CATALOGUE OF THE LIBR A RY OF THE SClCHOOL OF MINES OF COLUMBIA. COLLEGE, NEW YORK. May, 1S69. x q S. ANGELL, PRINTER, 410 FOURTH AVENUE. 1869. INDEX. Page Agricultural Chemistry, 26 Analytical Chemistry, 24 Animal and Medical Chemistry, 27 Assaying, 38. Botany and Zoology, 55 Chemical Technology, 28 Civil Engineering and Architecture, 12 Crystallography,... 39 Determinative Mineralogy and Blowpipe Analysis, 43 General Chemistry, 18 General Metallurgy,. 32 Geology and Palmontology,. 44 Geodesy and Topogrnphy,.. 17 Gold and Sflvi,.... 32 Iron and Stci],,.... 35 Journals,. Mathematic.. 9 Mechanics -i.d ]( hines,.. 10 Mineralogy. 40 Mining Eilgie eving,... 14 Miscellaneous,.. 57 Organic Chem i-istry,. 23 Physics and Micteo 1 gy, 15 (*Discontinued.) *American Artisan and Patent Record. 1865. 4to. New York. *American Exchange and Review. September, 1864, to September, 1866. 8vo. Philadelphia. American Gaslight Journal. From July, 1866. 4to. New York. American Iron and Steel Association Bulletin. From January, 1867. 4to. Philadelphia. American Journal of Mining. From January, 1867. Folio. New York. American Journal of Science. 1818-1868. 8vo. New York and New Haven. *American Mining Gazeteer and Geological Magazine. 8vo. February, 1866. *American Mining Index. 1865-1867. 4 vols. 4to. New York. American Railroad Journal. From January, 1867. 4to. New York. *Annales de Chimie. 1788-1814. 48 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1790-1815. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Redigees par MM. GayLussac et Arago. From January, 1816. 150 vols. 8vo. Paris. Annales des Mines. From January, 1867. 8vo. Paris. Annals of the Lyceum of Natural History of New York. April and June, 1866. 8vo. New York. Annual of Scientific Discovery. From January, 1850. 18 vols. 8vo. Boston. *Archiv fuer Mikroskopische Anatomic. Herausgegeben von Max Schultze. (3 vols. in 7). 8vo. Bonn, 1865-1867. *Berg- und Huettenmanniseches Jahrbuch fuir das Jahr 1865. 8vo. Wien. 1866. Berg- und Huettenmanniseche Zeitung. From January, 1867. 4to. *Beobachtungen Versuchen und neuen Einfiihrungen zu dem Tafeln. 3 vols. Text. 3 vols. Plates. Folio, 1851, 1852, 1853. *Berichte ueber die Fortschritte der Eisenhiitten-Technik im Jahren 1864 und 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866 and 1867. Berichte der Deutschen Chemisclhen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. 1868. 8vo. Berlin. 2 36 JOURNALS. Bibliographie des Ingenieurs, des Architectes, &c. From January, 1863. 4to. Paris. *Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis. 8vo. Gottingen. 1853. British Association for the Advancement of Science. Reports. From January, 1831. 36 vols. 8vo. London. Bulletin de la Socictke Geologique de France. From January, 1843. 25 vols. 8vo. Bulletin Ml"ensuel de la Societe Chimique de Paris. From January, 1867. 8vo. Paris. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. From January, 1866. 8vo. *Chemical News. 1864. 4to. London. Chemical News. (American Reprint.) From July, 1867. 4to. New York. *Chemisch- Pharmaceutisches Central- Blatt, 1830-1864. 40 vols. 8vo. Leipzig. Chemiseh Technischen Mittheilungen. Elsner. From January, 1865. 8vo. Berlin. *Comptes Rendus de 1' Academie des Sciences. 1843-1864. 43 vols. 4to. Paris. *Compte Rendu par le Ministre de 1' Instruction Publique. 4to. 374 pp. Paris. 1845, 1846. *Delambre et Me6chain. Mesure de l'arc du Meridien. 3 vols. 4to. 551, 844, 766 pp., with Plates. Paris, 1806-1810. Department of Agriculture. Monthly Reports, 1867 and 1868. 8vo. Washington. *Dublin Quarterly Journal of Science, January, 1865. 8vo. Dublin. *Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. 1823, 1824, 1825. 5 vols. 8vo. Edinburgh. *-Ehfahrungen im Berg- und Hlittenmdnnischen Maschinen Bau- und Aufbereitungswesen. 1854-1866. 4to. Wien. *Fortschritte der Physik im Jahre 1865. 8vo. Berlin, 1867. *Haidinger W. Berichte fiber die Mittheilungen von Freunden der Naturwissenschaften in Wien. 7 vols. 8vo. 1847-1851. *Haidinger W. Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. 3 vols. 4to. 430, 462, 485 pp. CXIII Pi. Wien. 1848-1851. Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich- Koniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 48 band. 8vo. 1850, 1852, 1858-1867. Wien. *Jahresbericht ueber die Beobachtungen und neuen Einfiihrungen d. k. Montan Beampten. 2 vols. and plates. Folio, 1852. Wien. Jahresbericht ueber die Fortschritte und Leistungen der Chemischen Technologie und Technischen Chemie. Herausgegeben Prof. J. R. Wagner. From January, 1865. JOURNALS. 7 Jahresbericht ueber die Fortschritte der Chemie und verwandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften. From January, 1847. 25 vols. 8vo. Giessen. Journal of the Chemical Society. From January, 1867. 8vo. London. Journal fuer Practisehe Chemie. From January, 1867. 8vo. Leipzig. Journal of the Franklin Institute, From January, 1867. 8vo. Philadelphia. Liebig und Woehler. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. From January, 1832. 75 vols. 8vo. Leipzig und Heidelberg. *Magazin fuer Pharmacie. Von Dr. P. L. Geiger. 5 vols. 8vo. Heidelberg, 1830-1831. Mining and Scientific Press. Monthly Series, from January, 1868. 8vo. San Francisco. *Mining and Statistic Magazine. Edited by Thos. McElrath. 1853-1858. 8vo. New York. *Mining and Smelting Magazine. 1862-1865. 6 vols. 8vo. London. Monthly Reports of the Director of the Bureau of Statistics. From September, 1867. 4to. Washington. *National Academy of Sciences. Report for 1863. 8vo. Washington, 1864. *National'Academy of Sciences. Memoirs. Vol. 1, 4to. Washington, 1866. Neues Jahrbuch fuir Mineralogie, Geologie vund Paleontologie. From January, 1867. 8vo. Stuttgart. New York State Agricultural Society Journal. From January, 1865. 8vo. Albany. Oesterreichische Zeitschrift ffir Berg- und Hiittenwesen. 4to. Wien, 1867, 1868. *Philosophical Magazine and Journal. By Alex. Tilloch. 17981816. 47 vols., 8vo. London. Poggendorff. Annalen der Physik und^ Chemie. From January, 1867. 8vo. Leipzig. *Polytechnisches Central- blatt. 1857-1864. 8 vols., 4to. Leipzig. Polytechnisches Journal. Herausgegeben Drs. J. G. and E. M. Dingler. 1820-1868. 182 vols. 8vo. Augsburg and Stuttgart. Proceedings of tile Essex Institute. 1856,[1857, 1864, 1865, 1866. 8vo. Salem, Mass. Quarterly Journal of Science. From January, 1867. 8vo. London. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. From January. 1867. 8vo. London. 8 JOURNALS. *Revue Agrieole. Published by J. Perrault. 1863-1864. 8vo. Montreal. Revue Universelle des Mines, de la Metallurgie &c. 8vo. Paris. 1867. Scientific American. 1865-1868. 7 vols, 4to. New York. Smithsonian Institute Reports. 1864-1866. 8vo. Washington. The Geological Magazine and Monthly Journal of Geology. From January, 1867. 8vo. London. The Iron Age. From May, 1867. 4to. New York. The Philosophical Magazine. 1834-1868., 8vo. London. The ftockholder. From September, 1867. 4to. New York. *Transactions of the Albany Institute. 1828-1864, 4 vols, 8vo. Albany. United States Mining Journal. 1865-1868. 4to. New York. *Verhandlungen der K. K. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. Juni und September, 1867. Royal 8vo. *Year Book of Facts. 1839-1863. 27 vols, 12mo. London. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. 1867, 1868. 8vo. Berlin. Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure; 1867, 1868. 4to. Berlin. Zeitschrift fuer Analytische Chemie. Herausgegeben von Dr. 0. R. Fresenius. 1863-1868. 8vo. Wiesbaden. Zeitschrift fuer das Berg- Huetten und Salinenwesen in dem Preussischen Staate. 1854-1867. 15 vols, 4to. Berlin. MATHEMATICS. Carnot L. N. M. Memoire sur la relation qui existe entre les distances de cinq pointes quelconques pris dans 1' espace, suivi d' un e.ssai sur la theorie des transversales. 4to. 111 pp. Paris, 1866. Duhamel M. hlements de Calcul Infinitesimal. 2 vols, 8vo. 585, 375 pp. Paris, 1856. Hill C. J. D. Afhandling om tals visare till sammansatta delare (indices a module compose). 4to. 18 pp. Sturm M. Cours d' Analyse de 1' ]cole Polytechnique. 2 vols in one. 206 pp. Paris, 1852. 10 MECHANICS AND MACHINES. American Artisan and Patent Record. 1865. 4to. New York. Appleton. Dictionary of Machines, Mechanics, Engine-Work and Engineering. 2 vols. Royal 8vo. 960, 960 pp. New York, 1852. Armstrong W. G. Hydraulic Crane. (Patent Office Specifications): Pamphlet, 8vo. 7 pp. London, 1856. Armstrong W. G. Hydraulic Hoisting Machines. (Patent Office Specifications) Pamphlet, 8vo. 4 pp. London, 1856. Bresse M. Recherches Analytiques sur la flexion et la resistance des pie'ces courbes. 4to. 269 pp. Paris, 1854. Brooman R. A. Steam Windlass, &c. (Patent Office Specifications) Pamphlet, 8vo. 6 pp. London, 1857. Chandler Chas. F. Report on Water for Locomotives and Boiler Incrustrations. Pamphlet, 8vo. 25 pp.. New York, 1865. Chatoney M. et M. Rivot. Considerations generales sur les materiaux employses dans les constructions a la mer. 8vo. 193 pp. Paris, 1856. Coulomb C. A. The'orie des Machines Simples. 4to. 368 pp. X PI. Paris, 1821. Cresson J. C. American Anti-Incrustator. Pamphlet, 8vo. 37 pp. Philadelphia, 1866. Dempsey G. D. Rudimentary Treatise on the Locomotive Engine. 8vo. 147 pp. with 4to. Atlas XIV PI. 2d Edition. London, 1867. Du Temple L. Cours de Machines a Vapeur. 8vo. 607 pp. with 4to. Atlas XXVII PI. Paris, 1865. Erfahrungen im Berg- und Hiittenminnischen Maschinen- Bau- und Aufbereitungswesen. 1854-1866. 4to. Wien. Fairbairn Wm. On the application of cast and wrought iron to building purposes. 8vo. 314 pp. 3d Edition. London, 1864. Farey John. Treatise on the Steam Engine. 4to. 728 pp. XXV P1. London, 1827. Gilbert. Essai sur 1' art de la navigation par la vapeur. 4to. 58 pp. Paris, 1820. Haindl Sebastian. Die Maschinenkunde und Maschinenzeichnung. 4to. 360 pp. and 4to. Supplement with LII Plates. Mfinchen, 1843. Harvey Geo. Treatise on Ship-building. 4to. 112 pp. XIII P1. Edinburgh, 1828. Haupt Hermann. Military Bridges. 8vo. 310 pp. LXIX P1. New York, 1864. MECHANICS AND MACHINES. 11 Le Juste L. Guides des Architects, Verificateurs &c., ou Trait6 conplet de l'evaluation des ouvrages de construction. 4to. 439 pp. Paris, 1848. Lenoir. Gas Engine. Pamphlet, 8vo. 19 pp. 1866. Marrat W. Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Mechanics. 8vo. 455 pp. Boston, 1810. Morin Arthur. Nouvelles Experiences sur le Frottement faites a Metz. 3 vols, 4to. Vol. 1, en 1831, 128 pp. IX P1. Paris, 1832. Vol. 2, en 1832, 104 pp. IV P1. Paris, 1834. Vol. 3, en 1833, 143 pp. IX P1. Paris, 1835. Navier M. L'application de la Me'canique'a le'tablissement des constructions et des machines. 8vo. 448 pp. 2d Edition. Paris, 1833. Naylor, Wm. Power Hammers. (Patent Office Specifications) Pamphlet, 8vo. 10 pp. London, 1854. Naylor Wm. Power Hammers and Rivetting Machines. (Patent Office Specifications) Pamphlet, 8vo. 11 pp. London, 1856. Poisson S. D. Traite de Me'canique. 2 vols. 8vo. 696, 782 pp. Paris, 1833. Poncelet et Lesbros. Experiences Hydrauliques sur les lois de 1' ecoulement de 1' eau. 4to. 262 pp. VII P1. Paris, 1832. Ramsden J. Description of an Engine for dividing Mathematical Instruments. 4to. 30 pp. VII P1. London,1777. Re'lwick Jas. Treatise on the Steam Engine, with a new theory of the Steam Engine by C. G. De Pambour. 8vo. 327 pp. New York, 1848. Regnault J. Manuel des Aspirants au grade d' Inge'nieur des Ponts et Chausse'es. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. 491 pp. LVI P1. Paris, 1856. Richards W. W. Revolving Fire Arms. (Patent Office Specifications) Pamphlet, 8vo. 4 pages. London, 1855. Stuart Robert. Descriptive History of the Steam Engine. 8vo. 228 pp. London, 1824. Treadwell Daniel. On the measures of forces of bodies moving with different velocities. Pamphlet, 8vo. 20 pp. Cambridge, 1861. Tredgold Thomas. Elementary Principles of Chemistry. 4to. 280 pp. London, 1828. Tredgold Thomas. The Steam Engine. 4to. 370 pp. XX P1. London, 1827. Tripon M. J. B. ]Etudes de Projections d' Ombres et de Lavis. 8vo. 140 pp. with Folio volume of Maps. Paris, 1848. Weisbach Julius. Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. 542, 416 pp. London, 1847, 1848. Wigham J. R. New Method of Illuminating Lighthouses. Pamphlet, 8vo. 8 pp. Dublin, 1865. 12 CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE. Belidor M. La Science des Ingenieurs dans la conduite des travaux de Fortification et d' Architecture civile. 4to. 352 pp. Paris, 1729. Bresse M. Recherches Analytiques sur la flexion et la resistance des pieces courbes. 4to. 269 pp. Paris, 1854. Chatoney M. et M. Rivot. Consideration generales sur les matdriaux employe's dans les constructions a la mer. 8vo. 193 pp. Paris, 1856. Cresy Edward. Encyclopedia of Civil Engineering. 8vo. 1752 pp. London, 1856. Delaistre J. R. Le science de 1' Inge'nieur. 3 vols. 4to. 430, 464 pp. LVI Plates. Lyons, 1825. Galton Capt. Douglass R. E. Report relating to Railways, for year 1858. Folio, 150 pp. London, 1859. Harvey Geo. ATreatise on Ship-building. 4to. 112 pp. XIII Plates. Edinburgh, 1828. Hoosac Tunnel and Troy and Greenfield R. R. I. Report of Joint Special Committee of Legislature, 1864. Pamphlet, 8vo. 38 pp. Boston, 1865. II. Letters of J. W. Brooks. Pamphlet, 8vo. 36 pp, Boston, 1866. III. Commissioners' Report. Pamphlet, 8vo. 54 pp. Boston, 1865. Hoskold H. D. Practical Treatise on Mining, Land and Railway Surveying, Engineering, &c. 8vo. 249 pp. London, 1863. Humphreys Capt. A. A. and Lieut. H. L. Abbot. Report upon the Physics and Hydraulics of the Mississippi River. 4to. 602 pp. XX Plates. Philadelphia, 1861. JOURNALS. American R. R. Journal. From January 1,1867. 4to. NewYork. Bibliographie des Inge'nieurs, des Architectes, &c. 1863-1867. 4to. Paris. Zeitschrift des Vereines Deutscher Ingenieure. 1867-1868. 4to. Berlin. CIVIL ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE. 13 Le Juste L. Guides des Architectes, VeYrificateurs, &c. ou Traite Complet de 1' evaluation des ouvrages de construction. 4to. 439 pp. Paris, 1848. Mlosely Henry. Mechanical Principles of Engineering and Architecture. 8vo. 699 pp. New York, 1856. Rankine W. J. M. Manual of Civil Engineering. 8vo. 784 pp. London, 1867. Surveyor General of Nevada. Report for 1865. Pamphlet, Svo. 83 pp. Carson City, 1866. Surveyor General of Nevada. Report for 1866. Pamphlet, 8vo. 95 pp. Carson City, 1867. lWeisbach Julius. Principles of the Mechanics of Machinery and Engineering. 2 vols. 8vo. 542, 416 pp. London, 1847, 1848. 14 MINING ENGINEERING. Brard C. P. ]le6ments pratiques d' Exploitation. 8vo. 592 pp. XXXII Plates. Paris, 1829. Burat Amedee. Le Materiel des Houilleres en France et en Belgique. 8vo. 519 pp. with Folio Supplement XXXIII Plates. Paris, 18641865. Coal, Iron and Oil. The Practical American Miner. Daddow S. H. and B. Bannan. 8vo. 806 pp. Pottsville, Pa. 1866. Coal Mines, Reports of Inspectors of. 2 vols. Folio, 170, 126 pp. London, 1859. Combs Ch. Traite de 1' Exploitation des Mines. 3 vols. 8vo. Liege, 1846. Glepin G. De 1' ftablissement des Puits de Mines. 8vo. 383 pp. with 4to. Atlas. Paris, 1867. Hedley John. Working and Ventilation of Coal Mines. 8vo. 128 pp, London, 1851. Hoskold H. D. Practical Treatise on lMining, Land and Railway Surveying, Engineering, &c. 8vo. 249 pp. London, 1863. JOURNALS. American Journal of Mining. From January 1, 1867. Folio. New York. American Mining Index. 1865-1867. 4to. New York. Annales des Mines. 5 Livraisons de 1867. 8vo. Paris, 1867. Mining and Scientifie Press. Monthly Series 1868. Folio. San Francisco. Mining and Simelting Magazine. 1862-1865. 8vo. London. Mining and Statistic Magazine. 1853-1858. 8vo. New York. Mining Gazetteer and Geological Magazine. 8vo. New York, February, 1866. Revue Universelle des Mines, de la Metallurgie, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1867. U. S. Mining Journal. 1865'1868. 4to. New York. Keating W. H. The Art of Mining. Pamphlet, 8vo. 87 pp. Philadelphia, 1821. Ure Dr. Andrew. Dictionary of Artz, Manufactures and Mines. 3 vols. 8vo. 1118, 998, 1096 pp. New York, 1863. 15~ PIHIYSICS AND METEOROLOGY. Alexander Stephen. Observation of the Annular Eclipse of May 26, in the suburbs of Ogdensburg, N. Y. Pamphlet, 4to. 11 pp. New York. Bache A. D. Notes and Diagrams illustrative of the directions of the forces acting at and near the surface of the earth, in different parts of the Brunswick Tornado of June 19th, 1835. Bache A. D. On the Relative Horizontal Intensities of Terrestrial Magnetism at several places in the U. S., with the investigation of corrections for temperature, and comparisons of the methods of oscillation in full and in rarefied air. Pamphlet, 4to. 31 pp.' 1836. Bache A. D. On the diurnal variation of the Horizontal Needle. Pamphlet, 4to. 21 pp. 1832. Barker Dr. Geo. F. Forces of Nature. Pamphlet, 8vo. 45 pp. Albany, 1863. Blot J. B. Pre'cis ]leImentaire de physique expe'rimentale. 2 vols. 8vo. 576, 608 pp. Paris, 1817. Faraday M. On the existence of a limit to vaporization. Pamphlet, 9 pp. London, 1826. Faraday M. On a peculiar class of acoustical figures, and on the forms of fluids vibrating on elastic surfaces. Pamphlet, 4to. 42 pp. London, 1831. Faraday M. Experimental Researches in Electricity. Pamphlet, 4to. 32 pp. London, 1833. Ganot. Elementary Treatise on Physics, translated by E. Atkinson. 8vo. 780 pp. London, 1863. Gibbs Wolcott. Atomic Weights of the Elements. Pamphlet, 8vo. 6 pp. Am. Jour. Sci. March, 1861. Gibbs Wolcott. Theory of Atomicities. Pamphlet, 8vo. 8 pp. Am. Jour. Sci. November, 1867. Gibbs Wolcott. Construction of a Normal Map of the Solar Spectrum. Pamphlet, 8vo. 10 pp. Am. Jour. Sci. January, 1867. Greenwood Col. G. Rain and Rivers. 8vo. 237 pp. London, 1866. Henry Joseph. Contributions to Electricity and Galvanism. Pamphlet, 4to. 12 pp. Philadelphia, 1835. Henry Joseph. Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism. Pamphlet, 4to. 35 pp. Philadelphia, 1839. 16 PHYSICS AND METEOROLOGY. Henry Joseph. Contributions to Electricity and Magnetism. Pamphlet, 4to. 35 pp. Philadelphia, 1841. Joy Charles A. The Chimenti Pictures. Pamphlet, 8vo. 7 pp. New York, 1864. JOURNALS. Annales de Chimie et de Physique. Redigees par MM. GayLussac et Arago. From January, 1816. 150 vols. 8vo. Paris. Fortschritte der Physik im Jahre 1865. 2 Nos. 8vo. Berlin, 1867. Poggendolrff. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. From January, 1867. 8vo. Leipzig. Mlaclean Geo. M. Elements of Somatology. 8vo. 120 pp. New York, 1859. Mluehler Dr. J. Lehrbuch der Physik und Meteorologie. 2 vols. 8vo. 752, 790 pp. Braunschweig, 1858. Pouillet. ]le'mens de Physique Experimentale et de Meteorologie. 4 vols. 8vo. 432, 346, 376, 493 pp. Paris, 1832. Ross Andrew. The Article "Microscope," from the Penny Cyclopaedia. Pamphlet, 8vo. 11 pp. Thomson Thomas. An outline of the sciences of Heat and Electricity. 8vo. 583 pp. London, 1830. 17 GEODESY AND TOPOGRAPHY. Delambre et Mechain. Mesure de l'Arc du Me'ridien. 3 vols. 4to. 551, 844, 766 pp. with Plates. Paris, 11806-1810. Puissant L. Traite de Topographie. 429 pp. Paris, 1807. Puissant L. Traite de Ge'odesie. 4to. 318 pp. XVI Tables and X P1. Paris, 1805. GENERAL CHEmISTR Y. AbelandBloxam. Handbook of Chemistry. 8vo. 785 pp. 2d Edition. London, 1858. Bailey J. W., U. S. A. Chemical Notes on Gunpowder and its materials, selected for the use of the U. S. Cadets., Pamphlet, 4to. 14 pp. Bauer und Hinterberger. Lehrbuch der Chemischen Technik. 8vo. 574 pp. Wien, 1859. Bergman M. T. Opuscules Chymiques et Physiques. 2 vols. 8vo. 446, 525 pp. Dijon, 1780, 1785. Berzelius J. J. Traite de Chimie Minerale, Vegetale et Animale. 6 vols. 8vo. 849, 761, 621, 615, 688, 906 pp. 2d Edition. Paris 1845-1850. Black Joseph, M. D. Lectures on the Elements of Chemistry, delivered in the University of Edinburgh. 3 vols. 8vo. 394, 436, 453 pp. Philadelphia, 1807. Brande W. T. and A. S. Taylor. Chemistry. 8vo. 696 pp. Philadelphia, 1863. Brisson MX. J. The Physical Principles of Chemistry. 8vo. 424 pp. London, 1801. Boecker Dr. Untersuchungen fiber die Wirkung des Wassers. 2 Pamphlets, 4to. 310, 408 pp. 1853. Bolton H. Carrington. On the Fluorine Compounds of Uranium Pamphlet, 8vo. 40 pp. Berlin, 1866. Bowman John E. An Introduction to Practical Chemistry including Analysis. 8vo. 333 pp. 3d Am. Edition. Philadelphia, 1864. BuffH., Kopp 1H. und Zamminer F. Lehrbuch der Physikalischen und Theoretischen Chemie. 8 vo. 860 pp. Braunschweig, 1857. Cahours Auguste. Leqons de Chimie e16mentaire. 2 vols. 8vo. 496, 780 pp. Paris, 1855, 1856. Chaptal M. J. A. Elements of Chemistry. 3 vols. 8vo. 295, 48', 408 pp. London, 1791. Cooke Josiah P. Jr. Religion and Chemistry. 8vo. 348 pp. 2d Edition. New York, 1865. GENERAL CHEMISTRY. 19 Cooke Josiah P. Jr. Elements of Chemical Physics. 8vo. 738 pp. Boston, 1860. Cooke Josiah P. Jr. On two new Crystalline Compounds of Zinc and Antimony. Pamphlet, 4to. 57 pp. Cambridge, 1855. Chandler C. F. Inaugural Dissertation to the Philosophical Faculty of the University of G6ttingen. (Miscellaneous Chemical Researches.) Pamphlet, 8vo. 52 pp. Albany, 1857. Davy Sir Humphrey. The Collected Works. 6 vols. 8vo. LondcI, 1839, 1840. Vol. I. Life of Sir H. Davy. 475 pp. Vol. II. Early Miscellaneous Papers, from 1799-1805. 466 pp. Vol. III. Researches on Nitrous Oxide, &c. 342 pp. Vol. IV. Elements of Chemical Philosophy. 376 pp. Vol. V. Bakerian Lectures and Miscellaneous papers, from 1806-1815. 527 pp. Vol. VI. Researches on the Safety Lamp, &c. 264 pp. Davy Edmund. On a new Gaseous Compound of Carbon and Iydrogen. Pamphlet, 4to. 11 pp. Dublin, 1838. Dumas. Traite de Chimie applique' aux Arts. 7 vols. 8vo. 689, 808, 784, 744, 819, 752, 716 pp. Paris, 1828-1844. Eliot Charles W. and Frank H. Storer. On the Impurities of Commercial Zinc, with special reference to the residue insoluble in dilute acids, to Sulphur and to Arsenic. Pamphlet, 39 pp. 1860. Fownes G. Manual of Elementary Chemistry. 8vo. 726 pp. 7th Edition. London, 1858. Gibbs Wolcott. Contribution to Chemistry from the Laboratory of the Lawrence Scientific School. 3 Pamphlets, 8vo. 14, 11, 9 pp. Am. Jour. Sci. May, 1864, January, 1865 and September, 1867. Gibbs Wolcott. Theory of the Polyacid Bases. Pamphlet, 8vo. 11 pp. Graham —Otto. Ausfiihrliches Lerhbuch der Chemie. 3 vols. 8vo. 936, 928, 981 pp. 3d Edition. Braunschweig, 1852-1854. Graham T. Elements of Inorganic Chemistry, including the applications of Science in the Arts. 8vo. 852 pp. 2d Edition. Philadelphia, 1858. Graham T. Researches on the Arseniates, Phosphates and Modifications of Phosphoric Acid. Pamphlet, 4to. 553, 284 pp. London, 1833. Gorup-Besanez Dr. Chemische Untersuchungen des Mineral Wassers zu Steben im Baierischen Voigtlande. Pamphlet, 4to. 31 pp. 1851. Johnston James F. The Chemistry of Common Life. 2 vols. 8vo, 291, 381 pp. New York, 1855. Johnston James F. Chemical Tables. Pamphlet, 4to. Edinburgh. 1836. 20. GENERAL CHEMISTRY. JOURNALS. Annales de Chimie. 1788 —1814. 48 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1790-1815. Annales de Chimie et de Physique, redigees par MM. Gay-Lussac et Arago. 1816-1867. 150 vols. 8vo. Paris. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin. 1868. 8vo. Berlin. Bulletin Mensuel de la Societe Chimique de Paris. From January 1867. 8vo. Paris. Chemical News. 1864, and July to December, 1867. 4to. London. Chemical News. (American Reprint.) From July, 1867. 4to. New York. Jahresbereit fiber die Fortschritte der Chemie und Vervandter Theile anderer Wissenschaften. From January, 1847. 8vo. Giessen. Liebig und Woehler. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie. From January, 1867. 8vo. Leipzig und Heidelberg. Poggendorff. Annalen der Physik und Chemie. From January, 1867. 8vo. Leipzig. Joy Charles A. On Glucinum and its Compounds. Pamphlet, 8vo. 11 pp. 1863. Joy Charles A. Chemistry-an Inaugural Address. Pamphlet, 8vo. 25 pp. New York, 1858. Joy Charles A. Miscellaneous Chemical Researches. Pamphlet, 8vo. 49 pp. G6ttingen, 1853. Julien Alexis. A. On Metabrushite, Zeugite, Ornithite, and other minerals of the Key of Sombrero. Pamphlet, 8vo. 15 pp. New York, 1855. Lagrange. Manual of a Course of Chemistry,,2 vols. 8vo. 448, 457 pp. London, 1800. Lavoisier. Traite Ilegmentaire de Chimie. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. 327, 322 pp. 2d Edition. Paris, 1793. Lavoisier. Elements of Chemistry in a new systematic order, &c. -:2 vols. in one. 8vo. 354, 242 pp. New York, 1806. Leibig v. Poggendorff und Wdhler. Handwdrterbuch der reinen und angewandten Chemie. 9 vols. (vol. 2 in 3 divisions), 8vo. Braunschweig, 1857-1864. Miller W. A. Elements of Chemistry. Parts II and III. 1st Edition. 8vo. 1162, 852 pp. London, 1856, 1857. Neumann Caspar, M. D. The Chemical Works of. 2 vols. 8vo. 439, 458 pp. London, 1773. Orfila M. Ele'ments de Chimie applique'e a la Medicine et aux Arts. 2 vols. 8vo. 754, 744 pp. Fifth Edition. Paris, 1831. Rammelsburg. Lehrbuch der Stochiometrie. 8vo. 386 pp. Berlin, 1842. GENERAL CHEMISTRY. 21 Regnault M. V. Cours llelmentaire de Chimie. 4 vols. in 2. 8vo. 407, 401, 460, 543 pp. 3d Edition. Paris, 1851. Regnault Victor und Adolph Strecker. Lehrbuch der Chemie. 12mo. 432 pp. Braunschweig, 1866. Reichardt Dr. E. Die Chemischen Verbindungen der anorganischen Chemie. 8vo. 325 pp. Erlangen, 1858. Reid D. B. Elements of Chemistry. 8vo. 905 pp.- Edinburgh, 1839. Report of the Analysis of the W'aters of Chechunk Spring, in the Town of Goshen. Pamphlet, 8vo. 24 pp. Goshen, 1820. Scheele Charles W. Chemical Essays of 1786. 8vo. 406 pp. London. Schumann G. D: Chemisches Laboratorium. 8vo. 355 pp. IV P1. Esslingen, 1857. Stammer Dr. Carl. Chemisches Laboratorium. Anleitung zum Selbstunterrichte in der Chemie. 8vo. 609 pp. Giessen, 1856. Storer F. H. First Outline of a Dictionary of solubilities of Chemical Substances. 8vo. 713 pp. Cambridge, 1864. Thomson Thomas. System of Chemistry of Inorganic Bodies. 2 vols. 8vo. 742, 944 pp. 7th Edition. London, 1831. Thomson Thomas. On some of the Compounds of Chromium. Pamphlet, 4to. 74 pp. London, 1827. Thomson Thomas. Some Experiments on Gold. Pamphlet, 4to. 11 pp. Edinburgh, 1827. Thomson Thomas. On a new Combustible Gas. Pamphlet, 4to. 8 pp. Edinburgh, 1827. Vanuxem Lardner. An Essay on the ultimate principles of Chemistry, Natural Philosophy and Physiology. 8vo. 91 pp. Philadelphia, 1827. Warren C. M., and F. H. Storer. Researches on the Volatile Hydro — carbons. 2 parts, 4to. Cambridge, 1866. I. Naphtha from Lime Soap. 31 pp. II. Naphtha from Rangoon Petroleum. 9 pp. Watts Henry. Dictionary of Chemistry. 5 vols. 8vo. 1137, 985, 1096, 806, 1120 pp. London, 1863. Wells. Principles and Applications of Chemistry. 8vo. 515 pp. 6th. Edition. New York, 1863. Williams C. Greville. Handbook of Chemical Manipulation. 8vo. 580 pp. London, 1857. Wood Dr. G. B., and Franklin Bache, M. D. The Dispensatory of the U. S. of America. 8vo. 1704 pp. i2th Edition. Philadelphia, 1865 Zuehold E. A. Bibliotheca Chemica. 8vo. 342 pp. Gdttingen, 18~9. ADDENDA. Bloomstrand C. W. Die Chemie der Jetztzeit.. 8vo. 417 pp1 Heidelberg, 1869. 2 22 GENERAL CHEMISTRY. Gmelin Leopold. Handbook of Chemistry. 8vo. 17 vols. London. 1848-1866. Hoefer Ferdinand. Histoire de la Chimie. 8vo. 2 vols. 510, 518 pp. Paris, 1842,'43, Hollmann P. J. Memoire sur l'Equivalent calorifique de l'Ozone. 4to. 78 pp. Utrecht, 1868. Hunt T. Sterry. Bitumens and Pyroschists. Am. J. Sci. March, 1863. Pamphlet, 8vo. 15 pp. Hunt T. Sterry. Contributions to the Chemistry of Natural Waters, 8vo. Pamphlet. 54 pp. 1865. Hunt T. Sterry. Contributions to the Chemistry of Salts of Lime and Magnesia. 8vo. Pamphlet. 18 pp. 1860. Hunt T. Sterry. Note sur les sources acides et les Gypses du Haut Canada. Pamphlet, 4to. 4 pp. 1855. Hunt T. Sterry. On the theory of types in Chemistry. Am. J. Sci. March, 1863. Pamphlet, 8vo. 8 pp. Hunt T. Sterry. Recherches sur les Eaux Minerales du Canada. Pamphlet, 4to. 5 pp. 1855. Hunt T. Sterry. Stir les Volumes Atomiques. Pamphlet, 4to. 5 pp. 1855. JOURNALS. American Journal of Science. 1818 to date. 8vo. New York and New Haven. Berzelius Jacob. Jahresberichte fiber die Fortschritte der physischen Wissenschaften. 8vo. 30 vols. Tfibingen, 1822-1851. British Association for the Advancement of Science Reports. From January, 1831. 36 vols. 8vo. London. Chemisch-Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt. Leipsig, 1830 to date, weekly. Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences. 1843-1864.. 43 vols. 4to. Paris. Journal of the Chemical Society., 8vo. London, 1847, to date, monthly. Memoirs and Proceedings of the Chemical Society. 8vo. London, 1841-1847. Philosophical Magazine and Journal. By Alex. Tilloch. 1798-1816. 47 vols. 8vo. London. Quarterly Journal of Science. From January 1867. 8vo. London. The Chemical Gazette. Francis & Croft. Svo. 17 vols. London, 1842-1859. 23 ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. Joy Charles A. Miscellaneous Chemical Researches. Inaugural Dissertation. Pamphlet, 8vo. 49 pp. Gottingen, 1853. Liebig Justus. Chimie Organique applique'e a la Physiologie vegetale et a l'agriculture, suivie d' un essai de Toxicologie par C. Gerhardt. 8vo. 392 pp. Paris, 1841. Liebig Justus. Trait6 de Chimie Organique. Publiee par C. Gerhardt. 4 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1841-1844. Raspail F. V. Nouveau systeme de Chimie Organique. 8vo. 576 pp. Paris, 1833. Wetherill Chas. M. On Adipocere and its Formation. Extract from Transactions Am. Phil. Soc. Pamphlet, 4to. 5 pp. Philadelphia, 1855. Wetherill Chas. M. On the Neutral Sulphate of the Oxide of Ethyle. Extract from Trans. Am. Phil. Soc. Pamphlet, 4to. 5 pp. Philadelphia, 1848. 24 ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. Bolley and Paul. Manual of Technical Analysis. 8vo. 426 pp. London, 1857. Bowman John E. An Introduction to Practical Chemistry, including Analysis. 8vo. 333 pp. 3d Am. Edition. Philadelphia, 1864. Brewster and Gladstone. On the lines of the Solar Spectrum. 4to. London, 1860. Bunsen and Roscoe. Photo-Chemical Researches. 4to. London. 1857, Bunsen Robert. Gasometry. 8vo. 298 pp. London, 1857. Claus Dr. C. Methodische Reactions-tabellen behufs Chemischer qualitativ- analytischer Untersuchungen zum Gebrauch fur Mediciner und Pharmaceuten. Pamphlet, 4to. Davy Edmund. On a simple electro-chemical method of ascertaining the presence of different Metals. Pamphlet, 17 pp. Phil. Trans. London, 1831. Fresenius Dr. C. R. Quantitative Chemical Analysis. 2d Ed. 8vo. 624 pp. London, 1854. Fresenius Dr. C. R. A system of Instruction in Qualitative Chemical Analysis. 8vo. 310 pp. 4th Edition. London, 1855. Gerhardt Ch. et G. Chancel. Precis d' Analyse Chimique Quantitative. 8vo. 692 pp. Paris, 1864. Gerhardt Ch. et G. Chancel. Precis d' Analyse Chimique Qualitative. 8vo. 699 pp. Paris, 1867. Gibbs Wolcott. Contributions to Analytical Chemistry. Pamphlet 8vo. 6 pp. Am. Jour. Sci. September, 1852. No. 2. 9 pp. Jan. 1865. Gorup-Besanez E. Anleitung zur qualitativen und quantitativen, zoochemischen Analyse. 8vo. 420 pp. Niirnberg, 1854. Hampe Dr. W. Tafeln zur qualitativen chemischen Analyse. 8vo. Clausthal, 1868. Kirchhoff G. Untersuchungen iiber das Sonnenspectrum und die Spectren der Chemischen Elemente. 2 vols. 4to. Erster Theil, 43 pp. Zweiter Theil, 16 pp. Berlin, 1863-1866. Mohr Dr. Friedrich. Lehrbuch der Chemisch Analytischen. Titrir Methode. 2 vols. 8vo. 390, 270 pp. Braunschweig, 1855, 1856. ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. 25 Normandy A. Handbook of Commercial Analysis. 2d Ed. 8vo. 640 pp. London, 1865. Petersen Dr. Theodor. Die Chemische Analyse. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1863. Vol. I. Die Qualitative Analyse. 270 pp. Vol. II. Die Quantitative Analyse. 270 pp. Rammelsberg. Leitfaden ffir die Qualitative Chemische Analyse. 8vo. 151 pp. 4th Edition. Berlin, 1867. Rammelsberg. Leitfaden ffir die Quantitative Chemische Analyse. 8vo. 322 pp. 2d Edition. Berlin, 1863. Rammelsberg. Anfangs-griinde der Quantitativen Mineralogischanalytischen Chemie. Rivancourt M. de. ile6ments de Chimie Docimastique. 8vo. 317 pp. Paris, 1786. Rose Henri. Traite pratique d'Analyse Chimique. Traduit de l'Allemand par Jourdan. 2 vols. 8vo. 664, 792 pp. 4th Edition, Paris, 1843. Rose Heinrich. Handbuch der Analytischen Chemie. Leipzig, 1867. 6th Ed. Vol. 1. Qualitative Analyse. Vol. 2. Quantitative Analyse. Slater J. W. Handbook of Chemical Analysis for practical men. 8vo. 348 pp. 2d Edition. London, 1861. Spencer W. H. Elements of Qualitative Chemical Analysis.: 4to. 94 pp. London, 1866. Stahl Leopold. Allgemeiner Gang der Qualitativen Chemischen Analyse. 8vo. 93 pp. Berlin, 1862. Wanklyn & Chapman. Water Analysis. 8vo. 103 pp. London, 1868. Wicke Dr. Wilhelm. Anleitung zur Chemischen Analyse. 8vo. 467 pp. Braunschweig, 1857. Will Dr. Heinrich. Anleitung zur Chemischen Analyse. 8vo. 314 pp. 4to auflage. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1857. Will Dr. Heinrich. Tafeln zur Qualitativen Chemischen Analyse. 8vo. 4th Edition. Leipzig und Heidelberg, 1857. Zeitschrift ffir Analyt. Chemie. Herausgegeben von Dr. C. R. Fresenius. Quarterly, from January 1862. 8vo. Wiesbaden. Anderson Thomas. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. 8vo. 299 pp. Edinburgh, 1860. Davy, Sir Humphrey. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry, with a Treatise on Soils and Manures. 8vo. 396 pp. Philadelphia, 1821. Davy, Sir Humphrey. Elements of Agricultural Chemistry. Vols. VII and VIII of Complete Works. 8vo. 391, 365 pp. London, 1840. Dumas & Bussingault. The Chemical and Physiological Balance of Organic Nature. 12mo. 156 pp. London, 1844. EmmonsEbenezer, M.D. Agriculture of New York. (Nat. Hist. ofN. Y. Part V.) 5 vols. 4to. with Vol. of Plates. Albany, 1846-1854. Johnston J. F. W. Lectures on the Applications of Chemistry and Geology to Agriculture. 8vo. 708 pp. 5th Edition, New York, 1849. Johnson Samuel W. How Crops Grow. 8vo. 394 pp. New York. 1868. JOURNALS. Department of Agriculture. Monthly Reports for 1867 and 1868. 8vo. Washington. N. Y. State Agricultural Society Journal. 1865 and 1866. 8vo. Albany. Revue Agricole: published by J. Perrault 1863-1864. 8vo. Montreal. Normandy A. Farmers' Manual of Agricultural Chemistry, with instructions respecting the diseases of Cereals. 8vo. 218 pp. London. 1853. Schulz-Fleeth. Dr. C. Der Rationelle Ackerbau. 8vo. 455 pp. Berlin, 1856. Yale Agricultural Lectures. 8vo. 186 pp. New York, 1860. Bowman John E. Practical Handbook of Medical Chemistry. Edited by C. L. Bloxam. 8vo. 351 pp. 3d Am. from 4th London Ed. Philadelphia, 1863. Carpenter. Principles of Comparative Physiology. New Am. from 4th London Ed. 8vo. 752 pp. Gorup.Besanez E. Anleitung zur qualitativen und quantitativen zoochemischen Analyse. 8vo. 420 pp. Niirnberg, 1854. J OURNALS. Annalen der Pharmacie. 1832-1840. 8vo. Leipzig und Heidelberg. Annalen der Chemie und Pharmacie, Liebig und W6ohler. 1840 to date. 8vo. Leipzig und Heidelberg. Archiv fiir Mikroscopische Anatomie. Herausgegeben von Max Schultze. 1865-1867. Berlin, 1840. Chemlisches-Pharmaceutischles Central-Blatt. 1830 to date. 8vo. Leipzig. Hiagazin ffir Pharmacie. Von Dr. P. L. Geiger. 5 vols. 8vo. Heidelberg. 1830, 1831. Kleneke. Die Nahrungs mittelfrage in Deutschland, 12mo. 173 pp. Leipzig, 1855. Kletzinsky Vincenz. Compendium der Biochemie. 8vo. 223 pp. with Appendix on Synthetische Biochemie, 84 pp. Wien, 1858. Liebig Justus. Animal Chemistry. Edited by G. W. Gregory. 8vo. 356 pp. New York, 1842. Lehmann C. G. Physiological Chemistry. 2 vols. 8vo. Philadelphia, 1855. Mlarcet W. On the immediate Principles of Human Excrements in the healthy state. Pamphlet, 4to. 9 pp. Phil. Trans. London, 1857. Otto Dr. Fr. Julius. Anleitung zur Ausmittelung der Gifte. 8vo. 111 pp. 2te auf. Braunschweig, 1856. Reich Eduard. Medicinische Chemie. 2 vols. 8vo. 314, 465 pp. Erlangen, 1858. Taylor A:. S. Poisons in relation to Medical Jurisprudence. 2d Ed. 8vo. 755 pp. Philadelphia, 1859. Wormley. Treatise on Poisons. 8vo. 720 pp. New York, 1867. 28 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. Accum Friederich. Practical Treatise on Gaslight. 8vo. 190 pp. 4th Edition, London, 1818. Beil J. A. Technologisches Wbrterbuch der Deutschen, Franzisischen und Englischen Sprache. 8vo. 678 pp. Wiesbaden, 1853. Bertholet. Elements de I'art de la Teinture. 2 vols. 8vo. 311, 365 pp. Paris, 1791. Bishop J. Leander. Iistory of American Manufactures from 1608 to 1860. 3 vols. 8vo. 642, 617, 437 pp. Philadelphia, 1866. Bleaching, Dyeing and Calico Printing, Abridgements of Specifications of Patents relating to. 8vo. 770 pp. London, 1859. Bowditch Rev. W. R. The Analysis, Technical Valuation, Purification and Use of Coal Gas. 8vo. 300 pp. London, 1867. Brande W. T. Lectures on the Arts connected with Organic Chemistry. 8vo. 382 pp. London, 1854. Chaptal J. A. Chimie applique' aux Arts. 4 vols. 8vo. 282, 544, 534, 554 pp. Paris, 1807. Chandler C. F. Report on Water for Locomotives and Boiler Incrustations. Pamphlet. 8vo. 25 pp. New York, 1865. Chandler C. F. Dangerous Kerosene, a Report to the Metropolitan Board of Health. 8vo. -8 pp. New York, 1868. Clegg Samuel, Jr. Treatise on Coal Gas. 5th Ed. 4to. 411 pp. London, 1868. Colburn Zerah. The Gas Works of London. 8vo. 86 pp. New York, 1868. Drain Tiles and Pipes, Abridgements of Specifications of Patents relating to. 8vo. 50 pp. London, 1857. Dyeing and Calico Printing. 8vo. 704 pp..New York, 1860. Exposition Universelle de 1867 a Paris. Rapports du Jury international. Publies sous la direction de Michel Chevalier. 8vo. 13 vols. Paris, 1868. Fontenelle -J. Handbuch der Oelfabrication und Oelreinigung, umgearbeitet von E. Schreiber. 8vo. 267 pp. 3d Edition. Weimar, 1853. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. 29 Food, Preservation of, Abridgements of Specifications of Patents relating to. 8vo. 46 pp. London, 1857. Franke Dr. Technological Dictionary. English, German and French. 8vo. 616 pp. New York, 1855. Fuel, Preparation and Combustion of, Abridgements of Specifications of Patents relating to. 8vo. 1401 pp. London, 1867. Gas, the Production and Applications of, Abridgements of Specifications of Patents relating to. 8vo. 584 pp. London, 1860. Gesner A. Treatise on Coal, Petroleum and other Distilled Oils. 2d Ed. 8vo. 181 pp. New York, 1865. Hardwieh T. F. Manual of Photographic Chemistry. 7th Ed. 8vo. 593 pp. London, 1864. Hassall A. I1. Food and its Adulterations. 8vo. 659 pp. London, 1855. Hughes Samuel. Treatise on Gas Works. 8vo. 336 pp. London,1866. India Rubber and Gutta Percha, including air, fire and water proofing, abridgements of Specifications of Patents relating to. 8vo. 704 pp. London, 1859. JOURNALS. American Gaslight Journal, from July, 1866. 4to. New York. Annual of Scientific Discovery. From January 1850 to date. 18 vols. 8vo. Boston. Chemisch Technischen Mittheilungen des Jahres 1865, 1866 and 1867. Dr. L. Elsner. 2 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1867, 1868. Cheiniseh-Pharmaceutisches Central-Blatt. 1830 to date:'Weekly. Leipzig. Jahresbericht fiber die Fortschritte und Leistungen der Chemischen Technologie und Technischen Chemie. Prof. J. R. Wagner. 1855 to date. Journal ffir Praktische Chemie. From Jan. 1, 1867. 8vo. Leipzig. Journal of Applied Chemistry. Monthly. New York. Journal of Gas Lighting, Water Supply and Sanitary Improvement. Semi-monthly. London. Journal of the Franklin Institute. From Januarv 1867 to date. Monthly. Philadelphia. Le Technologiste, ou Archives des progre's de l' Industrie. Monthly. Paris. Polytechnisches Central-Blatt. 1857 to date. 4to. Leipzig. Polytechnisches Journal. Herausgegeben Drs. J. G. and E. M. Dingler. 1820 to date, complete. 8vo. Augsburg und Stuttgart. 30 CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. The Chemical News. From 1859-1867. Weekly. London. From 1867 to date. Monthly. New York. The Manufacturer and Builder. Monthly. New York. The Scientiffc American. Weekly. 4to. New York. Zeitschrift ffir das Berg- Hiitten- und Salinen-Wesen in dem Preussischen Staate. Berlin. Klencke. Die Nahrungsmittelfrage in Deutschland. 8vo. 173 pp. Leipzig, 1855. Knapp. Chemical Technology. Edited by Ronalds, Richardson and Watts. 3 vols. 8vo. 2d Edition. London, 1848-1865. Vol. I. Parts 1 and 2. Fuel, Destructive Distillation and Artificial Illumination. 836 pp. 1855. Part 3. Acids, Alkalies, Salts, Soaps, &c. 771 pp. 1863: Part 4. Aluminum, Sodium, Soda, Phosphorus, Matches, Borax, Artificial Mineral Waters, Gunpowder, Gun Cotton, Fireworks &c. 611 pp. 1865. Part 5. Prussiate of Potash, Oxalic, Tartaric and Citric Acids, Appendix, Patents, etc. 894 pp. 1867. Vol. II. Glass, Alum, Potteries, Cements, Gypsum, &c. 491 pp. 1848. Vol. III. Food. 458 pp. 1851. Knapp. Chemical Technology. Edited by Ronalds and Richardson. 2 vols. 8vo. 504, 432 pp. 1st Am. Ed. Philadelphia, 1848. Le Blanc. Nouveau Systeme complet de filature de Coton usite' en Angleterre. 4to. 156 pp. Paris, 1828. Leng, Dr. Heinrich. Handbuch der Glasfabrication. 8vo. 740 pp. 3d Edition. Weimar, 1854. Manure, Abridgements of Specifications of Patents relating to. 8vo. 55 pp. London, 1857. Rlitchell John. Treatise on the Falsifications of Food. 12mo. 334 pp. London, 1848. Mordecai Capt. Alfred. Experiments on Gunpowder. 8vo. 328 pp. Washington, 1844. Muspratt Dr. Sheridan. Handbuch der Technische Chemie. 2te auf. von F. Stohmann und Bruno Kerl. 4to. 4 vols. 1470, 1586, 1766 pp. Braunschweig. 1865-'68. lMuspratt, Dr. Sheridan. Chemistry applied to the Arts and Manufactures. 2 vols. 4to. 836, 1186 pp. Vol. 1. A to E. Vol. 2. E to Z. CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY. 31 Oils, Vegetable and Mineral, including Lubricants, Candles and Soap, Abridgements of Specifications of Patents relating to. 8vo. 668 pp. London, 1865. Paper, Pasteboard and Papier Mache, Abridgements of Specifications of Patents relating to. Parts 1 and 2. 8vo. 185 and 166 pp. London, 1858-59. Photography, Abridgements of Specifications of Patents relating to. Parts 1 and 2. 8vo. 165 and 141 pp. London, 1861-67. Pottery, Abridgements of Specifications of Patents relating to. 8vo. 179 pp. London, 1863. Processes of Manufacture and Uses of Printing, Gaslight, Pottery Glass and Iron, from the Encyclop. Brit. 8vo. 392 pp. New York, 1864. -Reimann M. Aniline and its Derivatives. 8vo. 164 pp. London, 1868. Schubath Dr. Repertorium der Technischen Literatur. Die Jahre 1823 bis 1853 umfassend. 8vo. 1049 pp. Berlin, 1856. Tschelnitz S. Farben C(hemie. 8vo. 302 pp. Wien, 1857. Ure Andrew M.D. A Dictionary of Arts, Manufactures and Mines. 2 vols. and Supplement. 8vo. 1118, 998, 1096 pp. New York, 1863, 1864. 32 METALLURGY. GENERAL METALLURGY, GOLD, SILVER, COPPER, ETC. Agricolte Georgii. De re metallica. Folio. 502 pp. Basilere, 1556. Agricole Georgii. De ortu et causis subterraneorum &c. Folio 827, p. III. Basileae, 1546. Bauerman Hilary. Descriptive Catalogue of the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical models in the Museum of Practical Geology. 8vo. 190 pp. London, 1865. Bibliotheca rerum metallicarum. 2 vols. 8vo. 164, 111 pp. Eisleben, 1864. Cambessy Alph. Dictionnaire Minier et Metallurgique AllemandFrancais. 16mo. 203 pp. Paris, 1868. Crookes & Roehrig. A Practical Treatise on Metallurgy. 2 vols. 8vo. 724 pp. - pp. London, 1868. Gaetzschmann M.F. Die Aufbereitung. 8vo. 718 pp. Leipzig, 1864. George Robert. Method of expelling sulphur from ores. Pamphlet, 18mo. 9 pp. Gibbs Wolcott. Researches on the Platinum Metals. 3 Pamphlets. 8vo. 2, 8, 20 pp. Am. Jour. Sci. 1860-1-2. Gruetzner, A. Die Augustin'sche Silber-Extraction in ihrer Anwendung auf Hiittenproducte u. Erze. Mit 4 Tafeln. 1851. Hartmann Carl. Das Kupfer und das Zink. 8vo. 328 pp. Weimar, 1863. JOURNALS. Annales des Mines. From January, 1867. 8vo. Paris. Berg- und Huettenmaennische Jahrbuch ffir das Jahr 1865. 8vo. Wien, 1866. Berg- und Huettenmaennische Zeitung. From January, 1867. Karsten. Archive fir Bergbau und liiittenwesen. 20 vols. 8vo. Breslau u. Berlin, 1818-1831. Oesterreiehische Zeitschrift ffir Berg- und Hiittenwesen. From January, 1867. 4to. Wien. METALLURGY. 33 Revue Universelle des Mines, de la Metallurgie, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. 1867. Paris. Zeitschrift fuir das Berg- Hitten- und Salinenewesen in dem Preussischen Staate. 1854-1867. 4to. Berlin. Kent. Gold Separator and Amalgamator. Pamphlet. 12mo. 24 pp. New York, 1863. Kent. Improved method of preparing ores. Pamphlet, 1864. Kerl Bruno. Handbuch der Metallurgisohen Hittenkunde. 4 vols. 8vo. 911, 848, 764, 615 pp. Preiberg, 1861, 1863. Leipzig, 1864, 1865. Kuestel Guido. Nevada and California processes of silver and gold extraction. 8vo. 327 pp. XI Plates. San Francisco, 1863. Kuestel Guido. Concentration and Chlorination. 1 vol. 8vo. 259 pp. VII Plates. San Francisco, 1868. Lamborn R. H. The Metallurgy of Copper. 8vo. 232 pp. London, 1860. Marshl. C. The gold of Nova Scotia. Pamphlet. 8vo. 7 pp. 1861. Metals and Alloys, (excepting iron and steel) abstracts of Specifications of Patents relating to. 8vo. 480 pp. London, 1861. Metals for Cannon. Reports of officers of the Ordnance Department of the U. S. Army. 4to. 428 pp. Philadelphia, 1856. Milling and Manufacturing Co. of Boston. Report of Consulting Engineer. Pamphlet, 8vo. 15 pp. Boston, 1866. Overmann F. A Treatise on Metallurgy. I vol. 8vo. 723 pp. New York, 1865. Pepper John Henry. The Playbook of Metals. 8vo. 504 pp. London, 1862. Percy Dr. J. Metallurgy. Fuel, Fireclays, Copper, Zinc, Brass, &c. 8vo. 634 pp. London, 1861. Percy Dr. J. Traite Complet de Metallurgie. Traduit sous les auspices de l'auteur, avec Introduction, Notes et Appendice par MM. Petitgand et A. Ronna. 5 vols. 8vo. 810, 610, 688, 675, 564 pp. Paris, 1864-1867. Phillips J. Arthur. Manual of Metallurgy. 8vo. 619 pp. London, 1859. Phillips J. Arthur. The mining and metallurgy of gold and silver. Royal 8vo. 532 pp. London, 1867. Philips and Darlington. Records of Mining and Metallurgy. 8vo. 304 pp. London, 1857. Piggot A. L. The Chemistry and Metallurgy of Copper. 8vo. 388 pp. PhiladelThia. 1858. 34 METALLURGY. Plating, or Coating Metals with Metals. Abstracts of Patents relating to. 8vo. Part 1. 198 pp. London, 1862. Part. 2 74 pp. 1867. Plattner Carl F. Vorlesungen fiber Allgemeine Hfittenkunde. 2 vols. in one. 8vo. 288, 367 pp. Freiberg, 1860-1863. Plattner Carl F. Die metallurgischen Roistprozesse theoretisch betrachtet. Mit in den Text eingedruckten Holzehn. 1856. Rammelsberg C. F. Lehrbuch der Chemischen Metallurgie. 8vo. 480 pp. 2d Edition. Berlin, 1865. Richardson W. The Chemical Principles of the Metallic Arts. 8vo. 303 pp. Birmingham, 1790. Rivot, M. L. E. Principes generaux du traitement des Minerais Metalliques. 2 vols. 8vo. 567, 766 pp. Paris, 1859. Rivot et Duchanoy. Voyage en Hongrie execute'en 1851. 8vo. 243 pp. Paris, 1853. Rodman Capt. T. J. Reports on Metals for Cannon, and Cannon Powder. 4to. 308 pp. Boston, 1861. Schaffner M. Method of smelting zinc ores. (Patent Office Specifications) Pamphlet, 8vo. 6 pp. 1859. Schinz C. Die Wfirme Messkunst. 2 vols. 8vo. and 4to vol. with XXXV Plates. Stuttgart, 1858. Scoffern, John and others. The useful metals and their alloys. 8vo. 654 pp. London, 1857. Silversmith Julius. A practical handbook for Miners, Metallurgists and Assayers. 8vo. 268 pp. New York, 1866. Vivian H. H. Method of obtaining Nickel and Cobalt. (Patent Office Specifications.) Pamphlet, 8vo. 6 pp. 1857. Von Rittenger Peter R. Taschenbuch der Aufbereitgngskunde. 18 mo. 95 pp. Berlin, 1867. Von Rittenger P. R. Lehrbuch der Aufbereitungskunde. 8vo. 595 pp. with 4to. Atlas. Berlin, 1867. Whitney J. D. The Metallic Wealth of the United States. 8vo. 510 pp. Philadelphia, 1854. Willard and Shaw. Improvements in the construction of lead pipe. Pamphlet. 8vo. 23 pp. New York, 1865. Williams C. W. Plates illustrative of the combustion of the Gaseous portion of coal. 4to. XIV Plates. Liverpool, 1841. Wurtz. Amalgamation Co. Statement of. Pamphlet, 8vo. 20 pp. New York, 1866. Wurtz Henry. On Sodium Amalgamation. Pamphlet, 8vo. 12 pp. New Haven, 1866. Zippe Dr. F. X. M. Geschichte der Metalle. 8vo. 364 pp. Wien. 1857. METALLURGY 35 IRON AND STEEL. Ansiaux L. et L. Maision. Traite pratique de la fabrication du fer et de l'acier puddle'. 8vo. 282 pp. XXVIII Plates. Paris, 1865. Bauerman. A treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron. 1 vol. 12vo. 399 pp. London, 1868. Cizancourt M. de. Etudes sur l'acier. 8vo. 85 pp. Paris, 1863. Clay Wm. Method of rolling iron and other metals. (Patent Office Specifications.) 8vo. 7 pp. 1857. Coste Leon et Auguste Perdonnet. Me[moires Metallurgiques sur le traitement des mine'rais de fer, d'e'tain et de plomb en Angleterre. 8vo. 415 pp. and 4to Atlas. Paris, 1830. Dessoye J. B. J. Guide de l'Emploi de l'acier. 8vo. 304 pp. Paris, 1863. Fairbairn Wm. Iron, its history, properties and processes of manufacture. 8vo. 293 pp. Edinburgh, 1865. Flachat E. J. Petiet et A. Barrault. Traite' de la Fabrication de la Forte et du Fer. 3 vols. et Planches. 4to. 442, 434, 563 pp. Paris, 1842-1844. Gruner et Lan. l]tat Present de la Metallurgie du fer en Angleterre. 8vo. 850 pp. Paris, 1862. Hartmann Dr. Carl. Practische Eisenhfittenkunde. 3 vols. 4to. 580 523, 508 pp. Weimar, 1852. Hauer J. v. Die Hfittenwesen-Maschinen. Mit Atlas von 26 Taf. in 4to. Wien, 1867. Hewitt A. S. Production of Iron and Steel in its economic and social relations. Pamphlet. 8vo. 104 pp. Washington,,1868. Iron and Steel. Abridgements of specifications of Patents relating to. 8vo. Parts 1, 2, 3, pp. 271, part 4, pp. 239. London, 1 858, 1867. JOURNALS. American Iron and Steel Association Bulletin. From January, 1867. 4to. Philadelphia. Bericht fiber die Fortschritte der Eisenhiitten-Technik im Jahren 1864, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866, 1867. The Iron Age. From May, 1867. 4to. New York. Jullien C. E. Traite' Th6orique et pratique de la Metallurgie du fer. 4to. 456 pp. et Planches. Paris, 1861. Kirkaldy David. Results of an experimental inquiry into the tensile strength and other properties of various kinds of wrought iron and steel. 8vo. 227 pp. London, 1866. 3 6 METALLURGY. Landrin. Traite de la Fonte du Fer. 1 vol. 8vo. 304 pp. Paris, 1864. Landrin. On Steel. 1 vol. 12 mo. 352 pp. Philadelphia, 1868. Lesley J. P. Iron Manufacturer's Guide. 8vo. 772 pp. New York, 1859. /l[emoire sur les ressorts en acier employes dans le materiel des Chemins du fer. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. 142, 64 pp. Paris. Mushet David. Papers on Iron and Steel. Royal 8vo. 925 pp. London, 1840. Patent Office Specifications. 8vo. London. Alger, Chas. C. Smelting Iron. 8 pp. 1858. Banks, S. M. ~ Manufacture of Iron. 3 1857. Bellford, A. E. L. Making wrought iron directly from the ore, and collecting or condensing oxides or other substances while deoxydizing iron or other ores. 32 1854. Barclay, Andrew Smelting Iron or other ores. 9 1856. Botfield, Thomas Manufacture of Iron. 4 1856. Clay, Wm. Rolling Iron and other Metals. 7- 1857. Crane, P. M. Manufacture of Iron. 6 1857. Dalton, Danl. Furnaces. 3 1855. Darby, C. E. Collecting the inflammable gases generated in Blast Furnaces. 3 1857. De Meckenheim, I. N. Manufacture of Iron. 12 1856. Detmold, J. A. Furnaces and Fireplaces. 9 1854. Gardner, Robt. Air Furnaces. 3 1856. Gibon & Fr6hlich Furnaces. 6 1856. Horton, D. & G. Puddling Furnaces. 6 1856. Houldsworth, H. Manufacture of Iron and other metals. 7 1857. Johnson, J. H. Machinery for the manufacture of sheet tin. 4 1859. Johnson, J. H. Furnace for the manufacture of Cast Steel. 10 1854. Jones, Joseph Furnaces used in the manufacture of Iron. 5 1857. Kevick, F. Jr. Hot Blast Stove. 5 1857. McCall, Robt. Manufacture of Iron and Steel. 5 1855. Onions, John Manufacture of Iron. 4 1857. Sanderson, Chas. Smelting Iron Ores. 8 1857. State, Archibald Blast Furnaces. 4 1859. Stenson, Joreph Manufacture of Iron, Improvement of Steam Boilers, &c. 8 1855. Taylor, Philip Manufacture of Iron. 4 1856. Thompson, B. Manufacture of Iron. 4 1857. METALLURGY 35 IRON AND STEEL. Ansiaux L. et L. Maision. Traite pratique de la fabrication du fer et de l'acier puddle'. 8vo. 282 pp. XXVIII Plates. Paris, 1865. Bauerman. A treatise on the Metallurgy of Iron. 1 vol. 12vo. 399 pp. London, 1868. Cizancourt M. de. Etudes sur lacier. 8vo. 85 pp. Paris, 1863. Clay Wm. Method of rolling iron and other metals. (Patent Office Specifications.) 8vo. 7 pp. 1857. Coste Leon et Auguste Perdonnet. Memoires Metallurgiques sur le traitement des minerais de fer, d'e'tain et de plomb en Angleterre. 8vo. 415 pp. and 4to Atlas. Paris, 1830. Dessoye J. B. J. Guide de l'Emploi de l'acier. 8vo. 304 pp. Paris, 1863. Fairbairn Wm. Iron, its history, properties and processes of manufacture. 8vo. 293 pp. Edinburgh, 1865. Flachat E. J. Petiet et A. Barrault. Traite de la Fabrication de la Forte et du Fer. 3 vols. et Planches. 4to. 442, 434, 563 pp. Paris, 1842-1844. Gruner et Lan.:etat Present de la Metallurgie du fer en Angleterre. 8vo. 850 pp. Paris, 1862. Hartmann Dr. Carl. Practische Eisenhiittenkunde. 3 vols. 4to. 580 523, 508 pp. Weimar, 1852. Hauer J. v. Die Hiittenwesen-Masclhinen. Mit Atlas von 26 Taf. in 4to. Wien, 1867. Hewitt A. S. Production of Iron and Steel in its economic and social relations. Pamphlet. 8vo. 104 pp. Washington,,1868. Iron and Steel. Abridgements of specifications of Patents relating to. 8vo. Parts 1, 2, 3, pp. 271, part 4, pp. 239. London, 1858, 1867. JOURNALS. American Iron and Steel Association Bulletin. From January, 1867. 4to. Philadelphia. Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Eisenhfitten-Technik im Jahren 1864, 1865. 2 vols. 8vo. Leipzig, 1866, 1867. The Iron Age. From May, 1867. 4to. New York. Jullien C. E. Traite The'orique et pratique de la Metallurgie du fer. 4to. 456 pp. et Planches. Paris, 1861. Kirkaldy David. Results of an experimental inquiry into the tensile strength and other properties of various kinds of wrought iron and steel. 8vo. 227 pp. London, 1866. 36 METALLURGY. Landrin. Traite de la Fonte du Fer. 1 vol. 8vo. 304 pp. Paris, 1864. Landrin. On Steel. 1 vol. 12 mo. 352 pp. Philadelphia, 1868. Lesley J. P. Iron Manufacturer's Guide. 8vo. 772 pp. New York, 1859. Mellmoire sur les ressorts en acier employes dans le mat6riel des Chemins du fer. 2 vols. in 1. 8vo. 142, 64 pp. Paris. iMushet David. Papers on Iron and Steel. Royal 8vo. 925 pp. London, 1840. Patent Office Specifications. 8vo. London. Alger, Chas. C. Smelting Iron. 8 pp. 1858. Banks, S. M. ~ Manufacture of Iron. 3 1857. Bellford, A. E. L. Making wrought iron directly from the ore, and collecting or condensing oxides or other substances while deoxydizing iron or other ores. 32 1854. Barclay, Andrew Smelting Iron or other ores. 9 1856. Botfield, Thomas Manufacture of Iron. 4 1856. Clay, Wm. Rolling Iron and other Metals. 7 1857. Crane, P. M. Manufacture of Iron. 6 1857. Dalton, Danl. Furnaces. 3 1855. Darby, C. E. Collecting the inflammable gases generated in Blast Furnaces. 3 1857. De Meckenheim, I. N. Manufacture of Iron. 12 1856. Detmold, J. A. Furnaces and Fireplaces. 9 1854. Gardner, Robt. Air Furnaces. 3 1856. Gibon & Fr6hlich Furnaces. 6 1856. Horton, D. & G. Puddling Furnaces. 6 1856. Houldsworth, H. Manufacture of Iron and other metals. 7 1857. Johnson, J. H. Machinery for the manufacture of sheet tin. 4 1859. Johnson, J. H. Furnace for the manufacture of Cast Steel. 10 1854. Jones, Joseph Furnaces used in the manufacture of Iron. 5 1857. Kevick, F. Jr. Hot Blast Stove. 5 1857. McCall, Robt. Manufacture of Iron and Steel. 5 1855. Onions, John Manufacture of Iron. 4 1857. Sanderson, Chas. Smelting Iron Ores. 8 1857. State, Archibald Blast Furnaces. 4 1859. Stenson, Joseph Manufacture of Iron, Improvement of Steam Boilers, &c. 8 1855. Taylor, Philip Manufacture of Iron. 4 1856. Thompson, B. Manufacture of Iron. 4 1857. METALLURGY. 37 Thomson, F. H. Manufacture of Iron. 5 1857. Warner, A. Manufacture of Iron. 3 1859. Wilkinson, John Manufacture of Iron. 2 1856. Yates, James Blast Furnaces. 10 1855. Percy Metallurgy. Iron and Steel. 8vo. 934 pp. London, 1864. Rachette Woldemar. Description of his Blast and Smelting Furnace. Pamphlet. 8vo. 9 pp. New York, 1864. Rogers S. B. Metallurgy of Iron. 8vo. 520 pp. 20 Plates. London. 1857. Truran W. The Iron Manufacture of Great Britain. 4to. 512 pp. 84 Plates. 2dEdition. London, 1862. Truran W. The Iron Manufacture of Great Britain. Royal 8vo. 306 pp. and LXXXIV Plates. 2d Edition. New York, 1863. 38 ASSAYING. Berthier M. P. Traite des essais par la voie seche. 2 vols. 8vo. 654 1008 pp. Paris, 1834. Bodemann Th., u. Bruno Kerl Anleitung zur Berg- und IHittenmannischen Probirkunst. 8vo. 580 pp. 2d Edition. Clausthal, 1857. Bodemann Th. and Bruno Kerl. Treatise on the Assaying of Lead, Copper, Silver, Gold and Mercury. Translated by W. A. Goodyear. 8vo. 214 pp. New York, 1865. Cramer John A, M. D. and Cromwell Mortimer, M. D. Elements of the art of assaying metals. 8vo. 462 pp. London, 1764. De Ribaucourt. hl6mens de Chimie docimastique. 8vo. 315 pp. Paris, 1786. Keri Bruno. Metallurgische Probirkunst. 8vo. 512 pp. Leipzig, 1866. lakin G. H. A Manual of Metallurgy. 1 vol. 8vo. 442 pp. Philadelphia, 1865. Mitchell John. Manual of Assaying. 3d Ed. 8vo. 697 pp. London, 1868. Mulder G. T. Die Silber Probir Methode. 8vo. 328 pp. Leipzig 1859.,Overmann F. Practical mineralogy, assaying and mining. 8vo. 230 pp. Philadelphia, 1863. Wauquelin. Manuel de l'essayeur. 4to. 80 pp. Paris, 1834. 39 CRYSTALLOGRAIPHY. Brooke Henry J. Familiar Introduction to Crystallography. 8vo 505 pp. London, 1823. Dewalque G-. Atlas de Cristallographie. 8vo. 16 pp. 18 Planches. Paris et Liege, 1862. Egleston T. Diagrams to illustrate the Lectures on Crystallography delivered at the School of Mines of Columbia College. Pamphlet 8vo. 10 pp. XXXVIII Plates. New York, 1866. Guembel W. Theodor. Die ffinf Wiirfelschnitte. Pamphlet. 4to. 19 pp. London, 1852. Rammelsberg C. F. Handbuch der KrystallographischerL Chemie. 8vo. 410 pp. with supplement, 227 pp. Berlin, 1855. Tennant and Mitchell. Mineralogy and Crystallography. 8vo. 587 pp. London, 1860. Von Lang Victor. Lehrbuch der Krystallographie. 358 pp. Wien 1866. Zepharovich Von. Krystallographisches Wand Tafeln. 4to. XI Plates. 1.865. 40 MINERALOGY. Beck Lewis C. Mineralogy of New York. (Nat. Hist. of New York. Part III.) 4to. 536 pp. Albany, 1842. Bergman Torbern. Manuel du Mineralogiste. 2 vols. 8vo. 479, 443 pp. Paris, 1792. Blomstrand C. W. Om Tantalmetallerna och deras nativa foreningar 4to. 2 parts, 98, 23 pp. Brard C. P. Mineralogie applique'eaux Arts. 3 vols. 8vo. 696, 491 524 pp. Paris, 1821. Brongniart. Traite ~ll6mentaire de Mineralogie. 2 vols. 8vo. 564 443 pp. Paris, 1807. Chandler C. F. Miscellaneous Chemical Researches. Inaugural Dissertation. Pamphlet. 8vo. 49 pp. Gottingen, 1856. Cleaveland Parker. An elementary Treatise on Mineralogy and Geology. 2 vols. 8vo. 480, 338 pp. 2d Edition. Boston, 1822. Dana J. D. Manual of Mineralogy. 8vo. 430pp. New Haven, 1848. Dana J. D. System of Mineralogy. 8vo. 633 pp. 2d Edition. New York, 1844. Dana J. D. System of Mineralogy. 8vo. 853 pp. 4th Edition. New York, 1858. Dana J. D. System of Mineralogy. 8vo. 5th Edition. New York, 1868. Delametherle J. C. Legons de Mineralogie. 2 vols. 8vo. 433, 629, pp. Paris, 1812. Dufrrnoy A. Traite' de Mine'ralogie. 5 vols. 8vo. 715, 683, 719, 770 pp. and vol. 5 with 60 pp. and CCXXXVI Plates. 2d Edition. Paris, 18561-859. Egleston T. A check list of the Silicates. Pamphlet. 8vo. 10 pp. New York, 1866. Egleston T. Tables for the determination of Minerals. Pamphlet. 2d. Edition. New York, 1868. Egleston T. A Catalogue of Minerals. Pamphlet. New York, 1866. Feuchtwanger Dr. Lewis. Report on Frye's Island (also called L'Etang Island) N. W. shore of the Bay of Fundy. Pamphlet. 8vo. 14 pp. Glocker Dr. E. F. Ueber einige Erscheinungen an Kalkspathformen. Pamphlet. 4to. 26 pp. Der Akademie idbergeben, 1851. MINERALOGY. 41 Glocker E. F. Ueber den Sulphatiscnen Eisensinter. Pamphlet. 4to. 28 pp. Der Akademie Eingegangen, 1856. Haidinger W. Mineralogical account of the ores of Manganese. 4to. 24 pp. and Edward Turner's examination of the oxides of Manganese. 4to. 32 pp. Edinburgh, 1827-28. Hauey C. Traite de Mineralogie. 5 vols. 4to. 332, 444, 418, 416 and LXXXVI Plates. Paris, 1801. Hitchcock Edward. Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany and Zoology of Mass. 8vo. 692 pp. Amherst, 1833. Johnston J. F. W. Description and Analysis of a variety of Hatchetine found in Urpeth Colliery, Newcastle. Pamphlet. 4to. 7pp. Joy O. A. Examination of American Blendes for Thallium and Indium. Pamphlet. 8vo. 4 pp. 1866. Joy Charles A. Miscellaneous Researches. Inaugural Dissertation. 8vo. 49 pp. G/ittingen, 1853. Joy C. A. Analysis of a Meteorite from Chili. Pamphlet. 8vo. 6 pp. New York, 1864. Joy C. A. Examination of a few American Minerals. Pamphlet. 8vo. 6 pp. New York, 1865. Keating W. H. Account of the Jeffersonite. Pamphlet. 8vo. 12 pp. Philadelphia, 1822. Kenngott Dr. Adolf. Die Mineral del Schweiz. 8vo. 460 pp. London, 1866. Kenngott Dr. Adolf. Uebersicht der Resultate Mineralogischer Forschungen in den Jahren 1844 to date. Kimball J. P. Our Mineral Interests. Pamphlet. 8vo. 42 pp. New York, 1867. Kirwan Richard. Elements of Mineralogy. 2 vols. 8vo. 510, 529 pp. London, 1794, 1796. Vol. I. Earths and Stones. Vol. II. Salts, Inflammables and Metallic Substances. Marsh O. C. Catalogue of Mineral Localities in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and New Foundland. Pamphlet. 8vo. 8 pp. 1863. Marsh O. C. Contributions to the Mineralogy of Nova Scotia. Pamphlet. 8vo. 108 pp. Wien, 1865. Millin Aubin Louis. Min6ralogie Homerique. 8vo. 118 pp. Paris, 1790. Monticelli T. Prodromo della Mineralogia Vesuviana. 8vo. 483 pp. Napoli, 1825. Moore N.F. Ancient Mineralogy. 12mo. 250 pp. 2d Edition. New York, 1859. 42 MINERALOGY. Naumann Dr. C. F. Elemente der Mineralogie. 6te auflage. 8vo. 500 pp. Leipzig, 1864. Naumann Dr. C. F. Elemente der Mineralogie. 7te Auflage. 8vo. 566 pp. Leipzig, 1868. Neues Jahrbuch ffir Mineralogie, Geologie und Paleontologie. From January, 1867. 8vo. Stuttgart. Nylander C. W. Bidrag till K/nnedomen on Zirkonjord. 4to.' 23 pp. Acta Universitatis Lundensis. 1865, 1866. Overmann F. Practical Milieralogy, Assaying and Mining. 8vo. 230 pp. Philadelphia, 1863. Partsch Paul. Katalog der Bibliothek des k.k. Hof-MineralienCabinets in Wien. 4to. 232 pp. Wien, 1851. Phillips Wm. Elementary Introduction to the Knowledge of Mineralogy. 8vo. 406 pp. 3d Edition. London, 1823. Pujoulx J. B. Mineralogie a l'usage des gens du monde. 8vo. 533 pp. Paris, 1813. Rammelsberg C. F. Handbuch der Mineral Chemie. 8vo. 1038 pp. Leipzig, 1860. Sage M. Elements de Mineralogie Docimastique. 8vo. 276 pp. Paris, 1772. Schrauf Dr. Albrecht. Physikalische Mineralogie. 2 vols. 8vo. Wien, 1866-'68. Smith J. L. Report on the Minerals and Mineral Waters of Chili. Pamphlet. 4to. 25 pp. Smyth W. W. Catalogue of the Mineral Collections in the Museum of Practical Geology. 8vo. 190 pp. London, 1864. State of Nevada. Annual Report of the State Mineralogist. Pamphlet. 8vo. 151 pp. Carson City, 1867. Tennant and Mitchell. Mineralogy and Crystallography. 8vo. 587 pp London, 1860. Thomson Thomas. Outlines of Mineralogy, Geology and Mineral Analysis. 2 vols. 8vo. 726, 566 pp. 7th Edition. London, 1836. Weisbach Albin. Tabellen zur Bestimmung der Mineralien. Pamphlet. 8vo. 113 pp. Leipzig, 1869. Wetherill C. M. A new variety of Asphalt. (Melan Asphalt.) Pamphlet. 4to. 6 pp. Philadelphia, 1852. Wetherill C. M. Chemical Examination of two Minerals from the neighborhood of Reading, Pennsylvania; and on the occurrence of gold in Penn. Pamphlet. 4to. 7 pp. Philadelphia. 43 DETERMINATIVE MINERALOGY AND BLOWPIPE ANALYSIS. Accum Frederick. Manual of Analytical Mineralogy. 2 vols. 8vo. 311, 248 pp. 2d Edition. London, 1808. Berzelius J. J. The use of the Blowpipe in Chemical Analysis. 8vo. 343 pp. London, 1822. Egleston T. Tables for the determination of Minerals. 2d Edition. New York, 1861. Fuchs Dr. C. W. C. Anleitung zum Bestimmen der Mineralien. 8vo. 144 pp. Heidelberg, 1868. Haidinger. Handbuch der Bestimmenden Mineralogie. 8vo. 630 pp. Wien, 1845. Plattner C. F. Probirkunst mit dem L6throhr. 4te Auf. 8vo. 680 pp. Leipzig, 1865. System of Instruction in the practical use of the Blowpipe. (Saunders.) 8vo. 269 pp. New York, 1858. 44 GEOLOGY & PAL2EONTOLOGY. Abhandlungen der k. k. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 3 vols. Folio. Wien, 1852. Adelberg and Raymond. Report of an Examination of the Lands, known as the Great Kanawha Property of West Virginia. Pamphlet. 8vo. 16 pp. New York, 1864. Agassiz L. Geological Sketches. 8vo. 311 pp. Boston, 1867. Agassiz L. Methods of Study in Natural History. 8vo.. 319 pp. Boston, 1866. Bauerman Hilary. Descriptive Catalogue of the Geological, Mining and Metallurgical models in the Museum of Practical Geology. 8vo. 199 pp. London, 1865. Bericht fiber die Thatigkeit der allgemeinen naturwissenschaftlichensektion der Schlesischen Gesellschaft, im Jahre 1869. Pamphlet, 4to. 16 pp. Bischofr G. Elements of Chemical and Physical Geology. 3 vols. 8vo. 455, 523, 566 pp. London, 1854-59. Bischoff G. Lehrbuch der Chemischen und Physikalischpn Geologie. 3 vols. 962, 865, 974 pp. Bonn, 1864-6. Booth J. C. Geological Survey of Delaware. 8vo. 188 pp. Dover. 1841. Breislak De Scipion. Atlas geologique, ou Vues d' Amas de Colonnes Basaltiques. 4to. LV Plates. Brongniart A. Tableau des Terrains qui Composent L'Ecorce du Globe, ou Essai sur la structure de la partie connue de la Terre. 8vo. 435 pp. Paris, 1829. Bronn H. G. and F. Roemer. Atlas zu H. G. Bronn's Lethaea Geognistica oder Abbildung und Beschreibung der fuir die Gebirgs-Formationen Bezeichnendsten Versteinerungen. 4to. LX Plates. Stuttgart. Browne J. Ross. Mineral Resources of the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains. 8vo. 321 pp. Washington, 1867. Browne J. Ross, and J. W. Taylor. Mineral Resources of the United States. 8vo. 360 pp. Washington, 1867. Browne J. W. and J. W. Taylor. Mineral Resources of U. S. 8vo. 746 pp. Washington, 1868. GEOLOGY AND PALAEONTOLOGY. 45 Catalogue of Official Reports upon Geological Surveys of the United States and British Provinces. Pamphlet. 8vo. 14 pp. Am. Jour. Sci. January, 1867. Coquand H. TraitA des Rochkes. 8vo. 423 pp. Paris, 1857. Cozzens Issachar. Geological History of Manhattan Island. 8vo. 114 pp. New York, 1843. Coal and Coal Pits of Great Britain. 12mo. 243 pp. London, 1855. Coast Survey U. S. Reports. Cuvier G. Recherches sur les Ossemens Fossiles. 10-vols. 8vo. and Atlas, 2 vols. 4to. 4th Edition, Paris, 1834-1836. Daddow S: H. and Bannan B. Coal, Iron and Oil, or the American Practical Miner. 8vo.'86 pp. Pottsville, Pa. 1866. Dana J. D. Manual of Geology. 8vo. 800 pp. Philadelphia, 1865. Dawson J. W. Acadian Geology. 8vo. 384 pp. London, 1855. Dawson J. W. Acadian Geology. The Geological Structure, Organic Remains and Mineral Resources of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward's Island. 8vo. 694 pp. London, 1868. Dawson Win. McD. Gold Mines of the Chaudiere in Lower Canada Pamphlet, 16 pp. New York, 1865. Dawson J. W. On the Structure of Certain Organic Remains in the Laurentian Limestones of Canada, with an additional note by W. B. Carpenter. Can. Nat. and Geol. 1859. Pamphlet. 8vo. 14 pp. Day E. C. H. On Raised Beaches etc., Geol. Mag. 1866. Pamphlet. 8vo. 11 pp. Day E. C. H. On the Middle and Upper Lias of the Dorsetshire Coast. Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. 1863. Pamphlet. 8vo. 19 pp. Deane J. Ichnographs from the Sandstone of Connecticut River. 4to. 61 pp. XLVI Plates. Boston, 1861. D' Halloy J. J.D. tle6ments de Geologie. 8vo. 742 pp. Paris, 1835. De la Beehe H. T. How to observe Geology. 8vo. 312 pp. 2d Edition. London, 1836. De la Beche H. T. Researches in Theoretical Geology. 8vo. 408 pp. London, 1834. Edited by Prof. Hitchcock with Preface and Notes. 8vo. 342 pp. New York, 1837. Deseription Geologique de la Partie du Sud des Montagnes de l'Ural, publiee par MM. Miglizty et Antipeff. St. Petersburg, 1858. D'Orbigny A. Cours ]le'mentaire de Paleontologie et de Geologie. 3 vols. 12mo. 299, 396, 451 pp. with 4to. vol. of Tables. Paris, 1849-1852. D'Orbigny A. Prodrome de Paleontologie. 3 vols. 12mo. 394, 427: 385 pp. Paris, 1852. 46 GEOLOGY AND PALzEONTOLOGY. Dufr enoy et Beaumont. Explication de la Carte Geologique de la France. 2 vols. 4to. 825, 813 pp. Paris, 1841, 1848. Eaton Amos. Index to the Geology of the Northern States. 12mo. 286 pp. 2d Edition. Troy, 1820. Emmons Ebenezer. Geology of New York. (Nat. Hist. of New York, Part IV.) Survey of the 2d Geological District. 4to. 434 pp. XVII Plates. Albany, 1842. Emmons Ebenezer. Geology of the Midland Counties of North Carolina. 8vo. 351 pp. with maps and Plates. New York, 1856. Emmons Ebenezer. Geology of the Eastern Counties' of North Carolina. 8vo. 314 pp. Raleigh, 1858. Emory Major W. H. Military Reconnoissance from Fort Leavenworth to San Diego, Cal. 8vo. 416 pp. Washington, 1848. Emory Major W. H. United States and Mexican Boundary Survey. 3 vols. 4to. Washington, 1856-9. FIguier L. The World before the Deluge. 8vo. 448 pp. New York, 1866. Forbes. Theory of Glaciers. 8vo. 278 pp. Edinburgh, 1859. Foster J. W. and J. D. Whitney. Geology and Topography of a Portion of the Lake Superior Land District. 2 Parts and 1 vol. maps. Washington, 1850. Part I. Copper Lands. 224 pp. with Maps and Illustrations. Part II. Iron Region and General Geology. 406 pp. XXXV Plates. Fremont J. C. Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the year 1842 and to Oregon and North California in the years 1843-4. 8vo. 693 pp. Washington, 1845. Gabb W. M. Geological Survey of California. Paleontology. Vol. II. 4to. 299 pp. 49 Plates. 1866-9. Gesner A. Gold Fields of Nova Scotia. Pamphlet. 8vo. 12 pp. New York, 1862. Gilliss Lieut. J. M. Supt. The U. S. Naval Astronomical Expedition. Vol. 1. Chile. 556 pp. Vol. II. Andes and Pampas. 300 pp. 4to. Washington, 1855. Glocker E. F. Ueber die Nordischen Geschiebe der Oderebene um Breslau. Pamphlet. 4to. 82 pp. Der Akademie Uebergeben, 1853. Gold. On the Natural dissemination of. Pamphlet. 8vo. 4 pp. Gould and Curry Silver Mining Company vs. North Potosi Gold and Silver Mining Company. Opinion of Referee. Pamphlet. 8vo. 12'pp. Virginia, N. T. 1864. Glenwood Col. George. Rain and Rivers, or Hutton and Playfair against Lyell and all comers. 8vo. 237 pp. London, 1866. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. 47 Gruner M. Etude des Bassins Iouillers de la Creuse. 4to. 204 pp. Paris, 1868. Gumbel Dr. On the Laurentian Rocks of Bavaria. Pamphlet. 21 pp. From the Canadian Naturalist.. Dec. 1866. Hall James. Geology of New York. (Nat. Hist. of New York, Part IV). Survey of the Fourth Geological District. 4to. 683 pp. XCIII Plates. Albany, 1843. Hall James and J. D. Whitney. Geological Survey of the State of Iowa. 2 vols. Royal Octavo. 1858. Vol. I. Part I. Geology. 472 pp. Vol. I. Part 2. Paleontology, 724 pp. XXIX Plates. Hall James and J. D. Whitney. Geological Survey of the State of Wisconsin. Royal 8vo. 455 pp. 1862. Hall James. Palkeontology of New York. (Nat. Hist. of New York. Part VI). 3 vols. 4to. Vol. I. Organic remains of Lower Division of New York System. 338 pp. LXXXV Plates. Vol. II. Organic remains of Middle Division of New York System. 362 pp. LXXXIV Plates. Vol. III. Part 1. Organic Remains of Lower Helderberg Group and Oriskany Sandstone. 532 pp. Vol. III. Part 2. Organic Remains of Lower Helderberg Group and Oriskany Sandstone. CXX Plates. Hilgard E. W. Geology and Agriculture of Mississippi. 8vo. 388 pp. Jackson, Miss. 1860. Hitchcock Edward. Geology of Massachusetts. 2 vols. 4to. Vol. 1. Economical and Scenographical Geology. 299 pp. XIV Plates. Vol. II. Scientific and Elementary Geology. 825 pp. XXXIX Plates. Hitchcock Edward. Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany and Zoology of Massachusetts. 8vo. 692 pp. Amherst, 1833. Hitchcock Edward. Plates illustrating the Geology and Scenery of Massachusetts. Pamphlet. 4to. XIX Plates. 1833. Hitchcock Edward. Outline of the Geology of the Globe, with maps &c. 8vo. 136 pp. Boston, 1856. Hitchcock Edward and Edward Hitchcock Jr., A. D. Hager and C. H. Hitchcock. Geology of Vermont. 2 v4ols. 4to. 558, 440 pp. XXXV1II Plates. Claremont, N. H. 1861. Hitchcock E. Ichnology'of New England. A Report on the Sandstone of the Connecticut Valley, especially its Fossil Footmarks. 4to. 220 pp. Boston, 1858. 48 GEOLOGY AND PALAEONTOLOGY. Holmes E. and C. H. Hitchcock. Nat. Hist. and Geology of the State of Maine. 8vo. 447 pp. 1863. Hunt Robt. Descriptive Guide to the Museum of Practical Geology. 8vo. 298 pp. 2d Edition. London, 1859. Hunt T. Sterry. Chemical Geology. Replies to the Criticisms of Mr. David Forbes. Pamphlet. 8vo. 81 pp. Montreal, 1867. Hunt T. Sterry. Contributions to Lithology. Pamphlet. 8vo. 51 pp.. Am. Jour. Sci. 1864. Hunt T. Sterry. Contributions to the Chemical and Geological History of Bitumens and of Pyroschists or Bituminous Shales. Am. Jour. Sci. March, 1863. Pamphlet. 8vo. 15 pp. Hunt T. Sterry. Contributions to the History of Lime and Magnesia Salts. Am. Jour. Sci. July, 1866. Pamphlet, 8vo. 19 pp. Hunt T. Sterry. On some Points in Chemical Geology. From the Canadian Naturalist. Dec. 1859. Pamphlet. 8vo. 15 pp. Hunt T Sterry. On the Chemical and Mineralogical Relations of Metamorphic Rocks. From Dublin Quart. Jour. Sci: July, 1863. Pamphlet. 8vo. 16 pp. Hunt T. Sterry. On the Chemistry of the Primeval Earth. Pamphlet. 8vo. 8 pp. 1867. Hunt T. Sterry. On the Theory of- Igneous Rocks and Volcanos. Pamphlet. 8vo. 8 pp. Montreal, 1858. Hunt T. Sterry. Researches on Gypsums and Magnesian Rocks. Pamphlet. 8vo. 37 pp. Am. Jour. Sci. Vol. XKVIII, 1859. Huxley T. H. Catalogue of the Collection of Fossils in the Museum of Practical Geology. 8vo. 381 pp. London, 1865. Hyne J. C. Report on the Coal Beds of the Pacific Coast Petroleum Company. Pamphlet. 8vo. 8 pp. New York, 1865. Ives Lieut. J. C. Report upon the Colorado River of the West. 4to. 364 pp. Washington, 1861. Jackson C. T. Final Report on the Geology and Mineralogy of the State of New Hampshire with Contributions towards the Improvement of Agriculture and Metallurgy. 4to. 376 pp. Concord, N. H. 1844. Jackson C. T. Report on the Geological and Agricultural Survey of the State of Rhode Island. 8vo. 312 pp. Providence, R. I. 1840. Jackson C. T. Second Anuual Report of the Geology of the Public Lands belonginfg to the States of Maine and Massachusetts. 8vo. 146 pp. Augusta, Me. 1838. Jackson C. T. Third Annual Report on the Geology of the State of Maine. 8vo. 830 pp. Augusta, Me.. 1839. Jackson Chas. T. XXIV Plates illustrating 1st Report upon the Geology of the State of Maine. 4to. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. 49 JOURNALS. Annales des Mines. Paris. Complete. Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis. 8vo. 176 pp. G6ttingen, 1853. Bulletin de la Societe Geologique de France. 1843-1867. 8vo. Paris. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. February and December, 1866, and May, 1867. 8vo. Montreal. Geological Magazine and Monthly Journal of Geology. From January, 1867. 8vo. London. Haidinger W. Berichte fiber die Mittheilungen von Freunden der Naturwissenschaften, in Wien. 7 vols. 8vo.: 1846'-18.51. Haidinger W. Naturwissenschaftliche Abhandlungen. 3 vols. 4to. 430, 462, 485 pp. XCIII Plates. Wien, 1847-1851. Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich-K6iniglichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt. 10 vols. royal 8vo. 1850, 1852, 1858-1867. Wien. Mining Gazetteer and Geological Magazine. 8vo. February, 1866. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Neues Jahrbueh ffir Mineralogie, Geologie und Pakeontologie. From January, 1867. 8vo. Stuttgart. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society. From January, 1867. 8vo. London. Verhandlungen der k. k. Geologischen Reichsanstalt. June and September, 1867. Royal 8vo. Wien. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Geologischen Gesellschaft. From January, 1867. 8vo. Berlin. Kimball J. P. Flora from the Apalachian Coal-Field. Inaugural dissertation for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Pamphlet. 8vo. 28 pp. with III Plates. G6ttingen, 1857. Kimball J. P. Notes on the Iron Ores of Marquette, Michigan. Extracts from a Report to the Iron Cliffs Mining Company. Pamphlet. 15 pp. 1864. Kimball J. P. On the Iron Ores of Marquette, Michigan. Am. Jour. Science. May, 1865. Pamphlet. 15 pp. Kimball J. P. Our Mineral Interests. Mem. Am. Bureau of Mines' Pamphlet. 8vo. 42 pp. Kimball J. P. Report' on Coal, Broad Top Steam Coal Company. Pamphlet. 8vo. 8 pp. New York, 1867. Kimball J. P. The Broad Top Steam Coal Company of Pennsylvania. Pamphlet. 4to. New York. Kitchell Wm. Geological Survey of New Jersey for 1855. 8vo. 248 pp. Trenton, 1856. Laur M. P. De la Production des Metaux Precieux en Californie. 8vo. 132 pp. Paris, 1862. 50 GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. Lesley J. P. Manual of Coal and its Topography. 8vo. 224 pp. Philadelphia, 1856. Les Mines d'or de la Nouvelle Ecosse. 1862-1866. Pamphlet. 8vo. 8 pp. Halifax, 1867. L' Exposition Universelle de 1867, Catalogue Descriptif de la Collections exposees par la Commission Geologique du Canada. Pamphlet. 8vo. 72 pp. Paris, 1867. Logan Sir W. E. Geological Survey of Canada, 1858. 8vo. 263 pp. Montreal, 1859. Logan Sir W. E. Geological Survey of Canada. 8vo. 983 pp. with 4to vol. of Maps. Montreal, 1863. Logan Sir W. E. Geological Survey of Canada, 1863-1866. 8vo. 321 pp. Ottawa, 1S66. Logan Sir W. E., and others. On the History of Eozooin Canadense. From Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc. of Lond. February, 1865. Pamphlet. 8vo. 39 pp. Lyell Sir Chas. Elements of Geology. 2 vols. 8vo. 437, 472 pp. Boston, 1841. Lyell Sir Chas. Principles of Geology. 3 vols. 8vo. 442, 479, 476 pp. Boston, 1842. Lyell Sir Chas. Principles of Geology. 8vo. 834 pp. New York, 1865. Lyell Sir Chas. Principles of Geology. 8vo. 834 pp. New York, 1868. Lyman B. S. Bourinot Coal Claims and Lands, Cape Breton. Pamphlet. 8vo. 17 pp. New York, 1865. Marcou Jules. Geological Map of the United States and British Provinces, N. A, 8vo. 92 pp. VIII Plates. Boston, 1853. Marcy R. B. Exploration of the Red River of Louisiana, in the year 1852, with Maps. 8vo. 320 pp. Washington, 1853. Marsh O.- C. Ancient Sepulchral Mound near Newark, Ohio. Pamphlet. 8vo. 11 pp. Am. Jour. Science. July, 1866. Marsh O. C. Remains of a new Enaliosaurian from the Coal formation of Nova Scotia. Pamphlet. 8vo. 16 pp. II Plates. London, 1862. Marsh O. C. New genus of fossil sponges from the Lower Silurian. Pamphlet. 1 p. Am. Jour. Science. July, 1867. Marsh O. C. The Gold of Nova Scotia. Am. Jour. Science. November, 1861. Pamphlet. 8vo. 7 pp. Mather Lieut. W. W. Notes on Surface Geology. (Lithographed Pamphlet.) 4to. 47 pp. Mather Lieut. W. W. Geology of New York. (Nat. Hist. of New York, Part IV.) First Geological District. 4to. 653 pp. XLVI Plates. Albany; 1843. GEOLOGY AND PALiEONTOLOGY. 5 Mather W. W. Second Annual Report on the Geological Survey of the State of Ohio. 8vo. 286 pp. Columbus, Ohio, 1838. Mitchell Elisha. Elements of Geology, with an Outline of the Geology of North Carolina. 8vo. 141 pp. 1842. Mllurchison Roderick I., E. de Verneuil and Count A. von Keyserling. Geology of Russia in Europe and the Ural Mountains. 2 vols.. 4to. London, 1845. Vol. I. Geology. 700 pp. VII Plates. Vol. II. Palkeontology. 512 pp. L Plates. Murchison R. I. Siluria. 8vo. 566 pp. XLI Plates. 4th Edition. London, 1867. Naumann Dr. C. F. Lehrbuch der Geognosie. 2 vols. 8vo. 960, 1093 pp. Leipzig, 1858. Nevada, Annual Report of the Surveyor General of the State of, for the years 1865, 1866. 2 pamphlets. 8vo. 83, 95 pp. Nevada. Report of State Mineralogist for 1866. Pamphlet. 8vo. 151 pp. Nevada. Silver Mines of. Pamphlet. 8vo. 76 pp. New York, 1864. Newberry J. S. American Fossil Fishes. Pamphlet. 8vo. 6 pp. Am. Jour. Sci. July, 1862. Newberry J. S. Description of Fossil Fishes from the Carboniferous Strata of Ohio. Pamphlet. 8vo. 5 pp. Acad. Nat Sci. April, 1856. Newberry J. S. Description of Fossil Plants collected by Geo. Gibbs on the N. W. Boundary Commission. Pamphlet. 8vo. 19 pp. Boston Jour. Nat. Hist. Vol. VII. No. 4. Cambridge, 1863. Newberry J. S. Description of Fossil Plants from the Chinese Coalbearing rocks. Pamphlet. 4to. 5 pp. and Plate. Philadelphia, 1865. Newberry J. S. Economical Geology of the Route of the Ashtabula and New Lisbon R. R. Pamphlet. 8vo. 47 pp. Cleveland, 0. 1857. Newberry J. S. Notes on the Surface Geology of the Basin of the Great Lakes. Pamphlet. 8vo. 7 pp. Proceedings of Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. Vol. IX. May, 1862. Boston, 1862. Newberry J. S. Oil Lands of Crocus Creek, Cumberland County, Ky. Pamphlet. 8vo. 12 pp. Cleveland, Ohio, 1865. Newberry J. S. Report on the Geology of N. California and Oregon, for Pacific R. R. Survey. 4to. 85 pp. Washington, 1856. Newberry J. S. The Rock Oils of Ohio. From Ohio Agricult. Rep. 1859. Pamphlet. 8vo. 16 pp. Owen D. D. Geological Survey of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota. 4to. 623 pp. with Atlas containing XXVII Plates, XVIII Maps and Profiles. Philadelphia, 1852. 52 GEOLOGY AND PALtEONTOLOGY. Owen D. D. Report of a Geological Reconnaissance of Northern Arkansas during 1857 and 1858. 8vo. 256 pp. Little Rock, 1858. Owen D. D. Geological Reconnaissance of Middle and Southern Arkansas, made in 1859 and 1860. 8vo. 433 pp. Philadelphia, 1860. Owen D. D. Fourth Report of the Geological Survey in Kentucky. Royal 8vo. 617 pp. Frankfort, Ky. 1861. P. R. R. Reports. Explorations and Surveys for a Railroad Route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean. U. S. Gov. 4to. 12 vols. Washington, 1855-60. Pander Dr. C. H. Ueber die Placodermen des Devonischen Systems. 4to. 106 pp. IX Plates. St. Petersburg, 1867. Pander Dr. C. H. Ueber die Saurodipterinen, Dendrodonten, Glyptolepiden und Cheirolepiden des Devonischen Systems. 4to. 89 pp. 17 Plates. St. Petersburg, 1860. Parkinson J. Introduction to the Study of Fossil Organic Remains. 8vo. 350 pp. London, 1830. Perry Commodore M. C. Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan. Vol. II. 414 pp. Washington, 1856. Phillips J. Geology of Yorkshire. Parts 1 and 2. 4to. London. 1835-6. Part I. The Yorkshire Coast. 184 pp. XXIV Plates. Part II. The Mountain Limestone District. 253 pp. XXV Plates. Ramsay A. C. Descriptive Catalogue of the Rock Specimens in the Museum of Practical Geology. 8vo. 291 pp. London, 1862. Rogers H. D. Description of the Geology of the State of New Jersey, being a final Report by. 8vo. 301 pp. Phila. 1840. Rogers H. D. Geology of Pennsylvania. 2 vols. 4to. 586, 1045 pp. with folio of VII Maps. New York, 1868. Romanowsky. Un Apercu des travaux geognostiques faites dans le bassin moyen des couches Carbonif6res de Russie. Pamphlet. 8vo. 18 pp. with Plates. St. Petersburg, 1863. Rosenberg J. O. Om Nitrosvafveljernf'reningarne. Pamphlet. 4to. 28 pp. Rossmassler E. A. Das Wasser. 8vo. 528 pp. Leipzig, 1858. Salt Company of Onondaga. Pamphlet. 8vo.; 50 pp. Syracuse, N. Y. 1867. Schooleraft. Lead Mines of Missouri, including Observations on the Geology &c. of Missouri and Arkansas. 8vo. 299 pp. New York, 1819. Sibley Hiram. Notes on the Megatherium Cuvieri presented to the University of Rochester. 4to. 34 pp. Rochester, 1864. GEOLOGY AND PALEONTOLOGY. 53 Silliman B. Jr. Petroleum in California. Report. Pamphlet. 8vo. 21 pp. New York, 1865. Silliman B. Jr. Report upon the Oil Property of the Pacific Coast Petroleum Company. Pamphlet. 8vo. 24 pp. New York, 1865. Silliman B. Jr. Report upon the Oil Property of the Philadelphia and California Petroleum Company. Pamphlet. 8vo. 36 pp. Phil. 1865. Stansbury Capt. 11. Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah. 8vo. 487 pp. Phil. 1852. State Cabinet of Natural History. 19th Annual Report. Pamphlet. 8vo. 80 pp. Albany, 1866. Swallow G. C. First and Second Annual Reports of the Geological Survey of Missouri. 8vo. 446 pp. Jefferson City, 1855. Taylor R. C. Statistics of Coal. 8vo. 640 pp. 2d Edition. Philadelphia, 1855. Taylor W. B. Communication from the State Engineer and Surveyor, transmitting a Special Report on Coal. 8vo. 94 pp. Albany, 1865. Torell 0. Om de Geologiska forskningarne i Norge., Pamphlet, 4to. 20 pp. Toernquist Sv. L. Om Figelsdngstraktens Undersiluriska. 4to. 24 pp. With Plates. Troost G. WM. D. and Safford J. M. Geological Survey of Tennessee. 5th, 8th, 9th Reports, and 1st, 2d Biennial Reports. 8vo. Nashville, Tenn. 1840-1857. Tuomey M. and Holmes F. S. Pleiocene Fossils of South Carolina. 152 pp. 30 Plates. Post Pleiocene Fossils. 64 pp. X Plates. 4to. Charleston, S. C. 1857. Tnomey M. Reports on the Geology of South Carolina. 4to. 293 pp. Columbia, S. C. 1848. Tuomey M. Second Biennial Report on the Geology of Alabama. 8vo. 292 pp. Montgomery, Ala. 1858. Van Renssellaer Jeremiah. Lectures on Geology. 8vo. 358 pp. New York, 1825. Vanuxem Lardner. Geology of New York. (Nat. Hist. of New York.) Third Geological District. 4to. 306 pp. Albany, 1842. Von Cotta Bernhard. Die Gesteinlehre. 8vo. 333 pp. Freiberg, 1862. Von Cotta B. Erzlagerstitten im Banat und im Serbien. Pamphlet. 8vo. 108 pp. Wien, 1865. Von Humboldt A. Essai Geognostique sur le Gisement des Roches dans les deux Hemisphe'res. 8vo. 379 pp. Paris, 1823. 4 54 GEOLOGY AND PALJEONTOLOGY. Von Mueller Baron J. W. Fragmentarische Mittheilungen fiber die in Afrika Gemachten Reisen. Pamphlet. 4to. 18 pp. Akademie Eingegangen, 1849. Wailes B. L. C. Report on the Agriculture and Geology of Mississippi. 8vo. 371 pp. 1854. Wallace Wm. Deposition of Lead Ore in Veins. 8vo. 258 pp. London, 1861. Ward. Cabinets of Mineralogy and Geology in the University of Rochester. Pamphlet. 8vo. 44 pp. Rochester, 1863. Warren J. C. Mastodon Giganteus of North America. 4to. 219 pp. XXVIII Plates. Boston, 1852. White Chas. A. First and Second Annual Reports of State Geologist of Iowa. 8vo. 279 pp. Des Moines, 1868. Vhitney J. D. Address to the Legislature of California concerning the Geological Survey of the State. Pamphlet. 8vo. 47 pp. San Francisco, 1861. Whitney J. P. Silver Mining Regions of Colorado. Pamphlet. 8vo. 107 pp. New.York, 1865. Williams J. J. The Isthmus of Tehuantepec, being the Results of a Survey for a Railroad to connect the Atlantic and Paclhic Oceans, made by the Scientific Commission under the direction of MajorJ. G. Barnard. 8vo. 295 pp. With vol. of Maps. New York, 1852. Winchell A. First Biennial Report of the Geological Survey of Michigan. 8vo. 339 pp. Lansing, 1861. Woodward S. P. Rudimentary Treatise on recent and fossil shells. 12mo. 486 pp. London, 1851-1856. WVorthen A. H. Directior, Assisted by Whitney J. D., Lesquereux L., Engelmann H. Geological Survey of Illinois. 2 vols, 4to. 504, 470 pp. 1866. Wurtz H. Report upon Grahamite. Pamphlet. 8vo. 25 pp. New York, 1865. Zirkel Dr. Ferdinand. Lehrbuch der Petrographie. 2 vols. 8vo. 607, 635 pp. Bonn, 1866. BOTANY AND ZOOLOGY. Bernstein Dr. H. A. Beitr/ige zur ndheren Kenntniss der Gattung Collocalia Gr. (Cypselus esculentus et nidificus). Pamphlet. 4to. 17 pp. Akademie Eingegangen, August, 1856. Carus Carl Gustav. Ueber altgriechische Schidel aus Gribern der verschwundenen alten Stadt Cum/i in Unter-Italien. Pamphlet. 4to. 11 pp. Akademie Eingegangen. July, 1856. Clark H. James. Spongike Ciliatae an Infusoria flagellata. Pamphlet. 4to. 36 pp. Cambridge, 1867. Couper Wm. Investigations of a Naturalist between Mingan and Watchicouti, Labrador. Pamphlet. 8vo. 14 pp. Quebec, 1868. Cuvier G. Le Regne Animal. 5 vols. 8vo. 584, 406, 504, 584, 556, pp. Paris, 1829. De Kay James E. Zoology of New York or the New York Fauna. (Nat. Hist. of New York, Part I.) 5 vols. 4to. Albany, 1842-1844. Vol. I. Introduction, 188 pp. Part I. Mammalia, 146 pp. XXXIII Plates. Vol. II. Part 2. Birds. 380 pp. CXLI Plates. Vol. III. Part 3. Reptilesa nd Amphibia. 98 pp. Part 4. Fishes, 415 pp. Vol. IV. Part 5. Mollusca, 271 pp. XL Plates. Part 6. Crustacea, 70 pp. XIII Plates. Vol. V. LXXIX Plates. Edwards M. Milne. Manual of Zoology. 8vo. 564 pp. 2d Edition, London, 1863. Hagen Hermann. Synopsis of the Neuroptera of North America, with a List of the South American Species. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. 8vo. 347 pp. Washington, 1861. Hitchcock Edward. Report on the Geology, Mineralogy, Botany and Zoology of Massachusetts. 8vo. 692 pp. Amherst, 1833. Jaeger Dr. Georg. Osteologische Bemerkungen. Pamphlet. 4to. 44 pp. Akademie Eingagangen, April, 1855. Leconte John L. Classification of the Coleoptera of North America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Pamphlet. 8vo. 208 pp. with Supplement including New Index, 70 pp. Washington, 1861. 56 BOTANY AND ZOOLOGY. Linnous C. Systema Vegetabilium. Edited by Curtis Sprengel. 4 vols. 8vo. 992, 939, 936, 1012 pp. 16th Edition, Gdttingen, 1825-1828. Loew HI. Monographs of the -Diptera of North America. Prepared for the Smithsonian Institution. Edited with additions by R. Osten Sacken. Pamphlet. 8vo. 221 pp. Washington, 1S62. Mayer Dr. Zur Anatomie des Rhinoceros Indicus. Pamphlet. 4to. 14 pp. Akademie Uebergeben, August, 1852. Melsheimer Friedrich Ernst. Catalogue of the described Coleoptera of the United States. Revised by S. S. Haldeman and J. L. Leconte Pamphlet. 8vo. 174 pp. Washington, 1853. Paine J. A. Catalogue of Plants found in Oneida County and vicinity. Pamphlet. 8vo. 140 pp. M3arch, 1865. Torrey John. Flora of the State of New Xork. (Nat. Hist. of New York, Part II.) 2 vols. 4to. Albany, 1843. Vol. I. 484 pp. LXX Plates. Vol. II. 572 pp. LXXXVII Plates. Von Wied Prinz Max. Ueber die Selbststhndigkeit der Species des Ursus ferox Desm. mit anatomischen Bemerkungen von Dr. C. Mayer. Pamphlet. 4to. 52 pp. Akademie Uebergeben, March, 1856. Zoology and Botany of Massachusetts. 2 vols. 8vo. Cambridge. 1840-1. MISCELLANEOUS. Ainsworth. Latin and English Dictionary.' Royal 8vo. 1332 pp. London, 1847. Annals of the Dudley Observatory. Vol. I. Introduction. Description of Buildings and Instruments and Appendix. 8vo. 319 pp. Albany, 1866. Anthon C. Classical Dictionary. 4to. 1449 pp. New York, 1855. Beil J. A. Technologisches W6rterbuch der Deutschen, Franzosischen und Englischen Sprache. 8vo. 678 pp. Wiesbaden, 1853. Bescherelle Al. Dictionnaire Universel de la Langue Francaise. 2 vols. 4to. 1319, 1683 pp. Paris, 1846-1847. Bishop J. L. A IHistory of American Manufactures from 1608 to 1860. 3 vols. 8vo. 642, 617, 437 pp. Phil. 1866. Carpenter Wm. B. Principles of Comparative Physiology. 8vo. 752 pp. Revised from the 4th London Edition. Philadelphia, 1854. Congres. International de Statistique. Compte-rendu general des travaux dans ses seances tenues a Bruxelles, 1853, Paris, 1855, Vienne, 1857 et Londres, 1860. Publiee sous la direction de 3M. le Dr. Engel. 4to. 273 pp. Berlin, 1863. Davy John. Life of Sir Iumphrey Davy, Bart. 8vo. 475 pp. London, 1839. Delafield Major R. Art of War in Europe in 1854-5-6. 4to. 287 pp. CLXXXVI Plates. Washington, 1860. Donnegan. Greek and English Lexicon. 8vo. 1413 pp. Philadelphia, 1844. Festschrift zum hundertfdhrigen Jubildum der Konigl. Sachs. Bergakadeinie zu Freiberg. 30 Juli, 1866. 8vo. 336 pp. Dresden. Flugel J. G. Dictionary. German and English. 2 vols. 4to. Franke Dr. Technological Dictionary. English, German, French. 8vo. 616 pp. New York, 1855. French Exposition of 1867. Official Correspondence on the Subject. Pamphlet. 4to. 43 pp. Washington, 1865. Homans J. Smith. A Cyclopedia of Commerce and Commercial Navigation. 8vo. 2007 pp. New York, 1858. 58 MISCELLANEOUS. Internationalen Statistischen Congresses in Berlin. Ver6ffentlicht von Dr. Engrel. 2 vols. 4to. 325, 799 pp. Berlin, 1865. Kennedy J. C. G. Supt. Preliminary Report of the Eighth Census. 1860. 8vo. 294 pp. Washington, 1862. L'Exposition de 1867. 4 vols.;in three. 8vo. 258, 235, 303 pp. with Plates. Paris, 1867. Exposition Universelle de 1867 a Paris. Rapports du Jury international. PublieS sous la direction de Michel Chevalier. 8vo. 13 vols. Paris, 1868. M'Culloch J. R. Universal Gazeteer. 4 vols. 8vo. 564, 584, 560, 549 pp. New York, 1843. Medical and Surgical History of the British Army which served in Turkey and the Crimea. 2 vols. folio. 557, 480 pp. London, 1358. Monthly Reports of the Director of the Bureau of Statistics, from September, 1867. 4to. Washington. Neuman and Baretti. Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages. 8vo. 1335 pp. Boston, 1852. Poggendorf J. C. Biographisch Literarisches Handw6rterbuch. 2 vols. 8vo. 1523, 1583 pp. Leipzig, 1858-1863. Report of Commissioners upon the Sanitary Condition of the British Army. Folio. 595 pp. London, 1858. Report of the Sanitary Commission dispatched to the Seat of War in the East in 1855. 8vo. 301 pp. London, 1857. Sanitary and Medical Reports of the Army for 1859. 8vo. 438 pp. London, 1861. Schultze Max. Archiv fuir Mikroskopische Anatomie. 4 vols. Svo. 450, 531, 508, 110 pp. Bonn, 1865-8. Spier and Surenne. French and English pronouncing Dictionary, revised by G. P. Quackenbos, A. M. 8vo. 1315 pp..New York, 1858. U. S. Census. Manufactures of the U. S. in 1860. 4to. 742 pp. Washington, 1865. Wells Hon. David A. Reports of the Special Commissioner of Revenue. 2 vols. 8vo. 233, 96 pp. 1866-1867. Worcester Joseph E. Dictionary of the English Language. 4to. 1854 pp. Boston, 1860. Zucllold E. A. Bibliotheca Chemica. 1840-1858. 8vo. 342 pp. Gdttingen, 1850.