CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS MANUSCRIPTS AND ENGRAVINGS BELONGING TO VWILLIAM MENZIES OF NEW YORK PREPARED BY JOSEPH SABIN NEW YORK 1875 PRESS OF JOEL MUNSELL. ALBANY, N. Y. NOTICE. HE intelligent and diligent book-buyer will need but little incentive to a perusal of this catalogue, for the reputation of Mr. William Menzies as a collector, who, to a ripened judgment unites a fastidious taste, is so extensive, that it is almost superfluous to attempt a description of his grand and probably unrivalled collection of books. It is much more than a collection, it is a library in every sense of the term; for in the departments to which it is devoted it is replete with the best editions of the best authors, in the very best condition, selected and purchased from time to time, without regard to cost, during a period of nearly forty years. It has been at once our occupation and privilege, during the last five and twenty years, to compile many catalogues, some of which, from the nature and extent of the libraries catalogued, possess considerable bibliographical interest, but we have never, until now, had the pleasure of preparing a catalogue in which almost every book possesses special importance, and we might with propriety terminate this notice by remarking, that where all the books are good, it seems invidious to make a selection, but, as this catalogue will circulate among many buyers whose engagements are numerous, and whose time is limited, we have thought it worth while to group in a succinct preliminary notice some of the leading specialities. The department of Early Printed Books merits attention as containing some fine specimens by the inventors of Printing. Lots 74and 167 being respectively the work of John Gutenberg, and Fust & Schoiffer; lot 75 is from the press of Peter Schoiffer; and there are several other examples, dated and undated, printed by the fathers of the art between the years 1460 and 1472; while English Printing is illustrated by a beautiful specimen of William Caxton's work, viz., lot 926 Higden's Polycronycon; and three examples of Wynkyn de Worde, one of which, lot 2132, is the earliest example of the use of Italian type in England. The specimens of American Typography include some of the rarest of the books in this catalogue. Among them lot 665 Eliot's Bible, which, in addition to its claim as the first Bible printed in America, is worthy of distinction as being one of the finest copies in existence. Lot 514 besid I The alphabetical list of the rare books which follows this notice was prepared for another pu but is reprinted for its convenience as to their order in the catalogue. iv NOTICE. being an early specimen of printing in Massachusetts, I663, is remarkable as the only known copy which has occurred for sale in 40 years. Lot 51 I, by John Norton, 1664, is almost equally rare and interesting. Lot 1219 is conspicuous as the first book printed in Pennsylvania and is believed to be unique. Lot I250 is the first book printed in New York, and the only known copy. Lot 990 is the first book printed in Boston. Lot 452 is the first book printed in Connecticut. Of books printed by William Bradford, the first printer in the middle colonies, there are nearly 50 titles, many of which are properly included in the following list of rare books. Benjamin Franklin, the printer, is represented by upward of 20 titles, including an uncut copy of his chef d'euvre, Cicero's Cato Major, and others equally rare. Chris. Sower, of Germantown battle-ground renown, is represented by several titles, so also is John P. Zenger, the successor to William Bradford. Of Printing on Vellum, we have specimens of two of the only three works known to have been so printed in the United States; several Heures on vellum, printed in Paris, are here worthy of mention, as also is lot 2002 Turnbull's Birds of Pennsylvania, which is one of the most beautiful specimens of modern printing on vellum that we have ever seen. It is scarcely necessary to remark that the zealous collector is always desirous of obtaining uncut copies of his favorite works, particularly of such as have generally fallen victims to the bookbinder's plough, in this special field Mr. Menzies has been more than ordinarily successful, for the library abounds in uncut copies many of which may be regarded as almost unique, and none of them as common. We content ourselves with a brief enumeration of some of their titles, viz., Smith's New Jersey, Heath's Memoirs, Peters' Connecticut, Franklin's Cato Major, Hutchinson's Massachusetts Bay and Papers, Backus' Church History, Burk's Virginia, Sanderson's Signers on large paper, Calef's More Wonders, Mather's Invisible World, Mather's Further Trials, Mante's American War, Bullock's Virginia, M'Call's Georgia, Thomas' History of Printing, Proud's Pennsylvania, Smith's Canada, and Donck's New Netherland. Of books which relate to America, and possess the attraction of much rarity, the alphabetical list appended to this notice contains short titles of the principal portion, but we call special attention to a remarkably fine series of De Bry's, and of Hakluyt's Voyages, Purchas' Pilgrimes, Smith's Virginia, True Travels, and New-England, Mourt's Relation, Symmes' Piggwacket Fight, Denton's, Wolley's, and Smith's New York, the last on large paper and the only known copy, Hamor's, Bullock's and Jones' Virginia, Thomas' and Budd's Pennsylvania, Colden's Indian Nations, st edition, Cook's Sot-Weed Factor, Gorges' America Painted to the Life, e's North West Fox, Mather's Magnalia on large paper, and many other, by the Mathers, Romans' Florida, Anne Bradstreet's Poems, Colden's NOTICE. V Action in Matter, Hale on Witchcraft, Jefferson's Notes on Virginia, first edition, Trials of Gens. St. Clair and Lee, Linschoten's Voyages, Haywood's Tennessee, Andre's Cow Chace, Horsmanden's Negro Plot, three editions, and Campanius' New Sweden. Among the more modern, but almost equally rare works, is a series of the books printed by Mr. George Wymberley-Jones, at Wormsloe. A set of Munsell's Historical Series on large paper, the only one ever offered for sale. The collections relative to Burke, Burr, Cobbett, Howe, Burgoyne, Wesley, Whitefield, Dr. Johnson, Paine, Wilkinson, Bancroft, &c., are unusually complete, and of much interest. Mr. Menzies' predilection for the literature of Scotland will be conspicuousiy apparent in the editions of Burns. We are acquainted with no other catalogue in which may be found the Kilmarnock, the first Edinburgh, the first London, and the first two American editions; while the set of Scott's Novels is exceptionally fine, and unique. T'he department of Bibliography, though not extensive, is nevertheless replete with the best English, French and American authors. The series of works by Thomas Frognal Dibdin is simply magnificent; in order to make it so, in some instances, not less than three copies of a work have been used in order to complete one without spot or blemish. Fine sets of Watt. Brydges, Beloe, Clarke, Home, Lowndes, and Brunet, the last three on large paper, and the Bibliotheca Grenvilliana, also on large paper, are embraced in the series of English and French Bibliography. American Bibliography includes, among others, the works of Rich, Stevens, Asher, Ludewig, Faribault, Kennett, Ternaux, Harrisse, and Sabin, the last four of which are on large paper. The collection of Illustrated Books includes so much that is excellent, that we should exhaust our list of adjectives in any attempt to do it justice. Preeminent and unapproachable, both as to extent and character, is the piece de resistance of the sale-Irving's Life of Washington extended to 10 vols., 4to. It is a set of books worthy of a much more expanded description than it has received in the catalogue, and, like many other works in this library, it must be seen and examined to be appreciated. It is the noblest tribute to the memory of the " father of his country " that Bibliomania has ever offered, and no amount of money could now produce its like. In regard to the illustrated books in general, we would call attention to the statement that they contain upward of Ten Thousand Choice Engravings, all, with scarce an exception, fine, strong, and choice impressions, a very large proportion of which are proofs, India proofs, etc., of the finest character, and highest class. The necessary inlaying has been done in the best manner, by Mr. Geo. Trent. In addition to the plates, nearly Three Hundred Autograph Letters are inserted, many of which strictly pertain to the works in which they are inserted, while all of them will be vi NOTICE. found to be in the most satisfactory condition. The reader is referred to the following lots viz.: 14 Adams' Works. 104 Bailey's Records of Patriotism. 150 Beloe's Sexagenarian. 190 Boaden's Shakespeare Portraits. 432 Colden's Life of Fulton. 504 Custis' Recollections of Washington. 579, 580, 587, 59I, 592 and 593 Dibdin's Works. 623 Drake's History of Boston. 643 and 644 Dunlap's Works. 739 Francis' Old New York. 749 and 750 Franklin's Works. 767 Froissart's Chronicles. 794 Garden's American Anecdotes. 974 Hosack's Life of Clinton. 1042 and 1043 Irving's Works and Life. 1562 Parton's Life of Jackson. I670 Randall's Life of Jefferson. I693 Riedesel's Memoirs. 1752 Sanderson's Lives of the Signers. 1759 Sargent's Life of Andre. 1740 Blennerhassett Papers. 1767 Schroeder's Life of Washington. 1776 Scott's Novels. I802 Knight's Shakspere. 2030 Walpole's Painters. 2048 Warren's American Revolution. Of Manuscripts the number is not large, but the importance of lot 2051 can scarcely be over-estimated; it is Washington's Correspondence with General Reed during the American Revolution; and includes Fifty-four original Autograph Letters of Washington, which form the subject of an extended notice in the catalogue to which the reader is referred. We take occasion to remark that the library is unusually rich in works pertaining to General Washington, there being nearly two hundred Eulogies and Orations relative to his memory, all in the finest condition and mostly uncut, all the editions of the Washingtoniana, &c., and a few books from his library. Second only in interest to lot 2051, is lot 2095 General Wayne's MS. Orderly Book. Lot 95 is a Collection of Autograph Letters of the Presidents of the United States. Lot 1573 is Original Autograph Letters written by the Friends and Relatives of Washington, on the Portrait painted by Rembrandt Peale. Lot 1824 is a remarkably fine series of Autograph Letters of the Signers to the Constitution of the U. S. Lot 96 is a series of Autographs of Distinguished Americans. There are also Autograph Chapters from Irving's Washington, Bancroft's History, and Dawson's Battles of the U. S., Major Rogers' Original MS. Diary of the Siege of Detroit, Dr. Franklin's own annotated copy of the Second Protest, Autographs for Freedom, and, though last not least, A Poem by Robert Burns in his own hand-writing. In addition to these, some of the volumes are enriched by inserted autograph letters and signatures; Proud's Pennsylvania, Smith's New Jersey, and Greene's Life of Genl. Greene, are examples. There are also two fine and richly illuminated MSS. written on vellum during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries respectively. There are three books enumerated in the catalogue, of which one copy only has been printed in the style described, viz., Laurens' Letters, Pouchot's Memoir, and the Poetry of New Netherland. The attention of the American collector may perhaps be arrested by the NOTICE. vii fact, that the most extensive, as well as the most important of the specialities which distinguish this remarkable collection, will be found in the assemblage of the books which relate to America - particularly to the British North American Colonies. We have elsewhere referred to some of the rarer and more curious works in which that department abounds, and would now remark, that there is scarcely an important work in English, claiming a place among the rare Americana, which may not be found in this fine library. Briefly, the collection of Americana has not been excelled in attractiveness or importance, by that of any other collection ever sold. The condition of the books throughout, is all that the most exacting and tasteful collector can desire; the slightest blemish was always a cause for rejection; and as very nearly all of them are bound by the best English, French and American binders, including the names of Roger Payne, Bedford, Mackenzie, Hayday, Pratt, Lortic, Henderson & Bissett, David, Matthews, Bradstreet, and Smith, their state, internal and external, is unsurpassed by that of any other similar collection which has ever passed under our notice, or, of which we have any knowledge. This is high praise, but we know whereof we speak, and desire to create no impression concerning the books which will not be most amply borne out by the books themselves. The reader need be under no apprehension as to a too frequent use of the words scarce, rare, and most rare, &c., they have not been lightly considered, but express, according to the best of our knowledge and belief, the exact bibliographical status of the various works which are so described. We cannot terminate this notice without expressing our acknowledgments to Mr. Menzies for his valuable assistance without which the catalogue would have fallen far short of its present completeness; neither can we forbear to direct attention to its typographical beauty. Mr. Munsell has printed it from entirely new type, and the result, typographically speaking, is a catalogue which in point of taste as to style, and accuracy as to composition, has rarely been excelled by any production of a similar character. As to the other characteristics of the catalogue they must speak for themselves. For reasons which do not concern the public, Mr. Menzies has directed the collection to be sold at auction, at a time and place to be hereafter announced. As nothing short of an actual inspection can convey an adequate idea of its beauty of condition, and general desirability, it will be on view (by cards only), one week previous to the sale. JOSEPH SABIN. LIST OF SOME OF THE UNCOMMON, SCARCE, RARE AND VALUABLE BOOKS CONTAINED IN THIS CATALOGUE. 4 Acosta. Historie of the East and West Indies. Lond. 1604. 5 Acrelius. Christian Subjects. Franklin & Hall. Phil. 1756. 6 Acugna. Voyages and Discoveries in South America. Lond. 1698. 19 Adams. God's Eye on the Contrite. Bost. 1685. 20 Ady. A Candle in the Dark. Lond. 1756. 22 Aitken. (John the Painter.) Trial of. [n.p.] I777. 23 Aitken. Short Account of the Motives of. Uncut. Lond. I777. 29 Allen. Narrative of his Captivity. Orig. Ed. Phil. I779. 32 Allen. Life of Philidor. Printed on Vellum. Phil. 1863. 42 Almon. The Remembrancer. 22 vols. Lond. [v.d.] 57 Analectic Press Series. 5 vols. Uncut. N. Y. I872-73. 6I Andre. The Cow Chace. Orig. Ed. Uncut. N. Y. 1780. 63 Andre. Trial of. Orig. Ed. Phil. 1780. 74 Aquinas. Summa de Articulis &c. [7ohn Gutenberg. Mog. 1460.] 75 Aquinas. Prima Pars Secunde. Peter Schoiffer. Mog. 147I. 76 Argensola. Molucco and Philippine Islands. Lond. 1708. 82 Ash and Rathband. Letter of Many Ministers. Lond. I643. 83 Ash. Present State of Carolina. Lond. 1682. 89 Audubon. Birds. 17 vols. First 8vo Ed. N. r. I844. 90 Audubon. Quadrupeds. 3 vols. First 8vo Ed. Uncut. N. r. I854. 91 Augustinus. De Anima Et Spiritu. [n.p.] 1472. 94 Autographic Writings of Eminent Men. 1N. r. 1864.] 95 Autograph Letters of the Presidents of the United States. 96 Autographs of Distinguished Americans. 0oo Backus. Hist. of New England. 3 vols. Uncut. Bost. 1777-96. IoI Backus. Church History of New England. Bost. I804. iI Bancroft. History of the U. S. 8 vols. L. P. Uncut. Bost. 1861. 120 Barbour. Life and Acts of Robert Bruce. Edin. 1758. 145 Beatty. Journal of a Tour. Orig. Ed. Uncut. Lond. 1768. 150 Beloe. The Sexagenarian. 2 vols. Uncut. Illustrated. Lond. 18I7. I52 Benson. Vindication of the Captors of Andre. Uncut. N. Y. 1817. 163 Beverley. History of Virginia. Lond. 1722. I65 Bible. The Souldiers Pocket Bible. L. P. Uncut. Camb. I861. i66 Bible. The Souldiers Pocket Bible. Printed on Vellum. Lond. 1862. 167 Bible. A Fragment. Fust & Schoiffer. Mog. 1462. 178 Bishop. New-England Judged. 3 Pts. Orig. Ed. Lond. 1661-67. X LIST OF RARE BOOKS. 179 Bishop. New England Judged. Lond. 1703. 186 Bleecker. Works of Ann Eliza Bleecker. N. Y. I793. I88 Blome. Present State of America. Lond. 1687. 193 Bond. Public Tryal of the Quakers. Bost. 1682. 198 Boston. Narrative of the Boston Massacre. Uncut. Bost. 1770. 199 Boston. Narrative of the Boston Massacre. Lond. 1770. 201 Boston. Account of the late Disturbance. Uncut. Lond. I770. 223 Bradford Club. Publications. I vols. Uncut. N. T. [v.d.] 225 Bradstreet. The Tenth Muse. Lond. I650. 240 Brown. Bibliotheca Americana. 4 vols. Uncut. Prov. 1865-7I. 243 Brunet. Manuel du Libraire. 12 vols. L. P. Uncut. Paris. 1860-65. 244 Bry. Grand Collection of Voyages. 9 vols. Frank. I590-I602. 249 Brydges. Restituta. 4 vols. Uncut. Lond. 1814. 250 Brydges. Censura Literaria. Io vols. Uncut. Lond. 1815. 257 Budd. Good Order Established in Pensilvania. Lond. 1685. 260 Bullock. Virginia Impartially Examined. Uncut. Lond. I649. 261 Bulwer. Anthropometamorphosis. Bd. by Roger Payne. Lond. I653. 262 Burder. The Welsh Indians. Lond. 1797. 276 Burk. History of Virginia. 4 vols. Uncut. Petersb. I804-16. 282 Burns. Poems. First, or, Kilmarnock Ed. Kilmar. I786. 283 Burns. Poems. First Edinburgh Ed. Uncut. Edin. I787. 284 Burns. Poems. First London Ed. Uncut. Lond. 1787. 285 Burns. Poems. First New York Ed. N. Y. 1788. 286 Burns. Poems. First Philadelphia Ed. Phil. 1788. 289 Burns. Poems. 2 vols. Uncut. Illustrated. Glas. 1852. 294 Burnyeat. The Truth Exalted. Lond. I691. 295 Burr. Burriana. 19 vols. N. r. [v.d.] 300 Burrough. Persecution of the Quakers. Lond. 1660. 313 Byfield. The Late Revolution in New-England. Lond. 1689. 315 CabeCa de Vaca. Narrative of. L. P. Uncut. Wash. I85I. 319 Calef. Wonders of the Invisible World. Uncut. Lond. 1700. 320 Calef. Wonders of the Invisible World. Second Ed. Salem. I796. 326 Callender. Hist. Discourse of Rhode Island. Orig. Ed. Bost. 1739. 327 Campanius. Description of New Sweden. Stock. 1702. 334 Carolina. Brief Description of the Province of. Lond. I666. 339 Carter. A Genuine Detail &c. Land. 1784. 344 Casas. Regionum Indicarum per Hispanos &c. Heidelb. I564. 345 Casas. Popery Truly Displayed in its Bloody Colours. Lond. 1689. 346 Casas. First Voyages and Discoveries of the Spaniards. Lond. 1699. 347 Case. The Angelical Guide. Bound by Roger Payne. Lond. I697. 351 Castell. A Short Discoverie of America. Lond. I644. 352 Castleman. Description of Pennsylvania. Lond. I726. 356 Catlin. North American Indians. 2 vols. Col. Plates. Lond. 1857. 362 Chalkley. Works of. Franklin & Hall. Phil. 1749. 364 Chalmers. Political Annals. Uncut. Lond. I780. 368 Champlain. Voyages and Discoveries. Paris. I6i3. 377 Charlevoix. New France. 6 vols. L. P. Uncut. N. Y. I866-72. 383 Chauncy. Seasonable Thoughts. Uncut. Bost. 1743. LIST OF RARE BOOKS. xi 385 Chrysostomi. Liber beati Joannis Chrisostomi. [Colon. I467.] 389 Cicero. Cato Major. Uncut. B. Franklin. Phil. 1744. 390 Cieya de Leon. Travels through Peru. Lond. I709. 392 Clark. Ill Newes from New-England. Uncut. Lond. 1652. 395 Clarke. Narrative of the Battle of Bunker's Hill. Uncut. Lond. I775. 397 Clarke. Repertorium Bibliographicum. Uncut. Illust. Lond. 18I9. 398 Clayton. Account of Observables in Virginia. Lond. 1708. 422 Coddington. Demonstration of True Love. Lond. I674. 428 Colden. First Causes of Action in Matter. Uncut. N. T. 1745. 429 Colden. Hist. of the Indian Nations. Map. W. Bradford. N. Y. 1727. 442 Columbus. De Insulis Nuper Inuentis. Basle. I494. 449 Condie. Life of George Washington. Orig. Ed. Phil. 1800. 451 Confession of Faith. Bost. i680. 452 Confession of Faith. New-Lond. 1710. 455 Cook. The Sot-weed Factor. Lond. 1708. 464 Copie de deux Lettres envoiees de la Nouvelle France. Alb. I835. 465 Corbin. Sermon preached at King's Town. W. Bradford. N. T. 1703. 470 Corry. Life of George Washington. Orig. Ed. Lond. I8oo. 479 Cotton. Abstract of the Lawes of New-England. Lond. 1641. 480 Cotton. Way of the Churches of Christ in New-England. Lond. I645. 481 Cotton. The Bloudy Tenent Washed. Lond. 1647. 497 Currer. Catalogue of the Library at Eshton Hall. Uncut. Lond. 1820. 498 Currer. Catalogue of Miss Currer's Library. Uncut. Lond. I833. 514 Davenport. A Discourse about Civil Government. Camb. 1663. 533 Dawson. The Gazette Series. 4 vols. Uncut. Tonk. 1866. 543 Deane. Address to the Citizens of the U. S. Hart. 1784. 545 Deane. Paris Papers. Uncut. N. Y. 1782. 549 DeBrahm. History of Georgia. L. P. Uncut. Wormsloe. 1849. 558 Denton. Brief Description of New-York. Lond. I670. 566-594 Dibdin. Works. 53 vols. Uncut. Lond. [v.d.] 595 Dickinson. God's Protecting Providence. Lond. [n.d.] 609 Donck. Description of the New Netherlands. Uncut. Amster. I656. 623 Drake. Hist. of Boston. 2 vols. L. P. Uncut. Illust. Bost. I857. 628 Drayton. Northern and Eastern Tour. Uncut. Char. I794. 630 Dring. Recollections of the Jersey Prison-Ship. Prov. 1829. 631 Dring. Recollections of the Jersey Prison-Ship. N. r. I831. 642 Dunlap. Andre. A Tragedy. Lond. 1799. 643 Dunlap. Hist. oftheAm. Theatre. 4 vols. Uncut. Illust. Lond. I833. 644 Dunlap. The Arts of Design. 6 vols. Uncut. Illust. N. Y. 1834. 655 Eccleston. Epistle to Friends. Uncut. W. Bradford. N. T. 1732. 665 Eliot. Indian Bible. Camb. 1663. 666 Eliot. Communion of Churches. Uncut. Camb. i665. 667 Eliot and Mayhew. Tears of Repentance. Lond. I653. 679 Elmer. On the Character of Washington. Uncut. Trenton. i800. 698 Exquemelin. Bucaniers of America. Lond. 1684. 699 Exquemelin. Bucaniers of America. 2 vols. Lond. I77I. 701 Fanning. Narrative of Col. D. Fanning. Uncut. Rich. I861. 702 Faribault. Catalogue d'ouvrages. Uncut. 2ueb. I837. B xii LIST OF RARE BOOKS. 704 Federalist. 2 vols. Orig. Ed. Uncut. N. Y. 1788. 710 Ferriar. The Bibliomania. L. P. Uncut. Lond. 1809. 719 Filson. Discovery and Settlement of Kentucke. Wil. I784. 72I Findley. History of the Insurrection. Uncut. Phil. I796. 730 Force. Tracts relating to North America. Uncut. Wash. 1836. 737 Fox and Burnyeat. A N. E. Fire-Brand Quenched. [n.p.] I679. 738 Foxe. North West Fox. Map. Lond. 1635. 739 Francis. Old New York. 4vols. Uncut. Illustrated. N. T. I865. 740 Franklin. Proceedings vs. Mr. Hemphill. B. Franklin. Phil. I735. 741 Franklin. Theophilus and Eugenio. B. Franklin. Phil. 1747. 743 Franklin. Account of the Penn. Hos. Franklin & Hall. Phil. I754. 745 Franklin. The Second Protest. Paris. I766. 749 Franklin. Works. 10 vols. L. P. Uncut. Illust. Bost. I836-40. 751 Franklin. Tracts. Franklin & Hall, and Sower. Phil. I759. 756 Freneau. Poems of Philip Freneau. Phil. 1786. 757 Freneau. Journey from Philadelphia to New York. Phil. 1787. 758 Freneau. Miscellaneous Works. Phil. 1788. 759 Freneau. Poems Written between the Years 1768-94. Mon. I795. 760 Freneau. Letters on Interesting and Important Subjects. Phil. 1799. 76I Freneau. Poems Written during the Rev. War. 2 vols. Phil. 1809. 762 Freneau. Poems on American Affairs. 2 vols. Uncut. N. Y. 1815. 767 Froissart. Chronicles. 2 vols. Uncut. Illuminated. Lond. 1844. 773 Fulton. Treatise on Canal Navigation. L. P. Lond. 1796. 774 Furman. Notes on Brooklyn. Orig. Ed. Uncut. Brook. 1824. 778 Fyssher. Penytencyall Psalmes. Wynkyn de Worde. Lond. I509. 779 Gage. The English-American. Best Ed. Lond. 1648. 799 Georgia. Late Political Observations. Uncut. Wormsloe. 1847. 814 Gomara. Historie of the Conquest of the Weast India. Lond. I578. 816 Gorges. America Painted to the Life. Lond. 1659. 817 Gospel Order Revived. W. Bradford. N. Y. 1700. 823 Graves. Two Letters from W. Graves. Orig. Ed. Lond. 1782. 835 Gregorius. Liber Regule Pastoral &c. Fust Schoiffer. Mog. [I465.] 836 Grenville. Bib. Grenvilliana. 4 vols. L. P. Uncut. Lond. 1842-72. 843 Groom. A Glass for the People of New-England. [n.p.] 1676. 848 Hacke. Collection of Original Voyages. Lond. 1699. 849 Haeghoort. Keten der Goddelyke &c. 7. P. Zenger. N. T. I738. 850 Hakluyt. Voyages and Discoveries. Lond. 1589. 851 Hakluyt. Voyages and Discoveries. 3 vols. Lond. 1599-1600. 852 Hakluyt. Voyages and Discoveries. 5 vols. Uncut. Lond. 1809-12. 854 Hale. Enquiry into the Nature of Witchcraft. Bost. 1702. 870 Hamiltoniad. Papers Relating to the late Duel. Uncut. Phil. 1804. 87I Hamor. A True Discourse of Virginia. Orig. Ed. Lond. I6I5. 876 Hanger. An Address to the Army. Uncut. Lond. 1789. 891 Harrisse. Biblio. Americana Vetus. L. P. Uncut. N. Y. I866. 893 Harrisse. Early History of Printing in America. N... I866. 894 Harrisse. Notes on Columbus. N. Y. I866. 900 Hartlib. The Reformed Virginian Silk-Worm. Lond. I655. 906 Haywood. Civil Hist. of Tennessee. Knox. 1823. LIST OF RARE BOOKS. xiii 909 Heath. Memoirs of Major-Gen. Heath. Uncut. Bost. I798. 915 Hennepin. New Discovery in America. Lond. I698. 916 Hennepin. New Discovery in America. Lond. 1699. 922 Heures a 1' Usaige de Rome. Printed on Vellum. Paris. [1518.] 925 Hieronymi. Expositio Symboli Apostolorum. [Cologne. I460.] 926 Higden. Polycronycon. William Caxton. Lond. 1482. 927 Higginson. New-England's Plantation. Lond. 1630. 928 Higginson. Cause of God in New England. Camb. 1663. 934 History of the War in America. 3 vols. Uncut. Bost. 1780. 937 Hoar. The Sting of Death, and Death Unstung. Bost. 168o. 942 Holbrook. N. American Herpetology. 5 vols. Uncut. Phil. 1842. 945 Holland. Hercologia Anglica. Arnhem. [1620.] 957 Hooke. New Englands Teares &c. Lond. 1641. 965 Hore Beate Marie Virginis. Printed on Vellum. Paris. 1500. 966 Hore Intemerate Virginis. Printed on Vellum. Paris. [I508.] 969 Horologium Devotionis. [May. I480.] 97I Horsmanden. Detection of the Negro Conspiracy. N. T. 1744. 972 Horsmanden. Detection &c. Uncut. Lond. 1747, 973 Horsmanden. History of the Negro Plot. Uncut. N. Y. I8Io. 974 Hosack. Memoir of Clinton. 2 vols. Uncut. Illust. N. Y. 1829. 988 Howgill. The Deceiver of the Nations Discovered. Lond. I600. 990 Hubbard. Narrative of the Indian Wars. Bost. I677. 991 Hubbard. Narrative of the Indian Wars. Bost. 1775. 994 Hubley. Hist. of the American Revolution. Uncut. North. 1805. Iool Humble Petition and Address. Lond. 166o. I002 Humble Address to which King you please. Lond. 1691. Io2o Hutchins. Description of Virginia &c. Uncut. Bost. I787. 1021 Hutchinson. Essay Concerning Witchcraft. Uncut. Lond. I720. 1022 Hutchinson. Hist. of Mass. 3 vols. Uncut. Lond. 1760-I828. 1023 Hutchinson. Collection of Original Papers. Uncut. Bost. 1769. 1029 Impartial Hist. of the War. Uncut. Lond. I780. 1031 Indian Treaty at Lancaster. Uncut. B. Franklin. Phil. 1744. 1032 Indian Conferences with Sir W. Johnson. Lond. I756. 1033 Ingersoll. The War of 1812. 4 vols. Uncut. Phil. I845-52. 1041 Irving. Washington. 12 vols. Uncut. L. P. Illust. N. T. 1855-59. 1042 Irving. Works. i6 vols. L. P. Uncut. Illust. N. 1. 1860-63. 1043 Irving. Life of. 4 vols. L. P. Uncut. Illust. N. T. 1862-64. 1053 Jacob. Life of Captain Cresap. Orig. Ed. Cumb. 1826. 1o6i James. Life of Marion. Uncut. Char. 1821. 1067 Jefferson. Notes on Virginia. Orig. Ed. Paris. 1782. 1077 Jesuites. Relations des Jesuites. 3 vols. Uncut. Queb. I858. o80o Johnson. General History of the Pyrates. Lond. 1724. 1085 Johnson. Ethica. Franklin & Hall. Phil. 1752. o186 Johnson. Noetica. Franklin & Hall. Phil. 1752. IIoo Jones. Present State of Virginia. Lond. 1725. IIo4 Josselyn. New-Englands Rarities Discovered. Lond. 1672. II05 Josselyn. Two Voyages to New-England. Lond. I674. 1107 Journal of the Siege of Quebec, 1775-6. Lond. 1824. Xiv LIST OF RARE BOOKS. IIIo Joutel. Journal of the Last Voyage of De la Sale. Lond. 1714. II20 Kay. Series of Original Portraits. 2 Vols. L. P. Edin. I837-38. 1122 Keith. Visible Churches in N. England. FT. Bradford. Phil. 1689. 1123 Keith. The Pretended Antidote. W. Bradford. Phil. 1690. 1124 Keith. A Serious Appeal. W. Bradford. Phil. 1692. II29 Keith. Christian Faith of the Quakers. W. Bradford. Phil. 1692. II34 Keith. Heresie and Hatred. W. Bradford. Phil. 1693. II35 Keith. New England's Spirit &c. [/Y. Bradford. n.p. I694.] 1136 Keith. Tryals of Boss, Keith, Budd, and Bradford. Lond. 1693. 1138 Keith. Reply to Increase Mather. W. Bradford. N. Y. I703. II39 Keith. The Spirit of Railing Shimei. W. Bradford. N. Y. 1703. 1142 Keith. The Notes of the True Church. W. Bradford. N. Y. I704. II43 Keith. Necessity of the Sacraments. WV. Bradford. N. Y. 1704. 1144 Keith. Answer to Samuell Willard. W. Bradford. N. Y. 1704. 1146 Keith. Travels from New-Hampshire to Caratuck. Lond. 1706. I148 Keith. Hist. of the British Plantations in America. Lond. I738. II53 Kennett. Bibliotheca Americanae Primordia. L. P. Lond. I713. 1155 Kidd. Proceedings in Relation to Captain Kidd. Lond. 170I. II75 Knox. Campaigns in North-America. Uncut. Lond. 1769. 1I8i Lallemant. Lettres Envoi6es de la Nouvelle France. Paris. I66o. 1184 Landais. Memorial to Justify his Conduct. Uncut. N. Y. [I787.] I196 Lawson. Christ's Fidelity against Satan's Malignity. Lond. I704. 1200 Lawson. History of Carolina. Map and Plate. Lond. I7I4. 1202 Lechford. Plain Dealing. Lond. 1642. 1205 Lee. Trial of Major Gen. Charles Lee. Orig. Ed. Phil. I778. 1219 Leeds. The Temple of Wisdom. W. Bradford. Phil. 1688. 1220 Leeds. The Rebuker Rebuked. W. Bradford. N.Y. 1703. 1222 Leeds. Am. Almanack. 8 vols. W. Bradford. N.. 1731-43. 1223 Legendae Catholica. Uncut. Edin. I840. 1230 Leslie. Short and Easie Method with the Deists. Bost. I738. 1233 Letchworth. A Descant on the Times. Franklin & Hall. Phil. 1766. 1238 Letters of Valens. Uncut. Lond. 1777. 1240 Letters Relating to Pennsylvania. Uncut. Phil. I855. 1243 Lewis. Life of Mayster Wyllyam Caxton. L. P. Lond. I737. 1250 Letter of Advice to a Young Gentleman. W. Bradford. N. Y. 1696. 1254 Linschoten. Voyages into ye Easte and West Indies. Lond. [1598.] 1255 Linschoten. Another Copy. Illustrations. Lond. [I598.] I26I Livingston. Military Operations in North America. Lond. 1757. 1262 Livingston. Military Operations in North America. Dub. 1757. 1264 Long. Voyages and Travels. Uncut. Lond. I791. 1283 Lucas. Journal and Letters ofEliza Lucas. Uncut. Wormsloe. 1850. 1285 Ludewig. American Local Hist. with Supplement. N. T. 1846. 1288 M'Afee. Hist. of the War in the West. Uncut. Lex. I8i6. 1290 M'Call. History of Georgia. 2 vols. Uncut. Sav. 1811-i6. 1300 McIan. Clans of the Scottish Highlands. 2 vols. Lond. I845. 1306 Mackenzie. Strictures on Tarleton's History. Uncut. Lond. 1787. 1307 M'Kinney. The Indian Tribes. 3 vols. Uncut. Phil. 1838-44. 1315 Madison. Selections from his Private Correspondence. Wash. 1859. LIST OF RARE BOOKS. XV 1322 Mante. History of the late War. Uncut. Lond. 1772. 1323 Manuscript. Hore Beate Marie Virginis. [Sac. xv.] 1324 Marquette. Recit des Voyages, I674-75. Uncut. [Alb. 1855.] 1329 Martin. Privately Printed Books. L. P. Uncut. Lond. 1834. 1332 Martyr. History of the West and East Indies. Lond. I577. I333 Martyr. Historie of the West Indies. Lond. [1597.] 1334 Martyr. The Famovs Historie of the Indies. Lond. 1628. I338 Mason. Brief History of the Pequot War. Bost. I736. 1342 Massachusetts. Comfort to a Melancholy Country. Bost. 1721. 1343 Massachusetts. Coll. of the Mass. Hist. Soc. 41 vols. Uncut. Bost. 1792-187I. 1350 Mather. Memorable Providences. Lond. I69I. 1351 Mather. Wonders of the Invisible World. Uncut. Lond. I693. 1352 Mather. The Bostonian Ebenezer. Bost. I698. 1353 Mather. Magnalia Christi Americana. L. P. Lond. 1702. 1354 Mather. Psalterium Americanum. Bost. I718. 1355 Mather. India Christiana. Bost. I72I. 1356 Mather. The Christian Philosopher. Lond. 1721. 1357 Mather. Parentator. Memoirs &c. Bost. 1724. 1358 Mather. Memoirs of Rev. Increase Mather. Lond. 1725. 1359 Mather. Hist. of the War with the Indians. Lond. 1676. 1360 Mather. Discourse Concerning Comets. Bost. 1683. 1361 Mather. Illustrious Providences. Bost. 1684. I362 Mather. Tryals of the N. E. Witches. Uncut. Lond. I693. 1363 Mather. De Successu Evangelii. Ultrajecti. 1699. 1366 Mather. Church-Government Discussed. Lond. I643. 1367 Mather. Modest and Brotherly Answer. Lond. 1644. 1368 Mather. The Life of Cotton Mather. Bost. I729. 1369 Mather. America Known to the Ancients. Bost. I773. 1376 Mayhew. The Snare Broken. Bost. 1766. 1377 Mayhew. Conquests and Triumphs of Grace. Uncut. Lond. 1695. 1379 Mein. Sagittarius's Letters. Bost. 1775. 1380 Memoire Contenant le Precis des Faits. Paris. I756. 1381 Memorial Containing a Summary View of Facts. N. T. I757. 1386 Metcalf. Narratives of Indian Warfare. Uncut. Lex. I821. 1387 Michaux & Nuttall. Am. Sylva. 6 vols. Uncut. Phil. I852-53. 1399 Indian Conferences. Uncut. Franklin & Hall. Phil. 1763. 1400 Minutes of the Trial of Certain Persons for Conspiracy. Lond. 1786. 1401 Missale Romanum. A MS. of the Fourteenth Century. 1402 Mitchel. Nehemiah on the Wall. Camb. I671. 1404 Mocquet. Travels and Voyages into America. Lond. 1696. 1405 Mohawk. Book of Common Prayer. Lond. I787. 1406 Monardes. Ioyfull Newes. Lond. I596. 1409 Montanus. Die Unbekante Neue Welt. Amster. I673. 14IO Montcalm. Letters from the Marquis de Montcalm. Lond. I777. 412I Moody. Narrative of his Exertions and Sufferings. Lond. 1783. 1415 Moore. A Voyage to Georgia. I735. Lond. 1744. 1427 Morgan. Anti-Paedo-Rantism. B. Franklin. Phil. 1747. xvi LIST OF RARE BOOKS. 1438 Morton. New-England's Memorial. Bost. 1721. I440 Morton. New English Canaan. Amster. 1637. 1447 Mourt. Relation of Plimoth Plantation. Lond. 1622. 1454 Munsell. Historical Series. o0 vols. L. P. Uncut. Alb. I857-6I. 1456 Munsell. Local Hist. Series. 9 vols. L. P. Uncut. Alb. 1863-68. 1463 Murray. Impartial Hist. of the War. 3 vols. Newcastle. [n. d.] 1466 Nantucket. Papers Relating to Nantucket. Uncut. Alb. 1856. 1469 Narrative of the Miseries of New-England. Lond. 1689. I475 New Englands First Fruits. Lond. I643. 1476 New England. Brief Relation of the State of. Lond. 1689. I477 New England. The Revolution in N. E. Justified. Bost. 1691. 1480 New-Netherland. Beschryvinge Van N. Nederlandt. Aemstel. i656. 1481 New-Netherland. Vertoogh, &c. Uncut. N. Y. I854. 1483 New-York. Laws of the Colony of. [V. Bradford. N. T. I7I9. 1490 New-York. Journal of the Gen. Assembly. I766-76. Alb. I820. 1493 New-York. Natural Hist. 19 vols. Col. Plates. Alb. 1842-67. 1502 Nichols. Literary Anecdotes. 17 vols. Uncut. Lond. 1812-58. 1507 Noah's Dove. W. Bradford. N. Y. 1704. 1508 North American Review. 84 vols. Bost. i815-56. 1510 Norton. Life and Death of John Cotton. Lond. 1658. 151I Norton. Three Choice and Profitable Sermons. Camb. 1664. 1518 Oglethorpe. Account of South-Carolina and Georgia. Lond. 1732. 1519 Old England for Ever, or Spanish Cruelty display'd. Lond. I740. 153I Lex Parliamentaria. W. Bradford. N. Y. 1716. 1573 Peale. Washington Album. Phil. [I854.] 1577 Penn. Letter from William Penn. Lond. I683. 1578 Penn. Information for Persons Inclined to America. [Lond. 1684.] 1580 Pennsylvania. Brief State of the Province of. Uncut. Lond. I755. I58I Pennsylvania. Answer to A Brief State. Uncut. Lond. I755. 1582 Pennsylvania. Sequel to A Brief State. Uncut. Lond. 1756. 1583 Pennsylvania. True and Impartial State of. Lond. I759. 1590 Peters. General History of Connecticut. Uncut. Lond. I781. 1594 Philadelphia. Charter, Laws, &c., of the Phil. Lib. Franklin & Hall. Phil. 1764. 1603 Pietas et Gratulatio. -Bost. I76I. 1606 Plymouth. First Plymouth Patent. PrintedonVellum. Camb. I854. 1612 Political Magazine. Autographs of Washington. Lond. 1783. 1619 Post. Second Journal of Christian Frederick Post. Lond. 1759. 1635 Prince. Chronological History of New England. Bost. I736. 1645 Proud. Hist. of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. Uncut. Phil. 1797. 1646 Psalms. The Whole Book of Psalmes. Uncut. Camb. 1862. 1649 Purchas. Voyages and Discoveries. 5 vols. Lond. 1625-26. 1675 Reed and Cadwallader Controversy. 2 vols. Phil. I783. I68i Relation of Jesuit Missions in New France. Alb. I854. I686 Retrospective Review. I8 vols. Uncut. Lond. 1820-53. 1690 Rich. Bibliographical Works. 3 vols. Uncut. Lond. I832-46. 1707 Robin. Travels in N. America. Orig. Ed. Uncut. Phil. I783. 1712 Rochambeau. Memoirs of. Uncut. Paris. I838. LIST OF RARE BOOKS. xvii I7I5 Rogers. MS. Diary of the Siege of Detroit. [I763-65.] I718 Rogers. Ponteach: or the Savages of America. Lond. 1766. 1722 Romans. Concise History of Florida. N. Y. I775. 1729 Ruskin. Modern Painters. &c. 7 vols. Uncut. Lond. 1849-60. I733-4 Rutgers vs. Waddington. N. Y. I784. 1736 Rutty. Liberty of the Spirit. Franklin & Hall. Phil. 1759. 1741 St. Clair. Trial of Major General St. Clair. Phil. I778. 1744 St. Memin. Collection of Portraits. Uncut. N. Y. 1862. 1748 Sampson. The Female Review. Orig. Ed. Ded. I797. I750 Sanders. History of the Indian Wars. Mont. 1812. 175I Sanderson. Bio. of the Signers. 9 vols. L. P. Un. Phil. 1820-27. 1752 Sanderson. Another Copy. S. P. Uncut. Illust. Phil. 1820-27. 1753 Sargent. Diary of St. Clair's Campaign. Uncut. Wormsloe. I851. 1757 Sargent. Loyalist Poetry. Uncut. Phil. I857. 1759 Sargent. Life of Andre. L. P. Uncut. Illustrated. Bost. I86I. 1765 Schoolcraft. Indian Tribes. 6 vols. L. P. Uncut. Phil. 1851-57. 1767 Schroeder. Washington. 4 vols. Uncut. Illust. N. T. 1857-59, 1776 Scott. Novels. Abb. Ed. 24 vols. Uncut. Illust. Lond. I844-47, 1794 Sewall. Phanomena quaedam Apocalyptica. Bost. 1727. 1802 Shakspere. Works. 9 vols. Uncut. Illust. Lond. I838-43. i806 Shakespeare. Works. I2 vols. L. P. Uncut. Bost. 1857-66. 1809 Sharp. Sermon on Lady Cornbury. W. Bradford. N. r. 1706. i81i Shea. Jesuit Relations. 21 vols. L. P. Uncut. N. r. I858-66. 1815 Shepard. The Day Breaking. Lond. I647. i8I6 Shepard. The Clear Sunshine of the Gospel. Lond. 1648. 1817 Shepard. Eye-Salve. Camb. I673. 1824 Signers of the Constitution of the U. S. [1787.] 1825 Simcoe. Military Journal. Orig. Ed. Exeter. [I787.] 1834 Simple Cobbler of Clerkenwell. Uncut. [Lond.] 1776. 1841 Smith. The American War. I775-1783. N. T. I797. 1848 Smith. General Historie of Virginia. Lond. 1627. 1849 Smith. True Travels, Adventures, &c. Lond. I630. i85I Smith. General Historie of Virginia. Lond. 1632. 1859 Smith. History of New-Jersey. Uncut. Bur. I765. 1863 Smith. History of the Province of New-York. L. P. Lond. I757. 1864 Smith. Another Copy. S. P. Lond. I757. 1867 Smith. Account of Bouquet's Expedition. Phil. I765. I868 Smith. Account of Bouquet's Expedition. Uncut. Lond. 1766. 1871 Smith. History of Canada. 2 vols. Uncut. Queb. I8I5. 1882 South Carolina Documents. Lond. I856. 1897 Stedman. Hist. of the American War. 2 vols. Uncut. Lond. I794. 1903 Stephenson. A Call from Death to Life. Lond. I660. 1916 Stith. History of Virginia. Will. I747. 1918 Stokes. Narrative of his Official Conduct. Lond. [I784.] 1939 Syllacius. De Insulis Meridiani &c. N. r. 1859. 1940 Symmes. Memoir of Piggwacket Fight. Orig. Ed. Bost. I725. 1942 Tailfer. Narrative of the Colony of Georgia. Char. I741.. xviii LIST OF RARE BOOKS. I957 Thomas. Account of Pennsylvania &c. Lond. 1698. I97I Thorowgood. Jews in America. Lond. I650. 1972 Thorowgood. Jews in America. Lond. I660. I977 Timberlake. Memoirs. Uncut. Lond. I765. 1982 Torrey. An Exhortation unto Reformation. Camb. 1674. 1983 Toulmin. Description of Kentucky. Lond. 1792. 1987 Trial of the British Soldiers. Orig. Ed. Uncut. Bost. I770. 2002 Turnbull. Birds of Pennsylvania. Printed on Vellum. Glas. 1869. 2008 Van Driessen. Sermons. 7. P. Zenger. Alb. 1726. 2013 Varnum. Trevett against Weeden. Prov. 1787. 2014 Vaughan. The Golden Fleece. Map. Lond. 1626. 2017 Vespuctius. Von der new gefunde Region &c. Uncut. Paris. [I86I.] 2023 Voragine. Legenda Aurea. Wynkyn de Worde. Lond. 1527. 2030 Walpole. Anecdotes. 5 vols. Uncut. Illustrated. Lond. 1828. 2038 Ward. Simple Cobbler. First Edition. Lond. I647. 2039 Ward. Simple Cobbler. Second Edition. Lond. I647. 2048 Warren. The Am. Revol. 3 vols. Uncut. Illust. Bost. 1805. 2050 Washington. Journal of Major Geo. Washington. Lond. 1756. 2051 Washington. MS. Correspondence with Joseph Reed. 1775-82. 2075 Washington. Writings. 12 vols. L. P. Un't. Illust. Bost. 1837. 2095 Wayne. Original MS. Valley Forge Orderly Book. I778. 2097-8 Webster. Works. 8 vols. L. P. Uncut. Illust. Bost. I851-57. 2105 Welde. Short Story of the Antinomians. Lond. 1692. 2Io6 Wells. Life of Samuel Adams. 3 vols. L. P. Uncut. Bost. 1866. 2109 Wesleyiana. 13 vols. [Lond. v.d.] 2114 Wheatley. Poems on Various Subjects. Uncut. Bost. 1773. 21I8 Whitbourne. Discourse of New-Found-Land. Lond. 1622, 2120 Whitefield. Journals &c. 7 vols. Lond. [v.d.] 2121 Whitefield. Marks of the New Birth. W. Bradford. N.Y. 1739. 2122 Whitefield. Answer to the Bishop. W. Bradford. N. Y. 17392123 Whitefield. Three Letters from. B. Franklin. Phil. 1740. 2124 Whitfield. The Light Appearing. Lond. I651. 2125 Whitfield. Strength out of Weakness. Lond. 1652. 2132 Whytinton. Tullyes Offyces. Wynkyn de Worde. Lond. 1534. 2137 Wilkinsoniana. Io vols. Uncut. [v.p. v.d.] 2141 Willett Narr. of Marinus Willett. Uncut. Illust. N. Y. I831. 2143 Williams. Virginia's Discovery of Silke-Wormes. Lond. i650. 2145 Williams. Discourse concerning the Com. Prayer. Lond. 1694. 2152 Williams. The Bloudy Tenent. Lond. 1644. 2168 Wilson. An Account of Carolina. Lond. 1682. 2177 Wise. The Churches Quarrel Espoused. Bost. I715. 2181 Wolley. A Two Years Journal in New York. Lond. 1701. 2187 Wood. New Englands Prospect. Lond. I635. 2188 Wood. New England's Prospect. Third Ed. Bost. 1764. 2202 Zenger. Trial of John Peter Zenger. Lond. 1738. 2204 Zinzendorf. Remarks, &c. B. Franklin. Phil. 1742.