes, with Text, 2 v.folio Lond. 35 00 Specimens of Ornamental Art..folio Lond. 60 00 Hamerton. The Unknown River. Illus. with etchings.... 4to L. & B. 6 00 Hogarth's Works, 150 Illust. in Photo. 2 v. 4to Lon. 105s Hood. Poems, Wanstead edition Illus..r. 8vo N. Y. 8 00 Homely Scenes from Great Painters, 24 Ill. 4to Lond. 6 00 Hope. Costume of the Ancients, 2 vols.r. 8vo Lond. 13 50 Irving. Sketch Book, artist's edition... r. 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Italian School of Design...........Loond. 4to (~10) 16 00 Japanese Manners and Customs........r. 8vo Load. 9 00 Joseph and his Brethren, Illuminlated... r. 8vo Lond. 12 50 Lacroix. Arts of Middle Ages, Illust...rr. 8vo Lond. 12 00 Moeurs, Usages et Costumes de Moyen Age, Illustrated...r. 8vo Paris. 15 00 Leslie, C. R. Pictures from his Works... 4to Lond. 15 00 110 THE BEST READING. Life of Man Symbolized, Illust. mor..... r. 8vo N. Y. $20 00 Lossing. The Hudson River, Illust.....r. 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Maclise Gallery of Illust. Lit. Portraits... 4to Lon. 21s. Mantz. Chefs d'(Euvre de la Peinture Italienne, Illustrated... folio Paris. 30 00 Martin. Civil Costumes in England..... 4to Lond. 16 00 Michel Angelo, 60 Outlines from Works of. folio Lond. 7 50 Michelet. The Mountain, Illustrated.... r. 8vo Lond. Millais. The Parables of our Lord, Illus. folio L & N. 10 00 Modes et Costumes Historiques, col. pits. 4to Paris. 18 50 Moses' Antique Vases, &c............... 4to Lon. 63s. New York Central Park, Illustrated...... 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Ottley. Florentine School, 1 mor.......folio Lond. 28 00 Italian School of Design........folio Lond. 30 00 Palgrave. Gems of Engl Art in 19th cent. folio L. & N. 10 00 Penley. Sketches from Nature, in Water colors.... folio Lond. 10 50 Pictures and Painters. Gems of Mod. Art, (from Art Journal) with text by T. A. Richards.folio Lond. 30 00 Portfolio of Cabinet Pictures, after Turner, Constable, &c....folio Lon. 42s. Raphael, Great Works of, (Photog.)......folio Lond. 15 00 Raphael of Urbino & his Father, with Ill. folio L. 31s. 6d. Reynard, the Fox, with Kaulbach's des'ns. 4to Lond. 20 00 Roberts. Views in Holy Land, Egypt, &c., 4 vols....................imp. 8vo Lond. 30 00 Royal Victoria Gallery, half bound....... 4to Lon.84s. 7 00 Ruskin and Turner. Harborsof England.folio Lond. 10 00 Selected Pictures from Galleries of Great Britain, eng. on steel, proofs. 2 v.folio Lond. 275 00 Shakspeare. Midsummer's Night Dream Illustrated by Konewka..... 8vo Bost. 5 00 Merchant of Venice, Illus. on wood....r. 8vo Lond. 6 00 Schiller. Song of the Bell, Ill. by Retsch.. 4to Stutt. 7 50 Sculpture Gallery, (from Art Journal).... 4to Lond. 42 00 Strutt. Dresses & Habits of the English. 4to Lond. 19 00 Sun Pictures. 20 Heliotype Illustations of Ancient and Modern Art.... 4to Lon. 21s. Sheepshanks, Turner, Vernon, Wilkie. [See Galleries.] Tennyson's Idylls, Illustrated by Dore....folio Lond. 35 00 Turner. Liber Fluviorum: Riversof Fr.r. 8vo Lond. 16 00 -Liber Studiorum, autotyped.... 4to Lond. 50 00 Southern Coast of England.... 4to Lond. 18 00 Harbors of England............folio Lond. 3 75 Waverley Gallery...................... 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Walton, E. Coast of Norw'y, 12 col'd plates.folio L. & B. 30 00 Walton & Cotton's Angler, Iilust., 2 vols.r. 8vo Lond. 20 00 Waring. Masterpieces of Industrial Art, richlyilluminated, etc. Lond.folio (~27) 100 00 Werner, Carl. Nile Sketches, 6 col'd plates.folio L. & B. 28 00 Wightwick. Palace of Architecture, Ill. r. 8vo Lond. 5 00 FISH-FLORIDA-FLOWERS-FRANCE. 111 Wyatt. Industrial Arts of 19th century, 2 vols., Lond., folio (~21) $50 00 Fish-FIsH CULTURE.-[See also Angling, Aquarium.] Bertram. Harvest of the Sea: Brit. Fishes. 8vo Lond. 9 00 b. Figuier. The Ocean. Trans.& Illust..... 8vo Lond. 4 50 Fry. Artificial Fish Breeding......... 12mo Lond. 4s. Herbert (" Frank Forrester"). Fish and Fishing. Illus.... 8vo N.Y. 5 00 Green, Seth, Trout Culture...16mo, Caledonia, N. Y. 1 25 b. Hartwig. The Seaandits Living Wonders. 8vo Lond. 3 75 b. Mangin. Mysteries of the Ocean. Illust.r. 8vo Lond. 6 00 a. Norris, Thad. Fish Culture. 1868...... 8vo Phila. 6 00 Florida. a. Bill, L. Winter in Florida..............12mo N. Y. 1 25 Brinton, D. G. Notes on Florida. 1859..12mo Phila. 1 00 b. Fairbank, (I. R. Hist. of Florida to 1842.12mo Phila. 2 50 Fairbank. Spaniards in Florida........12mo N.Y. 1 50 a. Irving, Theo. Conquest of Flor. by De Soto.l2mo N. Y. 2 00 Yelverton, Mrs. St. Augustine, etc...... 12mo N. Y. 75 Flowers.-[See Botany, Gardening, etc.] Language of. [See Language of Flowers.] Food.-[See Cookery and Food; Health.] Fossils.-[See Geology.] France-GENERAL HISTORY OF. Bonnechose. Hist. of France, new ed....12mo Lond. 5s. Calcott. Lady. Hist. of France. London.18mo 2s. 6d. a. Chambers R. France and its Revolutions.12mo Edn. 3s. 6d. Crowe, E. E. Hist. of France, 5 vols..... 12mo Lon. 18s. b. Godwin, Parke. Hist. of France, vol. 1... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 b. Guizot. Hist. of France. Illustrated...r. 8vo Lond. (Now in progress, Nov. 1871.) Martin H. Hist. of France to 1789, 17 v. 8vo Paris. c. - Trans.byM.L.Booth,land2v. 8vo Bost. 8 00 Markham, Mrs. Hist. of France......... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Michelet. Hist. of France. Trans., 2 v.. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Stephen. Lects. on Hist. France, 2 vols.. 8vo Lond. 24s. a. Student's Hist. of France................12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. White, Jas. Hist. of France........... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Yonge, C. D. Hist. of France, 1867, 4 vols. 8vo Lond. 30s. France-EARLY HISTORY. Commines. Memoirs of F.& Burgundy, 2 v.l2mo Bohn. 3 50 Cousin, V. Secret History of the Court under Richelieu & Mazarin...12mo N. Y. 1 25 Duclos. Hist. of Louis XI.............. b. Froissart. Chronicles, 2 vols..........r. 8vo Lond. 1 00 112 THE BEST READING. Freer, Mrs. W. Henry III., Henry IV., Mary de Medici, 6 vols....16mo Lond. 63s. ~- -~- Married Life & Regency of Anne of Austria, 3 vols.... 8vo Lon. 42s. b. James, G. P. R. Hist of Henry IV., 2 vols.12mo N. Y. $3 00 a. - Hist. of Charlemagne...18mo N. Y. 75 - ~___ _ Hist. of Louis XIV., 2 v. Bohn. 3 50 4vols.... 8vo Lond. 10 00 b. Kirk. Hist. of Charles the Bold, 3 vols... 8vo Phila. 9 00 Monstrelet. Chronicles (continuing Froissart), 2 vols.....r. 8vo L.&. N. 9 00 Pardoe, Miss. Hist. of Francis I........ Lon. 36s. b. Hist. of Louis XIV., 2 vols.12mo N. Y. 4 00 Thierry. The Third Estate............ 12mo Lond. 2 25 The Merovingian Era......... 12m Lon. 4s. 6d. Tocqueville, A. de. The Old Regime.... 12mo N. Y. Voltaire. Age of Louis XIV............. 12mo France-THE REVOLUTION OF 1789. Abbott. History of French Revolution.. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Alison. Europe during French Rev. 4 v. 8vo N. Y. 8 00 a. Carlyle. Hist. French Revolution, 2 vols.12mo N. Y. 3 50 -The same, 3 v., 8vo, Lon., $10.50; 3 v.16mo Lond. 2 70 b. Lamartine. Hist. of Girondists, 3 vols.. 12mo N. Y. 4 50 Landon, M. D. Franco-Prussian War.... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Michelet. French Revolution...........12mo Lond. 1 75 a. Mignet. French Revolution........... 12mo Lond. 1 75 Smyth. Lectures on French Revolution. 8vo Lond. 7s. b. Sybel, H. Von. The French Revolu., 4 v. 8vo Lon. 48s. b. Thiers. Hist. of French Revolution, 5 v. 8vo Lond. 10 00 4 v. 8vo N. Y. 8 00 France-THE CONSULATE AND EMPIRE; NAPOLEON I.[See also Biography of Napoleon.] Alison. [See Europe.] Jomini. Hist. of Campaign of Waterloo.12mo N. Y. 1 25 Military Life of Napoleon. 4v.. 8vo N. Y. 25 00 a. Lanfrey, P. Hist. of Napoleon I., vol. 1. 8vo Lond. 3 50 Segur. The Expedition to Russia, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 7s. Siborne. War in France & Belgium in 1815. 8vo Lon. 12s. The Battle of Waterloo...... Thiers. The Consulate & Empire, hf. calf. 20 vols. in 10.... 8vo Lond. 35 00 The same, 5 vols.............. 8vo Phila. 11 25 Wilson, Sir R The Invasion of Russia.. 8vo Lon. 15s. France-RECENT HISTORY; 1815-1870. Blanc, Louis. History of Ten Years, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 26s. Fr. under Louis Philippe.. Histor'l Revelations. Lon.12mo 10s. 6d. Guizot. Memoirs of my own Time....... 8vo Lond. 3 00 Last Days of Louis Philippe.... 8vo Lond. 18s. Democracy in France..........12mo Lon. 3s. 6d. FRANCE-WAR WITH PRUSSIA-THE COMMUNE, ETC. 113 Hozier. History of Seven Weeks' War (with Austria), 2 v.... 8vo Lon. 28s. a. Lamartine. The Restoration, 4v. 12mo., N. Y. $6.00.... Bohn. $7 00 a. Revolution of 1848..................... 12mo Bohn. 1 75 Michelet; France before Europe........12mo Bost. 1 00 Mitchell, D. G. The Battle Summer, 1848.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Renan, E. Constitutional Monarchy in Fr.16mo Bost. 75 a. Tenot E: Paris in 1851................ 12mo N. Y. 2 00 France.-WAR WITH PRUSSIA, 1870-1. Adams, W. D. Franco-Prussian War: its Causes, &c.,- vols.... 4to Lond. Bowles. Defence of Paris-As it was seen. 8vo Lon. 16s. Guizot de Witt, Mad. Book ab't the War. 12mo N. Y. Hozier, Capt. Franco-Prussian War, 3 v. London... 4to ea. 8s. 6d. Pictures from Paris in War and Siege. By an American Lady.... 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Rueston. Col.W. War for the Rhine Front'r 8vo Lond. 8 00 a. War Correspondene of Daily News...... 8vo Lon. 6s. France.-THE COMMUNE OF 1871. *** French works on this theme are very numerous. Brockett, L. P. Paris under the Commune.12mo Hartf. 1 25 a. Fetridge, W. P. Hist. of the Commune.. 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Labouchere, H. Diary in Paris, 1871.....12mo Lond. b. Leighton. Paris and.the Commune........12mo Lond. 4 00 France.-TRAVELS IN, GEOGRAPHY OF, ETC. American Family in Paris.............. 16mo N. Y. 1 50 American (The) in Paris, summer and winter, 2 vols.... 8vo Lon. 18s. Bulwer, H. L. France, Literary, Social and Political, 2 vols.... N. Y. 3 00 Buffum, E. G. Sights and Sensations in France....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Craik. Fair France. By author of John Halifax....12mo Lond. Head, Sir F. Faggot of French Sticks...12mo N. Y. a. Jarves, J. J. Parisian Sights and French Principles, 2 vols.... N. Y. 3 00 a. Murray. Hand-Book for France.........12mo Lond. 4 00 Musgrave, G. Nooks and Corners of Old France, 2 vols.... Lon. 24s. By-Ways in Picardy......12mo Lond. Robinson. Parks and Gardens of Paris.. 8vo L. & B. 7 50 Tomes, R. The Champagne Country.... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Tuckerman, H.T. Papers about Paris...18mo N.Y. 1 00 French Language.-[See also Dictionaries.] Bolmar. French Course of Study, 4 vols. 12mo N. Y. 5 00 Collot. French Course, 5 vols...........12mo N. Y. 5 00 114 THE BEST READING. De Fivas. French Course, 3 vols........12mo N. Y. $3 50 De Vere. French Course, 3 vo]s.........12mo N. Y. 3 25 Fasquelle. French Course, 7 vols....... 12mo N. Y. 9 00 Girard. French Course, 5 vols..........12mo Phila. 4 40 Ollendorf. French Course, 3 vols........12mo N. Y. 3 25 Robertson. French Course, 3 vols.........12mo N. Y. 5 00 French Literature.-[See Literature.] Free Masons.-[See Secret Societies.] Free Trade-[See also Political Economy.] Bastiat. Sophisms of Protective Policy..16mo N. Y. 30 Essays on Political Economy....12mo Chica. 2 00 Cobden, R. Political Writings, 2 vols.... 8vo Lond. 24s. b. Grosvenor,W.M. Does Protection Protect? 8vo N. Y. 2 50 a. What is Free Trade? "By EmileWalter."12mo N.Y. 1 00 Fruits-[See Agriculture.] Fuel-[See Warming and Ventilation.J Furniture. b. Eastlake, C. L. Hints on Household Taste in Furnishing... 4to Lond. 7 50 Hibberd. Rustic Adornments of Homes of Taste.... 8vo Lond. 10 50 King. Cabinet Maker's Guide........... 4to Lon. 21s. Shaw. Ancient Furniture. Illust....... 4to Lon. 42s. Future State. a. Alger. Critical Hist. of Doctrine of Future Life.... 8vo N.Y. 3 50 Constable, H. The Duration of Future Punishment. 1868.... 8vo Lond. George, M. D. Annihilation not of the Bible....12mo Bost. 1 50 Harbaugh. Heaven, 3 vols.............12mo Phila. 4 25 Hudson. Human Destiny...............12mo N. Y. Kimball, J. W. Heaven..............12mo Bost. 1 50 a. Phelps, E. S. The Gates Ajar...........12mo Bost. 1 50 Randolph, R.B. After Death. 1868..... 8vo Bost. 1 50 Wood. The Gates Wide Open...........12mo Bost. 1 50 Galvanism.-[See also Electricity; Magnetism.] Hare. Galvanism & Electro Magnetism. 8vo Phila. Harris, W. S. Rudimentary Galvanism..16mo Lon. is. 6d. Animal Galvanism....... 12mo Lon. Is. 6d. Gambling. Green, J. H. Arts & Mysteries of Gam'lg. Gambling Unmasked. 1844. Steinmetz. The Gaming Table. 1870, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 30s. GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS-GARDENING. 115 Games and Amusements.-[See also Athletic Sports, Gymnastics, Chess, Draughts, etc., and Juveniles. Art of Amusing........................12mo N. Y. $1 50 a. Boys' own Book..............l........16mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Boys' Treasury of Sports and Pastimes... 8vo Lond. 1 75 Cheney, Mrs. Social Games with Cards.. 24mo Bost. 1 00 a. Dodge, M. E. A few Friends, and How they Amused themselves....12mo Phila. 1 25 Evening Amusements. Konewka's Des'ns. 12mo Bost. 1 50 a. Girls' Own Book........................16mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Girls' Own Treasury................... 8vo Lond. 2 50 How to Amuse an Evening Party........18mo Phila. 1 25 b. Home Book of Pleasure and Instruction.. 8vo Lond. 4 00 Hoyle's Games, 18mo., London.......... 18mo Phila. 1 00 Magician's Own Book.................. 12mo Phila. 1 50 b. Mental Photographs................... 4to N. Y. 1 50 Sociable: or, 1001 Amusements..........12mo Phila. 1 50 Secret Out: 1000 Tricks with Cards...... 8vo Lond. 3 00 Gardening. —[Se also Agriculture, Botany, Landscape Gardening.] Abell, L. G. Rose Culturalist, (Saxton).. Barnard, Chas. Simple Flower Garden... 8vo Bost. 25 Beecher, H. W. Fruits, Flowers & F'm'g.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Breck. New Book of Flowers.......... 12Io N. Y. 1 75 a. Bridgman. Young Gardener's Assistant.12mo N. Y. 2 50 Buist. Amer. Flower Garden Directory..12mo N. Y. 1 50 Family Kitchen Gardener........ 12mo N. Y. 1 00 Fessenden. American Kitchen Gardener.12mo N. Y. Fulton. On Peach Culture.............. 2mo N. Y. 1 50 Field. Green Houses, and Green House Plants.... 12mo N. Y. 75 a. Henderson. Gardening for Profit....... 12mo N.Y. 1 50 Practical Floriculture...... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Hibberd, S. Fern Garden...............12mo L. 3s. 6d. Johnson, L. Every Lady her own Flower Gardener....12mo N. Y. a, Lindley. Horticulture. Ed. by Downing. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 b. London. Encyclo. of Gardening......... 8vo Lon. 21s. ~-_ - Mrs. Gardening for Ladies....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Parkman, F. Book of the Rose..........12mo Bost. 1 50 Parsons, S. B. On the Rose.............12mo N. Y. 1 25 Quin. Pear Culture for Profit...........12mo Tribune 1 00 Money in the Garden............ 12mo Tribune 1 00 Rand, E. S. Bulbs, Hardy and Tender...12mo Bost. 3 00 b. Flowers for Parlor & Garden... 12mo Bost. 3 00 Seventy-five Popular Flowers.. 12mo Bost. 1 50 Robinson. Gleanings from Fr. Gardens. 12mo Lond. 3 00 b. Thomas, J. J. Amer. Fruit Culturalist..12mo N. Y. 3 00 a. Watson, A. American Home Garden.... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 White. Gardening for the South........12mo N.. 2 00 116 THE BEST READING. Gas-GAS WORKS. Bowditcl, VW. R. Analysis of Coal Gas.. 8vo Lon. 12s.6d. Clegg. Treatise on Coal Gas, London.. 4to 31s. 6d. Gas Consumers' Guide.................12mo Bost. $1 00 Hughes. Treatise on Gas Works.......16mo Lond. 1 50 Moore, A. The Gas tonsumer's Guide... 12mo 1 00 Newbigging. Gas Managers' Hand Book. 8vo Lond. 3 75 Perkins, E. E. On Gas and Ventilation..12mo 1 25 Sugg. On Gas Manipulation............ 8vo Lond. 7 00 Gazetteers. Beeton. Dictionary of Geography....... 8vo Lond. 3 50 Blackie's Imperial Gazetteer, 4 v. Imp. 8vo Glasg. ~4 15s. Harpers' Statistical Gazetteer............ 8vo N. Y. 5 75 a. Lippincott's Pronouncing Gazetteer...... 8vo Phila. 10 00 b. McCulloch's Geographical Dictionary, 2 v. 8vo Lond. 14 00 ~ - ~ -~~ 4 4v. 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Maunder's Treasury Gazetteer...........16mo Lond. 4 00 *** There are Gazetteers of several of the States of the Union. Gems. a. Billing. Science of Gems, Jewels, etc., Ill. 4to Lond. 15 75 Emanuel, H. Diamonds and Precious Stones.....16mo Lond. 3 25 Feuchtwanger. Treatise on Gems, 1859.. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Jeffries on Diamonds................... 8vo Lond. 4 00 King, C. W. Nat. Hist. of Gems, 1867...12mo L. 10s. 6d. Nat. Hist. of Precious Stones.12mo Lond. Hand-B'k of Eng'd Gems,'66.12mo Lond. Genealogy. New Engl. Hist.-Geneal. Register, 18 v.. 8vo Bost. b. Savage. Genealogical History of Settlers of New England, 4 vols.... 8vo Bost. 12 00 a. Whitmore. Hand-Book of Am. Genealog. 4to Alb. 3 00 *** Family Genealogies are numerous, but copies for sale are not numerous. Geography.-[See also Atlases, Bible Geography, Gazetteers, Physical Geography, Travels, and names of each country.] Ansted, D. T. Science of Phys. Geog....12mo N. Y. 3 00 World we Live in; First Lessons in Geography.... N. Y. 75 Anthon, C. Ancient Geography........ 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Beeton. Dictionary of Geography....... 8vo Lond. 3 50 Bevan, W. L. Ancient Geog. (by Smith).12mo Lond. Student's Mod. Geography.12mo Lond. Fay, T. S. Great Outline of Geography and Atlas, 2 vols.... N. Y. 2 50 a. Guyot. Earth and Man................ 12mo Bost. 1 75 Johnston, A. K. Dictionary of Geography. 8vo Lon. 30s. Malte Brun & Balbi. Geography........ 8vo Lon. 15s. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. 117 Milner, Rev. T. Gallery of Geography Pictures and Designs, 2 vols...rr. 8vo Lond. $10 50 a. Reclus, E. The Earth; Phenomena of the Life of the Globe, 2 vols.... 8vo Lond. 10 00 b. Ritter. Comparative Geography, 4 vols.. 8vo Edinb. Geographical Studies...........12mo Bost. 1 50 Schmitz. Ancient Geography...........12mo N. Y. 1 75 Student's Manual of Ancient and Modern Geography.... ea. 12mo Lond. 3 75 Woodbridge & Willard. Universal Geography and Atlas, 2 vols.... N. Y. 2 75 Geology and Paleontology. Agassiz. Geological Sketches...........12mo Bost. 2 25 Ansted. The Earth's History; First Lessons in Geology....12mo Phila. 1 25 Great Stone Book. 1863.......12mo Phila. Blake, W. P. Geol. Report of California. 4to N. Y. 8 00 Buckland. Geology and Mineralogy Text.12mo Bohn. 2 50 ~ ~ ~ — plates. 5 00 Catlin. Subsidized Rocks of America. Lon. 8vo 7s. 6d. Cotta. Rocks Classified and Described..12mo Lond. a. Dana, J. D. Manual of Geology......... 8vo Phila. Text Book of Geology...... 8vo Phila. On Corals................ 8vo N. Y. 6 00 b. Figuier. The World Before the Flood.. 8vo N. Y. 4 50 Geike. Story of a Boulder. 1858......12mo Lond. 5s. Gray. Elementary Geology.............12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Hartwig. The Subterranean World..... 8vo Lond. 8 50 Hitchcock. Elementary Geology........12mo N. Y. 1 60 Kobell. The Mineral kingdom.........12mo Bohn. 2 50 Loomis, J. R. Elements of Geology......12mo Bost. 1 25 a. Lyell. Elements of Geology (Lond. 9s.).. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 a. Principles of Geology........... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 - Principlesof Geology, 10th ed.,2 v. 8vo Lond. 16 00 Mantell. The Medals of Creation, 2 vols. 12mo Bohn. 6 00 Wonders of Geology, 2 vols....12mo Bohn. 6 00 a. Miller, Hugh. Footprints of the Creator. 12mo B. & L. 1 75 a. Old Red Sandstone......12mo B. & L. 1 75 a. Testimony of the Rocks..12mo B. & L. 1 75 a. Molloy. Geology and Revelation. m..... 12mo N. Y. 2 25 Murchison, R. Siluria. 1854........... 8vo Lon. 18s. Nicholson, H. A. Text Book of Geology.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Owen, R. Paleontology........Edinb. 8vo 7s. 6d. b. Page, D. Geology for General Readers..12mo N. Y. 3 00 Hand Book of Geol. Terms. Edin. 6mo Is. 6d. Intro. Text Book of Geol..Edin. 8vo 7s. 6d. ~- - Text Book of Geology....Edin. 8vo 7s. 6d. Past and Present of the Globe. Edinburgh.... 12mo 7s. 6d. Smith, Dr. J. Pye. Geology and Scripture. 12mo Bohn. 2 50 b. St. John. Elements of Geology........ 12mo N. Y. 1 50 118 THE BEST READING. Thoughts on a Pebble................. 18mo *** There are also extensive Official Reports on the Geology of Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, California, and several other States, published (usually) in quarto volumes, illustrated. Georgia. Carpenter. Hist. of Georgia...........18mo Phila. $ 63 Stevens. Hist. of Georgia, 2 vols........ 8vo Phila. 3 75 Germany.-[Set also Austria, Prussia, and names of separate States; also France.] Bryce. The Holy Roman Empire........ 12mo Lon. 7s. 6d. Carlyle. Hist. of Frederick the Great, 6v.12mo N. Y. 12 00 or 10 vols.... 16mo Lond. 9 00 a. Hozier. The Seven Weeks' War (Austria and Prussia), 2 vols.... 8vo Lon. 28s. a. Kolrausch. History of Germany........ 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Markham, Mrs. History of Germany.....12mo Lon. 4s. b. Menzel. History of Germany, 3 vols..... 12mo Bohn. 5 25 b. Schiller. History of Thirty Years' War..12mo Bohn. 1 75 ~ -__ ~ ~ ~ ~- 12mo N. Y. 1 00 Turner, D. W. Analysis of Hist. Germ..16mo Lond. Germany-TRAVELS IN. a. Brace, C. L. Home Life in Germany....12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Browne, J. R. Amer. Family in Germany 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Head, Sir F. B. Bubbles from the Brunnen.12mo N. Y. 75 Howitt, W. Student Life in Germany... 8vo L. 10s. 6d. Rural & Domes. Life in Ger. 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Kohl. Travels in Germany.............. 8vo Lond. Spencer, E. Ger. from Baltic to Adriatic. 8vo Ion. 7s. 6d. b. Stael, Mine. de. Germany, 2 vols.........12mo N. Y. 3 00 German Language. a. Adler. Germ. & Eng. Dict., abg'd. $2.50...r. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 German Reader.................12mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Comfort's German Course, 3 vols.........1t2mo N. Y. 6 00 Ollendorf's Method of Teaching German.12mo N. Y. 1 25 Otto's German Grammar............... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Preu. German Primer, $1; First Steps.. 8vo N. Y. 1 25 b. Whitney. Ger. Reader, $1.25; Grammar.12mo N. Y. 1 75 *** And many others. German Literature.-[See Literature.] Ghosts.-[See Apparitions, Demonology.] Gift Books.-[See Fine Arts, Illustrated Books, Juveniles, Natural History, Poetry, etc.] The following are some of those not otherwise classified. Among the Trees. By Mary Lorimer. Ill. 4to N. Y. 1 75 Art and Song. Illus. by Painters and Poets. 4to L. & P. 10 00 Aubigne, J. H. Merle d'. History of Reformation. Illust.... 4to N. Y. 10 00 GIFT BOOKS. 119 Barbauld. Hymns in Prose. Illust.... 4to L.& N. $2 00 Bewick. Fables, with Illustrations from original blocks... 18mo L. & N. 2 50 Book of Rubies; a Collection of Poems... 8vo N. Y. 7 00 Browning. Lady Geraldine. Illust..... 8vo N.Y. 5 00 Bryant. Song of the Sower. Illust...... 4to N. Y. 5 00 Story of the Fountain..... 4to N. Y. 5 00 Christmas Poems and Pictures. Illust... 4to N. Y. 2 50 Christian Lyrics, from Mod. Authors. Ill. 8vo L. & N. 6 00 Cooper Vignettes. By Darley, eng. on steel. 4to N. Y. 40 00 Cotter's Saturday Night. Illustrated..... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Cowper. John Gilpin, Illust............ 4to L. & N. 2 50 Dickens. Christmas Carol, Illust........ 8vo Bost. 5 00 Dunkin. Midnight Sky, Illust.........r. 8vo L. & N. 3 75 Favorite Authors, with Portraits......... 8vo Bost. 2 50 Forest Scenes, drawn by Hows.......... 4to N. Y. 7 00 Folk Songs, edited by Palmer, Illust....r. 8vo N. Y. 15 00 Foster, Birket. Illustrated Poets, for Gifts, 12vols....ea.. 8vo L.&N. 2 50 Good Company, with Portraits........... 8vo Bost. 2 50 Golden Thoughts from Golden Fountains. r. 8vo L. & N. 12 00 Holland'Katrina,'-Bitter Sweet, ll.ea. 8vo N. Y. 9 00 Household Friends, Illustrated.......... 8vo Bost. 2 50 Home-Book of Pleasure and Instruc., Illust. 8vo L. & N. 3 75 Irving. Sketch-Book, Artist's ed., Illust.r. 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Rip Van Winkle, Illust........r. 8vo N. Y. 1 50 Sleepy Iollow, Illust..........r. 8vo N. Y. 1 25 Knickerbocker, Illus. by Darley.r. 8vo N. Y. 9 00 Konewka. Silhouette Ilustrations........ Goethe's Faust................ 4to Bost. 4 00 Falstaff, etc................. 4to Bost. 4 00 Shakespeare. Midsum. Nt. Dm. 4to Bost. 5 00 Legend of St. Gwendoline, Illustrated by Ehninger.... 4to N. Y. 10 00 Light of the World and other Poems, etc., Illustrated.... 4to Lond. 5 00 New York Central Park, Illustrated...... 4to N. Y. 10 00 Picture Gallery of all Nations, Illust..... 4to L. & N. 2 50 Poetand Painter; EnglishPoets, Illust..r. 8vo N.Y. 12 00 Poet's Gallery; 36 Ideals f'm Eng. Poetry. r. 8vo L. & N. 7 50 Queens of England; 29 Portraits; text from Strickland....r. 8vo L. & N. 15 00 Republican Court in days of Washington, Illustrated....r. 8vo N. Y. 15 00 Songs of Life; Songs of Home; Songs of the Heart, Illustrated.....ea. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Spirit of Praise; Hymns Old & New, Illus. 8vo L. & N. 3 75 Stratford Gall'y; Shakespeare Sisterhood. r. 8vo N. Y. 15 00 Sunnyside Book, by popular Authors and Artists....r. 8vo N. Y. 4 50 Swiss Pictures; Spanish Pictures, ea. Ill r. 8vo L. & N. 3 75 Tuckerman. Book of the Artists, (Ill. $30). 8vo N. Y. 5 00 120 THE BEST READING. Watts. Divine and Moral Songs, Illust.. 4to L. & N. $2 00 Waverley Gallery; Female Portraits...r. 8vo N. Y. 7 50 Willmott's Poets of 19th Century, Illust.. 4to N. Y. 3 75 Winter Poems; Longfellow, Whittier, etc., Illustrated.... 4to Best. 5 00 World-Noted Women; steel portraits...r. 8vo N. Y. 15 00 Glaciers.-[See Alps.] Glass-Making. Sauzany. Marvels of Glass-Making.....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Gold.-[See Finance, Mineralogy.] Jukes. Lectures on Gold. 1852........12mo Lond. Phillips. Mining in Gold and Silver. Lon. 8vo 12s. 6d. S.coffern. Chemistry of Gold.......... 16mo Lond. Is. Government.-[See also Constitution, Internat'l Law, Law.] a. Alden. Science of Government........ 12mo N. Y. 1 50 - Citizen's Manual...............12mo N. Y. 50 Bristed, C. A. Interference Theory of Gov't.lSmo N. Y. 1 00 b. De Tocqueville. Democracyin Amer.,2 v. 8vo Camb. 5 00 Gillett, R. H. Democracy in the U. S.... 12mo 1 50 Guizot. Hist. of Constitutional Gov't....12mo Bohn. 1 75 Holmes. Parties and their Principles... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Humboldt, Wm. Sphere and Duties of Government.... 8vo Lond. 5s. Jennings. Eighty Years of Republican Gov't in U. S..12mo 1 75 Lewis, Sir G. C. Administration of England. 1783-1830.... 8vo Lon. 15s. b. Lieber. On Civil Liberty and Self Gov't. 8vo Phila. 3 25 Louis Napoleon. Napoleonic Ideas...... 8vo Lond. 4s. Maine, H. S. Village Communities...... 8vo Lond. 9s. a. Mill, J. S. On Liberty................16mo Bost. 1 50 b. - Representative Government..12mo N. Y. 1 50 Montesquieu. Spirit of Laws, 2 v., scarce. 8vo Lond. b. Mulford, E. The Nation........... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Munroe, Jas. The People the Sover'ns, etc.12mo Phila. 1 75 Seaman. Amer. System of Government..12mo N. Y. 1 50 Stern. Representative Government..... 2mo Phila. 1 75 Tileston. Hand Book of the Administrat. 12mo Bost. Wedgewood,W. B. Gov't and Laws of U.S. 8vo N.Y. 5 00 Yeaman, Geo. Study of Government.... 8vo Bost. 5 00 Grammar-ENGLISH.-[See also Languages, separate.] a. Brown, Gould. Grammarof Grammars.. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 *** Also about 30 other Elementary Grammars, used as text-books. Grapes —WINE-[See Agriculture.] Grasses.-Flint. Grasses and Forage Plants.. 8vo Bost. Great Britain.-[See England, Ireland nd Scotland.] GREECE-ANCIENT AND MODERN, ETC. 121 Greece-ANcIENT.-[See also Athens; History, Anct.] Arnold, Rev. F. History of Greece. Illus.lnmo Lond. b. Becker. Charicles: Manners, etc. of Gr.. 8vo Lond. $3 50 Boeck. Public Economy of Athens..... 8vo Lond. 18s. Bonner. Child's History of Greece, 2 vols.l8mo N. Y. 2 50 Bulwer, Sir E. L. Athens, its Rise and Fall, 2 vols.... 8vo L.31s. Gd. a. Curtius. History of Greece,- vols..... 8vo N.Y. ea. 3 00 Elton. Speci. of Greek Classic Poets, 3 v. 8vo Lond. 6 00 b. Felton, Prof. Greece, Ancient & Modern. 8vo Bost. 5 00 Finlay, G. History of Greece, 5 vols..... 8vo Edn. 66s. Gladstone, W. E. Ancient Greece in Providential order of the World.... 8vo Lond. b. Gladstone. Juventus Mundi............ 8vo Bost. 2 50 -- - Homer & the Homeric Age, 3 v. 8vo Oxfo. 33s. a. Grote. History of Greece, 12 vols........ 12mo N. Y. 18 00 12 vols.......12mo Lond. 24 00 Heeren. Politics of Ancient Greece..... 8vo Lond. 3 75 Keightley. History of Greece, (element.). 12mo Lon. 6s. 6s. Mitford. History of Greece, 10 vols......12mo Bohn. 40s. Muller, C. 0. Athens and Attica........ 8vo Lon. 6s. St. John. Manners and Customs of Ancient Greece, 3 vols... 8vo Lon. 21s. Schmitz. History of Greece............ 12no L. 7s. 6d. Smith, W. Smaller History of Greece.. 12mo N. Y. a. - Students' History of Greece. 12mo N.Y. 2 00 Thirlwall. Hist. of Greece (8 v. 6Os.), 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Thucydides. Hist. Trans. by Smith, 2 v. N. Y. 1 50 b. - Dale......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Wacksmuth. Polit. Antiq's of Greece, 2v. 8vo Oxfo. 30s. Xenophon. WholeWorks. Trans. by Smith. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Anabasis, by Smith.......... 12mo Bohn. 2 25 2 vols.....18mo N.Y. 150 b. Literally trans. by Watson..12mo N. Y. 1 50 Greece-MODERN. Baird, H. M. Modern Greece............12mo N. Y. 1 50 Gordon. Hist. Greek Revolution, 2 vols.. 8vo Edn. 10s. 6. Keightley. Greek War of Independence. Lon. 7s. Leake. Topography of Athens, 2 vols... 8vo Lon. 30s. Travels in Morea, 3 vols......... 8vo Lond. Northern. Greece, 4 v. 8vo L. 60s. a. Murray. Hand Book for Greece......... 12mo Lon. 15s. a. Rangabe. Greece, Prog. and Pres. Condi. 4to N. Y. 75 b. Wordsworth, C. Tour in Greece. Rich. ill. r. 8vo Lond, 10 50 Greek Literature.-[See Literature.] Green HIouses.-[See Gardrning.] Greenland.-[See Arctic Regions.] Guatemala.-[See America,, Central.] 122 THE BEST READING. Guide Books.-[See names of Countries.] Gun-GUNNERY; GUNPOWDER.-[See Arms.] Gymnastics and Calisthenics. Beecher, Miss. Physiolo. & Calisthenics.. 12mo N. Y. $ 75 a. Depping. Wonders of Bodily Strength..12mo N. Y. 1 50 Howard,J. H. Gymnasts and Gymnastics.16mo L. 7s. 6d. Kehoe, S. D. IndiaL Club Exercise...... 4to N. Y. 2 00 a. Lewis,Dio. New Gymnastics...........12moBost. 1 50 Larpee, H. de. Calisthenics............. 8vo Lond. 3 75 Maclaren, Arch. Training in Theory and Practice.... 8vo Lond. Syst. of Physical Educa. 8vo Oxfo. Ravenstein & Hulley. Hand Book of Gymnastics, etc..... 8vo London.7s. Gd. & 2s. 6d. Trail, R. F. Family Gymnasium........ 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Watson. Hand Book of Calisthenics & G.. 8vo Lon. 8s. Wilkinson. Modern Athletes............l2mo Lond. 50 Woods. Manual of Physical Training... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Gypsies. Borrow, Geo. Romany Rye, paper....... 8vo N. Y. 75 b. Zincali, or Gypsies of Spain.12mo L. 3s. 6d. Lavengro, paper........... 8vo N. Y. 75 a. Simson, W. History of the Gypsies...... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Hayti.-[See St. Domingo.] Health.-[See also Cookery, Food, Maternity, Physiology.] Anstie. Use of Wines in Health and Disease.... 12mo Lond. 50 Banting. Letter on Corpulence......... 8vo N. Y. 25 a. Bellows, A. J. How Not to be Sick......12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. - Philosophy of Eating.....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Bill, L. Winter in Florida..............12mo N. Y. 1 25 Brown, Jno., M. D. Plain Words about Health....12mo Lon. 6s. Chavasse. Advice to a Mother on Health. 12mo Phila. 1 50 Chambers, T. K. The Indigestions...... 8vo L. 10s. 6d. Combe, A. Physiology app. to Health, etc. 12mo Ed. 3s. 6d. Clark, Sir J. Sanative Infl'nce of Climate. 8vo L. 10s.6d. Eyre, Sir J. The Stomach & its Difficulties. 12mo Phila. 75 First Help in Accidents and Sickness.....12mo Bost. 1 50 Good Health; the Laws of Correct Living. 8vo Bost. 2 50 Hall, W. W. Coughs and Colds.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Health and Disease........12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. - Health by Good Living.....l12mo N. Y. 1 50 On Sleep...................12mo N. Y. 1 50 Haviland. Infiu. of Climate on Health, etc. 8vo Lon. 7s. a. Hinton. Health and its Conditions......12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Hope. Till the Doctor Comes........... 12mo N. Y. 60 Lee, Dr. Influence of Climate on Pulmonary Disease....12mo L. 4s. 6d. HEAT-HEATHENISM-HERALDRY, ETC. 123 Lewis, Dio. Our Girls..................12mo N. Y. $1 50 Talks ab't People's Stomachs.12mo Bost. 1 50 Weak Lungs, and How to be Strong....12mo Bost. 1 50 a. Mace. Hist. of a Mouthful of Bread.....12mo N. Y. 1 75 - Servants of the Stomach.........12mo N. Y. 1 75 Macpherson. Baths & Wells of Europe..12mo L. 6s. 6d. Mitchell, S. W. Wear and Tear: the Overworked....18mo Phila. Murray, W. H. H. The Adirondacks-for Invalids.... 12mo Bost. 1 50 Nightingale, Florence. Notes on Nursing.12mo N. Y. 75 Ordronaux. The Code of Health of School of Salernum... 8vo Phila..5 00 Pereira. On Food and Diet, edited by C. A. Lee....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Ray. Mental Hygiene................2mo Bost. 1 50 Smith, South. Philosophy of Health.... 8vo Lond. 5s. Sweetser. Human Life and its Duration. 1mo N. Y. 1 50 Winslow. Influence of Light on Health. 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Heat. a. Abbott, Jacob. On Heat................ 12o N. Y. 1 50 Metcalfe. Caloric: its Mechanical, &c., Agencies.... 8vo Phila. 5 00 Stewart, B. Elementary Treatise on Heat.16mo L. & N. 2 50 a. Tyndall. Heat as Mode of Motion.......12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Wonders of Heat..................... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 I eathenism. Chinese Classics, ed. by Legge, 3 vols....r. 8vo a. Rev. A. W. Loomis. 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Dollinger. Heathenism and Judaism, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 21s. Fergusson. Tree and Serpent Worship.. 4to Lon. 105s. Gould, Baring. Heathenism and Mosaism, vol. 1 of Hist. of Religions.. 8vo Lon. 15s. Heraldry. b. Burke. Encyclopedia of Heraldry......r. 8vo Lon. 21s. Boutwell. Heraldry; Hist. and Popular.r. 8vo Lond. 7 50 a. Clark. Manual of Heraldry (col'd $7.50)..12mo Bohn. 2 25 Cussons. Hand-Book of Heraldry........ 12mo Lond. 3 75 Fairbairn. Crests of Families of Great Britain, 2 vols....r. 8vo Lond. 15 00 Millington, E. J. Heraldry; its History, Poetry, etc.....16mo L. 7s 6d. Whitmore. Elements of Heraldry..... 8vo Camb. 6 00 Hindostan.-[See India.] History-(GENERAL) PHILOSOPHY OF. Bissett, A. Essays on Historical Truth..8vo Lon. 14s. Bolinbroke. Letters on Study of History. 124 THE BEST READING. Bunsen. God in History................ 8vo Lon. 12s. Philosophy of Univ'l Hist., 2 v.. 8vo Lon. 33s. Hegel. Philosophy of History........... 12mo Bohn. $2 50 Knight, Chas. Historical Parallels, 3 v..18mo L. 4s. Gd. Miller. Philosophy of History, 4 vols....12mo Bohn. 7 00 a. Schlegel. Philosophy of History........ 12mo Bohn. 1 75 a. Smith, (Goldwin). OnStudyof History..-12moN.Y. 1 50 Taylor, W. C. Nat. Hist. of Society, 2 v.. 12mo Lon. 21s. Volney. Ruins; Revolutions of Empires.16mo N. Y. 1 25 History.-UNIVERSAL.-[See also Chronology.] b. Buckle. History of Civilization, 2 vols... 8vo N. Y. 6 00 a. Creasy. Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Dean, A. History of Civilization, 7 vols.. 8vo Alb. 28 00 Dew. Digest of Anc. & Mod. History.... Lieber, Dr. F. Great Events by Great Historians.... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Muller. Universal History, 4 vols.......12mo N. Y. a. Putnam. The World's Progress........12mo N. Y. 3 50 Robson. Great Sieges of History, Illust.. 12mo L. & N. 2 00 Smith. Turner. [See Ancient History.] a. Tytler. Elements of Univ'l Hist.,6 vols... 18mo N. Y. 4 50 Willard, Emma. Univ'l Hist. inPerspec. 8vo N. Y. 2 25 Woodward, etc. Histor. & Chron. Cyclo.. 8vo Loud. History.-ANCIENT. [See also, Greece, Rome, etc.] Baldwin. Pre-Historic Nations......... 12mio N.. Y 1 75 Baker. Aryan Civilization............. 12mo Lond. 3 00 b. Ceesar. Trans. by Anth. Trollope........12mo Phila. 1 00 Heeren. Hist. of Ancient Nations, 6 vols. 8vo Lon. 45s. b. Herodotus. Trans. by Rawlinson, (best) 4 v. 8vo Lon. 48s. ~____- Trans. by Beloe, 3 vols., $2.25 by Swayne....12mo N. Y. 1 00 Literal Trans. by Cary.......12mo Bohn. 1 75 b. Le Normand & Chevalier. Ancient History of the East, 2 vols.... 8vo Lond. 5 50 a. Lord, John. Ancient States and Empires. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Morris, J. W. Students' Chart of Ancient History... 4to Lond. 5s. Niebuhr. Lectures on Anct. Hist., 3 v... 8vo Phil. 5 00 b. Plutarch's Lives of Anc. Greeks & Romans, trans. by Clough, best ed., 5 vols.... 8vo Bost. i5 00 or a. - by Langhorne, 4 v. $5; 1 v. 8vo N.Y. 2 00 Putz & Arnold. Manual of Ancient Geography and History....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Prideaux. Connection of Old and New Testament, 2 vols.... 8vo. N.Y. 5 00 b. Rawlinson. Five Great Monarchies of the Ancient World, 3 vols.... 8vo Loud. 15 00 The same cond. for Students.12mo Bost. a. - Manual of Ancient History.... 12mo N. Y. 2 50 HISTORY, MODERN-HOLLAND AND BELGIUM, ETC. 125 Rollin. Ancient History, 2 vols........ r. 8vo N. Y. $4 50 - The same, 4 vols................ 8vo Phila. 8 00 Arts and Sciences of the Ancients. b. Smith, Ph. Ancient Hist. of theWorld, 3 v. 8vo N. Y. 10 50 a. - Students' Ancient History...12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. New Test. and Old Test. Hist.12mo N. 1. ea 2 00 Turner, Sharon. Sacred Hist. of World, 3v.18mo N. Y. 2 25 Thucydides. Translated by Smith, 2 vols.18mo N. Y. 1 50 a. - (literally) by Dale. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Wheeler. Life and Travels of Herodotus. 2 vols....12mo N.Y. 3 50 Xenophon. Trans. by Spelman, 2 vols... 8mo N. Y. 1 50 a. (literally) by Watson.12mo N. Y. 1 50 - by Sir A. Grant......12mo 1 00 History-MODERN: GENERAL WORKS. [See Europe.] b. Alison. Europe during French Revolution and to 1830, 8 vols.. N. Y. 16 00 a. Arnold. Lectures on Modern History.... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Gage, W. L. Modern Historical Atlas... 12mo N. Y. 3 50 Gervinus. Intro. to Hist. 19th Century... 8vo Lond. Is. c. Merivale. Conversion of North. Nations. 8vo N. Y. 1 50 b. Schlegel. Lectures on Modern History... 12mo Bohn. 1 75 b. Schlosser. History of 18th Century, 8 vols. 8vo Lond. 16 00 a. Smith, Goldwin. Lectures on Mod. Hist.12mo N. Y. 1 75 Smyth, Wm. Lectures on Mod. Hist., 2 v. Bohn. 3 50 b. Von Sybel. Europe during French Revolution, 4 vols.... 8vo Lon. 48s. Yonge, C. D. 3 Centuries of Mod. Hist... 8vo Lond. History of Literature.-[See Literature.] Holland and Belgium. Davies. History of Holland, 3 vols...... 8vo Lon. 36s. Esquiros. The Dutch at Home......... 12mo Lon. 18s. Grattan. History of the Netherlands. Lon. 12mo 3s. 6d. a. Motley. Rise of Dutch Republic, 3 vols. 8vo N. Y. 10 50 Murray's Hand Book for Holl'd & Belgium. 12mo Lon. 9s. a.- The United Netherlands, 4 vols. 8vo N. Y 14 00 b. Schiller. The Revolt qf the Netherlands.12mo Bohn. 1 75 Tennent, J. E. Belgium, 2 vols..........12mo Lond. 7s. Holy Land.-[See also the East.] Barrows. Sac. Geograpphy and Antiquities. 12mo N.Y. 2 00 b. Bartlett. Walks about Jerusalem. Ill. r. 8vo Lond. 6 00 Footsteps of our Lord. Illus. r. 8vo Lond. 6 00 Forty Days in the Desert. Ill. r. 8vo Lond. 6 00 Burt, Rev. Dr. The Land and its Story, Illust....r. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Dixon, W. H. The Holy Land; a Record of Travel.... 12mo Lond. 2 50 Early Travels in Palestine..............12mo Bohn. 2 5C Kitto. Physical Geography of Palestine. 18mo Lond. 1 25 a. History of Palestine.............12mo Lond. 1 75 126 THE BEST READING. a. Kitto. Bible Hist. of the Holy Land, Ill.. 8vo L. & N. $3 00 Lynch. Exploration of Dead Sea, 1849... 8vo Phila. 3 00 Macleod, Norman. Eastward; Travels in Holy Land.... 8vo L. & N. 5 00 Macgregor. The Rob Roy on the Jordan.. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Newman, Rev. J. P. Dan to Beersheba 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Porter, J. L. The Giant Cities of Bashan, etc., 2 vols....12mo Lond. ea. 1 50 a. Prime, W. C. Tent Life in Syria and Holy Land....12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Robinson & Smith. Biblical Researches in Palestine, in all 4 vols... 8vo Bost. 12 00 b. Robinson, E. Phys. Geog. of Holy Land. 8vo Bost. 3 50 Spencer, J. L. The East; Egypt and Holy Land.... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Stanley, (Dean). Sinai and Palestine..... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 a. Thompson,W. M. The Land and the Book, 2 vols....l2mo N. Y. 5 00 a. Warburton, E. The Crescent & the Cross. 12mo. Phila. 2 00 Wilson & Warren. The Recovery of Jerusalem.... 8vo Lon. 21s. Honduras.-[See Central America.] Horse.-HORSEMANSHIP. Bruce. American Stud Book, vol. 1..... 8vo Chica. Fleming. Horseshoes and Horseshoeing. 8vo Lon.21s. a. Herbert, H. W. Hints to Horsekeepers..12mo N. Y. 1 75 b. Herbert, H. W. Horse and Horsemanship 2 vols.... 8vo N. Y. 15 00 Herschberger. The Horseman..........12mo N. Y. 2 50 Jennings. Horse Training made Easy... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 Mayhew. Horse Management, Illust.....12mo N. Y. 3 00 McClung. The Gentleman's Stable Guide. Miles. The Horse's Foot................ 8vo L. 12s. 6d. Ryle, J. S. On Taming the Horse........ Stewart. Stable Book................. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Wallace. American Stud Book, Illust...r.8vo N. Y. 10 00 b. Walsh,J. H. (" Stonehenge"). The Horse.12mo N. Y. 2 50 Whyte. Hist. of the Brit. Turf, 2 vols... 8vo Lon. 12s. Woodruff. Trotting Horse of America...12mo N. Y. 2 25 a. Youatt. On the Horse, by Spooner..... 8vo Phil. 1 50 Horticulture.-[See Gardening, Agriculture.] Huguenots. Blackburn. Coligny and the Huguenots. Martyn, W. C. History of the Huguenots.12nmo N. Y. 1 50 Maury. Memoirs of Huguenot Family... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Smiles. Huguenots in Engl'd & Ireland.. 8vo N. Y. 1 50 Humorous Works. [See also Poetry, Humorous.] A'Becket. Comic History of England.... 8vo Lond. 5 00 Comic History of Rome...... 8vo Lond. 5 00 HUMOROUS WORKS-HUNGARY. 127 "Awful," and other Jingles. ByP. R. S. 12mo N. Y. $1 25 Amer. Tour of Browne, Jones & Robinson. 4to N. Y. 5 00 a. Bede, Cuthbert. Adven. of Verdant Green. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Brown, C. F. (Artemus Ward.) Humorous Books, 4 vols.... 12mo N. Y. 6 00 a. Burton. Cyclopedia of Wit and Humor. Illustrated, 2 vols. r. 8vo N. Y. 8 00 Comic Blackstone. Illustrated..........12mo Phila. 1 50 Comic English Grammar. Illustrated... 18mo Lond. Is. Latin Grammar. Illust. Lond... 12mo Is. 6d. a. Combe. Dr. Syntax's Tours. Illust.....12mo Lond. 3 00 Cozzens. The Sparrowgrass Papers.....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Cruikshank. Omnibus. Illus.....Lond. 8vo 10s. 6d. De Mille, Jas. The Dodge Club. Illust. 8vo N. Y. 1 25 Derby, G. H. Phoenixiana..............12mo N. Y. 1 25 Erasmus. Praise of Folly............... 16mo Lond. 3 00 Father Tom and the Pope.............. 18mo Phila. 75 Haliburton, T. C. Sam Slick's Sayings, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Harte, Bret. Condensed Novels..........12moo Bost. 1 50 Luck of Roaring Camp....12mo Bost. 1 50 Sketches.................. 12mo Bost. 1 50 Hood, Thos. Prose Works. Illus., 3 vols.12mo N. Y. 7 50 Up the lhine; Whims and Oddities, etc.. 3 vols...12mo N. Y. 4 50 ComicWorks, cheaper ed. 4 v.12mo Phila. Irving. Knickerbocker's N. Y. 16mo $1.25.12mo N. Y. 2 25 Jerrold. Mrs. Caudle's Lectures........ 12mo N. Y. 1 25 "Joe Miller's" Jest Book................ 16mo Lond. 1 25 "Josh Billings." Humorpus Works, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 3 00 Leland, C. G. " Hans Breitman's Ballads".12mo Phila. 2 00 Locke, D. R. "Petroleum C. Nasby." Works, 2 vols.... 12mo Bost. 3 00 "Miles O'Reilly." Book of Adventures.. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 New Gospel of Peace...................12mo N. Y. 2 00 Newell. "Orpheus C. Kerr" Papers, 3 v 12mo N.-Y. 4 50 "Phenix." The Squibob Papers......... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Pomeroy ("Brick"). Sense, Nonsense, etc., 3 volumes.... 12mo N Y. 4 50 Prentice. Prenticeana..................12mo Phila. 1 50 Punch (Lond.), - vols. repub. (2 yrs. in 1 v.) 4to L. ea. 21s. Rabelais. Works, 2 vols............... 12mo Bohn. 3 50 with Dor, Illustrations.l2mo L. 7s. 6d. Scheffel. Gaudeamus. Trans. by C. G. Leland.... 12mo Lond. Shaw, H. W. Sayings of Josh Billings..12mo N. Y. 1 50 Sherwood. Comic IIistory of U. States..12mo Bost. 2 00 Shillaber. Mrs. Partington's Sayings.... 12mo Bost. 1 50 Smith, Seba. Jack Downing's Letters....12mo N. Y. Swift. Gulliver's Travels...............12mo Phila. 1 50 Ifungary. Brace, C. L. Hungary in 1851...........12mo N. Y. 1 75 128 THE BEST READING. a. Hungary and Its Relations..............12mo Bohn. $2 25 Klapka. War of Independ. in Hung'y, 2 v. 12mo L. 10s. 6d. Paget. Hungary and Transylvania, 2 v.. l2mo Phil. 2 00 Pardoe, Miss J. City of the Magyars, 3 v. 12mo L. 10s. 6d. Pragay. Hungarian Struggle, 1850......12no N. Y. 1 00 Schlesinger. Hungary, 1850, 2 vols.....12mo Lon. 21s. Tefft, B. F. Hungary and Kossuth.....12nio Phila. Winkstein Hist. of War in'48 and'49.. Hunting and Shboting. Browning, M. 44 Years of Hunter's Life. 12mo Phila. 1 50 Bumstead. On the Wing; Book for Sportsmen.... 12mo Bost. 2 25 Dead Shot; or, Sportsman's Guide...... Cumming. Wild Men and Wild Beasts.. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Gillmore, P. Hunter's Adventures...... 12mo Lon. 15s. Herbert, H. W. Hints for Young Sports'n. 12mo N. Y. Hooper, J. J. Dog and Gun............. Lewis. American Sportsman........... 8vo Phila. 2 75 a. Meunier, V. Great Hunts of the World..12mo N. Y. 1 50 INewhouse, S. Trapper's Guide......... 8vo N.Y. 125 Walsh, J. H. Shot-Gun and Rifle......12mo L. 10s. Gd. Hydraulics. Box. Practical Hydraulics............. 12mo Lond. 2 00 Bresse. Hydraulic Motors..............12mo N. Y. 2 00 Downing. Practical Hydraulics......... 8vo Lond. 4 00 a. Ewbank. History of Hydraulics, etc..... 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Hughes. Water Works for Cities and.Towns....18mo Lond. 1 50 Humber. Water Supply of Cities and Towns.... 4to Lond. 40 00 Hydropathy. Johnson. Domestic Hydropathy.........12mo Lond. 6s. Trail. Hydropathic Encyclopaedia...... 12mo N. Y. 4 50 Hygiene.-[See Health.] Iceland. Chambers, R. Iceland and Faroe Islands. 12mo Lond 5s. a. Dufferin, Lord. Yacht Voy. to Iceland.....12mo Lond. 9s. Gould, S. Baring. Iceland; its Scenes and Passes.... 8vo Lond. 28s. Henderson. Residence in Iceland, o. p. 2 v. Edinb. Pfeiffer, Ida. Iceland; translated by C. F. Cooper.... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 b. Paijkull. A Summer- in Iceland, Illust.. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Ichthyology. [See Fishes.] Iconography. Didron. Christian Iconography, vol. 1.. 12mo Bohn. 2 50 ILLINOIS-INDEX RERUM-INDIA-INDIANA, ETC. 129 Illinois. Carpenter. History of Illinois...........18mo Phila. $ 63 Ford. History of Illinois, 1854.......... 12mo Chic. Illuminating. [See Decorative Art.] Illustrated Books. [See Fine Arits, Illustrated Books.] Immigration. [See Emigration.] Immortality. [See Future Life.] Index Rerum; or Index ofSubjects, by J. Todd. 4to North. 3 00 India. Allen. India, Ancient and Modern.....r. 8vo Lon. 14s. Chunder, B. Travels of a Hindoo in Bengal and Upper India, 2 v. 8vo Lond. 10 50 Erskine. History of India, 2 vols........ 8vo Lond. 6 00 b. Hunter. Annals of Rural Bengal........ 8vo N. Y. 4 00 India-Pictorial and Descriptive.........12mo Bohn. 2 50 Malcolm. Hist. of British India......... Marshman. Hist. of Brit. India, 3 v. Lon. 22s. 6d. b. Martin. The Indian Empire, 3 v....imp. 8vo Lond. 12 00 Minturn; R. B. New York to Delhi......12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Murray, Wilson, etc. British India, 3 v..18mo N. Y. 2 25 Nolan, E. H. History of British Empire in East, 2 vols.... Lond. 10 00 b. Taylor, Bayard. India, China and Japan.12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Thornton, Edw. Hist. of British India, 6 v. 8vo Lon. 48s. Wheeler, J.T. History of India, 2 vols.. 8vo Lon. 42s. Indiana. Dillon, J. B. Hist. of Indiana, vol. I..... 8vo Ind. Smith, O. H. Early Indiana Trials, etc.. 8vo Cinc. Indians-NORTH AMERICAN. Beckworth G. Life. 1856.............. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Browne, J. R. Advent in Apache Country.12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Catlin. North American Indians, 2 vols.. 8vo 30s. Copway. Hist. of Ojibway Nation......12mo Bost. Domenech, Abbe. Seven Years in Desert of North America, 2 vols..... Lon. 36s. Eastman, Mrs. Dakotah. 1849.......... 8vo N. Y. Morgan,L. F. Leagueof the Iroquois.'51. 8vo Roch. a. Parkman, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac, 2 v. 8vo Bost. 5 00 Schoolcraft, H. R. Algic Researches. 2 v. 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Indian Tribes; Archives of Aborigi. Knowledge, 7 v. 4to Phila. 90 00 Notes on the Iroquois.'47. 8vo Albany. 3 00 ~ — ~ - Oneota, 1845........... 8vo N. Y. 1 50 Personal Mem. of Residence among Indians... 8vo Phila. 3 00 a. Thatcher. Indian Biography, 2 vols.... 18mo N. Y. 1 50 Indigestion.-[See Health.] 130 THE BEST READING. Infidelity-RATIONALISM.-[See also Evidences of Christianity.] Faber, G. S. Difficulties of Infidelity... 12mo N. Y. Farrar. History of Free Thought....... 8vo N. Y. $2 00 Hurst. History of Rationalism.......... 8vo N, Y. 3 50 a. Lecky. Hist. of Rationalism in Europe, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Morel, C. Authority and Conscience; a free Debate, etc.... 8vo L 7s. 6d. Modern Skepticism; Course of Lectures.. 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Morgan, R. W. Christianity and Modern Infidelity.... 16mo Lond. Trench, R. C. Shipwrecks of Faith......16mo L. 2s. Gd Vaughan, C. J. Foes of Faitl...........16mo Lond. Inquisition. Limborch. History of the Inquisition.... Llorente. History of Spanish Inquisition. 8vo Lond. Mackenna. Inquisition of America..... 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Rule, W. H. History of Inquisition...... 8vo L. 8s. 6d. Insanity. Behind the Bars; Retrospect of Insane Asylums....16mo Bost. 2 00 a. Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy, 3 vols..l2mo N.Y. 6 75 Mayo. On Insanity.................... 12mo L. 3s. 6d. a. Monro, H. Insanity; its Nature & Treatm't.12mo Lond. 6s. Pritchard. Insanity in Criminal Cases... 8vo Lond. Ray, I. Mental Hygiene................12mo Bost. 1 50 Storer, H. R. Reflex Insanity in Women.12mo Bost. 1 50 Winslow. Anatomy of Suicide. Lond... 8vo 10s. 6d. Insects.-[See Entomology.] Instinct.-[See Natural History.] Instruction.-[See Education.] Intemperance.-[See Temperance.] Inspiration of the Bible.-[See also Bible.] a. Curtis, T. F. The Human Element in Inspiration of Scripture....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Gaussen. On Plenary Inspiration of Scripture, 1850....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Leifchild. Remarkable Facts on Inspiraration of Scripture.... 12mo L. 3s. 6d. International Law.-[See also Copyright.] Bernard. The Neutrality of Great Britain during American Civil War.... 8vo Lon. 16s. Boynton, C. B. The Four Great Powers..12mo Cincin. 3 00 De Burgh. Maritime International Law. 8vo L. 10s. 6d. Wheaton. Internat'l Law, by Lawrence.. 8vo Bost. b. The same, ed. by R.H. Dana,Jr. 8vo Bost. 7 50 a. Woolsey, T. D. Introd'n to Intern'l Law.12mo N. Y. 2 50 INVENTIONS-IRELAND-IRON AND STEEL, ETC. 131 Inter-Oceanic Communication. Nourse, J. G. The Suez Canal, paper.... 8vo Wash. $ 75 Otis, F. N. Hist. of Panama Railroad.... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Stephens, H. Tehuantepec, 1869........ 8vo N. Y. Stuckle. Inter-Oceanic Canals.......... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Inventions. Beckmann. History of Inventions, etc,2 v.12mo Bohn. 3 50 Bakewell, F. C. Inventions in 19th Cent. 12mo N. Y. 1 00 History of'Wonderful Inventions........12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Timbs, John. Hist. of Wonderful Inven.12mo N. Y. 2 50 Iowa. Parker, N. H. Iowa as It is.............12mo Phila. 1 50 Ireland.-[See also Biography, Curran, etc.] Barrington, Sir J. The Irish Nation..... 8vo Lon. 12s. Brett, J. Irish People and Irish Landlord. 8vo Lond. Cusack, M. F. Student's Man'l Hist. Irel'd. Lond. 6s. Godkin, J. The Land War in Ireland.... 8vo Lond. 6s. Jervis, Lt. Col. Ireland under Brit. Rule. 8vo Lon. 12s. Leeky, W. E. H. Leaders of Opinion in Ireland.... 8vo Lond. Madden, R. R. The United Irishmen, 2 v.l2mo Lon. 12s. McGee, T. D. History of Ireland, 2 vols..12mo N. Y. 3 00 b. Moore, Thos. Hist. of Irel'd (4v. Lond.),2 v. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Smith, Goldwin. Irish Hist. & Irish Church.l2mo Oxf. 5s. a. Taylor, W. C. History of Ireland, 2 vols. 18mo N. Y. 1 50 Thackeray. The Irish Sketch Book......12mo Bost. 1 00 a. Trench. Realities of Irish Life........16mo Bost. 1 00 Iron and Steel. Bauerman. Treatise on Metallic Iron....12mo Lond. 2 50 Fairbairn. Iron; its Hist. and Properties. 8vo L. & B. 4 50 Applicationof Iron to Building. 8vo Lond. 8 00 Francis, J. B. On Strength of Cast Iron Pillars.... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Hewitt, A. S. Rep. on Production of Iron. 8vo Wash. 2 00 Kohn. Iron and Steel Manufacture...... 4to L. & N. 15 00 Landrin. Treat. on Steel & its Properties.12mo Phila. 3 00 Osborn. Metallurgy of Iron and Steel... 8vo Phil. 10 00 Tredgold. On Strength of Cast Iron and other Metals.... 8vo Lond. 6 00 Truran, W. Iron Manuf. of Gt. Britain. r. 8vo Lond. 10 00 Turner. On Manufacture of Iron, 2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Italy.-[See also Rome, Florence, Naples, Venice, etc.] Adams, W. H. Queen of the Adriatic, (Venice)... 121mo L. & N. 2 00 Buried Cities of Campania.12rao L. & N. 1 50 Butt, I. History of Italy, 1860, 2 vols... 8vo Lon. 36s. Eustace. Classical Tour in Italy, 3 vols.. 16mo L. 10s. 6d. Gould, W. M. Letters from Italy & Sicily. 12mo N. Y. 1 00 132 THE BEST READING. Guicciardini. Civil Wars in Italy, trans.. a. Hawthorne, Mrs. England and Italy.....12mo N. Y. $2 00 a. Hillard, (Geo. S. Six Months in Italy......12mo Bost. 2 00 a. Howells, W. D. Italian Journeys.........12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. - Venetian Life........... mo N. Y. 2 00 Jarves, J. J. Italian Lights and Papal Principles....l2mo N.Y. 1 50 Machiavelli. History of Florence........12mo Bohn. 1 75 Mariotti. Italy, Past and Present, 2 v. Lon. 12mo O1s. 6d. Italy in 1848................. 12mo Lon. 12s. Scenes from Italian Life. Lond. 12mo 10s. Gd. Murray. Hand Book of Northern Italy.. 12mo Lon. 10s. Central Italy and Rome......... 2mo Lon. 12s. Southern Italy and Naples.....12mo Lon. 10s. Napier. Florentine History. 6 vols......12mo Lond. 7 50 Norton, C. E. Travel and Study in Italy.12mo Bost. 1 25 Proctor, G. History of Italy. 1844...... 8vo Lond. 6s. b. Ranke. History of the Popes, 3 vols.....12mo Bohn. 5 25 a. Sismondi. Italian Republics...........12mo Lond. 5s. Literat. of So. of Europe, 2 v.. 12mo Bohn. 3 50 Spalding. History of Italy and Italian Islands, 3 vols. Edinb....18mo 7s.6d. b. Story, WV. W. Roba di Roma, 2 vols.....12mo Phila. 5 50 Graffiti d'Italia...... Lond. 16mo 7s. 6d. a. Taine. Florence and Venice; Rome and Naples....ea. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 b. Trollope, T.A. Hist. of Florence, 4 vols. 8vo Lond. 10 00 Italian Revolution......12mo Lond. Trinity (The) of Italy. Pope, Bourbon and Victor... 8vo Lon. 14s. Fiction, illustrative of History of Italy: Bulwer. Rienzi; Last of Tribunes; Pompeii. " Geo. Elliot;" " Romola," etc. [See Fiction.] Jamaica. Bigelow, John. Jamaica in 1850.........18mo N. Y. 1 50 Japan. Alcocke. The Capital of the Tycoon..... 8vo Lond. 3 50 Foublanque. Two Years in Japan and N. China.... Lond. 2 00 Hoffman, Dr. Japanese Grammar in Eng. Lond. 7 50 b. Japanese Manners and Cust., col'd plates. folio Lond. 9 00 Jephson & Elmhurst. Life in Japan..... 8vo Lond. Perry, Con. U. S. Exped. to Japan, 3 v.. 4to U. S. Conden. & ed. by Dr. Hawks, r. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Siebold, P. von. Japan and the Japanese. 8vo Lond. 6s. b. Taylor, Bayard. India, China and Japan. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Japan in our Day (a compilation). 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Tomes, R The Americans in Japan...12mo N, Y JAVA-JESUITS-JEWS-KENTUCKY, ETC. 133 Java. Raffles' History of Java. 1830. 2 vols.. 8vo Lond. Jerusalem.-[See Holy Land.] Jests.-[See Humorous Works.] Jesuits. Niccolini. History of the Jesuits........ 12mo Lond. $2 25 a. Parkman, F. The Jesuits in N. America. 8vo Bost. 2 50 Pascal, Blaise. Provincial Letters....... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Steinmetz. History of the Jesuits, 2 vols. 8vo Lon. 24s. Jesus.-[See Christ.] Jews.-[See also Holy Land; History, Ancient, etc.] b. Ewald. History of Israel. Translated by Carpenter, 3 vols.... 8vo Lon. 63s. Edeisbeirn. History of Jewish Nation... 8vo Lon. 6s. Finn. The Sephardria; Jews of Spain and Portugal.... 12mo L. 8s. 6d. Geiger, A. Judaism and its History, v. 1. 8vo N. Y. Herder. Spirit of Hebrew Poetry, 2 vols.12mo Andover. Jahn. Hebrew Commonwealth.......... 8vo Andover. Jennings. Jewish Antiquities.......... 8vo 10s. 6d. a. Josephus. Works. Whiston's trans., 4 v. 8vo Phila. 8 00 Illustra. edition.... r. 8vo L.&. N. 12 00 Lewis. Antiquities of Hebrew Republic. a. Milman. History of the Jews, 3 vols....18mo N. Y. 2 25 -~- ~ ~~best ed., 3 v.12mo N.Y. 5 25 Raphall. Post Bible Hist. of the Jews, 2 v.l2mo N. Y. 4 00 Rule, W. H. History of Karaite Jews...12mo L. Is. 6d. Smith, Geo. The Hebrew People, 2 vols. 8vo Lon. 12s. Smucker, S. M. History of Modern Jews.12mo Phila. 1 75 Strauss, F. Helon's Pilgrimage; Glory of House of Israel.... Wines, E. C. Hebrew Commonwealth... 8vo Phila, 3 00 Jurisprudence.-[See Law.] Juvenile Books.-[See Appendix.] Kaleidoscope.-[See Optics.] Kentucky. Collins, L. Historical Sketches of Ken'y. 8vo Maysv. 6 00 Kindergarten. Adler. Kindergarten Occupations....... 50c. to 2 50 Peabody, Miss. Kindergarten Guide....12mo N. Y. 1 25 Kitchen Garden.-[See Agriculture, Gardening.] Knighthood.-[See Chivalry.] Labor.-[See Co-operation, Political Economy, Sociology.] Carey, H. C. On the Rate of Wages..... 8vo Phila. 134 THE BEST READING. Cassagnac. History of Working and Burgher Classes.... 8vo Phila. $2 50 Fawcett. Economical Position of British Laborer....16mo Lond. 1 50 Le Play. Organization of Labor, translated by Emerson....12mo Phila. 2 00 Mayhew. Lond. Labor & Lond. Poor, 3 v. r. 8vo L. 22s. 6d. Landscape Gardening. Copeland, W. T. Country Life, etc...... 8vo Bost. 6 00 Downing. Lands. Gardening & Rural Orn. 8vo N. Y. 6 50 Kemp. Landscape Gardening........... 12mo N. Y. Weidenmann. Beautifying Country Homes 4to N. Y. 15 00 Language.-[See Dictionaries, English Language, Gramnmar, Synonymes.] Beames. Compar. Grammar of Modern Aryan Languages.... 8vo Lond. Blake. Comp. Grammar of South African Languages, vol. 1.... 8vo Lon. 16s. Origin of Language............. 8vo N. Y. 50 b. Bopp. Comp. Grammar of Sanscrit (and 9 other) Languages, 3 vols...... 8vo Lond. 15 75 De Vere. Comparative Philol. (1854, o.p.).12mo N. Y. Americanisms............... 12mo N. Y. 3 00 Dwight,B.W. Modern Philology, 2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Earle. Philology of the English Tongue. 12mo Lond. 6s. Edkins. China, Place in Modern Philol.. 8vo Lond. Farrar, F. W. Families of Speech. Lon. 12mo 5s. 6d. Kavanagh, M. Origin of Language and Myths....12mo Lond. 10 50 Kraitsir. Language of Nature and Nature of Language....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Marcel. The Study of Languages: True Principles....12mo N. Y. 1 25 a. Muller, Max. Lect. on Language, 2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Stratification of Language. Lon.. 8vo 2s. 6d. Wedgewood, H. Origin of Language.'66.18mo Lond. Whitney, W. D. On Language......... 8vo N.Y. 2 50 Language of Flowers. Hale, Mrs. S. J. Flora's Interpreter....12mo Phila. Ildrewe, Mrs. Language of Flowers.....12mo Bost. 3 00 Language of Flowers. Ed. by H. G. Adams.12mo Phila. 1 50 Tyas. Language of Flowers........... 4to Lond. 5 00 Law.-[See also Constitution, Government, International Law and Municipal Government.] *** Technical Treatises. Reports, etc., not included. Anthon, J. The Law Student........... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Austin, J. Lectures on Jurisprudence, 3 v. 8vo Lon. 24s. Bigelow, L. J. The Bench and the Bar; Anecdotes... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 LEGENDS-LEVEES-LIBERTY-LIBRARIES, ETC. 135 Blackstone. Commentaries. Ed. by Chitty, Christian, &c., 2 vols.... 8vo Phila. $7 00 Bouvier, J. Law Dictionary, 2 vols...... 8vo Phila. 12 00 Butler, W. A. Lawyer and Client.......12mo N. Y. 1 00 Dumphy & Cummins. Remarkable Trials. 8vo Lon. 18s. Gaius. Commentaries on Roman Law, 2 v.. 8vo Lon. 52s. Grotius. Rights of War and Peace, by Whewell.... 8vo Lond. 12 00 Kent. Commentaries on Amer. Law, 4 v. 8vo Bost. 20 00 Mackenzie, A. Studies in Roman Law... 8vo Lon. 12s. Maine. Ancient Law................... 8vo Lon. 12s. Ortolan. History of Roman Law. Trans. by Pritchard & Nasmith.. 8vo Lond. Phillimore, J. G. Principles and Maxims of Jurisprudence.... 8vo Lon. 12s. Short. Law relating to Literature and Art. 8vo Lond. 12 50 Student's Blackstone (The).............. 12mo Lond. 3 75 Warren, Samuel. Duties of Attorneys...16mo Edin. 9s. Woolsey. Introduc. to International Law.12mo N. Y. 2 50 Legends.-[See also Fables, Fairy Stories, Demonology, Mythology, etc.] Brinton, D. G. Myths of the New World. 12mo N. Y. 2 50 Bulfinch, T. The Age of Fable.........12mo Bost. 3 00 Age of Chivalry; Charlemagne.ea.12mo Bost. 3 00 Burton, R. F. Vikran and the Vampire.. 8vo Lond. 9s. Gould, S. Baring. Book of Were-Wolves.12mo Lond. 6s. ~- - Curious Myths of Mid. Ages. 12mo L. 9s. 6d. Kennedy. Legendary Fic. of Irish Celts. l2mo Lond. Letters.-[See Correspondence.] Levant.-[See Mediterranean.] Levees. Hewson on Embanking Lands........... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Lexicons.-[See Dictionaries.] Liberty. Elliot, Samuel. History of Liberty, 4 vols. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Mill, J. Stuart. On Liberty.............12mo Bost. 1 50 Libraries and Collections. Ancient Classics for English Readers, ed. by Collins, now publishing....12mo L. &P.ea.1 00 Arber's Reprints of Old Eng. Literature..18mo L. & N. var. Bohn's Antiquarian Library, 27 vols.......12mo Lon. ea. 2 00 British Classics, 21 vols......... 12mo Lon. ea. 1 40 Classical Library, 90 vols.........12mo Lon. ea. 2 00 -Ecclesiastical Library, 8 vols......2mo Lon. ea. 2 00 Historical Library, 19 vols........12mo Lon. ea. 2 00 Illustrated Library, 74 vols.......12mo Lon. ea. 2 00 ---- French Memoirs, 6 vols..........1t2mo Lon. ea. 1 40 136 THE BEST READING. Bohn's Philolog'l and Philos., 16 vols... 12mo Lon. ea.$2 00 Scientific Library, 67 vols........12mo Lon. ea. 2 00 Standard Library, 167 vols........ 1mo Lon. ea. 1 40 Extra volumes, 7 vols........... 12mo Lon. ea. 1 40 Brit. Essayists, (Spectator, Tattler, etc.) 38 vlSmo Bost. ea. 1 25 ~ - ~ Modern, 8 vols......... 8vo N. Y. 16 00 Poets, edited by Child, 130 vols....18mo Bost. ea. 1 25 ~____ ~_- Aldine edition, 52 vols.....18mo Lond. ea. 75 Golden Treasury Series, - vols..........16mo Camb.ea.1 25 ~- -~- ~ Eng. ed., - vols. 16mo Lond. ea. 1 25 Harper's Classical Library, 37 vols....... 18mo N. Y. ea. 75 New do., (literal trans.) 22 vols.. 12mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 Family Library, (about) 150 vols. 18mo N. Y. ea. 75 -- - School Library, 25 vols........12mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 New Miscellany, 26 vols.......12mo N. Y. ea. 1 00 ---- Select Library, (includ'g Family) 300 vols....18mo N.Y. ca. 75 Library of Entertaining Knowledge, o. p. 18mo Lond. of Wonders, published by Scribner & Co., 20 vols....16mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 of Travel and Adventure, edited by Bayard Taylor.... 16mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 Tauchnitz. Collection of British Authors, now comprising about 1100 vols. 16mo Leipsic. ea. 60 Collection of German Authors, translated, about 20 vols.... 16mo Leipsic. ea. 60 *** These two series are bound in paper. Price of binding them in half roanr, 60 cents to $i 00 per vol. In most instances 2 vols. can be bound in one. Full lists printed separately. Weale's Series of Rudimentary Works on Engineering, Build'g, Drawing, etc., 148v.16mo L. & N. *** Prices from 40 cents to 90 cents. Light.-[See Optics.] Light-Houses. Adams. Light-Houses and Light-Ships.. 16mo N. Y. 1 50 Literature-HISTORY AND OUTLINES OF. —[For Drama, Fiction and Poetry, see those titles; also names of Countries; also Language.] Literature-HISTORY, GENERAL. Botta, Mrs. Hand Book of Universal Lit.12mo Bost. 2 50 Schlegel, A. W. History of Literature... 12mo Bohn. 1 75 Literature-HISTORY OF-SANSKRIT. Muller, Max. Anc't Sanskrit Literature. 8vo Lon. 21s. Literature-CLASSICAL. Anthon. Greek Literature..............12mo N. Y. 1 50 Browne, R. W. Hist. of Greek Classical Literature, 2 vols.... 8vo Lon. 12s. Hist. of Roman Literature. 8vo Lon. 12s. LITERATURE. 137 Cleveland. Compend. of Class. Literat..12mo Phila. Donaldson. Lit. of Ancient Greece, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. $6 00 Dunlop. Hist. of Roman Literature, 3 v. 8vo Lond. Hamilton & Clark. Interlinear Transla. of Caesar, Ovid, Sallust, Cicero, etc., 6 v.12mo Phila.ea.2 25 Mills, Abm. Poets & Poetryof Greece. o.p. 8vo Bost. 3 50 Mure. Literature of Ancient Greece, 3 v. 8vo Lond. 12 00 Literature-SCANDINAVIAN. Howitt, W. & M. Literature and Romance of Northern Europe, 2 v....12mo Lon. 12s. Literature-SLAVIC. Robinson. Mrs. Language and Literature of the Slavit Nations.... o.p.12mo N. Y Literature-EUROPEAN. Cleveland. Litera. of the 19th Century..12mo Phila. 2 50 Foster. Hand Book of Mod. Europ. Liter.12mo Bohn 2 50 Hallam. Literature of Europe, 4 vols...12mo N. Y. 7 00 ~_ ~ - - ~ Students' ed. 12mo Lond. 2 50 Sismondi. Lit. of South of Europe, 2 v.l2mo Bohn 3 50 Literature-ITALIAN. Chambers. Italian Literature..... Edinb.16mo 3s. 6d. Mariotti. Italy, its Hist. and Liter., 2 v..12mo Lon. 24s Literature-FRENCH. Agell, J. R. Introduc. to French Litera. 12mo Phila. Half Hours with best French Authors.... 8vo Lon. 14s. Vericour. Course of French Literature.. 8vo Lond. 2s. Literature-SPANISH AND PORTUGUESE. Bouterwek. Span. and Portug. Lit.....12mo Lond. 1 75 Ticknor. Hist. of Spanish Litera., 3 vols. 12mo Bost. 10 00 Literature-GERMAN. Austen, Mrs. Fragments from Ger. Lit..12mo Lon. 10s. Chambers. Course of German Literature. 16mo Ed. 2s. 6d. Hedge. Prose Writers of Germany..... 8vo Phila. 5 00 Menzel. History of German Litera., 4 v.12mo Oxf.40s. Metcalfe. History of German Literature. 12mo L. 7s. 6d. Literature-ENGLISH. [Botta, Cleveland, etc. See European.] Allibone. Dictionary of Authors, 3 vols.r. 8vo Phila. 22 50 Angus. Hand Book of English Literature.l6mo Lond. 2 00 Specimens of English Literature. 16mo Lond. Arnold, Thos. Manual of English Litera. 8vo L. 10s. 6d. Chambers. Cyclo. of English Litera., 2 v. 8vo L. & P. 8 00 - Readings in English Litera..16mo L. & P. 1 75 Craik. Hist. of the English Language, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 7 50 Outlines of....16mo L. 2s. 6d. Day, H. N. Introd. to Eng. Literature...12mo N. Y. 2 25 138 THE BEST READING. D'Israeli. Curiosities of Literature, 4 vols.12mo N. Y. $7 00 Five Centuries of Eng. Language and Lit. 6mo Lond. 1 25 Gilman. First Steps in English Litera..12mo N. Y. 1 00 Hannay. Course of English Literature.. 12mo Lond. Hunt. Literature of English Language..12mo N. Y. 2 50 Hazlitt, W. C. Hand Book to Litera. of Great Britain (Bibliography).. 8vo L. 31s. 6d. Knight. Half Hours with Best Authors, 6 v.12mo Lond. 9 00 6 vols., Phila, $9; 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 6 00 Mills, Abm. Litera. of Gt. Britain, 2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Morley. Tables of English Literature...folio Lon. 12s. Shaw. Manual of English Literature... 12mo N.Y. 2 50 Smith. English Synonyms Explained... 8vo Lond. 6 50 Spaulding. Hist. English Literature....12mto N. Y. 1 50 Taine. Hist. of Engl. Literature, 2 vols.. 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Townsend. Every Day Book of Modern Literature,... 8vo L. & N. 3 75 Literature, Celtic. Arnold, M. Study of Celtic Lit'ture, 1867. 8vo L. 8s. 6d. Literature, American. Allibone. [See Lit., English Bibliography.] Cleveland. Compendium of Amer. Liter.12mo Phila. 2 00 Duyckinck. Cyclo. of Amer. Liter., 2 v.r. 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Supplementto same.......r. 8vo N; Y. 2 50 Griswold. Prose Writers of America.... 8vo Phila. 5 00 Poets and Poetry of America. 8vo Phila. 5 00 Hart. Female Prose Writers of America. 8vo Phila. 5 00 Raymond, Ida. Southland Writers, 2 v. 8vo Phila. 6 00 Logic. Bain, A. System of Logic........Lond..12mo 10s. 6d. Everett, C. C. Science of Thought: System of Logic.... 12mo 2 00 Hamilton, Sir W. Lectures on Logic.... 8vo Bost. 3 50 ~ ~- ~- Lectures, ab'd by Day.. 12mo Bost. 1 00 McCosh, James. Logic................. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Mill, J. Stuart. System of Logic........ 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Tappan, H. P. Elements of Logic......12mo N.Y. 1 50 Ueberweg. System of Logic, and System of Logical Doctrines... 8vo Lon. 16s Whately, R. Elements of Logic....... 12mo Bost. 1 75 -Lessons in Reason........ Hist'c Doubts on Napoleon. 8vo N.Y. 50 Wilson. Elementary Treatise on Logic.. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 London. Dixon, W. H. Her Majesty's Tower..... 8vo Phila. 1 50 Greenwood. Seven Curses of London.... 12mo Bost. 1 50 Jesse, J. H. London; its Celebrated Characters and Places, 3 vols.... 8vo L.31s.6d. Knight, Chas. London, Illust., 3 vols...r. 8vo Lon. 38s. LOUISIANA, MADAGASCAR, MACHINERY, ETC. 139 London: a Pilgrimage. By Gustave Dore and Blanch. Jerrold....folio Lon. 60s. Mayhew. The Great World of London.... 8vo Lond. London Labor & London Poor, 4 vols.... 8vo Lon. 33s. Meteyard. Hallowed!pots of Ancient London.... 4to L. 10s. 6d. Murray's Hand Book of London........ 12mo L. 3s. 6d. London, Past and Present..... 12mo L. 16s. Ritchie, J. E. Night Side of London....12mo L. 7s. 6d. Thornbury. Haulted Londcn........... 8vo Lon. 21s. Timbs, J. Curiosities of London........ 8vo Lon. 21s. Walks and Talks ab't London. 16mo Lond. 6s. London & Westminster, 2 vols. 12mo Lon. 21s. Louisiana. French Hist'l Collections of Louisiana.... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Gayarre. Hist. of Louisiana, 3 vols...... 8vo N. Y. $12 00 Machinery.-[See also Inventions, Miechanics, Railroads, Steam Engines,etc.] Abel. Rudimentary Construct. of Mach. 16mo Lond. 75 Appleton's Dictionary of Mechanics, Machines and Engineerings, etc., 2 v.... r. 8vo N. Y. 21 00 Appleby. Illus. Hand Book of Machinery. 8vo L.12s. 6d. Baker. Practical Mech. & Machine Tools.12mo Lond. 1 25 Browne. 507 Mechanical Movements....12mo N. Y. 1 25 Burn, R. S. Self Aid Cyclopedia. Illust. 8vo Lond. 4 00 Fontain, W. Mills and Mill Work, 2 v. Lon. 32s. Fitzgerald. The Boston Machinist.......18mo Bost. 75 Johnson. Cyclo. of Machinery, half mor. 4to Lon. 50 00 Joynson. Construction of Gearing....... 8vo Edinb. 2 00 Tomlinson. Cyclo. See Mcanufactures. Watson. Modern Practice of Am. Machs. 12mo Phila. 2 50 Madagascar. Ellis, Rev. W. Hist. of Madagascar, 2v.. 8vo Lon. 25s. ~- ~- Three Visits to Madagascar. 8vo Lon. 16s. a. Sibree, Madagascar and its People...... 12mo Lond. 2 75 Madeira. Dix, John A. Winter in Madeira & Spain. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Magazines.-LITERARY. —[See Appendix.] Magic. -[See Demonology.] Sargent. Planchette; the Despair of Scien.l2mo Bost. 1 25 Magician's Own Book, with Illust........12mo Phila. 1 50 Magnetism.. — See also Electricity.] Harris, W. S. Exposition of Magnetism. 16mo Lond. 1 75 Reichenbach. Physiological Researches on Magnetism 8vo Loud. 3 50 Mahomet.-[See Mo7hammed.] 140 THE BEST READING. Maine.-UNITED STATES. Sullivan. History of Maine, 1795...... p. 8vo Bost. Thoreau. Maine Woods................12mo Bost. 2 00 Williamson. History of Maine, 1839,2 v. 8vo Maine Law.-[See Teqmperance.] Malta.-[See MY diterranean.] Porter. Hist. of the Knights of Malta, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 24s. Vertot. Achievements of Kn'ts of Malta. Mammoth Cave. Binkherd. Mammoth Cave, 1869........ 8vo Cincin. Forward. Mammoth Cave, 1870.........12mo Phila. 2 00 Man.-[See Ethnology, Mental Philos., Morals, Physiology.] Manners.-[See Etiquette.] Manufactures and Mechanics. —[See Machinery, etc.] Amateur Mechanics' Workshop.......... 8vo Lond. 3 00 Bishop, J L. Hist. of Am. Manufact.,3v. 8vo Phil. 12 00 Bischoff. Hist. of Woolen and Worsted Manufactures, 2 vols... 8vo Lon.26s. Byrne, Oliver. Practical Mechanics.....12mo Phila. 3 50 Dodd. Dictionary of Manufactures, Mining and Mechanics.... 12mo L. & N. 2 00 England's Workshops. By G. L. M....12mo Lond. 1 50 Geldard. Hand Book on Cotton Manf, 1867.12lmo N. Y. 2 50 Gilroy, C. G. Art of Weaving, Hist'l& Prl. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Goodeve. Elements of Mechanism. l....12mo Lond. 1 75 Harrison. Mechanics' Tool Book.......12mo N. Y. 2 50 Hist. of Silk, Cotton, Linen, and Woolen Manufactures.... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Hyde. Science of Cotton Spinning, 1867. 8vo Lond. 5 25 Mason. On Art Manufactures, Illust....12mo N. Y. 3 50 Tomlinson. Cyclopaedia of Useful Arts; Mechanical, Chemical, Manufacturing, Mining, etc., 3 vols.,....imp. 8vo Lond. 40 00 Timbs, Jno. Year Book of Facts, (in Mechanics, &c.,) 20 vols.......12mo Lon. ea. 2 50 Ure. Cotton Manufac. of Gt. Britain, 2 v. 8vo Bohn. 4 50 - Diet. of Arts, Manuf. & Mines, 3 v.r. 8vo N. Y. 15 00 Philosophy of Manufactures.....12mo Lond. 3 75 Watson. Memoirs of the Hand Lathe... 12mo Phila. 1 50 Willis. Principles of Mechanism, 1871.. 8vo Lond. 6 50 Maritime Adventure.-[See Travels.] Marriage and Divorce.-[See also Woman; Woman's Rights.] McLennan, J. Primitive Marriage...... 12mo Edinb. Pendleton, Mrs. H. Parents' Guide; Human Development....2mo N. Y. 1 50 MARTYRS-MARYLAND-MASSACIrUSETTS, ETC. 141 Wells, S. R. Wedlock; or, Relations of Sexes....12mo N. Y. $1 50 Wood, E. J. The Wedding Day in all Countries....12mo N. Y. 1 25 Woolsey, T. D. Essay on Divorce.......12mo N. Y. 1 75 Martyrs. Fox. Book of Martyrs. Several editions.. L. 5s. to 96s. Tayler, C. B. Memorials of Eng. Martyrs.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Maryland. McSherry. History of Maryland........ 8vo Balt. 1 25 Onderdonk. History of Maryland....... 8vo Masonry.-[See Secret Societies.] Massachusetts.-[See also New England, Puritans and United States. Carpenter. History of Massachusetts.... 18mo Phila. 63 Massachusetts in the Rebellion. ByHeadly. 8vo Bost. 4 50 Minot. History of Massachusetts Bay... 8vo Bost. Thoreau. Cape Cod; The Merrimack. ea.12mo Bost. 1 50 Winthrop, R. C. Early History of Massa. 8vo Bost. Young. Chroni. of the Pilgrim Fathers. 8vo Bost. Maternity.-[See Health.] Combe. On Management of Infancy.....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Chevasse. Counsel to a Mother....... 16mo Phila. 1 00 Advice to a Mother..........16mo Phila. 1 50 To a Wife.................. 16mo Phila. 1 50 -Physical Training of Children. Storer. On Nurses and Nursing, & 4 others.12mo Bost. ea. 1 00 Verdi, T. S. Maternity (Homceopathic)..12mo N. Y. 2 25 Mathematics.-[Not including Elementarg Text-Books.] Bledsoe. Philosophy of Mathematics.... 8vo N.Y. 2 00 Compte. Philosophy of Mathematics....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Davies. Mathematical Dictionary....... 8vo Bost. 5 00 Logic of Mathematics........... 8vo N. Y. 1 50 Young. Advantages Mathematical Study.12mo L. 4s. 6d. Mauritius. Boyle, C. I. Far Away; Sketches in Mauritius. 1867....12mo Lond. 9s. Maxims, etc.-[See also Table Talk.] Colton, C. C. Lacon; or Many Things in Few Words....12mo N. Y. 2 00 La Rochefoucault. Maxims...... Lond. 12mo 4s. 6d. Napoleon I. Maxims..................16mo L.& N. 1 25 Mechanics-ENGINEERING.-[See also Machinery, Inventions, and Steam Engines.] Ball, R. S. Experimental Mechanics.. 8vo L. & N. 6 00 Hamson. Mechanics' Tool Book..........12mo 2 50 142 THE BEST READING. Haswell. Engineer's and Mec. Pocket B'k.18mo N. Y. $3 00 Knight. The Mechanician and Constructor, for Engineers.... 4to Lond. 20 00 Lardner. On Mechanics............... 12mo Lond. 5s. Mahan, D. H. Civil Engineering....... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Morin. Prac. Treatise on Mech. Trans.. 8vo 3 00 Moseley. Mechanical Principles of Civil Engineering. By Mahan.. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Overman. Mechanics for Engineers, etc. 12mo Phila. 1 50 Rankin, W. J.M. Applied Mechanics... 8vo Lond. 6 25 Trautwine, J. C. Civil Engin. Pocket Bk.l2mo Phila. 5 00 Wiesbach. Mechanics of Engineering... 8vo Lond. 10 00 Young Mechanic, The................12mo N. Y. 1 75 Medals.-[See Numismatics.] Medicine.-[See Health, Maternity.] Meditations.-[See Devotion.] Mediterranean and Islands.-[See also M7lta, Crete, &c.] Adams, A. The Nile and Malta........ 8vo Lond. Bennet+, H. J. Winter and Spring on the Shores of the Mediterranean....12mo N. Y. 3 50 Cox, S. S. Search for Winter Sunbeams. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Newton, C. F. In the Levant, 2 vols...r. 8vo Lond. 7 00 Memoirs.-[See Biography.] Mental Philosophy.-[See Metaphysics.] Mercantile.-[See Business.] Mesmerism.-[See Animal Magnetisn.] Metallurgy.-[See Iron, Mining, Precious Metals, etc.] Blake. W. P. Report on Precious Metals. 8vo Wash. 2 00 Bloxam. On Metals-their Properties, etc.12mo Lond. 1 75 Kerl. Practical Treatiseon Metallurgy, 3v. 8vo Lond. 30 00 Lamborn. Metallurgy of Copper........12mo L. & N. 1 00 --- -~ Silver and Lead.12mo L. & N. 1 00 Watt, A. Electro-Metallurgy........... 12mo Lond. 2s. Metaphysics.-[See also Mind and Body.] Abercrombie. The Intellectual Powers..18mo N. Y. 75 Moral Feelings.......... 18mo N. Y. 75 Aristotle. Works Translated, 7 vols.....12mo Bohn. 16 00 Bacon, Lord. Novum Organum.........12mo Bohn. 2 50 Whole works, 15 vols..... 12mo N. Y. 33 75 Bain, P. Mental and Moral Science...e a.12mo Bost. 1 75 Boethius. Consolations of Philosophy...12mo Bohn. 2 50 Burton. Anatomy of Melancholy, 3 vols. 12mo N. Y. 5 25 The same, new edition, 1 vol... 8vo Lond. 4 25 Brown. Philosophy of Human Mind, 4 v. 8vo Lond. 18 00 METAPHYSICS. 143 Clark. Mind in Nature................ 8vo Lond. $3 50 Combe, Geo. Moral Philosophy.........12mo N. Y. 1 75 Comte. General View of Positivism..... 8vo Lond. 4 50 Philosophy of the Sciences. By Lewes, 2 vols...12mo Bohn. 5 00 Cousin, Victor. Psychology.............12mo N. Y. 1 75 Course of Mod. Philos., 2 v. 8vo N.Y. 4 00 Cudworth. Intellectual System of the Universe, 3 vols.... 8vo Lon. 24s. Fichte. Science of Knowledge..........12mo Lond. 2 00 -- Science of Right...............12mo Lond. 2 00 Fleming. Vocabulary of Philosophy.... 12mo L. 4s. 6d. Grote. Plato and Compan's of Socrates, 3 v. 8vo Lon. 45s. Hamilton, Sir W. Metaphysics......... 8vo Bost. 3 50 Same, edit. by Bowen. 8vo Bost. 2 00 ~__ _ - Philos. of. By 0. W. Wight, 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Outlines of. Murray & McCosh.12mo Bost. 1 50 Haven. Mental Philosophy..............12mo Bost. 2 00 Moral Philosophy...............12mo Bost. 1 75 Hazard. Freedom of the Will...........12mo 2 00 Henry, C. S. History of Philosophy, 2 v.18mo N. Y. 1 50 Hickok. Empirical Psychology.........12mo N. Y. 1 60 Hopkins, Mark. Moral Science......... 12mo Bost. 1 50 Love as a Law........12mo N.Y. 175 Lewes, G. H. Biograph'l Hist. of Philos. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Locke. Philosophical Works, 2 vols....12mo Bohn. 3 50 On the Understanding........... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Maudsley, H. Physiology and Pathology of the Mind.... 8vo Lon. 16s. Masson. Recent British Philosophy.....12mo Lond. 1 25 McCosh. Metaphysics.................. vo Lon. 12s. Outlines of Moral Philosophy..12mo Lond. Examination of Mill's Philos..12mo Lond. Intuitions of the Mind........ 8vo Lond. 12s. Philosophical Papers.......... 8vo L. 3s. d. - Laws of Discursive Thought.. 8vo Lond. 12s. MelancholyAnatomized, (from Burton)... 8vo 2 50 Mill, J. Stuart. Comte and Positivism... 12mo Phila. 1 50 Paley. Moral and Political Philosophy.. 12mo Bost. 1 50 Plato. Dialogues, translated and edited by Jowett, 4 vols.... 8vo N. Y. 12 00 Translated by Cary.............. 12mo Bohn. 2 50 Works, translated, 6 vols......... 12mo Bohn. 15 00 Porter, Noah. The Human Intellect..... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Reid, T. Essays on the Intellect'l Powers. 8vo Lond. 5s. -Collected Works, by Hamilton.. 8vo Lond. 25s. Ritter. Hist. of Ancient Philosophy. 4 v.. Oxf. 42s. Rush, Jas.,M.D. Anal. of Human Intel't. 8vo Phila. 7 50 Smith, Sydney. Sketches of Mor. Philos. 8vo Lond. 7s. Spencer, Herbert. Psychology, vol. 1.... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Stewart, Dugald. Philos., ed. by Bowen.12mo Bost. 1 50 Taylor, Isaac. Nat. Hist. of Enthusiasm. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 144 THE BEST READTIG. Taine. On Intelligence, trans. by Haye.. 8vo N.Y. $5 00 Ueberweg. History of Philosophy, trans. by Morris.... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Upham. Mental Philosophy, 2 vols.... l21mo N. Y. 3 00 The same, abridged...........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Watts. On the Mind................... 18mo N. Y. 50 Wayland. Moral Science..............12mo Bost. 1 75 Whateley, R. Lessons on the Mind.....12mo 90 Meteorology. Arago. Meteorological Essays.......... 8vo Lond. 9 00 Brocklesby. Meteorology.............. 12mo Lond. 5s. Buchan. Hand Book of Meteorology.... 8vo Lond. 4 50 Butler, T. B. Atmospheric System......12mo Norw'k Lackland. Meteors and Aerolites......16nmo N. Y. 1 50 Zurcher & Margolle. Meteors, &c.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Methodism.-[See Church History.] Metric System. Davies. Report on Metric Syst. (against).12mo N. Y. Lamotte. Metric System (for)...........16mo Phila. 40 Mexico. Abbott, G. D. Mexico and the U. S...... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Bartlett, J. R. Explora. in Mex. and Texas. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Bernal-Diaz. True Hist. of Conquest of Mex. Calderon de la Barca, Madame. Life in Mexico... 8vo Lond. 3 00 Cortes, Hernan. Life of. By Helps.....12mo N.Y. 2 00 Letters aid Despatches. By Folsom. 8vo N. Y. Elten, J. E. With the French in Mexico. 8vo N. & P. 2 75 Hall, F. Maximilian I. 1868...........12mo N. Y. 2 00 Keratry. Maximilian: His Rise and Fall. 8vo Mansfield. The Mexican War with U. S. 8vo N. Y. 1 50 Mayer, Brantz. Mexico as it Was and Is. 8vo N. Y. Prescott. Hist. of Conquest of Mexico, 3 v. 8vo Phila. 7 50 Ripley, R. S. The War (of U. S.) with Mexico, 2 vols.... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Ruxton. Mexico and the Rocky Mount.. 12mo L. 3s. 6d. Salm-Salm, Prince. Diary in Mexico, 2 v. 8vo Lond. 24s. Taylor, Bay. Eldorado: Mex. and Califor.l 2mo N. Y. 1 50 Thompson, Waddy. Life in Mexico.....12mo N. Y. Wilson, R. A. New Hist. of Conq. of Mex. 8vo Phila. Mexico and its Religions.. 12mo N. Y. Wise, H. A. Los Gringos: Mex. and Cal.12mo N. Y. Michigan. Lanman. History of Michigan......... 16mo N. Y. 75 Microscope. b. Beale. How to Work with the Microscope. 8vo Lond. 7 50 Brocklesby,J. Views of. Microsc. World. 8vo N. Y. -1 25 MIDDLE AGES-MIND AND BODY-MINERALOGY, ETC. 145 b. Carpenter, W. B. The Microscope and its Revelations.... Svo Lond. $5 25 Clarke, L.L. Objects for the Microscope.12mlo Lond. 1 75 Davies, Thos. Preparations, etc., of Microscopic Objects....12mo Lond. 1 50 Griffith & Henfrey. Micrographical Dict. 8vo Lond. 22 50 Element. Text B'k of Micro. 12mo Lond. 3 75 Hogg, Jas. Hist., etc., of the Microscope. 8vo Lond. 3 50 Josse, P. H. Evenings with the Micro... 12mo Lond. 1 50 Lankester. Half Hours with the Micro.. 18mo Lond. 2 50 Martin, J. H. Microscopic Objects....... 8vo Lond. a. Quekett. Use of the Microscope........ 8vo Lond. 2 25 Slack, H. J. Marvels of Pond Life (Infuso.).12mo Lond. 2 50 Somerville, Mary. Microsco. Science, 2 v. 8vo Lond. 10 00 Ward, Mrs. The Microscope........... 8vo Lond. 1 75 Wood, J. G. Objects for the Microscope. 12mo Lond. 1 25 Wood, Han., Mrs. Microscopic Teachings. 4to Lond.. 5 00'Middle Ages"-OF EUROPE. Baring, Gould. Myths of the Mid. Ages, 2 v.12mo L. & P. 2 50 b. Froissart. Chronicles. Illustrated, 2 v. r. 8vo Lond. 12 00 b. Hallam. Europe during Mid. Ages, 3 v.12mo N. Y. 5 25 a. - Cheap ed., 1 v.l2mo Lond. 2 50 Koeppen. TheWorld in the Mid. Ages, 2 v. N. Y. 7 50 Maitland. The Dark Ages.............. 8vo Lon. 12s. Putz & Arnold. Mediueval History....... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Schmitz. The Middle Ages, 2 vols..... 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Wright. The Homes of the Mid. Ages. Ill. 8vo Lon. 21s. ~.... - ~ 12mo N. Y. 150 Fiction: Illustrative of Middle Ages, viz: Scott's Ivanhoe, Talisman, Quentin Durward and Anne of Gierstein: Tasso's Jerusalem, etc. See Fiction and Poetry. Military Dictionary. By H. L. Scott........ 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Mind and Body.-[See also Metaphysics.] a. Galton. F. Hereditary Genius........... 8vo N.Y. 3 50 Holland, Sir H. Chapts. on Ment. Physiol.l2mo Lond. 3 00 Holmes, O. W. Mechanism in Thought and Morals.... 2mo Bost. 50 Laycock. The Mind and Brain, 2 vols... 8vo Edin.21s. b. Maudsley. Physiology and Pathology of the Mind.... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 a. Moore, Geo. The Body and Mind...... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 - The Soul and Body.........12mo N. Y. 1 00 Mineralogy.-[See also Gems.] b. Dana, J. D. System of Mineralogy...... 8vo N. Y. 10 00 a. Manual of Mineralogy..... 12mo Phila. 2 00 Corals and Coral Islands.... 8vo N.Y. 6 00 Hooker..Mineralogy and Geology........2mo N. Y. -1 50 146 THE BEST READING. Overman, F. Mineralogy, Assaying and Mining.... 12mo Phila. $1 00 Ramsay. Rudiments of Mineralogy......18mo 1 50 Wohler. Hand Book of Mineral Analysis.. 12mo Phila 3 00 Mines, Mining.-[See also Coal, Iron, etc.] Crustell. Metallurgy................... 8vo 5 00 Hollister, O. J. Mines of Colorado......12mo Spring. 2 00 Overman. (See above.) Phillips. Mining and Metallurgy of Gold and Silver..... 8vo Lond. 10 50 Raymond. Statist. of Mines west of Rocky Mountains, (8vo N. Y. $1.75) 2 mor.'70. 8vo Wash. 4 50 Rickard. Practical Mining..............21nmo Lond. 1 25 Simonin. Underground Life; or Mines and Miners...r. 8vo L. & N. 16 00 Ure. Dictionary. [See Aanufactures.] Whitney. Metallic Wealth of the U. S.. 8vo Phila. 3 50 Minnesota. Bond, J.W. Minnesota and its Resources.12mo Phila. 1 50 McClung. Minnesota in 1870........... 12mo St. Paul Minnesota; its Advantages to Settlers.... 8vo St. Paul Neill, E.D. History of Minnesota. 1858. 8vo Phila. Missions. Anderson, R. Foreign Missions; their Claims, etc....12mo N. Y. 1 50 History of American Board of Com. Foreign Missions.. 8vo Mailen. Christian Miss. in Middle Ages. Camb....12mo 10s.6d. Marshall, T. W. Christian Missions, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Newcomb, H. Cyclopedia of Missions... 8vo Mississippi-RIVER AND VALLEY. a. Foster, J. W. The Mississippi Valley... 8vo Chica. Gale. The Upper Mississippi........... 12mo Chica. Humphries & Abbott. Report on Missi.Riv. 4to Phila. 15 00 Monette. Hist. of the Mississippi Val., 2 v. 8vo N. Y. Shea, J. G. Discov. of the Mississippi Val. 8vo N. Y. -- Early Voyages on the Missi.. 4to Alb'y Missouri-STATE OF. Parker, N. H. Missouri in 1867........ 8vo Phila. 3 50 Mohammedanism. Bush, Geo. Life of Mahomet...........18mo N. Y. 75 Green, S. Life of Mahomet.............18mo Lond. a. Irving. Mohammed & his Successors, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 4 50 Koran. Translated by Sale............ 8vo Phila. 3 00 Neale, F. A. Islamism, 2 vols........... 8vo Lon. 21s. Ockley. History of the Saracens........12mo Bohn. 1 75 Taylor, W. C. -Hist. of Mohammedanism.12m4-Lon. 4s. MONEY-MORAL SCIENCE-MORMONS AND UTAH, ETC. 147 Molluscs.-[See Conchology.] Money.-[See also Banks, Business.] Bagehot. A Universal Money........... 8vo Lond. McCullocl, J. R. Money and Banks.... 8vo Edin. 5s. Spaulding. History of Legal Tender.... 8vo Buffalo. 1 50 Monograms.-[See Decorative Art.] A Book of Monograms. (Sabin's)......... 8vo N. Y. $7 50 Moral Science.-[See also Metaphysics.] Abercrombie. Philos. of Moral Feelings. 18mo N. Y. 75 Alden. Christian Ethics...............12mo N. Y. 1 25 Antoninus, Marcus Aur. Thoughts of...12mo Bost. 1 50 Beattie. Moral Science................. 8vo b. Coleridge. Aids to Reflection........... 12mo N. Y. 75 ~- The Friend, (3 v. Lond)......12mo N. Y. 1 75 b. Cousin, Victor. The Good. Beautiful and and True, trans. by Wright.... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Dymond. Principles of Morality........ 8vo N. Y. 1 25 Haven. Moral Philosophy............... 12o Bost. 1 75 b. Hopkins, Mark. Moral Science......... 12mno Bost. 1 75 - -Law of Love................. 12no Bost. 1 75 a. Lecky. Hist. of European Morals, 2 vols. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Paley. Moral Philosophy............. 12mo Bost. 1 50 Tupper. Proverbial Philosophy, var. ed.L. &N. 75c. to 6 00 a. Wayland, F. Moral Science........... 12mo Bost. 1 75 The Same, abridged......16mo Bost. 70 Whewell. Elements of Morality, 2 vols. 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Mormons and Utah. Burton, R. F. The City of the Saints,'62. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Dixon, W. H. New America, $2.75; Spiritual Wives.... 8vo Phila. 2 50 Ferris, Mrs. Mormons at Home, 1856....12mo N. Y. Gunnison, J. W. The Mormons. Tucker. Origin, Rise and Progress of Mormonism....12mo 1 25 Morocco.-[See Africa, Northern.] Municipal Government. Herrick, W. A. Town & Parish Officers.. 8vo Bost. 3 00 Maine, H. S. The Village, East & West. 8vo Lon. 9s. Pomeroy, M. Introd. to Municipal Law.. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Music. Bowman & Dana. Household B'k of Songs. 4to N. Y. 2 00 Burney. History of Music, 4 vols....o.p. 4to Lond. Chapel. British Music, 1838............ 4to Lond. Chorley, H. F. Modern German Music, (1854), 2 vols.... 16mo Lon. 21s. Hogarth. History of Music......... 8vo N. Y. Hullah. History of Modern Music..... 2o L. 6s. 6d. 148 THE BEST READING. Moore, J. N. Encyclopaedia of Music...r. 8vo Bost. Weber, Godfrey. Musical Comp'n, 2 v.. Svo Bost. Zundel, J. Harmony and Composition... 8vo N. Y. Mysticism. —See Supernaturalism.] Hours with the Mystics............... Keble. Mysticism of the Fathers........ Mythology.-[See Classical Dictionaries, Fables, Legends.] Adams. Roman Antiquities............. vo. Phila. $2 50 Bulfinch. The Age of Fable, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. Bost. ea. 3 00 Cox. G. W. Hand Book of Mythology....16mo L. 3.6 d. Mythology of the Aryan Nations, 2 vols.... Lon. 28s. Dwight, M A. Ancient Mythology...... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 b. Gladstone, W. E. Juventis Mundi; Gods and Men,... 8vo Bost. 2 50 a. Keightley. Fairy Mythology........... 12mo Bohn. 2 50 a. Ancient Mythology......... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Pritchard. Egyptian Mythology........ Thorpe. Northern Mythology, 3 vols.... 8vo Lon. 24s. White. Student's Manual of Mythology. 12mo N. Y. 1 25 Names. b. Lower. Dictionary of Family Names.... 8vo Lon. 25s. Salverte. History of Names, 1864, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. Thomas, R. Hand Book of Fict's Names. 8vo Lond. a. Wheeler. Dict. of Noted Names of Fiction.12mo Bost. 2 50 Yonge, C. M. Hist. of Christian Names, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 21s. Naples.-[See Italy.] Napoleon.-[See Biography; France.] Narcotics-OPIUM. a. Beard. Stimulants and Narcotics...... 12mo N. Y. 75 Calkins. Opium and the Opium Habit....12mo Phila. 1 75 Cooke, M. C. Seven Sisters of Sleep.... 12mo L. 7s. d. b. Fiske. Tobacco and Alcohol.............16mo N. Y. 1 00 Lizars. Use and Abuse of Tobacco......12mo Phila. 1 50 Opium Habit: with suggest'ns as to Remle.12mo N. Y. 1 75 b. Parton. Smoking and Drinking.........16mo Bost. 1 00 Natural History. —See also Names of its Departments; Botany, Ornithology, etc.] Adams, H. G. Hum. Birds Described I11.16mo Lon. 1 60 W. H. Picturesque Objects of Natural History.... 8vo Lond. 3 00 a. Agassiz, L. Structure of Animal Life.... 8vo Bost. 2 50 Mrs. Actcea; First Lessons in Natural History.... 12mo Bost. a. L. Methods of Study in Natural History....12mo Bost. 1 75: ~ — - ~Contributions to the Nat. Hist. of the U. States, vols. I to 4.... 4to Bos. e 12 00 NATURAL HISTORY. 149 b. Agassiz, E. C. & A. Seaside Studies in Natural History.... 8vo Bost. $3 00 & Gould. Principles of Zoology.. 12mo Bost. 1 50 b. Audubon. Quadrupeds of America, 3 v. r. 8vo N. Y. 60 00 ~ — with fol. plates, 5 v. N. Y. 300 00 Baird, S. F. The Mammals of N. A. IIl. r. 8vo Phila. 15 00 Biart. Adventures of a Young Naturalist.12mo N. Y. 1 75 Broderip. Leaves from Note Book of a Naturalist.....12mo L. 10s. Gd. Buckland, F. Curiosities of Nat. History, 3 series....ea.l12mo Lon. 5s. Burroughs, John. Wake Robin.........16mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Carpenter, W. B. Zoology. Illust. 2 v.12mo Bohn 6 00 Cassel's Popular Natural History, 2 vols. r. 8vo N. Y. 12 00 Chadbourne, P. A. Lectures on Nat. Hist.12mo N. Y. 1 00 Cassin. Birds of West Coast of North America. Illust....r. 8vo Phila. 13 00 Mammology and Ornithology of U.S. Explor. Exped., 2 v. folio Phila. 50 00 Coan, T. Curious Facts in Hist. of Insects.12mo Phila. Cooper, Miss. Rural Hours (Naturalists). 12mo N. Y. 2 50 Darwin. Voyages of a Naturalist. Lon. 12mo 8s. 6d. a. Naturalist's Researches in the Voyage of the Beagle....12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. De Vere. Leaves of the Book of Nature. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Wonders of the Deep (Ill., $2).12mo N. Y. 1 50 Dulcken. Animal Life the World over.. 4to L. & N. 4 00 Duncan. Sacred Philos. of Seasons, 4 v..12mo N. Y. 6 00 Transformations of Insects.... 4to Lond. 7 50 Edwards, H. M. Zoology. Trans. by Knox.16mo L. 8s. 6d. b. Figuier. The Ocean World. Illustrated. 8vo L. & N. 4 50 b. Earth and Sea. Trans. by Adams. 8vo L. & N. 8 00 b. Mammalia. Illustrated....... 8vo L. & N. 4 50 b. Reptiles and Birds. Illustrated. 8vo L. & N. 4 50 b. Insect World..................8vo L.&N. 4 50 Garrett, G. Marvels of Instinct. Lond..12mo 3s. 6d. Girard. Herpetology of U. S. Exploring Expedition, 2 vols. 4to Phila. 30 00 Goldsmith. Earth and Animated Nat., 2 v. 8vo Phila. 5 00 Good, J. Mason. The Book of Nature.... 8vo Hartf. 3 03 Gosse. Romance of Natural History.....12mo Bost. 1 75 Gould's Descript. of Shells & Mollusks, 2 v. folio Bost. 55 00 Hartung. The Sea and its Liv'g Wonders. 8vo Lond. Hartwig. The Subterranean World..... 8vo Lond. 8 00 Harmonies of Nature......... 8vo Lond. 10 00 Hooker, W. Child's Book of Nature.....12mo N.Y. 2 00 ~ — --- ~Natural History.......... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Huxley, T. Classification of Animals.... 8vo Lon. 6s. Jaeger. North American Insects........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Jesse. Gleanings in Natural History.... 12mo Lon. 6s. Jones. The Broad Ocean and its Inhabit. 12mo L. & N. 2 50 Journal of a Naturalist................. 12mo 150 THE BEST READING. a. Kirby. The Sea and its Wonders...... 4to L. & N. $3 00 Kingsley, C. Glaucus: Wond. of Sea Shore.12mo Bost. Lannoy. The Sublime in Nature........ 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Leroy. The Intelligence of Animals (1870). 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Lewes, G. H. Sea Side Studies......... 8vo L. 6s.6d. -Studies in Animal Life.... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 Mangin. The Desert World. Illust..... 8vo L. & N. 8 00 Martin. Natural History, 2 vols........12mo N. Y. 4 00 Maunder. Treasury of Natural History..18mo L. &N. 4 00 Maynard, C. J. Naturalist's Guide, Illust. 12mo Bost. 2 00 Menault. Intelligence of Animals.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Milne-Edwards. Manual of Zoology.... 8vo Lond. 5 00 a. Milner. The Gallery of Nature. Illust..'. 8vo Lond. 8 00 Natural Hist. of the State of N. Y., 21 v.. 4to Alb. 126 00 Nicholson. Adv. Text Book of Zoology..12mo N. Y. 1 75 b. Pouchet. The Universe; the Infinitely Great and Infinitely Little, Illust....9. 8vo L. & N. 12 00 Reeve. Pop. Nat. Histories, Illust., 16 v. 16mo Lond. ea. 2 75 Siebold, C. T. Von. Comparative Anatomy of the Animal Kingdom.... 8vo Bost. 3 50 Tenney. Manual of Natural History....12mo N. Y. 2 00 ~- Elements of Zoology..........12mo N. Y. Warterton. Wanderings of a Naturalist.. 12mo Lond. 5s. Watson. Reasoning Power of Animals.l2mo Lon. 9s. Westwood, J. 0. Modern Classification of Insects, 2 vols.... 8vo Lon. 18s. White, Gilbert. Nat. Hist. of Selbourne. 12mo Lond. 2 25 [And various other editions.] Wood, J. G. Houses without Hands..... 8vo N. Y. 4 50 b. - Natural History, 3 vols...r. 8vo L. & N. 21 00 a. abridged... 12mo L. & N. 1 50 Bible Animals............ 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Insects at Home. Illust... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Natural Science-GENERALLY.-Including Natural Philosophy. [See also Astronomy, Cosmology, Mechanics, Optics, Geology, etc., etc.] a. Annual of Scientific Discovery, edited by Wells and others, vols 1. to 20....12mo Bost. ea. 2 00 Arnott, N. Elements of Physics........12mo L. & N. Box. Treatise on Heat.................12mo Lond. 4 25 Brande & Cox. Dict. of Science and Art.. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 ~ ~- -~ ~ new edition.. Lond. Brewster, Sir D. Natural Magic........18mo N. Y. 75 new ed..... 8vo Lond. 3 75 Biichner. Force and Matter............. 12mo Lond. 4 00 Correlation and Conservation of Forces, ed. Youmans.... 12mno N. Y. 2 00 Dircks, H. Nature Study.........Lond. 8vo 12s. 6d. Euler. Natural Philosophy, 2 vols.....18mo N. Y. 1 50 Faraday. The Various Forces of Matter.12mo N. Y. 1 00 NATURAL SCIENCE. 151 Frost and Fire, or Natural Engines-Chips and Tool Marks, 2 vols.. 8vo Lond. $12 00 a. Ganot. Elements of Physics, by Atkinson. 12mo L. & N. 6 00 ~_ ~_ —-- ed. by Peck... lllmo N. Y. Grove, W. R. Correlation of Phys. Forces. 1867.... 8vo Lond. Half Hours with Modern Scientists......12mo N. Hav. Hardwicke. Science Uossip............ Hartwig, G. Harmonies of Nature. Ill.. 8vo L. & N. 7 50 "Haydn Series"-Dictionary of Science.. 8vo Lon. 18s. Henry. Glossary of Scientific Terms.... 8vo Herschel. Familiar Lect. on Scien. Subj.12mo L. 10s. 6d. Natural Philosophy.......... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Preliminary Disc. on Nat. Phil. 8vo Lon. 18s. Manual of Scientific Enquiry.. 8vo Lond. 4 50 b. Humboldt, A. von. Cosmos, 5 vols.......12mo N. Y. 6 25 Aspects of Nature... Hunt, R. Researches on Light......... 8vo Lond. 2 50 a. Huxley, T.H. Lay Serm. and Addresses. 8vo N.Y. 1 75 Organic Nature (63)...... 8vo Lond. Lardner, D. Hand Book of Nat. Phil., 4 v. Lond. 10 00 b. Library of Wonders. Scribner's, v. 1 to 22.18mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 Mayhew, H. Wonders of Familiar Things.12mo N. Y. 1 25 Olmsted, D. Natural Philosophy....... 8vo N.Y. 4 00 Pepper, J.H. Play Book of Metals. Lon. 8vo 7s. 6d. Scientific Amusements......... 8vo Lon. 2s. Cyclopedic Science Simplified... 12mo 9s. Proctor. Light Science for Leisure Hours.12mo N. Y. 1 75 Schonn. Earth, Plants and Minerals... 16mo Lond. 5s. a. Somerville, Mrs. Connexion of Phy. Sci.l2mo Lond. 9s. Spencer, H. Principles of Biology, 2 vols.12mo N. Y. 5 00 Tilnbs, J. Things not generally Known, 2v.l6mo Lon. 5s. Things to be remembered in Daily Life....16mo L. 3s. 6d. a. Tyndall, J. Fragments of Science....... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Imagination and Science.... 18mo Lon. 3s. See Acoustics, Alps, Heat, Light. Vestiges of Natural History of Creation..12mo N. Y. 75 Whewell. History of the Inductive Sciences, 2 vols.... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Warne. Series of Books for the Country, viz.: Shells, Seaweeds, Ferns, Microscope, etc....era.18mo L. & N. 50 Wells, D. A. Science of Common Things.l2mo N. Y. Winslow, C. F. Force of Nature........ 8vo Phila. 5 00 Year Book of Facts. Edited by John Timbs. 839-71.... ea.. 12mo Lon. 5s. Youmans, E. L. Correlation and Conservation of Forces....12mo N. Y. 2 50 Natural Selection.-[See Darwinism.] 153 THE BEST READING. Natural Theology.-[See also Religion & Science.] b. Bascom. Science, Philosophy & Religion.12mo N. Y. $1 50 Bushnell, IH. Nature & Supernatural... 8vo N. Y. 2 25 b. Butler. Analogy of Religion...........12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Chadbourne. P.A. Natural Theology....12ino N.Y. 1 50 Bridgwater Treatises on Power and Wisdom of God in Creation, 5 v..12mo Bohn. 23s. Chalmers, T. Adaptation of Nature to Man. 8vo Phila. 2 50 ~-_ - - Natural Theology, 2 vols... 12mo N. Y. 2 50 Child. Benedicite: Power, Wisdom and Benevolence of the Creator..12mo N. Y. 2 00 McMillan. Bible Teaching in Nature.....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Paley, W. Natural Theology...........16mo Bost. 1 75 Navigation. Adams, W. H. D. Light-Houses and LightShips....18mo N. Y. 1 50 Bowditch. American Navigator......... 8vo N. Y. Dana, R. H., Jr. The Seaman's Friend... 12mo Bost. 1 50 Folkard. The Sailing Boat......Lond..12io 12s. 6d. Totten, C. J. U. S. Naval Text Book.... 8vo N.Y. 3 00 Navy. —[See under England, France, United States, etc.] Needlework. Hand-Book of Needlework (Murray)..... 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Plain Needlework..............,......18mo Lond. Palliser, Mrs. B. History of Lace....... 8vo Lond. Stephens, Mrs. Ladies' Guide to F'cy W'k.l2io N. Y. Warren, Mrs. Treasures in Needlework. 12mo L. 7s. Gd. Nestorians. Grant, A. The Nestorians: The Lost Tribes. 1845....12mo N.Y. Laurie, T. Dr. Grant and Nestorians.....12mo Bost. 1 75 Perkins, J. Residence among Nestorians. 8vo Andov. Netherlands.-[S~ee Holland.] New England.-[See also Puritans.] Hubbard, W. History of Indian Wars in New England, 2 vols.... 4to Roxb. Oliver, Peter. Hist. of Pur. Commonw'lth. 8vo Bost. 2 00 Martyn, W. C. The Pilgrim Fathers of New England....l2mo N. Y. 1 25 b. Palfrey, J. G. Hist. of N. England, 3 vols. 8vo Bost. 10 00 a. The same, condens., 2 vols. 12mo N. Y. 5 00 Savage. Geneal. Hist. of N. Eng., 4 vols. 8vo Bost. 12 00 Uhden. New England Theocracy....... 12mo Bost. Newfoundland. Bonnycastle. Newfoundland in 1842,2 v. 8vo Lon.21s. New Grenada. Holmes. New Grenada................ 8vo 8 00 NEW HAMPSHIRE-NEW JERSEY-NEWSPAPERS, ETC. 153 New Hampshire. Barstow. Hist. of New Hamp. to 1818... Belknap, J. Hist. of New Hamp., 3 vols. 8vo Bost. Chase, F. E. Early Hist. of New Hamp..12mo Claremt. New Jersey. Carpenter & Arthur. Hist. of N. Jersey..18mo Phila. $ 63 Gordon. History of New Jersey......... Mulford. History of New Jersey........ Sypher & Apgar. Hist. of New Jersey...12mo Phila. 1 25 Newspapers. Andrews. British Journalism, 2 vols... 8vo Lon. 21s. Grant, Jas. Hist. of Newspapers,'71, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 24s. Hunt. The Fourth Estate............... 8vo Lon. 21s. New York-STATE OF. b. Brodhead. History of New York, 2 vols. 8vo N.Y. 6 00 Dunlap. History of New York. 1840, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. - Same, abridged..............12mo N. Y. Hammond. Political Hist. of N. York,2 v. 8vo N. Y. Macauley. Hist. of New York. 1829, 3 v. 8vo N. Y. O'Callaghan. History of New Netherlands, 2 vols... 8vo N. Y. 6 00 a. Randall. Hist. of New York, for Schools.12mo N. Y. 1 75 New York City. Booth, Mary L. Hist. of N. York City, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Valentine. Hist. of N. York City. 1853. 8vo N.Y. 3 00 New Zealand. a. Barker, Lady. Station Life in N. Zealand.12mo L. &. N. 2 50 Fox. The Maori War. 1866............ 8vo Lond. Swainson, W. New Zealand. 1859..... 8vo Lon. 18s. Thompson. Story of New Zealand. Nicaragua.-[See Central America.] Nile, The.-[See Egypt.] Nineveh. Bonomi. Nineveh and its Palaces.......12mo Bohn. 2 50 Fergusson, J. Nineveh and its Palaces.. 8vo Lon. 16s. Layard, A. H. Nineveh and its Remains, 2 vols... 8vo Lon. 32s. The same, abridged (12mo N. Y., $1.75). Lond.... 12mo 7s. 6d. - ineveh and Babylon; 2d Visit. 8vo Lond. 5 00 8vo N.Y. 4 00 The same, abridged.....Lond..12mo 7s. 6d. The same, abridged............12mo N. Y. 1 75 North America.-[See America.] 154 THE BEST READING. North Carolina. Hawks. History of North Carolina...... 8vo N. Y. Wheeler. Hist. Sketch of North Carolina. 8vo Phila. $2 00 Williamson. Hist. of N. Carolina. 1812. 2 v. 8vo Phila. Norway.-[See Scandinavia.] Browne, J. R. The Land of Thor....... l2mo N. Y. 2 00 Laing, S. Residence in Norway. Lond..12mo 2s. 6d. - Chronicles of Kings of Nor., 3 v. 8vo Lon. 36s. Mugge. Afraja; Life & Love in Norway. 12mo L. 10s. Gd. Norway and its Scenery, Illust..........12mo Bohn. 2 50 Notabilia.-FACTS, STATISTICS, MISCELLANIES. Timbs, J. Notabilia; or, Cnrious and Amusing Facts....12mo L. & N. 3 00 Things not generally known, edited by W\ells....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Popular Errors Explained.. 12mo Lond. Year Book of Facts in Science and Art, 1839-70.....12no L. ea. 5s. Nova Scotia. Haliburton. Hist. of Nova Scotia, 2 vols. 8vo Halif. Martin. Colonial Library, [vol. vi.].....12mo L. 3s. Gd. Novels.-[See Fiction.] Nubia.-[See also Africa, Egypt.] Burckhardt. Travels in Nubia, 1819..... 4to Lond. Numismatics. Ackerman, J. V. Anc. and Mod. Coins...16mo Lon. 6s. Dickerson, M. W. Numismatic Manual.. 4to Phila. 10 00 Mickley. Hist. of United States Coins... Snowden, J. R. Anc. and Mod. Coins.... 8vo Phila. 3 50 Nursing.-[See Health.] Object Lessons. Calkins, N. A. New Prim. Object Lessons. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Sheldon. Object Lessons...............12mo N. Y. 1 75 Ocean.-[See Natural History.] De-Vere. Wonders of the Deep. Illus..12mo N. Y. 2 00 Gosse, P. H. The Ocean................ 12mo L. 4s. 6d. Kirby. The Sea, and its Living Wonders. 4to L.&N. 3 00 Maury. Physical Geography of the Sea.. 8vo N.Y. 4 00 Mangin. Mysteries of the Ocean, Illust.. 8vo L.&N. 6 00 Michelet, J. The Ocean, Illust..........2mo N. Y. 1 50 Moquin-Tandon; World of the Sea..... Sorrel, L. The Bottom of the Sea.......18mo N. Y. 1 50 Oceanica.-[See Islands.] Ohio. Atwater. History of Ohio.............. 8vo Cinc. OPTICS-ORATORY. 155 Carpenter & Arthur. History of Ohio....18mo Phila. $ 63 Lossing, B. J. Pictorial Description of Ohio. (1850)... 8vo N. Y. Opium.-[See Narcotics.] Optics.-[See also Spectroscope.] Airy, G. B. Undulatory Theory of Optics.12mo Lond. 2 50 Brewster, Sir D. Treatise on Optics.....12mo L. 3s. 6d. Kaleidoscope......... 12mo L. 5s. 6d. Goblet, H. F. Theory of Sight.......... 8vo Lond. Hunt, R. Researches on Light.......... 8vo Lond. 5s. Nugent, E. Treatise on Optics..........12mo N. Y. 2 00 Tyndall, J. On Radiation...............12mo N. Y. 50 Wonders of Optics (Lib. of Wonders.)...18mo N. Y. 1 50 Oratory.-[See also Elocution.] American Oratory; P. Henry, Ames, Pinkney, etc.... 8vo Phila. 2 75 American Eloquence, Cyclop. of, 2 vols.. 8vo N. Y. 7 00 Ames, Fisher. Works (Speeches, &c.)... 8vo Bost. 2 00 Bantain. Extempore Speaking.........12mo N. Y. 1 20 Bright, John. Speeches. By Thor. Rogers. 8vo Lon. 25s. ~_____ _ -~ ~ ~ —- 16mo, 2s. 16mo L. 3s. 6d. Burke. Works (Speeches, etc.), 12 vols.. 8vo Bost. 30 00 Calhoun, J. C. Speeches and Works, 6 v. 8vo N. Y. 15 00 Cicero. Orations, etc., 4 vols............12mo Bohn 10 00 Oratory & Orators..............12mo Bohn 2 50 Chatham, Burke & Erskine's Speeches, 1 v. 8vo Phila. 2 75 Clay, Henry. Speeches & Life, by Colton, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 4 50 Demosthenes. Orations. Trans.,5 vols..12mo Bohn 11 75 ~_____ - - Trans. by Leland, 2 v.18mo N. Y. 1 50 Literal trans. 2 vols.12mo N. Y. 3 00 Dix, John A. Speeches, etc., 2 vols...... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Dickinson. D. J. Speeches, 2 vols....... 8vo N.Y. 5 00 Erskine, Lord. Speeches & Life, 2 vols... 8vo Lond. 8 00 Everett, Edw. Works, chiefly Orations, 3 v. 8vo Bost. 9 00 Gladstone. Speeches on Parl. Reform... 16mo Lond. 1 00 Goodrich. Select British Eloquence..... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Household Book of Irish Eloquence. Ill. 8vo N.Y. 5 00 Kirkland, Mrs. Patriotic Eloquence.....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Macaulay. Speeches, 2 vols............. 8vo N. Y. 4 50 Magoon. Living Orators in America.....12mo N.Y. 1 50 Orators of the Revolution.....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Marshall. First Book of Oratory........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Maury. Principles of Eloquence........18mo N. Y. 75 Peel, Sir Robert. Speeches, 4 vols...... 8vo Lon. 42s. Phillips, W. Speeches................16mo Bost. 2 50 Phillips, Curran & Grattan. Speeches.. 8vo Phila. 2 00 Quintillian Institutes of Oratory, trans., 2 v.12mo Bohn. 5 00 Sargeant. Standard Speaker............ 8vo Phila. 2 50 Sheil. Speeches and Life............... 12mo Dub. 4s. 156 THE BEST READING. Sumner, Charles. Speeches and Works, now publishing, 10 vols.... 8vo Bost. $30 00 Webster, Daniel. Speeches, 6 vols...... 8vo Bost. 18 00 Winthrop, R. C. Speeches & Addresses.. 8vo Bost. 3 50 Ordnance.-[See Arms and Armor.] (Professional Works omitted.) Oregon. Bulfinch, F. Oregon and Eldorado......12mo Bost. 2 50 Origin of Species.-[See Darwinism.] Ornithology.-[See also Cage Birds, Natural History, etc.] Audubon. Birds of America, Illust., 8 v.r. 8vo N. Y. 165 00 with folio plates, 5 v.r. 8vo N. Y. 250 00 Bailey. Our Own Birds...............12mo Phila. 1 50 Baird, S. F. and others. Birds of North America, 2 vols.... 4to Phila. Cassin. Birds of Western Coast of North America....r.8vo Phila. 13 00 Figuier. Birds and Reptiles, Illust...... 8vo Lond. 4 50 Michelet. The Bird, Illust.............r. 8vo L. & N. 6 00 Nichols. Ornithology and Oology of New England.... 4to Bost. Samuels, E. A. Birds of New England.. 8vo Bost. 4 00 - larger ed. col'd. Bost. 4to $9 to 25 00 Stanley, E. History of Birds............ 12mo L. 5s. Gd. Wilson. American Ornithology, 3 vols.r. 8vo Phila. 75 00 Pacific Ocean. Beechey. Voyage to the Pacific. 1828.. 4to Lond. Jones. Adventures in So. Pacific Ocean.. 12mo 1 50 Melville. Typee; Mardi; Omoo; etc. (See iction.) Pritchard. Polynesian Reminiscences... 8vo Lond. Reynolds & Ruschenberger's Voyages, o. p. Wilkes. U.S. Exploring Exped., 5 vols. r. 8vo Phila. 25 00 abridg., 1 vol. 8vo Phila. 3 50 Paganism.-[See Hleathenism.] Painting-TREATISES ON.-[See also Fine Arts.] Barnard, Geo. Landscape Painting.....r. 8vo Lond. 8 00 Benson. On the Science of Color........ 4to Lond. 15 00 Burnet. Treatises on Painting.......... 4to Lond. 22 50 Cave, Madame. Du Color............12mo N. Y. 1 00 Chevreul. On Color..................12mo Lond. 5s. Eastlake. History of Oil Painting...... 8vo Lon. 16s. Field. Rudiments of Color............12mo Lond. 2 00 Fuseli. Lectures on Painting, 3 vols., o. p. Lond. Gulick & Timbs. Painting, Popularly Explained.... 2mo Lond. 2 50 Hamerton. The Painter's Camp........16mo Bost. 1 50 Painting in France. 1869... 4to Lond. Thoughts about Art.........16mo Bost. 1 50 PAPER MAKING-PARAGUAY-PAUPERISM, ETC. 157 Haydon. Lectures on Painting, 2 vols... 8vo Lon. 15s. Hand B'k on Oil Paint., for Young Artists 12mo N. Y. $2 00 Hazlitt, Criticisms on Art. [See Fine Arts.] Howard. On Color as Means of Art..... 12o Lond. Jameson, Mrs. Works. [See Fine Arts.] Kugler. Hand Books. Trans. by Eastlake. [See Fine Arts.] O'Neill. Lectures on Painting.........12mo Lond. 2 50 Penley. English School of Painting in Water Colors....folio Lond. 42 00 Paleontology-[See Geology.] Palestine.-[See Holy Land.] Paper Making. Herring. Paper and Paper Making, Anc't and Modern.... 8vo Lond. 5 00 Guide to Varieties and Value of Paper.... 4to Lond. 10 00 Paraguay. Burton,R. F. Battle-Fields of Paraguay. 8vo Lon. 18s. Masterman. Seven Years in Paraguay.. 8vo Lon. 5s. Washburn, C. C. Hist. of Paraguay, 2 v. 8vo Bost. 7 50 Paris.-[See France.] Parliamentary Law. Cushing. Law & Pract. of Legisl. Assem. N. Y. 75 Jefferson. Manual of Parl. Practice.....18mo N. Y. Parodies.-rSee Poetry and Humorous Works.] Patent Law. Curtis, G. T. The Law of Patents....... 8vo Law, S. D. Patent and Copyright Laws.. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Pauperism.-[See also Charities.] Fawcett. Pauperism; its Causes and Remedies...12mo L. & N. 2 25 Ginx's Baby; (satire on English Poor Laws, etc.)....12mo N. Y. 50 Peace and War. Dymond, J. War and Christianity......12mlo Phila. Upham, T. C. Manual of Peace......... 8vo N. Y. Peninsular War. Napier. Hist. of the Peninsular War, 5 v. N. Y. 12 50 Southey. Hist. of the Penins. War, 6 v.. 8vo Lon. 63s. Pennsylvania-PHILADELPHIA. Bowen. Pictorial Sketch Book of Penn'a. 8vo Phila. Gordon. History of Pennsylvania. 1829. 8vo Phila. Sypher. School History of Pennsylvania.12mo Phila. 1 50 158 THE BEST READING. Watson. Annals of Philadelphia, 2 vols. 8vo Phila. $7 50 Perfumery. Dussance. Treatise on Perfumery....... 8vo 7 50 Pease. The Art of Perfumery...........12mo 1 25 Periodicals.-[See Appendix.] Perpetual Motion. Dircks. Perpetuum Mobile, 2 vols.......12mo Lond. Persia. Eastwick, E. P. Three Years in Persia, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 18s. Frazer. History of Persia............. 18mo N. Y. 75 Watson, R. G. History of Persia to 1858. 8vo Lond. Perspective.-[See Drawing; Fine Arts.] Peru. Hill, S. S. Travels in Peru and Mexico, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 21s. Prescott. History of Conquest of Peru, 2 v. 8vo Phila. 5 00 Tschudi. Travels in Peru............. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Petroleum-AND OIL WELLS. Cone & Johns. Petrolia (in Pa.).........1t2mo N. Y. 3 00 Wright. The Oil Regions of Pa.......12mo Phila. 1 50 Philology.-[See Language.] Philosophy-MENTAL.-[See Metaphysics.] Philosophy-NATURAL.-[See Natural Philosophy.] Phonography. Graham. Outline of Standard Phonog... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Hand Book of Phonography.. 12mo N. Y. 2 00 --- Phonographic Dictionary......12mo N. Y. 4 00 a. Munson, J. E. Complete Phonographer.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Pittman. Manual of Phonography......12mo L. & N. 1 00 - Reporter's Manual......Lond. 18mo 2s. 6d. Photography. Ayres. How to Paint Photographs......12mo Phila. 1 50 Delamott. Photographic Practice.......l12mo N. Y. 50 Hunt, R. Photographic Manual.......... 8vo Lon. 6s. Lea, H. C. Manual of Photography..... 8vo Phila. 3 00 Price. Manual of Photographic Manipu.12mo Lond. 3 25 Sutton & Dawson. Dict. of Photography.12mo Lond. 3 00 Fowler, J. The Silver Sunbeam........12mo N. Y. 2 50 Phrenology. Boardman. Defence of Phrenology.....12mo 1 50 Browne, J. P. Phrenology; its application, etc., to Education.... 12mo L. 12s. 6d. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY-PHYSIOGNOMY, ETC. 159 Combe. Lectures on Phrenology........12mo N. Y. $1 50 Phrenology; Proved, Illust. and Applied. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Physics.-[See Natural Science.] Physical Education.-[See Calisthenics, Gymnast., etc.] Physical Geography.-[See also Ocean, Volcanoes, etc.] a. Ansted, D. T. Physical Geography......16mo Lond. 3 00 World We Live in.......16mo N. Y. 75 Figuier. The Earth and the Sea. Illus. 8vo Lond. 4 50 Hartwig, G. The Tropical World. 1862. 8vo Lon. 21s. Herschell, J. W. F. Physical Geograply.12mo Ed. 7s. 6d. Mangin. The Desert World....:.Lond. 8vo 12s. 6d. Marsh, G. P. Man and Nature.......... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Pouchet. The Universe..............8vo L.& N. 12 00 b. Reclus. The Earth: PhysicalPhenomena of Life of the Globe, 2 v.. 8vo L. & N. 10 00 - ~- Cheap edition......... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Somerville, Mrs. Physical Geography..12ino Lond. 9s. - American edition (o. p.)..12mo Phila. Physiognomy. Lavater. Essays on Physiognomy....... 8vo Lon. 12s. Redfield, J. WV. Comparative Physiogno. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Physiology and Anatomy-POPULAR.-[See Protoplasm.] Beecher, Miss. Physiology and Calisthenics.....12mo N. Y: 1 00 Brinton & Napheys. Personal Beauty...12mo Spring. 2 00 b. Carpenter, W. B. Human Physiology... 8vo Phila. 5 50 Comparative Physiolo. 8vo Phila. 5 00 a. Combe, Geo.'The Constitution of Man..12mo N. Y. 1 00 Dalton, J. C. Human Physiology....... 8vo N. Y. 5 25 Physiology and Hygiene... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Draper, J. W. Anato., Phys. & Hygiene. 8vo N. Y. 3 75 Physiology............. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 The same abridged......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Huxley & Youmans. Elementary Physiology and Hygiene.... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Lewes, G. H. Phys. of Common Life, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 3 00 Loomis. Elements of Anatomy &Physiol.12mo N. Y. 1 25 Marshall, J. Outlines of Physiology, 3 v. 16mo Lon. 32s. Morgan, J. E. Deterioration of the Race in Great Cities.'66...... 16mo Lond. Napheys, G. H. Physical Life of Woman. 12mo Phila. 1 50 Roget, Ph. Animal and Vegetable Physiology, 2 vols....12mo Bohn. 5 00 Wonders of the Human Body............12mo N. Y. 1 50 Plays.-[See Drama.] Plurality of Worlds.-[See A stronomy.] 160 THE BEST READING. Poetry.-Divided into: I. History of Poetry, etc.; 2. Collections; III. Poetical Works; IV. Humorous and Satirical Poetry. [See also Ballads.]HISTORY AND CRITICISM. Everett, Erastus. English Prosody and Versification.... 12mo N. Y. Fauriel. Hist. of Provenqal Poetry, trans. by Adler.... 8vo N. Y. $3 00 Johnson, Dr. Lives of the British Poets, 2 vols....12mo Phila. 3 00 Lowth. Lectures on Hebrew Poetry..... 8vo L. 3s. 6d. Reed, Henry. Lectures on Brit. Poets, 2v.12mo Phila. 3 50 Tuckerman. Thoughts on the Poets..... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Walker, J. Rhyming Dictionary........ 12mo Lond. 3 00 Warton. History of English Poetry..... 12mo L. & N. 4 25 -- (2) COLLECTIONS OF POETRY. Alger, W. R. Poetry of the East........12mo Bost. 2 00 British Poets, from Chaucer to Wordsworth. Edited by Prof. Child, 130 vols. * Akenside, 1 vol.; Ballads, 8 vols.;) * Beattie, 1 vol.; * Butler, 1 vol.; * Burns, 3 vols.; Byron, 10 vols.; Campbell, 1 vol; Chatterton, 1 vol.; * Churchill, 1 vol.; Coleridge, 3 vols.; * Collins, 1 vol.; * Cowper, 3 vols.; Donne, 1 vol.; * Dryden, 5 vols.; * Falconer, 1 vol.; Gay, 2 vols.; * Goldsmith, 1 vol.; * Gray, 1 vol.; Herbert, 1 vol.; Herrick, 2 vols.; Hood, 5 vols.; Keats, 1 vol.; Marvell, o B. 1 vol.; * Milton, 3 vols.; Montgomery, 5 vols.; Moore, 6 vols.; * Parnell, etc., 1 vol.; * Pope, 3 vols.; * Prior, 2 vols.; Scott, 9 vols.; * Shakespeare, 1 vol.; Shelley, 4 vols.; Skelton, 3 vols.; Southey, 10 vols.; * Spencer, 5 vols.; * Surrey, 1 vol.; * Swift, 3 vols.; * Thompson, 2 vols.; Vaughan, 1 vol.; Watts, 1 vol.; * White, I vol.; Wordsworth, 7 vols.; * Wyatt, 1 vol.; * Young, 2 vols.................... British Poets; Aldine ed'n (reprint), 53 v.16mo L. & P. ea. 75 (This set contains the authors in previous set marked * and, in addition, Chaucer, in 6 vols., edited by Morris: the other works are edited by Milford, Dyce, Collier;Hannay and Sir H. Nicolas. Beeton. Book of English Poetry, 2 vols. r. 8vo Lond. 10 00 Book of Gems. Ed. by S. C. Hall. Ill. 2v. 8vo L. & P. 7 50 Brooks, C. T. Lays, etc., from Uhland, Korner, etc....12mo N. Y. 1 00 Bowman & Dana. Household B'k of Songs. 4to N. Y. 2 50 a. Bryant, Library of Poetry and Song...... 8vo N. Y. 6 00 POETRY. 161 Campbell, Thos. Speci. of British Poets. 8vo L. & P. $2 75 Carter, P. Scotia's Bards. Illustrated... 8vo N. Y. 4 50 Companion Poets. Illustrated, 2 vols....l2mo Bost. 5 00 a. Dana, C. A. Household Book of Poetry, half morocco.... r. 8vo N. Y. 7 00 Illustrated ed., morocco.... 4to N. Y. 20 00 Duffy. Poetry of Ireland............. Ellis. Metrical Romances............... 12mo Bohn 2 50 Griswold, R. W. Poets & Poetry of Amer. 8vo Phila. 5 00..~ - Female Poets of America. 8vo Phila. 5 00 a. Golden Treasury Series, 7 vols.........ea. 16mo Camb. 1 25 Hymns of the Ages, 3 vols.............. 8vo Bost. 7 50 Kendrick, A. C. Our Poetical Favorites.12mo N. Y. 2 00 b. Longfellow. Poets and Poetry of Europe.r 8vo Phila. 6 00 Lyra Americana....................... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Lyra Anglicana.......................12mo N. Y. 1 50 Lyra Germanica............12mo N. Y. 1 50 Christ. year: Christ. Life; ea. 4to Lon. 10 50 Mackay, Chas. Book of English Songs..12mo Lond. 5s. Illus. Book of Scottish Song... 16mo L. 3s. 6d. - 1001 Gems of English Poetry.. 8vo Lond. 5 00 Home Affections Portrayed by Poets. Illust... 8vo L.&N. 9 00 Morgan. Hymns of the Latin Church... 8vo Lond. J. A. Macaronic Poetry........12mo N. Y. 275 Motherwell. Minstrelsy, Anct. and Mod. 12mo Palmer, J. WV. Folk Songs. Ill., mor., r. 8vo N. Y. 15 00 - ~- ~ Poetry of Compliment and Courtship....12mo Bost. 4 00 m16o Bost. 1 50 Palmer, Roundell. Book of Praise (8vo L.)16mo Camb. 1 25 Parton, J. Humor. Poetry of Eng. Lang. 8vo Bost. 3 00 Parnassus: a Poetical Hand Book. Notes by Emerson....12mo Bost. a. Percy. Reliques of Old English Poetry. 8vo Phila. 3 50 The same, 3 vols..............16mo Lond. 3 75 Read, T. B. Female Poets of America... 8vo Phila. 3 00 Schaff, P. Christ in Song............ 12mo N.Y. 2 25 Somers. Selections from Modern French Poets... L. 10s. 6d. Universal Songster. Illustrated. 3 vols. 8vo Lond. 9 00 Willmott. Sacred Poets of the 19th Cent. 4to L. & P. 3 75 English Sacred Poetry....... 4to L. &N. 9 00 Poetry.-WORKS OF INDIVIDUAL POETS. Akenside. Poetical Works............. 18mo Bost. 1 25 Akers, Elizabeth. Poetical Works......16mo Bost. 1 50 Allingham, W. Poetical Works......... 16mo Bost. 1 50 Aldrich, T. B. Poetical Works......... 16mo Bost. 1 50 Allston, Wash. Poetical Works.........12mo N. Y. Ariosto. Trans. by Hoole, 2 vols........ 8vo Lond. Trans. by Rose, 2 vols......l... 12mo Bohn. 3 50 102 THE BEST READING. Aristophanes. Trans., 2 vols............ Bohn. $5 00 Arnold, Matthew. Poetical Works......12mo Bost. 2 00 George. Poetical Works........1l2mo Bost. 2 00 Aytoun, Prof. Bothwell; a Poem.......12mo Bost. 1 25 ~- - ~~ Lays of the Cavaliers....32mo N. Y. Bailey, P. J. Festus; a Poem...........12mo Bost. 1 00 - The Mystic.............. 12mo Bost. 1 00 Barnes, William. Poems...............16mo Bost. 1 00 Barnes. Poems in the Dorset Dialect....12mo Bost. 2 50 Beattie. The Minstrel, and other Poems.18nmo Bost. 1 25 Beranger. Poems. Trans. by Young... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Bickersteth, E. H. "The Rock of Ages." Poems....12mo N. Y. 2 50 Yesterday, To-Day and Forever. 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Brownell, H. H. War Lyrics............16mo Bost. 1 50 Browning, Robert. Poetical Works, 2 v. 16mo Bost. 3 00 -Mrs. Poems, 2 vols.......... 16mo N. Y. 5 00 ~__ _ ~ - ~ (Dia. ed., 24mo. 1.50). 12mo N. Y. 4 50 Bryant. Poetical Works, 3 vols.........12mo N. Y. 5 25 -- Red line ed. 16mo $4.50. blue and gold... N. Y. 1 50 ~- ~___- Illust. ed., calf.......r.. 8vo N. Y. 12 00 Bulwer, R. L. (" Owen Meredith.") Poems.24mo N. Y. 1 50 Burns. Poetical Works, 3 vols..........18mo Bost. 3 75 Several editions in I vol........ 8vo N.Y.&P. Several editions in.............12mo N.Y. & P. Several Illust. editions......... L. & N. Butler, Wm. Allen. Poems; Nothing to Wear, etc....16mo Bost. 2 00 Byron. Poetical Works, 10 vols.........18mo Bost. 12 50 1 vol. 8vo, N. Y. $3; Illustrated. 8vo Phila. 2 00 1 vol. 12mo, L. & P. $2; Globe Ed.16mo L. & P. 1 50 8 vols. 16mo Lond. $10; 16 vols. 16no Lond. ~4. Camoens. Lusiad. Trans. by Quilliman.12mo Lond. Campbell, Thos. Poems, with Life by Sargent....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Poems, 18mo, Bost. $1.25...16mo N. Y. 1 25 Poems Illustrated......... 8vo Phila. Cary, Alice. Ballads, Hymns, etc........12mo N. Y. 2 25 Phoebe. Poems of Faith, Hope and Love....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Catullus. Translated................. 12mo Bohn. 2 50 Chatterton. Poems....................18mo Bost. 1 25 Chaucer. Poet'l Works, ed. by Morris, 6 v.16mo L. & P. 4 50 1 vol. 8vo, Lond. $5.00; edited by Bell, 8 vols.... 16mo 6 00 Churchill. Poetical Works, 3 vols......18mo Bost. 3 75 Clough, A.H. Poems.................. 12mo L. & N. 2 00 Coleridge. Poetical Works, 1 v. $1.50; 3 v.18mo Bost. 3 75 Collins. Poetical Works............... 18mo Bost. 1 25 Collins, Gray & Goldsmith, by Sargent...12mo N. Y. 2 00 Crowley. Poetical Works, 3 vols........18mo Lond. 3 75 POETRY. 163 Cowper. Poetical Works, (1 vol. $1.50) 3 v.18mo Bost. $3 75 - by Grimshaw, 8 v., $14.00 by Cowper, 8 vols.... 12mo Lon. 25s. Crabbe. Poetical Works, (1 vol. 8s 6d) 8 v. 6lCmo Lon. 40s Dana, R. H. Poems, 2 vols.........o. p. 12mo N. Y. Dante. Trans. by Cary.................12mo N. Y. 1 50 Inferno. Trans. by Parsons..... 8vo Bost. 5 00 Complete. By Longfellow, 3 vols., is. 8vo.. $15.00; 3 vols..........16mo Bost. 6 00 De Vere, Aubrey. Poems, 3 vols........16mo Lon. 16s. Dies Ira. With various translations..... 12mo N. Y. Dobell, Sydney. Poems................32o Bost. 1 50 Donne. Poetical Works................ 18mo Bost. 1 25 Drake, J. R. The Culprit Fay, Illust.... 18mo N. Y. 100 Drummond of Hawthornden. Poems.... 16mo Lond. Dryden. Poetical Works, 5 vols.........18no Bost. 6 25 Works, 1. 8vo, Lond. $5.00; 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Elliott, E. Corn Law Rhymes, etc......r. 8vo Lond. 3s. Emerson, R. W. Poems................32mo Bost. 1 50 Faber, F. W. Hymns, Illust........... 12mo North. 2 00 Falconer. Shipwreck, and other Poems.. 18mo Bost. 1 25 Frenau, Ph. Poems of the Revolution... 12no N. Y. 1 75 Gay. Poetical WVorks, 2 vols........... 181o Bost. 2 50 Goethe. Reynard, the Fox, trans........ N. Y. 2 00 - Faust. Trans. by Bayard Taylor, 2 vols....r. 8vo Bost. 10 00 ~____- ~ clheaper ed., 2 vols.....16mo Bost. 5 00 -~- First part, trans. by Hayward.. 12mo Bost. 1 50 ~~______- trans. by Brooks....12mo Bost. 1 50 Goldsmith. Poetical Works............18mo Bost. 1 25 -- Illust. 8vo Lond. & 8vo L. & P. 2 75 With Gray and Collins.....12mo N. Y. 2 00 With his Prose W'ks, Globe edition.... 2mo L. & P. 1 50 Gray. Poetical Works................. 18mo Bost. 1 25 -~- -~ - ~ Illust...........24mo L. & N. 1 25 - Illust........... 8vo Phila. With Collins and Goldsmith.....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Elegy. Various Illust. editions.. Grun. The Last Knight. Trans. by Sargent. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Halleck. Poetical Works (32mo, $1).....12mo N.Y. 2 50 Harte, Bret. Poems, 2 vols.......... ea.12mo Bost. 1 50 Heber. Poems........................18mo Lond. 6s. with Crabbe, &c......... 8vo Phila. 1 50 Heine, t. Poems. Trans. by Leland.... 12mo Phila. 2 50 Hemans, Mrs. Poems (1 vol., $1.50), 2 v. 16no N. Y. 3 00 Herbert. Poetical Works (Lon., $1.50)...18mo Bost. 1 25 Herrick. Poetical Works, 2 v...........81110 Bost. 2 50 Hervey, T. K. Poems................ 32mo Bost. 1 50 Hesiod. Callimachus and Theognis, Trans.12mo Bohn. 2 25 Hogg, Jas. Poet. W'ks (2 v. r.. 8vo) 5 v.Glas.l6mo i 7s. 6d. Holmes, 0. W. Poems (32mo, $1.50)....16mo Bost. 2 00 164 THE BEST READING. Holland, J. G. Bitter Sweet; Katrina.. ea.2mo N. Y. $1 50 Homer. Trans. by Cowper, 2 vols........12mo Bohn. 3 50 ~ ~ — by Pope, 3 vols........16mo N. Y. 2 25 2 vols....... 12mo Bohn. 5 00 literally translated, 2 vols...... 121no N. Y. 3 00 Iliad. Trans. by Bryant, 2 v... r. 8vo Bost. 10 00 ~ - ~__ - ~ ~_ small ed., 2 v.I61no Bost. 5 00 Odyssey. By the same, 2 vols..r. 8vo Bost. ea. 5 00 Hood, Thos. Poetical Works, 3 vols.....12mo N. Y. 7 50 - Chief Poems, 2 vols. in 1... 12mo N. Y. 3 00 -Poems. Illustrated edition. 4to N. Y. 8 00 -- ~_- Poems, 5 vols........... 18mo Bost. 6 25 Horace. Literally trans. by Smart......12mo N. Y. 1 50 - Odes, trans. by Martin........ 32ino Bost. 1 50 Hunt, Mrs. (" H. H.") Poems........... 16lo Bost. 1 25 Hunt, Leigh. Poems, 2 vols............ 32mo Bost. 3 00 ~- - B13ook of the Sonnet, 2 vols. 16mo Bost. 3 00 Ingelow, Jean. Poems (1 vol., $2.25), 2 v.16mo Bost. 3 50 "Jerningham," Mrs. Journal (in verse).. 12mo N. Y. 75 Juvenal and Persius. Trans. literally...12mo N. Y. 1 50 Landor, W. S. (In his Works.) Larcom, Lucy. Poems.................1mo Bost. 1 50 Lessing. Nathan the Wise, a Poem.....16mno N. Y. 1 50 Lockyer. Land Lyrics.............. 16mo Bost. 1 50 Lockhart. Anc't Spanish Ballads........16mo N. Y. 1 00 Longfellow. PoeticalWorks, fine ed., 4 v.16mo Bost. 10 00 Cabinet ed., 2 v.6mo Bost. 4 00 * ~~ ~ ~~- ~ Red line ed. 1 v.16mo Bost. 4 50 ~- ~ -~ ~Diamond ed...32mo Bost. 1 50 Illust. ed.... 8vo Bost. 12 00 Separate Poems; do Illust.... Bost. Lowell. Poetical Works, 2 v...........16mo Bost. 4 00 - - ~ - Red line ed........16mo Bost. 4 50 -~~ - Blue & gold ed., 2 v. 32mo Bost. 3 00 Lucan, Pharsalia. Trans............... 12mo Bohn. 2 25 Lucretius. Trans..................12mo Bohn. 2 25 Lytton, Lord Bulwer. King Arthur.... 12mo Loud. 1 50 New Timon. Lost Tales of Miletus.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Macaulay. Lays of Ancient Rome....... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 Marvell, A. Poetical Works........... 18mo Bost. 1 25 Massey, Gerald. Poetical Works, (32mo $1.50,) 2 vols....16 mo Bost. 4 00 Meredith, Owen. (Bulwer.) Poems. (32mo $7.50,) 5 vols.... 18mo Bost. 10 00 Miller, Joaquin. Poems.................16mo Bost. 1 50 Millman, H. H. Poetical Works, 3 vols..18mo Lon. 18s. Milton. (18mo, $1.50) 3 vols............18mo Bost. 3 75 Fine ed'n, ed. by Brydes, 6 vols.. 8vo Lon. 30s. ~ -~ - -l by Mitford, 2 vols. 8vo Lon. 21s. Montgomery, Jas. (Br. P.) 5 vols.......18mo Lond. 6 25 Moore, Thos. Poetical Works, 6 vols....18mo Bost. 7 50 - 1 vol. 8vo N.Y. $3.00.12mo Lond. 60 POETRY. 165 Moore, Thos. Poetical Works, Globe ed..12mo L.& P. $1 50 Morris, (Wm.) The Earthly Paradise, 3 v.16mo Bost. 4 50 - Life and Death of Jason..16mo Bost. 1 50 ~- -- Loves of G udrun........ i Gno Bost. 1 00 Motherwell. Poems.................... 32mo Bost. 1 50 Muloch, Dinah. Poems, (32mo, $1.50)....18mo Bost. 2 00 Ossian. Poems.........................18mo L. 3s. 6d. Ovid. Translated, 3 vols................12mo Bohn. 6 75 Palgrave, F. T. Lyrical Poems..........12mo L. & N. 1 75 Parnell. Poetical Works. (B. P.)........18mo Bost. 1 25 Parsons, T. W. Poems................16mo Bost. 1 25 Petrarch. Trans. by Campbell..........12ino Bohn. 2 25 Pindar. Translated....................12mo Bohn. 2 50 Poe. Poetical Works, (Illust. $6.00).....16mo N.Y.. 1 75 Pollok. Course of Time, (24mo 75c.).....16imo N. Y. 1 25 Pope. Poetical Works, 3 vols...........18mo Bost. 3 75 (1 vol. 16mo $1.25; Illus. $1.50) 4 v. 16mo Lon. 10s. Praed,W. M. Poetical Works, 2 vols....12mo N. Y. 3 50 Prior. Poetical Works, (B. P.,) 2 vols.... 18mo Bost. 2 50 Proctor. ("Barry Cornwall.") Poems...12mo Bost. Adelaide. Poems, (32mo $1.50)..16mo Bost. 2 00 Propertius, Petronius and Secundus......12mo Bohn. 2 25 Ramsay, Allan. Edited by Mackay, 2 v..4to 32 00 Read, T. T. Poems, 3 vols..............16mo Phila. 5 25 Rogers, Samuel. Poetical Works, edited by Sargent.... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Illustrated.... 4to Phila. Rosetti, Chris. G. Poems...............16mo Bost. 1 75 Dante G. Poems.................16mo Bost. 1 50 Saadi. Rose Garden of Persia. Trans... I 6mo Bost. 2 50 Sargent, Epes. " The Wroman who Dared."12mo Bost. 1 50 Saxe, J. G. Poems, 32mo, $1.50; 16mo, $2.16mo Bost. 2 50 Schiller. Poems and Plays. Trans., 2 v.l2mo Bohn 3 50 The same, trans. by various persons,2v. i' 8vo N.Y. 6 00 Schiller. Poems & Ballads. Tr. by Lytton.lmo N. Y. 1 60 Scott, Sir W. Poetical Works, 9 vols.... 18mo Bost. 11 25 1 vol. 8vo, $3.00; 6 vols...........12mo N. Y. 7 50 -- Red line ed., 16mo, $4.50; Globe ed.16mo Lond. 1 50 Shakespeare. Poems and Sonnets.......18mo Bost. 1 25 Shelley. Poetical Works, 4 vols.........18mo Bost. 5 00 Poems. Edited by Rosetti......12mo Lond. 1 75 Shenstone. Poetical Works............ 18mo Bost. 1 25 Sigourney, Mrs. Poems................12mo Skelton. Poetical Works (B. P.), 3 vols..18mo Bost. 3 75 Smith, Horace & Jas. Rejected Addresses, etc.... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Somerville. The Chase................. Southey. Poetical Works (B. P.), 10 vols.18mo Bost. 12 50 ~ - ~- ~ complete in 1 v. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Spenser. Poetical Works (B. P.), 5 vols.18mo Bost. 6 25 Select, 18mo, $1.50; complete, 1 v.r. 8vo L. & N. 4 00 Sprague, Chas. Poems....... <...12moBost. 1 25 1o0 THE BEST READING. Stedman, E. C. Poems, 3 v.............12mo Bost. $4 50 Stoddard. Poems, 12mo, $1; new Poems, 2 vols....12mo Bost. 2 50 Stowe, Mrs. Religious Poems...........16mo Bost. 2 00 Surrey, Earl of. Poems (B. P.).......... 18mo Bost. 1 25 Swain, Chas. Poems..................161o Bost. 1 50 Swift. Poetical Works (B. P.), 3 vols....18mo Bost. 3 7, Swinburne. Atlanta in Calydon, etc., 2 v.l2ino Bost. 4 00 Tasso Translated by Fairfax........... 12mo N. Y. ~- ~~ — - W -Viffen.............16mo ~. Y. 1 25 Taylor, Bayard. Poems, 32mo, $1.50.....16mo Bost. 2 00 Taylor, H Philip Van Artevelde....... 18mo Bost. 1 50 Tegner (Swedish). Frithiof's Saga, ed. by Bayard Taylor....16mo N. Y. 1 50 Tennyson. Poetical Works, 2 vols.......16mo Bost. 4 00 ~___ _ - - Fireside ed., 10 v.16mo Bost. 10 00 121mo, $1.75; 2 v.32mo Bost. 3 00 Cheap ed.,8vo, N.Y. $1.25.24mo Bost. 1 50 Various Illustrated ed's. The Last Tournament.. 12mo Bost. 1 25 -- Separate Works, ea. $1. to 1 50 Terry, Rose. Poems................... 16mo Bost. 1 25 Thackeray. Poems....................12mo Bost. 1 25 Theocritus. Trans. by Chapman.........16mo Lond. Thompson. Poetical Works (B. P.) 2 v...18mo Bost. 2 50 Tickell. Poems...................... Trowbridge. TheVagabond& other Poems.16mo Bost. 1 50 Tuckerman, H. T. Poems............... 12mo Bost. 1 25 Tupper. Proverbial Philosophy, various editions.....N. & P. 75c. to 6 00 Vaughan. Poems (B. P.)............... 18mo Bost. 1 25 Virgil. Trans. by Dryden, etc., 2 vols....18mo N. Y. 1 50 - Literal translation...............2mo N. Y. 1 50 Waller. Poems, ed. by Bell............16mo L. 2s. Gd. Watson. Beautiful Snow & other Poems. 12mo Phila. 2 00 Watts. Poetical Works (B. P.)..........18mo Bost. 1 25 Wesley, Chas. Poems................ 16mo N. Y. 1 50 White, H. K. Poetical Works (B. P.)....18mo Bost. 1 25 Whitman, Walt. Poems (Leaves of Grass), 2 vols....12mo N. Y. 2 50 Whittier. Poetical Works (2 v., $5), 2 v.l6mo Bost. 4 00 Red line edition..16mo Bost. 4 50 - ~___ ~_ -- Blue and gilt, 2 v.l6mo Bost. 3 00 ~~~~ ~ ~various Illus. ed. Separate works........ ea. Bost. $1 to 1 50 Wieland. Oberon. Trans. by Sotheby.. Willis, N. P. Poems (Illust. ed., $6).....1mo N.Y. 1 60 Wilson, John. Poems (in his works)....12mo Loud. 6s. Wordsworth. Poetical. Works, 7 vols....18mo Bost. 8 75 1 vol..... 8vo Phila. 4 00 Choice Poems..o..........12Uo Lond. 1 75 Wyatt, Sir Thos. Poetical Wor.ks(B. P.).18mo Bost. — -. 25 POETRY-POIONS —POLITICAL ECONOMY, ETC. 167 Young. Night Thoughts, and other Poems, 2 vols....18mo Bost. $2 50 Poetry.-HUMOROUS, COMIC, SATIRICAL, ETC. Aytoun, W. E. Fermillian..............12mo Bon Gaultier's Ballads... 12mo L. 8s. Gd. "Awful" and other Jingles. By P. R. S. 12mo N. Y. 1 25 Barham. Ingoldsby Legends........... l2mo N. Y. 2 25 Butler, (Saml). Hudibras, (16mo $1.25) 2 v.18mo Bost. 2 50 ---- various Eng. ed's. Gilbert, W. S. The Bab Ballads........12mo Phil. 1 75 Harte, (Bret.) Poems (in dialect), 2 vols..12mo Bost. 3 00 - -- - Red line ed. Illust.16mo Bost. 4 50 Hay, John. Pike County Ballads........ 12no Bost. 1 50 Juvenal and Persius. Satires, trans.....12lo Bohn. 2 25 Lear. A Book of Nonsense, Illust.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Leland, C. G. Hans Breitmann Ballads, etc.12mo Phil. 2 00 Lowell, J. R. Fable for Critics.......... 12mo Bost. 75 Bigelow Papers, 2 vols....12mo Bost. 3 00 Parton. Humorous Poet. of the Eng. Lang. 8vo Bost. 3 00 Trumbull, J. McFingal, an Epic........16mo N. Y. 1 50 Poisons. Christisson. Treatise on Poisons....... 8vo Lon. 10s. Horsley. Toxicologists' Guide.......... 12 no Lond. 3s. 6d. Poland. Corner. History of Poland and Russia.. 18mo L. 3s. Gd. Day. Russian Gov't in Poland. 1867... 8vo Lond. Dunham. History of Poland......Lond. 16mo 3s. 6d, Edwards. Polish Insurrec. of 1863, 2 vols.l6mo Lond. Fletcher. History of Poland............18mo N. Y. 75 Van Zandt. History of Poland........ Polar Regions.-[See Arctic.] Political Economy.-[See also Banking, Free Trade, Money, Taxation.] Bentham, Jer. Works, 11 vols.......... 8vo Edinb. 28 00 Bowen, F. Political Economy........... 8vo Bost. 2 50 Carey. Political Economy, 3 vols........ 8vo Phila. 10 00 Cairnes, J. E. Political Economy....... 8vo Lond. 6s. Champlin. Political Economy......... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 Colton, C. C. Public Economy of U. S... 8vo N. Y. 2 25 De Quincey. Logic of Political Economy.12mo Bost. 1 50 Elder, Wm. Questions of Pub. Policy, etc. 8vo Phila. Gevons, W. S. Theory of Polit. Econ. 1871.12mo Lon. 9s. Greeley. Science of Political Economy.. 12ino Bost. 1 50 Malthus, T. Political Economy....Lond. 12mo 3s. 6d. ~ — - On Population, 2 vols....... 8vo Lond. McCulloch. Literature of Political Econ. 8vo Lon. 14s. Indust'l Hist. of Free Trade. 8vo Lond. Political Economy.,...... 12mo Lond. 1 75 168 THE BEST READING. Mill, J. S. System of Political Econ., 2 v. 8vo. N. Y. $5 00 Principles of Polit. Economy. 8vo L. & B. 2 50 Moran. On Money..................... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Perry, A. L. Elements of Political Econ.12mo N. Y. 2 50 Say, J. B. Political Economy.......... 8vo Phila. 2 50 Seaman. Progress of Nations, etc., 2 vols. 8vo 5 00 Smith, Adam. Wealth of Nations...... 12mo L. & N. 2 50 Edited by Rogers, 2 v. 8vo Lon.21s. ~ ~-____- Edited by McCulloch. 8vo Lond. 5 50 Walker, Anmasa. Science of Wealth..... 8vo Bost. 3 00 Wayland. Elements of Political Economy.12mo N. Y. 1 75 Political Science-POLITICS. Blakey, R. Hist. of Political Litera.,2v.. 8vo Lon. Ss. Brougham. Political Philosophy, 3 vols. 8vo Lond. 5 00 Greg, W. R, Political Science,2 vols.... 8vo Lon. 24s. Leslie, T. E. C. Land Systems of England and Ireland.... 8vo Lon. 12s. Lieber, F. Civil Liberty and Government. 8vo Phila. 3 25 - Political Ethics, 2 vols....'... Svo Bost. MacPherson, E. Political Manual....... 8vo Wash. McClusky. Politician's Hand Book...... Political Cyclopedia, 4 vols..............12mo Bohn. 7 00 Polynesia.-[See also Pacific, and names of Islands.] Ellis. Polynesian Researches, 4 vols.....12mo Bohn. 14s. Pritchard, W. T. Polynesian Researches. 8vo Lond. Russell. History of Polynesia........... 18mo N. Y. 75 Smythe, Mrs. Ten Years in Fiji Islands. 8vo Oxf. 15s. Pompeii. Dyer, T. H. Pompeii, its History, etc.... 8vo Lond. 7 00 Gell & Gandy. Pompeiana to 1819. Ill. r. 8vo Lon. 15s. Monier, M. Wonders of Pompeii.......18mo N. Y. 1 50 Poor-PAUPERISMr.-[See Charities.] Popes.-[See Church History.] Population.-[See Political Economy.] Popular Science.-[See Natural Science, and names of Sciences.] "Reason Why" Series ($1.25 to $5 ea.), 18 v.12mo L. & P. Scribner's Wonder Library, 22 vols..... 18mo N. Y. ea. 1 50 Wells. Things not Generally Known....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Porcelain and Pottery. Bohn, H. G. Guide to Pot'ry, Porcel'n, etc. 12mo Bohn. 2 50 Chaffer. Pot'ry and Porcel'n, Marks, etc.r. 8vo Lond. 9 25 Keramic Gallery, with 600 Illustrations of Pottery, etc., photographed, 2 v. 8vo Lond. 32 00 Marryatt, Jas. History of Mediaeval Pottery, etc... 8vo Lond. 21 00 Wedgewood, Life of. Fully Illust.,2 v..r. 8vo Load. 12'00 PORTRAITS-POSITIVISM-POULTRY-PREACHING, ETC. 169 Portraits.Gallery of Portraits. Edited by Charles Knight, 7 vols.. r. 8vo Lond. National Portrait Gallery (Amer.). Edited by Duyckinck, 2 v... 4to N. Y. (English) 5 vols....r. 8vo L. ~8. Portugal.-[See Spain.]. Positivism.-[See Mfetaphysics.] Comte, A. Positive Philosophy......... 8vo N. Y. Mill, J. S. Comte and Positivism........12mo Lond. Poultry.-[See also Agriculture.] Bement. Poulterer's Companion.........12mo N. Y. $2 00 Cooper, J. W. Game Fowls............. Doyle. Illust. Book of Poultry, col. plates. 8vo Lond. 2 50 Piper, H. Profita. & Ornamental Poultry.12mo Lond. 1 75 Poultry Yard..........................18mo Lond. 50 Richardson. Domestic Poultry.......... 18mo N. Y. Saunders. Domestic Poultry............ 2no N. Y. 75 Tegetmeir, W. B. Poultry Book col'd...r. 8vo Lond. 9 00 Wright L. Practical Poultry Keeper....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Prayers.-[See Devotion.] Preaching and Preachers.-[See also Sermons.] Gould, S. B. Post Mediaeval Preachers..16mo Lond. Hood, E. P. Lamps, Pitchers & Trumpets.12mo L. 10s. 6d. Hoppin, J. M. Office & VWork of Christian Ministry....12mo N. Y. 3 50 Jackson. Curiosities of Pulpit Literature.12mo Lond. 2 00 Pulpit Themes & Preacher's Assistant...12mo N. Y. 2 00 Ramsay, E. B. Pulpit Table Talk....... 1mo L. 3s 6d. Zincke. Extempore Preaching..........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Precious Stones.-[See Gems.] Printing. Humphrey. History of Printing. Illust. folio Lond. 26 00 Mackellar, T. American Printer......... 12mo Phila. 1 50 Pearson, E. C. Giittenberg & the Art of Printing...12mo Bost. 2 00 Ringwalt. American Cyclo. of Printing.. 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Savage. Dictionary of Printing......... 8vo Lon. 12s. Prisons.-[See Crimes and Punishments.] Protoplasm. Beale, L. S. Protoplasm; Life,Force, etc.12mo L.6s. 6d. Mystery of Life........... Sterling, J. H. As Regards Protoplasm.. Tyson, Jas. The Cell Doctrine.......... 12mo Phila. 2 00 170 THE BEST READING. Proverbs. Fielding. Proverbs of all Nations....... 1Gmo Loud. $1 25 Hand Book of English Proverbs.........12mo Boln. 2 50 Kelly, W. K. Proverbs of all Nations, Exp'd, etc....l2mo Andov. 1 25 Polyglott of Foreign Proverbs...........21110 Bolln 2 50 Proverbs of Solomon, in Eng., Fren. & Ital.1Gmo L. 3s. Gd. Prussia.-[See Germany.] Carlyle. Frederick the Great, 6 vols.....12mo N. Y. 12 00 History of Prussia. By M. A. D.........1Gmo Lond. Ranke. Memoirs of House of Brandenburg, 3 vols.... 8vo Lon. 36s. Vehse. Memoirs of Court of Prussia....12mo L. 6s. 6d. Psychology.-[See Metaphysics.] Punctuation. Wilson, J. Punctuation.................12mo Bost. 1 50 Puritans.-[See also New England.] Felt, J. Ecclesiast. Hist. of N. England, 2 v. 8vo Hall. The Puritans & their Principles.. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Martyn,W. C. Hist. of English Puritans.12mo N. Y. 1 25 Pilgrim Fathers of N. E.12mo N. Y. 1 25 Neal. History of the Puritans, 2 v...... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Puzzles.-[See Conundrums, etc.] Pyramids.-[See Egypt.] Pyrotechnist's Compan. By G. W. Mortimer.l2mo 1 25 Quotations.-[See also Selections.] a. Bartlett. Dictionary of Quotations.....12mo Bost. 3 00 Ballou, M. M. Treasury of Thought; Encyclopedia of Quotations... 8vo Bost. Dictionary of Latin Quotations..........12mo Bohn 2 50 a. Great Truths from Great Authors....... 8vo Phila. 2 00 Ramage. Beautiful Thoughts from Greek, Lat.,Fren., Ger., Span. & Ital. authors, with orig. text, 4 vols............... 12mo Lond. 12 00 Southgate. Many Thoughts of Many Minds.... 8vo L. 1Os. Gd. Second Series.......... 8vo L. 12s. 6d. Thompson. Sentences f'm Gr'k Dramatists.16mo Edinb. Things Old and Nev, or Storehouse of Similes.... 8vo Lond. 7 00 Railroads. Chambers, W. About Railways.........12mo Lond. Dodd, G.W. Railways, Steamers & Telegs.l2mo Lond. Poor, H. V. Manual of Railroads in U. S. 8vo N. Y 5 00 Rationalism.-[See Infidelity.] READING-RELIGION-RHETORIC, ETC. 171 Reading.-[See also Bibliography and Literature.] Moore, C. H. What to Read & How toRead.16mo N Y. $ 75 Porter, Noah. Books and Reading......12mo N. Y. 2 00 Potter, Bishop. Hand Book for Students and Readers.... 18mo N. Y. 75 Poole, WV. F. Index to Periodicals...... 8vo Bost. Pycroft. Course of Reading (by Spencer).12mo N. Y. 1 25 Todd, John. The Student's Manual..... 12mo North. 1 50 Willmot, R. A. Pleasures of Literature. Lond. 5s. RebeUion.-[See under England & United States.] Reference Books.-[See Dictionaries, Encyclopedias and under names of Subjects.J Reform.-[See Sociology, Temperance & Women's Rights.] Reformation.-[See Church History.] Religion.-[See also Bible, Christianity, Church History, Devotion, Evidences of Christianity, Heathenism, Science & Religion.] Beard, J. R. Progress of Relig. Thought. 8vo Bost. 1 75 Beecher, H. W. Lecture Room Talks...12mo N. Y. 2 5) Clarke, J.F. Teln Great Religious Beliefs.12mo Bost. 3 00 Goulburn, E. M. Thoughts on Personal Religion..12mo N. Y. 1 00 ~- ~ Pursuit of Holiness..l2mo N. Y. 75 Gould, S. B. Origin of Religious Belief, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 4 00 Hunt, J. Relig. Thought in England, 2 v. 8vo L. 42s. Moffatt.. Comparative Hist. of Religions. 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Revenue.-[See Free Trade, Political Economy, and Taxation.] Revolution.-[See under Prance and United States.] Rhetoric.-[See also Elocution and Oratory.] a. Bain. Composition and Rhetoric........12mo N. Y. 1 75 Bascom. Philosophy of Rhetoric........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Blair. Treatise on Rhetoric............ 8vo N. Y. 3 00 ___ — ~ ~- Edited by A. Mills.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Campbell. Philosophy of Rhetoric...... 8vo N. Y. 1 50 Coppee. Elements of Rhetoric.........12mo Phila. 1 60 Kerl. Composition and Rhetoric.......12mo N. Y. 1 25 Whately. Elements of Rhetoric........12mo Bost. 1 75 Rhode Island. Arnold, S. G. History of Rhode Island, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Peterson. History of Rhode Island...... 8vo N. Y. Romance.-[See Fiction.] Romanism.-[See also Church History.] Burk. Medieval Popes, 4 vols.......... 8vo Lon. 42s. 172 THE BEST READING. Dollinger. Fables about Popes of Middle Ages.... 8vo Lon. 14s. Dowling, J. History of Romanism...... 8vo N. Y. Moehler, J. A. Symbolism.............. 8vo N.Y. $4 00 Pressens6. Rome and Italy; Opening of Council....12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Ranke. History of the Popes, 3 vols....l2mo Bohn 5 25 Rome and the Popes. From the German of Brandes... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 Spalding. (Roman Catholic) History of the Reformation.... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Review of D'Aubigne's Refor. 12moo Lon. 3s. 6s. Lect. on Evid. of Catholicity. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Wiseman, Cardinal. Mem'ls of Four Popes. 8vo N.Y. 1 50 Doctrines of the Cath. Ch'h.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Rome-(ANCIENT)-ROMAN EMPIRE. (1.) ANCIENT WRITERS. Livy. History. Trans.,4 vols..........1t2mo Bohn 9 00 Plutarch. Civil Wars of Rome. Trans. by Long.... Polybius. General History............. Sallust. Trans. by Rose............... 2mo Bohn 2 2o Suetonius. Trans. by Thompson........12mo Bohn 2 25 Tacitus. Literally translated........2v.12mo Bohn 4 50 ~ —- Trans. by Murphy.........1 v. 8vo N. Y. (2.) MODERN WRITERS. a. Arnold, Thomas. History of Rome...... 8vo N. Y. 4 50 Later Rom. Com'nwealth, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 24s. Bonner. Child's History of Rome, 2 v...16mo N. Y. 2 50 De Quincey. The Ceesars...............16mo Bost. 1 25 b. Dyer, T. H. History of Kings of Rome.. 8vo Lond. 5 00 - History of the City of Rome. 8vo Lond. b. Gibbon. Decline & Fall of Rom. Emp., 8 v. 8vo Lon. 60s. The same, 6 vols.............. I2mo N. Y. 9 00 a. The same, complete in 3 vols...12mo N. Y. 7 50 The Student's edition, condensed.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Goodrich. Pictorial History of Rome... i2mo Phila. 1 75 Liddell. Student's History of Rome.....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Long. Decline of Roman Republic...... Lord, John. The Old Roman World..... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Merivale. Hist. of Roman Empire, 7 v.. 8vo N.Y. 14 00 -- -- Conversion of Roman Empire. 8vo N. Y. 1 50 Michelet. History of Roman Republic...12mo Bohn 1 75 6 Mommsen. History of Rome, 4 vols.... 12mo N. Y. 8 00 Niebuhr. History of Rome, 3 vols..... 8vo Lon. 36s. - Lectures on Hist. of Rome, 3 v.12mo Phila. 5 00 Pictorial History of Rome, 3 vols........ 12mo Glasg. 9 00 Schmitz. Roman History............... 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Sewell. Child's History of Rome.......16mo N. Y. 75 b Sismondi. Fall of the Roman Empire, 2 v. Loud. 4 00 ROME-RURAL SPORTS-RUSSIA. 173 Smith. Smaller History of Rome.......16mo N. Y. $1 00 a. Student's Gibbon..............12o. Y. 2 00 Rome.-(3) MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. Arnoy, M. d'. Private Life of the Romans. a. Becker. Gallus; or Life among the Romans.12mo N. Y. 3 50 Forsyth. Life of Cicero, &c. [See Biog.] Knight. Social Life of the Romans..... Novels Illustrating Roman Life, viz: Croly-Salathiel. De Mille-Helena's Household. Kingsley's Hypatia. Lockhart's Valerius. Ware's Probus or Aurelian. [See Fiction.] - MODERN (CITY). Butler, C. M. Inner Rome............12mo Phila. 1 75 ~- ~ St. Paul in Rome.........12mo Phila. 1 75 Eaton. Rome in the 19th Century, 2 vols.12mo Bohn 5 00 Eustace. Classical Tour in Italy, 3 vols. 16mo L. 10s. 6d. b. Gell. Topography of Rome, new ed., 2 v. 8vo Lond. 4 50 b. Hawthorne, Mrs. England and Italy...l2mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Hare. Walks in Rome. 1871........... 12mo Lond. 3 50 Kip, Bishop. Christmas Holidays in R. 12mo N. Y. 1 75 - The Catacombs of Rome...........18mo N. Y. Murray. Hand Book to Rome...........12mo Lond. 9s.'Roma Sotteranea. Trans. by Northcote. 8vo L. 31s. 6. a. Story, W. W. Roba di Roma.......... 8vo L. & P. 4 00 a. Taine. Rome and Naples.............. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Rural Sports.-[See also Hunting, Angling, etc.] Blaine. Encyclopedia of Rural Sports... 8vo Lon. 42s. Strutt. Sports and Pastimes of People of England.... 8vo Lond. 3 00 Walsh ("Stonehenge"). Cyclo. of Rural Sports.... 8vo Lond. 7 00 White. History of British Turf, 2 vols... 8vo Lond. 6 00 Russia.-[See also Crimean War, Siberia.] b. Bell, R. History of Russia, 3 vols. Lond. 18mo 10s. 6d. Bremner, R. Interior of Russia, 2 vols.. Lon. 21s. Bush. Reindeer Dogs and Snow Shoes... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Dixon, W. H. Free Russia............ 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Gurowski, A de. Russia as it Is........ 12mo N. Y. 1 00 Jermann. Pictures from St. Petersburg.12mo N. Y. 1 00 a. Kelly, W. R. History of Russia, 2 vols..12mo Bohn. 3 50 Kohl, J. G. Russia and the Russians.... 8vo Lon. 5s. Maxwell. The Czar, his Court and People. 12mo N. Y. Morley, H. Sketches of Russian Life ('66).16ino Lond. Oliphant, L. Russian Shores of the Black Sea.... 8vo Lon. 14s. Proctor, Edna D. A Russian Journey... l2mo Bost. 1 25 Schmitzler. Secret History of the Court of Russia, 2 vols.... 8vo Lon. 28s. Schmucker. Life of Catherine II........12mo Phila. 1 75 Life of Nicholas I..........12mo Phila. 1 75 174 THE BEST READTOG. Stephens, J. L. Greece, Russia, Poland, etc., 2 vols... 12mo N. Y. $3 00 a. Taylor, Bayard. Greece and Russia..... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Sacred History.-[See Bible, Christianity, CJurch JLirtory, Religion, Romanism, Monastic Orders.] Sacred Poetry.-[See under Poetry.] St. Domingo. Chazotte. Insurrection in St. Domingo... Franklin. Present State of Hayti........ Sandwich Islands. Cheever, H. T. Life in Sandwich Islands.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Jarves, J. J. Hist. of Sandwich Islands.. 8vo L. 3s. 6d. Simpson, A. Sandwich Islands......... 8vo Lond. 4s. Saracens.-[See Arabia, Arabs, Africa, and M ohammed (Biography).] Sardinia. Murray. Hand-B'k for Sardinia, Genoa, etc.lno Lond. 9s. Tyndale, J. W. Island of Sardinia, 3 vols. 8vo L. 31s. 6d. Satire.-[See under Poetry, Humorous Works.] Scandinavia.-[See also Denmark, Norway, S'ceden.] Browne, J. Ross. The Land of Thor. I.12Imo N. Y. 2 00 Crichton, A., & Wheaton, H. History of Scandinavia, 2 vols.....18mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Mallett. Northern Antiquities.......... 12mo Lond. 2 50 Sinding, Paul. History of Scandinavia..12mo N. Y. a. Taylor, Bayard. Northern Travel: Denmark, etc.... 2mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Wheaton, H. History of the Northmen.. 8vo Phila Schools.-[See Education.] School Architecture. Johannot, Jas. School Houses.......... 8vo N. Y. Schleswig-Holstein. Bunsen, C. C. J. von. Schleswig and Holstein. Lond.... 8vo 3s. 6d. Dicey, E. The Schleswig-Holstein War, 2 v.16mo Lond. Science.-[See.Natural HIistory, Natutral Philosophy, Natulral Sience, Natural Theology, a)nd namles of Sciences.] Science and Religion.-[See also Natural Theology.] Adams. Elements of Christ. Science'50.. Phila. a. Argyll, Duke of. The Reign of Law.....12mo L. & N. 2 00 Babbage, C. Ninth Bridgewater Treatise. 8vo L. 9s. Gd. a. Bascom, John. Science, Philosophy and Religion....12mo N. Y. 1 75 SCIENCE AND RELIGION-SCOTLAND-SECRET SOCIETIES. 175 Bremer, Rev. Dr. Theology in Science...12mo L. & N. $2 00 a. Chadbourne, P. A. Natural Theology...12Imo N. Y. 1 75 b. Child, G.C. Benedicite: The Power, Wisdom, etc., of God in Creation.. 12ino N.. 2 00 Cooke, J. Religion and Chemistry...... 12mo Lond. 1 00 Excelsior. Helps to Prog. in Relig., 6 v.11ino Lon. 14s. Hitchcock, E. Religion and Geology....12mo Bost. 1 o Morris, Rev. H. W. Science and the Bible. 8vo Phila. 3 75 Pater Mundi, or Modern Science and a Heavenly Father....12mo Bost. 1 50 Porter, Noah. The Sciences of Nature vs. The Science of Man.....12o N. Y. 1 00 b. Rawlinson. Historical Evidences of Scripture Records.... 12mo Bost. 1 75 Sidney, Rev. Conversations on the Bible and Science....12mo L. & N. 2 00 Sutton, G. Faith and Science........... 8vo Lond. 9s. Thompson, J. P. Man in Genesis and Geol.l2mo N. Y. 1 00 Walker, J. B. God Revealed in Nature and Christ.... 12no N. Y. 1 50 Scotland.-[See Biography, Mary Queen of Scots, etc.] Abbott, Jacob. A Summer in Scotland... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Boswell, J. A Tour to the Hebrides..... 12mo L. 3s. Gd. Buchanan (and others). Hist. of Scotland. 8vo Glasg. 15s. b. Burton, J. H. History of Scotland, 2 v.. 8vo L. 26s. Chambers. Hist. of Rebellions in Scot...18mo Edin. 4s. Hunnewell. The Lands of Scott........12mo Bost. 2 50 Laing. History of Scotland, 4 vols...... 8vo Lond. Mackenzie. History of Scotland........ 8vo L. & N. 3 50 Maxwell. The Battle Hist. of Scotland..12mo L. & N. 2 50 Mignet. Hist. of Mary Queen of Scots... 8vo Lon. 6s. Ramsay. Scottish Life and Character.... 16mo Bost. 1 50 a. Robertson. Hist. of Scotland underMary. 8vo N.Y. 2 00 Rogers, C. Scotland, Social & Domestic. 8vo Lon. 21s. a. Scott, Sir. Hist. of Scotland, 2 vols......12mo Lon. 7s. Tales of a Grand.father, 6 vols. Bost. 7 50 The same, 4 vols.......... Phila. 5 00 Sinclair. Scotland and the Scotch..... 12mo Ed. 2s. 6d. b. Strickland, Miss. Lives of the Queens of Scotland, 8 vols....12mo N. Y. 12 00 Stuart, G. Scotland under Mary........ Tytler. History of Scotland, 4 vols in 2.. Svo Edn. 9s. Scriptures. —[See Bible.] Sculpture.-[See, Fine Arts.] Sesesio1.-[See Rebeliol — under United States.] Secret Societies. Findell. History of Freemasonry....... 8vo L. 10s. Gd. Fox, T. L. Freemasonry in England....16mo Lond. 176 THE BEST READING. Greene, S. D. Broken Seal, or the Morgan Abduction....12mo Bost. $1 50 James, G. P. R. History of Secret Societies of the Middle Ages.... Jennings, H. The Rosicruciains.........12mo Lond. Rebold, E. Freemasonry in Europe..... 8vo Cincin. Stearns, J. G. Inquiry into Freemas. 1858.18mo Utica Letters on Freemasonry. 1860.12mo Utica Selections-ExTRACTS.-[See also Quotcatons.] ai. Knight. Half Hours with best Authors, etc. [See Literature and History.] Laconics; or, the best Words of the best Authors, 3 vols...... 1mo L. 7s. 6d. b. Landor. Selections from. By Hillard... 8vo Bost. 2 50 Milton. Treasures from Prose Writings of.18mo Bost. 2 50 Montagu, Basil. Selections from Taylor, Hooker, Barrow, etc..12mo N.Y. 1 50 Parton. The Words of Washington, selected, etc... 16mo Bost. 1 00 Saunders. Salad for the Solitary, etc....12mo N. Y. 4 00 Selections from Jeremy Taylor..........16mo Bost. 1 25 a. Smith, Sydney. Wit and Wisdom of. Edited by Duyckinck..12mo N. 1. 2 25 Southgate. Noble Thoughts in Noble Language... 8vo Lond. Many Thoughts of Many Many Minds, 2 series, ea. 8vo L. 12s. 6d. Townsend. Everyday Book of Mod. Lit. sq. 8vo Lond. 4 00 Sermons.-[See also Preaching and Preachers.] *** This selection is obviously meagre. Arnold, Thos. Serms. on Christ. Life, 2 v. 12mo N. Y. 4 00 Beecher, H. W. Sermons, 4 vols........ 8vo N. Y. ea. 2 50 Blair, Hugh. Sermons................. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Burns. Cyclopedia of Sermons......... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Bushnell. Sermons for the New Life.... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Butler, Bp. Sermons................. 12mo Bohn. 2 50 Collyer, Robert. Nature and Life....... 12mo Bost. 1 50 Hall, Newman. Sermons...............12mo N. Y. 1 75 Melville, Henry. Sermons, 2 vols......r. 8vo N.Y. 5 00 Murray, W. H. H. Music Hall Sermons..12mo Bost. 1 50 Pulpit Cyclopedia & Ministers' Companion. 8vo N.Y. 2 50 Robertson, F. W. Sermons, 4 vols. in 1.. 8vo Bost. 2 00 South, Bishop. Sermons, 5 vols........ 8vo N. Y. 20 00 Spurgeon. Sermons, 8 series.........ea.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Sketches and Skeletons of 500 Sermons.. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Taylor, Jeremy. Sermons (select).......12mo L. 3s. Gd. Servia. Ranke. History of Servia.........12mo Boln 1 75 Sewing Machine. Green. History of Sewing Machines,'64. 8vo Lond. 3 75 SHEEP-SHETLAND-SHEIPWRECKS-SIAM, ETC. 177 Shakespeare.-[See under Drama.] Sheep. Jennings. Sheep, Swine and Poultry....12mo N. Y. $1 75 Morrell. American Shepherd...........12mo N.. Y. 75 Randall. Sheep Husbandry...........12mo N. Y. 1 50 - Fine Wool Husbandry.........12mo N. Y. 1 ()0 Youatt. On Sheep....................12mo Phila. 1 00 Shetland-THE ORKNEYS, ETC. Sinclair, Cath. Shetland and Shetlanders.12mo L. 2s. 6d. Weld, C. R. Highlands, Orcadia and Skye. 8vo L. 12s. 6d. Ships.-[See Navigation.] Shipwrecks, etc. Barrow. The Mutiny of the Bounty..... 8mo N. Y. 75 Belcher, Lady. Mutiny of the Bounty... 8vo L. 12s. Goodrich. Man upon the Sea............ 8vo Phila. 2 25 Perils of the Sea......................18mo N. Y. 75 Redding, C. Shipwrecks and Disasters at Sea, 4 vols....16mo Lon. 14s Shooting.-[See Hunting.] Short Hand.-[See Phonography.] Siam. Bowring, Sir J. People and Kingdom of Siam, 2 vols.... 8vo Lon. 32s. Leonowens, Mrs. A. H. English Governess at the Court of Siam....12mo Bost. 3 00 Moulot, H. Trav.in Siam. 1858-60. 2 v. 8vo Lon. 32s. Siberia. Atkinson,T.W. Orien. and West. Siberia. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 ~ — ~ The same.............. 12mo Phila. 1 75 - - Amoor River..........r. 8vo Lon. 42s. Bush. Reindeer Dogs and Snow Shoes.. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Erman. Travels in Siberia, 2 vols...... 8vo L. 31s. 6d. Kennan. Tent Life in Siberia..........12mo N. Y. 2 00 Muller & Pallas. Conquest of Siberia... Pallas. Travels in Siberia........... Sicily.-[See also Italy.] Amari. Hist. of the Sicilian Vespers, 3 v.12mo L. 31s. 6d. Tuckerman, H. T. Sicily: a Pilgrimage.. 12mo N. Y. 75 Skating. Anderson, G. Art of Skating...........12mo L. 2s. 6d. Vandervell & Witham. System of Figare Skating.... l2mo Lond. 6s. Singing. Seiler. The Voice in Singing, from the German.... 12mo Phila. 1 30 178 THE BEST READING. Skepticism.-[See Infidelity.] Sketches.-[See Essays.] Sleep.-LSee also Dreams.] Hall, W. W. On Sleep................12mo N. Y. $1 50 Macnisl. Philosophy of Sleep..........12mo Glasg. Is. Social Science-" SOCIOLOGY.'-[See also Charities, Cooperation, Labor, Political Economy, Women's Rights.] Booth, A. T. St. Simon and.St. Simonians. 8vo L. 7s. Gd. Carey, H. C. Past, Present and Future.. 8vo Phila. 2 50 Princip.of Soc. Science, 3 v. 8vo Phila. 10 50 The same, ab'd by McKean. 8vo Phila. 2 50 Coxe, A. C. Moral Reforms Suggested..l2mo Phila. 1 00 (hapin, E. H. Moral Aspects of City Life.12mo N. Y. 1 00 Dall, C. H. The College, Market and Court.12mo Bost. 2 50 Elder, Wm. Questions of the Day, Economic and Social.... 8vo Phila. 3 00 Foote, E. B. Social Life Analyzed and Ill.12mo N. Y. 3 25 Galton, F. Heredit'y Genius, its Laws, etc. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Ginx's Baby: His Birth and otlier Misfortunes. (Satire on London Charities, by Jenkins)..12mo N. Y. 1 50 Greenwood, J. The Seven Curses of Lond.12mo Bost. 1 50 Hamley, Col. Our Poor Relations. Lon.l2mo 3s. Gd. Lord Bantam. By the Author of Ginx's Baby....12mo L. & N. Mackinnon,W.A. Hist. of Civilization,2 v. 8vo Lend. 7 50 Spencer, Herbert, Social Statics........12mo N. Y. 2 50 Solar System.-[~See Astronomy.] Songs.-[See Ballads, Poetry.] Sound.-[See Acoustics.] South America.-[See America, South, and names of each Country.] Grimshaw. History of South America.. 12mo Phila. 1 00 Hassaurek. Four Years among Spanish Americans... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Head. Journey across the Pampas & Andes.12mo L. 2s. Paez, R. Trays. in So. & Cent'l Am.plates. 8vo N.Y. 3 00 Waterston. Travels in South America.. 12mo L. 5s. South Seas.-[See East Indies, Pacific, Polynesia, etc.] Southern States.-[See United States and Separate States.] South Carolina. Ramsay. Hist. of Revolution in S. Caro. 8vo Simms, W. G. Hist. of South Carolina.. Spain and Portugal.-[See also Peninsular War.] Abbott, J. S. C. Romance of Spanish Hist.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Andersen, lBans C. In Spain............12mo N. Y. 2 25 SPAIN AND PORTUGAL-SPECTROSCOPE-SPIRITUALISM. 179 Attacllh at Madrid; Court of Isabella II..12mo N. Y. $1 00 Byrne,Mrs.W. P. Cosas de Espana,Ill. 2v. 8vo Lond. 7 50 Baxter, W. E. Portugal, Spain & Italy, 2 v. 8vo L. 21s. Callcott, Mrs. History of Spain & Port., 2v.12mo L. 12s. CondO. The Arabs in Spain, 3 vols...... 12mo Bohn 5 25 Dunham. Hist. of Spain & Portugal, 5 v.12gmo L. 17s. Gd. Florian. The Moors in Spain........... 18mo Ford, R. The Spaniards & their Country.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Hand "Book for Spain, 2 vols...12mo L. 30s. Gautier. Wanderings in Spain. 1853... 12mo Lond. Hay, John. Castilian Days............. 12mo Bost. 2 00 Herbert, Lady. Impressions of Spain... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Historical Sketches of Portugal........12mo L. 5s. Irving, Wash. The Conquest of Granada.l2mo N.Y. 2 25 - Same, cheaper ed'n, $1.25 and 1 75 Alhambra, $1.25, $1.75..12mo N. Y. 2 25 Mackenzie, A. Slidell. A Year in Spain,3v.12mo N.Y. 3 75 ~ —- ~- ~ Spain Revisited, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 3 50 Mallon, Lord. War of Succession in Spain. 8vo L. 15s. Spain under Charles II.... 8vo L. 6s. March, C. W. M!adeira & Portugal......12mo N. Y. Murray. Hand Book for Portugal.......12mo L. 7s. 6d. Prescott, W. H. Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, 3 vols.... 8vo Phila. 7 50 Phillip II., 3 vols....... 8vo Phila. 7 50 Ed. of Robertson's Chas.V., 3v. 8vo Phila. 7 50 Spanish Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil....r. 8vo Lond. 3 75 Thornbury. Life in Spain, 2 vols........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Ticknor. Hist. of Spanish Literature, 3 v.l2mo Bost. 10 00 Wallis, S. T. Glimpses of Spain........ 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Spain, her Institutions, &c.12mo Bost. 1 50 Wells, N. A. Picturesque Antiqs. of S. r. 8vo L. 8s. Gd. Spectroscope. Huggins. Spectrum Analysis........ 12mo Lond. Roscoe, W. E. Spectrum Analysis......12mo L. 21s. Schellen. Spectrum Analysis. Notes by Huggins.... 8vo Lon. 28s. Speeches.-[See Oratory.] Spiritualism.-[See also Demonology and Witchcraft, Supernatural.] Ashburner, J. Animal Magnetism and Spiritualism... 12mo L. 12s. 6d. Brittan, S. B. Man and his Relations.... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Davis, J. Death and After Life.........12mo Bost. 75 Other works, 7 vols...........12mo Bost. 8 00 Hammond, W. A.' Physics & Physiology of Spiritualism....12mo N. Y. 1 00 Hardinge, Emma. Modern American Spiritualism.... 8vo N.Y. -. 50 180 THE BEST READING.. Owen. R. D. Footfalls on the Boundary of another World....12mo Phila. $2 00 The Debatable Land between this World and the Next.. 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Report on Spiritualism, of the London Dialectic Society.... 8vo L. 15s. Sports.-[See Rural Sports.] Stammering and Stuttering. By Jamns Hunt.12mo L. 5s. Statistics. American Year Book. 1869............. 8vo Hart. 3 50 American Almanac. 1831 to 1861. scarce.12mo Bost. British Almanac & Companion. 1828 to'70.12mo L. ea. 4s. Homans. Bankers' Magazine. [See Periodicals.] Martin. Statesman's Year Book,'67,'68,'70. ca. L.10s. 6d. a. Macculloch. Dictionary of Commerce... 8vo L. 50s. Stat'l acct. of Brit. Empire, 2 v. 8vo L. 42s. Nat'l Hand Book of Facts and Figures..12mo N. Y. 1 50 Tribune Almanacs, 1843-1870, Reprint, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 10 00 United States Blue Book Annual........12mno Wash. U. S. Commercial Reports-Annual..... 8vo Wash. Steam Engine.-[Many Technical Works not included.] Bourne. Catechism of the Steam Engine.18mo Phila. 2 00 - Hand Book of Steam Engine...18mo Phila. 2 00 Treatise on Steam Engine..... 4to Lond. 21 00 King, W. H. Pract. Notes on Steam Eng. 8vo 2 00 Marten. Rec. of Steam Boiler Explosions. 8vo Lond 2 50 Robinson. On Explosion of Steam Boilers 12mo Bost. 1 25 Wallace. On Constructing Steam Engines.16mo Pittsb. 5 00 Young. Econ. of Steam on Com. Roads.12mo Lond. 2 50 Stenography.-[See Phonography.] Stereoscope. Brewster, Sir D. On the Stereoscope..... Stimulants.-[See Temperance.] Storms.-[See Meteorology.] Submarine Warfare. Barnes, J. S. Submarine Warfare...... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Scheliber, Col. von. Coast Defence.....r.8vo Lond. 15 00 Suez Canal.-[See Inter-Oceanic Communication.] Sugar. Grant, E. B. Beet Root Sugar and Cultivation of Beet.... 12mo Bost. 1 25 Reed, W. The Hist. of Sugar and Sugar Plants....12mo Lond. 2 75 Porter. History of the Sugar Cane....... 8vo Lond. 4 50 SUMATRA-SUPERNATURALISM —SUPERSTITION, ETC. 181 Sumatra. Marsden. History of Sumatra......... 4to L. 31s. 6d. Supernaturalism.-[See also Spiritualism.] a. Bushnell. Nature and the Supernatural. 8vo N. Y. $2 25 Dendy. Philosophy of Mystery.........l'mo N. Y. 1 50 Elliott. Mysteries, or Glimpses of the Supernatural.... 2Imo N. Y. 1 00 Howitt, Wm. Hist. of the Supernat'l, 2 v.12mo Phila. 3 00 b. Owen, R.D. The Debatable Land between this world and the next.... l2mo N. Y. 2 00 Superstition and Extravagances.-[See Demonology and Witchcraft.] Dixon, W. H. Spiritual Wives.........12mo Phila. 2 50 a. Gould, J. B. Curious Myths of Mid. Ages.12mo Bost. 2 50 Gould, S. Baring. Book of Were-Wolves.12mo Lond. 1 50 Gray, G. Z. The Children's Crusade....12mo N. Y. 1 50 b. Lea, H. C. Superstition and Force.......12mo Phila. 2 75 Mackay Chs. Popular Delusions, 2 vols.12mo Lond. 5s. Madden, R. R. Phantasmagoria, 2 vols.. 8vo Lond. 28s. Sweden.-[See also Scardinavia.] a. Andersen,HansC. Picturesof TravelinS.12moN.Y. 1 75 Fryxell, A. History of Sweden. Trans: by M. Howitt, 2 vols... 8vo Lond. 21s. b. Laing. Tour in Sweden............... 8vo Lond. 5s. Lloyd. Peasant Life in Sweden......... 8vo Lond. Vertot. Revolutions in Sweden........ 8vo L. 2s. Gd. a. Voltaire. Hist. of Charles XII.......... 12mo Phila. 1 00 Swedenborgianism. Ferrold. New Age of the New Church.'60. Bost. Giles, H. The Nature and Spirit of Man.12mo N. Y. 1 25 Man as a Spiritual Being......1l2mo N. Y. 1 25 James, H. Substance and Shadow......l12mo Bost. 2 00 Swedenborg. Angelic Wisdom; Divine Love.... 8vo Phila. 2 00 ~_____- - Concerning Providence. 8vo Phila. 2 25 ~- - ~ —- Doct. of Life for New Jerus.12mo Phila. 75 Heaven and Hell......... 8vo Phila. 2 50 The Divine Attributes.... 8vo Phila. 2 00 The True Christian Religion, 2 vols.... 8vo Phila. 5 00 ~ ~- ~ Economy of the Animal Kingdom, 2 vols.... 8vo Bost. 6 00 Doctrines of the New Jerusalem Church.... 12mo Bost. 60 Gems from Writings of. By Heller, 2 vols.... 12mo Bost. 2 00 Heaven Opened......... 12mo Bost. 1 25 182 THE BEST READING. Swimming. Frost. Art of Swimming.............. Switzerland.-[See also Alps; Glaciers.] Agassiz, L. Tours in Switzerland. 1833. Lond. b. Berlepsch. The Alps; Sketches of Life and Nature.... 8vo Lon. 15s. History of Switzerland (Lardner)........12mo L. 3s. Gd. Jones, Rev. H. The Regular Swiss Round. 8vo L. & N. $1 75 Morell, J. R. Scientific Guide to Switz'ld.l2mo L. 10s. 6d. Muller. History of Switzerland......... Murray. Hand Book for Switzerland... 12mo Lon. 9s. a. Swiss Pictures, drawn with Pen and Pencil. Illustrated.... folio Lond. 3 75 Vieusseux. Hist. of Switzerland, S. U. K. 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Zschokke. History of Switzerland......12mo N. Y. Synonymes. b. Crabbe, Geo. English Synonymes...... 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Doederlein. Hand-Book Latin Synonymes.12mo Lond. 4s. Graham. English Synonymes..........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Ramshorn. Latin Synonymes..........12mo L. 4s. 6d. a. Roget, P. M. Thesaurus of Eng. Words.12mo Bost. 2 00 b. Smith. Synonymes Discriminated...... 8vo L. & N. 6 00 Soule. English Synonyines............. Trench, R. C. Synonymes of N. Testam't.12mo N. Y. 1 25 b. Wedgewood. Dict. of English Synonymes. 8vo Loud. Whately, R. English Synonymes.....12mo Lond. 3s. Syria.-[See also Holy Land.] a. Curtis, G. W. The Howadji in Syria...12mo N. Y. 1 50 Kelly, W. K. Syria and the Holy Land.. 8vo L. 8s. 6d. Porter, J. L. Five Years in Damascus, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 21s. b. Prime, S. J. Trav. in Syria, Egypt, etc., 2 v.12mo N. Y. 3 00 Table Talk. a. Coleridge, S. T. Table Talk............12mo Lond. 6s. Doran. Table Traits.................. 8vo N. Y. 1 75 b. Hazlitt, W. C. Table Talk, 2 vols.......1l2mo Lon. 10s. Luther. Table Talk................... 12mo Boln. 1 75 Rogers, Samuel. Table Talk...........12mo N. Y. 1 00 Selden. Table Talk...................12mo Loud. 1 50 Tales and Novels.-[Sec Fiction.] Tariff.-[See Political Economy.] Tartary.-[See China. See also Asia: Pumpelly, etc.] a. Huc. Travels in Tartary and China, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 3 00 — ~ __ - ~-Tartary and Thibet....12mo L. 2s. Gd. Shaw. Explor. Journey in High Tartary. 8vo Lon. 16s. Tasmania.-[See Australia.] Taste.-[See Criticism.] TAXIDERA[Y-TECHNOLOGY-TELEGRAPHING, ETC. 183 Taxation.-[See Finance, Revenue, Political Economy.] Taxidermy. Brown. Taxidermist's Manual..........12mo Glasg. $1 25 Swainson. Taxidermy...........Lond. 12mo 3s. 6d. Teachers-Teaching.-[See Education.] Technology.-[See Inventions, Mechaanic Arts, etc ] Bigelow, Jacob. Technology, 2 vols.....12mo N. Y. Craig. Technol. Dictionary, 2 vols..Glasg. 4to 42s. Hazen. Popular Technol.: Trades, etc., 2 v.18mo N. Y. 1 50 Tehuantepec.-[See Inter-Oceanic.] Telegraphing. Bright, E. B. Electric Telegraph....... 16mo Lond. a. Cooke, WV.F. Electric Telegraphl...Lond. 8vo 3s. 6d. Field, H. M. Hist. of Atlantic Telegraph.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Prescott, G. B. Hist. of Elect. Telegraph.12mo Bost. 2 50 Pope. Mod. Practice of Elect. Telegraplh.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Russell, WV. H. Hist. of Atlantic Teleg..folio Lond. 15 00 Sabine. Hist. and Progress of Elect. Tel. 12mo Lond. 1 75 Van Choate. Ocean Telegraphing...... Temperance-INTEMPERANCE. Beecher, Lyman. On Intemperance.... a. Beard, G. E. Stimulants and Narcotics. 12mo N. Y. 75 Carpenter. Use and Abuse of Alcohol... 12mo Phlila. 60 Day, A. MTethoinania; Alco. Poison.....16ino Bost. 75 b. Fiske. J. Tobacco and Alcohol.......... 16mo N. Y. 1 00 Lear, F. R. Text Book of Intenp. (U.T.S.).12mo N. Y. 1 50 Macnish. Anatomy of Drunkenness.....12mo N. Y. Miner and Andrew. Discussion on..... 8vo Bost. Miller, Jas. Alcohol; its Place and Power.12mo Phila. 1 00 Alcohol. (U. T. Soc )...... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Parton, J. Smoking and Drinking..... 16mo Bost. 1 00 Tennessee. Carpenter. History of Tennessee........16mo Phila. 63 Ramsay. History of Tennessee........ Texas. Maillard. History of Texas. 1842....... 8vo Lon. 15s. Olmstead, F. L. Tour in Texas......... Yoakum. History of Texas. 1856...... N. Y. Theatre.-[See Drama.] Theism.-[See Infidelity.] Theology.-[See Bible, Church History, Devotion, Religion.] Aids to Faith: Theological Essays...... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Blunt, J. H. Dictionary of Doctrinal and Historical Theology..imp. 8vo Lon. 42s. 181 THE BEST READING. Dagg. Manual of Theology............ 8vo N. Y. $4 00 Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge..?r. 8vo Phila. 6 00 b. Hodge. System of Theology........... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Knapp. Christian Theology.......... 8vo Andov. Philosophy of the Plan of Salvation..... 12no Bost. 1 25 Pond, E. Pastoral Theology............12mo Andov. 1 75 Theologia Germanica, ed. by Prof. Stowe.. 12mo Andov. 1 50 Tyler, Prof. W. S. Theol. of Greek Poets.l2mo Andov. 1 75 Veneina. Institutes of Theology....... 8vo Andov. 2 50 Vinet. Outlines of Theology........... 8vo L. & N. 3 00 Tobacco.-[See Narcotics.] Torpedoes. Toxicology.-[See Poisons.] Trade and Commerce.-[See Business.] Tragedy.-[See Drama.] Trade Unions. —[See Co-operation.] Travels and Voyages-GENERALLY. (For those in particular Countries, see their names.) (1.) ART OF TRAVEL. a. Galton. The Art of Travel...... Lond..18mo 7s. 6d. Heine. Pictures of Travel, by Leland...12mo Phila. 1 50 Lord & Baines. Shifts and Expedients of Camp Life. 1871....r. 8vo Lond. Marcy, R. B. Instruc. for Prairie Travel. 16mo N. Y. 1 00 - (2.) GUIDE BOOKS, ETC. Appleton's Hand-Books for Travellers: ~- ~ - ~Northern States.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Middle States...12mo N. Y. 2 00 - - ~_ - Southern States.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Hand-Book for Europe.......12mo N. Y. 6 00 Harper. Hand-Book for Europe........12mo N. Y. 5 00 Murray's Hand-Books for Europe and the East, each 12mo, London, viz.: Berks, Bucks, etc., 7s. 6d.; Bombay and Madras, 2 volumes, 24s.; Continent (Europe), 10s.; Devon and Cornwall, 7s. 6d.; France, 10s.; Germany, North, 10s.; Germany, South, 10s.; Greece, 15s.; Italy, Northern, 12s.; Italy, Central, 10s.; Italy, Southern, 10s.; Kent and Sussex, 10s.; London, Modern, 3s. 6d.; London, Past, etc., 16s.; Malta, Turkey, etc., 15s.; Norway, Sweden, etc., 15s.; Portugal, 9s.; Rome, etc., 9s.; Russia, Iceland, etc., 12s.; Spain, 2 vols., 80s.; Surrey, Hants, etc., 7s. 6d.; Syria and Palestine, 2 vols., 24s.; Turkey, Asia, etc., 10s.; Wales, 2 v., 12s.; Wilts, Dorset, etc., 7s. 6d. Sargent, H. W. Skeleton Tours.........18mo N. Y. 1 00 TRAVELS AND VOYAGES-TREES. 1'85 Travels and Voyages-GENERALLY. - (3.) COLLECTIONS OF ADVENTURES, ETC. Adventures of Hunters and Travellers...12mo Phila. $1 75 Cleveland. Voyages and Cor. Enterprises.12mo Cnamb. Illustrated Travels; Record of Discov. and Adventure. Ed. by Bates, 3 v..r. 4to L. & N. ea. Library of Travel, 2 vos................ 8vo L. 17s. 6d. a. Taylor, Bayard. Cyclopedia of Mod. Trav. 8vo Cincin. 5 00 Library of Travel (edited by B. T.), - vols.....ea.12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. -- - Travels in Europe, Asia, Africa & America, 10 v.12mo N. Y. 15 00 -(4.) CIRCUMNAVIGATIONS AND JOURNEYS. Abbott. Rollo Books................ See Marco Polo Books........... Juveniles. Browne, J. Ross. Etchings on a Whaling Cruise.... 8vo N. Y. Crusoe's Island, Cal., 2 v.12mo N. Y. 1 75 Clemens (Mark Twain). The Innocents Abroad (Europe and Palestine)... 8vo Hartf. 3 50 b. Coffin, C. C. Our New Way Round the World.... 8vo Bost. 3 00 Cook's Voyages round the World, 2 vols. r. 8vo Lon. 24s. ~ ~~~- - abridged. Illust....12mo Lond. 2 00 a. Dana,R.H.,Jr. Two Years Before the Mast.12mo Bost. 1 50 b. Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain............12mo Phila. 3 00 Dufferin, Lord. Let'rs from High Latitud. 8vo Lond. 9s. Earth (The); Delineated with Pen and Pencil. By W. F. Ainsworth. Plates by Dore.... 4to Lon. 21s. Goodrich, F. B. Man upon the Sea; Hist. of Maritime Adventure.. 8vo Phila. 2 25 Macgregor. The Rob Roy on Baltic.....12mo Bost. 2 50 a. 1,000 Miles in the Rob Roy. 12mo Bost. 1 25 Minturn. New York to Dellli. by Rio, Australia and China....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Mountain Adventures in various Lands.12mo Bost. 2 50 Pfeiffer, Ida. 2d Jour. round the World. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Pumpelly, R. Across America and Asia.. 8vo N. Y. 2 50 Smiles. A Boy's Journey round the World.l2mo N. Y. 1 50 Wanderings in every Clime; Voyages, etc. Edited by W. F. Ainsworth. Illust. by Dore.... 4to Lond. 21s. Wilkes. U. S. Exploring Expedition Round the World, 5 vols..r. 8vo Phila. 20 00 The same, condensed in 1 vol..r. 8vo Phila. 3 00 Trees. Browne. The Forester................ Browne, D. J. The Trees of America.... 8vo N. Y. 5 50 Flagg. Wood Scenery of New England.. 180 THE BEST READING. Fuller. Forest Tree Culturalist........12mo N. Y. a. Hooper. Book of Evergreens........... 12mo N. Y. $3 00 London. Encyclo. of Trees and Shrubs.. 8vo Lond. 15 00 b. Michaux & Nluttall. North Ainer. Sylva, colored plates, 6 vols..r. 8vo Phila. 65 00 Meehan. Hand-Book of Ornamen. Trees. Warder. Hedges and Evergreens. 1858. 8vo N. Y. Trials.-[See Law.] Tripoli.-[See Africa, Nlorth.] Tunis.-[See Africa, North.] Turkey. Benjamin, S. G. W. The Turk & the Greek.12mo N. Y. 1 75 a. Creasy. History of the Ottoman Empire. 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Jacob & others. Hist. of Ottoman Empire.12mno L. 7s. 6d. Lamartine. History of Turkey......... b. Macfarlane. Turkey and its Destiny....12mo Phila. 2 00 Mavor. Ottoman Empire in Asia........ Mackenzie and Irby. The Turks, Greeks and Slavons.... 8vo Lon. 24s. Ranke. Ottoman and Spanish Empire in 16th and 17th Centuries.... 8vo Lond. 2s. Smyth, W. W. A Year with the Turks.. 8vo Lond. 8s. Toser. Highlands of Turkey, 2 vols..... 8vo Lon. 24s. Turkish Empire; Annals of. (Oriental Fund).... 4to L. 31s. 6d. b. Urquhart. Turkey and its Resources... 8vo L. 9s. Gd. Wise. Scampavias; Gebeltarek to Stamboul....12mo Phila. 1 75 Turning. Campin. Hand Turning............... 12mo Phila. 3 00 Turner's Companion....................12mo Phila. 1 50 a. The Lathe and its Uses................ 8vo Lond. 6 00 Watson. Manual of the Hand Lathe....12mo Phila. 1 50 Tuscany.-[See Italy.] Typography.-[See Printing.] Tyrol.-[See Switzerland.] United States.-[See also America, North; Mexico; New England; and Names of States.] The Sub-divisions below are: (1.) General IHistory, (2.) Revolution, (3.) War of 1812, (4.) IRebellion, (5.) Travels, etc. -(1.) GENERAL HISTORY. Adams, John. Works, Letters, etc., 10 v. 8vo Bost. 30 00 Life by J. Q. & C. F. Adams, 2 v.12mo Phila. 3 00 Adams, John Q. Diary and Memoirs..... 8vo Phila. 3 00 Adams, Samuel. Works and Life, 3 vols. 8vo Bost. 12 00 UNITED STATES. 187 b. Bancroft. Hist. of the United States, 9 v. 8vo Bost. $27 00 lsrtlett & Woodward. History of U. S. Illustrated, 3 vols.... 4to L. & N. 17 50 Benton. Debates in the U. S. Senate, 16 v. 8vo N. Y. 80 00 ------. 30 Years' View of Pub. Affairs, 2 v. 8vo N.Y. 10 00 Bowen, J. Child's History of U. S., 3 v..18mo N. Y. 3 75 Cooper, J. F. - Hist. of the Navy of U. S.. 8vo N. Y. 3 75 Cooke, V.A. Constitutional Hist. of U.S. 8vo Phila. 2 50 Draper, J. W. American Civil Policy... 8vo N. Y..2 50 Franklin, B. Writings, 10 vols......... 8vo Phila. 30 00 Gibbs, Geo. Administrations of Washington and Adams ('46), 2 v.. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Goodrich, S. (C. Hist. of the United States.12mo Phila. 1 75 Hamilton. Republic of the United States; Writings of Hamilton, 7 v.. 8vo Phila. 24 50 b. Hildreth, R. Hist. of the United States, 6 v. 8vo N. Y. 18 00 Howitt, Mary. American History, 2 v... 12mo N. Y. 3 50 Jefferson. Writings, 9 vols............ 8vo Phila. 27 00 Jennings, L. J. 80 Years of Rep. Gov. ('68).12mo N. Y. b. Lossing. Pictorial History of U. S...... 12mo N.Y. 2 00 Common School Hist. 12mo N. Y. 1 75 McPherson, E. Polit. Hist. of the U. S.. 8vo Wash. 3 00 Madison, Jas. Papers, Letters, etc., 4 v.. 8vo Phila. 16 00 Madison. Writings................. 8vo Bost. 3 00 National Hand-Book of Facts and Figures.12mo N. Y. 1 50 a. Parkman, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac..... 8vo Bost. 3 00 a. - Jesuits in North America.. 8vo Bost. 3 00 Patton. History of the United States...r. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Quackenboss. Hist. of the United States. 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Smith & Watson. Historical and Literary Curiosities.... 4to Phila. 7 00 Sargent, W. Hist. of the Braddock Exped. 8vo Phila. 5 00 a. Swinton, Wm. Hist. of the United States.12mo N. Y. 1 25 a. Tocqueville. Democracy in America, 2 v. 8vo Camb. 5 00 Tomes, Robt. Battles of America by Sea and Land. Illust., 3 v.... 4to N.Y. 24 00 Van Buren, M. Polit. Parties in the U. S. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Washington's Writings. By Sparks, 12 v. 8vo Bost. 24 00 Life & Times. By Irving, 5v.12mo N. Y. 11 25 Various other ed'ns. ~- ~- — ~ 1 v. $5.00; cond'nsd.l2mo N. Y. 2 50 Willard, Mrs. Hist. of Repub. of Amer.. 8vo N. Y. 2 25 Willson, M. Am. Hist. (chiefly U. S.).... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Wise, HenryA. Seven Decades of Am. I-list. 8vo Phila. -(2.) TlHE AMERICAN REVOLUTION. Bancroft. rSee United States General History.] Botta, C. History of Amer. Revolu., 2 v. 8vo Campbell,WV. W. Annals of Tryon County. 8vo N. Y. Ellett, Mrs. Women of the Am. Rev., 3 v. 12no N. Y. 25 - Domestic Hist. of Am. Rev.. 12mo N.. 1 50 Garden. Anecdotes of the Revol., 2 vols. 4to Brook. 188 TETE BEST READING. Greene, G. W. Hist. View of Amer. Rev.12mo N. Y. $1 50 ~~~ ~ Life of General Greene, 3v. 8vo N. Y. 12 00 a. Irving. Washington; Life and Times; the Revolution, 5 vols... 12mo N. Y. 11 25 Lee. War in the Southern Department.. 8vo Phila. b. Lossing. Field-Book of Amer. Rev., 2 v. r. 8vo N. Y. 14 00 -- Lives of Signers of Decl. Inde..12mo Phila. 1 50 Moore, G. H. Treason of Gen. Lee...... 8vo N. Y. Riedesel, Mrs. Gen. Letters and Journals; American Revolution.... 8vo Alb. 3 00 Rhoads. Battle-Fields of the Revolution. 12mo Phila. 1 75 Sabine, L. American Loyalists, 2 vols... 8vo Bost. 7 00 * Sparks. Diplomatic Correspondence of the Amer. Revolu. 1824,12 v. 8vo Bost. Washington and his Generals.........12mo Phila. 2 50 WTatson. Men & Times of the Revolution.12mo Phila. 1 50 Camp Fires of the Revolution.12mo N. Y. 2 00 - (3.) WAR OF 1812-14, AND WITH MEXICO, 1847. * Armstrong. General Notices of War of 1812, 2 vols. 1836....12mo N. Y. * Brackenbridge. War of 1812.......... * Dwight. Hist. of the Hartford Convention. 8vo * Ingersoll, C. J. Second War between United States and Great Britain.... 8vo a. Lossing. Field-Book of War of 1812, Ill. r. 8vo N. Y. 7 00 * Porter. Cruise in the Pacific........... 8vo Ripley. History of War with Mexico, 2v. 8vo N. Y. - (4.) REBELLION-OF 1861-5.-[See also Neutrality, International Law.] (8.) Abbott, J. S. C. History of the Rebellion. 8vo Hart. Appleton's History of the Rebellion...r. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Adams, F. C. Story of a Trooper; Siege of Washington....ea. N. Y. 2 00 Bartlett, J. R. Bibliography of the Rebellion and of Slavery. 1866...r. 8vo Bost. *** This volume contains no less than 6,073 titles of books and pamphlets, published on this subject, up to 18S6. Boutwell, G. S. Speeches, etc., on the Rebellion.... 8vo Bost. 2 50 Botts, J. Minor. The Great Rebellion... 12mo N. Y. 2 50 Boynton, C. B. American Navy during Rebellion, 2 vols.... 8vo N. Y. 8 06 Buchanan, J. Hist. of his Administration. 8vo N. Y. 1 50 Calhoun,J. C. Political Writings, 6 vols. 8vo N. Y. 15 00 Coffin, C. C. My Days and Nights on the Battle-Field....12mo Bost. 1 50 a. Draper, J. W. History of the American Civil War, 3 vols.... 8vo N. Y. 10 50 * Out of print and scarce. (s.) Subscription books. UNITED STATES. 189 Foote, H. S. War of the Rebellion...... l2mo N. Y. $2 50 (s.) Greeley, H. Hist. of the Amer. Conflict, 2 v. 8vo Hartf. 10 00 Harper's Pictorial Hist. of Rebellion, 2 v. folio N. Y. 12 00 (s.) Headley, J. T. History of Rebellion..... 8vo Hartf. 5 00 (s.) Lossing. Pictorial Hist. of the Civil War of the United States, 3 vols.. 8vo Hartf. 15 00 Lunt, G. Origin of the Late War.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 McPherson, E. Political History of U, S. during Reconstruction. 1871. 8vo Wash. Nichols, G. W. Story of the Great March.12mo N. Y. 2 00 Pollard, E. A. Southern Hist. of the War, 4 vols. in 2... N. Y. (s.) - - The Lost Cause.......... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 (s.) - Lost Cause Regained.....12mo N. Y. 1 50 (s.) - Life of Jeff. Davis, and Secret History.... 8vo Phila. 3 00 b. Rebel'n Record, ed. by Frank Moore, 12 v.. 8vo N. Y. 60.00 Russell, W. H. Diary in America....... 8vo N. Y. 1 00 Semmes, R. Service Afloat. 1869....... 8vo Bait. 5 00 (s.) Stephens, A. H. History of the War between the States, 2 v.. 8vo Phila. 6 75 Stille. History of the Sanitary Commliss. 8vo Phila. 3 50 (s.) Swinton, W. History of the Army of the Potomac.... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 a. - Twelve Decisive Battles... 8vo N. Y. 3 50 (a.) Tomes & Smith. The War with the South. Illustrated, 3 vols... 4to N. Y. 45 00 — (5.) TRAVELS, ETC., IN U. S.; GEOGRAPIY, STATISTICS. Agassiz, L. Tour to Lake Superior..... 8vo Bost. 3 50 Bowles, Sam. Across the Continent..... 12mo Spring. 1 50 Bremer, Fred'a. Homes of the New World. 2 vols....12mo N. Y. 3-00 Butler, Mrs. F. Kemble. Journal in Amer. 1835.... 12mo Phila. Chevalier, M. The United States. 1839. 8vo Bost. b. Coffin, C. C. The Seat of Empire......... 12mo Bost. 1 50 Dickens, Chas. American Notes........ 2mo N. Y. Dilke, C. W. Greater Britain.......... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 Dixon, W. H. New America.......... 8vo Phila. 2 00 Hall, Rev. N. Liverpool to St. Louis...12mo L. & N. 1 75 a. Irving. Bonneville's Adven. in Far West.12mo N. Y. 2 25 a. - Astoria-Enterprise beyond Rocky Mountains....12mo N. Y. 2 25 Jennings. United States................ 1 75 Kohl, J. G. Travels in the United States. Laboulaye, E. Paris in America........12mo N. Y. 1 50 Lewis & Clarke. Trav. in Rocky Mts., 2 v.18mo N. Y. 1 50 Lyell, Chas. Travels in the U. S. 1841.. - - Second Visit to U. S. 1849. 2 v.12mo N. Y. 3 00 McCrea, D. Americans at Home.'71. 2 v. lmo Lond. * Out of print and scarce. (s.) Subscription books. 190 THE BEST READING. Marcy, R. B. Thirty Years' Army Life on the Border.... 8vo N. Y. $2 00 Marryatt, F. Diary in America. 1839..121mo N. Y. Martineau, H. Society in America. 1837.12mo N. Y. Murray, C.. Travels in America. 1839. Murray, Hon. Miss. Letters from U. S..12mo N. Y. 1 00 Olmsted, F. L. The Back Country. 1860.12mo N. Y. 1 50 ~ —- ~- The Cotton Kingdom, 2 v.12mo N. Y. 2 00 The Slave States. 1861.12mo N. Y. Parkman, F. The California and Oregon Trail. 1849...1mo N. Y. Peto, Sir S. M. Resources and Prospects of America.... 12mo L. & N. 2 00 Poussin, G. T. The United States. 1851. 8vo Phila. Ruxton. Life in the Far West. 1851... 12mo N. Y. Rae. Westward by Rail; the New Route to East....12mo L. & N. Sala, G. A. Diary in America, 2 vols.... 8vo Lond. Shaw, J. Twelve Years in America.... 12mo Lon. 5s. Towle, G. M. Society in America, 2 vols. Lon. 21s. Tuckerman, H. T. America and her Commentators....12mo N. Y. 2 50 Universities.-[See Colleges.] Useful Arts.-[See Mlechanics, Technology, and Names of Arts.] Usury. Murray, B. C. History of Usury.... 8vo Phila. 2 00 Utah.-[See Mormons.] Venice. Flagg, E. Venice. 1853, 2 vols........ 12mo N. Y. 2 00 a. Howell, W. D. Venetian Life............12mo N. Y. 2 00 Smedley. Sketches of Venetian Hist., 2 v.l8mo N. Y. 1 50 Ventilation and Warming. -a. Ainslee, A. C. Smoking Fires. 1869.... Lond. 3s. Edwards. Our Domestic Fire-Places..r. 8vo Lon. 12s. Gouge, H. A. New Syst. of Ventilat'n.'70. 8vo N. Y. 2 00 Hood, C. Warming by Hot Water, etc.. 8vo Lond. 5 25 Leavitt, T. H. Facts about Peat......... 2mo 1 75 a. Leeds, F. W. Treatise on Ventilation... 8vo Lond. 2 50 Reed, D. B. Theory and Pract. of Ventil. 8vo Lond. 3 00 b. Ruttan. On Ventilation of Buildings, R.W. Cars, etc....r. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Tomlinson, C. Warming and Ventilation.16mo Lon. 3s. Wyman, M. On Ventilation. 1846......12mno Bost. Vermont. Carpenter & Arthur. Hist. of Vermont.. 18mo Phila. 63 Hall, H. History.of Vermont. 1868..... 8vo Alb'y 4 00 Thompson. Hist. of Vermont. 1842.... Burl'g. Williams. Hist of Vermont. 1809....... Burl'g. VIRGIIA —VOLCANOES AND EARTHQUAKES, ETC. 191 Virginia. Campbell, Cl. Hist. of Virginia. 1860.. 8vo Phila. $2 50 Dabley, R. L. Defence of Virginia.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Dodge,J. R. Western Virginia, its Farms, etc., 2 vols.... N. Y. 1 50 Foote. Sketches of Va. Hist. and Biogr.. 8vo Plila. 2 00 Pollard, E. A. Virginia Transit.........2mo Phila. 1 75 Howison. History of Virginia...8vo Smith. do. do....8vo o. p. and scarce. Stith. do. do....8vo Virginia Illustrated. By " Porte Crayon." 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Volcanoes and Earthquakes.-[See Natural Science, Geology.] Daubeny, C. Earthquakes and Volcanoes. 8vo Lon. 21s. Pouton. Earthquakes and Volcanoes.... 18mo L. 2s. 6d. Truche & Margolle. Earthq. and Volc..12mo Lond. 6s. Voyages.-[See Travels.] Wages.-[See Labor, Political Economy.] Wars. —[See each Country.] Warming.-[See Ventilation.] Watches.-[See Clocks.] Weather.-[See Meteorology.] Weights and Measures.-[See Metric System.] West Indies.-[See also Cuba, Jamaica, etc.] Baird. West Indies and North America. 12mo Phila. 75 Kingsley, C. At Last; Christmas in West Indies....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Trollope, A. The W. Indies & Span. Main.12mo N.Y. 1 50 Whist. Baldwin. On Short Whist............. 16mo N. Y. 1 00 Cavendish. On Whist................. 18mo N. Y. 75 Matthews. On Whist................ 18mo N. Y. Poole. Modern Game of Whist......... Routledge. Hand-Book of Whist.......18mo L. & N. 20 White Mountains. King, T. Starr. The White Mount's. Ill. 8vo Bost. 3 50 Wines.-[See also Agriculture.] Flagg. European Vineyards............12mo N. Y. 1 50 Haraszthy. Grape Cult. and Wine-Making. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Meade, P. B. American Grape Culture and Wine-Making..... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Mulder. Chemistry of Wine, translated by Jones....12mo Lond. 6s. Redding, C. Hist. and Descrip. Mod. Wines.12mo Bohn. 2 25 192 THE BEST READING Reemelin. Wine Maker's Manual....... 12mo Cincin. $1 25 Thudichum. Treatise on Wines........ 8vo Lond. Wisconsin. Ritchie, J. S. Wisconsin and its Resources. 1857....12mo Phila 1 25 Smith, W. R. History of Wisconsin, 2 v. 8vo Mad., W. Witchcraft. —[See Demonology.] Wit.-[See Humorous Works.] Women-WOMEN'S RIGHTS-SUFFRAGE, ETC. Bliss, W. W. Woman; her 30 Years' Pilgrimage....12mo Bost. 2 00 Brockett, L. P. Woman; her Rights, Wrongs, etc.... 12mo Hart. 2 00 ~- ~- Woman's Work in the Civil WVar.... 8vo Phil. 3 75 b. Bushnell, H. Woman's Suffrage; against Nature....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Butler, Josephine. Woman's Work and Culture.... 8vo L. &N. 3 50 a. Cobbe, F. P. The Pursuits of Women... 8vo L. 3s. 6d. b. Craik, Mrs. (Muloch). Woman's Thoughts about Women....12mo Lond. 5s. Dall, Mrs. C. H. College, Market& Court. 8vo Bost. 2 50 a. Dodge, Miss (Gail Hamilton). Woman's Wrongs.... 12mo Bost. 1 50 ~- - - Woman's Worth and Worthlessness.... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Hale, Mrs. Woman's Record........... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Linton. Ourselves; Essays on Women..12mo L.& N. 1 50 Logan, Olive. Women and Theatres....12mo N. Y. 1 50 Lowell, Mrs. A. C. The Educat'n of Girls.16mo Bost. Ludlow, J. M. Woman's Work in the Church... 12mo L. & N. 1 75 Marryatt, Florence. Woman against Woman.... 8vo Bost. 75 a. Mill, J. S. The Subjection of Women... 12mo Phila. 1 00 Modern Women; What is said of them. [From Saturday Review], 2 v. 12mo N. Y. 4 00 Ossoli, March. d'. Woman in the 19th Cent. [See Margaret Fuller's Works]. 6 v.12mo N. Y. 10 50 Parks, Bessie. Essays on Woman's Work.16mo L. & N. 1 50 b. Penny, V. 500 Employments for Women.12mo Phila. 1 75 Saunders, F. Woman, Love & Marriage. 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Social & Political Dependence of Women. 8vo L. 3s. 6d. Southgate, H. What Men have said about Women....12mo L. & N. 2 50 Sprague, W. B. The Excellent Woman in Proverbs....12mo Bost. 1 50 Todd, J. Woman's Rights.............. 18mo Bost. 15 WOMEN-WOMEN'S RIGHTS, ETC. 193 Wade, J. Woman, Past and Present.... 12mo L. 3s. 6d. Weaver, Rev. G. S. Aims and Aids for Girls and Women....l12mo N. Y. $1 50 Women of the Bible. By Mrs. T. S. Martyn.12mo N. Y. 3 50 Women of the Gospels. By author of Schonberg Cotta....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Women's Rights Tracts. By Phillips, Parker, Higginson, and others.... Bost. Woods, C. H. Woman in Prison........ 16mo N. Y. 1 25 Wright. Womankind in Western Europe. Illustrated.... 8vo Lond. 10 00 Wood Engraving.-[See Engraving.] Zoology.-[See Darwinism, Cage Birds, Natural History, Ornithology.] Yachting.-[See Navigation.] Yucatan.-[See Central America.] ADDENDA. (Including recent publications, and others accidentally omitted in their proper place.) Abyssinia. Plowden, V. C. Travels in Abyssinia... 8vo Lon. 18s. Africa-NORTH. Du Chaillu, The Country of the Dwarfs. 12mo N. Y. $1 75 Hodgkin, T. Journey to Morocco. 1865. 8vo Lond. Agriculture. Copeland, S. Agricul., Anc. and Mod.,2 v.r. 8vo Loud. America-NORTH AND SOUTH-EARLY HISTORY. Beamish. Discovery of America by Northmen in 10th Century.... 8vo Lond. 1 75 Charlevoix. History of New France; translated by Shea, 3 v.. 8vo N. Y. 15 00 Davis, W. H. Span. Conquest of New Mex. 8vo Doylest. 3 00 America-SOUTH. Baxby. What I saw on W. Coast S. Am. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Myers. Life and Nature in the Tropics of South America.... 12mo N. Y. 2 00 Anglican Church. Vaughan, R. Ritualism in Church of Eng.16mo Lond. Anglo-Saxon. Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, ed. by B. Thorpe. 8vo Lond. 2 vols. r. 8vo Lon. 17s. Architecture. Eastlake, C. L. Hist. of the Gothic Revival. 8vo Lond. Otis, C. N. Sacred and Constructive Art.12mo N. Y. 1 25 Woodward, G. E. National Architect... 4to N. Y. 12 00 F. W. Landscape Gard. and Rural Architecture.... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 Astronomy. Leach. God's Glory in the Heavens ('67).16mo Lond. Lyle. What are the Stars? Illust..... 4to Lond. 5s. Rosser, W. H. The Stars; How to Know Them, etc.... r. 8vo Lond. Autograph-FAC-SIMILES. Book of Signers of Declarat. of Independ. 4to Phila. 5 00 BIBLE-BIBLIOGRAPHY-BIOGRAPHY. 195 Bible-ITs HISTORY. Conant, W. C. History of English Bible. 12mo N. Y. Hengstenberg. Genuineness of tle Pentateuch, 2 vols... 8vo Edin. 21s. Scott, W. A. Moses and the Pentateuch; Reply to Colenso....12mo L. 3s. Gd. Stowe, C. E. Origin and History of Books of the Bible.... 8vo Hartf. $3 50 Tischendorf. Origin of Four Gospels....16mo L. 3s. 6d. Bible-AIDS TO STUDY OF. Cowles. Notes on the Prophets, 5 vols.. N. Y. 1I 00 Fairbairn, W. Imp. Bible Dictionary, 2 v.r. 8vo Lond. Girdlestone. Synonymes of the Old Test. 8vo Lon. 15s. King. Concordance to the Bible........ 12mo Bost. 1 75 Bibliography. 1artlett. Literature of the Rebellion (6,065 titles)....r 8vo Provid. Berjeau. Early Printers' Marks...... 8vo Lond. Kelly. American Catalogue of Books, original andreprint. 1866-1871.. 8vo N. Y' 7 50 Sabin, J. Dictionary of Books relating to America-part 1 to 21..ea. N. Y. 2 00 ~_ - ~American Bibliopolist, 2 vols.. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Biography-COLLECTED-AMERICAN. American Medi. Biography. By Williams. 8vo Greenfi. Drake. Dictionary of Amer. Biography.. 8vo Bost. Homes'of American Authors........... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Homes of American Statesmen.......... 8vo Hartf. 5 00 Sanderson. Biography of Signers of Declaration of Independence.. 4to Phila. Stowe, C. E. Men of our Times......... 8vo Hartf. 3 50 Biography-COLLECTED WORKS-WOMEN. Female Sovereigns. By Mrs. Jameson... 8vo L. &N. 2 50 Good Women. By C. M. Yonge......... 16mo Lon. 6s. Heroic Women of History. By Watson..12mo Phila. 1 75 Queens of France. By Mrs. Bush.......12mo Phila. 1 75 Queens of England. By Lancelot, 2 vols. 8vo L. & N. 5 00 Biography-COLLECTED-SCIENTIFIC. Distinguished Men of Science. By Walker.16mo L. 3s. Gd. Biography-COLLECTED-MISCELLANEOUS. Archbishops of Canterbury. By Hook, 5 v. 8vo L. 78s. Character; a Companion to Self-Help. By Smiles.... 121mo Lon. 6.s. Early Italian Poets. By D. G. Rosetti...121no Lon. 12s. English Merchants. By Bourne, 2 vols.16mo Lond. Essays in Biography and Criticism. By P. Bayne.... 12mo Bost. 1 75 196 THE BEST READING: Addenda. Extraordinary Men. By W. H. Russell.. 12mo L. & N. $1 25 Extraordinary Women. By W. H. Russell.12mo L. & N. 1 25 Great Men; Last Hours of. By Karnes.. 8vo L. & N. 2 00 French Academy; Biog. Hist. of. By Edwards.... 8vo Lon. 6s. Men of Our Day. By L. P. Brockett..... 8vo Phila. 3 00 Twelve Judges of England. By Townsend, 2 vols... 8vo L. 28s. Biography-INDIVIDUAL. Aikin, Lucy. Memoirs and Miscellanies. 8vo L. 8s. 6d. Cicero. Life and Letters. By Abeken. Trans.... 12mo L. 9s. 6d. Franklin. By O. L. Holley.............12mo Phila. 1 75 Guerin, Mad. de. Life. By St. Beuve...12mio N. Y. 1 25 Horner, Francis. By his Brother, 2 vols. 8vo Lond. 4 50 Huss, John. By E. H. Gillette..........12mo Bost. 1 75 Jackson, Geo. T. J. By Dabney......... 8vo N.Y. 4 00 Jefferson. By Schmucker..............12mo Phila. 1 75 Knox, John, and his Times. By Miss Warren....16mo Lond. Lacordaire,Abbe. By Count Montalembert. 8vo Lon. 12s. Lee, Gen. R. E. By John E. Cooke...... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Louis Napoleon. By Schmucker........12mo Phila. 1 75 Mackintosh, Sir James. By his Son, 2 v. 8vo L. & B. 4 50 Mazzini. Life and Writings, 6 vols......12mo Lon. 54s. Mather, Cotton. By S. G. Drake........ 8vo Bost. Miller, Rev. S. By S. Miller, 2 vols.....12mo Phila. 4 50 Milton. Life and Times. By W. C. Martin.12mo N. Y. 1 25 Nicholas I. of Russia. By Schmucker...12mo Phila. 1 75 Richard I. By Aytoun................ 12mo L. 3s. 6d. St. Chrysostom. Life and Times. By Rev. W. R. Stephens.... 8vo Lon. 16s. St. Paul. Life and Work of. By A. Roberts.16mo Lond. 5s. Voltaire. By F. Espinasse............. 8vo Lond. - - By Morley................... 8vo Lon. 14s. Warburton, Bp. By J. S. Watson....... 8vo Lon. 18s Watt, Jas. By Muirhead...............12mo N. Y. 2 00 Weber, C. M. Von. By C. L. Von Weber, 2 vols....12mo Lond. Webster, Daniel. By Lyman...........12mo Phila. 1 75 Wellington, Duke of. By C. D. Yonge, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 42s. Wilberforce. By his Son. New ed., cond. 8vo Lond. 6s. Book-Keeping. Haswell, C. H. Book-Keeping by DoubleEntry, 4 vols.... N. Y. 5 50 Botany. Wooster. Alpine Plants, with col'd Illus.r. 8vo L. & N. 10 00 Business-COMMERCE. Levi, Leone. History of Brit. Commerce. 8vo Lond. Lowing. History of Savings Banks..... 8vo 5 00 CARICATURE-CAUCASUS-CHEMISTRY-CHRIST, ETC. 197 Martin. Commercial Hand-Book of France.12mo L. 7s. 6d. Moran. On Money..................... 12m N. Y. $1 25 Caricature. Wriglt. History of Caricature and Grotesque, etc.... 8vo Lond. 9 00 Caucasus. Freshfield, D. W. Caucasus and Bashan. 8vo Lon. 18s. Chemistry. Bloxam. Organic and Inorganic Chemistry. 8vo Lon. 16s. Bowman. Practical Chemistry..........12mo Phila. 2 25 Brande & Taylor. Chemistry.......... 8vo L. 12s. 6d. Farraday, M. Researches in Chemistry.. 8vo Lon. 15s. Graham. Inorganic Chemistry.......... 8vo Phila. 5 50 Knapp. Chemical Technology, 2 vols.... 8vo Phila. 6 00 Pelouze& Ferny. Gen'l Notions of Chem.12mo Phila. 1 75 Wagner. Hand-Book of Chemical Technology....12mo N. Y. Christ. Gethsemane; the Last Hours of Christ... 12mo Bost. 1 25 Krummacher. The Suffering Saviour..12mo Bost. 1 75 Lange, J. P. Life of Jesus, 6 vols........ 8vo Edin. 35s. March, D. Walks and Homes of Jesus... 12mo Phila. 2 50 Plumptree, E. H. Christ and Christendom ('66).... 8vo Lond. Scott, W. A. The Christ of the Apos. Creed. 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Stier, R. The Words of the Lord Jesus, 8 v. 8vo Edin. 84s. Stroud. Physical Cause of the Death of Christ....12mo N. Y. 2 00 Vaughan. Christ the Light of the World.16mo L. & N. 1 50 - ~_- Charac. of Christ's Teachings.16mo L. & N. 1 50 Young, J. The Christ of History........ 12mo L. & N. 2 00 Christianity. Blunt. Christ'n View of Christ'n History.16mo Lond. Bryant, J. H. Christ'y & the Stoic School.12mo Lond. Guizot. Christ'y in relation to Society..12mo N. Y. 1 75 Essence of Christianity........ 12mo 1 75 Church History. Collier, J. Ecclesiast'l Hist. of Gt. Brit., 4 v. 8vo L. 94s. 6d. Jervis, Rev. W. H. History of Church of France, 2 vols.... 8vo Lond. Jones, Rev. C. C. Hist. of Church of God. 8vo N. Y. 8 50 Macduff, Rev.:J. R. St. Paul in Rome, etc.12mo L. 4s. 6d. Neale, J. M. Hist. of East'n Church, 4 v. 8vo L. ~4. Pressens6, E. de. The Church during the French Revolution....16mo Lond. Skeats. Hist. of Free Churches of Engl'd. 8vo Lon. 16s. 198 THE BEST BEADING: Addenda. Conchology. Adams, H. G. Beautiful Shells.........12mo L. & N. $1 60 Say, J. B. Conchology of the Uni. States. 8vo N.. 6 00 Constitution-UNITED STATES. Pomeroy, J. N. Constitu'l Law of U.S.. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Confectionery. Francatelli. Royal Confectioner........12mo Lond. 1 50 Coal. Lesley, J. P. Manual of Coal & its Topog.12mo Phila. 1 50 Correspondence. Berry, M. Jour. and Correspondence, 3 v. 8vo Lond. Corsica. Morris, E. J. Corsica and Early Life of Napoleon.... 12mo Phila. 1 75 Darwinism. Darwinian Theory Examined........... 8vo L. 1Os. 6d. Huxley. More Criticisms on Darwin.... 12mo N. Y. Decorative Art. Art of Illumination..................... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Devotion. Bayne, P. The Christian Life..........12mo Bost. 1 75 Christian Daily Treasury...............12mo Bost. 1 50 Cowles, Miss M. Rosary for Lent.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Fletcher. Guide to Family Devotion.... 4to Lond. 10 00 Muller. Life of Trust................. 12mo Bost. 1 75 Dictionaries. Chinese and English. By Morrison...... 8vo Lond. Japanese and English. By Hepburn...r. 8vo Lond. Dogs. Morris. Dogs and their Doings. Illust.. 4to N.Y. 1 75 Domestic Animals. Ross, C. H. Book of Cats............... 12mo L. 4s. 6d. Domestic Economy. Cooley, A. J. Cyclopedia of Receipts.... 8vo N. Y. 1 5) Drama. Ford. Dramatic Works by Gifford, 3 v.. 8vo Lon. 36s. Shakespeare. Edited by H. G. Bell, 6 v..12mo L. & N. 9 00 Drawing-Books. Metz. Drawing-Book of Human Figure..folio Phila. 7 50 East (The). McLeod, Norman. Peeps at the Far East.12mo L. & N. 3 00 EDUCATION-EGYPT-ENGLAND, ETC. 199 Education. Abbott, J. Gentle Measures for Training of the Young....12mo N. Y. $1 75 Sewell. Principles of Education........12mo N. Y. 2 00 Virchow. Injurious Influence of Schools. Trans. from German.... 8vo Egypt. Gordon, Lady Duff. Letters from Egypt.1mo Lond. Hengstenberg. Egypt and Books of Moses.12mo Andov. Hill, S. S. Travels in Egypt and Syria.. 8vo Lond. Lane, E. W. Modern Egyptians. Illus. New edition, 2 vols....1mo Lon. 12s. Osburn. Monumental Hist. of Egypt.... 8vo Lond. Thompson, J. P. Egypt, Past and Present. Wilkinson. Anct. Egyptians, new ed., 2 v.12mo Lon. 12s. Zincke. Egypt of Pharaohs & the Khedive. 8vo Lon. 18s. England-HISTORY OF. Lancelot. Queens of England and their Times, 2 vols.... 8vo L. &N. 5 00 Molesworth, W. N. History of England from 1830, vol. 1.... 8vo Lon. 15s. England-SPECIAL PERIODS. Burton. Cromwellian Diary, 4 vols...... 8vo Lond. Hall, Mrs. Queens of England before the Conquest.... 8vo. L. & N. 9 50 Hallam. Constitutional Hist. of England, with May's Continuation, 5 v.l2mo N. Y. F 75 Pearson, C.H. History of England; Early and Middle Ages, 2 v.. 8vo Lon. 30s. Turner, Sharon. Hist. of Anglo-Saxons, 3 v. 8vo Lond. Vaughan. Revolutions of English Hist. 3 v. 8vo Lon. 45s. England under the Stuarts... English History-ILLUSTRATIVE WORKS. Browne, N. Chaucer's England, 2 vols.. 8vo Lon. 24s. Bulwer. Last of the Barons............12mo Phila. 2 50 Charles, Mrs. Daytons and Davenants... 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Both Sides of the Sea.....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Diary of Lady Willoughby, etc.......... Kingsley. Hereward; Westward, Ho!... Scott. Ivanhoe, Kenilworth, Woodstock, See Nigel, Peveril, Old Mortality, etc. Fiction. Thackeray. Henry Esmond, Virginians. Youth of Shakespeare, etc. (3 works)..... English Language. Morris, R. Specimens of Early English. 16mo Oxfd. English Literature. Yonge, C. D. Three Centuries of English Literature... 8vo Lond. 200 THE BEST READING: Addenda. Essays-MISCELLANEOUS. Buckle. Posthumous Works, 3 vols..... 8vo Lond. Frere, J. Hookham. Works in Prose and Verse, 2 vols.... 8vo Lon. 38s. Goldsmith. Works. Edited by Cunningham, 4 vols..... 8vo Lond. 30s. Osgood, Sam'l. Milestones in our Life's Journey.... 12mo N.Y. $1 25 The Hearthstone.......12mo N. Y. 125 Rogers, H. Essays from " Good Words". 12mo L. & N. 1 75 Rosetti, M. F. The Shadow of Dante... 8vo L. 10s. 6d. Sidney, Sir Ph. Miscel. Works and Life. 8vo Bost. 2 50 Spencer, Herbert. Essays..............12mo N. Y. 2 50 Ethnology. Harris, J. Man Primeval..............i2mo Bost. 1 50 The Pre-Adamite Earth......12mo Bost. 1 50 Heyworth, L. The Origin, Mission and Destiny of Man.... 8vo Lond. Moore, J. S. Pre-Glacial Man.......... 8vo Dubl. 6s. Smith, C. H. Natural History of Human Species.... 12mo L. 7s. 6d. Thompson, J. P. Moral Unity of Human Race....12mo N. Y. Europe-HISTORY. Koch. Revolutions in Europe (tables)... Europe-TRAVELS. Calvert, G. H. First Year in Europe.... 16mo Bost. 1 75 Evidences of Christianity. Cooper, T. Bridge of History; Evidences of Christianity.....16mo Lond. 1 25 Fiction. Baring-Gould. Gabrielle Andre; Histor. Novel, paper.... 8vo N. Y. 60 Blanche, A. The Bandit, from Swedish. By S. Borg.... 8vo N. Y. Douglas, Amanda. Lucia; her Problem.12mo N. Y. 2 00 "Dorothy Fox" (Author of). John Thompson, Blockhead....12mo N. Y. 2 00 The Blue Bell...16mo N. Y. 1 25 Erckman-Chatrain. Story of the Peasant.12mo L. 3s. Gd. Five Hundred Majority. A Tale of the Times.... 8vo N. Y. Heywood, J. C. How will it End? a romance....12mo Phila. 2 00 Higher Law; a Romance. By author of Pilgrim and Shrine....12mo N. Y. 175 Howells, W. D. Their Wedding Journey.12mno Bost. 2 00 "Lyndon." Margaret................12moo N.Y. 1 50 FICTION-FINE ARTS. 201 Macdonald, Geo. The Princess and the Goblin. Illust,. 12mo Phila. Melville, G. J. W. Sarchedon; a Legend. 8vo N.Y. Morton House. By Author of Valerie Aylmer.... 8vo N. Y. $1 50 Muhlbach. Mohammed Ali and his House. 8vo N. Y. 1 50 Myself; a Romance....................12mo N. Y. 2 00 Prentiss, Mrs. E. Fred, Maria and Me...16mo N. Y. 1 20 ~____ - ~Aunt Jane's Hero.... 12mo N. Y. 1 50 Whitney, Mrs. Real Folks.............12mo Bost. 1 50 Fine ArtS-ILLUSTRATED WORKS. Art Studies from Nature. Illust........ 4to Lon. 12s. Cabinet Pictures. By Turner, Calcott, etc. 6 engravings, in........ folio Lond. Chef d'(Euvres of Art; Masterpieces of Engraving, reproduced in photog. 4to Lond. Crowe & Cavalcasselle. Paint'g in N. Italy: 1st Series, 2d to 14th Century, 3 vols.. 8vo Lon. 63s. 2d Series, 14th to 16th Century, 2 vols. 8vo Lon. 42s. Cruikslank. 82 Illustra. from his Works. 4to Lond. 5 00 2 parts.................... Lond. folio 8s. 6d. ea. Dore Gallery-250 Drawings selected from his Works....folio L. & N. 60 00 Atala. Illustrated......... folio L. & N. 18 00 Wandering Jew...........folio L. & N. 6 50 Durer, Albert. Life and Works. By Mrs. Heaton. Illust....r. 8vo Lond. 10 00 Passio Christi, reproduced in facsimile, ed. by W. C. Prime. 4to N. Y. 15 00 English School of Painting in Water Colors....folio Lond. 40 00 Etchings and Engrs. from Old Masters, 20 plates.... folio Lon. 70s. Finden's Gallery of Mod. Art., 31 engrs. folio Lon. 21s. Hoppin, Augustus. Ups and Downs, by Land and Water..folio Bost. 10 00 Landseer, T. Life and Letters of WVm. Bewick, Artist, 2 vols.... 8vo Lon. 24s. Maclise. Pict. from his Works, on steel. 4to Lon. 15s. Nash. Mansions of England in Olden Time tinted plates, new ed., 3 v. Lond. folio ea. 31s. 6d. New Test. Illust. with engrs. on wood, from old Masters.... 4to Lond. 50 00 New Test. Edited by Churton, etc., 115 Illust., 2 vols... 8vo Lond. 12 00 Scott. W. B. British School of Sculpture, steel plates.... 4to Lon. 25s. Turner. His Celebrated Landscapes, 16 Autotypes....- 4to Lon. 42s. Woltman. Holbein and his Times, 60 Ill. 4to Lond. World's Pictures (The), 15 photographs.. 4to Lon. 21s. "02 THE BEST READING: Addenda. Fish Culture. Francis. Fish Culture.................12mo Lond. $2 00 France-REVOLUTION; AND WAR OF 1870. Abbott. Hist. of French Revol. of 1789.. 8vo N.Y. Loudon, M. D. Franco-Prussian War...12mo N.Y. 2 00 France-THE COMMUNE. Vesinier. History of the Commune...... 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Geography. Encyclopedia of Geography, by Murray and others. 3 vols... r. 8vo Phila. 5 00 Gift Books. Andersen. Fairy Tales, 12 designs in color.folio Lond. 10 00 Bailey. Festus. Illust. by Billings..... 8vo N.Y. 5 00 Beauties of Waverley, 45 steel plates.... 8vo Phila. 5 00 Bickersteth. Yesterday, To-day, etc., large paper.... 8vo N.Y. 4 00 Bryant. Forest Hymn. Illust. by Hows. 4to N.Y. 4 00 Century of Queens. Litera. and Art. Illus. 4to N. Y. 6 00 Christian Lyrics. Illust., new edition.... 12no L. 7s. Gd. Coles. Dies Irme; 13 versions, with plates. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Festival of Song. Illust. Ed. by Saunders.r, 8vo N.Y. Gallery of Fine and Useful Arts. By Knight, 2 vols....folio Lon. 35s. Gallery of English and American Famous Poets. Illus. with Vignettes on steel. Edit. by Prof. Coppee..............r. 8vo Phila. 15 00 Goethe Gallery, 50 plates on steel....... 4to I. & N. 20 00 Harte,Bret. Sketches. Illust. byEytinge. 4to Bost. 10 00 Herbert, Geo. Poems. Illust........... 4to L. & N. 6 00 Howells. Their Wedding Journey......12mo Bost. 2 00 In the Woods, with Bryant, &c. Illustrated by Hows..... 8vo N.Y. 4 00 Kneeland. Wonders of Yosemite Valley. 4to Bost. 4 00 Macaulay. Lays of Anc't Rome, red line edition. Illust... 18mo N. Y. 3 50 Michelet. The Mountain; Nature, its Poetry, etc., each illust.... 8vo L. & N. 6 00 Mighty Works of Jesus Christ. Illustra. with Photo's from Great Artists.... 8vo L. & N. 6 00 Ministering Children and Sequel. Illust. 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Parables of our Lord. Illust. on Steel.... folio L. & P. 10 00 Pictorial Sunday Book (Knight's). Illust. folio Lon. 25s. Pictures from English Literature. Illust. 4to L. &N. 10 00 Proverbs of Solomon. Illustrated...... 8vo Lond. Retzsch. Outlines to Shakespeare...... folio Bost. 9 00 Saunders. Salad for the Social & Solitary. 12mo N. Y. 4 00 Schiller Gallery. 50 Illustrations....... L. &N. 20 00 Sermon on the Mount. Illustrated...... folio L. & B. 12 00 Warner. Summer in a Garden, Illust..16mo Bost. 3 00 Wood, L.V. West Point Scrap-Book. Illus. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 GOLD-GOVERNMENT-GREECE-HOLY LAND, ETC. 20} Gold. Chevalier. On Prob. fall in val. of Gold..12mo N. Y. $ 50 Government. Helps, Arthur. Thoughts on Government. 8vo Lond. Greece. Arnold, Rev. F. History of Greece, with Maps.... 12mo Lon. 6s. Health. Gardner, A. R. Our Children: their Physical and Mental Development... 12mo Hartf. Howe, J. W., M. D. Emergencies, and How to Treat Them.... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Maudsley. Body and Mind; Mutual Influence, etc.... 16mo N. Y. 1 00 History-ANCIENT. Niebuhr. Lectures on Roman Hist. 3 v. 8vo Phila. 5 00 Holy Land. Besant & Palmer. Jerusalem; the city of Herod and Saladin.... 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Hughes. Outline of Scripture Geography and History....1 8mo Phila. 1 00 Palmer. The Desert of the Exodus, 2 v. 8vo Lon. 28s. Ritter. Comparative Geog. of Palestine (by Gage), 4 vols.... 8vo L. & N. 14 00 Huguenots. Marsh, Mrs. Hist. of the Huguenots, 2 v.12mo Phila. 2 00 Humorous Works. Cruikshank. Comic Almanac. 1835-43,2v.12mo Lond. 7 00 Halliburton's Sam Slick............... 12mo N. Y. 1 25 Maginn. Reliques of Father Prout. Ill. 12mo Lond. 2 50 Munchausen's Travels. Illustrated by Cruikshank....12mo L. & N. 1 75 Wit and Wisdom of Don Quixote........ India, Butler, Rev. W. Land of the Veda...... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Infidelity. Modern Scepticism. Lectures. By English Clergymen.... 8vo L. 7s. 6d. Iron. Lesley, J. P. The Iron Manufacturer's Guide.... 8vo N.Y. 204 THE BEST READING: Addenda. Italy. Elliott, Mrs. Diary of Idle Woman in Italy.12mo Lond. Gruner. Terra Cotta Architecture of North Italy.... folio L. 105s. Hawthorne. Passages from Italian and French Note Books, 2 vols. 12mo Bost. $4 00 Jews. Rothschild, C. & A. de. History and Literature of the Israelites....12mo L. 3s. 6d. Wilberforce, Sam'l. Heroes of Hebrew History.... 8vo L.& N. 2 50 Landscape Gardening. Scott, F. J. Suburban Home and Grounds.r. 8vo N. Y. 8 00 Law. Bryant & Stratton. Commer. Law for Business Men.... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Handy Book of Property Law, by Lord & Leonards.... 12mo N. Y. 1 00 Smith. Compend. of Mercantile Law.... 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Tracy, W. Hand-Book of Law.......... 8vo N. Y. 5 50 Legends. Baring-Gould, S. Legends of Old Test. Characters, from the Talmud, &c., 2 v.12mo Lon. 16s. Mechanics. Brown, H. T. 507 Mechan'l Movements..18mo N. Y. 1 00 Nystrom. Pocket-Book of Mechanics and Engineering....12mo Phila. 2 50 Metaphysics. Mansell, Dean. Metaphysics............12mo N. Y. 2 00 Munsell, Rev. O. S. Psychology........12mo N. Y. 2 00 Payne, Martin. Physiology of the Soul and Instinct.... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Potter, Alonzo. Religious Philosophy... 8vo Phila. 3 00 Ueberweg. History of Philosophy, 2 v.. 8vo N.Y. 7 00 Metallurgy. Kustell, E. Metallurgy of Silver Ores... 8vo San Fr. - Concentrationof Ores....... 8vo San Fr. 7 50 Overman,'F. Treatise on Metallurgy.... 8vo N. Y. Lieber, O. M. Assayer's Guide.........12mo Phila. 1 25 Pigott, A. S. Chemistry and Metallurgy of Copper....12mo Phila. 1 50 Mbney. Moran, C. Money......................12mo N. Y. 1 25 Music. Warner, Rudimental Lessons in Music..12mo N. Y. I 00 NATURAL HISTORY-NATURAL SCIENCES, ETC. 205 Natural History. Cassell. Book of Birds. By T. R. Jones. Illustrated, 2 vols....folio L. & N. Chadbourne, P. A. Lect's on Instinct.'71.12mo N. Y. $1 50 Dana, J. D. On Zoophytes............. 8vo Phila. 4 00 Darwin. Origin of Species........cloth.12mo N. Y. 2 00 - Descent of Man, 2 vols.........12mo N. Y. 4 00 Huxley. Manual of Anatomy of Vertebrated Animals. 8vo N. Y. Jardine. Naturalist's Library. Illustrated with col'd plates, 40 vols.. 12mo Lond. ~9 Kirby & Spence. Introd. to Entomology, 7th edition.... 8vo Lond. 5s Mivart. Genesis of Species............ 12mo N. Y. 1 75 Morris. Brit. Moths, 4,000 col'd plates, 4 v. 8vo Lond. Museum of Natural History, with Illus. on wood, 2 vols.... folio Lon. 34s. Nicholson, H. A. Text-Book of Zoology, for Colleges, etc....12mo N. Y. 1 75 Natural Sciences. Arnott. Elements of Physics........... 8vo Phila. 2 25 Clark. Mind in Nature; Origin of Life, etc. 8vo N. Y. 3 50 Deschanel. Natural Philosophy. Trans. 4 vols.... 8vo N. Y. 8 00 Ganot. Elementary Treatise on Physics. 8vo Lon. 15s. Maxwell, J. C. Theory of Heat.........12mo L. 3s. 6d. Muller. Physics and Meteorology....... 8vo Phila. 4 50 Schoedler & Medlock. Wonders of Nature. 8vo Phila. 3 00 Small Books on Great Subjects, 3 vols...18mo Phila. 1 50 Wonders of Water. Wonder Library...lSmo N. Y. 1 50 Wonders of Vegetation. Wonder Lib'y. 18mo N. Y. 1 50 Wonders of Electricity. Wonder Lib'y. 18mo N.Y. 1 50 New England. Elliott, C. W. Hist. of New England, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Notabilia. Milledulcia; 1000 Pleasant Things......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Ten Thousand Wonderful Things.......12mo N. Y. 1 50 Wells. Things Not Generally Known...12mo N. Y. 1 75 Painting. Kauffman, T. Amer. Painting Book..... 4to Bost. 5 0) Patagonians. Musters. At Home with the Patagonians. 8vo Lon. 16s Physiognomy. Lavater. Physiognomy. Condensed ed.12mo N. Y. 1 25 Physiology. Brillat-Savarin. Hand-Book of Dining, Corpulence, etc....12mo N. Y. 1 00 206 THE BEST READING: Addenda. Poetry —CQLLECTIONS. Poets of the 19th Century; edited by Willmott and Duyckinck. Illust.... 4to N. Y. $5 00 [*** Thisis erroneously called "Sacred Poets," on page 161.] Poetry. Randolph, A. D. F. HopefullyWaiting, etc.12mo N. Y. 1 50 Poetry-HUMOROUS, ETC. Combe. Dr. Syntax's Three Tours......12mo L. & N. 2 00 Reformation. Ranke. History of the Reformation.... 8vo Phila. 2 00 Rome-THE MODERN CITY. Burn. Rome and the Campagna; History and Topography.... 4to Lon. 63s. Spain. Street, G. R. Gothic Architecture in Spain. 8vo Lon. 30s. Supernaturalism-DEMONOLOGY. Burton. R. T. Vikram, and the Vampire: Hindoo Deviltry.... 8vo Lond. 2 50 Credo; a Supernatural Book...........12mo Lon. 5s. McRae, Rev. Th. Lectures on Satan....1mo N. Y. Theology. Hodge, Chas. Systematic Theology, 2 v. 8vo N. Y. 10 00 Turkey. Harney, Mrs. Turkish Harems and Circassian Homes.... 8vo Lon. 15s. United States-TRAVELS IN. Todd, John. The Sunset Land; the Pacific Slope....12mo N. Y. 1 50 COLLECTED WORKS (MISCELLANEOUS) OF STANDARD AUTHORS. (Embracing only uniform editions of works of leading Authors who have written in more than one department.) Adams, John. Collected Works, 10 vols. 8vo Bost. $30 00 Addison. Works. Ed.by Greene, 6 vols. 2mo Phila. 9 00 Works, 6 vols............... 12mo Bohn. 8 40 Bacon, Lord. Complete Works, 15 vols..12mo N. Y. 33 75 Bentham, Jer. Works, 11 vols.......... 8vo Lond. Brougham, Lord. Works, 11 vols.......12mo Glas. 55s. British Essayists, 38 vols................18mo Bost. 47 50 ~~M- ~ odern, 6 vols......... 8vo N. Y. 12 00 Burke, Edmund. Works, 12 vols........ 8vo Bost. 30 00 Burns-Byron. [See Poetry.] Calhoun, J. C. Works, 6 vols........... 8vo N. Y. 15 00 Channing, WV. E. Works, 3 vols........ 12mo Bost. 3 00 Chesterfield, Lord. Works.............12mo N. Y. 2 50 Coleridge, S. T. Works, 7 vols.......... 121o N. Y. 10 50 Cowper. Works. (Poems and Corresp.) By Southey, 15 vols.12mo Lon. 75s. ~- - ~ By Grimshaw, 8vols.12mo Lond. 11 20 De Foe. Works, 7 vols................12ino Bohn. 9 80 De Quincey. Works, 22 vols............12mo Bost. 33 00 16 vols........... 12mo Lon. 72s. Dickens. WVorks. Household edit., 56 v.12mo N. Y. 56 00 Riverside edit., Ill., 28 v.l12mo N. Y. 56 00 Globe edit., Illust., 15 v.l2mo N. Y. 22 00 ~-__ - ~ Illust. Library ed., 29 v.12mo Bost. 58 00 Household ed., 15 vols..12mo Bost. 22 50 *~ - ~ Chas. Dickens' ed., 15 v.12mo Bost. 22 50 The same, bound in 8 v. 12mo Bost. 14 00 Diamond edit., 14 vols..18mo Bost. 21 00 - ~__- ~ Plum Pudding edit., 6 v.12nio N. Y. 10 50 Handy vol. edit., 14 vols.12mo N. Y. 10 50 Dryden. Complete Works, 2 vols....... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Edgeworth, Miss. Complete Works, 10 v.12mo N. Y. 15 00 - ~ -~ ~ ~ 10 v.12mo L. & B. 15 00 Fielding. Complete Works, fine ed., 10 v. 8vo L. & B. 30 00 ~-~ -~ cheap ed., 1 v. r. 8vo Lon. 18s. Franklin, Benj. Writings, 10 vols...... 8vo Phila. 25 00 Goethe. Poetical and Prose VVorks, 5 v..12rmo Bohn. 7 00 Goldsmith. Poetical and Prose Works. By Prior, 4 vcls....12lmo Phila. 6 00 The same, 4 vols.......... 8vo Lon. 30s. Hamilton, Alex. Political Works, 7 vols. 8vo Phila. 22 50 Hazlitt, W. Writings, 5 vols............ 12mo Phila. 7 50 208 TEIE BEST READING: Collected Works. Hood, Thos. Prose and Poet'l Works, 6 v. 12mo N. Y. $15 00 Irving. Works. Knickerbocker ed., 27 v.12mo N. & P. 67 50 Sunnyside ed., 28 vols. 12mo N. & P. 63 00 Riverside edit., 26 vols.18mo N. Y. 45 50 People's edit., 26 vols..18mo N. Y. 32 50 Jefferson. Works. Edit. by H. A. Washington, 9 vols... 8vo Phila. 27 00 Jerrold, Douglas. Works and Life. 5 v.. 8vo L.&P. 12 50 Johnson, Dr. Sam. Works............. Lamb, Chas. Works. Best Edition, 5 v. 8vo N. Y. 9 00 Landor, V. S. Whole Works, 2 v... r. 8vo. Lond. 10 00 Locke, Jno. Philosophical Works, 2 v.. Bohn 2 80 Longfellow. Prose & Poetical Works, 7 v.12mo Bost. 17 50 Macaulay. Complete Works, 16 vols....12mo N. Y. 36 00 Milman, Dean. Prose Works, 14 vols..12mo N. Y. 24 50 Milton. Prose and Poetical Works, 7 v..12mo Bohn. 9 80 Montaigne. Works. Edited by Wright,4v. 8vo N. Y. 9 00 More, Hannah. Works, 7 vols..........12mo N. Y. 8 75 Poe, Edgar A. Prose and Poet'l Works, 4 v.l2mo N. Y. 9 00 Pope. Prose and Poetical Works. By Elwin, 6 vols..... 8vo Lon. 63s. Rabelais. Works, 2 vols...............12mo Bohn. 2 80 Schiller. Prose and Poetical Works, 4 v. 2mo Bohn. 5 60 2 v.r. 8vo N. Y. 6 00 Schlegel. Works, 6 vols...............12mo Bohn. 8 40 Scott, Sir W. Whole Works, 100 vols...12mo Edn. ~20 *** See also Fiction. Seward, W.H. Works (chiefly Polit'l) 4 v. 8vo N. Y. 16 00 Smith, Sydney. Works and Life. New ed. 2 vols.... 12mo Lon. 12s. 1 vol.... 8vo N.Y. 2 00 Smollett. Works, 1 vol................ r. 8vo Lon. 18s. Sterne. Works (2 vols., Phila., $3), 1 vol. 8vo Lond. 1 75 Swift. Works, 2 vols................r. 8vo Lond. 24s. 19 vols. (scarce)......... 8vo Lond. Thackeray. Works. Illust., 22 vols.... 8vo L. & P. 66 00 New ed.. 11 vols.. 8vo L.&P. 33 00 11 vols........... 12mo Bost. 13 75 Washington. Writings, 12 vols........ 8vo Bost. 24 00 Webster, Dan'l. Works (Speeches) 6 v.. 8vo Bost. 18 00 Whittier. Prose and Poetical, 4 vols....18mo Bost. 10 00 Wilson, John. Works (Essays)......... 8vo N. Y. 2 00 APPENDIX. Young [People's Books. (See also Fairy Tales, Games, etc.) (More than 1,000 different volumes of Juvenile and Sunday-School books may be selected from the Catalogues of the American S. S. Union, Tract Society, Methodist Book Concern, and numerous other "Publication Societies;" and from those of H. Hoyt, Lee & Shepard, Lothrop & Co., Boston; Randolph, Pott, Young & Co, Dutton, Sheldon, Dodd & Mead, Nelson, Leavitt & Allen, Hurd & Houghton, and others, New York, and many other publishers-we mention a few only.) a. A. L. 0. E. (Miss Charlotte a. Alcott, Miss L. M. Tucker) Juvenile Library Aunt Jo.'s Scrap Book, in a wood case........... $28 00 Bost.................... $1 00 b. Abbott. J. Morning Glories, N. Y.... 1 50 The Rollo Books, 14 vols., a. Aldrich, T. B. 16mo................... 12 60 Story of a Bad Boy, 16mo, 1 50 The Rollo Wtory Books, 12 b. Alger, H., Jr. vols., 16mo............ 3 75 Juveniles, 13 vols., per vol. 1 25 Rollo's Tour in Europe, 10 Strong and Steady, 16mo.. 1 50 vols., 16mo......... 9 00 a. Andersen, IIans C. Franconia Stories, 10 vols., Fairy Tales, 5 v., 16mo, ea. 1 25 16ino, each............. 90 Wonder Stories, 12mo..... 2 25 Little Learner Series, 10 Stories and Tales, Illust'd. vols, 16mo, each....... 90 12mo............ 2 25 Marco Polo Series, 10 v., a. Arabian Nights (and various 16mo, each............. 90 other editions) 12mo..... 175 Rainbow & Lucky Series, Aunt Fanny. 10 vols.. 16mo, each..... 90 [See Mrs. Barrow.] Story Books, 12mo, each.. 1 75 Aunt Louisa. August Stories, 18mo, N. Nursery Books, with large Y., each............... 1 50 colored plates, each..... 2 50 Florence Stories, 6 vols.. 6 00 Aunt Mattie's Library, 4 v. Science for the Young, ea. 1 50 18mo................... 3 60 American Hist., 8 vols... 10 00 b. Baker, S. W. b. Adams, W. T. (Oliver Optic.) Cast up by the Sea, 12mo.. 1 50 Young America Stries; b. Ballantyne, R. M. No. 1 and No. 2, 12 vols., Away in the Wilderness, 16mo, each............. 1 50 12mo................... 75 Soldier Boy Series, 3 v., ea. 1 50 Chasing the Sun, 12mo... 75 Sailor Boy Series, 3 v., ea. 1 50 Coral Islands, 12mo....... 1 25 Woodville Stories 6 v., ea. 1 25 Dog Crusoe, 2mo......... 12 Boat Club Series, 6 v., ea. 1 25 Floating Light, 6mo...... 1 50 Riverdale Stories, 12 v., ea. 45 Gascoygne, mo......... 12 Starry Flag Series, 6 vols., Gorilla Hunters, 12mo 1 25 each................... 1 25 Fast in the Ice, 12mo...... 125 a. Aikin, Dr. J. & Mrs. Barbauld. Fighting theWhales, 12mo. 1 25 Evenings at Home, 12mo, Freaks on the Fells, 12no. 1 25 N. Y................. 1 50 Martin Rattler, 12mo...... 125 a. Alcott, Miss L. M. Red Eric, 12mo........... 25 Little Women, 2 vols..... 3 00 Shifting Winds, 12mo..... 125 Little Men, 1 vol.......... 1 50 Ungava, lmo............ 1 Old Fashioned Girl....... 1 50 Wild Man of the West,12mo 1 25 211 THE BEST READING. a. Alcott, Miss L. M. a. Dana. R. H. World of Ice (The) 12mo.. $1 25 Two Years before the Mast, Young Fur Traders, 12mo. 1 25 16mo............ $1 5 Barbauld, Mrs. a. Day, Thos. Things by their Right Sandford & Merton, lmo. 1 25 Names, 18o........... 75 a. De Foe. a. Barrows, Mrs. F. Robinson Crusoe, 18mo... 1 50 Aunt Fanny's Stories, 6 v. 5 00 (And various other edit.) Night Cal) Stories, 6 vols.. 5 00 De Mille, J. Barrows, Rev. W. * B. 0. W. C., 16oio, Bost... 1 50 Twelve Nights in the Hunt- Boys of the Grand Pre ers' Camp, 12mo........ 1 25 School, 16mo Bost...... 1 50 b. Beckoning Series, 3 vols.... 3 75 Lost in the Fog, 16mo Bost. 1 50 Belmont Series, 5 v., Bost.. 6 25 a. Diaz, Mrs. A. M. a. Biart, L. William lIelry Letters, Youn- Naturalist, 12mo.. 1 75 16mo ost............ 1 50 Boy's Globe Library, 3 series, King's Lily and Rosebud. 50 each 4 vol.. Phila., per vol. 1 50 a. Dickens. Child Pictures b. Brdhart, A de. from.............. 1 50 Adventures of a Little Child's list. of Eng., 2 v... 1 50 French Boy............. Same in 1 vol............. 1 00 Busch, W. a. Dodge, M. E. Max and Maurice, 12mo.. 1 50 Hans Brinker's Skates, g. Carroll. Louis. 12mo N. Y............. 2 00 Alice's Adventures........ 1 50 Irvington Stories, 12mo Behind Looking-Glass.... 1 50 N. Y................. 1 50 Castlemon, 1. b. Du Chaillu, P. Frank on a Gunboat.... 1 25 Travels and Adventures, 4 on the Lower Missis. 1 25 vols., each............. 1 75 " on the Prairies..... 1 25 Country of Dwarfs, 12ino.. 1 73 " in the Woods....... 1 25 a. Edgeworth, Miss M. the Yo:mg Natur'list 1 25 Frank, 2 vols., 1Smo..... 1 50 " before Vicksburg... 1.25 Harry & Lucy, 2 i., 12mo. 3 00 Go Ahead; No Moss, each. 1 25 Moral Tale-, 2 vols., 18mo. 1 50 Tom Newcombe.......... 1 5 Parents' Assistant, 12mo.. 1 50 Cecil and llis Dor, l6mo... 1 25 Popular Tales, 2 v., 18mo. 1 50 Chambers' Libr'y for Young Rosamond, 12mo........ 1 50 People, 20 vols.; 2d series, Works complete, 10 vols.. 15 00 7 vols.. each............. 75 Edgar. z. Charlesworth, Miss. Books for Boys, 5 v., each. 1 20 Minister'- Children, 12mo. 1 75 Everett, Wm. Sequel to Ministering Chil- Changing Base, 16mo..... 125 dren, 121o.............. 1 75 Double llay, 16mo........ 1 25 Both vols. in 1, red line ed. 4 00 Fairy Book. Illist., 12no.. 1 50 England's Yeoman, 12mo. 1 75 Frolich. Picture Book, 4to. 2 00 Charlotte Elizabeth. Farming for Boys, 16mo, [See Tonna, Mrs.] Bst................... 1 50 Child, Lydia Maria. Frontier Series. Rainbows for Children.... 1 50 Hunter's Camp, etc., 5 v., Children's Alblinm, etc...... each.................. 1 25 Child's Book of Song and Gatty, Mrs. Praise, with Music...... 50 Alice and Adolphus, 16mo. 90 a. Clarke, R. S. (Sophie May). Aunt Judy's Tales, l1mo.. 90 Dotty Dimple Books, 7 v., Parables from Nature,leimo 90 each................... 75 Girl's Own Treasury, Illust., Prudy Books, 7 vols., each. 75 4to..................... 50 b. Conant, Mrs. Girls Own Book, 16mo.... 1 00 Butterfly Hunters, 16mo.. 1 50 a. Golden Treasury Series. Crossland, Mrs. Book of Golden Deeds.... 1 25 Memorable Women, Ilns. 1 50 Fairy Book............... 1 21 Dall, Mrs. C. 1-. Robinson Crusoe......... 1 25 Patty Gray's Journey to the Goulding, F. R. Cotton Islands, 3 v., each 1 25 Mirooncr's Island....... Dalton, W. Nacoochee............. Lost among the Wild Men, Sal-O-Quat............. 8vo.............3s. tid. Sapelo.................. Tiger Prince, 16mo....... 1 50 Young Marooncrs.... Wolf Boy of China, 12mo. 1 25 In set, 3 vols......... APPENDIX. 211 Goodwin, Mrs. b. Kingston, W. H. G. Bright Side Series, 6 vols. $3 00 Anthony Waymouth...... a. Grace Grcenwood. At the South Pole, Svo, 5s Ilistory of My Pets. 1 00 Cruise ofthe Frolic, Svo, 4s. Recollections of Childh'd. 1 00 Dick Onslow............. Stories from Ballads...... 1 (00 Fred. Markham in Russia, Grimm's Gollins........... 1 50 small 4to............ $ 75 Greenwood, Jas. Foxholmet Hall, l 2mo, 3-. 6d. Little Ragamuffin, 8vo pa. 50 Harry Shipwith, 12mo, 3s. 6d. Relben Davidger, 8vo..... 1 75 In the Eastern Sea., l-lno. 2 50 Gray, G. Z. In the Wilds of Africa,'he Children's Crusade in 12mo................... 2 50 13th Century............ 1 00 My First Voyage, 8vo..... 2 (0 Hale, Rev. E. E. Off to Sea, 4t............. 1 50 Johr. W\hopper's Adven- Old Jack. 8vo............. 2 00 tures, 16mo............. 75 On the Banks of the AmaHow to Do It, 12mo....... 1 25 zon, 1-............... 2 50 a. Hawthorne, N. Peter the Whaler, 12mo, 2s. Tanglewood Tales, 16mo.. 1 50 Pirate's Treas., 12mo, 3s. 6d. True Stories, limo....... 1 50 Round the World, 12mo... 2 50 Wonder Book, 6imo...... 1 50 Schoolboy Days, 8vo, 5s. Harper's Story Books. By Washed Ashore, 16ino, 2s. 6d. Abbott. Illust., 12 vols,. irlby, M. & E. each......... 9)c. and 1. 7o Sea and itsWonders. Illust. 3 00 Haven, Alice B. The World at lome. do. 3 00 Juveniles, 8 vols., 12mo... 8 00 a. Knatbull-uessen. b. Hayes, I..Chistmas, b. Hclyes, I. I. ^ ~ a. Knatchbull —Hugessen. Cast away in the Cold,16mo 1 50 Cockers for Chtstmas, Heroes of Europe, Illust.... 50 mo..................1 25 oll~and~, Mrs" Puss ('at. Mew, l2mo...... 1 25 Affectionate Bros., 18me.. 75 ffectionate Bros., 18mo. 75 Moonshine (Fairy Stories). 1 50 Tihe Young Crusoe, 18mo. 75 Kuntze, E. J. b. Hooker. Mystic Bell, 16mo....... 100 (hild's Book of Nature, 1 v. 2 00 Lander, Miss S. W. Natural IIistory........... 1 50 Spectacle Series for Young Science for Family, 3 v., ea. 1 50 Eyes, 8 vols., t6mo...... 8 00 Hope, A. R. Ledgeside Series, 6 volumes, A Book about Boys, 16mo, 1 25................... 50 Iowitt, MIary. Birds and their Nests, Ill., 2 00 Libr of Adventure. Juiveniles, 14 vols. (App.).. 7 00 Holiday Adventures. 1 75 Howitt, Wm. Adventures on Ice........ 1 5) Boy's Advellt. in Australia. 1 50 Pioneers of Civilization... 1 50 a. Ingelow, Jean. Library of Wonders (Scribner) Mopsa the Fairy, 16mo, [See Natural Science.] Best.................... 1 25 Bost.................. 1 2 Lilliput Levee.............. 50 Poor Matt, or the Clouded Lillpt Levee...... Intellect................ 60 Sister's Bye lours, 16mo.. 1 25 Little Lucy'sWond'ful Globe. 2 00 Stories told to a Child, Little Rosy's Travels, sm. 4to 2 50 16mo.......,........... 1 25 Little Rosy's Voyage of DisJack the Conqueror, 4to.... 2 00 covery, sm. 4to.......... 2 50 b. Kellogg, E. b. Kellogg, E. Lilyster Miss. Ark of Elm Island, 16mo.. 1 25 L ster Ms Arthur Brown, 16mo..... Miss Lily's Voyge round RBoy Farnmers, 1imo..... 1 the World.............. 3 50 Charlc'Bell, ^::i:mo. 1:.;. i~25 The Little Gipsey......... 1 50 Ilard Scrabble, 1timo..... 1 25 a. Macdonald, Geo. Lion Ben, lmo........... 1 25 Ratald Bannerman's BoyYoung Deliverers, 16mo... 1 25 hood.................... 175 Young Shipbuilders, 16imo. 1 25 At the Back of the North Kingsley, H. \VWind.................. 2 00''he Lost Child........... 1 50 Princess and Goblin...... 2 0 b. Kingston, W. I1. G. Ddllings with the Fairies.. 1 25 Adrift in a Boat, 16mo.... 1 25 b. Mace. Advent. of Dick Onslow.. Home Fairy Tales......... 1 75 Among the Islands of the Mouthful of Bread........ 1 75 Pacific, 12mo........... 2 50 Servants of the Stomach.. 175 212 THE BEST READING. Mackarnen, Mrs. M. A. Men who have Made Them. Cloud with Silver Lining] selves. Illust........... $1 50 Dream Chintz.......... "Men who have Risen," Home on the Rock...... Library, each.......... 1 50 Merry Christmas........ Men who have Risen...... Old Jolliffe.............. Small Beginnings...... Sequel to Old Jolliffe.... Steady Aim.......... Only a Shilling.......... London Merchants........ Star in the Desert....... "Ministering Children"' Above in set, 4 vols., 16mo $4 25 Series, 4 vols........... 5 00 Sibert's Wold........... Miller, Thos. Sunbeam Stories........ Boys' Book of the Seasons. 2 00 McKeever, Harriet B. Morris. Breakers Ahead.......... Dogs and their Doings.... 2 00 Edith's Ministry, 16mo.... 75 Munchausen, Baron, 16mo. 1 25 Eleanor's Three Birthdays, Musset, Paul de. 16mo................... 1 00 Mr. Wind and Madame Flounced Robe........... Rain, square 4to....... 75 Lucy Forester's Triumphs, Oliver Optic's Books. 16mo.................. 1 00 [See Adams.] Mary Leslie's Trials, 16mo. 1 00 Opie, Mrs., Works. Silver Threads, 12mo...-.. 1 50 a. Our Young Folks (monthly) Westnook Parsonage..... per vol................. 3 00 Woodcliff Children........ Paul Preston's Voyages, etc., Mackintosh, Miss M. J. 16mo................. 1 25 Conquest and Self-Con- Pepper. Boy's Play Book of quest, 18mo............. 75 Science.............. 2 00 b. Magnet Stories, 4 v., 16mo.. 5 00 Boy's Play Book of Metals. 2 25 Mann, Mrs. Popular Fairy Tales, 16mo. 1 25 The Flower People........ 1 00 Penniman, Maj. The Tanb. Mannering, May. ner Boy, Life of Grant, Billy Grimes' Favorite, 16mo................... 1 50 16mo................... 1 00 Pictures of Eng. Hist., 4to.. 2 50 Climbing the Rope, 16mo. 1 00 Pleasure Book of the Year, Cruise of the Dashaway, 4to..................... 2 50 6mo.................... 1 00 a. Phelps, Miss E. S. Little Maid of Oxlow,16mo 1 00 Gypsey Breynton Series, 4 Little Spaniard, 16mo..... 1 00 vols., 16mo............. 5 00 Salt Water Dick, 16mo.... 1 00 Trotty Book, 4to.......... 1 50 Martinean, Harriet. Philip Quarll's Emblems... Crofton Boys, etc., 4 vols., a. Picture Gallery of all Na16mo................... tions, Illustrated, 4to.... 2 50 a. Marryatt, Capt. F. a. Prentiss, E. Children of the New For- Flower ofthe Family, 16mo 1 25 est, 12mo............... 1 25 The Little Susy Library, 3 Masterman Ready. Scenes vols., 16mo.............. 2 60 in Africa. Settlers in > 2 25 The Percys, 16mo......... 125 Canada, 3 vols., 16mo...) Nidworth & Magic Wands, Mateaux. 16mo................. 1 25 Home Chat with ourYoung b. Reid, Mayne. Folks................... 2 50 Tales for Boys............ Max and Maurice. Trans. First Series, 1 vols, each 1 50 by Brooks............. 1 50 Second Series, 4 v. each. 1 75 May, Sophie. Riverside Magazine, Illustra[See Clarke, R. S.] ted, 4 vols., each........ 3 00 Mayhew Bros. Rosetti. Sing Song (for Good Genius that Turned Nursery)................ 2 C00 Everything to Gold..... 75 Samuels, Mrs. P. C. Magic of Kindness........ 75 Eric; or, Little by Little, a. Mayhew, Hy. 12mo.................... 1 25 Boyhood of Martin Luther, St. Winifreds, 12mo...... 1 25 l imo................ 1 25 Springdale Stories, 6 vols. 4 50 Peasant Boy Philosopher, Saxe, J. G. 16mo....................... 1 25 Clever Stories of Many NaWonders of Science, 16mo. 1 25 tions.................... 3 50 Young Benjamin Frank- Scudder, H. E. lin, 16mo............... 1 25 Dream Children, etc., 3 v.. 4 00 The same, fine ed., gilt edg. 1 50 Seven Little Sisters, 12mo.. 1 25 APPENDIX. 213 a. Sedgwick, Miss C. M. Tuthill, Mrs. L. C. Boy of Mount Rhigi, 18mo. $1 25 Tip-top Story Book for Live and Let Live, 16mo.. 75 Boys, 16mo, 3 vols., e... $1 25 Poor Rich Man and Rich Tip-Top Story Book for Poor Man, 18mo......... 75 Girls. 3 vols., 16mo, ea.. 1 25 Love Token............... 75 Tyng, Rev. S. H. Means and Ends, Self- The Spencers............ 1 25 Training............... 75 Tytler, Miss. Stories for Youth......... 75 Sweet Counsel for Girls... 1 50 Sherwood, Mrs. Uncle Sam Series, 4 vols., Whole Works, 16 vols..... 24 00 paper, col'd, each....... 60 Choice Works,Lady Manor, Vieux M ostache. etc., 11 vols............. 16 50 That Good Old Time, 16mo. 1 25 Smith, Mrs. C. Two Lives in One, li;mo.. 1 25 American Home Book, In- a. Warner, Miss. door Games............. 1 50 Carl Krinken, 16mo....... 1 00 Stoddard. Casper, mo.............. 100 Adventures in Fairy Land. 1 25 Hard Maple, 16mo........ 1 00 Stolz, Mad. de. Rutherford Children, 16mo. 1 00 House on Wheels........ 1 25 Sybil and Chryssa, 16mo.. 1 00 Story Without an End, 16mo Waste Not,Want Not,Series, (Mrs. Austen)........... 8 vols., 16mo............ 2 50 a. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Watts' Songs for Children, Pussey Willow, small 4to. ~ 1 50 Illustrated............. 2 50 Queer Little People, small Wells. Mrs. Kate G. 4to..................... 1 50 In the Clearings, 16mo.... 80 Sunshine Series. 6 v., 18mo. 3 00 Winter Evening Liblrary (D.. Swiss Family Robinson, A. & Co.), 8 vols........ 8 00 16mo.................. 1 50 Wood. The Modern PlayThayer, Wm. mate. Illust.....Lond. 4 50 Tanner Boy (Lincoln)..... What Makes me Grow, 16mo. 1 00 Printer Boy (Franklin).... a. Whitney, Mrs. Tale of a Nest, lmo...... 1 50 Leslie Goldthwaite...... 1 75 Things Worth Knowing.... 1 00 We Girls, 12mo.......... 1 50 Thurston, Miss Louise M. Real Folks, 12mo........ 1 50 Forest Mills, 16mo........ 80 Women of Worth Library, Tonna, Mrs. 4 vols., each............. 1 50 The Charlotte Elizabeth Whittier, J. G. Child Life, Stories, 8 vols., 16mo... 7 20 Illustrated............. 3 00 Treasury of Fairy Stories, Yonge, Miss C. M. Illust. (H. & H.)........ 1 75 Caged Lion, l1mo......... 1 25 a. Trowbridge, J. T. Castle Builders, 12mo..... 1 00 Law r en c e's Adventures Countess Kate............ among the Ice-Cutters, Richard the Fearless, 16mo. 75 Glass-Makers, etc....... 1 50 Six Cushions, 1timo....... 1 00 The Brighthope Series, 5 Book of Golden Deeds.... 1 25 vols., 18mo.............. 4 00 Young American's Library, Jack Hazard, 16mo....... 1 50 9 vols.................. 4 50 PERIODICALS-LITERARY. LWe refer only to the leading Periodicals of high class, literary, popularly scientific, or artistic; and we do not include theological, religious, medical, or technical publications.] QUARTERLIES.-AMERICAN. PER ANNUM. North American Review.................... 8vo Bost. $6 CO BRITISH.* British Quarterly (Liberal).................. 8vo Lond. 9 00 Edinburgh Review, " (reprint, $4)...... 8vo Lond. 9 00 London Quarterly (Lit., Theol., Sci.)......... 8vo Lond. 12 CO Quarterly Review (Conservative), reprint, $4.. 8vo Lond. 9 00 Westminster and For. Quart. (Liberal), reprint, $4................................. 8vo Lond. 9 00 MAGAZINES.-AMIERIcAN. "Aldine," The. (Illustrated Literary)....... folio N.. 5 00 Atlantic Monthly (Literary)................. 8vo Bost. 4 00 Bookseller's Guide, Am. News Co. (Literary).. 8vo N. Y. 1 00 City, The. (Literary)....................... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Galaxy (Literary)........................... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Harper's Magazine (Literary, Illustrated).... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 Lippincott's Magazine (Literary)............. 8vo Phila. 4 00 Literary Bulletin, Leypoldt's............... 8vo N. Y. 1 00 Old and New (Literary)..................... 8vo Bost. 4 00 Publisher's Circular, Child's (Lit.) semi-month. 8vo Phila. 2 00 Scribner's Magazine (Literary, Illustrated)... 8vo N. Y. 4 00 REPRINTS. Blackwood's Magazine...................... 8vo N. Y. 3 00 Good Words............................... 8vo L.&P. 3 75 Sunday Magazine.......................... 8vo L.&P. 3 50 Eclectic Magazine (Literary and Scientific).... 8vo N. Y. 5 00 Every Saturday (Literary Weekly)......... 8vo Bost. 4 00 Living Age (Literary Weekly)............... 8vo Bost. 8 00 BRITISH. Academy, The. (Scientific)................. 4to Lond. 3 00 Art, Pictorial and Industrial (Illustrated).... 4to L. & N. 13 50 Art Journal (Illustrated).................... 4to L. & N. 15 00 Athenaeuml (monthly parts).................. 4to Lond. 9 00 Bookseller, The. (Literary News)........... 8vo Lond. 4 00 Chambers' Journal (for families).......... r. 8vo Lond. 4 00 * The present high duty and expenses of exchange, etc., add largely to the cost of imported periodicals. January, 1872. 216 PERIODICALS-LITERARY. PER ANNUM. Cornhill Magazine (Literary)................ 8vo Lond. $6 00 English Society (light Literature)........... 8vo Loud. 7 00 "Fortnightly" Review (Radical), pub. monthly. 8vo Loud. 12 00 Gentleman's Magazine (Literary)............ vo Lond. 6 00 Journal of Travel and Natural History....... 8vo Lond. 14 00 London Society (light Literature).......... 8vo Lond. 7 00 Macmillan's Magazine (Literature).......... 8vo Lond. 6 00 Portfolio, edited by Hamerton (Artistic, Illust.). 4to Lond. 15 00 Punch (monthly parts)...................... 4to Lond. 7 00 St. James' Magazine (Literary)............. 8vo Loud. 6 00 St. Paul's Magazine ".............. 8vo Lond. 6 00 Tinsley's Magazine ".............. 8vo Lond. 6 00 LITERARY WEEKLIES.-AMERICAN. Appleton's Journal. Illustrated............. 4to N. Y. 4 00 Christian Union (Beecher's)................ folio N. Y. 2 50 Harper's Bazar. Illus. (Lit. andFashions.)..folio N. Y. 4 00 Harper's Weekly. Illustrated..............folio N. Y. 4 00 Hearth and Home. Illustrated..............folio N. Y. 4 00 Independent (Literary and Religious)........folio N. Y. 2 50 Literary World............................. 4to Bost. 1 50 The Nation (Literary, Critical, Political)..... 4to N. Y. 5 00 ENGLISH. Athenaeum (Literary and Sci.).............. 4to Lond. 9 00 Examiner (Literary)........................folio Lond. 9 00 Field (Sporting)........................... folio Lond. 15 00 Fun (Comic).............................. 4to Lond. 4 00 Graphic (Artistic). Illustrated..............folio Lond. 14 00 Illustrated London News................... folio Lond. 14 00 Illustrated Times......................... folio Lond. 9 00 Nature (Scientific).......................... 8vo Lond. 6 00 Notes and Queries (Liter. and Antiquarian)... 4to Lond. 12 00 Pall Mall Budget (Liter. and Polit.)......... folio Lond. 15 00 Punch (Comic). Illustrated................. 4to Loud. 7 00 Public Opinion (Eclectic)................... folio Lnod. 7 00 Saturday Review (Literary, Political and Crit.) folio Lond. 15 00 Spectator (Literary, Political and Critical)....folio Lond. 15 00 Vanity Fair (with Political Caricatures)..... folio Lond. 15 00 FORTNIGHTLY. Publisher's Circular......................r. 8vo Lond. 5 00 YOUNG PEOPLE'S PERIODICALS. Little Corporal...................monthly, 8vo Chica. 1 00 Merry's Museum..................monthly. 8vo Bost. 1 50 Our Young Folks................monthly. 8vo Bost. 2 00 Oliver Optic's Magazine.............weekly. 4to Bost. 2 50 The Nursery.................... monthly. 8vo Bost. 1 50 PART SECOND. PREPARED BY FRED. B. PERKINS. I. READINGS ON READING.-Selections of wise words. II. SUGGESTIONS FOR COURSES OF READING. III. ON OWNING BOOKS. IV. HINTS ON BOOK CLUBS. READINGS ON READING.. THE DUTY OF OWNING BOOKS. BY HENRY WARD BEECHER. WE form judgments of men from little things about their houses, of which the owner, perhaps, never thinks. In earlier years, when travelling in the West, where taverns were scarce, and in some places unknown, and every settler's house was a house of entertainment, it was a matter of some importance and some experience to select wisely where you would put up. And we always looked for flowers. If there were no trees for shade, no patch of flowers in the yard, we were suspicious of the place. But, no matter how rude the cabin or rough the surroundings, if we saw that the window held a little trough for flowers, and that some vines twined about strings let down from the eaves, we were confident that there was some taste and carefulness in the log cabin. In a new country, where people have to tug for a living, no one will take the trouble to rear flowers unless the love of them is pretty strong; and this taste, blossoming out of plain and uncultivated people, is itself like a clump of harebells growing out of the seams of a rock. We were seldom misled. A patch of flowers came to signify kind people, clean beds, and good bread. But in other states of society other signs are more significant. Flowers about a rich man's house may signify only that he has 218 THE BEST READING. a good gardener, or that he has refined neighbors, and does what he sees them do. But men are not accustomed to buy books, unless they want them. If, on visiting the dwelling of a man of slender means, we find that he contents himself with cheap carpets and very plain furniture, in order that he may purchase books, he rises at once in our esteem. Books are not made for furniture, but there is nothing else that so beautifully furnishes a house. THE PLAINEST ROW OF BOOKS THAT CLOTH OR PAPER EVER COVERED IS MORE SIGNIFICANT OF REFINEMENT THAN THE MOST ELABORATELY CARVED etagere OR SIDEBOARD. Give us a house furnished with books rather than furniture! Both, if you can, but books at any rate! To spend several days in a friend's house, and hunger for something to read, while you are treading on costly carpets, and sitting upon luxurious chairs, and sleeping upon down, is as if one were bribing your body for the sake of cheating your mind. Is it not pitiable to see a man growing rich, augmenting the comforts of home, and lavishing money on ostentatious upholstery, upon the table, upon everything but what the soul needs? We know of many and many a rich man's house where it would not be safe to ask for the commonest English classics. A few garish annuals on the table, a few pictorial monstrosities, together with the stock religious books of his "persuasion," and that is all! No poets, no essayists, no historians, no travels or biographies, no select fictions, or curious legendary lore. But the wallpaper cost three dollars a roll, and the carpets four dollars a yard! Books are the windows through which the soul looks out. A home without books is like a room without windows. No man has a right to bring up his children without surrounding them with books, if he has the means to buy them. It is a wrong to his family. He cheats them! Children learn to read by being in the presence of books. The love of knowledge comes with reading and grows upon it. And the love of knowledge, in a young mind, is almost a warrant against the inferior excitement of passions and vices. Let us pity these poor rich men who live barrenly in great, bookless houses! Let us congratulate the poor that, in our day, books are so cheap that a man may every year add a hundred volumes to his library for the price of what his tobacco and his beer would cost him. Among the earliest ambitions to be excited in clerks, workmen, journeymen, and, indeed, among all that are READINGS ON READING. 219 struggling up in life from nothing to something, is that of owning, and constantly adding to, a library of good books. A little library growing larger every year, is an honorable part of a young man's history. It is a man's duty to have books. A library is not a luxury, but one of the necessaries of life.-" Eyes and Ears." 12mo. Boston, 1862. II. VALUE AND PLEASURE OF BOOKS AND READING. Books are the food of youth, the delight of old age; the ornament of prosperity; the refuge and comfort of adversity;' a delight at home, and no hindrance abroad; companions by night, in travelling, in the country.-Cicero. Books are a guide in youth and an entertainment for age. They support us under solitude, and keep us from becoming a burden to ourselves. They help us to forget the crossness of men and things, compose our cares and our passions, and lay our disappointments asleep. When we are weary of the living, we may repair to the dead, who have nothing of peevishness, pride, or design in their conversation. It is chiefly through books that we enjoy intercourse with superior minds; " and these invaluable communications are within the reach of all."- dadame de Genlis. " the great minds of former ages. The debt which he owes to them is incalculable. They have guided him to truth. They have filled his mind with noble and graceful images. They have stood by him in all vicissitudes; comforters in sorrow, nurses in sickness, companions in solitude. Their friendships are exposed to no danger from the occurrences by which other attachments are weakened or dissolved; time glides on; fortune is inconstant; tempers are soured; bonds which seemed indissoluble are daily sundered by interest, by emulation, or by caprice. But no such cause can affect the silent converse which we hold with the highest of human intellects. That placid intercourse is disturbed by no jealousies or resentments. There are the old friends who are never seen with new faces, who are the same in wealth and in poverty, in glory and in obscurity. With the dead there is no rivalry. In the dead there is no change. Plato is never sullen. Cervantes is never petulant. Demosthenes never comes unseasonably. Dante never stays too long. No difference 220 THE BEST READING. of political opinion can alienate Cicero. -4*eae-sycaa-excite the.hoi.orf Bof-sB et.2 —Lord Macaulay: Review of Montagu's Bacon. Books? The only bodies are they, for noble spirits, that have no ailments or annoyances. Books talk to you, not through the ear, but another way. They shout their silent meaning at the soul through the eye. They never importune, and are never reluctant. They are always full without eating. They are still, but never sleep. They grow old without infirmity. They are neither sick nor weary; they outwatch the watcher, and greet the morning, and wait for the stars at evening. For every other guest we make a couch and spread a table. But strange are the manners of books and pictures, that bring rest to our perturbations, and are guests that perform all the offices of hospitality for the host. —. W. Beecher, " Eyes and Ears," page 397. [Note the coincidence of expression, as well as thought, in the above four extracts.] It is nearly an axiom, that people will not be better than the books they read.-Dr. A. Potter. It is as important that we should have good books as that we should keep good company, as the one will make the other." An Old Bookseller." We cannot linger in the beautiful creations of inventive genius, or pursue the splendid discoveries of modern science, without a new sense of the capacities and dignity of human nature, which naturally leads to a sterner self-respect, to manlier resolves, and higher aspirations. We cannot read the ways of God to man as revealed in the history of nations, of sublime virtues as exemplified in the lives of great and good men, without falling into that mood of thoughtful admiration, which, though it be but a transient glow, is a purifying and elevating influence while it lasts. The study of history is especially valuable as an antidote to selfexaggeration. It teaches lessons of humility, patience, and submission. When we read of realms smitten with the scourge of famine or pestilence, or strewn with the bloody ashes of war; of grass growing in the streets of great cities; of ships rotting at the wharves; of fathers burying their sons; of strong men begging their bread; of fields untilled, and silent workshops, and despairing countenances,-we hear a voice of rebuke to our own READINGS ON READING. 221 clamorous sorrows and peevish complaints. We learn that pain and suffering and disappointment are a part of God's providence, and that no contract was ever yet made with man by which virtue should secure to him temporal happiness. In books, be it remembered, we have the best products of the best minds. We should any of us esteem it a great privilege to pass an evening with Shakespeare or Bacon, were such a thing possible. But, were we admitted to the presence of one of these illustrious men, we might find him touched with infirmity, or oppressed with weariness, or darkened with the shadow of a recent trouble, or absorbed by intrusive and tyrannous thoughts. To us the oracle might be dumb, and the light eclipsed. But, whin we take down one of their volumes, we run no such risk. we have their best thoughts embalmed in their best words; immortal flowers of poetry, wet with Castalian dews, and the golden fruit of wisdom that had long ripened on the bough before it was gathered. Here we find the growth of the choicest seasons of the mind, when mortal cares were forgotten, and mortal weaknesses were subdued; and the soul, stripped of its vanities and its passions, lay bare to the finest effluences of truth and beauty. We may be sure that Shakespeare never out-talked his Hamlet, nor Bacon his Essays. Great writers are indeed best known through their books. How little, for instance, do we know of the life of Shakespeare; but how much do we know of!. For the knowledge that comes from books, I would claim no more than it is fairly entitled to. I am well aware that there is no inevitable connection between intellectual cultivation, on the one hand, and individual virtue or social well-being, on the other. " The tree of knowledge is not the tree of life." I admit that genius and learning are sometimes found in combination with gross vices, and not unfrequently with contemptible weaknesses; and that a community at once cultivated and corrupt is no impossible monster. But it is no overstatement to say, that, other things being equal, the man who has the greatest amount of intellectual resources is in the least danger from inferior temptations,-if for no other reason, because he has fewer idle moments. The ruin of most men dates from some vacant hour. Occupation is the armor of the soul; and the train of Idleness is borne up by all the vices. I remember a satirical poem, in which the Devil is represented as fishing for men, and adapting his baits to the taste and temperament of his prey; but the idler, he said, pleased him most, because he bit the naked hook. To a young man away 222 THE BEST READING. from home, friendless and forlorn in a great city, the hours of peril are those between sunset and bedtime; for the moon and stars see more of evil in a single hour than the sun in his whole day's circuit. The poet's visions of evening are all compact of tender and soothing images. It bringsdie wanderer to his home, the child to his mother's arms, the ox to his stall, and the weary laborer to his rest. But to the gentle-hearted youth who is thrown upon the rocks of a pitiless city, and stands, "homeless amid a thousand homes," the approach of evening brings with it an aching sense of loneliness and desolation, which comes down upon the spirit like darkness upon the earth. In this mood his best impulses become a snare to him; and he is led astray because he is social, affectionate, sympathetic, and warm-hearted. If there be a young man thus circumstanced within the sound of my voice, let me say to him, that books are the friends of the friendless, and that a library is the home of the homeless. A taste for reading will always carry you into the best possible company, and enable you to converse with men who will instruct you by their wisdom, and charm you by their wit; who will soothe you when fretted, refresh you when weary, counsel you when perplexed, and sympathize with you at all times.-George S. Hillard. If I were to pray for a taste which should stand me in stead under every variety of circumstances, and be a source of happiness and cheerfulness to me through life, and a shield against its Ills, however things might go amiss, and the world frown upon me, it would be a taste for reading.... Give a man this taste, and the means of gratifying it, and you can hardly fail of making a happy man, unless, indeed, you put into his hands a most perverse selection of books. You place him in contact with the best society in every period of history-with the wisest, the wittiest, the tenderest, the bravest, and the purest characters who have adorned humanity. You make him a denizen of all nations, a cotemporary of all ages.-Sir J. Herschel. Employ your time in improving yourself by other men's documents; so shall you come easily by what others have labored hard for. Prefer knowledge to wealth; for the one is transitory the other perpetual.-Socrates. He that will inquire out the best books in every science, and inform himself of the most material authors of the several acts READINGS ON READING. 223 of philosophy and religion, will not find it an infinite work to acquaint himself with the sentiments of mankind concerning the most weighty and comprehensive subjects.-Locke. Reading maketh a full man.-Bacon. Read, and you will know.-Mrs. Jones. TREASURES OF LIBRARIES. My days among the dead are passed; Around me I behold, Where'er these casual eyes are cast, The mighty minds of old: My never-failing friends are they, With whom I converse day by day With them I take delight in weal, And seek relief in woe; And while I understand and feel How much to them I owe, My cheeks have often been bedewed With tears of thoughtful gratitude. My thoughts are with the dead; with them I live in long-past years; Their virtues love, their faults condemn, Partake their hopes and fears, And from their lessons seek and find Instruction with a humble mind. My hopes are with the dead; anon My place with them will be, And I with them shall travel on Through all futurity; Yet leaving here a name, I trust, That will not perish in the dust.-Southey. I no sooner come into the library, but I bolt the door to me, excluding Lust, Ambition, Avarice, and all such vices, whose nurse is Idleness,the mother of Ignorance and Melancholy. In the very lap of eternity, among so many divine souls, I take my seat with so lofty a spirit, and sweet content, that I pity all that know not this happiness.-Heinsius. 224 THE BEST READING. A book is good company. It is full of conversation without loquacity. It comes to your longing with full instruction, but pursues you never. It is not offended at your absent-mindedness, nor jealous if you turn to other pleasures, of leaf, or dress, or mineral, or even of books. It silently serves the soul without recompense, not even for the hire of love. And yet more noble, it seems to pass from itself, and to enter the memory and to hover in a silvery transformation there, until the outward book is but a body and its soul and spirit are flown to you, and possess your memory like a spirit. And while some books, like step s are left behind us by the very help which they yield us, and serve only our childhood or early life, some others go with us, in mute fidelity, to the end of life, a recreation for fatigue, an instruction for our sober hours, and a solace for our sickness or sorrow. Except the great out-doors, nothing that has no life of its own gives so much life to you.-H. W. Beecher, " Eyes and Ears," p. 292, 3. No such treasure as a library.- Whitlock. Books are yours, Within whose silent chambers treasure lies Preserved from age to age; more precious far Than that accumulated store of gold And orient gems, which, for a day of need, The Sultan hides deep in ancestral tombs. These hoards of truth you can unlock at will. - Wordsworth. Dreams, books, are each a world; and books, we know, Are a substantial world, both pure and good; Round these, with tendrils strong as flesh and blood, Our pastime and our happiness will grow. — Wordsworth: Personal Talk, 56. 1. Books make up no small part of human happiness.-Frederic the Great, in youth. My latest passion will be for literature.-Frederic the Great, in old age. For books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a progeny of life in them as active as that soul whose progeny READINGS ON READING. 225 they are; nay, they do preserve, as in a vial, the purest efficacy and extraction of that living intellect that bred them.-Milton: Areopagitica. As good almost kill a man as kill a good book: who kills a man kills a reasonable creature, God's image; but he who destroys a good book kills reason itself, kills the image of God, as it were, in the eye.-Sa, — Knowledge is proud that he has learned so much; Wisdom is humble that he knows no more. Books are not seldom talismans and spells. -Cowper: Task, bk. vi. line 96. Of the things which man can do or make here below, by far the most momentous, wonderful, and worthy, are the things we call books.-Carlyle. Every great book is an action, and every great action is a book.-Luther. Nothing can supply the place of books.-Channing. A book's a book although there's nothing in't.-Lord Byron. Nothing is more delightful than to lie under a tree, in the summer, with a book, except to lie under a tree, in the summer, without a book.-G. J. Fox. III. How TO READ BooKs. THE SUBSTANCE OF BISHOP POTTER'S "CAUTIONS AND COUNSELS," FROM HIS " HANDBOOK FOR READERS AND STUDENTS," NEW YORK, 1843. 1. Always have some useful and pleasant book ready to take up in " odd ends" of time. 2. Be not alarmed because so many books are recommended. 3. Do not attempt to read much or fast. 4. Do not be so enslaved by any system or course of study, as to think it may not be altered. 5. Beware, on the other hand, of frequent changes in your plan of study. 226 THE BEST READING. 6. Read always the best and most recent book on the subject which you wish to investigate. 7. Study subjects rather than books. 8. Seek opportunities to write and converse on subjects about which you read. 9. Refer what you read to the general head under which it belongs; if a fact, to the principle involved; if a principle, to the facts which follow. 10. Try to use your knowledge in practice. 11. Keep your knowledge at command, by reviewing it as much as you can. 12. Dare to be ignorant of many things. There is no business, no avocation whatever, which will not permit a man, who has an inclination, to give a little time, every day, to the studies of his youth.- Wyttenbach. Nothing, in truth, has such a tendency to weaken, not only the powers of invention, but the intellectual powers in general, as a habit of extensive and various reading without reflection. The activity and force of mind are gradually impaired in consequence of disuse; and, not unfrequently, all our principles and opinions come to be lost in the infinite multiplicity and discordancy of our acquired ideas.-Dugald Stewart. Books have brought some men to knowledge, and some to madness. As fullness sometimes hurteth the stomach more than hunger, so fareth it with wits, and, as of meats, so, likewise, of books, the use ought to be limited according to the quality of him that useth them.-Petrarch: Twyne's tr., 1579,f. 62. Books cannot always please, however good; Minds are not ever craving for their food. Crabbe: The Borough, Letter xxiv.: Schools. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; that is, some books are to be read only in parts; others to be read, but not curiously; and some few to be read wholly, and with diligence and attention.Lord Bacon. READINGS ON READING. 227 Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtile; natural philosophy, deep; morals, grave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend.-Same. Read, not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted, nor find talk and discourse, but to weigh and consider. -Same. How should we read? First, thoughtfully and critically; secondly, in company with a friend, or your family; thirdly, re peatedly; fourthly, with pen in hand.-Dr. A. Potter. Study subjects rather than books: therefore, compare different authors on the same subjects; the statements of authors, with information collected from other sources; and the conclusions drawn by a writer, with the rules of sound logic.-Same. All who would study with advantage, in any art whatsoever, ought to betake themselves to the reading of some sure and certain books oftentimes over; for to read many books produceth confusion, rather than learning, like as those who dwell everywhere are not anywhere at home.-Luther: Table-Talk. Those who have read of everything are thought to understand everything too; but it is not always so. Reading furnishes the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. We are of the ruminating kind, and it is not enough to cram ourselves with a great load of collections; unless we chew them over again, they will not give us strength and nourishment.-Locke. The thoughts of our deliberation are most accurate; these we vent into our papers. What a happiness it is, that without all offence of necromancy, I may here call up any of the ancient worthies of learning, whether human or divine, and confer with them of all my doubts! that I can at pleasure summon whole synods of reverend Fathers and acute doctors from all the coasts of the earth, to give their well-studied judgments in all points of question which I propose! Neither can I cast my eye casually upon any of these silent masters but I must learn somewhat. No law binds us to read all; but the more we can take in and digest, the better-liking must the mind needs be.-Bishop Halt. 228 THE BEST READING. -who reads Incessantly, and to his reading brings not A spirit and judgment equal or superior, Uncertain and unsettled still remains, Deep versed in books, but shallow in himself. -Milton: Paradise Regained. To call him well read who reads many authors is improper.Shaftesbury. As concerns the quantity of what is to be read there is a single rule,-Read much, but not many works (multum non multa).-Sir W. Hamilton. Multum legendum esse non multa.-Quintilian. In reading authors, when you find Bright passages that strike your mind, And which, perhaps, you may have reason To think on at another season, Be not contented with the sight, But take them down in black and white. Such a respect is wisely shown As makes another's sense one's own. IV. How TO CHOOSE BOOKS. Under our present enormous accumulation of books, I do affirm that a most miserable distraction of choice must be very generally incident to the times; that the symptoms of it are in fact very prevalent, and that one of the chief symptoms is an enormous "gluttonism" for books.-De Quincey. A wise man can sooner gather gold out of the drossiest volume than a fool wisdom out of Scripture.-Milton. Non refert quam multos libros sed quam honor HABEAS.Seneca. READINGS ON READING. 229 For out of the old fieldes, as men saithe, Cometh al this new corne fro yere to yere, And cut of old bookes, in good faithe, Cometh al this new science that men lere. -Chaucer: Assembly of Foules, 1. 22. Old wood to burn! Old wine to drink! Old friends to trust! Old books to read! -Alonzo of Aragon. Books that you may carry to the fire and hold readily in your hand are the most useful, after all.-Johnson. We ought to regard books as we do sweetmeats, not wholly to aim at the pleasantest, but chiefly to respect the wholesomest; not forbidding either, but approving the latter most.-Plutarch, as quoted by Felltham. A love of books can be acquired only by those who find pleasure in using them; and hence, whoever would cultivate in himself or others this most desirable taste, should select, especially at first, such works as can be read with sustained and quickened attention. -Dr. Potter. Blessings be with them, and eternal praise, Who gave us nobler loves, and nobler cares, The Poets, who on earth have made us heirs Of truth and pure delight by heavenly lays! (See further of it.) -Wordsworth: Personal Talk, st. 4. The novel, in its best form, I regard as one of the most powerful engines of civilization ever invented.-Sir J. Herschel. Novels are sweets. All people with healthy literary appetites love them-almost all women; a vast number of clever, hardheaded men. Judges, bishops, chancellors, mathematicians, are notorious novel-readers, as well as young boys and sweet girls, and their kind, tender mothers. - Thackeray: Roundabout Papers. 230 THE BEST READING. BOOK-BUYING. In starting a library, select from the accompanying list fifty, or a hundred, or more, volumes, and take your list to some responsible bookseller, and he will fill it for you at a fair discount from the retail prices; he can, of course, and will, furnish the whole list cheaper than he could by a single volume at a time. Then, by all means, keep an open account with him, and in the course of your reading, when you come across some volume you want, or some fact that should be hunted up, make a note of it, and procure the volume. A book read at the time your interest is excited will possess not only double its interest, but the facts it contains will be much more firmly impressed upon the mind. An account at your bookseller's is one that you should take pride in maintaining, in making it as large as your means will allow, and in paying promptly and willingly when due. Never buy books published in numbers; it is the most expensive form, because the same book can generally be had bound, when finished, for the same price as published at in numbers; because, also, numbers will get lost and have to be replaced, at the additional cost; or they will get torn or soiled; and often, when sent to the binder's, they are returned bound in an unsatisfactory manner.-" An Old Bookseller." Phila.: Porter & Coates. [The " Old Bookseller" also puts in a warning against buying books at Auction, and of "Canvassing Agents;" but as the evils and dangers of these are not wholly unmixed with advantage in some cases, we do not quote his advice on these points.-ED.] READING AND COUIRSES OF ]READING. BY FRED. B. PERKINS. Twenty thousand editions of books had issued from the press before the year 1500. In one public library (the Bibliotheque Imperiale of Paris) there were, in 1858, it was claimed, only 142,000 volumes short of two million printed books, besides 86,000 MSS. A single separate collection of pamphlets in the British Museum about the English Rebellion only, contains 40,000 publications. Probably not less than 25,000 new books appear every year now. This does not include periodicals or newspapers. Now, an able and experienced old reader of the hardgoing sort, Lenglet du Fresnoy, made a calculation that convinced him that nobody could read more than 900 folio volumes in a life-time. Roughly, this would allow 2,700 quartos, 8,100 octavos, and about 16,000 duodecimos-so that your life is gone in reading eight months' books-two-thirds the present annual reinforcement to literature of books alone. To keep up, alone, would require the reading of about sixty-eight volumes a day, without allowing for reading up such arrears as the classics, etc. It is obvious enough, therefore, that any one who desires to read, or to buy books to the best advantage, will need to select with all the care and judgment he can muster, both within himself, or from friends, or paid experts. Is reading your most useful mental employment, after all? There are speakers to hear; conversation and de 232 THE BEST READING. bate to maintain; thinking of your own to elaborate. Are not there more real and profitable mental activities; and is not reading rather to be made a last resort, when these are not practicable? Plausible arguments may be found in favor of those suggestions, but weighty ones against them. Careful and thorough thinking to the utmost of our ability should underlie and accompany the hearing of a speaker, conversation, debate and reading. Thinking-that is, the pursuit and attainment of truth on whatever subjects are before us-is indeed the object of them all. They are all useless without it, and entirely subordinate to it (except, of course, the care of mere amusement). Now, Reading is the best means of nourishing Thought. Oratory, on the other hand, is the worst, since it depends on moving the feelings, which disturbs the reason. And even if the hearer can keep his feelings untouched, yet he may not object nor question. He is to sit unresisting, and drink in whatever is put down his throat. This is well enough for young robins and babies, but it is a ludicrous way of dieting for a grown man-for an enlightened mind. Debating and conversation are better discipline than oratory, since they allow a comparison of views. Conversation especially, and most of all that form of it so highly prized by open minds, where one can resort to some wise friend and ask questions, and discuss them, is extremely useful. It is greatly superior to debate in this, that it is not so liable to excitements of the external sort, such as anger, desire to win, or desire to show off. But if only one of these kinds of mental exercise might be had, it should be books, books, books, a thousand times to one. Compared with books, public speaking is a war-dance, conversation a beating bushes for wild fruit; well enough for savages and strays, but hav READIN( AND COURSES OF READING. 283 ing small place or power in the discipline of a cultured mind. And accordingly we find that they have been valued most when there were few books or no books, and that as books have multiplied and reading has become general, they have fallen from the rank of great civic and philosophic engineers, to mere accomplishments and public shows. To-day, it is Reading that firnishes both news and knowledge to the people at large, and that determines their opinions and their action. Conversation is a meagre appendix to the use of books, periodicals, and newspapers, and seldom much besides a retailing of what they have furnished. Oratory exists only in the sermon, which is substantially assented to beforehand; the political speech, which is more for amusement than for instruction; and the lecture, which is for nothing but amusement.* What shall I read? Shall I pursue a general course? Or shall I work at some department of knowledge exclusively? What book shall I begin with? What books shall I go on with? Answer: Do you want to read as work or as relaxation? for accomplishment, or for knowledge? What do you know already? What have you read already? The answer is only another question, for the questions supposed-they are the usual ones-could not be answered otherwise. They are like the well-known queries: How long is a string? How much does a horse cost? There are a great many people for whom the profundities of Tupper and Tompkins are the solidest reading that can be endured, and Southworth is splendid! There are others who want Plato in the Greek and Kant in the German; who, like Queen Caroline, take Butler's Analogy for their light reading. I beg pardon; that is not abreast * Mr. Perkins' position in this may be questioned.-ED. 234 THE BEST READING. with the Spirit of the Age. I ought to say, who read the Vedic hymns in the original Sanscrit for amusement, and decipher inscriptions in the arrow-headed character when they have five minutes' leisure, and as they ride in the street-cars. Among the gayly variegated mosaic stuff that constitutes a certain well-known pavement, I suppose there are as many Courses of Reading as good resolutions of any other kind Perhaps as good a rule as any to begin reading with is: Don't pursue a course of reading. Or, rather, don't try to; there's very little danger that you will. And yet it is very agreeable to sit down and plan out a full and rounded series of noble books, which shall train the mind into strength and swiftness and beauty. There is something extremely attractive, for instance, in the conception of a series of masterpieces, or monumental Course of Reading, which shall acquaint the student with the great thoughts of the great men in historic order, and thus set before him a history of mankind in its noblest representations. Thus, for instance: [Filled out with a few titles in parentheses, as being either out of chronological order, or as connectives, etc. Translations are always meant, of non-English books. Epithets and estimates are taken for granted.] First seize a few pictures of the pre-historic civilizations, executed in the modern manner; by reading Rawlinson's Five Great Monarchies and Wilkinson's Ancient Egyptians. This background laid in, read Bryant's Homer, and, along with it, dictionary-wise, Gladstone's Juventus Mundi. Follow with Greek historians: Herodotus (Rawlinson's), Thucydides, Xenophon's Anabasis. Now add the leading Greek philosophies of mind and action; the Ethics and Politics of Aristotle, Plato's Dialogues (Jowett's), and Xenophon's Memorabilia (Supple READINGS AND COURSES OF READING. 235 ment with Grote's Plato, and his Companions of Socrates). Add the greatest Greek dramatists and an orator: 2Efschylus, Sophocles, Euripides; Aristophanes, most wonderful of all; and Demosthenes. Then read Plutarch's Lives. Lastly, round up and vivify your knowledge of the Greek nation and spirit by reading Grote's magnificent History of Greece. Next comes Rome. Read of the historians, Livy, Sallust, Caesar, Tacitus; of poets, Virgil (Conington's), Horace (Francis' is as good as any); for oratory, philosophy, and belles-lettres, Cicero's writings. (Supplement Greek and Roman antiquity together with Becker's Charicles, and his Gallus; then revise and solidify your Rome by reading Mommsen, as Grote for Greece. But you will find it, though good, far inferior to Grote.) Now comes the transition from heathen to Christian history. Read Gibbon's Decline and Fall. To keep your balance against the often denounced innuendoes of Mr. Gibbon, don't quiddle with the goody little notes to Gibbon, by Milman and others, but having let Gibbon poison you as much as he can-he won't hurt you if you have much intellect of your own-turn away and master at once the right side of the main question of Christ in History, by a thorough study and mental appropriation of Home's Introduction to the study of the Sacred Scriptures. I mean not the obsolete old edition, still obstinately and improperly kept in the American market to the exclusion of the proper one, but the last edition, with Horne's own latest revisions, and with the addition, by first-class evangelical English scholars, of all the recent learning on the subject. No man of sound mind, having mastered Horne, will ever be materially troubled by such little snips and sneers as Gibbon's, or by any other attempt to destroy the historical argument for the substautial truth of the Bible. 236 THE BEST READING. To further familiarize yourself with this great turningpoint in the history of mankind, read Augustine's Confessions, and his City of God, as specimens of the best effects of the new religion upon a fervid, and powerful, and noble nature. (Add for completeness Milman's First Three Centuries of the Christian Church, Merivale's Conversion of the Roman Empire, and his Conversion of the Northern Nations.) Now, grasp at once the beginnings of modern history, by reading carefully Hallam's Middle Ages and Guizot's History of Civilization. Turn back a moment and surrender yourself to one of the latest phases of heathen romance, in reading the Nibelungen Lied. (If you like to add a prose romance of the same key, but having also the transition to Christianity in it, read Fouqu6's Thiodolf the Icelander.) Now, for two narrower pictures, yet full of bright, sharp drawing and character, read Thierry's Merovingians, and his Norman Conquest. Add Froissart; for the chivalric romances, read Morte d'Arthur and Amadis de Gaul; and for the times of the Crusades, take (history quite as much as romance) Ivanhoe, The Talisman, and Quentin Durward. Next comes the Great Awakening of the 15th Century. Yet Dante belongs earlier. Read, then, Dante (Longfellow's); after him Ariosto (Rose's), and Tasso (Wiffen's). (Now take d'Aubign6's spirited and graphic History of the Reformation, and follow it with Schiller's Thirty Years' War, and you have the transition from Catholic Europe to the Catholic-Protestant Europe of to-day. For glimpses into ways of thought and speech, read Luther's Table-Talk; and to fill out the whole with its immense and indispensable Fine Art portion, read Eastlake's and Kugler's Hand-Books.) As the Nibelungen Lied marked in some sense a close of heathen national epics, so now read Don Quixote, to mark the READINGS AND COURSES OF READING. 237 extinction of the romance of chivalry. Follow it with Gil Bias, which establishes the transition to the earliest period of modern Fiction Proper, viz., the string-of-adventures and character novel. (To fill out the historical impressions of that imperial time, read Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella, Philip II., Mexico and Peru, and Motley's Dutch Republic and United Netherlands.) Cross the channel, and come into the splendid blaze of the Elizabethan period. But it will bear, and, indeed, requires, ample introduction. This is the place to ascertain your views of English History; you may come down well past it in that department, and then, returning, set your Elizabethan jewels all the more distinctly in the middle of the broad field. Read, therefore, Hume and Macaulay. Then take Hallam and May's Constitutional History; add Blackstone's Commentaries, and De Lolme on the Constitution, because English history and English law are peculiarly interwoven. (To give breadth to your views, add also, here, Maine's two valuable works on Ancient Law, and on Municipal or Village Law in the East and West.) Now return to Queen Elizabeth. Specimens must do. So read Shakespeare (White's, if you can afford it; if not, any you can. Shakespeare can be bought almost as cheap as the Bible); Spenser, and Bacon, and Montaigne. Miss Aikin's Court and Times of Queen Elizabeth is picturesque and comprehensive for the general reader. Step forward two generations. Read Clarendon's History of the Rebellion, Carlyle's Cromwell, Milton's Prose Works, and Forster's Statesmen of the Commonwealth. The Diaries of Evelyn and Pepys are instructive pictures of the times of Charles II. Then read Milton's Poetry, Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, and Holy War; Sir Thomas Browne's Religio Medici and Urn-Burial, and (if you can) Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy. Selden's Table-Talk 238 THE BEST READING. also belongs here; you can read that, or else you have no business with this list. (For the state of things on the Continent, read Schiller's Thirty Years' War.) The Restoration and the Revolution of 1688 have been dealt with already in your historical reading, prefatory to the Elizabethan period. Omit, therefore, the war and politics of that stirring time, and consider next the literary activity of the reign of Louis XIV. in France, and of Queen Anne in England. Read Corneille, Racine, and Moliere; the Thoughts and Provincial Letters of Pascal; the Letters of Madame de Sevign; and-though he belongs a little later-the Maxims of La Rochetoucauld. Read also the philosophical works of Locke, and those of Descartes. Then, for Queen Anne's time, read Swift, Addison, and Pope. (The writings of Bolingbroke might be added, and a notion of Marlborough may be obtained from Alison's Life.) We rapidly approach the modernest times, and to-day. After the wars of Queen Anne, the next historical epoch is that of the wars of Frederic the Great, of whom read Carlyle's Life. In the latter half of the century a slow, silent victory, yet greater than Prague or Rosbach, was won by Kant, whose Critique of Pure Reason and Metaphysics of Ethics should be read. Read also the first of human biographies, written by one of the last of men, Boswell's Johnson; and Burke's Speeches, and Sheridan's Comedies, and Goldsmith's Works. Continue the philosophical strand of your cord, with Stewart, Brown, and Reid. Now prepare for the splitting off of the American Colonies into an independent historical career. Read the Federalist, to show what the men meant who founded our polity, and De Tocqueville's Democracy in America, for a marvellous and only not prophetic exposition of what their purpose turned out to be. (While you are READINGS AND COURSES OF READING. 239 about it, shape our own history at once by reading Bancroft's mammoth preparation to begin our history, and Hildreth's dense and full annals.) Make a backward step for France. Read De Tocqueville's Ancient Regime, to show you why the French Revolution broke out; and then Thiers and Carlyle, to show what it did. Follow with Thiers' Consulate and Empire; read Napier's Peninsular War, a wonderfully clear and vigorous narrative of the military achievements which were the real entering wedge toward Napoleon's downfall; and avoid Scott's Life and Abbot's Life of Napoleon. For German literature in these days, read Goethe (Taylor's Faust, the rest of his works as you can get them); Schiller-I mean both the Works and the Life of both. Then take up the literary harvest of England in the first part of this century. Read Scott's Works, and Lockhart's Scott; Byron, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, and Shelley; and read after the writings of each a biography of each. Read also Lamb's Writings, and those of Thomas de Quincey. Then opens out the vast arena of the present epoch, with its innumerable writers and its numerous entirely new departments of investigation. There is a sufficient conventional excuse for not venturing to even attempt to blaze out a path through such a crowded and luxuriant forest. Yet, let the notice be ventured that the present age is notable most of all for advances in science, and what is closely related thereto: and in belles-lettres, for prose fiction. I barely name Humboldt's Cosmos, Darwin's Origin of Species and Descent of Man, Sir William Hamilton's Metaphysics and Logic, the writings of Herbert Spencer, Charles Dickens, W. M. Thackeray, and Nathaniel Hawthorne. As for all the rest, any one who has read according to this series down to this point, or 240 THE BEST READING. half-way down to it, with fair abilities and steady, careful attention, is by that time better able to choose both departments and authors for himself than I or any other guide. Then please to consider what a store of deep and broad and noble and beautiful thoughts, what a wide range of classes of literature, what a vast mass of facts, the knowledge of that series of books implies; and yet it is a -pretty short " Course of Reading," as courses of reading go. But I will not say I recommend it. I will say that I would dearly love to begin at the beginning of it this very day, and go straight through to the end. Now I shall steal a little from Mr. Hale's " How to Do it." His suggestion about courses of reading is, to know, first, the Bible (I take that for granted, observe). Second, the history of your own country, pretty well; of your own State, better; of your own town best of all. Third (for Americans), "a clear knowledge of the general features of the history of England." Fourth, most of Shakespeare's plays. Beyond this, says Mr. Hale, to begin with, make up your mind what you want to read about: Mary Queen of Scots, fly-fishing, hieroglyphics, the Tenure of Office Bill, anything. Having reached this point, M/r. Hale's doctrine becomes both a Course of Reading and a Method of Reading. Take a blank book, he says, note down the chief significant words in the passage that you have read, on your chosen subject (he takes it for granted that you have read something); and then rummage and search for more reading about the subject itself; or about the collateral subjects named by the entries in your blank-book. If any of these are debated subjects, read on both sides. Use Poole's Index to follow your subjects into the periodicals READINGS AND COURSES OF READING. 241 fiom 1802 to 1852, where that work ends. As fast as you determine dates or other facts about your subjects, note them each under its proper word in your blankbook. Note there, also, any authorities you find named. This way of searching and recording will branch out as fast and as far as anybody will pursue it. Some of Dr. Potter's shrewd " Cautions and Counsels" are quoted in our "Readings on Reading." Here are Mr. Emerson's three rules. They are not rules for selecting a course of reading, but rules for not reading some kinds of books. 1. Never read any book that is not a year old. 2. Never read any but famed books. 3. Never read any books but what you like. Now I have not one word to say against those rules; indeed, with a trifling addition, I adopt them as part of my system. This addition consists in appending to each rule the words " unless you choose." And last of all, Mr. Horace Greeley, in the New York Ledger, comes and tells us what he knows about reading. First, he says, be where there are good books; though how he reconciles this with his other advice to go west and buy a farm, I do not know. But if there are none, he says, ten dollars a year will get them. Begin with Chemistry, Geology, and Botany, and devote a year to each. "Obtain the best text-book of each as a foundation." Read slowly and thoughtfully; if you do not master the book at the first time, read it again, and so on. If puzzled, stop and work at the place till you understand it. Next, give a little time to Geography and Astronomy. After Science, read History; then Biography. Poetry and Philosophy come last. Well-that course, also, I recommend not to pursue. If anything could be more hopeless, or more totally out of sight of the present methods of learning the physical 242 THE BEST READING. sciences, than to read one year in books, I don't know what it s. Mr. Greeley might just as well recommend his customers to learn editing, or farming, by reading one year in a book, and stopping short at every puzzle until it is solved. It would not be very long before his constituency of readers would be every mother's son of them hanging motionless each at his puzzle, " silent, upon a peak in Darien," or just as far off fiom anything useful. I shall close this "Course of Reading" discussion by one more outline of a course. It will at once be objected to, that it is not literature at all. So be it; but it has the merit of recommending reading that will not do harm, and that will do good; and that does not require Mr. Greeley's $10 a year, though it would admit of the use of much more; and lastly, it affords a great breadth of reading that people will read, and more people, too, than can be induced to read anything else. COURSE. 1. Subscribe for a year, paying each in advance, to a weekly paper, secular rather than religious, which gives a great and varied breadth of news. If you absolutely must have stories, take also, not instead, a weekly story paper. The two which I recommend for this purpose are, The NAew York Weekly Tribune, and. Take others if you prefer. 2. Read the former of these regularly and carefully; keep up with the current of events, so as to observe the succession of causes and effects, and new discoveries and suggestions in the history that every day is bringing to pass before you. In this age of telegraphs and steam, we may know the world as well as the village. 3. When you come to anything that puzzles you, don't stop and work at it-that is, more than a little while; but go and find somebody or something that will explain READINGS AND COURSES OF READING. 243 it. Whether it is the name of some public man whose previous career you want to know, or the name of a country, or of a metal, or a machine, or a party, or a philosophy, or a principle that you are not sufficiently well informed about, makes little difference. Fix deliberately on it, whatever it is, and then set to work to find out about it. Ask your father and mother. Get them to tell you about the person or thing, or to tell you where to read about it. Ask your employer; ask other people in the shop; I mean, always, so far as your acquaintance justifies you in asking. Ask the school-master or the school-mistress; ask the minister. if you find that there is a book to be read, and that you can with propriety borrow it, borrow; get it from a library if you can. And always, if there is a circulating library, or anything of that sort, belong to it. You will find, a little further on, how to make one that will do very well. If you find that there is nothing to be had about that subject, take another. 4. Having begun thus, there is no end. Before you have acquainted yourself with one thing, a hundred more will turn up. Your difficulty will be to exclude things that you want to read about. For this I recommend a moderate degree of persistence, but not too exclusive devotion to any one subject. That is, unless you come upon one that you particularly enjoy. Devote yourself to just as complete an acquaintance with that as you please. If you should even plan to master all that is known of it and then to carry human knowledge farther in that direction, it is a noble and hopeful ambition. But you will be astonished to find how much has been put in books about most things. 5. For recording your knowledge, Mr. Hale's plan will do very well. Begin with a small blank-book. You are much more likely to fill first a small one and then a 244 THE BEST READING. large one, than a large one first. And if you fill neither, the small one wastes less. I do not recommend Todd's Index Rerum. Now comes the question, How to read? I refer again to Bishop Potter's " Cautions and Counsels," for hints. Mr. Hale says the first rules are: "Do not read too much at a time; stop when you are tired; and, in whatever way, make some review of what you read, even as you go along." The handiest way to do this is, when you have got through with any separate step in the argument or separate statement or division of the book, to look off it and say over to yourself in careful words-not mere indistinct thoughts, but framed sentences-the substance of that step or statement or division. Do the same for the chapters or larger divisions. And do the same with the book itself at last. If the book belongs to you (this is a suggestion of Mr. Hale's, and a habit of my own, too), whenever you come to something whose place you want to remember, note the page in pencil on a blank leaf at the end of the book, and one or two words to remind you what the subject is. Choose these words carefully. These are plain hints; they are better than a more complex system; if any peculiar modes of your own suggest themselves, try them; one's own devices are often the best for such things. It is very often useful to read what the printers call the "front matter;" that is, the title-page, preface, or introduction, and table of contents. In reading the latter take, first, the main divisions, and if you have a few minutes to spare, and they are clear, commit them to memory; they will make a convenient frame on which to hang the contents of the book, and perhaps of other books, too. You will very likely forget them after a READINGS AND COURSES OF READING. 245 time; but some neat classification or statement of thoughts will stick by you. When a. new question comes before you, read both sides of it as well as you can, so as to preserve the judge's habit of mind rather than the lawyer's. Thus, for instance, on free-trade and protection, read, on the latter side, Mr. Greeley's book, and, if you can, the works of H. C. Carey; on the former, read Bastiat, Perry, and Mill. On the woman suffrage question, read Dr. Bushnell's " Woman Suffrage" against, and J. S. Mill's " Subjection of Woman" for, and so on. This method, properly followed, gives great soundness and good sense to one's habits of mind. A number of very good and nourishing books can be had in pocket editions, such as Bacon's Essays, Locke on the Understanding, etc. If you once get into the habit of having such a book about you, to use at odd times, you will be very likely to keep it up; it is a capital method of economizing time and thought. Sometimes a larger book can be managed by buying a copy in sheets, and carrying it about, a sheet at a time. It is of the first importance to have as many good reference books at hand, while you are reading, as possible. If you can have but one, have Webster's Dictionary-the unabridged pictorial, if possible; and, if not, the next largest edition you can afford. They range from that imperial quarto, down to a square 16mo, at about 50 cents. The second should be an atlas, Black's, Colton's, or Mitchell's. There are others, but being sold by subscription, they are practically not to be had. For three other reference books to come next, I recommend: 1. Bartlett's Dictionary of Quotations. 2. Hole and Wheeler's Brief Biographical Dictionary; or Godwin's Cyclopedia of Biography. 3. Haydn's Dictionary of Dates; or Putnam's " World's Progress." 246 THE BEST READING. Use these reference books as often as you can find an occasion to; get into the habit of constantly using them. And use as many more reference books as you can afford. The physiology of reading includes a few hints about the USE OF THE EYES, times and seasons, and other questions of a physical nature. There is no room for a treatise, hardly for a paragraph. Do not use your eyes before breakfast until you are twenty years old. All the system is relaxed then, and any exertion is unnatural and injurious. Do not read in a dim light, nor by a flickering light, nor by a light that shines into the eyes. The best light comes from above and behind the left shoulder. For those who have to read much a green shade over the eyes is a great economy of sight. Gas-light is of a harsh quality, and very hot. Besides, it is better not to deal with an irresponsible monopoly when you can help it. A far better light to read and study by is the still, soft, white light of the " German Student's Lamp." This lamp can be had for either kerosene or the finer vegetable oils. Learn to read whole words by their collective diagram or physiognomy on the paper. This is an immense relief to the eyes. One who has to read a great deal can read a good many books, not the hardest though-if printed in double columns or in a narrow page, not only by whole words, but a whole line at a time; so that the eye, instead of skipping backward and forward thirty or forty times a page, moves, deliberately, straight down it. This is an additional economy of the eyes. Look no harder at the words than is necessary. By straining with an intense stare, one can tire out one's eyes very soon over the clearest print; while careful practice of READINGS AND COURSES OF READING. 247 these rules will enable any one with a reasonably good pair of eyes, to read in the railroad cars all day long, without harm. In this case, however, two other precautions are necessary: sit erect and free from the back of the seat, and do not let the arm that holds the book touch anything else. This keeps the book at the end of a long spring, viz.: the length of the body and arm together, which reduces the jar of the cars to a minimum. Here are three rules for reading, which Professor Whitaker, of Cambridge, gave to John Boyce, one of the translators of King James' Bible: 1. Study, chiefly, standing or walking. 2. Never study at a window. 3. Never go to bed with cold feet. Those are sensible rules, in part. Variety of posture gives great relief, but I should say a sitting posture was best for the most part, with standing or walking for a variety. The second rule is against drafts of cold air. The third is an excellent rule for those who do not read, as well as those who do. Another notion which will be convenient for a great many people, is, to have two or three books going at the same time; one for hard work, perhaps, another for another kind of hard work, and a second (or a third) for amusement. But this will not do for everybody. Some would be in danger of devoting all their reading-time to the amusing book. Others are not of the sort that can change readily from subject to subject, and this method might bother them more than it helped them. It should not, therefore, be followed unless it is found to succeed well in practice. OWNING BOOKS. As with reading, so with owning books. Nobody can own them all. An English nobleman once offered 248 THE BEST READING. more than $11,000 for one volume, and he was rich enough to be able to afford it. But he set out to make a complete collection of the editions of the writings of Martial. In spite of his wealth, and his steady pursuit, he was thirty years in doing it. So, you may imagineor figure up, if you prefer arithmetic —ow many hundred years it would take to collect all the works that have been published. Hardly anybody can expect to own more than a very few. That is all the more reason why they should be wisely chosen. Fifty volumes of good books is no bad library. A certain learned mal of ancient times, owned but four books. The famous Leibnitz is said to have asserted that his library contained only these nine authors: Plato, Aristotle, Archimedes, Euclid, Plutarch, Sextus Empiricus, Pliny, Cicero, and Seneca. There is a ludicrous remark in one of Thackeray's novels, I believe, about some person whose library "consisted, chiefly, of old boots." Robert Southey's " List of a Gentleman's Necessary Library" has four more items than Leibnitz's; does not include a single one of Leibnitz's; and the old boots would make almost as good a library, for a good many " gentlemen," as either of them. This is Southey's list: Bible, Shakespeare, Spenser's Faerie Queene, Sidney's Arcadia, Works of Sir Thos. Browne, Works of Rev. Cyril Jackson, Walton's Complete Angler, Clarendon's History, Milton, Chaucer, Jeremy Taylor, South's Sermon's, Fuller's Church History. Nearly all those are good books, no doubt; but it is a fitter list for a superannuated cler(gyman than for a man engaged in the work of the world. Private collections range all the way fiom the aforesaid four volumes; or, indeed, from one book up to a hundred thousand, or more. It is a strong scholar who can make full practical use of as many as twenty thousand volumes. For fifty thousand there must be a sepa READING AND COURSES OF READING. 249 rate building, and a librarian to take care of them. Five hundred volumes is as many as could well be accommodated in the majority of American families. Fifty books is a good deal more than American families will average. Probably they are as many as would be read in half of such families. A person with a turn for literature, and who can spend a little money in it, can get great comfort and advantage from a thousand or fifteen hundred wellchosen volumes. But it is best to read most of your books-except the strictly reference books, of course-or they make you ridiculous rather than respectable. It is impossible to go very far with a list of books of which the first shall be absolutely the best one book to own, the second the next best, and so on. After a very few items it becomes necessary to consider the preferences of the owner; and, therefore, books of very different sorts are equally good. However, let us begin. It will be very safe to procure books as follows: 1. The Bible. 2. Webster's Dictionary (the pictorial unabridged, if possible; if not, the largest edition you can afford). 3. Shakespeare. Thus far it is reasonably plain sailing, but now our troubles begin. 4. Cruden's Concordance is perhaps as good as any; it is the best single help to Bible reading Suppose that you have the means of borrowing a good deal of miscellaneous reading, from a public library or otherwise; here is a short list of capital reference books, which are the best books to own in such a case: Haydn's Dictionary of Dates (or Putnam's World's Progress), Bartlett's Dictionary of Quotations, Hole and Wheeler's Brief Biographies, Wheeler's Noted Names of Fiction, Walford's Men of the Time (pretty good for living foreign celebrities, but very poor for this country). That set of volumes contains, packed into a wonderfully small compass, a wonderful breadth of information, usually very correct. 250 THE BEST READING. If you have no access to libraries, however, you may feel unable to own so many reference books, having, instead, to own books for reading or study, rather than books for reference. It is in selecting these that no universal list can be made out. I shall, however, add three books to the four already fixed on, viz.: Bible, Webster, Shakespeare, Cruden. These are: 5. A history of the United States (Hildreth's, 6 vols., 8vo, is the best; if you cannot afford that, buy Willard's, in 1 vol., 8vo); and 6. "Smith's Student's Hume," or Lossing's History of England, for the history of England. It would be very useful to own, besides, and to know thoroughly. 7. Taylor's Manual of (ancient and modern) History. For 8, add Dana's excellent Household Book of Poetry; and for additions to your poetical department, procure the complete poetical works of one or another of the poets whose writings you find that you enjoy in Dana's specimens. But if, instead of Poetry, you enjoy most researches and conclusions in Natural Science, get Humboldt's Cosmos, and study that, through and through. Or, if you prefer, instead, political philosophy, get De Tocqueville's Democracy in America, and study it thoroughly. If prose fiction is your passion, by all meant-get a set of the Waverley Novels, and learn to enjoy them fully. They are the best English series of novels; masterly in their kind; and, moreover, they afford a thorough and decisive training in novel-reading. The reader who has intellect enough to enjoy Scott's novels, may rely safely on his judgment in that department. A novel that he likes, he may be certain has merit; one that he dislikes, he may be sure is a poor novel. If Mental Philosophy be your passion, it will be safest -in my opinion, it is necessary-to read two books, at least, to begin with. One should be a master of one of READINGS AND COURSES OF READING. 251 the later schools of metaphysical mental philosophy-Dugald Stewart will do very well; Brown is unsafe; Reid is better than either; take Mill if you prefer him, or McCosh, or Noah Porter, though this last is not nearly so strong a specimen of the religious metaphysician as McCosh, who is a very keen and clear thinker. But whichever of these you select, read, after it, either Spurzheim's Phrenology or Combe's Phrenology. You may or may not see cause to believe in their doctrine, that the head corresponds to the mind inside of it. But you will hardly care to reject their singularly clear and practical classification of the mental faculties. This can perfectly well be used in mental philosophy without the other. It is so obviously based on a congenital correspondence between the mind of man and all the rest of the universe, that very few minds that once comprehend it will ever let it go. After your two first books, read in mental philosophy exactly what you wish; but a good series to come next is the whole of Herbert Spencer, to be read, and clearly understood, and set down in brief abstracts of complete, carefully-worded sentences (not hints and halfspelled memorandums). The best general review of Philosophy is Lewes' Biographical History. But I arn sliding back into Courses and Methods of Reading. I have said enough to show how difficult it must be-how out of the question, in fact, to give one single lot of even a dozen books which are the best dozen for everybody, because, long before the dozen is cormpleted, the preferences of the individual require to be considered. For the gratification of those, I must refer to the remainder of this little volume. I shall only say, in closing this chapter: Own all the books you can. Use all the books you own, and as many more as you can get. 252 THE BEST READING. See the. hints about buying books, quoted at the end of the " Extracts," from " An Old Bookseller." They are very shrewd. BOOK CLUBS.* In small towns, or large ones either, where there are no public libraries, or where there are libraries which (as is often the case) cannot satisfy the demand for books, a very fair substitute can be found in the establishment of a Book Club. This is a set of about twenty persons (that is the most convenient number, and it is better to have two clubs of twenty than one of forty), who are organized for the purpose of obtaining good reading, somewhat as follows: Somebody starts the club. This somebody must be willing to do a quantity-of running about and enlistment work-a hateful job, but often necessary. Suppose it is a lady; she had better begin-perhaps with the help of her minister, or any well-acquainted friend-by making a list of thirty or forty people who will, perhaps, join. Most likely, half will refuse. If every one she asks consents, she stops at twenty or twenty-two. What does she say to her constituents? She says-but in her own graceful and insinuating manner-in substance, these things: We want a book club. We can get a great many new books with very little trouble and expense. We put in four dollars apiece to begin with. That will serve us for a year; for the next year, we can pay another four dollars each, and add what our old books sell for, or we can keep down to thtt figure and deduct from our payments what they sell for. I will be secretary, unless you prefer somebody else. We will meet and consult what magazines to take, if any; or each may send me a list and I will consolidate it; and, in like manner, * Most of the directions under this head are shaped from a paper of the same name, in a recent number of " Old arld New." READING AND COURSES OF READING. 203 we will decide what books to buy at once, and how much money to keep for new books as they appear; or we can have a book committee to manage these matters. Then I will write to my booksellers, ordering the books, and they will come. I will put them in order for use, and will set them going anlong you. Books (each magazine number counts as a book) are to be given out and to go round in the order of the residences of the members. This order might be called the Club Round; and should be so laid out that the secretary can start a book to member No. 1, who will keep it five days, according to law, and carry it to No. 2, who will do the same for No. 3, and so on, in such a manner that each shall.have the shortest distance possible to go. The whole should lie in a sort of ring, so that the last can conveniently hand the book back to the secretary. Twenty members at five days apiece; it is evident that the club will be through with each book in a hundred days. It then remains with the secretary (unless some member wants it for a second reading) until the time comes for disposing of the old books, in readiness for the second year's business, or as the club may prefer. Twenty members at four dollars each will give eighty dollars to begin with. Suppose you decide (Miss Secretary) to " club" for ten of the best monthly and quarterly magazines, American and English. This will take half your money, or thereabouts. Allow ten dollars for printing lists (of which shortly), cover-paper, etc.; and order fifteen dollars' worth of books. This will give you, as books run, perhaps ten volumes. When these books and magazines reach you, take stout brown paper and cover the books in a serviceable manner. Make pasteboard covers, as neat as time and skill permit, for the magazines; without them,- they will be but a ragged regiment when they have gone the rounds. These paste 254 THE BEST READING. board covers can of course be used for successive numbers. Then you paste inside of the cover of each book, a copy of the book-list, of which you have had a supply printed-say two hundred and fifty. The Putnams or others will do it for you, and send you the printed lists all ready, by mail, prepaid, for for the 250 copies, if you can't get it done any nearer home. This list has the rules at the top, and below a column for the names of the members, one for dates of books received by each, and one for dates of passing the books to the next in order. It will be as follows, except that instead of five names, there will be room for twenty-two, besides a little margin at foot: HARDREADING BOOK-CLUB LIST. This book may be kept five days. Each member will enter date of receiving and passing. Two cents fine for each day's detention beyond the time allowed. Those wishing a second reading will enter, their names at the foot of the list. NAMES. Received. Passed. Mary Arthur..... Feb. 1,187 Feb. 6,187 George Barnard.. " 6, " 11, Mrs. C. Chauncy... " 11, 16, Edw. Depew...... " 16, " 21, Dr. Jas. Farnsworth. " 21, " 26, 2d Reading: Mary Arthur; E. Depew. This list, filled as above, means that Miss Arthur got the book from the Secretary on Feb. 1st, the Secretary entering that date. Miss Arthur read it and passed it to Mr. Barnard, entering Feb. 6 opposite her name. Mr. Barnard in turn enters date of receipt, and then of passing to Mrs. Chauncy, and so on; so that when the book gets round to the Secretary, each member has written in a date, or dates. Miss Arthur is to have it for a READING AND COURSES OF READING. 255 second reading, and E. Depew after her; then it goes to the Secretary for safe keeping until further orders. At the end of the year, sell the books and magazines by auction to the members, or to outsiders; or dispose of them as the club may direct; collect the subscription for the new year, or more, if you can; also the fines, of which you have kept a record; renew your subscriptions, and begin again. And success attend you. Newspapers and periodicals usually print lists of new publications, but they are not to be relied upon as being complete, as they often include only such books as have been advertised in each particular paper. There are, however, two or three bibliographical periodicals, which give full lists of new publications in the United States, and partial lists of those in Great Britain, besides advertisements, book notices, and miscellaneous literary matter of considerable service to librarians and book-readers. The oldest of these, Childs' Publisher's Circular, is now united with Leypoldt's Literary Bulletin, and issued weekly in New York, under the title of the Weekly Trade Circular. The American Bookseller's Guide, published monthly in New York, also gives lists of publications and literary items. In addition to the above, G. P. Putnam & Sons, and many other booksellers, publish a "Monthly Bulletin of New Publications," which contains the same lists of publications, and the most important of the advertisements, and literary items. This Bulletin can be obtained without charge, or for payment of the postage only, by writing to the pub. lishers.