CATALOGUE OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS AND PA3IPHLETS RELATING TO AMERICA. THE UNITED STATES, COLONIAL AND REVOLUTIONARY; WAR OF 1812; MEXICAN WAR; REBELLION AND SLAVERY; CONFEDERATE PUBLICATIONS; STATE, COUNTY, TOWN, AND OTHER LOCAL HISTORIES; CENTRAL AND FAR WEST; BRITISH, CENTRAL, AND SOUTH AMERICA; INDIANS AND AMERICAN ANTIQUITIES; BIOGRAPHY AND GENEALOGY; BIBLIOGRAPHY, TRAVELS, AND GEOLOGICAL REPORTS; WITII A DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF THE OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL SERIES. FOR SALE BY ROBERT CLARKE & CO. CINCINNATI. IS75. INDEX. NoTE.-Works relating to AMERICA IN GENERAL are not indexed, but will be found in the Catalogue under the names of the authors. For BIOGRAPHIES, see under the names of the person whose Biography is desired, not under the name of the author. The chief aim has been to give a complete Index of LOCALITIES. The Rebellion and Slavery and Contederate Publications are not indexed, but will be found under separate departments, at pages 109 and 123. The figures refer to the numbers on Catalogue. ALABAMA, 91, 235, 522, 767, 1513 CAPE COD, MASS., 737 ALASiKA, 515 CAPTIVITIES. See under Indians. AIBANY, N. Y., 112, 1351, 1859, CARROLL Co., IND., 1767 2055 CENTRAL AMERICA, 2, 517, 557, 560, ANTIQUITIES, 85, 90, 183, 228, 244, 623, 667, 1395, 1621, 1751, 1764, 609, 1448, 1514, 1544, 1558, 1752, 1765, 1787, 1922, 2021 1753, 1931, 2007, 2029 CHARLESTON, S. C., 318, 2014 See also under Indians. CHARLESTON, W. VA., 782, 1795 ALTON, ILL., 133 CHESHIRE, CONN., 534 ANDOVER, 119 CHICAGO, ILL., 379, 380, 1203, ARCTIC REGIONS, 175, 297, 298, 1087, 2059 1212, 1354, 1398 CINCINNATI, 18, 154, 155, 272, ARIZONA, 1347, 2518 386-421, 598, 599, 600, 715, 945, ARKANSAS, 30, 920, 1405, 1477, 2486, 1030, 1288, 1389, 1390, 1413, 1809, 2487 1810, 1893, 2060 ASHLAND CO., 0., 1118 CLEVELAND, O., 2003 ATHENS CO., 0., 1918 COLORADO, 174, 176, 188, 206, 459, BALTIMORE, 95, 322, 825, 826, 1554, 1847, 2495 1666, 1907 COLUMBUS, 0., 1796 BAPTISTS, 145 CONFEDERATE Music, 2411-2484 BATH, VA., 125 CONFEDERATE PUBLICATIONS, 2387BOSTON, MASS., 195, 604, 821, 1435, 2410 1620, 1937 CONNECTICUT, 104, 355, 358, 471, 474, BRITISH AMERICA, 54, 186, 297, 298, 534, 559, 630, 689, 794, 1277, 1807, 360, 555, 584, 618, 1224, 1365; 2008, 1879, 1880 2496 CORTLAND CO., N. Y., 793 See also under Canada, Nova Scotia, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA, 278 etc. DACOTAH, 61 BROOKLYN, N.Y., 1772 DANVILLE, KY., 512 BUCHANIERS OF AMERICA, 269, 654, DAVENPORT, IOWA, 2011 655 DAYTON, O., 508, 1403 BUFFALO, N. Y., 1097 DEARBORN CO., IND., 482 BUTLER CO., 0., 1210 DEDHAM, MASS., 2056 CALIFORNIA, 35, 260, 262, 310, 311, DELAWARE, 242, 573, 687, 985 312, 489, 502, 557, 742, 818, 870, DELAWARE Co., PA., 1712 952, 977, 1245, 1615, 1740, 1823, DETROIT, 167, 168, 524, 1622 1840, 1888, 2045, 2489, 2490 DISCOVERY OF AMERICA, 59, 128, CAMBRIDGE, MASS., 959, 1556 466, 467, 554, 556, 795, 1561, 1725, CANADA, 54, 58, 88, 142, 302, 317, 1750, 1881 361, 693, 924, 925, 926, 1050, 1116, DORCHESTER, MASS., 610 1133, 1335, 1444, 1459, 1460, 1543, EAST HAMPTON, MASS., 1206 1638, 1656, 1755, 1811, 1927, 1976, ELIZABETHTOWN, N. J., 425 2491 ESSEX Co., N. Y., 1966 vi Index. FAR WVEST, 3. 43, 123, 204, 205, 260, 1402, 1405, 1425, 1426, 1460, 1473, 291, 320, 323, 324, 327, 484, 489, 1480, 1514, 1544, 1546, 1599, 1613, 511, 549, 579, 594, 651, 671, 725, 1636, 1639, 1648, 1664, 1665, 1666, 739, 740, 741, 768, 791, 818, 820, 1672, 1689, ]693, 1701, 1715, 1717, 822, 909, 912, 986, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1735, 1738, 1745, 1752, 1753, 1781, 1056, 1058, 1091, 1114, 1162, 1190, 1783, 1784, 1788, 1813, 1848, 1849, 1218, 1231, 1244, 1322, 1458, 1495, 1851, 1858, 1864, 1875, 1881, 1887, 1461, 1471, 1506, 1516, 1574, 1590, 1892, 1919, 1990, 2001, 20 9, 2018, 1591, 1601, 1641, 1642, 1647, 1698, 2019, 2029, 2046, 2054, 2067 1703, 1727, 1754, 1806, 1817, 1847, See also under Aniiquities. 1852, 1969, 1970, 2010, 2068, 2497, ILLINOIS, 94. 131, 133, 160, 162, 164, 2499, 2503, 2531 223, 255, 379, 380, 423, 507, 529, See also under tVest. 588, 643, 676, 721, 778, 963, 1003, FAYETTE CO., 0., 1555 1004, 1005, 1202, 1203, 1329, 1476, FLORIDA, 20, 120, 158, 244. 504, 567, 1477, 1537, 1597, 1979, 2051, 2059, 664, 784, 1018, 1142, 1707, 1749, 2501 191], 1934 IOWA, 70, 71, 278, 507, 757, 1002, 1455, FLORIDA WAR. See under Florida. 1456, 1477, 2011, 2502 FORT WAYNE, IND., 238 IRONTON, )., 1148 FRANKLIN, CONN., 355 JUNrATA VALLEY, PA., 1080 FRANKLIN CO., O., 1251, 1252 KANSAS, 210, 237. 786, 829, 836, 956, FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR, 299, 1454, 1510, 1629, 1683, 1705, 1843, 1535, 1586, 1657, 1780, 2019 1847, 1853, 2504, 2505 GEOLOGIES (State), 2486-2542 KENTUCKY, 41, 189, 223, 295, 296, GEORGIA, 78, 120. 359-, 612, 776, 932, 332, 426, 435, 458, 504, 512, 533, 1064, 1089 -, 1306, 1345, 1417, 1418, 588, 597, 660, 691, 692, 761, 916, 1441, 1513, 1793, 1997 1007, 1057, 1154, 1180, 1232, 1247, GLASTENBURY, CONN., 358 1248, 1294, 1295, 1333, 1416, 1424, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, 575 1536, 1558, 1562, 1570, 1623, 1668, GREAT LAKES, 62, 461, 750, 1122, 1742, 1835. 1850, 1854, 2506, 2507 1175, 1227, 1662, 1869, 2509 KNOX Co., O., 1401 GREENLAND, 491 LABRADOR, 491 GREENWICH, CONN., 1277 LANCASTER CO., PA., 869, 1323 HANOVER, MASS., 116 LEBANON, CONN., 474 HARRISBURG, PA., 69 LEXINGTON, KY., 1570 HARTFORD, CONN., 630 LICKING Co., 0., 1168-1173 HENRY tO., IND., 1521 LITTLE ROCK, ARK., 920 HERKIMER CO., N. Y., 148 LONG ISLAND, 751, 1194, 1772, 1834 INDIANA, 151, 152, 223, 238, 465, 482, LOUISIANA, 101, 165, 219, 223, 272, 486, 512, 576, 588, 647, 963, 1012, 361, 512, 522, 614, 624, 745, 772, 1013, 1145, 1424, 1477, 1521, 1668, 773, 774, 956, 1050, 1142, 1201, 1726, 1731, 1767, 1829, 1884, 2066 1243, 1386, 1396, 1414, 1516, 1583, INDIANAPOLIS, IND., 1013 1668, 1777 INDIANS, 65, 85, 86, 90, 93, 97, 109, LOUISVILLE, KY., 332, 1232 138, 169, 170, 171, 172, 184, 199, LOWELL, MASS., 483 200, 201, 202, 208, 228, 232, 264, LYNCHBURG, VA., 1208 268, 299, 300, 349, 350, 351, 352, LYON Co., loWA, 1002 353, 360, 361, 377, 382, 383, 384, MADISON, WIS., 625 385, 423, 451, 453, 454, 461, 474, MAINE, 554, 592, 948, 969, 1059, 478, 495, 510, 543, 559, 561, 566, 1103, 1799, 2027, 2028 585, 588, 594, 595, 605, 606, 608, MAMMOTH CAVE, KY., 533,1154,1562 609, 618, 619, 634, 657, 699, 711, ]MARYLAND, 38, 95, 211, 212, 253, 718, 752, 765, 788, 789, 866, 902, 322, 536, 825, 997, 1233, 1234, 1303, 913, 914, 926, 961, 971, 979, 981, 1340, 1397, 1547, 1554, 1666, 1907, 982, 995, 1007, 1014, 1017, 1055, 1996 1060, 1063, 1064, 1065, 1066, 1067, MASSACHUSETTS, 60, 99, 103, 116, 1070, 1071, 1073, 1082, 1095, 1097, 119, 126, 195, 2 26, 7, 307, 444, 1101, 1114, 1115, 1120, 1122, 1139, 483, 603, 604, 610, 737, 794, 821, 1181, 1197, 1210, 1214, 1219, 1222, 863, 954,959,999, 1000,1069, 1110, 1226, 1227, 1228, 1257, 1262, 1271, 1206, 1259, 1310, 1312, 1620, 1841, 1285, 1294, 1336, 1343, 1353, 1365, 2056 Index. vii MAUMEE VALLEY, O., 964, 1117 424, 553, 563, 621, 631, 790, 793, IMlEDINA CO., O., 1400 803, 910, 965, 971, 1020, 1051, 1097, MEMPHIS, TENN., 538 1160, 1242, 1351, 1357, 1392,1393, MERIDEN, CONN., 534 1394, 1411, 1436, 1445, 1571, 1614, MEXICO, 39, 378, 557, 572, 590, 650, 1634, 1668, 1' 69, 1789, 1790, 1859, 822, 992, 1240, 1270, 1304, 1524, 1885, 1966, 1991, 2055, 2520 1541, 1583, 1641, 1770, 1836, 1856, NORFOLK,'VA., 722 1861, 1929, 2034, 2035, 2045, 2510 NORTHAMPTON, N. H., 642 M-EXICAN WAR. 316:, 751, 785, 1038, NORTH BEND, O, 875, 886 1585, 1677, 1678, 1825 NORTH CAROLINA, 120, 304, 326, 612, MICHIGAN, 167, 168, 251, 524, 575, 669, 718, 903, 904, 997, 1081, 1295, 963, 1135, 1138, 1477, 1622, 1691, 1345,7 199, 2026, 2521 1886, 1904, 2511 NORTHWEST TERRITORY. See under IMIDDLESEX, MASS., 603 1Vest. MINNESOTA, 61, 186, 977, 1150, 1193, NOVA SCOTIA, 302, 838, 1103, 1116 1217, 1219, 1266, 1314-1320, 1373, OHIO (River), 79, 144, 504, 505, 512, 1434, 1453, 1684, 2512 997, 1165, 1187, 1288, 1368, 1470, MISSOURI (State), 131, 469, 614, 644, 1592 1329, 1451, 1477, 1510, 1683, 1990, OHIO (State), 18, 83, 84, 154, 155, 2513, 2514, 2515 200, 223, 267, 272, 300, 301, 354, MISSOURI (River), 216 368, 386-421, 504, 508. 572, 588, MISS1SSIPPI(River), 17, 79, 144, 231, 598, 614, 659, 660, 662, 695, 696, 504, 505, 512, 666, 997, 1187, 1288, 698, 702, 806, 824, 830, 871, 875, 1368,1516, 1520, 1583, 1662, 1663, 886, 937, 938, 939, 945, 963, 964, 1688 975, 980, 997, 1054, 1067, 1082, MISSISSIPPI (State), 252, 514, 1513, 1093, 1105, 1106, 1117, 1118, 1148, 1668 1164, 1168-1173, 1197, 1210, 1223, MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. See under 1235, 1251, 1252, 1269, 1295, 1305, IVest. 1309, 1325, 1400, 1401, 1403, 1416, MONROE CO., PA., ].126 1419, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1423, 1424, I!ONTANA, 579, 2517 1439, 1470, 1477, 1517, 1552, 1555, MIORMONS. See under Utah. 1668, 1670, 1686, 1709, 1748, 1796, NEBRASKA, 210, 457, 836, 1454, 1683, 1812, 1814, 1820, 1822, 1864, 1875, 2049, 2053 - 1897, 1918, 1931, 1968, 2003, 2006, NEVADA, 188, 261, 2518 2007, 2016, 2524 NEW BRUNSWICK, 302, 781 OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL SERIES, NEWBURY, MASS., 444 page 131 NEWBURYPORT, MAASS., 444 OMAHA, NEB., 457 NEW ENGLAND (in General), 6, 102, ONONDAGA, N. Y., 424 240, 629, 631, 752, 981, 982, 983, ORANGE Co., N. Y., 1769 984, 1260, 1264, 1344, 1371, 1382, OREGON, 73, 271, 618, 619, 666, 818, 1383, 1387, 1431, 1442, 1480, 1755, 940, 941, 977, 1458, 1461, 1840, 1995, 2001, 2023, 2040, 2046 1890, 1891 NEWFOUNDLAND, 557, 1116 OSWEGO, N. Y., 424 NEW HAMPSHIRE, 22, 117, 118, 140, PACIFIC COAST. See under Far 141, 365, 642, 670, 771, 962, 1108, 1Vest. 1741, 2015 PASSAIC VALLEY, N. J., 1179 NEW JERSEY, 102, 107, 425. 456, 690, PENNSYLVANIA, 34, 69, 72, 173, 203, 797, 901, 1179, 1186, 1221, 1301, 215, 241, 359, 456, 490, 494, 546, 1349, 1384, 1675, 1832, 1889, 2000, 571, 694, 727, 798, 799, 834, 869, 2519 906, 997, 1079, 1080, 11(0, 1126, NEW MEXICO, 77, 146, 207, 234, 544, 1278, 1289, 1308, 1323, 1378, 1379, 977, 986, 1385, 1583 1429, 1431, 1475, 1485, 1486, 1487, NEW ORLEANS, 272, 1386, ]396, 1916 1493, 1494, 1495, 1550, 1576, 1616, NEW PLYMOUTH, 31ASS., 126, 863 1668, 1712, 1720, 1721, 1729, 1785, NEW RICHMOND, IND., 465 1832, 1846, 1862, 1874, 1963, 1964, NEWTOWN, N. Y., 1614 2057, 2061, 2527 NEW YORK (City), 137, 230, 726, 735, PEORIA, ILL., 94 777, 1363, 1388, 1430, 1898, 2063 PHILADELPHIA, PA.,1278,1364,1616, NEW YORK (State), 64, 102, 106, 1963, 1964, 1979 112, 148, 177, 249, 250, 254, 293, P.HCENIXVILLE, PA., 1495 viii Index. PITTSBURG, PA.,490, 1195, 1211, 1229, TOLEDO, O., 964, 1117 1429, 1846 UPPER MOHAWK VALLEY, N. Y., PLYMOUTH, MASS., 99 148 PLYMOUTH, PA., 2057 UTAH, 127, 188, 204, 205, 291, 310, PORTLAND, ME., 2028 833, 977, 1088, 1337, 1587, 1754, PORTSMOUTH, N. H., 22 1903, 1914 PUTNAM CO., N. Y., 177 VERMONT, 564, 771, 1837, 1908 QUAKERS, 124, 455, 456, 661, 723, VINCENNES, IND., 1145 1397, 1485, 1738, 2052 VIRGINIA, 125, 153, 273, 274, 304, REBELLION, 2079-2386 315, 434, 493, 548, 583, 624, 661, RED RIVER SETTLEMENTS, 54, 186, 716, 717, 722, 976, 997, 1046, 1072, 1001, 1635, 1982 1096, 1161, 1208, 1276, 1332, 1375, REVOLUTION, 37, 40, 63, 68, 181, 195, 1403, 1522, 1530, 1626, 1668, 1718, 196, 198, 426, 437, 438, 442, 479, 1775, 1819, 1895 564, 571, 612, 652, 661, 681, 724, VIRGINIA (West), 561, 589, 782, 747, 762, 763, 764, 766, 837, 901, 1580, 1795, 2047 911, 947, 951, 972, 973, 974, 1081, WABASH (The), IND., 151, 486, 647, 1103, 1104, 1131, 1132, 1152, 1156, 1829 1194, 1198, 1331, 1339, 1345, 1356, WALLINGFORD, CONN., 534 1376, 1377, 1408, 1447, 1469, 1503, WAR OF 1812, 4, 42, 74, 82, 221, 242, 1524, 1564, 1567, 1596, 1607, 1609, 248, 257, 313, 446, 468, 525, 528, 1643, 1646, 1651, 1653, 1659, 1697, 542, 613, 630, 649, 877, 900, 944, 1698, 1724, 1728, 1736, 1761, 1798, 988, 989, 990, 991, 1010, 1015, 1025, 1800, 1815, 1828, 1857, 1917, 1935, 1033, 1034, 1083, 1i42, 1198, 1209, 1938, 1962, 1965, 2014, 2022, 2036 1241, 1360, 1415, 1462, 1501, 1602, RHODE ISLAND, 308, 309, 1504, 1599, 1706, 1916 1604, 2532 WASHINGTON CO., PA., 494 RICHLAND CO., 0., 1223 WASHINGTON TERRITORY, 73, 1806. RICHMOND, VA., 583 WAYNE CO., IND., 2066 ROCHESTER, N. Y., 1436 WEST (The), in General, 31, 32, ROCKY MOUNTAINS. See under Far 50, 79, 81, 85, 135, 217, 218, 231, West. 236, 258, 265, 232, 325, 328, 418, Ross Co., O., 695 421, 447, 461, 463, 468, 469, 507, ST. LOUIS, MO., 469, 644 518, 521, 549, 624, 644, 646, 656, SALEM WITCHCRAFT. See under 701, 709, 712, 755, 841-855, 871, Witchcraft. 893, 894, 899, 929, 937, 939, 963, SALT LAKE CITY. See under Utah. 966, 977, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1011, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., 1740, 1817 1073, 1107, 1112, 1146, 1177, 1187, SCHOHARIE CO., N. Y., 64 1189, 1214, 1279, 1280, 1302, 1307, SENECA CO., 0., 300, 301 1321, 1416, 1452, 1470, 1478, 1498, SHAKERS, 259, 1439, 1685, 1686, 1779 1507, 1515, 1520, 1546, 1676, 1702, SHENANDOAH VALLEY, 125 1714, 1728, 1768, 1791, 1829, 1839, SOUTH AMERICA, 27, 183, 187, 305, 1842, 1910, 1917, 1982-1989, 2037, 708, 839, 895, 898, 928, 1050, 1144, 2067 1362, 1438, 1617, 1625, 1658, 1792, See also under Far West. 2045 WEST INDIES, 503, 516, 517, 519, SOUTH CAROLINA, 5, 120, 318, 321, 654, 655, 753, 907, 908, 1089, 1111, 612, 932, 1295, 1345, 1563, 1564, 1140, 1163, 1166, 1255, 1873 1618, 1700 WEST NEWBURY, MASS., 444 SPRINGFIELD, ILL., 1537 WEST VIRGINIA. See under VirSPRINGFIELD, O., 1709, 1] 748 ginia. STOCKBRIDGE, MASS., 1069 WHEELING, W. VA., 1580 SUSQUEHANNA Co., PA., 173 WILMINGTON, DEL., 687 TALLMADGE, O., 1812 WINCHESTER, VA., 125 TENNESSEE, 166, 182, 223, 538, 660, WISCONSIN, 507, 625, 633, 680, 682, 905, 1295, 1433, 1569, 1668, 1998, 823, 1603, 1732, 1794, 2044, 2537 2533, 2534 WITCHCRAFT, 307, 607, 1348, 1575, TEXAS, 233, 497, 552, 590, 640, 705, 2031, 2046 955, 967, 977, 1091, 1092, 1240, WYOMING, PA., 359, 1308, 1475, 1381, 1427, 1457, 1770, 1827, 1845, 1785 2050 CATALOGUE OF A VALUABLE COLLECTION OF BOOKS, RELATING TO AM ER I CA. FOR SALE BY ROBERT CLARKE & CO., CINCINNATI, OHIO. 1 ABBOTT (Johrr S. C.) Lives of the Presidents of the United States of America, from Washingrton to the present time. Containini a narrative of the most interesting events in the career of each President. Illustrated. 8vo. sheep. Boston, 1868. 5 00 2 ABERT (S. T.) Is a Ship Canal practicable? Notes, historical and statistical, upon the projected Routes for an Inter-oceanic Ship Canal between the Atlantic and Pacific. Maps. 8vo. paper. Cincinnati, 1870. 1 00 3 AB-SA-HA-KA. Home of the Crows. Being, the Experiences of an Army Officer's Wife on the Plains. Map. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1869. 2 00 4 ACCOUNT OF THE ORGANIZATION and Procepdings of the Battle of Lake Erie Monument Association, and the Forty-fifth Anniversary of the Battle of Lakle Erie. 8vo. pp. 49. Sandusky, 1858. 50 5 ADAMS (F. C.) Manuel Pereira; or, The Sovereign Rule of South Carolina. With Views of Southern Laws, Life, and Hospitality. 12mo. paper, uncut, pp. 302. Washington, 1853. 1 00 6 ADAMS (Hannah). History of New England, from its First Settlement at Plymouth, to the Acceptance of the Federal Constitution. Comprehending a general sketch of the American War. 8vo. half bound. ledhanm, 1799. 2 25 7 ADAMS (Miss Hannah). A Memoir of. (Author of History of New England.) Written by herself. Portrait. 12mo. cloth, uncut. Boston, 1832. 1 25 8 ADAMS (John). The Suppressed History of the Administration of, from 1797 to 1801. By John Wood. Portrait. 12mo.. cloth. Philadelphia, 1846. 1 25 9 ADAMS (John). A Defense of the Constitution of Government of the United States of America. 3 vols. 8vo. half bound. London, 1794. 6 00 10 ADAMS (John). Life and Works of, second President of the United States. Life, Notes, and Illustritions, by his grandson, Charles Francis Adams. 10 vols. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1850. 30 00 11 Another copy, large paper. Cloth, uncut. 40 00 2 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 12 ADAMS (John). Life of. Begun by John Quincy Adams; completed by Charles Francis Adams. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1871. 3 00 13 ADAMS (John) and JEFFERSON (Thomas). A Selection of Eulogies pronounced in the several States in Honor of those Illustrious Patriots and Statesmen. 8vo. boards. Hartford, 1826. 2 00 14 ADAMS (J. Q.) Memoirs of. Comprising portions of his Diary, from 1795 to 1848. 5 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1874. 25 00 15 ADAMS (J. Q.) Memoirs of the Life of. By Josiah Quincy. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1860. 3 00 16 ADAMS (J. Q.) Life and Public Services of. By William H. Seward. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Auburn, 1853. 1 25 17 ADAMS (J. Q.) The Duplicate Letters; the Fisheries of the Mississippi; Documents relating to Transactions at the Negotiation of Ghent. 8vo. boards, uncut. Washington, 1822. 2 00 18 ADAMS (J. Q.) An Oration, delivered before the Cincinnati Astronomical Society, on the Occasion of the Laying of the Corner-stone of an Astronomical Observatory. 8vo. paper, pp. 72. Cincinnati, 1843. 25 19 ADAMS (J. Q.) The Jubilee of the Constitution. A Discourse. 8vo. paper, pp. 136. New York, 1839. 50 20 ADAMS (J. S.) The Florida Colonist; or, Settlers' Guide. Answers to the Question, " Where in Florida shall we Locate?" 8vo. paper. Jacksonville, 1871. 75 21 ADAMS (Mrs.) Letters of, wife of John Adams. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1840. 1 25 22 ADAMS (Nathaniel). Annals of Portsmouth. Comprising a period of two hundred years, from the First Settlement of the Town. With Biographical Sketches of a few of the most respectable inhabitants. 8vo. boards, uncut. Portsmouth, 1825. 8 00 23 ADAMS (Samuel). The Life and Public Services of. Being a narrative of his acts and opinions, and of his agency in producing and forwarding the American Revolution. By William J. Wells. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865. 12 00 24 Another copy, large paper. Cloth, uncut. 15 00 25 ADDRESSES and Messages of the Presidents of the United States. Portraits. 8vo. sheep. New York, 1839. 1 50 26 ADVICE to Officers of the British Army. A fac-simile Reprint of the sixth London edition. Introduction and notes. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York, 1867. 3 00 27 AGASSIZ (Louis). A Journey in Brazil. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1871. 5 00 28 ALLEN (William). The American Biographical Dictionary. The Lives, Characters, and Writings of the most Eminent Persons deceased in North America, from its first Settlement. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1832. 4 00 30 AIMARD (Gustave). The Trappers of Arkansas; or, The Loyal Heart. 16mo. cloth. 1867. 1 00 31 ALBACH (James R.) Annals of the West; embracing a Concise Account of Principal Events which have occurred in the Western States and Territories, from the discovery of the Mississippi Valley to the year 1856. 8vo. cloth. Pittsburg, 1857. 5 00 32 Another copy, half morocco, gilt top. 6 50 33 ALDEN (Timothy). A Collection of American Epitaphs and Inscriptions, with occasional Notes. 5 vols. 18mo. Vols. 1, 2, 3, boards, uncut; vols. 4, 5, full bound. New York, 1814. 13 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 3.34 ALEXANDER (A.) Biographical Sketches of the Founder, and Principal Alumni of the Log College, together with an account of the revivals of religion under their ministry. 16mo. half bound. Princeton, N. J., 1845. 1 50 35 ALL ABOUT CALIFORNIA, and the Inducements to Settle there. 8vo. pp. 80. San Francisco, 1870. 30 36 ALLEN (Asa W.) Genealogy of the Allen and Witter Families, among the early settlers of this Continent, and their Descendants. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Salem, O., 1872. 2 00 37 ALLEN (Col. Ethan). A Narrative of the Captivity of, from the time of his being taken by the British, 1775 to 1778. Containing his Voyages and Travels, with the most remarkable occurrences respecting himself and other Prisoners; particularly the Destruction of the Prisoners at New York by Gen. Howe, in 1776-7. Written by himself. 12mo. half morocco, uncut edges. Albany, 1814. 5 00 38 ALLEN (Rev. Ethan). Maryland Toleration; or, Sketches of the Early History of Maryland, to the Year 1650. 8vo. boards. Baltimore, 1855. 1 00 39 ALLEN (L. L.) Pencillings of Scenes upon the Rio Grande. 12mo. pp. 48. New York, 1848. 25 40 ALLEN (Paul). A History of the American Revolution; comprehending all the Principal Events, both in the Field and in the Cabinet. 2 vols. 8vo. full bound. Baltimore, 1819. 6 00 41 ALLEN (William B.) A History of Kentucky; embracing Gleanings, Reminiscences, Antiquities, Natural Curiosities, Statistics, etc., of the State, with numerous Biographical Sketches. 8vo. cloth. Louisville, 1872. 3 50 42 ALIDA; or, Miscellaneous Sketches of Incidents during the late American War. Founded on fact. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1841. 75 43 ALTOWAN; or, Incidents of Life and Adventure in the Rocky Mountains. By an Amateur Traveler. Edited by J. W. Webb. 2 vols. 12mo. full morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1846. 5 00 44 AMERICAN ANTIQUARIAN SOCIETY PAMPHLETS, viz: 1. An Account of the American Antiquarian Society, 1813. 2. An Address to the American Antiquarian Society, by William Jenks, 1813. 3. An Address in King's Chapel, by Abiel Holmes, 1814. 4. An Address by William Paine, 1815. 5. Communication from the President. In 1 vol. 8vo. half bound. 3 50 45 AMERICAN ARCHIVES: Consisting of Authentic Records, State Papers, etc., the whole forming a Documentary History of the Origin and Progress of the North American Colonies. 4th and 5th Series. 9 vols. folio, half Russia. Washington, 1837. 30 00 46 AMERICANS AS THEY ARE (The), described in a Tour through the Valley of the Mississippi. 12muo. boards, uncut. London, 1828. 1 50 47 AMERICAN'S GUIDE (The): Comprising the Declaration of Independence, Articles of Confederation, Constitution of the United States, and the Constitutions of the several States comprising the Union. 12mo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1835. 1 25 48 AMERICAN MAGAZINE (The), and Historical. Vol. 2, for the year 1745. Small 4to. boards. Boston, 1745. 3 00 49 AMERICAN MILITARY BIOGRAPHY. Containing the Lives and Characters of the Officers of the Revolution, who were most distinguished in achieving our National Independence. Also, a Life of Gilbert Motier La Fayette. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1831. 2 50 50 AMERICAN PIONEER (The). A Monthly Periodical, devoted to collecting and publishing Sketches relative to the Early Settlement and Successive Improvement of the Western Country. Edited by John S. Williams. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. sewed, uncut. Chillicothe and Cincinnati, 1842-43. 8 00 4 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 51 AMERICAN SKETCHES. By a Native of the United States. 12mo. boards, uncut. London, 1827. 1 50 52 AMERICAN TRAVELER (The); or, Observations on the Present State, Culture, and Commerce of the British Colonies in America. By an Old and Experienced Trader. London, 1769. Also, an Historical Mlernorial of the Negotiation of France and England, in 1761. London, 1761. In one volume. Map. 4to. calf. 3 25 53 AMES (Fisher). Works of. With a selection from his Speeches and Correspondence. Edited by his son, Seth Anmes. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1869. 4 50 54 AIVlOS (A.) Report of Trials in the Courts of Canada, relative to the Destruction of the Earl of Selkirk's Settlement on the Red River. With Observations. Map. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1820. 2 00 55 ANBUREY (Thomas). Travels through the Interior Parts of America. Map and folding plates. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1789. 6 00 56 Another copy, full bound. 6 00 57 Another copy, full bound, binding broken. 5 00 58 ANDERSON (David). Canada; or, A View of the Importance of the British American Colonies, showing their Extensive and Important Resources, and pointing out the Great and Unprecedented Advantages which have been allowed to the Americans over our own Colonists. 8vo. half bound. London, 1814. 2 25 59 ANDERSON (R. B) America not discovered by Columbus. An Historical Sketch of the Discovery of America by the Norsemen, in the Tenth Century. 12mo.cloth. Chicago, 1874. 1 00 60 ANDREW (John A.) Sketch of the Official Life of, as Governor of Massachusetts. Photographic portrait. 16mo. cloth. New York, 1868. 1 2561 ANDREWS (C. C.) Minnesota and Dacotah; in letters descriptive of a Tour through the Northwest in 1856. 12mo. cloth. Washington, 1857. 1 25 62 ANDREWS (J. D.) Report on the Trade and Commerce of the British North American Colonies, and upon the Trade of the Great Lakes and Rivers. 2 vols. thick 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1853. 2 00 63 ANDREWS (John). History of the WVar with America, France, Spain, and. Holland, commencing 1775 and ending 1793. Portraits, maps, and charts. 4 vols. 8vo. full bound. London, 1785. 10 00 64 AN ACCOUNT OF KNOEPFEL'S SCHOHARIE CAVE, Schoharie County, New York, with the history of its Discovery, Subterranean Lake, Minerals, and Natural Curiosities. Plans. 8vo. boards.- New York, 1853. - 1 00 65 ANECDOTES OF THE AMERICAN INDIANS, illustrating their Eccentricities of Character. Illustrated. 16mo. New York, 1844. 1 25 66 AN EPISTLE FROM EDWARD, an American Prisoner in England, to Harriet, in America. 4to. half morocco, gilt top. London, 1779. 4 50 67 AN EXCURSION THROUGH THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA, in 1822-3. By an English Gentleman. Map. 8vo. cloth. London, 1824. 2 00 68 AN IMPARTIAL HISTORY OF THE WAR IN AMERICA, between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its commencement to 1779. Portrait of Washington. 12mo. new half morocco. London, 1780. 4 00 69 ANNALS: Comprising Memoirs, Incidents, and Statistics of Harrisburg, from the Period of its First Settlement. Compiled by George H. Morgan. 12imo. cloth. Harrisburg, 1858. 3 00 70 ANNALS OF IOWA, for April, 1870. 8vo. pp. 199. Davenport. 1 00 71 ANNALS OF IOWA (The), October, 1865. Edited by Theodore S. Parvin. 8vo. boards. Iowa City. 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 5 72 ARMOR (William C.) Lives of the Governors of Pennsylvania, with the Incidental History of the State from 1609 to 1872. 8vo. cloth. Harrisbir-, 1872. 3 50 73 ARMST'RONG (A. N.) Oregon: Comprising a brief History and full Description of the Territories of Oregon and Washington. 12mo. Chicago, 1857. 1 25 74 ARMSTRONG (Gen. John). Notices of the Warof 1812. 2vols. 12mo cloth. New York, 1840. 3 50 75 ARNOLD (Benedict). Life and Treason of. By Jared Sparks. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1835. 1 00 76 ARNOLD (Matj. Gen). Proceedings of a General Court-martial for the Trial of. Portrait. 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Privately printed. New York, 1865. 4 00 77 ARNY (WV. F. M.) Interesting Items regarding New Mexico; its Agricultural and Mineral Resources, People, Climate, Soil, etc. 8vo. pp. 112. Santa Fe, 1873. 1 00 78 ARTHUR (T. S.) and CARPENTER (W. H.) History of Georgia from its Earliest Settlement to the Present Time. 16mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1852. 75 79 ASHE (Thomas.) Travels in America in 1806, for the purpose of exploring the rivers Alleghany, Monongahela, Ohio, and Mississippi. 3 vols. 12mo. boards. London, 1808. 3 00 79- Another copy, half morocco, uncut. 3 75 80 Another edition. 1 vol. 12mo. boards, uncut. New York, 1811. 1 50 81 ASHE (Thomas). Memoirs of Mammoth and various other Extraordinary and Stupendous Bones of Incognita. or non-descript Animals, found in the vicinity of the Ohio, Wabash, Illinois, Mississippi, Missouri, Osage, and Red Rivers. 8vo. boards, uncut. Liverpool, 1806. 2 00 82 ATHERTON (Winm.) Narrative of the Suffering and Defeat of the NorthWestern Army, under General Winchester; Massacre of the Prisoners; Sixteen Months' Imprisonment of the Writer and others with the Indians and British. 18mo. boards. Frankfort, 1842. 2 00 83 ATWATER (Caleb.) History of the State of Ohio, Natural and Civil. 8vo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1838. 4 50 84 Another copy, boards. 4 50 85 ATWATER (Caleb). Writings of. Comprising a Description of the Antiquities discovered in the Western Country. Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington City. 12mo. full bound. Columbus, 1833. 4 00 86 ATWATER (Caleb.) The Indians of the Northwest, their Manners, Customs, etc., etc.; or, Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien, and thence to Washington, in 1829. 16mo. half sheep. Columbus, 1850. 2 00 87 ATWATER (Caleb.) Remarks made on a Tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Washington City, in 1829. 16mo.half sheep. Columbus, 1831. 2 00 88 BACKWOODS OF CANADA (The). Being Letters from the Wife of an emigrant Officer, illustrative of the domestic Economy of British America. Illustrated. 16mo. London, 1836. 1 25 89 BAIRD (Robert). Religion in America; or, An Account of the Origin, Progress, etc., of the Evangelical Churches in the United States. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1844. 1 50 90 BALDWIN (John D.) Ancient America, in Notes on American Antiquities. Numerous illustrations. 12mno. cloth. New York, 1872. 2 00 91 BALDWIN (Jos. G.) The Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi. A Series of Sketches. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1870. 1 25 6 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 92 BALDWIN (Jos. G.) Party Leaders. Sketches of Jefferson, Hamilton, Jackson, Clay, Randolph; including notices of many other distinguished Statesmen. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1855. 1 50 93 BALDWIN (Thomas). Narrative of the Massacre, by the Savages, of the Wife and Children of. Who has since dwelt entirely alone in the extreme western Part of the State of Kentucky. Folding plate. 8vo. paper, pp. 24, uncut edges. New York, 1835. 1 50 94 BALLANCE (C.) The History of Peoria, Ill. 12mo. cloth. Peoria, 1870. 2 25 95 BALTIMORE ADDRESS DIRECTORY. To which is prefixed a statistical Article on the Resources of Baltimore, by WY. G. Lyford. 16mo. boards. Baltimore, 1836. 75 96 BANCROFT (George). History of the United States, from the Discovery of the American Continent. 10 vols. Boston. 1870. Cloth, $25 00 Leather, 35 00 96* Another copy. 8 vols. large paper, cloth, uncut. 80 00 97 BANCROFT (H. H.) Native Races of the Pacific States. (In 5 vols.) Vol. 1. containing Wild Tribes; their Manners and Customs. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1874. 6 00 The remaining volumes will be ready during the year 1875. Vol. 2. Civilized Nations of Mexico and Central America. Vol. 3. Mythology and Languag-s of both Savage and Civilized Nations. Vol. 4. Antiquities and Architectural Remains. Vol. 5. Aboriginal History and Migrations; Index to the entire Work, 98 BANDINEL (Jamnes). Some Account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa, as connected with Europe and America. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1842. 3 00 99 BANVARD (Jos.) Plymouth and the Pilgrims; or, Incidents of Adventure in the History of the First Settlers. Illustrated. 16mo. cloth. Boston, 1851. 1 50 100 BANVARD (Jos.) The first Explorers of North America. Illustrated. 16mo. cloth. Boston, 1874. 1 50 101 BARBE-MARBOIS (M.) The History of Louisiana, particularly of the Cession of that Colony to the United States of America. With an Introductory Essay on the Constitution and Government of the United States. 8vo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1830. 3 00 102 BARBER (John W.) History and Antiquities of New England, New York, and New Jersey. Illustrated. 8vo. full bound. Worcester, 1841. 3 00 103 BARBER (John W.) Historical Collections. Being a general Collection of Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to the History and Antiquities of every Town in Massachusetts. 200 illustrations. 8vo. sheep. Worcester, 1844. 3 50 104 BARBER (John W.) Connecticut Historical Collections; comprising a General Collection of Interesting- Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to the History and Antiquities of every Town in Connecticut, with Geographical Descriptions. Illustrated by 180 engravings. 8vo. cloth. New copy. New Haven, 1836. 6 00 105 BARBER (J. W. and E. G.) Historical, Poetical, and Pictorial American Scenes; being Incidents in American History. Illustrated. 12mo. boards, uncut. Boston, 1850. 1 50 106 BARBER (John W.) and HOWE (Henry). Historical Collections of the State of New York; containing a General Collection of the most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to its History and Antiquities. 8vo. full bound. New York, 1841. 3 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 7 107 BARBER (John W.) and HOWE (Henry). Historical Collections of the State of New Jersey; containing a General Collection of the most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, etc. 8vo. cloth. Newark, N. J. 6 00 108 BARBER (John W.) and HOWE (Henry). Our Whole Country; or, The Past and Present of the United States, Historical and Descriptive. 600 engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1861. 6 00 109 BARBER (Miss). The True Narrative of her Five Years of Terrible Suffering among the Indians. Wife of Squatting Bear. 8vo. pp. 108. Philadelphia. 75 110 BARLOW (Joel). The Vision of Columbus. A Poem in nine Books. 12mo. sheep. London, 1787. 1 50 111 BARLOW (Joel). The Political Writings of. 16mo. sheep. New York, 1796. 1 25 112 BARNES (William). The Settlement and Early History of Albany. Plate. 8vo. paper, uncut. Albany, 1864. 2 00 113 BARNES (Win. H.) History of the Thirty-ninth Congress of the United States. With portrait. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1868. 5 00 114 BARNEY (Joshua). A Biographical Memoir of the late Commodore Joshua Barney. From autobiographical notes and journals in possession of his family. 8vo. boards, uncut. Boston, 1832. 2 25 115 Another copy, sheep, without title-page. 1 25 116 BARRY (John S.) A Historical Sketch of Hanover, Mass., with Family Genealogies. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1853. 4 00 117 BARSTOW (George). The History of New Hampshire, from its Discovery, in 1614, to the Passage of the Toleration Act, in 1819. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1853. 2 25 118 Another copy, 8vo. half bound. Concord, N. H., 1842. 2 25 119 BARTLETT (William). A Sermon in Commemoration of. Founder of the Theological Seminary in Andover. By Daniel Dana. 8vo. pp. 36, boards. Andover, 1841. 50 120 BARTRAM. (Wm.) Travels through North and South Carolina, Georgia, East and West Florida, the Cherokee Country, the extensive Territories of the Muscogulges, or Creek Confederacy, and the Country of the Choctaws. Plates. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1791. 4 00 121 Another edition, half bound. London, 1792. 5 00 122 Another copy, boards, uncut. 5 00 123 BATES (D. B.) Incidents on Land and Water; or, Four Years on the Pa(ific Coast. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1858. 1 25 124 BATES (Elisha). An Examination of certain Proceedings and Principles of the Society of Friends called Quakers. 8vo. sheep. St. Clairsville, 0., 1837. 2 50 125 BAYARD (F. MI.) Voyage dans l'Interieur des Etats-Unis, a Bath, Winchester, dans la Vallee de Shenandoah, etc., pendant 1'Ete de 1791. 8vo. boards, uncut. Paris [1797]. 5 00 126 BAYLIES (Francis). An Historical Memoir of the Colony of New Plymouth, from the Flight of the Pilgrims into Holland, 1608, to the Reunion of that Colony with Massachusetts, 1692. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, gilt top, uncut. Boston, 1866. 6 00 127 BEADLE (J. H.) Life in Utah; or, The Mysteries and Crimes of Mormonism. Being an Expose of the Secret Rites and Ceremonies of the Latter-Day Saints. Map. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1870. 2 50 128 BEAMISH (N. L.) The Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century, and Notices of the Early Settlements of the Irish in the Western Hemisphere. Maps. 8vo. cloth. London, 1841. 2 50 8 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 129 BEAUJOUR (Le Chevalier Felix De). Sketch of the United States of North America, at the Commencement of the Nineteenth Century, from 1800 to 1810. Map. 8vo. With numerous tables. Calf. London, 1814. 2 50 130 Another copy, half morocco, neat. 3 00 131 BECK (Lewis C.) A Gazetteer of the States of Illinois and Missouri, containing a General View of each State and County, and a particular Description of each Town, Village, River, etc. Map and plates. 8vo. boards uncut. Albany, 1823. 3 25 132 BECKWOURTH. The Life and Adventures of James P. Beckwourth, Mountaineer, Soldier, and Pioneer, and Chief of the Crow Indians. Written from his own dictation, by J. D. Bonner. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York. 1 50 133 BEECHER (E.) Narrative of Riots at Alton; in connection with the Death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. 12mo. cloth. Alton, 1838. 2 00 134 BEECHER (Lyman). Autobiography, Correspondence, etc. Edited by Charles Beecher. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1871. 5 00 135 BEECHER (Lyman.) A Plea for the West. 16mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1835. 75 136 BELCHER (J.) Historical Sketches of Hymns, their Writers, and their Influence. 12nmo. cloth. Albany, 1873. 1 50 137 BELDEN (E. P.) New York: Past, Present, and Future; comprising a History of the City, its Present Condition, etc. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1849. 1 50 138 BELDEN (George P.) Belden, the White Chief; or, Twelve Years among the Wild Indians of the Plains. From his diaries and manuscripts. Edited by Gen. James B. Brisbin. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1871. 2 00 139 BELDING (H. H.) The Northwestern Review and Commercial and Real Estate Reporter. From June, 1857, to April, 1858. 8vo. half bound. Keokuk, Iowa. 4 00 140 BELKNAP (Jeremy). The History of New Hampshire; comprehending the Events of one Complete Century, from the Discovery of the River Pascataqua. Maps. 3 vols. 8vo. full bound. Boston, 1813. 9 00 141 Another edition, half morocco. Philadelphia, 1812. 10 00 142 BELL (Andrew). History of Canada, from the Time of its Discovery till 1840-1. Translated from "L'Histoire du Canada" of F. X. Garneau. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Montreal, 1866. ~ 5 00 143 BELL (Wm. A.) New Tracts in North America. A Journal of Travel and Adventure whilst engaged in the Survey for a Southern Railroad to the Pacific Ocean during 1867-8. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut.'London, 1869. 5 00 144 BELTRAMI (J. C.) A Pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the Discovery of the Sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River; with a Description of the whole course of the former, and of the Ohio. Maps and portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1828. 4 00 144- Another copy, boards. 4 00 145 BENEDICT (David). A General History of the Baptist Denomination in America, and other parts of the World. 2 vols. 8vo. full bound. Boston, 1813. 7 00 146 BENEDICT (Kirby). Anniversary Address delivered before the Historical Society of New Mexico, 1860. 8vo. pp. 20. Santa Fe. 35 147 BENSON (Egbert). Vindication of the Captors of Major Andre. 8vo. paper, uncut. New York, 1865. 1 25 148 BENTON (N. S.) History of Herkimer County, N. Y., including the Upper Mohawk Valley, Notices of the Iroquois, Early German Settlers, etc. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Albany, 1856. 3 00 149 Another copy, cloth. 2 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 9 150 BENTON (Thos. H.) Thirty Years' View. A History of the American Government for Thirty Years, from 1820 to 1850, chiefly taken from the Congress Debates, etc., with Historical Notes and Illustrations, and some Notices of Eminent Deceased Contemporaries. 2 vols. 8vo. leather. New York, 1871. 8 00 151 BESTE (J. Richard). The Wabash; or, Adventures of an English Gentleman's Family in the Interior of America. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. London, 1855. 4 00 152 Another copy, newly half bound. 4 50 153 BEVERLEY (Robert). The History of Virginia, in four parts. Reprinted from the London edition of 1722. Plates. 8vo. cloth. 1855. 4 50 154 BIBLE (The) in the Public Schools. Proceedings and Addresses at Mass Meeting, Pike's Music Hall, Cincinnati, September 28, 1870. With a Sketch of the Anti-Bible Movement. 8vo. pp. 39. Cincinnati, 1869. 25 155 BIBLE (The) in the Public Schools. Arguments in the case of John D. Minor et al. v. The Board of Education of the City of Cincinnati et al., with the opinions and decision of the Court. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1870. 2 00 156 The Same. Arguments of Messrs. Ramsey, Sage, and King, in the above case, in favor of the use of the Bible. 8vo. sewed. 50 157 The Same. Arguments of Messrs. Stallo, Hoadly, and Matthews, in the above case, against the use of the Bible. 8vo. sewed. 50 158 BILL (Ledyard). A Winter in Florida; or, Observations on the Soil, Climate, and Products of our Semi-Tropical State, with Sketches of the Principal Towns and Cities in Eastern Florida; also, a Brief Historical Summary, together with Hints to the Tourist, Invalid, and Sportsman. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1870. 1 25 159 BINGHAM (Caleb). The Columbian Orator, containing a variety of original and selected pieces. 16mo. sheep. Boston, 1817. 1 00 160 BIRKBECK (Morris). Letters from Illinois. 8vo. boards. London, 1818. 1 75 161 Another copy, half morocco. 2 50 162 BIRKBECK (Morris). Notes on a Journey in America, from the Coast of Virginia to the Territory of Illinois. 8vo. boards. London, 1819. 1 75 163 Another copy, half morocco. 2 50 164 BIRKBECK (Morris). Letters from Illinois; also, Notes on a Journey through France, 1814. 2 vols. 12mo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1818. 2 75 165 BISHOP (Abraham). Oration in honor of the Election of President Jefferson and the Peaceable Acquisition of Louisiana. 8vo. paper, pp. 24. Hartford, 1804. 75 166 BISHOP (Joseph). The Life of, the celebrated old Pioneer in the first settlement of iMiddle Tennessee, embracing his Wonderful Adventures, etc. By John W. Gray. 12mo. cloth. Nashville, 1858. 2 25 167 BISHOP (Levi). Teuchsa Grondie. A legendary Poem; being a Sketch of Detroit, etc. 8vo. half morocco extra. Albany, 1872. 4 50 168 Another copy, cloth. 3 50 169 BLACK HAWK. Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kai-kiak, or Black Hawk, and Scenes in the West. A National Poem in Six Cantos, embracing the Life and Exploits of this Celebrated Chieftain. By a Western Tourist. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1848. 1 25 170 BLACK HAWK. Life and Adventures of. With Sketches of Keokuk, the Sac and Fox Indians, and the late Black Hawk War. By Benjamin Drake. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1849. 1 50 10 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 171 BLACK HAWK. Life of. Embracing the Traditions of his Nation; Indian Wars in which he has been engaged; Cause of joining the British; his Capture, Surrender, and Confinement, and Travels through the United States. Dictated by himself. Edited by J. B. Patterson. 12mo. cloth. London, 1836. 1 00 172 BLACK HAWK. Life and Adventures of. The Great Indian Chief of the West. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1854. 1 50 173 BLACKMAN (E. C.) History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, including the Annals and Geography of each Township. Maps and illustrations. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1873. 4 00 174 BLACKMORE (William). Colorado: Its Resources, Parks, and Prospects, as a Field for Emigration. With an Account of the Frenchara and Costilla Estates and the San Luis Park. Map. 4to. cloth. London, 1869. 5 00 175 BLAKE (E. V.) Arctic Experiences; containing Capt. Geo. E. Tyson's wonderful Drift on the Ice-floe, a History of the Polaris Expedition, etc. Map and illustrations. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1874. 4 00 176 BLAKE (J. A.) Hand-book of Colorado. With maps and illustrations. 18mo. cloth. Denver, 18741. 1 00 177 BLAKE (Wm. J.) History of Putnam County, N. Y. With an enumeration of its Towns, Creeks, Mountains, etc., Local Traditions, and short Biographical Sketches of Early Settlers, etc. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1849. 2 50 178 BLENNERTIASSETT PAPERS (The); embodying the Private Journal of Harman Blennerhassett, and the hitherto unpublished Correspondence of Burr, Alston, Dayton, Emmett, Theodosia Burr, Mrs. Blennerhassett, and others, developing the purposes of the Wilkinson and Burr Revolution. With a Memoir of Blennerhassett. By Wm. H. Safford. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1864. 3 50 179 BLENNERHASSETT (Harman). The Life of, comprising an authentic Narrative of the Burr Expedition, etc. By W. H. Safford. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1853. 1 25 180 Another copy, half morocco, extra, gilt top. 2 25 181 BLOODGOOD (S. Delbitt). The Sexagenary; or, Reminiscences of the American Revolution. Portraits. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1866. 3 50 182 BOKUM (Herman). The Tennessee Hand-book and Immigrants' Guide; giving a Description of the State of Tennessee. Map. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1868. 1 00 183 BOLLAERT (W.) Antiquarian, Ethnological, and other Researches in New Granada, Equador, Peru, and Chili. With observations on the Preincarnal, Incarnal, and other Monuments of Peruvian Nations. Plates. 8vo. cloth. London, 1860. 3 00 184 BOLLER (Henry A.) Among the Indians. Eight Years in the Far West, 1858-66. Embracing Sketches of Montana and Salt Lake. 12mo. cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1868. 2 00 185 BOLTON (John). An Account of the Loss of the American Clipper Ship, Tontine. 8vo. pp. 30. Pittsburg, 1860. 25 186 BOND (J. Wesley). Minnesota and its Resources, with Camp-fire Sketches of a Trip to the Red River of the North. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1853. 1 50 187 BONNYCASTLE (R. H.) Spanish America; or, A Descriptive, Historical, and Geographical Account of the Dominions of Spain in the Western Hemisphere. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1818. 2 25 188 BONWICK (James). The Mormons and the Silver Mines of Nevada, Utah, and Colorado. 12mo. cloth. London, 1872. 3 75 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 11 189 BOONE (Daniel). The Pioneer of Kentucky. By J. S. C. Abbott. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1872. 1 50 190 BOONE (Daniel). The Pioneer of Kentucky. A Biography. By George Canning Hill. 16mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1869. 1 00 191 BOONE (Daniel). Life of. The Great Western Hunter and Pioneer. By Cecil B. Hartley. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1865. 1 75 192 BOONE (Daniel). The Life and Adventures of, interspersed with incidents in the early annals of the country. By Timothy Flint. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1842. 1 25 193 BOONE (Daniel). The Life and Times of. The Hunter of Kentucky; with Sketches, etc. 16mo. boards. New York, 1860. 1 00 194 BOOTH (Junius Brutus). Passages, Incidents, and Anecdotes in the Life of. By his Daughter. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 25 195 BOSTON. Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston, March 5, 1770, with some observations on the state of things prior to that catastrophe. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1849. 2 50 196 BOTTA (Charles). History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America. Translated by G. A. Otis. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. New Haven, n. d. 3 25 197 Another copy, boards, uncut. Boston, 1826. 5 00 198 BOUCHER (Jonathan). A View of the Causes and Consequences of the American Revolution, in Thirteen Discourses, preached in America between the years 1763 and 1775. With an Historical Preface. Portrait. 8vo. full bound. London, 1797. 3 00 199 BOUDINOT (Elias). A Star in the West; or, A Humble Attempt to discover the long-lost Ten Tribes of Israel, preparatory to their return to their beloved City, Jerusalem. 8vo. full bound. Trenton, N.J., 1816. 1 75 200 BOUQUET. An Historical Account of the Expedition against the Ohio Indians, in the year 1764, under the Command of Henry Bouquet, Esq., Colonel of Foot, including his Transactions with the Indians, relative to the Delivery of the Prisoners, and the Preliminaries of Peace, with an Introductory Account of the Preceding Campaign, and Battle of Bushy-run. To which are annexed Military Papers containing Reflections on the War with the Savages; a Method of forming Frontier Settlements; some Account of the Indian Country, with a List of Nations, Fighting Men, Towns, Distances, and different Routes. Published from authentic Documents by a Lover of his Country (Dr. Wm. Smith, Provost of the College of Philadelphia). With a Preface by Francis Parkman, author of " Conspiracy of Pontiac," etc., and a translation of Dumas' Biographical Sketch of General Bouquet. Map and plates reproduced by the photo-lithographic process. 8vo. cloth, $3.00; large paper copies, imperial 8vo. Cincinnati, 1868. 6 00 201 BOUQUET. An Historical Account of the Expedition against the Ohio Indians, in the year 1764, under the Command of Henry Bouquet, Esq. Including his transactions with the Indians, etc., with an Introductory Account of' the Preceding Campaign, and Battle of Bushy-run, etc. Map and copper plates. 4to. half morocco extra, gilt top, fine clean copy of this, the original edition. Philadelphia, 1766. 15 00 202 BOUQUET. Relation Historique de l'Expedition, contre les Indians de l'Ohio en MDCCLXIV. Commandee par le Chevalier Henry Bouquet, etc. Avec un Recit introductoire de la Campagne precedente d l'an 1763, et de la Bataille de Bushy-run, etc. 8vo. half calf. Amsterdam, 1769. 5 00 203 BOWEN (Eli). The Pictorial Sketch-book of Pennsylvania; or, Its Scenery, Internal Improvements, Resources, and Agriculture popularly described. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 00 204 BOWLES (Samuel). A Summer's Journey to the Rocky Mountains, 12 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. the Mormons, and the Pacific States. Map. 12mo. Springfield, Mass., 1868. 2 00 205 BOWLES (Samuel). Across the Continent: A Stage Ride over the Plains to the Rocky Mountains, the Mormons, and the Pacific States, in the Summer of 1865, with Speaker Colfax. 16mo. cloth Springfield, Mass., 1869. 1 50 206 BOWLES (Samuel). Colorado: Its Parks and Mountains. 16mo. cloth. Springfield, 1869. 1 00 207 BOX (Capt. M. James). Adventures and Explorations in Old and New Mexico, being the Records of Ten Years of Travel and Research. 12mo. New York, 1869. 1 50 208 BOYER (Lieut.) A Journal of Wayne's Campaign, being an Authentic Daily Record of the most Important Occurrences during the Campaign of Major-General Anthony Wayne against the Northwestern Indians, commencing July 28, and ending November 2, 1794. 4to. sewed, uncut. Cincinnati, 1866. 1 00 209 BOYNTON (Charles B.) The History of the Navy during the Rebellion. Illustrated with numerous engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1870. 8 00 210 BOYNTON (Rev. C. B.) and MASON (T. B.) A Journey through Kansas, with Sketches of Nebraska, describing the Country, Climate, Soil, Minerals, etc. 12mo. half bound. Cincinnati, 1855. 1 50 211 BOZMAN (J. L.) The History of Maryland from its first Settlement, in 1633, to 1660, with a copious introduction, and notes and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, uncut edges. Baltimore, 1837. 7 50 212 BOZMAN (J. L.) A Sketch of the History of Maryland, during the three First Years after its Settlement. Portrait. 8vo. sheep. Baltimore, 1811. 4 00 213 BRACKENRIDGE (H. H.) Modern Chivalry: Containing the Adventures of a Captain, and Teague O'Regan, his servant. 4 vols. 12mo. full bound. Richmond, 1815. 5 00 214 Another edition, 2 vols. full bound. Pittsburgh, 1819. 4 00 215 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) History of the Western Insurrection in Western Pennsylvania, commonly called the Whisky Insurrection, 1794. 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Pittsburgh, 1859. 4 00 216 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Journal of a Voyage up the River Missouri, performed in 1811. 12mo. boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1816. 2 50 217 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Recollections of Persons and Places in the West. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, n. d. 2 00 218 Another copy, 12mo. paper, uncut. Philadelphia, 1868. 2 00 219 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) Views of Louisiana; containing Geographical, Statistical, and Historical Notices of that vast and important portion of America. 16mo. sheep. Baltimore, 1817. 1 75 220 Another copy, half calf. Pittsburgh, 1814. 2 50 221 BRACKENRIDGE (H. M.) History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1844. 1 25 222 Another edition, 12mo. sheep. Baltimore, 1817. 1 50 223 BRADBURY (John). Travels in the Interior of America in the years 1809-10-11, including a description of Upper Louisiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Tennessee, with the Illinois and Western Territories. 8vo. boards, uncut. Liverpool, 1817. 3 50 224 Another copy, half calf. 3 00 225 BRADFORD (Alden). History of the Federal Government for Fifty Years, 1789-1839. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1840. 3 50 Robert Clarke & Co. Cincinnati. 13 226 BRADFORD (Alden). History of Massachusetts from 1764 to July, 1775. 8vo. half calf, neat. Boston, 1822. 3 50 227 BRADFORD (Alden). History of Massachusetts from July, 1775, when General Washington took command of the American Army at Cambridge, to the year 1789 (inclusive), when the Federal Government was established under the present Constitution. 8vo. boards. Boston, 1825. 3 00 228 BRADFORD (A. W.) American Antiquities and Researches into the Origin and History of the Red Race. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1841. 3 00 229 Another copy, 8vo. half morocco, uncut edges. 4 25 230 BRADFORD (Wm.) Fac-simile of a Map of New York City, in 1728. Reprinted. New York, 1874. 50 231 BRADFORD (Wm. J. A.) Notes on the Northwest; or, Valley of the Upper Mississippi. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1846. 1 75 232 BRAINARD (Rev. Thomas). Life of John Brainard, the brother of LDavid Brainard, and his successor as Missionary to the Indians of New Jersey. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1865.' 2 00 233 BRAMAN (D.E.E.) Information about Texas; containing descriptions of Counties, Resources, Statistics, etc., carefully prepared. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1858. 1 00 234 BREVOORT (Elias). New Mexico: her Natural Resources and Attractions. Being a Collection of Facts. 8vo. pp. 176. Santa Fe, 1874. 75 235 BREWER (W). Alabama: her History, Resources, War Record, and Public Men, from 1540 to 1872. 8vo. cloth. Montgomery, 1872. 5 00 236 BREWERTON (G. D.) Wars of the Western Border; or, New Homes and a Strange People. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1859. 1 75 237 BREWERTER (G. D.) The War in Kansas. A Rough Trip to the Borders; among New Homes and a Strange People. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1856. 1 75 238 BRICE (Wallace A.) History of Fort Wayne, Indiana, from the earliest known accounts to the present period, with Biographical Sketches of General Anthony Wayne and others. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Fort Wayne, 1868. 3 00 239 Another copy, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges, by Bradstreet. 4 50 240 BRIEF (A) Relation of the State of New England from the beginning of that Plantation to 1689. 8vo. boards, uncut. (Force's Historical Tract.) 75 241 BRIEF HISTORY (A) of the Rise and Progress of the Charitable Scheme carrying on by a Society of Noblemen and Gentlemen in London for the Relief and Instruction of poor Germans and their Descendants settled in Pennsylvania and the adjacent British Colonies in North America. 4to. half morocco, gilt top, edges uncut. Philadelphia, printed by B. Franklin and D. Hall, 1755. 12 50 242 BRIEF SKETCH of the Military Operations on the Delaware during the Late War; together with a copy of the Muster-Rolls of the Several Volunteer Corps which composed the Advance Light Brigade as they stood at the Close of the Campaign, 1814. 16mo. half calf, neat. Philadelphia, 1820. 2 25 243 BRIGGS (Hon. Robt. M.) Resolutions and Addresses relative to the death of. 8vo. pp. 36. Cincinnati, 1869. 25 244 BRINTON (Daniel G.) Notes on the Floridian Peninsula; its Literary History, Indian Tribes, and Antiquities. 16mo. cloth. Phila. 1859. 1 50 245 BRISSOT DE WARVILLE (J. P.) New Travels in the United States of North America, performed in 1788. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1792. 2 50 246 Another copy, full bound. 2 50 14 -Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 247 BRITISH TREATY (The). A Pamphlet on Jay's Treaty with Great Britain. 12mo. boards. 75 248 BROCK (-Maj. Gen. Isaac). Life and Correspondence of. Interspersed with notices of the celebrated Indian Chief, Tecumseh, etc. 12mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1845. 2 50 249 BRODHEAD (John R.) Documents relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York; procured in Holland, England, and France. Edited by E. B. O'Callaghan. Maps and plates. 11 vols. 4to. cloth. Albany, 1856. 22 00 250 BRODHEAD (J. R.) History of the State of New York. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York. 6 00 251 BROMME (T.) Michigan. A Geographical, Statistical, and Topographical Sketch for Emigrants, Inhabitants, and the Public. In German. Map. 12mo. boards. Baltimore, 1834. 75 252 BROWN (Albert G.) Speeches, Messages, and other Writings of. Senator from Mississippi. Portrait. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1859. 2 25 253 BROWN (G. W.) The Origin and Growth of Civil Liberty in Maryland. 8vo. pp. 40. Baltimore, 1850. 50 254 BROWN (Henry). A Narrative of the Anti-Masonick Excitement in the Western Part of New York, during 1826-9. 16mo. boards. Batavia, N. Y., 1829. 2 00 255 BROWN (Henry). The History of Illinois from its first Discovery and Settlement to the Present Time. Map. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1844. 3 50 256 BROWN (John). The Public Life of; with an Autobiography of his Childhood and Youth. By James Redpath. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1860. 2 00 257 BROWN (Samuel R.) Views of the Campaigns of the North-Western Army, etc.; comprising Sketches of the Campaigns of Generals Hull and Harrison; a minute and interesting account of the Naval Conflict on Lake Erie, etc. 16mo. boards. Philadelphia, 1815. 4 00 258 BROWN (Samuel R.) The Western Gazetteer; or, Emigrants' Directory. A Geographical Description of the Western States and Territories. 8vo. sheep. Auburn, 1817. 2 25 259 BROWN (Thomas). An Account of the People called Shakers. Their Faith, Doctrines, and Practice. By Thomas Brown, of Caldwell, Orange County, New York. 12mo. calf, neat. Troy, 1812. 7 50 260 BROWNE (J. Ross). Resources of the Pacific Slope. A Statistical Summary of the Mines and Minerals, Climate, etc., with a Sketch of the Settlement and Exploration of Lower California. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1869. 3 00 261 BROWNE (J. Ross). Adventures in the Apache Country. A Tour through Arizona and Sonora, with Notes on the Silver Regions of Nevada. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1869. 2 00 262 BROWNE (J. Ross). Crusoe's Island; with Sketches of Adventures in California and Washoe. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1871. 1 75 264 BROWNELL (Chas. De Wolf). The Indian Races of North America; comprising an account of the principal Aboriginal Races, their Customs, Mythology, Ceremonies, etc. Colored illustrations. 8vo. sheep. Boston. 4 50 265 BRUNSON (Rev. Alfred). A Western Pioneer; or, Incidents in his Life and Times, embracing a period of over seventy years. Vol. 1 (all yet out). 12mno. cloth. Cincinnati, 1872. 1 75 266 BRYAN (Daniel). The Mountain Muse: Comprising the Adventures of Daniel Boone, and the Power of Virtuous and Refined Beauty. By Daniel Bryan, of Rockingham County, Virginia. 16mo. full bound. Harrisonburg, 1813. 4 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 15 267 BRYAN (John A.) The Ohio Annual Register; containing a Condensed History of the State, Complete Lists of Officers, etc. 18mo. cloth. Columbus, 1835. 50 268 BRYANT (C. S.) A History of the Great Massacre by the Sioux Indians in Minnesota, including the Personal Narratives of many who escaped. 12rno. cloth. Cincinnati, 1864. 2 50 269 BUCHANIERS OF AMERICA. A collection of Portraits of Morgan the Buchanier and others, and maps and views relating to their inroads. Square 12mo. half calf. 2 50 270 BUDS, BLOSSOMS, AND LEAVES. Poems by Eulalie. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1854. 75 271 BULFINCH (Thomas). Oregon and Eldorado; or, Romance of the Rivers. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1866. 2 50 272 BULLOCK (W.) Sketch of a Journey through the Western States of North America, from New Orleans to New York, in 1827, with a Description of the New and Flourishing City of Cincinnati, by Messrs. B. Drake and E. D. Mansfield. 12mo. boards. London, 1827. 3 00 273 BURR (John). The History of Virginia, from its First Settlement to the Present Day. 4 vols. 8vo. polished calf by Riviere. ~Most beautiful set. Petersburg, Va., 1804. 80 00 274 BURK (John). The History of Virginia, from its First Settlement to the Present Day. Vols. 1, 2. Vol. 1, boards; vol. 2, half sheep. Peters. burg, 1804. 6 00 275 BURK. Memoir of John Daily Burk, author of a History of Virginia. By Charles Campbell. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1868. 1 50 276 BURKE (Edmund). An Account of the European Settlements in America. 2 vols. 8vo. calf, neat. London, 1760. 4 00 277 Another edition, 2 vols. half calf. London, 1808. 3 00 278 BURKE (W. S.) Directory of the City of Council Bluffs, and Emigrants' Guide to the Gold Regions of the West. Map. 8vo. cloth. Council Bluffs, 1866. 1 00 279 BURNABY (Rev. Andrew). Travels through the Middle Settlements in North America in the Years 1759 and 1760; with observations upon the state of the Colonies. 4to. half bound. London, 1775. 4 00 280 Another edition, 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1775. 2 50 281 BURNAP (G. W.) Origin and Causes of Democracy in America. 8vo. paper, pp. 29. Baltimore, 1853. 25 282 BURNET (Jacob). Notes on the Early Settlement of the Northwestern Territory. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1847. 5 00 283 Another copy, sheep. 5 00 284 BURR (Aaron). The Life and Times of. By James Parton. Enlarged edition, with numerous Appendices, containing new and interesting Information. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1872. 6 00 285 BURR (Aaron). Memoirs, with Miscellaneous Correspondence. By M. L. Davis. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York. 4 00 286 BURR (Aaron). Private Journal, during his Residence of Four Years in Europe; with Selections from his Correspondence. With portrait. Edited by Matthew L. Davis. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York, 1858. 5 00 287 Another copy, half morocco. 5 00 288 BURR (Aaron). Reports of the Trials of, for Treason and for a Misdemeanor, in the Circuit Court of the United States. An Appendix containing the Arguments and Evidence of a motion made by the Counsel for the United States to commit A. Burr, H. Blannerhassett, and I. Smith. Taken in short hand by David Robertson. 2 vols. 8vo. full bound. Philadelphia, 1808. 15 00 16 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 289 BURR (Phamphlets). I. A View of the Political Conduct of Aaron Burr, Esq., by the Author of the " Narrative," pp. 120. New York, 1802. II. An Examination of the various Charges exhibited against Aaron Burr, by Aristides, pp. 116. New York, 1804. III. A Narrative of the Suppression, by Col. Burr, of the History of the Administration of John Adams, written by John Wood; to which is added a Biography of Thomas Jefferson and of Gen. Hamilton, with Strictures on the Conduct of John Adams, and on the character of Gen. Pinckney, extracted verbatim from the suppressed history, pp. 71. New York, 1802. In 1 vol. 8vo. broken binding. l 1 00 290 BUSHNELL (Charles I.) Publications of. Comprising the Adventures of Christopher Hawkins; Life and Adventures of Levi Hanford; Narrative of the Exertions and Sufferings of Lieut. James Moody; Memoirs of Tarleton Brown; Narrative of Major Abraham Leggitt; Historical Account of the First Three Business Tokens issued in the City of New York; Journal of Solomon Nash; Journal of the Expedition against Quebec; Narrative of Ebenezer Fletcher. 9 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York, v. d. Privately printed. 15 00 291 BURTON (Richard T.) The City of the Saints, and across the Rocky 2Mountains to California. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1862. 3 50 292 BURY (Viscount). Exodus of the Western Nations. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1865. 6 00 293 BUTLER (B. C.) Lake George and Lake Champlain, from their first Discovery to 1759. Maps. 12mo. cloth. Albany, 1868. 1 75 294 BUTLER (Frances Anne). [Miss Fanny Kemble.] Journal of a Residence in America. 8vo. halt morocco. Brussels, 1835. 1 50 295 BUTLER (Mann). A History of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, from its Exploration and Settlement by the Whites to the close of the Northwestern Campaign, in 1813. 12mo. sheep. Louisville, 1834. 3 50 296 Another copy, second edition, half morocco, extra gilt top, uncut edges. Cincinnati, 1836. 6 00 297 BUTLER (W. F.) The Great Lone Land. A Narrative of Travel and Adventures in the Northwest of America. 12mo. cloth. London, 1872. 3 75 298 BUTLER (W. F.) The Wild North Land. A Story of a Winter Journey with Dogs across Northern North America. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1874. 2 50 299 BUTTERFIELD (C. W.) An Historical Account of the Expedition against Sandusky, under Col. William Crawford, in 1782. With Biographical Sketches, Personal Reminiscences, and descriptions of Interesting Localities; including also details of the Disastrous Retreat, the Barbarities of the Savages, and the awful Death of Crawford by Torture. Portrait. 8vo. cloth, uncut, gilt top. Cincinnati, 1873. 3 50 300 BUTTERFIELD (C. W.) History of Seneca County: Containing a detailed Narrative of the Principal Events, from its First Settlement to the Prebent Time; a History of the Indians that formerly resided within its limits; Early Customs, Biographical Sketches, etc. 12mo. cloth. Sandusky, 1848. 5 00 301 Another copy, bound in tree calf, extra, by Pratt, uncut edges. 8 00 302 BUCKINGHAM (J. S.) America-Historical, Statistical, and Descriptive. 3 vols. The Eastern and Western States of America. 3 vols. The Slave States of America. 2 vols. Canada, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the other British Provinces in North America. 1 vol. In all 9 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, n. d. 15 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 17 303 BY-LAWS of Nova Cesarea Harmony Lodge, No. 2; with a History of its Organization. 16mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1853. 75 304 BYRD (William). The History of the Dividing Line between Virginia and North Carolina, as run in 1728-29. 2 vols. small 4to. cloth, uncut. Richmond, 1866., 7 00 305 CALDCLEUGH (A.) Travels in South America during 1819 to 1821; containing an Account of the Present State of Brazil, Buenos Ayres, and Chili. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1825. 2 50 306 CALDWELL (Charles). Autobiography of. With a Preface, Notes, and Appendix, by Harriet W. Warner. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1855. 1 50 307 CALEF (Robert). The Wonders of the Invisible World; or, Salem Witchcraft. 18mo. sheep. Boston, 1828. 1 25 308 CALLENDER (John). An Historical Discourse on the Civil and Religious Affairs of the Colony of Rhode Island. With Memoir of the Author, etc., by Romeo Elton. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1843. 2 00 309 Another copy. Providence, 1838. 2 00 310 CALIFORNIA: Its Past History, Present Position, and Future Prospects. A History of the Country, from its Colonization; an Account of the Discovery of the Gold Regions, and a History of the Mormon Settlements. 8vo. cloth. London. 2 25 311 CALIFORNIA PIONEERS. Twentieth Anniversary of. 8vo. pp. 25. San Francisco, 1870. 25 312 The Same. Twenty-first Anniversary of. 8vo. pp. 27, boards. San Francisco, 1871. 35 313 CAMPAIGNS (The) of the British Army at Washington and New Orleans, in the Years 1814, 1815. By the author of the Subaltern. 16mo. boards, uncut. London, 1827. 1 75 314 Another copy, half calf. 2 00 315 CAMPBELL (Charles). History of the Colony and Ancient Dominion of Virginia. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1860. 2 50 316 CAMPBELL (John W.) Biographical Sketches, with other Literary Remains of the late. Compiled by his Widow. 8vo. cloth. Columbus, 1838. 1 50 316' CAMP LIFE OF A VOLUNTEER. A Campaign in Mexico; or, A Glimpse at Life in Camp. By "One who has seen the Elephant." Map. 8vo. half bound. Philadelphia, 1847. 1 50 317 CANADA. A large collection of Tracts relating to Canada, published between the years 1815 and 1840. A very valuable collection. Bound in seven volumes, half calf. 14 00 318 CARDOZO (J. N.) Reminiscences of Charleston. 12mo. half morocco. Charleston, 1866. 2 00 319 CAREY (H. C.) Letters on International Copyright. 8vo. pp. 88. New York, 1868. 50 320 CARLTON (Robert). The New Purchase; or, Seven and a half Years in the Far West. 2 vols. 12mo. boards, uncut. New York, 1843. 3 00 321 CARROLL (B. R.) Historical Collections of South Carolina, embracing many rare and valuable Pamphlets, and other Documents relating to the History of the State, from its First Discovery to its Independence in the year 1776. Map. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1836. 5 00 321:" Another copy, sheep. 5 00 322 CARROLL (Most Rev. John). Biographical Sketch of. First Archbishop of Baltimore. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Baltimore, 1843. 1 25 18 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 323 CARSON (Kit). Life and Adventures. From facts narrated by himself. With the Character arid Customs of the Indian Tribes of the Far West, and a lull History of the Modoe Watr. By DeWitt C. Peters. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo. cloth. Hartford, 1874. 3 50 324 CARSON (Kit). Life of the Great Western Hunter and Guide, with an account of various Government Expeditions to the Far West. By Charles Burdett. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1869. 1 75 325 CARTWRIGHT. Autobiography of Peter Cartwright, the Backwoods Preacher. Edited by W. P. Strickland. Portrait. 12nio. cloth. Cincinnati, 1868. 1 75 326 CARUTHERS (E. W.) Interesting Revolutionary Incidents, and Sketches of Character, chiefly in the "Old North State." Second series. Map. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1856. 2 00 327 CARVALHO (S. N.) Incidents of Travel and Adventure in the Far West, with Col. Fremont's Last Expedition. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1857. 1 50 328 CARVER (J.) Travels through the Interior Parts of North America in 1766-68. Maps and copperplates. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. An unusually large and fine copy. 1778. 6 00 329 CASS (Lewis). The Life and Times of. By W. L. G. Smith. Portrait. Thick 8vo. half morocco, neat. Nlew York, 1856. 3 50 330 CASS (Lewis). Life and Public Services of, with the Pamphlet on the Right of Search, and some of his Speeches. By Wm. T. Young. 8vo. cloth. Detroit, 1852. 1 50 331 CASS (Lewis). Outlines of the Life and Character of. 8vo. boards, uncut. Albany, 1848. 75 332 CASSEDAY (Ben.) The History of Louisville, from its Earliest Settlement till the year 1852. 12mo. cloth. Louisville, 1852. 5 00 CATALOGUES333 BANGS, BROTHER & CO. Bibliotheca Splendidissima. Sale Catalogue of Books, etc., relating to America. Sold in 1856. 8vo. half morocco. New York, 1856. 2 00 334 BUMSTEAD (Geo.) Priced Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to North and South America and the West Indies. 8vo. half morocco. London, 1866. 1 00 335 BURTON (Wm. E.) Priced Catalogue of the Theatrical and Miscellaneous Library of. Sold by Sabin & Co., New York, 1860. Half morocco. Portrait. 3 00 336 CORWIN (E. B.) Priced Catalogue of the Books, Tracts, and Autographs relating to America. Sold in New York, 1856. 8vo. half morocco. 3 00 337 DEETH1 (S. G.) Sale Catalogue of the Library of. Sold in New York. Small 4to. half morocco. 2 00 338 HALL (F.) Priced Catalogue of the valuable Library of. Sold in Boston, 1867. 8vo. half morocco. Albany, 1867. 3 00 339 HIBBERD (Geo.) Priced Catalogue of the Library of. Sold by Mr. Evans, London, 1829. 8vo. half morocco. 2 00 340 JARVIS (Rev. S. F.) Sale Catalogue of the entire Library of. Sold in New York, 1851. 8vo. half morocco. 2 00 341 LEONARD & CO. Priced Catalogue of Books, sold March, 1867. 8vo. half morocco. Boston, 1867. 2 00 342 PUTTICK & SIMPSON'S Sa-le Catalogue of Books relating to America and the East and West Indies. 8vo. half morocco. London, 1854. 2 00 343 SMITH (Henry A.) Sale Catalogue of Books relating to America. Sold, 1867, at New York. 8vo. half morocco. 3 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 19 344 SMITH (John Russell). Priced Catalogue of Books and Pamphlets relating to North and South America. 8vo. half morocco. London, 1853. 2 00 345 SMITH (John Russell). Priced Catalogue of Books, Pamphlets, Maps, etc., relating to America. 8vo. half bound. London, 1865. 2 50 346 SYKES (Sir Mark M.) Priced Catalogue of the Curious Library of. Sold in London, 1824. 8vo. half bound. 4 00 347 TEFFT (J. K.) Priced Catalogue of the entire Collection of Autographs of. Sold in New York, 1867. Half morocco. 3 00 348 WIGHT (Andrew). Priced C ttaiogue of the entire Library of. Sold in New York, June, 1864. 8vo. half morocco. 3 00 349 CATLIN (George). Adventures of the Ojibbeway and Ioway Indians in England, France, and Belgium. Being notes of his residence in Europe, with his North American Indian Collection. Engravings. 8vo. cloth. London, 1852. 2 50 350 CATLIN (George). Life among the Indians. A book for youth. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. London, 1867. 2 50 351 CATLIN (George). Last Rambles among the Indians of the Rocky Mountains andthe Andes. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. London, 1867. 2 50 352 CATLIN (George). O-Kee-Pa: A Religious Ceremony and other Customs of the Mandans. Thirteen colored illustrations. Royal 8vo. cloth. London, 1867. 6 00 353 CATLIN (George). Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Condition of the North American Indians. 360 illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1866. 12 00 354 CELEBRATION of the Forty-seventh Anniversary of the First Settlement cf the State of Ohio. 8vo. pp. 74, boards. Cincinnati, 1835. 1 00 355 CELEBRATION of the One Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Primitive Organization of the Congregational Church and Society in Franklin, Conn., October 14, 1868. Map and portraits. 8vo. cloth. New Haven, 1869. 2 25 356 CHADBOURNE (P. A.) The Influence of History on Individual and National Action. 8vo. pp. 22. Madison, 1868. 10 357 CHALMERS (George). A Collection of Treaties between Great Britain and other Powers. 2 vols. 8vo. full bound. London, 1790. 5 00 358 CHAPIN (Alonzo B.) Glastenbury for Two Hundred Years; containing I istorical and Statistical Papers of Interest. Map. 8vo. cloth. Hartford, 1853. 2 50 359 CHAPMAN (Isaac). A Sketch of the History of Wyoming, and a Statistical Account of the Valley and Adjacent Country. 16mo. cloth. Wilkesbarre, Pa., 1830. 1 75 359' CHAPPELL (A. H.) Miscellanies of Georgia, Historical, Biographical, Descriptive, etc. Parts 1 and 2. 8vo. paper. Columbus, Ga., 1874. 3 00 360 CHAPPELL (E.) Narrative of a Voyage to Hudson's Bay. An Account of the Northeastern Coast of America, and of the Tribes inhabiting that Remote Region. Plates. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1817. 2 50 361 CHARLEVOIX (Rev. P. F. X. de). A Voyage to North America; containing the Geographical Description and Natural History of Canada and Louisiana, with the Customs, Manners, Trade, and Religion of the Inhabitants, etc. Maps. 2 vols. 12mo. calf. London, 1761. 5 00 362 Another edition. 2 vols. 12mo. sheep. Dublin, 1776. 4 00 363 Another edition. 8vo. half bound. London, 1763. 5 00 20 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 364 CHARLEVOIX (P. de). Histoire et Description Generale de la Nouvelle France, avec le Journal Historique d'un Voyage fait par ordre du Roi dans L'Amerique Septentrionale. Numerous maps. 3 vols. 4to. calf. Beautiful copy. Paris, 1744. 15 00 365 CHARLTON (Edwin A.) New Hampshire as it is. In three parts. Containing an Historical Sketch, a Gazetteer, and a General View of New Hampshire, together with the Constitution of the State. 8vo. cloth. Claremont, N. H., 1855. 2 75 366 CHARTER of American Liberties. The Constitution of the United States, etc. 48mo. cloth. Boston, 1865. 40 367 CHASE (Hon. Samuel). Report of the Trial of, one of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, before the High Court of Impeachment, for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. 8vo. boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1805. 2 25 368 CHASE (Salmon P.) A Sketch of the History of Ohio. 8vo. half morocco extra, gilt top. Cincinnati, 1833. 3 50 369 CHASE (Salmon P.) An Account of the Private Life and Public Services of. By R. B. Warden. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1874. 5 00 370 CHASE (Salmon P.) The Life and Public Services of. By J. W. Shuckers. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1874. 5 00 371 CHASLES (P.) Anglo-American Literature and Manners. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1852. 1 25 372 CHASTELLUX (Marquis De). Travels in North America in the years 1780, 1781, and 1782. Plates and maps. 2 vols. 8vo. calf. Dublin, 1787. 4 00 373 Another edition, half bound, 8vo. New York, 1828. 2 25 374 Another copy, boards, uncut. New York, 1827. 2 50 375 CHASTELLUX (M. Le). Voyage de, en Amerique. 8vo. paper, uncut, pp. 136. Paris, 1786. 1 00 376 CHASTELLUX (M. Le). Examen Critique des Voyages dans L'Amerique Septentrionale, par J. P. Brissot de Warville. 8vo. paper, uncut, pp. 143. London, 1786. 1 00 377 CHEROKEE LANDS. Report of the Commissioners appointed to negotiate with the Cherokee Indians for a certain Portion of their Country. 8vo. pp. 40, boards, uncut. Washington, 1828. 2 00 378 CHEVALIER (M. M.) Mexico, Ancient and Modern. Translated, under the Author's Superintendence, by Thomas Alpass. Map, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. London, 1864. 6 00 379 CHICAGO. Ninth Annual Report of the Board of Public Works, to the Common Council of the City of Chicago, for the year ending March 31, 1870. Plates. 8vo. paper. Chicago, 1870. 2 00 380 CHICAGO. The Railroads, History and Commerce of. 8vo. boards. Chicago, 1854. 1 50 381 CHOATE (Rufus). Reminiscences of, the Great American Advocate. By E. G. Parker. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1860. 2 00 382 CHURCH (Benjamin). The History of the Eastern Expeditions of 1689, 1690, 1692, 1696, and 1704, against the Indians andFrench. Maps. Small 4to. boards, uncut. Boston, 1867. 3 00 383 CHURCH (Benjamin). The History of King Philip's War. With Introduction and Notes, by Henry Martyn Dexter. 2 vols. Vol. 1, half morocco, uncut. Vol. 2, boards, uncut. Maps. Boston, 1867. 7 00 384 CHURCH (Thos.) The History of Philip's War of 1675-6, etc. With Notes and Appendix, by S. G. Drake. Plate. 16mo. sheep. Exeter, N. H., 1836. 1 25 385 Another edition. Illustrated. evo. cloth. Hartford, 1854. 2 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 21 386 CINCINNATI. An Act incorporating the City of Cincinnati, and a Digest of the Ordinances of said City. i2mo. pp. 164. Cincinnati, 1835. 75 387 CINCINNATI. Digest of the Principal Ordinances passed since 1835, now in force. 12mo. paper, pp. 48. Cincinnati, 1838. 50 388 CINCINNATI. Charter, Amendments, and General Ordinances. Revised to 1850. 8vo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1850. 2 00 389 CINCINNATI. Laws and General Ordinances, 1850 to 1853. 8vo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1853. 1 00 390 CINCINNATI. Laws and General Ordinances in force December, 1854. With State Laws relating to the City. By W. G. Williams, City Clerk. 8vo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1854. 2 00 391 CINCINNATI. Celebration of the 45th Anniversary of the First Settlement of Cincinnati and the Miami Country. 8vo. pp. 52, boards. Cincinnati, 1834. 1 00 392 CINCINNATI DIRECTORY for the year 1842. Compiled by Charles Cist. 12mo. half bound. 50 393 CINCINNATI DIRECTORY for the year 1843. Compiled by Charles Cist. 16mo. half sheep. 50 394 CINCINNATI DIRECTORY for 1849. 8vo. sheep. 75 395 CINCINNATI DIRECTORY and Business Advertiser for 1850-51. Map. 8vo. half bound. Cincinnati. 75 396 CINCINNATI DIRECTORY, City Guide, and Business Mirror for 1853. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati. 75 397 CINCINNATI DIRECTORY and City Guide for 1855. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati. 75 398 CINCINNATI DIRECTORY, City Guide, and Business Mirror for 1860. 8vo. cloth. 75 399 CINCINNATI. Drake's Cincinnati in 1815; Drake's Cincinnati in 1826; Cist's Cincinnati in 1841, 1851, and 1859. 5vols. Uniformlybound in half morocco, gilt top, fine set. 20 00 400 CINCINNATI (The) Excursion to California: Its Origin, Incidents, and Results. Map. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1870.' 1 00 401 CINCINNATI IN 1815. Natural and Statistical View; or, Picture of Cincinnati and the Miami Country. Illustrated by maps. With an Appendix containing Observations on the Late Earthquakes, the Aurora Borealis, and Southwest Wind. By Daniel Drake. 12mo. half bound. Cincinnati, 1815. 6 00 402 CINCINNATI IN 1826. Its Situation and Aspect, Government, Improvements, Societies, Manufactures, Commerce, etc. By B. Drake and E. D. Mansfield. 12mo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1827. 3 00 403 CINCINNATI IN 1841. Its Early Annals and Future Prospects. By Charles Cist. Plates. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1841. 1 50 404 CINCINNATI IN 1851. Sketches and Statistics. By Charles Cist. Plates. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1851. 1 50 405 CINCINNATI IN 1859. Sketches and Statistics. By Charles Cist. Plates. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnatif 1859. 1 50 406 CINCINNATI IN 1869. The City of Cincinnati. A Summary of its Attractions, Advantages, Institutions, and Internal Improvements. With a Statement of its Public Charities. By Geo. E. Stevens. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1869. 1 50 407 CINCINNATI SUBURBS IN 1870. Sketches, Historical and Descriptive. By Sidney D. Maxwell. 4to. cloth. Cincinnati, 1870. 2 50 408 CINCINNATI ALMANAC, for 1839. Map. 18mo. sheep. 35 409 CINCINNATI ALMANAC, for 184Q. Map. 18rm. cloth, 35 22 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 410 CINCINNATI (The) LITERARY GAZETTE. Vols. 1 and 2, January to December, 1824. 4to. half bound. Cincinnati, 1824. 5 00 411 CINCINNATI. Murder will out. The Horrors of the Queen City. Being a correct Detail of over a Hundred Murders, which have taken place in Cincinnati. By an old Citizen. 12mo. paper. Cincinnati, 1867.. 25 412 CINCINNATI PIONEER (The). Edited by John D. Caldwell. Nos. 1, 2, and 3, in one. 8vo. paper. Cincinnati, 1873-74. 50 413 CINCINNATI. SPRING GROVE CEMETERY. Its History and Improvements. With Observations on Ancient and Modern Places of Sepulture. Quarto, pp. viii, 199. The text beautifully printed within ornamental colored borders, on heavy tinted paper, and illustrated with twenty-six full page and three small photographs, giving general views of and in the Cemetery, its lakes, lawns, trees, etc., and some of the best monuments. Bound in cloth, gilt edges, $15.00. An 8vo. edition, without borders. One photograph. Cloth. Ciricinnati, 1869. 2 00 414 CINCINNATI. The Strangers' Guide. Map of. With Covington and Newport. With reference to all points of interest. 18mo. paper. Cincinnati. 35 415 CINCINNATI. The Tyler Davidson Fountain, given by MIr. Henry Probasco to the City of Cincinnati. Illustrated. 12mo. paper. Cincinnati, 1872. 40 416 CINCINNATI. THE BIBLE IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Records, Arguments, Opinions, and Decision in the case of John D. Minor et al. v. The Board of Education of the City of Cincinnati et al., in the Superior Court of Cincinnati. Cincinnati, 1870. 8vo. cloth, $2.00. On tinted paper, cloth, gilt top. 2 50 417 CINCINNATUS (The). 5 vols. Vols. 1-4. 8vo. cloth. Vol. 5 in parts. Cincinnati, 1857-60. 7 50 418 CIST (Charles). The Cincinnati Miscellany; or, Antiquities of the WVest, and Pioneer History and General Local Statistics. 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Cincinnati, 1845-46. 5 00 419 Another copy, 2 vols. in 1, half bound. 4 50 420 Another copy, 2.vols. half morocco. 7 00 421 CIST'S Western General Advertiser. From January, 1845, to February, 1852. Full of matter relating to the Early Settlement of Cincinnati and the West. 2 vols. folio, half bonnd. Cincinnati. 30 00 422 CIST (L. J.) Trifles in Verse. A Collection of Fugitive Poems. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1845. 1 00 423 CLARK (Col. George Rogers). Sketch of his Campaign in the Illinois in 1778-1779, with an Introduction by Hon. Henry Pirtle, of Louisville; and an Appendix, containing the Public and Private Instructions to Colonel Clark; and Major Bowman's Journal of the taking of Post St. Vincents. Cincinnati, 1869. 8vo. cloth, $2.00; large paper, imperial 8vo. 4 00 424 CLARK (J. V. H.) Onondaga; or, Reminiscences of Earlier and Later Times. Being a series of Historical Sketches relative to Onondaga, with Notes on the several Towns in the County, and Oswego. 2 vols. 8vo. new half morocco, gilt top, uncut. Syracuse, 1849. 8 00 425 CLARK (S. A.) The History of St. John's Church, Elizabethtown, New Jersey, from 1703 to the present time. 16mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1857. 1 50 426 CLARK (Thomas). Sketches of the Naval History of the United States, from the Commencement of the Revolutionaryv War to the Present Time. 12mo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1813. 1 75 427 CLARKE (Lewis). Narrative of the Sufferings of, during a Captivity of more than twenty-five years among the Algerines of Kentucky, one of the so-called Christian States of North America. Portrait. 8vo. paper, pp. 108. Boston, 1845. 2 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 23 428 CLAY (Henry). The Life, Correspondence, and Speeches of. By Calvin Colton. 6 vols. 8vo. leather. New York, 1857. 20 00 429 CLAY (Henry). The Life and Times of. By Samuel M. Smucker. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1867. 1 75 430 CLAY (Henry). An Address of, containing certain Testimony in Refutation of the Charges against him, made by Gen. Andrew Jackson. 8vo. pp. 61, boards. Washington, 1827. 1 00 431 CLAY (Henry). Biography of. By George D. Prentice. 12mo. sheep. Hartford, 1831. 1 00 432 CLAY (Henry). Obituary Addresses on the Occasion of the Death of, and the Funeral Sermon of the Rev. C. M. Butler, Chaplain of the Senate. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1852. 75 433 CLAY'S (Mr.) Speech, delivered in the city of Raleigh, N. C., April 13, 1844. 8vo. pp. 12, boards. 35 434 CLAYTON (John). Letter to the Royal Society, 1688, giving an account of several Observables in Virginia, more particularly concerning the Air. 4to. boards. 2 00 435 CLELAND (Rev. Thomas). Memoirs of (of Kentucky). From his Private Papers. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1859. 75 436 CLEMENT (J.) Noble Deeds of American Women, with Biographical Sketches. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1855. 1 50 437 CLINTON (Sir Henry). Narrative of the Campaign in 1781, in North America. 8vo. half morocco. Philadelphia, 1865. 4 00 438 CLINTON (Sir Henry). Observations on Earl Cornwallis' Answer. 8vo. half morocco. Philadelphia, 1866. 4 00 439 COBB (Joseph B.) Mississippi Scenes; or, Sketches of Southern and Western Life and Adventure, Humorous, Satirical, and Descriptive, including the Legend of Black Creek. 12mo. half bound. Philadelphia, 1851. 1 50 440 COBB (T. R. R.) An Inquiry into the Law of Negro Slavery in the United States of America, to which is prefixed an Historical Sketch of Slavery. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1858. 4 00 441 COBBETT (William). A Year's Residence in the United States of America. 121o. boards, uncut. London, 1828. 2 00 442 COBBETT (William). Porcupine's Works: Containing various Writings and Selections, exhibiting a faithful Picture of the United States of America; of their Governments, Laws, Politics, and Resources; of the Characters of their Presidents, Governors, Legislators, etc., and of their Manners, Customs, Morals. Religion, and Vices of the People. Comprising also a Complete Series of Historical Documents and Remarks, from the end of the War in 1783 to the Election of the President. in March, 1801. 12 vols. 12mo. cloth. London, 1801. 20 00 443 COCKE (William A.) The Constitutional History of the United States, from the Adoption of the Articles of Confederation to the close of Jackson's Administration. Vol. 1 (all published). 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1858.. 2 50 444 COFFIN (Joshua). A Sketch of the History of Newbury, Newburyport, and West Newbury, from 1635 to 1845. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1845. 4 50 445 COGHLAN (Mrs.) Memoirs of, Daughter of the late Major Moncrieffe. Written by herself. With introduction and notes. Portrait of A. Burr. 8vo. half morocco. New York, 1864. 7 00 446 COGGESHALL (George). History of the American Privateers and Letters of Marque during the War 1812-14. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1856. 3 50 447 COGGESHALL (W. T.) The Poets and Poetry of the West; with Biographical and Critical Notices. 8vo. half bound. Columbus, 1860. 3 00 24 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 448 COGGESHALL (W. T.) A Discourse on the Social and Moral Advantiges of the Cultivation of Local Literature. 12mo. pp. 29. Columbus, 1859. 20 449 COIN BOOK (The). Comprising a History of Coinage; Mint Laws of the United States; Statistics of Coinage, 1792-1870; Gold and Silver Products of each State, etc., with numerous plates of coins. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1872. 2 50 450 COKE (T.) and ASBURY (F.) The Doctrines and Discipline of the Methodist Episcopal Church in America. With explanatory Notes. 16mo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1798. 2 25 451 COLDEN (Cadwallader). The History of the Five Indian Nations of Canada, which are the barrier betwVeen the English and French in that part of the world, with particular accounts of their Religion, Manners, Customs, Laws, etc. Second edition. 12mo. old sheep. London, 1750. 7 50 452 Another edition, 2 vols. 18mo. old sheep. London, 1755. 6 00 453 COLDEN (Cadwallader). The Historv of the Five Indian Nations depending on tile Province of New York. Reprinted exactly from Bradford's New York edition (1727). With an Introduction and Notes by J. G. Shea. Portrait. 4to. cloth, large paper. New York, 1866. 8 00 454 COLESON (Miss Ann). Narrative of her Captivity among the Sioux Indians, her'I'errible Sufferings, and Providential Escape. Illustrated. 8vo. boards. Philadelphia, 1864. 1 00 455 COLLECTION (A) of Acts of Parliament relative to those Protestant Dissenters who are usually called by the Name of Quakers. 4to. full bound. London, 1757. 3 00 456 COLLECTION of Memorials concerning divers deceased Ministers and others of the People called Quakers, in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and parts adjacent, from the First Settlement to 1787. 12mo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1787. 3 50 457 COLLINS (Chas.) Omaha Directory. With an Appendix, containing a Great Variety of Historical Data, Statistics, and Facts. 12mo. half bound. Omaha, 1866. 1 25 458 COLLINS (Lewis). History of Kentucky: Revised fourfold, and brought down to the year 1874, by Richard H. Collins. Embracing Prehistoric Annals for 331 years, Incidents of Pioneer Life, Biographical Sketches, etc. Illustrated with 84 portraits, map, and 70 engravings. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth. Covington, 1874. 10 00 458': The Same. First edition, 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1847. 5 00 459 COLORADO: Its Resources and Advantages. 8vo. pp. 47. Denver, 1873. 35 460 COLTON'S General Atlas, containing 180 steel-plate maps and plans, etc. Folio, cloth. New York, 1872. 20 00 461 COLTON (C.) Tour of the American Lakes and among the Indians of the Northwest Territory in 1830, disclosing the Character and Prospects of the Indian Race. 2 vols. 12mo. boards, uncut. London, 1833. 3 50 462 Another copy, half calf, neat. 4 00 463 COLTON (J. H.) The Western Tourist; or, Emigrant's Guide. Map. 16nio. cloth. New York, 1844. 1 00 464 COLUMBIAN ELOQUENCE, being the Speeches of the most celebrated American Orators in the Trial of Hon. Samuel Chase. 18mo. calf, neat. Baltimore, 1806. 1 00 465 COLUMBIAN HISTORIAN (The). Vol. 1. Complete from May 13, 1824, to March 11, 1825. Printed and published by A. C. and J. W. Herron. 8vo. calf. New Richmond, Ind., 1824-25. 5 00 466 COLUMBUS (Christopher). Life of, the Discoverer of America. By Arthur Helps. 12mo. cloth. London, 1869. 2 75 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 25 467 COLUMBUS (Christopher). The Life and Voyages of. By Washington Irving. With a portrait, map, and other illustrations. 12mo. New York, 1870. 1 75 468 COMBS (Gen. Leslie). Narrative of the Life of. Embracing Incidents in the Early History of the Northwestern Territory and War of 1812. 8vo. boards. New York, 1852. 75 469 COMMERCE and Navigation of the Valley of the Mississippi, and also that appertaining to the City of St. Louis. 8vo. pp. 32. St. Louis. 50 470 CONCISE Historical Account of all the British Colonies in North America, particularly of the Massachusetts Bay, etc. 8vo. full bound. London, 1775. 3 00 471 CONNECTICUT. A General History of. From its first Settlement under George Fenwick to its latest Period, etc. Including a Description of the Country and many curious and interesting Anecdotes. By a Gentleman of the Province [Rev. Samuel Peters]. Plates. 16mo. sheep. New Haven, 1829. 6 00 472 CONTEST (The) in America between Great Britain and France. Giving the Views and Designs of the French, the Interests of Great Britain, etc. By an Impartial Hand [Dr. Mitchell]. 12mo. boards. London, 1757. 2 00 473 Another edition, half sheep, neat. London, 1755. 2 25 474 CONTINUATION of the Narrative of the Indian Charity School in Lebanon, in Connecticut. Founded and carried on by Rev. Dr. Eleazar Wheelockl. 12mo. paper, pp. 146, cut rather close. London, 1769. 1 00 475 COOPER (J. Fenimore). History of the Navy of the United States of America. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1839. 4 00 476 Another edition, 8vo. full bound. Philadelphia, 1846. 1 75 477 COOPER (Thomas). Some' Information respecting America. Map. 8vo. calf. London, 1794. 1 75 478 COPWAY (George). The Life, History, and Travels of Kah-ge-ga-gahbowh, a young Indian Chief of the Ojebwa Nation, etc. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1847. 1 25 479 CORNWALLIS (Earl). Answer to Sir Henry Clinton's Narrative of the Campaign in 1781, in North America. 8vo. half morocco. Philadelphia, 1866. 4 00 480 CORTEZ (Hernando). Life of. By Arthur Helps. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1871. 2 00 481 CORWIN (The). Genealogy in the United States [Curwin, Curwen, Corwine]. By Edward T. Corwin. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1872. 3 00 482 COTTON (Rev. Judge A. J.) Poems; to which is appended an Autobiographical Sketch and a Condensed History of the Early Settlements, Incidents, and Improvements of Dearborn County, Indiana. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1860. 3 00 483 COWLEY (Charles). Illustrated History of Lowell. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1868. 2 00 484 COX (Ross). Adventures on the Columbia River, including the Narrative of a Residence of Six Years on the Western Side of the Rocky Mountains, among various Tribes of Indians, including a Journey across the American Continent. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. London, 1832. 3 50 485 Another copy, boards, uncut. 3 50 486 COX (Sandford C.) Recollections of the Early Settlement of the Wabash Valley. 8vo. cloth. Lafayette, 1860. 1 50 487 COXE (Tench). A View of the United States of America, in a Series of Papers written between the years 1787 and 1794. 8vo. sheep. Dublin, 1795. 2 00 488 Another edition, 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1794. $2.50. Half morocco, neat. 3 00 26 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 489 COYNER (David HI.) The Lost Trappers: A Collection of Interesting Scenes and Events in the Rocky Mlountains. With a Description of California and some Account of the Fur Trade. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1859. 1 00 490 CRAIG (Neville B.) The History of Pittsburgh, with a Brief Notice of its Facilities of Communication and other Advantages for Commercial and Manufacturing Purposes. With two maps. 12mo. cloth. Pittsburgh, 1851. 2 00 491 CRANTZ (David). The History of Greenland. Including an Account of the Mission carried on by the United Brethren in that Country, and a Sketch of the Mission of the United Brethren in Labrador. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1820. 4 00 492 CRAVEN (Col. John J.) Prison Life of Jefferson Davis. With details and incidents of his captivity, etc. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 50 493 CRAYON (Porte). Virginia Illustrated; containing a Visit to the Virginian Canaan, etc. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1871. 3 50 494 CREIGH (Alfred). History of Washington County from its First Settlernent to the Present Time; first under Virginia as Yohotrania, Ohio, or Augusta County until 1781, and subsequently under Pennsylvania. With Sketch of all the Townships, Villages, etc. 8vo. cloth. 1870. 5 00 495 CRESAP (Capt. Michael). A Biographical Sketch of his Life. By John J. Jacob. Reprinted from the Cumnlberland edition of 1826. 4to, board, uncut, rubricated title. Cincinnati, 1866. 2 25 496 CRITTENDEN (John J.) Life of. With Selections from his Correspondence and Speeches. Edited by his daughter, Mrs. Chapman Coleman. Portraits. 2 vols. in 1. Philadelphia, 1871. 7 50 497 CROCKETT (Col.) Exploits and Adventures in Texas. A full Account of his Journey from Tennessee, including his many hair-breadth Escapes. Written by Himself. 12mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1837. 1 25 498 CROCKETT (Col.) An Account of his Tour to the North and Down East. Written by Himself. 12mo. cloth, worn. Philadelphia, 1835. 1 00 499 CROCKETT (David). Life of, the Original Humorist and Irrepressible Backwoodsman. With his Electioneering Speeches, his Tour throlugh the Northern States, etc. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1865. 1 75 500 CROCKETT (David). Sketches and Eccentricities of, of West Tennessee. ]2mo. cloth, uncut. New York, 1833. 1 75 501 CROCKETT (Davy). Pictorial Life and Adventures of. Written by Himnself. 8vo. boards. Philadelphia. 75 502 CRONISE (Titus F.) The Natural Wealth of California; comprising Early History, Geography, Climate, Geology, Mines, Institutions, etc., with a Detailed Description of each County. Numerous illustrations. 8vo. cloth. San Francisco, 1868. 4 00 503 CUBA and the Cubans; comprising a History of the Island, its Condition, etc. Map. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1850. 1 25 504 CUMING (F.) Sketches of a Tour to the Western Country, through the States of ()hio and Kentucky; a Voyage down the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, and a Trip through the Mississippi Territory and part of West Florida. 16mo. full bound. Pittsburg, 1810. 4 50 505 CUMINGS (Samuel). The Western Pilot; containing Charts of the Ohio and Mississippi, a Gazetteer, etc. 8vo. boards. Cincinnati, 1832. 1 25 506 CURTIS (George T.) History of the Origin, Formation, and Adoption of the Constitution of the United States, with Notices of its Principal Framers. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1865. 6 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 27 507 CURTISS (D. S.) Western Portraiture and Emigrant's Guide. A description of Wisconisin, Illinois, and Iowa, with remarks on Minnesota and other Territories. Map. 12lio. cloth. New York, 1852. 1 50 508 CURWEN (MaIakell E.) A Sketch of the History of the City of Dayton 12mo. boards. Dayton, 1850. 4 00 509 CURWEN (Samnuel). Journal and Letters of an American Refugee in England, fron 1775 to 1784. To which are added Biogrraphical Notices of many American Loyalists and other Eminent Persons. By G. A. Ward. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1812. 4 00 510 CUSICK (David). Sketches of Ancient History of the Six Nations; comprising the Great Island, Early Settlers of North America, etc. Curious plates. 8vo. paper, pp. 35. L)ckport, 1848. 1 25 511 CUSTAR (Gen. G. A.) My Life on the Plains. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1874. 2 00 512 CUTLER (Col. Jervis). A Topographical Description of the State of Olhio, Indiana Territory, and Louisianai. Compreherlding the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers, etc., and a Concise Account of the Indian Tribes west of the Mississippi. To which is added the Journal of Mr. Chas. Le Raye while a captive with the Sioux Nation, on the waters of the Missouri River. Plates. 16mo. sheep. Boston, 1812. 7 50 513 CUTTS (J. Madison). A Brief Treatise upon Constitutional and Party Questions, and the History of Political Parties. 12mno. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 25 514 DALE (Gen. Sam.) Life and Times of the Mississippi Partisan. By J. F. H. Claiborne. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1860. 1 50 515 DALL (Wm. H.) Alaska and its Resources. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1870. ~ 7 50 516 DALLAS (R. C.) The History of the Maroons, from their Origin to the Establishinent of their Chief Tribe at Sierra. Leone, including the Expeditiori to Cuba and the Island of Jamaica. 2 vols. Illustrations and maps. 12mo. half morocco, neat. London, 1803. 4 00 517 DAMPIER (William). A New Voyage round the World, describing particularly the Isthmus of America, Coasts of the West Indies, etc., their Soil, Rivers, Inhabitants, Customs, etc. Portrait inserted. 4vols. 12mo. full bound, red edges, fine copy. London, 1697. 12 00 518 DANA (E.) G(eographical Sketches on the Western Country; designed for Emigrants and Settlers, being the result of extensive Researches and Remarkls. Including a particular description of the unsold Public Lands, etc. 16mo. full bound. Cincinnati, 1819. 2 50 519 DANA (R. H.) To Cuba and Back. A Vacation Voyage. 16mo. cloth. Boston, 1870. 1 25 520 DANVILLE REVIEW. Edited by an Association of Ministers. Vol. 2-Nos. 1, 2, 3. Vol. 3-Nos. 1, 2. Vol. 4 complete. In all 9 Nos. Danville, 1862-4. 3 50 521 DARBY (William). The Emigrant's Guide to the Western and Southwestern States, comprising a Geographical and Statistical Description of the States. Map. 8vo. half bound. New York, 1818. 2 50 522 DARBY (William) A Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana and the Southern Part of the State of Alabama, together with a Map from actual Survey and Observation of the State of Louisiana and adjacent Countries. 8vo. half bound. Philadelphia, 1816. 2 50 523 I)ARBY (William). View of the United States, Historical, Geographical, and Statistical. Illustrated with maps. Thick 16mo. boards. Philadelphia, 1828. 2 25 524 DARI3Y (William). Tour from the City of New York to Detroit, in the Michigan Territory, 1818. Map. 8vo. half morocco, uncut. New York, 1819. 3 50 28 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 525 DARNELL (Elias). A Journal of the Hardships, Sufferings, Defeats, and Captivity of those Heroic Kentucky Volunteers and Regulars commanded by General Winchester, in the years 1812-131 etc. 24mo. boards. Philadelphia, 1854. 75 526 Another copy, the original edition, 8vo. half morocco. Paris, Ky., 1813. 5 00 527 Another edition, 8vo. paper, pp. 39. Shelbyville, Ky., 1814. 4 00 528 DARTMOOR PRISON. The Prisoners' Memoirs of. Containing a complete and impartial History of the entire Captivity of the Americans in England. With details of the Horrible Massacre, April 6, 1815. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1852. 1 25 529 DAVIDSON (Alex.) and STUVE (B.) A Complete History of Illinois, from 1673 to 1873; embracing its Early Explorations; Aboriginal Inhabitants; French and British Occupation; Conquest by Virginia, and Subsequent Events. Large 8vo. half bound. Springfield, 1874. 5 00 530 DAVIDSON (James Wood). The Living Writers of the South. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1869. 2 00 531 DAVIDSON (Margaret M.) Biography and Poetical Remains of. By Washington Irving. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1841. 1 25 532 DAVIDSON (Lucretia M.) Poetical Remains of. Collected and arranged by her mother. With a biography by Miss Sedgwick. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1841. 1 25 533 DAVIDOSON (R.) An Excursion to the Mammoth Cave and the Barrens of Kentucky. With some notices of the Early Settlements of the State. 16mo. cloth. Lexington, 1840. 1 25 534 DAVIS (C. H. S.) History of Wallingford, Connecticut, from its Settlement, in 1670, to the Present Time, including Meriden, one of its Parishes until 1806, and Cheshire, incorporated in 1780. Portraits. Large 8vo. cloth. Meriden, 1870. 5 00 535 DAVIS (Garrett). Memorial Address on the Life and Character of, a Senator from Kentucky. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1873. 1 00 536 DAVIS (G. L.) The Day-Star of American Freedom; or, The Birth and Early Growth of Toleration in the Province of Maryland. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1855. 1 50 537 DAVIS (Henry Winter). Oration on the Life and Character of. By Hon. John A. J. Creswell. 8vo. flex cloth. Washington, 1866. 50 538 DAVIS (James D.) The History of the City of Memphis; also, the "'Old Times Papers." Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Memphis, 1873. 2 25 539 DAVIS (John). Travels of Four Years and a Half in the United States of America-1798-1802. 8vo. half calf. London, 1803. 2 50 540 Another copy, boards, uncut. 2 50 541 Another edition, 8vo. half cloth. London, 1817. 1 25 542 DAVIS (Paris M.) An Authentic History of the Late War between the United States and Great Britain. With a full account of every Battle by Sea and Land. 16mo. half bound. New York, 1836. 1 25 543 DAVIS (Rev. Solomon). A Prayer Book in the Language of the Six Nations of Indians, containing the Morning and Evening Service. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1837. 1 00 544 DAVIS (W. W. H.) El Gringo; or, New Mexico and her People. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1857. 1 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 29 545 DAWSON (Henry B.) Current Fictions tested by Uncurrent Facts. A Series of Tracts. 8vo. paper, pp. 48. New York, 1864. 75 546 DAY (Sherman). Historical Selections of the State of Pennsylvania, containing a Copious Selection of the most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to its History and Antiquities. 165 engravings. 8vo. full bound. Philadelphia, n. d. 6 00 557 D'AUTEROCHE (Chappe). A Voyage through Mexico to California, to observe the Transit of Venus; also, a Voyage to Newfoundland and Sallee, to make experiments on Mr. LeRoy's Timekeepers. By De Cassini. 8vo. half bound. London, 1778. 2 50 548 DEBATES and other Proceedings of the Convention of Virginia, convened at Richmond, June, 1788, for the Purpose of deliberating on the Constitution recommended by the Grand Federal Convention. 3 vols. bound in one, 8vo. full bound. Petersburg, 1788. 4 00 549 DECALVES (Don Alonzo). New Travels to the Westward; or, Unknown Parts of America: Being a Tour of almost fourteen months. Containing an account of the country upward of two thousand miles west of the Christian parts of North America; and an account of White Indians, their Manners, Habits, and many other particulars, confirmed by three other persons. 18mo. half morocco, rough edges. Lexington, Ky., 1802. 10 00 550 DECATUR (Stephen). The Life and Character of. With brief notices of the American Navy. By S. P. Waldo. 12mo. sheep. Middletown, 1821. 1 25 551 DECLARATION of Independence, July 4, 1776; the Articles of Confederation, July 9, 1778; the Constitution of the United States. September 17, 1787; Amendments to the Constitution and Index, and Washington's Farewell Address, September 17, 1796. 8vo. paper. Cincinnati. 25 552 DE CORDOVA (J.) Texas: Her Resources and her Public Men. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1858. 1 25 553 DE COSTA (B. F.) A Narrative of Events at Lake George, from the early Colonial Times to the Close of the Revolution. 8vo. large paper, uncut, pp. 74. New York, 1868. 2 00 554 DE COSTA (B. F.) The Northmen in Maine. A Critical Examination of Views in connection with the subject, by Dr. J. H. Kohl, in Vol. 1 of the New Series of the Maine Historical Society, and a chapter on the Discovery of Massachusetts Bay. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1870. 1 50 555 DE COSTA (B. F.) Sailing Directions of Henry Hudson, prepared for his use in 1608, from the Old Danish of Ivar Bardsen. With an Introduction and Notes; also, a Dissertation on the Discovery of the Hudson River. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1869. 1 50 556 DE COSTA (B. F.) The Pre-Columbian Discovery of America by the Northmen. Illustrated by Translations from the Icelandic Sagas. Edited with Notes and a General Introduction. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1868. 2 50 557 DEFENCE (A) of the Scots abdicating Darien; including an Answer to the Defence of the Scots Settlement there. 16mo. half morocco. Printed in the year 1700. 4 00 558 DEFENSE OF TUE WHIGS. By a Member of the Twenty-seventh Congress. 18mo. pape', pp. 152. New York, 1844. 30 559 DE FOREST (John W.) History of the Indians of Connecticut, from the earliest known record to 1850. 12rno. cloth. Alb.any, 1871. 2 50 30 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 560 DE GAYANGAS (Don Pascual). The Fifth Letter of Hernando Cortez to the Emperor Charles V., containing an account of his Expedition to Honduras. 8vo. cloth. London, 1868. 4 00 561 DE HASS (Wills). History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of West Virginia. Embracing an account of the various expeditions in the West previous to 1795. Also, Biographical Sketches of Z tlne, McCulloch, Wetzel, and others. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Wheeling, 1851. 6 50 562 Another copy, sheep, the author's own private copy, with his notes, corrections, and additions, and autograph. 8 00 563 DENTON (Daniel). A Brief Description of New York, formerly called New Netherlands, with the places thereunto adjoining. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1845. 1 50 564 DE PUY (H. W.) Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Heroes of'76. With a Sketch of the Early History of Vermont. 12mo. cloth. Buffalo, 1853. 2 00 565 DE ROOS (F. F.) Personal Narrative of Travels in the United States and Canada, in 1826. With Remarks on the American Navy. Plates. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1827. 1 50 566 DE SMET (P. J.) Western Missions and Missionaries. A Series of Letters. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1863. 2 00 567 DE SOTO (Hernando). Narrative of the Career of, in the Conqnest of Florida, as told by a Knight of Elvas and in a Relation by Luys Hernandez de Biedrna. Translated by Buckintgham Smith. Pertrait and maps. 4to. uncut. Bradford Club. New York, 1866. 9 00 568 DE TOCQUEVILLE (Alexis). American Institutions and their Influence. With Notes. By Hon. John C. Spencer. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1868. 1 50 569 DE TOCQUEVILLE (Alexis). Democracy in America. Translated by Henry Reeve, and edited, with Notes, by Francis Bowen. 2 vols. 12mino. cloth. Boston, 1873. 5 00 570 DE VERE (M1. Schele). The Romance of American History. Early Annals. 12rno. cloth. New York, 1872. 1 25 571 DEWEES (Capt. Samuel). A History of the Life and Services of. A Native of Pennsylvania and Soldier of the Revolutionary and Last Wars. Also, Rerminiscences of the Revolutionary Struggle, etc. Compiled by J. S. Hanna. Portrait and illustrations. 16mo. lull bound. Baltimore, 1844. 3.00 572 DIAZ DEL CASTILLO (C. Bernal). Memoirs of. Containing a True tand Full Account of the D scoverv and Conquest of Mexico and New Spain. Translated by J. I. Lockhart. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1844. 4 50 573 DICKINSON (John). The Political Writings of, late President of Delaware and of the Comfihonwealth of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. full bound. Wilmington, 1801. 5 00 574 DILKE (C. W.) Greater Britain: A Record of Travel in Englishspeaking Countries, during 1866-67. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1868. 6 00 575 DILLENBACK (J. D.) GrandRapidsin 1874. Sketches of the Trade, Progress of the City, Local History, etc. 8vo. pp. 60. Grand Rapids, 1875. 50 576 DILLON (John B.) A History of Indiana, from its earliest explorations by the Europeans to the close of the Territorial Government in 1816, including the discovery, settlement, etc., of the Territory northwest of the Ohio River, etc. 8vo. pp. xii, 637, sheep. Maps and plates. Indianapolis, 1859. 5 00 577 Another copy, sheets entirely uncut. 6 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 31 578 Another copy, first edition, vol. 1 only. All that was published. 8vo. sheep. Indianapolis, 1843. 3 00 579 D[IMSDALE (Thos. K.) The Vigilantes of Montana, or, Popular Justice in the Roc)ky Mountains. The Trial, Capture, and Execution of Henry Plunmimer's Road Agent Band, together with accounts of the Lives and Crimes of many of the Robbers and Desperadoes, etc. 12mo. paper. Virginia City, M. T., 1866. 1 25 580 DIPLOMACY (The) of the United States. Being an Account of the Foreign Relations of the Country, from 1778 to 1845. 8vo. boards, uncut. Boston, 1826. 1 00 581 DIPLOMATIC CORRESPONDENCE of the American Revolution, together with Letters in Reply from the Secret Committee of Congress and the Secretary of Foreign Affairs. Edited by Jared Sparks. 12 vols. bowrds, uncut. Boston, 1829. 22 00 582 DISSERTATION upon the Constitutional Freedom of the Press in the United States. 8vo. paper, pp. 54. Boston, 1801. 75 583 DISTRESSING CALAMITY. A Brief Account (,f the Late Fire at Richmond, Virginia, in which the Theater was burnt and upward of 160 persons perished in the Flames. 16mo. half morocco, new. Richnmond, 1811. 3 00 584 DOBBS (Arthur). An Account of the Countries adjoining to Hudson's Bay, in the Northwest Part of America, containing a Description of their Lakes, Rivers, Soils, etc. Map. 4to. calf. London, 1744. 4 50 585 DOD DRIDGE (Joseph). Logan, the Last of the Race of Shikellemus, Chief of the Cavyuga Nation. To which is added the Dialo-ue ot the Backwoodsman and thle Dandy. Reprinted from the Virginia edition of 1823. 4to. paper, sewed, tincut, rubricated title. Cincinnati, 1868. 1 50 586 Another copy, the original edition. 18mo. paper. Buffalo Creek, 1823. 6 00 587 DODDRIDGE (Philip). Life of. With Notices of some of his Cotemporaries, and Specimens of his Style. By D. A. Harsha. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1865. 2 00 588. DODGE (J. R.) Red Men of the Ohio Valley. An Aboriginal IIistory of the Period, conmmencing A. D. 1650, arld ending at the Treaty of Greenville, A. D. 1795, embracing Notable Facts and Thrilling Incidents in the Settlemlent by the' Whites of the States of Kentucky, Ohio, Indiana, find Illinois. 12nlo. cloth. Springfield, 1860. 2 00 589 DODGE (J. R.) West Virginia; its Farms and Forests, Mlines and Oil Wells. 12mno. cloth. Philadelphia, 1865. 1 50 590 DOMENECHI (Abbe). MIissionary Adventures in Texas and Mexico. A personal Narrative of Six Years' Residence in those Regions. Map. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1858. 3 00 591 DOUGLAS (Stephen A.) Addresses on the Death of. Delivered in the House of Representatives. 8vo. paper, pp. 92. Washington, 1861. 25 592 DOWNING (Major Jack). The Life and Writings of, of Downingsville, away down East in the State of Maine. Illustrated. 16nio. boards, Boston, 1834. 1 25 593 DOYLE (John A.) The American Colonies previous to the Declaration of Independence. 8vo. cloth. London, 1869. 2 00 594 DRAGOON CAMPAIGNS to the Rockv Mountains: Being a History of the Enlistment, Organization, and First C(anmpaigns of the Rlegihnent of United States Dragoons, together with Incidents and Sketches of Scenery and Indian Character. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1836. 2 00 32 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 595 DRAKE (Benj.) Life of Tecumseh and of his Brother, the Prophet; with an Historical Sketch of the Shawanoe Indians. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1856. 1 50 596 DRAKE (Daniel) The People's Doctors. A Review by the People's Friend. 16mo. pp. 60. Cincinnati, 1830. 40 597 DRAKE (Daniel). Pioneer Life in Kentucky. A Series of Reminiscential Letters addressed to his Children. Edited, with Notes and a Biographical Sketch, by his son, Hon. Charles D. Drake, of St. Louis. Portrait. 8vo. cloth, uncut, or gilt top, $3.00; large paper, imperial 8vo. 6 00 598 DRAKE (Daniel). Memoirs of the Life and Services of, Physician, Professor, and Author; with Notices of the Early Settlement of Cincinnati, and some of its Pioneer Citizens. By E. D. Mansfield. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1855. 2 00 598e- Another copy, half morocco, extra. 4 00 599 DRAKE (Daniel). An Account of the Epidemic Cholera, as it appeared in Cincinnati. 8vo. pp. 46. Cincinnati, 1832. 35 600 DRAKE (Daniel). Discourses delivered before the Cincinnati Medical Library Association, January 9 and 10, 1852. Early Physicians and Society of Cincinnati; and the Origin and Influence of Medical Periodical Literature. 12mo. flex. cloth. Cincinnati, 1862. 50 601 DRAKE (Daniel). A Discourse on Intemperance. Delivered in Cincinnati, March 1, 1828, before the Agricultural Society. 12mo. cloth. Cincincinnati. 182s. 1 25 602 DRAKE (Francis S.) Dictionary of American Biography, including Men of the Times; containing nearly ten thousand notices of persons of both sexes, of native and foreign birth, who have been remarkable, or prominently connected with the Arts, Sciences, Literature, Politics, or History of the American Continent. Giving also the Pronunciation of many of the Foreign and Peculiar Names, a Key to the Assumed Names of Writers, and a Supplement. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1872. 6.00; half mor. 8 00 603 DRAKE (Samuel A.) Historical Fields and Mansions of Middlesex. 21 full-page heliotype illustrations, and 38 wood-cuts. 8vo. Boston, 1873. 5 00 604 DRAKE (Samuel A.) Old Landmarks and Historic Personages of Boston. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1873. 3 00 605 DRAKE (S. G.) The Aboriginal Races of North America. Biographical Sketches and an Historical Account of the Different Tribes, their Origin, Antiquities, Manner-, and Customs. 8vo. full roan. Philadelphia, 1860. 4 50 606 DRAKE (S. G.) Tragedies of the Wilderness; or, True and Authentic Narratives of Captives who have been carried away by the Indians from the various Frontier Settlements, from the Earliest to the Present Time, etc. 12rno. cloth. Boston, 1842. 2 00 607 DRAKE (S. G.) The Witchcraft Delusion in New England; its Rise, Progress, and Termination, as exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather, in the "Wonders of the Invisible World," and by Mr. Robert Calef, in his "More Wonders of the Invisible World," with a Preface, Introduction, and Notes. 3 vols. small 4to. paper, uncut. " Woodward's Historical Series." Roxbury, 1866. 15 00 608 DRAKE (S. G.) A Particular History of the Five Years' French and Indian War in New England and parts adjacent, from its Declaration by the King of France, March 15, 1744, to the Treaty with the Eastern Indians, October 16, 1749. With a Memoir of Major-General Shirley. Portrait and other engravings. Small 4to. half morocco, uncut. Albany, 1870. 4 00 609 DRAKE (S. G.) Biography and History of the Indians of North America. A History of their Wars, with an Account of their Antiquities, Manners, Customs, Religion, and Laws. 8vo. half morocco. Boston, 1837. 4 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 33 610 DRAKE (S. G.) Recovery of Some Materials for the Early History of Dorchester, General and Particular. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1851. 1 25 611 DRAPER (John Wm.) Thoughts on the Future Civil Policy of America. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1863. 2 50 612 DRAYTON (John). Memoirs of the American Revolution, from its Commencement to the Year 1776, inclusive, as relating to the State of South Carolina; and occasionally referring to North Carolina and Georgia. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, neat. Charleston, 1821. 12 50 613 DUDLEY'S (Col. Wm.) Defeat opposite Fort Meigs, May 5, 1813. Official Report from Captain Leslie Combs to General Green Clay. 8vo. paper, pp. 13, only 100 printed. Cincinnati, 1869. 75 614 DU LAC (M. Perrin). Voyage dans Les Deux Louisianes et chez les Nations Sauvages du Missouri, par les Etats-Unis, l'Ohio et les Provinces qui le bordent, en 1801-3. 12mo. paper, uncut, pp. 479. Paris, 1805. 3 00 615 DUNCAN (John M':) Travels through part of the United States and Canada, in 1818-19. 2 vols. 16mo. calf, neat. Glasgow, 1823. 2 50 616 Another copy, 2 vols. 12mo. half bound. 2 50 617 DUNCAN (Wm.) America as I found it. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1852. 1 25 618 DUNN (John). The Oregon Territory and the British North American Fur Trade. With an account of the Habits of the Native Tribes. 16mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1845. 1 00 619 DUNN (John). History of the Oregon Territory, and British North American Fur Trade; with an account of the Habits and Customs of the Principal Native Tribes on the Northern Continent. 8vo. cloth. London, 1844. 2 25 620 DUNN (Thomas). A Discourse delivered in the New Dutch Church, Nassau Street, October 21, 1794, before the New York Society for the Information and Assistance of Persons emigrating from Foreign Countries. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. New York, 1794. 2 50 621 DUNLAP (William). History of the New Netherlands, Province of New York, and State of New York, to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. 2 vols. 8vo. boards. New York, 1839.. 6 00 622 DUNLAP (William). History of the American Theater. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1833. 4 00 623 DUNLOP (R. G.) Travels in Central America, with a History of the Republic. Map. 12mo. cloth. London, 1847. 2 25 624 DU PRATZ (Le Page). The History of Louisiana, or the Western Parts of Virginia and Carolina. Containing a Description of the Countries that lie on both sides of the River Mississippi. 8vo. full bound. London, 1774. 5 00 625 DURRIE (Daniel S.) A History of Madison; including the Four Lake Country, to July, 1874. With an Appendix of Notes on Dane County and its Towns. 8vo. cloth. Madison, 1874. 3 00 626 DURRIE (Daniel S.) Bibliographia Genealogica Americana. An Alphabetical Index to American Genealogies and Pedigrees, contained in State, County, and Town Histories, Printed Genealogies, and kindred works. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1868. 3 00 627 DUY (Albert W.) Sermons by, with a Biographical Sketch of the Author, and Extracts from his Papers. By Samuel A. Clark. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1846. 1 75 628 DUYCKINCK (E. A. and G. L.) Cyclopedia of American Literature, embracing Personal and Critical Notices of Authors, and Selections from their Writings. From the earliest period to the present day. With portraits, autographs, and other illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1855. With supplement, 1866. 10 50 34 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 629 DUMMER (Jer.) A Defense of the New England Charters. 12mo. half sheep. London, 1721. 2 50 630 DWIGHT (Theodore). History of the Hartford Convention, with a Review of the Policy of the United States Government, which led to the War of.1812. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1833. 3 50 631 DWIGHT (Timothy). Travels in New England and New York. Portraits and plates. In 4 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1823. 8 00 632 Another copy, half morocco, neat, gilt top. 8 00 633 DYER (Charles E.) Historical Address delivered before the Old Settlers Society of Racine County, Wisconsin. 8vo. pp. 84. Racine, 1871. 75 634 EASTMAN (Mrs. Mary). Dahcotah; or, Life and Legends of the Sioux around Fort Snelling. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1849. 2 00 635 EATON (Amos). Manual of Botany'for the Northern and Middle States of America. To which is prefixed a Grammar and Vocabulary. 12mo. full bound. Albany, 1824. 4 00 636 EATON (Gen. William). Life of, several Years of the United States Army, Consul of Tunis, etc. Collected from his MSS. 8vo. full bound. Brookfield, 1813. 1 75 637 EDDIS (William). Letters from America, Historical and Descriptive; comprising Occurrences from 1769 to 1777, inclusive. 8vo. sheep. London, 1792. 2 50 638 Another copy, boards, uncut. 2 50 639 EDMONDS (S. Emma E.) Unsexed; or, The Female Soldier. The thrilling Adventures, Experiences, and Escapes of a Wfoman as Nurse, Spy, and Scout. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1864. 2 00 640 EDWARD (David B.) The History of Texas; or, The Emigrants, Farmers, and Politicians' Guide to the Character, Soil, and Productions of that Country. Map. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1836. 1 75 641 Another edition, sheep. New York, 1845. 1 50 642 EDWARDS (Mr.) A Faithful Narrative of the Surprising Work of God in the Conversion of many hundred Souls in Northampton and the neighboring Towns and Villages of New Hampshire. 16mo. sheep. London, 1738. 2 00 643 EDWARDS (Ninian W.) History of Illinois, from 1778 to 1833; also the- Life and Times of Gov. Ninian Edwards. 8vo. cloth. Springfield, 1870. 4 00, 644 EDWARDS (R.) and HOPEWELL (M.) The Great West and her Commercial Metropolis, embracing a General View of the West and a complete History of St. Louis from the Landing of Lingueste in 1764. Illustrations and portraits. 8vo. cloth, gilt. St. Louis, 1860: 4 00 645 EGGLESTON (Geo. Cary). A Rebel's Recollections. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1875. 1 50 646 ELLET (Mrs.) Pioneer Women of the West. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1852. 2 25 647 ELLSWORTH (H. W.) Valley of the Upper Wabash, Indiana; with Hints on its Agricultural Advantages, etc. Map. 16mo. cloth. New York, 1838. 1 75 648 Another copy, 8vo. half morocco, extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Smith. Beautiful copy. 4 00 649 EMMONS (Richard). The Fredoniad; or, Independence Preserved. An Epic Poem on the Late War of 1812. Portrait. 4 vols. 12mo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1830. 4 00 650 EMORY (Wm. H.) Report on the United States and Mexican Boundary Survey made under the Direction of the Secretary of the Interior. 2 vols. thick 4to. With numerous maps and plates, plain and colored. Washington, 1857. 10 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 35 651 EMORY (Lieut. W. H.) Military Reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth to San Diego. Numerous fine plates and maps. 8vo. Washington, 1848. 2 50 652 ENTICK (John). The General History of the Late War; containing its Rise, Progress, and Events in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. Illustrated by maps and plates. 5 vols. 8vo. full bound. London, 1779. 6 00 653 EPISCOPAL CHURCH in America. Numerous Pamphlets, Proceedings, Trials, etc., relating to the Episcopal Church, bound in six volumes. 8vo. cloth and half sheep. 10 00 654 ESQUEMELING (John). Bucaniers of America; or, A True Account of the most remarkable Assaults committed of late Years upon the Coasts of the West Indies by the Bucaniers of Jamaica and Tortuga, both English and French, wherein are contained more especially the unparalleled Exploits of Sir Henry Morgan, our English Jamaican Hero, who attacked Puerto Velo, burnt Panama, etc. Portraits and plates. 4to. fine large (copy, paneled calf extra, gilt edges, by Hammond. London, 1684. 35 00 655 ESQUEMELING (John). The History of the BIucRniers of America; containining the Adventures of Le Grand, Lolonois, Henry Morgan, etc. Exhibiting an Account and Description of the Spanish Possessions in the West Indies, and the Manner in which they have been invaded by these Adventurers. Illustrated with copper plates. 2 vols. 18mo. calf. London, 1741. 8 00 656 EVANS (Estwick). Pedestrious Tour of four thousand Miles through the Western States and Territories during the Winter and Spring of 1818. Plate. 12mo. boards, uncut. Concord, N. H., 1819. 6 00 657 EVENTS IN INDIAN HISTORY. Beginning with an Account of the Origin of the American Indians and Early Settlements in North America, and embracing concise Biographies of the Principal Chiefs, etc. With Narratives and Captivities. Numerous folding plates. 8vo. sheep. Lancaster, 1841. 7 50 658 EVERETT (Edward). Discourse in Memory of. By Samuel Osgood. Portrait. 4to. paper, uncut. New York, 1865. 1 00 659 EWING (Thomas). Memorial. of, of Ohio, 1789-1871. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1873. 3 00 660 EXCURSION made by the Executive and Legislatures of the States of Tennessee and Kentucky to the State of Ohio, January, 1860. 12mo. boards. Cincinnati, 1860. 75 661 EXILES IN VIRGINIA. With Observations on the Conduct of the Society of Friends during the Revolutionary War, comprising Official Papers of the Government. 8vo. half morocco. Philadelphia, 1848. 4 00 662 EYRE (John). The Christian Spectator; being a Journey from England to Ohio, two years in that State, travels in America, etc. 16mo. cloth. Albany, 1838. 1 50 663 Another copy, to which is added the Foreigners' Protracted Journal, Letters, etc. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1851; 2 00 664 FAIRBANKS (George R.) History of Florida, from its Discovery by Ponce de Leon, in 1512, to the close of the Florida War, in 1842. l2mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1871. 2 50 665 FAIRFAXES (The) of England and America in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. By Edward D. Neill. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1868. 3 00 666 FALCONER (Thos.) On the Discovery of the Mississippi, and on the Southwestern Oregon and Northwestern Boundary of the United States. Maps. 12mo. cloth. London, 1844. 2 00 667 FANCOURT (C. St. J.) The History of Yucatan, from its Discovery to the Close of the Seventeenth Century. Maps. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1854. 2 25 668 Another copy, half calf. 3 00 36 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 669 FANNING (Col. David). The Narrative of, giving an Account of his Adventures in North Carolina, from 1775 to 1783. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York, 1865. 2 00 670 FARMER (J.) and MOORE (J. B.) Collections, Topographical, Historical, and Biographical, relating principally to New Hampshire. 3 vols. 8vo. boards. Concord, 1831. 12 50 671 FARNHAM (E. W.) Life in the Prairie Land. 16mo. cloth, uncut. New York, 1846. 1 50 672 Another copy, worn.. 1 00 673 FARRELL (Ned E.) Colorado: The Rocky Mountain Gem. 12mo. pp. 72. Chicago, 1868. 40 674 FAR WEST (The); or, A Tour beyond the Mountains. Embracing Outlines of Western Life and Scenery, Sketches of Prairies, Rivers, Ancient Mounds, Early Settlements of the French, etc., etc. 2 vols. cloth. New York, 1838. 2 25 675 FASHIONABLE TOUR. A Guide to Travelers visiting the Middle and Northern States and Canada. Plates. Thick 16mo. half bound. Saratoga Springs, 1830. 1 00 676 FEARON (H. B.) A Narrative of a Journey of Five Thousand Miles through the Eastern and Western States of America. With remarks on Mr. Birkbeck's "Notes" and " Letters." 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1818. 2 00 677 Another copy, half calf. 2 00 678 Another copy, full calf. 2 00 679 Another copy, half morocco. 2 50 680 FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.) A Canoe Voyage up the Minnay Sotor, with an Account of the Lead and Copper Deposits in Wisconsin; of the Gold Regions in the Cherokee Country, and Sketches of Popular Manners, etc. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1847. 4 00 681 Another copy, half bound, neat. 5 00 682 FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.) Report of a Geological Reconnaissance made in 1835, by way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin Territory to the Coteau de Prairie. 8vo. boards. Washington, 1836. 1 00 683 FEDERALIST (The) on the New Constitution. By Publius. Written in 1788. To which is added Pacificus on the Proclamation of Neutrality. 2 vols. 12mo. sheep. New York, 1802. 3 00 684 FELLOWS (J.) The Veil Removed; or, Reflections on David Humphrey's Essay on the Life of Israel Putnam. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1843. 75 685 FELTMAN (Lieut. Wm.) Journal of, 1781-2; including the March into Virginia and the Siege of Yorktown. 8vo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1853. 1 25 686 FERRALL (S. A.) A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1832. 2 25 687 FERRIS (Benj.) A History of the Original Settlements on the Delaware, from its Discovery by Hudson to the Colonization under Wm. Penn. To which is added an Account of the Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Swedish Settlers, and a History of Wilmington from its First Settlement to the Present Time. 8vo. cloth. Wilmington, 1846. 2 75 688 FERRIS (Jacob). The States and Territories of the Great West: Their Geography, History, Resources, Local History, etc. Giving a Table of Distances. Map and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1856. 1 50 689 FIELD (David D.) Centennial Address, with Historical Sketches of Cromwell, Portland, Chatham, Middle Haddam, Middletown, and its Parishes. 12mo. cloth. Middletown, 1853. 2 00 690 FIELD (R. S.) The Provincial Courts of New Jersey, with Sketches of the Bench and Bar. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1849. 2 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 37 691 FILSON (John). The Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucky; and an Essay toward the Topography and Natural History of that important Country. To which is added the Adventures of Daniel Boone, the Minutes of the Piankashaw Council, an Account of the Indian Nations, Thoughts on Emigration, etc. 16mo. sheep. New York, 1793. 6 00 692 FILSON (John). Histoire de Kentucke, Nouvelle Colonie a l'ouest de la Virginie. 8vo. old calf. No map. Paris, 1785. 4 00 693 FINCH (I.) Travels in the United States and Canada; containing some account of their Scientific Institutions, etc. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1833. 2 50 694 FINDLEY (William). History of the Insurrection in the Four Western Counties of Pennsylvania in 1794, with a recital of the circumstances specially connected therewith. 8vo. boards, edges entirely uncut. Fine clean copy. Philadelphia, 1796. 12 00 695 FINLEY (I. J.) and PUTNAM (R.) Pioneer Record of the Early Settlers and Settlement of Ross County, Ohio. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1871. 2 50 696 FINLEY (J. B.) History of the Wyandot Mission at Upper Sandusky, Ohio, under the direction of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 12mo. full bound. Cincinnati, 1840. 4 00 696 FINLEY (J. B.) Sketches of Western Methodism: Biographical, Historical, and Miscellaneous. Illustrative of Pioneer Life. Portrait. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1854. 2 00 698 FINLEY (J. B.) Memorials of Prison Life (Ohio Penitentiary). Portrait and plate. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1853. 1 50 699 FINLEY (Rev. J. B.) Life among the Indians; or, Personal Recollections and Historical Incidents illustrative of the Indian Life and Character. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1868. 1 75 700 Another copy, in sheets, folded and uncut. 2 00 701 FINLEY (Rev. J. B.) Autobiography of; or, Pioneer Life in the West. By W. P. Strickland. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1867. 1 75 702 FIRE LANDS PIONEER (The). Published under the Supervision of the Fire Lands Historical Society. Vol. 2, part 1; vol. 2, part 2; vols. 5, 7, 8, 9, and 10. 8vo. paper. Sandusky, 1859-70. Each, 75 702* FISHER (Samuel S.) In Memoriam. Portrait. 8vo. paper. Cincinnati, 1874. 75 703 FISHER (S. W.) History. The Unfolding of God's Providence. A Discourse occasioned by the death of Hon. Jacob Burnet. 8vo. pp. 53, boards. Cincinnati, 1853. 75 704 FISK (President). A Tribute to the Memory of. By Prof. Whedon. 8vo. pp. 23, boards. New York, 1839. 50 705 FLACK (Capt.) The Texan Ranger; or, Real Life in the Backwoods. Illustrated. 16mo. cloth. London. 1 25 706 FLAGG (C. E. B.) Oration delivered before the'76 Association and the Society of the Cincinnati, at Charleston, 1858. 8vo. pp. 22, boards. Charleston, 1858. 50 707 FLANDEBS (Henry). The Lives and Times of the Chief Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1869. 5 00 708 FLETCHER (J. C.) and KIDDER (D. P.) Brazil and the Brazilians. Portrayed in Historical and Descriptive Sketches. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1868. 4 50 709 FLINT (Timothy). Recollections of the last Ten Years, passed in occasional Residences and Journeyings in the Valley of the Mississippi, from Pittsburgh and the Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico. 8vo. boards, uncut. Boston, 1826. 3 05 710 Another copy, half morocco, gilt top, uncut. 4 50 38 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 711 FLINT (Timothy). Indian Wars of the West; containing Biographical Sketches of those Pioneers who headed the Western Settlers in repelling the Attacks of the Savages, together with a View of the Character, Mlanners, Monuments, and Antiquities of the Western Indians. 12mo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1833. 3 00 712 FLINT (Timothy). The History and Geography of the Mississippi Valley; to which is appended a Condensed Physical Geography of the Atlantic United States and the whole American Continent. Second edition. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1832. 3 00 713 Another edition, 2 vols. 8vo. boards, edges entirely uncut. Cincinnati, 1828. 5 00 714 [FLINT (Timothy).] The Life and Adventures of Arthur Clenning. 2 vols. 12mo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1828. 2 00 715 FOOTE (John P.) The Schools of Cincinnati and its Vicinity, including Literary and Scientific Institutions. Plates. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1855. 1 50 716 FOOTE (W. H.) Sketches of Virginia, Historical and Biographical. First series. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1850. 5 00 717 The Same. Second series. Philadelphia, 1856. 2 00 718 FOOTE (W. H.) Sketches of North Carolina, Historical and Biographical, illustrative of the Principles of a Portion of her Early Settlers. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1846. 4 50 719 FORCE (Hon. M. F.) Pre-historic Man-Darwinism and Deity-The Mound-builders. Three Essays read before the Cincinnati Literary Club. 8vo. pp. 85, sewed, uncut. Cincinnati, 1874. 75 720 FORCE (Peter). Tracts and other Papers relating to the Origin, Settlement, and Progress of the Colonies in North America, from the Discovery of the Country to the year 1776. Vol. 1, boards; 2, 3, 4, cloth. 4 vols. royal 8vo. uncut. Washington, v. d. 16 00 721 FORD (Gov. Thomas). A History of Illinois, from its Commencement as a State, in 1818, to 1847; containing a full Account of the Black Hawk War, the Rise, Progress, and Fall of Mormonism, the Alton and Lovejoy Riots, and other Important and Interesting Events. 12mo. cloth. Chicago, 1854. 9 00 722. FORREST (Wm. S.) Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Norfolk and Vicinity, including Portsmouth and the adjacent Counties, for two hundred years. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1853. 3 00 723 FOTHERGILL (John). An Account of the Life and Travels in the Work of the Ministry of John Fothergill. 12mo. sheep. London, 1773. 3 00 724 FOX (Ebenezer). The Revolutionary Adventures of, of Roxbury, Mass. Portrait. 18mo. cloth. Boston, 1838. 1 50 725 FRANCHERE (G.) Narrative of a Voyage to the Northwest Coast of America in 1811-14; or, The First American Settlement on the Pacific. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1854. 2 00 726 FRANCIS (John W.) Old New York; or, Reminiscences of the Past Sixty Years. Being an enlarged and revised Edition of the Anniversary Discourse delivered before the New York Historical Society, November 17, 1857. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1858. 1 75 727 [FRANKLIN (Benj.)] An Historical Review of the Constitution and Government of Pennsylvania, from its Origin, so far as regards the several Points of Controversy which have from time to time arisen between the several Governors of that Province and their several Assemblies. Thick 12mo. calf. London, 1759. 6 00 728 Another copy, half morocco. 8 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 39 729 FRANKLIN (Benjamin). Memorial of the Inauguration of the Statue of. Plates. 8vo. cloth. 1Boston, 1857. 1 75 730 FRANKLIN (Benjamin). The Worlks of. Containing several Political and Historical Tracts, not included in any former edition, and many Letters, Official and Private, not hitherto published. With Notes and a Life of the Author by Jared Sparks. Large paper, royal 8vo. 10 vols. cloth. Boston, 1840. 80 00 731 FRANKLIN (Benjamin). Life and Times of. By James Parton. Portraits. 2 vols. 12rno. cloth. Boston. 4 50 732 FRANKLIN (Benjamin). The Life of. With many Choice Anecdotes and Admirable Sayings of this Great Man. By M. L. Weems. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1854. 1 25 733 FRANKLIN (Benjamin). Autobiography of. Edited from his manuscripts. With Notes and Introduction. By John Bigelow. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1870. 2 50 733* A new enlarged edition, 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, 1874. 7 50 734 FRANKLIN (Benjamin). The Autobiography and Essays of. 16mo. Philadelphia, 1871. 75 735 FRANKS (David). The New York Directory; containing a valuable Almanac, Tables, Names of Citizens, etc. 8vo. paper. New York, 1786. Reprinted, 1874. 50 736 FREEMAN (Edward A.) History of the Federal Government, from the Foundation of the Achaian League to the Disruption of the United States. Vol. 1 (all that has been published). General introduction; History of the Greek Federations. 8vo. cloth. London, 1863. 6 00 737 FREEMAN (Frederick). The History of Cape Cod; the Annals of Barnstable County and of its several Towns, including the District of 3lashpee. Portrait. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1858. 15 00 738 FREEMAN'S ALMANAC for 1833. Edited by Solomon Thrifty. 12mo. uncut. Cincinnati. 50 739 FREMONT (J. C.) Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in 1842, and to Oregon and Upper California in 1843-44. Plates. 8vo. half calf. Washington, 1845. 3 00 740 FREMONT (J. C.) Memoir of the Life and Public Services of, including his Explorations. Portrait and illustrations. By John Bigelow. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1856. 1 50 741 FREMONT (J. C.) Narrative of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842. 8vo. boards. New York. 50 742 FREMONT (J. C.) Geographical Memoir upon Upper California. 8vo. pp. 67. Washington, 1848. 40 743 FREMONT SONGS FOR THE PEOPLE. Compiled by Thomas Drew. 18mo. paper. Boston, 1856.'40 744 FRENEAU (Philip). Poenms, written and published during the Revolutionary War. 2 vols. sheep, not uniform. Philadelphia, 1809. 2 00 745 FRENCH (B. F.) Historical Collections of Louisiana, embracing many rare and valuable Documents relating to the Natural, Civil, and Political History of that State. 5 vols. half morocco, excepting Vol. 4 cloth, being the Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi Valley, by John G. Shea. 8vo. Philadelphia and New York, v. d. 20 00 746 FROST (John). The Book of the Navy; comprising a General History of the American Marine, and all the most Celebrated Battles. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo. half bound. New York, 1843. 1 50 747 FROTHINGHAM (Richard). History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill; also, an Account of the Bunker Hill Monument. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1872. 3 50 748 FROTHINGHAM (Richard). The Rise of the Republic of the United States. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1872. 3 50 40 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 749 FULLER. Records of the Descendants of John Fuller. Newton, 164498. By Samuel C. Clarke. 8vo. pp. 16. Boston, 1869. 1 00 750 FULLER (S. M.) Summer on the Lakes in 1843. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1844. 1 25 751 FURBER (Geo. C.) The Twelve Months Volunteer; or, Journal of a Private in the Tennessee Regiment of Cavalry, in the Campaign in Mexico, 1846-7. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1857. 2 50 751" FURMAN (Gabriel). Antiquities of Long Island. To which is added Notes on the Town of Brooklyn, and a Bibliography by Henry Onderdonk, Jr. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1875. 3 00 752 FURTHER MANIFESTATION (A) of the Progress of the Gospel among the Indians in New England. London, 1659. Reprinted. New York, 1865. Small 4to. half morocco. 1 50 753 GAGE (Thomas). A New Survey of the West Indias; or, The English American, his Travail by Sea and Land; containing a Journal of Three Thousand and Three Hundred Miles within the Main Land of America. 4to. full bound. London, 1655. 6 00 754 GAILLARD or GAYLORD. The History and Pedigrees of the House of Gaillard or Gaylord, in France, England, and the United States. By William Gaillard. Photographic portraits and views. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati. 5 00 755 GALLAGHER (W. D.) The Progress of the Northwest. 8vo. pp. 85. Cincinnati, 1850. 1 00 756 GALLATIN (Hon. Albert). Inaugural Address on taking the chair as President of the New York Historical Society. 8vo. pp. 21, boards. New York, 1843. 50 757 GALLAND'S Iowa Emigrant; containing a Map and General Descriptions of Iowa Territory. 8vo. boards. Chillicothe, 1840. 1 00 758 GALLOWAY (Joseph). The Examination of, before the House of Commons, in a committee on the American Papers. 12mo. half bound. London, 1780. 2 00 759 GALT (John). Lawrie Todd; or, The Settlers in the Woods. 3 vols. 16mo. half bound. London, 1830. 3 00 760 Another edition, 1 vol. 16mio. cloth. London, 1849. 1 25 761 GANO (Rev. John). Biofgraphical Memoirs of the late, of Frankfort, Kentucky, formerly of the City of New York. Written principally by himself. 12mo. boards, uncut. New York, 1806. 5 00 762 GARDEN (Alex.) Anecdotes of the American Revolution, illustrative of the Talents and Virtues of the Heroes of the Revolution. 3 vols. folio, large paper, uncut. Only 30 copies printed. Brooklyn, 1865. 7 50 763 GARDEN (Alex.) Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War in America, with Sketches of Character of Persons the most distinguished in the Southern States. 8vo. half morocco. Charleston, 1822. 2 25 764 GARDEN (Alex.) Anecdotes of the American Revolution. Second series. 12mo. half morocco, uncut. Charleston, 1828. 2 00 765 GARDINER (Lieut. Lion). A History of the Pequot War; or, A Relation of the War between the Powerful Nation of Pequot Indians, once inhabiting the Coast of New England, and the English Inhabitants, in 1688. 4to. boards, uncut. Cincinnati, 1860. 1 00 766 GARRARD (Lewis H.) Chambersburg in the Colony of the Revolution. A Sketch. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1856. 1 25 767 GARRETT (William). Reminiscences of the Public Men of Alabama for Thirty Years, with an Appendix. 8vo. cloth. Atlanta, Ga., 1872. 3 00 768 GASS (Patrick). Journal of the Voyages and Travels of a Corps of Discovery, under the command of Lewis and Clarke, from the Missouri to the Pacific Ocean, 1804-6. 16mo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1812. 2 00 769 Another edition, 16mo. half sheep. Pittsburgh, 1807. 2 25 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 41 770 GATCH. Sketch of Rev. Philip Gatch, an Early Western Methodist Preacher. Prepared by Hon. John McLean. 18mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1856. 1 00 771 GATHERED SKETCHES from the Early History of New Hampshire and Vermont, containing Accounts of the Adventures of our Forefathers. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Claremont, N. H., 1856. 1 25 772 GAYARRE (Charles). History of Louisiana, the Spanish Domination, the French Domination, and the American Domination. Maps, etc. 3 vols. cloth. New York, 1866. 9 00 773 GAYARRE (Charles). Louisiana; its Colonial History and Romance. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1851. 2 50 774 GAYARRE (Charles). Romance of the History of Louisiana. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1848. 2 00 775 GENERAL COLLECTION (A) of Voyages and Discoveries made by the Portuguese and the Spaniards during the 15th and 16th Centuries. Maps. 4to. half bound. London, 1789. 8 00 776 GEORGIA SCENES. Characters, Incidents, etc., in the First Half Century of the Republic. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1860. 1 50 777 GERARD (J. W.) The Old Streets of New York under the DuItch. 8vo. paper, pp. 52. New York, 1875. 1 00 778 GERHARD (Frederick). Illinois as it is. With plates and 3 colored maps, showing Woods, Prairies, etc. 12mo. cloth. Chicago, 1857. 2 00 779 GERRY (Elbridge). Life of, with Contemporary Letters to the Close of the American Revolution. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. full bound. Boston, 1828. 6 00 780 GERRY (Elbridge). Life of, with Contemporary Letters, from the Close of the American Revolution. By James T. Austin. 8vo. boards, uncut. Boston, 1829. 2 00 781 GESNER (Abraham). New Brunswick; comprehending its Early History, an Account of the Indians, Settlement, Top3graphy, etc. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. London, 1847. 3 50 782 GIBBONS (J. A.) The Kanawha Valley: Its Resources and Developments; also, Special Business Directory of Charleston and other Cities. 8vo. pp. 64. Charleston, 1872. 40 783 GIBBS (George). Memoirs of the Administrations of Washington and John Adams. Edited from the papers of Oliver Wolcott. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1846. 5 00 784 GIDDINGS (Joshua R.) The Exiles of Florida; or, The Crimes committed by our Government against the Maroons, who fled from South Carolina and other Slave States seeking Protection under Spanish Laws. 12mo. cloth. Columbus, 1856. 1 00 785 GIDDINGS (Maj.) Sketches of the Campaign in Northern Mexico in 1847. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1853. 1 50 786 GIHON (John H.) Governor Geary's Administration of Kansas, with a complete History of the Territory until July, 1857. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1857. 1 25 787 Another copy, half sheep. 1 00 788 GILBERT (Benjamin). A Narrative of the Captivity and Sufferings of, and his Family, who were surprised by the Indians and taken from their Farms, on the Frontiers of Pennsylvania, in the Spring 1780. 16mo. half calf. Philadelphia printed. Reprinted, London, 1785. 4 00 789 GILES (John). Memoirs of the Odd Adventures, Strange Deliverances, etc., in the Captivity of. Commander of the Garrison on St. George River, Maine. Written by himself. 8vo. paper, uncut. Cincinnati, 1869. 75 42 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 790 GILLILAND (William). Pioneer History of Champlain Valley. An Account of the Settlement of the Town of Willsborough, Essex County, N. Y., together with his Journal and other Papers, with a Memoir and Notes. By Winslow C. Watson. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1863. 3 00 791 GILLMORE (Parker " Ubique "). Prairie Farms and Prairie Folk. Illustrated. 2 vols. ]2mo. cloth. London, 1872. 3 00 792 GILMAN FAMILY (The). Traced in the Line of Hon. John Gilman of Exeter, N. H. With an Account of many other Gilmans in England and America. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1869. 5 00 793 GOODWIN (H. C.) Pioneer History; or, Cortland County and the Border Wars of New York. Portraits. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1859. 2 25 794 GOODWIN (Nathaniel). Genealogical Notes or Contributions to the Family History of some of the First Settlers in Connecticut and Massachusetts. 8vo. cloth. Hartford, 1856. 3 00 795 GOODRICH (Aaron). A History of the Character and Achievements of the so-called Christopher Columbus. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1874. 3 50 796 GOODRICH (Chas. A.) Lives of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence of the United States. 8vo. sheep. New York, 1829. 1 50 797 GORDON (T. F.) A Gazetteer of the State of New Jersey. Trenton, 1834. Also, Gordon's History of New Jersey from its Discovery by Europeans. In one volume. 8vo. sheep. Trenton, 1834. 3 50 798 GORDON (T. F.) A Gazetteer of the State of Pennsylvania. 8vo. full bound. Philadelphia, 1833. 3 00 799 GORDON (T. F.) The History of Pennsylvania from its Discovery by Europeans to the Declaration of Independence. 8vo. half calf. Philadelphia, 1829. 5 00 800 Another edition, cloth. Trenton, 1834. 3 50 801 GORDON (William). The History of the Rise. Progress, and Establishment of the Independence of the United States of America; including an Account of the Late War, and of the Thirteen Colonies from their Origin to that Period. 3 vols. 8vo. full bound. New York, 1850. 6 00 802 GOULD (N. D.) Church Music in America; comprising its History, Peculiarities, etc. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1813. 1 00 803 GOWAN'S Bibliotheca Americana. Containing Denton's Brief Description of New York; Wooley's Two Years' Journal in New York; Miller's Description of the Province of New York, and Budd's Good Order established in Pennsylvania and New Jersey, in America. In 1 vol. 8vo. half morocco. New York, v. d. 8 00 804 GOWAN'S Catalogues of American Books. 11 odd numbers, 1849 to 1870. 1 50 805 GRAHAME (James). The History of the United States of America from the Plantation of the British Colonies till their Assumption of National Independence. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1846. 4 00 806 GREAT CONVENTION (The). Description of the Convention of the People of Ohio, held at Columbus, February 21, 1840. 8vo. pp. 40, boards. Columbus. 75 807 GREAT DEBATE between Messrs. Webster and Hayne, with Introduction and Notes. 8vo. pp. 89. Schenectady, 1864. 75 808 GREELEY (Horace). The Life of, Editor of the New York Tribune. By James Parton. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1869. 3 00 809 GREELEY (Horace). Recollections of a Busy Life; including Reminiscences of American Politics and Politicians. To which is added Miscellanies; also, a Discussion with Robert Dale Owen on the Law of Divorce. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1869. 3 50 810 GREELEY (Horace). Hints toward Reforms, in Lectures, Addresses, and other Writings. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1854. 1 25 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 43 811 GREEN (A.) A Historical Sketch or Compendious View of Domestic and Foreign Missions in the Presbyterian Church of the United States. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1838. 1 00 811-: GREEN (Samuel A.) The Story of a Famous Book. An Account of Dr. Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography. 8vo. paper, pp. 14. Boston, 1871. 50 812 GREENE (Charles S.) Thrilling Stories of the Great Rebellion, with Incidents of Fun and Merriment in Camp and Field. Also, an accounit of the death of Pi'esident Lincoln, fate of assassins, etc. 121no. cloth. Philadelphia, 1864. 1 75 813 GREENE (Gen. Nathaniel). Memoirs of the Life and Campaigns of. By Charles Caldwell. Portrait. 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1819. 5 00 814 Another copy, cloth. 3 00 815 GREENE (Nathaniel). The Life of. By G. Washington Greene. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1871. 12 00 816 GREENE (Nathaniel). An Examination of some Statements concerning Maj.-Gen. Greene in the Ninth Volume of Bancroft's History of the United States. By Geo. W. Greene. 8vo. boards. Boston, 1866. 1 25 817 Another copy, paper. 1. 00 818 GREENHOW (Robert). History of Oregon and California, and the other Territories on the Northwest Coast of North America; accompanied by a Geographical View and Map of those Countries. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1847. 2 50 819 Another edition. New York, 1845. 2 50 820 GREENHOW (Robert). Memoir, Historical and Political, on the Northwest Coast of North America and adjacent Territories. Map. 8vo. newly half bound. Washington, 1840. 1 75 821 GREENWOOD (F. W. P.) History of King's Chapel, in Boston. The First Episcopal Church in New England. Plate. 12mo. cloth, uncut. Boston, 1833. 4 00 822 GREGG (Josiah). Commerce oifthe Prairies:; or, The Journal of a Santa Fe Trader during eight expeditions across the Great Western Prairies, and nine years in Northern Mexico. Maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1844. 2 50 823 GREGORY (John). Industrial Resources of Wisconsin. 16mo. cloth. Chicago, 1853. 1 00 824 GRIFFITHS (D. Jr.) Two Years' Residence in the New Settlements of Ohio, North America; with directions for emigrants. 16mo. cloth. London, 1835. 4 50 825 GRIFFITH (Thomas W.) Sketches of the Early History of Maryland. Baltimore, 1821. Also, Griffith's Annals of Baltimore. Baltimore, 1833. In one volume. 12mo. sheep. 6 00 826 GRIFFITH (Thomas W.) Annals of Baltimore. Portrait. Half morocco, uncut edges. Baltimore, 1824. 5 00 827 Another copy half, morocco, uncut, gilt top. The lower corner scorched by fire. 4 00 828 GRIMKE (Fred'k). Considerations upon the Nature and Tendency of Freq Institutions. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1848. 2 00 829 GRISWOLD (Wayne). Kansas. Her Resources and Developments; or, The Kansas Pilot. Giving a Direct Road to Homes for Everybody. Also, the Effects of Latitudes on Life Locations, with Important Facts for all European Emigrants. Illustrated. 8vyo. sewed. Cincinnati, 1871. 50 44 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 830 GRONEWEG (L.) Meteorological Observations made in Montgomery County, Southern Ohio, and a Condensed Treatise on Meteorology in general. Folded diagrams. 8vo. half bound, uncut. Germantown, 1856. 2 00 831 GRUND (Francis J.) The Americans in their Moral, Social, and Political Relations. 2 vols. 8vo. half bound, neat. London, 1837. 3 00 832 GUEST (Moses). Poems on several Occasions. To which are annexed Extracts from a journal kept by the author, during a journey from New Brunswick, in New Jersey, to Montreal and Quebec. 16mo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1823. 71 75 833 GUNNISON (J. W.) The Mormons; or, Latter-Day Saints. A History of their Rise, Progress, Doctrines, etc. 12nmo. cloth, Philadelphia, 1852. 1 00 83 4 HAGNER (Chas. V.) Early History of the Falls of the Schuylkill; ManaSunk, Schuylkill and Lehigh Navigation Companies; Fairmount Water Works, etc. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia. 1 25 835 HAKLVYT (Richard). The Principal Navigationrs, Voyages, Trafliques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, made by Sea or Overland, to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the Earth, at any time within the cornpasse of these 1600 yeres; divided into three severall volumes. Printed in black letter. 3 vols. folio, calf. Vol. 1, containing the original copy of the Earl of Essex's Voyage to Cadiz, which was suppressed by Queen Elizabeth after his disgrace; Vols. 1 and 3, 1600; Vol. 2, 1599. 125 00 836 HALE (E. E.) Kansas and Nebraska: The History, Physical Characteristics, and Political Position of those Territories, with an account of the Emigrant Aid Companies. Map. Cloth. Boston, 1854. 1 50 837 HALE (Capt. Nathan). Life of, the Martyr of the American Revolution. By Rev. I. W. Stuart. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Hartford, 1856. 1 75 838 HALIBURTON (Thos. C.) An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. Maps and engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Halifax, n. d.. 3 00 839 HALL (Basil). Extracts from a Journal written on the Coast of Chili, Peru, and Mexico, 1820-22. 2 vols. 12mo. half calf. Edinburgh, 1825. 2 50 840 HALL (Basil). Travels in North America in the Years 1827-8. 2 vols. 12mo. half bound. Philadelphia, 1829. 2 00 841 HALL (B. F.) The Western Land-owners' Guide. Containing a Summary of Statute Regulations. 12mo. cloth. Auburn, N. Y., 1847. 1 25 842 HALL (Edward H.) The Great West: Travelers, Miners, and Emigrants' Guide and Hand-book. 16mo. cloth. New York, 1865. 75. 843 HALL (Francis). Travels in Canada and the United States. 12mo boards, uncut. Boston, 1818. 1 50 844 HALL (Hiland). History of Vermont from its Discovery to its Admission into the Union in 1791. 8vo. cloth. 1858. 4 00 845 HALL (James). The Romance of Western History; or, Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in the West. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1871. 2 00 846 HALL (James). Legends of the West. Sketches illustrative of the Habits, Occupations, Privations, Adventures, and Sports of the Pioneers of the West. cloth. Cincinnati, 1874. 2 00 847 HALL (James). Notes on the Western States. Containing descriptive sketches of their Soil, Climate, Resources, and Scenery. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1838. 1 75 848 HALL (James). The West; its Commerce and Navigation. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1848. 1 75 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 45 849 HALL (James). Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in the WVest, containing accurate Descriptions of the Country and Modes of Life in the Western States and Territories of North America. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1835. 4 00 851 HALL (James). Statistics of the West at the Close of the Year'1836. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1836. 1 75 852 Another copy, new half morocco, gilt top. 2 25 853 HALL (James). Letters from the West. Containing Sketches of Scenery, Manners, and Customs connected with the First Settlement of the Western States. 8vo. boards. London, 1828. 2 50 854 Another copy, half morocco. 3 00 855 HALL (James). Tales of the Border; containing the Pioneer, the French Village, the Dark Maid of Illinois, etc. 16mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1835. 3 00 856 HALL (John). History of the Presbyterian Church in Trenton, N. J., from the First Settlement of the Town. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1859. 1 50 857 HALLECK (Fitz-Greene). The Life and Letters of. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1869. 2 50 858 HALSTEAD (M.) Caucuses of 1860. A History of the National Political Conventions of the Current Presidential Campaign. 8vo. cloth. Columbus, 1860. 1 25 859 IAMILTON CLUB SERIES. Vol. 1. Life of Alex. Hamilton, by John Williams. Vol. 2. Observations and Certain Documents in the Historv of the United States for the year 1796, by Alex. Hamilton. Vol. 3. The Hamiltoniad, by Joel Williams. Portrait. Vol. 4. Letters to Alexander Hamilton, King of the Feds. 4 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. New Y(,rk, 1866. 20 00 8C0 HAMILTON (Alex.) The Life and Times of. Illustrating the History of the United States, and containing Sketches of his Contemporaries. By Christopher J. Itiethmuller. 12mo. London. 1 75 861 HAMILTON (James A.) Reminiscences of; or, Men and Events at Home and Abroad during Three Quarters of a Century. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1869. 5 00 862 HAMIILTON (John C.) The Federalist: A Commentary on the Constitution of the United States. A Collection of Essays by Alexander Hamilton, Jay, and IMadison. Also, the Continental and other Papers. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1865. 10 00 863 HANSON (J. W.) History of Gardiner, Pittston, and WVest Gardiner, with a Sketch of the Kennebec Indians and New Plymnouth Purchase. Comprising historical matter from 1602 to 1852. Illustrated. 12mno. cloth. Gardiner, 1852. 2 25 864 HAMILTON (Schuyler). History of the National Flag of the United States of America. 12moo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1853. 2 00 865 HAN WAY (Jonas). An Account of the Society for the Encouragement of the British Troops in Germanny and North America. With the Motives to the making a Present to those Troops, also to the Widows tand Orphans of such of them as have died in Defense of their Country, particularly at the battles of Thowhausen. 8vo. polished calf extra, by Riviere. Quel)ec, 1760. 9 00 866 HARBISON (Massy). A Narrative of the Sufferings of, from Indian Barbarity. Giving an Account of her Captivity, the Murder of her Two Children, her Escape with an Infant at her Breast. Together with some Account of the Cruelties of the Indians on the Alleghany River, etc., during 1790-94. Communicated by herself. 16mo. boards. Pittsburgh, 1825. 4 09 46 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 867 HARDIE (James). The American Remembrancer; containing a List of the Eminent Men and Memorable Events in History, etc. Arranged alphabetically. 12mo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1795. 1 50 868 HARPERS' New York and Erie Railroad Guide-book, containing 136 engravings. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1851. 75 869 HARRIS (Alex.) A Biographical History of Lancaster County; being a History of Early Settlers and Eminent Men of that County, as also much other unpublished Historical Information, chiefly of a Social Character. 8vo. sheep. Lancaster, 1872. 4 00 870 HARRIS (J. M.) A Paper upon California, read before the Maryland Historical Society. 8vo. paper, pp. 32. Baltimore, 1849. 35 871 HARRIS (Thaddeus Mason). The Journal of a Tour into the Territory northwest of the Alleghany Mountains, with a Geographical and Historical Account of the State of Ohio. 8vo. boards, uncut. Boston, 1805. 5 00 872 Another copy, half morocco, uncut edges. 6 00 873 Another copy, half bound, without plates. 2 25 874 HARRIS (William Tell). Remarks made during a Tour through the United States, 1817-19. 16mo. boards. London, 1821. 1 50 875 HARRISON (J. Scott). Pioneer Life at North Bend. An Address. 8vo. pp. 16. Cincinnati, 1867. 40 876 HARRISON ALMANAC (The), 1841. Numerous illustrations. 12mo. uncut, pp. 36. New York.- 40 877 HARRISON (Wm. Henry). Historical Narrative of the Civil and Military Services of Maj. General William H. Harrison, and a Vindication of his Character and Conduct as a Statesman, a Citizen, and a Soldier; with a detail of his Negotiations and Wars with the Indians, until the Final Overthrow of the celebrated Chief, Tecumseh, and his Brother, the Prophet. By Moses Dawson. 12mo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1824. 6 00 878 HARRISON (W. H.) Life of. Comprising a brief Account of his important Civil and Military Services, and an accurate Description of the Council at Vincennes with Tecumseh, etc. Portrait. 8vo. boards. Philadelphia, 1840. 1 25 879 HARRISON (W. H.) Life of, of Ohio, the People's Candidate for the Presidency. With the History of the Wars with the British and Indians in the Northwest. 16mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1840. 1 00 880 HARRISON (W. H.) The Life and Times of. By S. J. Burr. 18mo. cloth. New York, 1840. 1 00 881 HARRISON (W. H.) Memoir of the Public Services of. By James Hall. 18mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1836. 1 00 882 HARRISON (W. H.) Outlines of the Life and Services of, civil and military. 8vo. pp. 21, boards. Washington, 1840. 75 883 HARRISON (W. H.) The People's Presidential Candidate. By Richard Hildreth. Portrait. 16mo. boards. Boston, 1840. 125 884 HARRISON (W. H.) The People's Presidential Candidate. 18mo. cloth. Boston, 1839. 1 00 885 HARRISON (W. H.) A new Work in Favor of the Whig Cause, and the Election of General Harrison to the Presidential Chair. By R. Wilmot. 12mo. boards. Cincinnati, 1840. 75 886 HARRISON (W. H.) at North Bend. An Address by Hon. Joseph Cox, February, 1871. 8vo. pp. 18, paper. Cincinnati, 1871. 25 887 Another copy, boards. 35 888 HARRISON (W. H.) A Sketch of the Life and Public Services of. 12mo. paper, pp. 32. New York, 1839. 30 889 HARRISON (W. H.) A Sketch of the Life and Public Services of. With an Appendix. 12mo. paper, pp. 50. Columbus, 1840. 25 890 Another copy, boards. 40 i......~~~~~~~~~~~~~4 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 47 891 HARRISON (W. H.) Funeral Sermon on. By Rev. C. Van Rensselaer. 8vo. pp. 59. Washington, 1841. 50 892 HARRISON. The Log Cabin Song Book. 16mo. half cloth. Columbus, 1840. 60 893 HART (A. M.) History of the Mississippi Valley. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1853. 2 25 894 HART (A. M). History of the Discovery of the Valley of the Mississippi. 16mo. paper, pp. 155. St. Louis, 1852. 1 00 895 HARTT (C. F.) and AGASSIZ (L.) Scientific Results of a Journey in Brazil, and Geology and Physical Geography of Brazil. Illustrated. 8vo. Boston, 1870. 5 00 896 HARTWICK. Memorial Volume of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of Hartwick Seminary, held August 21, 1866. 8vo. boards, uncut. Albany, 1867. 1 50 897 HASKEL (D.) and SMITH (J. C.) A Complete Descriptive and Statistical Gazetteer of the United States of America, containing particular descriptions of the States, Counties, Cities, Towns, Rivers, Lakes, Railroads, etc., etc. 8vo. sheep. New York, 1845. 3 00 898 HASSAUREK (F.) Four Years among Spanish-Americans. 12mo. New York, 1868. 2 00 899 HASTINGS (Sally). Poems on Different Subjects; to which is added a Descriptive Account of a Family Tour to the West, in the year 1800. 16mo. full bound. Lancaster, 1808. 5 00 900 HATCH (Col. W. S.) A Chapter of the History of the War of 1812, in the Northwest; embracing the Surrender of the Northwestern Army and Fort at Detroit, August 16, 1812, with a Description and Biographical Sketch of the celebrated Indian Chief, Tecumseh. 16mo. full bound. Cincinnati, 1872. 1 25 901 HAVEN (C. C.) Thirty Days in New Jersey, Ninety Years ago: Revealing new facts in connection with Washington and his Army in 1776 and 1777. 8vo. cloth. Trenton, 1867. 1 50 902 HARVEY (Henry). History of the Shawnee Indians, from the year 1681 to 1854 inclusive. Portrait. 16mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1855. 2 50 903 HAWKS (Francis). History of North Carolina, 1584-1729. With maps and illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Fayetteville, 1859. 8 50 904 HAWLS (F. L.), SWAIN (D. L.), and GRAHAM (W. A.) Revolutionary History of North Carolina; to which is prefixed a Sketch of the Battle of the Alamance. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Raleigh, 1853. 2 00 905 HAYWOOD (John). Tile Civil and Political History of the State of Tennessee, from its earliest settlement up to the year 1796; including the Boundaries of the State. 8vo. full bound. Knoxville, Tenn., 1823. 25 00 906 HAZARD (Samuel). Annals of Pennsylvania, from the Discovery of the Delaware, 1609-1682. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1850. 2 50 907 HAZARD (Samuel). Cuba with Pen and Pencil. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. 1871. 6 00 908 HAZARD (Samuel). Santo Domingo: Past and Present. With a glance at Hayti. Maps and wood-cuts. 8vo. cloth. London, 1872. 6 00 909 HAZEN (Gen. W. B.) Our Barren Lands. The Interiorof the United States west of the one-hundredth Meridian and east of the Sierra Nevadas. 8vo. paper, uncut, pp. 5.3. Cincinnati, 1875. 50 910 HEADLEY (J. T.) The Adirondack; or, Life in the Woods. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1869. 1 75 911 HEADLEY (J. T.) The Chaplains and Clergy of the Revolution. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 50 48 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 912 HEAP (Gwinn H.) Central Route to the Pacific from the Valley of the Mississippi to Cnlifornia. JOurnal of the Expedition of E. F. Beale, Superintendent of Indian Affairs in California, frown Missouri to California in 1853. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1851. 2 00 913 HEARD ([. V. D.) History of the Sioux War and Mnassacres of 1862 and 1863. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1863. 1 75 914 HECKEWELDER (john). A Narrative of the Mission of the United Brethren amnong the Delaware and Mohegan Indians. 8vo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1820. 8 00 915 HECKEWELDER (John). Lifeof. By EdwardRoundthaler. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1847. 1 50 916 HELM (Hon. John L.) Biographical Sketch of, late Governor of Kentucky. Portrait. 8vo. boards. Frankfort, Ky., 1868. 75 917 HELPS (Arthur). The Spanish Conquest in America, and its Relation to the History of Slavery and to the Government of the Colonies. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1855. 12 00 918 HENNEPIN (L.) A New Discovery of a Vast Country in America, extending above Four Thousand Miles between New France and New Mexico; with a Description of Great Lakes, Cataracts, Rivers, etc. With a Continuation giving an Account of the Attempts of La Salle upon the Mines of St. Barbe, etc., etc. Beautiful copy, with all the maps and plates complete. 12mo. half morocco extra, gilt top. London, 1699. 30 00 919 HENNEPIN (Lodewyk). Beschryving van Louisiania, Nieuwelijks outdekt ten Zuid —Westen van Niew-Vrankryk. Mits(gaders de Geographische en Historische Beschrijving der Kusten. Van Noord-America met de Naturlijke Historie des Landis, Door den Heer Denys. 4to. polished calf extra, gilt top by Pratt, edges entirely uncut. Many curious copper plates. Amsterdam,'1688. 30 00 920 HENRY (J. P.) Resources of the State of Arkansas, with Description of Counties, Railroads, Mines, and the City of Little Rock. Map. 8vo. paper. Little Rock, 1872. 1 00 921 HENRY (Patrick). Sketches of the Life and Character of. By William Wirt. Portrait. 8vo. full bound. Philadelphia, 1817. 2 25 922 HENRY (Patrick). Sketches of the Life and Character of. By Winm. Wirt. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1867. 1 50 923 Another edition, 8vo. sheep. Hartford, 1847. 1 75 924 HERIOT (George). History of Canada, from its first Discovery; comprehending an Account of the Original Establishment of the Colony of Louisiana. Vol. 1, 8vo. boards, uncut. (All ever published. See Rich.) London, 1804. 3 50 925 HERIOT (George). Travels through the Canadas. 12mo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1813. 2 00 926 HEROIT (George). Travels through the Canadas; containing a Description of the Scenery, Commerce, Inhabitants, and Manners and Customs of the Indians. Numerous plates. 4to. half calf. London, 1807. 6 00 927 HERIOT'S TRAVELS. Another copy, boards, uncut. 6 00 928 HERNDON (Lieut. W. L.) and GIBBON (L.) Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, made under the direction of the Navy Department. With maps. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1853. 3 00 929 HESPERIAN (The); or, Western Monthly Magazine. Edited by William D. Gallagher and Otway Curry. Vols. 1 and 2, 8vo. half bound. Vol. 3 in numbers. Columbus, 1838. 9 00 930 Another copy, half morocco. 11 00 931 Another copy, Vols. 1 and 2 only, half bound. 5 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 49 932 HEWITT (A.) An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1779. 10 00 933 Another copy, half morocco. 10 00 934 HIATT (J. M.) The Voter's Text Book; comprising a Collection of the most Important Documents and Statistics connected with the Political History of America. 12mo. cloth. Indianapolis, 1868. 1 00 935 HICKEY (W.) The Constitution of the United States; with an Alphabetical Analysis, the Declaration of Independence, etc. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1854. 1 00 936 HIGGINSON (T. W.) Young Folks' History of the United States. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1875. 1 50 937 HILDRETH (S. P.) Contributions to the Early History of the Northwest, including the Moravian Missions in Ohio. 16mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1864. 1 25 938 HILDRETH (S. P.) Biographical and Historical Memoirs of the Early Pioneer Settlers of Ohio, with Narratives of Incidents and Occurrences since 1775. Portraits and plates. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1852. 5 00 939 HILDRETH (S. P.) Pioneer History; being an Account of the First Examinations of the Ohio Valley and the Early Settlement of the Northwest Territory. Maps and plates. 8vo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1848. 5 00 940 HINES (G.) Oregon: Its History, Condition, and Prospects, Geography, Climate, and Productions; with Personal Adventures among the Indians. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Buffalo, 1851. 2 00 941 HINES (G.) Oregon and its Institutions; comprising a full History of the Willamette University. 12mo. cloth. New York. 1 75 942 HINTON (John H.) The History and Topography of the United States of North America, brought down from the Earliest Period. Steel-plates. 2 vols. 4to. half morocco, uncut.. Boston, 1846. 10 00 943 Another copy, cloth, uncut. London, 1830. 8 00 944 HISTORIC DETAILS having relation to the Campaign of the Northwestern Army, under Generals Harrison and Winchester, during the Winter of 1812-13; together with some Particulars relating to the Surrender of Fort Bowyer, etc. 8vo. half morocco. Lexington, 1818. 6 00 945 HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY OF OHIO. Vol. 1, part 1, 12mo. pp. 138, paper, reprinted, Cincinnati, 1872, $1.50; Vol. 1, part 2, sheep, Cincinnati, 1839, $2.00; or, 1 vol. cloth, 4 00 946 HISTORY OF AMERICA (The). In two books. Maps. 16mo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1795. 1 00 947 HISTORY OF THE CIVIL WAR IN AMERICA. By an Officer of the Army. Vol. 1 (all ever published), comprehending the Campaigns of 1775,'76, and'77. 8vo. half bound. London, 1780. 3 00 948 HISTORY OF THE PRESS OF MAINE. Edited by Joseph Griffin. 8vo. cloth. Portraits. Brunswick, 1872. 2 50 949 HISTORY OF NORTH AMERICA; containing an exact Account of their First Settlements. Map. 16mo. full bound. London, 1776. 2 25 950 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, from their First Settlement as Colonies to the Close of the War with Great Britain, in 1815. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1826. 2 00 951 HISTORY OF THE WAR IN AMERICA, between Great Britain and her Colonies, from its Commencement to the Conclusion, in 1783, with a Collection of Interesting and Authentic Papers to elucidate the History. Large map and folding plates, list of wounded at Bunker Hill, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. full bound. Dublin, 1779. 6 00 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 952 HITTEL (J. S.) The Resources of California; comprising Agriculture, Mining, Commerce, and the Past and Future Development of the State. 12mo. cloth. San Francisco, 1863. 2 25 953 HODGSON (Adam). Letters from North America. Written during a Tour in the United States and Canada. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1824. 3 00 954 HOLLAND (Josiah Gilbert). History of Western Massachusetts-The Counties of Hampden, Hampshire, Franklin, and Berkshire. Embracing an Outline, or General History, of the Section, and separate Histories of its One Hundred Towns. Map. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Springfield, 1855. 7 50 955 HOLLEY (Mrs. M. A.) Texas. Observations: Historical, Geographical, and Descriptive. Map. 12mo. cloth. Baltimore, 1833. 1 50 956 HOLLOWAY (J. N.) History of Kansas, from the First Exploration of the Mississippi Valley to its Admission into the Union, embracing a Sketch of Louisiana, the Conflict of Free and Slave Labor, etc. 8vo. cloth. Lafayette, 1868. 3 50 957 HOLMES (Abiel). American Annals; or, A Chronological History of America, from its Discovery in 1492 to 1806. 2 vols. 8vo. half bound. Cambridge, 1808. 4 50 958 Another edition, 2 vols. new half calf. Cambridge, 1805. 6 00 959 HOLMES (Abiel). The History of Cambridge. 8vo. half bound. Boston, 1801. 8 00 960 HOLMES (Isaac). An Account of the United States of America, derived from Actual Observation, during a Residence of Four Years in that Republic. 8vo. half bound, uncut. London. 3 00 961 HOLMES (John). Historical Sketches of the Missions of the United Brethren, for propagating the Gospel among the Heathen. 8vo. boards, uncut. Dublin, 1818. 4 00 962 HOLT (Thomas). A Sermon delivered at the Ordination of the Rev. Reed Paige to the Pastoral Care of the Church in Hancock, State of New Hampshire, September 21, 1791. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Worcester,,Mass., 1792. 2 50 963 HOSKINS (Nathan). Notes upon the Western Country, contained within the States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and the Territory of Michigan, taken on a Tour through that country, in 1832. 12mo. haif morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Greenfield, 1833. 9 00 964 HOSMER and HARRIS' Toledo Directory. Containing the Early History of the Maumee Valley, City Statistics, etc. 8vo. half bound. Toledo, 1858. 2 50 965 HOTCHKIN (Rev. James H.) A History of the Purchase and Settlement of Western New York and of the Presbyterian Church in that Section. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1848. 3 50 966 HOUSTON (Mrs.) Hesperos; or, Travels in the West. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. London, 1850. 2 25 967 HOUSTON (Mrs.) Texas and the Gulf of Mexico; or, Yachting in the New World. PortraitofSanta Anna. 16mo.clfth. Philadelphia, 1845. 1 25 968 HOUSTON (Sam.) The Life of. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo.cloth. New York, 1855. 1 50 969 HOUGH (Franklin B.) Papers relating to Pemaquid, and parts adjacent, in the present State of Maine, known as Cornwall County, when under the Colony of New York. 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Albany, 1856. 3 00 970 Another copy, boards, uncut. 2 25 971 HOUGH (F. B.) Proceedings of the Commissioners of Indian Affairs, appointed by Law for the Extinguishment of Indian Titles in the State of New York. Published from the original manuscript in the Library of the Albany Institute. Maps. 2 vols. small 4to. half morocco, uncut, Albany, 1861. 7 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 51 972 HOUGH (F. B.) The Siege of Charleston by the British Fleet and Army, under Admiral Arbuthnot and Sir Henry Clinton, 1780. Small 4to. boards, uncut. Albany, 1866. 5 00 973 HOUGH (F. B.) The Siege of Savannah by the combined American and French Forces, under the Command of General Lincoln and the Count d'Estaing, 1779, with Introduction, Notes, etc. Small 4to. uncut. Albany, 1866 3 50 974 HOW (David). Diary of, a Private in Col. Paul Dudley Sargent's Regiment in the Revolution. With a Biographical Sketch of the Author, by G. W. Chase, and illustrative Notes, by H. B. Dawson. Large paper, 4to. boards, uncut. Morrisiana. 2 00 975 HOWE (Henry). Historical Collections of Ohio. Containing a Collection of the most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to its General and Local History, with Descriptions of its Counties, Cities, Towns, Villages, etc. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1869. 6 00 976 HOWE (Henry). Historical Collections of Virginia. Containing a Collection of the most interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to its History and Antiquities. Illustrated by over 100 engravings. 8vo. full bound. Charleston, S. C., 1852. 6 00 977 HOWE (Henry). Historical Collections of the Great West. To which is appended Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Oregon, New Mexico, Texas, Minnesota, Utah, and California. Illustrated. 2 vols. in 1, 8vo. full bound. Cincinnati, 1854. 3 50 978 Another edition, 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1872. 3 00 979 HOWITT (E.) Selections from Letters during a Tour through the. United States, in 1819, illustrative of the Character of the Native Indians, and of their Descent from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. 12mo. half calf. Nottingham. 1 75 980 HOWITT (Mary). Our Cousins in Ohio. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. London, 1849. 1 00 981 HUBBARD (Rev. Wm.) The History of the Indian Wars in New England, from the First Settlement to the Termination of the War with King Philip, in 1677. Carefully revised, and accompanied with an Historical Preface, Life, and Pedigree of the Author, and extensive Notes, by Samuel G. Drake. 2 vols. small 4to. half morocco. Roxbury, Mass., 1865. 8 00 982 HUBBARD (William). A Narrative of the Indian Wars in New England, from the First Planting, 1607, to the year 1677. 16mo. sheep. Worcester, 1801. 1 50 983 Another edition, 12mo. sheep. Battleborough, 1814. 2 25 984 HUBBARD (William). A General History of New England, from the Discovery to 1680. 8vo. full bound. Cambridge, 1815. 5 00 985 HUDSON. Historical Inquiry concerning Henry Hudson, his Friends, Relatives, and Early Life; his Connection with the Muscovy Company, and his Discovery of Delaware Bay. By Gen. John M. Read, Jr. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1866. 5 00 986 HUGHES (J. T.) Doniphan's Expedition; containing an Account of the Conquest of New Mexico, etc. Portraits and maps. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1850. 1 50 987 HUGHES (J. T.) Doniphan's Expedition; containing an Account of the Conquest of New Mexico. 8vo. boards. Cincinnati. 60 988 HULL (Gen. William). Memoirs of the Campaign of the North-Western Army of the United States, 1812. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1824. 5 00 989 HULL (Gen. William). Report of the Trial of, commanding the Northwestern Army of the United States, by a Court-martial held at Albany, on Monday, 3d January, 1814, and succeeding days. Taken by Lieut. Col. Forbes. 8vo. new half Russia. New York, 1814. 6 00 52 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 990 HULL (General W.) Defense of, with an Address to the Citizens of the United States. Written by himself. To which is prefixed the Charges against Brig. Gen. Hull, as specified by the Government. 12mo. boards, uncut. Boston, 1814. 4 50 991 HULL (Gen. William). Revolutionary Services and Civil Life of. By his daughter. With the History of the Campaign of 1812, and Surrender of Detroit by J. F. Clarke. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1848. 4 00 992 HUMBOLDT (Baron). Selections from the Works of, relating to the Climate, Inhabitants, Productions, and Mines of Mexico. By John Taylor. Maps and illustrations. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1824. 1 50 993 HUMPHREYS (David). An Historical Account of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, containing the Success of their Missionaries in the British Colonies, to the year 1728. 12mo. full bound. London, 1730. 2 50 994 HUMPHREYS (David). The Miscellaneous Works of, late Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States to the Court of Madrid. Portrait. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York, 1804. 3 00 995 HUNTER (John D.) Memoirs of a Captivity among the Indians of North America from Childhood to the age of Nineteen, with Anecdotes descriptive of their Manners and Customs. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1824. 2 50 996 HURLBUT (E. P.) Secular View of Religion in the State, and the Bible in the Public Schools. 8vo. paper, pp. 55. Albany, 1870. 25 997 HUJTCHINS (Thomas). A Topographical Description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North Carolina, comprehending the Rivers Ohio, Kenhawa, Scioto, Cherokee, Wabash, Illinois, Mississippi, etc.; the Climate, Soil, etc.; the Mountains, Roads, etc., with copper-plates of the Rapids of the Ohio, and Villages in the Illinois Country. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. London, 1778. 12 00 998 Another copy, boards, edges entirely uncut, fine clean copy. 15 00 999 HUTCHINSON (Thomas). The History of Massachusetts from the First Settlement thereof, in 1628, to 1750. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Salem, 1795. Also, HUTCHINSON (T.) The History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, from 1739 to 1774. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1828. Together, 3 vols. 15 00 1000 HUTCHINSON (Thomas). The History of Massachusetts from the First Settlement thereof, in 1628, until the year 1750. 2 vols. 8vo. full bound. Salem, 1795. 7 50 1001 HUYSHE (Capt. G. L.) The Red River Expedition. Maps. 12mo. cloth. London, 1871. 2 50 1002 HYDE (S. C.) Historical Sketch of Lyon County, Iowa, and a Description of the Country and its Resourcec. 12mo. pp. 40. Sioux City, 1873. 40 1003 ILLINOIS. The Organic Laws of Illinois. 8vo. pp. 64. Springfield, 1872. 50 1004 ILLINOIS IN 1837. A Sketch descriptive of the Situation, Face of the Country, Prairies, Rivers, Minerals, etc., with Sketches of Counties, Cities, and Towns. Map. 8vo. boards. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 25 1005 ILLINOIS MONTHLY MAGAZINE, conducted by James Hall, 2 vols., Vandalia, Illinois, 1831-2; with the Western Monthly Magazine, a contilnuation of the Illinois Monthly Magazine, conducted by James Hall, 5 vols., Cincinnati, 1833-6. Together, 7 vols. 8vo. uniformly bound in half morocco, uncut edges, an unusually fine set. 45 00 1006 IMLAY (G.) A Topographical Description of the Western Territory of North America. Containing an account of its Climate, Population, Manners, and Customs, etc. 8vo. half bound. London, 1792. 3 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 53 1007 Another edition. To which is added the Discovery and Settlement of the present State of Kentuckv, and the Adventures of Colonel Daniel Boone; the Minutes of the Piankashaw Council, and an account of the Indian Nations within the limits of the Thirteen United States. By John Filson. Maps. 8vo. half bound. London, 1793. 5 00 1008 Another edition, half morocco. London, 1797, 7 50 1009 Another copy, third edition, old sheep, edges entirely uncut. 9 00 1010 IMPARTIAL AND CORRECT HISTORY OF THE WAR. A Particular Detail of the Naval and Military Operations, and a Faithful Record of the Events produced during the Contest. 16mo. sheep. New York, 1815. 1 50 10ll INCIDENTS AND SKETCHES connected with the Early History and Settlement of the West. With numerous illustrations. 8vo. pp. 72. Cincinnati. 50 1012 INDIANA GAZETTEER (The); or, Topographical Dictionary of the State of Indiana. Illustrated. 12mo. sheep. Indianapolis, 1850. 3 00 1013 INDIANAPOLIS DIRECTORY and City Guide; or, Indianapolis as it is in 1855. Map and plates. 8vo. cloth. Indianapolis, 1855. 1 25 1014 INDIAN NARRATIVES: Containing a Correct and Interesting History of the Indian Wars from the Landing of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1620, to General Wayne's Victory, 1794. 12mo. cloth. Claremont, N. H., 1854. 1 50 1015 INGERSOLL (C. J.) Historical Sketch of the Second War between the United States and Great Britain. Vol. 1, embracing the Events of 1812-13. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1845. 2 50 1016 INTERESTING CORRESPONDENCE between his Excellency, Gov. Sullivan, and Col. Pickering; in which the latter vindicates himself against the groundless charges made by the Governor and others. 8vo. half bound. Boston, 1808. 1 50 1017 IRVING (John T.) Indian Sketches taken during an Expedition to the Pawnee and other Tribes of American Indians. 2 vols. 121no. half boards, uncut. London, 1835. 4 00 1018 IRVING (Theodore). The Conquest of Florida by Hernando de Soto. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1869. 2 50 1019 Another edition, 2 vols. 12mo. half sheep. London, 1835. 3 25 ~1020 IRVING (Washington). Knickerbocker's History of New York from the beginning of the World to the end of the Dutch Dynasty. Containing, among many surprising and curious matters, the Unutterable Ponderings of Walter the Doubter, the Disastrous Projects of William the Testy, and the Chivalric Achievements of Peter the Headstrong. 12mo. half bound. London, 1824. 1 50 1021 IRVING (Washington). Astoria; or, Anecdotes of an Enterprise beyond the Rocky Mountains. Original edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 50 1022 IRVING (W.) The Rocky Mountains; or, Scenes, Incidents, and Adventures in the Far West. Map. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1837. 2 00 1023 IVES (Lieut. Joseph C.) Report upon the Colorado River of the West, under the Direction of the Office of Explorations and Surveys, A. A. Humphreys in charge. Numerous lithographic plates and wood-cuts, and seven colored illustrations of the Indian Tribes. 4to. cloth. Washington, 1861. 6 00 1024 JACKSON (Andrew). Life of. By James Parton. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1866. 9 00 54 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1025 JACKSON (Andrew). Life of. Comprising a History of the War in the South, from the Commencement of the Creek Campaign to the Terminus of Hostilities before New Orleans. By John Henry Eaton. Portrait. 8vo. boards. Philadelphia, 1824. 3 00 1026 JACKSON (Andrew). Pictorial Life of. By John Frost. Portrait and numerous illustrations. 8vo. sheep. Hartford, 1847. 2 50 1027 JACKSON (Andrew). A Brief and Impartial History of the Life and Actions of. By a Free-man. 12mo. boards, uncut. Boston, 1831. 50 1028 JACKSON (Andrew). Messages of. With a Short Sketch of his Life. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Concord, 1837. 1 25 1029 JACKSON (Andrew). Annual Messages, Veto Messages, Protests, etc., of. 8vo. boards. Baltimore, 1835. 1 00 1030 JAMES (Chas. P.) Address delivered at Camp McRae before the Citizens' Guards of Cincinnati. 8vo. paper, pp. 24. Cincinnati, 1842. 25 1031 Another copy, boards. 40 1032 JAMES (John II.) Military Commissions for the Trial of Citizens. 8vo. pp. 16, uncut. Cincinnati, 1869. 40 1033 JAMES (William). A Full and Correct Account of the Military Occurrences of the Late War between Great Britain and the United States of America, with an Appendix and Plates. 2 vols. half calf. London, 1818. 3 00 1034 JAMES (William). A Full and Correct Account of the Chief Naval Occurrences of' the Late War between Great Britain and the United States of America. 8vo. full bound. London, 1817. 1 50 1035 Another copy, boards. 1 50 1036 JARVES (James J.) Scenes and Scenery in the Sandwich Islands, and a Trip through Central America. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1844. 1 00 1037 JAY (John). Life of. With Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers. By his son, Wim. Jay. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1833. 4 00 1038 JAY (William). Review of the Causes and Consequences of the Mexican War. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1849. 1 25 1039 Another copy, half calf. 1 75 1040 JEFFERSON (Thomas). Memoirs of. Containing a Concise History of the United States from their Independence, with a View of the Rise and Progress of French Influence and French Principles in this Country. By Carpenter. 2 vols. 8vo. boards. uncut. Printed for the purchasers. 1809. 6 50 1041 JEFFERSON (Thomas). The Life of. With parts of his Correspondence never before published. By George Tucker. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Philadelphia, 1837. 6 00 1042 JEFFERSON (Thonmas). Memoir, Correspondence, and Miscellanies from the Papers of. Edited by T. J. Randolph. 4 vols. 8vo. full bound. Charlottesville, 1829. 4 00 1043 JEFFERSON (Thomas). Life of. By James Parton. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Boston. 3 00 1044 JEFFERSON (Thomas). Life of. With Parts of his Correspondence never before published; Notices of his Opinions on Questions of Civil Government, etc. By Thomas Tucker. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1837. 4 00 1045 JEFFERSON (Thomas). The Life and Times of. By Samuel M. Smucker. 12mo. Philadelphia. 1 75 1046 JEFFERSON (Thomas). Notes on the State of Virginia. 12mo. sheep. Boston, 1802. 1 50 1047 Another, 8vo. sheep. Baltimore, 1800. 2 00 1048 Another, 8vo. half morocco. Philadelphia, 1794. 2 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 55 1049 JEFFERSON (Thomas). The Writings of. Being hisAutobiography, Correspondence, etc. From the Original Manuscripts deposited in the Department of State. With Explanatory Notes, etc., by the Editor, H. A. Washington. 9 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1853. 27 00 1050 JEFFREYS (T.) The Natural and Civil History of the French Dominions in North and South America. Giving a Particular Account of the Climate, Soil, Minerals, etc., and a Description of Canada and Louisiana. Maps and plans of the principal places. Folio, old calf. London, 1760. 10 00 1051 JENKINS (J. S.) History of Political Parties in the State of New York. Thick 12mo. sheep. Auburn, 1849. 2 00 1052 JENKINS (J. S.) The Lives of Patriots and Heroes distinguished in the Battles for American Freedom. 16mo. boards. Auburn, 1847. 1 25 1053 JENKINS (J. S.) Daring Deeds of American Generals. 12mo. cloth. New York. 1 25 1054 JENKINS (Warren). The Ohio Gazetteer and Travelers' Guide; containing a Description of the several Towns, Counties, Water-courses, Roads, etc. Map. 12mo. sheep. Columbus, 1837. 1 25 1055 JOHNSON (Mrs.) A Narrative of the Captivity of. Containing an Account of her Sufferings during Four Years with the Indians and French. 16mo. new half morocco. Windsor, Vt., 1807. 3 50 1056 JOHNSON (R. B.) Very Far West Indeed. A few rough Experiences on the Northwest Pacific Coast. 12mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1872. 2 00 1057 JOHNSON (Col. Richard M.) Authentic Biography of, of Kentucky. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1833. 2 50 1058 JOHNSON (Theo. T.) Sights in the Gold Region and Scenes by the Way. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1850. 1 50 1059 JOHNSTON (John). A History of the Towns of Bristol and Bremen in the State of Maine, including the Pemaquid Settlement. Portraits. 8vo. Albany, 1873. 3 50 1060 JOHNSTON (Charles). Narrative of the Incidents attending the Capture, Detention, and Ransom of. Made Prisoner by the Indians on the Ohio River, 1790. With a Sketch of Indian Character, Manners, etc. 12mo. boards. New York, 1827. 2 00 1061 Another copy, half morocco, edges uncut. 3 00 1062 JOHNSTON (Gen. Joseph E.) Narrative of Military Operations directed during the Late War between the States. Steel plates and maps. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1874. 5 00 1063 JOHONNOT. The Remarkable Adventures of Jackson Johonnot of Massachusetts, who served in the Western Army under Gen. Harmar and Gen. St. Clair. Containing an Account of his Captivity, Suffering, and Escape from the Kickapoo Indians. 8vo. Greenfield, Mass., 1816. 5 00 1064 JONES (Chas. C., Jr.) Monumental Remains of Georgia. 8vo. large paper, boards, uncut. Savannah, 1861. 2 50 1065 JONES (Chas. C., Jr.) Historical Sketches of Tomo-chi-chi, Mico of the Yamacraws. 8vo. boards, uncut. Albany, 1868. 2 50 1066 JONES (Chas. C., Jr.) Antiquities of the Southern Indians, particularly of the Georgia Tribes. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, uncut. New York, 1873. 6 00 1067 JONES (Rev. David). A Journal of Two Visits made to some Nations of Indians on the West Side of the River Ohio, in the years 1772 and 1773 (Burlington, 1774); with a Biographical Notice of the Author, by Horatio G. Jones. Sabin's reprint. 8vo. sewed, uncut. New York, 1865. 2 50 1068 Another copy, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 4 00 56 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1069 JONES (E. F.) Stockbridge, Past and Present; or, Records of an Old Mission Station. 12mo. cloth. Springfield, 1854. 2 00 1070 JONES (Geo.) An Original History of Ancient America. Founded upon the Ruins of Antiquity. The Identity of the Aborigines with the People of Tyrus and Israel, with the Introduction of Christianity by the Apostle St. Thomas. 8vo. cloth. London, 1843. 4 00 1071 JONES (Geo;.) Tecumseh, the Prophet of the West; Life and History of General Harrison, and the First Oration on the Life, Character, and Genius of Shakspeare. 1 vol. 8vo. cloth. London, n. d. 1 75 1072 JONES (Hugh). The Present State of Virginia, giving a Particular and Strict Account of the Indian, English, and Negro Inhabitants of that Colony. (London, 1794.) Sabin's reprint. 8vo. paper, uncut. New York, 1865. 4 00 1073 -JONES (J. B.) Wild Western Scenes. A Narrative of Adventures in the Western Wilderness, wherein the Exploits of Daniel Boone are particularly described. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1865. 1 25 1074 JONES (John Paul). Life and Correspondence of, including his Narrative of the Campaign of the Liman. By Miss Jenette Taylor. 8vo. full bound. Hew York, 1830. 3 00 1075 JONES (John Paul). The Life and Character of, during the Revolutionary War. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1851. 2 50 1076 JONES (John Paul). Life and Correspondence of. Including his Narrative of the Campaign of the Liman. Portrait. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York, 1830. 3 00 1077 JONES (John Paul). Life of. By Alex. Slidell Mackenzie. 2 vols. 16mo. cloth. New York, n. d. 2 00 1078 JONES (John Paul). Life of. With an Account of his Service in the American Revolution. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1869. 1 00 1079 JONES (Maurice C.) A Red Rose from the Olden Time; or, A Ramble through the Annals of the Rose Inn, on the Barony of Nazareth, in the days of the Province. Small 4to. sewed. Philadelphia, 1872. 1 25 1080 JONES (U. J.) Historyof the Early Settlement of the Juniata Valley, embracing an Account of the Early Pioneers, and the Trials and Privations incident'to the Settlement of the Valley, Predatory Incursions, Massacres, and Abductions by the Indians during the French and Indian Wars, and the War of the Revolution. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1856. 3 50 1081 JON ES (J. S.) A Defense of the Revolutionary History of North Carolina from the Aspersions of Mr. Jefferson. 12mo. cloth, uncut. Boston, 1834. 2 50 1082 JOURNAL of Major George Washington, sent by the Hon. Robert Dinwiddie to the Commandant of the French Forces on Ohio. To which are added the Governor's Letter, and a Translation of the French Officer's Answer. 8vo. half morocco extra, uncut edges, with the map supplied in fac-simile. London, 1754. 19 00 1083 JOURNAL of a Young Man of Massachusetts, who was captured at Sea by the British, 1813, and confined in Halifax, Chatham, Eng., and at Dartmoor Prison; with Observations, Anecdotes, and Remarks. Plate missing. 16mo. half morocco. Boston, 1816. 2 00 1083T' Another edition, sheep. Lexington, Ky., 1816. 2 00 1084 JOURNALS of Congress. Containing the Proceedings from 1774 to 1784. 9 vols. 8vo. boards, entirely uncut. Philadelphia, 1777-84. 11 50 1085 KALM (Peter). Travels into North America. Containing its Natural History, and an Account of its Plantations and Agriculture in general, with the Civil, Ecclesiastical and Commercial State of the Country. 2 vdls. 12mo. full bound. London, 1772.. 5 00 1086 Another edition, 3 vols. half bound. Warrington, 1770. 6 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 57 1087 KANE (E. K.) Arctic Explorations: The Second Grinnell Expedition in Search of Sir John Franklin, 1853-5. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1856. 8 00 1088 KANE (Thomas L.) The Mormons. A Discourse delivered before the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, March, 1850. 8vo. paper, pp. 84. Philadelphia, 1850. 75 1089 KEIM (De B. R.) San Domingo. Pen Pictures and Leaves of Travel. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1870. 1 50 1089O KEMBLE (Mrs. Fanny). Journal of a Residence on a Georgia Plantation. 12mo. cloth. New York. 1 50 1090 KENDALL (Amos). Autobiography of. Edited by his son-in-law, Williamn Stickney. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1872. 5 00 1091 KENDALL (G. W.) Narrative of the Texan Santa Fe Expedition. A Description of a Tou, through Texas and across the Great Southwestern Prairies, the Camanche and Cayvgua Hiunting Grounds. Map and illustrations. 2 vols. 12ino. cloth. New York, 1847. 3 00 1092 KENNEDY (W.) The Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Republic of Texas. Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1841. 3 00 1093 KENNEDY (William S.) The Plan of Union; or, A History of the Presbyterian and Congregational Churches of the Western Reserve, with Biographical Sketches of the Early Missionaries. 12mo. cloth. Hudson, 0., 1856. 1 50 1094 Another copy, half morocco, uncut edges, gilt top. By Bradstreet. 2 50 1095 KENNEDY (James). Probable Origin of the American Indians, with particular reference to that of the Caribs. 8vo. cloth. London, 1854. 1 50 1096 KERCHEVAL (Samluel). A History of the Valley of Virginia. 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. Winchester, 1833. 15 00 1097 KETCHUM (William). An Authentic and Comprehensive History of Buffalo, with some Account of its Early Inhabitants, both Savage and Civilized. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Buffalo, 1864. 5 00 1098 Another copy, half morocco, extra gilt top. 7 00 1099 KENTUCKIAN (The) in New York; or, The Adventures of Three Southerners. By a Virginian. 2 vols. 12no.cloth. New York, 1834. 1 50 1100 KEYSTONE STATE (The). A History of the Origin of the Appellation "Keystone State," etc. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1874. 1 50 1101 KIDDER (Frederic). The Expeditions of Capt. John Lovewell, and his Encounters with the Indians, including a Particular Account of the Piquaket Battle, with a History of the Tribe. Square 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Boston, 1865. 4 00 1102 Another copy, boards, uncut. 3 00 1103 KIDDER (Frederic). Eastern Maine and Nova Scotia. Military Operations therein during the Revolution; From the Unpublished Papers, etc., of Colonel John Allen, etc. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1867. 4 00 1104 KIDDER (Frederic). History of the Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770. Consisting of the Narrative of the Town, the Trial of the Soldiers, and an Historical Introduction, containing Unpublished Documents of John Adams and Explanatory Notes. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1870. 3 00 1105 KILBOURN (John). Ohio Gazetteer; or, Topographical Dictionary. 12mo. pp. 114. Columbus, 1816. 2 00 1106 KILBOURN (John). Ohio Gazetteer; or, Topographical Dictionary of the Counties, Towns, Roads, Rivers, etc,, of the State of Ohio. 16mo. half morocco, gilt top. Columnbus, 1831. 1 50 1107 KIMBALL and JAMES' Business Directory for the Mississippi Valley. With a brief notice of the Discovery and Occupation of the Mississippi Valley, etc. 8vo. half bound. Cincinnati, 1844. 1 75 58 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1107- KING (John). A Commentary on the Law and True Construction of the Federal Constitution. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1871. 2 50 1108 KING (Thes. Starr). The White Hills: Their Legends, Landscapes, and Poetry. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, uncut, gilt top. New York, 1870. 3 50 1109 KING (Hon. Wm. R.) Obituary Addresses on the Occasion of the Death of. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1854. 50 1110 KINGMAN (Bradford). History of North Bridgewater, Plymouth County, Massachusetts, from its First Settlement to the Present Time. With family registers, portraits, and illustrations. Large 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1866. 5 00 1111 KINGSLEY (Charles). At Last: A Christmas in the West Indies. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1871. 1 50 1112 KINZIE (Mrs. John H.) Wau-Bnn, the " Early Day" in the Northwest. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1856. 3 50 1113 Another copy, newly half bound, red edges. 4 25 1114 KIP (Lawrence). Army Life on the Pacific: A Journal of the Expedition against the Northern Indians, the tribes of Spokans, Pelouzes, etc., in 1858. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1859. 1 25 1115 KIP (Wm. I.) The Early Jesuit Missions in North America; compiled and translated from the letters of the French Jesuits. With notes. 12mo. cloth. Albany, 1866. 2 00 1116 KIRKE (Henry). The First English Conquest of Canada. With some account of the Earliest Settlements in Nova Scotia and New Foundland. Map. 8vo. cloth. London, 1871. 2 00 1117 KNAPP (H. S.) History of the Maumee Valley, commencing with its Occupation by the French, 1680. To which is added Sketches of some of its Moral and Malterial Resources, as they exist in 1872. Numerous portraits. 8vo. sheep. Toledo, 1872. 6 50 1118 KNAPP (H. S.) A History of the Pioneer and Modern Times of Ashland County, Ohio, from the Earliest to the Present Time. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1863. 5 00 1119 Another copy, half morocco, gilt top. 6 50 1120 KNIGHT and SLOVER. Indian Atrocities. Narrative of the Perils and Sufferings of Dr. Knight and John Slover among the Indians during the Revolutionary War. 12tno. paper, uncut. Cincinnati, 1867. 75 1121 Another copy. First edition. 18mo. boards. Nashville, 1843. 2 00 1122 KOHL (J.G.) Kitchi-Gami: Wanderings around Lake Superior. 8vo. cloth. London, 1860. 4 00 1123 Another copy, newly half bound. 4 00 1124 Another copy, half calf. 4 50 1125 KONINGSMARKE. The Long Finne. A Story of the New World. 3 vols. 12mo. half bound. London, 1823. 1 75 1126 LA BAR (George). The Centenarian of Monroe County, Pa., Reminiscences of; with Incidents in the Early Settlement of the Pennsylvania. side of the River Valley, from Easton to Buskirk. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia. 1 25 1127 LAFAYETTE (Gen.) Recollections of the Private Life of. By Al. Jules Cloquet. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. London, 1835. 1 75 1128 LAFAYETTE (Gen.) Life of, Marquis of France, General in the United States Army, etc. 12mo. cloth. New York. 1 75 1129 LAHONTAN (Baron). New Voyages to North America. Containing an Account of the several Nations of that vast Continent, their CLustoms, Commerce, Way of Navigation upon the Lakes and Rivers; various Adventures between the French and the Iroquese, Confederates of England; a Geographical Description of Canada, etc. Twenty-three maps and cuts. 2 vols. 12mo. calf. London, 1735. 15 00 1130 Another edition, 2 vols. in 1, calf, broken. London, 1703. 13 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 59 1131 LAMB (Gen. John). Memoir of the Life and Times of, who commanded the Post at West Point at the Time of Arnold's Defection. By I. Q. Leake. Portrait. 8vo. new half morocco. Albany, 1857. 3 00 1132 LAMB (R.) An Original and Authentic Journal of Occurrences during the late American War, from its Commencement to the year 1783. 8vo. old calf. Dublin, 1809. 2 50 1133 LAMBERT (John). Travels through Canada and the United States of North America in the years 1806-7-8; to which are added Biographical Notices and Anecdotes of some of the Leading Characters in the United States. Malp and plates. Second edition. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, uncut. London, 1813. 7 00 1134 Another edition, 3 vols. half calf, neat. London, 1810. 7 00 1135 LANMAN (Charles). The Red Book of Michigan; a Civil, Military, and Biographical History. 8vo. cloth. Detroit, 1871. 4 00 1136 LAN IAN (Charles). Letters from the Alleghany Mountains. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1849. 1 50 1137 LANIMAN (Charles). Dictionary of the United States Congress. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1859. 3 75 1138 LAN MAN (James H.) History of Michigan, Civil and Topographical, in a Compendious Form, with a View of the Surrounding Lakes. Map. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1839. 8 50 1139 LARIMER (Mrs. Sarah L.) The Capture and Escape; or, Life among the Sioux. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1871. 1 50 1140 LAS CASAS (Don B. de). A Relation to the First Voyages and Liscoveries made by the Spaniards in America. With an Account of their Unparalleled Cruelties on the Indians, in the Destruction of above Forty Millions of People. Illustrated. 12mo. full bound. London, 1699. 5 00 1141 LAS CASAS. Life of "The Apostle of the Indes." By Arthur Helps. 12mo. cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1868. 2 75 1141 LA TOUR (A. L.) Historical Memoir of the War in West Florida and Louisiana, in 1814-15. With atlas of maps. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut, fine copy. Philadelphia, 1816. 8 00 1143 LATROBE (Charles Joseph). The Rambler in North America. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1835. 2 00 1144 LA. VEGA (G. de). The Royal Commentaries of Peru: Treating of the Ori-inal of their Incas or Kings, etc., and describing the manner by which that New World was conquered by the Spaniards. Illustrated. 2 vols. 4to. full bound. London, 1688. 15 00 1145 LAW (John). The Colonial History of Vincennes (Indiana) under the French, British, and American Governments, from its First Settlement down to the Territorial Administration of Gen. W. H. Harrison, being an Address before the Vincennes Historical and Antiquarian Society, with additional notes and illustrations. 8vo. cloth. Vincennes, 1858. 1 50 1146 LAWS of the Territory of the United States Northwest of the Ohio. 12mo. Title-page supplied in manuscript. Cincinnati, 1796. Also, Laws passed in the Territory of the United States Northwest of the Ohio River. 12mo. Title supplied in manuscript. Philadelphia, 1794. Also, Laws of the Territorv of' the United States Northwest of the River Ohio. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1798. The three vols. 7 50 1147 LAWS (The) of the United States of America. Published by authority. From the First to the End of the Fourth Session, 1789-1796. 3 vols. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1796. 5 00 60 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1148 LAWSON (A.) The Iron Industries of Ironton and the Hanging Rock Region. 8vo. pp. 26. Cincinnati, 1871. 25 1149 LEAVES from a Trooper's Diary. With an Account of the Mutiny in the Anderson Cavalry. 16mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1869. 1 00 1150 LE DUC (W. G.) Minnesota Year-book for 1851 and 1852. 12mo. boards. St. Paul. Each, 75 115] LEDYARD (John). Memoirs and Travels of, from his Journals and Correspondence. By Jared Sparks. 12mo. half calf. London, 1828. 1 75 1152 LEE (Charles). The Treason of, Major-General, second in command of the American Army of the Revolution. By Geo. H. Moore. Portrait. 8vo. cloth, uncut. New York, 1860. 3 00 1153 LEE (General). Proceedings of General Court-martial, held at Brunswick, in the State of New Jersey, by order of General Washington, for the Trial of Major-General Lee. 8vo. half morocco, uncut. New York, 1864. 10 00 1154 LEE (Edmund F.) Notes on the Mammoth Cave. With the rare map. 48mo. pp. 30. Cincinnati, 1835. 1 25 1155 LEE (H.) Observations on the Writings of Thomas Jefferson, with particular reference to the attack they contain on the memory of the late Gen. Henry Lee. Portrait. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York, 1832. 3 00 1156 LEE (Henry). Memoirs of the War in the Southern Department of the United States. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1812. 4 00 1157 Another edition, boards, uncut. Washington, 1827. 3 00 1158 Another copy, cloth. 2 50 1159 LETTER to the Secretary of War; or, Review of the Controversy on the Question of Rank between Generals Scott and Gaines. 12mo. pp. 88, boards. 1 00 1160 LETTERS about the Hudson River and its Vicinity, written in 1835-6. 16mo. cloth. New York, 1836. 75 1161 LETTERS descriptive of the Virginia Springs, the Roads leading thereto, and the Doings thereat. Map. 18mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1837. 75 1162 LEWIS and CLARKE (Capts.) The Travels of, from St. Louis, by way of the Missouri and Columbia Rivers, to the Pacific Ocean, in 1804-5-6. By Merriwether Lewis. Map. 8vo. half calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges. London, 1809. 6 50 1163 LEWIS (M. G.) Journal of a West India Proprietor, kept during a Residence in Jamaica. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1834. 1 75 1164 LEWIS (Samuel). Biography of, first Superintendent of Common Schools of the State of Ohio. By Wm. G. W. Lewis. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1857. 1 75 1165 LEZAY-MARNEZIA (C1. Fr. Ad. de). Lettres ecrites Des Rives de L'Ohio. By Citoyen de Pensylvanie au Fort-Pitt. 8vo. half morocco, uncut edges. Paris, n. d. 4 50 1166 LIBELL (A) of Spanish Lies found at the Sacke of Cales, discoursing the Fight in the West Indies, arid the death of Sir Francis Drake. 12,no. boards. London, 1596. Only 25 copies reprinted. 4 00 1167 LIBRARY of American History; containing Biographical Sketches, etc., Fac-similes of the Handwriting of the Signers, Revolutionary Anecdotes, etc. 150 illustrations. Royal 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati. 2 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 61 LICKING COUNTY (OHIO) PIONEER PAMPHLETS11(C8 SMUCKER (Isanc). History of the Welsh Settlements in Licking County, Ohio, with Biographical Sketches of our leading Welshmen, etc. 8vo. pp. 22, paper. Newark, 1869. 35 1169 HERVEY (Rev. H. M.) Historical Sketches of the Presbyterian Churches in Licking County, Ohio. 8vo. pp. 22, paper. Newark, 1869. 35 1170 SMUCKER (Isaac). An Account of the Celebration of American Independence by the Licking County Pioneers, Dr. Coulter's Address, and some Historical Sketches. 8vo. pp. 35, paper. Newark, 1869. 35 1171 V INTER (Jacob). Historical Sketches of the Disciple Churches in Licking County, Ohio. Svo. pp. 7, paper. Newark, 1869. 25 1172 PARK (Samuel). Notes of Early History of Union Township, Licking County, Ohio. Terre Haute, 1870. And "American Antiquities," a paper read before the Pioneer Societies at Pataskala, Ohio, July 4, 1870. 8vo. pp. 56, paper. Terre Haute, 1870. 50 1173 OUR PIONEERS, by Isaac Smucker; the Pioneer Women of the West, by Mrs. C. Springer; and a Poem, "The Pioneers of Licking," by A. B. Clark. 8vo. pp. 33, paper. Niewark, 1872. 35 1174 LIEBER (Francis). The Life, Character, and Writings of. By M. Russell Thayer. 8vo. pp. 50, uncut. Philadelphia, 1873. 75 1175 LIFE ON THE LAKES: Being Tales and Sketches collected during a trip to the Pictured Rocks of Lake Superior. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1836. 2 50 1176 LILLY (Lambert, Schoolmaster). The Early History of the Southern States, illustrated by Tales, Sketches, etc. Illustrated. 16mo. boards. Philadelphia, 1832. 75 1177 LILLY (Lambert). The History of the Western States, illustrated by Tales, Sketches, and Anecdotes. Illustrated. 16mo. cloth. Boston, 1844. 75 1178 LITERARY MAGAZINE AND AMERICAN REGISTER, from October, 1803, to June, 1805. 3 vols. 8vo. half bound, uncut edges. Philadelphia, 1804-5. 6 00 1179 LITTELL (John). Family Records; or, Genealogies of the First Settlers of Passaic Valley and Vicinity, and their Descendants. Includes the names of many settlers of the Miami Country, Ohio. 8vo. cloth. Feltville, N. J., 1851. 4 00 1180 LITTELL (William). Political Transactions in and concerning Kentucky, fronm- the First Settlement thereof until it became an Independent State, in 1792. 12mo. half morocco, uncut edges. Frankfort, 1806. Bottom of title-page and date torn. 11 50 1181 LITTLE OSAGE CAPTIVE (The). An Authentic Narrative; to which are added some Interesting Letters written by Indians. Plate. 18mo. boards, uncut. York, 1824. 1 25 1182 LITTLE ROCK CITY DIRECTORY, 1872-73, with a Sketch of the City. 8vo. half bound. Little Rock, 1872. 1 25 1183 LIVERMORE (G.) An Historical Research respecting the Opinions of the Founders of the Republic on Negroes as Slaves, as Citizens, and as Soldiers. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1863. 2 25 1184 LIVES OF EMINENT INDIVIDUALS Celebrated in American History. Portraits. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1847. 3 00 1185 LIVES AND VOYAGES of Drake, Cavendish, and Dampier, and the History of the Bucaniers. Portraits. 16mo. cloth. New York, 1836. 75 1186 LIVINGSTON (Wm.) A Memoir of the Life of, of New Jersey. With Extracts from his Correspondence and Notices of various Members of his Family. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1833. 1 50 62 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1187 LLOYD (James). Steamboat Directory, and Disasters on the Western Wa\ters; containinr tle Histoiv (of the First Applicition of Steam as as lotive Powelr, tile Lives of' Jolln Fitch and lcobert Fulton, Lil;enesses and En-rayvinns of' the First Sten;lb(oats Early Scenes on the Western WVaterls, froml 1798 to 1812. Alaps of tlhe Ohio and Mlississippi Rivers, etc. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1856. 4 00 1188 LOCKE (RI. A.) The Moon Hoax; or, A Discovery that the Moon has a vast population of' Human I3eings. 8vo. pp. 63. New York, 1859. 75 1189 LOG CABIN (The); or, World before You. Also, A New HomeWhlo'li Follow; or, Glimpses of Western Life. By Mary Clavers. 18mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1844. 1 50 1190 LONG (Stephen H.) Narrative of an Expedition to the Source of the St. Peter's River, etc., performed in 1823. Compiled by Wm. H. Keating. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. Philadelphia, 1824. 6 00 1191 Another copy, half morocco, uncut edges. 7 00 1192 Another copy, half calf. 5 00 1193 LONG (Stephen H.) Voyage in a Six-oared Skiff to the Falls of Saint Anthony in 1817. 8vo. paper, pp. 87. l'hiladelphial, 1860. 1 50 1194 LONG ISLAND HISIORICAL SOCIETY (AMemoirs of the). Vol. 2. Tile Balttle of Long Island, with Preceding and Subsequent Events. 8vo. cloth. Brooklyn, 1869. 4 00 1195 LOOMIS' PITTSBURG ALMANAC, for the year 1841. 12mo. paper, uncut. Corner stained with ink. 30 1196 LORING (C. G.) Neutral Relations of England and the United States. 8vo. paper, uncut, pp. 116. Boston, 1863. 50 1197 LOSKIEL (G. H.) History of the Mission of the United Brethren amnong the Indians of North America. 8vo. half calf, fine copy. London, 1794. 7 50 1198 LOSSING (Benson J.) Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution; or, Illustrations by Pen and Pencil of the History, Biography, Scenery, Relics, and Traditions of the War of Independence. 2 vols. royal bvo. cloth. New York, 1860. 14 00 1199 LOSSING (Benson J.) The Pictorial Field Book of the War of 1812; or, Illustrations by Pen and Pencil of the History, Biography, Scenery, R{elics, and Traditions of the Last War of Independence. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1869. 7 00 1200 LOSSING (Benson J.) Lives of Celebrated Americans. Comprising Bio(graphies of Three Hundred and Forty Eminent Persons. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Hartford, 1869. 3 00 1201 LOUISIANA. An Account of; being an Abstract of Documents in the Departllent of State. 8vo. pp. 50. Philadelphia, 1803. 75 1202 LOVEJOY (Rev. Elijah P.) A Discourse in Commemoration of the Martrydon of. By Beriah Green. 8vo. pp. 18, paper. New York, 1838. 50 1203 LUZERNE (F.) The Lost City. Drlnam of the Fire Fiend; or, Chicago as it was and as it is, and its Glorious Future. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1872. 2 00 1204 LYELL (Sir Charles). A Second Visit to the United States of North America. 2 vols. bound in 1, 12mo. half calf neat. New Yorlk, 1849. 2 50 1205 LYMAN FAMIILY. Genealogv of, in Great Britain and America. The Ancestors and Descendants of Richard Lyman, from High Ongar, in Englanlcl, 1631. By LynCanIColeman. 8vo. half sheep. Albany, 1872. 5 00 1206 LYMAN (Palson W.) History of Easthampton; its Settlement and Growth. Together with a Genealogical Record of its Original Families. l2tmo. boards, uncut. Northalmpton, 1866. 1 75 1207 Another copy, half morocco. 2 25 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 63 1208 LYNCHBURG (Va.) Sketches and Recollections of. By the Oldest Inhabitant. 12mo. cloth. Richmond, 1858. 1 50 1209 AMcAFEE (Robert B.) History of the ILate War in the Western Country, comprising a full Account of all the Transactions in that Qilarter, from the Conilnencement of Hostilities at Tippecanoe, to the Termination of the Conte-t at New Orleans, on the Return of Peace. 8vo. half morocco, gilt top. Lexington, 1816. 15 00 1210 McBRIDE (James). Pioneer Biography; being Sketches of the Lives of sonime of the Early Settlers of Butler County, Ohio. Containing detailed Accounts of Harnmar's, St. Clair's, and Wayne's Canipaign%, and many of the Early Conflicts with the Indians in Ohio and Kentucky. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth.' Cincinnati, 1869-71.'$6.50; large paper, 13 00 1211 iNIcCANDLESS (Wilson). Annual Address delivered before the Board of Trade of the City of Pittsburgh. 8vo. pp. 34. Pittsburgh, 1841. 50 1212 MIcCLINTOCK (Capt.) Narrative of the Discovery of the Fate of Sir John Franklin and his Comipanions. Maps and illustrations. 12muo. Boston, 1860. 1 75 1213 Another edition, map, boards. Philadelphia, 1860. 1 25 1214 MlcCLUNG (John A.) Sketches of Western Adventure; containing an Account of the most interesting Incidents connected with the Settlement of the West, from 1755 to 1794, with an appendix. Also, additional Sketches of Adventure. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Covington, Ky., 1872. 2 00 12i5 Another edition, cloth. Maysville, 1832. 1 50 1216 Another edition, cloth. Cincinnati, 1851. 1 50 1211 MlcCLUNG (J. W.) linnesota as it is in 1870. Its'General Resources and Attractions for Immigrants, Invalids, etc. With Special Descriptions of all its Counties and Towns, their Topography, Population, etc. 12mo. pp. 2L96, sewed. St. Paul, 1870. 1 50 1218 MlcCLURE (A. K.) Three Thousand ]Miles through the Rocky Mountains. 12mio. cloth. Philadelphia, 1869. 2 00 1219 McCONKEY (H. E. B.) Dakota War Whoop; or, Indian Massacres and War in Minnesota. Photo portrait. 12mo. cloth. St. Paul, 1863. 1 75 1220 McCOOK (Daniel). Trial of, on Articles of Impeachment for Breach of good Behayior in Office. 8vo. pp. 72, toards. Cincinnati, 1839. 50 1221 McCOSH (James.) Inauguration of, as President of the College of New Jersey. 8vo. paper, pp. 96. New York, 1868. 50 1222 McCOY (Isaac). History of Baptist Indian MIissions. Embracing Remarks on the former taid present Condition of the Aboriginal Tribes, their Settlement within the indian Territojy, etc. 8vo. cloth. Washingrton, 1840. 2 75 1223 M'GAW (James F.) Philip Seymour, or, Pioneer Life in Richland County, Ohio. Founded on Facts. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Mllansfield, 1858. 4 00 1224 McGREGOR (John). British America. Map. 2 vols. 8vo. full calf. Edinburgh, 1833. 4 00 1225 MACKAY (Charles). Life and Liberty in America; or, Sketches of a'Tour in the United States and Canada, in 1857-58. Plates. 12rno. cloth. New York, 1859. 2 50 1226 McKENNEY (Thos. L.) and HALL (James). History of the Indian Tribes of North Americe, with Biiographical Sketches and Anecdots of lihe Principal Chiefs. Erub(,lli-hed with I 2t portraits, from tile indinn Gallery in the Department of War, tit Washington. 3 vols., size 15x21 inches, bound in half morocco, neat, full gilt edges. A superb copy. Philadelphia, 1838.. 125 00 64 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1227 McKENNEY (Thomas L.) Sketches of a Tour to the Lakes, of the Character and Customs of the Chippeway Indians, and of Incidents connected with the T'reaty of Fond Du Lac. Also, a Vocabulary of the Algic, or Chippeway Language. 8vo. boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1827. 5 00 1228 McKENNEY (Thomas L.) Memoirs, Official and Personal; with Sketches of Travels among the Northern and Southern Indians. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1846. 4 00 1229 McKNIGHT (Charles). Old Fort Du Quesne; or, Captain Jack the Scout. An Historical Novel. With copious Notes. Illustrated. 12mo. Pittsburg, 1873. 2 50 1230 McLAUGHLIN (E. A.) The Lovers of the Deep, and a Variety of Mliscellaneous Poems. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1841. 50 1231 MACLAURIES (Mr.) A Narrative or Journal of Voyages and Travels through the Northwest Continent of America, in the years 1789 and 1793. Plate. 16mo. half morocco, by Riviere. London, 1802. 12 50 1232 M'MOUTRIE (H.) Sketches of Louisville and its Environs, a Florula Louisvillensis, and an Account of the Earthquakes of 1811. Map. 8vo. boards, uncut. Louisville, 1819. 4 00 1233 McSHERRY (James). History of Maryland, from its First Settlement in 1634, to the year 1848. 8vo. cloth. Baltimore, 1849. 4 00 1234 McSHERRY (Richard). Essays and Lectures on the Early History of Maryland, Mexico, and Mexican Campaign, etc. 8vo. cloth. Baltimore, 1869. 2 25 1235 MAD RIVER VALLEY PIONEER. Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 4. Springfield, 1870. 10 1236 MADISON (James). History of the Life and Times of. By William C. Reeves. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Boston, 1866. 10 50 1237 MADISON (James). Letters and other Writings of, fourth President of the United States. Portrait. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1867. 16 00 1238 MADISON AGONISTES; or, The Agonies of Mother Goose. Fragment of a Political Burletta, as acting, or to be acted, on the American Stage; to which are added, Sundry other Monologues, Dialogues, Songs, etc., as spoken or sung on the Boards of the Great Political Theater of Europe. 12mo. boards. London, 1814. 4 00 1239 MAGOON (Rev. E. L.) The Eloquence of the Colonial and Revolutionary Times. With Sketches of Early American Statesmen and Patriots. Delivered before the New England Society of Cincinnati. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1847. 75 1240 MAILLARD (N. Doran). The History of the Republic of Texas, from the Discovery ot the Country to the Present Time, and the Cause of her Separation from the Republic of Mexico. 8vo. cloth. Map. London, 1842. 3 50 1241 MANN (James). Medical Sketches of the Campaign of 1812,'13,'14. 8vo. boards. Dedham, 1816. 2 00 1242 MANUAL for the use of the Legislature of the State of New York, 1869. Map. 12mo. full bound. Albany, 1869. 60 1243 MARCY (Randolph B.) and McCLELLAN (Geo. B.) Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana in the year 1852; with Reports on the Natural History of the Country, and numerous illustrations. With maps. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1853. 2 50 1244 MARCY (Randolph B.) Border Reminiscences, etc. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1872. 2 00 1245 MARRYAT (Frank). Life in California. Mountains and Molehills; or, Recollections of a burnt Journal. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1855. 1 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 65 1246 MARSHALL (Christopher). Passages from the Remembrancer of. Edited by William Duane, Jr. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1839. 1 75 1247 MARSHALL (Humphrey). The History of Kentucly. Including an account of the Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of the Country. Vol. 1. 12mno. new halt morocco. Frankfort, 1812. (This is the first edition, the second volume of which was never published; the complete edition, which embraced the above, revised and rewritten, was not published until twelve years later. See next item.) 7 00 1248 MARSHALL (Humphrey). The History of Kentucky. An Account of the Modern Discovery, Settlement, Progressive Improvement, Civil and Military Transactions, and the Present State of the Country. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Frankfort, 1824. 12 00 1249 MARSHALL (Humphrey). Arbustrum Americanum. The American Grove; or, An Alphabetical Catalogue of Forest Trees and Shrubs natives of the American. United States. (Dedicated to B. Franklin.) 12mo. half calf. Philadelphia, 1785. 3 75 1250 MARSHALL (John). A History of the Colonies planted by the English on the Continent of North America, from their Settlement to their Independence. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1824. 2 50 1251 MARTIN (William T.) History of Franklin County, Ohio. A Collection of Reminiscences of the Early Settlement of that County, with Biographical Sketches and a complete History of the County to the present time. 8vo. cloth. Columbus, 1858. 5 00 1252 MARTIN (Wrn. T.) Franklin County Refgister; with Brief History of Settlement of the County. Map. 32mo. paper. Columbus, 1834. 2 50 1253 MARTINEAU (Harriet). Society in America. 2 vols. 12mo. half morocco. New York, 1837. 3 00 1254 Another copy, 3 vols. 12mo. half morocco. London, 1837. 5 00 1255 MARTYR (Peter). The Historie of the West Indies, containing the Actes and Adventures of the Spaniards, which have conquered and peopled those Countries, enriched with varietie of pleasant relation of the Manners, Ceremonies, Lawes, Governments, and Warres of the Indians. Small 4to. bound in vellum, neat, perfect copy. London, 1612. 30 00 1256 MARTYRS to the Revolution in the British Prison Ships in the Wallabout Bay. Map. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York, 1855. 1 50 1257 MASON (John). A Brief History of the Pequot War; especially of the memorable taking of their Fort at Mistick, in Connecticut, in 1637. 8vo. half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. Boston, 1736. Reprint, n. d. 3 50 1258 MASSACHUSETTS BAY. A Speech intended to have been spoken on the Bill for Altering the Charters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay. 12mo. half morocco. London, 1774. 2 00 1259 MASSACHUSETTS Historical Society Collections. Vol. 7 of the Third Series. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1838. 2 00 1260 MATHER (Cotton). Magnalia Christi Americana; or, The Ecclesiastical Historv of New England, from its First Planting in the year 1620, unto the vear of our Lord 1698. To which is added a Memoir of Cotton Mather, by Samuel G. Drake; also, a Comprehensive Index by another hand. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Hartford, 1855, 6 00 1261 MATHER (Cotton). The Christian Philosopher. A Collection of the Best Discoveries in Nature, with Religious Improvements. 12mo. full bound. London, 1721. 3 00 66 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1262 MATHER (Increase). The History of King Phillip's War; also, a History of the same War, by Rev. Cotton Mather. Introduction and Notes by S. G. Drake. Plates and maps. Small 4to. boards, uncut. Boston, 1862. 3 00 1263 Another copy, half morocco, uncut. 4 25 1264 MATHER (Increase). Early History of New England; with Introduction and Notes by Samuel G. Drake. Small 4to. cloth, uncut. Boston, 1864. 6 00 1265 MATHER (Nathaniel). Twenty-tliree Select Sermons preached at the Merchants' Lecture, at Pinner's Hall, wherein several Cases of Conscience and other Weighty Matters are propounded and handled. 12mo. old calf. London, 1701. 2 00 1266 MATTOCKS (Brewer). Minnesota as a Home for Invalids. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1871. 1 25 1267 MAUDUIT (Israel). A Short View of the History of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, with respect to their Charters and Constitution. 8vo. boards. London, 1774. 3 00 1268 MAURY (S. M.) The Statesmen of America in 1846. 12mo. boards. Philadelphia, 1847. 75 1269 MAY'S (Col.) Journey to the Ohio Country. Journal and Letters of Colonel John May, of Boston, relative to Two Journeys to the Ohio Country, in 1788 and 1789, with a Biographical Sketch by Rev. Richard S. Edes, of Bolton, Mass., and illustrative Notes by Wm. M. Darlington, of Pittsburg, Penn. 8vo. pp. 160, cloth, gilt top. Cincinnati. 2 00 1270 MAYER (Brantz). Observations on Mexican History and Archaeology, with a Special Notice of Zapotic Remains, as delineated in Mr. J. G. Sawkins' drawings of Mitla, etc. Illustrated. 4to. boards, uncut. Washington, n. d. 3 00 1271 MAYER (Brantz). Ta-ga-jute; or, Logan and Cresap. A Vindication of Captain Cresap against the Charge of murdering the Family of Logan. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1867. 2 50 1272 Another copy, 4to. half morocco, uncut, large paper. 4 50 1273 Another edition, 8vo. half morocco. Baltimore, 1851. 2 50 1274 MAYER (Brantz). Commerce, Literature, and Art. A Discourse before the Baltimore Atheneum. 8vo. pp. 52, boards. Baltimore, 1848. 60 1275 MAYHEW. Memoir of the Life and Writings of Rev. Jonathan Mayhew, D.D., Pastor of the West Church and Society, in Boston, from 1747 to 1766. By Allen Bradford. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1838. 1 50 1276 MEAD (Bishop). Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Virginia. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1861. 5 00 1277 MEAD (Daniel MA.) A History of the Town of Greenwich, Fairfield Co., Conn. With many important Statistics. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1857. 2 25 1278 MEASE (James). The Picture of Philadelphia; giving its Origin, Increase, and Improvements in Arts, Sciences, -Manufactures, Commerce, and Revenue. 12mo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1811. 2 50 1278'* Another copy, half morocco. 3 00 1279 MEEK (A. B.) Romantic Passages in Southwestern History; including Orations, Sketches, and Essays. 12mo. cloth. Mobile, 1857. 1 50 1280 MEEKER (N. C.) Life in the West; or, Stories of the Mississippi Valley. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1868. 2 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 67 1281 MELISHI (John). A Geographical Description of the United States, with the contiguous British and Spanish Possessions. With maps of Bost6n, New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, with the adjacent Country. 12mo. pp. 186, half bound. Philadelphia, 1818. 1 00 1282 Another edition, 8vo. pp. 507, half bound. Philadelphia, 1822. 2 50 1283 MELISH (John). Travels in the United States of America, in the Years 1806-11. Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. half calf. Philadelphia, 1812. 4 00 1284 MELLEN (Grenville). A Book of the United States, exhibiting its Geography, Divisions, Constitution, Government, etc., together with a Condensed History of the Land; the Biography of about Two Hundred of the Leading Men, and a Description of the Principal Cities and Towns, with Statistical Tables. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1839. 3 00 1285 MEMORIAL of the Dedication of Monuments erected by the Moravian Historical Society to mark the Sites of Ancient Missionary Stations in New York and Connecticut. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1860. 1 25 1286 MEMOIRS of an American Lady; with Sketches of Manners and Scenery in America, as they existed previous to the Revolution. 2 vols. 16mo. half bound. London, 1808. 1 75 1287 Another copy, boards, uncut. 2 00 1288 MEMORIAL of the Citizens of Cincinnati to Congress, relative to the Navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers. 8vo. pp. 36, boards. Cincinnati, 1843. 40 1289 MEMOIRS of a Life chiefly passed in Pennsylvania, within the last Sixty Years. 8vo. boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1822. 2 50 1290 Another copy, half calf. 2 50 1291 MEN and Manners in America. By the author of "Cyril Thornton," etc. 2 vols. 16mo. half calf. Edinburgh, 1833. 2 25 1292 MERCER (Silas). Tyranny Exposed and True Liberty Discovered. Wherein is contained the Scripture Doctrine concerning Kings; their Rise, Reign, and Downfall; together with the total Overthrow of Anti-Christ. 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. Halifax, 1783. 1 75 1293 MESSAGE of the President of the United States relative to France and Great Britain delivered December 5, 1793, with the Papers therein referred to. 12mo. half morocco, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1795. 3 00 1294 METCALFE (Samuel). A Collection of some of the most Interesting Narratives of Indian Warfare in the West, containing an Account of the Adventures of Daniel Boone, one of the first Settlers of Kentucky. Comprehending the most important Occurrences relative to its early History, etc. To which is added an Account of the Expeditions of Harmer, Scott, Wilkinson, St. Clair, and Wayne. 12mo. first five leaves inlaid, fine copy, half morocco, gilt top. Lexington. 1821. 16 00 1295 MICHAUX (T. A.) Travels to the Westward of the Alleghany Mountains in the States of Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and return to Charleston, through the Upper Carolinas. 8vo. full bound. London, 1805. 3 00 1296 Another copy, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 4 00 1297 Another edition, 8vo. half bound. 2 00 1298 Another copy, boards, uncut, map, Mawman's edition, 1805. 3 50 1299 Another copy, 8vo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 4 50 1300 MICHIGAN. Historical and Scientific Sketches of. Comprising -a Series of' Discourses delivered before the Historical Society of Michigan, and other interesting papers relative to the Territory. 16mo. cloth. Detroit, 1834. 12 00 1301 MICKLE (Isaac). Reminiscences of Old Gloucester; or, Incidents in the History of the Counties of Gloucester, Atlantic, and Camden, New Jersey. Illustrated. 8vo. half morocco. Philadelphia, 1845. 3 00 68 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1302 MILBURN (Win. H.) The Pioneer Preachers and People of the Mississippi Valley. 12mno. cloth. New York, 1860. 1 50 1303 MILES (George H.) A Discovery in Commemoration of the Landing of the Pilgrims of Maryland. 8vo. pp. 39, boards. Emmittsburg, 1847. 1 00 1304 MILL (Nicholas). The History of Mexico from the Spanish Conquest to the Present Era. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1824. 2 00 1305 MILLER (J. G.) The Great Convention. Description of the Convention of the People of Ohio, held at Columbus, February, 1840. 8vo. pp. 40, boards, uncut. Columbus. 75 1306 MILLER (Stephen F.) The Bench and Bar of Georgia. Memoirs and Sketches. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia. 5 00 1307 MILLS (S. J.) and SMITH (D.) Report of a Missionary Tour through that part of the United States which lies west of the Allegheny Mlountains; performed under the direction of the Massachusetts Missionary Society. 12mo. paper, pp. 64. Andover, 1815. 3 50 1308 MINER (Charles). History of Wyoming in a Series of Letters. Maps. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1845. 4 00 1309 MINERAL LANDS of the Ohio Great Vein Mining Company in the Sunday Creek Valley of Perry County, Ohio. 8vo. pp. 12, boards. Zanesville, 1870. 40 1310 MIINOT (Geo. R.) Continuation of the History of the Province of Massachusetts Bay from the year 1748, with an introductory Sketch of Events from its Original Settlement. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1798. 5 00 1311 Another copy, 2 vols. full bound, portrait inserted. 6 00 1312 MINOT (Geo. R.) The History of the Insurrection in Massachusetts in the year 1786, and the Rebellion consequent thereon. 8vo. half calf, uncut. Boston, 1810. 6 00 1313 Another copy. First edition, full bound. Worcester, 1788. 7 00 1314 MINNESOTA Historical Society Collections for the year 1867. 8vo. paper, pp. 61. St. Paul, 1867. 75 1315 MINNESOTA Historical Society Collections, Vol. 1. Being a Republication of the Original Parts issued in 1850-56. 8vo. cloth. St. Paul, 1872. 2 00 1316 MINNESOTA Historical Society Collections,'Vol. 3, part 2. 8vo. paper, uncut. St. Paul, 1874. 75 1317 MINNESOTA: Its Advantages to Settlers. 8vo. pp. 41. St. Paul, 1869. 40 1318 MINNESOTA: Its Place among the States. Being the first Annual Report of the Commissioner of Statistics. 8vo. paper. Hartford, 1869. 1 25 1319 MINNESOTA: Its Progress and Capabilities. Being a Second Annual Report of the Commissioner of Statistics. 8vo. paper, pp. 126. St. Paul, 1862. 1 00 1320 MINNESOTA as a Home for Immigrants; being the first and second Prize Essays awarded by the Board of Examiners. 8vo. paper, pp. 84. St. Paul, 1866. 50 1321 MISSISSIPPI QUESTION (The) fairly Stated, and Views and Arguments of those who clamor for War examined. By Camillus. 8vo. paper, pp. 48. Philadelphia, 1803. 1 00 1322 MOLLHAUJSEN (Baldwin). Diary of a Journey from the Mississippi to the Coasts of the Pacific, etc. Tinted plates. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1858. 5 00 1323 MOMBERT (J. I.) An authentic History of Lancaster County, in the State of Pennsylvania. Map. Royal 8vo. sheep. Lancaster, 1869. 5 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 69 1324 MIONETTE (John W.) History of the Discovery and Settlement of the Valley of the Mississippi by the great European Powers, Spain, France, and Great Britain, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1846. 10 00 1325 _MONFORT (J. G.) Presbyterianism North of the Ohio: A Historical Discourse. The Presbyterian Church in Ohio from 1790 to 1822. 12mo. pp. 12. Cincinnati, 1872. 15 1326 MONROE (James). The Tour of; together with a Sketch of his Life and Historical Notices of the places through which he passed. By S. P. Waldo. 16mo. sheep. Hartford, 1818. 1 25 1327 MONROE (James). View of the Conduct of the Executive in the Foreign Affairs of the United States, connected with the Mission to the French Republic, 1794-6. 8vo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1797. 1 00 1328 MONROE (James). The People the Sovereigns. Being a Comparison of the Government of the United States with those of the Republics which have existed before, with the Causes of their Decadence and Fall. Edited by Samuel D. Gouverneur. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1867. 1 75 1329 MONTAGUE'S Illinois and Missouri State Directory for 1854-5. 8vo. cloth. St. Louis, 1854. 1 25 1330 MONTGOMERY (James E.) Our Admiral's Flag Abroad. The Cruise of Adnm iral D. G. Farragut, commanding the European Squadron in 1867-68, in the flag-ship Franklin. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, gilt edge. New York, 1869. 6 00 1331 MOORE (Frank). Diary of the American Revolution. From Newspapers and original Documents. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1860. 5 00 1332 MOORMAN (J. J.) The Virginia Springs. With Remarks on the Nature and Medical Applicability of each. Map and plates. 12mo. cloth. Richmond, 1857. 1 50 1333 MOREHEAD (James T.) An Address in Commemoration of the First Settlement of Kentucky. Delivered at Boonesborough, the 25th of May, 1840. 8vo. pp. 181, paper. Frankfort, 1841. 3 00 1334 Another copy, half morocco. 3 75 1335 MORGAN (Henry J.) Sketches of celebrated Canadians and Persons connected with Canada. Thick 8vo. cloth. Montreal, 1865. 4 00 1336 MORGAN (Lewis H.) League of the Ho-de-no-saw-nee, or the Iroquois. Map, plates, and wood-cuts. 8vo. cloth. Rochester, 1851. 6 00 1337 MORMONS (The); or, Latter-day Saints. With Memoirs of the Life and Death of Joseph Smith, the "American Mahomet." Illustrated with 40 engravings. 12mo. cloth. London. 1 00 1338 MORRIS (J. G.) Martin Behaim, the German Astronomer and Cosmographer of the Times of Columbus. 8vo. pp. 48, boards. Baltimore, 1855. 60 1339 MORRIS (Gouverneur). The Life of. With Selections from his Correspondence and Miscellaneous Papers, detailing Events in the American Revolution, etc. By Jared Sparks. Portrait. 3 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. Boston, 1832. 6 00 1340 MORRIS (John G.) The Lords Baltimore. 8vo. paper, uncut, pp. 61. Baltimore, 1874. 1 50 1341 MIORSE (Jedediah). The American Gazetteer, exhibiting a much more Full and Accurate Account than has been given of the States, Provinces, Counties, Cities, Villages, Rivers, Mountains, Indian Tribes, New Discoveries, etc., on the American Continent. 8vo. old calf. London, 1798. 2 50 1342 MIORSE (Jedediah). The American Geography; or, A View of the Present Situation of the United States of America. 2 maps. 8vo. half bound. London, 1792. 2 50 70 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1343 MORSE (Jedediah). A Report to the Secretary of War of the United States on Indian Affairs. Comprising a Narrative of a Tour performed in the Summer of 1820. With maps and portraits of Pawnee Indians. 8vo. sheep. New Haven, 1822. 2 50 1344 MORSE (Jedediah) and PARISH (Rev. Elijah). A Compendious History of New England, exhibiting an Interesting View of its First Settlers, their Sufferings, etc. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1808. 2 00 1345 MOULTRIE (William). Memoirs of the American Revolution, so far as it related to the States of North and South Carolina and Georgia. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo. sheep. New York, 1802. 14 00 1346 Another copy, new half morocco. 16 00 1347 MOWRY (Sylvester). Arizona and Sonora. The Geography, History, and Resources of the Silver Region of North America. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 50 1348 MUDGE (Z. A.) Witch Hill: A History of Salem Witchcraft, including Illustrative Sketches of Persons and Places. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1871. 1 25 1349 MULFORD (Isaac S.) Civil and Political History of New Jersey. 8vo. cloth. Camden, 1848. 3 00 1350 MUNSELL (Charles). A Collection of Songs of the American Press, and other Poems relating to the Art of Printing. 12mo. cloth. Albany, 1868. 2 00 1351 MUNSELL (Joel). Collections on the History of Albany, N. Y., from its Discovery to the Present Time; with Notices of its Public Institutions and Biographical Sketches of Citizens deceased. 4 vols. super-royal 8vo. cloth. Albany. 25 00 1352 MURRAY (Hon. A. M.) Letters from the United States, Cuba, and Canada. 2 vols. in 1. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1856. 1 50 1353 MURRAY (Hon. Chas. A.) Travels in North America, including a Summer Residence with the Pawnee Tribe of Indians, and a Visit to Cuba and the Azore Islands. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. London, 1854. 2 50 1354 MURRAY (Hugh). Historical Account of Discoveries and Travels in North America, including United States, Canada, Shores of the Polar Sea, and the Voyages in Search of a Northwest Passage, with Observations on Emigration. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1829. 2 50 1355 MURRAY (Hugh). An Historical and Descriptive Account of North America. 2 vols. 16mo. cloth. New York, 1840. 75 1356 MURRAY (Rev. James). An Impartial History of the Present War in America, containing an Account of its Rise and Progress, etc. [Title of first volume neatly supplied in manuscript.] 2 vols. 8vo. half bound. Newcastle, 1780. 3 00 1357 MURRAY (William H. H.) Adventures in the Wilderness; or, Camp Life in the Adirondacks. Illustrated. 12mo. Boston, 1872. 1 50 1358 MURDER WILL OUT. The Horrors of the Queen City; being a correct Detail of over a Hundred Murders, which have taken place in Cincinnati and Hamilton County. By an old Citizen. 12mo. paper. Cincinnati, 1867. 25 1359 MUSE OF HESPERIA. A Poetic Reverie. By Thomas Pierce, author of "Odes of Horace in Cincinnati." 8vo. paper, uncut, pp. 52. Cincinnati, 1823. 1 00 1360 MUSTER-ROLL of Citizen Soldiers at North Point and Fort McHenry, September, 1814. 16mo. pp. 96. Baltimore. 60 1361 Another copy, boards. 75 1362 MYERS (H. M. and P. V. N.) Life and Nature under the Tropics; or, Sketches of Travels among the Andes and the Orinoco, Rio Negro, and Amazon. 12mo. Illustrated. New York, 1871. 2 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 71 1363 MYSTERIES of New York: and Eva Labree; or, The Resculed Chief. 18mo. cloth. London, 1847. 50 1364 NAMES of the Officers and Members of the Union League of Philadelphia, 1866. 8vo. paper, pp. 29. Philadelphia, 1866. 25 1365 NARRATIVE of Occurrences in the Indian Country of North America, since the Connection of the Earl of Selkirk with the Hudson Bay Company. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1817. 2 50 1366 NASON (Elias). A Monogram on our National Song. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1869. 1 00 1367 NATIONAL ALMANAC and Annual Record for 1863 and 1864. 12mo. cloth. Each, 75 1368 NAVIGATOR (The). Containing Directions for Navigating the Monongahela, Allegheny, Ohio, and Mississippi Rivers, etc., and a Concise Description of the Towns, Villages, Settlements, etc. 16mo. half bound. Pittsburgh, 1811. 2 50 1369 Another edition, 16mo. boards. Pittsburgh, 1808. 2 50 1370 NAVIGATOR (The). Containing Directions for Navigating the Monongahela, Alleghany, Ohio, and Mississippi Rivers; with an Appendix containing an Account of Louisiana, etc. 16mo. full bound. Pittsburgh, 1814. 2 00 1371 NEAL (Daniel). The History of New England. Containing an Impartial Account of the Civil and Ecclesiastical Affairs of the Country to the year 1700; to which is added the Present State of New England, with a new and accurate map of the Country, and an Appendix. 2 vols. 12mo. polished calf extra, beautiful copy, original edition. London, 1720. 18 00 1372 NEFF (J. K.) The Army and Navy of America; containing Historic Adventures, Battles, remarkable Incidents, etc., from the French and Indian War to the Close of the Florida War. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1845. 2 25 1373 NEILL (Edward D.) The History of Minnesota, from the Earliest French Explorations to the Present Time. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1858. 2 50 1374 NEILL (Edward D.) The English Colonization of America during the Seventeenth Century. 8vo. cloth. London, 1871. 5 00 1375 NEILL (Edward D.) History of the Virginia Company of London. With Letters to and from the first Colony never before printed. Small 4to. cloth, uncut, gilt top. Albany, 1869. 5 00 1376 NEILSON (Charles). An Original, Compiled, and Corrected Account of Burgoyne's Campaign, and the Memorable Battles of Bemis' Heights. Map. 12mo. cloth. Albany, 1844. 2 25 1377 NELL (W. C.) The Colored Patriots of the American Revolution. With Sketches of distinguished Colored Persons. Illustrations and facmile. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1855. 1 75 1378 NEVIN (Alfred). Churches of the Valley; or, An Historical Sketch of the old Presbyterian Congregation of Cumberland and Franklin Counties, in Pennsylvania. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 00 1379 NEVIN (Robert P.) Black Robes; or, Sketches of Missions and Ministers in the Wilderness and on the Border. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1872. 1 50 1380 NEW AND COMPLETE HISTORY of the British Empire in America. 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Title-pages wanting. 4 00 1381 NEWEL (C.) History of the Revolution in Texas, particularly of the War of 1835 and'36. Map. 16mo. cloth. New York, 1838. 2 00 1382 NEW ENGLAND HISTORICAL AND GENEALOGICAL REGISTER. Published quarterly, under the direction of the New England Histo, ic Genealogical Society. 22 vols. 8vo. Vols. 1 to 19 cloth, uncut edges; Vols. 20, 21, and 22, in parts. Boston, 1847-68. 88 00 72 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1383 NEW ENGLAND PRIMER (The). To which is added the Assembly of Divines and Mr. Cotton's Catechism. Boston, 1777. Fac-simile reprint. 48mo. boards. 50 1384 NEW JERSEY: An Analytical Index to the Colonial Documents of New Jersey, in the State Paper Offices of England. Compiled by Henry Stevens. Edited by William A. Whitehead. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1858. 3 00 1385 NEW MEXICO. First Annual Message of Governor Giddings to the Legislative Assembly of New Mexico. 8vo. pp. 54. Santa Fe, 1871. 35 1386 NEW ORLEANS BOOK (The). Edited by R. G. Barnwell. 12mo. cloth, gilt edges. New Orleans, 1851. 2 00 1387 NEWS FROM NEW ENGLAND. Being a true and last Account of the present Bloody Wars, as also the many Towns and Villages burnt by the merciless Heathens, and also the true number of Christians slain since the beginning of that War, etc. Small 4to. half morocco. London, 1676. Reprinted. Boston, 1850. 3 50 1388 NEWSPAPERS. The New York Gazette, revived in the Weekly Post Boy, from September 25, 1749, to December 10, 1750. 4to. half bound. 15 00 1389 NEWSPAPERS. Western Star and Lebanon Gazette, 31 numbers, for 1828; National Republican and Ohio Political Register, Cincinnati, 22 numbers, principally 1828; Liberty Hall, published in Cincinnati, by J. W. Browne & Co., about 100 numbers of 1812,'13,'14. The above are bound in one volume, folio, half calf. They are not perfect, some clippings having been made from them. 10 00 1390 NEWSPAPERS. The Western Spy, from July 21, 1815, to June 6, 1818, except 3 numbers. Folio, boards. Cincinnati. Sold as it is, some clippings having been made. 17 50 1391 NEW WORLD (The). Translated from the French of M. de Grandfort, by E. C. Wharton, of New Orleans. 8vo. cloth. New Orleans, 1855. 1 50 1392 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Collections of, for the year 1809. 8vo. half bound. New York, 1811. 2 00 1393 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY COLLECTIONS. Vol. 3. Portrait. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York, 1821. 2 50 1394 NEW YORK HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Proceedings of, for the year 1846. 8vo. paper. New York, 1847. 1 50 1395 NORMAN (B. AI.) Rambles in Yucatan; or, Notes of Travel through the Peninsula, including a Visit to the remarkable Ruins of Chi-cheil, Kabah, Zayi, and Uxmal. With numerous illustrations. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1843. 3 00 1396 NORMAN (B. M.) New Orleans and Environs; containing a brief Historical Sketch of the Territory and State of Louisiana and the City of New Orleans. Illustrated. 18mo. cloth. New Orleans, 1845. 1 00 1397 NORRIS (J. S.) The Early Friends (or Quakers) in Maryland. 8vo. paper, pp. 30. Baltimore, 1862. 40 1398 NORTH GEORGIA GAZETTE (The) and Winter Chronicle (published in the Arctic Regions during the Search for a Northwest Passage, 1819). 4to. boards, uncut. London, 1821. 3 50 1399 NORTHMIO1E (Thomas). Washington; or, Liberty Restored. A Poem in ten books. 16rno. boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1809. 1 25 1400 NORTHROP (N. B.) Pioneer History of Medina County, Ohio. 16mo. cloth. Medina, 1861. 2 00 1401 NORTON (A. Banning). A History of Knox County, Ohio, from 1779 to 1862, inclusive; containing Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, Statistics, etc., of the Early Settlement of the County, with a Sketch of Kenyon College. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Columbus, 1862. 3 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 73 1402 NORTON (John). Narrative. of the Capture and Burning of Fort Massachusetts by the French and Indians. Small 4to. uncut. Albany, 1870. 1 25 1403 NOVA BRITTANIA. Offering most Excellent fruites by Planting in Virginia, Exciting all such as be well affected to further the same. 4to. polished calf extra, gilt top, uncut edges, by Bedford. London, 1609. Reprinted, New York, 1867. 11 50 1404 NOYES (John H.) History of American Socialism. A complete view of all the Unsuccessful and Successful Socialistic Communities in this country. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1870. 4 00 1405 NUTTALL (Thomas). A Journal of Travels into the Arkansas Territory during the year 1819. With occasional Observations on the Manners of the Aborigines. Map and engravings. 8vo. half bound. Philadelphia, 1821. 3 00 1406 Another copy, boards, uncut. 3 00 1407 NUTTALL (T.) A Manual of the Ornithology of the United States and of Canada. The Land Birds. Thick 12mo. cloth, uncut. Cambridge, 1832. 6 00 1408 OBSERVATIONS ON THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION, by the Committee, for the Consideration of those who were desirous of comparing the Conduct of the opposed Parties. 12mo. half bound. Philadelphia, 1779. 4 00 1409 OBSERVATIONS ON CHURCH GOVERNMENT, by the Presbytery of Springfield, Ky. To which is added the Last Will and Testament of that Reverend Body. 16mo. pp. 23. Albany, 1808. 1 00 1410 O'CALLAGHAN (E. B.) A List of the Editions of the Holy Scriptures and Parts thereof, printed in America previous to 1860. Royal 8vo. half calf, uncut. Albany, 1861. 12 00 1411 O'CALLAGHAN (E. B.) The Documentary History of the State of New York. Arranged under direction of the Hon. Christopher Morgan. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1849. 7 00 1412 ODELL'S Dayton Directory and Business Advertiser, to which is prefixed. Curwen's Sketch of the History of the City. 12mo. half bound. Dayton, 1850. 2 00 1413 ODES OF HORACE IN CINCINNATI; as published in the "Western Spy and Literary Cadet," during the year 1821. 18mo. boards, uncut. Cincinnati, 1822. 2 50 1414 OFFICIAL JOURNAL of the Proceedings of the Convention of the State of Louisiana. 8vo. full bound. New Orleans, 1861. 3 50 1415 OFFICIAL LETTERS of the Military and Naval Officers of the United States during the War with Great Britain, 1812-15. Collected by John Brannan. 8vo. sheep. Washington City, 1823. 2 00 1416 OGDEN (George W.) Letters from the West. Comprising a Tour through the Western Country, and a residence of two Summers in the States of Ohio and Kentucky. 12mo. boards, entirely uncut, fine clean copy. New Bedford, 1823. 5 00 1417 OGLETHORPE (Gen. James). A Memoir of, Founder of Georgia, in America. By Robert Wright. 12mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1867. 1 75 1418 OGLETHORPE (James). Biographical Memorials of, Founder of the Colony of Georgia, in North America. By Thaddeus M. Harris. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1841. 4 00 1419 OHIO.. Constitution of the State of, passed in Convention, March 10, 1851. 8vo. half bound. Colpmbus, 1852. 50 1420 OHIO HISTORICAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL SOCIETY. Annual Discourse at Columbus,1837. By Timothy Walker. 8vo. pp. 27, boards. Cincinnati, 1838. 75 74 Robert Clarke & Co.. Cincinnati. 1421 OHIO RAILROAD GUIDE. Cincinnati to Erie, via Columbus and Cleveland. Profusely illustrated with plates. Map. 12mo.cloth. Columbus, 1854. 1 00 1422 Another copy, beautifully bound in half calf, gilt top, uncut edges. 2 25 1423 OHIO. Report of the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations on the Petition of Thomas Walpole, Benjamin Franklin, and others for a Grant on Lands on the River Ohio, in North America, for the purpose of erecting a New Government. 12mro. pp. 109. London, 1772. 5 50 1424 OHIO VALLEY HISTORICAL MISCELLANIES. I. A Tour in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana Territory in 1805. By Josiah Espy. II. Two Western Campaigns in War of 1812: 1. Expedition of Captain Henry Brush with Supplies for General Hull; 2. Expedition of Governor Meigs for the Relief of Fort Meigs, 1813. By Samuel Williams. III. The Leatherwood God; an Account of the Appearance and Pretensions of Joseph C. Dylks in Eastern Ohio in 1828. By R. H. Taneyhill. 8vo. cloth, uncut, or gilt top, $2.50. Large paper, imperial 8vo. 5 00 1425 OJIBWA TESTAMENT. 16mo. sheep, neat. New York, 1856. 1 00 1426 OKAH TUBBEE. A Sketch of the Life of, alias William Chubbe, son of the Head Chief, Mosholeh Tubbe, of the Choctaw Nation of Indians. 16mo. paper. Springfield, 1848. 1 00 1427 OLMSTED (F. L.) A Journey through Texas; or, A Saddle Trip on the Southwestern Frontier. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1859. 1 75 1428 OLMSTED (F. L.) A Journey in the Back Country. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1860. 1 75 1429 OLDEN TIME (The). A Monthly Publication devoted to the Preservation of Documents and other Authentic Information in relation to the Early Explorations, and the Settlement and Improvement of the Country around the Head of the Ohio. Edited by Neville B. Craig. 2 vols. 8vo. half bound. Pittsburgh, 1846-48. 45 00 1430 OLDEN TIME IN NEW YORK (The). 1. New York Society in Olden Time; 2. Traces of American Lineage in England. Royal 8vo. large paper. New York, 1872. 2 00 1431 OLD NEW ENGLAND TRAITS. Edited by George Lunt. 12mo. cloth, gilt top. New York, 1873. 1 50 1432 OLD SUN INN (The), at Bethlehem, Pa., 1758, now the Sun Hotel. An authentic History. 8vo. pp. 51. Doylestown, Pa., 1873. 75 1433 OLD TIMES IN WEST TENNESSEE. Reminiscences-Semi-Historic-of Pioneer Life and the Early Emigrant Settlers in the Big Hatchie Country. 12rno. cloth. Memphis, 1873. 2 00 1434 OLIPHANT (Laurence). Minnesota and the Far West. 8vo. cloth. London, 1855. 2 50 1435 ORATIONS, delivered at the Request of the Inhabitants of the town of Boston, to commemorate the evening of the 5th of March, 1770. 12mo. boards, uncut. Boston, 1807. 2 00 1436 O'REILLY (Henry). Sketches of Rochester; with Incidental Notices of Western New York. A Collection of Matters designed to illustrate the progress of Rochester, during the first quarter century of its existence. Map and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. Rochester, 1838. 3 00 1437 ORIGIN AND ISSUE of the American War. By Dan Gow. 16mo. pp. 46. London. 25 1438 ORTON (James). The Andes and the Amazon; or, Across the Continent of South America. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1870. 2 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 75 1439 OTHER SIDE OF THE QUESTION (The). (Shakerism.) In three Parts. Comprising a general vindication of the character of Mother and the Elders against Public Slander, Misguided Zeal of Lawless Mobs, etc. Published by order of the United Society at Union Village, Ohio. 16mo. paper, pp. 175. Cincinnati, 1819. 2 50 1440 OUSELEY (W. G.) Remarks on the Statistics and Political Institutions of the United States, etc., to which are added Statistical Tables. 8vo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1832. 1 00 1441 PAINE (Lewis W.) Narrative of. Six Years in a Georgia Prison. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1852. 1 00 1442 PALFREY (John Gorman). History of New England during the Stuart Dynasty. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1865. 10 00 1443 The same, condensed. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 5 00 1444 PALMER (John). Journal of Travels in the United States of North America and Lower Canada, in 1817, etc. Map. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1818. 3 00 1445 PALMER (P. S.) History of Lake Champlain, from its Exploration by the French, in 1609, to the close of 1814. Plates. 8vo. paper. Albany, 1866. 3 00 1446 Another copy, royal 8vo. large paper, half moroccru-ncut. 5 00 1447 PALMER (T. H.) The Historical Register of the United States, from. the Declaration of War in 1812 to the end of the War in 1815; containing a comprehensive Narrative of Events, with copies of Official Documents, Reports, etc. 4 vols. 8vo. half bound. Philadelphia, 1814-16. 8 00 1448 PARK (Samuel). American Antiquities. Read before the Pioneer Associations ot the Counties of Franklin, Muskingum, and Licking, 1870. 8vo. paper, pp. 22. Terre Haute, 1870. 50 1449 PARKER (Joel). Habeas Corpus and Martial Law. Large paper, only 49 printed, pp. 55. Philadelphia, 1862. 1 25 1450 PARKER (Joel). The Three Powers of Government, etc. 8vo. pp. 108. New York, 1869. 75 1451 PARKER (N. H.) Missouri as it is in 1867. An illustrated Historical Gazetteer of Missouri, embracing the Geography, History, etc.; the New Constitution, the Emancipation Ordinance, and Important Facts concerning Free Missouri. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1867. 3 50 1452 PARKER (N. H.) Illustrated Hand-book of the Great West. A Record of Statistics and Facts. Three maps. 8vo. boards. Title-page inked. 1869. 1 25 1453 PARKER (N. H.) The Minnesota Hand-book for 1856-7. With a new and accurate MIap. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1857. 1 50 1454 PARKER (N. H.) The Kansas and Nebraska Hand-book for 1857-8. Map. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1857. 1 25 1455 PARKER (N. H.) Iowa as it is in 1855. A Gazetteer for Citizens and a Hand-book for Immigrants. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Chicago, 1855. 1 00 1456 PARKER (N. H.) The Iowa Hand-book for 1857. Map. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1857. 1 25 1457 PARKER (W. B.) Notes taken during the Expedition, commanded by Capt. R. B. Marcy, through Unexplored Texas, in the Summer and Fall of 1854. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1856. 1 25 1458 PARKER (Samuel). Journal of an Exploring Tour beyond the Rocky Mountains, under the direction of the A. B. C. F. M., performed in the years 1835,'36, and'37; with a map of Oregon Territory. 12mo. cloth. Ithaca, N. Y., 1838. 2 00 76 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1459 PARKMAN (Francis). France and England in North America. A Series of Historical Narratives. Part First: Pioneers of France in the New World. $2.50. Part Second: The Jesuits in North America in the Seventeenth Century. $2.50. Part Third: The Discovery of the Great West. $2.50. Part Four: The old Regime in Canada. $2.50. 4 vols. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1867-1874. 10 00 1460 PARKMAN (Francis). History of the Conspiracy of Pontiac and the Indian War after the Conquest of Canada. Sixth edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1870. 5 00 1461 PARKMAN (Francis). The Oregon Trail. Sketches of Prairie and Rocky Mountain Life (1846). 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1872. 2 50 1462 PAMPHLETS, viz: 1. A Treatise on Expatriation, Washington, 1814. 2. A Review of the Question, Whether the Common Law of England respecting Crimes and Punishments is in force in the State of Ohio, Pittsburg, 1817. 3. The Rights of the Judiciary. 4. Letters by a Native of Virginia on the Public Money, Cincinnati, 1822. 5. Report of Committee on the Maryland Resolutions. 6. Report, Bank of United States against Officers of State, Columbus, 1820. 12mo. sheep. 2 50 1463 PAMPHLETS. Volume containing eight pamphlets on the Lutheran Church in America. 8vo. cloth. 2 00 1464 PARSONS (Usher). Battle of Lake Erie. A Discourse before the Rhode Island Historical Society. 8vo. paper, pp. 39. Providence, 1854. 50 1465 PARTON (James). The Danish Islands: Are we bound in Honor to pay for them? 8vo. paper, pp. 76. Boston, 1869. 25 1466 PARTON(James). Topicsofthe Time. i2mo.cloth. Boston, 1871. 1 50 1467 PARTON (James). General Butler in New Orleans. History of the Administration of the Department of the Gulf in the year 1862. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 3 00 1468 PASSAGES from the Remembrancer of Christopher Marshall. Edited by William Duane, Jr. 12mo. boards. Philadelphia, 1839. 50 1469 PATRIOT PREACHERS of the American Revolution. With Biographical Sketches. 1766-1783. 12mo. cloth. Printed for the Subscribers. 1860. 1 75 1470 PATTERSON (A. W.) History of the Backwoods; or, The Region of the Ohio. Authentic, from the Earliest Accounts. Embracing many Events, Notices of Prominent Pioneers, Sketches of Early Settlements, etc., not heretofore published. Map. 8vo. cloth. Pittsburgh, 1843. 12 50 1471 PATTIE. The Personal Narrative of James O. Pattie, of Kentucky, during an Expedition from St- Louis, through the vast regions between that place and the Pacific Ocean, and thence back through the City of Mexico to Vera Cruz, during journeyings of six years; in which he and his father, who accompanied him, suffered unheard-of hardships and dancers; had various conflicts with the Indians, and were made captives, in which captivity his father died. Together with a description of the country and various nations through which they passed. Edited by Timothy Flint. 12m1o. sheep. Cincinnati, 1833. 5 00 1472 PATTON (J. H.) The History of the United States of America, from the Discovery of the Continent to the Close of the Thirty-sixth Congress. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1871. 3 00 1473 PAUL (Col. James). A Narrative of the Wonderful Escape and Dreadful Sufferings of Colonel James Paul. By Robert Sherrard. 8vo. pp. 22, sewed, uncut. Cincinnati, 1869. 75 1474 PAUW (M.) Selections from "Les Recherches Philosophiques sur leS Americains" of. By Mr. W. [Webb.] 12mo. paper uncut, pp. 211. Bath, 1789. 3 50 Fifty copies only of this work were printed and given to the author's friends. 1475 PECK (George). Wyoming: Its History, Stirring Incidents, and Romantic Adventures. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1858. 2 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 77 1476 PECK (J. M.) Gazetteer of Illinois. Containing a general View of the State; a general View of each County, and a particular Description of each Town, etc. l6mno. cloth. Jacksonville, 1834. 1 25 1477 PECK (J. M.) A New Guide to the West. Containing Sketches of Ohio, AMichigan, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, and Iowa. 16nmo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1848. 2 00 1478 PECK (J. M.) A New Guide for Emigrants to the West, containing Sketches of the Western States. 16mo. Boston, 1836. 1 00 1479 PEIXOTTO (D. L. M.) Introductory Lecture, delivered at the Willoughby University of Lake Erie, 1836-7. 8vo. half bound. Cleveland, 1837. 50 1480 PENHALLOW (Samuel). The History of the Wars of New England with the Eastern Indians; or, A Narrative of their continued Perfidy and Cruelty, 1703-1726. 4to. cloth. Cincinnati, 1859. 2 00 1481 PENN (William). The People's ancient and just Liberties asserted in the Tryal of William Penn and William Mead, at the Sessions, held at the Old Baily, London, against the most Arbitrary Procedure of that Court. Small 4to. half calf, neat. Printed in the year 1670. 5 00 1482 PENN (William). Select Works of; to which is prefixed a Journal of his Life. Folio, full bound. London, 1771. 9 00 1483 PENN (William). No Cross, No Crown: A Discourse, showing the Nature and Discipline of the Holy Cross of Christ. 8vo. full bound. London, 1806. 2 25 1484 PENN (William). Memoirs of his'Public and Private Life. By Thomas Clarkson. With a Reply to the Charges against his Character, made by Mr. Macaulay, in his History of England, by XV. E. Forster. 12mo. cloth. London, 1849. 2 00 1485 PENNSYLVANIA. Answer to an Invidious Pamphlet, intituled A Brief State of the Province of Pensylvania. Wherein are exposed the many false assertions of the author or authors of the said pamphlet, with a view to render the Quakers of Pennsylvania and their Government obnoxious to the British Parliament and Ministry, and the several Transactions, most grossly misrepresented therein, set in their true light. 16imo. half morocco. London, 1755. 6 50 1486 PENNSYLVANIA Chronicle and Universal Advertiser, from January 25, 1768, to January 22, 1770. Being Vols. 2 and 3 complete. 2 vols. 4to. half Turkey nmorocco, fine clean set., 40 00 PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY MEMOIRS1487 Vol. 5. HIistory of the Expedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755, under AMijor-Gen. Edward Braddock. By Winthrop Sargent. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1856. 4 00 1488 Vol. 6. Contributions to American History: The Society of the Cincinnati; Whisky Insurrection; Arcadian Exiles; Case'of Major Andre, etc. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1858. 4 00 1489 Vol. 7. Record of the Court at Upland, in Pennsylvania, 1676-1681, and a Military Journal kept by Major E. Denny, 1781-1795 (including St. Clair's Campaign). 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1860. 4 00 1490 Vol. 8. Minutes of the Committee of Defense of Philadelphia, 1814-15. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1867. 4 00 1491 Vols. 9 and 10. Correspondence between William Penn and James Logan and others, 1700-1750; with Notes by the late Mrs. Deborah Logan. Edited, with additional notes, by Edward Armstrong. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1870-1872. 10 00 78 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1492 Vol. 11. History of New Sweden; or, The Settlements on the River Delaware. By Israel Aurelius. Translated by W. M. Reynolds. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1874. 4 00 1493 PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Miscellaneous Collections, containing;: 1. Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1826. 2. Notes on the Provincial Literature of Pennsylvania, by T. I. Wharton, ]823. 3. Memoir on the Controversy between Wil. Penn and Lord Baltimore, 1825. 4. Original Letters, etc. 5. Memoirs of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Vol. 1, part 11. 6. Contlibutions to the Medical History of Pennsylvania, by Caspar Morris, 1826. 7. Notices on Negro Slavery in Pennsylvania, by E. Bettle, 1826. 8. Life and Character of Robert Proud, 1826. 9. Sketch of Sir Edward Keith. In 1 vol. 8vo. new half morocco, uncut edges. 6 00 1494 PENNSYLVANIA HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Memoirs of. Vol. 2, part 2. 8vo. boards. Philadelphia, 1830. 1 75 1495 PENINYPACKER (S. W.) Annals of Phbenixville and its Vicinity, from the Settlement to the Year 1871. With information concerning the adjacent townships, etc. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1872. 3 50 1496 PEPPERELL (Sir William). The Life of. The only Native of New England who was created a Baronet during its connection with the mother country. By Usher Parsons. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1856. 2 00 1497 PERCIVAL (James G.) Poem delivered before the Connecticut Alpha of the Phi-Beta-Kappa Society, September 13, 1825. 8vo. paper. Boston, 1826. 50 1498 PERKINS (J. H.) Annals of the West: Embracing a concise Account of Principal Events which have occurred in the Western States and Territories. 8vo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1846. 4 00 1499 PERKINS (J. H.) A Tribute to the Memory of. Discourses by J. H. Heywood and B. F. Barrett. 8vo. pp. 47, boards. Cincinnati, 1850. 40 1500 PERKINS (J. H.) The Memoir and Writings of. Edited by W. H. Channing. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1851. 2 50 1501 PERRY STATUE. Inauguration of, at Cleveland, 1860. Including a History of the Battle of Lake Erie, by George Bancroft, etc. 8vo. paper, pp. 123. Cleveland, 1861. 1 00 1502 PERRY (William Stevens). Historical Collections of the American Colonial Church. 2 vols. Vol. 1. Virginia; Vol. 2. Pennsylvania. Thick 4to. cloth, uncut. 1870. Each, 9 00 1503 PERSONAL RECOLLECTIONS of the American Revolution. A Private Journal. Prepared from authentic domestic records. 12mo. cloth. New Yoi'k, 1859. 2 00 1504 PETERSON (Edward). History of Rhode Island and Newport. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1855. 2 00 1505 PETIGRU (James Lewis). A Biographical Sketch. By William J. Grayson. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 25 1506 PEYTON (J. L.) Over the Alleghanies and across the Prairies. Personal Recollections of the Far West one and twenty years ago. 12mo. cloth. London, 1870. 1 50 1507 PHIELPS (Capt. Matthew). Memories and Adventures of, formerly of Harrington, in Connecticut, now resident in New Haven, in Vermont. Particularly in two Voyages from Connecticut to the River Mississippi, from December, 1773, to October, 1780. Compiled from the original Journal and Minutes kept by Mr. Phelps during his Voyage and Adventures, and revised according to his present recollection. By Anthony Haswell. 16mo. full bound. Bennington, Vt., 1802. 10 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 79 1508 PHILLIPS (Henry, Jr.) Historical Sketches of the Paper Currency of the American Colonies prior to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. 2 vols. 4to. sewed, uncut. Roxbury, Mass., 1865. 8 00 1509 Another copy, half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. 12 00 1510 PHILLIPS (William). The Conquest of Kansas by Missouri and her Allies. A History of the Troubles in Kansas to 1856. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1856. 2 00 1511 Another copy, new half morocco. 2 75 1512 PICKERING (Timothy). A Review'of the Correspondence between the Hon. John Adams and the late Mr. Cunningham, beginning 1803 and ending 1812. 8vo. boards, uncut. Salem, 1824. 2 50 1513 PICKETT (A. J.) History of Alabama, and incidentally of Georgia and Mississippi from the Earliest Period. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Charleston, 1851. 5 00 1514 PIDGEON (Winm.) Traditions of De-coo-dah and Antiquarian Researches, Explorations of Mounds, etc. Numerous illustrations. 8vo. New York, 1858. 2 50 1515 PIERCE (George F.) Incidents of Western Travel. In a Series of Letters. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Nashville, 1857. 1 50 1516 PIKE (Z. M.) An Account of Expeditions to the Sources of the Mississippi and through the Western Parts of Louisiana to the Sources of the Arkansaw, La Platte, and Pierre Juan Rivers in 1805-7. Portrait. No maps. 8vo. full bound. Philadelphia, 1810. 1 50 1517 PIONEERS of the Miami Valley. Reunion, September 10, 1873. 8vo. pp. 13, boards. Dayton, 1873. 50 1518 PITKIN (Timothy). A Political and Civil History of the United States of America, from the year 1763 to the Close of the Administration of Washington, 1797. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. New Haven, 1828. 4 00 1519 PITKIN (Timothy). A Statistical View of the Commerce of the United States of America; its Connection with Agriculture and Manufactures, and an Account of the Public Debt, of the Expenditures, etc. 8vo. half bound. Hartford, 1816. 2 50 1520 PITTMAN (Philip). The Present State of the European Settlements on the Mississippi; with a Geographical Description of that River. Maps and plans. 4to. half bound, perfect copy. London, 1770. 7 50 1521 PLEAS (Elwood). Henry County, Indiana: Past and Present. A Brief History of the County from 1821 to 1871. Photographic portraits. 16mo. cloth. Newcastle, Ind., 1871. 1 50 1522 PLOWDEN (Mrs. F.) Virginia: An Opera in three Acts. 8vo. paper uncut, pp. 63. London, 1800. 1 50 1523 POEMS. Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. Originally written under the Signature of the Scots-Irishman. 16mo. sheep. Washington, Pa., 1801. 1 00 1524 POINSETT (J. R.) Notes on Mexico made in the Autumn of 1822. Accompanied by a Sketch of the Revolution, etc. 8vo. half morocco extra, gilt top. Portrait. Autograph letter of the author inserted. London, 1825. 3 50 1525 POINSETT (J. R.) Discourse on the Objects and Importance of the National Institution tfor the Promotion of Science. 8vo. pp. 52, boards. Washington, 1841. 35 1526 POLITICAL DEBATES between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the Celebrated Campaign of 1858, in Illinois. 8vo. cloth. Columbus, 1860. 2 00 1527 POLITICS for American Farmers. Being a Series of Tracts exhibiting the Blessings of Free Government compared with the Boasted Stupendous Fabric of British Monarchy. 12mo. half morocco, uncut. Washington, 1807. 2 25 80 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1528 POLK (Dr. J. J.) Autobiography of. To which is added his occasional Writings, and Biographies of worthy Men and Women of Boyle County, Kentucky. 12mo. cloth. Louisville, 1867. 2 25 1529 POLK (James K.) Life of, President of the United States. By John S. Jenkins. Portrait. 12mo. Auburn, 1850. 1 00 1530 POLLARD (Edward A.) The Virginia Tourist. Sketches of the Springs and Mountains of Virginia. Maps and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1870. 1 75 1531 POLYANTHEA (The); or, A Collection of Interesting Fragments. Contains several relating to America. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1804. 3 00 1532 POOR RICHARD'S Almanac for 1850, as written by Benjamin Franklin for the years 1733-34-35. Portrait. 16mo. half morocco. New York, 1849. 1 00 1533 POPPLE (Henry). Map of the British Empire in America, with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto. Folio, colored. London, 1733. 6 00 1534 POSTLETHWAYT (Malachy). Great Britain's Commercial Interest Explained and Improved, with an Essay showing the Great Advantages which would certainly accrue to England from a Union with Ireland; also, a Clear View of the State of our Plantations in America, their Constitutions, Trade, and Revenues. 2 vols. 12mo. full calf. London, 1759. 2 00 1535 POUCHOT (M.) Memoir upon the late War in North America between the French and English, 1755-60; followed by Observations upon the Theater of Actual War, etc. Translated and edited by F. B Hough. Maps. 2 vols. roval 8vo. uncut edges. Roxbury. Printed for W. Elliot Woodward, 1866. Perfectly new copy. 8 00 1536 POWELL (Hon. Lazarus W.) Biographical Sketch of, Governor of Kentucky. Portrait. Also, Biographical Sketch of Gov. John L. Helm. In 1 vol. 8vo. cloth. Frankfort, 1868. 1 00 1537 POWER (J. C.) History of Springfield, Illinois: Its Attractions as a Home and Advantages for Business, IManufacturing, etc. 8vo. pp. 106. Springfield, 1871. 75 1538 POWER (Tyrone). Impressions of America during the years 1833,'34, and'35. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1836. 2 50 1539 POWNALL (T.) A Topographical Description of such parts of North America as are contained in the (annexed) Map of the Middle British Colonies, etc., in North America. With Gist's Journal of trip down the Ohio in 1750, etc. Map, mounted on linen. Folio, boards. London, 1776. 15 00 1540 POWNALL (T.) The Administration of the Colonies, wherein their Rights and Constitutions are discussed and stated. Fourth edition. 8vo. old calf. London, 1766. 3 00 1541 PRESCOTT (Wm. H.) History of the Conquest of Mexico, with a preliminary view of the Ancient Mexican Civilization, and the Lif'e of the Conqueror, Hernando Cortez. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1871. 7 50 1542 PRESCOTT (Wm. H.) History of the Conquest of Peru, with a prepreliminary view of the Civilization of the Incas. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1869. 5 00 1543 PREVOST (Sir George). Some Account of the Public Life of; particularly of his Services in the Canadas, including a Reply to the Strictures on his Military Character. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1823. 2 50 1544 PRIEST (Josiah). American Antiquities and Discoveries in the West, with a copious Description of many stupendous Works now in Ruins, with Conjectures concerning what may have become of them. Folding plates. 8vo. sheep, Albany, 1837. 4 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 81 1545 PRIEST (William). Travels in the United States of America, commencing in the year 1793 and ending in 1797. Svo. boards. London, 1802. 1 75 1546 PRITTS (J.) Incidents of Border Life, illustrative of the Times and Condition of the First Settlements in parts of the Middle and Western States; comprising Narratives of Strane Adventures, Remarkable Captivities- and Escapes, brief Sketches of the War in the Northwest, etc. Illustrated. 8vo. full bound. Chambersburg, 1841. 6 00 1547 PROCEEDINGS of the Conventions of the Province of Maryland, held at Annapolis, 1774,'75, and'76. 8vo. boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1836. 2 50 1548 Another copy, half morocco, uncut. 3 50 1549 PROCEEDINGS of the National Convention for the Promotion of Education in the United States. 8vo. pp. 23, boards. Washington, 1840. 35 1550 PROUD (Robert). The History of Pennsylvania, in North America, from its original Institution and Settlement, in 1681, till after the year 1742. To which is added a brief Description of the said Province, and of the general state in which it flourished between the years 1760 and 1770. Map. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1797. 10 00 1551 Another copy, entirely uncut, boards. 14 00 1552 PUBLIC DOCUMENTS concerning the Ohio Canals, which are to connect Lake Erie with the Ohio River, comprising a complete Official History of these great Works of Internal Improvement. 8vo. half bound. Columlbus, 1828. 3 50 1553 I'URCHAS (Samuel). His Pilgrimage; or, Relation of the World, and the Religions observed in all ages an(l places discovered, from the Creation unto this present. Containing the Historie of Asia, Africa, and America (pp. 601-752 on America), and the Islands adjacent. 4to. half russia. London, 1613. 10 50 1554 PURVIANCE (Robert). A Narrative of Events which occurred in Baltimore Town during the Revolutionary War. 12mo. cloth. Baltimore, 1849. 2 25 1555 PUTNAM (Rufus). Pioneer Record, and Reminiscences of the Early Settlers and Settlement of Fayette County, Ohio. 8vo. paper, pp. 120. Cincinnati, 1872. 1 00 1556 QUINCY (Josiah). The History of Harvard University. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, uncut. Boston, 1860. 8 00 1557 QUINCY (Josiah). Life of, of Massachusetts. By his son, Edmund Quincy. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1868. 3 00 1558 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) Ancient History; or, Annals of Kentucky. With a Survey of the Ancient Monuments ot North America, and a Tabular View of the principal Languages and Primitive Nations of the whole Earth. 8vo. new, half sheep. Frankfort, 1824. 5 00 1559 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) The American Nations; or, Outlines of their General History, Ancient and Modern, including the whole History of the Earth and Mankind in the Western Hemisphere, etc. 2 vols. 12mo. half morocco extra, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1836. 7 50 1560 RAFINESQUE (C. S.) A Life of Travels and Researches in North and South America. 12rmo. half morocco extra, gilt top. Philadelphia, 1836. 3 75 1561 RAFN (Charles C.) America discovered in the Tenth Century. 8vo. paper, pp. 56. New York, 1838. 75 1562 RAMBLES in the Mammoth Cave during the year 1844i. By a Visitor. 12mo. half bound. Louisville, 1845. 1 00 1563 RAMSEY (David). The History of South Carolina from its First Settlement in 1670, to the year 1808. Maps. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Charleston, 1809. 50 82 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1564 RAMSEY (David). History of the Revolution of South Carolina, from a British Province to an Independent State. Maps, Portrait inserted. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco, uncut. Trenton, 1785. 10 00 1565 Another copy, maps, full calf, very neat. 7 50 1566 RAMSEY (David). History of the United States from their First Settlement as English Colonies in 1607, to the year 1808. 3 vols. 8vo. full bound. Philadelphia, 1816. 6 00 1567 RAMSEY (David). History of the American Revolution. 2 vols. 8vo. half morocco. London, 1793. 5 00 1568 Another edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1791. 3 50 1569 RAMSEY (J. G. M.) The Annals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Map. 8vo. cloth. Charleston, 1853. 3 00 1570 RANCK (George W.) History of Lexington, Kentucky; its Early Annals and Recent Progress, including Biographical Sketches and Personal Reminiscences of the Pioneer Settlers, Notices of Prominent Citizens, etc. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1872. 4 00 1571 RANDALL (S. S.) History of the State of New York, for the use of Common Schools, Academies, Normal and High Schools, and other Seminaries of Instruction. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1870. 1 75 1572 RANDOLPH (John). The Life of. By Hugh A. Garland.' Portrait. 8vo. half morocco. New York, 1853. 3 00 1573 RANDOLPH (John). Letters of, to a young Relative. 8vo. fill bound. Philadelphia, 1834. 1 50 1574 RAYMOND (Rossiter W.) The Mines of the West. A Report to the Secretary of the Treasury. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1869. 1 75 1575 RECORDS of Salem Witchcraft. Copied from the original Documents. 2 vols. 4to. uncut. Woodwards Historical Series. Roxbury, 1864. 6 00 1576 RECORD OF UPLAND COURT, from the 14th of November, 1676, to June 14, 1681. Edited by Edward Armstrong. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1860. 1 50 1577 REED (Henry.) Southern Slavery, in its Relations to Northern Industry. 8vo. pp. 36, boards. Cincinnati, 1862. 40 1578 REED (Joseph.) Life and Correspondence of. By his grandson, WVm. B. Reed. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1847. 4 00 1579 REED (Wm. Howell.) Hospital Life in the Army of the Potomac. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1866. 1 25 1580 REEVES (James E.) The Physical and Medical Topography, including vital and other Statistics, of the City of Wheeling. 8vo. pp. 50. Wheeling, 1870. 40 1581 REGISTER (A) of Officers and Agents in the Service of the United States, September 30, 1823. 12mo. full bound. Washington, 1824. 1 25 1582 REID (Whitelaw). Ohio in the War. Her Statesmen, her Generals, and her Soldiers. Maps, portraits, and engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Cinnati, 1868. 10 00 1583 RELATIONS de la Louisiane, et du Fleuve Mississipi. Map. Also, Relation de la Louisiane; et du Mississipi par le Chevalier de Tont. Also, Voyage en un pays plus Grand que l'Europe entre la Mer glaciale, et le Nouveu Mexique par le P. Hennepin. Also, Relation des Voyages de G(osnol, Pringe et Gilbert a la Virginie, en 1602 and 1603. All in 1 vol. 12mo. full bound. Many plates and map. Amsterdam, 1720. 7 50 1584 REMINISCENCES of America in 1869. By Two Englishmen. 12mo. cloth. London, 1869. 1 25 1585 REMINISCENCES of a Campaign in Mexico. By a Member of the "Bloody-First." Preceded by a short Sketch of the History and Condition of Mexico. 16mo. full morocco. Nashville, 1849. 3 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 83 1586 REMINISCENCES of the French War; containing Rogers' Expeditions with the New England Rangers, the Life and Military Services of Maj. Gen. John Stark, etc. Portrait. Boards, entirely uncut. Concord, N. H., 1831. 4 00 1587 REMY (Jules) and BRENCHLEY (Julius). A Journey to Salt Lake City. With a Sketch of the History, Religion, and Customs of the Mormons, and an Introduction to the Religious Movement in the United States. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. uncut. London, 1861. 8 00 1588 REPLY of John Davis, of Mass., to Mr. Buchanan, of Penn., on the Reduction of Wages and'Value of Property. 8vo. pp. 16, boards. Washington, 1840. 35 1589 REPORT of the Committee appointed to inquire into the late Invasion and Seizure of the Public Property at Harper's Ferry. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1860. 1 50 1590 REPORTS of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain the most practicable and economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 1853-4. Maps and plates. 13 vols. 4to. cloth, and half calf. Washington, v. d. 30 00 1591 REPORT of Reconnoissances of Routes from San Antonio to El Paso, by Col. J. E. Johnston and others. Of Routes from Fort Smith to Santa Fe, by Capt. R.. B. Marcy. Of an Expedition into the Navajo Country, by Lieut. J. H. Simpson. And of the Western Frontier of Texas, by Lieut. W. H. C. Whiting. Maps and plates, some colored. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1850. 3 00 1592 REPORT OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR, of the various plans for Canals around the Falls of the Ohio River. 8vo. boards, uncut. Washington, 1853. 1 00 1593 REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN SONGSTER. 18mo. paper. New York, 1856. 40 1594 RESEARCHES ON AMERICA; being an attempt to settle some points relative to the Aborigines of America, etc. By an Officer. 8vo. paper, pp. 130. Baltimore, 1816. 1 50 1595 REVIEW of the Hon. John P. Kennedy's Discourse on the Life and Character of George Calvert, the first; Lord Baltimore. 8vo. pp. 32. Baltimore, 1846. 25 1596 REVOLUTIONARY MEMORIALS, embracing Poems by the Rev. Wheeler Case. Published in 1778. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1852. 60 1597 REYNOLDS (John). The Pioneer History of Illinois, containing the Discovery in 1673, and the History of the Country to the year 1818, when the State Government was organized. 12mo.;cloth. Belleville, Ill., 1852. 10 00 1598 RHEES (Winm. J.) Manual of the Public Libraries, Institutions, and Societies in the United States and British Provinces of North America. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1859. 3 00 1599 RHODE ISLAND HISTORICAL SOCIETY COLLECTIONS. Vol. 1, containing Roger Williams' Key to the Indian Language. 8vo. paper, uncut. Providence, 1827. 1 75 1600 RICHARDSON-McFARLAND TRAGEDY (The). Containing all the Letters and Documents of the Case. 8vo. boards. Philadelphia, 1870. 50 1601 RICHARDSON (Albert D.) Beyond the Mississippi; from the Great River to the Great Ocean. Life and Adventures on the Prairies, Mountains, and Pacific Coast. With more than two hundred illustrations. 8vo. cloth. Hartford, 1867. 3 50 1602 RICHARDSON (Major). War of 1812; containing a full and detailed Narrative of the Operations of the Right Division of the Canadian Army. 8vo. boards. (Canada) 1842. 2 00 84 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1603 RITCHIE (James S.) Wisconsin and its Resourees; with Lake Superior, its Commerce and Navigation. Including a Trip up the Mississippi and a Canoe Voyage on the St. Croix and Brule Rivers to Lake Superior. Maps and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1858. 1 75 1604 RICHMOND (J. W.) Rhode Island Repudiation; or, The History of the Revolutionary Debt of Rhode Island. 8vo. cloth. Providence, 1855. 1 25 1605 RIDGELY (David). Annals of Annapolis; comprising Sundry Notices of that old City from 1649 to 1812, etc. Plate. 12mo. boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1841. 2 00. 1606 Another copy, half morocco, uncut, by Bradstreet. 3 00 1607 RIEDESEL (Maj. Gen.) Life and Journals of. Relating to the Campaign under Burgoyne, and Captivity of the German Troops in New England and Virginia. Translated by W. L. Stone. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1868. 6 00 1608 Another copy, new half calf. 7 50 1609 RIEDESEL (Madam). Memoirs and Letters of. Relating to the War of the Revolution, and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga, 1777. Translated by W. L. Stone. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1867. 3 00 1610 Another copy, new half calf. 3 75 1611 RIEDESEL (Madame de). Letters and Memoirs relating to the War of American Independence and the Capture of the German Troops at Saratoga. First American edition. 12mo. half morocco extra, gilt top, uncut edges. New York, 1827. 6 00 1612 Another copy, calf. 4 50 1613 RIGGS (Stephen R.) Tah-koo Wahkan; or, The Gospel among the Dakotas. 12mo. cloth. Boston. 1 50 1614 RIKER (James). The Annals of Newtown, in Queen's County, New York; containing its History from its first Settlement. Map. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1852. 2 50 1615 RINGGOLD (Cadwalader). A Series of Charts with Sailing Directions, embracing Surveys of Farallones, San Francisco Bay, San Joaquil~ and Sacramento Rivers, etc., State of California. Illustrated with numerous plates. 4to. cloth. Washington, 1851. 3 00 1616 RITTER (Abraham). History of the Moravian Church in Philadelphia, from its foundation in 1742 to the present time. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1857. 2 50 1617 RIVERO (M. E.) and VON TSCHUDI (J. J.) Peruvian Antiquities. Translated by F. L. Hawks. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1853. 2 50 1618 RIVERS (Wm. Jas.) A Sketch of the History of South Carolina to the close of the Proprietary Government by the Revolution of 1719. With an Appendix containing many valuable Records hitherto unpublished. 8vo. cloth. Charleston, 1856. 4 50 1619 ROBBINS (Archibald). A Journal comprising an account of the loss of the Brig Commerce, of Hartford, Connecticut (James Riley, Master), on the Coast of Florida, 1815. Map. 16mo. sheep. Hartford, 1818. 1 50 1620 ROBBINS (Chandler). A History of the Second Church; or, Old North, in Boston. To which is added a History of the New Brick Church. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1852. 1 00 1621 ROBERTS (O. W.) Narrative of Voyages and Excursions on the East Coast and in the Interior of Central America. 16mo. cloth, uncut. Edinburgh, 1827. 1 25 1622 ROBERTS (Robert E.) Sketches of the City of Detroit, State of Michigan; Past and Present. Map and portrait. 8vo. full bound. Detroit, 1855. 5 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 85 1623 ROBERTSON (George). Scrap Book on Law and Politics, Men and Times in Kentucky. 8vo. cloth. Lexington, 1855. 3 00 1624 ROBERTSON (Ignatius L.) Sketches of Public Characters, drawn from the Living and the Dead; with notices of other matters. 12mo. half bound, uncut. New York, 1830. 75 1625 ROBERTSON (J. P. and W. P.) Letters on South America; comprising Travels on the Banks of the Parana. and Rio de la Plata. 3 vols. 12mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1843. 3 00 1626 ROBERTSON (William). The History of America; in which is included the Posthumous Volume containing the History of Virginia to the year 1683, and of New England to the year 1652. 2 vols. old calf. Philadelphia, 1812. 2 00 1627 Another edition, 8vo. cloth. New York, 1857. 2 25 1628 Another edition, 2 vols. illustrated, 8vo. New York, 1856. 4 00 1629 ROBINSON (T. L.) Kansas; its Interior and Exterior Life. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1857. 2 00 1630 ROCHEFOUCALT (Duke De La). Travels through the United States of North America, the Country of the Iroquois, and Upper Canada, in the years 1795, 1796, and 1797. With an authentic account of Lower Canada. Map. 4 vols. 8vo. calf. London, 1799. 7 50 1631 ROGERS (Major Robert). A Concise Account of North America; containing a Description of the several British Colonies as to their Situation, Extent, Climate, Produce, etc., also of the Interior or Westerly Parts; with an Account of the Nations and Tribes of Indians, their Customs, Government, etc. 8vo. old calf. London, 1765. 4 00 1632 Another edition, sheep, 18mo. Dublin. 2 50 ]633 ROGERS (Thos. J.) A New American Biographical Dictionary: Remembrances of the Departed Heroes, Sages, and Statesmen of America. Third edition. 8vo. full bound. Easton, Pa., 1824. 3 00 1634 [ROOME.] Laws of the Legislature of the State of New York, in force against the Loyalists. 12mo. pp. 186. London, 1786. 2 25 1635 ROSS (Alexander). The Red River Settlement; its Rise, Progress, and Present State. With some account of the Native Races, and its General History to the present Day. 12mo. cloth. London, 1856. 2 00 1636 ROWLANDSON (Mrs. Mary). Narrative of the Captivity and Removes of, who was taken by the Indians at the Destruction of Lancaster, 1776. 18mo. boards. Lancaster, 1828.. 2 50 1637 ROWSON (Mrs. Susanna). A Memoir of. With elegant extracts from her Writings. By Elias Nason. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1870. 2 50 1638 RUSSELL (W. H.) Canada; its Defenses, Condition, and Resources. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1865. 1 25 1639 RUTTENBER (E. M.) History of the Indian Tribes of the Hudson River: Their Origin, Manners, and Customs, Tribal and Sub-tribal; Organizations, Wars, Treaties, etc., etc. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1872. 3 50 1640 Another copy, new half calf. 4 50 1641 RUXTON (George F.) Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1860. 1 50 1642 RUXTON (George F.) Life in the Far West. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1859. 1 50 1643 SABINE (Lorenzo). Biographical Sketches of Loyalists of the American Revolution. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1827. 4 50 1644 Another edition, 2 vols. 8vo. Boston, 1864. 7 00 1645 SABINE (Lorenzo). An Address before the New England HistoricGenealogical Society. The One-hundredth Anniversary of the Death of Gen. James Wolfe. 8vo. half morocco. Boston, 1859. 2 00 86 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1646 SAFFELL (W. T. R.) Records of the Revolutionary War: Containtaining the Alilitary and Financial Correspondence of Distinguished Officers, etc. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1858. 2 00 1647 SAGE (Rufus B.) Rocky Mountain Life; or, Startling Scenes and Perilous Adventures in the }Far West. Illustrations. 12tno. cloth. Boston, 1860. 1 25 1648 ST. CLAIR. A Narrative of the Campaign against the Indians in the year 1791, under the command of Major-General St. Clair. 8vo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1812. 6 00 1649 ST. JOHN (J. Hector). Letters from an American Farmer, describing certain Provincial Situations, Manners. and Customs not generally known. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1782. 1 50 1650 Another copy, 12mo. calf. Dublin, 1782. 1 25 1651 SAMPSON (Deborah). Life of, the Female Soldier in the War of the Revolution. With Introduction and Notes by J. A. Vinton. Portrait. Small 4to. half sheep, uncut. Boston, 1866. 4 00 1652 Another copy, half morocco, neat, uncut. 5 00 1653 SANDERSON (John). Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. 9 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1823. 18 00 1654 SANDERSON'S Biography of the Signers to the Declaration of Independence. Illustrated with sixty engravings on India paper, etc. Collected and prepared by William Brotherhead. Only 160 copies printed. 4to. entirely uncut. Philadelphia, 1865. 7 50 1655 SANDS (David). Journal of the Life and Gospel Labors of. With Extracts from his Correspondence. 12mo. cloth. London, 1848. 1 25 1656 SANSOM (Jos.) Sketches of Lower Canada, during a Tour to Quebec. 16tmo. half sheep. New York, 1817. 1 50 1656e Another edition, 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1820. 1 75 1657 SARGENT (Winthrop). The History of an Expedition against Fort Du Quesne, in 1755, under General Braddock. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Philadelphim,, 1855. 4 00 1658 SARMIIENTO (D. F.) Life in the Argentine Republic, in the days of the Tyrants; or, Civilization and Barbarism. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1868. 2 00 1659 SAVANNAH (The Siege of), by the combined American and French Forces, under command of General Lincoln and Count d'Estaing. Portrait. Small 4to. paper, uncut. Albany, 1866. 2 50 1660 SCHAFF (Dr. Philip). America. A Sketch of the Political, Social, and Religious Character of the United States. 12mo. New York, 1855. 1 00 1661 SCHARF (Col. J. T.) The Chronicles of Baltimore. Being a complete History of " Baltimore Town" and Baltimore City, from the earliest period to the present time. 8vo. cloth. Baltimore, 1874. 5 00 1662 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) Narrative Journal of Travels, extending from Detroit, through the Great Chain of American Lakes, to the Sources of the Mississippi River, in the year 1820. 8vo. boards, uncut. Albany, 1821. 5 00 1663 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) Narrative of an Expedition through the Upper Mississippi to Itasca Lake, in 1832. Maps. 8vo. cloth, uncut. New York. 1834. 3 00 1664 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) The Indian and his Wigwam; or, Characteristics of the Red Race of America. 8vo. cloth. Buffalo, 1848. 3 00 1665 SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) Oneota; or, Characteristics of the Red Race of America. From original Notes and Manuscripts. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1845. 4 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 87 1665' SCHOOLCRAFT (H. R.) Information respecting the History, Condition, and Prospects of the Indian Tribes of the United States. Collected and prepared under the Direction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Numerous folding plates, engravings, and tinted plates. 5 vols. 4to. half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Philadelphia, 1853. 45 00 1666 SCHOOLCRAFT (EI. R.) The Black Gauntlet. A Tale of Plaritation Life in South Carolina. 12mo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1861. 75 1667 SCOTT (Lieut. Gen. Winfield). Memoirs of. Written by himself. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 3 00 1668 SCHULTZ (Christian, Jr.) Travels on an Inland Voyage through the States of New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee, and through the Territories' of Indiana, Louisiana, Mississippi, and New Orleans, in 1807-8. Portrait and maps. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. New York, 1810. 6 00 1669 SCHUYLER (Maj. Gen. Philip). Life of. By Benson J. Lossing. Portrait and illustrations. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1873. 5 00 1670 SEARS' Pictorial Magazine. Containing a Description of the State of Ohio. Plate. 8vo. pp. paper. 50 1671 SEATON (William Winston). Of the "National Intelligencer." A Biographical Sketch. With passing Notices of his Associates and Friends. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1871. 2 00 1672 SEAVER (J. E.) Deh-he-wa-mis; or, A Narrative of the Life of Mary Jemison, otherwise called the White Woman, who was taken captive by the Indians in 1755, etc. Also, the Life of Hiokatoo and Ebenezer Allen, Historical Sketches of the Six Nations, etc. By Ebenezer Mix. 18mo. boards, uncut. Devon, 1847. 2 50 1673 Another copy, 12mo. cloth. New York, 1856. 2 50 1674 SECRET Proceedings and Debates of the Federal Convention, 1787, and other Historical Documents. 12m1o. roan. Cincinnati. 1 25 1675 SELECTIONS from.the Correspondence of the Executive of New Jersey, from 1776 to 1786. 8vo. cloth. Newark, 1848. 3 00 1676 SELECTIONS from the Poetical Literature of the West. 12mo. boards. Cincinnati, 1841. 1.50 1677 SEMMES (Lieut. Raphael). Service Afloat and Ashore during the Mexican War. Plates. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1851. 2 25 1678 SEMMES (Lieut. Raphael). The Campaigns of General Scott in the Valley of Mexico. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1852. 1 50 1679 SEVENTY-SIX SOCIETY PUBLICATIONS, viz: The Examination of Joseph Galloway, Esq., by a Committee of the House of Commons, edited by Thomas Balch. Papers in relation to the Case of Silas Deane, with portrait of Ed. D. Ingraham. Papers relating to Public Events in Massachusetts preceding the American Revolution. Papers relating chiefly to the Maryland Line during the Revolution, edited by Thomas Balch. 4 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1855-57. 15 00 1.680 SEWALL (Joseph). Sermon preached in Boston, December 12, 1733, at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Stephen Parker, Mr. Ebenezer Hinsdell, and Mr. Joseph Seccombe, chosen by the Commissioners to the Honorable Society for propagating Christian Knowledge, at Edinburgh, to carry the Gospel to the Aboriginal Natives on the Border of New England. 12mo. boards. Boston, 1734. 1 75 1681 SEWARD (Miss). Monody on Major Andre. To which are added Letters addressed to her by [Major Andre, in the year 1769. Litchfield, 1781. Also, in the same volume, Hayley (William), The Triumphs of Temper; a Poem. 4to. half bound. 3 50 1682 SEWARD (Miss). Monody on Major Andre, and Elegy on Captain Cook. Also, Sympathy; a Poem. By Mr. Pratt. 16rmo halt morocco, gilt top. London, 1821. 3 50 88 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1683 SEWARD (W. H.) Speech of, on the Abrogation of the Missouri Compromise, in the Kansas and Nebraska Bills. 8vo. paper, pp. 16. Washington, ] 1854. 25 1684 SEYMOUR (E. S.) Sketches of Minnesota, the New England of the West; with Incidents of Travel in Territory during the Summer of 1849. Map. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1850. 1 50 1685 SHAKERS. Investigator; or, A Defense of the Order, Government, and Economy of the United Society, called Shakers. Also, some Account of the Proceedings of the Legislature of New Hampshire in relation to the people called Shakers, in 1828. 12nmo. paper, pp. 103. Lexington, 1828. New York, 1846. 2 50 1686 SHAKERS. Transactions of the Ohio Mob, called in the Public Papers "An Expedition against the Shakers." 12mo. paper, pp. 11. [1810.] 2 50 1687 SHAW (John Robert). A Narrative of the Life and Travels of, the Well-digger, now resident in Lexington, Kentucky. Written by himself. Curious engravings. 12mo. half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. Lexington, 1807. 15 00 1688 SHEA (John G.) Early Voyages up and down the Mississippi by Cavelier, St. Cosme, Le Sueur, Gravier, and Guignas. Small 4to. paper, uncut. Albany, 1861. 5 00 1689 SHEA (John G.) History of the Catholic Missions among the Indian Tribes of the United States, 1529-1854. Numerous portraits. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1857. 2 50 1690 SHEBBEARE (Dr.) Letters to the People of England on the Present Situation and Conduct of National Affairs, on Foreign Subsidies, etc., and on Liberty, Taxes, and the Application of Public Money. 8vo. half bound. London, 1756. 1 50 1691 SHELDON (E. M.) The Early History of Michigan from the First Settlement to 1815. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1856. 2 50 1692 SHEPARD (Elihu H.) The Autobiography of, formerly Professor of Languages in St. Louis College. Photographic portrait. 8vo. cloth. St. Louis, 1869. 2 00 1693 SHEPARD (Thomas). The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel breaking forth upon the Indians in New England. London, 1648. Small 4to. boards. Reprinted, New York, 1865. 1 50 1694 SHERIDAN (Thomas). A Short Address to the Public upon a Subject of the utmost Importance to the Future Safety and Welfare of the British Dominions. 4to. half morocco, gilt top. London, 1783. 3 00 1695 SHERWOOD (John D.) The Comic History of the United States, from a Period prior to the Discovery of America to Times long subsequent to the Present. 12mo. cloth. Illustrated. Boston, 1870. 2 50 1696 SHOEMAKER (R. M.) Reports of Preliminary Surveys for the Union Pacific Railway from Fort Riley to Denver City. Map. 8vo. boards. Cincinnati, 1866. 50 1697 SIEGE OF SAVANNAH in 1779, as described in two contemporaneous Journals of French Officers in the Fleet of Count D'Estaing. Maps. Folio, cloth. Albany, 1874. 4 00 1698 SIMCOE (J. G.) Military Journal. A History of the Operations of a Partisan Corps, called The Queen's Rangers, during the War of the American Revolution. Illustrated. 8vo. half calf. New York, 1844. 6 00 1699 Another copy, boards. 5 00 1700 SIMMS (W. G.) The History of South Carolina from its First European Discovery to its Erection into a Republic; with a snpplemental Chronicle of Events to the Present Time. 12mo. sheep. Charleston, 1842. 2 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 89 1701 SIMON (Mrs.) The Ten Tribes of Israel historically identified with the Aboriginjes of the Western Hemnisphere. Folding plate. 8vo. cloth. Lorndon, 1836. 3 50 1702 SINGLETON (Arthur). Letters from the South and West. 8vo. paper, pp. 159. Boston, 1824. 2 50 1703 SITGREAVl4S (Capt. L.) Report of an Expodition down the Zuni atnd Colorado Rivers. Accompanied by maps and illustrations. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1853. 3 50 1704 SIX MONTHS in a Convent; or, A Narrative of Rebecca Theresa Rleed, who was under the Influence of the Roman Catholics at Ursuline Convent on Mount Benedict, Charlestown, Maiss. 16mo. cloth. Boston, 1835. 1 00 17,5 SIX MONTHS in Kansas. By a Lady. 12mo. cloth. Bostorn 1856. 1 25 1706 SKETCH of the Events which preceded the Capture of Washington by the British, 1814. Map. 8vo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1849. z 50 1707 SKETCH of the Seminole Wa/r, and Sketches during a Campaign. By a Lieutenant of the Left Wing. 12mo. boards, uncut. Charleston, 1836. 2 25 1708 SKETCHES of Bunker Hill Battle and MTonument; with illustrative Documents. Plate. 18mo. Charlestown, 1855. 60 1709 SKETCHES of Springfield, Ohio, in 1856. 16mo. half calf extra, gilt top, by SInith. Springfield, 1856. 4 00 1710 SMITH (13uckingham). Relation of Alvar Nufiez Cabeca De Vaca. Portrait. 8vo. half morocco. New York, 1871. 7 00 1711 Another copy, cloth. 5 00 1712 SMITH (George). History of Delaware County, Pennsylvania, from thile Dl)scovery of thte Territory included within its Limits to the Present Time. Mal;ps and plates. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1862. 5 00 1713 SMITH (Horace W.) Nuts for Future Historians to Crack. Containing the Cadwalader Pamphlet, Valley Forge Letters, etc. 8vo. paper uncut, pp. 90. Puiladelphia, 1856. 1 50 1714 SMITH (J. Calvin). The Western Tourist and Emigrant's Guide. Withl a compendious Gazetteer. Map. 18rrmeo. cloth. New Yo,rk, 1839. 75 1715 SMITH (Col. James). An Account of the Remarkable Occurrences in the Life and Travels of Col. James Smith (now a citizen of Bourbon county, Ke]ntucky), duringr his Captivity with the Indians, in the years 1755,!56,'57,'58, and'59. In which the Customs, Manners, T'raditions, Theological Sentiilnents, Mode of Warfare, Military Tactics, Discipline, anid Encamrnpnients, Treatment of Prisoners, etc., are tetter explained, and more minutely related, thanl has heretofore been dlone by any author on that subject. Together with a description of the Soil, Tirnber, and Waters where he traveled with the Indians during his captivity. To which is added a Brief Account of somie Very Uncomlllon Occurrences, which transpired after his return froin captivity; as well as of the different camnpaigns carried on against the Indians to the westward of Fort Pitt, since the year 1755 to the present date. With an Appendix of illustrative Notes by Wm. H. Darlitmgton, of Pittsburg, and a Biographical Sketch of Col. Smith. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1870. Gilt top or uncut, $2.50; large paper, imperial 8vo. 5 00 1716 Another copy, the second edition, 18mno. half morocco, neat. Philadelphiia, 1831. 2 50 1717 SMITH (Col. James). A Treatise on the Mode and Manner of Indian Warfatre; also, a Brief Account of twenty-three Camlpaigns carried on agailist tlme lldians, with thIe Events since the year 1755, etc. 8vo. Titlepage and first 7 pages in manuscript.'ages 8 to the end, page 59, uncut and in good order. Paris, Ky., 1812. 5 00 90 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1718 SMITH (Capt. John). The True Travels, Adventures, and Observations of, in Europe, Asia, Africke, and America, from 1593 to 1629. Curious plates. From the London edition of 1629. 2 vols. 8vo. full calf. Richmond, 1819. 12 00 1719 Another copy, boards, entirely uncut. 15 00 1720 SMITH (Joseph). History of Jefforson College; including an Account of Early Log Cabin Schools and Canonsburg Academy. With Biographical Sketches of Rev. Matthew Brown, Rev. Samuel Ralston, Rev. Matthew Henderson, and others. 12mo. cloth. Pittsburg, 1857. 2 25 1721 SMITH (Joseph). Old Redstone; or, Historical Sketches of Western Presbyterianism, its Early Ministers, its Perilous Times, and its first Records. Portraits and plates. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1854. 4 50 1722 SMITH (Joshua Hett). An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre. To which is added a Monody on the death of Major Andre by Miss Seward. Portrait, map, and plate. 12mo. half morocco extra. London, 1808. 17 50 1723 SMITH (Joshua Hett). An Authentic Narrative of the Causes which led to the Death of Major Andre. 18mo. boards. New York, 1809. 3 00 1724 SMITH (J. J.) and WATSON (J. F.) American Historical and Literary Curiosities; consisting of Fac-similes of Original Documents relating to the Revolution. With a variety of Reliques, Antiquities, etc. 2 vols. large 4to. cloth. Philadelphia, 1847. 12 00 1725 SMITH (Joshua T.) The Discovery of America by the Northmen in the Tenth Century. Maps and plates. 12mo. cloth. London, 1839. 3 00 1726 SMITH (O. H.) Reminiscences: Early Indiana Trials and Sketches. Historical, Biographical, Political, etc. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1858. 5 00 1727 SMITH (R. F.) Universal Guide to the Country along the Line of the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway. 12mo. pp. 214. Council Bluffs, 1871. 50 1728 SMITH (T. Marshall). Lecends of the War of Independence and of the Early Settlements in the West. 8vo. cloth. Louisville, 1855. 1 50 1729 SMITH (William). A Brief State of the Province of Pennsylvania. London, 1755. Reprinted, New York, 1865. 8vo. pp. 44, uncut. 1 25 1730 The same, second edition, London, 1755, pp. 45, half bound. (See also No. 1485.) 9 00 1731 SMITH (W. C.) Indiana Miscellany: Consisting of Sketches of Indian Life, the Early Settlements, Customs, and Hardships of the People, etc. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1867. 2 25 1732 SMITH (Wm. R.) The History of Wisconsin. Vol. 1, Historical; Vol. 3, Documentary. (Vol. 2, not out.) 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Madison, 1854. 2 00 1733 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION, an Account of. Its Founder, Builder, Operations, etc. By Win. J. Rhees. 8vo. boards. Washington, 1859. 1 00 1734 SMYTH (J. F. D.) A Tour in the United States of America. An Account of the Population, Customs, Manners, etc. With a Description of the Indian Nations, etc. 2 vols. 8vo. full bound. London, 1784. 6 00 1735 SNOWDEN (J. Ross). The Cornplanter Memorial. An Historical Sketch of Gy-ant-wa-chia-The Cornplanter-and of the Six Nations of Indians. 8vo. boards. Harrisburg, 1867. 1 50 1736 SNOWDEN (Richard). The American Revolution, written in Scriptural or Ancient Historical Style. 16mo. cloth. Clinton, Ohio, 1815. 2 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 91 1737 SOCIETY OF THE ARMY OF THE CUMBERLAND. First Reunion, Cincinnati, 1868. Portrait of General Thomas. 8vo. cloth, $1.50. Second Reunion, Chicago, in connection with the Armies of the Tennessee, the Ohio, and Georgial. Portraits of Generals Sherman, Thomas, Rawlins, and Schofield. 1868. 8vo. cloth, $4.00. Third Reunion, Indianapolis, 1869. Portrait of General Rosecrans. 8vo. cloth, $1.50. Fourth Reunion, Cleveland, 1870. Portrait of General Buell. 8vo. cloth, $1.50. Fifth Reunion, Detroit, 1871. Portrait of General Sherman. 8vo. cloth, $1.50. Sixth Reunion, Davton, 1872. Portrait of General Anderson. 8vo. cloth, $1.50. Seventh Reunion, Pittsburg, 1873. Portrait of General Hooker. 8vo. cloth. 1 50 1738 SOME ACCOUNT of the Conduct of the Religious Society of Friends toward the Indian Tribes, with Narrative of their Labors for the Civilization and Christian Instruction of the Indians. 8vo. cloth. London, 1844. 2 00 1739 SONS OF THE SIRES (The), A History of the Rise, Progress, and Destiny of the American Party. To which is added a review of Henry A. Wise's Letter against the Know-Nothings. By an American. 12mo. cloth. Philadelpilia, 1855. 1 50 1740 SOULE (F.) and GIHON (J. H.) The Annals of San Francisco; containing a Summary of the History of the First Discovery, Settlement, Progress, and present Condition of California. 159 engravings. 8vo. full mnorocco, gilt edges. New York, 1855. 4 00 1741 SPAULDING (J. H.) Historical Relics of the White Mountains. 16mo. cloth. Boston, 1855. 1 25 1742 SPALDING (M. J.) Sketches of the early Catholic Missions of Kentucky, from their commencement, in 1787, to 1826-27; embracing a Sumnmary of the early History of the State, the Adventures of the first Catholic Emigrants, etc. 16mo. cloth. Louisville, n. d. 3 50 1743 SPARKS (Jared). Memoir of. By George E. Ellis. Portrait. 8vo cloth. Camrrbridge, 1869. 2 00 1744 SPARKS (W. H.) The Memories of Fifty Years; containing brief Biographical Notices of Distinguished Americans, interspersed with Scenes and Incidents occurring during a long life, spent chiefly in the Southwest. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1870. 2 50 1745 SPENCER. Indian Captivity: A True Narrative of the Capture of Rev. O. M. Spencer by the Indians, in the neighborhood of Cinicinnati, in 1792. 18mo. cloth. New York. 1 00 1746 Another edition, with two portraits, 16mo. sheep. New York, 1835. 1 25 1747 SPOONER (Thomas). Memorial of William Spooner, 1637, and of his Descendants, to the third generation; of his great-grandson, Elnathan Spooner, and of his Descendants, to 1871. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1871. 5 00 1i748 SPRINGFIELD. Directory of the City of Springfield, Ohio; containing City Charter and Ordinances, a brief History of the City, etc. 16mo. boards. Springfield, 1852. 1 00 1749 SPRAGUE (John T.) The Origin, Progress, and Conclusion of the Florida War. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth (lower margins stained with ink). New York, 1848. 4 00 1750 SQUIER (E. G.) Collection of Rare and Original Documents and Relations concerning the Discovery and Conquest of America, chiefly from the Spanish Archives. Map. Small 4to. half morocco, uncut. Newv York, 1860. 3 00 1751 SQUIER (E. G.) Honduras; Descriptive, Historical, and Statistical. Map. 12mo. cloth. London, 1870. 2 00 1752 SQUIER (E. G.) The Serpent Symbol, and the Worship of the Reciprocal Principles of Nature in America. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Now York, 1851. 8 50 1753 SQUIER (E. G.) and DAVIS (E. H.) Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley; comprising the results of extensive original Surveys and Explorations. 48 plates and 207 illustrations. 4to. cloth, very clean copy. Washington, 1848. 25 00 92 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1754 STANSBURY (Howard). Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lalko of Utah, including a t Ieconno(issance of a new Rloute thlrough the Rocky Mountains. NUmerous plates and maps. 2 vols. WNashington, 1853. 4 00 1755 STANSBURY (P.) A Pedestrian Tour of 2,300 miles in North America, to the Lakes, the Canadas, and the New Enrglnd States, performed in 1821. Illustrated. 12mo. boards, uncut. New York, 1822. 2 50 1756 STANTON (Hon. Edwin M.) An Address on his Life and Public Services. By William Johnson. 8vo. sewed. Cincinnati, 1870. 35 1757 STARK (John). Life of. By Edward Everett. 12mo. boards, uncut. 75 1758 STATE OF THE BRITISH AND FRENCH COLONIES in North America, with respect to number of People, Forces, Forts, Indians, etc. 12mo. paiper uncut, pp. 190. London, 1755. 2 00 1759 STATESMIAN'S MAANUAL (The). Containing the Addresses and Messages of the Presidents of the United States, Irom 1789 to 1846. With a Memoir of each (f the Presidents, and a History of their Administrations, etc. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1846. 3 00 1760 STEBBINS (G. B.) Facts and Opinions touching the real Origin, Character, and Influence of the American Colonization Society. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1853. i 50 1761 STEDMAN (G.) The History of the Origin. Progress, and Termination of the American War. 2 vols. lMap. 4to. full bound, fine copy. London, 1794. 15 00 1762 STEPHENS (Alex. H.) A Compendium of the History of the United States, from the earliest settlements to 1872. 12mio. cloth. New York, 1872. 1 50 1763 STEPHENS (John L.) Incidents of Travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1860. 6 00 1764 STEPHENS (John L.) Incidents of Travel in Yucatan. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1860. 6 00 1765 STEUBEN (Gen. F. W. von). Life of. By Fredrich Kapp. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1859. 1 50 1766 STEVENS (Thaddeus). Memorial Addresses on the Life and Character of. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1869. 50 1767 STEWART (J. H.) Recollections of the Early Settlement of Carroll County, Indiana. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1872. 2 50 1768 STEWART (Virgil A.) The History of, and his Adventure in capturing Murrell, the Western Land Pirate, and his Gang, in connection with the evidence. Also, the Trials, Contessions, and Execution of ai nunmber of Murrell's Associates. Compiled by H. R. Howard. 12mo. cloth, uncut. New York, 1836. 3 00 1769 STICKNEY (Chas. E.) A History of the MIinisink Region, wvhicli includes the present towns of Minisink, Deer Park, Mount Hlope, Greenville, and Wawayanda, in Orange County, New York. 12mo. boards, uncut. Middletown, 1867. 1 75 1770 STIFF (Edward). The Texan Emigrant; being a Narration of the Adventures of the Aulthor in Texas, the Revolution in Mexico, ar:d a Condensed Statement of Intere-ting Eve.its in Texas, from 1692 to 1840. lMap. 12mo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1840. 2 50 1771 STILES (Henry R.) Bundling. Its Origin, Progress, and Decline in America. 16tlo. cloth. Albany, 1869. 2 00 1772 STILES (Henry R.) A History of the City of Brooklyn, including the old town and village of Brooklin, the town of Bushwick, and the city of Williamsburg. Illustrations and maps. 3 vols. new half calf. Brooklyn, 1867. 15 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 93 1773 STILES (President). A History of three of the Judges of King Charles I.: 51Iaj. Gen. Whalley, Malj. Gen. Gofl;, tind C(l. DIixwell, who, at tile Restoration, 1660, fletd to Aterica, and were secreted and concealed in lMassachlusetts and Coninecticut for near Thirty Years, etc. Portrait and maps. 16mo. sheep. Hartford, 1794. 12 00 1774 STIRLIN G. The Life of William Alexander, Earl of Stirling, MIijorGeneral in the Army of the United States during the Revolution. By his grandson, William Alexander Duer. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. New York, 18-14. 2 50 1775 STITH (William). The History of the First Discovery and Settlement of Virginia; being an Essay toward a General History of this Colony. (Williamsburg, 1747.) 8vo. paper, uncut. New York, 1865. 7 50 1776 STOBO (MMajor Robert). Memoirs of, of the Virginia Regiment. With a plan of Fort DIu Quesne. 18mo. cloth. Pittsburg, 1854. 75 1777 STODDARD (Amos). Sketches, Historical and Descriptive,'of Louisiana. 8vo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1812. 4 00 1778 Another copy, sheep. Without title-page. 2 00 1779 STONE (Barton W.) An Address to the Christian Churches in Kentucky, Tennessee, and ()hio, on several Important Doctrines of.Religion. 16lno. paper, pp. 102. Lexington, Ky., 1821. 2 50 1780 STONE (E. M.) The Invasion of Canada in 1755; including the Joturnal of Capt. Sirneon Thayer, descriting the Perils and Sufferings of the Army under Col. Benedict Arnold, in his March through the Wilderness to Quebec. l'ortrait. 8vo. paper, uncut. Providence, 1867. 3 00 1781 STONE (Wm. L.) The Life and Times of Red Jacket, or Sa-go-yewat-ha; being the Sequel to the History of the Six Nations. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1866. 4 00 1782 Another copy, half sheep, neat. 4 00 1783 STONE (Win. L) Life of Joseph Brnnt-Thayendanegoa; including the Border Wars of the American Revolution, and Sketches of the Indian Campaigns of IHarmar, St. Clair, and Wayne, etc. Portraits and maps. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1865. 5 00 1784 STONE (WVm. L.) Uncas and Miantonomah. A Historical Discourse. 18mo. cloth. New York, 1842. 75 1785 STONE (Wim. L.) Poetry and History of Wyoming, from its Discovery to the Beginning of the Present Century. 12mo. cloth. Albany. 1 50 1786 Another copy, half morocco extra, gilt top. 2 50 1787 STOUT (Peter F.) Nicartgua: Past, Present, and Future. A Description of its Inhabitants, Mines, Early History, etc. Map. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1859. 1 75 17E8 STRATTON (R. B.) Captivity of the Ontman Girls; being an interesting Narrative of Life amnong the Apache and Mohave Indians. Portrait and nrap. 12mo. cloth. San Francisco, 1859. 2 00 1789 STREET (A. B.) The Indian Pass (of the Adirondacs); or, A Tramp through the Trees. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1869. 1 50 1790 STREET (A. B.) Woods and Waters; or, Summer in the Saranacs. With two illustrations on wood. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1865. 2 00 1791 STRICKLAND (W. P.) The Pioneers of the West; or, Life in the Woods. 12mo. cloth. New York. 1 50 1792 STRICTURES on a Voyage to South America, and on the Importance of Friendly Relations with the Independent States. 8vo. boards, uncut. Baltimore, 1820. 1 50 1793 STROBEL (Rev. P. A.) The Salzburgers and their Descendants; being the History of a Colony of German (Lutheran) Protestants, who emigrated to Georgia in 1734. 12mo. Baltimore, 1855. 1 50 94 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1794 STRONG (Moses M.) Territorial Legislation in Wisconsin. 8vo. paper, pp. 38. Madison, 1870. 75 1795 STROTHER (D. H.) The Capital of West Virginia and the Great Kanawha Valley. Advantages, Resources, and Prospects. 8vo. pp. 32. Charleston, 1872. 25 1796 STUDER (Jacob H.) Columbus, Ohio: Its History, Resources, and Progres%, from its Settlement to the Present Time. With map and numerous illustrations. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati. 2 00 1797 STURGE (Joseph). A Visit to the United States in 1841. 8vo. cloth. London, 1842. 1 50 1798 SULLIVAN. The Military Services and Public Life of Major-General John Sullivan, of the American Revolutionary Army. By Thomas G. Amory. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1868. 3 00 1799 SULLIVAN (James). The History of the District of Maine. Map. 8vo. full bound, fine copy. Boston, 1793. 10 00 1800 SULLIVAN (Wmn.) The Public Men of the Revolution; including Events from 1783 to 1815. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1847. 3 00 1801 SUMNER (Charles). Life and Public Services of. By C. E. Lester. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1874. 3 75 1802 SUMNER (Charles). Prophetic Voices concerning America. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1874. 2 00 1803 SUMNER (W. G.) History of American Currency. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1874. 3 00 1804 SUNDERLAND (Le Roy). Anti-slavery Manual. Containing a Collection of Facts and Arguments on American Slavery. 18rno. cloth. New York, 1837. 60 1805 SUTCLIFF (Robert). Travels in some Parts of North Americn, in the years 1804, 1805-6. 12mo. cloth. York, 1815. 1 50 1806 SWAN (James G.) The Northwest Coast; or, Three Years' Residence in Washington Territory. Map. Illustrated. 12mo. New York, 1856. 1 50 1807 SWIFT (Zephaniah). A System of the Laws of the State of Connecticut. 2 vols. l2tmo. sheep. Windhani, 1795. 4 50 1808 SYMMES MEMORIAL. A Biographical Sketch of Rev. Zechariah Symmes, with a Genealogy and Brief lMemoirs of some of his Descendants. Portrait. By Rev. J. A. Vinton. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1873. 4 00 1809 TAFT (Alphonso). A Lecture on the University of Cincinnati. Its Aims, Needs, and Resources. 8vo. pp. 60. Cincinnati, 1872. 35 1810 TAFT (Alphonso). A Lecture on Cincinnati and her Railroads. 8vo. pp. 52. Cincinnati, 1850. 35 1811 TALBOT (Edward A.) Five Years' Residence in the Canadas; including a Tour through part of the United States of America in the year 1823. Plates. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1824. 3 00 1812 TALLMADGE. Proceedings in Commemoration of the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlemlent of Taillmadge, Ohio; with the Historical Discourses of Hon. E. N. Sill and Rev. L. Bacon, and Biographical Sketches of the Early Settlers, etc. 8vo. pp. 112. Akron, O., 1857. 1 25 1813 TANNER (John). A Narrative of the Captivity and Adventures of, during Thirty Yeatis' Residence amiong the Indians in the Interior of North America. Edited by Edwin James. Portrait. 8vo. full calf, neat. London, 1830. 5 00 1814 TAPPAN (Benj.) A Discourse delivered before the Historical and Philosophical Society of Ohio. 12mo. pp. 18. Columbus, 1838. 25 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 95 1815 TARLETON (Lieut. Col.) History of the Campaigns of 1780 and 1781, in the Southern Provinces of North America. 4to. half bound. Fine large maps and plans of battles. London, 1787. 12 00 1816 Another edition, 8vo. full bound. Dublin, 1787. 3 00 1817 TAYLOR (Bayard). Eldorado; or, Adventures in the Path of Empire. Comprising a Voyage to California via P'anama; Life in San Francisco and Monterey; Pictures of the Gold Regions, and Experiences of Mexican Travel. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1871. 1 50 1818 TAYLOR (G.) A Voyage to North America, performed in the years 1768-9. 16mo. full bound. Nottingham, 1771. 1 25 1819 TAYLOR (James B.) Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers. 12mo. sheep. Richmond, 1838. 3 00 1820 Another copy, cloth. 2 75 1821 TAYLOR (James W.) History of the State of Ohio. First Period. 1650-1787. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1854. 6 00 1822 TAYLOR (J. W.) A Manual of the Ohio School System; consisting of an Historical View of its Progress, etc. 8vo. new half morocco, gilt top. Cincinnati, 1857. 2 25 1823 TAYLOR (William). California Life Illustrated. 16 engravings. 1l 2mo. cloth. New York, 1858. 1 50 1824 TAYLOR (Zachary). Obituary Addresses delivered on the occasion of the Death of. 8vo. pp. 107. Washington, 1850. 50 1825 TAYLOR AND HIS GENERALS. With a full Account of the various Actions in Mexico. Illustrated. 12mo. boards. Philadelphia, 1847. 1 00 1826 TENNEY (J.) Memorial of the Class graduated at Dartmouth College, July 27, 1843. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1869. 3 00 1827 TEXAS IN 1840; or, The Emigrant's Guide to the New Republic. By an Emigrant. 16mo. cloth. New York, 1840. 1 50 1828 THATCHER (James). The American Revolution, from the commencement to the Disbanding of the American Army. Given in the form of a Daily Journal. With a Biographical Sketch of all the most prominent Generals. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1857. 2 50 1829 THOMAS (David). Travels through the Western Country, in the Summer of 1816; including Notices of Natural History, Topography, Antiquities, etc. With a Mip of the Wabash Country, now settling. 16mo. full bound. Auburn, N.Y., 1819. 6 00 1830 THOMAS (E. S.) Remiiniscences of the last Sixty-five Years, commencing with tile Battle of Lexington. Also, Sketches of his own Life and Times. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Hartford, 1840. 2 00 1831 THOMAS (F. W.) Sketches of Character, and Tales founded on Fact. 12mo. boards. Louisville, 1849. 1 50 1832 THOMAS (Gabriel). An Historical and Geographical Account of the Province and Country of Pensilvania and of West New Jersey, in America. London, 1698. 16mo. lithographed, fac-simile, cloth, uncut. New York, 1848. 2 50 1833 Another copy, half morocco, uncut. 3 00 1834 THOMPSON (B. F.) History of Long Island. Containing an Account of the Discovery and Settlement; with other important and interesting Matters to the Present Time. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1839. 6 00 1835 THOMPSON (J. J.) A History of the Bloody Rencounters, Street Fights, Battles, etc., known as the'Hill and Evans Feud," in Garrard Co., Ky. 8vo. boards. Cincinnati. 75 1836 THOMPSON (Waddy). Recollections of Mexico. 12mo. cloth, uncut. New York, 1847. 1 ~0 96 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1837 THOMPSON (Zalock). History of Vermont: Natural, Statistical, and General. Map and 200 engravings. 8vo. cloth. Burlington, 1842. 4 50 1838 Another copy, sheep. 4 50 1839 THOMSON (E.) Sketches, Biographical and Incidental. Edited by D. W. Clark. 12mo. Cincinnati, 1857. 1 75 1840 THORNTON (J. Q.) Oregon and California in 1848. Including information on tile Gold Mines of California. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1849. 3 00 1841 THORNTON (J. W.) The Landing at Cape Anne; or, The Charter of the First Permanent Colony in the Territory of the Massachusetts Company. Fac-simile of Charter. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1854. 2 50 1842 THORPE (T. B.) The Mysteries of the Backwoods; or, Sketches of the Southwest. Illustrated. 12ino. cloth. Philadelphia, 1846. 1 25 1843 THREE YEA1RS on the Kansas Border. By a Clergyman. 12mo. cloth. New York, 185(6. 1 25 1844 THROOP (Montgomery H.) The Future. A Political Essay. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. t 25 1845 THOUGHTS on the proposed Annexation of Texas to the United States. 8vo. pp. 55. New York, 1844. 50 1846 THURSTON (George H.) Pittsburgh as it is; or, Facts and Figures, exhibiting the Past and Present of Pittsburgh, its Advantages, Resources, etc. 16mo. half morocco, gilt top. Pittsburgh, 1857. 2 25 1847 TICE(J. H.) Over the Plains and on the Mountains; or, Kansas, ColoColorado, and the Rocky Mountains described. 12mo. cloth. St. Louis, 1872. 1 50 1848 TIMBERLAKE (Lieut. Henry). Memoirs, wherein the Country, Government, Genius, and Customs of the Cherokee Indians are authentically described. 8vo. half bound. London, 1765. 4 50 1849 TIPPECANOE: A Legend of the Border. 8vo. paper, pp. 54. 1840. 1 25 1850 TODD (Col. Charles S.) Memoir of, of Kentucky, at one time U. S. Minister to Russia. By G. W. Griffin. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1873. 1 50 1851 TODD (Rev. John). The Lost Sister of Wyoming. An authentic Narrative. 18mo. Northampton, 1842. 1 00 1852 TODD(Rev. John). The Sunset Land; or, The Great Pacific Slope. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1871. 1 50 1853 TOMLINSON (W. P.) Kansas in 1848. Being chiefly a History of the recent Troubles in the Territory. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1859. 1 75 1854 [TOULMIN (Henry).] A Description of Kentucky, in North America; to which are prefixed Miscellaneous Observations respecting the United States. Map. 8vo. half bound. Printed in Novemlber, 1792. 6 00 1855 TOWNSEND (George A.) Campai(gns of a Non-Combatant, and his Romaunt Abroad during the War. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 75 1856 TOWNSEND (Thomas). The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 12mo. calf. London, 1738. 5 00 1857 TRACTS on the American War. Contairling: I. Anticipation: His Majesty's Speech and Debate in Parliament, 1778. II. On atuinitting Representatives from America, 1770. III. Massachusetts; or, A Series of Letters, containing a faitlful Statement of many important -aud striking Facts, which laid the Foundation of the present Troubles in Matssaelhusetts aily, 1776. IV. IPrice's Observations on Civil Liberty, and the Justice and Policy of the War with America, 1776. Bound in I vol. 2mno. calf. 4 50 1858 TRAITS of the Aborigines of America. A Poem. 12mo. boards. Cambridge, 1822. 1 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 97 1859 TRANSACTIONS of the Albany Institute. Vol. VII. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1872. 1 00 1860 TRANSACTIONS of the National Congress on Penitentiary and Reformatory Discipline, held at Cincinnati, October, 1870. Edited by E. C. Wines. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1871. 5 00 1861 TREATY Stipulations between Mexico and the United States. 12mo. pp. 20. San Francisco, 1852. 35 1862 TREGO (Chas. B.) A Geography of Pennsylvania. Containing the History, Geography, etc., of the State; with a separate Description of each County. 12mo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1843. 2 00 1863 TREMENHEERE (Hugh S.) The Constitution of the United States compared with our own. 8vo. cloth. London, 1854. 2 25 1864 TRENT. Journal of Captain William Trent, from Logstown to Pickawillany, A.D. 1752, now published for the first time, from a copy in the archives of the Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. Together with Letters of Gov. Robert Dinwiddie; an Historical Notice of the Miami Confederacy of Indians; a Sketch of the English Post at Pickawillany, with a short Biography of Captain Trent, and other papers never before printed. Edited by Alfred T. Goodman, Secretary of the Western Reserve Historical Society. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1871. 2 50 1865 TRIAL and Conviction of Mrs. Nancy E. Clem, for the Murder of Jacob Young and wife. The Cold Spring Tragedy. 8vo. pp. 128. Indianapolis. 75 1866 TRIAL of Daniel McFarland for the Shooting of Albert D. Richardson. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York. 1 00 1867 TRIAL of Hon. Daniel E. Sickles for shooting Philip Barton Key. 8vo. boards. New York. 75 1868 TRIAL of John Webster for the Murder of Dr. George Parkman. Svo. boards. New York, 1850. 75 1869 TRIP (A) through the Lakes of North America. A full description of the St. Lawrence, the Commerce of the Lakes, etc. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1857. 1 50 1870 TROLLOPE (Francis). Domestic Manners of the Americans. Illustrated. 16mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1839. 2 25 1871 Another copy, half morocco, gilt top, uncut edges. 3 25 1872 Another edition, 2 vols. 12mo. boards, uncut. London, 1832. 2 50 1873 TROME (J. A.) and KIMBALL (J. H.) Emancipation in the West Indies. A Six Month's Tour. 8vo. pp. 128, boards. New York, 1838. 50 1874 TRUE (A) and Impartial State of the Province of Pennsylvania. 12mo. boards. Philadelphia, 1759. 6 00 1875 TRUE HISTORY (A) of the Massacre of Ninety-six Christian Indians at Gnadenhuetten, Ohio, March 8, 1782. 8vo. paper, pp. 12. New Philadelphia, O., 1870. 50 1876 TRUE STORIES of the Days of Washington. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 00 1877 TRUMBULL (John). Autobiography, Reminiscences, and Letters of. From 1756 to 1841. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1841. 4 50 1878 TRUMBULL (John). Poetical Works of. Containing M'Fingal, etc. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, entirely uncut. Hartford, 1820. 4 00 1879 TRUMBULL. Life of Jonathan Trumbull, Sen., Governor of Connecticut. By J. W. Stuart. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1858. 1 75 1880 TRUMBULL (Benjamin). A Complete History of Connecticut, Civil and Ecclesiastical, from the Emigration of the First Planters from England, in 1630, to 1713. 2 vols. 8vo. full, bound. Vol. 1, Hartford, 1797; Vol. 2, New Haven, 1818. 9 00 98 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1881 TRUMBULL (Henry). History of the Discovery of America, of the Landing of our Forefathers, and their Engagements with the Indians. To which is annexed the defeat of Gens. Braddock, Harmer, and St. Clair. 12mo. sheep. Trenton, 1812. 2 00 1882 TUCKERMANN (Henry T.) America and her Commentators. With a critical Sketch of Travel in the United States. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 50 1883 TUDOR (Henry). Narrative of a Tour in North America. Comprising Mexico, the United States, and Cuba. 2 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1834. 3 00 1884 TURNER'S Indiana Annual Register for 1846. Edited by C. W. Davy. 16mo. cloth. Indianapolis, 1846. 75 1885 TURNER (O.) History of the Pioneer Settlement of Phelps and Gorham's Purchase and Morris' Reserve. To which is added a supplement or extension of the Pioneer History of Monroe County. 8vo. cloth. Rochester, 1851. 5 00 1886 TUTTLE (C. R.) General History of the State of AMichigan. With biographical sketches, portraits, engravings, and numerous illustrations. 8vo. cloth. Detroit, 1874. 5 00 1887 TUTTLE (Rev. E. B.) Boys' Book about Indians; containing a Brief History of the Leading Tribes and their Customs, Sketches of Prominent Chiefs, Narratives of Adventure, etc. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1872. 1 50 1888 TUTHILL (Franklin). The Historyof California. 8vo. San Francisco, 1866. 5 00 1889 TUTTLE (Samuel L.) A History of the Presbyterian Church, Madison, N. J. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1855. 1 00 1890 TWISS (T.) The Oregon Territory: Its History and Discovery, including an Account of the Convention of the Escurial, etc. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1846. 1 50 1891 TWISS (T.) The Oregon Question Examined, in respect to Facts and the Law of Nations. Maps. 8vo. cloth. London, 1846. 3 00 1892 TYSON (Job R.) Discourse on the Surviving Remnants of the Indian Race in the United States. 8vo. paper, pp. 38. Philadelphia, 1836. 75 1893 TYLER DAVIDSON FOUNTAIN of Cincinnati. Donated to the City by Mr. Henry Probasco. Giving a History and Description of the Fountain, Dedicatory Exercises, etc. Large plate and portraits. 18mo. paper. 40 1894 UNITED STATES REGISTER, or Blue Book, for 1874; containing the Names of the Principal Civil Officers, Army and Navy List, etc. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1874. 2 00 1895 UNIVERSITY OF VIRGINIA. Early History of the. As contained in the Letters of Thomas Jefferson and Joseph C. Cabell, hitherto unpublished. Also, Mr. Jefferson's Bill for a Complete System of Education, and other Illustrative Documents, etc. 8vo. cloth. Richmond, 1856. / 6 00 1896 VALLANDIGHAM (Clement L.) Life of. By his brother, James L. Vallandigham. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Baltimore, 1872. 4 00 1897 VALLANDIGHAM (C. L.) Speech of, on the Ohio Contested Election. 8vo. paper, pp. 16. Washington, 1858. 25 1898 VALENTINE (D. T.) A Compilation of the existing Ferry Leases and Railroad Grants made by the City of New York, etc. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1866. 3 50 1899 VAN BUREN (Martin). The Life and Political Opinions of. By William M. Holland. Portrait. 12mo. half morocco extra, gilt top. Hartford, 1835. 3 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 99 1900 VAN BUREN (Martin). Life and Times of. The Correspondence of his Friends, Family, and Pupils; together with brief Notices, Sketches, and Anecdotes, illustrative of the Public Career of Fifty-one Celebrated Americans. By Wm. L. iMiackenzie. 8vo. pp. 308, paper. Boston, 1846. 1 50 1901 VAN BUREN (Martin). Sketches of the Life of, President of the United States. By Moses Dawson. Portrait. 18mo. sheep, worn. Cincinnati, 1840. 2 00 1902 VAN BUREN (Martin). The Life of, Heir-apparent to the " Government," and the appointed Successor of General Andrew Jackson. By David Crockett. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1835. 1 50 1903 VAN DUZEN (I. and Maria). Startling Disclosures of the Great Mormon Conspiracy against the Liberties of this Country; being the Celebrated " Endowment," etc. 8vo. paper, pp. 23. New York, 1849. 1 00 1904 VAN FLEET (Rev. J. A.) Old and New Mackinac; with copious Extracts from Marquette, Hennepin, La Hontan, and others. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1874. 2 00 1905 VAN SCHAACK (Peter). The Life of; embracing Selections from his Correspondence and other Writings during the American Revolution and his Exile in England. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1842. 2 50 1906 VAN WYCK (Hon. A.) History of the People, as illustrated by their Monuments. 8vo. pp. 21. Madison, 1867. 25 1907 VARLE (Charles). A Complete View of Baltimore. With a Statistical Sketch. 18mo. cloth. Baltimore, 1833. 75 1908 VERMONT STATE PAPERS: Being a Collection of Records and Documents connected with the Assumption and Establishment of Government by the People, etc. 8vo. sheep. Middlebury, 1823. 2 50 1909 VIEW OF NORTH AMERICA, in its former Happy and its present Belligerent State. A Compendious Description of the Colonies, the War with Great Britain, and the Travels and Adventures of the Author. With interesting Autograph Letter as to Authorship inserted. 8vo. full bound. Glasgow, 1781. 5 00 1910 VIEW OF THE VALLEY OF THE MISSISSIPPI. Containing a general Description of that entire Country. 12 maps. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1834. 1 50 1911 VIGNOLES (Charles). Observations upon the Floridas. 8vo. boards, uncut. New York, 1823. 2 50 1912 VON RAUMER (Frederick). America and the American People. Translated by W. W. Turner. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1846. 2 25 1913 WADSWORTH MONUMENT. Date of the Sudbury Fight. 8vo. pp. 11, paper. Boston, 1866. 35 1914 WAITE (Mrs. C. V.) The Mormon Prophet and his Harem. An authentic History of Brigham Young, etc. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Chicago, 1868. 2 00 1915 WAKEFIELD (Priscilla). Excursions in North America, described in Letters from a Gentleman to his Friends in England. 12mo. sheep. London, 1806. 1 75 1916 WALKER (Alexander). Jackson and New Orleans: An authentic Narrative of the memorable Achievements of the American Army before New Orleans, 1814-15. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1856. 1 50 1917 WALKER (Chas. I.) The Northwest during the Revolution. 8vo. pp. 46. Madison, 1871. 40 1917* Another copy, boards. 60 100 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1918 WALKER (Charles M.) History of Athens County, Ohio, and incidentallv of the Ohio Land Company and the First Settlerrment of the State at Marietta, with Personal and Biographical Sketches of the Early Settlers, Narratives of Pioneer Adventures, etc. Five portraits and a map. Cincinnati, 1869. 1 vol. 8vo. cloth, on white paper, $4; on tinted paper, gilt top or uncut, $6; large paper edition, 2 vols. imperial 8vo. 12 00 1919 WALKER (F. A.) The Indian Question. 16mo. cloth. Boston, 1874. 1 50 1920 WALKER (Hovenden). A Full Account of the Late Expedition to Canada, containing Commissions, Orders, Instructions, Court Martials, etc. 12mo. old calf. London, n. d. 6 00 1921 WALKER (Jonathan). Trial and Imprisonment of, at Pensacola, Florida, for aiding Slaves to escape from Bondage. 16mno. pp. 119. Boston, 1845. 50 1922 WALKER (Gen. William). The War in Nicaragua. Portrait and colored map. 12mo. cloth. Mobile, 1860. 1 75 1923 WALSH (Robert). An Appeal from the Judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States of America; containing an Historical Outline of their Merits and Wrongs as Colonies, and Strictures upon the Calumnies of British Writers. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1820. 1 75 1924 Another copy, full bound. 1 50 1925 WAR IN DISGUISE; or, The Frauds of the Neutral Flags. 12mo. boards. London, 1806. 1 00 1926 WAR IN DISGUISE (An Answer to); or, Remarks on the New Doctrine of England concerning Neutral Trade. 12mo. boards. New York, 1806. 1 00 1927 WARBURTON (George). The Conquest of Canada. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1855. 3 00 1928 Another edition. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. London, 1849. 4 00 1929 WARD (H. G.) Mexico. His Majesty's Charge d'Afairs in that Country during 1825-'6 and'7. With an account of the Mining Companies and Political Events to the Present Day. Maps and plates. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1829. 10 00 1930 WARD (Nathaniel). The'Simple Cobbler of Aggawam in America. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1843. 1 25 1931 WARDEN (D. B.) Recherches sur les Antiquities de L'Amerique Septentrionale. With numerous plates of Ancient Works in Ohio. 4to. paper, uncut edges. Paris, 1827. 12 50 1932 WARDEN (D. B.) A Statistical, Political, and Historical Account of the United States of North America, from the Period of the First Colonization to the Present Day. 3 vols. 8vo. boards, uncut. Edinburgh, 1819. 6 00 1933 WARDER (T. B.) and CATLETT (J. M.) Battle of Young's Branch, or Manassas Plain, fought July 21, 1861. (The Confederate Account.) Maps. 16mo. paper, pp. 159. Richmond, 1862. 4 00 1934 WAR IN FLORIDA (The); being an Exposition of its Causes, and an Accurate History of the Campaigns of Generals Clinch, Gaines, and Scott. Map. 12mo. cloth. Baltimore, 1836. 1 50 1935 WARREN (John). Life of, Surgeon during the war of the Revolution, etc. By Edward Warren. 8vo. Boston, 1873. 5 00 1936 WARREN (Joseph). Life and Times of. By Richard Frothingham. Portrait. 8vo. boards, uncut. Boston, 1865. 3 00 1937 WARREN (J. C.) The Great Tree on Boston Common. Map and plate. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1855. 1 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 101 1938 WARREN (Mrs. Mercy). History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution. Biographical, Political, and Moral Observations. 3 vols. 8vo. half bound. Boston, 1805. 6 00 1939 WASHINGTONIANA: Containing a Sketch of the Life and Death of George Washington, with a collection of Eulogies, Orations, etc., sacred to his memory. Portrait. 8vo. full bound. Lancaster, 1802. 1 50 1940 WASHINGTONIANA (The). Privately printed. Portrait. Large paper copy. 4to. New York, 1865. 6 00 1941 WASHINGTON. The Old Capitol and its Inmates. By a Lady. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1867. 1 50 1942 WASHINGTON. The Age of. An Address at St. Mary's College, 1849, by Z. Collins Lee. 8vo. pp. 16, boards. Baltimore, 1849. 50 1943 WASHINGTON. The Memory of. An Oration by Rev. Noah Hunt Schenck. 8vo. pp. 32, boards. Baltimore, 186!. 35 1944 WASHINGTON (George). The Life and Times of. By Samuel M. Smucker. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia. 1 75 1945 WASHINGTON (George). The Diary of. From 1789 to 1791; embracing his Tours through New England, Long Island, and the Southern States, with his Journal of a Tour to the Ohio, in 1753. Edited by Benson J. Lossing. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1860. 1 75 1946 WASHINGTON (George). Recollections and Private Memoirs of. By his adopted son, G. W. Parke Custis. With a Memoir of the Author by his Daughter, and Illustrative and Explanatory Notes by Benson J. Lossing. Illustrated. 8vo. sheep. New York, 1860. 3 00 1947 WASHINGTON (George). The Life of. By Edward Everett. Large paper copy, uncut. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1860. 2 00 1948 WASHINGTON (George.) The Life of. With curious anecdotes, equally honorable to himself and exemplary to his young countrymen. Byv M. L. Weems. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1869. 1 25 1949 WASHINGTON (George). Life of. By John Marshall. Compiled from original papers. 5 vols. and atlas. 8vo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1804. 10 00 1950 WASHINGTON (George). Life of. By Washington Irving. 5 vols. 8vo. half morocco, gilt edge. New York, 1860. 35 00 1950a Another copy. Knickerbocker edition. 5 vols. 12mo. cloth. 12 50 1950b Another copy. Sunnyside edition. 5 vols. 12mo. cloth. 11 25 1950c Another copy. Riverside edition. 5 vols. 12mo. cloth. 8 75 1950d Another copy. Peoples' edition. 5 vols. 12mo. cloth. 6 25 1950e Another copy. 1 vol. 8vo. cloth. 5 00 1950f Another copy. 1 vol. 12mo. cloth. 2 50 1951 WASHINGTON (George). The Life of, Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the United States. By David Ramsay. Portrait. 8vo. full bound. New York, 1807. 2 00 1952 WASHINGTON (George). Life of. By Jared Sparks. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1857. 3 00 1953 WASHINGTON (George). The Life of. By John Marshall. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1836. 5 00 1954 WASHINGTON (George). Life of, with Curious Anecdotes. By M. L. Weems. Portrait and illustrations. 16mo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1847. 1 00 1955 WASHINGTON (George). A New Chapter in the Early Life of, in connection with the Narrative History of the Potomac Company. By John Pickell. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1856. 2 25 102 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1956 WASHINGTON (George). The Writings of. Being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and other Papers, Official and Private. Selected and published from the original manuscripts. With a Life of the Author. Notes and illustrations. 12 vols. Large paper, boards, uncut. Boston, 1837. 100 00 1957 WASHINGTON (George). Letters from, to several of his friends, in June and July, 1776; in which is set forth an Interesting View of American Politics at that all-important period. 8vo. half morocco, uncut edges. Philadelphia, 1795. 5 00 1958 WASHINGTON (George). Monuments of Washington's Patriotism; containing a fac-simile of his Publick Accounts kept during the Revolutionary War; and some of the most Interesting Documents connected with his Military Command and Civil Administration, embracing, among others, the Farewell Address to the People of the United States, etc. Portrait. Illustrated. 4to. cloth. Washington, 1838. 4 00 1959 WASHINGTON AND HIS GENERALS. Comprising Popular Biographies of Washington, Putnam, Montgomery, Arnold, Stark, Schuyler, and many others. By J. T. Headley. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1864. 2 50 1960 WASHINGTON (George). A Eulogy on the Life of. By Thomas Paine. 8vo. paper, pp. 22. Newburyport, 1800. 1 00 1961 WASHINGTON (George). Eulogy on, delivered in Boston by G. R. Minot. 8vo. paper, pp. 24. Boston, 1800. 1 00 1962 WATSON (Henry C.) Camp Fires of the Revolution. Illustrated by Thrilling Events and Stories by Old Continental Soldiers. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1869. 2 50 1963 WATSON (John F.) Annals of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in Olden Time. Numerous illustrations. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia. 7 50 1964 WATSON (J. F.) Historic Tales of Olden Time, concerning the Early Settlement and Progress of Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1833. 2 00 1965 WATSON (Winslow C). Men and Times of the Revolution; or, Memoirs of Elkanah Watson, 1777-1842. 8vo. cloth. New York, i856. 2 25 1966 WATSON (Winslow C.) The Military and Civil History of the County of Essex, New York, and a General Survey of its Physical Geography, its Mines and Minerals, and Industrial Pursuits, embracing an account of the Northern Wilderness, etc. Plates. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Albany, 1869. 4 00 1967 Another copy, half sheep, neat. 3 50 1968 WAY (W. V.) The Facts and Historical Events of the Toledo War of 1835. 8vo. pp. 52. Toledo, 1869. 1 00 1969 WEBB (W. E.) Buffalo Land: An authentic Account of the Discoveries, Adventures, and Mishaps of a Scientific and Sporting Party in the Wild West. With graphic descriptions of the country. Illustrated. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1872. 2 50 1970 WEBBER (Charles W.) Old Hicks, the Guide; or, Adventures in the Comanche Country in Search of a Gold Mine. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1868. 1 50 1971 WEBSTER (Daniel). Life of. By George Ticknor Curtis. Portrait. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1872. 6 00 1972 WEBSTER (Daniel). Works of. 6 vols. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1869. 18 00 1973 WEBSTER (Daniel). Life, Speeches, and Memorials of. By Samuel M. Smucker. Portrait. 12mo. full bound. Philadelphia, 1859. 1 75 1974 WEBSTER (Daniel). A Discourse in Commemoration of the Lives and Services of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson, delivered in Faneuil Hall. 12mo. pp. 62, boards. Boston, 1826. 75 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 103 1975 WEBSTER (Daniel). Oration on the Life and Public Services of. By T. Walker. 8vo. pp. 45. Cincinnati, 1852. 35 1976 WELD (Isaac). Travels through the States of North America, and the Provinces of Upper and Lower Canada, during 1795-7. 2 vols. 8vo. full bound. London, 1799. 4 00 1977 Another copy, half morocco, neat. 4 50 1978 Another edition, 1 vol. 8vo. half bound. London, 1800. 3 25 1979 WELBY (Adlard). A Visit to North America and the English Settlements in Illinois, with a Winter Residence in Philadelphia, etc. Numerous plates. 8vo. half bound. London, 1821. 6 00 1980 WELLARD (James). Companion of John A. Murrell, the Great Western Land Pirate. Illustrated. 8vo. boards. Cincinnati, 1855. 50 1981 WEST (Benjamin). Life and Studies of, prior to his Arrival in England. By John Galt 12mo. half bound. London, 1816. 1 25 1982 WEST (John). The Substance of a Journal during a residence at the Red River Colony, British North America, and frequent excursions among the Indians. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1827. 1 75 1983 WESTERN BORDER LIFE; or, What Fanny Hunter saw and heard in Kansas and Missouri. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1859. 1 00 1984 WESTERN LITERARY JOURNAL and Monthly Review. Edited by W. D. Gallagher. Vol. 1, 1836. 8vo. half morocco. Cincinnati, 1836. 3 00 1985 WESTERN LITERARY MESSENGER of Literature, Science, and General Intelligence. Vols. 8-13 bound in 3, half bound. Buffalo, 1847. 6 00 1986 WESTERN MONTHLY MAGAZINE (The). A continuation of the Illinois Monthly Magazine. Conducted by James Hall. Portraits and plates. 5 vols. in 4. 8vo. half morocco extra, red edges. Cincinnati, 1833-36. 25 00 *Some odd numbers can be supplied, to complete sets. 1987 WESTERN MONTHLY REVIEW. By Timothy Flint. From May, 1827, to June, 1830. 3 vols. complete, half calf. Cincinnati, 1828-30. 12 00 *Some odd numbers can be supplied, to complete sets. 1988 WESTERN RESERVE HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Archaeological Tracts, Nos. 1 to 4. 8vo. boards. Cleveland, 1870. 1 00 1989 WESTERN REVIEW (The) and Miscellaneous Magazine. A monthly publication, devoted to Literature and Science. The four volumes complete, from August, 1819, to July, 1821. 4 vols. bound in 2, half sheep, fine copy. Lexington, 1820-21. 25 00 1990 WETMORE (Alphonse). Gazetteer of the State of Missouri, with a Map of the State. To which is added an Appendix, containing Frontier Sketches and Illustrations of Indian Character. 8vo. cloth. St. Louis, 1837. 3 00 1991 WEST POINT (A Guide to) and Vicinity, containing Descriptive and Historical Sketches. 18mo. cloth. New York, 1844. 75 1992 WHEATLEY (Phillis). Poems on Various Subjects by, Negro Servant to Mr. John Wheatley, of Boston, in New England. Portrait. 16mo. polished calf extra, by Hammond. London, 1773. 7 00 1993 WHEATLEY (Phillis). Memoir and Poems of, a Native African and a Slave. Dedicated to the Friends of the Africans. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1834. 1 00 1994 WHEELER (John H.) Historical Sketches of North Carolina, from 1584 to 1851. Compiled from Original Records, Official Documents, etc. With Biographical Sketches of her distinguished Statesmen, Jurists, Lawyers, Soldiers, Divines, etc. Illustrated. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1851. 3 00 104 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1995 WHITE (Daniel Appleton). New England Congregationalism; its Origin and Purity. Illustrated by the foundation and early records of the first church in Salem, and various discussions pertaining to the subject. 8vo. cloth. Salem, 1861. 2 50 1996 WHITE (Father Andrew). Narrative of a Voyage to Maryland. An Account of the Colony of the Lord Baron of Baltimore, from the years 1635-77. Edited by E. A. Dalrymple. 8vo. paper, uncut. Baltimore, 1874. 3 00 1997 WHITE (Rev. George). Historical Collections of Georgia; containing the most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to its History and Antiquities. Illustrated by nearly 100 engravings. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1855. 5 00 1998 NWHITE (Hugh Lawson). Memoir of, Judge of the Supreme Court of Tennessee. With Selections from his Speeches and Correspondence. Edited by N. N. Scott. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1856. 3 00 1999 WHITE (Richard Grant). National Hymns: How they are written and how they are not written. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1861. 1 00 2000 WHITEHEAD (William). Contributions to the Early History of Perth Amboy, New Jersey, and adjoining Country; with sketches of Men and Events in New Jersey during the Provincial Era. Maps and engravings. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1856. 3 00 2001 WHITFIELD (Henry). A Further Discovery of the Present State of the Indians in New England, concerning the Progress of the Gospel among them. Small 4to. half morocco, uncut. New York, 1865. 2 00 2002 WHITMORE (W. H.) The American Genealogist. Being a Catalogue of Family Histories and Publications containing Genealogical Information issued in the United States, arranged chronologically. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1868. 3 00 2003 WHITTLESEY (Charles). Early History of Cleveland, Ohio, including Original Papers and other matters relating to the adjacent Country, with Biographical Notices of the Pioneers and Surveyors. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Cleveland, 1867. 4 00 2004 Another copy, half morocco, gilt top. 5 50 2005 Another copy, 4to. large paper, half morocco, uncut. 7 00 2006 WHITTLESEY (Charles). Fugitive Essays upon Interesting and Useful Subjects relating to the Early History of Ohio, its Geology and Agriculture; with a Biography of the first successful Constructor of Steamboats. 12mo. cloth. Hudson, O., 1852. 3 00 2007 WHITTLESEY ( Chas.) Ancient Earth Forts of the Cuyahoga Valley, Ohio. Plates. 8vo. paper, pp. 40. Cleveland, 1871. 1 25 2008 WHYMPER (Frederick). Travel and Adventure in the Territory of Alaska, formerly Russian America. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1869. 2 50 2009 WILDWOOD (Warren). Thrilling Adventures among the Early Settlers. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1866. 1 75 2010 WILKES (Charles). Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition during the years 1838 to 1842. 6 vols. royal 8vo. cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1845. 25 00 2011 WILKIE (Franc B.) Davenport, Iowa: Past and Present. Including the Early History and Personal and Anecdotal Reminiscences. Views and portraits. 8vo. cloth. Davenport, 1858. 2 50 2012 WILKINSON (Gen. James). Memoirs of my own Times. 3 vols. 8vo. and 4to. atlas, sheep. Philadelphia, 1816. 12 00 2013 Another copy, boards, uncut. 15 00 2014 WILKINSON (Eliza). Letters of, during the Invasion of Charleston, S. C., by the:British during the Revolutionary War. By Caroline Gilman. 16mo. cloth. New York, 1839. 1 25 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 105 2015 WILLEY (Benj. G.) History of the White Mountains; together with many Interesting Anecdotes illustrating Life in the Backwoods. Illustrated. 12nmo. cloth. New York, 1870. 1 50 2016 WILLIAMS (Alfred). An Address delivered before the Pioneer and Historical Society of Pickaway Coun'ty, Ohio. 8vo. pp. 14. Circleville, 1873. 35 2017 WILLIAMS (E.) The Statesman's Manual. The Addresses and Messages of the Presidents; a Memoir of each President; a History of their Administrations, etc. Portraits. 4 vols. 8vo. full bound. New York, 1849. 10 00 2018 WILLIAMS (Rev. John). A Biographical Memoir of; with a Slight Sketch of Ancient Deerfield, and an Account of the Indian Wars in that place and vicinity. With an Appendix containing the Journal of Rev. Dr. Stephen Williams. 16mo. boards. Qreenfield, Mass., 1837. 2 00 2019 WVILLIAMS (John). The Redeemed Captive returning to Zion. A Faithful History of Remarkable Occurrences in the Captivity and Deliverance of John Williams, by the French and Indians. By Stephen W. Williams. 12mo. half calf, neat, uncut. Northampton, 1853. 3 00 2020 Another copy, cloth. 1 50 2021 WILLIAMS (J. J.) The Isthmus. of Tehuantepec; being the Results of a Survey for a Railroad to connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Numerous maps and engravings. With atlas. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1853. 5 00 2022 WILLIAMS (John S.) History of the Invasion and Capture of Washington, and of the Events which Preceded and Followed. Map. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1857. 1 50 2023 WILLIAMS (Roger). Footprints of. A Biography. With Sketches of important Events in early New England History with which he was connected. By Rev. Z. A. Mudge. 5 illustrations. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1871. 1 25 2024 WILLIAMS (Gen. Samuel L.) In Memoriam. Remarks on the Life and Character of. By J. A. Williams. 8vo. pp. 23. Cincinnati, 1872. 35 2025 WILLIAMS (W.) Appleton's Railroad and Steamboat Companion to the United States. 30 maps and 24 illustrations. Thick 16mo. cloth. New York, 1848. 50 2026 WILLIAMSON (Hugh). The History of North Carolina. Map. 2 vols. 8vo. full bound. Philadelphia, 1812. 8 00 2027 WILLIAMSON (William D.) The History of the State of Maine, from its First Discovery, 1602, to the Separation, 1820, inclusive. 2 vols. 8vo. boards. Hallowell, 1832. 9 00 2028 WILLIS (Wm.) The History of Portland from its First Settlement; with Notices of the Neighboring Towns. Part 2, from 1700 to 1833. 8vo. cloth. Portland, 1833, 2 25 2029 WILLSON (Marcus). American History; comprising Historical Sketches of the Indian Tribes, a Description of American Antiquities, etc. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1847. 2 50 2030 WILMOT (J. E.) Historical View of the Commission for enquiring into the Losses, Services, and Claims of the American Loyalists, with an Account of the Compensation granted to them by Parliament, 1785-88. 8vo. half bound. London, 1815. 2 25 2031 WILSON (Doctor). Second Sermon on Witchcraft. 8vo. paper, pp. 22. Cincinnati, 1846. 75 2032 WILSON (H.) History of the Rise and Progress of the Slave Power in the United States. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Boston. 15 00 2033 WILSON (Joseph M.) The Presbyterian Historical Almanac and Annual Remembrancer for 1860. 8vo. boards, uncut. Philadelphia, 1860. 1 50 106 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 2034 WILSON (Robert A.) Mexico: Its Peasants and its Priests; or, Adventures and Historical Researches in Mexico and its Silver Mines during parts of the years 1851-52-53-54. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1856. 1 50 2035 WILSON (Robert A.) A New History of the Conquest of Mexico. In which Las Casas' Denunciations of the popular Historians of that War are fully vindicated. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1859. 3 00 2036 WILSON (Samuel F.) History of the American Revolution, with a Preliminary View of the Character and Principles of the Colonists. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Baltimore, 1869. 1 25 2037 WINTER in the West (A). By a New Yorker. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1835. 2 50 2038 Another copy, half sheep. 2 50 2039 WINTERBOTHAM (H.) An Historical, Geographical, Commercial, and Philosophical View of the American United States. Plates and maps. 8vo. half bound. London, 1795. 5 00 2040 WINTHROP (John). The History of New England from 1630 to 1649. Fromn his original Manuscripts. With Notes to illustrate the Civil and Ecclesiastical Concerns, the Geography, Settlement, etc., by James Savage. With portrait of Gov. John Winthrop. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Boston, 1853. 6 00 2041 WINTHROP (John). Life and Letters of, from 1588 to 1630. By Robert C. Winthrop. 2 vols. cloth. Boston, 1867. 7 00 2042 WIRT (Wm.) Memoir of the Life of, Attorney-General of the United States. By John P. Kennedy. Portrait. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 4 50 2043 WIRT (Wm.) The Letters of the British Spy. 18mo. cloth. Baltimore, 1831. 75 2044 WISCONSIN Historical Society Collections. Vols. 1 and 2 paper; Vols. 3, 4, 6, cloth. 5 vols. Madison, 1855-72. 5 00 2045 WISE (Lieut.) Los Gringos; or, An Inside View of Mexico and California, with wanderings in Peru, Chili, and Polynesia. 12mo. cloth. London, 1849. 1 50 2046 WITCHCRAFT DELUSION in New England: Its Rise, Progress, and Termination, as exhibited by Dr. Cotton Mather in the " Wonders of the Invisible World;" and by Mr. Robert Calef in his "More Wonders of the Invisible World." Preface, Notes, etc., by Samuel G. Drake. 3 vols. 4to. uncut. Woodward's Historical Series. Roxbury, 1866. 9 00 2047 WITHERS (Alex. S.) Chronicles of Border Warfare; or, A History of the Settlement by the Whites of N.orthwestern Virginia, and of the Indian Wars and Massacres in that Section of the State, with Reflections, Anecdotes, etc. 16mo. full bound. Clarksburg, Va., 1831. 12 00 2048 WOLFE (Maj. Gen. James). The Life of. Founded on Original Documents and illustrated by his Correspondence. By Robert Wright. Photographic portrait. 8vo. London, 1864. 3 00 2049 WOLFE (J. M.) Guide, Gazetteer, and Directory of Nebraska Railroads. A General Description of the State, its Resources, etc. Map mounted on linen. 12mo. new half morocco. Omaha, 1872. 2 00 2050 WOODMAN (David). Guide to Texas Emigrants. Map. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1835. 1 00 2051 WOODS (John). Two Years' Residence in the Settlement on the English Prairie in the Illinois Country, United States; with an Account of the Principal Towns, Villages, etc., and the Habits and Customs of the Backwoodsman. 8vo. boards, uncut. London, 1822. 4 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 107 2052 WOOLMAN (John). A Journal of the Life and Travels of John Woolman. With an Introduction by John G. Whittier. 16mo. cloth. Boston, 1871. 1 50 2053 WOOLWORTH (Jas. M.) Nebraskain1857. 16mo.pp. 105. Omaha, 1857. 75 2054 WORSLEY (Israel). A View of the American Indians; their General Character, Customs, Language, Public Festivals, Religious Rites, and Traditions. 12mo. boards. London, 1828. 1 50 2055 WORTH (G. A.) Random Recollections of Albany, 1800-1808. Notes by the Publisher. Plates. 8vo. cloth. Munsell, Albany, 1866. 3 00 2056 WORTHINGTON (Erastus). The History of Dedham, from the Beginning of its Settlement in 1635 to 1827. 8vo. boards, uncut. Boston, 1827. 2 00 2057 WRIGHT (H. B.) Historical Sketches of Plymouth, Luzerne County, Penn. With 25 photographs. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, n. d. 4 50 2058 WRIGHT (J.) A Compleat History of the Late War; or, Annual Register of its Rise, Progress, and Events in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. 2 portraits and maps. 2 vols. 8vo. full bound. London, 1765. 4 00 2059 WRIGHT (John). Chicago: Past, Present, and Future. Relations to the Great Interior, and to the Continent. Map and illustrations. 8vo. cloth. Chicago, 1870. 2 50 2060 WRIGHT (Nathaniel ). Memorial Address delivered before the Second Presbyterian Church and Society of Cincinnati. 8vo. pp. 46. Cincinnati, 1872. 35 2061 WRIGHT (Wm.) The Oil Regions of Pennsylvania. Showing where Petroleum is Found, how it is Obtained, and at what Cost. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1865. 1 50 2062 WYNKELMANN (Hans Just). Der Americanischer Neuer Welt, Beschreibung. Darinnen deren Erfindung, Lager, Natur, Eigenschaft, Sitten, Fischen, und Auderer, etc. Gedruckt, zu Oldenburg bey Henrich Conrad Zimmern. Im Jahr Christe, 1664. Folding portrait of author, and numerous rough and curious wood-cuts. Oblong 4to. 9 00 2063 WYNNE (James). Private Libraries of New York. 8vo. cloth, uncut. 1860. 6 00 2064 WYNNE (Mr.) A General History of the British Empire in America An Historical, Political, and Commercial View of the English Settlements. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. London, 1770. 4 50 2065 YOUNG (Alex.) Chronicles of the First Planters of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, from 1623 to 1636. Now first collected from original Records, and illustrated with Notes. Portrait. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Boston, 1846. 5 00 2066 YOUNG (A. W.) History of Wayne County, Indiana, from its First Settlement to the Present Time, with numerous Biographical and Family Sketches. Embellished with upward of fifty portraits and views of buildings. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Cincinnati, 1872. 5 00 2067 ZEISBERGER (David). The Life and Times of, the Western Pioneer and Apostle of the Indians. By Edmund De Schweinitz. 8vo. cloth, uncut. Philadelphia, 1870. 4 00 2067 - Another copy, half morocco extra, uncut. 5 00 2068 ZINCKE (F. Barham). Last Winter in the United States; being Table Talk collected during a Tour through the late Southern Confederation, the Far West, the Rocky Mountains, etc. 12mo. cloth. London, 1868. 1 50 108 Robert Clarhe & Co., Cincinnati. 2069 AMERICAN Military Pocket Atlas; being an approved Collection of correct Maps, both General and Particular, of the British Colonies, especially those which now are, or probably may be, the Theatre of War. Numerous maps. 8vo. half bound. London, [1776.] 6 00 2069*: CUTTER (Charles). The Hot Springs as they are. A History and Guide. 8vo. paper. Little Rock, 1874. 1 00 2070 DETAIL (The) and Conduct of the American War, under Generals Gage, Howe, and Burgoyne. With a full and correct state of the whole of the Evidence, ind the celebrated Fugitive Pieces. The whole exhibiiing a complete History of the real Causes, Rise, Progress, etc., of the American Rebellion. 8vo. paper, uncut, pp. 190. London, 1780. 2 50 2070-" FORBES (J. G.) Sketches, historical and topographical, of the Floridas; more particularly of East Florida. Map. Half bound. New York, 1821. 2 25 2071 FOSTER (James S.) Outlines of History of the Territory of Dakota, and Emigrants' Guide to the Free Lands of the Northwest. 8vo. paper, pp. 127. Yankton, 1870. 75 2072 FOWLER (John). Journal of a Tour in the State of New York in the year 1830; and return to England by the Western Islands, in consequence of Shipwreck, in the Robert Fulton. 12mo. boards, uncut. London, 1831. 2 25 2073 GOUGE (Wm. M.) The Fiscal History of Texas; embracing an Account of its Revenues, Debts, and Currency from the Commencement of the Revolution, in 1834, to 1851-52, with Remarks on American Debts. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1852. 2 50 2074 HILDRETH (S. P.) History of the United States. First Series: From the First Settlement of the Country to the Adoption of the Federal Constitution. 3 vols. Second Series: To the End of the Sixteenth Congress>. 3 vols. In all 6 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York. 18 00 2074*- JUKES (J. B.) Excursions in and about Newfoundland, during the years 1839-40. 2 vols. 12mo. boards. London, 1842. 1 75 2075 NEWSPAPERS. Political Censor, published by James Finley, at West Union, O., 36 numbers, of 1818 to 1826. The Village Register, 85 numbers, of 1823 to 1829, published at West Union, O. (This contains 32 numbers of Bradford's Notes on Kentucky never published in any other form.) Farmer's Chronicle, West Union, O., 4 numbers for 1831. Courier of Liberty, West Union, O., 8 numbers for 1831-32. WTest Union Register, 10 numbers, 1833-34. All bound in one volume. Folio, half calf. They contain much local historical matter of great interest. 25 00 2076 NORDHOFF (Charles). The Communistic Societies of the United States; from personal Visit and Observation. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1875. 4 00 2077 PUTNAM (A. W.) History of Middle Tennessee; or, Life and Times of Gen. James Robertson. 8vo. cloth. Nashville, 1859. 5 00 2078 SEWARD (Wm. H.) The Memorial Address of Charles Francis Adams on the Life, Character, and Services of. 8vo. paper. New York, 1873. 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 109 REBELLION AND SLAVERY. 2079 ABBOTT (A. O.) Prison Life in the South, at Richmond, Macon, Charlotte, Andersonville, etc., during the years 1864 and 1865. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1865. 2 00 2080 AIKMAN (W.) The Future of the Colored Race in America. 8vo. pp. 48, boards. New York, 1862. 50 2081 ALGER (Horatio). Frank's Campaign; or, What Boys can do on the Farm for the Camp. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1864. 75 2082 ALLEN (Henry). Recollections of, Brigadier-General of Confederate States Army, Ex-Governor of Louisiana. By Sarah A. Dorsey. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 50 2083 AMERICAN SLAVERY AS IT IS. Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses. 8vo. boards. New York, 1839. 75 2084 ANDREWS (C. C.) History of the Campaign of Mobile, including the Co-operative Operations of Gen. Wilson's Cavalry in Alabama. Portraits, maps, and illustrations. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1867. 3 00 2085 ANDREWS (Sidney). The South since the War, as shown by fourteen weeks of Travel afnd Observation in Georgia and the Carolinas. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1866. 2 00 2086 ARMY OF THE POTOMAC: Gen. McClellan's Report of its Operations while under his command. Portrait, maps, and plans. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 25 2087 ANNALS of the Army of the Cumberland; comprising Biographies, Expeditions, and Battles. Also, its Police Record of Spies, Smugglers, etc., together with Anecdotes, Reminiscences, etc. Portraits, engravings, and maps. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1863. 3 50 2088 AT ANCHOR: A Story of our Civil War. By an American. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1865. 1 25 2089 BARNARD (J. G.) The Peninsular Campaign and its Antecedents, as developed by the Report of Major-Gen. Geo. B. McClellan, and other Public Documents. Map. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 00 2090 BARBER (J. W.) and HOWE (Henry). The Loyal West in the Times of the Rebellion; also, Before and Since. Being an Encyclopedia and Panorama of the Western States and Territories. 200 illustrations. Large 8vo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1865. 4 00 2091 BARBER (Winm. J.) The Cotton Question, the Production, Export, Manufacture, and Consumption of Cotton. A condensed Treatise on Cotton in all its aspects. Illustrated. 12mo cloth. New York, 1866. 1 50 2092 BARBEIRE (Joe). Scraps from the Prison Table at Camp Chase and Johnson's Island. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Doylestown, Pa., 1868. 1 75 2093 BATTLE FIELDS of the South, from Bull Run to Fredericksburg. By an English Combatant. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1863. 3 00 2094 BAXTER (William). Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove; or, Scenes and Incidents of the War in Arkansas. 6lmo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1864. 1 25 110 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 2095 BEECHER (H. W.) War and Emancipation. A Thanksgiving Sermon. 8vo. pp. 32. Philadelphia. 25 2096 BESSIE AND RAYMOND: or, Incidents connected with the Civil War in the United States. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1866. 1 25 2097 BICKHAM (W. D.) Rosecrans' Campaign with the Fourteenth Army Corps; or, The Army of the Cumberland. A Narrative of Personal Observations, with an Appendix of Official Reports of the Battle of Stone River. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1863. 1 75 2098 BISHOP (J. S.) A Concise History of the War, chronologically arranged. Also, Perrine's new Topographical War Map of the Southern States. 18mo. boards. Indianapolis. 50 2099 BLACKWELL (Robert). Original Acrostics on some of the Southern States Confederate Generals, etc. 12mo. cloth. St. Louis, 1869. 1 00 2100 BORDER AND BASTILE. By the Author of "Guy Livingstone." 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1863. 2 00 2101 BOTTS (John Minor). The Great Rebellion: Its Secret History, Rise, Progress, and Disastrous Failure. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 2 50 2102 BRACKETT (Albert G.) History of the United States Cavalry, from the formation of the Federal Government to the 1st of June, 1863. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1865. 2 00 2103 BREARLEY (W. H.) Recollections of the East Tennessee Campaign. Battle of Campbell Station, on November 16, 1863, and the Siege of Knoxville, November 17-December 5, 1863. 8vo. pp. 48, paper. Detroit, 1871. 50 2104 BROCKETT (L. P.) Woman's Work in the Civil War. A Record of Heroism, Patriotism, and Patience. Plate. 8vo. cloth. Rochester, 1867. 3 00 2105 BROWN (W. W.) The Negro in the Rebellion: His Heroism and his Fidelity. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1867. 1 25 2106 BROWNE (Junius H.) Four Years in Secessia: Adventures with and beyond the Union Lines, embracing many Facts, Incidents, and Romances of the War. 8vo. cloth. Hartford, 1865. 2 25 2107 BROWNLOW (W. G.) Sketches of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Sec.ssion; with a Narrative of Personal Adventures among the Rebels. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1862. 1 50 2108 BUCHANAN'S (Mr.) Administration on the Eve of the Rebellion. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 50 2109 CAIRNES (J. E.) The Slave Power: Its Character, Career, and Probable Designs. Being an attempt to explain the Real Issues involved in the American Contest. 8vo. cloth. London, 1863. 2 50 2110 CAIRN ES (J. E.) The Slave Power: Its Character, Career, and Probable Designs. 8vo. pp. 171, paper. New York, 1863. 75 2111 CAMP (Major Henry Ward). A Biography of. By Chaplain H. Clay Trumbull. 12mo.cloth. Boston, 1871. 2 00 2112 CAREY (H. C.) The Resources of the Union. 8vo. pp. 26, paper. Philadelphia, 1866. 25 2113 CAREY (H. C.) Shall we have Peace? Peace Financial and Peace Political. 8vo. pp. 66, paper. Philadelphia, 1869. 25 2114 CAREY (James P.) Record of the Great Rebellion. A carefully compiled Chronological History of the War from the Dawn of the Rebellion to the Dawn of Peace. 8vo. pp. 16, paper. New York, 1865. 20 2115 CARPENTER (F. B.) Six Months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln. 16mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 00 2116 CASTLEMAN (A. L.) The Army of the Potomac. Behind the Scenes. A Diary of Unwritten History. 12mo. cloth. Milwaukee, 1863. 1 25 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 111 2117 CAVADA (Col. F. F.) Libby Life: Experiences of a Prisoner of War in Richmond, 1863-64. Illustrated. 12mo.cloth. Philadelphia, 1864. 1 50 2118 CHASE (H.) and SANBORN (C. H.) The North and the South: Being a Statistical View of the Condition of the Free and Slave States. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1857. 1 00 2119 CHILD (L. Maria). The Freedmen's Book. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1865. 1 25 2120 CHITTENDEN (L. E.) A Report of the Debates and Proceedings in the Secret Sessions of the Conference Convention. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1864. 2 50 2121 CHRISTY (David). Pulpit Politics; or, Ecclesiastical Legislation on Slavery in its Disturbing Influences on the American Union. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1862. 1 75 2122 CHRISTY (David). Cotton is King; or, The Culture of Cotton, and its Relation to Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1856. 1 00 2123 CLARK (Peter H.) The Black Brigade of Cincinnati; being a Report of its Labors, and a Muster-roll of its Members, together with various Orders, Speeches, etc., relating to it. 8vo. paper. Cincinnati, 1864. 50 2124 COCHIN (Augustin). The Results of Emancipation. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1863. 1 50 2125 COCHIN (Augustin). The Results of Slavery. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1863. 1 50 2126 COFFIN (Chas. C.) Four Years of Fighting. A volume of Personal Observation with the Army and Navy, from the first battle of Bull Run to the fall of Richmond. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1866. 4 50 2127 COMPANY RECORDS of Kentucky, Indiana, and Illinois Volunteers. Lists of Officers and Privates, and short Notes on the Regiments. Folio, half bound. 4 00 2128 CONYNGHAM (David P.) Sherman's March through the South. With Sketches and Incidents of the Campaign. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1865. 1 50 2129 COOK (Joel). The Siege of Richmond. A Narrative of the Military Operations of General McClellan during May and June, 1862. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1862. 1 50 2130 COOK (John E.) Stonewall Jackson. A Military Biography. With a portrait and maps. 12mo. cloth, uncut. New York, 1866. 2 00 2131 CORCORAN (Brig. Gen, Michael). The Captivity of. The only authentic and reliable Narrative of the Trials and Sufferings endured during his eight months' imprisonment in Richmond and other Southern Cities. 8vo. paper, pp. 100. Philadelphia, 1862. 1 00 2132 CRAVEN (Col. John J.) Prison Life of Jefferson Davis. With details and incidents of his captivity, etc. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 2 00 2133 CRAWFORD (J. Marshall). Mosby and his Men. A record of the adventtres of that renowned Partisan Ranger, John S. Mosby; including the exploits of Smith, Chapman, Richards, and others. Portraits. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1867. 1 75 2134 CREECY. (James R.) Scenes in the South, and other Miscellaneous Pieces. 12mo. cloth. Washington, 1860. 1 25 2135 CUMMINS (A. G.) The Christian Church's Duty to the Freedmen. 8vo. pp. 30, paper. Philadelphia, 1865. 20 2136 CURIOSITY VISITS to Southern Plantations. By a Northern Man. 8vo. pp. 31, paper. London, 1863. 35 2137 DABNEY (R. L.) Life and Campaigns of Lieut. Gen. Thomas J. Jackson (Stonewall Jackson). Illustrated with steel portrait and eleven diagrams. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1866. 2 50 112 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 2138 DAVIS (Jefferson). Life of. With a Secret History of the Southern Confederacy, gathered " Behind the Scenes in Richmond." By Edward A. Pollard. Portrait. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1869. 3 00 2139 DAVIS (Jefferson) and JACKSON (Stonewall). Lives of, from authentic sources. Portraits. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 50 2141 DAVIS (Jefferson). The Life of. By Frank H. Alfriend. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1868. 2 00 2142 DAVIS (W. W.) History of the 104th Pennsylvania Regiment, from August, 1861, to September, 1864. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1866. 2 00 2143 DEAN (Henry Clay). Crimes of the Civil War, and Curse of the Funding System. 8vo. cloth. Baltimore, 1869. 1 50 2144 DECISION of the United States Supreme Court on Military Commissions. 8vo. pp. 23. Washington, 1867. 15 2145 DENSON (A. C.) Westmoreland; or, Southern Ferocity at the breaking out of the Rebellion. 8vo. boards. St. Louis, 1865. 40 2147 DOUGLASS (Fred'k). My Bondage and my Freedom. Portrait. 12rno. cloth, worn. New York, 1855. 75 2148 DOUGLASS (Fred'k). Narrative of the Life of. An American Slave. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1849. 75 2149 DRAPER (John WVm.) History of the American Civil War. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1868. 10 50 2150 DOWLEY (M. F.) History and Honorary Roll of the Twelfth Regiment Infantry, N. G. S. N. Y. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1869. 1 25 2151 DUKE (Basil W.) History of Morgan's Cavalry. Portrait. 8vo, cloth. Cincinnati, 1867. 2 50 2152 ECHOES FROM THE SOUTH. Comprising the most important Speeches, Proclamations, and Public Acts emanating from the South during the late War. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 25 2153 EDGE (F. M.) Major-General McClellan and the Campaign on the Yorktown Peninsula. Maps. 12mo. cloth. London, 1865. 1 50 2154 EDMONDS (S. Emma E.) Unsexed; or, The Female Soldier. The thrilling adventures, experiences, and escapes of a Woman as Nurse, Spy, and Scout. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1864. 2 00 2155 EDWARDS (John N.) Shelby and his Men; or, The War in the West. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1867. 1 50 2156 EDWARDS (Rev. John E.) The Confederate Soldiers; being a Memorial Sketch of George N. and Bushrod W. Harris. 12mno. cloth. New York, 1868. 1 00 2157 EGGLESTON (Geo. Cary). A Rebel's Recollections. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1875. 1 50 2158 ELLIOTT (E. N.) Cotton is King, and Pro-Slavery Arguments; comprising the Writings of Hammond, Harper, Christy, Hodge, etc. 8vo. sheep. Augusta, 1860. 3 50 2159 ELLIS (Thomas T.) Leaves from the Diary of an Army Surgeon; or, Incidents of Field, Camp, and Hospital Life. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1863. 1 50 2160 ELY (Alfred). Journal, while a Prisoner of War in Richmond. Edited by Charles Lanman. Portrait. 12mo. New York, 1872. 1 00 2161 ESTVAN (B.) War Pictures from the South. Illustrated. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. London, 1863. 2 50 2162 Another edition, 8vo. cloth. New York, 1863. 1 59 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 113 2163 EVERETT (Edward). Address at the Consecration of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg. 8vo. pp. 88. Boston, 1864. 60 2164 FALL OF FORT SUMPTER; or, Love and War in 1860-'61. 8vo. cloth. New York. 1 50 2165 FARRAR (C. C. S.) The War; its Causes and Consequences. 12mo. cloth. Cairo, Ill., 1864. 1 25 2166 FLEHARTY (S. F.) A History of the 102d Illinois Infantry Volunteers; with Sketches of the Atlanta Campaign, the Georgia Raid, and the Campaign of the Carolinas. 12mo. cloth. Chicago, 1865. 1 25 2167 FLETCHER (John). Studies on Slavery, in Easy Lessons. Compiled into Eight Studies, and subdivided into Short Lessons for the convenience of Readers. 8vo. sheep. Natchez, 1852. 2 50 2168 FOLLOWING THE FLAG. From August, 1861, to November, 1862, with the Army of the Potomac. By "Carleton." 16mo. cloth. Boston, 1865. 1 25 2169 FORD (S. R.) Raids and Romance of Morgan and his Men. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 2 00 2170 FORREST (Lieut. Gen. N. B.) The Campaigns of, and of Forrest's Cavalry. With portrait, maps, and illustrations. By General Thomas Jordan and J. P. Pryor. 8vo. cloth. New Orleans, 1868. 3 50 2171 FORT PILLOW MASSACRE and Rebel Prisons. Narrative of the Privations and Sufferings of United States Officers and Soldiers while Prisoners of War. 8vo. half morocco. Philadelphia, 1864. 2 00 2172 FREMANTLE (Lieut. Col.) Three Months in the Southern StatesApril-June, 1863. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 50 2173 GASPARIN (A. de). The Uprising of a Great People. The United States in 1861. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1862. 1 00 2174 GEER (J. J.) Beyond the Lines; or, A Yankee Prisoner Loose in Dixie. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1863. 1 00 2175 GIDDINGS (Joshua R.) A History of the Rebellion; its Authors and Causes. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1864. 2 00 2176 GLAZIER (Willard). Three Years in the Federal Cavalry. Portrait and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1874. 1 50 2177 GLAZIER (Capt. W. W.) The Capture, Prison Pen, and the Escape; giving a Complete History ot Prison Life in the South. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1870. 1 50 2178 GLYNDON (Howard). Idyls of Battle and Poems of the Rebellion. 16mo. New York, 1864. 1 50 2179 GOODWIN (Daniel R.) Southern Slavery in its Present Aspects; containing a Reply to a late Work of the Bishop of Vermont on Slavery. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1864. 1 50 2180 GOODWIN (Thomas S.) The Natural History of Secession; or, Despotism and Democracy at Necessary, Eternal, Exterminating War. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 75 2181 GOLDSBOROUGH (W. W.) The Maryland Line in the Confederate States Army. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Baltimore, 1869. 2 25 2182 GOSS (W. L.) The Soldier's Story of his Captivity at Andersonville, Belle Isle, and other Rebel Prisons. Illustrated by Nast. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1867. 1 50 2183 GRANT AS A SOLDIER AND STATESMAN. Being a Succinct History of his Military and Civil Career. 8vo. cloth. London, 1868. 3 25 2184 GRANT (U. S.) Life of. By Charles A. Dana and J. H. Wilson. Portrait. 8vo. sheep. Springfield, 1868. ~ 2 CO 2185 GRANT (U. S.) and COLFAX (S.) Lives of. By E. D. Mansfield. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1868. 1 75 114 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 2186 GRANT AND COLFAX. The Lives of, from their Birth up to the Present Time. Portraits and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1868. 1 00 2187 GREAT WESTERN SANITARY FAIR. History of. Containing much valuable Historical Matter. Portrait. 8vo. new full morocco, gilt edges. Cincinnati, 1864. 2 00 2188 GREELEY (Horace). The American Conflict. A History of the Great Rebellion in the States of America, 1860-1865. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. sheep. Hartford, 1871. 10 00 2189 GREEN (Capt. J. H.) The Life, Trial, Death, and Confession of Samuel H. Calhoun, the Soldier Murderer. 16mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1862. 50 2190 GREENE (Chas. S.) Thrilling Stories of the Great Rebellion, with Incidents of Fun and Merriment in Camp and Field. Also, an Account of the Death of President Lincoln, Fate of Assassins, etc. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1864. 1 75 2191 GREENHOW (Mrs.) My Imprisonment and the First Year of Abolition Rule at Washington. Portrait. Newly half bound. London, 1863. 3 00 2192 GUROWSKI (Adam). Diary from March 4, 1861, to November 12, 1862. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1862. 1 50 2193 GUROWSKI (Adam). Diary from November 18,'1862, to October 18, 1863. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 50 2194 HACKET (H. B.) Christian Memorials of the War. Scenes and Incidents, with Historical Notes. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1864. 1 25 2195 HALL (Newman). The American *War: A Lecture. 16mo. paper, pp. 48. New York, 1862. 25 2196 HAMLIN (Augustus C.) Martyria; or, Andersonville Prison. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1866. 2 00 2197 HANNAFORD (P. A.) Field, Gunboat, Hospital, and Prison; or, Thrilling Records of the Heroism, Endurance, and Patriotism displayed in the Union Army and Navy during the Great Rebellion. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1866. 1 75 2198 HANNAFORD (E.) The Story of a Regiment. A History of the Campaigns and Associations in the Field of the Sixth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1868. 3 00 2199 HANSON (John W.) Historical Sketch of the old Sixth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers during its three Campaigns, 1861-4. Illustrated with photographs. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1866. 1 75 2200 HARPER'S Pictorial History of the Great Rebellion. By Alfred H. Guernsey and Henry M. Alden. Over 1,000 illustrations. 2 vols. folio, cloth. New York, 1866. 12 00 2201 HARRIS (W. C.) Prison-Life in the Tobacco Warehouse at Richmond. By a Ball's Bluff Prisoner. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1862. 1 50 2202 HARRISON (Walter). Pickett's Men: A Fragment of War History. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1870. 2 00 2203 HEADLEY (J. T.) Farragut and our Naval Commanders. With numerous finle steel portraits and battle scenes. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1867. 3.50 2204 Another copy, half calf, neat. 5 00 2205 HEADLEY (P. C.) Massachusetts in the Rebellion. A Record of the Historical Position of the Commonwealth, and the Services of the Leading Statesmen, the Military, the Colleges, and the People. Numerous steel portraits. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1866. 4 50 2206 HELPER (Hinton R.) The Impending Crisis of the South: How to Meet it. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1860. 1 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 115 2207 HELPER (H. R.) Compendium of the Impending Crisis. l2mo. boards. New York, 1860. 1 25 2208 HELPER (H. R.) Nojoque: A Question for a Continent. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1867. 2 00 2209 HEPWORTH (George H.) The Whip, Hoe, and Sword; or, The Gulf Department in 1863. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1864. 1 25 2210 HILL (A. F.) Our Boys. The Personal.Experiences of a Soldier in the Army of the Potomac. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1864. 1 50 2211 HOPKINS (John Baker). The Fall of the Confederacy. 12mo. London. 1 00 2212 HOPKINS (J. H.) The American Citizen: His Rights and Duties, according to the Spirit of the Constitution of the United States. 12mo. half calf. New York, 1857. 2 50 2213 HOPKINS (J. H., Bishop of Vermont). A Scriptural, Ecclesiastical, and Historical View of Slavery. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 50 2214 HOSMER (James K.) The Color Guard; being a Corporal's Notes of:Military Service in the Nineteenth Army Corps. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1864. 1 50 2215 HOTCHKISS (Jed.) and ALLAN (William). The Battle-fields of Virginia. Chancellorsville; embracing the Operations of the Army of Northern Virginia, from the first Battle of Fredericksburg to the Death of Lieut. Gen. Jackson. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1867. 2 00 2216 HOWARD'S GOLD CHART; showing at a glance all the fluctuations in the Price of Gold'during 1862-3. 8vo. cloth. 50 2217 HUNT (Cornelius E.) The Shenandoah; or, The last Confederate Cruiser. 12rno. cloth. New York, 1867. 1 50 2218 HURLBURT (Wm. Henry). General McClellan and the Conduct of the War. Maps. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 25 2219 INGERSOLL (Lurton D.) Iowa and the Rebellion. A History of the Troops furnished by the State of Iowa to the Volunteer Armies of the Union, which conquered the Great Southern Rebellion of 1861-5. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1866. 3 50 2220 IN MEMORIAN. Licking County's Gallant Soldiers who died in Defense of our Glorious Union. 8vo. pp. 29. Newark, O., 1874. 35 2221 JACKSON (Stonewall). The Life of. From Official Papers, Contemporary Narratives, and Personal Acquaintance. By Daniels, of Richmond. Portrait. i2mo. cloth. New York, 1863. 1 50 2222 JACKSON (Tatlow). Martial Law: What is it? and Who can declare it? 4to. large paper. Philadelphia, 1862. 75 2223 JACOBS (M.) Notes on the Rebel Invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and the Batttle of Gettysburg. Map. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1864. 1 50 2224 JOHN'S (Henry T.) Life with the Forty-ninth Massachusetts Volunteers. Portraits. 12mo. cloth. Pittsfield, Mass., 1864. 1 50 2225 JOHNSON (A. B.) A Guide to the Right Understanding of our American Union. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1857. 1 00 2226 JONES (Chas. C.) The Siege of Savannah in December, 1864, and the Confederate Operations in Georgia and South Carolina during Sherman's March. 4to. paper, uncut. Albany, 1874. 3 00 2227 JONES (Chas. C.) Historical Sketch of the Chatham Artillery during the Confederate Struggle for Independence. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1867. 3 00 2228 JONES (J. B.) A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate Capital. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1866. 4 50 116 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 2230 KEARNEY (Philip). Personal and Military History of. By John W. De Peyster. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1869. 2 50 2231 KEILEY (A. M.) In Vinculis; or, The Prisoner of War. Being the Experience of a Rebel in two Federal Pens, interspersed with Reminiscences of the late War, Anecdotes of Southern Generals, etc. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 00 2232 KEIM (B. R.) Sheridan's Troopers on the Borders: A Winter Campaign on the Plains. Portrait. 12mio. cloth. Philadelphia, 1870. 1 75 2233 KELLOGG (R. H.) Life and Death in Rebel Prisons. 12mo. cloth. Hartford, 1866. 1 25 2234 KELSO (Isaac). The Stars and Bars; or, The Reign of Terror in Missouri. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1863. 1 50 2235 KENNAWAY (J. H.) On Sherman's Track; or, The South after the War. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1867. 2 25 2236 KENNEDY (John P.) The Border States; their Power and Duty in the present Disordered Condition of the Country: 8vo. paper, pp. 47. Philadelphia, 1861. 25 2237 KETTELL (T. P.) Southern Wealth and Northern Profits, as exhibited in Statistical Facts and Official Figures; showing the Necessity of Union to the Future Prosperity aid Welfare of the Republic. 8vo. paper, pp. 173. New York, 1860. 1 00 2238 KINNEAR (J. R.) History of the 86th Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry. 12mo. cloth. Chicago, 1866. 1 50 2239 KIRKE (Edmund). Adrift in Dixie; or, A Yankee Officer among the Rebels. i2mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 00 2240 KIRKE (Edmund). Down in Tennessee and Back by Way of Richmond. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 50 2241 KNOX (Thomas W.) Camp-fire and Cotton-field: Southern Adventure in Time of War. Life with the Union Armies and Residence on a Louisiana Plantation. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1865. 1 75 2242 LEE (Gen. Robert E.) Life of. By John E. Cooke. With illustrations, portraits, and maps. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1871. 5 00 2243 LEE (Gen. Robert E.) Address on the Life and Character of. By Wade Hampton. 8vo. paper, pp. 54. Baltimore, 1871. 40 2244 LEIB (Charles). Nine Months in the Quartermaster's Department; or, The Chances for making a Million. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1862. 1 00 2245 LENG (W. C.) The American War: Its Aims, Antecedents, and Principles of the Belligerents. 8vo. paper, pp. 38. Dundee, 1863. 25 2246 LINCOLN (A.) Life of. By W. H. Lamon. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1872. 5 00 2247 LINCOLN (A.) Life of. By J. G. Holland. 8vo. cloth. Springfield, 1866. 3 00 2248 LINCOLN (A.) The Life and Public Services of. With a portrait on steel. To which is added a Biographical Sketch of Hon. JHannibal Hamlin. By D. W. Bartlett. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1860. 1 25 2249 LINCOLN (A.) Sketch of the Life of. By Isaac N. Arnold. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1869. 1 50 2250 LINCOLN (A.) Life of. Also, a Sketch of the Life of Hannibal Hamlin. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1860. 75 2251 LINCOLN (A.) The Inner Life of. Six Months in the White House. 16mo. cloth. New York, 1869. 1 50 2252 LINCOLN (A.) Self-Portrayed. By John Malcolm Ludlow. Portrait. 16mo. cloth. London, 1866. 1 50 2253 LINCOLN (A.) The History of, and the Overthrow of Slavery. By Isaac N. Arnold. 8vo. cloth. Chicago, 1867. 4 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 117 2254 LINCOLN (A.) The Assassination of, and the Trial of the Conspirators. Compiled by Benn Pitman. 8vo. sheep. Cincinnati, 1865. 2 25 2255 LINCOLN (A.) The Assassination and History of the Conspiracy. Illustrated. 8vo. boards. Cincinnati, 1865. 50 2256 LINCOLN (A.) The Terrible Tragedy at Washington: Assassination of President Lincoln. 8vo. pp. 116. Philadelphia. 25 2257 LINCOLN (A.) Trial of the Assassins and Conspirators of. 8vo. pp: 102. Philadelphia. 25 2258 LINCOLN (A.) Obsequies of, in the City of New York. By David T. Valentine. Illustrated. 8vo. morocco, gilt edges. New York, 1866. 3 25 2259 LINCOLN (A.) Eulogy on the Life and Public Services of. By Hon. Thomas Williams. 8vo. paper, pp. 36. Pittsburgh, 1865. 25 2260 LINCOLN (A.) Sermons Preached in Boston on the Death of. Together with Funeral Services in the East Room of the Executive Mansion at Washington. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1865. 2 00 2261 LINCOLN (A.) Memorial Address on the Life and Character of. By George Bancroft. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1866. 1 00 2262 LINCOLN (A.) An Horatian Ode. By Richard Henry Stoddard. 8vo. paper, pp. 12. New York, 1865. 35 2263 LINCOLN (A.) The Nation's Sacrifice. Two Discourses by A. D. Mayo. 8vo. paper, pp. 28. Cincinnati, 1865. 25 2264 LINCOLN (A.) Memorial Record of the Nation's Tribute. Compiled by B. F. Morris. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1865. 1 50 2265 LINCOLN (A.) Lincoln Memorial. The Journeys of Abraham Lincoln from Springfield to Washington, 1861, as President Elect, and from Washington to Springfield, 1865, as President Martyred; comprising an account of Public Ceremonies on the entire route, and full details of both journeys. By William T. Coggeshall. 12mo. cloth. Columbus, 1865. 1 25 2266 LINCOLN (A.) The Lincoln Memorial. A Record of the Life, Assassination, and Obsequies of the Martyred President. Edited by John Gilmary Shea. 8vo. cloth New York, 1865. 2 50 2267 LINCOLN (A.) The Martyr's Monument. Being the Patriotism and Political Wisdom of Abraham Lincoln, as exhibited in his Speeches, Messages, Orders, and Proclamations. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1865. 1 50 2268 LINCOLN (A.) His Life, Services, Death, and Great Funeral Cortege; with a History and Description of the National Lincoln Monument. By J. C. Power. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Springfield, Ill., 1875. 2 00 2269 LINCOLN (A.) A Tribute of Respect by the Citizens of Troy to the Memory of. 8vo. cloth. Albany, 1865. 3 00 2270 LINCOLN AND SEWARD. Remarks on the Memorial Address of Charles Francis Adams, etc. By Gideon Welles. 12mo. New York, 1874. 1 50 2271 LINCOLN (A.) Lincolniana. A Collection of Sermons, Eulogies, Speeches, and Letters, in Memoriam of Abraham Lincoln, with a list of books and pamphlets relating to the Assassination, Death, and Funeral Obsequies of Abraham Lincoln. Small 4to. cloth, uncut. Boston, 1865. 6 00 2272 LOCKE (William Henry.) The Story of the Old Pennsylvania Eleventh. Plates. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1868. 1 75 2273 LOSSING (Benson J.) Pictorial History of the Civil War in the United States of America. Illustrated by many hundred engravings on wood. By Lossing and Barrett. From sketches by the author and others. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1866. 15 00 2274 LYRICS, Incidents, and Sketches of the Rebellion; together with a full account of many of the Great Battles. By Ledyard Bill. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 50 118 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 2275 McCLELLAN; Who he is, and What he has done. By George Wilkes. 8vo. pp. 39. New York, 1863. 25 2276 McCLELLAN (Geo. B.) Report on the Organization and Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. With the Campaign in Western Virginia. Plans. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1861. 1 50 2277 McCLELLAN (Geo. B.) Letter of the Secretary of War, transmitting Report on the Organization of the Army of the Potomac, and of its Campaigns in Virginia arid Maryland, from July, 1861, to November, 1862. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1864. 1 25 2278 McPHERSON (Edward). The Political History of the United States during the Great Rebellion. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1865. 5 00 2279 McPHERSON (Edward). The Political History of the United States duriig the Period of Reconstruction, April, 1865-July, 1870. 8vo. cloth. WVashington, 1871. 5 00 2280 AMAGILL (M. T.) Women; or, Chronicles of the War. 12mo. cloth. Baltimore, 1871. 1 75 2281 MAHAN (D. H.) Summary of the Course of Permanent Fortification and of the Attack and Defense of Permanent Works. 8vo. half bound. Richmond, 1863. 4 00 2282 MARCY (Col. R. B.) Thirty Years of Army Life on the Border. Comprising descriptions of the Indian Nonmads of the Plains, Explorations of new Territory, etc., etc. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, uncut. New York, 1866. 3 00 2283 MARSHALL (John A.) American Bastile. A History of the Illegal Arrests and Imprisonment of American Citizens during the late Civil VWar. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1869. 3 50 2284 MASON (E. V.) The Southern Poems of the War. 12mo. cloth. Baltimore, 1867. 1 75 2285 MEADE (Maj. Gen.) The Life and Public Services of, Hero of Gettysburg, etc. 12mo. boards. Philadelphia. 50 2286 MELVILLE (H.) Battle Pieces and Aspects of the War. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 25 2287 MINUTES of the Convention of Freedmen's Commissions held at Indianapolis. 8vo. pp. 28. Cincinnati, 1864. 20 2288 MONTGOMERY (James E.) Our Admiral's Flag Abroad. The Cruise of Admiral D. G. Farragut, commanding the European Squadron in 1867-'68, in the flag-ship Franklin. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth, gilt edge. New York, 1869. 6 00 2289 MOORE (James). Kilpatrick and Our Cavalry. Comprising a Sketch of the Life of General Kilpatrick, with an account of the Cavalry Raids, Engagements, etc. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1865. 1 75 2290 MURDOCH (James E.) Patriotism in Poetry and Prose: Being Selected Ptassages from Lectures and Patriotic Readings. Also, Poems by Thomas Buchanan Read, George H. Boker, and others, coinmemorative of the Gallant Deeds of our Noble Defenders on Land and Sea. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1864. 1 00 2291 NARRATIVE of Privations and Sufferings of United States Soldiers and Officers while Prisoners of War in the hands of Rebel Authorities. 8vo. pp. 85, sewed. 35 2292 NEGRO (The). What is his Ethnological Status? Is he the Progeny of Ham? Is he a Descendant of Adam and Eve? Ilas he a Soul, etc.? By Ariel. 12mo. piper, pp. 48. Cincinnati, 1867. 25 2293 NEWBERRY (Dr. J. S.) The United States Sanitary Commission in the Valley of the Mississippi, during the War of the Rebellion, 1861-1866. 8vo. cloth. Cleyeland, 1871. 2 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 119 2294 NICHOLS (Mj. Geo. Ward). The Story of the Great March. From the Diary of a Staff Officer. Map and illustrations. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 2 00 2295 NOEL (B. W.) Freedom and Slavery in America. 12mo. cloth, uncut. London, 1863. 1 50 2296 NORTH AND SOUTH (The); or, Slavery and its Contrasts. A Tale of Real Life. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1852. 1 25 2297 NOTT (Charles C.) Sketches of the War. A Series of Letters. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1865. 1 25 2298 OLD ABE'S JOKES, fresh from Abraham's Bosom. 12mo. boards. New York, 1864. 75 2299 "OLD JACK " and his Foot-cavalry; or, A Virginian Boy's Progress to Renown. A Story of the War in the Old Dominion. Illustrated. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 50 2300 OLMSTED (F. L.) Journeys and Explorations in the Cotton Kingdom. A Traveler's Observations on Cotton and Slavery in the American States. 2 vols in 1, thick 12mo. cloth. London, 1861. 2 50 2301 PARSONS (Theophilus). Slavery; its Origin, Influence, and Destiny. 12mo. paper, pp. 36. Boston, 1863. 15. 2302 PATTERSON (Robert). A Narrative of the Campaign in the Valley of the Shenandoah. 4to. half morocco, uncut. Philadelphia, 1865. 3 00 2303 Another edition, 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1865. 1 25 2304 PECKHAM (James). General Nathaniel Lyon and Missouri in 1861. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 2 00 2305 PEYTON (John Lewis). The American Crisis; or, Pages from the Note-book of a State Agent during the Civil WVar. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. London, 1867. 3 25 2306 PITTENGER (Lieut. W.) Daring and Suffering. A History of the Great Railroad Adventure. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1864. 1 50 2307 PLANTER (The); or, Thirteen Years in the South. By a Northern Alan. 12mo. pp. 275. Philadelphia, 1853. 1 00 2308 POLLARD (E. A.) First, Second, and Last Year of the War. Portraits. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Richmond, 1862-6. 9 00 2309 POLLARD (E. A.) Southern History of the War. Portraits. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1866. 7 50 2310 POLLARD (E. A.) Lee and his Lieutenants; comprising the Early Life, Public Services, and Campaigns of Gen. Robert E. Lee, and his Companions in Arms, with a record ot their Campaigns and Heroic Deeds. Numerous portraits. Large 8vo. cloth. New York, 1867. 4 00 2311 POLLARD (E. A.) The Lost Cause. A New Southern History of the War of the Confederates, drawn from Official Sources, and approved by the most distinguished Confederate Leaders. With numerous splendid steel portraits. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1868. 5 00 2312 POLLARD (E. A.) The Lost Cause Regained. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1868. 1 50 2313 POLLARD (E. A.) Black Diamonds gathered in the Darkey Homes of the South. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1859. 1 25 2314 POOLE (Win. F.) Anti-Slavery Opinions before the Year 1800. Read before the Cincinnati Literary Club,. November 16, 1872. To which is appended a fac-simile Reprint of Dr. George Buchanan's Oration on the Moral and Political Evil of Slavery, delivered at a Public Meeting of the Maryland Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, Baltimore, July 4, 1791. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1873. Paper, 75c.; cloth, 1 25 2315 PRINCE (L. Bradford). E Pluribus Unum. The Articles of Confederation vs. the Constitution. 12mo. cloth, uncut. New York, 1867. 1 00 120 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 2316 PUBLICATIONS of the Loyal Publication Society. New York, 1863-4. 70 parts. 8vo. sewed. 7 50 2317 PULLAN (R. B.) National Currency instead of Bank Notes. 8vo. pp. 16. Cincinnati. 10 2318 PULSZKY (F. and T.) White, Red, Black. Sketches of American Society in the United States. 2 vols. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1853. 2 00 2319 PYNE (H. R.) The History of the First New Jersey Cavalry (Sixteenth Regiment N. J. Volunteers). Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Trenton, 1871. 2 00 2320 QUINT (Alonzo H.) The Potomac and the Rapidan. Army Notes from the Failure at Winchester to the. Reinforcement of Rosecrans. 1861-63. Map. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1864. 1 75 2321 REBELLION RECORD. A Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives, Illustrative Incidents, Poetry, etc. 1860-64. Edited by Frank Moore. Illustrated with 158 steel portraits, with numerous maps and plans. 12 vols. 8vo. cloth. Per vol. $5.00; sheep, 6 00 2322 REBEL BRAG AND BRITISH BLUSTER: A Record of Unfulfilled Prophecies, Baffled Schemes, etc. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1865. 1 50 2323 RECONSTRUCTION IN AMERICA. By a Member of the New York Bar. 8vo. pp. 134, paper. New York, 1865. 75 2324 RECONSTRUCTION OF STATES (The). Letter of Maj. Gen. Banks to Senator Lane. 8vo. paper, pp. 23. New York, 1865. 25 2325 RED TAPE and Pigeon Hole Generals, as seen from the Ranks during a Campaign in the Army of the Potomac. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 25 2326 REED (Wm. H.) Hospital Life in the Army of the Potomac. 12mo. cloth. Boston, 1866. 1 25 2327 REID (Whitelaw). Ohio in the War: Her Statesmen, her Generals, and her Soldiers. Maps, portraits, and engravings. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1868. 10 00 2328 REJECTED STONE (The); or, Insurrection vs. Resurrection in America. By a Native of Virginia. 12mo. paper. Boston, 1861. 50 2329 REPLY of Mr. Waite to the Argument of the Counsel of Great Britain. upon the Question as to Supplies of Coal in British Ports to Confederate Ships. 8vo. pp. 21. Geneva, 1872. 30 2330 REPORT of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1863. 5 00 2331 REPORTS of the Committee on the Conduct of the War, on the Fort Pillow Massacre, etc. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1864. 1 00 2332 REPORT of the Committee on the Conduct of the War on the Attack on Petersburg, on the 30th of July, 1864. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1865. 1 50 2333 RICHARDSON (Albert D.) The Secret Service. The Field, the Dungeon, and the Escape. Portraits and illustrations. 8vo. sheep. Hartford, 1865. 2 50 2334 RUSSELL (W. H.) My Diary, North and South. 12mo. boards Boston, 1863. 2 00 2335 SCHALK (Emil). Campaigns of 1862 and 1863. Illustrating the Principles of Strategy. Maps. 12mo. Philadelphia, 1863. 1 75 2336 SCHOULER (Wm.) A History of Massachusetts in the Civil War. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1868. 4 00 2337 SCOTT (Rev. Allen M.) Chronicles of the Great Rebellion, from the beginning of the same until the Fall of Vicksburg. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1864. 1 00 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 121 2338 SECRETS of Internal Revenue; exposing the Whisky Ring, etc. With astounding Disclosures of Conspiracies, Corruption, etc. By U. S. Vidocq. Illustrated. 8vo. sheep. Philadelphia, 1870. 3 00 2339 SE3IMES (Raphael). My Adventures Afloat. A personal Memoir of my Cruises and Services in the "Sumter" and "Alabama." Portrait and colored illustrations. 8vo. cloth, uncut. London, 1869. 5 00 2340 SEMMES (Raphael). The Cruise of the Alabama and Sumter. Portrait. - 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 50 2341 SENOUR (F.) Morgan and his Captors. Portrait. 12mo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1865. 1 50 2342 SHERMAN (Gen.) Official Account of his great March through Georgia and the Carolinas. 12mo. paper, uncut. New York, 1865. 75 2343 SNOW (W. P.) Southern Generals, their Lives and Campaigns. Portraits. 8vo. half calf. New York, 1866. 4 00 2344 SOLDIERS' LETTERS from Camp, Battle-field, and Prison. Edited by L. NM. Post. 12nlo. cloth. New York, 1865. 1 75 2345 SOUTH VINDICATED (The) from the Treason and Fanaticism of the Northern Abolitionists. 12mno.cloth. Philadelphia, 1836. 1 00 2346 SPENCE(James). The American Union: Its Effect on National Character and Policy. With an Inquiry into Secession as a Constitutional Right, and the Causes of the Disruption. 8vo. cloth. London, 1862. 2 25 2347 SPERRY (A. F.) History of the Thirty-third Iowa Infantry Volunteer Regiment, 1863-6. Portrait. 8vo. sheep. Des Moines, 1866. 3 50 2348 SPOONER (Lysander). The Unconstitutionality of Slavery. 8vo. cloth. Boston, 1853. 1 50 2349 STARS AND STRIPES (The) of Rebeldom. A Series of Papers written by Federal Prisoners (Privates) in Richmond, Tuscaloosa, New Orleans, and Salisbury. 16mo. cloth. Boston, 1862. 1 00 2350 STEPHENS (Alexander H.) A Constitutional View of the War between the States; its Causes, Character, Conduct, and Results. Illustrated. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1868. 7 00 2351 STEPHENS (Alexander H.) In Public and Private. With Letters and Speeches, before, during, and since the War. By Henry Cleveland. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1866. 3 00 2352 STILLE (Charles J.) History of the United States Sanitary Commission; being the General Report of its Work during the War of the Rebellion. 8vo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1866. 3 00 2353 STILLE (Charles J.) How a Free People conduct a Long War. 8vo. pp. 40, paper. Ilhiladelphia, 1863. 302354 STILLE (Charles J.) Northern Interests and Southern Independence: A Plea for United Action. 8vo. paper, pp. 50. Philadelphia, 1863. 25 2355 STUART (Capt. A. A.) Iowa Colonels and Regiments; being a History ot Iowa Regiments in the War of the Rebellion. Containing a Description of the Battles in which they have fought. Fine portraits. 8vo. cloth. Des Moines, 1865. 5 00 2356 SUMNER (Charles). White Slavery in the Barbary States. 16mo. cloth. Boston, 1853. 75 2357 SUMNER (Charles). Our Foreign Relations; showing its Present Perils, etc. 8vo. paper, pp. 80. New York, 1863. 35 2358 SYPHER (J. R.) History of the Pennsylvania Reserve Corps: Containing Descriptions of Expeditions, Skirmishes, and Battles. With Biographical Sketches. Portraits. 8vo. sheep. Lancaster, Pa., 1865. 3 00 2359 TAYLOR (Benj. F.) Mission Ridge and Lookout Mountain, with Pictures of Life in Camp and Field. l2mo. cloth. New York. 2 50 122 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 2360 THOMAS (General). Oration on the Life and Character of General George H. Thomas. Delivered by General James A. Garfield. 8vo. sewed. Cincinnati, 1871. 50 2361 THOMPSON (Ed. Porter). History of the First Kentucky Brigade (Confederate). With numerous steel portraits. Large 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1868. 3 00 2362 Another copy, embossed sheep, marbled edges. 3 00 2363 THOMPSON (George). Prison-Life and Reflections; or, A Narrative of the Arrest, Trial, Conviction, etc., of Work, Burr, and Thompson, who suffered an injust and cruel Imprisonment in Missouri Penitentiary for attempting to aid some Slaves to Liberty. 12mo. Hartford, 1853. 1 25 2364 TOWNSEND (George A.) Campaigns of a Non-Comlatant, and his Romaunt Abroad during the War. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 75 2365 TRAIN (G. F.) The Downfall of England. And a Sermon on the Civil War in America, by Archbishop Hughes. 8vo. boards. Philadelphia, 1862. 35 2366 TRIAL of the Officers and Crew of the Privateer Savannah on the Charge of Piracy, in United States Circuit Court of New York. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1862. 3 50 2367 TRIALS for Treason at Indianapolis, disclosing the Plans for Establishing a Northwestern Confederacy. Portraits. 8vo. Cincinnati, 1865. 2 50 2368 TRIP (The) of the Steamer Oceanus to Fort Sumter and Charleston, S. C. Comprising the entire Programme of Exercises at the Re-raising of the Flag over the Ruins of Fort Sumter, April 14, 1865. 8vo. cloth. Brooklyn, 1865. 2 25 2369 TUCKER (Beverly). The Partisan Leader. Secretly printed in Washington (in the year 1836), by Duff Green, for circulation in the Southern States, but afterward suppressed. 2 vols. 12mo. paper. iNew York, 1861. 1 50 2370 TUCKERMAN (H. T.) America and her Commentators. With a Critical Sketch of Travel in the United States. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1864. 1 50 2371 TURNER (W. W.) Jack Hopeton; or, The Adventures of a Georgian. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1860. 1 00 2372 TWO MONTHS IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES, including a Visit to New Orleans under the Dominion of Gen. Butler. By an English Merchant. 12mo. cloth. London, 1863. 1 75 2373 VALLANDIGHAM (C. L.) The Record of, on Abolition, the Union, and the Civil War. Portrait. 8vo. cloth. Columbus, 1863. 1 25 2374 VALLANDIGHAM (C. L.) Great Speech upon the War, etc. 8vo. pp. 18, boards. 25 2375 VIELE (Mrs.) "Following the Drum." A Glimpse of Frontier Life. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1858. 1 50 2376 WHITNEY (J. H. E.) The Hawkins Zouaves (Ninth N. Y. V.): Their Battles and Marches. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1866. 1 25 2377 WHITE (Richard Grant). Poetry-Lyrical, Narrative, and Satiricalof the Civil War. 12mo. New York, 1866. 1 50 2378 WILLIAMS (Hon. Thomas). The Negro in American Politics. 8vo. pp. 36, boards. Pittsburgh, 1860. 40 2379 WILLIS (Anson). Our Rulers and our Rights; or, Outlines of the United States Government, etc. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1868. 1 50 2380 WILSON (S. R.) The Causes and Remedies of Impending National Calamities. 8vo. pp. 16. Cincinnati, 1860. 35 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 123 2381 WIRZ (Henry). The Trial of. His Life and Execution. The Demon of Andersonville. 8vo. pp. 120. Philadelphia, 50 2382 WITH GENERAL SHERIDAN in Lee's Last Campaign. By a Staffofficer. Portrait and map. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1866. 1 75 2383 WOOD (Major Geo. L.) The Seventh Regiment. A Record. 12mo. cloth. New York, 1865. 2 00 2384 WOODWARD (E. M.) Our Campaigns; or, The Marches, Bivouacs, Battles, Incidents of Camp Life, and History of our Regiment (Second Penn. Reserves), during three Years' Service. 12mo. cloth. Philadelphia, 1865. 1 50 2385 WORTHINGTON (T.) Shiloh: The only correct Military History of U. S. Grant, and of the Missing Army Records. 8vo. paper. Washington City, 1872. 1 00 2386 YATES (Edward). A Letter to the Women of England on Slavery in the Southern States of America. 8vo. pp. 68. London, 1863. 50 CONFEDERATE PUBLICATIONS. [The dingy and roughly printed books published in the Confederate States during the "late unpleasantness," when they were deprived of the materials and facilities for the production of finer work, are already becoming scarce, and in a few years will be of the greatest rarity. Rude as they are, they will ever be objects of interest to collectors, and valuable to all interested in the hi-tory of the Confederacy. The following small lot are all printed on Confederate paper, and most of them" Entered according to act of Congress in the Confederate States of America." A few extracts, illustrating the quaint style and partisan spirit of the times, have been added:] 2387 THE JACK MORGAN SONGSTER. Compiled by a Captain in Gen. Lee's Army. 32mo. paper. Raleigh, N. C., 1864. 60 King Abraham is very sick, Old Scott has got the measles, Manassas we have won at last — Pop goes the weasel! Jack Morgan is his name, The fearless and the lucky; No dastard foe can tame The son of old Kentucky. 2388 THE BRITISH PARTISAN: A Tale of the Olden Time. By a Lady of South Carolina. 16mo. paper. Macon, Ga., 1864. 75 2389 JOHNSON (L.) An Elementary Arithmetic, embracing the First Principles of the Science. 16mo. boards. Raleigh, 1864. 1 00 If 1 Confederate soldier can whip 7 Yankees, how many soldiers can whip'49 Yankees? 7 Confederate soldiers captured 21 Yankees and divided them equally between them; how many did each have? A Confederate soldier captured 8 Yankees each day for 9 successive days; how many did he capture in all? What is currency? Ans. Currency is coin, bank-bills, Confederate notes, etc. 2390 MYRTLE LEAVES; or, Tokens of the Tomb. A book peculiarly adapted to the Times. By A. W. Mangum. 16mo. paper. Raleigh, 1865. 75 2391 THE LIFE OF THOMAS J. JACKSON (Stonewall). By an Excadet. 12mo. paper. Richmond, 1864. 1 25 Many of the incidents related came under the immediate observation of the author, and the remainder are drawn from authentic sources. The book was completed and put in press on the 29th of May, but the failure to procure paper, and other difficulties hard to overcome, have prevented its appearance at an earlier period. 124 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 2392 JOURNAL of the Convention of the People of North Carolina, held on the 20th day of May, A. D. 1861. 8vo. newly half bound. Raleigh, 1862. 6 00 2393 THE SOUTHERN ZION SONGSTER. Designed for Prayer and Social Meetings and Camps. 48mo. paper. Raleigh, 1864. 35 2394 THE FIRST READER, for Southern Schools. 16mo. paper. Raleigh, 1864. 40 2395 SONGS OF LOVE AND LIBERTY. Compiled by a North Carolina Lady. 48mo. paper. Raleigh, 1864. 50 For the South shall smile on in her fragrance and bloom, When the North is fast sinking in silence and gloom. Ever constant, ever true, Let the word be, No surrender! Boldly dare and greatly do, They shall bring us safely through, No surrender! No surrender! 2396 THE NEW TESTAMENT of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. 48mo. boards. Augusta, Ga., Confederate States Bible Society, instituted in the year 1862. 1 00 2397 THE DIXIE SPELLER, to follow the First Dixie Reader. By Mrs. M. B. Moore. 16mo. boards. Raleigh, 1864. 75 If the rulers in the United States had been good Ciristian men, the present war would not have come upon us. Let every boy learn this lesson; and when lie is a man, let him not vote for a bad man to fill an office. 2398 POLLARD (E. A.) Observations in the North: Eight months in Prison and on Parole. 8vo. flex cloth, pp. 142. Richmond, 1865. 2 50 2399 WARREN (Edward). An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital. First edition. 12mo. half bound. Richmond, 1863. 3 00 I have therefore devoted myself to the preparation of this volume as a vade mecurn for the Surgeons of the Confederate service.-Preface. So far as the typographical execution of this book is concerned, I must urge in extenuation of its imperfections that the best printers are in the service. 2400 PORCHER (F. P.) Resources of the Southern Fields and Forests, Medical, Economical, and Agricultural. Being also a Medical Botany of the Confederafe States, with practical information on the useful properties of the Trees, Plants, and Shrubs. 8vo. half bound. Charleston, 1863. 6 00 2401 THE FIRST DIXIE READER. Designed to follow the Dixie Primer. By Mrs. M. B. Moore. 48mno. paper. Raleigh, 1863. 60 The author hopes the book will recommend itself to educatois in the Southern Confederacy. Ned says " he wants ebery nigger to stay at home and mnind his work, and let dem Yankees do der own work." 2402 YORK (Rev. Brantley). English Grammar. Revised and Adapted to Southern Schools. 12mo. boards. Raleigh, 1864. 1 00 2403 RICE (John H.) A System of Modern Geography. Compiled from various sources, expressly for use in the Confederate States of America. In which the Political and Physical Condition of the States composing the Confederate States of America are fully treated of. 4to. half bound. Atlanta, Ga., 1862. 2 50 This is the only work in existence that approximates doing justice to the country now composing the Confederate States of America, its actual condition and resources having been studiously concealed by every Yankee work. What is the best examnple of a Republican Government in the World? THE CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. Give Examples of Enlightened Nations? The Confederate States, the United States, England, and France. 2404 GILHAM (William). Manual of Instruction for the Volunteers and Militia of the Confederate States. 12mo. cloth. Richmond, 1861. 2 50 2405 BROWN AND ARTHUR. An Episode from "Tom Brown's School Days." 16mo. cloth. Richmond, 1861. 1 00 B'obert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 125 2406 MOORE (Mrs. M1I. B.) The Geographical Reader, for the Dixie Children. With very rough and curious maps. Small 4to. Raleigh, 1863. 2 00 2406- The Same. With the maps roughly colored by hand. 2 50 The Southern Confederacy is a great country. The Yankees thought to starve us out when they sent their ships to guard our seaport towns. We it ere considered an indolent. weak people; but our enemies have found us strong, because we had justice on our side. In the year 18(O, the Abolitionists became strong enough to elect one of their men for President. Abraham Lincoln was a weak man, and the South believed he would allow laws to be made which would deprive them of their rights. So the Southern States seceded, and elected Jefferson Davis for their President. This so enraged Lincoln that he declared war, and has exhausted nearly all the strength of the nation in the vain attempt to whip the South back into the Union; but still Abraham is unable to conquer the "Rebels," as he calls the South.... The South only asked to be let alone, etc. 2407 MARY BARKER. A Thrilling Narrative of Early Life in North Carolina. By Charlie Vernon. 16mo. paper. Raleigh, 1865. 50 2408 GUIDE FOR CLAIMANTS of Deceased Soldiers. By Col. W. H. Fowler. 16mo. paper. Richmond, 1864. 1 00 2409 BRANSON (L.) First Book in Composition. Especially designed for Southern Schools. 12mo. boards. Raleigh, 1863. 1 00 In the hope that it may be useful to the young of our great rising Confederacy, this work is respectfully offered to the public. General Lee defeated the Yankees, though his army was much smaller than theirs. 2410 WARDER (T. B.) and CATLETT (J. M.) Battle of Young's Branch, or Manassas Plain, fought July 21, 1861. (Confederate account.) Map. 16mo. paper, pp. 159. Richmond, 1862. 4 00 2410* MAHAN (D. H.) Summary of the Course of Permanent Fortifications and of the Attack and Defense of Permanent Works. 8vo. half bound. Richmond, 1863. 4 00 126 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. CONFEDERATE MUSIC. Published at different points throughout the South. Printed on Confederate paper, and entered in the Confederate States. Full music size, many with lithographic title-pages. Price 30 cents each. 2411 Alabama, The. 2448 " No Name" Waltz. 2412 All quiet along the Potomac. 2449 No one to love. 2413 Annie of the Vale. 2450 "No Surrender." 2414 Aura Lee. 2451 On Guard. 2415 Bessie Bell Waltz. 2452 Our First President's Quickstep. 2416 Bonnie Eloise. 2453 Palmetto Schottische. 2417 Call me not back from the Echo- 2454 See at your Feet a Suppliant. less Shore. 2455 Silver Bells Mazurka. 2418 Chimes of the Monastery. 2456 Soldier's Adieu. 2419 Dearest Spot on Earth. 2457 Soldier's Farewell. 2420 Dear Mother, I've come Home 2458 Something to love me. to die. 2459 Rock beside the Sea. 2421 Dixie, the Land of King Cotton. 2460 South, The. 2422 Dying Soldier. 2461 Southern Cross, The. 2423 Farewell, enchanting Hope. 2462 Southern Soldier Boy. 2424 FairieshavebrokentheirWands. 2463 Spring Time Polka. 2425 Fairy Belle. 2464 Standard Bearer. 2426 First Love Waltz. 2465 Star-Spangled Cross. 2427 General Morgan's Grand March. 2466 Strike for the South. 2428 God save the South. 2467 Switzer's Farewell. 2429 Good-bye, Sweetheart. 2468 There's Life in the Old Land 2430 Harp of the South, awake. yet. 2431 Hear me, Norma. 2469 Then you'll remember me. 2432 Her bright Smile haunts me still. 2470 They told me not to love him. 2433 Hurrah for our Flag. 2471 Twinkling Stars are laughing, 2434 1 remember the Hour. Love. 2435 I've brought thee an Ivy Leaf. 2472 Unknown Dead. 2436 Juanita. 2473 Up with the Flag. 2437 Kathleen Mavourneen. 2474 Vale of Rest. 2438 Keep me awake, Mother. 2475 Virginia Marseillaise. 2439 Love me. 2476 Wait till the War, Love, is over. 2440 March of the Southern Men. 2477 Warrior's Farewell. 2441 Mary of Argyle. 2478 We have parted. 2442 Mocking Bird Quickstep. 2479 When this cruel War is over. 2443 Mother, oh! sing me to Rest. 2480 Where are now the Hopes? 2444 Mother is the Battle over? 2481 Who will care for Mother, now? 2445 Morning Prayer. 2482 Why, no one to love? 2446 Murmur of the Shell. 2483 Will you love me then as now? 2447 My Wife and Child. 2484 You can never win us back. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 127 EXPLORATIONS, SURVEYS, AND GEOLOGICAL REPORTS OF SOME OF THE STATES AND TERRITORIES. 2486 ARKANSAS-Owen (D. D.) First Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of the Northern Counties of Arkansas, made during 1857-8. Colored plates. 8vo. paper. Little Rock, 1858. 3 00 2487 ARKANSAS-Owen (D. D.) Second Report of a Geological Reconnoissance of the Middle and Southern Counties of Arkansas made during 1859-60. Colored plates. 8vo. half bound. Philadelphia, 1860. 5 00 2488 Another copy, paper. 4 00 2489 CALIFORNIA-Fremont (J. C.) Geographical Memoir upon Upper California in illustration, of his map of Oregon and California. 8vo. boards. Washington, 1848. 1 00 2490 CALIFORNIA-Tyson (P. T.) Geology and Industrial Resources of California. Maps. 8vo. cloth. Baltimore, 1851. 1 00 2491 CANADA-Bell (Robt.) Report on the Geology of the Northwest Side of Lake Superior and of the Nipigon District. 8vo. paper. Montreal, 1870. 1 00 2492 CANADA-Dawson (J. W.) The Fossil Plants of the Devonian and Upper Silurian Formations of Canada. Plates. 8vo. paper. Montreal, 1871. 3 00 2493 CANADA-Logan (W. E.) Figures and Descriptions of Canadian Organic Remains. Plates. 4 vols. 8vo. paper. Montreal, 1859. 6 00 2494 CANADA-Selwfn (A. R. C.) Geological Survey of Canada: Report of Progress for 1870-71. 8vo. paper. Ottowa, 1872. 2 00 2495 COLORADO-Hayden (F. V.) Report of the United States Geological Survey of Colorado and New Mexico. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1869. 2 00 2496 DAWSON (S. J.) Report of the Exploration of the C(;untry between Lake Superior and the Red River Settlement, and between the latter place and the Assiniboine and Saskatchewan. Maps. 4to. half bound. Toronto, 1859. 4 50 2497 FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.) Geological Report of an Examination made in 1834, of the Elevated Country between the Missouri and Red Rivers. Map. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1835. 2 25 2498 FEATHERSTONHAUGH (G. W.) Report of a Geological Reconnoissance made in 1835 from the Seat of Government, by way of Green Bay and the Wisconsin Territory to the Coteau de Prairie. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1836. 1 50 2499 FREMONT (J. C.) A Report on an Exploration of the Country lying between the Missouri River and the Rocky Mountains on the line of the Kansas and Great Platte Rivers. Illustrated. 8vo. boards. Washington, 1843. 150 2500 HAYDEN (F. V.) Sixth Annual Report of the United States Geological Survey of the Territories, embracing portions of Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah. Maps and plates. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1873. 2 50 128 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 2501 ILLINOIS-Worthen (A. H.) Geological Survey of Illinois, Geology and Paleontology. Numerous plates and maps. 5 vols. 4to. cloth. Springfield, 1866-73. 25 00 2502 IOWA-White (Chas. A.) Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Iowa, containing results of observations made within 1866-69. Plates. 2 vols. royal 8vo. cloth. Des Moines, 1870. 10 00 2503 IVES (J. C.) Report on the Colorado River of the West. Explored in 1857-58. Numerous colored plates and maps. 4to. cloth. Washington, 1861. 6 00 2504 KANSAS-Swallow (G. C.) Preliminary Report of the Geological Survey of Kansas. 8vo. paper. Lawrence, 1866. 1 00 2505 KANSAS-Swallow (G. C.) The Rocks of Kansas, with descriptions of new Permian Fossils. 8vo. paper. St. Louis, 1858. 1 00 2506 KENTUCKY-Owen (D. D.) Report of the Geological Survey in Kentucky made during the years 1854 and 1855. Maps. 8vo. cloth. Frankfort, 1856. 8 00 2506* KENTUCKY —Owen (D. D.) Fourth Report of the Geological Survey in Kentucky made during the years 1858-59. Maps. 8vo. cloth. Frankfort, 1861. 5 00 2507 KENTUCKY-Lyon (S. S.), Cox (E. T.), and Lesquereux (L.) The Paleontological Report of. As prepared for the Geological Report of Kentucky, and published in Vol. 3. Numerous plates. 8vo. half morocco. Frankfort, 1857. 3 00 2508 KING (Clarence). Report of the Geological Exploration of the Fortieth Parallel. Text 4to., atlas imperial folio. 2 vols. cloth. Washington. 40 00 2509 LAKE SUPERIOR-Foster (J. W.) and Whitney (J. D.) Report on the Geology and Topography of a portion of the Lake Superior Land District. Vol. 1, Copper Lands; Vol. 2, Iron Lands; Vol. 3, Maps. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1850-51. 10 00 2510 MEXICO-Cherry (C.) Geological Report and Map of the San Juan del Rio Ranche in Sonora, Mexico. 8vo. cloth. Cincinnati, 1866. 1 50 2511 MICHIGAN-Winchell (A.) First Biennial Report of the Progress of the Geological Survey of Michigan, embracing Observations on the Geology, Zoology, and Botany of the Lower Peninsula. 8vo. cloth. Lansing, 1861. 2 50 2512 MINNESOTA-Whittlesey (Col. Chas.) A Report of Explorations in the Mineral Regions of Minnesota during the years 1848, 1859, and 1864. 8vo. paper. Cleveland, 1866. 1 25 2513 MISSOURI-Swallow (G. C.) Fourth Report of Progress of the Geological Survey of Missouri. 8vo. half bound. Jefferson City, 1859. 75 2514 MISSOURI-Swallow (G. C.) Fifth Report. 8vo. paper. Jefferson City, 1861.. 50 2515 MISSOURI —Swallow (G. C.) Geological Report of the Country along the Line of the Southwestern Branch of the Pacific Railroad, State of Missouri. 8vo. cloth. St. Louis, 1859. 1 50 2516 MISSOURI-Swallow (G. C.) The First and Second Annual Reports of the Geological Survey of Missouri. Plates and maps. 8vo. cloth. 1855. 5 00 2517 MONTANA-Hayden (F. V.) Preliminary Report of the United States Geological Survey of Montana and portions of adjacent Territories; being a Fifth Report of Progress. Maps and illustrations. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1872. 2 50 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 129 2518 NEVADA AND ARIZONA —Wheeler (G. M.) Preliminary Report concerning Explorations and Surveys, principally in Nevada and Arizona, 1871. 4to. cloth. Washington, 1872. 2 50 2519 NEW JERSEY. Second Report on the Geological Survey of, for the year 1855. Map. 8vo. cloth. Trenton, 1856. 1 50 2520 NEW YORK. Geological Report for 1840. 8vo. half sheep. 2 00 2521 NORTH CAROLINA-Emmons (E.) Geological Report of the Midland Counties of North Carolina. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. New York, 1856. 5 00 2522 NORTH CAROLINA-Emmons (E.) Report of the North Carolina Geological Survey. Agriculture of the Eastern Counties, together with descriptions of the Fossils of the IMarl Beds. Illustrated. 8vo. cloth. Raleigh, 1858. 5 Go 2523 NORTH CAROLINA-Kerr (W. C.) Report of the Progress of the Geological Survey of North Clrolina, 1866. 8vo. paper. Raleigh, 1867. 1 00 2524 OHIO —Mather (W. XV.) First and Second Annual Reports of the State of ()Ohio. 2 vols. 8vo. half bound. Columbus, 1838. 6 00 2525 OHIO. Report of the Geological Survey of Ohio. Geology, Vol. 1; Palseontology, Vol. 1; and Maps. Numerous plates. 3 vols. royal 8vo. cloth. Columbus, 1873. 10 00 2526 OWEN (D. D.) Report of a Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa, and Minnesota, and incidentally of a portion of Nebraska Territory. With volume or' plates and maps. 2 vols. 4to. cloth. Philadelphia, 1852. 7 50 2527 PENNSY-LVANIA-Rogers (H. D.) Third Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Pennsylvania. 8vo. paper. Harrisbur,, 1839. 1 25 2528 PENNSYLVANIA-Rogers (H. D.) Fourth Annual Report on the Geological Survey ot Pennsylvania. 8vo. paper. Harrisburg, 1840. 2 00 2529 PENNSYLVANIA —Roger.s (H. D.) Fifth Annual Report of the Geological Explorations of the ConImonwealth of Pennsylvania. 8vo. paper. Harrisburg, 1841. 2 00 2530 PENNSYLVANIA. Transactions of the Geological Society of Pennsylvania. Vol. 1, part 1. August, 1834. Colored plates. 8vo. paper. Philadelphia, 1834. 2 50 2531 REPORTS OF EXPLORATIONS AND SURVEYS to ascertain the most practicable and economical Route for a Railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. Numerous maps and colored plates. 13 vols. 4to. cloth and half calf. Washington, 1855. 30 00 2532 RHODE ISLAND —Jackson (C. T.) Report on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of Rhode Island, 1839. 8vo. half sheep. Providence, 1840. 2 00 2533 TENNESSEE-Safford (J. M.) A Geological Reconnoissance of the State of Tennessee. Being the Author's First Biennial Report, 1855. 8vo. cloth. Nashville, 1856. 2 00 2534 TENNESSEE-Safford (J. M.) Geology of Tennessee. Maps and plates. 8vo. cloth. Nashville, 1869. 6 00 2535 TENNESSEE-Troost (G.) Fifth Geological Report, made November, 1839. 8vo. paper. Nashville, 1840. 1 25 2536 TENNESSEE-Troost (G.) Sixth Geological Report of the State of Tennessee, made October, 1841. 8vo. paper, Nashville, 1841, 1 25 130 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 2537 WVISCONSIN-Daniels (Edward). First Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Wisconsin. 8vo. paper. MIadison, 1854. 1 00 2538 WISCONSIN-Hall (J.) and Whitney (J. D.) Report on the Geological Survey of the State of WVisconsin. Vol. 1. Maps. Royal 8vo. cloth. 1862. 5 00 2539 WISCONSIN-Percival (J. G.) Annual Report on the Geological Survey of thte Sttte of Wisconsin. 8vo. paper. Madison, 1855. 1 00 2540 WISCONSIN-Percival (J. G.) Annual Report for 1856. 1 00 2541 WISCONSIN. Report on the Geological Survey of the Lead Regions. 8vo. paper. 50 2542 WYOMING-Hayden (F. V.) Preliminary Report of the United Sta;tes Geological Survey of Wyoming and Portions of Contiguous Territories. 8vo. cloth. Washington, 1871. 2 50 ROBERT CLARKE & CO.'S Historical and Miscellaneous PUBLICATIONS, Ohio Valley Historical Series. In our Prospectus, issued in April, i868, we announced our intention of publishing, under this general title, a series of works relating to the early history of the Valley of the Ohio. It has not been our aim to give a consecutive history, but merely to collect and preserve by publication hitherto unpublished manuscripts of value relating to the subject, and to reprint some of the early works on WVestern history which are out of print and rare. In carrying out this design we have issued the seven works here described. We have endeavored to make them valuable contributions to Western history-with what success we leave it for others to say-and to produce them in an attractive style. They have been liberally patronized where we least expected, and have met with little sale where we most looked for it-in the Valley of which they treat. We have not been sufficiently supported to warrant the continuance of the Series, and are reluctantly obliged to announce its close. They may yet work their way into public favor; if they do, we will perhaps renew the experiment, as there is no lack of material worthy of publication. [From the Historical Record.] "They are all beautifully printed on fine paper, with rubricated title)ages, and should be in the possession of every intelligent family in the Ohio Valley, and held almost as sacred as a family record. They are golden grains which compose the history of the heroic age of that country." [Fromt New Tork Genealogical and Biographical Record.] "The' Ohio Valley IIistorical Series' may well be termed model books in their way. In forin and execution so dainty and elegant that the East may well look to her laurels in the typographic art, if she would not be outdone by the Cincinnati printers. Nor are the contents of these volumes less fascinating than their excellencies of mechanical execution." "We welcome this noble (though private) enterprise, which has undertaken to give us in so authentic and so handsome a shape, these precious historic memorials of the Ohio Valley. Their interest is not merely local: it is national in its character." 132 Ohio Valley Historical Series..N'i7nber Once. Bouquet's Expedition Against the Ohio Indians in I764. i N lN HISTORICAL ACCOUNT of the EXPEDITION against the OHIO INDIANS, in the year MDCCLXIV, under the command of HENRY BOU2UET, Esq., (olonel of Foot, and now Brigadier General in America, including his TRANSACTIONS with the INDIANS, RELATIVE to the DELIVERY of their PRISONERS, and the PRELIMINARYS of PEACE, with an INTRODUCTORY ACCOUNT of the Preceding CAMPAIGN, and BATTLE of BUSHYRUN. To which are annexed MILITARY PAPERS containing REFLECTIONS on the WAR with the SAVAGES; a METHOD of forming FRONTIER SETTLEMENTS; some ACCOUNT Of the INDIAN COUNTRY; with a LIST of NATIONS, FIGHTING MEN, TOWNS, DISTANCES, and different ROUTES. Published from authentic Documents by a Lover of his Country" (DR. WILLIAM SMITH, Provost of the College of Philadelphia). With a Preface by FRANCIS PARKMAN, author of' Conspiracy of Pontiac," etc., and a translation of DUMAS' Biographical Sketch of GENERAL BOtJQoUET. The MAP and PLATES are finely reproduced by the PhotoLithographic. Process. One vclume, 8vo., pp. xxiii, I62, finely printed on tinted paper, neatly bound in English cloth, gilt top, and uncut edges, or entirely uncut. Price, $3.oo A few large-paper copies have been printed on extra-heavy tinted paper. Cloth, gilt top, and uncut edges, or entirely uncut. Price, $6.oo. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 1U3 [From the Round Table.] "A better initial volume to the Obio Valley Historical Series coula not be desired than this. Everything is in its favor-the beauty of the volume itself, an invariable characteristic of whatever leaves its publisher's press; the rarity of the work reprinted, the importance in the history of our anti-revolutionary colonizations of the events which occasioned the expedition; and, by no means the least, the brief explanatory preface added by Mr. Francis Parkman. * * * So that, while the antiquarian or historian will get most out of the work, the average reader will find in it no small pleasure along with the side light it throws upon the events of a period of which popular ideas are vague and undefined." [From the Cincinnati Gazette.] "It is, in short, a worthy beginning to an enterprise whi-h must commend itself to all scholars and literary men, and which reflects credit upon Cincinnati, as well as upon the enterprise and tact of the publishers." [From the New England Historical and Genealogical Register.] "This is the first of the reprints of the Ohio Valley Historical Series, now in course of publication by Messrs. Clarke & Co., and is pre- - sented to us in a shape and style befitting the'rarity of the volume, and its intrinsic value as an authentic and reliable narrative of one of the earliest British military expeditions into the territory North-West of the Ohio River.' * * * The volume is elegantly printed on tinted paper, has a good index, and is an honor to the enterprising publishers." [From the American Literary Gazette and Publisher's Circular.] "This is the first volume of the Ohio Valley Historical Series, just commenced by Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. We have heretofore spoken of the plan of the projected series. It will undoubtedly form a valuable material for history. We can not too highly commend the admirable manner in which the publishers have produced the work. Trhe paper and typography are unexceptionable. The original maps and plans are most successfully reproduced according to the I Osborn Process,' by the American Photo-Lithographic Company, and the entire manufacture reflects credit on the skill and taste of Messrs. Clarke & Co." rFrom the Atlantic Monthly.] "The whole narrative is most entertaining for the interest of the subject, and for the quaintness of that highly literary style of the last century in which it is written. * * * * "Its quaintness every one must relish, and none can help noticing the clearness and solidity of the narration. * * * It is an enterprise to which we heartily wish success, both for the valuable matter it will preserve for the use of the student and the pleasure it will afford the general reader." 134 Ohio Valley Historical Series. Nz'mber Two. Walker's History of Athens County, Ohio. HISTORY OF ATHENS COUNTY, OHIO, and incidentally of the OHIO LAND COMPANY and the FIRST SETTLEMENT OF THE STATE at MARIETTA, with Personal and Biographical Sketches of the EARLY SETTLERS, NARRATIVES OF PIONEER ADVENTURES, etc. By CHARLES M. WALKER. Illustrated.with an original Map, showing the lands purchased by the Ohio Company, the Donation Tract, and Athens County, Past and Present, with fine Steel Portraits of Hon. Thomas Ewing, Sr., Bishop Ames, Judges Ephraim Cutler and Isaac Barker, and General John Brown. One volume, 8vo., pp. viii, 600, finely printed on tinted paper, neatly bound in English cloth, gilt top, and uncut edges, ox entirely uncut. Price, $6.oo A few large-paper copies have been printed on extra-heavy tinted paper. Portraits on India paper. Cloth, gilt top, and uncut edges, or entirely uncut. 2 vols. Impl. 8vo. Price, $12.00. [From the Historical Magazine.] "We have never found a more complete local history, nor one in which the author has more successfully labored to present the annals, the statistics, and the local biographies of a community, with fidelity and elaborate minuteness; and as a specimen of really elegant typography, it is worthy of all praise." [From the Cincinnati Commercial.] "It is a work so thorough, so complete, so carefully prepared, that it will remain for many years the history of the territory embraced within the early limits of the county. The typography is superb, and the portraits are executed in the best style of steel line engraving." [From the New York Tribune.] "The publication of the Ohio Valley Historical Series, of which this elegant work forms the second volume, is an enterprise for which men of letters are under deep obligation to the good sense and good taste of the publishers. * * * The present volume, though modest in its pretensions, claiming little more than a local interest, is far more valuable in its contents than its title or its unpretending preface might lead one to suppose. It embraces a history of the great Ohio Land Company and the first settlement of the State at Marietta, with biographical Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 135 sketches of the pioneers ot that part of Ohio, and a map which possesses considerable historical interest. Quite apart from its intrinsic value, the work also deserves to be prized as a dainty specimen of handiwork, rarely surpassed by the best New York and Boston booksellers, to say nothing of those of the West. The type is sumptuous, the paper heavy, the binding neat and strong, and the general typographical arrangement extremely tasteful." [From the New England Historical and Genealogical Register.] "After years of patient and intelligent industry, Mr. Walker has succeeded in gathering together and presenting to us, in a very condensed form, the history of the county of Athens from its first feeble beginning, with sketches and statistics relating to the bloody Indian wars, the war of 18I2, and the late civil war. It is also full of statistics relating to the several towns, such as the names of the officers, county and municipal; a history of its churches, schools, libraries, newspapers; with a description of its agricultural products, and of its mineral, manufacturing, and railway resources. All this must make a volume of surpassing interest and value to the inhabitants of the county and to the people of the State generally. "Besides the above, Mr. Walker gives us his biographical sketches of the leading men connected with the settlement and history of the county, and this feature of the work gives it a peculiar interest for us; for the larger number of these were natives of New England, and many of them men of high character and standing here. In fact, the whole enterprise, begun and carried on by the Ohio Land Company, was the work of some of the leading spirits of New England, who had been active participators in the Revolutionary war. We know not where else so much information can be obtained relating to the origin and history of this company. The men engaged in it, and the emigrants they led to the North-West Territory, gave to the population of Ohio much of the character of its present population and many of the elements of their extraordinary prosperity. "The volume is beautifully printed, and is in all respects one of the handsomest and most complete local histories we have ever seen." [From the Cincinnati Chronicle.] "The volume is one of the most admirable local histories we have ever seen. * * * Mr. Walker has done his work well and thoroughly. He has exhibited excellent taste and judgment, and his style is free from the objectionable features which too often mar and render comparatively valueless histories of this class." [From the Cleveland.Leader.] "A book full of interest to every citizen of Athens county, and incidentally to every inhabitant of Ohio, as a record of the first settlement of the State. * * * * Mr. Walker seems to have enjoyed unrestricted facilities for the collection of data, and has worked up his subject with evident care and judgment. The result is, perhaps, the best county history ever written in the State." 136 Ohio Valley Historical Series. Nudmber Three. Clark's Campaign in the Illinois in I778-9. C OL. GEORGE ROGERS CLARK'S SKETCHES of his CAMPAIGN IN THE ILLINOIS IN 1778-9, with an Introduction by Hon. HENRY PIRTLE, of Louisville, Ky., and an Appendix containing the Public and Private Instructions to Col. Clark and Maj. Bowman's Yournal of the Taking of Post St. Vincents. One volume, 8vo., pp. viii, I I9, finely printed cn tinted paper, with a Portrait of General Clark, neatly bound rr English cloth, gilt top and uncut edges, or entirely uncut. Piice,.$2.00 A few large-paper copies have been printe.I on extra-heavy tinted paper. Portrait on India paper. Cluth, gilt top, and uncut edges, or entirely uncut. Price, $4.oo. [From the Atlantic Monthly.] "The publishers of the Ohio Valley Historical Series here follow the narrative of Colonel Bouquet's Expedition (already noticed in these pages) with another volume possessing the same curious interest for the student of history, and the same fascination for the lover of exquisitely printed books; for the series, so far, is luxurious in paper and binding, and in typographical execution is surpassed by few productions of the American press. " Colonel Clark's campaign was a very brief one, and in fighting not particularly arduous, as would appear from his own showing; but it was full of daring and heroic endurance; it resulted immediately in the reduction of the British military posts between the Ohio and the Mississippi, thus giving tranquility to all the frontier settlements, and it finally secured to us all this vast territory. * * * * " A little of the romance which belongs to all French colonial history hangs about Colonel Clark's unconscious page, and his sketch affords here and there a glimpse of the life of the habitans in the old seventeenth-century settlements of the French at Kaskaskias, Cahokia, and St. Vincents; but for the most part it is a plain and summary account of the military operations, and depends for its chief interest upon the view it affords of the character of as brave and shrewd a soldier and as bad a speller as ever lived. Some of his strokes of orthography are unrivaled by the studied grotesqueness of Artemus Ward or Mr. Yellowplush; he declares with perfect good faith that on a certain occasion he was very much "adjutated;" and it is quite indifferent to him whether he write privilidge, happiniss, comeing, attacted, adjutation, sucksess, leathergy, intiligence, silicit, acoutri Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 137 ments, refutial, and anctious, or the more accepted forms of the same words, as like a bonafide bad speller, he is quite as apt to do. * * * * "The letter is now printed for the first time. We heartily commend it to all who love to taste history at its sources, or who enjoy character. It is a curious contrast to the polite narrative of Colonel Bouquet, but it is quite as interesting, and the deeds it records have turned out of vastly greater consequence than those which the brave Swiss performed." [From the Historical Magazine.] "The importance of the expedition of Colonel Clark is known to every well-informed person as that to which we are mainly indebted for our possession, to-day, of the immense range of country west of the Alleghanies; and this personal narrative of that expedition, from the pen of its commander, it will be seen, is necessarily a paper of great historic interest, both as a portion of the local history of the West and as an element in the history of our relations with Great Britain, France, and Spain. The typography of the volume is excellent." [From the Nation.] "A very original and striking revolutionary character is portrayed by himself in' Col. George Rogers Clark's Sketch of his Campaign in the Illinois in I778-9.' * * * Clark's military capacity was certainly of a high order, and it is seldom one reads of a commander possessing such boldness, resources, and tact. He understood perfectly, for military purposes, the Indian nature, and how to exhibit at the right time courageous defiance and-magnanimity. * * * The operations at Kaskaskia and Vincennes are described in a very graphic but truly modest manner-the march from the former post to take the latter being one of extraordinary hardship and enterprise. The odd spelling of the French, Spanish, and Indian names mentioned by Clark, and his ordinary orthography, too, make his narrative quite amusing. Some persons may guess what' Messicippa,''La prary de rush' (La Prairie du Rocher),' Canoweay' (Kanawha),'adjutated,' and' adgetation,' stand for. * * The notes of the editor of this volume add very much to its readableness and historical completeness." [From the New Albany Ledger.] "The quaint style of the original is faithfully retained, with Clark's orthography, punctuation, capital letters, and other peculiarities. The narrative is exceedingly interesting, and bears the impress of truth upon its pages. * * * The volume should find a place in the library of every Indianian who takes an interest in the events which had such momentous influence on the destinies of the region of country in which we now live." [From the Louisville Courier-Journal.] "The volume is gotten up in antique, and realizes all that the antiquary could desire. Judge Pirtle's preface is not the least valuable of the contents, which are in every way rare and valuable. It presents the reader with a distinct and graphic picture of Clark and his times." 138 Ohio Valley Historical Series..IVinmber Fouzr. McBride's Pioneer Biography. P IONEER BIOGRAPHY: SKETCHES OF THE LIVES OF SOME OF THE EARLY SETTLERS OF BUTLER COUNTY, OHIO. By the late JAMES MCBRIDE, of Hamilton. Vol. I contains the Lives of JOHN REILY, THOMAS IRWIN, JOEL COLLINS, ISAAC ANDERSON, SAMUEL DICK, JOSEPH HOUGH, and JOHN WOODS. With a Portrait of the Author. Vol. II contains the Lives of ROBERT MCCLELLAN, ISAAC PAXTON, PIERSON SAYRE, HENRY WEAVER, JEREMIAH BUTTERFIELD, JOHN WINGATE, DANIEL DOTY, MATTHEW HUESTON, CAPT. JOHN CLEVES SYMMES, JOHN SUTHERLAND, THE BIGHAM FAMILY, and DR. JACOB LEWIS. Two volumes, 8vo., pp. xiv., 352, 288, finely printed on tinted paper, neatly bound in English cloth, gilt top, and uncut edges, or entirely uncut. Price, Vol. I, $3.50; Vol. II, $3.00. A few large-paper copies have been printed on extra heavy tinted paper. Portrait on India paper. Cloth, gilt top, and uncut edges, or entirely uncut. Price, Vol. I. $7.o0; Vol. II, $6.oo. These sketches will be found to possess an interest beyond the mere details of the lives of the individuals. They were all of them men who took an active part in the settlement of the Miami country, were prominent in public affairs both civil and military, and participated in many of the early conflicts with the Indians in Ohio and Kentucky, and in the campaigns of Gens. Harmar, St. Clair, Scott, and WVayne; so that, interspersed in the narrative, will be found many details of interest concerning the early struggles, from the notes and recollections of eye witnesses, which have never before appeared in print. [From the Cincinnati Commercial.] " The manuscript collections of the late James McBride, of Hamilton, Ohio, of which this series of biographical sketches form part, have had a local celebrity for many years, and many persons throughout Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 139 the country have been deeply interested in them. Mr. McBride was an educated gentleman, who gave much attention to personal recollections of early times in the valley of the Great Miami, and who wrote accounts of his old neighbors, friends, and acquaintances, that now form contributions of great value to pioneer history. We have not seen in many days a more elegant volume." [From the Historical Magazine.] "It is a series of sketches of the lives and services of some of the pioneers of the West, prepared from original and authentic material, for his own amusement, by one of their own number; and it preserves and circulates, also, carefully made copies of several important papers, journals, etc., which, but for Mr. McBride's thoughtful preservation of' them, might have been lost forever. " These homely biographies, and others of the same class, in which are recorded the virtues and hardships of those who led the hosts who have since migrated to the West, are, in fact, the only existing annals of the early West; and to them must those go who seek information concerning' the day of small things' in that mighty empire, the history of which, sooner or later, must be written in all its fullness and with painstaking fidelity." [From the Nation.]:" These biographies are by no means confined in their relations to Butler County, but add much to our knowledge of Revolutionary engagements, of the colonization of the Ohio Valley both north and south of the river, of the war of 8 2, and even (following the descendants of the pioneers) of the late Rebellion. They may be read, therefore, with a great deal of pleasure and solid profit by the present. generation, and will long be prized for their genealogies." [From the Cincinnati Chronicle.] "Although termed'unpretending sketches' they are rich in valuable: material for the future historian, and possess a present interest as faithful biographies of some of the early settlers of Ohio. * * * The elegant volume before us bears every evidence of the careful and yet not unskilled hand which has collected barren facts and isolated fragments, and combined them in such a manner as to present an admirable epitome of local history." [From the New England Historical and Genealogical Register.] " Mr. McBride, the author of these biographies, who died in 1859 at the age of 70 years, and who was at that date one of the oldest and best known pioneers of Southern Ohio, was well qualified for this work by his tastes, early associations, and opportunities for collecting such materials. *c * * They certainly are not only well written, but are of thrilling interest, and of the greateat value as memorials of the early settlers of Southern Ohio, and of their protracted and bitter contests with the Indians-contests, in all respects, such as the fathers of New England had but a very slight taste of." 140 Ohio Valley Historical Series. Vuwzmber Five. Smith's Captivity with the Indians. REPRINT OF "'AN ACCOUNT of the REMARKABLE OCCURRENCES in the Life and Travels of Col. JAMES SMITH (now a citizen of Bourbon county, Ky.), during his Captivity with the Indians in the years 1755,'56,57'58, and'59. In which the Customs, Manners, Traditions, Theological Sentiments, Mode of Warfare, Military Tactics, Discipline, and Encampments, Treatment of Prisoners, etc., are better explained and more minutely related than has been heretofore done by any author on that subject. Together with a Description of the Soil, Timber, and Waters, where he traveled with the Indians during his captivity. "To which is added a Brief Account of some very Uncommon Occurrences, which transpired after his return from captivity; as well as of the Different Campaigns carried on against the Indians to the Westward of Fort Pitt, since the year I755 to the present date. "-Written by himself. Lexington; printed by John Bradford, on Main street, 1799." One volume, 8vo., pp. xii., I90, finely printed on tinted paper, and neatly bound in cloth extra, gilt top, and uncut edges, or entirely uncut. Price, $2.50. A few large-paper copies have been printed on heavy tinted paper. Cloth, gilt top, and uncut edges, or entirely uncut. Price, $5.00. This work presents a vivid picture of the vagrant, precarious lives of the Indians, little more than a century ago, in the then unbroken wilderness which has given place to the prosperous State of Ohio; written without any pretense to style or learning, it bears every impress of truthfulness, and, as a faithful record of an eye-witness of their condition, habits, etc,, deserves to be Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 141 perpetuated. It has been several times reprinted, with more or less accuracy; but all the editions may be now classed among the scarce books. We have prefixed to this edition a somewhat fuller account of the author and his family than has heretofore been given, and added an Appendix of Illustrative Notes by Mr. William M. Darlington, of Pittsburgh, which will be found of considerable interest and value. [From the Atlantic Monthly.] "The narrative of Colonel Smith refers to the pioneer existence during a space of time when its perils, privations, and atrocities seemed an established condition of things. * * * It is the story of a man of clear, strong mind, with a vein of humor which has now and then a very witty expression-almost a modern expression; and though the style has few solicited graces, it is plain that this old Indian hunter had some good literary instincts. * * * Otherwise, the narrative of Colonel Smith is marked by few indulgences of sentiment, though always by good feeling, and a shrewd and sympathetic observation of nature as he saw it in the wilderness and the savages about him. * * * There has probably never been any study of Indian life and character more sincere and practical than his; and we know of none so interesting. On the whole, we believe the reader will think all the better of the savages for knowing them through him; though as for their unfitness to be guests at a small tea party, we suppose there never can be any doubt. We should like to repeat here some of the things Colonel Smith tells of them; but his context is precious, and we forbear, for the reader's own sake." [From the Historical Magazine.] "The narrative of such a man, concerning what he actually saw and endured, would be interesting under any circumstances, but in such a case as this, wherein his story extended over the history of what is now the third State of the Union, during a term of years, it necessarily possesses unusual interest to those who occupy that territory, and to all students of American history the world over. It is enriched with appropriate notes, sufficiently numerous and amply sustained by competent authorities, from the pen of our respected friend, Wm. M. Darlington, Esq., of Pittsburgh. A good index closes the volume." [From the New England Historical and Genealogical Register.] "James Smith, the author, was a native of Pennsylvania, but later in life settled in Kentucky. He was a captive among the Indians in his boyhood, 1755-9; a leader of the'Blackboys' in 1763 and 1769; 142 Ohio Valley Historical Series. an officer in Bouquet's expedition in 1764; made an exploring excursion into Southern Kentucky in I766; received his title of colonel for services in the Revolutionary war; married and reared a family; was an active and influential member of the Presbyterian Church; wrote pamphlets against the Shakers in I810o; and, when too old to fight his ancient foe, wrote and published a treatise on Indian warfare, with a title page so long that if he could only have induced the Indians to stop fighting long enough to read it, there would have been, perhaps, some chance of a long peace. " Colonel Smith was an eye-witness of all he narrates with evident truthfulness. As a picture of Indian life and habits, it deserves a place in every library pretending to be a collection of historical books relating to America. The former editions have long been among the scarce books. This edition is an accurate reprint, and is enriched by a very full account of the author and his family, and by illustrative notes from the pen of Mr. Wm. M. Darlington." [From the Galaxy.] "A remarkable, graphic picture of Indian life. Smith was adopted into a tribe and lived with the Indians for four years. His curious account is reproduced in all its piquant originality of expression, and makes one of the most faithful representations of savage existence of which we have any knowledge." [From the Cincinnati Chronicle.] "This simple personal narrative will possess to the lover of the curious in literature the value of historical romance. Reproduced in the original antique form, many singular phrases are preserved in all their purity and, we may add, oddity of expression. To a happy disposition the author seems to have united a keen observation and an evident determination, unfalteringly sustained throughout five years of captivity, to make the best of his surroundings. His is no doleful description of hardships and trials endured in captivity, no labored chronicle of hairbreadth escapes, but a simple narrative bearing the impress of truth on every page. The very quaintness of style interests and attracts; a style which leaves the reader impressed with no painful sense of griefs and labors, but rather with the captive's heroic endurance under trials, and cheerful submission to his fate; more versed in woodcraft than learned in books, he has given us a faithful record of Indian customs, discipline, mode of warfare, etc., and many of his suggestions as to plans of attack and defense may prove not unworthy the consideration of the present generation. * * * Plain and simple as is Colonel Smith's style, grotesque in vernacular, but modest as true heroism can make it, the fire of eloquence often lights his pages, and throws a warm glow upon his pictures. At times, too, we find a tender pathos, which is lost only to appear again in such cheerfulness and true spirit of heathful content, Rolert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 143 that an effort is required, on the part of the reader, to recall the extraordinary circumstances under which this narrative was written." [From the Nation.] "The publication of this volume of the Ohio Valley Historical Series has been in a certain way timely. Frontier warfare between Indians and white settlers has been almost incessant from the day Colonel Smith first experienced it. * * * Colonel Smith undertook to teach his generation, both by theory and practice, how to oppose the Indians with their own tactics, remarking, with the good sense which characterizes all his writings, that the New Englanders had been trained by their Indian difficulties to resist in the most appropriate and successful way the discipline of the British troops. * * * In spite of its value as an account of Indian character, customs, and mode of warfare, this work is quite as much entitled to the numerous editions which it has enjoyed, by its unconscious portraiture of the author. He was a native of Southern Pennsylvania, in what is now the border; after his return from captivity he became a leading citizen of Franklin county; stood a trial for murder with great moral courage, dissuading an attempt to rescue him which would certainly have succeeded; was acquitted and afterward resided in Kentucky, of which he had'been an, early explorer. By descent he was a Scotch-Irish Presbyterian, who could speak' Dutch' while still a youth, and he is a very creditable representative of the stock. The regions noted in his'journal as being the resorts of the Indians, or traversed by his tribe, have been carefully identified by'Mr. Darlington in an appendix, which, with a good index and the excellent typography, makes this unquestionably the best edition of Smith's account." [From the New York Evening Post.] "To one who is inquisitive to understand the habits, social and natural, of'the noble red men,' this work will be very acceptable. Colonel Smith was a religious enthusiast, and a literary man in his way. In Kentucky, he was a leader of the Stonites. He finally returned to his relations in the Presbyterian Church, and was licensed and ordained to the ministry. He was an effective missionary." [From the Frankfort Commonwealth.] "As a work of interest it is hardly surpassed by any production connected with the early history of the West. The immediate object of the account, as given by Smith himself, was to acquaint the pioneers with the Indian mode of warfare, and thus secure them against savage depredations and cruelties. The narrative is full of interest from beginning to end, declaring the customs, manners, theological sentiments, warfare, discipline, etc., of the savages with a minute and vivid eye." 144 Ohio Valley Historical Series. 3uJVmber Six. Dr. Drake's Pioneer Life in Kentucky. PIONEER LIFE IN KENTUCKY: A Series of REMINISCENTIAL LETTERS addressed to his Children. By DR. DANIEL DRAKE. Edited with Notes and a Biographical Sketch by his son, HON. CHARLES D. DRAKE, of Missouri. One volume, 8vo., pp. xlvi. and 263, finely printed on tinted paper, and neatly bound in cloth extra, gilt top, and uncut edges, or entirely uncut edges. Price, $3.00. A few large-paper copies have been printed on heavy tinted paper. Portrait on India paper. Cloth, gilt top and uncut edges, or entirely uncut. Price, $6.oo. Much has been said and written of the warlike and adventurous aspects of Pioneer Life in the West; but these Letters are believed to be the only attempt at a detailed description of its more peaceful phases, and as such may be considered a valuable as well as peculiar contribution to American literature. Pioneer life still follows our Western border; but going with the railroad and the telegraph, it is a pastime to what such life was in the last century. As the old-time period recedes from view, its interest increases. If its events were such as might be expected, substantially, to repeat themselves, they are historical guide-posts to succeeding generations; if, however, they belong to conditions, which, in the nature of things, may not be looked for again, they, at least, stimulate inquiry into, and aid in the study of, the character of the people among whom they occurred. In this view, if no other, these letters may be considered to have an appreciable value. They portray with equal vividness the character of pioneer life, the character of the pioneer boy and the character of the " old man "-as in them he calls himself-who, in describing that life and that boy, unconsciously photographed himself as he was when he wrote: all done with a frankness which invites confidence, a freshness which arrests and rewards attention, Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 145 and a truthfulness which claims belief. This triple portraiture, not often found in such sharpness of outline and fidelity of detail as in these letters, can not fail to interest the reader. They were not designed as a literary performance; they were merely the off-hand, familiar talk of a father to his children, and as such, while they may not claim exemption from criticism, their freedom from literary pretension may, at least, somewhat turn its edge. Those who knew Dr. Drake will recognize in the portrait accompanying this volume an animated and faithful likeness. [From the Atlantic Monthly.] "Dr. Drake was a man who, while he lived, was a large part of all literary and scientific progress in the West, and who left behind him a repute for public usefulness and private worth which his own section may well cherish with pride, and which we may all gladly recognize. He was a very remarkable man in every way-for what he was and for what he did; and the story of his boyhood in the backwoods of Kentucky, as told here, is one of the best witnesses to the fact that, whatever refinement may be, fineness is as directly the gift of heaven as any positive ability. Civilization, you must own as you read, was born in this man; by nature he hated whatever was rude and cruel and impure, and loved justice and beauty. He was not a man of genius, it would seem, but of sensibility and conscience and modesty; not smart in the pitiable, bad way of many of our growths'from the people,' but talented, tasteful, industrious, honest. * * * The letters of Dr. Drake are not merely personal reminiscences, but faithful pictures of local manners and customs. We can not advise any to turn to them for the realization of romantic ideas of the pioneers; but they are very interesting reading and very instructive; they form part of our own history, which daily grows more remarkable and precious; and we most heartily commend the volume, not only to collectors of such material, but to the average reader, as something very apt for his entertainment and then for his use. The biographical sketch by Mr. Charles D. Drake is satisfactory, and the preface is a singularly sensible piece of writing." [From the Cincinnati Commercial.] " The series of letters now published were written in the later years of his useful life, and offer graphic pictures of pioneer life in Kentucky and Ohio during the first quarter of the century. There is just enough personal incident to give the letters piquancy, and make them agreeable as well as profitable reading. A fine steel, live portrait accompanies the volume, which is printed in the best style of typographical art." 146 Ohio Valley Historical Series. [From the Methodist Recorder.] "We have found these reminiscences unusually instructive and entertaining. Dr. Drake's pen-pictures of the early times in Kentucky, the hardships, trials, joys, and associations of pioneer life among the Indians and forests, are exquisitely drawn and truly colored. His memories of childhood; the journey from New Jersey across the Alleghenies, in road-wagons, to Old Red Stone Fort, where the family embarked in a flat-boat for Mayslick, Kentucky; the long and tedious experience of the river, with exposure to the savages all along the banks, the scanty stores of provision on which to begin the new life in the wilderness; the manner of clearing the ground, cultivating corn, manufacturing various articles of domestic utility, spinning, weaving, fulling; the huskings, sugar camps, wild grape hunting; the thousand scenes and chores of backwoods' life, are indeed the most enjoyable of pages for a winter evening by the fireside. "Dr. Drake was an eminent practitioner in Cincinnati in maturer life, a thorough scholar, a Christian philanthropist, and Cincinnati's helper to many an institution of permanent value." [From the Nation.] " We can neither dwell as we should like upon the character of Dr. Drake, as briefly sketched by his son, nor upon his own reminiscences, with which the volume is chiefly occupied. Of the former, it is enough to say that he was remarkable for public spirit, took broad views of the future of his adopted State and city, and was, as his works testify, a student of many things outside of his profession, though more or less related to it. He seems to have been always sensible of his defective education, and took every occasion to impress upon those who destined their sons to medicine, the importance of early intellectual discipline. The account of his boyhood is well worth reading and rereading, in order to realize accurately the pioneer backwoods' life of his day. It is singularly minute in its details and yet comprehensive, and at the close one has scarcely a question to ask concerning the manners and customs, farm operations, rustic festivals, religious observances, institutions of the neighborhood in which Dr. Drake was reared." [From the Cincinnati Chronicle.] "From these letters we obtain not only many facts connected with Dr. Drake's early life, but are admitted to close acquaintance with his very thoughts and feelings. They are filled with sentiments of affection and unalloyed paternal tenderness; and pervading all, a kindly, genial humor, and not seldom a flash of wit, or an expression of genuine hearty mirth. Those who knew the writer intimately, well know that under a dignified and apparently cold exterior, beat a warm, affectionate heart, and a spirit which, if sometimes arbitrary, was never unjust. These traits are indeed excellently portrayed in his letters, written in a playful, affectionate vein, and evidently with no thought of the value they possessed, and the purpose they were soon to serve." Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 147.7'umber Seven. Miscellanies. I. MEMORANDUMS OF A TOUR, made by JOSIAH ESPY, in the States of Ohio and Kentucky, and Indiana Territory, in I805. With an introductory sketch, pp. viii, 30. 2. TWO WESTERN CAMPAIGNS IN THE WAR OF 8 I2-I3. I. Expedition of Captain HENRY BRUSH, with supplies for General HULL, I812. 2. Expedition of Governor MEIGS, for the relief of Fort MEIGS, I8I3. By SAMUEL WILLIAMS, with an introductory sketch, pp. 58. 3. THE LEATHERWOOD GOD. An account of the Appearance and Pretensions of JOSEPH C. DILKS, in Eastern Ohio, in 1828. By R. H. TANEYHILL, pp. 56. One volume, 8vo, finely printed on tinted paper, neatly bound in cloth, extra gilt top- and edges, uncut, or entirely uncut. Price, $2.50. A few large-paper copies have been printed on heavy tinted paper, cloth, gilt top, and uncut edges, or entirely uncut. Price, 9$.oo. LFrom the Nation.] The last volume is one of the most interesting of the series. Mr. Espy's narrative is that of a man with a " curiosity for observation," as he himself says, and with an acute jadgment which led him frequently to conclusions greatly in advance of his time... The Leatherwood God is one of the most extraordinary narratives of religious fanaticism we have ever met with. [From the London Saturday Review.] The Ohio Valley Series are well printed and well got up... In the last volume we find a narrative of operations in the same region, during the war of I 8 2z, and a very curious and interesting account of the achievements of a predecessor of Joe Smith, who appeared for the first time, no one knew how or whence, at a meeting of the Ohio Methodists in the open air, who laid claim to extraordinary physical and spiritual powers, his possession of which his disciples unhesitatingly believed, and who finally, after duping numbers into a conviction that he was no other than the incarnate Deity, suddenly disappeared no one knew whither. The story is instructive and significant, as an example of the credulity of a comparatively educated, intelligent and hard-headed people, when their religious sense and their appetite for marvel and mystery are at once appealed to. Altogether, the series is one of great local interest, and worthy of something more than a mere local notoriety. 148 Historical Publications of CRAWFORD'S CAMPAIGN AGAINST SANDUSKY, I782. All Historical Account of the Expedition against Sandusky, under Col. William Crawford, in I782. With Biographical Sketches, Personal Reminiscences, and Descriptions of Interesting Localities; including also Details of the Disastrous Retreat, the Barbarities of the Savages, and the Awful Death of Crawford by Torture, with a fine Steel Portrait of Gen. William Irvine, Commander at Fort Pitt, 1781-83, who authorized, helped to organize, and issued instructions for the campaign. By C. W. Butterfield. 8vo. Cloth, gilt top. $3 50 This work comprises a complete narrative of the Expedition, drawn largely from original manuscripts, describing in detail the causes which led to the organization of the Campaign in Western Pennsylvania; the assembling of the army at the Ohio river, and its march to Sandusky; the marshaling of the savages upon the Sandusky Plains to repel the Americans; the battles of the wilderness; the retreat of the army and its return to the border;-followed by an account of the capturing of stragglers by the Indians; the barbarities inflicted on them; the escape of Knight and Slover from captivity; and the terrible death of Crawford by prolonged and most cruel torture. The work also includes biographical sketches of Brig. Gen. William Irvine (commanding at Fort Pitt, I781-I783), who authorized, helped to organize, and issued instructions for the Campaign; of Col. William Crawford, commander of the Expedition; of Matthew Elliott, a British Captain, in command of the enemy; of Captain Pipe, a famous Delaware Indian war-chief; of Simon Girty, a noted white savage; and many others, together with incidents upon the battle-fields and retreat; thrilling personal adventures, heroic deeds, and sufferings of the gallant frontiersmen. [From the Historical Magazine.] " Mr. Butterfield has laid the foundation for his narrative with unusually good judgment; and then, he has portrayed the expedition, which is the recognized subject of the work, in all its movements, with great particularity and the utmost care." [From the Atlantic Monthly.] " This is the latest of that excellent series of local narratives, biographies, and sketches of pioneer life in the Ohio Valley, which Messrs. Clarke & Co. have been issuing for the past five or six years, and which have been successively noticed here, and commended as an enterprise worthy of all encouragement..... Mr. Butterfield endeavors, and it seems to us, with perfect success, to redeem the memory of Crawford's command Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 149 from the wrong done it by the Moravian writers, and those that follow them.... This history has a general value as a study of pioneer life and warfare, and the sketches of adventure in which it abounds, add greatly to the interest of the main narrative." [From the Interior.] "Colonel Butterfield has given great labor, excellent jndgment, and keen taste to the preparation of this volume. It is the most readable work of its kind we have ever read; as attractive as a story, and a very important contribution to Revolutionary history." [From the New England Historical and Genealogic71 Register.] " The work before us bears intrinsic evidence that the author has been very industrious in gathering his facts from widely scattered sources, and in sifting the true from the false. His style is animated and picturesque. Not the least interesting, and certainly not the least valuable part of the volume, is that devoted to the biographical sketches, which are numerous and full." [From the New rork Genealogical and Biograjhical Record.] " We have only words of commendation to both author and publisher, for putting before us in such readable shape, this intensely interesting story of one of the most notable yet tragical episodes of the Western border warfare of the Revolution.... It is accompanied by a full index; in our view, the very best recommendation to any book." [Front the Moravian.] " From a general point of view we heartily commend this book. It is the result of much patient research and of a careful use of sources, some of which are new and important. Its special merit consists in unraveling what has heretofore been a tangled thread of Western border history, and presenting for the first time a clear and reliable account of a campaign whose object has been very generally misunderstood." [From the Historical Record.] "This work reveals one of the most interesting as well as the most striking chapters in American history. He appears to have executed it with great fidelity, and has brought out from unexpected hiding-places a large amount of information upon the subject." [From the Nation.] "Mr. Butterfield succeeds perfectly in confuting the Moravian theory (that the expedition was intended to destroy the remnant of the Christian Indians upon the Sandusky), and exposes errors of every degree of importance in the Moravian record of the incidents of the defeat and rout." 150 Historical Publications of STUDER'S HISTORY OF COLUMBUS, O. Columbus, Ohio: Its History, Resources, and Progress, from its Settlement to the Present Time. With Map and numerous Illustrations. By Jacob H. Studer. I2mo. Cloth. $2 00 [From the Historical Record.] "This handsomely illustrated and well-printed volume is really one of the most interesting of local histories with which the writer is acquainted." [From New England Historical and Genealogical Register.] "It is now seventy-one years since the State of Ohio was admitted into the Union, and sixty-one since Columbus was selected as its capital. The progress of the state and its capital in the subsequent six decades has been most extraordinary. Columbus has become a city, distinguished for the intelligence, enterprise, and wealth of its fast multiplying population. Mr. Studer's book seems to be a carefully prepared and very full history, and will be found to be a useful compendium of information." [From the Historical Magazine.] "As a record of the history and resources of Columbus, the work seems to have been prepared with commendable care. It embraces all branches of the subject; notices all the minutia, and really seems to have left little to be desired which has not been done." [From the Ohio Statesman.]' An examination of its contents satisfies us that much labor and experience have been devoted to its preparation. The more we read of it, the more we become convinced that the main object in view has been to produce a reliable work. There is no partiality, bigotry, or coloring-up of facts. One can not help but be satisfied as to the truthfulness of the statements made." [From the Columbus Gazette.] " Here we have a work of rich merit. It deals solely with our city, and in a plain, matter-of-fact manner, which can not be too highly commended. The matter in hand is well handled and lucidly treated. Mr. Studer has made a success of this work, and it deserves a wide circulation." [From the Nation.] "Mr. Studer's history is composed with method and intelligence, and is accompanied by a good map." [From the Ohio Educational 7ournal.] "The preparation of the work before us was evidently a' labor of love.' Its materials were gathered with patient industry, and used with good judgment and discretion." Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 151 RANCK'S HISTORY OF LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY. Its Early Annals and Recent Progress, including Biographical Sketches and Personal Reminiscences of the Pioneer Settlers, Notices of Prominent Citizens, etc. By George WT. Ranck. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. $4 oo [From the hIistorical M1~agazine.] " It is very seldom that any locality can secure so faithful an annalist as Mr. Ranck has proved himself to be; and we very rarely find a work of this class which has been prepared with such evidently untiring industry. Nothing seems to have been forgotten or overlooked of what Lexington has ever seen or ever done; and it seems that no one has ever set foot within her boundaries without finding a place in this admirable record." [From the HIistorical Record.] " Mr. Ranck seems to have worked most earnestly, faithfully, and judiciously, in the collection of the materials and the use of them, which compose this volume. Ie gives a most interesting account of the first settlers, their privations, intercourse with the Indians, and their almost hourly perils of some kind. A graphic account is also given of the incidents which made that region receive the title of' The Dark and Bloody Ground;' also, a clear narrative of the political and social events which marked the earlier years of Lexington. Indeed, much of the book reads like a romance." [From New England Historical and Genealogical Register.] "Historically, geographically, and socially, Lexington is one of the most interesting cities of America. The author of this work aimed to make a thorough and accurate local history. He has evidently succeeded, and produced a book which is written in good English, with proper reserve, and in good taste. It is a model in these respects. The publishers have put the book into a very attractive dress, as to type, paper, and binding. Fromn the Cincinnati Commercial.] "Robert Clarke & Co. have issued in handsome style a history of Lexington, Kentucky, by George W. Ranck, an interesting contribution to the pioneer history of the West... (After giving a sketch of Mr. Ranck's personal history, the notice goes on.).. He now comes before the public as author of the history of the old city of Lexington, a volume second only in nature and importance to the best histories of the commonwealth of Kentucky. Mr. Ranck has always been an active friend of the South, and during the war felt both bullets and military prison life, but we put it to his credit that political prejudice has not marred the impartiality of his book." 152 Historical Publications of COL. MAY'S JOURNEY TO THE OHIO COUNTRY. Journal and Letters of Colonel John May, of Boston, relative to Two Journeys to the Ohio Country, in I788 and I789, with a Biographical Sketch by Rev. Richard S. Edes, of Boston, Mass., and Illustrative Notes by Wm. M. Darlington, of Pittsburgh, Penn. Svo, pp. I6o. Cloth, gilt top. $2 00 [From the historical Record.] " Colonel May was a native of Pomfret, in Connecticut. He became a resident of Boston at an early age. He often felt a desire to remove to lands which he owned'at Muskingum,' in Ohio, but his wife's friends opposed the measure. According to his biographer, he was brusque in manner, hasty and choleric in temper, but so genial and kind-hearted that he was much beloved by those who knew him best. In the spring of I788, Colonel May left home on a tour to the Western regions. The journal is an interesting record of that tour, with its stirring events and the daily life of those pioneers who settled Marietta, at the mouth of the Muskingum." [From the Literary World.] "A volume of unusual interest, not only by reason of the graphic sketches which it gives of the state of society at that time, but for the wit and effectiveness of the narrative... Those readers who are curious as to the manners and customs of their ancestors, and find pleasure in comparing our comforts and superfluities with the hardships and perils which made up life in America a century ago, will heartily enjoy this fresh and straightforward narrative." [From the Christian Register.] "The biographical sketch and illustrative notes are excellent, being graphic, accurate, thorough, and copious. Altogether, the'Journal and Letters' make not only a valuable contribution to local history, but quite an entertaining volume to read." [From the NTation.]' Col. John May was uncle to the late Samuel J. May, of Syracuse, by which statement we simply mean to refer the less known to the better known, and not to imply that there was any lack of character in the elder May. In fact, he ha] great strength and individuality of character, and the evidence of it furnished by this diary of two journeys to the Ohio country, quite as well repay the reader in the account of his experiences in coming and going, and at-the infant settlement on the Muskingum." "The value of the original documents is greatly enhanced throughout by the learned and judicious notes of Mr. Darlington, while the grandson of the author furnishes a compendious sketch of his ancestor's life and pedigree. The volume is beautifully printed." Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 153 MEMORIAL OF WILLIAM SPOONER, i637, and of his Descendants to the Third Generation; and of his GreatGrandson, Elnathan Spooner; and of his Descendants to I87I. By Thomas Spooner. 8vo, pp. 242. Cloth. $5 00 [From the New York Genealogical and Biographical Record.] " We have been for some years aware that this work was in course of preparation, and have had opportunity to know with what great zeal and patience its author was gathering the material, both genealogical and biographical. And, at last, the accomplished fact-in all the beauty of tinted paper, fine type, and neat binding-is upon our library table, creditable alike to author and publisher..... Mr. Spooner's style is lively, modest, and exact; the arrangement of his matter is simple and good, and the frequent and copious notes with which his statements are' clinched,' betray the conscientiousness which is characteristic of the true antiquary." [From the New England Historical and Genealogical Register.] "The author has collected more or less particulars concerning about thirteen thousand descendants. In making these researches he has spared neither labor nor expense. The book before us, as will be seen by the title, gives a complete genealogy of three generations of the descendants, after which it is confined to the descendants of one individual. It is arranged in a clear manner, and the facts and dates are full and precise. It is elegantly printed on thick tinted paper." [From the Historical Magazine.]' In this very beautiful volume, our friend, Hon. Thomas Spooner, of Ohio, has preservet the simple annals of the family, and carefully illus — trated them by diligent research among the records of Plymouth Colonyr and elsewhere... It is a well-arranged, carefully written, andl beautifully printed memorial of the head of the American branch of this, widely known and respected family, and of his descendants; and to all, students of American history who shall have occasion to make inquiries. concerning members of this family, this will be a very welcome accession."' [From the Historical Record.] "Only I5o copies of this elegantly printed work forms the edition. With great painstaking the author has traced out the career of William: Spooner (one of the' old settlers' in the Plymouth Colony) and his descendants, by means of the most extensive correspondence and reading. By this method he has obtained a register of the names of almost I3,000 of the descendants of William Spooner, coming from about 3,000 families. In addition to this register of names he has that of births, marriages, and deaths, with a great deal of an historical character, showing the connections of the family with the events of the colonial period and since. The work is valuable to others besides the Spooner family, for it contains biographical sketches of much interest connected with historical events." 154 Historical Publications of OURNAL OF CAPT. WILLIAM TRENT, from Logstown to Pickawillany, A. D. 1752, now published, for the first time, from a copy in the Archives of the Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, Ohio. Together with Letters of Gov. Robert Dinwiddie; an Historical Notice of the Miami Confederacy of Indians; a Sketch of the English Post at Pickawillany, with a short Biography of Captain Trent, and other papers never before printed. Edited by Alfred T. Goodman, Secretary of the Western Reserve Historical Society. 8vo, 114 pages, cloth, gilt top. $2 50 Regarding the establishment of Pickawillany and its subsequent capture by the French as events of peculiar interest to every student of Ohio history, and believing that papers existed among the English archives which would throw light upon the same, we applied to the American minister at London to extend his good offices in procuring copies of all such papers. How cheerfully the request was complied with, is shown by the following letter from Mr. Motley: "LEGATION OF THE UNITED STATES, " LONDON, 5th December, I87o. "DEAR SIR:-With respect to your letter to me of the 24th of October last, I have now the pleasure to transmit herewith copies of certain papers relating to the trading-post called' Pickawillany,' which was attacked and destroyed by the French in the year 1752. These documents have been kindly furnished to me by Earl Granville, Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and are described respectively as follows: " Board of Trade, Virginia, No. 20 W, 89; No. 20 W, 92; No. 20 W, 95; No. 39, PP. 5-7; No. 39, pp. 20-22. " Earl Granville informs me that these are all the dispatches which appear to have passed between the Governor of Virginia and the Home Government of the day, relative to the capture in question. " Trusting that these papers will prove acceptable to your society, and assuring you that I have had much pleasure in procuring them at your request, I am, dear sir, "Your very obedient servant, " JOHN LOTHROP MOTLEY. "A. T. GOODMAN, EsQ_, " Secretary Western Reserve Historical Society, Cleveland, O." The value of the papers referred to will be manifest when it is stated that they have never appeared in print. As a contribution to our early history they become interesting and important. In furnishing MS. for the printer, the originals have been followed verbatim et literatim. The notes are submitted without remark. A short notice of Captain Trent is given, as also a brief sketch of the history of Pickawillany, and a somewhat extended notice of the Miami Confederacy. (Zobert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 155 POOLE'S ANTI-SLAVERY BEFORE I8oo. An Essay. Read before the Cincinnati Literary Club, November I6, 1872. By William F. Poole. To which is appended afac-simile Reprint of George Buchanan's Oration on the Moral and Political Evil of Slavery, delivered at a Public Meeting of the Maryland Society for Promoting the Abolition of Slavery, Baltimore, July 4, I791. 8vo. Paper, 75c. Cloth, $I 25 [From the Historical Record.] " This is a beautifully printed copy of an address read before the' Cincinnati Literary Club,' from the press of Robert Clarke & Co., who, in the beauty of their publications, are rivaling Eastern publishers. Mr. Poole's paper contains valuable materials for guaging public sentiment in the Southern States, at about the time of the adoption of the National Constitution, as revealed in the writings and speeches of leading men; the proceedings of abolition societies, and the common expression of intelligent men against the institution." [From the New England Historical and Genealogical Register.]' Mr. Poole has made a careful and diligent inquiry how far the opinions of Dr. Buchanan represent the current sentiment of that time on the subject of slavery. In pursuing that inquiry he finds that the opinions and sentiments of most of the leading public men in the Middle and Southern States, were not only hostile to the continuance of the African slave-trade, but that on both moral and economical grounds they were earnestly desirous of extinguishing domestic slavery as fast as it could be done safely and lawfully. In connection with the text, Mr. Poole gives much biographical, anecdotal, and statistical matter, which enhances the interest and merits of the work. The volume is handsomely printed, and must be regarded as a very valuable contribution to the literature of the subject on which it treats." THE FAMILY EXPENSE BOOK. A printed account-book, with appropriate columns and headings for keeping a complete record of family expenses for each day, week, and month of the year. Also, the time of and amounts paid to servants. A glance at the arrangement will readily show its convenience and value, and the small labor required to keep a clear, full record of family expenses. Izmo. Cloth. 50 156 Historical Publications of HALL'S LEGENDS OF THE WEST. Sketches illustrative of the Habits, Occupations, Privations, Adventures,. and Sports of the Pioneers of the West. By James Hall, Author of " The Wilderness and War Path," " Tales of the Border," etc. I2mo. Cloth, gilt top, or entirely uncut. $2 00 HALL'S ROMANCE OF WESTERN HISTORY; or, Sketches of History, Life, and Manners in the West. By James Hall. I2mo. Cloth, gilt top, or entirely uncut. $2 oo [From Duyckinck's American Literature.]' Mr. Hall's tales are characterized by a certain amenity and ease of narrative, a poetic appreciation of the beauties of nature, and the gentler moods of the affections; while the author's pleasant narrative has softened the rudeness without abating the interest of the wild border strife. The Indian subjects are handled with peculiar delicacy; the kindly sentiment of the author dwelling on their virtues, while his imagination is unkindled by their spiritual legends. His style, pure in sentiment and expression, may be aptly compared with the calm, tranquil aspect of his own Ohio river, occasionally darkened by wild bordering woods, but oftener reflecting the beauty of the azure heavens." [From Griswolds Prose Writers of America.] " Mr. Hall's writings are pervaded by a gentlemanly tone and spirit, and have touches of humor and reflective sentiment. The subjects of some of his happiest sketches are the early French settlers of Illinois. The manners and customs which have prevailed in this state he has depicted with much fidelity.. The descriptions of Western scenery scattered through his works are generally graphic and truthful." OWE'S HISTORICAL COLLECTIONS OF OHIO. Containin, a Collection of the most Interesting Facts, Traditions, Biographical Sketches, Anecdotes, etc., relating to its Local and General History, with descriptions of its Counties, Cities, Towns, and Villages. Illustrated with I77 engravings. By Henry Howe. One hundred copies printed on tinted paper and bound in cloth, gilt top, uniform with the " Ohio Valley Historical Series." 8vo, pp. 620. $6 oo Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 157 YOUNG'S HISTORY OF WAYNE COUNTY, INDIANA. From its First Settlement to the Present Time. Witl: numerous Biographical and Family Sketches. Embellished with upward of Fifty Portraits of Citizens and Views of Buildings. By Andrew Young. 8vo. Cloth, uncut. $5 oo [From the Historical Record.]' This is a stately-volume, printed with clear type, on thick fine paper. The author appears to have taken great pains in the preparation of this volume, and has made a very valuable contribution to the local history of Indiana." [From the Historical Magazine.] "It'promises well for the history of'the West' that such a volume as this has been already devoted to a record of the simple annals of a single county; and we congratulate the inhabitants of Wayne county, that they have found one who was both able and willing to perpetuate the history of the heroism of their ancestors, and the prosperity which has crowned their humble labors with so much patient fidelity and so much minuteness. The volume is very neatly printed, and is worthy of an extended circulation." *LAW'S COLONIAL HISTORY OF VINCENNES, IND., under the French, British, and American Governments, from its First Settlement down to the Territorial Administration of General William Henry Harrison. By Hon. John Law. I2mo1110, pp. I57. Cloth. $I 50 This is an address delivered by Judge Law before the Vincennes Historical and Antiquarian Society, February 22, I839; republished in I858, with numerous additional notes and an appendix-two-thirds of the volume containing much valuable matter relating to General Clark; General Hamilton (British); Tecumseh; Public Lands; Territorial Acquisition; Le Balm's Expedition; Ancient Grant; the Western Sucn, the first newspaper printed in Indiana Territory; the Catholic Church, and Early Militia. GRISWOLD'S KANSAS PILOT. Kansas, her Resources and Developments; or, the Kansas Pilot, giving a direct road to homes for everybody, and the effects of latitude on life locations, with important facts for all European emigrants. By Wayne Griswold, M. D. Illustrated. 8vo, pp. 95. Sewed. 50 158 Historical Publications of ATCH'S WAR OF I812 IN THE NORTHWEST. A Chapter of the History of the War of I8I2 in the Northwest: Embracing the Surrender of the Northwestern Army and Fort, at Detroit, August I6, I8I3; with a Description and Biographical Sketch of the celebrated Indian Chief, Tecumseh. By Colonel William Stanley Hatch, Acting Assistant QuartermasterGeneral of that Army. x8mo, pp. I56. Sheep. $I 25 [From the Historical lIfagazine.] "A new chapter of an old history. An old man's story, told while fighting his battles over again, concerning the operations of the Northwestern army. As the author was acting assistant quartermaster-general of the army, and in close communication with the various officers in command, his narrative possesses more than ordinary interest. Nearly one-half of this volume is occupied with an elaborate memoir of Tecumseh, evidently prepared with unusual advantages for securing accuracy of information, and with great care; and this is not, in our estimation, the least important portion of the volume." [From the New England Historical and Genealogical Register.] " This unpretending little volume is quite an interesting addition to the history of the events referred to. It deals mainly with the operations of General Hull, and his surrender, and gives additional facts in regard to the character and death of Tecumseh." pIONEER RECORD OF ROSS COUNTY, OHIO. Pioneer Record and Reminiscences of the Early Settlers and Settlement of Ross County, Ohio. By Isaac J. Finley and Rufus Putnam. 8vo, pp. I48. Cloth. $2 50 An unpretending record of early life in Ross county (which includes Chillicothe, the first capital of this State); the trials, hardships, and privations of the pioneers; their adventures as Indian-fighters and bearkillers, and the progress of the county to the present time. Each township is treated separately, with list of the early settlers, and sketches of the lives of the more prominent among them. Ancient Works, Natural Curiosities, Churches, Schools, Mills, and the material improvements generally, are noticed in detail TYLER DAVIDSON FOUNTAIN OF CINCINNATI. Donated to the City by Mr. Henry Probasco. Giving a History and Description of the Fountain, Dedicatory Exercises, etc. Large plate and portraits. I8mo. Paper. 40 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 159 SPRING GROVE CEMETERY, its HISTORY and IMPROVEMENTS, with Observations on Ancient and Modern Places of Sepulture. Quarto, pp. viii, I99. The text beautifully printed within ornamental colored borders, on heavy tinted paper, and illustrated with twenty-six full page and three small photographs, giving general views of and in the Cemetery, its lakes, lawns, trees, etc., and of some of the best monuments. Bound in cloth gilt, gilt edges. Price, $ 5.oo. An 8vo edition, without the borders and illustrations. Cloth. Price, $2.00. [From the Nation.] "One of the choicest specimens of Western book-making that we have seen, and we are not sure that we should make any qualification of the superlative, is the quarto volume published by Messrs. Robert Clarke & Co., of Cincinnati, entitled'Spring Grove Cemetery; its history and improvements, with observations on ancient and modern places of sepulture.' Spring Grove ranks among the largest of the cemeteries by which this country is honorably distinguished, and is not very far from being the foremost. There are two features which give it a great advantage over Mount Auburn, for instance: the absence, as a rule, of family vaults, and of artificial boundaries of iron and stone, a medley which is as shocking to good taste as prominent divisions of lots are unnecessary. Mr. Strauch, the present superintendent and landscape gardener, furnishes a readable preface, which shows he knows his own business perfectly, though he indulges rather more frequently than was required in confirmatory quotations from writers of authority. Then follows the history of the cemetery, its general plan, a description of the principal monuments, the regulations as to interments, the sale of lots, etc.; an appendix containing brief descriptions of the most famous cemeteries here and abroad; and finally, a list of proprietors. Great pains have been taken in making the book. Every page has a fancy border, which is constantly changing in design and color, and there is a large number of full-page photographic illustrations which well display the natural and artistic attractions of the grounds. Few of the monuments thus reproduced are offensively ugly, some are more than commonly fine, and the architecture of the receiving vault particularly commends itself. Altogether, this volume is capable of affording pleasure and useful suggestions wherever it may go, and as it contains ideas which are as applicable to parks as to cemeteries, we shall wish that every growing town or city in the country may vote to supply its select men with a copy." 160 Historical Publications of AN APPEAL TO THE PUBLIC ON BEHALF OF CAMERIA (AMERICA), A Young Lady who was almost Ruined by the Barbarous Treatment of her own Mother. London. Printed in the year 1781. The edition consists of 124 small-paper copies, octavo, finely printed on tinted paper, sewed, uncut, price 75 cents; 25 largepaper copies, also on tinted paper, sewed, uncut, price $I.5o. S OME ACCOUNTOF AN EXISTING CORRESPONDENCE now Carrying on Between the INHABITANTS OF THE MOON (America) and the NATIVES OF THIS COUNTRY; To which is subjoined a List of such Articles as are immediately wanted for the Export Trade. By some Merchants just arrived from that Planet. Interspersed with several useful and valuable Hints, particularly adapted to the use of those Gentlemen who are fond of Speculation. A Work strongly recommended to the Perusal of the Merchants, Bankers, Manufacturers, Wholesale Tradesmen, Shopkeepers, Underwriters, Insurance Brokers, and Ladies of Great Britain. London: Printed and sold by H. Fry, Finsbury-Place, Finsbury-Square, I 8oo. The edition consists of 132 small-paper copies, octavo, finely printed on tinted paper, sewed, uncut, price 75 cents; 27 largepaper copies, also on tinted paper, sewed, uncut, price $I.50. [From the Round Table.] "We have just now before us a pamphlet (Cameria) from the press of Robert Clarke & Co., of whose beauty we remain within bounds when we say it is surpassed not merely by nothing we have seen from the best Boston, New York, or Philadelphia presses, but that, in simple elegance, it is not inferior to the finest workmanship of London or Edinburgh. * *'* But aside from its merits for a half hour's amusement, or whatever value it has as a historical curiosity, its beauty alone should make it prized." [From the Cincinnati Chronicle.] "It is a fac simile of the original brochure, most beautifully executed, in the highest style of the typographical art. It is very creditable to the good taste and judgment of the firm. * * * The Cameria appeared in the Edinburgh E'vening Post of the 4th of March, 178I j and, said the original publishers,'as it bears a lively resemblance to the manner of the late admirable DEAN SWIFT, and contains some striking allegorical passages, it is hoped that it will afford the reader some rational entertainment.' " Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 161 THE COW CHACE, an HEROICK POEM IN THREE CANTOS. Written at New York, 1780. By the late MAJOR ANDRE, with explanatory notes, by the Editor. "The man who fights, and runs away, May live to fight another day," Said Butler in his deathless lay. "But he who is in battle slain Can never rise to fight again," As wisely thought good General Wayne. LONDON: Printed for JOHN FIELDING, NO. 23 Pater-NosterRow, 1781.' Reprinted from this rare quarto edition, with the original preface, notes, etc., 8vo, pp. 32, sewed, uncut. Price, 75 cents. Large paper, imperial 8vo, sewed, uncut. Price, $1.50. [Original Advertisement.] "' The following Poem was written by the late gallant MAJOR ANDRE, who was condemned to die for doing his duty to his king and his country, by a set of miscreants calling themselves'general officers' in the American rebellion; all of whom were a thousand times more deserving of death for their crimes, with the inhuman Washington at their head, by whose authority their sentence was put into execution, and who has, by his own personal orders, caused more thanfifteen hundred British subjects to be executed since he became a traitor, for the bare possession of loyalty, and because they would not add, as he had done, perjury and treason to cruelty and crime. Yet are there even Britons so lost to shame, and so dead to humanity, as to applaud his conduct." [From the Cincinnati Gazette.] "-The poem is a humorous description of the defeat of the'rebel generals, Wayne and Irving,' and is a candid expression of the contempt and ridicule in which our brave revolutionary fathers were held by their British foes. * * * Of the poem itself, we reproduce only the last stanza, which, if not pathetic, seems certainly to have been prophetic of the sad fate of the author:' And now I've closed my epic strain I tremble as I show It, Lest this same warrio-drover, Wayne, Should ever catch the poet." Additional interest is lent to the poem, from the fact that the above stanza was printed on the very day that Major Andre was taken prisoner." 162 Miscellaneous Publications of FORCE'S PRE-HISTORIC MAN-Darwinism and DeityThe Mound Builders. Three Essays read before the Cincinnati Literary Club, by Hon. M. F. Force. Svo, pp. 85. Sewed, uncut. 75 [From the Historical Record.] "They have been handsomely printed in one thin volume. The author, Judge Force, is the son of the late Peter Force, of Washington City, the compiler of the'American Archives.' He is a sound thinker and careful recorder of his thoughts, and whatever he may submit to the scattering hand of the press, is sure to be worthy of consideration.... The three papers, properly brought together, are rich in suggestions of topics for profound thought and investigation." [From the Louisville Courier-Journal.] " These essays evince more than ordinary range of culture, and a very considerable ability to think, and to think clearly and logically, and are written with evident care and in an attractive, forcible style." [From Dr. Lyman C. -Draper.] " General Force's essay on the Mound Builders evinces great care and study in its preparation, and well deserves to be placed side by side with those of Foster, Jones, Atwater, Squier, and Davis." [From Col. Chas. Whittlesey.] "Judge Force has performed a very acceptable work, which will save archaeologists a large amount of labor, by presenting a clear and thorough view of what is known of the Mound Builders of the United States. His'Darwinism and Deity' is a full, fair, and critical abstract of present opinions on those subjects." BRUNNER'S FRENCH READER. Elementary and Pronouncing French Reader; containing pronouncing rules and exercises on French pronunciation; a selection of interesting anecdotes; a concise treatise on French Verbs; and a Vocabulary of all the words contained in the work, with concise Rules for acquiring the Gender of French Nouns. By Alphonso A. Brunner. Fourth edition. i8mo, half-bound. 60o BRUNNER'S GENDER OF FRENCH VERBS. The Gender of French Verbs Simplified. New and improved edition. By Alphonso A. Brunner. i8mo. Boards. 25 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 163 BURT'S THE FAR EAST; or, Letters from Egypt, Palestine, and other Lands of the Orient. Illustrated with Engravings, Maps, etc. By N. C. Burt, D. D., author of " Home among the Gospels,"'" The Land and its Story," etc. 12zo. Cloth. $I 75 [From the American Literary Gazette and Publishers Circular.] " There runs all through the volume a continuous vein of geniality, and, at times, of positive humor, a sympathy with all the persons and places visited, yet an eye to the ludicrous, and an apt suggestion of scholarship just at the right time and place. The pervading style is neat and graphic. We have not, for a long time. met with any work of this class which was really more enjoyable." [From the Christian Instructor.]' Having passed over much of the ground, and mingled in the very scenes described, we take great pleasure in commending the correctness of its general descriptions, and having made use of letters wIitten on the spot and at the time, there is a special freshhess and zest about the work. Dr. Burt evidently possesses a genial nature, and has the admirable talent of being able to travel in all sorts of ways, and among all sorts of people, without continually finding fault and distressing his readers with complaints." [From the Pittsburgh Commercial.] " A book of extraordinary interest and ability. We know of no work giving so much instruction and entertainment in the same number of pages. It should be in every family and Sunday-school library." [From the New York Observer.] " The amount of information embodied, and the graceful, easy, and spiritual way in which it is imparted, make the book a valuable addition to our stock of' travel's.'" [From the rNation.] "We do not remember a Nile tourist who exhibits more plainly, or more feelingly, that intimacy with the sky which must result from the monotony of the river scenery. The colors of morning and evening are noted, if not with warmth, at least with apparent precision, which, perhaps, is to be said of all Dr. Burt's descriptions. He is also the first, so far as we know, to set down the music of the boatmen of the Nile, which has been often alluded to, and sometimes in comparison with the blacks of the sea islands." 164 Miscellaneous Publications of DR. BOYLAND'S SIX MONTHS WITH THE FRENCH ARMY. Six Months under the Red Cross, with the French Army. By George Halstead Boyland, M. D. ExChirurgien de l'Arm6e Francaise. Izmo, pp. 232. Cloth. $I 50 [From the Atlantic MlPonthly.] "Dr. Boyland has had the fortune to write a book of the rarest kind in literature; a book with apparently no more literary premeditation than Pepy's Diary or Benvenuto Cellini's Autobiography, and having a simplicity, straightforwardness, and business-like clearness that refreshes the jaded critical sense at every moment. He sets down his surgical experience with an exactness that we imagine must commend his reminiscences to his profession; but his value to us is the vigor with which he gives the conditions of this experience, from the time he leaves Paris, amidst the arrogant enthusiasm of the French army and people, till after the long seige of Metz and the capitulation of the starved garrison, he rides into the Prussian lines at Versailles. It would be unjust to his book to leave the reader with the impression that it is merely a series of sketches, however powerful. It is not only a careful record of surgical experience, but a comment full of instruction upon the management of the French army, especially at Metz, where Dr. Boyland shared the common suspicion of Bazaine." [From the Saturday Review, London.] "Dr. Boyland's narrative is well worth perusal on many accounts. It not only gives a lively sketch of the perils and privations encountered in such a service, and of the horrors of the battle-fields around Metz, and relates a variety of striking anecdotes concerning that memorable campaign, but it bears testimony to the disorders which prevailed both in the military and the hospital service, and contributes new evidence to the general mass of proof which has been steadily accumulating since the close of the war of the indiscipline and almost anarchy which prevailed in the imperial army after its first defeats." [From the Nation.] "Major Boyland, engaged for the war as assistant surgeon-major in the First French ambulance. His diary, as here given, has all the marks of truthfulness and candor, and has a positive value as a contribution to the history of the Franco-Prussian conflict." [From the Boston Journal.] "It is a narrative of experiences during the Franco-Prussian war, and its descriptions of the scenes and incidents of that great contest are given with the simplicity and directness which are the natural result of personal observation. Many of the details here given are fresh and interesting." Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 165 WILLIAMS ON THE EAR. Diseases of the Ear, includ. ing the necessary Anatomy of the Organ. Illustrated with numerous wood-cuts, gnd one lithograph. By A. D. Williams, M. D., of St. Louis, formerly Lecturer on Otology in the Miami Medical College. 8vo, cloth. $3 50 [From Lancet and Observer.] "Dr. Williams has been somewhat familiarly known to our readers as a contributor of articles on diseases of the ear. These are incorporated in the present volume, together with a systematic outline of the anatomy of the ear structure, and its diseases and therapeutics. The book is beautifully printed and abundantly illustrated in all its details, so that the physician or student desirous of treating these diseases, heretofore so troublesome, will have in this book a good and satisfactory guide." [From the American Medical Journal.] "This is a very creditably gotten-up monograph by a western author. In manner of execution the book is really unique, while its brevity of description and unpretending style is certainly attractive.... There is such a general want of knowledge in this important class of diseases, it will well repay a careful reading." TRIPLER AND BLACKMAN'S WAR SURGERY. Hand-book for the Military Surgeon: Being a compendium of the duties of the Medical Officer in the field, the sanitary management of the camp, the preparation of food, etc. With forms for the requisitions for supplies, returns, etc.; the diagnosis and treatment of camp dysentery; and all the important points in War Surgery, including gunshot wounds, amputation, wounds of the chest, abdomen, arteries, and head, and the use of chloroform. By Chas. S. Tripler, M. D., U. S. A., and Prof. George C. Blackman, M. D. I2mo, cloth. $I 00 RIVES' CHART OF CRANIAL NERVES. A Chart of the Physiological Arrangement of Cranial Nerves. By Edward Rives, M. D. Printed in large type, on a sheet 28xT5 inches, mounted on card-board or folded in cloth case. 60o NAME AND ADDRESS BOOK. A useful blank-book for recording the full name and address of Professional, Commercial, and Family Correspondents. Indexed. 8vo, halfbound. $I OC 166 Miscellaneous Publications of QUICK'S EDUCATIONAL REFORMERS. Essays on Educational Reformers. By Robert Herbert Quick, M. A., Trinity College, Cambridge. I2mo. Cloth. $2 00 CONTENTS.-Schools of the Jesuits; Ascham, Montaigne, Ratich, Milton; Comenius; Locke; Rousseau's Emile; Basidow and the Philanthropin; Pestalozzi; Jacotot; Herbert Spencer; Thoughts and Sugges. tions about Teaching Children; Some Remarks about Moral and Religious Education; Appendix. [From Johln Hancock, Esq., Supt. Public Schools, Cincinnati.]. " I know of no educational work in English of equal value. No teacher who has an ambition to emancipate himself from a servile adherence to the traditional methods of teaching, can read the book without profit. "' The book is not limited to a discussion of theories of education, but on almost every page may be found most valuable suggestions on matters of practice in teaching. Indeed, I know of no work in which theory and practice are so skillfully blended." [From Miss D. A. Lathrop, Prin. Normal School, Cincinnati.] "I am confident that all who study it carefully will lay it aside with a deep conviction that education is not a merely empirical science, but that it has scope for, and demands the broadest and most profound philosophy of which the human mind is capable." [From the Illinois Schoolmaster.] "We have been better pleased with this than with any solid work on education that has been placed in our hands for the last two years. Not a page can be turned without disclosing to the teacher valuable principles of his profession. For class work in normal schools we believe it to be superior. It is seldom that we so unhesitatingly recommend the purchase of a book." [From the National Normal.] "This is a readable book... There are many young teachers who desire to make themselves familiar with the past of their profession. To them, and to all our readers, we can recommend this work most heartily. " [From the Maine Journal of Education.] "The principles which underlie all correct modes and methods of teaching, must and will be sought after by those who are determined to place themselves in the advanced line of teachers. To those who desire to have, in a brief form, the statements and works of those who have been the foremost in changing the ideas of teaching from time to time, we cheerfully recommend this work." Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 167 [From the College Courant.] "The essays are finely written, in classic English, and in the true professional spirit of an experienced and accomplished teacher." [1F;rom the Literary World.] "This book supplies information that, so far as we know, is contained in no other single volume, touching the progress of education in its earliest stages after the revival of learning. It is the work of a practical teacher, who supplements his sketches of famous educationalists with some well-considered observations, that deserve the attention of all who are interested in that subject." [From Yale Literary Magazine.] "The author's style is clear, easy, and agreeable.. We believe the work well fitted to do a good work in irrigating the desert wastes, which too often appear in the minds of teachers." EFrom the Chiccago Teacher.] "It is the most catholic, readable, and valuable work on matters educational that has yet been published. For the honor of our craft, teachers, do buy it, and come to know a little about the business in which you are engaged." [EFomr the Common School, Davenport, Iowa. "We are professionally under great obligations to the publishers of this work. It supplies a want we have felt for an outline of educational literature and opinions. It is an intelligent resume of some of the doctrines of modern culture, rendered interesting to the reader by its biographical plan." [From the Massachusetts Teacher.] " Such books are very much needed among us. If we are to have a science of pedagogy, it must be based not entirely on theory, but we must have important lessons from experience. We know of no book more suggestive and instructive on this subject" [From Wisconsin Journal of Education.]' The author has given us a mass of facts and philosophy in education such as we believe can nowhere else be found, either in like compass or in similar style.... The book deserves and will receive a wide circulation among the better class of teachers-those who sincerely desire to be intelligent and efficient workers in their profession." [From Ohio Educational Monthly.] The work is one of the most valuable contributions to pedagogical literature in English, and it will be welcomed by hundreds of thinking teachers who desire to know what the great educational writers of the past have said on the subject now under vigerous discussion. All interested in the improvements of method of elementary teaching, will find this book a rich mine of information. 168 Miscellaneous Publications, of KLIPPART'S LAND DRAINAGE. The Principles and Practice of Land Drainage; embracing a Brief History of Underdraining; a detailed examination of its Operations and Advantages; a Description of Various Kinds of Drains, with Practical Directions for their Construction; the Manufacture of Drain Tile. Illustrated with nearly Ioo engravings. By John H. Klippart, Author of the "Wheat Plant," Corresponding Secretary of the Ohio State Board of Agriculture, etc. Second edition. I vol. I2mo. $I 75 Within the last few years the subject of drainage has been thoroughly studied, and its importance and advantages practically demonstrated by the agriculturists of Europe, and particularly of Great Britain; while in this country it has received but little attention from farmers generally-so little, indeed, that when occasionally intelligent men undertake the thorough drainage of their farms, they usually get credit from their do-as-myfather-did neighbors, of burying their money with their tiles. The resulting improved appearance of their farms, and the increased quantity and superior quality of their crops, however, soon convince even the least observant of the profit of burying money in this way. No doubt much money may be and has been expended fruitlessly in ill-applied drainage. The subject must be understood, both in theory and application, before any of the great practical results which have been attained, can be secured by every one who undertakes the drainage of his farm. The purpose of this work is to supply that information, in a plain, practical way, easily understood by any intelligent farmer. It tells him the properties of his soil, and how it is affected by drainage; what kind of land needs drainage; when and why it will pay. Some of the advantages of underdraining are summed up and thoroughly explained under the following heads: I. It removes stagnant waters from the surface. 2. It removes surplus waters from under the surface. 3. It lengthens. the working season. 4. It deepens the soil. 5. It warms the undersoil. 6. It equalizes the temperature of the soil during the season of growth. 7. It carries down soluble substances to the roots of the plants. 8. It prevents " freezing out," "heaving out," or "winter killing." g9 It prevents injury from drouth. Io. It improves the quantity and quality of crop; it increases the effect of manures. II. It prevents rust in wheat and rot in potatoes. These advantages are not suppositions, but are proved by the actual experience of intelligent men, which is given in detail. In the second part of the book are given practical directions for the location, cutting, and laying of the various kinds of drains, according to the position and quality of the land; modes of preventing and removing obstructions in drains; descriptions of the tools, the various improved plows, and other inventions used in the operations; and of the several Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 169 kinds of tile, their respective advantages, and minute directions for their manufacture, including the selection and working of the materials, molding, drying, and baking of the tile, etc. The whole is illustrated with nearly a hundred engravings of sections of drains, tile, implements, etc. The work is thorough and comprehensive, and supplies the farmer with all the information which he must possess before he can intelligently and profitably commence operations. It ought to be in the hands of every farmer in the country. [From the Nlort/hwestern Ftirmer, Indianapolis.] In answer to a query from a subscriber, on the subject of drainage, the editor says: "Underdraining is a pet theme with us. We advise our subscribers to get a copy of John HI. Klippart's work on Land Drainage, which is undoubtedly the most comprehensive and reliable work on the subject extant. The publishers, Robert Clarke & Co., of Cincinnati, have just issued a new and improved edition of the book, which anticipates and answers every question our subscriber has, or can well raise, on the subject of drainage, and no farmter can well afford to be without a copy." [From the Chicago Farmers' Advocate.] "XWe hail with pleasure the appearance of this work. The authorwho, by the way, is one of the most distinguished agriculturists of the West-has taken great pains to show the cost and comparative value of different kinds of drains,-open, mole, tile, brush, etc., etc.,-and their effect on the different kinds of grain, roots, etc. We advise the farmers of the West to procure the above work, and in perusing its pages, they will gain what years of experience alone can give." [From the New England Farmer.] "This is an excellent work upon the subject of drainage, written by a person conversant with the subject, and who was willing to go so far into details, as to give the reasons why withdrawing water from the soil tends to make the soil deeper and -warvmrr, and more inoist in a dry time, than an undrained soil. It is written in a plain, candid manner, and can not fail to be of essential service to those who will read and practice its precepts. The subject is one of great importance to our farmers, and demands of them more attention than it has yet received." [From the Illinois Farmer.] "IVe have given this work a pretty thorough perusal, and must say that we are highly pleased with it. It is eminently practical, and well adapted to the soils of the West. No nurseryman, gardener, or farmer can afford to do without it; certainly, no man having unimproved land worth twenty dollars an acre, should attempt its improvement without its aid." 170 Miscellaneous Publications of WARDER'S DU BREUIL'S VINEYARD CULTURE. Vineyard Culture Improved and Cheapened. By A. Du Breuil, Professor of Viticulture and Arboriculture in the Royal School of Arts and Trades, in Paris. Translated by E. and C. Parker, of Longworth's Wine House. With Notes and Adaptations to American Culture, by John A. Warder, Author of "American Pomology." With I44 illustrations. I vol. 12mo1110, neatly printed and bound. Cloth. $z 00 This volume contains the substance of the lectures delivered by direction of the government, in the vine districts of France, by A. Du Breuil, Professor of Viticulture in the Royal School of Arts and Trades. They are eminently practical, and are a thorough exposition of the most approved methods of culture of the vine, as practiced by the most intelligent vineyardists in Europe, with full details of all operations from the preparation of the soil till the gathering of the vintage. The work has been carefully edited by Dr. John A. Warder, an acknowledged authority, and the American variations of practice noted and explained in full, adapting the work to the different soils, the more extensive range of climate, and the varieties of grapes most esteemed here. Dr. W.'s list of American vines and their characteristics, and the methods of pruning, are particularly valuable. The illustrations in the volume are those of the original work, imported expressly for it. [From the American Journal of Horticulture.] " Aside from the reputation of the author of this book, the mere fact that Dr. Warder has seen fit to edit it, and introduce it to the American horticultural public, is sufficent proof that the work has intrinsic value. " We value the work for two reasons: Firsit, it gives us a clear and comprehensive idea of the methods of cultivation approved and practiced by the highest authorities in Europe; and, second, the notes interspersed correct what might mislead us, and of themselves form an excellent vine manual. Dr. Warder can not treat any subject superficially, or so as to make it dull. " The book is finely printed on tinted paper, well illustrated, and, in gentral, very creditable to the enterprising firm by which it is published." [From the Cultivator and Country Gentleman, Albany, New York.] "Every intelligent vine-grower must be profited by the perusal of such a book. It seems to have no special theories to support, but simply to record the facts derived from observation, with attendant circumstances on which they are based. Dr. Warder's annotations are often of considerable length, and appear to be exactly what such a work requires to suit it to the wants of an American reader." Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 171 [From the Maryland Farmer, Baltimore.] " The book under notice is decidedly the best treatise on the subject that has yet been given to the public in an English dress. We heartily commend the work to vine-growers especially, and to agriculturists generally." [From Coleman's Rural Word, St. Louis.] "As a translation, it is well performed, and comes in the clearest style of our language, while the notes in the shape of explanations, well-timed applications, and cautions, make it of much more value than the original work to the cultivators in this country. We predict for it a large sale." [From the Address of the President, Mr. Thomas S. IKennedy, to the Members of the Kentucky HIorticultural Society, at their Annual MIfeeting, in Louisville, on January 25, 1868.] "In this connection, I would beg leave to call your attention to a new book published by Rqbert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, which I received from our esteemed friend and brother pomologist, Dr. Warder. It is entitled,'Vineyard Culture, improved and cheapened. By A. Du Breuil,' etc. " I confess that the foreign aspect of the work impressed me unfavorably; for I had long since come to the conclusion that the foreign mode of culture was as little adapted to our native varieties of grapes as the foreign vines were adapted to outdoor culture in our climate. I was agreeably surprised, however, to find, upon examining its pages, that this was emphatically an American work on American grapes, and the best mode of training, pruning, and cultivating the vine in this country. The foreign text served as a basis for illustrating the best modes of American culture, thereby making the difference between the foreign and the American methods of treating the vine more striking, and the more indelibly impressed upon the memory by the juxtaposition and the contrast. "Dr. Warder's' Notes and Adaptations to American Culture' formed the vivid, living picture upon Du Breuil's thoroughly prepared background. This work is a most valuable contribution to the art of grape culture; and needs only to be known and studied in order to be appreciated as it deserves." [From the Western Rural, Chicago, Illinois.] "The author has written clearly and distinctly, and has produced a valuable book, the worth of which, to American readers, is very much increased by the numerous and extended notes by Dr. Warder. The work is one that can be read with profit by every one who cultivates a vineyard." [From the Ohio Farmer, Cleveland, Ohio.] "Dr. Warder's introduction and interlinear notes are right to the point. The whole make-up of this work is substantial and elegant; the illustrations are well drawn, and the work is an honor to the Western press." 172 Miscellaneous Publications of JEEMELIN'S WINE-MAKER'S MANUAL. The WineMaker's Manual: a Plain, Practical Guide to all the Operations for the Manufacture of Still and Sparkling Wines; embracing Chapters on the Vintage, When and How to Pickl and Cull Grapes; Preparations for Wine-making; the Ingredients and Improvements of "Must;" Fermentation and the Changes produced by it; the Heating or Firing, Keeping and Bottling of Wines; Still, Sparkling, Sweet, Spiced, and Frozen Wines; Wine Colors; the Constituents, Acidity, and Ailments of Wine; Artificial and Imitation Wines. The work also contains full instructions for making Cider, Fruit and Berry Wines, etc., elc. By Charles Reemelin, Author of the "Vine-Dresser's Manual." I vol. I2mo. Extra cloth. $I 25 This little volume is a plain, practical guide to all the operations of wine-making. It is scientific in the knowledge it conveys, giving the results of all the latest improvements and researches of Europe and this country, yet free from all the technicalities which tend only to mystify those who are not versed in the sciences. The owner of a vineyardsmall or large-by a careful study of this work, will be enabled to manufacture his own wines, and obtain the best resnlts. Some chapters have been added on Berry and Frudt }Wines, which will be found useful in every family. [From the Cultivator and Country Gentleman.] " Inexperienced readers will find in it a great many well-considered suggestions and much valuable assistance." [l;rom the Buralist.] "This is a valuable acquisition, as all will readily testify who have need of instruction in wine-making. The questions involved in the various processes of manufacture are treated with great ability, and we should advise every one who has any desire to learn anything upon this important subject to possess himself of a copy." [From the Southern Cultivator.] "Discusses every point connected with wine-making, gathering grapes, pressing out the juice, wine presses, must; nature and improvement of fermentation, cellars, bottling, etc. All the modern processes for improving wine are given, and the subject discussed in the light of the most recent discoveries in chemistry. The remarks on the processes for correcting over-acidity, the want of sugar in our grapes, will prove particularly interesting." Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 173 ALZOG'S UNIVERSAL CHURCH HISTORY. A Manual of Universal Church History. By Rev. John Alzog, D.D., Professor of Theology at the University of Freiburg. Translated from the ninth enlarged and improved German edition, and edited and brought down to the present time, by Rev. F. J. Pabisch, D.D., President of Mount Saint Marys of the West, Cincinnati. 3 vols. 8vo. Cloth. Per volume, $5 oo Vol. I. Early Church History. Now Ready. The want of a comprehensive and reliable text-book of Church History in English, has long been acknowledged and deplored by scholars, and particularly by educators, who recognize that, to the theologian, Church History is not merely an invaluable auxiliary, but rather the foundation of all his other professional studies. To meet this want, Alzog's Manual of Universal Church History has been selected for translation, editorial revision, and publication. As a text-book, it has occupied a deservedly high position in the estimation of educators on the continent, where it has been in use for the past thirty years, having passed through nine editions in German, and of the French translation the fourth edition has been announced. It has been the standard text-book in most of the Catholic Seminaries, in twenty Universities, and in many other institutions of learning in Europe, and in this country also, wherever German or French is understood, English professors, who are engaged in the work of higher classical education, will find it admirably suited to their classes. It is a work of deep research, thorough scholarship, and great impartiality, condensing in a substantial abridgment the treasures brought to light through the persevering labors of his predecessors and contemporaries. That it is sound in principle is guaranteed by the well-known character of the studies in the University to which he belongs and the fact that he was, in I869, called by the Holy See to help in the preparation for the Vatican Council. His great literary attainments, and his more than thirty years' experience as a Professor of Church History in various Universities, leave no room for doubt that, though comparatively brief, and as a text-book necessarily concise, it is yet a comprehensive and exhaustive exposition of the subject, written in clear, correct, and forcible language. Each of the three volumes will be accompanied by a mnap-the third, of my own making, representing the modern Christian world. The third volume will be considerably larger than the first two, as it will contain in about I65 pages, the History of the Pontificate of Pius IX., and considerable origina:l matter concerning English-speaking countries, a valuable fteature of this work not embraced in any other Church History. Each volume will have appended a chronological table and a table of contents; and in the last volume, a copious alphabetical general index to the whole work will be given. The zwork has the most cotrdial apfprobation of the Most Rev. 7. B. Purcell, D.D. 174 Miscellaneous Publications of JASPER'S BIRDS OF NORTH AMERICA. Drawn from Nature, engraved and described by TheodoreJasper, A. M, M. D., to be completed in 36 monthly parts. Each part will contain three beautifully colored Plates, and one tinted Scientific Plate twelve by fifteen inches, and eight pages of letter-press, devoted to the Popular and Scientific History of over six hundred different Species of Birds, comprising all that are known to exist on this Continent, including a popular account of their habits and characteristics. Sold to subscribers only. Price, each part, $I 00 Numbers I to 8 now ready. The drawings are made and the plates are engraved by Theodore Jasper, A. M., M. D., an Artist and a Naturalist, who has made the study of Ornithology the business of his life. No similar work, containing so many beautiful and faithful pictures of living birds, and so much descriptive matter at so reasonable a rate, is now extant or has ever been published in this or any other country. To Libraries, Colleges, Seminaries, Educational and Scientific Institutions, Professors, Teachers, and Families, it will be of the highest conceivable value in arresting the attention and in cultivating a taste for the beautiful and wonderful as exhibited in this most attractive branch of natural history. There is hardly a person, young or old, educated or uneducated, who will not find in this work a rich and varied source of entertainment and instruction. [From Prof. J. S. Newberry, Chief Geol. Corps of Ohio.] "The work seems to be accurately and tastefully prepared. With the plan and general execution of the work I am much pleased, and take pleasure in commending it as the most attractive popular exposition ot our ornithology yet given to the public. " [From the Turf, Field and Farm.] "A most valuable work on the birds of North America, profusely illustrated with accurate and admirably colored plates, from drawings by Theodore Jasper, A. M., M. D. This work will undoubtedly become the popular' standard' on the subject of which it treats, and must supersede Audubon and Wilson. It should be in every school library in the country. It would stimulate in the rising generations a fondness for natural science, and for ornithology in particular, which would prove a better protection to game than all the laws ever devised." [From Thomas A. Logan, Esq., Cincinnati.] "My admiration for Dr. Jasper's'Birds of North America' increases upon a critical examination of the plates. As works of art, they are superbly executed, and with remarkable accuracy and fidelity to nature. No Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 175 other book in my opinion gives such life-like portraits. The minutest details are observed, and the author has shown himself to be, not only an ornithologist, but an artist in the highest sense. The letter-press is excellent. Altogether the book deserves great success. I know of no other preferable to it." [From Dr. Levette, Geological Corps of Indiana.] "I have examined parts I to 5 of Dr. Jasper's' Birds of North America,' and in comparison with the well-known works of Audubon, Nuttall, and Wilson, this work richly deserves a place in the front rank, comprising as it does the verified results of their day, to which Dr. Jasper adds his own observations and experience among the feathered tribes, and this, with the knowledge of the lithographic art, gives us a popular and scientific work on North American ornithology, which should receive the patronage and indorsement of every lover of nature, as well as every one interested in the scientific education of the rising generation." [From the Cincinnati Volksblatt.] "A comparison of this work with those of Audubon and Wilson will convince the expert that, in fidelity to nature, the plates, as well as the descriptions, not only equal, but in many respects surpass them. It will also be evident that neither the drawings nor the description of the individual birds are borrowed from similar works, but that they are the result of many years' observation in the forests and fields. In conclusion we would say, that no work on ornithology that has ever appeared in the United States equals this in point of artistic and scientific excellence." [From Dr. J. MIf. Wheaton, Ornithologist of Geological Corps of Ohio.] " I have examined the specimen numbers of Dr. Jasper's work. The text gives a brief and concise description of the more important points of structure, valuable information concerning the general habits, and a scientific classification of birds. This is followed by a biographical description of each North American species, in which the author's valuable notes have been carefully combined with the observations of other ornithologists. The colored lithographs drawn and engraved by the author, copiously illustrate the text and are well executed. " The plan and execution of the work is well calculated to render it what it is designed to be, a popular work on this interesting subject." [From the Inter-Occan, Chicago.] " No work evincing such perfect care and finish, at such a reasonable rate, has ever been published either in this country or abroad. " We cordially recommend' The Birds of North America' to the notice of libraries, colleges, schools, institutions, professors, teachers, and families, as a work of peculiar value and beauty, which will amply repay the sum expended upon it by attracting the attention of all classes to this interesting and wonderful branch of natural history." 176 Miscellaneous Publications of /[ONTESQUIEU'S SPIRIT OF LAWS. The Spirit of Laws. By M. De Secondat, Baron De Montesquieu. Translated from. the Fiench by Thomas Nugent. A new edition, carefully revised and compared with the best Paris edition. To which are prefixed a Memoir of the Life and Writings of the Author, and an Analysis of the Work, by MI. D'Alembert. 2 vols. Svo. Cloth, $6 oo This is Montesquieu's greatest work, and was one of the most valuable products of French philosophy which appeared in the eighteenth century. It was the mature fruit of all his previous study, and the result of twenty years' labor. So great was its success that, in eighteen months after its first publication, it passed through twenty-two editions, and was translated into most of the European languages, and has ever since held a prominent place in the philosophy of jurisprudence and politics. From a long review of the work in the Amzer-ican Law Review, for January, I874, we extract the following: "All, even the detractors, have united in praise of the great and varied learning, profound thought, and lofty genius displayed throughout this work.... Montesquieu shows what law is and how it is. He shows it as it exists, diversified by circumstances both moral and physical.'I write not to censure anything established in any country whatsoever; every nation will here find reasons on which its maxims are founded.' Such a wori-k is philosophical in the design and useful in the execution. It is to this writer and to those who have followed in his footsteps, that we owe all that we have useful in the philosophy of jurisprudence. But Montesquieu has a peculiar and a remarkable claim upon the American people. It is more than probable that it is to him, with others, that we owe the framework of our government. " The original draft of the plan of government which is found in the constitution of Massachusetts was the work of John Adams. The constitutions of other states were molded after this. From these the constitu. tion of the United States was formed. All these constitutions embody Montesquieu's system of checks and balances.... John Adams was a believer in Montesquieu, some others were not. Montesquieu ran the gauntlet of criticism. Adams' opinion of the value of his work is shown in a letter to James Madison, written many years after, in which he says: "'I am not an implicit believer in the inspiration or infallibility of Montesquieu. On the contrary, it must be acknowledged that some of the philosophers have detected many errors in his writings. But all their heads, consolidated into one mighty head, would not equal the depth of his genius or the extent of his views.... When a writer on government despises, sneers, or argues against mixed governments, or a balance in governments, he instantly proves himself an ideologian. To reason Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 177 against a balance, because a perfect one can not be composed or eternally preserved, is just as good sense as to reason against all morality because no man has been perfectly virtuous.... Montesquieu... might have taught them more sense."''" Montesquieu's Spirit of Laws is a legal classic. It would be well if every lawyer and every legislator in the land could read and examine the work carefully and thoroughly. The effect upon the jurisprudence of the country would be most healthful. But even this extent of its reading can hardly be expected. Yet there is a class of lawyers in this country, and we refer to those in fill practice, who seem to think and act as if they had no time whatever for any reading except that which pertains to their practice. It is to this class that the republication of this work is, and ought to be, especially acceptable and grateful. They can, and ought to read it, and they will find it a great aid in their practice, while, at the same time, it will enlarge their views and extend the comprehension of their field of industry and usefulness. It is legal literature and at the same time very pure law."-Hon. Chester C. Cole,;udge of Sujzreme Court of Iowa. " Of the merits of a work of such world-wide reputation, I surely need not speak. It is a masterpiece-the most profound and original treatise on the philosophy of jurisprudence that has ever been composed in any age or language. Your reprint is a beautiful specimen of typography."Hon. George Sharswood. "I should suppose every gentleman of liberal culture would give it a place in his library. And, as for its place in a lawyer's library, I apprehend it is and ought to be this-it will not be of practical value in making him a technical lawyer, if he has no higher aims than to be master of the practical details of his profession. But if he has an ambition or desire to possess himself of the broad and liberal principles upon which jurisprudence as a science rests, and wishes for the culture which trains and prepares a man to comprehend and apply them, I regard the work as one which he ought early to have on his shelves, and when there to be often used and consulted."-Hon. Emory Washburn, Professor of Law in Harvard University. "c That such books as your series of Legal Classics should be published so handsomely and so cheaply by an American house, is a hopeful sign that the study of law and jurisprudence in this country, is becoming more thorough and profound than formerly."- Charles W. Eliot, President of Harvard University. " To students of law we most earnestly commend the reading of the Spirit of Laws. They will find it an invaluable treasure of original thought and profound views, of luminous observation and deep reflection, of philosophic observation and just generalization."-Albany Law yournal. 178 Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. AINT GERMAIN'S bOCTOR AND STUDENT; or, Dialogues between a Doctor of Divinity and a Student in the Laws of England, containing the grounds of those Laws: together with Questions and Cases concerning the Equity thereof. To which are added two pieces concerning Suits in Chancery by Subpoena. By Christopher Saint Germain. Revised and corrected by William Muchall. I vol. 8vo. Cloth, $3 oo The first part of this work originally appeared in Latin, about the year I5I8, and was subsequently translated into English by the author, who wrote a second part in English about 1530. Each of these parts, however, passed through several editions before they were united in one volume. The present edition contains many judicious references to modern works, and two additional tracts of Saint Germain on Suits in Chancery by Subpcena. The author explains many of the grounds and reasons of the law in a sound and intelligible manner, and all seeming hardships and difficulties in cases of Inheritance, Contract, Warranty, Wreck, Actions Feigned, etc., are made easy. "This work has always been a great favorite with me. I have frequently read it, and never without renewed pleasure and profit. I consider it a most invaluable book-one of the best in our libraries-and no earnest student should be without it, in order not only to make himself master of it, but to have it for ready and constant reference. I admire greatly the taste with which your publications are presented to the profession, in their style and typography."-Hon. George Sharswood. "This work of Saint Germain may be read and studied to advantage and profit by any one who would master the science of ethics in its connection with that of government and law."- Hon. Emory Washburn. "' The' Dialogue between a Doctor of Divinity and a Student in Law' was written by Saint Germain in the reign of Henry VIII., and discusses, in a popular manner, many principles and points of common law. The seventeenth edition of this work was published in I787, and dedicated to the younger students and professors of law. It has always been considered by the courts and the best judicial writers, as a book of merit and authority. The form of writing by dialogue was much in use among the ancients, and some of the finest treatises of the Greeks and Romans were written in this form."-I Kent, 504. " I must not forget, among the subsidiary books, that of Saint Germain, called'Doctor and Student,' because it is plain and intelligible, and the points of law that are touched there are sound and well stated. Its object is chiefly to prove that the rules of law are reconcilable with reason and good conscience, and the arguments on this subject, between the Doctor of Divinity and the Student in the Laws of England are treated in a clear and popular manner."-North's Study of the Laws. Robert Clarke & Co., Cincinnati. 179 THE BIBLE IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS. Records, Arguments, Qpinions, and Decision in the Case of John D. Minor et als. v. The Board of Education of the City of Cincinnati et als., in the Superior Court of Cincinnati. I vol. 8vo. Cloth, $2.00; on tinted paper, cloth, gilt top, $2 50 ARGUMENTS OF RAMSEY, SAGE, AND KING, in favor of the use of the Bible. 8vo. Paper, 50c. ARGUMENTS OF STALLO, HOADLY, AND MATTHEWS, against the use of the Bible. 8vo. Paper, 50c. This litigation began in an application on behalf of certain citizens to restrain, by an injunction, the enforcement of the order of the Board of Education, forbidding the use of religious books, including the Bible, in the common schools of Cincinnati. This application was exhaustively and ably argued, for several days, before the full bench of the Superior Court of Cincinnati. There was no dispute as to facts, but only as to principles. The speeches of all the counsel in the case have been carefully reported and revised, and are now published, together with the opinions and decision of the majority of the court, granting the injunction as prayed, and the dissenting opinion of one of the judges. They furnish a store-house of argument and illustration for all who are interested in the question of religious training in the schools. As it is scarcely doubtful that the ultimate decision of the case must be given by public opinion, the book becomes extremely valuable, since it furnishes a full and able statement of both sides of the question. The questions at issue, and which now invite public discussion, are not of local or temporary interest. They enter into that larger religious controversy, involving the whole subject of the true relations of the civil and religious state-the secular society and the church-which, in different forms, but the same in substance, agitates and divides opinion on the two continents in which modern civilization is most advanced and developed. This volume, it is not, therefore, too much to expect, aside from the intrinsic merits of its contents, as a contribution to that discussion, will be of historical interest, as marking the event which subjects it to the standard and criticism of judicial rules of decision. ING ON THE CONSTITUTION. A Commentary on the Law and True Construction of the Federal Constitution. ByJohn King. I vol. 8vo. $2 50 180 Miscellaneous Publications of M ATTHEWS ON PARTNERSHIP. A Summary of the Law of Phrtnership. For the use of Business Men. By Stanley Matthews, of the-Cincinnati Bar. I vol. I2mo. Cloth, $I.25; Law Sheep; $I 50 This outline of the Law of Partnership has been sketched for the use of the business community. It aims to give nothing more than a general view of the principles on which it is based and the rules for their application. It is not designed to supersede the necessity of professional advice. On the contrary, its chief value, it is thought, will consist in pointing out the occasions when such assistance is needed, and in enhancing the appreciation of it when rendered. [From B. Storer and George Hoadly, Judges Superior Court, Cincinnati.] "We have examined Judge Matthews'' Summary of the Law of Partnership,' and are satisfied it is a carefully compiled and thorough treatise on the subject. The principles are clearly yet concisely stated, in language almost faultless, and the whole spirit of the work assures us its author has conscientiously discharged his duty. It is an unpretending volume in size, but it is no less valuable to business men as well as the practicing lawyer." IANOVER ON THE LAW OF HORSES. A Practical Treatise on the Law of Horses; embracing the Law of Bargain, Sale, and Warranty of Horses and other Live Stock; the Rule as to Unsoundness and Vice, and the Responsibility of the Proprietors of Livery, Auction, and Sale Stables, Innkeepers, Veterinary Surgeons, and Farriers. By M. D. Hanover. Ivol. 8vo. $3 75 In this work the author has chiefly sought to investigate the principles which constitute the Law of Warranty in the sale of horses, and to present them in a clear and concise form. Contracts, frauds, and other branches of the law have also been treated of, so far as they relate to the bargain and sale of horses and other live stock. The rule as to unsoundness and vice in horses, and the responsibility of innkeepers, livery-stable keepers, and others having the care of horses, have also been carefully presented. The aim of the author has been to afford assistance to the lawyer, and at the same time to enable the unprofessional reader to gain a general acquaintance with the law upon the subject. The indexes are comprehensive and conveniently arranged, both alphabetically and by sections.