THE FIRST SIX BOOKS OF HOME R'S ILIAD; WITH EXPLANATORY NOTES, INTENDED FOR BEGINNERS IN THE EPIC DIALECT; ACCOMPANIED WITH NUMEROUS REFERENCES TO HADLEYS GREEK GRAMMAR, TO KUtiNER'S LARGER GREEK GRAMMAR, AND TO GOODWIN'S GREEK MOODS AND TENSES. BY JAMES R. BOISE, PROFESSOR OF GREEK IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, EDITOR OP XENOPHON'S ANABASIS, ETC. CHICAGO: S. C. G RIGGS & COMPANY. 1869. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1868, by S. C. GRIGG'S, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Northern District of Illinois. THE TROW & SMITH BOOK MANUFACTURING COMPANY, 46, 48, 50 GREENE STREET, N. Y. TO REV. E. O. HAVEN, D.D., LL. D., PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, IN MEMORY OF PAST YEARS, PLEASANTLY SPENT IN THE SAME FIELD OF LABOR, AFFECTIONATELY INSCRIBED. PREFACE. THIs work was undertaken at the suggestion and request of several eminent teachers in different parts of the country. It is on the same general plan with the " First Three Books of the Anabasis of Xenophon," published some years ago. The wants of beginners in the Epic dialect have been kept constantly in view. It has however been my aim, not so much to solve all difficulties for the learner, as to direct him how to solve difficulties for himself. Hence, the very frequent references to Lexicon and Grammar. Of Hadley's Greek. Grammar, I cannot adequately express my high appreciation. For several years it has been constantly at my elbow, and I have consulted it many times each working day; always with satisfaction; always, in fact, with a growing sense of its value. Kiihner's Larger Greek Grammar has been much longer before the public. Its thorough and critical character is universally acknowledged. It is a work which I could by no means afford to lay aside. Vi PREFACE. Professor Goodwin, in his Greek Moods and Tenses, enters a special and very important field. The subjects which he discusses are handled with thoroughness and originality. Many valuable points are presented, which could not find a place in a general grammar of the language. Should any learner aspire to the highest and most critical scholarship-and I am confident there must be many such, who will study this book-my advice is, that he furnish himself with all three of the abovementioned grammatical works, and then use them, patiently and perseveringly, in searching out the numerous references which will be found among the following notes. The value of such a course of critical study cannot be overrated. The text of this edition is intended to be a faithful reprint of that of W. Dindorf, as published by B. G. Teubner, in his critical and deservedly popular series of Greek and Latin classics. The text of Wolf, hitherto extensively used in this country, is no longer followed in the most critical German editions for schools. I have attempted no emendations of the text whatever -beyond the correction of a few plain typographical errors-thinking it would be more satisfactory to scholars generally to feel assured that they had the exact results of Dindorf's critical researches in this special field of labor. In the use of capital letters; in the absence of breathings over pp; and in some peculiarities of punctuation, as well as of accentuation, which PREFACE. Vii the careful scholar cannot fail to notice, I have simply followed the German edition. It would be impossible to enumerate the various helps of which I have availed myself in the preparation of this work. The commentaries which have afforded the most valuable assistance are those of Stadelmaun, Crusius, Naegelsbach (dritte Auflage, bearbeitet von Dr. Georg Autenrieth. Niirnberg, 1864), Faesi, and Diintzer. The work of Ameis and that of Koch did not reach me until a considerable part of my notes was completed. The American editions of Homer, by Felton, Anthon, and Owen, have been frequently consulted, and valuable aid has been obtained from them. The recent version of the Iliad by Lord Derby has also been frequently consulted, not indeed for critical purposes, but to obtain some fitting expression, and is often cited in the following notes. In regard to the English form of Greek proper names, every editor of a Greek classic must find himself in some perplexity. Without going quite to the same length with Grote, in his somewhat daring orthographical innovations, I have aimed to present the most recent and approved critical usage. I cannot but think that the custom, still retained by some English and American scholars, though rejected by the Germans, of confounding Grecian and Roman mythological names, as Zeus and Jupiter, Hera (or fhere) and Juno, Hermes and Mercury, is, on many accounts, objectionable; and must soon be abandoned altogether. The Viii PREF A CE. influence of a standard work, like that of Grote, will be likely in the end to settle this question. If, in a field so perplexing, I have been guilty of some inconsistencies-as, for example, of writing Ajax instead of Aias, or Ajas; Atrides instead of Atreides; and other instances which might easily be found-it has generally resulted from my unwillingness to venture on the extreme of innovation. References are occasionally made to the Dictionary of Antiquities, by Dr. William Smith, and to the map of the Troad. It is taken for granted that every classical student will provide himself with an ancient Atlas, and also with the work of Dr. Smith. The well-known Summaria, by F. A. Wolf, of the six books here published, have been prefixed to the text, and may be often consulted with great advantage. For " the Homeric question," and various other learned topics, the discussion of which would be out of place in an elementary school-book, the student is referred to Smith's History of Greece, Book First, chap. 5th; to the extended work of Grote, and to various reviews, English and American, such as will be found-in all public libraries. I have already had too much experience in bookmaking, to flatter myself that all mistakes and errors have been avoided. Any person who uses this work, whether teacher or pupil, will lay me under great obligations, by calling my attention to such errors. ]My special thanks are due to Professor Martin L. PREFACE. iX D'Ooge, of the University of Michigan, who has read most of the notes in manuscript, for the correction of errors, and for valuable suggestions. I offer this work to the public with much greater confidence, from the fact that so much of it has already passed under his critical eye. JAMES R. BOISE. UNIVERSITY OF OHIOAGO, Dec. 1868. F. A. WOLFI SUMMARIA. Rogatur ab initio Musa ut cantum praecipiat de cladibus ad Ilium Achillis iram consequutis (1-7). Yenit in concionem Achivorum Chryses, sacerdos Apollinis, filiam suam redempturus bello nuper captam et honoris claussa datamr Agamemnoni (8-21). Illo cum ignominia repulso funestam luem Apollo per exercitum spargit (22-52). Habet concionem Achilles ob placandum deum, in qua Calchas vates calamitate eos levatum iri reducenda Chryseide censet, auctore imprimis Achille (53-129). Ita irritatus Agamemno atrocia iurgia nectit cum Achille, et Chrysae quidem filiam reddere non recusat, sed illi, quod praemium virtutis retulerat, Briseidem eripit, quamvis obnitente Nestore (130-311 et 818-347). Hac incensus iniuria statuit acer iuvenis se cum Myrmidonibus a belli societate seiungere: quod propositum a matre eius Tethide confirinatur, quae et supplicanti ultionem promittit (348 427). Interea publice lustratur exercitus et sacra fiunt Apollini (312-317): tumrn Chr; ses domum reducitur una cum hostiis piacularibus, quibus mactatis scelus expiatur (428-487). Thetidi iam Olympum adeunti Iuppiter occulte annuit, victores in proeliis fore Troianos, donec Achilli ab Achivis satisfactuln fuerit (488-533). Iunonem, infestam Troianis, pungunt haec clandestina consilia; inde rixatur cum love super coenam (534-567). Ea re contristatur omnis consessus deorum, quos tandem ad hilaritatem revocat Vulcanus (568-611). xii S U MM A R I A. II. Iuppiter, illatam Achilli iniuriam ulturus, speciem nocturnam mittit ad Agatnemnonem, quae eum ad committendum proelium spe victoriae incitet (1-40). Sub lucem Agamemno rem et impetum suum aperit primoribus Achivorum; mox concionem habet universorum (41-100). Placuerat ei, ad tentandam populi,fidem, cui diffidebat, consilium repetendae patriae simulare: eo audito, statim multitudo bello fessa tumultuari et navigationem parare coepit (101-154). Seditionem de compacto et Minervae monitu comprinlit Ulysses, ad singulos precibus, minis, opprobriis usus ita ut concionem restituat (155-210). Thersiten, turpern et maledicum hominem, qui discessum urgere non desinit, gravius castigat ad terrorem ceterorem (211-277). Sic cohibitum vulgus flectitur tandem compositis ad persuadendum orationibus Ulyssis ac Nestoris, qui et vetera promissa expetunt, et ostentis utuntur ad spem Ilii cito expugnandi: Agamemno autem indicit proelium, et ardore pugnandi onmnium animos implet (278-393). Iam arlnatur exercitus; prirnores apud Agamemnonem, mactata maiore hostia. epulantur; ceteri passim per tentoria cibum sumunt sacraque faciunt, et a suis quaeque natio ducibus instructa in aciem prodeunt (394-484). Inseritur hoc loco accurata enumeratio navium, populorutn, diculn, qui Agamemnonem ad bellum Troianum sequluti erant (485-785). Item Troiani, comperto quid minentur Achivi, duce Hectore in campum egrediuntur et ipsi et socii, quournm brevior recensus adiicitur (786-877). III. Primo concursu proelii Paris seu Alexander fortissimum quemque Achivorum ad pugnam provocat; sed ut Menelaum conspexit de curru suo desilientem, abiecto animo refugit (1-37). Paullo post ideln, Hectoris voce correptus, offert se certamini singulari cum Menelao de summa belli ineundo; qua conditione accepta poscit Menelaus ut sponsio interponatur, praesente Priamo sancienda (38-100). Igitur arma deponunt exercitus; sacrificia ab utraque parte parantur: interim Helena ex turri Priamo et senioribus Troianis demoustrat duces Achivorum in campo subiacente (111-244). Vocatus supervenit Priamus, comite Antenore, foe S UMM AR I A. Xiii dusque ictum antiquo ritu hisce legibus, ut, uter alterum vicisset, Helenam eiusque opes haberet, Troiani autem inferiores Achivis gravemr multam penderent (245-301). Post Priami discessum arma capiunt Menelaus et Paris, et in spatium certamini dimensum procedunt: at superatum Paridem clam surripit Venus et incolumem in ipsius cubiculum asportat (302-382). In eundem locumn adducit illa Helenam, quae primum reluctans novo marito ignaviam exprobat, mox tamen eum in gratiam recipit (383-448). Ita praemiis deae fruentem adversarium frustra quaerit Menelaus, duln Agamemno publice repetit pactumn pretium victoriae (449-461). IV. Quurn ex foedere Helena Achivis reddenda infestaeque acies dirimendae essent superato Paride, Iuno in concilio deorum indignabunda ita non expleri odium suum in Troianos, Iovi extorquet ut ipsi concedat Ilii excidium (1-49). Minerva, ipsa quoque Troianis inimica, Iunonis hortatu ad terramin missa, persuadet Pandaro Lycio ut iacta in Menelaum sagitta pactionem conturbet ac novam bellandi caussam serat (50-104): at non letali vulnere percussum Menelaum arcessitus medicus curat Machao (105-219). Interea rursus armati ad pugnandum se referunt Troiani, dum Agamemno catervas Achivorum obit, nonnullorum, at Idomnenei, Aiacum, Nestoris, qui iam in procinctu stabant, alacritatem laudans, aliorum, ut Menesthei, Ulyssis, Diomedis, qui recentem impetum nondumn senserant, cunctationem reprehendens (220-421). Quo facto proelium instauratur, in quo Troianis Mars et Apollo, Achivis praeter alia numina Minerva animos addit; caedesque fiunt mutuae (422-544). V. Stragem Troianorum continuant Achivi; ante omnes insignis Diomedes, Minervae, Martem ab acie seducentis, praesidio ferocissimus (1-94). Sed ipse a Pandaro vulneratus etiam vehernentius saevit in hostes (95-166): Pandarum, antea peditem, nunc ex Aeneae curru pugnantem, interficit (167-296); Aenean, arnici corpus tegentem, saxo sanciat (297-310); Veneri, filium ex pugn, efferenti, plagam in manu infligit (311-351). Venus ab Iride educta curru Martis revehitur ad Olympum, ubi eam mater Dione sinu fovet, alii dii leniter irrident ((352-431). Aeneam, a Venere iv SUMM AR IA. destitutum, Diomedis furori eripit Apollo et in arce Troiana recreandum curat, simul Martem in aciem revocat (432-460). Mars ad rem fortiter gerendam hortatur Troianos, quibus statim Aeneas integer subvenit (461-518). Nec segnius pugnant Achivi, caedunturque ex utrisque multi, in his Tlepolemus ab Sarpedone: tandem pellunttir paullatim Achivi (519-710). His ita laborantibus ex Olytlmpo opitulatum veniunt Iuno et Minerva (711-777): ac voce Iunonis denuo incenditur turba, Minervae autem monitu et ductu Diomedes ipsum Martem vulnerat (778-863), qui ex campo repente ad Olympum redit, ibique sanatur, sequentibus etiam deabus (864-909). VI. Troianorum acie in fugam inclinante Helenus vates Hectorem hortatur ut publicam obsecrationem Minervae in arce habendam indicat (1-101). Ergo is, celeriter restituto proelio, pergit in urbem: in eo proelio Diomedes et Glaucus, dux Lyciorum, ad certamen progressi, priusquam manus consererent, paterna inter se hospitia recordati, facta armorum permutatione, dextras iungunt (102-236). Hecuba et ceterae matronae, de Hectoris et procerum Troianorum consilio, peplum in aedem Minervae infetunt votaque pro salute patriae nuncupant (237-311.) Interim Hector domi desidentein Paridem obiurgando in aciem reducit (312-368): uxorein Andromachen, in aedibus suis frustra quswesitam, tandem urbe egrediens ad portam Scaeam una cum puero Astyanacte obviam habet atque ultimum alloquitur (369-502). Mox fratrem in via armatus consequitur Paris (503-529). IJI A Od A. AoLtuos. MrvnL. M3vwV amCe, aea, II~Xvico'AXaX~os, oibXoXkev, C' vpl''AXatoZL a/Xye''Oflev, 7roXXda S' 1b1,tuov9 4vuXaNs A"A& 7rpoia4rev 77p;cv, avTov9 &' EXOptLa TevXe KVVEoOWv oi)votocl TIe ra -- Atio 8' eEXeeTro /BovX -- 5 E' ov 6 rcTa' 7rpoir)a taGrrT?)rTV epoavTre.' Te, ava~ avSpwcv, Kate $Zos'AtXAXevt. T T' ap oaoe ~efov eptL8 vvEvrlKce,LuaXeoea; AvTOVS Icaa Jt'L vi6O,. O y6ap 3aatX~i XoXoo)ei E volcrov'ava'TparoV pe KaK7V, oXE'COV7r 8& Xao", 10 oVveca Trv Xptvr'ev TlT ap/L wTpa'Arpet'89. o yap iXOe.oa's &ri vqias'Axat6hv, Xvo',uevo6'e.?veyaTpa epwov T' a7rEpeL't a7rotva, OWera!cTar' e'Xv dv Xepo-Lv e/fcltd'Xov'Aro'XXcvoo. pVCE qava o'7cTrTpeo/, Tca, ELk-ETO 7r'avTa'AXabovi, 15'ATpeS8a &e /.caXtora &wo, Kcoar.,4r ope Xac6v "'AT'peS8al Te Kat aXXot evlcvrlet&S'Axaut, v,/&v uev eoE 8oiev 1'OXtJL7rta oA)ta"r e'XoVTe6 c7r'eqroat lpzptuoto 7ro6Xv, ev 8' ot'Kca' iEcd'0at'7raiSa 8' 4e'o? Xiral (e TElXrlv va r' ~arowva 8eoeaOa6, 20 1 2 IAIAAO/ A. c6/IvEo l a tos vitOv EhKr/6Xov'A rr6XXoova." "EvO' aXXoL pv 7Ta'Vres e7revcrpo'av'AXaLo at86etfOal' epra Kat ayXaa' 8xOa a'7irotva aXX' o'c'ATpei8y'Ayay'/vovrt rv8ave rvupz, 25 aXXa KlcaKt' awt'et, KCpaTepOv' Er 7Tr fLUOOv reTXXev' " M/ ae, 7Eppov, KOlXy7oLV 7yo 7rapa vnVo', KtLXEglo 1 0-66 r/epov, /iarepov avct? l(v'a,,q VVV 8yOVVOVT'9 4 Vb'TEpOV aV3rs iovra,.4 vr,0o 0 Xpaao'tc rpoT7povp Kca, (r/t5a eowo. 7 rV 8' eyC o XOV ro' 7rp'v ttv KaiC y7ppa3 eTre-rV 30 e'Tepw Cv oCto, 6V "Ap'yi, rTqXO6O w rarprlsq, io'TOp e7TroLXO/te7v ica; e/oW XeXo9 avrwro'ooav. a'XX' tZL, ura t' epeft'E,, oa'CPpos cs Kce vEa6.S,QJ2s ebar', e8eucrev 8' 6' rpov icat e7reeOTro /utOeo..,8i 8' acEcwv'trapa' iva 7roXv4Xotgot'oo ( aXad'c7't, 35 7roXX ta 8' 7rE7TE aeravevce KL&tWV pa} o' ryepaLo\'A7rr6XXwv aov Kacr, ov y"vKOLO0 TEe Aqr7&. " KXi; fLev, apTvp6roT', os Xp atlv abt, /e'3,lEcas K'XXav T'e'aOc'rlv Teve'8o6 re tL6 vaao'etsE, lWOvEV, ELTOTE' ToL Xaptevr' er vqov Epe*a, 40 e 84r 7ror rot KaTa rova pLo ptL el'cra Tapotv 48' alyi&v, 6o8e pbot icpyrvov eihX8wp T'noetav davao\ Jza\ 8E cpvUa aUoo TL eX60V.0." ".fN Ear'T evxOevos, ToD 8''icXve Qioiy8o9'A7rro6XXv, /87 86 KaT O'Xvtw'rot/o icaprv v Xoo[tevoq ~Kjp, 45 Tr 6 A:' oto-t'v eXoWV ayto7lpe q'a TE ckapE'p77v.'fC/a7yav 8' ap otO-Tot 67r WIUUOW XOzotLo7OLO avrov LtVVOv'T0o' 6 8' iE VVIC7TL eOtLEC. E4ET e7TreT a7'ravevOe re&vW, ctiETa 1'o V e]qKe6V 8ertve} t8 cXay7yj 7EVET' apLvpEOtO totlO. 50 o0vpas? yev 7-pT0)ov e'r Xe ao'zal vas apt7ovlI avTap E7retT aVTotOt 3E)XOs eXEi7rEVKE\ e()Ets /BaXX' aleb 8\ 7rvpat vegCVatW lcatov'To $abpetal. IAIAAO 1 I.3'Evv- ap:ev ava a-parov wXeTo Ec1Xa Sceo0o, rE 8KaT'7y 8' ayop rve KaXc'o-aTo Xaov'AXLXXecV 6T) yap Erfl 4pel,c1KE Sea XevKO;XEvo "Hp' 55 KCre&TO,yap davaVw, or'T pa JlvrjKOovTa9S opaTo. 0 8 76re O'V 17Ep06P'~'76p' T' 7~ovro, Ot cS EE OzV ~ 7yepOEV O/fl77EVPEE 76 E7VOVTO, TOiOt 8' a6VtTa[levo 0 /LEETEQbrl'rr6a~ &tV'S'AXLXXEtv' "'Arpe'r&, vviv a"u/Le TraXqtL7rXayXOEvTas o'"w a# a7rovovTTrjretv, et ev EV 5avarT6v 7y tryotLev, 60 el& 61 O.fVo n-XetP6O' TE 8aiuw Kca' Xoqt1s AXacots. aXX' aye 8 r Tva aviTtV EpEtpokEV, ) tepa, 7 cat OVELtpo7roXoV —Ka 7yp T o Kvap dEK At(s, effv-' O"C'et7rQL o TT,'4TO - 4ixoaoro o./3o'A7roXXcov, ET X ap0 o7 evoXwXr/v 67rtPe`eTat eO' excaTo/Pr) fs 65 at KEtV 7TS apvplv fcKV1t07 atyaV rE TeXEIO) o30VXErTat avLTLao-a9!ttvv ar Xo olv apvvat." "HTro 07 (09 E'TI& (v Ka ap (I' ETO. ToL (O aVEOTvr Ka6XXa O&EUTOpLqSrl, OlwvoTrroXaWV ~X' aptO'rTO(, S j6.ry 4a i9 o6va T e9.'o-6teva rrpO T CdvTa, 70 cat hreo' 7yrjoa9'A at&v "IXtov etO io, pv e8uoa pavToivvvvv, Trfv ot 7rope 5Pofo9'A7roXXaov' 0 a dtv EVCPOVEOV ayopurjaTo / caKt LeTeel7rEV'"d2'A XLXeV, KcXeat Ett, p.IbLXl, vUrjOcra-aOa,Puvt'A7ro6Xwovos, EcKaTI,8eXETao a'vaKTO?. 75'rvoyap cycov epe(o' a0v &e rvvOSo Ica potoo0 oo0ov eV LOL wrpoqpov a6TEEOLV xca~i Xeptltv apr/etLv. 7 7yap oiLtLat azv(pa XOXwooreeLv, o I/fLEya 7ravrToov'Apyelt'v KpaTEEl icat ot 7relovOrTa'AXatol. KpEYttov yap a oetXEv Xa, TE XrETa vp XPpi 80 et7rep yap Te X6 oV,e icat a vr uap Kaa7arEf7, aXXa Te Kat /lETO7rLOev EXeL KOTOV, dpfpa TeXE'0t07, EV rfTTEoa(v 7 oWtoLl. 0a 0 cdppaat et' 7 e oawoeEc. Tbv 8' a7raauetl6/0tZevo 7rpoae'0 7ro68aq &KV9'AXLXXeV1 4 I AIAA0O A. 85 " Aapo-rjaa/ zaXa eIrW''eorpOrtlov O Tt otaOa. o0 zc& 7Yp'AW)6r Xova L&b;tXov, Tvpe ab, KaXXav, edx6petvo9 Javaoiao`eo7rporlas aavacalve&t9, ovary e/Lev VTOS Ica' r X Oov 8epKo EvoLo aoo KcokiXy 7Trapa vrlvo' /ape a9 %eLpaq E7ro'et 90 ovpwrr'yvrwv Zavacov, ov'S' yv'AyalutvPova e'irp, os vUv 7roXXvr" apLaTo9'AXactv EX ETaL elvat. Kal TOTe &7 Sapo'rlo'e Kal qva aav Ttr aIuvQoVv OVT ap yjr evX~ eXwX? ~Trq&l'OeTat OMao' bcarTO')U,8n aXE' evec' adp'po?, ov.I..TlvU7''A7a/epvZov 95 oV8O' a7reXvo-e S,7aTpa Icat oVc a7res&aT' ii7rotva' TOvveIc ap aX/ry~ CSoKEvc CeKlPXdoA o';)o E OCOet. otvS' oEy 7Trpv Aavaoo'sv adeKEa Xoyv ab7roe, v7rplv / a7ro 7raTpl, pJiXG o/LevaL eIXcL)rLcoa aCoVprv awrptaflv7, &rdTLroovo, 7etrv'.Eprv. e.aTrou/a/v 100 k Xpto-qv T76TE IEV FPtV iXa ooa/LeVo L rT'ItOot/LeV. HiWoL 07y c('s el7r\v KcaT' aip' eeroT,'TOof ( aVe-Tr' pv'Avpelhrlv evpvcpeiov'A7yaueLvwv aXVV/Izevoc'EVeo9 & /LEya rp ve ap cbLeXatwat, 7rL/7rTXavT, "oo-oe 806 ol vvpt Xa/preT6OTovTL " ikTV. 105 KdXaXaVTa 7rpCorTtLTa Icalc OO''o/LEVO 7rpoaEEt7Trev " MVT alCwv, OV T77rOT 0T' OL TO Icpi7yvov el7ra9. aiet roa c' ed f ~o'r qa Opeo'i AavTevacvat, E'OXOv (' orTe Ti 7rm) E&ra(q e7roT ovT ETCXeao'asq' Icat vvV ev Aavao'lot Ieo7rpo7rewv a',yopet9;v 110 dq 8/) TOv8' eVEc ca'v owV E/Kl36XO, aXyea TevX6et, e! I ~ \ I C OVVe/K e7oo &co)prp Xpvapt) oo ayXa a 7rotva ov'c EeXov 83:oaaOat,'7re vroX /3vxotzaop aavT'v OticO EXeLV. Icai ryap pa KXvrTact/vrTfprY7 77rpopopEovXa, covpt8(73f adX6Xov, 7reL Ov eOeV 6ert Xepe6tWV, 115 ov 86E/La ov8E vobv, oV T' ap a pevac oTre T e p7ya. aXa tcai o? eetXco oo0ueLvat 7raXtv, et T7 y aplevov' IAIAAOY/ I. 5 flovXop' cyc? Xao v cv'JevatL q arooX&Oat. a 1tap O ryepaq avTx ETOtllaoaT o pa pr7 o0S'ApeLav a7epay'Toq e), erE ovetICEV. X)edo-Tree yap TyEe 7raVTevre,L o t 7yepaq'PXeTaLL aIXp)." 120 Tov 8' EI,/3eeT' e7relTa 7ro8applr 86o''AXtXXe6v "'ArpeI8q KV8tCaTe, ~eXoKTeaavo~aTae Travwrv, 7r&S cyap TOt 6co'ovCo' y7pa9 peyaOOvoo t'AXatoi; 018 Ts 7rOUV L8ELv Cvvrjia KCeLeva 7roXXda aXX&a Ta UErV 7rOXGrV c'W: ed7rpcaJooLev, T7a 8ao'sTat, 125 Xaovs 8' oiVc e7reo&KE 7raXXXorya TaVr r7ya7yepevw. aXXa av ue v vryv TrvSe %e#? 7'rpoe-p avTatrp',4XaLo Tpt7T~X TeTpa7rXy d aTrOT tOLE,, ao'l,cd rrot Ze;s 8ot6 7rro'Xtv Tpolvv eVTrelXeov'aXa'at." T6v 8' a7ra/eLt/6,p evov 7rpoo-efr Kcpeglov'Ayapulwveov 130 "p 8' ovroT, ayaOoq 7rep eov, SeoeeXK'AXLXXeev, KXe7'rTe vo', e7re' oV 7rapeXevo-Eat ov'8e' e'reI0etv. 7 EOEXeLv, o'p' avrov eXV'ypav, avTap e/, aVT,, iaOa6t 8uevolevov, IeXeat 8 e E'vC TV8' a7ro8o0va; aXX' et /uEv 8o'ovVo' yEpav uetyaOvLOt'AXato', 135 apuavrev cear7a V/av, reIov av'rtaov ecTrata el Ce /,r 8' woltv, yc0 8 K&ev av'rov ex/tat i) Teov 7 A'avroq 0or 7eCpasv,'08vaiovs (Ao CX)v 6 K cev A eXoXcm.eTatl oKEV t'EICCLat. aXX' r/TO;t keV TaVTUa ueramfpa-o/LeaCOa Kica aVr', 140 vvv 8' a-ye vya ueCXatvav Epvo-o-ouev ely a&Xa S6av, dv 8' I p'aq EwrtTrq8Ev 7etopOYev, cv 8' E'aT6p/,,v, 9elo1Lev, av 8' av'Triv Xpva i"8a caXAXoraiapov 0,0lo-o ev. eq oe Tv apxao avv)p /3ovXvrbopov e'Oo, \ AtLav, r'I8ooevev, i) 8ov'08v0O-rev\, 145 re a\v, qXeir i,'7cqralvrTwv e'c7rayXo7raT v8p6piv, O'p' 7l&v cafcepyov iXdo-o-cat iepal p[E5a." T6v 8' ap 7row6pa 18&v wrpooa-fnEl 7ro8av (OcKVI'A.XtkXXev 6 AIAIA O A. "opLt, avat8eli7v e7rtetLEVE, lIcep8aXdo'pov, 150 7r6) TlS' Tot 7rpOpolv'7Teo'L 7rtOerlTa'Axat(v )r 0'6&wv XOtE/,evat, 7 a v pacolV w l tzaco-OaL; vo 7tp I Io TpoAov eveK'?XvOov aiX' ran) Owv O 7ap e 8EVpO o/aX77cOrLEevo O E6ret OVTbt /-Ot atTtio EtILV. ov 7yhp 7rcaror upas /3ov-s 9Xatoav, ov& zyev i'r7rovq, 155 ovo8' 70ro' v qriQ''pLfltOXacL IwrTtavelprp capTrov dykX'avr','7 7reELt,udXa 7roXXca' /eTrav ovpea Te o/LtoeJYra Xdakaooa 7e'TEqX2TeSa' aXXA o-o, c a?' cvaat&, / aiOt' rvroSp6eO','popa o-+v alppjs, T'tluV atpvvtuLevot MeveXdao Oo' Te, /cvvcowa, 160 7rp\o Tpcv) T' Ot7t o teTaTpVr ET OVO3 aXe7?L[E' cKa 8q /lOt y7pas avTo7 af7atprj'cOal aTretXetS, C' ert 6rhhX' /a,67oyra, 8;o'av 8d /Lol vLes'AXatLv. OV Lv ool troVe lrOoy exT o Tpas, 6wrr6r'Axato, TpCoow etc7reppro' evat6'evov W7JTOXlEOpOv 165 atXXa.T [uev 7XE-ZOV 7oXva'ifo9 7roXeoto Xetpes a 8lEWOVO' *rap 7TOTE 8ao-sto tK17Tat, X~ipe~Peual 6p7rova' a -aP % ~ore 8aerp3 aScalma67 cot To ye'pas 7roXv pLErOV, e7 /0 8' OXTyov TE 0l'Xov Te epXO/l eXwv e7rl, vq1as, c7rel KE Ka/O) 7roXe/1t'ov. viv 8' EL t'OBlv& I, E7e6tq7'7roXV fpTrep6pO E60TLt 170 oL;cKa8 l/ev OV)V Vqvrlo KoptovLOtV, OV$ r6t Oto EVOa8' aTIsTt/0 E))v aqevos Kai ovrXorov " V' EtV. T6v 8' /Iel/3ET' E'e7reITa ava avSpp&wv'Atyaalevtov "' fEVye /a', Ea l TOL ES/Ez CrOr-VTat, ov8 a) eOYyE / rz,, ^,,,,, \,, XLaoaolat ELVEeK ElUeo AIEVELV' 7rap eliotly Ka, a{XXot 175 o~' Ice AtE T'two'ovo't, /caXtUTaa 8\ /J'7TIETa ZevEXOLctTO' 86 /LO 6Fat 8t&OTpErEoaV paotX7'vOZ alet -yap TOt E'pt T e bhX7l rOXAePOL TE (XEXat Te. el /(tXha KapTrepoS EcLot, r9eso 70rov aOl T0oy''ooKEv. O'KCaS' I(ov 0rv v1 va[ 7e o'TE Kal oolS? e'LtpOLtrt 180 MvpuLoveotULv avacrue, o-eOev 8' Eyco o,KX aX)eyiaw, IAIAAO:X I. 7 o8' 6'OoiaL icoreoVroT' a7ttXr7oOre 7) 0 co& e Ol e/2 af0ape'rat Xpvaq'T8a oi&3o,'Arn6X7Xcov, T?7 YEV u E7GI fUV i qi' T14 UL7 Icat qLotg ErapocLv rerfco, rys 8d e' K yco Bpt-,ni8a KaXXrrapyov avTr iCOv PCXtoa'rlv8e, 7 u V 8yepas, bp' eV eL8 Eys 185 o000ov bEpTepoS e/IUL 0eOEV, Cr7VYEp 8E KtaL a\X os lcrov E/ol Q(cacdOat Kat o/Iotoo)r6 eva& avt rv." "12q bTro0' IrXEL'&vL 8' XaXo 7yEVEr E' 8e ol rTop aT7OeJo-tLv Xaol'ot 8tctv8tXa /Ieppulpt:ev, 07 o'f ye ayavov o6v EpvYcaa/ievo, 7rapa /JTpov 190 TObV I/EV avao-rTa7Eev, 6 8''Arped83,v Evapigo, _e XoXov 7-a'VeLev epr7VoeL TEe' v/'6v. eto o Tavra' cplLatve taaTa cfpeva Ka Ka'Ta v ), XKETO 8' 6J KOXEOZO t Cyeya 4l1bor, y8e 8''A Or oupavOOev' 7rpo T/atp?)ce %ea XevKc)JXevo "IHpp7, 195 adbu:o od,/J?'v/,o- (bLXEo v(Ta Tre K?708o0.eVq 7TE. ori 8' 7rtTOeV),:avOS &) Ko1S/\l`',\e lqXedova, ao.atoev' T' XX_ "'" "XX Oto O/EZr7C)V TO aX VO L OVTtS paTO. saij3lr aev 8''AxtXevs, /LZEa 8' eTpa7reT, avlrKa 8' E'7v6o IIaXXa8''A0O7varljv' 8etv( 8& olr "ofE aavOev. 200 Kcal lLv bpovr oag e7'rea 7rTepeVT7a 7rpoolq7v8a " T17r avT, aley6tXOtO Zt!,O TEKO%2 elXi7\XovOas;'va i3ptv 6,'8j'Ayapudvovoq'ArTpei8ao; acxx' sc' rot epe(o, 7rO & Kca TeXeeaOaa ot'6o. ps v77rpo7rXI'o'L a ) aiv 7roTe?v/uov 6Xaro-y." 205 T6v 6' a'Te 7rpo-EEl7re C ea y/XavKcovrtW'AO5v'7'XAOov'Ey/'rravoovoa To ov /uevoS, at KE 7reL7at, odpav6Oev 7rrpo 8& Iu Ace Se E XEvicAXevo'"Hpr7, 4tufro 6/1&s ~V/i( tLbXeovca rE EK17O/EVr/ TE. a&X' aye, X)y/'pt8os,,1u78E &1,os tKfceo XeLtp~ 210 aXXb 7Tot0 67TEOClV /EV OVEIELZOoV c)9 6e-Ea( 7rEp. 8O oyap e TpOe, o- Kat E6T EXE o/EVo-v e CrpTat 8 IAIAIAO A. cat VroTr Tot 7plS rTooa 7rapeorerat a7Xa aa ipa V/Iptlo0 el'vea T'roe~ (3' L oeo, O -rreeo 8' (3 Oqpv. 215 Tv)v 8' a7raeirt,%/Jevog 7pooe'r -l 6oraSav WK'b'AXX" XP~ PEv aoiTcpoV 7eye, sreat, e7ros edpv-cTaoOat, Ica,tdXa 7 cep JV/6 KEXOXt /EVOV &~ 7ap al/etov. oV Ke eoV e47rTrEtO7rat, yiaLa' eKXvov avrov." "'H a E7r a' apryvp47 Ierl o, e o %e pa /apedav, 220 &ar 8' es G coVXEOV o0'E /eya toc) o 8O' aw'Orl'ev utvAo'AOqlvatcqr * 8' OiXvttUrvrdE8 /3E/,r?7tE &Soltar es ayLtoxoto Jdto /tet. &aLtzovas a X>Xov9. I-IrXe`8rs 8' e:avt9v a'ap'rT pov' r7EEo'tLV'Ar7pelStv rpoo-eG7r6E, Icat ovi Xi7e XOXto 225' Olvo8apaS,, VVoSg o',UUa Eoav, Icpa'irlv 8' eXahoto, OVe 7ror' E9 7r'XE/Iov'iaa Xa3' ropnxOirvat ovre X6Xov8' levat or)v aprTreo-rotv'AAXawv TeTrX/iycas SWvLoL T'o Se Tot KIC'p et(3e'at elvas. 2 7roXbi COL6v ETt' KaraT a-rparov E'pvv'Axatwv 230 M&p' wroatperat0at, o-e'T 0-e'ev a VTL'V e"(ry7. _3rn-/o/pos o~ao'Xeles, eWre6 ov'Tntavototv avaooets ~ ryap av,'Arpei(l, vvv i'rrara Xwoj3jato. AXXe' /c To'o Epe'o Ka 6a e7rt'ya, av OpKOV o/ov!Aat val,Lu 6(Se o'CISrrpOV, r'!EsV oinrore vb6XXa ica\l oov, 235 ovLTeL, e7re(r3? 7rpTa TOUn'v ev oPpe(6o XeXotvrev, ov'i' avaOraX7ate&. 7rep6 ryap pa e XaX/cos.ecfev svtXXa Te iKalt Xot6v V' vvv a,v t U. vleg'AXatcv,'v waXdkay? bop'ovo't (Kaaro-rr6Xot, o0'e At'cra ~rpoJ adLt elpvarat' 8 63 To0 /E7yaT -eE.Trat oplKO 240 7roT''AXtXXiog 7roOr'erat vtas'Axa 6v v't47ravTas r6re (' or6 t $ovv riea& aXvvevo'l? rep xparpvueyi eZVT av roXXo \tb' Ec70pTOp O avpoYovolo 2S)CiOVTeS at' v oot rrV t v o \ v 6a, et's IAIAAOZ I. 9 %Xcootevo09, &i' a&pta-ov'Axat'v ov8v ertvag." ",f2s Oaro H oq/eXs8, wror' SBe aociK7rTpov 3caXe 7yair 245 Xpvaoelotq qXotot 7re7rap/uevov,'~eTo 8' av'-rO'ATpeiqg 8'' ETEpoEev eLrwve. To01re'E Ne'ovop 8&ve7Tr alvoYpovO'e, Xbeyv ILvXlCov aop9lTrvc, Tov Iac a7r c y 7Xcfo,ueXtro 7yXvKi'ov pEev av8q T?o 8' v7 8 o tE/V ryeveal Iuepovrov avOpcoa7rov 250 E6elaO, o7 oil 7rptrOuev al/a Tpaifev q'8' eyE'vovro ev IIvX },yaOe?7, eErta Te rPLTVaTOtotv a'vaoevo oLtV GEi;opove'ov a"yop?)oaTo Ka',UTeTEL67EV ""Q 7roSrotl, q!aea 7redvOo'AxaLBa fya&av lcavet. KEy V yq7lOrat lIplaploa FlpLtadot6 te Wrai&eE, 255 aXXto TE Tp7es! I.Edya cev Kcexapotlaro 3v/zVU, el adZc'v T7Se 7rav'Ta'rvolat'o p/apva/ievottv, ot 7rep6 }Iv /3ovXr\v Javav, vrepp 8' E'TE. a.Xeoac. a~XXa rlOeT*O" aicUo 8 e VooTepWo EOTOYv EiELO. 708l y7ap 7rOT ryeGo Ka apeootlv ipnrep vpv 260 avopaatlv WitXlraKa, cat roV7 uOTE' ly' ateEpt0ov. 0) yvap TOV) lov avepai ov oeTa Vi8Oc W at, OlOv leltpiLo00o Te ApvtavTa Te, 7rotue'va Xac v, KatvEa T'ECa6&v Te cKal aPvTleov IaohXVOqvLo v [Oro-E'a T Ailyelrhv, e7rtelt/cXov a'araToacTtv]. 265 KapTtcaTOat 8\ KeWvoL f6rtXovlwv TpaqOev av(Ppov' KapTtarToI, fev eaav Kab KapTlaToC9 epaixovTo, 77vpQv opECK'ctooot, Kcat EcK7cLLayXOSo ar'devoav. Kat ue\v rTOTrltv E'yc /ieo/IXcEov aeK FIvXov EXOwv, TlXkOev e': a7rti7q yaibrc KcaXeo-avro fyatp arTo' o 270 Kcati Paxo/ Klv KaTca et avTrov y' KEIVOLL 8' av or't ToC)v' PUVV /3pOTO Elo&V f7rLXOO'vtOt /taXteoato. Kcab pev,tev f3ovXeov:vtLev 7rELOOVTO Te /IVO?9. aXXa 7rtLOECOE Kat v/uvLe, e7reM 7re eoaL a/ueLvov. 7ATe oiV TdOVS', a,aOo6 7Trep e&ov, aTroatpeo iootp7v, 275 1* 10 I A I AA O: -A. aXX' ga, c5 o0 7rpcora 8o-av rypaq vlev'AXatL&' /L.7Tre oV, IlHlXel8r, dEX' Eplt4,Uevac /,aaltX.i av Tpl,%v, ere oS"0roO' 0Jol0L? /46Lo pE TtL1,7'csrq7rTo0VoS ao'LXevS, COTe ZE' tCVo80S E'8CKEV. 280 el 86 ov) tcapTEpO e0ctL, %ea 8e ee 7elvaTo L7rjTrlp, atXX' o7ye cfprepO6 EUTIv, E7ret 7rTXeve'aXLv avadoeLt.'ATpeltr, or 8O rraie reov /levoq' airanp ey7(oe Xlicro,''AXtXXfi /LueOdELev XdXov, Os /e'ya vraaev'pKo'Axatloo' 7TrcXeraL 7rOXe'/OLO KcaCLo." 285 Tov 8' a7IraLeLt6o/evov vrpovo-rl Kcpeiov'A7apetvowv vat, 8r TaVTa rye rdv-ra, rypov, ecaTa 1uopav EE7re". aix' o58' avrp'eOXel 7rrep 7rarvTCov e/Jeval a&iXXcov, 7rTvrv.EV v cKpaTeetv EOEXeL, ravrefr 8' ava Veo-v, raL 8 o Cruaivetv, a TlV 0oV 7releo-Oat o00. 290 E l 8LWV alX/lxrT7v eEOecav Sieol atev e6VTeS, 7ovveia 0o T7rpoOeovo-Lv ovel8ea pvrao-aOat;" Tov 8' ap' v7roltxri Srv PjfLEl3ETO 8'o0'A0 XtXXezv 7; ryap Kev SeetX6\ Te KCa oVTtLavoS KaXeol/-v7v, eL 8G.oi 7rav'pyov'37el'oa, OTTL ICeV E'T7S 295 aXXototv 8r\ TaVT' e7rtTe`XXeo, Pu?,yap euovye [crL4atl ~* ot ry7a e&yowy' ErL oot 7retleeoOaLt {to]. ah Xo 8 -roLt epo, o' 8' evi fpE6o,adXXeo aOal0tv XepaL /ECV OVTQL eY'~YE LaX?7o0/.uat EaEcKa Kcouprl, \ OUTOL eftX #, efta 8' OVTe co O-ro e T aXXo, Errel t' apebX eue' e O6v7eT' 300 rT'v 8' aXX ov'a /o IfTe.oj r7'apa v'' v peXav?~, 7T)V OVlc a&v 7t oepots aveXwv aKElICT09o EEOP. e 86' aye,Lav, wrelpo7aLt, "va yvowo't ta oa6s' alr T'rotL atpaa KEkXaltvv EporwelE 7repi s0vpl." "12 To, y adVtLiPoto-it aXraatEv0o t7rEoE0Ltv 305 davOTrr'Trv, X)c-av 8' Jayoprv 7rapa vOrvaiv'AXaLwv. HVLXeSv Ev E'' KcXto't'a Kcat v-av e'iora9 Uie vav Te MevoLttd8l KaIt oiN CETapotctvl 'ATpenrs 8o' &apa vila %o;lv aXa8e 7rpoepvarev, es 8' opep'as' eKpLvev EEtLOLV, Eo' e(3, aT/Lrl, V a/3e 1 c6, ~ava 86 Xpvo'qi8a K/aXXL7rappov 310?,,,,., Elo-ev a7tyv ev 8 apXos 6'fTrl. rrrOX TrtLS7L OUOeV9. Oi t LEZV 6ere7 ava,3V7ES Evre7rXeov v7ypa ceXevOa, Xaovs' 8''Arpei8s' aJwroXvu.alvcoeOat, avwEcv. oL 8' drrweXv~aa'vomvo Ka el' & Xa XV/a'aT'/3aXXov, "p8ov 8''A7r6XXovt T reX'qEo-Ya? ecaroS/43as 315 7apopwv't8' a yT5v r'apa t3v'W JX7 JrpvyE7To0',CvLo'r 8' oipavov LeeICEv EXUo'oEvv 7'rep, /ca7rvo). &'27s o0 116v *a 7re'VOiro KaTaa rTpao'v' ov8''Aaya\Xy EptL(OS', T7V,rp0YTOV ErE7Tf7ElXfo'ALtX'i2 tXX' iTye TaXOdBt6ov 76e cal E'pv/3a'rr7v wpooeEOrev, 320 7(0 ot Eav K7r Cjpv 6 Kcat o7Tppc Ep7ov7 ""EpXeoOov CKXwol'v HqXqia(8Ew'AXLXqos' xELpO9 ~Xo'v aI7ELLev Bptli'8a KaXtrraprov e6 8, oe gue ta;?r lotv,' 8' KEV aeTS' eola, XO&\v oNv 7rXEveco-o-t r6T ol Kca pt7IYov 7'crTat. 325 [2S El7rtv vrpotEt, KepaT7poV 8' ert i3VOov eTEXXEV. 7 )o a aecov7e P/a7rTv 7rapa itv aXoS ar pv7TOLO, Mvpt8o'vov 8' e7r[ 7e KXtolas' Kat viaS tecorlyv. TOp 8' evpov 7rapa Te KXLOtt Ka\ vrl /ieEXa'vr )/LEvov o 068' apa TW7 e r6 Ojo-ev'AxtXXXevts. 330 T7.o EUV Tap/3rcrav7e Kcat atl8orcvwo faoatla aUTr)v, ouGe 7T /ttv 7rpoaeq'ivEov oV8' EpEOV7O avT7p 0 EvWo, ctv li0 qpeJC, bvc0reV7 7Te " XatlpeTe, K)pVKEfc, Ltos' cL77aXoL ~6 Kat av(pwv, aao~oI CT * OVTL 1O/L Vk/LEo S EraLTtOL' aXX'Ayau61avwv, 335 o aobi; 7rrpot~e BptLan'io' JevMKa KofprT)?'. aXX a'ye, ztoo7eve IJaa7poKXetL,`aTeys Kovprlv Kcal c irV 8os' c7ty7etV. 7r 8O auvTo /IapTvpol erT0o 12 I A IAA AOl A. 7rpo0 T'e'ezCv paaiapwv 7rpo'Te SrV7fTv WavOpoT7rav 340 icat 7rpos TOD /aaotX?7o0 a7rqlveos, e''7roTre 8' awVe XPEL(f CE[LEo lyE?7ac eet/cea a koyov aFovvat 70Tot axxot0s. y yap o0y OAOLpt o bpEa& Jie VEL o,f$ 7Tl olSe voo'aLt iaua 7rp~o'ro ecal 7rrCaoco, 0o7r7r'o OL 7rapa r7vow aoot,aaxeotvro A7aAXtot. 345'fi2s oa'ro, I'aTPOICXOq 8\ OCXo 6re7reteLO' E rapeo, ec 8' a',yaye cKXtaol BptraiSa icaXXirrdpov, 3tee 8' oayewt. TCo O' av Tt lT7v 7rapa vias''AXat&cv 8' aEcOovo" atTa 0ToLt VV7 KIEV. avtTap'AXltXXEV alcpvs'aa erapcoo aiap f'ETro voitL XtacrOev, 350 i'iv' X'o aXo 7roXPt1, opowov 7rr' a7retpova 7r6Y'rov?robt. $e,ur?!rpl dlq rprqpaaTo xetpag opeIyv6. " Mr'Tep, E7tel/ L' reTEcE 76e ItvvvOa88oLv 7re6p EOVra, 7TLL)V 7rrEp /lol OeXfXXev'OXVO7rtoo 7r3yvaXi at, Zevsq vt*,peperq~17 vv 8' OVe ue TVTOOV eMtOev. 355 w lyap p,'A'pe[l8rs' e'pVwKpelA^Ov'A/yapEt v(v 7Tilu77ev T eXVov,,yap exee 7yepac', avTro a7rovpaS." "J2_ faro BatKpvycxoV, TO) 8' 6cXve 7ro'rva Prr7p lEvr77 ev fevOeEoaacv aXo 7rapac 7ravpt 7yepovTr. _aap7raXl'io( s' atveov 7roX i r a' o v7'D op)iX k7, 360 Kal pa 7rrapoO' auTroo caOd'e7To 8aK:pvXEovrTo, Xetp. pr ~' v KaTeppeEV, 67roS T0 ~'r baT EC T ov6oLaev' " TKVOV, lT KcXates;'L' 8e a-e pe'vag lECTO 7rrcvOoq etavza, fLI icevOe v6S~, iva e'oouLev al) 4oo." Tiv 8e f3apvo-revatIXov 7rpooq'fn 7rOaSa (o)ucKV'AtX365 "oarOa' 7l'TOt'TavTa 8Vl'v7i a'Zopev'; 60opeo' e / 30nv,,iep\v r6Xtv HeTrL&voS, 777v 8\ BLe7rpadOop6v te'ca2 t'yopuev evoa8e'raVTa. xcat Tra /LeV ev 83acGTavTro pLETtA tltv vIET'Axatoiv, e'c 3' eXov'Awpe[8? Xpvo'qf(tia tcaXXi7rapov. IAIAAO2 I. 13 Xplvo-77 8' avO', tepevs' etcarl/oXov'A7r6oXX(ovo%, 370 iXOae Soas -7r v'as~'AXa&cov XaXcoXtLrcwvov XvG6o,uP6v& re 3v'yarpa rep'v ar' tepet'o' a'rotva, r77E/PIaT eXO) ev v epoiv Eicfl30Xov'A7roXXo)vo,,,,,ao, XpVre!) ava r -IoC7r7Tp), caL eXoerero 7rvtasL AT a l ov,'ATpedSa 8e /larXfaTa 8vz0, icorpt,)rope Xa6)v. 375 evO' a'XXot ucev 7ravrTe e7revrFLio-av'AaXaot as8eOa' a' tE ipia tca t yXa 8e6a at7rova.XX oVKc'ATopei8y'Arycaptpovo WvUave Spte, aXrXa? lealco; ach'et, cparepov 8' e7rb J4Oov'7eXXev. xwoke'vo; 8' o rye'paow r6raXv dXero oTo 8''A7roXX ov 380 e;5=ap'vov Ic0v0v, \E'Xpa ol 4oXo EV, 4tce 8' Tr''Apoyeiotoert tcacOv 1e'Xoq' ol 8e vv Xao 3 9'C~Kov era'r-ao-repo, T7 8' E7Tr)XeTO /cIXa 3~eolo 7raVTl ava va TpaTv evpvv'AXacov. 2au4u. 8'e,uavn' et eV 68o' rayopeve Seo7rport'a; eCaTOLO. 385 avUTI, e7yo rpr7TOo' KehXO/ULrLv 9eov iXa'aCeo-Oaet'Arpeiova 38' g7rera Xo'o xet/ev, alrca 8' aovarTa ~lreLXq7ofev piOov, o 8)r TereXeo-,cLtvov Eo-L'v.'TrV pleV,rap o'vv vr'7t 3o eXlco7re'AXaE o E~ Xpuo'elv 7rreu7rovo-v, 1ayovc' &g 8wpa avacTa'r 390 -T7v e ve'ov KcXio-68 Oev'iacpv Ke a'iyov-zre IKOvpyv Bpto-0o', Tv POl 86o-av vies'AXatoev. eaXX\ av, et 86vao-a ye, 7repeo-Xeo 7raL80;o erioy'XOovo-' OvIXv7rov8e ZI'ta XiaV, ed70rore 87j *T r7 Er evl vqo-a; cpa8lqv dlaO e Ica"l epy. 395 WroXXaKCL 7yp oeo 7raTrpoq Evt LueyapotoWv a/covaa evXoIJUevr~), o' e&niqo'Oa KceXaLVebeL Kpovt'wov oel v Lavar'olev aectKea Xotyov aEvivac, 07rWrre Iev svv8o-aL'OX' T 7reot r9eXov AXXo,'Hprl r''8\ HIoee,8 & aova HaXX6A\'AOdvr. 400 EXXea o' rovy' eXovo-a, Se6a, v7reXvo-ao 8eo',u&v, 14 IAIAAO A. bX~' Kca7ToyXexpov KaX~Eaao' E,uaccpov "OXvua rpov, ov Bptapeov EcaXeovot SeoV, av6pe9 e TE 7-rave Aiyalv' — o rycp aTe &y ov' 07 TraTpo a/kevov405 OS pa 7rapa Kpovrlovt Kcae''ro KV&8Et yalov' rov a~t v7re88et-av pacape, Seol ovO$ 6'87 E av. Tit)v viv tLv wlcrj ao-a 7rape eo IcKa Xat' yo0veov, a'I / I- I\ Tpro'o'''' " a& KEV (0S 6EXlpqcvE Tp E0EwV ap)a?, o70s 3 c Kara 7rpv'pvas Te 7cat apo' aXa xAcat'AXaLovs 410 ITetlvouevov, eva 7raV'e9 eapraVptovTat faoLXrio%, ryv; 8I ica\'Arpei&$j9 evpvlcpeL'v'Ayapuvtovw 17v aTr7v, 0T aptr-TOv'Axa \v oev "Ta-eV. Tov (' /ue'e.LE' t E7rEr7a 6ETL9 KaT\a 3aKpv %Eova C(ottoi, TEKVOV eELOV, Tt VwV oz erpe ov alva TEKovea; 415 aO' 6'ceXe 7rrapa vrlvUav aKtbcpvro0 Kalt a7rruZv rof0at, evre7 v' 70To alCoa idvvvoa 7rep, oit uctXa 8r'v vvv (3 a/.ua T COKVicOpO9 Kat OLtVpOs 7repl 7raVTCOV e67-XEO 7 T0 E KaKy a^ p 7TEICOV ~V /LEyCapotL-tv. 7ToVTo oe To epeovo-a e7Tro AZ. Trep7rWKepavWve 420 elp' av'rT 7rpo\ "OXvpTrov a'yaVvvLfov, at' Ce Erv[O'a. a4XXa Uv [ev v vv vfvt 7rapr Evo CKcv7rOpotYLV v&''AXalo-otv, 7r-oXe/.ov o' 7ro7raveo a7rL'7rav Zevs ryap e'g2KeavOv /.ET aLV/uvuovas'Alto7rr2ag XOt&' t KpcaTa' aiTa, geot o' Kaaa urves e'7rovTo' 425 w08eKaTIc )'T 70avlr)7 e'evXeETaL OvXvTrov(ve, Ktcat TOT e7rETa Tot EL/Lb n\C 7ro-rt xaXKOaTE\9 8&, Ktal a LV yOUVCaO/atL, Kat /oaLLV reltaeOaaL ~Ot." Q(S2 cpa cfovi)a0X a7re8/3ryeTO, 7TOv 8( AMXLt' avov X6:ooevoIv tarCa Svlov eoL' voto ryvvalKoS, 430 71) pa fi7 aefCoVT09 a7rlvpoJv. auTap O0(utvEv9 Eg Xpvo-fv (KavEv afy(OV lEpV Efca7TO/lflV. ol 3 0o7T 8 X/elEVo0 7rokXvAIEVU0'o EVTO\ lKovTo, 1tota /EV oTeLXavTo, 39oav 8' ('v Vl7' peXa/lvy, IAIAAOY I. 15 1irTOv O' 7rrosoolc qrNXaoaav trpo76voIlv 1V)EVTE Kap7raXil w, Tlv o' els O'pLov 7rpoppeoav epeTr'uo;t 435 Ec o evVas4 EpaXov, KcaTa 3E 7rpvwLovr-1)i &oraav Ec E ltcat av'Tro' fatvov 67r' pqy1uvt $S aXcoa'crl, cic o' e1caTo7',Ul1v;38oav &cflq36Xwp'A7r6XoXvt EIC 86 Xpvoa't' VS i3 W-OVT7TOpOtO. T7hv pLv E 7reT E7rb /%)1OV a'fyov 7roXvp77'Tte'Ovo'oE 440 7Travpi ctXwT) Xv Xepo TrOeL, Kcal /UV 7TpOGEELtvEV "'f2 Xpvtcq, 7rp6o u' 67reJfrEV avat acvhpov'Arya7ra&8a re ooi aT/epEV, Pol/3/' ~' IeprV e'KaTo/flrlv pEat iv7rep lavacwv,`'0p IXaoa6ueaOa alvaKTa, os vvv'Apyedlout 7roXvo-rova KC6e' efpleKv." 445 & 7rcoV EV XEPo TtOEL, O E e\EhaTo xaLpwv 7raca t OlbXv T0ot 8' cbKa 3JE6J KXetT?\V EKUaTOf1-o/3V rEreql oT'rloav EVOi'Trov reEpt f/tooV, XepvtIavTO 8' 7'reLra c:at ovXox;6ay avEXOVTo. Trol0ov 6'Xpia'rl [LEyaX evEr6O %XepaS avao-Xav 450 " KXO( /Lev, apryUpoTo,' S Kpvoriv afktge]/3f8cas KIX\av ve TEaO e'v Teveoto re l'tL avah'o'et, ro ev 8eoT' eci 7rcapo9 iCXVE9 ev':apcevoo, T/lWi7oa LEv etle, eryaE 8' tlao Xaov'AAat Wv W e'7 T Kal vivv LOt T7o- wTLecpp/Vvv e'EXOp 455 8r vvv AZavaotortv aeLKea Xotlyov a/Lvvov.V "? &eaT' EVXO/Levos, ToD 8' AcXve PoE/3oq'ArorXXcov. avTap e7rTE p) efaVTO Ical ovXoXvrTas 7rpof3aXovro, avepvcrav 7rpcra Kat eo-pajav Icaa Se6pav, u77pocs E' tEaraov a caTa TE IKVr' IKaXv av 460',7rTv'a 7oro'raavTreS, Er avTrwv 6' #ooOe'lo-av. cae o6' E7r\ o'ps 6 ryepov, 7rl 6' a Oo7ra olVov XeL3E VEOL 86\ 7rap auvov eXov v7rELLT/oXa XepalV. avap, E \,, p Eq, at - X, eaoa aura e7~~L cara etl~ ~ cari tca~ 1 6 I A I AA O A. 465,Tu-rvXX~Ov T' apa rt'XXa Kal c4tz' 4OEXoi'LV eretpav, w7rTql'aav Te 7repafpa''o, epv'avro Te 7rTavra. avTap e7reb 7ravavro 7rTVOV TETVCOVTO Te 8ai&a, 8ailuvT', OVe8 L Tt 9vIo e8eve8TO 8atOr6o B ECr?. arTap 7reW 7r0toc0 KIal cE6rftVOS epov eVTO, 470 KoVpo& LL.eV KplTq7pa9 E7rre'Tefav7o 7rOTO7o, vc/qo'avi 8' dpa 7rao-wv erapa dpevot 8e7r'eac'atv, Ol a ito o 3,\.aGCOVTO, ol 7V qrarf/uapLos JoX7r, ~eov tXalovro, KcaXov act8'ovTe9 7ratojova, Ico'poL'AXatcov,,fX7,ro'ev'ICApo' 8\ Mm 7'....,eXove Ecaepyov o 6 peva Tep7rTE aKovoJ. 475'Hlpoq 8' }'eXto KTcaTE8v Ka\ d7rl KvEbaa WXev, 8 7TO67T oxojtp4?oavTo 7rapa 7rpvpvtuota Vf769. 73,LO9 8O LptcEye' veca oabvi POaO8aCKTVXO'H\9, cal Tor 6e7reT c aVa7OVTO uLETa -Tpa7ov eupulv'Av atco TroiUrIv 0''kevov ovpov Let EKaep7oST'A7roXXwov. 480 ol &' IOrT ori oavT a"va' U' laTia XevKa 7TE'7Taao av v ave/.o' 7rprev eErLeov 7TLOV, altkCL 8O Kcva -TELp?7 7ropbvpeov pe7yaX''ax;e v7ow Covot'-' ~ 8' e0eev arTa Kvlta SLa7rpqo'roovoa K:eXevOV. aVTap EOTrE p LKOVTO KaTa oTpa7o Eovpvv'AXaLcv, 485 v'ia uetv o"tye etXatvv e7r'' t'eipoto e'pv"oav iVrOV, E7Tr #aLao0t, V7ro\ 8o eppuaTa rIaKpa Tavvo-av v aI'o 8' &,,c8ivavro KaT\ KXcLaO-1a e veaC 1e. A~vTa6p o 6lrtVbe lVo" 7r'apiupevos O)KV7rOpOLtoV, 8toeyevl\? HllqXeo vlo\, -qro68asa cvI'AXL XXvs 490 OvTre 7rod e1 aEyop7?v 7r&TX'TeCeTO KcvStavEtpav oih.,V T.o',I r-,XeIuov, AXX& 0:OvdO~o.,~:' Xo v OP OvTE WrO E9 7ro EV 6V, aA6a +0LVVUe07e OtAXOV Ip avi)t LEVO.V, 7rOOEeETKe 8' av"TIV Te 7rTOXEFOV T6.'AXX' O're Br p' pc K TOlo vo8;EKaTfvl 7EVETz s, Kca& ToTE 8br1 rpo6 "`OXwvrov'tiav S3oi a6Ev eOPT'V 495 7ravTre? 4tpa, Zevs 8' 9pXe. OeEtc, 8$' ov XwOer &fe-!/.LE(OV IAIA&O:z I. 17 7rat8 o&, &XX' oA'7 aiveSVcrero Icta SaXa7cr'rs, jepiq 1' av4,tr), euryav oupavov OuXuv/7rov Te. epev 8' evpvo7ra Kpovl6v arep' evov XXav aKpordT I'Copv O wroXv8etpdt oO OvXvH7roto.'cal pa racrpoLO' avroTo'caOE=e4ro tcat Xc/3e ryov'vov 500 7Kcaql, e67TEpp O ap v'T avOEpEcvo9 AXovoa Xto'a-opEvw 7rpoo-EEtre,aa Kpovt'lva lvacra " Zev'-iraTep, EC'mOTE 8 - rc LET' adavarow'Tv'ovqola 6TE& p epryo, 6oe /ot Kcp'rVOv UEX&op 0 T7t/.k7o)v Uo& vWtOv, os CCVj,uoporaTor a Xov 505 wXeT'- arTap,ttLV VV /yE dva: avYpoAv'Aryapevov j7Tlrlq?7Oev eXwv ryap eXe& yepa9, avTo9 at7rovpa9. JXX a- 7rEp /tv Troov,'OXVtrte CtvlTera Zei''rOpa 8' 6Qr\ Tp ect Tr-et xp'ios', "'p' &v'AXato'....LO criTLV, OeX(o v'c e Trp." 510'Q29 (afo7-' T)V 8' OV7L WT porfI veeX'ryepETa Zelv\, XX',pc&ov vv Orro. Oert9 8' c ijfraTo ryoivov, c EX/E e 7Er(vwt, icac ErpETo EVTrEpov a8vet "L N7tepTe\,uev 8 potL vwroro-eo ical'caravevcov, 1 a7roetOr9,, e7re0 ov roL e7ri BeV o, 0p' ev el80 515 o(00ov Ery) /LueTa 7raortv aT/L TCatV1 ),eo eOL1}." TyV &c,ue'y oX oI 7rpoov0,E ve(eXr)qryepera Zev'9'~ " Xolryta'py', T'e PF' eXoB0o7rar c-at o brIe t"Hp7p.,;' av /' epeo,7Lv oeBeLLt e'7EEo0-LV. oe icai, av7-T k' av v e OvavcaroLt 3Seobo1v 520 eICEe, KCal.4 /%E orlt Ia'pX, Tpdeo —Vw apreLV. aaXX, o/a.v e vv av7t awroo-'txe, /rL a'e voroj-p'Hpq el0oc 8 ce 7a/Ta aLeX rercTaL, o'(pa e`Xe'U0-. et 6' aye -rot KcefaX 3'caXravccroF'at, o'pa 7rJe7roJl'Op 0ovro /yap E/ LUOev rye,ue2r aOava'rotLt tLe'ryrov 525 rTEcLcop' oV royap 6Oy ov 7raXwa~ryperov ov8' a7rartlXov ov' areXev'rTrq'v O t KeV c&faXkj'caravEv0-&. 18 IAIAIAO A.'H ical icvcavE w ~" 4op'o vei VVo'e Kporvov pl6Opoltat( 8' apa %arat wreppaoavro a'vaKcTo 530 /cparoS a7r'?Mavaroto,UEryav 8' eXtlEV'"OXvu7'rrov. Tl' &'y fiovXevo-avTre lE TaeT/ V ayE tEv 7rertTa ed? aXa aXTo /aOetav a7wr' aX'yXevrT0o'OXvj/T7rov, Zev 8\ C'ov rrpo\ 8c&/a. EoJ 0' a(pa 7tav'res a'v'TaP E,'4owv, cov- rrarpoS Evavtbv'~ oU'8 aroe'Tt 535.etvat e7repxo6/evov, XX'' avtot eo-av a'7ravre. ~,80V-G —, aP 7tlt ararTq. &S, uev gvoa KaOeEc' Er7 3pdvov* ov8 ULv"Hpr'y/VOLlo'7eV l(oV' 07-t O V/uCpao-o-atro /ovX&,s apyUpo7rE' a 196OET, V7aYTrp aXiOLO 7yEpOPTO. avTilca lceproptbotLt aia Kpovlova wrpoprn;(a 540 " Tis 8' av rot, 8oXopu7ra, 3eciv o'-vppav'aaro IovXaxs; aile 7ob c iXov' I, epe4v avoro b covrTa, /Ipv7rTcda povEovra (tca'eEv ot& Tl 7rMO /1ot 7rpo6pwv TrXrycaS elTERv 6Tr'o9 OTTb VO7O-'.." a-XX ov,uEv IC E7rtEaE9 aKove/lev, Ov'te eretra _ov ei' fCe7y0ov a7raPevOe SeJ-v EC 6 7Oe'Xcot vo''c, 550 Ip. rt oV rMaOra Kao-ra et'epeo [tO c6TeraXXa." Tov 8' E3 e'7retra''3" or's 7'r6rvta "'Hp atvorare Kpovt8i, 7rotov rav PVOOV e'Etv7es. ca Xi' v vce 7rapos r/ oViT etpo.Lat ovre WeraXX, 8xx4/zd~' e SicqXoq r Oppa'Ieat,1o'd'Ov'Oa. i!XXa 1iA EV1CO0 ra bpat a'- eEXyo-a. 555 vvrv 3' avo 3 8CeCotKcai cara'peva /t [ce 7rapeC7rp apfyvpowre5'a 6er'Tt,,,vyarflp aXItoo ye'povro Iep7'yap ao aey'7rap Er'ro cal X4Ae'yoivv T7 o1 otcO IcaTaVevra-at CrIrvLOv ujt'AXLta I A I AO I. 19 TLPr'717~F, oXeo',& 7rT'oXE'a,7 ven vo- w'AXat6v." Tv 38' c7rqaet/,Levos 7rpoEf7kq vecJEXXlyfpeTa Zev' 560 "8aLuovl'i, aie''uv ViEaL, ov'8" e X r0jeo 7-p'ijeat' 3 77gl9 OurT 8vvrleEat, CoXX Vre vpOi 7rpry~aq o e o l a7ro Vo atX`Xov Lo4b'o-eab TO & 8' T0 ecalt plTyov Eo'Tat. e6 8' OVb7o TO7O''V,' /0\ EXXE E X0ov etvat. aXaX'I ce'ovoa Kc6arO o, c6/uo 8' ETrtLreESo EO 1v5, 565 7) v6 T0 OV Xpat oU'wo' v g0oo (YOL elo" Tv c'OXV'/ATr( aoo-ov wOV, OrE KECV T0o aarrWov9 Xepac ~ eei "'s2 EaT4 0, etoElv 86&,6OorJ'L WroTrva "Hp7q, icat p aKceovo-a KaOOoTro, 7rtryva4pao-a 01Xov /Kp cOXOOav 8' cava & a 8Zpa at\D 3Jeot Ovpavtloveq. 570 TOicOV S'HfatUoo KXVTOT6XVrfs) qpX' awyopeveLv,'p0Pi biXy'ml pa bEpwv, XEVc&E1Vep'Hp, " H (% Xo;tyla ep/ya Ta'8' eo'O'ec'at ov8' ET ateTC7T, e86 o'\o e"velca 3vrqrv ip-baiVe'ToV &Be, ev i' 3eoto-t KcoXoLov eXavverozv oUVe Tt 8aLtos 575 CE'OOXr1 e'OTTerat 8os, E7rE 7a XepElova vKca. rpl]7 o) fY' \ 7r'apaq.tLLt, Kcal avry 7 rep VOCOVtr7, I ra 0p A ciXp 27r'qpa ct bpetv Ztl, o6'pa bt? a're VEKElJ, 7q-a/rrp, a v, v o3' UFv oaura rapay. ef7rep yap i' EOeCXlv O)Xvv7To aLO' Tepo7r7rTql9 580 EO E&cov o-TrvbeXl[at o 7yp 7roXV qprarTO iertsv. CAXX\a 7oV r)v7' EErCeTL icaOarreoCOat, /aXaicoao-rtv avTiKr e7re8O iZXao9 -OXvp/7rt0o g'ycECTat?7 LV. tdls ap 4fq, Ecati avatlag &C7l-a9 a/tC4KVCTeXXOV pIrTPl d[X2 EZV Xeplz TtOC6, Ial ctv trpoOElreTV 585 "'TXaot, TEra p El?, ep t avaoxCO, K/Ol7o0EV77 7rep, Ir ye-, OLX /v 7rep covo-av,`v oi'baXpoto'tv ['wia etLVOLUEV7V, TOTe ) OVTt 8UVv'Co.Lat, aXp/ViLEVpS 7rep, %patfoeCv tapyadXoe ryap v'OXiwtoq aZvTLqEpCfOat.'Sfl cyap jue Kcat aLXXOT ajXCEvlcu /EtLc/tawTa 590 20 IAIAA01t A. B. P*e, 7ros0'TeTary7oV, a7ro /,3Xov 9ecT7Tcrcloto. ara'v 3' POIap bpo',o, aoLa 8' EX) Kcaravv'Tt 7Ta7r7re0o0v evr A yv o nos 6' ETE XvJo/ ClevEV evo'a ue t'vTEL aWvpE9 afap cKOuLoaVT'o 7Tre0vTa." 595 in'2 CdTro, eL8,71o'Ev 8& Beca XeVKcOXevo9 "Hpql, LeLt8Gr-acra 8e 7rat8o9 e3e8aro %etp IKcv7reXXov. avrap O To6`XXoto' - 2eov dv8'ta 7raao'v O0voOet, 7XVKV veKrTap a7ro gprqTypos c?0a-v. ao-feoioT 83 ap' evapro ryEwco,paacdpeoo-t 39eoULtv, 600 c(04 Sov"'Hoao-rov Bt& 8&mara 7ro07rVtvoVTa. "lJ2 TOT6e -LvE 7rp67rav *7,uap S e'Xtov KcaTa8vvTa SatvvvT, ovSe Tt gviS e8EverTo 3atro\9 E4To', ov,uev cJplu, yoo reptKcaXXeos, )v eX''Ar6XXwv, Movoarcov X', at' d&co0v caeiuJeLQevat 0'r' KcaXj^. 605 AvTap rreC KatrE Xaprv Xarpov co qeXl'oto, o0 kEv IcaKcKEOVTEov Se av o6Kov&e K6a,7os 4Xl bICcavC? 8&c)Lua 77epKCXVT7O a'l4rYv2ieL "HaLaros'7roL.cev 168viyot 7rpa7rtiSeT-tV. Ze-v &s 7rpo OV X'v Xo i;''OXvkrrwtoq acrpo'rnl-r?-, 610o #va 7racposq Icoqta'., ore 1LtV /yXvcK voro tuCa'vot'~oa,caOtev8' ava3a\s, 7rapA 8e Xpvco'Opovos "Hprl. I. I A.4z 0' B. "Ovetpos. BOLUOmla. 7 KcaTaXoro CS TCr)V veOcv. "AXXot pILV pa 3ee0 Te ca&l awE'pE tr7roiopvrTat eU8OV 7ravvvX;tot, Ala 8' ot~lc CXe v'8v/uog i'7rvo,, IAIAA O II. 21 aX' b'ye /epu)pL KcaTac bpe'va co'AXtXAa.T.L.. fE,,oXeat 8' 7roXE'a9 f vlvatv'AzXat6v. 7e 83E o& KaTa' /SVoJV apapioTq) 4awivero t0ovX~!, 5 7rr'j*ac e7r'ArpeA;p y'Aryapev ovo obXov "Ovecpov' Icat,uv fxov'aa~ b7rea 7rrJTepdevTa pooril'Ba' "BDaoc''t, oivXe "OveLpe, S9oa~.rl vags'AXamv CXOcwv 6 xXwlt1v''AyaCp'uvovo'Arpei'wao'7ra-va c a' aTpece(o aeyopeveuLev oI ErrEr'Xo. 10 Scop7:al e IceXeve IcaplIKco-/LcoPvTa'AXaLobs 7ravo-vlt'? vvv,y'p Kev AXom r'6Xtv epvavyvCav Tpcov ov ytp 67v aeuyp' OXvTu/7TLa 61a1 eT OVT'e? aOarvaroT bpago'vrat e C7rdylvaputev yap a7ravera'Hpnq Xaro-oc'mvq, Tp&eacc &6 ic&86' E6477raaL,." 15 "2a cfaTo, rio 8' atp "OvEtpoq, &7re7 TEav ov a1fcovo-ev. Kap7raX4Ljws 8'',cave Soaqg Cr via-'AAXat6v, /3i' ap' e7r''Arpel'riv'Aya e4vova. Tov y' &ckXavev EP KY 7v ~ch~ai~ rr~pi' a3p07L0 CXV6 V7rV0?. evoovT ev ~X! qepr $''rvos ao 3' a'p' v7rEp iKeca`X?7 NcqXi7tI vao KOcv'ls, 20 Neo'ropL, Tdv pa LXatO-Ta 7yepoVT(ov r T'Ayapetvtov' T' FLLPV EecLCapeVO rwpooaecpoovee ae9os "Ovepo, " EvSetL,'ArpE'o v &8a{'4povos t7r0oapoo/.Lo; ov Xp;7 7ravvvxcov evbetv iovXtrobpov a'vSpa, C Xaot'' E7rLtVTpa aTat Ka T'ooa p/LE/LlXev. 25 vvv o Jpmev fL veP JCaP' lta'l$ &' TOL a7CiyeaoX epCt,,o o'ev avevOev c'v pueya IcyreraL 01' e'Xeatpec. S9wprtoa' o'e Ice'XEvoe 1aplKouooovrTaq'Axatoiv)'Jravov&Slt vPv ry'p Icev'Xot 7ro6XLv evpvayvav Tpcov. ov yap et' a,/'OXvuLrrla,ua/t''xov-re 30 a(a'vaTol bpac'ovtrat ~e7r'eyvaju- ev iya\ p aw7ravTas'Hp7 Xo-o-o/ue'vfl, Tpcwefo-c E\ 18,' e6BrTTab e ac. aXXa ov &P e'bpeo-, toia a-e,Xi5O/ atpetlTo, eT'v " e E1XPpAov Jpw v7rvos a)7vr." 22 I A IAA O B. 35 t'nf dapa covao-9a aWrre8roero, rTo3v 8' Ar' aVT'oV -a bpovovT Sv6 vu t' o0 7TEXEo'OatL ptJeXXov. 01 76ap O6' at0pio-eLtv IlptaClov 7w6rXLV " aT/ KEtIvE?rtoW, ovl83 \r \r 1 a pa ZEivNjI /18TE7O epya Z -elV ry7a\p er' e/eXXEv E ayed -re orovaXca Tre 40 Tpcoo-i 7e Kcatl ZavaoittL,uz tcparrepas TvlvacL. CePPETo 8' 3E V7TVQU,;e1 8 6 /wV a4 EVT O~I4ij. e'ET0o 3' op coOeve,, puaXacoav 8' evBv3e XtJ cva,,caXbv vr/yae0ov, rep& 86 pjEya /CeXXcro fapos' 7,woO(r 8' bw6r Xvrapoatv edrjcaro caXa r'3ItXa, 45 4bkpo 3 8'p' 5p tOLLVW IBdXEro;l~oo apyvpoXov. ElXETO 86\ oKTpov ap v,'C"p O vB0 o aid' aUV v)'fiV tcara vicas'AXatav aXacoXtLrdoveov.'HcIs /uEv pa 93ea'rpoae/3ryo'eo LatKpov "OkU t -ov, Z'qvt /&o9 epeovo'a Ka, aXXot cMavca'rotovw 50 avC'Tp o Ic'pv'KE-c0l Xb'yvO7YyoLt KEXceeVe 1c7)pvO'Oetv ayoprlnve capql7ooLto)v7av'AaLovi' o; pr'' o 8' o, w) ~ 01 /LEV EKqpVquOV, 703 87 7ElpOTO7 /LaX coKa. BovUXv 8 7rp'r0ov eaOyavteov w lE yepov'riv Neoarop?,r wapv at' HvXo6 LT7EVEO9 /aotXoo. 55'701 / tye oUryKaXe(o-a 7rvecLIv l7ptv7VEo70 TOVXjv "K KXtie, tjXot' 3~qe?65 pot Eviwrvlov /XOEV "OVEtpog lupoa-'vjv ta\ vvcKra /uLaXtLTa 8E NE'T-P 34D -eoo0 E'e /eteEOS Te 7 v]rv T 7 a"yOL7a eo&clE. orM 3' Kip' brrip eceaXO7 ICal pe wp'? bL10ov'TeJ' 60'e8eoel,,'Arpco, v[E oai'ppovo9 t7r7roS3otoW; OV Xp I 7ravvvrXov eewV flovXckpov avopa, C Xaot T e'7reETpaciaTa&L 4a o0a LraeXUXev. vvv 3' Et'.Lev OZS)v e Joca- AtO 3c' TOt a7,EXOs eCt/I, OS oEv avevOEv E.v /eya Kcn7Tat'83' EXeatpea. 65. 3Sopr:at -e cKEXevoEe apycoito'ov-Tav'AXatov5l 7r1q'av3vip VVV ryap cEv pXOv 7r6Xv Eupavyvtav IAIIAO: II. 23 Tpcov' ov 7yap!'' eAutc'OX vi wa 34Lar' c'xovmrn aOaprarot O paq'ov'-aL E7reyva/FJAev fyap a7ravTaq "Hp7q Xctooouvrq, Tpcec0 8e& Icc38E' oiqr-7rat EKc zto6. aMXXc, -v 0o77tv eXe peci.' &s o /LvE e'lrwv 70 S N I'A r/ I / v,xIer a7Tro7rra/uevoS, er e of fyxUsv wlrvo% apqlcev. aXX' tye7r', at' Kcev vrco Jwop rjopev vlaS'AXat~v. ~7rp()Ta 3 &yeyv e7rertPv rretprnoEo/La, a) 9cSl' eoTrlv, ca /EVc6yetv o-v qv v Ov V 7rovcXV1&-s KEXe;6o'o ^vize 6' XXoOev a XXog Ep' V'v Etreewv." 75 H nTot oy O et7rCOv Kcar ap er'T0, TOLfot 3' t VETf Ne&-rwp, o's pa Ihv'Xoto dvaa?yv r/uaOoevroT 0 a0-cv euvpoveov aJyopro-aro Kat' eoTee7rev "'j2 dXot,'ApE/l'wv pY07ro'pe6s 78 /E6ovre9, El EPV T7'S 7TOv VELpOV'AXa&c'v acXX&o evL7,rev, 80 *e680' Kcev Oa^ av t KaE voKat gol'oEOa,ucXaov viv 3' O'2ev OSk ey' aip'7vT0o'AXat&0V eVXETaL elvaL. aXX' aycE7-, at' KEV 7O9 36op j o/lev vIa'Azatv." "'12 apa bov4craas /ovXq E' pXe VEe-Oat. 0o 8' eriaveSrro'av TreLovTo E 7/ roE,,vt, Xa&v, 85 KI7rTTOVXO t 8Ia'CtXre' E7reoaeVovrTo 86 Xao'. lvre eOvea " t. /EXtwacWv a,'Vaov, rErTpl9 OEr cyXac'vpX atde ve'ov epXo0uevacov /orpv8ov e v'rerovTat e7r avOeotv etaptvotovai.tuv 9 gvOa Xs, ve7rEWro 7aTat,, a L 84 -e evOa' 90 W 7T&V 7Evea 7roXXa veoJv a'ro Kcal K'CXL-tOv yivoPO 7rpo7rapoLOe /aOel7 ecT'O(vO'T0 IXaSov els aryopv' ILTra &e o't'oltv "Oooa 3E834e o'pvvovo- 1-eva, ZltOS a7y7yeXo o[ 3' aepovro TETp7XEi 83 a7opr7, v7ro 8e cT7evaXtierEo /ryaa 95 XK2VKE9 8v00PLWTE9S Ep)Tvov, fE7roT avtr c7oatr aKovaEcav 3v to' TpcoE'cfv 3aa-txrcov. 24 IAIAAOZ B. a7rov&' S' IE`ETO Xaos, E'p7TVEV 8e caO' A'paT 100 rravoa',evot KcXa/yryrj ava &e KpEtiV'Ayaz'vCov eo'r.OICfrTrpor eZxov, Tro ev "'Hoata'Tro tc/ate TeVXCOv.."Hoat0F rosZlV Kvce 4t& Kpoviaovw vaba&, auTap apa Zeivs 8ozIce 8LaICTopp apfyet ozVT7'Epuelaq & dvatb 8&ICev JIXo7rX 7rXqtl'7rerp, 105 avrap 6 abvre HIEXo#* 8C''ATrpei " otpevt Xa v''Arpev B\ S3rzKwv k'Xc rev tr'oXvapvt Ove&'rp, avTap 6 avTe EOvCr'T'Aryateu'vovt Xe7re 4op-vat, W7rOXX V vt^laotos icat "Apyea,rw7V7a aaVacOew. 01 e/ / li / )X / 7-T oy Epe aof ueVoy epr a f'Apryeloott [LCTflV8a 110 "'4 2 t'Xot, {pwoeg davaol, 3epad7rOVre, "Apros%, Ze':S': e /LEya Kpov'ts a'r evrevo'qe /3apep,, %eTX ~STX~, OS A 7rpLV tEV LLOL 0 V7rECXeT0 Kca icaTEVElvOEV IXLto Ec7rrEpoavr 7 eV7TelXeov a7rovEeoOat, VVV 8E KcaKrlv a7raT71)v /30ovXevo'aT, Kcal i.Ze IceXeveL 115 8vcaicXeca "Apfyosg biceOat,'Erre rToXbv AjXeoa Xaov. el OVTtA 7rov Att LIe-X~eL lT vqrepleVE& v iXOV tVat, os 8r 7roXXaoiv 7roXoov carTeXve iapriva ~ 6'7 t Kal XUCet TOV yap KcpaToK 9 EOTt [E'yfTo V. aiaXppv ry/p Tode yj cr I ca''T oL vo L0 7rvOv9oOat, 120 Lap'r OVTl) TrolOvSe 0roodvWe're Xav'AzatLv a6rpqlcTov r'roXepov orroXe/LteLv 7Le /aX6etOa& dav8pdoat ravporepot.t, reXos o'ow 73' qrebavPat. e'7rEp ryp Ic' EXoLUev'Apato'e TEp 7 oplcta 7rtTsa TaLJOVTre9, aptOlj,.qO tevaat L4tbo, 125 Tpa,? 1Eav XEtaoOai e40ertot 0oSoO e'a,-tv, 2AeLt 8' de 86eca8aS 8taKopLWO6keiE'AXatol, Tpoowv 8' avSpa'ca-Tov EXoitezcOa olvoxoevel.v, -roXXat xcev 8eKac8e 8evoiaTo oivox0obo. Troaaov c'ry(o )b1rqc 7rXea9 eptlevaL vla a'Axaatv 130 Tpcrov, o'' vai'ovt Icaa 7rT6XVr aXX' E7ri'KOVpO0 patIIovo-tgat&,rdt XX 1AIAAOY II. 25 7roXXVov eic wroXAov y o-raXoi avv peg eaotv, o t Le pUE'ya 7rXa'QbV-t Kat OVK ElC)c E'OeXovTa'IXlov'7repo-at evvaLolevo 7rFXOXtEOpOV. evvea ry 8e/3caaa-Lt adt\ perycXov eYLav'o!, Kcal v) 3oopa o-'ipfre veiv icKal 7rcapTra XeXvvTra 135 a6 Wtov VJl eTEpat T aCXoXot xai vqrjia Teva a,, \ 11 C,,, \, etaT ept pe/apotv 7roT0T&yevat a $ a " o epryov avTC0 aKcpaavwov, ov ctvelca 8eip' t:Kop'eO0a. aXX' a/yeO', co av ~,V Eov e, 7T7EI)eaTa aTcaVT6e Evy7,opev a-Vv vovt, O[Xqlv V 7eraaTpt'a trya'av' 140 ov ryap eTt Tpotiv aipyj-oilev Evpvayvtav." 1d2s fa'TO, To&rt & vl vpoV Ev, cT7'O'eo-tV optveV lrao-t teTa 7TflqOv, 3'm oi /ovXj En e-ra6ovaav. Klcq' o ayop) Or KvlvLkaTa v /aKpat 3aXacroa, 67rovrro'Ilapioto, t o Ev a' Evpos Te NoTros e 145 )pop' vea{ta9 7raTpO AtlO EKc vebeXaoWv. ( 8GTe K: VO' y Z&vpo9 /aOP Xiov e'XOwv, Xacipoq e7rat7towv, Er''t' T/LVEt aoTaXveo-o'tv, o S Trv 7raCo aEyopV ivwOql. TO0 8' aXaXf-Tco viras e7r' E~eVov7o, 7ro-8Cv 8' v7rvepOe Icovln 150 tfTaT actpopLEvErn TO, 8S' XXriyXoto- KEXEVOV a7rTreOOat v.L*v )$' eXKELEV eic aiXa 8iav, o:povS 9 ceitKaOaCpov da'r?' o''pavov'KE'v olKca ~e lqeE'vwv V7TO\ 8''pEOV ep/laTra v/oWv. "EvOa Kcev'Apyeovto-w v7replopa voco'Ts ervXOrl, 155,)"'AOryvalv "Hpyq 7rpos uQov 7rLeov "'l2 7ro7r6o, ayto"Xoo X bt v teKO,'ATPVTZjv, OVTtO tS] oEcKv;Oe, 4tXlvV d 7TraTpS8a yatav,'Apryecot;cvt:OVTTaL Er evpea vcOra SaXVtirtT, i:& &8 KIev evXoXB& v Ilpa-pl, ca, Tpoor XiwrOtev 160'Ap7yelfv'EX)E'v1v, si eiveeca 7roXXo,'Axatu'v ev Tpo~t' awroovro, LbXfl'9 a7ro\ 7prarTpt3o a'isf9. 2 26 IAIAAOZ B. &XX''t0 vvv!caT Xaov'AXalt6v XaXlcoXrXtTvv uo'o ayavot~s e7reeo'-tL epnTue fuTa eKacrTov, 165 urq8 ea vjas~' aXa8' e'Xceev a/J4LeXic''ceas.'Qs~ 1ObaT, ovS' a7rlt'o-ce Sea yXavK(crts'A"Oiv'.,8i 8 e car OvzXvu7roto Icap5vwov aciaoa, Icap7raXLLowa 8' tIave Soa\o 3IrV vqbas'AXaL&wv. Evpev 6r77ELT' 08vro a, Att prTlv arTaXav-rov, 170 e'Trar o'' oV y7 v'oo Ev'Oo-,'eXlioto'teXaliv a7rrer-., e7re6 Utv aoxo9 Kcpa8tlv a.t Svluov Zlavev. Ey~Xov o' iaOTaqvJr' wrpoan ryXavK 6rs'Ar vr "Z hoyeves Aaepta\ ptca, wroXvauxyav O cVSweV., OV7Cro Q ocKOvIO, 65t'Xhqv E9 7raTpl[a ryaiav, 175 btevffeT0 EV Vq0c0t 7bTOXVKX6ix7L 77-EOV7PTE, ICa oe KEI EVyJX 7)X'V IlptCwU Kal Tpowr Xlrobre'Apyeltv'EX&vqv,?: eWvelKa 7roXXo\'AXativ ev Tpo(y a6rXovro, ikXvq cbr\ 7rarpi3os at'vs. aXX' t'0 viv KcaTra XaOv'AXabtGv, /r1 T' E pCOet,.180 0o-o Ot ayavov? E7Tec-TcLV Epi7Tve fWTa eKaCTov, p/7AI&e'a vija a~ ao eXlce'Luev a,/b+AliX a9." l2s OabcW, o 8\ )vv7mflKE 39eca o07ra (fOvc7 c-Tfl, & \e 39EEtV, a7ro e X&Xatvav 83aXIe Tv 8' EKOCOLt0Coev Kpv: Evpva'rrl'I0aKroto9o, o5 otl O7TwEt. 185 avroS 8''Arpeieo'A)yape/AvovoS avTt'o e'XOcv 8tc.ar5o0 o[ K)77rrTpov r-arp6iov, Cac0rov alel rvy 7' ~'/1 3 KaTa\r vi7as'AxatLv XaXKOXLTTwvov. "OvTrwa JuLEv /3acLXr7a Kal 6`oXov advpa IctXE1, To 8, wayavov 6e7rEEro' V eprTrv-a'-ce 7rapao-Tar 190 " atpoav', oV aceE eolKE KaKoIv ) 8e&t eo-eo-9Oab, JXX' avro~.e ic KaOo!cat a"XXovq [mpve Xaov?. o ryydp rrco o-ca otaO' ooS vdoo'Arpekwvo' JVy V EV 7repaTrat, raXa 8' I'terTa& vlaS'A~aupv. ev /,ovXy 8' ov w'ravres axsoveoa/Lev olov "eL7rev. IAIAAOZ II. 27' XOTXL CrEEVO pEtp KaKOV vIa9'Axaalv. 195 Svao 8e6,u'Eya9 E&TT 8L7opEcpOS 8auciXog 6'Trl 8K''Ch oJS EOTL, tpXcE 386' tIrpTera Zes." "Ov 6' av 8qruov T av6pa'8oo /3poovTa T eEsVpo&, OVy CyTr7P~'Tp oEXacaoo-Kev o/OKh'r a-c ce IT 0E "Aautd'LL, arpTasa 7oo Ica2 cXcov puiOov dcove, 200 o' o-'o 6epTrepool e6r't, ov 86' Jrr6XeO os' Ka; a'ivaXfcts, OVTe 7rOT2 6v 7roXeLe. evapiOpeLo oVT Evb fovXy. ovi,uv r70 7TLrVeS /a0LXtke1SoUtev dvOdt''AXatol. ov0ec &ayaOov 7r'oXvicotpavt',r es' icoipavo ge7aTco, e4 /9aortXevs-, c E68wce Kp6vov 7ra L aycvXo/ur)eECo. 205 [Coc7rTrpov T lj6e 2 c'uwas, lva 6 Et/ aa-f tLVy]." -'24 o5ye Kcotpaveov teTre oTpaT6v ol 6' a7oprjvSe avTrt E7rCeoeevovT0 VEWV a7ro ecalt KXtCtawov x,' co;, O're KVca 7roXhvfXotla3oo SaXoava ail7aXo LueyadXpt 3pe/erTaL, oaapa-ye 6'e r6v7ro?. 210 "A4XXot /fEv p' e'ovro, eprjTrvOev 86 KaO' 6pas' Oep'rlT7T 68' eLt ovtvo a/terpoe7rrw EXcohXa, os p 67rea fpeo-v L7atLv aKco/a'TE 7r tOXXa TE, ak *E aTap ozv KaTa lCoayuov, EptlteEVaL /aoLtXevL-tv, aXX' oT eL'EaLo eyXoliov Ap'yeototlv 215 e[tuevat. a'o-toLros & atvTp 7r'. "'IXtov yXOCev oXkcO e'rlv, XtoXsg 6' eTrepov w7roa'r& 8 o' Couo MKVpTA, 7rfl C7oF00T ) vvoxV KOTc e aTap V7rEp6EV bo4os egrv KeqaX \,v, frse6v 6' E7revJvoOe XaXXv. eX GOTo9 6''AXtX i Md'XLto 7'v 7''08'aO6v-ii 220 T)o yeap VELtKElEtCe' TOT aiv'Aryap /vorl 6kl o'Ea KECkXoyco Xeo 7 ovetoea. o 670'' ap' Axato,. efc7ra7Xrya KOTEOVTO?-EJL8fflOEV 9 EVLE T V/L. avrap o ILaKcpa )focv'Ayap'pvova VElKEE ILtV009 "'Arpei'rL, X'X o 8' aVT dE7rtL/ioX eaL l6 r XaTr[tat; 225 wrXedal TOL XaX/cov /AcXlolaL, 7roXXat 8e\ vvauce? 28 IAIAAO: B. Clo-Lv eL t0, /At E'aLpETOt, a' Tobo; AXato' rrporta7lT- 81OpUEV, EVT a&v rrroXeppov e cXhwev. er K xcax, Xpvwov- 67LrEVEaL, ov KE Tt OT'Le 230 Tpootv itr7ro&awpv dE'IXiov v*o' "'roLva, at 3 \s t X to? aerotva, O EV x y\v d7 oca yoa yw i) a'Xo9'AxaLtv, e yvvatcKa vErv, tva ptw7yeat Ev )tXO6TlrTt, wvrT av'ro a7rovo'ab KaTro'XEaL; OV LEV OICEV apXov o6vTa KaKlcv 7Tr/pawcKEE via'AXatw-v. 235 &e 7rT rovE, KaK EAXyXe,'AXat8Es, oUKce'r''AXatol, otKas rCep o-vv vrverl vec6/eOa, TO6v8e' ECLev avrov Ev Tpoo y r7pa 7reCerO-Lev, od'pa &7Trab pa7 pa Ol otX WJzets 7Tpo~aflVV~opaev, 7ec Kat oucK' os gai vK v'AXXa, g o,Ec/ aueltvova bcora, 240 Tl/'u /evl7 Xre v,yap EXEL 7ypas, a aVTO9 a7rovpa?. aXXa cipX' oveK'AXLX&i X6oXo9 9pecLv, aXXa LEOr/wcov' Oj yap av,'ArpeCl8r, vv vi'-ara Xo/3)roato."'l-2s qaTro VELKeltWv'Ayalaytovova, 7roLqeva Xacwv, Oepo-'rlTq1? 7 8' c'lca 7rapto'raro 80os?'08vo-re s', 245 IKa' tlv v7wropa 168(v aXe7rw' vl'7ra7re t Vra Oo "6epo-'T aKptl7i)-1VOe, XtyV, 7rep EOV ay7opyr2rT2, tlcXO, P/A8 6OE 0L0 olos Ep/jpevat /3aa-tXevctv. ov yap EycI o- o frl/t XepeLoTrepov /porTv aXXOv:',/LevaL, o'roo a?'ArTpe8r v7rrb "I'IXtov rXOov. 250 7c, OVKC av I3aTaoXtag ava Co-T. e'wov ayOpevotqs, Kal tf)LV Ove18cEa TE 7TpO(fEpOlt, VO'(TOV TE r ve XvraooF. o T8' 7 rco caioa 8p/ev 57roo &rra, dSae'pya, CV cE iKaKU VOO-7) OUT-O IEV VlES AXatwv. ['r VVV'ATPEl8n7 y'AyaFLuevovL, TOAVBYt XaCi)V, 255 a-at OVet&[lWv, OTV 7 ol aXa'7roXXa' &L8toitv Ipojeg Aavao' a-V 8 KEpTOepoL)oV cayopevtelt.] aLXX2''c T0ot EpEO, TO 8' Kcai TeTerXeo/-uvov'Tavt E K ETL d t appaLvovTa KIctLXa7O'U at lS Vv 7rEp c)OS 062 1}D3vo-oa 39aox1o iv'naodngo mmDoy-xXv s3,qmvanL t IvdCtX iodvan S.Qiv2U It dvl/ 39DLo ~Vr OD-3oLcl naosXLn3 9 tnav.od2L,3 aOXI','olo.0.0L o1 3kdF,,,, 177,,aX, 13?31o 13?vpoa avoDoiLut d3 u4a'alD3XDLoon oLDqano93y313 7o0~ 3Qno g8g'aloDc OLOdd WD93Lod39Yr iva417)Y3.9 aolIoX/yX3 a?DVXiL?oVoXv, a1onoyXo':nvan'o h? aynn'&?3d~v8,, aan.sq3L3 iv,, oLivttDdoL? anconodfc.n no0,o natynog ovvloDDovdd/. V3, v 4V1 az. 0/3now? nooar n(WfvXV, sq? w..'oa - D: 3.?1oCd)c Io 10; Yr/v ss 082'?3/arl)q~a4 nVowvy azvcO.oD'Ivnd&, Wraqd7o3iq'1hn1/a V, Fmxav,? v? d, —-naCX.? aodjL,.L&o t,.LD3. sn.o.nO' soodo.~?.vOL. Y3 vn,. seottL l nmDvo su,'a1oo.gaiL9 Sio013imo svuyiDovd anq333N dcoaln/( sorda.n 7.Dontav Snav aivi7,1 ni? ant, no LZ, ~ncrwzaodol %D3 Xolo avogD-o3mL VdlC&&I ao.L s0o'naad4, ai.o7O3Ldv, na4 noL.d.oidv?97 3?OL? acdaXo9. svoVL? amcoXdy?,, svyXaog a.ndo9 y. 3ot nto.oa0 o,dad t'.O, L'L nb/Cdo3 WpD3o~ ~r'YO o sngno 7qdrlg ~ ( zr, noXyyv noa olIL S3 ao( a3qoD3zi3 S 113g 39Q OLg'n'VD..Oy?/(L qgr.JnV? Lt3'd.UL oanIr/nnaX? r:'I9I IO and.Ng ov:ndor/om.,'ani ao0?dXv'g Sv.otDLXv'9L 4t, ag.dp/. o. r,? dv c, o. no3ndX oiun nodzikD.o LDV3n Q _oLfl.3d.oL3Vrl VDDaso30lr/iV 1s g1QX.r.D and3rng 091x1i/ 0o 091 nodqyxVg,'lhn4ca?,o.0 a43?hYL S99 r0)71 02.V 9) nona40do4rl sg cQ.djiz iso'lt/ dys U, 0aW/IDSl)o z IS-h34 1 9 n35a0Idokv) sp/) 0LX.jL cotin svan.s? svoj n vOrlvX3, e naoinv "i3 9Lniz7Lacd vdp S2?nv L 2 l'va0).Al X L n9vavX o)Dng 73 VLVrYI3 VvYq (1/ OLID arp 9.0 QLs lt7 13 o9o'4l?13 sOn39 Lty23IY dSt.LvL oIoXp7qyu,t, 1;. tttI'&191?L 4? Dor2 ltd'y 1htDnO, 1O391L9 L3 lrVI 6'I I 11 OVv I VI 30 IAIAIAO: B. [v icat 7ro'voe S iGoT6v aGvtqO8evra veE-Oat. Ica} yap rsl SI' eva jvz'a eCvtov, 7ro'S aXXolo aXaXda -vlv V'' 7ro0Xvu6y7, ov7rep aeXXat X'Lupa L EclXOXLVt'PLVOpLo'V7 Te T aSXaaora 295 lv 3 etlvaaTO C'TL 7reptTpO7rEoWl evbaVTO9 evOae8 /Lt(LVOVT7EO6L.. T0 O vepeL(T o'/'AXatovi ao-XaXdav rrapa vqvo-, icopwovitnov a 6XXca KIaa e/r atcrXpov 7-ro& &~pov're JEeVeV KEVEOV Te vecrdab. TXTCe, o'XOt, Kab petlVaT' eTrlt XpVo, Oopa Ga&Fev 300 1) &erev KXo as,juav7'eveTrat, -7e \ca ovci. ev cyap 8rj To6oe l'3v ev EVp bpeotv, e 8'e Se 7ravTre.tapTVpoL, o{V P~K ICype9 /38av vatotroLo c/ povo-at &Lt~'7e Kcai K rpaip', o'T' dg Av'Xt3a vie9'AXatciv I yEpeOovro KaKa HlptaLE xcaI Tpco- cfepovoac' 305'iE5 83''actl 7TepLt Kp)VI)V tEpOVq Ka'aC fpouv E'p3o0ev caOava'roto'-t'EX??caq EcKaTorp8a9, 7caX,, i7ro 7rXaravliT-, o",'Oe.ev ayXaoiv i8cop evO' ) /alqv puefya oimua padiccov e7r6 v6i-a aCoovotVg, putep&aXCo~, r'V p avr Ts \O~''OXtwto9 KCEe h T oIC e, 310 8poi)ov vraia" qr71po96 pa 7rXaTavoTr0o opovaEV. evva o' ecaav TrpovOolo VE0o0o0, r17-rta TEKVa, 06 E, r' aKpoTaTp, 7reaX0o' v'7ro0re7E7'TC)T'eS, oK7T)o, awap a, r4'?p evary7 Yv, r1 TeKE TEKVa.'vO' oree 70os e'Xeeva ICaTj0-Le Terptlyra. 315 I.rTqp 8' apcue7ro'rairo 03vpopkEvq itXa T&cva' Tr'v 8' EXEXtLa/IEvoq 77-TEpeVYO XG3E&v acta%?viav. avTap E7reT KcaTa TEICov efa/ TOVOoo Kal aV'nT)v, TV UE apl'C1Xov rycev 9EOs, VOwrep ref7VeV Xaav ya'p /y v EOI/ce Kpovov 7raS' aK/ycvXou)r'eoo' 320'?es' 3' e'-Trao're 9C avpai'opev ovov OcTvXOq7. Cw Ov 8etva 71rEXOpa gSewv elo-ij'XO' E'Ka'ro/,Pa,. KcdXXas 8' avTiuc''7reTcTa 3eo7rpo7rerov acyopevev IAIAAO: II. 31'7rT'i aveco EEveO0e, EKap'q KO/Oo)VPTe'AXatot; i.1v 1 -6eV T'0 E"rlVE TEpas LLe~ya /'07TiETa Zev,, qtLtuov, #L'TEXESCTOV, OSoV IKX' Oy, oiwoo' AXetTab. 325 0170V ICaT7a TeKCV E6Qaye o'TpovUoLo /cac avTrlv, O/KTW, arap pATrfp EvacT?v, a TEICE TelCva ~ CO 771/461s Tso-av-r 6Tea 7rTo0cpL:oev av&M, 0) pl/1Et9 CTCLV7 ETEC WTOXEJU t O/LEV ai86, TO) ecaro 6('oXtV actpirTo/LEev evpvalyvtav. KCEvo 7Tro aLopOpEVE Ta 2 vvv rVavTa rVEXetraT. 330 aXX)' aye, ULlLVETE 7ravTES&, EViKVqtL8e'AxatoC, avrov, eo6Kev aKTV UTeya pLtaloto Aepoaev." "X29 ecOpaT,'"ApydEOt 8e' /E'y' it'aov- a46 & eJn)E ao-1epSaXe'ov Icov' lcav avEo-avTrowv Vr''AXalv —,vJOov e7IratvwjoaVT9eO' OvSoo'0o 3eloto. 335 MT0o 86\ Kcat /ULeree7re ep)'OSv t'7rOTra Nearcop i"J2 7 oTro7ro, 4 3 7ratlv OLK6OTE' alopaacOe vrpTcaoXt, obv OviT /XEL WoXe'hca'py7a. 77rq 37 (TVVOElat TE Kal OpKCL /3a70-ETcaLt qLW; ev 7rvp'3 83 /3ovXa[ Te 7yevotaQro /i8eaa 7 av(SpcSv, 340 w7rov(aS cT' aCPr7To / a, aeEtat, 7' EEWCOtzv EV' avTcs ryap p Er7EET EptSalvo/uEV, OV(S E' T %xo evpeiwevact 8vvapeorOa, 7ro'Xv xp6~ovov Eva' E6OVTE9.'Arpetf, rv b 8' 0 W' r 7rpV 6'XOv ao-re/pea ovX\iv dpXev''ApyetOtUt Kaa Kcparepas vo-uva, 345 -TOj86E' 3 ca (fOVOEL6tV, Ev'a KaL 3)0o, Tov e0 v'AcXat&v vO'w lPov eoa6vc- avvL 3 Ov OK EcET 8 ora L arVTv7rpv "Apryoo-8' iva', rptv Kcal ZJtLo alytooto V(po/JeVaL eE'Te'e oE v'oS o' VOceEtLs EE, Ka OVKL. )0lpn r yap ovv caTravevoat v7rep/Jevea Kpov'cova 350 lipair O&), 0 Tre VrVctV Er L)KCV77OfpOLVLV p4atVov'Apyetob Tpc'eo-o-t )6lOV Ktal Kclpa bepovVTEr, aOTpa7 rT(ioV EME6eL, Evalioq(a yct cfaiv)cov. IT Ofj w,?7 -'rphv erctyereo oKcov~e v'eo'Oat, 32 IAIAA O B. 355 ptpV Ttva 7rap Tpwoov X6Xw IcaraacotalnO6 vao,?TiacTab 36''Ehtczl' oppr/Ja7aTa Te oTovaxac 7e. ~6 (~ rtg etcTraT@og. e'eOet otoWEve voeOat, 367r9eo o K7 vrlyXc AiJo' erX o o te-a'6v a, o00pa 7rpo-O8' aXlwv &lvaTov Ica 7rorTlov cr7rl07rfl7. 360 aXXha, a'va, aVrTO? T' eV vieO6o 0reTo' a\XXvo OUTOt aW6ro/,Xq7TO E7T09 67067at, O77T KV EL7r'0 Icpv' avSpag icaTa& vODXa, KaTa& bprrpa%,'Aya-eiqvov, s cbpijrvp'q dprprp blLv ap4y,7, biXa 8e 4bXot?. el 6E Kev & Ipyg Kaa Trot 7retOeoVTat rat ato', 365 ryvwo' er'eO 69,q'' 7yEovw Ka o vv Xa/v 78' oS 1c' EcO0Xog er7ul' KCara p7 ag ryap cpaXeovTat 7yvwceat 8' elc Kalb S9eo7rEo'l7 wrXtv oIfc a&Xa7rvae9, 1) avapsov icaKorT)Tt Kcal a/paavl 7roX oto.") Tov 8' a7rapet8o'1.tevo w'7rpoo'e7 IcpElVo'Aryapae'lvv 370 " a tu.v aVT ryopj vecag., 7y'pov, vwaS'Axato6v. a ryap, Zei 7e 7raCTep Ica\'AOqvaqI,cal "AwroXXov,'TOOV70TO eKa 0ot cvpo4pa836,u0ve? e1ev'AXat'ov 79) 166: Ta% IYLVOae rn-Xv? flpt,~Poto atvaKToq Irco Ke Tra npvetr e 7ro7 llpb4Hob 7K XEP ~V b 7/LeTepfYtV 6Xoveoa'6 repoeVl 6re. 375 aiXXta,ot atyioXogs Kpovt8fl9 ZebVS alye' e6Kolev, 6o /Ue /IeT awrpjKrTOV ept;ag. Kcat ve6cea ltMXkec. Ia`c eyap c'yiov'AxLetV X e 6 X76 /Layq~o-dA eveWKa KOVpfl9 aY7VlO /0tl, e7rre(otv, e ryC) 3 (3pzov Xa'eraLV V e oe 7ro e' eye Layav 8ovXuoev, o..C.. I r. et 7707 E9 76 /l aV /3OVX6VO-O/1t6V, OVIKeT e7'etTa 380 Tpwoav araJXvlo-9 IcaZcov oe-erTat, ov'' i/3at6v. vvv 8' pxerO' E 7r evov,r'va vuvaTycoLtev "Ap7 a. eb /EV 7te 36pv tao-v Oo,, ev 8' aio-7ria S9co-'o, eb 86 T 7T'7rroouV 8E6irvYOv 76rTo cKVTro3SEtwtV, eV 8E rbS aptaTrog. a/Udpo l,8;oV'Ell El) 3~ 7t9 Cap/La7O9 apx/t9 i3cw rroXe0o m/ze6e0r~eo, 385 & Kce 7rawvl'teptOc Trv7vyep) 1CptVW1LeO' "Aprji. ov'yap 7rav6ooXr X7e 76 erTGc-erat, ohS' }iatoBv, IAIAAOY II. 33 elI /q vbz eXOovca 8taKptveEt EVoq a&vpcWv. t6pctOeL /LV 7EV TeXa/uLv a/Lcf I7)eOTv hrn6osi abut t3poPrfl, 7rept 6 E7Xei Xetpa IcauevCrat OpoGo'E6L 6 7E'V L7rTrOW V'oov iapa'trath'cov. 390 ov c8 fC' ryc awrvevOe' s c' Xov ra vo'r co [ut/rva'etv 7rapa tr-vfrv Cop&ovtctV, OV Ot eretTa apctov Ecfetrat CV7EelV vpav oovovs."'xs esar','Apyco& 86 tyL ctaXov, oS 06 OE a aKTo E) VfXrlX\, 07e KLVrj7y Nros~ eXOCv, 395 71rpo3Xqr't IKcoTEx' TOv 8' OV7rOTE KvILara XE[7re, 7ravroioov avec/Lov, o0 alv EvO' /} cfva 7revwvTat.,,,, /,) / / Y I avo'av7eq (oP6OVTO tceoausvres Kaa vqas, ia7TrvLtorav Te Kcara KxtcLtaS, Kal 6E7TO vov o. dXXo9 6' aX) ~epe e S9eCv aletyeve'acov, 400 EvX6O/.tov9 &qsva76v Te OvVyeLv Kcat /ztcXoV'"Apqro9. avTap o 3ovIv [epevo'ev avay av:piwv'Ayape'vcov 7r.ova 7revTaerT7pov v7rep/Levet Kpovt1wvt, KtKcbXloKcV 6 7ey'povTas a3pCanYar 1lavaxatwv, Ne&oropa /ev 7rpcor7t-a Kca'I0op/ev~ra avaKra, 405 avTap e7re7' At'avre 6'C Kca\ Tv6~os v`ov, EKTOV 8' aVeT' o6voa, Ad4 I77TV arTXavTov. avo70aTOCLa oe o l'XOE 80ov a yzaOo\ MeveXao' 6ee 7ytp aKa7ra 3vov a8eX6 c(v (c E7rovle&ro. /,oWv e\'7reptl'rqav Ve Kat ovXoXTa ave~Xo VTo. 410 TO'tLV 8' EVtX6pOJeVOS LETETr Kcpetlv'Ayapelvav " ZeD ICKV8LTTe, UE'ytGTeT, KeXaLvece\, alOepL vatcov,,pu' 7rpv Er' Xtov 6Dva Kcati'7r KvaSa EXOeiv, 7rpiv,Le cKaTa 7rprveS /3aXectv lptLa4oto peXaOpov atOaXoev, rpnaI 8e& w7rvp o? 86i,'lo 6vperpa, 415'EKTOPEOv 8E XtTrva 7rep6t 0Tirj7Oeau 6aita Xa TG popaXEov 7roX eeS 6' O a&i avrov EraTapo 7rprpVEE eV KOVtycVW o'a8 XIaco'aTo ryaPav." 2* 34 AIAIAAO B. tJ29 ebar, oM8' apa 7r - oI erelcpalaLve KpovLov, 420 ~aX' ob'yE &rICKTO iVpa, 7rovov' aueaprov'ceXXev. avTap e7reL p cvaavTo ral o vKXoXwvTa 7rpoIX~ovTo, ave'pvro-av lv 7rp5rTa ical gopatav Kcat 8etpav, /iqpoVg T aCTralov Ka/a'7e xvlaEp ciaXvfrav 8ltrrvXa 7roqLYavT E7T 7r' aVTri 3' co/loOe'la av. 425 Kat 7Ta /xcv ap o'X;zLfo'tv'OatXkottv icar7e'aLov, c7rXa7Xva 8' ap' a!u7refipavTe? V7rEtlpEov'tH-afrrTOtO. avTap eTrep KgaTa [ p EKa7 cal Ka7/' E''aVTO, loTrvXXOv T' apa rTaXXa Kal a'/j' o36eXo' tLv''ebpav, co7rTS'aw-V Te 7r'Eptpa&JSg, Ep' avr ro TE 7raPTa. 430 avT;ap E 7r'avaVTO 7rrOOV TETVgCOVTO TIe 7a'Ta, 3atvvvT, ov08 Tt SyV/uoS e8eVE0O 8aLro CT'lr). av'rap eTret wdtolS Kicab e ~r7voF E pOV EVO, 70 s apa /uveOov'pX/e r'Ep? VLo I7qrrodra NCVrwp. "'Arpe[8q KV'86CTE, ava~ a2vp6v'Ayatpevov, 435 rCKETbL VPVV )80' av'O XeyoFLeOa,!q18''&b 8rlpov a/g-aXXcopLea'pqyov, oa 8~ SQEse deyyvaXi'et. aXX' arye, K:rjpvlKE9 uEv'Axat&v XaXKoXTcoVCo" V ha\Y,cr~p~aoov7~,r 7 I \ I Xaov KfppVTOVTES ayebpoVTrov caTa vias, pLEv c8' dOp6o'o COe KCaT'a C-Tparov'Upvv'AXatov 440'opev, p&bpa Kce Sa&Sov Eyetlpo0kev 03vv "Ap?)a."'"\2q 6'aT', o1v8' a7rt0rFrev atva advipiwv'A/yatetluvoov. avTrca tcKppVKEco'o' XuyvqJO77yo ott KE:Xevoev /CvpVSc Uetv wrdXepO6v8e KapgoO6wCoVTrav'AXatold. o0 /1Ev rK)pVwcYjov, 7TOl' T?ElpoOVT /' a Kca. 445 ol 8' 4p''A7Tpelova 8&OTpe,6bEE9 f8ao'Xe1 Svov.KcpiVOVTre, UTE7a 8 7yXavKcc7rts'AO"vl, aiyt3' eOXOv CplCTL(OV e7jpOV aBavaraT)V 7Te 7T7 eIcaroV hc rcvob 7rayXpvoeob j7epeOovrTa, 7rWaVTS EV7WEKEE9, EKaVO/0 oS E. e'KaCTo9. 450 vLrv T 7raLtbaodovora 8&E((VT7O Xaov'Axatw5v IAIAIA 0 II. 35 o0rpvovo Lca eva. e v V oOiSvos cJpcev eKarep Icapy7 aXX7KTCov 7rOX ElJ'ew r?& tUCXeCOac. To0r 3' ~a'fap rwoXh/os 7rXvKtlc v 7yEvET' e vecoOat Jv YI7Vrl ry/Xac/,pyrO c1Xq7v E9 7ra)p a Fyacwv.'Hvre -rvp ai48Xov 7rtLXe'ryet arWreTov vXqv 455 oVpeo? EV KCopvU)Cs, e 8EaOev e E aCve-rat avty7,. cV.&v r xa1o 3noo co' loZv EPXOe/JroV afro XaXKoV 9OE7rClolo alryX7 7/ra-aFavowca 8L' aiO'poS o'pazvov lECV. T&cv 8', cra' 3pvlO(Av WrETEl7vwv'Ove-a 7roXX?, %Xqvcov q ryepafvov i KUKvoov KWOVXO8EtpwoV, 460'Aocto ev XELtL6VoL, Kavioptov a/io pbeEpa, eiOa Kca& eia 7ro'rv)Ta&t yaXXo6/eva W7Epl/eo-tyV, KcXaryryq273v wpolcat6 VTCov, a-/apayed 8' e XelUo\V, (9? 7-'ov EOvea 7roXXa vIeJEv a7rto xcat /cKXtLtaco E rEo8lov 77pOXEO7TO K/LaaVa8ptoV aV-Tarp V7O XOca r 465 -/epsaXEov Kov6/'e> 7ro$8v avi'rv e Kcat tr7TrV. evTav 3' ev XeJL/LwL XKatctavPp[p av0eo/EvrcT'HvTre Vt'aWcov 8a(vaiwv Ovpea 7roXXa, atLT KcaTa cTa0a/Lov 7rot/urrL)ov tQa- cKOVLV 470 wpp ev etaptvp, oTe re yXayos ayyea EVEl, T6aoo1,rt TpeoE — Kcapr7KoLkooMrTe9 AXator ev 7re684'oTavPTo, 8tappaa-cara.Le/L-aCOTES. Toiv 8', ao"r ai6roXta 7rXa.r' altyv ai7roX& 06avpe? pEta 8taKcpivwoctv, e7rei ce vo,/uo /yqLPowo-v, 475 )S' ovTi 7ryteLovPE? &LEKo/EC0ov CvOa Kcat evOa Voa~Llv76V tevat, cT6ETac &c KpeLv'AEya/evwv, 0o/LaTra Kca l itce KaX Ev teXOo 1 AcepT6rK-tcpavvcp, "Apet' 8\ ~P7v, oTEpProv 8\ Ilooe68aoAvw. rnTe /o0vS a'yeX77rL) /Ly ey oXo9 e77XETO 7raevrov 480 Tavpo?' o /yap Te 06eooa' /pETra7rpe7ret JypoIlEovp.rv ov dP VAKpEc17v,9,,.e Ze'b raTt Kcv(, TO ov ap p vt Ke evS &6T K6 36 IAIAA AO B. EIcrpeqre ev ql) rOXOt, tcal:oov rOpl oeffoE tv. "EaoreTre vvZJ,ot, Mov-ra,'QXi 7rta 86C'aa''e"ovoat485 b/peLS 7Eyap S9eal Ere, 7'rperE Te,'Te76 TE ravTra, /#Etg 8E6 KXEOS OwOV axKOvo0Lev OV86 TC l8/LE)Vot'rtvgL~ rye[Lovle lavav Kca K'opavot o-av. 7rX?70vv 8' ovhs a\v E'ypo /'opa~ o hS, 3ropvio, OVO' EOl 86otKa pev ryXV6 a-o-at, 8&ca 8' aG-ro7aT ELev, 490 wov( 8l' "appf7KTo9, XaXKCCo [ 8[tt TOrop l'E q, eL [LI'OXv[L'rta'ae Moo-atL, AlO at\ 67Xoto 3veya7epes, uvrl)at'aa' O"OL V7ro "IXtov'XOo. JapXov9 av vJwOv epE vral 7e TE rpo7ra-acs. BoUorTcv tEv IlvrNCXeCs Ka; Ar~'Tros 77pxov 495'ApKcE6ot'aO'S? TE IlpoOorvop 7e KXov'OS 7Te, ot 3'Tplqv eVepOVTO Ka\ AVXt8a 7reTrpe —av.XotVOV TE;7Kc)X6OV TE 7roXVcKVl71LOV T ETr&ovov,'ec7rrelav rpaiav Te Kca epvxopo V P1 MwvcaXqo-eraov, oc T' au'App' eveoL7to Kca E'Xea-tOV Kca\'Epv5pag, 500 ot'''EXe)v' eXov 0 8' "TXlv t a IT6 reTJ)va,'-_2caXE7fv Mece&vc', EVrtlevov TrroXtOpvov,, KRw'ra Ev"Tpf7tvp 6v 7re VroXvTprpova e o, o7 6e Kop&vetav IcaV lroto)evO' cAX(aprov, 07'Te HIXa'TatCa eXov }8 oi' o' "Xav7' evE'LOVTO, 505 o' S' cTr1 oO/ %OI, oEVKTIEVOV 7rTOXltOpOV, "OyXrqT70Ov 3' tepov, F.Iotal60ov adyXalv a-Xo-oq, o' re 7roXvoza/OvXov "Apvrv e'Xov, 4 7re Mi8etav Ntoa'v T7e SaOE'q'AvrO8o'va Tr' EXaVowoav' T7O tlEV 7rrev7rKovTa e66e' KIcOV, EV 8e eKaaTr, 510 IKOPOt BOLU0o v EKaTOlV Ka t edKol-o /avlov. 760 OV'ot6 ap qryepLoveq ZlavaCo)V Katl KOtpavot 97oav. Tt( acp r7v3 gt'ParlvO9 &Ipv, Tv aol elvve7re, Mo ^a, IAIAIA O II. 37 avriv,8' 7%roTWrV, o0 i''Arpda, oCv 67rOV7O. I)ev AEy7 aptaa av oiqpqprtaaao, Ta Ei tXo~o gXavve VroSVAlcea iO'pvLOa9 &)%, o'TpqXao, o o-ea X, eaajxp E7r v&irov ~E'as 765 Tas, v Irlped'l 3pE/' apypovp6roost'A~r6XXov, a4'jtfo \9hELa9,,bSov ".Aprvo Sopeova.. avaSpcv av /tE'j adptc-ro9 g'1v TeXaucvIot Alra, oI'p''AXLXe'v /uLVLev o yap 7!roXV f0p6aTos Ev, Lrr7tO 3'', o'' opeE'cov atpvpLlova l HLXEclwva. 770 A XX' o iev ev wvqje,6a ~KOpOWt'b 7rOVT7rWOpOetWV,ced'',aropXlvaas'Aya. u'[aevovw, 7ro6evE Xa65v,'Arpeiay Xao 686 7rapa pyqyptvt SaXauors 81IotoCv I TCEp7WOVTO Ka6l alyavE'ycnv LEVr7e 7TotoltV o' *r o' apo wrap' praLoov o-v eocaTro 775 XarOV EpE7-o/UeVOb cXEo!pe7r oe T oXwvov, e'otaoa' v'paaa a' E), 7roErvca(Eva pICE&TO aVa77V Ev KXtLdLs.y O3' apvOv apl aO' v''o0fOV7ES fOLrwV e'va IcKap v'a KaToa aTpaTov OvW'''e aOVTO. OL a p I-av O-EL TE 7lrvpt v T7raoa VIEOLTO 780 ryata 6' 74eV Lr L o -p Teparuepav poV, 5'e I /\ T voco i v yatav tpa-o'o' XCOO[EP V, OTE 7 TpIb~ Tvabw/l YaLaV iooy el'Ap ot9,'Ot Oao'\ Tvcf~o9 IfE/at EVga' eiv'Aplyons, qk 0 a v~>eos, eltcevaL evvag A,, ^ e \ \, I 1S apa T oV v7ro 7roo'o Iueya C rvazteCo a yaXa E'pOVOv * [c'Xa 8' CEca 8at'rp roov 7re8alOo. 785 TpCaOv 8' ayyeXos rXOe 7roar vco/w (cOa'KIplt?rap Lto aYl7tXOLto oVv a yyEXt';l, aXeElv o' ayopa aypevov'e7- lplttoto''pylav tqraVerE o/LUfyEpe E,, e t(l VO ep oree?. aryXOv' ira~Tv'rpo qfl rw6aa cce'a'IptF 790 E'o-ao 8E 0o/y/y?\v V IFlptalo1o Ilo0X7p, Tpav ewco7ros L2C, 7To8aW~ilO t 7EOOS, rvupB e7r a pOTa'7cp Aiov7'rao ye'povros, a6po7'a~' 38 IAIAAO~ B. r. 8E7/Luevo 07r7rrrTe vaivtv ~aoprqOeV'Azato. 795 T') /Wv deEtaO/vrm kTer'eOrl 7ro3as otcea'Ipv~ " 2 7epov0, atE TOt -V/V0Ot LXOt aKptTOP'o 6 eotv, WI? 7roT 67r etpvs'ro6X~e,/Lo 83 aXtat-ro9 oppev. /t YLv 3;,aaXa 7roX-ta /kadXa elEo7'Xvov avcSpi v, aXX' ovi7ro Troove TOTO')8e rTE Xaov 7roo7ra' 800 Xlijv 7ap /vXXoLwtv eOUltOreT # FaadOotLcv epXovTat 7re&'otgo taXicoulevol WrEpt aoTrv.'Eicrop, 0- &E p4UXtOT' e~rwTe-\XXoH/at rye 76 Pt wrroXXot yap gKaTra a'Tv tyta'paPtOv'TItKOVPO, atXXq 83' aXXrwv cyX&c-a 7roXVO'7repEwv avOp&7rWv' 805 ~o /o-w\...'r/ V 805 TroItv geca-'TOg Cavqp (rqlatLveTcO oi T oEp apEl, TCi )''7rEylO-0o),, KooL'r1apEvo S 7roV 0'oa9." "l2. goaO', "EKcrop 8' OVl E 6 1)0 "1'cVO 1e), d. 2I)T 671'0 SMS t o'ev, ayr~a 3' eXva- aryopqv~ EqrTL6Vea 3' eOE'6VOTO. o7rao-at 8' A''ryvVo 7r~Xat, EK 8' 6gv'VT Xa's, 810 7re}0 t t 7r7r1?TESC Tr rd 7oXS- 8' opvpa=y8o opcopet. "EoC'rT 8e T'7L? WpO7rapOt0e TOr6'Xo aporea /KOX&'v, Ev reS6i a7raWvevOe, wreplpopos'v a xcal'0va, T?7V 7Tot avope69 Bavletlav fclcKX7lcKOVt,, adavaTro 8' 7e oiCca wrOXvacxapOltoto Mvptv4P' 815 gvOa 7o67e Tpce'9 e 6 tECKptOE1V 8' 6drrECOtVpO. IIA Od O r.'OpcK ot. TetXoo Kcorla. A v p o v Kcat MeveXaov povopaxta. AvrTap eqre Kocr/7OEV atk'?q)/etO6verol —tv elaYTOL, Tp6e9 IUv EcXayry7' Evowr. 7' l'aav, 0opvLOe' &', I AIAAO III. 39 7V7Te 7rep cXaaye77'yepavcov 7rxetE ovpavou& 7rpo, a 7rEL O% v Xet.Lwva ov O aov a',/3po, IcXaryey^ 7aiye 7rETOr7at e7r'd2ceavoto poaoWv, 5 avopa'crt IlvFyualoto' 06vov KaI icnpa oepovoai' eptat a' pa raliye KlaK7V'p ta 7rpofepovTat ot 8' ap t'oav oerLep uevea 7r'veovre9'AXato, ev Svuzw peuauweC9 aEaXEeJLEV arXXqjXoeoev. Ebi b'peos Kcopvkor N6ros aCaTXevev p o[XXrnv, 10 7rOLtEatv OV'Tt olkXV, KXE7rlT7 & TE VVKTO9S a/xLetvo, 7TOCCOV T[ T TwALXeLVTet, ool0v T E7T Xaav lrqoLt' wso apa TIo v 7r5 oro'- Kcov-'aXo Wopvwv aeT' Vj EpXOItEvov *,puaXa 8' c)a 8te7rpqO'-Ov 7re8toLO. O 8$' o're $8 o-Xe8ov'crav e7 a&XXXoo-vw L6Vre% 15 TpCoOv,Ecv vrpo~/XLtev'AXhEav8po9 9eoet8~?7, 7rap8aX&r v & SotcltV' Xov ca\ Kcat7rvrXJ a To6a ca;t ito. aVTa\p o 8oVpe 8vO KeKopvO/El' a (Xa )K6 rdXXov'Apyelowv 7rpotcaXl'ero 7v7a ap' Tov LavTtOIo,Xayae-Oata ev alvi 8,iorT'rz-t. 20 Tov 8' (0 o'v Ev6o'r7ev apr)'tcXo9? MevEXaoq ePXoLEVOV 7rpoT7rapOLOev o0/lXov, paKpa /3q6davTa, O-TE'XE.', E'apil p! 7t~ 4cw!at Kdpo-al', eopov xt exapov repaov e7 a oypcov actya,?rTEtvaWov ptuXa yap Te Kca7TeoOet, eL7rep av avrov 25 OeovWvTat TaX&eE9 Te KCVVe9 Sakepol atlto[' we Xcapfi MeveXaog'AXEav8pov Seoet8&a OOaXtuowL iv 8 kar'o fy~ap rioTe-cOat daXelt'V. aVTirca 8' E 0'eo' o-vv TrvXe' -t ar Xao Xuape. Tov 8' &9 o3v &vo6rrev'AXieav8poq Seoet8r)9 30 Ev qrpotaoto-t cavEvTa, Kcare7TrX/yqp ctXov Op ~ &f 8' ErapEOv e9 E*ivo09 EXdCEro Kc)p aeEitvov. (9 8' oTe T79 Te 8paKKovTa 18wv vrraXlvopo'o a7r'Eo-r7 ovpeo9 Ediv trT.y9, v7ro re rpo/uos e'XXa/3e cyva, 40 IAIAAOz r. 35 a*' aveyXcpi7cev, coXpos'e LtLV EJXe vapEuls, &s a&e5r KcaO' "o'Xov r'Sv Tpacov ayepco6Xov 3ei6oa'Arpeoo vtov'AX4av3po SeoeL8&. Tov 8' U"EcrOWp vEIKeO'-E i'Ov ac'-xpo9 e7reeereT6v "v crrapt, Et809 apto'rTe, /yvvatl&aves, 17]repoqrevTa, 40 aWO' o'eEXeg adyov6o T' e'Pevat adyauog T' a9 roXe&-ac. Kcai Ice To 803ovXO4, v, KcaL KcEv 7roXv ICEp0&oV qeV?, oV7'm X/),837V T' eteval Kca v7ro~',ov aXXov. 7r rov KcagyXaX0oo- Kcap7 co1Uo60yTE9'Agato, favare9 ap~t'rla 7rpo6uov E,,evat, ov'VEKca aXov 45 eL"o09 O7, aXX OVeK 6T0'T& /l0 pE0V OV86 7T aXXK. 1)} ~ro~o6uS E& Evl 7rOvr07TrOpOl'LC ve6o't V 7ro0v'OV e7rTX(0w0-ce E'rapovs ept'lpaa ayetpag,.LLXB1Oe a oXaXo qa7roto-L yvvag evete avEyEs a' rt7rl? 7yatl7R, vvoyv av-pw aoyjv aoraov, 50 7ra7- rp e FEo' uterya rwa 7rotX7 T 7ravTl e'E 8, 8vT/LEVE -tv V %ap/a, Kar)lcetlv v 8e oob av7T-; o0vc av 87l. pet'veta9 a'pii'tXov Mev'Xaov; yvoi %' X OLioU )7TO9 eX'EL $aXepf\v 7rapaKoT'tv. 55 6e KOr T 76'rE EO, 0'T ev KOV.s7' Yo7Eo. aXX \,taXa Tp&2es.e8EUJoVe9 e 7CV j?7 Xatvov e''o %TL7&va KaKwcv eveX o'a eop7as9. To5v 8' av7E 7rpOCaEEMrEV'AXE pavSpo0 Sieoe&,8s "'"EKCop, eE et';le KaT7. aceav evetIecEsa ov' v7rep aurav, 60 aelt TOi Kpafql 7TrEXEKV9 69 EaTtr V 05'8ELp\9, oT eLTv L oa 0Vpo\ v7r avepo, 0o9 pa E 7' XvFE v''v;KTaf1v? 5Lv'0,'XXet 8 s'' p 60 (o ev0 crT ecrov a"'aplp-0: yv0o E TLVW. e L ol 8MC' opava 7rpoc0Epe Xpvo&''A'po&r'' 65 OV7o a7rofXqT'1 ErTt 3Ef)aV epot, p aicv a, CsYca KEEv a;vTo0t & tvY, ECeov' OWE a' v 7le O TO. IAIAAOI III. 41 vvv ai'' er' M6XE' ereqT' 7rXeLL'v 78e' XareOat, aXXov9 Icav icJOwlov'Tp ca9 Ica' rravs'AxaLobs, avrap qei ev Otl) T a, 6pridXov MevEXaov Uv/u/aXE-r apU' qEXEry Kcat - 7ar /fta,c(o-Odti. 70 oTr7roTepoS 8e ecer 7l'utca- Kppewt )ov Te 7yE7Trac, Kc7rjqlaO eXco)v ev 7ravTa ryvvaKca 7e oKa8(' ayeo'&o' ol $' AXXot, ftX+6rl.;a ca opKtcLa 7rto'7a 7a/lUOVr7e vaioiTe Tpo%77v Eptf>,XaKa, TO' 86 vee'oO)v "Apryos es 7r7rot0forov Icat'AXadta cadXXtyvvatlca." 75'"d2s e'aO', EiTroPp 8' aiVT' EXapq pIErya uvOov caKovag, ical p' eS paeoov 6GtJ Tp1 cw'i aveepy/e OaXa/gya%, Peo —tov;ovpO EXov' TOb 8' tiplvvOo-rav a[7ravPre9. 7, 3 E7rE7OCiOVTO Kap7KOpoWT,7E'' AXatoi, l'c1-tV 76e Tt7'voCO/,6 elV Xaeo'o'l " ~T3aXXov. 80 av7rap 6,ua~ pv av-cav a'va ( ovEpwv'A'yaletvov " "Io-eo-','Apyeot, Iq /3acaXXere, Iovpot'AXaat6v) TEV7at.ry.ap 7t 7T0ro9 e'pEEW IcopvOaioXos "EEICTop." "dl2sp eaO, Ol 8' e'XOOV7o patX7, ave) T" eq7evov7o Ev0vpJLoW. "EIC7Op 8e /eT' a4 UOT'Otepoe-tzl eLre) 85 "KegcXvTre pev, Tp&ces,cal evcvKvbLtSe'AxaLot, ZvOov'AXeavapoLo, 70o evelca "veKo9 o"papEv. aiXXovs,PEv IceXeaL Tp&as Kca, vraT'A Axawov 7ev/xea ctX' avroOEoOaL C7r~, XOovt\ 7rovXvo07reepp, avrov c' ev:aaop Ica' apr#itlXov MeveXaov 90 o atov' a'dp'EXevy K 7T:acO, 7ra'c /LaYxeoOat., f, t,... r o7'7rorepos e /e vilcE'tf lcpetlo —wv Te 76evgTat, KT,7laO6 eXcov ev 7raVTa yvvatKa 7E otKa'' ay'o-o ol 8' &iXXoL uX)trflTa Kat O'piLa Irctaa r7aeoAev."'fd2 e/a0', ol 8' apa raV7ET aKylV eyEvO7TO LO7rT. 95'ot0' 8e Kcai /er7el Ere /ooriv 2aya0o MevEXao9 " KKcXvre viv Kat E6to' p* uaXto-ra yap aXy os i'caves 9Svuov,u6ov Opov&eo 8& tLaKptvOj4u1EvaL QS t a 42 I A IAZA O. r.'ApryeiovT Kal Tpza%, E7rel Kalca'oXXa 7rErocO8e ee:100 e p t/ epo8 Ka}'AXe ErSpov e'ved apXql. lkoewv (' 0O7r7rTEp SakvaTo9 Icat /Lopa TevcTat, TEOval ~ aXXot 8\ 8talcpLv0e7e TaXtr'Ta. 0LTe TS' 0api', e'Tpov XEVKO v, ETEYpv 86E /.LEXaLvav, Fj) 7E ica,'HeX1 ALL (' i tpde0L o('CoYev a1XXov. 105 alET~ 8E IpLaloo /ulIv,!oFp opiCta Ta/vp aVTro, e7ret 01 7ra2evE v7repoaXo& xca, arto'rTo&, bi Tt lv7rep/aoty' Ati \pc? a (3yX' l-alz. ae (''7orXoTepeoWV aY piv (pe'e?jepeOovTat, ot' o Oy6pwv /eiTEfsr V, eta p a oorp rw pw preotv,,,'' 110 Xevfio-tL, 0w7r oX' aptora ET aLpfOTrEpCOLffL fyEV?7Tat. "12s'aO', ol 3' e.capi7oav'AXaLoi Te Tp&)e Te, X7ro,1evo, 7TvraueaOaL o&'vpov 7roXetuoLo. cal p' t7rrovw LeV epv~av e7r' aoTXa9, E/c (' 9,av av'T'o', 7eVyEa 7 ~e6Eo(v70VT, O, /uTv IC(LaTEOEVT e7riL 7yaL 115 7rXolo'ov adXXrXwv, o,6Xiy'q' 4iv Jpuoi a'poupa.'EI/CTCP 86\ 7rpOTI, aaOTV 86,. *.pvlca, esrea~rev "eIcrr. p (3 wrpor~ "Tr (o'CpViCS "7riTEV icapwraXlW u apva.'e /.pee lvI.pta/,ov Te,caXEo'oatL. avZr~p 6 TaXBO6/,ov 7rpoiu lcpE/'OV'AyapCivtoV Vc~Sa grw fyXa evpa4 lEvat,'8 apv' eKCeXeVeV 120 oielCevat 6 (' alp' ovEc ac7rOrla''Aqyapwcsovi 8((.'Ipt9 8' abO''EXe'vZ XevcowXev&, ayryeXo0?)XOev, e'8o(,3vLq ryaXd6,'AvrvropiGao (3taprt, r'Iv'Avrwlop[Lr(3 Eixe cpeieov'EKXtowrv, Aao&'c v, Ilptalauoo rvyarp&wv dL80o acptarrlv. 125'rv 8' eSp' dv!eryapCo' 0 28 ultyav [o'rOv iV'atvev, 3t'wrXaxa 7ropdovpbEv, 7roXEa (' everao-EV a'EXovu.Tpowv 3''7r7ro&Suov Kcal'AXatm, v XaXaKtcoXT,)o', ovl9 EOev eelC' e7raazov V7 "Aplos 7raXaq/aEov. aEyXOv (' ioTap/ii rpoq'y 7r6(ag'/Ea'IpL' 130 "Aeip W'I0, vt lza [Lkq,'va 3JkoR-ceXa prya'8iqa& IAIAAaOZ III. 43 TpWCv' t7rroWaQ/&o)v KaI'AXaLtv XaXKcoXtTr(#v' v o'$ rplv &r' akXXXowre cpov 7rowXhva/cpvv "Apqra ~v 7rrE[T, 3Xooio XtXaLtOevot 7roXEotO, o Sr vlu gayrat oca r -- r'6XEFo Se 7rTE7ravTra - ao-7trl[a KeKx/Evo,, 7rapa 3' Eyxea 1/aczpa' Wp7rTyev. 135 awrap'AX'Zavspo9 Ital'pl't.LXoq MervXaog I.axpp e7yX'e[,l 1aX?7orovat 7rept ceto' w 6 IC E VKYPK aVT7L $'ICX61CX'p wCotTMs." n' ebwroVlcaa ea yXvUcKuv zlfepov 6/flaXe'vus36 avpo6s Te 7rpOTepoto iKai a7eoTse TOIcrfo)V. 140 avTrlca o' ap7yelvv'at caXvr a/lzvr P) 6Ootvroltv oplua/T Eac,3aXatwoeo, Trpe Kara acpv XoUa, OVt ovq, aAa T?/yE Cat alkwloot v6' frovTo, Ai'Oppq, IITrOso0 Svylarp, KXvEpvrq e,80EoWrtv. alra' 77etLBO''icavor o0tL Zcata\ 7wrXaLt oar. 145 01 S' pLf} IHlplajov Kcat IFaLvOoov' )E O'vot1flrT Adact/rozv e KXvriov %''IEc, rdo1c', 6' oTv "A'po,' OvKaXEyoWV TE cail'AvrTivop, 7re7TrvvEv)o a/CLo, eta'ro LooyUpoverYE' E7rta XKatrl 7rv'Xrzlv, fy'7pai 8~i 7roXIoto 7re7'ravyeovot, aXh)' a-opt7iTa, 150 a'OX0o1, TETTL76aeLw fOLKO6TE%, oLTe KcaO' vX/v,oEVopEeo efJco/euvot vr'a Xetptl6eoeav leLtYl TOLOL appa Tpov aYw 27Topeq ) vrT Tt TVpP,. o[ 3' c o)v E'oO' J'Ekeviv &r vrdpYov ioo'av, Ka wrpos \dXXrXov e7Trea r7TEpdOEVT ayopevov 155 " Ov v4EOeavL Tpca9 Icati iiKcvmul3as'AXaLovs TOO' atpIv yvvaLt 7roXbv Xp'ovo ph yea 7r raXetv. awv o aoavrptvp~ 9eys els covra EOtICeV. a'XXa Kalt`s, Tro'q 7rEp 2ovi, eV vyvav vEEcCO, /Lf w r7j/uL TE/EE'Oc'T 07l iOrlO) 77rrf7a XlTror.o." 160 "t2f a/p' c'ap v, Hlpia/Loc $''EXEvrv deKaXaETaro (eoyrj "38epo r-apotO' EXOovo'a, btXov T&co~, 4'EV'EefO, 44 IAIAIAO r. o'4pa t'&' rrp o7epov re T'6oEv rrovo'e q loXovo 7eovi-TLO ao-rt%, 6o-&, a0eol vv' 6tot aTrto6 cloLv, 165 ot' eot bdpdllpo-av r6Xepov 7roXcSaKlpvv'AXatLv —c pot Kca 76TOv' &av8pa 7reXc'ptov E'ovol/rv11, avt'8' -orTtLv'AXato avr)p S Te peya? Te. rTOt pev / KEcbaX Kca\ tuei'oveE 6XXoLt aoLtv ecaXwv 8' ovc) " fryt)V oV7rco 8ov o4OaXo to'tv, 170 oV'8' oiV'o ryepapo'v' /aoctXkLi,yap avpt e otcev."' Tov 8''EX6vv. uV0otlctV aLpeL/3ero, $8Za yvvaelcJv "a18o-6% 7E,uoi /o'ot, biXe EKVpE, 86etvo re O j O'EXEv?a'vaTro /-tot a8e c KaKOc%, 7rrr6TE 8 E3po vteiE a" E7r6OvX,'ackaaLov CyvlTot0 re XLtrovo'a 175 vra^8 re rqTXv7er7v IcaV 0K.a lhXlKYV EparTEtv7v. JXXa TaLry oCK Eyevovro' To Icaa,cXaatovaa 7ETc7Ka. TOVT0O 6 TOt EpEwO, O8' aveipea, t 26 teraXXas. 0V7oS ry'A TpE8?ri, eVpVKpE(o7)v' A uEaLEplvwv, aU0i6Tepov, f3aa-tXeVS T' ayaOo c KpalTepod T' atXp7IT}g' 180 8a?)p aViT C/.tA Co-Kce KVvo7rTt8L O, E' TOT fv 76." fln, +abco, T7O') 8,, epV 77ao-aTo, oP?70EV Te "''Ubdcap'Arpeioq,,uoLtpyTev7es, oXflto8atp6ov, q pa v)v 7Tot 7rOXXt\ 8e8uraTo KoGpot'Axat)v. Kat81 i pcat ~lpvwi7v elo-7JXvov al, 7reXoe6o-'av, 185 evOa i'2ov 7rXE c-rovs Qi ppvya9 avepas aloXo7r)Xovq, Xaov'OrpJosv Iai Mv'iy8ovos avrtlEOLto, ot pa TOT EorTpaTOCOro 7rap oxOas a77yyapio0t~ ecat 7yap E7eyv Er7TI'KVpCO S PO eV e( E7t 70ttaoTV EXEXOlV /1La7t 7e 07e 7'?)tXov'Apta'dves av7tavetpa' 190 aXX' o'8' o8' o TOt'ol roav o-ot eXc'Klo7re9'Axatol." Aetvrepov aiT'O8vuoaa i8(ov ep'ev 7yepato' ~ et7r ~ayE LOt Ka 76Tv8e,, )iXov TeKco9, o-aTtl O8' e'o71V luecov ptEv KeoaXy'AyaLa4vopvovo'A pet8ao, evpVTepoS 8' 101toto-tv i; a7Eepvotoltv i86aoOat. IAIAAO2 III. 45 vevXea /ev oL KeITal e7rt xoov r 7ovrXvoV' ETtp, 195 a-VToS & KTtEXO'oW ae7M ETat aTtXag a&pv*p' apvetu) ILv E7J7yE E'tK(' 7 or'77Ect/Lka'X?, Go"T otaov LErya 7r&ip ct.Epxerat apTpyevvalov." Tov 8' L'eI/3eT' 67tELO'EXE'V f tacs EKyEtavta "ovro 8' av AaepTtiaoegr, 7'roXtip-rTtls'O8vaSev\, 200 0~ rp aoq eV O;?5C'IOaK97fS /CpavaF 7Trep eovo-,s el6aS ravrolov Te 8dXov9 Kcat ly8ea rvKcva." T?)v 8' aVT''AvTrrivop 7rewrvvEYvo' avTriov rVioa " ci 3yvvat, 7 LaXL troro e77ro09 V7rLeprTEs eETLre9' 1 8'q lyap Kal 8elp6o 7ro k)XvOe r 0o8'0s O8voev, 205 OEV eVeC aTy7yeXtlS, av agYqtpdiXot MeveEXap' TOV' 8'O y7) eb Etvtceoa Kal Ev peY7apoto-t fXqr-a, LTo Wpo V 6\ Ov? E'8a?7V Kat\ it 8ea 7rVKvm. a)XX' 5'Te 8 \ TpeEo'wtv v ea(poawvowtv fl'LXOv, OTavTn'ev,uev MevE'Xaos v7TrepeXev e'peas typov9, 210 6pLcoL 8 EO/LEV(A, (yepapo)TEpPOs EV O8OvOEU9.E CXX' O'C 8?\) patOov Kate /r?78ea 7ra'aotv vi'bavov, 70ot ev MeveXaos wrtTpoXaE8qv Ayopevev, nraipa upev, aXXa /iaXa Xvye9/o, C7ret ov 7roXv'HvOoq ov8' ba/xaaproe7r?%, i} tcat 7eveL LVTrepoV 7eV. 215 aX oGTE 8?) 7TOX V/?pL9T aI4ELEV 08V(TTEVS ANN'hf g~'~ 8~rroX6~r/'r; tvafetev'O0;vareb\%, oTa ocev, v7ral Ka XeOe Kce 4ca'z'a o' rra, o-ci7rTrpov 8' oVT 7rrio'C OiTE o/7rpo7rpp, EvcLa, aXX' aTreTU.Je eXEcKev, aircpet dbo(TM EOLKcO'r babTr Ice Kc'/corOv r7 rTI2' EL4evatL alpova T9 aiVTwc' 220 aXX' o're 8r''7ra Te,ue7yaXrv &c OErTr'eoE ecatl erea vLtat8ecrtLv eoVtKOra et, tepitpotv, ovic av er-eW''08voar' a' p 0' tee poT3 aXXov ov TvTe 7 c'Y'O8va o ayaot-atE eLaOV t6oves'." T6 Tpl'rov air' AntavTa 18cv epeEw' O ryepaL6o 225 " T 9 dp' 8' a' XXo'A4XaLos av?)p 77V's'e eya TE, 46 I A IA AO z r. e' oXog'Apyeiaov cec/aXrv re cal EyvpEa ctZov;" TOv a' cEXvEr vTavvre7rXo0 [L aU,8evo, 3&a 7vvatK&jv ovJro0 3' A'a eo-r 7reXcop6s', epco'AXat6wv 230'I&oevev 8' erepcOOev e'v KprTeGo'o' 39eo c& eerly:C, at' Bt wv Kprp-v a'/yot 7q7yepepovrTa. 7roXXa'Ktc UL:V EwLo'oEV Cp i-LXogS Mev'Xao9 oKic EV /lETEp, 070TE Kp/TqOEV tLKOTO. vVv 8' aXXovS.Uev 7rrdraas 6p& oXiucovra9'Axatoiv, 235 ov's KEV IEV VOLV aC' T' ovivoya'LvO7orl-a'lV' otLo ) 8'o o8UtvayUat 1 8eCV KOoC'LrTOpp Xaav, Kdoaropd 39' itr7ro8apov KaLt rr7b ay7aOov IIoXv8evecea, aVT7Kaoar,7V7TW, T-) Ot o p/Ea rye/varo tLr77'p. 90 oVX i0'r'C Oyrv Aalce3al ovo a: vparewvi, 240 0 Be8p6 ap v e'rovoro VeeveCC' 6 rov T roVTopo~CWl, VVV aie o0ec KO Xovo' t.aXv Karalv eva6 avpv, ai'o'xea 868ELovTc IKca' ove`sea 7r6XX', a,o[ co-rtvw." i(S Oa',ro, rov9? 8') l I careXev fvoi[oos ala e'v Aalcidpsaovt a'Ot, O\tX e'v wrarpi6 rya7. 245 Krpvwces 8' a'va aTvc 3eov OE'pov opKtta 7ro'Ta, apOve JoW K/ca, ovapov eaiXpova, capweOv ApoLvprp, I ^,, /. / ^ I,' aOKo Ev aElyeo)' 0pe oS cp'rTp a ap vov Ic:pv:'ITaLo0 27i8 Xpvo-eta Kv7'reXXa OTpvvev 81E yEpovVTa 7T orapTTevoS 7creeootv 250 "' "Opoeo, Aaope8oVTLr'L8, KaXEovoLV aputo-o& Tp(cov' L7r7roSa3ov Kal'AXatwJv aXKoXztroTv)ov fE rre7Sov Karatavac, Lw' opKta 7rcUTa Ta'17'7T, \ \ airap'AXcav~pos' Ka\ aap97tXo~ MovMeXao9 plaKpp I XebqEat.,-aXYqovT atll yvvatxi 255 ^G) r8E Ice VtKco'aV7t VVr Kcal KTa oL eTroTo oi $' aXXot LtXo6rrTa cat otpKlca 7rtLcra TaLtovSr vaitotLev Tpot7nv'pt/.oXaica, To, 8E v'oVTac "Ap,7o Co i7r7ro/3o07rTOV caL'Axad8a CaXXtyLvvauca." IAIAaOZ III. 47'2q fa~'o, P'lyrqOEv 8' o6 ypAv', E/c'XEve' &'ratpolT t7Tr7ro0U'vEyvvuv evat Tolt' orpaXecos 6ri`ovTro, 260 -AV 8a av' ap 9'fli llpitlaLoq, KaTa 3 D7via TEWEv 07rtf/O Tap 84 ot'AVTrvp 7rEpLeKaXc'a 8poJE, o 8&' pov. T7o & tta lcKatwv 7re[ovl' e'XOv''KEa L7r7rov.'AlXX' OTre r3 pi' Kovro era Tpeiasv aa'AXawo T'r7rwov a7ro'awv-res fvrx %xova 7rovXv/-eTtpav 265 Ed p'aueov Tp&ov Kcai'A4Xatcv ea-tX'oV7To. pvvro 8' a'i''"e TE/a ava: avSp(wv'Aya evcwv, av 8'' O8vev9 7roX vu1Tt9 L aTr'p KICpVK'E a'yavo oplcta 7rltatoa ~ev a'vvayov, KpxTlrpb 86 OpVOV pCLayov, da-ap /aoa-ievo'Lv vio op E' Xeipas?'Xevav. 270'ATpeids~qs 8e 6pvro-a,/uevo XEo/PEacL uXaapav, iq oL 7rap &/cos,,IEya IcovXoeov aev copTo, apvcZv c'ic Kceba)aw Ta'rve TplTapct aVTap E7reTa KopVvke TpOewv Icab'AXatiwv vEllav' Jp'To-". TOWilt 8''ATpeds /JYaX' e6VXETO, xe Jpa a xvao.Xv 275 " Zev 7rarep, I8rOCV Pv i&&ovW, KV68&TE L7t're, Ex e~tos o,? os iraPT,'a rT e7ralcoveL?,'HM i6o o9, 8F w'pr EfopaS Icat Era'T aKov, icat 7roTraLuol ca}t yaa, Kat oi v7revepOE Ka/uoPvTa avLpc0orov? TtVV0oOp, Ort K' E.7rtp.CKOV.1OG6a-, vj/uLeF /IapTvpoLt E0Tr, fvXaeO-eTre 8 oipKta 7rrtora' 280 etl uv Kcev MevEXaov'AXEavSpos Ica7raverkvy, avToa 67rEtC'EXevvqv eJXTo icat IacTrlpara 7ravTa,,7'LEl 8' ev VPreOOLt ve(0eaa 7rOV7ro7rTOpoLt-w. 8e 8' I''AXaiTaupov KTrevPy tavoos MevXaos, TpO)&a' g7wrcO' c'EXdEvqv Ial,tCjpara 7ra' a7Jro8oaiva, 285 TL-/VL (''ApyElOLS? aWrontveaEV o'V7LVt eLofCev, 2rTe icaL C o0/lvo~lft /LuEr aPVPCo7lo-Lt 7rTeX'rat. el 8' av e'o rtp\lV Hpcapo IptaPtoL6 r7e wrat8e TlPELv OaK EOXcoo-V'AXetav poto are-6-rov, avTap cyco ical e7re-rEa /LaXhja-opa eavEKa 7roitv& 290 48 IAIA O z r. av'6Ot,UE'v, EtL9S IE TE~X o9 6 wvoXe'poto le.'H IcaI at a7roTauXovw apvwcv 7cTae vqXei xaXic3 Kai TOv jzv Ka-EreKEv Ert6 xovo aoratpovTa%, S,9VpoV 8EvotLEvov a rro yap pEvo9 e6XETO XaXK69. 295 oovov 3''c Kpr/frlpo9 aovocac evot 8E7raTcTCtv WCO,,," eov-ro 3otoiS alemyeve'r,~orv eKxcov, Vx To-tlv o 6E 86 T& V e'7rEtwCev'AXat;cov Te Tp'acov Te " ZeV ic'6VU-Tee /yE7Wre, Kal- avLOvaarot..o0 AtXXot, _0757'rEpot 7rpoTepPO v7I'p opKLa rklvecav, 300 86e 7o-' et7cegaXoJ XaOaate p'eob 9 0O olvos, avTv Icat TeEOv, dXOXOt 8' aXXotLobt aLueev." "s'd29 av, ovo' capa,7ro cov ab rePEpalaLve Kpov'ov. T0oio' 8 dAap;av{Srql Ilptalapo9 FerTa pvov E6trre " K~EcXvre pev, Tpc&e Kal dviKvrj/p8ne'AXaco' 305'Trot 6yv e'Lp' rpo-rb "IXtov 97ve/ooca'av a', crre, omvroo TXr oLu' v o6ca0p, zobatv oparOa,,,apva_/Levov 4l Xov vtov apqXhlx Me vXCa. Ze6vl ev 7trov Toye ole tea; aWavarTo,,Seo, aXXot, &7r7ror-epc Sravaroto r7EXoq re7,rpoiLevov EcTLv.. 310'H pa Icat E's &lpov apvas 3ETo hodL06o0 fo, av o ap e/aLv av'ro, cara\ o' jvia Trvev Po7r OLCo rap 8B ol'Av-Trqvop 7repctaXXEa /r3eoro Si'Opov.'r& /lev ap' afoppot, 7rpOT "IX;OV aroveovTo' "'EKTCOp & llpLaLOLO 7ra'iEC Kac( 3LO'Ovcrve1) 315 Xwcpov /lv 7rpW7TOv 8teEeTpeov, aVTap e7rEra KArXpov9 Ev KVVE XaXKcrpe~ 7rwaXXov eo6v7e;, r7rrOTeposI 8 7rpodTOEv a'elrl XXKeov e/;Xo9. Xaol 8' 7priavaPo, eeo7o' XBepa P avevXov. 4C8e &8 TL9 E',rrec'lcev'Azatov Te Tpcowv TE 320 "Zev raTep, IrJOev E&CUwV, KV&cO-Te ALE,'tYOE, oqrnrOTEpo9 T7ae epya /uEo aLtoTEpotcTV E8lC ev, Tov s8o a7rotOue/Ipov vOvat 0' toov "Ai&o, e'o.o, I A IAA O 2 III. 49 u~v 83' av bOtX6TlrTC /cat opKtta rcLTa 7yeve'yvOatl. "'2l ap Ecav, 7ra'Xev 8e /I7ya c KopvOa.'oXo9'EKrCTop Af' opocov *' FlIpto 86\ 3O9o EKc KXpog opoUOEV. 325 ot ILEV 67TELO' LooVTO KaTA 7-Ttrxa,'XL ea' T'T& ir'7rot aepcL7r03E cal wrolclXa TEV;XE' KELETO' avTap oy' acht' coo't0v E3LVTeTO TEVXea KcaXa 38o9'AXeazvSpo,'EXdv1,7rr6o'Tst ~i)UcK1oto. cvr/qL3aS u pv 7rpr pa 7repl lcvq,j7ctL e'OqKev 330 KaXa\, JapYUvpeo'w-tV 6rTlSoVpltotl apapvwa evreVoEpov av XOpKCa 77rEpl T-rr)9EO6aoL e36VVE ot0 Kat-Lyv'Toto Av c'ovoJ'r rjplotOe 8' aVToo.,o/i 3' 8 p' a cp pota- w fIt aeTo:8aTO p7 apyup6rlxov XaXKEOv, a'VTp w7eTa U}0 y 7'e oTtI3ap\v TE 335 CKpaTr 3' O'7T i0)bOL1co KUVE V:V EVTUICTV O JrqfcEv, _rirouptv * 8wv OvOf Xfo' KfCaOV7U EppOteV eV6VEv. ElXErTo 3', aXKclov 6ayXos, ~p o'l wraXalptv cppet. t 3' avTro" Meve'Xao0s'Apiios; gVT' v 3uvcv. Ol 8' 7e7 ovv &eccTrepOev 6/tulou 3optj'XOqo'av, 340'e,g-crov Tpcwov Kcat'Axatc'v ErTdX6 rowo eltvOv eKpltcuVo/evo aJpoS' 63 Xev clooprovTra9 Tp&d',' t'7Trro0u ov /Kcat eiscv/tU aS'A xatov?. Kcal p iEynyW CT7 JT7V'a'e' TppT- X ~ pt'' UeLovT 67yXciav, aXLX)oLt'tV KCOT-COVTE. 345 nrp6-Oe 3''AXe'Vzavpo' rpO(Lt &OLXOoKCL6oV EYxo9, rca/ B3Xev'Arpe[$ao KaiT a q'rw(a.ravro.' eto-rv, ovu' eppqlEv XaXK cov, avEryvaiJri 8e oi aixLt\ ao-,r$ r'' cpamrep.. o ~ 8e6TEpoS ) pvvTro %aX.c'Arpet3/7~ Meve'Xao%, e7revuevo 9 dl rarp 350' ZeD ava, 8b l Traac-Oa t 6 IAe rprOT6pO Iccc' eopyEv, 1ov'AXetavlpov, Kat e6pql utro\ Xepoi Mctao-oov, O&c:pa, S Epptlryo t ca6l,teyvawv JavOp)7rar v 5Eevo03Kov KaK$ pcEat3, O' KEV obtX6ry77a rapao-x7. 3 50 I A IAIAAO r. 355'H'a Kal a,/Ure/ ra'X'v 7rpoti;oXxyao'tov y/Xoq, Kat /3atXe Ilptautao cKar aJrrta 7ra'v7o' ecrb)v. 8td kE'v Jamwri6o' WXe baelwrc O Y/3ppuov e`7oq aL 8a 3 Apoo 7roXvuat8aXov dpr'peWTo Jv7ctcpv 8& 7rapal Xa7rrpr v 8ca' 7ae XtTcova 360 o 6/XO 3''gXVOlvl cal aXevaTo Ktipa!EXaLvav.'Arpe;r3s 83' epvca-ci4evog VIkog apryvpo&qXov xr'XOEv avaoaXo'lvoS KopvOoS OaXov * a 3l' atp' av7" r7pLXa TE Kcal.TeTpaXOa tarpuvev eKTree XetpO9.'ATpetol3 8O'&twcOev 8c3ov eb9 ovpavov evpvv 365 " Zevi 7raTEP, OVT-S cEL0 3ecovW OXO&rEpOS ao xov T dEa17qrV TLrOOaL AVeauvpov oKaKOTnrTO'o vvv oe pot Ev xy XpeoGv a'yql Ctlopo, Ex Of pot 67%OT fixo 7rraXa,/7sbtlv E'TClOv, OV8''/3aX6v p;v." KH, Kta a7ra'tas:6opvOo' X&3ev t7r7ro~ao'ehl, 370'XKce 8' e7rt''L7pEfa fiET EVKvi)/tCV 3a,'Axatov6' aryXe SC,rv q7roXVKceoo iqo al a7raXrv v'row 8etp'v, OS Ol v7r aVEpECijVOS Oeoevs'reraro TpvqxaXetL7. xcat vv KEV eipvo'o'EV Te Ka aCo'V7reTov i7paro:KVo,, l 7 ap' otv v69r7e A, S9vy'Tdrqp'Aopo8irv', 375?7 o0 /t:Vey tLavTa RoOs Lot K'7alEVoto' KeVq 38 TOpviXtaXEa 61' e'ETro XeLpt 7raXei 7rV fUv 7 reELO' p CIpWS PIET' e v~vrl/a'AXaLov\T Jf" ET7rltvro'a%, Kco6touav 8''ptI7ps &ratpot. avTap o a* 67wopovo-e KacramrcTaevat euvEa(VcolJ 380 6e'y7& XaXIKEtL 7\v 8' etPTat''Aopo8io' pELa aX COCT)Oe 39E6o, eKCLXV#E 3' atp' 79jopL woXX%, a8 3' JO' Erv 3aXa/~eLt EVC~i t K'qCEV'&. avrr7i 8' aviO''E-Xev'v xcaXeov o'? vtrv 8' EKl'Xavev 7r'p7cpL) d)k' Vrf7X, wrept 86 Tpwal &aXs cryav. 385 Xetpt 83\ VlcgTapeov eavOV ETtva:e Xai3ovo'ca, rypi'jt e' Luv cKvUta vraXaLryevei 7rpoo'ee17rev, TAIAA AO III. 51 eLpoKo1EM, q ol Aazesai'tovt vateracro7 T,L pv eEoa/&, 7rpooaepwvee;''Aofpo8'T? "E lp'' *'AXVav~po ore KcaXe o ovYSe v'eeoOat. 390 XCeWvo ory Cev SaXaup KaL 8vworoFo' & XXeoowtv, KaccXXdeT' Te riX3ov Kal e4Lao-tv * ovX8 Ke oat17 avSpt /aXnrapcetvov Torv7'XLOewV, aXXa XopovSe epXe0o', e XOpOLO VYOV 0XryoeVTa KaOl'EtV.7" t'dPn b7dTo, T7 8' Ipa ~Svpuv ME oCr'Oeoo-'v optWvev 395 Kal pj' cS o0v bvol7ae,ae 7r6ptlcaXXEa 8eLpr)v'ri8eOa 39 ipepoevTa Kca o'uppaTa uappuatpov ra, &St/B3rn'v ap' gt7reiTa'rroT 9 geoaT Xc T 3v6opafEv " ZaqLovy, TV,ue raizTa XLXalea 7rFrepo7reveE; 7 77 /r-e 7rpoTepO 7TroXiOfv evvaLtoLevao)v 400 A'l 4 pv7il9, i) My5ovLsI EpaTe-vy9, et Ti7 TOt Kata KeEO tbLXoo /lepo7rcov avOp6o7rv; OfveKa $8 vIJv 8iJov'AXV'avSpov MevEXaog vLSqcrjas E'EXEL rvyep jv eLu oticaS' cyecOat, TOvewca 8~1 vvv 8e6po 8oXofpoveovoa ~rape&'rn; 405 4roo wrap' aV.Ov ioiva, e 9Ev 8' A'roele KcEXevt ov, 8' o'T ao'oo't, w7r6eool'wv V7roo-Tpe'eLta9 "OXv'Twov, a lX't aie 7rep KELcVOv o3g've XaL' e fnXacroe, eo'KXEe o i 7 aXXov 7rot'e7rat, q 076e 80ovXqv. XeUoYe 8' emyv ovtc eZvUL —vepeEUor)ov 8e KePv c -—' 410 Xcetvov ropovveovcra XeXos' Tpcwa, 8e t' orio'oo 7raoaat!zrtoor'ovTat,' e'o' aXe' a tcptLa Sgyo." Tv &e %oXcoa-atevl 4rpooeqo vee V''Acpo8&sl "F?,7) ~PEUO ae, 7XETXl,,u Xo)'Aa'E/vn E7e F'Ee((, TC09 &' a 7reXO7poJ (o vvv Ic7TrayX' etXflXra, 415 TEOr7OW 8' aF oTrepOv ) F tl77T'IoFatl eoX0ca Xv7jpa\, Tpowv Kal Aavacov, VN 8e KEV KaKoX v oPTOv Pkqa."'dn2 e'OaT, e8eterev 8''EXEvrq, Adw e'c7Eyyavta, 52 I A I A AO r.,q Kar1aaoXo,&ev Eav99 ape77TL baelvo, 420 ovyjr, rwa' 8& Tpcos X'dOev z pXe' 8ata/iov. Al' 5OT'AXCealvpoto 8,/ov 7repLtaXXE'Ka coVro, aql7TroXo uv LE7rera So)T' iE7rl epya TparroVTo, 7 8' eig v'fo'porov 3AaXuov lcic 3a yvatyauccKv. rj- &' Ipa 8&0pov,Xoo'a LXOtLqLeL8;'Appo$arO7, 425 avTl''AXe:Lvapoto 3ea KcaTEOt/,Ce 4epovoa e'vOa Kca&O''EXTvrq,'oVpl Atos ay7to Xoo, ocroe w7racXv ICXtvaoa, 7rootlv' t'viracre LzvO? " "HIXvOcs Etc roX v' ov cw4 c6eX, es avr6O' Xo'rVOat, avrop, 3a/eLt 1cpaTrep&, os e/1zoS 7rpOTrepoS 7rotSt I7ev. 430 9 pv 8r'rTpl'v 7' EVXed aprl'0,xov MeveXaXov oq 7TE /3p Ica' Xepo- Ical CyXEL X EPei PO9 EZvaIt,)1 re 3 cb t^ K.. e dy prTpos'lvat aXX''0t viv 7rpocXea-o'at prqi,0tXoV McevXaov Etav'Tts IuaXeo-ao'Oat Evavrtiov.!XXdc a' e.ycoye 71 aveoaOat EIcEXopa,,wLq8e 4avOcj MeveXco 435 avitLIov ro 7iO 7roXe4l'etv e\ x,&a 0ecOa; acppaocin,,ur wros' oaX v7r' avTov 3oupo "a/L7i. Tjv 8E plapis jtiotL-U v ALEL/36LEVo0lt9 7pOO-eL7reV crL,que, ryvvat, XaXewroLuov OVeiL6&l SVlOv e'Vltrr6e. vVr.EzV Iyap Mev'Xaog evteAlo'ev a)vv'AO'v, 440 /elrVOv 8' avTrt efyco' w'apa ryap 39eot elo'Y Kat'qpLv. AXX' aye ) \b 0tX6rTTL TpaLretloeL ev lOE8vrTE ov,atp 7r rore,t cT e y 3po p ry.pvas a,ifexcaXirrev. ovg o06'e w 7rpiT0ov Aalceatowvo9 e:'paTeCL 7rXeov pWapraga EV 7rOaVTO7roopoL&oL JVeEOL', 445 v'-vco 8' Ev Kpavacl7 tiylyv t~X-orTt xcal evvO, COs eo vvv e'paat Kat pLe ryXvcv\',oo LepO atlpe;."'H pa Kcal rjpxe XoO'8e X KLCV' aia 8' e aKreTr aotlotT9. To LV apv p' ev TprTOOtL Kca-eVvao-ea v XeX4e6Eo v,'A'rpedSrl &a' av' /LuLXOv eoiTa tp EOLgCO, 450 e'rov Ecraepj7eLtev'AXe'tavspov Jeoe&'a. IAIAAOO III. IV. 53 AXX: OVTtLS 8v'vacTO Tp)ov ic TCXr V jv ETr'lKO;Vp()V 8edat'AXE'4avSpov TOT Jpriilxq) MCveXa. oU ctv /'p tLX67rOT IT 7y' EcKVavov, et T'S l0'oTO' tooI0 "llp 0-WlV WracTV (L7r,IXOETO K7cp' /L.eXalvy.,roo-t& Kab yaeT errrE ev aYvag a'vFpcwv'Aya/tatV ovWv 455 "KKCXVE'T,EUV, Tpies9 Ktal ZIdtpavot LVO' TrlKcovpot vlKri /cv r; ba/.ve'T Fiqt' S Xo u ]i2evX\aov' v,Uets-''Apyt/E v'EXlyqv y cal KTc)taO', ac', TC L& t /l~7 7 EiZ W7TOTJjlCV7)VT c OIEvl, eC80-re, Ka' 7 Lq'.o7lv a'V?. rtt 7Tre icat aJO/-LoEo LcTL -LE'T tVop:7'tOLtvLt 7-rX7YTal." 460 "'2sl f'ar''ATpUr77t, ETl, 6','vcov`,UXot'AXato. I J I J J 0 _. _.'OpKtcov'vyXvOts.'Ayaplclivovo C 7r t V 7T XW LY' S. Oi 01 3SEOL 7Tap Zrv, KraOd,vo iLOL /7OFCOOV'TO XpUV-Te) t7l' 8E8ro,/ tera t o- ctLo 7rTOTLLa I1T37) vic;xrap;9:voXde' TOL CS Xpvo' c(S &67Tarc e0trv elt(sXaa uXXXov%, TpxoWV 7oXlL'tV El'opUOWTES. arTti c E-CTLopaTO Kpov[3rl' petOL,~ ev:'Hojv 5 KEpTOCtlOLtS EWE&Ctl, wrapal3X8h Syv ayopecw9cov "' Jotal epv MEcveXaro ap'7yoVes clt SacotIv, "Hpr r''ApYC71 tait'AXaX/co/evrfs''AO4rj.77 XX'ITO 7t Tat o'o'Lt K/aO)/telvat e'opO6wTat Tep7rE0ool' 7- 8' av'Te LXo/Jtpe~L$rS'A6PO$Tir 10 aLet 7rap,,tEL,,Xce Kcat aUTOV) Kcpa9 autvce, Ka}L oyV E'feoaco-ev OLevoUv.9avEe'Oat. 54 IAIAAOI A. cXX' TroL v/l7 Pcv t p7iqIkXov MeveX"ov' fl/J6Etet 8& OpateO'' owrws 6'rat'a86e'p7a, 1 p avrt 7roXepuov Te KaKov Kal vcforrov a'ivv opoOpev, y fbGTX Ta LEkT a4oTrepotfOLL d XcA)/hev. el8' aD 7ra TO8E n6 i 7rao- qlbXov Cai b VyEV rolo, T70& /IV OLKEO TO 7rOX Hptapow avax'roq, avTt, 8''Apyeltqv'EXervqv MeveXaos a7oyoro." 20 ",2Q ~'ca6', atl' C7rE4!vLav'AOrvar e TcKat "Hprq~ )vrXfolaat avy' 2o-Orlv, Kaida 8& Tpeoe ac[e$'Oyq6v. rTOL AOrvaL aKe'Cv'iv oWve T eTrev, /KcvUoteOV7l AZL warpL, XoXoS 8 p al V &7prto? pe' "-Hpp 8I' oviic e'xa.e 0oOo9 X 6Xov, AXXba qrpooorp8a 25 " Aivorare Kpovt'r1, 7rlOV raVy [DOOV e6'6re. w-6 dO'XevS aXtov Se-va; 7' r''O'TOV, er~i)S tEBXlS aX Vro rvao ryov a eXeo'o p, i,8pZ 39' ov 78poaa po6ry, eKauLeTqlv ye poo (r7roL Xaov a"Eetpovo',,'Ip KaKa T'roO re 7rato'tv. p8' a~ rap ov' Tot rav7Treg e7rawveo0ev,,eo, acXXob."' 30 Ttv 8e pt/ 3%r9af qrarpooe'fr vqeeX6Ey/epera Zevs " 8altovif, Tl V' Oe lHpia[Los Hpaltot6 toE waT aeg Toc'ra KaEca pc5ovrtv, or a'c7repXes peveaiveLv'IXt aaov aXa t TEVOV 7rrToEpov; ei e crtry' eleXOovo-a r'vXa9 Kac T~e'xea paKcpa 35 uOV /3e/3pcwot0 T Ipt'aL4Ov lpla/LOLo tE 7Trat.a9 adXXovs Te Tp2as, TOTe sCev XoXov eaaKe'oato. 6p ov o07r'o eOexLE, [L y TOvTO' Ey VetKc9'W'Tot) 0t ICat eEpot LE'y epLtCpa peLT apoTpoTL-t ryevriTat. AXXo &e TOt ep&E, o b 8''3 pEOv- /dXXeo ao?'o-tv 40 o7r"7oT6e KceYV Ka}t'Ey [E[' 7roXtv eraXadrrat ri'v eOeXCZ TO~ to~ c~LXOL avepep efyeyaao-tv, LrTt S taTrpieEv ToYv EoAYv X6Xov, adXXa,p' ea-a. Ica& yap reY7 ~0}le 3c/ca EKYov aEKOVT6 e 90u6Vt at eyap v7r' kXEl9 Te Kat ovpavco aTrepoevYTl iAIAAO:Z IV. 55 vaCeTaova-r 7roXqE E7r1%X80vov avOpcollrav, 45 OV tot 7rW ep& 7EOpYO wco "IXto P1 Kca Ilpta' o0 Kal Xao' evtLeXo Ilpta6uoto. o ycap Lo r7Te 86/u.o'q E83eETO atC tTo'q Etl, XoI/3r Te KVirl re' Tr 7O rap X"aXoaue e/yepag f/.eL." Tov S' l/1t4EEiT e'7reta ocWt7rs 7rofrvta "'Hpq 50 "qrot etot TpeSq pez 7rov OXi fXraTaI caa o' 7rOEXfel, "Apryos Te w7racprq TE caK evpva7vLa MujvKr)v 7~~ G~a)V~pa~a L c "' o'L' ov Tras 8&a7re'pcrat, OT a" Tot a7reXvOvTat 7repAL Kp oa v Oro&l6W rO,'av'r Tapa ove alp. EE a oOVE(,) TE K't OK Et'') Star''' 55 f'rep ryap Boveao te Ica, o;Kc eice Goa~rep~ac, 55 ovc avvLo ~0omowv', e7reto7 7roTXbv 0rpeTpos cEal. -XXha Xp7\ Kcad!ov IJeEvaL 7rofvov oiiic aTEXErov \ \, \ p a 3,'''' ical ayp eyw JEO EqLu, 1eVO1 0S e6tO ev' oev ev o060, Icatl'Le 07pE8V/TvTdT7v TEKcTO Kp6vos'ey'cvXoru&7flo,' au6lOeppov ov, CyevE6 e EIca ovveKca o-q 7rapadcoLT1e 60 clck.Xrl/tat, o-v 3e vricrt LLET` dava7rotwtv avdao'e?. aXX' Tot JZEv TavO' W7rOEl'OJEV aEXXiXowtv, 0o4 u., e'y a, o' (S' e'1oi' rr,'''rovTat S9eo,,AXXot vaTo&o. cr 8\ 3oa-o-ov'AOqrva, r MrlreLXa& EXOhev ds TpoWov icat'AzXaL6tv fX7orrtv ahvqv, 65'rretpav S' wc, ~ice Tp&es vrwep:trCSav'raV'Axatoiv aptOco?'rpO7TPOT v7r1Ep opicta (qXjaw-aaat,."'2l9 eclat, ovS' airrlroe'rarqlp av(Spwv Ce e6iv'Cre avti~'c'A0Xva6v ereaa 7rTepoevTa 7rpo 7vpSa " AZLa ptaX' e orTpaTov eEXOe [ter Tpc2a9 Ica,'Axatov%, 7retpav 8' 2ck Ke Tp6e 1vrTepcpvSavvTa'Axatoiv 71 apcoo't 7rpo'ITEpo V'Ep 6opIca (SXfr'ao-at." "2 r c 7 rT-pvve 7rapog Lteutavdav'AO v' v, ^ 8\ KaT`r O'VpvUtoto Kcapiowvw rit~aa. otov (' aO-Te-pa jie Kpo'vov 7ra&? a'cKvXopt'4T6E, 75 (G3 IIA I A A Ol0 A. XaLL7TpOv 7Tov T E 7roXX'O a(7Wo o77rtl!O,))pES, LE)Tea 7(t ELKVU 2' Jt E'7t xOOva MaXXa'AO412, Kacs 3 eop e cro v-oov',/3loS 8' e'cEv edcopodovwra so Tp..us3 9' (irwroS&aovs Kcalt ei9lcvpu Sat' AXato Aa. &3 e & e', e`7LEo-VcEv i&v 6C 7rXqrXo'ov aXXov " H p' atl~vrs' WXeo6LoS' re KcaKlco Kai c 07rXot alyvo EOYYETat, r ob0To7rija JLET a+OTIPOECpoL T?77WLV Zekb,;oT' avOpjT7row T'a/Z[Uri roXehtoo rwTvvrat." 85 X"2~s apa rtvs eltreG'cep'AXatwLv Te Tpa'cov Te. q 3 v~puLKExy Tp v Iap lvw, 0KaE,/ O 1ttxov, Aao36Soc' AVTrVoptlS, KCpaTep alX/r17T, Ivga,3apov dri'Eov 8-i'1OCVOrp, et' 7rovU SbEpot. depe Avxacoovo& violv aavktova 7e KCtpaepov re 90 CO-7Ta6T * fu J E? LUV KnpaTepa~t'TTXeC acU7rTG(Ta)oV Xa&v, o~ o0 [-ol'o d7w Aorjwoo poov. CLYXo (3' TiTatLEVr7 k7reEa 7rTepocvra 7rpo7Vca' H pa v ot to r 7r'Oolo, Auvcao, o~ v[' ea\~Fov; TXas KCev MeIsveXcp e7rTrpot ev rTaXvv lOV, 95 7raortl 8' KE Tpoeo'fo- %dplv Kat,cv0o9 iapoto, Efc 7TrVTWV & /' La'XTa'AXcE~v$pp /3aXiL'.'OVKEV (I 3 7rwaw7rpwcra 7rap aJyXaa\ 8wpa Vbpolo, at,Kev iag MEvXZa.ov'Apfi'ov'Arpco9 vlov Cfo j3A ( 8L?9OcVTa, 7TVp2' E'TClJT LXE7EtVL). 100 aXX' a'y iTTveuvo v MEvXaov vSa&XIc/Jo oo, EXEo 8''A7rXXovt AVKcrPyElVi KVTOTO.o7papvoJv TrpWT0o70Vo )V p /EfelV KXELT?7V EKaTciIr3)v otLa8,e voorrrag [ Pep, ~S aer" Zeelar/g.u'Qc f07r''AOqvab1, TO') bE (pEvaW? cfpov 7rELOev 105 atpiK cO;va TOrOV ouC UV iTO poV aivOS a7piov, v pa% TrOT avivro VV' oTErpvoto TVra7-a9 WrTiprns tEKaatvovra, 86&tfLEvo? Jv 7rpoOKcI70-tv, 3Ej3X iKEL TrpOS- LTT' O 8( Ve7TTlOS' C;/'LTEE 7reTp. IAIAAOY IV. I57 Tov cepa EK Ke(MaXp?7 CKKat8eda'8pa 7Fev'lKEL Ical Tra L4Ev acrKlcjaa lcepao6o6o "ipapE TE'KTV, 110 7rayv 8' Xe etvas Xpvo-Etv eWrEOrctKE Icopwvr7v.' \' Icat To ILEV EV KaTE077Ke TavvoaataElvoJ 7ro, OTt yatp cayichXtvaS~ 7?rpofrev & a/caKa aXeOov oet 0 Xo\ eTapoL, tj27 7rppv ava:etav'Aprjol vles~'A.atcov, 7rpiv /3X?4O-Oat Meve'Xaov'Apiov'ATpope vtov. 115 auTap o a6Xa 7rwctua OapeTrprl, EK 8''ge' cov L.pIi3lTa 7rTepoevTa, /eXaLvwcv /p/u o36uvdaov aqrta 8' E'7t VEVpy KaTEOfC6YEL 7rtKpOV O.7TOV, EVXETO 8' A'.Aro ovt AVKyEcvE KXVTOTO') apv65v 7rpwroyovovw PEetwe v /KXeLTr Kv caTojU Vv 120 otKcaSe vPOoTj'cas iEpg) etl a.Trrv ZeXchp?. fXKce 8' o,uovo.yXvl+8aS' Te Xal3owv cKat vevpa 3oclta vevp7V tv iav /L 7rreXaoev, T6O:. \ o& lS8pov. aUTap E7rL KJVKXOTEpE9 -Lea Toeov eLZevev,.xye t/36o, veVp?) 8e LEy i'aXev, a"X-o 8' o0irTo 125 OveX?7%, /caO:'. 0b'AtXov e7rrrco-'Oa!ueveat'vwov. Ov& o~vMeev, MePeXae, S9ot /LaKape' XEXa0oVTO aOdvaTro, 7rpcorT 8 Ae ZlOS 3vyarrlp ayeXeEhl, 7TO r7To rpcOe rrTaoa,3 Xog eXe7revKcE a/tvvev. 7 3e ToToV /.LuEv Ep7yev a'7wo %pOO, Co OTE /Lr7LTlp 130 7rat8oS CepyZ7 I.vav, ob'' v "'''XETac "rv' 6X w'at,8 d~?/rI\ l tXa,' V 7_-'O 77 @ ^ ~Pv f6o'eo'ar'vexov /Ca9 $w'X o gvrero,,, 9p. Iv O,a \'.Xo.... eV e ero'e OE )O'rUTpt apflpoT' 7rWKpOo O&TOTSg 8a, -E\v ap Woo-To'po eXJXAaTo 8at8aXeo6o, 135 icao 8o. 3XrpfKO9 7roXVSat8aXouv lpperlp ro rtTpw1 T, 7v ecopet epvua %poOS, epKcoq aKc6VTov, I otl nrXeoTrov epvTO' Stawrpo &e e8toaTro KIal t7. oca.,,,,.. \.,... aKpoTaTOv ap' O'COTO7 e'rEeypacre xpoa bCoTOS avTIK/a 8' eppeev al ia eXawtveS eg:re X7'9. 140 3* 58 IAIAAO2 A. 12S rt oe T cXe cavTa 7vvI? ~JOLVLKl CwUvp Mpovw } Kaelpa, 7rapi'ov etlevauat 7r7rTo KeiTat 6''v "aXit u, 7roX&Es; T7 rLy prova'ro t7r7r'Oeg opEctv' 8aat'i tX E KietTat acyaXtua, 145 aLu00Trepov, K6l0do'O WS' 2'7ir-wo XaTr'pl TE ICVo09' Toioi Tot, MeveXae, ptLavOrqv atart Alpo; ev'cbvE KvrLuaL e' r8e cf/vpa KaX' V7rrEepOev.'PI70raev 8' fap eeTa a va~ avSpciv'Aryapetzo.v,;cv CEJ,eXav alvda Keavappeov: woretX,7' 150 jp7'r]erv 8 Kavt avITo JpqlY`tXo' MELE'Xao9. t 9 6\ 186eV VYEpOV TE Kat OI7KOVI 6ErTO eovTra9, da'oppov ol tSvuo s, oE r vOet'otEv a'yprpO. -oi& 8e /3apv aTevaXwv /eETrb Kpewv'Ayapue'vov,., Xetpoq exoV MEvEXaov E7TEQTCXreevaxo VTo0' Tapot 155 "'IAXe'Kao-vi7eyT, " avaTo6v VV 7'rt OpKt' gaauvov, oov Irrpoaorroaq rrpb'A at:v Tpoor P eaOat, q u'r &P'aXov Tpes, kaa a' opcta 7'tl'a'r r'rarflo-av. ozv Wv 7rfL a9Lov 7re'XE opEcKov alpa Te apvoov 7rov(ai rT aKp7T-Ot KaaL eftat, *S fTe'LOUEV. 160 t'7rep 7yap re Kat arVTic'OXVPMOnto V oiK irXeo'oe-ev, eKf Te Ka \ oJ'e'reXe, orv Te /LeyXTa E a7reTrtrav, oVv c~7o)tLV KEcakXy to yvvat:'e Kab TEKEcaotyV. ev eyap?eyco Tdoe o2(a Kcaa Obpeva Ica\ KaTa ~Vp' eo'oCTat 77tap oT av noroT 0X,(y "ICO o9 ipl 165 ecat IHptapog /ca, kaoS evDpueXl%) Ilp aUoto, Zevs Se otL Kpovi(rl9 V~t'rvyo9, alOept vaeov,.' \.,I,,' a ^ auvTo e7rW'oelotov epepwvrv a171ya wraov T?7o-8 a7raTw?9 corTEWv.'a, Ev e'OeTat OVK aTEoE'Ta * c&XX& pot alvov aXog 0E'OEv EoCaTrat, co MvEv"XaE, 170 ar' Ke Kbv t ca rOT'K o'V aova7rXr ]- /3troto. Kat KE) ev'XE7YXUTro; 7roXv8'lrtov "Apryoq iKCOl//q7V avtriKa rytLp /xvr/o'ov7ra'At atoF Trarpis a''; AIAA AOI IV. 59 Ka8 6 KEP EV cXOXV F Hpt&y ical Tpowa XiWrolqvE'Apyetr)lv'EX.Evrv o aEo 8' o-ea 7rvot apovpa CeLovTevOV EV Tpoip a-TEXEUvT-jT er- py,. 175 Kai KE T: 7 E8r epect Tpao&v Ur7epflvOpe6VTov Tt/3o e7rtLOpCo'KEco MeveXaov Kv8aX'/loto'at'' oiVO c7r X 7rart XoXov rXo-Et''AryaeOv.w.v, K/cat vvvi aXov eorpaaov'?yayEv dvOAd''A atXw, cal 877 g1r3 ofaKOVSe oXqiv ES vraTp(8a -yaav 180 ov KeLv,?7ov rva, Xt7roV a'oyaov MEvevaov.' cS ro'T'L p EpEl v'OTE pot xavot Evppeta xOu"v. Tov 8' 7rrtOapotvvov rrpoo'er4:aveOt MevgeXaog "apo'et, qL786'rt 7iro 8etL Lo-eo Xaov'Axatstv. OViK Ev Katpl''rayq /3 XoS, aXXa TrdpotOev 185 Eptpuo-ao wo'7Trrp T7re avaloXoS?8'1 v7ne'vepOev'st rd Te Kat,LtTrpfl, T7\1v XaXrKeS Ka/lSOV avSpes.' Tov 8' a7rayueLt806pvo r 7poGafrl c peItov'Ayape'Lvoov a' as ryp 8r7 o0VTC0o ef), IbXoS () MeveXae EXKO 68' tr/T7'p 7rLd'iaaoETat i8' e7rt0?7ioeL 190 apuaXp, e Ie'v rravaoo' FueXatvioov Uvvapov."'H Kat TaXOz9/3,ov, teitov K7pvuca, 7rpocrroVLSa " TaXOV53t', 5TTl TadXLaTa Maxdova 8evpo Ka\'eo-o'ov, 7t)T''AK-T7CrltvO VUIOV, a/LVZLOVO0 trl'rT7poi, ocfpa [8, MevE'Xaov'Apri'ov tapXov'AXatcv, 195 0ov TE ot7f'evoa9 e/aXeP, 7 ov eT e8OS, E Tpcowv 0 A 1VKlOW, T() LEV KXeov,.i LL'ot, 8e\ r7'v0o." "f12 4'ar', ozv)' apa ot Kicpv aTrrtOri-e v aKotvoa9, r3i7 8' Evat Kcar Xabov'Axalt&v XaXKoXLTr vwv 7ra'ralvwv ~jpwoa Maxadova. Tov 8' evoyrlfev 200 on-aor apLi & /tLv Kparepal cT'lXE9 ao7r'trlTaCOv Xacv, ol ot 67'OVro TPtKiC E': &r7TT0/OTOtO. ay8Xo' iLr4tevo E7irea 7rrepoevTra 7rpoailtvra ""Op&,'AoI'cX 7rri48r, KaXeel Kpetov'Ayape'plvwv, oo I A I A I A o AA A. 20.5 bpa',y MevcXaov'Apr$iov opXov'Axat(v, o6 TL9 LJTevuaa e'/3aXEv, wTO'wv EV el2d', Tpcowv i A lvK',vlc' rv El XOS, V Xo 8p rrvloso." "2Xs daTro, T' ) 8 apa v/ylov EvA CTTr)0eaLiv opOtevE' 8/3v 8' l,at,'aO' 0iLXov avac oTparov eupvp'AXaCzv. 210 DCXX' Te 8 i/''%Cavov g0O:av03 MevOeXao9 /3xpj evo9 rv-7rrepl 8' av'Tv a7yrly)epaO' o'o'oL alptrom& KcvKXOJ', O 8' rv gro-otl-t 7raptOTraTo a6aOEO9' &)aurtla 8' dc 5O'iOTpo? appOToT eC KEI! 3OTOV' 70) 8' EeXo/COLEVotLo 71 XtV C 7?EV O:eE 07/COt. 215 Xvoe 68 o0l'woaTiL7pa 7ravatloXov 08' 7rELvepO6ev PUttTE Kat Llt fP77V, T 1V XaXKrJ9 Kcalov alv8peg. ailTap c7re7 tbev ciaKOCs, 60' eL7rEoT'e 7rLlCPOS OiToTO, aLit EK/clv~ti7a9 ET a" p r177TTLa dpap[(aKca EG Oq a,' 7ro \ Oa t Xa bpov'ov w Spe Xetpcov. 7Wao-0e, Ta Ot 7TOTE 7raTpt a pOvE wp p. 220 "OWpa To70t /Pe7re6voVT70 /o0rv JyaOov MevetXaov, TOqpa 8' Er Tpaov cTTLXE''AXvOv (cOtt7rtTa'clwvl O O8' avTtS KaTa TEV.XE UvIv, IVIaCLaTO 8c XPaippl,. "EvO' oVK av /3pitovTa t'8oq9'Aeya[L(zvova 8(ov, ov8c KaTa7rwcorcovT, ovo' OVK EOEXolvTa uaEXceOatt, 225 aXXa /a Xa o7retvoVTa /aXPIv E9 KVedtVlepaV. L7Trrovs IYEv yap eaae Kat apLaTca 7rotclXa xac X ~ lCa vo V /kEV'ep Trlv )l7rL7TVEVO' Xe (ISvo-t(OvWTa Eupvultdwv, vlSq IHTOXeyatov TletpaiL8ao TO) uL.Xa 7rd- X' e7rereTXXe 7rapLxe/Laev, 7T'7r -TE KT [(LC 230 Uvla Xei/3a icaltaro', 7TroXeas 81,a\ otpavEorvTa aurap o 7re5O cE~v 7rE7(roXoeTo aTLXa9 av8 pcv' Katl /1 V 1 EI7IrTEovlTa9 tOL /JaLELaV TaXV7TCOWV, T0ovq /[aXa NapaVvealce 7TapLt-Taevo9 ETEcLtv'LV "'ApydeotL, ut7rloT) TL,(eOLerTe o'0ptL8oq akiKc?' 235 ov yap Ed7rL *ev8Eo-oL 7rrarlp Zebv e0oJET apoyo?, X'X o0L7rep 7rporepot v7rrp o'pcLa 8rXrojaavro, IAIA AOZ IV. 61 Tiv vpTOL aurwvu TepEva Xpoa 7V7rTe 603ovTat 2ykEL aVrT aX6XovX TE OlbXa9 Katl vri7ra TEKl a a~o0/Jl) El) Vl7E0c7Lo, e7r?7l 7rT0X'LeOpOV'XCLuEV." O1VaTrtvac av EOtEVTa t8oLt 7VYEPOo Vo X 7ro0XELO, 240 70Tov9 aXa VetKCel'EE' OX tOEV 7'EC "'A pyTco toitopot, EXe7XeEV, oV vlv E/l3eOe; T7c/O OVTOJ9 eTrTe 7TOTE7 27VE i"76 VE'3pOt, alT' E7TEl OVv EKaLuov 7roXe'o9 7rE&loo'ov(ucac, erova, ovS atpa 7{O u4t LeTa c/peJbpEt 7'yTveTaL cXcrj' 245 (0) V/LELt ECTT7TE TE?77rOTE9 OUOE /LaXEOfE. /7 YEvere Tp?&as Xe3~v CeXOJev, E'vOa Te vPe etpVar eV7rpv/xvot,, 7roXLt7 E7rt 5b tvi aXaoor7p,.o'pa r'Ir' a[' I i4t/xUV UrrEPOX Xaepa Kpovlorv;" ",9 o'yE KoLpapeLov E7rtETC El7O cTiXaS v avp cv 250?XOe 8' E7rl KprTre-oL- KLtwv ava oivXaaobv avSpowv. 0o /' teb' I'o/aev'a a uibpova'%SopqTO0OlIT, IO8/JtEVEV9 uEiv EltM 7TrpOUcaXOv?, Tvl ECEXtO9 aSx /K7V, Mqptzolv7s' atpa ol 7rv/ta'Taq OcTpVVe OaXa/7ya9. T70oV Sk L8&v y7)Oqryev 6ava aJv8pcv'A-ya,,/xCvov, 255 a Klrcca 8''ISoutevi7a 7rport1v6a /ueLXLXt'oLtv'"I'6o/ veV, 7reptl uEv Le TIero Aavatvw TaXv7rWoX)ov, EV E TX 7 IXe/Ip(8) o aXXoi'p V gpry'18' fv 8a[O', o'Tre wp'e ryepovztov a[Oo7ra otvov'Ap7ertov o0 apto-ToLt EV KP77T7ptL KCEp7OVTat. 260 el7Tep y4ap' a"Xot 7e KcapqKto/LcoVTelE'Axatol aLTpopv 7IVwLOTLv, ao y 7 Xeiov 8E7raa, a'ie e7rlx, Cr (07'Ep eLO l, oErbEV, OT re %vto\ aV'y7ot. XX.' op 7rev rro6XE/Ov8', ot'o rapo9 evXeaL ewvat. TOv 8' aST'I8o/eveE%, Kpqr&v ayo9, Jv-rlov 7q15a 265 "'ATpe87h,,/atXa p v 7Tt E7\JV EpltpO9 ECTatpoc EcYTO/Lat, 9 T 7T qrpCOTrov V7rEorv gKat caTrevoEv -a aXX' aXXov O"TPVVE KCaprl7CO/6owT7a AXaCob\,% 62 IAIA O~ A. o40pa 7aXLtrTa,IaXc/eO', evret vv r7y OiplE eXevav 270 Tpceq' TroTLv o' av Salvaro' Kca Krctd o7riacro eaoeT, fe 7rpOTEpOt v7pep opta o. n2'baaT','Arpe8t'g 8e vrapxer 7o 7rlO6ervvos "c'p. 5qXOe S' 7r' Ai'VTECOl Ictv ava' o.vXao.v avSpav. T ) 0c KopvoraaEOflv, aIca Se v1eoos e7reTo 7resv. 275 &c( 8T' ao 7ro' oKo7rto S e3Sev vecoS ai7rwko' aiv/p EpXo/LEvov KaTa 7royVoOV'ro\ Ze jVpOLO tl?7'S'r &' a'vevOev dOVT&6 LeXa'VTEpOV 7VTE it'o-a aiver' tov Kcara r6VTov, a7yeL &e T7 XaiXa7ra 7roXXlv, plyfl'QEGV Te 1&cv vr- TE a-CEOq qXaoe a Xa 280 ToatL at' AdlarreTL-t ioTpECoewV aa qv&v OGov e 7r6XeLov 7rvwctlvat KlPvvvTro oaXaTye? cvaPveat, oaKcetv rEe Ieat ee7XecL rebpecvuaLt. icat,oJ; L~v?)O7ev 13&v cpIe'oy'Aryapu, v,' catl crdea oa)ovro'aa e'7rea 7rTErpoevpa 7rpoor-qv6a 285 " A2'avT,'Ap7eiwv l77)ope EXaXK0coXLTwov, aqkn uEv - ov 7ap eouc OTpvve/tev- OV7l IceXeVeo avr-c yap,uaXa Xaov av7yerTOv "'!Xeaoar. a 7yap, ZeDi Te ra'rep ecat'AOyrval17 cat "AvroXXov, Togo 7ra-rtv Evupb 0 v\ CrOeot 7ervot7o' 290 T3 Kce T'Xa 77Ik6l'ELE 7rTLXt Hputaloto avaIcTo9, XepCav vf' 7eIepTp? v 70Lo aXov'a Te 7repOo/Iev'.l T''ns ebro\V rov> pFEv Xt7rev av-ro, 9I 8E ter' taXXovg~'vO' oyE Nciarop' TrerT e, XLvv IIvX['v a'aYopr7Tqlv, ovS erapovP rTEXaOVTa Kca oTprvovlTa k cExerOat, 295 ai/luib /Ie7av FICeXa7yovra'AXaVoropd TE Xpo/Utov re At'ovIa e KpeELVTa Bl avTa Te, 7rotLlEva Xaciv. tr7rag /EV 7TrpcoTra aV ti7r7roLetV Kcat oXektv V TEoveOv 8' Et7r7Oe orTerl' 7roXe'a Te Kcai &EOXov\,.l,,s! C, e a,, v, E~pKO9 V e/ev 7rTOXEOto M V 0Eo' "o E V ExaE, 300 0'"pa Kai oViK MA&XaV Tlt avarycKalcp 7rOXE/IIiOt. IaIAAOY IV. 63 i7rTreVo'Lv Lev 7rp~ TpT br7ETEXXETO TOVw 7ap avw7e& cfo' L'7rTrov? EX Xe'v /u8e' cXoveecOaCL ouLX' "MVSE't i', roadV,? re ~ai ~vop, lck 7relrot;o9 " Mr t7 7 lTrOcVVp TE Kat?JPOpEf7 TET0L009 o0o0 7rp6rO' aXXcov/ xeLad'To Tpceo-ro.uaxeaOaL, A718' tavaxpeiT' Xa7ra8vo'epoL ryap'&TeOe. 305 oq,d,',,S,r/'ra&. OS 8e K) avrNp awro 6v o6x Tv eETp apapaO' l1)TaL, EYXeL ope4o'tOW, e7reL7 7r0oXv'EpETpOV OVTCw9. C8e Kat ot 7rTpOTEpoI 7r6oa9 Ka} T'elxe erop8Oeov, rov8e voov Kal SvJULv eV Et T7 jOEf'TV 6EXOVTre." t"2S Of 7E/pov (STpvvE 7'rcXat?roX'/toX v eV eI8&6. 310 Ka, TOP,UEV n70' E L8;v 0cpe pEl'Aya.LE, vPov, Kcal at wv 4vro'raq e7a 7repoevTa rpoo'768a'' r2?yepov, EtLO', ( g0'Vf /IvO oEP C77T6o''Lt biXov, c'rot r7youvaO' 6'7rOLTO, 1r 8E TOt eq7rE880E e'71. aXX a oe 7ypa9 TelpeL O/tolov' dS ~oeXev Ttq 315 av8p v caXXos EXeLV, r v 8oE KCOVpOTEpOL'-t,eCeTvat. Tov 8' Fe/t3ET' e77ELTa repvPo0 itr7O6Ta N"E'".p i"'Atpe(q, jtaaXa? p/ev KEP 7'v E'06XOL, Kae aK vo' c)( ev fE ( e OTE OV'EpevOaXtova KaT6aTav. aXX' ov 7rcw apaa 7ravra'leot 86o'av avLOp&rroLtovv 320 EL TOTE KOVpOS ea, vvv a6alTEe /LEpaT O7rae't. e a ~'6,e tcospo~ ea, r7v7r v' e KEXEVrd' aXXa Kal w(o trrevooL t LeTEooaL 786 eXEVT& /,ovXy Kat alVOtoL TO ya\p?yepa EYTL 7ep6OPooTv. atx/La 68 atX/.aar-ovo-t ve6'TEpo t, o'rep E/e& 07rX-OTepO 7eyaaaL rereroleOaYi Te filrveM." 325 "l2s'caT,'ATpEi8's o' 7rapqXeCTO fy1r7o0vVov Kc7p. EVp VIOV EIETEE'O Meveo-ija 7rXl7rorvov cTaoT' a/\tzb 8''AO1vaio, L70~rT(A0pEq avT9rr avTap o 7rX7atlov P 6'(T?7El 7roXvtJ7'TtL U08vo'o'eV, 7rap &8 KgeaXXrvwcov atflc'TiXeq OVCK a'Xarra8vai 330 eorao-av 0ov 7ap 7r& eCeov atKOVETO Xa3o aVcT?71, acXXa veov aovvopvu6eval EKlVVVUTO aXayyeq 64 IAIAA O zA. Tpckw t7r7ro&8tov ica,'AXa~t&v o[t t LEV0VTe erao-av, 607rTrTE Tvp7 O'AXalt3v - XXoS EreXOCv 33. Tpwov op/.io'ete icac apeLav vtPOXe/toLo. Tou0 8 tec Ov PEI.KErcTev ava~ avpcov..'Aya/ie4tvwOv, Ica[t 0'dEa9 tcovo'Tr;a' 67rea 7T7repGEVTa v-poor'Sla "' 2 uv( IIHeTeco,, 8ToppepCoS /3atLX'0o%, Icatl oV, KicagL XoS 80Xot' Kexcac-r Eve, KcepS8aXe6)pov, 310 Tt'rTE KcaTa7'ToTo'ovTecS a4-:-7-'aTE, L.iEre,'' iXov9; rqci7v Ul v T E6TEOtK CE LE oa 7awpo70oG'tv EovTra' o'rcd.Uev 97 e aXipx Kavo'Teipl) avTt/80o Xca'. 7rtPT)'yap kIal cSatro aKaov aa ov E/tO, 07r7rore 3arTa y'povoltv OowXtr'ro ev'Azatoi. 345'vOa lITX' 7-raXea Kcpeca et8pevaLt Y8e\ icVreXXa ot'vov iriliEevaat /etr/8Co0S, i;b0p' eO Xrov' vVv 8E f\ Xo9 X' O~pOTE Kcat eL cE a rvp-yot'AxaiJOv Vietio v porapoX Oe iO aXotavo vrjlXe XcwaXK." Tar 8' atp' 7r6Spa iwV w-poGa-Ch 7roXlVpnrtS~'oavo350 "'Arpe6lr, TbO6V 0YE 6T'o y troyv V pKO 0870TWV. w7r 81 7d. woxkLoto iLeOt' ev; 67rwr6r'AXaio\ TpaStv b'O t7T,7wa&otlov EyecipOouev 0bv "Ap'a, d.reat, Ov E'O XJ'Oa,,cal a',C~ TO T ra eq/Xy, TryXe6a'Xoto qtbXov 7raTepa ePOI; aXOLtL LyEV7Ta 355 Tpo'wov it7roBaawv' ov c3 TraDT CavepLcoXta f3Pa'Set." Tov 8' cL.teL8?o'as~ 7rpooE'~rq Icpet'oV'AyapeL',LvV, wt 7v %oo oEvolto rraLv 8 o'ye XaET0ro pvOOv " atoeve Aaepr6aS 1, 7r0XvU?Xav'OvaceV, OVTE 0re VELCEtlo 7rEpso(GotOV OVTE KceXEVCo 360 oZ8a,yap 6o Trot SUvLto\ &v} o7TrOEorT& LIXoot0V i47rLa 8rjvea ot6e ra rytp OpOveLs' 1W Teryc 7rep. d\X''-t - rair-a 8 oT'07to'Ov apeolo'LeO' -- et L T KeaLc VPy IAIAAO: IV. 65 etpflTatl, Ira Je Jraroa /6oL eoTeaoLa k ELw,.' EQ t d7rOrv Trous f.EV X'rev avTov, /3q 3E /ET tiXXovT. EVpe 3~ Tve8eos v[ov, v7repOvpaov AItojeiea, 365 ecrTaoT Cv t7rT0ltL KaL ap/ "aCJ KOXXITObCItV 7rap 08' o[T ejTEI, veroS, Ka-,ravjitos vi;. Kal ToVv jUiV VElfeo'K ev 1&v KtpeCoV'Ayac /xov o v, eat I trv covqoCas e7Tea r'repoe6Va 7rpoor?)63va "' O2 LOL, Tv34o9 vlE &tai(povos [l'roadpoto, 370 Tl 7TTCO00eVL, Tl oltLr7EVEt 7r70XeOLO'elfvpa,; ov jauv Tv&ii 8y OA V i Tv oTWCoKCaLcEV ~eV, aXXL 7rOXL) 7rpO OtIXov Erapowv 37ito lt ALa' Eo'Oal, c? 0asav Ot /LV H3OVTO 7OVevl[EVOV OV 7cap Eywoye 7VT?7 OLNE tc33' 70epl 3 aXXw frwl yevEiaL. a 5 77TO LeC /EV yap caT.p 7roeoU0V e2o'XOe 6 MvKrtva, ~EvoS ak aUVTLOE TIOXUVEIKvEt, Xaov ayetpov. o2t pIa 76OT CoTpatoCOVO tEpa 7rrpo TEXea O &q7I]' KaL pa JLa Xa XtlTcov-ro 8OLEV KXELTOb ErtlCOVpOUv,'. ol 8''OeXov 86/jzevaL Kat edrvPeopov l lcEKXevov 3O8 ~AXX'a Ze9'- ('Tp7c0E rCapao'ta (Y, YaLra falvcov. o O' ETEL oVu oXovr 77p0'' p (Ew oyvovTO,'ActowZv' tKovrTo /3acOaXxotvov XEXE7roi,)v, EvO' aVT''yyeX\qv Lirb Tuv3) TC'EaXav'AXcatL. a6Tap 6o;, 7roXE'aS (:cbX;)oaTro Kac8eklwva'a 385 aLvv/uC1o&v KaTa'' )o),Lta /3try' E70KCX?~1i7cs. evO' ooE,:ELVv: 7rep E (6v, l7T7;7'XaCTa TU.'Eu Ta-p3ect, /10VO EV wr o t 70 i' 1 Telra KdaBeloiWLT, aXX' o'^j UEcOXSeEI 7rpOKaXie iro, 7raTv ra 0' EIKa pFri`t&'o r70o7q Ol n7rtppOo0s,cv'A94vi. 390 ol E XoXwoSaLuvoL KaiLuejt, lccvProps 3'wT7rWYv, ay ap# apLLV6pXOLEV 77rUCLVOVO XoXov eo'apv ayovPTE, KOV;OV i 7EVoT7jlKOvTao to 8 i1a/dTropEv Y, lla.'&v Ai(joviirl, c'7ritLE.KCXo itavLJT/&LOLV, 66 I-A I AA o0: a. 395 vios r' Av'rocovoto, f.vere7ror6XeO1o lloXvcfoivT'. Tvfevs, u4v Icat roL av eulcea 7rorTov Ebr)/cev 7razvras e7recv' Eva' oo7ov Ze OlKOVse veecOava Matov' apa 7rpoelqce, Secov e(paeoeoLt 7rtL )oag. roloS 6'7v TvSeuv A.I'm5XLo' -CXa'ov vtovV 400 /et'vao eLo XEplqa /LaX, a, yopy aelvo.",'Q2 aar7o, Ov 8' ovTr 7rpooefl IcpaTrepo09 Alto/fl8, ale S-c'e /aao'tX)oq e'veqrvv altoioto. rOv 8' vilO Karav-o9 aIpel'aro cvSaX,'otoo "'ATrp der81, 1N) *ev68 E-Tcl7ptrCEevo O o-dAda el/7rev. 405 LLeK TOIt 7raTepoWV (LEy ateltov6e EXvo/eO ewvat,/E1 IcaK 0\y/3 s1'8os e'tXopev 7rTra7rvXot, r. avpTrepov Xaov (yayvO', 7ro TEEXo, "A petov, 7reltOO/EVOt Tepaeduo-t 3 e&v Kcal Zlvos apwtyp KEcVoL 8&'oeTEeppotLv aTao-OaXaktv 6'Xovro. 410 Tt') / zLOLt rarepae p rot' 0fo/l0y e'v8Oo Tt/L,." Toyv 8' ap vrospa 18wv 7rpocrE Kparepos 4lo", Lrera, OCW7r OO, E/Lc 8' e7L7TreLOeo Ouv0eo. ov ycap eyao veLco'&'A-yaplze'pvoWv, 7rOt/Lv Xacv, 3Tp' IOYT" I,"X'Oa EviKV)J/lLSa'A alovs 415 TOJT.) /LEV cyap /KvUO0 a/J1' e#,eea&, eL Key'Axawo) Tpias y7oo'wr Lv eXNo'l O TE "IXtov pr, TOvJT9 8' aLv leya r'~YEo9'AXaiv 3ptOevTw(V. aXX' aqfe \ Ica& vtoe i y ue8s)pueOa 9Sovpt8o9 ajX cq."'H pa cab 6' OXEWV' 0V TevXeE'Lv Xaro Xa/uzae 420 etLvov 8' EpaXE XaXKcog e7r TorrYeoe v yvalcTO Opvv.uevov v7ro Ktev TaXaoatlpova 7rep L3o0 elXev. d23 8's o eYv aiytaXcX 7rowXvrw7xi Kvaa, aXta'o'oXls OpvvUT Erao Tvrepo v Zef0ipov vlJro KLcvroaViTO 7roVrT UJLEV Ta 7rpCTra KopvoZjETaL, a-vTap e7retTa 425 X"p'9 ptyryvv/jeyov teerytaa epetle, ac,uI 6 Tz a'cpa9 IA IAAOS IV. 67 fCVpTOV p OV KopvovToaLt, a7roTrTveL 8 aXo a9 vv Tc O TO E7ra'aooVTepat, Zavaov'IWVVrTO oaXaryyes VOXepeC 7rOXeOV8ov6 e. Ke e o To V'O 8 o0o'~ eK='70TO 7Teovov ~ oi 8 ai ot ov c'av — ov e OealS 7r-oo'ov Xaov 6'TreoOat 6'ov' Ev o-rreov av8i"'v- 430't yl eLtOTCe o"-navTopa' a,, I' rao'tv TEv; ea 7rotlX''Xa/,rwe, t AE OL le(oY Vt0 O. Tpieq 8', ca oe "i'E 7roXv7racL/ovov a1v8pos ev atvXk7,Lvptat, cOTrlcaertv a/teX yo/evat yEXa Xevicov, a 7nxeS /ehacvctat, aovovoat, o7ra aprvv, 435 &o TpVow aXaX blTo9 ava a'OTpaTov e6pV opropeL ov0 ryap 7raVTo v 6EV 9 p6oc 0 o8' ta ipv8, aXX a 7/Xoa' eo / ep/tITO, 70roKXVX TOC 8' eoav avopeQ. ico p0 86 TOvs ACv "Ap'ql, rovs &' ry/XaUta9rs'AOrvq 4etOsp 97E $ P60oIo icat "Epts, ahtOTOv /pepkavia, 440 "Apeo avS8poj6voto Ka-ytva )Tw7 ETapqr 7re, r'T o3XIr77 /Ev,rpCTa KIOpVt'CETat, avTap e7relTa ovpavjo EQorVpt4Ee'Kacpi Ka c7r xOv lat'vet.,j crv Kca TOTe VCEKO' 1o1loiov Ipfaxe je'uo-f Epxou.e'v,,caO' o5,lXov, o',EXXovo-a OTovov av pv. 445 O1 8' o'Te 8 p' ps Xpov eva L:Ovv VTdme oKOV'TO, oiv p' I'paXov p'vovi, oNv 8' ry7xea IcaL K eave aJv8p6jv xaXCOeoCprtKov' aTap aea'vrfSe O/6aXdOeao'at rXr.v9 dXXa r vyat, 7roXvS 8' 3pv/pay8os opcpet. evea 8' a/' Ot/iory Te icaE evoXX\7 7re'Xev a'v8pcov 450 OXXVVTvro Te KaU o5XXvhvevov, pee 8' aT/arT fyata. co 8' OTe Xi/LappoP 7rorTa/ho KcaT Opeo-E UL pEovreSeS /.to'yaKeyfctav ov/hPaXXeTOV O' /ptuov Vi8cop,cpovvov ec /hpeyaXev, Kco[Xl9 evTrorOe Xapa8pql' 7'v; T'e T77XO'e 8ov7rov ev o vpe ) EKXve'7rotp/v 455 c0)s 7T(O VAL'eyO-/oEVV e7evero taX?7 Te'?rov're.'II'pOTO 8''AvTXoXo' TpGoWV eXev a'vSpa.icopvrT77v 4i68 IAt T IAAOz 2. EcgXoXv Evl 7-opoX'O, to, OaXuvt377v'EXE'rw Xov rov p' E/aXe 7t3rTos KecUpvUos' fXov 7rzo8a&eLtS'?, 460 E'v 6e LtET7IT(r) 7Tqre, r' po75-e 0' ap oorEov e' o'o alxp Xaacel'q vo 8J KcoTor ocroKe aXVcl/trev, "irL7OE, C(O OTE 7'ljpyO;, EVt KpaT'Ep, V(vp. 70v W8 7recvPTa 70ro ov &Xa/3e Kcpelov'EXE4rIvcop XaCXKwo0ovPTtaLC,,,/eyaOLtoV aPXo,'A/3av 7wv' 465 Xice 8' V7rEIK /eXEovW, XeX71'vo7J OSj'pa O 7a:, to'ra Te-Xca cVX7)Go-Ete itvvvOa 8' ol yv'eO' opL4z'. vefp~OV yap p' Ep'owna I3\v tLEYOduAOvuo'Alyrvcop, 7rxevpa, r, o T ra p' 7rS E O, OVT11O,VcTo-r) XaXK rPEL, xav'% o yvia. 470 7) O'v ttEv XIWE' ~v/tOS, e7r' avTo ) 8' pyoi' ETVXO'1 capyaXwov Tpoowv Ka,'Axai&v' o[ O) l t XoL'o caXX'Xov e7ro-povoarv, jvp 8' a3vS3p' evoTXraXt'ev. "EvO' /3'aX''AvOepui'owos vtov TeXa)/gU vtoso A't'a, ft'Oeov SaXepov, -X:itoueo/tov, Ov 7ro0zTE -P11C7p 475 "Irl7OE KcaTLOvOra 7rap' OXiqrlv'lLO tevToS tea,','' o c, t 8'oOat ryeovaT, E7e pa 7OICEVoLV C~tL eoI7rerTO,laiX ASyO-a TOUVECa PLV /KtlK OV E tIlO-)tLO3OVW OP QU TOKIEUYVLII sp7rrTpa oi[Xotl awv&orice, htvVptwaOd3o 8E Ol Calw'v Er-X70' zr' A'avro9 -tyaOvtaov Sovp}, &alv7bT. 4SO 7rpoJ7ov yap,Ltv o6vra /%3Xe oTrOOSo 7?rapa /lazbv 8tav art,, 8E\ t:.o. xa.Xzov..xo; &etlOV * aV7L/CpU &O~ %U f XO aXKCoV Eyo EXOev. o' 8v E o v(pc't Xa/,at 7recre1v, atL^t/pos &o)9 j1 pa T. Elv eiapLEVP EeoS /LEyuAtOLO wEfwcKp XCeri,'Ta;p Tc o0 o'to E7r' aCpo0Tar wrEctvao'tv' 485 rlv zEPv 3' Lp'aTo07r7y',os avrvp a'lOwvt o'StPrp'ETa/I, o'pa lTIVV KL/pL1fy 77epLcaXXE'b 3&fpq 7' /7)v 7, aou'17q KcETat 7r0Tatlxoo 7rap o~XOas. Trocov ap''AvO/SEJAft7Y tiUosloov E-c:vdpNvEy Aio'at 1Ovev/,?. TOU 8' "Av;'fo0 aotoOAdpr7 IAIAAO. IV. 69 p'ta/aul[tr rKaO' oi/tXov ac:6vrwt'v E pi 4ovp'. 490 TOV tEv ai5apO', 6o 81 Aeflcov,'Ouoo'o-o s &CoOXov &Traipov, /3E/3XyKe6 /U0V0ut, VEZICUP ETEpOO Ep6VOVTa 7prlE O a'xLf auT(', VEKpO9 EO O- EKtEJE UXEPOT. O1''O8vcbs' c pXa $Juov a'K a L oXcOq, rov'' O-v'eb9 dXa 7vuov arrolcraltvoeo XoX&Orl, /89 8ae 7rP-oJtaXowv KeKeopvU0/VO,9 aWoro- XaXKjO, 495 a7T 8& tAX EyXy7U9 icov, Kal afKOvTto- 83ovpt caaeLtv a/t e' rarr=va'. 7ro l' 1 Tpes,ceKa(8oPTo ~avopo aKovTruoavToog. 6. 3' orX o ox Ov'Xo9 CEV, acXX' v[i)v Ilputuoto v60ov 8daXe Jartox6T(VTora, s os'As3uvaOev 7OXOe, 7rap 7r7Trov C)KE(LLtV. 500' 06v p. 8O('evs ErTapoto XOXWo'i/Eosg %Xe aovpl /c6popv O0) V' ETEpOLO La P KpOTa9OO'7wEpqoep aLXt I? XaXKer ~ v ~1 crxKTo0 9 0o'e cUX0 vEv.. 8oov7r2-rev O8 TeTrCOy, a(pal8qe (8 reUxe E7T aVT(0. Xprlxav 8' v7ro'' 7rpo6/zLaXoL caL /aiSt/o9 "EEKrowp 505'ApyetiOL 8' uLe'ya'aXov, Epvo'avro 8E VeKcpO'v,'Ouovav 13 roXv 7rpoTrepto. vZ1e, IC'0e 8''Ao6'XXov Hllepycy1lov UtK KEar1Twv, TpSeoo-.' t. KcKXe7T av5as "Opvv-O', i'r7ro68a/uot Tpcies, L?)8' CKETee XE p!.tL?'Apyelovs, oire5 ov'cr X[0o9 Xppos ov6r to17po9, 510 XaXkcov atvaoe'ocr-at ratuteiXpoa /3aXXo/zE'vo0rtv. o6 kzaav oV3''AXebs', O drt1o9 rra' 7 Vri. oLKtot/o, pvaapraT, aXX' E7r vrlqvo} XdXOV SQvpuakyEa rE'c-a-oet." "12s Oabr' a'ro\ wrr6XtO9 8crvo S96 av'Tap'AXatovi9 pa'e AdLo Svrya'rTp KV$U0ollr Tpl'ro'yeveta, 515 epXozLfvrl:ca' O'/tltXov, b0t /LeSV'raV TaOot'8o. "EvO''A,4apvuyce[8lv Aho'pea ztolp fTEq87o-ev. Xepar a8 ya1p /BXrI0o 7rapa a=qvpov O'KpolEV7l Kvr[r'Lv 86eT:epr'v' 8aXe 81 (prC:v, \y S avpv~, ~Ietpooq'I/83/pao-[$, os ap' Alvoev eiXrlXOv0eL. 520 a l/'OrepCo 813 l'vovre Ka a aaeria Xgaa cAvat&S 70 lAIAIAAO A. E. aptL -a7rXo-LqEv 0 S -' 7r&MO, V KOVLtpLV ca7qr7r6eEvo, aLufcO X6LPE "fXofS eT7'Cpol r7eC'a, Svlov a7ro7rvElwv. o' c7reSpaJev ops p'',BaxEv 7rep, 525 IIdepoo' ovTa 8c 8OVpL rap' icaXov ec 8' a&pa XVVTO Xa/lma, Xo0XaSe, T7oV &8 00'T0o o'o'e acXveCv. Tb v 0\ E6aq AiTcoX~b e76e'O'Levov 3aiXe 8ovpi re pvov v7re-p Ia o o, 7ra'fyl 8' v 7TrvE Juov XaX/ICO%. 5 a3X0p% XoVV 8' ot qOE &6a9, eK, 8 o'/3pptov''y7o9 530 eorararo rTEpVOCO, Epvooaro &- iIosq OV, c o/e (yatrTpa tTv~e LEarflv, eC 8' aivviro 9Tvpdov. T16XE- 8' o0VC aC7rESv' E 7TrepLfTfwlrav lyap eratpot,r,I OpluCKe aKcp0oKopo, 8oX/ e"a Xepo'tv eXovre?, o& e, pyeyav 7rep 6eova Icca t 8 Iuov cai aeavov, 535 c/oov i2rap a oE ceov 0 %acotpevo, 7TEXEP, XOfl. &q TA7'rj EV ICOVOpeL w7ap' aXXjXot rc aTCT0Xqv Ifol O pav ep?)K^v, O 8' Er~&v'E aXooXvTov, fl0t7 0 /ICEV JPy/KC0W, 0 ) E7rEtUV Xa /coX cA;v o', E7/~oveS 7roXXo 7Ept ICTEVOTO pa aXXot. "EvOa Icev ovcet Ep7etyov aV2op ovoalT0 /LETEXOaWO, 540:0o-l`'r' a1/3XT"ro9 ai a& vovTaToS o'ei XaXKz/C 8tvevoL Kara pec'oo'ov, atho 8& E IIaXX\'AO9vrI X 0\pO9 eXov', avTaLp /EX'A)OV'7rCpV/0tI apcr)v 7roXXol yatp Tpoicov /ca&'Axatcv },uaT/ KeClV( -rp'rlveCs ev KCOVi7L 7rap aXXijXoto rTTaavro. I A_ 21 J E. Zlop4o80VO agpLo7'-ea. "EvO' av Tv&eV AZto~p'siC FIaXX&\'AO'vrl &OCe /e.vo' /cal SapGo0, &'l 6K`/C&Xo' uCeTa 7ra'rav I A IAAO V. 71'Aprye[oto-t ye'votro 1' /A&'o'OXOw atporro.'i~4p~yOb LL r7evolTo cSe ~XfOS do'~Xv apoLgo. 8ale ol Edc 6pvU6' TE KIa aa 7orlo9 aczaTrov 7rip, aofTEp 07roptvpo EvaXKytov, o00Te,l'cLXTa 5 Xap~wp \v 7ra1lzawyo'v'E'/O, to 0atlrpov ra oalvy XeXov~,evos'12iceavoo TroLv o0 7,rp 8aev a7ro cpar6T e Tca2 Ctdpcov, aIro cwpe TE ilv cacra ~eo'o'ov, 0'6 7rXeZ-o0,CXoveov7'o.'HV O rTS elv Tpceo-o-zt zdprjs aWeLIs a4dpteov, tpevS'H4ao-notol tV0 86 oi v0EEV ij'rfElv, 10 _4lnev1'ai6a 7 TE, taXl?9 ev Ea680Te wTai. 7t) Ot arEpOIDLVUEVTe E6VaWTrt) opp/LlOr7Tl7pV Tc/ EV af 7twt'oWv, O a % o 0 CopVVo 7re 6'O. 0o' oTe 8T o'XE3ov'' av' "a aXXXoL-tv 6OVTe fl7yevs pa vrpoTEpo t'p 8(3oXoo-Ktov'eygo~ 15 TvSe3eco 8' v7rEp dzov aptoTepov Xv93' a'Eoflc eXeo0, olvo'' P'aX av'rv ~o o3 vTepo Ct p'VVT XaXC-, TvSei'q$Vv TOD 8' OV_% aXiov 3E'Xo9 e'cKvVe XEtLp AX' C' 3aXe 2o'00o pcTra/ua'tov, co-'e 8' ab' L'r7cov.'Ihao 8' awroo6povo-e X7r&W\ rEpt/kcaXXEa &lpov, 20 ovo3' TXI1 qrepLI-vac a&ceXcetov^ KTrauE'voto ovoe( yap ouSe KEV aryOas VWEKbCVe Kcpa eXavav, aXX'"HfaW-ro9'pvTro, o'awo'e w r VVKC7L /xX6Z'aT, cor o) 0O "r/ 7ray7v X yepoyv aKaX RuevoS el)l. ir~rovs (' CeXiaaoa9 LeyaOvuLov Tv'&o9 vcos 25 OIEev eTralpoLotv'CaTa EWV IcotXa9 4'7r vi a9. Tpie9 8&,pueyacOvoLt r7reib 18ov vle Zdaprlro9 Tov /vLE aXevaCeLvov, TrOv &6 KirdUevov 7rap ob'exsb, vraOv 3p vOr gvyzpsy' J'rap y7XavKoWrr,'AOvr) XetpO EXovc E&reeo''L r'poao-'qSa So^pov "Aprqa 30 "'Apec "Ape, /3poroTXoLy,,LutaL6ve, - erXeo-w'ecXTra, obc &v A 38 Tp(aas u,? v E'cataLev cat'AXaLovb papvaa0', 6wwo'rlpoto- wa'rzjp Ze'9 i3(3os''p, xapvaf', 0o7r7rorepo&,ra4r1 p Z eVLa Icvo opev.;" 6li; 86 %,aboco'Oa, A/tS i a'.,edea /.t vt;v 72 IAIAIAOY E. 35',2s e'7rovaa /aUX 4 c ye',yaryE Sopov "Ap 7a. Tvo IPv C'reLTa KaOeOd-ev E7r' W~evrtL Kfica]tLvp(p, TpWac 8''gXctvav Javaot Ax 3' ct v pa e"Kcaros ryee6vOv.'7TPjros 83e avah: a4v;p5v'AyazLVrlYw apXov t'AXMt:'4vrwo,'Oiv /VJu,'O' 3aa, ae &lpov 40 7rpToro y7ap aTpeOEvTL icT erafpErC EVv 3'pv 7r?}Jev copLywv /crvLryv,;tta 8E aTY)rOeA tv gXace-v. oVow77roev 86'rTE ov, apa/3'ce E re& Xe' E7r' a;VTrf.'I8otLEZev 83' apa QaiTo-ov evwlparo, M:qovo9 vlov Bopov, os EK TpIvrjs e'pLt3hXaxo9 elXqXolOel. 45 rov pEv ap''IlOp6ev'e 8OvplK:XVTO'S:YXei luagpco JV1''7wrroV J7rr-630o'/tevov', KaT'a 8eilov CLLOv 2pt7re 3' ~E OXVw, rCTVYpOS' apa ptlv cKTroS elXEV. v'iov /lev ap'I3O8o/vTOS e&vXevov SepaLrovTre viOv 8& 5poTpcOtO'0KayIavSpLO v, a' ovc S'ipD, 50'ATPEiSri Meve'Xaos'X' E'yXei ou6oevrT, ce0OX0v Qrlpqr7Ipa 3' 38ae aycp "Ap7.lts/ av7rT\,83xx6etv aypLa irapvra, T7cTE TpEcfEt OVpEOtLV i;XqI. OaX' o0 ot r-re ye Xpat-y "ApTe/eLs lo XEalpa, ov8e eKrl/oXttaL, yIcLV 7 rrpl y' EKCKC'TTO 55 AcXX/a itv'ATpe8r!s 8;OVpLtCXETOS Meve'Xao9, nrpoe -Oee v oepv Oevryovra, IueCTarpevov ovTraa-e;ovp, C,)towv /c-o-rVy, 3,a &e q ar4OecrSV gxaacaev. ilpltrE 8e rpqV q\7, apaf/3ice 8 reVXe E7r' auTO. MqptLo'sM &' OpecKX0v evr)pavo, TOOC70OVO9l V1l 60'Appovleeo., os XEpclv E'7rt'Taro aclSaXa'rYra'evxev.v eQoXa 7yp fllV 0bIXaaro IlaXXcas'AO,'vr7' OS Ka''AXeavSpepo reKcr7varo vras e'talas apxeCacKov, a 7ract KCaKOv Tpaoeccl ryev0O70 ol' aVTo, 6rrel OVTL rtI)eV 6fC 3ec-Oa-a 1`87q 65 7rGv ILv Mrlptovrnm oTe 0; iare'!ap7rr7e tlcCov, /3e3xrpyccL eyXOTvoP Ka7ra 8eve t7 8E & 3aw-po IAIAAO V. 73 a~v-rucpu vcar~ A X O' avTlKpV Ka/cTa KVLTtv VW OO*TEOV Jv. yv4 8( t Lr' o' cfua9, Savaro 8E' 4v aE,uKelcaXv+!v. JI(atov 8' a'p' eUreg' e MErs,'AvwvrvOpo9 viov, os9 pa 6voos0 0uv ehvP, rvlca &' &peope 83a Oeaavo, 70 ~'~Keero',o'. laa Oolto- nECffla-, xaptLfol-cvqr vro-d CS.'rOv pe v 4vke[,sh 8ovptcOVPL\VO 77yV0 ev e'XOv E/3XKebicL KE/cfaX) arTa ivtov EoV 8ovp' avIlecpv o( C ovPTaq v7ro wyX -fav rajte XaX'/o6. ltptLWE (3' CEV tCOVt'y, fVXpOv o' e e'aXd\p~ o8ovi'atV. 75 Evpw7rvXoq (' Ev'atPo8r,9CV,'1frIvopa 8Zov, vtov 7repOv/btov aoXo7rtiovo, O9 pea t aa'vpov aplrr7p ere'TVKTro, 9e3 3 8' 9 TLETO 78or)o, rov -v a p'ip7vXq, EparvX o vo, ayXao vlOS,.rpao'Oev osPv oevryov-ra, /zeraapouLai7Pv 6Xao' *aLov 80 ~Oabyay.)4 a14a9, a7ro( 8' E'eae xetpa /3apetav. atlparo6ca-a - Xetp 7re8t(3r 7rE-E'ov (3 Kar' 0oa'-e 9XXa.3ae 7ropbpeo 9,,avaTro Katca, Iopa 1cpaTraty. ~29 Ot fEV W7OVEOPTO ZaTa cparepyv vo'-tlzvvP Tv8et;8v 8' ov0Kc'av Pvotfl9 7ro0TEpotat pETElrl, 85 \ pe\T Tpoe'ao-atv Xuotol i) ie'r'AXatot. S9ve Cyap ap, 7rE8[LOV wora)lXt3 wrX4Oovr-t cotlOo9 xeqlzappeo, o~a-r Twca pEcOv EKEoaaae y7'E vpa ~ TOv (' ovTf' aip Te 7yefvpat E'p'ycEvat io'avo6waov, oviT apa. epkcea LaXeL aXwaoPv EptOlXe(ov, 90'XOO6vT ETa7nrlv l, or efrtp Aptl Zit9 b/-L/po9' ~roXXa (8' v7r' avrov e'p7a car7pL7re KaX' aip%&,v. (9 v7ro Tv8.3y rvvaL P cXov ovPEOPO baXaryyE Tpo)CV, ozVO' apa Ittv utlvovP, 7roXEe 7rWEp eO7pE. Tyv 8' co oiv evPOfr e AlvKacovoq ayXaoa vo'o 95 S3vovT' a/ 7re8lov, rrpo WOEv KXoveovTa oabXay7ya, ai' ~e7Tr Tv8,E(2, esTtTaveO caL7rvXa Tr6a, Kca /3aX e7ratao-ovTa, TV)XPv KaTa\ 8etaov (cOov, 4 74 IAIAA O E. 3opVKoK09 yvaXov BSia (3' Er7raro 7rLKpO r.OWTo%, 100 a'VTtKpv Se 8&Ee,'raXa ETO 8' a'La'arTo 3&plq. tw) ~eri 1 zaKpov avo-Ae ulAcaovo d a/Xaog vio6 "" Opvv'Oe, Tpesn pzeya/Ovp1ot, KEcVTope9 L'7rOV i *l'qra ry\p "p'ros'AXat'v, o8$'' prl!u s0' ar o'xloeoOa KpaTrpov /3eXo9, ei erEeoV /E 105 c)poEv ava:, ZltO v'ops, a7rropvv/evov AvKcif8lev." "d2l dE`a' eEVX1,JevoI'rT0 v S' ov,o /EXo 0Icb 8ataoa-oev, WXX''avacoplo'a 7rpo'a-O 7r7roLtv cKal o"XeoLv eO7f, cat OVeveXov vrpoo-frq1, Ka7rav'iov vt6v "Opao, 7re7rov Ka-ravwtidal, KaTae3170-Eo (ppov, 110 6'bpa,uot Et w.oltO EpV'a7f 7rtIKcpOV oirr6v."'fl2s ap oq/, OE'veXos 86e EcaO''rrcov aXro 0 XaIaE, 7rap B\ Tas /3EXo C'KV 8taU.t7repEk E'pvu' e 5/ov al (3a 8' a'VlcoVT4e 8tLa rTpe7rTOLo XM70voS. 8( TOT' e'7reT' paTo /30?IV a'ya os8 ALO0/rjA' 115 KXGvOI Lev, acyu'ox oto 4 6T 7TeKo,'ArpvZ'vl, C67TOTE.ot Kicat rarTpt ~[a'pov&ovoa 7rapeGo'rT o e'v lroX) ov vI'V aviT' c/X6' 06^ac,'AOv2 836 3 8 T4 1' av(Spa eXeiv rca'i" sp Op/i X fEyX6o9 E'XOetv, 0O! pI' g3aXe fOa/tevo9 Ka& e7revXerat, ovie.Ld lbotv 120 8ripOV E'T o" J'eoOat Xaptrpobv bcaoq'e-'oo." Qs2 e(a/' eVXOIL6P0ev Too) 8' /Acve HlaXXa'AO7v2,,,yvta 8' EO`ycev eXafppp, 7r68a& xcaK Xepas iv7repOev cly'XOV o ioTa/ev 27rea 7rTEpovVTa 7rpoo-'v3a C 9apafiv virv, aLtq3esc, 6'7rb Tp(Leowt u'X0a'87a 125 *ev,yap rTot crOOrrOeo'' evo? rarpw&ov cKa arpotuov, OlOV'xce -aKeora7Xo Tv7r7VOTa I aXC'vv 3' av T0t a?7~r oOaX/u'v eXov, 0 7Trplv e7r)lev, 0'xp' ev.LI7Pa&79 v oLEV OEVI& Ka' a" vpa. T7) VVV, alt E 9EO9S 7rErtp, EVo9 E'vOSas''Icqrat, 130 UL)T6 01F7' aOavaToto'1 s,eol aCTKpV paXeoOat avalro~aam't~cpv IAIAAO:Z V. 75 T0o cXX1 ots * a a ap d' ice Idot 3fvyarqp'Appo<r` gXByi Es'roheuZov, 7Tv7 oVTaaLev o'e Xactc).'H uerv p' AS! e7ro'd a7re/3,l yXavcT)7rtq,'AOdrv7, TvSe'&r79 8' EavrTF9 Iw2v vrpopaXoLtv'EX'7 ~ ica, 7rptv 7rep S9vuo ieLpa&)c TpceoeaeL pdxea, 135 8 r6\re E6V TpS9 7TOOOV g'OXEV Pevog, oore X'eovTa, ov pa 7e 7/rot/r7V aeypoi e7r eLtproocovs OLiE'OLV Xpazo'p pauv' abX9 v7repadXpevov ovoc OaIdo'-r1l' TOV -EV o oe 00v&OS JpOEV, E7reL7a 8e 9 ov 7epooeapvvet, dXXa /caT'a craOpov 8veieTat, Ta 8' epqia co/eieTal, 140 al tev T aXeol-Tva, 47r 7XXr}X7o't EXvvTat, ava6p O' u a /3aO'79g EcaXXeral avkXr' s~ tLEfac/s. Tpepoc pff 2y7 Kpareposf tOljum. "EvO' eXev'ATvr'oov ica2'T7reipova, 7rotEva Xac v, ~ov pEv v7rep,paaolo BaX wcv XaXKttpei oSVpi, 145 T7v 3' eepoov f[ibe pe/UEryCX(a kcXVa 7rap' copov 7rXij', aro S' avzuvo s coov'epyadev i8' d7ro vCOrov. 7roM p v etac, o 3' "A/3avra uerTXero Icat FIoXvettov,, vLea; E vpv&a4tavroo, 6vetpo7roXoLo epovro9, TO7p OVK Ep(OpevonL 6 7epov cKpWar ovelpov%, 150 aXX6 a' ea9 icpaTEepO\s Ato~tr iM 1 e6evdplev.,8Bi 8 era t a'dvOov re 6cova re, Palvoros v'e, dJugbo 727l TX7) w O' 6& TelpeTO ry pai Xvryp3), vtov 8 ov' T4'KE aXXov erlc ICTa'e6Tae Xl7rer-Oat.'vO' O'rye Tovi' evpt6E, biXov 8' EtalvvTo 39vuLov 155 dJuxore'po, 7raTrepp & 6yoov K icaL icr6a Xvypa Xe71r', E7red oV'jovre /LaX71 EK voOTo'-aVTE e4aTO' X27p0-Tat.e o8ta KTr7lotv 8arEovro. "EvO' vlas IlptLapoto 8t)W XCd/3e ap.avl'ao, eiv Evt sipT) Eov-Tasc,'Ezc'quov6a'e XpoUlo Ve. 160 69 &e X&ov ev frov'ai S9opav f avxe'va 6ari ISrOprToe, 00o, 4VXoXov IcCrTa /oovicolcv&iov, 76 IAIAAOZ E. ov a' OoT7epov T:'7rcrwov Tv o(o; vOs /3?f)e KaK aucEKovTaL, eg7reLra a rev'E' E&vXa 165'7r7rov9 o'to cETaipot'& o&oov teTra vq)ag EXavvetv. Tdv 3' i'ev AIvei ag eXa7rabovTa alXa' a&vSpciv, p' itevJ alv Te [aaxv Ka aac IcXOvov 47yXeLoacov Ilav~apov avTlOeov 84'rpJuevo, el' rrov 7 eJevpot. eYpe AviKaovo, viOv a'vuviuova Te lcpaTepov Te, 170 o- &} 7rpo-O' avroo ros T' pwv azvrtov,v13a " Ilavape, 7rov Tot 7roov 186E 7rTrEpoeVTre oYTrob Kcal ICXO-; t OVTL9 TOt eplTab Eva(E 7y av7jp, W -rtg' AvI O'o 7' E" f'' Ov;e 6LQ eV tVyicp vEo jy veXeTat elvat altetwov. aX' a7E eT)' w beso avopl 3E'Xo9, c L Xctpas dvaZo-v, 175 0-'Tt& 6o(e KpareeL Ical 8 Kaa'roXXa Eop7ev Tp6'asr, E7rWE 7roXXCv Te EcaL E'-OXO)v youvaT voXvoev EL / Turt 73,,0 e''E-TL KOTe0'T'a.EVOS Tpeobo-0-v, ipV, Lrvia t'a XaXe7rr\ & 3oO \ err rE wv.= Tov 8' avre wrpooeet7re AvlcaovoT ayXyao\ vtlo 180 " Aivela, TpoGoov I3ovXnq fpe XaXKoXt7A)VwOv, Tv(e/611(3 ~lU E7(07E (3alifpovt 7J-ctlaTa E07c(0., ao'rl& 7t7V 1 aVXco TE T X acfrtib eybtvo T6/pevos tLvVp'te. 890 e'OtCso 8$ PO E'0o C t 39eZiv ol' "OXvt/rov EXovv v' aet'ycap TOt Ept9 TEe btiXrl'6X7e0,o TE,aXat Te. [L1)7pO9 TOt 11EVOS.e67TV aaC(ETOV, OVKIC 67tEKICTOV, "HP77(~ T7\7V /4LEV 670) o-77rovoyq o-tvwyi krE7Eo-tv. Io C'0 / 7pLo,o~ puevo. tve acrto'Xev or, o tvEa'7r~eLo TO895 (X 0) KE lVfs TatoEv 4(XeLra EVVE' EXOVL. a 895 tXX' ov,lav y t' 8?pOv, (ot.oa-e 4 XytLt T' XovTa'l ~/ qfap e/leV 761)09 E0, O 8 E CELZtaTO rl)Tflp. I AIAAOA V. VI. 99 el O; 7Tev E aXXov Cye 69eJV yeev CV J8''$ja Xos, Icatl Eev 8 7ra-Xat no'Oa eVEpvepo' Ovpavtovcov.' "nf fav'ro, Kcab Ilajov' avcoE/yetv icaao8Oat. -Tw) t',E7rt Hat'v 3ovv Cfiara aa'?rao-uo-av 900 27KEc-aT' ov /Lev, ap 7b KaTaOv1TS 7y' ETETVKTCO.'''0 o.7ro 3 yaXa XevcKOv e67rre/tO/LVOS o'VVECrrlleV V7ryppG v, pi.Xa 8' CoKa 7repwtoTpeqeyat KVKIOCoVTt, S~ apa Kap7raXj1Lows IoraaTo Sovpov "ApqTa. trov 8' "H/3?r XOV(e~V, XaplevTa c e 0aTra E0'ev 905 hrap 8e Atl KpovYriw t KaOc~ETro KVtc3e ryaeo'v. Ai 8' avTL9 Vrpo Gs 8WZ La A Es peuXOLO vEOVTO, "HpIp r''ApyEL'7 Kat'AXaXKco1evr'i'qAO'vzr, 7ravoaoat poroPTOXOLyv "Aprj' vSpoc racrdoav. I.I,4 Od Z.'"EKropos Ecal\'Av.3poa Xl ouXa. Tpcov 8' odAOv'. Kal'Axatt)v q6Xorts alvr' wroXXa 8' ap' evca Kal el0' W;vc-e P aXY 7T ElOLO, XXr.Xowv Wtvvotercov xaXKcpea 8o'pa, UEa-OO7q7V'q ZIttLOEV TOS lK'rav o poacoO. Aitas 8e 7rp-OT0s TeXapuwvto, 6'pKOD'Axatwv, 5 Tp'oWV pEa aXa7yya, 6o0s 8.' eTapoWtv EO)cKEV, /3aX\ov os a~ptro' 6vo &pyKECa- TE 7KTO, viov'Evo'o'opov,'Acaupavlzr' e eav ryav 7e. 76v p' 1ieaXe 7rp7TOs KOCpvOOs au'Xov'e[9,% ev 8\ peCo'7rT 7Tr1je, 7rEp7E.' 8'p' o7TE'ov e'o')o 10 atyj.rI XaXKcer' 7TO)v oe oTo's o Tr(e caKXV#ep. 100 AI A OA Z. "A vXov 8' acp 67reJve /3o)v a-yaOOS JtO/r.87 TevOpavlirlv, os'vaLev vitcrtEvy Ev'Apl&/Irl aEvfLo /3L6TOLO,'io~ 8',iV aVpcoLalt V 15 a'7Vra Ta'yap oLXe'eKcv 86o8 e7 oitcla vatov. XXa o Ol "VT l e T)V7,e TOT Tp]KEte Xvypov oXeOpov wrpooOev v7ravTaioa% J&XX' a.wo a vUpv crvrlt;pa, aVTOv Kca} c3epaTrovrra KaXi roov, o's pa roi',w7rarwov eaCKE V7voILXOtx' 0 T To a/ct yaiav 8 Vr;7v. 20 Jpicrov 8' Ev'piaXos Kata'Ok6Xrtov e'evapt:ev'6 B.I7 8 eT' A'o-y7rov Kat Hrfi'aoov, oVS? 7roTe vVI47r vni'A/3apfape T'rEf' aiUvFovL BovKCoXiovLt. BovKOXlcov 8' riv v[lO atyavov Aaopz8zovzrog,.rpeo-vrTaTrog 7yeve?, oKOcLOvv 8e E 7etvaTo pLrl)p 25 wrotpLalvov 8' er' o'eoo -uyry bOX6TTL t Kai el VV., o8 v7roxvo-razevrl M8tvuaove yeIlvaro 7ras8e. fcal.LEv TOWv 17rEXvTre.tevog Kca\ batl&u/a eyvia VKlroT'rnliaO7? KIcal ar7r' /oov ~TEVXe EazjXa.'Ar-vTaXov 8' ap 6e7Teve 1eveE7rrTOAXe/o IHoXvrrowIrT 30 I-IlStvrv 8''08vauesb IepKcfOLov 4EVdaptEIv'X ei XaXKCelT, Tevicpos 8''Aperdova 8oOv.'Avr[XoXO9 3' "A fXrpov Evrjparo 8ovp 0caetv( NerToplSg,; "EXaTov 86 ava: aJv8p6v'AyaLe'/vCov' vatE &E 0arvtLev7O' EvppEtTao 7rap oXuag 35 1-nr8aoov alrretVrv. V5'Xaicov 8' XE A'roTao?RpW',ev'yovr. EVpt57rvXoS 86 MeXavOtov $:vaipL:evJ "A8pa7Trov 8' ap''7rEtra /ob\v a'YaOBsO MevEXao TO)Ov eX~ LT7r7r0 yap o0 arTVopevco 7rE8t0lO, o'Tp e'vt tkxaclbOeure /LVptlKtv,, aTyciXov 7 appa 40 atav T E7 Wrp0cT6 pv/l-d avTrO'6V E/7TqV rpbS'r6Xtv, IEp ol c. XXo a-Trv'devot cbo0,ovro, aviros 8' Jc 8i4poto 7rapa TpoXOV EEKVt.Xl8Oq 7rplvv14 eLV KOVllpqtV E7L 0Tvo0/La.'rap &0 o e0T7) CI APTER IV. T I E SECOND COLONY OF ROAN OKE, ARRIVAL OF THE EXPECTED RE-ENFORCEMENTS. A VERY few days after the first colony of Roanoke abandoned their settlement for the purpose of returning to England; as related in the last chapter, a ship which Sir Walter Raleigh sent out to relieve them, with provisions and stores; arrived. and within a fortnight three more ships, under the command of Sir Richard Grenville himself. appeared, with a larger supply of stores, and a considerable reinforcement of men. When this last squadron arrived, and found that the island had been abandoned, the commander was for a time quite at a loss to know what. to do. HTe concluded at length to leave a small party on the island, to keep possession of the ground until he could return to England and make arrangements for the reestablishing the colony on a more extended scale. So he repaired the fort, and detached a small body of men to garrison it. It is said that the number was fifteen, He also left a sufficient quantity of 10O 102 IAIAAOZ Z. Ilptapal8sr "EXevoQ, odovo7ro6Xo)v o"X' apto'T, "Aivela Te Kcal'EcrTop, Jr7E't Wrvo,0 6zLb UtaXurXTa TpcoSwv Ica, Aviaav EYCE b pr a',,,n,, r a, O.P6T aa'' rraoav 7r' OvW Er7e,ax Oeara re c/poveetv Te, 80 0-TTj' a'roiV, icaZ Xaov EpvIaKt6er T 7TpO 7vXadov iravwTl qrotxO6LeVOt, 7;piv aVr' v XEpoy 7yvvaut)cv evLyovras~'rE0E'e,;rli' o' 8 a Xdp/a 7evEOat,. avTap E7elI Ice bca7ayya errorpvvrlrov araaas, 1,LLEc uEV Javo'o- /aXqco-6'o, af'5Ot pe'VoVie6, 85 ecal,adXa TEtpo/evool 7rep avay-Kal'r yap dTree/E&'EKTOP,'aratp -rv vr6Xtv8e IerTEpXeo, e7re e' 7reE ra?pTEpt ao Ka}' 0a 8:vvdyovaa yepalta vrnv'A Ovalt7i fyXavKco7ro0r ov'7r6TOXeL cp?, o{'a'a cXrlq& t3vpas lepoLo 08aoto, 90 7reTrXov, g O1 8oKECEL Xap&CTaT'So 08 6 UEyLaEroT0 eWvat EpL /ecyEapca at o' 7rohv liXTaT-o av7'o, jevat'AOi.varh7't, 7aovvaatv'"i'06'0to, cat ot v7roo-xEOaa SvolcaecKa o/3vi Cm'v wlc VLC, yiCEa7Ta, tepevaE/EV, a'' eXero7r 95 aT'rv Te Icat Tpawov aXoXov9 ical v'rrta recva, a' Kevp Tv8e'os vlOv aOrrao'-xr'IXlov lpv wyptov alXtAzrTv,.C KpaTepov rlaTrropa b063oto, OV 8?;1 E70y KacpTLraTO'AXat6z'v fqyt 7yevE'a-Oat. oh8''AXtXia 7ro'0 co8e y' ye;EL8uev, 6'pXa/Jov avs8pov, 100 ov 7rep aaaL 3ea9 e' ELfLva6 tXX' o8e Xl7v pateVTat, ov0e 7 1 ot 8vvaTra pevos 6 iaoapV'e0v." 12s epaO,'/EIcrCp 8' ov Kao6vY 7Vra17? rraWrla-ev. aVtla 8 OXEWY aw -V TEVXV T aL1X aXo Xaiae, 7rcXXov 8' 3o'a 8ovpa KaTa a-TpaTov 9?XETO 7ravTrl, 105 oTrpvVwv IpaXE'aaOa0a, e6EtpE 86\ ofXortlv aUlviv. a0 8' EXeXIlXO-aV Ka6 ePavatot e0'Tav'AXaLv'Ap7eyo& 8' vr7reXwprlaav, Xkav 8o 00'voto, IAIAA OZ VI. 103 4av 8& 7d aavarcw v E~ ovpavov aTrepoETvro TpoGLv aXeer0-ovTa KcTEXO'E4LEV cA CEXElXOEV. EICTcoP 8e Tpcoeo'rwv EKEIEXETO LcaKpoV aUvoav 110 "Tp&es vwreppv/oi T7lXKcXet7-O T' rE7T&ovpoL, avepes g'ore, Oi'ot, Jv joao-Oe 8e Sou'ptio aXKr)S obp' av eyio el rporJpOTl "IXtw, 76 E 7E'povav ei'7r)o UovXevrUyo icat yuLerepy9 atXXoto-tv adLooTLv 4pqa-ao-0a, Vw7o-oe&Oa 8' EacTa7043oa&." i115't (2s apa wvio-as~ aTre3,ir /copvOaloXos "E'crop' apC L o&e utv cw vpa vU7rTe Kat auXeva;ppa KEXacvov, aVTV, W7V/lr Tf rvar EV 3v aT7rto t ospaXoEco'7 ~. FXavgcoS''I7r7roXooLo 7Trais Kat Tv8eos vios eS Ue4o-ovI aupoTEpop v a-Vivrtv JeLaWTe pEaeo-Oa'. 120 oi' Tre 8\ oXE6V voav 7tr aXXrXo-wav l6vres, T7 0v rporepos 7rpoo-eErtre,3oqv daya0os A\JLtott83rj "TtS 86\ (I) Eo'CcL, EppltrT6, Kca7aOvrlTorv (vipOTCr(ov; ov uev / yap 7r0or 7rcw7ra [aCX'v t Kv&~avetp, TO 7rrpiv''aTap 1v v ilv rye 7roXb 7rpo/3E/37Kac a'7ra-vrol 125 3 9gappet,', Eto\v 8oXXLX rcKLOV,Y VO' cjteta. co apv,v O El-aLO C 0 eyXoS d epeL aqj oVT27rrCtov & TE 7raeSa1e9 e /J PEVEt aTtCo'-tv. eL 8 o Tt aOaavav re yc KaT oupavov eELXrXoV0a9, OVK av aey(eE SsLo-vL ewovUpavtoto,'tuaxo/l. v. ovoe yap ov8e JpvavTros vlO, icparepog Auvicoop/yos, 130 rjv'VI, 3S pa Jolptv E7rovpavitoCtlv Eptoev, oS 7TroTe /atLvo/Levoto JAtlOVvOLO rTdrhva? arEVe at ar 2yaOeov Nvo'iov a al (' CLa 7riavv 3v9irOXa %alai, Ka7'eXevav,'7r' av(poUobovoto Auvxovp7OV 3etvOpevat 3ov7rrX7/,t. At(vUv-o0 8;E (/o37.Oe9s 135 s8vet' aXo? /carTa cvpa, tret9 8' v7re;86'aro /cOX7r() &eL&86ra a KpaTepOs 7yp e~e Tpo0 als vSppo\ o6/LO/XAj. Tr,) /EilV 67retT O3V8-aVTO 3Eo0t p5ea ~aoOrTE9s, calt /ti TvXobv e.lr07KcE Kpov ov 7rats ov(3 atp' EtC 87\7V 104 IAIAA OZ Z. 140 jv, E7red Oava'TO&TLv a7r5%tOETo?7Ta(L 3JooLftV. OVa av eryco) tclcapeo' t 3eoLS EOEXOlt/LL Xes8Oat. e' 3 T[S' EaOL /poT7OV, O'i apopl KIcapTrrOV ESovul, aSov i'0', & ECE 0V o gao xOpov OV repaO' Zlqat." Tov T'a8' avO''IT7rroXxobo'7rpoo'v3a Jaltpog viO 145 "Tv8el3V7,/eydOvtUe, T7' 7yeVe76jv epeeIVELt; oLa 7rEp ObvXXwv 7yeveq, 7oiti) e cat avapov. fijXXa T /LE v T' Arepo/L %XapLLa3 X,E, aXXa 8& 3' ViXq TflXEaococa OUvEL, eapoS 8' e7TyyveTea Cop~] c9 aV8pwp6v yEVe, pEV Obe, q 8' a(LWOXq/yeL. 150 el (' E'OAet s Kca;2 TravT8a alievat, (ofp' ev el663f /,LETEplrV 7yEVE/V, 7roXXo't 8& /LV avbpes'a'XaaLV'7yf): fut. denoting purpose, to announce the light, etc.- 6, i. e. Agamemnon: icEeuAVE,, here w. dat. of a pers.; usu. w. ace. - o i,v CTE': explanatory, and hence the asyndeton. HI. 854; K. ~ 325 (b).- so} eI, i. e.'AXaiot. -,ovuXv, st. /ovuXj, the reading of the most critical recent editt.: obj. of T'e. Cf. Lex. isw, I. -- aeotAixos: in appos. w. NE'rvopos, implied in NeoropEp. EH. 523 b; K. ~ 266, 2: by the ship of Nestor, Pylus-born king. — Ne`'Gopt depends on iCICKEL (eolak): eJbos le-. ace. of specification,'yesyrEos, stature: Qeuir, perh. form:?yXIGTa (how compared? H. 229 D; Lex. 9&yXi.) an emphatic repetition of the idea /CAihOr-a, and especially, he?most nearly resembled, etc. --- srpoaeewiress often takes ace. Iuzsov, and ace. of pers., lit. he spoke a word to me; more freely, he addressed me. 71-82. CX'V? &a1ro7rr'd/Evos (&vroire'roLat), lit,. was gone having flown away; more freely, he took flight and was gone. &vrejc, &v crL: of. &v1ph, 152 NOTES. v. 34. -- YTE: cf. 1, 302, note. - --— TrsEprota, # AElti5 &ofTv, will try (them), which (thing) is right; relat. pron. agreeing w. predicate noun. Some critical editt. read here I, st. 4, in what way, etc., as is right, or perh. as is cus'omary. a- AXoarEv &Aos, one from one place, another from another. &Aos in partitive appos. w.,/5Efs. Ii. 500, b; K. ~ 266, 3. - EpwIeITY: cf. note on Avoa, 1, 20. -bTo0on 8' a&E'ErTr7. H. 601; K. ~ 284, 3 (10).- El...,rTrvy: supposition contrary to reality: *I68os CT-., conclusion expressing more possibility. H. 746, 748, 750; K. ~ 339. I. (b), II. (a), we should affirm (that it was) a falsehood: /AakAov, rather, i. e. we should rather turn away (from it, than be drawn towards it, and influenced by it.) - Antecedent of os, the subj. of hez,, but now he has seen (it), who, etc. 84-93. J4: why not accented here, according to H. 104, a; K. ~ 32. (b)? Because Z? is taken with vEer:at: and BovAus depends on et in compos., or, as Kiih. thinks, on the compound verb. K. ~ 300, 2. (b); H. 616.- E raveo'T7r oav: iravt-Tor-,i. -- ol 8..a. ~aA es: cf. note on oL Se...Aaot, 1, 382.- -ireooefov'o: 7rw'EVW. - V5TE (= &s TrE)... s, v. 91: as when... so, etc. -- Tr&prjs q c 7yaupvpijs belongs in idea both with EhTl and with?pXoAevdwv, as swarms of thronging bees issue from a hollow rock, coming forth (from it) ever afresh, etc.: e'c is separated from?pXolu. by tnesis, and wErTpqS depends on the compound verb, or on the prep. in compos. Cf.?Z, v. 84. 2re~ro'rac' prt w. dat. Peculiarity and force of the const.? H. 618, a; K. ~ 300, 3. -- rf after as V, and at sU. H. 856, a; K. ~ 321, Rem. 4. - ireroTaria-a': f7rot/at. For the ending, see H. 355 D, e; K. ~ 220, 13. - Dif. in meaning between 4s and cs? See Lex. What word in Att. prose is comm. used instead of Us? oV'as. -- rciv, of these, i. e. Xaav. ~- Pro: why accented thus? What four prepositions do not suffer anastrophe? Dif. between poetry and prose in the use of anastrophe? H. 102, 102 D, b; K. ~ 32, IV.- ieETLXLCw/,o (aTtXdc0): explain the ending -dovro. H. 370 D, a; K. ~ 222, A. (3).- IXaeds: cf. Borpvodv, v. 89. Notice the beautiful metaphor in Bo.rpv6dv (lit. like clusters of grapes: fr. BTdpvs).:- O'Ora: as a personification. Cf'Ovetpos, v. 6. Rumor. Lat. Fama. BEft, Lex. 8alw (A). Notice the expressive metaphor in this word: lit. burned: perh. we may render it, spread like fire. 94-109. aye'po'ro: ayEpvW. - eTrpXet: Trapdowoe, II.,- xaci, depends on brb... 0~TeVaX;CtSo. H. 583, groaned beneath the people while they were sitting down. -- piruvov: peculiarity in its use here? H. 702; K. ~ 256, 4 (a), (vy). /- eroT'....oXola'" ( =- oXovro, fr. EXw. Cf. note on 7rE7ro'raTat, v. 90): if ever they would desist from their outcry. - ILIAD II. 153 rsrouv, vix tandem. See Lex. oirovuh, II. as adv.- K icrrwpov: cf. v. 46. What was the usual form of a sceptre? See Diet. of Antiqq. p. 1011. The following account of the sceptre indicates the divine origin of Agamemnon's authority. - KdicE TIEfXV,: Lex. Ktc4uv, II. ----- Ke, sc. o'ci9Trpov. u- 8LaK7dp9): the opinions of critics are about equally divided between the three meanings messenger, conductor, servant. Perh. the meaning messenger is usu. preferred. For the supposed etymology, see Lex. - TroX6apvt: metaplastic (H. 199; K. ~ 67, (c): see Lex. 7roxaFvpos. -- eOuo'T', OuerTa, OuEo-TfrS. H. 136 D, a; K. ~ 211, 1 (c): emphat. appos. w. 6. So also, rle'Ao4, v. 105, cf. a...?yuvp, 1, 348.- q1op11vau, vdao-aeLv: const.? H. 765; K. ~ 306, 1. What would be the Latin idiom? A —rt (i. e. or-K7rTp)... 4pelidevos: Lex.?pet8. B. pass. and mid.,- tevT6a: efT-d, absdw. 111-115. IeE'a, adv. qualifies &vfale: has exceedingly entangled me in, etc. - orXE'TXos: emphat. position. Cf. v7rios, v. 38. - 5s: recollect that a relat. pron. has the force of a personal or demonst. pron. combined with a conj.; here, with a causal force, since he. H. 853, b; K. ~ 334, 2. - rplv v6....v. V: formerly... but now. - & icre'poa"v', i. e. Kire'poaara, se. 4ef, that I having sacked, etc. Cf. note oal izra, 1, 541. Notice further, that the chief point in the promise of Zeus - the destruction of Troy — lies in the participle. - u.oCKAE'a (8uoaKxeis): agrees w. uf, which is subj. of iK'roaat. For the peculiarity in declens. see H. 180; K. ~ 213, 15. -- Const. of'Ap'yos? H. 551; K. ~ 277. What would be the prose const.? Notice here the meaning of'Apyos; also in v. 108, and often; -not simply the city Argos (since Agamemnon was from Mycenae, not from Argos); but the city and a wide area of country around it. Cf. note on'AXaZoLs, 1, 2. Where were the cities Argos and Mycenae? 116-128. Force of wrod? Lex. roO, II. 2. --— For the meaning of tXiov here, cf. 1, 5664: AexEt, impers.-bs Aj: force of 8i? H. 851; K. ~ 315, 2. o- To icpd'os, the power of this one (Zeus), his power. - aioXpbv Pycp Ktr.:?yp resumes the thought in vv. 114, 115, and introduces a fuller expression of it, Lex. ydp, II., yes, this indeed is shameful, etc. - t Kal ro/le,'oisr, in the view of future generations also (not simply in the view of those now living): rvuaEo-l, to hear of, depends on acrdOpdv. H. 767; K. ~ 306, 1 (d). —- Vv. 120-123, are in definitive appos. w. r76e v. 119, this.. the fact that, etc. - p&* oSTwo, thus vainly, i. e. vain as it would turn out to be if the Greeks should now return home. - aJ'v, subj. and 7roxeuLv, obj. of wroXefyLtV. H. 547; K. ~ 278, 1. ---— rvcvraL: pahvw. - erep?ydp introduces a confirmation 7* 154 NOTES. of the statement c.dXEatL. ~r..cvposepoLrt, and carries out more filly the thought aioXpbv icre, v. 119. - kc' eXotLpevy: notice the use of Ke here, with the optat. in the protasis; making this the apodosis of a suppressed protasis. Thus, if we should wish (were it possible). Cf. 1, 60, note and references. - --— Lex. re4Uvw,, II. 2. —-— pLal4,utEvaL depends on eadAogLejv: endings infin. aor. pass.? H. 359 D; K. ~ 220, 18. &/Acow, appos. w. subj. of lgEXoLpuev. - Tp6ias r' AXe'ao~at: supply errEp K' E'IXtoLteV, if we should wish to collect the Trojans, as many as, etc. Cr. and some others understand xe'tao-aa here in the sense to select. fipeao —oi, pred. w. eiaov (edpi, H. 406 D; K. ~ 226). - u/ezs... 8alKtoclqaeluev... eXoireaa: a condition, sc. el, and if we Achaeans should be divided, etc. iXotfesa, aipfco, aor. mid. and should choose, etc. - 8evoaTro: 86o (B), also e6ow, Lex.: -ola-ro, st. -owro, as usu. in Hom. 129-138. vl'as, subj. of ulipevai; rxAeas (Att. rAe'oas or 7rAelovas, see Lex. 7rAees), predicate adj., qualifies vtas: Tpckov; peculiarity in accent? H. 160, c; K. ~ 65, 2 (a): depends on 7rx'as. - TroXXEwv (two syllables by synizesis): for the ending eo'v, see H. 128 D, b; K. ~ 211, 4. What other endings occur in Hornm. in the gen. plur. 1st declens.? - 7rxdaovo-t, thwart, hinder. ~- iciaot: ddfw, Att. idew. - The number of the Trojan forces, including both native Trojans (pq4o-trot) and allies (ErftlKovpoi), was 50,000, according to Il. 8, 562 if; that of the Greeks from 120,000 to 14(,000, according to various estimates. -- vve'a 8... ic.a 84: Lex. &i, I. -,BeBdaoCt: Balvw..- zbs.... rav'ro[, years of great Zeus. Zeus is elsewhere also spoken of as presiding over periods of time; also over objects in nature, cf. v. 146. This line is important as fixing the time in the war, when the events described in the Il. took place. — Bogpa, 86pv: vew~v, vaos. The thought in this line is not particularly encouraging in view of a sea-voyage.- at' rov re'i.: force of 7ro6? Lex. rou, II. 2; cf. v. 116. And, I suppose, etc., or And, no doubt, etc. E- MaT ( ETra(t = vrTaL), fr. {uat. - OTLBE'yLeva, 7rpoaobEX0,uaaL. - nust =' utZ, H. 233 D; K. ~ 217. - aSirws, thus; cf. 1, 133, 520. They could all see how far their work appeared to be from its accomplishment. 139-146. Wrs &v...e7rco: const. of hypothet. relat. sentences? H. 757; K. ~ 333, 3, and 4; G. ~ 61, 3. 7reL&rcpeaa: use of the subjunct. here? H. 720, a; K. ~ 259, 1, (a); G. ~ 85, as I may propose, let us all obey, i. e. let us all yield to that which I may propose. - irt, hereafter, Lex. Tt, II. - Uvxdv, emotion, vehement passion. *- raot: appos. w. Tro7a~; anteced. of ootL. — e —- ed: Lex. /AeTd c. accus. V. - Sovxiss: the plan of Agam. as unfolded in the council of chiefs.?TrdKovoa,: esraocotw. - )4: see Lex.; the reading of Dind., F., and some others; ILIAD II. 155 st. &s. Notice the accent: different from 0pf, v. 37. - ~aAaXdras, the generic word: wrdTov, the open, deep sea: like the long waves of the sea, of the Icarian deep. See map, S. E. part of the Aegean. - Td; obj. of eopopE (tpvuvl): on what principle is the aor. here translated as pres.? Cf. bcuoy, 1, 218, note and references. - -air qreAdcow: cf. A0bs CvLavrol, v. 134. Notice lpope and i7rattas agreeing w. the nearest subj. H. 511, h; K. ~ 242, 1 (b). 147-154. &s 8' 6,re ilao-7: hypothet. rel. sent. Notice the omission of &v. H. 759; K. ~ 333, Rem. 3; G. ~ 62, N. 3. A — i'ov: obj. of KlY/oph. - f7racSyiwv: force of el i? rushing upon (it, XZ'ov). Cf. e7ra' asr, v. 146, rushing upon (them, the waves). - E7r1''"1IEL (Lex. E'7ruVw ): sc. Ai'ov: and it bends downward (lrti towards the ground) with its ears. The sentence changes from a dependent const. (s... KLvTo-p) to an independent (?/irei). - - Tyv, of these, the persons mentioned, vv. 142, 143. — 9r': why accented thus? H. 102, b; K. ~ 31. IV. 7- roSZv rle'epae: notice the force of -e -= -4bey: from beneath their feet:'l-TaTo, stood (in clouds).:- ic'KeyE (-eCMvac, -EL,), sc. PYas. - - obpovs: ohipJs, Lex.; distinguish carefully fr. oepos. ~- vrb 8' }peovp (vipatpEo), they took away... from under, etc. Cf. oSozv v7r-, v. 150. 155-165. E.... e'TVdX7 (7TEXW), would have been effected, etc. Force of this const.? H. 746; K. ~ 339, 2, 1 (b); G. ~ 49, 2.- - rpbs... gereRv ( = vrporeiirev), unless... had addressed a word to, etc. Cf. 1, 201. "~.rJdroL: cf. note, 1, 254. Derby renders it here, 0 heaven -- o09 o 8.: mark the emphatic force of A. - vc'Ta: Lex. vCd-os and v&)-TOV, II.,- K&8 (H. 73 D; K. ~ 207, 7)....A-lroev: Ka'raAXeiroa. - EUXwxAv, appos. w.'Ex4E'vv: would leave behind, as a boast to Priam, etc. - and, I. 2. Lex. -- Most editors place an interrogation point after aft/s; but the reading of Dind. (as a direct statement) expresses the indignation of Hera quite as forcibly...- -ard: cf. 1, 487. - ~ oo7s KTi. Notice the asyndeton, denoting haste. --,u78e' a (dcW)... 6xcE'AEV,v nor suffer (them) to launch, etc. The subj. of.ki4esAv (sc. airods) is suggested by the distributive phrase pqiTa'Kcaarovy. H. 514, b, c. 169-179. EvpeY: asynd., cf. v. 164. &rvadv'a (i'oTsa4lT), standing,an indication that he was not carried along with the general current. He was perhaps thinking of the direction of Agamemnon, v. 75. -- tIv, obj. of ctavrev: IpaS7qYv and 5vpudv, acc. of specif. -- 7rpooE4'p, sc. abrdv. ~- Iv...rrEsOvrnES: peculiarity and force of this const.? H. 618, a; K. ~ 300, 3, (a). -- /zo35'i' tp;ELt: notice the use of'i here. H. 856; K. ~ 321, Rcm. 4; nor hesitate. Sp. and Cr. read here ujn8' T"' lpc&e%, nor longer, etc. 156 NOTES. 182-187. tUvE'7KE: Lex. ovvit717, II. - d 8'ffEIY: Lex. Balcvo, I. 2. - rb... /dde: a7roSdwAcX. - Xxaiav, Lat. laena. For a description of this garment, see Die. Antiqq. p. 665. - oT (enclit.), him, i. e. Odysseus. --'A'pefeWO (H. 136 D, 2; K. ~ 211, 2)'AyapcplvOYos: depends on &vrlos, an adj. qualifying avb'rs; takes the gen., as it contains the idea &,vi. - 5eiard ol, received from him: VeXoyuaZ takes either the dat. or gen. of the pers. With gen. 1, 596. -- ncpr'rpov. The sceptre of Ag. was a symbol of the highest authority. - ry Ti: cf. v. 47. 188-197. 6v7lva a... KILX61 (K1XdCv): const. of hypoth. rel. sentences? IH. 757, 760, c; K. ~ 333, 3 and 4; G. ~ 62. -AalqAdre: here used with respect, though introducing a rebuke. Admirable one I or perh. My good sir! Derby translates it here O gallant friend I Cr. renders it (verv improperly, I think), Fool l Cf. note on 1, 561. -- Ep7TVaa=ce: Ep7OWT0 w. iterative ending. H. 410 D; K. ~ 221.- o4', subj. of ee0o0,rcal: KaKbh (s, like a coward: why is &s accented here? H. 104, a; K. ~ 32, (c). - ooor d0os r CT., what (is) the mind of, etc. -- JeTra: cf. 1, 454. -- Bovx., join w. efererv: what he said in the Council, i. e. in the Council of chiefs, v. 53 ff.f —- S'....: I fear that he, etc. H.'720, d; K. ~ 318, R. 6. p.vp (E'wco) takes two accusatives (KaKb, v1as), may in.fict some harm on the sons of, etc. H. 555; K. ~ 280. 2.- ~v/zbo B Kc'. appears to be intended as a general truth: uAeyas is pred.: for the wrath of a... is mighty. - TrqY (sc. &orpepeos Baw-), his honor, etc. 198-206. fo... oc KiTE. H. 757, examples; K. ~ 337, 7:?AdaaoaKe (iXaaw), 5ooKAhoaoKe (puoKAdos), iterative ending: but on the other hand whatever man of the common people he saw, etc., this one he restrained, etc.: e-... re (V. 198) connect the two subordinate clauses, tv...'Mo and 8owvwTa... i.qpe6poL. The former re' is not easily rendered. Aaspbr&,e, admirable man/ here used ironically and contemptuously: perh. we may render it, Sirrahl - Tao, laCL. - 4'pTepoi: Lex. fpepTaTos, II. - d, sc. el, or ioot. What forms of the copula are oftenest omitted? H. 508, a; K. ~ 238. RR. 6 and 7. — BaXedoaoVOe: observe the person, we shall not, etc. -- ayadJv, pred. adj. neut. (sc. os'&'). H. 522; K. ~ 241, 2. examp. - wcoKe, sc. $BaclOdXEde, implied in the foregoing. - V. 206 is rejected by the best critics as an interpolation here (it occurs with a slight variation in 9, 99), and need not be translated. 208-216. eireaaeovro: e'rLaeOv.. - adysaXy: const.? H. 612; K. ~ 283, l. -& dAaoaoa and r,'Tros differ how? Cf. vv. 144, 145. - ilcohXa: oAjordw. Cf. 1, 575. - U'rea: obj. of 7877 (oSla), lit. who knew in his mind words, etc. e- ppr',uE'ac depends on the idea {'rea &ioo'pa ILIAD II. 1157 H~, and denotes the result; so as to contend, etc.- &xAA introduces a thought opposed to the idea KaIT Kc*doov. Repeat after &Axx the idea (somewhat modified) of v. 213, but he had in mind (and uttered) whatever seemed to him to be, etc. Eoatro (Lex. EIMA): force of the optat.? H. 729, b; K. ~ 327 b. 2; G. ~ 62. yeaoOi'ov, likely to provoke laughter:'Apyedoioiv, on the part of, etc. H. 601; K. ~ 284, (10), (a). af- afrXLO'os a&vp: pred., lit. he came under (the walls of) Troy the ugliest man; i. e. he was the ugliest man who, etc. 217-224. oAKcos: the definition of Butt. (see Lex.) is generally preferred. This word introduces a more particular description, after the general statement; hence, the asyndeton. The whole passage has been condemned by some fastidious critics; but it exhibits perhaps better than any other the position of the common people in the heroic age. The ugliness of Thersites' person and the coarseness of his language were only a natural set-off to his indecorum (according to the Homeric idea) in speaking at all in the assembly of the people. Cf. above v. 202. -' &Epo;, one, strictly one of two. See Lex.; a frequent use of &ETEpos in Hom. ---- oauVoVxWKJE: see Lex. ov'dXowKaC. - hrEprrEv is often rendered, as here, simply above. Does, then, the ending -bEf lose its force? I think not. It may be explained thus, hrep- above, -dEv from the chest, the part just mentioned. Cf. wrpo7rdpoie, v. 92, in front of the deep shore, viewedfrom a point (imagined by the poet) still more remote from the shore. And so, of similar instances; the connection suggesting how the relation from is to be understood. - &revvolE: Lex. sub voce. - EXraTos...,UdAotTa: notice the double superlative: most hateful especially to, etc. Cf. v. 58. -- EEICEIEIKE: t'IKEO w. iterative ending. - a're: Lex. II. 2, then however. - 4e4a, adv., shrilly, join w. KiFAl7YCc S (wadew): the manner of speaking was suited to the coarseness of the language and the ugliness of his person. ----.... KO:TEOTo: were angry at him, i. e. at Thersites. Some, I think improperly, understand Tip to mean Agamemnon. audrdp, yet, disregarding the indignation of the Achaeans. - paKcp& 8oiv: Lex. yuacpds, 4. 225-234.'r'o: H. 244 D; K. ~ 217, 6, (b); joined w.?rteu'pueaL, as gen. of cause; and with XaTIChes, a verb of want. H. 575, 577; K. ~ 273, 5, (b); ~ 274. Cf. 1, 65. 8': cf. 1, 540, Tls 8', note: on what account, l Fray, do you again find fault, and of what, etc. -CX KAlai, sc. elft. -- B$LSOfIEY: notice the pers., we Achaeans give. The arrogance of Thersites, in speaking for the whole army, is not to be overlooked. - Kal belongs regularly with the word or clause following it: are you still in want even of gold, or perh. thus, are you still in want of gold also, which, etc. -- 158 NOTES. KC w. fut. indic. Cf. 1, 1'75. - vTos: gen. See Lex. vlJs. Notice the dif. in accent. - S KeYv g-yc KTe.: here again the vanity and arrogance of Tllersites appear. - he -yvvaica e7rlv, or are you in want of a new concubine, etc. Two have already been mentioned, Chryseis and Briseis. Instead of yvvaitca, we should expect here the gen. in the same const. w. Xpvioo, depending on erLseveeaL: but'yvvaitca is so far removed from its verb, that the exact word is not thought of, and only the general idea of desiring, longing for (perh. wrobaw) is kept in mind, and this naturally takes the acc. *-i a.... -Xo'T7IsL,, "to gratify thy lust." Derby. - dfolyeaL, KaTr'oXeai (KaTiaXw, to keep): subjunc. H. 347 D; K. ~ 220, 16. a &pXbv &Tra, sc. he', subj. of?rBaoK'l ev (infin., Lex. rBda'oOKw): Kacctz, depends on erri in compos. denoting motion towards. H. 641, a, 583; K. ~ 296, (1), (b). Cf. 4, 99. 235-242.,elyXXea: dif. between Tib eleyXos and 6 eeryXos in meaning? See Lex. -'AXade''$s KTrE. Achaean women, no longer Achaean men I the most provoking taunt, as addressed to warriors. - TdSe, this one, i. e. Agamemnon. - acvoO, adv. - 7reaoez'v: Lex. fro~~ow, III. -... he': a double indirect question: Att. e..... See Lex. 5, II. Notice X' = -c-, which belongs probably w. 1. G. ~ 36, 2. Thus Kce... 4e' Att. eav... h, whether... or: an indirect double question depending on a verb of seeing, knowing, or inquiring. Notice the succession of enclitics f pd i- odl X': Ad... X', whether now: IH. 865; K. ~ 324, 3:.d (indef.), adv. ace.: ot (dat. enclit., receives the accent of X' = Ke'; hence, written oi), him, i. e. Agamemnon: 7rpooa/itrvoevP, subjunc. ~- Kai before OwKm intens., whether now we... or in fact (do) not (aid him). -- bs, since he. H. 822; K. ~ 334, 2: introduces one reason why the Greeks should now leave Agam. alone. -— o (= o$) depends on &A.Eelvova. - A&y K-ri. Cf. 1, 356, 507. - X,{xos, sc. i6'ri. - cppeoiv: const.? H. 609; K. ~ 285, 1, (3), (b). e —- tweraov, pred.: but he is, etc. -- i y&p &v... AwfooB31ao: condition omitted. H. 752.; K. ~ 340, 1; G. ~ 52, 2, for, (were it not so, i. e. were Achilles not of yielding disposition), you would surely now, etc. Cf. 1, 232. 245-251. viWrare: lTr-rrw. - re'p, intens., qualifies xAys: icZv, concess. Cf. 1, 131, note. --— Xeo: cf. 1, 214: force of the mid. voice? H. 687 ff; K. ~ 250. -- olos differs how fr. oTos in meaning? Lex.o... pjqtC: see Lex. (p7,A, III. for I deny that there is, etc. -- As anteced. of goaot, understand -riv or 7rac'VTWo: of all, as many as, etc. — rc-... a&opev0os: cond. omitted. Cf. v. 242: were it not thus (as I have affirmed), thlen (Trs) you would not, etc. This is the interpretation of Faesi and Naeg. Cr., however, and some others understand the optat. here as ILIAD II. 159 a rild imperat., and render it, wherefore do not, etc. The neg. obKi seems opposed to this explanation. vs& o'ar-da cXwv, see Lex. ar.,-4a, special phrases. BaoALXas, obj. of gXowv. - rpoe'pols.....vdoodaoLs: the force of obVK ty extends to the end of the sentence. 252-264.'1, cf.,l, v. 238. Recollect that the indef. Tls has the acute accent only when followed by an enclitic. - t YBAev: Attic form? H. 409, 6; K. ~ 195, ~ 228, (b), oi$a. - vres: appos. w. the subj. of voo'r'aoorev, sc. lAeis. - Vv. 254-256 probably do not belong here, as is indicated by the brackets. - TyC, by reason of this, wherefore. - v. 257. Cf. 1, 212.- icLX5rolcaL (KCLXdcO) is usually considered fut. indic. here. For KIC, Kev, or & w. fut. indic. see H. 710, b; K. ~ 260, 2, (1); G ~ 37, 2. Cf. 1, 139. Faesi and a few others consider it aor. subjunc. w. short mood-vowel. C- le: cf. Lex. WSe, II. as just now here;. or, if the local meaning of kUE in Hom. is denied, we may render the phrase lit. as just now, in this way. I incline to the opinion of Butt., Cr., and others, who in a few passages admit the local signification in Homrn. — /lcEyTL i7relTa..7. 7re[7 (E7r[, eiL[), then may, etc.: optat. of wishing. H. 721; K. ~ 259, 3, (b); G.. 82.-'OvariY,, emphatic, st. xotf: dat. of interest: lit. on the shoulders for Odysseus, or more freely, on the shoulders of Od.: &loLOZv depends on 7rlM in compos. - ard: join w. 8o:vo.- qi'Xa ei/taTra, thy garments. Cf. 1, 345, note. —T —d r': see Lex. rei, VI. which cover tly nakedness. -- avi'r, sc. aE, thee thyself. -- re rmxrycs: 7rXrooawr. - ayopiOev (&ayopd -&E): H. 203; K. ~ 235, 3. 266-27 1. o ie, but he, i. e. Thersites. - oT, from him. Const.? H. 601; K. ~ 284, 3, (10). -- v'rave'rTr: EK out from, 6rrd (repeated w. ao.7rrpoV) frorm under, a',d'up, r'7T1-TL (in what tenses intrans. in the act.? I1. 416, 1; K. ~ 173, Rem. 4). See Lex. ituvravcTar7l7/. {- ro: why accented thus? H. 102 D, b; K. ~ 31. IV. - f- IeTo: up to this time, it appears, he had been standing;-an additional evidence that v. 255 (*orat iTE. you sit, etc.) is supposititious. - &XpeZov l&5v: Lex. Xpe7os, II. Cf. iKat Wyv v7rd8pa lc&v, v. 245. Here however (inv. 269) ~'l&v is used without any definite obj., i. e. absolutely. For the explanation of aXpeior, see IH. 547, c; K. ~ 278, 3, (c). - ol 8E, and they, i. e. the Greeks who were looking on. -.aXv'AievoL, concess.; 7rep, intens. even though exceedingly grieved, probably because of their disappointment in respect to the return home. -- Er'...?yeAaooa'av: iryEeXdciw. 7jbi implies that they enjoyed the laugh, and may be rendered, heartily. -- ce, thus (denoting, as in Att. usually, what follows). -- rls, in the fullest sense indefinite, and implying more than one, one and another. H. 683, b. - e2freglceyv: iterative ending. 160 NOTES. 212-277. *i: rswrot denotes here astonishment: Heavens or 0 ye gods l Cf. v. 157, also 1, 254. -- opdoy-wv: the rendering for this passage in the Lex. is not quite suitable. Cr. renders it better, to raise, excite. --- ey' &prLa-ov, predicate-adj., qualifying Tod', obj. of fpeiteY: he has done this, the very best (deed): or more fully, this (is) the very best (deed which) he has done, etc. - 5s, in that he, since he, etc. Cf. 239, note: eoX' (= e*Xe fr. rXw) has restrained this.. from, etc. &yopdwv: Lex. &yopd, III. - 7rdxrv a3'ls: Lex. irdXiv, 3: o... &asvrei (a'&'[7hs), will not move him, etc.: a&'yvwp, insolent. 279-283. wrapd, sc. aVT.i. - soltvi: Lex. EIu, II. 2, c. dat. Ws... FrL(ppaooCafaTO (Ei7ruppdw): const. of final sentences? H. 739; K. ~ 330, 1, and 2; G. ~ 44. Remember that a&c6ye, is imperf. in meaning, though pluperf. in form. Lex. Avwoya. -- &aza' (= re) at the same time: ire seems to be used here, as often in the epic language after Kai', Te`V,?ydp, rrwos, O&L, etc. H. 856, a; K. ~ 321, Rem. 4. o....voa'oi, both the first and the last, i. e. both the nearest and th/e most distant. -- pv KTe'. cf. 1, 73. 284-290. vvi 8 4: notice the force of o8f, giving point and animation to the statement, just now. -- AtegyX'rTov qualifies e' obj. of Lperevat, to render thee the most disgraced. wr1aoLv,pLpde'oraeo /poT0o7ov, in the view of, or among, etc. H. 601; K. ~ 284, 3, (10). r- VirEr'av = rE',rcav. Lex. bp6or'wLi, B. II. - rTE[XOvT-es agrees w. the subj. of v'riOaTav, while still on their way hither. -"IAwov 16re'paavTa (sc. TO) KTe. explains Vr5crxeor,, that you having sacked, etc. --- SaTe, like, as. Cf..T here with the re' after aqua, v. 281. —---,... re seems to be a union of two constructions, 1... f, and AT... T4. We cannot say in Eng. either... and. We may, therefore, omit the I in translating; unless, as F. suggests, we read X intens.;;for indeed, like, etc. - a'XXXonraw...,eo-aaL: lit. they lament to one another to return, etc. obvpovrTa implies the notion of longing, and hence takes the illfin. 291-300. The thought which follows is apologetic of the feeling just manifested by the Greeks; anld may be presented thus:-" truly, ours is even a hard lot (7rdos, lit. a labor): the mariner who is tossed a single month on the sea bears it ill (a'oXaAXd is distressed): we have suffered misfortune here nearly nine years; wherefore, I am not indignant that the Achaeans are sad; but it is also wholly disgraceful, you know (rot), that one remain a long time and return empty." These thoughts prepare the way for the abrupt and animating exhortation, bear up, m~y friends, etc. - J div: IT. 852, 10; K. ~ 316, 1, (a.) -- v,1r iTaa (&,vido) ECeraoal, subj. of 4o-riv, that one return in misfortune is, etc. - s A', indef. any one; re appears to be ILIAD II. 161 joined here to rhs, as often to Us,;orts, etc. Cf. note on &ua Te, v. 293. Faesi joins TI w. ydp, but its position is against such an explanation. - 5vprep relates to -ls. -?Iv.... zurEMd/Teot: const.? H. 601; K. ~ 284, 3, (10). - a- EYToS...?VLavTOs, the ninth revolving year is passing. The discrepancy between these words and those of Agamemnon (v. 134), is not important. my- T r: cf. v. 254. a- Xaxcdaw (&oXaAdwo): H. 370 D, a; K. ~ 222, 3. &- vpo.O Tre... VeE aL, sc. TrLV(, that one remain a long titne, etc., subj. of iaorty understood. rot, force? H. 852, 11; K. ~ 317, 3. 301-304. oTre' differs how in meaning fr. eae? The former is indic., the latter imperat. -- pdprvpot, witnesses, i. e. of what occurred at Aulis,the prodigy about to be related. - oVs ~ Kgcr.; a hyp. rel. clause, w. neg. AS and the indic. H. 761. -- aavdcoLo limits KipEs, the fates of death, the deadlyfates: m0av cpepovuao, lit. went bearing off: freely rendered, zohom the deadly fates did not bear away. - Xad e Kal 7rpc5i'Sa: lit. yesterday and the day before, is often used of events somewhat remote, yet vividly remembered, and hence seeming but as yesterday. Cf. XOfs Ka}.rpdc7)v in Herod. and nujper in Latin. Some modern critics connect this phrase with the preceding sentence; but ancient scholars and also the most recent critical editt. place a colon or period after q4'povaat, v. 302, and join this with the following; thus, but lately, when the ships... and when we were offering... then appeared (v. 308), etc. s AVbt&a: see map, eastern Boeotia. KaKcd, obj. of e'peovorai, which agrees w. Pres. 305-310. &up.l rept: so we can say round about. apcpt is considered as adv., rwept as prep. -— 7r wAararltp, plane-tree; still common in Greece; nearly the same as the tree often called in this country "button-wood;" called also improperly "sycamine "or "rsycamore." This latter name (fr. OKUov a fig and /zApos foolish) is still given by the Greeks to the mulberry, whose fruit resembles in taste a very poor fig before it is dried. The traveller Pausanias visited Aulis (2d cent. A. D., i. e. about 1,000 years after the time of Hom.), and saw the remnant of an old plane-tree and also a spring, which the inhabitants told him were the same as those mentioned in this passage of Hom. (Pausan. IX. 19.) - pdKKoev, subj. of 6povoev. - ro'v pa, wrpds pa: " the particle pAd, denoting the idea accordingly, of course, you know, refers back to e3... Mes, v. 301." FaesiL -..ce: ~tpaz. What would JKic fr. 5Kc mean? 811-320.,nrja re`Kva, "callow nestlings." Derby.- lbororrwrrTjTEs: orjoxcrsxw.-T. -reKCe: here spoken of a bird: that hatched the young. 8-ye, i. e. 8pdiKcv. - --- f1eevd, piteously, neut. plur. of'Aeevwo's, used as adv., w.'re'prY/ras ('-plOw). -.e'eAldClAevos: l.exSiw is spoken of a 162 NOTES. serpent when it coils itself up and raises its head to seize on something. Butt. -- 7rTtpv-yos: const.? H. 574, b; K. ~ 273, 3, (b), (B), coiling up, he seized her by the wing, as she screamed round about: aucpaXUvav (a4puptcXw) agrees w. Tilv. - KaT&....qpaye: KaTEO'TCw. - &p~iC1Xov, adj. qualifying Tr6v, lit. very clear, significant; i. e. the god made him a sign, a prodigy. - 3o'7rep: notice the force of -rep, the very one who: rcplver, causative. Difference in meaning between the act. and pass. of #pacvo? -- xav... *,tce, lit. made him a stone, i. e. turned himn to stone. -- oFov T'jXa1 (TeEXWc), lit. at such a thing as had been done, i. e. at what had happened. 321-332. &s oiv... KdAXas' abvlhc' &ArELTa, as therefore (or when therefore)... then Calchas immediately thereupon, etc. 8' = 8': cf. 1, 68, note. - e &vew, adv. st. veqp, adj. is found in most editt., why were you in silence, etc. - — qzqor, 04drt~e'Xeorov: the latter adj. repeats the idea, and makes it more definite: late, late in its fulfilment. Cf. arpudrqrv, avd7rotvor, 1, 99. boov = o KXeors, the fame of which.-'s ovros....&s j/ue-is, as this (serpent)... so we, etc. Notice the dif. between &s and ls ( = ov'ows).,- a, there, i. e. near Troy. - - tl E-KdCT (SC. tEL): definite time when: on the tenth: or, as F. renders, then, on the tenth, giving Trt a more demonstrative force. — e Kivos, i. e. Calchas:.6r = &S, obicos. - m 8- X, just these things, i. e. the things predicted by Calchas at Aulis. r'AeZX7at is either pres. or fut. in form: here, pres. in meaning, are being fulfilled. -- ye has the form of the sing. verb: hence, must be regarded as interjec.; see Lex.?-ye. -- avbTo, adv. here, on the spot, i. e. in front of Troy..- dro'Kev (e9ds, i, Kcev)... AEev, until we have taken, etc. 333-343. a&u/zp, adv. round about, join w. Kovd,8'l'oav. - Ayopdaofae (a&opadoacl): for the duplication of the vowel, see H. 370 D; K. ~ 222 A. (3).- -vvrLdXols: adj. qualifying rarlsv'. Its position makes it emphatic and also shows more clearly to what oJs refers. -u - J.....i 7rvpl $i: mark the animating effect of 6, which we cannot adequately render into Eng.; whither nowo... in the fire now would fall (lit. would become), etc. ityzp: const.? H. 601; K. ~ 284, 3, (10). It may be rendered w. ovv'oveaa and 8picia our agreements, etc. sv wrvpl... /yevroaTo: force of the const.? H. 618, a; K. ~ 300, 3, (a). - C s: dat. plur.: differs how in form fr. the gen. sing. fem.? eCrerlapev (7reifrw): H. 425 D, 8; K. ~ 228, (b). - ca~crws. The meaning in vain is questioned by some critics (Lex. III.), yet Pape, Cr. and others admit this signification for a few passages. So here,-for we wrangle in vain, etc. ----- Xo, device, expedient, i. e. for the attainment of our object. ILIAD II. 163 344-349. 9' (tr,) &J srpar, still as formerly; join w. tpXeve. - a, imperat. fr. Jdw. -'cva Kal 86o: appos. w. rovao-e: spoken contempt. uously. - s-ot, who. H. 239 D; 243 D; K. ~ 217, 4 and 5. What are the distinct uses of Tot in Horn.? Cf. 1, 28, Note. E-&-vans... avbTcov, parenthetical: avb'iv appears to be active gen., or gen. from which something proceeds. H. 579, c; K. ~ 273, lit. there will not be an accomplishment (of their plans) proceeding from them: freely rendered, and they will accomplish nothing. - rpv... E.. a, 7rplv...,yv&c,ueva, lit. sooner to go... before knowing, etc. A similar repetition of irply is not rare (cf. 1, 98). The former 7rptr may be omitted in translating: 1'Val depends directly on.,ovAev6ot, advise to go to Argos, before knowing, etc. For the const. rplhv... yJ&slErva, see H. 769; K. ~ 2~37, 9. - nts by prolepsis is connected directly w. ywjsuevaL (cf. 4, 357), and must be repeated in idea w. dbroaXEms: before knowing even the aegis-bearing Zeus, whether his promise (is), etc. qei8os: predicate. Notice the force of Kad before obKt, even not; i. e. the promise of Zeus may even prove to be true, slow as we now are to believe it. 350-356. 7y&p (Lex. II. epexegetic) o~l (Lex. II.), for accordingly. Both words refer to u7rdXeoasr. - icaravea'aL, used absolutely, made a promise: Kpov~owva, subj. a-o-rpdrsco, pda[rvwv: nom. st. acc. (ra-rpdwrroir-a, 4aivovra), as though the sentence had begun cKae'YEvOe Kpovp'ov IcTr., —an instance of anacoluthon. H. 886; K. ~ 347, 5. Force of the particip. here? The means: by flashing his lightning on the right, etc. The next clause is explanatory of this. -- T7,, by reason of this, therefore. - rpl... 7rpv: cf. v. 348: also 1, 97 and 98, before each one has lain with a wife of the Trojans and avenged, etc. -'EAer's may be viewed as subjective gen., the longings and groans of Helen; or as objective gen., the longings and groans (of the Greeks) for Helen, or on account of Helen. Critics are about equally divided between these two views. 358-367. yrdJs depends on &arT,4ow (let him touch). H. 574, b; K. ~ 273, 3, (b), (a). - rlarirp: Lex. Jc-o~w, III.- p-1 eo, /A&opuas: areeod' A&XXA, and yield to another. - obroe KTic. Notice the asyndeton in this and the following verse, denoting haste and animation: g'ros, pred. whatever I shall say will be a word, etc. Ka- c, distrib. Lex. B. II. -'Ayd/uelgeo,: accent. H. 172, b; K. ~ 65, 5. -- cs, final, in order that. - -4p1*prvp77: for the epic case-ending -,q(v), see IH. 206 D; K. ~ 210.- pqAx, sc. api7.. U- fs: differs how in meaning fr. &r? Cf. 326, note: eptps, ep'8a. - WS' jye/owyvw (sc.'atri) IKc., both who of the leaders is cowardly, etc., —definite and positive: fi' os K'... Epore (= -, fr, e4l/l, H. 406 D; K. ~ 225), and who perchance may be brave,-hypothetical, 164 N OTES. - Kanc& or'pas: by themselves, or perh. according to themselves, i. e. ac. cording to their various characters. Cf. Kaze' e' av'r-v,, 1, 271. I.aXEovVTaL (Att.,Aaxovvat), fut. - Notice the two forms'yvopr and cjo6&ea. The latter is more frequent in Hom. H. 363 D; K. ~ 220, 10. -- Pereoip: Lex. &eaorg os, II. 1, by the divine purpose. 370-376. &aop.- vricKs, you surpass in debate.- at yap... ey, would I had, etc. Force of this form of wish? H. 721; K. ~ 259, 3; G. ~ 82. - TMe;, then, introduces the apod. Cf. v. 250. - Ayv/el: *#V/W. Cf the comp. 4FrqnUsw, v. 148. ~ouoa (&AtoarnaL), agrees w. r.dALs: observe that even the act. and mid. forms of this verb are pass. in meaning. Observe also the difference between the aor. (aXoVa-a) and pres. particip. (TepJoAEJ',vl): lit. having been taken, while being sacked, the city would totter. -~ — uer'... E'pL&as, into the midst of, etc. 37'7-380. uaX-Owrdera a: why first pers.? H. 511, c; K. ~ 242, 2. ziveKa Ko'psos. The mention of so unimportant an occasion of a quarrel so serious is in keeping with the acknowledgment a)Z? 3' 7]pXov, I began, I took the lead. That he said this artfully, to conciliate to himself the disaffected army, seems less natural than to take it as a frank expression of the repentance which he was now beginning to feel. - /... Aov.Aedoey, appears to be a more animated and hopeful form of supposition than e',&,.. BovXevorwev. G. ~ 50, Note 1. Cs -ye uxa,, sc. 8ovAX,, suggested by 3ovxeivo-otz,, if we shall ever be at one. - ob' ilaidv emphasizes the preceding sentence: not evenfor a little. 381-385. [poxEce....vvdsyowev,: a similar change of person is not unusual.'Ap-oa, Ares, the god of battle, by meton. for battle: that we may join battle. --— rls, each one. Cf. v. 2'71. - e....a'ow, let each one prepare well (lit. place well) his shield, so that it may be ready at any moment. - aptis,' usu. an adv. here a prep. = a&u/t with a movable s. H. 80 D. What prepositions do not suffer anastrophe? H. 102 D, b; K. ~ 31, Rem. 2: let each, having looked well on both sides of his chariot, etc. -'s (proclit.) receives the accent of Kie (enclit.): it is to be taken here as causal, since. As a final conj. that, in order that, it takes the subjunc. usu. without KEd or &v. H. 739; K. ~ 330; G. ~ 44. c-... icpwv&,eAa: nearly equivalent to the fut. indic., yet less positive: we shall contend (lit. decide among ourselves) in hateful battle. Cf. K... if;cal, 1, 137: 7rarlzeI'pLo, cf. 1, 472, N. 386-393. Notice the emphatic force of y' after 7ravacoXh: also of eArcTd in compos. (Whatever else shall occur) there will not be any inlterval of rest at least. - TreV = 7o0 =- rIs. H. 244 D; K. ~ 217, 6: both rev and aori'os limit TeXajcu6v. As the idea of Teu must also be supplied ILIAD II. 165 w. a-T1Eeoa, it is easier to render the clause thus, the belt of the mawn encircling shield will reek with sweat around the breast of each one. cKa/LeTraL, sc.'rls, suggested by rev: lit. each one will grow weary in hand: more freely, the hand of each will grow weary. Notice the use of a&1tu and rept w. dat. H. 637, 649; K. ~ 295, 2, II. and 3, II. - z lty.djefLy depends on &4E'Xovwa. -- -puyeELv KC. subj. of o'wre'aL (for this form, see H:. 406 D; K. ~ 225), after that, to him an escape from dogs and birds of prey will not be sure. 394-399. KOIca: Cr. supplies idXel, suggested by Yfaxov. The same verb occurs 1, 482.- if re KItvo1p, sc. aieW, i. e. KOica. Notice the omission of &v in this hyp. rel. sent. H. 759; K. ~ 337, 5, also Rem. 3; G. ~ 63. Cf. 1, 80.- crKo7rlEt': appos. w. aKT7-,-a more specific description;-on a lofty beach,... on a projecting cliff. -- r6v, i. e. acKr'xrAv. cKvta~a... a&vs'cov: gen. of cause. II. 566; K. ~ 273; waves raised by, etc. 5i' &s (sc. VeUOI).... yye'vvYaL:-a more definite description of Trarrocuv: for Ev'ra' vbla, see Lex. Evaa, 2.- aVrdrvTdes =- a&raoTdrres. H. 73 D; K. ~ 207, 7. -- — KdrvoLraa (iKarviScw): the exact meaning of this word when translated does not sound very poetical; yet, in a picture, the smoke, curling up at a thousand points among the tents, would be a conspicuous and beautiful feature. Hom. viewed every thing with the eye of an artist. - ae77rvOv. It must have been nearly morning as they partook of this meal. 400-411. TAXos WVAG: a familiar idiom both in Greek and in Latin: one sacrificed to one; another, to another, etc. -...'Aya/uEuv4vw: cf. note on yvvh, 1, 348. Aziavyre V6,o, the two Ajaxes, i. e. Ajax son of Telamon (mentioned 1, 145), and Ajax son of Oileus, leader of the Locrians, less in stature than the son of Telamon, but greatly distinguished in the use of the spear. - TueSos vid', son of Tydeus, i. e. Diomed, ruler of Argos, one of the bravest of the heroes. His exploits are celebrated especially in the 5th book. — of: const.? H. 597; K. ~ 284, 3, (10), camne to assist him. How may we at sight know, that this is dat., and not the nom. pl. masc. of the article? By the accent of the preceding word. M- -ee.... AeXqebv &s &7roveZTo: an instance of prolepsis. H. 726; K. ~ 347, 3, lit. for he knew in mind his brother how he was toiling, i. e. he knew how his brother was toiling. — — reptoTrwac = Wrepcaorwc/a,, 2d aor. they s'ood around. --— obXoxras aveXos'ro: cf. 1, 449. —-- -roov depends on j/eTd in compos. Cf. 1, 58. 413-418. I1Z... GSva KTie. let not the sun go down, etc. or may not, etc. Infin. for imperat. in the 3d pers. H. 784; K. ~ 306, Rem. 11; G. ~ 102. This const. is sometimes explained by supposing the ellipsis of FeiXo/zat, I 166 NOTES. pray that, etc. - 7rplv... 7rp[v: cf. 348. -- r'... Sivai, 7rLSw: irl... ev, E7rfpXo/AaL. iE'Aov, subj. of,r5ivaL: iKcvpas, subj. of EfA,3e-iv. - rphv ue... BaXeelv, before I cast down, etc. Const.? 11. 769; K. ~ 337, 9; G. ~ 106. Cf. v. 348. — arpaL 8- ICT. and burn, etc. (Lex. 7fr/lrpt7LL,), same const. w. icar&... aTxELV. So also Ut~aiL (aa'"co).irupbs 8nLoio, with, etc. The gen. is here used, like the Lat. ablative, to denote the means or instrument; a rare const., for which the dat. is comm. employed. See H. 579, 582; K. ~ 272. --- owyahov, adj. qualifying X&vcrwa: repeats and strengthens the idea of ataz. --— romfees (7roxas): observe it is not 7ro'EES: cf. vroKxas, v. 4. o- 0 I AahoaTao?yaZar, may many, etc. Somewhat similar is the idea of Bor. 0. 2, 7, 12, turpe solum tetigere mento. 419-433. or'... Kpovlwv, nor did the son of Kronos in any way grant (it) to him. 7rc is taken for wr&s in this and many other passages of Hm., by Cr., F., Diintz. and others. But Pape, St., L. & Sc., and others regard it as a Doric form for 7ro'. Naeg. (revised by Autenrieth) takes it in its usu. sense, and lenders the phrase aber noch nicht sogleich, but not yet forthwith. The learner may follow his own judgment in choosing between these views. ---- bKc, G8Xopai.a — SQeAXev, ipOtew (B): to be carefully distinguished fr. q(pExw in the sense of QfCpeixw. — 421 if., cf. 1, 458 if. -- a-X[paly, dat. of means or instrument. In 1, 462, we find?7rl L Xps, upon, etc. —-&parelpa Tes, &varerpw.c —'HpalcaoToo: the name of the god of fire, by meton. for fire. Cf. "Ap7la, 381, note. -- Tos... JpXe, lit. began words to them, i. e. began to address them. Const. of ro0s? H. 597; K. ~ 284. 435-440. 8h' = 871ad = =v = bqrpo'v: let us not now discourse here still a long time, or let us not longer now discourse here much time. Force of 86 after i? H. 851; K. ~ 315, 2. -- yeipo'rTrwv: imperat. 3d pl., let heralds, etc. -- iaes... b8e, and let us, assembled as we are, go, etc. Recollect that the local signification of k6e (here) is very rare in Hm. Cf. 258, note. The local meaning is not necessary in the verse before us. loerv, a&yeipope,, subjunc. w. short mode-sign. HI. 347 D; K. ~ 220, 16. -- ioppa Ke 1cT.r: notice here the particle ice' in a final sentence. H. 741; K. ~ 330, 4; G. ~ 44. Note 2. 442-449. CEpdcea0a..... KCXEVv ircptvaev: notice KEe~,iw here w. dat. and infin. Cf. v. 151. Usu. w. ace. and inlfin., he commanded clear-voiced heralds to summon, etc. ~-rol Te', Att. oi 81, and they, referring to the obj. of Kripvaarov, sc.'AXatods. - i- lyepovT'o: ay&'?pow differs how in meaning fr. d yeipc (v. 440). -- o aEp"''ATpefcora: force of this const.? H. 639, Phrases; K. ~ 263, d. [$aLrcaes, definitive appos. w. ol Be'. H. 500, d; ILIAD II. 167 K. ~ 266. Cf. 1, 348, note. The son of Atreus with his attendants, the Zeus-nurturcd kings. -- KpvovPres, ordering (the forces); probably according to the advice of Nestor, v. 362 if. -- eAT& se, sc. -ros, or av'Toss, and among them the bright-eyed Athena, etc.; but probably, according to the conception of the poet, invisible. - aleyla: for a full account of the aegis, and also a view of it, as represented by ancient artists, see Dic. Antiqq. art. Aegis.- ~ri s depends on ~epe'&ovTat, from this float, etc. H. 579; K. ~ 271, 2. - iKa7d4l8loLoT as itcao'ros, and each worth a hundred oxen. Coined money is not mentioned in Hrm. 450-458. obv aj, with this, i. e. the aegis. -- aE-aav-To, lcaorEco: iv... &paeOv,?,'pvri: o-rE'Os, obj. of SpoEf,. - 7roXeoixelv and.adXEOraLa: infin. denoting purpose; to war and fight: H. 765; K. ~ 306, 1; G. ~ 97. - ve~raeL Kre. in const. is a subst. in the nom., was sweeter to them than to go, etc. 0- eVe... as: cf. note v. 87. --' re: H. 856, a; K. ~ 321, Rem. 4. uis T pXoircVOw is usu. considered gen. abs., while these were advancing. Would it not be simpler to make it limit XaXKoD? thus, from the divine armor of these while advancing, the splendor, etc. 459-468. Ty, repeated v. 464, limits Yvea in v. 464. - Xrn'rv KrE. defin. appos. w. 3opvylov. -'Aroni v AeCXjcvws; in the Asian meadow, called afterwards Kava-Tpov re8lovy: not however the same as that mentioned in Xen. Anab. 1, 2, 11. What was the original application of the name Asia? See Lex.'Asoa, II. - 7ror&3sac: plur. verb w. neut. plur. subj.'avea. H. 515, Exc. b; K. ~ 241, Rem. 5, (c). - ~ rpoKaatL4SvT ov agrees w. X%7qvcv KKl., while they alight, etc.; 7rpo- seems to denote the forward movement of these birds in the act of alighting. -- wFa: the same word, spoken of birds (v. 459), and here of men: we should use different words, many flocks of birds, v~ea denoting perh. also the different species, geese, etc.; many nations of these from ships, etc. Why is a&r6 here written P&ro? H. 102 D, b; K. ~ 31, iv. - 7rpoxE'ov'ro: cf. note on ~roTcvTra9. -?roSUv depends on 67rd, separated fr. KovdcSCe by tmesis: under the feet both of the men themselves, etc. -- puptoL: notice the accent, denoting an indefinite number; myriads, as many as, etc. 7y/yre at M5pp, come forth in their season. Difference in meaning between y(Yvo1AaL and feai? 469-473. Z*Yea must here be rendered by still another Eng. word, swarms. Cf. v. 87. The verb of this clause (sc. iaro or elao) is not expressed. It is easier to render 7'TE KTei. here, like many, etc. - OTE re, when. Attention has often been called to this use of 7'I in Hm. H. 856; K. ~ 321, R. 4. -'6ovaoo, so many. We might expect here us as correlative with /ire, cf. v. 457; but TrdJoro directs the mind more distinctly 168 NOTES. to the idea of number. - Arl TpceoOr, over against, etc., a rare meaning in prose. - Bappara& (Biappahiw), sc. Tpceas:,teAaw'res, Lex. MAL. 474-479. Tro$s: repeated after Ms, v. 476; obj., of 8se&icdrjeov. — - ao8 e... Ms, as... so: cf. vv. 459, 464...rAasTa, wrxaTrs, wide-spread, extensive. - ahirXoL &Otpes, goat-herds: attrib. appos. H. 500, a; K. ~ 266: an idiom more comm. in Hm. than in Att. (f. BoOs Traipos, a bull, v. 480, 481: 7ra'Tpfa?yaha, father-land, v. 454. Similar to these is the phrase ahbrdZAa ai'ycv, herds of goats. In Att. ah7rgXa alone would express the idea; so also, ahirgdAo,'ra~pos, Grampis would stand without the appositive. -- vo uo: dif between vopo's and 4wors in meaning? /uLwy - WOLr, j/lyPv/.L, SC. ali7roda alTyciy as subj., when they (the herds of goats) have been mingled, etc. -- rods, these, i. e. the Grecial forces. --,erma depends on LeKco'/ueov as an indirect obj. to denote purpose. H. 765; K. ~ 306, 1, (d); G. ~ 97: arranged... to go, etc. /-u ETd, cf. pETa v. 446, note. o- iuar'a, Kce aAvr, accus. of specif. - &vr/Y, here, not the girdle, but, as the connection requires, that part of the body around which the girdle passes, i. e. the waist. Lex. II. 480-483. Sois... rTapos: cf. note on alr4XAot 4svpes, v. 474. —--- dayeAkqqn: cf. (pp4Tp*lqjpv, note v. 363. — r be'ro: cf. note on brXeo, 1, 418. -- 7rac'Tov, join w.'EoXos. H. 584, g; K. ~ 273, 3. - TroZov KiT., such did Zeus render Atrides, etc. ieKrpe7r'a, eoxorv, qualify'ATpEfIar, conspicuous among many, and eminent among heroes. With the const. eGXOo?7pCjeoaot,, Cr. compares E'eyXEr7Xrov,.....po0'oZow,, v. 285: &pLr'perea Tpcerawv, 6, 477. Some, however, prefer to take vroAAoi'~ as an adj. w. 484-493.'ErreEre, imperat. = eYra're. Lex. efro,. Moo-as: cf. note on aea, 1, 1.- raiped'E TIe, sc. 7raltv, are present with all things. - - o-ov differs how in meaning fr. o'ov? — o'rTves Tri., connect in thought w.'Ea7re're Pvv iUo. - oViK V dyB c, vSnro-olxal (subjunct. w. short mode-sign) oi8' bvotrkovw (fr. bvoxalCow): for this form of apod. w. the protasis oiv' eY got....eve, see G. ~ 38, 2, and note. Cf. also 1, 137, 1 could not mention nor name, etc., not even if I had, etc.: XdAKEOv... evel (i', Atqu) and ij' there were within me, etc.: es!x3... u a71raalS' (= LyvlafCaTo, fr. pIrUP1oCKW) Kir. unless, etc., a second protasis (required to complete the thought) with the same apod., I could not mention, etc. With vv. 489, 490, cf. Virg. Aen. 6, 625, Non, mihi si linguae centum sint, oraque centum, Ferrea vox, etc. &E4Ka and centum are used in about the same sense for a large number. ILIAD II. 169 The so-called Catalogue of the ships, called also BoLoW,-ta (fr. the word BoLWcoiJv with which it commences), was intended by the poet as a sort of grand review of the forces before the battle. It was highly interesting and valuable to the Greeks of the historic period as a geographical compendium; and was referred to in the settlement of boundary questions between different cities. It is, however, of less interest to us, and is not generally read in American schools. For this reason, it is omitted in this work, a single paragraph only being given as a specimen of the general character of the whole. The poet begins with the Boeotians, perhaps because the place of rendezvous for all the Grecian forces before embarking for Troy was at Aulis in Boeotia. 760-778. O0i-oL &pa, these then, or such then. rts'r' tp: see 1, 8, note. 6X' = 6Xa. - Movera: cf. note on ed, 11.- aivriv I8' 1'r7rwv: partitive appos. w. r,&v, far the best of these, of the men themselves and of the horses. -- &plbxas, ~3p: rapaqXv p, notice the accent. Differs how in meaning fr. aTpuKvx? -- &!ow rl7Xefas, both mares. The mares were considered fleeter. - ofppa, temporal, while. -'- Errol A', sc. roXb ~pe'pTaTo& Ho-av, and his horses were far the best. (popeEoKocv; cop4E w. iterative ending. - gKET' = IKELro: Lex. KeZiam, I. 2. 86IKoLorLv K7T'. amused themselves with quoits, and in casting javelins, and with bows and arrows; or, if we take To401Tv in the same const. w. ailyavEt'ov, then we must understand it in the sense of arrows alone: we may also take'EVTres w. each dat. and render, amused themselves in casting quoits, and javelins, and arrows. For'lIu.L w. dat. cf. Anab. 1, 5, 12.- Ei'Kaoros: cf. 1, 606, note. - ro''Tarav: pluperf. in form, imperf. in meaning. H. 305; K. ~ 193. - es e 7rrtvKaote'va, well covered, i. e. with robes, which were thrown over them for protection when not in use. - o0 se', i. e. &vaKraes. 780-785. O 01' &p' firav': the poet here takes a glance at the whole body of Achaeans above enumerated, before proceeding to the array of Trojan forces. - &-edl Te: Epic use of TrE. H. 856; K. ~ 321, Rem. 4. reso~-o: Lex. vruc, B, as if a whole land should be consumed by fire. Those who have seen the advance of fire on a prairie will have a vivid conception of the force of this comparison. v- 7 reG'eydXXLe, sc. avToss, or perh. r&v, v7rb 7roa-o- (v. 784), and the earth groaned under (them): ALl &s (='Ws Al. H. 104, a; K. ~ 32, (c) ), as (it groans under) Zeus. - 9Tie Ire (Epic use of T)... iltdoa-: hyp. rel. sent. without &v. H. 759; K. ~ 337, R. 3; G. ~ 63, when he lashes, etc. i. e. by means of his thunderbolts (Kepavvols). - &s (demonst.), so, thus, etc. - a8E'rploaaov (sc. Ke'evaUoV, cf. Odys. 2, 213, 429) 7re6Iolo, they accomplished (their march) 8 170 i NOTES. through, etc., they passed through the plain. 7re0LroL depends on 8Ld in compos. H. 583; K. ~ 291, 1. 786-795. wroeqtuos cHe'a, swift-footed as the wind. - a~-b &yyEXlp a&eyElv., with sad tidings, viz. that the Greeks were advancing.ayopas (cogn. acc.) f&ypevoy, entered into deliberations. - Ei~aao: Lex. EIAf'. A. II. 2. poryir, acc. of specif. v — BtS ie' &aKpoTdTr~, on the highest part of, etc., on the top of the tomb of, etc. Cf. summus in Lat.?- Ey!zez'os: E'Xo/yaL, II. 3.' Yvapiy: gen. plur. H. 206 D; K. ~ 210, depends on &p- (a&ro in compos.). --,T depends on ieieaawe77c, having made herself like to this one, i. e. Polites: Ilev depends on /zuETe'+l (a rare const.; as a substitute for which srpoorEgs has been suggested, but not generally adopted); addressed him (flETa perh. suggesting the idea, among other speakers in the assembly). 796-806. /udaoL &KpITOI (cf. &aKCpLrVafe, v. 246), subj.; cptXot, pred. - os, relat. adv. as; receives here the accent of rOTE', hence written Us. E-rl w. gen. often means as here in time of. opwpeY: i$pvvp,. - MudXa 7roxxd, adv., very many times, very often. -- or7ra: Lex. Jpdco. - 7reBi'oLo: const.? H. 590, a; K. ~ 271, over the p'ain, or from the plain. - roxxol... irtlcovpoL, sc. eoSAV4. - kAXs7 &AAowv KTE., one language belongs to one, another to another of the men widely dispersed, i. e. freely rendered, the languages of the men widely dispersed are various. Cf. xAAos $Axxw, v. 400. - og70iv....odad Wrep dpXeL, those whom he commands. - IroA4ras, men of the same city, his own citizens. 807-815. o6tr.... 7yzohoezv, did not fail to recognize, etc., i. e. he knew it was the goddess, and not Polites. 4- Opopet: what tense in form, and what in meaning? Cf. opwpev, v. 797. -- rALxos: -XLos forms here one long syllable,-a very rare synizesis. -- arravevae, at a distance (from the city): - repr~poyos tiAza ial E4aua, detached on all sides, lit. that may be run around, etc. - aiv ToTl &sPpes IKC., which men indeed call, etc. Cf. note on Briareos, 1, 403. —s e' Te: Epic use of re-. e — 1KpsPLev: were separated and arranged, i. e. were drawn up in order of battle. Cf. BlaKp'vwo'v, v. 475: KPVOVYTes, v. 446. The remainder of this book is occupied with an enumeration of the Trojan forces. ILIAD III. 171 BOOK THIRD. 1-9. AVbT&p Erel Kcdo7,reSv leads the mind back to &s -TOs?yseo'Vse 81EKO'doEov KTi., 2, 476. -- atcao''oL, they severally, i. e. the several divisions of both armies. -- Tf-e irEp, just as, etc., is to be connected with what precedes; since no sentence follows introduced by a correlative ais, so; as in 2, 455, 457. — obpadm'uL (H. 203, a; K. ~ 235, 3) Irpd, heaven-ward. - ate: subj. of pt-yov. For the arrangement, cf. 1, 57. E- firel Ov, whenever: o,,v appears to be used here as a suffix of erefi, with the same force as after io-,ts, etc. Cf. H. 251; K. ~ 95, (b.) - cpv-yov: gnomic aor. H. 707; K. ~ 256, 4, (b); G. ~ 30. As a general truth is expressed in Eng. by the pres. tense, the gnomic aor. must consequently be translated into Eng. by the pres.; whenever theyflee from, etc. Cf. note on E'KXvo,, 1, 218. --'aye repeats the idea of a'ie; these, i. e. the cranes. For the Homeric idea of'nKaceas, see Lex.: podwv depends on irn, towards. - lnv-uaoto-iL: derivation and meaning? See Lex. For some further speculations respecting this curious myth, see Class. Dic. art. Pygmaei. - 4pippouvar agrees w.'raiye.- VeplaL: cf. XaLSos, note, 1, 424: Epp'-, 1, 497. -- of...'AXaol: cf. note oln 7 8....yvvh', 1, 348. -- Udvea 7rvYefoVrES: Lex. rveo'w, V. u-!eplacTes: Lex. MAt. 10-20. Eve.....s (v. 13), as when... so. Cf. 2, 455, 457. KaT-XEEVEV (KaTaX4co), pours, spreads: gnomic aor.: cf. cpdyov, v. 4. xplrlv, &utevce, agree w. OXhXl'v. - c KXe'7rp: dat. of interest, better than night to a thief. -- roTaov KTc., and one sees as far as, etc., indicates the density of the mist.,- Tls (indef.) receives the accent of Te' (enclit.), and hence appears in the form Tis. - io-ov Tre: Epic use of e'. H. 856, a; K. ~ 321, Rem. 4.- erl... 77oIv: [*71,ul. ~-', 6'rb'rorol....?pove'Vwv,: cf. 2, 784. -- &erprlov, 1re$8oio: cf. note 2, 785. -- O''SeT l8 KTE.: notice the lively force of M8, and just when they were almost, etc. -- Tpwoalv: dat. of interest: e'V, correl. $V, v. 21.- &/zo,;ov: coust? Cf. 1, 45, note. -.rda: cf. 1, 45, note. - Boupe Sew: notice the numeral V6w (Att. 86o) with the dual; not unusual. Observe also that he bore two spears; as was often the case with the Homeric he oes, so that, when one was hurled, another was still left. In the historic period, the spear was not hurled; and only one consequently was needed. - KcKopvfaueVa: Kopi6oiow. -'Apyetwv depends on a&pfa-rovs as partit. gen. 21-29. Tov: emphat. position: &s, temporal, when. —-'Ap7t1ApXos 172 NOTES. occurs very often in this book as an epithet of Menelaus. In other books it occurs but seldom. - caKp& 1 B,3IavTa (H. 435 D, 1; K. ~ 230, $BaYwo, taking long strides.- a'e.... Bs (v. 27): cf. 2, 459, 464. --- EXdp (Xatpwc): gnomic aor.: cf. efvIyov, v. 4, note. i- Kmpaas: Kvpec. - VreLvdWo, placed last of the adjuncts of XACwv, because it is the most important particular in the description, and also to make the connection with the following clearer. A faithful translation must present the thought as nearly as possible in the order of the original. - ycdp Te: Epic use of e'. - pd-ro: meaning here? Cf. ~ip, 2, 37, note. - friaeerai: Lex. rtWco, II. Force of the fut. infin. as distinguished from the pres. or aor. infin. w. ay? G. ~ 73, 1, for he said to himself, Ishall take vengeance on the villain. —'I X4opW: plur. on the same principle as Trda, cf. 1, 45, note: axTo, H. 408 D, 33; K. ~ 230, aXAXouat: he leaped from his chariot, etc. Paris was already on foot (v. 22). 31-40. IcaTe7r7Apr, KaTawxrAiaoo: p[Axov, cf. 1, 345, note. =- &'s 8'?re...&s (v. 36), and as when... so, etc. Tls (indef.) receives the accent of T'i, hence written ish: " TIE may be taken either w. c&s or w. o"fe." F. Epic use: H. 856, a; K. ~ 321, R. 4. - a&7re'ar, XXaa93e, aeXcip7lo'ev, eT.e: cf. note on ep6'yov, v. 4.-,36iaaps differs how in form fr. the gen. sing.? virb....&AaBe,,broxacSdrc. - ds, obj. of EhAe, irapeusr, acc. of specif. With this passage, cf. Virg. Aen. 2; 379, ff. -- ru: what tenses of Fico are intrans. in the act. voice? See Lex. - eos: acc. of specif. aYt' 6aeXEs... a&7roAieraa (a7rdAAvyz). H. 721, b; K. ~ 259, R. 6; G. ~ 83. "Would thou hadst ne'er been born, or died at least unwedded." D. Lit. would thou hadst both been unborn and hadst perished unwedded. The former part of the wish includes of course the latter; but both thoughts were in the mind of Hector, and he utters both at the same breath, placing the more important of the two first, with little concern for logical exactness. Cf. 1, 251, note. 41-53. ial... BovAol~l7p, I could even wish this: poten. optat. IT. 722; K. ~ 259, 3, (a); G. ~ 52, 2. —- Kv....evr: force of this const.? H. 746; K. ~ 260, 2, (2); G. ~ 37, 3. - eirevat, sc. ae' as subj. than that you should be thus both a dishonor and a scorn of others (i. e. for having as a coward retreated at the sight of Menelaus): veirdirov may be taken as an adj. in the ace. sing. masc. agreeing w. the subj. of e/lcvai, or perh. in the neut. as subst., a thing scorned, a scorn. I prefer the latter, as the const. is then uniform with that of x/3Vrqp. - wotd, force? Lex. vor, II. 2. -- KayXaXAwoT: KayXacXdw. -- eltecvat, se. ao', that you are, etc. --'= e- rr7reo'. Cf. 1, 515. H. 102, a; K. ~ 31, R. 3.- roIsIe Krf., did you, being such a man, having sailed, etc... bring back, etc. Several ILIAD III. 173 critical editt. read here X st. J. See Lex. j, II. 2. Yvvv, a kinswoman. - ra, Xdppa, KaTr1cPe[v: appos. w. the idea yvvaic'.. v. vyes. H. 501; K. ~ 266, R. 2. obK Iv B 6 Kir., could you not then (after having exhibited in your wild adventures so much daring) await, etc. - yotrls X' (= Kec), you might in, that case know, etc.; protasis omitted. H. 752; K. ~ 340, 1; G. ~ 52, 2. -- o7ov....wapdKcoLrv, lit. the blooming wife of what sort of a man you possess, i. e. whose (emphasize this word) blooming woife you possess. 54-57. oabK Y& -ro Xpa[toLp. For vY w. the subjunc., cf. 1, 137, note. - Te... Lmyeirls presents the case as a mere possibility, not as a probability. Cf. H. 748, 747; K. ~ 339, II., (a), and (b); G. ~ 61, 4. Had it been oTwrav.. I./y.s (which olK hv Xpa&fas would suggest), then the case would be presented more distinctly and vividly, as something that might occur in the future. The sentence may be rendered freely, your lyre, etc. would not aid you, when you should be mingled woith the dust. Td, A/, rd, demonst., those gifts, etc., that hair of yours, that fine appearance. Cf. note on 6, a, Td, 1, 9. ----- e KEY... fonro (.evvilI) XLT-va: condition omitted. Cf. 2, 242, note. And truly (were it not so, i. e. were the Trojans not very cowardly) you would already have put on a tunic of stone. See Lex. Adsivos. - op'yas, Epo. 69-70. eiredt e... a-oavy: a subordinate sentence with no principal sentence immediately expressed; as is often the case in hurried conversation. We shall best represent the original, by translating it just as it stands, without supplying any thing. The proper apodosis, as Dr. Owen suggests, appears below, v. 67 ff. —— tai' adoav, ow' brvEp aforav, with propriety, and not beyond propriety, a frequent formula in Hm., the thought being expressed first positively, and then for increased emphasis, negatively. --— aetps: F. joins this w. r'XeeKus, like a hard axe: but it is more natural, from the arrangement, to join it w. KpaSq, always is your heart unyielding, like an axe, which, etc. Why is c&s accented here? H. 104, a; K. ~ 32, (c). Also because it is here followed by the enclit earT. - e-roa, 3d pers., sing. fr. eTlu. Differs how in form fr. the 3d pers., plur. of edC? - SouvpS: Lex. 84pv, I. f- bi' &avpos: gen. of agency, by a man, i. e. moved by the strength of a man. - --— vov, se. 84pv. ---— bq dEAet is not connected by be to eKIcTd/prLIV (which is subjunc.) but to dayw: and it (i. e. the axe) increases, etc.- fu... rpo'pepe: do not bring before me (as a reproach) the lovely gifts, etc. Cf. 2, 251. Notice the asyndeton; denoting (as well as the structure of the preceding sentence) the confusion and excitement of the speaker's mind. e- Eov - KrE., one could not at will (i. e. whenever he pleases), etc. —-- c Kdov (Kai1(CO), causative. —-- 174 NOTES. avTap....... uCuxeoarat, moreover place me, etc., in the midst to fight, etc. A similar const. occurs 1, 8. uvve'7Kce K'CT. Notice ovu,8dAeT-e, plur., KcLa0orv, sing. The interchange of sing. and plur. 2d pers. is very frequent. In using the plur. he includes in idea as subj. not only Hector, but all others who would have any thing to do with what he proposes.'71-81. Ki vlKcop.... 7 yel,7raL: force here of the aor. subj. w. Ki? H. 760, a; K. ~ 255, R. 9; G. ~ 20, N. 1. e3 7rdvrTa: see Lex. e3, IIIL o-' &AXoL... vaLoLTe KCre., and may ye, the others, etc.; optat. of wishing. H. 721, 1; K. ~ 259, 3, (d); G. ~ 82. - oo BE KiE., but let these (the Greeks), etc. -'AXaLa, in form an adj. sc. ya-iav. Argos, as here used, denotes the southern part of Greece; the Achaean land, the northern part; particularly the dominions of Achilles, called also in the Iliad, Hellas. Thus, Argos and the Achaean land, as used in this verse, denote the whole of Greece. -- E'alo-ov..., having grasped his spear by the middle, so that by presenting the whole length, instead of the point, he might the more easily thrust back the phalanxes of the Trojans. Const. of 8oups? 1. 574; K. ~ 2'73, 3, (b). - re'7ro/acor-o... BaX\Xov: bent their bows at him,... aiming, they began to cast (at hint) with, etc. AaKpd4Y: cf. 2, 224, N. 82-96. "Io'Xerre: cf. Th-Xeo, 1, 214. u-,p BdXAeTE: notice the asyndeton, denoting the haste of Agamemnon. -- dXns: const.? H. 579, a; K. ~ 271, 2. - - liew: cf. 2, 323, note. -- e'KXvIE4 eV... piov,, hear from me the word, etc. Const. of Ape? H. 582; K. ~ 273, R. 19, (d). - Tro: relat. H. 243 D; K. ~ 247, 4. - abrbv... Meve'Xaov olovs... LdXLeorat, that he himse{f, etc., fight alone, etc., depends on Kf eXTal.- ol 8' A&Xo0... Trdwpe', let us, the others, etc. Is the subjune. often used in exhortations except in the 1st pers.? H. 720, a; K. ~ 259, 1, (a); G. ~ 85. &aK~, (see Lex.)....acowr.: a frequent pleonasm in Hm., they became profoundly silent. -.. Kal A!ETe'nlEre... MEviAaos. Hector had already spoken, and now Menelaus... also spoke, etc. 98-104. cppovsio Tcv., I think the Argives and Trojans are at length separated. With this meaning of &aKptvluyeval, cf. &taKpicpvwav, 2, 475..-,7rt, temp.: jrvroaar, irdoiXo: now that you have suffered, etc., or more freely, after having suffered, etc. r- deem'... apXigs. Naeg. and F. regard this verse as an instance of hendiadys (,v && 8voiv, in which two ideas are made coordinate, the latter of which is logically subordinate): and render thus, on account of my strife with Alexander, which he began. The more usual and literal rendering is as follows: on account of miy strife and of Alexander's beginning (of strife); or more freely, on account of the strife which I began, and of Alexander's provocation. -- T7r'VKia (Te6VXW), ILIAD III. 175 has been prepared. - Teava7L, &acKpLvtsTe: optat. of wishing, may he die, etc. Above (v. 98) he speaks of the separation as already in his own opinion accomplished: here, he alludes to it as a wish, to be accomplished in the future. - oYoe —re, 4e.'e (v. 105): 1st aor. imperat. H. 349 D; K. ~ 223, 10. - 6pve: 4&v&s, irreg. --'Tepov, lrEp-7lv: observe the difference in gend.: one, a white male lamb; the other, a black ewe-lamb. ra,'HeAXtp, for, etc., dat. of interest. The white lamb was no doubt for Helius; the other, for Gaea. The Greeks were to bring but one lamb, and this was to be sacrificed to Zeus. Cf. v. 276. 105-110. Ilpidpoto BS',r, lit. the' might of Priam = the mighty Priam. d- erFi ol: how does the accent of ires indicate at sight that the following word is the dat. of the pers. pron.? H. 1Q1, 107, a; K. ~ 34, 1. Recollect that the article (6, 77, ol, ac) is proclit. In what Menelaus here says of the sons of Priam, he no doubt has in mind especially Paris.,u1, lest. The preceding words imply the notion of fear.- ALbs OtpKta: H. 563; K. ~ 275, R. 5. 1fepdeoJ/TaL: the striking metaphor appears by comparing this with 2, 448. ors IKC. The implied antecedent depends on Aseoares: but among whom the aged man is present, (for these) he beholds, etc. It is nearly equivalent to &Av 8' 6 y'poWu /PeTEepLa (ialov), but if the aged man is present among (any), etc. - rrpdrow Kal 07rLo0w: cf. 1, 343, note. - &pr6soa, subj. of evrTal. - PET' Iaq4 oTs'poOL (masc.) between both (parties). 111-120.'AXaLOL'e TpiE's re: appos. w. oL 84: cf.?yvv', 1, 348, note. -- pvav,: EpKW. - aboL. Recollect that aivTr in the nom. is intens., they themselves, i. e. in distinction fr.'ir7rovs, went forth, dismounted (EK 8' m'8av, sc. &pUd-rwv). - &xatIs, between lit. round about (each army): i. e. they were so near one another that there was little space between (the two armies). The latter rendering is usu. adopted. -- qpelv, cahX'oa ai. What use of the infin. is frequent in Greek, but seldom occurs in Latin? H. 765; K. ~ 306, 1, (d); G. ~ 97. --'Ayaloovwv, appos. w. 6. - rvias err: what preps. do not suffer anastrophe? H. 102 D, b; K. ~ 31, IV. Rem. 2.- olio'esrac, aor. infin. H. 450 D, 6; 349 D; K. ~ 230, pe'pc. 121-128.'Ipts: the usual messenger of the gods in the II.; mentioned before, 2, 786. The first appearance of Helen in the I. is deemed an occasion of sufficient importance for the intervention of a goddess.-'eo/LV?: Lex. EIfZ, A, II. 2, making herself like to, resembling. -- Aao8lc7qv: we should expect here logically the dat. in appos. w.?yax4G; but the intervention of the relat. TJyV leads to the ace. - eiJos, acc. of specif. - br-ev 8, j 86: i. e. Helen. eJpe, sc.'Ips. —. -irJv, a web. In 176 NOTES. what other senses has this word occurred? 1, 31, 434, 480.- ie'iraooev (E/za0rw ) KCT. This passage has a historic value; as the weaving of designs, such as are here mentioned, indicates considerable advancement in the arts. Notice the accent of arom'as (fr. iroxAs), distinguishing it fr. acc. pl. of 7rXLrs. i- Qrev (enclit. = oe: H. 233 D; K. ~ 217) e'lvIKa, on her (i. e. Helen's) account. 132-138. ot irpv,, those who before, those who just now.- ol oj: force of b8? H. 851, a; K. ~ 315, 2, these indeed, these r say. Notice the difference between oi relat. and ol demonst. -..aTaL: H. 406 D, 2; K. ~ 230, ual. - rap&, sc. avT'ros, near them, by them. - 7re'irwyev (7rAyvuL), are fixed, are planted. H. 417; K. ~ 187, 8. Cf. Virg. Aen. 6, 652. Slant terra defixae hastae. ---' be Ke rsKiOav'L... KeKItco KTE. In this sentence, ie' does not, it is thought, qualify vru4harvT, (G. ~ 41, N. 2); but stands before it as the emphatic word (G. ~ 42, 2, and N. 1), and belongs really to iceKxhop. H. 710, b; K. ~ 260, 2, (1); G. ~ 37. Yet St. and Cr. join it with the particip. St. says, it imparts the idea of uncertainty which of the two would conquer. Cr. says, it points to the condition implied in the particip. The pf. KbKX7ytlaL, am called, am named, is pres. in meaning, and corresponding to it the fut. pf. iceicKtooat is a simple fut. in meaning. G. ~ 29, Note 5, you shall be called the dear wife of him who may have conquered (lit. of the one having conquered). 140-155. vCApds, etc., obj. gen., limits'[epov. - TOtIeCh,, TOteEs. - pev, BaKcpv, " tender tears." D. The sing. is often thus used in Hm., where our idiom requires the plur. Cf. &aXepbv 8daKpv, 2, 266. - IcaTd, join w. XefovUa. -olq: notice the breathing. It differs how in meaning fr. oh? See Lex. olos and olos. - iua Tye, together with her, i. e. Helen, the subj. of &ipyuao. - icaala?rl6AaL, the Scaean gate. Cf. Lex. aiao's, II. -.01 a/ul} KTe'. H. 639, Phrases; K. ~ 263, d. — Oincake~y/wv...'Arhvcop: notice the change in const. here, from acc. to nom., thus giving more prominence to these two persons. - ella'o: cf. eaTai, v. 134, note. - b oyepov'Tes: descriptive appos. w. the preceding nominatives. - rl... r6Aptrhw, upon, or over, etc., i. e. upon the tower (cf. v. 153), beneath and through which the gate-way passed; as is very common in the old walled towns of Europe at the present day. -,ypai, dat. of cause, by reason of old age. ----- Cet7lyeoW 01dT(es: see Lex.'&eTst. The point of the comparison is simply the clear and sustained tone of voice, which was remarkable in the cicadae.- roLo0 Kitei., such then the leaders of the Trojans sat, etc., or more freely, such then were the leaders of the Trojans who sat, etc. - JiKa, adv.: differs how fr. the aor. of'lnu? 156-170. Oh vle/eows, sc.?-l', there is no occasion for indignation, that ILIAD III. 177 the Trojans, etc. — alvwrs: greatly, exceedingly. Cf. 1, 555.- els Hra, in countenance, in looks. So it is usu. rendered. Yet Passow, and after him Faesi, understand the phrase as meaning eye to eye; i. e. shte resembles at a near view (beim genauesten Ansehen). —-- Kal s: cf. note 1, 116. --'rp, joined w. o0rl7, intens.; ioiaa, concess., though she is really such.!zA6.... xAroLTo: optat. of wishing:'rir,ua, appos. w. subj. of AhtrolTo, nor may she be left as, etc. -- R/edo depends on irdpoLre: H. 589; K. ~ 273, 3, (b), (8): sit down before me. - i p: 2d pets. -- s... tovoLLVvps: same const. w. ~ppa $py, the three intervening lines being parenthetical: that you may name, etc.- Soars LKeT. develops more fully the idea of rd4V 8' Wvbpa; who is that, etc. - KeoamX Ka' -eiSovrs, even taller by a head, even a head taller. Const. of KerbaX? H. 610; K. ~ 285, (3), (c). Such, I think, is the usu. rendering of this expression; which, certainly, is not to be taken with mathematical exactness. Yet Wolf, and after him Cr. and F., understand KepaAgX, like the Lat. statura. The expression would then mean, even larger in stature, even taller. - KaXAdv and yepapdv qualify the obj. (understood) of lolv: one so fine-looking, etc., "a form so noble, nor so august." D.,- SaaraXii' avsp: cf. note on al'r4Xot &vspes, 2, 474. 171-180. $8a: notice the accent, distinguishing it fr. Std. -- yuvauLc6v, const.? H. 559; K. ~ 273, Rem. 4, (b).- a-so&s'e... SeLvds Te, both reverenced and feared: yol, on mypart: const.? H. 601; K. ~ 284, 3, (10). -- c- te iUcvp. Observe, the final syllable in each of these words receives the rhythmic accent, i. e. takes the place of a long syllable. Faesi supposes the digamma to have occurred at the beginning of EitVpE; but Diiltzer affirms, it is certain Hm. did not pronounce itcvpe' with a digamma. So the doctors often disagree. &-~ s 6cpeAev KITe. Cf. note on all' ~pe)es, 1, 415, would that an evil death had pleased me. &&eZv, &vadvo. -- 7ramLa, i. e. Hermi6ne. - -dy' (= 7-dye), these things, neut. plur., subj. of a verb in the plur. H. 515, b; K. ~ 241, R. 5. — — d, wherefore. Const.? HI. 552, a; K. ~ 279,'7. — T-wKca, intrans. Notice the force of the perf. am (until this day) dissolved in tears. -- p ye. Two aces. w. one verb. H. 553; K. ~ 280, 3. - -au-&rTepo/... -... -.E, at once, both... and. --'atce, impf. iterative. H. 406 D; K. ~ 225. -- Kcuv&Sr8os agrees w.?zuoD implied in 4eu/d. H. 523, b; K. ~ 266, 2. e2l'troT' EMqv ye, if ever he was indeed! expressive of the emotion of Helen. She seems almost to question the past reality; as if she had said, can it be that he ever was a brother-in-law of me I 183-198. J Ad,l ios KTi-. Truly, as I now see (Ad vv), many sons of the Achaeans were subject to you. Beo8/laTo (acuqdco), H. 355 D, e; K. o * 178 NOTES. ~ 220, 13 -, upvylh7v: Phrygia, as understood by lHm., lay E. of the Troad; and must not be confounded with the Phrygia of a later age. -.E'XEvX77, was counted, was enrolled. - 6rTe Tre: Epic use of Tre.- oiv' o0, noot even these, i. e. the Phrygian warriors. - etr' (= ebre), imperat., come, name to me this one also. - c KEoap: const.? Cf. v. 168, N., by a head, or as some understand it, simply, less in stature. &SpotoraLv, are-T~Po, LwV: dat. of respect. H. 609; K. ~ 285, (3), (b). ~ — is4ea' depends on e'bpd'epos, lit. broader to look upon. H. 767; K. ~ 306, (d). ~revXea Aev... abvTs e', antithetical: his arms... but he himself, etc. ol (before KeTa,), ethical dat. H. 599: K. ~ 284, (10), (d). So St. considers it, and citing from Bernhardy remarks: "This idiom, which contributes greatly to the liveliness of Grecian speech, continued from the classic authors down to the later poets." Cf. 1, 104, N. ~- icTriXos ts: why is &s accented in this sentence? H. 104, a; K. ~ 32, (c): E'7rLrwXehiaL combines the two ideas of moving to and fro, and of inspecting: render, he moves to and fro, inspecting, etc.- &cov apyevvdowv limits wrci), which depends on Bi- in compos. 199-208. e'cye-yavZa: Lex. icy4Eyaa. -oros r' a3: antithetical to oVVTds ye. 178: a', used here as a particle of transition. - Kpavair rep eovO7.s, lit. being very rugged: wrep, intens.; Jorros denotes simply a relation of time.- 7rVKVd; Lex. 7rvKvos, V. - Thv,... avT'Jov 16Sa (abSadl), addressed her.- oev is usually understood as objective gen. limiting &TyyeXl7s, with emphatic position and accent; on an embassy respecting you. Yet some eminent critics, from Aristarchus to the present day, have taken ayyekAfIs as nom. masc. = &-yyeov, and read, came as a messenger ~respecting you. - ors....(piAxr a, "I lodged them in my house and loved them both." D. - guivy: cf. 1, 115; 2, 58. 210-215. o-daWvrw, sc. abve'i, while they stood, gen. abs. -- v7repeXIe, (5IrepE'Xw)... &uovs, rose above with broad shoulders: &Sxovs (observe the accent, distinguishing it from annus, raw) is acc. of specif. -- 6ppwo a' C'Col&VW, but when both were seated; nom. of the whole (nom. abs ) followed by a nom. of the part,'OvoedVs, in appos.; the remaining part (perh. Mev'kaos Bre.rTrov Yepapos) was too obvious to need expression. Cf. H. 500, b; K.. 266, 3. Diintz. less naturally, I think, regards &/upqo as acc. of specif. -- Kal..... er: a very doubtful clause. I have retained the reading of Dind., Faesi, and others, who follow the manuscripts. The sense appears to be, truly, Menelau7s spoke cursorily, few things indeed, but very clearly, since he was not a wordy, nor rambling speaker, or also (since) he was younger by birth;-the last clause being in the same const. w. the two preceding and assigning the reason of raspa... XryE'ws. He spoke ILIAD III. 179 few things, because he was not naturally verbose and rambling, or perhaps also because he was younger. Diintzer writes i{ Kai... iev, with a colon before this clause; thus making it an independent statement: truly he was also younger by birth. Cr., Doederlein, Sp., and many others read el ical... iev, although, etc. It should be borne in mind that the so-called itacism (the pronouncing of /, el, oi, V1, v and ~ alike), often led to the confounding of these vowels and diphthongs in the manuscripts. If the student is a little perplexed by this passage, he may take some comfort in remembering that he is no worse off than the critics. 216-224. Te 68J: notice the emphatic and lively force of 8i. - ardoKEv, seoKce, X eoXKEY: >rf'y fL EOvy, oEX;, with iterative ending. - KcaTa Xrosvs, join w. the following words; a repetition of the idea Loral t'Eo-Ce, he used to look downward.- &'vua, vwjodo, he did not brandish backwards or forwards, etc. — palrs ice: potent. optat., you would say that he was, etc.; diceres. -- 9ppovd r' a6tsro, and thus foolish; i. e. foolish, and lacking in self-possession, as a man filled with rage. -- 8TE.... EcL (i'/At, imperf. indic.); continued action: cf. i5Te 8... {V5awYov, v. 212. But in v. 216, or'e......avatleev, optat. expressing indefinite frequency of past action. H.'729, b; K. ~ 327b. 2; G. ~ 62. E- v... ep[oYoeLe, could vie with. - ob TO'r... s.,.res, not then at least did we so much wonder in looking at the appearance of Ulysses. His strange looks were almost forgotten in the charm of his wonderful eloquence. On this whole passage, cf. Quintil. XII. 10, 64. 227-233.'Apyecav, depends on goxos. H. 584, g; K. ~ 275, 2, towering above the Argives, etc.: Kceqpalw, &tuovs, acc. of specif. - Cipicos: cf. 1, 284, where it is spoken of Achilles. - epcraev means strictly from another point, —the ending -aev denoting direction from the point, where Idomeneus stood, towards the observers. The Eng. idiom would be, at another point. &Ebs As: cf. note on iKcr(os MS, v. 196.-'a —'rKce: peculiarity in tense and meaning? - MeEXCaos. No inquiry had been put to her respecting Menelaus: but she now alludes to him with apparent composure. In the following passage, v. 235 if. the allusion to her two brothers, whom she misses on the battle-field, is exceedingly natural and affecting. --- 67r- e.... 7coI'o: force of the optat.? Cf. o"e... ctvat~eev, v. 216, N. 235-244. ovs....yvolvv. Obseive the force of Kev. H. 873; K. ~ 260, 1; G. ~ 36, 2, whom I might know, and whose name I might mention (if I were asked). -~ uol depends on ua: lit. one to me, or the same to me: rendered freely, whom one mother bore, the same who bore me. o-rvrearo-v (guro/uai, 2d aor., 3d, dual. H. 384),'WrovTo. Notice the frequent inter 180 NOTES. change of dual and plur. —-- KtcaTaoueva, to go into, to ent:r, KaraaVw. --'ros, them (i. e. her brothers), obj. of KCdTeXeI. -- E... arLt, away in Lacedaemon. These two lines are thrown in by the poet, to inform the reader of their death; which Helen seems to be ignorant of. 245-258. A resumption of the narrative, which was broken off at vv. 116-120.- ~eciiv limits gpica, oferings of the gods. - Kpnqrr'pa, a mixing-vessel, a flagon (D.), in which the wine and water were mixed: KsCrexAa, the cups from which they drank. Cf. 1, 470, 471. -'Opcreo, ipvvzuL. H. 349 D; K. ~ 223, 10, rise!-i-caX4eovoLv, sc. Wo. t'-'r/~rre, TEAW,. vv. 253-258. Cf. 136-138, 73-75.- ice' (v. 255) is usually considered as qualifying E7roo0, and as understood also with Yaiotl/e, (v. 257); potent. optat. See note, v. 138. St. and Cr., joining Ke w. the particip., would read the following optatives as expressing a wish. May Tor perh. let) the woman and the treasures follow, etc., and may we, the rest... dwell in, etc. o- vovT-aL, subjunc. w. short mode-sign. H. 347 D; K. ~ 220, 16, these may go, or let these go, etc. The imperat. is used in v. 74 (veo-av) to convey the same general thought. So also vatorLe (v. 74) is without &v or cKf and is to be taken as optat. of wishing, not as potential. A comparison of vv. 73-75 with vv. 255-258 would, I think, favor the view of St. and Cr., that ce' belongs w. vK'+alavTs, and that'VroITo and vacdoqzev are to be understood as optat. of wishing. 259-263. pljV7er. He was alarmed at the thought of the contest in which his son was about to engage. - iKcAveua-e''Erapots: notice here the dat. w. tceXecow, which usu. takes the ace. See Lex. Cf. 2, 50, and 151.- -, (= a&,d), join w. gi$: And then Pr. mounted (his chariot). No mention is made of Priam's descent from the tower, nor of other circumstances; but the poet hastens on to the main event in his mind,-the impending contest. -- cKa&... re7zeV: see Lex. KIaTaTe-Yvco: brtCrw, back, i. e. towards himself. -- oT depends on 7rdp (= wrapd, cf. &, sup.) and by his side. ----,8haro: cf. note 1, 428.- 8kppo,, object of motion after R91-ero. H. 551; K. ~ 277. dis 8tqppo, would be more usual: mounted the beautiful chariot. ---- SKaciv: cf. v. 145. EXov, guided. 265-274.?t'7lrrwv &7ro/JdVTES. We learn from what precedes that they had mounted a chariot; hence, we render here, having dismounted from their chariot. The warrior and his charioteer, being elevated and leaning somewhat forward, seemed to project over their horses; thus, their descent from the chariot was often spoken of in this way, et Ir7rrow. -- oaiXo - ovro: ar-tXdoJ. H. 370 D; K. ~ 222, (3), they went into the space between, etc. -,v (cf. v. 261), sc. pvvTro. K- P77TIptL: dat. of place. H. 612; K. ~ 283, 1. -o oov o [o-yov, they mixed the wine, not with water, since ILIAD III. 181 unmixed wine was used in making treaties, cf. 2, 341, &KPqTroL; but they mixed the wine of the two parties. 4- XFvav, X&o.'. oT: cf. 1, 104, note: rp... Kovuedv, by, etc.- &wpro: efpco. H. 432 D, 2; K. ~ 230, hung. — ticeaAeov,: peculiarity in the form? H. 128 D, b; K. ~ 211,4. -- Tpciov,'AXaLoCV limit &pisToLs: veZsav (,vCeo), distributed (it, i. e. the wool from the heads of the lambs). Thus all participated in the transaction. 275-287. T-oZov, for them, dat. of interest. -'HEAos, used as voc. H. 141; K. ~ 46, Rem. 3.- o'... rivvZov, ye who punish, etc., i. e. Hades and Persephone; as is indicated by the dual. In IL. 19: 259-260, the Erinnyes are spoken of as punishing perjurers in the Under-world.6res ='oases. -- CE-e, imperat., be ye. How distinguished in form fr. the indic.? u-, let us go, or we will go. - Tpias.... a&rosoovaL... a'r0oLvE,,UEV, then let the Trojans give back, etc., and pay, etc. Cf the const. 2, 413, where Cr. remarks, "the infin. stands sometimes, w. the acc., in the expression of a wish or prayer, as quite independent." Yet it is usu. to supply here eVXo/pai, or better a6m. Cf. v. 322, where os4 is expressed. H. 784; K. ~ 306, R. 11; G. ~ 101 ff.- i -LYv' orLKev, sC. caroTLVEuev, which it is fitting (to pay). - re.....reA7ral, which shall be (held in remembrance) even among future generations. So the verse is usu. understood. Naeg., F., Diintz., and others. Notice here the subjunc..rferral. Force? H. 728; K. ~259; G. ~ 12, (b). 288-294. ed... obK'a&EA'Xcav: notice the negative obic in a cond. sentence. H. 842; K. ~ 318, Rem. 1; G. ~ 47, 3, N., but if Priam, etc., shall refuse, etc. Lat. si nolint.-'AAedvtpov reo'Vros: gen. abs. denoting time and condition. H. 789, Rem. g; K. ~ 312; G. ~ 109 if. - abrcdp (continuative and adversative) denotes the sudden transition to a different course of action: ical C'reLTa serves to emphasize that possible action. St., then on the contrary, after that, 1I etc.- ~rTos 7romoto, an end of war, i. e. in the fall of Troy. Cf. 2, 122. —'H: cf. 1, 528. &7rb... dre (a7rorETlvw): he cut open the throats, etc. Some, however, understand it in the sense, he cut off, or, he cut out,.etc., which does not seem quite natural. Diintz. reads, hrl... MrIAe, he cut into, etc., a reading rejected by Aristarchus, and not generally received nlow. - roVs, i. e. 6pvas. -- rvjog, life: 8evopEivovs (8douat), pres. particip., denoting continuance. —--- efios: obj. of arb... eTAETo (&atlpe'O). 296-301. tKXeov (etc, XE'), they poured it out (as a libation). - aLezyeverpo'L: aLeL7yerersCTr, adj. of one ending, 1st declens.- Tly, each one: cf. 2, 382.- iVrep... 7r7u/AyvLeav, shall do injury contrary to the oaths. The optat. denotes mere possibility. The subjunct. would have 182 NOTES. denoted some degree of probability,-an idea unsuitable here. H. 719, if. This distinction, between sulbunct. and optat., is not made by all Grammarians. Cf. K. ~ 258; G. ~~ 3, 4. &iE' 0 a+4' (= oa-t = oa's))... fo0L, thus may their brain flow, etc. iEOi, optat. of wishing (without &v). a — vari, TEKEW'WV (Te'os), limit ytKqpaXos, (the brain) of themselves and of their children; instead of dat. in apposition w. o-,p. 302-309. o68' &pa erw... Kpovywv: cf. 2, 419, note. -, eTd, separated fr. CeLlrev by tmesis, and governing T'ooa as a prep. in compos., and among them... spoke a word. Aapcavi8pVs, descendant of Dardanus. Priam was not a son of Dardanus, but a remote descendant. I. 20, 215 If. - ogreo (v. 306), not in any way; or as Naeg. and some others understand it, not yet, not at present. Cf. note on 7r4, 2, 419. -,V O0-,3aAuoT7o: cf. note, 1, 587. -. Zebs pe', (= -#fv) aroy KTi., Zeus no doubt knows this, etc. (but I do not know), to which of the two, etc. Notice the use of wrod here. Lex. wrov, II. 2. Cf. 1, 178. - &awdToLo'irAos, a fatal end: avd-ToLo, gen. of cause; or perh. of characteristic. I. 566, 568; K. ~273. 310-323.'H, cf. v. 292. Vv. 311, 312. Cf. vv. 261, 262.&+oppoL, pred. adj. qualifying Tc-. H. 488, Rem. c; K. ~ 264, 3. Notice the interchange of dual and plur., 0-6, 9&oppoL. -- rdAxov. Though only one (cf. v. 324) actually shook the lots, yet both authorized the act; and hence, may be said to have performed it. Some editt. have here $Bh6xov, cast the lots into, etc. - 5 0rrT*epoS...&4)es, (to determine) which of the two should, etc.: &4e[17, optat. without &V in an indirect sentence, dependent on a past tense. H. 736, 737; K. ~ 345, 4; G. ~ 69, A. -p oIJp7:avT0: apdopIaL. - Srade fpya.. fKIEvY, has caused these deeds, i. e. the war between Greeks and Trojans. - 8puo, may be governed grammatically either by 80uva', which is often used transitively in Hm., or by ea-w, which may also take the ace. in Hm. The position connects it immediately w.,'vai, and escwa seems to be added for. greater fulness of expression; thus, grant that this one, having perished, may enter the abode of Hades (far) within, or more simply, may enter within thle abode of Hades. This prayer of both parties points directly to Paris. - sue? Ve: antithetical to idY (notice the omission of use' after TJv), but to us (grant), etc. 325-333. &i* 6po'wn, looking back, thus showing his impartiality. iK, join w. ipouvOEV: ndpros, gen. limiting Kcxipos. -'sr'ro.... T'IEXE' aEetTro: a verb w. two different subjects, but appropriate in idea to only one of them;-a construction called zeugma (H. 882; K. ~ 346, 3). The verb here agtees w. the latter subj.: where (were) the light-footed horses of each, and where lay their glittering arms. -- iCevUTo, cf. note 1, 428, put on. ILIAD III. 183 Notice the force of the mid. voice. - Kaa'ds, apapztas (&paptoKco) agree w. icvrlyni8as. - &p7tca'.. oTo KT,., the breast-plate of his brother Lycaon. He had not expected a single combat with Menelaus, and hence had come from the city with light armor, in part at least. Cf. v. 17. -- jpoare (&pASwC) 8' abv'c, and it (the breast-plate)fitted him. 335-345. aciKos: same const. w. ~tpos, obj. of,dX.eTo. - S 7rrovpw, with horsehair plume (D), adj. qualifying KVCyr7v. Derivation? See Lex. xo'qos, the crest. Cf. Virg. Aen. 10, 869, Aere caput fulgens cristaque hirsutus equina. - raXAdA1qylv: =radxpcn w. Epic case-ending -p. H. 206 D; K. ~ 210. - &p)7peL: cf. apapvas, v. 331. - &s W' av'ws (C&arz-Tws 4), and thus in like manner.'ApiYios, adj. = Apetov. ~- 6ALAov depends on dcaKdeparv, adv. of place. H. 589; K. ~ 273, Rem. 4, (c).- is... aTrsxo'cLO' o: cf. v. 266. -- betvby 8epKedYevoI, casting fearful g'ances (at each other), eying (each other) terribly. -- ToirTY... KOTEOve: notice the transition firom the plur. (ETLX0WYTV O... epKoAeYvoL) to the dual: and then the two stood, etc. 346-350. arpdaoe: cf. v. 317. —, B&de... Ka~rd, struck fair in tihe midst (D). — ova'... xaxtcov, nor did it (the spear) break the bronze (of the shield, i. e. with which the shield was plated). F., Diintz., Naeg. and some others read here XaAKcsv, nor did the bronze (i. e. the bronze point of the spear) break (it, i. e. the shield). -- ot: dat. of interest w. aePyevdjAsa4 (a&vay?/zurTcw). Cf. 1, 104, N. -- 6 a...'ArpefBs: cf. 7 ale... YVY, 1, 348, note. -- XaXtP, perh. dat. of accompan. H. 604; K. ~ 285, R. 2, hastened on with his spear: xaXAct, material for thing made; metonymy. 351-354. dva: Lex. &vas'.- bs...'AAXiavSpov, grant that I may avenge myself upon, etc. --—, H. 243 D; K. ~ 217, 5. op-yev, tpcow: for the two accusatives, ye and icaKd, depending on Eop'yev, see H. 555; K. ~ 280, 2, who first has done me harm. daorooov (baadw), sc. caxT'v, do thou subdue (him), etc. -- ipp-ypar (pt5yw), H. 361 D; K. ~ 220, 4. ---- avtpcirwov limits tls (used in.collective signif. Lex. lSs, II.)~ELrvo6CKov KCaKc& peSa (Pd5Ce): cf. for the const. e'... KdIc eopye;v, v. 351. ---- (cf. 8, v. 351) relates to ZELvo6dKov. -- rapdaoXp, rapeXw. 355-363. a&g7re'raZAv, a&'vaardAXw. For reduplication in 2d aor. see H. 384 D; K. ~ 219, 7. -- d: perh. the only instance in Hmn. where the first syllable of Sid stands in the arsis. The tribrach (8&& jEP) instead of a dactyl or spondee, the omission of connectives (asyndeton), and the order of the words, all indicate the rapidity of the motion. So also, in the next verse, the pluperf. ~pipeiLro (epecow) it had been pressed, implies that it was done in an instant. -h 8a47yr7e, c/tadr: e-yXos, subj. - aVrTLpd, right on. Lex. I 2. -- 6 84, and he, i. e. Paris. -- avaaoX4jeos (avi'Xw), 184 N O TE S. raising himself up, that he might strike with more force. So Diintz., Cru., St., Naeg. and others. Some, however, following the Schol., supply Xepa or [tCpov, raising (it) on high. -- pdAcov, obj. of iwvr ev. ---- a... auTy (epdxy)... tarpvq)Ze (8La0lp6lrxco), sc. /ipos, the sword being shivered, etc., fell, etc. -- rpXad Tre ItT., lit. three and four pieces; a common idiom in Greek. Cf. 1, 128. In our idiom, three or four pieces. Notice the adaptation of sound to sense in this verse. 364-376. 0,Atowev, olu/cw. - eto depends on the compar. Aoc&-repos:.ecev, on o0tiTr &AAos. -- — riYeOat, fut. infin., that I should avenge myself on, etc.: KaLKtrcfTOF, gen. of cause..- ioi, dat. of interest; cf. note on or, v. 348. &yrn, &wyvL,, my sword has been broken, etc. ltc, join w. r'tXar/ (&'taow). -- raAdXu7pvY: cf. 338, note. To be taken here as gen. — e7ra/'~as (eris, a&taow), sc.'AXerdvySpy: Kcopvaos ABeyv, he seized him by, etc., gen. part. H. 574, b; K. ~ 273, 3.- iducs, subj. of iy-Xe (&/yXw).bs (relating to iUd.s)... raro (ervCo) KTE., which, as a fastening of his helmet, extended, etc.- oT, dat. of interest, depending on T'CCaTo. Cf. 1, 104, note. -- Kal... e.'pvo'ea... Ed fix KIr., and now he would have dragged him away... had not Aphrodite, etc. Force of this form of cond. sent.? H. 746; K. ~ 339, 2, 1, (b); G. ~ 49, 2. —-oT: cf ot, v. 372, who broke for him, etc. --- 1idvra... Tauidvoio (KTE1VW, cf. 5, 21, note), lit. the strap (made) from an ox slain by violence: " the strap of tough bull's hide " (D). -- KEIVI = KcerI, fr. tKeds; not to be confounded w. KeIvy, fr. KEios- = ceKVOS. 377-384. Td-s (i. e. TpvepdXelav), this then, etc. - ab'arp 6, but he, i. e. Menelaus. -- Ka'aK~c'd/evat (ca7raKTeryvW), to slay (him, i. e. Paris). — eyXei': had he recovered the spear already cast, or had he entered the combat with two spears? It is not quite certain; but the former seems probable. -- -- o'v, him, i. e. Paris. E'hpvrate, l4apircdw. -- Kai (-= Kard) /' Eo'e: Kaeiaa: Ie: ahd aU5, in his chamber (in the city); eb&Vcei' KcrlceTL. The former means simply, sweet-scented: the latter (fr. Kcaio, to burn), suggests the manner of diffusing the perfume. The two words may be rendered, fragrant with burning incense. -- caAeovaa, fut., denoting purpose. ie, e>iL. H. 405 D; K. ~ 226. ---- y, i. e. Helen. 385-389. Xeptl, dat. of means or instrument: iavov, gen. of part taken hold of, join w. Aalovitra, sc.'Appolr7l. -- 7p-t(7pac0)....raharyevi' depends on eKcvia (Eo1Ka). -- Avly (before ebKvi'a), her, i. e. Helen, obj. of IrpooeeL7rev. For a similar arrangement, cf. 1, 8, #weCe: 2, 795, xr[S, note. -, appos. w. 7prl' -- of, for her, i. e. Helen.- AaK4eail0ovL, dat. of place. H. 612; K. ~ 283, 1. - yaLeTac&.p, agrees w. oz, whie living at, etc. -- oewev (a3oKc'w) = aoKeev, imperf. 3d sing. --- pa' ILIAD Ill. 185 eoce': notice the change of subj., and she (i. e. Helen) used to love her (i. e. Tr'v ypCaiV). - p[V, obj. of wrpooeqcvSee, addressed her (i. e. Helen). JeoIaxaEJr7, cf. 2, 795. 390-394. KtceZos... baacqxup, yonder (is) he, in his chamber. For this use of KEwvos, see H. 488, Rem. c; K. ~ 264, 3. - AXXE'Xeov, dat. of place. H. 612; K. ~ 283, 1. $1vwroo0rL, turned (with a lathe), can be properly spoken only of the bedstead. The plur. denotes that it was made of several parts. Cf. ro'a, 1, 45; also v. 448. D. renders the phrase freely, " resting on luxurious couch." - Kcdati' Kfe., glistening both with beauty and in attire. - ovbe KCE... Eiv.... pXEoeaL, nor would you say he had come... but that he was going, etc. For the force of the infin., cf. G. ~ 15, 1; ~ 23, 2. - Poy, adv. just ceasing from, etc. Preparation for the dance then, as now, suggests the idea of great attention to the person. 395-492. T.... iOpVEVF: cf. 2, 142. r.y (Helen), dat. of interest. H. 596 if; K. ~ 284, 1, lit. to her, in (her) breast, etc.: freely rendered, she excited emotion in her breast. - &s.....77(E.....etpI. ICT., when therefore she perceived the beautiful neck, etc. Cf. Virg. Aen. 1, 402, Dixit, et avertens rosea cervice refulsit, etc. Cr. suggests that the goddess had laid aside her disguise; but this is not probable. Helen perceived these features through the disguise. - bros... bz'ya'ev: cf. 1, 361. -.raura: acc. of specif. ~- rpore'pw: join w. /e/ss: will you lead m e farther on, etc. 7rokfov depe Ads on?r*. H. 589; K. ~ 2'73, Rem. 4, (c), to some one of the populous cities of, etc. - rotf (enclit. = o0ot) limits pgX.os: (is) dear to thee there also. 403-412. ob'vEtCa'veca 8X rTi., because, etc., did you on this account now come (lit. stand near), etc. Notice the lively and emphatic force of ok. H. 851; K. ~ 315, 2. o-riuyep'~, He, me, hateful one: obj. of &-yeoa;r. Compare the terms in which Helen speaks of herself in v. 180. - jo (imperat. of tuai)....ovoaa, go I sit by his side (lit. going sit, etc.). Most contemptuous words; at which, it is not strange that the goddess was enraged. - aro'euce icsXcE'aov, withdraw from the way of, etc., i. e. renounce (all) intercourse with the gods. asjw'...~ ~rooarpef*leas, nor may you, etc. Optat. of wish. H. 721; K. ~ 259, 3, (d); G. ~ 82. --'OAvXrov: const.? H. 551; K. ~ 277. - o-ye recalls the subj. to mind with emphasis, and with contempt: or even he; or even such a man as he shall make you, etc. Notice the repetition of pronouns, evidently with contempt; rap' air'dv, repi icezvoz, e', OYE, KceIou. - ceKoe, thither, i. e. to the chamber of Paris.-',EeyEWOr bY... efl: apod. w. protasis suppressed. How would the protasis be expressed in Greek? H. 186 NOTES. 748; K. ~ 339, II. (a); G. ~ 50, 2. -- ropo'vveovxra: force of the fut. particip.? - Tpwal....uwuclaroVTaL: more positive than if she had said,O4Uw/Oatlv'ro Gv: here again the prot. is omitted: will scof at me (if I go to prepare that manl's couch). Helen, it seems, like many other beautiful women, could be, when occasion required, slightly spirited. 414-425. o-XeTArx: two syllables, in scanning: synizesis. --.... IEaelow (pUeA'rlut): cf. EIqEoW, 1, 567, note: lest enraged I abandon you. -'rvs (= otrc7s)...'&s, to such, a degree as. - a..7re.rxpo (a&7rEXapo): aor. subjunc., same const. w. xeeiEco. W- rXv, just now. -,ue dooQ (dat. of place. H. 612; K. ~ 283,.1.)'povu, between both parties. - /71T7l0o/uat, aor. subjunc., same const. w. IxeaEgW --- o?'ov: const.? H. 547; K. ~ 278, i. XAlal: same const. w. AE~aeiw, sc. /, and lest you, etc. --- Karaxolvlv (KaT'XwO), having covered hersef. — ory]: join w. 1B (3d sing. 2d aor. indic. without augment, fr. SBatso). J-,pXe e 5afaoy,7 and the goddess took the lead. Cf. 1, 495. - Al, subj. of i'Koryo, is made more prominent in the sentence by standing before oiIe, which it would regularly follow. X- 4 N'... a uyvvalack: cf. 1, 348. p- cpiAo'L/es is comm. rendered laughter-loving; yet IeELocw, as distinguished fr. yeXdW, means to smile, gently and sweetly. Hence, Cr. more properly renders it, sweetly-smiling. This seems more suited to the idea of Aphrodite than the somewhat coarse epithet, laughter-loving. T..... KaT e'ce, placedfor her: dat. of interest. -- Ged, appos. w.'A 0po0itrTV: EXoeaa, pe'povaoa, KaT'4VKFe, all have the same obj. 8&'ppov: a very circumstantial description. 426-436. iKaKZ', impf. indic. Why accented on the penult? H. 368, b; K. ~ 118, 2, (c). - oaar... Kvara, averting her eyes: exceedingly natural, and in keeping with Helen's unwillingness to return to the chamber of Paris. Cf. Virgil's description of Dido, Aen. 4, 362, Talia dicentem... aversa tuetur. - s &tr pExE... oXEbCat': a very amiable wish! Force of the const.? Cf. 1, 415, note, would you had perished there! Bageels (8atc&co) agrees w. subj. of a&pexes. a — pl, dat. of agent. H. 600; K. ~ 284, 3, (11). -- i tev (-= -I/v) 8... yE: notice the number of intensive particles. The taunt is made as bitter as possible. 7rprv 7' e6Xe' (= eSXEo = evXov, fr. e6XoLa,)... ez'vai, you fornerly boasted that you were, etc. MeveAdov depends on pe'pT-epOS. Why nom.? H. 775; K. ~ 307, 4. A-'..rpoKdtcXaaat, but go now, challenge, etc. The taunt is intensified by the epithet &p7i'paxov given to Menelaus; and is finally pointed by the cool advice following, I for my part advise you, etc. -- tavwri, blondehaired. D. renders it.fair-haired. - gI, lest, for fear that. lar' avro souvps: Diintz. and Naeg. understand this, beneath his spear, taking brd w. 8oupl: Cr., by him, with the spear, taking ubrd w. auT'ro as agent, ILIAD III. 187 and sovpf as instrument. It is hard to say which is better. U-JAJps (Ba/uAw), 2d aor., subjunct., pass.: uncontracted, and vowel lengthened. Cf. H. 400 D, i; K. ~ 224, 9. 438-446. yvvac: a familiar and entirely respectful mode of address. -,- vluv, partitive appos. w. sue. H. 500, b; K. ~ 266, Rem. 4, me, my courage: or me, in respect to my courage. - a-dy, with the help of. aesTL, at another time. - -yo6, sc. YVKicow. -- 7rapd, separated fr. elat by tmesis, and governing jijv'v as a prep. in compos. H. 605: or ijU'~xr may be viewed as depending on the compound verb rdcpeiaO. K. ~ 300, 2, (b), for with us also are, etc., or, we also have, etc. -- TpawrdojEv (,rp7rwc), 2d aor. subjunc. pass. 1st pers. plur. H. 397 D; K. ~ 230.-_ du... p,oevas: cf. note on Avudv, v. 438. - o ff' re,, not even when, etc. - 4i, obj. of &prdlas. -- &s, correl. of IOSE, v. 442, for never yet did love so. as now I love thee, etc. 447-459...,pXE': cf. 420. - XfXoar8e (XEXos, and -E. H. 203; K. ~235, 3), to his couch. - lKaccvraf'uV (= Karevvdo~aoav, fr. Karevd'Cw)o, plur. verb w. dual subj.'rc5. -- e pv rprroort XAeXee'rsv, " upon the richlyinlaid couch." D. Cf. 8vw-oo'T0z1 A'Xeo-ror, v. 391, note.-~ eY rTOo ora~ap/ojesev (is, aeap~d), (to see) if perchance he might anywhere espy. — O K... Eicaavov,,' Trs 0Torro: a rare const.: usually explained as an instance of brachylogy (abbreviated expression): thus, for not out offriendship certainly did they conceal (him), (nor would they conceal him), if any one should see (him). The first clause, o... e.. i-e6avov, is not considered an apodosis of E TI'rs o01T0, but suggests such apodosis, as in the above rendering. So Naeg. and F. The reading of Diintz., reuK.aov &v, st. icr;uav'ov, seems not improbable. The optat. B8o-ro (st. indic. Ed$se) suig gests the possibility that some one might yet discover Jim. -- a&rXaer-o, Lex. arreXadvola. -.- iaorv... tcnpl, equally with, etc. -- -pater' - 2atvercu. H. 70 D; K. ~ 206, 5 (e). -- MePXAdov: predicate gen. appears on the side of, etc. - a'roTe/efv (= a&rot(veirv, fr. a&rotvw), infin. as imperat. Notice the force of &wro-, do ye pay off, pay in full, etc. Cf vv. 286, 287. 188 NOTES. BOOK FOURTH. The events of this book are closely connected with those of the preceding. The first part of it was called, in ancient times,'OpKctwv v7YXvOrs, the breaking of the oaths: the second part,'Acya/zvwovos emrirwknoss, Agamemnon's review, or inspection (of the forces.) -' gopZwvo, &-yop&opaL. - d qoexdeL, olioxoew. Notice the double augment. For another form, cf. 1, 598. -- ol.... 8eLScXavo (Sehcvvul. H. 442 D. 3, and 392, D; K. ~ 230, and 220, 13), they pledged one another in golden cups. 8eawrdeolv, dat. of manner or instrument. - rapafx v: on the meaning of this, critics have never been agreed. F., and some others, take the phrase to mean, speaking with comparison; because a comparison with Aphrodite, unfavorable to Hera and Athena, is instituted in what follows. Diintz. renders it sich einmischend, i. e. intrusively. Many others understand it, speaking with irony, or with innuendo. 7-19.'AXaxKco1ertis, an epithet derived probably fr. Alalcomenae, the name of a town in Boeotia where Athena was worshipped; yet with an evident allusion, in this passage ironical, to XaxaKE'i to defend. a- sla... cacs4&evat, these two sitting apart, i. e. from Menelaus. -? A, depends on Nrap-, but by the side of this one (Paris) on the other hand (aTre): tze`zSl],u,,Acicro.. — o epeLAojIEL2s: cf. 3, 424, note. -- e'eadawoaev (sc. aCVrJv) oWieevor, has rescued (him) when thinking, etc. - vl'K, sc. &Tiav: MevekdOV, predicate gen., victory belongs to, etc. - qppag6er6Aa: H. 720, a; K. ~ 259, 1, a; G. ~ 85; let us consider, etc.... ~, whether... or, etc. 5p~aoley, subjunc. = tproCwpe,. - el 8' a? Vrws Te...'..fTol v KiTE, and if again in some way this, etc., then indeed, etc. a6 often denotes, as here, simply a transition from one thought to another. TrdJe points here, as usual, to what follows. - ocidoL'roT: notice the omission of &v in this apod. H. 748; K. ~ 260, Rem. 7; G. ~ 50, note 1. The optat. thus seems to convey the notion of a wish. H. 721; K. ~ 259, 3, (b); G. ~ 82, then may the city, etc. 20-29. J7riuvtav (irjuCVow): notice the derivation and peculiar force of Fbw. See Lex. - vrmXaoat (sc. &AAhaSArs).....e8E&nv: parenthetical. -- &aKcV: usu. adv.; yet it occurs also as adj. Cf. 1, 565. Its meaning is here repeated and emphasized by obe' s- firesv. - ~'Hpp: not to be viewed, I think, as dat. for gen.; but as the one in whose case something is true. H. 601; K. ~ 284, 3, (10), but on the part of Htera, (her) breast ILIAD IV. 189 did not contain, etc. 9Xae, Xavvw. - Cf. 1, 552, note. - xtox, re'XeaoTov:'pred. adjs. w. irdvov, to render my labor vain, etc. - ip& (what is the usu. ace.?) same const. w. 7rdvov; gv depends on'lpwoa, as cognate ace. ~- Kcahe`rflv: transition to a direct statement: and my horses have grown weary, etc., "in the recent preparation for a general engagement." F. "In rousing the Greeks to the war against Troy. The encouragement to battle is not to be thought of." DUntz. The student can judge as well perhaps as either of these critics which is the true idea. - KaKcd: descriptive appos. w. xa4&, combined perhaps w. the idea of ayeLpoaOp. Cf. note on 7riua, 3, 50, in collecting the people (bringing) evils, etc. - #po', do it (i. e. render my labor vain, etc.). This little word brings out with dramatic effect the temper of Hera. - ~dv'res areol B&ot: emphatic appos. w. the subj. of i'ravefoelV, (pres.: Cr. says fut.; incorrectly, I think), but we, all the other gods, do not indeed sanction (it). Notice the emphatic position of ou: Tot is to be taken here, I think, as an intens. particle. 30-42. Cf. 1, 517. ~- Ti, in what respect, etc., adv. accus. -- o4 and KaKd depend on P;SE'voOv. H. 555; K. ~ 280, 2, inflict on you so many evils. (Tr' =- gTi. H. 70 D, that you, etc. Some, however, take 9T' for -re w. causal force. Cf. 1, 244, N. &- t c z,'4: pred. adj. w. rlnpiaor, Tra?~as, Tpwas. For the agreement, see H. 511, h; K. ~ 242, 1 (b), if you, having entered, etc., could devour Priam, etc., alive (lit. raw). -,-u....yerTa, lest this quarrel become, etc.; or, let ntot this quarrel become, etc. epo-ua, pred., a cause of strife. (D.)- V. 39. Cf. 1, 297. -- al,Ey, I also. - uea&s... e&E'o, lit. desiring... wish, i. e. earnestly desire. g)v... Ubr, that city... where. — a Bsarpt,8elv, ao-at: imperat. H. 784; K. ~ 306, R. 11; G. ~ 101. -- do'r, demonst. (as usu. in Hm.), that my wrath, or that wrath of mine. Cf. rd, 1, 185. - a&Md' aouat, but let me alone. 43-49.?i? aot: notice the juxtaposition of these two words, thus making the contrast more striking; also, the accentuation of aoo. 3&Jca (= t6wKa): absol. have granted (it, i. e. permission to sack Troy). For this use of the aor. see H. 706; G. ~ 19, Note 4. - c&n' &eaicov'r-: the antithesis is made more pointed by the juxtaposition of these words. Cf. Ey& oolt, note. iec v, voluntarily (opposed to the idea,avd6yrp by constraint), (yet) with reluctant heart. l-a relates to dWao (v. 46) as anteced.: WrOXf7es, incorporated in relat. sent. H. 809; K. i 332, 8, for of (all) the cities of earthly men, which, etc., of these (rtAws,), etc. - 7rEpt: notice the accent: adv. join w.-'loiCfErTo (TItc, w. iterative ending). Kqpls: peculiarity in accent? H. 160, d; K. 65, 2, (b): was exceedingly honored of me in heart, or was exceedingly precious to me in heart. By using the imperf. 190 NOTES. LEI-KETO, he speaks as though the destruction of the city were already ac complished..- iiu/exi, EiivueXhls: not to be confounded w. ev/uEX1S. - SEeeTO... it~or: cf. 1, 468. - AoB]r8s, Klsro7S: partitive appos. w. - Tb... beoEs: general truth: hence, the aor. AdXoyev (- e'AXopev, fr. XacXCvwo) is rendered by the pres. H. 707; K. ~ 256, 4, (b); G. ~ 30, for this do we (gods) obtain, (as our) honor. 50-61. Cf. 1, 551; also 1, 121, 172, 413.- cSar'poal, infin. as imperat., these destroy, when they shall, etc.-'irepl (prep.) Kcpt (lit. about the heart, i. e.) at heart, heartily. Cf. v. 46, and notice the difference. Cr., F., Diintz., Spitz., Doed. write 7repl Kcpt in both places. Diibner writes 7rEpl lcpL in both. -'-rdCv depends on vrp4Se. Notice the asyndeton of this verse, indicating the emotion of Zeus. H. 854; K. ~ 325.oua e- yatpw (akin to u/-yas), nor do I account (th em) too great (a sacrifice); nor do I grudge (them). -- Bsare'poaa, sc. oe as subj., Tds as obj., and do not consent that you destroy them. - (paove'ovoaa: the means. HF. 789, b; K. ~ 312, 4, (e); G. ~ 109, 2, by grudging (them). Kal ic Abv'rvov,.my labor also. The labor of Hera, as well as that of Zeus, should be allowed to have a successful termination. Nt/e'a... obK a'iXeAsr-or, to render... not unfinished, not fruitless. -? yrvos, sc. oa-Tr: sefv 5ires, lit. thence whence: freely rendered, my descent is the same as thine. - srpEOju6da'T77.... &pqUdrepos' (cf. 3, 179) K'zi., most venerable, in two respects, both in birth, and because, etc. 62-69. b7roeitofrey, subjunc., let us, etc. - aa-oro, very quickly. H. 662; K. ~ 323, R. 7. - 7riTfeXal: infin. as imperat, charge. How would the imperat. be accented? H. 367, R. e; K. ~ 118, R. 3.fAE`,,V, 7reLpav, depend on SIrTE'ieAa. -- s ice: notice here Ke after &s in a final clause. Force? H. 739, 741; K. ~ 330, 4; G. ~ 43, ~ 44, Note 2. - rp pca: cf. 3, 299. 3, 299. - qrao-a aa (7AxEw, not to be confounded w. 81xdcw), depends on dpWcoa, takes'AXatovs as obj. - The address of Hera is conciliatory and persuasive. Zeus could not gracefully do otherwise, if he had desired, than yield to such words. ab- Vt[Ka: notice the asyndeton, making the narrative more lively. 70-77'. If4: notice the peculiarity of accent. H. 366, b; K. ~ 118, 3, (a). -'reLpas: here used as imperat. - rdpo,juevavzad, previously desiring (it), i. e. to go on this errand. Cf. v. 20 if. -?jie (7i'r1), sent (her) like a star, etc.: TrEpas, appos. w. &arfpa: AayArpdJ. Tro KTri., a bright (star), from which, etc. In translating, follow here the order in which the idea is presented by Hm., as nearly as the English idiom will admit of it: thus, the thought contained in Aaz7qrp&v (which qualifies a'repa) should stand just before the expression for To~... erdTa. This same principle ILIAD IV. 191 -to conform the order in which the idea is presented in the translation to that of the original, as nearly as the different idioms of the two languages will admit of-is often important. - &-rc', separated fr. Evruat by tmesis: takes the gen. roD, as a prep. in compos. Considered as a simple prep., following Tov, it would suffer anastrophe. H. 102 D, b; K. ~ 31, iv. 78-92. T'r, i. e. &oAe'pl. -- K&8 Lope, KcaTa'apc6KoC. ~- cse KTi'. Cf. 2, 271, notes. A-H...., Truly... or, etc. Notice the different accent of these particles. -- &vPpcnrwv depends on Trqlac 7roXluAoLo as a single idea (F.); arbiter of war to men (lit. men's war-arbiter). - Notice the dif. between 6is (accented, = ov'rcos), denoting what precedes; and &8e (v. 81), denoting what follows. - — X B, but she, i. e. Athena. - nIc/vsapov av'Trfeov: 2, 827. rIdv&apos, K ical Trov'Ar.XXwv avbT's WKCEV,. - ~tju4'vI agrees w.. E- pe: explanatory of what precedes, hence the asyndeton. H. 854; K. ~ 325, 1, (b). - di ol': notice the dif. in form; who followed him, etc. - &yXo, i. e. near to Pandarus. 93-103. rXalaLs KEVy ic'. serves as apod. to v. 93: would you yield, etc. = if you would yield, etc.; then would you dare, etc. ei'rrpo4elzy, fr.?rv,?rpO', L'EV = edval fr. Y7lzt. - Burla... Tpear-orz, on the part of all, etc., or from all, etc. Const. of this dat.? H. 601; K. ~ 284, 3, (10). lpoto, agpw. ~- -i rcav'corv, above all. 9BarLXA'q, same const. w. roawt. -- ToO... arp'... teppolo, from him, I say (oh), you would receive, etc. Tro depends on irdp' (thus written by Dind., Diintz., and Spitz. Yet Cr., St., Doed. and some others write rap'). a- e KIEV p, if he shall see, etc., protasis: KfV E... poio (v. 97), apod. Mixed form. H. 750; K. ~ 260; G. ~ 54, 1, (b). r- wvp~s depends on fad in compos., having gone upon, having ascended. Cf. 2, 234. -~ iOtorevoov MEvaEdou: gen. part. H. 574, c; K. ~ 273, 3, (b), (). — E XeO....eeivy, VOW... that you will sacrifice, etc. voorTias agrees w. subj. of /flety. Why nom.? H. 775; K. ~ 307, 4. 104-111. Tr4... &ppovL: H. 597; K. ~ 284, 3; the mindof himfoolish one, his foolish mind. - E'aiAa (orvXdo). Critics are not agreed on the meaning. F., Cr., and others, following the Schol., understand it, stript off the covering from, etc. L. & Sc., St., Diintz. render, took down (i. e. from his shoulder). Diintz. says, " the taking out from the case or covering, which used to be left at home, is not to be thought of." This seems reasonable. -- aIyes, gen. of material: his wel polished bow, made of (the horns of), etc. -- v pa... vvXUaa.....se87tyfos... TBe.AKei KTi., which... having hit... having awaited... smote, etc. -- brb orE'pVoto, beneath the breast, indicating that the goat, as he came forth from a rock (OrpT1s?K,8alVOyTa), was somewhere above the archer, so that the arrow 192 NOTES. was aimed upward. 6 Si, i. e. the goat. -- pape (Apapfoaiw), fitted them together. -- XpvEr..... Kopyz, placed upon (it) a golden hook (or ring); in which to fasten the bow-string. 112-126. ev Ka&rItcqKe, he (Pandarus) laid it carefully down, after having s:retched (the bow), (while he took his quiver, and selected an arrow, v. 116). r- ol....ayKh[vas (a'CaKxYVw), having leaned on the ground (that he might have a convenient position in stretching the bow).- rpgaoev, sc. abrroD, before (him). - /~ zrplv... 7rphlv Xfai, lest, etc.... before Menelaus... was hit. Notice the repetition of 7rpLv (cf. 1, 98); also the infin. after 7rpiv. H. 769; K. ~ 337, 9; G. ~ 106. BA4aal, 11. 408 D, 20; K. ~ 227. ~-'T-aXa, Avaoui. -,LeAavE'CovY. H. 128 D, b; K. ~ 211, 4. eppua, Lex. II.: appos. w. lov. - 6uoi3, at the same time: the drawing of the bow and the grasping of the end of the arrow and of the bow-string took place at the same instant. -yAXvqp'a&s: usu. explained as " the notch of the arrow which fits on the string." F. with more probability says, the grooves or notches, made lengthwise at the end of the arrow for receiving the feathers or wings; and cites in confirmation Td4Jwv 1rTEPWTrS yxAvupias. Eurip. Orest. 268. Cf. Herod. 8: 128. ar- oT8pov, the ironpoint of the arrow.- X1'yE. e.. laXev: cited by Quinctilian, 1, 15, as an instance of onomatopoeia.,8Js: notice the accent, distinguishing it from Btos. 127-140. a'eE (= -oO), depends on XeXa.ovrro. - 7rpCT77.. &.YAehA, i. e. Athena. The same goddess who had moved Pandarus to discharge the arrow, now especially, first of all (lrpcir7l) protected Menelaus; her object being to renew the hostilities, and thus prevent the return of the Greeks. --— rppoaie ra a: cf. v. 54.- Trdoov.... &cs V-e, just as when: lit. so much as when. gepyev, kept it (the arrow) of.' — i' (= $oe)... Aef'eaL, sc. 7rar. -- aVrT, i. e.'Ai~v7. —aire denotes here, as often, not repetition, but transition. See Lex. -- *vvev o'er, guided (it to the point) where. v —aVeXov, intrans., came together. Cr. --,7reTo: Lex. &v,-o'ua. - 4,v Cwo'r-p &prlpdrT (&pap'oaKw), in the snugfitting girdle. Notice &, w. dat. after verb of motion. H. 618, a; K. ~ 300, 3.- uL'prps a', and through the belt; worn just above the hips, below the breast-plate; made of bronze, lined with wool; or perh. lined with leather and stuffed with wool. It most have been a broad band, extending up beneath the breast-plate, so that the arrow should pass through, first the girdle, then the breast-plate, then the belt, before it reached the body. --'pCos w. gen. Cf. 1, 285, note. --— pv-oo: Lex. ipVw, Mid.: I. 405 D, b; K. ~ 230. -- &arvrp: both parts halve their force; 7rpJ, forward; Sid, through; i. e. on through, Kai ris, even this, i. e. t4'rp-qs: ILIAD IV. 193 eo'aTro (Eijl. i. 405 D, 1; K. ~ 226), it, i. e. the arrow, passed. —-- &Kpo'TaTcov, adj. w. Xpda, the flesh on the surface. 141-147. ids Te, cf. note 3, 33. -— ur1p: (uLahcvw); const.? cf. 2, 147. -.rapi'ov eiaL'17r7rwr, pred. of eAfE`avYra.- 71ro4es (roX6s): dif. how in meaning fr. 7roxees? -ip'avPTo (apdolaL): gnomic aor. H. 707; K. ~ 256, 4, (b); G. ~ 30. & — &pr(epoYv: cf. 3, 179, two things at once, both a decoration... and, etc. -- -Too7L, in such a manner, thus: 1idA,7rlv, were stained; notice the form. Butt. and K. call it 3d pers. dual, aor. pass. indic.; others, 3d pers., plur. = uitav&ev (ending lengthened metri gratia). HI. 355 D, c. t — nrevepaer: deriv.? bvri, Ivep (see Lex. EvepoL), Ae(v). Cf. {'repaev, 2, 218, note: beneath from (the parts just mentioned), or simply, beneath. 151-162. 9ov'ras: join in idea w. vegpov, as well as 5yoKus. H. 511, h; BK. ~ 242, 1, (b). --— av s... &a7dpbr (7yeipw), courage returned (lit. was collected). Notice the omission of all connectives in this verse, imparting to it animation. —— ToS.... e.f'TP, spoke among them, i. e. those who stood round about. -- XeLpsS: for the const. cf. KOJpr7 1, 197, note. -- dva'arov, definitive appos. w. 5p~ra, oaths (which have proved) death to thee. -. olov, sc. oe; notice the breathing. Dif. how in meaning fr. o'or? having placed thee alone, etc. - &s (followed by e4, enclit.; hence, written Us), since, cf. 1, 276. Diintz., with less reason, understands W&s as exclamatory, how (shamefully) did the Trojans, etc.- aI'ov, see Lex. &Xios (B), by no means vain is, etc. — V. 159; cf. 2, 341. -- d Erep y&dp e....T: cf. note on f4, 1, 81, 82. -- &'XEoO'e, EKT'XEl (fut.), sc. 8pKLa or aorovsds: XeooAeae,, &arE'rlav, gnomic aor. H. 707; K. ~ 256, 4, (b); G. ~ 30. For if the Olympian does not even at once vindicate (the solemn covenant), he will, vindicate (it) thoroughly (fK) even at a late day, and they (the violators of the covenant) atone for their crime with a great penalty, with, etc. (Cond. sent. H. 745; K. ~ 339, 2, 1, (a); G. ~ 49, 1). Some understand this as a particular supposition, For if the Olympian did not, etc.; and then take &7reToav as spoken of a fut. event. 163-175. Cf. 6, 447 ff. oTW' &v 7ror' xo&Xp (oXXv1zi): &y with subjunc. in relat. sent. H. 757 ff.; K. ~ 260, 3, (c); G. ~ 62, when sacred Troy sha-l at length (Vroe) perish.- tquzeXAciwo: H. 1:6 D. b, 3; K. ~ 211, 2. Zerbs.. 6rcare1v7, (eirlaoeiw. H. 361 D, K. ~ 220, 4): same const. continued, sc. 9$T' &r, and when Zeus... shall himself shake, etc. rtavw qualifies opdd: a7rd7rsr, also gr5ev, gen. of cause. a- CY Ke ds.... avavrAaXps (a&avrtrA7rnXz); force of iv (Ep. Ke' or KEv) w. aor. subjunc.? H. 760; K. ~ 255, R. 9; G. ~ 20, N. 1. - a K ev..... iKotiClv: 9 194 NOTES. force of the optat. w. G,? H. 722; K. ~ 259, 3, (a); ~ 260, (4); G. ~ 39. V. 173, cf. 2, 160.- bo7rea,: obj. of -rvoet (Ir-vaw). 176-187. Ka Kce... epel: cf. note 1, 175; KE w. f. indic.- ae'' KT., a wish: would that Agam. might thus, etc. - aLrov, adv. in vain. K- al 8: notice the enlivening force of 1h, " calling attention to an unquestioned fact." Diintz.: "marking the idea as immediately present to the mind." H. 851; K. ~ 315, 2, and in fact has gone, etc. - Eclalv,: KeIV,'s = Keo's (distinguish fr. Kceiros = KceiiVos): with empty, etc. -xXdvoL (XdcaKo): optat. without i&, denoting a wish: then would that, etc.; or, then may the wide earth yawn for me I --- r Tiot 7rcow: T-I (followed by?r&, enclit., hence written ft) indef. in any respect, at all: 7r& perh. =-7rs. Cf. 2, 419, note; 3, 302. eL~aa[oeo, trans. In 2, 190, it is intrans. nor alarm at all in any way the people, etc. - 7rdSyl, 7r?~yvv/it. -- rdpoiLelr.....7re'vepaev, on the outside,... underneath: eiptvrao'p: cf. eppvro, V. 138, note. - Qcua, properly the band at the bottom of the breast-plate, but sometimes by meton. for the breast-plate itself; so here. Cf. v. 136 w. this passage. -- XUKes 1v6pes, braziers. Cf. note on ahr$XoL gvSpes, 2, 474. 189-214. at?y&p... elf: cf. note 2, 371.- lsrtducarAouoat: Lex. r/LualouaL, II. L- ravopvo (racow): cf. lerlaoeltoLv,, v. 167. which shall relieve (you) from, etc. -'H: cf. 1, 219, N. - ep&cla.. vidf: descriptive appos.; perh. equivalent to, the noble son of, etc. - w-. pEr KXiEos, a glory to him (the archer): tXe'os and 7re'dos are epexegetical of the clause b,... Efaxev. -- B t' "'4aL: cf. 8~ Be; af, 2, 183, N. - Tphc7s: written either w. one K, or w. two, as the metre requires. -'Opo (i. e. "Opoo), imperat. 2d aor. mid. H. 408 D, 40; 442 D, 11; K. ~ 227, B. (hpv'6w, pvuyL).- l'' p (v. 195), 3d pers. B'Y, -., -.p, that he may see: but in v. 205, 2d pers. Goyal, Y6p, 57'rraL (cf. 1, 203; 3, 16.3), that you may see. -- Bdv (= 6B$oaza): H. 408 D, 1; 400 D, d; K. ~ 224, 4, they (i. e. Machaon and the herald) started to go among the throng, through the wide army, etc. — S3AXhevos: H. 408 D, 20; K. ~ 227, A, where the blonde-haired MI[ndlaus stood wounded. -- ayo-yepaY (= -aTO = -YTO, pluperf. 3d, plur. H. 355 D, e; K. ~ 220, 13), &ayepco. - o~roL pptoarToL, as many as (were) bravest, = all the bravest. e-6 Ve (Menelaus)... ro'. aEOs pcds: cf. X' b....yvvh, 1, 348, N.; but he, god-like man, etc. - appor-os: cf. a&p-pJTL, v. 134. - ToO (i. e. O'ro-To), gen. abs. w.'eTx. - &7yev (= — Vaa'), 67yvytw. H. 442, 1; 355 D, c; K. ~ 230. -- F. joins crdAzv w. 6&yev, were broken back: Diintz. w. E'EXK., while it was beinj drawn back. Cr. prefers the latter. Why not connect it in idea with both? Perh. it is best rendered, while it was being drawn out, the sharp barbs were broken back. ILIAD IV. 195 215-222. ot (enclit.), dat. of interest, loosed for him. - V. 216, cf. v. 187. -e E'reae, art[7'rw. - EKicuv~o~as (EKcvCdw), having sucked out; probably having applied his mouth to the wound; interesting as showing the customs of the time. - arl....rdao-e, sprinkled upon (it), etc. CpdpuaKa: obj. both of el&s and of 7rdaoe. -. or (throws back its accent on rd, receives the accent of o7roT; hence, written o'): ethical dat. closely joined w. ravpl, F.: dat. of possessor, Cr.: dat. of interest, Diintz. I prefer the last explanation. Cf. H. 601; K. ~ 284, 3, (10). It may be loosely rendered, to his father. ci[pxa'ppovEwv, thinking friendly things, being kindly disposed. Cf. eB (ppov'Cov, or?ioppovewv, 1, 73. Who was Chiron? See Clas. Dic. -- aiperefryo'ov: &lU(pire'voam.'Otpa....'rpa; while... meanwhile. Notice SE, after'rqppa, connecting a subordinate and principal sentence. Lex. $f, 4. Not rendered into English in such a connection. - f- ir, join w. hAvaov, advanced. -- ao $' artis, but these on the other hand, i. e. ol'AXaZoi. 223-233. obic &sV YoNS, poten. optat.: then would you not see, etc. - eaae, he left.- aror&vevv' iXE, held aside (i. e. from the ranks): pvaldcwrras (pvaidw. H. 370 D, a; K. ~ 222, I. (3)), "champing," Derby: "snorting," Cowper: i. e. from impatience at being held still. ---... 7re'EAhhe, very earnestly (pzdAa wroxAd, cf. 1, 35), charged him (Eutymedon). — 7raPL-aXEev (H. 359 D; K. ~ 220, 18), to hold them (the horses and chariot) near. -- yiv, direct obj. of AxdBp:.yvta, ace. of specif. - VroXeas (notice the accent) depends on Sid, which does not slffer anastrophe. H. 102 D, b; K. ~ 31, IV. R. 2. cotpavforrTa agrees w. /uin, while passing to andfro, as commander, throughTout the many (people).- 6 vrelbs fav, he being on foot: hrevrwoXero (E7rt7rwAioXoua), hence the word 7trlar6Xr1as, in the title of this book. - Vv. 232, 233, cf. 2, 188-9. 234-246. tt.rao vi, do not in any way at all, etc., cf. v. 184, u 17166r' rw, N.; also, 2, 419, N. eFl[eETe, Lex. Atzeij7, II. - V. 235. Notice the sentiment: for not to the false will, etc. v- 7rEp... l81AaavTo o: cf. vv. 67, 72.- c'v..... avbcr, of these themselves, these alone, limits Xpoa; is understood also w. axoXovs and TElca, their wives, etc. - ov,'rLvas... got~: hypothet. relat. sent.; past uncertainty. H. 757; K. ~ 333, 4; G. ~ 62, cf. 232, ovs... 8os.- /AealTas.... 7roXe'oLo: cf. /eAeTE... &..AKc, v. 234. - izowpot: "' wretched," D.: " dead marks for archers," Cowper: some, on the other hand, think it a respectful epithet. It is a word of very doubtful meaning. See Lex. -- o-/s71re, Att. i'aorae. -- Te77r&res: Lex. E,'rlra. - EiaCLov: gnomic aor., are weary. - oXok4os: notice the accent, distinguishing it fr. 7rdXeov, or ro'eXws. - 7resiolo: const.? H. 590, a; K. ~ 273, 4, (a). -,ris (receives the accent 196 NOTES. of aopg, hence written i-s), join w. aAhK, any strength. U- s (accented = obwcos), thus, so. 247-256. aXeMv....E. a TE, near, where. Notice the use of re'. H. 856, a; K. ~ 321, R. 4.. eipdaraa t: H. 420 D, 12; K. ~ 230. -aTrai for -ve'al: are drawn up. -- V7re'poXP,, i7repEdXo. --'tLv (bzSv)s): dat. of interest: for your protection.- i'rl Kpi'-EOaL: notice here'7rl[ w. dat. after a verb of motion. Wherein is the const. unusual? H. 618; K. ~ 300, 3. What is the force of the const.? while going throughout, etc., he came to the Cretans (and halted). H. 618, a; K. ~ 300, 3, (a). Cf. 273. - avt..... XAKhvs. "Of courage stubborn as the forest boar." D. - oT: dat. of interest w. &'rpvve. -- uelXiXtolty: for the const., cf. KepTodU0oLwVj 1, 439. 257-264. irepl, separated fr. alow by tmesis. &avaai limits a': especially do I honor thee of (or among) the, etc. Some, however, make Aavacov depend on'rept. B- 8a[', &aar. -- 5'e Trep rE, whenever::rp; intens. (just, precisely when): TcI, Epic use..- K'pFCvT-a (repdvvv,uL): subjunc. pres. mid.: notice the peculiar accent. H. 439 D, 1; 401, k; K. ~ 230; ~ 176, 1. Notice also the omission of Ky in this clause. Cf. ferep... 7rtvwar,, v. 261. H. 757 and 759; K. ~ 337, 5, also Rem. 3; G. ~ 60, 3; and ~ 63, when they have mingled (for themselves). etc. - 7rAeZov (not comparative), fr. hErAZov = rXoAeo. 6 — rep 4col, elliptical, as mine for me. - rLerv ('rIvw): infin. denoting purpose. H. 765; K. ~ 306, 1, (d): depends on Ea'Tre. -- T'E... &V&yo7: notice here the optat. in connection w. a leading tense. H. 760, d, 730; K. ~ 259, 3; G. ~ 63, 4, (b), to drink, when the appetite prompts. --'p0eu -= ipoeo =; paoou (ipyvuL), H. 349 D; K. ~ 223, 10, haste to the battle, such as, etc. i- rpos w. pres. tense, cf. 1, 553. 265-282.'68a (pronounced in two syllables); adtdw, impf. rlv6aov -anv, -aer -as, -ae, -a. For the augment, see H. 310; K. ~ 121. — e =,tuJv, H. 852, 13; K. ~ 316, R. r- nro',77Y (VcpIorr'0T) Kal KaTi'veuaoa, Ipromised and confirmed with a nod. Cf. 1, 514. ovmb... EXevav (aryx4%), lit. poured together, i. e. violated, broke.- errEp... VX. ria'ro: cf. v. 67. irapxe'ro, 7'rapoiXoFta: Kp, ace. of specif.; notice the accent: not to be confounded w. Kp. -- V. 273. Cf. v. 251. -- Kopvoaa'aIr (KopcraoW): here, the putting on of the helmet denotes by meton. the whole process of arming for battle; above, v. 252, the putting on of the breast-plate denotes the same idea: and these two were arming themselves, etc. -- a& 8' boe: cf. 3, 33. - e6tev, beholds: gnomic aor. Cf. pdyor, 3, 4, Note. So also g[-rlaev and Xraawe, v. 279. - -.... dvi-, and to him (i. e. the goatherd) being afar off. z- peXdrepov: compar. used absolutely. H. 662; ILIAD I:V. 197 K. ~ 323, R. 7, it appears exceedingly black: 1Sv (elt), advancing. TroMat.. 7rvmcval... Aayyes, such (i. e. so dark) the dense phalanxes, etc. - iKvutea.... 7repLKvzaL (cplpcow): dark, bristling with, etc. 286-302. oa-cii: obj. of KExelv, and understood w. o'rpvv', es (infin.). - aviC, sc. iA/ets, subj. of &VS-yeToY, you yourselves rouse, etc.V. 288 if.: cf. 2, 371 fE. - TroVs, i. e. the two Ajaxes: acVTOi, adv. there. - ltbyiu... &yopirlzv: cf. 1, 248. o- obs (8s, I, by, possess. pron.: not the relat.'s, 1, o), his, Lat. suos. -- o-rijrev: what are the trans. and what the intrans. tenses of o'rtrxut? H. 416, 1; K. ~ 173, R 2. 2.- ferv (-= Evat): H. 406 D; K. ~ 225: infin. denoting purpose: in the van, he placed the horsemen, etc, and in the rear, the footmen... to be, etc. icaKois be', but the cowards, etc. The rhetoricians afterwards taught that the arguments in a discourse should be arranged, like the forces of Nestor for battle, with the weakest in the middle....o- ootps, their: cf. o5s, v. 294. - EX txEr (infin.), to hold, restrain. --!uz~....6z.x, and not, in the tumult of battle, to be thrown into disorder. 303-316. M78e' Tros, nor let any one, etc.; a transition to the oratio recta. -?vop7ept: w. Epic suffix -,t. H. 206 D; K. ~ 210. oos: observe the breathing. -- ued'rw@o: Lex. MAn. - &haaras;vrepot T'r., for (in either case) you will be more easily overcome. ~- ts oe e K., but whatever man, from his own chariot (in its proper place in the ranks) may reach the chariot of another (an enemy), let this one allonge with his spear. Such is the interpretation of this vexed sentence, preferred by F., Diintz., Cr., Koeppen, Wolf, and others. &- lretj... qe'p'epov, sc. 9E0ri, or e'oTa, since it will be, etc. -- ial ol wrp4repot, those of a forner day also. Homer cannot lose sight of this characteristic of old men, in describing Nestor, cf. 1, 260 if. - d e$&86s, used adjectively, well skilled in, w. gen. 7roxAuwv: as verb, to know, usu. w. acc. - eYe denotes a wish w. the optat. ero'ro and eh*, would that, etc.: Wos r&bvpu, sc. aion,... lUs.Tro, as there is courage. so, etc. -- youva&' eirotro, your knees might follow, might hold out. "The weakness of age exhibits itself especially in the knees. Cf. Horace, Epode, 13, 4, dum virent genua." Cr. -- rls i&xos, subj. of 6kpeev: o~i, sc. pheXes. See Lex. ofel'aw, 2. alpe, ele, or &s w. 2d aor. indic. in wishes that cannot be realized, O that some other one of men had this (old age), and that you shared with, etc. 318-325. ydAxa eC'y (= S1Uhv) ev rie., surely I could wish, myself also, to be (!ejv) so as when, etc. Notice the dif. between Us, demonst. so, i. e. so strong, and fs (proclit.), relat. as. - With the sentiment of v. 320, compare the words of Maharbal to Hannibal after the battle of Cannae, non omnia nimirum eidem dii dedere. Liv. 22, 51. - a (= Att. Xv), 198 NOTES. H. 406 D; K. ~ 225. - I7rCeSL, presses on~ me. - Ka! 6s, even thus: cf. note on us and c&s, v. 319.?ye'pas (distinguish fr. yipas), predicate; for this (7-o) is the prerogative of, etc. aidXusd, acc. of kindred formation w. alXI.XdaoovL. H. H547, a; K. ~ 278, 1. — orep... 7e-ydca (?yPvopyaL), who are more capable of bearing arms than I. 326-335. Cf. v. 272. e — Ep' (= eJpe, fr. EiVp[OKc): notice the asyndeton. H. 854; K. ~ 325.- fIeireco: Nom. HnEIEers: how declined? H. 146 D; K. ~ 212, 7.!- &IAl 8', sc. Jocav, and round about were, etc. O6..'O8uo~eveds: cf. N. on a... yvvh, 1, 348.- 7rap f.... a o...'Taav, and near (him) round about stood, etc. Distinguish ea'eao-av, Y7oTao'av, and E-TrlCav (as 1st, and as 2d aor.). H. 416, 1; K. ~ 173, R. 2. s- ohiv: dat. of interest in looser relations. H. 601; K. ~ 284, 3, (10). For not yet on their part, or so far as related to them (i. e. Odysseus and Menestheus), did their people hear, etc. - ol Vg, Odysseus and Menestheus. - 6rrM-e (till the time) when. -- nripyos, lit. a tower, or as we say in military language, a column. - Tpcocwv is to be joined both w. 97reXAc6v and w. 6pLabeie, advancing towards the Trojans should rush upon (them). -- d&peav, and they ('AXacol) should begin. 339-348. KeKagvE'Pe: Lex. KaivvmaL, II. Odysseus is designated by this verse with sufficient distinctness, without mentioning his name. -- apo-raTe (a7rd, -Trarae), addressed to both heroes; yet Odysseus, as the more eminent of the two, is no doubt chiefly meant; and hence, he alone replies, v. 349 if. &- oui(Zv: emphasized byuEY' = tulv: you especially does it become, being, etc. 9Jo'vas, same peouliarity of const. as Jo'T'a, 1, 541; cf. N. - r7Td uev (distinguished by the accent from the indic. 1st pers. plur. rTra-,uev): infin. = Att. e'ordvaL. H. 359 D; K. ~ 220, 18, to stand, i. e. to stand your ground, to stand firmly. s- rpd;Tw....-o:.. for ye twofirst hear from me of a banquet also: Jpe?o gen. of pers., and 8acTds gen. of thing, both depend on &couVderEov0Y. So it is usu. explained; but Diintz. understands ipeuto as limiting bawrTs, my banquet. --'AXazoi: appos. w. subj. of Jpowr-, we Achaeans. -- Kp'a and Kv7reXAa, sc. doT[: (p[Xa, pred.::E&uvaI (fr. ewO = Att. iaoi-o), and rtvE'/teva depend on (pXa. H. 767; K. ~ 306, 1, (d): roasted meats are pleasant to eat, and cups of honey-sweet wine, to drink, etc. Cf. r& Kacc& dpAa, 1, 107. --' before an aspirated vowel for Ice: bp5doTE, optat. H. 370 D; K. ~ 222, 1, (3): you would gladly see (it), even if, etc. - ibELhaCu, Att. bguy. 350-357. piKos (see Lex.): partitive appos. w. ae: lit. what manner of saying has escaped thee, the fence of thy teeth! H. 500, b; K. ~ 266, R. 4. ---- u. eeUeV (Att. ealE4vaL), sc. pIes, or vuar, that I withdraw from battle, or shrink from battle. -'AXatol, appos. with the subj. of Jyespoluey: ILIAD IV. 199 whenever we Achaeans, etc. --— al... sqeml1Xp (Lex. eaxho, III. 2): a biting sarcasm: anld if these things concern thee. -- -rar'pa, obj. of whEat. - yv&o (Att.?oyvw), w. gen., a rare const.: lit. when he knew (him) being angry: i. e., when he knew he was angry. -- rrdty.... 1rov, and he took back (7rdXAv XdCEo) his word, i. e. the word above spoken, which had given offence to Odysseus. This clause, in connection with rpoafrq7, would more naturally have been in the participial form: addressed him... retracting his word. 360-379. 3v"bss... oie, your mind knows pleasing counsels: frios, pleasing, good, cunning: opp. to Y7rtorS. - a'T' e'yc PrEp, sc. ~ppo4ow, which I think: notice the intens. force of 7rfp w. 4iyc. e — e~ev: optat. without &v, expressing a wish: may the gods make, etc. -- V. 364: cf. V. 392. - Kawrar4ios, adj. w. vids, lit. Capaneian son = son of Capaness. --- yepdpas: Lex. ye4pvpa, II. tdXeuX at depends, like 7rwoa~cuevlY, on 4pAov: not to Tydeus at least was it agreeable thus to shrink away; but (it was agreeable) to fight, etc. -- proav, subj. antecedent of ofi, as those affirmed, who, etc.- xrept w. gen., superior to. -- -yE'ea: aor. infin. denoting finished action or state, they say he was, etc. H. 716; K. ~ 257; G. ~ 23, 2. -- &vEp srOXl6ov, without war, is further explained by EZvos (= Att. Er4os), appos. w. subj. of eio-zAe, as a guest. Though his errand was warlike, yet he came as a friend.- &yEipwv, pres. particip., while engagel in collecting, etc. -- ol, who, etc. i. e. Polynices and his brother-in-law Tydeus. - e- oapacrdwvro (as if fr. a pres. rTrpacdwo, not in actual use. H. 370 D, a; K. ~ 222, 1, (3).). r. pbs r'eSXea: does not, I think, mean as the Lex. says (sub a'rpacrdu), they were encamped, etc.; since they were now at Mycenae and since the verb is followed here by rpo's w. the ace., not 7rpds w. the dat. It means, I think, were preparing an expedition against, etc. - X&ro-ovro, besought (those at Mycenae): 4sfev = Att. ~8ovai. So also &daeal, next verse. "The war of the seven Argive princes against Thebes," here alluded to, was the most celebrated event in Grecian legend before the Trojan war; and furnished many themes for the tragic muse. 380-384. ol s4, and they (those in Mycenae) consented, etc. fir,',reov Ws iCe'Xevor, approved (of doing) as they (their guests Polynices and Tydeus) urged. -- Erpe1Es, turned, diverted (those at Mycenae, from their purpose to furnish allies). -- of o'... 6XovTo, and when now they (i. e. Tydeus and Polynices) were gone (from Mycenae):.7/3....E'YEvoYTO, and were advanced on their way: 7rpb e6oi, cf. eppo0vos. -- AeXeroifYv (fr. Aexe7roh7rs 1st declens.), adj., as well as Bavo6-Xowtov: join w.'Aao7rd,, Asopus, having thick rushes and grassy banks. - rv'Y ads' introduces 200 N OTE S. the principal member of the sentence, then again. - A'ry eMP. Some of the best critics, both ancient and modern, take &'ayet7iv here, and &77yeXls, 3, 206, as 1st declens. masc.; and render the clause, the Achaeans despatched (irti separated by tmesis fr. o, -eTXav) Tydeus as a messenger. Some others, equally critical, deny the existence in Hm. of such a word as &yyeXAls, 1st delens. mase.; but they are not agreed in their interpretations of this verse, or of 3, 206. Cr. and some others take caeyAXtl as ace. of design or purpose: Diintz. makes it depend on e'rt and writes e6rt (by anastrophe). Either explanation seems forced. F. adopts the rendering first given above, as a messenger. - Tv3i, st. Tvsia: H. 189 D; K. ~ 213, 13. 385-398. KaSt/elfoas, patronym., descendants of Cadmus, = KaWeeZot, v. 391. —, Bghs'ETeoCK1ceCLis, lit. of the Eteocltan might, i. e. of the mighty Eteocles. Cf. IplploLo BN7, 3, 105. -- rE'p intensifies JeZos, calling special attention to the position of Tydeus: idu,, concess., though he was. H. 789, f; K. ~ 314, 4, (d); G. ~ 109, 7. LE- ieaxEvEwv 7rpoicaXiaeTo, challenged (them) to contend (with him). This occurred no doubt after a banquet. - wrvra, adv. ace., in all respects. Some, however, understand aeAxa (acc. of cogn. meaning w. ViKrta), in all the contests. tzEropes Irrov. In driving, they probably used, instead of a whip, a pointed stick, such as is still common in the East; hence the phrase, goaders of horses. p- &k avepXojpev (for him) returning back (to the Achaeans). --- rvUKibv XAdXov, a compact ambush, or perh. a concealed ambush. Lex. rvtKc6s, III. -- Jrav, Lex. eTora. - KOpovs Wrev., appos. w. J4Xov. - Tvuebvs p' Kial T0LoLJv, Tydeus in fact... even to these. a- 7rvaS Kei.; notice the asyndeton. H. 854; K. ~ 325. --- i7reyle. Lex. 4ENnf. E'a... TeL (tVy), save one alone (whom) he sent, etc. - 7rLrocwas (7refwo), having trusted, agrees w. subj. of TpoIce. 399-410. rby vibV y7efaTro, he begat this (Trdv) son. — eo: H. 233; K. ~ 217: inferior in battle to himself. - 8TE: Epic use of. -- 1&yop... pEd'VC is perh. rather to be understood as a taunt. -- V. 401. Observe how differently the character of Diomed is sketched from that of Odysseus, v. 349 if. -- aleo-raeis, ashamed at the reproof, etc. aiS.o/xa, depon. w. aor. pass. or aor. mid. -- -Ieu8e'= 4,Seaso, Att. *oV'8oV, fr.,Veu8oluaL.- uels....uels: emphat. repetition. g- aic, intens. According to the mythical narrative, the seven-gated Thebes was taken ten years after the war of the seven Argive princes by their descendants (the Epigoni). We even captured (not merely made war upon it) the seat of, etc. -- &ayayo',' ='7aySPY-e (dual). Sthenelus and Diomed (it appears) were among the Epigoni. r- rero',LuevoL. Notice the sudden transition I LIAD IV. 201 to the plur. H. 517; K. ~ 241, R. 8. - iEZYOL t/i y (our fathers). - Ocerep'p oLJ &A'aoaaX'M.aAiv, by their foolish acts. (Cf. nrepo7rX[pa, 1, 205, N.). They did not heed the warnings of the gods.- ju...,'vaeo: notice here /uh w. the aor. imperat. (st. subj.), contrary to prose usage. H. 723, a; K. ~ 259, 5, R. 9; G. ~ 86. -- -olf: ethical dat.: wherefore, never, before me, place our fathers in like honor (with us). 412-421. oa-Ln7rf Joro (J/aL), lit. sit in silence: but Jaoo must not be taken too strictly, since Sthenelus was standing (v. 267). - V. 413 if. The heroic character of Diomed appears here more fully. -- 3OTp0vovTL, particip. denoting time and cause. H. 788, a; 789, c; K. ~ 312, 4, (a), (b); G. ~ 109, 1, and 4, while engaged in rousing, or because he rouses.roTrc, (Agamem.) depends on t/ua. - To0eTd... 7reY'os, sc. froTao, or Homeric aoerTae. --—'AXaLv $60aevYcowv: particip. denoting condition, if the Achaeans shall have been conquered. -- u!e8&5!eLra, exhortation, let us, etc. -- v5rd (separated by tmesis fr. JeAev), has in compos. very generally a diminutive force. H. 657. fear would have seized somewhat on one who was very stout-hearted. A few, however, by a rather forced construction, understand the idea of the preceding clause w. 65rd: by reason of this terrible clangor, fear would have seized, etc. 423-438. ipvvT' = opYvJvra. For this elision, see H. 70 D; K. ~ 206, 5, (e). i6raror6'epov qualifies Kic/a. - 67ro: anastrophe. H. 102 D, b; K. ~ 31, IV. lit. a surge of the sea in quick successi:n (after another) is raised by the west wind having moved (it). -- oporGoe-'Ta has the same subj. as 6pvvUrau: at first, it rises up, on the deep. tro'vrqo and Xe'paov, dat. of place. H. 612; K. ~ 283, 1. -- yueyaa, adv. greatly,. loudly.aEpl... o KOpvpovalt, and being bent around a lofty point, it rises to a crest: arorT'6et, spits forth,-a very expressive metaphor. -- oe-rtY EgKar-.ros, each one... his own (men). -- oi 8' &XXot, but they, the others, i. e. the men, in distinction fr. the leaders. -- aryq repeats the idea of &K-yv (v. 429): e1EL'rers agrees w. ol 5' &XAoL, in silence fearing, etc. HelzEJyOL (&,nv,'uI) iTX1W0JXTo (-LXdWo) in which being clad, they moved on in ranks. So rv-e, as: Epic use of TEE. - /LvptaL differs how fr. /ptmat: see Lex. -- a/EfXey4dAeva, ydxa XevKo'v: an idiom not easily rendered into Eng.:?ycXa is cogn. acc. H. 547; 555, a; K. ~ 278, 2, giving white m'lk. -,eplaKvtlal, l/71KdoZaL. - Tp&cwu a&XaX1TO's, so the shouting of the Trojans, etc. The idea of Tpoes (v. 433) is here repeated in the form Tpcxsv: an anacoluthon. H. 886; K. ~ 347, 5. bpcppeL, 6pvv/.L. -- ircOvr' limits apo'os, for the speech of all, etc. 439-456. par-e, gpvvu/L: what tenses of this verb are intrans. and what tenses trans.? See Lex.?- TObiS eE'V, these (i. e. the persons last men9* 202 NOT E S. tioned, the Trojans),... Tobs ie', those (i. e. the Achaeans). — A euos...'EpLs, sc. Dpoaav auTrovs, roused them, i. e. roused both parties: 41oTroI CuzE/avoa (agrees w.'EpLs), insatiably longitng. -- obpasjp eoT~pLte (gnomic aor. fr. o-q7p.rCw) Kcdpa, rests her head on the sky. With this descripfion of Eris, compare Virgil's description of Fama, Aen. 4, 176 f. —-- oTWiv, dat. of interest: ue'act, depends on ev in compos. w. dhAe (tc$Bahe): she then also cast into the midst for them, etc. --- O, they, i. e. Trojans and Greeks. -- o-avvE'aXov, cast together, dashed together. -- ady, sc. /aXov, they dashed together spears and " the furious might of mail-clad warriors." -- f7rA7vro, 7reAXAo. b- XAAVirvrwv goes properly in idea w. eBvXwX4, and bAAvdUo'wv w. owl/zyiy; but it is better, in translating it, to follow nearly the Greek order, then arose at once both thegroaning and the exultant shouting of men, both slaying and slain.- IKaT"' pem4rq (Epic case-ending. H. 206 D; K. ~ 210), down from the mountains. -- vvcBdXXe'ro, dual, w. plur. subj. 7rotrauoL. H. 517; K. ~ 241, R. 9.- &cTv (in v. 455), of these, i. e. the two wintry torrents; limits oi7royv: hKave (used as gnomic aor.), hears. -- Tc-Z (v. 456), of these, i. e. the two armies; limits'aX*'e 7ro$0s'se. A more animated passage than this is seldom found. 457-469.'AvrTAoXos: Antilochus, was son of Nestor, and friend of Achilles. - &vpa KopVc'rjv: cf. note on atrXo Ao dvpes, 2, 474. 4dXov,: partifive appos. w. 7T&v. H. 500, b; K. ~ 266, R. 4, (cf. v. 350, N.), he first smote him (on) the forepiece of, etc. On the use of 7rpTros, cf. H. 488, R. c; K. ~ 264, 3. - re (7ri.yvvut), subj. a'ly*: stuck fast. Cf. rdcr, v. 185.- Boae, part. appos. Cf. pdcAov, v. 459, lit. covered him, his eyes: freely rendered, darkness covered his eyes. - jprIre, peL'ro, intrans. in 2d aor.'Ws OTE 7rpyos, as when a tower (falls), or simply, like a tower. -- 7roby, gen. of part, by the feet. Cf. Kc4t-qS, 1, 197. -,XKE, began to draw. H. 702; K. ~ 256, 4, (a), (a); G. ~ 11, N. 2. -- ul4vvra (adv.) 64 ol (dat. of interest in looser relations)....6puA, but the effort on his part was of short duration. - veKpbv..... &, having seen (him) dragging the dead body. - 7rAvpd, obj. of ovT7re. -- ra... 4Eqaa'va7 (?eMpatvw: aa for a. H. 370 D, a; K. ~ 222, A, (3),) lit. which to him stooping appeared by the side of his shield; more freely rendered, which as he stooped down appeared beyond his shield. u-:o-: same subj. as ovTn0ae, takes?yvZa as obj., relaxed his limbs. 470-487. &dv and au'Tr, Elephenor. - Wr' ab'rQ... eT'-X v (vE-XW), and over him arose (lit. was made) a sharp engagement, etc. AlKo1 ts (H. 104, a; K. ~ 32, (c),), like wolves. - a&vp IKC., and man grappled man. - o'v, obj. of yeis'a'ro ('yeIvo/aw, not to be confounded w.?yfyvo/uao), ILIAD IV. 203 whom once his mother... bore. - Kacroitoa, Kart, iovea fr. l. --- 7rel... rT7rEo....18eau, when she followed... to see the flocks. - &7rabwice: notice the meaning of this compound, as distinguished fr. the simple verb. See Lex. - a.ulvErL (Sa/udw) agrees w. of (v. 478); but life was short to him subdued with the spear by, etc.: or Soupt may grammatically depend on irdf, under the spear of, etc. So F. understands it. --- 7rpTOv KT, for he (Ajax) smote him (Simoisius), advancing foremost, or more freely, as he advanced in the front rank. a'riaos, (part. appos. cf. pdaXov, v. 459, note,) on the chest. rapd, by or near. a- &'YrtCpi, Lex. 2. - rTEpKp, po.6, pf. subjunc. has grown. -- or (enelit., has thrown its accent on sre); dat. of interest in looser relations; depends on vreq6aorv (H. 386 D; K. ~ 193); rendered freely, branches have grown at its top. -- rjV, this (yteylpov), obj. of iie&axie (gnomic aor., cuts out, fells). - &ppLaro7r7ybs &ayvp: the chariot-maker. Cf. &vbpa Kcopvur'-ri, v. 457. alroAXoi VySpes, 2, 474, note. -- cppa... Kid/cfp: subjunct. after gnomic aor., that he may bend a felly, etc. -- &ote'Vr, drying, seasoning. 489-500.'ro, at him (Ajax), depends on &c4dvrTav, cast. -. auapw' = iapTE, fr. k&iap-ravov: he missed him, but he hit, or had hit, etc. With the plupf. ]e,8A&ices here; cf. BE8iKeL 1, 221, note. The finished action of the plupf. naturally denotes the suddenness of an action.!OouvS3cra: in the groin, part. appos. w. AetcKO,. - ipOv'ora agrees w. AEIKov; denotes time; while he was dragging away in another direction the dead body (of Simoisius). p- fjire: cf. v. 462. abvwT, it, i. e. the corpse. - f TO,0 (AC6Kov), gen. of cause: atroarcaye'voLo, 1st aor. mid. as pass. See Lex. K-CeLvw: lit. on account of this one having been slain, i. e. tn aetnrunt of his death. - KEKopv0!z/voS, Kopo~row. -- f, here reflex., though not usu. so in Hin. Why orthotone? H. 232 (" after prepositions "); K. ~ 35, 3, (a), having glanced around himself. ~- -ird, join w. icdKaSowTO (XdCo/lat): &vOpds, gen. w. a verb of separation. H. 580; K. ~ 271, 2. The reason is expressed by the particip. atcovrToOaYrTs. -- oT, to him, i. e. to Priam: dat. of interest..- rap'...KELOdCov. Two interpretations are proposed: from the care of swift steeds (notice the gender of CKEdov). This render. ing is explained by the supposition, that Priam had, at Abydus, stables, which Democoon had charge of. St. and D. understand the phrase, by swift steeds: " on a chariot drawn by speedy mares." D. The first rendering is usu. adopted. 501-511.'rdpoto = T'acpoto; not to be confounded w. -erpoto: gen. of cause, enraged on account of his companion. -idpno-v: part. appos. w. rdv: this one, or him (Democoon) on the temple. ----''... aiXlzl: cf. note on j 8'... 7yvv'j, 1, 348, and this, the brazen point of the, spear 204 NO T E. passed, etc. -- WonrnOrer Kce., lit. he made a loud noise in having fallen; more freely, he fell with a loud crash. - X&cp'iay v' rP6: see Lex. VroXcprloav. - nepyidov tic (notice the accent. H. 104, a, " when placed after the words which they belong to." K. ~ 32, (b),), having looked down from Pergamus (the citadel of Troy). L- iK'KeT', Ke' OpvvO' (6pvvyup), imper. pres. mid. - Xcapu-s: gen. of separation w. eicere, nor give place from battle; more freely, nor yield in battle to the Argives. - aqd, dat. of interest: Adios and ~oi$rpos, pred.: Xpcs, subj., since their flesh (lit. the flesh to them) is not stone, etc. - &vaoXEa3ar (aveXoutas), infin. denoting purpose or result. H. 765; K. ~ 306, 1, (d); G. ~ 97. aAAo/ie'vrolutL agrees w. aopd, so as to endure, when hit, the flesh-cutting brazen weapon. 512-526. ob A&hv oiV' introduces here an additional consideration: the negative repeated for emphasis: nor indeed does Achilles... fight. XdhAo....rtesei: Lex. warolo, III. 2, cf. 1, 81. -- rdALos: 7rzTsxL = WAIs. - &POe, 0pu/rxu. - eae'VTaS (#eats[ir) refers to'AXalo1ds. Cf. v. 240 and 445. -- re47qo'ev, redaw..- bicpldEvs qualifies Xeppa1qC, with a rough stone (such as could be used for a missile): BA S.o... cKVyiqV: in the act., 6,daxw often takes an acc. of the direct obj. and an acc. in part. appos.; cf. AeiKoy....BovS3ova, v. 491, 492, p4l... o'T2.Zos, v. 480: in the pass., it retains the latter case. H. 553, a; K. ~ 281, 2, he was hit on the right leg, near the ankle. - Av'Adev, from Aenus, a town in Thrace, as is implied in the verse above. - i &XtLs, Lex. aXpi, III. 2.- - &7r7Ao6rev, arraXotda = &iraxodw. - o6 W... Kcdw7rreoev (KaTe'Veo'eY, Carawrrgro), and he (i. e. Diores)fell backward, etc. - okra (obTdw), 2d aor. act. 3d sing. The impf. 3d sing. would be oG6a, contracted fr. oS6ae. - ti... 4VTO. hKcXEfiO. 527-535. T~Y, this one, him, (i. e. Pirous,) obj. of BdAe: oreowa verov (krLo'edw), notice the recessive accent (H. 367 D, b): agrees w. Tbv, as he rushed on. F. and Diintz. read a7reotoiervov, as he rushed away. —- repFov.... ca6oo, on the chest above the breast..- crdyl,'rlyvvuzt -- eK... i.. rdaoao, drew out from; ptraoaTo, drew, i. e. unsheathed. - /eoz7v: pred. adj. w. yaoa'e'pa, with this he smote his body in the midst. ic afvvuro: see Lex.? ua[vvpLM. - WeplaoT-qav (rept, eo'rTqaav), stood around. - &aipol, the companions of the one just slain, i. e. of Pirous. - aKpJdKOol, "with tufted crowns." D. -~ ol, relates to &Eaipol; is subj. of $aca (&kWo~w): e, obj. of a-abv, who thrust him (i. e. Thoas) from themselves. - Xaaodoueros, Xdaoyat. 536-544. &s r'cy'... 6 Uv,...6 Si... iryepudves: thus these two leaders, the one of the Thracians (i. e. Pirous), the other of the brazen mailed ILIAD IV. 205O Epeans (i. e. Diores) uere stretched (erdcla'r, Lex. TrevrC, plupf. 3d dual). -- repi: adv. cf. 3, 384.- Evya... E. vdoacTo: Then no longer (whatever fault he might have found before) could a man find fault ith the engagement (so general and so well contested was it). -- arrlS... JcEOro describes more particularly &vhp: one who... should move about in the midst (as an observer, without taking part in the battle): &BA'lro, not hit by a missile (from a distance): &avo'raTros (a priv. oivTdwo) not pierced, not wounded (with a spear near at hand). o- &yoo Be' e: a transition from the foregoing relat. sent. to an independent const., and... should lead him. Only under such protection could he thus pass through the battle. — TrfavrTo, etEyW. 206 NOTES. BOOK FIFTH. 1-13. This book describes the exploits of Diomed; and hence, is properly entitled Atop,48ovs &pLefrda. It is a natural continuation of the description begun in the preceding book. - ab: not denoting repetition here; but transition to a new topic, as often. - BaZ'f ol: note the asyndeton: she (Athena) kindledfor him: aiKauwaToY, untiring, unceasizg. - Xa,uorpv, adv. brightly. -- 7rapa[vpoLt, shines: subjunc., 3d, sing. IH. 361 D; K. ~ 220, 4. -'Iceavozo: gen. of place. H. 590; K. ~ 273, 4, (a), bathed in the ocean. The notion of part, and also of separation belong to this gen. For the Homeric idea of Oceanus, see Classical Dic. - TroZov, such (i e. like the autumnal star, when bathed in the ocean) did she kindle for him, etc. - Kpards, gen., not to be confounded w. KpadTS. - lOTflYv, ElLAL. - LdaX7s....rdoars, every (kind of ) battle. - rroKpLYarVT6E, a&OKprYW, having been separated from (their own ranks): o' limits Ivavr,[w, opposite to aim, to meet him. -— r& Aue', sc. wpPVrlv (gpvvu.t). - &pq' Y'7rroul: lit. from their horses, i. e. on their chariot: ar6b xaovr4, on the ground. Cf. the Att. expression ao''wr1rov IAdXeOerat, to fight on horseback. Yet the exact force of &ir6 must not be lost sight of in these expressions. - 6 8... reFo's: cf. 4, 419, where he is represented as leaping from his chariot to the ground. 14-24. or, subj. of ojaavc: standing before o'-e, it is more emphat., and when they, etc. - TvSe7Lew (cf. In?lh7xi'8ew, 1,1, N.) limits &uov. — 6b b... Tuve[1bs: cf. i be... 7yvvh, 1, 348, N. o — -o limits XElpds, from his (Atrides') hand. --,axe....erajudtiov, hit (him) on the chest between the breasts. -- day (k&6w) alp''7rrwv, thrtust (him) from his chariot. Cf. a)' hirrotv,, v. 13. - repLijai, to go around, to protect. -- KTapUYVoLo (Kre[vw), aor. 2d, part., mid., with pass. meaning, s7ain. Cf. 3, 375. - o5E.... obe'4. We may in a similar way repeat the negation in Eng.: for not even, not even would he himself have escaped, etc. Instead of the conditional sent., corresponding to KEv.... repvye, we have ax'....EpvTo (= el /X'"Ho. EvPwro), but Hephaestus protected (him). ~- Ws...irl: that the aged man (meaning his-father Dares, priest of Hephaestus, v. 10) migqht not be before him (oT, meaning Hephaestus, ethical dat.) altogether sad(from the loss of both his sons). aKaXhgevyos(notice the accent. Ii. 367 D, b; K. ~ 223, R. 4): Lex. AXfl. H. 442 D, 16; K. ~ 230, &KaX1CW. ILIAD V. 207 25-30. eXA~oasr, eXcatvw. - TpCes, subj. of Bov: placed before ofrfe, it is made more prominent in the thought. Cf. oi, v. 14. - TbV uC.... Tbe'e: partit. appos. w. vie. - hAevdcuePov (&XeouaL or aAeo,/ac, aor. iXeg4Sv~, and IAevdln), having fled: iKT'UEov, cf. itcraAevoLo, v. 21, N. -,rap' 6XEobLv (dat. here: 6Xos, 4u. H. 206 D; K. ~ 210, III.), by the side of his chariot. -- iramv Opfvrqr (opivw) ~Auses. This phrase denotes various ideas, according to the connection: here, the courage of all failed, or the hearts of all quailed. In 4, 208, it denotes pity or sympathy. e- i.o~a, sc.'Ap-/a, having taken by the hand, addressed, etc. 32-42. OUK Vy... EdoaUev... Yi' 8. XaCo6Lxeo-ra: at first, a modest and cautious question (H. 722, b; K. ~ 260, 4, (b); G. ~ 52, 2, N.); then, a direct exhortation: shall we not leave... but let us two withdraw. It must be borne in mind that Ares was on the side of the Trojans; Athena, on that of the Greeks. The goddess of wisdom, naturally enough, proved superior to the god of war. c- Kanreoev (cKad, ef'ra) Cri with. dat. Force of this const.? H. 618, a; K. ~ 309, 3. -- cAkLzav: Ktrceo, trans. Irp&,Tn O6pepV' V L, to him (Odius) having first turned: " dat. of interest in looser relations." - eTaeppYVcp depends on Iv in compos. w. 7riBev: he (Agam.) planted a spear in the back. - Exao-arev, sc. 8dpv as obj.V. 42; cf. 4, 504. 43-57. ev4pa'o, gvytpw. -- M'jovos... BcSpov, son of the Maeonian Borus. Where was Maeonia? Lex. Mazovia. - Tdpvrs. Whether Tarne was an ancient name of Sardis, or a shorter form of Atarne, is not certain. -- v'6 (='vvue), v'oVw. - ~irwio'7 rBio'ol vevO,, while on the point of ascending his chariot. See Lex.'trros. For the const. of Ylrvwsrv, cf. note on KaKtiev, 2, 234...-. pp~s, - Ppa. - T're (fr. 6 and Te'), which, obj. of Tpicpet, relates to &-ypta, wild (beasts). - oupeav (ipos): const.? H. 612; K. ~ 283, 1. - Xpaa.c' (= eXpawao'/e), Lex. XpaLcOE'w (not used in pres.). Cf. 1, 28. -- cirloxa: force of abstract nouns in plur.? H. 518, c; K. ~ 243, 3, (3). - sKce`Ka'c'o: KcafvvaL.. -! v, obj. of oe~race. - eTrdrppePvov: partit. appos. w. ph/. - EXaoaCEV (EAaxvw), sc. 8dpu as obj. 60-83. is seems to relate to'epeicAo. Cf. v. 44 for a similar construction. p — EiXa-ro, psXiee. -- ec.. 87n (notice the ~ subscript, thus distinguishing it from {8n, already), gEoia. -- youov... eod4'v, "through his right flank." D. -- eavc, wife of Antenor. - laa, adv.: equally w:th her children. - a- &vrepb lp' aY(= ada), and right on through, etc. --'T~h~vopa 8;Zov: no verb is expressed to govern this ace., but the thought is resumed with -svr (i. e.'Tr4Svopa), this one, him, obj. of'Xar' (Aa6'wo, II.): &iov, on the shoulder. Const.? cf. epdsov, 4, 459, 208 N O T ES. note. -- &7rb... eQeote: &TroE'w. - r.v, obj. of caur'.. cMae&E (Karaka/t0dvw): gaoe, partit. appos. w. ov. 85-94. TvutEi-ay, introduced as obj. of?yvotns, st. subj. of zse-rEL7. Object of prolepsis? H. 726. Eng. idiom, you would not know in which (army) Tydides was. - he... ~: the usu. expression in later Greek was 7r'orepov.. j, whether... or. /- Au = a&d, over. - 5a', which. Epic use of'. - KCE'Taaoae (KEdCoo = oKKEUoCW, oy'cedvlv/l), gnomic aor.-. ot'r ore; notice the repetition of r' in the first member: Te' after tp is the comm. Epic use. - ye'vpopa is usu. understood here in the earliest sense. See Lex.: and ye'pvpat e'epye'vac (epywo), strongly-built dams: Eprea may be rendered walls. --?Alo'v'ra agrees w. drv, when it (the full winter torrent) comes. - vroEr'rep drres, though very many. The concessive force (though) lies in the particip.; rip is intens. 95-105. Avecdoos... vids, i. e. Pandarus. Cf. 4, 88, 89. --— rp ifaev (= ou), before himself (Tydides). -- 7ratcaovora agrees w. the obj. of BdAe, sc. IuA, and smote (him) as he was rushing on.- ydaaov, partitive appos. w. the obj. of $dxAe: cf. note on (pdxov, 4, 459, on the swell of his breast-plate.- b'r acro, 7rETO/aL. ~-.LO.Xe (8if'Xw), intrans., it held (itself) through, it passed through (his shoulder, &tzov). - Tr, mase., depends on the comp. verb 4Tr....i.oe, shouted over him. So Diintz. and F. Several of the older commentators, however, take m- as neut., depending on airl, hereupon. -- -CT'opeS ITrr'cv: cf. 4, 391. - — a&'XPT0EfhaL (&vd, $XouaL), cf. avaoXrfe'oaL, 4, 511. - &rva, i. e. Apollo. — aropvvuolevov, (agrees w. S/es) in setting out from, etc. 106-120. To'v, this one, him, i. e. Diomed, obj. of 8dltaore... - pao, cf. note 4, 204. -- Karapo'eEo: 1st aor. imperat. H. 349 D; K. ~ 223, 10; cf. ipoeo, 3, 250. -- trdp (= 7rapd), by (him, i. e. Diomed). --,3ios...,ov, he drew the swift missile out from the shoulder, entirely through (it): since it was easier and less dangerous to draw the arrow through, than to draw it back. So the phrase is usu. understood. --?,ue pXat (cf. kpxcaro, v. 61), befriend me. --- V re: epic use of'Te. - v&pa, obj. of fiXev, that I may seize the man (Pandarus). -- Kal... eAeiv, and that he may come within reach of my spear. l- &dayevosr, pd;,w. 6o'b gDc 4w fm, and affirms that I will not, etc. Cf. ohSe' I vuE, v. 103. 121-143. evbxdeyvos. Notice the different connections in which this word is used. Here, it means praying: in v. 106, it is best rendered, boasting. --- rdas, XEpas: appos. w. yvua. -... AydXeaZat, infin. as imperat. - Jcia,?!zlM. — rflev, [rI and Rev fr. edb. - M'A, wherefore: -- 1replSevyos, sc. foo, tempting (thee). —, —-.dXeac and oirad ILIAD V. 209,uev (aor. infin. fr. orrdco), used as imperat. - wcuas... EhE. Jsos: a sudden change of const. (anacoluthon. H. 886; K. ~ 347, 5): lit. before (this), desiring earnestly in heart to fight with the Trojans, then, indeed, twice as much force possessed him. Cf. Virg. Aen. 1, 234-237. Certe... pollicitus, quae te, genitor, sententia vertit? - i6v, obj. of Xpatoaap (Xopavo = XP&d). a- vas Virepd~Aevov (br'p, oAAzoa,), when it (the lion) has leaped over (the wall of ) the court-yard (a space before the house, where the flocks were gathered at night. Cf. 4, 433). --- ro, sc. XE'orosr. - Zporev, irpoo-apA'ei: subj.? sc. 7roilzv, he does not defend (them, i. e. the flocks). -- icar&... ie'ar, he (the shepherd) sinks away into the stalls. Ta- ar, and these, referring in general to the flocks. H. 522; K. ~ 332, R. 2.- KeXvvrat, X4'. - aivr&p 6, but he (the lion). - Tp&eoat, connect w. z1i7d (= 4f/i7, i'yvvVIL), was mingled with the Trojans. The point of the comparison lies in the furious rage of the lion. 146-158. cKAqa, part. appos. w. rbv'Tepov, the other, he smote on the collar-bone. -'aaoe, left, i. e. without stripping them of their armor. — ~ ros obK... c.. Kplva' ovelpous, to whom, in setting out (from home), the old man did not interpret dreams (for had he done so, they would not have gone), but the brave Diomed, etc. So F., Diintz. and others. Yet the position of obi has led many to the following interpretation: as they did not return (home), the old man interpreted dreams, but (they could not return), the brave Diomed, etc. By this last interpretation, Trons is taken as dat. of time. St., Cr. I prefer the first explanation. -- 6 e', but he, i. e. 4~atsw*e (Phaenops).- 3grl... Xre'fatL, to leave over his treasures. Const. of the infin.? H. 765; K. ~ 306, 1; G. ~ 97. -- biye, Diomed...~- -dXuns cK. H. 104, a; K. ~ 32, (b). - % X-lpwoat, Lex. X-lpwo-TCs. The relations of Phaenops are here meant. -- - -&... aTie'orro, Lex. 161-170. v'y ouvl AopcSv (p6oLc6): verb of motion w.?v. H. 618, a; K. ~ 300, 3. Z- ~... & (Idrvv/zt): gnomic aor., breaks, etc. -- XAoXoxi Kcdra; anastrophe. H. 102; K. ~ 31, IV. - ] joIopCoeAdwv (B4oKo), plur. agreeing w. both the preceding genitives; while they are, etc. -- aoe: remember that P1ow and 907o-qa (fr. Ba[vw) are causative: forced them both to leave (lit. to go out of) their chariot, etc. - EXaveVr, to drive, etc. Const.? Cf. Are'o-rat, v. 154. - &v (= a&d) TE pudXXrv, both through the battle, etc. - ~epe: notice the asyndeton, for liveliness of narration. - air, aor. indic. without augment. -- -ros Tre ULV arrlov qt6a, and in his presence addressed him a word. przv, obj. of qfba; biros, cogn. acc. H. 555; K. ~ 280, 1. 172-187.; (relates naturally to the principal object going before, i. e. 210 NOTES. Trd6oV), in which, or with which. -- Epes (e'ir, e's fr. IpuL) cast at, etc. -- 35E, this (here), may be rendered as adv. w. a0-Trl, the man who here, etc. H. 6'78; K. ~ 303, 2. —- El p.... fT: closely connected in thought w. tpes, cast, etc.... unless he is some god. I- ~pw^Y: gen. of cause. Cf. evxwhOXs, ecaTJp4[3r, 1, 65.-. irtl = &T'rErTl. H. 102, a; K. ~ 31, R. 3. Cf. 1, 515, and the wrath of a god towards (any one) is, etc...- 7rd'a, adv. ace. -- fOKW, cf. 3, 197. -- a'rT- yyv-, knowing (him) by, etc. - o', ola. - bye, sc. orivs: but if he is a man, whom, etc. -- virs, appos. w. a&vp..-.rde, adv. ace. thus. - arJvdrov limits Ti;. - TOVTov:.. ErpaCrey &Axx, turned from him in another direction.-,cIX%4EzVoY (KLXdyW), hitting the mark, sure. 188-205. iq~pKica, &l7'Il/u. --,ui,, obj. of vrpoi&dqew, that I should send him forward to, etc. Cf. 1, 3. ~- g'lrns iKT., I wholly failed to subdue him. Some, without good reason, I think, take ewrr/s here, and in 1, 562, as adversative. o- KOTerS, filled with anger (at me). &- Tiov Ke, which I might, etc.- rpCwOTorayeis seo'reuVXeES: nearly synonymous. Cf. arpLT -v, aiVdiLrwotV, 1, 99. -- 7rkAot, cf. 2, 777. r- la'rajtat,'reTdXP~vvLt. The covers were for the protection of the chariots from dust. - 8svu'yes'r7rrOL, horses yoked in pairs, i. e. spans of horses. -. pahAa IroXd, join-w. 7rE'TeAAX, very earnestly, in his well-built mansion, charged me, as I was setting out. =-,tSeBa5*ra (&i, Bfaiw) agrees w. EA.- oira&rJ/, i. e. did not mount his horses and chariot..-..... e, truly it werefar better, sc. if I had obeyed. - uoi, ethical dat., to my sorrow. a- sb. eioA04'wsv: in the Eng. order, render this clause after p4h, lest, while the men were shut up (i. e. in the city Troy, suffering a siege), they (the horses) should lack, etc. - bplEyaL (= be8EcE'VaL, c"eiv), obw, Att. go&-ai. -?bros, sc.'~7rlrovs. - - d, i. e. Td4a, subj. of keaXAov, neut. plur. w. plur. verb. H. 515, b; K. ~ 241, R. 5, (c). 208-220. TpeKe's is taken by some as adv., I really caused blood to flow; by others, as adj., real blood. I prefer the former. -- fyepa, sc. avTrd, the two chieftains. t- Trq ja, illative, wherefore. Ka9ci acrdaq. Cf. 1, 418: dat. of manner, under an evil fate. - jpa'r Tr-: notice the unusual, and hence, emphatic position of Trc, on that day, when, etc. - ei e' Ke KT.: for a similar const. cf. 2, 258 if. -- TdpOL, without Sy, optat. of wishing, may some foreign man sever from me my head.:- 7rne8, subj. sc.'dica. - dpos...'rpis: cf.'rply....rply, 2, 348. -- vc, subj. of?reLpr7 cyat: infin. after irpis, H. 769; K. ~ 337, 9; G. ~ 106: arpl[ depends on the comp. verb ru... eA'3dure (the prep. separated by tmesis), until we two, having advanced against this man, with, etc., try (him) with arms. &svrLS[qV, repeats and strengthens the idea of rwt; unless, ILIAD V. 211 indeed, we take it, as Cr. and some others, to mean, ay& KpdoS, with all our might. 221-228. i7rigl8oeo: H. 349 D; K. ~ 223, 10.' oLot Tp&SoL'r7Irot, what the horses of Tros are. TpoiotL here means, not Trojan in general, but of Tros, i. e. descended from the steeds of Tros, which Zeus presented to him in compensation for the loss of his son Ganymedes. Cf. vv. 265272. 7re& oto....owoc4er?17f epe,8eoaL, to pursue and to retreat in the plain, etc. H. 590, a; K. ~ 273, 4, (a).,dXca qualifies KpaL7rJd. - ~S (sc.'7rrwo), subj. of ocua-aeTrov, these will convey us also in safety to, etc.Tvoepny AioA-: dat. depending on the comp. erl... bpCE4.. Cf. rie4/aL ier''Aq'petbp, 2, 6. H. 605; K. ~ 284, R. 2.'r O'r&e, this one, him, i. e. Diomed. BE4efo (8E'Xo/aL), pf. imper.,230-242. rec, TeS. --! AaXXov... O.TETOPy, they will better convey, etc., under a customary driver. Aeneas had, no doubt, often driven them; though in battle he would generally fight with a driver by his side. - Ub.. /taTrrIaeoz (/uaTaro): elliptical. (I fear, if you do not take the reins,) lest they, aftrighted, shall loiter, and refuse, etc. Notice the change from fut. to pres. subjunc. (e'e'Ar/77ov). The force of tAz extends through vv. 235 and 236: and lest... shall both slay us ourselves (vYi' avibe), etc. -- re' = red. - TgSe: cf. v. 228. - yulupeuacire: notice the interchange of dual and plur.- TvSeiL.p: cf. v. 225: also earl oo'o, v. 244. - l$e, Att. eSe. 243-250. KeXaplto'Ae (xaptCoual, III. 2), vocative. - 7rl o.ol..,u~dXeoat: in Att. 7rqludXeoJata aoot. Cf. v. 225, note and reference. - Iv (= iva, fr. Ys, bds), obj. of eXor'ras, which refers to 6Epe, ace. dual. - ndvapos, se. E'Cr. c. — vigs, pred., boasts that he is, etc.: vibs....'~yeydFV (pf. infin.?c'ytyvoouaL), boasts that he has been born a son of, etc. H. 775; K. ~ 307, 4. - xaC4&pe' e'+''r., let us withdraw and mount, etc. -- A7red' puoL, dat. of interest in looser relations, and do not, (I ask it) as a favor to me, rush thus, etc. 252-264. p.lrT... &ydpeue, lit. do not at all talk tending towards fear (orfight); or simpler, do not exhort to fear. oa- freto'WeP, sc. epueF that you will persuade me. - ob... 7eyvaZov KT'., it is not natural to me to fight giving way, nor, etc. -- Kai a5vgws, even thus, i. e. without a warchariot. -- ia,, synizesis. T- oVw.... 1uAqxW, obj. of &7roio'OEro (&7r4, 4pdpw). - ie'Tpds ye, one of the two indeed. - K0o.....TewEaLv, the honor to slay both. a — b 8... U.. KaCueeV (infin. as imperat., fr. ipvoKcw), do you restrain these (our) fleet steeds here. Notice Se in the apod. of a cond. sent. H. 862, b; K. ~ 322, R. 8. - AVelao... 7r7rowv, rush forward mindful of the horses of Aeneas. i'rrrwvc may depend gram 212 NTE S. matically either on ~iratraL, or on peppEa'yfVOS. It belongs logically with both words. eK O' &do-ral, and drive (them), etc. 265-270.'rs.....yeves, sc. fo-ty, for (they are) of that breed, (a pair) of which wide-seeing Zeus gave, etc. is may depend, as partitive gen., on IceX' (= icOKE). Some, however, understand it as the direct obj., attracted to gen. by anteced. which... Zeus gave, etc. - vtos, Epic gen. of vids. Notice the dif. in accent. -- ov"YeKa, because, introduces the reason why Zeus gave of this particular breed to Tros.' iiO KTi., under the morning-light and sun. -- Tris E;vEeS KCAe'eCV (KA7rTrw), stole from this breed. - of, dat. w. Eyifvoro. - -yEvPAq, appos. w. A, from these were produced for him six, as a stock, etc. 275-289. rc, BE, but these two, i. e. Aeneas and Pandarus. - - dv, i. e. Diomed. -- oS'atrds, arrow, appos. w. Be'Xos, missile, subj. of actzo'o-darTo. -- r6XCoYL. H. 361 D; K. ~ 220, 1. - $acrp4; usu. adv.; here takes the gen. (ers), right on through this (the shield), etc. -- ox,'' isri: cf. v. 101 if. -- 1.u8pores, &aaprTdvw. -- 7rplY ye... s-rp'v y': notice the emphatic form of the statement. For the const., cf. H. 769; K. ~ 33'7; G. ~ 106, N. 3. -- iTepov, one (of you), subj. of aoaL (&w, to satiate, w. acc. and gen.). 291-304. Ai'a: obj. of motion. H. 551; K. ~ 277, on the nose. Ere'p-naes, it (Bexos) passed. — I Troi (laU'adpov) 3y.oiwav, his tongue: srpuusiv, partit. appos., at the hindmost part, i. e. at the root. -- A&rb... TraUe, a&7rOT4vW. -- (teav'ar, eKev'co. -- x61 (= hXVrt), departed. a7rdpova-, rushed forward from (his chariot). -- ijx arms ol (dat. of interest), lest in any way, to his sorrow, etc. -- &uqpl avr'oC, around it, i. e. to defend it (the dead body). -- -rpdaoe, adv. As prep., it takes the gen.: of, dat. of interest: and in front, he held for its protection both his spear, etc. - TroVy' &VTIos, lit. in front of it, i. e. to seize upon it (the corpse). -. ocEpsaXffa, adv. -- 6 4... TvSef7ss: cf. 7 Be.. yvv, 1, 348, note. - Xepazltoy..... Ieya p-yov, i' a rocky fragment... a mighty mass." D. - pe'poevo: notice the poten. optat. without &v. H. 722, c; K. ~ 260, R. 7; G. ~ 50, N. 1. - olos: notice the breathing, but he, even alone, etc. 305-317. dp, dat. of instrument, with this. - 4SCa r.....BE T Epic use of re'. rpbs (adv.) sa, and in addition. -- &ae (eUrew) &ard = arWore. - iprts-oy,?pe-hrw. - -ya[7s depends on?pecaaTo (Epe18c0): leaned with, etc., on the ground. H. 5'74; K. ~ 273, 3, b, (B). -- akytxl i...KdXvJev = a& KEticdxv4te,, enveloped. -- Kai vS, Kce aT'JAoro... ei /A 671lae: for this unusual const., see H. 750 (end); K. ~ 339, 3, (a), (y); G. ~ 49, N. 6.- b.... vuio, her dear son. $~- f'XeaTo, XeC, she ILIAD V. 213 threw her white arms. - rpgaoe 84: cf. v. 299, note. - oT...CdXV4Iev, she wrapped a fold of... around him, to be (E!Aev = ehat), etc. - r/vUb, obj. of the comp. verb Kc... o'AoTLo (atpepfw). 319-333. orbb'... reAe-o (Aadwr)vcv).. &s, did not forget those injunctions, which, etc. Notice the unusual position of Tdwv =,c7v; just before the relat. Cf. 332. - V. 323, rushing forward, he drove the.. of Aeneasfrom, etc. Cr. takes Ahvetao as depending on 47rataT, and in v. 263, on eratat, but his view is not comm. taken. t- Nice, SC.'7rrovs. - rep{, superior to, above a l his companions: 6slAultnls; the abstract may be rendered as concrete. Cf. 3, 175. o- t.....17, lit. because he (Deipylus) knew in mind things suited to him (Sthenelus); i. e. because he was like-minded with himself. J- iXavrEv, infin. of purpose: depends on 8oyce, gave (them)... to drive to, etc.'- iy' opwos, i. e. Sthenelus. - 7,, his own, fr. Is, possess. pron., often used in Hm. where in Att. the article is used. -- ed5wre (etee'wro), with two accus.; the only instance of this const., he drove his strony-hoofed horses after (i. e. to overtake) Tydides. - 6 Oe, Tydides. -- — aes, pred., that she was an unwarlike goddess. -- aedoyr'rdcv, cf. dcowv, v. 320, note, nor of those goddesses, which, etc. -- Kd-a, notice the anastrophe. 334-347. citXaPve... $rdCwv (intrans.), pressing on, he overtook (her). - I7ropedaeVos (?rope'yo) and /erd/A~evos (ead4AAXXoAat) add much to the liveliness of the description, reaching forward, leaping in the pursuit, he wounded, etc. &Kcpv... Xepa....BAXXp4pv (emphat. position), the extreme part of her delicate hand. - Xpoos (gen.) depends on &,rr- in compos. w. dr'pno/er, ('ropEo). -- 7rpvpvLJ (subst.) icTi. added to describe more exactly icKpqv (above); connect w. &arTevTdp-o-ev, bored into theflesh, through, etc., above the hind part (i. e. the top) of the palm. tcd8-.SaAXe = -cavSraAhe. - Fe'r& Xeptpv, in his arms: denotes situation, not means or instrument: pVao-oaTo, Lex. Ip6Co. H. p6oIatL. -.r (i. e. Cypris = Aphrodite), depends on 4r....~ioe as comp. verb. 349-358. ) obr, synizesis. Notice here the accent of q. See Lex. 1, II. Diintz. and F. write here i], which accords with the comm. usage, Is it not enough that you, etc. -- irwCooeatr: the fut. is here used to denote repeated action. H. 696, a; G. ~ 25, N. 1, shall (again) enter, etc. Kal... rveaL, even if you shall hear of (it) elsewhere, i. e. away from the battle-field. - IeXaale'ro... icKaXAv, lit. she (Aphrodite) grew black in her beautiful skin, i. e. her beautiful skin grew black. -- idXrls rW' a&pla'epd, upon the left of the battle: on the bank of the Scamander, v. 36; hence, on the left of the Achaeans. -ip4, and in a mist lay his spear and his fleet horses. iKc'Arro (KthVO) is appropriate in sense only to EryXos. An 214 NOTES. instance of zeugma. H. 832; K. ~ 346, 3. lptarov^a, ipEl7rw, II. - KayPyvT7to.... e. j.TrEE, begged of her brother: al'Tw often takes two ace.: also, the acc. and arapd w. gen.; here the ace. and gen. (without preposit.). F. suggests that Kaary. may possibly limit'hr7rovs, but does not prefer this const. 359-374. Kd4loSal (KOIdCW) rE' ye, both raise me up, etc. - 5.e.. o'raaoev, which a mortal man inflictd on me: 5, ace. of kindred meaning: Uf, direct obj. H. 555; K. ~ 280, 1. -- &K7lXE4E'rV, Lex. AX. —--- Uda'TLrEV, SC.?irTroVS: WXdav, (e'Xaavw, poet. EhAdc), infin. of purpose. For duplication of the vowel, see H. 370 D; K. ~ 222, 1, (3). -- wrea-40ry, f7rETopat. - 7rap&... d8Xev, sc. T7rwors. A:- c&tv?7s, gen. -- V. 372; cf. 1, 361. -- $pee w. two acc.; cf. 2, 195; 3, 351. -- Ovpa,'rwrv, gen. pl., limits TIS. E —' Sovuo-a agrees w. ae, as though you were openly (hence, without shame) doing, etc. 375-384. 4)iAxou/eArs, a standing epithet, used without regard to the connection, like many other epithets in Hm. On the meaning, cf. 3, 424, note. -- oT'a; notice the quantity of the ultima, and the accent; 2d aor., 3d sing. - V. 382: cf. 1, 586. WroXAol afi-e.,for many of us, who have Olympian mansions, endure (evils) from men, in bringing grievous pains on one another. Diomed was incited by Athena (cf. v. 41)5), to wound Aphrodite. Hence, in general, the idea, that men are only the instruments which the gods employ in seeking revenge on one another. So the passage is comm. understood. Diintz. questions the genuineness of v. 384. 385-394. To soothe Aphrodite, her mother relates some other instances in which the gods had suffered from mortals. - TX7 = g&x -. - euv, obj. of 83cra. -- Kal... a&rdAoLro... et lu... iYh.4 eAev: for the const. cf. vv. 311, 312, note. -- el' S OyrpvU, had not their step-mother, etc. 48dlzua, bayc'dw = -a&odw. This story is considered allegorical. The binding of Ares was the cessation of war. irats'Auusppdwvos, son of Amphitryon, i. e. Hercules. - C- cal /uAt, her also; implying, you, Aphrodite, are not the only one of the immortals who has suffered severe pain. 395-400. vy Total, among these (the gods who had suffered from mortals), mighty Hades, etc. - - CVbs (= b av'rbs. H. 68 D, end; K. ~ 206, 1) av4p, the same man, i. e. brats'AU1L'PV'oos. Amphitryon was his stepfather, according to the myth. --,v vEKIe0a0 is usu. joined w. $axcdv (cf. H. 618, a; K. ~ 300, 3, (a),), having cast him (and left him) among the dead at Pylue. Yet Diintz. with some plausibility joins it w. eV rINXO, having wounded hAm at Pylus amongythe shades; and explains it thus: one of the entrances to the under-world was thought to be at Pylus; as Hercules was once returning to the upper-world, perhaps after he had taken ILIAD V. 215 Cerberus, Hades followed and attacked him, but was wounded by Hercules. 0- 8o6vpow ewKev, gave him, or abandoned him to his pains. - rerap. tIEVOr,?rdEp. -- i&Gl evL...'A)XlaTO (eiXauvc): force of the const.? Cf. note on 4v vPEK&ea.-..-.jKbe (K8cw), subj.? oa6sr. 401-409. rc,, for him, dat. of inter. -- rl...?rdaomu, applying; cf. 4, 218. -- K&a-aTro (&Kefolat), healed (him). - E-Te'TvKKTO (V'rvYXMdw), for not at all mortal he had been hit. - axe'., oBpLM. sc.?y, was he (Hercules). --'KI4e, cf. Kice, v. 400.-?rl... 4 &iKce (rCardr/Lu), let this one loose upon thee, set this one upon thee.- vMrLos, sc. Eaor-, foolish one that he is. - oTrL..... vads, sc. anrif, that not very longlived is he, who, etc. ifAW'sra (agrees w. uir, obj. of 7rawrird.ovar), when he has come, etc. The expression, alluding to the most touching feature of the warrior's return, implies that such a man (ts &aardaToo'a /CdX71Tal) does not return from war. 410-420. Tt-, therefore. -- ppaCEao Iui Tar (for /uz here, see H. 743, b; K. ~ 318, 8), let Tydides consider that some one, etc.... that Aegialia.. lamenting may long rouse from sleep, etc. 8sv qualifies yocowaa and dyelpp: iu... /.udXurac and /ub... yeipp both depend on pqpaEaowo. a- ao rept/70v, sc. Xepalv which is readily suggested by the connection, with both hands: IXco (st. iX:pa, as if fr. a nom. iXods), obj. of o'odpyvv. o7- L... pe..: of. 2, 433. 421-430. X pa nearly = apa. H. 828, Rem. c; K. ~ 344, 5, (a), (b), will you be somewhat angry at me, on account of that which I shall say? ]- i 4aha 86: spoken with biting sarcasm: av&etaa (a&vrlLt), while inciting: oa7rEoaL, f'troyaa: TOtVs, relat., whom: Kappdeovua (= casap&eovoaa), while caressing: IcKaactaixaTo, KaTaarvia-owa. -- TaVTa, i. e. iroXeFAFcoa fpya. 433-442. ytryo'%Kwm O (cf. 1, 120), though he knew that, etc. - &?rb.....rat, a&rovwco. - 4ro'povaoe (v. 436), sc. Atlers. g- o-TrvezEXE, aTvuiexiow: a-7rifa (i. e. of Diomed). He smote the shield of Diomed to drive him back from Aeneas. -- E7rE'vrTo (erii, aeiw)... iohos, he. (i. e. Diomed) rushed on like a god: V6 in the apodosis. H. 862, b; K. ~ 322, R. 8, (b).. — tzv6.. ppovEetY, lit. nor consent to entertain thoughts on an equality with the gods; i. e. nor consent to think yourself equal with the gods. - )h.xovu, sc. aoTri: XaLal.. av'a., and of men who walk on the earth. 445-458. iscer... eliy (= E'): force of this const.? H. 618, a; K. ~ 300, 3, (a). -- b'i ol, i. e.'AirdXAAav: erTvicvro, TerXw. -- rOv, obj. of aKceovTo and KicVatvov (honored by investing him with beauty and by imparting strength to him). - EwoAxov, a phantom. - r- $ovy, cleft, broke: kAatio'a, targets. - V. 455; cf. v. 31. - oir'c &.....piacato KTre. 216 NOTES. a comm. form of question; cf. v. 32, would you not, etc., or in an Eng. idiom, will you not draw from the battle, etc. - oxebvY o5roaore (standing) close by, wounded, etc. - Xelpa: partit. appos. w. KiTpL&a. - Kaplri: Lex. Kapro's (B). 465-474. es'Id grL, lit. to what longer, i. e. how long, etc.? --'AXaio&' is usu. joined w. KTIcELYVOaaL, as dat. of interest, or as dat. of agent, to be slain by, etc. Is it not more properly dat. w. efCEre? how long will you abandon the people... to the Achaeans to be slain (by them)? -- in a question. Cf. 1, 203. elidKCEP: cf. 2, 332. KeTraL, lies (il the dust). The Trojans were ignorant of the fact that Apollo had rescued him. - ofXeTaL is what tense in meaning? See Lex. -- EXeowces, XcoW w. iterative sign a'K. - ro. Notice the force here. Lex. iroP, II. 2. - Cp... oios, that you alone, apart from, etc., will hold the city. Const. of olo5.? H. 775; K. ~ 307, 4. 475-486. T7Jv (of these, i. e. yap~,poZal KCT.) limits or'va. - o'drep...eveJev (lev, ElJd = io'v), we, who are allies among (you):'T, Epic use.- tdvaw, not the same as the Xanthus in the Troad. -- Kg8 (= Kar&) Vi, and (I left) behind, etc. --— rf TdT'(', TC) K'C., which, whoever is needy, longs for; denoting the abundance of his possessions. — &AWX Kal is, but even thus, i. e. though my treasures are not here, but far away in Lycia. - - vapl; some understand this as indef., with a man, i. e. any man of the enemy who falls in my way: others understand it of Diomed, with the man: the omission of T,, not being considered an objection in Hm. to this latter rendering. -- &ap... oov, and Set (though I am willing thus to expose my life) I have nothing (lit there is nothing to me) here, such as, etc. qppoLEv spoken of things, which they might carry away; //yoLev, of animals, which they might lead away. -- arap ovbe 1(7r. intensifies the foregoing statement: thou standest still, nay more, thou dost not even exhort, etc. &petrov fr. &p = oap. 487-492. I~... yelvoaae: cf. 1, 26; 2, 195: aXo've (A&Xawo/ua), taken, caught: Butt. and some others understand the dual here as an abbreviated form of the plur., but it is now usu. explained as referring to the two parties implied above: beware lest you and the rest of the people (-r7in ial XAAoL Xaol) become, etc. 7ravaypov, adj. - ol 8, and they, i. e. tVbwspeS Buo'eveEs: buchv, fr. byos, h, dv. - ot, dat. w. uEx.eiv. - EXe.Eye depends on Xtoaoolyb, and is here intrans., entreating the leaders of... to hold out. aro~e'oat, sc. XP a'e, and it is necessary that you lay aside, etc. 493-511. dice, dNcvw: "Ecropt, dat. of interest in looser relations. V. 494; cf. 4, 419. -- ol S, the Trojans:,AeXXranaav, hAei'wC. - ILIAD V. 217 &AhWs, called iEpds, because sacred to Demeter. z- Kpu&SZvwY (Alitu), gen. abs. w. &vY8pF0. - Kp[rp, in its primary sense to separate. —irELy. a®v y, while the winds hasten (the work, i. e. the separation of corn and chaff). - ai...c.Xvptaa: the point of the comparison is here; and the chaff-heaps whiten. -- obv, obj. of?reraryov (reduplicated aor. of vrxloaa).- roaSes rTrory, the feet of the (Trojan) horses: 24I rrl7y., mingling again (in the battle).- 6vrd1, O-TrpEwov: nroarrpc4wq.ijvLoxjess, the (Trojan) drivers. -- V. 506. ol Se, and they (the Trojans):!ros... cpfEpov, bore their stout hands (lit. strength of hands) straight against (the foe). - aJQ... ic.. XvE, spread (a veil of) night around: dXCP... *&p&oywv, aiding in battle. Cf. 1, 521. - T-oi... 4oi9oB K-'., cf...., 1, 348, note:'Kcpaawucv, icpahivw. 28e (se.'Asr4oAwy)... oi0XO/z7v. It appears from 418, that she had returned to Olympus; but the time of her departure from the battle is nowhere mentioned; ap7sRycv, subst. distinguished by the accent fr. &pi-ywv particip., v. 507. 512-528. AbrTs, he himself, i. e. Apollo. --- urar~aro, stood in the midst of. -- erdAXrXoav, AeroAa'ca,. -- o... ea (= eCa, fr. eado), did not allow them (to make inquiries). --- &pyvpdroos, here used as subst., cf. 1, 37, the god of the silver bow. --'Epcs... pepavta, cf. 4, 440. - Tobs.. Aavaovs: (cf. 7TO.... o.ov, v. 508), these, the Danai, obj. of &Tpvvoo. - o- 0qpa, temporal: when sleeps the force of, etc. &4'res, k&qp. -- V. 527, 528. Notice that Diomed has receded to the background. 529-540. AKrLov......eOxae, a rare expression, take to yourselves a strong Acart. AA- k. ale-?at cr K'T., respect one another, etc., so as not to bring disgrace on one another by cowardice. -- fdol, sc. eialv. w- kfavTat (Lex. T4ENn: stem 4ev- or ipa-), pres. in meaning.b6us (distinguish from wods, yet, still); equally with, etc. -'-KfE, i,,u, iterative ending.- obs... pd.XErat, swift to fight, etc. -', and this (the shield). g- pvro, Lex. ipow, III. -. &v... Acaaao-Ev, but he (Agam.) drove (it) through, etc., into, etc. Force of Tv w. a verb of motion? ---- Wor7av 7reoacv, sc. A73i,$ov. 544-560. aq'vrbs BLetroLo, rich in the means of subsistence. Cf. dives opum, Aen. 1, 14. - Us relates to'AXpezoo. - &,valfa w. the dat. (after the analogy of avdoaoa), a ruler of many men..- e. EOd'TE, cf. v. 11. -..r. t'ulv, obj. of a&pvpvE'V. Cf. 1, 159.-'TIEos &avdToo, cf. 3, 309. - drye: cf. H. 678, a; K. ~ 303, 2, as two lions yonder on the tops, etc. &paCfP'mV (TpE'P), gnomic aor. --- -ppa f'f., until they two themselves also (i. e. the young lions). - KaTE'KTragfV (iaTaICTryvW ), gnomic aor. ----- roco rc, thus these two, lit. such these two. ~- KarWrEbor Jv (cKaaSrior) = raco v.O 10 218 NOTES. 563-575. ToV limits /e'vos, obj. of &Spvevy, roused his courage: &... &va, with the intent, that, etc.; lit. meditating these things, in order that. - 7repl... Wie (repL~tw), greatly feared for the, etc. -- Tdro,... &. iroo5AeLe, subj.? sc. 7roly/ hazav. -- ~e7ya KCT., and should lead them greatly astray from their labor; or more freely, and should deprive them of the fruits of their toil. If Menelaus should fall in battle, the chief end of the war —the restoration of Helen to Menelaus-would be impracticable; and hence, their labor would be lost. -- V. 568. TCr (Menelaus and Aeneas), subj. of?XE4v. -- V. 573. ol e', Menelaus and Antilochus. -- Yvepods, the dead bodies, and T& breA6 (obj. of BaAE'T-v), the two unfortunate men, both refer to the sons of Diocles (v. 548), just slain by Aeneas. - av'b& B6 a'rpeq4,'rTe, having themselves (Antilochus and Menelaus) turned about to, etc. Notice e' here, connecting a subordinate clause to the foregoing, and serving together with,ye' to make the contrast between -e and avbT? more marked. 578-589. d'v, obj. of vdte (vo-ow). irao'rTa, him, while standing (on his chariot, or, as Diintz. thinks, near his chariot). aicrd denotes here situation, having hit (him) on the collar-bone. - nreaorpecpe: when he saw the fate of his master, he turned to flee. - &ylccoya: situation denoted here without Kard (cf. v. 579): having hit (him) in the midst of the elbow. -- Aec' hAe'PavTs, white with ivory, i. e. being in some way ornamented, probably studded, with ivory. - ~jAacre KdprJqv; cf. v. 80: smote (him) on the temple. - rd& Eha, a very long time, i. e. very long for so strange a posture, as he was standing on his head. -- zX5e KTE'., for he struck in deep sand. - ppa, until, connect w. aorT4Kel. - ltao-' (iudoaow), lashed them. 590-600. Tobs fe', Menelaus and Antilochus. - KEKAIc&YSS, KAdfw. -'Evv&: cf. 333..-, VcUsa, vwsciuw: cf. 3, 218. -- &Ao're!bv'... 6AAXoTe (notice the omission of be here), now in front of, now behind, etc. - Tog, this one, him, i. e. Ares. irohlos wreolio, gen. of place. H. 590, a; K. ~ 273, 4, (a), passing over a large plain; A3rdXaAayos...-.,, stands helpless. - ard' icpaue (avaTpe'Xw), gnomic aor., and he retreats back. 601-606. otoy Ah, how now, or why now do we wonder that the divine Hector is, etc..- T... irdepa (notice the anastrophe), always by his side is, etc. -- Kal viv oW Irdpa Scervos, and now by his side (is) yonder Ares. Diomed had received from Athena the power of distinguishing between gods and men. Cf. vv. 127 128. - pbs... ale', always turned towards the Trojans, i. e. with your faces always towards the Trojans. seveaivE'sev, infin. as imperat. nor desire, etc. ILIAD V. 219 614-626. rMKoupOoov'ra (agrees w. e' (enclit.), obj. of iye) Zter& KT'., lit. to render assistance after, i. e. to render assistance as a follower of Priam, etc. - tr... EXeuav (iXE'o),poured upon (him, i. e. upon Ajax). -- odKOS....roAad: and his shield received many (sc. aotpaTa). - irpoeodas (rpo's,,Sailv), stepping upon (him). -- &-xa, adv. acc., nor longer besides (i. e. besides the act of drawing out his own spear from the body) was he able, etc. -- ajup0Baalv Kpar., the powerful advance round about (him) of the, etc. 633-646. Bus roL Kie., lit. what necessity is there to thee to tremble here, being, etc. -- 7roXXbv... e'7rLeEaL, you fall far short of, etc. -- earl w. gen., in the time, among. - oTyv'Tva: Lex. oJos II. 5. oNs -lS: what sort of a man do they say was the mighty Hercules (lit. the Herculean might). - e o'p7s (notice the breathing) KT'., with;nly six ships and very few men. For this use of the comparative, see H. 662; K. ~ 323, R. 7. -- KaKrbs rutJds, sc. Je0ss. - obS' e... ioro'l, not even if you are, etc. This does not quite agree with the preceding; and the whole verse (645), as Diintz. observes, might well be spared. -- a &' rep1o-er', but that you wi'lpass, etc. 648-662. Keiov, that one, he, i. e. Hercules. -- papa&lgvp, dat. of manner or cause, w. a7rXeaerE. -- S EopSavt'a, havingp6rformed a service, i. e. having rescued Hesione, daughter of Laomedon, from the sea-monster. See Class. Die., Laomedon. - ao... e.TeaaEal, will happen to thee, will come upon thee. a- SaUe&'Ta, sc. TE, and that you subdued... will give, etc.; 4vxiw, same const. w. e6`Xos, obj. of U&aelv. -- KAUTUrCwpA, having famous steeds (with which he carries away men on his chariot to the under-world). - KaT' baXt&aAv, lit. down over his eyes: freely rendered, gloomy night falling over his eyes enveloped him. e- B1EXAKE1V, 3d pers. w. movable v; cf. 1aKEWL, 3, 388: pumcai&wcra (euaLdw), rushing: y?7Xp.>e&Eaa, y'-XpXpsirfW.. - 7ranip, the father of Sarpedon, i. e. Zeus. Cf. v. 635. 666-667. xKsctueYoY, being dragcgd along, agrees w. aopv, subj. of,B3apvve. f- o' is explained by Eiepc-rat, no one considered, nor bethought himself of thss, to draw out, etc. - in7rsaL-, that he might step forward. Cr. understands this word of mounting the chariot; but it is not usu. understood thus. - a7revd&vTWr, sc. aTr-iy, gen. abs. denoting both time and cause. Perh. the latter is more prominent; so we may render it, because they were in haste. - acpsie'rovres: this particip. may often be rendered as adv., for they were busily occupied with such toil. 669-683. rvdl-e, perceived (it-the fact that Tlepolemus was being carried from the field). - xaov, particip. denoting manner, with, etc. 220 NOTES. - /ep/iiplteap...... 4: cf., 189. - rpofpw, adv. cf. 3, 400, whether (rushing)forwards he should pursue, etc. ~- i-ye: a " common repetition in the Epic style " (Cr.), with no special emphasis on -ye. Cf. 1, 190. - -Civ'rXercv AuvKoV, the multitude of the Lycians. Cf. zKaT vrAavbv AviKctv, v. 6'16. - oui'....ifv, but it was not fated, etc. &7rocrdtsE, aTrOKTevW. --....rp are ~vO/Av, lit. turned the mind in respect to him (,rw, dat. of interest): freely rendered, turned his mind among, etc. - KI... Ktde... aV. el A KT. supposition contrary to reality, would have slain, unless, etc. - Xadp.... ol lrpoo-io'TLi (dat. of cause, H. 611, a; K. ~ 285, 1, (1),), rejoiced at his coming. 684-698. tx, Kce., suffer me not to lie aprey, etc.; ldrauvvov,, imperat., Vira'vYco. -- llroy, optat. without W&, denoting a wish, then may life even leave me, etc. Unhappy as this lot-to die in a foreign city-might be, it was far preferable to falling into the hands of the enemy. e- eiVpave'Lv (etppal'vwo) depends on 4COeAmov. - ro-xdw (OroAxs), notice the accent distinguishing it from?rAXewv (fr. 7ro'As). arrJ, join w. fEOLTO, that he might take away, etc. - oav..... 7o^T, placed... under the beautiful oak of, etc. This was on'the way to the city, not far from the Scaean gate. - WS paCE (see Lex.) repeats and strengthens the idea of fiK. -- TV.. bvX4i is not spoken here of death, but simply of fainting. - a&z7rv6vJ), avairvoW. -- Connect vrepl w. 7rtrvveovora, breathing upon (him) round about: )vtcdv, obj. of C'4ypEl, revived, etc. KaKnWs KKca)o&Ta (Lex. IeiKaq&46S), hard panting or gasping. 700-718.?iri w. gen. towards. — avefpolrro yPdXeP, lit. were borne against (the Trojans) in battle. - lirr (v. 705), adv., in addition, besides. -- EYa.. / te/u7Acs (Ae'Xo), having great care for wealth. - — iKel/u4'os (KAivoW), lit. inclined, i. e. dwelling on the Cephisian lake.- ~ rtova, Lex. 7rLwv, II. - Tobs b, i. e. Hector and Ares. -'Apyflovs, obj. of oAEiovTav. - V.'14; cf. 2, 157. - nbt... T reTirvev, we promised that word, we made that promise. The promise here alluded to is nowhere mentioned in the Iliad. Kire'poravrTa, that he having sacked. --— Kal &i' se8&ole~Ya, let us also bethink ourselves of, etc. 720-730. i tr.... Hpn: cf. h Bi....yvv,, note, 1, 348. It was quite in keeping with the customs in the Homeric age that Hera should harness her own steeds. -a — t'... BAe nearly — = (KE, but denotes, I think, greater despatch: lit. quickly cast around the chariot, i. e. placed on the chariot. This indicates a custom of removing the wheels, when the chariot was not in use. - L..-...&.lpls, explanatory of the preceding, more general statement: around the steel axle. r- W, sc. c(VKAWv, limits rUvs, the imperishable felly of these (was), etc. -- Virep&ev, above, i. e. on ILIAD V. 221 the outer side, around the felly (were), etc. -- rAxjyvat, naves, or as we oftener say, hubs: &a)PoTe'pCJrerv, at both ends (of the axle). - ikppos... yJVEvcaUrcL (evreivw), the chariot-board (D.) was hung on, etc.; lit. has been hung: representing it as something present to the mind of the poet. So also elaL above. The straps, on which the body of the chariot was hung, seem to have been attached to braces resting partly on the axle and partly on the pole. o- TOO (sc. 8qtppov) o' ei.. r. erev, andfrom it extended, etc. --- iira8va, yoke-bands (D.). 734-744. 7ri7rAov ica7iXEvev, let fall, etc.; lit. poured her veil. It was so light and airy (iavJv) that it fell in waves: hence the metaphor KarlEXfvev. vraT7ps limits OtCEL T — E XCeolv.... wprao-e-o, equipped herself with (his) armor for, etc. -- ev s, and within (was), etc. This need not be repeated in rendering v. 740. - V.. 741, lit. and within teas a Gorgon head of a dread monster, i. e. the head of Gorgo, dread monster: notice etLY', although &eivoto stands just above. - atzplq)axov: the meaning is very doubtful; see L. & Sc. qdxAov. Perh. it may mean, uith shade on both sides, i. e. in front and behind; or, as it is often rendered, with studs round about. D. renders it, double-peaked. Some understand it, having a boss over each eye. I am inclined to the first meaning. rErTpaqctpMXpov (cpdapa) prob. means with four shields or plates, one for the forehead, one for each cheek, and one for the back of the neck. ~- laabr,....papuvav, fitted to, i. e. sufficient to protect the armed men of, etc. 746-763. t-, as relat. with which: so also, To7-iviTe (= T-o7 Te), with whom. - iEreAaleTu ( irigaloo1aL), touched....-!Kov,, /oVdao/uaL. -- rl' (= rahs), to whom. -- avaKAva.....7letiral depend on'TrlE'7palrTat: to roll aside and to draw the d'ense cloud. r T, adv. explained by be' aceTawv (i. e. 7rvAdowv), here then, through them.- Vv. 753, 754: cf. 1, 498, 499.- Ze6 7raT-ep: the common mode of addressing Zeus; hence, Hera, his wife and sister, uses the same language. -- o vtYEatlu: a question, anticipating an affirmative answer; are you not indignant, KYaprepa pPya: ace. of specif., respecting these or for these violent deeds. --- 6aatraov (= ioov) IKCi.: the relat. pron. is best rendered here, as often, by resolving it into a causal conj. and demonst., because he has destroyed so many and such, etc. - &vav-Tes (&v&d, TrA), having let loose this "madman" (D.): alM'/aTa, acc. sing. - V. 762; cf. v. 421. - a't Cev a.. ro&lwual (&ard, Kioai, see 681, It.), if having smitten... 1 shall drive, etc. Notice the accent of l' after I.cidX-s, the word governed by it. 765-777. 6ropaov (eri-, opvvicl), aor. imperat., rouse against him, set upon him.;- (refers to Ares), obj. of 7rEAa&'ev (Lex. B. trans. 1.). &rOov K-Ti. (v. 770), as far as a man beholds (Miev, gnom. aor.) the dim (dis 222 NOTES. tance), etc.: &o'noov, so far. -- re...EXEEVf, poured around (them) a dense mist; no doubt, to conceal them from the eyes of mortals. IavyreIe, &a'Cvrh w: Ytze Calc to feed upon: infin. denoting purpose. It appears from this verse, that the horses of the gods, as well as the gods themselves, partook of immortal food. COf. v. 369. 778-791. TpwapT... 6..o7a, resembling in their s'eps ('LaT'a) timid wood-pigeons. The point of comparison is not in the word timid, but in the lightness, ease, and rapidity of their steps. - aq... E ElpevoL, drawn close around, etc. - AELovorL = hovat, fr. kcdCv. -- Tvol KcdirpoLrlv: cf. note on ablrgAot 6vsper, 2, 474.- atcnraaox'(=-abo-aacrfe); avbaw with iterative ending: TrAaoe.....o-ov, used to cry as loud as: Stentor, who is thought to have been a warrior, not a herald, is mentioned only here in Horn. -- AiSUcs: some supply ianT: oth rs, ErTnW. It may be rendered simply, Shame! Argives! etc. -- KCK' E'Ae7Xea; cf. 2, 235. - 7rpb... Aapavadywv, in front of the Dardanian gate: probably the same as the Scaean ga'e, 3, 145: the only gate mentioned in Horn. - icofAps E'n vnrvi, on the hollow ships; a great exaggeration, as the Trojans had not yet driven the Greeks nearly so far back. 793-807. urdpotoe (rf-, bpodw): not in hostile sense here; hastened towards. - Kcos &va-, cooling the wound, by raising the strap which passed over it: v. 798. - d ALLJ,BdXhe: two aces. w. one verb: T', cogn. ace.: FLdv, direct obj. H. 555; K. ~ 280, which Pandarers with an arrow inflicted on him...- i'ra, of place: under.- XeZpa, ace. of specif.: freely rendered, his hand grew weary. t — v (= &r&) 6' lXwcor, and holding up. -- io'Atov, adv. Surely Tydeus begat a son, little resembling him. Nearly the same is said by Again., 4, 400. -- -e/as, ace. specif. -;cat (v. 802), even. - ObK e'aoiKov (eiw, w. iterat. ending), I did not allow himn: 9-Te Te introduces a more definite explanation of the foregoing clause. 7rohaSs JeuT& KaY. is better, I think, taken in idea w. iK&raptdoa-oetv (cf. 2, 450), nor to rush madly forth, when he went as a messenger, etc., among many, etc. - dvwyov, I (referring to Athena) exhorted him, etc. - ab'T&p 6... ev KTEi., but he, having his (ov), etc. - W.s.. Yrep, just as previous'y: 7rpoKax[aETo, subj. 6 (v. 806): vrasa 8' ZV[Ka, cf. 4, 389. The entire sentence is somewhat loosely constructed. We shall best represent the original, by adopting, as nearly as possible, the same construction in English. 809-824. o[t depends on CrapdC in comp. w. rT-raucat: pvAda-a-o, se. a(E. - 9 a-e limits yv7a: your limbs. -- e'rerta, after this, hereafter.'T: illative. - ae'wv....?4e'ETe'v: by synizesis, pronounced in scanning, criv... iqw.eT-/vL; Istill rememberyour injunctions. -- Cf. v. 129 if. ILIAD V. 223 eras (Edco), 2d pers. sing. imperf. - ros &XXOLS, in distinction fr. Aphrodite. - ob'rdpAer (ov'rdw), aor. infin. depends on the idea suggested above in e'pe7u',wv, (you enjoined upon me) to wound, etc. --- a'xevat (efnR), aor. pass. infin. For the meaning, cf. elIxez'oi, v.'782.,- UdXv &ad: not iva. H. 102 D, b; K. ~ 81, R. 2. 826-834. texaptrevE, xap[tw. r- rJye, as far as relates to this, or on this account, do not thou fear, etc. Cf. Td, 3, 1'76. - r'.... eXe, direct... against, etc. - aXEGf-Yv: adv., near at hand. For the form, cf. aivToo6XeilV, &crTLBlr'v, XAiqv, &yT711'. -'VKITbY (TreXW) iaKdc, lit. a made or completed evil, i. e. a perfect, an unmitigated evil. - rTV SE Xe aNao-rat (Xavadvrc), and has forgotten these things, i. e. his assurances to Hera and Athena. 836-845. XEtp!... ipuaoaa, having drawn (him) back with (her) hand: 6b e, and he, referring to the obj. of ipvoaaa, i. e. Sthenelus. - be... uzlZue/auiva Aed, and she, the impetuous goddess. For the arrangement, cf..'.....yvj, 1, 348. - (phypvos, not to be rendered beechen. See Lex. -yyer, for it (the axle) bore, etc. -- V. 841: (cf. v. 829,) immediately she directed, etc. Notice the asyndeton, denoting haste. -'TOt 16 Aiv, he indeed, i. e. Ares. -- iv'... PcvEv'v, put on the helmet of Hades (the unseen one, or the invisible, fr. a priv. and iMeZv to see). How Athena came by the helmet of Hades, just at this moment, or what she had done with her own helmet, mentioned v, 743, are questions that have troubled modern critics much more than they did Homer.!- l, in order that not, or simply, lest: Aivr, fem. her. 850-861. aXEobn... 97'.....'res, abnost on the point of rushing on one another. eflw, in the indic. and particip., often fut. - Ap/s... brlp, Ares reached beyond, etc.'l1mwo, of the horses (of Diomed). Ares was on foot, having lent his horses to Aphrodite. Cf. v. 363. - T'rde, this, i. e. the spear (eyXos) of Ares. -- rev.... aispoio, thrust (it) away under the seat of the chariot. - &r-&tov aLO Xrvat, infin. denoting result, to be sped in vain. - 7re'peLa (frEpEdIw), sc. EyXos. - - OYYV6ocKE'ro (C;cvvvr,u, w. iterative ending) uZ'tpnv: lit. where it was girt in respect to the belt, i. e. where the belt was girt. --- T., adv. there. 8- t.... $a*e,, Lex. 81absdWrow. - e- i... 7rdaoev, has the same subj. as oura, sc. /Ao/x$rf75..- orov, as loud as. ieriaXov, gnomic aor. 862-876..ros 8E...'AxaLobs IrTE., these, the Achaeans, etc. Cf.? 86 y... yvv, 1, 348.- b?7rd, cf. 3, 34. - dooY, correlat. w. b'ooov, v. 860, so loudly did Ares, etc.- oi'r.... p, as the air appears black with clouds. a- tcaitzaros Q (notice the form of the prep. after its noun); as a result of the heat, or more freely, after a burning heat: &VeLuoLo iKv., gen. 224 NOTES. abs. when, etc. - KapTep& epya: cf. v. 757. - reTrX71J'res eUe', a circumlocution for the pres. indic. which is not in use. Lex. TAAtn: we gods endure the most fearful things, etc. - 5e, v. 874, connects the two clauses of the verse: by one another's will, and in bearing a favor, etc. - ool....u aX4Aeoa, with thee do we all wrangle, or thee do we all blame..Tre relates to icoIpV (meaning Athena). 878-887. 7raTErdEovYTaL, 8eulleoaa: notice the change of person. - CeKaWTos, in appos. w. the subj. of 8eo- (fr. Uawdso), and we, each one, are subject to thee. rv,- T7a...7rpOT,6dXAAeat (7rpoodaXAcw, in the mid. to cast one's self against, hence, to oppose), this (goddess), thou dost not oppose either, etc. avtes, Lex. avzid/Lu, III. 2.- erde....7eYvao, since you yourself begat, etc. Homer seems to know nothing of the myth, that Athena sprang from the head of Zeus. - Vv. 883, 884: cf. vv. 458, 459. —- 6rr5et Kav (b'roepow)....'oes: an acknowledgment not very creditable to the god of war. - i Kc, join w. e'raXov. The protasis is readily supplied by the mind: (had it not been so, i. e. had not my swift feet borne me away), surely, I should long suffer woes there (catToV, i. e. on the battle-field) among, etc. X iE.....a (= iv, Att.), or, though alive, should be, etc. 889-898. aAXo7rpJ$aaAE: cf. v. 831, thou wavering turncoat (D.). - Vv. 890, 891; cf. 1, 176, 177. -- adaOXroz' -- &OXe'TO. H. 370 D; K. ~ 222, 1, (3), intolerable..-.r, illative. - KicetYs limits'yVeO(-vpLy (Lex. iveola). - V. 895. The sudden change in the tone of Zeus is occasioned by the recollection, that Ares is his son. eXovTa, supplementary particip., I will not endure that you much longer have, etc. H. 800; K. ~ 310, 4, (e). -- i/ol... JE/7n7p, and your mother bore you to me. - Ev (enclit.) = rIvos': ye'VE =?yEVov, but if you had been born from any other of the gods, etc.- vdep'repos Obpav-, lower than the gods (i. e. in the under-world). Such is the usu. meaning of Obpavfiwoes in Hom. It afterwards meant sons of Uranus; and some understand it so here: lower than the sons of Uranus, i. e. the Titans, who were chained in Tartarus. 899-905. avcySLv: plupf., 3d pers. w. movable v: cf. e9kIcKelv, v. 661; K. ~ 220, R. 1: impf. in meaning. -- Vv. 900, 901; cf. vv. 401, 402. - re4txpevos o avYvirqev, lit. hastening curdles, i. e. quickly curdles. - repla'rpEcpeTaL, s. dy&Aa: KVKcOwr (iKUKcd), dat. of agent: and it is stirred very rapidly by the one mixing (it). ael, ~'VVU/t. ILIAD VI. BOOK SIXTH. 1-11. -o06, teas left alone, i. e. was abandoned by the gods. Cf. v. 907 if. -- roAAhh, adv. much, furiously. - e,&a Kal fra... 7reio lo, here and there in the plain. H. 589; K. ~ 273, Rem. 4, (c). --;AhAAcv depends on bvsopdEwcov, while they aimed at one another, etc. H. 574, c; K. ~ 273, (b), (s). --— rpC&o, first (of all), i. e. after the withdrawal of the gods. ~- Jops (cavs, daos).... oKEY, brought (lit. placed) light, etc., a metaphor, which is as readily understood in Eng. as in Greek. drervKTo (Teixwo), had been made; or simply, was. - Vv. 9-11; cf. 4, 459-461. 14-19. &Pelbs B61JOLO: cf. 5, 544, N. --- QL(pahfd (lehlfw, iterat. ending), he used to treat all in a friendly way, i. e. he used to entertain all. - 0 bc f7rt: anastrophe. -- obda (a: oKd[a of declens. 1st has a), obj. of vaiwv. - oT, dat. of interest w. 1poce-e, avertedfrom himn (lit. for him). -- &4upw... Z&ir mpa (two accs. w. one vb.), he (i. e. Diomed) took away from both, etc. avTvb... KaX., appos. w. &Ap~cw, from him, etc.-yatav i8WrT7y, entered the earth: cf. ivaL d4uov'A'Sos efoo, 3, 322. 20-28. E'piuaXos: EuryAlus, a companion of Diomed.- B$i (='17) perd, he went in pursuit of. - VULpq vAqts, a naiad nymph, i. e. a nymph dwelling in fountains. ~-.T' (= &E-Et)... BoviKOA-, bore to, etc. - aroLatvov... pd.?y/ (= duiy'7q, fr. /?,dyvvi,), se. BovKoAhot: - K77i., had intercourse (with the nymph) in love, etc. Cf. 3, 445. - M7/-ffTra i'57, the son of Mecisteus, i. e. Euryalus. 32-50.'Ivpawro,,vaipw. vale, sc. EXawros. - ii)ppedrao, EiUppeL'Tr77 = eVbpE[rs = e= pe1s.-'' A = Ae, ar=pcw. -trIoio, gen. of place. - &taTE, t&7VI. - - b py CpT5 Avu, in the first (part of), i. e. in the fore part of the pole. -- aivr /fAy, in contrast w. abcrbs EJ; went themselves, went alone; but he himself, i. e. Adrastus. - f- eKvAhoI7, EKKUAvtW. -. NaB&v... yoivcvw: cf. 1, 407, N. - ZCy7pel (w7yplw), imperat., sc. JE'. - v....rarpo's, sc. Ud'p, in the house of, etc.; a common ellipsis. - XaXKds KTE., appos. w. Ket(IIAAC. - Trav, relat., limits &7rotya: Cf KEP 7reTrUo30T (7rvvdrvopat), of which my father would give thee..., if he should learn that I (was) alive, etc. 51-60. Cf. 2, 142; 3, 395. -,plv, obj. of MGeirv, was about to give NOTES. him, etc. -- Eirl Pas... KaTaEl/Aevl (fut. infin. H. 359 D; K. ~ 220, 18), infin. denoting purpose, to conduct (him) to the ships, etc..-'wv: f4w. Not to be confounded w. bicov, gen. pl. of 5o's. -- — fSZ rov: not, I think, in a good sense here. Cf. 2, 235. " Soft-hearted M~enelaus" (D.). --- ~ vaoL (dat. of interest) IKr., surely, the best things have been dse to thee in thy house by, etc. Bitterly ironical. - 7rcKmpV'yoL, optat. of wishing, without Gv: may no one of these, etc.- /AS' (v. 58), repeated and strengthened in v. 69: Koipov E'dvTa, agrees with S1v-rva, and is thrown in to show more emphatically the sex of the unborn infant: O's is here demonst. (H. 243 D; K. ~ 331, R. I): and may not he, whcm the mother bears in her womb, being a male child, may not even he escape; but may, etc. 62-71. alaqia 7rapelnrcv, advising what was fitting. So Cr. I am, however, inclined to take afaotLa here in the sense,fatal, deadly. So D.: " his counsel, fraught with death, his brother's purpose changed;" advising fatal (measures). -- 6 3E, i. e. Menelaus. XEfpi, dat. of inst., with his hand. - oiva (obTa'o) is aor. The imperf. is oi-Ta. Why? --,' 6' (v. 64), Adrastus: a-veTrpcireTo, fell backward. -- Evdaopwv ErtjaAA4.utvos, lit. casting himself upon, etc.; i. e. aiming at spoils. -, finalconj., so that, in order that: rAe0rTaT, sc. evapa. - T- a (sc. Evapa)... VEKpoS... UvA/UaeTe: two accs. w. one verb. H. 553; K. ~ 280, 3, (d): you will, undisturbed, strip these from the slain.'73-85. arte, onl the other hand.-.ev. Ei'oavf,87Taav el... sTurs: suppos. contrary to reality: would have gone up into Ilium (driven) by, etc., had not Helenus, etc. - wrivos, labor, toil (of war). --,dXeaa, PpovEELv, depend on 9pLa-o,, best for every purpose, both to fight, etc. - ariTT' aiToi;, stand here. - JrCivTr EVroLXeEvoL, going against (them, i. e. the people), resisting (them) at every point. - rpliv...reorev, before they, fleeing, fall, etc. 7rpiv w. infin. H. 769; K. ~ 337, 9; G. ~ 106: ab7e, cf. v. 73; yfviEaSl, same const. w. eoretelv, and become a rejoicing, etc. - T7oMpv-T0o, 2d pers. dual, subjunc. - ftueTs, we, i. e. all the Tiojans except Hector, who is directly addressed, v. 86. -erLpJ/esoLi, agrees w. f7LS, is concessive: cihxa and Trep strengthen the assertion; though very greatly oppressed. 86-96. "'EKTop: notice the prominence given to this word: &sap aSV antithetical to rAe7rs A4iY. ~- 8i4, subj. of eJyvaL (imperat. 3d pers.) let her, assembling, etc.... place, etc.: r7J4v, cec. as obj. of motion. In prose eir would regularly be expressed: Ev... cpp, in the highest part of the city, i. e. in the acropolis: rbrmAov, obj. of crTvat: g = 8s, as often in Hm., which seems to her to be, etc. oT... aVb-, to her herself: earl?yo'vayv is best rendered directly after ae7val, let her... place on the knees of, etc. the ILIAD VI. 227 robe, etc. -- Kda otf irofrx3aaL, also imperat., and let her promise to sacrifice to her (to the goddess): Ivs, ace. plur., agrees w. Bois (heifers). - c — a' eXEapy, if peradventure she will pity, etc. - aTrdoX, & reo X, if she wuill avertfrom, etc., the son of, etc. 99-115. ESELzLLEv: plupf. as impf. See Gram. UdboLKa or 5E3a: nor did we ever so fear, etc. - 1eas em: the proclit. et, after its case, accented. -- a3c, this one, i. e. Diomed. -.-,, the indef. pron. followed by of, enclit.: hence, written together, -Is ol: e.'Vos, ace. of specif. -- Vv. 103-100: cf. 5, 494-497. - -p&v (= Rpaoav)... Ka. r e iYEXP and they affirmed that some one of the immortal (gods) had come down, etc.: E;AEALXSEv = iAe-l Xirac, (fr.'XeAEXci). - eBco (= $&),,BaLvw, that I may go, etc. - yEpouOLV.....ouvExV,jat, attributive appos.: lit., to the aged men counsellors; i. e. to the ajed counsellors: or, if the first word is understood, not of age, but of rank, to the venerable counsellors. -&p-laaac at, fbroorXE'a~aa depend on dfrw, to pray to the gods, etc. 117-127. a&~QI, adv.: Audv, obj. and U'ptia, subj. of'TvSrre: arvpd, auxeva, partit. appos. w. zivS: and at both extremities, the black shield (lit. hide) smote him on, etc. &AvT-u, appos. w. 81ptua, the rim, which ran (around the) extreme (part of), etc. - Is Eo-ov acPeoTr., cf. 3, 77: rUVstrniV, arv, eil. o- rwora, sc. are. - T' -= TI, cf. 1, 244. Cr. takes ST' for TE), in both passages: EueLtas (pcoiv), trans., thou hast awaited, etc.- ucrrTVowv Ici., children of unfortunate (parents) meet, etc.: "unfortunate " because they must soon mourn the death of their children: Aeves, dat. fr. aldvos: arcTLewav, avTLa'. 128-140. -is, appos. w. the subj. of eXAAovuaas, SC. acr. Notice the mixed const. H. 750; K. ~ 339, 3; G. ~ 54. 1, (a). - ovbE?yap obse': cf. 5, 22, note. -- ae... Nvoiotv, sc. pohs routed... on the sacred Nyseian mount..- Svaoe' (= E-Eo = E —aTio)... aKa T sunk beneath, etc. 3- 8er8ldra, Sc. ab'rdv or yiv, obj. of tsroe'iaTo, received(him), etc. - t....'OWac'io (oobvao1ozaL), were angry at him (Lycurgus). - irel....&rixeTro, after he became odious to, etc. 141-149. ohv' &a ~iC., but Iwould not, etc. --- o... fiOUtLV, who eat the fruit of the earth; - a standing description of men, in distinction from the gods. - &a-rov aY' (= irE), c&S ic-., approach nearer, that, etc. -- O hAepov relpcara, the limits of destruction: cf. r;Aoos "FaadToo, 3, 309. - o1h... &vap&cv, as is the generation of leaves, such is that of men also. Notice the use of SC here, connecting a demonst. to a relat. clause; a rare usage; not easily translated. - & e..... AAa Be re: partitive appos. w. cV'AAa: (of) leaves, the wind scatters (lit. pours) one generation 228 N OTES. (ma xdv cE) on the ground, but the forest, blooming, puts forth others. - Eapos limits ip-/. - q)fl (V. 149), intrans., very unusual in the pres.; but the comm. meaning in the 2d aor., and in the pf. system. 150-159. E... 8a.taevat: conclusion omitted, but readily supplied by the mind: but if you wish, etc., (I will rehearse to you the story), in order that, etc. r- iroAAol... YaaLv, and many men do know it; parenthetical. -- -aTrr: notice the asyndeton: there is, etc.'E46p~p, the ancient name of Corinth. -,vxi'JApyeos, in the interior of Argos (meaning here the whole of Peloponnesus; or possibly, the whole of Greece). - 5, relat. pron., masc. = O$s. - 2irvcpos, repeated, as often in poetic style. Follow, in translating, the order of the Greek clauses. Sisyphus is represented in Odys. XI. 593 if. as rolling an immense stone up a high hill in Hades. The line of Pope is celebrated for the adaptation of sound to:sense, " Up the high hill he heaves the huge round stone": and that of Heom. describing the descent of the stone is equally good:.~...rT' alrooapacC'Ke KpaeTa&t aerts ea rAet ovie KvArvSe70o aas &vatc8s. Read the last line metrically. - of, v. 157, against him. -- Upo?7os, king of Tiryns, whither Bellerophon had fled for refuge: juaa-ro, AzBolzat. -- s, in that hle. H. 882; K. ~ 334, 3: faaaoe, sc. Wa', drove (him, i. e. Bellerophon). -- EpTEpos jEv,, sc. nfpoTros.'- Ap-yicr, limits and explains 8,uovu. -- b'aacArayv, sc. acvTocv, them, i. e. the Argives. 160-170. Te, Bellerophon. r- i4rec*varo, ilrtlaaLvofLat.. - Kpllr. - ptX. /uAy'7n/evat (WdyvvuI), to enjoy his love secretly. -, ppoviovra agrees w. ads, she did not persuade him, purposing, etc. - BeAepoqflV0&7, defin. appos. w. TOv..- TEvaiis, optat. of wishing, may you die. - KaKTave = KaTacK'rave (cKaraKTcr'iEw), or do thou slay. - i fXodap agrees w.' = yotL: an instance of the elision of or. Cf. 1, 170, a' for aot. -oio, 4KOvTev, at what he heard, or in that he heard such a thing. Cf. sr, v. 158, note. - KfELvat, sc. BeAAcpopo'rv7Y. j — o'uara Avypd, baneful signs: not usu. thought to be alphabetic writing, but some kind of hieroglyphic. —. ypaadar, having engraved. Cf. 4, 139, E7r-ypa+e: $ lrlaKIL WrTuKTo, in a folded tablet. Cf. Die. Antiqq. art. Tabulae. - avwuow- wroAAd, sc. oal7aara. y- &tI4yetY, 3d pers. sing. plupf. w. movable V. H. 409 D, 11. Cf. 5, 899, N. 1'76-189. Kal drJ e Ki., then he both questioned him and demanded, etc. - -'reT = -r 7., indef. relat., which (whatever it might be) he brought, etc. - XLatLpav, proper name, Chimaera: in v. 181, as comm. noun. ILIAD VI. 229 jKXEFvov,, SC. UV,, commanded (him, i. e. Bellerophon). -?yvos, prep. w. ATv, abstract for concrete; a de cendant of gods and not of, etc. be7ov, adj. qualifying?yEvos. - aro-relovaa (&arorviwo) agrees w.,'j e': breathing out terribly the force of, etc. - iv tip, i. e. XtaltMpav. 2oAvAOLOl,q the Solymi, a warlike people in Lycia. - V. 185. lit., he affirmed that he entered this, the fiereest battle of men: or more freely, he said thies was the fiercest... which he had entered. Cf. 3, 1.53, note. - ryj, so. BeAAXpoOvTrp: M'patlvv; subj.? Gval AuK[ls, for him in returning, the king contrived, etc. -- KpI'vas, having selected. --- o'xov, an ambuscade; cf. 1, 227. 191-205. ovtra, supplement. particip.: sc. airTv, that he (Bellerophon) teas the brave descendant, etc. -. aivoi, adv. --- i, possess. pron. - cal;iv ol0 (dat., as appears from the accent of uiy), andfor him, etc. - reuvor... foXov &.xxov, a piece of land excelling others; icaAov, sc. CALYevos, a beautiful (field) of planted and qf arable land; 4vI-aAXi, a piece of land planted either with vines or with fruit-trees. - /' eCrKE, v. 196, andshe (the daughter of the king, v. 192) bore, etc..- Kal ICeros, he also, i. e. Bellerophon as well as others, especially Lycurgus; v. 140.v &vuAbv KaaTEiwv: Cic. Tusc. Quaes. 3, 26, renders this, ipse suum cor edens, eating his own heart. Derby renders it, wearing away, etc., not a very apt expression.- Trv a, sc. Aaodpaepilav. 208-221. ireipoXov agrees with the subj. of f.tLEvOL, se. iEA: always to be brave and to be eminent above others. t- 9yXos ~fPv KTi: Notice the asyndeton, rendering the narrative more lively: he planted his spear, etc.; thus indicating that he would not fight. - axil-rp 6, moreover he (Diomed). - tl;XXOlffl, sC. fireoa: Of. 4, 256. - f7vos....raAlaw', an ancient paternal guest: because his grandfather was the guest of Diomed's grandfather. Perhaps no more striking instance can be found of the strength of the ties of hospitality. -- eulvi'a, gifts offriendship. - a qoraAov: cf. 1, 584. - gica u/A,, i. e. Be7raV. - ti4p, fut., when Iwas about to set out, i. e. for the Trojan war. - iv Ubpi.; join w. iKare'XFlrov. 222-236. Tubsa, Tydeus, father of Diomed. Notice here the ace. w. tpwitunaL: KaA/XQ' - KaTAaXTe. - O' iV KCre., an allusion to the war of the seven Argive princes against Thebes.- i-, illat., therefore. - ab be, sc.,uot fo'orat 4vos, and you (to me) in, etc. -- Ti&v, i. e. AVKL'Cv, limits 8oO. -- Kal 6,' pIAxov, through the crowd also, as well as in single combat. -- vroxxo... Tpcves, sc. io.ev, KireLfelv, there are many...for me, to slay, etc. In some editt. a comma is placed after Kt,eitvfLe and that after etr[Kovpot is omitted. -- aS, obj. of KIXE'W, as well as of wrdpp. — tv Uhv bvmale, whomsoever you may be able (to slay). -- -iErapfqeoluev, sub 230 NOTES. june., let us, etc. - a o'le, these also, i. e. the Greeks and Trojans. - raK... e.. Asio, took away from Glaucus, etc. 5s, in that he, etc. XaAKlcev, Ev'YeSfowv, gen. of value: golden for brazen (armor), that worth a hundred oxen for that worth nine. Observe that value is here denote 1 by a certain iumber of oxen. Coined money is not mentioned in Hem. Cf. 2, 449. 237-253. The narrative is hera resumed which was broken off at v. 118. qrVyo'v: the oak tree was without the Scaean gate; but not far away; and hence, the two are mentioned together, the more important first in order. -- aqp'.....aovt (notice the accent, distinguishing it fr. aedv, ace., a god), around him ran, etc., inquiring about, etc. -- iCjsr7'o,.p4dcrrW. - Iacavev, sc.'EEKTwp. - eo-'rS....TETV'7'VOV (TE'X w), made with polishedporticoes. - a- amUr, sc. dpu x: eveoav,, iV, eul'. - KOvpawv limits dXata/ot, twelve roofed chambers of polished stone belonging to his daughters. - ETpwae.... avbXAs, on the other side, opposite (the chambers ot' the sons), within the court-yard. - E'a, there, i. e. when he had reached Priam's beautiful house, v. 242.- oT depends on Evavrbl, his fond mother met him (lit. came opposite to him).- AraoSL[cv goiyIovUCa. Critics are about equally divided in their interpretation of this phrase; some taking the particip. as intrans., going to Laodice, i. e. to the house of, etc.; others render, leading (into the house of Priam) Laodice. The reading of Diintz., Aaollbcv?T' -yovaa does not seem to me probable. I prefer the rendering leading, etc. - iv... pU, gqnia. In what tenses intrans.? XELpi, partit. appos. w. of, clung to him, to his hand; or more freely, clung to his hand. - eros Krei.: cf. 1, 361. 255-262. reLpovort, sc. Tpcoas. -, join w. iAaovTa: a&vaoXJev (avEXW) depends on a&vKcev (avl'7,ui), has prompted you, having come hither, to raise... froim the highest part of, etc..- 0ppa d.. e'veLtKCo (qe'pw), till I bring, etc. crv arecrvps (orrEsV8O), that, in order that, etc. t- Ke (v. 260) w. fut. Cf. 1, 139, note: and then you yourself will receive benefit. Cr. makes the clause depend on's, and takes vzyhreat as subjunc. Faesi w-ites iKavrds, you yourself also. I prefer the first construction: irfwpa, 7rfvw. - a&tei, pres. /aiya, adv., increases strength greatly for, etc.&s, relat., as thou hast become weary in defending, etc. 264-285. /uz... deipe: something deprecated, do not, etc. -- /... Xdcctuat, lest, etc., or for fear that you... and that I forget, etc. TrseraXayuF'vov (raAdaawc), agrees w. the subj. of eSX1eTdaorat, that one smeared with... pray, etc., is not permitted. - Vv. 271-278: cf. vv. 9097. -- efrnvVos, sc. 4txou, to listen to me, etc. -- us K..... vot (XOlafv). Is this a wish, expressed by the optat. w. iK (= &v)? I find no authority ILIAD VI. 231 for viewing it thus, in H., K., or G. Yet the best commentators of Hom. take it as a wish; KeI denoting here, as usual, a condition, 0 that the earth would yawn for him on the spot (sc. if that were possible). I cannot adopt K.'s interpretation, ~ 260, R. 9. - g-pya: join w.'7r~/a. --— oTJ se'raLo-tv (blunderers have often confounded this w. ira~o-), and to his sons. oppbra is sometimes taken as subj. of KcXeXaaE'o-4al (aor. w. reduplicat. fr. Aavsrdi,), that my heart had forgotten, etc. Diintz., Faesi, and some others take it as acc. of specif., that I had forgotten in heart, etc. 286-296. 7) V, but she, the mother of Hector. - ~ Vrotri ueyapa (plur. because it contained many apartments), to her palace, i. e. to that part of the house of Priam, which belonged especially to herself. She had before been standing perhaps at the entrance, or in the court. Cf. vv. 242, 251. -i-Tat refers to &u4L7rJOLaLv (masc. or fem.). -'s adaouov, into her chamber: probably in a retired part of her palace: Krc6evra (Ic;7esL), join w. daXajuov. -- fV' S-av of (dat. of possession), where there were to LVer, where she had. ),- Trs 60bv,v: acc. of extent: on that voyage, on which, etc.-'i-rcy &va, one of these (robes). -- cpov, appos. w. the obj. of cfppe, bore (it) as a gift. -- O's, (that one) which: iromlKinAya0, in i's decorations; denoting, it is thought, both the embroidery and the variety of colors. -,s = k&, as, like: placed after the word, to which it belongs; hence, accented. a7reXaxcrmv, geKELTo; subj.?'rchrXos, the robe, which she had selected. --- veaaTos AXov, lit. the lowest of others,-a comm. form of solecism. We avoid the solecism by saying, the lowest of all. - ereoedozev'oo, /eiTaoeVtw. 298-317.'.ra3o... 6&'$e (oyzvrL), opened for them, etc. -- i e.. Oeavd&: cf. 1, 348, N. -- acoy, break: notice that the 1st aor. of A&yvvp is used: but the 2d aor. of &7yC. - Kai aUrb&,, that even he himself,'subj. of're0o''e. - 5ppa roi... pe6vOopev (subjune.), that we may, etc. &vi/evJe, aiaavemo. --- al Py, they, the Trojan matrons. -- rpbs 6&6ana... KaX&, r'd I' avr'ds KE'. is best rendered by following nearly the Greek order: to the house of Alexander, the beautiful house, which he himself, etc. Paris appears to have been in every respect the most stylish gentleman of the agx. -- o7' or: (notice the difference in form. How does the former word show that the latter is enclitic, and hence the dat.?) who had made for him, etc. -- -Xauoy... avbXv, a chamber, hall, and court. (D.) 318-331. Zela, there (v. 313). - X'-= ee, held: fsKercv7rxv, an enormous length, suited only to an Epic hero (Diintz.). & — rpore... 6ovpss, in front of the shaft: Xpvoeos, two syllables, by synizesis. — i-be, 6' efp', and he (Hector) found him (Paris): dcpiowTa, &acwd. -- 232 NOTE S. alrXpo7s, reproachful. - m alm6iAse: perh. the simple address, Sir I would suit this and many other connections, as well as any word we have in Eng. Cf. N. 1, 561. - Kaxd, adv.: Xd4ov, obj. of fyaeo (- -vetov, fr. ivr[.rl&1). Hector attributes the withdrawal of Paris from the army to ill. humor at the Trojans, occasioned, perhaps, by their undisguised dislike of him. -- Tb'... Kcal dAXR, and You (not less than I) would contend with another man also:!AzeaJrca.. 7. ro olo, wi/hdrawing from, avoiding, etc. /tz, for fear that, lest: irupbs rftoLo L fpr'nTat, burn with hostile fire: Cr. says, gen. of material. Is it not rather, gen. of source or of cause? 333-348. Cf. 3, 59; 1, 76.- oV'ro...,Veu 0a,, not so muchfrom anger and indignation at, etc. - arq3, join w. uol, to me myself also: E... I..f0Etfall, that it will be better thus. --- eraie,8e'Ta,, lit. changes itself towards, i. e. fluctuates among men. - $ rile,,vor,?7rqTLzV: UwV, aor. subjunc., let me put on, or I will put on, etc.- a-e'etLy (Aer'd, S ul), fut. Lex. II. -- or, obj. of KLX'ar-EJaal. - b, Vi (v. 342), Paris: -by 4f (v. 343), Hector. - V. 344: notice here again the reproaches which Helen casts on herself. Cf. 3, 180. Observe also here?4,ueo, while in 3, 180, the adj. pron. is used. -- El', obj. of rpope'povao-: o6EXe has for subj. aveXAa, and with &cs denotes, as often in Hom., a wish which cannot be realized. Cf. H. 721, b; K. ~ 259, R. 6; G. ~ 83, N. 2,N, that on that day when, etc., an evil blast of wind had borne me swiftly away (lit. had gone bearing me away), etc.: 7rp-ToJ, at first, at the dawn of life. - a&7rdpae, see Lex.: notice the omission of dv. H. 746, b; K. ~ 260, R. 3; G. ~ 49, 2, N. 2, where a wave had washed me away before, etc. 350-368. avLpos limits &CKo-LS: CireiTa, thereupon, or therefore would that, etc.- - s'an (fr. oTba), who knew, i. e. vwho felt, etc. -- ppE'es E.trE8ot, sc. 6o-tv. T-.- w,, illative: A[lv, subj. of e'ravup~feoaat. -- cppyva: partitive appos. w. o', has encompassed you especially, in mind, i. e. has encompassed especially YOUR mind. -'eSi' &Trns, on account of the mischief (i. e. the mschievous conduct) of, etc. - u- ed, obj. of Kd&ise (causative). - i7rarrasvE l, I'rew. - o~ ue~y' (adv.) K7iT., lit. who have greatly a lcnging, etc., i. e. who have a great longing for me, etc.- ~-ro- TO, Paris. ---... I, whether... or. 3871-379. Sp' = espe, epo.icw... - Eye (notice the accent and breathing, distinguishing it fr. i]ye), she, fr. bye. - r- 7pepywq isepso-tei, stood upon, etc.; cf. 3, 149, N. on ifrl 7rvdApo. ---- r' oi68v, join w. iyz (fut.), not w. eaCrs (which would take iri w. the dat.: cf. Wrtp yw iqp- v. 273), lhe stood, about to go towards, etc. - e' Lfye KEi., but if (you will), come! speak to me, etc.: &'ye, interjec. Cf. 1, 302. -- wr, interrog. Lex. II. 2: wrJ (enclit.), indef., whither went, etc.; has she gone at all, etc.: ILIAD VI. 233 es w. gen. always elliptical. Cf. f w. gen. v. 47, N.?- yaXdwv, sitersin-law: elvacepwoV, sisters-in-law of a husband. 382-398.,1dAa by its position naturally goes w. &wvyas, since you earnestly ezhort (me), etc. Supply after this clause the thought, Epci, I will speak. For a sirnilar ellipsis, cf. v. 150. -- Tpcas, subj. of'repeorai. -'H: cf. 1, 528. - 6bp, acc. of extent, by the same way, etc., along (Kava), etc. ~- i, adv. here, or by this. rtetaL, rat, S, v, a,. -o.'HerTw6Y, though an emphatic repetition of the preceding word, is yet made to agree in case with the following relat. "s. -- cOhp, dat. of place, poetic usage, for Jv w. dat. - Notice the resumptive force of Sh after TroiTrep, the daughter of this one, I say. H. 851, a; K. ~ 315. -'"EKrop~ is usu. explained as dat. of agent, was held (as wife) by, etc. 399-408. 1 ol....y oT' (a&Ydw), she then met him. -- 7raT'... aTraxdppoca, obj. of 4Xovaa, which agrees w. a4,.plroxos. r- zlro, acrwi, so young, calling marked attention to the youth of the child, who was borne in the arms of the nurse. - odos (notice the breathing)... wEKCWp, for Hector alone, etc. The people called Hector's little son, Astyanax (aor-v, dva~), in compliment to the father, as the defender of Troy. of &YXi 7raptOTa0o: is not of dependent on irap-? &yXL comm. takes the gen.: stood close by his side. - V. 406: cf. v. 253.- AaLJAJeL: " is here," says Dr. Owen, "a term of endearment." Cr. and F. render it, Boser Mann! base man! It appears to me here, as usu. elsewhere, simply a courteous form of address. Cf. v. 326, N. - ~, subj. of oropuaL, relates to fAe. 411-424. a.auap'Tour0 relates to ixot, takes o-ev as indirect obj., being deprived of you. -..rel....r.irrps (fciErw, III), after you (emphatic) shall have, etc. -- Xe' (&Xea, fr. aXos), sc. oeral IAo.. - dc, v. 415, join w. ire'pcrev (ire'pw). -, rl... XeefV ('rixlWO), se. aur,4, heaped a mound over (him). - crept, sc. avirdv. o- f... o0l IX (= EiyV): same const. as 3, 132-134; see N.: lit. those, who were to me in the palace seven brothers, all on one day, etc. Ai'Aov e-Yaw: cf. 3, 322 where 8duor is expressed. -?rl (v. 424) w. dat. denotes here situation, near, by, or among. 425-439. nJ7Tf'pa: emphatic position; obj. of arTEAvae: but my mother, who, etc., after he brought her hither, etc., her he released, etc.: Trv (v. 42'7) repeats for perspicuity the idea /r1TEp-a. -- Bdh', SC. ripv, smote (her). - "Erop, a&r&p 0t KiE. Cf. v. 86. Notice the abruptness of the transition, imparting great liveliness to the narration. - abtrov, adv. - - opqpavwco'v, and Xpqrv, pred., make not your child an orphan, etc. - iLjBa/A-ds (= &va]ards): Cr. and some others read 1IX8ea7os. — 234, O T E S. irXe-o (rEAo), was Land has continued to be); may be rendered as pres., is. - r-ye, adv., here, at this point. - 1 ro Tis... vv, either some one perhaps... or (if this was not so) then even their courage, etc. evo'ire (H. 450 D, 8; K. ~ 230, EErcow: augment omitted, as is shown by the accent on the prep. boior-wE); told (it, the fact that the wall at this point was easily scaled) to them. 441-449. rdbe 7rdvTa, all these things, i. e. all that Andromache had said to him; especially v. 410 if. and v. 432. -- yrvaL: often used, as here, in the most respectful address. -- &oTWye (Tvwnya), sc. aAvUKaSEd'i,. -- &apzievos: &pYujvaL means 1st to win, acquire, cf. 1, 159; 2d to defend (what one has acquired), as here. - le'ov, sc. KAEos: aviTro, same const. as KUcvTrl&Os, 3, 180, cf. note: and my own (glory). -- Vv. 447-449: cf. 4, 163-165. Scipio is said to have repeated vv. 448, 449, among the ruins of Carthage, while standing at the side of his friend Polybius, and to have predicted in these words the fall of Rome. Appian, Lib. VIII. Cap. cxxxii. 450-465. Tpcwv, obj. gen. w. &Ayos, but grief lies not so much on my heart for the Trojans in future, nor for, etc. - iroXhes: notice the accent; fr. iroz5s.- obov o-eo (accented, emphat.), as for you. — &aKpudeo'o'av &'yl'rai, sc. oae'. EAevepov ijuap, day of freedom: cf. boviXor jiap, day of servitude, 463. - 7rpbs (denoting the agent) 4AAxxs, at the command of another. —. Ki... ivTbY bativrois, you would weave a web; cf. 3, 125. - Meav-,i#os,'T~repet'ls. "If Hom. intends to mention fountains in Greece, he only selects names of frequent occurrence. Fountains of these names afterwards existed in Thessalian Pherae. A fountain Messeis is mentioned by Pausanias at Therapne in Laconia." Diintz. - E7nrl eTat, sc. o'oL. T Irs (enclit.), one and another, or many a one shall hereafter (VroTr) say, etc. KaT&.... Xouvaav, sc. So, obj. of iSdv. i ~$e, that is, or yonder is, etc. - E, obj. of IcaT... itaXv7r'ro: optat. without Vr, a wish: may a mound of earth cover me, etc. 7rvucaraa w. xrplr: before, added to all the rest (e&i), Iperceive your cry (for help) and learn of, etc. 466-481. oA'raits, gen. w. verb of aiming, reached towards his boy. -- aTvX2ErEs (aTvlooal), w. direct obj., terri ed at; gives the reason for EhIctvX7 AdXwo. -- eLro'r, adv. w. reivorra (se. Xe4pov), having perceived it nodding terribly, etc. - iK' e-TyXaoaae, e'iyeaco. - abvbca: notice the asyndeton, giving liveliness to the narration, forthwith, from his head... took his helmet. - TrPY, i. e. Ko'pvaa. -- cfae, eKUvye': 7rihXe, 7rdhAAw: after he had kissed, etc. -- 8d-e 84: notice the force of 58, imparting emphasis to the prayer, grant, etc. The thought of the destruction of ILIAD VI. 235 Troy appears for the moment to have passed from Hector's mind. --- ial Trove... Kal ad?. It is not convenient to translate icKa in both clauses: that this, my son also may become just as I (also). --'i-s: cf. v. 459, N. a- &vda, sc. aV'J6v (indirect obj. of etrpal), and hereafter many a one shall say of him, as he returns, etc. Some editt. have efirot, instead of eth'r, denoting a wish: Xenpon, xape,, optat. of wishing, may he bring, etc. 484-493. 6aKpvdev (8atcpvdeLs), adv., tearfully, or through tears. —-- Ka'itpetev,, KcaTappdEw: caressed her with his hand, etc. - alcoov'tfl: Derby renders it here, dearest! -- A LoL (dat. of interest) KTf., do not grieve for me, etc. --- Tre'p adarv, beyond what is fated, i. e. contrary to fate. Cf. v. 333, for a sense somewhat different. --,Uo~pa obj. ovSLva subj. of erEvpyye',oY: oh... oa vor emphasizes the foregoing; not a coward, znot even a brave man, sc. has escaped, etc. -- e7rP... YE7',TaL, lit., since the first (things) have come into being, i. e. since the world began. -- T& ol- (= a-o) a'T7lis Ep-ya, thine own affairs. For the const. of avhTis, cf. ICVVCrio5, 3, 180, N. -- tiaov,, vhXaK-, appos. w. fpa. O — o, relat. 494-516. Kdpv A~' CATFo: he had just before placed it on the ground. Cf. v. 473. -- fBejBIeI: cf. 1, 221, N. -- ydov, obj. of &e'vpoev (v4dpvvurl). - alc fue'', i. e. ayr&p7roXoL. yo'ov (v. 500) a verb: Lex. yod. - 1ALV, subj. of'eo'aal: iriTdpo7roV,, irpo4pvy4vSra agree w. 1,lv. -- &rropphtas, aropyvrMLt: e p7, at': vcS-Oio, cf. v. 38, runs, stamping, over the plain. --- roTa/uoo, gen. of place. d- icdp-, obj. of EXEL, subj., sc. o-aibrs?lr-ros..- e, obj. of qpfpeL:?yova, ace. of specif.; lit., bears himself easily in respect to his knees: /eCds w. ace., into the midst of, etc. - i&s (accented), thus: a correlative of &s, as, v. 506. Few more spirited comparisons than the above can be found. i KaT-d w. gen., down from, connect w. EfEf81KEL. -— &,I relat. adv., where: A, join w.,yvvalcl, his wife. 518-529.'HaEZe: Derby renders it, good brother. -- bapo'ire, a respectful address, and should not, I think, be rendered strange one! Derby says, my gallant brother! -- pryov... zfdX-qs, would fail to honor your conduct in battle.-!erLE~Is (/leeWr/l), 2d pers. sing. pres. indic.: Att. speW71s: you are voluntarily remiss, and are unwilling (to fight). -- rWpd Tp&0ov, cf. 1, 160. -- onaeB,, subjunc., let us, etc. -- cp7T? pa....Xevaepov: a mixer (commemorative) of freedom. -- xdcaaTas agrees w. the subj. of o'-r' shall grant that we set up... after having driven, etc.