I. I - -,,- -,!~~~~~~~~lli-,,-.-.,"'h, ~., ~?~,. i~ L:? - --—:: ---. t'. - ~ ~ ~;: ' W.crts- -~;,-: ~'i;..:i...-. -.111 - ",)(I'- I',, "'..?.,:,~~~~~~~~i,4l.,1-1 I-: -,. - 1~~~~~~~~', ~ ~ ~., ~~ -.I ". ';". '*.I x..,~ ~: - I I-:~::: r.- -":,, I -Z. -~. -, '.,~ ~, -,, -:,.~ ~;,., - - 1 —. - -~,-,,.,. I 1., 'A-i I.. ~III -. ~i:`i -- ~ 1 ~~~ ~~ I. ~,,,, -,4 _,," -~.,:I 0 1 ~ II.,. -:. I... I I;, ",., 1.I,~ - ~ ~, 1.., - I...3,I.. ZI.II I.',;, j ~~ - r ~. )1 I ~I 1~~~. —,,,,," ~~- ~I -~ -: ~ —: ~i i-:: -, F~::,.:-".l.. ';; ~ I!:::I -: Ito::..:;,,:...~-..~.. ~*,l-..I-;, —, -.l.- I zI~~.I 1:5~.ic; ~I: II.I;II.1;;. ~:)-4q -: ---I-I i;i —~~- ~ ~1I~~-,.L~pl -..I-~,:"',r.'. i.~.~ -.:i 'li ~~L~ L~T:.~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~- -,.. ~ - -, I I.,:Z':' -'I - % -" I -,," - -! '. " -':,,; ~' I;I., ". " -AI, —,-'. - ~~,. c~~;~ ~. ~~ ~~, jii~ r;....~I~.,; ~I~ Ii'lI~ (, I.- ~':i~~~~i~-~.j'~~~~~~~~~~; ~~ t I-..:-; i~ ~~ ~ ~~~~~~... -:I.E.I~-,.: " ".:"r "!. -: ~:::c'.S-~"::,,-, l, s '; r- -il- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I,, ~ ~ --, I. ~: - I.:-,i.,,. m, r-. -. I I ~., — Q - L, X -.. ",..-',k. I I I I P'.,`..11, '!-,~. I" 7.;.. - I 1 I., -. I...t ~Z- - -~', I L 1~1..I.- -.., -.'~t~ ~ I..,,:,::",i;,), I, -.I v,:~~k~r _.. '.- -. I..~ 11. 11,.,. ~11.;I:L. -.i, L: 'X'':`.. -~~~I~`z -, 1.~1...~.-.,.~,:'.';;, '..: -- r,:' -: -. - -, 1.t:,,.I k, 1 I,,..... ' ~ — - r,1 AM| i, P.i s. I1 I1azl -.3 Bulletin of Bibliography Pamphlets, No. 7. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS THE BOSTON BOOK COMPANY 15'1 Beacon Street BOSTON 1899 32q\ Reprinted from The Boston Book Company's BULLETIN OF BIBLIOGRAPHY Vol. 2, No. i, Oct., 1899. 4I Bibliographies of the Philippine Islands. Chronological t(lck List. BY AKSEL G. S. EPHSON,. ^ Cataloguer, the John Crerar Library, Chicago. This list contains, with one or two exceptions, such bibliographies as deal with the Philippines only. Some titles here given are of books that, without being bibliographies, contain bibliographical information. The main source of information has been the notes in the preface of " Catalogo abreviado de la Biblioteca Filipino de W. E. Retana " (see 36 in this list). Other sources have also been consulted, for instance, Emm. de Margerie: " Catalogue des bibliographies geologiques," Paris, 1896, and Henri Stein: "Manuel de bibiliographie generale." Paris, i897. Reference has in all cases been made to the source of information. In the case of Stein, this only means that information has been found there; it has been necessary to copy the titles from other bibliographies. In all cases where a book has been found in Retana, reference has been given to its number there. When the book itself has been seen, * before the title is used to show that entry has been made directly from a copy. It should be added that Mr. A. P. C. Griffin, of the Library of Congress, has prepared a list of books relating to the Philippines. It was prepared for the use of the members of the Philippine Commission, and not printed; but I understand that Mr. Griffin is constantly adding to the list, which may be published later on. I864 Fr. GASPAR CANO, agustino. Catalogo de los religiosos de N. P. S. Agustin de la provincia de Smo. Nombre (le Jesus de Filipinas. Manila: Ramirez y Girandier, 1864. 336pi., 4/0. Retana,31o. i867 *Bibliotheca I Americana | Catalogue raisonne I d'une tres-precieuse | collection delivresanciens I et modernes | surl'AmeriqueetlesPhilippines | classes... par l'ordre alphabetique de noms d'auteurs. | Redige \4 ' 3 par CH. LECLERC. I ParisI Maisonneuve & Cie I... I M.D.CCC.LXVLI VII. 407)5., 8vo. Retana, 349. 2 1867-1892' CARL SEMPER. Reisen im, Archipel der Philippinen. II. Theil. Wissenschaftliche Resultate. Mit Abbildungen in Kupferstich und Farbendruck. Wiesbaden: C. W. Kreidel's Verlag, 1868-i892. vol., 410. Vol. 1 originally published by W. Engelmann, Leipzig, 1867. I Tizeil seems never to have been published. Contents: I. Holothurien. LI. Malacologische Untersuichungen von RUn. BERRGH. III. Laudmollusken. IV. Die Sipunkuliden. Von EmIL SELENKA. Die Landdeckelschnecken, Seewalzen, Holothurioidete, von Dr. KURT LAMPERT. V. Die Schmetterlinge der philippinischen Inseln, von G. SEMPER. Each volume contains special bibliographies on holothurixn, molluscs, etc. Stein. 3 1874 SEBASTIAN VIDAL Y SOL.ER. Memoria sobre el ramno de montes en las Islas Filipinas. Madrid: Aniban y Ca, 1874. 14], 456 fi. 1. 410.- 300 copiies printed. With an appendix, containing a bibliography of the Philippines, Of 245 titles. Retana, 466. 4 1875 L. MALLODA. Sino'psis de las especies fo'siles que se han encontrado en Espafia (is parte). (Boletin de la Corn. delrnaja geol. de Esj5., II, z87_5.) The introduction, fi. 1-12, gives a bibliographic review of publications relating to the paleontology of Spain, 1754-i874. Contains references to the Philippines. Stein, Marg-erie. 5 1875-I877 [Cattilogo publicado i retazos por D. Jos~ FELIPE DEL PAN.] In Revista de Filipinas. Manila: i875-1877. Retana, 484. 6 I876 MANUEL FERNANDEZ DR CASTRo. Noticia del estado en que se hallan los trabajos del mapa geold'gico de Espaiia en io de Julio de 1874. (Bo/elin de la Corn. del nmaja geol. de Esp., III, 1876). 89 p. 8vo. Includes references to the Philippines and other Spanish colonies. Margerie. 7 '1878 VICENTE BARRANTES, corrector 6 ilustrador. Guerras piriticas de Filipinas. Madrid: M. G. H-ernandez, 1878. XVI, 448 p., 410. With an appendix: " Apunte bibliogrifico de algunos libros y papeles volantes." go titles. Retana, 548. 8 I878 *BibliothecaI AmericanaI Histoire, g~ographie, I voyages, arch~ologie et liniguistiqueI desI deux Am~riques Iet des Iles Philippines I r6dig6e Ipar CH. LECLERCj Paris I Maisonneuve et Cie.,.. [2 lines], I I878. XX, 737 [2]pi.. 8VO. " Les Isles Philippines, les Moluques et lea Mariannes," pi. 524-536. For references to Philippine linguistics, see table of contents, pi. XX. Retana, 561. 9 i880 Fr. EuSEBTo GomEz PLATERO, franciscano. Catilogo biogrniico de los religiosos Franciscanos de la provincia de San Gregorio Magno de Filipinas desde 8577 hasta nuestras dias. Manila: Imp. de Sto. Tomis, por G. Memnije, M88. 813, LV 2]pf., 4tv. Retana, 613. 80 9. i88i Fr. BONIFACIO MORAL, agustino. Catilogo de escritores agustinos espafioles, portugueses y amnercanos. Valladolid, Madrid, i88i. Retana, 662. i i88i *Beitriige zur Petrographie der Philippinen und der Palau-Inseln. Von K. OEBBEKE in Miinchen. In Neues Jahrbuch ffir Mineralogie. I. Beilage-Band. Stuttgart, I88I i$. 451-501. The introductory pages, fi. 451-453, contain references to the literature on the subject. 112 1882 F. BLUJMENTRYIT. Vocabular einzelner Ausdriicke und Redensarten, welche dem Spanischen der Philippinischen Inscin eigenthiimlich sind. Mit einemn Anhange: Bibliotheca Philippina, aiphabetisch geordnete Sammiung einer Anzahl von Druckschriften und Manuscripten linguistischen, geographischen, ethnographischen, historiachen und naturwissenschafticehen Inhalts, die auf die Philippinen Bezug haben. Leitmeritz: Druck von Dr. Karl Pickert. 8vo. So according to Mar4'erie. Stein gives the date as 1882, and says that the appendix, containing the bibliography, is 01D A 9x-131r. Ileinsius and Kayser both give the imprint as follows: " Leitmeritz, i885. (Wien: Verlag von Pichler's Wittwe und Sohn). VI, 64 0., 8vo. " Retana has the " Vocabular' and the " Bibliotheca Philippina," as separate publications, (2217 & 22i8), and gives for both as imprint nothing but " [1882-1:885?]" 4to. 13 1883 *Las Islas FilipinasI en 8882I Estudios histo'ricos, geogrificos, Iestadisticos y descriptivos 'I por I FRANCISCO JAVIER DE MOYA Y JIMENEZ I... [2 lines] I Madrid IEstabliciemnento tipogrifico de El Correo,.... [2 lines] I1883. VI, 362, [2]fi., 8vo. List of hooks relating to the Philippines fi. 233-247. Retana, 774 14 1884 Fr. RAMON MARTINEZ VIGIL, dorminico. La Orden de Predicadores. Madrid: A. Perez Dubrull, i1884. 438fi, 8vo. With a " Catilogo " of authors. Retana, 823. 15 1884 Fr. RAMON MARTINEZ VIGIL. Ensayo de una biblioteca de Domninicos Espafioles. Madrid: P. Dubrull, 1 884. Forms the second and concluding part of his " La orden de Predicadores.'1 Retana, 823 (bis). Is this the " Catsilogo "mentioned in the above? 1887 [VICENTE BARRANTEs. Nota bibliogrifica sobre los corridos Tagalos]. In Catblogo de la Exposici6n general de las Islas Filipinas celebrada en Madrid.. z887. Madrid, i887. Retana, ioi8. '7 i88g VICENTE BARRANTES. El teatro Tagalo. Madrid: M. G. Hern~ndez, 1889. 20038., 40. Originally published in La Iiustraciedn artistica, Barcelona, i888. Contains a short list of books on Philippine philology, preceded by " Apunte bibliogrifico d la Pasi6n. de Jesucristo." Retana, I1177. 18 i8gi [Fr. HILARIO 0cio.] Resefia biograifica de los re I ligiosos de la provincia del Santisimo Rosario de Filipinas. Manila: Est. tip'. del Real Colegio de Santo Tomas, 189 I. 2 vol. /0. Vto. L. [8], 526, ix 75.; vol. II. [4], 497, /. vI Retana, 1445. 19 I892 Fr. JULIAN VELINCHON. Escritos de los portugueses y castellanos, referentes ai las lenguas de China y el Japon. Estudio bi-bibliografico. Zaragoza: " La Derecha," 1892. I40o., 4/o. 150 copies printed. Retana. 20 1893 W. E. RETANA. Cat6logo (e la biblioteca Filipina de W. E. Retana. Madrid: Viuda de M. Minuesa de los Rios, 1893. 68. fol. 38 copaies prirted. Retana, 17I4. 21 i893 *Noticias | sobre I la imprenta y el grabado I en Filipinas I por T. H. PARDO ) TTAVERA | doctor en medicina... [I2 lines] I Madrid I tipografia de los hijos de M. G. HernSndez I... I I893. 48fi., 8vo. Retana, 1696. 22 I893 *Estadismo I de las I Islas Filipinas I 6 mis viajes por este pais I por el padre I Fr. JOAQUIN MARTINEZ DE ZUNIGA | Agustino calzado. | Publica esta obra por primera vez I extensamente anotoda I W. E. RETANA. I Tomo primero [-segundo] I Madrid! Diciembre de M.L)CCCXCIII. I: xxxviii, 551 7.; II: ivz., 119, p. *632, Svo. Verso of t. p.: "En la imprenta de la Viuda de M. Minuesa de los Rios." Vol". /1:. *93-*352: " Bibliografia." -This contains: (I) a bibliographical note on Martinez y Zdifrga's work; (2) a list of printers and printing presses in the Philippines; (3) a bibliography of Philippine literature, enumerating 384 titles with very full collations and notes. Retana, 168o. 23 I893 [Lista de trabajos referentes a Filipinas, debidos todos ellos a la pluma de escritores extranjeros.] In La Solidaridad, I893. Madrid, 1893. Gives 328 titles. Retana, 1262. 24 1894 W.E. RE'ANA. Bilbliografia(de Mindanao. (Epitome.) Mladrid: Viuda de M. Minuesa (le los Rios, 1894. 72 7., 8va. 500 copies printed. Gives 174 titles, arranged chronologically. Retana, 1832. 25 i895 *El I periodismo Filipino I Noticias para su historia I (1811-1894) I Apuntes bibliograficos I notas criticas I semlblanzas | anecdotas I por I W.E. RETANA j Madrid I I895. [6], 646, [2] 7f.,,12mo. P'rinted on one side only. Retana, 1929. El primer peri6dico de Filipinas por J. T. MEDINA, 7f. 533 -559. Adiciones y rectificaciones por T. H PARDO Do TANEcu, p. 561-564. Notas y adiciones por PEDRO TORRES Y l,ANZAS, 565-570. Peri6dicos manuscritos por DESEN(;ANOS, 7. 571-579. 26 1895 W. E. REITANA. Los antiguos alfabetos (le Filipinas. (Notas bibliograficas.) Madridl: Viuda de M. Minuesa de los Rios, 1895. 12 p. fol. Reprint in 80 copies from La politica de Espafia en Filipinas. A review of Fr. CIsRIANO MARCILLA. Estudio de los antiguos alfabetos Filipinos. MalabOn: Tipo-lit. del A. de Huerfanos, 1895. Retana, 1930 27 6 I 1895-1898 *EpitomeI dle la I bibliografia general Id(e FilipinasI porI W. E. RETANA.I Parte prinaera Obras que posee el autor IMadrid I 895-1898. In Archivio del bibli6filo Filipino... Madrid, 1895-1898. 4. Vol. Gives x 167 numbers. Reprinted in Cathlogo abreviado de la biblioteca filipina de W. E. Retana, i898, $i. 1-277.,See 35. 28 x8g6 J. T. MNEDINA. L~a iniprenta en Manila, (lescie sus origenes hasta i8io. Santiago de Chile: imp. y gralb. en casa del Autor, 8896. xcvI, 280 A, I. 410. Gives 420 titles. Supplemented by his Bibliografia Espafiola de las Filipinas. (1523-i810). i898. See 35. Rie/ana, 2000. 29 x 896 W. E. RETANA. La bibliograffa Filipina en 1895. Madrid, 1896. Reprinted from Revista critics de bistoria y literatura Espaliolas, Portuguesas / Hispano-Americanos. Relana, 2629. 30 I896 Catiidogo de la libreria de P. VlNot~t.. Tomos I, II. Madrid, 1896. Important on account of the large number of Philippine books. Re/ann, 2034, 2630. 31 1897 *Relacio'n descriptiva de losI mapas, platn)s, etc., Ide Filipinas Iexistentes en el Archivo general cle Indias por IPEotto TotutE.S IANZAS. 2 lines] Madrid 1 1897. 55; A. In Archivio del bibli6filo filipino. Tomo 3. Madrid 1897. Also reprinted ilt 200 coples. Re/ann, 2088. 3-2 1897 P. VINDEL. Libros ramos dle historia, poesi'a. Islas Filipinas,... Madrid, 1897. 64 A., 8c'o. Retaita, 2090. 33 1 898 j. Tr. MEDINA. Bibliograffa Espafiola de las Filipinas (t523-t810). Santiago de Chile: Imp. Cervantes, i 898. 556 A.f. /. Supplement to his La imprenta en Manila, 1896, See 30. Gives 666 titles. Re/anna, 2105. 34 i8g8 *W.E. RETrANA Cat~ogo abreviado de la Ibiblioteca Filipina (leI W X. EL. Retanaj Madrid I Diciembre de MDCCCXCVIII. xxxvttt, 665 A., 8vo. 85 cohiesfirinted. P. 1-277 are reprinted from Epitome de la biblioteca general de Filipinas por W. E. Retana, in Archivio de bibli6filo Filipino,... Tomno 1-4. Madrid i895-1898. See 29. 1~ Pr6logo," p. vii-xii, contains a review of the most important Philippine bibliographies, with references to the resp. titles in the catalogue itself; p. xxiii-xxviti contains a check. list Of I152 periodicals, also referring to the titles in the catalogue. Gives 2687 titles. Retana, 2697. 35 1898 *Cotitributions to Philippine ornithology. Part I. A list of the birds known to inhabit the Philippitie and Palauan Islatnds, showing their (listrib~ution Bay DEAN C'. WORCE'STER, A. B., and IFRANK S BOURNS, M. D. - Part II. Notes on the distribution of Philippine birds. By DEAN C. WORCEISTER. In Proceedings of the United States National Museum, vol. uine XX. Washington, 5198, Ai. 549-625S. "L~ist of papers referred to in compiling the distribution Ait,. 618-62 1. 36 x898 *Reference lists. 58. The Philippine Islands. (Prepared by Miss M. ISABEL EMERSON, of the library staff.) In Monthly bulletin of the Providence Public Library. Providence, R. I., vol. 4, No. 6, June, I898. p. 149-152. Foot note: "These references are not confined to works in this library." 37 i898 *The Philippine Islands. In San Francisco Free Public Library. M9nthly bulletin. Volume IV., Number 6. June, T898,,. 68-6). 38 x898 *Special reading lists. Philippine Islands. In Bulletin of the Salem Public Library, vol. IV, No. 13. Sept. 1898,O. 102-103. 39 x898 * [Charts relating to Philippine Islands, issued by the Hydrographic Office]. In Catalogue of United States public documents, No. 45. September, 1898, p. 542-544. 40 X898-99 *Spain and her colonies - Periodical references. Philippine Islands. In Mechanics' Institute Library bulletin, July, I898, p. 31; Oct., I898, p. 70-71; May, 1899, p. 56-58. 41 i899 *Price list of Hydrographic Office charts, covering ground in Hawaii, Philippines, Ladrones, Marshall, Caroline, and Gilbert Islands [Washington, I899]. 7/f., 8vo. Head title; no t. /. 42 i899 W. E. RETANA. La imprenta en Filipinas (1593 -1810) con una demostracion grafico de la originalidad de la primitiva. Adiciones y observaciones a la Imprenta en Manila de D. J. T. Medina. Madrid, i899. 275fi. Iftacsim, 4to. Advertised by Otto JIarrassowitz, Leipzig. See also Retana, 2000. 43 N. Y. 1908 424S -r~t.r - -