CATALOGUE OF BOOKS IN English, French and German, BELONGING TO THE CLASS OF PROSE FICTION, IN THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI: PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. J. R. MILLS & CO., 124 WALNUT STREET, PRINTERS, 1876. :P ER3 E:F A a E In the Annual Report of this Library for the year ending June 30, 1875, the following suggestion concerning a new catalogue was made: "The plan which ought to be pursued hereafter is to let the so-called complete catalogue consist of separate class catalogues, which can be sold at a merely nominal price to the persons interested in the various departments, and which can be reprinted at small cost whenever they are out of date by reason of large accessions," The three parts of Prose Fiction contained in the present volume form one of the main divisions of the general catalogue. The other divisions are as follows: a) Poetry and the Drama; b) the Fine Arts, including the History of Art; c) the Useful Arts; d) the Natural Sciences; e)'the Medical Sciences; f) History, Biography, Geography and Travels; g) America and American History; h) Politics, Political Economy, and Social Science; i) Philology, Philosophy, and Paedagogics; j) the Biblical and Theological Sciences. These divisions are not made in accordance with any philosophical classification of human knowledge. The general catalogue is separated into the above parts for the convenience of the public, and for the reason that this is the only method known to the compiler (except that of printing supplement after supplement), by which the printed catalogue in book form can be made to keep pace at all with the increase of books in a library like this. It is proposed to reprint entire, with all the additions to the library up to the date of' issue, each part as soon as the edition is exhausted. The price at which the various parts are sold is made to cover the cost of printing. It will be seen that more information is given in the present volume than is customary in a mere "class-list" of fiction, and that some new features have been introduced. There are imperfections and errors, of course. Any one noticing such will confer a favor by pointing them out, in order that they may be remedied in future editions. THOMAS VICKERS. December 4, 1876. BOARD OF /A NA GERS, 1837e; 187t7 F. A. ARMSTRONG, President. ALEXANDER LONG, Treasurer, W. H. MUSSEY, Secretary. HERMANN ECKEL. GEORGE H. PENDLETON. LEONARD W. GOSS. WILLIAM J. O'NEIL, (ex officio,) Librarian, - - THOMAS VICKERS CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH PROSE FICTION, WHICH BELONG TO THE PUBLIC LIBRARY OF CINCINNATI. CINCINNATI: PUBLISHED BY THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. J. R. MILLS & Co., 124 WALNUT STREET, PRINTERS. 1876. ENGLISH PROSE FICTION. EXPLANATIONS, To find any book or story in this catalogue, look either under the name of the author or for the first word of the title, except such word be A, An or The, in which case look for the second word. Books are entered under the real name of the author when that is known, under the pseudonym, or assumed name, when it is not; and where only the initials of an author are known, the last initial is put first. Compound surnames are entered under the first part of the name. Names or initials enclosed in parentheses are such as are usually not retained. The names in parentheses printed in italics, and not preceded by the word "formerly," are the pseudonyms of the authors whose real names they follow: For example: Dickens, Charles (John Hougham). (Boz). Where the words In or With occur in connection with a title, they indicate a shorter story published or bound with others, except in some instances where the reference is to the collected works of an author. In the case of translations the original title is usually printed in parentheses: For example.: DImaS, A. (D.) CONSCRIPT, The: an historical novel of the days of the first Napoleon. (Tr. of -Conscience'innocent). ABBREVIATIONS, Abfd. Abbotsford. N. and T. Novels and tales from HouseAnon. Anonymous. N. d. No date. [hold Words. B. Born. N. Y. New York. Balt. Baltimore. Nov. Novels. Bost. Boston. Phil. Philadelphia. C. G. R. Carlyle's German Romance. Pol. Political. Ch. Chapter. Pop. Popular. Chic. Chicago. Pseud. Pseudonym. Cin. Cincinnati. Pt. Part. Coll. Collected. R. G. N. Roscoe's German novelists. Ec. [Econ.] Economy. R. I. N. Roscoe's Italian novelists. Ed. Edited, Edition, Editor. Rev. d. d. Mondes. Revue des deux Mondes. Edin. Edinburgh. Sm. Small. Edit. Editor. Sq. Square. H. S. B. Harper's Story Books. T. Tome. Hart. Hartford. T. f. B. Tales from Blackwood. Her [his] N.and T. Her [his] Novels and tales. T. f. G. Tales from the German. llust. Illustrated, Illustrations. T. F. H. Tales of female heroism [ry. L. C. Little Classics. T. L. Theological and religious libraLeip. Leipzig. Tr. Translated, Translation. Lond. London. Trav. Lib. Fict. Traveller's library: fiction. Memph. Memphis. V. Volume, Volumes. [ry. Misc. Miscellanies, Miscellaneous. W. S. C. L. Waldie's Select circulating libraMme..[Mad. Mde.] Madame. W. T. B. Wilson's Tales of the borders. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. Abbott, Jacob, (continued.)HARPER Establishment, The. In H. A. L. O. E. (pseud.) See TUCKER, S B. v. 4............................. 35: 39 Miss C. HUNTER and Tom. N. Y. 1871. 12~. 35: 48 Abandoned. Pt. 2 of Mysterious JASPER. In H. S. B. v. 11............ 35: 46 island. J. VERNE....................... 39: 3680 JOHN True. In H. S. B. v. 6......... 35: 41 Abb6, * * * L'. (pseud.) See DEL6ON. JONAS a judge. N. Y. n. d. 18... 35: 49 Abbe Tigrane. Ferdinand FABRE...... 37: 1961 JONAS on a farm in summer. N. Y. Abbey, The. C. G. F. GORE........... 37: 3187 nd. 18............................ 35: 50 JONAS on a farm in winter. N. Y. Abbot, The. Sequel to the Monastery.a farm n 3n. NY aen. d. 180.................................. 3S: 51 Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v....... *39:1319-20 f The same. Edinburgh ed.39: 1356 JONAS'S stories; related to Rollo and The same. Edinburgh ed.... 39 1356 o The same. Abbotsford ed................39: 1363 Lucy. N.Y. n. d. 18........ 35: 52 The same.Q.39: 138063 JUDGE Justin. In H. S. B. v. 1.... 35: 46 The same.................................... 39: 1380 LAPSTONE. In H. S.B. v. 10....... 35: 45 The same. Household ed. 2v........... 39:1415-16 e P3 1461 LITTLE Louvre. In H. S. B. v. 2... 35: 37 he e. Pocketed.................. 39: 1461 LITTLE Paul. In H. S. B. v. 12...... 35: 47 The same. Tachniitz ed....."........... 39: 147 Thesae. Tauc t ed.......39:1470 MALLEVILLE, a Franconia story. N. Abbot, Jacob. (b. 1803.) Y. nd. 12~....................... 35: 53 AcEs, A Franconia story. N. Y. MARCO Paul at the Springfield arn. d. 12.................................. 35: 21 mory. N.Y. n.d. 16........... 35: 58 ALCOVE, The. In H. S.B. v. 8..... 35: 43 MARCO Paul in Boston. N.Y. n. d. AUGUST and Elvie. N. Y. 1871. 12 35: 22 16~....35: 54 AUNT Margaret; or, how John True MARCO Paul in New York.. N. Y. kept his resolutions. In H.S. B. n. d. 16.......... 35: 57 v. 9......................................... 35: 44 MARCO Paul nthe forestsof Mai ne. V. 9. ~~~~~~~~~.~..~ 35:.44 MARCO Paul in the forests of Maine. BEECHNUT, a Franconia story. N. N.Y. n.d. 16~.......* 35: 56 n. d. 120........................... 35: 23 MARCO Paul in Vermont. N.Y. n. BRUNO. In H.S.B. v. 1. 35: 36 d. 160. 35: 59 iBRUNOuty N.. In d. S. B1. v.............35: 36 16~.......................... 35: 59 CALEB in the country. Y. n. d. MARCO Paul on the Erie canal. N. 18~....................35: 24 Y. n. d. 160.......................... 35: 55 CALEB in town. N. Y. n. d. 18... 35: 25 MARY Bell, a Franconia story. N. CARL and Jocko. In H. S. B. v. 10. 35: 45 Y. n. d. 12~........... 3......3.. 35: 60 CAROLINE, a Franconia story. N. Y. MARY Erskine, a Franconiastory. N. n.d. 12.................................. 35: 26 Y. n. d. 12........................... 35: 61 CONGO. In H. S.B. v. 12............ 35: 47 MINIO. In H.S B. v. 1............ 35: 46 COUSIN Lucy among the mountains. MUSEM, The. In. S.B. v. 35: 41 Bost. n.d. 18~........ 35: 27 ORKNEY, the peacemaker. In H. S. B. DIALOGUES. In H. S. B. v. 8......... 35: 43 v. 10........................... 35: 45 ELFRED. In H. S.B. v. 6.......... 35: 41 FRANK. In H. S. B. v. 2............... 35: 37 ELLEN Linn, a Franconia story. N. RAMBLES among the Alps. In H. S. Y. n. d. 12........................... 35: 28 B. v. 7.................................... 35: 42 EMMA. In. S. B. v. 2............. 35: 37 RODOLPHUS, a Franconia story. N. ENGINEER, The. In H. S.B. v. 7. 35: 42 Y. n.d. 12~......................... 35: 62 ENGLISH Channel, The. N. Y. 1868. ROLLO at play. N. Y. 1869. 18~.. 35: 63 160................................... 35: 29 ROLLO at school. N. Y. 1869. 18~ 35: 64 EXCURSION to the Orkney Islands. ROLLO at work. N. Y. 1869. 18~ 35: 65 N. Y. 1867. 16~...................... 35: 30 ROLLOin Geneva. N.Y. 1869. 16~ 35: 66 FLORENCE and John. N. Y. 1867. ROLLO in Holland. N. Y. 1869. 16............................................ 35: 31 16~............................................ 35: 67 FLORENCE'S return. N. Y. 1869. 16~. 35: 32 ROLLO in London. N. Y. 1869. FRANKLIN. In H. S.B. v. 4.......... 35: 39 16.................................... 35: 68 GIBRALTAR gallery. In H. S. B. v. 8. 35: 43 ROLLO in Naples. N. Y. 1869. 16~ 35: 69 GRANVILLE valley. N. Y. 1872. 12~. 35: 33 ROLLO in Paris. N. Y. 1869. 16~ 35: 70 GREAT elm, The. In H. S. B. v. 9 35: 44 ROLLO in Rome. N. Y. 1869. 16~ 35: 71 GRIMKIE. N. Y. 1869. 16~.......... 35: 34 ROLLO in Scotland. N. Y. 1869. HANDIE. N.Y. 1860. 16~............35: 35 16~.........0................... 35: 72 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ABBOTT. 2 ADAM. Abbott, Jacob, (continued.)- Abduction, The. Alex. LEIGHTON. ROLLO in Swizerland. N.Y. 1869. In W. T. B. v. 5....................... 40: 1715 16........................................... 35: 73 Abdy, Mrs. ROLLO learning to read. N. Y. FAMILY interference. In W. S. C. 1869. 180.................................. 35: 74 L. v. 9.................................. 34: 4179 ROLLO learning to talk. N. Y. The same..................................... 15: 4919 1869. 18......................................... 35: 75 Abednego, the money lender. C. G. ROLLO on the Atlantic. N. Y. 1869. F. GORE.................................... 37: 3188 160........................................... 35: 76 Abel Drake's wife. J. SAUNDERS...... 39: 1137 ROLLO on the Rhine. N. Y. 1869. Aboard the ]Evelyn Brown. H. SPI160............................................ 35: 77 CER, In Bound to please. v.2.... 39: 2096 ROLLO's correspondence. N. Y. About, Edmond Fran9ois Valentin. 1869. 180........................... 35: 78 (b. 1828.) ROLLO'S experiments. N. Y. 1868. FELLAH, The. (Le Fellah, souvenirs 180........................................... 35: 79 d'.lgypte.) Tr. by Sir R. Roberts. ROLLO'S museum. N. Y. 1868. 180 35: 80 Lend. 1870. sm. 8~.................. 35: 165 ROLLO'S philosophy-air. N. Y. GERMAINE. (Germaine. Deuxieme 1869. 180............................... 35: 81 s6rie des Mariages de Paris.) Tr. by ROLLO'S philosophy-fire. N. Y. M. L. Booth. Best. 1860. 120... 35: 166 1869. 180................................... 35: 82 KING of the mountains, The. (Le roi ROLLO'S philosophy-sky. N. Y. des montagnes.) Tr. by M. L. 1855. 18~................................. 35: 83 Booth. Best. 1861. 12'............ 35: 167 ROLLO'S philosophy-water. N. Y. MADELON. (Madelon.) N.Y. 1863. 1869. 180~.......................... 35: 84 80............................................ 35: 168 BOLLO'S travels. N. Y. 1869. 180 35: 85 MAN with the broken ear, The. EOLLO'S vacation. N. Y. 1869. 180 35: 86 (L'homme d l'oreille cassee.) Tr. by SCHOONER Mary Ann, The. N. Y. H. Holt. N. Y. 1872. 160......... 35: 169 1872. 120................................. 35: 87 NOTARY'S nose. The. (Le nez-dun SCIENCE for the young-force. N. notaire.) Tr. by. H. Holt. N. Y. Y., 1873. 120......................... 35: 88 1874. 160................................. 35: 170 SCIENCE for the young-heat. N. RovGE et noir: a tale of BadenY. 1871. 12~........................... 35: 89 Baden. (Rouge et noir.) Tr. by SCIENCE for the young-light. N. E.R. Phil. 1873. 120............... 35: 171 Y. 1871. 120........................... 35: 90 TOLLA, a tale of modern Rome......... 35: 172 SCIENCE for the young-water and Above tempest and tide. S. VERENA 39: 3660 land. N. Y. 1872. 12........... 35: 91 Abraham Page, Esq. A novel. J. SELLING Lucky. N.Y. n.d. 16~ 35: 92 S. Holt...................................... 37: 4615 RAINBoW'S journey. N. Y. 1860. Absent man, The. In W. S. C. L. 160 ~............................. 35: 93 v. 14.*15: 4924 STORY of American history, The. Absentee, The. M. EDGEWORTH. In N. and T. v. 5...................... 37: 1500 In H. S. B. v. 5..................... 35: 40 STORY of ancient history, The. In Sa A Abd/al Malik Ibn Kurai H. S. B. v. 5...................... 35: 40 al Asrnai STORY of English history, The. In ANTAR, a Bedoueen romance. Tr. H. ~ S.~~ B.~~ v5.35: 40 from the Arabic by Terrick HamilH. S. B. v. 5T................. 35: 40 ton. Lend. 1819. sm. 80~......... 35: 177 STRAIT athe. In H. S. B. v. I...35: 3 Accomplishments, modern. C. STUDIOThe. H.S.B. v.4.........35: 39 SINCLAIR................................... 39: 1730 STUYVESANT.aFranconia story. N. Account of a consulate, An. D. G. Y. n.d. 120............................... 35: 94 MITCHELL. In Seven stories........ 38: 30%3 THREE gold dollars, The. In H. S. Ace of clubs, The. J. BANIM. In Bit B. v. 7....................................o35: 42 o' writin'.................................. 35: 1531 THREE pines. N.Y. 1860. 16..... 35: 95 Achille: a confession of folly. F. W. TIMBOO and Fanny. In H. S. B. v. 3 835: 38 ROBINSON. In Girl's romance...... 39: 485 TIMBOO and Joliba. In H. S.B. v.3 35: 38 Achsah: a New-England life study UP the. river. N. Y. 1861. 16... 35: 96 Rev. P. PENNOT.......................... 38: 4332 VERNON. In H. S.B. v. 9............ 35: 44 Acland, Lady Harriet. In T. F. H... 40: 2658 VIOLA. In H. S. B. v. 12......... 35: 47 Acorn, The. Mrs. C. R. CHARLES. VIRGINIA. In H. S. B. v. 3........ 35: 38 In Cottage by the cathedral......... 35: 4071 VISIT to the Isle of Wight. N.Y. Acquitted. Mrs. G. SMYTHIES. 3v. 39: 1981-3 1869. 160................................. 35: 97 Across the street. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWALLACE, a Franconia story. N. WORTH. In Wife's victory............ 39: 2042 Y. n.d. 12............................ 35: 98 Act6 of Corinth; or, the convert of WILLIE and the mortgage. In H.S. St. Paul. A. (D.) DUMAS............ 37: 960 B. v. 1................................... 35: 36 Actions speak louder than words. Abbott, Lyman. (b. 1835.) K. J. NEELY.............................. 38: 3538 LAICUS; or, the experience of a lay- Acton Bell (pseud.) See BRONT6, man in a country parish. N. Y. Anne. 1872. 12................................. 35; 150 Adam Bede. Mrs. M. J. LEWES Abbott, Rosa. (pseud.) See PARKER, (George Eliot)............................. 38: 1700 R. Y.A. Thesame.................................... 38: 1701 Abdallah. M. M. SHERWOOD. In The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 38: 1702 Works, v. 3................................39: 1638 Adam Bell. J. HOGG. In Winter Abdallah; or, the four-leaved sham- evening tales.............................. 37: 4521 rock. E. R.L. L. LABOUTLAYE......... 38: 1255 Adam Blair. J. G. LOCKHART......... 38: 1841 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ADAM. 3 ADAMS. Adam Brown, the merchant. H. Adams, William T., (continued.)SMITH. 3v. in 1....................... 39: 1858 FIELD and forest; or, the fortunes of Adam Buff. D. (W.) JERROLD......... 38: 325 a farmer. Bost. 1875. 160......... 35: 247 Adam Graeme of Mossgray. M. (O. FIGHTING Joe; or, the fortunes of a W.) OLIPHANT.......... 38: 3830 staff officer. Bost. 1875. 160..... 35: 248 Adams, Charles. (Timothy Temple- FREAKS of fortune; or, half round ton.)....................................... the world. Bost. 1875. 160......... 35: 249 BoYs at home. N. Y. 1870. 120... 35: 182 GOING west; or, the perils of a poor EDGAR Clifton, or, right and wrong, boy. Bost. 1876. 16............... 35: 291 N. Y. 1870. 120....................... 35: 183 HASTE and waste; or, the young Adams, F. Colburn....................... pilot. Bost. 1870. 16~.............. 35: 250 MANUEL Pereira: sovereign rule in HOPE and have; or, Fanny Grant South Carolina. Wash. 1853. 120 35: 193 amongthe Indians. Bost. 1875. 160 36: 251 OUTCAST, An; or, virtue and faith. IN doors and out; or, views from.the N.Y. 1861. 120..................... 35: 194 chimney corner. Bost. 1876. 120 35: 293 STORY of a trooper. With much of IN school and out; or, the conquest of interest concerning the campaign Richard'Grant. Bost. 1876. 160. 35: 252 on the peninsula not before written. ISLES of the sea; or, young America N. Y. 1865. 12......................35: 195 homeward bound. Bost. 1876. 16~. 35: 253 VON Toodleburgs, Tlhe; or, the history LIGHTNING express; or, the rival of a very distinguished family. academies. Bost. 1875. 160...... 35: 254 Phil. 1868. 120........................35: 196 LITTLE Bobtail; or, the wreck of the Adams, Mrs. H. A. Penobscot. Bost. 1874. 160...... 35: 255 DAWN. Bost. 1868. 120...............35: 206 LITTLE by little; or, the cruise of the Adams, Rev. H. C. Flyaway. Bost. 1871. 160........ 35: 256 TALES of Nethercourt. Lond. 1876. LITTLE merchant, The. Bost. n. d. 160.................................... 35: 209 180...........................................: 257 WHITE Brunswickers, The; or, rem- MAKE or break; or, the rich man's iniscences of school-boy life. Lond. daughter. Bost. 1875. 160........ 35: 258 1865. 160~......................3......... 35 210 MONEY makers, The; or, the victory Adams, Nehemiah (b. 1806.) \" *'"of the basilisks. Bost. 1875. 16~. 36: 259 adams, Nehemitih (b. 1806.), f NORTHERN lands; or, young AmerSABLE Cloud, The: a southern tale. NORTHERN lands; or, young AmerBost.y1866. 120. 36: 220 ica in Russia and Prussia. Bost Best. 1866. 12~....................... 35: 220 1 1 3 2 Adams, William T. (Oliver Optic)..36:.260 Adams, ~William T (Oliver Opfic). Now or never; or, the adventures of ALL aboard; or, life on the lake. ABobby Bright. Best. 1865. 16~. 35: 261 sequel to the Boat club. Bost. Bobby Bright. Bost. 1865. 160. 36: 261 sequel to the Boat club. Bst. OcEAN-born; or, the cruise of the 1874. 160................................. 35: 230 clu bs. ost. 1875. of the clubs. Best. 1875. 160............. 35: 290 BEAR and forbear; or, the young ON time; or, the young captain of the skipper of lake Ucayga. Bost. 1874. Ucayga steamer. Bost. 1875. 160 35: 262 160...........................................35: 231 OUTWARD Bound; or, young AmerBIVOUAC and battle; or, the strug- ica afloat. Bost. 1874. 16......... 35: 263 gles of a soldier. Bost. 1874. 16~ 35: 232 PALACE and cottage; or, young BOAT club, The; or, the bunkers of America in France and SwitzerRippleton. Bost. 1867. 160...... 35: 233 land. A story of travel and adBRAKE up; or, the young peacemak- venture. Bost. 1870. 160......... 35: 264 ers. Bost. 1875. 16................. 35: 234 PLANE and plank; or, the mishaps of BRAVE old salt; or, life on the quarter- a mechanic. Bost. 1872. 16~..... 35: 265 deck. A story of the great rebel- Poor and proud; or, the fortunes of lion. Best. 1874. 16...............35: 235 Katie Redburn. A story for young BREAKING away; or, the fortunes of folks. Bost. 1875. 16~............. 36: 266 a student. Bost. 1874. 16~........ 35: 236 PROUD and lazy: a story for little CARELESS Kate. Boest. n. d. 18... 35: 237 folks Bost 1867. 18.......... 35: 267 COMING wave, The; or, the hidden RED cross, The; or, young America treasure of High Rock. Bost. 1875. in England 18and Wales. Bost. 160 36:.............238...... 1875. 160.35: 268 16~........................~..................35: 238a h e r........... RICH and humble; or, the mission of CRINGLE and cross-tree; or, the sea Bertha Grant. Bost. 1875. 160.. 35: 269 swashes of a sailor. Bost. 1875. ROBINSON Crusoe, Jr. Bost. n. d. 180. 35: 270 160........................................... 35: 239 SAILOR The SAILOR boy, The; or, Jack Somers in CROSS and crescent; or, young Amer- the navy. Bost. 1870. 160.. 35: 271 ica in Turkey and Greece. A story SEA and shore; or, the tramps of a of travel and adventure. Bost. traveler. Bost. 1872. 160......... 35: 272 1874. 16~................................. 35: 240 SEEK and find; or, the adventures of 1874. 160.36: 240 SEEK and find; or, the adventures of DESK and debit; or, the catastrophes a smart boy. Best. 1873. 16~... 35: 273 of a clerk. Bost. 1875. 160......35: 241 SHAMROCK and thistle; or, young DIKES and ditches; or young Amer- America in Ireland and Scotland. icain Holland and Belgium. Bost. Bost. 1870. 16....................... 35: 274 1875. 160................................. 35: 242 SOLDIER boy, The; or, Tom Somers DOLLY and I. Bost. 1872. 180......35: 243 in the Army. Boest. 1873. 160... 35: 275 DORCAS club; or, our girls afloat. STARRY flag, The; or, the young fishBost. 1875. 160........................ 35: 244 erman of Cape Ann. Boest. 1868. DOWN the Rhine; or, young Amer- 16........................................... 35: 276 ica in Germany. Best. 1875. 16~. 35: 245 SUNNY shores; or, young America DOWN the river; or Buck Bradfordin Italy and Austria. Bost. 1875. and his tyrants. ]Bost. 1875. 16~. 35: 246 16~0..................................... 35: 277 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ADAMS. 4 ADVENTTRES. Adams, William T., (continued.) — AdelaCathcart. G. MACDONALD. 3v 38: 2151.3 SWITCH Off; or, the war of the stu- The same.............................. 38: 2154 dents. Boest. 1873. 160............. 35: 278 Adelaide Lindsay. A. MARSH........ 38: 2590 THROUGH by daylight; or, the young Adele. J. KAVANAGH.................... 38: 660 engineer of the Lake Shore Rail- The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v.......... 38: 661-3 road. Bost. 1875. 160~............. 35: 279 Adeler, Max (pseud). See Clark, C. TRY again; or, the trials and tri- H............................................. umphs of Harry West. Bost. Adeline Mowbray. Mrs. A. OPIE. 1875. 16~.................... 35: 280 In Works................................ 38: 3901 UP the Baltic; or young America in Adelmar, the templar. Abbe H. * * Norway, Sweden, and Denmark. *............................................ 37: 3725 Bost. 1873. 160........................ 35: 281 Adine and the seal. E. HAMERTON. VINE and olive; or, young America In Mirror of truth.................. 37: 3900 in Spain and Portugal. Bost. Admiral's daughter, The. A. MARSH 38: 2591 1876. 160~.......................... 35: 282 Adopted child. C. BURDETT........... 35: 3359. WATCH and wait; or, the young fugi- Adopted child. Miss G. E. JEWStives. A story for young people. BURY..................................... 38: 367 Bost. 1871. 16~........................ 35: 283 B'ost.Y 18.e orld6,. The. Bos 2 35: 283 Adopted heir. J. PARDOE.......... 38: 4145'WAY of the world, The. Best. 1872. 120.......................................... 35: 284 Adopted son. (W.) W. COLLINS. In WoRK and win; or, Noddy Newman'"Queen's revenge."..................... 35: 4581 on a cruise. Bost. 1874. 160...... 35: 285 Adrian. G. P. R. JAMES............... 38: 160 YACHT club, The; or, the young Adrift in Dixie; or, a Yankee among boat-builders. Bost. 1874. 16~... 35: 286 the rebels. H. L. ESTABROOKS..... 37: 3031 YANKEE middy, The; or, the adven- Adrift on the sea. E. M. NORRIS...... 38: 3663 tures of a naval officer. Bost. T1873. 160.aval.ff35: 28ost- 7 Adrift with a vengeance. K. CORNWALLjS................................... 35: 4867 YOUNG lieutenant, The; or, the ad- s 3 ventures of an army officcr. Bost. Adventures in the land of the Behe1874. 160 35: 288 moth. J. VERNE....................... 39: 3681 YOUNG voyagers, The. Bost. n. d. Adventures in the northwest terri180.......................................... 35: 289 tory. In T. f. B. v. 9, 10............ 40: 1697 MSE3 ES. Adventures in Texas. K. POSTEL. Note. —For the shelf numbers of the follow- In T. f. B. y. 5, 6..................... 40: 1695 ing stories, see the alphabetical arrange.Adventures of an aide-de-camp. J. Army and navy stories. GRANT................................... 37: 3299 i. Soldier boy. 4. Yankee middy. Adventures of an attorney in search 2. Sailor boy. 5. Fighting Joe. of practice................................ 39: 2191 3. Young lieutenant. 6 Brave old salt. Boat Club Series. Adventures of a brownie. D. M. 1. Boat club. 4. Little by little. CRAIK....................................... 35: 4905 2. All absard. 6. Try again. Adventures ofCaleb Williams. W. 3. Now or never. 6. Poor and proud. GODWIN.37: 3096 Lake shore series. 1. Through by daylight. 4. Switch-off. The same. 2 v. in 1..................... 37: 3097 2. Lightning expre~ss. 5. Brake up. Adventures of Captain Blake, The. Riv e r dale story books. W.H. MAXWELL...................... 38: 2740 1. Little merchant. I 4. Proud and lazy. The same.................................... 38: 2741 2. Young voyagers. 5. Ca-eless Kate. Adventures of Captain Farrago. H. 3. Dolly and I. 6. Robinson Crusoe, jr. Advenr s 35: 2507 H. BRACKENRIDGE..................... 35: 2507 Sailor boy series. 1. Sailor boy. | 2. Yankee middy. Adventures of Captain Grant. J. 3. Brave old salt. ~~3. Brave old salt. CGRANT...................................... 87: 3316 Soldier. boy erier boy. Adventures of Captain O'Sullivan. 1. Soldierboy. n 2. Young lieutenant. 3. Fightmg Joe. W. H. MAXWELL....................... 38: 2742 Starry flag series. Adventures of a day, The. In W. S. 1. Starry flag. 4. Seek and find. C L v 10 34: 4180 2. Freaks of fortune. 5. Make or break. 3. Breaking away. 6. Down the river. The same................................... 15: 4920 Upward and onward series. Adventures of Dr. Brady. W. H. 1. Field and forest. 4. Cringle and cross-tree. RUSSELL................................ 39: 763 2. Plane and plank. 5. Bivouac and battle. Adventures of Harry Franc. C. 3. Desk and debit. 6. Sea and shore. Adventures arry anco. C. Woodville stories. F. BRIGGS........................~........ 35: 2814 1. Rich and humble. 4I. Work and win. Adventures of Harry Richmond. 2. In sch )ol and out. I. Hope and have. G. MEREDITH. 3v......................... 38: 2901-3 3. Watch and wait. A 6.H aste and waste. Adventures of Johnny Ironsides. J. 1 Little bobtail. 3. Moneymaker. GIRARDIN........................... 37: 3046 2. Yacht club. 4. Coming wave. Adventures of Major O'Regan. H. 5. Dorcas club. H. BRACKENRIDGE..................... 35: 2507 1Yo.g America abroad..rst series. Adventures of a marquis. A. (D.) 1. Outward bound J 3. Red cross. 2. Shamrock and this- 4. Dikes and ditches. DUMAS................................ 37: 961 tie. 5. Palace and cottage. Adventures of Mr. Ledbury. A. 6. Down t e Rhine. SMITH....................................... 39: 1808 Young America abroad. Sesond series. Yo. Up the Batic. 4. Sond ny ser hores. Adventures of Mr. Verdant Green. 2. Northern lqnds. 5. Vine and olive. E. BRADLEY.............................. 35: 2600 3. Cross and crescent. 6. Isles of the sea. The same...................................... 35: 2601 Addison, Joseph. (1672-1719). Adventures of Peregrine Pickle. T. SIR Roger de Coverley. In Trav. SMOLLETT. In Works................ 39: 1970 Lib. Fict. v. 2.......................... 40: 1692 The same. Illustrated................... 39: 1971 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ADVENTURES. 5 AIMARD. Adventures of Philip. W. M. Agnes Hilton. M. I. HOFFMAN........ 37: 4505 THACKERAY........................... 39: 2904 Agnes Hopetoun's schools and holiThe same..................................... 39: 2905 days. M. (O. W.) OLIPHANT....... 38: 3833 The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 2906 Agnes Lee. In N. and T. v. 5....... 40: 1645 Adventures of Rob Roy, The. J. Agnes of Sorrento. H. (E.) B. STOWE. 39: 2320 GRANT...................................... 37: 3300 Agnes Sorel. G. P. R. JAMES......... 38: 162 Adventures of Robin Day. R. M. Agnes Wentworth. S. H. PALFREY. BIRD......................................... 35: 2116 (E. Foxton)........................ 38: 4100 Adventures of a young naturalist. Agnew, E. C. L. BIART................................... 35: 2085 GERALDINE: a tale of conscience. Advocate's wedding-day. C. CROWE. By E. C. A. N. Y. 1873. 120... 35: 330 In L. C. v. 8........................... 40: 1618 Agrippina: the great empress. S. AEnone. A tale of slave-life in Rome. DE VERE................................. 37: 390 L. KIP. [anon.]...................... 38: 1038 Aguilar, Grace. (1816-1847.)./3sopus. DAYS of Bruce. N. Y. 1868. 2 v. AEsor's fables. With upwards of one 120........................................... 35: 340-41 hundred and fifty emblematical de- HOME influence: a tale for mothers vices. Lond. 1821. 320............ *33: 466 and daughters. N.Y. 1873. 120~. 35: 342 The same. With life of the author. The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. N. Y. 1869. 160...................... 33: 466a sq. 160....................................... 35: 343 The same. A new version, chiefly HOME scenes and heart studies. N. from original sources, by Rev. Y. 1874. 12~........................... 35: 344 Thomas James. N. Y. n. d. 160. 33: 466b MOTHER'S recompense, The. Sequel The same. Tr. by S. CROXALL. to Home influence. N. Y. 1868. Edinb. n. d. 160........................ 33: 467 12~........................................... 35: 346 Afloat and ashore. J. F. COOPER...... 35: 4720 The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1 The sam e............................. 6....................................... 35: 4721 sq.1 0................: 347 Afloat in the forest. M. REID......... 39: 230 VALE of cedars, The; or, the martyr. African crusoes. Mrs. R. LEE.......... 38: 1441 N. Y. 1868. 120....................... 35: 348 After the ball. Mrs. A. OPIE. In WOMAN'S friendship. N. Y. 1867. W orks...................................... 38: 3903 120..................,....................... 35: 349 After Baxtow's death. M. FARROW... 37:2010-12 Ahsahgunushk Numamahtahseng; After dark. (W.) W. COLLINS......... 35: 4540 or, the reed-shaken-by-the-wind, After life. Sequel to Home life. E. H. W. HERBERT. In Chevaliers M. SEWELL.......................... 39: 1570 of France.................................. 37: 4352 After a shadow, and other stories. T. ABide, Hamilton. 8. ARTHUR................................. 35: 765 CARR of Carrlyon. A novel. Leip. Contents: —After a shadow. In the way of 1862. 2 v. in 1. sq 160.............. 35: 359 temptation. Andy Lovell. A'mystery ex- IN that state of life. Leip. 18t. plained. What can I do? On guard. A sq.16035: 361 visit with the doctor. Hadn't time forsq........................................ 35: 361 trouble. A good name. Little Lizzie. MARSTONS, The. A novel. Leip. Alice and the pigeon. Dressed for a 1868. 2 v. in I. sq 160............... 35: 362 party. Coffee vs. brandy. Amy's question. An angel in disguise. Which was most MR. and Mrs. Faulconbridge. Bost. the lady. Other people's eyes. [1875.] 80.............................. 35: 363 After the storm. T.S. ARTHUR........35: 766 MORALS and mysteries.................... 35: 364 After years. W. J. BRADLEY........... 35: 2630 NINE days wonder, A. Bost. 1875. Against the stream. Mrs. E. R. 808~............................................. 35: 367 CHARLES...........................|... 35: 4066 PENRUDDOCKE. Bost. 1875. 8~..... 35: 365 Against wind and tide. H. PARR. RITA: an autobiography. Leip. 1859. (Iolm e Lee.)................3............ 38: 4191 sq 160...................................... 35: 366 Against the world. J. R. HADER- Aiken, John, (1747-1822) and Mrs MANN.......... t............................37: 3821 Anna Letitia (Aikin) Barbauld. MANN.....D............... EVENINGS at home; or, the juvenile Agatha Beaufort. Srame as Family budget opened. Edinb. n. d. 160~. 35: 380 pride..~......_....,._.........40: 2159 Aileen Ferrers. A novel. S. MORAgatha's husband. D. M. CRAIK.. 35: 4906 L3 3 LE Y.......................................... 38: 3150 The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 35: 4907 A y More: a tale of the times. Aged rabbi, The. B.'S. INGEMANN. Father BAPTIST........................... 35: 1551 In Danes sketched by themselves Aimard, Gustave. (b. 1818.) v. 3.................................... 40: 1532 BORDER rifles, The. (Les rddeurs des Agent of Broome warren, The. Lond. frontires.) Phil. n.d. 80......... 35: 387 1871. 3v. sm80.........~.... 40: 2003-5 FREEBOOTERS, The. (Les francs tiAgincourt. G. P. R. JAMES............ 38: 161 reurs.) Phil. n.d. 8~.............. 35: 388 Agnes. A Franconia story. J. AB- GOLD seekers, The. (La fievre d'or.?) BOTT................3............. 35: 21 Phil. n. d. 80...................... 35: 389 Agnes. A novel. M. (0. W.) OLI- INDIAN chief, The. (Valelttin GuilPHANT................................. 38: 3831 los.) Phil n d. 80............... 35: 390 The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 38: 3832 INDIAN scout, The; or, life on the Agnes. M. H. (G.) PIKE................ 38: 4512 Phil. n. Agnes and her neighbors. -F. L. PRATT.38 her Deiglbors. L 38. 468 PIRATES of the prairies, The. (Les PRATT................................... 38: 4681 pirates desprairies.) Phil. n. d. 80 35: 394 Agnes and Katie in service. Lond. PRAIRIE flower, The. (Bale-franche.?) n. d. 18~.................................40: 2006 il n. d 8 3: 395 Agnes Grey. Wi^h Wuthering heights. REBEL chief, The: a tale of guerilla A. BRONT........................... 35: 2886 life. Phil. n.d. 8~.................. 35: 402 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. AIMARiD. ALDRComL Aimard, (continued.)- Ainsworth, (continued.) RED track, The. (Crumilla.) Phil. OVINGDEAN Grange. Leip. 1860. n. d. 8.................................... 35: 397 sq. 160........................3.............. 35: 431 TIGER slayer, The: a tale of the In- SAINT James's; or, the court of dian desert. (Le lion du desert, Queen.Anne. Leip. 1844. sq. scines de la vie indienne dans les 16........................................... 35: 433 prairies.) Phil. n.d. 8~......3.... 35: 403 SOUTH sea bubble, The. Leip. 1868. TRAIL hunter, The: a tale of the far 2 v. in 1. sq. 160....................... 35: 434 west. (Le chercheur de pistes.) SPANISH match, The. Leip. 1865. Phil. n. d. 8o 35: 401 2 1. sq 16".35: 435 Phil. n. d. 80.......................... 35: 401 2 v. in 1. sq. 16~...................... 35: 435 TRAPPER'S daughter, The. Phil. n. SPENDTHRIFT, The. A tale. Leip. d. 8~....................................... 35: 404 1856. sq. 16~............................. 35: 436 WHITE scalper, The: a story of the STAR chamber, The. Leip. 1854. Texan war. (Le scalpeur blanc.) 2 v. in 1. sq. 16~....................... 35: 437 Phil. n.d. 80........................ 35: 405 TALBOT Harland. Leip. 1870. sq. SE zIE S. 16~.......................................... 35: 438,.,m. TOWER hill. Leip. 1871. sq. 16~.. 35: 439 1. Trail hunter. 1. Border rifles. TOWER of London. An historical 2. Pirates ot the prairies. 2. Freebooters. 3. Trapper's daughter. 3. White scalper. romance. Lond. n.d. 16~......... 35: 440 il. iv. The same. Pictorial, with index. 1. Tiger slayer. 1. Prairie flower. Phil. n. d. 80........................ 35: 441 2. Gold seekers. 2. Indian scout. 3. Indian chief. WINDSOR castle. A romance. Leip. 4. Red track. 1844. sq. 160............................... 35: 442 Aimbe. A tale of the days of James Alamance. C. H. WILEY............ 40: 495 II. A. GIBERNE........................ 37: 2962 Alban: the history of a young puritan. J. V. HUNTINGTON.......... 37:4860-61 Aims and obstacles.. P.. JMES.38: 163 Albatross, The. W. H. G. KINGAimwell stories. W. SIMONDS. 7 V. 39:1704-10 STON........................... 38: 985 Contents: Albert Hastings. A novel. M. S. 1. Oscar. [39:1709.] 4. Whistler. [39:17t0.] WHITAKERR...... 40: 363 2. Clinton. [39:170. 5. Marcus. [39:1708.] S. Ella. L39:1705.J 6. Jessie. [39:1707.] Albert Limbach; or, a martyr to the 7. Jerry. [39:1706.] fair. A. F. LANGBEIN. R. G. N. Aimwell, W alter (pseud.) See v. 4.......................................... 40: 1563 SIMONDS, W. Albert Lunel. H. BROUGHAM......... 35: 2956 Ainslee stories. H. C. WErEKS......... 40: 291 Alchemist, The- H. de BALZAC...... 35: 1510 Ainslie, Herbert (pseud.) See MAIT- Alcott, Louisa May. TLAND,. AUNT Jo's scraphbag. Bost. 1872.'i - ^-2 v. 16~...................................... 35: 455-6 Ainsworth, William Harrisonv. 160.35: 455-6 Ainsworth,.-0filliam, Harrison. (b-. HOSPITAL sketches. Bost. 1869. 1805.) *[%o............................. 3.: 45. 1805.) 35: 457 CARDINAL Pole; or, the days of PCRDINAL Polea or, the days of LITTLE men: life at Plumfield with Philip a1nd Mary. A romance. Jo's boys. Bost. 1871. 16...... 35: 458 Leip. 1863. 2 v in 1. sq 16~0.....35: 411 LITTLE women: or, May, Jo, Beth, CONSTABLE de Bourbon. Leip. 1866. and Amy. Bost. 1875. 2 v 2 v. in 1. sq. 160........................ 35: 412 160 35: 459-60 CONSTABLE of the tower. Leip.MOODS. Bost. 1865. 160 35: 461 1861. sq. 16..o......................... 35: 413 MORNING glories; and other stories. CRICHTON. A historical romance N.Y. 1871. 160.t35: 462 N. Y. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 120. 35: 414 OLD fashioned girl, An. Bost. 1870. The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 10 34: 4180 160 35: 463 The same.................................. 16: 4920 THREE proverb stories. Bost. 1871. ZFLITCH of bacon; or, the custom of: 464 Dunmow. Leip. 1854. sq. 16" 35: 415 WORK: a story of experience. Bost. HLARY St. Ives. Leip. 1869. 2 v. 1873. 16".5: 465 RILARY St. Ives. Leip. 1869. 2 v. 1873. 16~................................. 35: 466 in 1. sq. 160...................... 35: 417 Alcove, The. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. JACK Sheppard. A romance. Leip.v 8 43 JACK Sheppard. A romance. Leip. B. v. 8.................................... 35: 43 1846. sq. 160........................ 35: 418 Alden, Mrs.IsabellaM. (Pansy). JOHN- Law, the projector. Leip.BAlden, Mrs. Isabella M. (Pansy). JOHN1864. 2 v. in 1rojecto.. sq 160. 356: 419 HESTER Ried; or, asleep and awake. 1864. 2 v. in 1. sq 160............... 35: 419 1 LANCASHIRE witches, The; a ro- Gin. 1870. 120..................35: 480 mance of Pendle forest. Leip. JULIA Ried. Gin. 1872. 120...... 35: 481 1849. 2 v. in 1. sq. 160...........35: 420 Alden of Aldenholme. A novel. G. LORD mayor of London, The; or, SMITH. Lond. 1873. 3v. sm. cit y li fe i n t he last century. 8~............................................ 39:1831-3 city life in the last century. 8039: 1831.3 Lond. n. d. sm. 80................. 35: 421 Aldersleigh. A tale. C. J. RIETHThe same. Leip. 1862. 2 v. in 1. MULLER. Lond. 1868. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16........................................ 35: 422 sm. 80....................................... 39: 416 MERRY England; or, nobles and Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. (b. 1836)... serfs. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 80 35: 423-5 MARJORIE Daw, and other people. MERVYN Clitheroe. Leip. 1858. Bost. 1873. 16"...........O............ 35: 492 2 v. in 1. sq. 160....................... 35: 426 The same. [In Prench]. In Rev. MYDDLETON Pomfret. A novel. Leip. d. d. Mondes. t. 105.................... *11: 1868. 2 v. in 1. sq. 160........... 35: 428 OUT of his head. A romance. N. OLD court. A novel. Leip 67.Y.7 Y. 1862. 120........................... 35: 493 2 v. in 1. sq. 16.......................35: 429 PRUDENCE Palfrey. A novel. Bost. OLD Saint Paul's. Lond. n.d. 8~ 35; 430 1874. 12~................................ 35: 494 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ALDIoH. 7 ALL. Aldrich, (continued.)- Alger, (continued.)The same. [In French]. In Rev. YOUNG outlaw, The; or, adrift in d. d. Mondes. t. 111,112............... *11: the streets. Bost. 1875. 160..... 35: 552 STORY of a bad boy, The. Bost. 1873.. SmERIE.s. 16...........................................35: 495 Note-For the shelf numbers of the followAlec Forbes of Howglen. G. MA.- ing stories see the alphabetical arrangeAlec Forbes of Howglen. G. MAO-ment above. DONALD...............................3.... 8: 2155 Campaign Series. Alexander, Mrs. 1. Frank's campaign. I 2. Paul Prescott's charge. HER dearest foe. N. Y. 1876.. 160 35: 512 Charlie odman's cruise Luck andpluck series. RALPH Wilton's weird. A novel. FIAST. SECOND. N. Y. 1875. 16...................... 35: 515 1. Luck and pluck. 1. Try and trust. mWTTHICH cshall it fbet? A novel. N. 2. Sink or swim. 2. Bound to rise. Y. 1874. 1b...........................o 016 4. Strive and succeed. 4. Herbert Carter's legacy. 5WOOING O't, The. A novel. N. Y. Ragged Dick series. R1873 517 1 agged Dick. 4. Rough and ready. 1873. 160................................. 3 5 2 Fame and fortune. 6. Ben, the luggage-boy. 2. Fame and fortune. 5. Ben, the luggage-boy. Alexis the runaway. R. Y. A. PAR- 3. Mark,the match boy. 6. Rufus and Rose. KER......................................... 38: 4171 Tattered Tom series. FiRST. sECOND. Alfred Hagart's household. A. SMITH. 1. Tattered Tom. 1. Julius, the street-boy. Lend. 1866. 2 V. 80............... 39:1816-17 2. Paul, the peddler. 2. Young outlaw. 3. Phil, the fiddler. 3. Sam's chance. Alfred, King, the great. In Tales of 4. Slow and sure. Heroes..................................... 40: 2670 Algeria, tales of. A. (D.) DUMAS..... 21: 948 Alger, Horatio, Jr. (b. 1836). Alic's bride. Miss E. JOLLY............ 38: 465 BEN, the luggage boy; or, among Alice; or, the mysteries. E. G. E. L. the wharves. Bost. 1870. 160... 35: 530 BULWER-LYTTON....................... 35: 3090 BOUND to rise; or, Harry Walton's The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 35: 3091 motto. Boest. 1873. 160............ 35: 531 Alice Arran. Sequel to Prince BRAVE and bold; or, the fortunes of Charles. J. F. SMITH............... 39: 1886 a factory boy. Boest. 1874. 16.. 35: 532 Alice Brand. A romance of the capCHARLIE Codman's cruise. Bost. ital. A. G. RIDDLE.................... 39: 400 1867. 120................................ 35: 533 Alice Benden; or, the bowed shilling, FAME and fortune; or, the progress and other tales. C. E. TONNA...... 39: 3060 of Richard Hunter. Bost. 1868. Alice Dale's offers. F. W. ROBINSON. 160~........................................... 35: 534 In Girl's Romance.................... 39: 485 FRANK'S Campaign. The farm and Alice Franklin. M. HOWITT............ 37: 4745 camp. Boest. n. d. 160.............. 35: 535 Alice Learmont. D. M. CRAIK. With HERBERT Carter's legacy; or, the in- A hero...................................... 35: 4921 ventor's son. Bost. 1875. 160... 35: 553 Alice Lorraine. A tale of the south JULIUS; or, the street boy out west. downs. R. D. BLACKMORE.......... 35: 2200 Bost. 1874. 16.................... 35: 536 Alice Melleville. T. S. ARTHUR. With LUCK and pluck; or, John Oakley's Mary Ellis................................. 35: 788 inheritance. Bost. 1871. 16~.... 35: 537 The same. In Tales from real life..... 35: 804 MARK, the match boy; or, Richard Alice Murray. M. I. HOFFMAN........ 37: 4506 Hunter's ward. Boest. n. d. 160.. 35: 538 Alice Neville and Riversdale. C. E. PAUL, the peddler; or, the adventures BOWEN................................... 35: 2410 of a young street merchant. Boest. Alice Riordan. M. A. M. SADLIER... 39: 1009 n. d. 16~................................. 35: 539 Alice Seymour. Mrs. E. C. GREY..... 37: 3491 PAUL Prescott's charge. Bost. n. Alice Sherwin. A tale of the days of d. 16...................................... 35: 540 Sir Thomas More. C. J. M.......... 38: 2101 PHIL, the fiddler; or, the story of a Alice's adventures in wonderland. C. young street musician. Bost. 1872. L. DODGSON........................... 37: 738 160........................................... 35: 541 Alicia Warlock: a mystery, and other RAGGED Dick; or, street life in New stories. (W.) W. COLLINS.......... 35: 4539 York with the boot blacks. Bost. Alide: an episode of Goethe's life. E. 1868.'16................................. 35: 542 LAZARUS................................... 38: 1385 RISEN from the ranks; or, Harry All aboard; or, life on the lake. Sequel Walton's success. Bost. n. d. 160. 35: 543 to the Boat club. W. T. ADAMS... 35: 230 ROUGH and ready; or, life among the All for the best. D. M. CRAIK. In New York news-boys. Bost. 1869. Domestic stories.......................... 35: 4914 16~........................................... 35: 544 All for greed. A. A. A. Leip.' 1868RUFUS and Rose; or, the fortunes of sq 160....................................... 40: 2016 Rough and ready. Bost. 1870. 160~. 35: 545 All for love; or, the outlaw's bride. SAM'S chance; and how he improved E.A. DUPUY............................ 37: 1060 it. Bost. 1876. 160................. 35: 554 All-hallow eve; or, the test of futurSINK or swim; or Harry Raymond's ity, and other stories. N. Y. n. d. resolve. Bost. 1870. 160......... 35: 546 8~............................................. 40: 2017 SLOW and sure; or, from the street to Contents: —All-hallow eve. Unconverted. the shop. Boest. n. d. 160......... 35: 547 Jenefer's prayer. STRIVE and succeed; or, the progress All in the dark. J. S. LE FANU........ 38: 1451 of Walter Conrad. Bost. n.d. 16~. 35: 548 All in the wrong. T. (YE.) HOOK....... 37: 4634 STRONG and steady; or, paddle your All's for the best. T.S. ARTHUR....... 35: 768 own canoe. Bost. n. d. 16~...... 35: 549 All's not gold that glitters. A. B. TATTERED Tom; or, the story of a HAVEN..................................... 37: 4132 street Arab. Best. 1871. 16~....35: 550 All saints' eve: a story of circumstanTRY and trust; or, the story of a tial evidence. A. B. EDWARDS. bound boy. Bost. n.d. 160......35: 551 In Monsieur Maurice. v. 3.......... 37: 1529 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH, ALL. 8 ANDbERSEN. All sorts of pop-guns. F. BARROW..... 35: 1658 Ames, Eleanor (Eleanor Kirk). All soul's day. B. S. INGEMANN. In UP Broadway, and its sequel. A life Danes sketched by themselves. story. IN.Y. 1870. 12~............... 35: 620 v. 3.......................................... 40: 1532 Ames, Mary Clemmer. See CLEMAllan Hayward. With Drayton Hall. 40: 2131 MER, M. Allen house, The. T. S. ARTHUR...... 35: 767 Among the brigands. J. DE MILLE. 37: 266 Allerton homes. A story for boys. Among the guerillas. J. R. GILMORE. Mrs. H. LATHROP....................... 38: 1346 (Edmund Kirke).......................... 37: 3032 Allston, Washington. (1779-1843.) Among the pines; or, the south in MONALDI; atale. Bost. 1856. 120 35: 610 secession time. J. R. GILMORE. Allworth abbey. E. D. E. N. (Edmund Kirke).......................... 37: 3033 SOUTHWORTH.............................39: 2001 Among the squirrels. Mrs. DENISON. 37: 330 Ally Transome. H. SMITH............... 39: 1840 Among strangers. An autobiography. Almira. M. EDGEWORTH. In her N. Ed. by E. S. MAINE.................... 38: 2392 and T. v. 4.................. 37: 1499 Amphlett love-match. (W.) W. Aloranand Hame. J. HAWKES- COLLINS. In N. and T. v.5...... 40: 1645 WORTH..................................... 37: 4160 The same. Dead secret.............. 35: 4552 The same...................................... 38: 441 Amulet, The. H. CONSCIENCE........ 35: 4664 Almost faultless. A story of the Amusements of a man of fashion, resent day. By the author of AAmusements of a man of fashion, book for governesses. N.Y. 1871 The. N. NUGENT. 3 v.......... 38: 3701-3 4ook:or governesses.2 0 N.Y18.Amy Carr. C. CHESEBRO............... 35: 4190 80.......................................... 40: A m y Carr Almost a heroine. E. S. SHEPPARD 39: 1616 Amy Herbert. E. M. SEWELL........ 39: 1571 Almost a nun. J. McN. WRIGHT... 40: 884 The same. Tauchtzed.2v. in 39: 572 Almost a priest. J. McN. WRIGHT.. 40: 885 Amy Lawrence. J. F. SMITH........... 39: 1887 A. L. 0. E. (pseud). See TUCKER,. Amyas Leigh. C. KINGSLEY. 3 v... 38: 937-9 Alone. M.. V.(H.) TERHUNE........... 39:. 2831 The same. 2 v............................ 38: 940-41 Alone in London. H. SMITH........... 39: 1841 The same. Tauchnitz ed38: 942 Alroy; a novel. B. DISRAELI......... 37: 657 Anastasius. T.HOPE..7: 4673 The same....................... 37: 658 Ancestress, The; or, family pride. The same. Tauchnitz ed.............. 37: 659 Baroness KNORRING. In Danes The same. With Sybil..................37: 674 sketched by themselves. v. 1...... 40: 1530 Alsatian schoolmaster, The. Erck- Ancient regime, The: a tale. G. P. man (E.)-Chatrian (A.)............. 37: 1730 R. JAMES................................ 38: 164 Altamont. C. E. S. NORTON........... 38: 3668 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 16... 34: 4186 Altanesi, Gianfrancesco. The same...................................... "15: 4926 PLEASURES of friendships, The. In Anderdon, Rev. W. H. R. I. N. v. 4............................. 40: 1588 CATHOLIC Crusoe, The: adventures TRUE friend, The. In R. I. N. v. 4 40: 1583 of Owen Evans, navy surgeon's Alton Locke, tailor and poet. C. mate, set ashore on a desolate isKINGSLEY............................... 38: 924 land in the Caribbean seas, A. D. The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 38: 925 1739. Given from the original Alune. M.M. SHERWOOD. In tWorks, manuscript. Lond. n. d. 160... 35: 630 v. 7....................................... 39: 1642 Andersen, Hans Christian (1805v. 7.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 39: 1642 Andersen, Hans Christian (1805Alwyn's first wife. D. M. CRAIK. 1875). With Lord Erlistoun................. 35: 4928 DANISH fairy legends and tales. Amateur Casual. (pseud.) See Green- Lond. 1861. sm. 8.................. 3: 640 wood, J.................................... DANISH story book, The. N.Y. 1869. Amateur lawyers, The. A. LEIGH- 160......................... 35: 641 TON. In W. T. B. v. 4............... 40: 1714 FAIRY tales. N.. 1869. 160...... 35: 643 Amaury. A. (D.) DUMAS.............. 37: 962 GERMAN popular tales. 2nd. series. Amazon, The. F. DINGELSTEDT. Bost. n. d. 160........................ 35: 645 Tr. by J. M. Hart....................... 37: 636 IMPROVISATORE, The; or, life in The same.3....;......_....................37: 637 Italy. Tr. by M. Howitt. N. Y. Ambassador's wife, The. Mrs. C. 1867. 80........................... 35: 647 G. F. Gore............................. 37: 3189 MAN from paradise, The. In Dane's Amber Gods, and other stories. H. sketched by themselves, v. I......... 40: 1530 E. P. SPOFFORD.......................... 39: 2126 MORTEN Lange. In Danes sketched Ambos, Mile. Bety. Mrs. A. Jame- by themselves, v. I..................... 40: 1530 son. In T. F.H. v. 2...............40: 2658 ONLY a fiddler. N. Y. 1862. 80.. 35: 648 Amelia. H. FIELDING.............. 37: 2136 0. T.' A spanish romance. With The same. In Works...................37: 2146-7 Only a fiddler.......................... 36: 648 Amelia (pseud.) See WELBY, A. B SAND-hills of Jutland. Bost. 1865. American, An (pseud.) 160....................................... 650 AT anchor; a story of our civil war. STORIES and tales. N. Y. 1871. 120 36: 652 N. Y. 1865. 12....36...T.......D. 35: 617 STORY book, The. With a memoir, American baron, The. J. D MILLE. 37: 265 by Mary HOWITT. N. Y. 1869. American cardinal, The; a novel. 16............................ 35: 654 J. M. LEAVITT.......................... 38: 1390 Contents: American gun-club, The.'J. VERNE. Fir-tree, The. Picture-book without picTr. by L. Mercies and E. E. King. 39: 3682 Leap-frog, The. tures. American home series. 1. Young Memoir of Hans Chris- Real princess, The. American home series. 1. Young tisn Andersen, Shoes of fortune. Moose hunters. C..A. STEPHENS... 39: 2257 Miscellaneous stories. Snow Queen, The. American nights. T. GREENE......... 37: 3430 My boots. Swineherd, The. American spy. J.R. SIMMS............39: 1670 Two baronesses, The. N.. 1869. American wonderland. R. M. BACHE. 35: 1320 12~.......................................... 35: 658 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ANDERSEN.9 ARCHIBALB. Andersen, (continued.)- Antiquary, (continued.)WONDER stories, told for children. The same. Abbotsford ed............... 39: 1360 N. Y. 1870. 12......................... 35: 660 The same..................................... 39: 1373'WONDERFUL tales from Denmark. The same. Household ed. 2 v.......39:1399-1400 N. Y. 1869. 160........................35: 661 The same. Pocket ed....................' 39: 1447 Andreas Hofer. Mrs. C. (M.) MUNDT. The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 39: 1472 (L. Miihlbach). Tr. by F. Jordan... 38: 3235 Anti-speculator. M.E. Engel. R.G. Andree deTaverney. A. (D.) Dumas 37: 963 N. v. 4......................... 40: 1563 Note.-This is a translation of part of La Anton, the fisherman. F.. IHOFFcom;tesue de Char; na~mely,%from v. 4, MAN. Tr. bv M. A. Manderson.... 37: 4485 ch. 23, to the end of v. 6, ed. LUvy Antonia. Mi. A. L. A. D. DUDEin 6 v.Antonia. Mme. A. L. A.D. DDAner's return. Rev. A. S. HOERMANN. 37: 4454 VANT. (George Sand)................ 37: 900 Angel and the demon, The. T. S. Antonina; or, the fall of Rome. (W.) ARTHUR................................. 35: 769 W. COLLINS.............................. 35: 4541 Angel of the household, The. T. s. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 35: 4542 ARTHUR..........................35: 770 Antonio di Carara. T. fr. B. v. 5. 40: 1695 Angela. C.. VYN BOLANDEN. Antonio, the student of Padua. In the Progessionists........................35: 2321 W.S. C.L. v. 5........................ 34: 4175 Angela. A. MARSH-CALDWELL....... 38: 2592 The same.......................... 15: 4915 Angelina; or, l'amie inconnue. M. Antonio Melidori. D. M. CRAIK. In EDGEWORTH. In M.T. v. 2....... 37: 1495 Romantic tales........................... 35: 4940 Thc same. In her N. and T. v. 2....37: 1497 Antony Brade. R. LOWELL............ 38: 1915 Angler's tale, The. 0. RICHARDSON. Antony Waymouth; or, the gentleI W. T. B. v. 8......;..................40: 1718 men adventurers. W. H. G. Anna Hammer. G. D.H. TEMME... 39: 2826 KNGSTON.............. 38: 986 Annals of an eventful life. Lond. Apostate, The. C. M. BRAME. In 1870. 3-v. sm 8~.................... 40:2019-21 Tales from the diary of a sister of Annals of the parish. J. GALT......... 37: 2775 mercy. 36: 2673 The same....... 37: 2776 Apparition of Monsieur Bodry. The. Annals of a quiet neighborhood. G. In N. and T. v. 8. 40: 1648 MAcDoNALD............................ 38: 2156 Apparitionist, The; a fragment. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in I... 38: 2157 F. v. SCHILLER. R. G. N. v. 3... 40: 1562 Annals of the twenty-ninth century; Apple cutting, The. A. GARY. In or, the antobiography of the tenth Pictures of country life................ 35: 3918 president of the world-republic. Arabella Stuart. G. P. R. JAMES.... 38: 165 3 v........................................... 40: 2022 Arabian days' entertainments. W. HAUFF................................... 37: 4125 Anne Bell; or, the faults. C. E. Ar i 37: 2 TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth) lit Arabian nights' entertainments...... 40: 2026 Tales and illustrations................ 39: 3070 The same. Illustrated. Tr. by E. Anne Furness. Mrs. T. A. TROLLOPE. 39: 3281 W. Lane. 3. v........................ 40: 2027-9 Anne Hereford. Mrs. E. P. WOOD:Arabian tales and anecdotes. E. W. [Mrs Henry Wood]. 2 v. in 1.....40: 676 LANE. 38: 1326 Anne of Geierstein. Sir W. SCOTT. Arblay, Frances Burney, Mme d' Parker ed. 2 v.......................... 39: 1343-4 (1752-1840). The same. Edinb. ed....................39: 1358 CAMILLA; or, a picture of youth. The same.' dAbbotsford ed............... 39: 1369 Lond. 1796. 5 v. 16~..............,. 35: 671-5 The same............................ 39: 1392 CECILIA; or, memoirs of an heiress. The same. Household ed. 2 v.......39:1439-40 Lond. 1820. 3 v. 180............... 365: 676-8 The same. Pocket ed.,,,~~,................39: 1467' EVELINA; or the history of a young The same. Tauohnitz ed.............. 39: 1471 lady's introduction to the world. Anne Severin. Mad. A. CRAVEN...... 35: 5008 Lond. 1820. 2 v. 180.............. 35: 680-1 Annette; or, the chronicles of Belle- The same. Leip. 1850. sq. 160...... 35: 682 vue. C. WALSINGHAM.........40: 86 The same. N. Y. n. d. 120.......... 36: 683 Annie Grey. E. D. E. N. SOUTH- Arbouville, Sophie de Bazancourt, ~WORTH. With Wife's victory...... 39: 2042 comtesse d'. Annie Jennings. L. GO-RE..V...... 37:3215-17 THREE tales: Christine van Amberg. Annie Mason; or, the temple of shells. Resignation. The village doctor. A. S. AiVTERILL;...........^..,.........~ 35: 950 Tr. by M. B. Field. N. Y. 1853. Annie's story...A novelette... By.. 3the912............................................... 35: 690 Annie's story. A novelette., By the author of Petite's romance. Lond. Arch rogue, The.. LOTHAR. (pseud.) 1873. 2 v. sm 8....................... 40: 2023 In R. G. N. v. 2........................ 40: 1561 Annis Warleigh's fortunes. H. PARR. Archer, E. M. (pseud.?) (IIolme Lee).......................... 38: 4192 CHRISTINA North. A novel. N. Y. Antar: a Bedoueen romance. Abu 1872. 8~0................................... 5; 696 Said Abd al Malik Ibn Kuraib al UNDER the Limes. Lond. 1874. Asmai. Tr. by T. Hamilton..3..,.-, 177.s 83: 697 35: 177 sm. 8....................................... 35: 697 Ante bellum; southern life as it was. Archer, George W. (Hesper Bendbow) M.:L. COOK. (M. Lenox)............. 35: 4696 MORE than she could bear: a story Anteros.- —..A novel. G. A. LAW- of the Gachupin war in Texas, RENCE...................................... 38 1360 1812-1813. Phil. 1872. 120...... 35: 706 Antidote to the miseries of human Archer, Thomas. life. H. CORP............................ 35: 4876 STRANGE work. A novel. Lond. Antiquary Sir W. SCOTT. Parker 1868 3 v. smin. 8~...................... 35:714-16 ed. 2 v................................... "39: 1305-6 Archibald Hamilton. E. W. BA[RNThe same. Edinb. ed................ 39: 1355 HIELM..................................... 35: 1310 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ARCHIE. 10 ARTHTU. Archie Fell. (pseud.) See Capron, Arthur, T. S., (continued.) M. J. AFTER the storm. Phil. 1868. 120. 35: 766 Archie Lovell. Mrs. A. EDWARDS... 37: 1540 ALICE Mellville. In Mary Ellis...... 35: 788 The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 37: 1541 The same. In Tales from real life. 35: 804 Archie's shadow. L. PALMER,........ 38: 4121 ALLEN house. Phil. 1860. 16~...... 35: 767 Archy Armstrong. J. M. WILSON. ALL'S for the best. Phil. 1875. 16~. 35: 768 In W. T. B. v. 3........................ 40: 1713 ANGEL and the demon. Phil: 1867. Arctic Crusoe. P. B. ST. JOHN......... 39: 1055 160...........................................: 35: 769 Ardison and Co. H. SPICER. In ANGEL of the household. Phil. n. Brought to book. v. 2................ 39: 2097 d. 160~...................................... 35: 770 Arethusa. F. CHAMIER................. 35: 4006 BELL Martin. In Mary Ellis.......... 35: 788 Argus Fairbairn. H. JACKSON. 3 v. 38: 150-2 The same. In Tales from real life. 35: 804 Argyle Anna. (pseud.) CECILIA Howard; or, the young lady OLIVE Lacy: a tale of the Irish rebel- who had finished her education. lion of 1798. Phil. 1874. 120 35: 726 Phil. 1851. 80......................... 35: 772 Aristocrat, The. G. E. JEWSBURY 38: 364 CLUB room, The. In The martyr Aristocrat's wife, The; a tale of wife....................................... 35: 787 the French revolution. In W. S. FAMILY pride. In Mary Ellis......... 35: 788 C. L. v. 9................................ 34: 4179 The same. In Tales from real life. 35: 804 The same..................................... *15: 4919 GOLDEN grains from life's harvest Ark and the fortress, The. Mrs. E. R. field. Phil. 1857. 16............... 35: 773 CHARLES. With Cottage by the GooD time coming. Phil. n. d. 160~. 35: 774 cathedral................................... 35: 4071 HEART-histories and life-pictures. Ark of Elm Island. E. KELLOQ...... 38: 725 Phil. n. d. 16~........................ 35: 775 Armadale. (W.) W. COLLINS........ 35: 4543 HEIRESS, The. In The martyr wife. 35: 787 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v........ 35: 4544-6 HEROES of the household. Phil. The same. 3 v. in 2....................... 35: 4547-8 1875. 160................................. 35: 776 Armstrong, Frances. HIDDEN wings. N. Y. 1869. 160~. 35: 777 FLORENCE; or, Loyal quand meme. HoME-heroes, saints and martyrs. Lond. 1873. smin. 8.................. 35: 734 Phil. 1865. 120........................ 35: 778 Army and navy stories. W. T. HOME lights and shadows. Phil. n. ADAMS. d. 160~..................................... 35: 779 1. Soldier boy. [35:275.] 4. Yankee middy. [35:287.] HOME scenes. Phil. 1853. 160...... 35: 780 2. Sailor boy, The. [35:271. 5. Fighting Joe. [35:248.1 JACK Ketch. In The martyr wife... 35: 787 3. Young lieutenant. [35:288.j 6. Brave old salt. [35:235.] LESSONS in life. WihThetwowives. 3: 812 Army-chaplain Schmelzle's journey toLIGHT on shadowed paths. N. Y. Flaetz. J. P. F. RICHTER. In C. 1864. 120 35: 781 G. R. v. 3..6.........r...............35: 3875 LIGHTS and shadows of real life. Phil. Arne: a sketch of Norwegian country- n. d. 16.................................... 35: 782 life. B. BJORNSON..................... 35: 2157 LIZZIE Glenn; or, the trials of a seamArnold, Mrs. stress. Phil. 1859. 120............. 35: 783 BETTER than gold. Lond. 1873. LovE in a cottage. Phil. n.d. 8~. 35: 784 smn. 80. 3 v......3..................35: 742-4 Lucy Sandford: a story of the heart. Around a spring. G. DROZ............. 37: 860 A temperance tale. Phil. n. d. 80. 35: 785 Around the world in 80 days. J. MADELINE; or, a daughter's love. In VERNE.................................. 39: 3683 The martyr wife......................... 35: 787 Arrah Neil. G. P. ER. JAMES...~...... 38: 166 MAIDEN, The. In Three eras of a Arrington, A. W. (Charles Sum- woman's life.......................... 35: 806 Imerfield)....................................MARRIED life. Phil. 1859. 120...... 35: 786 RANGERS and regulators of the Tan- MARTYR wife, The; and other tales. aha. N.Y. 1856. 120~............................. 35: 787 Arrom, Cecelia Bohl d' (Fernan Cabal- MARY Ellis; or, the runaway match; lero). See BOHL D' ARROM, C. and other tales. Phil. 1850. 160 35: 788 Art: a' dramatic tale. C. READE. Thesame. In Talesfromreallife 35: 804 With Clouds and sunshine...........39: 141 MOTHER, The. In Three eras of a The same. With Peg Woffington.... 39: 160 woman's life.36: 806 Arthend sartessn^Pess. M H. 39: 160 woman's life............................ 35: 806 Art and artlessness. Mrs. H. N. WN.O anything for peace. N. Y. NOT anything for peace. N. Y. BAKER................................. 35: 1380 1869. 160 35: 789 Art Maguire. W. CARLETON............ 35: 3825 NOTHING but money. Phil. 1865. Artemus Ward. (pseud.) See BROWNE 120........................................... 35: 790 Charles Farrar. (1834-1867. OFF hand sketches. Phil. 1858. Artemus Ward: his book. N.Y........................... 3 791 180...................................... 3 5: 791 ~187(1. 120.35: 3015 The same. With Seedtime and Artemus Ward: his travels. N. Y. harvest............ 35: 796 1866. 120................................. 35: 3016 OLD man's bride, he.P 1866. 120.36: 3016 OLD man's bride, The. Phil. 1853. Artemus Ward: in London. N. Y. 160.................... 35: 792 1867. 120................................. 35: 3017 OUT in tw e world. il. 1864. 120 35: 793 A 4.1867. 120.***,;******-**-*****__-*35: 3017 OUT in the world. Phil.' 1864. 1 2 35: 793 Artemus Ward's panorama. N. Y. PEACEMAKER, The. N. Y. 1869. 1872. 120................................. 35: 3018 160.................... 35: 794 Artemus Ward: his works complete. PRIDE or principle: which makes Illustrated, with a biographical the lady? In Mary Ellis............ 35: 788 sketch by Melville D. LANDON. The same. In Tales from real life. 35: 804 (Eli Perkins.) N. Y. 1875. 4 v. RICHES have wings. N. Y. 1857. in 1. 12~0................................. 35: 3019 18~..........................................35: 79 Arthur, Timothy Shay. (b. 1809.) RUINED gamester, The. In The AFTERa shadow. N. Y. 1869. 16~. 35: 765 martyr wife................................ 35: 787 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH, ARTHUR. 11 ASSASSINATION. Arthur, T. S. (continued.)- Arthur St. John. In W. S. C. L. v. 2. 34:'4172 RUNAWAY match. Same as Mary The same..................................... *15: 4912 Ellis......................................... 35: 788 Article 47; a romance. A. BELOT.... 35: 1930 SEEDTIME and harvest. Phil. 1859. Artist, The. Surgeon's tales. A. 120.......................................... 35: 796 LEIGHTON. In W. T. B. v. 4..... 40: 1714 SEEN and the unseen, The. Phil. Artiste. M. M. GRANT.................. 37: 3350 1875. 160............................... 35: 797 Artist's lesson, The. Mrs. ELLET. SHADOWS and sunbeams. With True In Nouvellettes of the musicians...'37: 1650 riches....................................... 35: 810 Artist's love, The. E. D. E. N. Six nights with the Washingtonians. SOUTHWORTH................3.....9... 39: 2002 Phil. 1865. 120...................... 35: 798 Artist's proof, An. A. AUSTIN. 3 v. 35: 918-20 SOWING the wind. N. Y. 1869. Arundel. H. LEE. In Canterbury 160.......................................... 35: 799 tales. v. 1................................. 38: 1422 SPARING to spend. Phil. n.d. 160 35: 800 Arzoomund. M. M. SHERWOOD. STORIES for parents. Phil. 1858. In Works. v 8.......................... 39: 1643 16........................................... 35: 801 As by fire. N. M. MCAFEE.............. 38: 2116 STORIES for young housekeepers. Asbjornsen, Peter Christian. (b. Phil. 1859. 120........................ 35: 802 1812.) SUNSHINE at home. N. Y. 1869. TALES from the fjeld. A second 160........................................... 35: 803 series of popular tales, from the TALES:from real life. Phil. 1864. 16~. 35: 804 Norse, by G. W. DASENT. Lond. TEMPERANCE tract, The. In The 1874. sm.: 80.............................. 35: 840 martyr wife................................ 35: 787 Contents: TEN nights in a bar-room. Phil. Boots and the beasts. Osborn's pipe.,1860. 160.35: 805s' Boots and his crew. Our parish clerk...............................: 05 Box with something Peter's best stories: Pork THREE eras of a woman's life. Phil. pretty in it, The. and honey; i1 he hare 1850. 160.35: 806 Charcoal burner, The. and the heiress; Slip THREE years in a man-trap. Phil Companion, The. root, cstch Reynard's Deathl of Chanticleer, ftot; Bruini Goodfellow; 1872. 120................................. 35: 807 The; and the greedy Bruin and Reynard's TRIAL and triumph. Phil. n. d. cat. partners; Reynard wants.35:~~oc.~~~~~ 809o~ ~ Father of the family, to taste horse-flesh. 80............................................ 35' 809. Peter the forester and TI~he. Peter the forester, and TRIALS and confessions of a house- Friends in life and Grumblegizzard. keeper. Phil. 1867. 16........35: 808 death. Peter's three tales: Father kReep erd,1 +......... TXT,1Golden bird, The. Bruin in the corner; TRIED and tempted. With Words Golden palace that Reynard and Chanticleer; for the wise.............................. 35: 818 hung in the air, The. Goodman Axehaft. TRUE riches; and other tales. Phil. Goody Gainst -the - Priest and the Clerk, The. 18. 160........ 35: 810 IAstream. Sheep and the pig who set 1850. 16~.............................35: 810 Green knight, The. up house, The. WAY to prosper, The. Phil. 1853. Haunted mill and the Sh6pboy and his cheese, 160.. 35: 813 honest penny, The. and Peik, The. WAYS of Providence The.'With How they got Hairlock Silly Mat. WAYS 0of Providence, The. With home. Silly, men and cunning Woman's trials.................. 35: 816 How to win a prince. wives. WHAT can woman do? Phil. n. d. Kairn's three stories: Skipper and old Nick, The. 160.35:1.o4 Death and the doc- Sweetheart in the wood, 16.......................................... 35: 814 tor; The day of the The. tor; The day of the WHAT shall I do? With The world; The pancake. Taper Tom. martyr wife............................... 35: 787 King Valemon, the 1'his is the lad who sold the wifT e.........e......of.. white bear. pig. WIE, The. In Three erasof a wo- Little Freddy with his Three lemons, The. man's life.................................. 35: 806 fiddle. Three years without wages. WITHERED heart, The. Phil. 1857. Master Tabacco. Town-mouse, The; and Mother Roundabout's the Fell-mouse. 16............................................ 35: 815 daughter. Trolls in Hedale Wood, WOMAN'S trials. Phil. 1859. 120.. 35: 816 Osborn Boots and Mr. The. WOMAN to the rescue. A story of Glibtongue. the new crusade. Phil. 1874. 120 35: 817 Asbury twins, The. R. S. CLARKE WoRaS for the wise. Phil. 1859. (Sophie May.)............................. 35: 4366 12.......................................... 35: 818 Ascanio. A. (D.) DUMAS............... 37: 964 YOUNG lady at home. Phil. n. d. The same...................................... 37: 1020 160.......................................... 35: 819 Ashberrys' uncle, The. F. BROWNE. Arthur. By the author of Anne Dy- In Exile's trust........................... 35: 3025 sart. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 80. 40: 2033 Ashcliffe hall; a tale of the last cenArthur. J. M. SUE. (Eugene Sue.) 39: 2410 tury. E. S. HOLT...................... 37: 4610 Arthur Arundel. H. SMITH............ 39: 1859 Asheton, Francis, and HALLOWELL, Arthur Blane; or, the hundred cui- Sarah C. rassiers. J. GRANT.................... 37: 3301 MODERN Cressida, A.; by F. ASHEArthur Bonnicastle; an American TON. On the church steps; by novel. J. G. HOLLAND............... 37: 4545 S.. HALLOWELL. Phil. 1875. 8~. 40: 1631 Arthur BroWn, the young captain. E. Askaros Kassis, the copt: a romance KELLOGG................................... 38: 726 of modern Egypt. E. De LEON... 37: 250 Arthur Clenning; a novel. T. FLINT. Aslauga's Knight. F. de LA MOTTE 2 v.......................................... 37: 2294-5 FOUQUE. In C. G. R. v. 1.......... 35: 3873 Arthur Conway. E. H. MILMAN...... 38: 3005 Asmodeus at large. E. G. E. L. Arthur Lee. Bost. n. d. 160.........40: 2034 BULWER-LYTTON........................ 35: 3092 Arthur Mervyn; or, memoirs of 1793. Aspasia. C. HOLLAND................... 37: 4537 C. B. BROWN. 2 v.................... 35: 2987-8 Aspen Court. (C.) S. BROOKS. 3 V. 35: 2923-5 Arthur Monteith. Mrs. BLACKFORD. Aspendale. H. W. PRESTON......... 38: 4716 In Scottish orphans.................. 35: 2192 Assassination of the Empress of Arthur O'Leary. C. LEVER........... 38: 1560 Tartary at Newmarket in the year The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1... 38: 1561 1240. J. G. BUSHING. In R. G. N. 40: 1561 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ASTON-ROYAL. 12 AUROR&A. Aston-Royal. E. TABOR. [anon.] 3 v. 39:2710-12 Auerbach, (continued.)Astrologer of Chaldea. W. P. ON the heights; a novel. (Auf der STRICKLAND..............................39: 2400 HIfhe.) Tr. by F. E. Bunnett. Asylum, The. P. F. W. OERTEL..... 38: 3806 Bost. 1869. 160........................ 35: 881 At the altar. E. WERNER................ 40: 310 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 1867. At anchor: a story of our civil war. 160....................................... 35: 882 By an AMERICAN........................36: 617 The same. N. Y. 1875. 120..... 35: 888 At the back of the north wind. G. PROFESSOR'S lady, The. (Die Frau MACDONALD............................. 38: 2158 Professorin.) Tr. by M. Howitt. At Capri; a story of Italian life. K. N. Y. n. d. 80........................ 35: 883 BAUER. (Carl Detlef.)................ 85: 1719 VILLA Eden: The country-house on At Eve. G. BROD6. In Stories and the Rhine. (Das Landhaus am sketches.................................... 35: 2858 Rhein.) Tr. by C. C. Shackford. At her mercy. J. S. SAUZADE. (James Bost. 1871 8......................... 35: 884 Payn).........3.................9: 1160 VILLA on the Rhine. N. Y. 1869. At his gates. M. (0. W.) OLIPHANT. 38: 3835 2 v. 160.................................... 35: 885-6 At last. M. V. (H.) TERHUNE......... 39: 2832 WALDFRIED; a novel. Tr. by A. At odds. Baroness I. v. TAUTPHOEUS. 39: 2756 Stern. N. Y. 1874. 120........... 35: 887 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 2757 Augsburg goldsmith, The; a tale of At the sign of the silver flagon. B. the 15th century. In W. S. C. L. L. FARJEON............................... 37: 1976 v. 11......................................... 34: 4181 At the south pole. Wm. H. G. KINGS- The same...................................... *15: 4921 STON......................................... 38: 987 August and Elvie. J. ABBOTT......... 35: 22 Atala. R. F. A. de CHATEAUBRIAND. 35: 4105 August stories. J. ABBOTT. 4. v. The same. Illustrated by G. DOR6... *A 1. August and Elvie. 3. Schooner Mary Ann. Athelings, The. M. (0. W.) OLI- 2. Hunter and Tom. 4. Granville Valley. PHANT....................................... 38: 3834 Augustina, the maid of Saragossa. Atherstone Priory. L. N. COMYN.. 35: 4647 In T. F. H. v. 1....................... 40: 2658 Atkins. M. A Aunt Carrie, (pseud.) See SMITH, Mrs. EARL Whiting; or, the career of a Caroline L. nameless boy. Bost. 1870. 16. 385: 850 Aunt Charity. (pseud.) See YEISER, LITTLE pea-nut merchant. Bost. Mrs. H. C. 1869. 160................................. 35: 851 Aunt Fanny. (pseud.) See BARROW, Atkinson, J. C. Fanny. PLAYHOURS and half-holidays. Lond. Aunt Francisca. C, BERNHARD. In 1868. 8 3...........................5: 860 Danes sketched by themselves, WALKS and talks of two schoolboys. v. 2.......................................... 40: 1531 Lond. 1864. 16........................ 35: 861 Aunt Hattie. (peud.) See BAKER, Atonement, The. T. (E.) HOOK. Mrs. H. N. (W.) /n Precepts and practice. v. 2..... 37: 4646 Aunt Honor's keepsake. Mrs. M. Attach6, The; or, Sam Slick in Eng- A. M. SADLIER........................... 39: 1010 land. T. C. HALIBURTON. 2.... 37:3857-8 Aunt Jane's hero. E. PRENTISS........ 88s 4686 Attic philosopher in Paris. E. Sou- Aunt Jo's scrap-bag. Pt. 1. My boys. VESTRE. In Trav. Libr. v. 1......40: 1691 L. M. ALCOTT........................... 36: 455 Attila. G. P. R. JAMES. 2 v. in 1... 38: 167 Contents: Back windows. My boys. Attractive man, The. Mrs. Frances 39: 3230 Buzz. My little gentleman. TROLLOPE. Children's joke, The. My May-day among curiCurious call. ous birds and beasts. Aubrey. A. MARSH-CALDWELL. 2 V. Dandelion. Our little newsboy. in 1.......................................... 38: 2593 Little Marie of Lehon. Patty's patchwork. -Auburn Egbert. IL. TIECK. In R.Madam Cluck and her Tessa's surprises. Auburn Egbert. L. TiECK. In R. family. Tilly's christmas. G. N. v. 4................................40: 1563 The same. Pt. 2. Shawl-straps...... 35: 456 Auer, Adelheid vorV Contents: IT is the fashion. (Modern.) Phil. 1. Off. 4. Switzerland. 2. Brittany 5. Italy. 1872. 12~................................... 35: 870 3 Facny 6 iLnyo 3. France 6. London. Auerbach, Berthold (b. 1812.)Aunt Kate. M.M.SHERWOOD. In BLACK forest village stories.Works. v. 9 1642 ( Schwarzwdl/der Dorfgeschichten. ). Work. v. 7.39: 1642 N. Y. 1869. 120.......... 876 Aunt Kitty. (pseud.) See MclNTos H, Contents: Florian and Crescence,. Ivo, the gentleman. Aunt Madge's story. R. S. CLARKE. Gawk, The. Lauterbacher, The. (Sophie May.)....................... 35: 4345 Good Government. Manor-house farmer's Vefela. Hostile brothers, The. Nip-cheeked Toney. Aunt Margaret. J. ABBOTT. In H. Pipe of war, The. S. B. v. 9.................................. 35: 44 EDELWEISS. A story. Bost. 1868. Aunt Mary's stories. M. HUGHES...... 37: 4808 16..........................................85: 877 Aunt Patty's scrap-bag. C.L.HENTZ. 37: 4310 GERMAN tales. Boston. 1869. 120 35: 878 Aunt Saidee's cow. S. J. PRICHARD... 38: 4736 Contents: Aunt Susan (pseud.) See PRENTISS, Benigna. Erdmutha.a, Christian Gellert's last Kudolph and Elizabeth. christmas; Step-mother, The. Aurelian. W. W. WARE. 2 V........... 40: 126-7 JOSEPH in the snow; a tale. (Joseph The same...................................... 40: 128 imSchnee.) Bost. 1868. 12........... 35: 879 Aureola; or, the black sheep. Mrs. LITTLE Barefoot, The; a tale. (Bar- A.S. MACKENZIE..................... 38: 2300 fiissele.) Tr. by C. B. Lee. Bost. Aurora Floyd. M.E. BRADDON...... 85: 2518 1867. 16~0.................................. 35: 880 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 35: 2519 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. AUSTEN. 13 BACKWOODSMAN. Austen, Jane (1775-1817). Avillion. D. M. CRAIK. (D. M. EMMA. Bost. 1864. 120...............35: 905 Muloch.) In Romantic tales........ 35: 4940 MANSFIELD park. Bost. 1864. 12~. 35: 906 Away in the wilderness. R. M. BALThe same. Leip. 1867. sq. 160... 3: 907 LANTYNE................................ 35: 1452 NORTHANGER abbey. With Pride The same. In Tales of adventure. and prejudice............................. 35: 909 v. 3.......................................... 35: 1485 NORTHANGER abbey; and Persuasion. Awdry, Frances. Tauchnitz ed. 1871. sq. 16........ 35: 908 STORY of a fellow-soldier, The. Lond. PERSUASION. With Northanger ab- 1875. 160................................. 35: 960 bey.......................................... 35: 908 Awful experience in the life of Filus The same. With Sense and sensibility 35: 911 Kroast, An. H. SPIcER. In Bound PRIDE and prejudice; and Northan- to please. v. 2........................... 39: 2096 ger abbey, Bost. 1871. 120....... 35: 909 Axel; a tale of the thirty years' war. PRIDE and prejudice. Leip. 1870. 16~. 35: 910 C. F. van der VELDE. In T. fr. G. 40: 169.9 SENSE and sensibility; and Persua- Axel and Anna. F. BREMER............ 35: 2732 sion. Bost. 1864. 120............... 35: 911 Aylmers of Bally-Aylmer. G. GRIFSENSE and sensibility. Leip. 1864.FIN......................................... 37: 3552 160...................3...................... 35: 912 Ayrshire Legatees. J. GALT.......... 37: 2775 Austin, Alfred. Aytoun. Phil. 1872. 80............. 40: 2041 ARTIST'S proof, An. Lond. 1864. Aytoun, William Edmondstoune 3 v. sm. 8............................... 35: 918-20 (1813-1865.) Austin, Arthur. TALES. In Tales from Blackwood... 40: LIGHTS and shadows of Scottish life. Emerald studs, The, v. 3, How I stood for the DreepN. Y. 1839. 120......................35: 928 Glenmutchkin railway, daily burghs. v. 2, Austin, Jane G. The. v. 1. How we got possession of the CIPHusEin, a ane NG. Y1869.80.35: 936 How I became a yeo- Tuileries. v. 3.CIPHER; a romance. N. Y. 1869. 8. 35: 93man. v. 1.. Surveyor's tale, The. v. 4, HARNEYHOW'S hummock. In Azarian; an episode. H. E. (P.) SrorRougegorge and other stories........ 40: 1670 39: 2127 MOONFOLK; a true account of the home of the fairy tales. N. Y. 1874. 120~..................... 35: 937 SHADOW of Moloch Mountain. N. Y. 1870. 8~................................... 35: 940 B, M. E. Austin Elliot. H. KINGSLEY.......... 38: 950 CLEMENT'S trial and victory; or, The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 38: 951 sowing and reaping. N.Y. 1875. Australia, Boys' adventures in. W. 16....................................... 35: 1300 HOWITT.................................. 37: 4775 Baarnhielm, E W. Australian Crusoes, The. Chas. ARCHIBALD Hamilton. Bost. 1869. ROW CROFT................................ 39: 681 160........................................... 35: 1310 Australian wanderings. Mrs. R. Babes in the wood, The: a tragic LEE........................................ 38: 1441 comedy. A story of the Italian Author's daughter: a tale. M. revolution of 1848. J. DE MILLE 37: 267 HOWITT.................7................. 37: 4746 Babes in the wood. M. M. SHERAuthor's daughter, The. C. E. WOOD. In Works, v. 4................ 39: 1639 SPENCE. 3 v.............................39: 2077-9 Babolain. A novel.' G. DRoz...... 37: 861 Autobiography of a cat, The. J. Bach, Friedemann. Mrs. ELLET. In F. MAGUIRE. With Young Prince Nouvellettes of the musicians...... 37: 1650 Marigold...................................38: 2386 Bach, Sebastian. Mrs. ELLET. In Autobiography of a man-o'-war's Nouvellettes of the musicians....... 37: 1650 bell; a tale of the sea. Lieut. C. Bach and Beethoven.. (F.) BARR. Low.............................. 38: 1908 NARD....................................... 35: 1625 Autobiography of Willie Smith. A. Bache, Richard Meade. CAMPBELL. In W. T. B. v. 2...... 40: 1712 AMERICAN wonderland. Phil. 1871. Avarice chastised; or, the miser 120..................................... 35: 1320 punished. P. SCARRON. In Con. YOUNG wrecker of the Florida reef, W orks...................................... 34: 1915 The. Phil. n. d. 160............... 35: 1321 Avenger, The. In W. S. C. L. v. 12. 34: 4182 Bachelor of the Albany, The. M. The same...................................... *15: 4922 W. SAVAGE.............................. 39: 1200 Avenger, The; or, the legend of The same.................................. 39: 1201 Mary Lee. A. LEIGHTON. In W. Bachelor of Salamanca, The. A. R. T. B. v. 10............................... 40: 1720 LE SAGE. 2 v.......................... 38:.1541-2 Averill, Anna S. Bachelor's bedroom. A~NNIE: Mtason; or, the temple of COLLINS. In Queen's revenge..... 35: 4581 shells. N. Y. 1871. 12........... 35: 950 Bachelor's revery, A. D. G. MITCHAvery Glibun. R. H. NEWELL. (Or- ELL. In L. C. v. 4....................~ 40: 1614 pheus C. Kerr.)....................... 38: 3580 pheus and. Kerr. tales.r).. M.38: 3580 Backbiting. C. E. TONNA. (CharAvillion, and other tales. Mrs.D. M. lotte Elizabeth.) In Fortune-teller. 39: 3063 CRAIK. (D. M. Muloch.).............. 35: 4908 Backlog studies. C. D. WARNER..... 33: 4256 Antonio Melidori. Backwoods, Mysteries of. T. B. Antonio Melidori. Erotion. Avillion; or, the happy Kong Tolv. THORPE................................. 39: 3025 Cisles. tLife episode, A. Backwoodsman, The. J. HALL. Cleomenes the Greek. Rosicrucian, The. Cross on the snow mount- Sculptor of Bruges, The. In Legends of the west.............. 37: 3870 sins, The. Self-Seer, The. Backwoodsman, The; or, life on Daughter of Heremon, Story of Elizabetta Sirani, the Indian frontier. C.. L Story ot Hyas, The. WRAXALL............................... 40: 856 PROSE FICTION; ENGLISH. B]ACON.r 14 BALLANTYNE. Bacon, Francis, lord. (1561-1626.) Bailey, James M. (Danbury News 7NEw Atlantis, The. Lond. 1852. man.) 120............................................54: 1390 LIFE in Danbury. Bost. 1873. 120~. 35: 1365 The same. In Works. v. 5....T. L. 2: 312 The same................................... 33: 800 The same. In Essays.................. 34: 636 Baillie, Lady Grisell Home. In T. F. The same. In Works. v. 3......... 34: 640 H. v. 1.................................... 40: 2658 Bad speculation, A. I. F. MAYO. Baked meats of the funeral. C. G. (E. Ga'srett.) With Dead sin........ 38: 2808 HALPINE. (Private Miles O'Reilly.) 33: 1841 Baddeley, R. Whieldon. Baker, GeorgeM LAST of the Lythams, The. Lond. RUNNING to waste: the story of a 1873. 2 v. sm. 80..................... 35: 1331-2 tomboy. Bost. 1875. 160........ 35: 1375 Baddington peerage, The. G. A. Baker, Mrs. Harriet Newell (Woods.) SALA. 3 v................................ 39: 1081-3 (Aunt Hattie; Mrs. Madeline Leslie.) Baden, Mrs. Frances Henshaw. ART and artlessness. Bost. 1868. STORIES with Mrs. SOUTHWORTH'S 16........................................... 35: 1380 Artist's love.............................. 39: 2002 CORA and the doctor; or, revelations Contents: of a physician's wife. Bost. 1869. At his own funeral. Lost Lee. 12......35.. 1383 Aunt Ada's ruse. Lost love. COURTEIES Of wedded life The Awful warning. Lover's ghost. COURTESIESofwedded life, The Baby's spirit. Lucy's jewels. Bost. n. d. 120......................... 35: 1386 Belle's blunder. Magic cruse. Note. The same as First and second Carot's forgiveness. New mother. mTriiages. Cost of a shirt. New Year's surprise. ges Courtship. Night of terror. FIRST and second marriages; or, the Don't borrow. Noble service, courtesies of wedded life. Bost. Doomed. Post-mistress of Peakville. 1869. 120.......... 5: 1386 Edna's worth. Power of a smile...............p.............. Fairy's secret. Priest's story. GovERNOR'S pardon, The; or, the Frank Hawley's love. Removing the mask. bridge of sighs. Bost. 1870. 160 35: 1387 Gold bride. Richer than he thought. HOUSEHOLD angel in disguise, The. Hero's -love, Saved. Hiram Helper's faith. Saved by a song. Boat. n.d. 120........................ 35: 1388 How they paid him. Say so then. HOWARD and his teacher. Boest. Joyous thanksgiving. That old maid. 1869. 160................................. 35: 1389 Judged too soon. Warned by a dream. Kriss Kringle. What the'future brought. I'LL Try. Boest. 1869. 160........... 35: 1390 Little ones are safe, Willard Grayson's re- JACK, the chimney-sweeper. Boest. The. venge. 1869. 160................................ 35: 1391 STORIES with Mrs. SOUTHWORTH'S JULIETTE; or, now and forever. Christmas guest.......................... 39: 2008 Bost. 1869. 12....................... 35: 1392 Contents: LITTLE Agnes. Boest. 1868. 160... 35: 1393 Aunt Henrietta's mis- Only a comma. LIVE and learn. Bost. 1869. 160.. 35: 1394 take. Only a flirtation, Aunt Prudence said so. Our capricious pet. MOTHERLESS children. Bost. 1869. Bride's secret. Retaliation. 160.........~................................. 35: 1395 Days of trial. Saved by love. Now and forever. Boest. n. d. 120. 35: 1392 Earnest and, t rue. Stealing the wrong child. Estelle's revenge. Three bells. Note. The same as Juliette. False and true love. Treacherous wind. PAUL Barton; or, the drunkard's VGreat parish scandal. Two memorable thanks- son. Bst 1870. 160..............35: 1396 Husband's mistake.. g days..... In the hospital. Warning. PLAY and study. Boest. 1869. 16~. 35: 1397 Love unto death. Was it a ghost? TRYING to be useful. Boest. 1868. 16~. 35: 1398 "Mercy." Why he was merciful. WALTER and Frank; or, Lathrop STORIES with Mrs. SOUTHWORTH'S farm. Boest. 1870. 16~............. 35: 1400 Spectre lover.............................. 39: 2035 WHEELS of fortune. Bost. 1866. 160 35: 1401 Actress' best act. Herbert Ashley's little waif.) Content~s: Baker, Sir Samuel White (b. 1821.) Angel's gifts. His littl e love. CAST up by the sea. N. Y. 1871. 12~. 35: 1420 Ashes ofroses. Horrid discovery. Baker, William M. (George F. HarAunt Rachel's ruse. Lift by the way. Irington.) Balm for the heart. Little hero. Between two loves. Merry thought. CARTER Quarterman. N. Y. 1876. 80~. 35: 1428 Bosom serpent. Miss De Crespigney. INSIDE: a chronicle of secession. Bud and blossom. Modern Blue-Beard Illust. by Nast. N. Y. 1866. 80 35: 1430 Christmas child. My aunt's warning.Illust.byNast. N.Y. 1866. 8~ 35: 1430 Daisy's master. New Year's surprise. MOSE Evans: a simple statement of Dangerous slip. Old coals. the singular facts of his case. N. Disguised. Old fashioned thing. Y. 1874. 120........................... 35: 1431 Press coat. Old tramp. Fido's ward. Perfect cure. NEW Timothy, The. N.Y. 1870. 12~. 35: 1432 Florry's New Year's Poor Gertie. reception. Poor little scapegoat. Balcombe street mystery, The. In For want of one word. Spirit bride. Novels and tales. v. 8............... 40: 1648 Forbidding the bans. Touchstone. Baldwin Joseph. Fortunate slip. Very rash vow.Baldwin, J Fun with postal cards. What came of a laugh. FLUSH times of Alabama and MissisHad he but known. Why he never married. sippi. N. Y. 1854 12............ 35 1445 Hattie's faults. Wife's test. The same................................... 33: 803 Her face was her for- Wild night's ride. tune. Ball and Sancho. 0J. D. GARDETTE. Baer, Mrs. B. F. In Pluck.........................3....... 7: 2794 IRENE; or, beach-broken billows. Ballantyne, Robert Michael. N. Y. 1875. 120....................... 35: 1345 AWAY in the wilderness; or, life Baffled. J. GODDARD..................... 37: 3070 among the red Indians and furBagby, George W. (Moses Adams.) traders of North America. N. Y. WHAT I did with my fifty millions. 35: 1350 1871. 180............................... 35: 1452 Bage, Robert. The same. In Tales of adventure. MAN as he is not. Lend. 1820. 12~. 35: 1356 v. 3....................................... 35: 1485 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BALLANTYNE. 15 BANIM. Ballantyne (continued.)- Ballantyne, (continued.)BATTLE and the breeze, The. In Tales STORY of the rock, The. In Tales of of adventure. v. 1.................. 35: 1483 adventure. v. 4......................... 35: 1486 CANNIBAL islands, The. In Tales of SUNK at sea. In Tales of adventure. adventure. v. 1......................... 35: 1483 v. 2.......................................... 35: 1484 CHASING the sun; or, rambles in TALES of adventure. N. Y. 1875. Norway. Phil. 1869. 160.......... 35: 1453 4 v. 16~.................................... 35: 1483-6 The same. In Tales of adventure. UNGAVA: a tale of the Esquimaux v. 4.......................................35: 1486 land. Phil. 1859. 16.............. 35: 1478 CORiAL islands, The; a tale of the UP in the clouds. In Tales of advenPacific ocean. Lond. 1870. 16~. 35: 1454 ture. v. 3................................. 35: 1485 DEEP down: a tale of the Cornish WHY I did' not become a sailor. mines. Phil. 1869. 160............ 35: 1455 With Freaks on the fells.............. 35: 1464 DIGGING for gold. In Tales of adven- WILD man of the west, The: a tale ture. v. 2.................................. 35: 1484 of the Rocky Mountains. Phil. DOG Crusoe, The; a tale of the west- n. d. 16.................................. 35: 1479 ern prairies. Phil. n. d. 160..... 35: 1456 WORLD of ice, The; or, adventures ERLING the bold: a tale of the Norse in the Polar regions. Lond. 1863. sea-kings. Phil. 1871. 160....... 35: 1457 160.......................4................... 35: 1480 The same. Phil. 1875. 120....... 35: 1458 WRECKED but not ruined. In Tales FAST in the ice; or, adventures in the of adventure. v. 4..................... 35: 1486 polar regions. N. Y. 1871. 160. 35: 1459 YOUNG fur-traders, The. Lond. n. d. The same. In Tales of adventure. 16........................................... 35: 1481 v. 1....................................... 35: 1483 Balthazar. H. de BALZAC.............. 35: 1510 FIGHTING the flames: a tale of the Note. Same as The alchemist. London fire brigade. Phil. 1868. Baltic to Vesuvius, The. See the Per160........................................... 35: 1460 cy family. By D. C. EDDY. FIGHTING the whales; or, doings and Balzac, Honor6 de (1799-1850.) dangers of a fishing cruise. N. Y. ALCHEMIST, The; or, the house of 1871. 160.................................35: 1461 Claes. (La recherche de labsolu). The same. In Tales of adventure. Tr. by 0. W. Wight and F. B. v. 1....................................... 35: 1483 Goodrich. N. Y. 1861. 120...... 35: 1510 FIRE brigade, The; or, fighting the GREATNESS and decline of Cesar flames: a tale. Phil. 1875. 12~. 35: 1462 Birotteau. (Histoire de la grandeur FLOATING light of the Goodwin et de la decadence de Cesar Birotteau.) Sands, The. Phil. 1871. 160..... 35: 1463 Tr. by 0. W. Wight and F. B. FREAKS on the fells, The; and, Why Goodrich. N. Y. 1860. 120.... 35: 1512 1 did not become a sailor. Phil. PETTY annoyances of married life. n. d. 160.................................. 35: 1464 (Petites miseres de La vie conjugale.) GASCOYNE, the sandal-wood trader. Tr. by 0. W. Wight and F. B. Phil. n. d. 160........................ 35: 1465 Goodrich. N. Y. 1861. 120...... 35: 1514 GORILLA hunters, The: a tale of the Bandello, M. Novels. In R. I. N. wilds of Africa. Phil. n. d. 16~. 35: 1467 v. 3.......................................... 40: 1582 HUDSON'S bay; or, every day in the Bandit, The. A. BLANCHE.............. 35: 2267 wilds of North America. Lond. Bane of a life, The. T. WRIGHT. 3v.. 40: 901-3 1857. 120.................................35: 1468 Banim, John (1798-1842) and Michael HUNTING the lions. In Tales of ad- (b. 1796). (The O'Hara Family.) venture. v. 3............................ 35: 1485 ACE of clubs, The. In Bit o' writin. 35: 1531 IRON horse, The; or, life on the line. ANGELA. Lond. 1853. 120.......... 35: 1530 Lond. 1871. 16~..................... 35: 1469 BIT o' writin'. N. Y. 1869. 120... 35: 1531 LIFEBOAT, The: a tale of our coast BOYNE water, The. N. Y. 1869. heroes. Lond. n. d. 160........... 35: 1470 12......................................... 35: 1532 LOST in the forest. In Tales of ad- CANVASSING. With Mayor of Windventure. v. 2............................ 35: 1484 gap.......................................... 35: 1538 MARTIN Rattler. Lond. 1867. 160 35: 1471 CHURCHYARD watch, The. In Bit o' NORSEMEN in the west, The; or, writin'....................................... 35: 1531 America before Columbus. Lond. CLOUGH Fion; or, the stone of des1872. 160................................. 35: 1472 tiny. M. BANIM........................ 35: 1533 OVER the Rocky mountains. In Tales CONFORMISTS, The. With The deof adventure. v. 2..................... 35: 1484 nounced..................................... 35: 1535 PIONEERS, The. In Tales of adven- CROHOORE of the billhook. M. ture. v. 3................................. 35: 1485 BANIM. With Peep o' day......... 35: 1540 PIRATE city, The: an Algerine tale. CROPPY, The. M. BANIM. N. Y. N.Y. 1874. 160....................... 35: 1473 n. d. 120.................................. 35: 1534 RED Eric; or, the whaler's last DENOUNCED, The; or, the last baron cruise. Lond. 1861. 160........... 35: 1474 of Crana. N.Y. 1869. 120....... 35: 1535 RIVERS of Ice. N.Y. 1875. 160... 35: 1482 FAITHFUL servant, The. In Bit o' writin'..................................... 35: 1531 SAVED by the life-boat. In Tales ofi'5 1531 adventure. v. 4......................... 35: 1486 FAMILY of the cold feet, The. In Bit o' writin'.............................. 35: 1531 SHIFTING winds: a story of the sea. ATER Connell: a tale. M. BANIM. Phil. 1870. 16........................35: 147536 L l. Y. 1869. 120....................... 35' 1536 SILVER Lake; or, lost inth Peter of the Phil. 1868. 160.................5......35: 1476 castle........................................ 35: 1541 SNOWFLAKES and sunbeams. GHosT-hunter and his family, The. Note. Same as Young fur traders. M. BANIM. N. Y. 1869. 12.0. 35: 1537 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BANIM. 16 BARNABr. Banim, (continued.)- Barbara's warning. By the author HALF-brothers, The. In Bit o' of "Recommended to mercy," &c. writin'......................................35: 1531 Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 80........... 40: 2042 HALL of the castle, The. In Bit o' Barbarossa: an historical novel of writin'....................................... 35: 1531 the XII century. C. VON BoHAREHOUND and the witch, The. In LANDEN............................... 35: 2320 Bit o' writin'....................... 35: 1531 Barbauld, Mrs. Anne Letitia ILL got, ill gone. In Bit o' writin'... 35: 1531 (Aikin.) IRISH lord-lieutenant, The. In Bit o' BRITISH novelists. Lond. 1820. writin'...................................... 35: 1531 50 v. 18~................................. JOHN Doe. (same as Peep o' day.)... 35: 1540 Contents: LAST baron of Crana (same as The ARBLAY, Mde, F. d'. Cecelia, v. 40-42. denounced.)...............................35: 1535 AEBLAY, Mde, F. d'. Evelina, v. 38, 39. denT of the storm, The. In Bit n' BAGE, R. Man as he is not, v. 48. LAST of the storm, T:he. In Bit o'BROOKE, Mrs. F. M. Julia Mandeville, v. 27. writin......................................35: 1531 COVENTRY, F. Pompey the little, v. 23. MAYOR of Wind-gap, The. M. BANIM. DE FOE, D. Robinson Crusoe, v. 16, 17. N.Y. n d. 1The....................... "35: 1538 EDGEWORTH, M. Belinda, v. 49, 50. NOT The ~...........................35. 1539 EIGEWORTi, M. Modern Griselda, v. 50. PNOWLANS, The...................... 35: 1539 FIELDING, H. Joseph Andrews, v. 18. XPEASANT girl's love, A. In Bit o' FIELD.eG, H. Tom Jones, v. 19-21. writin'..................................... 3: 1531 GLDMITH, O. Vicar of Wakefield, v. 23. GRAVES, R. Spiritual Quixote, v. 32, 33. PEEP o' day, The; or, John Doe. HAWKESWORTH, J. Almoran and Hamet, v. 26. Crohoore of the billhook. N. Y. INCHBALD, E. S. Nature and art, v. 27. 1866. 120.....~.......................... 35: 1540 INCHBALD, E. S. Siniple story, v. 28. JOuNSON, S. Rasselas, v. 26. PETER of the castle. The Fetches. LENNOX, C. Female Quixote, v. 24, 25. N. Y. 1869. 12....................... 35: 1541 MACKENZIE, H. Man of feeling; Julia de Roubigne; PUBLICAN'S dream, The. In Bit o' M J. Zeuco, v, 34, 35. writin................................. 35: 1531 RADCLIFFE, A. Mysteries of Udolpho, v. 45-47. RIVAL dreamers, The. In Bit o' RADCLIFFE, A. Romance of the forest, v. 43, 44. writin'..................................... 35: 1531 RErVE, C. Old English baron, v. 22. The same...............v...................40.: 1 RICHARDSON; S. Clarissa Harlowe, v, 1-8. The same., In L. C. v. 12........... 40: 1622 RICHARDSON, S. Sir Charles Grandison, v. 9-15. ROMAN merchant, The. In Bit o' SMITH, C. Old manor house, v. 36, 37. SMUGGLER N p~. ~ d. 120 35: 1531 SMOLLET, T. Humphrey Clinker v. 30, 31. writin.................................... 31WA o, H. Castle of Otranto, v. 22. SMlUGGLER, The. N. Y. n.d. 12035: 1542 Note. For shelf numbers see under titles or authors. SOLDIER'S- billet, The. In Bit 0o Barber of Bantry, The. G. GRIFFIN. 37: 3552 writin'...................................... 35: 1531 Barchester towers. A. TROLLOPE. 39: 3151 Barchester towers. A. TROLLOPE 39: 3151 STOLEN sheep, The. In Bit o' writin' 35: 1531 Bargagli, Novels. R. I.N., SUBSTITUTE, The. In Bit o' writin' 35: 1531i, S. v. 4.......................................... 40: 1583 TWICE lost, but saved. In Bit o'Bargeman of the Lire The E. writin'..................................... 35: 1531 Ba rgeman of the Loire The E SOUVESTRE. In Brittany and La WHITE Bristol, The. In Bit o'"Vend~e..................................... 39: 2066 writin'..................................... 35: 1531 Barham, 3ichard Harris. (Thomas Banished son, The; and other stories Ingolsby). (1788-1845). of the heart. Mrs. C. L. HENTZ... 37: 4311 LegendsThe; or, mirth INGOLSBY Legends, The; or, mirth Cbntent8.: and marvels. Lend. 1868. 80.. 35: 1562 Banished son, The. Selim: an oriental tale. Lond. 1868. 8 Bell and Rose. Sex of the soul, The. Contents: Black mask, The. Tale of the land of flowers, Grey dolphin. Memoir. Howard, the apprentice A. Leech of Folkestone, Singular passage in the boy. Trip to the bay, A. The. life of the late Henry Little broom-boy, The. Wild Jack; or, the stolen Legends in verse. Harris. Magnolia leaves. child. Spectre of Tappington, The. Paradise of the dead. JERRY Jarvis' wig. In L. C. v. 4... 40: 1614 Banker's secret, The. J. F. SMITH.. 39: 1888 Baring-Gould, Samuel. Banker's wife, The. C. G. F. GORE. 37: 3190 GABRIELLE Andre: an historical Banquo's ghost. W. GILBERT. In novel. N. Y. 1871. 120............ 35: 1572 Doctor Austin's guests. v. 2......... 37: 2987 Note. The same as In exitu Israel. Bankrupt, The. C. BERNHARD. Zn IN exitu Israel: an historical novel. Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3. 40: 1532 N Y 1870. 120.................... 3: 1573 Bankrupt stories. C. F. BRIGGS. (Harry Franco.)........................... 35: 2815 Barker, Mrs. LucyD. Sale. LITTLE wide-awake: a story book for bn unted merchant The.little children. Lond. 1875. sm. 40. *35: 1580 Haunted merchant, The. Banks, Lady Mary. n T. F. H. v. 1. 40: 2658 Barker, Lady Mary Anne (Mrs. FredBanks, N. P.-: the Bobbin boy. W. eric Napier Broome.) M. THAYER............................. 39: 2935 CHRISTMAS cake in four quarters. N. Bannow postman, The. Mrs. S. 0C. I Y. 1872. 160........................... 35: 1585 HALL. In Sketches of Irish char- RIBBON stories. Lond. 1872. 12~. 35: 1586 acter............................... 37: 3887 SPRING comedies. Lond. 1871. 12~. 35: 1587 Baptist, Father. SYBIL'S book. Lond. 1874. 160.... 35: 1588 AILEY Moore: a tale of the times. Barlee, Ellen. Best. [1856.] 16....................35: 1551 EFIE'S prayer. N. Y. 1872.. 12. 35 1615 Baptized with a curse. E. S. Barley Bannock, The. A. CAMPBELL. DREWRY. 3 V............................ 37: 850-2 Zn W. T. B. v. 10...................... 40: 1720 Bar one. R. BLACK. In Lady Caro- Barnaby Rudge. C. (J. H.) DICKline: with pendants................... 35: 2169 ENS. 3 v.................................. 37: 431-3 Barbara. L. C. REYNOLDS............39: 295 The same. 2 v.............................. 37: 434-5 Barbara's history. A.B.EDWARDS. 37: 1515 The same..................................... 37: 436 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 37: 1516 The same................................... 37: 437 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BARNABY. 17 BAYER. Barnaby Rudge, (continued.) — Barrows, W. The same. Tauchnitz ed. Wi/th Mas- TWELVE nights in a-hunter's camp. ter Humphrey's clock. 2 v.......... 37:499-500 Bost. 1870. 160~....................... 35: 1677 The same.................................... 37: 501-2 Note. Same as The general. Barnard, Charles (Francis.) (Mrs. Barry Gray. See COFFIN, Robert Maria Gilman; Jane Kingsford.) Barry. BACH and Beethoven. Bost. 1871. 160. 35: 1625 Bart Ridgely. A. G. RIDDLE............ 39: 401 HANDEL and Haydn. Bost. 1871. Bartleby. H. MELVILLE. In Piazza 160........................................... 3 5: 1626 tales......................................... 38: 2877 MONEY and music: an art story; be- Bartol, M. ing the sequel to "The Soprano." HONOR May. Bost. 1866. 120...... 35: 1687 n. p. n. d. 160..................... 35: 1627 Basil. (W.) W. COLLINS............... 35: 4549 MOZART and Mendelssohn. Bost. Basil Godfrey's caprice. H. PARR. 1871. 160................................. 35: 1628 (Holme Lee.) 2 v. in 1.......... 38: 4193 SOPRANO, The: a musical story. Basket-maker, The. M. M. SHERBost. 1869. 160........................3 5: 1629 WOOD. In Works. v. 7.............. 39: 1642 Note. For sequel see Money and music. Bates, J. C. TONE Masters, The. Bost. 1871. QUEST. N. Y. 1864. 120. [anon.] 35: 1706 3 v. 16~. Bates, Miss Lizzie. Contenti: DOWNWARD and upward. Phil. 1871. Vol. 1. Mozart and Mendelssohn. 35: 1628 120............ 35: 1712 Vol. 2. Han lel and Hayden. 35:1626 Vol. 3. Bah.andhoven. 35: 1^6 STORIES from the moorland; or, tales Vol. 3. Bach and Beethoven. 35: 1625 Barney Brady's goose; or, dark doings-.of the covenanters. Bost. n. d. 160. 35: 1700 at Slalthbeg. W. CARLKTON. With Batkins, Jefferson S., life of, member Redmond Count O'Hanlon......... 35: 3847 from Cranberry Centre. Written Barny O' Reirdon, the navigator. S. byhimself. (pseud.). Bost. 1871. 8~ 33: 587 LOVER. In Legends and stories ofBattle nd the breez Battle and the breeze; or, the fights LOVE-R. n Legends and stories of and fancies of a British tar. R. Ireland....................................38: 1886 M. BALLANTYNE. In Tales of adThe same. In L. C. v. 9.............. 40: 1619 Baron Miinchausen's travels. R. E. venture v.......................... 35: 1483 RASPE.................................... 39: 120 Battle of the Berrins, The. S. LOVER. Baron Mfinchausen, aventures du; In Legends and stories of Ireland. 38: 1886 illustr~ees par G. DOR6.................. *A Battle of the books, The. J. SWIFT. Baron' of Courtstown. A. PICKEN. In Works. v. 3......................... 34: 2077 In W. S. C. L. v. 7....................34: 4177 The same. With A tale of a tub...... 39: 3433 The same...15: 4917 Battle of Dorking. The; German Them........M... E. 4conquest of England. Col. G. Baronet's cross, The. M. MEEKE........ 35: 4202 2Bar nv.3 daughter,2The:. 840-41 Battle of Dryffe Sands, The. In W. Baronet's daughter, The. Mrs. E. T. B. v. 8............ 40: 1718 C. GREY.................................... 37: 3492 Baronet's sunbeam, The. A. C. W. Baronet'8l.sunbeam;"The:"A:C:W:Battle of the factions, The. W. ~~~3 v.~ ~40:- 1-3 t CARLETON. In Traits and stories. v. 1.........................................35 40: 1-3384 Barony, The. A. M. PORTER. 3 v... 38: 4641-3 B.atle of LifeThe..C.(.. 35: 3841 Barrack-master's daughter, The. Battle of Life, The. C. (J. H.) DICKJ. HALL. In Legends of the west. 37: 3870 ENS. In Christmas stories.......... 37: 450 The same............................. 37: 451 Barren honor. G. A. LAWRENCE...... 38: 1361 The same.................37: 451 B~~arrett, Frank.The same. Tauchnitz ed.7............. 3: 438 FANTOCCINI. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm. 8~. 351640-41 Battl summer, A. M. V. (H.) TER~~~Barrett, ~ Ma~rv~HUNE. With Helen Gardner's Barrett, Mary. STORY of William the silent, The, wedding-day.............. 3: 2835 and the Netherland war. Bost. Battles lost and won. G. E. MERRILL. 38: 2940 s[1869. 160.......,.......,..........35: 1650 iBauer, Karoline. (Carl Detlef.) sarri^sburned awavy. E. P.'RoE 1 39: 618 AT Capri: a story of Italian life. Barriers (urne away.E.PRO.,.3A68 (uf Capri.) Tr. by M. S. Phil. Barrington. C. LEVER................ 38: 1562 Tr by M S Phil Brigo.TheCsame......... 38: 15632 [1875.] 120............................... 35: 1719 The same................................... 38: 1563 D AD toi t 1 wrd osin d DEAD to the world; or, sin and atoneThe same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 1564 ld nd ment. (Schuld und Siihne.) Boat. Barrister, A. (pseud.) 1875. 12~................................. 35: 1720 FIVE hundred pounds reward. N. MUST it be'? (Musste es sein?) Phil. Y. 1871. 80............3............... 35: 1652 1873. 8................................... 35: 1721 Barrow, Mrs. Fanny (Aunt Fanny). VALENTINE, the countess; or, beALL sorso of pop-guns. N. Y. 1869. tween father and son. (Zwischen 160..................................... 35: 1658 Vater und Sohn.) Tr. by M. S. BABY night-caps. N. Y. n.d. 180 35: 1668 Phil. 1874. 12........................ 35: 1722 BIG night-caps. N. Y. n.d. 18~... 35: 1659 Baxter, Francis Willoughby. FAIRY night-caps. N.Y. n.d. 180 35: 1660 PERCY Lockhart; or, the hidden FUNNY pop-guns N.Y. 1869. 16~. 35: 1661 will. Lond. 1872. 2 v. sm. 80 35:1730-31 GRASSHOPPER pop-guns. N.Y. 1869. Bay-path, The. J. G. HOLLAND. 160........................................... 35: 1662 (Timothy Titcomb)...................... 37: 4546 LITTLE night-caps.......................35: 1663 Bayer, Carl Robert. (Robert Byr). NEW night-caps. N. Y. n.d. 18~, 35: 1669 SPHINX, The; or, striving with desNIGHT-CAPS. N.Y. n.d. 180......35: 1670 tiny. (Sphinx.) Phil. 1871. 120 35: 1740 ONE big pop-gun. N. Y. 1869. 160 35: 1664 STRUGGLE for existence, The: (Der PoP-GUNs. N. Y. 1869. 16~0.........35: 1665 Kampf urnum's Dasein.) A romance POST-OFFICE pop-guns. N. Y. 1869. after the German of Robert Byr, by 16~0.........................................35: 1666 AuberForestier. Phil. 1873. 12~. 35: 1741 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BAYLY. 18 BEECHNUT. Bayly, Thomas Haynes. (1797-1837). Beauty of Vicq. d'Azyr. L. de la DAVID Dumps; or, the budget of RAME. With Cecil Castlemaine's blunders. Phil. 1838. 8......... 35: 1750 gage...................................... 39: 42 Bazancourt, Sophie de. See ARBOU- Beauvoir (tdouard Roger de Bully, VILLE, Sophie de Bazancourt, com- called) Roger de. (1809-1866.) tesse d.' SAFIA; or, the magic of count CagBeach, Alice. liostro: a Venetian tale. TransQUEEN Rhoda. Bost. [1870.] 160 35: 1760 lated from the French by P. F. Beach, C. Christin and Eugene Lies. N. Y. LOST Lenore. N. Y. 1870. 12..... 35: 1766 1858. 8~................................... 35: 1823 Beale, Anne. B6bbe; or, two little wooden shoes. SIMPLICITY and fascination. Bost. L. de la RAME........................... 39: 41 1866. 12................................ 35: 1778 Bchard, Frdric. (b. 1824.) Bear and forbear; or, the young skip- MAURICE. Tr. by Mrs. Josephine per of Lake Ucayga. W. T. Douglas. N. Y. 1872. 12~........ 35: 1830 ADAMS. (Oliver Optic)............... 35: 231 Beckett, Arthur A. Bear and forbear. Mrs. S. C. HALL. FALLEN among thieves. Lond. In Tales of woman's trials............ 37: 3888 1870. 3 v. sm. 8.................... 35: 1840-2 The same................................... 37: 3889 Beckett, Gilbert Abbott i (1810Bear hunters of the Rocky mountains, 1856). The. A. BOWMAN.................. 35: 2442 COMIC Blackstone, The. Phil. n.d. Bear king, The. J. GREENWOOD...... 37: 3454 12~............................ 33: 823 Beatrice. J. KAVANAGH............... 38: 664 COMIC history of England, The. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1.. 38: 665 Lond. n. d. 8~........................ 27: 1377 Beatrice. Hon. R. NOEL............... 38: 3646 COMIC history of Rome, The. Lond. Beatrice. C. SINCLAIR.................. 39: 1725 n. d. 8~.................................... 26: 2198 Beatrice Boville, and other stories. Beckford, William. (1760-1844). L. de la RAME.......................... 39: 40 VATHEK: an Arabian tale. N. Y. Contents: 1868. 16~................................. 35: 1851 Beatrice Boville. Silver chimes and golden Beckoning series, The. P. COBDEN. Holly wreaths-and rose fetters chains. Slander and sillery. (pseud.) 4 v.............................. 35: 4464-7 LA;dy Marabout's troubles. Contents: Beatrice Cenci. F. D. GUERRAZZI... 37: 3618 Going on a mission, v 2. Turning wheel, The, v. 3,Beauchamp, Sheisley. ^Good luck, v. 4. Who will win, v 1. Beauchamp, Shelsley.. GRANTLEY Grange: benedicts and Beckwith, Mrs. J. R. bachelors. Lend. 1874. 3 v. sm. LHUSE behind the poplars, The. N. 80............................................. 3 5:178 - 1871. 12........................... 35: 186 Beauchamp; or, the error. G. P. R. Bede, Cuthbert. (pseud. See BRADBeauchamp; or, the error. G. P.:. WINTHROPS, The. N. Y. 1864. 120 35: 1862 JAMES....................................... 38: 168 JAMES.38: 168 Bede, Cuthbert. (pseud.) See BRADBeauchampe;. the Kentucky LEY, Rev. Edward. tragedy. W. G. SIMMS.............. 39: 1675 Bedes charity. H. M.... 3: 1842 Beauclercs, The; father and son. C.Bedford-row conspiracy W. M CARLOS-CLARKE........................ 35: 3856 Thes m. n 33: 400 THACKERAY. in Miscellanies, v. 3 33: 4009 Beauclerk, Lady Diana de Vere. The same. In Miscellanies. v. 7. 33: 4006 TRUE love. Phil. 1870. 12.........35: 1800 e e. M el es 3 Beaumanoir. N. VIENER............ 39: 3727 Bedott, widow. See HITCHER, Beaumarchais: an historical novel. Mrs. M. M. A. E. BRACHVOGEL. Tr. by T. J. Bed-time stories. Mrs. L. C. MOULR dford............................... 35: 2497 TON.....................................8: 3180 Beaumont, Averil. ontentsLittle mother, The. MADALENWnyard.Lod.18.enjie, Little mother, The. MAGDALEN Wynyard. Lond. 1871. Child's good work, A. Mrrgaret's necklace. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8....................... 35: 1810 Child's tragedy, A. Maud Granger's new dress. T:irrORNICRrT'S model. Le nd. 187. Coals of fire. Mr. Turk and what became THORNICROFT'S model. Lond. 1873. How the girls got rid of of him. 3 v. sm. 8.............................. 35:1811-13 Freddy. Paying off Jane. Beautiful Bertha. Mrs. L. C. TUTHILL 39: 3384 Janie Leech's angel. Sir Harry. Beautiful Edith. Lond. 1873. 3 v. Just a little bit of Christ- What Birdie did. m s. What Jess Cortrell did. sm. 8~....................................... 40: 2043 Light in the window. Beautiful fiend, A. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Bee, The. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte SOUTHWORTH........................... 39: 2003 Elizabeth.) In Tales and illustraBeautiful Miss Barrington. H. Parr. tions........................................ 39: 3070 (Holme Lee)....................... 38: 4194 Bee Darrel. Mrs. A. FRASER. With Beautiful widow, The. M. W. SHL- Only a face................................ 37: 2445 LEY......................................... 39: 1601 Beebee, Charles Washington. (RaLEY. 39:.1601 Beebee, Charles Washington. (RaBeauty and the beast; and tales of venswood home. (J.) B. TAYLOR.............. 39: 2780 EDMUND )awn; or, ever forgiven. Contents: I Contents: N. Y. 1873. 12~.........5.......: 1872 Beauty and the beast. Miss Bartram's trouble. N.Y. 1873. 12.............. Can a life hide itself? Mrs. Strongitharm's re- Beechcroft. C. M. YONGE............ 40: 1260 Experiences of the A. C. port. Beeher, Rev. Henry Ward. Friend Eli's daughter. Strange friend, The. NORWOD. N.Y. 1868. 1...... 35: 188 Jacob Flint's journey. Twin-love. r. Henry Ward. Twin-love. NORWOOD. 7.l. 1868. 12.. 35: 1880 Beauty and the beast. Miss A. I. Beecher, Mrs. Henry Ward. THACKERAY. With The story of FROM dawn to daylight; or, the Elizabeth.............................. 39 2863 simple story of a western home. Beauty and the beast. N. P. N. Y. 1861. 120....................... *35: 1885 WILLIS n. n L. C., v. 4...............40: 1614 Beechnut: a Franconia story. J. Beauty draught, The. Zn T.f. B. v.9 40: 1697 ABBOTT................................ 35: 23 P1OSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BEECHWOOD. 19 BERGER. Beechwood. R. R. SPRINGER....... 39: 2137 Belot, Adolphe. Beethoven, L. von. Mrs. ELLET. ARTICLE 47: a romance. Phil. 1873. In Nouvellettes of the musicians... 37: 1650 8~............................................. 35: 1930 Before he was posted. J. POMEROY. MEN are what women make them. 2 v........................................... 38: 4583-4 Phil. 1872. 12........................ 35: 1931 Beggar on horseback. J. S. SAUZADE. WOMEN of fire,. The. Tr. from the (James Payn)..........3.............. 39: 1161 French by Jas. Furbish. Best. Beggars. Mrs. S. C. HALL. In 1875.- 8~................................... 35: 1932 Lights and shadows. v. 2............ 37: 3883 Below the surface. Sir A. H. ELTON. 37: 1695 Beggar's camp, The: Serjeant's tales. Belton Estate. A. TROLLOPE........... 39: 3152 J. HOWELL. In W. T. B. v. 4.... 40: 1714 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 3153 Behind the curtain. H. N. (W.) Ben Brace: the last of Nelson's AgaBAKER................................... 35: 1381 memnons. F. CHAMIER. 3 v...... 35: 4007-9 Behind the hedges. Mad. H. G. de Ben, the luggage boy; or, among the WITT. In Dames of high estate... 37: 401 wharves. H. ALGER, Jr.............. 35: 530 Behind the scenes. Lady BUTLWER- Ben Sylvester's ward. C. M. YONGE.. 40: LYTTON. 2 v in 1...................... 35: 3275 Bendbow, Hesper. (pseud.) See Behind the veil. C. V. HAMILTON.... 37: 3920 ARCHER, George W. Behold it was a dream. R. BROUGHBehold it was a dream. RE BROIJGH- Bending willow; or, missionary life TON. In Tales for christmas eve... 35: 2977 Bending willow; or, missionary life in the north-west. J. G. FULLER.. 37: 2520 Belcher, Henry. Beneath the wheels. F. DERRICK..... 37: 347 CRAMLEIGH college. Lend. 1874. B, F L 3v. sin.80.35: 1890-2 Benedict, Frank Lee. 3 v. sm.. 88............................... 35: 1890-2 BeN Frank LeN. Belforest. A. MANNING. 2 v.........38: 2453-4 JOHN Worthington's name. N. Y. Belial. N.Y.045 1874. 80...............................;... 35: 1942 Belinda. M.YEDEWORTH. In B. B.Miss Dorothy's charge. N. Y. 1873. IN. v. 49, 50.3735: 1943 The same. In her N. and T. v. 6... 37: 1501 Miss Van Kortan. Y. 1870. 80. 35: 1945 Belisarius: an historical romance. MR. ghn's hir. N.Y. 1875. 8 35: 1945 Comtesse de (St. Albin) GENLIS...... 37: 2920 MY daughter Elinor. N.Y. 1871. 80 35: 1946 Bell, Acton. See BRONT Anne.PRICE of a dream. In Rougegorge, Bell, Acton. See BROTNT4, Anne. - and other stories........................ 40: 1670 Bell, Mrs. Adolphus. See REYNOLDS, and other stores40: 1670 Mrs. Louisa Clarissee.ST. Simon's niece. N.Y. 1875. 80~. 35: 1947 Bell, Currer. See NICHOLLS, MrsBenito Cereno. H. MELVILLE. In Charlotte Brontg. Piazza tales............................... 38: 2877 Bell, Ellis. See BRONT6, Emily. Benjamin, E. B. Bell, Mrs. Evans. BRIGHTSIDE. N. Y. 1873. 160...... 35: 1956 FIRST appearance, A. Lond. 1872. Benjamin, S. G. W. 3 v. sm. 80................................35: 1901-3 CHOICE of Paris, The. N. Y. 1870. Bell, Mrs. M artin. 160........................................... 35: 1964 JULIA Howard. N. Y. 1864. 8~. 35: 1912 Ben-na-groich. In T. f. B. v. 4... 40: 1696 Bell and rose. C. L. HENTZ. With Bennett, Emerson. Banished son.............................. 37: 4311 BORDERrover, The. Phil. n.d. 12~ 35: 1974 Bell Martin. T.S. ARTHUR. In Tales BRIDE of the wilderness, The. Phil. f35: 804 n. d. 120............. 35: 1975 from real life........................ 35: 804''."12 3: 1976 The same. In Mary Els...............35: 788 ECLARA Moreland. Phil. n. d. 120. 35: 1976'The same. /n Mary Ellis............... 3F: 788 ELLEN Norbury. Phil. n. d. 120.... 35: 1977 Bella; or, the cradle of liberty. Mrs. FAIR rebel, The: a tale of colonial E. St. JOHN............................... 30: 1049 times. Cin. 1853. 8~................ 35: 1986 Bella Donna. P. FITZGERALD......... 37: 2225 FORGED will, The; or, crime and Bella Trelawny: sequel to Harold retribution. Phil. n. d. 120...... 35: 1978 Tracy. J. F. SMITH.................. 39: 1889 HEIRESS of Bellefonte and Walde"Bellah." O. FEUILLET. Tr. by 0. warren. Phil. n. d. 80............. 35: 1979 Vib.eur. In Led astray...............37: 2121 KATE Clarendon. Phil. n. d. 12~. 35: 1980 Bellamy, E. W. (Kamba Thorpe.) ORPHAN'S trials, The. Phil. n. d. FOUR Oaks. N. Y. 1874. 80........ 35: 1920 12~................... 35: 1981 Belle of Belgravia. G. W. GARRETT. PHANTOM of the forest, The: a tale 2........................................... 7 28512 of the dark and bloody ground. 2elle v.37:court,2851-2P.Phil. [18s67.] 120........................ 35: 1982 Belle of the court, The. G. P. R. PIONEER'S daughter, The; and the JAMES......................................38: 224 unknown countess. Phil. n. d. 80 35: 1983 Note. Same as One in a thousand. VILLETA Linden; or, the artist's Belle of the family, The. Mrs. E. C. bride. Phil. 1874. 120............. 35: 1984 GREY...................................... 37: 3493 VIOLA; or, adventures in the far Belle of Washington, The. ~Mrs. N. south-west. Phil. n. d. 12~....... 35: 1985 P. LASSELLE......................... 38: 1340 Bennett, Martha Haines Butt. Bellehood and bondage. Mrs. A. S. PASTIMES with my little friends. N. STEPHENS................................ 39: 2202 Y. 1866. 120............................ 35: 2000 Belles and blackcock. L. de la RAME. Benning, Howe. With Randolph Gordon............... 39: 56 NIx's offering. N. Y. 1873. 160... 35: 2010 Bellini, Vincenzo. Mrs. ELLET. In Beppo. T. A. TROLLOPE............... 39: 3251 Nouvellettes of the musicians...... 37: 1650 Berber, The; or, mountaineer of the Bell-tower, The. H.MELVILLE. Zn Atlas. W. S. MAYO...................... 38: 2830 L. C. v. 3.................................40: 1613 Berger, E. (pseud). See SHEPPARD, The same. I/n Piazza tales......... 38: 2877 Elizabeth Sara. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BERKELEY. 20 BILL. Berkeley, the banker. H. MARTI- Betham-Edwards, Matilda. NEAU. In Illus. of Polit. Econ., DOCTOR Jacob. Bost. 1869. 160.... 35: 2061 v. 5........................................... 38: 2643 KITTY. N. Y. 1870. 8~.............. 35: 2062 Berkeley, lion. Grantly F. SYLVESTRES, The; or, the outcasts. ANECDOTES of the upper ten thou- Phil. 1872. 8~0........................ 35: 2063 sand: their legends and lives. The same. Leip. 1872. 160...... 35: 2064 Lond. 1867. 2 v. 80................. 33: 849-50 Bethell, A. Berkeley, Mrs. Helen. See RITCHIE, MILLICENT and her cousins. N. Y. Mrs. A. C. M. 1872. 160................................. 35: 2068 Berkley, C. Betrothed, The. A. MANZONI........ 38: 2510 HAMILTONS, The. N. Y. 1856. 180 35: 2020 Note. Translation of 1 promessi sposi. Berlin and Sans-Souci. C. M. MUNDT. Betrothed, The. Sir W. SCOTT. Par(Louisa Miihlbach.)................ 38: 3236 ker ed.......................................'39: 1335 Bernard, Charles Bernard Dugrail de The same. Edinb. ed..................... 39: 1357 la Villette. (1805-1850). The same. Abbotsford ed............... 39: 1367 FATAL passion, A; or, Gerfaut. Tr. The same......................... 39: 1388 by O. Vibeur. N. Y. 1874. 120.. 35: 2030 The same. Household ed. 2 v....... 39: 1431-2 QUEEN'S favorite, The; the price of a The same. Pocket ed.................... 39: 1463 crown: an historical romance of The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 1473 the fifteenth century. Phil. n. d. Better for worse. M. E. BRADDON... 35: 2520 12.................................... 35: 2031 Better than gold. Mrs. ARNOLD. 3 v. 35: 742-4 Bernard Lile. Hon. J. CLEMENS...... 35: 4387 Betty's bright idea. Mrs. H. (E.) B. Bernard's invention. F. C. FISHER. STOWE....................................... 39: 2321 (Christian Reid.) In Nina's atone- Between the cliffs; or, Hal Forrester's ment....................................... 37: 2201 anchor. E. MARSHALI...... i........ 38: 2616 Bernhard, Carl. Between two fires. By the author of AUNT Francisca. In Danes sketched "Noteasilyjealous." Lond. 1873. by themselves, v. 2............... 40: 1531 2 v. sm. 80............................... 40: 2047 BANKRUPT, The. In Danes sketched Between two loves. R. J. GRIFby themselves, v. 3................ 40: 1532 FITHS. 3 v............................... 37: 3590-2 COUSIN Carl. In Danes sketched by Betwixt two stools. R. BLACK. In themselves, v. 1................. 40: 1530 Lady Caroline: with pendants...... 35: 2169 DAMON and Pythias. In Danes Beulah. A. J. (Evans) WILSON.... 40: 570 sketched by themselves, v. 2......... 40: 1531 Beverly; or, the white mask. M. T. Bernthal; or, the son's revenge. Mrs. WALWORTH............................... 40: 95 C. M. MUNDT. (Louisa Miihlbach) 38: 3237 Bewick, Thomas. (1753-1828.) Berquin, Arnaud. SELECT fables, with the original woodLOOKING glass for the mind. N. Y. engravings. Lond. n. d. 40...... *A. n. d. 180.............................. 35: 2041 Bewicke, A. E. N. Berriedale. (pseud). LAST of the Jerninghames, The. UNFORGIVEN. N. Y. 1869. 12~... 35: 2050 Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 80........... 35: 2075-6 Berry, Mrs. Martha E. LOVE me for my love. Lond. 1869. CELESTA: a girl's book. Bost. 1867. 2 v. sm. 8............................... 35: 2077-8 16.......................................... 35: 2056 Bewildered querists, The; and other CRooKstraightened, The. Bost. 1868. nonsense. F. B. CROFTON............ 33: 1230 160........................................ 35: 2057 Bewildered student, The. J. BECROOKED and; or, Jotham THUNE. In W. T. B. v. 5.......... 40: 1715 and Anette at home. Bost. 1867. Beyond the breakers. R. D. OWEN... 38: 3960 16........................................... 35: 2058 Beyond the snow. P. F. REED......... 39: 203 Bertha Weisser's wish. M. L. Bis- Beyond these voices. Lord DESART SELL........T......... L.............T.. 35: 1301 3 v........................................... 37: 357-9 Bertha's engagement. Miss A. S. Bianca: a tale of Erin and Italy. E. STEPHENS................................. 39: 2203 MATURIN................................ 38: 2730 Bertram family, The. E. R. CHARLES. 35: 4086 Bianca Cappello. Lady BULWERBertram Noel. E.J. MAY.............. 38: 2780 LYTTON.................................... 35. 3276 Bertrams, The. A. TROLLOPE.. 2 V. Biart, Lucien. in 1....................................... 39: 3155 ADVENTURES of a young naturalist. Bertrand de la Croix; or, the siege N. Y. 1871. 120....................... 35: 2085 of Rhodes. G. P. R. JAMES. In Bible the best book, The. C. E. Club book..................... 40: 1520 TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth.) In Besetting sin, The. C. M. BRAME. Tales and illustrations............. 39: 3070 /n Tales fr. the diary of a sister of Bible of Val du Berger, The. F. mercy....................................... 35: 2673 BROWNE. In The exile's trust...... 35: 3025 Bessie. J. KAVANXAGH.................... 38: 666 Bidpai. See PILPAI. Bessie Wilmerton. M. WESTCOTT.... 40: 320 Big brother, The. G. C. EGGLESTON. 37: 1603 Bessy Conway; or, the Irish girl in Big night-caps. Mrs. F. BARROW...... 35: 1659 Amerika. Mrs. M. A. M. SADLIER. 39: 1011 Bill Arp's peace papers. C. H. SMITH. 33: 3789 Bessy Rane. E. P. WooD. [Mrs. Bill Drock's investment. M. D. CHELHenry Wood.].................. 40: 677 LIS........................................... 35: 4150 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 678 Bill Riggs, Jr.: the story of a city boy. Bessy's money: a tale. A. MANNING. 38: 2455 0. A. WADSWORTH................... 40: 20 Best of husbands, The. J. S. SAU- Bill Stanley; or, a sailor's story. J. M. ZADE. (James Payn.)....................39: 1162 WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 3........ 40: 1713 Bet, The. EBERHARDT. In R. G.N. Bill Whyte. H. MILLER. In W. T. B. v. 2..........................................40: 1561 v. 3............................ 40: 1713 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BILLINGS. 21 BLACK. Billings, Josh. (pseud.) See SHAW, Bitzius, (continued.)H. W. WEALTH and welfare. Lond. 1866. Billings, Josh: his sayings. H.W. 2 v. 12~................................... 35: 2145-6 SHAW....................................... 33: 3649 The sam e................................... 35: 2147 Billings, Josh, on ice, and other things. Note. The above are both translations, by different H. W. SHAW.............................33: 3650 hands, of Geld und Geist, oder die Versohnung. Billy Grimes' favorite. H. P. H. Bivouac, The. S. FOSTER............... 37: 2426 NOWELL....................................38: 3686 Bivouac, The; or, stories of the PeBinding the sheaves. S. S. ROBBINS. 39: 450 ninsular war. W. H. MAXWELL. 38: 2743 Bird, Mary Atherstone. Bivouac and battle; or, the struggles WINIFRED'S jewels. Phil. 1874. 12~. 35: 2106 of a soldier. W. T. ADAMS (Oliver Bird, Robert Montgomery (1803-1854.) Optic.)...................................... 35: 232 ADVENTURES of Robin Day. Phil. Bj6rnson, Bj6rnstjerne. (b. 1832.) 1839. 2 v. 12~..........................35: 2116 ARNE; a sketch of Norwegian counCALAVAR; or, the knight of the con- try life. Lond. 1866. 8~........... 35: 2157 quest: a romance of Mexico. N. FISHER girl, The. Lond. 1871. 12~. 35: 2158 Y. 1854. 12~...........................3 5: 2117 Black, Robert. Note. For sequel see The infidel. BAR one. With Lady Caroline....... 35: 2169 HAWKS of hawk hollow: a tradition BETWIXT two stools. With Lady of Pennsylvania. Phil. 1835. Caroline.................................... 35: 2169 2 v. 12~................................... 35: 2118 BLACKBIRD of Baden, and other INFIDEL, The; or, the fall of Mexico. stories. Lond. 1869. sm. 8~....... 35: 2168 Sequel to Calavar. Phil. 1835.Contents: 7 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Contents: Seque to 0Calavar.: Phil. 1835.Friends and rivals- Two turnings to the right. 12........................................... 35: 2119 Married well. Unexpected blessing, An. NICK of the woods; or, the Jibbe- Pretty butcheress, The. Verdict against J. J., The. nainosay: a tale of Kentucky. N.FATAL bouquet, The With Lady Y. 1868. 12~........................... 35: 2120 Caroline................................... 35: 2169 PETER Pilgrim; or, a rambler's rec- FIFTY brides; an old tale re-told. ollections. Phil. 1838. 2 v. 12~. 35: 2121-2 With Lady Caroline.................... 35: 2169 SHEPPARD Lee. 1N. Y. 1836. 2 v. FRIENDS and rivals. With Blackbird 12~. [anon.]............................. 35: 2123 of Baden................................... 35: 2168 Birdie and his fairy friends. M. T. How Robinson lost his fellowship. CANBY..............3............ 35: 3740 With Lady Caroline.................... 35: 2169 Bird's nest, The. C. E. TONNA (Char- LADY Caroline: with pendants. lotte Elizabeth.) In Philip and his Lond. 1873. sm. 8~.................. 35: 2169 garden...................................... 39: 3068 Contents: Birds of a feather. M. E. BRADLEY. 35: 2615 Bar one. Lady Caroline. Birds of prey. M. E. BRADDON. 35: 2521 Betwixt two stools. Odd shaver, An. "Rii~io rv -nr~v M T T^A~mnw Q<~. 9'-i91 Betwixt two stools. Odd shaver, An. -Br~'t pry.M.J~A O.......3 ~. 25 Fatal bouquet, The. Off the scent. Birth and education. M. S. SCHWARTZ. 39: 1256 Fifty brides. Red nose, The. Birthday present, The. M. M. SHER- How Robinson lost his Stubbs's luck. WOOD. In Works v. 8.................39: 1643 fellowship. Birthmark, The. N. HAWTHORNE.MARRIED well. With Blackbird of im T.. r..... 40: Baden....................................... 35: 2168 In LJ. C. v. 8...............40-: 1618 a 2168 ODD shaver An. With Lady CaroThe same. In Mosses from an old'i e, A. Wih Lady Caro-2 line.......................................... 35: 2169 manse....................................... 37: 4182 O Ft ese t ah r a d e tr manse.37: 4182+"*T'^ *"*'-;*****.*.*******"***' OFF the scent: rather an adventure Birthright, The.'C. G.F. GORE....... 37' 3191 rthr,. C..F.GORE. 37: 3191 for an undergraduate. With Lady Births, deaths and marriages. T. (E.)Caroline............................... 35: 2169 HOOK.......................................37: 4635 PRETTY butcheress, The. With BlackBisaccioni, Maiolino. bird of Baden............................ 35: 2168 NOVELS of. In R. I. N. v. 4.........40: 1583 RED nose, The. With Lady Caroline. 35: 2169 Bishop's son, The. A. CARY...........35: 3914 STUBBS'S luck. With Lady Caroline. 35: 2169 Bissell, Mary L. Two turnings to the right. With BERTHA Weisser's wish. Bost. 1865. Blackbird of Baden..................... 35: 2168 16~..................................... 35: 1301 UNEXPECTED blessing, An. With NED Grant's quest. Bost. 1867. 16~. 35: 2133 Blackbird of Baden..................... 35: 2168 ROBINSONS, The. Bost. n. d. 160..35: 2134 VERDICT against J. J., The. With Bit o' writin', The. J. and M. BANIM. 35: 1531 Blackbird of Baden..................... 35: 2168 Cbntents: Black, William. (b. 1841.) Ace of clubs. Last of the storm. DAUGHTER f Heth A. Leip. 1871. Churchyard watch. Peasant girl's love.Leip. 1871. Faithful servant, The. Publican's dream. 2 v. in 1................................. 35: 2175 Family of the cold feet. Rival dreamers. FIGHT for a wife. With Maid of Half-brothers. Roman merchant. Killeena. 35: 2179 Hall of the castle. Soldier's billet.e 35: 217 Hall of the castle.Soldier's billet.' i e n......._.._.........................3:. 17 Harehound andthe witch. Stolen sheep. IN silk attire. N. Y. 1872. 8~...... 35: 2176 111 got, ill gone. Substitute.KILMENY. N.Y. 1874. 8~.......... 35: 2177 Irish lord-lieutenant. Twice lost but saved. LOVE or marriage? N. Y. 1874. 8 35: 2178 White Bristol.LOVE or marriage? N.Y. 1874. 8~. 345: 2178 White Bristol. Biter Bit, The. (W.) W. COLLINS....35: 4556 MAID of Killeena; and other stories. N. Y. 1875. 80..................... 35: 2179 Bitter is the rind. H. SMART. 3 v... 39: 1767-9 waslike ShakpeareThe. MAN who was like Shakspearel; The. Bitter sweet, The. M. M. SHERWOOD. With Maid of Killeena................ 35: 2179 In Works. v. 8.........................39: 1643 MARRIAGE of Moira Fergus, The. Bitzius, Albert (JTeremias Gotthelf.) Bost. 1875. 8~......................... 35: 2184 (1794-1854.) MONARCH of Mincing-Lane, The. N. SOUL and money, The. Tr. by Y. 1871. 8~............................. 35: 2180 Guaterick Vere. Lond. 1872. PRINCESS of Thule, A. N. Y. 1875. sm. 8~.......................................35: 2144 8~........................................... 35: 2181 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BLACI. 22 BLUEBEARD'S. Black, William, (continued.)- Blackwood, Tales from. For conQUEEN Tita's wager. In Maid of tents see Tales from, etc. Killeena.................................... 35: 2179 Blade-o'-grass. B. L. FARJEON. N. STRANGE adventures of a phaeton, Y. 1873. 80............................. 37: 1977 The. N. Y. 1874. 80................ 35: 2182 Blagden, Isa. THREE feathers. N. Y. 1875. 80... 35: 2183 NORA and Archibald Lee. N. Y. TRUE legend of a billiard club. With 1867. 8~................................... 35: 2218 Maid of Killeena...................... 35: 2179 Blake, Lady. Black and blue. In N. and T. v. 2. 40: 1642 CLAUDE. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm.. 80 35:2228-30 Black band. M. E. BRADDON........... 35: 2522 HAMMONDS of Holycross, The. Lond. Black baronet, The. W. CARLETON. 35: 3826 1865. 3 v. sm. 8..................... 35: 2231-3 Black cottage, The. (W.) W. COL- LADY of Lyndon. Bost. 1872 8~. 35: 2234 LINS. I4ith Mad Monkton........... 35: 4556 RUTH Maxwell. Bost. 1873. 80.... 35: 2235 Black Dennis. Mrs. S. C. HALL. In Blake, Lillie Devereux. Sketches of Irish character........... 37: 3887 FETTERED' for life; or, lord and Black dwarf. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker master: a story of to-day. N. Y. ed........................................... *39: 1309 1874. 12~................................. 35: 2245 The same. Edinb. ed....................39: 1355 Blakes and Flanagans, The. Mrs. M. The same. Abbotsford ed.............. 39: 1360 A. M. 3ADLIER..................... 39: 1012 The same....................................... 39: 1378 Blanchard, Sidney Laman. The same. Household ed.............. 39: 1405 RIDDLES of love; or, the knave of The same. Pocket ed..................... 39: 1450 hearts. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8~. 35: 2255-7 The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 1474 Blanche, Allen August. Black flags in the Channel. H. SPICER. BANDIT, The. N.,Y. 1872. 8~...... 35: 2267 In Bound to please. v. 1............ 39: 2096 Blanche Gilroy; a girl's story. Mrs. Black forest village stories. B. M. HOSMER............................... 37: 4700 AUERBACH................................ 35: 876 Blanche of Beaulieu. A. (D.) DuCbntents: MAS. With Twin lieutenants........ 37: 1015 Florian and Crescence Ivo, the gentleman. Blanche of Brandywin. G. LIPPARD. 38: 1773 Gawk, The. Lauterbacher, The. Good Government. [ Manor-house farmer's Vefela. Blanche Seymour. Phil. 1873. 8~ 40: 2054 Hostile brothers, The. pip-cheeked Toney. Bleaburn, Sickness and health of the Pipe of war, The. people of. Bost 1853. 160......... 40: 2565 Black gauntlet, The. Mrs. H. R.Bleak House. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. SCHOOLCRAFT............................. 39: 1245 B Ho. C ( H.) DqoKENS TSc.CHOO.cRAFT.9: 1245 (Boz.) 2 V................................. 37: 439-40 Black mask, The. C. L. HENTZ. With The same......... 37: 441 Banished son.............................. 37: 4311 Thesame.. 37: 442 Black prophet; a tale of the Irish The same. Tauchnitz ed. 4 v........ 37: 443-6 famine. W CARLETON........... 36: 3827 The same. 4 v. in 2....................... 37: 447-8 Black sheep. E. YATES. 2 v. in 1....40: 1201.. Black ship, The. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES. In W orks. v. 13........................ 39: 1648 With Cottage by the cathedral....... 35: 4071 Black tulip, The. A. (D.) DUMAS..... 37: 965 Blessington, Countess of. See GarBlack watch, The; an historical novel. diner, M. A. PICKEN. In W. S. C. L. v. 3. 34: 4173 Blicher, S. S. The same................................ 15: 4913 ESBEN. In Danes sketched by themBlackbird of Baden, The; and other selves. v. 3............................... 40: 1532 stories. R. BLACK...................... 35: 2168 TALE of Jutland, A. In Danes Contents: sketched by themselves. v. 1....... 40: 1530 Friends and rivals. Two turnings to the right. Blithedale romance, The. N. HAWMarried well. Unexpected blessing, An. THORNE................................ 37: 4177 Pretty butcheress, The. Verdict against J. J., The. The..................................... 37 4186 Blackburn, Rev. William M. The s ame................................... 37: 4186 ULRICH Zwingli, the patriotic re- Blockade of Phalsburg. E. ERCKformer: a history. Phil. [1868.] MANN and A. CHATRIAN.............. 37: 1731 12.......................................... 25: 1924 Block-house, The. In Tales of GlauBlackford, Mrs. berSpa. v. 2........................... 40: 1700 ARTHUR Monteith. With Scottish Blood of the Sundons, The. In N. orphans, and sequel to the same..... 35: 2192 and T. v. 8.............................. 40: 1648 SCOTTISH orphans, The; founded on Blood seedling, The. J. HAY. With a historical fact. Phil. 1874. 160. 35: 2192 Not pretty, but precious............ 40: 1640 YOUNG West Indian, The. With Bloomfield. E. WARREN............... 40: 220 Scottish orphans......................... 35: 2192 The same.............................. 40: 221 Blackmore, Richard Doddridge. Blossoming of an aloe, The. Mrs. ALICE Lorraine; a tale of the South Cashel IHOEY............................. 37: 4460 Downs. N.Y. 1875. 80..........35: 2200 Blot on his escutcheon, A. C. A. CLARA Vaughan. Berlin. 1872. CUTHBERT. 2 v. in I.................. 35: 5190 2 v. in 1. 120............................ 35: 2201 CRADOCK Nowell; a tale of the New Blow up with the brig." (W.) W. COLLINS. With Alicia Warlock.. 35: 4539 Forest. N. Y. 1866. 8~............ 35: 2202 The same. Wi4th Miss or Mrs?......... 35: 4567 LORNA Doone; a romance of Exmoor. N. Y. 1874. 80........... 35: 2203 Blue and yellow. L. de la RAME. MAID of Sker, The; a novel. N. Y. (Ouida.) With Randolph Giordon. 39: 56 1872. 8$..................................35: 2204 Blue-Bell of Red-Neap. L. PARR... 38: 4230 Blackwell, Antoinette Brown. Blue ribbon, The. E. TABOR............ 39: 2713 ISLAND neighbors, The; a novel of Bluebeard's ghost. Wm. M. THACKAmerican life. N. Y. 1871. 8~. 35: 2210 ERAY. In L.C. v. 9.................. 40: 1619 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BLUEBEARD'S. 23 BOUND. Bluebeard's keys, and other stories. Bonanza, The great. W. T. ADAMS. 33: 741 Miss A. I. THACKERAY............... 39: 2860 Bond and free. ZIn N. and T. v. 2.... 40: 1642 Contents: Boniface, Joseph Xavier. (Called Bluebeard's keys. Riqiuet A la houppe. Saintine.) Jack and the bean-stalk. I White cat, The. DAME Nature and her daughter........ 35: 2341 Blythe. J. A. ST JOHN. PICCIOLA; the prisoner of Fenestrella. LONELY life, A. Phil. [n. d.] 120~. 36: 2270 Phil. 1857. 12. 35: 2342 WIFI or slave. Lond. 1872. 3 v. Bonny Mary Gibson. Thos. GILLESsm. 8~....................................... 35' 2271-3 pE In W. T. B. v. 8............... 40: 1718 sm. 80.35: 2271-3 PIE. ZnW.T.B. v.8............... 40: 1718 WISE as a serpent.......................... 35: 2274 Bonwick, James. Boarding-school days. C. GORDON. 37: 3160 TASMANIAN lily, The. Lond. 1873. Boardman, Mrs. M. M. sm. 8~........................ 35: 2354 HAPS and mishaps of the Brown fam- Book of golden deeds. C. M. YONGE. ily. Phil. 1870. 16~................35: 2284 (Edit).. 33: 4479 (Edit.)...................................... 33: 4479 MOTHER-IN-LAW. Phil. 1870. 16~. 35: 2285 Book of lif The. J. GALT. In NELLIE Gates. Phil. 1870. 16....35: 2286 ClubBook 40: 1520 SISTER'S triumph. Phil. 1870. 16~. 35: 2287 Book ofsnobs, The. Wm. M. THACKBoat, The. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte ERAY. In Miscellanies. v. 1....... 33: 4003 Elizabeth.) In Tales and illustra- The same. In Miscellanies. v. 3..... 33: 4013 tions....................................... 39: 3070 The same............................... 33: 3995 Boat-builder's family. Z. A. MuDGE 38: 3205 Border and bastile. G. A. LAWRENCE. 38: 1362 Boat club, The: or, the bunkers of Border beagles. W. G. SIMMS......... 39: 1676 Rippleton. W. T. ADAMS. (Oli- Border rifles G. AIMARD................. 35: 387 ver Ocptic.).6........A..3: 233 Border rover. E. BENNETT............. 35: 1974 Boat club series. W. T. ADAMS. (Oli- Borders of the Tamar and the Temy. ver Optic.) 6 v. A. E. BRAY............................. 35: 2693 Contents Borntobe a lady. K.HENDERSON..... 37:4300 All aboard. v. Z. 35:230 Now or never. v. 3. 35:261 belady. 37: 4300 Boat club. v. 1. 35:2.33 Poor and proud. v. 6. 35:266 Borrow, George. (b. 1803.) Little by little. v. 4. 35:256 Try again. v. 5. 35:280 LAVENGRO; Romany Rye. N. Y. Bob Burke's duel with Ensign Brady. 1857. 2 v. in 1. 8~.................... 35: 2364 Wm. MAGINN. In T. fr. B. v. 3. 40: 1694 LAVENGRO. Cincinnati 1852. 80... 35: 2365 Bobbin boy, The. W. M. THAYER. 39: 2935 ROMANY Rye. With Lavengro...... 35: 2364 Bob-o-link and the owl, The. E. EG- RovING adventures. Cin. 1852. 8~. 35: 2366 GLESTON. In Schoolmaster's stories 37: 1595 Borys, Gontran. Boccaccio, Giovanni. (1313-1375.) SHE loved him madly. N. Y. 1876. NOVELS. In R. I. N. v. 1............. 40: 1580 120~........................................... 35: 2373 Note. Stories selected from the Decameron. Contents: Bocher of Red-gap lane. Mrs. S. C. Pt. 1. Little at the Brambles. -i50Cner ~ oi~~-Rea-g aPtn. 2. Leclubdes Pendus. HALL. In Lights and shadows. HALL. 37 Lights and shadows.Boscobel. W.H. AINSWORTH......... 35: 410 v. 3............................................ 3 7: 38841 VBoelte, Amalie Charlotte Elise Manri~~ ~- ~Boscobel. In N. and T. v. 8......... 40: 1648 anBoelte (usAmally e Charlotte Ely).se Ma-Bsom friend, The. Mrs. E. C. GREY. 37: 3494 ane (usulall~y only Ame y). BOSSU, Le. In Tales of Glauber-Spa. MADAME de Sta5l; an historical nov- Bossu, Le. In Tales of Glauber-Spa. Both sides of the street. M. S. [1869.]. 12............................. 35: 2298 W ALKER................................... 40: 38 Bogle o' the Brae, The; a queer courting story. J. HOGG. (Ettrick Shep- Bothmer, Countess von. hIngstoryd. nCu-ok.. 4(0:rick Sh1520 POET Hero, A. Lond. 1870. sm. 8~. 35: 2376 herd.) In Club-Book................. 40: 1520 STRONG hands and steadfast hearts. Bohemian, The. By the author of Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 80........... 35: 2377-9 Gilbert Earle. In W. S. C. L. v. 14. 34: 4184 Bothwell; or, the days of Mary The same.... *16.....................'... *15: 4924 Queen of Scots. J. GRANT........... 37: 3302 Bohl de (Faber) Arrom Caecilia. (Fernan Caballero.) Formerly Miss nan Cab alleo97.) Formerly MssNOVELS. In R. I. N. v. 4............. 40: 1583 - rabeT (b. 1.191,) -,-Bound boy, The. E. EGGLESON. In ELIA: or, Spain fifty years ago. N Bound boy, The. E. EGGLESON. In YLS: Or, SpainAfty years ago. N' c oSchoolmaster's stories.................. 37: 1595 Y. 186. 120........................... 35: 2311 Bound by his vows; or, at the altar. Boisgobey, Fortune' du.E. WERNER............................... 40: 311 CHEVALIER Casse-Cou, The. N..Y. Bound down. A. M. FITCH............. 37: 221.5 1875. 2 v. 8........................... 35:2315-6 Boundto John Compy. M. E. Bound to John Company. M. E. Contents: Red camelia, The. - Search for ancestors, The. BRADDON............................ 35: 2523 GOLDEN tress, The. Phil. 1876. 120. 35: 2314 Bound to please. H. SPICER. 2 v. Bolanden, Conrad von. in!.......................................... 39:. 2096 ANELA. ith The progressionists. 36: 2321 Contents: ANGELA. With The progressionists. 35: 2321 Aboard the Eveleen Brown Italy in the leash. BARBAROSSA; an historical novel of Awful experience in the Last of the war, The. the xii century. Phil. 1873. 12~. 35: 2320 life of; Filus Kroast. Lodger's story, The. PROGRESSIONISTS, The, and Angela. Black flags in the Channel. Love and glo y. Busily engaged. Lufkin on lDavingpodge. N. Y. 1873. 80........................35: 2321 Campaigning in the Tyrol. Mere scratch, A. Bold and brave books. H. ALGER, jr. Drawing a badger. Mutiny aboard the Minnie Bost. [1874.] 160. 36: 532 Gigantic attraction. Jimps. 0stX. 1874.J 16ib.......................35: 532 Going to the front. On the rock with Garibaldi. BRAVE and bold, v. 1. Hermit Bob. Paradise revisited tBold wrordas by a bachelor. (W.) W. Hero misunderstood, A. Solid reasons. ld words a ba or (W.) W.ror in the house. The. Trck of war, The. (JOLLINS. With The queen's revenge. 35: 4581 Interesting young person, Unpatented CGhost, An, Bolton, Sarah K. An. Waiting for Capua. PRESENT problem, The. N. Y. Bound to rise; or, Harry Walton's 1874. 12~........................... 35: 2330 motto. H. ALOER, jr.................. 35: 531 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BOUND. 24 BRADDON. Bound to the wheel. J. SAUNDERS.... 39: 1138 Boy voyagers: a tale of adventure. Bourne, William Oland. A. BOWMAN............................... 356: 2445 GEMS from Fable Land. N. Y. Boy with an idea. Mrs. C. J. EILOART. 37: 1620 1853. 120................................. 35: 2389 Boy's book about Indians. E. B. The same................................... 33: 471 TUTTLE.................................... 39: 3400 Bouton, John Bell. Boy's book of travel and adventure. ROUND the block; an American M. JOHNES................................ 38: 410 novel. N. Y. 1868. 120............. 35: 2395 Boy's kingdom, A; or, four years in Bouverie, F. W. B.a cave. By the author of "Under STORY of Herbert Lovell. Lond. the lime trees." N. Y. n. d. 160~. 40: 2055 [n. d.] 160................................ 35: 2402 Boy's own story-book. By the best B. 0. W. 0. series. J. DE MILLE. authors. Lond. n. d. 120......... 40: 2056 Bost. 1871-3. 6 v. 160. Boyce, J. (Paul Peppergrass.) B. O. W. C. v. 1. 37:268 Lost in the fog. v. 3. 37:278 PAE, or, the queens eBoys of Grand Pr6 Picked up adrift. v. 56. 37:280 cret: a story of the reign of Elizaschool. v. 2. 37:269 Treasure of the seas. beth. To which is added a bioFire in the woods. v. 6. 37:282 vFi. 4. 37:274 v. 6.37:282 graphical sketch of the author. Bowen, C. E. Best. n. d. 12~......................... 35: 2465 AJIICE Neville. N. Y. 1875. 120. 35: 2410 Boyce, J. C. JESSIE Wallis. With Alice Neville.. 35: 2410 FROST and thaw. Lond. 1873. 2 v. JIVERSDALEl. With Alice N eville. 35: 2 1s. 8........................................ 3: 2470-1 RIVERSDALE. Wiith Alice Neville... 35: 2410-1 Bowitheclouh.C..E. TBoyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. BOW in the cloud, The. C. E. TONNA. GUNNAR: a tale of Norse life. Best. (Charlotte Elizabeth.) In Tales and 1874. 160 35: 2481 illustrations..............................39: 3070 NORSEMAN'S pilgrimage, A. N. Y. Bowles, Emily. 1875. 120................................. 35: 2482 IN the Camargue. Bost. n. d. 120. 35: 2432 Boyle, R. F. Bowman, Anne. PIEBALD. Lond. 1867. 2 v. sin. 80~. 35: 2486-7 AMY Carlton; or, first days at school. Boyne water, The. J. BANIM.........,. 35:'1532 Lond. n. d. 16....................... 35: 2441 Boys at Dr. Murray's, The; a story of BEAR hunters of the Rocky Mount- school life. W. J. BRADLEY. ains. Phil. n. d. 160............. 35: 2442 (Glance Gaylord.)........................ 35: 2631 BOY foresters, The; a tale of the days Boys at home. C. ADAMS............... 35: 182 of Robin Hood. Lond. n. d. 160 35: 2443 Boys of Grand Pr6 school. J. DE BOY pilgrims, The. Lond. n. d. 160. MILLE...................................... 37: 269 160~............................................ 35: 2444 Boyuca. In Tales of Glauber-Spa. BoY voyagers, The; a tale of adven- v. 2........................................... 40: 1700 ture. Lond. n. d. 160........... 35: 2445 Boz. (pseud.). See Dickens, Charles CASTAWAYS, The; or, adventures of a (J. H.) family in the wilds of Africa. Brace of boys, A. F. H. LUDLOW. Lond. ri. d. 160................. 35: 2446 In Little brother....................... 38: 1930 CLARISSA; or, the Mervyn inherit- Brachvogel, Albert Emil. (b. 1824.) ance. Lond. n. d. 16..............35: 2447 BEAUMARCHAIS; an historical novel. ESPERANZA; or, the. home of the Tr. by T. J. Radford. N. Y. wanderers. Lond. n.d. 160...... 35: 2448 1868. 8~0................................... 35: 2497 KANGAROO hunters; or, adventures Brackenridge, Hugh Henry. (1748in the bush. Lond. n. d. 16.....35: 2449 1816.) RECTOR'S daughter, The. A tale for ADVENTURES of Captain Farrago; the young. Lond. n. d. 16~.,.... 35: 2450 Adventures of Major O'Regan. SUNSHINE and clouds in the morning Phil. [1856.] 120 35: 2507 of life. Lond. n. d. 160........... 35: 2451 ADVENTURES'of Major O'Regan. TOM and the crocodiles. Lond. 1867. With Adventures of Captain Far160...................................... 35: 2452 rago.......................................... 35: 2507 YOUNG exiles; or, the wild tribes of MODERN chivalry; or, the adventures the north. Lond. n. d. 160....... 35: 2453 of Captain Farrago and' Teague YOUNG Nile voyagers, The. Lond. O'Regan. Phil. [n. d.] 12~....... 35: 2508 n. d. 160................................35: 2455 MODERN chivalry; or, sequel to the YOUNG yachtsmen, The; or, the adventures of Captain Farrago and wreck of the Gypsy. Lond. n. d. Teague O'Regan. Phil. 185.7. 120. 35: 2508' 160.........35: 2454 Braddon, Miss Mary Elizabeth. (b. Box tunnel, The. C. READE. In L. 1837.) C. v. 9.................................... 40: 1619 AURORA Floyd. N. Y. 1874. 80... 35: 2518 The same. With Peg Woffington..... 39: 160 The same. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in Boxes, The. In T. f. B. v. 8........ 40: 1696 1. sq.16~................................. 35: 2519 Boy farmers of Elm island. E. KEL- BETTER for worse. Phil................. 35: 2520 LOGG..................................... 38: 727 BIRDS of prey. N. Y. 1873. 80.... 35: 2521 Boy foresters, The; a tale of the days BLACK band, The; or, the mysteries of Robin Hood. A. BOWMAN...... 35: 2443 of midnight. N. Y. n. d. 8~..... 35: 2522 Boy hunters. M. REID.............. 39: 231 BLUE band, The; a story of woman's Boy in grey.. H. KINGSLEY.............. 38: 952 vengeance. N. Y. n. d. 8~....... 35: 2570 Boy of Mount Rhigi. C. M. SEDGWICK. 39: 1527 BOUND to John Company. (Same as Boy pilgrims, The. A. BOWMAN....... 35: 2444 Rob't. Ainsleigh.) N. Y. 1869. 80~. 35: 2523 Boy regiment, The. Mrs. S. S. HAR- CAPTAIN of the Vulture, The. Lend. RIS. With Roundhearts.............. 37: 4014 1867. sin. 8~0.............................. 35: 2524 Boy slaves, The. M. REID...............39: 232 CHARLOTTE'S inheritance. Lend. Boy tar, The. M. REID....................39: 233 1868. 3v. 12~0.......................... 35: 2525-7 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BRADDON. 25 BRAVE. Braddon, (eontinucd.)- Bradley, Rev. E., (continued.) DARRELL Markham. N. Y. n. d. MR. Verdant Green married and done 8~..............................................35: 2528 for. Lend. 1857. 120............ 35: 2603 DEAD men's shoes. N. Y. 1876. 8. 35: 2565 NEARER and dearer. N. Y. 1864. DEAD-SEA fruit. Leip. 1868. 2 v. 12.......................................... 35: 2604 in 1. sq. 16..................35: 2529 Bradley, Mary E. DIAVOLA; or, nobody's daughter. BIRDS of a feather. Bost. 1869. 160. 35: 2615 N. Y. n. d. 8......................... 35: 2530 DOUGLASS farm. N. Y. 1863. 16~. 35: 2616 DOCTOR'S wife, The. Leip. 1864.'HANDSOME is that handsome does. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16...............3........ 35: 2531 Bost. 1869. 160........................ 35: 2618 DUDLEY Carlyon. N. Y. n. d 80. 35: 2532 WRONG confessed is half redressed, A. ELEANOR'S victory. Leip. 1863. 2 Bost. 1871. 160........................ 35: 2620 v. in 1. sq. 16.......................... 35: 2533 Bradley, W. J. (Glance Gaylord.) FACTORY girl, The; or, all is not gold BOYS at Dr. Murray's, The: a story that glitters: a romance of real life. of school life. Bost. 1871. 160~. 35: 2631 N. Y. n. d. 8......................... 35: 2534 DONALD Deane and his cross. Bost. FENTON'S quest. Leip. 1871. 2 v. 1868. 160................................ 35: 2632 in 1. sq. 160............................... 35: 2535 GILBERT'S last summer at Rainford. HENRY Dunbar. Leip. 1864. 2 v. Bost. 1870. 16~....................... 35: 2633 in 1. sq. 16~............................. 35: 2536 GILBERT Starr and his lessons. Bost. HOSTAGES to fortune. N.Y. 1875. 8~. 35: 2566 1870. 160................................. 35: 2634 JOHN Marchmont's legacy. Leip. JACK Arcombe: a story of a waif. 1864. 2 v. in 1. sq. 160.............. 35: 2537 Bost. 1870. 160........................ 35: 2635 LADY Audley's secret. Leip. 1862. Miss Patience Hathaway. Bost. 2 v. in 1. sq. -16~........................ 35: 2538 1868. 160................................ 35: 2636 LADY Lisle. N. Y. n. d. 80......... 35: 2539 MR. Pendleton's cup. Bost. 1868. LADY'S mile, The. Leip. 1866. 2 160~....................................... 35: 2637 v. in 1. sq. 160.......................... 35: 2540 ONE-ARMED Hugh. Bost. 1870. 160~. 35: 2638 LAWYER'S secret, The. Phil. n. d. 80 35: 2541 WHEEL of fortune. Bost. 1870. 160~. 35: 2639 LEIGHTON grange; or, who killed WILL Rood's friendship. Bost 1870. Edith W oodville? N. Y. n. d. 80~. 35: 16......................................... 35: 2640 LOST for love. N. Y. 1875. 80..... 35: 2542 Bradwood, Wat. (pseud.?) LOVELS of Arden, The. Leip. 1871. ENSEMBLE. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 80~. 35: 2650-2 2 v. in 1. sq. 16........................ 35: 2543 HUNT cup, A; or, loyalty before all. LucIus Davoren. (Same as Publicans Lond. 1873. sm. 80.................. 35: 2653 and sinners.) Lond. 1873. 3 v. Braganza (pseud.) See Bragg, H. A. sm. 80..................................... 35: 2567-9 Bragelonne, the son of Athos. A. MILLY Darrell. Lond 1873. 3 v. (D.) DUMAS............................... 37: 966 sm. 8....................................... 35: 2544-6 3Note. Tr. of part of Levicomte deBragelonne; OCTOROON, The; or, the lily of Lou- namely, from v. 1, oh. 1, to v. 2, ch. 32, isiana. N. Y. n. d. 8..............35: 54nc, ed. Levy in 6 v. ONLY a clod. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in Bragg,H.A. (Braganza. 1. 160..................................... 35: 2548 1870 or 3 C a2663 1. 160.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~ 36: 2548 TEKEL; or, Cora Glencoe. Phil. 1870. 120.............................. 35: *'2663 OSCAR Bertrand; or, the black band 187. 13' unmasked. N.Y. n. d. 80........ 3: 2549 Braggadocio. Mrs. L. C. TUTHILL. 39: 3385 PUBLICANS and sinners; or, Lucius Brake up; or, the young peacemakers. Davoren. N. Y. 1874. 80..: 2550 Wm. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic.)... 35: 234 RALPH, the bailiff, and other tales. Brakespeare. G. A. LAWRENCE.... 38: 1364 Lond. 1869. s. 80................. 35: 2551 Brambletye house. H. Smith. 3v. 39: 1860-2 ROBERT Ainsleigh. (Same as Bound to Brame, C. M. John' Company.) Berl. 1872. 2 TALES from the diary of a sister of ~v. 120.36: 2552-3 mercy. N. Y. n.d. 120........... 35: 2673 v. 12~...................................... 35:2552-3............ RUN to earth. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in Contents: Apostate, The. Fatal accident, The. 1. sq. 16~................................. 35: 2554 Besetting sin, The. Gambler's wife, The. RUPERT Godwin. Leip. 1867. 2 v. Cross an41 the crown, The. Novice, The. in 1. sq. 16..............................35: 2555 Double marriage. The. Priest's death, The. SIR Jasper's tenant. Leip. 1866. Bramieri, Luigi. Historical novel. In 2 v. in 1. sq. 160........................ 35: 2556 R.I.N. v. 4............ -*.40: 1583 STRANGE world, A. N. Y. 1875. 8~. 35: 2557 Bramleighs of Bishop Folly. C. STRANGERS and pilgrims. N. Y. LEVER................................ 38: 1565 1873. 80...................................35: 2558 Bramston. Mary. TAKEN at the flood. N. Y. 1874. 80~. 35: 2559 CECY'S recollections: a story of obTHREE times dead; or, the secret of scurelives. Lond. 1870. sm. 80 35: 2683 health. N.Y. n. d. 80.............35: 2560 RALPH and Bruno. Lond. _1875. To the bitter end. N. Y. 1873. 80~. 35: 2561 sm. 80...................................... 35: 2684 TRAIL of the serpent. Lond. 1866. Branch of lilac, A. L. de la RAME. 8.......... 35: 2562 (Ouida.) With A dog of Flanders. 39: 45 WHAT is this mystery? N.Y. n. Branksome Dene. H. M. WALMSd. 0 35: 2563 LEY. 3 v.................................. 40: 65-7 WHITE phantom, The; or, the name- Brave and bold; or, the fortunes of a less child. N.Y. n. d. 80.........35: 2564 factory boy. H. ALGER, jr......... 35: 532 Bradley, Rev. Edward. (Cuthbert Brave coucou driver, The. In N. Bede.) and T. v. 6.............................. 40: 1646 ADVENTURES of Mr. Verdant Green. Brave heart. J. L. BOWEN.............. 36: 2415 N. Y. 1860. 12~0....................... 35: 2600 Brave hearts. R. W. RAYMOND. The same. Pt. 1. Lend. 1853. 12. 35: 2601 (R. Gray.)........... 39: 125 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BRAVE. 26 BRIDE. Brave lady, A. D. M. CRAIK. (for- Bremer, (centinued.) merly Miss Muloch.) 2 v. in 1........ 35: 4910 HOME, The; or, life in Sweden, and Brave old salt; or, life on the quarter- Strife and peace. In Works. v. 4. 35: 2739 deck: a story of the great rebel- HOPES. In Works. v. 1................ 35: 27'46 lion. W T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic.) 35: 235 LIFE in Dalecarlia: The parsonage of Bravo: a tale. J. F. COOPER. 80..... 35: 4722 Mora. Tr. by Wm. Howitt. N. The same. 120.............................. 3: 4723 Y. 1873. 80............................. 35: 2743 Bray, Mrs. Anna Eliza K. (Kempe LIFE in Sweden. (Same as, The home.) Strothard.) President's daughter; Nina. N. COURTENAY of Walreddon: a legend Y. n. d. 80...............,............. 35: 2741 of the coast of England. Lond. MIDNIGHT sun: a pilgrimage. N. 1857. 120.......35: 2696 Y. 1860. 80............................ 35: 2745 DE Foix; or, sketches of the manners NEIGHBORS, The. In Works. v. 3. 35: 2746 and customs of the 14th century. The same. Phil. n. d. 120........ 35: 2747 Load. 1857. 120....................... 35: 2699 The same. N. Y. 1842. 80........ 35: 2748 FITZ of Fitz Ford: a legend of De- NEW sketches of every-day life: a von. Lond. 1857. 120..............35: diary. Together with Strife and HARTLAND forest: a tale of North peace. Tr. by Mary Howitt. N. Devon. Lond. 1871. sm. 8...... 35: 2702 Y. 1868. 80............................. 35: 2749 HENRY de Pomeroy; or, the eve of NINA. In Life in Sweden.............. 35: 2741 St. John: a legend of Cornwall The same. In Works. v. 2........ 35: 2751 and Devon. Lond. 1857. 120.... 35: PARSONAGE of Mora. (Same as Life JOAN of Are and the times of Charles in Dalecarlia.) N.Y. 1873. 80... 35: 27 VII, king of France. Lond. PRESIDENT'S daughters The. In 1873. sm. 80.............................. 35: 2705 W orks. v. 2.............................. 35: 2751 PROTESTANT, The: a tale of Queen The same. With Life in Sweden. 35: 2741 Mary. Lond. 1857. 120........... 35: 2708 SOLITARY, The............................. 35: 2752 REVOLT of the Protestants of Ceven- The same. In Works. v. 1......... 35: 2746 nes, The. Lond. 1870. sm. 80... 35: 2711 STRIFE and peace; or, some scenes in ROSETEAGUE; or, the heir of Treville Norway. With New sketches of Crewse. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm 80~. 3:2714-15 every-day life............................. 35: 2749 TALBA, The; or, the Moor of Portu- The same. In Works. v. 3.......... 35: 2739 gal. Lond. 1857. 120......... 35: TRiLINNAN. In Works. v. 1......... 35: 2746 TRELAWNY of Trelawne: a legend of TWINS, The. In Works. v. 1......... 35: 2746 Cornwall. Lond. 1857. 120...... 35: 2716 WORKS. Tr. by M. Howitt. Lond. TRIALS of the heart. Lond. 1857. 1852-3. 4 v. smin. 8~. 120........................................... 35: 2719 Contents: WARLEIGH; or, the fatal oak. Lond. Axel and Anna. v. 4. Neighbors. v. 1. 35:2746 1857. 192".0O.36:..... Comforter. 35: 35:2737 Nina. v. 2. 35:2751 Comforter. v. 1, 4. President's daughters. v. 2, WHITE hoods, The. Lond. 1857. 12~. 35: 2722 35:2746, 2737 35:.2751 Brazen gates, The. J. P. SMITH....... 39: 1935 IDiary. v. 4. 3:2737 Solitary. v. 1, 4. Breach of promise, The. ir's. G. IH- family. v. 4. 35:2737 35:2746, 2737 Home, The. v. 3. 35:2739 Strife and peace. v. 3. SMYTHIES................................. 39: 1984 Hopes. v.. 35:2746 35:2739 Breach of trust. H. N. (W.) BAKER. Letter about suppeis. Trilinnan. v. 1. 35:2746 (Aunt JHattie; Madeline Leslie.)......35: 1382 v. 1,4. 35:2746, 2737 Twins. v. 1. 35:. 746 Bread-and-cheese and kisses. B.Brenda. (pseud.) L. FARJCON...............................37: 1978 FROGGY'S little brother. N. Y. n. Bread and oranges. S. WARNER...... 40: 170 d. 120 36: 2769 Bread upon the waters. D. M. CRAIK. Brentford parsonage. S. S. ROBBINS. 40: 2060 (form. Miss Muloch.)............... 35: 4911 Bressant. J. HAWTHORNE............. 37: 4166 The same. With A hero................. 35: 4921 Brevio, Giovanni. Breaking away; or, the fortunes of a NOVELS. inR.I. N. v.2.............. 40: 1581 student. Wm. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Brewster, Anna M. H. Optic.).. 35: 236 COMPENSATION; or, always a future. Phil. 1870. 12~......................... 35: 2780 Breaking a butterfly. G. A. LAW- Phil. 1870. 120.36: 2780 RENCE. 2 v. in 1........................ 38: 1363 Brewster, C. Breaking the rules. Mrs. J. D. ISEULTE. N. Y. 1875. 8 [anon.] 40: 2227 CHAPLIN......................... 35: 4054 Brian O'Linn; or, luck is everything. Bred in the bone; or, like father, like H MAXWELL. 38: 249 son. J. S. SAUZADE. (James Payn.) 39: 1163 Brick moon, The. E. E. HALE. With Bremer, Frederika. (1-802-1866.) His level best............................. 37: 3834 AXEL and Anna. In Works. v. 4... 35: 2737 Bridal eve. E. D. E. N. SOUTHDIARY. (Same as New sketches.) N. WORTH..................................... 39: 2004 Y. 1868. 80.............................35: 2749 Bridal of Borthwick, The. D. M. DIARY, H- family, Axel and Anna, MOIR. In Club-book.................. 40: 1520 and other tales. In Works. v. 4. 35: 2737 Bridal of Polmood, The. J. HOGG. FATHER and daughter. Phil. n.Phil. n.d.(Ettrick Shepherd.) In Winter eve12....................................... 35: 2735 ning tales. v. 2.......................... 37: 4521 FOUR sisters, The: a tale of social Bride, The. J. M. WILSON. In W. and domestic life in Sweden. Phil. B. v. 4................................. 40: 1714 n. d. 120..................................35: 2736 Bride of Bearhaven, The;, or, the H- family. In Works. v. 4......... 35: 2737 grandfather's prophecy. In W. S. HIERTHA. N. Y. 1856. 12.......... 35: 2738 C. L. v. 9...... 34: 4179 HOME, The; or, family joys and farm- The same...................................... 15: 4919 ily cares. Phil. n. d. 12~0.........35: 2740 Bride of the ice-king. D. G. MITCHELL. The same. N.Y. 1873. 8~........35: 2741 (Ik. Marvel.) In Seven stories...... 38: 3013 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BRIDE. 27 BROOME. Bride of Lammermoor. Sir W. SCOTT. Brock, Mrs. C., (continued.) Parker ed. 2 v.......................... "39:1313-14 JAMES Gordon's wife. N. Y. 1871. The same. Edinburgh ed............... 39: 1355 8~............................................ 35: 2840 The same. Abbotsford ed............... 39: 1362 MARGARET'S secret and its success. The same...................................... 39: 13 7 7 Phil. n. d. 16......................... 35: 2841 The same. Household ed. 2 v........ 39:1409-10 Brock, Sallie A. ( Virginia Madeson.) The same. Pocket ed..................... 39: 1452 KENNETH, my king. N. Y. 1873. The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 1475 120........................................... 35: 2848 Bride of Llewellyn, The. E. D. E. Brockley Moor. J. W. L............... 38: 1250 N. SOUTHWORTH........................ 39: 2005 BrodB, Gertrude. Bride of Omberg, The. E. F. CARLIN. 35: 3790 AT eve. In Stories and sketches...... 35: 2858 Bride of the wilderness. E. BENNETT. 35: 1975 Broken bonds. H. SMART. 3 V........ 39: 1770-2 Bride's fate, The. E. D. E. N. Broken chains. E. WERNER. Tr. by SOUTHWORTH............................. 39: 2006 F. A. Shaw................................ 40: 312 Bride's tragedy, A. D. M. CRAIK. Broken dreams. C. E. GARDNER...... 37: 2820 (form. Miss Muloch.) In Domestic Broken engagement. Mrs. E. D. E. stories..................................... 35: 4914 N. SOUTHWORTH. With Prince of Bridegroom of Barna, The. In T. darkness................................. 39: 2033 fr.B. v. 12............................... 40: 1698 Broken heart, The: a tale of the reBridge of glass, A. F. W. ROBINSON. 39: 481 bellion. J. M. WILSON. W. T. B. Bridgm an, Mary. v. 4.......................................... 40: 1714 CHRISTOPHER Dudley. Lend. 1872. Broken hyacinth, The. M. M. SHER3 v. sn. 8~.............................. 35: 2790-2 WOOD. In W orks. v. 4.............. 39: 1639 ROBERT Lynne. Lond. 1870. 2 v. Broken idols. R. WOLCOTT. In sm 8........................................ 35: 2793-4 Stories and sketches.................... 40: 1681 Brierwood, Frank. (pseud.?) Broken pitcher, The; or, the ways of MABLE Clifton. Phil. 1869. 120... 35: 2804 Providence. Chicago. 1870. 16~. 40: 2064 Briery creek. H. MARTINEAU. In Broken to harness. E. YATES.......... 40: 1202 Ill. of P. E. v. 8....................... 38: 2646 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 1203 Brigadier Frederic. E. ERCKMANN Broken toys. A. C. STEELE............ 39: 2176 and A. CHATRIAN....................... 37: 1739 Bromyard, Dorothy. Brigand; or, demon of the north. STRANDED, but not lost. Lend. 1873. ~V.~~ HUGT~O.3O~7: 4832 9 3 v. sm. 8~................................ 35:2868-70 V. HUUo................................... 37. 4832 o An Aco Bell.) * (1820Briggs, Charles Frederic. (HarryBront Anne. (849.)ll.) 1820Franco.) 1849.) Franco.) TENANT of Wildfell hall. N. Y. H-AUNTED merchant, The: Bankruptn.d. 120 5: 2880 stories. N.Y. 1844. 80........... 35: 2815 Bront, Charlotte. See Nichols Mrs. Bright, Matilda A. (Lyndon.) C. B. MARGARET: life in a prairie home. Bront, Emily. (Ellis Bell.) (1819N. Y. 1868. 12....................... 35: 2826 1848.) OXLEY. N. Y. 1873. 120............ 35: 2828 AGNES Grey. With Wuthering THREE Bernices, The. Phil. 1869. heights...................................... 35: 2886 120.......................................... 35: 2827 WUTHERING heights. N. Y. n. d. 120~. 35: 2885 Bright days. M. HowITT................. 37: 4747 WUTHERING heights and Agnes Grey. Bright morning, A. M. M. GRANT. Leip. 1851. 2 v. in 1. sq. 160.... 35: 2886 3 v........................................... 37: 3351-3 Brooke, Mrs. F. M. Brightside. E. B. BENJAMIN......... 35: 1956 JULIA Mandeville. Lend. 1820. Brilliant marriage, A. E. F. CARL6N. 35: 3791 120........................................... 35: 2896 British partizan: tale by a South Car- Brooke, Henry. blina lady.................................. 40: 2057 FOOL of quaflity. N. Y. 1860. 2 v. Brittany and La Vendee. E. Sou- 120 35:2900-1 VESTRE................................... 39: 2066 Brooke and Brooke farm. H. MARTINEAU. In Ill. of P. E. v. 1... 38: 2639 Biographical notice of E. Kourigan, The. Brookfield, Mrs. Souvestre.' Lazaretto-keeper, The. INFLUENCE. Leond. 1871. 2 v. Bargeman of the Loire, Treasure-seektr, The. sm. 80............................ 35:2910-11 The. Virgin's god-child, The.'...........10-11 Chouans,The. Whie boat, T he. NOT a heroine. Lond. 1873. 2 v. Groach and the akous,sm. 8~...................................... 35:2912-13 B Theroad,chu rcd thmanzf, A.d (pseud), See Brooks of Bridlemere. G. J. WHYTEBroad churchman, A. (pseud.) See MELVILLE............................... 40: 421 WARRINER, E. A. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 422 Broad grins; my nightgown and slip- Brooks, (Charles) Shirley. (b. 1815.) pers; and other'humorous works, ASPEN court. Lond. 1869. 3 v. prose and poetical. G. COLMAN, tr. 33' 1211 120........................................ 35: 2923-5 Contents: GORDIAN knot, The: a story of good Ballads and songs. My nightgown and slippers. and of evil. N. Y. 1868. 80. 35: 2926 Broad grins. Poetical vagaries. a of 10vl N Eccentricities for Edin- Random records and anec- SILVER cord, he. Leip. 1862. 3 v. burgh. dotes. sq. 160...................................... 35: 2927-9 Lady of the wreck, The. Two parsons; or, the tale The same. Leip. 1862. 3 v. in Memoir of G. Colman, of a shirt. the younger. Vagares vindicated; or, 2. sq. 1....................... 35: 2930-1 hypocritic hypercritics. SOONER or later. Leip. 1868. 3 v. Brock, Mrs. Carey. sq. 16~..................................... 35: 2932-4 CHARITY Helstone. Phil. 1870. 16~. 35: 2838 The same. 3 v. in 2.................... 35: 2935-6 CLEAR shining after rain. Lend. Broome, Mrs F. N. See Barker, Lady n.d. 12~................................... 35: 2839 M. A. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ,BROTHER. 28 BUILDING. Brother Mason, the circuit rider; or, Brown, John, (M. D. of Edin.) ten years a Methodist preacher. MARJORIE Fleming. In L. C. v. 10. 40: 1620 Cinti. 1855. 12~....................... 40: 2069 RAB and his friends. In L. C. v. 4. 40: 1614 Brother's secret, The. W. GODWIN. 37: 3098 The same. Leip. 1862. sq. 160... 35: 3000 Brotherhead, A. P. Brown, Thurlow Weed. HIMSELF his worst enemy. Phil. MINNIE Hermon, the rumseller's 1871. 12~............................... 35: 2946 daughter; or, woman in the temBrothers, The. H.W.HERBERT..... 37: 4350 perance reform. N. Y. 1874. 120~. 35: 3009 Brothers, The; or, a good conscience. Brown of Calaveras. (F.) B. HARTE. Brown of Calaveras. (F.) B. HARTE. InBroth Danes skhe; or, a good by themselves. n Luck of Roaring camp............ 37: 4056 Danes sketched by themselves. 13 Brown studies. H. SPICER. In Brothers and sisters. F.BREMER..... 35: 2733 Brought to,book. v. 2................ 39: 2097 Brothers'bet, The. E. F. CARL6N... 35: 3792 Browne, Charles arrar. (Artemus Brothers in arms, The; or, three ARTMUS ard his ok. N. Y. noblest victims for opinion's sake. 1870A 12 3hi 3015 H. W. HERBERT. In Cavaliers ofARTEMUS 1ard8s tra ARTEMUS Ward,~ his travels. N. Y. England 37: 4351 1866. 120.36: 3016 England.................................... 37: 4351 i1 66. 12................................. 35: 3016 Brothers-in-law. Lond. 1869. 3 ARTEMUS Ward in London. N. Y. v. sm. 80.................................. 40: 2070 1867. 12................................. 35: 3017 Brougham, Henry, Lord. ARTEMUS Ward's panorama. (As ALBERT Lunel. N. Y. 1872. 80... 35: 2956 exhibited at the Egyptian Hall, Brougham, John. London.) Ed. by his executors T. LIGHT of home, The. N. Y. 1868. W. Roberston and E P. Hingston. 8~................................. 35: 2958 N. Y. 1872. 12....................... 35: 3018 Brought home. H. SMITH............... 39: 1843 ARTEMUS Ward, his works complete. N. Y. 1875. 4 v. in 1. 120....... 35: 3019 Brought to book. H. SPICER. 2v.Browne, Frances. in.......................................... 39: 2097 E ILs trust, The: tale of the EXILE'S trust, The: a tale of the Contents: French revolution, and other stoArdison and Co. Prophetic fits and misfits. Brown studies. Romance of Tweezum hall ries.. Lond. n. d. sm. 8~.......... 35: 3025 Calling names. academy. Contents: Complete gentleman, A. Speechless bones. Ashberrys' uncle, The. Herman's alarum. Eavesdropping. Squire's temper-trap, The. Bible of Val du Berger. Loan of a legacy. Freddy's aunt. Story of the stone eyes, The. Graemes of Glenmavis. Widow Simpson's spoons. Haunted Hilderton. Tabernacle lodge. Brownie Sandford. Mrs. C. L. MAY. His little ways. To and from unis.C. L. MY. Is it possible? Tryst in Twin-tree lane. (Sweet clover stories. v. 2.)......... 38: 2770 Little secret, A. Very likely story, A. Brownlows, The. M. (0. W.) OLILittle trout. Very old news. Melusina. What was it? PHANT..................................... 38: 3836 Mr. Lufkin at a bull-fight. With an old family. Brownson, Orestes Augustus. (1802Proll: a mystery, 1876.) Brought to the front. E. KELLOGG... 38: 746 CHARLES Elwood; or, the infidel conBrought to light. T. W. SPEIGHT..... 39: 2071 verted. Boest. 1840. 160............ 35: 3030 Broughton, Rhoda. Brownson, Sarah M. COMETH up as a flower. Leip. 1867. MARIAN Elwood; or, how girls live. sq. 160...................................... 35: 2970 N. Y. 1873. 120....................... 35: 3035 GOOD-BYE sweetheart. N. Y. 1872. Bruin: the grand bear hunt. 3I. REID. 39: 234 12~.......................1... 35 2971 Bruna's revenge, and other tales. The same. Berlin and Phil, 1872. /Miss E. JOLLY............................ 38: 466-8 12~.................................... 35: 2972 Contents: NANCY. N.Y. n.d. 80................ 3: 2973 Bruna's revenge. v. 1-2. Old Hilton's daughter. v. 2. Fior di limone. v. 3. Two eras in Maude Rossiter's NOT wisely, but too well. Leip. 1867. life. v.3. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16~........................ 35: 2974 Bruno. J. ABBOTT. InH. S. B. v. 1. 35: 36 RED as a rose is she. N. Y. 1872. Brunton, Mary. 120........................................ 35: 2975 SELF-CONTROL. N. Y. 1874.'80..... 35: 3047 The same. Leip. 1870. 2 v in 1. Bryan Maurice. Rev. W. MITCHELL. 38: 3020 sq. 16~................................... 35:.2976 Bryant, John D. sq. 160.36: 2976 Bryant, John D. TALES for Christmas eve. Lond. PAULINE Seward: a tale of real life. 1873 16~.................................. 35: 2977 P a INE Seward: a tale of 3057 ~1873 160~. ~36: 2977 ~Balt. 2 v. in 1. 1856. 120......... 35: 3057 Contents: Behold it was a dream. Truth, the whole truth, and Buckhurst volunteers, The. J. M. Man with the nose. nothing but the truth. CAPES. 3 v............................... 356: 3750-2 Poor pretty Bobby. - Under the cloak.Buckingham, Emma May. Brown, Charles Brockden. (1771- SELF-MADE woman, A; or, Mary 1810.) Idyl's trials and triumphs. N. Y. ARTHUR Mervyn; or, memoirs of the 1873. 12................................. 36: 3067 year 1793. Phil. 1857. 2 v. 120~. 35: 2987-8 Buddin Zadel'Brnes. CLARA Howard; or, the enthusiasm Buddington, Zadel arnes. of love. With Ormond. Phil. CAN the old love? Best. 1871. 80. 35: 3077 1857. 120 35: 2991 Budget of the Bubble family. Lady EDGAR Huntley; or, memoirs of a BULWER-LYTTON..................... 35: 3277 sleep-walker. Phil. 1857. 120... 35: 2989 Buds and bird-voices. N. HAWJANE Talbot. Phil. 1857. 12...... 35: 2990 THORNE. In Mosses fiom an old ORMOND; or, the secret witness; and manse.................................... 37: 4182 Clara Howard. Phil. 1857. 12~. 35: 2991 Building of Bagdat, The. G. P. R. WIELAND; or, the transformation. JAMES. In String of pearls......... 38: 219 Phil. 1870. 12~........................36: 2992 Building upon sand. E.J. LYSAGHT. 38: 1942 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BULWER-LYTTON. 29 BURCKETT. Bulwer-Lytton, Edward George Bulwer-Lytton, (continued.)Earle Lytton. (Lord Lytton.) PELHAM; or, the adventures of a (1805-1873.) gentleman. Phil. 1868. 120...... 35: 3148 ALICE; or, the mysteries. Phil. The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 160.. 35: 3149 1868. 120................................. 35: 3090 PILGRIMS of the Rhine. Phil. 1865. The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 160. 35: 3091 120........................................ 35: 3150 CALDERON, the courtier. With eila The same. With Leila and Caland Pilgrims of the Rhine........... 35: 3129 deron.................................... 35: 3129 CAXTONS, The: a family picture. The same. With Eva.................. 33: 2663 Phil. 1868. 12........................ 35: 3096 RIENZI: the last of the Roman triThe same. Leip. 1849. 2 v. in bunes. Phil. 1869. 12~............ 35: 3151 1. sq. 16..............................35: 3097 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 160.. 35: 3152 COMING race, The; or, the new Uto- Rout, The; or, the hazards of women. pia. N.Y. 1871. 120............... 35: 3099 Phil. n. d. 80.......................... 35: 3168 COURTIER, The. Same as Calderon. STRANGE story, A. Phil. 1868. 120. 35: 3153 DEVEREUX. Phil. 1867. 120........ 35: 3103 The same. Leip. 1861-2. 2 v. The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 160.. 35: 3105 in 1. sq. 160........................... 35: 3154 DISOWNED, The. Phil. 1868. 120. 35: 3106 STUDENT, The. Phil. n. d. 80...... 33: 2664 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 16... 35: 3107 WHAT will he do with it? Phil. ERNEST Maltravers. Phil. 1869. 1869. 4 v. in 2. 120.................. 35: 3156-7 12~.................................... 35: 3110 The same. Leip. 1853-8. 4 v. The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 160.. 35: 3111 sq.................................... 35:3158-61 EUGENE Aram. Phil. 1869. 120... 35: 3112 The same. Leip. 1853-8. 4 v. in The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 160.. 35: 3113 2. sq. 16~............................. 35: 3162-3 FALKLAND. Phil. n. d. 8..........35: 3115 ZANONI. Phil. 1869. 120............ 35: 3164 The same. With Godolphin. The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 160... 35: 3165 (Tauchnitz ed.)....................... 35: 3117 Bulwer-Lytton, Edward Robert. GODOLPHIN. Phil. 1868. 120...... 35: 3116 (Lord Lytton.) (Owen Meredith.) GODOLPHIN iand Falkland. Leip. (b. 1831.) 1842. sq. 160............................. 35: 3117 RING of Amasis. N. Y. 1863. 120. 35: 3250 HAROLD: the last of the Saxon Bulwer-Lytton, Lady Rosina W. kings. Phil. 1868. 120............. 35: 3121 BEHIND the scenes. N.Y. 1854. 2 The same. Leip. 1848. 2 v. in 1. v. in 1. 120.............................. 35: 3275 sq. 160.................................... 35: 3122 BIANCA Cappello. Lond. 1843. 3 HAUNTED and the haunters, The; or, v. sm. 8................................. 35: 3276 the house and the brain. In T. f. BUDGET of the Bubble family, The. B. v. 10................................... 40: 1697 Lond. 1840. 3 v. sm. 80............ 35: 3277 The same. In L. C. v. 2............ 40: 1612 CHEVELEY; or, the man of honor. HOUSE and the brain, The. Same as. Lond. 1859. 3 v. 120........... 35: 3278 Haunted and the haunters. MEMOIRS of a Muscovite. Lond. KENELM Chillingly: his adventures 1844. 3 v. sinm. 80..................... 35: 3279 and opinions. N. Y. 1873. 120. 35: 3123 MIRIAM Sedley; or, the tares and the LAST days of Pompeii. Phil. 1874. wheat. Lond. 1851. 3v. sm. 80. 35: 3284 80............................... 35: 3124 PEER'S daughters. Lond. 1850. 3 The same. Phil. 1869. 120...... 35: 3125 v. sm. 8~.n................................ 35: 3280 The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 160.. 35: 3126 SCHOOL for husbands. Lond. 1852. LAST of the barons, The. Phil. 1874. 3 v. sm. 80.................... 35: 3281 120.......................................... 35: 31.27 VERY successful. Lond. 1858. 3 v. The same. Leip. 1843. 2 v. in sm. 8....................................... 35: 3282 1. sq. 160.............................. 35: 3128 WORLD and his wife, The. Lond. LEILA, Calderon, and the Pilgrims of 1858. 3 v. sm. 80...................... 35: 3283 the Rhine. Phil. 1868. 12....... 35: 3129 Bungener, Louis Felix. LUCRETIA; or, the children of night. PRIEST and the huguenot. Bost. Phil. 1868. 12....................... 35: 3133 1856. 2 v. 12......................... 35: 3302-3 The same. Leip. 1846. 2 v. in Bunnett, F. E. 1. sq. 160.............................. 35: 3134 LINKED at last. Lond. 1871. sm. 80~. 35: 3313 MAID of Malines, The. In L. C. Bunyan, John. (1628-1688.) v. 6........................................... 40: 1616 Pilgrim's progress: illuminated. MY novel: varieties in English life. Glasgow. n. d. 8..................... "A Phil. 1867. 4 v. in 2. 120......... 35: 3135-6 The same. N. Y. n. d. 120....T. L. 35:3327a The same. Leip. 1851-2. 4 v. The same. From 1st ed. Lond sq. 160................................... 3 5:3137-40 1847. 80................................ 5: 2508 The same. Leip. 1851-2. 4 v. in The same. Bost. 1800. 160........ 35: 3325 2. sq. 160.............................. 35: 3141-2 The same. Lond. 1859 and 1862. NIGHT and morning. Phil. 1872. 160....................................... 35: 3326 160.......................................... 35: 3143 The same. N. Y. n. d. 160...... 35: 3327 The same. Leip. 1843. sq. 16~. 35: 3144 The same. Illustrated by C. BenThe same. In W. S. C. L. v. 15. 34: 4185 nett. N. Y. 1866. 120........... 35: 3328 The same..................................15: 4925 The same. Phil. 1870. 16...... 35: 3329 PARISIANS, The. With illus. by S. The same. Leip. 1855. sq. 160.. 35: 3330 Hall. N. Y. 1874. 2 v. in 1. 120. 35: 3145 Burbury, Mrs. E. J. PAUL Clifford. Phil. 1868. 120.... 35: 3146 FLORENCE Sackville; or, self-deThe same. Leip. 1842. sq. 16~.. 35: 3147 pendence: an autobiography. N. PAUSANIAS the Spartan. N. Y.Y. 1871. 80............................ 35: 3340.1876. 12~................................ 35: 3166 Burckett, Florence. (Edith Lee.) Thesame. Phil. 1876. 12~........ 35: 3167 WILDMOOR. Phil. 1875. 12~...... 35: 3350 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. BURDETT. 30 CAMILLE. Burdett, Charles. Byerley, Thomas. (Reuben Percy) and CHANCES and changes. N.Y. 1852. ROBERSTON, J. C. (Sholto Percy.) 18.......................................... 35: 3360 PERCY anecdotes, The. Lond. 1868. ELLIOTT family, The. N. Y. 1850. 2 v. si. 8............................... 33: 1075-6 12.......................................... 35: 3362 Bygone days. W. von 1iUEGELGEN. MARGARET Moncrieffe, the first love 3 v..................................... 38:1118-20 of Aaron Burr. N. Y. 1860. 12~. 35: 3365 Byr, Robert. (pseud.) See Bayer, C. R. Burgess, J. T. Byrnes of Glengoulah. Miss Alice HARRY Hope's holidays. Lond. n. NOLAN................................ 38: 3650 d. 160...................................... 35: 3380 Burgomaster's family. E. C. W. VAN WALReE. (Christine Miiller.) 40: 80 C Burial of the tithe, The. S. LOVER. In Legends and stories of Ireland. 38: 1886 C, C. G. Buried alone: a story. Leip. 1869. MARQUIS of Letoriere. Bost. 1873. sq. 16...................................... 40: 2074 160.......................................... 35: 3700 Buried in the snow. F. HOFFMANN. C, W. Tr. by A/rs. M. A. Manderson...... 37: 4486 Too much and too little money. Burke, Peter. Lond. 1870. 2 v. in 1. sin. 8... 35: 3701 ROMANCE of the forum. Lond. n. Cabaret of the break of day, The. d. 120.................................... 35: 3390 A. B. EDWARDS. In Monsieur Burles: a bad boy. F. W. ROBINSON. Maurice.. 1.......................... 37: 1527 In Girl's romance....................... 39: 485 Cabin on the prairie. C. H. PEARSON. 38: 4311 Burnand, F. C. Cabriolet, The. D. G. MITCHELL. ABOUT buying a horse, &c. Lound. n, Seven stories.......................... 38: 3013 1875. 160................................ 33: 1052 Cachet; or, the secret sorrow. Mrs. Contents: M. J. R. HAMILTON..................... 37: 3940 About buying a horse. Our representative man. Caddell, Cecilia Mary. My aunt's great police Story of my legal examina- NELLIE Netterville: or, one of the case. tion, The. DAY in the academy, A. In Treas- transplanted. Atale. N. Y. ure-trove series. v.................. 40: 1711 1873 12................ 35: 3715 IHIAPPY-THOUGHT hall. Bost. 1872. WILD times: a tale of the days of 16.......................................... 33: 1053 Queen Elizabeth. N. Y. n. d. 12~. 35: 3716 MORE happy thoughts. Boat. 1871. Cadell, Airs. M. H. o160.. 33: 1055 ~IDA Craven. N. Y. 1875. 160...... 35: 3720 160.......................................... 33: 1055 Cbn^tertts:" Cademosto da Lodi, M. R. I. N. v. 2. 40: 1581 More happy thoughts. I Our yacht. Caged lion. C. M. YONGE............... 40: 1261 MY health. Bost. 1872. 16........ 33: 1057 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 1262 MY time and what I've done with it. Cakes and ale at Woodbine. R. B. Lond. 1874. 120...................... 35: 3400 COFFIN.................................... 35: 4500 NEW history of Sandford and Mer- Calavar; or, the knight of the conton. Bost. 1872. 12............. 35: 3401 quest. R. M. BIRD..................... 35: 2117 TREBLE temptation, A. In Treasure- Calderon, the courtier. E. G. E. L. trove series. v. 2....................... 40: 1712 BULWER-LYTTON...................... 35: 3093 Burrcliff. J. T. TROWBRIDGE........... 39: 3310 Calderwood secret, The. V. W. Burton, Mrs. JOHNSON................................... 38: 445 WHO would have thought it? Phil. Caleb Crabbin. A. LEIGHTON. W. 1870. 120................................. 35: 3415 T. B.. 5................................. 40: 1715 Burton, Betty. See Rustic heroine. Caleb Field. Mrs. M. (. W.) OLIBurton, Richard Francis. PHANT...................................... 38: 3837 VIKRAM and the vampire. Lond. Caleb in the country. J. ABBOTT..... 35: 24 1870. sam. 80..............................35: 3420 Caleb in town. J. ABBOTT.............. 35: 25 Bush-boys. M. REID...................39 235 Caleb Krinkle: a story of American Bush ranger of Van Diemen's Land, life. C. C. COFFIN. (Carleton.)...... 35: 4490 The. C. ROWCROFT................... 39: 682 Caleb Williams, Adventures of. W. Bushrangers, The; Yankee's ad- GODWIN.................................... 37: 309f ventures in Australia. W. H. The same. 2 v. in....................... 37: 3097 THOMES................39: 2956 Caliph Haroun Alraschid, Adventures Busily engaged. H. SPICER. In Bound of. A. MANNING....................... 38: 2456 to please. 2........................ 39: 2096 Called to account. A. CUDLIP. (formBuossey, G. MOIR. Fables, original erly Annie Thomas.) 2 v. in 1...... 35: 5'090 and selected. N. Y. 1869. 8.. 33: 460 Calling names. H. SPICER. In Brought to book. v. 1................. 39: 2097 Butt, Beatrice May. Callista: sketch of the third century. MIss Molly. N. Y. 1876. 160.....35: 3431 J. H. NEWMAN........................... 38: 3594 Butterfly. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Caloya; or, the loves of the driver. Works. v. 7............................. 39: 1642 W. OG. SIMMS. In Wigwam and By and by: an historical romance of cabin..................................... 39: 1692 the future. E. MAITLAND. (Her- Camel hunt; a narrative of advenbert Ainslie.)..................... 38: 2409 tures. J. W. FABENS................ 37: 1950 By birth a lady. G. M. FENN. 3 V... 37: 2067-9 Cameron hall; a story of the civil By his own might. W. von HILLERN. 37: 4430 war. M. A. CRUSE..................... 35: 5082 By the king's command. V. HUGO..... 37: 4840 Cameron pride. M.J. HOLMES....... 37: 4563 By no fault of their own. Miss -- Camilla. F.B. D'ARBLAY. 5 v...... 35: 671-5 TELFER. 3 V,............... 39:2817-19 Camille; or, the fate of a coquette. By the sea. S. CURRIER................... 35: 5170 A. DUMAS,ls............................ 37: 950 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CAMORS. 31 CARLeN. Camors. 0. FEUILLET.................. 37: 2120 Capes, J. M. Camp fires of the red men. J. R. BUCKHURST volunteers, The. A novel. ORTON....................................... 38: 3931 Lond. 1869. 3 v. sm. 80......... 35: 375C-2 Camp fires of the revolution. H. C. MOSAIC-WoRKER'S daughter. Lond. WATSON. N. Y. 1870. 80......... 29: 2271 1868. sm. 8~. 3 v..................... 35: 3753-5 Campaign series. H. ALGER, Jr. Capron, Carrie. 1. Frank's campaign. 35:535 HELEN Lincoln. A tale. N. Y. 2. Paul Prescott's charge. 35:540 1856. 120................................. 3: 375 3. Charlie Codman's cruise. 35:533 5. J. 35: 3.65 Campaigning in the Tyrol. H. Capron, M. J. Campignig inthe yrol H.WORTH while; or, ships that never SP3CER. In Bound to please. v. 1. 39: 2096p Ecome in. Bost. 1871. 16......... 35: 3772 Captain Andy. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. SELF-DEVOTION; or, the history of Katherine Randolph. N. Y..1867. f In Sketches................................ 37: 3887 Katherine Randolph. N. Y. 1867. 80..*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..~~~~~~~ 35: 3725 F Captain Blake, Adventures of. W. H. AXWELL........................ 38: 2740 Campbell, Mrs. Julia H. L. (Judith The same. L38: 2741 Canute.) EROS and anteros; or, the bachelor'sGaptain Brand of t e ward. N. Y. 1870. 19~20............35: 3731 Lieut. H. A. WISE. (Harry Gringo.) 40: 641 Camping out. C. A. STEPHENS....... 39: 2251 Captain Carleton. D. DEFOE. In Nov. and misc. works. v. 2.......... 34: 1018 Camping out series. See Our young aptain Gray. T. HOOK. In yachter's series. Can and could. J. INGELOW. In Precepts and practice. v. I 37: 4645 Stories told to a child................... 38: 33 Captain Hatteras, Voyages and adventures of. J. VERNE. 39: 3701 Can the old love? Z. B. BUDDINGTON. 35: 3077 pta eof R.......a..... Can wrong be right?7 Mrs. A. M. F. Captain of the Guard, The. James Can wrong be right? Mrs. A. M. F. GRANT.37: 3303 HALL........................................ 37' 3879 HALL.37: 3879.Captain of the Vulture, The. M. E. Can you forgive her? A. TROLLOPE. 39: 3156 Cap n f the Vulture, The. M. E. BRAI)DO................................... 35' 2524 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v........ 39: 3157-9 Captain Paton's lament. T. f. B. The same. 3 v. in 2. 39: 3160. Captain Paton's lament. T.f.B. Canadian crusoes. C. P. TAILL. 39: 315 aptin Singleton......................................... Canadian forest, Stories of. C. P. Captain Singleton. D. DEFOE. I Misc. works. v. 1...................... 34: 1017 TRAILL..................................... 39: 3126 Tanby, Margaret F. Captain's story, The. R. H. DAvis. Canby, Margaret F. in L. C. v. 2.40: 1612 BIRDIE and his fairy friends, a book apuchin. J. HALL. in Tales of for little children. Phil. 1874. th horder.37: 387 16........................ 3: 7 0 the border.................................... 37: 3871 16C.35:O37ancelled40wilThe. sE.ACaradoc and Deva. By the author of Cancelled will, The. Miss E. A. Ruth and her friends. Zn Days of DIuPUY...................................... 37: 1061 uth and her friends. Days of Cannibal islands, The; or, Captain old..... 40: 2110 Cook's adventures in the south seas. Card-drawer, The. G. GRIFFIN... 37: 3553 R. M1. BALLANTYNE. In Tales of Cardillac, the jeweller. E. T. W. HOFFMAN.. In Strange stories.... 37: 4480 adventure............................... 35: 1483 Ladve~nture.35:ds1483 Cardinal Pole; or, the days of Philip Canon's clock, The. In N. and T. r, e days of Philip vWfe's 1 ale, The0.Julia.40: 1650 and Mary. A romance. W. H. AINSWORTH. 2. in 1................3: 411 Canterbury tales..LE. 2 V........ 38:1422-3 Canterbury tales..LEE.2v.38:1422 Career of P. Hopkins. C. MATTHEWS. 38: 2681 VContentOL.. VL.. Careless Kate. W. T. ADAMS. (OliIntroduction. German's tale, The: Kruitz- ver Optic.)............................... 35: 237 Landlady's tale, The: ner. Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Mary Lawson. Scotchman's tale, The: WOOED and married. Phil. 186. BrieUs tale, The: Stan- Claudine. WOOED and married. Phil. 1876. Friend's tale, The: Stan- Claudine. hope. Frenchman's tale, The: 12~.......................................... 35: 3777 Wife's tale, The: Julia. Constance. Carey, Mrs. Stanley. Trave ler's tale, T'he: Officer's tale, The: Caven-LD Maralte; or, the out-qurPoet's tale, The: Arunilel. ters of St. Andrew's priory. A Old woman's tale, The: tale of the reign of Queen ElizaLothaire-a legend. beth. N. Y. 1874. 120~............ 35: 3780 Canterbury tales. S. LEE.......... 38: 1446 Carl. (pseud.).............. 3 37 Contents: Carl and Jocko. J. ABBOTT. In H. Memoir of Sophia Lee. Clergyman's tal, The: S. B. v. 10................................. 35: 45 Introduction. Pembroke... Young lady's tale, The: The Carl Bartlett; or, what can I do? D. two Emilys. S. ERICKSON............3............... 37: 1750 Canute,Judith. (pseud.). See CAMP- Carln, Emilie (Smith) Flygare-(b. BELL, Mrs. J. I.. 1807.) Canvassing. J. BANIM. With BRIDE f Or berg. Tr. by A. L. Mayor of Wind-gap.................. 35: 1538 Krause and E. Perce. N. Y. 1853. Cape Cod, and all along shore: stories. 120 35: 3790 C. NORDHOFF............................. 38; 3655 BROTHERS' bet,'The; or, within six Contents: weeks. N. Y. 1868. 80... 35: 3792 Captain Tom: a resurrec- Mehetabel Roger's cranber- TV indorm N. Y 1853. tion. ry swamp. 120........................35: 3794 Elkanah Brewster's One pair o blue eyes.. temptation. St uggle for life. Ho in the vlley. N. Y. 1854. Maud Elbert's love match. What is best? 120.35: 3795 Cape colonist, A. (pseud.). IVAR; or, the Skjuts-boy. A ro INGRAM place. Lond. 1874. sm. 8~. 35: 3748 mance. Tr. by A. L. Krause. N. Caper-sauce. Volume of chit-chat. Y. 1852. So.35: 3796 Mrs. S. P. PARTON. (Fanny Fern.) 33: 3314 JOHN. N. Y. n. d. 8~................. 35: 3797 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CARLeN. 32 CARLOS-CLARKE. Carl6n, (continued.)- Carleton, William, (continued.)LAVINIA; or, one year. N. Y. 1873. PARRA Sastha; or, the history of 20........................................ 35: 3799 Paddy Go-easy and his wife Nancy. LOVER'S stratagem, The; or, the two Bost. 1865. 160....................... 35: 3848 suitors. N. Y. 1865. 8............ 35: 3800 PARTY fight and funeral, The. In MARIE Louise. N.Y. n. d. 80..... 35: 3801 Traits and stories. v. 1............... 35: 3841 ONE year; a tale of wedlock. Tr. by The same................................... 35: 3840 A. L. Krause and E. Perce. N. Y. PEASANT girl's love, A. With Poor 1853. 120............................... 35: 3799 scholar...................................... 35: 3836 WHIMSICAL woman, The. N. Y. PHELIM O'Toole's courtship. In 1854. 120................................. 35: 3805 Traits and stories. v. 2............... 35: 3842 WOMAN'S life. N. Y. n. d. 8~.. 35: 3802 The same................................... 35: 3840 Carleton: (pseud.) See COFFIN, C. C. PHIL Purcel, the pig-driver. n Carleton, Hon. Mrs. Pigott-. See Traits and stories. v. 1.............. 35: 3841 Oarleton, Hon. Mrs. See The same............................. 35: 3840 PIGOTT-CARLETON, Hon. Mrs. POOR scholar, The. In Traits and Carleton, William. stories. v. 2.............................. 35: 3842 BARNEY Brady's goose; or, dark do- The same.......................... 35: 3840 ings at Slathbeg. With Redmond. 35: 3847 POOR scholar, The; and other tales of BATTLE of the factions, The. In Irish life. N. Y. n. d. 160........ 35: 3836 Traits and stories. v. 1...............35: 3841 PROCTOR'S daughter, The. With Jane The same................................... 35: 3840 Sinclair............................. 35 3833 BLACK baronet, The; or, the chroni- REDMOND, count OHanlon, the Irish cles of Ballytrain. N.Y. 1875. rapparee. Bost. 1871. 160........ 35: 3847 12........................................35: 3826 SHANE Fadh's wedding. In Traits BLACK prophet, The: a tale of the and stories, v. 1........................ 35: 3841 Irish famine. N. Y. n. d. 12~... 35: 3827 The same...36:... 35: 3840 DEAD boxer, The. MWith Jane Sin- STATION, The. In Traits and stories. clair......................................... 35: 3833 v 1.............................. 35 3841 DONAGH, The; or, the horse-stealers. The same............ 35:' 3840 In Traits and stories. v. 1........... 35: 3841 TALBOT and Gaynor, the Irish pipers. The-same................................... 35: 3840 t Poor G haln r, the Irs ies With Poor scholar.................... 36: 383.6 ELLEN Duncan. With Jane Sinclair. 35: 3833 THREE tasks, The. In Traits and EMIGRANTS of Ahadarra, The. N.THREE tasks, The. In Traits and Y. 1872. 12.......................... 35: 3828 stories v................................. 35: 3841 EVIL eye, The; or, the black spectre. The same............................ 35: 3840 A romance. Bost. 1875. 120..... 35: 3829 TITHE-PROCTOR, The. A novel. N. FARDOROUGHA, the miser; or, the Y. 1873. 120........................... 35: 3839 convicts of Lisnamona. N. Y. TRAITS and stories of the Irish peas1872. 120................................ 35: 3830 antry. Eleventh complete edition. FRANK Finnegan, the foster-brother. With the author's last corrections, With Poor scholar....................... 35: 3836 an introduction, explanatory notes, GEOGRAPHY of an Irish oath, The. and numerous illustrations. Lond. In Traits and stories. v. 2......... 35: 3842 n. d. 2 v. 80....................... 35: 3841-2 The same...................3......... 35: 384" The same. Lond. n. d. 8~......... 35: 3840 GOING to Maynooth. In Traits and TUBBER Derg; or, the red well. In stories. v. 2...............3........... 35: 3842 Traits and stories. v. 2............... 35: 3842 The same................................... 35: 3840 The same.................................. 35: 3840 HEDGE school, The. In Traits and VALENTINE M'Clutchy, the Irish stories. v. 1.............................. 35: 3841 The same.............. 3 agent. Dub 1845 3v. 12~..35:3843-5 JANE Sinclair; or, the fawn of Spring-WILDGOOSE'lodge. Zn Traits and vale. N.Y. 1872. 120............ 35: 3833 stories v. 2................................ 35: 3842 LARRY M'Farland's wake. In Traits The same.3: 3840 and stories. v.................... 36: 3841 WILLYReilly. Bst. 1873. 12 35: 3846 The same.................................. 35: 3840 Oarlino. G. RUFFINI..................... 39: 710 LHA Dhu; or, the dark day. With (arlos-Clarke, Charles. Jane Sinclair......................... 35: 3833 BEAUCLERCS, The; father and son. LIANHAN shee, The. In Traits and N.Y. 1866. 80............... 35: 3856 stories. v. 2.............................. 35: 3842 DENISE. Leip. 1865. sq. 16........ 35: 428 The same.................................. 35: 3840 MADAME Fontenoy. Leip. 1866. LOuGH Derg pilgrim, The. In Traits sq. 160.36: 4329 LOUGH Derg pilgrim, The. In Traits sq. 16~....................................... 35: 4329 and stories. v. 1................. 35: 3841 MADEMOISELLE Mori. Leip. 1862. The same......................... 35: 3840 2 v. in 1. sq. 160........................ 365: 4330 MIDNIGHT mass, The. In Traits and MYRA Gray; or, sown in tears, stories. v. 1.............................. 35: 3841 reaped in joy. Lond. 1870. 3 v. The same.................................. 35: 3840 sm. 8....................................... 35: 3860.2 NEAL Malone. In Traits and stories. ON the edge of the storm. Leip. v. 2......................................... 35: 3842 1869. sq. 16............................. 35: 4331 The same................................... 35: 3840 TALES old and new. Lond. 1872. The same. In L. C. v. 5......... 40: 1615 sm. 8....................................... 35: 4332 NED M'Keown. In Traits and sto- Contents: ries. v. 1......... 35: 3841 Strife and peace in Hor- Zabdiel, the gipsy........''*******.................... num. Lost and founad. The same.......................... 35: 3840 Hand-ome Hugh. An only child. PADDY Go-easy. See Parra Sastha. Blind Thyrza. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CARLYLE. 33 CATHERINE. Carlyle, Thomas, editor and trans- Carylls, The. A novel. Sir F. VINlator. (b. 1795.) CENT. 3 v................................. 39: 3741-3 GERMAN romance, Specimens of. Case of evidence, The. Surgeon's Edin. 1827. 4 v. sm. 8........... 35: 3873-6 tales. A. LEIGHTON. W. T. B. Contents: V. 8............................................ 40: 1718 V. 1. Musaus and La Motte Fouqu6. e! V. 2. Mustius and La H otte Fouquf. Casella; or, the children of the valleys. V. 2. Tieck and Hoffmann. V. 3. Jean Paul Friedrich Richter. M. F. FINLEY. (Martha FarqhuarV.4. Goethe. son.)......................................... 37: 2167 Carlyon's year. J. S. SAvZADE. Cases worth looking at. I. Theadopt(James Payn.)............................. 39: 1164 ed son. II. The poisoned meal. Carmen's inheritance. F. C. FISHER. 37: 2195 III. The cauldron of oil. (W.) Caroline: a Franconia story. J. AB- W. COLLINS. In Queen's revenge. 35: 4581 BOTT......................................... 35: 26 Casimir Maremma. A HELPS......... 37: 4289 Caroline Jones; or, outward and in- Casper and his friends. S. and A. B. ward adorning. tin. 1860. 160. 40: 2079 WARNER................................... 40: 200 Caroline Mordaunt. M. M. SHER- Casseday, Davis B. WOOD. In Works. v. 13............ 39: 1648 HORTONS, The; or, American life at Caroll, M. home. Phil. 1866. 120............. 35: 3925 How Marjory helped. A prize story. Cassique of Kiawah. W. G. SIMMS. 39: 1677 Bost. 1874. 160....................... 35: 3886 Cast away in the cold. I. I. HAYES... 37: 4243 Carpenter's holiday, The. By the Cast for a crown, A. H. CHILD. 3 v.. 35: 4233-5 Author of Marion Howard. In Cast up by the sea. Sir S. W. BAKER. 35: 1420 Peter's journey........................... 40: 1660 Castaways, The. A. BOWMAN...... 35: 2446 Carr, Lisle. (pseud.) Castaways, The. M. REID............ 39: 236 JUDITH Gwynne. Lond. 1874. 3 Caste. A novel. Miss E. JOLLY..... 38: 469 v. sm. 8~................................. 35: 3896-8 Caste. M. H. (G.) PIKE................. 38: 4513 Carr of Carlyon; a novel. H. A'iDe. Castle Avon. A. MARSH-CALDWELL. 2 v. in 1.................................. 35: 359 2 v. in 1.................................... 38: 2594 Carroll, Lewis. (pseud.) See DODG- Castle builders. C. M. YONGE......... 40: 1263 SON. C. L. Castle Christburg. LOTHAR. R. G. Carry's confession. F. W. ROBINSON. 39: 482 N. v. 2.................................... 40: 1561 Cartaphilus, the wandering Jew. D. Castle Daly. A. KEARY................. 38: 704*4 HOFFMAN. 2 v................................ 33: 2022-3 Castle Dangerous. Sir W. SCOTT. Carter, John H. Parker ed.................................. *39: 1347 LOG of Commodore Rollingpin: his The same. Edinb. ed..................... 39: 1358 adventures afloat and ashore: with The same. Abbotsford ed............... 39: 1370 numerous comic illustrations. N. The same...................................... 39: 1394 Y. 1874. 120........................... 33: 1113 The same. Household ed............... 39: 1444 Carter Quarterman. W. M. BAKER. 35: 1428 The same. Pocket ed..................... 39: 1469 Cary, Alice. (1820-1871.) The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 39: APPLE cutting, The. In Pictures of Castle Dumberg. R. G. N. v. 2...... 40: 1561 country life...................35: 3918 Castle Nowhere. C. F. WOOLSON..... 40: 837 BIsHOP'S son, The. N.Y. 1867. 120 35: 3914 Castle of Crail, The; or, King David CLOVERNOOK. N. Y. 1852. 12~.... 356 3915 and Maude.-Tales of the East COUNTRY cousin, The. In Pictures Neuk of Fife. M. F. CONOLLY. of country life........................... 35: 3918 W. T. B. v. 5........................... 40: 1715 ELIZA Anderson. In Pictures of Castle of Ehrenstein. G. P: R. country life................................ 35: 3918 JAMES..................................... 38: 169 HAGAR. N. Y. 1852. 120.......... 35: 3916 Castle of Otranto. H. WALPOLE..... 40: 75 HASTY words and their apology. In Castle Rackrent M. EDGEWORTH. Pictures of country life............... 35: 3918 In her N. and T. v. I................. 37: 1496 HOUSE with two front doors, The. In Castle Richmond. A. TROLLOPE...... 39: 3162 Pictures of country life............... 35: 3918 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 3163 LEM Lyon. In Pictures of country Castle spectre of Scharzfeld, The. life........................................... 35: 3918 GOTTSCHALK. R. G. N. v. 2...... 40: 1561 MAKING the children something. In Castle Wafer; or, the plain gold ring. Pictures of country life.............. 35: 3918 E. P. WOOD. (Mrs. H. Wood.).... 40: 679 MARRIED not mated. N.Y. 1856. 120 35: 3917 Castle's heir, The. E. P. WOOD. MRS. Walden's confidant. In Pic- (Mrs H. Wood.).......................... 40: 680 tures of country life................. 35: 3918 Castlemon, Harry, (pseud.) See MY grandmother that might have FOSDICK, C. A. been. In Rougegorge and other ibeen. In Rougegorge and otherCastles in the air, and other phanstories.................................... 40: 1670 tasies. R. B. COFFIN. (Barry Gray.) 35: 4501 OLD maid's story, An. In Pictures of Castles in the air. C. G. F. GORE.....37: 3192 country life................................ 35: 3918 Castleton. R OUTCAST, The. In Pictures of coun- of the seventeenth try life...................................... 36: 3918 SALEM: a tale of the seventeenth PASSAES from the married life of century. N.Y. 1874 120........ 3: 3935 Eleanor Holmes. In Pictures of Cateran of Lochloy, The. J. MAIDcountry life............................ 35: 3918 MENT. W. T..B. v. 4............... 40: 1714 PICTURES of country life. N. Y. Cathedral chimes, The. Mrs. E. R. 1866. 120................................. 35: 3918 CHARLES. With Cottage by the SARAH Morris. In Pictures of coun- cathedral................................... 35: 4071 try life.....................................35: 3918 Catherine; a story. W. M. THACKUNCLE John's story. In Pictures of ERAY. In Misc. v 5.................. 33: 4015 country life............................. 35: 3918 The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 2880 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CATHERINE. 34 CHANCES. Catherine Hamilton; a tale for little Cellar-door club. See Eggleston's girls. M. F. S........................... 39: 1000 Schoolmaster's stories.................. 37: 1595 Catherine's lovers. (E.) ERCKMAN Centeola; and other tales. D. P. — (A.) CHATRIAN. With Forest THOMPSON................................. 39: 2970 house........................................ 37: 1732 Contents: Catholic Crusoe; or, the adventures Centeola. Starving settlers, The. of Owen. Evans. W. H. ANDER- Counterfeiter, The. Unfathomable mystery,The. of Owen Evans. WV. H. ANDER-Rustic financiers, The. DONw.Agnes and..._.__....._... 35: 630 Century of anecdote, A: from 1760Catlow, Agnes and Maria E. 1860. J. TIMBS.......................... 33: 4069 THE children's garden and what they Contents: made of it. Lond. 1865. 120..... 35: 3943 1. Clerical life. 4. Law and lawyers. Cats and dogs. Mrgs. H. MILLER...... 38: 2989 2. Court and fashionable 5. Men of letters. Catterrmrole, G. life. 6. Players and painters. EVENINGS at Haddon hall. Lond. 3. Eccentric persons. 7. Political life. EVENINGS at Haddon hall. Lend. 1860. sm. 8..............................35: 3953 Cerise: a tale of the last century. G. Caught in the toils. A novel. Mrs. J. WHYTE-MELVILLE................. 40: 424 M.DANIL. 3 v.37: 83-5 Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de. Cauldron of oil, The. (W.) W. COL-HISTORY of the ingenious (15471616.) LINS. See Cases worth looking at.HISTORY of the ingenious gentleman, In "Queens revenge."................. 35: 4581 Don Quixote of La Mancha. Tr. QCautious Watty. J. M. WILSON. 458 from the Spanish, by Motteux. W. T. B. v. 6...........................40: 1716 With copious notes, and an essay Cavalier, The. G. P. R. James....... 38: 170 on the life and writings of Cervan~Cavaliers of England; or, the times tes, by John G. Lockhart. Best. of the revolutions of 1642 and 1688.1865. 4 v. 12.35: 3973-6 H. W. HERBERT........................ 37: 4351 ^ ^ i Thetext edlted ^ J, The same. The text edited by J. H. W. HERBERTn.............n..........s37: 4351 W. Clark, and a biographical Brothers in arms. Rival sisters, The. notice of Cervantes by T. TeignJasper St. Aubyn. Vernon in the va!e. mouth Shore. Illust. by G. Cavaliers of fortune; or, British Dore. Lond. n. d. 40............ *A heroes in foreign wars. J. GRANT.'37: 3304 The same. With illustrations by Cavendish. H. LEE. In Canter- G. Dore. N. Y. 1873. 120..... 35: 3977 bury tales. v 2.......................... 38: 1423 WIT and wisdom of Don Quixote. Caxton, Laura. (pseud.) See COMINS, N. Y. 1867. 120....................... 33: 1121 Lizzie B. Cesar Birotteau, History of the grandCaxton, Pisistratus. (pseud.) See eur and decadence of. H. de BULWER-LYTTON, E. G. E. L. BALZAC..................................... 35: 1512 Caxtons, The. E. G. E. L. BULWER- Cesarine Dietrich. Mad. A. L. A. D. LYTTON.................................... 35: 3096 DUDEVANT. (George Sand.) Tr. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 35: 3097 byE. Stanwood.......................... 37: 901 Cazotte, Elizabeth. In T. F. H. v. 2. 40: 2658 Chainbearer, The. J. F. COOPER... 35: 4724 Cecil Castlemaine's gage, and other The same...................................... 35: 4725 stories. L. de la RAME. (Ouida.) 39: 42 Chairolas. E. G. E. L. BULWERContents: LYTTON....................... 35: 3098 Beauty of Vicq d' Azyr. Little Grand and the March- Chairs in council, The. E. EGGLESCecil C&stlemaine's gage. ioness, Schoolmster stories........ 37: 1595 Deadly bash. Story of a crayon-head, The. TON. In Schoolmaster stories........ 37: 1595 General's match-making, Study a Ila Louis Quatoize. Chamberlain, Charles, Jr. The. Study a la Louis Quinze. PUT to the test. N.Y. 1874. 160 35: 3987 Lady Marabout's troubles.UT to the test. N. Y. 1874. 16. 35: 3987 Cecil Dreeme. T. WINTHROP...........40: 623 SERVANT girl of the period. N. Y. CecilDreeT, Langford...... 4: 63 1873. 12................................. 35: 3988 Cecil, Langford. 1.3:9 FENACRE Grange. Lond. 1870. 3 Chamberlain, N. H. v. sm. 80............................. 35: 3961-3 AUTOBIOGRAPHY of a New England Cecil's tryst. J. S. SAUZADE. (James farm-house. N. Y. 1865. 12~0.. 35: 3996 Payn.)..................................... 39: 1165 Chamier, Captain Frederic. Cecile; or, modern idolaters. H. ARETHUSA. Lond. 1860. 8~......... 35: 4006 SMART. 3.............................. 39: 1773-5 BEN Brace. Loend. 1836. 3 v. 12~. 35: 4007-9 Cecilia; or, the memoirs of nand, The A short" yarn. heiress. F. B. D'ARBLAY............35: 679 N. Y. 1874. 80........................ 35: 4010 The same. 3 v............................. 35: 676-8 JACK Adams, the mutineer. Lond. Cecilia; or, the love of dress. Mrs. n. d. 8~.......................... 35: 4011 Cecilia, or, the love of dress. Mrs. LIFE of a sailor. Lond. n. d. 80.. 35: 4012 E. C.EMBURY. In Pictures ofSPITFIRE, The. Lend. 1861. 8~0.... 35: 4013 early life................................... 37: 1700 T Cecilia f Howard. T. S. ARTHUR....... 35: 7702 TOM Bowling. Lond. 1857. sm. 8~. 35: 4014 Cecilias, The. A. ARGYLE.............. 35: 724 Chance acquaintance. W. D. HowCecy's recollections. M. BRAMSTON. 35: 2683 ELLS................................... 37: 4724 Celebrated jumping frog. S. L. Chance child, A. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. CLEMENS. (Mark Twain.)............33: 1175 (Edward Garrett.)....................... 38: 2814 The same. In L. C. v. 11.............. 40: 1621 Celesta stories. Mrs. M. E. BERRY. The same. With Dead sin.............. 38: 2808 1. Celesta. [35:20561 The same. In Seen and heard. v. 1. 38: 2815 2. Crooked and straight. [35:2058] 3. Crook straightened. [35:2057] Chance for himself. J. T. TRowCelestial city. N. HAWTHORNE.......37: 4195 BRIDGE..................................... 39: 3311 Celestial railroad, The. N. HAW- Chance medley of light matter. T. THORNE. In Mosses from an old C. GRATTAN.............................. 37: 3371 manse.................3....... 37: 4182 Chances and changes. C. BURDETT... 35: 3360 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CHANDLER. 35 CHARMS. Chandler, W. A. Charles, Mrs. E. R., (continued.)NOT to be broken. Lond. 1874. 120 35: 4025 CRIPPLE of Antioch. N. Y. 1866. Chandos. L. de la RAME. (Ouida.) 39: 43 16.......................................... 35: 4072 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 44 DIARY of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. N. Chaney, George L. Y. 1864. 120........................... 35: 4073 F. Grant & Co.; or, partnerships. A The same. Leip. 1869. sq. 160.. 35: 4074 story for the boys who mean busi- DRAYTONS and Davenants. N. Y. ness. Bost. 1875. 120............... 35: 4035 1868. 120.............................. 35: 4075 Changed brides, The. Mrs. E. D. E. The same. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. N. SOUTHWORTH........................ 39: 2007 sq. 160............................... 35: 4076 Changing base. W. EVERETT......... 37: 1770 EARLY dawn. N. Y. 1864. 120~. Same as Sketches of Christian life.. 35: 4077 Changing the crosses and winning theARTYS Of Spain and liberators of crown..A.IDEEN............ Holland. N. Y. 1865. 12........ 35: 4078 Channing, Barbara H. ON both sides of the sea. N. Y. 1868. SUNNY skies. Bost. 1869. 120...... 35: 4045 12......................................... 35: 4079 Channings, The. Domestic novel. The same. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in E. P. [Mrs. Henry] WOOD........... 40: 681 1. sq. 16~.............................. 35: 4080 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 682 SKETCHES of Christian life in EngChapel of St. Mary, The. By the au- land in the olden time. Lond. 1870. thor of The Rectory of Moreland. 12~. Same as Early dawn............ 35: 4081 Bost. 1861. 120.......................40: 2081 Two vocations. N. Y. 1865. 120.. 35: 4082 Chaplet of pearls. C. M. YONGE...... 40: 1264 VICTORY of the vanquished. Leip. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 1265 1871. sq. 16~............................. 35: 4083 Chaplin, Mrs. Jane Dunbar. WINIFRED Bertram. N. Y. 1866. BREAKING the rules. Bost. 1869. 120~.......................................... 35: 4084 160..................................... 35: 4054 The same. Leip. 1869. sq. 160.. 35: 4085 DEEDS speak louder than words. Charles and Antoine Lucyon. H. Bost. 1868. 16........................ 35: 4055 MARTINEAU.............................. 38: 2635 JAMIE Noble, the soldier's sdn. Boast. Charles Auchester. E. S. SHEPPARD. 39: 1617 1868. 160................................35: 4057 Charles Elwood; or, the infidel conOUT of the wilderness. Bost. 1870. verted. 0. A. BROWNSON............ 35: 3030 160........................................... 35: 4056 Charles Lawson. J. M. WILSON. Chapters on wives. Mrs. S.S. ELLIS. 37: 1675 W. T. B. v. 5........................... 40: 1715 Contents: Charles Norwood; or, erring and reForest farm. Secret. penting. C. M. TROWBRIDGE...... 39: 3300 George Milbank. Self-devotion r Isabel. Charles O'Malley. C. LEVER.......... 38: 1566 Characters and their appearances, The same.................................... 38: 1567 with familiar sayings from Dickens' The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v........ 38:1568-70 works. In Master Humphrey's The same. 3 v. in 2.............. 38: 1571-2 clock........................................ 37: 497 Charles Tyrrel. G. P. R. JAMES. 2 The same. In Uncommercial trav- v. in 1....................................... 38: 171 eler, etc.................................... 37: 549 Charles Vavasseur. J. F. SMITH...... 39: 1890 Charette; a tale of lovers' sorrows, Charlesworth, Mnria Louisa. and their tangled sin................... 40: 2082 MINISTERING children and sequel. Charitable man and his dog, The. Lond. 1869-71. 2 v. 16......... 35: 4095-6 G. P. R. JAMES. In String of MINISTRY of life. Lond. 1868. 16. 35: 4097 pearls.38: 219 Charley and Eva Roberts' home in Charlemonwest. Miss L. M. THUTRSTON. Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth Rundle. (b.Bost. 1873. 160 39: 3032 1826.) Charley Roberts series. Miss L. M. AGAINST the stream. N. Y. 1873... 35: 4066 THURSTON. Bost. 18.73. 4 v. 160~. BERTRAM family, The. N. Y. n.d. Content: 160B............................................35: 4086 Charley and Eva Roberts' How Charley Roberts behome in the west. v. 3. came a man. v. 1. 39:3033 CHRONICLES of the Schonberg-Cotta 39:3032 How Eva Roberts gained her family; by two of themselves. N. Children of Amity court. education, v. 2. 39:3034 Y. 1864. 120.................... 35: 4068 v.4 393031 The same. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in Charlie Bell. E. KELLOGG.............. 38: 728 1. sq. 16...............................35: 4069 Charlie Codman's cruise. H. ALGER, CONQUERING and to conquer. N. Y. Jr............................................ 35: 533 n. d. 120................................. 35: 4070 Charlie Thornhill. C. CARLOSCOTTAGE by the cathedral, The; and CLARKE.................................... 35: 3857 other parables. Loend. 1872. sm. 8. 35: 4071 Charlotte Ackerman; a theatrical Contents: The cottage by the cathedral. romance. 0. MUELLER............... 38: 3216 The unknown architect of the minster. Only the crypt. The sepulchre and the Charlotte's inheritance. A novel. shrine. The black ship. The island and M. E. BRADDON. 3 V.................. 35: 2525-7 the main land. Humility and her por-. H. trait-painters. "Things using us." Charmed sea, The. A tale. H. Grannie's recipe for pickling grievances. MARTINEAU.............................. The ruined temple. The jewelof the The same. In Illust. of Pol. Ec. v. 5. 38: 2643 order of the king's own. ~ The cathedral chimes. What makes things musical? The same. In W. S. C.L. v. 4...... 34: 4174 The acorn. Parables in household things.The ame...................................... 15: 4914 Passages from the life of a fern. The ChanTvrmin widow A o r wild as a clock-bell and the alarm-bell. ThornsCharming widow, A; or, wild as a and spines. Sunshine, daylight, and thehawk. K.S. MACQOID............. 38: 2346 rock. Wanderers and pilgrims. Theark Charms and countercharms. M. J. and the fortress. The three dreams. Chndos. 2245 Thou and I. The song without words.MCINTOSH................................ 3o: 2245 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CHARTERIS. 36 CHILD. Charteris. M. M. MELINE.......... 38: 2859 Cherry-orchard, The. M. EDGECharybdis. M. V. (H.) TERHUNE. WORTH. In Rosamond................ 37: 1508 (Marion Harland.) With Phemie's The same. With Harry and Lucy.... 37: 1493 temptation................................. 39: 2843 Cherry-stone, The. Surgeons tales. Chasing the sun. R. M. BALLANTYNE. 35: 1453 Alex. LEIGHTON. W. T. B. v. 4. 40: 1714 The same. In Tales of adventure. Chesebro', Caroline. v. 4 12.......................................... Y. 1853. Chaste as ice, pure as snow. A Chazste as ice, pure as snow. A 12~........................................ 35: 4191 novel. Mrs. M. C. DESPARD. 3 v. 37: 369-71 DREAMLAND by daylight. N. Y. Chateaubriand, Rene Francois Au- 1851. 160................................. 35: 4192 guste. (1768-1848.) FOE in the household, The Bost. ATALA. Tr. by James Spence Harry. 1871. 80................................... 35: 4193 Illustrated by G. Dore. Lond. n. PETER Carradine. N. Y. 1863. 120~. 35: 4194 d. 40..A....C............................ *A Ohesney, Esther. (pseud.) See DARMARTYRS, The. Ed. by 0. W. GAN, Miss C.. Wight. N.Y. 1863. 120~......... 35: 4106 Chesney, Col. George. NATCHEZ, The. An Indian tale. DILEMMA, The. N. Y. 1876. 80... 35: 4203 Lond. 1827. 3 v....................... 35: 4107-9 GERMAN conquest of England, The, Chatelard. A. CAMPBELL. W. T. and battle of Dorking. Reminiscences of a volunteer. N. Y. B. v. 5.................................... 40: 1715 o ae 1871. 160................................. 35: 4202 Chatfield, Paul. 17.3:40 TIN trumpet; or, heads and tails for Chesnez, E. Martineau des o the wise and waggish. N.Y~. 1859. LADY Green-satin and her maid Rosth12 wse and waggish. N. Y. 1859. ette. Phil. 1873. 120............... 35: 4210 12.......................................... 3 5: 4114 Chatsworth. R. P. WARD............ 40: 117 DRWNT or, recollections of young Chattanooga. Cin. 1858. 120..... *40: 2085 life in the country. N. Y. 1872. Chatterton, Georgiana Lady. 120.......................................... 35: 4216 GREY'S court. Lond. 1865. 2 v. Chesterleigh. A.- CONYERS. 3 v... 35: 4671-3 sm. 8....................................... 35: 4120-1 Chetwynd, Hon. Mrs. LOST bride, The. Lond. 1872. 3 v. NEIGHBORS and friends. Loend. 1868. sm. 8~...................................... 35: 4122-4 3 v. sm. 8................................. 35: 4224-6 WON at last. Lond. 1874. 3 v. Chetwyndes, The. In N. and T. sm. 8....................................... 35: 4125-7 v. 11......................................... 40: 1651 Chauntry's boy. A. ROBBINS...... 39: 445 Chevalier Casse-Cou, The. F. du Chavette, Eugene. (pseud.) See E. BOISGOBEY. 2 v........................ 35:2315-16 VACHETTE............................... Contents: Cheaterie packman, The. L. 1. Red camelia, The. 2. Search for ancestors, A. RITCHIE. In Club-book.............. 40: 1520 hevalier d' Artagnan, CaptainCheckmate. J. S. LE FANU...... 38: 1452 lieutenant of the mousquetaires Cheever, Henry T. du roi, The. J. Grant. With ConREEL in a bottle, A. N.Y. 1852. 12~. 35: 4143 stable of France......................... 37: 3305 Chellis, Mary Dwinell. Chevalier d' Harmental. A. (D.) DuBILL Drock's investment. Bost. MAS....................................... 37: 968 1870. 160................................ 35: 4150 Chevalier de M aisonrouge. A.(D.) Chevalier de Maison-rouge. A. (D.) DEACON Sims' prayers. Bost.. 1868. DUMAS...................................... 37: 969 160........................3....5........... 35: 4151 Chevaliers of France, The; from FATHER Merrill. N. Y. 1872. 16~. 35: 4152 the crusaders to the marechals of OLD doctor's son. Bost. 1870. 16~. 35: 4153 Louis XIV. H. W. HERBERT...... 37: 4352 Chelsea hospital and its traditions. Contents: G. 1R. G(LEIG. 3 v....................... 37:3059-61 Ashahgunushk Numamahtahseng. Mihenev, Ms. Ednah )D. Eustache de St. Pierre. ~~~~~Cheney, My s. Edn D. ~Hamilton of Bothwelhaugh. CHILD of the tide. Bost. 1875. 160. 35: 4160 Sir Hugues de Concy. SALLY Williams, the mountain girl. Cheveley. Lady R. W. BULWERBost. 1873. 16..........................: 4161 LYTTON.............................. 35: 3278 Chequered shade. A tale. Mrs. Chicken Little stories. See Eggleston's HODGSON................................... 37: 4442 Schoolmaster's stories................. 37: 1595 Cherbuliez, Victor. (b. 1832.) Chicot, the jester; or, the lady of COUNT Kostia. (Tr. of Le comte Monsoreau. (Tr. of La dame de Kostia.) A novel. N.Y. 1873. 16~ 35: 4168 Monsoreau.) A. (D.) DIMAS. Same JOSEPH Noirel's revenge. (La re- as Diana of Meridor. With vanche de Joseph Noirel.) N. Y. Ascanio.................................... 37: 1020 1872. 160................................. 35: 4169 Child, Harry. Miss Rovel. Tr. by F. A. Shaw. CAST for a crown, A. Lond. 1870. Bost. 1875. 8.......................... 35: 4172 3 v. sm. 8.................................. 35: 4233-5 PROSPER. (Prosper Randoce.) A Child, Lydia Maria. (b. 1802.) novel. Tr. by C. Benson. N. Y. FACT and fiction. N. 1854. 160~. 35: 4241 1874. 160................................. 35: 4170 Contents: ROMANCE of an honest woman, The. Beloved tune, The. Legend of the falls of St. (Tr. of ~Le romann fdune hoznnte Black Saxons, The. Anthony. (Tr. of Le roman 1 d'une onne5te Brothers, The. Neighbor-in-law, The. femme.) Bost. 1874. 12........... 35: 4171 Children of Mount Ida, Poet's dream of the soul, Ohermside, Mrs. Henrv Lowther. The. A. Elizabeth Wilson. Quadroons, The. THORNTONS of Thornbury, The. A Hilda Silfverling. Rosenglory. novel. Lend. 1874. 3 v. smin. 80. 35: 4180-2 Irish heart, The, She waits in the spirit land. Legend of the apostle Youthful emigrant, The. Cherry and Violet. A. MANNING..... 38: 2457 John. PROSE FICTION. ENGLISH. CHILD. 37 CHRONICLES. Child, L. M., (continued.)- Christine; a Dutch story. F. HARDFLOWERS for children. Bost. 1862. MAN. T. f. B. v. 6.................... 40: 1695 160.......................................... 35: 4242 Christine. L. PARR...................... 38: 4233 NEW flower for children, A. Bost. Christine van Amberg. Countess d' 1865. 160................................. 35: 4243 ARBOUVILLE. In Three tales....... 35: 690 PHILOTHEA: a romance. Bost. 1836. Christmas books. W. M. THACK120............................................. 35: 4244 ERAY. In M isc. v. 5................ 33: 4015 ROMANCE of the republic. 3Bost Contents: 1868.Q 120.36:~ 4245A~ Mrs. Perkins's ball. Ourstreet. Doctor Birch. The Kickleburys on the Rhine. Child life in prose. J. G. WHITTIER, The rose and the ring. editor.................................... 40: 415 Christmas cake in four quarters. Child of the island glen. E. KELLOGG. 38: 729 Lady (Mary Anne) BARKER. Child of the tide, The. Mrs. Ed. D. (Mrs. F. N. Broome.).................. 35: 1585 CHENEY................................... 35: 4160 Christmas carol, A. C. (J. H.) Child wife, The. M. REID............... 39: 237 DICKENS.... 37: 449 Child's dream of a star, A. C. (J. The same. In Christmas stories........ 37: 450 H.) DICKENS. In L. C. v. 10........ 40: 1620 The same.................................... 37: 451 The same. In Lamplighter's story. 37: 481 The same...................................... 37: 452 The same. With Old curiosity shop. 37: 515 The same. In L. C. v. 5............... 40: 1615 The same................................. 37: 517 Christmas child, The. Mrs. LIVERChild's story, A. C. (J. H.) DICK- MORE..................................T. L. 38: 1819 ENS. In Lamplighter's story....... 37: 481 Christmas-eve and Christmas-day. Childe Roeliffs pilgrimage. J. K. Ten Christmas stories. E. E. HALE. 37: 3833 PAULDING. In Tales of Glauber- Christmas gift, The, that came to ~Spa. v.l 1.40: 1700 Rupert. F. Bret HARTE. In Mrs. Children of the abbey. R. M. ROCHE. 39: 580 Skagg's husbands....................... 37: 4057 Children of Amity court. Miss L. Christmas guest, The. E. D. E. N. M. THURSTON............................. 39: 3031 SOUTHWORTH. 39: 2008 Children of light. C. CHESEBRO'..... 35: 4191 Christmas party, A.E. STRIVELYNE. Children of the new forest. F. With Princess of Silverland......... 39: 2405 MARRYAT................................. 38: 2526 Christmas stories. C. (J. H.) DICKChildren of the public, The. E. E. ENS.......................................... 37: 450 HALE. n L.C. v. 12The sae...............37: 452 HALE. InL.C. v.12............... 40: 1622...................... 37: 452 The same. In If, yes, and perhaps... 37: 3836 The same.................................... 37: 451 Children's garden, The, and whatThesame. Taucnitzed........... 37: 453 they made of it. A. and M. E. Christmas stories, additional. In CATLOW.....................................35: 3943 Master Humphrey's clock............ 37: 497 Chimes. C. (*J. H.)' DICKENBS."'With' The same. In Uncommercial trav. Christmas carol........................... 37: 449 etc...................................... 37: 549 The same. With Christmas stories... 37: 450 The same.................................... 37: 552 The same.................................. 37: 451 Christmas story, A. See Riddell's The same.................................... 37: 452 Fairy water. China manufactory. M. M. SHER- Christmas-tree, A. C. (J. H.) WOOD. In Works. v. 13............ 39: 1648 DICKENS. In Christmas stories..... 37: 450 Chinese tales. T. S. GUEULETT........ 37: 3625 Thesame. InLamplighter's story... 37: 481 Chirping crickets. Miss A. I. THACK- Christmas waits in Boston. E. E. ERAY. With Village on the cliff... 39: 28'66 HALE. In If, yes, and perhaps..... 37: 3836 Chiveley. (pseud.) See Lady R. W. Christopher Crooked; a Christmas BULWER- LYTTON. story. W. E. HATHAWAY........... 37: 4090 Choice of Paris, The. S. G. W. BEN- Christopher Crowfeld. (pseud.) See JAMIN....................................... 35: 1964 STOWE, H. (E.) B. hoisy, a novel. J. P. STORY..........39: 2310 Christopher Dudley. A novel. M. Chops, the dwarf. J. (J. H.) DICK BRIDGMAN. 3 v......................... 35: 2790-2 ENS. In L. C. v. 2................... 40: 1612 Christopher Kenrick; his life and Chouans, The. E. SOUVESTRE. n adventures. J. HATTON.............. 37: 4100 Brittany and LaVendee.............. 39: 2066 Christopher Tadpole. A. SMITH..... 39: 1809 Choules, John Overton. (1801-1856.) Christy's grandson. With Drayton YOUNG Americans abroad. Bost. hall.......................... 40: 2131 1864. 160................................. 35: 4255 Chronicle of Ethelfied. A. MANChris and Otho. Sequel to Widow NING.............................. 38: 2458 Goldsmith's daughter. J. P. SMITH. 39: 1936 Chronicles from the originals of CarChrisna. J. X. BONIFACE, called taphilus, the wandering Jew. D. SHOFFMAN. 2 v.33: 2022-3 Saintine.............................. 35: 2340 HOFfMAN. 2 V.......................... 33:2022-3 Christian life in England in the old- Chronicles of the Fermors; Horace en time. E. R. CHARLES............36: 4081 Walpole in love. F. MAHONY. 2 v. 38: 2388-9 Christian physiologist. G. GRIFFIN. Chronicles of the Canongate. Sir Same as Tales of the five senses..... 37: 3557 W. SCOTT. First series. Parker Christian's mistake. D. M. CRAIK. ed. 2 v3:13340 Contents: (formerly Miss Mulock.)................ 35: 4912 Highland widow, The. Sugeon's daughter, The. The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 35: 4913 Laird's Jock, The. Tapestried chamber, The. Christie Johnstone. C. READE.........39: 137 My aunt Margaret's mir- Two drovers, The. The same. With Peg Woffington..... 39: 160 ror. The same. Edinburgh ed................ 39: 1357 Christie of the Cleek. A. LEIGHTON. 1368 The same. Abbotsford ed............... 39: 1368 W. T.Bv. v. 5.......................... 40: 1715 Theam3 Christie's faith. F. W. ROBINSON... 39: 483 Note. See also under the titles of the stoChristina North. E. M. ARCHER.....35: 696 ries given in the contents. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CHRONICLES. 38 CLARKE. Chronicles of the Canongate. Sir W. Circassian boy, The' M. LERMONTSOOTT. Second series. Same as St. OFF. Tr. by S. S. Conant............ 38: Valentine's day; or, the fair maid Circe. B. WHITE........................... 40: 370 of Perth. Circle of light. H. P. MALET.......... 38: Chronicles of Carlingford. Mrs. M. Circuit rider: a tale of the heroic age. (0. W.) OLIPHANT..................... 38: 3838 E. EGGLESTON........................... 37: 1591 OCbotents: Circumstance. H. E. (P.) SrorThe Rector; the Doctor's family; Salem FORD. With The amber gods....... 39: 2126 Thesame. Tauchnitzed. 7 v.in4.Citizen of Prague. Tr. by M. Howitt. 40: 2091 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 7 v. in 4. Citoyenne Jacqueline. Miss KEDDIE. Crztenis. Citoyenne Jacqueline. Miss KEDDIE. Doctor's family, The. Perpetual curate, The Tytler). 3 v..................... 38: 707-9 [38:3863] I [:)8;3861] City of Nocross, and its famous physiMiss Marjoribanks. Rector, The. 38:3b63J cian. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. B.) 39: 3341 [38:3858)] Salem chapel. [38:3O65J City of refuge, A. Miss A. I. THACKChronicles of Clovernook, The. D. ERAY. IWith Village on the cliff... 39: 2866 (W.) J ERROLD................... 38: 326 Civil service. J. T. LISTADO. 2 V. 38:1810-11 The same. WInth A man mae of Civil war. T. (E.) HOOK. In Precepts money. In Works. v. 6......... 34: 1470 and practice. v. 2....................... 37: 4646 The same. In Works. v. 4. Phil.Clack, Mrs. Louise. ed.r'omcles'of'Golden-i'ria^'T^~~U34: 1464 OR refugee household. N. Y. 1866. Chronicles of Golden Friars, The. 120.......................................... 35: 4310 J. S. Le FANv. 3 v.................... 38: 1453-5 Clan-Albin; a natonaltale. Mrs. hrysal; or the adventures of a JOHNSTONE. In W. S. C. L. v. 8.. 34: 4178 uinea. C.JOHNSTON...............38: 490 The same............. 1 5: 4918 The same.................................. 40: 2090 Clandestine marriage,The. MissE. The same.40: 2090; Clandestine marriage, The. Miss E. Church, Mrs. Ross. (formerly Flor- A. DVUUY................................. 37: 1062 ence Marryait.) Clara. F. W. HACKLLNDER............ 37: 3810 CONFESSIONS of Gerald Estcourt. Clara Delamaine. A. W. CUNNINGLeip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16.... 36: 4265 HAM. 3 v..35:5148-50 FOR ever and ever. Leip. 1866. 2 Clara Howard. C. B. BROWN. v. in 1. sq. 160.........3...6......... 35: 4266 ith Orond............................. 35: 2991 GUP. Lond. 1868. 8......... 36: 4267 Clara Moreland. E. BENNETT......... 35: 1976 HER lord and master. Leip. 1871. Clara Stephens. M. M. SHERWOOD. 2 v. in 1. sq. 160........................ 35: 4268 In Works. v. 4.39: 1639 Lovx's conflict. Bost. n. d. 80..... 36: 4269 Clara Vance. (pseud.) SeeDENION, The same. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. Mrs. Mary A. sq. 160.........35: 4B270 Clara Vaughan. R. D. BLACKMORE. 35: 2201 LnU K ds ap ont e t, A Bos.. C lare Savile; or, sixty years ago. J. n. d. sq. 160............................. 35: 4283 Cl are S vl 1i9g nAD. dsq..36: 4283l. LUARD...................................... 38: 1923 MAD. Dumaresq. A novel. Lond. Clarissa; or, the Mervyn inheritance. 1873. 3 v. sin. 80..................... 35: 4271-3 a.sBoWMAN.36:h2447 A. BOWMAN.............................. 35: 2447 NELLY Brooke. Leip. 1869. 2 v. Clarissa Harlowe. S. RICHARDSON. in 1. sq. 16~..............................35: 4274 8 v 39: 321-8 No intentions. A novel. Lond. 1874. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 4 v........ 39: 329-32 3 v. sm. 8~............................36: 4275-7 The same. Condensed by C. H. OPEN 1 Sesame! Bost. n.d. 8.. 36: 4284 JONES. Leisure hour series......... 39: 333 PETRONEL. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. Clark, Alexander. sq. 16................................ 3: 4278 STARTING out; a story of the Ohio POISON of asps, The. A novelette, hills. Phil. 1875. 12~............... 36: 4320 PN. YOfteGd.B. 1871. 80 35: 4209 clark, Charles Heber. (Max Adeler). PREY oaf the Gods. Bost. 1871. 8 36: 4280 OUT of the Hurly-burly. Phil. 1874. STAR and a heart, A. Bost. n. d. 120.33: 742 80............................................ 35 4286 Clarke, C. C. See CARLOS-CLARKE, C. 80.35:*-***_-;-** —*** —*** o. 428 oClarke, C.C. See CARLOS-CLARKE, C. V~RONIQUE. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. Clarke Marcus. sq. 16.................................... 35: 4281 His natural life. N. Y. 1876. 80~. 35: 4333 WOMAN against woman. Bost. Clarke, Mrs. Mary Cowden. (b. 1809.) 1867. 80....................35: 4282 IRON cousin, The. N. Y. 1866. 12~. 35: 4335 Church and wife. R. St. John COR- PORTIA and stories from Shakespeare. BET. 3 v................................... 35: 4830-2 N. Y. 1868. 12....................... 3 4336 Churchman, A broAd. (pseud.) See RAMBLING story, A......................... 35: 4337 WARRINER, E. A. YARNS of an old mariner. Bost. 1869. Churchyard watch, The. J. BANIM. 160............................................ 35: 4338 In Bit o' writin'........................ 35: 1531 Clarke, Rebecca Sophia. (Sophie May). Churton, Henry. (pseud.) See ASBURY twins, The. Bost. 1876. 160~. 35: 4366 TOURJEE, A. W. AUNT Madge's story. Bost. 1872. Cicely: a story of three years. E. 18~............................................ 85: 4345 GRAHAM. 3 v........................ 37: 3251-3 DOCTOR'S daughter, The. Bost. 1872. Cinderella. Miss A. I. THACKERAY. 16.......................................... 35: 4346 With The story of Elizabeth......... 39: 2863 DOTTY Dimple at her grandmother's. Cineas. J. M. VILLEFRANCHE........39 3735 Bost. 1870. 18....................... 35: 4347 V. 7<~~ Econ................................... DOTTY Dimple at home. Bost. 1870. Cinq-Mars. AV. deVINY..: 3730 DOTTYDimpleatschool. MARBot. 1869. Cipher; a romance. J. G. AUSTIN. 35: 936 180.......................................... 85: 4350 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. OLARKJI. 39 CLUB-BOOK. Clarke, R. S., (continued.)- Cleomenes the Greek. D. M. CRAIK. DOTTY Dimple out west. Best. 1870. (form. D. M. Mulock.) In Romantic 18.......................................... 35: 4351 tales...... 3................................. 635: 4940 DOTTY Dimple's fly-away. Best. Clergyman's wife, The. In N. and 1870. 180................................. 35: 4352 T. v. 11................................... 40: 1651 FAIRY book. Bost. 1872. 180....... 35: 4353 Clergyman's wife, and other sketches. LITTLE folks astray. Bost. 1871. 180 35: 4354 A. C. M. RITCHIE. N. Y. 1867. 12~. 39: 427 LITTLE grandfather. Bost. 1873. Clerical murderer, The. A. LEIGH180............................................ 35: 4355 TON. W. T. B. v. 8.................. 40: 1718 LITTLE grandmother. Bost. 1873. Cleve hall. E. M. SEWELL.............. 39: 1573 18................................................. 35: 4356 Clever woman of the family. C. M. LITTLE Prudy. Bost. 1872. 18... 35: 4357 YONGE...................................... 40: 1266 LITTLE Prudy's Capt. Horace. Bost. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 1267 1871. 180.................................35: 4358 Cliff-climbers, The; or, the lone LITTLE Prudy's cousin Grace. Bost. home in the Himalayas: a sequel 1871. 180.................................35: 4359 to " The plant hunters." M. REID. 39: 238 LITTLE Prudy's Dotty Dimple. Bost. Clifford Troup; a Georgia story. M. 1872. 180................................. 35: 4360 J. W ESTMORELAND..................... 40: 327 LITTLE Prudy's sister Susy. Bost. Cliffords of Craven, The. A tradi1871. 18................................. 35: 4361 tion. A. PICKEN. In W. S. C. L. LITTLE Prudy's story-book. Boest. v. 5 *16: 4915 n. d. 18................................... 35: 4362 The sa...................34: 4175 MISS Thistledown. Bost. n. d. 18~035: 4363 Climbing the rope. H. P. H. NOWELL. 38: 3687 OUR Helen. Bost. 1875. 180........35: 4364 Cline, A. J. PR3Y keeping house. Bost. 1871. HENRY Courtland; or, what a farmer 18~........................................... 35: 4365 can do. Phil. 1870. 120........... 35: 4430 can do. Phil. 1870. 120 65: 4430 Claude. Lady BLAKE. 3 v............ 35:2228-30 Clinton. W. SIMONDS. (Walter AimClaude, the colporteur. A. MANNING. 38: 2459 well.).........39: 1704 Claude Gueux. V. HUGO........ 37: 4733 Clique of gold, The. E. GABORIAU... 37: 2750 Claude Meadowleigh. Capt. W. E. Clive, Lady Catherine. MONTAGUE. 3 v.......................38: 3051-3 PAULFerroll. A tale. N. Y. 1856. Claude Melnotte as a detective. A. 120........................................... 35: 4436 PINKERTON_............................ 38: 4546 The same. Leip. 1856.. sq. 16' 35: 4437 Claudia. A. M. DOUGLASS. WHY Paul Ferroll killed his wife. Claudia. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) 39: 3342 Leip. 1861. sq. 160................... 35: 4438 Claudine. H. LEE. In Canterbury YEAR after year. Leip. 1858. 160. 35: 4439 Claudiues. v. Martin.38: Clives of Burcot, The. H. SMITH..... 39: 1844 Claudius, Martin. COTTAGE by the lake, The. Phil. Clock-bell and the alarm-bell, The. 1869. 16~. The fatherland series. 35: 4370 Mrs. E. R. CHARLES. With CotClaverings, The. A. TROLLOPE...... 39: 3164 tage by the cathedral.................. 35: 4071 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 3165 Cloister and hearth. C. READE...... 39: 138 Clavers, Mrs. Mary. (pseud.) See The same...................................... 39: 139 KIRKLAND, C. M. S. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 140 Clayton, Cecil. Cloth of Frieze. Lady WOOD. 3 v... 40: 765-7 EFFIE'S game; how she lost and how Clotildo; or, the secret of three genshe won. Lend. 1873. 2 v. erations. A. de PONTMARTIN. Tr. sm. 80............................ 3...... 35: 4376-7 by K. C. Barton.......................... 38: 4607 Clear shining after rain. Miss C. Cloud on the heart. A. S. ROE......... 39: 597 BROCK...................................... 35: 2839 Cloud pictures. F.H. UNDERWOOD... 39: 3621 Clemens, Hon. Jeremiah. (1814-1865.) Cbntents: BERNARD Lile; an historical romance, 1. The exile of von Adelstein's soul. embracing the periods of the Texas 2. Topankalon. 3. Herr Regenbogen's concert. revolution and the Mexican war. 4. Great-organ prelude, A. Phil. 1869. 120........................35: 4387 Cloud with the silver lining, The. M. MUSTANG Gray. Phil. n.d. 120... 35: 4388 A. MACKARNESS. In Sunbeam RIVALS, The; a tale of the times of stories........... 38: 2270 Aaron Burr and Alexander Ham- Clouded happiness. Countes dORSAY 38: 3926 ilton. Phil. 1860. 120.............. 35: 4389 Clouded in mystey. M. A. BIRD.. 3: 392 TOBIAS Wilson; a tale of the great Clouded mystery. M.A. BIRD..... 35: 2105 rebellion. Phil. 1865. 120.........35: 4390 Cloudesley, a tale. W. GODWIN. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. (b.3.........................................37:30993101 1835.) (Mark Twain.) Clouds and sunshine. C. READE...... 39: 141 CELEBRATED jumping frog; N. Y. The same. With Peg Woffington..... 39: 160 1869. 160................................. 33: 1175 Clough Fion. M. BANIM................. 36: 1533 GILDED age, The. Tale of to-day. Cloven foot, The. R. H. NEWELL... 38: 3581 By S. L. CLEMENS and C. D. WARNER. Hartford. 7Clovernook. A. CARY.................. 35: 3915 MAR Twain's sketches. Hartford. Club-book, The. J. PICKEN, GALT, 1875. sm. 40............................. 33: 1177 POWER, JERDAN, GOWER, MOIR CUNNINGHAM, HOqG, RITCHIE, &C. Clement's trial and victory; or, sow- 2 v in 1ITCHI, 40: 1520 ing and reaping. M. E. B............35: 1300 ens...................... Clemmer, Mary. (Mary Ames.) Vol 1. Bertrand de la Croix; or, the siege EIRENE; or, a woman's right. N.Y. of Rhodes. G. P. R. JAMES. ~~~1871.~~ 8~<;^^"..... 4420 ~Haddad-Ben-Ahab; or, the traveller. J. HIS two wives. N. Y. 1875. 120..35: 4421 Gipsy of the Abruzzo, The. T. POWER. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CLUB-BOOK. 40 COLLINS. Club-book, (continued.)- Coffin, Robert Barry. (Barry Gray.) Eisenbach; or, the adventures of a Cakes and ale at Woodbine. N. Y. stranger. A metropolitan story. A. 1868. 12~........,....................... 35: 4500' PICKEN. Fatal whisper, The. J. GALT. CASTLES in the air and other phanSleepless woman, The. W. JEBDAN. tasies. N. Y. 1871. 120............ 35: 4501 Dramatic scenes, founded on Victor Hu- MATRIMONIAL infelicities............... 35: 4502 L. GOWER. L.^ ^ ^^g~y0 GowEnam. ^My married life at Hillside. N. Y. Vol 2. Gowden Gibbie. A. CUNNINGHAM. 1865. 120.................................. 35: 4503 Bridal of Borthwick, The. D. M. MoIn. OUT of town; a rural episode..N. Y. Deer-stalkers of Glenskiach, The. AoU n r e Highlandlegend. A. PICKGl Nh, h. A1867. 120................................ 35: 4504 Highland legend. A. PICKEN 186.120.36:u4504 Painter, The. A Sicilian tale. J. GALT. Coggeshall, William Turner. Laidlaws and the Scotts, The. A border HOME hits and hints. N. Y. 1859. tradition by the Ettrick shepherd. 12....................... 35: 4508 (pseud. of J. HoGG.) Unguarded hour, The. J. GALT. Contents: Cheaterie Packeman, The. S. RITCHIE. Easy Warren. Summer life. Bogle o' the Bral: a queer courting story Little Peleg. Jewish Quadroon, The. by the Ettrick shepherd. kpseud. of Aunt Patience. Pinney's pepper bottle. J. HOGG.) Buds and blossoms. Fallen divine, The. Book of life, The. J. GALT. Burning coin, The. My ragged school and what Three Kearneys, The. A tale of the Smart boy, The. it suggested. Dominie. A. PICKEN. NPed. Elton. Summer recreation. Club des pendus, Le. -G. BORYS. lit Little Chip. Story for boys and girls, A. Suhe loved him nmadly.................. 35: 2373 My first lesson in manli- Fable for financiers, A. ness. Fashionable vulgarity. Club room, The. T. S. ARTHUR. In Widow Cliff and her son. Street picture, A. The martvr wife....................... 35: 787 An odd music lesson. Haste makes waste. Clumber Chase. G. G. SCOTT. 3 v. 39: 1281-3.Tom Toperly.. City and country. dlumber Chase. G.. GSCOTT. 3 V. 39: 1281-3 A hint for homes What Jasper Haven lost. Clyde, Alton. Matrimony for money. Kitchen comforts. UNDER foot. A novel.3............... 35: 4448 The prize piano. Marriage by draft. Jared Parker. Lesson from the street, A. Clyffards of Clyffe. J. S SAUZADE. Our fireside. Pay as you go. (James Payn.).............................39: 1166 Fashionable suicide. Being somebody. Clytie. A novel of modern life. J. Pretty apple-girl, The. Little fibs. Sketch of sentiment's Reflections on a barn. HATTON. 3 V............................ 37: 4101-3 extremes, A. Kidnappers. Coaina; the rose of the Algonquins. Pride of wealth and pride Didn't think. MTrs A. H. DORSEY..................... 37: 793 of worth. Boy enterprise. Cobb, SophiaD..................ickinson. Masterly inactivity. Shall I go to a city? Cobb, Sophia Dickinson.Moral influence of taste, Man in the moon, The. IHILLSBORO' farms. Boest. 1869. 12. 35: 4458 The. Cobden, Paul. (pseud.) Cold hand, The. C. F. GUERNSEY. GOING on a mission. Bost. 1869. In Not pretty, but precious........... 40: 1640 16~......................................... 35: 4464 Cold heart, The. W. HAUFF. In T. 160.36: 4464 Cold heart, The. W. HAUFF. In T. GOOD luck. Boest. 1869.' 160.........35: 4465 f. G......................................... 40: 1699 TURNING wheel, The. Boest. 1869. Cole, Miriam. (pseud.) See HARRIS, 160.......................................... 35: 4466 3M rs. S. S. WHO willwin? Bost. 1869. 160... 35: 4467 Coleridge, Christabel R. Cockaynes in Paris; or, gone abroad. HANBURY mills............................. 35: 4510 (W.) B. JERROLD.................. 38: 336 LADY Betty. Lond. 1869. am. 80~. 35: 4511 Cockton, Henry. (1808-1853.) Coleridge, Sara. (1803-1852.) FATAL marriage, The. Phil. n. d. PHANTASMION: a fairy tale. Boest. 80.................................35: 4081 1874. 12~............................ 35: 4516 GEORGE Julian. See The prince. College theatricals. In T. f. B. v. 2. 40: 1693 LOVE match, The. Phil. n. d. 80~. 35: 4082 Collegians, The. G. GRIFFIN......... 37: 3551 PERCY Effingham. Lond. 1853. 2 Collins, Mortimer. v. 120................................... 35: 4476-7 IVORY gate, The.. Lond. 1869. 2 PRINCE, The; or, George St. George v. sm. 80.;............................ 35: 4523-4 Julian. Phil. n. d. 80.............. 35: 4475 MARQUIS and merchant. N. Y. SISTERS, The. Same as Fatal mar- 1871. 80................................... 35: 4525 riage. PRINCESS Clarice, The: a story of STANLEY Thorne. N. Y. n. d. 16~. 35: 4478 1871. Lond. 1872. 2 v. sm. 80. 35: 4526-7 STEWARD, The. A romance. Phil. SQUIRE Silchester's whim. Lond. n.d. 8~.................................... 35: 4083 1873. 3 v. sm. 8~..................... 35:4528-30 SYLVESTER Sound, the somnambulist. TRANSMIGRATION. Lond. 1874. 3 Phil.3............6....................... 35: 4479 v. sm. 80................................. 35: 4531-3 VALENTINE VoX; the ventriloquist. Two plunges for a pearl. N. Y. With his life and adventures. Phil. 1872. 80................................... 35: 4534 n. d. 8~........................... 35: 4480 VIVIAN romance, The. N. Y. 1870. Coelebs in search of a wife. H.80............................................ 35: 4535 MORE...................................... 38: 3106 Collins, (William) Wilkie. (b. 1824.) The same. In Works. v. 2........... 34: 1761 AFTER dark. Leip. 1856. sq. 160.. 35: 4540 The same..................................... 34: 1763 ALICIA Warlock, and other stories. Coen, P. J. Boest. 1875. 8~......................... 35: 4539 EVALINE; or, weighed and not want- Contents: ing. A Catholic tale. N. Y.........35: 4486 Alicia Warlock. Mrs. Badgery. ^fl* P~Cha~rles Carleton. (Carleion.) "Blow up with the brig." My black mirror. COffin, Charles Carleton. (Carleton.) Fatal cradle. Queen's revenge, The. CALEB Krinkle, a story of American Memoirs of an adopted Sane madman, A. life. Boest. 1875. 80.......3...... 35: 4490 son. FOLLOWING the flag. Bost. 1865. 16~. 35: 4491 ANTONINA; or, the fall of Rome. MY days and nights on the battle N. Y. 1868. 8~........................ 35: 4541 field................................... 35: 4492 The same. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in WINNING his way. Best. 1866. 16~. 35: 4493 1. sq. 16~0.............................. 35: 4542 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH, COLLINS, 41 COMING. Collins, (W.) W., (continued.)- Collins, (W.) W., (continned.)ARMADALE. N. Y. 1866. 8........ SIGHTS a-foot. Phil. n. d. 8~........ 35: 4582 The same. N. Y. 1874. 12~...... 35: 4543 SISTER Rose.................................. 35: 4583 The same. Leip. 1866. 3 v. sq. STOLEN mask. Columbia, S. C. 1864. 160....................................... 35: 4544-6 80............................................' 35: 4584 The same. Leip. 1866. 3 v. in The same. Phil. n. d. 80......... 35: 4585 2. sq. 160.............................. 35: 4547-8 TERRIBLY strange bed. With Frozen BASIL. Leip. 1862. sq. 160......... 35: 4549 deep......................................... 35: 4553 DEAD alive. Best. 1874. 160........ 35: 4550 WOMAN in white, The. Illust. N. DEAD secret. Phil. n. d. 120...... 35: 4551 Y. 1873. 120.......... 35: 4586 The same. In N. and T. v. 4-5... 40: 1644-5 The same. Leip. 1860. 2 v. in DEAD secret, and other tales. Leip. 1. sq. 160.............................. 35: 4587 2 v. in 1. sq. 160........................ 35: 4552 YELLOW mask, The........................ 35: 4588 Contents: Collis, Lauriston. Agnes Lee. Murder of the Archbishop MYSTERY of Holly tavern. Phil. Amphlett love-match. of Paris. Dead secret. My window1873. 12 Dead secret. My window. ~i............................... 35: 4630 Helena Mathewson. New boy at Styles's Colloquies of Edward Osborne. A. How the old love fared. Queen's revenge. MANNING................................ 38: 2460 ~ Yellowtiger. Colman, George, the younger. (1762FROZEN deep, The; and Terribly 1836). strange bed. Bost. 1875. 160~.... 35: 4553 BROAD grins; My nightgown and HIDE and seek. Leip. 1856. 2 v. slippers; and other works, prose in 1. sq. 160.............................. 35: 4554 and poetical. Edited by G. B. LAW and the lady,The. N.Y. 1875. Buckstone. Lond. n. d. sm. 80. 33: 1211 120........................................... 35: 4555 Conten tq: MAD Monckton; and other stories. Ballads and songs. Poetical vagaries. Phil. n. d. 80.......................... 35: 4556 Broad grins. Random records and anecEccentricities for Edin- dotes. CG'"ontents:, mi i burgh. Two parsons, The; or, the Black cottage, The. Mad Monckton. Lady of the wreck, The. tale of a shirt. Biter bit, The. Plot in private life, The.Memoir Vagaries vindicated or, Family secret, The.v i My nightgown and slip- hypocritic hypercritics. MAN and wife. N. Y. 1874. 80,.... 35: 4557 pers. The same. Leip. 1870. 3 v. sq. Colomba. P. MiRIME.................. 38: 2930 16~....................................... 35:4558-60 Colonel Dacre. Miss E. JOLLY......... 38: 470 The same. Leip. 1870. 3 v. in 2. Colonel Floyd's ward. M. V. (H.) sq. 160.................................... 35: 4561-2 TERHUNE. (Marion H[arland)...... 39: 2835 MIRANDA: a midsummer madness. Note. S. me as Helen Gardner's wedding day. 3 v............................................ 35: 4564-6 Colonel Jack, life of. D. DEFOE. In 3 v,. 35: 45;64-6 Colonel Jack, life of. D. DEFOE. In Miss or Mrs.? and other stories. N. and Mis. works, v. 1............... 34: 1017 Phil. n. d. 8.......................... 35: 4567 Colonna, the painter. T. f. B. v. 1... 40: 1693 Contents: Colville family, The. F. E. SMEDLEY. 39: 1790 Fatal cradle, The. Mis or Mrs? Comedy of terrors. J. DEMILLE.... 37: 270 MOONSTONE. N. Y. 1868. 80..I... 35: 4568 Cometh up as a flower. Miss R. The same. Leip. 1868. 2 v. in 1. BROUGHTON............................... 35: 2970 The same.QO~~~~~ Leip 186 4569 vin Comfort Strong, S.S. ROBBINS...... 39: 463 NEW MagdalenThe. N.Y. 1873. Comforted. Phil. 1873. 16...... 80............. 35: 4570 Comforter, The. F. BREMER. In No na^me.:N.Y.1863. 80.. 35: 4571.... Works. v. 1.............................. 35: 2946 The same. Leip. 1863. 3 v. sq. Comic Blackstone, The. G. A. & 160..35.:.4572-4 BECET.................................55: 150 The same. Leip: 1863. 3 v. in 2. Comic history of England, The. G. A. a BECKET.......2..................... 27: 1377 sq. 160.................................... 35: 4575-6 Comic history of Rome, The. G. A. PLOT in private life. Leip. 1859.Comic history of ome, The. 26: 2198 s BS E CKET.................................. 26: 2198 sq. 160. Same s Mad Monckton... 35: 4577 Qomic history of the United States. POOR Miss Finch. N. Y. 1872. 8~. 35: 4578 L.mic history of the United States. ~ The same. Leip. 1872. 2 v. inL. HOPKINS.............................. 37: 4690 1. sq. 160..............................'35: 4579 The same. Leip. 1872.527v.9in The same. J. D. SHERWOOD........... 29: 1845 QUEEN of hearts. N. Y. 1859. 120~ 35: 4580 omic natural history of the haman QUEEN'S revenge, The; and other race. H. L. STEPHENS............... 33: 3891 stories. Phil. n. d. 80.............. 35: 4581Comical romance of a company of Confents: stage players. P. SCARRON. In Bold words by a bachelor. Sketches of character:- Whole com. works...................... 34: 1915 Cases worth looking at:- 1 Talk-stoppers. Comin' thro' the rye. Miss H. 1 Adopted heir. 2 Shockingly rude article. MATER........................... 8: 2679 2 Poisoned meal. 3 Mrs. B er................. 79 3 Caldron of oil. 4 Bachelor bedroom. Coming from the front. R.WOLCOTT. Curiosities of literature:- 6 Pray employ Maj. Nam- In Stories and sketches................. 40: 1681 1Portr on a ut hor. U nknComing home; or, sithors to grind. 2 Portrait ol an author. 6 My spinsters. Dramatic Grub street. Social grievances:- By the author of t" Trap to catch a Fragment of personal 1 Journey in search of sunbeam." [Miss M. A. MACKARexperiences:- nothing 1 1 Laid up in lodgings. 2 Petition to the novel NESS.] Lon 1867. 12........... 2 My black mirror. writers. Coming home. Geo. R. WALKER..... 40: 33 Jerrold, Douglass. 3 Give us room. Coming home to roost. G. GRANT. Nooks and corners of his- 4 Save me from my V 37: 3287-9 tory:- friends. 1 Queen's revenge. 5 Mrs. Bullwinkle. Coming man, The. Rev. J. SMITH. 2 Great (forgotten) in- To think or to be thought 2 v........................................... 39: 1926-7 3v rkablesion. for.o Coming race, The; or, the new Utopia. tion. E. G. E. L. BULWER-LYTTON....... 35: 3099 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. COMING. 42 CONSCIENCE. Coming wave, The; or, the hidden Confessions of Fitz-Boodle. W. M. treasure of High-rock. Wm. T. THACKERAY. In Misc., v. 4......... 33: 4010 ADAMS. (Oliver Optic)................ 35: 238 The same...................................... 33: 4014 Comins, Lizzie B. (Laura Caxton). The same. In Misc., v. 7. TauchIHARTWELL farm, The. Best. 1871. nitz ed................................... 33: 4001 120........................................... 35: 4635 The same..................................... 33: 4006 MARIoN Berkley. Bost. n. d. 120. 35: 4636 Confessions of Gerald Estcourt. Mrs. R. CHURCH. (formerly FlorCommander of Malta. J. M. (called Mrs. 1. CHURCH. (formerly FlorICommander of Mlta. J. M. (calledence Marryat). 2 v in 1............... 35: 4265 Eugene) SUE............................... 39: 2411 n e ni.... 3 Confessions of a maniac. Mrs. S. S. Commissioner, The. G. P.R.JAMES 38: 173 ELLIS. In Family secrets. v.... 37: 1677 Common errors. M. M. SHERWOOD. The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 16..... 34: 4186 In Works, v. 8...................... 39: 1643 The same......................................'*15: 4926 Common sense. C. J. NEWBY. 2 v. Confessions of an odd tempered in 1.......................................... 38: 3550 man. Mrs. A. OPIE. In W orks, Commonplace: a tale of to-day; V. 3.38: 3903 Commonplace: a tale of to-day; v. 3.......................................... 38: 3903 and other stories. Ch. G. ROSSETTI. 39: 667 Confessions of a pretty woman. J. Contents: PARDOE................................... 38: 4146 Commonplace; The lost Titian; Nick; Confessions of a workingman. E. Hero; Vanna's twins; A safe invest- SOUVESTRE. In Trav. Lib. v. 1.. 40: 1691 menthis t roubles and cons; The waves of Confessors of Connaught, The. M. Compensation; or, always a future.L. M........................................ 38: 2103 Compensation; or, always a future. L. M3 2103 A. M.. BREWST..................35: 280 Confidence. E. E. HALE. With His level best............................ 37: 3834 Complete gentleman, A. H. SPICER. His level best.37: 3834 omplete gentlean to book.. SPICER.39 2097 Confidence-man... MELVILLE... 38: 2871 In Brought to book. v. 1............ 39: 2097 Conformists. J. BaNIM. With The Conformists. J. BANIM. With The Compton, J. denounced................................. 35: 1535 UPs and downs of an old maid's life. Conformity. Falsehood and truth. Lond. 1869. 16........................35: 4642 C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth.) Compton friars. Miss A. MANNING. 38: 2461 2 v. in 1................................... 39: 3061 Comyn, L. N. Congo. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B. ATHERSTONE Priory. Best. n. d. v. 12....................................... 35: 47 160........................................ 35: 4647 Coningsby, Christopher. ELENA: an Italian tale. Bost. n. SHELTERN: a novel. N. Y. 1868. d. 160~,................................... 3.. 5: 4648 12~......................................... 35: 4653 Con Cregan, the Irish Gil Bias. C Coningsby: a novel. B. DISRAELI.. 37: 660 LEVER.38: 1573 The same...................................... 87: 661 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 1574 The same Tauchnitzed........ 37: 662 Connel of Dee. J. Hooo. (Ettric/ Con O'Regan. Mrs. M. A. M. SAD- Connel of Dee. J. HOGG. (Ettr LIER......................................... 39' 1014 Shepherd.) In Winter evening tales......................................... 3 7: 4521 Condensed novels. (F.) B. HARTE. 37: 4055 Connells of Castle Connell. J. GORCOntents: DON. 2 v.....................3.......... 37: 3176-7 HANDSOME is as handsome does. By Ch-s Connelly, Emm M. R-de. Connelly, Emma M. -LOTHAR. By Mr. Benjamins. UNDER the surface. Phil. 1873. 12~. 35: 465& MNUCK-.-MuCK. Atter Cooper. Muue-A-MnucK. Ater Chol-er. r Conquered: the story of a contest. SIELLNA Sedilia. By Miss. E. B-dd-n By the author of "Known to none." anti Mrs. H-n-y W-d. Lond. 1873. 3 v. sm. 80........... 40: 2095 NINETY-NINE guardsman, The. By Al-x- Conquered at last: from records of d-r I -m-s Dhu nd its inmates. Hrdress DWELLER of the threshold, The. By SirDhu Hall and its inmates. Hardress Ed-d L-tt-n B-lw-r. O'HARA. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 80. 38:3817-19 1HAUNTED, man. The. By Ch-r-s D-ck-ns. Conquering and to conquer. Mrs. Miss Mix. (h-l-tte Br-nte. GUY HeavyYtonc-. By the Author of EJ. R. CHARLES......................... 5: 4070 "Sword and gun." Conquest and self-conquest. M. J. MR. Midshipman Breezy. By Captain CNTOSH........................... 38: 2246 M-rry-t, It. N. JoHN Jenkins. By T. S. A-th-r Conscience, Hendrik. (b. 1812). No title. By W-lk-e C-11-ns. AMULET, The. (Simon Turchi). Balt. M. N. Being a novel in the French par-1874 120 35: 4664 M. Nv. Being a novel in the French par- 1874. 1 20................................. 35: 4664 agraphic style. FANTINE. After the French of Victor BLIND Rosa. (De blinde Rosa). With Hugo. The conscript............................. 35: 4659 "LA Michelet. ter the French of MCONSCRIPT, The. (DeLoteling). Balt. MAKY Me Gillup. After Belle Boyd. With n. d. 120~................................. 35: 4659 an intioduction by G. A. S-la. COUNT Hugo of Craenhove. (GcConfession; or, the blind heart. W. schiedenis van Graef Hugo van CraenG. SIMMS................................... 39: 1679 hove). Bailt. n. d. 120~........ 35: 4660 Confessional, The. Chr. WINTHER. CURSE of the village, The. (De plag In Danes sketched by themselves. der dorpen). Balt. n. d. 120...... 35: 4661 v. 1....................................... 40: 1530 FISHERMAN'S daughter, The. (Bella Confessions of an apostate. Mrs. Stock). Balt. 1874. 120............ 35: 4665 M. A. M. SADLIER...................... 39: 1013 HAPPINESS of being rich, The. Balt. Confessions of Con Cregan, the Irish n. d. 120.................................. 35: 4662 Gil Bias. C. LEVER.............. 38: 1573 LION of Flanders; or, the battle of The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1.. 38: 1574 the golden spurs. (De Leuuw von Confessions of an elderly gentleman. Vianderen). Bait. 1856. 12~0...... 35: 4666 M. GARDINER. (Countess of Bless- LuDovIc and Gertrude. (Hlodwig en ington.)...................................... 37: 2804 Clotildis). Balt. 1875. 12~0......... 35: 4663 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CONSCIENCE. 43 COOPER. Conscience, (continued.)- Cook, Dutton. MISER, The.. Bait. n. d. 120......... 35: 4667 Lo. N. Y..................................... 35: 4686 POOR gentleman, The. (De arme YOUNG Mr. Nightingale. Lond. Edelman). Bait. n. d. 12~......... 35: 4668 1874. 3 v. Sm. 80..................... 35: 4687-9 RICKETICKETACK. (Rikkeiikke-tak). ook, Mrs. Mary Louise. (Mary Balt. n. d. 120........................ 35: 4669 Lennox). VILLAGE innkeeper, The. (Baes ANTE Bellum: southern life as it was. Gansendonck). Bait. n d. 12~... 35: 4670 Phil. 1868. 12~......................... 35: 4696 WOODEN Clara. (De houten Clara). FEMALE uixote. Lnd. 1820. 2v. With Ricketicketack.35: 4669 FEMALE Quixote. Lond. 1820. 2 v. With Ricketicketack................. 35: 4669 120.......................................... 3 5: YOUNG doctor, The. (De jonge Doc- 120.35 tor). Bailt. 1875. 120............... 35: 46701 Cooke, John Esten. (b. 1830.) Conscript, The. H. CONSCIENCE..... 35: 4659 DOCTOR Vandyke. N. Y. 1872. 80~. 35: 4701 Conscript, The. A. (D.) DUMAS...... 37: 970 FAIRFAX; or, master of Greenway Conspirators, The; or, Chevalier court. N. Y. 1868. 120............ 35: 4702 D'Harmental. A. (D.) DUMAS..... 37: 971 HAMMER and rapier. N. Y. 1870. The same. With Doctor Basilius...... 37: 1022 12.......................................... 35: 4703 The same...................................... 37: 968 HENRY St. John, gentleman, of Constable de Bourbon. W. H. AINS- "Flower of hundreds," in the county WORTH. 2 v. in 1...................... 35: 412 of Prince George, Virginia: a tale Constable of France, The; atid other of 1774-5. N.Y. 1860. 120...... 35: 4704 military historiettes. J. GRANT.... 37: 3305 HER majesty, the queen: a novel. Phil. 1873. 120~...................... 35: 4705 Constable of the tower.. W. H. HILT to hilt; or, the Shenandoah in AINSWORTH..............................35: 413 1864. N.Y. 1869. 120............. 35: 4706 Constance. H. LEE. In Canterbury LEATHER stocking and silk; or, huntales, v. 2.................................... 8: 1423 ter John Myers and his times: a Constance Aylmer: a story. Mrs. story of the valley of Virginia. H. F. PARKER........................... 38: 4164 N. Y. 1854. 120....................... 35: 4707 Constance Herbert. Miss G. E. MOHUN; or, the last days of Lee. JEWSBURY....................... 38: 365 -N. Y. 1869. 120....................... 35: 4708 OUT of the foam. N. Y. 1871. 120. 35: 4709 Constance Lyndsay. C.G. HAMILTON.......................................... 37: 3912 SU RY f Eagle's-nest. N.. 1866. 120..............................3..... 35: 4710 Constance Sherwood. Lady G. FUL- YOUTH of Jefferson. N. Y. 1854. LERTON. 2 v. in 1...................... 37: 2550 10 o 24 866 Con^suelo. Mad. A. L. A. D. DUDE- 1 20~........................................... 24: 1866 Consuelo. Mad. A. L. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand). 80............ 37: 902 Coolidge, Ssan, (peud.) eeWOOLThe same. Tr. by Fayette Robinson. 120........................................... 37: 903 Cooper, Frank, (pseud.) See SIMMS, Contarini Fleming. B. DISRAELI.... 37: 663 W Thesame. Tauchnitz ed. 7 6 Cooper, James Fenimore. (1789The same. Tauchnitz ed............. 37: 664 85 The same. With Venetia................37: 679 1851). The same. With Young duke. 80... 37: 684 AFLOAT and ashore. N. Y. 1866. The same. With Young duke. 160. 37: 685 Te.same. N.Y.:18. 35: 4721 The same. N. Y. 1867. 12~..... 35: 4721 Contentment better than wealth.BRAO, The: a Venetian story. N. A. B. HAVEN. (Cousin Alice)...... 37: 4133 Y. 1866. 80. 35 4722 Contraband; or, a losing hazard. Thesame. N.Y. 1867............................. 35: 4723 J. G. WHYTE-MELVILLE............. 40: 426 CHAIN-BEARER, The N. Y. 1860. Contradictions. A. K. DUNNING. 37: 1050 80............................ 35: 4724 Contrast, The. M. EDGEWORTH. In The same. N. Y. 1869. 12...... 35: 4725 her N. and T., v. 3...................... 37: 1498 CRATER, The; or, Vulcan's peak. The same. In Pop. tales, v. 2......... 37: 1507 N. Y. 1867. 8~........................ 35: 4726 Contrast, The. Earl MULGRAVE. In The same. N.Y. 1869. 120...... 35: 4727 W. S. C. L. v. 14...................... "*15: 4924 DEER-SLAYER, The; or, the first warThe same...................................... 34: 4484 path. N.Y. 1870..8~............... 35: 4728 Contrast, The. H. PARR. (Holme The same. N. Y. 1866. 120...... 35: 4729 Lee).............................. 38: 4195 FEU-FOLLET, Le. Same as Wing and Contrast of wives, The. In W. T.B.HE MAN The; or, the Abbaye des HEADSMAN, The; or, the Abbaye des v. 6.......................................... 40: 1716ignerons. N.Y. 1867. 8.... 3: 4730 Convent, The, and the manse. D. The same. N. Y. 1869. 120...... 35: 4731 CHAPLIN.....................................HEIDENMAUER The; or, the BeneHEIDENMAUER, The; or, the BeneConvent of St. Clair. M. M. SHER- dictines: a legend of the Rhine. WOOD. In Works, v. 14................ 39: 1649 N. Y. 1867. 8~........................ 35: 4732 Convert of St. Paul; or, Act of The same. N.Y. 1868. 120...... 35: 4733 Corinth. A. (D.) DUMAS............ 37: 960 HOME as found. Sequel to Homeward Convict, The. G. P. R. JAMES. 2 v. bound. N.Y. 1870. 80~........... 85: 4734 in 1......................38: 174 The same. N. Y. 1869. 120...... 35: 4735 Conyers, Ansley. HOMEWARD bound; or, the chase. CHESTERLEIGH. Lond. 1873. 3 v. N.Y. 1860. 8~........................ 35: 4736 sm. 80....................................... 35: 4671-3 The same. N. Y. 1869. 12~...... 35: 4737 Oonyngham, David P. JAcK Tier; or, the Florida reef. N. O'DONNELS of Glen cottage, The. Y. 1860. 8~0............................. 35: 4738 N.Y. 1874. 12~0......................35: 4680 The same. N.Y. 1869. 12~...... 35: 4739 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. COOPER. 44 COTTAGE. Cooper, J. F., (continued.)- Cooper, J. F., (continued.)LAST of the Mohicans. N. Y. 1869.S-EIE80........................................... 35: 4740 Leather-stocking tales: Littlepage manuscripts: The same. N.Y. 1875. 12...... 35: 4741 1 Deerlayer. 1. atanstoe. 2. Last of the Mohicans. 2. Chainbearer. LIONEL Lincoln; or, the leaguer of 3. Pathfinder. 3. Redskins. Boston. N. Y. 1866. 80........... 35: 4742 4. Pioneers. The same. N. Y. 1869. 120.... 35: 4743 5. rairie. MERCEDES of Castile; or, the voyage Cooper of Nuremberg, The. E. T. to Cathay. N. Y. 1869. 8~......35: 4744 W. HOFFMANN. In Strange stories. 37: 4480 The same. N.Y. 1866. 12......35: 4745 Coopers, The; or, getting under way. MILES Wallingford. Sequel to Afloat A. B. HAVEN. (Cousn Alce.). 37: 4134 and ashore. N. Y. 1870. 80...... 35: 4746 Copley, Mrs. E. The same. N. Y. 1860. 12......35: 4747 EARLY friendships. I. Y. 1852. 180 35: 4825 MONIKINS. N. Y. 1860. 80.......... 35: 4748 Coppelius, the sandman. E. T. W. The same. N. Y. 1860. 120......35: 4749 HOFFMANN. In Strange stories........ 37: 4480 NED Myers; or, a life before the mast. Coquette, The; or, Eliza Wharton. N. Y. 1860. 80........................ 35: 4750 H. FOSTER............................... 37:'2420 The same. N.Y. 1860. 120...... 35: 4751 Cora and the doctor. H. N. (W.) BAKER. (Aunt Hattie.)............... 35: 1383 OAK-OPENINGS; or, the bee-hunter.C BAKER (Aunt Hattee.). 35: 1383 N.Y. 1866. 80........................ 35: 4752 Cora Belmont; or, the sincere lover. The same. N. Y.' 1864. 120~..... 35: 4753 Phil. 1866 12................ 40: PATHFINDER, The; or, the inland Coral Island, The: a tale of the Pasea. N.Y. 1860. 80... 35: 4754 cific ocean. R. M. BALLANTYNE. 35: 1454 The same. N.Y. 1869. 120...... 35: 4755 Corbet, Robert St. John. PILOT, The: a tale of the sea. N. Y. CHURCH and wife: a question of 1865. 80................................... 35: 4756 celibacy. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 80~. 35: 4830-2 The same. N.Y. 1866. 12~...... 35: 4757 SQUIRE'S grandson, The: a tale of a PIONEERS, The; or, the sources of the strong man's weakness. Lond. Susquehanna. N.Y. 1866. 80... 35: 4758 1873. 3. sm. 8.....................35: 4833-5 The same. N.Y. 1870. 120......35: 4759 Corbin, Mrs. C. F. PRAIRIE, The: a tale. N.Y. 1859. Hs marriage vow. Bost. 1874. 12~. 35: 4843 80..35: 4760 Cord and creese. J. DE MILLE......... 37: 271 The same. N. Y. 1869. 120...... 35: 4761 orine; or, Ital Mad. A. L. G. PRECAUTION. N.Y. 1867. 80......35: 4762 N. de STAiL-IHOLSTEIN................ 39: 2147 The same. N.Y. 1869. 12~......35: 4763 Cornelius. Mrs. M A. RED over. N.Y. 1870. 80~...... 35: 4764 LITTLE wolf: a tale of the western The same. N.Y. frontier. in. 1872. 120...... 35: 4851 REDSKINS. N.Y. 1866. 8~0...... 35: 4766 Corner, Miss Julia. The same. N. Y. 1869. 120...... 35: 4767 ENGLISH envoy at the court of NichSATANSTOE: a tale of the colony. N. olas I. N.Y. 1854. 120 35: 4859 Y. 1860. 80.............................35: 4768 Cornwall, C. M. The same. N. Y. 1867. 120...... 35: 4769 FREE, yet forging their own chains. SEA-LIONS; or, the lost sealers. N. N. Y. 1876. 12....................... 35: 4865 Y. 1864. 80............................. 35: 4770 Cornwallis, Kinahan. The same. N.Y. 1864. 120......35: 4771 ADRIFT with a vengeance: a tale of SPY, The: a tale of the neutral love and adventure. Lnd 180. ground. N.Y. 1870. 8........... 35: 4772.................................. 35: 4867 The same. N. Y. 1874. 12...... 35: 4773 PILGRIMS of fashion: a novel. N. Y. STORIES of the prairie. N. Y. 1868. 1862. 120................................. 35: 4868 12RE fterii.N0.6 35: 4774 Corp, Harriet. 120......................................... 35: 4774 AN I T A t t m of Cbntents: ANTIDOTE, An, to the miseries of Bee-hunter, The, Siege of the block- human life, in the history of the Emigrants, The; and the attack. I house, The.Widow Placid and her daughter STORIES of the sea. N.Y. 1868. 120~. 35: 4775 Rachel. Lond. n. d. 16....... 35: 4876 Contents: Adventures in the Pacific. Red rover, The. Corsair, The. Mad. A. L. A. D. Crater, The. Water-witch, The. DUDEVANT. (George Sand.).......... 37: 904 Long Tom Coffin and the Wreck of the Dawn, The. orse deLeon: aromance. G. P. R. Ariel. JAMES................................... 38' 175 STORIES of the woods; or, adven- JAMES............................38: 175 tures of Leather-stocking. N. Y. Corsican brothers, The. A. (D.) 1869. 120................................ 35: 4776 DUMAS...................................... 37: 972 Two admirals, The. N.Y. 1867. 80~. 35: 4777 Cottage by the cathedral, and other The same. Leip. 1842. sq. 160.. 35: 4778 parables. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES..... 35: 4071 WATER-WITCH, The; or, the skimmer Contents: Cottage by the cathedral, Cathedral chimes, The. of the seas. N. Y. 1874. 80...... 35: 4779 The. What makes things musiThe same. N. Y. 1874. 12......35: 4780 Unknown architect of the cal? WAYS of the hour. N.Y. 1874. 8~. 35: 4781 minster, The. Acorn The. Only the crypt. Parables in household The same. N. Y. 1874. 120...... 35: 4782 Sepulchre, The, and the things. WEPT of Wish-Ton-Wish, The. N. shrine. Passages from the life of a Y. 1874. 80^^A"........,............. 35: 4783 Black ship, The. fern. Island and the main land, Clock-hell, The, and the aThe same. N.Y. 1874. 12~...... 35: 4784 The, larm-bell. WING-AND-WING; or, le feu-follet. Humanity and her por- Thorns and spines. N. Y. 1874. f8t......0-...0QR......... 35: 41785 ftrait painters. Sunshine, daylight, and the "3Things using us." rock. The same. N.Y. 1874. 12~0......35: 4786 Grannie's recipe for pick- Wanderers and pilgrims. WYANDOTTE; or, the hutted knoll. ling grievances. Ark, The, and the fortress. N. Y. 1874. 80. 35: 4787 Ruined temple, The. Three dreams, The........................Jewel of the order of the Thou and I. The same. N.Y. 1874. 12~......35: 4788 king's own, The. Song without words, The. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. COTTAGE. 45 COUSIN. Cottage by the lake, The. M. CLAU- Country dreams and apparitions. J. DIUS................................... 35: 4370 HoGG. (Ettrick Shepherd.) In Cottage on the hill, The. L. C. Winter evening tales.................. 37: 4521 MOULTON. In My third book...... 38: 3182 Country hospitalities. C. SINCLAIR. 39: 1726 Cottagers of Glenburnie. E. HAM- Country neighborhood. E. A. DuILTON....................................... 37: 3935 PUY............................... 37: 1063 Cottar's daughter, The. In W. T. B. Country neighbors. H. (E.) B. v. 8.........................................40: 1718 STOWE. In Queer little people....... 39: 2334 Cottin, Mad. S. R. Country of the dwarfs. P. Du ELIZABETH; or, exiles of Siberia. CHAILLU................................. 21: 941 Phil. 1868. 12~.................... 35: 4882 Country quarters. M. GARDINER. SARACEN; or, Matilda and Malek (Countess of Blessington.).............. 37: 2805 Adhel: a crusade romance. In W. Country quarters. Bon Gaultier's S. C. L. v. 9........................... 34: 4179 tales. Th. MARTIN. In W. T. B. Thesame.................................. "15: 4919,v. 2................................. 40: 1712 Cotton, Robert Turner. Country stories, old and new. H. MR. Carington: a tale of love and PARR. (Holme Lee.) 2 v............ 38: 4196-7 conspiracy. Lond. 1873. 3 v. Contents: sm. 8................... i........ 35: 4890-2 v. 1. JANUARY: Polly's one offer; Hawkswelt place. Coulson, J. G. A. well place. Coulson, J. G. 4A.8 FEBRUARY: Coming into a fortune; By ODD trump............................ 35: 4894 the shore of life. Coulyng castle; or, a knight of the MARCH: Lady Seamer's long step; Grave olden days. A. GIBERNE............ 37; 2964 in the moorland. lden d. A. GIBERNE..... 37 2964 APRIL: Rufus Helstone; St. Msrk's eve. Count Alarcos. B. DISRAELI. With MAY: Under the rose; Lost on the shore. Ixion. 8~.............................. 37: 668 JUNE: Three nights by Ashpool; The The same............................ 37: 669 holy well; Two prudent by half; or, Thesame..................................... 7' 6 9 6 r9 Nel Kig Count Hugo of Craenhove. H. CON- I ~v. zf JULY Ipproud lNelly Kingsland. Count Hugo of Craenhove. H. CON- v. 2. JULY: The Chetwyndes; The loveSCIENCE................................ 35: 4660 test. Count Kostia. V. CHERBUTIEZ.T35: 4-16f8 AUGUST: Sibyl's disa.ppointment; May Count Kostia. V. CHERBULIEZ........ 35: 4168 Margaret; The sighing shade. Count Mirabeau. T. MUNDT.......... 38: 3270 SEPTEMBER: The skeleton in the closet; Count of Monte-Cristo. A. (D.) Sir Ralph and Lady Jean. _DUMAS.37: 97 OCTOBER: The sanctuary in the mountDUMAS...................................... 37: 973 nns; An autumn shadow. ains An autumn shadow. The same. 2 v. in 1....................... 37: 1021 NOVEMBER: Lina Fernie; Shadows. Count of Moret, The. A. (D.) DUMAS. 37: 974 DECEMBER: Jenny's vocation; The haunCount Pesaro, The. D. G. MITCHELL. ted mere; A winter wedding in the (Ik Marvel.) In Seven stories....... 38: 3013 Coupon bonds, and other stories. J. Count Robert of Paris. Sir W. SCOTT. TROWBRIDGE. (Paul reyton)....... 39: 3312 Parker ed. 2 v.......................... *39: 1345-6 coe Contents: The same. Edinburgh ed............. 39: 1358 Archibald Blossom, bach- Man who stole a meeting The same. Abbotsford ed............... 39: 1370 elor. house, The. The same....................................39: 1393 Coupon bonds. Mr. Blazay's experience. Th...e same.Huehl e.. 2. 39:....... 1 - Fessenden's. Nancy Blynn's love s. The same. Household ed. 2 v...... 39:1441-2 In the ice. Preaching lor Selwyn. The same. Pocket ed................... 39: 1468 Madam Waldoborough's Romance of a glove, The. The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 1476 carriage. Counterfeiter, The. D. P. THOMP- Course of true love never did run SON. In Centeola..................... 39: 2970 smooth. C. READE................ 39: 142 Counterparts. E. S. SHEPPARD. Courtenayof Walreddon. Mrs. A. E. BRAY................................. 35: 2696 (E. Berger.)............................... 39: 1618.. Courtesies of wedded life. H. N. Countess and queen. Mde. G. DE (W.) BAKER. (Aunt Hattie)........ 35: 1386 WITT. In Dames of high estate... 37: 401 Courtier, The. E. G. E. L. BULWERCountessdeCharny. A. (D.) DUMAS. 37: 975 LYTTON................................ 35: 3100 Note. This is a translation of part of La Courting and farming. J. P. SMITH. 39: 1937 comtesse de Charny. fr. v. 1, ch. 1, to v. 4, Courtship and a campaign: a Milach. 22, incl. ed. Ldvy in 6 v. The 2 same. With The L ueen's nese tale of'66. M. DALIN. 2 v. 37: 25-6 The same. With The queen's neck- and marriage. a. L. lace......................................... 37: 1025..... lace.3^7: 1025. Courtship and marriage. C. L. HENTZ..................... 37: 4312 Countess Gisela. E. JOHN. (E. Marlt.)..... 38: 380 Courtship and matrimony. R. MORM arlitt.)......... 380 RIS 33:.................................... 33: 3084 Countess Ida: a tale of Berlin. T. Cousin Alice. (pseud.) See HAVEN, S. FAY. 2 v.............................. 37: 2045-6 Alice B..................................... Countess Kate. G. M. YONGaE...... 40: 1268 Cousin Carl. C. BERNHARD. In Countess of Cassilis. A. CAMPBELL. Danes sketched by themselves. v. 1. 40: 1530 In W. T. B., v. 8........................ 40: 1718 Cousin from India. G. M. CRAIK..... 35: 4965 Countess of Monte-Cristo. J. Du Cousin Geoffrey. T. (E.) Hook........ 37: 4636 BoYs....................................... 37: 896 Cousin Harry. Mrs. E. C. GREY...... 37: 3495 Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia. SirCousin Lucy among the mountains. P. SIDNEY................................ 39: 1660 J. ABBOTT..................... 27 J. ABBOTT........................... 35: 27 Countess of Rudolstadt. Mad. A. L. Cousin Marshall. H. MARTINEAU. A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand). 37: 905 In Illus. of Pol. Ec. v. 3............ 38: 2641 Countess of Salisbury. A. (D.) Cousin Mattie. J. HOGG. (Ettrick DUMAS..............................37: 976 -Shepherd.) In Winter evening Country courtships. A. BEALE. 3 V. 35: 1775-7 tales. v. 2................................ 37: 4521 Country cousin, The. A. CARY. In Cousin Maude and Rosamond. M. J. Pictures of country life.............. 35: 3918 HOLMES........................... 37: 4564 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. COUSIN. 46 CRAIK. Cousin Phillis; and other tales. Mrs. Craik, Mrs. D. M., (continued.)E. C. GASKELL........................... 37: 2860 DOMESTIC stories. Leip. 1862. sq. 160 35: 4914 Contents: Contenls: Cousin Phillis. Right at last. Adelaide: being the frag- Minor trials. Curious, if true. S:x weeks at Heppen- merints from a young Miss Letty's experiences. Manchester marriage, The. heim. wife's diary. Old mathematician, The. Cousin Virginia. (pseud.) See JOHN- All for the best. Only son, The. SON, V. W..Bride's tragedy. Ph lip Armytage; or, the ON, V..................................Doctor's family. blind girl's love. Cousin William. T. (E.) HOOK...... 37: 4637 Half-caste, The.'Tis useless trying. The same. In Sayings and doings... 37: 4650 Italian's daughter. Two homes, The. "Last of the Ruthvens. Cousins, The. M. J. MCINTOSH.... 38: 2247 DO LE-HUSE, The. With Bread DOUBLE-HOUSE, The. With Bread Covenanters' march, The. Thos. upon the waters.......................... 35: 4911 GILLESPIE. In W. T. B. v. 8..... 40: 1718 FAIRY-BOOK The. N.Y. 1873. 12~. 35: 4915 Covenanting family, The. J. M. FAMILY in love, The. With Bread WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 7........ 40: 1717 upon the watters.......................... 35: 4911 Coventry, F. HANNAH. N.Y. 1872. 80........... 35: 4916 POMPEY the little. Lond. 1820. 120. 35: 4898 The same. N. Y. 1872. 120...... 35: 4917 Coward, The. H. IMVORFORD............ 38: 3123 The same. Leip. 1871. 2 v. in 1. 160....................................... 35: 4918 Cox's diary. Wm. M. THACKERAY.A of the famil The N Y In Miscellanies. v. 1. Phil. ed... 33: 4007 HEAD Of the family, The. N. Y. n. d. 8.................................... 35: 4919 The same. In Miscellanies v 4. The same. Leip. 1858. 2 v. in 1. Tauchnitz ed.............................. 33: 4004 sq. i6.................................... 35: 4920 The same. In Miscellanies. v. 1. HERO, A; Bread upon the waters; Best. ed.................................33: 4011 Alice Learmont. N.Y. 1870. 12~. 35: 4921. Cozzens, Frederic Swartwout. (1808- Is it true? Tales, curious and won1869.) derful. N.Y. 1872. 16............ 35: 4922 ACADIA; or, a month with the blue Contents: noses. N.Y. 1870. 120.. 21: 1759 Banshee of White-goat Lez Breis, the Breton David. G o r. B a.........uh....... a glen. Night washer-women, The. SAYINGS of Dr. Bushwhacker and Castle in the lough. Story of Elidure, The. other learned men. N. Y. 1867. Eryphina's child. Witch of Argotges, The. 33: 1227 Fanchomick's fairy gifts. Wonderful turkey, The. 2.................................. 3. Jeandrin the goblin. The same. With an autobiographic J ai gbnt N. Y.. sketch, and several papers nowJOHN Halifax, gentleman. N. Y. first collected. N. Y. 1871. 120~. 33: 1228 1869 12. 35 4923 SPARROWGRASS papers, The; or, liv-The same. Leip. 1857. 1. Sing in the country. N. Y. 18v70. sq. 160.................................... 35: 4924 ing in the country. N. Y. 1870.L h e inC- street The. 35t 12C) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~ 33: 1229 LAST house in C- street, The. With Lord Erlistoun........................... 35: 4928 Crackers for Christmas. E. H. LIFE for a life, A. N.Y. n. d. 12~. 35: 4925 KNATCHBULL-HIUGESSON.............38: 1062 The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. Cradock Nowell. R. D. BLACKMORE. 35: 2202 sq. 16~................................... 35: 4926 Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria, (formerly LITTLE lame prince, The. N. Y. Miss 3Mulock). (b. 1826.) 1875. 160................................ 35: 4927 ADVENTURES of a brownie. N. Y. LORD Erlistoun; Alwyn's first wife; 1872. 160................................. 35: 4905 The water cure; The last house in AGATHA'S husband. N. Y. 1868. C- street. Leip. 1864. sq. 160.. 35: 4928 8~............................................35: 4906 Low marriage, The. With Bread upThe same. Leip. 1860. sq. 16~. 35: 4907 on the waters............................. 35: 4911 ALICE Learmont. With A hero....... 35: 4921 MISTRESS and maid. N.Y. n. d. 80~. 35: 4929 ALWYN'S first wife. With Lord The same. N.Y. n. d. 12~...... 35: 4930 Erlistoun................................... 35: 4928 The same. Leip. 1862. sq. 16~.. 35: 4931 AVILLION, and other tales. N. Y. MY mother and I: a love story. N. 1874. 80.................................... 35: 4908 Y. 1874. 120........................... 35: 4932 Contents: NOBLE life, A. N. Y. 1867. 120... 35: 4933 Adelaide. Kong Tolv. The same. Leip. 1866. sq. 160.. 35: 4934 All for the best. Last of the Ruthvens. NOTHING new: tales. N. Y. n. d. 80~. 35: 4935 Antonio Melidori. Lite episode. Avillion; or, the happy Minor trials. OGILVIES, The. N.Y. n.d. 8~..... 35: 4936 isles. Miss Lptty's experiences. The same. Leip. 1863. sq. 160.. 35: 4937 Bride's tragedy. Old mathematician, The. OLIVE. N. Y. 1867. 80............... 35: 4938 Cleomenes,, the Greek. Only son.'............ Cross on the Snow moun- Rosicrucian, The. The same. Leip. 1866. 2 v. in 1. tains. Sculptor of Bruges, The. sq. 160.................................. 35: 4939 Daughter of Heremon Self-seer, The. ROMANTIC tales. Leip. 1861. sq. 160. 35: 4940 Doctor's family. IStory of Elisabetta Sirani. Erotion. Story of Hyas. ROSICRUCIAN, The. In L. C. v. 7... 40: 1617 half-caste.'Tis useless trying. Two marriages. N. Y. 1867. 12~. 35: 4941 Italian's daughter. Two homes. Contents: BRAVE lady, A. N. Y. 1872. 8~... 35: 4909 1. John Bowerbank's wife. The same. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. 2. Parson Garlnd's daughter. sq. 160.............................3.... 5: 4910 The same. Leip. 1867. sq. 16.... 35: 4942 BREAD upon the waters. With A hero. 35: 4921 UNKIND word, The, and other stories. BREAD upon the waters; A family in N.Y. 1870. 120....................... 35: 4943 love; A low marriage; The double Contents: Age of gold. Death on the seas. house. Leip. 1865. 160............ 35: 4911 B lnd. Dreadfth on the seas. CHRISTIAN'S mistake. N.Y. 1865. Bodies and souls. Elizabeth and Victoria. 120..35: 4912 Child's life. Few words about sorrow. 12~....................0 Children of Israel. Garden party. The same. Leip. 1865. sq. 16~0... 35: 4913 Clothes. Give us air! PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CRAIK. 47 CROUCH. Craik, Mrs. D. M., (continued.)- Crichton: an historical romance. W. Hedge-side poet. Misery-mongers. H. AINSWORTH. 2 v. in........... 35: 414 His young lordship. Old Scotch love-story. The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 10..... 34: 4180 History of a hospital. Sermons. History of' a dhoiP;ta1. Sermm ons9. The same...................................': 5: 4920 House of Commons. Tale of two walks. 4920 In her teens. To novelists —and a novelist. Cricket on the hearth, The. C. (J. In the ring. To parents H.) DICKENS. With Christmas Last great exhibition. Unkind word... Christma Living in perspective. carol....................................... 37: 449 Meadowside house. The same. In Christmas stories...... 37: 450 The same. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. The same...................................... 37: 451 sq. 16~................................... 35: 4944 The sam e...................................... 37: 452 WATER cure, The. With Lord Erlis- Criminal. The; or, martyr to lost toun......................................... 35: 4928 honour: a true story. F. SCHIL-`WOMAN'S kingdom: a love story. N. LER. In R. G. N. v. 3............... 40: 1562 Y. 1872. 8~............................. 35: 4945 Criminal from lost honour, The. F. The same. N. Y. 1872. 120...... 35: 4946 SCHILLER. In T. fr. G............... 40: 1699 The same. Leip: 1868. 2 v. in Cringle and cross-tree. W. T. ADAMS. 1. sq. 160.............................. 35: 4947 (Oliver Optic).......................... 35: 239 Craik, Georgiana M. Cripple, The; or, Ebenezer the disCOUSIN from India, The; a book for owned. J. M. WILSON. In W. girls. N. Y. 1871. sq. 16........ 35: 4965 T. B. v. 5................................ 40: 1715 ESTHER Hill's secret. Leip. 1871. Cripple of Antioch, The. Mrs. E. 2 v. in 1. sq. 160....................... 35: 4966 R. CHARLES............................... 35: 4072 FAITH Unwin's ordeal. Leip. 1866. Crofton, Francis Blake. sq. 16......................................35: 4967 BEWILDERED querists, The; and other HERO Trevelyan. Lond. 1871. 2 nonsense. N. Y. 1875. 120...... 33: 1230 v. in 1. sni. 8~........................... 35: 4968 Orofton boys, The. H. MARTINEAU. 38: 2636 LESLIE Tyrrell. Leip. 1867. sq. 16~. 35: 4969 Crohoore of the billhook. J. BANIM. LOST and won. Leip. 1862. sq. 16~. 35: 4970 With Peep o' day........................ 35: 1540 MILDRED. N.Y. 1868. 8.......... 35: 4971 Croker, T. C. The same. Leip. 1868. sq. 16.. 35: 4972 FAIRY legends of the south of Ireland. Miss Moore: a tale for girls. N. Y. Lend. n. d. sm. 8..................... 35: 5040 1874. 160................................. 35: 4973 Croly, George, D. D. POOR Christine. With Winifred's SALATHIEL: a story. Cin. n. d. 120~. 35: 5048 wooing................................. 35: 4975 TALES of the great St. Bernard. SYLVIA'S choice. N. Y. 1874. 8.. 35: 4974 In W. S. C. L. v. 7.................... 34: 4177 TALE of Florence, A. With Wini- The same................................... 15: 4017 fred's wooing.......................... 35: 4975 Cromwell, Oliver, Life of. H. W. WINIFRED'S wooing; Poor Christine; HERBERT................................... 37: 4355 A tale of Florence. Leip. 1868. Crook straightened, The. AMrs. M. E. sq. 160..................................... 35: 4975 BERRY...................................... 35: 2057 WITHOUT kith or kin. Lend. 1872. Crooked and straight; or, Jotham 3 v. s. m. 8~0.............................. 35: 4676-8 and Annette at home. Mrs. M. Cramleigh college. H. BELCHER. E. BERRY.................................. 35: 2058 3 v.......................................... 35: 1890-2 Crooked branch, The. E. C. GASCrampton, G. E. E. KELL. With Lois, the witch......... 37: 2866 SILVER sands; or, Pennie's romance. Crooked Comyn, The. Alex. LEIGHBost. n. d. 160........................ 35: 5000 TON. In W. T. B. v. 5.............. 40: 1715 Cranberry Centre, Member from. Crooked Jack. E. EGGLESTON. In J. S. BATKINS. (pseud.)....... 33: 587 Schoolmaster's stories.................. 37: 1595 Crane, A. M. See SEEMULLER, A. Crooked places: a story of struggles M. C. and hopes. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. Cranford. Mrs. E. C. GASKELL...... 37: 2861 (E. Garrett.)........................ 38: 2805 The same. Tauchnitz ed.............. 37: 2862 Croppy, The. J. BANIM................. 35: 1534 Crater, The; or, Vulcan's peak. J. F. Crosby, G. S. COOPER. 8........................... 35: 4726 MYSTERY, The; or, Platonic love. The same. 120............................. 35: 4727 Phil. 1875. 12~........................ 35: 5054 Craven, Mme. Augustus. Crosland, Mrs. Newton. ANNESeverin. N. Y. 1873. 12~... 35: 5008 HUBERT Freeth's prosperity: a story. FLEURANGE. N. Y. 1873. 16~...... 35: 5009 Phil. 1874. 120........................ 35: 5056 JETTATRICE; or, the veil withdrawn. Cross and crescent. W. T. ADAMS. Bost. 1875. 80.................... 35: 5011 (Oliver Optic.)......................... 35: 240 SISTER'S story, A. Tr. by E. Bowles. Cross and the crown, The. C. B. N.Y. n. d. 80.........................35: 5010 BRAME. In Tales from the diary Craven, W. G. of a sister of mercy.................... 35: 2673 MARGRAVINE, The: a story of the Cross of Berny, The; or, Irene's turf. Lond. 1870. 2 v: sm. 8. 35:5015-16 lovers. Mde. E. de GIRARDIN and others...................................... 37: 3047 Cravens of Cravenscroft, The. H. oow n ins 37: 3047 Cross on the snow mountains, The. B. PIGOTT. 3 V.......................... 38:4478-80 D. M. CRAIK. In Avillion........... 35: 4908 Creasy, Sir Edward. The same. In Romantic tales......... 35: 4940 of A thens. Lond. 1870. 3 v. Cross purposes. T. C. DE LEON....... 37: 257 of Athens. Lnd. 1870. 3 v. 5 Crotchet castle. T. L. PEACOCK. In am. 8~.............9......I.... eA.....................2Crew of the Dolphin, The. H. SMITH. 39: 1848 Crouch, Julia. Creyton, Paul. (pseud.) See TRIOW- THREE successful girls. N. Y. BRIDGE, J. T.1871. 12................................. 35: 5074 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CROW. 48 CURTIS. Crow, Mrs. L. Cumberland, (continued.)TWISTED link, A. Lond. 1873. 3 Contents: v. sm. 80................................. 35: 5064-6 African tale, v. 2. Lewina, the maid of SnowCrowe, Catherine. (b. 1802.) Bee and the butterfly: a den, v. 2: Crowe, C~atherine. (b. 1802.) tale for the poets, v. 2. Moscola, the fisherman, v. 2. ADVOCATE'S wedding day, The. In Brotlhers of Girge, v. 2. Si;ngs, a Persian tale, v. 2. L. C. v. 8................................ 40: 1618 Captive, v. 1. Spaniel and the rabbits, v. 2. Dierbeg,the Persian mer- Squirrel- and the monkey; Crown from the spear. C. V. HAM- chant, v. 2. or, the clients, v. 2. ILTON.....:.............................. 37: 3921 Hermit without a beard, Travels of Gurstan: a Perv. 2. sian anecdote, v. 2. Crown jewels. E. L. MOFFETT........ 38: 3030 Cumberstone contest, The. By the Crown of success; or, four heads to author of The best cheer. N. Y. furnish. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) 39: 3343 n. d. 160.................................. 40: 2099 Crown-Harden. Mrs. FULLER. 3 V. 37: 2532-4 Cummins, M. S. Crowquill, Alfred. (pseud.) See EL Fureidis. Bost. 1861. 12....... 35: 5138 FORRESTER, Alfred Henry. HAUNTED hearts. Bost. 1864. 120~. 35: 5139 Cruel as the grave. Mrs. E. D. E. N. LAMPLIGHTER, The. Bost.'1868. 120~. 35: 5140 SOUTHWORTH.39: 2009 Cunningham, Alexander William.......................... CLARA Delamaine. Lond. 1871. Cruise of the Casco, The. E. KEL-Lond. 1871. Cruise of the Caso, The.3 v. sm. 8............................... 35:5148-50 LOGO.........................................: 38' 730 Cunningham, Allan. (1784-1842.) Cruise of the Dashaway, The. H. P. GOWDEN Gibbie. In Club-book....... 40: 1520 H. NOWELL. (AMay Mannering.)....38: 3688 HAUNTED ships, The. In L. C. v. 8. 40: 1618 Cruise of the Frolico, The. W. T. C. KINGof the peak, The. In L. C. v. 7. 40: 1617 KINGSTON................................. 38: 988 LORD Roldan: a romance. N. Y. Cruise of the Midge, The.. In W. S. 1860. 120................................. 35: 5156 C. L. v. 4-6.............................. 34: 41.74-6 Cupples, Mrs. George. The same......................................:15:4914-16 DRIVEN to sea. ~ Bost. 1870. 160.... 35: 5162 Cruse, M. A. SINGULAR creatures and how they CAMERON hall: a story of the civil were found. Bost. 1872. 160..... 35: 513 war. Phil. 1867. 120.35: 5082 TAPPY'S chicks: links between nature Crust and cake. Mrs.. F." MAYO.' and human nature. Lond. 1872. (E. Garrett)............................... 38: 2806 120. 35: Curate and rector, The. Mrs. I. F. Cryptogram. J. DEMILLE............37: 272 MAYO. (E. Garrett).................... 38: 2807 Crystalline; or, the heiress of Fall- Curate in charge, The. Mrs. M. (0. down castle. F. W. SHELTON...... 39: 1610 W.) OLIPHANT........................... 38: 3873 Cudjo's cave. J. T. TROWBRIDGE. Curate of Govan, The. Alex. CAMP(Paul Creyton)............................ 39: 3313 BELL. W. T. B., v. 8.................. 40: 1718 Cudlip, Mrs. Pender. (formerly Annie Curate's discipline, The. Mrs. C. J. Thomas.) EILOART................................ 37: 1621 CALLED to account. Leip. 1867. Curate's tale, The; or, practical 2 v. in 1. sq. 16........................ 35: 5090 joking. Mrs. - JOHNSTONE. Zn DENNIS Donne. Leip. 1864. 2 v. W. S. C. L., v. 3......................... 34: 4173 in 1. sq. 16............................... 35: 5091 The sam e...................................>'15: 4913 in 1. sq. 160.......................... 35: 5091 The same..'16: 4913 DOWER house, The: a story. Lond. Curate's widow, The. Mrs. ELLIS. 1868. 3 v. 12~.............:........ 35: 5092-4 In Pictures of private life, v. 1...... 37: 1687 FALSE colours. Lond. 1869. 3 v. Curiosities of literature. (W.) W. 12.......................................... 35: 5095-7 COLLINS. In Queen's revenge...... 35: 4581 HE cometh not, she said. N. Y. Contents: 1873. 80.........6..Q........ 35: 5098 I. The unknown public. TU~ /V*'* ^i...*"'''*.*i''''\*' ~ IL Portrait of an author, painted by his MARRIED at last. Phil. n.d. 120. 35: 5099 publisher. MAUD Mohan. N. Y. 1873. s8O... 3: 5100 Curious history of the night advenNo alternative. Phil. n. d. 120.... 35: 5101 turer. F. de QUEVEDO. In Works ON guard. N. Y. 1865................. 35: 5102 v. 2.......................................... 34: 1837 The same. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. Currer bell. See NICHOLLS, Mrs. sq. 16~....6......................... 35: 5103 Charlotte Bront'. ONLY herself. Leip..1870. 2 Currier, Mrs. S. sq. 16~.................................35: 5104 BY the sea. N. Y. 1871. 120....... 35: 5170 PASSION in tatters, A. N. Y. 1873. Curse of Clifton, The. Mrs. E. D. E. 80............................................. 35: 5105 N. SOUTHWORTH........................ 39: 2010 PLAYED out. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in 1. Curse of gold The. Mrs. A. S. sq. 160...... 3..6................h... 35: 5106 STEPHENS.................................. 39: 2204 PLAYING for high stakes. N. Y. 1868. 80............................... 3 5107 Curse of Kishogue, The. S. LOVER. SIR Victor's choice.................. 35: 5110 In Legends and stories................. 38: 1886 THEO. Leigh. N. Y. 1865. 8...... 35: 5108 Curse of prosperity, The. Mrs. A.M.F. Two widows, The. N.Y. 1873. 8~0. 35: 5109 HALL. In Tales of woman's trials. 37: 3888 WALTER Goring. Leip. 1866. 2 v. The same...................................... 37: 3889 in 1. sq. 160.............................. 35: 5111 Curse of Scotland, The. Alex. Culmshire folk. By IGNOTUS. (pseud.) CAMPBELL. In W. T. B. v. 10... 40: 1720 3 v....................................... 38: 20-2 Curse of the village, The. H. CoNCumberers, The. J. INGELOW. In. SCIENCE........................... 35: 4661 Studies for stories........................38: 34 Curtis, George William. (b. 1824.) Cumberland, George. MY Chateaux. In L.C. v. 4......... 40: 1614 ORIGINAL tales. Lond. 1810. 2 v. OUR new livery, and other things. 12~..........................................35:5130-31 In Treasure-trove series, v. 1...... 40: 1711 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. CURTIS. 49 DANGER. Curtis, G. W., (continued.)- Dalton, (continued.)POTIPHAR papers, The. N.Y. 1860. WILL Adams, the first Englishman 120....................................... 33: 1241 in Japan. Lond. 1861. 120....... 37: 51 PRUE and I. N. Y. 1868. 12~...... 35: 5176 WOLF-BOY of China, The. Lond. TRUMPS. N. Y. 1870. 120........... 35: 5177 n. d. 160................................... 37: 52 Curtis, Miss -. Daltons, The; or, three roads in life. JESSIE'S flirtations. N. Y. 1871. 8~. 35: 5185 C. LEVER. 2 v.......................... 38: 1575-6 Curtis, Newton, M. The same. 2 v. in 1....................... 38: 1577 SCOUT, The, of the Silver pond. N. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 4 v........ 38:1578-81 Y. 1849. 80............................. 35: 5187 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 4 v. in 2. 38: 1582-3 Cuthbert, C. A. Daman and Pythias. C. BERNHARD. BLOT on his escutcheon, A. Lond. In Danes sketched by themselves. n. d. 2 v. in 1. sm. 80............... 35: 5190 v. 2.......................................... 40: 1531 RICH man's secret, A: a romance. Dame nature and her three daughters. Lond. 1874. 2 v. sm. 80........... 35: 5191-2 (J.) X. BONIFACE, called Saintine... 39: 1040 Cuthbert Bede. (pseud.) See BRAD- Dames of high estate. Mad. DEWITT. LEY, Rev. E. (nee Guizot.).............................. 37: 401 Cyllene; or, the fall of paganism. H. Contents: SNEYD. 2 V.............................. 39': 1991-2 Behind the hedges. Countess and queen. Cypresses. Miss E. JOLLY. 2 v.... 38: 471-2 Climbing high. Something great. Cyril Thornton, Youth and manhood Damsel of Darien. W. G. SIMMS..... 39: 1680 of. T. HAMILTON....................... 37: 3950 Dana, Mrs. Mary S. B. Cyrilla; or, the mysterious engage- FORECASTLE Tom; or, the landsman ment. I. von TAUTPHOEUS......... 39: 2758 turned sailor. N. Y. 1862. 18~. 37: 62 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 2759 YOUNG sailor, The: a narrative Cyrtis, the great, Travels of. A. M. founded on fact. N.Y. 1854. 180. 37: 63 RAMSAY. Lond. 2 v................. 33: 3464-5 Dana, Richard Henry. (b. 1787.) The same..................................... 33: 3466 EDWARD and Mary. In Poems and Czarina, The. Mrs. B.HOFLAND..... 37: 4513 prose writings, v. 1...................... 34: 994 PAUL Felton. In Poems and prose writings, v. 1.............................. 34: 994 TOM Thornton. In Poems and prose a -) writings, v. 1............................. 34: 994 Dacre, Lady. Danbury, Life in. J. M. BAILEY..... 33: 800 WINIFRED, Countess of Nithsdale: Dancing academy, The. C. (J. H.) a tale of the Jacobite wars. N. Y. DICKENS. With Barnaby Rudge... 37: 435 1869. 160.................................37: 15 Danes sketched by themselves. A Daddy Dimple. Chas. D. GARDETTE. series of popular stories by the With Pluck................................37: 2794 Danish authors. Tr. by Mrs. BushDaily governess, The. Mrs. A. M. F. by. Lond. 1864. 3 v. sm. 8~... 40: 1530-2 HALL. In Tales of woman's trials. 37: 3888 Contents: The same...................................... 37' 3889 ANDERSON, Hans Christian. Theio same.3Q07: 3889o ANDERSON, Hans Christian. Man from Paradise, The. v. 1. 40:1530 Dairymans daughter. L. RICHMOND. 39: 351 Morton Lange. v. 1................ 40:1530 Daisie's dreanm: a novel. By theau- BAGGESSEN, Jens. thor of "Recommended t no mercy." Agnete and the Meman. v. 1. 40:1530 thor of "Recommended to mercy." BEBNARD, Carl. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sm. 80........... 40: 2103 Aunt Francisca, v. 2............... 40:1531 Daisy. S. WARNER........................ 40: 171-2 Bankrupt, The. v. 3............... 40:1532.........Daisy.......S...WAaNER... Cousin Carl. v. 1..................... 40:1530 Daisy Brentwell. I. WIDDEMER. rDaman and Pythias. v. 2........ 40:1531 (Ireland Ward)........................... 40: 477 BLICHER, S. S. Esben. v. 3............................ 40:1532 Daisy Burns. J. KAVANAGH............38: 667 Tale of Jutland, A. v. 1......... 40:1530 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 668 ETLAR, Carit. Daisy chain, The. C. M. YONGE. 2 v. 40:1269-70 Shipwrecked mariner's treasThe same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 1. 40: 1271 ure, The. v. 2.................... 40:1531 hea.a.40: 121 Too old. v........................... 40:1531 Daisy Nichol. Lady HARDY............ 37: 3985 Twice sacrificed. v. 3............ 40:153i Daisy Ward's work. M. W. McLAIN. 38: 2330 HOLST, H. P. Lisette's castles in the air. v.3. 40:1532 Dakotah; or, Sioux Indian mission, INEMANN, B. S. History of. Boast. 1841. 16~....... 4: 3453 Aged rabbi,The. v.3............. 40:1532 All soul's day. v. 3................. 40:1532 Dalim, M. Doomed house, The. v. 1...... 40:1530 COURTSHIP and a campaign: a Milan- Hereditary goblet, The. v. 3... 40:1'32 ese tale of'66. Lond. 1873. 2 v. Secret witness, The. v. 1........ 40:1530 KNORRING, Baroness. sm. 8....................................... 37: 25-6 Ancestress, The. v. 1.............. 40:1530 Dall, Caroline H. OEHLENSCHLA.GER, Adam. PATTY Gray's jourroli ney to the Cotton Death and his victims. v. 3.... 40:1532 PATTY Gray's journey to the Cotton STORM, E. islands. Bost. 1870. 3 v. 160... 37: 35-7 Herr Sinclair. v. 3................. 40:1532 UNCLE ADAM. 1. From Boston to Baltimore. 37: 36 Fatalchin,The. v. 2........... 40:131 2. From Baltimore to Washington. 37: 35 WINTHER, Christian. 3. On the way'; or Patty at Mount Vernon. 37: 37 Cofessional,The............ 40:1530 Dallas Galbraith. Mrs. R. B. H. DAVIS. 37: 146 Brothers, The; or, a good conDalyton, mWilliam. science. v. 3........................ 40:1532 Dalt on,. Lnd. 1861. 16. 37: 4Fair prospect, The. v. 3......... 40:1532 LOST in Ceylon. Lou d. 1861. 16~.T37: 47 Felon's reverie, The. v. 1...... 40:1530 NEST hunters, The. Lond. 1863. 16~. 37: 48 Waking dream, A. v. 1.......... 40:1530 WAR tiger, The. Lond. 1869. 16~. 37: 49 Danesbury house. E. P. [Mrs, H.] WHITE elephant; or, the hunters ofWOOD....................................... 40: 683 Ava. Lond. 1860. 16~0.............37: 50 Danger in the dark. I. KELSO......... 38: 800 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DANGERFIELD. 50 DAY'S. Dangerfield, John. Daughter of an Egyptian king. G. GRACE Tolmar: a novel. Lond. EBERS...................................... 37: 1430 1872. sm. 80.............................. 37: 73 Daughter of an empress. C. (M.) Dangerfield's rest; or, before the MUNDT. (Louisa Miihlbach.)........ 38: 3238 storm. [H. SEDLEY.]................ 39: 1546 Daughter of Heremon. Mrs. D- M. Dangerous game, A. E. YATES...... 40: 1204 CRAIK. (formerly Miss Alulock.) Dangerous guest, A. [H. JACKSON.] 38: 153 In Romantic tales....................... 35: 4940 Dangers of dining out. Mrs. S. S. Daughter of Heth. W. BLACK. 2 ELLIS. In Family secrets, v. 1...... 37: 1677 v. in 1....................................... 35: 2175 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 16...... 34: 4186 Daughter of night. S. W. FULLOM. 37: 2571 The same................................ *15: 4926 Davault's mills. Chas. H. JONES..... 38: 494 Daniel, Mrs. Mackenzie. Davenport Dunn; or, the man of CAUGHT in the toils: a novel. Lond. the day. C. LEVER. 2 V........... 38: 1584-5 1871. 3 v. sm. 8..................... 37: 83-5 The same. 2 v. in 1................ 38: 1586 ESTHER Dudley's wooers. Lond. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v........ 38: 1587-9 1874. 3 v. sm. 80..................... 37: 86-8 The same. 3 v. in 2...................... 38: 1590-1 HEIRESS in the family, The. Phil. David Copperfield. C. (J. H.) DICKn. d. 12.................................. 37: 89 ENS. (Boz.) 2 v........................ 37: 454-5 STOLEN waters. Lond. 1871. 2 v. The same...................................... 37: 456 sm. 80~................................... 37: 90-1 The same...................................... 37: 457 Daniel Dennison. Mrs. B. HOFLAND. 37: 4514 The same...................................... 37: 458 Daniel Deronda. Mrs. M. J. LEWES. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v........ 37: 459-61 (George Eliot). 2 v..................... 38: 1698-9 The same. 3 v. in 2................. 37: 462-3 Danish fairy legends and tales. H. C. David Dumps; or, the budget of ANDERSEN............................ 35: 640 blunders. T. H. BAYLY..... 35:... 35: 1750 Danish story-book. H. C. ANDER- David Elginbrod. G. MACDONALD. SEN. 2 v. in 1........................... 35: 641 3 v........................................ 38:2159-61 Contents: The same...................................... 38: 2162 v. 1. Little Rudy. v. 2. (cont.) The money pig The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 2163 The butterfly. The wicked prince. David Swan. N. HAWTHORNE. In Psyche. Children's prattle. The snail and the rose- Two brothers. L. C. v. 4................................. 40: 1614 bush. By the almshouse window. The same. In Twice-told tales.... 37: 4191 Twelve by the mail. Grandmother. The ame.................................... 37: 4193 A rose from the grave of Five out of one shell. Homer. The girl who trod upon Davies, Eliza Rhyl. The racers, bread. MYSTERY of Ashleigh manor, The. v. 2. The mud-king's daughter The old oak-tree's last Lond. 1874 3 v. sm. 80.......... 37: 117-19 The last pearl. dream. D i Ted oThe metal pig. Davies, Theodore. Danvers. T. (E.) HOOK. In Sayings LOSING to win. N.Y. 1874. 12~. 37: 129 and doings. v. 1........................ 37: 4648 Davis, L. Clarke. Danver's papers: Prince and the DICK Lyle's fee. In Rougegorge and page. C. M. YONGE. 2 V. in 1.... 40: 1272 other stories.................... 40: 1670 Darien; or, the merchant princb. E. STRANDED ship, A: a story of sea WARBURTON. 2 V. in1............... 40: 110 and shore. N..Y. 1869. 12...... 37: 139 Dark maid of Illinois, The. J. HALL. Davis, Mrs. Rebecca B. Harding. In Tales of the border................. 37: 3871 CAPTAIN'S story, The. In L. C. v. 2. 40: 1612 Dark night's work. Mrs. E.C. GAS- DALLAS Galbraith. Phil. 1868. 8~. 37: 146 KELL....................................... 37: 2863 FADED leaf of history, A. In L. C. The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 37: 2864 v. 10....................................... 40:,1620 Dark scenes of history. G. P. R. JOHN Andross. N. Y. 1.874. 120... 37: 147 JAMES...................................... 38: 176 KITTY'S choice: a story of BerryDark secret, The; or, the mystery of town. Phil. 1874. 80............... 37: 148 Fontelle hall. Mrs. M. A. FLEM- WAITING for the verdict. N. Y. ING........................................... 37: 2254 1868. 80.................................. 37: 149 Darkness and daylight. Mrs. M. J. Davis, William M. HOLMES............................... 37: 4565 NIMROD of the sea; or, the American Darnley. G. P. R. JAMES............... 38: 177 whaleman. N. Y. 1874. 120..... 37: 154 Darrell Markham. M. E. BRADDON.. 35: 2528 Dawn. Mrs. H. A. ADAMS.............. 35: 206 Darryll gap; or, whether it paid. V. Day, Mrs. -. F. TOWNSEND. (Cousin Virginia.) 39: 3100 FROM birth to bridal. Lond. 1873. Dasent, George Webbe. 3 v. sm. 80............................... 37: 159-61 ANNALS of an eventful life. Lond. Day, Rev. Lal Behari. 1870. 3 v. sam. 8~..................... 40:2019-21 GOVINDA Samanta; or, the history of HALF a life. Lond. 1874. 3 v. a Bengal Raiyat. Lond. 1874. sm. 8....................................... 37: 101-3 sm. 8~....................................... 37: 170 LADY Sweetapple; or, three to one. Day, Thomas. N. Y. 1873. 8~. Same as Three HISTORY of Sandford and Merton. to one....................................... 37: 104 Bailt. 1801. 160~................ 37: 180 THREE to one; or, some passages out The same. N. Y. 1867. 160...... 37: 181 of the life of Amicia Lady Sweet- Day in the academy, A. F. C. BPRapple. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8~. 37: 105-7 NAND. In Treasure-trove series. Dash, Comtesse. (pseud.) See SAINT- V........................................... 40: 1701 MARS, C. de C. de. Day of reckoning, A. In N. and T. Daudet, Alphonse. New Don Quix-v. 3........................................... 40: 1643 ote. Best. 1875. 16~0................37: 112 Day's pleasure, A. Mrs. E. C. EMDaughter of Bohemia: a novel. Miss BURY. In Pictures of early life... 37: 1700 F. C. FISHER. (Christian Reid)... 37: 2196 Day's pleasure, A. W. D. HOWELLS. 37: 4728 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DAY'S. 51 DEFOE. Day's ride, A: a life's romance. C. Deadly dash. L. de la RAME. (Ouida). LEVER...................................... 38: 1592 With Cecil Castlemaine's gage...... 39: 42 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 1593 Deaf and dumb page, The. By the Days of Bruce, The. G. AGUILAR. author of Family portraits. In W. 2v............................................ 35: 340-41 S. C.L., v. 3....................... 34: 4173 Days of the cattle plague: a story. The same..................................... *15: 4913 Mrs. PROSSE R............................. 38: 4760 Dean's daughter, The. Mrs. C. G. F. Days of Knox, The: a tale. Lend. GORE. 2 V. in 1........................ 37: 3193 1869. 12~................................. 40: 2109 Deane, Milly. Days of my life. Mrs. M. (0. W.) MARJORY. Lond. 1872. sm. 80..... 37: 191 OLIPHANT.................................. 38: 3839 Dear Lady Disdain. J. MCCARTHY. 38: 2136 Days of old, The: three stories from Death and his victims. A. OEHLENEnglish history. By the author of SCHLAEGER. In Danes sketched by Ruth and her friends. Lond. 1865. themselves, v. 3........................... 40: 1532 160........................................... 40: 2110 Death of James I. Alex. LEIGHTON. Contents: in W. T. B., v. 8........................ 40: 1718 Cafaroc and powerva. Death of James III. Alex. LEIGHTON. Wulfgar and the earl; or, power. Roland. In W. T. B., v. 8........................ 40: 1718 Days of shoddy, The. H. MORFORD. 38: 3124 Death ship, The. B. S. INGEMANN. Days of yore, The. Miss KEDDIE. In Danes sketched by themselves, (Sarah Tytler.) 2 v..................... 38: 710-11 v. 3.................................. 40: 1532 Contents: Death shot, The. M. REID. 3 v...... 39: 239-41 Vol. 1. I. Peeps into antiquity: The same..................................... 39: 242 Saint Margaret. Shadows of the coast of Fife. Debenham's vow. A.B. EDWARDS. 37: 1517 Peggy Melville's triumph. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 37: 1518 II. Oldagatheo ings: Debit and credit. G. FREYTAG......... 37: 2480 Old yeomanry weeks, The. Days of the Dutch fair,'he. Deborah's book. J. INGELOW. In III. Wooings and weddings of the last century: Stories told to a child.................. 38: 33 Adam Home's repentance. Deborah's diary. A. MANNING....... 38: 2462 Cast in the waggon, A, Great road and the market-place, The. Decameron, Stories from the. G. On the stage and off the stage. BOCCACCIO. In R. I. N., v. 1........ 40: 1580 Vol. 2. IV. Lovers quarrels and how they ended: 40: 2114 Judy. Deressya tale. Leip. 1857. 16. 40: 2114 Hector Garret of Otter. Deeds speak louder than words. Mrs. Insulated. J. D. CHAPLIN........................... 35: 4055 Shadow of "The ancient mariner," The. V. Likenesses and contrasts: Deep down: a tale of the Cornish Cain's brand. mines. R. M. BALLANTYNE......... 35: 1455 Ringan Cockburn's trial and victory. Two panels from an old picture. Deep waters. A. H. DRURY............. 37: 871 Twofold. Deerbrook. H. MARTINEAU.......... 38: 2637 World's end, The. World's end, The.Deerings of Medbury. V. F. TOWNVI. Two specimens of the old school. Second Mrs. Auchterlonie, The. SEND......................................... 39: 3101 Oliver Shand's partner. Deerslayer, The. J. F. COOPER...... 35: 4728 De profundis: a tale of the social de- The same................................... 35: 4729 posits. W. GILBERT. 2 V........ 37: 2983-4 Deer-stalkers of Glenskiach: a The same...................................... 37: 2982 highland legend. A. PICKEN. In Deacon Sims' prayers. M. D. Club-book................................. 40: 1520 CHELLIS................................... 35: 4151 DeFoe, Daniel. (1661-1731.) Dead alive, The. (W.) W. COLLINS.. 35: 4550 CAPTAIN Carleton. In Novels and Dead guest, The. H. ZSCHOKKE........ 40: 1450 misc. works, v. 2........................ *34: 1018 Dead marquise: a romance. L. KIP. 38: 1039 CAPTAIN Singleton. In Novels and Dead men's shoes. M. E. BRADDON. 35: 2565 misc. works, v. 1........................ *34: 1017 Dead men's shoes. J. R. HADERMANN. 37: 3821 COLONEL Jack. In Novels and misc. Dead secret. (W.) W. COLLINS. Phil. works, v. 1................................. *34: 1017 n. d. 12................................. 35: 4551 DICKORY Cronke. In Novels and The same. In N. and T. v. 4, 5. 40: 1644-5 misc. works, v. 2........................ 34: 1018 Dead secret and other tales. Tauch- DUNCAN Campbell. In Novels and nitz ed. 2 v. in 1....................... 35: 4552 misc. works, v. 6......................... *34: 1022 Contents: FORTUNES and misfortunes of the Agnes Lee. Murder of the Archbishop famous Moll Flanders. In Novels Amphlett love match. of Paris. Dead secret. My window. and misc. works, v. 3................... 34: 1019 Helena Mathewson. New boy at Styles's, The. GREAT fire in London. In Novels How the old love fared. Queen's revenge, A and misc. works, v. 5................... 34: 1021 Yellow tiger, The. a n d.,. 5... 1 0 1 Yellow tiger, The. HISTORY of the devil. Lend. 1727. Dead sin, The. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. 8~............................................ *3:'4937 (E. Garrett.) Zn Seen and heard. The same. In Novels and misc. v. 2...................................._. 3 2 6o,.............. 38: 28161019 works, v 3................. 34: 1019 Dead sin, and other stories. Mrs. I. F. MEMOIRS of a cavalier. Jn Novels MAYO. (E. Garrett.).................. 38: 2808 and misc. works, v. 2.................. *34: 1018 Contents: MRS. Christian Davies. In Novels Bad speculation. Old mirror., Mi v Zn No vel Chance child. One new year's night. and misc. works, v. 4.......... 34 1020 Dead sin. Real lady. NEW voyage round the world. In Ghost. story. Salt of the earth. Novels and misc. works, v. 6......... 34: 1022 Dead to the world; or, sin and atone- PLAGUE in London, 1665. In Novels ment. K. BAYER. (Carl Detlef). 35: 1720 and misc. works, v. 5.................. 34: 1021 Dead-sea fruit. M. E. BRADDON. ROBINSON Crusoe. With colored 2 v. in 1.................................... 35: 2529 engravings. Phil. n.d. 16~0...... 37: 201 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DEFOE. 52 DEQUINCY. DeFoe, (continued.) — DeMille, (continued.)The same. Phil. 1873. 120....... 37: 202 LILY and the cross, The. Bost. 1875. The same. Lend. 1869. sm. 80. 37: 203 120.......................................... 37: 276 The same. Leip. 1845. sq. 16... 37: 204 LIVING link, The. N. Y. 1874. 80~. 37: 277 ROXANA. In Novels and misc. works, LOST in the fog. Bost. 1872. 160~. 37: 278 v. 4...................................... *34: 1020 OPEN question, An. N. Y. 1873. 80~. 37: 279 STORM, The, of 1703. In Novels and PICKED up adrift. Bost. 1873. 160~. 37: 280 misc. works, v. 5......................... 34: 1021 SEVEN hills. Bost. 1873. 120....... 37: 281 De Foix. A. E. BRAY................. 35: 2699 TREASURE of the seas. Bost. 1873. DeForest, John W. 160.......................................... 37: 282 HONEST John Vane: a story. N. Dempster, Charlotte. Haven. 1875. 160..................... 37: 214 H6TEL du Petit St. Jean. Leip. 1871. KATE Beaumont. Bost. 1872. 8~. 37: 215 sq. 160...................................... 37: 310 LAusoN tragedy, The. In L. C., ISEULTE: a novel. N. Y. 1875. v. 3........................................... 40: 1613 8~. [anon.]................................ 37: 309 Miss Ravenel's conversion to loyalty. VERA. Leip. 1871. sq. 160........... 37: 311 N. Y. 1867. 120.......................37: 216 Dene hollow. E. P. [Mrs. Henry] OVERLAND. N. Y. 1871. 8......... 37: 217 WooD....................................... 40: 684 PLAYING the mischief. N. Y. 1875. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 685 8~............................................ 37: 219 Denis, F. WETHEREL affair, The. N. Y. 1873. TRUE Robinson Crusoes, The........... 37: 320 8~............................................ 37: 218 Denis Duval. W.M. THACKERAY.... 39: 2881 DeKroyft, Mrs. S. H. The same. In Miscellanies. v. 3.... 33: 4013 LITTLE Jakey. In L. C., v. 10......... 40: 1620 Denise. C. CARLOS-CLARKE........... 35: 4328 The same. N. Y. 1872. 120...... 37: 228 Denison, Mrs. Mary Andrews. (Clara Delaplaine; or, the sacrifice of Irene. Vance.) M. T. WALWORTH.................... 40: 96 AMONG the squirrels. N. Y. 1873. Del6on, — (Abb "* ) 160........................................ 37: 330 UNDER the ban (Le maudit): a tale HANNAH'S triumph. Phil. 1870. of the nineteenth century. Tr. fr. 16....................................*.. 37: 331 the Fr. N. Y. 1868. 80............ 37: 242 HOME pictures. N.Y. 1853. 12... 37: 332 DeLeon. Edwin. Contents: About the minister. Accepted. The acASKAROS Kassis, the copt: a romance cident. Alice's confession. The angel of modern Egypt. Phil. 1870. 120. 37: 250 hand. Betty's encounter. Birthday fesDeLeon, T. C. tival. City lite. The convalescence. The cross. Deathitself. Thedeparture. The CROSS purposes: a christmas experi- disappointment. Domestic. The dream. ence in seven stages. Phil. 1871. The failure. The farm-house. The fash160..........................................37: 257 ionable call. Fashionable ennui. First J.- B.. _********* <'visit to a watering-place. The first visitDeLiefde, J. B. ors. The flower-girl. General Lengordon. GALAMA; or, the beggars. N. Y. Good conclusion. CGretta's sorrow. Home. 1873. 80.............................37: 235 Tda Grey. The inebriate's wife. Kitchen troubles. Lady Westerlin's story. De L'Orme. G. P. R. JAMES.......... 38: 178 Little Alice. Little Herbert's transgresDella Crusca. (pseud.) See MERRY, R. sion. Little Milly. A little pride. A Defloney, Thomais.little story. The living tomb. Lossa and Deloney, Thomas. Nini; or, the little organ-grinders. THOMAS of Reading; or, the sixe Miss Susan. Mr. Lansden's counsel. My worthie yeomen of the west. In flowers. My mother's death. The new Thons' early^ English prose ro- minister. News from abroad. Not at Thorns' early English prose ro- home. The old beggar's sympathy. mances, v. 1. Lend. 1858. 120. 33: 4020 The old church. The old house in the Demerara. H. MARTINEAU. In country. The old poet's garret. The old llus. of Polit. Econ. v. 2......... 38: 2640 A Quaker uncle. Ol.l superstition. The?11us. of Poit. Econ, v" m' —. 2.......3: 60painter's studio. The party. Poor BetDeMille, James. ty's troubles. The reconciliation. The AMERICAN baron, The. N. Y. 1872. return. The reunited family. "'he sad 8o's0.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~,,, 3-7: 265 letter. The sale. The sermon: the visit. 8~............. 37 b 26s,; 5 7' 2'The shadow of death. The sick boy. AMONG the brigands. Bost. 1872. The silver service. Startlingnews. The 120.......37: 266 story. The strawberry supper. The B. 0. W. C. sap... B.t. 6. v.. sudden death. The thunder storm. The B-3.0.. C.series Bost. 6 v trick. The twilight walk. Two strang1871-3. 160.............................. ers. Unexpected good fortune. UnContents: *happy again. The untimely death. The. B.. W. C.37268 village schoolmistress. Visit to the city. 2. Boys of the Grand Pr6ischool. 37:269 The walk. The wedding. The young 3. Lost in the fog........................ 37:278 poet. 4. Fire in the woods.................... 37:274 LOVER'S trials, The........................ 37: 333 5. Picked up drift..................... 37:280 NOBLE sister, A. Phil. 1870. 160~. 37: 334 6. Treasure of the seas.............. 37:282 OFF the track. Phil. 1870. 160 37: 335 er the track. Phil. 1870. 16~..... 37: 335 BABES in the wood: a tragic comedy; OPPOSITEthe jail. Bost. 1858. 160 37: 336 a story of the Italian revolution of VICTOR Norman rector. Phil. 1873. 1848. Bost. 1875. 80............... 37: 267 VICTOR Norman, rector. Phil. 1873. BOYS of Grand Pre school. Bost............... 1871. 160................................. 37: 269 DennisDonne. Mrs. P. CUDLIP. (forCOMEDY of terrors. Bost. 1872. 80. 37: 270 merly Miss Thomas.).................... 35: 5091 CORD and creese. N. Y. 1871. 80~. 37: 271 Denounced, The; or, the last baron CRYPTOGRAM, The. N.Y. 1871. 80~. 37: 272 of Crana. J. BANIM.................. 35: 1535 DODGE club, The; or, Italy in 1859. DeQuincy, Thomas. (1785-1859.) N. Y. 1874. 8........................ 37: 273 FATAL marksman, The. In Works. FIRE inthewoods. Best. 1872. 16~. 37: 274 v. 11........................................ 34: 1043 LADY of the ice, The. N. Y. 1871. FLIGHT of a Tartar tribe. In L. C. 8~................................. 37: 275 v. 1.......................................... 40: 1611 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DEQUINCY. 53 DIARY. DeQuincy, (continued.)- Devereux hall. Mrs. SOUTHEY. In KING of Hayti, The. From the Ger- Tales from Blackwood. v. 2......... 40: 1693 man. In Works. v. 11............ 34: 1043 Devil, History of the. D. DEFOE......* 3: 4937 VISION of sudden death, The. In L. The same. In Works. v. 3............ 34: 1019 C. v. 3....................4............. 40: 1613 Devil stones, The. F. GOTTSCHALCK. Derby, Aleck. In R. G. N v. 2......................... 40: 1561 IDA Goldwin; or, the perils of for- Devil turned pleader, The. tune. N. Y. 1876. 120........... 37: 343 GRIMM. In 1. G. N. v. 2........... 40: 1561 Derby, George H. (John Phcenix.) Devil's chain, The. E. JENKINS...... 38: 300 (1824-1861.) Devil's fight in Goslar cathedral, The. PHCENIXIANA. N. Y. 1869. 120.... 33: 1300 F. GOTTSCHALCK. In R. G. N. v. 2. 40: 1561 SQUIBOB papers. N. Y. 1865. 12~. 33: 1301 Devil's mark, The. In N. and T. v. 8. 40: 1648 Dermot O'Dwyer. Mrs. A. M. F. Devil's mill, The. F. GOTTSCHALK. HALL. In Lights and shadows. In R. G. N. v. 2........................ 40: 1561 v. 2.......................................... 37: 3883 Devil's mill, The. S. LOVER. In De Rohan. J. M. (called Eugene) SUE. 39: 2412 Legends and stories of Ireland...... 38: 1886 Derrick, F. Devoted bride, The. St. G. TUCKER. 39: 3367 BENEATH the wheels: a romance. Dewall, -- van. N. Y. 1870. 80........................ 37: 347 GREAT lady, A: a romance. From Derwent; or, recollections of young the German by M. S. Phil. 1874. life in the country. J. CHESTER... 35: 4216 80........................................ 37: 396 Desart, Lord —.De itt, Madame. (ne6e Guizot.) BEYOND these voices. Lend. 3 v. DAMES of high estate. The translasm. 80...................................... 37: 357-9 tion edited by Charlotte M. Yonge. Desert home, The. M. REID........... 39: 243 Lond. 1872. 80........................ 37: 401 Desert of ice, The. J. VERNE. In Confents: Captain Hatteras................ 39: 3701 Countess and queen. Climbing high. Desert sands. H. E. (P.) SPOFFORD. Something great. [ Behind the hedges. With Amber gods................ 39: 2126 FRENCH country family. N. Y. 1868. Deserted family, The. J. T. TROW- 120........................................ 37: 403 BRIDGE. (Paul Creyton.)..............39: 3314 MARIE Derville: a story of a French Deserted mill, The. E. L. LLEWEL- boarding-school. Phil. 1873. 12~. 37: 405 LYN........................................... 38: 1831 MOTHERLESS; or, a Parisian family. Deserted wife, The. Mrs.'E. D.'E. Fr. the French by D. M. Craik. N. SOTJTHWORTH..39: 2011 N. Y. 1871. 120....................... 37: 404 Desk and debit. W. T. ADAMS. ONLY sister, An. N. Y, 1873. 160. 37: 402 (Oliver Optic.)............................35: 241 DEyncourtsof Fairleigh, The. T. Deslonde, Mrs. Darrington. ROWLAND-SKEMP. 3 v............... 39: 691-3 MILLER of Silcott mill The. N. Y. Dharma.. E. PAULET. 3 v............ 38: 4257-9 1875. 120...................................37: 364 Dhu, Helen. (pseud.s ) Despard, Mrs. M. C. STANHOPE Burleigh: the Jesuits in CHASTE as ice, pure as snow. Lend. CHASTE as icepure as snow. Lond.. our homes. N. Y. 1855. 12~..... 37: 414 1874. 3 v. sm. 80..................... 37: 369-71 Dial of love, The. M; HOWITT..... 37: 4749 Desperate character, A. W. THOM- Dialogues. J. ABBOTT. In H.S.B. SON-CJGREGG. 3 v......................... 39: 3001-3 v.................................... 35: 43 IDesperate remedies. T. HARDIY. 3 Diamond cut diamond: a story of Desperate remedies.. HARDY. 3 Tuscan life. T. A. TROLLOPE...... 39: 3252. |[anon.]................................ 937: 3987-9 Destiny. M. FERRIER. With Mar- Diamond necklace, Story of the. H. riage and inheritance.................37: 2101 VIZETELLY. 2 v.39: 3756-7 Diamond on the hearth, The. M. Destiny; or, life as it is. R. M.Diamond on the hearth, The. M. MURPHY............................... 38: 3280 JAMES...................... 38: 245 Desultory man, The. G. P. R. Diamond rose, The. Miss KEDDIE. JAMES. 2 v. in 1....................... 38: 179 (Sarah Tytler.)......................... 38: 712 Detective police, The. C. (J. H.) Diana Carew; or, for a woman's sake. DICKENS. In Hard times............ 37: 477 Mr. FORREST.................... 37: 2359 The same. In Hunted down.......... 37: 479 Diana of Meridor; or, the lady of The same. In Lamplighter's story... 37: 481 Monsoreau. A. (D.) DUMAS....... 37: 977 The same. In Tale of two cities......37: 546 Diana's crescent. A. MANNING. 2 v: 38: 2463-4 The same. In Hard times............... 37: 477 Diary H- family; Axel and Anna The same. In Hunted down........... 37: 479 The same. In Hunted down...........37: 479 and other tales. F. BREMER........ 35: 2737 The same. In Tale of two cities...... 37: 546and Anna. Letter about suppers. Axel and Anna. Letter about suppers. Detective and somnambulist. A. Comforter. Solitary. PINKERTON............................. 38: 4547 Diary. Dethroned heiress, The. E. A. Du- Diary. F. BREMER. Same as New PUY.......................................... 37: 1064 D Sketches.................................... 35: 2749 PIJY.37:^ 1064^ - * -Diary of Anne Rodway, The. In Detlef, C. (pseud.) See BAUER, Kar-N. and T. v. 2.................. 40 1642 oline. DeVere, Maximilian Schele. (b 1820.),Diary of C. Jeames de la Pluche, Esq. DeVere, Maximilian Schele. (b. 1820.) with his letters. W. M. THACKGREAT empress, The: Agrippina. witYh i Miscellanies. Best. ed. Phil. 1870. 120......................... 37: 390 ]ERAY. In Miscellanies. Bost. ed. V. 1.......................................... 3 3: 4011 De Vere; or, the man of independence. The same. In Miscellanies. Phil. R. P. WARD.............................40: 118 ed. v. 2.................................... 33: 4008 Devereux. E. G. E. L. BULWER- The same. In Miscellanies. TauchLYTTON................................. 35: 3103 nitz ed. v. 4.............................. 33: 4004 The same. Tauchnitz ed................35: 3105 The same..................................... 33: 3998 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. )IARY. 54 DICKENS. Diary of a late physician. S. WAR- Dickens, (continued.)REN. 3 v.......................... 40: 227-9 CHARACTERS, Index of, in Dickens' The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 230 novels. In Master Humphrey's Diary of a milliner. C. H. WooDs. clock....................................... 37: 497 (Belle Otis.).............................. 40: 810 The same. In Uncdoimercial travDiary of Mrs. Kitty Trevylyan. Mrs. eller...................................... 37: 549 E. R. CHARLES........................... 35: 4073 CHILD'S dream of a star, A. With The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 35: 4074 Old curiosity shop. v. 3............ 37: 515 Diary of an old doctor, The: being The same............................ 37: 517 sketches of the most interesting The same. In L. C., v. 10............ 40: 1620 reminiscences of an old physician. CHIMES, The. With Christmas carol. 37: 449 J. A. MAITLAND.........................38: 2418 The same. In Christmas books..... 37: 450 Diary of a sister of Mercy, Tales from The same. In Christmas stories.... 37: 451 the. C. M. BRAME..................... 35: 2673 The same................................... 37: 452 Diavola; or, nobody's daughter. M. CHOPS, the dwarf. In L. C., v. 2...... 40: 1612 E. BRADDON............................. 35: 2530 CHRISTMAS books. N. Y. 1871. 2 Diaz, Mrs. A. M. v. in 1. 12.......................................... 37: 450 Lucy Maria. Bost. 1874. 160...... 37: 420 Cbntents: Battle of life. Christmas tree. STORY-BOOK for the children. Bost. Chimes. Cricket on the hearth. 1875. 120............................... 37: 423 Christmas carol. Haunted man. WILLIAM Henry and his friends. CHRISTMAS carol, A; Chimes; and Bost. 1872. 16........................ 37: 421 Cricket on the hearth. Leip. 1846. WILLIAM Henry letters, The. Bost. sq. 160~....................................... 37: 449 1870. 160................................. 37: 422 CHRISTMAS carol, A. In Christmas Dick Dallington. In N. and T. v. 2.. 40: 1642 books........................................ 37: 450 Dick Duncan. D. WISE................. 40: 631 The same. In Christmas stories.... 37: 451 Dick Libby. Geo. JONES. In Rouge- The same.................................. 37: 452 gorge and other stories................. 40: 1670 The same. In L. C., v. 5........... 40: 1615 Dick Lyle's fee. L. C. DAVIS. In CHRISTMAS dinner. InSketches...... 37: 515 Rougegorge and other stories........ 40: 1670 The same................................... 37: 517 Dick Markham. J. F. SMITH............ 39: 1891 CHRISTMAS stories. Phil. n. d. 12~. 37: 451 Dick Markham, Sequel to. See LILLIAN. 39: 1902 Contents: Battle of life, The. Cricket on the hearth,The. Dick Rodney; or, the adventures of an Chimes, The. Haunted man, The. Eton boy. J. GRANT.................. 37: 3306 Christmas carol, A. Dick Tarleton. J. F. SMITH............. 39: 1892 CHRISTMAS stories. Phil. n. d. 80. 37: 452 Dick Tarleton, Sequel to. See MARIAN Contents: Battle of life. Cricket on the hearth. BARNARD................................. 40 1903 Chimes. Haunted man. Dick Travers abroad. A.F. SAMUELS.Chimes. Haunted man Dick Travers abroad. A. F`. SAMUERLS. Christmas carol. Pictures from Italy. 4........................................... 39:1109-12'CHRISTMAS stories. Leip. 1862. sq. Contents: 160.......................................... 37: 453 1. Palm land, 39:1112 3. On the wave, 39:1111 Contents: 2. Lost tar, 39:1110 4. Little cricket, 39:1109 Haunted house, The. Dick e ns, Charles (John Houghm.) Message from the sea, A. Dickens, Charles (John Hougham.) Tom rTiddler's ground. (Boz.) (1812-18'70). CHRISTMAS stories, additional. With BARNABY Rudge: a tale of the riotsCHRISTMA stories, additional. With of'eighty. 1N.Y. 1872. 3v. 12~. 37: 431-3 Master Humphrey's clock.37: 497 BARNABY R~udge; Sketches. N'. Y. Contents: BARNABY Rudge; Sketches. N~. Y. Dr. Marigold's prescriptions. Mugby junction. 1871. 4 V. in 2........................... 37: 434-5 Holly Tree inn. Seven poor travellers. Crntents: *Mrs. Lirriper's legacy. Somebody's luggage. Barnaby Rudge, v. 1-3. Mr. Minns and his cousin. Mrs. Lirper's lodgings. Sketches by Boz, v.2. v.4. Mrs. Joseph Porter. The same. With Uncommercial Black veiL. Passage in the life of Mr. traveller etc.......................... 37: 552 Bloomsbury christening. Watkins Tottle.......... Boarding house. Prisoners' van. CRICKET on the hearth, The. With Dancing academy. Sentiment Christmas carol.......................... 37: 449 Drunkard's death. Shabby-genteel people. The same. n Christmas books 37: 450 Great Winglebury duel. Steam excursion. Horatio Sparkins. Tugg's at Ramsgate, The. The same. In Christmas stories..... 37: 451 Making a night of it. The same.............................. 37: 452 BARNABY Rudge. Phil. n. d. 120. 37: 436 DAVID Copperfield. N. Y. 1871. The same. N. Y. 1873. 120...... 37: 437 4 v. in 2. 12........................... 37: 454-5 The same. In Master Humphrey's The same. N. Y. 1873. 12~...... 37: 456 clock, v. 2, 3...................... 37:499-500 The same. Phil. 1868. 80...... 37: 457 The same................................... 37: 501-2 The same. Phil. n. d. 12~........ 37: 458 BATTLE of life, The: a love story. The same. Leip. 1849-50. 3 v. Leip. 1856. sq. 160.................... 37: 438 sq. 16~.................................... 37: 459-61 The same. In Christmas books..... 37: 450 The same. Leip. 1849-50. 3 v. The same. In Christmas stories.... 37: 451 in 2. sq. 160.......................... 37: 462-3 The same................................... 37: 452 DETECTIVE police. With LamplightBLEAK house. N. Y. 1872. 2 v. er's story................................... 37: 481 120.......................................... 37: 439-40 DR. Marigold's prescriptions; MugThe same. N. Y. 1873. 12~...... 37: 441 by junction. Leip. 1867. sq. 16~ 37: 464 The same. Phil. n. d. 120........ 37: 442 DR. Marigold's prescriptions. With The same. Leip. 1852-3. 4 v. Master Humphrey's clock............ 37: 497 in 2. sq. 16........................... 37: 447-8 The same. With Uncommercial The same. 4 v....................... 37:443-6 traveller................................. 37: 552 BLOOMSBURY christening. InSketches. 37: 435 The same. In Treasure-trove series. BOARDING house, The. In Sketches. 37: 435 v. 3....................................... 40: 1703 PROSE FICTION;: ENIGLISH. DICKENS. 55 DICKENS. Dickens, (continued.)- Dickens, (continued.)DOMBEY and son. N. Y. 1871. 4 The same. With Uncommercial v. in 2. 12................................. 37: 465-6 traveller................................. 37: 549 The same. N. Y. 1873. 12~...... 37: 467 NEW stories. Phil. n. d. 120........ 37: 505 The same. Phil. n. d. 120........ 37: 468 Contents: The same. Leip. 1873. 3 v. sq. Hard times. I Pictures from Italy. 16~........................... 37: 469-71 NICHOLAS Nickleby. N. Y. 1871. The same. Leip. 1847 3 v. in 2. 4 v. in 2. 120........................... 37: 506-7 sq. 16~...................................37: 472-3 The same. N. Y. 1873. 120...... 37: 508 DRAWN from life; sketches of young The same. N. Y. 1874. 12~...... 37: 509 ladies, young gentlemen, and young The same. Phil. n. d. 12~........ 37: 510 couples. N. Y. 1875. 120......... 33: 1323 The same. Leip. 1843. 2 v. in GREAT expectations. N. Y. 1873. 1. sq. 16~............................ 37: 511 12~. 2 v. in 1............................ 37: 474 NOBLE savage, The. In TreasureThe same. Phil. n.d. 120........ 37: 475 trove series. v. 1....................... 40: 1701 The same. Leip. 1861. 2 v. in OLD curiosity shop.'N.Y. 1873. 120 37: 516 1. sq. 16............................... 37: 476 The same. Phil. n. d. 12~........ 37: 518 The same. With Oliver Twist...... 37: 520 The same, and Sketches. N. Y. HARD times. N. Y. 1871. 120~. 2 1871. 4 v. in 2. J2~................ 37: 514-15 v. in 1....................................... 37: 477 Contents,: v. in 1.37: 477 Contents:.1The same. In New stories.................37: 505 Characters. v. 4. Reprinted pieces: v. 2. The same. In New stories........... 37: 505 Christmas dinner. Begging-letter writer. The same. Leip. 1854. sq. 160.. 37: 478 Hospital patient. Bill sticking. The same. With Tale of two Misplaced attachment of'Births. Mrs. Meek ofa son.' Mr. J. Dounce. Child's dream of a star. cities......................................37: 546 Miss Evans and the eagle. Long voyage. HAUNTED house. In Christmas sto- Mistaken milliner: a tale Our Eng. watering-place. T.ries CQ^Z~d.................................37: 453 of ambition. Our Fr. watering-place. ries.......................................... 3 4 New Year. Scenes. v. 4. The same. With Hunted down..... 37: 479 Parlor orator. Seven sketches from our The same. In Lamplighter's story. 37: 481 Thoughts about people. parish. v. 4. HAUNTED man. With Battle of life.. 37: 438 Old curiosity shop. v. 1-3. The same. In Christmas books..... 37: 450 The same. N. Y. 1872. 120...... 37: 517 The same. In Christmas stories.... 37: 451 OLD curiosity shop. With Master The same................................... 37: 452 Humphrey's clock, v. 1-2.......... 37: 498-9 HOLLY-TREE inn. With Master The same.................................. 37: 501 Humphrey's clock....................... 37: 497 OLIVER Twist. N. Y. 1873. 2 v. in The same. With Uncom. Trav..... 37: 552 1. 120..................................... 37: 519 HUNTED down, and Haunted house. The same. Leip. 1843. 16~... 37: 521 Phil. n. d. 12........................ 37: 479 The same, and Great expectations. HUNTED down, and Uncommercial N. Y. 1871. 120......... 37: 520 traveller. Leip. 1860. sq. 160... 37: 480 OUR mutual friend. N. Y. 1871. HUNTED down. With Lamplighter's 4 v. in 2. 12............................. 37: 522-3 story..................................... 37: 481 Thesame. N.Y. 1868. 120...... 37: 524 story.37: 481 The same. N. Y. 1868. 120...... 37: 524 LATE Miss Hollingford. With No The same. Phil. n.d. 8~.......... 37: 525 thoroughfare.............................37: 513 Thesame. Phil. n.d. 120........ 37: 526 LITTLE Dorrit. N. Y. 1871. 4 v. The same. Leip. 1864-5. 4 v. in2. 120............................. 37: 482-3 sq. 160................................... 37: 527-30 Thesame. N.Y. 1873. 12......37: 484 The same. Leip. 1864-5. 4 v. The same. Phil.. d. 120......... 37: 485 in 2. sq. 37: 531-2 The same. Leip. 1856-7. 4 v. PICKWICK papers. N. Y. 1871. sq. 160.37: 48-9 4 v. in 2. 120.7: 533-4 Thesame. Leip. 1856-7. The same. N. Y. 1873. 120......37: 535 2. sq. 16.................. 37: 490-1 The same. Phil. n. d. 120...... 37: 536 LITTLE Paul. N. Y. n. d. 180..... 37: 492 Thesame. Bost. 1867. 16........ 37: 537 LITTLE Paul. See also Dombey and The same. Leip. 1842. 2 v. in son. 1. sq. 16~.............................. 37: 538 MARTIN Chuzzlewit. N. Y. 1871. REPRINTED pieces. With Old curi4 v. in 2. 12.......................... 37: 493-4 osity shop............................. 37: 515 The same. Phil. n. d. 120........ 37: 495 Contents: Begging-letter writer. Low' voyage. The same. Leip. 1844. 2 v. in Biff sticking. OurEng. watering-place. 1. sq. 16.................................. 37: 496 Births. Mrs. Meek of a son. Our Fr. watering-pace. MASTER Humphrey's clock. N.Y. Child's dream of a star. 1871. 120................... 37: 497 The same................................... 37: 517 The same. Leip. 1846. 3 v. sq. Thesame. With Hunted down.... 37: 479 160..3................................. 37:498-500 The same. With Lamplighter's Barnaby Rudge. v. 2-3. REPRINTED pieces. With Hard times. 37: 477 Master Humphrey's clock. v.. Contents: Old curiosity shop. v. 1-2. Child's story. Our school. The same. Leip. 1846. 3 v. in 2. Detective police. Our vestry. sq 16.................................. 37: 501-2 Down with the tide. Out of the season. MUOBY junction. With Dr. Mari- Flight. Out of town. Ghost of art. Plated article. ld's prescriptions..................... 37: 464 Lying awake. Poor man's tale of a patent. The same. With Master Humph- Monument of Fr. folly. Poor relation's story. rey's clock.............................. 37: 49- Noble savage. Prince Bull. s clock.37Nobody's story. Schoolboy's story. MYSTERY of Edvxipn Drood, The. N. On duty with inspector'ree detective anecdotes. 1871. 16~.................................37: 503 Field. 1. Pair of gloves. The same. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in Our bore II. I Artful touch. Uhesunction. Leith 1870. 2MvOur honorable friend. Ill. Sofa, The. I sq. 16~............................. 37: 504 Walk in a workhouse. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DICKENS. 56 DICKORY. Dickens, (continued.)- Dickens, (continued.)The same. With Hunted down..... 37: 479 Contents: The same. With Lamplighter's Begging-letter writer. On duty with inspector story..................................... 37: 481 Bill-sticking. Field. The same. With Tale of two cities 37: 546'Births. Mrs. Meek of a Our bore. son.' Our English watering-place. SEVEN poor travellers. With Master Child's dream of a star. Our French watering-place. Humphrey's clock...................... 37: 497 Child's story. Our honorable friend. The same. With Uncom.tra. 37: 552 Chritma tee. Our school. e same. ncomtrav 552 Detective police. Our vestry. SIGNAL-MAN, The. In L. C. v. 8... 40: 1618 Down with the tide. Out of the season. SKETCHES by Boz. N. Y............... 37: 539 Flight. Out of town.............. Ghost of art. Plated article. Contents: Haunted house. Poor man's tale of a patent. Characters: Scotland-yard. Hunted down. Poor relation's story. Christmas dinner. Seven dials. Lamplighter's story. Prince Bull: a fairy story. Dancing academy. Shops and their tenants. Long voyage. Three detective anecdotes. Hospital patient. Streets, The. Lying awake I. Pair of Gloves. Making a night of it. Vauxhall-gardens by day. Monument of French II. Artful touch. Misplaced attachment of Visit to Newgate.folly- III Sofa The Mr. J. Dounce. Seven sketches from our par- Noble savage. Walk in a workhouse. Miss Evans and the eagle. ish: Mistaken milliner: a tale Beadle, The. NOVELS and tales reprinted from of ambition. Broker's man. Household words. Leip. 1856-9. New Year. Curate, The. Parlor orator. Election for Beadle. 11 v. sq. 16~...0.........4 6......... 40:1641-51 Prisoners' van. Four sisters, The. Shabby genteel people. Half-pay captain, The. Contents: Thoughts about people. Ladies' societies. Amphlett love-match. Lost Alice. v. 8. Scenes: Old lady. v. 5. Lucky leg. v. 11. Astley's. Our next-door neighbor. Apparition of Monsieur Lyndon hall. v. 7. Criminal courts. Parish engine. Bodry. v. 8. Marie Couitenav. v. 7. Brokers' and marine- Schoolmaster. Balcombe street mystery. Max and his companions. store shops. Tales: v. 8. v. 7. Doctors' commons. Black vail, The. Black and blue. v. 2. Miss Cicely's portrait. v. 11. Early coaches. Blooinsbury christening. Blood of the Sundons. v. 8 Mr. Pearson. v. 8. First of May. Boarding-house. Bond and free. v. 2. Mrs. Badgery. v. 6. Gin-shops. Drunkard's death. Boscobel. v. 8. My blind sister. v. 2. Greenwich fair. Great Winglebury duel. Brave coucon driver. v. 6. My brother Robert. v. 3. Hackney-coach stands. Horatio Sparkins. Canon's clock. v. 10. My country town. v. 1. Last cab driver, and the Mr. Minns and his cousin. Chetwyndes. v. 11. My lady Ludlow. v. 9. first omnibus cad. Mrs. Joseph Porter. Clergyman's wife. v. 11. My little ward. v. 2. London recreations. Pantomime of life. Day of reckoning. v. 3. My lost home. v. 7. Meditations in Monmouth Passage in the life of Mr. Dead secret, by W. Col- My two partners. v. 11. street. Watkins Tottle. lins. v. 4-5. Nemesis. v. 1. Omnibuses. Public lile of Mr. Tulrum- Devil's mark. v. 8. New mind. v. 11. Parliamentary sketch. ble. Diary of Anne Rodway. Ninth of June. v. 2. Pawnbroker's shop. Sentiment. v. 2. Number 5, klanbury terrace. Private theatres. Steam excursion, The. Dick Dallington. v. 2. v. 7. Public dinners. Tuggs' at Ramsgate. Dishonoured. v. 11. Old Saint Ann's gateway. River, The. Eleanor Clare's journal v. 7. The same. Phil. n. d. 80......... 37: 540 for ten years. v.6. On'change in Paris. v. 2. The same. Phil. d. 120 37: 541 End of Fordyce brothers. Ordeal, An. v. I. llv. 8. Our family picture. v. 6. The same. Leip. 1843. sq. 160... 37: 542 Eric Walderthorn. v. 2. Patagonian brothers. v. 7. The same. v. 1. With Old curiosity Famine abroad. v. 7. Perils of certain English Fleur de Lys. v. 11 prisoners, &c. v. 7. shOp........................................ 37:. 515 Forbidden fruit. v. 3 Poisoned meal. v. 10. The same.................................... 37: 517 Frenchman of two wives. Poor Clare. v. 3. The same. v. 29 With Barnabyv. 3. Princess royal. v. 9. From first to last. v. 1t. Rev. Alfred Hoblush's stateRudge.................................... 37: 435 Gipsy king. v. 11. ment v. 9. SOMEBODY'S luggage. JWith Master Gringe family. v. 11. Rogues life. v. 1. Humphrey's clock....................... 37: 497 Ground and lofty tumb- Romantic breach of prom-.................... ling. v. 11. ise. v. 6. The same. With Uncom. Trav..... 37: 552'Gude conceit o'oursels'. Salome and I. v. 2. The same................................... 37: 543 v. 8. Saving little: wasting The same. Leip. 1867. sq. 160... 37: 544 Heir of Hardington. v. 10. much. v. 11. Her face. v. 10. Shadowless men. v 8. TALE of two cities. N. Y. 1871. 120. 37: 545 Her first appearance. v. Sin ot a father. v. 10. The same. Phil. n. d. 120......... 37: 547 11. Six giants of Lehon. v. 8. The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. History of a miracle. v. 8. Smallchange family. v. 11. Home again! v. 11. Tale of an old man's youth. sq. 16.................................... 37: 548 House to let. v. 10. v. 8. The same, and Hard times. N. Y. Jerrold, Douglass. v. 1. Tried friendship. v. 10. 1868. 120 37: 546 Kester's evil eye. v. 3. Truth in irons. v. 9. *.UN.c.OMMERCIAL traveller. N...... ~Y ~.Lazy tour of two idle ap- Two college friends. v. 1. UNCOMMERCIAL traveller. N. Y. prentices. v. 6. Two in a legion. v. 7. 1869. 12................................. 37. 551 Left and never called for. Well authenticated rapThe same. With Hunted down..... 37: 480 L l gs Mr. Surleigh co. 8 The same, and Additional Christ- Legend of my native What Mr. Burleigh could The same, and. Additional Christ- town. v. 7. not see. v. 9. mas stories. Bost. 1869. 160.. 37: 552 Lina Fernie. v. 10. Wreck of the Golden Mary. The same, and Edwin Drood. N. Little Constancy's birth- v. 3. Y. 1871. 120.........4 9.........5 day. v. 8. Years and years ago. v. 8.. 1871. 12........................ 37: 549 Little Huguenot. v.7. and COLLINS, (William) Wilkie.L. Hugen. No thoroughfare........................... 37: 512 Dickens, elen. No thoroughfare, and Late Miss Hol-MILL wheel, The. Lond 1874. lingford. Leip. 1868. sq. 160..... 37: 513 3 v. sm. 80.............................. 37: 601-3 and JAMES, Thos. P. WILD Wbod. Lond. 1872. 3 v. MYSTERY of Edwin Drood. Brattle-s 8037o 04 boro Vt. 1873. 80...................... 37: 553 sm. 8....................................... 37: 604-6 boro, t. 1873. 37: T Dickinson, Anna E. LAMPLIGHTER'S story; Hunted down; WHAT answer? Bost. 1869. 16~.... 37: 616 The detective police; and other Dickory Cronke. D.DEFOE. In N. nouvelletes. Phil. n.d............... 37: 481 and mis. works, v. 2..................... 34: 1018 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DIEKENGA. 57 DR. Diekenga, I. E.(Don) and ASHWORTH, Disraeli, (continued.)T. M. (Ouno). The same. With Alroy.............. 37: 658 ToM Chips. By DON and OUNO. The same................................... 37: 659 Phil. 1871. 12~........................ 37: 626 SYBIL; or, the two nations. Leip. Digby Grand. G. J. WHYTE-MEL- 1845. sq. 16............................. 37: 675 VILLE....................................... 40: 428 The same................................... 37: 673 Digging for gold; or, adventures in The same. With Alroy.............. 37: 658 California. R. M. BALLANTYNE. SYBIL and Alroy. Lond. 1868. 160~. 37: 674 In Tales of adventure, v. 2............ 35: 1484 TANCRED; or, the new crusade. Leip. Dikes and ditches. W. T. ADAMS. 1847. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16.............. 37: 677 ( Oliver Optic).......................... 35: 242 The same. N.Y. n. d.80......... 37: 676 Dilemma, The. Col. George CHESNEY. 35: 4203 VENETIA. N. Y. n. d. 80........... 37: 678 Dilemma of Phadrig. G. GRIFFIN... 37: 3607 The same. Leip. 1858. 2 v. in 1. Dimitri Roudine: a novel. I. (S.) sq. 160.................................... 37: 680 TURG6NIEFF............................. 39: 3371 VENETIA; and Contarini Fleming. Dinah. M. A. MOORE.................... 38: 3100 Lond. n. d. 8........................ 37: 679 Dingelstedt, Franz. VIVIAN Grey. N. Y. n. d. 8~...... 37: 681 AMAZON, The. (Die Amazone.) Tr. The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. by J. M. Hart. N. Y. 1868. 12~. 37: 636 in 1. sq. 160........................... 37: 682 The same. Edinb. 1869. sm. 8~. 37: 637 The same. With ixion............... 37: 669 Dion and the Sibyls. M. G. KEON..... 38: 831 YOUNG duke, The. N. Y. n. d. 80. 37: 683 Disappointed ambition; or, wedded YOUNG duke, The; and Contarini and single. A. M. STEWART........ 39: 2276 Fleming. n. t. p. 8~................. 37: 684 Disasters of Johnny Armstrong, The. The same. Lond. 1868. 160...... 37: 685 A. CAMPBELL. In W. T. B., v. 1. 40: 1711 Dissertation upon roast pig. A. C. Discarded daughter. E. D. E. N. LAMB. In L. C. v. 5................. 40: 1615 SOUTHWORTH............................. 39: 2012 Dissolved pledge, The. 0. RICHARDDiscarded wife, The; or, will she SON. In W. T. B., v. 10............... 40: 1720 succeed? E. A. DUPUY............. 37: 1065 Distant cousins. Bost. 1872. 16~... 40: 2124 Discipline of life. E. PONSONBY...... 38: 4592 Ditton. T. (E.) HOOK. In Precepts Discontented pendulum. J. TAYLOR. and practice. v. 3...................... 37: 4647 In Pleasures of taste.................... 39: 2791 Di Vasari: a tale of Florence. C. E. Dishonoured. In N. and T., v. 11... 40: 1651 EDWARDS. T. f. B. v. 8......... 40: 1696 Disosway, E. T. Diver, The; and the bell. Surgeon's SOUTH Meadows: a tale of long ago. tales. A. LEIGHTON. W. T. B. Phil. 1874. 120........................ 37: 647 v. 2.......................................... 40: 1712 Disowned, The. E. G. E. L. BULWER- Diver of Oman, The. G. P. R. JAMES. LYTTON.................................... 35: 3106 In String of pearls..................... 38: 219 The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 35: 3107 Divining rod, The. J. HALL. In Dispensation. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. Legends of the west.................... 37: 3870 In Lights and shadows, v. 3.......... 37: 3884 Divinity student, The. D. M. MOIR. Disponent, The. In Livonian tales. 40: 2307 In W. T. B. v. 3....................... 40: 1713 Disputed inheritance, The. A. (D.) Dixon, Granby. DUMAS. Same as The' marriage OAKSHOTT castle; being the memoir verdict..................................... 37: 978 of an eccentric nobleman. Edited Disraeli, Benjamin. (b. 1805.) by Henry Kingsley. Lond. 1873. ALROY. N. Y. n.d. 80............... 37: 657 3 v. sm. 80................................ 37: 701-3 The same. Leip. 1846. sq. 16~. 37: 659 Dixon, William Hepworth. (b. 1821.) The same. With Sybil................ 37: 674 SPIRITUAL wives. Leip. 1868. 2 v. ALROY; and Sybil. Lond n. d. in 1. sq. 16.............................. 37: 710 sm. 8~....................................... 37: 658 Doctor Antonio: a tale of Italy. G. CONINGSBY; or, the new generation. RUFFINI.................................... 39: 711 N.Y. n.d. 80......................... 37: 660 The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 712 The same. Leip. 1844. sq. 160... 37: 662 Doctor Austin's guests. W. GILBERT. The same. With Young duke...... 37: 661 2 v........................................... 37: 2986-7 CONTARINI Fleming. N. Y. n. d. Contents: go........................................37: 663 Amour m6decin, L'. Mr. Gurdon's plight. v. 1. 80 ~ ~~~....................v. 1. Old maid. v2. The same. Leip. 1846. sq. 160... 37: 664 Banquo's ghost. v, 2. Patent mania, The. v 1. The same. -With Venetia........... 37: 679 Imprisoned demon, The. Scientific evening, A. v. 2. The same. With Young duke......37: 684 v. 2. Singular love story, A. v. i. The same.................................. 37: 685 The same...................................... 37: 2985 HENRIETTA Temple. N.Y. n.d. 8~0. 37: 665 Doctor Basilius. A. (D.) DUMAS...... 37: 1022 Thesame. Leip. 1859.' sq. 160... 37: 666 Doctor Dean's governess. J. INGELOW. INFERNAL marriage, The. With In Studies for stories................... 38: 34 Ixion................................... 37: 668 Doctor Faustus. THOMS' E. E. R. The same................................ 37: 669 v. 3...................................... 33: 4022 IXION in heaven, n. t. p. 80..... 37: 668 Doctor J. Faust, History of that reIXION; and Vivian Grey. Lond. nowned arch sorcerer. R.. N. 1868. 160.3^7: 669 nowned arch sorcerer. R. G. N. 1868. 16~................................. 37: 669 v. 1.......................................... 40: 1560 LOTHAIR. N. Y. 1870. 12..........37: 671 Dr. Goethe's courtship: a tale of doThe same. Leip. 2 v. in 1. sq. The same. eip. 2 v. in 1. sq.Dr. Goethe's courtship: a tale of do16037:. 672 mestic life from the German [of POPANILLA. With Ixion....:..::::;::::. 37: 668 Otto MUiLLER, by V. S.]............... 38: 3217 The same......................... 37: 669 Dr. Howell's family. H. B. GOODWIN. 37: 3149 RISE of Iskander, The. In L. C. Dr. Huger's intentions. L. C. MOULv. 6.......................................40: 1616 TON. In Stories and sketches........ 40: 1681 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DOCTOR. 58 DON. Doctor Jacob. M. BETHAM-ED- Doesticks, Q. K. Philander. (pseud.) WARDS...................................... 35: 2061 See THOMSON, M. Doctor Johns. D. G. MITCHELL. Doesticks' letters. M. THOMSON. (Ik Marvel.) 2 v........................ 38:3011-12 (Doesticks)................................ 33: 4024 Dr. Marigold's prescriptions. C. (J. Dog Crusoe: a tale of the prairies. H.) DICKENS. With Master R. M. BALLANTYNE.................... 35: 1456 Humphrey's clock...................... 37: 497 Dog fiend, The; or Snarleyyow. Capt. The same. With Uncommercial F. MARRYAT.............................. 38: 2573 traveller................................... 37: 552 The same...................................... 38: 2572 The same. In Treasure-trove series. Dog of Flanders, A; and other stories. v. 3.......................................... 40: 1703 L. de la RAME. (Ouida.)............ 39: 45 The same, and Mugby junction........ 37: 464 Contents: Doctor Middleton's daughter. W. Branch of lilac, A. Leaf in the storm, A. THOMSON-G~REOGG. 3 v................ 37:3479-81 _Dog of Flanders, A. Provence rose, A. Doctor Oldham at Greystones, and his Dog of Flanders, A. L. de 1a RAME. talk there. N. Y. 1860. 12...... 40: 2127 In La C v. H.40 1620 Doctor Onofrio. W. GILBERT. In Dogs and cats. H. (E.) B. STOWE. Wizard of the mountain. v. 1.....37: 2995 n Queer little people........ 39: 233 Doctor Ox's experiment; and other Doing and dreaming. s. I.. MAYo. (E. Garrett.).................. 38: 2809 stories. J. VERNE. Tr. by George. T. TROWBRIDGE 38 2809 M.Towle.................................. 39 3684 (Paul Creyton.).......................... 39: 3315 Ascents of Mont Blanc. Master Zacharius. Doings in Maryland. M. DOUGLASS. Doctor Ox's experiment. Winter in the ice. [anon.]...................................... 37: 830 Drama in the air, A. Doll world; or, play and earnest. Mrs. The same.................................... 39: 3685 R. O'REILLY.............................. 38: 3908 Dr. Plassid's patients. U. LOCKE...... 38: 1836 Dollars and cents. A. WARNER...... 40: 165 Dr. Thorne. A. TROLLOPE................ 39: 3166 Dolliver, Clara G. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1 39: 3167 No baby in the house, and other Doctor Vandyke, a novel. J. E. stories. N. Y. 1870. 160........... 37: 749 COOKE...................................... 35: 4701 Cbntents: Dr. Wainwright's patient. E. YATES. Brown noses, The. Johnny Checkup. 2 v. in 1.................................... 40: 1206 Bundle of twigs, The. -No baby in the house. t.o h.....t............... e....... sChee. Old man in the ground, The. Doctor's daughter, The. R. S. Cross Christie. Over my tea-cup. CLARKE. (Sophie May.).............. 35: 4346 Dead bird, The. Princess Ethel, The. Doctor's dilemma, The; a novel. H. Doctor's frog, Tl'he. Talking to himself. SMITH...39: 1845 First boots, The. Toy balloon, The. SMITH...............I......... 39: 1845 "I can wait." Two Carlos. Doctor's family, The. D. M. CRAIK. Jennie. White roses, The. (formerly Miss Mulock.) In Do- Dolly and I. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver mestic stories............................ 35: 4914 Optic.)....................................... 35: 243 Doctor's story, The. J. M. WILSON. Dolores. Mrs. FORRESTER.............. 37: 2360 n W. T. B. v. 6........................ 40: 1716 Dombey and son. C. (J. H.) DICKDoctor's wife, The. M. E. BRADDON. ENS. 2 v.................................. 37: 465-6 2 v. in I.................................... 35: 2531 The sam e................................... 37: 467 Doctors, A book about. J. C. JEAF- The same...................................... 37: 468 FRESON. 2 v. in 1....................... 33: 2305 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v........ 37: 469-71 Doctors and patients; or, anecdotes The same. 3 v. in 2....................... 37: 472-3 of the medical world. J. TIMBS. Domestic goblin Hutchen, The. 2 v....................................... 33: 4071-2 GRIMM. In R. G.N. v. 2.......... 40: 1561 Doctors' commons. C. (J. H.) DICK- Domestic griefs of Gustavus M'lIver, ENS. In Sketches....................... 37: 539 The. Alex. LEIGHTON. In W. T. The sam e.....:................................ 37: 540 B. v. 10................................... 40: 1720 The same................................. 37: 541 Domestic stories. D. M. CRAIK. The same. With Old curiosity shop. 37: 515 (formerly Miss Mulock.)............... 35: 4914 The same...................................... 37: 517 Dodd family abroad. The. C. LEVER. 38: 1595 Domestic tragedy.''Mrs. C. V. HAMThe same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v..........38: 1596-8 ILTON. In Ropes of sand37: 3923 The same. 3 v. in 2.......................38:1599-1600ANN. Tr. by Dodge, Mary Abigail. (Gail Hamil Mis H Schively................. 37: 4487 ton.) (b. 1838.) Dominie and the souter. (The domRED-LETTER days in Applethorpe. inie's courtship. The souter's wedBost. 1867. 16..................... 37: 720 ding.) J. M. WILSON. In W.T. Dodge, Mary E. B. v. 7.................................... 40: 1717 HANS Brinker; or, the silver skates. Dominie of St. Fillan's, The. A. N.Y. 1876. 120....................... 37: 728 LEIGHTON. In W. T.B. v. 10... 40: 1720 Dodge, Mary Mapes. Dominie's class, The. J. M. WILSON. INSANITY of Cain, The. In Treasure- In W. T. B. v. 6........................ 40: 1716 trove series. v. 1........................ 40: 1701 Domitia. Mrs. R. S. GREENOUGH. Dodge club, The;, or, Italy in In Arabesques............................. 33: 1705 MDCCCLIX. J. DEMILLE........ 37: 273 Don Bucefalo. W. Gilbert. In WizDodgson, Charles Lutwidge (Lewis ard of the mountain. v. 2........... 37: 2996 Carroll). Don Quixote of La Mancha. M. de ALICE'S adventures in wonderland. CERVANTES SAAVEDRA. 4 V........ 35: 3973-6 Lond. 1872. smn. 8~.............. 37: 738 The same..................................... 35: 3977 THROUGH the looking-glass and what The same. Illust. by Dor6.............. _A Alice found there. Bost. 1872. 16~ 37: 739 WIT and wisdom of..................... 33: 1121 PROSE FICTION; ENGLISH. DON. 59 DRAMA. Don Sebastian; or, the house of Bra- Double wedding, The. C. A. WARganza. A. M. PORTER. 4 v........ 38: 4644-7 FIELD....................................... 40: 140 Donagh, The; or, the horse stealers. Double-bedded room, The. W. W. CARLETON. In Traits and sto- LOGAN. In W. T. B., v. 3............ 40: 1713 ries. v. 1.................................. 35: 3841 Doubly false. A.S. STEPHENS......... 39: 2205 The same..........3.......................... 35: 3840 Doubt. F. C. FISHER. (Christian Donald Deane and his cross. W. J. Reid). In Ebb-tide................ 37: 2197 BRADLEY. (Glance Gaylord)........ 35: 2632 Doubts and fears. T. (E.) HOOK. In. Donald Gorm. A. CAMPBELL. In Sayings and doings, v. 2............... 37: 4649 W. T. B. v. 1........................... 40: 1711 Dougherty. M.A.T. With A winged Donaldson, J. D. word........................................ 39: 2702 SERGEANT Atkins. A tale of advent- Douglas, Amanda M. ure founded on fact. Phil. 1871. HOME nook; or, the crown of duty. 120.......................................... 37: 759 N. Y. 1875. 120....................... 37: 808 Donelan, A. M. IN the ranks. Bost. 1872. 16~0...... 37: 809 Sowing and reaping: a tale of Irish IN trust; or, Dr. Bertrand's household. life. Lond. 1868. 2 v. sm. 80... 37: 769-70 N. Y. 1874. 120....................... 37: 810 VALUE of Fosterstown: a tale of KATHIE'S aunt Ruth. Bost. 1871. Irish life. Lend. 1871. 2 v. sm. 16.......................................... 3-7: 811 80............................................ 37: 771-2 KATHIE'S harvest days. Bost. 1872. Donkeyshire militia, The. L. de la 160....................................... 37: 812 RAME. (Ouida.) With Randolph KATHIE'S soldiers. Bost. 1872. 160~. 37: 813 Gordon.................................... 39: 56 KATHIE'S summer at Cedarwood. Doom of the Griffiths, The. E. C. Bost. 1861. 160~........................ 37: 814 GASKELL. With Lois, the witch... 37: 2866 KATHIE'S three wishes. Bost.. 1871. Doom of Soulis, The. J. M. WILSON. 160........................................ 37: 815 In W. T. B., v. 4....................... 40: 1714 LUCIA: her problem. N. Y. 1872. Doomed chief, The; or, two hundred 120.......................................... 37: 816 years ago. D. P. THOMPSON......... 39: 2971 OLD woman who lived in a shoe, The. Doomed house, The. B. S. INGEMANN. Bost. 1875. 160........................ 37: 817 In Danes sketched by themselves, SEVEN daughters. Bost. 1874. 160~. 37: 818 v. 1.......................................... 40: 1530 STEPHEN Dane. Bost. 1867. 12~... 37: 819 Dora. J. KAVANAGH..................... 38: 669 SYDNIE Adriance; or, trying the The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 38: 670 world. Bost. 1869. 12............. 37: 820 Dora Deane. M. J. HOLMES............ 37: 4566 THERE'S no place like home. Bost. Dorcas club, The; or, our girls afloat. 1875. 120................................. 37: 822 W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic)......35: 244 WITH fate against him. N. Y. 1870. Dorothy: a tale. Leip. 1857. sq. 120.......................................... 37: 821 160.......................................... 40: 2129 Douglas, Matilda. Dorothy Fox. L. PARR.................. 38: 4231 DOINGS in Maryland. Phil. 1871. Dorr, Mrs. Julia C. R. 120.......................................... 37: 830 EXPIATION. Phil. 1873. 120........37: 782 Douglas, (Lady Morton.) In T. F. SIBYL Huntington........................ 37: 783 H., v. 1..................... 40: 2658 Dorsey, Mrs. Anna H. Douglas tragedy, The. T. GILLESPIE. Gleanings from the covenant. In COAINA, the rose of the Algonquins. Gleanings from the covenant. In W.N. 7 Y.0. 1867. 13 793..W. T. B., v....................... 40: 1718 N. Y. 1867. 120....................... 37' 793................ FLEMMINGS, The: a true story. The Douglass farm. M. E. BRADLEY 3: 2616 Notre Dame series of Cath. nov.Dove in the eagle's nest. C. M. N YONGE....................................... 40: 1273 N. Y. 1869. 120......................37: 794 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 1274 NORA Brady's vow; and Mona, the Dow Jr (pseud.) See PAIGE, E vestal. Phil.1869. 120.D 37: 795 J rw. (pseud.) See PAIGE, E. F. vestal. Phil. 1869. 120............ 37' 795 OLD gray rosary, The. "Rgefuoe of Dower house, The: a story. Mrs. P. sinners." The Notre Dame series CUDLIP. (formerly Annie Thomas.) 3 796 ^^ ^^ ^^. 35: 5092-4 of Cath. nov. N.Y. n. d. 120... 37: 796.GRWL ORIENTAL pearl; or, the Catholic em- Down by the sea. H T RISWOLD igrants. Bait. 1873. 160........... 37: 797and ketches. Down in a saloon. Mrs. M. S. WALKER. 40: 39 STUDENT of Blenheim forest; or the Tennessee. J.. GILMORE. traso ovr.Bl 16.Down in Tennessee. J. R. GILMORE. trials of a convert. Belt. 1867. 120.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 37: 798 ((Edmund Kirke.).37: 3034 Dotty Dimple stories.. S. CLARKE. Down the Rhine. W. T. ADAMS. D otty Dimple stories. R. S. CLARKE.(Oliver Optic.).......................... 35: 245 (S'ophie May). Down the river. W. T. ADAMS. Contents: (Oliver Optic.)..................... 35: 246 v. 1. Dotty Dimple at her grandmother's. 35:4347 Down with the tide. C. (J. H.) 2. Dotty Dimple at home. 35:4348 C (' 3. Dotty Dimple out west. 35:4351 DICKENS. In Hard times............ 37: 477 4. Dotty Dimple af play. 35:4349 The same. In Hunted down........... 37: 479 5. Dotty DL)imple at school. 35:4350 6. Dotty Dimple's flyaway. 35:4352 The same. In Lamplighter's story... 37: 481 Double house. D. M. CRAIK. (for- The same. In Tale of two cities...... 37: 546 merly Miss Mulock). With Bread Downing, Mrs. Fanny M. (Viola.) upon the waters....;....................35: 4911 NAMELESS: a novel. Raleigh. 1866. 12p.................... 37: 840 Double marriage. C. M. BRAME. In Downing, Major Jack. ('pseud.) See Tales from the diary of a sister of 12.. 7 84ba. mercy......................................35: 2673 Downward and upward. L. BATES. 35: 1712 Double play. W. EVERETT.............37: 1771 Drama in the air, A. J. VERNE. Double story, A. G. MACDONALD.... 38: 2164 In Dr. Ox's experiment............... 39: 3684 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DRAMA. 60 DUDEVANT. Drama, (continued.)- Drunkard's death, The. C. (J. H.) The same.................................... 39: 3685 DICKENS. With Barnaby Rudge... 37: 435 Dramatic Grub street, explored in The same. In Sketches.................. 37: 539 two letters. (W.) W. COLLINS.Thesame.. 37: 540 In The queen's revenge............... 35: 4581 The same..........37 5......... 37. 541 Dramatic scenes, founded on V. Hu- The same.................................. 37: 542 go's Tragedy of Hernani. Lord F. L. GOWER. In Club-book....... 40: 1520 Drury, Anna Harriet. Drwn a badgr.HER. InClubboo2 EASTBURY. A tale. N.Y. 1856. 120 37: 872 Drawing a badger. H. SPICER. In MISREPRESENTATION. A novel. N. Bound to please. v. 2................39: 2096 Y. 1868. 80.37: 873 Drawn from life. Sketches of young NORMANSThe r ladies, young gentlemen, and young NORMANSd. The; or, kith and kin. couples. C. (J. H.) DICKENS........ 33: 1323 2 v sm 80 3 8-5 STORY of a shower, The. A novel. Drawn from life. A. FORBES. 3 v... 37:2312-14 STORYOf ashower1 The. A novel Drayton. A story of American life. N. Y. 1851. 120....................... 40: 2130 Dubois, Charles. Drayton hall; or, Lawrence Bron- MADAME Agnes. Tr. by M. P. T. son's victory, and other tales illus- N.Y. 1874. 80........................ 37: 886 trating the beatitudes. By the DuBoys, J. author of Nettie's mission. Lond. COUNTESS of Monte-Cristo. Phil. 1871. sm. 8............................. 40: 2131 n. d. 80.................................... 37: 896 Content.: Duchess of Trajetto. A. MANNING.. 38: 2465 Lawrence Bronson's victory. Frank Austin's diamond. Dudevant, Madame Amatine Lucile Christy's grandson Eagle crag., Allan Haywood. True to his flag. Aurore Dupin. (George Sand.) Draytons and the Davenants, The. (1804-1876.) lirs. E. R. CHARLES................... 35: 4075 ANTONIA. (Tr. of Antonia.) Bost. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 35: 4076 1870. 12................................. 37: 900 Dreadful ghost, A. D. M. CRAIK. CESARINE Dietrich. (Cesarine Diet(formerly Miss Mulock.) In Un- rich.) Tr. by E. Stanwood. Bost. kind word................................. 35: 4943 1871. 80................................... 37: 901 The same...................................... 35: 4944 CONSUELO. (Consuelo.) Tr. by FayDreadful story of Macpherson. J. ette Robinson. Phil. 1870. 120~. 37: 903 HOGG. (Ettrick Shepherd.) In The same. Phil. 1861. 80......... 37: 902 Winter evening tales. v. 1.......... 37: 4521 CORSAIR, The................................ 37: 904 Dream, The. A. CAMPBELL. In W. COUNTESS of Rudolstadt, The. (Tr. T. B., v.7................................. 40: 1717 of La comtesse de Rudolstadt.) SeDream children, The. C. LAMB. In quel to Consuelo.......................... 37: 905 L. C., v. 4................................. 40: 1614 FANCHON; the cricket. (Tr. of La Dream life. D. G. MITCHELL. (Ik petite Fadette.) Phil. n. d. 120... 37: 906 Marvel.)....................................33: 3021 HANDSOME Lawrence. (Le beau Dream numbers. T. A. TROLLOPE.... 39: 3253 Lawrence.) A sequel to A rolling Dream of a broken heart, The. In stone. Tr. by Carroll Owen. Bost. W. S. C. L., v. 5......................... *15: 4915 1871. 80................................... 37: 908 The same................................... 34: 4175 INDIANA, a love story. (Tr. of IndiDreamland by daylight. C. CHESE- ana.) Phil. n. d. 120............... 37: 909 BRO'........................................ 35: 4192 JEALOUSY. Phil. n. d. 120~. Same Dreamthorp. A. SMITH. In L. C., as Teverino................................ 37: 910 v. 4......................................... 40: 1614 JOURNEYMAN joiner, The; or, the Dred; or, Nina Gordon. H. (E.) B. companion of the tour of France. STOWE....................................... 39: 2324 (Le compagnon du tour de France). The same. 2 v.............................. 39: 2322-3 Tr. by Francis Geo. Shaw. N. Y. Drewry, Edith Stewart. 1847. 12................................. 37: 911 BAPTIZED with a curse. Lond. 1870. LAST Aldini, The. (Tr. of La der3 v. sam. 80............................. 37: 850-2 niere Aldini)............................... 37: 912 Drifted and sifted: a domestic chron- M'LLE Merquem. (Tr. of Mademoiicle of the seventeenth century. selle Merquem). N. Y. 1868. 120. 37: 913 By the author of Until shadowsMARQUIS de Villemer. (Le Marquis flee away................................... 40: 2132 de Villemer). Tr. by R. Keeler. Bost. 1871. 80......................... 37: 914 Drifting and steering. L. PALMER... 38: 4122 MAUPRAT. A novel. (Maupra). Drifting goodward. M. J. LAMB...... 38: 1302 Tr. by Virginia Vaughan. Bost. Drinkers of ashes. Mrs. C. V. HAM- 1870. 160............................ 37: 915 ILTON. In Ropes of sand............ 37: 3923 MILLER of Angibault. (Le meunier Driven from the path. A novel. Dr. d Angibault). Tr. by Mary E. Charles SMART, ed...................... 39: 1761 Dewey. Bost. 1871. 120........... 37: 916 Driven to sea; adventures of Norrie MONSIEUR Antoine. (Tr. of La pech Seton. G. CUPPLES.................. 35: 5162 de Monsieur Antoine). Phil. n. d. 8 G..................... 32....................... 37: 917 Droich, The. A. LEIGHTON. In W.8..37 917 Tr B v 440: 171 MONSIEUR Sylvestre. (Tr. of MonT. B. v. 4................................. 40: 1714 sieur Sylvestre). Boast. 1870. 160. 37: 918 Dropped from the clouds. J. VERNE. MY sister Jeannie, a novel. (Jeanne). Same as Wrecked in the air.......... 39: 3686 Tr by S.. Crocker Bst 1874. Droz, Gustave.I1o......................................... 37' 919 AROUND a spring. N.Y. 1873. 16~ 37: 860 ROLLING stone, A. (Tr. of Pierre qui BABOLAIN. A novel. N. Y. 1873. roule). Boat. 1871. 8~. For se16~0..........................................37: 861 quel see Handsome Lawrence.......37: 920 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DUDEVANT. 61 DUMAS. Dudevant, (continued.)- Dumas, A. (D.), (continued.)SIMON. A love story. (Tr. of Simon). CONVERT of St. Paul; or, Act6 of Phil. n. d. 8~.......................... 37: 921 Corinth. Cin. n. d. 8............. 37: 960 SNOW man, The. (L'homme de neige). CORSICAN brothers, The. (Tr. of Les Tr. by Virginia Vaughan. Bost. freres Corses). Phil. 1866. 8~.... 37: 972 1871. 120................................ 37: 922 COUNT of Monte-Cristo. (Tr. of TEVERINO. (Tr. of Teverino). N. Le comte de Montecristo). Phil. Y. 1855. 12........................... 37: 923 n. d. 8~.................................... 37: 973 Dudley Carlyon. M. E. BRADDON..... 35: 2532 The same. Lond. n. d. 2 v. in l. Dudley castle. M. M. SHERWOOD. 16 Dudley castle. M. M. SHERWOOD. 16~.......................................... 37: 1021 In Works. v. 13........................ 39: 1648 COUNT of Moret; or, Richelieu and n v - 1his rivals. Phil. n. d. 8.......... 37: 974 Duellists, The. In T. f. B. v.1...40: 1697 COUNTESS de Charny. (Tr. of part Duke and cousin, The. Mrs. E. C. of La Comtesse de Charny, from v. 1, GREY..................................... 37: 3496, to v.4,ch.22 inc. ed Levy ch. I, to v. 4, ch. 22 inc., ed L~vy Duke of Monmouth. G. GRIFFIN...... 37: 3556 in 6 v.) Phil. n. d. 80.............. 37: 975 Duke's dilemma, The: a chronicle of The same. Lond. n. d. 16~. With Neisenstein. In T. f. B., v. 4........ 40: 1694 The queen's necklace................ 37: 1025 Duke's honour, The. E. WILBER- COUNTESS of Salisbury.................. 37: 976 FORCE. 3 v............................... 40: 485-7 DIANA of Meridor; or, the lady of Dulcken, H. W. Monsoreau. (Tr. of La dame de HAPPY-DAY stories for the young. Monsoreau). Phil. 1873. 8....... 37: 977 Lond. 1875. 4~........................*A. DISPUTED inheritance, The. AberDumas, Alexandre. (fils). deen. 1847. 12~. Same as MarCAMILLE; or, the fate of a coquette. riage verdict.............................. 37: 978 (Tr. of La dame aux Camelias). DOCTOR Basilius. Lond. n. d. 16~. 37: 1022 Phil. 1860. 12........................ 37: 950 EDMOND Dantes; sequel to the Count Dumas, Alexandre (Davy). (1802- of Monte-Cristo. (?) Phil. n. d. 1870). 8............................................ 3 7: 979 AcTe of Corinth; or, the convert of EMMANUEL-PHILIBERT. (Tr. of Le St. Paul. (Tr. of Acte). Cin. n. page du Duc de Savoie). N. Y. 1854. d. 8....................................... 37: 960 16~.......................... 37: 980 ADVENTURES of a Marquis: a novel. FALLEN ANGEL, The. (Tr. of FerPhil. 1864. 8~.......................... 37: 961 nande). Phil. 1865. 8............. 37: 981 AMAURY. (Amaury). Tr. by E. P. FELINA de Chambure. Phil. n. d. 8~. 37: 982 N. Y. 1871. 8........................ 37: 962 FORESTERS, The. (Tr. of Catherine ANDRaE de Taverney. (Tr. of part of Blum). N. Y. 1854. 12........... 37: 984 La Comtesse de Charny. From v. 4, FORTY-FIVE guardsmen, The. (Tr. ch. 23, ed. L6vy in 6 v., to end of of Les Quarante-cinq). Phil. n. d. v. 6.) Phil. n.d. 8.................. 37: 963 8............................................. 37: 985 AScANIo; or, the sculptor's appren- GEORGE; or, the planter of the Isle tices: an historical romance of the of France. (Tr. of Georges) Phil. sixteenth century. (Ascanio). Tr. n. d. 8~....................... 37: 986 by Eugene Lies and Eugene Plun- HALF brothers, The; or, the head and kett. N.Y. 1871. 8............... 37: 964 the hand. Tr. by L. Lawford. The same. Lond. n. d. 16...... 37: 1020 Lond. 1858. 16~. Same as The BEAU Tancrede. Same as The mar- iron hand.................................. 37: 988 riage verdict. HORRORS of Paris, The. (Tr. of part BLACK tulip, The: a novel. (Tr. of of Les Mohicans de Paris, fr. ch. 52 La tulipe noire). Phil. n.d. 8. 37: 965 to ch. 98 inc.) Phil. 1861. 8~... 37: 989 BLANCHE of Beaulieu. (Tr. of IRON hand, The; or, the knight of Blanche de Beaulieu). With The Mauleon. (Tr. of Le batard de twin lieutenants.......................... 37: 1015 Mauleon). Phil. n. d. 8~.......... 37: 991 BRAGELONNE, the son of Athos. (Tr. IRON mask, The. (Tr. of part of Le of part of Le Vicomte de Bragelonne, Vicomte de Bragelonne, from v. 2, ch. from v. 1, ch. 1, to v. 2, ch. 32 inc., 33 to v. 5, ch. 4 inc., ed. Levy in ed. Levy in 6 v.) Phil. n.d. 8~. 37: 966 6 v.) Phil. 1864. 8................ 37: 992 The same. Lond. n.d. 2 v. 16~. 37: 1028-9 ISABEL of Bavaria. (Tr. of Isabel de CHEVALIER d'Harmental; or, love Baviere). Phil. n.d. 8~............ 37: 993 and conspiracy. (Le Chevalier KNIGHT of Mauleon, The. Same as d'Harmental). Tr. by P. F. Christin The iron hand. and Eugene Lies. N. Y. 1872. 8~. 37: 968 LOUISE la Valliere. (Tr. of part of CHEVALIER of Maison-Rouge, The. Le Vicomte de Bragelonne, from v. 5, (Tr. of LeChevalier de Maison-rouge). ch. 5, to end of v. 6.) Phil. n. d. Phil. n. d. 8~.......................... 37: 969 8~............................................. 37: 994 CHICOT, the jester; or, the lady of LOVE and liberty. Phil. 1870. 12~ 37: 995 Monsoreau. Lond. n. d. 16~. MADAME de Chamblay. (Tr. of Same as Diana of Meridor. With Madamede Chamblay). Phil. 1872. A scanio.................................... 37: 1020 8............................................. 37: 996 CONSCRIPT, The: an historical novel MARGUERITE de Valois. (Tr. of La of the days of the first Napoleon. reine Margot). N. Y. n. d. 8~.... 37: 997 (Tr. of Conscience l'innocent). Phil. MARRIAGE verdict, The. (Tr. of 1874. 12~................................ 39: 970 Sylvandzre). Phil. n.d. 8~........ 37: 998 CONSPIRATORS, The; or, the Chevalier MEMOIR of a maitre d'armes. (Tr. d'Harmental. Lond. n. d. 16~. of Le maitre d'armes). In Trav. lWith Doctor Basilius................... 37: 1022 Lib. Fict. v. 2........................... 40: 1692 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. DUMAS. 62 EAGLE. Dumas, A. (D.), (continued.)- Duncan Campbell. J. HOGG. (Ettrick MEMOIRS of a Physician. (Tr. of Shepherd). In Winter evening Memoires d'un Medecin. Joseph Bal- tales. v. 1............................... 37: 4521 samo). Phil. n. d. 8~............... 37: 999 Duncan M' Arthur. A CAMPBELL. The same. Lond. n. d. 2 v. in In W. T. B. v. 4....................... 40: 1714 1. 160................................ 37: 1023 Duncan Schulebred's vision of judgMOHICANS of Paris, The. A novel. ment. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. (Tr. of part of Les Mohicans deB. v. 3.................................... 40: 1713 Paris, chs. 1 to 51 inc.) Phil. Duncan's yarn, Tom. 0. RICHARD1875. 80............................... 37: 1000 SON. InW.T.B. B. v.5............... 40: 1715 NANON: or, woman's war. (Tr. of Dunning, A. K. La guerre des femmes). Lond. n. CONTRADICTIONS. Bost. 1869. 12~. 37: 1050 d. 16~......................................... 37: 1024 Dpuy, MA o Elie A. QUEEN'S necklace, The. (Tr. of Le ALL for love; or, the outlaw's bride. collier de la reine). Phil. n. d. Phil. 1873. 12........................ 37: 1060 2 v. in!. 8~.............................. 37: 1005 CANCELLED will, The. Phil. 1872. The same. Lond. n. d. 160~...... 37: 1025 12~......................................... 37: 1061 REGENT S daughter, The. (LafilLe du CLANDESTINE marriage, The. Phil. regent). Tr. by Charles H. Town. 1875. 120................................. 37: 1062 N.Y. 1840. 1 840. 8~.................. 37: 1007 COUNTRY neighborhood, The. N. Y. ROSA Woodville; or, the jailor's 1855. 80................................... 37: 1063 daughter. N.Y. n. d. 80......... 37: 1030 DETHRONED heiress, The. Phil. 1873. SIx years later. (Tr. of Ange Pitou). 120....................................... 37: 1064 Phil. n. d. 8.......................... 37: 1010 DISCARDED wife, The; or, will she TAKING the Bastile; or, six years succeed? Phil. 1873. 120......... 37: 1065 later. Lond. n. d. 2 v. in 1. 16~. 37: 1026 GIPSY'S warning. Phil. 1873. 12~. 37: 1066 THREE guardsmen, The. (Tr. of HIDDEN sin; a sequel to The dethroned Les trois mousquetaires). Phil. n. heiress. Phil. 1874. 120~.......... 37: 1067 d. 8~....................................... 37: 1013 How he did it. Phil. 1871. 12.... 37: 1068 THREE musketeers, The. Lond. n. HUGUENOT exiles, The; or, the times d. 16o.....................................37: 1027 of Louis XIV: a historical novel. TWENTY years* after. (Tr. of' Vingi N.Y. 1856. 120....................... 37: 1069 ans apres). Phil. n. d. 80......... 37: 1014 MICHAEL Rudolph: the bravest of The same. With The three mus- the brave. Phil. 1870. 12........ 37: 1070 keteers.................................... 37: 1027 MYSTERIOUS guest, The. Phil. 1873. TWIN lieutenants, The; or the sol- 12.......................................... 37: 1071 dier's bride. (Tr. of Le capitaineNEW way to win a fortune. Phil. Richard). Phil. n.d. 8........... 37 1015 1875d.120................................. 37: 1075 Two Dianas, The. (Tr. of Les deuxPLANTER'S daughter, The. Phil. ToDiane). Lond. n(T. f16~. Width1858. 12~................................. 37: 1072 Nanon......................................37: 1024 WHO shall be victor? Phil. 1872. VICoMTE de Bragelonne; or, ten 120. Sequel to The cancelled will. 37: 1073 years later. Lond. n. d. 2 v. 16~. 37: 1028-9 WHYdidhemarryher? Phil. n.d. WAR of women, The. Same as 120.......................................... 37: 1074 Nanon.................................Dura Den; or, second thoughts are best. T. GILLESPIE. Professor's tales. E W. T. B., v. 5............................. 40: 1715 1. Memoirs of a physician. Durnton abbey. T. A. TROLLOPE..... 39: 3254 2. The queen's necklace. Dutchman's fireside. J. K. PAUL3. Six years later. DING..38: 4253 4. The Countess de Charny Dying sheep, The........ TONNA. 5. Andr6e de Taverney.Dying sheep, The. E. T A. 6. The chevalier of Maison-Rouge. (Charlotte Elizabeth). In Philip II. and his garden........................... 39: 3068 1. The three guardsmen. Dynevor terrace. C. M.YONGE........ 40: 1277 2. Twenty years after. The same. 2 v.............................. 40: 1275-6 3. Bragelonne, the son of Athos. 4. The iron mask. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 1278 5. Louise la Valliere. III. 1. Diana of Meridor. Es 2. Marguerite de Valois. 3. The forty-five guardsmen. E —, E. V. IV. OLIVIA'S lovers. Lond. 1873. 3 v. 1. The Mohicans of Paris................................. 37:1410-12 2. The horrors of Paris.,.. Note. Chapters 99 to 151 of Les Mohicans- E —FR, H. S. de Paris are not included in the above FAIRLY won; or, the heiress of Entranslation. derleigh. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. Dumb love. J. A. MUvsus. C. G. R.8~............................................ 37: 1401-3 v.......................................... 35: 3873 E-,L. R. Dumb lover, The. J. A. MusEus. PACE that kills, The. Lond. 1872. R. G.N. v. 3........................... 40: 1562 3 v. sm. 80............................... 37: 1406-8 Dummy. Mrs. AM. M.F. HALL. n Each for himself; or, the two adventurers. F. GERST CKER........... 37: 2930 Lights and shadows. v. 2........... 37' 3883 Eagle and dove. Tr. from the Fr. of Dun, The. M. EDGEWORTH. In her M'lle FLEURIOT, by E. Bowles...... 37: 2268 N.andT. v. 3..........................37: 1498 Eagle crag. With Drayton hall........ 40: 2131 Duncan Campbell. D. DEFOE. In Eagle pass: life on the border. C. N. and misc. works. v. 6............34: 1022 MONTGOMERY............................. 38: 3070 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. EARL. 63 EDGEWORTH. Earl Whiting; or, the career of a Eden in England, An. C. TUCKER. nameless boy. M. A. ATKINS...... 35: 850 (A. L. 0. E.)............................. 39: 3344 Earl's daughter. E. M. SEWELL...... 39: 1574 Edersheim, A. Earl's dene, The. R. E. FRANCILLON. 37: 2435 MIRIAM Bosenhaum: a story of JewEarl's promise. Mrs. J. H. RIDDELL. ish life. Bost. 1b73. 16........... 37: 1480 3 v....................................... 39: 367-9 Edgar Barton. W. KNIGHTON. 3 v. 38:1078-80 Earl's secret. J. PARDOE................. 38: 4147 Edgar Clifton; or, right and wrong. Early dawn. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES.... 35: 4077 C. ADAMS................................. 35: 183 Early English prose romances. Ed. by Edgar Huntley; or, memoirs of a W. J. Thorns. 3 v..................... 33:4020-22 sleep-walker. C. B. BROWN........ 35: 2989 Early friendships. Mrs. E. COPLEY. 35: 4825 Edged tools. S. S. ROBBINS............. 39: 451 Early recollections of a son of the Edgeworth, Maria (1764-1849). hills. T. GILLESPIE. In W. T.B., BELINDA; Modern Griselda. Lond. v. 2.......................................... 40: 171.2 1820. 2 v. 160.......................... 37: 1488-9 Earthquake of Caraccas: a tale of CHERRY-ORCHARD. With Harry and Venezuela. By the author of Cam- Lucy....................................... 37: 1493 paigns and cruises in Venezuela. The same. With Rosamond......... 37: 1508 In W. S. C. L., v. 2..................... 34: 4172 FRANK. N. Y. 1854. 2 v. 160.... 37:1490-91 The same.................................... "15: 4912 HARRINGTON; Thoughts on bores. East Lynne. E. P. [Mrs. Henry] Ormond. N. Y. 1859. 120........ 37: 1492 WooD. N. Y. n. d. 80............. 40: 686 HARRY and Lucy; to which are added The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v. in 2. 40: 687-8 Little dog Trusty, The cherryEastbury. A. H. DRURY............... 37: 872 orchard, The orange man. Lond. Eastern side; or, missionary life in 1858. 160.............................. 37: 1493 Siam. Mrs. F. R. FEUDGE........... 37: 2112 HELEN. In her Novels and tales. Eastman, Julia A. v. 10............................ 37: 1505 ROMNEYS of Ridgemont. Bost. 1871. The same. In W. S. L. v. 3... 34: 4173 160.......................................... 37: 1420 The sam e................................... *15: 4913 SCHOOL days of Beulah Romney. LITTLE dog Trusty. With Harry and Bost. 1872. 16........................ 37: 1421 Lucy....................................... 37: 1493 Easy Warren. W. T. COGOESHALL. The same. With Rosamond......... 37: 1508 In Home hits and hints............... 35: 4508 MODERN Griselda. With Belinda..... 37: 1489 Eavesdropping. H. SPICER. In The same. In her N. and T v. 5. 37: 1500 Brought to book. v. 1.............. 39: 2097 MORAL tales. N. Y. 1867. 2 v. 160. 37: 1494-5 Ebb-tide and other stories. F. C. Contents: FISHER. (Christian Reid)............37: 2197 Angelina. v. 2. Knapsack, The: a drama, Forester, v. 1. v. 2. Contents: Good aunt, v. 1. Mademoiselle Panache, v. 2..Doubt. Miss Inglesby's sister-in-law. Good French governess, Prussian Vase, v. 1. Ebb-tide. Story of a scar. v. 2. Eben Erskine. J. GALT. 3 v........... 37: 2777-9 MURAD the unlucky. In L. C. v. 12. 40: 1622 Ebers, George. The same. In her N. and T. v. 3. 37: 1498 DAUGHTER of an Egyptian king. The same. In Popular tales. v. 2. 37: 1507 Phil. 1871. 120........................ 37: 1430 NOVELS and tales. N. Y. n. d. Ebon and Gold. C. L. MCILVAIN..... 38: 2240 20 v. in 10. 120.........................37:1496-1505 Ecce Femina; or, the woman Zoe. Contents: C. PINE................................... 38: 4540 Absentee, v 5. Love and law: a comic Eccentricities for Edinburgh. G. Almeria, v. 4. drama, v. 8. LEMANJr. InBroadgrins...... 33: 1211 Angelina, v. 2. Madame de Fleury, v. 5. COLEMAN, r.nBodrn...3:11Belinda, v. e. Mademoiselle Panache, v. 2. Economy. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Castle Rackrent, v. 1. Manceuvering, v. 4. Works. V. 13............................ 39: 1648 Contrast, v. 3. Manufacturers, The, v. 3. w^Eddy, Daniel C. Y'10-" "-****-*-*- iDramas, v. 2, 8. Modern Griselda, v. 5. Eddy, Daniel C. Dun, The, v. 3. Moral tales, v. 1, 2. PERCY family, The. Bost. 1868. 5 Emilie deCoulanges,v. 5. Murad the unlucky, v. 3. v; 160.~37:.14.40-44 Ennui, v. 3. Ormond, v. 9. Vc. o....................ntents..........: Visitt Forester, v. 1. Out of debt, out of danger,. nents orelnd. 37:1444. Good aunt, The, v. 1. v. 2.. Visit to IrScotland and England. 37:1443. Good French governess, Patronage, v. 7, 8. 2. PThroughAmsterdam. 37:1442. v. 2. Popuglr tales, v. 2, 3. 3. Paris to Amsterdam. 37:1442.Grateful negro. The, v. 3. Prussian vase, The, v. 1. 4. Baltic to Vesuvius, The. 37:1441. Harrington, v. 9. Rosanna, v. 2. 5. Alps and the Rhine, The. 37:1440. Helen, v. 10. Rose, thistle and shamrock: WALTER'S tour in the East. N. Y. Irish bulls, v. 1. a drama, v. 8. 1869. 5 v. 16~.................... 37:1446-50 Knapsack: a drama, v. 2. Self-justification, v. 1. Lame Jervas, v. 2. Tales of fashionable life, v. Contents: Leonora, v. 7. 3-5. 1. Walter in Egypt. 37:1448. Letters of Julia and Car- Thoughts on bores, v. 9. 2. Walter in Jerusalem. 37:1449, oline, v. 7. To-morrow, v. 3. 3. Walter in Samaria. 37:1450. Limerick gloves, v. 2. Vivian, v 4. 4. Walter in Damascus. 37:1447. Lottery, v. 2. Will, The, v. 2. 5. Walter in Constantinople. 37:1446. 6. Walter in Athens. 37:1445. ORANGE man, The. With Harry and Ed e, Charles. Lucy.37:71493 Ede, Charles. Lucy........................................ 37: 1493 WARM hearts in cold regions: a The same. With Rosamond......... 37: 1508 tale of Arctic life. Lond. 1870. ORMOND. With Harrington.......... 37: 1492 160................................... 37: 1460 The same. In her N. and T. v. 9. 37: 1504 Edelweiss. B. AUERBACH. Tr. by POPULAR tales. N. Y. 1860. 2 v. E. Frothingham........................ 35: 877 160~........................................ 37: 1506-7 1E.den, FrothinghamEmi~ ~Cbntents: Eden, Hon. Emily. Contrast, The, v. 2. Murad the unlucky, v. 2. SEMI-ATTACHED couple. Lond. 1860. Grateful negro, v. 2. Out of debt, out of danger, 2 V. 12~0..............37:1469-70 Lame Jervas, v. 1. v. 1. SEMI-DETACHED house. Lond. 1859. Limerick gloves, v. 1. Rosanna, v. 1. SEMI-DETACHED house.Lond.85Lottery, v. 1. To-morrow, v. 2. 12~..........................................37: 1471 Manufacturers, The, v. 2. Will, The, v. 1. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. EDGEWORTH. 64 EICHENDORFF. Edgeworth, (continued.)- Edwards, Mrs. A., (continued.)ROSAMOND, and other tales. N. Y. LEAH; a woman of fashion............ 37: 1555 n. d. 120.................................. 37: 1508 Miss Forrester. N. Y. 1873. 80... 37: 1543 Cbntentent: MORALS of May fair. Same as Philip Cherry-orchard. Earnscliffe................................. Garry Owen; or, the snow woman. Crarry Owen; or, the snow woman. ORDEAL for wives: a novel, Lend. Little dog Trusty; or, the liar and the boy of truth. Orange man; or, the honest boy and the thief. 1865. 3 v. 120........................ 37: 1544-6 Poor Bob; the chimney-sweeper. The same. N. Y. 1872. 120...... 37: 1547 THOUGHTS on bores. With Harring- OUGHT we to visit her? N. Y. n. d. ton........................................... 3 7: 1492 8~............................................ 3 7: 1548 The same. In her N. and T. v. 9. 37: 1504 PHILIP Earnscliffe. N. Y. 1873. 80~. 37: 1549 Edith. C. A. LEE. 2 v. in 1............ 38: 1406 POINT of honor, A. N. Y. 1870. 80. 37: 1550 Edith: the backwoods girl. L. C. STEVEN Lawrence, yeoman. N. Y. TUTHILL................................... 39: 3386 1871. 80................................... 37: 1551 Edith Lyle. M. J. HOLMES.............. 37: 4579 The same. Leip. 1869. 2 v. in 1. Edith's mistake; or, left to herself. sq. 16.................................... 37: 1552 J. WOODVILLE........................... 40: 817 SUSAN Fielding. N. Y. n. d. 80... 37: 1553 Edma and Marguerite. Mme. WOL- VAGABOND heroine, A. N. Y. 1873. LIEZ......................................... 4 0: 665 120.......................................... 3 7: 1554 Edmond Dantes: sequel to the Count Edwards, H. Sutherland. of Monte-Cristo. A. (D.) DUMAS. 37: 979 MALVINA. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. Edmund Dawn. C. W. BEEBEE. 80............................................ 37: 1570-2 (Ravenswood)............................. 35: 1872 Edwin Brothertoft. T. WINTHROP... 40: 624 Edna Browning; or the Leighton Edwin Drood, Mystery of. C. (J. H.) homestead. M. J. HOLMES.......... 37: 4567 DICKENS.................................... 37: 503 Edward and Mary. R. H. DANA. In The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 37: 504 Poems and prose writings. v. 1... 34: 994 The same. With Uncommercial travEdward Mansfield. M. M. SHER- eller.......................................... 37: 549 WOOD. In Works. v. 8............... 39: 1643 The same. C. (J. H.) DICKENS and Edward, Prince, son of'Henry III. Thos. P. JAMES........................... 37: 553 In Tales of heroes....................... 40: 2670 Edwin Drood, sequel to. See John Edwards, Amelia Blandford. Jasper's secret. BARBARA'S history. N. Y. 1868. 80~. 37: 1515 Edwin Drood. See NEWELL'S Cloven The same. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in foot. 1. sq. 16..............................37: 1516 Effle's game: how she lost and how DEBENHAM'S vow. Leip. 1870. 2 she won. C. CLAYTON. 2 v........ 35: 4376-7 v. in 1. sq. 160.......................... 37: 1518 Effle's prayer. E. BARLEE............... 35: 1615 FOUR-FIFTEEN express, The. In L. Egan, Pierce. C. v. 8.................................40: 1618 FAIR Rosamond; or the queen's vicThe same. In Monsieur Maurice, tim. N.Y. 1852. 80............... 37: 1581 v. 3...................................... 37: 1529 F.LOWER of the fock, The. Lond. HALF a million of money. N. Y. n. d. 3 v. sm. 80....................... 37: 1580-2 1866. 8~................................... 37: 1519 Eggleston, Edward. The same. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. CIRCUIT rider, The: a tale of the sq. 16.................................... ~37: 1520 heroic age. N. Y. 1874. 120..... 37: 1591 HAND and glove. N. Y. 1866. 8~. 37: 1521 END of the world, The: a love story. Thesame. Leip. 1865. sq. 160... 37: 1522 N. Y. 1872. 12~....................... 37: 1592 IN the days of my youth. Phil. HOOSIER school-master, The. N. Y. 1874. 12................................. 37: 1523 1871. 120................................ 37: 1593 LADDER of life, The. N. Y. 1865. MYSTERY of Metropolisville. N. 80............................................ 37: 1524 Y. 1873. 120.........3................. 37: 1594 MissCarew. N. Y. 1871. 80.......37: 1525 SCHOOLMASTER'S stories, for boys and The same. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. girls. Bost. 1874. 12~.............. 37: 1595 sq. 160................................... 37: 1526 Obntents: MONSIEUR Maurice: a new novelette;..Bob-o-link and the owl. Pickaninny, The. MoNsIEUR Maurico: a new novele'tte; -Bound boy. Polly Strader, the female and other tales. Lond. 1873. 3 Chairs in council, trapper v. sn.m 80~................................37: 1527-9 Crooked Jack. Profligate prince, The. Famine and a feast. Shoemaker's secret, The. Qontents: Flat tail, the beaver. Simon anol the garuly. I.-Cabaret of the Break of day, The. Funny little old woman. Simple Simon. Engineer's story, An. Great Panjandrum him- Story of a flutter-wheel. Monsieur Maurice. self. Swim in the darkness, A. Vendetta. Indian friend. What the tea-kettle said. II.-In the confessional. Kitty's forty. Widow Wiggins' wonderful New pass, The. Lazy Larkin and the Job- cat. Night on the borders of the Black-forest, A. lilies. Wood chopper's children. Service of danger, A. Mr. Blake's walking stick Young soap-boiler. Story of Ernst Christian Schoeffer. Mocking-bird's singing Story of Salome. school. III.-All-saints' eve: a story of circumstantial evidence. Four-fifteen express, The. Eggleston, George Cary, Sister Johanna's story. BIG brother, The. N. Y. 1875. 120~. 37: 1603 Tragedy in the Palazzo Bardello. Eglantine. E. TABOR.................... 39: 2714 MY brother's wife: a life history. Egypt Ennis; or, prisons without N. Y. 1872. 80........................37: 1530 walls. K. ETHERIDGE................. 37: 1756 Edwards, Mrs. Annie. Eichendorff, Joseph von. (1788ARCHIE Lovell. N. Y. 1871. 8~... 37: 1540 1857.) The same. Leip. 2 v. in 1. sq. MEMOIRS of a good-for-nothing. Tr. 16~........................................37: 1541 byChas. Godfrey Leland. N. Y. ESTELLE. N.Y. 1874. 12~..........37: 1542 1866. 12~0............................. 37: 1610 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. EILOART. 65 ELLIS. Eiloart, Mrs. C. J. Ellen, M., (continued.)BoY with an idea, The. N. Y. 1874. Contents: 120............................. 37: 1620 1. Mr. Rutherford's children. 40:203 CURATE'S discipline, The. N. Y. 3. bi and Chryssa. 40:206 1867. 8~................................. 37: 1621 4. C arlKrinken. 40:202 FROM thistles —grapes? N. Y. 5. Casper and his friends. 40:200 1871. 8~................................... 37: 1622 EllenNorbury. E. BENNETT............ 35: 1977 LADY Moretoun's daughter. Lond. Ellen Wareham; or, love and duty. 1873. 3 v.' sm. 80.................... 37: 1.623-5 E. PICKERING............................. 38: 4432 LOVE that lived, The. N. Y. 1875. Ellet, Mrs. Elizabeth Fries. (b. 1818). 8~............................................37: 1626 NOUVELLETTES of the musicians. MADAME Silva's secret. Lond. 1869. N. Y. 1851. 80........................ 37: 1650 3 v. sm. 80............................... 37: 1627-9 Contents: OUT of her sphere. Lond. 1872. Artist's Lesson. Mission of genius. Bach, F. and S. Mozart, W. A. 3 v. sm. 80............................... 37: 1630-2 Beethoven, L. von. Old musician, The (F. Bach) ST. Bedes. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 80. 37: 1633-5 Bellini, V. Palestrina. WOMAN'S wrongs. Phil. n. d. 120. 37: 1636 Gluck in Paris. Tamburini, Antonio. Handel, G. F. Tartina, G. Eirene; or, a woman's right. M. Haydn, J. Three leaves from the diary CLEMMER (Ames)........................ 35: 4420 Liszt, Francis. of a traveller. Eisenbach; or, the adventures of a Love versus taste. Young tragedian, (Lablache). stranger. A. PICKEN. In Club- Elliot, Frances. book......................................... 40: 1520 ITALIANS, The. N. Y. 1875. 120.. 37: 1659 Ekkoes from Kentucky. D. R. LOCKE. ROMANCE of old court-life in France. (Petroleum V. Nasby)................... 33: 2619 N.Y. 1873. 8........................ 37: 1660 Eleanor Clare's journal for ten years. Elliott, Alfred. In N. and T. v. 6...................... 40: 1646 FOREST, jungle, and prairie. Lond. Eleanor's victory. M. E. BRADDON. 1868. 80................................... 37: 1.668 2 v. in 1 35: 2533 Elliott family, The; or, New York Eleanor's visit. J. H. MATHEWS..... 38: 2692 seamstresses. C. BURDETT........... 35: 3362 Elective affinities. J. W. von GOETHE. 37: 3113 Ellis Bell. (pseud.) See BRONT6, The same. In his N. and T............ 34: 1259 Emily. Elena: an Italian tale. L. N. COMYN. 35: 4648 Ellis, Mrs. Sarah Stickney. (b. 1812). Elephant club, The. M. THOMSON. CHAPTERS on wives. N. Y. 1860. (Doesticks)................................. 33: 4025 120.......................................... 37: 1675 Elfred. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B. v. 6. 35: 41 Contents: Elfreda. E. LESLIE..................... 38: 1547 Forest farm. Secret, The. Eli Perkins: his sayings and doings. hrb Milbank. Self-devotion. M. D. LANDON. (Eli Perkins).....38: 1316 FAMILY secrets; or, hints to those Elia; or, Spain 50 years ago. C. BOHL who would make home happy. D' ARROM. (Fi~ernan Caballero).. 356: 2311 Lond. n. d. 3 v. 80................. 37: 1677-9 Elinor Preston. Mrs. M. A. M. SAD-Contents LIER.............39........................ 39: 1015 Confessions of a maniac, Kate Somerville, v. 1. Eliot, George. (pseud.) See LEWES, v. 1. Minister's family, The, v. 2. Mrs. M. J. Dangers of dining out, Rising tide, v. 1. v. 1. Two friends, v. 3. Eliza Anderson. A. CARY. In Pic- Favorite child, v. 1. Somerville Hall; or, Kate tures of country life.................... 35: 3918 Fireside recollections, v. Somerville, v. 1. Eliza Despres; or the fatal effects of 3. Young Sculptor, v. 3. raigbad books. Tr. from the First impressions, v. 2. reading bad books. Tr. from the The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 16. 34: 4186 French. Gin. 1861. 180........... 40: 2133 Eliza Metcalf's basket; or, policy not Conten ons of a maniac. principle. E. LESLIE.................. 38: 1548 Dangers of dining out. Eliza Wharton; or, the coquette. H. Kate Somerville; or, Somerville Hall. FOSTER................................. 37: 2420 Rising tide. Elizabeth; or, exiles of Siberia. The same............................. *15: 4926 Mde. COTTIN.............................. 35: 4882 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 17. *15: 4927 Elizabeth, Story of. Miss A. I. Contents: Favourite child, The. THACKERAY.............................. 39: 2863 The same. Tauchnitz ed.::::::;:::39: 2864 FIRST impressions. N.Y. 1854. 16~. 37: 1681 Ella; or, turning over a new leaf. W. The same. In Family secrets. v. 2. 37: 1678 Ella; or, turning over a new leaf. W. LOOK to the end; or, the Bennets SIMONDS. (Walter Aimwell)......... 39: 1705 bo te; or 8 37. 1682 Ella of Garveloch. H. MARTINEAU. abroad. N Y. 1863 837 1682 In Illus. of polit. econ. v. 2.........38: 2640 MINISTER'S family, The. N. Y. 1852. 18................................. 37: 1683 Ellen Arundel. W. LOGAN. In W. 115 The same. In Family secrets. v. 2. 37: 1678 T.rii B. 5.40:*- ~ NORTHERN roses: a Yorkshire story. Ellen de Vere: sequel to Harry Ash- Lond. 1868. 3 v. sm. 8~........... 37: 1684-6 ton. J.F. SMITH...................... 39: 1893 PICTURES of private life. Lond. 1Ellen Eskdale. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In 1868. 3 v. 160.......................... 37: 1687-9 Pictures of private life. v. 1........ 37: 1687 Contents: Ellen Harrington. Mrs. MEREDITH. Curate's widow, v. 1. Misanthropy, v. 3. In Lace-makers....................&...... 38: 2925 Ellen Eskdale, v. 1. Observations on fictitious In Lace-makers.38: 2925 Hall and the Cottage, v. 1. narrative, v. 1. Ellen Linn: a Franconia story. J. Marriage as it maybe, Pains of pleasing, v. 3. v.1. Pretension, v. 2. Ellen Middleton. LadyG. FULLERTON.. 37: 2551 TEPER and temperament. N. Y. 1846. 12.37: 1690 Ellen Montgomery's book-shelf. S. Contents: and A. B. WARNER. 5 V. Imprisoned mind. I Managing wife. IPROSE FICTION; ENGLISH. ELM. 66 ENGINEER. Elm Island stories. C. KELLOGG. 6 v. Emerald, (continued.)Contents: NEAL, John. Goody gracious and the forget-me-not. 1. Lion Ben. 38:734. NEWTON, Cradock. Wonderland. 2. Charlie Bell. 38:728. PRAED, W. M. Lyrical charades. 3. Ark of Elm island. 38:725. Revelry in Br. India. Anonymous. 4. Boy farmers of Elmn island. 38:727. ScaIBE, Eugene. Judith; or, the opera-box. 5. Young ship-builders. 38:745. SMITH, Horace. The picnic party. 6. Hard-scrabble. 38:732. TRNNYSCN, Alfres. The loolish virgins. Elms Homestead. M. 0. JOHNSON..... 38: 418 TOWNsHEND, C. H. Stanzas. TOWNSHEND, C. H. Wait. Elphin, Misfortunes of. T. L. PEA- Youth and the sage. Household words. COCK. In Works. v. 2............... 34: 1823 Emerald studs, The. Prof. W. E. Elsie: a lowland sketch. A.C.M..... 38: 2100 AYTOUN. In T. f. B. v. 6............. 40: 1695 Elsie Dinsmore. M. F. FINLEY. Emery, E. B. (Martha Farquharson).................. 37: 2168 QUEENS. Bost. 1872. 120............ 37-: 1708 Elsie Magoon. Mrs. F. D. GAGE...... 37: 2764 Emery, M. PILGRIMAGE of grace, The: a tale of Elsie stories. M.F. FINLEY. (Martha the days of Henry VIII. N. Y. Farquharson). 3 v.1874. 120. (Tales from church C enters: history).................................... 37: 1715 1. Elsie Dinsmore. 37:2168.hisry37 1 2., Holidays at Roselands. 37:2170. Emery, Sarah A. 3. Elsie's girlhood. 37:2169. THREE generations. Bost. 1872. 8~. 37: 172.2 Elsie Venner. 0. W. HOLMES......... 37: 4600 Emigrants, The. J. HALL. In LeElsie's girlhood. M. F. FINLEY. gends of the west........................... 37: 3870 (Martha Farquharson).................. 37: 2169 Emigrants of the Ahadarra. W. Elsie's rides. E. STRIVELYNE. With CARLETON.............. 35: 3828 Princess of Silverland.................. 39: 2405 Emigrant's wife, The; or, one in ten Elsie's Santa-Claus. J. H. MATHEWS. 38: 2693 Elsie's womanhood. M. F. FINLEY. Emile Roque. D. G. MITCHELL. k (Martha Farquharson)........ ii........ 37: 2174 Marvel). In Seven stories............ 38: 3013 Elster's folly. E. P. [Mrs. Henry] Emilia in England. G. MEREDITH. WOOD340: 689 V.......................................... 38: 2904-6 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 690 WELL. 2 v. 1i 38' 2595 Elton, Sir Arthur Hallam. WLL. v..................... BELOW the surface. nd. 1864.Emilie. R. S. KIMBALL.................. 38: 865 Eo16W the s.rface.37: 16950716 Emilie de Coulanges. M. EDGEWORTH. Elves The. L. TIECK. In' C.G R. In her N. and T., v. 5........... 37: 1500) Elves The. L. T CK n C. R. Emily and her brothers. M. M. E~lwes, Alfred. *********** 0( SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 13....... 39: 1648 Elwes, Alfred.M.C. SEEMULLR. SURPRISINo adventures of Paul Blake. Emily Cester. A. M. C. SEEMULLER. N. Y. n. d. 120........... 37: 1697 (formerly Miss Crane).................. 39: 1551 Embury, Mrs. Emma Catherine. Emma. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B., v. 2. 35: 37 (1809-1863). C e e.Emma: a novel. J. AUSTEN........... 35: 905 PICTURES of early life; or, sketchesEmmanuel-Philibert. A. (D.) of youth. N. Y. 1854. 180.. 37: 1700 DUMAS..- 37: 980 Emmneline. M. MM. SHERWOOD. In Contents: W orks v........................... 3: Cecilia; or, the love of Poor scholar, The.Works 7........................ 3: 164 dress. ailor's familyThe. Empress Josephine, The: historical Day's pleasure, A. School friendship. sketch of days of Napoleon. C. M. Honesty and integrity. True generosity.MUNDT. (Louisa Muehlach)........ 38: 3239 Little emigrants, The. Twins, The. Little Susan's temptation Two cousins, The; or, modes Empty heart. M. V. (H.) TERHUNE. Lost children, The. of education. (Marion Harland.) Same as Husks. 39: 2833 Make good use of your Uses dves.ncntadas, The; or, enchanted time. Widow and her son. adas, Moss roses; or, the bro- Worst boy in the village, isles. H. MELVILLE. In Piazza ther and sister. The. tales......................................... 38: 2877 E PmrsvealdTe:prance.hEnchanted princess, The. M. D. Emerald, The: a collection of graph- NAMAN................................... 38: 3514 ic and entertaining tales billiant Enchanted watch, The. J. MAC6. poems and essays. Edited by Epes In Home fairy tales..................... 38: 2226 Sargent. Bost. 1866. 120......... 33: 544 Enchanting and enchanted. F. W. Contents: HACKLEsNDER. Tr. by Mrs. A. L. ABOUT, Edmund. Without dowry. ADDEY, H. L. "TShe is so dear to me." Wister................................. 37: 3811 AIKEN, Berkeley. Uncrowned kings. Encounter with an interviewer, An. ALLINOHAM, WVm. Invocaion. S. L. CLEMENS. (Mark Twivn.) BABBAULD, Mrs. Life's second morning. In Treasure-trove series v.. 40: 1701 BLOOD, Henry A. A prayer.In Tresure-trove series, v. 1......... 40: 1701 BROWNELL, H. H. Burial of the Dane. End of Fordyce brothers. In N. and CHALMERS, Alex. Lesson in biography. T. v. 8..................................... 40: 1648 CHAMBERS, Robt. Indoor games. Coincidences: a tale of facts. Fraser's Mag. End of a long day's work. Miss A. I. CRAIK, Dinah M. The double house. THACKERAY. With Village on the DEBERNARnd, Chas. The consultation. Cliff39: 2866 BElopemen t, Chas. Thenon 39: 2866 Elopement, The. Anon. Evening brings us home. McMillan's Mag.End of the world: a love story. E. Fact and fiction. Blackwood's Mag. EGGLESTON................................ 37: 1592 HUNT, Lweigh. Jenny'ised me. 1Engineer, The. J. ABBOTT. In H. KIMBALL, M. eguest. MUDFORD, Wmn. The iron shroud. S. B........ Bv 7.......35: 42 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ENGINEER'S. 67 ESTELLE. Engineer's story,An. A.B.EDWARDS. Erckmann-Chatrian, (continued.) In Monsieur Maurice, v. 1............ 37: 1527 MAN of the people, A. (Tr. of HisEngland. Romance of history. H. toire d'un homme du peuple). Lond. N EELE. 3............................. 38: 3531-3 1871. 2 v. 12......................... 37: 1735-6 England. Story of Harecourt: his- MILLER'S story of the war, A; or, the tory of an independent church. plebiscite. By one of the 7,500,000 J. B. MARSH.............................. 4: 1781 who voted "yes." (Tr. of Histoire English at the north pole, The. J duplebiscite). N.Y. 1872. 16~... 37: 1737 VERNE. With Captain Hatteras.. 39 3701 STORY of the plebiscite, The. Lond. VERNE. ath vaptain natteras....18. u m. 8~. Same as A miller's English channel, The. J. ABBOTT. 35: 29 1872. s. 80. Same a A miller's story........................... 37: 1738 English envoy at the court of Nich- WATERLOO; a sequel to The conolas I. J. CORNER..................... 35: 4859 script of 1813. (Tr. of Waterloo, English history, Tales from. A. suite du conscrit de 1813). N. Y. STRICKLAND............................. 39: 2393 1872. 12................................. 37: 1741 English Mary. M. M. SHERWOOD. Ereighda castle. Lond. 1870. 3 v. In W orks, v. 6........................... 39: 1641 sm. 8~..................................... 40: 2137 English orphans. M. J. HOLMES....... 37: 4568 IEric Walderthorn. In N. and T. v. 2. 40: 1642 Erickson, D>. S. English stories of the olden time. M. CARL Bartlett; or what can I do? ACK......................... 37: 38012 Bost. 1869. 16~........................ 37: 1750 Ennui.. M. EDGEWORTH. In her N. GOOD measure. Bost. 1869. 16~.... 37: 1751 and T., v. 3.......................... 37: 1498 Erin-go-Bragh; or,Irish life pictures. Ensemble. W. BRADWOOD. 3 v..... 35: 2650-2 W. H. MAXWELL. 2 V. 1............ 38: 2744 Enthusiast, The. T. GILLESPIE. Contents: The Professor's tales. In W. T. B. v. 1. Biographical sketch of the author, by e roessors tale I n W. Dr. Maguire. Frank Hamilton; or, conv. 7.......................................... 40: 717 fessions of an only son. An incursion Eoline. C. L. HENTZ..3................. 37: 4313 into Counemara, with an account of a Episode of the east, An. Mrs. A. traveller who survived it.-A. Murdock. e tDionysius O'Dogherty, Esq., with a few FRASER. With Only a face.......... 37: 2445 extracts from his diary. A short biograEpisodes in an obscure life. Mrs. I. phy of a gentleman from Ireland. Last F. MAYO. (E. Garrett). 3 v........ 38: 2810 scenes of the condemned. Terrence O'Shaughb nissy's first attempt to get marEqual to either fortune: a novel. By ried. RobertEmmetand Arthur Almer; the author of The man of mark. or, Dublin in 1803. Richard Rafferty; or, Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 80~........... 40: 2136 the Irish fortune. Adventures of an Irishman fifty years ago. The forest ride Erckmann-Chatrian. (iEmile Erck- of a West Indian planter. mann, b. 1825, and Alexandre Chat- v. 2. Queen's bench sketches. Inconvenience mnib. 18oo26. 5adAenreCtof suspicion of debt. The two funerals. ran, b. 1826). John Campbell, the homicide. The ALSATIAN schoolmaster, The. (Tr.Sporting outlaw. Song from the Gaelic. Anecdotes of duelling. The devil and of Histoire d'un sous-maitre). Lond. Johnny Ieixon. The tegaeta. Legends. 1872. 16~................................ 37: 1730 Bou!ogne en route to Paris. Memoir of rBLOCKADE T oV f Phalsburg, The. An the Rev. Robert Hogg. Familiar epistles BLOCKADE of thalsburgo the. Ans from an elderly gentleman on half-pay. episode of the fall of the first Erling the bold. R. M. BALLANTYNE. 35: 1457 French empire. (Tr. of Le blocus, The same.............................. 35: 1458 episode de lafin de I'empire). N. Y.Erma's engagement; a novel. Phil. 18 1. 12...............................1873. 8~................................... 4 0: 2134 BRIGADIER Frederick: a story of aErmina. M. M. SHERWOOD. Frenchman driven out by the Ger- Ermina. M. M. SHERWOOD. Zn Frenchman driven out by theGer-Works. v. 5.............................. 39: 1640 mans. (Tr. of Lami Fritz). N. Y. Ernest Bracebridge; or, school-boy 1875. 80.............................. 37: 1739 days. W. H. G. KINGSTON.......... 38: 989 CATHERINE'S lovers. (Tr. of Les Ernest Linwood. C. L. HENTZ......... 37: 4314 amoreux de Catherine). With For- Ernest Maltravers. E. G. E. L. est house................................. 37: 1732 BULWER-LYTTON....................... 35: 3110 CONSCRIPT, The. A story of the The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 35: 3111 French war of 1813. (Tr. of His- Eros and Anteros; or, the bachelor's toire d'un conscrit de 1813). N. Y. ward. J. H. L. CAMPBELL........... 35: 3731 1869. 12................................. 37: 1740 Erotion. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (forNote.-For sequel: see Waterloo. merly Miss Mulock). In Romantic DEAN'S watch, The. (Tr. of La man- tales.35: 4940 DEAN'S watch, The. (Tr.ofLamon- tales.......................................... 35: 4940 ire du doyen). With Brigadier Errand boy. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Frederick.................................. 37: 1739 W orks. v. 8.............................. 39: 1643 Ersilia. Miss POYNTER.................. 40: 2138 FOREST house, The; (La maison for-Ersilia. Mi POYNTER.40: 2138 estiere) and Catherine's lovers. Tr. Erskine, Lady Elizabeth. See Heart by John Simms. Bost. 1871. 16. 37: 1732 Monrose.40 2658 INVASION of France in 1814, The. Erskine, Mrs. Thomas. INVASION of France in 1814, The. WYNCOTE. N. Y. 1875. 16........ 37: 1753 (Tr. of L'invasion, ou le fou Yegof)Esben. S. S. BLICHER. In Danes N. Y. 1871. 12~...................... 37: 1733 sketched by themselves.. 40: 1532 sketched by themselves. v. 3...... 40: 1532 INVISIBLE eve, The. (Tr. of L'oeil Eskdalemuir story, The. Gleanings invisible). With Brigadier Fred- from the covenant. T. GILLESPIE. erick...................................... 37: 1739 In W. T. B. v. 8........................ 40: 1718 MADAME Therese; or, the volunteers Esperanza. A. BOWMAN............... 35: 2448 of'92. (Tr. of Madame Therese, ou Essay on fools, An. S. LOVER. In les volontaires de'92). N.Y. 1869. Legends and stories..................... 38: 1886 12~.................................... 37: 1734 Estelle, a novel. Mrs. A. EDWARDS. 37: 1542 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. ESTELLE. 68 F. GRANT. Estelle Russell. Sister M. Celeste. Evenings at home. J. AIKEN and 2 v. in 1................................. 40: 2139 A. L. BARBAULD........................ 35: 380 Ester Reid; or, asleep and awake. Everett, William. Mrs. I. M. ALDEN. (Pansy)....... 35: 480 CHANGING base; or, what Edward Esther: the captive orphan. S. H. Rice learned at school. Bost. 1873. TYNG.................................... 5: 4340 160.......................................... 37: 1770 Esther Dudley's wooers. Mrs. MAC- DOUBLE play; or, how Joe Hardy KENZIE-DANTEL. 3 v................. 37: 86-8 chose his friends. N. Y. 1872. Esther Hill's secret. G. M-. CRAIK. 160......................................... 37: 177 2 v. in 1................................... 35: 4966 Everyday. F. W. A. PIKE.......... 38: 4501 Ethan Allen and the lost children. Every string broken. Mrs. C. V. D. P. THOMPSON. With May Mar- HAMILTON. In Ropes of sand...... 37: 3923 tin........................................... 39: 2975 Evil eye; or, the black spectre. W. Ethan Brand. N. HAWTHORNE. In CARLETON................................ 35: 3829 L. C. v. 1................................. 40: 1611 Ewald, Alexander Charles. The same. With Snow image....... 37: 4188 FRIEND at court, A. Lend. 1872. Ethel Churchill; or, the two brides. 3 v. sm. 80................,........... 37: 1780-2 Miss L. E. LANDON. In W S. C. Ewald, H. FL. v. 11................................... *15: 4921 STORY of Waldemar Krone's youth. The same................................... 34: 4181 Phil. 1868. 120........................ 37: 1790 Ethel Mildmay's follies. A story. By Ewing, Juliana Horatia. the author of Petite's romance. Six to sixteen: a story for girls. Bost. Lend. 1873. sm. 80.............. 40: 2140 1876. 16................................. 37: 1795 Ethel's book; or, the tales of the an- Excellent opportunity, An. J. KAVgels. F. W. FABER.................... 37: 1958 ANAGH. With Seven years.......... 38: 681 Ethelyn's mistake. M. J. HOLMES... 37: 4569 The same..................................... 38: 682 Etheridge, Kelsic. Excursion to the Orkney islands. J. EGYPT Ennis; or, prisons without ABBOTT.................................... 35: 30 walls. N.Y. 1876. 80.............. 37: 1756 Exeter hall. W. MACDONNELL. N.Y. Etlar, Carit. 1871. 80................................ 38: 2215 SHIPWRECKED mariner's treasure, Exile of von Adelstein's soul. F. H. The. In Danes sketched by them- UNDERWOOD. In Cloud pictures... 39: 3621 selves. v. 2.............................. 40: 1531 Exiles, The. T. A. L. ROBINSON. Too old. In Danes sketched by them- (Talvi)..................................... 39: 560 selves. v. 2............................... 40: 1531 Exiles at St. Germains. By the author TWICE sacrificed. In Danes sketched of The ladye Shakerly. Lond. by themselves, v. 3..................... 40: 1532 1874. sm. 8~.............................. 40: 2150 Etonian, An. (pseud.) Exiles in Babylon; or, children of RECOLLECTIONS of Eton. N. Y. 1870. light. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) 39: 3345 8~............................................. 37: 1758 Exile's trust, The; and other stories. Eubule-Evans, A. F. BROWNE................................ 35: 3025 REVEALED at last. Lond. 1873. Contents: 3 v. sin. 80............................... 37: 1760-1 Herman's plarum. The bible of Val du Aram. E. G. E. L. BULWER- Berger. The Graemes of Glenm:.vis. ~~~Eugene Aram. E. G. E. L. BULIThe Ashberys' uncle. Widow Simpson's LYTTON. Phil. 1869. 12~......... 35: 3112 spoons. The loan of a legacy. Poetry. The same. Tauchnitz ed.................35: 3113 Expectant, The. E. PICKERING...... 38: 4433 Eugene Pickering. H. JAMES, jr. Expedition of Humphrey Clinker. In Passionate pilgrim.................. 38: 235 T. SMOLLETT............................ 39: 75 Eustace diamonds. A. TROLLOPE..... 39: 3168 The same. 2 v.............................. 39: 1973-4 Eustache de St. Pierre; or, the sur- The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 1976 render of Paris. H. W. HERBERT. The same. In Works................... 39: 1970 In Chev. of France..................... 37: 4352 Experience of life. E. M. SEWELL. 39: 1575 Eutaw: sequel to The forayers. W. Experiences of the A. C. (J.) B. G. SIMMS................................... 39: 1681 TAYLOR. /n Beauty and the beast. 39: 2780 Eva. The ill-omened marriage. E. G. Experiences of a gaol chaplain. E. E. L. BULWER-LYTTON............... 33: 2663 NEALE...................................... 38: 3520 Eva St. Clair. G. P. R. JAMES.......... 38: 180 Experiences of Sylvie Delmare, The. Eva's adventures in shadow-land. M. J. KAVANAGH. With Seven years. 38: 681 D. NAUMAN.............................. 38: 3515 The same....................... 38: 682 Evaline. P. J. COEN..................... 35: 4486 Experimenter, The. J. HOWELL. Evan Harrington. G. MEREDITH.......38: 2907 in W. T. B. v 2............... 40: 1712 Eve. Mrs. A. FRASER. With Only a Expiated. Mrs. C. V. HAMILTON..... 37: 3922 face....................................... 37: 2445 Expiation. J.C.R. HDMORR T......... 37: 782 face.37: 2445 Expiation. J. C. R. DoRR... 37: 782 Evelina. F. d'ARBLAY. 2 v...... 35: 680-1 Eyre, Selwyn. The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 35: 682 SENTENCED by fate: a novel. Loend. The same................................. 35: 683 1872. 3 v. sm. 80................... 37: 1800-2 Eveline Murray. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH. With Wife's victory....... 39: 2042 Evelyn. A. C. M. RITCHIE. (formerly 3y A. C. Mowatt)............................. 39: 428 Evelyn Marston. A. MARSH-CALD- F_, M. WELL. 2 v. in 1......................... 38: 2596 MARION or, the smuggler's wife. Evenings at Donaldson manor. M. Lend. n. d. 12~0........................ 37: 1945 J. MACINToSH........................... 38: 2248 F. Grant & Co.; or, partnerships. A Evenings at Haddon hall. G. CAT- story for the boys who mean busiTERMOLE...................................35: 3953 ness. G. L. CHANEY................. 35: 4035 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FAA'S. 69 -FAITH4 Faa's revenge: a tale of the border Fair women. Mrs. FORRESTER......... 37: 2361 gypsies. J. M. WILSON. In W. Fairchild family. M. M. SHERWOOD. T.B. v 1................................. 40: 1711 In W orks. v. 2......................... 39: 1637 Fabens, J. W. Faire gospeller, The. A. MANNING. 38: 2466 CAMEL hunt; a narrative of adven- Fairfax; or, master of Greenway ture. N. Y. 1853. 120............ 37: 1950 court. J. E. COOKE.................... 35: 4702 Faber, Frederic William. Fairhaired Eckbert, The. L. TIECK. ETHEL'S book; or, the tales of the C. G. R. v. 2............................. 35: 3874 angels. Bailt. n. d. 16~............ 37: 1958 Fairly won. H. S. E. 3 v.............. 37: 1401-3 Fabiola; or, the church of the cata- Fairy Alice. P. FITZGERALD. 2 v.... 37: 2226-7 combs. N. WISEMAN.................. 40: 647 Fairy bells, and what they tolled us.... 40: 2155 Fable-land, Gems of. W.O. BOURNE. 33: 471 Fairy book. R. S. CLARKE. (Sophie The same...................................... 35: 2389 May)........................................ 35: 4353 Fables. JEsop. With upwards of Fairy book, The. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. one hundred and fifty emblematical (formerly Miss Mulock)............... 35: 4915 devices................................. *33: 466 Fairy book; home fairy tales. J. The same. With life of the author.. 33: 466a MAC'........................................ 38: 2226 The same. A new version, chiefly Fairy egg and what it held. H. H. from original sources, by Rev. WESTON and others.................... 40: 332 Thomas James.......................... 33: 466b Fairy-finder, The. S. Lover. In The same. Tr. by S. Croxall.......... 33: 467 Legends and stories..................... 38: 1886 Fables. Illustrated. J. de LAFON- The same. In L. C. v. 12............ 40: 1622 TAINE. 2 v............................... 33: 478-9 Fairy fingers. A. C. M. RITCHIE....... 39: 429 Fables of Krilof. W. R. S. RALSTON. 33: 482 Fairy Frisket; or, peeps at insect life. Fables of Phwedrus, construed into C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.)........... 39: 3346 English.................................... 1: 3639 Fairy Know-a-bit. C. TUCKER. (A. Fables of Pilpai.......................... 33: 492a L. 0. E.).................................. 39: 3347 The same.................................... *33: 492 Fairy legends. See FRERE'S Old Fables, Original and selected. Ed. by Deccan days............................... 37: 2475 G. M. BUSSEY............................... 33: 460 Fairy legends and traditions of the Fables, Original and selected. Sec- south of Ireland. T. C. CROKER. 40: 2156 ond series. J. NORTHCOTE........... 33: 486 The same...................................... 35: 5040 Fables, Select. T. BEWICK.............. *A. Fairy nightcaps. Mrs. F. BARROW. Fabre, Ferdinand. (Aunt Fanny)............................. 35: 1660 ABB3 Tigrane, The. N. Y. 1875. Fairy of Forth, The. Mrs. A. M. F. 12~.......................................... 37: 1961 HALL. In Sketches.................... 37: 3887 Fabrics; a story of to-day.............. 40: 2154 Fairy stories. See ROSSETTI'S Speaking Fact and fiction. L. M. CHILD......... 35: 4241 likenesses.................................. 39: 668 Factory girl, The; or, all is not gold. Fairy stories. See Moonshine. E. H. that glitters. Miss M. E. BRADDON. 35: 2534 KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN............. 38: 1063 Faded leaf of history, A. R. H. Fairy stories. See Tales at tea-time. DAVIS. In L.C. v. 10............... 40: 1620 E. H. KNATCHBULL-HUGESSEN..... 38: 1065 Fadette. (pseud.) See RODNEY, Mrs. Fairy story. See MACDONALD'S PrinM. R. L. cess.......................................... 38: 2173 Fair, The. J. M. WILSON. In W. T. Fairy tales. H. C. ANDERSEN........... 356: 643 B. v. 2.................................... 40: 1712 Fairy tales. See HALL'S Midsummer Fair but not wise. Mrs. FORREST- eve.......................................... 37: 3885 GRANT. 2 v.............................. 37:2350-1 Fairy tales. H. PARR. (Holme Lee). 38: 4202 Fair God, The. L. WALLACE........... 40: 45 Fairy tales from gold lands. Mrs. M. *Fair Harvard; a story of American W. NEWMAN.............................. 38: 3600 college life. W. T. WASHBURNE.... 40: 255 Fairy tales of all nations. E. (R. L). Fair maid of Cellardykes, The. T. LABOULAYE............................... 38: 1256 GILLESPIE. In W. T.B. v.l.... 40: 1711 Fairy tales, Standard....................... 40: 2610 Fair maid of Perth. Sir W. SCOTT. Contents: Parker ed. 2 v..........................*39: 1341-2 Aladdin; or, the wonderful lamp. Ali The same. Edinburg ed................ 39: 1358 Baba; or, the forty thieves. Beauty and the beast. Blanch and Rosalinda. Blue The same. Abbotsford ed.............. 39: 1369 Beard. Booby, The. Cinderella; or, the The same...................................... 39: 1391 little glass slipper. Diamonds and toads. The same. Household ed. 2 v.......39: 1437-8 Discreet princess. Dream of little Tuk. Th m. Pc39:1468 Eleven wild swans. Fair one with the The same. Pocket ed.................... 39: 1466 golden locks. Fisherman and the genie. The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 1477 Flea, The. Fortunatus. Fortunio. GraTFair passions; or, * the setting of the ciosa and Percinet. Hop-o'-my-thumb. IF air passions; or, the setting of the Invisible prince, The. Jack and the beanpearls. Hon. Mrs. PIGOTT-CARLE- stalk. Jack the giant-killer. Little red TON. 3 v.................................38: 4490-2 riding hood. Nourjahad: an eastern Fair play. E. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH. 39: 2013 tale. Peronella. Prince Fatal and prince Fortune Puss in boots. Riquet with Fair prospect, The. In Danes sketched the tuft. Royal ram, The. Seven chamby themselves. v. 3.................... 40: 1532 pions of Christendom. Seven doves. Fair puritan, The. An historical ro- She-bear, The. Stone in the cock's head. Three wishes. Tom Thumb. Two cakes, mance of witchcraft. H. W. HER- The. Valentine and Orson. Vardiello. BERT...................................... 37: 4353 White cat, The. Yellow dwarf, The. Fair rebel, The: a tale of colonial Fairy water. Mrs. J. H. RIDDELL. times. E. BENNETT.................... 35: 1986 Routledge's Christmas annual....... 39: 370 Fair Rosamond: or, the queen's vic- Faith and patience. S. WINTHROP.. 40: 617 tim. P. EGAN........................... 37: 1581 Faith Gartney's girlhood. A. D. T. Fair Saxon; a novel. J. MACCARTHY. 38: 2130 WHITNEY..........................., 40: 391 Fair to see. L. W. M. LOCKHART...... 38: 1845 Faith Unwin's ordeal. G. M. CRAIK. 35: 4967 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FAITHFUL. 70 FARQUHARSO0N. Faithful and true. S. S. ROBBINS..... 839: 452 Family secrets; or, hints to those who Faithful dogs, The. C. E. TONNA. would make home happy. S. S. (Charlotte Elizabeth.) In Humility ELLIS. 3 v.................................37: 1677-9 before honor.............................. 39: 3065 Contents: Faithful Eckhart and the Tannhiiuser Confessions of a maniac. v. 1.? Dangers of dining out. v. 1. The. L. TIECK. R. G. N. v 2. 40: 1561 Favourite child. v. 1. Faithful servant, The. J. BANIM. In Fireside recollections. v. 3. Bit o' writin'.............................. 35: 1531 First impressions. v. 2. The,,~. 40:.... 2157~ Minister's family. v. 2. Faithful shepherd, The.................... 40: 2157 Rising tide. v. 1. Faithful steward, The. C. E. TONNA.Two friends. v. 3. (Charlotte Elizabeth). In T. and ill. 39: 3070 Somerville hall. v. 1. Falcon family. M.W. SAVAGE........ 39: 1202 Young sculptor. v. 3. Falkenburg. A tale of the Rhine. The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 16.....34: 486 By the author of Mildred Vernon. 40: 2158 Contesions of a maniac. Falkland. E. G. E. L. BULWER — Kate Somerville. LYTTON.................................... 35: 3115 Risingtide. The same. With Godolphin............ 35: 3117 The same..................................... *15: 4926 Falkner. M. W. SHELLEY..............39: 1602 The same. In W. S. C. L., v, 17......'16: 4927 Falkner Lyle. M. LEMON. 2 v. in 1. 38: 1505 bntent child Favourite child. Fall of Granada, The. T. RoscoE. In Famine abroad. N. and T. v. 7...... 40: 1647 W. S. C. L. v. 5........................ 34: 4175 Famine and a feast, A. E. EGGLESThe same...................................... *15: 4915 TON I Schoolmaster's stories. 37: 1595 Fall of the house of Usher, The. E. Famous bistorie of Fryer Bacon, The. A. POE. In L. C. v. 2............... 40: 1612 Containing the wonderfull things The same. In Works. v.1............ 34: 1831 that he did in his life, also the manFallen angel, The. A. (D.) DUMAS... 37: 981 ner of his death; with the lives Fallen among thieves. A. a BECK- and deaths of the two connivers. ETT. 3 v.................................. 365: 1840-2 Bungye and Vandermast. In Fallen divine,The. W.T.CoGGESHALL. Thoms' early English romances. In Home hits and hints.............. 35: 4508 v. 1.......................................... 33: 4020 Fallen pride. E. D. E. N. SOUTH- Fanchon; the cricket. A. L. A. D. WORTH...................................... 39: 2018 DUDEVANT. (George Sand)......... 37: 906 False cards. H. SMART. 3 v........... 39: 1776-4 Fanny Fern. (pseud.) See PARTON, False colors; a novel. Mrs. P. CUD- Mrs. S. P. LIP. (formerly Miss Thomas.) 3 v. 35: 5095-7 Fanny Vane. T. (E.) HOOK. In False heart. J. E. MUDDOCK. 3 v... 38: 3195-7 Precepts and practice, v. 1............ 37: 4645 False heir. G. P. R. JAMES............. 38: 181 Fanny's birthday gift. J. H. MATHFalse or true. Mrs. A. OPIE. In EWS.......................................... 38: 2694 Works, v. 3.............................. 38: 3903 Fanshawe, Lady Ann Harrison. In False pride; or, two ways to matri T.'. H., v. 1.............................. 40: 2658 mony. Phil. 1866. 120............ 40: 2152 Fantoccini. F. BARRETT. 2 v....... 35: 1640-1 Falsehood and truth. C. E. TONNA. Far above rubies. Mrs. J. H. RIDDELL. (Charlotte Elizabeth). With Con- 2 v. in 1.................................... 39: 371 ormity.....................................39: 3061 Far and near; or, stories of a christmas Falsely true. A novel. Mrs. C. tree. By ITA............................. 38: 70 HOEY. 3 v............................... 37: 4461-3 Far from the madding crowd. T. Fame and fortune. H. ALGER, Jr.... 35: 534 HARDY..................................... 37: 3.990 Familiar of the mill, The. GRIMM. Fardorougha, the miser; or, the R. G. N. v. 2.................. 40: 1561 convicts of Lisnamnona. W. CARFamiliar sayings from works. C. (J. LETON....................................... 36: 3830 H.) DICKENS. With Master Humphrey's clock....................... 37: 497 Farebrother,A. (pseud.) Family doom. E. D. E. N.....4SOUTH-9 SEDGEBOROUGH world, The: a novel. Family doom. E. D. E. N SOTH-Lond. 1872. 2 v. sm. 80........... 37:1968-9 WORTH...................................... 39: 2015 F on. Family ghost, The. A. STRICKLAND.Farjeon, B. L. In Old friends........................... 9: 2391 AT the sign of the silver flagon: a m thie.. sin o f the silv e r flag on7. ao76 Family in love. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK.novl. N. Y. 1875. 8..... 37: 1976 (formerly Miss Mulock). With Bread BLADE-O'-grass. N. Y. 1873. 80... 37: 1977 upon the waters..........................356: 4911 BREAD-AND-CHEESE and kisses. N.Y. 1873. 80.......................3............ 7: 1978 Family incidents. T. GILLESPIE. Australian life. Professor's tales. In W. T. B. v. 4. 40: 1714 N Y 1872 80 37: 1979 N. Y. 1872. 80........................ 37: 1979 Family interferance. Mrs. ABDY. ISLAND pearl, An. N.Y. 1876. 8~. 37: 1975 In W. S. C. L. v. 9................... 34: 4179 JESSIE Trim: a novel. N. Y. 1875. Thesame.................................. *15: 4919 80............................................ 37: 1980 Family of the cold feet, The. J. JOSHUA Marvel. Bost. 1871. 80... 37: 1981 BANIM. In Bit o' writin'............35: 1531 KING of No land, The. N. Y. 1875. Family pride. T. S. ARTHUR. In 80......................................... 37: 1982 Mary Ellis.................................36: 788 LONDON'S heart: a novel. N. Y. The same. In Tales from real life... 35: 804 1873. 80................................... 37: 1983 Family secret, The. (W.) W. COL- LovE's victory: a novel. N. Y. LINS. With Mad Monkton...........36: 4556 1875. 8~................................... 37: 1984 Family secrets. A companion toFarm of Muiceron, The. M. RHEIL. 39: 296 Family pride and Pique. Phil. Farquharson, Martha. (pseud.) See n. d. 12..........................4... 40: 2160 FINLEY, M. F. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FARRAR. 1ENN. Farrar, Frederic W. Father Larkin's mission in Jonesville. JULIAN home. N.Y. n. d. 12~.... 37: 2000 T. L. NICHOLS............................ 38: 3632 ST. Winifreds. N.Y. n. d. 12~.... 37: 2001 Father Lavat; or, the Jesuit missionFarrers of Budge row, The. H. MAR- ary. J. MACSHERRY.................. 38: 2365 TINEAU. In Illus. of pol. econ., v. 9. 38: 2647 Father Merrill. M. D. CHELLIS...... 35: 4152 Farrow, Morley. Father Mike. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. AFTER Baxtow's death. Lond. 1870. In Sketches................................ 37: 3887 3 v. sm. 80.............................. 37:2010-12 Father Roach. S. LOVER. In LeGIANT Despair. Lend. 1868. 3 v. gends and stories..................... 38: 1886. sm. 80...................................... 37:2013-15 Father Rowland: a North American NOT time's fool. Lond. 1868. 3 v. tale............................... 40: 2165 sm. 80...................................... 37:2016-18 Father Tom and the Pope; or, a night Fascination. E. T. W. HOFFMANN. in the Vatican. S. FERGUSON. In In Strange stories....................... 37: 4480 T. f. B., v. 3............................... 40: 1694 Fashion and famine. Mrs. A. S. The same. In L. C., v. 9................ 40: 1619 STEPHENS................................. 39: 2206 The same..................................... 33: 555 Fashionable fictions. T. (E.) HOOK. Father's coming home: a tale. By In Precepts and practice, v. 3........ 37: 4647 the author of Village missionaries. Fashionable suicide. W. T. COGGE- Lond. 1869. 16...................... 40: 2166 SHALL. In Home hits and hints... 35: 4508 Father's eye. M. M. SHERWOOD. In Fashionable wife and unfashionable Works, v. 13.............................. 39: 1648 husband, The. Mrs. A. OPIE. In Fathers and sons: a novel. I. (S.) W. S. C. L., v. 5......................... *15: 4915 TURGNIEFF.............................. 39: 3372 The same.................................... 34: 4175 Faust, Dr. Johann. See History of The same. In Works, v. 1.............. 38: 3901 Dr. John Faustus. Thorns' early Fast friends. J. T. TROWBRIDGE. Eng. romances, v. 3..................... 33: 4022 (Paul Creyton)............................ 39: 3316 Faustina. I. M. L. F. G., countess Fast in the ice; or, adventures in the HAHN-HAHN............................. 37: 3638 polar regions. R. M. BALLANTYNE. 35: 1459 Faustus and Queen Elizabeth. In The same. In Tales of adventure, v. 1. 35: 1483 T. f. B. v. 2.............................. 40: 1693 Fatal accident. C. M. BRAME. In Favourite child, The. S. S. ELLIS. Tales from the diary of a sister of In Family secrets. v. 1............... 37: 1677 mercy....................................... 35: 2673 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 17..... *15: 4927 Fatal boots, The. W. M. THACKERAY. Fawcett, Edgar. In Misc. Phil. ed., v. 1................. 33: 4007 ELLEN story. N. Y. 1876. 8~...... 37: 2029 The same. Best. ed., v. 3................ 33: 4013 PURPLE and fine linen: a novel. N. The same. Tauchnitz ed., v. 3......... 33: 4004 Y. 1873. 120........................... 37: 2030 The same..................................... 33: 3997 Fawcett, Millicent G. Fatal boquet, The. R. BLACK. In TALES in political economy. Lond. Lady Caroline........................... 35: 2169 1874. 160................................. 37: 2036 Fatal chain, The. From uncle ADAM. Fay, Theodore Sedgwick. (b. 1807). In Danes sketched by themselves, COUNTESS Ida; a tale of Berlin. N. v. 2.......................................... 40: 1531 Y. 1840. 2 v. 12................... 37: 2045-6 Fatal cradle, The. (W.) W. COLLINS. NORMAN Leslie. N.Y. 1869. 12~. 37: 2047 With Alicia Warlock.................. 35: 4539 Feather in Jack's cap, A. L. PARR. The same. In Miss or Mrs.?............ 35: 4567 With John Thompson.................. 38: 4233 Fatal errors. C.E. TONNA. (Charlotte Feathered arrow. F. GERSTAECKER. 37: 2931 Elzzabeth). In Philip and his gar- Felina de Chambure. A. (D.) DUMAS. 37: 982 den.......................................... 39: 3068 Felix Holt, the radical. Mrs. M. J. Fatal marksman, The. T. DEQUINCEY. LEWES. (George Eliot)............... 38: 1703 In Works, v. 11..........................34: 1043 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 1704 Fatal marriage, The. E. D. E. N. Felix Kent; or, the two neighbors. SOUTHWORTH............................. 39: 2016 M. I. HOFFMAN.......................... 37: 4507 Fatal marriage, The. H. COCKTON.... 35: 4481 Fell, Archie. (pseud.) See CAPRON, Note. Some as The sisters. M. J. Fatal mistake, The. T. GILLESPIE. Fellah, The. E. (F. V.) ABOUT........ 35: 165 Gleanings from the covenant. In Felon's reverie, The. In Danes sketchW. T. B. v. 8............................. 40: 1718 ed by themselves. v. 1............... 40: 1530 Fatal passion, A. C. B. D. de la V. Female minister, The; a son's reBERNARD.................................. 35: 2030 venge. Tr. by Eugene Lies and Fatal repast, The. In T. f. B., v. 5.... 40: 1695 Eugene Plunkett. N. Y. 1858. Fatal sacrifice, The. Lond. 1872. 8~........................................ 40: 2167 sm. 80...................................... 40: 2161 Female Quixote. C. LENNOX. 2 v... 38: 1523-4 Fatal whisper, The. J. GALT. In Female skeptic, The. N. Y. n. d. Club-book................................. 40: 1520 120.......................................... 40: 2168 Fate, The. G. P. R. JAMES.............. 38: 182 Fenacre Grange. L. CECIL. 3 V. 35: 3961-3 Father and daughter. F. BREMER.... 35: 2735 Fenelon, Francois de Salignac de la Father and daughter. Mrs. A. OPIE. Mothe. (1651-1715). In Works, v. 1........................... 38: 3901 ADVENTURES of Telemachus. N. Y. Father Brighthopes. J. T. TROW- n. d. 8~.................................. 37: 2063 BRIDGE. (Paul Creyton.)..............39: 3317 Fenn, George Manville. Father Connell: a tale. M. BANIM... 35: 1536 BY birth a lady. A tale. Lond. Father Darcy. A. MARSH-CALDWELL. 38: 2597 1871. 3 v. smin. 8~0..................... 37:2067-9 Father Godfrey. By the author of MIDNIGHT webs. Lend. 1872. sm. 8~. 37: 2070 Anne Dysart. Lend. 1873. 3 v. SAPPHIRE cross, The. Lend. 1871. sm. 8~0...................................... 40: 2163 3 v. smin. 8~............................... 37: 2073-5 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FENN. 72 FINGER. Fenn, (continued.)- Field and forest; or, the fortunes of a SHIP ahoy! a yarn in thirty-six cable farmer. W. T. ADAMS. ( Oliver lengths. N. Y. 1874. 8~......... 37: 2076 Optic)....................................... 35: 247 THAT little Frenchman: a tale. Lond. Field of ice, The. Sequel to A journey 1874. 3 v. sm. 80..................... 37:2078-80 to the north pole. J. VERNE........ 39: 3687 TREASURE hunters, The; or, the Field of terror, The; or, the haunted search for the mountain mine. A field. F. de LA MOTTE-FOUQUE. novel. N.Y. 1874. 8~............ 37: 2077 In R. G. N., v. 2........................ 40: 1561 Fenton's quest. Miss M. E. BRADDON.Fielding, Henry. (1707-1754). 2 v. in 1.................................... 35: 2535 HISTORY of Amelia. N. Y. 1859. HISTORY of Amelia. N. Y. 1859. Ferdinand, Count Fathom. T. SMOL- 12..........37 2136 LETT. In Works........................39: 1970orks. 37 2146 Ferguson,......Samuel.. The same. In Works, v. 2........... "'37' 2146 Ferguson, Samuel. The same.................................. *37: 2147 FATHER Tom and the Pope. In L. 9FATHER Ton and the Pope. In L. JONATHAN Wild. In Works, v. 2....'37: 2146 C. v. 9.................................... 40: 1619 The same. The same..................................'37: 2147 HIBERNIAN nights' entertainments.JOSEPH Andrews. Lond. 1820. 16.37 2137 N. Y. 1857. 120....................... 37' 2090 Js1 The same. In Works, v. 2..: 37: 2146 Fern, Fanny. (pseud.) See PARTON, Th se 24 Fern, Fanny. (seud.) See PARTONThe same.................................... "37: 2147 Mrs. S. P. MFern leaves from Fanny's portfolio. JOURNEY from this world to the next. Fern leaves from Fanny's portfolio. j Works 37: 2147 Mrs. S. P. PARTON. (Fanny Fern). In Works..................................'37: 2147 Mrs. S. P. PARTON. (Fanny Fern). SELECT works. Phil. 1836. 2 v. 8~. *37: 2145-6 2 v........................................... 3 3: 3315 Fernandez and Gonsalez. Contents: MARGARITA; or, the queen of night. v. 1. Life of Fielding, by Sir W. Scott. MARGARITA; or, the queen of night.History of Tom Jones. Tr. by Viscount Pollington. Lond. v. 2. History of Joseph Andrews. Ame1870. 2 v. in 1. sm. 80............... 37: 2095 lia. Life of Jonathan Wild. Fernando de Lemos, truth and fic- TOM Jones. Lond. 1820. 3 v. 160. *37:2138-40 tion. C. GAYARR.......................37: 2900 The same. N.Y. 1856. 2 v. 120. *37: 2141-2 Ferncliffe. Phil. 1869. 12~....... 40: 2170 The same. N.Y. 1859 2 v 120. 37: 2143-4 Fernyhurst Court. An every-day The same.................................. I37: 2145 story. By the author of Stone The same..*37: 2147 edge. Phil. 1871. 8~...............40: 2171 WORK New ed. N. 80. 37: 2147 Ferrier. Mary.0~' Contents: Ferrier. Mary. Life of Fielding, by Sir Walter Scott. MARRIAGE, a novel. Lond. n. d. 160. 37: 2100 Essay on his life and geniius,by A.Murphy. The same. N. Y. 1863. 8~........ 37: 2102 Tom Jones. Joseph Andrews. History MARRIAe. inheritance. Destiy of Amelia. Jonathan Wild. Journey from MARRIAGE. Inheritance. Destiny. this world to the next. Lend. n.d. sm. 80................... 37: 2101 Fielding; or, society. By the author Ferryman of the Tiber, The. Ylme. of Tremaine. In W. S. C. L., v. 11. 34: 4181 A. K. de la GRANGE................ 38: 1265 The same..................................... 15: 4921 Festival, The. J. M. WILSON. In 1572: chronicle of the times of Charles W. T. B. v. 7........................... 40: 1717 IX.. MERIME....................... 38: 2931 Fetches, The. J. BANIM. With Fifteen years. Mrs. T. A. L. ROBINPeter of the castle....................... 35: 1541 SON. (Talvi.)............................. 39: 561 Fettered for life; or, lord and master. Fifty brides: an old tale re-told, being L. D. BLAKE............................. 35: 2245 a medley from Homeric and other Feudge, Mrs. F. R. sources. R. BLACK. In Lady CarEASTERN side; or, missionary life in oline......................................... 35: 2169 Siam. Phil. 1871. 160.............37: 2112 Fifty years ago: a story of New EngFeuillet, Octave. (b. 1812). land life. C. A. WILLARD........... 40: 517 BELLAH. (Bellah). Tr. by 0. Vi- Fianiere, Viscount de. beur. With Led astray............... 37: 2121 PALMITOS: a novel. Lend. 1873. CAMORS: a love story. (Tr. of Mon- 3 v. smi. 80..................... 37:2155-7 sieur de Camors). Phil. 1870. 120. 37: 2120 Fi for a wife, A. W. BLACK. With LR~astray. (La'PetiteCom&8se). Tr. Fight for a wife, A. W. BLACK. With M aid of Killeena....................... 35: 2179 by O. Vibeur. N. Y. 1875. 120. 37: 2121 Eby 0. ibeurnh N. Yl 1875. 12P.37. 2121 The same. In Treasure-trove series, MARRIAGE in high life, A. Phil. 4 7 1876. 16~................................. 37: 2123 SPHINX, The. (Julia de Trecwcur). Fight of faith: a story. Mrs. A. M. Tr. bv 0. Vibeur. In Led astray. 37: 2121 F. HALL. 2 v............................ 37: 3880-1 STORY of Sibylle, The. (Histoire de Fighting the flames. R. M. BALLANSybille). Tr. by M. H. T. Bost. TYNE........................................ 35: 1460 1872. 80.................................. 37: 2122 Fighting Joe. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Fevre, Le. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. Optic)....................................... 35: 248 In Works, v. 13.......................... 39: 1648 Fighting the whales; or, doings and Few days in Athens. F. WRIGHT...... 40: 875 dangers of a fishing cruise. R. M. Few words on social philosophy. In BALLANTYNE............................. 35: 1361 T. f. B., v. 12............................. 40: 1698 The same. In Tales of adventure. Fiddling Freddy. N. FORREST......... 37: 2340. 3 1483 Field, Horace. File No. 113. E. GABORIAU........... 37: 2755 GLITTER and gold. Phil. 1872. 120. 37: 2132 Filus Kroast. H. SPICER. In Bound Field, Margaret. to please. v. 2........................... 39: 2096 NOT pretty, but precious. Phil. Fine feathers. K.J. NEELY.............. 38: 3539 1874. 8~...................................40: 1640 Finger of fate. M. REIID................. 39: 244 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FINGER. 73 FLAG. Finger posts on the way of life. T. Fisher, Miss Frances C. (Christian S. ARTHUR. With Way to prosper. 35: 813 Rezd.) Contents: CARMEN'S inheritance. Phil. 1873. Blessing of a good deed. Paying the doctor. 80~............................................. 37: 2195 Euthansy. Return, The; or, who is it? DAHTER of Bohemia: a novel. Gentle hand. Shadows from a clouded DAUGHTER of Bohemia: a novel. Gentle hand. Shadows from a clouded How to destroy a good brow. N. Y. 1874. 80........................ 37: 2196 business. Three scenes in the life of a EBB-TIDE and other stories. N. Y. Lay preacher, The. worldling.872 80............... Little bound-boy, The. Two invalids, The.~.............. 37 2197 Marrying well. Will it pay? Contents: Matchmaking. Duubt, A. Ebb-tide. Miss Inglesby's tFinley, artha Farquharson. ( Mar- sister-in-law. Story of a scar, The. Finleha Fauharsoyr HEARTS and hands: a story in sixteen CASELLA; or, the children of the chapters. N.Y. 1875. 80......... 37: 2198 valleys. Phil. 1869. 160.......... 37: 2167 "LAND of the sky, The;" or, advenELSIE Dinsmore. N. Y. n. d. 160. 37: 2168 tures in mountain by-ways. N. Y. ELSIE'S girlhood. N. Y. n. d. 16~. 37: 2169 1876. 80.................................... 37: 2204 ELSIE'S womanhood. N.Y. n.d. 12. 37: 2174 MABEL Lee. N. Y. 1872. 80........ 37: 2199 HOLIDAYS at Roselands; with some MORTON house: a novel. N. Y. after scenes in Elsie's life; being a 1872. 80................................... 37: 2200 sequel to Elsie Dinsmore. N. Y. NINA'S atonement; and other stories. 1868. 16................................... 37: 2170 N. Y. 1873. 80........................ 37: 2201 OLD-FASHIONED boy. Phil. 187.1. Gontents: Bernard's invention. Hugh's vendetta. 16.......................................... Miss Chenton's rival. My story. Nina's2171 MissCheriton'srival. My story. Nina's OUR Fred; or, seminary life at Thurs- atonement. Painter's dream. Powell ton. A sequel to Old-fashioned Vardray's life. boy. N. Y. 1874. 16~............. 37: 2172 QUESTION of honor, A. N. Y. 1875. W ANTED a pedigree. Phil. 1871. 120.......................................... 37: 2203 12.......................................... 37: 2173 VALERIE Aylmer. N. Y. 1871. 80~. 37: 2202 Fior d' Aliza. A. de LAMARTINE......38: 1283 Fisher boy, The. By the author of Fior di limone. Miss E. JOLLY. In Crests from the ocean world. Best. Bruna's revenge. v. 3................. 38: 468 1863. 120................................. 40: 2173 Fiorella: a waif. Mrs. A. FRASER. Fisher boys of Pleasant Cove, The. With Only a face........................ 37: 2445 E. KELLOGG.............................. 38: 731 Fire. Rollo's philosophy. J. ABBOTT. 35: 82 Fisher girl. B. BJiRNSON............... 35: 2158 Fire brigade, The; or, fighting the Fisherman's daughter, The. H. flames. R. M. BALLANTYNE....... 35: 1462 CONSCIENCE............................... 35: 4665 Fire in the woods. J. DEMILLE........ 37: 274 Fishing and Whaling. C. NODFireside fairies. S. PINDAR...... 38: 4530 Fishing and W6 haling. C. NORDFireside fairies. S. PINDAR............. 38: 4530 HOFF...................................3.... 38 3657 Fireside recollections. S. S. ELLIS. Fitch Anna M. In Family secrets. v. 3............... 37: 1679 BOUND down; or, life and its possiFirm in the struggle. E. PICKERING. bilities. Phil. 1870. 120........... 37: 2215 3 v............................................ 38:4458-60 i-Boodle, Confessions of W. M. 0 Fitz-Boodle, Confessions of. W. M. First and last. W. MUDFORD. In T. THACKERAY. In Fitz-Boodle f. B. v. 4................................ 40: 1694 papers. First and last crime, The. In T. f. B. Fitz-Boodle papers. W. M. THACKv. 11......................................... 40: 1698 ERAY. In Misc. v 4. Bost. ed... 33: 4014 First and last kiss, The. In T. f. B. The same. Phil. ed....................... 33: 4010 v. 10......................................... 40: 1697 The same. v. 7. Tauchnitz ed........ 33: 4001 First and second marriage, The. J. The same...................................... 33: 4006 M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 10. 40: 1720 Fitzgerald, Percy. (Gilbert Dyce.) First and second marriages; or, cour- BELLA donna. N...................... 37: 2225 tesies of wedded life. Mrs. H. N. FAIRY Alice. Lond. 1865. 2 v. (W.) BAKER. (Aunt Hattie)........ 35: 1386 sm. 80..................................... 37: 2226-7 First and true love. A. L. A. D. Du- MIDDLE-AGED lover: a story. Lond. DEVANT. (George Sand).............. 37: 907 1873. 2 v. sm. 8~..................... 37: 2228-9 First appearance, A. Mrs. Evans Two fair daughters. Lond. 1871. BELL. 3 v............................... 35: 1901-3 3 v. sm............................... 37: 2233-5 First families of the Sierras. J. MIL- Fitzgerld, RteougeLER.......................................... 3..: 2985 g g a ther s ie gorge, and other stories.............. 40: 1670 Firstfoot The J.M. WILSON. InFive hundred majority; or, the days W. T.B. v. 5........................... 40: 1715 Fiv hudredmajrity or t eday W.. T.B. v.A"5.40:"\"1715 of Tammany. W. NILES........... 38: 3641 First friendship, A. A tale. N. Y. Five hundred pounds reward: a novel. 1872. 8~......................40. 2172 B a BA ISTE......................... 35: 1652 By a BARRISTER.35: 1652 First impressions. S. S. ELLIS. In First impressions. v. S. EIS 3 7 In 8 Five old friends. Miss A. I. THACKFamily secrets, v. 2.................. 37: 1678 t Story of Elizabeth... 3: 2863 ERAY. With Story of Elizabeth... 39: 2863 First love and last love: a tale of the Contents: Indian mutiny. J. GRANT........... 37: 3307 Beauty and the beast. First prize, The. By the author of C giant-kill er. Jack, the giant-killer. Aunt Annie's stories. In Under Little Red Riding-hood. the lime-trees............................ 40: 2696 Sleeping beauty in the wood, The. Fisher, Fanny. Five weeks in a balloon. J. VERNE... 39: 3688 SECRET of two houses, The. Lend. Flag of distress, The. M. REID........ 39: 268 1873. 2 v. smin. 8~..................... 37:2185-6 Flag of truce, The. S. WARNER...... 40: 173 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FLAGG. 74 FOR. Flagg, William. Flood, (continued.)GOOD investment: a story of the up- Mr. Mac Dermott's story. My first steeple per Ohio. N. Y. 1872. 80......... 37: 2245 chase.'The outcsst. Retreats, the test Flat-tail, the beaver. E. EGGLESTON. of military skill. The romance of Flat-tail, the beaver. E L. GGLESTON.war. Soldierly qualities. A soldier's In Schoolmaster's stories............. 37: 1595 domicile. A tour, not sentimental. Flavia; or, loyal unto the end. E. Triumphs and mishaps in the Peninsula. ESI.38: 1549 True courage. The unknown. Welling LESLIE...................................... 38: 1549 to ndM sena rre eats. ton und Massena's retreats. Fleeing to Tarshish. F. H. LUDLOW. Florence; or, loyal quand meme. F. In Little brother........................3 10 AMRN........... 35: 734 InLittlebro. 38: 1930 ARMSTRONG. 36: 734 Fleetwood; or, the new man of feel- Florence and John. J. ABBOTT...... 35: 31 ing. W. GoDWIN.................... 37: 3102 Florence Erwin's three homes. Bost. Fleming, Mrs. May Agnes.1865 160 40: 2164 DARK secret, The; or, the mystery of Florence Macarthy. Lady S. MOROAN. 38: 3144 Fontelle hall. N. Y. 1875. 80 37: 2254 Florence O'Donnell. Mrs. A. M. F. GuY Earlscourt's wife. N. Y. 1873. HALL. In Lights and shadows. 12~......................................... 37: 2255 v. 2....................... 37: 3883 MAD marriage, A. N. Y. 1875. 12~. 37: 2256 Florence O'Neil; or, the siege of NORINE'S revenge, and Sir Noel's Limerick. A.M. TEWART......... 39: 2277 3 25 Limerick.. STEWART....... 39: 2277 heir. N. Y. 1875. 120......... 37: 2259 Florence Sackville. Mrs. E. J. BURONE night's mystery. N.Y. 1876. ON ~ night's mystery. N. Y. 1876.BURY........................................ 35: 3340 120........................................ 3 7: 2260 120.37:r"'^^ ^^ 2260 6Florence stories. J. ABBOTT. 6 V. SIR Noel's heir. Wit'h Norine's re- Contents: venge....................................... 37: 2259 1. Florence and John. 4. English channel. 35:29 TERRIBLE secret, A. N. Y. 1874. 35:31 5. Isle of Wight. 35:97 120....................................... 37: 2257 2. Grimkie. 35:34 6. Florence's return. 35:32 WONDERFUL woman, A. N. Y. 3. Orkney islands. 35:30 1873. o120.37: 2258 Florence's return. J. ABBOTT......... 35: 32 Flemmings, The. Mrs. A.H. DORSEY. 37: 794 Florida pilot, The. In T. f. B. v9.. 40: 1697 Flesh and spirit. By the author of Floshend inn, The. A. CAMPBELL. The odd trump. N. Y. 1876. 8~. 40: 2153 In W. T. B. v.7.40: 1717 Fleur de Lys, The. In N. and T. Floss Silverthorn: or, the master's little handmaid. A. GIBERNE... 37: 2963 V. 11......................................... 4 0: 1651 Fleurange. Mne. A. CRAVEN::.::.36: 5009 Flower, fruit and thorn pieces. J. P. Fleurange. Mme. A. RV7U..... 5 50. RICHTER. 2V...................... 39: 356-7 Fleuriot, Mlle. -F. RICHTER. 2 v.39: 356-7 EALE aind dove. Tr. by Emily Bow- Flower of the family. E. PRENTISS.. 38: 4687 les. N. Y. 1874. 12... 37: 2268 Flower of the flock. P. EGAN. 3 v. 37: 1580-2 Flisht of a Tartar tribe. T. DE- Flower of innocence; or, Rachel, and OFlight o nfv4. a other tales. C. E. TONNA. (CharFlit, JasY. H.n L. C. v..40: 6 lotte Elizabeth)........................... 39: 3062 Flint, Jas. H. FROM nation to nation. Phil. 1871.Cnents FROM nation to nation. Phil. 1871. Good and bad luck. Little oaths. 16~.......................................... 37: 2278 James Orwell. Visit, The. Flint, S. A. Flower of Kildalla. E. A. MURRAY. MAKING honey; or, Francis Stuart. 3 v............................................ 38: 3293-5 Bost. 1869. 160........................ 37: 2286 Flower people, The. Mrs. H. MANN. 38: 2442 Flint, Timothy. (1780-1840). Flowers for children. L. M. CHILD. 35: 4242 LIVE and adventures of Arthur Clen- Fowers of the forest. M. M. SHERning. Phil. 1828. 2 v. 120...... 37: 2294-5 WOOD. In Works. v. 5........... 39: 1640 SHOSHONRE valley. Cin. 1830. 2 v. Flush times of Alabama and Missis120.......................................... 37: 2296-7 sippi. J.G. BALDWIN................. 35: 1445 Flirtations in fashionable society. C. The same...................................... 33: 803 SINCLAIR.......39: 1727 Foe in the household. C. CHESEBRO'. 35: 4193 Flitch of bacon, The. W. H. AINS- 3 2 Foggy night at Offord. E. P. [Mrs. WORTH...................................... 35: 415 H.] OD............................ 40: 691 Follaton priory. Lond. 1873. 2 v. Floating beacon, The. InT. f. B. v. 1. 40: 1693 sm. 8 40: 2175 Floating city, A, and The blockade Folle-farine. L. de la RAME. (Ouida.) 39: 46 runners. J. VERNE.................... 39: 3689 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 47 Floating light of the Goodwin Sands, Follen, Eliza Lee. The. R. M. BALLANTYNE.......... 35: 1463 FOLLEN stories: The well-spent hour. Flood and field; or, tales of battles on Bost. 1868. 16~........................ 37: 2305 land and sea. W. S. MAYO......... 38: 2831 Following the drum. Mrs. VIEL6... 39: 3725 Contents: Following the flag. C. C. COFFIN. Astonishing adventures of James Botello. (Carleton)......... 35: 4491 Captain's story, The. Following on to know. Bost. n.d. Don Sebastian; fr. the chronicles of Portugal. 1 O.40: 2169 Drngut, the corsair.16~........................................... 40: 2169 Legend of the Cape de Verdes. Folly as it flies. Mrs. S. P. PARTON. Pious constancy of Inez de Mencia Mont-Roy. (Fanny Fern).............................. 33: 3316 Real pirate, A. Washngton's first battle. Fonthill recreations. M. G. SLEEPER. Flood and field; or, the recollections3 v........ of a soldier of fortune. W. H. 1. Mediterranean islands. 39:1743 MAXWELL................................ 38: 2745 2. Two Sicilies. 39:1745 Contents: 3. Sweden and Norway. 39:1744. Cone of honour: fatal duels. Con- Fool of quality. H. BROOKE. 2 V.... 35: 2900-1 demned soldier. Crowni..g triumph. mEvil of geaobling. Leaves from t The same................................T. L. 35:2900-1a journal of a deceased pluralist. Leaves Forbeauty's sake. Lond. 1874. sm. irom a game-book. MPemorable sieges. 040: 216 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FoR. 75 FORTUNES. For better, for worse. Mrs. M. E. Forewarned, forearmed. Mrs. J. H. POOLE. In Pictures of cottage life. 38: 4624 RIDDELL. With Frank Sinclair's For better, for worse. Mrs. M. V. H. wife, v. 3................................... 39: 374 TERHUNE. (Marion Harland). With Forged will; or, crime and retribution. Empty heart............................ 39: 2833 E. BENNETT........................... 35: 1978 For each and for all. H. MARTINEAU. Forger, The. A. CAMPBELL. In In Illus. of polit. econ., v. 4.......... 38: 2642 W. T. B., v. 6............................. 40: 1716 For ever and ever. Mrs. R. CHURCH. Forgery, The. G. P. R. JAMES....... 38: 183 (formerly Miss /Marryatt.) 2 v. in. 35: 4266 Forgiven at last. J. R. HADERMANN. 37: 3823 For her sake. F. W. ROBINSON......... 39: 484 Forgiving kiss, The. M. LOTH........ 38: 1860 For husks, food. By the author of Forgotten by the world. K. S. MAC"Lascine." N. Y. 1874. 120..... 40: 2177 QUOID...................................... 38: 2347 For the king. C. GIBBON................. 37: 2949 Forlorn hope. E. YATES. 2 v. in 1. 40: 1208 For the king's dues. A. MACDONELL. 38: 2210 Forrest, Neil. For lack of gold. C. GIBBON............ 37: 2950 FIDDLING Freddy. N.Y. 1871. 160~. 37: 2340 For love and life. Mrs. M. (O. W.) HONEST and earnest. N. Y. 1872. OLIPHANT................................. 38: 3840 160.......................................... 37: 2341 For richer, for poorer. H. PARR. JACK and Rosy. N. Y. n. d. 160~. 37: 2342 (Holme Lee.) 2 v. in 1.............. 38: 4198 MICE at play. Bost. 1876. 160..... 37: 2343 For very life. H. MARSHALL. 2 v. in 1. 38: 2628 Forrest-Grant, Mrs. For a woman's sake. H. WACHEN- FAIR but not wise. Lond. 1873. HUSEN....................................... 40: 10 2 v. sm. 80............................ 37: 2350-1 Forayers, The; or, the raid of the MAGIC of love, The. Lond. 1874. dog-days. W. G. SIMMS.............. 39: 1682 3 v. sm. 8............................... 37: 2352-4 Forbes, Archibald. Forrest-race romance, The. In T. DRAWN from life. Lond. 1871. 3 v. f. B. v. 8.................................... 40: 1696 sm. 80..................................... 37:2312-14 Forrester, Mrs.-. Forbidden fruit, The. In N. and T., DIANA Carew; or, fur a woman's sake. v. 3.......................................... 40: 1643 Phil. 1876. 120........................ 37: 2359 Force: science for the young. J. DOLORES. Phil. 1875. 120.......... 37: 2360 ABBOTT............................. 35: 88 FAIR women. Bost. 1872. 80....... 37: 2361 Forced blooms. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. MY hero. Phil. n. d. 120............ 37: 2362 In Tales of woman's trials............ 37: 3888 Forrester, Francis. (pseud.) See The same..................................... 37: 3889 W ISE, D. Ford, Douglas Morey. Forsaken daughter, The. Mrs. C. L. KATE Savage. Lond. 1873. 3 v. HENTZ..................................... 37: 4315 sm. 8....................................... 37: 2320-2 Forsaking all others. E. PICKERING. OLD as the hills. Lond. 1871. 3 v. 2 v........................................... 38: 4461-2 sm. 80~................................... 37: 2323-5 Fortescue. J. S. KNOWLES............ 38: 1092 Ford, Mrs. Sallie Rochester. Fortune hunter, The. A. C. (M.) GRACE Truman; or, love and prin- RITCHIE. (formerly A. C. Mowatt.) 39: 430 ciple. N. Y. 1864. 120...........37: 2332 Fortune seeker, The; or, the bridal MARY Bunyan. N. Y. 1860. 120. 37: 2333 day. Mrs. E.D.E.N. SOUTHWORTH. 39: 2017 The same. N.Y. 1860. 12~. T. L. 37: 2333a Fore and aft: from the life of an old Fortune-teller, The arde liabeths. 3063 sailor. W. D. PHELPS............... 38: 4396 C. E. ToNNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth). 39: 3063 Contents: Forecastle Tom. M. S. B. DANA.... 37: 62 Backbiting. Promising and performing. Foregone conclusion, A. W. D. Where are you going? HOWELLS................................... 37: 4725 Fortunes and misfortunes of the faForest days. G. P. R. JAMES........... 38: 184 mous Moll Flanders. D. DEFOE. Forest exiles. M. REID.................. 39: 245 In Nov. and misc. works. v. 3..... *34: 1019 Forest farm. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Fortunes and misfortunes of Harry Chapters on wives....................... 37: 1675 Racket Scapegrace. F. E. SMEDForest glen series, The. E. KELLOGG. LEY......................................... 39: 1791 v. 1-3.......................................Fortunes of Glencore. C. LEVER.... 38: 1601 Contents: The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 1602 1. Sowed by the wind. 38:737 2. Wolf run. 38:743 Fortunes of Hector O'Halloran and 3. Brought to the front. 38:746 his man Mark Antony O'Toole. Forest house, The; and Catherine's W. H. MAXWELL........................ 38: 2746 lovers. E. ERCKMANN and A. The same.................................... 38: 2747 CHATRIAN...............................37: 1732 Fortunes of Miss Follen, The. Mrs. Forest,jungle and prairie. A.ELLIOTT. 37: 1668 GOODWIN-TALCOTT..................... 37: 3156 H. NEWLANDi............................. 38: 3588 Forest lfeinNorway and Sweden.38 35 Fortunes of the Maid of Arc, The: a ForestofH. NEWLAND. G..................38:n 3588 superstitious legend of the English Forest of Gaich. J. GRANT. In wars in France. H. W. HERBERT. Legends of the black watch........ 37: 3316 (Frank orester.) In Chevaliers of Forest tragedy and other tales. Mrs. France...................................... 37: 4352 S. J. C. LIPPINCOTT. (Grace Green- Fortunes of Nigel, The. Sir W. wood.)....................................... 38: 1785 SCOTT. Parker ed. 2 v.............. *39: 1325-6 Forester, Frank. (pseud.) See HER- The same. Edinb. ed................ 39: 1357 BERT, HR. W. The same. Abt'd. ed...................... 39: 1365 Forester. M. EDGEWORTH. In Moral The same...................................... 39: 1383 tales, v. 1................................... 37: 1494 The same. Household ed. 2 v........ 39:1421-22 The same. In her N. and T., v. 1.....37: 1496 The same. Pocket ed.................... 39: 1458 Foresters, The. A. (D.) DUMAS...... 37: 984 The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 1478 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FORTUNES. 76 FRANIC. Fortunes of the Scattergood family. Fouqu6, De la Motte. See La MotteAlb. SMITH................................ 39: 1810 Fouque. Fortunes of Tom Haswell, and Tom Four, and what they did. H. C. Haswell's fortune. M. HAYMAN. WEEKS..................................... 40: 292 2 v. in 1.................................... 37: 4250 Four-fifteen express, The. A. B. Forty-five guardsmen, The. A. (D.) EDWARDS. In L. C. v. 8............ 40: 1618 DUMAS...................................... 37: 985 The same. With Monsieur Maurice. 37: 1529 Forty-seven Ronins, The. A. B. Four Georges. W. M. THACKERAY. MITFORD. In L. C. v. 11............40: 1621 In Misc. v. 4............................. 33: 4014 Fosdick, Charles A. (Harry Castle- Four Georges; Lovel the widower. mon). W. M. THACKERAY..................... 39: 2882 FRANK among the Rancheros. Phil. Four letters from Helen Hamilton. n. d. 160.................................. 37: 2380 L. C. MOULTON. In My third FRANK at Don Carlos' rancho. Phil. book........................................ 38: 3182 n. d. 160.................................... 37: 2381 Four oaks. E. W. BELLAMY. (Kamba FRANK before Vicksburg. Cin. 1871. Thorpe)............................ 35: 1920 16~.......................................... 37: 2382 Four sisters: a tale of life in Sweden. FRANK in the mountains. Phil. n. F. BREMER................................ 35: 2736 d. 16~...................................... 37: 2383 Fox-hunting. C. A. STEPHENS...... 39: 2252 FRANK in the woods. Cin n. d. 160. 37: 2384 Foxton, E. (pseud.) See PALFREY, FRANK on a gunboat. Cin. n. d. 16~. 37: 2385 Sarah H. FRANK on the lower Mississippi. Cin. Fra Gerolamo. W. GILBERT. In n. d. 160.................................. 37: 2386 Wizard of the mountain. v. 1..... 37; 2995 FRANK on the prairie. Cin. n. d. Fragment diamond, The. E. HAM160.......................................... 37: 2387 ERTON. In M irror of truth.......... 37: 3900 FRANK, the young naturalist. Cin. Fragment of modern history. T. (E.) n. d. 16................................... 37: 2388 HOOK. In Precepts and practice, Go ahead; or, the fisher boy's motto. v. 2....................................... 37: 4646 Cin. n.d. 16.......................... 37: 2389 Fragments of a broken life. Mrs. A. No moss; or, the career of a rolling FRASER. With Only a face.......... 37: 2445 stone. Cin. n. d. 160............ 37: 2390 Fragments of personal experiences. SPORTSMAN'S club afloat, The. Cin. (W.) W. COLLINS. In Queen's n.d. 160.................................. 37: 2391 revenge.................................... 35: 4581 SPORTSMAN'S club among the trap- Contents: pers, The. Cin. n.d. 160........ 37: 2392 1. Laid up in my lodgings. j 2. My black mirror. SPORTSMAN'S club in the saddle, The. Framley parsonage. A. TROLLOPE. Cin. n.d. 16.......................... 37: 2393 2 v. in 1................................3... 39: 3170 TOM Newcombe; or, the boy of bad Francillon. R. E. habits. Cin. n.d. 16.............. 37: 2394 EARL'S dene, The. N. Y. 1871. 8~. 37: 2435 SERIE~.:TS. PEARL and emerald: a tale of Note. For the shelf numbers of the fol- Gotham. Lond. 1872. smin. 8..... 37: 2436 lowing stories, see above. ZELDA'S fortune. Bost. 1874. 8~. 37: 2437 TGo-amed series Franco, Harry. (pseud.) See BRIGGS, 1. Tom Newcombe. 2. Go ahead. C.F. 3. No moss. Franconia stories. J. ABBOTT. 10 V. Gun-boat series: Contents 1. Frank, the young nat- 4. Fank on a younbot. 1. Malleville. 35:53 6. Stu vesant. 35:94 uralist. f. oouyvesanT. 35:94 uralist. 5. Frank before Vicksburg. 2 2. Prank in the woods.6.Frankon o r i 2. Mary Bell. 35:60 7. Agnes. 35:21 3. Frank on the p e. 16 sionpi. an3. Ellen Linn. 35:28 8. Mary Erskine. 35:61 3. Frank onthe pianirieI4e.| ip4Wallace. 35:98 9. Rodolphus. 35:62 Rocky-mountain series: 5, Beechnut. 35:23 10. Caroline. 35:26 1. Frank among the rancheros.... 35:26 2. Frank at Don Carlos' rancho. Frank. M. EDGEORTH. 2 V......... 37:1490-91 3. Frank in the mountains. Frank among the rancheros. C. A. Rolling stone series: FOSDICK. (Harry Castlemon)........ 37: 2380 Same as Go-ahead series. Sportsman's-club series: Frank at Don Carlos' rancho. C. A. 1. Sportsman's club in the saddle. FoSDICK. (!Harry Castlemon)........ 37: 2381 3. Sportsman's club amonag the trappers.Frank Austin's diamond. With DrayFosdick, William W. ton hall..................................... 40: 2131 MALMIZTIC the Toltec; and the'cav- Frank before Vicksburg. C. A. Fosaliers of the cross. Cin. 1851 120.'37: 2415 DICK. (Harry Castlemon)........... 37: 2382 Foster, Hannah. Frank Cooper. (pseud.) See SIMMS, COQUETTE; or, Eliza Wharton. Phil. W. G. 1866. 120................................ 37: 2420 Frank Fairleigh. F. E. SMEDLEY. Foster, S. Lond. 80................................. 39: 1792 BIVOUAC, The. Lond. 1857. 16~... 37: 2426 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 1793 Foster-brother, The; a tale of the Frank Forester. (pseud.) See HERwar of Chiozza. Ed. by L. HUNT. 37: 4855 BERT, H. W. Foster sisters, The. E. B. LOUGH- Frank Freeman's barber shop.. B. NAN. 3 v................................. 38: 1870-2. H ALL.................................... 37: 3868 Foul play. C. READE and D. BoucI- Frank Hilton; or, the queen's own. CAULT...................................... 39: 144 J. GRANT.................................. 37: 3308 Found dead. J.S. SAUZADE. (James Frank in the mountains. C. A. FosPayn.)...................................... 39: 1167 DICK. (Harry Castlemon)............. 37: 2383 Fountain of youth. F. PALUDAN- Frank in the woods. C. A. FOSDICK. MiiLLER.................................... 38: 3214 (harry Castlemosn)...................... 37: 2384 PROSEFICTION: ENGLISH. FRANK. 77 FROM. Frank Mildmay; or, the naval officer. French school life, Stories of. R. H. Capt. F. MARRYATT................... 38: 2527 MONCRIEFF. (Ascot R. Hope)...... 38: 3042 The same................-............38: 2528 French village, The. J. HALL. In Frank on a gunboat. C. A. FOSDICK. Tales of the border..................... 37: 3871 (Harry Castlemon)....................... 37: 2385 French wines and politics. H. MARFrank on the lower Mississippi. C. TINEAU. In Illus. of polit. econ. A. FOSDICK. (Hary Castlemon)... 37: 2386 v. 4.......................................... 38: 2642 Frank on the prairie. C. A. FOSDICK. Frenchman and the bills of exchange. (Harry Castlemon)....................... 37: 2387 A. PINKERTON. With Claude MelFrank Sinclair's wife, and other stories. notte as a detective..................... 38: 4546 Mrs. J. H. RIDDELL. 3 v............ 39: 372-4 Frenchman of two wives, The. In Contents: N. and T. v. 3.......................... 40: 1643 Forewarned, forearmed. Hertford O'Donnell's warn- Frere, M. v. 3. ing. v. 3. Frank Sinclair's wife. My frst love. v. 2. OLD Deccan days: or, Hindoo fairy v. 1-2. My last love. v. 3. legends, current in southern India. Frank Warrington. Mrs. S. S. HAR- Lend. 1870. 160....................... 37: 2475 RIS. (formerly Miss Cole)........... 37: 4010 The same................................... 10: 1990 Frank Wildman's adventures. F. Fresh gleanings. D. G. MITCHELL. GERSTAECKER............................. 37: 2932 (Ik Marvel)....................... 33: 3023 Frank, the young naturalist. C. A. Freytag, Gustav. FOSDICK. (Harry Castlemon)........ 37: 2388 DEBIT and credit. (Tr. of Soll und Frank's campaign: the farm and the Haben). N. Y. 1874. 12......... 37: 2480 camp. H. ALGER, Jr.................. 35: 535 LOST manuscript, The. (Die verlorFrankenstein. Mrs. M. W. SHEL- ene Handschrift). Tr. by Mrs. MalLEY......................................... 39: 1603 colm. N.Y. 1871. 8.............. 37: 2483 Franklin. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B. OUR forefathers. (Die Ah]nen). Tr. v. 4.......................................... 365: 39 by Mrs. Malcolm. N. Y. 1873. Fraser, Mrs. Alexander. 2 v. 160.................................. 37: 2481-2 ONLY a face, and other tales. Lond. Contents: 1873. sm. 80.......................... 37: 2445 Ingo. V. 1. I ngraban. v. 2. Contents: The same. Lond. 1873. 2 v. Bee Darrell. Gitana, La. sm. 80.................................... 37: 2484-5 Curse of Tyrrell. Just a dream. Friarswood post office. C. M. Episode of the east. Marquis de l'Orme. YONGE............40: 1279 Eve. My sister Alice. Fiorella. Only a face. Friedrich, Friedrich. Fragments of a broken Sin of Maude Conyers. LOST dispatch, The. Best. 1871. 8~. 37: 2498 life. Sybil Ashton. Friend at court. A. C. EWALD. 3 V. 37:1780-82 Fraser-Tytler, C. C. Friend Eli's daughter. (J.) B. TAYJONATHAN. N. Y. 1876. 1260.......37: 2457 LOR. In Beauty and the beast..... 39: 2780 MARGARET. N.Y. 1872. 120....... 37: 2454 Friend Karl. F. W. ROBINSON. In MISTRESS Judith: a Cambridgeshire Girl's romance........................... 39: 485 story. Lond. 1873. 2 v. in 1. Friend of the family, The. T. (E.) sm. 8~..................................... 3 455 HOOK. InSayingsanddoings. v. 1. 37: 4648 am.e 80ame. N Y 1537: 2455 HOOK. InSayings and doings. v. 1. 37: 4648 The same. N. Y. 1875. 16. 37: 2456 Friend of Gioberti's, A. C. LEVER. Fraternal magnanimity. F. v. In Treasuretrove series. v. 3...... 40: 1703 SCHILLER. In R. G. N. v. 3....... 40: 1562 Friend of my youth, The. T. B. ALDFreaks of fortune. W. T. ADAMS. RICH. With Marjorie Daw. 36:. 492 (Oliver Optic)............................. 35: 249 Friends and acquaintances. Mrs. I. Freaks on the fells; and why I did F. MAYO. (Edward Garrett.)........ 40: 2180 not become a sailor. R. M. BAL- Friends and rivals. Robt. BLACK. In LANTYNE............................... 35: 1464 Blackbird of Baden............... 35: 2168 Fred Arden. J. F. SMITH................ 39: 1894 Frier Rush. In Thorns' early English Fred Graham. J. F. SMITH.............. 39: 1895 romances. v. 1..3......3:...... 33. 4020 Fred, Maria and me. E. PRENTISS... 38: 4688 Friquet and friquette. J. MACb In Fred Vernon. J. F. SMITH.............. 39: 1896 Home fairy tales........................ 38: 2226 Freddy's aunt. H. SPICER. In Fritz. F. HOFFMAN. Tr. fr. the GerBrought to book. v. 1..........3..... 9: 2097 man by M. A. Manderson............ 37: 4488 Frederick the Red-beard upon the Froggy's little brother. BRENDA. Kyflhausen. GRIMM. In R. G. N. (pseud.)..................................... 35: 2769 v. 2.................................. 40: 1561 Froissart, Sir John. (1337-1400?) Frederick II. and his court. Mrs. C. TRUE tales of the olden times. Lond. MUNDT. (Louisa Miihlbach)......... 38: 3240 1854. 160................................. 37: 2505 Frederick II. and his family. Mrs. C. Frolich, L. MAGGIE'S mistake: a school girl's MUNDT. (LOUisa M.hlbach)..........38: 3241 story. N.Y. 1874. 160............ 37: 2512 Free, yet forging their own chains. From Baltimore to Washington. C. C. M. CORNWALL........................ 35: 4865 H. DALL................................37 35 Freebooters, The. G. AIMARD...... 35: 388 From birth to bridal. Mrs. DAY. 3 v. 37: 159-61 Freeland, William. From Boston to Baltimore. C. H. LOVE and treason. Lond. 1872. 3 DALL........................................ 37: 36 v. sm. 8...................................37: 2465-7 From dawn to daylight; or, the simFrench country family. Mme. G. ple story of a western home. Mrs. DEWITT...................................37: 403 H. W. BEECHER......................... "35: 1885 French prisoner in Russia. Tr. from From the earth to the moon. Same as the French by P. S. N. Y. 1874. American gun-club. J. VERNE... 39: 3690 16~..........................................40: 6178 From first tolast. In N. and T. v. ll. 40: 1651 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. FROM. 78 GALT. From fourteen to fourscore. S. W. Funny little old woman, The. E. JEWETT............................ 38: 357 EGGLESTON. In Schoolmaster's From an island. Miss A. I. THACK- stories............................. 37: 1595 TERAY. With Village on the cliff... 39: 2866 Funny philosophers. G. YELLOTT.... 40: 1250 From jest to earnest. E. P. ROE....... 39: 619 Funny pop-guns. F. BARROW. (Aunt From my youth up. Mrs. M. V. (H.) Fannie)..................................... 35: 1661 TERHUNE. (Marion Harland)...... 39: 2834 Fur country; or, 70 degrees north latiFrom nation to nation. J. H. FLINT. 37: 2278 tude. J. VERNE........................ 39: 3691 From night to light. B. E. E. Bost. Fureidis, El. M. S. CUMMINS......... 35: 5138 1872. 160.40: 2179 1872. 16................................. 40: 2179 From thistles-grapes.? Ars. C. J. EILOART................................... 37: 1622 Frontier life; or, scenes and adven- Gable-roofed house at Snowdon. tures in the south west. F. HARD- Mrs. M. J. HOLMES. In HomeMAN.......................................... 37: 3979 stead on the hillside..................... 37: 4570 Contents: Adventures in Louisiana. Tale of the Mexican war. Gaboriau, Emile. Adventures in Texas. Texan ranger's best shot. CLIQUE of gold, The. [Tr. of Clique Sketch in the tropics. Two nights in southern doree). Bost. 1874. 8~.............. 37: 2750 Mexico. FILE No. 113. (Tr. of Dossier 113). Frontier series. 5 v. Bost. 1875.' 80........................ 37: 2755 Contents:. 0oMYSTERY of Orcival. (Tr. of Crime 1. Pearson, C. H. C bin on the prairie. 38:4311. 2. Bishop, N. P. Thousand miles walk across South d0rcival). N. Y. 1871. 80........ 37: 2751 America. 21:2850. OTHER people's money. (Tr. of Gens 3. Barrows, W. Twelve nights in a hunter's camp. de bureau). Bost. 1875. 80........ 37: 2752 35:1677. D erbure. (T. of 8~..37i25 4. McCabe, J. D. Planting the wilderness. 38:]125. WIDOW Lerouge. (Tr. of L'affaire 5. Pearson, C. H. Young pioneers of the North-West. Lerouge). Bost. 1873. 8........... 37: 2753 38:4312. WITHIN an inch of his life. (Tr. of Frost and thaw: a story with a moral. Corde au cou). Bost. 1874. 80... 37: 2754 J. C. BOYCE. 2 v........................ 35:2470-71 Gabriel Denver. 0. MADOX-BROWN. 37: 2370 Frozen deep, The. (W.) W. COLLINS. 35: 4553 Gabrielle Andre. S. BARING-GOULD. Fryer Bacon. In Thorns' early Eng- Same as In Exitu Israel............... 35: 1572 lish romances. v. 1..................... 33: 4020 Gage, Mrs. Frances Dana. Fuller, Mrs. ELSIE Magoon; or, the old still-house CROWN-HARDEN. Lond. 1873. 3 in the hollow: a tale of the past. v. sm. 80................................. 37: 2532-4 Phil. 1872. 12........................ 37: 2764 Fuller, Jane G. STEPS upward. Phil. 1871. 120.... 37: 2765 BENDING willow; or, missionary life Gage of honour, The: a tale of the in the north west. N. Y. 1872. great mutiny. 3 v..................... 40: 2181 160...........................................37: 2520 Gain of a loss. C. M. YONGE. 2 v. Fuller, Lydia. in 1.......................................... 40: 1280 MISTAKEN; or, the seenriing and the Galama; or, the beggars. J. B. real. Phil. 1870. 12...............37: 2526 DELIEFDE................................ 37: 235 Fuller, Miss M. Galibi; or, the talking monkey. E. RIGHTED at last. N. Y. 1872. 80. 37: 2540 HAMERTON. In Mirror of truth... 37: 3900 Fullerton, Lady Georgiana Charlotte Gallows guests, The. GRIMM. In (Leveson Gower). R. G. N. v. 2............................ 40: 1561 CONSTANCE Sherwood. Leip. 1865. Galpin, Mrs. 2 v. in 1. sq. 160........................ 37: 2550 Two ghosts of New London turnpike, ELLEN Middleton. Leip. 1846. sq. The. In Stories and sketches........ 40: 1681 160.37: 2551 Galt John. (1779-1839). The same. Balt. n.d. 12~........ 37: 2560 lt, John. (1779-1839). TeRANSmeM.Bairt. ipd. 120.3847: 256 ANNALS of the parish. Lond. 1861. GRANTLEY Manor. Leip. 1847. 160.37: 2775 2 v. in 1. sq. 160........................ 37: 2552 The same. Lond. 1864. 160 37: 2776 The same.'Lond'"1864: 16~...... 37: 2776 The same. Balt. n. d. 12..... 37: 2561 AYRSHIRE legatees, The. Lond. LADY-BIRD. Leip. 1853. 2 v. in 1. 1861. 160. With Annals of the STq. 16e0............................ 37: 2553 parish....................................... 37: 2775 The same. Bait. 1868. 12~....... 37: 2562 BOOKOfifeThe Clubbook 40: 1520 B ookof life, The. In Club-book.... 40: 1520 MRS. Gerald's niece. Leip. 1870. E 3EBEN Erskine. Lond. 1833. 3 v. 2 v. in 1. sq. 160........................ 37: 2554 o STORMYlifeA.N.Y. 8................ 37: 2555 120........................................ 37: 2777-9 STORMY life, A. N. Y. 1868. 8~... 37: 2555 Thesame i. eip. 186. 2 v. in FATAL whisper, The. In Club-book. 40: 1520 The same. Leip. 1867. 2 v. iHADDAD-BEN-AHAB or, the travel1. sq. 160............................... 37' 2556 HADDAD-BEN-AHAB; or, the travel1. T sq.S 160.37:h andtru2556N.Y.ler. In Club-book.................... 40: 1520 TALES of truth and trust. N. Y. 1874. 160................................. 37' 2557 Conents1874..37: 557 LAWRIE Todd; or, the settlers in the Ad majoremn Dei gloriam. woods. Lond. 1849. 160........... 37: 2780 Beggar of the steps of St. Roch: a true story. PAINTER, The. In Club-book......... 40: 1520 Blacksmith of Antwerp. PROVOST, The; and other tales. Earth without heaven: a reminiscence. Edinb. 1868. 160..................... 37: 2781 Reparation: a story of the reign of Louis XIV. Trouvaille; or, the soldier's adopted child: a true story. Contents: Too strange not to be true. N. Y. Provost, The. Steamboat, The. Omen, The. Illustrations, anecdotes, and criti1865. 3 v. in 1. 8~0.................... 37: 2558 cal remarks. The same. Leip. 2 v. in 1. sq. 16~. 37: 2559 SOUTHENNAN. Lond. 1830. 3. v. Fullom, S. W. 12~...................................... 37: 2782-4 DAUGHTER of night, The: a story of UNGUARDED hour, The. In Clubthe present time. N. Y. 1868. 8~. 37: 2571 book......................................... 40: 1520 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GAMBLER'S. 79 GELDART. Gambler's wife. C. M. BRAME. In Gaskell, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth ClegTales from the diary of a sister horn. (1822-1866). of mercy.................................. 35: 2673 CousI- Phillis; and other tales. Gambler's wife, The. E. C. GREY...37: 3498 Leip. 1867. sq. 16~................... 37: 2860 Gambler's wife. E. PICKERING...... 38: 4435 Contents: Gjamester, The: a tale. In W. S. C. Cousin Phillis. Six weeks at HeppenG e e v.9.................................... 3,4: 4179 heim. Curious if true. Right at last. L. v. 9..................................... 34: 4179 The Manchester marriage. The same.........,........................... "15: 4919 CRANFORD. N. Y. n. d. 16~....... 37: 2861 The same.15: 4919~ CRANFORD. N. Y. n. d. 160......... 37: 2861 Gammer Grethel's fairy tales. H. The same. Leip. 1867. sq. 160... 37: 2862 and L. GRIMM.............. 37: 3602 DARK night's work, A. N.Y. 1863. Gaol chaplain, Experience of a. E. 8~............................ 37: 2863 NEALE...................................... 38: 3520 Thesame. Leip.1863.sq.16... 37: 2864 The same. Leip. 1863. sq. 160... 37: 2864 Garden of Eden, The. G. YEAGER... 40: 1245 LIZZIE Leigh; and other tales. Leip. Garden party, A. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. 1855. sq. 16.............................. 37: 2865 (formerly Miss Mulock.) In Un- Contents: kind word................................. 35: 4943 Bessie's troubles at home. Christmas The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 35: 4944 storms and sunshine. Company manners. Gardenhurst: a novel. A.. I)isappearances. Hand and heart. Heart of John Mid~ileton. Libbie Mrsh's three STEELE. 3 V............................. 39: 2177-9 eras. Lizzie Leigh. Mr. Harrison's conGardette, Charles D. fessions. Morton Hall. My French masBALL and Sancho. In Pluck........... 37: 2794 ter. Old nurse's story. Sexton's hero. Squire's story. Traits and stories of the DADDY Dimple. In Pluck.............. 37: 2794 Huguenots. Well of Pen-morfa. PLUCK; or, steps in the lives of the Lois, the witch. Leip. 1861. sq. Keene family; and other stories. 160 37: 2866 Phil. 1869. 160........................ 37: 2794 contents: Contents: Crooked branch, The. Doom of the Pluck; or, steps in the lives of the Keene family. Griffiths, The. Grey woman, The. HalfUgly mug and her magical glass, [poem.] brothers, The. Lois, the witch. Ball and Sancho. MARY Barton. N. Y. n. d. 80 37: 2867 Crafty fox and good little hen, [poem.]MARY Barton. L.Y. n.1d. 8..... 37: Daddy Dimple. The same. Leip. 1849. sq. 16... 37: 2868 Gardiner, Margaret (Power) (Count-MOORLAND cottage, The. N. Y. essof Blessington). (1789-1849.)1868. 16..............37: 2869 CONFESSIONS of an elderly gentle- MY lady Ludlow: a novel. N. Y. man. Phil. 1834. 80................ 37: 2804 1871. 8~....0............................. 37: 2870 COUNTRY quarters. Leip. 1850. 2 NORTH and south. N. Y. n.d. 8~. 37: 2871 v. in 1. sq. 160........................... 37: 2805 The same. Leip. 1855. sq. 160... 37: 2872 ELLA Stratford; or, the orphan child. RIGHT at last; and other tales. N. Phil......................................... 37: 2806 Y. 1860. 12~.......................... 37: 2873 MARMADUKE Herbert. Leip. 1847. Contents: 2 v. in sq.16........................ 37: 2807 Rightatlast Manchester marriage,'he. 2MEMOIRS of a femme de chambre16........37. 2807 Lois, the witch. Crooked branch, The. MEMOIRS of a femme de chambre. RUTH. N.Y. 1866. 120.............. 37: 2874 Leip. 1846. sq. 16~................... 37: 2808 Theame. Leip. 1853. 2 v in MIEREDITH. Leip. 1843. sq. 16~.... 37: 2809 STRATHERN; a novel. Leip. 1844. sq. 160.YVA37: 2875 SYLVIA'S lovers: a novel. N. Y. 2v. in 1. sq. 160........................ 37: 2810 18 8.................................. 37: 2876 BROKNdrjeams. N. Y. 37: 2820 The same. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. BROKEN dreams. N.Y.................. 37: 2820 s 1... 37: 2877 RICH Medway. N.Y.................... 37: 2821 iv an daughters. N:Y. 1866:. WIvEs and daughters. N. Y. 1866. TESTED; or, hope's fruition: a story 7 2878 of woman's constancy. N.Y. 1874. 8o............................................ 37: 2878 of woman's constancy. N.Y. 1874.The'same. Leip. 1866. 3 v. sq. 12.................37: 2822 same. Leip. 866. 3 v. sq. G a dn r.... C...... 160....................................... 37:287981 ardner, H. stol.f l The same. 3 v. in 2.............. 37: 2882-3 RosEDALE: a story of self-denial..... Cin. 1866. 120.................. 37: 2830 Gates ajar, The. E. S. PHELPS........ 38: 4375 (j~ar~jGeni.'' Joseph, O' ^Gn the rock Gates wide open, The. G. WOOD..... 40: 760 Garibaldi, Genl. Joseph On the rockGaunt abbey: a novel. E. J. LYSAGT. with. H. SPICER. In Bound. to 3 1943-5 3 v................................. 38: 1943-5 please, v. 2................................. 39: 2096 Gaut Gurley; or, the trappers of Garibaldi, Guiseppe. (b. 1807.) Umbagog. D. P. THOMPSON........ 39: 2972 RULE of the monk, The. N. Y. Gavroche, the gamin of Pars. V. 1870. 8~ *^. 9 Gavroche, the gamin of Paris. V. 1870 8...................................37 2836 HUGO. Adapted from "Les misGarland, James. erables," by M. C. Pyle............... 38: 4776 TREOARTHEN hall. Lend. 1871.'............. 3 V. sm.. 80.. 18137: 2841-3 Gay, Delphine. (pseud.) See GIRAR3v. sm. 8............................ 37: 2841-3 Garnston; or, a life's discipline. DIN, Mme. Emile de. Mrs. J. MERCIER....................... 38: 2895 Gayarr6, Charles Arthur. (b. 1805.).FERNANDO de Lemos, truth and ficGarrett, Edward. (pseud.) See MAYO, FERNANDO de Lemos, truth and ficMarretts. Edward. (Fivey.) ee MAYtion. N. Y. 1872. 120.............. 37: 2900 Mrs. Isabella Fivey. Gaylord, Glance. (pseud.) See Garrett, G. W.RADY BELLE of Belgravia, The. Lond. BRADLEY, J. W. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8....................37:2851-2 Gayworthys, The. A. D.T. WHITNEY......................................... 40: 392 Garry Owen*; or, the snow woman. Geier-Wally. A tale of Tyrol. W. M, EDGEWORTH. In Rosamond.... 37: 1508 von HILLERN............................. 37: 4433 Garstangs of Garstang Grange. T. The same..................................... 37: 4434 A. TROLLOPE.......................... 39: 3256 Geldart, Mrs. Thomas. Gascoyne, the sandal-wood trader. STORIES of England and her forty R. M. BALLANTYNE.....................35: 1465 counties. Lend. n. d. 18~......... 37: 2910 PROSE FICTIOiN; ENGLISH. GEMMA. 80 GIBBON. Gemma: a novel. T. A. TROLLOPE. 39: 3257 German popular tales. H. C. ANDERGems from fable land. W. 0. BOURNE. 35: 2389 SEN.......................................... 35: 645 The same........................... 33: 471 German popular tales and stories. Generalship; or, how I managed my J. L. K. and K. W. GRIMM.......... 37: 3603 husband. G. RoY....................... 39: 700 German romance, Specimens of. T. Generous lover, The; or, the man of CARLYLE. 4 v........................... 35: 3873-6 deeds and not of words. P. SCAR- Contents: RON. In Whole comical works..... *34: 1915 v. 1. Muswus. La Motte Fouque. v. 2. Genevieve. A. de LAMARTINE........38: 1284 ^Tieck. Hoffmann. v. 3. Richter. v. 4. Gnevieve. A. de LAMARTINE.....38: 1284 Goethe. Genevieve. C. von SCHMID............ 39: 1230 German tales. B. AIERBACH......... 35: 878 Genlis, Stephanie Felicite Ducrest de Gerstaecker, riederich. (1816Saint-Aubin, Comtesse de. (1746- 1872). 1830). EACH for himself; or, the two advenBELISARIUS: an historical romance. turers. Lond. n. d. sm. 80........ 37: 2930 BaIt. 1810. 2 v. in 1. 120. 37: 2920 FEATHERED arrow......................... 37: 2931 Gentianella: a novel. 1Mrs. RAN- FRANK Wildman's adventures. Bost. DOLPH...................................... 39: 106 1870. 160 37: 2932 Gentle recruit, The: a tale. G. R. How a bride was won. N.Y. 1869. GLEIG. In W. S. C. L. v........ 34: 4171 80 37: 2933 The same.*16..... H: 4911 Two convicts, The. (Tr. of De beiden Gentleman of the old school. G. P. he. (Tr. of De beiden entleman of the old school.. P.StriJflinge). Lend. 1873. sm. 8~.. 37: 2934 R. JAMES. 2 v. in 1.......38: 185 WIFE to order, A. Tr. by Edmund Geoffry Hamlyn. H. KINGSLEY...... 38: 964 Routledge. Lnd. Lond. n.d. sin. 8~. 37: 2935 The same. Tauchnitz ed., 2 v. in 1. 38: 965 WILD sports in the far west. Best. Geography of an Irish oath. W.1870 160 37: 2936 CARLETON. In Traits and stories Gertrude. E. M. SEwELL. 39: 1576.v. 2.......................................... 35: 3842 Gertru e E. M r tE e six gray v. 2.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 35: 3842 GGervase Castonel; or, the six gray The same...................................... 35: 3840 Gervase Castonel; or, the six gray Theosame. and the...... 365: 3840 powders. E. P. [Mrs. H.] WOOD. 40: 694 Geordie Willison, and the heiress ofGervase Skinner. T. (E.) HOOK...... 37: 3638 Castle Gower. A. LEIGHTON. In Get money. Mrs. L. C. TUTHILL...... 89: 3387 G W.T.eB. ort.hepla nter...f.he.l 40 of et thee behimn e tn. 0.'L. George; or, the planter of the Isle of SIKES. (formerly Olive Logan)...... 33: 3687 France. A. (D.) DUMAS.............. 37: 986 Geyer Waelty. F. HOFFMANN. Tr. George A. Green. Thoms' early by M. A Manderson.................... 37: 4489 English romances. v. 2............... 33: 4021 Ghost, The. W. D. O'CONNOR. In George Canterbury's will. E. P. L. C. v. 8............................... 40: 1618 [Mr. Henry] WooD.................. 40: 692 Ghost-hunter and his family, The. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v in 1. 40: 693 M. BANIM................................. 35: 1537 George Geith of Fen Court. Mrs. J. Ghost in the clock room. H. SMITH. H. RIDDELL............................39: 375 (IHesba Stretton.) In Lamplighter's The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 376 story............... 37: 481 George Julian. H. COCKTON...........36: 445 Ghost in the corner room. C. (J. H.) George Milbank. Mrs. ELLIS. In DICKENS. Zn Lamplighter's story. 37: 481 Chapters on wives....................... 37: 1675 Ghost in the cupboard room. (W.) George Morton and his sister. C. M. W. COLLINS. In Lamplighter's TROWBRIDGE.............................. 39: 3301 story..............................37: 481 George Ready. R. O'LINCOLN......... 38: 3825 Ghost in the double room. G. A. SALA. Georgy Sandon; or, a lost love. A. In Lamplighter's story................ 37: 481 OGLE..............38: 3812 Ghost in Master B's room. C. (J. H.) Gerald Estcourt. Mrs. R. CHURCH. DICKENS. In Lamplighter's story. 37; 481 (formerly Miss Maryatt). 2 v. in 1. 35: 4265 Ghost in the picture room. A. PROCGerald Fitzgerald. C. LEVER......... 38: 1603 TOR. In Lamplighter's story....... 37: 481 Gerald Hastings of Barton. By the Ghost of art, The. C.(J. H.) DICKENS. author of No appeal. Lond. 3 v. In Lamplighter's story............... 37: 481 ralm. 80M.a a.tale of there 40: 2182 Ghost of Gairyburn, The. A. Gerald Marsdale: a tale of the reign BETHUNE. In W. T. B., v. 6........ 40: 1716 of Queen Elizabeth. Mrs. S. Ghost of the garden room. Mrs. CAREY....................................... 35: 3780 GASKELL In Lampighter's story. 37: 481 GASKELL. In Lamplighter's story. 37: 481 Geraldine. E. C. AGNEW............... 35: 330 Ghost of Howdycraigs, The. A. Geraldine. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In BETHUNE. In W. T. B., v. 6........ 40: 1716 Sketches........................ 37: 3887 Ghost-seer,The; or, the apparitionist. Gerda. M.S. SCHWARTZ............... 39: 1257 F. SCHILLER. In Works, v. 4. 34: 1930 Germaine. E. (F. V.) ABOUT.........35: 166 Ghost story, A. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. German conquest of England, The, (Edward Garrett). In Dead sin..... 38: 2808 and battle of Dorking. Reminis- Giant Despair. M. FARROW. 3 v...... 37:2013-15 cences of a volunteer. Col. G. Giant's coffin, The; or, the feud of CHESNEY................................... 35: 4202 Holt and Houston. W. G. SIMMS. German emigrants, The. J. W. von In Wigwam and cabin................. 39: 1692 GOETHE. Tr. by R. D. Boylan. In Gibbon, Charles. his N. and T.............................34: 1259 FOR the king. N.Y. 1872. 8~...... 37: 2949 German novelists. T. RoScoE. 4 v. 40: 1560-3 FOR lack of gold: a novel. N. v. 1. Reynard, the fox. Howleglas, the Y. 1872. 8...............37: 2950 merry jester. Doctor Faustus. v. 2. Popu- IN honor bound: a novel. N. Y. lar traditions. Gottschalk. Eberhardt. 1875. 8~..... 37: 2951 Busching. Grimm. Lothar. La Motte ROBINGray: anovel. N.Y. 1873. Fouqu. v. 3. Musseus. Schilelr. v. 4. 83 25 Lewis Tieck. Langbein. Engel............................................ 37: 2952 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GIBERNE. 81 GIPSEY'S. Giberne, Agnes. Gillespie, Thomas. AIMeE; a tale of the days of James GLEANINGS of the covenant. In W. II. N. Y. 1873. 16............... 37: 2962 T. B. v. 8-10............................. 40:1718-20 COULYNG castle; or, a knight of the Contents: olden days. N. Y. 1876. 16~.... 37: 2964 Bonny Mary Gibson, v. 8. FLOSS Silverthorne; or, the master's Cairny cave of Gavin Muir, v. 9. FLOSS Silverthorne; or, the master's vCovenanter's march, v. 8. little handmaid. N. Y. 1875. 16~. 37: 2963 Curlers, The, v. 9. Gibraltar gallery, The. J. ABBOTT. Douglas tragedy, The, v. 8. InH.S.B....................... 35: 43 Eskdalemuir story, The, v. 8. In H. S. B., v. 8.......................... 35 43 Fatal mistake, v. 8. Gideon's rock. K. SAUNDERS......... 39: 1150 Grandmother's narrative. v. 8. Gifford, Hon. Mrs. George. Helen Palmer, v. 9. James Renwick, v. 9. KING'S Baynard. Lond. 1866. 3 v. John Govan's narrative, v. 10. sm. 8~...................................... 37:2970-72 Kinaldy, v. 10. Gift, Theodore. "Old Bluntie," v. 10. Old Isbel Kirk, v. 9. PRETTY Miss Bellew. N. Y. 1875. Penden'afarewell sermon, v. 8. 16~............................3.7: 2975 Persecution of the M'Michels, v 8. Gigantic attraction. H. SPICER. In Porter's hole, The, v. 9. Rescue at Enterkin, v. 8. Bound to please, v. 1.................. 39: 2096 Sergeant Wilson, v. 10. Gil Bias de Santillane, Adventures of. Shoes reversed, The, v. 10. A. R. LE SAGE. 2 v. N. Y. ed... 38: 1535-6 Thomas Harkness of Lockerben, v. 10. Trials of the Rev. Samuel Austen, v. 10. The same. Bost. ed. 3 v............... 38: 1537-9 Violated coffin, The, v. 9. The same. Phil. ed....................... 38: 1540 PROFESSOR'S tales, The. In W. T. B. Gilbert, William. v. 1-7........................................ 40:1711-17 DE profundis: a tale of the social Contents deposits. Lond. 1866. 16........ 37: 2982 Convivialist, The, v. 1. The same. Lond. 1864. 2 v. Dura Den; or, second thoughts are best, v. 5. m. 8.....................37: 2983-4 Early recollections of a son of the hills, v. 2. Enthusiast, The, v. 7. DOCTOR Austin's guests. Lond. Family incidents, v. 4. 1868. sm. 8~............................ 87: 2985 Home and the gypsy maid, T. 4. The same. Lond. 1866. 2 v. Krkyare pedlars, v. 3. sm. 8.................................... 37: 2986-7 Medal,The, v. 5 Contents: Mistake rectified, The, v. 5. Vol 1. Introductory. Vol. 2. Scientific evening, A. Mountain storm, The, v. 1. Mr. Gurdon's plight. Old maid, The. Natural history of idiots, v. 7. Patent mania. Banquo's ghost. Peat-casting time, v. 5. Singular love story, A. Imprisoned demon, The. Pheebe Fortune, v. 2. L'amour mfdicin. Philips Grey, v. 1. Return, The, v. 4. INQUISITOR, The; or, the struggle in Social man, The, v. 6. Ferrara: an historical romance. Suicide's grave, The, v. 2. Three brethren, The, v. 5. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 80...........37:2988-90 Three brethren, The, v. 5. Trees and burns, v. 7. MAGIC mirror, The. Lond. 1866. Wedding, The. v. 6. sm. 8......................................37: 2991 Gilman, Caroline. (b. 1794). and MARTHA. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8~. 37: 2992-4 JERVEY, Caroline Howard. WIZARD of the mountain. Lond. STORIES and poems. Bost. 1872. 1867. 2 v. 8~.......................... 37: 2995-6 16........................................... 37: 3020 Contents: RECOLLECTIONS of a southern matron Vol. 1. Introduction. Vol. 2. Don Bucefalo and the and a New England bride. Phil. Doctor Onofrio, The. curate. Fra ~erolamo Physician's daughter, The. n. d. 12~................................. 37: 3021 Magic flower, The. Two lovers, The. Gilman, Mrs. Maria. pseud.) See Last Lords of Cardonal. Stranger, The. BARNARD Charles F( Tomaso and Pepina. Innominato's confession, Robber chief, The. The.. Gilmore, James R. (Edmund Kirke). Conclusion. AMONG the guerillas. N. Y. 12~..... 37: 3032 Gilbert Gurney: a novel. T. (E.) AMONG the pines. N.Y. 1862. 12~. 37: 3033 IOOK.......................................37: 4639 DOWN in Tennessee. N. Y. 1866. The same. InW. S.C.L. v. 6-7....34: 4176-7 12~.............................. 37: 3034 The same...................................... 15: 4916-7 MY southern friends. N. Y. 1863. Gilbert Massenger. H. PARR. (Holme 12.......................................... 37: 3035 Lee)................................... 38: 4199 ON the border. Bost. 1867. 12~.... 37: 3036 Gilbert Rugge: a novel. By the au- PATRIOT boys and prison pictures. thor of A first friendship. N. Y. Bost. 1866. 12~........................ 37: 3037 1866. 8................................... 40: 2183 Ginger-snaps. S. P. PARTON. Gilbert Starr, and his lessons. W. J. (Fanny Fern)............................. 33: 3318 BRADLEY. (Glance Gaylord)........ 35: 2634 Ginx's baby: his birth and other misGilbert's last summer at Rainford. fortunes. E. JENKINS. [anon.]... 38: 301 W. J. BRADLEY. (Glance Gaylord). 35: 2633 Gipsy, The. G. P. R. JAMES........... 38: 186 Gilberts, The; or, Rice corner num- The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 38: 187 ber two. Mrs M. J. HOLMES. In Gipsy babes. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. Homestead on the hillside............ 37: 4570 In Works. v. 739: 1642 milded age: a tale of to-day. S. L. Gipsy king, A. In N. and T. v. 11. 40: 1651 Gilded age: a tale of to-dipsy of the Abruzzo, The. T. PowCLEMENS (Mark Twain), and C. ER. In Club-book 40 1520 D. WARNER "..................35: 4400 Gipsy's daughter, The. Mrs. E. C. Gildersleeve, Mrs. C. H. GREY...................................... 37 3499 REMY St. Remy; or, the boy in blue. Gipsy's prophecy, The; or, the bride N. Y. 1866. 12~..........37: 3010 of an evening. Mrs. E. D. E. N. Giles's minority; or, scenes at the red SOUTHWORTH.......................... 39: 2018 house. Mrs. R. O'REILLY............ 38: 3909 Gipsy's warning, The. E. A. DUPUY. 37: 1066 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GIRAFFE. 82 GOETHE. Giraffe hunters, The. M. REID....... 39: 246 Glenn's creek. Mrs. M. J. HOLMES. Girardin, Jules. In Homestead on the hillside........ 37: 4570 ADVENTURES of Johnny Ironsides. Glimpse of the world. E. M. SEWELL. 39: 1577 Lond. n. d. 160....................... 37: 3046 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 1578 Girardin, Mme. Emile de. (Delphine Glimpses of the. past; or, the muGay). seum. C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte CROSS of Berney; or, Irene's lovers: Elizabeth)................................. 39: 3064 a novel. (Tr. of La croix de Berny). Glimpses of pleasant homes: a few Phil. 1874. 120........................ 37: 3047 tales for youth. By a member of MARGUERITE; or, two loves. (Mar- the Order of mercy, authoress of guerite.) Tr. by J. Leander Starr. the life of Catharine Mc'Auley. N. N.Y. 1872. 80...................... 37: 3048 Y. 1872. 120............................ 40: 2185 STORIES of an old maid. (Contes d'une Glitter and gold. H. FIELD............ 37: 2132 vieille fille). Tr. by A. Elwes. N. Glory and sorrow; or, the consequenY. 1856. 160........................... 37: 3049 ces of ambition; and the Pasha of Girding on the armor. S. 8S. ROBBINS. 39: 453 Salonica. Tr. by P. S. N. Y. Girl he married, The. J. GRANT..... 37: 3309 1874. 16..................40: 2186 Girl's romance, A, and other stories. Glory of the house of Israel. D. F. F. W. ROBINSON........................ 39: 485 STRAUSS.................................... 39: 2350 Contents: Gloverson and his silent partners. Girl's iomance, A. Sensation at Season- R. KEELER................................ 38: 705 ville. Jenny Merton. Proud wife, A. Achille: a confession of folly. Widow Glow-worm, The. E. HAMERTON. Silvini,The. Alice Dale's offers. Rich- In Mirror of truth...................... 37: 3900 ard Arnot's craze. William Smudge's Glow-worm The. C. E. TONNA. amendment. Burles: a bad boy. FriendGlow-worm, The. TONNP. Karl. Tito's troubles. An odd fix. (Charlotte Elizabeth). In Philip Nantle ferry. and his garden........................... 39: 3068 Gisli, the outlaw. Tr. by G. W. Das- Gluck in Paris. Mrs. ELLET. In ent. Edin. 1866. sm40.......... 40: 2184 Nouveletts of the musicians......... 37: 1650 Giuseppe's home. J. A. MATHEWS. 38: 2725 Go-ahead; or, the fisher-boy's motto. Give us room. See Social grievances. C. A. FosDIcK. (Harry Castlemon). 37: 2389 In Collin's queen's revenge.............. 35: 4581 Gladiators, The: a tale of Rome and Goblet, The. L. TIECK. In C. G.. v. 2......................................... 3 5: 3874 Judea. J. G. WHYTE-MELVILLE. 40: 429 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40:.430 Goddard, Julia. rGtnladstones, The. F. TROTLLOPE. BAFFLED; or, Michael Brand's G 3 l v.adstones, ~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 39: 3241he3.wrong. N.Y. 1870. 8~............ 37: 3070 Glaik't Willi. J. M WILSON. In WONDERFUL stories from northern Glaikit, Willie. J. M.'WILSON. n lands. Lond. 1871. smin. 80........ 37: 3071 W. T. B. v. 6........................... 40: 1716 Godolphin, and Falkland. E. G. E. Glance Gaylord. (pseud.) See BRAD- L. BULWER-LYTTON............... 356: 3116 LEY, W. J. The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 35: 3117 Glass back, The. In W. T. B. v. 6. 40: 1716 odson, The. E. SOUESTR. Tr. Godson, The. E. SOUVESTRE. Tr. Glaucia: a story of Athens in the by Emily Bowles. In Maggie's first centnry. E. LESLIE............ 38: 1550 rosary....................................... 40: 1630 Gleanings of the covenant, The. T. Godwin, Mary Wollestonecraft. GILLESPIE. InW.T.B. v.8-10.. 40:1718-20 (1759-1797). Contents: MARIA; or, the wrongs of women: Bonny Mary Gibson, v 8. "Old Bluntie," v. 10. Cairny cave of Gavin Old Isbel Kirk, v. 9. a posthumous fragment. Phil. Muir, v. 9. Peden's farewell sermon, 1799. 16~0................................. 37: 3081 Covenanter's march, v. 8. v. 8. Godwin William. (1756-188) Curlers, The, v. 9. Persecution of the M'Mich-in, William. (175 836). Douglas tragedy, v. 8. aels, v. 8. ADVENTURES of Caleb Williams. Eskdalemuir story, v. 8. Porter's hole, The, v. 9. Lond. 1831. 160..................... 37: 3096 Fatal mistake, v. 8. Rescue at Enterkin, v. 8. The same. N. Y 1856. 2 v. in Grandmother's narrative, Sergeant Wilson, v. 10. v. 8. Shoes reversed, v..o. 1. 120............................ 37: 3097 Helen Palmer, v. 9. Thomas Harkness of Lock- BROTHER'S secret, The. Phil. n. d. James Renwick, v. 9. erber, v. 10. 120.37: 3098 John Govan's narrative, Trials of Rev. Samuel Aus-................................. v. lO. ten, v. 10.CLOUDESLEY: a tale. Lond. 1830. Kinaldy, v. TO. Violated coffin, The, v. 9. 3 v. 12~.......................... 37:3099-3101 Gleig, C. E. S. FLEETWOOD; or, the new man of OLD colonel, The, and the old corps. feeling. Loend. 1832. 160......... 37: 3102 Lond. 1871. 8........................ 33: 1659 ST. Leon: a tale of the 16th century. Gleig, George Robert. (b. 1795). Lond. 1832. 16~....................... 37: 3103 CHELSEA hospital and its traditions. Goethe and Schiller: a novel. C. Lond. 1835. 3 v.. 120............... 37:3059-61 M..MUNDT. (Louisa Miihlbach)..... 38: 3242 GENTLE recruit, The. In W. S. C. L. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749v. 1.......................................... 34: 4171 1832). The same................................... *15: 4911 ELECTIVE affinities: a novel. (Tr. of SARATOGA: a tale. In W. S. C. L. Die 4Wahlverwandschaften). N. Y. v. 1.......................................... 34: 4171 1872. 16~................................ 37: 3113 The same................................... "15: 4911 The same. In his N. and T......... 34: 1259 Glen Morris stories. D. WISE. 5 v. GERMAN emigrants, The. (Unterv. 1. Guy Carlton. 40:632 haltungen deutscher Emigranten). Tr. v 2. Dick Duncatn.'40:631 by R. D. Boylan. In his N. and T. 34: 1259 v. 4 WaelSero. G 40:63 GooD women, The. (Die guten Weiber). v. 5. Kate Carlton. 40:634 Tr. by R.D. Boylan. InhisN.andT. 34: 1259 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GOETHE. 83 GORDON. Goethe, (continued.)- Goldielocks. J. MAC&. In Home NOUVELETTE. Tr. by R. D. Boylan. fairy tales................................. 38: 2226 In his N. and T........................... 34: 1259 Goldmaker's village. H. ZSCHOKKE. 40: 1451 SORROWS of young Werther. (Die Goldsmith, Christabel. (pseud.) See Leiden des jungen IWerther). Tr. by SMITH, Julie P. R. D. Boylan. In his N. and T.... 34: 1259 Goldsmith, Oliver. (1728-1774). The same. Lond. 1801. 12~.... 37: 3114 VICAR of Wakefield, The. N. Y. WILHELM Meister's apprenticeship. 1862. 160.................................. 37: 3127 (Tr. of Wilhelm Meister's Lehrjahre.) The same. Edin. n. d. 160........ 37: 3128 Bost. 1867. 2 v. 160.............. 37:3115-16 The same. N. Y. 1872. 120...... 37: 3129 The same. Lond. 1868. sm 80... 37: 3117 The same. In Select works.......... 34: 1271 Going into society. C. (J. H.) DICK- The same. With Coventry's PomENS. With Uncommercial traveller. 37: 552 pey the little............................ 35: 4898 Going on a mission. P. COBDEN. The same. In Misc. works, v. 3... 34: 1269 (pseud.)..................................... 35: 4464 Gone like a shadow. By the author of Going to the front..H. SPICER. In Recommended to mercy. Loend. Bound to please. v. 1................39: 2096 1871. 3 v. sinm. 80..................... 40: 2188 Going to Maynooth. W. CARLETON. Gonsalez. See FERNANDEZ and GONIn Traits and stories. v. 2........... 35: 3842 SALEZ. The same........................................ 35: 3840 Good andbadspirits. Mrs.A. M.F. Going west; or, the perils of a poor HALL. In Sketches................... 37: 3887 boy. W. T. ADAMS. (Oliver Optic). 35: 291 Good and bad luck. C. E. TONNA. Good and bad luck. C. E. TONNA. Gold and dross. Mrs. I. F. MAYO. (Edward Garrett)....................... 38: 2811 i c.. 3n0 (Edwanrd GY~arrett).....,..,.. 38: 2811 i Charlotte Elizabeth.) In Flower of innocence................................. 39: 3062 Gold and name. M. S. SCHWARTZ..... 39: 1258............ Gold and tinsel: a novel. Lond. 1870. Good aunt, The. M. EDGEWORTH. 8~0....................... 40: 2187 In her N. and T., v. 1.................. 37: 1496 Gold brick. A. S. STEPHENS............ 39: 2207 3 Gold brick.' A. S'. STEPHEN^'.'.'.'.;.'.'.".;;39: 2207 The same. In Moral talesv. 1........ 37: 1494 Gold bug, The. E. A. POE. In L. C. Good fight, The; and other tales. C. v. 12.......................................... 40: 1622 READE........................... 39: 145 Gold Elsie. E. JOHN. (E. Marlitt). Contents: Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister......... 38: 381 Autobiography of a thief. I Jack of all trades. Gold hunter's adventures, The; or, Good for nothing. G. J. WHYTElife in Austrailia. W. H. THOMES. 39: 2957 MELVILLE. 2 v. in 1.................. 40: 432 Gold hunters in Europe, The. W. H. Good French governess. M. EDGETHOMES.................................... 39: 2958 WORTH. In Moral tales, v. 2........ 37: 1495 Gold mines of the Gila. C. W. WEB- The same. In her N. and T., v. 2..... 37: 1497 BER. 2 v.................................. 40: 271 Good genius,The. H. andA. MAYHEW. 38: 2790 Gold seekers, The. G. AIMARD......... 35: 389 Good girl and true woman. W. M. Gold thread, The. N. MACLEOD...... 38: 2335 THAYER.................................... 39: 2936 Gold worshippers. J. ROBTNSON....... 39: 540 Good investment: a story of the upper Golden bait, The: a novel. H. HOLL. Ohio. W. FLAGG....................... 37: 2245 3 v............................................ 37: 4525-7 Good luck. P. COBDEN. (pseud.)..... 35: 4465 Golden clew. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. Good luck! E. WERNER................. 40: 313 In Works. v. 4......................... 39: 1639 Good man of Dryfield, The. A. Golden fetters. M. LEMON. 2 v. in 1. 38: 1506 CAMPBELL. In W. T. B., v. 4...... 40: 1714 Golden grains from life's harvest field. Good match. A. PERRIER.......... 38: 4346 T. S. ARTHUR............................. 35: 773 Good measure. D. S. ERICKSON....... 37: 1751 Golden heart, A: a novel. T. HooD. Good old times. A. MANNING......... 38: 2467 3 v.......................................... 37: 4620-2 Good Sir Walter: a tale. By the auGolden lion of Granpire, The. A. thor of Family portraits. In W. T.ROLLOPE................................. 39: 3171 S. C. L., pt. 1, v. 3....................... 34: 4173 Golden memoirs. E. LEIGH. 2 v....38: 1488-9 The same..................................... *15: 4913 Golden opportunity, The. J. INGE- Good society. Mrs. E. C. GREY........ 37: 3500 LOW. In"Stories told to a child..... 38: 33 Good time coming. T. S. ARTHUR... 35: 774 Golden pot, The. E. T.W. HOFFMANN. Good women, The. J.W. von GOETHE. In C. G.R. v. 2........................ 35: 3874 In his N. and T........................... 34: 1259 Golden sorrow, A. Mrs. C. HOEY.... 37: 4464 Good-bye sweetheart. R. BROUGHGolden tress, The. F. Du BOISGOBEY. 35: 2314 TON.......................................... 35: 2971 Goldhunter's library, The. W. H. Goodwin, Edward. THOMES. 6 v. Same as Ocean life LILY White: a romance. Phil. 1865. series. 120.......................................... 37: 3139 Contents: Goodwin, rs. H. B. 1. Gold hunters' adventures, The; or,Goodwin, rs.H. B. life in Austaailia. [39:2957] DR. Howell's family. Bost. 1869. 2. Bushrangers, The; a Yankee's adven- 120......................... 37: 3149 tures during his econd visittoAusSHEBROOKE. NY. 1866 12..... 37: 3151 trailia. [39:2956] 3. Gold hunters in Europe, The; or, the Goodwin-Talcott, Mrs. -. dead alive. [39:29 58]FORTUNES of Miss Follen, The. N. 4. Whaleman's adventures, The, in the Sandwich Islands and California Y. 1876. 120.......................... 37: 3156 [_ 39: d962],Goody Gracious! and the forget-me5. Slaver's adventures, A, on land and not. J.NEAL, In L C v 10 40: 1620 sea. [:1 39:2961]not. J. NEAL. In L. C.,. 10..... 40: 1620 6. Life in the East Indies. [;39:2959] Gordian knot, The. (C.) S. BROOKS. 35: 2926 Goldie, Mrs. Thomas. Gordon, Clarence. (Vieux Moustache.) HELEN Walker, the Jeanie Deans of BOARDING-SCHOOL days. N.Y. 1873. the Heart of Midlothian. T.F. H. 40: 2658 16~.......................................... 37: 3160 PROSE FICTION: ENSGLISH. GORDON. 84 GRANT. Gordon, Hewes. Grace Cameron. A. CAMPBELL. In LOVERS and thinkers. N. Y. 1865. W. T. B., v. 8............................. 40: 1718 120......................................... 37: 3168 Grace Dudley. C. J. PETERSON........ 38: 4358 Gordon, Janet. Grace Lee. J. KAVANAGH.............. 38: 671 CONNELLS of castle Connell, The. The same. 2 v. in 1....................... 38: 672 Lond. 1868. 2 v. sm. 8~.......... 37: 3176-7 Grace Tolmar: a novel. J. DANGERGore, Mrs. Catherine Grace Francis. FIELD....................................... 37: 73 (1799-1861.) Grace Truman. S. R. FORD............ 37: 2332 ABEDNEGO, the money-lender: a ro- Grace Wharton. (pseud.) See mance. Cin. n. d. 80............... 37: 3188 THOMPSON, Mrs. A. T. AMBASSADOR'S wife, The. Lond. Gracie's mission. H. W. PIERSON... 38: 4470 1863. sm. 80.............................. 37: 3189 Greemes of Glenmavis, The. F. BANKER'S wife, The; or, court and BROWNE. Zn The exile's trust...... 35: 3025 city: a novel. N.Y. 1870. 80... 37: 3190 Graham, Ennis. BIRTHRIGHT, The: a novel. N. Y. CICELY: a story of three years. Lond. 1874. 80................................... 37: 3191 1874. 3 v. 16......................... 37: 3251-3 CASTLES in the air. Leip. 1856. NOT without thorns. Bost. 1873. 80~. 37: 3254 sq. 160....................................... 37: 3192 TELL me a story. Lond. 1875. 160~. 37: 3255 DEAN'S daughter; or, the days we Graham, Grace. live in. Leip. 1853. 2 v. in 1. MABEL Livingstone; or, Christward sq. 16~................................ 37: 3193 led. Bost. 1873. 160................ 37: 3264 HECKINGTON. Leip. 1858. 2 v. in 1. Grahames, The: a novel. Mrs. T. sq. 160....................................... 37: 3194 WHITEHEAD.............................. 40: 385 LIFE'S lessons. Leip. 1857. 2 v. Grainger's thorn. T. WRIGHT. 3 v. 40: 904-5 in 1. sq. 160............................. 37: 3195 Grammar of life, The. B. F. TAYMAMMON; or, hardships of an heiress. LOR. In L. C. v. 4.................... 40: 1614 Leip. 1855. 2 v. in 1. sq. 160.... 37: 3196 Grandfather, The. E. PICKERING. 38: 4436 PEERS and Parvenus: a novel. N. Grandmother's money. F. W. Y. 1875. 80............................. 37: 3197 ROBINSON................................. 39: 486 POLISH tales. Lond. 1833. av. 120. 37:3198-3200 Grandmother's narrative. T. GILPROGRESS and prejudice. Leip. 1854. LESPIE. Gleanings from the cov2 v. in 1. sq. 160........................ 37: 3231 enant. In W. T. B. v. 8............ 40: 1718 QUEEN of Denmark. N.Y. 1863. 80. 37: 3202 Grandmother's shoe, The. J. INSELF. N.Y. 1845. 80................. 37: 3204 GELOW. In Stories told to a child. 38: 33 STORY of a royal favorite, The. N. Grandpa's house. H. C. WEEKS..... 40: 293 Y. 1864. 8.............................37: 3203 Grannie's recipe for pickling grievTwo aristocracies. Leip. 1857. 2v.ances. Mrs. E. R CHARLES. Wth in 16..................................37: 3205 Cottage by the cathedral.............. 35: 4071 Grant, Courtenay. ANNIE Jennings. Lond. 1870. 3 v. LITTLE lady Lorraine. Lond. 1873. sm. 8................................... 37:3215-17 12037: 3274 Gorilla hunters. R. M. BALLANTYNE. 35: 1467 Grant, E. Gossip's story, A; and A legendaryDrant. 1 tale. In W. S. C. L. v. 8............ 34: 4178 HOLIDAY rambles. Lond. 1862. 16~. 37: 3280 The same..................................... "15: 4918 Grant, Gerald. Gotthelf, Jeremias. (pseud.) See COMING home to roost: a novel. BITZIUS, Albert. Lond. 1872. 3 v. sm. 8............ 37: 3287-9 Gould, Jeanie T. Grant, James. (b. 1822.) MARJORIE'S quest. Bost. 1872. 120. 37: 3227 ADVENTURES of an aide-de-camp. Goulding, F. R. Lond. n. d. 160....................... 37: 9299 MAROONER'S island; or, Dr. Gordon ADVENTURES of Rob Roy, The. in search of his children. Phil. Lond. n. d. 160........................ 37: 3300 1872. 160................................. 37: 3237 ARTHUR Blane; or, the hundred cuiNACOOCHE; or, boy-life from home. rassiers. Lond. n. d. 160.......... 37: 3301 Phil. 1871. 160........................ 37: 3238 BOTHWELL; or, the days of Mary ROBERT and Harold; or, the young Queen of Scots. Lond. n. d. 16~. 37: 3302 Marooners on the Florida coast. CAPTAIN of the guard, The. Lond. Phil. 1870. 160....................... 37: 3241 n. d. 160.................................. 37: 3303 SAL-O-QUAH; or, boy-life among the CAVALIERS of fortune, The; or, BritCherokees. Phil. 1870. 160...... 37: 3239 ish heroes in foreign wars. Lond. SAPELO; or, child-life on the tide- n. d. 160.................................. 37: 3304 water. Phil. 1870. 160............ 37: 3240 CONSTABLE of France, The; and Governor, The. (pseud.) See MOR- other military historiettes. Lond. FORD, Henry. n.d. 160.................................. 37: 3305 Governess, The. Mrs. M. 1M. SHER- Cotlen s: Chevalier d' Artagnan, The: captainWOOD. In Works, v. 6...............39: 1641 lieutenant of the Mousquetaires du roi. Govinda Skmenta; or, the history of Constable of France, The. Marquis of Lauriston, The: grand veneur a Bengal. Rev. Lal Behari DAY... 37: 170 of France. Gowden Gibbie. A. CUNNINGHAM. Memoir of General Wolfe, A. In Olub-book.............................. 40: 1520 Scots' fusilier guards, The. Sir Andrew Wood of Largo, captain of Gower, Lord Francis Leveson. the Yellow frigate, and admiral of DRAMATIC scenes founded on V. James Ill. Story of Private Thomas Keith, who beHugo's Hernani. In Club-book.. 40: 1520 came aga of the Mamelukes, and governor of M edina. Gowrie; or, the king's plot. G. P. R. edina. Traitor and his victim, The; or, the JAMES. N.Y. 1871. 8~0............38: 188 story of the unfortunate -Major Andre. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GRANT. 5 GREENOUGtH. Grant, James, (continued.)- Granville valley. J. ABBOTT.......... 35: 33 DICK Rodney; or, the aduentures of Grapes and thorns. M. A. T........... 39: 2700 an Eton boy. Lond. n. d. 160... 37: 3306 Grasshopper pop-gun. F. BARROW. The same. Bost. 1864. 160....... 37: 3306a (Aunt Fanny).............................. 35: 1662 FIRST love and last love: a tale of Grateful negro, The. M. EDGEWORTH. the Indian mutiny. Lond. n. d. In her N. and T. v. 3.................. 37: 1498 160............................. 37: 3307 The same. In Popular tales. v. 2... 37: 1507 FRANK Hilton; or, the queen's own. Grattan, Thomas Colley. (1796Lond. n. d. 16........................ 37: 3308 1864). GIRL he married, The. Lond. n. d. CHANCE medley of light matter, A. 160.......................................... 37: 3309 N. Y. 1845. 80........................ 37: 3371 HARRY Ogilvie. Lond. n. d. 160.. 37: 3310 Graves, A. C. HIGHLANDERS of Glen Ora, The. SECLUSAVAL; or, the arts of RomanN. Y. Same as Laura Everingham. ism. Memph. 1870. 120........... 37: 3381 JACK Manly: his adventures by sea Graves, R. and land. Lond. n. d. 160........ 37: 3311 SPIRITUAL Quixote, The. Lond. JANE Seton; or, the king's advocate. 1820. 2 v. 120........................ 37: 3386-7 Lond. n. d. 160....................... 37: 3312 Gray, Barry. (pseud.) See COFFIN, KING'S own borderers, The: a mili- R. B. tary romance. Lond. n. d. 160. 37: 3313 Gray, Robertson. (pseud.) See RAYLADY Wedderburn's wish: a tale of MOND, Rossiter W. the Crimean war. Lond. 1873. Grayling; or, murder will out. W. 160.......................................... 37: 3314 G. SIMMS. In Wigwam and cabin. 39: 1692 LAURA Everingham; or, the High- Grayson, Eldred. landers of Glen Ora. Lond. n. d. STANDISH, the puritan: a tale of the 160......................................... 37: 3315 American Revolution. N. Y. 1850. LEGENDS of the Black Watch; or, 12.......................................... 37: 3405 the forty-second Highlanders. Graziella. A. de LAMARTINE. Tr. Lond. n. d. 160....................... 37: 3316 by S. C. B................................. 38: 1285 Contents: Great elm, The. J. ABBOTT. In H. Adventures of Capt. Grant, The. S. B. v. 9................................. 35: 44 Forest of Gaich, The. Great expectations. C. (J. H.) DICKLettre de cachet. Lost regiment, The. ENS.......................................... 37: 474 Massacre of Fort Wm. Henry, The. The same...................................... 37: 475 Seven grenadiers. The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 37: 476 Story of Dick)uff, The. Story of Farquhar, The The same. With Oliver Twist......... 37: 520 Story of the Grey Mousquetaire. Great (forgotten) invasion, The. See Wife of the Red Comen,'The. Nooks and corners of history. In LETTY Hyde's lovers; or, the house- COLLIN'S Queen's revenge............ 35: 4581 hold brigade. Lond. n. d. 16~... 37: 3317 Great Hoggarty diamond, The. W. LUCY Arden; or, Hollywood hall. M. THACKERAY. In Misc. v. 1... 33: 4003 Lond. n. d. 160.......................37: 3318 Great lady, A. -- van DEWALL.... 37: 396 MARY of Lorraine: an historical ro- Great organ-prelude. F. H. UNDERmance. Lond. n. d. 160......... 37: 3319 WOOD. In Cloud pictures............ 39: 3621 OLIVER Ellis; or, the fusiliers. Lond. Great panjandrum himself, The. E. n.d. 160...................................37: 3320 EGGLESTON. In Schoolmaster's ONLY an ensign' a tale of the retreat stories...................................... 37: 1595 from Cabal. Lond. n. d. 160....37: 3321 Great scholar, The. J. MACe. In PHANTOM regiment, The; or, stories Home fairy tales......................... 38: 2226 of Ours. Lond. n.d. 160.........37: 3322 Great unknown, The: a tale. In W. PHILIP Rollo; or, the Scottish Mus- S. C. L. v. 9~........................... 34: 4179 keteers. Lond. n.d. 160.......... 37: 3323 The same...................................... "15: 4919 ROMANCE of war, The; or, the High- Greatest plague of life, The. H. and landers in Spain. Lond. n. d. 160~. 37: 3324 A. MAYHEW.............................. 38: 2791 SCOTTISH cavalier, The: an historical Green, Mrs. B. R. romance. Lond. n. d. 160........37: 3325 LORD Castleton's ward. Lond. 1874. SECOND to none: a military romance. 3 v. sm. 8~..................... 37:3415-17 Lond. n. d. 160.......................37: 3326 Greene, Mrs. —. UNDER the red dragon: a novel. GREY house on the hill. Lond. 1870. Lond. n. d. 160....................... 37: 3327 120......................................... 37: 3425 WHITE cockade, The; or, faith and Greene, Talbot. fortitude. Lond. n.d. 16........ 37: 3328 AMERICAN nights' entertainments; YELLOW frigate, The; or, the three compiled from pencillings of a sisters. Lond. n.d. 160............37: 3329 United States Senator: entitled, A Grant, Maria M. winter in the federal city. With ARTISTE. Bost. n. d. 80.............37: 3350 a supplement. Jonesborough, Tenn. BRIGHT morning. Lond. 1873.3 v. 1860. 120................................. 37: 3430 sm. 80.......................................37: 3351-3 Green gate, The: a romance. E. LESCAR, the Universalist. Lond. WICKERT. Tr. by Mrs. A. L. 1874. 3v. sm.8~.....................37: 3354-6 Wister.............. 40: 471 Grantley Grange: benedicts and bach- Green hand, The. F. CHAMIER........ 35: 4010 elors. S. BEAUCHAMP. 3 v......... 35:1788-90 Green mountain boys. D. P. THOMPGrantley Manor. Lady G. FULLER- SON.......................................... 39: 2973 TON. 2 v. in 1...........................37: 2552 Greenough, Mrs. Richard S. Granville de Vigne. L. de la RAME. APOLLYONA. In Arabesques........... 33: 1705 (Ouida.)....................................39: 48 DOMITIA. In Arabesques................ 33: 1705 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GREENOUGH. 86 GROUND. Greenough, (continued.)- Greye, Armar. (pseud.) IN Extremis: a novelette............... 37: 3435 NOT in vain. Lond. 1869. 2 v. in 1. MONARe. In Arabesques................ 33: 1705 smin. 8....................................... 37: 3540 OMBRA. In Arabesques.................. 33: 1705 Grey's court. Edited by Georgiana, TREASON at home: a novel. Phil. Lady Chatterton. 2 v................. 35: 4120-1 n.d. 120.................................. 37: 3436 Gridiron, The. S. LOVER. In L. C. Greenw ood, F. v. 9.......................................... 40: 1619 MARGARET Denzil's history. N. Y. The same. In Legends and stories... 38: 1886 1873. 8~................................... 37: 3446 I Grif: a story of Australian life. B. L. Greenwood, James. (Amateur FARJEON................................... 37: 1979 Casual). Griffin, Gerald. (1803-1840.) BEAR king, The: a narrative confided AYLMERS of Bally-Aylmer. N. Y. to the marines. Lond. 1868. Tales of the Munster festivals....... 37: 3552 sm. 4........................................ 37: 3454 BARBER of Bantry, The. In Works, IN strange company; being the ex- v. 3.......................................... 37: 3553 periences of a roving correspond- CARD-DRAWER, The. N. Y. n. d. ent. Lond. 1873. sm. 8............ 37: 3455 120. Tales of the Munster festivals. 37: 3553 NIGHT in a workhouse, A. un L.C. CHRISTIAN physiologist: a night at v. 1.......................................... 40: 1611 sea. N. Y. n. d. 12~. in Tales TRUE history of a little ragamuffin. of the five senses........................ 37: 3557 Lond. n. d. 8........................ 37: 3456 COINER, The. In Works, v. 2......... 37: 3552 Greey, Edward. COLLEGIANS, The: a tale of GarryQUEEN'S sailors, The. Lond. 1870. owen. N. Y. n. d. 120............. 37: 3551 3 v. sm. 8~................................ 37: 3466-8 DUKE of Monmouth, The. N. Y. Gregg, W. Thomson. n. d. 12~............................ 37: 3556 DESPERATE character. Lond. 1873. HALF-SIR, The. In Works, v. 2....... 37: 3552 3 v. sm. 8~............................... 39: 3001-3 HAND and word. In Works, v. 3..... 37: 3553 DOCTOR Middleton's daughter. Lond. HOLLAND tide............................... 37: 3552 1874. 3 v. sm. 80..................... 37:3479-81 Note. Same as v. 1 of the Munster festivals. Greville Landon: a novel. P. LISLE. INVASION, The. N. Y. n. d. 12~... 37: 3558 3 v........................................... 38: 1800-2 MR. Tibbot O'Leary, the curious. In G rey, Mrs. E. C. L. C., v. 5................................. 40: 1615 ALICE Seymour: a home tale. Phil. MUNSTERE festival, The.................... 37: 3552-4 n. d. 8~.............................. 37: 3491 NIGHT at sea, A. In Works, v. 7..... 37: 3557 BARONET'S daughters, The. Phil. RIVALS, The; and Tracy's ambition. n. d. 8037: 3492 Bost. n. d. 120. Tales of the BELLE of the family, The. Phil. Munster festivals........................ 37: 3554 n.d. 8................................. 37: 3493 SUIL Dhuv. In Works, v. 2............ 37: 3552 BosoM friend, The: a novel. Phil. SWANS of Lir, The. In L. C., v. 1... 40: 1611 1864. 8..............................37: 3494 TALES of the five senses; and Night CousIN Harry. Phil. n. d. 120..... 37: 3495 at sea. Mont. 12..................... 37: 3557 DUKE and cousin, The. Phil. n. d. 8~ 37: 3496 TALIS qualis; or, tales of the juryGAMBLER'S wife, The. N. Y. 1873. room. N.Y. n. d. 12~............. 37: 3555 80.. 3'7: 3498 TRACY'S ambition. In Works, v. 4... 37: 3554 8~............................................ 37: 3498 TRACI'S ambition. In W orks, v. 4... 37: GISY'S daughter, The. Phil. n. d. TRAGEDY of Gisippus. In Works,v. 8. 37: 3558 8~..........3............................ 37: 3499 TORiKs. N. Y. n. d. 8 v. 12..... 37: 3551-8 GOOD society, Phil. n. d. 80......... 37: 3500 Griffith, Cecil. HYACINTHE. Phil. n.d. 8~......... 37: 3501 MAUD Mainwaring: a novel. Lond. LENA Cameron. Phil. n.d. 80.... 37: 3502 1868. 3 v. sm. 8~..................... 37:3568-70 LION-HEARTED. Phil. n. d. 8~..... 37: 3503 NOR love, nor lands. Lond. 1873. LITTLE beauty, The. Phil. n.d. 12~. 37: 3504 3 v. sm. 80............................... 37: 3571-3 LITTLE wife, The. Phil. n.d. 8~.37: 3505 ~VALENTINE Ford. Lond. 1870. 3 v. MANCEUVERING mother, The. Phil. sm. 8....................................... 37: 3577-9 n. d. 80.................................... 37: 3506 VICTORY Deane: a novel. Bost. MARRIAGE in high life. Phil. n.d. n. d. 120.................................. 37: 3580 80............................................ 37: 3507 UTTERMOST farthing, The. Lond. MARY Seaham. Phil. n. d. 80...... 37: 3508 1865. 3 v. sm. 8~..................... 37: 3574-6 OLD dower house, The. Phil. n. d. 80~. 37: 3509 Griffith Gaunt; or, jealousy. C. READE. 39: 146 PASSION and principle. Phil. n. d. 8~. 37: 3510 Griffiths, Robert, jr. SYBIL Lennard: a record of woman's BETWEEN two loves. Lond. 1872. life. Phil. 1848. 80................. 37: 3511 3 v. sm. 8~............................... 37: 3590-2 YOUNG husband, The. N.Y. 1854. Grimkie. J. ABBOTT..................... 35: 34 8~............................................ 7: 3512 Grim m, H. and L. YOUNG prima donna, The. Phil. n. GAMMER Gretel's fairy tales. Lond. d. 80....................................... 37: 3513 1869. sm. 8.............................. 37: 3602 Grey, Georgpie. Grimm, Jakob Ludwig (1785-1863.) VIRGILIA: a story of Rome, under and Wilhelm Karl (1786-1859.) Nero. Phil. 1870. 160........... 37: 3530 GERMAN popular tales and household stories. lPhil. 1872. 12............ 37: 3603 Grey-bay mare, The; and other 1870. 12~.................................38: 1500 Gringo, Harry. (pseud.) See WISE, Grey house on the hill. Hon. MIrs. Henry Augustus. GREENE....................................37: 3425 Griswold, Hattie Tyng. Grey woman, The. E.. G(ASKELL. DOiVWN by. the sea. In Stories and With Lois, the witch.................... 37: 2866 sketches.................................. 40: 1681 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. GRIZEL. 87 IABERMETSTAR. Grizel Cochrane: a tale of Tweed- Gunnar: a tale of Norse life. H. H. mouth Muir. J. M. WILSON In BOYESEN.................................. 35: 2481 W. T. B. v. 8.......................... 40: 1718 Gup. Mrs. R. CHURCH. (formerly Groach and the Kakous, The. E. Miss Marryatt)......................... 35: 4267 SOUVESTRE. In Brittany and La Gurney married. T. (E.) HOOK....... 37: 4640 Vende..................................... 39: 2066 Gurney papers, The: continuation of Ground and lofty tumbling. In N. the life of Gilbert Gurney. T. (E.) and T. v. 11............................ 40: 1651 HOOK. In W. S. C. L. v. 9-13.... 34:4179-83 Grumbler, Anthony. (pseud.) See The same...................................... *15:4919-23 HOFFMANN, D. Gus Howard. J. F. SMITH. Sequel Grumbler, The: a novel. Miss E. to Minnie Gray.......................... 39: 1897 PICKERING................................. 38: 4437 Gushington, Angelia. (pseud.) Gryll grange. T. L. PEACOCK. In ANGELIA Gushington's thoughts on Works. v. 2............................. 34: 1823 men and things. N. Y. 1872. 120. 33: 523 Guardian and ghost, The. D. P. Gustavus Adolphus, and the thirty THOMPSON. With May Martin..... 39: 2975 years' war: an historical novel. Z. Guardian angel. 0. W. HOLMES..... 37: 4601 TOPELIUS................................. 39: 3076 Gude conceit o' oursels, A. In N. and fustavus Lindorm. E. F. CARL(N. 35: 3794 T. v. 8.................................... 40: 1648 Guy Carlton. D. WISE. (Francis Guernsey, Clara F. Forester).................................... 40: 632 COLD hand, The. In Not pretty but Guy Deverell. J. S. LE FANU. 2 v. precious....................................40: 1640 in 1.38: 15 precious............................... 40: 1640 in I..................................... 38: 1456 MEMAN and the figure head, The.37 Guy Earlscourt's wife: a novel......... 37: 2255 Phil. 1871. 160........................ 37: 3610......... NEW boy, The. Phil. 1871. 160...37: 3611 Guy Fawkes. W. H. AINSWORT.....35: 416 RED fox, The. In Not pretty but Guy Livingstone. G. A. LAWRENCE. 38: 1365 precious.................................... 40: 1640 The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 38: 1366 Guernsey, Lucy Ellen. Guy Mannering. Sir W. SCOTT. LADY Betty's governess. N. Y. 1873. Parker ed. 2 v.......................... *39: 1303-4 120................................ 37: 3613 The same. Edin. ed...................... 39: 1355 LADY Rosamand's book. N. Y. 1874. The same. Abbotsford ed.............. 39: 1359 120.......................................... 37: 3614 The sam e..................................... 39: 1372 WINIFRED; or, after many days. The same. Household ed. 2 v...... 39: 1397-8 N. Y. 1869. 120......................937: 3615 The same. Pocket ed.................... 39: 1446 Guerrazzi, Francesco Domenico. The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 1479 (1805-1873). Guy Rivers: a tale of Georgia. W. G. BEATRICE Cenci: a historical novelSIMMS...................................... 39: 1683 of the sixteenth century. (Tr. of u'a ifppn' r'^ ft 79 Beatrice Cenci). N. Y. 1869. 120. 37: 3618 Guy's life lesson. Mrs. S. F. KEENE. 38: 722 The same. Tr. by Luigi Monti. Gwendoline's harvest. J. S. SAUN. Y. 1875. 2 v. in 1. 120..... 37: 3618a ZADE. (James Payn)................... 39: 1168 MANFRED; or, the battle of Bene- Gwynne, Talbot. vento. (La battaglia di Benevento). NANETTE and her lovers. Lond. Tr. by Luigi Monti. N. Y. 1875. 1854. 120................................. 37: 3645 120.........37:..... I.369...........37 3619 SCHOOL for dreamers. Lond. 1853. G ueuletto, T. S. 120.......................................... 37: 3646 CHINESE tales, or, wonderful adven- SCHOOL for fathers, The. N. Y. 1852. tures of Mandarin Fum-Hoam. 20....................................... 37: 3647 Lond. 1795. 160......................37: 3625 SILAS Barnstarke. Lond. 1853. 120~. 37: 3648 Guidwife of Caldingham, The. J. YOUNG Singleton. Lond. 1856. 2 v. M. WILSON. In W. T. B. v. 3...40: 113 16........................................... 37:3649-50 Guild court. G. MACDONALD. 3 v. 38: 2165-7 Gypsies of the Dane's dyke, The. G. The same. N. Y. ed..................... 38: 2168 S. PHILLIPS. (January Searle.)...... 38: 4410 Guilt and-innocence. M. S. SCHWARTZ. Gypsy Breynton series. E. S. PHELPS. Tr. by S. Borg and M. A. Brown. 39: 1259 4 v........................................... Guilty or not guilty. [anon.] In W. v. 1. Gypsy Breynton. 38:4376. T. B. v. 3................................ 40: 1713 v. 2 Gypsy's cousin Joy. 38:4377. Guizot, Mnme. E. C. P. v. 3. Gypsy's sowing and reaping. 38:4378. MORAL tales. Lond. 1853.16. 37: 3630.v.4. 4Gypsy's year at the Golden crescent. 38:4379. POPULAR tales. Lond. 1854. 160.. 37: 3631 Gypsy king, A. In N. and T., v. 11. 40: 1651 The same. Bost. 1859 120....... 37: 3632 Gulliver, Lemuel. (pseud.) See SWIFT, J. H. Gulliver's travels. J. SWIFT. In H * (Abb). Works. v. 3.............................. 34: 2077 ADELMAR: the templar. Bait. 1871. The same. v. 2............................. 34: 2176 80.37: 3725 The same. Lond. 1867. 24~0.........39: 2430 _ The same. Phil. 1867. 120.......... 39: 2431 H family, The. F. BREMER. In The same. Leiph. 1867 2. sq4. 16~.................................. 3.5: 2737 The same. Leip. 1844. sq. 160..... 39: 2432 H.. Gunboat series, The. C. A. FOSDICK.LAIRD of Darnick The. In W. T. (Harry Castlemnon). 6 v. B B. v. 4.................................... 40: 1714 v. 1. Frank, the you g naturalist. 37:2388 Hack, M. v. 2. Frank in the woods. 37:2381tHa, PV. v. 3. Frank on the prairie. 37:2,87 ENGLISH stories of the olden-time. v. 4. Frank on the gunboat. 37:2385Lond. 1839. 2 v. 120............... 37: 3801-2 v. 5. Frank before Vicksburg. 37:2382.,......... v. 6. Frank on the lower Mississippi. 37:2386 Habermeister, The. H. SCHMID..... 39: 1235 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. 11ACKLaNDER. 88 HALL. Hacklander, Friedrich Wilhelm. Hale, E. E., (continued.)(b. 1816) MAN without a country, The. In L. CLARA; or, slave life in Europe. (Tr. C., v. 1...................................... 40: 1611 of.Europdisches Sklavenleben). N. The same. In If, yes and perhaps. 33: 1828 Y. 1856. 120........................... 37: 3810 The same.................................. 37: 3836 ENCHANTING and enchanted. (Mdr- OUR new crusade: a temperance story. chen). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Bost. 1875. 180........................ 37: 3839 Phil. 1871. 160....................... 37: 3811 SKELETON in the closet, The. In L. Contents: C. v. 5.................................... 40: 1615 Elfin tree, The. (Weihnachtsmdrchen). The same. In If, yes, and perhaps. 33: 1828 Dwarf's nest, The. (Das Zwergnest) The same.................................. 7: 3836 Princess Morgana, The. ~ (Von der Prinzessin Morgana). he home. Bs. Castle Silence. (Schloss Schweigen). SYBARIS, and other homes. Bost. Fairy tankard, The. (Der Zauberkrug) 1869. 12................................... 33: 1832 Haded-Ben-Ahab; or, the traveller. TEN times one is ten. Bost. 1871. J. GALT. In Club-book. v. 1...... 40: 1520 160.......................37: 3840 The same. In L. C. v. 9:.............. 40: 1619 THINGS by their right names. N. Y. Haddon-hall, Evenings at. G. CAT- 1854 180................................. 37: 3852 TERMOLE.................................... 35: 3953 UPS and downs: an every day novel. Jeannette_ R (,4nn~,Bost. 1873. 16........................ 37: 3841 Hadermann, Jeannette E. (AnnHale, Mrs. Sarah Josepha. (b. 1790). AGAINST the world. Bost. 1873..... 37: 3821 LIBERIA; or, Mr. Peyton's experiment. N. Y. 1853. 12............. 37: 2851 DEAD men's shoes. Phil. 1872. 120. 37: 3822 HamnadozendN er5. J.37 FORGIVEN at last. Phil. 1870. 120. 37: 3823 Half a dozen daughters. J. MSTERMAN. 2 V................................. 38: 2675-6 "How mother did it." In Not pret- Half-brothers, The. J.BNIM. In ty but precious.......................... 40: 1640 Bit o'writin'.............................. 35: 1531 Hadgee Ibraham and his son. G. P. Half-brothers, The. E. C. GASKELL. R. JAMES. In String of pearls..... 38: 219 With Lois the witch.................... 37: 2866 Hagar. A. CARY........................... 35: 3916 Half-brothers, The; or the head and Hagar. E. TABOR. 3 v.................. 39:2715-17 the hand. A. (D.) DUMAS............ 37: 988 Hagarene. G. A. LAWRENCE......... 38: 1367 Note. Same as Iron hand. Hahn-Hahn, Ida Maria Louisa Fred- Half-caste, The. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. erika Gustava, Countess of. (b. (formerly Miss Mulock.) In Do1805). mestic stories.............................. 35: 4914 FAUSTINA. N. Y. 1872. 120........ 37: 3638 Half a life. G. W.DASENT. 3v. 37: 101-3 Halbert of Lynne. J. HoGG. (Ettrick Half a million of money. A. B. EDWARDS.................................. 37: 1519 Sepherd). In Winter eveng tales. The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 37: 1520 v. 1.......................................... (37 452 H es Te. G. G. 7 121 v.1.37:dEvrtt(4521eercHalf-sir,The. G. GRIFFIN. In CardHale, Edward Everett (Col. Frederic drawer...................................... 37: 3553 CHIDRENam.) (b. 1822).the publinHalf-sisters, The. G. E. JEWSBURY. 38: 366 CHILDREN of the public, The. In T L. C. v. 12.............................. 40: 1622 Haliburton, Thomas Chandler. (SamThe same. Zn If, yes, and perhaps. 33: 1828 uel Slick). (1797-1865). The same................................... 37: 3836 ATTACH, The. Lend. 1843. 2 v. 120. 37: 3857-8 CHRISTMAS eve and Christmas day: 385-8 ten stories. Bost. 1873. 160...... 37: 3833 NATURE and human nature. ond. His level best, and other stories. Bost. 1859. 120.37: 3859 1873. 160........................... 37: 3834 OLD judge, The; or, life in a colony...............Contents..: Lond. n. d. 120........................ 37: 3860 Brick moon, The. Mouse and lion. SAM Slick, the clockmaker. Concord. Confidence. Queen of California. 1838. 16................................ 37: 3861 His level best. Tale of a salamander. The same. N. Y. 1872. 16...... 37: 3862 Modern Sinbad. Water talk. Modern Sinbad. Water talk. The same. Phil. n. d. 120........ 37: 3862a How to do it. Bost. 1871. 160...... 37: 3835 SAM Slick's wise saws. Lond. 1859. IF, yes, and perhaps. Bost. 1868. 120................... 37: 3863 16.......................................... 33: 1828 The same. N. Y. n. d. 160...... 37: 3864 Cnten of the public. My double, and how he un- Hall, Mrs. Anna Maria Fielding. (b. Children of the ppblic. My double, and how he unChristmas waits in Bos- did me. 1804). ton. Old and new, face to face. CAN wrong be right? Leip. 1868. Last of the Florida. Piece of possible history. sq. 16............................. 37: 38 Last voyage of the Reso- Skeleton in the closetsq. 16.................................. lution. South American editor. FIGHT of faith: a story. Lond. Man without a country. 1869. 2 v. 120........................ 37: 3880-1 The same................................... 37: 3836 LIGHTS and shadows of Irish life. INGHAM papers, The. Bost. 1869. Lond. 1838. 3 v. 12~............... 37: 3882-4 160.......................................... 33: 1829 Contents: Contents: Bocher of Red-gap lane, Sketches of Irish highways, Daily bread. How Mr. Frye would have v. 3.(continued.)Did he take the prince to preached it. Dispensation, v. 3. Luck. Pt 1. Moyna Brady. ride? Memoir of Capt. Fred. Ing- Groves of Blarney, v.. Pt. 11. Dermot - Dinner speaking, ham. Harry O'Reardon, v. 3. Dwyer. Friends' meeting. Ragman and ragwoman.Illustrations of Irish Naturals. Good society. Round the world in a hack pride, v. 2. Procrastination. Good natured pendulum. Paul Jones and Denis Duval. Sketches of Irish high- Ruins. Pt. I. ways, v. 2: Pt. II. Story ofCloonThe same................................. 37: 3837 Beggars. ey Blaney. IN his name: a story of the Walden-Dummy. Pt III The old eagle ses, seven hundred years ago. Bost. JauntDar t onnell. 1874. 16~................................. 37: 3838 Servants. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HALL. 89 HAND. Hall, Mrs. A. M. F., (continued.)- Halves. J. S. SAUZADE. (James MIDSUMMER eve: a fairy tale of love. Payn)........................................ 39: 1178 N. Y. 1863. 8........................ 37: 3885 Hamerton, Eugene. OUTLAW, The: an historical romance. MIRROR of truth, The, and other Lond. 1847. 16~....................... 37: 3886 marvellous histories. Bost. 1875. SKETCHES of Irish character. Lond. 12~ 0.................................. 37: 3900 1844. lg. 8~.............................. 37: 3887 Contents: Contents *Adine and the seal. Mirror of truth. Annie Leslie Lilly O'Brien. Fragment diamond. Rustic and his eels, The. Bannow postman. Galibi; or, the talking'wo storks. annow postman. LkOBra.Luke O' rrian. Black Dennis. Mabel O'Neil's cursemonkey. Unknown tree. Captain Andy. Macgoharty's petition. Glow-worm. Wonderful purse. Fairy of Forth. Mary Ryan's daughter.Last es Father Mike. Master Ben. Hamerton, Philip Gilbert. Geraldine. Old Frank. HARRY Blount: passages in a boy's Good and bad spirits. Peter the prophet. life on land and sea. B Hospitality. Rapparee. ife on land and sea. Bost. 1875. Independence.'ake it easy.16~.......................................... 37: 3906 Jack the shrimp. "We'll see about it. Hamilton, Alexander, Leaves from Kate Connor. Wise thought: same as Kelly the piper. Norah Clary. the life of. J. M. WILSON. In W. Larry Moore. Wooing and wedding. T. B. v. 10.............................. 40: 1720 Last of the line. Hamilton, Mrs. Celia V. (formerly SKETCHES of Irish character. In W. Miss Dakin). S. C. L. v. 4............................. 34: 4174 CONSTANCE Lyndsay; or, the progress Contents: of error. N. Y. n. d. 8........... 37: 3912 Annie Leslie. Larrv Moore. Jack the shrimp. Norah Clary's wise thought. BEHIND the veil. Bst. 871. 8. 37 3920 Kate Connor. " We'll see aboui it." CROWN from the spear. Best. 1872. The sam e...................................'15: 4914 8............................................ 37: 3921 STORIES of Irish peasantry. In W. EXPIATED. Bost. 1873. 8........... 37: 3922 S. C. L. v. 14............................ 15: 4924 ROPES of sand, and other stories. Contents: Best. 1873. 8~......................... 37: 3923 " Its only a drop." Contents: Tales of womans' trials. Illus. Lond. Domestic tragedy. Mrs. Gordon's confession. 1o868.o 180.: o 3o88 Drinkers of ashes. Ropes of sand. 1868. 18~................................. 37' 3888 Every string broken. Woman's story. Contents: Mr. John. Bear and forbear. Mosspits, The. SIX months hence." Bost. 1871. Curse of property. Mother, The. Daily governess. Old maid, The.~............................................ 37: 3924 Dacily governess. Old maid, The. 3 Forced blooms. Private purse, The. WOVEN of many threads. Bost. Governess. Uses of adversity.1874. 8............. 37: 3925 Grace Huntley. Wife of two husbands... Lost beauty. Wisdom of forethought. Hamilton, Elizabeth. Merchant's daughter. COTTAGERS of Glenburnie. Edin. The same. N. Y. 1873. 8....... 37: 3889 1808. 8................................. 37: 3935 WHITEBOY, The: a story of Ireland Hamilton, Mrs. M. J. R. in 1822. N.Y. 1871. 8~..... 37: 3890 CACHET; or, the secret sorror. N. Hall, Baynard R. Y. 1873. 12........................... 37: 3940 FRANK Freeman's barber shop. N. Hamilton, Capt. Thomas. Y. 1852. 12~........................... 37: 3868 YOUTH and manhood of Cyril ThornHall, James. ton. N.Y. 1860. 2 v. in 1. 12~. 37: 3950 LEGENDS of the west. N. Y. 1854. Hamilton of Bothwelhaugh; or, the 12........................................... 37: 3870 massacre of St. Bartholomew. H. Contents: W. HERBERT. (Frank Forester). Backwoodsman, Indian wife's lament: a poem In Chevaliers of Frace... 37: 4352 Bar ack-master's daugh- Intestate, The. n.... ter. Isle of the yellow sands. Hamiltons, The. C. BERKLEY........ 35: 2020 Divining rod. Legend of Carondelet. Emigrants. Michel de Coucy. Hamlets, The. H. MARTINEAU. In Harpe's head. Missionaries. M is. tales................................. 38: 2649 Seventh son. Hamley, Edward Bruce. TALES of the border. Phil. 1835.LADY Lee's widowhood N. Y. 1870. 120~........ 37: 3871 8............................................ 37: 3956 Contents: Capuhin. Pioneer. Hammer and anvil. F. SPIELHAGEN. 39: 2106 Dark maid of Illinois. Silver mine. Hammer and rapier. J. E. COOKE... 35: 4703 French village. Spy. New moon. Hammond, S. H. Hall and the cottage, The. Mrs. S. S. WILD northern scenes. Phil. 1869. ELLIS. In Pictures of private life. 12~......................................... 37: 3960 v. 1.......................................... 37: 1687 Hammond, William A. Hall of the castle, The. J. BANIM. ROBERT Severne, his friends and his In Bit o' writin'.......................... 35: 1531 enemies. Phil. 1867. 12......... 37: 3965 Halligen, Die; or, in the midst of the Hammonds of Holycross. Lady North sea. M. ROSKOWSKA. Tr. BLAKE. 3 v.............................. 35: 2431-3 by J. Fredk. Smith.................... 39: 645 Hanbury mills: a study of contrasts. Hallowell, Sarah C. C. I. COLERIDGE........................ 35: 4510 ON the church steps. With ASHETON'S Modern Cressida................. 40: 1631 Handandglove. A B. EDWARDS..... 37: 1521 Halpine, Charles G. (Mites i Re 4y. The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 37: 1522 Halpine, Charles G. (Miles O'Reilly). BAKED meats of the funeral. N. Y. Hand and word, The. G. GRIFFIN. 1866. 12~................................. 33: 1841 In Aylmer's of Bally-Aylmer...... 37: 3552 LIFE and adventures of Private Miles Hand of Ethelberta, The: a comedy O'Reilly. N. Y. 1866. 12........ 33: 1842 in chapters. T. HARDY............... 37: 3993 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. IaNDEL. 90 tIARRY. Handel, Georg Friederich. Mrs. Harland, Marion. See TERHUNE, Mrs. ELLET. In Nouvellettes of the M. V. (H.) musicians................................. 37: 1650 Hartland forest. A. E. BRAY.......... 35: 2702 Handel and Hayden. C. F. BARNARD. 35: 1626 Harley, A. J. Handie. J. ABBOTT................. 35: 35 YOUNG Crusoe, The. Bost. 1873. 160. 37: 4002 Hands not hearts. Miss WILKINSON. 40: 510 Harehound and the witch, The. J. Handsome is that handsome does. BANIM. In Bit o' writin'............ 35: 1531 M. E. BRADLEY.......................... 35: 2618 Harneyhow's hummock. J. G. Handsome Lawrence. A. L. A. D. AUSTIN. In Rougegorge and other DUDEVANT. (George Sand).......... 37: 908 stories....................................... 40: 1670 Handy Andy: a tale of Irish life. Harold: the last of the Saxon kings. S LOVER................................... 38: 1885 E. G. E. L. BULWER-LYTTON....... 35: 3121 Hannah. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (for- The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 35: 3122 merly Miss 3Mulock)..................... 35: 4916 Harper establishment, The. J. The same..................................... 35: 4917 ABBOTT. In H. S. B., v. 4............ 35: 39 The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 35: 4918 Harper's story-books. N. Y. 1870. Hannah Thurston. (J.) B. TAYLOR. 39: 2781 12 v. 12.................................. 35: 36-47 Hannah's triumph. M. A. DENISON. 37: 331 Contents: Hannay, David. v.i. Bruno; Willie and the mortgage; Strait gate. NEDI Allen; or, the past age. N. Y. 2. Little Louvre; Frank; Emma. NE Ae; or, the past a e 3. Virginia; Timboo and Joliba; Timboo and Fanny. n. d. 8~................................... 37: 3970 4. Harper establishment; Franklin; The studio. Hannay, James. 5. Story of ancient history; English history; AmeriSINGLETON Fontenoy. N.Y. n.d. 80. 37: 3972 can history. 6. John True; Elfred; Museum. Hans Brinker; or, the silver skates. 7. Engineer; Rambles among the Alps; Three gold M. E. DODGE............................. 37: 728 dollars. 8 Gibraltar gallery; Alcove; Dialogues. Happy conclusion, The. In W. T. B., 9. The greatrelm; Aunt Margaret; Vernon.. 8.......................................... 40: 1718 10. Carl and Jocko; Lapstone; Orkney. Happy-day stories, for the young.ii. Judge Justin; Minigo; Jasper. H. W. DULCKEN............. A12. Congo; Viola; Little Paul. Happy faces. Mrs. A. OPIE. n7 Harpe's head. J. HALL. In Legends Works.38: 3901 of the west................................ 37: 3870 Happy grandmoth'er.. Mrs.... M... 3 Harriet and Ellen. Lois. Cin. 1856. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 13..... 39: 1648 18.40: 2194 Happy-thought hall. F. C. BUR- Harrington. M. EDGEWORTH....... 37: 1492 NAND......................................33: 1053 The same. In her N. and T., v. 9..... 37: 1504 Happy thoughts, More. F. C. BuR- Harris, Alexander. NAD......................................... 33: 1055 MARTIN Beck. Lond. 1853. 120... 37: 4007 Haps and mishaps in the Brown Harris, Mrs. S. S. (formerly Miriam family. W. A. BOARDMAN........ 35: 2284 Cole). Harbour bar, The: a tale of Scottish FRANK Warrington. N. Y. 1871. life. Mrs. John PHILLIPPS.......... 40: 2193 120........................................ 37: 4010 Harcourt. G. L. TOTTENHAM. 3 v. 39: 3081-3 LOUIE'S last term at St. Mary's. N. Hard cash: a matter-of-fact romance. Y. 1864. 120........................ 37: 4011 C. READE............................. 39 147 MARGUERITE'S journal. N.Y. 1875. The same............................... 39: 148 12........................ 37: 4018 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v..... 39: 149-51 PERFECT Adonis, A. N. Y. 1875. The same. 3 v. in 2....................... 39: 152-3 120................................. 37: 4012 Hard maple. S. and A. B. WARNER. 40: 201 RiCHARD Vandermarck. N.Y. 1871. Hard-scrabble. E. KELLOGG......... 38: 732 120..................................... 37: 013 Hard times. C. (J. H.) DICKENS.... 37: 477 ROUNDHEARTS and other stories. N. The same. Tauchnitz ed............37: 478 Y. 1867. 12~0........................... 37: 4014 The same. In New stories.............. 37: 505 Contents: Boy regiment; Christmas sister; RoundThe same. With Tale of' two cities. 37: 546 hearts; Willy Collins. Harden's revenge. A. LEIGHTON. RUTLEDGE. N. Y. 1871. 120....... 37: 4015 In W. T. B., v. 4........................ 40: 1714 ST. PHILIP'S. N.Y. 1871. 120..... 37: 4016 Hardman, Francis. SUTHERLANDS, The. N. Y. 1871. FRONTIER life; or, scenes and adven- 120.......................................... 37: 4017 tures in the south-west. Buffalo. Harrises, The: bhing an extract of 1853. 12................................. 37: 3979 the common-place hook of Alex-'Contents:...,z vander Smith, Elder. Lond. 1870. Adventures in Louisiana. Texan ranger's blest shot. 3 v. sm. 80........................ 40: 2195 Adventures in Texas. Two nights in Southern 3 v s 8............................... 40: 2195 Sketch in the tropics. Mexico. Harrison, Agnes. Tale of the Mexican war. M cMARTIN'S vineyard. Lond. 1872. Hardy, Lady. sin. 8~....................................... 37: 4040 DAISY Nichol. N. Y. 1871. 8~..... 37: 3985 Harrison, Jennie. Hardy, Thomas. OLD back room, The. N. Y. 1871. DESPERATE remedies. Lond. 1871. 160.................................... 37: 4046 3 v. sm. 80.............................. 37: 3987-9 FAR from the madding crowd. N. Harry and Lucy; The little dog Trusty; The cherry orchard; and Y. 1874. 160........................... 37: 3990 Trusty; The cherryorchard; and Y. 1874. 16 ^.37: 3990 Theorangeman. M. EDGEWORTH. 37: 1493 HAND of Ethelberta, The: a comedy he o P. G. RT. in chapters. N. Y. 1876. 160~.... 37: 3993 HrryBlount. P.. HAMERTON...37: 3906 PAIR of blue eyes, A. N. Y. 1873. Harry Bolton's curacy. In T. f. B., 16~.......................................... 37: 3991 v. 5.......................................... 40: 1695 UNDER the greenwood tree. N.Y. Harry Coverdale's courtship and mar1873. 16~.................................37: 3992 riage. F. E. SMEDILEY................ 39: 1794 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. IIARRY. 91i HAUNTElD. Harry Egerton. G. L. TOTTENHAM. Harte, (continued.)3 v........................................... 39: 3084-6 OUTCASTS Of Poker flat, The. In L. Harry Heathcote of Gangoil. A. C., v. 1...................................... 40: 1.611 TROLLOPE.................................. 39: 3172 The same. In Luck of roaring Harry Hope's holidays. J. T. BURGESS. 35: 3380 camp.................................... 33: 1906 Harry Lorrequer. C. LEVER............ 38: 1604 TALES of the Argonauts; and other The same.................................... 38: 1605 sketches. Bost. 1875. 120......... 37: 4058 The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 38: 1606 Contents: Baby Svlvester. Jersey centenarian. Harry Ogilvie; or, the black dragoons. Episode of Fiddletown. Pqssage in the life or Mr. J. GRANT................................... 37: 3310 Fool of Five forks. John Oakhurst. Harry iO'Re(rdon. MTrs. A. M. F. How (,ld man Plumkett Rose of Tuolumne, The. HM~~~~~~~arry U.Kerdon IV A.went home. Wan Lee, the pagan. HALL. In Lights and shadows, v. 3. 37: 3884 Hartley C. B. Harry Richmrond, Adventures of. G.' HUNTING sports in the west. Phil. MEREDITH. 3 V........................ 38: 2901-3 n. d. 16.................................... 37: 4067 Harry Waters and John Heard. Lond. Hartwell, Mary. n. d. 120................................. 40: WOMAN in armor, A. N. Y. 1875. Harry's vacation. W.C. RICHARDS. 39: 312 12~.......................................... 37: 4075 Conten's: Hart, Gerald. (pseud.) See IRVING, Man who "had'nt time." T. J. Old Gargoyle. Harte, (Francis) Bret. (b. 1839) Woman n armor. HartCONDENSED novels) Bret.. 1839). 1871. Hartwell farm, The. L. B. COMINs. 35: 4635 CONDENSED novels. N. Y. 1871. 120.......................................... 37: 4055 Hartz boys, The or, as a man sows ~~Cont/~ena~ts:~ ~so must he reap. F. HOFFMAN..... 37: 4490 HANDSOME is as handsome does. By Ch-s The same; and Robin the runner...... 37: 4491 R-de Harvey Ashton. J. F. SMITH. ( For LOTHAK. By Mr. Benjamins. sequel, see Ellen De Vere)............. 39: 1898 MvUC-A-MUCK. after Cooper. Harveys, The. H. KINGSLEY.......... 38: 953'EBRENCE Denville. By Ch-1-s L-v-r.......... SELINA Sedilia. By Miss M. E. B-dd-n Haste and waste; or, the young pilot and Mrs. H-n-y W-d. of Lake Champlain. W. T. ADNI.ETY-NINE guardsmen, The. By Al-x-AMS. (Oliver Optic).35: 250 DWELLER of the threshold, The. By Sir Hasty words and their apology. A. Ed-d L-tr-n B-lw-r. CAREY. In Pictures of country HAUNTED man, The. By Ch-r-s D-ck-ns. lif....................... 35: 3918 Miss Mix. Ch-l-tte Br-nte.'. GuY Heavystone. By the Author of Hatch, Alice J. ", Sword and gun." UNDER the cedars; or, what the years M. Midshipm Breezy By ptain brought. Bost. 1872. 16~......... 37: 4082 JOHN Jenkins. By T. S. A-th-r. -Hated task, The. C. E. TONNA. No title. By W-lk-e C-ll-ns. Charlotte Elizabeth). In Tales and M.N. Being a novel in the French par- illustrations.............................. 39: 3070 agraphic style. FANTINE. After the French of Victor Hathaway, William E. Hugo. CHRISTOPHER Crooked: a christmas "LA Femme." After the French of M. story. N.Y. 1873. 160............ 37: 4090 Mi(:helet. MARY McGillup. After Belle Boyd. With Hathaway Strange. G. F. de an introduction by G. A. S-la. VINGUT. With Irene............. 39: 3750 LUCK of roaring camp. In L. C., v. 4. 40: 1614 Hatton, Joseph. LUCK of roaring camp; and other CHRISTOPHER Kenrick: his life aind sketches. Bost. 1871. 160......... 33: 1906 adventures. N. Y. 1869. 120..... 37: 4100 Contents: CLYTIE: a novel of modern life. Bohemmian sketches: Sketches, (continued.)- Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8............ 37: 4101-3 Boonder. Luck of roaring camp. IN the lap of fortune. Lond. 1873. From a back window. Man of no account. John Chinaman. Miggles. 3 V. sin. 80............................... 37: 4104-6 Mission Dolores. Outcasts of Poker flat. VALLEY of poppies, The. Lond. SketcBheso: ennessee's partner. 1872. 2 v. sm. 8..................... 37: 4107-8 Brown of Calaveras. Stories: High-water mark. Mliss. Hauch, John Carsten. Idyl of Red gulch. Notes by flood and field. ROBERT Fulton: an historical novel. Lonely ride.'Right eye of the commander. Tr. by Paul C. Sinding. N. Y. MRS. Skaggs's husbands; and other MRSfi. Skaggs's husbands; and other 1868. 120................................. 37: 4118 sketches. Bost. 1873. 16~......... 33: 1907 Hauff, Wilhelm. b 802 Hauff, Wilhelm. (b. 1802). Contents: ARABIAN days' entertainments. Bost. Christmas gift that came'Legends and tales, (con.) — to Rupert. Ogress of Silver-land. 1868. 120......................... 37: 4125 How Santa-Cl us came to Ruins of San Francisco. COLD heart, The. In Tales from the Simpson's bar Urban sketches: German..........................40: 1699 Iliad of Sandy-bar. Boy's dog, A. Mr. Thompson's prodi- Charitable reminiscences. MOSE the dwarf. In Tales from the gal. From a balcony. German.................................... 40: 1699 Mrs Skaggs's husbands. Melons. Mrs SkttggsS's husbands. Melons. ORIENTAL story-book, The. Tr. by Poet of Sierra flat. My suburban residence. Princess Bob and her Neighborhoods I have G. P. Qunckenbos. N. Y. 1865. friends,. moved from. 180......................................... 37: 4126 Romance of Madrofio On a vulgar little boy. Contents: Hollow. Seeing the steamer off. Caravan, The. Historyof the hewn-off hand. Legends and tales: Sidewalkings. False prince. History of the spectre ship. Adventures of Padre Surprising adventures of Fatima's deliverance. Story of little Muck. Vicentio. Master Charles Summer- History of Caliph Stork. Devil and the broker. ton. o ip Sr T Legend of Monte dl Ve-nerable imposter.l Haunted, The, and the haunters. E. Diarblo. Waiting for the ship.G. E. L. BUIWER-LYTTON. With Night at Wingdam. Strange story............................ 35: 3153 MISTER John Jenkins. In Treasure- The same. In T. f. B. v. 5............ 40: 1697 trove series, v. 2...................... 40: 1702 The same. In L. C., v. 2................ 40: 1612 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. IHAUNTED. 92 HAWTHO1 NE. Haunted crust, The. K. SAUNDERS. Hawthorne, N., (continued.)In L. C. v. 5............................. 40: 1615 BLITHDALE romance, The. Bost. The sam e..................................... 39: 1151 1852. 160................................. 37: 4177 Haunted hearts. M. CUMMINS........ 35: 5139 The same. With Scarlet letter...... 37: 4186 Haunted Hilderton. H. SPICER. In DAVID Swan. In L. C. v. 4.......... 40: 1614 Brought to book. v................ 39: 2097 The same. In Twice-told tales. Haunted homestead. Mrs. E. D. E. v. 1....................................... 37: 4193 N. SOUTHWORTH........................ 39: 2019. 3 49 ETHAN Brand. In L. C. v. 1......... 40: 1611 Haunted house, The. In Christmas The same. In Snow image...., 37: 4188 eabnten's: mHOUSE of seven gables, The. Best. I The mortals in the house. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. 1871. 160................................. 37: 4178 11. The ghost in the clock room. H. SMITH (Hesba MARBLE faun, The; or, a romance of Stretton). Ill. The ghost in the double room. G. A. SALA. Monte Beni. Bst. 1868. 2 v. 16~. 37:4179-80 IV. The ghost in the picture room. Adelaide PROCTER. The same. Bost. 1873. 120........37: 4181 V. The ghost in the cupboard room. (W.) W. COLLINS. VI. The ghost in master B's room. c. (J. H.) DICKENS. MOSSES from an old manse. Bost. VII. The ghost in the garden room. Mrs. E. C. GASKELL. 1864-5. 2 v. 16....................... 37: 4182-3 VIII. The ghost in the corner room. C. (.1. H.) DICKENS Contents: The same. Wi/th Hunted down...... 37: 479 Artist of the beautiful, Monsieur du Miroir, v. 1. The same. In Lamplighter's story... 37: 481 The, v. 2. New Adam and Eve, v. 2. Haunted man; and the battle of life. Birthmark, v. 1. Old apple dealer, v. 2. Haunted man; and the battle of life. Buds and bird voices, Old manse, v. 1. C. (J. H.) DICKENS..................... 37: 438 v. 1. P's correspondence, v. 2. Thesame. In Christmas stories...... 37: 450 Celestial railroad, v. 1. Passages from a relinqulshThe same...........,...............37: 451.Af\\ Christmas banquet, v. 2. ed work, v. 2. The same..................................... 37: 451 Drowne's wooden image, Rappaccini's daughter, v. 1. Haunted merchant.The. C. F. BRIGGS. v. 2. Roger Malville's burial, (Hairry F'rance)................ 35: 2815 Earth's holocaust, v. 2. v. 2. Haunted rooms. C. TUCKER. (A. Egotism; or, the bosom Select party, A, v. 1. serpent, v. 2. Sketches from memory, L. 0. E.)................................... 39: 3348 Feathertop: a moralized v. 2. Haunted ship, The. A. CUNNING- legend. Procession of life, v. 1. HAM. In L. C. v. S.............. 40: 1618 Fire worship, v. 1. Virtuoso's collection, A,v. 2. Hall of Fantasy, v. 1. Young Goodman Brown, Haunted tower. E. P. [Mrs. H.] Intelligence office, v. 1. v. 1. W OOD........................................ 40: 695 Mrs. Bullfrog, v. 1. Haven, Alice B. (Cousin Alice). OUR old home: a series of English COUSIN Alice's stories. N. Y. 1867. sketches. Best. 1864. 120......... 37: 4184 8 v. 160. Contents: About Warwick. Near Oxford. lonoents: Burns, Some of the Pilgrimage to old Boston. All not gold that glitters. 7:4132haunts of. Poverty, Outside glimpses Contentment better than wealth. 37:4133 C banquets. of English.'o such word as fail. 37:413'7 Civic banquets. of English. No such word as fail. 17:4137 Consular experiences. Recollections of a gifted Nothing venture, nothing have. 37:4138 Leamington spa. woman. Out of debt, out of danger. 37:1139 Outiofdebt, outig no das. 37:413940 Lichfield and Uttoxeter. Up the Thames. Patience waiting no loss. 37:4140 Place for ever thing. 37:4141 Where there's a will, there's a way. 37:4142 SCARLET letter, The. Best. 1871. COOPERS, The; or, getting under way. 160.......................................... 37: 4185 N. Y. 1866. 12~0....................... 37: 4134 SCARLET letter, The; and Blithdale HOME stories. N. Y. 1869. 120.... 37: 4135 romance. Bost. 1873. 120~....... 37: 4186 Conenats: SEPTIMIUS Felton; or, the elixir of Carriage friends. Ordeal, The; or, the spring lif. Best. 182. 160............... 37: 418 Counsel-the evil and the and the midsummer of good. of life. SNOW-IMAGE) The; and other twiceFurnished house, The. Single lessons, five dollars: told tales. Best. 1868. 12........ 37: 4188 Miss Bremers. a fact.. Only a family. Spring winds. Content,: Loss and gain. N. Y. 1860. 120. T. L. 37: 4136 Bell's biogrhy, A. Man of adamant: an Canterbury pilgrims, apologue. Haweis, Rev. H.R. The. Old news. 1. PET; or, pastimes and penalties. N. Devil in manuscript,The. II. The old French war. Y. 1874. / 120........................... 37: 4152 Ethan Brand. III. The old tory. Great stone face, The. Old Ticonderoga: a picture Hawick spat, The. Alex. CAMPBELL. John Inglefleld's thanks- of the past. In W. T. B v. 10..................... 40: 1720 giving. Snow-image: a childish HawkeszworthJ J. Little Daffydowndilly. miracle. Hawkesworth, J.Main-street. Sylph Etherege. ALMORAN and Hamet. Lend. 1820. Major Molineux. Wives of the dead. 120.......................................... 37: 4160 TANGLEWOOD tales: being a second The same. With JOHNSON'S Ras- wonder-book. Best. 1870. 120... 37: 4189 selas........................................ 38: 441 Contents: Hawks of Hawk Hollow. R. M. Circe's palace. Minotaur, The. BIRD.T................................. ^35: 2118 Dragon s teeth, The. Pomegranate seeds. Golden fleece. Pygmies, The. Hawksview: a family history of THREEFOLD destiny, The. In L. C., our own times. H. PARR. (Holme v. 12..... 40: 1622 Lee)..................................... 38: 4200 The same. In Twice-told tales,v. 2. 37: 4194 Hawthorne, Julian. TRANSFORMATION.,Same as Marble BRESSANT. N. Y. 1873. 120......... 37: 4166 faun. The same. N. Y. 1876. 8........ 37: 4165 TRUE stories from history ad biogIDOLATRY: a romance. Best. 1874. ^120Y..........aph.....37: 4167 y Best. 1866. 160.~ 37: 4190 Contents: Hawthorne, Nathaniel. (1804-1864.) i. Grandfather's chair. BIRTHMARK, The. In L.C. v. 8..... 40: 1618 II. Biographical stories: The same. In Mosses from an old Benjamin West. Oliver Cromwell. Sir Isaac Newton. Benjamin Franklin. manse................................ 37: 4182 Samuel Johnson. Queen Christina. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HIAWTHORNE. 93 HEBREW. Hawthorne, N., (continued.)- He would be a gentleman; or, treasureTWICE-TOLD tales. Bost. 1853. 2 v. trove. S. LOVER........................ 38: 1888 120......................................... 37: 4191-2 Head, Sir Edmund. Contents: VIGA Glum's saga. Lond. 1866. Ambitious guest, v. 2. IV. Old Esther Dudlev. 160.......... 37: 4260 Chippings from a chisel, May-pole of Merry Mount, Headof the famiy, The. Mrs.D. M. v.2. v.1. Head of the family, The. JIrs. D. A. David Swan, v. 1. Minister's black veil, v. 1. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock)... 35: 4919 Dr. Heidegger's experi- Mr. Higgenbotham's catas- The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 35: 4920 ment, v. i. trophe, v. 1. Edward Fane's rosebud, Night sketches, v. 2. Headless horseman. M. REID. 39: 247 v. 2. Peter Goldthwsite's treas- Headlong hall. T. L. PEACOCK. In Endicott and the red ures, v. 2. Works v. 1................................ 34: 1822 cross, v. 2. Prophetic pictures, v. 1. Fancy's show box, v. 1. Rill from the town pump, Headlong hall; and Nightmare abbey. Footsteps on the sea v. 1. T. L. PEACOCK........................... 38: 4286 shore, v. 2. Seven vagabonds, v. 2. Headsman The: a tale of doom. In Gentle boy, The, v. 1. Shaker bridal, v. 2. P Gray champion, v. 1. Sights from a steeple, v. 1. T. f. B.,.........40: 1694 Great carbuncle, v. 1 Sister's years, v. 2. Headsman, The. J. F. COOPER....... 35: 4730 Haunted mind, v. 2. Snowflakes, The, v. 2. The same.................................... 35: 4731 Hollow of the three hills, Sunday at home, v. 1. D1 Mar v. 1. Threefold destiny, The, v. 2. ealy, Mary. Legends of the Province Toll-gatherer's day, v. 1. LAKEVILLE; or, substance and house: v. 2. Village uncle, v 2. shadow N. Y. 1873. 80.......... 37: 4265 I. Howe's masquerade. Vision of the fountain, v. 1. SUMMER'S romance. Bot. 1872. II. Edward Randolph's Wakefield, v. 1. portrait. Wedding knell, v. 1. 160.......................................... 37: 4266 III. Lady Eleanore's White old maid, v. 2. Heart and cross. Mrs. M. (0. W.) mantle..OLIPHANT................................. 38: 3841 The same. Boest. 1866-8. 2 v. Heart and hand. N. Y. 1858. 18~. 40: 2204 16............................. 37: 4193-4 Heart-histories and life pictures. VISIT to the celestial city. Phil.T.S.ARTHUR............................ 35: 775 n.d. 16.................................. 37: 4195 Contets: -WAKEFIELD. In L. C., v. 2........... 40: 1612 Book of memory, The. Married sisters, The. The same. In Twice-told tales,v. 1. 37: 4191 Brilliant and the common Not great, but happy. Thpe Ltsarnme.........;.... -............... 37: 4.193 place, The School girl, The. The same........ f...............f....... d 7 4193 Don't mention it. Shadows. qWONDER-BOOK, The: for girls and Going to the springs. Slow and sure. boys. Bost. 1868. 120.............. 37: 4196 Good-hearted people. Thankless office, The. Contentsi: Heiress, The. Unredeemed pledges. Bald summit. Miraculous pitcher.Jen Lawn ite The Chimeera, The. Paradise of children. Heart-hungry. M. J. WESTMOREGolden apples. Shadow-brook. LAND....................................... 40: 328 Golden touch. Tanglewood fireside. Heart of Mid-Lothian. Se'WATR. Gorgon's head. Tanglewood play-room. Heart of Mid-Lothiau. See WALTER, Hill side, The. Tanglewood porch. Helen..................................... 40: 2658 Hay, James W. Heart of Mid-Lothian. Sir W. SCOTT. MYSIE'S pardon. Loend. 1873. 3 v. Parker ed. 2 v.......................... *39:1311-12 sm. 8~....................................... 37: 4206-8 The same. Edinburgh ed............... 39: 1356 Hay, John. The same. Abbotsford ed............... 39: 1361 BLOOD seedling, The. In Not pretty The same..................................... 39: 1376 but precious............................. 40: 1640 The same. Household ed. 2 v........ 39: 1407-8 Hay, Martyn. The same. Pocket ed..................... 39: 1451 MADELINE Heathcote. Edin. n.d. The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 39: 1480 sm. 8....................................... 37: 4218 Heart of Montrose, The. (Lady ElizHay, Mary Cecil. abeth Erskine). In T. F. H., v. 1... 40: 2658 HIDDEN perils. N. Y. 1876. 80... 37: 4226 Heart of Myrrha lake, The. M. M. The same. Lond. 1873. 3 v. LEE.......................................... 38: 1435 sm. 8.................................... 37: 4227-9 Heart or head. Ph. WHARTON. 2 V. 40: 337-8 OLD Myddelton's money. N. Y. Heart well won, A; or, the life and 1875. 80............................... 37: 4230 adventures of Arthur Oldfield. SQUIRE'S legacy, The. N. Y. 1876. Lond. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8~........... 40: 2205 8~........................................... 37: 4235 Hearth ghosts. Lond. 1871. 3 v. VICTOR and vanquished. Lond. 1874. sm. 80....................................... 40: 2206 3 v. sm. 8~............................... 37: 4231-3 Hearts and diamonds; or, was it an The same. N. Y. 1876. 80........ 37: 4234 error? E.P. RAMSAY. 3 v......... 39: 87-9 Haydn, Joseph. Mrs. E. F. ELLET. Hearts and faces. J. T. TROWBRIDGE. In Nouvellettes of the musicians... 37: 1650 (Paul Creyton)................... 39: 3318 Hayes, Isaac I. Hearts and hands. F. C. FISHER. CAST away in the cold. Best. 1870. (ChristanReid.).. 37: 2198 12C0 away........... B37: 4243 Hearts and homes; or, social distinctions. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS............... Hayman, Mary HaswellHeartsease. C. M. YONGE. 2 v.... 40: 1281-2 FORTUNES f Tom Haswel l, The, a Lond The same. Tauchnitz ed............ 40: 1283 Tom Hewes frtune. LondHeat: science for the young. J. 1871. 2 v. in 1. sm. 80............... 37: 4250 Heat ce.35: 89 A BBOTT..................................... 35: 89 Hazlett, Helen. (M. H. Tatem). Heathens of the heath, The: a roHEIGHTS of Eidelberg. Phil. 1871. mance. W. MCDONNLL........... 38: 2216 12~.......................................... 3 7: 4254 ~120.3~7: 4254 ~Heathergate. Lend. 1873. 2 v. He cometh not, she said. Mrs. P. CUD- sm. 8....................................... 40:.2207 LIP. (formerly Annie Thomas)...... 35: 5098 Heavenward led; or, the two beHe knew he was right. A. TROLLOPE. 39: 3173 quests. J. R. SOMMERS...............38: 493 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v........ 39: 3174-6 Hebrew heroes, The: a tale of Jewish The same. 3 v. in 2....................... 39: 3177-8 history. C. TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E.) 39: 3349 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HECKINGTON. 94 HENTZ. Heckington. C. G. F. GORE.......... 37: 3194 Helen Palmer. Gleanings of the covHector O'Halloran and his man Mark enant. T. GILLESPIE. In W. T. Antony O'Toole. W.H.MAXWELL. 38: 2746 B. v. 9................................... 40: 1719 The same...................................... 38: 2747 Helmore, Margaret C. Hedge of thorns. lrs. -2i. M. SIEh- LuLNA: a mere love story. Lend. WOOD. In Works, v. 3.............. 39: 1638 1873. 2 v. sm. 8~..................... 37:4280-81 Hedge school, The. W. CARLETON. Helping-hand series. H. P. H. In Traits and stories, v. 1............. 35: 3841 NOWELL. (May Mannering). 5 v. The same...................................... 35 3840 Contents: Hedged in. E. S. PHELPS................38: 4380 1. Climbing the rope. 4. Little Spaniard. 38:3690 38:3687 5. SAlt water Dick. 38:3691 Hedges, Mary J. 2. Billy Grimes' favorite. 6. Little maid of Oxbow. WHITE rose, The. N. Y. 1874. 160. 37: 4273. 38:86 38:3689 Heidelberg. G. P. R. JAMES......... 38: 189 3. Cruise of the I38: Heidenmauer, The. J. F. COOPER...35: 4732 Helps, Arthur. (b. 1808). The same. pt... A.L.SCAN D. 35: 4233 CASIMIR Maremma. Best. 1870. 12~. 37: 4289 Heights and depths. A.L.SCANLAND. 39: 1215 IVAN de Biron; or, the Russian court Heights of Eidelberg. H. HAZLETT. 37: 4254 in the middle of the last century. Heir expectant, The. By the author Bost. 1874 12.......... 37 4290 of aymond's heroine, etc. N. Y. REALMAH. Bost. 1869. 12......... 37: 4291 1870. 80................................... 40: 2509 Heloise. T. A. L. ROBINSON. (Talvi). 39: 562 Heir of Hardington, The. In N. and Helyas, knight of the Swanne. In T. v 10................... 40: 1650 Thorns' Early English romances. Heir of Inshamock, The. In W. T. v. 3.......................................... 33: 4022 B. v. 6.................................... 40: 1716 Hen and her chickens,''The. C. E. B. v. 6.40: 1716 Hen and her chickens, The. C. E. Heir of Malreward; or, restored. By TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth). In the author of "Son and heir," etc. Tales and illus 39: 3070 Phil. 1874. 80......40: 2209 Hen that hatched ducks, The. Mrs. Heir of Redelyffe, The. C. M. YoNGE. H. (E.) B. S In Queer little 2 v............................................ 40: 1284-5 H.......... In 39e 2334 v.40people.................................... 39: 2334 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 40: 1286 Hence these tears a novel. Lend. Heir of Reddesmount. Lend. 1874. 1872. 3 v. 16.. 40: 2216.3 v. smi. 80,'.^ "40: 2210 Henderson, Katherine. Heir of Wast-Wayland. M. HOWITT. 37: 4750 BORN to be a lady. Lend. 1874. Heir to Ashley, The. E. P. [Mrs. H.] sm. 80. 37: 4300 WOOD.............................. 40: 696 The. J.. ILHeiress, The. T.. ARTHUR. I Henpecked man. The. J.M. WILHeiress, The. T.S. ARTHUR. In O. W. T. B. v. 4.............. 40: 1714 SO. nWT B.v44The martyr wife......................... 35 77 SO.IW.T. 0: 1714 The martyr wifeA............. 35: 7807 Henri de la Tour. J. Fred. SMITH.... 39: 1899 Heiress, The. Ann S. SMITH. 39: 2208 Henri Quarte; or, the days of the Heiress in the family, The. Mrs. league an historical novel. In MACKNZIE-DANIELS.................. 37: 89 W S C L v.. 34 4174 Heires of BellefontN and Walde-War- The same...................................... 15: 4914 ron. E.BENNT. 35: 1979 Henrietta Temple. B. DISRAELI..... 37: 665 Heiress of Greenhu.rst. A. S. STEPH- The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 37: 666 ENS......................................... 39: 2209 Henry Ancrum: a tale of the last ENS.39: 2209 Henry Ancrum: a tale of the last Heiress of Haughton. A. MARSH- war in New Zealand. J. H. K. CALDWELL. 2 V. in 1..................38: 2598 2 v 38: 650-51 Heiress of Kilorgan; or, evenings HenryCourtand orhat a farmer with the Old Geraldines. MrIs. M. H with the OM d Geraldes. Mrs. M..... 3can do. A. J. CLINE.................. 35: 4430 A. M. SADLIER....... _......._.._39: 1016 Henry Dunbar. M. E. BRADDON...... 35: 2536 Heiress of Sweetwater, The. J. T. Henry V., the hero of Agincourt. RANDOLPH.........................39: 114 In Tales of heroes........... 40: 2670 Held in bondage; or, Granville de Henry II.; or, the maid of Orleans. Vigne. la.RAME. (Ouida.) In Tales of heroes....................... 40: 2670 2v. 39: 64-5 Helen.M.-ED. In her N. 3Henry the eighth and his court: hisHelen. M. EDGEWORTH. torical romance. C. M. MINDT. and T. v. 10. 37: 1505 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 3...... 34: 4171 (Louisa Miihlbach).. 3: 3243 Henry Esmond. W.VV M. THACKERAY. 39: 2883 The same................................... 15: 4913 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 39: 2886 Helen and Arthur; or, Miss Thusa's Henry Esmond and Barry Lyndon. spinning-wheel. C. L HENTZ... 37: 4316 W. M. THACKERAY.39: 2885 Helen and Olga: a Russian tale. A. MANNING.. 38: 2468 Henry Esmond and Level the widM ANNING................................... 38: 2468 Helen Cameron. STALLYBRASS. 3 v. 39: 2151-3 Henry Masterton.. P. THACKER. JME... 38: 190 Helen Erskine. Mrs. M. H. ROBIN- Henry Milner. Mrs. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. SON.........................................39: 550 In Works. v. 1......................... 39: 1636 Helen Freeman's ward; or, always be The same. In Works. v. 15.......... 39: 1650 truthful. Lend. n. d. 80........... 40: 2214 Henry of Guise. G. P. R. JAMES. Helen Gardner's wedding day. M. V. 2 v. in I.................................... 38: 191 (H.) TERHUNE (Marion Harland). 39: 2835 Henry Powers, banker. R. B. KIMHelen Leeson; or, the belle of New BALL........................................ 38: 866 York. Phil. 1855. 120............. 40: 2215 Henry St. John. J. E. COOKE.......... 35: 4704 Helen Lincoln. C. CAPRON..............35: 3765 Henry Smeaton. G.P.R. JAMES...... 38: 192 Helen Mathewson. (W.) W. COLLINS. Hentz, Mrs. Caroline Lee. (1804-1856). In Dead secret.......................... 35: 4552 AUNT Patty's scrap-bag. Phil. 1872. The same. In N. and T. v. 5.........40: 1645 16~......................................... 37: 4310 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HENTZ. 95 HERR. Hentz, (continued.)- Herbert, H. W., (continued.)BANISHED son, and other stories of CHEVALIERS of France, The, from the heart. Phil. n. d. 120......... 37: 4311 the crusades to the marechals of Contents: Louis XIV. N. Y. 1853. 120... 37: 4352 Banished son. Paradise of the dead.AhsaihLnuuhk Nuina- Fortune of the iald of Alc. Bell andl rose. i Selm: an oriental tale. maht:,hseng. Hamilton of Bothwelhaugh. Black mask. Sex of the soul. Eustache de St. Pierre. Howard the apprentice Tale of the land of flowers. FAIR puritan, The: an historical roboy. Trip to the bay. Little broom boy, The. Wild Jack; or, the stolen mance of witchcraft. Phil. 1875. Magnolia leaves. child. 1 20.37: 4353 Magnolia leaves; child. 12~.......................................... 37: 4353 COURTSHIP and marriage; or, the joys KNIGHITS of England, France, and and sorrows of American life. Scotland. N. Y. 1856. 120....... 37: 4359 Phil. 1870. 120........................ 37: 4312 OLIVER Cromwell. N.Y. 1856. 120~. 37: 4355 EOLINE; or, Magnolia vale; [or, the WAGER of battle: a tale of Saxon heiress of Glenmore.] Phil. 1869. slavery. N. Y. 1855. 120......... 37: 4357 120........................................ 37: 4313 WARWICK woodlands. N.Y. 1851. EARNEST Linwood; [or, the inner 120.......................................... 37: 4358 life of the author]. Phil. 1870. Herbert, Mary Elizabeth (Lady). 120........................................ 37: 5314 LOVE; or, self-sacrifice. N.Y. 1869. FORSAK duughter, The. Phil. 12~.......................................... 37: 4365 FORSAKEN duughter, The. Phil. 1865.p; 120.3o~7: 4315 WILFULNESS and its consequences. 1865. 12........ 37: 4315 In Peter's journey....................... 40: 1660 HELEN and Arthur; or, Miss Thusa's Herbert Carter's legacy.; or, the inspinng-wheel. Phil. 1870. 80. 37: 4316 ventor's son. H. ALGER, jr....... 35: 553 LINDA; or, the young pilot of the Here and hereafter. F. W. A. PIKE. 38: 4502 Belle Creole. Phil. 1867. 12~... 37: 4317 Hereditarygoblet. In Danes sketched LOST daughter, The, and other stories by themselves, v. 3.................... 40: 1532 of the heart. Phil. n. d. 12~..... 37: 4318 Heretic, The. LAJETCHNIKOFF........ 38: 1278 Contents: Hereward the wake: the last of the Aunt Patty's scrap-bag. Premature declaration of English. C. KINGSLEY.............. 38: 926 The Lara's bride. love. Maiden of Jule, The: Purple sn dress.The same. Tauchnitz ed. 2 v. in 1. 38: 927 a poem. RIed velvet bodice. Hering, Jeannie. Pea-green taffeta. Snow flakes: a poem. THROUGH the mist.. Lond. 1874. Soldier's bride. L aftermarriae an otder3 v. sm. 8~.............................. 37:4370-2 s tories of the heart.riage, and otherHerman; or, young knighthood. S. stories of the heart 1870. PAPhilREY. 2 V. 38:4101-2 12.......................................... 37: 4319 P L Y a r..... n Herman's alarum. F. BROWNE. In Contents: Contents rpThe exile's trust.......................... 35: 3025 Abyssinian neophyte, Mysterious guest. The. The exles trust..........................: 3025 The. Parlor serpent, The. Herman Agha: an eastern narrative. Blind girl's story. The. Rainy e,-ening, A. W. G. PALGRAVE........................ 38: 4110 Bosom serpent, The. Shaker giri, The. Hermit Bob. H SPTPER In Bound Fatal cosmetic, The. Three scenes in the life of a Love after marriage. belle. to ple:ise, v. 2................ 39: 2096 My grandmother's brace- Victim of excitement, The. Hermit of the rock: a tale of Cashel. let. I Village i:nthem, The. 3Mrs. M. A. M. SADLIER.............. 39: 1017 LOVELL'S folly. Cin. 1833. 120 37: 4320 Hero; Bread upon the waters; Alice MARCUS Warland; or, the long moss Learmont. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. spring. Phil. 1869. 12............ 37: 4321 (formerly Miss Mulock)................ 35: 4921 PLANTER'S northern bride, The;.[or, Hero Carthew. L. PARR.................. 38: 4232 scenes in Mrs. Hentz's childhood]. Hero misunderstood, A. H. SPICER. N. Y. 1870. 12~0....................... 37: 4322 In Bound to please, v. 2............... 39: 2096 RENA; or, the snow bride: a tale of Hero of Falcon's island, The; or, the real life. Phil. 1869. 120......... 37: 4323 little boy who would be Robinson ROBERT Graham: a sequel to Linda.rom the Phil. 1855. 120........................ 37: 4324 by Mrs. Sarah-A. Myers. Bst. The. A- LEIGHTON. In 1867. 160................................ Henwife, The. A; LEIGHTON. In 187 160 W. Hen T.iBfe.< v. 4.40:- 1714 Hero of the pen. E. WERNER......... 40: 314 W. T. B. v. 4........................... 40: 1714 HeraTrevelyan.. M.CRAIK. 2 v. Her dearest foe. Mrs. ALEXANDER.... 35: 512 in 1.................................... 35: 4968 Her face. In N. and T., v. 10............ 40: 1650 Heroes, The. C. KINGSLEY............ 38: 928 Her face was her fortune. F. W. ROB- Heroes in English history, Tales of... 40: 2670 INSON....................................... 39: 487 Contents: Her first appearance. In N. and T., Alfred the great. Prince Edward, son of v. 11...................................... 40: 1651 zHenry the fifth Henry 1TI. Henry the sixth. Richard Coeur-de-lion. Her lord and master. Mrs. R. CHURCH. Heroes of the household. T. S. (formerly Miss Marryatt). 2 v. in 1. 35: 4268 ARTHUR................................... 35: 776 Her majesty, the queen. J. E. COOKE. 35: 4705 Heroine, The: a legend of the CanonHer title of honor. HI. i:RR. (Holme gate. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B., Lee)....................................... 38: 4201 v. 10........................................ 40: 1720 Herbert, Henry William. (Frank Heroines and their grandmothers. Forester). (1807-1858).. Miss A. I. THACKERAY. With CAVALIERS of England, The; or, Village on the cliff..................... 39: 2866 times of the revolutions of 1642 and Heroines in obscurity. Miss KEDDIE. 1688. N. Y. 1852. 12~0............. 37: 4351 (Sarah Tytler)............................. 38: 713 Contents: Brothers in arms. Rival sisters, The.Herr Regenbogen's concert. F. H. Jasper St. Aubyn. Vernon in the vale. UNDERWOOD. In Cloud-pictures... 39: 3621 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HERR. 96 His. Herr Sinclair. E. STORM. In Danes Highland adventures. J. HOGG. (Ettsketched by themselves, v. 3......... 40: 1532 rick Shepherd). In Winter evening Hertford O'Donnell's warning. iMrs. tales. v. 1................................. 37: 4521 RIDDELL. Wifth RIDDELL'S Frank Highland boy, The. A. CAMPBELL. Sinclair's wife, v. 3...................... 39: 374 In W. T. B. v. 3....................... 40: 171.3 Hertha. F. 13RMER...................... 35: 2738 Highland tradition, A. A. CAMBBEILL. Hervey, Mrs. T. H.In W. T. B. v 9..................... 40: 1719 SNooDED Jessaline; or, the honour of Highland widow. Sir WV. SCOTT. a house. Lend. 1865. 3 v. in 1. Parker ed.................................. 339: 1339 sin. 80....................................... 37: 4384 The same. Edinburgh ed............... 39: 1357 Hester. M. R. MITFORD. In W. S. The same. Abbotsford ed............... 39: 1368 C. L., v. 6............................ 34: 4176 The same...................................... 39: 1390 The same..................................... 15: 4916 The same. Household ed............... 39: 1432 Hester Howard's temptation. C.WAR- The same- Pocket ed..................... 39: 1463 FIELD...................................... 40: 141 The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 39: 1473 Hester Kirton. K. S. MACQUOID...... 38: 2348 Highlanders of Glen Ora, The. J. Hester Morley's promise. H. SMITH. GRANT. Same as Laura Evering(Hesba Stretton.).......................... 39: 1846 ham......................................... 37: 3315 Hester Strong's life work; or, the Hila Dart: a born romp. M. E. mystery solved. Mrs. S. A. SOUTH- MUMFORD................................. 38: 3230 WORTH...................................... 39: 2062 Hilary St. Ives. W. H. AINSWORTH. 35: 417 Hetherington, William. Hildegard -- GRIMM. In R. G. SEER'S cave, The. In W. T. B., v. 3. 40: 1713 N. v. 2.................................. 40: 1561 Hetty. H. KINGSLEY..................... 38: 954 Hildreth, Richard. (1807-1865). Heyse, (Johann Ludwig) Paul. WHITE slave, The; or, the Russian (b. 1830). peasant girl. N. Y. L864. 8~..... 37: 4414 LAURELLA. With Maiden of Treppi. 37: 4391 Hill, A. F. LONELY ones, The. (Tr. of Die Ein- WHITE rocks, The; or, the robbers' samen). Phil. 1870. 80............ 37: 4390 den. Phil. 1866. 12~............... 37: 4418 The same. With JoHN's Magda- Hill, George Canning. (Lewis Myrtle). lena....................................... 38: 383 OuR parish; or, village life. Phil. MAIDEN of Treppi, The; or, love's n. d. 12.................................. 37: 4424 victory; and Laurella. (Das Mdd- Hill and valley. H. MARTINEAU. In chen von Treppi and Laurella). Tr. Illus. of polit. econ. v. I............ 38: 2639 by A. W. H. N. Y. 1874. 12~. 37: 4391 Hill side, The. A. MANNING............ 38: 2469 Heywood, J. C. Hillern, Wilhelmine von. How will it end? a romance. Phil. BY his own might. Phil. 1872. 12~. 37: 4430 1872. 12~................................. 37: 4397 GEIR-WALLY: a tale of Tyrol. N. Hibernian nights. S. FERGUSON...... 37: 2090 Y. 1876 80.................... 37: 4433 Hickling, Willi-am. The same. N. Y. 1876. 16... 37: 4434 HECTOR of Roxbuwgh. N.Y. 1873. ONLY a girl; or, a physician for the 160................................ 37: 4402 soul. (Ein Arzt der Seele). Tr. by Hickory hall. Yllrs. E. I. E. N. ArIs. A. L. Wister. Phil. 1873. SOUTHW ORTH............................. 39: 2020 120.......................................... 37: 4431 Hickox, Chauncey. TOFOLD life A. (Doppeleben). Tr. MARQUIS, The. In Not pretty, butby M. S. Phil. 1873. 12~......... 37: 4432 precious.40: 1640 Hillesden on the Moors. R. M. Hidden tfire, The. Lond. 1867. 3 v. KETTLE. 2 v....................... 38: 849-50 sim. 8... 40: 2218 Hills of the Shatemuc. S. WARNER.. 40: 174 Hidden path, The. Mrs. M.. V. (H.')'H Hillsboro farms. S. D. COBB........... 35: 4458 TERHUNE. (Marion IHarland.). 39: 2836 Hillside and border sketches. W. H. Hidden perils. M. C. HAY. 3 v...... 37: 4227-9 MAXWELL. Same as Legends of The sam e..................................... 37: 4226 the Cheviots.............................. 38: 2748 Hidden sin, The. Miss E. A. DUPUY. 37: 1067 The same. 2 v.............................. 22:2390-91 Hidden sin, The. N. Y. 1866. 8~... 40: 2213 Hillyars and Burtons, The. H. Hidden wings, and other stories.. T. KINGSLEY.38: 955 S. ARTHUR........................... 35: 777 The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 38: 956 Contents: Hilt to hilt; or, the Shenandoah in Catching a sunbeam. I Rich man's benefactor, The. 1864. J. E. COOKE..................... 35: 4706 D)iscipline of misfortune. Tell your wife. Himself his worst enemy. A. P. Envied lot, The. Two legacies, The. BROTEHE.......................... 35: 2946 Bidden vings. Uncle Phil's remedy. More nice than wise. Work and worry. Hirell. J. SAUNDERS...................... 39: 1139 Hide and seak. (W.) W. COLLINS..... 35: 4554 His level best and other stories. E. E. Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. (b. HALE...................................... 37: 3834 1823). Contents: MALBONE: an Oldport romance. Bost. Brick moon, The. Mouse and lion, The. Confidence. Queen of California. 1869. 120................................. 37: 4408 His level best. Tales of a salamander. Higgledy-Piggledy. E.H. KNATCH- Modern Sinbad. Water talk. BULL-HUGESSEN........................ 38: 1067 His little ways. H. SPICER. In High life. AiMrs. JOIHNSTONE. jIn W. Brought to book. v. 2................. 39: 2097 S. C. L. v. 4............................. 34: 4174 His marriage vow. Mrs. C. F. CORBIN. 35: 4843 The same...................................... 15: 4914 His natural life. M. CLARKE............ 35: 4333 Highmills, The. K. SAUNDERS......... 39: 1152 His prison ]ars. A. A. HOPKINS....... 37: 4680 Higher law: a romance. E. MAIT- His two wives. Mrs. M. CLEMMER LAND. (Herbert Ainslie)............. 38: 2410 (Ames)...................................... 35: 4421 PROSEFICTION: ENGLISH. His. 97 HOGG. His young lordship. Mrs. D. M. Hoey, (continued.)CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock). GOLDEN sorrow, A. N. Y. 1872. In Unkind word.................. 35: 4943 8~........................................... 37: 4464 The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 35: 4944 HOUSE of cards, A. Lond. 1868. Historie of Frier Rush: how he came 3 v. sm. 8................... 37: 4465-7 to a house of religion to seek ser- OUT of court. Lond. 1874. 3 v. vice, and being entertained by the sm. 8~...................................... 37:4468-70 priour, was first made under cook. Hoffman, C. F In Thors' English romances. v. 1. 33: 4020 MAN in the reservoir, The. In L. C., History and adventures of an atom.v. 4................... 40 1614 T.SMOLLET. In Works.............. 39: 1970 WILD scenes in the forest. Lond. History, Dark scenes of. G. P. ER. n. d. 2 v. in 1. sm. 8~............... 37: 4476 JAMES................... o........y 38: 176 History of Count Walter and the Hoffman, David (Anthony Grumbler) Lady Helgunda. J. G. BSCHJING. CHRONICLES from the originals of In R. G. N v. 2. 40: 1561 Cartaphilus, the wandering Jew. n............................ 40:... d. 18 3. 2 r 8 33 2022-3 History of the damnable life and de- L d 1 2 v. 8 2022-3. served death of Doctor John Fans- Hoffman, Ernest Theodore Wilhelm. tus. In Thorns' English romances. (1776-1822.) v. 3 33: 4022 SANDMAN, The. Same as Coppelius. History of the devil. D. DEFoE...... D O3: 4937 In Tales from the German............ 40: 1699 The same. In Novels and misc. works. The same. In Strange stories...... 37: 4480 v.3.34: 1019 STRANGE stories. Bost. 1856. 120. 37: 4480 v. 3...................................... 34: 1019 STRANGE stories. Best. 1856. 12~. 37: 4480 History of George A. Green, PindarContents: of the town of Wakefield: his Agate heart, The. Life of Hoffman. o e tnAntonio's song. Lost reflection, The. birth, calling, valour, and reputa- Berthold, the madman. Mystery of the deserted tion in the country. In Thoms' Cardelac, the jeweller. house. English romances. v. 2............... 33: 4021 Cooper of Nuremberg, Phao ank, The. History of John Bull, The. J. SWIFT. Coppelius, the sandman. Walled-up door, The. In W orks. v. 5.......................... 34: 2109 Fascination. History of Martin, The. J. SWIFT. Hoffmann, (Alexander Friederich) In Works. v. 3.......................... 34: 2077 Franz. (b. 1814). The same. In Works. v. 13.......... 34: 2117 FATHERLAND series, The. Phil. History of a miracle. In N. and T. 1870. 8 v. 16~. v. 8......................................... 40: 1648 Contents: History of my pets. Mrs. S. J. (C.) Anton the fisherman. Tr. by Mrs. M. A. LIPPINCOTT. (Grace Greenwood)... 38: 1786 Anderson. 37:4485 Buried in the snow. (Im Schnee begraben), Historyof Pendennis. W. M. THACK- r. by Mrs. M. A. Anderson. 37:4486 ERAY.................................... 39: 2887 Dominic. Tr. by Miss Rebecca H. SchivThe same...................................... 39: 288 ely. 37:4487 Thesme............................. 39 2888 Fritz; or, filial obedience. (Fritz Heifer). The same...................................... 39: 2889 Tr. by Mrts. M. A. Anderson. 37:4488 The same. Tauchnitz ed. 3 v......... 39:2890-92 Geyer Walty; or,fidelity rewarded. (GeierThe same. 3 v. in 2..................... 39: 2893-4 744y Tr. by Mrs. M. A. Anderson. History of the Rockinghams. Mrs. ene. (Ren). Tr. by J. Fredk. Smith. M. PILKINGTON.......................... 38: 4524 Teasure of the Inca, The. (De Scha Treasure of the Inca, The. (Der Schatz History of Samuel Titmarsh and the des Inka). Tr. by J. Fredk. Smith. Great Hoggarty diamond. W. M. 374493 Great Hoggarty diamond. W. M. Under the earth. (Unter der Erde). Tr. THACKERAY. Wih Henry Esmond. 39: 2885 by Miss Rebecca H. Schively. 37:4494 The same. In Miscellanies. v. 1. 33: 4011 HARTZ boys, The. Lond. n. d. 16~. 37: 4490 The same. In Miscellanies. v. 4.....33: 4010 The same. Bost. 1872. 16.. 37: 4491 History of Tip-top. Mrs. H. (E.) B. Hoffman, Mary J. STOWE. In Queer little people...... 39: 2334 ANE Hilton; or, practical views of History of a watch-coat. L. STERNE.Catholicity. N.Y. 1863. 12~ 37: 4505 In Works.....;:.......................34: 2017 ALICE Murray: atale. N. Y. 1869. Hitherto: a story of yesterdays. Mrs. 12...................................... 37: 4506 A. D. T. WHITNEY..................... 40: 393 FELIX Kent; or, the new neighbors. "Hoc Age." Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. N. Y. 1870. 12~....................... 37: 4507 In Works. v. 13........................ 39: 1648 HO Fi of the yellow girdle. T. T. T. Hodgson, Hon. Mrs.In Treasure-trove series. v. 2....... 40: 1702 CHEQUERED shade: a tale. Lond. Hoffland, Mrs. Barbara. 1870. 8...................................37: 4442 CZARINA, The: an historicalromance Hoefer, Edmund. (b. 1819). of the court of Russia. N. Y. OLD countess, The. (Tr. of Das alte 1859. 80.......................... 37: 4513 Frdulein). Phil. 1870. 12........ 37: 4448 DANIEL Dennison and the CumberHoermann, Rev. Alto S. land statesman. N. Y. n. d. 8~. 37: 4514 AN6R's return; or, the migrations of UNLOVED one, The: a domestic story. a soul: an allegorical tale. Tr. by N. Y. 1867. 8. 37: 4516 Innocent A. Bergrath. N. Y. YOUNG cadet, The.. Phil. n. d. 18~. 37: 4515 1867. 12................................. 37: 4454 Hogg, James. (The Ettrick Shepherd). Hoey, Mrs. Cashel. (1772-1835). BLOSSOMS of an aloe, The. N. Y. BOGLE 0' the brae, The: aqueer court1875. 8~................................... 37: 4460 ing story. In Club-book. v. 2..... 40: 1520 FALSELY true. Lond. 1870. 3 v. LAIDLAWS and the Scots, The. In sm. 8~...................................... 37: 4461-3 Club-book. v. 2........................ 40: 1520 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. H[ooG. 98 HOME. Hogg, (continued.)- Holmes, Mrs. M. J., (continued.) — WINTER evening tales. N. Y. 1871. DORA Deane; or, the East India uncle; 2 v. in 1. 120............................ 37: 452.1 and Maggie Miller; or, old Hagar's Contents: secret. N. Y. 1874. 120........... 37: 4566 Adam Bell. Halbert of Lyne. EDITH Lyle. N. Y. 1876. 120...... 37: 4579 Bridal of Polmood. Highland adventures. EDNA Browning; or, the Leighton Country dreams and ap- King Gregory. paritions: Long pack, The. homestead. N, Y. 1872. 120..... 37: 4567 I. John Gray o' Mid- Love adventures of George ENGLISH orphans. N. Y. 1873. 12~. 37: 4568 dieholm. Cochrane. dleholm. C;oebrane. ETHELYN'S mistake. N. Y. 1872. II. Connel of Dee. Maria's tale, written by her- mistake... 72. III. Wife of Lochina- self. 12.......................................... 37: 4569 ben. Old soldier's tale, An. HOMESTEAD on the hillside, The, and IV. Cousin Mattie. Peasant's funeral, A. othertales. N.Y. 1873. 120 37: 4570 V. Weldean hall. Renowned adventures of other tales...... 37: 4570 VI. Tibby Johnston's Basil Lee. Contents: wraith. Shepherd's calendar, The. Gable-roofed house at Old red house among the Dreadful story of Mac- Singular dream, A. Snowdon, The. mountains. pherson. Story ot two Highlanders. Gilberts, The. Rice corner. Duncan Campbell. Glen's creek. Thanksgiving party and its Hogmanay; or, the lady of Balloch- Homesteadside. on the hil cosequences, A. gray. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B. ri ^9~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~ 40 1719 HUGH Worthington. N. Y. 1870. v. 9......................................... 40: 1719 12037: 4571 Hohensteins, The. F. SPIELHAGEN. 39: 2107 Holcombs, The. M. P. MAGILL...... 38: 2376 LENA ers N 1873 37: 4572 Holden with the cords. W. M. JAY.. 40: 800 MAGGIE Miller; or, old Hagar's seHoliday chaplet of stories. Mrs. C. cret. With Dora Dean.......... 37: 4566 TUCKER. (A. L. 0. E0............... 39: 3350 MARIAN Gray; or, the heiress of Redstone hall. N.Y. 1873. 12~. 37: 4573 Holiday house. C. SINCLAIR........... 39: 1728 MEADOW brook. N. Y 1873. 12 37: 4574 MEADOW brook. N. Y. 1873. 12~. 37: 4574 Holiday rambles. E. GRANT............ 37: 3280 MILLBANK; or Roger Irving's ward. Holidays at Roselands: sequel to Ellen Dinsmore. M. F. FINLEY. N. Y. 1873. 120..37: 4575 (Martha Farquharson).................. 37: 2170 RECTOR f St. Marks The. With Hall, Henry. WVest lawn............................ 37: 4578 GOLDEN bait, The. Lond. 1871. ROSAMOND. With Cousin Maude..... 37: 4564 GOLDEN bait, The. Lond. 1871. 3 v. sm. 8............................... 37: 4525-7 ROSE Mather. N. 1873. 12 37: 4576 TEMPEST and sunshine; or, life in H-olland, C. Kentucky. N. Y. 1874. 12~..... 37: 4577 ASPASIA. Phil. 1869. 120............ 37: 4537 WEST lawn; and The rector of St. -Holland, Josiah Gilbert. (Timothy Marks. N. Y. 1874. 120........... 37: 4578 Titcomb) (b: 1819). Holmes, Oliver Wendell. (b. 1809). ARTHUR Bonnicastle: an American ELSIE Venner: a romance of destiny. romance. N.Y. 1873. 120.o... 37: 4545 Bost. 1871. 120.................... 37: 4600 BAY-PATH, The: a tale of New Eng ~ GUARDIAN angel, The. Bost. 1871. land colonial life. N. Y. 1866. 120.........37: 4601 120~....................................... 37: 4546 IRI. n L. C. v. 7............. 40: 1617 Miss Gilbert's career: an American The same. In Professor at the story. N.Y. 1867. 12 0.... 37: 4547 breakfast-table........................ 33: 2069 SEVE5OAKS1: a story of to-day. N.. VISIT to the asylum for decayed Y. 1875. 12........................... 37: 4548 punsters. In L. C., v. 5.............. 40: 1615 Holland tide. Same as Munster festi- The same. In Soundings from the val. G. GRIFFIN........................ 37: 3552 Atlantic................................. 33: 2071 Hollands, The. V. W. TOWNSEND. Hoist, H. P. (Cousin Virginia)......................... 39: 3102 LISETTE'S castles in the air. In Hollister, G. H. Danes sketched by themselves, v. 3. 40: 1532 MOUNT Hope; or, Philip, king of Holt, Emily Sarah. the Wampanoags: an historical ro- ASHCLIFFE hall: a tale of the last mance. N. Y. 1851. 120......... 37: 4557 century. Lond. n. d. sm. 8~...... 37: 4610 Holly and Mistletoe. R. KOCH......... 38: 1100 IMOGEN: a story of the mission of Holly-tree inn. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. Augustine. N.Y. n. d. 16...... 37: 4513 With Master Humphrey's clock..... 37: 497 ISOULT Barry of Wynscote: a tale of The same. In Uncommercial travel- the Tudor times. N.Y. 1872. 16~. 37: 4611 ler............................................ 37: 552 ROBIN Tremayne: a tale of the Marian Holly wreaths and rose chains. L. de persecution. N. Y. 1873. 120.... 37: 4612 la RAME. (Ouida.) With Beatrice Home, The; or, family joys and family Boville....................... 39: 40 cares. Same as Home, The; or, life H o lm, S axe. (pseud.)............... 3 9 40 in S w eden. F. B R E M ER. T r. by Holm, Saxe. (pseud.) M. Howitt................................. 35: 2740 STORIES. N.Y. 1874. 120........... 37: 4561 TM.s Hwt35: 2740 Contents: The same..............35: 2741 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Cbntents=~~~~~~~~~~:UCUII~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~r~~~~~~~Th sme IvWrk Draxy Miller's dowry. How one woman kept her The same. In Works,. 3.............. 365: 2739 Elder's wife, he. husband. Home, The; or, the iron rule: a Esther Wynn's love let- One-legged dancers, The. ters. Whose wife was she? domestic story. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. Holmes, Mrs. Mary Johnston. In W. S. C. L., v. 13.................... 34: 4183 CAMERON pride, The; or, purified by The same.....................................: 4923 suffering. Phil. 1873. 120......... 37: 4563 Home again! In N. and T., v. 11..... 40: 1651 DARKNESS and daylight. N. Y. Home and the Gyvpsy maid. T. GIL1873. 12~.............................. 37: 4565 LESPIE. In W. T. B., v. 4............ 40: 1714 COUSIN Maude; and Rosamond. N. Home as found. J. F. COOPER.......... 36: 4734 1873. 12~0.....;........................... 37: 4564 The same..................................... 35: 4735 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HOME. 99 HOOK. Home at Heatherbrae: a tale. N. Y. Home pictures, (continued.)1871. 120................................. 40: 2219 General Lengordon. Sick boy, the. Home fairy tales. J. MACT............... 38: 2226 Good conclusion. Silver service, The, Gretta's sorrow. Startling news. Contents: Home. Story, The. Bibi, baba, bobo. Magic axe and the white cat. Ida Grey. Strawberry supper. Enchanted watch, The. Medio Pollito. Inebriate's wife, The. Sudden death, The. Friquette and Friquette. Miss Careless. Kitchen troubles. Thunder-storm, Goldielocks. Necklace of truth. Lady Westerlin's story. Trick, The. Great scholar, The. Peter and Paul. Little Alice. Twilight walk. Home fairy, The. Poveretta. Little Herbert's trans- Two strangers. Little Ravegeot. Two friends, The. gression. Unexpected good fortune. Mad cow, The. Little Milly. Unhappy again. Home' heroes, saints, and martyrs. Little pride, A. Untimely death, The. T. S. ARTHUR..........................35: 778 aLittle story, A Village schoolmistress. T. S. ARTHUR............................. 35: 778 Living tomb, The. Visit to the city. Living tomb, The. Visit to the city. Home hits and hints. Winm. T. COG- Lossa and Nina; or, the Walk The. GESHALL.................................... 35: 4508 little organ-grinders. Wedding The. ContGESHALL........................... Miss Susan, Young Poet, The. Contents: Mr. Laosden's counsel. Aunt Patience. Moral influence of taste. Being somebody. My first lesson in manliness. Home scenes and heart studies. Gr. Boy enterprise. My ragged school. AGUILAR................................... 35: 344 Buds and blossoms. Ned EPton. Home scenes. T.S. ARTHUR............ 35: 780 Burning coin, The. Odd music lesson. City and country. Our fireside. Home stories. T. S. ARTHUR. 6 V. Didn't think. Pay as you go. Contents: Easy Warren. Penney's pepper bottle. 1. Hidden wings. 35:777 | 4. The peace-maker. 35:794 Fable for financiers. Portliness illustrated. 2. Sowing the wind. 35:799 5. Not anything for peace. Fallen divine, The. girl, The. 3. Sunshine at home. | 35:789 Fashionable suicide. Pride of wealth, and pride 35:803 J 6. After a shadow. 35:765 Fashionable vulgarity, ot worth. A AVEN. ( ouin Haste and waste. Prize piano, The. Home stories. A. B. HAVEN (Cousin Hint for homes, A. Reflections on a barn. Alice)........................................ 37: 4135 Jared Parker. Shall I go to a city? Contents: Jewish quadroon, The. Sketch of sentiment's ex- Carriage friends. Ordeal, The; or, the spring Kidnappers. tremes. Counsel-the evil and the and summer of life. Kitchen comforts. Smart boy, The. good. Single lessons, five dollars: Les,,on from the street. Street picture, A. Furnished house, The. a fact. Little chip. Story for boys and girls. Miss Bremers. Spring winds. Little fibs. Summer life. Only a family. Little Peleg. Summer recreations. Man in the moon, The. Tom Toperly Home, sweet home. Mrs. J. H. RIDMarriage by draft. What Jasper Haven lost. DELL F.( G. Trafford.) 3 v....... 39: 377-9 Masterly inactivity. Widow Cliff and her son. Homesabroad. H.MARTINEAU. In Matrimony for money. Illus. of polit. econ., v. 4............. 38: 2642 Home influence: a tale for mothers Homestead on the hillside, The; and and daughters.. AGUILAR........ 35: 342 other tales. Mrs. M. J. HOLMES. 37: 4570 The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 35: 343 C n Home life, Journal of a. E. M. Gabled-roofed house at Old red house among the SEWELL.................................... 39: 1581 Snowdon. mountains. The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 1582 Gilberts, The. Rice corner. G] en's creek. Thanksgiving party and its Home lights and shadows. T.'S. Homestead on the hill- consequences. ARTHUR................................... 35: 779 side. Contentst: Homeward bound. J. F. COOPER... 35: 4736 Aunlt Mary's suggestion. Making a sensation, The same....................... 35: 4737 Both to blame. Mother's promise, The. Honestandearnest. N FORREST. 37: 2341 Common people. Not at home.Honest and earnest. N. FORREST..... 7: 41 Dollar on the conscience, Portrait, The. Honest John Vane. J.W. DEFOREST. 37: 214 A. Rights and wrongs. Honesty and integrity. Mrs. E. C. Fatal error, The. Romance and reality. Following the fashions. Something for a cold. EMBURY. In Pictures of early life. 37: 1700 Helping the poor. Two husbands, The. Honey-moon, The. POMAR, Count Humbled Pharisee, The. Very poor. of Modena. 2......................... 38: 4578-9 It's none of my business. Visiting as neighbors. Honor Blake; or, the story of a plain Home nook; or, the crown of duty.woman. Mrs. R. H. KETIN.. 38: 706 A.M. DOUGLAS......................... 37: 808 Honor May. M. BARTOL................. 35: 1687 Home of the lost child, The: a tale ofHood Edwin Paxton the asylum of the Good Shepherd, WORLD f anecdote, The. PLond. Hammersmith. N. Y. n. d. 18~. 40: 2220 1870. 8.......................... 33 2098 Home pictures. Mrs. M. A. DENISON.Hood, Thomas. (1798-1845). (Clara Vance.)............................. 7: 332 OUR family: a domestic novel. In Contents: Prose works, v. 3........................ 34: 1375 About the minister. My flowers. PARISH revolution The. n TreasureAccepted. My mother's death.fPARISH revolution, The. In TreasureAccepted. My mother's death. Accident, The. New minister, The. trove series, v. 1......................... 40: 1701, Alice's confession. News from abroad. TYLNEY hall. Hartford. 1846. 12~. 37: 4618 Angel hand, The. Not at home. U7 the Rhine. I Works v 2 34: 1374 Betty's encounter. Old beggar's sympathy, The p W iL. N vWorksi vT...... B.rth-day festival. Old church, The, WALTON Redivivus. In TreasureCity life. Old home in the country, trove series, v. 2........................ 40: 1702 Cioss, The. The, Death itself, Old poet's garret. Hood, Tom. Departure, The. Old Quaker uncle, The. GOLDEN heart, A. Lend. 1867. 3 v. Jtisappointment, The. Old superstitiongsin. 8037: 4620-2 Disa~ppsintment, The. Old superstition. sm. 8...................................... 37: 4620-2 Domestic. Painter's studio, The. Dream, The. Party, The. LOVEand valor. Best. 1872. 8... 37; 4623 Failure, The. Poor Betty's troubles. Hook, Theodore (Edward). (1788Farm-house, The. Reconciliation, The. 14. Fashionable call, Return, The.1841). Fashionable ennui. Reunited family, The. ALL in the wrong. Lend. 1867. First visit to a watering Sad letter, The. 12~ 0............... 37: 4634 Fplace, Saole, l The. tevs. BIRTHS, deaths and marriages. Lend. First visitors. Sermon, The: the visit. Flower girl. Shadow of death, The.1857. 120........................... 37: 4635 PROSE FICTION: ENOLISH., HooK. 100 HOUSE. Hook, (continued.)- Hopkins, Ellice. COUSIN Geoffrey. Lond. 1859. 12~. 37: 4636 ROSE Turquand. N. Y. 1876. 80... 37: 4684 COUSIN William. N. Y. 1857. 12~. 37: 4637 Hopkins, John Baker. The same. In Sayings and doings. 37: 4650 MAKING the worst of it. Lond. GERVASE Skinner. N. Y. 1857. 120~. 37: 4638 1874. 2 v. sm. 80...................... 37: 4686-7 The same. In Sayings and doings, Hopkins, Livingston. v. 3....................................... 37: 4650 COMIC history of the United States. GILBERT Gurney. Lond. 1841. 16~. 37: 4639 N. Y. 1876. 120....................... 37: 4690 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 6-7. 34: 4176-7 Hopkins, Samuel. The same..................................'15:4916-17 YOUTH of the old dominion. Bost. GURNEY married. Lond. n. d. 160~. 37: 4640 1856. 120................................. 37: 4693 The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 9-13. -15:4919-23 Horace Templeton's diary. C. LEVThe sam e................................... 34:4179-83 ER............................................ 38: 1594 JACK Bray. Lond. n. d. 120~........ 37: 4641 Horace Wilde. Mrs. M. J. MALMAXWELL. Lond. 1840. 160........ 37: 4642 LARY........................................ 38: 2434 PARSON'S daughter, The. Lond. Horn, Van. (pseud.) See OERTEL, P. n. d. 160.................................. 37: 4644 F. W. PRECEPTS and practice. Lond. 1840. Hornby mills, and other stories. H. 3 v. sm. 80................................ 37: 4645-7 KINGSLEY. 2 v.......................... 38: 957-8 Contents: Contents Atonement, v. 2. My last tour, v. 3. Episode in the life of March of Charles Stuart, Captain Gray, v. 1. Old people, v. 3. Charles Mordaunt Mal- Th'e. v. 2. Civil war, v. 2. Planter's birthday, v. 3. maison, v. 1. New Year's day at Windsor, Ditton, v. 3. Practical jokes, v. 3. Eyre's march, v. 2. 1;327, v. t. Fannv Vane, v. 1. Russian poli e and English Hornby mills' garden, Some account of the village Fashionable fictions, v. 3. prisoners, v. 3. v. 1. of Inverguoich, v. 2. Fragment ot modern his- Stir in the household, v. 2. Jackson of Paul's, v. 2. Why Lady HIornbury's ball tory, v. 2. Trip over London, v. 3. was postponed, v. 1. Life after death, v. 1. Widdlezig, v. 2.Horror in the house, The. H. SPICER. Little man, v. 1. Widow's (log, v. 1. In Bound to plese. v. 2.............39: 2096 Magpie castle, v. 3. Wine and water, v. 1. o....... Man and his master, v. 1. Horrors of Paris, The. A. (D.) SAYINGs and doings. Lond. n. d. DUMAS...................................... 37: 989 3 v. 16~.................................... 37:4648-50 Horse-shoe on the church door. Contents: NACHTIGALL (Oitnar). / R. G. N. Cousin William, v. 3. Man of many friends, v. 2. v. 2.......................................... 40: 1561 Danvers. v. 1. Martha, the gypsy, v. 1. Horse-shoe Robinson. J. P. KENDoubts and fears, v. 2. Merton, v. 1. Friend of the lamily,v. 1. Passion and principle, v. 2. NEDY....................................... 38: 820 Gervase Skinner, v. 3. Sutherlanrds, v. 2. Hortense, Queen: an historical novel. STIR in the household, A. In W. S. Mrs. C. (M.) MUNDT. (Louisa C. L., v. 14............................... "15: 4924 Miihlbach).................................. 38: 3253 The same. In Precepts and prac- Hortons, The: or, American life at tice, v. 2................................. 37: 4646 home. D. B. CASSEDAY............. 35: 3925 WIDOW and the marquis, The. Lond. Hosmer, Mrs. Margaret. n. d. 12~.................................. 37: 4651 BLANkcI Gilroy: a girl's story. Phil. Hooper, Henry. 1871. 120................................ 37: 4700 LOST model, The: a romance. Phil. MORRISONS, The: a story of domes1874. 120................................. 37: 4657 tic life. Phil. 1868. 12~.......... 37: 4701 "WASH Bolter, M. D.; or, the life of VICTIMS of dreams, The. In Not an orator. Lond. 1872. sm. 8C... 37: 4658 pretty but precious..................... 40: 1640 Hooper, Lucy Hamilton. (1816-1841). Hospital sketches. L. M4. ALCOTT.... 35: -457 SNOW upon the waters. In Rouge- Hospitality. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. gorge and other stories................. 40: 1670 In Sketches of Irish character...... 37: 3887 UNDER false colors. In Not pretty, Hostages to fortune. Miss M. E. but precious............................... 40: 1640 BRADDON................................... 35: 2566 Hoosier school-master, The. Edw. H6tel du Petit St. Jean: a Gascon EGGLESTON................................ 37: 1593 story. C. I) M'ST' R.................. 37: 310 Hoosier's mosaics.. M. THOMPSON.... 39: 2983 Hotspur: a tale of the old Dutch Hope, Ascott R. (pseud.) See MON- manor. M. T. WVALWORTH......... 40: 97 CRIEFF, R. H. Hour and the man, The: an historical Hope, Cecil. romance. H. JMIARTINI;AU.......... 38: 2638 SEABURY castle. Phil. 1869. 120~. 37: 4668 Hour's instruction in political econHope, Stanley. omy, An. A. F. LANGIUitN. In NEW Godiva, Phil. 1876. 120...... 37: 4670. G. N. v. 4. 40: 1563 Hope, Thomas. Hours of infancy. Mrs. M. M. SIERANASTASIUS; or, memoirs of a Greek. -WOOD. In Works. v. 13............. 39: 1648 N. Y. 1873. 160...................... 37: 4673 House and the brain, The. E. G. E. Hope deferred. E. F. POLLARD. N. L. BULWER-LYTTON. In L. C. Y. 1872. 80~............................. 38: 4670 v. 2.......................................... 40: 1612 Hope and have. W. T. ADAMS. House behind the poplars, The. Mrs. (Oliver Optic).............................35: 251 J. R. BECKWITH......................... 35: 1861 Hope Leslie. C. M. SEDOWICK 2 v. 39: 1528-9 House by the church-yard, The. J. Hope Meredith. E. TABOR............... 39: 2718 S. LE FANU.............................. 38: 1457 Hope on, hope ever. M. HOWITT....... 37: 4751 House in the town, The: sequel to Hopes. F. BREMER. In Works. v. 1. 35: 2746 Opportunities. S. WARNER......... 40: 175 Hopes and fears. C. M. YONGE..... 40: 1287 House in the valley, The. E. F. Hopkins, Alphonso A. CARLN.................................... 35: 3795 HIS prison bars, and the way to es- House of cards, The. Mrs. C. HOEY. cape. Rochester, N.Y. n.d. 16~. 37: 4680 3 v.......................................... 37: 4465-L PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. iovsE. 101 owITT. House of Elinore.. V. W. ROBINSON. 39: 488 How Santa Clause came to Simpson's House of the seven gables. N. HAW- bar. (F.) B. HARTE. Ie Mrs. THORNE.................................... 37: 4178 Skagg's husbands........................ 33: 1907 House of Yorke. M. A. T............... 39: 2701 How to be a man. H. NEWCOMB....... 38: 3575 House on the moor Mrs. M. (0. W.) How to conquer; or, Allen Ware. C. OLIPHANT................................. 38: 3842 M. TROWBRIDGE......................... 39:' 3302 House on wheels, The. F. de B6GON. How to do it. E. E. E. HALE............... 37: 3835 (Mime. de Stolz)........................... 35: 1887 How we got possession of the Tuileries. House to let, A. In N. and T. v. 10. 40: 1650 W. E. AYTOUN. In T. f. B., v. 3. 40: 1694 House with two front doors, The. A. How we got up the Glenmutchkin CARY. In Pictures of country railway, and how we got out of it. life........................................... 35: 3918 W. E. AYTOUN. in T. f. B., v. I... 40: 1693 Household angel in disguise. H. N. How will it end? a romance. J. C. (W.) BAKER. (Aunt fattie)........ 35: 1388 HEYWOOD................................. 37: 4397 Household library, The. T. S. AR- Howard, Blanche Wyllys. THUR. 12 v. in 6. ONE summer. Best. 1876. 160...... 37: 4720 Contents: Howard, Caroline. (pseud.) See Home scenes. 35:780 Stories for young house- JERVEY, Mrs. C. H. Lessons in life. 35:812 keepers. 35:802Hioward and his teacher. HF N. (W.) Married life. 35:786 Tried and tempted- 35:818 Off-hand sketches. 35:791 Two wives, The. 35:812 BAKER. (Ant Hattie)................ 35: 1389 Seed-time and harvest. Ways of providence. 35:816 Howard, the apprentice boy. Mrs. 35:796 Woman's trials. 35:816 Stories forparents. 35:801 Words for the wise. 35:818 C. L. HENTZ. With Banished son. 37: 4311 Stories for parents. 35:801 Words for the wise. 35:818 Household of Bouverie, The; or, theHoward Tracy For sequel, see Bella elixir of gold. Mrs. C. WARFIELD. Trelawny. J. T. SMITH............... 39: 1900 2 v.......................................... 40: 142-3 H ow ell, John. Household of Sir Thomas lMore, The. EXPERIMENTER, The. In W. T. B., A. M ANNING.............................. 38: 2470 v. 2.......................................... 40: 1712 Household stories. J. L. K. and K. FORTUNES of William Wighton, The. W. GRIMM................................. 37: 3603 In W. T. B., v. 1.................. 40: 1711 Household wreck, The: a tale. In LEGEND of Calder Moor. In W. T. W. S.C. L. v. 11....................... 34: 4181 B., v. 9...................................... 40: 1719 The same...................................... 15: 4921 MAJOR WVeir's coach. In W. T. B., Housekeeper, M. P. v. 3......................................... 40: 1713 MY husband's crime. N.Y. 1868. 8~. 37: 4708 MAN-OF-WAR'S man, The. In W. T. Hoven, Ernest. B., v. 8...................................... 40: 1718 MAN with two shadows, The. Phil. PRISONER of war, The. In W. T. B., 1869. ]6~................................. 3 7: 4714 v. 9......................................... 4 0: 1719 How a bride was won. F. GERST- SCOTTISH veteran, The. In W. T. B., ECKER...................................... 3 7: 2933 v. 6.......................................... 4 0: 1716 How Charlie Roberts became a man. SERGEANT'S tales, The. In W. T. B., L. iM. THURSTON........................ 39: 3033 v. 3-5.................................. 40:1713-15 How could he escape? a temperance Conten ts: Beggar's camp, v. 4. Packman's journey to Lonstory. J. McN. WRIGHT............ 40: 886 Imprudent marriage,v. 5. don, v. 5. How could he help it? or, the heart John Square's voyage to Palatines, The, v. 3. triumphant. A. S. ROE..39: 59India,. 4.98 How he did it. E. A. DUPU..........37 1068 S N ears' dearth, The.. T. How he won her. Mrs. E. D. E. N.- SLB., The. In W.T.., v. 2... 40: 1712 SOUTHWORTH............................. 39: 2021........40: 1712 H SoUTIUWecameRT e.39: W. 2 0. 21-Howells, William Dean. (b. 1837). How I becamne a yoeman. W. E. AY- CHANCE acquaintance, A. Bost. TOUN. In T. f. B. v. 1............... 40: 1693 17 103: 4 1874. 16~................................. 37: 4724 How I stood for the Dreepdaily DAY'S pleasure, A. Bost. 1876. 24~. 37: 4728 Burghs. W. E. AYTOUN. In T. FOREGONE conclusions. Bost. 1875. f. B. v. 2................................. 4 0: 1693 120......................................... 3 7: 4725 How I was tracked by trappers. L. ROMANCE of real life, A. In L. C., de la RAME. (Ouida.) With Ran- v. 4.......................................... 40: 1614 dolph Gordon 39: 56 THEIRwedding journey. Bost. 1872. How Marjory helped. M. CAROLL.... 35: 3886 12~.......................................... 37: 4726 "How mother did it." J. R. HADER- The same. Bost. 1875. 18....... 37: 4727 MANN. In Not pretty but precious. 40: 1640 Howitt, Anna Mary. How Nellie found the fairies: a grand- SCHOOL of life, The. Bost. 1855. 16~. 37: 4737 mother's story. Phil. 1871. 16~. 40: 2223 Howitt, Mary. (b. 1804). How the old love fared. (XW.) WV. ALICE Franklin: a tale. N.Y. 1854. COLLINS. In N. and T., v. 5......... 40: 1645 18......................................... 37: 4745 The same. In Dead secret.............. 35: 45.52 AUTHOR'S daughter, The: a tale. N. How one fire lit another. L. de la.nd. 8~............................ 37: 4746 RAME. (Ouida.) With Randolph BRIGHT days. Bost. 1869. 12~.... 37: 4747 GordonAM.'adlh39: 56 CITIZEN of Prague, The; and Livonian tales. Tr. by MI. Howitt. How one came to marry. Mrs. L. C. N. Y. 1870. 8~ 40: 2091 voULToN. In My third book...... 39: 3182 DIAL of love, The. Phil. 1854. 120. 37: 4749 How one woman kept her husband. HEIR of Wast-Wayland, The. N.Y. In Saxe HOLM'S stories................. 37: 4561 1855. 12~................................. 37: 4750 HOW Robinson lost his fellowship. R. HOPE on, hope ever. N.Y. 1857. BLACK. With Lady Caroline....... 35: 2169 18~.......................................... 37: 4751 PROSEFICTION: ENGLISH. IIOWITT. 102 HUMORS. Howitt, Mary, (continued.)- Hughs, Mrs. Mary. (Aunt Mary). LITTLE coin, much care. N.Y. 1867. AUNT Mary's stories. 1st series. N. 180.......................................... 37: 4752 Y. n. d. 16~0......................... 37: 4808 LOVE and money. N.Y. 1867. 18~. 37: 4753 Contents: MY own story. N. Y. 1867. 180... 37: 4754 Genorosity. Holidays in the country. MY uncle, the clockmaker. N. Y. Young sailor, The. n. d. 18.37: 4755 Hugo, Victor (Marie). (b. 1802). No sense like common sense. N. Y. BRIGAND, The; or, demon of the 1859. 180.......37: 4756 north. (Tr. of Han d'Islande). SOWING and' reaping.'N.' Y. 1.867.. Phil. n. d. 8~.......................... 37: 4832 180......................................... 37: 4757 BY the king's command. (Tr. of Par STORY of a genius. N. Y. 1867. ordre du roi).............................. 37: 4840 18~.......................................... 37: 4758 The same. In Man who laughs. STRIVE and thrive. N. Y. 1867. Pt. II.................................... 37: 4836 18~.......................................... 37: 4759 CLAUDE Gueux: the last day of a TRUST and trial. Lond. 1858. sm. condemned man. (Tr. of Claude 8~0........................................... 37: 4760 Gueux and Le dernier jour d'un conTwo apprentices. N.Y. 1867. 180~. 37: 4761 damne). N.Y. 1869. 120........... 37: 4833 VIGNETTES. Lond. n. d. sm. 80... 37: 4762 GAVROCHE, the gamin of Paris. (Tr. WHICH is the wiser? N.Y. 1867. of part of Les miserables). Phil. 180........................... 37: 4763 1872. 16~................................ 38: 4776 WHO shall be greatest? N.Y. 1867. HUNCHBACK of Notre Dame, The. 18........................................... 37: 4764otre-dame de Paris). Tr. by 4(Notre-dame de Paris). Tr. by WooD Leighton. Lond. 1847. 160. 37: 4765 Henry L. Williams. Best. 1866. WORK and wages. N.Y. 1867. 18~. 37: 4766 120.37: 4834 Howitt, William. (b. 1795). BOY'S adventures in the wilds of JARGAL. (Bug-Jargal). Tr. by Charles Boy's adventures in the wilds of Edwin Wilbour. Illus. N. Y. Australia, A. Lond. 1866. 120. 37: 4775 16 1. JOHNNY Darbyshire. In L. C., v. 9. 40: 1619 166 120. wo l37: 4835 LIFE and adventures of Jack of the MAN who laughs, The. (Tr of mill. N. Y. 1872. 80............... 37: 4776 L'homme qui ri). N.Y. 1869. 8 37: 4836 WOODBURN Grange. Phil. n. d.Contens: W~ooBURN Grage. Phil. n. d. oPt' 1I. Sea and night. Pt. II. By the king's command. 120.:^m^'andM^^ ^ 37: The same. Pt. i. N.Y. 1869. Howitt, William and Mary. The same. Pt. 1. N. Y. 1869. STORIES of English and foreign life. 80........................................ 37: 4841 Lond. 1853. sm. 80.................. 37: 4778 Contents:................. 8ea and night. Contents: Hunnybuns at the sea- Poacher's progress. The. MISERABLES, Les. Tr. by Chas. E. side, The. Sir Peter and his pigeon. Wilbour. N.Y. 1874. 80......... 37: 4837 Hunt, The. Some love-passages in the The same. Lond. n. d. 12~. Leaf from the diary of a life of every-day people. poor schoolmistress. Twbqire. poor schoolmistress. Two squires, The. [abridged.]............................ 37. 4838 Margaret von Ehrenherg, Woodnook wells, The; or, NINETY-THREE. (Quatre-vingt-treize). the artist-wife. neighbors' quarrels. Tr. by Frank Lee Benedict. N. Y. Meidrum family, The. 1874. 120................................. 37: 4839 Howleglass, the merry jester. In PAR ordre du roi. In Man who R. G. N., v. 1............................. 40: 1560 laughs. Pt. 2............................. 37: 4836 Hubback, Mrs. J. Hubback, Mlrs. J. The same................................... 37: 4840 MAY and December: a tale of wedded SEA and night an who laughs life. Phil. 1866. 12~................ 37: 4788 SPt and night. Man who 483hs Pt. 1..37: 4836 WIFE'S sister, The; or, the forbidden The sa........................... 37: 4841 marriage. N.Y. 1865. 80........ 37: 4789 TOILERS of the sea. (Tr. of Les trayHubert Freeth's prosperity: a story. ailleursde lamer). N.Y. 1869. 8. 37: 4842 Mrs. N. CROSLAND...................... 35: 5056 rd ) NY 13 Mrs. soN., CRob LAND.35: 5 Huguenot, The. G. P. R. JAMES..... 38: 193 Hudson, Robert. E * KIMBERWELL house. Lond. 1870. Huguenot exiles, The. E. A. Du3 v. sin. 80............................... 37: 4796-8 PUY......................................... 37: 1069 Hudson's bay. R. M. BALLANTYNE. 35: 1468 Huguenot family, The, in the EngHugh Melton. K. KING........ 38: 915 lish village. 3Miss KEDDIE. (Sarah Hugh Worthington Ms.. Mrs. M. J.Tytler)...................................... 38: 714 HOLMES.................................... 37: 4571 Hulda; or the deliverer. F. LEWALD. Hughes, Thomas. (h. 1823). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister............ 38: 1685 SCOURING of the white horse, The; Hum, the son of Buz. l/Mrs. H. (E.) or, the long vacation of a London B. STOWE. In Queer little people. 39: 2334 clerk. Camb. 1859. 12~............ 37: 4814 Hume and the governor of Berwick. TOM Brown at Oxford. Bost. 1864. A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B. v. 9. 40: 1719 2 v. 12................................... 37:4815-16 Humility and her portrait-painters. TOM Brown's school days at Rugby. Mrs. E. R. CHARLES. WJVith CotIllus. Lond. 1872. 80.............. 37: 4817 tage by the cathedral................... 35: 4071 The same. Bost. 1872. 120 37: 4818 Humility before honor, and other iThe same. Leip. 1858. sq. 16. 37: 4819 tales and illustrations. Mrs. C. E. Hughe's vendetta. F. C. FISHER. TONNA. (Charlotte Elizabeth)....... 39: 3065 (Christian Reid.) In Nina's atonement........................................ 37: 2201 Faiitlful dogs, The. Memoir of the auHughs, Mrs. - thor. Widow of the Zaiepath, The. Two schools, The: a moral tale. N. Humors of Falconbridge. J. F. Y. n. d. 12~........................... 37: 4826 KELLEY................................... 33: 2395 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. HUMPHREY. i3 IN. Humphrey Clinker. T. SMOLLET. I have a right. J. INGELOW. In StoI W orks................................ 39: 1970 ries told to a child....................... 38: 33 The same..................................... 39: 1975 I will be a sailor. Mrs. L. C. TUTHILL. 39: 3388 The same. 2 v.............................. 39: 1973-4 I will be a soldier. Mrs. L. C. TUTHILL. 39: 3389 The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 39: 2976 Ice maiden, The. H.C. ANDERSEN.... 35: 646 Hunchback of Notre dame. (M.)V. Ida Craven. H. M. CADELL............ 35: 3720 HUGO......................................37: 4834 Ida Goldwin. or, the perils of fortune. Hundred ministers, and how they A. DERBY............................... 37: 343 switched off: the lights and shad- Ida May: a story. M. H. (G) PIKE. dows of ministerial life. Bost. (Mary Langdon)................ 38: 4514 1874. 16................................. 33: 569 Idalia: a romance. L. de la RAME. Hungarian brothers, The. A. P. (Ouida)...................................... 39: 49 PORTER.......................... 38: 4648 The same. 2 v. in 1....................... 39: 50 Hungerford, James. Ideen, Marie A. OLD plantation, The, and what I gath- CHANGING the crosses and winning ered there in an autumn month. the crown. Phil. 1873. 160...... 38: 10 N. Y. 1859. 120....................... 37: 4850 Idle scholar. See Julia Hatfield. Hungry heart, The. J. W. DEFOR- Idler, The. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. REST. In Not pretty but precious. 40: 1640 In Works. v. 15........................ 39: 1650 Hunnybuns at the sea-side. W. and Idolatry: a romance. J. HAWM. HOWITT. In Stories of Eng- THORNE.............................. 37: 4167 lish and foreign life..................... 37: 4778 Idyl of Red gulch. (F.) B. HARTE. Hunt, (James Henry) Leigh. (1784- In Luck of roaring camp............. 33: 1996 1859). If, yes, and perhaps. E. E. HALE....... 33: 1828 FOSTER brothrhe.r N. Y. 1871. Contents: 8~........................37: 4855 Children of the public. My double and how he unHunt, The. W. and M. HOWITT. In Christmas waits in Bos- did me. ton. Old and new face to face. Stories of English and foreign life. 37: 4778 Last of the Florida, Piece of possible history. Hunt cup, A; or, loyalty before all. Last voyage of the Reso- Skeleton in the closet. W. BRADWOOD........................... 35: 2653 lution. South American editor. Hunted down. C. (J. H.) DICKENS. 37: 479 Man without a ountry. The same. 37: 3836 The same. With Lamplighter's story. 37: 481..................................... Hunted down; and Uncommercial Inatiu, Rev. Father. traveller. C. (J. H.) DICKENS....... 37: 480 LEONARD Morris; or, the Benedictine novice. Lond. 1871. sm. 80. 38: 15 Hunter and Tom, J. ABBOTT........... 35: 48 no. d. 8 Hunter's feast. M. REID................ 39: 248 Ignotus. (pseud.) CULMSHIRE folk. Lond. 1873. 3 v. Hunting the lions; or, the land of the 3Mv. 3 202 3 v. sm. 8~............................... 38: 20-2 negro. R. M. BALLANTYNE. In Ik Marvel. (pseud.) See MITCHELL, Tales of adventure. v. 3........... 35: 1485 Ik Marvel. (pseud.) See MITCHELL, Hunting sports in the west. C. B. HARTTTEY V,.,.,,............, 37: 406A7 Iliad of Sandy bar, The. (F.) B. ~HuntingonJ."V*"""""""".HARTE. In Mrs. Skagg's husbands. 37: 4057 ALBHuntington, J. V. Ill got ill gone. J. BAIN. In Bit o Ill got ill gone. J.. Bito' ALBAN: the history of a young pur- writin'...................................... 35:.1531 itan. N. Y. 1853. 2 v. 120...37: 4860-1 LADY Alice; or, the new Una. N r. H. N. (W.) BAKER. (Aunt Y. 1873. 80.............................37: 4862...................... 35 1390 Husbands and homes. Mrs. M. V. Illustrations of Irish pride. Mrs. (H.) TERHUNE. (Marion Harland). 39: 2837 A. M. F. HALL. In Lights and Husks: Same as Empty heart. Mrs. shadows. 1............................ 37: 3884 M. V. (H.) TERHUNE. (Marion Illustrations of lying. Mrs. A. OPIE. llarland)................................... 39: 2833' In W orks, v. 3........................... 38: 3903 The same...................................... 39: 2838 Image of his father, The. H. and A.. Hutchinson, John C. MAYHEW................................... 38: 2792 SHE and I: a love story, a life his- Immermann, Karl Lebrecht. (1796tory. Lond. 1873. 2 v. sm. 8~. 37: 4868-9 1840). Hwa Tsien Ki. WONDERS in the Spessart, The. In FLOWERY scroll, The: a Chinese T. f. G........41...................... 40: 1699 novel. Tr. and illus. by Sir John Imogen. E. S. HOLT..................... 37: 4613 Bowring. Lond. 1868. sm. 8~. 40: 2151 Impending sword. E. YATES. 3 v. 40:1209-11 Hyacinthe, Mrs. E.. GREY......... 37: 3501 Imprisoned demon, The. W. GILHypatia; or, new foes. C. KINGS- r do Austin's guests. LEY. 2 V.................................. 38: 930-1 BERT. In Doctor Austin's guests. v. 2 v.. 38: 930-1 v. 37: 2987 The sam e..................................... 38: 929......8..... 3..2987 The same.............38: 929 Thesame. Tauchnitz ed................ 38 932 Imprisoned mind. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. Hyperion. H. W. LONGFELLOW.In Temper and temperament. 37: 1690 In Prose works......................... 34: 1583 Improvisatore, The. H. C. ANDERThe same................................... 34: 1586 SEN................................. 35: 647 Hypocrites, The. P. SCARRON. In Imprudent marriage, The. In The Whole comical works.................. *34: 1915 Serjeant's tales. J. HOWELL. In W. T. B. v. 5........................... 40: 1715 In bonds: a novel. L. PRESTON......... 38: 4727 I. In the Camargue. E. BOWLES........... 35: 2432 In a cellar. H. E. (P.) SPOFFORD. I canna be fashed; or, Willie Grant's With Amber gods........................ 39: 2126 confessions. J. M. WILSON. In In the days of my youth. A. B. EDW. T.B. v. 5.......................... 40:'1715 WARDS..................................... 37: 1523 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. IN. 104 INGRAHAM. In doors and out; or, views from the Infernal marriage, The. B. DISR.ELI. chimney corner. W. T. ADAMS. With Ixion in heaven.................. 37: 668 (Oliver Optic).................. 35: 293 The same..................................... 37: 669 In duty bound. By the author of Infidel, The. R. M. BIRD................ 35: 2119 Mark Warren. N. Y. 1871. 80. 40: 2226 Infirmary, The. Mrs. M. M. SHERIn exile. W. VON ST....................... 39: 2187 WOOD. In Works, v. 8................ 39: 1643 In exitu Israel: an historical novel. Influence. Mrs. BROOKFIELD. 2 V. 35: 3111 S. BARING-GOULD........................ 35:- 1573 Ingelow, Jean. (b. 1825). In extremis: a novelette. Mrs. R. S. MOPSA, the fairy. Best. 1869. 160. 38: 30 GREENOUGH.............................. 37: 3435 OFF the Skelligs: a novel. Bost. In a glass darkly. J. Sheridan LE- 1872. 20................................. 38: 31 FANU. 3 v................................ 38:1458-60 SISTER'S bye-hours, A. Bost. 1868. In his name. E. E. HALE.................. 37: 3838 160......................................... 38: 32 In honor bound: a novel. C. GIBBON. 37: 2951 Contents: In the isle.of Wight: a novel. Lond. Laura Richmond. Prejudice; or, the black 1873. 2 v. sm. 8.. 40: 2228 9 Marked. polyanthus. 1873. 2 V. sm. 8~..................... 40: 2228 Muschachito mio. Ups and downs of life. In the lap of fortune. J. HATTON. Poor Matt; or,the clouded Widow Maclean; or, lending 3 v............................................ 37: 4104-6 intellect. to the Lord. In the ranks. Miss A. M. DOUGLASS... 37: 809 STORIES told to a child. Bost. 1866. In the rapids. T. J. IRVING............... 38: 55 160......................................... 38: 33 In the ring. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (for- Contents: merly Miss Mulock). In Unkind Can and could. Little Rie and the rosebuds. Deborah's book. Lonely rock. word......................................... 35: 4943 Golden opportunity, The. Minnows with silver tails, The same.................................... 35: 4944 Giandmother's shoe, The. In school and out. W. T. ADAMS. The. Moorish gold, The. I have a right. One-eyed servant, The. (Oliver Optic)............................. 35: 252 Life of Mr. John Smith, Suspicious jackdaw, The. In search of the castaways. J. VERNE. 39: 3692 The. Two ways of telling a story. In silk attire. W. BLACK................. 35: 2176 Wild-duck shooter, The. In strange company. J. GREENWOOD. 37: 3455 STUDIES for stories. Bost. 1870. In that state of life. H. AiDe............ 35: 351 160.................................... 38: 34 In trust; or, Dr. Bertrand's household. Contents: A TU.....- n017: Q Cumberers, The. My great-aunt's picture. A. M. DOUGLAS.........................37: 810 Dr. Dean's governess. Stolen treasure, The. In the wilds of Africa. W. H. G. Emily's ampition. KINGSTON................................. 38: 990 Ingemann~ B. S. In a winter city. L. de la RAME. AGED Rabbi, The. In Danes sketched (Ouida)..................................... 39: 66 by themselves, v. 3...................... 40: 1532 Ina. K. VALERIO.......................... 40: 245 ALL souls' day. In Danes sketched Inchbald, Mrs. Elizabeth S. (1753- by themselves, v. 3...................... 40: 1532 1821). DEATH ship, The. In Danes sketched NATURE and art. Lond. 1820. 180. by themselves, v. 3...................... 40: 1532 With Mrs. BROOKE'S Julia Mande- DOOMED house, The. In Danes ville.......................................... 35: 2896 sketched by themselves, v. 1......... 40: 1530 SIMPLE story. Lond. 1820. 180.... 38: 25 SECRET witness, The. In Danes Incognito, The; or Count Fitz-Hum. sketched by themselves, v. 1......... 40: 1530 Dr. SCHULTZE. Tr. by Thomas. Ing6nue; or, the death of Marat. DeQuincy. In Works. v. 10...... 34: 1042 A (D) DUMA............ 37 990 Independence: a centennial love story. L. M. ALCOTT. In Salver Ingersleben, Frau von. (E. von Rothpitchers..................................... 35: 471 e rfels) Independence. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. ELEANORE. Phil. 1872. 120......... 38: 41 Independence. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. In Sketches............................... 37: 3887' Ingham, ol. Frederic. (pseud.) See India; the.-pearl of Pearl river. E. E. E. HALE. D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH............... 39: 2022 Ingham papers. E. E. HALE........... 33: 1829 Indian chief, The. G. AIMARD......... 35: 390 Contents: Indian cotta~ge. J. H. B. DR Sr. Daily bread. How Mr. Frye would have Indian cottage. j. H. B. DE ST. Did he take Ihe Prince to preached it. PIERRE. In Works. v. 1............ 34: 1891 ride? Memoir of Capt. Fred. IngIndian fairy tales. C. MATTHEWS..... 38: 2682 Dinner speaking. ham. Indian friend, An. E. EGGLESTON. Friends' meeting. Ragman and ragwoman. Indian friend, An. E. EGGLESTON. Good society. Round the world in a hack. In Schoolmaster's stories.............. 37: 1595 Good-natured pendulum. Paul Jones and Dennis Indian pilgrim, The. Mrs. M. M. Duval. SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 4......... 39: 1639 The same..................................... 37: 3837 Indian queen, The. A.S. STEPHENS. 39: 2210 Inglises, The; or, how the way opened. Indiana: a love story. Mme. A. L. M. M. ROBERTSON....................... 39: 472 A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand). 37: 909 Ingo. G. FREYTAG. Tr. by Mrs. Indian's revenge, An. D. P. THOMP- Malcolm.................................... 37: 2481 SON. With May Martin............. 39: 2975 The same. In Our forefathers, pt. 1. 37: 2484 Inez: a tale of the Alamo. A. J. Ingolsby, Thomas. (pseud.) See WILSON.................................... 40: 571 BARHAM, R. H. Infant's grave, An. Mrs. M. M. Ingolsby'legends. R. H. BARHAM.... 35: 1562 SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 6........ 39: 1641 Ingraban. G. FREYTAG. 2d series of The same. In Works, v. 13............ 39: 1648 Our forefathers........................... 37: 2482 Infant's progress, An. Mrs. M. M. The same. In Our forefathers, pt. 2. 37: 2485 SHERWOOD. In Works, v. 5........ 39: 1640 Ingraham, Joseph Holt. (1809-1866). Infelice. A. J. (E.) WILSON. (for- PILLAR of fire, The; Israel in bondmerly Miss Evans)........................40: 572 age. Best. 1871 12.............. 38: 44 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. INGRAHAM. 105 IRVING. Ingraham, (continued.)- Irish life, Tale of. See DONELAN'S PRINCo E of the house of David, The. Value of Fostertown................ 37: 771-2 N. Y. 1859. 12....................... 38: 45 Irish lord-lieutenant and his double, SUNNY South, The. Phil. 1860. 120. 38: 46 The. J. BANIM. In Bit o' writin'. 35: 1531 THRONE of Diavid, The; from the Irish peasantry, Stories of. Mrs. A. consecration of the Shepherd ofM. PF. HALL. In W. S. C. L. v. 14. *15: 4924 Bethlehem to the rebellion of Princepeasantry, Traits and stories of Absalom: being an illustration of W. CARLETON 35: 3840 the splendor, power and dominion The same. 2 v.............................. 35: 3841-2 of the reign of the shepherd, poet, warrior, king, and prophet —ances- Irish reaper, The. J. M. WILSON. In tor and type of Jesus: in a series of W. T. B. v. 8. 40: 1718 letters addressed by an Assyrian Irish refugee, The. E. D. E. N. ambassador, resident at the court SOUTHWORTH. With Wife's victory. 39: 2042 of Saul and David, to his lord and Iron, N. C. (Stella). king on the throne of Ninevah; MINA Monti. Phil. 1872. 12~...... 38: 52 wherein the glory of Assyria, as Iron cage, The. Mrs. M. M. SHERwell as the magnificence of Judea, WOOD. In Works. v. 4.............. 39: 1639 is presented to the reader as by an eye-witness. Bost. 1873. 1 20. 38: 47 Iron cousin, The. M.C. CLARKE...... 35: 4335 Ingram place: a novel. By a CAPE Iron hand, The; or, the knight of COLONIST. (pseud.) 1......35: 3748 Mauleon. A. (D.) DUMAS........... 37: 991 Inheritance. M. FERRIER. With Iron horse, The; or, life on the line. Marriage and destiny.................. 37: 2101 R. M. BALLANTYNE.................. 35: 1469 Initials, The: a story of modern life. Iron mask, The. A. (D.) DUMAS...... 37: 992 I. von TAUTPH(IEUS................ 39: 2760 Iron shroud, The. W. MUDFORD. In The same. 2 v. in 1..........39: 2761 L. C. v. 3................................. 40: 1613 Innocent: a tale of modern life. M.Ironthorpe, the pioneer preacher. (0. W.) OLIPHANT................... 38: 3843 J. T. TROWBRIDGE. (Paul Creyton). 39: 3319 Innocent adultery, The. P. SCARRON.Irreconcilable man, The. A. F. In Comical works........................'34: 1915 LANOBEIN InRG.N. v.4. 40: 1563 Inquisitor, The; or, the struggle inIrving, Thomas J. (Gerald Hart). Ferrara. W. GILBERT. 3 v... 37:2988-90 IN the rapids: a romance. Phil. Inside: a chronicle of secession. W. 1871............................... 38: 55 M. BAKER-E........ 35: 1430 M. BAKER.................. 35: 1430 Irving, Washington. ( Geoffrey Crayon; Interesting young person, An. H. Jonathan SPICER. In Bound to please, v. 2. 39: 2096 Oldstyled (1783-1859). Interpreter, The. CG. rJ. WHYTE- BRACEBRIDGE Hall; or, the humorMELVILLE. 2 v. inI.................. 40: 434 ists: a medley. N.Y. 1869. 160. 33: 2257 Interrupted wedding. A. MANNING. 38: 2472 Contents: Intestate, The. J. HALL. In Le- Annette IDelarbe. Literary antiquary, A. gends of the west........................37: 3870 Author, The. Love charms. Intimate friends. Mrs. M. M. SHER- Author's farewell, The. Love symptoms.. achelor'sconfessions,A. Lovers, The. WOOD. In Works, v. 7.................39: 1642 Bachelors. Lovers' troubles. Invasion, The. G. GRIFFIN............ 37: 3558 Busy man, The. Manuscript, The. Invasion of France in 1814. E. Culprit, The. May-day. Atilph Heyliger. May-day customs. ERCKMANN and A. CHATRIAN..... 37: 1733 English country gentle- Old soldier, An. Invisible princess, The. F. O'CONNOR. man. Popular superstitions. In L. C., v. 8.40: 61l8 English gravity. Ready-money Jack. TinheL. C.V.. lFalconry Rookery, The. Involuntary experimentalist, The. Family misfortunes. St. Mark's eve. In T. f. B., v. 6........................... 40: 1695 Family relics. School, The. Ireland. H. M ARTINEAU. IT3 US. of Family servants. Schoolmaster, The. ireland. Hc., v I. 3 l......................... 38of 2641 Farm house, The. Story-telling. pol. econ., v. 3...................3........ 8: 2641 Forest trees. Stout gentleman, The. Ireland. Erin-go-Bragh; or, Irish Fortune-telling. Student of Salamanca, The. life pictures. W. H. MAXWELL. CGentility. Travelling. life pictur1s.38 2744 H. AXELL.Gypsies. Village politician, A. 2 v. in.................................... 38: 2744 Hall, The. Village worthies. Ireland, Legendary history ofL. T. THaunited house, The. Wedding, The. DE BARNEVAL. Tr. by J. G. Shea. 28: 920 Hawking. Widow, The. Historian, The. Widow's retinue, The. Ireland. Legends and stories of. S. Horsemanship. Wives. LOVER..................................... 38: 1886 Library, The. Ireland, Legends of the wars in. R. GOLDEN age of New York, The. In D. JOYCE................................... 38: 523 Treasure-trove series. v. I........... 40: 1701 Irene; or, beach-broken billows. Mrs. HISTORY of New York, A. From the B. F. BAER................................35: 1345 beginning of the world to the end Irene; and Hathaway strange. G. F. of the Dutch dynasty. Containing de VINGUT................................. 39: 3750 do VINGJT. 39: 3750 among many surprising and curiIris. O. W. HOLMES. In L. C. v. 7. 40: 1616 ous mutters, the unutterable penderings of Walter Doubter. The Irish life, Lights and shadows of. Mrs. disastrous projects of William the A. M. F. HALL. 3 V.............. 37 3882-4 Testy, and the chivalrous achieveIrish character, Sketches of. Mrs. A. ments of Peter the Headstrong, the M. F. HALL...............................37: 3887 three Dutch Governors of NewThe same. In W. S. C. L............... 34: 4174 Amsterdam. Being the only auThe same.....................................15: 4914 thentic history of the times that Irish character, Sketches of. Mrs. ever hath been published. Lond. MEREDITH. In Lacemakers.........38: 2925 MDCCCXXXVI. 16~0...................... 33: 2258 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. IRVING. 106 JACK. Irving, W., (continued.)- Island home; or, the young castaways. SKETCH-BOOK, The, of Geoffrey C. ROMAUNT............................ 39: 636 Crayon, gent. Lend. 1834. 2 v. Island neighbors, The. Mrs. A. B. 120........................................ 33:2259-60 BLACKWELL.............................. 35: 2210 Contents: Island pearl, An. B. L. FARJEON..... 37: 1975 Angler, The. London antiquities. Isle of the yellow sands, The. J. Art of book-making, The. Mutability of literature, HALL. InLegends of thewest.... 37: 3870 Author's account of him- The. self, The. Philip of Pokanoket. Isles of the sea. W. T. ADAMS. Boar's head tavern, East- Pride of the village, The. ( Oliver Optic).............................. 35 253 cheap, The. Rip Van Winkle. Isma O'Neil. T. MAUNSELL. 3 v Broken heart, The. Roscoe. Christmas. Royal poet, A. in 1. In Legends of the Jacobite Christmas day. Rural funerals. wars......................................... 38: 2735 Christmas dinner, The. Rural life in England. Isolina; or, the actor's daughter. Christinas eve. Spectre bridegroom, The Isolina; or the actor's daughter. E. English writers on Amer- Stage coach, The. 0. S.......................................... 40: 2229. Stratford on Avon. Isoult Barry of Wynscote. E. S. Inn kitchen, The. Sunday in London, A.LT.7 41 Jon kitchen The Sunay in Londion, A. cacHOLT........................................ 37: 4611 John Bull. Traits of Indian character. Legend ol Sleepy Hollow, Voyage, The. Israel Mort, overman: a story of the't he. Westminster abbey. mine. J. SAUNDERS.................... 39: 1140 LttlenvoBritain. Widond her son The. Israel Potter: his fifty years of exile. Little liritain. Wife, The. 1H. MELVILLE............................ 38: 2872 The same. Leip. 1843. sq. 160. 33: 2261 isH. MELVILLE...... 38: 2872 It is never too late to mend. C. READE. 39: 154 SPANISH papers, and other miscella- The-same. 2 v. in 1....................... 39: 155-6 nies hitherto unpublished or uncol- Ita. (pseud). lected. Arranged and edited byFAR and near; or Pierre M. Irving. N. Y. 1 8 6 6.. FAR and near; or, stories of a christ-:Pierre M. Irvg. N.Y. 186bmas tree. Lend. 1870. 160....... 38: 70 12.......................................... 33:2263-4 Italiangirl,The. K. S.WASHBURN. 40: 246 Contents: Italian novelists, Selections from the. Abderahman: founder of the dynasty of Ommiades in Italian novelists, Selections from the. Spain. v.. T. RoscoE. 4 v.......................... 40:1580-83 Biographical sketches. v. 2. Note. For contents see RoscoE, T. Chronicle of Fernan Gonzalez, Count of Castile. v. 1. Italian scenes and stories. By the chronicle of Fernando the saint. v.. Italian scenes and stories. By the Legend of Count Julian and his lamily. v 1. author of How do I know?. Bost. Legend of 1Don Roderick. v. 1. 1872. 160................................ 40: 2234 Lugeni of Pelago. v. 1. Legend of the subjugation of Spain. v. 1. Italians, The. F. ELLIOT............... 37: 1659 Letters of Jonathan Oldstyle, gent. v. 2. Italian's daughter, The. Mrs. D. M. Reviews and miscellanies; v. 2. CRAIK (formerly Miss Mulock.) The same. N. Y. 1869. 16...... 33: 2262 In Domestic stories..................... 35: 4914 TALES of a traveller....................... 31: 61 Italy in the leash. H. SPICER. In The same................................... 38: 60 Bound to please, v. 1................... 39: 2096 WOLFERT'S roost and other papers, Ivan de Biron. A.. HELPS................ 37: 4290 now first collected. N. Y. 1867. Ivanhoe. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ed. 12~.......................................... 33: 2265 2 v *39:1315-16 ~120. ~33: 2265zs2 v2....................................... d"39:1315-16 Contents: The same. Edin. ed.................... 39: 1356 Alharnbra, Recolleclions of the.e same.................... Bermudas, The. Thesame. Abbotsford ed............... 39: 1378 Birds of spring, The. The same..................................... 39: 1362 Brcek; or, the Dutch paradise. The same. Household ed. 2 v........ 39:1411-12 Contented man, The The same. o k..39:14 Count Van Htorn. The same. Pocket ed..................... 39: 1453 Creole village, The. The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 39: 1481 Don Juan: a spectral research. Early experience of Ralph Ringwod, The Ivar; or, the Skjuts boy. E. F. CARGuest from Gibbet Island. L N......................................... 35: 3796 Knighit of Malta, T'he I've been thinking. A. S. ROE......... 39: 599 Lend of theenguledconventIvors. E. M. SEWELL. 2 v............. 39:1579-80 Phant.-in island, The. Ivory gate, The. M. COLLINS. 2 V... 35: 4523-4 Sr3emnh^?inoles, The. Ixion: a novel. B. DISRtELI........... Sketchem in Paris in 1825. Time of unexamiled prosperity, A. Ixion and Vivian Grey. B. DISRELI. 37: 669 Widow's oldeal, The, Ixion in heaven. B. DISRELI........... 37: 667 Wolfert's roost. The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 37: 670 Is it forever? a novel. K. MAINWAR- Ixion in heaven; The infernal marING. 3 v................................... 38: 2397-9ge Popanilla Count Alarcos Is it possible? H. SPICER. In Broughta tragedy. B. DISRELI............... 37: 668 to book. v. 2............................. 39: 2097 v. Is it the fashion? A. von AUER........ 35: 870 Iz'S story. G.RAMSAY. 3........... 39: 97-9 Is it true? Tales curious and wonder- Izax, Ikabod. (pseud). ful. Mrs. 1). M. CRAIK. (formerly MY satchel and I. Springfield, Mass. 3Miss Mulock).............................. 35: 4922 n. d. 120.................................. 38: 75 Isabel. Mrs. S. S. ELLIS. In Chapters on wives............................. 37: 1675 Isabel of Bavaria. A. (D.) DUMAS... 37: 993J, Isabel, the young wife. T. C. JEAFFRESON................................... 38: 253 Jabez Oliphant; or, the modern prince. Iseulte: a novel. C. BREWSTER....... Lend. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8~........... 40: 2235 Ishmael; or, in the depths. Mrs. E. Jack Adams. F. CHAMIER............... 35: 4011 D. E. N. SOUTHWORTH................ 39: 2023 Jack and the bean-stalk. Miss A. I. Island and the main land, The. Mrs. THACKERAY. With Bluebeard's E. R. CHARLES. WzIth Cottage by keys......................................... 39: 2860 the cathedral............................. 35: 4071 Jack and Rosy. N. FORREST............ 37: 2342 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. JACK. 107 JAMES. Jack Arcombe: story of a waif. W. James, G. P. R., (continued.)J. BRADLEY. (Glance Gaylord).... 35: 2635 BUILDING of Bagdat. In String of Jack Brag. T. (E.) HOOK........... 37: 4641 pearls..................................... 38: 219 Jack, the chimney-sweeper. H. N. CASTLf of Ehrenstein, The: its lords (W.) BAKER. (Aunt Hattie).........35: 1391 spiritual and temporal, its inhabitJack Hazard and his fortunes. J. T. ants earthly and unearthly. Leip. TROWBRIDGE (Paul OCeyton)......... 39: 332 1847. sq. 160..........3 6...........9 Jack Hinton, the guardsman. C. CAVALIER, The. a Phil. 1859. 120.. 38: 170 LEVHER. theguards38: 1607 man C CHARITABLE man and his dog, The. LEVER....................................... 38: 1607219 The same. Tauchnitz ed................38: 1608 CHARL Tyrrell; or, the bitter blood. CHARLES Tyrrell; or, the bitter blood. Jack Ketch. T. S. ARTHUR. With N.Y. n. d. 2 v. in 1. 120.... 38: 171 The martyr wife......................... 35: 787 COMMISSIONER, The; or, De lunatico Jack Manly: his adventures by sea inquirendo. N. Y. 1856.' 80...... 38: 173 and land. J. GRANT................... 37: 3311 CONVICT, The. Leip. 1847. 2 v. Jack Masters; or, the berry-pickers. in. sq. 16.............................. 38: 174 L. A. MILLS.............................. 38: 2999 CORSE de Leon. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. Jack of all trades. C. READE. With in 12~................................... 38: 175 A good fight...............39: 145 DARK scenes of history. N. Y. 1850. The same. With Peg Woffington.... 39: 160 120.......................................... 38: 176 TJack ofall trades. R.(Y.)A. PARKER. DARNLEY; or, the field of the cloth (ackRosall trAdeott)..38: 4172 of gold. Leip. 1847. sq. 160...... 38: 177 (RosaAbbott)................ 38 4172 DE l'Orme. N.Y. n. d. 120......... 38: 178 Jack the giant-killer. Miss A. I. DESULTORY manThe. N. Y. n..d. THACKERAY. With Story of Eliz- 2 v. in 1. 12~.... 38: 179 abeth........................................ 39: 2863 DRIVER of Oman The. In String of abeth...,.... 39: 2863 DRIVER of Oman, The. In String of Jack of the mill. W. HOWITT......... 37: 4776 pearls....................................... 38: 219 Jack Sheppard. W. H. AINSWORTH. 35: 418 EVA St. Clair. Phil. n. d. 80....... 38: 180 The same. Tauchnitz ed................ FALSE heir, The. Leip. 1843. sq. Jack the shrimp. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. 160.......................................... 38: 181 In Sketches................................ 37: 3887 FATE, The: a tale of stirring times. The same. In W. S. C. L., v. 4........ 34: 4174 N. Y. 1872. 80........................ 38: 182 The same.....................................1 15: 4914 FORGERY, The. N. Y. 1871. 80.... 38: 183 Jack Tier. J. F. COOPER................. 35: 4738 FOREST days: a romance of olden The same.................................... 35: 4739 times. Leip. 1843. sq. 160........ 38: 184 Jack Tubbs- or, the happy isle. J. F. GENTLEMAN of the old school, The. MAGUIRE. With Young Prince N. Y. n. d. 2 v. in 1. 120......... 38: 185 Marigold..........3........... 38: 2386 GIPSY, The. N. Y. 1864. 12~0..... 38: 186 Jack's sister; or, true to her. trust. The same. Leip. 1847. sq. 160... 38: 187 Same as Womanly past question. GWRIE; or, the king's plot. N. Y. N. Y. 1874. 8~........................ 40: 2236 1864. 8~................................... 38: 188 Jackson, Henry. HADGEE Ibraham and his son. In ARGUS Fairbairbairn. Lond. 1874. 3 v. String of pearls.......................... 38: 219 sm. 80................................... 38: 150-2 HEIDELBERG. Leip. 1846. sq. 160~. 38: 189 DANGEROUS guest. N. Y. 1870. 8~0. 38: 153 HENRY Masterton; or, adventures of Jacob Faithful. Capt. F. MARRYATT. 38: 2529 a young cavalier. N. Y. 1864. The same. Lond. ed...................... 38: 2530 12.......................................... 38: 190 The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 38: 2531 HENRY of Guise. N. Y. 1855. 2 Jacob Flint's journey. (J.)B. TAYLOR. v. in 1. 120.............................. 38: 191 In Beauty and the beast............... 39: 2780 HENRY Smeaton: a Jacobite story of Jacob Nimmerniichtern; or, Jacob of the reign of George the First. N. the bowl. NACHTIGALL (Otmar). Y. 1858. 80............................. 38: 192 In R. G. N. v. 2........................ 40: 1561 HUGUENOT, The: a tale of the French Jacquerie, The. G. P. R. JAMES..... 38: 194 Protestants.. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 17.....'15: 4927 in 1. 12~................................. 38: 193 James, George Payne Rainsford. JACQUERIE, The. N.Y. 1864. 2 v. (1791-1860). in 1. 120................................ 38: 194 AGINCOURT. Leip. 1844. sq. 16~... 38: 161 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 17. "15: 4927 AGNES Sorel. N. Y. 1868. 80...... 38: 162 KING'S highway, The. N. Y. 1864. AIMS and obstacles. N. Y. 1868. 2 v. in 1. 12~............................. 38: 195 80............................................ 38: 163 LAST of the fairies, The: a christmas ANCIENT regime. N. Y. 1864. 2 tale. N. Y. 1867. 80............... 38: 196 v. in 1. 120..............................38: 164 LEONORA d'Orco. N. Y. 1867. 8~. 38: 197 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 16. 34: 4186 LIFE and adventures of John MarThe same................................... -15: 4926 ston Hall. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. in ARABELLA Stuart. Leip. 1844. 1. 120...................................... 38: 198 sq. 160....................................... 38: 165 LIFE of vicissitudes, A. N. Y. ARRAH Neil; or, times of old. Leip. 1867. 80~............................. 38: 199 1844. sq. 16............................. 38: 166 LORD Montagu's page. Phil. 1858. ATTILA. N. Y. 1860. 120. 38: 167 120.38: 200 ATTILA. N. Y. 1860. 12............ 38: 167 120......................................... 38: 200 BEAUCHAMP; or, the error. Leip. MAN-AT-ARMS, The; or, Henry de 1846. 16................................. 38: 168 Cerons. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. in 1. BELLE of the court. Cin: 1848. 80 12~......................................... 38: 201. Same as One in a thousand.............38: 224 MAN in black, The. Phil. n.d. 8~. 38: 202 BERTRAND de la Croix; or, the seige MARGARET Graham; or, the reverses of Rhodes. In Club-book. v. 2... 40: 1520 of fortune. N.Y. n. d. 8~0...... 38: 203 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. JAMES. 108 JENIFER'S. James, G. P. R., (continued.)- James Gordon's wife. Mrs. C. BROCK. 35: 2840 MARY of Burgundy; or, the revolt James Montjoy. A. S. ROE. Same as of Ghent. N. Y. 1864. 2 v. in 1. 38: 204 I've been thinking..................... 39: 599 MOLLY Ernstein; or, the tenants of James Orwell, the mountain cottager. the heart. Leip. 1842. sq. 1 38: 205 C. E. TONNA. (Charlotte Eltzabeth). OLD dominion, The; or, the South-n The ower of innocence.......... 39: 3062 ampton massacJ^e. N. Y. 1856. 80I38: 206 I The flower of innocence. 3.. 9: 3062 OLD oak chhst, The. N. Y. 18. 8~. 38: 207 James Renwick. T.- GILLESPIE. ONE in a thousand. N. Y. 1864'. Gleanings of the covenant. In W. 12~. Same as The belle T. B., v. 9.................................. 40: 1719 of the court............................... 38: 208 James Strathgeld. Part of an autoPALACE of the talisman, The. _In biography. Lond. 1873. 2 v. String of pearls.......................... 38: 219 sm. 8~....................................... 40: 2238 PEQUINILLO. N. Y. 1858. 80....... 38: 209 James III, of Scotland, The death of. PHILIP Augustus. N. Y. 1855. 120. 38: 210 A. LEIGHTON. In W. T. B., v. 8... 40: 1718 RICHELIEU. N.Y. 1860. 2 v. 120. 38: 211 Jameson, Mrs. A. ROBBER, The. N. Y. 1855. 2 v. in M'LLE B. Ambos. In T. F. H., v. 2. 40: 2658 1. 120...................................... 38' 212 Jamie Noble the soldier's son. [Mrs. 1. 1 \20.38:""""*""""."'"""."""QQ'' 212 Jamie Noble, the soldier's son. [Mrs. ROSE d'Albret; or, troublous times. ^eip. 1844. sq60...........3 23 J. D.. CHAPLIN.].......................... 35: 4057 RUssELL: a tale of the reign of Jane Bouverie. C. SINCLAIR............ 39: 1729 Charles the Second. Leip. 1847. Jane Eyre. C. B. NICHOLLS. (Currer 2 v. in 1. sq. 160........................ 38: 214 Bell)........................................ 38: 3610 SEQUEL to Hadgee Ibraham and his The same...................................... 38: 3611 son. In String of pearls.............. 38: 219 Jane Lomax. H. SMITH. 3 v.......... 39: 1863-5 SIR Theodore Broughton; or, laurel Jane Seton; or, the king's advocate. water. Leip. 1848. 2 v. in 1. J. GRANT................................... 37: 3312 sq. 160.................................. 38: 215 Jane Sinclair; or, the fawn of SpringSMUGGLER, The. N. Y. 1874. 80~. 38: 216 vale. W. CARLETON................. 35: 3833 The same. Leip. 1845. sq. 160... 38: 217 Jane Talbot. C. B. BROWN Jane Talbot. C.B. BROWN......... 35: 2990 STEP-MOTHER, The. Leip. 1845. 2. v. in 1. sq. 16.......................... 38: 218 Janet Radway: a girl's romance. STRING of pearls. N. Y. n. d. 120~. 38: 219 m. 8.......... Contents: Janet's choice. M. C. PHILLPOTTS. Building of Bagdad, The. 3 v........................................... 38:4416-18 Charitahble man and his dog. love nd service. M. M Driver of Oman, The.Janet's love and service. M. M: Hadgee Ibraham and his son. ROBERTSON................................ 39: 473 Palace of the tailn man, The. January Searle. (pseud.) See PHILSequel to Hadgee Ib'aham and his son. Tnrvels of the Prince Acbar. LIPS,. S. TALES illustrating the passions. In Japhet in search of a father. Capt. W. S. C. L. v. 14....................... *15: 4924 F. MARRYATT............................ 38: 2532 The same.................................. 34: 4184 The same. Lend. ed...................... 38: 2533 THIRTY years since; or, the ruined The same. Tauchnitz ed................ 38: 2534 family. N.Y. 1874. 80............ 38: 220 Jargal V. (M.) HUGo................... 37: 4835 TICONDEROGA; or, the black eagle. Jasmine Leigh. C. C. FRASERN. Y. 1854. 80........................ 38: 221 TYTLER.................................... 37: 2453 TRAVELS of Prince Acbar. In String Jasper. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. B., of pearls........................... 38: 219 v. 11........................................ 35: 46 WHIM and its consequences, A. N. Jasper St. Aubyn; or, the course of Y. 1867. 80............................ 38: 222 passion. H. W. HERBERT. In WOODMAN, The. N. Y. 1872. 80. 38: 223 Cavaliers of England.................. 37: 351 James, Henry, jr. Jaunting car, The. 2Mrs. A. M. F. EUGENE Pickeriig. With Passionate HALL. In Lights and shadows, pilgrim.................................... 38: 235 v. 2......................................... 37: 3883 LAST of the Valerii, The. With Jay, W. M. L. (pseud.) See WooDPassionate pilgrim...................... 38: 235 RUFF, J. M. L. MADAME de Mauves. With Passion- Jeaffreson, John Cordy. ate pilgrim...............................38: 235 ISABEL, the young wife, and the old MADONNA of the future. The. With love. N. Y. 1857. 12~....... 38: 253 Passionate pil~grim.....'................38: 235 LIVE it down: a story of the light PASSIONATE pilgrim, A; and other lands. N.Y. 1873. 8.............. 38: 254 tales. Boest. 1875. 120............ 38: 235 LOTTIE darling. N. Y. 1874. 80... 38: 255 RODERICK Hudson. Bost. 1876. NOT dead yet. N.Y. 1864. 8~... 38: 256 12~......................................... 38: 236 OLIVE Blake's good work. N. Y. ROMANCE of certain old clothes, The. 1871. 80.............................. 38: 257 With Passionate pilgrim............... 38: 235 WOMAN in spite of herself, A. Leip. 1872. 2 v. in 1. sq. 160.............. 38: 258 DIAMOND on the hearth, The; or, theJealous wife, The. J. PARDOE... 38: 4148 story of sister Anne. N.Y. 1871.Jealousy me. A L A D. DUDEoo80.: 2Y 1 VANT. (George Sand).................. 37: 910 8........................................... 38: 245 J M. W.N EWMAN.................. 38 3601 Jean. M. W. NEWMAN..8....... 38: 3601 James I, of Scotland, Death of. A. Jeanie's quiet life. N. Y. 1868. 8~. 39: 2719 LEIGHTON. In W.T. B., v. 8.......40: 1718 Jeffrey, Rosa Vertner. James Frazer: a reminiscence of the WOODBURN. N.Y. 1864. 12~0...... 38: 268 highlands of Scotland in 1843. Jenifer's prayer. With All-hallow Lend. 1873. sm. 8~..................eve........................................... 40: 2017 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. JENINGS. 109 JOANNA. Jenings, [Mrs. Edmund. (Wycliffe Jerrold, D. (W.), (continued.)Lane). PREACHER parrot, The. In Coll. THYRA Gascoigne. Lond. 1863. works. v. 4............................... 34: 1468 3 v. sm. 8.............................. 38: 274-6 The same. In Works. v. 2......... 34: 1462 Jenkin, Mrs. C. ROMANCE of a key-hole. In Coell. JUPITER'S daughters. N. Y. 1874. works. v. 4............................. 34: 1468 160......................................... 38: 284 The same. In W orks. v. 2......... 34: 1462 MADAME de Beaupre. N. Y. 1869. ST. Giles and St. James. In Coell. 12~......................................... 38: 285 w orks. v. 1............................ 34: 1465 The same. In Two French mar- The same. In Works. v.......... 34: 1461 riages.................................... 38: 289 The same. Leip. 1852. 2 v. in ONCE and again. Leip. 1865. 2 v. 1. sq. 16.............................. 38: 328 in 1. sq. 160.............................. 38: 286 SICK giant and the doctor dwarf, PSYCHE of to-day, A. N. Y. 1868. The. In Coell. works. v. 3.......... 34: 1467 16.......................................... 38: 287 The same. In W orks. v. 4......... 34: 1464 The same. In Two French mar- STORY of a feather. In Coll. works. riages.................................... 38: 289 v. 3.......................................... 34: 1467 SKIRMISHING. Leip. 1863. 16~..... 38: 288 The same. In Works. v. 2......... 34: 1462 Two French marriages. Leip. 1868. Jerrold (William) Blanchard. 2 v. in 1. sq. 160........................38: 289 COCKAYNES in Paris; or, gone abroad. Contents: Lend. n. d. 8.......................... 38: 336 Madame de Beaupr6. | Psyche of to-day, A. Jerry; or, the sailor boy ashore. W. WHO breaks-pays. Leip. 1861. SIMONDS. ( Walter Aimwell)......... 39: 1706 sq. 16~....................................... 38: 290 Jerry Jarvis's wig. R. H. BARHAM. WITHIN an ace. N. Y. 1875. 160~. 38: 292 (Thomas Ingolsby.) In L. C. v. 4. 40. 1614 The same. Leip. 1869. sq. 160~. 38: 291 Jerseymen meeting, The. H. MARJenkins, Edward. TINEAU. In Illus. of taxation...... 38: 2648 DEVIL'S chain, The. N. Y. 1876. Jerseymen parting, The. H. MAR160.......................................... 38: 300 TINEAU. Illus. of taxation........... 38: 2648 GiN-x's baby: his birth and other Jervey, Mrs. C. H. (Caroline Howard, misfortunes. Bost. 1871. 160.....38: 301 formerly Mrs. Glover). LITTLE Hodge. N. Y. 1873. 12~. 38: 302 STRANGE family, A. Lend. 1870. LORD Bantam: a satire. N.Y. 1872. 3. sm. 8.............................. 38: 345-7 12~......................................... 38: 303 Jessam ine: a novel. M. V. (H.) Jenny Merton. F. W. ROBINSON. TERHUNE. (AMarion Harland)....... 39: 2839 Wth. A girl's romance..................39: 485 Jessie; or, trying to be somebody. Jenny's geranium; or, the prize flower W. SIMONDS. ( Walter Aimnwell)... 39: 1707 of a London court. Lond. n. d. Jessie Carlton. D. WISE (Francis 160......................................... 4 0: 2241 Forester.)................................. 40: 633 Jephson, R. M. Jessie Trim: a novel. B. L. FARJEON. 37: 1980 TOM Bullekeley of Lissington. Lond. Jessie Wallis. C. E. BOWEN. With 1873. 3 v. sm. 8~..................... 38: 313-15 Alice Nevill.............................. 35: 2410 Jerdan, William. Jessie's flirt~ations. Miss CURTIS...... 35: 5185 SLEEPLESS woman, The. In Club- Jessie's work. M. E. SHIPLEY........ 39: 1656 book........................................ 40: 1520 Jest book. Mark LEMON................. 33: 2579 Jerrold, Douglas (William). (1803- Jettatrice; or, the veil withdrawn. 1857)..Mme. A. CRAVEN...................... 35: 5011 ADAM Buff, and other men of char- Jew, The. C. SPINDLER.................. 39:.2120 acter. Phil. 1839. 12~............. 38: 325 Jewel of the order of the king's own, CHRONICLES Of Clovernook. N. Y. The. Ms. C. IIrs. C.. CHARLES. ith 1871. 80................................... 38: 326 The cottage by the cathedral......... 35: 4071 The same. In Coll. works, v. 6..... 34: 1470 Jewess, The. In Livonian tales....... 40: 2307 The same. In Works, v. 4............ 34: 1464 Jewett, Mrs. S. W. LESSON of life, The. In Coll. works, FROM fourteen to fourscore. N. Y. v. 4......................................... 34: 1468 1871. 12~................................. 38: 357 The same. In Works, v. 2...........34: 1462 Jewsbury, Geraldine E. LIVES of Smith, Brown, Jones, and ARISTOCRAT, The. Phil. 1833. 120. 38: 364 Robinson, The. In Coell. works,v.4. 434: 1468 CONSTANCE Herbert. N. Y. 1855. The same. In W orks, v. 2........... 34: 1462 80............................................ 38: 365 MAN made of money, A. In Coell. HISTORY of an adopted child. N. Y. works, v. 6.................................. 34: 1470 1853. 16................................. 38: 367 The same. In Works, v. 4........... 34: 1464 ZoE: the history of two lives. N. MAYOR of Hole-Cum-Corner, The. Y. 187. 80............................. 38: 370 In Coll. works, v. 4..................... 34: 1468 Jilt, The. Mrs. G. SMYTHIES........... 39: 1985 The same. In Works, v. 2...........34: 1462 Joan; or, trustworthy. Mrs. M. M. MEN of character. Leip. 1852. sq.SHERwoOD. In Works. v.8....... 39: 1643 160.38: 327 SHERwooD. In Works. v. 8. 39' 1643 16M.............................".I. 327 Joan of Arc. See Henry VI; or, the MR. Peppercorn "at home." In Coll. nid of Orleans. In Tales of works v 4 34: 1468 o maid of Orleans. In Tales of works, v. 4................................... 34: 1468. 4 The same. In Works, v. 2...........34: 1462 The same. In T. F. H. v. 2........... 2658 -My i i n * r -moThe same. n... v. 2........... 40: 2658 MY husband's winnings. In W.S. s H C. L., v.................................. 4:The same. In HNERBERT'S Chevaliers C. L., v, 12,,,.,,,,,.,,,,,,, 34: 4182 The V. \................................... /1Q: 4922 The same.*......... 15: 4922 of France.................................. 37: 4352 PERDITUS Mutton who bought a Joan of Arc. Mrs. A. E. K. BRAY... 35: 2705 caul. In Coil. works, v. 4.........34: 1468 Joanna the actress. L. C. MOULTON. The same. In Works. v. 2.........34: 1462 In My third book....................... 38: 3182 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. JOCOSSEE. 110 JOHNSON. Jocossee: a Cherokee legend. W. John Square's voyage to India. Jno. G.SIMMS. In Wigwam and cabin. 38: 1692 HOWELL. In W. T.B. v. 4........ 40: 1714 Jocelyn's mistake. J. K. SPENDER... 39: 2086 John Thompson, blockhead, and other Jock the dunce. J. M. WILSON. In stories. L. PARR. Phil. 1872. W. T. B. v. 6..................... 40: 1716 12~......................................... 38: 4233 Johan Hibner. GRIMM. In R. G. N. Contents: v. 2.......................................... 40: 1561 At the sign of the golden canister. Johan von Passau. GRIMM. In R. ehrieine. Feather in Jack's cap, AG. N. v. 2................................40: 1561 How it all happened. Johannes Olaf. E. de WILLE.........40: 523 John Thompson, blockhead. Eugenia..^ (E. a rli7 ti. iNotre Dame des Sept Douleurs. John, Eugenia. (E. Martt). Peter Trotman. COUNTESS Gisela. (Reichsgrafin Gis- Saved from the wreck. ela). Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Trethill farm. Phil. 1871. 12~........................ 38: 380 Will of her own, A. hil. 1871. 1........................ <8. 3Young Tom's grey hairs. GOLD Elsie. (Goldelse). Tr. by Mrs. Young Tom's grey hairs. A. L. Wister. Phil. 1870. 12~... 38: 381 John True. J. ABOTT. In H. S. B. v. 6.......................................... 35: 41 LITTLE moorland princess. (Das John Twiller. Digby P. STARKEY.... 39: 2171 Haideprinzesschen). Tr. by Mrs. A. John orthington's name. F. L. L. Wister. Phil. 1872. 120....... 38: 382 Worthington's name. F. L. BENEDICT................................ 35: 1942 MAGDALENA. Phil. 1870. 8~....... 38: 383 Johns, Meridith OLD Mamsell's secret, The. (Das BoY's book of travel and adventure. Geheimniss der aliten Mamsell). Tr. N. Y. 1870. 12.......................38: 410 N. Y. 1870. 120.38: 410 by Ars. A. L. Wister. Phil. 1869. PRINCE Charlie: the young chevalier. 120......................................... 38: 384 V 1 120 e A 11 12.. 38: 384411 OvER yonder. Phil. 1869. 8....... 38: 385 SEONE yone Phi. 1869.t 80. 3: 85 Johnnie, the railroad boy. Mrs. L. SECOND Eife, The. (Dae zweite Frau)E. POOLE................................... 38: 4618 Tr. by Mrs. A. L. Wister. Phil. 1874.. 12............................... 38: 386 Johnnie Wilks; or, the old home and John. E.F. CARLN.36:5 3797 the new. By the author of Agnes John: a love story. AMrs. M. ((0. W.) Falconer. Lond. n. d. 18~....... 40: 2244 John: a love story. Mrs. M. (0. W.) OLIPHANT................................ 38: 3844 Johnny Armstrong, Disasters of. A. John Andross. R. H. DAVIS............37: 147 CAMPBELL. In W. T. B. v. 1 40: 1711 John Brent. T. WINTHROP............. 40: 625 Johnny Darbyshire. Wm. HOWITT. In L. C. v. 9............................ 40: 1619 John Bull's castle: a sketch. By then. 940: author of O'Hanlon and his wife. Johnny Ludlow. Lond. 1874. 3 v. In W. S. C. L. v. 14.a w *.15: 4924 sm. 80....................................... 40: 2245 In W. S.Ca. L v. 1 4................... 15 4924 The same. N. Y. 1875. 120......... 40: 2246 John Buncle, junior, gentleman. Dublin. 1776. 16.......................... 33: 575 Johnny Robinson. Thos. WRIGHT... 40: 907-8 John Dorrien. J. KAVANAH.......... 38: 673 Johnson, Helen Kendrick. John Doe. J. BANI. Se as Pp RODDY'S romance. N. Y. 1874. 16~. 38: 425 John Doe. J. BANIM. Same as Peep o' day.................................. 35: 1540 Johnson, Mrs. M. O. John Godfrey's fortunes. (J.) B..ELM'S homestead. Phil. 1871. 16~. 38: 418 John Godfrey's fortunes. (J.) B. TAYLOR.................................... 39: 2782 Johnson, Richard. John Godsoe's legacy. E. KELLOGG... 38: 733 MOST pl]esant history. of Tom a Lincoln, that renowned soldier, the John Govan's narrative. Thos. GIL- red rose knight who for his valor LESPIE. Gleanings of the cove-and chivalry was sirnamed the nant. In W. T. B. v. 10............ 40: 1720 Boast of England. Lend. 1635. John Gray o' Middletown. J. HoGG. 12.................................. 33: 4021 (The EBtrick Shepherd). In Winter SEVEN champions. Lond. 1867. evening tales. v. 1..................... 37: 4521 180.......................................... 38: 433 John Halifax, gentleman. Mrs. D. Johnson, Rossiter, editor. M. CRAIK. (formerly Miss Mulock). 35: 4923 LITTLE classics. Prose series. Bost. The same. Tauchnitz ed................35: 4924 1874-5. 12 v. 18..................... 40:1611-22 John-Jack. L. PALMER................. 38: 4123 1. Exile..................................... 40: 1611 John Jasper's secret. Sequel to Mis- Thomas Flight of a Tartar trbe. DEQUINCrY, Thomas. Fight of a Tartar tribe. tery of Edwin Drood. Henry GREENWOOD, James. A night in a workhouse. MORFORD...........................38: 3125 (GRFFIN, Gerald. The swans of Lir. John Law, the projector. W. ]E. HALE, E E. The man without a country. John Law, the projector. W. IH.~ HARTE, (F.) Bret. The outcasts of Poker flat. AINSWORTH...............................35: 419 HAWTHORNE, Nathaniel. Ethan Brand. John Marchmont's legecy. Miss M. 2. Intellect.......................... 40: 1612 E. BRADDON.............................. 35: 2537 Contents: TJohn Markenfield. Edw. PEACOCK... 38 42713 BULWER-LYTTON, E. G. E. L. The house and the brain. John Markenfield. Edw. PEACOCK. 38:4271-3 DAVIS, R. H. The captain's story. John Marston Hall. G. P. R. JAMES. 38: 198 DEQUNCEY, T. Murder consideredjs one of the fine arts. DICKENS, C, (J. H.) Chops, the dwarf. John Martin. Mrs. M. M. SHERWOOD. HAWIHORNE, N. Wakefield. In Works. v. 16....................... 39: 1651 POE, Edgar A. The fall of the house of Usher. John Milton and his times. M. RING. 39: 421 SPOFFORD, H. E.P. Loutre mort. John Paul's book. C. H. TWEBB agedy............ 33: 4286 3 Tragedy..................... 40: 1613 John Paul's book. C. H. WEBB........ 33: 4286 Tragedy4: Contents: John Phoenix. (pseud.) See DEBBY, DEFOREST, J. W. The Lawson tragedy. G. H. DEQUINCEY, T. The vision of sudden death. JUDsoN, E. C. The Kathayan slave. John Rintoul. In T. f. B. v. 6......... 40: 1695 MACKENZIE, Henry. The story of La Roche. John Smith, Life of. J. INGELOW. In MELVILLE, Herman. The bell tower.'J~hn bm Lteo NGLW.IMUDFORD, William. The iron shroud. Stories told to a child................ 38: 33 POE, E. A. The murders in the Rue Morgue. PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. JOHNSON. 111 JONAS'S. Johnson, Rossiter, (continued.)- Johnson, Samuel. (1709-1784). 4. Life...................................... 40: 1614 ALMORANand Hamet. With Rasselas. 38: 441 4. Life.40: 1614 ALMORAN and Hamet. With Rasselas. 38: 441 Content......s: HAWKESWORTH. With Rasselas...... 38: 441 ADDISON, Joseph. Westminster abbey.RASSELAS the Prince of Abyssinia. BARHAM, R. H. Jerry Jarvis's wig. N. Y. 1869. 16....................... 38: 440 BROWN, John. Rab and his friends. The same. Lond. 1820. 12~...... 38: 441 CUHTIS. G. W. My chateaux. Johnson, Vrginia W. (Cousin VirHARTE, (F.) B. The luck of Roaring camp.nson, Vgi a W. ousin HAWTHORNE, N. David Swan. gini). HOFFMAN, 0. F. The man in the reservoir. CALDERWOOD secret, The. N. Y. HOWELLS, W. D. A romance of real life. 1875 80. 38 445 LAMB, Charles. Dream children................... LINCOLN, Abraham. Gettysburg. JOSEPH, the Jew. Phil. 1870. 16~. 38: 446 MACAUIAY, T. B. The puritans. The same. N. Y. 1874. 8........ 38: 447 MITCHELL, D. G. A bachelor's revery.SACK of gold, A. N.Y. 1874. 8~. 38: 448 SMITH, A, l)reamtborpe. TAYLOR, B. F. The grammar of life. TRAVELS of an American owl. Phil. WILLIS, N. P. Beauty and the beast. 1871. 12...............................38: 449 5. Laughter............................... 40: 1615 Johnstone, Mrs. Contents: CLAN-ALBIN. In W. S. C. L., v. 8... 34: 4178 CARLETON, W. Neal Malone. The same................................... 5: 4918 DICKENS, C. (J. H.) A christmas carol.C AT tl T o prtil GRIFFIN, G. Mr. Tibbot O'Leary, the curious.CURATE tale he or, practical HALE, E. E. The skeleton in the closet. joking. In W. S. C. L., v. 3......... 34: 4173 HOLMES, 0. W. A visit to the asylum for aged and de- The same..................................'*15: 4913 cayed punsters.HIGH life: a novel. In. S C. L., LAMB, C. A dissertation upon roast pig. a nov MLLER, Hlugh. Sandy Wood's sepulchre. v. 4....................................... 34: 4174 SAUNIEKS, K. The haunted crust. The same.................................. 15: 4914 WALKER, Mrs. E. A. The total depravity of inanimate LITTLE ferryman, The. In W. S. C. BLContents: THREE Westminster boys. The. In BIBLE. The story of Ruth.1 BULWER-LYTTON, E. G. E. L. The maid of Malines. W. S. C. L., v. 4....................... 34: 4174 DIsRAELI, B. The rise ot Iskander. The same.................................. 5: 4914 WINTHIIOP, Theodore. Love and skates. Two Scotch Williams, The. In W. 7. Romance............................... 40: 1617......S. C. L., v. 4.............................. 34: 4174 Contents: The same..................................'15: 4914 CRAIK. -Mrs. D. M. The rosicrucian.Johnstone, C. (An adept). CUNNINGHAM, Allan. The king of the peak. C SAL; nr, the advntures of a HoLMFS, 0. W. Iris.HRYSAL;, the adventures o a SPOFFORD, H. E. P. The south breaker. guinea: wherein are exhibited WILSON, John. The snow storm. views of several striking scenes, 8. Mystery............................... 40: 1618 with curious tlnd interesting anecContents: dotes of the most noted persons in CKOWE, Catherine. The advocate's wedding day. every rank of life, whose hands it CUNNINGHAM, Allan. The haunted ship. pssed through in Aeric EngDICKENS, C. (J. H.) The signral man Eng EDWARDS, A. B. The toutr-hfiteen express. land, Holland, Germany, and PrHAWTHORNE, N. The birthmark.tugal. By an adept. From the LOWELL, R.''. S. A raft that n nman made. second enlarged and corrected ediO'CONNOR, Francis. The invisible tprinceses. O'CoNNOR, W. D. The ghost. tion. N. Y. 1816. 4 v. 18~... 38: 489 9. Comedy............................... 40: 1619 The same. Balt. 1816. v. 1 and 2 Contents: m el in 1. 18~............................... 38: 490 FERGUSON, Samuel. Father Tom and the Pope. Jokai, M. GALT, John. Haddad-ben-Ahab, the traveller. HUNGARIAN sketches. Edin. 1854. HOWITT, William. Johnny IDarbyshire. 120.................................. 8: 457 LOVER, Samuel. Barney )'Reirdon, the navigator........'iThe gridiron. Jolly, Gmns Emily. READE, Charles. Thebox tunnel. ALEC' bride. Lond. 1867. 3 v. SMITH, H. The picnic party. sm. 8........................... 33: 465 THACKERAY, W. M. Bluebeard's ghost..... 465 10. Childhood............................ 40: 1620 BRNArevenge. Lond. 1872. 3v. sin 0. 18................................ 38: 466-8 Contents: CASTE: a novel. N.Y. 1873. 8~ 38: 469 BROWN, J. Marjorie Fleming. Co a. Y. 1875. 80 38: 470 DEKRCYFT,Mrs S. H. LittlJakey.COLONEL Dacre. N. Y. 1875. 8. 38: 470 DAVIS, Mrs. R. H. A faded leaf of history. CYPRESSES. Lond. 1865. 2 v. sm. DICKENS, C. (J. H.) A ch Id's dream of a star. ~ 38: 471-2 KINGSLEY, Henry. lThe lost child.. NEAL, John. Goody Gracious and the forget-me-not. MY son's wIfe. Phil. n. d. 12..... 38: 473 PHELPS, R. S The lady of Shalott. SAFELY married: a novel. N. Y. RAMS, L. de la. A dog of Flanders. 75 38 47 RUKIN, John. The king of the golden river................................... 4 11. Heroism............................. 40: 1621 Jolly good times. M. P. W. SMITH. Content.s: (P. orne.............................. 39: 1956 LUDLOW, Fitz-Hugh. Little Brigs and I. Jonas books, The. J. ABBOTT. N.Y. MAYO, Mrs. I. F. A chance child. n. d. 6 v. 18~. MITFORD, A. B. The forty-seven i6nins.Contents: RAM, L. de la. A leaf in the stormv.. Jonas's stories. 35:2 v. 4. Jona on a farm-sumSPOFYORD, H. E. P. Ray. 2. Jonans a judge 3;5:49 mer. 35:5t TAYLOR, B. F. Three November days. 3. Jonas on a farm-win- 5. Caleb in town. 35:25 12. Fortune................................ 40: 1622 ter. 35:51 6. Caleb in the country. 35:24 Contene ts BANIM, John. The rival dreamers. Jonas a judge.. JABBOTT........... 35: 49 EDGEWORTH, M. Murad, the unlucky.Jonas on a farm-summer. J.ABBOTT. 36: 50 HALE, E E. The children of the putlic. Jonas on a farm- winte. J. ABBOTT. 35: 51 HAWTHORNE, N. The threefold destiny. Jonas's stories related to Rollo and LOVER, S. The fairy-finder. L Je ABBOtT3 52 POE, E. A. Thegoldbug.Lucy. J...A OT...................... 35: 52 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. JONATHAN. 112 KATE. Jonathan. C. C. FRASER-TYTLER... 37: 2457 Judge Justin. J. ABBOTT. In H. S. Jonathan Jefferson Whitlaw. Mrs. B., v. 11.................................... 35: 46 F. TROLLOPE.............................. A. Judith, the Egyptian; or, the fate of Jonathan Wild. H. FIELDING. In the heir of Riccon. J. M.WILSON. W orks, v. 2.............................. *37: 2146 In W. T. B., v. 4........................ 40: 1714 The same. In Works......................'37: 2147 Judith Gwynne. Lisle CARR. (pseud.) Jones, Chas. H. 3 v........................................... 35: 3896-8 DAVAULT'S mills. Phil. 1876. 120. 38: 494 Judson, Mrs. Emily C. (Fanny ForJones, Cornelia. (Jane B. Sommers). rester). HEAVENWARD led. Phil. 1871. 120. 38: 493 KATHAYAN slave, The. In L. C.,v. 3. 40: 1613 Jones, George. Judy of Roundwood. S. LOVER. In DICK Libby. With Rougegorge...... 40: 1670 Legends and stories........... 38: 1886 Jones, John B. Julia de Roubigne. H. MACKENZIE... 38: 2305 RIVAL belles, The; or, life in Wash- The same. In Misc. works............. 34: 1626 ington. Phil. [1864.] 12......... 38: 496 Julia. H. LEE. In Canterbury tales, WAR path, The. Phil. 1856. 120. 38: 497 v. 1....................... 38: 1422 WILD western scenes. Phil. 1854. Julia of Baize. E. PICKERING........... 38: 4438 12.......................................... 38: 498 Julia Howard. M. BELL.................. 35: 1912 The same. Phil. 1874. 12~....... 38: 499 Julia Mandeville. F. M. BROOKE...... 35: 2896 Jones, J. R. Julia Reid. I. M. ALDEN. (Pansy)... 35: 481 QUAKER soldier, The. Phil. 1866. Julian; or, scenes in Judea. W. 12........................................... 38: 505 W ARE.................................... 40: 129-30 Jonquil. (pseud.) Julian Home: a tale of college life. QUEEN Krinaleen's plagues. N. Y. F. W. FARRAR........................... 37: 2000 1874. 120.................................38: 515 Julian Percival. Mrs. M. MI. SHERWAS she engaged? Phil. 1871. WOOD. In Works, v. 8............... 39: 1643 12~........................................... 38: 516 Juliana Oakley. Mrs. M. M. SHERJordans of Grange, The, and the old WOOD. In Works, v. 5................. 39: 1640 maids of Balmogy. Andrew PICK- Juliette. H. N. (W.) BAKER. (Aunt EN. In W. S. C. L., v. 6.............. 34: 4176 Hattie)..................................... 35: 1392 The same..................................... *15: 4916 Julio; or, a tale of the Vaudois. Mrs. Joseph and his friend. (J.) B. TAY- J. B. WEBB............................... 40: 265 LOR.......................................... 39: 2783 Julius; or, the street boy out west. Joseph Andrews. H. FIELDING...... *37: 2137 H. ALGER, jr......................... 35: 536 The same. In Works, v. 2...............37: 2146 Jupiter's daughters. Mrs. C. JENKIN. 38: 284 The same. In Works............... "'37: 2147 Just a dream. Mrs. A. FRASER. With Joseph in the snow. B. AUERBACH. 35: 879 Only a face................................ 37: 2445 Joseph, the Jew. V. W. JOHNSON. (Cousin Virginia)........................ 38: 446 The same..................................... 38: 447 Joseph Noirel's revenge. V. CHERBULIEZ.................................... 35: 4169 K —, J. H. Joseph Rushbrook; or, the poacher. HENRY Ancrum: a tale of the last Capt. F. MARRYATT. In W. S.C. war in Ireland. Lond. 1872. 2 L., v. 16................................... 34: 4186 v. sm. 80.................................'38: 650-1 The same...................................... 15: 4926 Kaloolah; or, adventures of J. RoJoseph II, and his court. C. M. mer. W. S. MAYO..................... 38: 2832 MUNDT. (Louisa Miihlbach)......... 38: 3244 Kamba Thorpe. (pseud.) See BELJoseph Thorne: his calling. L. C. LAMY, E. W. MOULTON. In My third book...... 38: 3182 Kangaroo hunters. A. BOWMAN..... 35: 2449 Joshua Marvel. B. L. FARJEON...... 37: 1981 Karl Krinken. S. and A. B. WARNER. 40: 202 Journal of a home life. E. M. SEW- Kate Aylesford. C. J. PETERSON..... 38: 4359 ELL............................................. 39: 1581 Kate Beaumont. J. W. DEFOREST... 37: 215 The same..................................... 39: 1582 Kate Carlton. D. WISE. (Francis Journey from this world to the next. Forester).................................... 40: 634 H. FIELDING. In Works, v. 2...... 37: 2146 Kate Clarendon; or, necromancy in The same. In Works..................... 37: 2147 the wilderness. E. BENNETT........ 35: 1980 Journey in search of nothing, A. See Kate Connor. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. Social grievances, in COLLINS' In Sketches............................. 37: 3887 Queen's revenge......................... 35: 4581 The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 4...... 34: 4174 Journey to the center of the earth. The same...................................... 15: 4914 J. VERNE.................................39: 3693 Kate Coventry. G. J. WHYTE-MELThe same. With Meridiana............ 39: 3695 VILLE....................................... 40: 436. Journey to the north pole. J. VERNE. 39: 3694 Kate Kennedy; or, the maid in Inner Journeyman engineer. (pseud.) See Kepple. A. LEIGHTON. In W. WRIGHT, Thos. T. B. v. 1................................. 40: 1711 Journeyman joiner. Mme. A. L. Kate Kennedy. Mrs. C. J. NEWELL.. 38: 3551 A. D. DUDEVANT. (George Sand). 37: 911 Kate Morris. F. W. A. PIKE........... 38: 4503 Joyce, R. D. Kate Savage. D. M. FORD. 3 v...... 37:2320-22 LEGENDS. Bost. 1868. 120.......... 38: 523 Kate Somerville. S. S. ELLIS. In Judeea Capta. C. E. TONNA. (Char- Family secrets. v. 1................... 37: 1677 lotte Elszabeth)........................... 39: 3066 Note. Same as Somerville hall. Judah's lion. C. E. TONNA. (Char- The same. In W. S. C. L. v. 16..... 34: 4186 lotte Elizabeth)............................39: 3067 The same...................................... *15: 4926 Judd, Sylvester. Kate Walsingham: a novel. Miss E. MARGARET. Bost. 1871. 16~0........38: 530 PICKERING................................. 38: 4439 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. KATERFELTO. 113 KEENE. Katerfelto: a story of Exmoor. G. Kavanagh, (continued.)J. WHYTE-MELVILLE................. 40: 437 SEVEN years, and other tales. N. Y. Katherine Ashton. E. M. SEWELL. 1866. 12................................. 38: 681 2 V.......................................... 39: 1583-4 Contents: v. i. C heap excursion, The. v. 2, (continued.)Kathayan slave, The. Mrs. E. C. Gaiety and gloom. Little dancing-master, The. JUDSON. (Fanny Forester). In L. v. 2. Adrien. Mysterious lodger, The. C. v. 3.................................. 40: 1613 Comedy in a court-yard, Soiree in a porter's lodge, A. A. Katheran, The. A. CAMPBELL. In Excellent opportunity, Troubles of a quiet man W. T. B. v. 2........................... 40: 1712 An. The. Experiences of Sylvia Young France. Katherine Earle. A. TRAFTON........ 39: 3118 Delmare, The. Katherine Fairfax. T. MAUNSELL.. 38: 2735 The same. Leip. 1859. 2 v. in 1. Katherine Seward. Mrs. M. M. SHER- sq. 160......................... 38: 682 WOOD. In Works. v. 4............... 39: 1639 SILVIA. N.Y. 1870. 80.............. 38: 683 Katherine Walton. W. G. SIMMS. 39: 1684 The sae. Leip. 1870. 2 v. in 1. sq. 160.................................... 38: 684 Katherine's trial. H. LEE.............38: 4203 SYBILS second ove N.Y. 1872 SYBIL'S second love. N. Y. 1872. Kathie Brande. H. PARR. (HIolme 120.......................................... 88: 685 Lee)..................................... 38: 4204 The same. Leip. 1867. 2 v. in Kathie's Aunt Ruth. A. M; DOUG- 1. sq. 160............................... 38: 686 LAS........................................... 37: 811 Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James. LA.37: 811 Kay-Shuttleworth, Sir James. Kathie's harvest days. A. M. DOUG- RIBBLESDALE; or, Lancashire sixty LAS.............................. 37: 812 years ago. Lond. 1874. 3 v. Kathie's soldiers. A. M. DOUGLAS... 37: 813 sm. 8....................................... 38: 700-2 Kathie's stories. A. M. DOUGLASS. Kearie, Annie. Contents: CASTLE Daly. Phil. n. d. 160...... 38: 704+ OLDBURY. Lond. 1869. 3 v. sinm. v. 1. Kathie's three wishes. 37:815 80.38: 70 v. 2. Kathie's Aunt Ruth. 37:811 8................................... 38: 703 v. 3. Kathie's summer at Cedarwood. 37:814 The same. Phil. n. d. 120........ 38: 704 v. 4. Kathie's soldiers. 37:8i3 v. 5. in the ranks. 37:809 Keatings, Mrs. R. H. v. 6. Kathie's harvest days. 37:812 HONOR Blake: the story of a plain Kathie's summer at Cedarwood. A. woman. Lond. 1872. 2 v. in 1. M. DOUGLAS..................... 37: 814 sm. 8~....................................... 38: 706 Kathie's three wishes. A. M. DovTG- Keddie, Miss. (Sarah Tytler). LAS.......................................... 37: 815 CITOYENNE Jacqueline. Lond. 1866. 3 v. 16~........................ 38: 707-9 Kathaleen. By the author of Ray-38: 707-9 mond's heroine. N. Y. 1872. 80. 40: 2256 DAYS of yore. Lond. 1866. 2 v. Katie Kidd and her teacher. By the 12.......................................... 38: 710-11 Katie Kidd and her teacher. By the 120.38: 7 Contents: author of Aunt Annie's stories. In v. 1. Adam Home's repent- v. 2. Cain's brand. Under the lime trees.................. 40: 2696 ance. Hector Garret of Otter. Cast in the wagon, A. Insulated. Katie Stewart. M. (0. W.) OLIPHANT. 38: 3845 Davs of the futch fair, Judy. Katsch, A. E. The. Likenesses and contrasts. Great road and the mar- Lover's quarrels and how UNDER the stork's nest. Phil. 1875. ket-place, The. they ended.. 120....................................... 38: 656 Old gatherings. Oliver Shends partner. -', T.* " 38: 656 Old yeomanry weeks,The Ringan Cockburn's trial and Kavanagh, Julia. (b. 1824). On the stage and off the victory. AD6LE. N.Y. 1870. 3 v. in 1. 120. 38: 660 stage. Second Mrs. Aucterlonie, ~The same. eip. 1858. 3 v. sq. 160. 3:6-3 Peeps into antiquity. The. he same. Leip. 1858. 3 v.sq. 160. 38: 66-3 PeggyMelville's triumph. Shadow of the ancient mariBEATRICE. N.Y. 1872. 120........ 38: 664 Saint Margaret. ner, The. The same. L... 1864 2 v *iShadows on the coast of Two panels from an old The same. Leip. 1864. 2 v. in 1. Fife. picture. sq. 160.................................... 38: 665 Wooings and.weddings of Two specimens of the old BESSIE: a novel. N.Y. 1872. 80. 38: 666 the last entury. hool. 38: 666 Twofold. DAISY Burns. N. Y. 1867. 12~.... 38: 667 World's end, The. The same. Leip. 1853. 2 v. in DIAMOND rose, The. Lond. 1867. 1. sq. 160............................... 38: 668 120............................... 38: 712 DORA. N. Y. 1868. 3 v. in 1. 80. 38: 669 HEROINES in obscurity. Lond. 1871. The same. 1868. 2 v. in 1. sq. 120.......................................... 38: 713 16~......................... 38: 670 HUGUENOT family, The. N. Y. 1868. 120.................... i................... 38: 714 GRACE Lee. N.. 1872. 12....... 38: 671 DY Bell. Phil. 1874. 120.........38: 71 The same. Leip. 1855. 2 v. in 1. The.s e. Leip. 1855. 72 v. in 1. NOBLESSE oblige: an English story sq. 160.................................... 38: 716 of to-day. Lond. 1871. 120...... 38: 716 JOHN Dorrien. N. Y. 1875. 120.... 38: 673 MADELTINE~: a tale of Auvergne. N. GLOVERSON and his silent partners. Y. 1873. 120........................... 38: 674 B st. 1869. 123........................ 38: 705 NATHALIE: a tale. N. Y. 1872. 12~. 38: 675 Keene, Edwin. The same. Leip. 1851. 2 v. in SYDNEY Fielding; the domestic his1. sq. 160................................. 38: 676 tory of a gentleman who served QUEEN Mab. N. Y. 1874. 3 v. in under their late majesties George 1. 120~.................................... 38: 677 IV., and William IV. Lond. The same. Leip. 1863. 2 v. in 1. 1857. 2 v. sin. 8..................... 38: 720 sq. 16~.................................... 38: 678 Keene, Mrs. S. F. RACHEL Gray. N. Y. 1873. 12~... 38: 679 GUY'S life lesson. Bost. 1872. 16~. 38: 722 The same. Leip. 1856. sq. 16~.. 38:. 680 ORIENT boys. Bost. 1870. 16~...... 38: 723 PROSE FICTION; ENGLISH. KELLOGG. 114 KINALDY. Kellogg, Rev. Elijah. Kenilworth. Sir W. SCOTT. Parker ARK of Elm island, The. Bost. ed. 2 v.................................... *39:1321-22 1871. 160................................. 38: 725 The same. Edin. ed...................... 39: 135G ARTHUR Brown, the young captain. The same. Abbotsford ed.............. 39: 1364 Bost. 1873. 160........................ 38: 726 The same...................................... 39: 1381 BoY farmers of Elm island, The. The same. Household ed. 2 v........ 39:1417-18 Bost. 1871. 160....................... 38: 727 The same. Pocket ed..................... 39: 1456 BROUGHT to the front. Bost. 1876. The same. Tauchnitz ed............... 39: 1482 16~........................................ 38: 746 Kennedy, Grace. CHARLIE Bell, the waif of Elm island. PHILIP Colville: a covenanter's story. Bost. 1871. 16........................ 38: 728 Lond. n. d. 160....................... 38: 814 CHILD of the island glen, The. Bost. Kennedy, John Pendleton (Clerke of 1872. 160................................. 38: 729 Oxenforde; Paul Ambrose; Solomon CRUISE of the Casco, The. Bost. Secondthoughts). (1795-1870). 1872. 160.................................38: 730 HORSE-SHOE Robinson. Phil. 1865. FISHER boys of Pleasant cove, The. 120.......................................... 38: 820 Bost. 1874. 160........................38: 731 QUODLIBET: containing some annals HARD-SCRABBLE of Elm island, The. thereof, etc., by Solomon SecondBost. 1873. 16.......................38: 732 touhts schoolmaster. N.Y. 1866. JOHN Godsoe's legacy. Bost. 1873.12........................................... 38: 821 16~........................................... 38: 733 ROB of the bowl. Phil. 1860. 120. 38: 822 LION Ben of Elm island. Bost. 1870. SWALLOW barn; or, a sojourn in the 160.......................................... 38: 734 Old Dominion. N.Y. 1866. 120~. 38: 823 NORMAN Cline. Bost. 1869. 16~0.. 38: 735 Kenneth. C. M. YONGE............. 40: 1288 SOPHOMORES of Radcliffe, The. Bost. 1872. 160..38: 736 Kenneth my king. S.A. BROCK...... 3: 2848 SOWED by the wind; or, the poor Kentucky's love; or, roughing it boy's fortune. Bost. 1875. 160... 38: 737 around Paris. E. KING............... 38: 900 SPARKS of genius, The; or, the col- Keon, Miles Gerald. lege life of James Trafton. Bost. DION and the Sibyls: a classic chris1872. 160................................. 38: 738 tian novel. N.Y. n. d. 80........ 38: 831 STOUT heart, A; or, the student from Kerkadec, Vicomtesse de. from over the sea. Bost. 1874. REMINISCENCES of a canoness: anec160.......................................... 38: 739 dotes and sketches of court life in TURNING of the tide, The; or, Rad- France during the reigns of Louis cliffe Rich and his patients. Bost. XIV and Louis XV, selected from 1873. 160................................. 38: 740 a diary hitherto unpublished. Lond.'WHISPERING pine, The; or, the grad- 1874. 2 v. sm. 8..................... 38: 839-40 uates of Radcliffe hall. Bost. 1872. Kester's evil eye. In N. and T., v. 3. 40: 1643 160................................ 38: 741 Kettle, Rosa Mackenzie. WINNING his spurs; or, Henry Mor- Kettle, Rosa Mackenzie. HIH.LESDEN on the Moors. Lond. ton's first trial. Bost. 12 1873. 2 v. sni. 8~..................... 38: 849-50 WOLF run; or the boys of the wil- f v n.: 8 5nd., derness. Bost. 1875. 16~....... 38: 743 MISTRESS of Langdale hall. Loud. 1872. sm. 8........................ 38: 851 YOUNG deliverers of Pleasant cove, OVER the furze. L8 nd. 1854. 3 v. The. Bost. 1871. 16~.............. 38: 744 OVER the furze. Lod. 1874. 3 v. sm. 8~................................ 38: 852-4 YOUNG shipbuilders of Elm island,.....sin 83: 852The. Bost. 1871. 160.............. 38: 745 Kick him down hill; or, ups and SEmi:'TES. downs in business. Miss M. M. Note For the shelf numbers of the fol- SMITH................................ 39: 1952 lowing stories, see above. Kickleburys abroad, The. W. M. Elm island stories: 1. Lion Ben. 4. Boy farmers. THACKERAY. In Misc., v. 2......... 33: 4003 2. Charlie Bell. 5. Young shipbuilders. Ki!meny. W. BLACK.................... 35: 2177 3. Ark of Elm islarkd. 6 6Hard-scrabble. Kimball, Richard Burleigh. (b. 1818). Forest glensesies: EMILIE. N. Y. 1876. 120............ 38: 865 1. Sowed by the wind. Ers 1. h h 2. Wolf run. HENRY Powers, banker: how he 3- Brought to the front. achieved a fortune and married: a Pleasant cove series: novel. N. Y. 1868. 120............ 38: 866 I. Arthur Brown. 4. Child of the island glen. PRINCE Of Kashna. N. Y. 1866. 2. Young deliverers. 5. John Godsoe's legacy. 3. Cruise of the Casco. 6. Fisher boys. 120......................................... 38: 867 Whispersng pine series: ROMANCE of student life abroad. N. 1. Spark of genius. 4. Turning of the tide. Y. 1865 120... 38 868 2. Sophomores of Rad- 5. Winning his spurs. Y 1 1. o lif8 cliffe. 6. Stout heart. SAINT Leger; or, threads of life. 3. Whispering pine. N. Y. 1850. 120....................... 38: 869 Kelly the piper. Mrs. A. M. F. HALL. TO-DAY: a romance. N. Y. 1870. In Sketches................................ 37: 3887 120.......................................... 38: 870 Kelso, Isaac. UNDER currents of Wall street: a DANGER in the dark. Cin. 1857. romance of business. N.Y. 1864. 120....................................... 3 8: 800 120.......................................... 3 8: 871 Kempe Strothard. (pseud.) See BRAY, WAS he successful? N. Y. 1866. Mrs. A. E. 120.......................................... 38: 872 Kendall, Mrs. E. D. Kimberwell house. R. HUDSON. STANIFORDS of Staniford Folly, The. Lond. 1870. 3 v. sm. 8~........... 37: 4796-8 Bost. 1872. 160........................38: 808 Kinaldy. T. GILLESPIE. Gleanings Kenelm Chillingly. E. G. E. L. of.the covenant. In W. T. B., BULWER-LYTTON.......................35: 3123 v. 10........................................ 40: 1720 PROSE FICTION: ENGLISH. KING. 115 KINGSTON. King, Alice. Kingsley, C., (continued.)QUEEN of herself. Lond. 1871. WESTWARD ho! or, the voyages and 3 v. sm. 80............................... 38: 882-4 adventures of Sir Amayas Leigh, SPELL-BOUND. Lond. 1874. 3 v. Knight of Burrough, in the county sin. 8....................................... 38: 885-7 of Devon, in the reign of her most King, Edward. glorious majesty Queen Elizabeth. KENTUCKY'S love: or, roughing it Rendered into modern English, by around Paris. Bost. 1873.. 120... 38: 900 C. Kingsley. Cambridge. 1855. King, Gregory. J. HooGG. (Ettrick 3 v. 120.................................... 38: 937-9 Shepherd). In Winter evening The same. N.Y. 1866. 2v. 160~. 38: 940-1 tales, v. 2.................................. 37: 4521 The same. Leip. 1855. 2 v. in 1. King, Katharine. 16~...................................... 38: 942 HUGH Melton. N. Y. 1875. 8~....38: 915 YEAST: a problem. N. Y. 1864. LOST for Gold. Lond. 1873. 3 v. 120.......................................... 38: 943 sm. 8...................................... 38: 910-12 The same. Leip. 1851. sq. 16~... 38: 944 OFF the roll. N. Y. 1875. 8~...... 38: 916 Kingsley, Henry. (b. 1830). OUR detachment: a novel. N. Y. AUSTIN Elliot. Bost. 1863. 12~... 38: 950 1875. 80.................................. 38: 913 The same. Leip. 1863. sq. 160... 38: 951 QUEEN of the regiment, The. Bost. BoY in grey, The. Lond. 1871. 120~. 38: 952 1874. 80................................... 38: 914 HARVEYS, The. Bost. 1872. 120... 38: 953 King and the bishop, The. S. LOVER. HETTY. N. Y. 1869. 8~.............. 38: 954 In Legends and stories................. 38: 1886 HILLYARS and the Burtons, The. King of the golden river, The. J. Bost. 1865. 12~........................ 38: 955 RUSKIN. In L. C., v. 10.............. 40: 1620 The same. Leip. 1865. 2 v. in 1. King of Hayti, The. Fr. the German. sq. 160................................... 38: 956 Thomas DEQUINCY. In Works, HORNBY mills, and other stories. v. 11........................................ 34: 1043 Lond. 1872. 2 v. sm. 80........... 38: 957-8 King of the mountains. E. (F. V.) Contents: ABOUT....................................35: 167 v.. Episode in the life of v. 2. Eyre's march. Kin.g o.f'.B'....................... FCharles Mordaunt Mal- Jackson of Paul's. King of No-land, The. B. L. FAR- maison, An. March of Charles Stuart, JEON....................... 37: 1982 Hornby mills' garden. The. King of the peak, The. In L. C.,v.. 7 40: 1617 Why Lady Hornbury's New Year's day at Windsor, King OToole and Saint Kevin. b. hall was postponed. 1327. King O'Toole and Saint ~Kevin. S. Some account of the village LOVER. In Legends and stories.... 38: 1886 of Inverguoich. King Tolv. Mrs. D. M. CRAIK. (for- LEIGHTON court. Bost. 1866. 120~. 38: 959 merly Miss Mulock). In Romantic The same. Leip. 1866. sq. 16~... 38: 960 tales.......................................... 35: 4940 LOST child, The. In L. C. v. 10..... 40: 1620 Kingdom of heaven, The. F. GOTT- OAKSHOT castle:, being the memoir SCHALK. In R. G. N., v. 2........... 40: 1561 of an eccentric nobleman. Written King's Baynard. Hon. Mrs. G. GIF- by Henry Dixon. Edited by HenFORD. 3 v................................. 37:2970-72 ry Kingsley. Lond. 1873. sm. King's highway, The. G. P.R. JAMES......................................... 37: 701-3 2 v i I.38: 195 OLD Margaret: a novel. Berlin. 38:z vs1872. 160................................. 38: 961 King'sown,The. Cap