JAPANESE-ENGLISH AD ENGLISH-JAPAN ESE DICTIONARY. BY J. C. HEPBURN, M.D., LL.D ABRIDGED B Y THE A UsTHOR. NEW YORK: A. D. F. RANDOLPH & COMPANY, 770 Broadway. LONDON: TRUBNER & CO., 57 & 59 LUDGATE HILL. I873. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, by J. C. HEPBURN, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. 0. EDWARD 0. JENKINS, ROBERT R UTTE R, PRINTER AND STEREOTYPER. BINDER, 20 N. WILLIAM ST., N. Y. 84 BEEKMAN STREET, N. Y. PREFACE. IN order to render the Dictionary more portable and convenient in size, the Author has thought it best to abridge the larger work and bring it out in its present form. In so doing, he has omitted the Chinese and Japanese characters, the synonyms, and the examples showing the use of the words, excepting such as contained a peculiar idiom, and which could not be included in a definition. All the native Japanese words, with the exception of those which were rarely used or obsolete, have been retained; as, also, all the words derived from the Chinese which are in current use. In most cases, the arrangement of the compound words, especially of the verbs and Chinese words, has been altered; and, instead of making each an independent word, they have been arranged under the first member of the compound, as may be seen in the case of Abura, Fumi, or Rai. The Second, or English and Japanese, Part, has not been abridged or altered from the original, except in the correction of such typographical errors as were met with. In order that the Dictionary may be more easily understood, it may be well to explain that, in the Japanese and English Part, the root of the verb only is printed in small capitals, that which follows (iii) iv PREFACE. in italics, separated by a dash, are the adjective form, and the preterite tense, as, ABAKI,-ku,-ita, should be read Abaki, abaku, abaita; AGE,-ru,-ta, should be read, Age, ageru, ageta, and MI,-ru,-ta, should be read, Mi, miru, mita. Also, in the case of the adjectives, when printed OMoI,-ki,-ku,-shi, it should be read, Omoz omoki, omoku, omoshi, the first and second being the attributive, the third the adverbial, and the fourth the predicative forms of the adjective. The hyphen is used always to connect the different members of a compound word. J. C. H. ORTHOGRAPHY. a has the sound of a in father, arm. e has the sound of ey in they, prey. i has the sound of i in machine, pique, or like the sound of e in mete. o has the sound of o in no, so. The horizontal mark over o and fi, indicates merely that the sound of o and u is prolonged. u has the long sound of u in rule, tune, or oo in moon, excepting in the syllables tsu, dzu, and su, when it has a close sound, resembling, as near as possible, the sound of u pronounced with the vocal organs fixed in the position they are in just after pronouncing the letter s. ai has the sound of ai in aisle, or like eye. au has the sound of ow in cow, how. ch is pronounced like ch in cheek, cheap. sh is pronounced like sh in shall, shzip, shop. f has a close resemblance to the sound of the Englishf, but differs from it, in that the lower lip does not touch the upper teeth; the sound is made by blowing fu softly through the lips nearly closed, resembling the sound of wh in who: fu is an aspirate, and might, for the sake of uniformity, be written hu. g in the Yedo dialect, has the soft sound of ng; but in Kiyoto, Nagasaki, and the Southern provinces it has the hard sound of g in go, gain. r in ra, re, ro, ru, has the sound of the English r; but in ri it is pronounced more like d; but this is not invariable, as many natives give it the common r sound. se in Kiyoto, Nagasaki, and the Southern Provinces, is pronounced she, and ze like je. The final n, when at the end of a word, has always the sound of ng; as, mon =- mong, san = sang, nin = ning; but in the body of a word, when followed by a syllable beginning with b, m or f, it is pronounced like m, as, ban-min == bammingz; mon-ban, (v) vi ABBREVIATIONS. = mombang; shin-pai - shim-jpai. Before the other consonants it has the sound of n; as, an-nai, ban-daz, han-jo. The sounds of the other consonants, viz., b, d, h, j, k, n, n, p, s, I, w, y and z, do not differ from their common English sounds. ABBREVIATIONS. a. stands for adjective. adv. " adverb. Budd. " Buddhist. caust. " causative form of the verb. coil. Is colloquial. conj. " conjunction. dub. " future or dubitative form of the verb. exclam. " exclamation or interjection. fut. is future tense. imp. " imperative mood. i. v. " intransitive verb. n. noun. neg. " negative form of the verb. pass. " passive. pot. " potential. post-pos. " post-position. p,. p. perfect participle. p. pr. present participle. pret. " preterite or past tense. pro. " pronoun. t. v. " transitive verb. id. " the same. equal to. in the First Part of the Dictionary, stands for the repetition of the Japanese word; in the Second Part, for the repetition of the English word. A JAPANESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY. A AA. Ah! alas! oh! ABURA, n. Oil, grease, fat, sweat. - n AA, adv. In that way, so, that. - suru, shimi, a grease spot. A bura-ashi to do in that way. - iu, that way, that sweaty feet. A bura-daru, an oil-tub. manner. A bura-de, sweaty hands. A bura-gaABAI,-a,-atta, t.v. To shield or screen mi, oil-paper. Abura-hi, an oil light. from danger, to protect, defend. Abura-kasu, oil-cake. Abura-kawa, ABAKE,-ru,-ta, i.v. To be broken open; the membrane that encloses the fat. to be divulged, made public. Abura-mushi, a cockroach. AburaABAKI —ku,-ita, t.v. To break or dig nuki, anything that extracts grease. open that which confines or covers some- A bura-sashi, an oil-can. A burathing else; to expose or divulge; as, a shime, an oil-press. A bura-tsubo, an secret. oil-jar. Abura-tsugi, an oil-can. AABARA, n. The side of the chest. bura-ya, an oil-store, an oil-seller. AABARA-BONE, n. A rib. bura-ye, an oil-painting. A bura-zara, ABARA-YA, n. A dilapidated house, a a lamp-cup. shed. ABURAGE. Anything fried in oil. ABARE,-r,-ta, i.v. To act in a wild, ABURA-GIRI,-ru,-ta, i.v. To become violent, turbulent, or destructive man- oily on the surface, to be covered with ner; to be disorderly, riotous, sweat. ABARE-MONO, n. A riotous, disorderly ABURAKE. Oily, fatty, greasy (in taste). fellow. ABURAMI, n. The fat, or fatty part of ABARI2 n. A bamboo needle used for flesh. making nets. ABURA-NA, n. The rapeseed plant. ABATA, n. Pock-marks. ABURE,-ru,-ia, i.v. To overflow, to inABEKOBE-Nr, adv. In a contrary, oppo- undate, to be covered with a multitude; site, or reversed manner; inside out, to be left over. upside down. ABURE-MONO, n. A ruffian, disorderly Aai,-ru,-ta, t.v. To bathe by pouring fellow. water over one's self. ABURI,-ru,-tia, t.v. To hold or place ABIKO, n. A kind of lizard. near a fire in order to warm, dry, roast ABISE,-ru,-ta, t.v. To pour water over or toast. Aburi-kawakasu, to dry at or bathe another, the fire. Aburi-kogasu, to char or ABU, n. A horse-fly. scorch. Aburi-korosu, to roast to ABUKU, n. Bubbles, froth, foam. death, burn at the stake. ABUMI, n. A stirrup. Abumi-shi, a stir- ABURIKO, n. A gridiron. rup-maker. ACHI, adv. There, that place. ABUNAGARI,-rU,-ta, iv. To feel timid, to ACHI-KOCHI, adv. Here and there, all be fearful. about, more or less. ABUNAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Dangerous, per- ACHIRA, adv. There, that place, yonder. ilous, hazardous. Abunai, take care. ADA, n. An enemy, adversary, foe. Ada ABUNASA, n. The danger, peril, hazard. suru, to oppose. (1) ADA 2 AI ADA, a. Useless, vain, empty, fictitious. AGE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To elevate, to raise, Ada-dama, a ball or shot that missed to give, to offer in sacrifice, to reckon, the mark. Ada-bana, blossoms which to tell, to finish. bear no fruit. Ada-guchi, empty, tri- AGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To fry. fling or foolish talk. AGE, n. A tuck (in a garment). ADAFUDA, adv. Capricious, whimsical, AGEBA, n. A landing, wharf, jetty, a changeable, unsteady. place for unloading goods. ADA-GATAKI, n. An enemy. AGE-BUTA, n. A trap door. ADAKAMO, adv. Just, precisely, exactly. AGECHI, n. Weaning a child. ADARIEKI,-ku,-ta, i. v. To be idle, in- AGEGOTATSU, n. A brazier placed on a dolent, fond of pleasure. stand. ADA-NA, a. Lovely, charming, voluptu- AGEIU-NI, adv. At last, finally. ous. AGE-MAKI, n. The two round tufts of ADA-NA, n. A fictitious name, nick- hair left over the temples in shaving a name. young boy's head; a boy of the age of ADA-NI, adv. Uselessly, vainly, un- from three to ten years; a kind of bowprofitably. knot. ADAPPOI, a. Lovely, charming, fascinat- AGE-MoOCHII-,-yr,-ta, i. v. To elevate ing. from a low social position to service in ADAYAKA, a. Beautiful. a prince's employ. ADENA, a. Beautiful, gay, genteel. AGE-NABE, n. A frying-pan. ADEYAKA, a. Beautiful; gay, or genteel AGETSURAI,-o,-/ta, t. v. To discuss, to in appearance. discourse on, to reason on. ADOKENAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Ignorant, AGI, n. Assafoetida. without judgment, simple. AGI, or AGOTO, n. The lower jaw. ADZUCHI, n. A mound or bank of earth AGO, or AGOTA, n. The chin, lower against which a target is plaeed. jaw. ADZUKARI,-rU,-/a, i. v. To receive, to AGMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. Tired, wearied, be intrusted with, to have consigned or to have one's patience exhausted. committed to one's care, to have charge AGUNE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be surfeited, of, to partake or participate in, to be glutted. employed in, to be the subject of, to be AGURA, n. Sitting with the legs crossed the recipient of. tailor fashion. ADZUKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To commit to the AHEN, n. Opium. care of another, to entrust, to give in AHIRU, n. The domestic duck. charge, to deposit, consign. AHO, n. A dunce, fool; stupid, foolish, ADZUKI, n. A small red bean. silly. AFURE,-ru,-/a, i. v. Same as Abure,- AHORASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Foolish, silly, ru. stupid in manner. AGAKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To paw with the AI, (itsukushimi), n. Love, affection. feet, to gallop, prance; to move the - suru, to love, as a parent or friend. legs as a tortoise when lying on its AI, n. Indigo, the Polygonum Tineback; to struggle, scramble; to exert, torium. strive, hasten. Ai, (kanashzimi), n. Sorrow, sadness, AGAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To exalt, to adore, grief. to glorify, to honor. AI, n. Interval of time or space; time, AGANAU,-au,-ta, t. v. To atone for, to during, between. make satisfaction for, to compensate, to AI, au, atta, i. v. To meet, to meet redeem, to make good. with, encounter, suffer, to happen on, AGARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To ascend, rise, go to find. up, to enter; to take (as food, drink); AI, au, atta, i. v. To agree, correspond, to come; to be confiscated or taken accord, suit, fit. away by government; to be done or AI-AI-NI, adv. At various intervals of finished. Agari-ba, a platform, a raised time or space; together. place for standing on. Agari-dan, a AI-BAN, n. A fellow watchman. ladder, steps, stairs. Agari-denji, con- AI-BI, n. The plank laid from a boat to fiscated land. Agari-guchi, the en- land by. trance to a flight of steps. Agari-sa- AIBIAI,-a-a-ata, t. v. The same as Ayugari, rise and fall, up and down. Aga- mi-ai. ri-ya,.a gaol. Agari-yashiki, confis- AI-BIKI, n. A mutual retreat or withcated house. drawal. AI 3 AKA AI-B6, n. A fellow chairbearer or coolie. AISOMUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To turn the AI-BORE,-ru,-ta, i. V. To be in love with back on each other. each other. AISONAGE-NI, adv. In an uncourteous, AIDA, n. Interval of space or time, time, uncivil or rude manner. space; between, while, during; since, AISORASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Kind, civil, couras, because. teous or polite in manner. AIDAGARA, n. Relations, connections. AITA, exclam. It hurts, it pains. AI-DESHI, n. Fellow pupils, school- AITAGAI-NI, ado. Mutually, together, mates. with or amongst one another. AIDZU, n. A signal, sign. AI-TAI,-ki,-ku, a. Wish to meet, would AI-DZUCHI, n. A large sledge-hammer. like to see. AI-DZUMI, n. A ball of indigo used in AITAI, adv. Face to face, opposite to each dyeing. other; between themselves, without the AI-DZURI, n. Printed with blue figures. presence or intervention of another. AI-GAI, n. Mutual injury. AITAI-GAI, n. Trading or buying directAI-GUMI, n. Belonging to the same com- ly, without the intervention of a third pany. person. AI-GUSURI, n. A medicine adapted to AITAI-NI, adv. Privately, by themselves, the disease, a specific. without the interposition or presence AI-JIRusHI, n. An ensign, banner, badge, of others. signal. AITE, n. A mate, partner, companion; AI-KAGI, n. A false key, a fellow key to an opponent, antagonist, adversary, the same lock. competitor, the other party in any afAI-KAMAYETE, adv. Certainly, positive- fair. ly, by all means. AITEDORI,-ru,-t/a, t. v. To treat as an AI-KASA, n. Two persons under one um- enemy or opposing party (as in a lawbrella. - de aruku. suit, or quarrel); against. AI-KATA, n. A mate, partner, compan- AITSU, n. That low tellow. ion, fellow, playmate, comrade; acoun- AIYAKE, n. The daughter-in-law's or terpart, or impression. son-in-law's father. AI-KOTOBA, n. A signal (by words or AIYAKU, n. A fellow officer. sounds), countersign, watch-word. AIYOME, n. The wives of two brothers; AI-KUCHI, n. A short sword without a or daughters-in-law in the same family. hilt; a dagger. AIzoME, n. Blue-dyed. AI-KUGI, n. A nail fixed in the edge of a AJI, n. Taste, flavor. board to join it with another. AJIKINAI,-ki,-ku, a. Unpleasant, unhapAI-MUKAI,-au,-atta, i. v. To be oppo- py, miserable, wearily. site or facing each other. AJINAI,-ki, a. Without flavor, tasteless. AI-MUKAI-NI, adv. Opposite each other, AJIRO, n. A woven work of bamboo, face to face. ratan, or grass. AI-MUKO, n. Persons who have married AJIsAI, n. The Hydrangea. sisters, brothers-in-law. AjIWAI, n. Taste, flavor. AI-NAKA, n. Intimacy, friendly inter- AJIWAI,-O,-6t, t. v. To taste, to try, course, amicable and familiar terms. examine. AIRASHII,-ki, a. Lovely, darling, pretty, AKAI n. The water placed by the Budsweet, beautiful. dhists before their idols, and in the AIR6, n. A blue color for painting, hollow places cut in tomb stones; Holy AISATSU, n. Salutation, acknowledgment water. of a favor, an answer. - suru, to sa- AKA, n. Bilge-water. lute, to mediate, or interpose and set- AKA, n. The dirt or grease of the body, tie a difficulty between parties at vari- the dirt or slime of water, dirt. ance. AKA, a. Red. AISATSU-NIN, n. A peace-maker, a me- AKADAIKON, n. A beet. diator, intercessor. AKA-DAMA, n. A red stone. The name AI-SHI, n. Beloved child. of a secret medicine, made into red Ai-s6, n. Love, attachment; civil, cour- pills, and used for pain in the stomteous, or polite in treatment of others. ach. - wo suru, to treat courteously. AKAGANE, n. Copper. AIS6DZUKASHI,-Js,-ta, i. v. To cool in AKAGAYERU n. A species of frog having affection or attachment to another; to a beautifully striped skin, treat with rudeness or incivility. AKAGE, n. Red hair. AKA 4 AKI AKAGASHI, n. The name of a tree; lit. AKATSUKI, n. The dawn of day, dayred oak. break. AKAGIRE, n. Chaps, or cracks on the AKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. or i. v. To open; to hands or feet produced by cold. empty, to dawn. AKAGO, n. n. An infant. AKE, n. The opening dawn. - mutsu, AKAHADAKA, Stark naked, bare of cloth- six o'clock in the morning. - no ing. kane, the morning bell. - no tsuki, AKAHAJI, n. Blushing for shame, shame. the next month. - no tashi, the fol-wo kaku, to blush for shame. lowing year. AKAHARA, n. Dysentery. AKEBONO, n. The dim dawn of the AKAI,-ki, a. Red. morning. AKAJIMITA, a. Dirty, soiled by the AKE-GATA, n. The dawn. grease of the body. AKE-GURE, n. The darkness just before AKAKU, adv. Red. - suru, to make day break. red. - naru, to become red. - nai. AKE-HANARE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To dawn, to it is not red. break, (as the day.) AKAMATSU, n. Red pine. AKE-HANASHI,-s,-ta, t. v. To leave AKAMBO, n. An infant. open. AKAME,-r,-ta, t. v. To make red, to AKE-KURE, n. The rising and setting of redden. the sun, morning and evening, day and AKAME-AI-au,- atta, i. v. To confront night, constantly. each other with flushed face. AKENI, n. A box made of bamboo, used AKAMI, n. A redness, a red color or in traveling. tinge of red, the red part, the lean part AKE-TATE, n. Opening and shutting. of flesh. AKI, n. Autumn, fall. AKAMI-DACHI,-/su,-ta, i. v. To turn or AKI,-ku or kiru, aita, i. v. To be full, become red; as the leaves or fruit. satiated, to have enough; to be tired AKAMI-WATARI,-rU,-tta, i. To become of, wearied. red all over, as the sky at sunset. AKI, n. Satiety, fulness, enough. AKANE, n. The name of a root used for ga deru, to get tired of anything. dyeing red; Madder, or Rubia-cordata. AKI, aku, aita, i. v. To be open, empAKA-OTOSHI, n. Any thing that will ty, vacant, unoccupied; to begin. cleanse or remove dirt from the body AKI-BAKO, n. An empty box. or clothing. AKIBITO, n. A merchant, trader. AKARAGAO, n. A red face. AKI-CHI, n. Vacant land, unoccupied or AKARAMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To become uncultivated ground. red, to redden, to blush, to be ripe. AKI-DANA, n. A vacant shop or house. AKARA-SAMA-NI, adv. Without conceal- AKIDO, n. The gills of a fish. ment or disguise, explicitly, plainly, AKI-HATE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be comclearly. pletely satiated, to be tired of anyAKARE,-ru,-ta,tass. of Aki. To be dis- thing, disgusted. liked, loathed. AKI-IYE, n. A vacant house. AKARI, n. The light, a light. AKIMEKURA, n. Amaurosis, or glaucoAKARI-MADO, n. A sky-light. ma. AKARI-SAKI, n. Before one's light, in AKIMONO, n. Merchandise, goods. one's light. AKINAI,-a,-ata, t. v. To trade, to AKARI-TORI, n. A window, or any place traffic, to buy and sell. letting in light. AKINAI, n. Trade, traffic, commerce. AKARUI,-ki,-ku, a. Light not dark. AKINAI-BUNE, n. A merchant-ship. AKARUSA, n. The lightness, the state or AKINAI-MONO, N. Merchandise, goods, degree of light. wares. AKASA, n. The state or degree of red- AKINDO, n. A merchant, trader, tradesness. man. AKASHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To declare or make AKIPPOI, a. Easily tired, soon satisfied, known something concealed, to confess, fickle. reveal; to bring to light; to spend the AKIRAKA, a. Clear, plain, intelligible; whole night in doing anything. manifest, distinct, obvious, luminous. AKASHI, n. Proof, evidence. AKIRAKA-NI, adv. Clearly, distinctly, AKA-SUJI, n. Red lines, or veins. plainly, evidently, intelligently. AKA-TORI, sn A vessel for bailing a AKIRAME,-rU,-ta, t. v. To clear, to make boat. plain, to understand; to clear, free or AKI 5 AMA relieve the mind of doubt or suspense, AMADARI, n. The rain dropping from the to satisfy, or set the mind at rest, to be eaves. resigned. AMADARI-UKE, n. The spout for conAKIRAME. n. Ease or relief of mind from ducting rain-water from the trough. doubt, perplexity or anxiety; resigna- AMADERA, n. A convent or nunnery. tion, satisfaction. AMADO, n. A rain-door, the outside AKIRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be astonished, sliding-doors. amazed, to wonder, to be surprised. AMAGAPPA, n. A rain-coat. AKITARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be satisfied, to AMAKASA, n. A rain-hat, or an umbrella. have enough, contented. AMAGAYERU, n. A tree-frog. AKI-YA, n. A vacant house. AMAGOI, n. Prayers and sacrifices offered AKKENAI,-ki,-kU, a. Not enough, not up to procure rain. satisfied, longing for more. AMAGU, n. Articles used to protect from AKKE-NI-TORARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be rain; as an umbrella, rain-coat. amazed, surprised, astonished, thunder- AMAI,-ki, a. Sweet, pleasant to the taste, struck. savory; not enough salt; loose, not AKKERAKAN, adv. In a vacant, empty tight, having too much play; soft, as, manner; having nothing to occupy metal; foolish. one's self with, listlessly. AMAJIWO, n. Slightly salted. AKKI, n. Evil spirits, a demon. AMAKEDZUKI,-ku,-fta, i. v. To have the AKKI, n. Noxious vapors, miasma. appearance of rain. AKK6, a. Vile, scurrilous, or blackguard AMAKU, adv. Sweet. - szcr, to language. sweeten. AKU, n. Lye also the liquor obtained by AMA-KUDARI,-ru,-/fa, i, v. To descend Li ortained *y from heaven. slacking lime, or steeping anything in AA-MIDZU Rain-water. water. AMA-MIDZU, n. Rain-water. wAKU,. B AMA-MORI, n. A leaking of rain through Aiu, a. Bad, wlicked, evil, malignant, the roof; a small court-yard in the cennoxious, virulent, foul. - fo0 surU, to tre of a house. commit evil. -, an unluckyday. AMA-MOOI,. A gathering of the clouds - bzyb, a malignant disease. - chi, for rain. impure blood. — fu, bad customs. - AMANA,-au,-ata, t. v. To taste with go, evil deeds. — i, an evil thing or pleasure, relish. act. - giyak, treason, perfidy. AMANEKU, adv. Everywhere, universally, nin, a bad man. - miyo, a bad name. all whole. - s, a bad physiognomy. -ai, foul AMANJI,-dZuru,-ta, i. v. To relish, delanguage. ight light in. AKUBI,. Yawning, gaping. -wo suru, AANOGAWA, n. The milky way. to yawn, gape. AMA-OCHI, n. A small court-yard in the AKUDOI,-ki, a. Quickly producing satie- centre of a house; the gutter or place ty, cloying, palling, gross in taste; not where the rain-drops fall from the eaves delicate, refined, or proper; florid. of a house. AKU-MA, n. A demon, devil. AMA-OI, n. A covering, or screen to AKU-RIYO, n. A malicious spirit of a dead keep off the rain. person. AMARERU. i. v. To be left over, to be AKURU, a. The dawning or opening of over and above. the day: ensuing, following, next. - AMRI,,-,ta, i. v. To exceed, to be hi, the next day. - toshi, the following more, or greater than, to be beyond or year. above, to remain over, to be left over. AKUTA, n. Dirt, litter, filth. AMARI, n. That which is left over, the AMA, n. A Buddhist nun. remainder, excess, surplus, overplus. AMA, n. A fisherwoman. AMARI, adv. Very, exceedingly, more AMA, n. Heaven, the sky; used only in than, too, above. compounds. AMARI-NA, or, AMARI-NO, a. Excessive, AMA-AGARI, n. Clearing off of rain. more than is common or reasonable, AMABOSHI, n. Sun-dried, without being immoderate, inordinate, extraordinasalted. ry. AMACHA, n. The name of a sweet infu- AMASA, n. The state or degree of sweetsion, used as a medicine, and for wash- ness. ing the image of Shaka, on the anniver- AMASHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To let remain, leav@ sary of his birth. over. AMA 6 ANJ AMA-SH6JI, n. An outside or rain door, ANA, n. A hole, cave, pit, mine. made of sash pasted with oiled paper. ANADORI,-ru,-t/a, t. v. To despise, conAMASO-NA, a. Having the appearance of temn, scorn, look down upon, disdain. being sweet, or pleasant to the taste. ANADORI, n. Contempt, disdain, scorn. AMASSAYE, adv. Moreover, besides, still ANAGACHI-NI, adv. By compulsion, right more. or wrong, unreasonably, reluctantly. AMATA, a. Many, much. ANAGO, n. A species of eel. AMA-YADORI, n. Shelter from the rain. ANA-GURA, n. A cellar or store-house AMAYAKASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To humor, underground. pet, indulge, as a child; to dandle or ANA-ICHI, n. The game of pitch-penny. amuse a child. ANAJI, n. Fistula in ano. AMAYE, n. Indulgence, humoring or pet- ANATA, a. That side, there; you. ting a child. ANCHI. Installing or placing an idol AMAYE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be humored, in a temple, to enshrine. indulged, petted. ANDARA, n. Nonsense, foolishness. AMA-YO, n. A rainy night. ANDO, n. Ease, happiness, tranquility, AMA-YOKE, n. A rain screen. freedom, from care or trouble. AMA-ZAKE, n. Sweet sake, a kind of ANDON, n. A lamp. drink made of fermented rice. ANDZU, n. Apricot. AMBAI, n. The seasoning or taste of ANE, n. Older sister. food; the state, condition, way, mode, ANE-BUN, n. One who acts the part of manner. an older sister; an adopted sister. AM-BU. -suru. To quiet, tranquil- ANEGO, n. Sister. ize, pacify; to make ccntented and' ANE-IUKO, n. Older sister's husband, happy. brother-in-law. AME, n. A kind of jelly made of wheat ANE-MUSUME, n. -The eldest daughter. flour. ANGIYA, n. A Buddhist priest who wanAME, n. The sky, heavens. Ametsuchi, ders or travels about from one sacred heaven and earth, place to another for religious purposes; AME, n. Rain. — ga furu, it rains. a palmer, pilgrim. AME-FURI, n. Rainy weather. ANGORI, adv. Having the mouth open, AMEUSHI, n. A yellow-haired ox. in a gaping manner. AMI, n. A net, net-work of any kind, a AN-GUWAI, (omoi no hoka.) Contrary to seine. expectation, unexpectedly. AMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To net, or make ANI, n. Older brother. net-work; to weave or bind together ANI-BUN, a. One who acts the part of an with strings; to compose. older brother, a friend; sworn broAMIDA, n. The name of Buddha. ther. AMI-DO, n. A door made of wire gauze. ANIKI, n. An older brother. AMIGASA, n. A hat made of bamboo or AN-ITSU, n. Living in ease, without work, rattan. living in idleness. AMI-HIKI, n. A fisherman. ANI-YOME, n. Older brother's wife, or AMI-JIBAN, n. A shirt made of net-work, sister-in-law. worn in hot weather to protect the gar- ANAJAKU, (kurakuyowashz). Imbecile, ments from sweat. idiotic. AMMA, n. Shampooing, also a shampoo- ANJI,-dzuru,-ta, t. v. To tranquilize, er. -- o toru, to shampoo. make happy; to be happy, to be in AMMATORI, n. A shampooer. peace, free from trouble, or sickness. AMMON, n. A first or rough copy. ANJI,-jiru or dzuru,-ita, i. v. To think AMPI, (yasuku inayu), n. Whether well anxiously about, to be anxious, conor not, welfare, health. - wo tO, to cerned, to consider. inquire after the heaith. ANJI, n. An invention, contrivance; AMPUKU, n. Shampooing or rubbing the anxiety, care, concern. abdomen. ANJI-DASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To call to mind, AN, n. Minced meat, or a mixture of.to suddenly recollect; to plan, invent, beans and sugarused for baking in cakes, to contrive, to excogitate. AN, (omoi), a. Opinion, thought, ex- ANJI-KURASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To live in pectation; also the table, bar or bench constant anxiety, to pass the time anxibefore a judge; a case or action in law. ously. ANA. Exclamation of joy, sorrow, sur- ANJI-MEGURASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To ponder prise, disgust; how! oh! anxiously about, think over carefully. ANJ 7 ARA ANJI-WABI,-rU,-d, t. v. To be anxious Aogi-fusu, to lie with the face turned and distressed about, to be in anxious upward. Aogi-negau, to supplicate suspense. with deep veneration. Aogi-miru, to ANJI-WADZURAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To be look up at. painfully anxious or concerned about. AOGI-TATE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To kindle by AN-KI, (yasuki ayauki), n. Safety or fanning. danger, existence or ruin, welfare. AOHIKI, n. A small green frog. ANKUWA, n. A small box lined with Aoi,-ki, a. Light green or blue; pale; plaster, in which coals are kept for green, unripe; immature, inexperiwarming the hands. enced. ANNA, a. That kind, manner or way; Aoi, n. The holly-hock. such. AOKU, adv. Green. - naru, to become ANNAI, n. Knocking at a door or calling green. - suru, to make green. out for admittance; sending word or a AOMi,-mu,-nda, i. v. To become green. messenger to call a person to come, or AOMI-DACHI,-u,t,-Ia, i. v. To appear, show him the way; the ways, the roads or turn green. or natural features of a country; the AoMUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To turn the face streets and peculiar arrangement of a upwards. Aonuite neru, to lie on the city or town; the inside arrangement back. of a castle or house; knowledge, ac- AONA, n. Greens. quaintance. AORI, n. The flaps of a saddle; the fan ANNAIJA, n. A guide, one acquainted used for winnowing grain. with the roads or natural features of a AoRI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To flap, as anything country or place. broad or loose in the wind, to slam; to ANO, Pro. That. swing in the wind, as a door or shutter; AN-ON, (yasuku odayaka. Peace, ease, to flap, or beat with a flap. comfort; freedom from want, danger or AORI, n. The blast of wind made by the disturbance; safety. flapping or slamming of anything. AN-RAKU, n. Happiness, ease. wo kuz, to be struck by a sudden blast, AN-SATSU, (hisokani korosu). Secret as of a falling house. murder or assassination, killing by sur- AOSA, n. The state or degree of greenprise or at night. ness. AN-SATSU, (shiraberu). - suru, to Ao-sHIRoI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Pale, sickly, judge, examine or try a criminal, wan, livid. AN-SHIN, (yasuki-kokoro), n. A mind AosUJI, n. The blue veins of the temfree from care, anxiety or trouble; com- ples. posure, ease, tranquility. AOTA, n. The green paddy-fields; a AN-SOKU. Rest, ceasing from labor. dead-head, one who enters theatres and - suru, to rest. - nichi, a day of shows without paying. rest, sabbath-day. AOTO, n. A kind of green stone, used for AN-YA, (yami noyo), n. A dark night. whetstones. AN-ZAN, (yasuku umu), n. An easy or AOUMA, n. A black horse. natural labor. AOYAGI, n. The willow. Ao, n. Light green, or sky blue, used AOZAMFs,-ru,-ta, i. v. To become livid only in compounds. or pallid. AOBA, n. Green leaves. APPARE. Exclamation of surprise and AOBAI, n. The blue bottle fly. admiration. AOBANA, n. The green mucus running ARA, n. The bones of fish or fowls. from the nose. ARA, a. Coarse, rough, crude, unwrought, AOBUKURE, n. Pale and swollen; as a unpolished. Ara-dzumori, a rough person with dropsy. estimate or calculation. Ara-gane, AOCHA, n. A yellowish-green color, tea- crude metal, ore. A ra-gawa, a raw green. hide, undressed skin. Ara-giyo, religiAODZUKE, n. Green plums pickled in ous austerities. Ara-gome, uncleaned salt. rice. AOGI,-gu,-id&; t. v. To fan, to win- ARA-ARA, adv. Coarsely, roughly, briefnow. ly, summarily, not minutely, particularAoGI,-gu,-~da, A'. 7. To look upwards ly or neatly, not with care or attention. at, to turn the face upwards, to regard ARA-ARASHII,-ki,-kU, a. Coarse, rough, with veneration and supplication. Ten rude, harsh, violent, boisterous, fierce, wo -, to look upwards at the sky. vehement, ferocious, tempestuous. ARA 8 ARI ARADACHI,-tSU,-ta, i. v. To become en- ARASOITAGARI,-ru,-/ta, i. v. To be fond raged, exasperated, irritated, to be of disputing or argument, contentious, stormy, boisterous, rough. disputatious. ARADATE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To irritate, to ARATA, n. New-made fields. exasperate, excite to anger. ARATAMARI,-ru,-t/a, i. v. To be amendARAGAI,-au,-tta, t. v. To irritate, to ed, overhauled, corrected, reformed, provoke, to tease, altered. ARAI,-ki-ku, a. Coarse in texture, size, ARATAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To renovate, or quality; rough, not smooth; harsh, rectify, amend, alter, change, make rude, wild; boisterous, tempestuous, better, to improve, reform; to examine, violent. inspect, overhaul. ARAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To wash, to cleanse. ARATAME, n. Examination, inspection, Arai, washing. Arai-gusuri, a medi- reformation, amendment. cal wash. Arai-ko, a washing-powder ARATAMETE, adv. Especially, particumade of beans. Arai-otosu, to wash larly. out. Arai-taderu, to cleanse the bot- ARATA-NA, a. New. tom of a ship by burning and wash- ARATA-NI, adv. Anew, newly, in a new ing. manner. - suru, to do over again, to ARAKAJIME, adv. Beforehand; summa- renew, reform, renovate. rily, in a general way; not particularly ARATE, n. Fresh troops, a fresh hand. or minutely. ARATO, n. A coarse kind of whetstone. ARA-KATA, adv. For the most part, in ARAWA-NI, adv. Openly, publicly. the main, mostly, generally. ARAWARE,-rU -ta, i. v. To be seen, to ARAKENAI,-ki,-ku, a. Rough in temper, appear, to be manifest, visible; to be savage, cruel, churlish. known, to be discovered, revealed. ARAKIBARI, a. Breaking up new soil and ARAWASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Arai. To preparing for cultivation. make, order or let wash. ARAKURE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be rough, ARAWASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To make to apcoarse and strong, brawny, burly. pear, cause to be seen, to display, disARAKUROSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Black and close, manifest, to show, make known, coarse, brawny and burly. reveal, declare, publish. ARAMASHI, adv. For the most part, in ARAYURU, a. That which is, existing. the main, mostly, generally. - mono, all things that are. ARA-MOMI, n. Unhulled rice. ARE, Exclam. in calling to another, or to ARA-MONO, n Coarse wares; a general draw attention. term for such things as wood, char- ARE, Iro. That. coal, brooms, clogs, etc. Aramonoya, ARE, imp. of Ari. Be it, whether. Kaa shop where the above articles are ku -, so be it. sold. ARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be rough, harsh, ARARE, n. Snow falling in round pel- spoiled, ruined, laid waste; to be savlets. age, ferocious; raging, tempestuous, ARASA, n. The coarseness, roughness, stormy. harshness, violence. ARE, n. A storm, tempest. ARASARE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Araski. To ARE-CHI, n. Waste, uncultivated land. be laid waste, destroyed, desolated, ARETA, n. Waste or uncultilvated rice spoiled. fields; wild meadow land. ARASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Ari. To cause ARI, n. A dove-tailed joint. to have, to be or exist, to create; to in- ARI, n. An ant. Ari-dzuka, an ant-hill. due. ARI, aru, atta, i. v. To be, to have, ARASHI,-Su,-ta, t. v. To spoil, ruin or to exist. injure by violence; to lay waste, de- ARIAI,-au,-atta, i. v. To happen to be stroy; to let go to ruin. present, happen to have at hand. ARASHI, n. A tempest, storm. ARI-AKE, n. Lasting all night. ARASHIKO, n. A jack-plane. ARI-ARI-TO, adv. Just as it was or is, ARASHIME, ru, caust. of Ari. To cause plainly, distinctly. or order to be or exist. ARI-AMARI,-ru,-/ta, i. v. That which ARASOI,-6,'4a, t. v. To contend, to strive one has over, more than one needs, all or compete, to dispute about, to wran- there is over. gle, quarrel. ARI-AWASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To make to do, ARASOI, n. A dispute, contention de- make suit; cause to be on hand, or bate, wrangling. ready. ARI 9 ASE ARI-BITO, n. The whole number of per- Will be, I think it will, I think it is or sons. there is. ARI-DAKE, n. All there is. ARU, adj. form of Ari. To be, to have; ARIDO, or ARI-DOKORO, n. The place a certain, some. where anything is. ARU-HEI-T6, n. A kind ofconfectionary. ARI-FURE,-ru,-ta,-i. v. To be common, ARUIWA, ron. Or, either, some, others; usual, ordinary, customary. and. ARIGATAI,-ki, a. Difficult or hard to ARUJI, n. Lord, master, landlord, owndo; rare and excellent; exciting feel- er. ings of admiration, praise and thank- ARUKI,-ku,-iZa, i. v. To walk. fulness; grateful, thankful. ASA, n. Hemp. ARIGATAGARI,-ru,-tta i. v. To be grate- ASA, n. Morning, before io o'ctock ful, or thankful; fond of expressing A. M. thanks; to regard with admiration. ASA, Shallow, (used only in compounds.) ARIGATAKU, adv. Thankful. - omo, to ASA-ASASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Shallow, not feel grateful. deep, superficial; mean, paltry, low, ARIGATASA, n. The state or degree of dishonorable. gratitude, also things to be thankful ASA-BORAKE, n. Morning twilight, dayfor, favors, blessings, benefactions. break, dawn. ARIGATO, adv. I thank you. ASADACHI, n. A shower of rain early in ARI-KA, n. The place where anything the morning. is. ASA-DE, n. A slight or superficial ARI-KAGIRI, n. All there are. wound. ARI-KIRI, n. All there is, the whole. ASAGAO, n. The morning glory. ARI-KITARI, a. Customary, usual, as it ASA-GARA, a. The refuse bark of hemp. has been from of old. ASA-GASUMI, n. The morning haze or ARI-MASU, (comp. of Ari and honorific fog. masu,) same as, aru. To be, to have. ASA-GI, n. A light green color. Arimashita, pret. have got or have ASA-GIYOME, n. The morning washing found. A rimasen, neg. have not or is of the face, hands and mouth. not. Arimasumai, I think there is ASA-HAN, n. Breakfast. not, or has not, or will not. AsAI,-,-i-ku,-ski, n. Shallow, not deep; ARI-NASHI, n. Is or is not, have or have light in color. Asaku naru, to become not. shallow. ARII-NO-MAMA, a. Just as it is; truly ASA-MADAKI, n. Before daybreak. without concealment. ASAMASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Shallow-brained, ARINOTOWATARI, n. The perinaeum. silly, foolish; base, vile; paltry, mean; ARI-SAMA, n. The state, condition, cir- inglorious, dishonorable. cumstances, case. ASA-MESHI, n. The morning rice, breakARI-SHO, n. The place in which any fast. thing is. ASA-NE, Sleeping late in the morning. ARISO, v. Appears to be or to have, looks - bo, a late sleeper. - wo suru. as if there is. - na mon da, I think it ASA-NUNO, n. Grass-cloth. must be so. ASA-OKI, n. Rising from bed in the ARI-SUGATA, n. Proper station or place. morning. ARITAI,-ki,,-si, a. Wish to be, or wish ASARI,-rU,-i/a, t. v. To scratch and it were. search for food, as a fowl Ye wo -, ARITEI, n. The truth or real facts of the id. case, the circumstances just as they ASASA, n. The shallowness. Kawa no are. - nifune ga toranu. ARITSUKE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To settle a per- ASATTE, adv. Day-after-to-morrow. son in a place of service or business; ASAYAKE, n. The glorious appearance to settle a daughter in marriage. of the sky at sun-rise, aurora. ARITSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To be settled in ASE, n. Sweat, perspiration. - wo kaa place of service, to find a situation, to ku, to sweat. -ga deru, he sweats. be married, (of a daughter.) ASEBO, or ASEMO, n. Prickly heat. ARI-YO, n. The true state of the case, ASENYAKU, n. Catechu. all the circumstances, the facts. AsERI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be in a hurry, ARIZASHI, n. Dove-tailed, in joinery, or to be in haste; to be urgent, eager, vetongue and groove. hement; to twist and turn, as in trying ARO, fut. or dub. of A ri, same, sa A nan. to escape; to struggle. I* ASE IO ATA AsERI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To fade, become have, or act towards; to amuse, to enlighter in color, lose freshness. tertain; to set off, decorate. Ta-nin ASE-TORI, n. An undershirt worn to wo kiyodai no yo ni -, to treat a protect the other garments from sweat; stranger like a brother. Kziyaku wo a handkerchief. -, to entertain a guest. ASHI, n. The leg, foot. - noyubi, the ASHIRAI, n. Treatment, entertainment; toes. - no tsume, a toe-nail. - no decoration. k6, the instep or back of the foot. - ASHISAMA-NI, adv. In a bad manner. no ura, sole of the foot. Hi no -, the - iu, to peak evil of. rays of the sun shining through a ASHITA, adv. To-morrow. cloud. A me no —, the appearance of ASHI-TAKA-KUMO, n. A long-legged rain falling in the distance. Fune no spider. -, that part of a ship that is beneath ASHI-TSUGI, n. A stepping-stool, or stepthe surface of the water. ladder. ASHI, n. A rush, or flag. ASHI-YOWA, n. Weak in the legs, slow ASHI, Evil. Yoshi-ashi, good and evil. of foot. ASHI-ABURI, n. A foot-stove. ASHI-ZOROYE, n. The feet in line. - de ASHI-ATO, n. Foot prints. aruku, to walk with the feet in line, or ASIII-BA, n. A scaffold, the footing, to keep time in walking. place for the feet to rest on. ASOBASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Asobi. To ASHI-BAYA, n. Swift-footed. amuse, divert; to cause, or let be withASHI-BIYOSHI, n. Beating time or drum- out work, or idle. Ho-ko-nin wo asoming with the feet. - wo torn, to beat basete oku, to let a servant spend his time with the feet. time in idleness. ASHIDA, n. Wooden clogs. - no ko, ASOBASHI,-.U,-ta, t. v. To amuse, dithe horizontal piece. - no ha, the two vert; to let, or cause to be without upright pieces - no hanao, the thong. work; to do, make. = nasuru, in this ASHI-DAMARI, n. A foothold, point d'ap- sense used only in speaking to honorpui. able persons. ASHI-DOME, n. A stop in going or com- AsOBI,-bu,-nda, i. v. To sport, frolic; ing, a halt. - wo suru, to stop. to divert, or amuse one's self; to be ASHIDORI, a. The gait or manner of without work, to be idle. Asondekuwalking. rasu, to live in idleness, or pleasure. ASHI-DZURI, n. Dancing or rubbing the ASOBI, n. Amusement, play, diversion, feet together in anger. pleasure, sport, frolic; play, or room ASHI-GAKARI, n. A foothold, a place to for motion. - onna, a prostitute. step or stand on. ASSARI-TO, adv. Simple, plain, neat, ASHI-GANE, n. Fetters, shackles. chaste, unadorned; delicate. ASHIGARU, n. Foot soldiers. AssHI,-suru,-ta, t.v. To crush beneath, ASHIGASE, n. Stocks for confining the to fall on and crush. Asserareru, to feet of criminals. be crushed beneath anything. AsHIk,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Bad, wicked, evil. Asu, adv. To-morrow. - no asa, toA kiku-iu, to speak evil. morrow morning. ASHIJIRO, n. A scaffold. ASUKO, adv. Yonder, there. ASHIKA, n. A seal. ATA, n. Harm, injury, hurt, mischief, ASHI-KUBI, n. The ankle. damage. ASHI-MATOI, n. A clog, impediment, ATABI,-ru,-ta., i. v. To commit mishindrance in going. chief, to hurt, harm. ASHIMOTO, n. Near the feet. — ni ki ATAFUTA, adv. A great deal, plenty, wo tsukeru, look where you are going. abundant, enough. ASHI-MOTSURE, n. A clog, impediment ATAI, n. Price, value, worth. or hindrance in going. ATAKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To vex, annoy, ASHI-NAKA, n. Sandals which cover only tease. half the sole of tbe foot. ATAMA, n. The head, the top, the highASHI-NAMI, n. The line, or order of the est part, the first. - wo haru, to strike feet, as in troops marching. the head, to squeeze a certain percentASHI-NAYE, n. Crippled in the legs, or age from the wages (as a coolie masfeet. ter). ASHI-OTO, n. The sound made by the ATAMA-GACHI, n. Large-headed, larger feet in walking; sound of footsteps. at the top than at the bottom. AsHIRAI,-au-atta, t. v. To treat, to be- ATAMA-ZENI, n. The money paid per ATA II ATO head to government, poll-tax, or money were one's self. Hitotsu dzutsu atetepaid for entering a theatre. yaru, give them one apiece. ATARA, a. Anything which one regrets ATE, n. A block, or anything placed for to lose, to be regretted; highly-prized, a thing in motion to strike against; a precious, valued. pad for protection against a blow or fricATARASHII,-ki,-ku, a. New, fresh, not tion; a mark, target, object, aim; a stale. Atarashiku naru, to become clew; anything to look to, reply or denew. pend on, security, pledge. nisuru, ATARI, n. Vicinity, neighborhood; near to use as a block, or object, to depend in place, or in time; about; treatment, on. - ga hadzureru, that on which conduct. reliance was placed, has failed. -ga ATARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To hit, strike chigai, to fail of one object. - ate ni against; to touch; to reach, attain to; naranu, not to be depended on. - ga to turn out, or come to pass; to suc- nai, have no one to look to, or depend ceed, as by chance; to happen, hit on. upon, fall upon by chance; to agree ATEDO, n. Object, aim, clew. - nashi with, conform to. Yoropa wa Ajia no ni yuku, to go without any particular nishi ni ataru, Europe lies on the west object. of Asia. Hito no ki ni -, to offend a ATEDZU, n. Opportunity, favorable or person. A tsusa ni -, to be sunstruck, fortunate time. - ga hadzureta, have or, overcome by the heat. Tabemono missed the opportunity. a atatta, made sick by something he ATEGAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To apply, place; has eaten. Shibaiga atatta, the thea- assign a portion or share; to hand, to tre has turned out a success. Hi no give,grant. Hitori mayeni-j dzutsu ataru tokoro ni oku, lay it in a sunny wo -, to give twenty to each man. place. Anohito ni kujigaatatta,the ATEGAI, n. The portion, or share allot has fallen upon him. lotted; allowance, allotment. AtegaiATARI-HADZURE, n. Hit and miss, suc- buchi, allowance of rice, or rations. cess and failure. ATEHAME,-ru,-/a, t.v. To appropriate, ATARIMAYE, n. As it should be, right, allot, apportion, assign; to fit into; to proper, according to the law of hature, apply. natural, of course usual, common, or- ATE-JI, n. A character used merely for dinary. Midzu no shimnoye nagareru its sound without regard to its meanwa-da, it is natural for water to flow ng. downwards. ATEKOSURI,-ru,-tta,. iv. To hint a redonATATArAI-ki-k,-shi a. Warm. Ha- obuke, or censure; to give an indirect ATATAKAI,-kiZ,-ku,-shi, a. Warm. Hahit, or cut. ru ga -, the spring is warm. - kimo o warm clotheing. Ais akakrm nam, ATEKOSURI, n. A hint, rebuke, or cenno, warm cloting. Atatakaku nar, sure administered indirectly or by imto become warm. plication. ATATAKASA, n. The degree or state of ATEME, n. An object, aim. warmth. ATE-NA, n. The name of the person to ATATAMARI,-rU,-Uta, i. v. To be warm whom a letter is addressed, the direcor become warm. tion. ATATAME,-ru,-fa, t. v. To make wa;m. ATE-OKONAI,-an,-atta, t. v. To apporHi wo taite heya wo -, to make a fire tion, allot, grant. and warm the room. ATE-TSUKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To allude to, ATAU, or AT6. To be able, can. Ata- hint at, refer to indirectly, to insinuate. wadzu, not able, cannot, impossible. Hito ni ate-tsukete mono wo iu, to say Kami ni atawazaru tokoro nashi, anything intending it as a hit to annothing is impossible to God. other. ATAYE,-mr,-ta, t. v. To give, bestow. ATO, n. The mark, or impression left by ATAYE, n. A gift. Ten no -, the gift of anything; a track, trace, print, trail, heaven. scar, cicatrice; that which remains, as, ATE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To hit, strike, touch; ruins, remains, vestige, relic; that which to apply one thing to another, to put; comes after, succeeds, or follows. With to direct towards, as an object; to ap- ni, de, ye, or kara, behind, after, afterportion, allot; to guess. Kono naka ni wards, last, ago, backwards. - wo mo aru mono wo atete mi-nasai, guess midzu shite nigeru, to flee without what is inside of this. 1/i ni atete looking behind. - oo tsugtgu, to sucvmoi-yaru, to feel for another as if it ceed another in estate, or business. Yo ATO 12 AWA baiboshi ga - wo hiku, a meteor leaves impertinent, shameless, bold, audaa train behind it. - wo tateru, to cious. raise up the ruins of a family. - wo ATSUKAWA-DZURA, n. Thick-skinned face, tsukeru, to make a mark. -yeyoru, brazen-faced, impudent. to move back. Hito no-ni tatsu, to ATSUKE, n. Cholera morbus. stand behind another. - no tsuki, last ATSUMARI,-ru,-tfa, i. v. To be assemmonth. - ni hanashita koto, that bled, congregated, collected together. which was said before. Gozen no - de ATSUMARI, n. An assembly, congregacha wo nomu, to drink tea after dinner. tion, collection. - kara yuku, to go after, or afterwards. ATSUME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To assemble, conSan nen ato, three years ago. gregate, to collect, convene, to gather. ATO-DACHI, n. The person standing or Hana zo -, to gather flowers. walking behind another. ATSURAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To order anyATO-GETSU, n. Last month. thing to be made, or purchased. TsuATO-GIYOME, n. The ceremony of puri- kuye wo daiku ni -, to order a desk fying a house after a death in the fam- of the carpenter. ily. ATSURAYE, n. An order for the making ATO-HARA, n. After-pains, (met.) after- or buying of anything. - wo ukeru, clap. to receive an order. ATO-KATA, n. Mark, trace. Tori wa ATSUSA, n. The degree of heat, tempetonde - mo nashi, when a bird has rature. - ni makeru, to be overcome flown it leaves no trace, by the heat. ATO-MAWARI, n. Going round or turning ATSUSA, n. Thickness. Kono ita nobackwards, (as a wheel); to get behind- wa go bu, this board is half an inch hand. - wo suru, to turn backwards, thick. to go round about. ATTA, pret. of Ai, and of Ari. ATO-ME, a. A successor, or heir to an es- ATTARA, cont. of Atte araba, if there is, tate. - wo tsugu, to succeed to the if you have. Yu ga - mottekoi, if place, or estate. there is any hot water, bring it. ATO-SAKI, n. That which is before and ATTE, pp. of Ai, and Ari. Atte mo nabehind; the past, and the future; an- kute mo kamai-masen, whether I have tecedent, and consequence. or not it makes no difference. ATOSHIKI, n. A successor, an heir. AwA, n. Millet. ATO-SHIZARI, n. Going or moving back- AWA, n. Froth, foam, bubbles. - wo wards; shrinking back. fuku, to froth at the mouth. - ga ATO-TORI, n. An heir, successor. tatsu, it bubbles, it foams. ATO-TSUGI, n. One who connects with, AWABI, n. The Haliotis tuberculata, or and continues the family-name and es-' sea-ear." tate, an heir, or successor. AWA-GARA, n. The shells, or bran of ATSU. Hot; thick, (used only in com- millet. pounds.) AWAKI-k,-u-shi, a. Having a delicate ATSU-GAMI, n. A kind of thick, coarse flavor, or nice taste, tasteless as water. paper. AWA-MOCHI, n. Bread made of rice and ATSU-GI, n. Thick, and warm cloth- millet. ing. AWARE, n. Pity, compassion, tenderATSUI,-ki,-k,-shi, a. Hot. Yu ga -, the ness. - ni ozo, to feel compassion. water is hot. Atsuku naru, to become AwARE,-ru,-ta, pass. or pot. of ai. Can hot. meet. Dbshitara awareru da-rb ka. ATsui,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Thick from side AWAREMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To pity, comto side, not thin; great, liberal. Kawa passionate, to show mercy. Ware wo ga -, the skin, bark, or rind is thick. awaremi tamaye, have mercy upon A tsui hobi, a liberal reward. Pan wo me. atsuku kiru. AWAREMI, n. Pity, compassion, mercy. ATSUKAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To manage, ne- AWARE-NA, a. Exciting pity or compasgotiate, to transact a matter between sion, pitiful, miserable. two parties, to mediate. AwASE-,-r,-ta, /. v. To join together ATSUKAI, n. Mediation, intervention, ne- to unite; to mix together, to compound gotiation, management. as medicine; to make do, make suit, or ATSUKAI-NIN, n. A mediator, negotia- answer the purpose. Kamisori wo -, tor. to hone a razor. Kokor wo -, to ATSUKAMASHII, -ki, - ku, a. Impudent, agree together. Chikara wo -, to AWA 13 AZA unite strength, or to do altogether. vellous, wonderful; suspicious, dubiChoshi wo -, to tune, to make to agree ous, doubtful. Ayashiku onto, to conor harmonize. sider strange, to feel suspicious of. AWASE, n. A garment of double thick- AYAsHIMI,,m,-n-da, t. v. To think ness, or lined, strange, to wonder at, to marvel at, to AWASEDO, n. A hone, whetstone. suspect. Hito wo -, to suspect a perAWASE-GUSURI, n. A medicine com- son. pounded of several ingredients. AYASHIMI, n. Wonder, surprise; suspiAWASAME, n. A joint, or seam where cion, doubt. two things are united. AYATSU, n. That scoundrel, that low AWATADASHII,-ki,-kU, a. Agitated, ex- fellow. cited, flurried. AYATSURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To play the AwATE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be excited, agi- strings of a puppet, to play several balls tated, flurried, alarmed. at the same time. AWAYAKA, a. Delicate or mild in taste AYAUI,-ki-ku-shi, a. Dangerous, perilor flavor. ous, full of risk. - me ni atta, was in AYA, n. Silk damask, a dangerous predicament. Ayauku nai, AYA, n. Cat's-cradle, a puzzle made it is not dangerous. with a string looped over the fingers. AYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To dress as a salad. - wo toru, to play cat's cradle. Ayemono, a salad. AYA, n. A figure, or design of any kind AYEDZU, adv. Not daring; without wrought in cloth for ornament. - wo stopping, or waiting to perform the nasu, to ornament with figures. action of the verb with which it is conAYABUMI-i,-,-a, i. v. To suspect nected, without finishing, as: Iki mo danger, to be timid, to be fearful, sus- tsuki ayedzu, without waiting to take picious, to be dangerous. breath. Toru mono mo tori ayedzu, AYADORI, - ru,-lta, t. v. To form the fi- not stopping to take anything. gures or designs on cloth while in the AYEGI,-gu,-ida, i. v. To pant, to blow, loom, which is done by working a frame as one out of breath. from which strings go to be attached to AYEN, n. Zinc. Ayen-kuwa, flowers of the warp; thus it also means, to em- zinc. bellish, ornament; to work the strings AYENAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Frail, feeble, of a puppet, or to play balls. transient, sad. AYAKARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To resemble, to AYuMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To walk, to go be like. on foot. AYAMACHI,-tU,-tta, t. v. To commit a AYUMI, n. Walking, going on foot. mistake, error, blunder, or fault; to AYUMI-AI,-au,-atta, t. v. To split the miss; to offend against, transgress, or difference in price. violate; unintentionally to injure, hurt. AYUMI-ITA, n. A board, or plank for Ayamatte aratamuru ni habakaru walking on in order to enter a koto nakare, having committed a mis- boat. take don't be backward to rectify it. AZA, n. Maculae, dark or red spots on AYAMACHI, n. A mistake, error, fault, a the skin, freckles. wrong. - wo aratameru, to rectify a AZAKERI,-,-ta, t. v. To laugh at, ridimistake. cule, deride, to scoff, jeer. AYAMARI,-rU,-tta, t. v. To miss, mis- AZAKERI, n. Ridicule, derision. take, err; to offend against; to ac- AZAMI, n. A thistle. knowledge a fault, or mistake, to apolo- AZAMUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To deceive, imgize. Michi wo -, miss the way. Bu- pose on, to hoax, cheat, delude, to berei wo -, to apologize for a rudeness. guile, defraud. AYAMARI, n. A mistake, error, fault, a AZAMUKI, n. Deception, imposition, wrong; an apology, acknowledgment guile, fraud. of an error. AZANA, n.'The common name by which AYAME, n. The sweet flag, Calamus a person is called. Aromaticus. AZANAYE,-ru, t. v. To twist, as a AYASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To let out, cause rope. to flow out. Chi wo -, to let blood, to AZARASHI, n. The otter. bleed. AZARE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To be spoiled, AYASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To play with or tainted, as fish or meat. amuse a child. AZAwARAI,-au,-tta, t. v. To laugh at in AYASHII,-ki 7ku,-shi, a. Strange, mar- derision, scorn, or contempt. BA 14 BAK AZAYAKA-NA, a. Clear, bright, glossy, AZE, n. The reed of a loom through new or fresh in color; pure. which the warp is passed. AZAYAKA-NI, adv. Clearly, distinctly, AZE-ITO, n. The strings of a reed used plainly, in weaving. AZE, n. The mound, or dyke that sepa- AZE-NUNO, n. Frilled grass-cloth. rates rice-fields. B BA, n. A place, arena, room. Ba wo BAI. Double, twice as much. Bai ni toru, to occupy a place, take up room. suru, to double. Bai ni naru, to be Yoki-ba, a good place. Kassem-ba, a doubled. Ni-so-bai, twice as much. field of battle. San-so-bai, three times as much. BA, n. A numeral used in counting BAI-AI,-O,-ata, i. v. To snatch from bundles, fowls, or birds. Maki sam one-another. ba, three bundles of wood. BAI-BAI, n. Buying and selling, trade, BA-AI, n. Place; circumstance, case, traffic, commerce. Bai-bai suru, to condition. trade. BA-BA, n. A place for practicing horse- BAI-BOKU, n. Fortune-telling, soothsaymanship or training horses; arena, ing. Bai boku suru, to tell fortunes. ground, field. Baiboku sensei, a fortune-teller. BABA, n. Grandmother. Obaba san, BAI-DOKU, n. Syphilis. (o baa san,) a polite name in speaking BAI-KEN-JO, n. A written contract, arto an old woman. tide of agreement, a deed of sale. BACHI, n. A drumstick, the stick used BAI-MASHI. Doubled in quantity. in playing the guitar, or striking a gong, BAISHAKU, n. A go-between, middlea plectrum. - wo toru, to use the man, a match-maker. drumstick. BAITA, n. A common prostitute who ofBACHI, n. Punishment inflicted by hea- fers herself in the streets, a streetven. Bachiga ataru, to be smitten of walker; also a hired woman, a servant God. of the lowest grade. BACHI-MEN, n. The place on a guitar BAI-TOKU, n. Profit from trading. Baiwhere it is played. toku suru, to make money by selling. BA-DARAI, n. A horse-bason, or bason BAI-TORI-GACHI, n. Scrambling for anyused in washing horses. thing, to get all one can. BADZU, n. A horse's hoof; or the horny BAI-YAKU, (uri-gusuri,) A nostrum, part of the hoof used for making imita- quack, or patent medicine; medicines tion tortoise-shell ware. kept for sale by a merchant. Baiyaku BA-FUN, n. Horse dung. mise, a shop where quack medicines BA-GINU, n. A horse-blanket. are sold. BA-GU, n. Articles necessary in using a BAKA, n. A fool, dunce, blockhead; a horse, harness. kind of clam; foolishness, nonsense. BAGU-YA, n. A harness-maker; a sad- - ni suru, to hoax, make fun of, befool. dler. BAKA-BAKASHII,-ki,-kU, a. Like a fool, BAHAN, n. Smuggling. Bahan suru, to stupidly, foolish. smuggle. Bahan nin, a smuggler. Ba- BAKA-BAKASHI, n. The music of a drum, han-mono, smuggled goods. fife, and cymbals performed on a dashi BAHARE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be public, be- at a festival; an orchestra. fore the world, open. Baharete suru, BAKAGE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be foolish, to do publicly. silly, nonsensical. BAHIFO, n. Croup. BAKARASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Foolish, like a BAI, n. A gag, put in the mouth to pre- dunce. vent speaking. - wofukumnaseru, to BAKARI, adv. Only; about, in number, gag. quantity, degree or time. Hitori baBA-I, n. A horse doctor. kari, only one person. BAK I5 BAS BAKASARE,-rU,-ta, pass. of Bakasu. To BANE, a. The spring of a wagon. be bewitched, deluded, fascinated, BAN-GASHIRA, n. A captain, or chief of hoaxed, made a fool of. a guard, or watch. BAKASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To cheat, de- BAN-GAWARI n. Change of watch. lude, to bewitch, befool, hoax. BAN-GI, n. Two blocks of wood struck BAKE,-r,-ta, i. v. To be transformed, together by watchmen in going their metamorphosed, changed into another rounds, or to give the alarm in fires. form, used generally of the fox, or cat. BAN-GOYA, n. A watch-box. Neko baba ni bakeru. BAN-JAKU, n. A large rock, a bowlder. BAKE, n. Transformation, deception, BAN-NIN, (mamoru hito). A guard, fraud, imposition, watchman, a policeman, keeper. BAKE-MONO2 n. An apparition, spectre, BAN-SAGARI, n. Going off duty, leaving or something into which a fox or bad- one's watch. ger has transformed itself in order to BAN-SEKI, n. A slate. bewitch people. BAN-SHO. n. A guard house, watch BAKENJO, (uma wo miru tokoro,) n. house, police station. The stand from which to look at BANTARO, n. An inferior street watchhorses running. man. BAKKIN, n. Fine, mulct, penalty in BANTO, n. The chief clerk in a mercanmoney. tile house, a commercial agent, factor. BAKKUN, Pre-eminent, transcendent, sur- BAN-YA, n. A watch house. passing others. BAPPAI, a. The punishment inflicted on BAKU, n. A tapir. the losing party in a game, by making BAKUCHI, a. Gambling. Bakuchi wo him drink a large quantity of sake. utsu, to gamble. BARA, n. A small iron cash. BAKUCHI-UCHI, n. A gambler. BARA, n. A rose bush. Bara no hana, BAKUCHI-YADO, n. A gambling house. a rose. BAKURO, n. A horse-jockey, dealer in BARA-BARA, adv. In a scattered manner; horses. in a dispersed separated way. Also, BAKUTAI, a. The greatest quantity, the sound of the falling of things scatvery great, excessive. Bakutai ni, tered, as the pattering of rain, of hail, adv. extremely. etc. A me ga - to furu, there is a BAKU-YEKI, a. Gambling. - wo suru, slight sprinkle of rain. to gamble, BARA-MAKI, a. Sowing broadcast. BAMBI, a. The day on which one is on BARA-SEN, a. Loose money not strung duty, watch, or guard. together. BAN, n. A block, checker-table. BARARI-TO, adv. Same as Barabara. BAN, n. Evening, night. Kon-ban, this Barari-to kiru, to cut in two. Baraevening. Asa ban, morning and even- ri-to oku, to place separately. ing. Saku -, last night. Miyb -, BARASHI,-SU,-ta, t. V. To break to pieces, to-morrow night. separate, disperse, or scatter, to render BAN, (yorodzu,) (also pronounced man.) abortive or unsuccessful, to bring to Ten thousand, all. Ban-min, every naught, to cause to fail. body, all people. Ban motsu, all BARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To fall to pieces, to things. Ban 5I, every where. Ban be scattered, to be abortive, to fail; be ban, ten thousand times ten thousand. unsuccessful or ineffectual, to come to Ban dai, all generations. Ban Ji, naught. every affair. Ban koku, all nations. BAREN, n. A longe fringe attached to a Ban tan, every particular. Ban zai, banner. ten thousand years, forever. BA-RIKI, n. Horse power. BAN, n. A guard, watch, turn, duty; BASA, adv. Dry, not soft and pliable. the ordinal suffix to numbers. Ban wo BASAKE,-r,-ta, t. v. To scatter about suru, to keep watch. Ichi-ban, num- in confusion, to put in disorder, disber one; the first. Ichi-ban me, the hevel. first one. Ni-ban, the second. Iku- BASA-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. Dry to the ban, or Nam-ban, what number? feel, not soft, moist or oily. BAN-DAI, n. A substitute in official, po- BASEN, n. The back part of a saddle. lice, or watch duty. BA-SHA, n. A wagon, carriage, any veBAN-DATE, n. In numerical order. Ban- hide drawn by a horse. Iphiki-dachi date shite oku, place in numerical or- -, a one horse carriage. Ni-hikider. dachi -, a two horse carriage. BAS I6 BET BASHAKU, n. An office where horses and stipation of bowels. Sho-bempei, recoolies are hired, a livery stable. tention of urine. BA-SHO, n. A place. BEN, n. The petals of a flower, divisions BASHO, n. The banana, or plantain, of an orange or melon. BASHOFU, n. A kind of cloth made of BEN. Fluent in talking, eloquent. the bark of the plantain. BENCHARA, n. Witty, or clever at talkBASSARE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Batsu, to be ing, so as to dupe others. - no ii hito. punished by heaven. BENDOKU, n. A bubo. BASSARI-TO, adv. The noise made by BENI, n. Rouge. The saffron plant. anything soft in falling, as a mat, book, Beni no hana, the saffron flower. Benietc. sashi-yubi. The ring-finger. BeniBASSATSU, n. The accusation, or paper zome. Dyed in red. on which the crime of a person to be BENJI,-ru, or dzuru,-ta, I. v. To disexecuted is written. criminate, distinguish, to explain, to BASSEKI, n. The lowest seat. expound; to do, transact. BASSHI, n. (suye no ko.) The youngest BEN-KETSU, n. Bloody discharge from child, the bowels. BASSHI,-suru,-/a, t. v. To punish. BEN-KIYO, (tsutome.) Industrious, diliBASSON, n. The latest descendant, gent, active. - suru, to be industrious. BATA-BATA, adv. The sound of the flap- BEN-RI. Convenient, commodious, ping of the wings of a bird, of the feet adapted to use. Fu-benri, inconverunning, or the sound of flat things nient. striking, or falling in rapid succession. BENTO, n. A small box for carrying BATEI, n. A horse s hoof. boiled rice. BATSU, n. The addenda or writing at the BEN-ZETSU, n. Fluent and clever at talkend of a book. ing, eloquent. BATSU, n. Punishment inflicted by hea- BEPPIN, n. Anything especially fine in ven. quality. BATSU-GIN, n. A fine or penalty in BEPPUKU, n. A different mother, but the money, damages, forfeit paid in mon- same father, step-children. ey- BERABO, n. A fool, an idler. BATrA, n. A grasshopper. BESOKAKU, n. The appearance of the BATTARI-TO, adv. The same as Bata- face when about to cry. bata. BESSHI, (betsu no kami.) n. Another BATTO. Sudden opening out, or burst- paper, a different or separate sheet of ing into view. Hi wa batto moye- paper, an enclosure, an accompanying tatsu, the fire suddenly burst out. document. BEBE, n. A child's clothes, (children's BESSHIN, (betsu no kokoro.) Another, language.) Bebe wo kisheru, to dress different or divided mind; alienation a child. of heart. Besshin naku, with an undiBEKI,-ku,-sAh. An auxiliary verb, hav- vided mind, without reserve. ing the sense of, would, should, shall, BESSHITE, adv. Especially, particularwill. Itasubeki koto, a thing that should ly. be done. Bekaradzu, neg. Must not, BETA-BETA. adv. Sticky, gluey, adheshould not. sive, glutinous, viscid. BEKKAKU, n. A different rule; an excep- BETA-ICHI-MEN, n. All over without intion, not included in the rule, excluded, tervals, completely, entirely. excepted. BETATSUKI,-ku,-/a, /. v. To be sticky BEKKE, (wakdre no iye,) n. A separate adhesive, glutinous, to stick. house or family, branch house, separ- BETO-BETO, adv. Sticky, adhesive, gluating from the family, and going to tinous. house-keeping for one s self, as a young- BETSU, (hoka.) n. Separation, distincer son. tion, difference. - no, another, differBEKKO, n. Tortoise-shell. ent, separate. - i, separately. BEM-BEN, adv. Dilatory, procrastinating, BETSU-BETSU-NI, adv. Separately, apart, tardy, slow. asunder. BEM-BETSU. To discriminate, to dis- BETSU-DAN. A different case, different tinguish. affair, another matter; different from BEM-PATSU, n. The Chinese cue. others, separate, distinct; special, exBEMPEI, n. Obstruction of either fecal ceptional, particular. - ni, particularly, or urinary discharge. Dai-bempfei, con- specially. BET 17 BOG BETSU-JI, (hoka no koto). Something chapped, cracked, split. - to wareru. else, another or different thing. - to itatu. BETSU-JO. Different, special, unusual, BIRITSUKU,-kU,-i/a, i. v. To smart, exceptional. prick, gripe; to be tangled as a thread. BETTAKU, (hoka no iye.) A separate or BIR6, (oko). Indecent, indelicate, somedifferent house. — suru, to live in a thing of which one is ashamed to speak. house separate from the principal fam- - nagara, excuse the indelicacy. ily. BIRODO, n. Velvet. BETTARI-TO, adv. Sticking fast to, ap- BI-SAI, adv. Minutely, particularly. plied close against. - tusku, to stick BITA, n. An iron cash. fast to. BIWA, n. A lute with four strings. - BErro, n. A hostler, groom. wo hiku. BI, (utsukshii. Beautiful, elegant, BIWA, n. The loquat. fine, nice, good, delicious, pleasant, ex- BIWABON, n. Pandean pipes, a syrinx. cellent. BIWA-HOSHI, n. A strolling player on the Bi, (chiisaki.) Small, little in size. lute. BIsRI,-ru,-a, i. v. To contract, shrink; BIWA-UCHI, n. A player on the lute. to become smaller. BIYAKU-DAN, n. Sandalwood. BIBISHII,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Beautiful, hand- BIYAKURO, n. White wax. some, fine, splendid. BIYAKUR6, n. Pewter. BICHI-BICHI, adv. Springing, jerking, BIYO, n. A tack, a small nail with a large leaping. head. BIIDORO, n. Glass. BIYO-Bu, n. A folding screen. - issb, BxJI, n. Polypus of the nose. a pair of screens. - hanzo, one screen. BIJ6GANE, n. A buckle. BIYO-CHIU. While sick, during sickness. BIKKO, n. Lame, a cripple. - wo iku, BIYO-D6. Even and equal, just and equal. to walk lame. - ni kubaru, to distribute equally. BIKKURI, adv. Startled, as by sudden BIYO-IN, n. A hospital, infirmary. alarm; surprised, shocked. BIY6-KI, (yamai), n. Sickness, disease. BIKU, n. A bonze, Buddhist mendicant. BIYO-NAN, n. Calamity, or affliction from BIKU-BIKU. - suru, to start in alarm, or disease. in sleep, to wince, to jerk as in a fit. BIYv-NIN, n. A sick person, a patient. BIKUNI, n. A nun, or Buddhist female BIYO-SHIN, n. Sickly, an invalid. mendicant. B6, n. A pole, a club, stick, bludgeon; BIKU-TSUKI,-ku,-iZa, i. v. To start, jerk a blow with a stick. - tsukau, to or wince involuntarily. fence with a pole. Saki-bo, the foreBIMB6. Poor, destitute. most man, where two are carrying with BIN, n. The temples, the hair on the the same pole. Ato-bO, the hindmost temples. - wo hartc, to slap a person man. - vuo hiku, to draw a line across, on the temple. to erase. BIN, n. A phial, a small bottle. B6. A child under five years. BIN, n. Opportunity, convenient time or BO-AKU, (takeshiki aka). Fierce and way. Go-bin, a future opportunity. wicked, atrociously wicked. K5-bin, a fortunate opportunity. BO-BURA, n. A pumpkin. BINGI, n. Opportunity, convenient way B6-CHIKU, n. Chinese fire-crackers. or time; message, tidings, word. BODZU, n. A bonze or Buddhist priest; BINR6JI, n. The betel-nut. one whose head is shaven. BIN-SASHI, n. A hair-pin. B6-FU, (arakaze). A violent wind, a BIN-TSUKE, n. Pomatum, or ointment tempest, hurricane. for the hair. B6FURI-MUSHI, n. The animalculte found BIRA, n. A handbill, placard, or notice in stagnant water. posted up. B6-GASHIRA, n. The headman of chair BIRA-BIRA, adv. With a waving, flutter- coolies. ing motion. Hata ga - ugoku. BO-GETSU, (mochidzukz), n. The full BIRAN. - suru, to be red and sore, in- moon. flamed. Bi-GIYAKU. Violent, and rebellious BIRA-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To wave and against master or parent, traitor. flutter, as a flag in the wind. BO-GUI, n. Posts erected to mark a bounBIRI-BIRI, adv. Like the sound of any- dary, a sign-post. - wo utsu, to set thing dry tearing or cracking open; a up boundary posts. smarting, griping, or pricking pain; B6-GUMI, n. Chair-bearer's guild. BOH I8 BU BO-HAN, n. A forged seal, forgery. - BON-ZOKU. The common herd, the laity. suru, to forge a seal. BORA, n. The name of a fish. Bo6, n. Violent, cruel, fierce. BoRE,-ru,-a, i. v. To be old and childB6-JAKU-BU-JIN. Without fear, shame, ish, decrepit. or respect for others. BOREI, n. Lime made by burning shells. B6-JITSU, n. The I5th day of the month, BORI-BORI-TO, adv. The sound of when the moon is full. craunching, or crushing any hard subBOKASHI,-SG,-/a, t. v. To gradually light- stance with the teeth. en, from a deep to a lighter color, to B6-RIYAKU, n. An artifice, trick, strataleave plain, unshaded. gem. BOKE, n. The Pirus Japonica. BoRo, n. Rags. B6KE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To fade, to be shaded BORO-BORO-TO, adv. In a crumbling or from a deeper to a light color; to de- ragged manner. generate, to decay, to become childish BOROI(E,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be old and defrom age. crepit; to be ragged. BOKE-BOKE-TO, adv. Stupid, silly, child- BORO-TSUCHI, n. Loose, crumbling earth. ish. BOSAKI, n. Squeeze-money, or pecentage, BOKI-BOKI-TO, adv. The sound of crack- charged by a servant on purchases made ing the fingers, or breaking a radish. for his master, blackmail. Yubi wo - oru, to crack the fingers. B6-SAT6, n. Loaf-sugar. B6K6, n. (med.) The bladder. BOSATSU, n. A class of Buddhas who are B6KON, n. A ghost, the spirit of one not yet perfected by entrance into Nirdead. vena. BoKU, n, A servant; also in speaking B6SHI, n. A cap or bonnet worn by old humbly of one's self, your servant, I. men or priests, also a white cap made of BOKU, (ki). Wood, wooden. - seki, raw cotton, worn by the bride at her wood and stone. - to, a wooden wedding, and by the women at funerals. sword. B6-SHO, n. A forged letter or writing. BOKU-RI, (geta), n. A kind of wooden BOSSURU, i. v. To die, end, perish. clogs used in wet weather. BOTA-MOCHI, n. A kind of cake made of BOKU-SHA, (uranai-ja), n. A fortune- rice dusted over with sugar. teller. BOTAN, n. The peony. Peonia MouBOKUSHIX,-St,-a, t. z. To tell fortunes, to tan. soothsay, prognosticate. BOTAN, n. A button. BOKU-ZEI, n. Bamboo-rods used by for- BOTAN-KIYO, a. A kind of plum. tune-tellers, divination. BOTEFURI, n. A hawker, a pedlar. BOM-BORI, n. A candle or lamp-shade BOTSU-BOTSU, adv. Little by little, slowmade of paper. ly, doing a little at a time. BOM-BU, (tada no hito), n. A man, hu- BOTSU-DEKI, n. Drowned. man being, an ignorant person, an or- B6-TSUKAI, n. A pedlar of quack medidinary man. cines, who, to attract buyers, exhibits BOM-MATSURI, a. The Feast of Lanterns, his skill in the use of the club. on the I3th, I4th, and I5th of the 7th BOTSU-RAKU, Ruined, failed, fallen or month. broken in fortune, bankrupt. BON, n. A wooden tray, a waiter. BOTTrRI-TO, adv. Fleshy, corpulent. BON, n. Tie Feast of Lanterns. BOTTO, adv. Dull, dim, obscure, stupid, BON-DEN, n. A festival celebrated to pro- flat, lifeless or sluggish in manner. pitiate evil spirits. BoTToRI, adv. In a soft, quiet, or silent BON-GO, n. The sacred language of the manner, or like anything soft and wet Buddhists, the Sanscrit. falling. BON-JI, n. The sacred written character B6-YA, n. A child, baby. used by the Buddhists, Sanscrit letters. BOYAKASHI,-su,-Za, t. v. To make obBON-NIN, n. A human being, a common,scure, or unintelligible; to confuse. person, an ordinary man in talent or BoYAKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To liquify, to run ability. or be reduced to a thin state; to deliBON-N6, n. Lusts, cares, passions, and quesce, to be tangled and confused. desires of this world, (Bud.) BOYAKU. Grumbling, complaining, or BON-NO-KUBO, n. The hollow on the back murmuring with discontent. of the neck. B6-ZEN, adv. Stupified, thunderstruck, BONYARI, adv. Dim, obscure, cloudy, astounded, aghast. hazy. BO, n. Hot water used for drinking. BU 19 BU Bu, n. Military. - wo arasO, to dis- BU-DO, (samurai no michi,) n. Military pute about military affairs. sciences. Bu, n. A part, fraction, the tenth of an BU-GAKU, n. Pantomime, or dancing and inch, a minute, the fourth part of a music. riyo, one per cent. in interest. Ichi -, BU-GEI, n. The military arts, or accomone part. Sam - ichi, one-third. Hi- plishments of a soldier. yaku - ichi, one hundredth part. Is- BU-GEN. Rich, wealthy. Bu-gen-sha, sun go -, one inch and a half. Sanji a rich man. go bu, five minutes past three. BU-GIN, n. Percentage, or profit from Bu. A classifier for a class, set, or exchange or trade. kind; head or subdivision, section. Bu-GIYO, n. A superintendent, a goverBu. A syllable of negation. No, not, nor, chief. - sho, superintendent's is not; only used in composition. office. BU-AI, (risoku,) n. Interest on money, BU-GU, n. Military arms and accoutreprofit. ments. BU-AISATSU. Answering rudely, or ill- BUGU-GURA. n. An arsenal. humoredly. Bu-I, (kawaru koto nashi.) Without BU-AIS6, n. Ill-treatment, uncivil, un- anything strange, or unusual; without courteous. accident; safely. BU-ASHIRAI-NA, a. Rude, uncourteous, or BU-IKI-NA, a. Clownish, vulgar, coarse, uncivil in treatment of others. ungenteel, unrefined. BU-BARI,-rU,-t/a, i. v. To display, or BU-IKU, (sodateru.) To bring up, to show off one's military accomplish- support, nourish. ments. BU-IN, (tayori ga nai.) No letter, no BU-BI, n. Military preparations, word, no communication. BU-BIKI, n. Small reduction in price. BU-JI, (nani goto mo nai.) Without BU-BUN, n. A part, a portion, accident, without anything unusual BUCHI, n. Piebald. - uma, a piebald occurring, safe, free from trouble. horse. Bu-JUTSU, n. Military art, or tactics. BUCHI,-tSU,-t/a, t. v. To strike, beat, hit, BU-KE, (samurai,) n. The military class, knock, whip. Buchi-akeru, to knock or gentry. or beat open; to empty out, as a bag, BU-KI, (samurai no utsuwa,) n. Milibox. Buchi-ateru, to shoot at and hit. tary arms. Buchi-dasu, to knock or beat out. Bu- BuKI-GURA, n. An arsenal, a place where chi-katsu, to win, or overcome in a arms are kept. fight. Buchi-komu, to drive into, to BU-KIRIYO. Homely, ugly, not handhammer in. Buchi-kowasu, to break some. down by beating, beat to pieces. Bu- BU-KI-Y6. Of no ability, talent or inchi-korosu, to beat to death. Buchi- genuity, not clever, awkward, unskilful, kudaku, to beat into pieces. Buchi- slow at learning. makeru, to empty and scatter, as water, BUKKE, n. Buddhists, believers in Buddor grain from a bag, dash and scatter hism. about; to be beaten. Buchi-nuku, to BUKKI, (hotoke no utsuwa,) n. Utensils drive or hammer one thing through used in the worship of Buddha. another. Buchi-shimeru, to strike and BUKKIRABO, n. Abrupt, short, terse, curt kill, as a rat, snake; to seize and bind, or petulant in language, plain. as a thief. Buchi-taosu, to knock down BUKKIYC, n. The sacred books of the anything standing. Buchi-tataku, to Buddhists. fight, box. Buchi-tomeru, to shoot BU-Ko, n. An armory. and kill anything in motion. Buchi- BU-K6, n. Military services worthy of tsukeru, to hit against, to hammer fast, praise; great military deeds or merit. to nail fast. Buchi-yaburu, to tear, or BUL-KOTSU. Rude, coarse, clownish, break by beating. rustic. BU-CH6-HO. Ignorant, awkward, clum- BUKU-AKE, a. The end of the period of sy, bungling, inexperienced, stupid, fool- mourning. ish, bad. BUKURIYO, n. The name of a medicine, BUDO. n. Grapes. - dzuru, grape-vine, the Pachyma. - shua grape-wine. BUKUYE, a. The period in which a perBU-D6, (michi nashi.) Devoid of son, after the death of a relative, is unprinciple, impious, vicious, unreason- clean. able. BU-KUWAN, n. A military office or officer. BU 20 BUS BU-MA. Awkward, acting out of time BUN-SEKI, u. Analysis, assay. — suru, and place, blundering. to analyze, to assay. BUM-BU, n. Literature and military art. BUN-SH6, (fumi,) n. A writing, compoBU-MEI, n. Military fame. sition, document. BUM-PA, (wakare no nagare,) n. Branch, BUN-TSU. - suru, communicate by letoffshoot. ter. BUM-PITSU, n. Literature and penman- BUNYARI, n. A sling for throwing stones. ship. BUN-ZAI, n. Condition, place, or social BUM-P6, n. Rules of composition, style position. writing, rules of grammar. BuPPO, n. Buddhism. - ni iru, to beBUN, (fumi,) n. Writing, letters, com- come a Buddhist. position, literature. BURA-BURA-TO,.adv. In a swinging, or BUN, (wakachi,) n. A part, portion, dangling way, idly, without object, vadivision, share; duty, station in life, cantly. Bura-bura yamai, a chronic circumstances; ability. Oya-bun, the state of ill-health, neither sick nor part of a parent. well. BU-NAN, (nayami nashi.) Free from BURANKET, n. A blanket. trouble, without accident or harm, BURANKO, n. A swing. safety. BURARI, adv. Dangling, hanging loosely, BUN-BUN-NI, adv. Divided into portions and swinging to and fro; idly. - san; or shares, separately, apart, asunder. an idler, a loafer. Bun-bun ni suru, to apportion out, to BURATSU1KI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To be idle, to divide into shares. be without object or employment. BUN-CHIN, n. A paper-weight. BU-REI, n. Rude, impolite, vulgar, deBUN-DO, (fumi no michi,) n. Literature, void of good manners. - na yatsu, a learning. vulgar fellow. BUNDORI, n. Seizing the spoil of the BURI, (same as furi,) adv. During, time vanquished. - suru, to seize the spoil, since; manner, deportment. Mikato loot. - mono, spoils, loot, plunder. buri, for three days' use. Hisashi-buBUJ-NEN. Unmindful, heediess, inat- ri nite Yokohama ye kimashita, I tentive, forgetful. have not been to Yokohama for a long BUN-GEN, n. Condition, place, social time. position, circumstances, station in life. BURIKI, n. Plates of tinned iron; tin- sha, a rich man. plate. BUN-KE, n. Leaving the paternal home BURU-BURU, adv. Trembling. Samukute to set up house for one's self, as a - furuyeru, to tremble with cold. younger son. BU-RUI, n. Genera and species, class. BUN-KEN. Surveying, or measuring BU-SA-HO. Impolite, rude, ill-manthe height, or distance. nered. BUN-KEN-D6GU, n. Surveying instru- BU-SAIKU, n. Bad workmanship, badly ments. made, unskilful. BUN-KEN-YEDZU, n. The chart of a sur- BU-SATA, (otodzure nashi.) Remissvey. ness in visiting, writing, sending word BUN-KO, n. A library, or box for keeping or inquiry. books in. BU-SEI, (okotaru,) n. Without exertion BUN-KUWAN, n. A civil officer. or effort; idle, lazy, not diligent, negBUN-MAWASHI, n. A pair of dividers, or ligent. compasses. BU-SHI, (samurai,) n. Belonging to the BUN-MEN, (fumi no orote,) n. A letter, military class; a soldier, cavalier. document, dispatch. BU-SHIN-JIN, n. Infidelity, unbelief, not BUN-MOCHI, n. Dividing a load into two devout, irreligious. parts and suspending each on the ends BU-SHITSUKE, a. Rude, impolite, vulgar. of a pole across the shoulder. BU-SHO. Spiritless, idle, lazy, loafing, BUN-RI, (wakare hanareru,) n. Analysis, slovenly. - na mono, a loafer, lazy assay. -suru, to separate, to sunder, fellow. to analyze, assay. BU-SHUBI. Out of favor, disgraced, BUN-RIY6, (mekata,) n. Weight, pro- disapproved. portion, quantity. Bu-s6, (narabi nashi.) Without an BUN-SAN, (wakare chiru.) To break equal or match, unequalled. up and scatter, as a family from poverty BUSSHI, (hotoke tsukuri,) n. A maker or bankruptcy, bankruptcy. of Buddhist idols. BUS 21 CHA Busso, n. Commotion, tumult or dis- temple. Butsu-ma, the room in which turbance; dangerous. the idol is kept, and where religious Bu-sO, n. The area or solid contents of services are performed; a chapel-room. anything. Butsu-ye, clothes worn by Buddhist BUTA, n. A hog, pig. - no niku, priests. Butsu-ye, pictures of Buddha. pork. Butsu-zo, image or idol of Buddha. BUTA-BUTA-TO, adv. Fat, corpulent. BUTSU, (mono). n. A thing. Bambutsu, BU-TAI, n. The stage of a theatre. all things. Ichi -, one thing. BUTARE,-ru,-ta, pass. or pot. of Buchi. BUTSU-BUTSU-TO, adv. The noise of waTo be struck, hit, or beaten. ter boiling, bursting of bubbles, grumBUTCH6DZURA, n. A face like a Buddhist bling. idol, a morose, surly countenance. BU-WAKE, n. Divided into classes, arBUTSU, (hotoke), n. The supreme being ranged in classes. - wo suru, to clasof the Buddhists, Buddha, or Shaka. sifv. Butsu-bachi, punishment inflicted by BU-YAKU, n. Public service rendered by Buddha. Butsu-dan, the altar on the lower classes to government. which the family idol is placed. Bu- BU-YRNRIYO. Without diffidence, withtsudo, Buddhism. Butsu-gu, n., out backwardness, or restraint; forthe furniture used in the worship ward, bold, pert, impudent. of Buddha. Butsu-ji, worship, BU-Y6-JIN. Careless, heedless, negligent, or religious ceremonies performed unmindful, improvident. for the dead. Butsu-ji, a Buddhist BUYU, or BUTO, n. A gnat. C CHA, n. Tea. - wo senjiru, to boil koshi, a tea-strainer. Cha-meshi, rice tea. Cha-bako, a tea-chest. Chu- boiled in tea. Cha-mise, a tea-house. bun, a waiter in a restaurant, or tea- Cha-no-fu, a tea price currrent. Chahouse. Cha-batake, a tea plantation. noko, cake, sweetmeats, or anything Cha-bentO, a portable chest with draw- eaten with tea. Cha-no-ma, a diningers and furnace for preparing tea when room, tea-room. Cha-no-yu, a teaon a journey. Cha-bin, a tea-pot. party. Cha-shaku, a tea-spoon, or Cha-bishaku, a tea-ladle. Cha-bOki, a ladle. Cza-seki, a tea-party. Chat feather brush, used in sweeping up tea sen, a tea-stirrer. Cha-shi, a tea growwhen grinding it in a mill. Cha-bon, a er. Cha-shibu, the deposit from tea on tea-tray. Cha-bukuro, a small hemp- an old tea cup. Cha-shitsu, a tea en bag, used for holding the tea in boil- room, or room for making tea. Chaing it. Cha-dai, a wooden stand for a tei, a small building separate from the tea-cup. Cha-dansu, a cupboard for house for tea parties. Cha-to, offerings keeping tea and tea-utensils. Cha-da- of tea made to idols. Cha-tsubo, a tea shi, a teapot for pouring out tea. Cha- jar. Cha-tsumi, a person who gathers d4gu, vessels and utensils used in mak- tea leaves from the tree. Cha-usu, a ing tea. Cha-dzuke, a food made by tea-mill, for pulverizing tea. Cha-wan, mixing boiled rice in tea. Cha-gara, a tea-cup. Cha-yen, a tea garden, or tea grounds. Cha-gama, a pot for plantation. Cha-zome, dyed of a tea boiling tea. Cha-guwashi, fruit, or color. sweetmeats eaten with tea. Cha-hbji, CHABO, n. A bantam fowl. a vessel for heating tea leaves before CHAKASHI,-s,-ta, t. v. To hoax, to bedrawing. Cha-ire, a tea caddy. Cha- fool, to trick, to impose on. iri, a pan for firing tea. Cha-iro, tea CHAKU. Arrival, coming; wearing, or color. Cha-jin, a master in the art of putting on clothes. Chaku-gan, compreparing powdered tea; an eccentric ing to shore, landing. Chaku-sen. person. Cha-kasu, tea grounds. Cha- arrival of a ship. Chaku-tsu, arrival in ki, utensils for preparing powdered tea. port. Chaku-yo, putting on clothes. Cha-kin, a tea-towel, or napkin. Cha- Chaku-za, taking a seat. CHA 22 CHI CHAKU-NAN, n. The eldest son. mo hito no kokoro chigawanai. Iki CHAKU-SHI, n. The eldest son, the heir. -, to miss in going. Sure -, to graze CHAKU-TO. Arrival, coming. - suru, in passing. Fumi —, to make a faLe to arrive, reach, come. step. Hone ga -, the bone is out of CHA-MAME, n. A kind of confectionery joint. made of beans coated with sugar. CHIGAI, n. Difference, mistake. - wa CHAN, n. Tar, resin. nai, there is no difference. CHAN-TO, adv. Well, proper, correctly, CHIGAI-DANA, n. A shelf, one half of straight, right, perfectly, completely, which is on a different plane from the full. other. CHAN, n. Father, used only by the low- CHIGI, (kakari,) n. A weighing beam, er classes. steelyard; also a wedge let into a CHAPPO n. The cloth worn round the board to prevent it from cracking. loins by women. CHIGIRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To b' torn. CHARUMERA, n. A trumpet, bugle. - CHIGIRE-CHIGIRE, adv. Scattered, brofuki, a trumpeter. ken, torn. CHATrO, adv. Quickly, instantly; well, CHIGIRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To tear, to pluck perfectly. off. CHAYA, n. A tea-store, tea-house. - CHIGIRI, n. An alliance, relation, conbairi, a frequenter of tea houses. nexion; a union, compact, agreement. CHI, (sen.) A thousand. - tose, a thou- - wo musubu, to make an alliance. sand years. - tabi, a thousand times. CHIGIRI,-ru,-lta, i. v. To form an alliCHI, n. A loop. - wo tsukeru, to fas- ance, have fellowship with, make acomten a loop to anything. pact. CHI, n. The earth, a place or region of CHI-GIY6, n. The estate of a lord or country, the blank space at the foot of noble. a page. Ten -, heaven and earth. CHI-HAN-JI, n. The chief magistrate or CHI, n. Blood. - wo toru, to take superintendent of a han or clan. blood, to bleed. Chi-baskiri, to CHI-HATSU, (kami wo soru,) n. Tonbleed, to run with blood. Chi-darake, sure, shaving the head, entering the smeared with blood. Chi-burui, the priesthood. shivering of lying-in women, the cold CHIISAi,-ki,-shi, a. Small, little, minute; stage of milk-fever. - ga deru, it trifling, of small importance. C/iisaku bleeds. naru, to become small. - suru, to CHI, n. Wise, shrewd, clever; knowl- make small. edge, intellect. - no naki hito, a stu- CHI-JI, n. The ehief magistrate or govpid person. Mu -, ignorant. ernor of a ken or kan. CHI-BANARE, n. Weaning. - wo suru, CHIJIKAMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To shrink, to wean. to contract, to shrug up. CHIBI-CHIBI, acv. Little by little, a lit- CHIJIMARI,-ru,-tta, i. V. To shrink, contie at a time, in small quantities, in tract, diminish in size, shrug up, to be driblets. corrugated, to shorten. CHIBI,-ru,-la, i. v. To waste away little CHIJISIE,,-r,-a, t. v. To cause to conby little, wear away, grow less and less. tract, shrink, lessen in bulk, to corruChibi-fude, a pencil the point of which gate, wrinkle, to shorten. Inochi wo has been worn off. -, to shorten life. CHI-BUSA, n. The nipple of the breasts. CHIJIMI,-m.-nda, i. v. To be contractCHI-CHI, n. Father. - haza, father ed, shrunk, corrugated, shortened. and mother. - kata, relations on the CHIJIMI, n. A kind of corrugated cloth. father's side. CHIJIRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be curled, CHI-CHI, n. Milk; the breasts. - wo frizzled, corrugated, wrinkled. Chijiamasu, to throw up milk (as an infant). reke, curly hair. - wo nomaseru, to give suck. - wo CHIJOKU, (haji,) n. Ashamed, shame. - shiboru, to milk. wo toru, to feel ashamed. CH-cHI, -suru, to be tardy, slow, to pro- CHIKA-DZUKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To bring crastinate. near, cause to approach, cause to assoCHI-CHIU-KAI, n. The Mediterranean ciate with. sea. CHIKA-DZUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To come or CHIDORI, n. A snipe. draw near, approach, associate with. CrIGAi,-au,-atla, i. v. To be different, CHIKA-DZUKI, n. An anquaintance, comto mistake, to miss. Doko no kuni de- panion, friend. CHI 23 CHI CHIKA-GATSUYE, Hungry, craving food. CHIKU-SHI, n. A very thin kind of paper CHIKA-GORO, adv. Lately, recently; made of bamboo. very, very much, exceedingly. CHIKU-SHO, n. A beast, brute, amimal. CHIKAI,-kiZ,-k,-shi, a. Near, not far; CHIKU-TEN, —suru, to abscond, to run familiar, easy, alike, about. Chikaku or flee away. suru, to bring near. CHIKU-ZO-JUTSU, n. Architecture. CHIKAI, n. An oath. CHIKU-Z6-KA, n. An architect. CHIKAI.-au,-ata, i. v. To take an oath, CHIMAKI, n. A kind of rice cake. to swear. CHI-MAMIRE, Smeared with blood. CHIKA-JIKA, adv. Soon, shortly, in a CHIMATA, n. The forks of a road; a short time, before long. town, a place. Kassen no -, a field of CHIKAKU, (oboye), n. Feeling, sensation, battle. perception. CHI-MAYOI, n. Faintness from loss of CHIKAME, n. Near-sighted. blood. CHIKARA, n. Strength, ability, power. CHIMBA, Lame. Kata -, lame in oneleg. Kane wo chikara ni suru, to rely on CHIM-BIKI, n. Spinning cotton thread by money. - wo tanomi to shite, de- the job. pending on his strength. — wo tsu- CHImI-BUTSU, (medzurashi nono,) n. A keru, to encourage. rare thing, unusual and excellent. CHIKARA-DAKE, n. A bamboo carried by CHIMMARI, ad,. Abridged, condensed, coolies to support a burden while resting. reduced in size, in miniature. CHIKARA-GANE, n. A buckle. CHIM-MOCHI, n. Carrying goods or burCHIKARA-GAWA, n. A stirrup-leather. dens of any kind by the job. CHIKARA-GE, n. The long hairs on the CHIrPI, n. Dried orange peel. arms, breast, and legs, supposed to in- CHIMPO, n. The male member. dicate strength. CHIN, n. A small pet dog. CHIKARA-GI, n. A weaver's beam. CHIN, n. Hire, fare, wages. Tana-chin, CHICKARA-KOBU, n. The lump made on house rent. Funa-chin, boat hire. or the arm above the elbow by the con- freight. Tema-chin, price of labor. traction of the Biceps-flexor muscle. Da-chin, fare for transporting on horse CHIKARA-MOCHr, n. Persons who exhibit back. Un-chin, freight, fare. their strength by lifting heavy weights. CHINAMI, n. Connection, relation, alliCHIKA-YORI,-ru, —ta, i. v. To approach, ance; cause, reason. come, or draw near. CHIN-DZUKI, n. Cleaning rice by the job CHI-KEMURI, n. The vapor of blood. or quantity. CHI-KEN-JI, n. The chief magistrate of a CHIN-KE-ZAI, n. Antispasmodic mediken. cines. CHIKI, n. An acquaintance, friend. CHINKI, n. A rare and precious utensil. CHIKIRI, n. A weaver's beam. CHIN-KIN-BORI, n. Carved and gilt work, CHIKIRI-JIME, n. A piece of wood let in- chased gold work. to two boards to bind them together, a CHI-NO-MICHI, n. Dizziness, rush of wooden clamp. blood to the bead, headache; circulaCHI-KIU, n. A terrestrial-globe, the tion of blood. globe. CHI-NOMI-GO, n. An infant, suckling. CHI-KI6Y, n. An isthmus. CHI-NORI, n. The strong, advantageous, CHI-KIYODAI, n. A foster-brother. or important strategical places ofa counCHIKKURI, adv. A little, in time, degree, try. or space. CHIN-SEN, n. Hire, wages. CHIIKO, n, A person of small stature, a CHIN-SHIGOTO, n. Work done by the job dwarf. or piece, job-work. CHIKU, n. A lie, falsehood. CHIRA-CHIRA, adv. In a flickering, flutCHIKU-BA, n. A bamboo horse. Chiku- tering manner; twinkling, dazzling. ba no tomo, a play-fellow. CHIRAMEKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To flutter, CHI-KUBI, n. The nipples. flicker, to move with a quick jerk, to CHIKU-CHIKU, adv. Pricking, sticking. flap, whisk. - suru, to prick, stick. CHIRARI-TO, adv. A glimpse, a short CHIKUDARI, (geketsu,) n. A bloody flux. transient view or sound. CHIKUFUJIN, n. A flea trap, made of CHIRASHI,-su,-,a, t. v. To scatter, to dis. split bamboo. perse. CHIKU-ICHI, adv. Minutely, particularly, CHIRATSUKI,-ka,-i/a, i. v. To flicker, to each and every one. twinkle, to be dazzled, flutter. CHI 24 CHO CHI-RI, n. Geography. CHIU-I, n. Care, caution, heed. - suru, CHIRI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be scattered, to to be cautious. be dispersed, dissipated. CHIU-JIKI, (hiru meshi,) — n. The noon CHIRI, n. Dirt, rubbish, litter, dust. meal, dinner. CHIRI-CHIRI, adv. Scattered, dispersed. CHIU-KAI. - suru, to comment on, to CHIRIBAMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To carve, to explain with notes, illustrate. engrave, to ornament by inlaying with CHIu-KI, n. Palsy. gold or silver. CHIU-KO, n. Fidelity to a master, and CHIRI-GAMI, n. A kind of coarse paper obedience to parents. made of the rubbish of a paper- CHIU-MON, n. An order for goods. - mill. suru, to send an order for goods. - CHIRI-HARAI, n. A dusting-brush. cho, an order-book. CHIRIKE, n. Nape of the neck. CHIU-NIN, n. A middle-man, mediator, CHIRIMEN, a. Crape. go-between. CHIR-ISHA, n. A geographer. CHIU-NORI, n. A play-actor, who appears CHIRI-TORI, n. A dust-pan. to walk in the air. CHI-RIYAKU, n. Wisdom, discretion. CHIU-SAI. - suru, to act as umpire, to CHIR6, n. Menorrhagia. arbitrate. Chiu-sai-nin, an umpire, CHIRO-CHIRO, adv. In a flickering man- arbitrator. ner, with a short, irregular motion. CHIU-SAKU, n. A stratagem, plan, CHIRORI, n. A metal pot for warming scheme. sake. CHIU-SETSU, n. Fidelity, loyalty, patriCHI-SHA, n. A wise, sagacious, or ingen- otism. ious person. CHIU-SHAKU, To explain, or illustrate CHI-SHA, a. Lettuce. with notes, to comment upon. CHI-SHIO, n. Blood. CHIUSHIKO, n. A plane, used by carpenCHI-SHIRU, n. Milk. ters for middling kind of work. CHIS6, n. A feast, entertainment, amuse- CHIU-SHIN. Report, communication, ment, pleasure. message, or statement of facts, (to a suCHI-SOKU, (taru koto wo shiru), n. Con- perior). tentment. CHIU-SHIN, a. Fidelity, loyalty, patriotCHI-suJI, n. Family line, lineage. ism. CHI-TAI, (todokdru,) Slow, delay, pro- CHIU-TO, adv. During, or while engaged crastinate, tardy. - naku, without in doing anything, only having half delay. completed, half-through. - de yameCHITrO, adv. A little in quantity or rarete wa kozaru, sorry I had to give time. up before having completed it. CHIU, (naka.) Middle, centre; middling CHIU-ZETSU, (naka tayeru.) Giving up, in quality, medium; within, during, ceasing to do, or breaking off anything whilst. y6 - ge, superior, middling, in the middle, or before being fully and inferior. Chiu db, half-way. Chiu learned. dori, medium quality. Chiu hai, the CHI-WA, n. The bantering, sportive talk middle classes. Chiu jun, the middle of lovers; flirting. Chiwa-bumi, a lovedecade of the month. Chiu ko, the letter. middle ages. Chiu man, the inner door. CHIWARI,-ru,-U/a, i. v. To flirt, coquet; Chiu nen, the middle years of life. to banter and jest with each other. Chiu-6, the centre. CHIYE, n. Intelligence, talent, cleverness, CHIU, n. Empty space, air. - ni agaru, ingenuity. to ascend in the air. - deyomu, to re- CHO, n. A street, a division of a street, cite from memory. a measure of length, = 60 ken, = 360 CHIU, n. Fidelity to a master, patriotism, feet; also a land measure of 3,00o tsubo, loyalty. - wo tsukusu, to be faithful = Io8,ooo square feet. - nai, in the to the utmost. street or ward. - yaku, town or ward CHIU, n. Commentary, notes. officers. CHIU, n. Day, day-time. Chiu ya, day CH6, n. Prostitute quarter. and night. CH6, n. Dose of medicine, a powder. KuCHIUB, n. Hemiplegia.. suri san cho, three doses of medicine. CHIU-GI, n. Fidelity, patriotism, loyalty, CH6, n. A register, account-book, ledger. allegiance. - ni tsukeru, to register. - kiri CHIU-HAN, (hiru-meshi,) n. The noon erasing from a register. ChO-guwai, meal, dinner. not in the register. CHO 25 CHO CH6, n. The numeral for guns, ink, can- CHO-HEI, n. Paper-money. dies, poles, hoes, oars. Tep, - it -, one CH6-H6. Convenient, usetul, serviceable. gun, one piece of cannon. Suni san CHOITO, adv. For a moment, instant, -, three sticks of ink. little while. CH6, n. Morning. - seki, morning and CHO-JA, n. A rich man, one in good cirevening. Aiyo, - to-morrow morning. cumstances. - tomi ni akadzu. Saku -, yesterday morning. CHOJI, n. Cloves. CHO, n. A butterfly. CHOJI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To grow long or CH6, n. Numeral for sedan chairs. Kago large, grow up, to increase, to excel, san, - three sedan chairs, become great, surpass, to be more and CHO, The even number. - han, even more addicted to. and odd numbers. CHOJI. - suru, to forbid, prohibit, inCHO, (nagai.) Long, chief, principal, terdict, stop. eminent, superior. - suru, to grow, CH6JI-AWASE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To plan or increase. Cho-biyo, a long sickness, consult together. Chi-ju, long life, Cho-dan, a long talk. CHu-jo, n. The highest point, the sumCho-kiu, eternal. Cho-hatsu, long hair, mit, top. unshaved. Cho-tan, long or short. CHOKIBUNE, n. A kind of small river Chdo-itsu, a long day. Cho-nan, oldest boat. son. Cho-ya, a long night. CHOKKI. n. A vest, jacket. CHO, (kiku). Hearing. - suru, to hear. CHOKKURA, adv. Just, merely, for a mo- do, the auditory canal. — shinkei, ment. auditory nerve. CH6-KO, n. (med.) The symptoms of disCHO-AI, n. Balancing or comparing ac- ease. count-books, to audit accounts. CHOKO-CHOKO, adv. Frequently, often. CH6-BO, n. The view, prospect. — suru, CHOKOZAI. Pedantic, affected, having to look at a landscape. only a smattering of learning. CHOBO, n. A dot, point, speck. CHOKU, n. A small cup for drinking CHOBO-CHOBO, adv. Dotted, the sound sake. of dropping of rain-drops. CHOKU, (tadashii). Right, just, upright, CHOBO-ICHI, n. A game played with dice. honest. - na hito, an honest man. CH6-BON, n. A ring-leader, chief. CHOKU, (mikotonari). Imperial, relating CHO-CHAKU. - suru, to beat,whip, strike, to the Mikado. Choku-gaku, an inlash. scription or name presented to a mniya CH6-CHIN, n. A lantern. or tera by the Tenshi. Choku-guwanCH6-CHOSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Talkative, lo- Ji, the temple where a Mikado is burquacious, garrulous. ied. C/oku-jo, imperial orders, oi CH-DAI. - suru, to give, to receive from edicts. Choku-ju, received directly a superior. from the Emperor, as an appointment CHA-DANSU, n. A chest or bureau in to office. Choku-mei, imperial comwhich account-books or registers are mand. Choku-men, imperial permiskept. sion or grant. Choku-shi, imperial amCH6-DATSU. - suru, to make up or col- bassador. Choku-sho, Mikado's letter, lect together a sum of money. Choku-to, the answer or reply of the CH6-DO, n. Things suitable or conven- Emperor. ient. Yome-iri no -,articles necessa- CH6-KUWAN, n. The highest officer or ry for a bride, head of a department of government, CH6-DO, adv. Just, exactly. -yoi, just president. right. CH6-MAN, n. Dropsy of the abdomen. CHO-DZU, a. Water used for washing the CHOMBORI, n. A dot, speck, the least face or hands, quantity. CH6DZU-BA, n. A privy, water-closet. CHO-MEN, n. An account book, register, CH6DZU-BACHI, n. The basin of water record-book, ledger. kept near a privy. CHO-MOKU, n. Small iron cash. CHO-GIN, n. Silver-ingots or bars. CHO-MON. - suru, to listen to, to atCHu-G6, n. A prescription, or a medical tend, as preaching, or a sermon. compound. - ba, a place where pa- CHONA, n. An adze. tients are prescribed for. - suru, to CHO-NETSU, n. Exacerbation or increase compound medicines. of fever. CHO-GUWAI. Erased from the register, CH6-NIN, n. Towns-people, citizens of a not written in the register. town, common people. 2 CHO 26 DAI CHOPPORI, adv. A little, small in quan- CH6-SEN, n. Corea. Chosem-bi, a kind tity or size. of grain something like millet. CHO-REN, n. Drill, parade, military CHO-SHI, n. A metal kettle used for exercises. - suru, to parade, to warming sake. march. CH6-SHI, n. Tone of voice, or of an inCH6RI, n. An executioner. strument; tune; spirits. ChS-shi vwo CH6RI, n. A horse doctor. hadzureru, to be out of tune. CH6-R6. - suru, to make sport of, to CHO-TEKI, n. An enemy of Japan, a quiz, to make a fool of, to treat with traitor to one's country. irony; to mock, ridicule, jeer. CHO-TSUGAI, n. A hinge, joint. CHO-SAI-BO, n. A fool, dunce. CHOTTO, adv. A little while, a moment. D DA, coll. contracted from De aru, it is. DAI. The ordinal prefix. - ichi, the iVan-da, what is it? Are wa dare-da, first. Dai-ni-ban, the second. who is that? Sayo da, it is so. Sore DAI, (okii). Large, great, big; used in da kara watakushi iya da, so then 1 compound words. - nan, great calamdon't want it. ity. - riki, great strength. - shk, DA. Inferior in quality, mean, low, com- big and little. mon. - mono, an article of inferior DAI-BA, n. A fort. - wo oidzuku, to quality. construct a fort. Odaiba, id. DA, n. Numeral for horse-load, about DAI-BEN, n. Faeces, excrement. - suru, 225 catties, or 300 pounds. Nimotsnu to go to stool. ichi da. DAI-BEN-KOSHI, n. Charge d'Affaires. DABI. Burning the bodies of the dead, DAI-BUN, adv. Very much, to a large cremation. Dabi-sho, the place where degree, for the most part. dead bodies are burned. DAI-CH6, n. The large intestines. DACHI. A suffix derived from Tatsu, DAI-DAI, n. A bitter orange. to stand up. Ichi-nin-dachi, one DAI-DO, (/ji), n. Highway, main-road. man alone, or single file. Hitori- - mise, selling goods in the street dachi, alone, spread out upon the ground. DA-CHIN, n. Fare for transportation on DAIDOKORO, n. A kitchen. horses or coolies. DAI-DZU, n. A large white bean. Soja DA-CHO, n. The ostrich. hispida. DA-DA, n. Fretful, petulant, cross. Da- DAI-FUKU-CH6, n. A merchant's account da wo in, to fret and whine. book in which the sales are entered, DADAKE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To fret, to be day-book. cross, ill-tempered. DAI-GAKU, n. The great learning-one DADAKKO, n. A cross, fretful child, cross- of the four books of Confucius. patch.. DAI-GI, n. The stump, or stem on which DAI, n. A stand, base or frame work for a graft is fixed. supporting something else, a pedestal. DAI-GO, n. The name, or title of a book. Chadai, a cup-stand. Shoku-dai, a DAI-GO. The ranks of an army. candle-stick. Teifoi-dai, a gun-carri- DAI-GUWAN, (d negai), n. Earnest prayage, gun-stock. Fumi-dai, a foot- er, petition, great desire. stool. DAI-HACHI-GURUMA, n. A car, or dray DAI, (YO), n. Age, dynasty, reign, gene- for hauling goods. ration. Ban-dai, all generations, al- DAI-HAN-JI, n. The chiefjudge. ways, eternal. Dai-dai, every genera- DAI-HITSU, n. A secretary, amanuensis. tion. DAI-JI. Important, of consequence; careDAI, (shiro), n. Money given in ex- ful. change for anything; cost, price; vi- DAI-JIRI, n. The breech or butt of a carious, substitute. gun. DAI, n. A theme, text, subject, topic. DAI-JO-BU, a. Strong, firm, solid; well DAI 27 DAN fortified, able to resist, hale, robust, to lift up in the arms, as one who is lying sound in body; fixed, settled; safe, se- down. Daki-shimeru, to hug tightly. cure. Daki-tomteru, to throw the arms around DAI-Ji-N6, n. A kind of shovel fixed on another and hinder him. Daki-tsuku, a stand, used for carrying fire. to cling to with the arms, to hug up DAI-KA, n. Price, cost, value, to. DAI-KAGURA, n. A kind of dancing in DAKIU, n. A game of ball played on the street, by a person wearing a mask horse-back. - sa'i, a pole armed with like a lion's head; ball playing. a net, with which the ball is caught. DAI-KAI, n. The ocean. DAKKO, a. Prolapsus ani. DAI-KIN, n. Price, value, money paid in DAKO, n. A spittoon, spit-box. exchange for goods. DAKU. - suru, to assent, consent, to DAI-KOKU-BASHIRA, n. The large pillar answer, or respond to a call. in the centre of a house. DAKU-BOKU, adv. Full of ups and downs, DAI-KON, n. A kind of large radish- or hills and hollows, uneven. Raphanus sativus. DAKU-ON, (nigori koye,) n. The impure DAIKU, n. A carpenter. Funa-daiku, sounds of some of the Japanese syllaa ship-builder. bles; as, ba, bi, bu, da,ji, dzu, etc. DAI-KUWAN, n. A lieutenant, or deputy DAMAKASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To hoax, humofficer; an agent. bug, to take in, cheat. DamakasareDAI-MEI-SHI, n. A pronoun. ru, to be taken in, or hoaxed. DAI-MIY6, n. The name of a feudal or DAMARI,-ra,-atta, i. v. To be silent, military chief during the time of the still, not to speak. shoguns, whose incomes was over io,ooo DAMARI, n. Silence, without speaking. koku of rice. - no maku, a theatrical scene where DAI-MOKU, n. The name, or title of a the actors are silent, pantomime. book; also, the title of the prayer of DAMASHI-SU,-ta, t. v. To cheat, hoax, the Nichi-ren sect of Buddhists. take in, deceive, circumvent. DamaDAI-MOTSU, n. The article or money sareru, to be cheated. Damashi-kogiven in exchange for goods, cost, price. mu, to take in, cheat, over-reach, vicDAINASHI, adv. Spoiled, dirty. timize. Damashi-toru, to take by DAI-6, n. Rhubarb. cheating. DAI-ON-JO, n. A loud voice. DAMBUKURO, n. Trowsers, pantaloons. DAIR, n. The palace of the Mikado. DAME, adv. Vain, useless. DAI-RIY6, n. Money given in exchange DAME, n. Omission, anything overfor goods; price, cost. looked. DAI-SAN-JI, n. The highest official of DAMMA, n. A pack-horse. a Han next below the chihanji. DAM-METSU. To cut off and destroy, DAI-SU, n. A stand with furnace on it exterminate. used in making tea. DAM-PAN, n. A conference, consultation, DAI-TAN, (kimo no futoi,) a. Great deliberation. courage, courageous; audacious, bold, DAM-PO, n. The parishioners of a temimpudent. ple. DAI-ZA, n. The base or pedestal of a DAN, n. A step, a raised platform; grade, tombstone, or image. rank, step; a section of a book; an act DAI-ZAI, (oinaru tsumi,) n. Great crime. or play in a theatre; thing or affair; - nin, a great offender. subject. Butsu-dan, an altar. DA-JAKU, a. Infirm, or weak in body, DAN-BIRA, n. A broad sword. invalid. DAN-DAN, adv. In ranks; step by step; DA-J6-KUWAN, n. The highest depart- gradually, by degrees; great, many, ment or supreme council of state. various. DAKE, n. Much, quantity. Kore —, so DAN-DARA, n. Striped crosswise, marked much. Dore -, how much? A ri-, or cut across in sections. all there are. DAN-GI, n. Preaching, a sermon by a DAKI,-,-,-i/a, t. v. To hold in the arms, Buddhist priest of the Monto sect. to embrace, to hug. Daki-au, to em- DANGO, n. A dumpling, or bread cooked brace or hug each other. Daki-kaka- by boiling. yeru, to embrace, to hold in the arms. DAN-GOKU. - suru, to condemn to imDaki-komu, to carry into, to gain over prisonment. to one's party or interest, to make DANI, n. A dog-tick. friends of, to subsidize. Daki-okosu, DANI, n. Goods carried by a pack-horse. DAN 28 DE DANI, adv. Even, only. DASHI, n. A sauce or flavoring for DANJI,-ru,-ta, i.. To speak, talk, say. soup. DAN-JIKI, n. Religious fasting. DASHI, n. An ornamented car drawn at DANJIRI, n. An ornamented car at festi- festivals. vals. DASHI, n. Pretext, pretence, excuse. - DAN-KE, n. The parishioners, or families ni suru, to do on pretence. that support a Buddhist temple. DASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To put out, take DAN-KI, n. Warm weather, the heat, out, drive out, bring out, lead out, to warmth. cause to go out. DAN-KO, (hanashi-ai,) n. Consultation, DASHI-AI, n. Paying out together, inconference. - suru, to confer together. vesting in shares. DAN-KOTSU, n. Fracture of a bone. DASHI-IRE, n. Expenditures and receipts DANNA, n. The parishioners of a temple; the taking out and putting in. master. DASHI-NUKE-NI, adv. Suddenly, by surDA-NO, conj. Used in enumerating seve- prise, abruptly, at unawares. ral items, = and, also. DASHI-NUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To surprise, DAN-RIN, n. A Buddhist monastery. to take unawares, to circumvent. DAN-WA, n. Conversation, talking, speak- DAsso, n. Gangrene, mortification, sphaing. celus. DAN-YAKU, n. Ammunition, powder and DAss6, n. Flight, escape, desertion. balls. suru, to desert. DAN-ZAI, (kiru-tsumi,) n. Capital pun- DATAI, n. Abortion. - suru, to cause ishment. abortion. DAN-ZETSU. - suru, to cut off, destroy, DATE, n. Show, display, ostentation, exterminate; interrupt. gay appearance, finery. - otoko, a fop. DARA-DARA, adv. In a slow, sluggish - na, gay, gaudy, showy. Shin-jitsu manner. date, a show of sincerity. Date-sha, DARAKE,-rU,-/a, i. v. To be languid, one fond of wearing finery, a fop. dull, sluggish, drooping, indisposed to DATERA, (= de i-nagara,) see Tateexertion. ra. DARAKE. Used only in composition with DATTO, (katana wo nugu,) n. Not wearnouns, = covered with, filled with, ing a sword, without a sword. smeared with. Cki-darake, covered DATSU-I, (koromo wo nugu,) n. Stripping with blood. Yama-darake, mountai- off the robes of a priest, and turning nous. him out of the priesthood. DARAKU, (ochiru). - suru, to fall, to fall DAYEN, n. Oval, elliptical in shape. away, to apostatize, to fail or become DE, Post-pos., expressing the cause, insolvent. Daraku-si, an apostate manner or instrument, the place or priest. time, and sometimes answering to the DARANI, n. Magic formulas taken from sub. verb. With, by, at, of, in, being; Buddhist sacred books and written in as it is; because of, on account of. Te the Sanscrit character. de butsu, strike with the hand. DARANISUKE or DARASUKE, n. A kind of DE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To go out, issue forth, bitter medicine. proceed from; to arise, appear. Uchi DARAPPYIOSHI-NA, a. Disorderly, sloven- kara dete yuku, to go out of the house. ly, irregularly. Dete-koi, come out. HiRa deta, the DARASHINAI,-ku, a. Slovenly, loose, dis- sun is up. Hima ga deru, to be out ordered, careless. of employment. DARE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To fall in price. DE-AI,-au,-atia, i. v. To meet while DARE, pron. Who. - nite mo, or Dare- out, to meet with. demo, anybody, everybody, whoever. DE-BA, n. Projecting teeth. - mo shitta mono wa nai, nobody DEBA, n. A kitchen-knife. knows it, or, I don't know anybody. - DEBANA, n. The period of greatest perka sakiye kita, somebody has come fection, the height. before us. DEBARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To leave home DAR6, cont. of de and are the dub. and and attend to business or duty at some fut. of aru. Naze sonna ni yenriyo fixed place. Ban-sho ye debaru, to suru daro, why are you so diffident? attend at the police station. DARUIki,-ku,-shi, a. Languid, sluggish, DE-BARI, n. An out-station, a shop or dull, heavy, lifeless, weak and indis- office away from home, a police station, posed to exertion, station-house. DEB 29 DEN DE-BEso, n. Projecting navel, umbilical DEKI-BUGEN, n. Riches acquired sunlhernia. denly. DE-BITAI, n. Projecting eye-brows. DEKI-GOKORO, a. Sudden notion or fanDE-CHIGAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To miss by cy, sudden desire. going out; to be out when another DEKI-GOTO, n. Any thing that happens calls. unexpectedly; an accident. DE-DANA, n. A shop in another place, a DEKI-MONO, n. A sore, an ulcer. — ga branch shop. dekita. DEDEMUSHI, n. A snail. DEKI-SHI, n. Drowned. DEGIRE, n. Scraps of cloth left after cut- DEKI-SOKONAI,-au, -atta, i. v. To be ting, a remnant. spoiled, or injured in making; to be DEGCSHI, n. A projecting frame work badly made. outside of the window of a guard-house. DEKKAI,-ku, a. Big, great, large. DE-HA) n. A place for going out, a place DEKO, n. A puppet with a large projectof exit. ing forehead. DE-H6DAI, adv. Speaking off-hand; at DEKUBOKU, adv. A surface that has ups random, without reflection. - ni iu, and downs, uneven, full of hills and to speak at random, hollows. DEI-DEI, n. A class of people of very DEKUCHI, n. Place of exit, the hole, orilow grade, the same as Hi-nin, or yeta. fice, nozzle, or door by which any thing DE-IRI, a. Going out and in, expenses passes out. and receipts; a dispute, quarrel, suit at DEKUWASE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To meet unlaw. De-iri-gzuchi, a door, common expectedly. passage way. De-iri-shi, a lawyer, a DEMAYE, n. Food cooked in a restauperson who manages a lawsuit. rant and supplied to order. DE-JIRo, n. An out-castle, one besides DEMBATA, (ta hatake,) a. Rice and the main-castle. wheat fields. DE-KAKARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. Ready or about DEMB6, n. A low vulgar fellow, a bully. to go out, to be about to do, about to DEMBU, n. A kind of food made of raw appear. fish. DE-KASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To cause to be- DEM-BUN, (tsutayete kiku.) To know come, br to succeed in doing, to bring by hearsay, to hear from others, a reabout, to manage to do. Dekashi-gao, port. a countenance expressive of success, DEMBU-YA-JIN, n. A rustic, a clownish triumphant countenance. ignorant fellow. DE-KASEGI, n. Business, or employment DEME, n. Projecting eyes. away from home. DE-MISE, n. A branch store. DE-KATA, n. An inferior policeman, DE-MIDZU, n. An inundation. constakle or spy. DEMO, con. Either, or, whether, even DE-KAWARI, a. Change in going out of if, soever. Inu demo neko demo niwaservice; doing duty in the place of one tori wo toru ka shiranu, I don't whose time has expired. know' whether it was a dog or a cat DEKI,-ru,-ta, i. vz. To do, make, to pro- which took the fowl. Sore demo iya duce; to finish, accomplish; can, able. da, I won't even for that. Yuku to Dekiru-ka dekinu-ka, can you do it, demo yukanai to demo ii yo, say or not? whether you will go or not. DEKI, n. The product, what is done, or DEMO, a. Any kind, ordinary, common, finished. Dekifu-deki ga aru, some- mediocre. - gakusha, a scholar of times it is good, sometimes bad; good common ability. and bad, irregular. DEM-PO, n. Fields. DEKI-AGARI,-ru,-tta, i.v. To be done, DEM-P6, a. Traditional religious rites. finished, completed. DEM-PO, n. A medical receipt received DEKI-AGARI, n. The work, production; from another. the finish. DEM-PU, n. A farmer, husbandman. DEKI-AI,-at,-atta, i. v. To be ready DE-MUKAI,n. Going out to welcome a made. at hand, on hand. guest, going out to meet. DEKI-AI, n. Ready made articles, arti- DEN, (inabikari,) n. Lightning. cles on hand. DEN, (ta,) n. Rice-field. DEKI-BAI, a. Work, production, work- DEN-GAKU, n. A kind of food made of manship, the effect. - ga ii, it is baked tofu. beautifully done. ~ DEN-GON, (tsutayeru kotoba,) n. Word, DEN 30 DOC verbal message, transmitted from one ion of a thermometer; right or just person to another. measure, time. - wo sugiru, to exDEN-JI, n. Rice-field, a farm, planta- ceed the proper degree. Ichi-do, once. tion. Ni-do, twice. San-do, thrice. Maido DEN-JU, (tsutaye sadzuku,) n. Teach- often. Iku-do, how often? Do do, ing, instruction, or precept. -suru, frequently. - wo ushinau, to lose to instruct, teach. presence of mind. DEN-KA, n. A farm-house. Do, - suru, To save. Shujo wo - suDEN-KI, (tsutaye shirusu,) n. Records, ru, to save all creatures. history, chronicle. DO, n. The trunk, the body, that part DEN-KI, n. Electricity. of a coat of mail which covers the DEN-KUWA, n. Lightning. trunk. - no ma, middle part of a ship DEN-RAI, (tsutaye-kitaru), Transmitted, between the fore and mizzen masts. handed down, inherited. D6, (michi), n. A road, way; virtue, DEN-SEN, Infectious, contagious, catch- reason, doctrine, principle, truth. ing, as disease. - biyo, an infectious DO, (akagane,) n. Copper. disease. - sur, to be infectious. Do, (onaji), Alike, the same, together. DEN-SETSU, (tsutaye-banashi), n. A — jitsu, same day. - nen, same year. story, saying, or report transmitted - getsu, same month. - cho, same from one to another. street. - butsu, same thing, alike. - DEN-SHIN-KI, n. The telegraph. kiyo, living together. - hai, same soDEN-SO, n. Rice tax paid by farmers. cial position, equals. - miyo, of the DEN-TATSU, - suru, to deliver a mes- same surname. - giyo, travelling tosage or transmit it from one to an- gether. - han, of the same clan. other. on, the same sound, one voice. -i DERO, (a vulgar coll. imp. of Deru,) Get of the same mind. - shuku, lodging out, go out. together. - kaku, of the same rank, DE-SAKARI, n. The time of being out in - to, same class. — yaku, of the same greatest numbers, the height of an office. -yo, in the same way, alike. eruption. - zei, a retinue, company. DESHABARI,-rn,-/ta, i. v. To rudely in- Do, adv. How, in what manner, for terrupt others while talking, to obtrude, what reason, by what cause, in what or interfere in speaking. state, why, what. - shita, how was it DESHI, n. A pupil, scholar, disciple, done? how was it? - shitara yokaro, learner, apprentice. - domo, pupils. how had I better do? - demo yoi, DESHI-IRI, (niu-mon,) n. Entering any how will do. - in wake, for what school as a pupil, becoming a disciple. reason. - in hito, what kind of a DEs6, n. The appearance of going out, man. look like going out. Kaze ga deso-na Do, n. A small conical basket used for tenki. catching eels. DE-SOROI,-O,-t/a, i. v. To come out ful- DO-BA, n. A worn-out useless horse. - ly, every one to appear. ni otoru. DESUGI,-rU,-tZ, i. v. To interrupt, to DO-BACHI, n. A copper bowl. meddle, interfere; to intrude. - ma- DO-BASHI, n. A bridge, the floor of which no, a meddler, intruder. is made of earth. DE-TACHI,-tSU,-tta, i, v. To start out, DOBI, n. The white rose. to start off, to set out. DO-BIN, n. An earthen tea-pot. DETARAME, n. Speaking at random, say- DOBU, n. A ditch, trench, drain. ing anything that comes first, without DOBU-DOBU, adv. The sound made by a reflection, off-hand. liquid flowing from a bottle, or of a DETCHI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To knead, (as small thing falling into water. dough.) DOBUROKU, n. An inferior kind of sake, DET-CHI, n. A shop boy. in which the grounds have not been DE-YOJO, n. Leaving home on account strained off. of health. - suru, to go abroad for DO-BURUI, n. Shivering, trembling. health. DOBUTSU, n. A fat and silly person. DEYO, The coil. fut. of Deru. - to omote D-BUTSU, (ugaku mono), n. Things itara kiyaku ga kita, a guest came that have life and motion. just as he was thinking of going out. DOCHI, n. A child, a young person unDEYU, n. Hot springs. der ten years of age. Do, n. A degree in geometry, or divis- DOCHIRA,/ro. What place, where, which. DOC 31 DOM -ye ittaka shire nai, I don't know DOKKOYE-DOKKOYE, n. A lottery-wheel where he has gone. — ga yoi, which used by persons who sell candy in the is the best? - demo yoroshii, either streets. will do. - mo yorosii, they are both DOKO, n. A copper boiler. good. DOKO, adv. Where. - no hito da, DO-CHIU-KI, n. A road-book, guide- where is he from? - ye yuku, where book. are you going? Uchi wa - da, where DODAI, n. The foundation sill of a do you live? - demo yoi, any place house, the foundation, will do. Hi zva - demo ataru, the sun DO-DAN, A word used to save repetition, shines everywhere. - to mo nashi ni ditto. Migi -, same as before. yuku, to go, not knowing where. DO-DO, - suru, to travel together, to go DOKU, n. Poison. - ni ataru, to be together. poisoned. - na, poisonous, hurtful. DODOITSU, n. A kind of popular song. Doku-ja, a venomous snake. DokuD6-GAIU, n. Moral philosophy. giyo, poisonous fish. Doku - mush i D6-GAME, n. A snapping-turtle. poisonous insect. Doku-shu, poisonous DO-GANE, n. The metal band around a liquor. Doku-yaku, poisonous medisword-scabbard. icine. Doku-ya, poisoned arrow. DOGI, n. A corset, or short jacket worn imi, avoiding hurtful food. - mi, tastinside of the other clothes. ing or proving whether a thing is poiDO-GU, n. Tools, implements, utensils, sonous. - satsu, to kill by poisoning. furniture, arms, weapons. -gai, id. DO-GUSURI, n. Gunpowder. DOKU. Alone, by one's self, single, soliDO-GUSURI-IRE, n. A powder-flask. tary. -gaku, studying by one's self, DO-GU-YA, n. A shop where second-hand self-taught. - gin, singing alone. furniture is sold. raku, enjoyinganythingalone. -shin, D6-HAN, n. Copper-plate for printing, single, unmarried. - za, sitting alone. engraved on copper-plate. DOKUDAMI, n. The Houttuynia cordata. DO-HIY6, n. Bags filled with earth. DOKU-DATE, n. Abstaining from hurtful DO-HIYO-BA, n. The arena or ring made food, regulating the diet. - zwo suru, with earth-bags where wrestlers per- to diet. form. DOKU-DOKUSHII, a. Poisonous, hurtful, D6-IN. Shampooi ing. jurious. DOJI, n. A stupid affair. DOKU-DOKU, adv. The sound of water DO-JI, n. A little boy. (med.) the pupil flowing from a bottle, gurgling. of the eye. DOKU-RIU, (hitoridachi.) Standing alone DO-JIN, n. Aborigines. independent, free from the control of Do-JO, n. A lamprey (?) another. DO-KA, adv. of beseeching, wishing, or DOKURO, (atama bone). A skull. doubt. — otanomi-moshi-masu, please DO-MA, n. The small unfloored court at help me. the entrance of Japanese houses; the DoKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To jest, to act the pit in a theatre. buffoon, to talk for the diversion of DO-MAKI, n. A long wallet for carrying others. - mono, a jester, buffoon, money tied around the body. clown. DOMBURI, n. A porcelain bowl. DoKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To put out of the DOM-BUTSU, n. A blockhead, a dunce. way, move to one side. Doke, get out DO-MIN, n. A farmer belonging to any of the way. particular district. DOKE, n. A buffoon, jester, clown. DOMO. A plural ending, used in speaking DoKI,-ku-ta, i. v. To get out of the of inferiors, or of many, where the way, to move aside. speaker is one. Watakushi-domo, we. DOKI, n. Palpitation of heart. Onna-domo, the women. AlusumeDOKI, n. Earthenware. domo, the girls. Omaye-donmo, DOKI, n. Anger. you. DOKI-DOKI, adv. Beating of the heart, DOMO. Subjunctive suffix to verbs, palpitation. though, although, but. Miredomo 7IiDOKKESHI, n. An antidote to poison. yedzu kike-domo kikoyedzu, looking, DOKKI, n. Poisonous air or gas. but not seeing; listening, but not hearDoKKIYo, (hitori oru). Living alone. ing. DOKK6, (hitoriyuku). - suru, to travel DOMO, adv. or interj. expressing admiraalone, go alone. tion, difficulty, doubt, quandary. - shi DOM 32 DOW yo ga nai, there is no help for it, (do as DO-RIY6, n. Talent, ability, capacity. I may). DO-RIYO, n. A mole. DoMORI,-ru,-, i. v. To stutter, to D6-RO, n. A way, road. stammer. DORO, n. Mud. - no umi, chaos. DoDOMORI, n. Stutterer, stammerer. ro-darake, covered with mud. DoroDON, (nibui). Dull, blunt, stupid. Don mabure, smeared with mud. - midzu, tM, a dull knife. Don-na hito, a stupid prostitution. person. — sai, stupid, doltish. DOROBO, n. A thief, robber. DON, (contracted from Dono). A common DORo-DORO, adv. Rumbling sound, as title of address to servants, or inferiors, of distant thunder, or cannon, of peras Kiu don, Mr. Kiu. sons walking. DO-NABE, n. An earthen pot. D6-RUI, n. Same kind, same class or sort, D6-NAN, n. A little boy. an accomplice, confederate. DONARI2-ru,-tta, i. v. To speak or cry DOSA, n. A stuff made of glue and alum, out with a loud voice, vociferate. for glazing paper. - wo hiku, to glaze DONATA, iro. Who. Kore wa -no hon paper. degozarimasu, whose book is this? - DOSA-DOSA, adv. In a tumultuous and degozarimasu, who is there? hurried manner. - to kuru. DONCHAN. To be confused, to be thrown DOSAKUSA, adv. Confusion, tumult, turinto disorder, or tumult. moil. - magire ni mono Vwo toru, DON-DON, adv. The sound of beating a taking advantage of the confusion to drum, or rolling of a wagon, of a person steal. running. DOSEI, n. The planet Saturn. DONDZUMARI, n. The end, upshot, con- DO-SHA, n. A religionist, moralist, devoelusion, final issue. tee, a pilgrim. DON-GAME, n. A large kind of tortoise. DO-SHA, n. A powder, which, applied to DO-NIYO, n. A little girl. the body of a dead person, is said to reDONNA. What kind? - mono de gozari- lax its rigidity. masu, what kind of a thing is it? D6-SHI, (hata-aki kotoba,) n. A verb. DONO, n. A title, same as sama, used D6-SHI. Constantly, without ceasing or when speaking of superiors, interval. Yomi-dishi, constantly readDONO, pro. Which? what? - hito, ing. Yo-doshi, the whole night. which person? - kuni, which country? DOSHI. Amongst themselves, with each -yo ni, in what way? Done kurai, other, together, in company. Onnahow much? doshi tera ni mairu, women go toDONSU, n. A kind of silk fabric of which gether to the temples. - ikusa, a civil belts are made. war. - uchi, fighting with each other, DON-TAKU, n. Sunday, a holy-day. a civil war. DOPPO. To walk alone, to be alone in D6-SHIN, (onaji kokoro,) n. Of the same talent or ability, above all others. mind, like-minded. Also, a constable DORA, n. A kind of gong suspended be- or policeman, a novice, or one recently fore idols and struck by worshipers. entered into the Buddhist priesthood. DORA. Dissolute, profligate, vicious, DoSSARI, adv. Much, very many, plenty, abandoned.. abundant. DORAKU. Given to vice and dissipation, Do-sO, n. The degree, as of heat, or ladissolute, vicious, profligate. - mono, titude; the number. a dissolute person. DOSUAKAI, a. A dirty, or too deep a red. D6-RAN, n. Disturbance, commotion, con- DOSuGOYE. A fierce, excited, harsh fusion. voice. DO-RAN, n. A leather bag or wallet, DoSUGUROI, a. Of a dirty, or too deep a knapsack, satchel, cartridge-box. black. DORE. A word used in answering a call. DOTE, n. A mound, or bank of earth DORE, fro. Which. ga it, which is which separates rice-fields, a dyke, emthe best? - mo onajikoto, they are bankment. both alike. - demo yoroshii, either DOTERA, n. A long wadded coat worn in will do. - hodo, or - dake, how much? winter. DORE. Exclamation of wonder, surprise. DoTTro, adv. Sudden burst of noise from DO-RI, (michi,) n. Reason,right princi- many persons; as, - warau, to burst ple, truth, principles, doctrine; cause or out laughing. reason, a natural rule or law. Ten-chi DO-WA, (michi no hanashi,) n. Religino-, the laws of nature. ous, or moral discourses. DOW 33 DZU DO-WASURE, n. Suddenly forgetting, not DZUI-HITSU, (fude-dzusame), n. Misable to recall what one knows well. cellaneous writings, common-place DOYA-DOYA, adv. The sound of the feet book. of many persons walking. DzuI-I, (kokoro makase). At one's pleasD6-Yo, (ugoku,) n. Motion, agitation, ure, according to one's mind, or conveniexcitement. - suru, to move, shake, ence. - ni nasare, do as you like. to be agitated, disturbed. DZUI-ICHI. The best, the first. DO-YOKU-NA, a. Greedy, covetous, ava- DZUI-KI, n. The stem of the Taro, used ricious. as food. DoYOMEKI,-ku,-ita. To make a loud DZUI-SHIN, n. A follower, a disciple. noise, to reverberate, the confused DZUI-TO, adv. Directly, in a direct sound of a multitude of men, birds, or straight manner, without minding cereanimals; the sound of a torrent of wa- mony. ter. DZUKI-DZUKI, - itamu, to throb with D6-ZEN, (maye ni onaji). Same as be- pain. fore, ditto, alike. DZU-KIN, n. A bonnet, a cap worn in Do-zo, n. A mud fire-proof building, a cold weather. store-house. DZUKKARI, or DZUPPARI, adv. Apart, Do-zo, adv. of entreating, beseeching, separate. - to kiru, to cut in two. or supplicating, - please, I pray you, DZUKU, n. Cast iron. I pray that, hope that. - kaszite DZUKU, (from tsuku, to spend, consume), kudasare, please lend me. used only as an auxiliary word, = by DO-zoKU, n. Priest and people, clergy force or by means of. Kane-dzuku de and laity. chiugi wo suru, to be loyal only beDzu, n. The head. cause of gain by it. Dzu, n. A drawing, picture, sketch, a DZU-KUNI, n. Same country. - no hito plan; a favorable opportunity. - wo da. hiku, to draw a plan. - ni noru, to DzuMI, n. A kind of yellow dyestuff. take advantage of a favorable opportu- DZUN-DO, adv. Particularly, especially, nity. very. — yoi, very good. DzUBAKE,-ru,-/a, i. v. To hoax, to play DZUN-DZUN, adv. Rapidly, fast. a trick, befool. DZUN-DZUN-NI, adv. Into small pieces. DZUBON, n. Trousers, pantaloons. - hiki-saku, to tear into small pieces. DZU-BOSHI, n. The black spot in the DZUNUKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Foolish, silly, centre of a target, the crown of the awkward; to be extraordinary, or outhead. landish. DZU-BOTO, a. Extract of liquorice. DZUPPURI, adaN. All over, completely. DZU-BU, adv. The sound made by plung- Midzu ni ochite - nureta. ing into water. - to midzu ni tsuke- DRURA-DZURA, adv. Glibly, smoothly. - ru. hon vo yomu. DZUBUNURE, n. To be wet from head to DZURARI-TO, adv. One after another, in foot, wet all over. a line, continuously; single file. DZUBUROKU. Drunk. narabu. DzusuToIki,-ku, a. Bold, fearless, dar- DzuRI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To slide down, to ing, audacious. slip down. Dzuri-komu, to slip or DZUDA-BUKURO, n. The bag carried by slide down into. Dzuri-ochiru, to begging priests. slip or slide down anything. DZUDA-DZUDA, adv. Pieces. - ni kiru. DZURU-DZURU, adv. Slippery, smoothly, DZUDZU, n. A rosary. in a slippery manner. DZUDZU-DAMA, n. A plant called Job's DZURUI,-ku,-shi, a. Cheating, knavish, tears. The Coix lacryma. shirking and imposing one's work on DZUDZUSHII,-ki,-k, a. Bold, fearless, others, slow, lazy, idle. Dzuruku suru, daring, audacious. to cheat, to be lazy. DzUI, n. A sign, omen. -gen, a good DZURUKE,-ru,-/a, i. v. To be idle, lazy, omen. - mu, a lucky dream. - so, to shirk work. a lucky sign. DZUSA, n. A follower, servant, retainer. Dzui, a. Marrow, pith of wood. DZU-SHI, n. A small shrine in which DzUI, n. The pistils f a flower. idols are kept. DZUI-BUN, adv. Tolerably, as good as Dzu-so, n. An eruption on the scalp. the circumstances will admit of, pretty DZU-TSU, adv. The number to which it well, as much as possible. is joined separately taken, as Hitotsu2* DZU 34 FUF dzutsu, one by one, one at a time. Hi- DZUTSUNAI,-ki,-shi, a. Painful, grievtori-dzutsu, one person at a time. ous, distressing, hard to bear. Chawan ni izfai - hi ni san do no- DZUTTO, adv. In a direct, straight mu ga yoi, take one teacupful three course. times a day. DZU-ZAN. Fanciful, baseless, unreasonDZU-TSU, (kashira no itami), n. Head- able, hypothetical. ache. F Fu, n. A pawn in the game of chess. tions. Fuchi-kata, the officer who Fu, n. A spot, speck, mark. - iri, serves out rations. spotted, speckled. FU-CHIU. Unfaithful to a master, disFu, n. A kind of food, made of wheat- loyal, dishonest. flour. -ya, the shop where the above FU-CHi. The marks or symbols which is sold. merchants use for marking the price of Fv, n. An imperial city, of which there goods, trade mark. - fuda, a ticket are three only in the empire, viz.: Ki- having the trade mark written on yoto, Osaka, and T6kei. it. Fu, n. A music book; musical marks FUDA, n. A card, ticket, label. Kibuda, or notes. a wooden ticket. - tsuki, labeled, Fu. A negative prefix. ticketed. Fu, n. An envelope, seal, or enclosure FU-DAN, (tayedzu). Uninterrupted, conof a letter. Ippiz, one enclosure. stant, continual; usual, common. Fu, (kaze), n. The wind; manner, de- zakura, a Camellia that blooms the portment, customs. Tai-fzl, a typhoon. whole year. - no tori, the usual way. FU-ANNAI. Unacquainted with, especi- - gi, every-day clothes. ally with the roads of a country, locali- FUDA-NO-TSUJI, n. A place in a city ty, house. where the kdsatsu or the imperial FU-BAKO, n. A lacquered box used for edicts are posted. carrying letters. FUDA-SASHI, n. A licensed merchant who FU-BATSU, (ugokanai). Unalterable, un- exchanges the rice rations of governchangeable. ment officials for money. FU-BEN. Inconvenient, incommodious, FUDE, n. A pencil, pen. zFde-arai, unsuitable, a cup for washing pens in. Fude-bako, FU-BEN. Not eloquent, slow of speech, a box for keeping pens in. Fude-dzunot good at talking. kai, penmanship or way of writing. FU-BIN, (satokaradzuz). Not clever, not Fude-kake, a pen rest. Fude-mame, possessing much ability. expert or skilful in using the pen. FU-BIN, n. Compassion, pity. Fude-nose, a pen rack. Fude-shi, FUBINGARI,-,-a,-, i. v. To be pitiful, a pen maker. Fude-tate, a box for compassionate. holding pencils or pens. Fude-ya, a Fu-Bo, (chichi, haha), n. Father and pen store, also a maker of pens. mother, parents. FU-DEKASHI, n. A mistake, blunder. FU-BUKI, n. Wind and snow, snow-storm. FUJ-DEKI. Badly made, a poor crop. FU-BUN, n. A report, rumor. FU-DO, (onajikaradzu). Unlike, differFUCHI, n. A border, rim, edge, margin, ent, uneven. a bank. - 7wo tsukeru, to make a bor- FODOKI, n. Topography. der. FO-DOKU, n. Rheumatism. FUCHI, n. A deep pool or eddy of water. FUDZUKI,-4u,-ita, t. v. To deceive, trick, FucHI, n. Rations in rice paid to offici- hoax, cheat. als, or soldiers. = five go, = about T FU-DZUTOME, n. 1Neglect of duty. quart. Ichi ninfuchi, rations for one Ff-FU, n. Husband and wife. man. - nin, a person in government FU-FUMMIY6, (akirkanaradzu). Not employ. - mai, rice served out for ra- clear, not plain, unintelligible. FUG 35 FUK FU-GA. Elegant, in good taste, genteel, Fu-J6, (sadamaradzu). Uncertain, not refined. fixed. FUGAINAI. A useless, unprofitable per- Fu-Jo. Unclean, filthy, dirty, foul, deson. filed. FU-GAN, M. Catarrhal ophthalmia. Fu-Jo. Help, aid, assistance. - suru, FU-Gl. Impropriety, immorality; adul- to help. tery, disloyalty. FU-JUN, (shitagawadzu). Unfavorable, FU-GI, n. Customs, manners. bad, contrary, adverse. FU-GIY6-GI, n. Improper, immoral or FU-KA, n. A shark. disorderly conduct. FU-KA, (shikaradzu). Not right, should FU-GIYO-JO, n. Wickedness, abandoned, not be. profligate or dissolute conduct. FUKAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Deep, profound. FU-GIY6-SEKI, n. Wickedness or immor- Fukai ka asai ka, is it deep or shalal conduct. low? Fukaku. - suru, to deepen. FU-Gn. Matching, corresponding like the - naru, to be deep. Yo ga fukakz two parts of a seal. natte, the night is far spent. FUGO, n. A basket. FU-KAKU, n. Loss, injury, defeat. FU-GU, (omoi-gakenu). Unexpected, un- FU-KAKU-GO. Without forethought or thought of. preparation, careless, heedless, improFU-GU, (sonawaradzu). Maimed, de- vident. formed, crippled. FU-KAN-NIN, n. Impatience, without FUGU, n. A kind of poisonous fish. self-restraint. FU-HEI,(tairaka-naradzu). Displeasure, FuKASE,-ru,-ta. To let or make blow, uneasiness, irritation, vexation, discon- sweep, or roof. Watakushi ni fuye tent. wo fukashite kudasare, let me blow FU-HEN-JI. To make no answer, to an- your flute. swer roughly or uncourteously. FUKASA, n. The depth. FU-H6. Wicked, vicious, immoral, un- FKASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To cook by steamprincipled, not conforming to rule or ing. law. FUKASHIGI, (omoi-hakaru bekaradzu). Fu-I, (onmowadzu), adv. By chance, by Incomprehensible, inconceivable. surprise, unexpected, accidental, off FUKE, n. Dandruff, scurf on the one's guard. head. - FUI-CH6. To proclaim, publish, promul- FUKE,-ru,- ta, i. v. To grow old, to gate, advertise, announce. grow late, to become stale. FUIGO, n. A bellows. FuKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be placed on a FU-IN, n. A seal, or stamp. roof, roofed, can roof. Ff-JA, n. A cold. FuKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be mildewed, FU-JI, (toki-naradzu). Out of season, musty. out of the regular order of time, irregu- FU-KEI, (uyamawanu). Disrespectful, lar, fortuitous, contingent, casual, in- irreverent, impolite. cidental. FU-KEI, (keshiki,) n. Landscape, scenFuJI, n. Wisteria chinensis. ery. FUJI,-ru,-ta. To enclose or seal up a FU-KEI-KI, n. Dull, no business or trade, letter, to prohibit, forbid. Fzuji-kome- no bustle, still, quiet; plain, coarse. ru, to enclose and seal up something FUKERI,-ru,-ta, i.v. To be addicted to, inside of another. given up to, absorbed or immersed FUJIBAKAMA, n. The Valeriana villosa, in. valerian. FUKESO, n. A kind of strolling musiFu-JIN, (nasake no nai). Unkind, in- cian. human, without love or pity. FUKE-TA, n. Marshy, swampy land. FU-JIN, n. A woman. FU-KETSU. Dirty, unclean, foul, imFU-JITSU, (makoto no nai). False, un- pure. true, insincere, hypocritical, unkind, in- FuKI,,-ku,-ita,. v. To blow. Fukihuman. ageru, to blow up, to cause to ascend FU-JITSU, (hodo naku). In a short time, by blowing. Fuki-chirasu, to scatter in a few days. by blowing. Fuki-dasu, to blow out. Fu-JI-vY, or FuJ. Not as a person would Fuki-hanatsu. to blow apart, or sepalike, disagreeable, annoying, un- rate by blowing. Fuki-harau, to blow pleasant, uncomfortable, inconvenient, away, blow off. Fuki-kakeru, to blow scarce. upon. Fuki-kayesu, to blow over, up FUK 36 FUK set by blowing; to come to life, to be- FUKUBE, n. A calabash, gourd. gin to breathe again. Fuki-kesu, to FUtKU-BIKI, n. A kind of game in which blow out, extinguish by blowing. Fu- prizes are drawn; a lottery. ki-komu, to blow into; blown in by the FUKU-HEI, n. An ambush. wind. Fuki-kowasu, to break by blow- FUKU-JU, (tfski shitagat) - sure, to ing, broken by the wind. Fuki-ta- follow, adhere to, obey, as a teacher. osu, to blow over anything standing. FuKu-Ju-so. The Adonis sibirica. Fuki-toru, to tearoff by blowing, blown FUKUrME,-ru,-l, I. v. To put into the off by the wind. Fuki-tosu, to blow mouth; to feed with the mouth, as a through, as a tube. Fuki-wareru, to bird its young. refine metals, to separate the dross. FUKULME,-ru,-t, t. v. To dip into so as Fuki-yamu, to cease blowing. to take up or absorb a fluid, to wet. FUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To roof, to cover FUKU-MEN. Covering the face with a with a roof. Fuki-kayeru, to re-roof, veil, a veil. - suru, to veil the face. put on a new roof. FUvKiUI-iu,-nda It.v. To hold in the FUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To wipe. mouth, to keep or hold in the mind, to FUKI, n. The Nardosmiajaponica. entertain, to comprehend, to contain, FUKI-DE-MONO, n. An eruption on the to include, to absorb, as a sponge. skin. FUKURAHAGI, n. The calf of the leg. FUKI-DZUTSU, n. A blow-gun. FUKURASHI,-SU,-/a, caust. of Fukureru. FU-KIGEN, n. Not in good spirits, out of To inflate, distend, to cause to swell. temper, bad humor, displeased. FuKURE,-ru,-ta, i.. v To be inflated, FO-KIN, n. An organ. distended, swollen, puffed up, to exFUKIN, n. A towel, a napkin. pand, to be angry. FUKI-NAGASHI, n. A streamer, a kind of FUKURIN, n. An ornamented border. flag. FUKU-RIU, (hara-tate). Anger. -suFU-KITSU. Unlucky. ru, to be angry. FUKI-YA, n. An arrow blown out of a FUKURO, n. A bag, sack, pouch. Kobacblow-gun. - no tsutsu, a blow-gun. kuro, a small bag, the womb. 0-fuFU-KIYO, n. Displeasure,. ill-humor, kuro, mother. Te-bukuro, a glove. spleen. FUKUR6, n. An owl. FUKKIC, or FU-KI, (tomi tattoki). Rich FUKURO-DO, n. A closet closed by a and noble, rich, wealthy. - paper screen. FrTKKO, (mukashi ni tachi-modoru). FUKURU-MACHI, n. A street closed at Returning to ancient usages and cus- one end. toms. FUKUSA, n. A silk cloth used for wrapFU-K6. Unfilial, disobedient to parents. ping, or covering. FU-KO, (shiraseru). A public notice, FUKUSHI,-sZ,-ta, t. v. To be hidden, connotificaticn. - suru, to publish, noti- cealed; to submit, yield, acquiesce in; fy. to cause to submit, subjugate, to bring FU-KO, n. Misfortune, calamity, ill- into obedience, to convict; to take luck. medicine. FUKOSSO, or FUKOTSU, n. Caries of the FUKU-SHI, n. Vice-ambassador. bones. FUKU-SHIN. Faithful, constant, obedient. FU-KU, (soyeru). Assistant, adjutant, - no kerai, a faithful servant. vice. Fuku-sho-gun, adjutant-general. FUKU-SHO, n. Adjutant-general, the FUKU, (hara). The belly, abdomen, second in rank to a general-in-chief. Do fuku no kiyodai, children of the FUKU-SHU, (kataki wo utsu). -suru, same mother. to take vengeance on an enemy, to reFUKU, (kayeru). - suru, to restore, venge. return. Fukkuwan, to resign an of- FUKUSUKE, n. A person of short stature fice. and large head, a dwarf. FUKU. Prosperity, luck, good fortune, FUKU-TSU. (hara no itami,) n. Colic, wealth. - no kami, the god of wealth, pain in the abdomen. or luck. Ft-KUWA. To be changed, altered in FUKU, n. Clothing; the numeral for character, reformed. doses of medicine, smokes of tobacdo. FU-KUWAI, (kokoro yokaradzu). UnImibzku or ztofuku, motrning clothes. well, indisposed, sick, out of humor, I-fuku, clothes. displeased, to be on bad terms. FUKU. The numeral for pictures, maps. FUKU-YAKU, (kusuri wo nomu). To Kakenmono iofuku, one picture. take medicine. FUK 37 FUN FUKU-Z6-NASHI, (oi kakusu koto nashi). FUMOTO, n. The base or foot of a mounWithout concealment. tain. FuMASE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To cause to walk FUM-PATSU. To become, ardent, eager, on, tread, or step on. zealous; to be excited, or roused to FUMAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To tread on, to action from idleness or inactivity. step on. FUN, S. The tenth part of a Mlommoe, FUMBARI,-,-,-ta, i. v. To spread out = I6 grs. Troy. IpDun, one fun, nithe legs, to strut, fun, two fun. FUMBATAKARI,-ru,-Ita, i. v. To straddle, FUN, (ko.) n. Fine powder. Kinm-fun, to strut, to walk with a proud gait, to gold-dust, powdered gold. Gim-pun, swagger. powdered silver. Memn-~n, wheatFUM-BETSU, (wakimaye,) n. Intelligence, flour. Tefi-fun, powdered iron. cleverness, judgment, discrimination, FUN, n. Dung, faeces. discernment; a plan, expedient. - FUNA, n. A kind of river fish, carp. suru, to judge of, discriminate. FUNA-ASOBI, n. Boating for pleasure, FUME,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be trod or step- boat excursion. ped upon; to be estimated or ap- FUNABA, n. A place where boats or ships praised. are used; a seaport. Fm-MI, n. Flavor, taste. FUNA-BASHI, n. A bridge of boats, a FUMI, n. A writing of any kind, a book, pontoon bridge. a letter. FUNA-BATA, n. The gunwale of a boat, FUMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To tread on, to or bulwarks of a ship. step on, walk on, trample on; to esti- FUNA-BITO, n. Sailors, boatmen. mate or guess at the price of a thing. FUNA-CHIN, n. Boat hire, freight. Fumi-arasu, to destroy, spoil or lay FUNA-DAIKU, n. A ship-carpenter, a waste by treading or walking over. ship-builder, boat-builder. Fumi-hadakaru, to straddle or stand FUNA-DAYORI, (binsen,) n. Ship opporwith the legs stretched apart. Fumi- tunity; opportunity to go or send by a hadzusu, to make a misstep, to trip, ship. stumble. Fumi-katameru, to harden FUNA-DOIYA, n. A commission house for by treading or walking on. Faui-ko- goods brought by ship, a shipping mu, to step into. Fumi-korosu, to kill merchant. by treading or stamping on. Fumi- FUNA-DZUMI, n. Loading a ship. koyeru, to walk across, tread over, step FUNA-GAKARI, n. Anchoring, or making across. Fumi-kudaku, to break by fast a ship or boat. treading on, to stamp to pieces. Fumi- FUNA-GASSEN, or FUNA-IKUSA, n. A naval mayou, to wander from the way. Fu- battle. mi-naosu, to regain one's footing, to FUNA-GOYA, n. A house or shed under correct a misstep. Fumi-narasu, to which ships or boats are built or kept. make a noise with the feet in walking; FUNA-GURA, n. A dock for keeping ships to level by treading on. Fumi-nijiru, or boats. to crush, or grind with the foot or heel. FUNA-JI, n. The way, or distance by Fumi-okasu, to tread upon, (of some- ship; the route of a ship. thing dangerous). Fumi-otosu, to FUNA-KATA, n. Sailors, boatmen. throw down by treading on, as any- FUNA-KO, n. A sailor, boatman. thing from a height. Fumi-taosu, to FUNA-KOBORI, n. A person saved from throw over by stepping on, as anything shipwreck. standing. Fumi-todomaru, to halt, FUNA-MANJu, n. A ship's prostitute. make a stand. Fumi-tsubusu, to break, FUNA-MOCHI, n. A ship-owner. crush, or mash with the foot, to stamp FUNA-OROSHI, n. Launching a ship. to pieces. Fumi-tsukeru, to tread on, FUNA-OSA, n. The captain of a ship. step on, treat with contempt, to trample FUNA-TSUKI, n. A place where boats or on. ships stop, or anchor. FUMI-BAKO, n. A box used for carrying FUNA-UTA, n. A boat song. letters, a dispatch box. FUNA-WATASHI, n. A ferry. FUMI-DAN, n. A stepping-block, a step- FUNA-YADO, n. A sailor's inn, a boatladder, stool. house. Fu —M-MocHI, n. Misconduct, misbe- FUNA-YOSOI, n. Fitting out or preparing haviour. a ship for passengers. FUMMIYO. Clear, plain, distinct. FUNA-YUSAN, n. A boat excursion for FU-M6. Waste, uncultivated, barren. pleasure. FUN 38 FUR FUNA-ZOKO, n. A ship's bottom. nifureru, to contract disease. Ki ni FUN-DEI, n. A kind of gilt paint. -, to offend, to hurt the feelings. 0FUND6, or FUNDON, n. The weights of a fure, a government proclamation. weighing beam, or scales. FURE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Turned or bent from FUN-DO, n. Anger. the proper or straight line, deflected, FUNDOSHI, n. The cloth worn around canted, inclined. Kigafureta, to be the loins by Japanese, waist-cloth. out of one's mind. FUNE, n. A boat, ship; a vat, the large FURE-CHIRASHI-s,-a,-, t. v. To circutub in a bath-house. late, give publicity, make known here FUNE-HIKI-MICHI, n. A tow-path. and there. FUN-GOMI, n. A kind of pantaloon tied FURE-DASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To publish, around the knee, breeches. make proclamation, circulate a noFU-NI-AI. Unbecoming, not to fit, un- tice. suitable, improper. FURE-GAKI, n. A proclamation, a pubFUNIKU, n. Gangrene, mortification. lic notice. FU-NIN-J6. Unkind, inhuman, cruel, FU-REI, - suru, to notify, publish, make without natural affection. known publicly. FU-NIN-S6, n. A bad physiognomy. FURE-NAOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To issue a FU-NIYO-H6, (ho no gotoku naradzu). notice correcting or countermanding a Contrary to rule or law, unlawful, im- previous order. moral, depraved, dissolute. FURESHIME,-ru,-n a. To cause to be pubFU-NIYO-I, (kokoro no omnt yo ni nara- lished, to make another to publish. dzu). Not to one's mind, disagreeable, FURE-SHIRASE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To make unpleasant, annoying, offensive, incon- known by proclamation, to publish venient. abroad, to tell publicly. FUN-JITSU. To lose. - shita, have FuRT,-ru,-ta, i. v. To fall as rain, snow, lost. hail, frost. Furi-sb, having the apFUN-KOTSU, (hone wo ko ni suru). To pearance of rain. Furi-tsudzuku, to pulverize the bones; to exert to the rain several days in succession. utmost, to labor to do, do with one's FURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To brandish, wave, might. flourish, to shake, to turn away. FuriFU-NORI, n. A wafer, sealing-wax, gum hanatsu, to shake off, shake loose. used for sealing letters. Furi-harau, to shake off, as dust. FuFUNORI, n. A kind of sea-weed, used for ri-kakeru, to sprinkle. Furi-kayeglazing and starching. ru, to look round, to look back, to turn FUN-RIN, n. A grain, the smallest par- anything round. Furi-kiru, to part ticle. in two by shaking. Furi-komerareFUNRIU, n. An encysted tumor, wen. ru, detained in the house by rain. FUNUKE, n. Foolish, silly, stupid, an Furi-mawasu, to brandish about. ass, blockhead. - me, a fool. Furi-muku, to turn round towards, to FUNZO,-ru,-ra,-, i. v. To plant the face. Furi-sake-miru, to look up at. feet against anything and stretch or Furi-sode, long pendulous sleeves. curve the body while lying down. Furi-suteru, to throw away, to fling FU-RACHI, a. Wicked, vicious, unprin- away. Furi-tsukeru, to turn away cipled, abandoned, lawless. from in dislike. FURA-FURA, adv. In a limber manner, FuRi,-ru,-tta, t. v. To pass, or spend unsteady, tottering, dizzy. time. FURARI-TO, adv. In a thoughtless, care- FURI, n. Numeral for swords. Tachi less manner, ramblingly. samburi, three long swords. FURASHI,-suZ,-ta, To cause to shake, or to FURI, n. Manners, behavior, deportrain. ment, air, gait, carriage. Nari-furi, FURASJKO, n. A flask, bottle. the dress, style of dress. Mi'nu furz FURA-TSUKI-ku,-ita, i. v. To be shaky, wo suru, to act as if not seeing. trembling, unsteady, loose, tottering. FURI-AI, n. Usual practice, usage, cusFURE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To touch, hit, strike tom, example. against in passing; to graze, brush FURI-DASHI,-u,-/a, t. v. To shake out, against; to publish, make known, pro- to begin to rain. mulgate. Me ni -, to get a glimpse FO-RIN, n. A small bell hung up to be of. Kini no ikari nifureta, to incur shaken by the wind. the master's anger. rika ni fureru, F0-RIU, a. Genteel, refined, elegant, to be affected by the climate. Yamai classical, chaste. FUR 39 FUS FURI-URI, n. A peddler, one who hawks FusAGI,-gu,-ida, t. v. To shut, close; goods about. to stop up, block up, obstruct; to plug FURI-WAKE-GAMI, n. Long hair hanging up, to dam up; to be in low spirits, down the back. gloomy. Ki ga usaide or, to FU-RIYv-KEN, n. False judgment, mista- be gloomy. ken opinion. FU-SAI, Without talent, no abilify, stuFURI-zoRA, n. A cloudy sky that looks pidity. like rain. FUSASAKURA, n. The verbena. FURO, n. A bath-tub; a box for drying FusASE,-ru,-ta, To cause to lie down, to lacquered ware in, an oven, a small put to sleep. culinary furnace. Mushi-buro, a va- FUSAWANU, Not suitable, not appropriate, por-bath. uncongenial. FU-R6, Never growing old, always young. FUSE, n. Alms given to priests. - wo FURO-BA, n. A bath-room. suru, to give alms. Fuse-motsu, alms. FURO-FUKI, n. A kind of food made of FUSEGI,-gu,-ida, t. v. To ward off, to boiled radishes. keep off, shut out, fend off, to resist, to FUROKU, n. An appendix to a book. repel, oppose. Fusegi-tatakau, to FUROSHIKI, n. A cloth used for wrap- fight off, to fight and oppose. ping, a handkerchief. FUSEGO, n. A large basket. FuRuBi,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be old and Fu-sEI, a. Indolent, slothful, lazy, inacfaded; time-worn. tive. FuRU-D6GU, a. Old furniture. -ya, a FU-SEN, n. A balloon. shop where old furniture is sold. FUSE-NUI, n. A hem, to lay and sew a FURU-GI, n. Old clothes. hem. FURU-GIRE, n. Old rags. FUSERI,-rz,-ta, t. v. To lie down, reFURUI, u,-utta, i. v. To shake; to sift, dine, to sleep, to turn bottom up. to tremble, shiver, shudder; to exer- FUSE-ZEI, n. An ambuscade. cise power or influence over others. FusHI,-,,-ta, i.. To lie down, reFurui-wakeru, to separate by sifting dine; to bend down, to stoop, to lie or shaking. in ambush; prostrated. Fushi-maroFURUI, n. A sieve. bu, to fall and roll over. Fushi-ogamu, FUKUI, n. A trembling, tremor, shaking, to fall down and worship. shivering. FU-SHI, (oya-ko,) n. Father and child. FuRUi,-kiku,-shi, a. Old, not new, Fu-sHlI, Never dying, immortal. ancient, stale, decayed by time. Fu- F-sHI, n. Gall-nuts. ruku natta, has become old. Furuku FO-sHI, n. Teacher. suru, to make look old and faded. Fu-SHI, n. A joint, knot; notes, or FURU-KANE, n. Old metal. tones of music. Fushi-bushi, the FuRU-KUSAI,-ki,-ku, a. Old fashioned, joints. Fushi ana, a knot hole. antiquated, ancient, obsolete. FU-SHI-AWASE. Unfortunate, misfortune, FURUMAI, n. Deportment, behaviour, bad luck, calamity. conduct, a feast, entertainment. FUSHI-DO, n. A chamber, the lair of a FURt uAM.AIa,-a,- l a, t. v. To entertain, wild beast. to treat, to feast. FUSHI-DZUKE, n. Setting songs to music, FuRUMEKASHIi,-ki,-ku, a. Old, auti- affixing the musical notes; also the quated, ancient, obsolete. punishment of crucifixion by driving FURUSA, n. The oldness, antiquity. the nails through the joints. FURU-SArO, n. Native place, place of FU-SHI-GI, Strange, wonderful, surprisone's birth. ing, marvellous, miraculous, superatuFURUTE, n. Second-hand articles of any ral. kind. - ya, a second-hand clothing FUSHI-KURE-DACHI,-tSU,-tta, i. v. To be store. uneven, full of knots. FURuWASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To cause to FUSHIME, n. A knot of wood. shake or tremble. FU-SHIN, Doubtful, suspicious, strange. FUSA, n. A tassel; numeral for flowers, FU-SHIN, Building, constructing, repairbunches of grapes. Budo hito fusa, ing. - suru, to construct, to build. one bunch of grapes. FU-SHITSU, n. Rheumatism. FuSAGARi,-rU,-atta, i. v. To be shut, FUSH6, - surU, to rest satisfied with, to closed; obstructed, blocked up; to be make do, to be content with, to put up filled up or occupied; to be gloomy, in with, to bear patiently. low spirits. Fu-SHO, (suguredzu.) Unpleasant, disa FUS 40 FUW greeable; unwell, indisposed. Fusho- not able to do perfectly, completely or bushi ni, nolens volens. thoroughly. FU-SHO, (nidzu.) Stupid, silly, ignorant, FUTO, adv. Suddenly, unexpectedly, by awkward, inexperienced, unworthy. chance, accidentally, casually. FU-SH6-CHI, Not consenting, unwilling, FUTO, n. A Buddhist pagoda. Futo shi, not conscious of. a priest. FU-SHOKU, n. Loss of appetite. FU-TODOKI, a. Audacious, atrocious, FUSOKA, n. Chinese hybiscus. daring, despising the restraints of law or FUSOKU, (taranu.) Deficient, not decorum. enough, inadequate, wanting, discon- FuToI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Thick or large in tent. - wo iu, to complain, find diameter, big, coarse; daring, audacious. fault. Kimo ga -, bold, courageous. Futoku Fu-so-o, a. Unsuitable, unbecoming, in- naru, to become large. congruous, inconsistent with. FUTOKORO, n. The bosom or pocket made FU-soRoI, a. Uneven, not equal, not by the folds of the clothes about the uniform; not full, not complete in breast. number. FU-TOKU-I, a. Unskilled, not an adept in, FUSUBE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To smoke, to ex- not versed in. pose to smoke, to fumigate. FU-TOKU-SHIN. - Without consent, not asFUSUBE-IRO, n. Smoky color. sentirg, not thoroughly understanding. FUSUtBORIi,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be smoked, FUTOKU-TAKUMASHIKI. Spirited, mettleto be fumigated, color changed or made some, fiery. dirty by smoke, smoky. FUTO-MOMO, n. The thigh. FusuJI, a. Unjust, improper. FUTO-MONO, n. Coarse goods, especially FUSUMA, n. Sliding screens covered with cotton goods, or cotton clothes. wall paper, also a bed quilt; bran. FUTON, n. A mattrass, a quilted bedFUTA, n. A lid, cover. cover, a cushion. Zabuton, a cushion FUTA, n. A scab. for sitting on. FUTA, Two. Futa-mata, forked. Futa- FUTOR,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be large, fat, tabi, twice, again. Futa-nari, herma- fleshy. phrodite. Futa-itoko, second cousin. FUT6RI, n. A thick kind of coarse silk Futa-gokoro, double hearted, false. Fu- goods. ta-michi, two ways. Futa-oya, pa- FUTOSA, n. The largeness, the size. rents. FUTSU, n. France. - go, the French FUTAGO, n. Twins. language. FD-TAI, n. The tare of goods; the tas- FU-TS0. No communication, no intersels of a picture. course, no dealings. FU-TAME. Not for one's interest or ad- FUTSUDZUKA, a. Improper, stupid, silly, vantage, prejudicial, unhealthy, impol- ignorant, clownish. itic. FU-TSU-G6, a. Inconvenient, incommodFUTAMEKI,-kU,-ita, i. v. To pant with ious; troublesome, annoying. alarm or excitement, to be flurried, agi- FUTSU-KA. The second day of the month; tated. two days. FUTANO, n. A cloth worn by women FU-TSUKI-AI, a. No friendship, no interaround the loins, course, no intimacy, distant or cool to FUTARI, a. Two persons, both persons. each other. - dzure deyuku, to go together. FU-TSURI-AI, a. Not matching, disproporFUTATSU. Two. tioned, not balancing. FUTAYE. Two ply, double, two layers. FU-TSU-YO. Not current, not in use, or -goshi, bent in the loins, as old peo- generally received. pie with age. FUTTEI, a. Scarce. FUTE.-ru,-ta, i. v. To be offended and FUTTr, (waki-agaru). - suru, to foam, moody, to be sulky, to pout, or be in a effervesce. pet, to be miffed. FU-WA, (yawaragadzu). On bad terms, FU-TEGIWA. Badly made, coarsely fin- unfriendly, disagreeing, no concord. ished, unskilled, bungling. FUWA-FUWA, adv. In a light, airy, buoyFO-TEI, n. Manner, deportment, ap- ant manner, spongy, buoyantly. pearance. FU-WAKE, n. Dissection of a dead body, FU-TEKI. Fearless, bold, daring, auda- an autopsy. - wo suru, to dissect a cious. dead body. FU-TE-MAWARI. Not active in doing, FUWARI-TO, adv. In a light and airy man FUY 41 GAK ner, buoyantly, spongy. - tonde ku- FU-YO-JO, a. Careless of one's health, ru. injurious to health, hurtful. FUYASHI,-Su,-td, i. v. To cause to in- FUYU, n. Winter. - mono, winter crease, to augment, to add to. Kiukin clothes. wo fuyashite yaru, to increase the FUYU-GOMORI, n. Kept in by the cold, wages. confined by the winter. FuYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To increase, multiply, FU-YUKI-TODOKI. Not reaching to, or dospread, augment in number or bulk; to ing all that is required; doing imperenlarge, swell. fectly, remissly, or not thoroughFUYE, n. A flute, whistle. ly. FUYE, n. The wind-pipe. - wo tatsu, FuYU-MEKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. Wintry, having to cut the throat, the appearance of winter. FU-YEKI, a. Without change, unchang- FuzAKE,-ru,-/a, i. v. To sport, romp, ing, immutable. Ban-dai fuyeki, never frolic, play. changing. FuzAKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To swell and soften, FU-YEKIi, (yeki mo nai,) a. Unprofitable, as rice when boiled. useless. FU-ZEI, n. Manner, appearance, like; FU-YEN, a. No affinity, no connection, used also in speaking humbly of one's divorce. self. FUYETSU, n. A kind of axe. Ffi-ZETSU, n. A report, rumor. FU-Yv, a. Notwanted, not needed, of no FU-ZOKU, n. Customs, manners, usages. use, useless. Fu-zoKu. Belonging to, property of, perFu-Y6-I. (kokoro mochiidzu). Improvi- taining to, part of. dent, neglect of preparation, unprepared. 0GA, (I.) Sign of the genitive case, = of., GAKE. Coll. affix. = while, when. KaWatakushi ga tame ni, for my sake. yeri-gake, while returning. Ki-gake, (2.) designates the subject of an intrans- while coming. Tori-gake, while passitive verb; as, Ame ga furu, it rains. ing. (2.) = quantity; as, Sammai(3.) as a conjunctive particle, = but. gake, three times as much (in sheets), Itte mo yoi ga ikanai ho ga yoroshii, three-fold. you may go, but it would be better if GAKI, n, (uyetaru oni). A hungry spirit you did not. (4.) sometimes designates or devil. the subject of a transitive verb, same as GAKKARI, adv. Tired, fatigued, exhaustwo. Hanashi ga kikitai, I want to ed; startled, shocked. hear what is said. GAKKI, n. A musical instrument. GACHI, (from kachi to prevail). An affix, GAKKO, n. A school, academy. giving the word to which it is joined GAKKURI, adv. Suddenly sinking down the predominance in quantity or influ- or losing strength, like a person faintence; as, kuromi-gachi, for the most ing. part black. GAKU, n. Music. Gaku-nin, a musician. GACH6, n. A tame goose. Saru -gaku, a musical exhibition or GA-GEN, (tadashii kotoba). Correct, gen- opera. teel, or classical language. GAKU, n. Learning, literature, science. GA-I, (waga kokoro). One's own way, - sai, literary talents. own will, own opinion, selfish ends. GAKU, n. Tablets with painted figures GAI, n. Injury, hurt, evil, damage. - or inscriptions on them, suspended in suru, to kill, murder. Gai-shin, a cruel houses for ornament, or in temples as disposition.. votive offerings; a picture, an ichibu. GAI-KOTSU, n. The bones of dead per- Gakudio a small temple, in which vosons; skeleton. tive offerings of pictures are hung; a GAKE, n. Precipice, a steep place. - picture gallery. michi, a road cut along a precipice. GAKU-MON, n. Learning, literature, sci GAK 42 GE ence. - suru, to study, to read, to ap- GARA. A suffix to nouns, = kind, quality, ply one's self to learning. - jo, a appearance, figure. Hito-gara ga yoi, school-house. a person of good appearance. Shima GAKU-SHA, n. A scholar, learned man. gara ga warui, stripes of that kind are GAMA, n. A bull-frog. ugly. GAMA, n. The bullrush or cat's-tail. - GARA-GARA, adv. The sound of rattling, mushiro, a mat made of rushes. like the falling of tiles, or of a wagon GA-MAN, n. Fortitude, patience, endur- rattling over stones. ance, self-denial. - suru, to bear pa- GARA-KUTA. - dogu, the various articles tiently, endure. of household furniture, spoken of those GAMASHII. An affix similar to rashii, = that are old and worn. like to, in the manner of. Kuro-gama- GARANCHO, n. The cormorant. shiki, troublesome. _W-dan-gamashi- GA-RIU. Own peculiar style or manner, ku, waggish, mischievous. self-taught method or style. GAM-BIYO, (me no yamai,) n. Ophthal- GASATSU. Rough and coarse in manner, mia. careless. GAM-BUTSU, (nise-mono,) n. Counterfeit, GAS-SHI,-Suru,-ta, t. v. (awaseru). To spurious. join together, to unite. GAMI-GAMI, adv. - iu, to scold, grumble, GASSAI-BUKURO, n. A traveling-bag made find fault. of cloth. GAM-MOKU, (manako,) n. The eye; im- GASSH6, (te wo awaseru). Joined hands, portant. as in praying. GAN, n. A wild goose. GASSHO-DACHI-NI. In the manner of the GAN, n. A covering of wood, in which two hands placed together; said also of the coffins of person of rank are placed two things standing on end and leaning to convey them to the grave. against each other at the top. GANARI,-ru,-/a, i. v. To cry out, voci- GASSO. Unshaven headed. ferate, talk in a loud voice. GATA-GATA, adv. The sound of rattling, GAND6CH6CHIN, n. A dark-lantern, slamming. -furu, to rattle. GAN-GASA, n. An eruption on the legs, GATAPISHI, adv. The sound of feet or which appears in the fall and disappears wooden clogs, a pattering, or rattling in the spring, noise. - to aruku. GAN-GI, n. Zig-zag. GATEN, suru, to consent, to assent, GANGOZEI, n. A spook, ghost, hobgoblin. allow; to understand, perceive. Gaten GAN-GU. Stupid, narrow-minded, and ob- ga yukadzu, cannot understand, uninstinate. telligible, strange, suspicious. - seGAN-KA, (me no shita). Beneath or be- nai, cannot endure, or bear. low the eye. GATERA. A suffix to verbs, same as naGAN-KO, (kataku na). Bigoted, stupid, gara, = while, at the same time that. headstrong, narrow-minded, stubborn. Hanami gatera, while looking at the GAN-KUBI, n. The bowl of a tobacco- flowers. Yuki-gatera, while going. pipe. GATSU-GATSU, adv. Hungry and voraGAN-KUTSU, (iwaya,) n. A cave in the cious, ravenous. rocks. GAYENDZURU, i. V. To consent, assent, GAN-RIKI, n. Strength of eye, sharpness be willing. -ya inaya, are you willof sight. ing or not? GAN-SHOKU, (kao no iro,) n. The com- GAZAM`, n. A kind of sea crab. plexion, or color of the face, the coun- GAZEN, adv. Suddenly. tenance. GE. A syllable suffixed to adjectives and GAN-S6-ZAI, n. A gargle, or mouth wash. other words, = looks like, manner, apGAN-ZEKI, n. Rocks. pearance; as, Ureshi-ge na kao, a joyGAN-ZEN, (me no maye). Before the eyes, ful countenance. Samu-ge, looked as now, the present time. if cold, or a cold appearance. Oshi-ge GANZENAI,,-k,-si, a. Without judgment, mo naku, not appearing to regret, or without understanding, ignorant. grudge. GAoRI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be convinced GE, (shimo, shila). Below, beneath, and acknowledge one's self in the down, inferior, under; low, mean, base; wrong, to yield assent to argument, to to descend. - hai, the lower classes, be crestfallen, humbled. inferiors. - gen, the last quarter of GAPPI, (tsuki hi, n. Month and day; the moon. - ba, to dismount from a date. horse. -jo, to alight from a norimon. GEN 43 GIM — un, the last decade of a month. -jo, To be seen, to appear, to be visible, a servant girl. - nan, a man servant. manifested. -- nin, a person of low caste. - raku, GENJI,-ru, or dzuru,-ta, (habuku), t. v. to fall in price. - rd, a low, vulgar To lessen, diminish, retrench, curtail, fellow. - san, to descend a mountain. abbreviate, to wane. - shoku, mean employment. - za, a GENJI-MAME, n. Sugared beans. lower seat. -- in, inferior in quality. GEN-Ji, (kibishii). Strict, severe, rigorGEBI,-rU,-/a, i.. To be low, vulgar, ous, secure, strong, well-fortified. mean, base. GEN-KA, n. A porch at the entrance of a GE-BU, n. A class of officers whose duty house. it is to torture criminals in order to GEN-KI, n. Natural vigor or strength, make them confess. energy, stamina. GEBIZO, n. A glutton, gourmand. GEN-KIN, n. Ready money, money paid GE-DAI, n. The name, or title on the down on delivery of goods, cash. outside of a book. GENKOTSU, n. The knuckles, fist. GE-DAN, n. Lower step, grade, or de- GEN-SO, n. The essence, active princigree. pie, extract. GE-DATSU, n. Deliverance or freedom GEN-SON, n. Great-great-grand-child. from evil, salvation. - wo yeru. GEN-ZAI, n. The present time, the presGE-DOKU, n. An antidote to poison. ent. GEI, n. Polite accomplishments. Riku- GEN-ZE. The present world, the present gei, the six accomplishments. — sha, life. a dancing girl. GEPPO, n. The monthly wages, or pay. GEI-GEI, adv. The sound of belching. GEPPU, (okubi), n. Belching. - suru, GEI-KO, n. A dancing girl. to belch. GE-JI, n. Command, order. -wo suru, GE-RI, n. Diarrhoea. to give orders. GE-SE,-ru,-ta, (wakaru), i. v. To unGEJI-GEJI, n. A kind of insect of the derstand, comprehend, know. family of Miriapoda. GE-SEN, (iyashii). Vulgar, low, mean, GE-JIKI, n. Low in price, cheap. base. GE-KAN, n. Disease of the genital organ. GESHI,-surU,-a, (toku), t. v. To unGE-KETSU, n. (chi-kudari). A bloody loose, to dissipate, disperse, dispel, to flux. stop, to explain, to comment on. GEKI-RAN, n. Revolt, rebellion, insur- GE-HI. n. The summer solstice. rection. GESHI-NIN, n. A murderer. GEKI-RON, n. An angry dispute or dis- GESUBARI,-r-U,-t/a, i. v. To be low, vulcussion, altercation, wrangle. gar, mean. GEKKEI, n. The menses. GESSUI, n. The menses. GEKKIU, n. Monthly wages. GE-SUI, n. A drain, dirty water. GE-KO, n. A temperate person, one who GETA, n. Wooden clogs. - no ha, the does not drink spirits. two pieces of wood under the sole. GE-KUWA, n. Surgery. - isha, a sur- GETSU, n. The moon, month. Ichi geon. -degu, surgical instruments. getsu, one month; ni ka getsu, two GEM-BUKU. The ceremony of shaving months. Getsu-ya, a moonlight night. off the forelock, and changing the name GE-ZAI, n. Purgative medicine. of a young man, on arriving at the age Gi. Right, just, proper; faithful, paof 15, who then becomes a man. - triotic; meaning, signification; affair, suru. business, = koto. Ichi gi ni mo oyobaGEMBUTSU, n. Anything visible, things dzu, made no objection. Migi nogi. the that are seen. above matter. - hei, a loyal soldier. GEMMAI, n. Uncleaned rice. GI-BUTSU, (itsuwari mono), n. CounterGEN, (kibishii). Severe, rigorous, strict. feit, spurious. - kei, severe punishment. - batsu, GI-HITSU, (itsuwari-fude,) n. A forged id. - mei, strict orders. writing, forgery. GENA. I hear that, is it so that. So da GI-GEI, n. Arts and sciences. gena, I hear it is so. A no hito Yedo GI-JO, n. A singing girl. kara kayerimashita gena, I hear that GI-JO, n. A rule, law, statute, ordinance. he has returned from Yedo. GIKKURI, adv. Startled, alarmed, with GENGE, n. Clover, trefoil. sudden apprehension. GE-NI, or EENIMO, adv. Indeed, truly. GIMMI, n. Examination, inspection, GENJI,-dzuru,-jita, (arawareru), i. v. judging, inquiry, choosing. GIM 44 Go GI-MON, (uttagatte to). Being in doubt GiY6, n. Business, occupation, liveliabout anything to inquire about it. hood. GIM-PAKU, n. Silver plated. Givo. An epithet applied to the MikaGIN, (shirokane), n. Silver. Gin-sekai, do, Imperial. - i. Emperor's clothes. ground covered with snow. Gin-dei, a - ken, Emperor's swords. - suru, kind of silver paint. - shu, a capital- to govern, rule, manage; to drive ist, one who advances the money. - horses, to act as a charioteer. Kurusu, silver coin. -za, a mint. - zai- ma ni notte uma wo giyo suru. ku, silver ware. sha, a driver, coachman. GIN-DZURU, (utau), t. v. To sing. GIY6, n. Religious austerities or discipGIN-GA, n. The milky way. line. The numeral for rows. Go -, GIN-NAN, n. A small white nut, the fruit the five elements. Giyd-i, the white of the Icho tree. clothes worn by pilgrims. GI-NEN, (utagau omoi), n. Doubt, sus- GIYO-DO, n. The motion or progression picion. of a heavenly body in its orbit, the orGIRI, n. Right, just, that which is pro- bit. per, just or reasonable; meaning, sig- GIYO-DZUI, n. Bathing with warm water. nification. GIY6-GI, n. Actions, conduct, behavior, GIRI-DATE, n. Doing justly, or acting deportment, manners, order. kindly to others. GIYO-GIYSHII,-ki, ku, a. Shrieking as in GIRI-GIRI, n. The crown of the head; sudden fright or anger; noisy, clamorthe very lowest price. ous. GIRO-GIRO, adv. Bright, shining, glitter- GIY6-JA, n. One who practices religious ing. austerities, goes on a pilgrimage or GI-RON, n. Debate, discussion, reason- performs any religious work, a hering, argument. mit. GIROTSuKI,-ku-ita, i. v. To be bright, GIYO-JI n. An umpire, or judge, as of shining, glittering. wrestlers. GI-SHIKI, n. Etiquette, forms of cere- GIYO-JO, n. Actions, conduct. mony. GIYO-J6-SHO, n. A biography, memoir. GI-SHIN, (utagau kokoro), n. Doubt, GIYO-KETSU, -suru, to congeal, coagususpicion. late. GITCH6, n. A left-handed person. GIYOKK6, n. A lapidary, one who cuts GITCH6, n. A toy-shaped like a wooden and polishes stones. mallet. GIY6-KO, - suru, to coagulate. GIU, (ushz), n. An ox, cow. - niku, GIYO-RETSU,n. Procession, ranks, parade. beef. - ba, cow and horse. - raku, - suru, to parade, march. butter. GIYORIU, n. The Tamarix Chinensis. GIU-HI. A kind of confectionary. GivY-sA, n. Conduct, actions. GIU-T6, (uye-boso), n. Vaccine disease. GIYvO-AN. Very many, amazingly great. - wo uyeru, to vaccinate. GIY6-SEI, n. Condition, state, aspect of GI-WAKU, (utagai), n. Doubt, suspicion, affairs. unbelief. GIYO-SEKI, n. Conduct, actions, doings. GIYAKU, (okorz), n. Intermittent fe- GIYO-TAI, n. Congelation, solidification; ver. a tumor, or hard swelling. - suru, to GIYAKU. Contrary, adverse, opposite, harden, congeal. rebellious, traitorous. - n nnagareru, GIYO-TEI, n. Business, occupation. to flow backwards. suru, to oppose, GIYO-TEN. Amazement. - suru, to be to be adverse. - Giyaku-fu, a con- amazed, astonished, surprised. trary wind. Giyaku-i. treason, treach- GIYOTTO, adv. In an astonished, surery. Giyaku-j', congestion or rush prised manner. of blood to the head, dizziness, GI-ZETSU, n. Breaking off friendly relavertigo. Giyaku-shin, a treach- tions or intimacy. erous or disloyal servant. Giyaku-zan, Go. A term of respect or politeness used an unnatural labor. Giyaku-zoku, in addressing a superior; = honorable, a traitor, rebel. excellent; but frequently only equivaGIYAMAN, n. Glass. lent, in English, to you, your. Go-yO, GIYO, (uwo), n. Fish. Tai-giyo, a large government service. Go-hatto, governfish. - fu, a fisherman. rui, the ment prohibition. Go kanai, your fish class of living beings. - t, fish- (honor's) wife. Go-shisoku, your son. oil. Go-chiso, your entainment.' Go-setsu GO 45 GOK wa go imottomo de go-zarimasu, what GODZUME, n. A body of troops kept in you say, Sir, is quite true. reserve in case of need; a reserve. Go, n. Beans mashed into paste for GO-DZU-ME-DZU, n. Demons, having making tofu, also by dyers to limit heads like the ox and horse, said to colors. Mamne no -. execute the office of gaolers in Hades. Go (itsulsu), n. Five. Yz-go, fifteen. GO-FU, n. A charm, or small piece of Go-ju, fifty. Go bu, five parts, half an paper on which a sentence from the inch. Gobu-ichi, one-fifth. Go-nin, Buddhist sacred books is written by a five persons. Go-tabi, five times. Go priest. guwatsu, the fifth month. Go kagetsu, GO-FUKU, n, Dry goods. five months. -gan, the five senses. GO-FUKU-YA, n. A dry-goods store, a Go, n. The game of checkers. Goishi, mercer. the round pieces used in playing. GOFUKU-ZASHI, n. A measure of two and Go, n. The set time, appointed time, a half feet long used by mercers'; a fixed time. Hi wo - suru, to set a yard-stick. day. Toki wo - suru, to appoint an GO-FUN, n. Half a momme, - 29.165 hour. grs. Troy. Go (na shirushi). - suru, to call, name, GOFUN, n. Chalk. designate. GO-GEN, n. A future meeting, meeting Go (tsuyoi). Strong, powerful, stout, again. brave, intrepid. - teki, a powerful GdGI, a. A coll. superlative, applied to enemy. -shoku, agreat eater, glut- anything great or extraordinary. - na ton.- shu, a great drinker. hito, a great man. - ni kane wo mnGo, n. A measure of time of long dura- keta, have made lots of money. tion used by the Buddhists; a kalpa. G6-GO, adv. The sound of snoring. Go (kori), n. A county or subdivision of - to naru. a province. GO-HAN (o-meshi), n. Boiled rice, a Go (kotoba), n. A saying, sentence, ad- meal. Asa-gohan, breakfast. Hiruage; language. gokan, dinner. Yu-gohan, supper. Go (nochi). After in time, behind. San GOHARA. Angry, incensed, enraged. nen go, after three years. Zen go, be- GO-HATTO, n. An imperial law or profore and behind. - dan, last act, last hibition. course. - nichi, a future day. — sai, GO-HEI, n. The cut paper hung in a second wife. - se, the world to come, Miya's to represent the Kami. future state. GOHEI-KATSUGI. Superstitious, observG6, n. A box for measuring grain, or ant of lucky or unlucky signs. liquids, 4.62-o00 inches square, and G6-IN, n. Rape. - suru, to ravish. 2.50-1oo inches deep, containing 53. GO-JIN, n. The rear ranks of an army. 475-0ooo cub. inches. Gd-JO, n. Obstinate, headstrong, selfGo, n. Anger, resentment, wrath. -ga will. - wo haru. niiru, or, - ga waku, to boil with GO-J6-MOKU, n. An imperial edict or anger. proclamation. Go, n. Business, employment, the deeds, Go-Ju, a. Fifty. - ichi, fifty-one. actions, or conduct of man in this life GO-KAI, a. The five Buddhist commandor in a previous state. A ku -, evil ments. deeds. Zen -, good deeds. Shiku -, GO-KAKU, n. Even, undecided (as a batdeeds done in a previous state of exist- tie), a drawn game. ence. Hi-go, guiltless, having done GOKE, n. A widow. neither good nor evil. -biyo, sickness, G6-KETSU, n. A person pre-eminent for supposed to be a punishment of deeds ability; a hero, genius. done in a previous state. GO-KI, n. Stout-hearted, bravery, courGOBAI-SHI (f/uski), n. Gall-nuts. age, boldness. GO-BAN, n. A checker-board. - no ma, G6-KI, n. A wooden bowl. the squares on a checker-board. GO-KO, n. The five watches, extending GO-BATSU, a. A hair's breadth. - mo frtm 6 P.M. to 4 A.M. chigaiga nai. GO-KOKU (nochi-hodo). By and by, in a Go-BO, n. The dock (vegetable). few minutes. GO-BUKU. — suru, to bring into subjec- GO-KOKU, n. The five cereals, wheat, tion, to make submit. Akuma wo -, rice, millet, beans, and sorghum. to exorcise evil spirits. GoKU, adv. Superlative degree, exGO-CHISO, n. A feast, entertainment. tremely, eminently. - hin, superior GOK 46 GOZ in quality, superfine. -- o, the very GOROTA, n. Cobble stones. best. GOROTSUKI, n. An idle vagabond, or GOKU-D6, n. A dissolute, profligate per- bully. son. GOROTSUKI,-ku,-ia, i. v. To lead an GOKU-I, n. The important or essential idle, vagabond life, loafing; to make a principle, chief point, gist, pith. rumbling noise. GOKU-MON, n. The scaffold on which GO-SAN-NARE, inter. Come on, in banthe head of a criminal is exposed. tering an opponent. GOKU-RAKU, n. The place of highest GO-SEI, n. A fixed star. happiness; Paradise of the Buddhists. GO-SEI, adv. Mighty, great, important, - sekai, Paradise. very. - atsui, mighty or very hot. GOKU-SOTSU, n. A gaoler. GO-SHA, n. Imperial pardon, amnesty. GOKU-TSUBUSHI, n. A drone, idler. Go-sHI (ato-kotoba), n. A post-position. GOKU-YA, n. A gaol, prison. Go-SHIN-ZO, n. Your honbr's wife. GOMA, n. The Sesamum Orientalis. Go-so (muri-ni utt), n. A forcible comGota wo suru, to speak well or evil of plaint or petition made to government, others from some selfish motive. as by a mob, or not in the regular order. GOMA, n. A Buddhist rite of saying GosUI (hiru-ne), n. Sleeping in the dayprayers while fire is burning in a bra- time. zier. GOTA-GOTA, adv. Confused, mixed, jumGOMAKASHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To hoodwink, bled together, mingled. - shite iru. blind, to cover up a fault, turn off by a GO-TAI, a. The five members of the device. body; as the head, arms, and legs; the GOMA-NO-HAI, n. A thief who deludes whole body. and steals from travelers. GOTA-MAZE, n. Jumbled together, mixed GOMA-SURI, n. One who, from personal together in confusion. motives, speaks well or evil of others to GOTA-NI, n. A hodpe-podge, medley of his superiors; a sycophant, tale-bearer. different kinds of food boiled together. GO-MEN (oyurushi). Your honor's per- GOTATSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To be jummission; excused, exempted, pardoned bled, confused, mixed together. by a superior. - kudasare, excuse GOTO-OTO TO, adv. The sound of water me, pardon me. flowing from a bottle, gurgling. GOMI, n. Dirt, dust, litter. Gomi-tori, GoToKI.-ku,-shi, a. Like to, as, same a dust pan. manner. Kono gotoku, thus, in this GOMI, n. The Eleagnus. manner. Hito no gotoshi, like a man. GOMOKU, n. Litter, dirt, rubbish. - ba, GOTOKU, n. A three-legged iron stand; a dirt heap. tripod. GOMOKU-MESHI, V. A kind of food made GOTO-NI, a. Every, each. Hito-goto-ni, by mixing several kinds of vegetables everybody. Kuni-goto-ni, every counwith rice. try. Hi-goto-ni, every day. GO-MON, n. Examination by torture. GOTTORI, adv. Sudden. GON. A title, = assistant. Gon dai-na- GO-YA, The night from twelve to three gon. o'clock. GON (kotoba), n. A word. Ichi gon mo GO-YAKU, n. Gun-powder. - gura, a nai, had not a word to say. powder magazine. GONA, n. A small kind of mollusca. GOZA, n. A mat, Chinese matting. GON-GO, n. Words, speech, language. GOZAN-NARI, interj. Used in bantering - do dan, inexpressible, unutterable, an adversary, come on. GON-JO (moshi ageru). To tell or report GO-ZA-NO-MA, n. The room in which a to a superior. lord or master generally sits. GON-KU, n. A word or sentence. - mo GozARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be, to have. demasen. Gozarimasu, I have, there is. GozariGO-RAN. Look. - nasare, look here. masen, have not, there is not. GozariG6-REI, n. The word of command, or- masu ka, have you? is there? Goader. * rimasho, I think there is, or, I think I G6-RIKI, n. A strong man. have. GoRo, n. Camlet. GOZE, n. A blind woman, who goes GoRO-GoRo, adv. The sound of rum- about singing and playing on the guibling, or rolling. tar. Go-ROJI,-,-ta, i. v. To see, look. Go- GOZEN, n. Boiled rice, or food generalro'i nasare, look here. ly. GOZ 47 GUW GO-ZEN, n. The presence of the Empe- GUN-ZEI, n. An army. ror, also, "your excellency," in speak- GURA-GURA, adv. Unsteady, rocking, ing to a noble. shaking, or unsettled. Fune ga - Gozo, n. The five viscera, viz.: the suru, the boat rocks. heart, lungs, stomach, liver and kid- GURASHI, or GURAKASHI,-SU,-ta, t. V. To neys. cheat, defraud, swindle; to fail in one's GU, a. Foolish, stupid, (used often as an engagements and disappoint by conhumble word for one's self). Gu-na tinued delay. hito, a dunce. Gu-sai, my (stupid) GURASHI-MONO, n. An article in the wife. Gu-soku, my (stupid) son. Gu- purchase of which one has been cheated an, my (stupid) opinion. Gu-ai, my or swindled. (stupid) mind. - don, stupid. - nai, GURA-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To be fickle, ignorant. - mo, id. vacillating, unsteady, shaky, unsettled, Gu. Even numbers. Ki-gu, odd and wavering. even numbers - su, even numbers. GURE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be vacillating, Gu. A complete set, or suit of utensils, fickle, unsteady, unsettled. Ki ga -, instruments, furniture, armor, etc. Ka- to be fickle minded. mi-shimo ichi gu, one suit of dress GU-RO, n. Ridicule, derision, jeering, clothes. - suru,'to furnish, make teasing, making sport. complete, arrange; to have. GURU, n. Accomplice or confederate in GUAI, n. The state, condition; the fit, crime. the working or movement of things GURURI, adv. Around, about, in a cirwhich are adjusted to one another, as: cle. Kono hiki-daski no guai ga yoi, this GUSA, adv. The sound of stabbing a drawer works neatly and smoothly. hollow place. GU-CHI, n. Nonsense, foolishness, silli- GU-SHA, n. A dunce, fool, simpleton. ness. GUSHI, n. The hair. Migushi, your GUDEN-GUDEN, adv. Stupid, insensible, hair. Ogushi agemasho, let me do up said of persons dead drunk. your hair. GUDO-GUDO, adv. The sound of com- GusoKU, n. A coat of mail, complete plaining, grumbling. - iu, to grum- armor. Gusoku suru, to be complete, ble. perfect, entire, completely furnished, to GUDO-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To loiter, to have. dilly-dally, to be slow and dilatory. GUTA-GUTA-TO, adv. In a flabby, limber GUDZU-GUDZU, adv. Sound of grumbling, manner. foolish and idle complaining; dilly- GUTARI-TO, adv. In a flabby, limber dallying, loitering, lazily. manner. GUDZURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To tease, to vex, GUTATSUKI,-ku,-i/a, i. v. To be limannoy. ber. GuDzu-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To grumble, GUTTO, adv. In a flash, in an instant. complain. GUWAI-BUN, (hoka ye kikoyeru,) n. GUM-BIY6, n. An army. Publicity, notoriety, reputation. -ga GUMI, n. A small red berry. warui, not good to have others know GUM-PO, n. A swarm of bees. it. GUN, (ikusa,) n. An army, war, military. GUWAI-KOKU, n. A foreign country. -chiu, in the army. Ta-gun, a large jin, a foreigner. army. - pf, military tactics. - dan, GUWAI-MU-SHO, n. Department of foreign war stories. gaku, military science, affairs. -, an army surgeon. - jin, the god GUWAI-SO-FU, n. Maternal grandfather. of war. -~in, a camp. - kan, a ship GUWAI-Y6, n. Local or external treatof war. - rei, an army order. - shi, ment of disease. a military officer. - sko, a book on GUWA-KO, n. A picture painter. wars. - sotsu, a common soldier. - GUWAN, (negai,) n. Desire, request, yokin, war expenses. prayer, supplication, vow. GUNIYA-GUNIYA, adv. Limber, soft, GUWAN-JITSU, n. New year's day, the pliant, flabby. first day of the year. GUNIYARI, adv. Soft, pliant, limber. GUWAN-NIN, n. A begging priest. GUN-KEN, n. A monarchical form of gov- GUWAN-RAI, (moto yori,) adv. Originemrnment. ally, anciently, from the first, from the GUN-SAN, (nuragari mairu). To flock beginning, heretofore. together, assemble in droves. GUWAN-RI, n. Principal and interest. GUW 48 HAD GUWAN-SHO, (negai-sho,) n. A petition GUWATSU, (tsuki,) X. Moon, monin, in writing. Sho-guwatsu, the first month. Ni - GUWANYAKLU, n. A pill. the second month. GUWANZE-NASHI, a. Stupid, ignorant, or Giuz, n. An image, idol, statue. weak of intellect. H HA, n. A rake with iron teeth. ni sareru, to get turned off, to have an HA, n. Sect, denomination, party. engagement broken. Hachi wo kuttai HA, n. A tooth; the cutting edge of a id. knife, sword; the teeth of a saw, cogs HACHI, n. A bowl, pot, basin. Atama of a wheel. -ga uku, to set the teeth no -, the skull. Hi-bachi, a brazier. on edge. Maye-ba, incisors. Ki-ba, Ki-bachi, a wooden bowl. tusks, or canine teeth. Oku-ba, molar HACHI, n. A bee. Mitsu-bachi, the teeth. lMushi-ba, a carious tooth. Ire- honey-bee. Kuma-bachi, a bumbleba, a false tooth. bee. - no su, a bee-hive. HA, n. A leaf. HACHI-MAKI, n. A handkerchief tied HA-ARI, n. A winged ant. around the head, a turban. HABA, n. The breadth. Haba wo suru, HACHI-MITSU, n. Honey. to take up all the room, to crowd others HACHI-MOJI, n. The character for eight. out. Maye-haba, the breadth in front. - wo fumu, to walk with the toes turnYoko-haba, breadth. ed in, parrot-toed. HABAKARI,-rU,-tta, i. v. To fear, dread, HACHI-NIN-GEI, n. A ventriloquist. to be backward, ashamed. Habakari HACHISU, n. The Lotus. niyuku, to go to the privy. HACHI-TATAKI, n. A begging priest who HABAKI, n. The metal ring fastening goes about beating an iron bowl. the sword-blade to the handle. HADA, n. The naked body; the bare HABAKI, n. Cloth leggings. surface, the skin. Moro-hada, both HABAMI-mu,,-n da, t. v. To oppose, re- shoulders bare. sist. HADA-GI, n. A garment worn next the HABARI, n. A lancet. skin, the shirt. HABATTAI. Filled, full, too large for the HADAKA. Naked, bare. mouth. Kuchi ni-,the mouth stuffed HADAKARI,-rZ,-/a, i. v. To be open full. wide. HABIKORI,-rU,-Otta, i. v. To spread, to HADAKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To be open, to multiply, increase, extend, disseminate; uncover; to stretch apart, stretch to be arrogant, conceited. open. HA-BOKI, n. A feather brush. HADAMI, n. The naked body. HABUKI,,-k-ia, t. v. To lessen, dimin- HA-DAN, n. Breaking, or violation of ish, curtail, to shorten, to reduce in one's word, promise, or contract. number or quantity, to deduct, subtract, HADANKIY6, n. An almond. to abbreviate, to elide, abridge, cut off. HADANUGI,-gu,-ita, i. v. To be bare or Ilabukareru, pass. naked to the waist. HA-BURI, n. The flapping of wings; HADASE, n. Bare-back. power. influence, authority. HADASHI, n. Bare-footed. HA-BUSHI, n. The teeth, in respect to HADATSUKE, n. The pad beneath the size, arrangement, color, etc. saddle, also a shirt or garment worn HABUTAYE, n. A kind of white silk next the skin. fabric. HADAYE, n. The bare skin, the surface, HACHI, a. Eight. Hachi-ju, eighty. the body. yzZ-hachi, eighteen. HADE. Gay, fine, gaudy, showy. HadeHACHI. Used in the phrase, Ifachi ni sha, a person fond of dress, a fop. suru, to turn off, to dismiss from em- HADZU, n. The Croton seeds. - no ploy, to break an engagement. Hachi abura, Croton-oil. HAD 49 HAG HADZU, n. The notch in an arrow in HAGE,-rU,-a, i. v. To bebald, bare, dewhich the bow string fits: Should, nuded, stripped, divestedof covering, to ought, proper, must; obligation, duty, peel off. right. Suru-hadzu no mono, a thing HAGE-ATAMA, n. A bald-head. that should be done. HAGEMASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To urge on, HADZU-HADZU, adv. Nearly, almost, but incite, stimulate, quicken, rouse up, to a little, a very little. animate, encourage, to make violent. HADZUsASHIGARI,-ru,-tla, i. v. To be HAGEMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be diligent, ashamed, bashful, modest, shy. assiduous, ardent, zealous, to exert HADZUKASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Ashamed, mor- one's self, to strive at. tified, abashed. Hadzukashiku omd, HAGEMI-AI,-au,-atta, i. v. To strive tofeel ashamed. gether for anything, to vie with each HADZUKASHIME,-rn,-ta, t. v. To cause other, to contend for. another to feel shame, to make asham- HAGESHII,-ki,-ku, a. Violent, veheed, to insult, to disgrace, to abash, to ment, furious, severe. dishonor.. HAGE-YAMA, n. A mountain bare of HADZUKASHIMI, n. Shame, insult, dis- vegetation, bald-mountain. grace. HAGI, n. The Lespedeza. HADZUKASHISA, a. The shame. HAGI, n. The shin. Fukura-hagi, calf HADZUKI, (hachi guwatsu), n. The of the leg. - no hone, the tibia, shineighth month. bone. HADZUMI, n. Spring, bound, recoil, re- HAGi,-gu,-ida, t. v. To skin, flay, deaction, impulse, jerk, bounce. nude, to strip off the skin or clothes, to HADZUMI -muc,-dna, i. v. To rebound, peel. to recoil, to react, to spring. Iki ga HAG,-gu,-ida, t. v. To patch, to join hadzumu, to catch the breath, flat things together; to veneer, to face HADZUNA, n. A halter, or rope passed with different materials. through the nose. HAGI,-gu,-ida, t. v. To feather an arHADZURE, n. The end. Michi no -, row. the end of a road. HA-GIRI, n. Gritting, or gnashing the HAD7URE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be out of the teeth. place in which it fits; to be unfastened, HA-GISHIRI, n. Gritting, or gnashing the unfixed, dislocated, disjoined, separated teeth. from; to fail to hit, miss, mistake, err HAGI-YERI, n. A collar faced with other or deviate from; to fail, not to succeed. material. HADZUSHI,-u,-ta, t. v.' To undo, to take HAGO, n. A kind of trap for catching out of the place in which it fits, to un- birds. fasten, unfix, disconnect; to avoid; to HAGO, n. A shuttle-cock. miss, to dispense with, depart from or HAGO-ITA, n. A battledore. lay aside. HAGOKUMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To rear, to HA-FU, n. A gable of a house. bring up, to nourish, support. HAGAI, n. The wings of a bird. HAGOROMO, n. Feather garments. HA-GAKI, n. A memorandum, a note. HA-GOTAYE, n. Hard to the teeth, hard HAGAMI, n. Gnashing the teeth. to chew. HAGAMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be ashamed, HAGUCHI-GOYE, n. A compost made of diffident, backward, shy. n'ight-soil, loam, and straw. HAGANE, n. Steel. HAGUKI, n. The gums. HAGARE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Hagu. To be HAGUMA, n. A white bear, a white tasstripped of clothes, or bark. sel fixed on the head of a spear. HAGASHI,-su,-ta, t. To strip off, flay, HAGUNSEI,, n. The constellation " Great denude, make bald. Bear." HAGASUMI, n. The dirt which collects HAGURAKASHI,-SU,-/a, t. v. To strip off, on the teeth. denude; to tease, make sport of, jeer. HAGATAME, n. Hardening the teeth. HAGURE,-,-r,-a, i. v. To be stripped HAGAYUI,-hki-ku,-shi, a. Itching of the off, made bare, denuded, uncovered; teeth, setting the teeth on edge; the separated, to run to one side, fly the excitement felt in beholding a contest track, to escape. of any kind, and desire to help the HAGURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To turn over a weaker party; the desire to try one's covering, to turn up or uncover. hand at what others are doing; itching HAGURO, n. The black dye used for to interfere, staining the teeth. 3 HAG 50 HAK HAGUSA, a. Tares, weeds. pains. - wo mi-nuku, to see through HA-GUSO, n. The dirt or tartar which a person. collects on the teeth. HAl-KEN. - suru, to look, see, (respectHAHA, n. Mother. Haha-bun, like a ful, to be used only in speaking of one's mother, the part of a mother. self.) - itashiti gozaimasu, I would HA-HON, n. An imperfect book, a bro- like to see it, if you please. ken set of books. HAI-KUWAI, (taczi-motoru.) - suru, to HAl, n. A fly. - doku, fly-poison. go about, wander about, prowling HAI. Yes. about. HAI, n. Ashes. Ishi-bai, lime. HAI-MIYO, n. The fictitious name subHAI, n. The lungs. Hai no za, the scribed to a Hai-kai. lungs. Hai no kin-shd, inflammation HAI-OSHI, n. A small shovel. of lungs. HAI-REI, a. The worship of a divine beHAl. The numeral for full, a wine cup. ing. Kami wo - suru, to worship Ipai, once full. Ni hai, twice full. God. Sam-bai, three times full. HAIRI,-rz,-/a, i. v. To enter, go into, HAI, (ofamu.) To bow reverently, to to hold, contain, include. worship. - wo suru, to bow, wor- HAI-RU. — suru, to banish, exile. ship. HA-ISHA, n. A dentist. HAI, (suteru.) - suru. To abandon, HAI-SHAKU, (O kari mosu.) Borrowing. give up, throw aside, leave off, put - suru, to borrow. Haishaku kin, away, abolish, abrogate, disannul, re- borrowed money. pudiate. -gaku, to leave off study. HAI-SHI. - suru, to abolish, annul, HAI, (yabureru.) - suru, to be defeat- cause to cease, abrogate. ed, to be broken, discomfited, routed. HAI-SHO, n. A place of banishment. - A, routed and destroyed. - gun, HAI-SO. - suru, to scatter and flee away a routed army. defeated. HAI, (kuraberu.) - suru, to match, HAI-YO, n. Pulmonary consumption. equal, eompare to, to mate; join to- HAJI, n. Shame, disgrace, reproach. gether, to distribute. - bun, distribu- wo kaku, to be put to shame. tion. Hai-to, allotment, to apportion. HAJI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be ashamed, to Hai-zii, dispensing medicines. Hai- feel ashamed, to be abashed. satsu, distributing paper charms. Hai- HAJIKAMI, n. Ginger. riyo, care, concern. Hai-go, to match, HAJIKARI,-ru,-t/a, i.,. To be burst or mate, join together. split open, spread open. HAI,-au,-atta, i. v. To creep, crawl. HAJIKE-,-r,-I, i. v. To burst or split Hai-noboru, or Hai-agaru, to creep open from inside pressure. up. Hai-komu, creep into. Hai- HAJIKI, n. A spring, a jerk, snap. matou, to creep around. HAJIKI,-ka,-ita, t. v. To jerk, to snap, HAI-BUKI, U. Silver ingots. to cause to move with a sudden spring, HAI-CHO, n. A safe to protect food from or bound. Yubi zwo -, to fillip, to insects, snap the finger. HAI-DATE, n. Armor for the thighs. HAJIKI-GANE, n. The hammer of a gunHAI-DZUMI, n. Black paint made of pow- lock; a spring. dered charcoal. HAJIMARI, n. The beginning, commenceHAI-FUKI, n. A section of bamboo used ment, origin. for blowing the tobacco ashes into. HAJIMARI,-rl<,-/ta, i. v. To be begun, HAI-GO. - suru, to unite, as in mar- commenced, originated. riage. HAJIME, n. The beginning, the first of HAI-JIN, n. A teacher, or professor of anything, the origin, the commenceHaikai. ment. HAI-JU, (itadaku.) - suru, to respect- HAJMIaE,-ru-ta, t. v. To begin, to comfully receive. mence. HAI-KA, n. The body of troops, or of HAJIMETE, adv. For the first time, at persons, under the command or juris- first. diction of another; a command, sub- HAJIRAI,-d, —ta. i. v. To feel ashamed, jects. to be bashful. HAIlKAI, n. A kind of verse or poetry of HAJISHIME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To make anseventeen syllables. other feel ashamed, to disgraee. HAI-:AN. (lit. lungs and liver.) - vo HAKA, n. A grave, tomb. kudaku. to do with great labor, or HAKA. This word is only used in com HAK 5 I HAK pounds; as, Haka-ga-yukz, to do discharge; sell off; to make put on, quickly, to be expeditious. Haka-ga- to make to sweep. yukanu, to be slow, not to do rapid- HAKASE, a. The title of a learned man, ly. a professor. HAKABA, n. A cemetery. HAKA-WARA, n. A cemetery. HAK^ABAKASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Quick, active, HAKE,-ru,-ta. Can spit, or vomit. speedy. HAKE, ru,-/a. Can wear, or put on. HAIAACHI, n. A cemetery, grave-yard. Kono zomonoiki wa hakerz ka, can HAKADORASE,-ru,-ta. caust. of Hakado- you wear these trowsers? ru. To hasten, quicken, to forward, HAKE,-ru,-ta. Can sweep. Yokz hakeor cause to do with dispatch. ru hoki, a broom that sweeps well. HAKADOR,-ru,-otta, i. v. To be quick, HAKE, n. A brush made of bristles, the make speed, prompt, active. Hakado- Japanese cue. Nori-bake, a pasteradzu, to be slow. brush. HA-K^AI (imaskime wo yaburu). Break- HAKE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be sold off, ing the commandments of Buddha. cleared out, as goods. HAKA-JIRUSHI, n. A tombstone. HAKE, n. The sale or demand for goods. HAKAMA, n. The loose trowsers worn by - ga yoi, in good demand. Samurai. Wara no -, the loose bark HAKE-KATA, n. Demand, sale or mararound a stem of wheat. ket for goods. - ga oku, the demand HAKAMAGI, n. The ceremony of putting is great. on the hakama for the first time, at HAKE-KUCHl, n. Demand, sale, narket. the age of five years. HAKI,-ka,-ita, t. v. To spit. vomit. HAKA-MAIRI, n. Visiting the tombs for Tsubaki zo -, to spit. worship. HAKIt,-ik,-Zl, t. v. To wear, to put HAKAMA-JI, n. The cloth of which Ha- anything on the feet or legs. kama are made. HAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To hang from the HAKA-MORI, n. The keeper of a ceme- belt. Tachi wo -, to gird on the tery, a sexton. sword. HAKANAI,-ki,-km,-shi, a. Frail, fleeting, HAKI,-kt,-Z/a, t. v. To sweep, brush. evanescent, transient, insignificant, Gomi wo haki-dasu, to sweep out the mean, trivial. Hakanaku naru, to dirt. die, or pass away before its time. Ha- HAKI-DAME, n. A place where dirt and kanakz kiyurzc, to vanish quickly rubbish are thrown. away. HAKI-DASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To spit out, HAKARADZU, adv. Unexpectedly, sud- vomit up; to utter, speak; to sweep denly. out. HAKARAI,-aU,-tta, t. v. To transact, HAKI-HAKI, adv. Smart, quick, active manage, negotiate, to do. in doing; plain, distinct. HAKARAI, n. Management, administra- HAKI-KAKE)-rz,-ta,. v. To spit upon. tion, transacting. To sweep upon. HAKARI, n. A weighing-beam, scales, HAKIKI. Influential, having authority, steelyard. - no fundo, the weight of weight of character. a steelyard. - no sao, the beam of a HAKI-MONO, n Shoes, articles worn on steelyard. - no o, the cord by which the feet. scales are suspended. - no me, the HAKI-YOSE,-rm,-ta, t. v. To sweep tomarks on a steelyard. gether, to collect by sweeping. HAKARI-ra,-tta, t. v. To weigh, to HAKKA, n. Peppermint. measure, to estimate, calculate, to rec- HAKKAN, n. The silver pheasant. kon * to plot, contrive; to consult; to HAKKAN. - suru, to sweat, perspire. deceive, take in, cheat, impose on. Tsz- - zai, diaphoretic medicines. nzori-hakarze, to estimate, reckon. HAKKIRI, adv. Clear, plain, distinct; HAKARI-GOTO, n. A plan, scheme, arti- clean; perfectly. fice, device, stratagem. HAKK6. Going, starting for any place. HAKARI-IIRI,-rU,-tt-,, ta..To level off Yedo ye izts - itashinzasu ka. the top of anything measured, to make HAKKO. - suru, to become prevalent, even with the measure, to strike. come into fashion. HAKARI-MUSHI, n. A caterpillar. HAKo, n. A box, chest. - ni tsumeru, HAIKARI-YA, n. A maker of scales, to pack in a box. Hako iri'nzmsume, HAKASE,-ra,-ta, t. v. To cause to vom- a young girl who is.carefully kept at it, or spit out; to make flow out, to home. HAK 52 HAN HAKO. suar-, to go to stool, to obey ger. Midzu ni -, to fall into the water. the calls of nature. Bakuchi ni -, to be addicted to gamHAKoBASE,-rU,-ta. To make or order bling. Hamari-komu. To be plunged another to convey, or transport. in, immersed in. HAKosBI,-bu,-nd. tv. To transport, to HAMASE,-ru,-ta. To cause to fit or put convey, to move from one place to an- into. other. Nimotsu wuo fune de -. HAMATE, n. Near the sea beach. HAKOBI, n. Transportation, conveyance; HAMA-YUMI, n. A small bow used as a moving. Ichi nin de ichi nichi hoko- toy. bi wa dono kurai, how much can one HAMBITSU, n. A small trunk. man carry in a day? HAMBUN, n. Half. - ni kiru, cut into HAKOBI-TE, n. A porter, carrier, coolie. halves, cut in two. HAKOROMO, a. The Achillea or milfoil. HAME, n. A weather-board, clap-board. HAKOSEKO, n. A paper veil. - wo haru, to weather-board. HAKU (shiroi). White; clean, shining. HAMEDE, n. Trick, deception, hoax. Haku-hatsu, gray hair. Haku-ye, - ni atta, to be hoaxed. white clothes. Haku-cho, white HAME,-rU,-/a, t. v. To fit anything in clothes. Haku-jitsu, shining sun. its place, (as a screen, door, drawer, Ha4u-chiu, noon. Haku-jin, a etc.); to put into; to cheat, take in. naked sword. Haku-zmai, clean or Shoji wo hameru, to put a screen into white rice. Haaku-tai, a white fur its place. Hito wo -, to cheat a peron the tongue. son. HAKU, n. Foil, leaf. Kimaaku, gold- HAME-KOMZ,-mu, —nda, i. v. To fit into, leaf. Ginzaku, silver foil. Sudzu- to be taken in, cheated; to be implihaku, tin foil. Kin wo haku ni utsu, cated, or involved in trouble by others. to beat gold into leaf. - wo osu, to HAMI, n. A poisonous snake, viper. plate. HAMI, n. That part of the bit which enHAKU-CHO, a. The swan. ters the horse's mouth. HAKU-CH6, n. A white porcelain bottle. HAMI,-mu,,-da, t. v. To eat, swallow. HAKU-GAKU (hiroku manabu), n. Ex- Meshi wo -, to eat rice. tensively learned, versed in literature. HAMI-DASHI,-SU,-ta, /. v. To project, or HAKU-HIY6 (usuki kori), n. Thin ice. be forced out from between two sur- wo fumu no gotoku. faces, or from inward pressure. HAKU-J6. Without natural affections, HAM-MIYd, n. The Spanish fly, Canunfeeling, callous, cruel; insincere, tharidis. false-hearted. HAMO, n. A kind of eel. HAKUJ6, n. Confession. -suru, tocon- HA-MON. - suru, to expel from school, fess, acknowledge. dismiss a scholar. HAKU-MAKU, n. The white or sclerotic HA-MONO, n. Edged tools, cutting incoat of the eye. struments. HAKU-NAI-SHO, n. Cataract of the eye. HAM-PA, n. A part, fragment, fraction. HAKU-RAI, n. Foreign productions. HAM-PAKU. Grizzled, a mixture of white HAKU-RAKU, n. A horse doctor. and black hair. HAKU-RAN (hiroku miru). Extensively HAM-PI, n. A kind of coat with short acquainted with books and things, very sleeves. learned. HAM-PON, n. A printed book. HAKU-RAN-KUWAI, n. An exhibition of HAM-PUKU, a. Half way up a mountain. rare and curious things; an exposition. HAM-PUKU. - suru, to turn traitor, to HAKU-SEKKO, n. A kind of confection- betray, or act treacherously. ary. HAMUKI,-kg,-ita, t. v. To growl or HAKU-SHIKI (hiroku shiru), n. A learn- snarl, as a dog. ed man, a philosopher. HAMUKAI,-au,-a/ta, t. v. To oppose, HAKU-YA, a. A gold-beater. resist. HAMA, n. The sea beach, or coast. HAMUSHA, n. Common soldiers. HAMA-BE, a. The sea-coast. HAN (kayeru). - suru, to return, go HAMA-GURI, n. A clam. back, to be contrary, opposed to. HAMANASHI, n. A cranberry. HAN (lit. a fence, hedge, or enclosure), a HAMRI, —r ru,-tta, i. v. To be put, fitted, Daimiate, or clan. or entered into anything; to be fallen HAN, n. A seal, stamp; a block for printinto, immersed in, addicted to. Wa ga ing. - wo suru, to print. - wo osu, yubi ni hamatta, the ring is on the fin- to stamp, seal. HAN 53 HAN HAN. Odd. - no kadzu, an odd num- HANA-KAGO, n. A flower-basket. ber. Cho-han, even and odd. HANAKAMI,-mu-da, t. v. To blow the HAN. Half. Ichi ri han, a mile and a nose; mostly used in the form of Hana half. Han-michi, half a mile. Han- wo kamu. ya, half the night. Han-shi han-sho, HANA-KUSO, n. The hard mucus which alf dead and alive. - mai, half a collects in the nose. sheet. - men, half the face. Han- HA-NAMI, n. The order or arrangement juku, half cooked, half ripe. Han-j', of the teeth. - ga yoi, has a fine set half a mat, or quire of paper. Han-ki, of teeth. half a year, or period of time. Han- HANA-MI, n. Looking at flowers. kin; half the money. Han-ku, half a HANA-MIZO, n. The furrow in the upper day s work. lip under the nose. HANA, (hajime,) n. The first, begin- HANA-MORI, n. The keeper of a flowerning. garden. HANA, n. The nose; mucus of the nose, HANA-MUKE, n. A present to a bride, to snot. - no ana, the nostrils. - no a person setting out on a journey, or to saki, the tip of the nose. - suji, the one who has returned to his home. contour of the nose - wo kamu, to HANA-MUKO, n. A bride-groom. blow the nose. -ga tareru, to run at HANA-O, n. The thong, or strap by the nose. Yama no-, a bluff or spur which sandals are fastened to the of a mountain. feet. HANA, n. A flower, blossom, the plum- HANAO-DZURE, n. Chafed by the thong ula of malt. - no utena, the calyx of a of the sandal. flower. - no tsubomi, a flower bud. HANARE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be separated, - no kuki, the germ of a flower. - apart, sundered, removed; to be loose; no jiku, the stem of a flower. - wo to leave, to separate from, to part. ikeru, to keep flowers alive in water. Unma ga hanasketa, the horse is loose. Hana no sugata, a beautiful shape. Oya wo hanarete hike wo suru, to HANA, n. A present of money, clothes, leave one's parents and go out to seretc., made to a wrestler, play-actor, vice. Hanare-gatashi, hard to part. musician, dancing girl, etc., in admira- Hanarenu-naka, indissoluble relation of their performances. tion. HANA-ARASHI, n. Forcing the air vio- HANARE-BANARE, adv. Separated, apart, lently through the nose, snorting. scattered. HANABANASHII,-k,-Ku, a. Beautiful, HANARE-JIMA, n. A solitary island, an handsome, glorious, splendid, admir- island far away from the main land. able. HANARE-MA, n. A stray horse, a loose HANA-BASAMI, n. Flower scissors. horse. HANABI, n. Fireworks. HANARE-YA, n. A house apart or disHANABIRA, n. The petals of a flower. tant from others. HANACHI,-/SU,-/ta, t. v. To let go, set HANASASE,-U,-ta. To let or make anfree, liberate. other speak. HANADZURA, n. Tip of the nose. HANASHI,-SU,-Ia, t. v. To let go, to set HANA-GAI, n. The nose-ring for oxen. free, to loosen, liberate, let off, to disHANA-GAMI, n. Paper for wiping or charge, let fly. Tepz5i wo -, to fire a blowing the nose, nose-paper. Hana- gun. Me hanasadzu miru, to look gami-bukuro, the wallet in which without taking off the eyes. paper for wiping the nose is carried. HANASHL,-sz,-ta, t. v. To say, to utter, HANA-GAWA, n. The part of the bridle speak, talk, tell. Haha ye itte hanase, which crosses the nose, the nose-strap. go and tell your mother. HANA-GE, n. The hair in the nostrils. HANASHI, n. A saying, talk, story, a HANAHADA, adv. Very, extremely, ex- tale. Okashii hanashi, a funny story. ceedingly. Uso-banashi, a lie, a fiction. OtoshiHANAHADASHII,-kiZ,-kU, a. Extreme, ut- banash-, a comical story, an anecdote. most, excessive. HANASHI-AI,-au,-atia, i. v. To talk toHANA-HIRl-ru,-tta, i. v. To sneeze. gether, to converse. HANAHIYU, n. The portulacca. HANASHIKA, n. A story-teller, one who HANA-IKE, n, A flower vase. makes a living by narrating stories. HANA-IKI, n. Nose-breathing. HANA-SHIRU, n. Thin mucus from the HANA-IRO, n. A blue color. nose. HANA-JI, n. Bleeding at the nose. HANA-TAKE, n. A nasal polypus. HAN 54 HAO HANA-TARE, n. A snotty nose. HAN-JI,-ru -fa, t.v. To judge, criticise, HANA-TSUKURI, n. A maker of artificial to solve, interpret. flowers; a flower gardener. HANJI, n. A judge, a governor, superinHANA-UTA, n. Singing in a low voice, tendent, a magistrate. The chiefhumming a tune. magistrate is called, Dai-hanji. The HANA-YA, n. A florist, a seller of flow- inferior officers are, Chiu-han-ji, and ers. She-han-ji. HANAYAKA, a. Beautiful, handsome, HANJIMONO, n. Anything represented elegant, gay, showy. by emblems or symbols, or concealed HANA-YOME, n. A bride. under the names of natural objects, an HANA-ZAKARI. Full bloom. - ni natta, emblem, a riddle. to be in full bloom. HAN-JO. Prosperous, thriving, flourishHANDA, n. Tin (in block). ing. - suru, to be prosperous. HAN-DAI, n. A dining-table. HAN-JJ. Received from the head of a HAN-DAN, a. Half a piece of cloth. department, not from the emperor, (as HAN-DAN. - suru, to judge and decide an appointment to office). upon, to try a case at law, to explain, HAN-JUKU, (namaniye.) Half cooked, solve, interpret. Yuze zwo -, to inter- half done. pret a dream. Nazo wo -, to solve a HAN-KAN. Treachery, perfidy, treason. riddle. HAN-KA-TS0. Only half acquainted with, HANDO, n. A bucket for carrying rice. or versed in. HANE, n. A wing, a feather, the paddles HAN-KIU, n. A kind of letter-paper. of a paddle-wheel. HAN-KIU, n. A small bow. HANE, n. The oblique down stroke of a HAN-KO, n. A block used in printing. - Chinese character. ya, a block-cutter, printer, printing HANE, n. Particles of mud spattered office. about. HAN-KUWA. Prosperous thriving, bustHANE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To prance, to flounce, ling. flounder, leap, spring, bounce; to spat- HAN-KUWAN, n. Executive officer in a ter, splash about. Kubi zoo -, to cut government department. off the head. Ni wo -, to throw goods HAN-NIN, n. Half a day's work; a pimp, overboard. Hane-agaru, to spring, procurer. leap, or bound up. Mari ga -, the HAN-NIN, n. An indorser, surety, bondsball bounces. HIrane-kakeru, to splash, man, security. to spatter. Hane-kayeru, to spring, HAN-NOKI, n. The Alnus Japonica. bounce, or leap back, rebound. Hane- HAN-SAN, n. An abortion, miscarriage. kayesu, to make rebound. Hane-ma- HAN-SHI, n. A kind of paper. waru, to prance, leap, bound, or dance HAN-SHITA, n. The copy used in cutting around. Ilane-nokeru, to throw out, blocks. or jerk out. Hane-oku, to jump or HAN-SHITA-KAKI, n. The person who spring up. writes the copy by which the blocks HANE-BASHI, n. A draw-bridge. are cut. HANE-DZUKUROI, n. Preparing to fly. HAN-SH6, n. A small bell, a fire-bell. HANE-GUKI, n. A quill. HAN-SURI, n. A printer, a pressman. HANE-TSUCHI, n. Clay. HAN-TA. Busy, hard at work, full of HANE-TSURUBE, n. A well-bucket swung business. on the end of a pole. HAN-TAI, n. Opposite, contrary, antiHAN-GEN, n. Deducting the half, half- thesis, contrast. price. HAN-TO, adv. Halfway, half through. HAN-GETSU, n. Half a month, half-moon, HA-NUKE, n. A person who has lost his or semicircular in shape. teeth. HAN-GI, n. A block for printing. — si, HA-NUKE-DORI, n. A moulting bird. a block-cutter. HA-NUKI, n. Tooth forceps, a person HANGI-YA, n. A block-cutter, who extracts teeth. HAN-GIYAKU, n. Rebellion, treason, HAN-YO, n. Busy, full of business. treachery. - nin, a traitor. HAN-ZO, n. A small wooden tub. HAN-GIYO, n. A seal-mark, the impres- HAN-ZOKU, (muhon-nin,) n. A rebel, sion left by a seal. traitor. HANIKAMI,-naU,-nda, i. v. To feel shy, HAORI, n. A coat. - no yerz, the coltimid or diffident. lar of a coat. - no sode, the sleeve of HAN-JA, n. A judge, critic. a coat. HAO 55 HAR HAORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To put over loosely HARARAGO, n. Fish-roe. (as a coat). HARASE,-ru,-ta. To cause another to HAPPA. Eight times eight; sixty-four. spread. HAPPI, n. A kind of coat. HARASHI,-S,-tU, t. z,. To clear away, HAPPIYOZAI, n. A diaphoretic medi- drive away, dispel; to swell. cine. HARA-SUJI-NA, a. Laughable, ridiculous. HAPPO. Eight sides, all about. Shi-ho HARA-WATA, n. The bowels, intestines. hanpp, on all sides. HARE,-ru,-ta, i.. o be cleared away, HAPPURI, n. Armor for covering the dispelled; clear, open, without concealforehead, a frontlet. ment, public. A mega -, the rain has HARA, n. A moor, prairie, a wild uncul- cleared off. tivated region. HARE-r,-ta, i. v. Swollen. Hare-agaHARA, n. The belly, abdomen; mind, ru, to swell up. conscience, heart. - ga tatsu, to be HARE, n. A swelling. Hare ga hiita, angry. - ga hero, to be hungry. the swelling is gone down. Shita hara, the hypogastric region. HARE-BARE, adv. Clear, bright, open, Yoko-hara, the side of the belly. Hlara unclouded, easy in mind. no nai, pusillanimous. Hara no Jki, HAREBARESIIlI,-ki,-zu, a. Fine, splendid. magnanimous. - hataraki da. HARA-ATE, n. A cloth worn over the HAREGI, n. Dress-clothes worn on special chest and belly; armor for covering the occasions. abdomen. HARE-MONO, n. A swelling, boil. HARABAI,-ag,-atta, i. v. To lie on the HARE-NA, n. Fine, grand, illustrious, belly. eminent, heroic, public. HARA-DACHI, n. Anger. HA-RETSU. - suru, to burst, explode, HARA-GAWARI, n. Different mother, but blow-up. -damna, a bomb-shell. the same father. - no kiyodai, half- HAREYAKANA, a. Clear, unclouded, brothers. bright; cleared, open. - tenki, clear HARA-GOMORI, n. Pregnancy, gestation, weather. in utero. HARI, n. A needle; pin; thorn. — zwo HARA-GONASHI, n. Promoting digestion. b ni iu, to exaggerate, magnify. - no HARA-GURO. - na, ill-tempered, cross- me, the eye of a needle. - no saki, grained, churlish, surly. the point of a needle. HARA-HARA-TO, adv. The sound of HARI, n. The heavy beams in a roof. rustling, as of silk, or of leaves blown HARI, n. Crystal, glass. by the wind; the appearance of tears HARI,-ru,-/a, t. v. To paste over, nail dropping, or of crying. over, spread over. Ita oo -, clapHARAI,-au,-ai/a, t. v. To clear away, board. Atama wo -, to slap the head, drive away, expel, to pay. Kanjo wo (fig.) to take a certain percentage from -, to settle an account. Harai-dasu, the wages of those whom one has aided to drive out, expel. Harai-komu, to in finding employment, to squeeze. sweep into (as a pan). HARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To stretch, spread, HARAI, n. A payment. - wo suru. open, to extend, to display, exhibit; to HARAI,n. Sintoo prayers. -- woyomu. boast. (i. v.) To be swollen, distended. HARA-ITAMI, n. Colic, belly-ache. Mise wo -, to display the wares of a HARA-KAKE, n. A cloth covering tied shop. Omote wo -, to endeavor to keep over the chest and abdomen. up appearances. Iji wo -, to be obstiHARA-KARA, n. Brother or sister, born nate.- Ki wo - to strain every nerve. of the same mother. Hari-au, to rival, to vie with each other, HARA-KUDARI, n. A diarrhoea, bowel- emulate. Hari-dasu, to jut out, procomplaint. trude, swell out, stretch out. HariHARA-MAKI, n. Armor for the abdomen. komu, to stretch. Hari-sakeru, to tear HARAMASE,-ru,-/a. To cause to conceive, by stretching, or expanding. Hariimpregnate. yaburu, to tear by stretching. HARAMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be pregnant. HARI-AI, n. Emulation, rivalry. to conceive, to be with child. Haramt HARI-BAKO, n. A needle-box. onna, a pregnant woman. Haramanu HARI-FUDA, n. A placard, handbill. kusuri, medicine to prevent conception. HARI-GAMI, n. A note pasted to a comHarami-dzuki, month of conception. munication, and containing the reply to HARAMI, n. Pregnancy, conception. its inquiry, a placard. HARA-OBI, n. A belly-band. HARI-GANE, n. Wire. HAR 56 HAS HARI-I, n. A needle doctor, one who per- around. Hase-mukau, to ride fast to forms acupuncture. meet, to gallop opposite to, to run to HARI-IRE, n. A needle-case. meet. Hase-tsuku, to ride, gallop, or HARI-ITA, n. The board on which the run and overtake. clothes are stretched and dried after HASE-MONO, n. Anything in one's way, washing. obstruction, impediment. HARI-KO, n. A box made of paper. HA-SEN, n. A shipwreck. HARI-ME, n. The edge or seam formed HAsHI, n. A bridge. - no ran-kan, the by joining paper together. rail of a bridge. Ipon-bashi, a bridge HARI-NEDZUMI, n. A porcupine. made of one stick. HARI-NUKI, n. Articles made of a kind HASHI, n. Chop-sticks. - de hasamu, of papier-mache. to take up with chop-sticks. HARI-TSUKE, n. Punishment by crucifixion HASHI, n. The bill of a bird. and spearing. HASHI, n. The edge, margin, brink, side, HARI-TSUKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To paper, to end, extremity; a small piece, fragment. paste over with paper. Ito no, - the end of a thread. HashiHARI-YA, n. A needle-maker. jika, near the edge. HARU, n. The spring. HASHI-BAMI, n. The filbert tree. - no HARU-BARU, adv. Far, distant. - to kuru, mi, a filbert. to come from afar. HASHI-BASHI, n. Four sides, extreme or HARUBI, n. A saddle-girth, distant parts. HARUKA, a. Far, distant, remote. - ni HASHI-BUNE, n. A small boat. masaru, much better. HASHI-DZUME, n. The foot of a bridge, HARU-KO, n. A silk-worm that breeds the place where a.bridge joins on to the but once a year. land. HARUMEKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. Spring- like, HASHIGO, n. A ladder, stairs. - no ko, having the appearance of spring. the rungs of ladder. HARU-SAME, n. Spring rains. HASHI-GUI, n. The wooden piles which HASAMARI,-2-U-tta, i. v. To be between support a bridge. two other things. Ha no aida uwo no HASHI-ITA, n. Floor of a bridge. honega hasamatta, a bane has got be- HASHIKA, n. The beard of wheat. tween the teeth. HASHIKA, n. The measles. HASAMI, n. Scissors. HAS}HI-KAKE, n. A mediator, go-between. HASAMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To take, place, HASHIKE,-ru,-ta, t.. To unload, or take or hold between two other things. Ha- out cargo from a ship by boat-loads. Ni shi de uwo wo -, to take fish with wo -, to unload goods. chop-sticks. Hon woo waki no shita ni HASHIKE-BUNE, n. A cargo-boat. -, to hold a book under the arm. HASHIKOI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Shrewd, wise, HASAMI-BAKO, n. A black box fixed to sagacious, clever, active, smart, cuneach end of a pole, and carried over the ning. shoulder, used only by persons of rank; HASHI-MORI, n. The guard of a bridge, the mumps. a bridge-keeper. HASAMI-IRE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To take up with HA-SHIO, n. The tartar that collects about sticks and put in; to interleaf, interline. the teeth. HASAMI-KIRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To cut with HASHIRA, n. A post, pillar, column; the scissors, numeral for gods. Hashira kakushi, HASAMI-UCHI, n. An attack on each flank pictures or inscriptions hung against the at the same time. - ni suru. pillars of a house to hide them. HAsE,-ru-ta, t. v. To ride fast, to cause HASHIRASHI,-su,-ta. To make to run or to run; to hasten, urge on. Unza wo -, sail. Midzu wo waki ye -, to make to gallop or run a horse. Hase-atsuma- the water flow off to one side. ru, to ride together, to assemble by rid- HASHIRI,-r,-tta, i. v. To run, to move ing together, to run together. Hase- fast, to flee; to flow, to sail fast. Hachigau, to ride and miss, to ride past shiri-agaru, to run up. Hashiri-kaeach other. Hase-kayeru, to ride or yeru, to run back. Hashiri-ideru, to run back, to gallop back. Hase-kayesu, run out. Hashiri-koyeru, to run across. to cause to ride back, to send back in Hashiri-kudaru, to run down. Hashihaste. Hase-kitaru, to come fast on ri-mawaru, to run around. Hashirihorse-back, to come in haste. Hase- mukau, to run to meet. Hashiri-tobu, tnairu, to run and go. Hase-mawaru, to run. Hashiri-yoru, to run near. to ride fast or run around, to gallop HASHIRI, n. The first fruits, or first-caught HAS 57 HAT fish of the season, first goods; the run- HATAGOYA, n. An inn, hotel. ning, flow, movement. HATA-HATA, n. A grasshopper. HASHIRI-GAKI, n. Fast writing, a running HATA-HIRO, n. Seven fathoms, - 28 hand. feet. HASHIRI-JI, n. Bleeding piles. HATA-JIRUSHI, n. A flag, ensign. HASHIRI-KURABE, n. A trial of fleetness, HATAKE, n. A field, vegetable-garden. a race. Imo-batake, a potato-field. Hana baHASHITA, n. A fraction, fragment, an im- take, a flower-garden. perfect part. -ni naru, to be imper- HATAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To beat with a fect, broken, insufficient. stick, to strike. HASHITA-ME, or HASHITA, n. A female HATA-MATA, conj. Again, moreover. servant. HATAMEKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To thunder, to HASHITANAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Low, mean, make a loud noise. of humble condition. HATA-ORI-ME, n. A female weaver. HASHIYAGASHI,-s,-ta. To cause to dry. HATARAKASHI,-SU,-ta. To make or set HASHIYAGI,-gU,-ida, i. v. To be dry, to work, to employ; to conjugate. arid, parched. HATARIKI,-ku,-ita. t. v. To work, to HASHIYAGI, n. Dryness, aridity. labor, to do, commit, to move, to act, HA-SHO-FU, n. Lockjaw, tetanus. perform. Yoku hataraite ikura, what HASHORI,-ru,-ta, t.. v. To shorten, to re- is the lowest you can sell it at? duce in length, abbreviate; to portion. HATARAKI, n. Action, movement, workShiri wo -, to tuck up the skirt of the ing, operation, deed, function, conjugalong coat, by sticking it under the gir- tion. die. Kai-mono wo -, to cheat or de- HATARAKI-KOTOBA, n. A verb. fraud a person for whom one is buying HATARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To demand payanything, by charging more than it cost. ment, to dun. HASHORI, a. The tuck or shortening made HATA-SAKU, n. The products of the in the skirts by girding them under the farm, the crop. belt. HATA-SASHI, n. A standard-bearer, colHA-SON, n. (yabure sokonau). Broken, or-sergeant. damaged, injured. - suru, to damage, HATASHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To finish, to end, injure, complete, fulfil, perform. HAS-SAN, n. The rule of division in arith- HATA-SHI, n. A maker of flags or enmetic. signs. HASSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To cause to go out, HATASHITE, adv. In the end, ultimately. or issue forth, burst forth, send forth, to - iu tdri ni natta, it turned out just rouse, excite, to open out (as a flower), as I said. manifest, to display, appear, to produce, HATASHI-AI,-aU,-atta, t. v. To finish or give rise to, develop; to flash out. To- kill each other. ki no koye wo -, to raise a shout. HATATAGAMI, n. A clap of thunder and HASSHI-TO, adv. The sound made by the lightning. breath in striking, chopping, or in mak- HATATAKI, n. Clapping the wings. ing any violent exertion. - utsu. HATA-TO, adv. The sound of clapping HASU, n. The lotus plant. - no ike, a the hands or of a sudden blow. - to lotus pond. wo utsu. HASUJI, n. Fistula in ano. HATAYE. Twenty fold. HATA, n. A field, (of upland). Hata- HATE. Exclam. of surprise, or perplexmono, a thing groorn in upland fields. ity. HATA, n. A flag, ensign. - no sao, a HATE, n. The end, termination, result, flag-staff. conclusion, extremity. - wa do nart HATA, n. A loom. Kinz-bata, a silk- ka shire-nai, I don't know what the loom. Hata-mono, a weaving-machine. result may be. Hate nashi, without HATA, n. The side, near by. Ido no hata end. ye, to the side of the well. Hata no HATE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To end, terminate, hito, bystanders. conclude; to die. Biyo-nin ga hateta, HATACHI. Twenty years old. the sick man is dead. Tsuki-hateta, HATAGO, n. Stopping to rest and ltnch entirely used up. while traveling; the fare charged for HATESHI, n. The end, termination, conlodging. Hiru-hatago, stopping to clusion, limit. lunch at noon. - wa ikura, how much HATO, n. A dove, pigeon. Yama bato, is the fare? a wild pigeon. 3* HAT 58 HAY HATOBA, n. A pier, wharf, a landing. HAYA-GAKI, n. Fast writing. HATO-MUNE, n. Chicken-breasted. HAYA-GANE, n. An alarm bell, fire-bell. HASU, n. A numeral used in counting HAYAGO, n. A cartridge. the discharge of guns. Ippatsu, one HAYAI,-ki,-shi, a. Fast, quick, swift, discharge, or one gun. Ni hatsu suru, early, soon. Ki ga hayai, of quick to fire two guns. perception. Mimiga -, quick to hear. HATSU. The first, the beginning. Hatsu- Hayaku suru, to do quickly. haru, the beginning of spring. Hatsu- HAYA-ITO, n. The band or cord of a dori, the first crowing of a cock on the wheel. new year. Hatsu-gori, Hatssu-shimi, HAYAMARI,-ru,-/a, i. v. To be quick, or Hatsu-yuki, the first ice, frost or snow fast; to be hasty, rash, precipitate. of the season. Hatsu-maono, the first HAYAME, n. Hastening parturition. - things of the season, first fruits. Ha- no kusuri, medicines which hasten latsu-yama, first visit to a sacred moun- bor. - no go-fi7, a charm swallowed to tain. hasten labor. HATSU-BO, n. A blistering plaster. HAYAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To hasten, quickHATSU-DAKE, n. A kind of edible mush- en, accelerate, to urge on; to hurry, room. precipitate. HATSU-DATSU, - suu, to be an adept in, HAYA-MICHI, n. A near way. to become expert or skilful. HAYA-NAWA, n. A cord carried by policeHATSUKA. Twentieth day of the month; men to bind criminals with. twenty days. HAYA-O, n. The rope used in sculling a HATSUKA-NEDZUMI, n. A mouse. boat; the band of a wheel. HATSU-MEI, n. Intelligent, ingenious, HAYA-OKE, n. A ready-made tub in clever; an invention. - suru, to in- which paupers are buried. vent, discover. Shin -, a new inven- HAYA-OKI, n. Early rising. tion. HAYARASE,-ru,-1a, caust. of Hayari. HATSUMEIRASHI,-ki,-ku. Having an in- To make popular, fashionable, or pretelligent look. valent. HATSU-O, n. The first fruits offered to HAYARI,-,-r,-ta, i. v. To be prevalent, the gods. - wo ageru. popular, fashionable, to be in general HATSURIu,r,-tZa, t. v. To hew, cut favor; ardent, impetuous, eager, vehewith a broad-axe or adze, to chip off, ment. Hayari-yamai, a prevalent disclip off. ease, epidemic. Hayari-gamni, a popuHATSU-YURI, n. Fritillaria Thunberjia. lar god. Hayari-kotoba, a popular HATTARI, n. An artifice or trick used to word. make a suspected person confess the HAYARI-O, n. Impetuous, daring, heroic. truth. - wo kakeru. HASASA, n. Quickness, swiftness, earliHATTO, n. Law, ordinance, a prohibi- ness, celerity. tion. Go-hatto, it is contrary to law. HAYASE, n. A swift current, rapids. - no shomotsu, a prohibited book. HAYASHI, n. A wood, forest. HA-UCHIWA, n. A feather-fan. HAYASHI, n. A band of music, an orHA-UTA, n. A kind of vulgar song. chestra. - mone, musical instruments. HAWASHI,-su,-/a. To make to creep or - wo suru, to make music. - kata, crawl. Ko wo -. musicians. HAYA, n. A small river fish. HAYASHI-SU,-ta, /. v. To play on muHAYA, adv. Already; with a neg. no sical instruments; to praise, flatter. longer. Ima wa haya nogaruru mni- Uta wo hayasu. chi naski, there is now no way of es- HAYASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To let or make to cape. Haya itte shimatta, he has al- grow long; to grow. ready gone. HAYASHI,-SU,-tU, t. v. To cut, chop, to HAYA, n. An express, a courier, slice. HAYA. Fast, quick, swift, soon, early. HAYASHI-TATE,-rta,-ta, t. v. To play on HAYA-ASHI. Swift-footed. musical instruments, to make music; to HAYA-BAYA-TO, adv. Quickly, soon, rouse up, excite. early. HAYATE, n. A tempest, gale, storm of HAYA-BIKIYAKU, n. An express post. wind. HAYA-DAYORI, n. Quick mode of com- HAYA-UCHI, n. An express. swift mesmunication, early opportunity. senger. HAYA-FUNE, n. A fast boat, a clipper HAYA-USO. A slip of the tongue, a white ship. lie, fib. HAY 59 HEI HAYA-WASA, n. Sleight of hand tricks, a quantity. Dai wo hedzutte sho ni legerdemain. tassu. Hedzuri-toru, to abstract. HAYE, n. Splendor, brilliancy, glory. HEGASHI,-su,-ta, caust. of Hegu, to tear Asa-baye, splendor of the sky at sun- off, strip off. rise. Yubaye, the splendor of the set- HEGE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be stripped off, ting sun. Haye nai waza da, not an peeled off. honorable employment. HEGIg,-,ida, i. v. To strip off, peel HAYE,-ru,-a, t. v. To grow, sprout up. off, split off. Kabi ga hayeta, it has moulded. HEGI, n. A strip of wood split off. HeHAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To pile up, to ar- gi-bon, akind of tray made of strips of range in a pile. Tawara wo -. bamboo. HAYE-GIWA, n. The edge or border of HEI, exclam. = yes. the hair. HEI, n. A fence, wall. Do-bei, a mud HAYE-SAGARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. Growing wall. Ita-bei, a board fence. Ishi-bei. downward. a stone fence. HAYO. Same as hayaku. 0 kayo goza- HEI, n. Even, level, plain, common, or rimasu, you are early, this is contract- dinary, usual, peaceful, tranquil. Tai ed to, 0 kayo, good morning. hei, long peace. - rnin, the common HAZAMA, n. Port-holes, embrasures. people. - miyaku, usual state of the HAZE, n. The name of a fish. pulse. - san, a natural parturition. HAZE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To burst open, as a HEI, n. The cut paper suspended in a fruit, or as parched corn. Miya to represent the Kami. Go-hei, HAZE, n. Rice bursted by roasting. id. HE, n. A fart. - wo hiru, to break HEI, n. A soldier, an army. - sha, a wind. war chariot. - shi. a soldier. - soHE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To pass, to spend time, tsu, id. to live through; to pass from one place HEI-AN, n. Peace, tranquility, freedom to another, move along, pass by. from sickness, calamity or trouble. HE-AGARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To pass from a HEI-CHI, n. Level ground or country, a lower rank or condition to a higher, to plain. rise, advance. HEI-CH6. - suru, to conceal or veil an HEBARI-TSUKI,-kz,-ita, i. v. To stick, idol from the sight of the public. adhere. HEIDA, n. A bamboo withe, or strip. HEBI, n. A snake, serpent. HEIDON. - suru, to devour, swallow up, HEBI-ICHIGO, n. A tasteless kind of to subjugate, conquer. strawberry. HEI-FUKU, (tsune no kimono,) n. ComHEBI-TSUKAI, n. A serpent-charmer, one mon, usual or every-day clothes. that plays with snakes. HEI-FUKU. - suru, to bow low, to HECHAMOKURE, or HECHI WO MAKURU. prostrate one's self. Confused, bewildered, disconcerted. HEI-TI, n. A pitcher, bottle. HECHIMA, n. The snake gourd. HEI-JI, (tairage osameru.) - suru, to HEDA-HEDA, a. Separated, distant, not quell, subdue, to tranquilize, to quiet. friendly. HEI-JITSU. Common, usual, ordinary, HEDATARI,-rU,-Uta, i. v. To be separat- customary, habitual; always, constanted, apart, asunder, distant, reserved. ly. HEDATE,-ru,-ta,. v. To leave, separ- HEI-KI,. Weapons of war, arms. ate from, part from; to interpose,place HEI-KI, n. Calm, tranquil, undisturbed between; separated by, severed. lye in mind, equanimity, composure, coolwo hedatete tabi ni oru, he has left ness. home on a journey. Hedate gokoro, HEI-KIN. - suru, to make equal or estranged, alienated, even, equalize; to balance, to average. HEDATE, n. A partition, distinction, se- HEI-KO, (kuchi wo tojiru.) - suru, to paration, difference, reserve, restraint, shut the mouth, to be silenced or deHEDO, n. Eructation of food. - wo feated in argument. haku, to eject food from the stomach. HEI-KUWA, (tairakani yawaragu.) - HEDOMODO, - suru, to be confused, be- suru, to equalize and harmonize, to wildered, to stand not knowing what to regulate. do, to be in a quandary. HEI-MON, (man wo tojiru.) - suru, to HEDZURI,-r,-tta, t. v. To cut or clip imprison in one's own house. offa part, to clip off, to dock; to pilfer, HEI-MOTSU, n. Presents of congratulaabstract, to take by stealth a little from tion; marriage presents. HEK 60 HEN HEKIRAGASHI,-SU,-a, t. v. To'show or HEN, n. A section, or book, a set of make a display of any thing in order books under one cover. Ipen, ni-hen to tease or excite desire, to tantalize. sam-ben. Ni hen me, the second HEI-REI. n. Presents made on espousal, book. or on visits of ceremony. HEN. An unusual, extraordinary, or HEI-SOKU. n. Paper fixed to the end of strange affair, accident. Hen-na koto. a stick and placed before the Kami. Tai-hca, agreat, or dreadful event, a HEI-SOKU, (to/'ifusagaru.) - suru, to catastrophe. - ski, an unnatural shut up, stop up, close, obstruct. death. HEI-TSUJKUBARI,-ru,-tti, t. v. To pros- HEN, (tabi,) Numeral for times. Ibpen, trate one's self, to bow humbly to the once. Ni-hen, twice. Sam-ben, three ground. times. Iku - mo, how many times HEI-WA, n. Peace, tranquility. soever. HEI-WA, n. Common colloquial, the lan- HENATSUCHI, n. A kind of black mud obguage of the common people. tained from the beds of stagnant rivers HEI-YU, n. Restoration to health, cured. or canals, and used for plastering. - suru, to restore to usual health. HEN-GAI. -suru, to change, alter, reHEI-ZEI. Common, usual, ordinary, cus- tract. tomary, habitual. HEN-GE. - suru, to transform, metaHEKI, n. A bent, peculiarity, propensi- morphose, change. Kitsune ga heinge ty, peculiar habit, way or eccentricity. shite hito to naru. Henge-mono, meHEKI-GIYOKU, n. A kind of precious tamorphosed things. stone of green color; jade. HEN-I, n. A wonder, prodigy, a strange HEKI-REKI, n. Flashing, glittering. or unusual phenomenon. -ga aru. HEKI-YEKI. - suru, to shrink back in HEN-JI, n. An answer, reply. - suru, fear, to recoil. to return answer, to reply. HEKO-HEKO, adv. Pliant, limber, flexi- HEN-J1,-ru,-ta, t. v. To change, alter, ble. transform, to metamorphose. Ishi wo HEKOMASHI,-sz,-ta, t. v. To indent, to henjite kin to suru. pit, hollow. HEN-JI, (kawatta koto,) n. An unusual HEKOMI,-nu,-nda, i. a. To be indent- or strange event, a wonder. ed, pitted, hollowed, worn into, (met.) HEN-J6. - suru, to return, send back, to break down, give in, as one de- repay to a superior. feated. HEN-KAKU. - suru, to alter, reform, to HEKOMI, n. An indentation, a loss in change. Okite wo -. measure or weight, a falling short. - HEN-KIYAKU. - suru, to pay back, reni natta, to be short in measure. turn, restore. HEM-BEN. - suru, to repay, pay back, HEN-KUTSU. Bigoted, dogmatic, formal, refund, make restitution. stiff in manner. - na hito. HEM-BUTSU, n. An obstinate, bigoted HEN-KUWA, n. Change, alteration, transperson. formation, variation, vicissitude, metaHE-MEGURI,-rU,-tta, t. v. To travel morphosis, - suru, to change, vary. about. HEN-NO. n. Camphor. HEM-PA, (katayori,) n. Partiality, fa- HEN-N6. - suru, to return, send back, voritism, prejudice. restore, pay back. HEM-PAI. Returning the wine-glass. HENOKO, n. Membrum virile. HEM-PEN-TO, adv. In a fluttering man- HEN-REI. - suru, to return a compliner, wavering. Hata - nabiku, the ment, make a present in return. flag flutters in the wind. HEN-REKI. - suru, to travel about. HEM-PI. A remote country, retired, ru- HEN-SAI. To return, repay, restore, give ral. back. HEM-P6, n. Answer, reply; requital, re- HEN-SHI, (kata-toki,) n. A short time venge, vengeance, a moment. - mo wasuredzu. HEM-PON-To, adv. In a waving, flutter- HEN-SHIN, n. Change of mind or puring manner. Hata hemnion to kaze ni pose. nabiku. HEN-SHIN. - -uru, to return, send HEM-PUKU, n. A bat. back. HEN, n. Part, region, place, locality, HEN-SHU. Obstinacy, bigotry, stubbornside. Kono-hen, this side, neighbor- ness; pertinacity. hood, or region. Ano-hen, that side, HEN-TETSU. Utility, virtue, taste, good that place. quality, always followed by mo nag. HEN 6 I HIB Kono karashi nan no - mo nai, this sycophant, to endeavor to please. Hito mustard has not the least taste. ni hetsurau. Hetsurai mono, a flatHEN-TO, n. Answer, reply. - suru, to terer, a sycophant. answer, reply. HETSURAI, n. Flattery, adulation, sycoHEN-TO-SEN, n. The tonsils. phancy. HEO, a. The cord attached to a falcon's HETTSUI, n. A cooking range, kitchen foot..furnace. HEPPIRIMUSHI, n. A kind of stinking HEYA. n. A room, apartment. bug. HEYA-DZUMI, n. A son who, though HERA, n. A paddle, spatula; a trowel. grown up, still lives with his parents. HERAGAYERI, n. A sprain of the ankle Hi, n. The sun. - no de, the rising of or foot. -- wo suru. the sun. - no iri, the setting of the HERASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To lessen, dimin- sun. ish, reduce in number or bulk, curtail, Hi, n. Day. abate. Iriyo wo -, to lessen expenses. HI, n. Fire. - no te, the flame of a Kui-herasu, to lessen by eating. Tsu- conflagration. - no mi, a fire lookkai-herasu, to lessen by using. out. - no miban, a firewatch. - no HERI, n. A border, binding, edging. - ko, sparks of fire. wo toru, to make a border. Heri-tori- HI, n. The longitudinal groove in a goza, a mat with a binding. sword blade. HERI,-ru,-tta, i v. To be lessened, di- Hi, n. The spleen. Hi no zo, id. minished, abated. to wear orwaste away. HI, n. Vermilion color. Hi-jiremen, Kadzu ga hetta, the number is dimin- red crape. ished. Hara ga -, to be hungry. HI, (kori,) n. Ice. Usu-hi, thin ice. HERI, n. A diminution, loss, waste. HI, (aradzu,) n. Evil, error, faults, deHeri ga tatsu. fects, bad, wrong, not so. - wo utszu HERI-KUDARi,-ru,-/ta, i. v. To hum- to criticise. - ni ochiru, to be conble one's self. victed of wrong. Ze to hi no wakaraHESAKI, n. The prow or bow of a nu mono, a person who does not know ship. the difference between right and wrong. HEsHI,-su,-/a, t. v. To diminish, les- Hiyaku, out of office. sen. HI, n. A water pipe, spout, trough, a HESHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To press down, faucet. force down, to crush, to repress, sub- Hi, n. A weaver's shuttle. Hata no due. Heshi-au, to push one's self for- hi. ward before others. Heshi-oru, to Hi, n. A monument, a stone tablet, a break by pressing down, as across the stone cut for lithographing. Seki ki, a knee. Heshi-tsukeru, to silence, to stone monument. Hi no mei, the inprevent from speaking. scriptions on a monument. HESHI-GLOCHI, n. Shutting the mouth, Hi, (kuraberu). Comparison. -suru, keeping silent. - shite kitto kenji to compare, match. nashi. Hi, (kakusu). - suru, to hide, conceal. HESO, n. A ball of thread. HI,-ru,-ta, i. v. Dried in the sun, to HEso, n. The navel. - no o, the navel dry, to ebb, as the tide. Hi-kata, the string, the dry beach. Hi-agaru, fully dried. HESO-KURI-GANE, n. Pin money, the Hi-mono, articles of food dried in the small private earnings of the wife. sun, patticularly dried fish. HETA, n. The calyx of the blossom Hi,-ru,-ta, t. v. To winnow or clean which remains attached to the fruit. grain by throwing it up in the air and HETA. Unskilftl, inxperienced, unused catching it in a basket. Mi de kome to, clumsy, bungling, awkward. Saiku wo hiru. ga -da, the work is badly done. HI-ABURI, n. Punishment by burning at HETABARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To bend down, the stake. - ni suru. to bow low. Hetabari-tsuku, id. HI-AI, n. Several days, a number of HETA-HETA-TO, adz. Limber, pliant days, time. - ga tatta, many days flexible. Hetarito, id. have elapsed. HETSUKUBARI,-ru,-tta, z. v. To fawn, HI-AGARI,-rU,-tta, i. v. Dried up, arid, or act the sycophant, to bow and assent parched. to every thing another says. HI-ASII, n. The rays of the sun. Mado HETSURAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To flatter, to kara hi-ashi ga sasu. fawn upon, pay court to, to play the HI-BA, n. Dried radish leaves. HIB 62 HIF HIBA, n. The Thujopsis Delabrata. HI-DACHI, n. The daily improvement, HIBABA, n. Great-grandmother. the daily growth. HIBACHI, n. A brazier, or pan for hold- HI-DAMA, n. Will of the wisp, ignis ing hot coals. fatuus, a ball of fire. HI-BAN. Not on duty, off-duty. Kon- HIDARI, n. The left. - no te, the left nichi hi-ba n de gozarimasu. hand. HIBANA, n. A spark. HIDARI-GAMAYE, n. A left position, or HI-BARI, n. A sky-lark. left guard, as in fencing. HIBASAMI, n. The cock of a gun, or the HIDARI-GIKI, or HIDARI-GITCHO, n. Leftplace where the match is held in a handed. match-lock. HIDARI-MAKI, n. Turning towards the HI-BASHI, n. Two iron rods used for tak- left in winding. ing up fire, tongs. HIDARI-MAYE, n. Buttoning on the left HIBI, n. Chaps, or cracks in the hands side, the right breast of the coat folded produced by cold. Te ni - ga kireta. over the left. Hibi-akagire, chapped and cracked. HIDARI-NAWA, n. A rope made by twistHIBI, n. A -crack, the cracked appear- ing to the left. ance of porcelain. Hibi-yaki, a kind HIDARUI,-ki,-ku,,-shi, a. Hungry. Hiof porcelain made to look as if crack- daruku nai, not hungry. ed. HIDARUGARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To feel hunHI-BI-NI, adv. Daily, every day. gry. HIBIKASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Hibiki, to HIDARUSA, n. The degree or state of cause to reverberate. hunger. HIBIKI,-ku-ta, i. v. To echo, resound, HI-DASHI,-su,-ta, t. 7. To winnow, or reverberate; to extend, as an impulse, clean by throwing up the grain with a shock, or concussion. flibiki wataru, shallow basket called a ni. to reverberate on every side. HI-DEN, n. A secret, or private formula, HIBIKI, n. Sound, noise, report, echo, art, or instruction which one has been shock, concussion, a crack. taught by others, or which has come HIBISO, n. An inferior kind of raw silk down in one's family. - wo oshiyeru. made from the outside fibres of a co- HIDERI, n. A drought. - doshi, a year coon. of drought. HIBO. or HIMO, n. Cord. braid. HI-D6 (michi ni aradzu). Cruel, outHIBOSHI. Dried in the sun; (met.), ema- rageous, unjust, dishonest. — wosuru, ciated by starvation. Hiboshi-gaki, to act unjustly. dried persimmons. HI-D6GU, n. Tools for striking fire, as HI-BU, n. Interest by the day. - de flint, steel, tinder, etc. kane Too kariru. HIDOi,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Hard, violent, inHI-BUKURE, n. The blister from a burn. tense, severe, grievous, cruel, outraHI-BUN. Unbecoming one's station, in- geous, excessive, atrocious. Hidoku proper, unjust, unreasonable, dispro- naru, to become severe. portionate. - no furumai. HI-DOKEI, n. A sun dial. HIBUNE, n. A steamboat. HIDOKO, n. A fire-place. HI-BURUIx.v. Daily shake of the ague. HIDORI, ru,-tta, i. v. To dry by heating H-BUSE, n. A charm to protect against in a pan, to roast. fire. HI-DORI, n. Selecting or fixing on a day. HI-BUTA, n. The cap that covers the - Vwo suru. pan of a matchlock. HIDOSA, n. Severity, atrocity, intensity, CHCHIKUDOI,-ki.-ku, a. Annoying or violence. troublesome by saying over and over HIDZUME, n. The hoof of an animal. the same thing. HIDZUME,-ru,-ta, t.v. To tighten, straightHCHHIRIKI, n. A small pipe, or flageo- en, contract. lette. - no shita, the reed of a flageo- HIuzuMI,-mnu,-nda, i. zv. Bent, deviating lette. from the right line, inclined, oblique, HIDA, n. Plaits, folds. - wo toru, to aslant, awry, askew, crooked; warped, plait. depraved vicious. HI-DAI. Corpulent, fat. HIFU, n. A kind of coat, worn by doclHIDAcHCHI,-ts,-/ta,'. v. To gradually tors, priests, or gentlemen who have reimprove, to grow better in health or tired from business. larger in size. Akambo ga dan-dan HI-FU (kawa, hadaye). The skin, texthidatsu. ure and color of the skin. HIF 63 HIK HI-FUKI, n. A vessel intowhich tobacco HI-GURE, n. Sunset, evening. ashes are blown from the pipe. — dake, HIGUWASHI, n. Dried fruit, a kind of a piece of bamboo used for blowing the confectionary. fire. HI-HAN. - suru, to criticise, to point HI-GAKE, a. Daily payments or con- out the defects, to animadvert upon; tributions. Tana-chin wo - ni shite to speak evil of, vilify, find fault with. toru. HIHARA n. The side of the abdornan. HIGA-KOTO, n. A mistake, error, some- HIHATSU, n. Cubebs. thing false, untrue, absurd; insincere HI-HI, n. The orang-outang. in talking. HIHO. - suru, to speak evil of, slander, HIGAMBANA, n. The Ornithoglum. calumniate. HIGA-ME, n. Seeing incorrectly, an error HIIBABA, n. Great-great-grandmother. of sight. HIIDE,-rU,-a, i. v. To be luxuriant, to HIGAMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be bent, be elegant, splendid, excellent; to be crooked, warped; perverse, prejudiced, eminent, glorious. Gaku ni hiideru, partial. eminent in learning. HIGAN, n. The spring and autumnal HIIJIJI, n. Great-great-grandfather. equinox. HIIKI, n. Partiality, favoritism, prejuHIGANAI,-ki,-ku, a. Poor, indigent, des- dice. - wo suru, to be partial. ni titute. Higanai kurashi, living in in- omb, to feel partiality. digence. HIIMAGO, n. Great-great-grandson. HIGANA-ICHI-NICHI. The whole day. HIIRU, n. The moth of a silkworm. HIGAN-ZAKURA, n. A kind of flowering HIJI. The elbows. - wo n agete macherry tree. kura to suru, to make a pillow of the HI-GARA. The kind of day, as to lucky arm. or unlucky. - g.a yoi. HIJI, n. A secret. HIGARAME, n. Squint-eyed. HIJI-JI, n. Great-grandfather. HIGASA, n. A parasol, sun-shade. HIJIKI, n. A wooden elbow, brace, a HIGASHI, n. The east. - no ho. - no wooden knee. kata, eastern side. - muki, facing the HIJIKI, n. A kind of edible seaweed. east. HI-JINI, n. Death by starvation. HI-GAYERI. Going and.eturning on the HIJIRI, n. A sage, one intuitively wise same day. and good. HIGE, n. The beard. Uwa-hige, a mus- HIJI-TSUBO, n. A hook and staple hinge, tache. Ho-hige, whiskers. Shita-hige, a ball and socket joint. the beard on the chin. HI-j6 (tsune ni aradzu). Uncommon, HIGE. Behaving in an humble manner, unusual, strange, extraordinary. taking a low place; depreciating one's HI-JO (kokoro aradzu). Without feeling, self. Hige sugiru, to be over modest inanimate. U-jo hi-jo, animate and or humble. inanimate. HI-GI. - suru, to vilify, backbite, speak HI-Ji-GI. n. A post used for showing the evil of, calumniate. hour by its shadow. HIGI (gi ni aradzu). Unjust, unreason- HI-Jt;TSTU, n. Secret art or skill. able, improper. HIKAGE, n. Sunlight, sunshine; shade. HI-GIRI, n. A fixed time, a set time. Hikage mono, one who, for some of- wo suru, to set a time. fence, is compelled to live in privacy. HIGO, n. A long and slender slip of HIKAKI, n. A fire-poker. bamboo, used in making baskets. HIKAKU. - suru, to compare. HI-G6. Innocent, guiltless, not having HIKAN, n. Marasmus. done anything in a previous state of ex- HIKARABI-ru,-ta, i. v. Dried and shrivistence to bring down retribution in this eled by the sun. life. HIKARASE,-rU,-ta. To cause to shine, HI-GOR6. Common, usual, for years past, to make bright. habitual. HIKARE,-ru,-ta., pass. of Hiku, to be led, HI-GOTAI, n. The property of enduring to be treated with partiality, favored, or resisting fire. -ga yoi, incombus- drawn, tempted, influenced. tible, fire-proof. - ga warui, easily HIKARI, n. Ligh.t, lustre, radiance, reconsumed. fulgence, brightness, gloss, brilliancy, HI-GOTO-NI, adv. Daily, every day. glitter; (met.), influence, power, virtue. HI-GUCHI, n. The touch-hole of a gun. HIKARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To shine, to glitHI-GURASHI, n. A kind of Cicada. ter, sparkle, glisten, glossy, bright, to HIK 64 HIK flash, gleam. Hikari-wataru, to glis- to utter a long sound. Ato wo -, to ten on all sides. Inadzuma ga -, the hold on, or prolong the doing of anylightning flashes, thing. Kaze wo -, to catch a cold. HIKASARE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Hikasu, to be Kiu-kin wo -, to cut one's wages. tempted, enticed, led astray. Nedan wo -, to cheapen the price. HIKATA, n. A dry sandy beach. Mi wo -, to retire. HI-KATAMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be dry HiKI-AGEo-ru,-ta, t. v. To draw up, to and baked by the sun. go up in price, to be promoted; to HIKAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To pull back, to quote, cite. draw back; to restrain one's self, re- HIKI-AI,-au,-alta, /. v. To pull in opfrain, to hold-back; to hold up, sup- posite directions or against each other; port; to check, to stop; to forbear; to to be answerable for, responsible for; jot down, to make a note of. Kuchi to be implicated, involved in, or comzo -, to refrain from speaking. Hika- promised in an affair; to be profitable: yete hito wo tszsu, to step back and let to consult together. Te wo hikiatte another pass. aruku, to walk hand-in-hand. Hikiau HIKAYE, n. Entry, note, minute, or mono, a profitable article of sale. Himemorandum made as a voucher, any- ki-awanu, unprofitable article orbusithing kept in reserve, an heir, successor. ness. HIKAYE-BASHIRA, n. A prop. HIKI-AI, n. Answerable, responsible; HIKAYE-GAKI, n. A memorandum, a implicated or involved along with note, minute, voucher. others; a mercantile arrangement. HIKAYEME, n. Forbearance, self-restraint, HIKI-AKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To draw or pull moderation, temperance. - ni suru, open. to exercise moderation. Banji- ni HIKI-AKE, n. Day-break, dawn. nasare, be temperate in all things. HIKI-AMI, n. A seine. HIKE, n. Retiring, withdrawing. - wo HIKI-ATE, n. Security, pledge. - ni torn, to be defeated, or withdraw from suru, to give as security. a contest. HIKI-ATE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To place together HIKE,-ru,-1a, i. v. To withdraw, retire, in order to compare, match, or value; leave off, to cheapen. Nedan wa hike- to pit against. masen, I cannot cheapen it. Hike- HIKI-AWASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To introduce, kuchi, a way by which to retire. make acquainted; to draw together; to HIKE-MONO, n. Articles sold by a pawn- compare together, to collect. Yoroi broker. no hiki-awase, the joints of armor HI-KEN (hiraki miru). To open and where it is fastened together. Mi ni read (a letter). kiki-awasete kangote miru, to apply HIKERAKASHI,-su.,-ta. To cause to shine; it to himself and ponder over it. to display in order to cause another to HIKI-CHA, n. Powdered tea. feel envious. HIKI-CHIGAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To dislocate; HI-KESHI, n. A fire extinguisher; afire- take the place of one who has just man. - gumi, a fire company. left. HIKE-SUGI,-ru,-ta, i. v. Retired, with- HIKI-DASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To draw or drawn, left. pull out; to find a word in the dictionHI-KETSU, n. Constipation of bowels. ary; to quote, cite. HIKI. Numeral for animals; for a piece HIKI-DASHI, n. A drawer. of silk of fifty-two feet long; for ten HIKI-DE-MONO, n. A present of some of cash; draught or haul of a net. Uma the viands made to a guest after a nambiki, how many horses? Kinu feast. i5piki, one piece of silk. Hiyajpiki, HIKI-DO, n. A sliding door. one ichibu. HIKI-DZURI,-rU,-tta, t. v. To drag along HIKI, n. Frog. the ground, to pull or haul along. HIKI,-ku,-ta, t. v. To pull, draw, haul, HIKI-DZURI, n. A slattern, an idle, lazy drag, lead, tow; to retire, withdraw woman. from, retreat; to stretch, prolong, ex- HIKIDZURI-KOMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To tend, spread; to deduct, subtract; to drag into; to allure, entice, draw or atquote, cite; to look for a word in a tract; ensnare.'dictionary; to distribute; to saw, to HIKI-FUDA, n. A circular, a hand-bill, grind; to play on a stringed instrument. notice. Iki wo -, to draw a breath. Yedzu HIKI-FUNE, n. A tow-boat, a tug. wo —, to draw a picture. Koye oo -, HIKI-GANE, n. The trigger of a gun. HIK 65 HIK HIKI-HADA, n. A leather sword-case. HIKI-MAWASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To lead HIKI-HADZUSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To pull out about, to pull around; to employ or of its place, or from its fastenings. order about. HIKI-HAGI,-gu-,ida, (coll. hipaji,) t. v. HIKI-ME, n. A kind of conjuration by To pull or strip off a covering. means of a bow and arrow, for the HIKI-HANASHI,-su,-ta, (eoll. hi~z5ana- purpose of nullifying evil influences. ski,) t. v. To pull apart; to pull off. HIKI-MI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To try, prove, HIKI-HARI,-ru,-tta,. v. To pull, to tempt. stretch, to make taught, make tense. HIKI-MODOSHI,-sU,-ta, t. v. To lead, HIKI-HASAMI,-mu,-nda, (coil. zhipasa- draw or pull back. mi,) t. v. To take up anything with HIKI-MOGI,-gu,-ida, t. v. To twist off, two sticks, to place between two to wrench off. things. HIKI-MONO, n. Articles turned in a lathe; HIKI-HATAKE,-ru,-ta, (coll. hibatake,) a dessert of fruit, or confectionary, or t. v. To pull open or apart, as the articles brought on the table merely for eyelids, mouth, etc. show. HIKI-HATAKI,.-ku,-ia, (coil. hi,5Pataki,) HIKI-MUKE,-ru,-ta, t.. To pull in front t. v. To beat, as in dusting a mat. of, to pull opposite to. HIKI-I,-ru,-tta, t. v. To lead, command, HIKI-MUSHIRI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To pluck off, head, conduct, to bring. as grass, without eradicating. HIKII,-ki,ku,shZ. Low, same as hikui. HIKI-MUSUB,-bu,-nda, t. v. To draw and HIKI-IRE,-ru,-a, t. v. To draw in, to tie in a knot. lead in, seduce, entice; to enter. HIKI-MUSUBI, n. A bow-knot. HIKI-IRO, n. The appearance of retreat- HIKI-NARASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To twang, ing, to look like giving way or with- or play, as on a guitar; to level, make drawing. even. HIKI-KABURI,-ru,-tta, (coil. hikkaburi,) HIKI-NOBASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To pull and t. v. To draw anything over the lengthen, to stretch. head. HIKI-NOBE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To lengthen by HIKI-KADZUKI,-ku,-ita, (coil. hikkadzu- pulling, to stretch. ki,) t. v. To throw over the head. HIKI-NOKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To pull to one HIKI-KAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To exchange, side, or out of the way, to pull from to turn back, to repent, retire from, amongst others, to subtract. withdraw from. HIKI-NOKORI, n. The balance of an acHIKI-KAYESHI,-su,-ta, (coil. hikkayeszi,) count, the remainder. t. v. To draw or pull back, to turn HIKI-NUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To pull up b over, to lead back, to retract, with- the roots, to extract, eradicate; to pick draw. out, select. HIKI-KAZE, n. A cold, catarrh. HIKI-OI, n. A debt, obligation, or haHIKI-KOMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To draw in- bility incurred in trade. to, to persuade, induce, or entice to HIKI-OKOSHI,-SU,-ta, i. v. To pull and enter; to draw in, contract; to em- make to stand up, to raise up. bezzle; to retire from business. HIKI-OROSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To help down, HIKI-KOMORI,-rm,-Uta, i. v. To be con- to pull or drag down from a high place. fined to the house, shut up, immured HIKI-OTOSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To pull down, within the house. pull off so as to fall, to remove confecHIKI-KOSHI,-su,-ta, (coil. hikkoshi,) t. v. tionary from the table after an enterTo remove one's dwelling, to move tainment; to subtract. from one house to another, to change HIKI-SABAKI,-ku,-ita, (coil. kissabaki,) one's residence. t. v. To pull and tear. HIKI-KOTO, n. A quotation, citation. HIKI-SAGARI,-ru,-ita, i. v. To be pulled HIKI-KUDAKI,-,-ia,-i, t. v. To break, down, to be abased, humbled. or grind to pieces. HIKI-SAGE,-ru,-ta, (coil. hissage,) i. v. HIKI-KUMI,-mu,-nda, (coll. hikkuni,) To fall in price. i. v. To be clasped together. HIKI-SAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To tear, rend. HIKI-KURABE,-ru,-a, t. v. To com- HIKI-SHIBARI,-rU,-tta, (coil. hitchibari). pare. To tie, bind, as a criminal. HIKI-MADO, n. A sliding window in the HIKI-SHIBORI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To draw, as roof. a bow. HIKI-MATOME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To collect HIKI-SHIRAI,-au,-atta, i. v. To be long, in a pile, to gather, to assemble. protracted, delayed, lingering slow. HIK 66 HIM HIKI-SHIRIZOKI,-ku,-ia, i. v. To retreat, HIKKAKARI,-ru,-tti, (hiki-akairi,) i. v. retire, withdraw, leave. To be caught, hooked, hitched or enHIKI-SHIWO, n. Ebb-tide. tangled in anything. HIKI-sovE,-ru,-/a, t. v. To draw near, HIKKAKAYE,-ru,-ta, (hiki-kakaye,) t. v. bring close. To take, embrace, or carry in the HIKI-TAOSHIS,-,-/a, t. v. To pull over arms. anything standing, pull down. HIKKAKE,-rU,-ta, (hiki-kake,) t. v. To HIKI-TATE,-rU,-a, t. v. To pull up, to hitch, hook, catch, or fasten on to anypull and make erect; to favor, to pro- thing. mote; to excite, rouse. HIKKI, n. A journal, note-book, a note HIKI-TAWAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To pull and or memorandum. bend down, as the branch of a tree. HIKKIY6, adv. Just the same as, nothing HIKITE, n. A knob, a catch in a screen more nor less than., to open and shut it by. HIKK6, (fude de tagayacsu,) n. Making HIKI-TODOME,-r,-ta, t. v. To pull and a business of copying, or living by stop, to detain, to stay. writing. Hikki-kaki, a copyist. HIKI-TORI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To take or HIKKOKASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To pull over, bring away, to take back, to remove, to pull down anything. to withdraw; to draw, as money from a HIKKOMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To draw back, bank. to be sunk in or hollowed, to be conHIKI-TSUDZUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To con- fined to the house. tinue a length of time, to succeed in a HIKKUKURI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To bind, tie, long series, to be long continued. to choke. HIKI-TSUKE,-ru,-/a, t. v. To draw close HIKKURIKAYE, —r, —tz, i. v. To be upto, to have a fit, to be convulsed, to set, capsized, overturned, overset; to faint. turn about. HIKI-TSUKUROI,-J,-//ta, t. V. To pull HIKKURIKAYESHI, —ru,-ta, t. v. To upand adjust one's clothes, to mend. set, capsize, overset, overturn. HIKI-TSUME,-r,-r a, t. v. To draw and HIKO, n. The uvula. tighten, as anything slack; to contract, HIKO, n. Great-grandson. to straiten. HIKOBAYE, n. The sprouts which shoot HIKI-TSURE,-rt,-/a, t. v. To lead, to up from the stump of a tree, or after take along with, to take in company. grain has been cut. HIKI-TSURI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be cramped, HIKO-BOSHI, n. The name of two stars contracted, drawn together, as in near the milky-way, worshipped on the cramp. seventh day of the seventh month. HcKI-UKE,-ru,-/a, i. V. To engage, to HIKU,-k,-ku,-,-shi, a. Low, not high. undertake, to contract, to be responsi- Sei ga -, short in stature. Koye ga -, ble for, to take, receive. Mi no uye ni the voice is low. Hi ga hikuku -, to take upon one's self. natta, the sun is low. Hito ni hikuku HIKI-USU, n. A mill-stone. deru, to take a low place before others. HIKI-WAKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To pull apart; Hikuku suru, to make low. separate, as two men fighting; to HIKUvMEKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To jerk, twitch, part. or start, as in sleep. HIKI-WARI,-ru,-/ta, t. v. To saw in two. HIKUSA, n. The lowness, shortness, the HIKI-WARI, n. A kind of coarsely ground the height. barley. HIMA, n. An interval or space between HIKI-WATASHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To pass things, a crack; spare or unoccupied over, hand over, deliver up. time, leisure; time, opportunity; breach HIKI-YABURi,-au,-//t, t.. To pull and of friendship, discord. -gaz nai, have tear. no time. - ga kakaru, takes time. HI-KIYAKU, n. A postman, courier. Hima na hito, a man out of employHI-KIYO. Craven -hearted, cowardly, ment. Hima wo dasu, to dismiss, (as weak-hearted, timid. a servant). - wo ko, to ask for dismisHIKI-YosE,-ru,-a, t. v. To pull or lead sion. - wo oshimu, to grudge the near; to draw near, approach. time. - wo ukagd, to watch for an HIKIYURU, same as Hikii. To lead, com- opportunity. mand, conduct. HI-MACHI, n. The worship of the rising HIKKA, n. A pen-rest, pen-rack. sun. HIKKAGAMI, n. The hollow behind the HIMADORI,-ru,-/ta, i. v. To take time, knee, popliteal space. be slow, tardy, dilatory, late, to delay. HIM 67 HIN HiMA-IRI-ru,-tta, i. v. To take time, ferior quality. Hin noyoi hito, a fine to require time in doing anything. looking man. HI-MAN, n. Corpulent, fat. - na hito. HINA, or HIINA, n. Small images made HIMASHI, a. Castor bean. - no abura, of clay, a young bird. Hina-dzuru, a castor oil. young crane. HI-MASHI-NI, adv. Daily more and more, HINA, (inaka), n. The country, rural, increasing day by day. - ambai ga rustic. Hina-bito, a countryman, rusyoku naru. tic. HIMAWARI, n. The sunflower. HINABI,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be countrified, HIME, n. A princess, lady. rustic, clownish, awkward. HIME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To hide, conceal, HINA-GATA n. A plan, design, model; a keep private. Hime-oku, to hide a- table, a form of a writing, copy; an way. emblem, type. HIMEGAKI, n. A parapet. HI-NAKA. During the day, in day-light, HIME-GOTO, n. A secret. day-time. HIME-HAGI,. The Polygala Japonica. HI-NAMI, adv. Daily, every day, day after HIME-HAJIME, n. The first needle-work day, ordinarily. of a new year. HI-NAN, n. Speaking evil of, censure, HI-MEI. (temmei ni aradzu). Not the fault-finding. — suru, to censure. will of heaven, accidental, unnatural. HI-NASHI, n. Money borrowed to be re- no ski wo nasu, to die an unnatural paid with interest by daily instalments. death. -wo karu. - gane. HI-MEI, n. An inscription on a monu- HINATA. n. Sunshine, a sunny place. ment. Hinata-kusai, stinking from exposure HIME-MIYA, n. A princess, only applied to the sun. to the daughter ot the Mikado. HINATA-BOKKO. Basking in the sun. HIMEMOSU, adv. The whole day. - suru. HIME-NORI, n. A paste or starch made HINAYE,-ru,-a, i. v7. To be wilted by the of rice flour. heat of the sun, to be flaccid by drying. HIME-YURI, n. The Lilium Callosum. HINAWA, n. A rope-match for a matchHI-MITSU, n. A secret, mystery. - wo lock. il, to tell a secret. HINE, (furu). Old, not new or fresh. HIMO, n. A cord, braid, ribbon. Hine-gome, old rice. HI-MOCHI, n. Lasting in the fire, stand- HINE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be old, to be ing the fire, not quickly consumed. musty, or withered. Kono sumi wa - go ii. HINEKKOBI,-ru^.-a, t. v. To be premaHI-MODE, n. Daily visiting the temples. turely old, to be young and yet old in HIMOJII,-ki,-ku,-.ss, a. Hungry. Hi- appearance or manner. mojiku nai, not to be hungry. HINEKURI,-rt,-Itn, t. v. To twist, or HIMOJISA, n. The state or degree of roll in the fingers, to turn, to screw. hunger. KoJi wo -, to use high-flown language. HI-MON, n. A secret sentence used by HINE-KURI-MAWASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To conjurers, a charm, incantation. twirl in the fingers, to play with, or HI-MONO, n. Dried fish. turn about in the hands. HI-MONO, n. Articles made of the Hino- HINERI,-r,-ta, t. v. To twist, or roll in ki, such as pill-boxes, small plain box- the fingers, to screw, turn, to knead. es, etc. HINERI-BUMI, n. A note fastened by HIMONO-SHI, n. The maker of articles being twisted or folded instead of being made of the Hinoki. sealed. HI-MOTO, n. The place where fire is HI-NIN, (hito ni aradzu). A beggar, a used, or where a conflagration com- leather dresser. mences. HINIYAKU. Weak, feeble, not strong in HI-MURO, n. An ice house, body. HIN, (madzushii). Poor, poverty. - HIN-KIU, n. Poverty, indigence, want, jin, a poor man. - min, poor people. penury. - fu, poor and rich. Hin-chi, poor HI-NOBE, n. Extension of time, postsoil. Hin-ka, a poor family. Hin-ku, ponement. - wo suru. poor and distressed. Hin-sen, poor HI-NO-KI, n. The Retinispora Obtusa. and mean. HI-NO-KURUMA, n. The car of fire in HIN, (shina), n. Kind, sort, quality. which the souls of the wicked are said no-hin, superior quality. Ge-hin, in- to be taken to hell. HIN 68 HIR HI-NO-MARU, n. The Japanese flag of a blooming; a door. Mise-biraki wo red ball on a white ground, represent- suru, to open a new store. ing the sun. HIRAKI-DO, n. A door which opens on HI-NO-MIYAGURA, n. A fire tower, watch, hinges. or look-out. HIRAIME, n. The sole fish. HI-NO-MOTO, n. Japan. A fire-place. - HIRAME,-rU,-ta, t. v. To make flat, go yo jin nasare. flatten. HI-NO-MONO-DACHI, n. Abstinence from HIRAMEKASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To wave, cooked food. brandish, flourish, flash, glisten. HINOSHI, n. A smoothing iron. HIRAMEKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To wave, unduHI-NO-TO, n. One of the ten calendar late, to flash, glisten, glitter. signs. HIRAMI, n. Flat in shape, flattish. - HI-NO-YE, n. One of the ten signs. wo tsukeru, to flatten. HI-NO-Z6, n. The spleen. HIRAMI,-zu,-nda, i. v. To be flat in HIN-SEKI. - suru, to dismiss, expel, or shape. turn out of office. HIRA-NI, adv. Earnestly, importunately, HI-OBA, n. Grandfather's sister, grand urgently, pressingly. - nego, to earaunt. nestly implore. HI-ODOSHII,. Armor, the plates of which HIRA-OSHI-NI, adv. Violently forcibly. are bound together by red thread. HIRARI-TO, adv. In a quicL, nimble HI-OGI, n. A fan made of theHinoki. manner, like the flutter or turn of a HI-OGI, n. The Ixia Chinensis. leaf, like a flash. HI-lO, n. A sun screen. HIRATTAI,-ki,-ka,-shi, a. Flat. HiHI-OKORI, n. A quotidian ague. rattaku naru, to become flat. HIPPADZUSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To dodge, to HIRATTASA, n. Flatness. avoid by a sudden movement, to escape HIRA-UCHI-NO-HIMO, n. Flat-braid. by starting aside. HIRE, n. The fins of a fish. Se-bire, the HIPPAKU, n. Destitution, want, scarcity. dorsal fins. HIPP6, n. The rules of penmanship, HIRE-FURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To beckon by mode of writing or forming characters. waving the wide sleeve. Sode wo hireHIP-PU, n. A low, vulgar person. futte maneku. HIRA, n. Flat, level, plain; common; HIRE-FUSHI,-SuZ,-ta, i. v. To bow low surface, the leaf of a book. Te no hira, with the face to the earth, to prostrate the palm of the hand. Hira-samurai, one's self. Gozen ni hire-fushite aicommon soldier. Hira ichi men, the satsu suru. whole, universal. Hira-bito, a com- HIREI. Impolite, ill-mannered, rude. mon person. Hira-chi, level ground, HI-RETSU. Mean, base, vulgar, low. a flat country. HIRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To eject from the HIRA, n. A laquered bowl with a cover. anus. He wo -, to break wind. SaHIRA-BARI, n. A lancet. kana ga tamago wo hiri-tsukeru. HIRADA, n. A flat-boat. HI-RI, (dori de nai). Unreasonable, HIRA-HIRA-TO, adv. With a broad, wavy, without principle. or undulating motion. Chz ga -tobu. HIRI-HIRI, adv. With a smarting or HIRA-GAMA, n. A flat pot for cooking, a burning pain. - itamu, to smart, pan. burn. HIRAGI, n. The Ilex or holly. HIRI6DZU, n. A kind of food made of HIRA-KANA, n. The grass characters tofu fried in oil. used to represent the 47 Japanese sylla- HIRI-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To smart, to bles. burn. HIRAKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be open, un- HIRO, n. A fathom of about five feet folded, to be civilized, enlightened. English; the distance between the Mune ga -, to be relieved of gloom. hands when the arms are out-stretched. HIRAKI,-ku,-ita, t.''. or i. v. To open, Umni nofukasa wa iku hiro tatsu. to unclose, unsc.l, uncover, unfold, HIR6. n. Introduction, publishing, adspread out; to begin, to explain, to re- vertisement. - wo suru, to usher, inveal, to clear from obstruction. Hata- troduce, to announce, to tell, commuwo -, to clear land. Seki wo -, to nicate, to publish, make known. dismiss a meeting. Fune ga iwa wo HI-R6, n. Faint, or exhausted by sickhiraite hashiru, the ship gives the ness. rock a wide berth. HIRO, a. Wide, broad, spacious, extenHIRAKI, n The opening, beginning, sive. - ba, a wide place. - buta, a HIR 69 HIS large tray. - ma, a large room. - HISA-BISA, adv. A long time. - o me nawa, a large park, or garden. -yen, ni kakarimasen. a wide verandah. HISAGE, n. A kettle used for holding HIRO-BISO-TO, adv. Wide, spacious, sake. large, roomy. HISAGI,-gi.-ida, t. v. To hawk goods, to HIROGARI,-ru,-ta, adv. To be open, to sell in the streets, to peddle, to sell. spread out; to be wide, to extend over; HISAGO, n. A calabash, gourd. enlarged, propagated, published, diffus- HI-SAO, n. A ramrod. ed Hiyoban ga -. HIsASHII,-ki,-ku, a. A long time, ancient, HIRoGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To open, spread old. Hisashii ato, a long time ago. out, extend, widen, unfold. Hisashiku o me ni kakarimasen, have IROI,-,, —ta, i. v. To walk. not seen you for a long time. HIROI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Wide, broad, spa- HISASHI, n. A penthouse, or small roof cious, roomy, extensive. - kokoro, projecting over a door or window. magnanimous. Hiroku suru, to en- HISASHI-BURI. Long time since, a long large, widen. Hiroku naru, to become time has elapsed since. -de aimashita, wide, it is a long time since I met him. HIROI,-,-t-a, t. v. To pick up. Hiroi- HI-SATSU, n. A letter by post. mono wo suru, to pick up something HI-SEKI, n. Arsenic. which has been dropped. HI-SEN, (iyashi). Low, mean, vulgar. HIROI-ATSUME,-ru,-Ia, t. v. To pick up HISHI, n. The water caltrops.-the Traand put together, to gather into a pile. pa Incisa. HIROMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. Spread abroad, HISHI, n. Diamond-shaped. made known widely, published, adver- HISHI-BISHI-TO, adv. Severely, hardly, tised. violently. HIROME-, —ta, t. v. To spread abroad, HISHI-GAKUSHI, n. Secret, concealed. publish, make known, promulgate, to HISHIGE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be crushed, advertise. Hiyoban wo -, to spread a mashed, to be flattened. Hishige-bana, report, a flat nose, or nose broken and flattened HIROME, a. Introduction, publishing, by disease. promulgation, advertisement.. HISHIGI,-gu,-da, t. v. To crush, mash, to HIROMI, n. A large, spacious place. flatten; break into pieces, to bruise. HIRO-SHIKI, n. The female apartments HI-SHIGOTO, n. Work done by the day. of a noble's house; the harem. HISHIKUI, n. A swan. HIRU, n. Garlic. HISHIMEKI,-ku,-ita, i.. To make a noise, HIRU, n. A leech blood-sucker. clamor, tumult, or uproar. HIRU, n. Noon, dait-time, Yoru hiru, HISHI-TO, adv. Firmly, strictly, severely, day and night. Hiru no nanatsu, 4 earnestly; the sound of slamming, or o'clock in the day. Hiru-ne, sleeping dashing. in the day-time. Hiru-gohan, dinner. HISHIWA, n. Panicum, or panic-grass. Hiru-doki, I2 o'clock M. HISHIWO, n. A kind of food made of HIRU-GAO, n. The Ipomcea Filicaulis. pickled minced-meat. Ume-bishiwo, HIRUGAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To turn over and plum jelly. over, as a leaf or flag blown by the wind; HI-SHIWO, n. The ebb-tide. to wave, to turn, change about. Mika- HI-SHO, n. Books on secret subjects. ta ga hirugayette teki ni natta. HISHU, (himogatana,J n. A dirk. HIRU-GAYESHI,-SU,-ta, i. v. To turn over, HIso-BISO, adv. Secretly, privately, softchange round, shift about. Yaku-soku ly, quietly, silently. - mono wo iu, to wo -, to break a promise, speak'secretly. HI-RUI. Anything to compare with. - HISOKA, a. Secret, private, hidden. nashi, incdmparable. na tokoro. -- ni, secretly, privately, HIRUMAKI, n. The iron ring around the softly, stealthily. end of a spear. HISOME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To hide, conceal; HIRU-MA, a. The middle of the day, to wrinkle, contract,'pucker up. Koye noon. wo -, to speak in a low voice, to whisHIRU-MAYE, n. Forenoon. per. HIRU-MESHI, n. The noon-meal, dinner. HIsoMEKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To tell secretly, HIRUMI,-MU,-nda, i. v. To shrink or to whisper. draw back in fear, to flinch, to be dis- HIsoMI,-m u,-nd, i. v. To hide, conceal, heartened, lose courage. lie hid, lurk; to contract, wrinkle, to HIRU-SUGI, n. Afternoon. fall in, (as the mouth of an old person). HIS 70 HIT HIS6SEKI, n Arsenic. HITO-BANARE, n. Avoided or disliked by HIsSAGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To carry anything others. hanging from the hand. HITO-BARAI, n. Clearing the room or HlssARAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To take all away, place of people. to sweep away, make a clean sweep. HITO-BASHIRA, n. Burying a man alive HISSEI, n. A secretary or writer in a gov- on laying the foundation of a castle, (an ernment office. ancient custom). HissaKI, n. A writing, manuscript, re- HITO-BITO, plur. Men, people, every cord. body. HISSHA, n. A writer, scribe secretary. HI-TOBOSHI-GORO, n. The time of candle HISSHI, (kanaradzu shisuj. Must die, lighting. certain death. -ni natte tatakau, to HITO-DAKARI, n. A crowd of people. - fight with desperation. suru, to crowd together. HtssoKU. To be confined to one's house HITO-DAMA, n. A phosphorescent ball for some offence. -- shi-tsukerare. which rises from the ground and moves HISSORI-TO, adv. Quietly, still, silently, from one place to another, supposed to - shite iru, to be still. - shita toko- be the spirit of a dead person. ro. HITO-DZUTE, n. A go-between, mediaHisuI, n. A kingfisher. tor. HITA, n. A thing for scaring birds from HITO-GARA, (jimniin,) n. Kind or qualia rice-field. ty of man. - no yoi hito, a fine man, HITABURU-NI, adv. Earnestly, importu- (in personal appearance). - no warui nately. hito, a vulgar looking fellow. HITA-HITA, adv. The sound of water HITO-GATA, n. A statue or image of a splashing. - to uchi-noru, to ride man. splashing through the water. HITO-GOMI, n. A crowd of people. HITAI, n. The forehead. Hitai-gami, HITO-GOROSHI, n. Manslaughter, murthe forelock. der. HI-TAKI, n. A fireman, stoker. HITO-GOTO, n. Talking about others. HITAMONO, adv. Earnestly, intently, HITO-JICHI. n. A hostage. chiefly. HITO-JINI, n. A person dead, somebody HITAN, (kanashimi nageku.) Sorrow, killed. -ga atta, there was a person mourning. - suru, to mourn, weep, killed. lament. HITO-KIWA, adv. Especially, particularHITARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be dipped or ly, preeminently. immersed in a fluid, to be soaked, steep- HITO-MADZU, adv. In the first place. ed, macerated. HITO-MANE, n. Mimicking or imitating HITASHI,-su,-ta, i. v. To dip into a others. - wo suru. fluid, to immerse, to soak, steep, mois- HITO-MASU, n. The vacant space beten, macerate. Midzu ni-. tween the outer and inner gates of a HITASURA-NI, adv. Earnestly, with the castle. whole heart, vehemently, importunate- HITO-ME, n. The eyes of others, the ly. — tanoinu, to ask importunate- public, the world. - we habakaru, ly. to fear or shun the notice of others. HITA-TO, adv. Closely, tightly; the HITMI, n. The pupil of the eye. sound made by striking one hard thing HITOMOJI, n. An onion. against another. - tsuku, to put HITOMUKI-NI, adv. With the whole close against, to stick tightly. heart, strength or care; earnestly, atHITO, n. A man, a person, people, man- tentively; with one turn. kind, others. - to naru, to become a HITO-NAMI. Like men generally, like man, to be full grown. - ni kakaru, other people, or the common run of to be dependent on others. - goto ni, mankind. every body, every one. - kadzu, the HIToRASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Looking or actnumber of persons, population. ing like a man or human being. HITO, a. One, as, Hito-tabi, once, one HITORI. One person, alone, single, by time. Hilo toshi, a year. Hitotsuki, one's self. Hitorideyuku, to go alone. a month. Hito toki, an hour. Hito- Hitori musuko, an only son. Hitorihi, one day. Hito-yo, a night. -ye, mono, a single person, without relatives. one thickness. Hitori-ne wo suru, to sleep alone. HITO-AI, n. Popular, friendly. - no HITORI-DACHI,. Independent, free of yoi hito. others, standing alone, as a child learn HIT 71 HIY ing to walk. - no kuni, a country in- HITTACHI,-tu,-tta, t. v. To stand up, to dependent of any other. be greatly improved in appearance. HITORI-DZUMI, n. Living alone. Mon wo nuttareba okini hittatteHITORI-GO, n. An only child. kita. IITORI-GOTO, n. Talking to one's self. HITTAKURI,-ru,-tta, t. V. To snatch, take - oo iu. by violence. HITORI-MI. Alone, solitary, single, with- HITTARI-TO, adv. Closely, tightly. - out kindred or relations. tsuku, to stick tight. HI-TORI-MUSHI, n. Insects which, in HITTEKI. - sur, to match, to oppose summer, fly into a light and some- as equal. times extinguish it. HITTSUKAMAE,-rZ,-4a, t. v. To seize, lay HITO-SASHI-YUBI, n. The index-finger. hold of, to grasp. HITOSHII,-i,-ku,-shi, a. Same, equal, HITSU-ZEN. (kanaradzu shikaru,) adv. one, alike, same time, together. - ko- Certainly, necessarily, positively. koro, like minded. HI-UCHI, n. A steel for striking fire. HITO-SHIKIRI. One sharp or violent ef- HI-UCHI-BUKURO, X. A bag for holding fort, one paroxysm. - wo ayaukatta, the instruments for striking fire. at one awful moment he was in great HI-UCHI-GAMA, n. A steel for striking fire. danger. HI-UCHI-ISHI, n. A flint. HITOSHI-NAMI-NI, adv. In the same HI-UCHI-KADO, n. A flint. manner, like. HIU-MON. - suru, to examine or interHITOSHIWO, adv. Still more. -yoroshii, rogate a criminal. better still. HI-uwo, n. Dried fish. HITO-SUJI-NI, adv. Directly, exclusively. HIWADA, n. The bark of the Hi tree HITO-TO-NARI, n. Character, disposition, used for roofing. Hiwadabuki, a roof nature. Sono -jihifukashi. made of the above bark. HITOTSU, (ichi,) a. One, single, same. HIWADZUBITO, n. An imbecile, idiot. - to skiteyoi koto mo nai, not a single HI-WARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Dry and cracked good thing. by exposure to the sun. HITOYA, n. A gaol, prison. HI-WARI, n. Interest by the day; daily HITO-YA, n. A human habitation. payment. HITOYE-NI, adv. Earnestly, wholly, en- HI-YA, n. A fire-arrow, a rocket. tirely, only, to the exclusion of every- HI-YA, n. A building in which the bodthing else. - tanomu. ies of the dead are burned. HITOYOGIRI, n. A kind of pipe, or flute, HIYA, a. Cool, cold. Hiya-mzidzu, cool open at the top. water. Hiya-ase, cold sweat. HiyaHITSU, n. A trunk, box, a chest for meshi, cold rice. 0 kiya motte-oide, clothes. bring some cold water. HITsu, (fude,) n. A pencil, pen. Ippi- HIYAKASHI,-su,-a, t. v. To cool; to ditsu, one pen. - dan, communicating vert, or amuse one's self by looking at. by letter. Uri-mono wo hiyakashite aruku. HITUGI, n. A coffin. Hitsugi-guruma, HIYAKE,-rui-ta, i. v. To be cooled. a hearse. HIYAKOI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Cool, cold. HiHIITSUJI, n. A goat; one of the 12 hora- yakoku naru, to become cool. - sury signs. - no ayumni, the leading of ru, to make cool. a criminal to punishment. - no kata, HI-YAKU, n. A secret medicine, a nosthe s.s.w. point of the compass. - no trum. toki, 2 o'clock, P. M., (8 of Japanese.) HIYAKU. A hundred; frequently used as Hitsuji-saru, the s.w. a plural prefix = all. Ni-hiyaku, two HITSUJI-BO, n. The rice that sprouts up hundred. Sam-biyaku, three hundred. after the first crop is cut. Rofi5yaku, six hundred. - hiro, the HITsu-J6, (kanaradzu sadanaru.) Cer- intestines. — gai, the bones. -yaku, tain, sure, fixed, settled, decided, deter- medicines. - kuwan, government ofmined. ficers. - man, a million. HI-TSUKE, n. Setting on fire, an incen- HIYAKUJIKK6, n. The Largerstramia Indiary. dica. HI-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To be dried. HIYAKU-SH6, n. A farmer, husbandman, HITSU-METSU, (kanaradzu shisuru), must a peasant. surely die. Sho-ja hitsu-metsu. HIYAKU-SO-S6, n. A kind of medicine HITSU-YO. Any thing essential, necessa- made of a hundred different kinds of ry, indispensable, requisite. plants dried and reduced to charcoal. HIY 72 HIZ HIYAKU-YE, n. The crown of the head. HIYON-NA, (hen-iaru.) Strange, unHIYASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To cool. Hiya- usual, old, wonderful. shite oku, to put away to cool. HIYON-NO-KI, n. The Distylium RaceHIYAYAKA, a. Cool, cold. mosum. HiYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be cool, cold. HIYO-RAN, n. The disturbance and comHIYE-ATARI, n. Sick from exposure to motion caused by war. cold. HIYO-RI, (ura onite.) Outside and inHIYO, n. A leopard. side; false hearted, hypocritical; douHIYO, n. Hail. — gafHru, it hails. ble-dealing; force, impulse, effort. - HI-YO, n. Day-labor. - chin, wages. no aru mono, a false, deceitful ierKon-ntchi - ni kite okure, come and son. work for me to-day. - tori, a day la- HIYO-RIU. Floating, or carried about by borer. the waves. HIYO, n. A straw bag. I.liyo, one bag. HIYO-R6, n. Food for soldiers, provisions Ni-hiyo, two bags. Hito-hiyo, one bag for an army. - zeme, starving out a full, = about 2 1-2 bushels. garrison. Hiyoro-kata, the officer who HIYO. — suru, to discuss the merits of, supplies an army with provisions, comto be emblematic of, to represent, sig- missary. nify. HIYORO-HIYORO-TO, adv. In a limping, HIYO-BAN, n. Repute, reputation, fame, staggering manner. report, rumor. -suru, to be publicly HIYO-RON. -suru, to deliberate on, to talked about. discuss. HIYO-BU-SHO, n. The war department, HIYOROTsUKI,-ku,-ida, i. v. To limp, war office. stagger. HIYODORI, n. The name of a small HIYO-SATSU, n. A tablet with the name bird. of the person residing hung at the door HIY6GE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To sport, play, of a house, a door plate. frolic, jest. HY6-SHI, n. The paper cover or binding HIYOGI. - suru, to discuss and deliber- of a book. Ita-biyoshi, board-covers. ate on, to consult about. HIYOSHI, n. Beating time to music. HIY6GU, n. The mountings of a picture. wo torn, to beat time. Ashi-biyoshi, Hiyogu-ya. a paper-hanger. drumming with the foot. Te-biyoshi, HIYO-GU, n. Weapons of war. beating time with the hand. Korobu - HIYOGURI,-r -ta, t. v. To squirt, ni, by the force of the fall, or in the act HIYO-HI, n. The cuticle. of falling. - nuke, out of time. HIYv-HIYAKU, a. Frolicsome, facetious, HIY6SHI-GI, n. Blocks of wood or bamboo jesting. struck together by watchmen as a sigHIYOI-TO, adv. In a sudden manner, nal. unexpectedly, accidentally.' HIY-sO, n. A whitlow. HIv6-J6. - suru, to deliberate and de- HIYO-TAN, n. A gourd, calabash. cide on, to judge, determine, to criti- HIYO-TO, adv. The sound of an arrow flycise. ing. HIYO-JO-SHO, n. Supreme court house, HIYOTTO, adv. Supposing that, peradcouncil chamber. venture. - shiretara do nasaru, if HIY6-J6-SHU. Members of the supreme he should know, what should you do? court. HIYOTToKo, n. A kind of mask. HI-YOKE, n. An awning, or any thing to HIYowAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Weak, feeble, keep off the sun; a vacant space about not strong, delicate. a house as protection against fire. HIZA, n. The knee. - no sara, the HIY6KIN. Facetious, merry. - na hito, knee-pan. - wo oru, to bend the knee. a wag, humorist. - wo kumu, to sit tailor-fashion. HIYOKKURI-TO, adv. Sudden and unex- moto, by the knees. pectedly. HIZA-GASHIRA, n. The knee. HIYOKO, n. A young bird. HI-ZAKARI, n. Noon,-the hottest period HIYOKO-HIYOKO, adv. Hopping, as a of the day. frog; leaping. HI-ZAKURA, n, A scarlet-blossom cherryHIYOKU-NO-TORI, n. A fabulous bird, tree. the male and female said to be joined HIZAMADZUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To kneel. together in one body. Hizamadzuite kami wo ogamu. HIYOMEKI, n. The fontanel in a child's HI-ZARA, n. The pan of a gun-lock, the head. bowl of a pipe. HIZ 73 HOD HI-zAsHI, t. Sunlight, the sun's rays. ligious subjects, sermon. - suru, to HIZEN, n. A cutaneous disease, the itch. preach. HI-zo. Private store-house. - suru, to HO-DANA, n. The place on which a sail to keep in one's fire-proof store-house, rests when furled. -nmusune, a daughter kept with great HODASARE,-ru,-ta. Pass. of Hodashi. care. To be shackled, fettered, hampered, enHl-zoRI,-ru,-tta, i. v. Warped, bent by cumbered, embarrassed, bound. Ko ni the heat. hodasarete deraremasen. Ho, n. A sail. - ashi, the lower part of HODASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To shackle, to a sail. fetter. Una no ashi wo -. Ho, n. The ear, or head of rice, wheat, HODASHI, n. A clog, hindrance, encumor any kind of grain. - nami, the rows brance. of ears. HO-DATE, n. Mode, way, manner; rules, Ho, n. The cheek. HO-bone, the cheek- laws. Kuni no osame-kata no -. bone, malar-bone. HODO, n. Quantity, of space or time; H6, n. Rule, law, usage, doctrine, pre- quality, kind, station in life; as, since, cept, maxim, religious rites or prac- because; proportion. - wo hedateru, tices; incantation; multiplier, or divi- to separate, put an interval between; sor in arithmetic. - wo tateru, to make after some time. Kore-hodo, so much, a law, or rule. - ni sugiru, to exceed or this much. Yo-hodo, a good deal. what usage or the rule requires. Dore hodo, how much? Hodo-naku, Ho, (kata,) n. Side, region, place, di- very soon, a short time. Kesa-hodo, in rection, part, person, thing; a recipe. the morning. Kono -, lately. BanKono-hd, here; I. Sono-ho or A no-hi3, hodo, evening. Dekiru hodo, as much there; you. Shiroi-ho the white. Chii- as you can. Miru hods no mnono tabesai-ho gayoi, the small one is the best. tagari, wants to eat every thing he sees. Ho, n. A step in walking; a land mea- HODO-AI, n. Interval of space or time. sure of six feet, same as tsubo. lfpo wo HODO-BASHIRASHI,-SU,-/a, t. v. To scatjifpo ni tobu, jumped the distance of ter, to splash. ten steps in one. Sen ri no michi mno HODOBASHRI,-ru,-r ta, i. v. To fly or iptpo yori hajimu. splash about, spattex about, as water. HO-ATE, n. The visor of a helmet. HODO-CHIKAI. Soon, short time near HO-BAI. A friend, companion, comrade. short distance. H6-BARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To fill the mouth, HODO-HE,-ru,-ta, i. v. After a lapse of to cram into the mouth, time, after some time has passed. HodoHO-BASHIRA, n. A mast. heteyuku, to go after a while. HO-BEN, n. A pious device, art, inven- HODO-HODO. (Plural). Positions, ranks tion, plan, or expedient used to convert or places in life; very much, greatly, people to Buddhism, or to lead a virtu- various times. ous life. HODOKE,-ru,-/a, i. v. Untied, loosed, to HO-BETA, n. The cheeks. relax, remit, give up. Obi ga -, the HO6B, n. A reward, belt is loose. HoBO, adv. For the most part, nearly, HODOKI,-ku,-iZa, i. v. To untie, loose. almost. - deki-agatta, nearly done. HODOKOSHI,-sn,-a, t. v. To give alms, HO-BO, adv. Here and there, all about, to bestow, confer, impart; to use or on all sides, every direction, everywhere, practice. Memboku wo -, to feel every place. - sagashile mo saipari elated or proud. gozaimasen. HODOKOSHI, n. Bestowment of alms or HO-BUNE, n. A sailing-ship, a sail-boat, charitable gifts. HO-CHIKU. Driving out, expelling, dis- HODORAI, n. The capacity, size, or qualmissing. - suru, to expel, dismiss. ity of things; the station or position in Ho-CH6, n. A table or kitchen knife. life or society. HO-DAI. At will, according to one's plea- HODOYOI-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Proper in desure, without restraint, at liberty. Hitb gree or quantity, just right. no mi-hodai, ni shite oku, to let people HODZU, n. End, limit. look at it as much as they please. Uri- HO-DZUNA, n. A halyard. hdai scllingwithout restraint anything HoDZURE,-r,-ta, i. v. To be raveled, one pleases. Shi-hodai, doing as one frayed. pleases. HODZUSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To ravel or pick HO-DAI, n. A fort, battery. to pieces, as cloth. Hodzushi-momen, HO-DAN, n. Preaching, a discourse on re- lint. 4 HOF 74 HOK 1IO-FUKURASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To distend HoJIRI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To dig up, to pick or puff out the cheeks; to pout, to look out. Imo wo -, to dig up potatoes. sullen. HOJISHI, n. Dried flesh. HoFURi,-ru,-f/a, t. v. To kill, massacre, HO-JO, n. A monastery; a Buddhist butcher, slaughter. priest. HO-GA, n. Contributions for religious HO-JO, or HoJO-YE (ikeru wo hanatsu). purposes. - kin, money contributed Setting free live things that have been to temples. Hoga-cho, n. A subscrip- confined (as birds, etc.), as a meritotion book. rious work. HO-GAKU, n. Direction, point of the Ho-jo. Aid, help, assistance. — sucompass, quarter, bearing, locality. Do- ru. no - ni ataru, in what direction is it? HO-JUTSU, n. Musket exercise, artillery HOGAMI, n. Pit of the stomach, epigas- tactics. tric region. HO-JUTSU, n. Magical arts. HOGARAKA, a. Bright, clear. Tsukiga HOKA, a. Different, another, besides, -, the moon is bright. except; outside, external. Kono hoka HO-GE, n. Heat. ni fude ga nai, I have no pencil exHOGETA, n. The yard or spar to which cept this. Hoka ye deta, he has gone a sail is fastened. out. Sono hoka, besides that. HO-GO, n. The name given by the Budd- HO-KAI, n. A kind of lacquered tub hists to a deceased person, posthumous used for holding painted clam shells, name. used in playing the game called kaiHO-GU, n. Waste-paper, paper scraps. avwase. HoGURE,-rU,-ta, i. v. Untied, loosed, HO-KAKE-BUNE, n. A sail-boat, a ship unlaced, unraveled, frayed, untwist- with sails. ed. HO-KAMURI, n. Covering the head with HOGUSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To unravel, to the handkerchief. - wo suru. fray, untwist. HO-KAN, n. A pharmacoeopia, medical HOGUSHI, n. A pine torch. formulary, receipt book. HO-GUWAI (ha no hoka). Contrary to HOKASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To throw away, rule or usage, extraordinary. anoma- cast away, fling away. lous, outrageous, exorbitant, excessive. HOKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Frayed, abraded. - no ne wo tsukeru, to ask an exorbi- HOKE-DACHI,-tSU,-tta, i. v. To be frayed, tant price, rubbed out, abraded. HO-HATSU (teppo wo utsu). Firing or HO-KEN, n. The feudal system of govdischarging a gun. ernment. HO-HEI, n. Militia, or soldiers drawn HOKI, n. A broom. from the faimers and common people. HO-KI (hachi no gotoku okoru) n. An HO-HIGE, n. Whiskers. insurrection, rebellion, mob. HO-H6, adv. In a creeping, skulking Hb-KI (takara mono). A precious or manner, sneaking. valuable utensil. HOHOYEMI,-nZU,-ada, i. v. To smile, HOKI-BOSHI, n. A comet. laugh gently. HOKI-TO, adv. Cracking, snapping. Hoi. Same as Honi. - nai, not accord- oru, to snap off. ing to one's mind or desire. H6-KIYO (sakufusaku). Fruitful and unHOIRO, n. An utensil made of paper, fruitful. used for heating tea-leaves. H6-KIYv, n. Phymosis. HO-ITSu. Dissolute, profligate. HOKKA. Setting out on a journey. Ho-JI, n. Prayers and religious ceremo- HOKKAI (kita no umz), n. The Arctic nies of the Buddhists. ocean. Hoji,-dzuru,-ta (mukzz). To repay, re- HOKKI. - suru, to arise or spring up, quite, to recompense, to take vengeance set a-going, to start, set on foot, originon, to answer; to report, tell, proclaim, ate. - nin, originator. publish. On wo -, to repay a kind- HOKKIOKUC, n. The north pole. ness. HOKKORI, adv. Tired, fatigued. H6ji.-dzuru,-/a, i, v. To die (used only HOKKU, n. A kind of verse consisting of of the Mikado). seventeen syllables. HoJI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To roast, parch, or HOKO, n. A halberd. Hoko-saki, the fire, as tea. point of a spear. HO-J-GUI, n. Posts set up to mark the Ho-Ki, n. Walking. - suru, to walk. boundaries of a country. HO-K6, n. Service, duty done to a mas HOK 75 HON ter, the labor, business, or duty of a HON, n. A book. - wo arawasu, to servant. - nin, a servant. publish a book. HoKO-HOKO, adv. Warm, comfortable. HON. Original, principal; true, real, HOKORA, n. A small Sintoo shrine. genuine; fixed, settled; numeral for HoKORI, n. Fine dust; a very small pencils, posts, sticks, masts, etc. Honfraction. - wo harau, to dust. -ha- nedan, fixed price. Hashira ifion, rai, a duster. one mast. Fude ni hon, two pencils. HoKORI,-ru-t/a, i. v. To be vain, proud, -getsu, this month. conceited, puffed up, to vaunt, to boast. HON-CHO, n. One's native country, JaHoKoRoBs,-bu,-nda, i. v. Ripped open, pan. as a seam; torn; to open, as flowers. HON-CHO-SHI, n. The key-note. HOKOROBI, n. A rip or opening of a HON-DANA, n. A bookcase. seam, a rent, tear. HON-DANA, n. The original or principal HOKU (kita). North. Hoku-fu, north store. wind. - shin, the north star. HON-D6, n. The principal part of a Ho-KucHI, n. Tinder. temple. HOKURO, n. A mole, freckle. HON-DO, n. A physician (not a surgeon). HoKUSOYEMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To smile. HONE, n. A bone. - wo tateru, to get HOKU-TO, n. Ursa major. a bone in the throat. - wo oru, to HO-KUWA. Setting on fire. lye wo - break a bone; (fig.) to be industrious, suru, to set a house on fire. laborious. Cho-chin no hone, the bamHOMACHI, n. Perquisite. Kore wa ya- boo ribs of a lantern. Sho-ji no hone, ku-nin no -da. the frame of a screen. Ogi no hone, HOMARE, n. Praise, eulogy, fame, re- the sticks of a fan. nown, celebrity. - wo toru, to get HONE-CHIGAI, n. Dislocation of a bone. praise. HONE-GARAMI, n. Rheumatic pains in HOMBA, n. The original place from the bones. which any production has issued. HONE-GUMI, n. The knitting together HOM-BUKU (inoto ye kayeru), n. Restora- of the bones, the bony frame. - no tation to health, recovery from sickness. kumashii hito. HoME, —ru,-ta, t. v. To praise, eulo- HO-NEN (yutakana toshi). A fruitful gize, commend, applaud, extol. o- year. merareru, to be praised. HONE-ORI, n. Labor, toil, industry, acHoMrEKg,-ku,-i/a, i. v. To be like fire, tivity, exertion. - shigoto, hard work. hot, to have a fever. HONE-ORI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be laborHOME-SOYASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To praise ious, to toil, work hard, to be indusand encourage, to inspirit, animate by trious. Honeotte shigoto wo suru. praising, to praise exceedingly. HONEPPOI, a. Full of bones (as a fish), HOMIYV, n. The name given to a de- bony, thin, emaciated. ceased person by the Buddhists. HONE-TSUGI, n. Bone setting. - isha, HOMMA. True, truth. a bone-setter. HOMMARU, n. The inner part or citadel HON-GIYAKU. Rebellion, revolt, sediof a castle. tion. HOM-MATSU (moto to suye). Root and HON-GOKU (moto no kuni). Native counbranches, beginning and end, first try. and last. HON-I, n. Desire, mind, intention, obHoM-MrIY, n. True or real name. ject, inclination, purpose. HOM-MO, n. One's great desire, or prin- HO-NIN. - suru, to be appointed or pal object. assigned to an office or duty. HOM-MON, n. The text of a book as HON-JI, n. The original or first temple, distinguished from the notes, or com- from which others have branched off. mentary. HON-JIN, n. The headquarters of an enHO-MOTSU (takara), n. Things valued, campment; the hotel where a Daimiyo prized and rare. stopped in traveling. HOMURA, n. The flame of fire. - wo HON-KE (moto no iye), n. The homemoyasu, to be inflamed with anger or stead, the principal family. jealousy. HON-NI, adv. Truly, indeed, really. }oMURI,-ru,-t/a, t. v. To bury a dead HON-NIN, n. The principal, chief man, person, to inter. ringleader. H6MUiRI, n. Interment, burial, sepulture, HONNORI-TO, adv. With a slight blush inhumation. of redness, lightly shaded. HON 76 HOR Ho-N6, n. The flame of fire. ness; Elysium. Horai-san, the ElyH6-N6 (osame tatematsuru). An offer- sian mountain. ing made to the Kami. - suru. H6-RAKU, n. Religious entertainments, HONO-BONO, adv. Dimly, duskily, ob- or theatrical exhibitions, in the presence scurely, faintly. - miyeru, dimly seen. of idols. HONO-GURAI. Dim or gray twilight, ob- HORASE,-ru,-/a, caust. of Horu, to get scure. another to dig or carve. HONOGURE, n. The evening twilight. H6-RATSU, a. Profligate, dissolute, abanHONOKA-NI, adv. Dimly, indistinctly, doned. obscurely, slightly, faintly. HORE,-rU,-/a, i. v. To be carved, enHONOMEKASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To allude graved, sculptured, dug out, excavated, to, mention incidentally, to hint at, to worn into hollows. touch slightly upon. HoRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To dote, to be silly HONOMEKI,-ku,-ia, i. v. To shine with from age, to be old and childish. Same a dim light. as Boreru. HON-RAI (motoyori). Originally, from HORE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be in love with, the beginning, from the first; truly, enamored of. heretofore. HORE-BORE, adv. In love with, fascinHONSAI (moto no tsuma), n. The real ated, charmed, enraptured. wife. HORE-GUSURI, n. Aphrodisiac mediHON-SHIKI, n. The original, full or com- cine. plete mode; all the ceremonies with- H6-REI, n. Common custom, customary out curtailing any. usage, ordinance. HON-SHIN (moto no kokoro), n. The HORE-KOMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be deepright mind, the mind in its original ly in love with, to be fascinated, enastate, free from evil and uncorrupted; mored, smitten with. the conscience. - ni tachikayeru, to H6-REN, n. The phoenix chariot-the return to one's right mind; to reform name of the Mikado's chariot. the life. H6RENSO, n. A kind of spinach. HON-SHO, n. One's original or natural HoRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To dig, excavate, to disposition, true character. - ga tsu- quarry; to carve, engrave, sculpture; ita, has come to his senses. to tattoo. Hori-dasu, to dig out. HoHON-S6, (hashiru). - suru, to go or ri-hiraku, to dig open. Hori-kakeru, walk about. to begin to dig, to be in the act of digHON-TAKU, (moto no iye,) n. The home- ging. Hori-komu, to dig into. Horistead, the mansion, or original place of kayesu, to dig up again anything buried. residence. Hori-kudzusu, to dig down, as a hill. HON-TE, or HOTE, n. An honest or true Hori-kujiru, to scoop out with a chisel grip in wrestling. or spade. Hori-nuku, to dig through. HON-T6. True, real, genuine. - ka H6RI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To throw, fling, uso ka, is it true or false? cast. Hori-dasu, to throw out. HON-YA, n. A book store. HORI, n. A canal. HON-YAIU, n. Translation. — suru, to HORI-AGE, n. Carved in relief, emtranslate, to interpret, render into an- bossed. other language. HORI-MONO, n. A carving, engraving. HON-ZEN, n. The principal table at an HORI-MONO-SHI, n. A carver, engraver, entertainment. sculptor.. HON-ZO-GAKU, n. The science of Bo- HG-RITSU, n. Law, ordinance, regulatany. tion. HON-ZO-KA, n. A botanist. HORI-WARI, n. A canal. HONZO-SHO, n. A botanical book. HORO, n. A kind of hood stuffed with HO-PI, n. Breaking wind. cotton, and worn by cavalry to protect HOPPO, (kita no ho,) n. The north. the back. Basha no -, a carriageHORA, n. A cave, cavern. top. HORA, n. A conch-shell. - wo fuku, HORoBI,-bu,-ta, i.. Destroyed, overto blow a conch, to exaggerate. thrown, ruined. HORA-FUKI, n. One who exaggerates.; a HOROBOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To destroy, blower. overthrow, ruin. HO-RAI, n. The name of a fabulous HORO-HORO TO, adv. Appearance of mountain in the sea, where the Sen-nin fruit, leaves, or drops of rain falling, or, reside in immortal youth and happi- the sound of crying. HOR 77 HOT H6ROKU, n. The salary or pay of an HOSO-BIKI, n. A kind of rope, or cord official. made of hemp. H6ROKU, i. An earthen dish, used in HOSO-DONO, n. A corridor, or gallery baking. leading from one building to another. H1-RON, n. A debate or discussion on HosoI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Fine, slender, religious subjects. narrow, delicate, thin, small. - koye, HORORI-TO, adv. The manner of tears a shrill voice. - futoi, fine and falling. - namida wo nagasu, to coarse. Kokoro ga -, to be dejected, shed tears. or low in spirits. Hosoku naru, to beHOROSHI, n. The iron pivot on which come slender. Hosoku suru, to make the upper mill-stone rotates, fine. HOROYOI. Half drunk, partially intoxi- HO-SOKU, n. Rule, law. cated. HosoME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To make fine, HORUTOGARU. Portugal. thin, slender, or delicate. Koye wo HOSA, (tasukeru). - suru, to aid, to hosornete iu, to speak in a shrill assist, to act as guardian. - no shin, voice. the minister of a prince. Hoso-ME, n. Eyes slightly open, a narH6-SAKU, n. A fine crop, an abundant row crack. harvest. Hoso-NUNO, n. Fine muslin, or grassHoSARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be appointed cloth. to an office. HosoRI,-ru,-ttd, i. v. To become small, HO-SEN-KUWA, n. The Balsam, or Lady's thin, slender, delicate. Shokuji wa slipper. hi-bi ni -, the appetite daily became HO-SHA, n. Borax. less. HO-SHA, n. Alms, charity. HO-SOTSU, n. Foot soldier, infantry. HO4HI, n. A bonze, Buddhist priest. HOSO-WATA, n. The placenta. HOSHI, n. A star; a white speck on the HOSSA, n. (med.) The paroxysm of discornea; the centre of a target, a spot. ease. HosHI,-,-sa,-, t. v. Td dry, desiccate. HossHr-suru,-ta, i. v. To wish, desire, Hi ni -, to dry in the sun. want. HosHI,-SU,-ia, t. v. To appoint to an HOSSHIN, n. The springing up of a new office. heart, conversion. HOSHI-BUDO, n. Raisins, dried grapes. HossoKU, n. Starting or setting out on a HoSHIGARI,-ru,-Uta, i. v. To desire, journey on foot. want, long after, to be covetous. Hossu, n. A brush of long white hair HosHII,-ki -k,-ski, a. Wanting, desir- often carried by Buddhist priests. ing, wishing for. Kore ga hoshii ka, HOSUGE, n. The cords by which the cap do you want this? Nani mo hoshiku is secured to the head. nai, I don't want anything. HOTA, n. The stocks. HOSHI-I, n. Rice boiled and dried. HOTABI, n. A fire covered with ashes to HOSHII-MAMA. In one's own way, as keep it from going out. one pleases or likes. - ni suru, to do HO-TAI, n. A bandage for a wound. as one pleases. HOTARtC, n. A fire-fly. HOSHI-KA, n. A kind of dried fish. - HOTARUBI, n. The light of the fire-fly. HOSHIKI, n. Established rule, usage, HO-TATE-GAI, n. The Nautilus. law, or custom. HOTAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To play, sport, to HOSHI-MIISE, n. Selling in the open air, romp. where the wares are spread on a mat. HOTE-HOTE, adv. Large, corpulent, bigHO-SHO, n. A kind of fine paper. bellied. HO-sO, n. The small-pox. wo suru, HOTEPPARA, n. The belly. to have the small-pox. Uye-boso, in- HOTERI,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be hot, burnoculation. ing, to smart. Kao ga -, the face Hoso, or Hozo, n. The navel. - no o, burns. navel-string. - wo karmu, to bite the HOTERI, n. Heat, burning, a smarting or navel,-to repent deeply, feel regret, burning pain. remorse. HO-T6. Profligate, dissolute, abandoned Hoso, a. Fine, slender, narrow, thin. to vice. Hoso-mayu, delicate eye-brows. Hoso- HO-T6, n. Lights placed before idols, the michi, a narrow path. Hoso-nagai, lanterns in temples. long and slender, slim. Hoso-ne, a fine HOTOBAKASHI. or HOTOBASHI,-,-a, t. v. or shrill voice. To soften by steeping in water. HOT 78 I HoTOBI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be softened by HOYA, n. A parasitic plant, the mistlesteeping in water. toe. HOTOBORI, n. The heat remaining in HOYA, n. A screen of wire net-work anything after the fire is out. Hetsui placed over a brazier; a glass lampno -. chimney. HOTO-HOTO-TO, adv. The sound made HOYAKU, (oginai gusuri,) n. Tonic by beating a door, rapping. medicines, medicines which strengthen HOTOKE, n. The general name for the the body, or keep off disease. divinities worshiped by the Buddhists; HoYE-ru,-,a, i. v. To bark, to bellow, a dead body, the soul of the dead. - roar, the cry of any animal. no zo, an idol. - no mei-nichi, the HO-YE, n. The clerical dress, or clothes anniversary of a death. Iki-botoke, worn by Buddhist priests. one who by his virtue resembles the HO-YE, n. The after-birth; placenta gods. - tsukuri, a maker of idols. and membranes. HOTOKENO-ZA, n. Clover. HOYE-DZURA, (nakigao,) n. The face of HOTONDO, adv. In great danger, almost, one crying or bellowing. well-nigh, nearly; greatly, very much. HO-YEKI, (oginai masu). - suru, to HOTORI, n. Neighborhood, vicinity, repair a defect, to complete, to strengthKawa no -, near the river. en, recruit. HoToRI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be hot, burn- HO-YEN, (shikaku maru). Square and ing, feverish. round. Midzu wa - no utsuiwa HOTORI, n. Fever, heat. ni shitagai, water takes the shape HOTOTOGISU, n. The name of a small of the vessel in which it is. bird. Ho-vY, (tamochiyashinau). Preserving HOTSUGO, or HOTSU-GON. An exclama- health, strengthening the body. - wo tion or interjection. -suru, to utter suru, to attend to one's health. an exclamation, to speak out. HOYu, n. A friend, companion. HOTSUKI,-k,-ita, t. v. To fray, ravel, HOZAKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To say, to speak, to tear into lint. (a contemptuous word used in anger to HOTSU-NETSU, n. The springing up of inferiors). fever. HO-ZAI, n. A compounded medicine, a HoTSURE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Frayed, ragged, recipe. rubbed, worn, as cloth. HO-ZAI, (oginai kusuri), n. Tonic HOTTAN, n. The beginning, commence- medicines. ment, introduction of a book. HozERI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To dig or play in Horro, adv. The sound of sighing or the earth, as children. drawing a long breath. - iki, id. Hozo, ftakara kura), n. A store-house HOTT6-NIN, n. Originator, first mover in which valuable things are kept. or doer, ringleader, aggressor. Hozo, n. A wedge or pin used for fastenHowo, n. The phoenix. ing, a tenon. I I, n. Gall, bile. Kuma no i, bear's oil. I, n. The rush of which matting is I, n. Spider's thread. made. I, n. A wild hog; one of the 12 signs. I, (kotonari). Different, strange, unusI no toki, io o'clock at night. I no ka- ual I koku, foreign country. ta, N. N. W. I, (kuorai), n. Rank, dignity. Mu i ntu I, n. The stomach. Ichiu, in the stom- kuwan. without rank or office. Ichi i, ach. I nofu, the stomach. I no jok', the first or highest rank. the cardiac orifice. I no ge-kd, the py- I, (ikioi), n. Dignity, majesty, power, loric. authority, influence. - no arz hito, I, (kokoro base), n. The mind, thoughts, one having authority. intention, will, feeling, meaning. - ni I, A. A well. - no midzu, well water. kanau, to agree with one's mind. I, n. A doctor, physician; medicine. 1 79 IDA Mei-i, celebrated doctor. I-giyo, the IBUSHI, n. Fumigation, smoking. medical profession. IBUSHI-GUSURI, n. Fumigating medicines. I,-ru,-at, t. v. To shoot with a bow. ICHATSUKI,-ku,-zfa, i. v. To flirt, to I,-ru,-ta, t. v. To cast, to found, to run sport with the girls. metal in moulds. IHI, (hitotsu). One; first, prime, whole. I,-ru,-ta, i. z. To be, to dwell, sit. Do- Ichi-ichi, each one, every particular, ko ni i-nasaru, where do you live? one by one. Ichi-yo, alike, same. IchiNani wo shite iru, what are you doing? do, once. Ichi-men, the whole surface. I-AI, n. The drawing of a long sword - dai-ji, of prime importance. while sitting. - wo nuku. I-CHI, n. The order, arrangement in IAKU, n. A curtain. which things are placed. -ga yoi. I-AN, n. Medical directions, medical ICHI, n. A market,a fair. Ichi-ba, maropinion. - wo kaku. ket place. Asa-ichi, morning market. I-ATE,-ru,-ia, t. v. To shoot and hit. Sakana ichi, fish-market. Ichi-bito I-AWASE,-ru,-a, t. v. To happen to be market people. present. ICHI-BAN. Number one, the first, the best. I-BA, n. A place for shooting the bow. - me, the first one, the best one. Dai-, I-BAI,-o-atia, i. v. To neigh. Uma ga the very first or best. ibo. ICHI-BU, n. A silver coin the fourth part I-BAKU, n. A curtain. of a rzyo, = about 33 cents; the tenth I-BARA, n. The name of a thorny tree. part of an inch; also, one per cent. IBARA-GAKI n. A hedge tf thorns. ICHI-DAI-KI, n. A biography, memoir. IBARI, n. Urine. - bukuro, the blad- ICHIDO-GAWASHI-NI, adv. Alternately, der. by turns. IBARI,-ru,-tta, i.. To be haughty, ar- IcHI-DZU, (hito suji), adv. Only, alone, rogant, insolent, imperious, to boast, to nothing else, persistently. vaunt, make a swell, act pompously. ICHI-GAI, adv. Wholly, altogether. Ic/iIbatte aruku, to swagger, strut. Ibatte gai-mono, one who is wholly given to hito wo ini-sageru, to be arrogant and to one thing or obstinately persists in despise others. what he says or does. IBIKI, n. Snoring. - wo kaku, to snore. ICHIGO, n. A raspberry, strawberry. IBiRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To parboil, to scald, ICHI-JI, adz. At one time, same time, alas vegetables; to roast slightly in ashes; together; once on a time. to tease, vex. Ibiri-korosu, to torment IcHI-JIKU, n. The fig tree. to death. ICHI-JIRUSHI,-ku,-s/hi, a. Distinct, disIBITSU, n. Oval. - nar, an oval form. criminating; conspicuous, plain, eviIBO, n. A wart, small tumor. - ga de- dent, manifest; to be pitied. kita, have a wart. ICHIKO, n. A witch, a fortune-teller or IBoI,-,-otta, i. v. To suppurate, to mat- spiritualist. ter. ICHI-MEI, n. The whole life. - ni kaIBOI, a. The pus of a moxa. karu, to endanger the life. IBUKARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To wonder at, ICHI-MI. One ingredient, one party. consider strange or dubious, to suspect. ICHI-MOTSU, (hitotsu no mono). One IBUKASHII, —k,-kU a. Strange, mysteri- thing, something. Mu -, nothing. ous, unintelligible, doubtful, suspicious, ICHI-RI-DZUKA, n. Milestones, or mounds lbukashiku omdo, to feel dubious about, of earth on which a post is erected to wonder at. marking the miles on a road. IBUKASHISA, n. Doubtfulness, dubious- ICHI-YEN, adv. Positively, peremptorily; ness, mysteriousness. with a neg., by no means. IBUKI, n. The juniper tree. ICHI-ZA. The whole assembly. IBUKURO, n. The stomach. IcHO, n. Salisburia Adiamtifolia. IBURI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To emit smoke. I-DAKE-TAKA-NI, adv. Drawing one's IBURI. Cruel, unfeeling, unmerciful. - self up to his full height. - natte nona hito. noshiru. IBUsEI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Gloomy, dismal, IDAKI,-ku,-i a, t. v. To embrace, to disagreeable. Ibuseku omb, to feel hold in the arms; to hold or feel in the gloomy, heart, to harbor in the mind. IdakiIBUSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To smoke, fumigate, tsuku, to embrace, hug, throw the arms (met.) to annoy, vex, torment. Ka wo around. -, to smoke out mosquitoes. Ibusare- IDASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To cause to go out, ru, pass. to send forth, to emit, eject, discharge. IDE 80 IIB IDE, or IDE-YA. Exclam. used to an an- I IGA, n. A burr, prickly shell. Iga-guri tagonist in bantering, come on, now atama, a head covered with short stiff then. Ide o aite ni narimasho. hair like a chesnut burr. IDE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To go out, issue forth, IGAKI, n. A ladle made of bamboo. proceed from. Ide-au, to meet in the I-GAKI, n. A picket-fence. street or while out. IGAMASE,-rU,-ta. To bend, to crook, to IDE-IRI, n. Going out and coming in, ex- make crooked. Hari wo -, to bend a penses and receipts. pin. IDE-TACHI, n. The style or manner in IGAMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. Crooked, bent; which a person is dressed, the dress, depraved, perverse. costume, equipment, accoutrement. - IGAMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To snarl, growl, wo suru, to dress or equip one's self. as a dog; to caterwaul. Igami-au, IDE-TACHI, —ts,-/ta, i. v. To be dressed to snarl or growl at each other, to quarup, accoutred, equipped. rel. IDE-YU, n. A hot-spring. IGATA, n. A mould for casting, matrice. IDO, n. A well. Ido-bata, near the I-GE. Below what is mentioned, after well, vicinity of the well. Ido-gawa, this, hereafter, inferior. Samurai ige a well-crib. Ido-gaye, cleaning a well. no mono. Ido-hori, a well digger. IGETA, n. A well-crib. I-DO, (isha no michi), n. The science I-GI. Strange, unusual, extraordinary. of medicine. Igi-nashi, nothing unusual. I-DOKORO, n. A dwelling-place, resi- IGIRISU, n. England, - no, English. dence. IGITANAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Sleepy, drowsy. I-ooMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To contend in Igitanakute nebokeru. war. Idomi-au, to contend, or strive I-GIYO, (kawatta katachz). Strange, untogether, contest. Idomi-arasou, to natural or monstrous in form or shape. contend or strive together, as in war. I-GO. After this, hereafter, henceforth. Idomi-tataku, to battle, make war, I-GUCHI, n. Hare-lip. contend. IHAI, n. A wooden tablet, on which the IDZUCHI, (doko), adv. Where, what place, posthumous name and time of death of - to ma naku, any where, whereso- a person is recorded, ancestral tablet. ever. IHAI, (somuku). To disobey. IDZUKATA, adv. Where, what place, or I-HADZUSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To shoot with region. the bow and miss the target. IDZUKO, or IDZUKU, adv. Where, what I-HEN, n. Failure, breach of promise. - place. - ni mo, everywhere. - nite naku, without fail. mo, in any place, anywhere. I-HEN. Uncommon, unusual, extraorIDZUKUMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To sit cramp- dinary. ed, drawn up, or with the body con- I-H6, n. A medical prescription, or retracted. Sanui kara idzukumatte cipe. oru. II, n. Good, well, right, fine, pretty, IDZUKUN-ZO. Exclam. how! why? nice. Itte no ii, had better go. Do IDZUMAI, n. Manner of sitting, posture demo -, any how will do. -ja nai in sitting. ka, is it not fine? - ka, is it right? IDZUMI, n. A spring of water. II, (mes/i), n. Boiled rice. IDZUM6, n. Wrestling in a sitting pos- II, IU, IUTA or ITTA, t. v. To say, speak, ture. - wo torn. tell, call. Mono wo, - to talk. IDZUNA, n. A kind of sorcery or magic. II-AI,-au,-atta, i. v. To dispute, wranIDZUNA-TSUKAI, n. A sorcerer, a magi- gle, quarrel. Futo ii-a i inatta, sudcian. denly began to quarrel. IDZURE, advz. Where, what, which, who; II-ATE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To hit, guess. however, at all events, by all means. II-AWASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To talk over and Idzure oo, everywhere, every one, any agree upon anything; to talk and arone. Idzure demo yoi, any way will range. do. Idzure ni oo, in every place. II-AYAMARi,-ru,-ta, i. v. To mistake or Idzure nite mo, in any place whatever, blunder in saying or telling. Ii-ayamaor any one whatever, both, either. seru, to cause another to make a misI-DZUTSU, n. A square well-crib built take. with timbers laid across each other. II-BITSU, n. A box for carrying boiled I-FUKU, n. Clothing, garments, wearing rice in. apparel. II-BUN, n. Something to say against or lie 8I IIP about; some fault to find. - ga nai, II-KAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To change or take no fault to find. back what one has said, retract, disII-cHIGAI-au,-atta, i. v. To mistake in avow. telling, to say or tell incorrectly. II-KAYESHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To say back, II-CHIRASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To spread to retort, to answer back, reply to. about, or disseminate anything by talk- II-KESHI,-su-ta, t. v. To contradict, ing about it. deny, gainsay. II-DASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To begin to speak, II-KIKASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To tell, inform to utter, to speak out or say, to pro- of, to communicate, let know, let nounce. hear. lI-FUKUME,-ru,-ta, i. v. To order, in- II-KIWAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To settle, destruct, direct or explain anything in or- cide, determine to exhaust a subject, der to have it carried out. say all that can be said. [I-FURASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To publish, II-KOME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To confute, conmake known, divulge. vince, to silence another in an arguII-FUSE,-ru,-at, t. v. To defeat in an ar- ment. gument, to vanquish, refute. II-KURASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To spend the II-FUSEGI,-gu,-ida, t. v. To gainsay, whole day in talking about anything. contradict, to oppose, deny: to defend. II-KUROME,-ru,-ta. To blacken by talkII-GAI-NAKI,-ku,-shi, a. 4ot worth ing, to dupe, to color or varnish by speaking of, no use in talking about. words. II-GATAI,-ki,-kZe,-shi, a. Hard to say, II-MADOI,-o,-otta, i. v. To be confused. or difficult to speak or tell. lost or bewildered in one's talk. Caust, iI-GUSA, n. A matter, subject or topic li-mradowaseru, to confuse or cause of talk, an occasion for talk; excuse, another to err in speaking. pretext. II-MAGIRASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To speak II-HADZUSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To miss or confusedly so as to conceal the truth; fail to speak of, fail to guess. to blind, mystify by talking, to misII-HAGURAKASHI,-su,-/a, t. v. To turn lead. the conversation to something else, II-MAKE -ru,-ta, i. v. To be defeated or to wander away from the subject. vanquished in an argument. II-HARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To asseverate, as- II-MAWASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To talk cleversert, to persist in saying. ly, to handle a subject skilfully, to exII-HIRAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To vindicate, plain. exculpate, to clear from the charge of II-NADAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To sooth, comfault or crime, fort, pacify, console. II-HODOKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To unravel, II-NADZUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To betroth, solve, explain, interpret, analyze. affiance, to contract in marriage. II-IRE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To propose, offer, II-NADZUKE, n. Betrothal, espousal. put in an offer or bid. II-NARAI,-,-,-ta, i. v. To be accustomed II-KACHI,-tsu,-tta, i. v. To defeat, van- to saving, to be in the habit of saying, quish, beat or overcome in a discussion. to learn to talk. II-KAKE,-ru.-ta, t. v. To impute, charge II-NASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To make appear with, to blame, accuse with; to begin so by talking; to represent, show, or to say, be about to say; to accost, to make by talking. Uso wo makoto ni.address another. II-NIKUI,-ki,-ku-ski, a. Hard or diffiII-KAKUSHI-SU,-ta, t. v. To conceal or cult to say; bad, unpleasant or disacover over by talking, to palliate, to greeable to say. deny the knowledge of. II-NOBE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To postpone, deII-KANE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To dislike to tell, fer, put-off; to tell, relate. to find it hard to say. II-NOGARE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To avoid speakII-KASUME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To obscure by ing of, to evade, shun or escape by saytelling, obfuscate. ing. II-KATA. n. Way or manner of speaking; II-NUKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To slip out of, get something to say. -ga na, impossi- out of, or escape by talking. ble to say it. II-oKI,-k,-ta, t. v. To leave word. II-KATAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To confirm, Kuwashiku ii-oite kayeta. establish, ratify, settle. II-6SE,-ru,-ta, or II-OWASERU, t. v. To II-KAWA.SHI,-U,-ta, t. v. To exchange impute, to lay to the charge of another, words, to promise, to make a verbal to blame with. agreement.' II-PANASHI, n. Saying and going away 4* IS 82 IJI without waiting for a reply. - ni shite II-TSUKURAI,-o,-tta, t. v. To mend, reyuku. pair or adjust by words. II-SABAKI,-kU,-ita, t.. To say and un- II-TSUKUSHI,-su,-ta, t.. To exhaust a ravel, unfold or explain; to clear up subject, to say all that can be said. what is obscure or difficult. II-TSUME,-ru,-ta,- t. v. To corner, to II-SAMASHII,-Su,-ta, t. a. To speak and put one in a tight place in an argument, dissuade from; to cool or abate the de- to silence, confute. sire for anything by talking. II-TSUNORI,-ru,-tta i. v. To grow warm II-SAMATAGE,-ru,-ta, t. V. By speaking in an argument, to become more and to hinder, interfere, or prevent. more excited or severe in talking. II-SASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To leave off talk- Ii-TSUTAYE-ru,-ta, t. v. To tell from ing before one is done, owing to some one to another, to hand down by sayinterruption. ing; to preach to others, to disseminI1-SHIDZUME,-ru,-ta, t. v. By speaking ate. to hush, quiet, or still. II-WAKE, n. Explanation, account, apolII-SHIROI,-,-ota, t. v. To dispute, alter- ogy, excuse, extenuation. -ga nai, no cate, wrangle. excuse. II-soBlRE,-ru,-ta, i.. Not able to speak II-WAKE-ru,-ta, t. v. To explain, clear or give utterance to. up, or make plain. II-SOKONAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To do harm II-WATASHI,-SU,-ta, t. V. To pass a word or injury by talking; to mistake in say- or order to another, to give orders. ing, to commit an error in speaking. II-YABURI,-ru,-ta, t. V. To divulge, to II-soME,-ru,-ta, i. v. To begin to talk, break a secret, to confute or convince. as a child; to be derived or coined, as a IIYE, adv. No, is not, am not. word; to be-first spoken. II-Y6, n. Way, or manner of speaking or II-SONJI,-rU,-ta, t. rv. To mistake in say- saying, mode of speech or utterance. ing, say incorrectly, to do harm by Mudzukashiku te - ga nai, it is so speaking. difficult I cannot say it. II-suGI,-ru,-ta, i. a. To say too much, Ih-YoRi,-ru,-tta, t. v. To approach and or more than is proper; to speak rude- say, to court, woo. ly, violently or abusively. II-ZAMA, n. Way of speaking, habit of II-SUKUME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To convince or saying. - no warui hito. force to yield or assent to an argu- I-Ji, (kawatta koto), n. Any thing ment. strange, unusual, uncommon, or exII-SUTE,-ru,-a, t. 7v. To say and go traordinary. away not waiting for a reply. Aisatsu Iji, n. Spirit, temper, disposition. - mo kikadzu ni ii-sutete yuku. wo haru, to be obstinate, cross-grained. II-TAI,-ki-ku,-shi, a. Wish to say or IJI-BARI,-ru,-tla, i. z. To be obstinate, speak, desirous of telling. litaku nai, head-strong. do not wish to say. IJI-DZUKU. Roused to obstinacy, overII-TAOSHI -su,-ta, t. v. To overcome, bearing. - ni naru, to become obstivanquish or defeat in an argument. nate and unyielding.. II-TATE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To set agoing, to IJIGITANAI,-ki,-ku,-sh, a. Gluttonous, get up or originate, as a story or report; greedy, fond of good eating. to say or offer to a superior, as a peti- IJI-II. - suru, to fret, to be irritated, tion. peevish. II-TORI,-rU,-tta, t. v. To express, to IJIKARI-MATA, aV. - de aruku, to walk speak, tell, or explain in language. Ko- with the legs widely separated, to walk koro ni wakarite wa iyedomo ii-toru in a straddling way. kolo ga mudzukashii. IJIKE,-ru,-la, i. v. To shrink, contract, II-TOSHI,-Ut,-ta, t. v. To continue or to be small or stunted. persist in saying, to say constantly. IJIME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To bully, hector, to II-TSUGI,-gu,-ida, t. v. To pass or trans- treat with insolence, to vex, tease, to mit a word or messsage from one to an- annoy, to chafe. other. Hito no hanashi wa iitsuide I-JIN, n. A foreigner, a strange person. yaru. IJIRASHII,-ki,-kU, a. That which causes II-TSUKAWASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To tell or fretting, worry, grief, sorrow, or vexasay to another by a messenger. ticn. Ijirashiku omou, to feel vexed. II-TSUKE,-ru,-/a, t. v. To give orders, IJIRI,-ru.-/ta, t. v. To handle, to feel, to command, to bid, to tell, inform. meddle with; to oppress, vex, tease, to II-TSUKE, X. A command, order. insult. IJI 83 IKE IJIRI-DASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To drive away IKARASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Ikari. To by persecuting, vexing, or oppressing. make angry, to anger, enrage. IJ6, (nokoshi gaki), n. A will, or any IKARERU, a. Angry. - ganshoku, angry writing made by a dying person and countenance. left for the instruction of others. IKARE,-ru,-ta, poten. of Iku. To go, can I-jo, adv. Above, before. Rokuju nen go. - nai, can't go, can't be done. i-jO, above 60 years. Czhiu yori - no IKARI, n. An anchor. - no tsume, the mono, persons above the middle class. fluke of an anchor. I-JUTSU, n. The medical art, practice of IKARi,-ru,-aita, i. v. To be angry. medicine. IKARI,-ru,-atta, i. zv. To be put into the I-KA, adv. Below, below this, from this water and kept alive, as a flower. on, henceforth, after this. Chiu i-ka IKARI, n. Anger. no mono, persons below the middle IKASAMA, adv. How, in what way; but class. in coll. used in expressing surprise or IKA, n. The cuttle-fish. assent to what another says. = InIKABAKARI, adv. How much? how deed, truly. great? very great. IKASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Iku. To make IKADA, n. A raft of timber. to go, let go, to send. Ikasete kudaIKADA-SHI, n. A raftsman. sare, let me go. IKADEKA, adv. How, why. IKASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To restore to life, IKADZUCHI, n. Thunder. revive, to let live. Kane wo ikashite IKAGA, adv. How, why, what; doubt, tsukau, to spend money usefully. hesitation. - itas, what shall I do? IKATSUI,-ki,-ku, a. Rude, harsh, rough Kore wa ikaga. de gozaru, how is this? in manner, churlish. Biyo-nin no yodai wa ikaga, how is IKATSUGAMASII,-ki,-ku, a. Rough, harsh, the sick man? - to nareba, to ex- rude in manner. plain, or state the reason. I-KAYESHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To shoot an arIKAGAHII-l,-ku -shi, a. Doubtful, du- row back. bious, uncertain. A mari ikagaskii IKA-Y6, adv. How, in what way. - de kara itashimasen. moyoroshii, any how will do. IKA-HODO. How much. - mo nai, have IKE, n. A pond, artificial lake. not much. IKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To keep alive, to be IRAI, a. Great, big, enormous, much. alive. Hana wo -, to put flowers in - koto aru, have a great many. - water so as to keep them alive. uso, a great lie. IKEru,-ta, t. v. To bury, to plant, to IKAI, n. Rank, grade. - wo susumu, set in the ground, as a post. Gomo wo to rise in rank. tsuchi ni -, to bury litter in the I-KAKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To repair pots, ground. kettles, or any kind of castings. IKE,-ru,-ta. Potent. of Iku, can go. IKAKE-YA, n. A tinker, a repairer of Kono michi wa ikeru ka, is this road utensils made of cast metal. passable? IKAMESHII,-ki,-ku, a. Having a stern, IKE-BANA. n. A flower kept alive by putsevere, or fierce appearance. ting in the water. IKA-MONO-GUI, n. One who dares eat IKEDORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To take alive. anything. take prisoner. IKAN, adv. Of interrogation, or doubt; IKE-FUZAKE,-ru,-ta, i.. To play roughhow, what. - to suru, what shall I ly or rudely, to romp. do? Ikan to nareba, to give the rea- IKE-GAKI, n. A live hedge. son, to state why, because. IKE-MORI, a. A kind of food made of raw IKANARU, n. What kind, what manner, fish. IKANAREBA. For the reason that, for, I-KEN, n. Counsel, advice; opinion, because. judgment; admonition, reproof. - wo IKANI, adv. Of interrogation, or doubt; suru, to counsel, admonish. how, what. - sen, what shall I do? IKENAI, (fot. neg. of Iku, to go.) CanIkani shite mno yoi, any way will do. not go, used in com. coll. in the sense - to nareba, if you ask how, the rea- of, of no use, bad, won't do, can't do. son is, because. Kono fude -, this pen is of no use. IKANI-MO, adv. Indeed, very much, very Kono uchiwva ikenakunatta, the fan is well, greatly. - zonjite orimasu, I no longer fit to use. know it very well. IKENGAMSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Fond of giving IKANOBORI, n. A kite. advice or admonition. IKE 84 IKU IKENIYE, n. Sacrifices of things that IKISEKI-TO adv. Hurried breathing, have life, animal sacrifices. Hito wo panting, blowing. - ni ageru to offer a human sacrifice. IKI-SUGI, n. One who makes a show of Hito no tame ni- i naru. knowing or doing what he knows nothIKESU, n. A pond or basket in which ing about, a pretender, braggart. fish are kept alive. IKI-TSUKI, n. Breathing-time, time of IKI, n. The breath. - wo suru, to resting from work, recess. breathe. - wo hiku, to draw in the IKI-UTSUSHI, n. Life-like resemblance, breath. - wo tsuku, to sigh. -ga copied to the life. kireru, to be out of breath, short- IKIYAKU. - suru, to be troubled, anwinded. noyed, perplexed. IKI, n. Elegant, stylish, genteel, refined. IKI-ZASHI, n. The breathing, respira. - na onna, a stylish woman. tion. IKI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be alive, to live. IKKA. What day? Kon-nichi wa ikka, Ikiteoru, living. Naga iki, long life. what day of the month is this? IKI,-ku,-tta, i. v., com. col. for yuku, to IKKA. One load, (for a man). -no hago. ltte mo ii, you had better go. Itte kobi-chin ega ikura, what is the charge totte koi, go and bring. Itte miru, to for carrying one load? go and see. IKKADO, adv. Especial, particular, chiefIKIDAWASHI,-ki,-ku, a. Having a diffi- est, most eminent. culty in breathing. IKKAMBARI, n. Articles made of paper [KID6RI,-ru,-ta, i.. To be angry, to thickly pasted over a frame of wood and be in a passion, exasperated, enraged, varnished. incensed. IKKETSU. - sur, to make a resolution, [KIDORI, n. Anger, resentment. come to a determination, to resolve. IKI-DZUKAI, n. Respiration, breathing. IKKI, n. A revolt, mob, insurrection. - wo shite kikase-nasare, let me listen IKKIYO. adv. One effort, one blow, one to your breathing. charge. IKI-DZUYE, n. The staff carried by chair- IKKIY6, n. A pleasant time, frolic, dibearers to rest the chair on when stop- version. - wo moyosu, to get up a ping. frolic. IKI-GAKE-NI, adv. While going, while IKKO, adv. Wholly, quite, exceedingly; on the way. with a negative verb, = not at all. IKI-GIRE, n. Hard breathing, short- zonj'masen, don't know anything about winded, out of breath. it. IKI-JI, n. Passion, irritation, excitement IK6, (dubitative form of Iku). I think, or temper. - wo haru, to show bad desire to go. - to omnte mo hima ga temper, or obstinacy. n.ai, I thought of going, but had no IKI-KAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To return to life, time. revive, come to life again. IK6, adv. Very, exceedingly. - waruio IKI-KUSAI,-ki,-ku, a. Having a foul or very bad. -yoroshu, very good. stinking breath. IKO, n. A rack or stand for hanging IKI-MAKI-a,-k,-ta, i. v. To be out of clothes on. breath, to breathe hard, or pant, as an IKOI,-o,-ta, i. v. To rest. angry person. I-KON, (nokoru urami). Malice, reIKIMI, n. Straining, urgent desire to go sentment, enmity, spite or ill-will. to stool or to urinate, tenesmus; bear- I-KoRoSHI,-s,-ta, i. v. To shoot and ing down pains of labor. kill with an arrow. IKIMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To strain, press, IKU, adv. How many? - do, how or bear down, at stool, or in labor. often? - tabi, how often? Iku hodo IKI-NAGARAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Living, mo naku, in a very short time. whilst living, during life. IKUBAKU, (nanihodo). How much, how IKIOI, n. Power, force, momentum, many, some. -mo nashi, not much. strength; authority, might, influence. I-KUBI, n. Pig-neck, short necked. IKIRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be very hot and IKU-HISASHII,-ki,-ku, adv. A long time, close, sultry; to be musty, or spoiled. a long time to come. Kusa-ikire, the odor of hot grass. ItUJINAI,-ki,-shi, a. Devoid of spirit, or I-KIRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To cut in two by courage; weak or craven-hearted, shooting with an arrow. pusillanimous, idle, lazy. IKI-RIYO, n. The spirit or ghost of a IKUN, n. The commands, instructions, living person. or will of a dying person. IKU 85 INA IKURA, adv. How much, how many. hate, abhor. Imi-kirau, to dislike, Nedan wa -, what is the price? Ko- regard with aversion or disgust. no hon wa mada ikura mo aru, have IMI, n. The mourning on the death of a still many of these books. relative. - no uchi, during the time IKUSA, n. War, an army. - suru, to of mourning. - ake, the end of war, to fight. - no dogu, weapons of mourning. Imi-gomen, excused from war. mourning,-in order to attend to one's IKUTSU, adv. How many? Omaye no o duty. toshi wa -, how old are you? IMI, n. Meaning, sense, significance. I-KUWAN, n. The oesophagus. IMI-BUKU, n. The clothes worn during I-KUWAN, adv. Since then, ever since, mourning. from that time. IMI-MONO, n. Things which one avoids I-KUWAN, n. Rank and office. or abstains from. I-KUWAN, n. The stomach. IMI-NA, n. The name which a person I-KUwo, n. Majesty, glory, power. receives on arriving at the age of fifteen. IKU-YE-NI-MO. Used in beseeching, im- I-MIYO, n. Another, or different name; ploring, or requesting, = earnestly, ur- a nick-name. gently. -yoroshikuo tanomi-moshi- IM-MON, n. The vulva. masu, I urgently request you. IM-MOTSU, n. A present. I-MA, n. A sitting-room. IMO, n. An edible root, potato. SatsuIMA, adv. Now, the present; modern. ma-imo, sweet potato. yagatara- no yo, the present age. - kara, imo, common potato. Sato-imo, the henceforth, after this. - jibun, now, Taro. Yama no ino, or nagai-imo, a at present. Ima ya ima ya to matsu, kind of long edible root. Imo-batake, to wait in momentary expectation. a potato-field, potato-patch. Ima ni, now, presently. - hitori, the IMO, n. The scars left by small-pox. other person. gao, a face pitted by small-pox. IMADA, ado. Yet, still; with a neg., not IMO-GARA, n. The stems of the Taro yet. - konu, not yet come. - konu plant. maye ni, before he comes. IMOJI, n. The cloth worn around the IMA-IMASHII,-i,-ku, a. Disagreeable, waist by women. disgusting, unpleasant, unlucky. IMO-MUSHI, n. The large green caterIMAMEKASHII,-ki,-ku. Modern in style, pillars found on the Taro plant. like present custom. I-MONO, n. Articles made by casting in IMA-SARA, adv. Now at last, now after moulds; a casting. so long a time. - ko-kuwai shite mo IMONO-SHI, n. A founder, caster of metal oyobanai, it is now too late to con- utensils. fess. IMORI, n. A kind of water-lizard. IMASHI,-SU,-ta, i. v. To be, to dwell. IMOTO, n. Younger sister. - muko, the Danna wa uchi ni imasu ka, is your husband of a younger sister. master at home? Imasen, is not at IM-PON, n. A printed book. home. IM-PU, n. An adulterous or lewd IMASHIGATA, adv. Just now, a moment woman. ago. IN, n. A rhyming syllable. - wo fumu, IASHIME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To admonish, to rhyme. caution, counsel, to warn; to threaten, IN, n. A stamp, seal. - wo osu, to to punish, to correct, chastise. stamp. IMASHIME, n. Instruction, admonition, IN, (yokoshima,) n. Licentiousness. caution, counsel, warning, correction, wo konomu, to be licentious. punishment, reproof, prohibition. IN, (kage,) n. Shade, the female principle IMAWA. The end of life, the time of of Chinese philosophy; the male is death. - no kiwa, article of death. called, yd. IMAWAsHII,-ki,-ku, a. Disagreeable, INA, n. A kind of river fish. odious, offensive, unpleasant, disgust- INA, adv. No, not so. - to iu, said, ing. no. Ina-ya, so or not, whether or not, IM-BAN, n. A seal, stamp. how. IM-BO, n. Secret intrigue or plot, a con- INABIKARI, n. Lightning. spiracy. INADA, n. A kind of mackerel. IM-BON, n. Adultery. INADZUMA, n. Lightning. IMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To dislike, have an INAGO, n. A kind of insect that infests aversion for, disgust for, avoid, shun, to rice fields. INA 86 IPP INAJIMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To become which the condition or lot in this life is used to living in, to be at home in, or supposed to be determined. Cause, accustomed to a place. reason, secret affinity, relation, or conINAKA, n. Any place away from the nection. Do-iu - de ko natta, what capital, country. - mono, a country- is the reason of my being in this condiman, rustic. - _f, country style. - tion? kusai, boorish, rustic. IN-NIKU, n. The ink or coloring matter INAMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To decline, re- used for sealing or stamping. fuse. IN-NO, n. The scrotum. INA-MURA, n. Stacks of rice-straw. INOCHI, n. Life. - wo kakeru, to risk INANAKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To neigh. the life. Inochi-gake, hazardous, I-NAORI,-ru,-ta, t.. v. To change one's dangerous, perilous to life. Inochi-goi, seat, or adjust one's self in a seat. asking or praying for life. I-NARABI,-bU,-nda, i. v. To sit in a row, INOKO, n. A small pig. or in ranks. INORI,-ru-ta, i. v. To pray, to suppliI-NARE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To be used to a cate. Inori-korosu, to kill by prayplace, become familiar or accustomed er, to pray the gods to kill. to living in a place. INORI, n. Prayer, supplication. - wo INARE,-ra,-ta, i. v. To be gone, leave. suru, to pray. INARI,n. The god ofrice. INOSHISHI, n. A wild hog. -musha, a INASA, n. A south-east wind. soldier who never retreats. INDARI. Swapping, exchanging, barter. IN-RAKU, n. Carnal pleasures, sensual - ni suru, to swap, trade. enjoyment. INE,-ru-/a, i. v. To sleep, to be in bed. IN-RAN, n. Venery, lasciviousness, lewdINE, n. Rice in the stalk or while grow- ness. - na hito, a lascivious pering; paddy. son. I-NEMURI, n. Dozing, drowsy, to sleep IN-RO, n. A nest of small boxes carried while sitting. suspended from the belt. INGEN, n. A kind of white bean. IN-SHIN, n. Tidings, word, communicaIN-GIN. Polite, courteous, civil, kind. tion; account, message. - burei, over polite and annoying. IN-SHO, n. Internal congestion. IN-GIYO, n. A seal, stamp. IN-SHO, n. A seal, stamp. IN-GO (kakushi kotoba), n. Disguised, IN-SHOKU (nomi kui). Drink and food. secret or concealed language; an enig- - suru, to eat and drink. ma. IN-SU, n. Even numbers. IN-GUWA, n. One's deeds and their re- IN-SU, n. The number. - nani hodo. ward; cause, reason. - no -mukui, IN-SUI, n. The semen. retribution, or punishment for one's IN-TAKU, n. The dwelling of a person deeds. living in retirement. INISHIYE, n. Past times or ages, ancient IN-TOKU, n. Charity, or meritorious time, antiquity. deeds done in secret. IN-JA, n. A hermit, recluse. INU. Neg. of Iru, not in. Inn ka, is he IN-JI (kakureta koto), n. A concealed in? Inakatta, was not in. or hidden affair, a secret, mystery. INU, n. A dog; one of the twelve calINJI, n. Marbles. endar signs. - no ko, a pup. - no IN-JU (kadzu). The number of anything. toki, eight o'clock at night. - no kaTawara no -. ta, the W. N. W. IN-JUN. - suru, to procrastinate, delay, INUGO, n. A swelling of the lymphatic temporize. glands in the armpit or groin. IN-KAN, n. A stamped ticket shown as a INU-I, n. The northwest. passport, ticket, a pass. I-NUtKI-ku,-ia, t. v. To shoot an arrow IN-KI. Cloudy, dark, gloomy, dull, som- through, pierce by shooting. bre. INUKORO, n. A pup. IN-KIYO, n. Living in retirement or se- IN-v6. The male and female, or active elusion, retired from business, and passive principles of nature, acIN-KIYO, n. Membrum virile, cording to Chinese philosophy. INKO, n. A parrot. IN-YOKU, n. Lascivious desires, lust, IN-KUWA, n. A phosphorescent light, lewdness, venery. ignis fatuus. IOBIY, n. Chlorosis. IN-NEN, n. Affinity or relation in a pre- IPPAI. Once full. 4Midzu ga iP5fai ni vious state of existence, according to natta, it has become full of water. IPP 87 IRI IPPAN, adv. Whole, universal, general. tal in trade; to put into. Ire-oku, to Seken -, the whole world. put into, place in and leave. IPPENGOSHI-NI, adv. Alternately. IRE,-ru,-ta, i. z'. To be parched, IPPONDACHI, at. Standing alone; alone, toasted; to be impatient, fretful, cross, by one's self; independent of others. peevish. Kono manze yoku ire-ma- de suru, to do anything without the skita. Ki no ireta hito, an impatient help of others. person. IRA, n. The nettle, a prickle. Sakand IRE-BA, n. Artificial tooth. no -, the spines of a fish. IREBA-SHI, n. A dentist. IRACHI,-tSU,-a, t. v. To irritate, fret, or IRE-BOKURO, n. Small spots tattooed i vex one's self, to be angry. Ki wo the skin. iratsu, to be impatient. IRE-DZUMI, n. Branded by marks tatIRADACHI,-sU,-/a, t. v. To be angry, tooed in the skin with ink. impatient, fretful. IRE-FUDA, n. A written bid at an aucI-RAI (yori-tanomu). - suru, to re- tion, a written proposal, a ballot, a vote. quest, or beg one to do a favor. - wo suru, to put in a written bid, to IRAI, adv. After in time; since, hence- vote. forth, in future. Kore yori irai, from IRE-GAMI, n. False hair. this time, henceforth. IRE-GOMI, n. Mixed, jumbled.together. IRA-IRA, adv. Pricking, irritating, pee- I-REI. Different from the usual state or vish, irritable, testy. - suru, to prick, condition, indisposed, unwell. Irei mo irritate, smart. naku shite iki tayelari. IRA-IRASHII,-ki,-kU,, a. Irritable, peev- IRE-KO, n. A nest or set of boxes, where ish, passionate, impatient. one fits into another. - bachi, a nest IRAKA, n. A tiled roof. of bowls. IRA-MUSHI, n. A kind of caterpillar cov- IRE-ME, n. Artificial eye. ered with sharp hairs. IRE-MONO, n. A vessel for holding anyIRAN (chigai midaruru) n. A dispute thing. or contention about an alleged mistake, IRi,-ru,-fa, i. v To go into, enter; to litigation. - wo in, to dispute, dis- hold, contain; to use, to want, to need. sent. Kore wa nan ni iru no da, of what IRA-NAI. Neg. of Iru. — mono, useless use is this? Iri-chigau, to enter and things. pass each other, to be athwart, to be IRARAGI,-gU,-/a, i. v To have the skin crossed. Iri-kawaru, to enter in the corrugated and rough from cold; goose- place of one gone out, to take turns in flesh. doing. Iri-komu, to enter in. IriIRARE,-ru,-ta. Pot. of Iru, can be, can kumu, to be confused, mixed together, dwell or live. Kano atsui tokoro ni jumbled. Iri-majiru, mixed, blended, irarenu, I cannot live in such a hot mingled together, intermingled. Iriplace as this. midaru, to be confused, mixed, jumIRASE,-ru,-ta. Caust. of Iri. To cause, bled together. make, or let roast or parch. IRi,-ru,-/a, t. v. To parch, roast. IRASSHARI,-ru,-/ga. Polite call. in speak- IRI, n. Day's work. - de suru, to do ing to another, either in coming, going, by day's work. or being. Doko ye irassharimasu, IRI-AI, n. Sundown. - no kane, the where are you going? vesper-bell. IRA-TSUKI,-kU,-i/a. i. v. To be excited, IRI-GANE, n. Money expended, expendiimpatient, peevish. ture. IRAYE, n. Answer, reply, response. - IRI-GOME, n. Parched rice. wo suru, to answer, reply. IRI-HI, n. The setting sun. IRAYE,-ru,-Za, i. v. To answer, to re- IRIKA, n. The amount put into or emply, to respond. ployed in any work, the expenses, exIRE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To put into, to place penditures, disbursements. - wa nqin, take in, insert; to use, employ. ni hodo. Muko wo -, to bring a son-in-law into IRIKO, n. Trepang or bich-de-mer. ones family by marrying the daughter. IRI-KUCHI, n. The hole or place of enNen wo -, to pay attention to. Ire- trance, entrance, door, chigai, to put in by mistake. Ire- IRI-MAME, n. Parched peas. kayeru, to take out and put in, to IRI-ME, n. The amount put in or exchange the contents of anything. Ire- pended, expense, cost, disbursement. komu, to invest, to contribute, as capi- IRI-M!iKO, n. The second husband of a IRI 88 ISA daughter who lives in her father's fam- IROKEDZUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To arrive at ily. the age of puberty. Musume ga. IRI-NABE n. A pan for parching or roast- IRO-KICHIGAI, n. Insanity accompanied ing. with lasciviousness. IRI-SHIGOTO, n. Day's work. IROKO, n. Dandruff, the scales of a fish. IRI-TSUKE,-ru,-a, t. v. To fry, or roast IRO-MACHI, n. The prostitute quarter of anything until it sticks to the pan. a town. IRI-TSUKI,-,-ita, i. v. To be fried or IROMEKASHIl,-ki,-ku, a. Havingalasciviroasted until dry or browned. ous appearance, having lewd thoughts IRI-UMI, n. A bay, gulf, inlet, arm of the or feelings. sea. IROMEKI,-ku,-ita i v. To have the apIRI-YE, n. A bay, inlet, or recess in the pearance of irresolution or giving shore of a river. way. IRI-YO, n. Expense, outlay; use. - wo IROMOCHI, n. Cakes or bread made of rice ikura kakari-mashita, what was the colored with various colors. expense? Kore wa nan no - nisuru, I-RON, n. A different opinion or arguof what use is this? ment, a dispute. - wo tateru. IRO, (coll. imp. of Iru). Hon wo yonde IRO-NAOSHI, n. An entertainment some iro, read your book. two or three days after a wedding. IRO, n. White clothes worn by women at IRONE, n. The tone, quality of sound. funerals. Fuye no -. IRO, n. Color; (met.) appearance, sign, IRONE, n. Elder brother or sister. or semblance, tone, variety. Iro ni go IRO-ONNA, n. A mistress. shiki ari, there are five kinds of color, IRO-OTOKO, n. A paramour, a lover. (viz: white, black, red, yellow, green,) IRORI, n. A hearth, or fire-place. - wo tsukeru, to color. Kao no iro, IRO-TSUYA, n. The gloss, lustre, brightthe complexion. Teki wa make iro ni ness, complexion of anything. natta, the enemy showed signs of giv- IROZATO, n. The quarters in a town in ing way. Hito no kowa-iro mto tsu- which prostitutes live. kau, to imitate the voice of another. I-RUI, n. Clothing, wearing apparel. IRO, n. Love, lewdness, venery; a mis- IRUKA, n. The porpoise. tress, paramour, lover. - ni naru, to IRUKASE. Careless, negligent, inattentive. be in love; lust after. - ni naru. IRO-AGE, n. Restoring a color to its ori- IRUM.AJIKI,-ku, a. Not needful, of no ginal lustre. - wo suru. use. IRO-AI, n. The colors, coloring; appear- IsAGIYOi,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Pure, clean, ance. -ga yoi, the coloring is good. undefiled. - kokoro, a pure heart. IRO-BANASHI, n. An obscene story, love- ISAGO, n. Sand. talk. ISAI, n. The particulars, minutiae, minIRODORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To ornament with ute detail. - wo iu, to tell the particua variety of colors, to color, paint. lars. IRODORI, n. Painting, coloring. ISAI-NI, adv. Particularly, minutely, cirIRO-DZUKI,-ku,-ita, i v. To become cumstantially. ripe or mature, to put on a ripe col- ISAKAI,-au,-atta, i. v. To quarrel, disor. pute, wrangle, contend. IRO-GOTO, n. A love intrigue, a love a- ISAKAI, n. A quarrel, dispute, contention, fair. altercation. IRO-GURUI, n, Abandoned to debauchery ISAKUSA, n. Contention, row, brawl. or lewdness. wo iu, to quarrel. I-RO-HA, n. The first three syllables of ISAMASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Courageous, brave, the Japanese syllabary. valiant, gallant, bold, intrepid, brisk, IROI,-O,-Ota, t. v. To handle, meddle lively. with, to quiz, jeer, or to speak ironi- ISAMASHISA, n. The bravery, gallantry, cally. intrepidity. IRO-IRO, adv. Various, many, different ISAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To reprove, caution, kinds, diverse. remonstrate, or plead with, to expostuIRO-KA, n. Color and fragrance, beauty late with. Kimi oya nado wo isameand loveliness of women. ru. IRO-KE, n. Love or fondness for the op- ISAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To soothe, appease, posite sex. - ga tsuita, to arrive at the tranquilize, comfort. age of puberty. ISAME, n. Remonstrance, reproof, cau ISA 89 ISS tion, warning, or advice to a superior. I-SHIRAMASARE,-ru,-ta, (pass.) To be - wo iru. overwhelmed with a discharge of arIsAMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be bold, cour- rows. ageous, intrepid, valiant, gallant, chiv- I-SHIRAMNASHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To overalrous. whelm with a discharge of arrows. ISAMI, n. A bold, intrepid person. ISHI —TATAKI, n. A kind of bird, the wagISAO or ISAOSHI, n. Merit; great, emin- tail. ent, or distinguished deeds. - no are I-SHO, n. Medical books. hito, a distinguished man. I-SH6, n. Clothes, wearing apparel. ISARAI, n. The buttocks. I-SHOKU, n. Clothes and food. ISARI, n. Fishing. - wo suru, to fish. I-SHU, n. Hatred, malice, enmity; Isari-bi, a torch used in fishing at night. meaning, mind, intention, object. Isari-bune, a fishing-boat. gayeshi wo suru, to take vengeance. ISASAKA, a. Small, little, trifling. - Ma Iso, n. Sea-shore, sea-coast. nai, not the least, by no means. I-so, n. A strange, or uncommon physiISASAME, adv. Slightly, little, temporary. ognomy. ISE,-rM,-ta. To sew and gather, aswhen I-so. Appears to be, looks as if there is. sewing a long edge to a shorter. Iseru Asuko ye - de gozarimasu, I think it tokoro wa nai, sewed even and smooth is yonder. without a wrinkle. ISO-BATA, n. The sea-coast. I-SEI, a. Power, authority, might.. ISO-BE, n. On the sea-shore, near the wo hatle ibaru, to act arrogantly. sea-coast. I-SHA, n. A physician, doctor. - ni ISOGASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Busy, actively akaaru, to employ a doctor. Yabu engaged, doing with haste, hurry, -, a quack doctor. Hayari -, a bustling, urgent. Ki no - hito, a popular doctor. person always in a hurry, a driving ISHI, n. A physician. person. ISHI, n. A stone. Ishi-bai, lime made ISOGASHISA, n. The hurry, press of of limestone. Ishi-bashi, a stone business, bustle. bridge. Ishi-biya, a cannon. shi- IsoGI,-gu,-ida, z. v. To hasten, to hurry, botoke, a stone idol. Ishi-bumi, a to be urgent, pressing. Isoide kuru, stone tablet, or monument bearing an come in haste. Isoide suiu, to do in inscription. Ishi-dan, a stone plat- haste. form, stone step. Ishi-datami, slabs Iso-Iso, adv. In a quick, hurried manof stone used for flooring; also a kind ner: blithesome, gay. of knot tied so as to have the appear- IS6OR, n. A hanger-on, a dependant on ance of four squares. Ishi-doro, a another for support. stone lamp-post. Ishi-dzuki, the butt- ISSAI, adv. All, whole. - shu-jb, all end of a spear. Ishi-dzukuri, made or living things. built of stone. Ishi-dzumi, stone-coal. ISSAKU-JITSU, adv. Day before yesterday. Ishi-dzuri, a lithograph, a print from ISSAKU-NEN, adv. Year before last. stone. Ishi-dzuye, a stone pedestal, a ISSAN, adv. With the utmost speed, stone foundation. Ishi-gaki, stone with a bound. wall. Ishi-g-urruma, treading on a ISSETSU, adv. Positively, certainly, round stone. Ishi-ji, stony ground; absolutely, peremptorily. - zonjimaalso, a kind of lacquer of a stone-color, sea, positively don't know. and without lustre. shi-kiri, a stone- ISSHIN, adv. Whole heart, one mind. cutter. Ishi-ko, stone chips. Ishiko- - furan ni kagiyJ wo hagemu, to be dzume, killing and burying under a entirely taken up with one's business. pile of stones. [shi-ku, a stone-mason. ISSHIN, adv. Alone, one person. Ishi-mochi, a kind of fish, said to have ISSHIN, adv. Entirely new, applied to a stone in its head. Ishi-usu, a stone the reorganization of the government mill, a stone mortar. Ishi-ya, a stone- under the Mikado. cutter, stone-mason, a seller of stones. ISSHO-KEMMEI, adv. Risking one's life, Ishi-yumi, a bow for throwing stones, in desperation, disregarding one's life.catapult. ni tatakau. ISHI-ISHI, n. A dumpling. ISSHO-NI, adv. Together, along with, ISHIKI, n. The buttocks. in concert, in company with. -yuku, ISHIKI,-u, a. Good, well. Nanji ishi- to go together. ku mairitari, you have done well in ISSHO. The whole life. - no aida, coming. during one's life. ISS 90 ITO Isso, adv. Better, rather. ITA-MEGAMI, n. Paste-board. ISSUMBOSHI, n. A pigmy, dwarf. ITAMI, —,-nda,,. v. To pain, hurt; Isu, n. A kind of hard black wood, of to injure, damage, hurt, spoil; to grieve which combs are made, also called for. Yusu. ITAMI, n. Pain, hurt, injury; grief, sadIsu, n. A chair. ness. ISUKA, n. The cross-bill. ITAMI-IRI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To feel pained ISuRI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To take by menace with a sense of obligation, to feel proor deception, to extort. found respect. I-suwARI,-ru,-tga, i. v. To run aground, I-TAOSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To shoot down, to ground. kill with an arrow. ITA, n. A board. Tetsu no ita, sheet ITARAGAI, n. A kind of shell-fish. iron. - kabe, a board wall or petition. ITARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To arrive at, to Ita-bame, weather-board, clapboard, reach, to attain, extend to, to result in, Ita-bashi, a bridge of a single plank. lead to, to be versed in; to attain to Ita-bei, a board fence. Ita-bisashi, a the utmost, highest or fullest degree. board roof over a door or window. Ita- ITARI, n. Tke utmost degree or extent. buki, a board or shingle roof. Ita-da- ITASA, n. The pain. tami, a board mat, a board floor. Ita- ITASHI,-.r,-/a, t. v. To do. Itashi kado, a door made of boards. Ita-gakoi, ta ga nai, there is no help for it. a fence, board enclosure. Ita-gami, I-TATE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To shoot often and paste-board. Ita-gane, sheet-metal. in rapid succession. Ita-jiki, board floor. Ita.me, the ITATSUKI, n. Sickness, disease. - ga curved grain, or veins of wood. mini iiu, to be sick. ITABURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To extort or take ITATrE, adz. Superlatively, very, exillegally by menace or deception. ceedingly. - yoroshii, exceedingly ITACHI, n. A weasel. I good. ITADAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To put on the ITAWARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To pity, to care head; to receive respectfully. for, to love. ITADAKI, n. The top of the head; top, ITAWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Tender concern, summit. careful love, pitiful, compassionating. ITADE, n. A wound. ITA-YA, n. A house with a shingle roof; ITADZUGAWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Trouble- board-yard. some, laborious, hard, afflictive. IT-CHI, adv. Together, at the same ITADZUKI, n. Sickness, affliction. time, with one accord, one heart. ITADZURA, a. Idle, vain, useless, un- IT-CHI, adv. Superlatively. — yoi, the profitable, mischievous; indecent, im- best. - warui, the worst. modest, lewd. - wo suru, to do mis- ITE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Frozen, hardened, chief. congealed. ITADZURA-NI, adv. Uselessly, vainly, I-TE, n. An archer, bowman. idly, unprofitably. I-TEI, (kotonaru katachi,) n. Strange in ITAGARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To suffer pain, form, or appearance. to be in pain. ITO, n. Thread, a string, twine, raw ITAGO, a. The deck of a ship. silk. Kinu-ito, silk thread. MomenI-TAI, A. Strange or unnatural in form, ito, cotton thread. Asa-ito, linen monstrous. thread. Ki-ito, raw silk. ITAI,-ki,-shi, a. Painful, sore; very, ex- ITO, adv. Superlatively, exceedingly, cessive, exceeding. very. -- sewashii, very busy. ITAIKE, a. Young, pretty, darling, ITODO, adv. More, more and more, lovely. still more. ITA-ITASHII,-ki,-ku,-is,-sa. Painful, dis- ITODOSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Very, exceeding; tressing, sad pitiful. sad, painful. ITAKU, adv. Painful, severe. - nai, it I-TOGE,-ru,-ta. t. v. To complete the is not painful. Itanakatta, did not hurt. whole of one's time of service, serve I-TAKU, n. A dwelling-house. out one's time. ITAMASHII,-ki,-ku,-zZ,-s.$ Distressing, ITO-GUCHI, n. The end of a thread. sad, painful, mournful. ITO-GURUMA, n. A spinning-wheel. ITAMASHiME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To afflict, IToI,-o,-ota, t. v. To be tired of, weary cause pain, or trouble. of, to dislike; to mind, regard, or care ITAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To pain, afflict; for. Inochi wo ushino wo itowadzu, hurt; injure, damage, spoil. did not mind losing his'life. ITO 91 IWA ITOKENAI-ki,-',u, a. Youthful, young, ITSU-KA. The fifth day of the month; tender. also, five days. ITOKO, n. A cousin. Itoko-awase, mar- I-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To be stuck fast, riage between cousins. Itoko-doshi, fixed, settled in a place; to be quiet, cousins to each other. calm. ITOKONI, n. A kind of food made of red ITSUKUSHII,-kiku, a. Austere, grave, beans. dignified, strict. I-TOKU, n. Majesty, dignity, power, ITSUKUSHIMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To love, authority. to regard with tenderness, pity, comITO-KURI, n. A reel. passion or kindness. ITOMA, n. Leisure, freedom from occu- ITSUKUSHIMI, n. Love, pity, compassion, pation or business; time; liberty from tenderness. service. 0 - mdshimasu (said in ITSU-MO, adv. Usual, common, customleaving the presence of any one), I will ary; always, constantly. - no tori, in take my leave. - wo nego, to ask for the usual way. - kawaradzu, never dismissal from service. - wo dasu, to changing. dismiss from service. Itoma-goi, beg- ITSU-TO-NAKU, or, ITSU-TO-N6, adv. ging that one may be allowed to take Gradually, imperceptibly. - yoku his leave; taking leave. - wo suru, natta. to take leave. ITSU-TOTEMO, adv. Always; or never, ITO-MAKI, n. A spool for winding thread with a negative verb. - kawara-nai, on. will never change. ITO-ME, n. The strings of a kite. ITSUTSU. Five. ITO-MO, adv. Very, exceedingly. ITSUWARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To deceive, lie, ITONA.MI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To do, make, mislead, cheat, beguile, delude, disbuild, perform. semble. ITONAMI, n. Business, occupation. ITSUWARI, n. A lie, deception. - wo I-TOSHi,-su,-ta, t. v. To shoot an arrow iu, to tell a lie. through anything. ITSUZOYA, ado. Some time before. IT6SHII,-ki,-ku, a.'Very dear, darling, ITTAI, n. One person, one individual beloved; exciting pity or compassion. (adv.) usually, commonly. - ni shite Hito no nangi wo itishiku omo, to pity san-tai nari. the afflictions of men. ITTAN, adv. Once, one time. ITOSHI-GO, n. A beloved child. ITT6, n. The whole. Seken -. ITOSHIMI-mu,-nda, t. v. To pity, com- Iu, n. Way, manner. Aa-iu, in that passionate. way. Ko-iu in this way. Di-iu, in ITO-SUJI, n. A thread, the line of what manner. So i'u, in that way. threads. Iu. To speak. See Ii. ITO-TAKE, n. Stringed and wind instru- IU-HITSU, n. A secretary, amanuensis. ments of music. IU-ME, n. That which one says or speaks. ITOYU, n. The undulatory appearance of -ga deru, to get whatever one asks the atmosphere in a hot day. for. ITO-ZAKURA, n. A kind of cherry tree IU-YO. Way of speaking; that which he with long hanging branches. said. A no kite no - ni wa kayo de ITOZOKO, n. The raised edge on the bot- gosaru. tom of a cup. IWA, n. A rock, a reef. ITSU, cont. of Itsutsu, five. Itsu tose, IWA, n. The weight used for sinking a five years. seine or net. ITSU, ado. What time, when; usual, IWADZU, n. A dumb person. ordinary, common. Itsu yori m IWAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To congratulate, to okureru, later than usual. - gore, celebrate; felicitate, compliment; to when. - jibun, when. - kara, since worship. Gan-jitsu wo -. when, how long. Itsu made, to what IWAI, n. Congratulation, felicitation, time, how long. celebration; a feast, festive occasion. ITSI-DEMO, adv. Always, continually, Gan-jitsu no -. Iwai-bi, a holiconstantly; any time whatever. -yo- day. roshii, any time will do. IW.A-I, n. A well dug in a rock. ITSU-KA, ado. Some time not known; IWAKU. Same as Iu, to say. Koshi no as, hito wa itsuka ichido wa shinuru, Confucius said. mono da, everybody will die some time IWAN, fut. of Ii, iu. Ureshisa - kata or other. mo nashi. IWA 92 IZO IWANU, neg. of Ii, iu. Not say. - wa IYASHI,-SX,-ta, t. v. To cure, heal. iu ni masaru. IYASHIKUMO, conj. If, supposing that. IWANYA, adv. Much more, how much IYASHIME,-r^,-ta, t. v. To despise, conmore. temn, to look down on. IWAO, n. Rocks, a cliff, reef. IYE, n. A house, a family. - no ko, a IWA-OKOSHI, n. A kind of hard cake servant. made of rice. IYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be healed, cured. I-WARE, n. Reason, cause, history, ex- IYE-AKE, n. Vacating a house. - wo planation. - wo iu. ii-tsukeru. IWARE,-rz,-ta, pass. or pot. of Ii, i, IYE-BATO, n. A house pigeon. itta. To be said or can say, to be IYE-DE, n. Running away from home. spoken of, to be called. IYEDOMO, adv. Although, yet, but. IWASE,ru,-ta, caust. of Ii. To make or IYE-DZUTO, n. Presents to one's houselet another tell, to cause to speak. hold on returning from a journey. IwASHI, n. The sardine. IYE-GAMAYE, n. The plan or structure IWA-TAKE, n. A kind of mushroom that of a house. grows on rocks. IYE-GARA, n. The kind of family, famIWATA-OBI, n. The bandage worn by ily line or rank. pregnant woman. IYE-KANE,-ru,-ta, i.. Hard to heal, IWAYURU. The above-mentioned, afore- difficult to cure. said, the said, the so-called. I-YEKI, n. The gastric juice. Iwo. fut. of Ii. Would say, thought of IYE-NAMI, n. Style of house, row of saying. houses, house by house. Iwo, n A fish. — no wata, fish-guts. IYE-NUSHI, n. Owner of a house, landIwo, n. Sulphur, brimstone; also pro- lord. nouncedyuwo. IYE-SUJI, n. Family line, pedigree. IWO-NO-ME, n. A fish's eye, a corn on I-YETSU (yorokobi). Joy, rejoicing. the foot. suru, to rejoice. IWO-TSURI, n. An angler, fisherman. IYE-TSUDZUKI, n. A continuous line of IYA. Exclam. of regret or surprise, houses. IYA. Salutation. - wo nasu, to salute. IYE-TSUGI, n. An heir. IYA, adv. Moreover, still more, more IYO. Fut. or dub. of iru, to be. Omaye and more. ga shitte iyo, I expect you know. IYA, adv. No, don't want, will not; I-Y6, n. Manner of sitting. disagreeable, offensive, odious. - to IYODACHI,-su,-ta, i. v. To stand on yo, it is not so. - na koto wo iu. end. IYACHIKO, adv. Discriminating, mani- IYO-IYO, adv. Still more, more and fest. Kami no riyaku -. more, gradually. IYAGARI,-ru,-ta, i.. To dislike, have IZA. Exclam. of inciting, encouragin an aversion or repugnance to, to be un- or daring. - yukimashi, come, let's willing, go. IYAGA-UYE, adv. One on top of another. IZA, inter. No, it is not so, or you don't yimnba - ni kasanari. know. - toyo. IYAGI, n. A feeling of dislike, aversion, I-ZAISOKU. -suru, to wait and dun for repugnance, disrelish. the payment of money. IYA-ITOKO, n. A second cousin. IZA-KIOZA, adv. Saying this and that, IYAKU, n. Medicine. asserting and contradicting. I-YAKU (yaku wo somuku), n. Breach IZANAIaua,-atta, t. v. To invite to go of contract or promise. with; to allure, entice, seduce. IYA-MASARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To become IZANAWARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be invited more and more, greater-and greater. to accompany another; to be allured, IYAMASHI,-su,-ta, i. v. To increase, be- seduced, enticed. come more and more, or greater and IZARI, n. A cripple. greater. Samusa hibi ni-. IZARI,-ru.-tta, i. v. To shove, shuffle, IYARASHII, -ki,-ku, n. Disagreeable, un- or push one's self along. pleasant. IZEN. Before, previous, former. - no IYASA, n. Dislike, unpleasantness, dis- tdri, the previous manner. Kono -, agreeableness. before this. -yori, from former times. IYASHII,-ku, a. Low in rank, base, I-ZON, n. Different opinion, views, or vulgar, ignoble, vile, mean. sentiments. JA 93 JID J JA, n. A large snake; the figure of a Ji, n. A Chinese character, a word, letcircle within a circle. ter. JA (yokoshinma). Evil, bad, wicked, de- Ji, (tera) n. A Buddhist temple. 7i-gS, praved, vile, corrupt, erroneous. i7a- the name of a temple. do, evil way, corrupt doctrines. o7ahb, Ji, n. A road, way, journey. Mikkaji, wicked religious rites. a-chi, sub- a journey of three days. tlety, cunning. ya-in, adultery. Ya- JI, n. Ageneral term for diseases of the ken, cruel, hard-hearted. 7a-kiyoku, Anus. wicked and depraved. fa-shin, a de- JI, (tsuchi) n. The ground, earth; place, praved mind. ya-sho, vicious and vir- region; texture, material; the ground tuous. _a-shki, a wicked sect. ya-sui, color on which figures are painted; wicked feelings, natural habit, custom. JA. A coll. particle (a cont. of de aru) JI, (kotowari), - suru, to decline, re= de wa. Sdja nai -, it is not so. fuse, to excuse one's self from. JAGATARA, n. Batavia. - imo, the Ji, (osame) - suru, to cure, heal; to common potato. rule, govern. Yamnai wo -. JA-JA-UMA, n. A vicious horse. JI, (toki), n. Time, hour, season. ShiJA-KAGO, n. A long basket filled with Ji, the four seasons. Iku-ji, what stones, and used for damming upwater. o'clock? JAKAN-SEKI, n. Bismuth. Ji, (koto), n. An affair, matter, act, JAKI, n. An influenza, pestilential vapor. transaction, only used in composition; JA-KO, n. Musk. as Bu-ji, Dai-ji. JAKU, - suru, to be carried away with, Ji, n. The bridge over which the strings charmed, fascinated, captivated. of a harp pass. JAKU, n. A small fraction less than the JI-AI, (midzukara aisuru). Self love precise quantity or measure. Roku rin care for one's own person, happiness or -, a fraction less than six rin. health. - suru. JAKU-HAI, (wakaki tomogara). The JA-AI, a. Texture, material. Tam-rnoyoung, those who are immature in nono -. knowledge or experience. - na mono. JI-BAN, (coil. for yuban), n. A shirt. JAKUM-ETSU, a. The still end, death. - JIBIKI, n. A dictionary, lexicon. wo tahnoshimi to suru. JI-BIN, U. Dressing one's own hair. JAKU-NEN (wakaki toshi). Young, wo suru. youthful, time of youth. - no toki ni. JI-BIYO, n. A disease with which one is JAKURO, n. Pomegranate. often sick, a constitutional complaint. JAMA, n. Obstruction, hindrance, im- JI-BO, n. The five vowel sounds. pediment. - wo suru, to obstruct, JI-BO-JIMETSU. Self-destruction, selfruin. hinder, impede. JI-BOSO. Fine in texture. - no momen. JA-NEN, n. (yokoshima gokoro). Evil JI-BUN, n. Self, one's self. - de kaita, thoughts. wrote it myself. JANKO, n. Pock marks. JI-BUN, n. The time; proper time, opJARA-JARA, adv. Sporting, wanton, lewd, portunity. - ga kita, the time has jesting or badinage. - ii-nasaru na. come. JARASHI,-Su,-/,-. Caust. of fareru. To JIBUN-GARA. According to the season, make to play, romp or sport. Neko wo~-. that which is suited to the season. JARA-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To be play- kanki tsuyoku, the cold is severe for fill, sporting, romping, frolicsome. the season. JARE,-ru, —n, i. v. To play, frolic, sport, JI-BUTO, a. Coarse in texture. - no romp. Neko ga -. momnen. JARI, n. Gravel, small pebbles. JI-BUTSU, n. The idol which one espeJArTA, neg. pret. coll. suff. of Nagasaki cially worships. dialect, = nanda; as, Yominasenjatta, JI-DAI, n. Age, period of time. - mo- Yomimasenanda, have not read. no, an antique thing. JID 94 JIK I-DAI, n. Ground rent. - wo harau. dzu shite kotayuru rei ni aarzaru JIDANDA, n. Stamping with the feet, nari. as in anger. - wo funde ikaru, to JIKA-NI, adz'. Immediately, directly, stamp the feet in rage. personally, without the intervention of JIDARAKU, a. Slovenly, careless in man- a second person or thing. Hito niner. - no hito, a sloven. hanasu. JI-DO, n. A child under I5 years, a JIKI, adv. Immediately, instantly, quickyouth. ly, directly; immediate, close, next, JIDORI, n. Wrestling in sport, or in without anything or person interventraining. - wosuru. ing. - hashi no soba, next to the JI-FU, n. Vain-glory, self-praise, boast- bridge. Ima - niyuku, go at once. ful. - suru, to boast. JIKI, n. A meal, food. - ni komaru, JI-FUKU, n. Clothes suitable to the in want of food. Chiu -, dinner. season. Hi ni ni - suru, to eat twice a day. JIGABACHI, n. A kind of bee. JIKI, same as shiki; a numeral used in JI-GAl, (ntidzukara sokonau). Suicide by counting mats; as Talami ni mnaicutting the throat. - suru, to com- no heya, a room of the size of two mats. mit suicide. JIKI-CHO, n. The rectum. JI-GANE, n. The baser or ground metal JIKI-DAN, n. Direct or personal converupon which the gilt or plating is spread; sation. - suru. one's true character, real sentiments. JIKI-DEN. Received directly from anJI-GAMI, n. Fan-paper. other. JIGI, n. A bow; declining, excusing JIKI-HITSU, n. The. very hand-writing. one's self. 0 jigi wo suru, to bow, Maukashi no kito no -. salute by bowing. JIKI-RO, n. A box for carrying food in, a JIGI, n. Times, season; case, circum- lunch box. stances. - nishitagau. JIKISHO-BAKO, n. A writing desk. JI-GIYO, n. The ground plot on which a JIKI-SO, n. A complaint made to an ofhouse is built. ficial in person, without the intervenJI-GO, adv. After this, henceforth, here- tion of another. - suru. after. JIKKAN, n. The ten calendar signs or JI-GO. One's works or deeds. 7i-g0 ji- characters used in designating hours, toku, to receive according to one's days, months, years, and points of comdeeds. pass. JI-GOKU, n. Hell, place of punishment JIKKEI, n. A real picture or sketch. of the Buddhist. - niochi-u, to go to JIKKEI, n. Device, expedient, plan. hell. ni tsukiru, to exhaust every device. JI-GOYE, n. One's natural tone of voice. JIKKEN, n. Verifying or certifying by JI-GUCHI, n. A pun, playing on words. inspection, inquest; personal know- wo in. ledge or experience of anything. Kubi JI-GUWA, (midzukara yegaku). Drawn, wo - suru. or sketched by one's self. - noyedzu. JI-KOiro. I myself. JIHI, n. Pity, compassion, mercy; bene- JI-K6, n. The weather, or temperature volence, kindness. - wo tare-tamaye, of the season, climate. Natsu no - have pity. wa atsui. Jl, n. Grand-father. O ii san. JI-KOKU, n. The hour and moment, time. JI-JAKU, adv. Calm, self-possessed, com- -ga utsuru, time passes. Neru -ga posed. - to shite oru. kita, the time for going to bed has Ji-JI, (otki-doki), adv. Every hour, come. hourly, often, frequently. JI-KOKU, n. One's own country, native JI-JI, (koto goto), adv. Every affair, land. every matter or business. JI-KON, (ima-kara), adv. Henceforth, JI-JI, n. An old man. after this, hereafter. - go, id. JIJIMUSAI,-ki,-ku, a. Dirty, filthy. JIKU, n. A private school, same asjuku. JI-JITSU, n. The truth of the matter, the JIKU, n. The stick, stem, stalk. Fude facts. - wo fadasu. no. JI-JITSU, (toki hi), n. An hour, or day. JIKU-JIKU, adv. Wet, moist, damp. - wo utsusadzu, without waiting a shite iru. moment. JIKURI, or JIKKURI, adv. Maturely, JI-j6. Declining or excusing one's self fully, thoroughly, wholly, perfectly. - through politeness or modesty. - se- kagayeru. JIK 95 JIN JI-KUWAN, n. A vice or assistant officer. philanthropy. -wa banmin wo aisuJI-MAN, n. Vain-glory, vanity, pride; ru no michi. vaunting, boasting; self-praise, self- JIN, (c/hiri, hokori,) n. Dust, dirt; met. conceit. - suru, to boast or vaunt the business and cares of the world. one's self. Shutsu jin, to leave the world and enJIMAN-KUSAI, a. Given to vaunting or ter on a religious life. boasting, so as to be odious to others. JIN, n. An army, troops arranged in JI-MATSURI, n. A celebration on build- ranks. Senjin, the van of an army. ing a house, in order to propitiate the Goi'n, the rear. Nijin, the second gods of the soil. division of an army. JI-MAWARI, n. Neighbourhood, region, JIN, n. The kidneys. - no zs, id. surrounding country. JI-NARI, n. The noise, or rumbling of JI-MAYE, n. One's own, belonging to the ground in an earthquake. one's self. - no anise, one's own shop. JI-NARI, n. The shape or configuration - de kasegu, to work for one's self. - of ground. no onna, a woman whose earnings are JIN-CHOKE, n. The Daphne Odora. her own. JI-NEN, adv. Spontaneously, of itself. JIM-BA, n. Camping ground. - to dekiru, produced spontaneousJIM-BAORI, n. A kind of coat without ly. sleeves, worn over armor. JI-NEN-BAYE. Growing of itself, wild, JIMBAs6, n. A kind of sea-weed. or without cultivation; spontaneous JIMBEN, n. A sign or wonder wrought growth. by divine power, a prodigy, a strange JI-NEN-GO, n. The fruit of the bamevent, wonderful phenomenon. boo. JIM-BO, n. (hito n nozomi) The de- JI-NEN-JO, n. A kind of long root sires or esteem of men, popularity. - growing wild, much prized for eatno naki hito, an unpopular man. ing. JIMBURE, n. An order or notice issued JIN-GASA, n. A kind of bamboo hat worn to an army. by soldiers. JIMBUTSU, n. Kind of quality of man. - JIN-GO, n. End, time when done, ni ni-awanu koto wo suru, to do some- finished, or exhausted. thing improper for a man to do. JINGOYA, n. The tents, barracks, or JI-MEN, n. Surface of the ground, lot of huts of a camp. ground, land, farm, plantation. JIN-JI, (kami no koto,) n. A Sintoo fesJI-METSU, n. Self-ruin, self-destruction. tival, or worship of the kami. - suru, to destroy one's self. JIN-JI, n. Love and pity, benevolence, JIMI. Plain, not ornamented, not gay, philanthropy. simple, unaffected, frank. JIN-JO, n. Humanity and sympathy, JI-MICHI, n. An easy gait, easy, gentle, benevolence and consideration for or moderate manner. - ni aruku. others, not doing to others what you JIMI-JIMI, adv. Moist, damp, wet. - would not have them do to you. asega deru, wet with sweat. JIN-J6, (yo no tsune.) Common, usual JIM-MI-RAI-SAT. Illimitable duration. or middling kind or way; fair, equitJI-MOKU, (mimi, me,) n. Ears and able, proper; neat, becoming; amieyes. able. JI-MON. Stating a question to one's self JIN-KI, (hito no ki,) n. The mind, for solution. — jitO suru, to state a heart, or temper of people generally, question and answer it. the public mind. - ga tatsu. JIM-PIN, (hitogara,) n. The kind, quality JIN-KIYO. Impotent, or worn out by or style of man. - no yoi hito, a fine excessive vencry. - shite shinda. man in looks. JINKO, n. Aloes-wood. JI-MUl n. Official superintendence, juris- JIN-KO, (hito no kuchi,) n. The populadiction. - kiyku, -a place for trans- tion, census. acting government business, an office, JI,-ON, n. Benevolence and favor, grace, bureau. - kuwan, government office. clemency. - saisho, the prime minister. - soto- JIN-RIKI-SHA, n. A small, two-wheeled ku, id. cart drawn by a man. JIN, (hito,) n. A man, person, human. JIN-RIN, n. The five human relations, - shin, the human heart. - tai, hu- viz.: parent and child, master and serman form. vant, husband and wife, elder and JIN, n. Love, benevolence, humanity, younger brothers, and friends. JIN 96 JIT JINROKU, n. A stupid fellow, a dunce. JI-SAN-KIN n. A bridal present of JIN-SEI, n. A humane government. money, dower, dowry. JIN-SEN, n. A fan with iron stays, for- JI-SATSU, (jibun ni shinuru,j n. Suimerly used by an officer in war. cide, killing one's self. JIN-SHA, n. A humane or benevolent JI-SEI, (toki no ikioi,) n. The exjenman; a philanthropist. cies of the times, the spirit ot the JI-SHOKU, n. Declining, or resignation times, spirit of the age. of an office or duty. - wo k5, to send JI-SETSU, n. The time, season, times. in one's resignation. -ga warui, the times are bad. Hanh JIN-SOKU. Quick, fast, in haste. no hiraku - ni natta. - torai, the JIN-SUI, n. The semen. time has come. JIN-TAI, (hito no karada). Human body, JI-SHA, (tera, yashiro). Buddhist and a man's body, character, or condition. Sintoo temples. - bugiyo, the superJIN-TSUKE, n. Jealousy. intendent of Buddhist and Sintoo temJ-NUSHI, n. A landlord, the owner or ples. proprietor of land. JI-SHA, n. An attendant, servant, minisJIN-YA, n. An encampment, military ter. camp. JI-SHAKU, n. A load-stone, magnet, a JIN-YAKU, n. Medicines used to strength- mariner's compass. the virile power,-Aphrodisiac. JISSHI-ISSHO. Ten chances for dying and JIPPU, n. True or untrue, true or not. one for living, at great risk of life, danJIPPU, n. Real father. gerous, hazardous. - no tatakai wo JI-RAI, adv. Henceforth, after this. nasu. JI-RAI-KUWA, n. A mine of powder. - JI-SHIN, n. An earthquake. -gayowvo shi-kakeru, to lay a mine. ru. JIRASHI,-SU,-ta,, t. v. To chafe, to pro- JI-SHIN, pro. One's self, self. -de kovoke, vex, irritate, tease, annoy. Hito shirayeru, make it myself. vo jirashi nasaruna. JI-SHIN-BAN, n. A watch supported by JIRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be fretful, irrit- the citizens of the ward. able, impatient, vexed, annoyed. JI-SHO, n. A piece or plot of ground, a JIRE, n. Bad humor, irritation, cross- place, locality, location. ness. JI-SHO, n. Quality of the land, nature of JIRETTAI,-ki,-ku, a. Provoking, vexa- the soil. -ga yoi. tious. causing bad humor or impa- JISSHI, n. True or real child, own tience. child. JIRI-JIRI-TO, adv. The sound of water JIssHO. Sound in mind, of right mind beginning to boil, or of anything heavy true, honest, in good faith. Shinuscraping over a floor; cross, fretful. toki - de atta, was sound in mind at JIRI-JIRI, adv. By degrees, gradually,'the hour of death. little by little. Ki no me - to okiku JI-so, n. Complaining to the governnatte ha ni naru. ment one's self without the intervenJI-RIKI, (midzukara no chikara). One's tion of another. -suru. own strength, or natural power. JI-TA. Self and others. Hataraki kotoJI-RITSU. Of one's self, without the help ba ni - no shabetsu ga aru, verbs are or permission of others, independent. divided into transitive and intransitive, - shite koto woo suru. or objective and subjective. JI-RIY6, n. The treatment or cure of JI-TAI. Declining, refusing, excusing disease, one's self. -suru. JI-RO, n. Fistula in Ano. JITA-JITA-TO, adv. Trickling, dribbling. JIRO-JIRO-TO, adv. In a fixed, staring Midzu ga iwa kara- ochiru. manner. — miru. JI-TEN, n. A standard dictionary, or JIRORITO, adv. Staringly. lexicon. JI-SAKAI., n. Boundary lines of land, or JI-TOKU, (midzukara yeru). Get or country. obtain by one's self without the help JI-SAKU, (mzidzukara tsukuru). Made of others. Sei-jin wa umare nagara by one's self. - no uta. -shite oru. JI-SAN, (midzukara hoineru). Self- JITSU, n. The sun, day. praise, poetry or a song written in one's JITSU, (mnakoto). Actual, true, real, not own praise. false; the multiplicand or dividend in JI-SAN, (mochi mairu). To carry, take arithmetic; the stone or kernel of away, or bring. - itashimasho. fruit. - ga aru, sincere. - ga nai JIT 97 JOG false, insincere. - miyo, real name. cend. - chiu ge, three qualities of sufitsu ni, really, truly, indeed. yitsu perior, middling, and inferior. Goku bo, real or true mother. - ji, a fact, -jo, the very best. -y< kin, superireal event. - jo, real feelings, sin- or in quality. i7o-jO, very best, supercere. fine. — un, the first ten days of JI-TSUBO, n. The number of tsubo in a a month. - kai, the upper world, plot of ground. - wa ikura. paradise. JI-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To be a per- Jo, n. A quire of paper,- of some kinds manent resident, or fixed to a ilace by 20 sheets make a quire; of other 40 owning house or land. sheets; a book that folds up like a fan. JI-TSUKI, n. Pounding the ground to Kami ichijo. render it compact before building. - J6, n. Article, item, particular. San j9 wo suru. no okite, three separate laws. Migi no JITSU-MEI, n. Sincerity, uprightness, jo-jo, the above items. honesty. -no hito. J6, (fumi), n. A letter. - wo yaru, JiTSURASHII,-ki,-ku. a. Having the sem- to send a letter. - bako, a letter box. blance or appearance of truth. - ha- J6. Used in respectfully addressing naski. young ladies. Oj5 san. JITTEI, n. A metal mace carried by J6. Used in counting mats. Tatami policemen. ichijo, one mat. y7 jjiki no heya, a JITTEI. Honest, upright, sincere. - na room of io mats. hito. J6, (take), n. A measure of ten feet in JITTO, adv. Fixedly, firmly, steadily, length, a pole. Isshaku td ichiij, ten without motion. - shite ire, hold feet make one pole. still. J6, n. Riding, that which is ridden, JI-YAKU, n. Medicine which one is in met. a horse. -suru, to ride. -ba, the constant habit of taking. - ni a horse for riding. - sen, to embark suru, to prescribe for one's self. on a ship. JI-YO. Beside one's self, other, not one's J6-AI, n. The feelings, disposition, kindown. - no koto, another thing. - no ly emotion, affection. - no nai hito hito-bito, other people. da. JIYv. Freely, at one's own pleasure, J6-BAN, n. A permanent watch or guard. without constraint, voluntarily, con- JOBI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be superior, excelvenient. - ni suru, to do as one lent or fine in quality. pleases. JO-BOKU. To print, or have cut on JI-ZAI. Freely, easily, at one's own blocks. pleasure, without obstruction. JO-BOKU, (sumi nawa), n. The blackJIZAI-KAGI, n. A hook, used for hang- ened line used by carpenters for making ing pots over a fire, which can be a straight line. raised or lowered to suit the occa- Jo-Bu, a. Strong, firm, solid; hale, in sion. good health; courageous; safe, seJI-ZAI-SHA, n. A velocipede, also called cure. Hitori gurumn. J6-BUKURO, n. A letter envelope. JI-ZORI, n. Shaving one's self. - wo J-cHIU, n. A tapeworm. suru. J6-DAN, n. Sport, play, jest, joke, fun. Jo, n. The preface of a book. - wo iu, to jest, joke. - suru. Jo, (onna), n. A woman. Aku jo, an J6-DAN, n. A raised floor in temples or ugly woman. Bi-jo, a beautiful woman. houses: upper row, or grade. -chiu, women. JO-Do, (kiyoki kuni). The clean counJ6, (kokoro), n. Emotion, passion, feel- try, holy land, or paradise of the Buding; obstinacy. Shichijio, the seven dhists. passions; viz., joy, anger, sorrow, pleas- J6-DZU, n. A good hand, skilful, expert, ure, love, hatred, desire. - wo haru, dexterous, adept. - na hito. - ni to be stubborn, obstinate. Go O, ob- dekita, well done. stinate or hardhearted. -ga nai, no JO-FUKU, n. (tsune no kimono). Comfeeling of kindness or pity, mon clothes, such as are usually worn. J6, (shiro,) n. A castle. - shu, the J6-GI, n. A ruler for drawing lines; a lord of a castle. -- chi, inside of a rule, example, standard. castle. -guwai, outside of a castle. J6-GO, n. A funnel, met. a sot, a drunkJ, n. A lock. -wo orosu, to lock. ard. J6, (uye). Superior, best; to go up, as- J6-GO. Fixed fate, doom or retribution 5 JOG 98 JUJ decreed for deeds done in a previous I JORURI, n. A kind of musical drama or state. song. - wo kataru. JO-GON, (tasukeru kotoba). To prompt JosAINAI,-ki.-ku. Active, smart, indusor assist another by speaking, to dic- trious, diligent. — hito. tate. JO-SEI, (tasuke nasu.) - suru, to aid, JO-HAI, (uye no tomogara.) Superiors, help, assist, to contribute. the great, the upper class of people. JO-SHIKI, n. Established rule, or custom; JO-HO. Fixed rules, stipulated articles of customarily, always. a treaty, laws, regulations, enactments. JOSHIKO, n. A smoothing plane, such as J6-i, (kurai wo yudzuru.) - suru, to is used for the finest kind of work. abdicate the throne. JO-SHOKU, n. Beauty of women. - ni Jo-JI, (tasukeru kotoba), n. An exple- mayo. tive word, or word used for the sake of JO-SHO-JIN. Perpetual abstinence from euphony. fish or flesh of any kind. J6-JI,-dzuru,-ta, t. v. To ride: met. to JOTABO, n. A beautiful woman. avail one's self of an opportunity. Hen JO-TAN, n. A screen, or fender placed nijiojite ikusa wo okosu. over a brazier. JO-JITSU, (sadanareru hi.) Fixed day, JO-YA, n. The last night of the old set day for doing anything. year. JO-JU. Completed, finished, done, per- JO-vAKU, n. A covenant, agreement, fected. Mada - senu, not yet com- contract, treaty. - wo musubu. pleted. JO-ZA. An upper, or high seat. JO-KA, n. The town or city in the vicin- Ju, (ti.) Ten. - bu uchi, one tenth. ity of a castle, suburbs. - nin namzi, an average kind of perJO-KAKU, n. The established rule, fixed son. — ggwatsu, tenth month. rule. Jo, (kasane.) The numeral for things J6-KI, n. A rush of blood to the head, placed one above another, as boxes, agitation or perturbation of mind. - stories of a tower, folds of cloth. suru. JO. - suru, to reside, dwell, live. JO-KI, n. Steam, vapor. JU-AKU, n. The ten sins of the BudJOKI-SHA, n. A steam car, locomotive. dhists; viz.,.Seshoko, killing any thing - michi, a railroad. that has life; Chuto, stealing: TonyoJOKI-SEN, n. A steam-boat. ku, covetousness; Gu-chi, foolishness; JO-KO-BAN, n. An incense dish, a cen- _a-in, adultery; MIego, lying; Kigo, ser. scoffing; A kko, cursing; Rziyozetsu, JO-MAYE, n. A lock. - ya, a lock- double-tongued; Shini, anger. smith. JO-BAKO, n. A nest of boxes fitting one JO-NIYAKU, n. A vein. above the other and connected together JO-MIYO, (sadamatta inochi.) n. The by a handle. fixed period, or duration of life. JU-BAN, n. A shirt. JO-MOKU, n. The items or articles, of an JO-BUN. Ten parts; complete, perfect; edict, proclamation, or notice, abundant, plenty; enough. - ni aru, JO-N6, n. Any thing paid in to govern- have plenty, or enough. ment, as money, taxes. JU-Dn, (kishi no michi.) The doctrines JOPPARI. Obstinate, stubborn, self-willed. of Confucius, Confucianism. - na mono. JU-DZU, n. A rosary. JOREN, n. A basket with a handle used JU-GAKU. The works or writings of Confor shoveling earth. fucius. JO-RIKI, (chikara wo tasukeru,) n. Aid, JO-GI, n. The ten relative virtues of the help, assistance. Confucianists, viz., benevolence in the JO-RIKU. Disembarking, landing from a master, fidelity of servants, parental ship. -suru. love, filial piety, brotherly love, conjuJORIU. - suru, to distil. - sui, dis- gal affection, kindness of the elder and tilled water. - kuwan, a still, alem- submission of the younger brother. bec. JO-JAKU, a. Weak, feeble, unfit for serJO-R6, n. A prostitute, harlot, whore. vice, invalid. JO-RO, n. A kind of watering-pot. Ju-JI, n. The superior, or rector of a JORO-JORO-TO, adv. Rippling of flowing Buddhist temple. water. - nagareru. JU-JI-KA, n. A wooden frame in the JORO-YA, n. A house of ill-fame, whore- shape of the character for ten, a cross. house. J —jo, (kasanegasane,) adv. Repeated JUJ 99 JUS ly, over and over, again and again, JUN-GETSU (urudzuki), n. Intercalary time and again. month. JU-JUN. Gentle, mild, amiable. JUN-GIAKU. Fair and foul, favorable and J-JUTSU, n. The art of wrestling, or of unfavorable, forwards and backwards, throwing others by sleight. right and left, direct and reverse. KuJU-KIYO, (sumai), n. Residing, dwelling. rutna wo - ni mawasu, turn a wheel - suru, to reside. in a direct and reverse way. JUKKEI, (tedate, ) n. Plan, device, strat- J-HACHI, a. Eighteen. agem. - wo tsukusu. JO-GO. Fifteen. JUKKON. Ripe friendship, cordial inti- JUN-GURI, n. Regular order or turn, one macy. - no maJ'iwari. after the other. JU-KU, a. Nineteen. JO-NI, a. Twelve. - guwatsu, the JUKU. - suru, to be ripe, mature; ex- twelfth month. - ka getsu, twelve perienced, skilful, versed in, perfect in. months. yuku-shi, a ripe persimmon. JU-NIN (sumu-hito), n. Inhabitant, resiJUKU, n. A private school, a study- dent. room. JUNI-SHI. The twelve horary characters; JUKU-DAN. - suru, to talk over fully or viz., ne, us/i, tora, u, tatsu, mi, umta, thoroughly. hitsuji, saru, tori, inu, i. JUKU-KUWAN. Skilful from use, accus- JuNJI,-ru, or dzuru,-ta. To be alike or tomed to and skilful in, experienced resemble, adjust, equalize, proportion; in. adapt, suit. JUKU-REN. Experienced, skilful from JUN-JO, n. A line and level, met., the practice, thoroughly acquainted with laws. or versed in. JUN-JUN-NI, adv. In order, regular turn, JU-KU-MON-YA, n. A shop where the regular succession, by turns, consecuprice of each article is nineteen cash. tively. JUKU-SUI, n. A sound or deep sleep. JUN-KO (meguri-aruku). - suru. To JU-MAN, (miochi-mitsuru). Full, abound- go around, or about from place to place. ing. - suru, to fill, abound. JUN-KUWAN, n. Revolution, circulation. JUM-BAN. Regular order, regular succes- - suru, to revolve, circulate.'suki sion or turn, according to the number. no -, the revolution of the moon. - de kuru, to come in regular succes- Chi no -, circulation of the blood. sion. JO-NO, n. A fire-shovel. JU-MIYO, n. Life. Nagai -, long life. JU-NO. To receive. JUMMIAWARI, n. Regular order or suc- JUN-RA (meguri manoru). A patrol, cession. policeman. - suru, to patrol. JU-MOKU, (ki), n. A tree. JUN-SAI, n. The Limnanthemum PeltaJU-MON, n. A written prayer, charm, tum. spell or incantation. - wotonayeru. JUN-SHI. Dying for another,-spoken of JU-MON-JI, n. The character for ten, servants who commit suicide on the shape of a cross. - ni kiru, to cut death of a master. into quarters, or crosswise. - noyari, JUN-SUI. Pure, unadulterated, unmixed. a spear with a head in the shape of a JUN-TAKU (uruoi uruosu). To enrich, cross. to promote prosperity, to benefit. JU-MOTSU, n. Articles preserved in tem- JUN-TO, n. Small-pox that is uncompliples or in families as memorials, or as cated, and goes through its regular relics. stages. JUM-PITSU, n. Money paid for writing. JUN-TO. Regular order or turn, regular - riyo. succession. JUM-PU, n. A favorable or propitious JUN-YOSHI,n. A younger brother adoptwind. ed as a son and neir. JUN. - suru, to follow or be obedient JU-RAI. To come, visit. to even unto death; to die for the sake JO-RAI, adv. Heretofore previously, of another. Micki ni - suru, to suf- hitherto, from the first. fer martyrdom for the truth. JU-RIN (fumi nijiru). To grind, or JUN. Regular or proper order, proper crush with the foot. succession. -niyuku, to go one after JURIYO. - suru, to receive from govthe other in regular order. ernment, as an office, salary, or rank. JUN-DATSU. - suru, to pass or commu- JU-RO (roya ni ireru). To send to gaol nicate from one to another in order. JO-SAN, a. Thirteen. JUR I00 KAB JO-ROKU, a. Sixteen. JU-SHOKU. - suru, to reside in a monJU-SEN, a. Previous, former, adv. As astery. heretofore, as before. JU-TAKU (sumika), n. A dwelling, resiJU-SHA, n. A Confucianist. dence. JU-SHA, n. Attendant, follower. JUTSU, n. Art, science, rules, princiU-sHI, a. Fourteen. pies, artifice, trick. JU-sHICHI, a. Seventeen. JU-YEN. Doubly related by marriage. JU-sHO, n. A dwelling-place, residence. K KA, n. A musquito. KABANE, n. A dead body, the carcase KA, n. Smell, odor, scent, perfume. of a man. KA, n. A load for a man. Midzu ikka, KABE, n. A plastered wall, plaster, mora load of water. Sumii go-jikka, fifty tar. - wo nuru, to plaster. loads of charcoal. KABENARI, n. Always assenting, agreeKA A classifier for periods of time, coun- ing, or chiming in with what another tries. Ikka tsuki, one month. Ni ka says. - wo iu. tsuki, two months. San ga koku, KABE-NURI, n. A plasterer, plastering. three provinces. San ga sho, three KABE-SHITAJI, n. The lathing on which places. plaster is daubed., KA (iye), n. Family, house. - mei, KA-BI, n. Fire made to smoke away family name, name of the house. Ka- musquitoes. fiu, the rules or customs of a house. KABI, n. Mould, mildew. Ka-fu, the chronicles of a family. KABI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To mould, mildew. Ka-gu, house furniture. Ka-ho, the KABI-KUSAI, a. Mouldy and stinking, customs of a house. Ka-ji, family musty. affairs. Ka-jichi, giving a house as KABI-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To become security. Ka-kei, family line, pedi- mouldy, or mildewed. gree. KABOCHA, n. A pumpkin. KA. An interrogative particle, = to the KABU, n. The stump of a tree. A govinterrogation mark (?). Atta ka, have ernment license, legal right, or title; you found it? Omaye Yedo ye oide business; a guild, a habit or custom to nasarur ka, are you going to Yedo? which one is addicted. With a negative it expresses a strong KABU, n. A turnip. affirmative. Yoi hito ja nai ka, what KABUKI, n. A kind of opera. - yakua fine man he is! A particle express- sha, an actor. ing doubt; if, weather, or. Danna san KABUKI, n. A horizontal piece of timkita ka miyo, see if the master has ber over a gate, a lintel. Kabuki-mon, come. A me furu ka shire-nai, I a gate with a lintel over it. don't know whether it will rain or not. KABURA, n. A turnip. K.ABAYAKI, n. A hare roasted brown. KARURAYA, n. An arrow with a head Usagi no -, id. shaped like a turnip, having a hole in KAIGARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To love, to be it, which causes it to hum as it flies. fond of; same as, Kawaigaru. KABURE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be infected, KABA. A kind of flowering cherry. to have an eruption from coming in KABAI,-au,-ala, t. v. To cover or shield contact with others, or with something from danger or injury, to be careful of, poisonous. to keep in safety, to protect, to screen, KABURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To put on one's defend, guard. preserve, own head, to wear on the head, to cap; KA-BAKARI. This much, so much, such to have pain in the stomach, to take on as this. oneself, or assume. Kaburi-furu. To KA-BAN, n. A reinforcement to the shake the head in dissent. number of a guard or watch. suru, KABURI-MONO, n. A covering for the to incr aV-t a guard, or v atch. head, bonnet, cap. KAB IOI KAG KABUSARI,-rU,-tta, i. v7. To be spread KADO-DE. Leaving home, setting out on or laid over, to overspread, to cap; pro- a journey. tected, screened. KADO-GUCHI, n. Entrance, or door of a KABUSE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Kaburi. To house. cover, or spread over the head of an- KADO-KADOSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Full of another; to impute, charge, blame. gles and rough points; crabbed, rough, KABUTA, n. A stump. testy. KABUTO, n. A helmet. KADOMO, conj. Although, however, KACHI, n. On foot, walking. - de yu- but. ku, to go on foot. KADO-MUKAI, n. Meeting a guest at the KACHI,-su,-Ita, t. v. To conquer, win, gate to welcome him in. defeat, overcome, gain the victory; to KADO-NAMI. Each house in order, house triumph, to control, to excel. Onore by house, from door to door. ni —, to conquer self, deny one's KADO-TSUKE, n. A person who goes self. about from house to house begging, or KACHI, n. A victory, advantage, supe- playing on the guitar. riority. - wo toru, to gain a victory, KADOWAKASHI-s,-,-a, t. v. To kidnap. to be triumphant. KADOWAKASHI, n. A kidnapper. KACHI-DOKI, n. The shout of victory or KADZU, n. The number. - naranu, triumph. unimportant, of little consequence. KACHI-HADASHI. Walking barefoot. Kadzu-kadzu, many, numerous. KACHI-HOKORI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be KADZUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To lay over the puffed up by victory, vain of one's head of another, lay to the charge of success. another, impute, blame. KACHI-GURI, n. Dried chestnut kernels. KADZUKE-MONO, n. A reward, or present, KACHI-JI, n. A journey on foot, or go- in acknowledgment of merit. ing by land. KADZUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To put on or covKACHI-KACHI, adv. The sound of hard er the head, to veil. things striking together, clashing, clack- KADZURA, n. A creeping vine. ing. clicking. KADZURA, n. A wig. KACHI-MAKE, n. Lose and win, victory KA-FU-KA, adv. Should or should not, and defeat. can or cannot, right or wrong, good or KACHI-M6DE, n. Visiting the temples on bad. foot. KAGAMARI,-ru,-tUa, i. v. To be bent, KACHI-MUSHA, n. A foot soldier, infan- crooked, curved. try. KAGAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To bend, to crook, KACHIN, n. Bread or cakes made of stoop, bow. pounded rice, same as /lochi. KAGAMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To bend, to KACHI-NIGE, n. Having won to run crook, to stoop, to bow. away, - as a gambler. KAGAMI, n. A mirror, looking-glass; met. KACHI-WATARI, n. Wading across, cross- the head of a barrel; an example, or ing on foot. pattern. Kagami-do, a shining door, KA-CH6, n. Musquito-net. clean and bright door. Kagami-ita, a KADAMI,-MU,-nda, t. v. To screen, or clean, bright board. protect from injury, fend off. KAGAMI-MOCHI, n. A cake of rice-bread, KA-DEN, n. Anything transmitted in a large and round like a mirror. family from one generation to another. KAGAMI-SHI, n. A maker of mirrors. KADO, n. A corner, angle; a flint. - KAGARI, ru,-ita, t. v. To embroider wo tatete mono wo iu, to speak an- with long stitches, to lace together by grily. Kado-ishi, a flint. - yashiki, sewing, to darn, cross-stitch. a corner house. KAGARI, n. A kind of iron brazier for KADO, n. The outside entrance, or door holding torches. Kagari-bi, a torchof a house; a home. light. KADO, n. A kind of fish roe. KAGASHI, n. A scarecrow made in the KADO, n. An item, article, point, par- shape of a man. ticular. KAGASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To growl, snarl. KADO, n. The paper mulberry. KAGAYAKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To be bright, KA-DO (uta no inichz). Rules of poetry. glisten, glitter, sparkle, shine, gleam, to KADO-BI n. A fire kindled at the door, be brilliant, effulgent. Kagnyaki-waafter the death of a person, to light the taru, to shine all around, to shine way of the soul to the next world. across, to gleam across. KAG 102 KAI KAGAYAKI, n. Lustre, brilliancy, glory, KAGI-TABAKO, n. Snuff. effulgence, brightness. KA-GIY6, n. Business, the occupation or KA-GE, (shika no ke). Deer-color, chest- calling of a family. nut-color. KAGI-ZAKI, n. Torn on a nail, torn or KAGE,-rU,-ta. Same as Kakeru. Nicked, ripped by catching on anything,- as of notched, flawed. clothes. KAGE, n. Shade, shadow, reflection, KAGO, n. Asedan chair, or basket made light; met. secret, unseen; influence, of bamboo for riding in. - wo kaku. power, beneficence, help. Kage de ki- to carrry a sedan chair. ku, to hear in secret. KAGO, n. A basket, a cage. KAGE-BOSHI, n. Dried in the shade. KA-GO, n. Care, providence, protection KAGE-BOSHI, n. The shadow ofa person. of the gods. Kami no - de tasukaKAGE-GOTO, A. Talking in secret, or of ru. one behind his back. KAGOJI, n. A character or word written KAGE-HINATA, n. Shade and sunlight; in outline. met. double-faced, hypocritical, du- KAGO-KAKI, n. Chair-bearers. plicity. KA-GOTO, n. A pretext, excuse. KAGEMA, n. A boy used by sodomists. KAGOYA, n. A place where kago are KA-GEN, (inashitari herashitari), n. kept for hire. Increasing or diminishing, adding to or KAGURA, n. A theatrical exhibition in taking away the proportion of the in- front of a temple; also persons wearing gredients in any compound; the sea- the head of a lion as a mask, who go soning, flavoring, taste; the feelings or about the streets dancing and begcondition of body. ging. KAGERI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be over- KA-HAN. — suru, to fix one's seal to a shadowed, obscured, shaded. paper as security, or as a witness; to KAGERO, n. The waving or flickering ap- endorse. pearance of the air rising from a hot KAHAN-NIN, n. An endorser, seeurity. surface in the summer. KA-HI. Good or bad, good or not, should KAGERO, n. A kind of insect, said to be- or not. - wo tsumabiraka ni sedzu, gin to live in the morning and to die at whether it is good or not is not fully night, an ephemera. known. KAGE-WAN, n. A broken cup. KOHODO. This much, so much, so much KAGE-ZEN, n. Food set away for an ab- as this. sent one. KAI, n. Profit, advantage, use, benefit. KAGE-ZOSHIRI, a. Secret slander, back- KAI, n. An oar, paddle. - wo tsukau, biting, speaking evil of one who is ab- to work an oar. sent. KAI, (com. coll. for Kayu), n. Gruel. KAGI, n. A key. KAI, n. A clam, any small bivalve. KAGI, n. A hook. KAI. The numeral used in counting hats. KAGI,-gu,-ida, t. v. To smell, to scent. Kasa ikkai, nikai, sangai. Kagi-dasu, to scent, to find out by KAI. The numeral used in counting smelling. Kagi-nareru, accustomed to the stories of a house. Ni-kai, two the smell or scent of anything. Kagi- stories, or second story. tsukeru, to snuff up, smell, to scent, to KAI, (imashime), n. The prohibitions, perceive by the smell. or commandments of the Buddhists. KAGI-BANA, n. Smelling, scenting. Inu Go kai wo tamotsu, to keep the five ga - wo skite oru, t.ie dog is scenting Buddhist commandments. Ha-kai no something. so, a priest who breaks the commandKAGI-GUSURI, n. Fumigating medicines; ments. Kai-giyo suru, to practice the Errhine. commandments. KAGIRI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be limited, KAI, (umi), n. The ocean. sea. Toended, bounded, confined, restricted; kai, the eastern ocean. Kai-chiu, in until the end of, with the exception of; the sea. Kai-dai, all within the four only; to shade, shadow; to set,-as the seas,-Japan. Kai-bo, guarding the sun. Inochi kagiri tatakau, to fight sea-coast. Kai-zoku, a pirate. Kaitill death. di, a road near the sea-coast. Kai-gan, KAGIRI, n. The limit, end, utmost ex- the sea-shore. Kai-gun, the navy. tent, boundary. Koye no- i naki- Kai-gun-biyo-in, a naval hospital. sakebu, cried out at the top of his Kai-hen, near the sea, adjacent to the voice. sea. Kai-jo, on the sea. Kai-mon, KAI I03 KAI the surface of the ocean. Kai-riku, sea at a losing or extravagant price, to make and land. a bad purchase, to be taken in in purKAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To buy. chasing goods. KAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To keep or feed an- KAI-HAN. To cut on blocks, to publish imals. by cutting on blocks. KAI,-au,-taa, t. v. To put anything un- KAI-HO, (tasuke idaku). Nursing the der, against, or between something else sick, waiting or attending on, as a in order to support, brace, prop, level, nurse. - suru, to nurse, to attend. or stay it. KAI-H6-NIN, n. A nurse, one who attends KAI, n. A ravine, gorge. on a sick person, an attendant, assisKAI-AWASE, n. A kind of game played tant. with shells. KAI-HOTSU. Opening and developing or KAI-BA, n. The sea-horse; Hippocam- clearing new ground for cultivation. pus. KAII,-ki,-ku, (coll. for Kayui). ItchKAI-BA, n. Horse-feed. ing. KAI-BIYAKU, a. The opening or develop- KAI-IDAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To take in the ment of the visible universe,-supposed arms, embrace. to be spontaneous: the creation. Ten KA-IRE,-,-,-a, t. v. To buy up and lay chi kaibiyaku i-rai, from the creation in goods for use, or for sale. of heaven and earth. KAI-KA. To marry into another family, KAI- B, n. Anatomical dissection, to marry again,-said of a woman. KA-IBUSHI, n. A smoke to keep off mos- KAI-KABURI,-ru,-tta,. v. To buy at an quitoes. extravagant price, to be taken in in the KAI-CHO, (tobari wo Jhiraku). The cere- purchase of anything. mony of opening the shrine in which KAI-KAICI, n. A rake or drag used in takthe idol is kept for the public to see and ing oysters or clams. worship; a festival. KAI-KAKU, (aratame). To change, reKAI-DASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To buy up goods form, alter, rectify. or produce from the-producer or mapu- KAI-KI, (notoi eo hiraku), n. The facturer. founder, originator, of a temple or sect. KAI-DASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To dip out, to - suru, to found, or endow. bale out, to empty out with a dipper. KAI-KI, n. A kind of glossy silk, KAI-DARUI,-ki,-ku, a. Torpid, dull, dead, lustring. heavy, languid, sluggish. KAIKIJIMA, n. A kind of thin silk stuff. 1. I-DATE, n. A parapet or breastwork KAIKO, n. A silkworm. made by joining large wooden shields KAI-K6, (minato we hiraku). To open a together. port to trade. KAIDE, n. A kind of maple. KAI-KOKU, (kuni wo hiraku). To open KAIDO, n. The Pyrus Spectabilis. a country to foreign intercourse. KAIGAISHII,-ki,-ku, a. Spoken in admi- KAI-KOMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To put into ration or praise of something bold, he- with a dipper or bucket, to dip in, bale roic, or useful; active, prompt, in. KAI-GAKARI, n. Buying on credit. KAI-KOMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To buy up KAIGAKE, n. The gross weight, includ- and lay in goods. ing the box or wrappings in which an KAI-KoMI,-mU,-nda, t. v. To hold the article is contained. spear in position for charging. KAI-GARA, n. Empty shells of clams or KAI-KU, n. The seal. other shell-fish. KAI-KURE, adv. Wholly, altogether, enKAI-GEN. Altering the name of the year tirely. or era. KAI-KUWA, (hirakele kawaru). - suru, KAI-GEN. (me wo hiraki). Opening the to open and change, to be reformed, to eyes, the ceremony of consecrating an become civilized. idol, when the god is suppdsed to take KAI-MAKI, n. A thick wadded wrapper possession of it. or gown used for sleeping in. KAI-GIYO. Setting up or commencing KAIMAMI, n. Looking through a crack, business, opening shop. peeping. KAI-GUI, n. Buying something to eat,- KAI-MAmI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To look or peep spoken of candy, fruit, etc. through a crack. KAI-GURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To haul in hand KAI-MEI, (na eao kayeru). Changirg the overhand, name. KAI-H^AMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To buy goods KAI-MIYO, a. The name given by the KAI 104 KAK Buddhists to a deceased person, post- extracts, to select passages from a book, humous name. to epitomize, abridge. KAI-MOKU, adv. All, entirely, wholly, KAI-UN, (un wo hiraku). A change of (with a negative). -yaku-ni-tatanu, fortune for the better, a change from wholly useless. bad luck to good. KAI-MOTOME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To get or KAIWAI, n. Vicinity, neighbourhood. hold by purchase. KAI-WARI, n. The plumules which first KAI-AIU, (mina nashi). Not the least, open when a pea or bean comes up. wholly. KAI-YEKI, aratame kayeru). DismisKAI-NA, n. The arm from the shoulder sion from service, degradation and reto the elbow. moval from office, and confiscation of KAI-NAI,-ki-ku, a. Of no use, unprofit- estate and property. able, useless. KAI-ZAI, (mina suzu). Finished, conKAI-NEN, (aratama/la toshi), n. The cluded, settled. - no tegata, a receipt new year. in full. KAI-NOKOSHI,-S.u,-ta, i. v. To leave a KI-AZOYE, n. An assistant, attendant. part unbought; to forget to buy. KAJI, n. A rudder, the helm. - wo KAI-NUSHI, n. The buyer, purchaser. toru, to steer. Omo-kaji, helm to the KAI-oKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To buy and keep starboard. Tori-ka/ia, helm to the or lay by, or to bargain for. port side. KAI-oKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To keep, as do- KAJI, n. A smith, blacksmith. mestic animals. KAJIKA, n. A kind of small river fish, KAIRAI, n. A puppet-show. said to s;ng. KAIRU, n. A frog. KAJIKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To be cold, beKAI-SAN, (yama wo hiraku). Founding numbed. a Budd. temple, the founder of a tem- KAJIME, n. Kind of seaweed. ple or sect. KA-JIN, (uta yomi), n. A poet. KAI-SHAKU, n. An assistant; the person KAJIRI,-ru,-tta. To gnaw, or bite anywho cuts off the head of one in the act thing hard. of committing hara-kiri. KAJI-TORI, n. A helmsman, steersman. KAISHIDEI, n. A mustard plaster, sinap- KA-JITSU, (itoma no hi). A holiday, or ism. day of leisure. KAI-SHIKI, adv. All, every one, wholly, KAJIYA, n. A blacksmith. entirely. KAJO, n. An item, article, particular. KAI-SHIME,-rU,-ta, t. v. To buy up KAKA, n. Mother, used by children. goods and keep them, in order to raise KAKADZURAI,-au,-atta, i. v. To relate the price; to forestall or monopolize to, to concern, affect, belong to. the market. KAKAGE,-rU,-fa, /. v. To raise up, hoist, KAI-SHIN, (kokoro wo aratameru), n. lift up, to hang up. Change of heart, reformation, conver- KAKAGE-IDASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To hang sion. - suru, to be converted. out, to set forth, produce, bring up, reKAISO, n. Squills. cord. KAI-SO. - suru, to remove a corpse from KAKARE,-rU,-ta, pass. of Kaki. one cemetery to another. KAKARI,-ru,-tfa, i. v. To be suspended, KAI-SHU. - suru, changing one's reli- hung up, hook to, fixed on, or laid over gion, or going from one sect to an- something; to pertain, concern, relate, other, or belong to, to appertain to; to be the KAI-TAI,-ki,-ku,-. Wish to buy. Kai- subject of, to depend on; to cost. Me taku nai, do not wish to buy. ni -, to be seen, meet with. Isha ni -, KAI-TAKU. -suru, opening, improving, to consult a physician. Kokoro, or hi or developing waste land, or the re- ni -, to be concerned about. Fushin sources of a country. ni kakatte iru, engaged in building. KAITE, n. A buyer, customer. Nani hodo kakari-mashita,. how KAITSUBURI, n. The widgeon. much did it cost? AMidzu ga aaaaru, KAI-TSUKAMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To seize or it is getting wet. Shigoto ni -, to be snatch hold of, to catch up in the hand, at his work. Hito no kuchi ni -, to to scramble and catch. be a subject of talk. Tdri-kakatte, KAI-TSUKURAI,-j-o/ta ta. To arrange happening to pass. Shi nikakate oru, the clothes, to pick and adjust the to be dying, about to die. Kiri-kakafeathers as a bird. ru, about to cut, or ready to cut. IiKAI-TSUMAMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To make kakaru, about to speak. Koyega ha KAK 105 KAK na ni -, he speaks through his nose. to begin to do and soon leave off; as, Kagami ni kumori ga -, the mirror Shigoto wo shi-kakete asonde iru, is cloudy. Wana ni -, caught in a having commenced his work, he left it trap. to go a-pleasuring. Mikan no kuiKAKARI, n. The cost, expense; duty, kake, an orange which one began to department of business, or labor; sta- eat and has left. tion-house, or place of business. KAKE, n. A debt, or money owed for KAKARI-AI,-aZC,-/ta, i. v. To be con- goods bought on credit; a bet, wager. cerned in, mixed up with, to meddle - de kau, to buy on credit. with, to be involved in, to be responsi- KAKE-AGARI,-r?,-tta, i. v. To run up. sible for; to have an interest, part or KAKE-AI,-au,-atta, i. v. To consult toconcern in; to be subject to. gether, to talk over, to confer with; to KAKARI-BITO, n. A dependent, a hanger- attack, or butt against each other; to on, one who depends on another for be matched, or pitted against, as antasupport. gonists. KAKARI-MAKE, n. Expenses that exceed KAKE-AI, n. Conference, parley, tieatthe profits. ing with another on some business, KAKARI,-rU,-sh2. Like this, this kind, consultation. so, thus, such, this manner,-of some- KAKE-AI, n. A single combat or duel thing said before. Kakaru ni, thus, between men on horse-back. so, in this way. KAKE-AI-NI, adv. Alternately. KAKASE,-,-ta. To make, or let an- KAKE-AWASE,-U,-ta, t. v. To ride to other ride in a sedan-chair. Hito ni encounter each other, to charge on each kago wo -, to make one ride in a other. chair. KAKE-BERI, n. Deficiency in weight. KAKASE,-ru,-ta. To let, or cause another KAKE-DASHI,-St,-ta, t. -v. To run out; to write. Watakushi ni kakasete ku- to make a thing weighed to be overdasere, let me write. weight. KAKA-soso, adv. Hesitating, undecided KAKE-GANE, n. A ring and staple for or doubtful manner. fastening a door. KAKATO, n. The heel. KAKE-GAYE, n. Anything which, if lost KAKAWARI,-r,-tta, i. V. To concern, or injured, cannot be replaced. -no affect, to be at the risk of; to endanger, nai oya. - no naki inochi. to relate, or belong to, to interfere, KAKEGO, n. A small box that fits into a meddle. larger, a nest of boxes. KAKAYE,-ru,-/a, t. v. To hold in the KAKE-GOTO, n. Betting, risking or stakarms, embrace; to employ or engage in ing money, gambling. one's service. KAKE-GOYE, n. The sound made by KAKAYE, n. An armful. persons straining at their work, as KAKE,-r,-ta, i. v. To run. coolies when pushing a cart, chopping KAKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be written, can wood, or pulling a rope. write. KAKE-HANARE,-rn,-ta, i. v. To be far KAKE,-ru,-a, i. v. To be flawed, nicked, apart, widely separated, to be as differbroken, defective, missing, wanting, ent as possible. lacking, omitted. KAKE-HASHI, n. A bridge over a mounKAKE,-ru,-a, t. v. To hang up, or on; tain gorge, or along the side of a precito hook on; to lay over; to suspend, pice; a ladder. to place across, to place, set or put on; KAKE-HI, n. A pipe for conducting wato sit; to sprinkle, to bet, to wager; to ter. invest; to risk, stake, to spend. Midzu KAKE-HIKI, n. Advance and retreat; wo -, to water. Shiwo wo -, to salt. adventuring or holding back in any Sat oo w - to sugar. Ho wo -, to transaction. hoist a sail. Mekala wo -, to weigh. KAKE-JI, n. A hanging picture. Nasake weo -, to do kindness to one. KAKE-K6, n. A bag of perfume, worn Inochi wo -, to risk life. Tanomi wo about the person. -, to make a request. Koye wo -, to KAKE-MAWARI,-rU,-/a, t. v. To run lift up the voice. Kokoro ni -, to about, or around. bear in mind. Go-ku-ro wo -, to give KAKE-ME, n. The weight. trouble. Kane wo kakete koshirayeta, KAKE-MOCHI, (kentai,) n. Carrying on spent money in making. Suffixed to business at two different places. other verbs in comp. words, it signifies, KAKE-MONO, n. Hanging pictures. 5* KAK IO6 KAK KAiKE-MONO, n. Anything laid as a bet KAKI-IRE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To write in, or wager. insert by writing, interline; to give as KAKE-MUKAI, n. Sitting opposite to security, to mortgage. each other. KAKI-IRE, n. Anything given in mortKAKE-NE, a. Asking more than the true gage, or as a pledge or security. price, two prices. Gen-kin - nasi, KAKI-KAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To write over no credit and but one price. again, to alter what is written; reKAKE-NUKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To ride write. through, to run past, or slip away. KAKI-KESHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To scratch or KAKE-OCHI, n. Running away by stealth, rub out, erase, obliterate. absconding, decamping, escaping. KAKI-IiRI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To cut off by KAKE-ROKU, n. Speculating in trade, holding the thing to be cut with one buying on a venture, adventure. hand, and cutting with the other toKAKE-SEN, n. Money staked on a bet, wards one self. in a lottery, or in gambling; also, in- KAKI-KUMORI,-ru,-tta, i. V. To be stalments of money paid. clouded over, darkened. KAKE-TORI, n. A collector of debts, of KAKI-KURE,-rU,-tta, i. z'. To be blinded; merchants' bills, or of things sold on as, Nanmida ni -, blinded with tears. credit. KAKI-MAWASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To stir KAKE-URI, n. Selling on credit. round, stir about. KAKE-YA, n. A large wooden mallet. KAKI-MAZEF-rU,-ta, t. z. To mix togeKAKE-YORI,-ru,-/ta, t. v. To ride up to, gether, stir and mix together. to run near or close to. KAKI-MIDASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To mix, KAKE-ZAN, n. Multiplication. jumble together, confuse, derange. KAKI, n. The persimmon. -no ki, a KAKI-MORASHI,-SU,-ta, t.. To omit in persimmon tree. writing, forget to write. KAKI, n. An oyster. - no kara, oyster- KAKI-MUSHIRI,-rU,-ita, t. v. To scratch shells. - bai, lime made of shells. and tear off, strip off. KAKI, n. A fence, hedge. KAKIN, n. Injury, shame, dishonor, KAKI-ku,-ta, t. v. To write, to sketch, disgrace. to draw, to scribble. KAKI-NADE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To smooth or KAKI,-ku,-ta, t. v. To scratch, to rake, caress with the hand. to bind strips of anything together in KAKI-NAOSHI,-s,-ta, t. v. To write and rows, to splice; to contract, or catch, correct, to write over again. as disease. Haji wo -, to feel ashamed. KAKI-NARASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To scrape Shitsu wo -, to get the itch. Ibiki wo and level; to twang-as, the string of -, to snore. a guitar. KAKII,-ku,-ta, t. v. To carry on the KAKI-NARE,-ru,-ta, i. V. To learn to shoulders-only used of a Kago. write, to become used to writing. KAKI-ku,-ta, t. v. To nick, to make a KAKINE, n. A fence, hedge. flaw in; to break off a small piece, and KAKI-NIKUI,-ki,-ku,-shi. Bad for writthus to damage, or injure; to omit. ing, hard to write with, hard or difficult Koto-wo -, to be short-handed. Hima to write. wo -, to waste time. Shaku wo -, to KAKI-NOBORI,-ru,-tta, t. V. To climb neglect one's duty. up, scramble up. KAKI-ARAWAWASHI, -saU - ta, t. v. To KAKI-NOKE,-ru,-ta, t. V. To push to publish. one side so as to pass through, as a KAKI-ATSUME,-ru,-ta, t. V. To collect crowd. and write down; to rake or scrape to- KAKI-NOSE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To record, to gether. write or note down, register. KAKI-AYAMARI,-rU,-taa, i. v. To make KAKI-NUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To make writa mistake or commit an error in writ- ten extracts from a book. ing. KAKI-OKI, n. A will, or a writing left by KAKI-DASHI, n. A bill. - wo kubaru, a person going away or dying. to distribute bills, or an account of KAKI-6SE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To finish writthings bought on credit. ing, to do up a large amount of writing. KAKI-DASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To copy out KAKI-OTOSHI,-s,-ta, t. v. To cut off by of a book, or ledger; to begin to write; holding anything in one hand, and to rake or scratch out. cutting towards one's self with the KAKI-HAN, n. A seal made with a other; to scratch off; to omit, or forpen. get to write. KAK I07 KAK KAKI-OWARi,-ru,-tta. To finish writing. KAKKO, n. A kind of drum. KAKI-SAGASHI,-S-,-ta, t. V. To search KAKKON, n. A kind of medicine made for, to scratch and search for-as, a of the root of the kudzu. fowl. KAKO, n. A common sailor. KAKI-SAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To scratch KAKOCHI,-tSU, i. v. Troubled, worried, and tear. sad, gloomy. KAKI-SHIRUSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To write or KAKOI,-O,-,ta, t. v. To inclose, to fence, note down, record, make a memoran- to shut in, to surround; to cover in ordum of. der to preserve, as fruits; to preserve, KAKI-SHITATAME,-rU,-ta, t. v. To write, cure. compose and write, to engross. KAKOI, n. An inclosure, fence, barrier; KAKI-SO, n. A light-brown color. an arbor. KAKI-SOKONAI,-au,-ta, t. v. To write KAKOI-ME, n. A mistress, or concubine wrong, mistake in writing, to spoil in kept in private. writing. KA-KOKU. Cruel, severe, hard, oppressKAKI-SOYE,-rU,-t&, t. v. To add to a ive, vexatious. - naru seiji, a cruel writing, to write a postscript, government. -na danna,a hard masKAKI-SUVE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To set down a ter. a sedan-chair when carrying it. KAKOMARE,-rzt,-ta, pass. of Kakomnu. KAKI-TAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Wish to write. To be inclosed, surrounded. Kakitaku nai, do not wish to write. KAKOMI,-m U,-nda, t. v. To surround, Kaki-tai to onmte kaki-nakatta, I inclose, confine on all sides, encompass, wanted to write but did not. lay siege to. KAKI-TASHI,-su,-a, t. v. To write what KAKOMI, n. An inclosure, that which is necessary in order to complete, to surrounds or shuts in, a siege, blockade, write and fill up. circumvallation. KAKI-TATE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To write down KAKOTSUKE,-rU,-Ia, t. v. To make as a many items; to write up, as a list; to pretext, pretence, excuse; make bepick up, as the wick of a lamp; to stir lieve. and mix together. KAKOTSUKE, n. Pretext, pretence, exKAKI-TOME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To record, cuse. register, make a note of, write down so KAKU (ono-ono). Each, every, all, vaas not to forget. rious. Kak-koku, each or every counKAKI-TORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To copy, tran- try; all the treaty powers. Kakkiyoscribe. ku, all the offices or departments of KAKI-TSUDZUKE,-rZ,-ta, t. v. To write state. Kakkuwa, every person's task down in succession, to connect by writ- or exercise. Kaku-ji, each one, every ing, to continue to write. one.' Kakka, each article or thing. KAKI-TSUKE, n. A writing, note, memo- Kaku-ji, each place, each piece of randim. ground. Kaku-han, each or all the KAKI-TSUKE,-ru,-ia,. v. To note down, Dainiates. make a memorandum of. KAKU, n. A rifle target. KAKI-TSUKUSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To exhaust KAKU, n. Rank; grade, degree of elea subject by writing, to finish writing, vation or dignity; station; pattern, to use up in writing, as paper. rule. KAKI-TSUTAYE, —U,-ta, t. v. To write KAKU (maroto), n. A guest, visitor, and hand down or transmit to others. stranger. KAKI-UTSUSHi,-SU,-ta, t. v. To copy, KAKU, n. Corner, angle, a horn, square. transcribe. Shi-kaku; square, or four cornered. KAKI-YABURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To scratch San-kaku, three cornered. and tear or deface. KAKU, n. A blow with both heels given KA-KIYOKU, n. Song, sonnet, ballad. to a horse while riding. KAKI-YOSE,,-ru,-a.. t.. To rake, or KAKU, a. This, thus, so. - no iori, scratch anything towards one's self this way, this manner. with the fingers; to bring near in a KAKU, n. A disease of stomach characnorimon. terizedby vomiting that which has just KAKI-ZOME, n. The first writing of the been eaten. new year. KAKU-BAKARI, adv. Thus, so, this much. KAKIKE, n. Dropsy of the legs. KAKU-BAN, n. Alternate watches, watch KAKKO, (adakazo yoshi,) n. Shape, and watch. proportions, manner, style. KAKUBEI-JISHI, n. Young boys who go KAK IO8 KAM about from place to place, wearing a KAKU-YAKU, adv. Bright, shining, glitmask like a lion's head, and practising tering. somersaults and other tricks for a living. KAMA, n. An artifice or trick used to KAKU-BETSU, a. Different from the rule make a suspected person confess the or what is usual, unusual, uncommon, truth. - wo kakete makoto wo iw~aexceptional, special, particular, extraor- seru, to get one to tell the truth by dinary. - koto, an evception. pretending to know all about it. KAKU-DAN. Different from ordinary, ex- KAMA, n. A sickle. traordinary, particular, special, import- KAMA, n. A furnace, kiln. ant. KAMA, n. An iron pot. KAKU-GEN, n. A maxim, adage, wise- KAMA-ASHI, n. Club-foot. saying, aphorism. KAMABISUSHI,-ki,-ku, a. Tumultuous, KAKU-GETSU, n. Alternate months, noisy, boisterous. month about, every other month. KAMABOKO, n. A kind of food made of KAKUGO, n. Preparation, readiness, an- fish cut up fine, rolled into a ball, and ticipation, expectation. - wa yoi ka, baked; hashed fish. are you ready? KAMA-BUTA, n. A pot lid. KAKU-GUWAI. Contrary to the rule, an KAMACHI, n. The frame of a door, or exception; particular, special, extraor- window. dinary. Onna wa - ni suru, women KAMADO, n. A furnace, kitchen, range, are an exception. - ni yasui, extra- a kiln. ordinarily cheap. KAMAI,-au,-alta...v. To meddle with, KAKUI (hedate gokoro), n. Separation interfere; to be concerned about, to of heart, unfriendliness, estrangement. mind, care for; to matter, be of importKAKU-JITSU, n. Alternate days, day ance. 0 karnai nasaru na, don't about, every other day. trouble yourself about it, let it alone. KAKU-KAKU, adv. So, thus, this way. KAMA-ITACHI, n. A sickle-weasel,-an KAKU-KAKU, adv. Bright, shining, re- invisible animal supposed to inflict fulgent, glittering. wounds on people; thus if a person KAKUMAI,-au,-atta, i. v. To conceal, should fall) and without any apparent hide, shelter, harbor. cause, receive a cut, they say he is, Ka. KAKU-MAKU, n. The cornea. maitachi ni kirareta. KAKU-NEN, n. Alternate years, year KAMAKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be intent about, every other year. upon, occupied with, taken up with, KAKU-NO-GOTOKI,-ku,-shi, a. Thus, in absorbed in. this way, so, such-referring to some- KAMA-KIRI, n. A mantis. thing said before. KAMARE,-ru-ta, pass. or pot. of Kami. KAKURE,-,-t,-a, t. V. To be hid, con- To be bitten, can bite. Ha nashi de cealed, to be secret; to die. kamarenai. he has no teeth, and thereKAKURE-GA, n. A secluded or retired fore cannot bite. house. KAMASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Kamu. To KAKUREMBO, n. The game of blindman's cause another to bite, to let or get one buff. to bite. Uma ni kutsuwa wo -, to KAKURE-MI, n. One living in seclusion, put a bit in a horse's mouth. or concealment. KAMASU, n. A straw bag. KAKU-SEI, n. A new, or strange star. KAMASU, n. A kind of fish. KAKUSHI, n. A pocket in a garment. KAMAYE,-ru,-ia, t. v. To enclose, to KAKUSHI,-SU,-ta, 1. v. To hide, con- prepare; to assume an attitude, postceal, to secrete. ure, or position; to build, frame, conKAKUSHI-BAIJO, n. A secret prostitute, struct; to concoct, devise. one who does not live in the prescribed KAMAYE, n. The external arrangement, place. form, and appearance of a building; KAKUSHIKI, n. Rank, grade, degree of manner, attitude, posture, position; an elevation or dignity, station in society. enclosure. Migamaye wo suru, to put KAKU-SHIN, n. Estranged, distant, cool, one's self in the proper posture. unfriendly. KAMAYETE, adv. Positively, certainly, KAKUTE, adv. Then, after this, and, so must. then. KAM-BAN, n. A coat worn by a servant, KAKU-UCHI, n. Target-shooting. having the master's coat of arms on the KAKU-YA, n. Alternate nights, night back. about, every other night. KAM-BAN, n. A sign-board. KAM 109 KAN KAM-BASE, n. The face, countenance. charm against lightning, a lightningKAMBATSU, n. A drought, want of rain. rod. KAM-BEN. Consideration, thought, re- KAMI-OKI, n. The ceremony on the ocflection, judgment; patience. - su- casion of first letting a child's hair ru, to consider, think over, reflect, de- grow, when he arrives at about five liberate on, to weigh in the mind; years of age. to pardon. - naranu, unpardonable. KAMI-OROSHI, n. Bringing down the KAs-BIYO. Nursing or attending on the gods, as is supposed to be done by a sick. - nin, a sick-nurse. Miko or Ichiko, when holding commuKAM-B6 (kaze wo hiku). To catch cold. nication with them. KAM-BUTSU (butsu wo sosogu), n. The KAMI-SAKAYAKI, n. Dressing the hair in ceremony of washing the idol of Bud- Japanese style. dha with arnacha. KArII-SHIMO. Above and below, supeKAM-BUTSU, n. Vegetables dried for riors and inferiors; also, a peculiar food. -ya, a grocer. dress worn on occasions of ceremony, KAME, n. A tortoise. - no kd, the or on dress occasions. shell of a tortoise. KAMI-SORI, n. A razor. KAME, n. A jar. KAMI-SUKI, n. A paper-maker. KAME-BARA, n. Kind of disease. KAMI-SUKI-BA, n. A paper mill, paper KAME-GATA, n. A box turned out of manufactory. wood. KAMI-YA, n. A paper store. KAME-NO-O, n. The Coccyx. KAMI-YO, n. The age or time in which KAMI (shin), n. The gods, God. the Kami alone existed. KAMI, n. A title of rank, a ruler. KAMI-YUI, n. A barber, hair-dresser. KAMI (uye). Superior, above, high; up- KAM-MON, n. A written memorial sent per rank or place; ruler; wife. Kawa- to the Emperor. kami, up the river. 0 kani san, your KAMMURI, n. A kind of black cap worn wife, also a title used in addressing any by nobles on the crown of the head. married woman, = Mrs. KAMO, n. A kind of operatic performKAMI, n. Paper. - wo suku, to make ance, of dancing and music. paper. KAMO, n. A wild duck. KAMI, n. The hair of the head. KAMOI, n. The upper beam in the KAMI,-mu,-nda, /. v. To bite, chew, groove of which a door or screen slides, gnaw. Kande fukumeru, to chew the a lintel; the lower is called Shikii. food and feed it to the young. Kamni- KAMOJI, n. False hair worn by women. au, to bite each other, to fight, as dogs. KAMOJI, n. Mother, only used by women Kamni-kiru, to bite off, to cut off with in writing to their mothers. the teeth. Kami-konasu, to masticate, KAMOME, n. A seA-gull. to chew fine. Kami-kudaku, to break, KAMOSHI,-SaU,-ta, t. v. To brew. Uraor crush with the teeth, to craunch, to mi wo -, to s-ir up hatred. bite and break. Kami-shimeru, to KAMOSHIKA, n, A kind of wild stag. gnash the teeth, to close the teeth KAM-PA, (mni-yaburu.) - suru, to distightly. Kami-tsuku, to bite, lay hold cover, understand; to see into, or- perof with the teeth. ceive something that does not lie on the KAMI-GATA, n. The capital, the region surface. about Kiyoto. KAM-PAN, n. The deck of a ship. KAMI-IRE, n. A wallet for holding pa- KAMPIYO, n. A kind of dried melon. per, a pocket-book. KAM-P6, (kara no ho), n, Chinese sysKAMI-KIRI, n. A widow who cuts and ter of medicine. wears her hair short after her husband's KAM-PU, (samnui kaze,) n. A cold wind. death. KAM-PUKU, n. Admiration, commendaKAMI-KIRI, n. A paper-cutter. dation, approval. -suru. KAMI-KIRI, t. A beetle. KAN, n. Deficiency in weight or numKAMI-KURA, n. The highest or chief ber; loss, waste, tare. seat. KAN, (samui.) Cold. Sho-kan, the peKAMI-MUKI, n. One's superiors; used riod of moderate cold. Dai-kan, the also in speaking of a prince, or of the period of severe cold. government. KAN, n. China. Kan-go, the Chinese KAMI-NADZUKI ('u-gzttatsu), n. The language. Kan-ji, Chinese characters. tenth month. Kan-on, the names of the Chinese KAMI-NARI. n. Thunder. - yoke, a characters used by the Confucianists. KAN 1IO KAN KAN, (kimo,) n. The liver. Kan no zo, KANAI,-au or o,-tla, i. v. To agree with, id. to suit, accord, to be in harmony with, KAN, n. Marasmus. to correspond, to be consistent with, KAN, n. Cramp, twitching of the mus- comport with, to be compatible, to tally cles, convulsions. with. KAN, n. Quick of perception, clever, or KANA-KIN, n. Muslin, cambric, longquick-witted. - wo tsukeru, to be cloth of foreign make. quick to perceive, guess, or suspect. KANA-KUGI, n. An iron nail. KAN, n. Admiration, approbation. - KANA-KUSO, n. Metal cinders. ni tzyetari, affected to admiration. KANAME, n. The rivet or pin of a fan; KAN, (atatamelru,) making hot, - ap- the important, or essential principle, plied only to sake. - wo tsukeru to the cardinal point. warm sake by setting the bottle in hot KANA-MONO, n. Hardware, things made water. of metal. KANA. Exclam. used at the end of a KANARADZU, adv. Positively, certainly, sentence, = to the interjection sign,!. necessarily, must. KANA, n. (cont. of kari and na name). KA-NARI. Tolerably, middlingly well, The 46 characters of the Japanese syl- passibly, can or may do. labary so called from their having been KANARIYA, n.'A canary bird. borrowed from the Chinese. K.ANASHII,-k~,-kt, a. Sad, lamentable, KANA, n. Violet colored thread. sorrowful, afflictive, mournful. KANA-AMI, n. A wire netting, wire KANA-SHIKI, n. An anvil. gauze. KANASHIMI. n. Sorrow, sadness, grief. KANA-BASAMI, n. Shears for cutting me- KANASHIMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To grieve, tal. to lament, mourn, to sorrow. KANA-BASHI, n. A blacksmith's tongs. KANASHISA. n. Sorrow, sadness. KANA-BERA, n. An iron spatula, a tro- KANATA. There, that place. - konata, wel. here and there. KANA-B6, n. An iron rod, or staff, a KANA-TEKO, n. An iron crowbar. crowbar. KANA-TOKI, n. An anvil. KANA-BUMI, n. Books written in the KANATSUMPO, n. A deaf person. Japanese hiragana characters. KANAWANU. The neg. of Kanai. Not KANA-BUTSU, n. A metal image of Bud- suiting, not agreeing with. unable; candha, a bronze idol. not, impossible, disabled. Te ga kanaKANA-DARAI. n. A copperor metal basin. wanu, the arm is disabled. KANADE,-ru, i. v. To dance to music. KANAYE, n. A three legged kettle. KANA-DOYU, n. A copper pipe. KANAYE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Kanai. To be KANA-DZUCHI, n. An iron hammer, in accordance with, or suitable to. sledge-hammer. KAN-CHI, (yokoskhima no chiye,) n. WickKANA-DZUKAI, n. Spelling with the Ja- ed, cunning, subtilty, wiliness. - napanese syllables, referring especially to ru mono, an accomplished villian. spelling the sounds of Chinese charac- KANCHO, n. A spy. ters. KAN-DAN, n. Leisure, interval of rest or KANAGAI, n. Lead or tin foil. cessation from motion or labor. KANA-GAI, n. A metal spoon made in KAN-DAN, (samui atsui.) Cold and hot, the shape of a shell, the temperature. KANA-GAKI. Written in the Japanese KAN-DAN-KEI, n. A thermometer. hiragana characters. KAN-DO, n. Disinheriting, discarding, KANAGI, n. A twig, small branch. or turning a disobedient son or servant KANAGU, n. The hardware or metal out of the family. - suru, to disinwork of bureaus, boxes, etc. herit a child. KANAGURI,-rU,-tta, t. v. To coil, as a KAN-DO, (nuki michi,) n. A by-way, rope; to wrench off, to scratch. a secret way. KANA-GUSARI, n. An iron chain. KANDOKO, n. The finger-board of a guiKANA-GUTSU, a. Iron shoes, a horse- tar. shoe. KANE, n. Metal, ore, money. KANA-HIBASHI, n. Iron tongs, or two KANE, n. A bell. iron rods for taking up coals. KANE, n. The stuff used by Japanese KANAI, n. Family, house; wife. Go - women for staining the teeth black. sama, your wife. — Jl, the whole fam- KANE,-ra,-a, t. v. To discharge the ily. duties of two or more offices at the same KAN III KAN time; to use a thing for two purposes; KAN-JI,-dzurM,-ta, i. v. To admire, to to do two things at once; to compre- approve of; to regard with approbahend, or include two or more things in tion, esteem, or admiration; to be one; to be anxious about. Difficult, moved, affected. or hard; cannot. KAN-JI,-dzZru,-ta, a. (sanuku naru), KANE-BAKO, n. A money-box. i. v. To be cold. KANE-DZUKU, n. By the influence of KANJI, a. The cold. — ga tsuyoi. money; sake of money. Hito no ma- KANJIKI, n. Snow-shoes. koto wo - de nasu beki koto de wa KAN-JIN, n. A villain, traitor, a depravnai, men should not do what is right ed, unprincipled man. for the sake of money. KAN-JIN, n. The important, essential, or KANE-FUDE, n. A brush used in staining principal part. the teeth. KAN-Jo, n. A privy. KANE-FUKI, n. A metallurgist. KAN-J6, n. An account, reckoning, calKANE-GANE, adv. Previously, before, culation; a bill, the amount. - suru, usually, constantly, always. to count up, to reckon, number, to KANE-GOTO, n. A secret or previous make up an account. Fu-kanj5, carepromise, as of marriage. less of accounts. -wa ikura, what is KANE-GURA, n. A money-vault, a mon- my bill, or what is the amount? - ch, ey-safe, a treasury. an account book. KANE-HORI, n. A miner. KAN-KE, a. Contributions to Buddhist KANE-IRE, n. A purse or wallet for car- temples. rying money. KAN-KEI, n. Nefarious plan, or scheme, KANE-KASHI, n. A money-lender, a a conspiracy. bank. KAN-KI, n. The cold. - wo shinogu, KANE-MAWARI, n. Circulation of money, to suffer from the cold. exchange, trade. KAN-KI, n. The discharge of a servant KANE-MOCHI, n. One that has money, a for some offence, disgrace. rich man. KAN-KU. Hard and bitter circumstances, KANE-MIOCHI-RASHII,-ki,-k, a, Having difficult and painful condition, afflicthe appearance of a rich man, like a tion. rich man. KANNA, n. A carpenter's plane. - no KANE-NO-TE, n. A right-angle. dai, the wooden part of a plane. KANETE, adv. Previously, before, be- kudzu, shavings. forehand; constantly, always. KAN-NABE, n. A pot for warming KANE-TSUBO, n. A jar for holding tooth- sake. dye. KANNAGI, n. A dancer in a Kagura. KANE-TSUKE-ISHI, n. A touchstone. KAN-NAN, n. Trouble, adversity, calamiKANE-ZASHI, n. A carpenter's square. ty, affliction. KANGAII,-ru,-ta, t. v. To look at as in KAN-NEI. Subtle, cunning, treacherous, a mirror; to regard as an example for crafty, artful. imitation, or warning; to judge of. KAN-NIN, (koraye shinobu), n. Patience, KANGAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To think on, to forbearance, self-restraint. -- suru, to reflect, consider, to ponder over. be patient, to restrain one's self, to KANGAYE, n. Thought, consideration, bear patiently. reflection. - ga tsukanu, I can't KAN-NO, n. An approving response, a make it out. favorable answer to prayer. KAN-GEN, n. Expostulation, or remon- KAN-NUSHI, n. A Sintoo priest. strance with a superior. KANo,Ipro. That. K.NI, n. A crab. - no hasami, a crabs KANOKO, n. A young deer, a fawn. claws. K ANOSHISHI, n. A deer, stag. KANI-BABA, n. The meconium. KIAN-RAN, n. The Chinese olive. KA-NI-KAKU, adv. Various, this and KAN-RIYAKU, n. Economy, to be econothat, this way and that way. mical, saving, frugal. KAN-IN, n. Rape, adultery. -suru, to KAN-RO, n. A sweet dew said to fall commit adultery. from the sky. KAN-JA, n. A spy. KANROBAI, n. A confectionary of dried KAN-JA, n. Sickness from severe cold plums coated with sugar. weather. KAN-RUI, n. Tears of joy, admiration, or KAN-JA. Unprincipled, villainous, de- sympathy. praved, nefarious. KAN-SATSU, n. A wooden ticket, or pass. KAN 112 KAR KAN-SATSU, n. Watching the words or KAPP6. Facilitating or saving labor. conduct of others, spying, espionage. vno kikai, labor-saving machine. KAN-SHA, n. Sugar-cane. KAPPO, n. Cooking, preparation, and KAN-SHAKU, n. Quick temper, passion, dressing food. - suru, to cook. - ka, petulance, anger. a restaurant. KANSHAKU-DAMA, n. Fire-crackers. KAPPUKU, n. The shape or proportions. KAN-SHIN, n. Admiration, wonder, ap- KARA, n. China. proval. — suru, to be affected to ad- KARA, a. Empty, void, vacant. - ni miration. naru, to become empty. - ni suru, KAN-SH6, n. Admiration and praise. to empty. Kara-bako, an empty box. KAN-SHO, n. A kind of fragrant wood. Kara ido, a dry well. Kara naki, KAN-SHO, n. A letter of remonstrance, crying without tears. KaradeAp, an expostulation, or advice to a superior, unloaded gun. KAN-SO, n. A syphilitic chancre. KARA, adv. A strong asseveration. KAN-SHOKU, n. Sensitiveness, sensation, Indeed, truly. feeling. KARA, n. An empty shell. Kuri no —, KAN-TAN. - s:tru, to admire, applaud; a chestnut-shell. Kaigara, clam-shells. to cry or sigh in admiration, or ap- Naki-gara, empty shell; (fig.) a lifeplause. less body. Tamago no -, an egg-shell. KAN-TAN, n. Liver and gall-bladder. Semi no -, the cast-off shell of a loKantan wo kudakc, (fig.) to do with cust. great pains, with great care and anxi- KARA, fost-pos. and adv. From, since, ety. by; because, since, as; than. KAN-TEI. Inspecting and judging of the KARA-AYA, n. A kind of silk-stuff. qualities of works of art. - sha, a KARABI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be dry, arid, connoiseur, critic, judge, parched. KAN-TEN, n. A kind of food made of KARA-BITSU, n. A leather trunk. dried sea-weed. KARADA, n. The body. KAN-TOKU, n. The office of censor. KARA-GARA, adv. In great danger, hardly, KAN-YETSU, n. Admiration and joy. with difficulty, barely. KANYO, n. Importance. - naru, im- KARAGE,-rU,-ta. i. V. To tie up, to bind portant. with a cord,-as a bundle. KAN-ZAKE, n. Warm sake, hot tod- KARAI,-ki,-ku, a. Acrid, pungent, sharp dy. in taste; severe, harsh, hard, cruel. KAN-ZASHI, n. The ornamental hair-pins KARAKAI,-J,-/ta, t. v. To tease, vex, worn by women. chafe, to banter or jeer.. KAN-ZEN-YORI, n. A string made of two KARA-KAMI, n. Wall-paper. strands of twisted paper. KARA-KANE, n. Bronze. KAN-Z6, n. Liquorice root. KARA-KARA-TO, adv. The sound of KAO, n. The face, countenance. - wo laughter, of rattling. tsubusu, to put out of countenance, to KARA-KARA, adv. Dry, empty. abash. Waga mono-gao ni, acting or KARA-KASA, n. An umbrella. looking as if it was one's own. KARAKURI, n. A show-box in which KAO-IRO, n. The color of the face, the views or scenery are shown; machinery. complexion. KARAKURI,-ru,-t/a, t. v. To set in moKAO-MOCHI, n. The expression of the tion as a machine,-especially by pullface. ing strings or wires. KAO-NE, (ganshoku), n. The complex- KARA-KUSA, n. The ornamental figure ion or expression or the face. of a vine, in cloth, pictures, carved KAORASHI,-su,-/a, caust of Kaori. To metal or wood. perfume. KARAMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be twined KAORI,-ru,-ita, i. v. To emit a perfume, around, coiled; wound round in a spiral to be fragrant. form, like a vine; twisted round. KAORI, n. A perfume, odor, fragrance. KARAME,-rU,-Ia, t. v. To bind, as with KAO-TSUKI, n. The expression of the a cord, to twine about. Karame-toru, face, countenance. to sleze and bind, as a thief. KAPPA, n. A rain-coat. KARAMETE, n. The back gate of a casKAPPA, n. A fabulous animal, something tie. like a monkey, said to inhabit rivers. KARAMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To coil, twine, KAPPA-TO, adv. The sound of falling, or or wind around. Karami-au, to be of throwing one's self down. coiled, or twined together. Karami KAR 113 KAR tsuku, to twine round and cleave to KARI-ATSUME,-ru,-ta, i. v. To drive toanything. gether, to urge to assemble, to hunt up KARAMI, n. Acridity, pungency, also a people and bring them together. kind of pungent food. KARI-BA, n. Hunting-ground. KARAPPO. Empty, dry. KARI-DZUMIAI, n. A temporary or tranKARARI-TO, adv. Clear, free from shade, sient residence. bright, not gloomy, light. - yo ga KARI-GANE, n. A wild goose, the cry of aketa, the morning has fully dawned. the wild goose. KARASA, n. Acridity, pungency, sharp- KARI-GI, n. Borrowed clothes. ness. KARIGINU, n. A kind of coat worn by KARA-SAO, n. A flail. nobles. KARASHI, n. Mustard. KARI-IYE, n. A rented house, a house KARASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To make or let for rent. wither, to dry, as grass. KARI-KABU, n. Stubble, after the grain KARASHI-IRE, n. A mustard pot. is cut. KARASHI-NA, n. The mustard plant. KARI-KATA, n. The borrower, a lessee. KARASU, n. A crow. KARI-KURA, n. Hunting-ground. KARASU-GANE, n. Money borrowed on in- KARI-KURASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To live by terest and repaid by daily instalments. hunting, to spend the time hunting. KARASU-HEBI, n. A black snake. KARI-MATA, n. An arrow with two KARASUKI, n. A plough. heads. KARASUMI, n. Dried salmon's roe. KARI-MONO, n. Borrowed things. KARASU-URI, n. The Trichosanthus Cu- KARI-MOVYSHI,-s,-ta, t. v. To hunt up cumerina. and collect or assemble. KARA-TACHI, n. A kind of thorny bush. KARIN, n. A quince. YEgle Sepiaria. KARI-NE, n. A transient or short sleep. KARA-TE. Empty-handed. KARI-NI, adz. Temporarily, for a short KARA-USU, n. A mortar for cleaning rice, time only, lightly. in which the pestle is worked by the KARI-NUI, n. Temporary sewing, bastfoot. ing. KARE,pro. That thing, that person, he. KARI-NUSHI, n. One who rents a house, KARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Withered, dried, renter, or lessee. dead,-as a tree, grass; dried up, as KARI-SHUN, n. Harvest-time. water; hoarse, husky, of the voice. KARISOME. Transient, small in degree, KARE-BA, n. Withered or dried leaves. trivial, trifling, little, slight. KARE-GARE, adv. Withered, dried, emp- KARI-UDO, n. A hunter. ty. KARI-YA. A rented house, or a house for KARE-KI, n. A withered or dead tree. rent. KARE-KORE. This and that, one thing or KARI-YASU, i. The carex, or sedge. another; about. KARIY6BINGA, n. An immortal bird, havKARERA. Plural of Kare. Those per- ing a fine voice, and human face, in the sons, these things. Buddhist paradise. KARI,-r,-tta, t. v. To cut, as grain, or KARI-YOSE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To hunt and hay; to harvest, reap. drive near, to drive together, as game. KARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To hunt animals, to KAR6, n. The chief minister of a Daichase game. Hana wo -, to hunt mio. flowers. KARO-GAROSHII-,-ki,-, a. Lightly, inKARI,-ru, or riru,-ita, t. v. To borrow, considerately, heedlessly, undignified, to rent. light or trifling in manner. KARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To drive, urge on- KAROI,-ki,-ku, a. Light, not heavy, same ward, to hurry. as Karui. KARI, n. The chase, a hunt. KAR6JITE, adv. With much difficulty, KARI, n. A wild goose. hardly, barely. KARI, n. The corona glandis. KARONJI,-dzuru,-ta, t. v. To make light KARI. Temporary, transient, for a short of, to despise, contemn, to esteem of time. -- no yadori, a temporary lodg- little value, disregard, slight. ing. - noyo, this world, which is only KAROSHIME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To make light temporary. (Bud). - no hashi, a of, despise, contemn, disregard, slight. temporary bridge. KARUGARUSHII. Same as Karogaroshii. KARI, n. Borrowing, a debt incurred from KARU-GA-YUYE-NI, adv. Therefore, on borrowing money, a debt. this account, for this reason. KAR 114 KAS KARU-HADZUMI. Careless, heedless, reck- ageru, to pile up by placing one on less, inconsiderate. another. KARUI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Light, not heavy; KASANE, n. A pile, consisting of two or mean, low in social position, not se- three things of the same kind laid one vere. on the other. KARU-ISHI, n. Pumice stone. KASANE-GASANE, adv. Over and over, KARUKA, n. A ramrod. repeatedly, many times, often, again KARUKO, n. A basket carried by coolies; and again. a coolie, porter. KASANETE, adv. Again, repeatedly. KARU-KUCHI, n. Fluent in talking, vol- KASASAGI, n. The jay. uble, flippant. KASE,-ru,-shz, i. v. To be lent, rented. KARUIE,-ru,-ta, t. V. To make light, to KASE, n. Shackles, fetters. Te-kase, lighten. handcuffs. Kubi-kase, the cangue, KARU-NI, n. Ballast, yoke. Ashi-kase, fetters, stocks. KARUSA, 1. Lightness. KASE, n. A reel; a reelful, a skein, hank. KARUTA, n. Playing-cards. Ito hito kase, a hank, or skein of KARU-WASA, n. Acrobatic feats. - shi, yarn. an acrobat. KAsE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To become dry, to KASA, n. A broad-rimmed hat, or shade dry up. for the head; the ring around the moon KASEGI,-gu,-ida, t. v. To be active in in hazy weather. - wo kaburu, to put doing, to do with diligence, industry or on a hat. zeal. KASA, n. An eruption on the skin, now KA-SEI, (kuwayeru hei), n. Auxiliary mostly used of syphilis. - wo kaku, to troops, reinforcement, joining an army. get syphilis. - suru, to unite forces, to join an KAsA, n. An umbrella. - no hajiki army, to reinforce, to help, second. kane, the spring of an umbrella. - KA-SEI, ((mugoi seijz). Tyrannical or no hone, the stays of an umbrella. - cruel government. no rokuro, the ring into which the KA-SHAKO, n. A small wooden box for stays are fastened. holding candy. KASA, n. The wooden lid of a cup, or KASHAKU, (shikari semeru). Punishbowl. ment, torture, torment. - suru, to KASA, n. A heap, pile, bulk, or quantity punish. of anything. KASHI, n. The oak. - no mi, an acorn. KASA, n. The hull of some kind of KASHI, n. River bank; a market place. nuts. KASHI. A word used at the end of a senKASABARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be large tence of exhortation, entreaty or reand bulky. quest, to give emphasis to it. KASA-BUKURO, n. An umbrella case. KASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To lend, to rent. KASABUTA, n. The scab formed over an KASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To soak in water eruption or sore. before boiling. KASADAKA. Bulky, occupying a large KASHIBATA, n. River bank. space, making a large pile. KASHIDZUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To attend, KASAGI, n. A cross piece of timber laid wait on, to take care of, to nurse, to over two posts. bring up, to treat respectfully. KASA-HARI, n. An umbrella maker. KASHIDZUKI, n. A nurse, waiting maid, KASA-KAKI, n. A person who has the attendant, a servant. - ra, the atsyphilis. tendants. KA-SAKU, n. The structure of a house, KASHIGI-,,-ida, i. v. To incline, lean or building. to one side, to careen. KASAMI,-m u,-nda, i. v. To become KASHIKAMASHII,-i,-ku, a. Loud and large, accumulate, to increase, aug- noisy, deafening, stunning, or roaring. ment. KASHI-KATA, n. A lender, creditor. KASANARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be piled up, KASHnIKI,-ku,-iZa, t. v. To cook rice. heaped up by laying one on another, KASHIKO, adv. There, yonder, that placed one on another, to increase in place. Koko kashiko, here and there. number or size, to augment, accumu- KASHIKOI,-ki,-ku, a. Feeling awe, late. dread, or fear; wise, intelligent, clever, KASANARE,-rU,-Ia, t. v. To pile or lay sagacious, shrewd. one thing on another; to repeat, or do KASHIKOMARI,-rn,-tta, i. v. To sit in again, to add one to another. Kasane- the Japanese mode; respectfully and KAS 115 AT humbly to receive, or promise obedi- ty, person; mark, trace. In comence to what one is told to do; to as- pounds answers to the person who, the sent to. thing which, that which. A nata-gata, KASHIMASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Loud and noisy, you, (plural). Shi-kata ga nai, there boisterous, tumultuous. is no resource. Shi-kata ga varui, KASHIIRA, n. The head; the chief, the what he does is bad. Hiyz -ro kata, headman. the commissariat department. OdzuKASHIWA, n. A species of oak. - ni tsu kata, the artillery. Koshi - neru, to sleep with the under quilt the past. Kata-gata, plur. perfolded over for a covering. sons. KASHIWADE, n. Clapping the hands to- KATA, n. A mould, matrice; pattern, gether when praying. form, figure, shape, copy, model. KASHIWA-MOCHI, n. A kind of rice KATA, n. One of a pair, single-used food boiled in the leaves of the Kashi- mostly in compound words. wa. KATA, n. A pledge, pawn. KA-SHOKU, n. Family business, occupa- KATA-AGE, n. Tucking the sleeve at the tion, calling, shoulder-as in childhood to allow for KA-SO, n. The form, or position of a growing. house, in respect of its being lucky or KATA-ASHI, n. One leg. unlucky. KATA-ATE, n, A shoulder pad. KASSEN, n. A battle. - suru, to fight KATA-BAMI, n. Sheep's sorrel; Rumex a battle. Kassemba, the place where Acetocella. a battle is fought. KATA-BIIKI, n. Favoritism, partiality, KASSUI, n. Dry, deficient in water, of a preferring one over another. river, paddy-field. KATA-BINGI, n. Communication only in KASU, n. Dregs, sediment, grounds, lees, one direction,-having no return. settlings, residuum. KATABIRA, n. A very thin kind of sumKASU-DZUKE, n. Pickled in sake lees. mer garment. KASUGAI, n. An iron clamp. KATA-BISASHI, n. A roof, formed only KASUGE, n. An iron grey horse. of one slope, a shed. KASUKA-NARU, a. Faint, indistinct, dim, KATACHI, n. Figure, form; shape, likeobscure. ness. KASUKA-NI, adv. Slightly, faintly, in- KATA-CHIMBA, n. Lame in one leg. distinctly, dimly. KATA-DAYORI, n. Same as Katabingi. KASUME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To rob, to de- KATADORI,-rU,-tta, t. v. To make in fraud, take by fraud, or violence, to the likeness of, to imitate, resemble, to seize; to make hazy. shape, to fashion, model. KASUMI, n. Haze, mist. KATADORI,-r,-tta, t. v. To flank, to KAsuMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be hazy, border upon on one side for defence, or dim, clouded, dull. Kasumi-watari, support, or rest the flank against. to be hazy all over. KATADZU, n. Spittle, saliva, used in the KASUMO, n. Freckles on the face. phrase, Katadzu wo nonm,, to swallow KASURE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be grazed, or the spittle, a fig. expression for great touched slightly in passing. yiga ka- anxiety, interest or solicitude, in anysureta, the character is written so that thing. in places the ink has made no trace. KATADZUKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To lay to one KASURI,-ru,-1ta, t. v. To graze, to touch side; put away, set away, to put in orslightly in passing; to brush, to abrade; der, -as things in confusion; to settle, to fling an indirect sarcasm at another. to place a daughter in the house of a Kasuri-kidzu, a slight wound made husband, to marry. by the grazing of a ball, arrow, etc.; KATADZUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. Put away, an abrasion. set aside; finished, done, settled, marKASURI, n. Money taken as percentage, ried off. commission, or cabbage; squeeze mo- KATADz uMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To incline ney, black mail. - wo toru, to levy to one side, biased, prejudiced, partial, black mail, to squeeze. warped; rustic. KASUTERA, n. Sponge cake. KATADZURI,-rU,-ta, i. v. Lop-sided, KATA, n. The shoulder. - wo motsu, heavier on one side than the other. to help or back another. Kata wo nu- KATA-GATA. While, at the same time, ku, to get out of a bad scrape. both; moreover, besides. KATA, (kh), n. Side, part, region; par- KATAGE,-ru,-/a, t. v. To lay, or carry KAT 116 KAT on the shoulder; to incline, turn on the KATAMARI, n. A hard lump, a tumor, side, careen. clot. KATAGI, n. Hard wood, especially oak. KATAMASHII,-ki,-ku. Depraved, abanKATAGINU, n. That part of the dress doned, unprincipled. of ceremony worn on the shoulders. KATAIME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To harden, to KATAGIRI,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be austere, make solid, strong, firm, or secure; to severe, or stiff in disposition or manner, fortify, strengthen, to defend, to guard; to be over rigid; to be bigoted or un- to congeal, solidify. duly inclined to any person or thing. KATAME, n. Promise, agreement, word KATA-GURUMA, n. Riding upon the of honor, pledge, vow. shoulders of another. KATAME, n. A guard. KATA-HARA. Used in the phrase, - itai, KATA-ME, n. One eye, single eye. sad, pitiable, regretful, or - itaku omd, KATAMI, n. A basket. to pity, commiserate, to be sorry for. KATAMI, n. A memento or present made KATA-HASHI, n. One or single edge, one to a friend on taking a journey, or dyside. ing. KATA-HIJI, n. One elbow. KATAMI-NI, adv. Together, mutually. KATA-HO, n. A sail braced up in the KATA-MI, n. One side of the body, half wind. of the body. KACTAI,-ki,-ku,-hi, a. Hard, solid, com- KATA-MI, n. Shoulders and body, (fig.) pact, firm, tight, close; strict, moral, of one's bearing, carriage; as, - ga severe; hard to do, difficult. Deki-ga- semnai, to appear abashed, sheepish. - tai, hard to do. ga hiroi, to be bold, manly. KATAI, n. A beggar. KATA-MICHI. One way, of either going KATA-IJI, n. Obstinate, stubborn, chur- or returning. lish. KATAMUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To incline, to KATA-IKI, n. Gasping for breath, out of bend to one side, to make lean over; breath. overthrow, subvert. KATA-INAKA, n. Remote country, far KATAMUKI.-ku,-ita, i. v. To be inclined away inland. to one side, bent over, to lean over; to KATAIPP6, or KATAPPO. One of a pair, careen, to decline. one side. KATANA, n. A sword, knife. Ko-gatana, KATA-JI, n. Hard ground, hard or solid a small knife, penknife. - no ha the in texture. edge of a sword. - no mune, the back KATAJIKENAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Thankful, of a sword. - no mi, the blade of a much obliged. sword. - no kisaki, the point of a KATA-KANA, n. A kind of Japanese writ- sword. -- no tsuka, the hilt of a sword. ten character. - no tsuba, the guard of a sword. KAT^KARI,_-r,-/ta, i. v. To be hard, no saya, the scabbard of a sword. - difficult. ni hon, two swords. KATA-KATA. One of a pair, one side. KATANA-KAKE, n. A sword-rack. KATA-KAWA, n. One side. KATANA-KIDZU, n. A sword-cut. KATAKI, n. Enemy, adversary, foe. KATANA-TOGI, n. A sword sharpener. KATAKI-UCHI, n. Slaying an enemy in KA-TAN. To take part withy to side with, revenge, to confederate with, to join, help. KATA-KOTO, n. Provincialism, vulgar KATANUGI,-gu,-ida, i. v. To bear or pronunciation. uncover one shoulder. KATAKU, adv. Hard, rigid, solid, com- KATA-OCHI, n. Inclining to one side; pact, firm, tight, strict, moral, severe, partiality, bias. difficult. - suru, to harden. KATA-OMOI, n. One-sided attachment, KATA-KUCHI, n. One side of an argu- love on one side and not reciprocated. ment, the statement of one party. KATA-OMOTE, n. One face, or surface KATAKU-NA, a. Obstinate, stubborn, of anything that has two; half the face, headstrong, bigoted. a single face. KATA-KURUSHIIi,-ki,-ku, a. Ovei strict KATA-OYA, n. One parent, the other in manner, rigid or severe in temper, being dead. severely, exact, stiff in manner, formal. KATAPPIRA, n. One side, surface, or KATAMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To become page. hardened, solidified, coagulated, con- KATARAI-<,-atta, i. v. To converse todensed; to be obdurate, confirmed, gether, to consult together; to talk fixed, obstinately bent on, bigoted. with in order to gain over. KAT II7 KAW KATARAI, n. Conversation, consulta- To be carried on the shoulder; to be tion. nade a fool of, hoaxed. KATARI,-ru,-/tt. To talk, tell, to sing KATSUGASE,-ru,-/a, caust. of Katsugu. in a recitative manner, to chant. To make or let carry on the shoulder, KATARI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To impose on by to put on the shoulder of another. false representations, to dupe, to ex- KATSUGI,-gU,-ida, t. v. To carry on the tort money by trickery, to defraud. shoulder, to shoulder; to befool, hoax; KATARI, n. False representation or pre- to be superstitious. tence, imposition, fraud, extortion. KATSUGI, n. A hawker or pedler of KATARI-MONO, n. An impostor, pretend- wares about the streets. er, swindler, knave, sharper. KATSUGI, n. A bonnet or veil worn by KATA-SAGARI, n. The slope of one side women. of a hill; hanging down on one KATSU-MATA, adv. Again, besides, moreside. over, also. KATA-SHIKI,-ku, a. Spread out on one KATSU-MEI, (uye jini,) n. Death from side. thirst, or starvation. KATASHIME,-ru,-ta, caust. of Kachi. To KATSUO, n. The Bonito. make or cause another to conquer. KATSUOBUSHI, n. The flesh of the Bonito KATASHIRO, n. An effigy, image, or dried and smoked. likeness. KATSU-O-GI, n. The wooden frame KATA-SUMI, a. One corner, or angle. placed on the top of a Sintoo temKATA-TE, n. One hand, a single hand. ple. KATA-TOKI, (hen shi). A short time, KATSURA-OTOKO, n. The man in the little while.. moon. KATATSUMURI, n. A snail. KATSUTE, adv. Before, previously, forKATAWA, n. Maimed, crippled, de- merly, once. Katsute nashi, never, formed. never before. KATAWARA, n. One side. - ni, by the KATSUYAKASHI,-su,-ta, caust. of Katsuway, besides, according to others. yeru. To starve, to cause another to KATA-WARE, n. Divided into halves. - hunger. dzuki, half-moon. KATSUYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be hungry, KATAYE, n. Side. to starve, to suffer for want of food or KATAYORI,-ru,-Ita, t. v. To go to one water. Katsuye-jini, starved to death. side, to incline or lean to one side, to KATTAI, n. The leprosy. be biased, partial, prejudiced. KATTE, n. Convenience, agreeable mode, KATAYUKI. n. The measure of a coat way or manner. yibun ni - shidai, from the central seam on the back to at your own convenience. the end of the sleeve. KATTE, n. A kitchen. -guchi, kitchKATCHIU, (yoroi kabuto,) a. Helmet en door. and coat of mail, armor, panoply. KATTEKATA, n. Convenience, means. KATE, n. Provision, food. KATTEMUKI, n. Property, funds, means; KATE,-rU,-ta, pot. mood of Kachi. Can convenience. - ga yoi, convenient. conquer, can overcome. Katenu, can- - ga warui, inconvenient. not overcome. KAWA, n. Side, row. KATODO, n. One of the same side or KAWA, n. Skin, peel, rind, bark; leather, party, second, abettor, confederate, hide, furs. partisan. KAWA, n. A river. KA-TOKU, n. Inheritance, heritage,- KAWA-BAKAMA, n. Breeches made of including the family name, business, leather or furs. and estate. KAWA-BAORI, n. Leather or fur coat. KATSU, n. A mallet, or pestle for pound- KAWA-BATA, n. River bank. ing rice in a large wooden mortar. KAWABE, a. River bank or vicinity of a KATSU, n. Thirst. river. KATSU, adv. Moreover, besides, further- KAWA-B6, n. A leather-dresser. more, again. Katsu odoroki katsu KAWA-BUKURO, n. A leather bag. kandzuru, one while alarmed and then KAWADZU, n. A frog. wondering. KAWA-DZUKIN, n. A leather or fur cap. KATSU-DATSU. Of quick discernment, KAWA-FUNE, n. A river-boat. prompt and decided in action, straight- KAWA-GARI, n. Fishing in a river. forward, frank, shrewd. KAWA-GISHI, n. The steep bank of a KATSUGARE,-rU,-1a, pass. of Katsugu. river. KAW 118 KAY KAWAGO, n. A box, or trunk made of KAWASE, n. The rapids of a river, a bamboo, or of leather. swift current. KAWA-GOROMO, n. A fur or leather robe; KAWASEMI, n. A king-fisher. fur clothes. KAWASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To exchange, to KAWA-GUCHI, n. The mouth of a river. give and receive reciprocally, to shift or KAWA-GUTSU, n. Leather shoes. change one's place. KAWA-HAGI, n. A person who makes a KAWA-SHIMO, a, Down the river, the living by picking up things that he lower part of the river. finds in the water, stripping dead KAWA-SHIRI, n. The lower part or mouth bodies of their clothing and things of a river. found on their persons. KAWA-SUJI, n. The course of a river. KAWAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Lovable, darling, KAWATA, n. A tanner, leather-dresser. dear; pretty, beautiful, sweet; sad, KAWA-TAKE, n. A prostitute, harlot. pitiful. KAWATAR6, n. Same as Kappa. KAWAIGARI,-r,-atta, t. v. To love, to KAWA-YA, n. A leather-dresser, or feel kindly towards. leather store. KAWAIRASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Darling, lovely, KAWAYA, n. A privy, back-house. pretty, beautiful, sweet. KAWA-YANAGI, n. River-willow. KAWAIS6, a. That which excites pity or KAWA-YOKE, n. A break-water, to prokind feelings; lamentable, cruel. tect the banks of a river from the curKAWA-KABURI, n. Phimosis. rent. KAWA-KAMI, n. Up the river, upper KAWAYUI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Beloved, dear, part of the river. lovely, darling. KAWAKASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To dry, to KAYA, n. A kind of rush, much used in exsiccate, desiccate. thatching roofs. KAWAKI, n. Thirst. KAYA, n. Musquito net. KAWAKI,-kt,-ita, i. v. To be dry, arid, KAYA, comp. of Ka, and Ya, a particle thirsty. of interrogation and doubt. Nan to KAWA-OSO, n. An otter. kaya nmshimashita ga wasureta, I KAWARA, n. A tile. have forgotten what he said. KAWARA, n. That part of the stony bed KAYA-BUKI, n. Thatched with rush. of a river which is dry, except in high KAYA-JI, n. The stuff of which muswater. quito nets are made. KAWARA-BUTKI, n. Roofed with tiles. KA-YARI-BI, n. A smoke made to keep KAWARA-GAMA, n. A tile kiln. off musquitoes. KAWARAKE, n. Unglazed earthenware. KAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To exchange, change KAWARA-MONO, n. A play-actor. one thing for another, to change, alter, KAWARASE,-rU,-ta, caust. of Kawaru. to substitute. Mi ni kayete hito wo To change, to put one in the place of omi, to feel for others as if it were another, to exchange, to substitute. one's self. Ido wo -, to clean a well. KAWARA-SHI, n. A maker, or manufac- KAYEBUSHI, n. A smoke made to keep turer of tiles. off musquitoes. KAWARA-YA, n. A shop where tiles are KAYE-BUTA, n. An inside cover or lid, sold. as of a box. KAWARA-YANE, n. A tile roof. KAYE-DASHI, —U,-ta, i. v. To dip out, KAWARI,,-r,-, i. v. To be changed, bale out. exchanged, substituted; put in the KAYEDE. A species of maple. place of another; altered, transformed KAYE-NA, n. Another or different name, into something else; new, strange. a false name. KAWARI, n. A substitute, in the place KAYERI, n. The barb of a hook or arof, instead of. row. KAWARI-BAN-TE, n. An alternate. - KAYERI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To return, to ni, alternately, come or go back; often joined to the KAWARU-GAWARU, adv. By turns, alter- roots of other verbs to intensify their nately. meaning. Niye-kayeru, to boil hard. KAWASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of kau. To KAYERI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be hatchedcause, order or let another buy. as an egg. KA*ASE, n. Exchange; exchange-office KAYERI-CHIU, n. Return to loyalty or or bank; drawing a bill of exchange. fidelity and turning informer. - tegata, a bill of exchange. - kata, KAYERI-GAKE-NI, adv. On returning, on a banker, exchanger. the way back. KAY 119 KEB KAYERI-GOTO (henji), n. An answer, re- KAZA-KAMI, n. Windward, the quarter ply, response. from which the wind blows. KAYERI-MI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To look back, KAZA-KIRI-BA, n. The long feathers in to take a retrospect, to reflect on, con- the wing of a bird. sider; to regard, mind, care for. Ka- KAZA-MI, n. A wind vane. yeri-midzu, neg. to disregard, not car- KAZA-NAMI, n. The state of the wind. ing for. - wa ikaga, how is the wind? KAYERI-M6DE, n. Visiting a temple to KAZARASE,-rU,-ta, caus. of kazaru. To return thanks for favors received. cause another to be adorned or ornaKAYERI-UCHI, n. The killing of the mented. avenger of one previously slain by the KAZARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To ornament, same person; to have anything in- embellish, adorn, deck, decorate; to tended for another revert upon one's gloss, palliate, or varnish over. self. KAZARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To strike the KAYERU, n. A frog. hand against anything in passing. KAYESHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To return, to send KAZARI, n. An ornament, decoration, back, restore, repay, requite, recom- embellishment. pense, to revenge. KAZARI-SHI, n. A jeweller. KAYESHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To hatch eggs. KAZARI-TSUKE,-rU,-tta, t. v. To ornaKAYESHI,-sz,-ta, t.. To spell, to form ment, embellish, adorn; decorate, deck; one syllable by syncope from the first to gloss over, or palliate. and last sounds of two others. KAZARI-YA, n. Jeweller's shop. KAYESU-GAYESU, adv. Again and again, KAZASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To stick, in the repeatedly, over and over again. hair; to hold so as to screen off the sun KAYETTE, adv. In return, on the con- or to shade, to hold the arm or hand trary, on the other hand, vice versa; before the face so as to ward off a blow. rather, better. KAZA-SHIMO, n. Leeward, in the direcKAY6, adv. Thus, so, in this way, this tion to which the wind blows. manner, this kind. KARA-YOKE, n. A wind screen, or someKAYOI,-d,-t/a, i. v. To go and come, to thing to keep off the wind. pass to and fro, to pass along or through; KAZE, n. The wind. to circulate, to frequent. KAZE-JIRUSHI, n. A flag for showing the KAYOI, n. A pass-book; passing to and direction of the wind, a vane. fro, passage, intercommunication, cir- KAZE-SHITA, n. Leeward. culation. KA-Z6 (lye kura), n. Property, anything KAYOI-BITSU, n. A box used for sending which a person owns or keeps in a things to and fro. storehouse. KAYOI-CH6, n. A merchant's pass-book. KA-ZO. Increasing or adding to the KAYOI-GUCHI, n. A door for passing in amount. and out. KA-ZOKU, n. Family, all the members KAYOWAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Weak, feeble, of a family. delicate. KAZOYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To count, numKAYOWASHI,-su,-ta, i. v. To transmit, ber, to reckon, enumerate, calculate, to send backwards and forwards, to in- compute.'terchange, reciprocate. KAZOYE-KIRI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To finish KAYU, n. Rice gruel, congee. counting. Kazoye-kiranu, innumeKAYUGARI,-r,-tta, i. v. To have the ble, cannot be computed. sensation of itching, to be always KAZOYE-TATE,-ru,-ta, t. V. To count scratching. up, to enumerate, reckon up. KAYUI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Itching, an itchy KE, n. A line, ruled line. - wo hiku, sensation, to rule or draw a line. KAZA, n. Smell, odor. KE, n. Hair, fur, the small feathers of a KAZA-ANA, n. Air-hole, vent. bird. KAZA-GOYE, n. A voice altered by a cold KE-AGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To send up with in the head. a kick, to kick up. KAZA-GUSURI, n. Medicine for a cold. KE-AI, n. A cock-fight. KAZA-GURUMA, n. A toy made of a pa- KE-ANA, n. The pores of the skin. per wheel turned by the wind; a wind- KE-AWASE,-r,-ta, t. v. To fight cocks. mill. KEBADACHI,-tSU,-tta, i. v. To be rough KA-ZAI, n. Household furniture, family and nappy, frizzed, as cloth or paper effects or property. to be fuzzy, wooly, villous, KEB 120 KEI KE-BIKI, n. The fine lines ruled on pa- KE-HANASHI,-SU,-ta, t. V. To kick open, per for writing, apart, or asunder. KEBIKI-GAMI, n. Ruled paper. KE-HAWAKI, n. A hair brush. KE-BIY6, n. Feigned sickness. - wo KE-I. Strange, suspicious. tsukau, to feign sickness. KEI, n. A kind of gong, used in BudKE-BORI, n. Fine hair lines in an en- dhist temples. graving. KEI, n. Landscape, view, scenery. KEBUNA, a. Strange, odd, suspicious. KEI-AN, n. An agency or intelligence KE-BURI, n. Appearance, behaviour, office for hiring servants. etc. manner, conduct. KEI-BA, n. A horse race. KEBURI, n. Smoke, same as Kemuri. KEI-BATSU, n. Punishment. - suru, KEBUTAI. See Kemnutai. to punish a criminal. KECHI. Stingy, miserly, mean, cowardly, KEI-BETSU. - su'u, to despise, conunlucky. temn. KECHI-MIYAKU (chisuji), n. Lineage, KEI-BO, n. Step-mother. family line, descendants. KEI-B6, n. Bed-chamber. KE-CHIRASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To kick and KEI-BUTSU, n. Premium, reward, or prize scatter about. won by competition; presents made to KEDAI. Negligent, idle, lazy, careless, customers on opening a new store. indolent. - suru, to be idle. KEI-DZU, n. Genealogical table; family KE-DAKAI,-ki,-ku,-AZ', a. High-spirited, record. noble, high-minded, dignified. KEI-FU, n. Step-father. KEDAMONO, n. An animal, quadruped, KEI-GA, (yorokobi iwau,) n. Congratubeast. lation, felicitation. KEDASHI, conj. It is probable, is likely, KEI-GI, (hakari-goto,) n. A plan, scheme, perhaps. device. - suru, to plan. KEDATAMASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Crying out KEI-GO, n. A guard, watch, sentry. in alarm, screaming in sudden no hei, a guard of soldiers. fright. KEI-HAKU. False-hearted, perfidious, KEDO. - suru, to convert, to bring into double-faced, insincere, hypocritical. the way of salvation. KEI-HEI, n. Amenorrhoea. KED6 (micki ni hiki-ireru). To con- KEI-H6, (tsumi no okite), n. Criminal vert and lead into the right way. laws, laws relating to the punishment KEDOR,-u,,-Ia, /. v. To suspect, to of criminals. conjecture. KEI-HO-JI-MU-KIYOKU, n. The board of KE-DZUKI, X. The color of the hair. punishment in the imperial GovernKE-DZUME, n. The small horny projec- ment. tion above a horse's hoof; the spur of KEI-J6, (moshi ageru), - suru, to ina cock. form, advise, communicate. KE-DZUNA, n. A rope made of hair. KEI-JU, (karui omoi.) Light and heavy.. KEDZURI,-ru,-ita, t. v. To plane, shave, KEI-KEN. To prove, to try or expericut, scrape, to comb. ment. Yarnai zoo -, to experiment KEGA, n. A wound, hurt, injury, dam- with medicine in the cure of disease. age, accident. KEI-KI, n. Appearance, air; looks of a KEGARAWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Dirty, pol- place as respects trade, business or luted, unclean, obscene. trade. Fu-keiki, to have a dull, thriftKEGARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be defiled, less appearance. unclean, polluted, foul. KEI-KO. A lesson, practising, drilling, KEGARE, n. Impurity, defilement, pol- exercising, in order to learn. - suru, lution, uncleanness. to practise, exercise, learn. KEGASHI,-SU,-Ia, t. v. To pollute, to KEI-KO, n. The menses. corrupt, vitiate, defile, make foul or KEIKO-BA, n. A place for drilling or exunclean, deprave. ercising, a fencing school, school-room, KE-GI, n. Common clothes, every day a drill-room. clothes. KEI-KOTSU. Light, trifling, careless. KEGIWA, n. The edge or border of the KEI-KUWANS6, n. The cockscomb,-Cehair. losia Cristata. KEGOROMO, n. Fur coat, fur clothes. KEI-MEI, n. Cock-crowing. KErvGUSAi-ki,-ku, a. Smelling of burnt KEI-RAN, (niwatori no tamago) n. A hair. hen's-egg. KE-GUTSU, n. Fur shoes. KEI-REKI. The lapse or passage of time. KEI 121 KEN Tabi wo - suru, to pass the time in amination or inspection. - suru, to travelling. examine, inspect. KEI-REN, n. Convulsions, spasms. KEM-BUTSU, n. Seeing, looking at for KEI-RIKU, n. Capital punishment. recreation or curiosity, sight-seeing. KEI-RIYAKU, n. A plan, device, scheme. KEMI. - suru, to look-over, review, KEI-SAKU, n. A plan, device, strata- read, inspect, examine. gem. KE-MIYO, (kari no na,) n. A nickname, KEI-SHI, n. Cinnamon, Cassia. false name. KEI-SHI, n. Miyako. The capital. KEM-MI, (aratame nziru,) n. InspecKEI-SHIN, n. Cassia buds. tion, examination. - especially of the KEI-SHITSU, n. A second wife. rice crop; an inspector, judge. KEI-SH6. Little, small, trifling in quan- KEM-MON. - suru, to see and hear. tity or value. Kern-mon roku, a book in which what KEI-SHOKU, n. View, scenery, prospect. one sees and hears is noted down. KEI-SHU, (funa-gisoi,) n. A boat-race. KE-MONO. An animal, beast. KEI-SUI, a. Menses. KEM-PAKU, n. A memorial, memoranKEI-TEI, (kiyodaz), n. Brethren, older dum, an opinion or view upon public or and younger brothers. other matters offered to government. KEI-T6, n. Cock's comb, Celosia Cris- KEM-P6, n. The rules of fencing. tata. KEM-P6, n. Law, edict, regulation. KEI-YAKU, n. A covenant, an agree- KEMPONASHI, n. The Hovenia Dulcis. ment, promise. - suru. KEM-PU, n..general name for silk and KEI-YEI, n. An escort, guard. - suru, cotton cloth. to guard, to escort. KEMUi,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Smoky, offenKEI-YEI. - suru, to build, construct. sive from smoke, emitting much smoke. KEI-YO, n. Form, figure, appearance, KEMURI, n. Smoke; vapor. representation, metaphor. - suru, to KEMURI-DASHI, n. A chimney, stoverepresent, imitate or personify. - pipe. shite iu, to speak figuratively or meta- KE-iMUSHI, n. A kind of hairy caterpilphorically. lar. KEI-Y6-SHI, n. An adjective. KE-MUSHIRO, n. A rug, or mat made of KEI-ZAI, n. Fiscal, or financial matters. wool or fur. -gaku, political economy. KEMuTAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Smoky, disaKEJIME, n. Difference, distinction. agreeable on account of smoke. KEJIRAMI, n. A louse that infests the KEN, n. The imperial domain, or that head. territory which is under the direct govKE-KAKE,-ru,-fa, t. v. To kick, or ernment of the Mikado. Ken-rei, the splash about with the feet. chief civil officer of a Ken. Ken-cho, KE-KAYESHI,-SU,-/a, t. v. To kick back. the government office of a Ken. KEKKA, n. Belonging to the court, - KEN, n. A sword. Tepp no, a bayonow used as a title to foreign ministers, net. = your or his excellency. KEN, (kewashii). A precipice, steep. KEKKI. The heat, spirits, glow, vehe- KEN, n. A measure of length, of six Jamence, or ardor of youth. panese feet, = 71 I-2 inches English, an KEKKO. Fine, splendid, excellent, beau- area of six feet square. tiful, grand, delicious, delightful. KEN. Numeral in counting houses. lye KEKKU, conj. On the contrary, rather, ikken, one house. lye ni ken, two better. houses. KE-KOMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To kick into. KEN, n. Power, authority, influence. KE-MARI, n. A foot-ball. KEN. Intelligent, clever, wise, prudent, KEM-BEKI, n. A place on the back of virtuous. - sha, a wise man. Kenthe shoulder above the spine of the gu, wise and stupid. scapula, where the moxa is applied. KEN. n. The fist; a game played with KEM-BETSU-NI, adv. House by house, the hands. to each house. KENAGE. Gallant, spirited, heroic, bold, KEMBIKIY6, n. A microscope. brave, noble. - sa, bravery, heroism. KEM-BIYO, n. A small ornamental screen, KENARII,-ki,-kZ, a. Enviable, that which made of stone, porcelain, or wood. one would like to be, or be like. KeKEM-B6, n. A disease charrcterized by nari-garasu,'to excite envy or desire loss of memory. of others, to tantalize. KEM-BUN, (mi-wakeru,) n. Official ex- KENASHI,-SU,-ta, t.. To speak lightly 6 KEN 122 KES or contemptously of, to contradict, ing the duties of two different offices at deny; to depreciate. the same time. KEN-CHI, n. Measuring, or surveying KEN-TAI. To be humble. land. -yaku, a government surveyor. KENTAKA. Arrogant, overbearing. - cho, a book in which surveys are KEN-T6, n. Aim. — suru, to take aim registered. at, to take sight. KEN-DAI, n. A book rest, or stand. KEN-TSUKU. Scolding, reprimand, ratKEN-DON. Close, stingy, miserly, covet- ing. - wo kutta, to catch a scolding. ous; cruel, inhuman, hard-hearted. KE-NUKI, n. Hair tweezers. KE-NEN, (kokoro ni kakeru). - suru, KEN-YAKU, n. Economy, saving in exto be concerned or anxious about, have penses. - naru, economical, saving, on the mind. frugal. KEN-GEN, n. A petition or memorial ad- KEN-YAKU, n. A previous agreement, dressed to government. covenant, or promise. KEN-GI, n. Opinion or views upon some KEN-YO, n. Using anything for two pursubject in dispute or under debate. - poses or between two persons, using wo suru, to make an address on a dis- anything in addition to something else. puted point. KEN-Y6. A boil on the perineum. KEN-GIU, n. The herdboy,- the name KEN-ZAO, n. A measuring pole, or rod. of a star in Aquila near the milky KEN-ZEN, adv. Manifestly, clearly, eviway. dently. KEN-GIU-KUWA, n. The morning glory. KEN-ZOKU, n. Members of one's family, KEN-GO, (katai-kataku.) Strong, firm, household,-including servants or resecure, safe, well-fortified, strict, rigid, tainers. severe, correct; firm in principle. KE-ORI, n. Hair-cloth. KEN-I, n. Power, authority, dignity. KEOSARE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be thrown KENJI,-dzuru,-ia. To present, offer or into the back-ground by the surpassing give to a superior. excellence of something else, to be KEN-JO. - suru, to present to a supe- thrown into the shade. rior. - mono, a present to a superior. KEPPAKU-NA, a. Clean, free from defileKEN-JUTSU, n. The art of fencing, sword ment or impurity, honest, upright, exercise. open-hearted, frank. KEN-KUWA, n. A quarrel, fight. - suru, KEPPAN. Sealed with blood. - suru, to quarrel, or fight. to seal with blood. KEN-NAN, n. A sword wound, or calam- KERA, n. A cricket. ity caused by the sword. KERAI, n. The vassal of a noble, serKEN-NOMI, n. A scolding, abuse, a set- vant, retainer. ting down, reprimand. - wo kutta, KERAKU. Happy, joyful, light-hearted. to catch a scolding. KEREDOMO, con/. Although, but, still, KENNON, n. Danger, hazard; timid, notwithstanding. fearful. KERI, KERU. An auxiliary verb whose KEN-NUN, n. Dizziness, vertigo. - su- forms are used as suffixes to form the ru, to become dizzy. moods and tenses of other verbs. KENSHI, n. An inspector, or officer sent KERI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To kick, to strike to see and report to government upon with the foot. Kany matter. KESA, adv. This morning. KEN-SATSU, (tori shiraberu). - suru, KESA, n. A scarf worn by Buddhist to investigate, examine or inquire into. priests across the shoulder. KEN-SHI, (kabane wo miru), a. Coro- KESAN, n. A paper-weight. ner, one who makes an official inquest, KESHAKU-BARA, n. The elder son of a or who inspects and certifies to a family, but born of a concubine, who death. cannot inherit the estate if there is a KEN-SHIKI, a. Erudition, knowledge, son born of the true wife. learning. KESHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To extinguish, efKEN-SO, n. Steep, precipitous. face, put out, erase. KEN-SON. Humble; to humbly excuse KESHI, n. The poppy. or depreciate one's self. -suru, to be KESHI-DZUMI, n. The unburnt cinders humble. of wood. KEN-SC, n. Number of houses, or num- KESHI-KAKE,-ra,-ta, t. v. To set on, inber of ken in length. cite, instigate. KEN-TAI, (kane tsutomuru). Discharg- KESHIKARANU, a. Improper, extraordin KES 123 KI ary, unbecoming; strange, outrage- writing, before the names of the ous. great. KESHIKI, n. Landscape, scenery, view, KET~U-JO, n. Fixed, settled, determined, appearance, show, sign, expression of sure. - surc, to determine. face. KE-TSUMADZUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To stumKE-SHIN, (baketaru mi), n. Transform- ble, trip, or strike the foot against anyation, transfiguration, incarnation. thing. KESHI-NINGIYO, n. Very small figures KETSU-MAKU, n. The conjunctiva. of men, used as toys. KETSU-NIKU, n. Flesh and blood. KESHIRAI, n. Appearance, sign, indica- KETSU-RIN, n. Haematuria, bloody urtion, symptom. ine. KE-SHO, n. Adorning the face with KETrr, n. Family line, lineage, natural white powder and rouge. - wo suru. descent, consanguinity. Keshkbeya, a dressing-room. KE-U. Rare, strange, wonderful, reKESH6-NO-MONO, n. A being-general- markable. - na kaoto, a strange affair. ly a woman or child-into which a fox KEWAI. - suru, to dress, adorn one's or badger transforms itself in order to self, adjust one's dress. bewitch people. KEWAI, n. Sign, indication, appearKE-SO, (omoi wo kakeru.) -suru, to ance. lust after, to love. KEWAI-JO, n. A dressing-room. KESO-BUMI, n. A love-letter. KEWASHI,-ki,-ka, a. Steep, precipiKESOKUDAI, n. A flower-stand in tem- tous; hasty, hurried, urgent, arduous, ples. toilsome. KESSAI, n. Abstaining from flesh or fish, KEYAKI, n. The name of a tree. in devotional purification. KE-YAKI, n. Singing the feathers of a KESSEKI, n. Failing to take one's seat fowl, or hair of a horse. -suru. in an assembly, absent from one's seat. KI, n. A tree, wood. KEssH,-suru,-ta (kimeru), t. v. To KI, n. The spirit, temper, feeling; mind, decide, determine. heart, disposition; inclination; vapor, KESSHI,-suru,-ta, t. v. To be consti- exhalation. - ni iru, to accord with pated. one's mind, to like. - ni iranu, to KESSHIN, (kkokro wo tori kimeru), n. dislike, does not suit. - ni naru, to Decision of mind, determination, reso- be anxious, concerned. - ni kanau, lution. - suru, to be resolved, decid- to suit one's fancy, to be agreeable. - ed. wo tsukeru, to take care, heed, mind. KESSHITE, adv. Positively, certainly, K, n. Yellow. decidedly. KI, n. Odd number. Ki-gu, odd and KESSHO. - suru, to confiscate, or seize even. - su, odd numbers. the property of a person for crime com- Ki. Strange, extraordinary, wonderful, mitted. Kinaru, strange. Ki-bo, a wonderful KETA, n. The cross-beams of a roof or device. Ki-butsu, an extraordinary bridge; the reeds of an abacus. Hoge- thing, curiosity. Ki-dzui, a strange ta, the yards of a sail. omen, or phenomenon. -Ki-i, strange, KETA, a. Square. wonderful. Ki-kuwai na, monstrous, KETAB6, n. The yards of a sail. audacious Ki-sai, wonderful abiliKETAI, n. - ga warui, unlucky, un- ties. fortunate; strange, queer; suspicious. KI, n. Circumstances, opportunity. - - na hito. ni odzuru, to avail one's self of circumKE-TAOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To kick over, stances. to kick down anything standing. Ki, n. A space of twelve years. Ikki, KE-TATE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To kick up. one period of twelve years. KETCHAKU, - suru, to decide, to fix, Ki. Numeral for horsemen. Ikki, one settles determine, (adv.) positively. horseman. Ikkigaki wo suru, to ride KE-TOBASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To cause to out alone. fly up by kicking. Ki. - suru, to return, go back, revert; KE-TO-JIN, n. Hairy foreigners, a word to belong to, to be the prerogative of, of contempt. pertain to; to be connected with. KiKETSU-DAN, n. Decision, determina- chaku, returning. Ki-han, a return tion, final judgment. - suru, to de- ship. Ki-kiyo, returning to one's cide, determine, judge. country. Ki-koku, id. Ki-kuwa, KETsU-JI, n. The space left blank in changing one's allegiance. Ki-raku, KI I24 KID returning to Miyako. Ki-ro, the road KisU,-ki,- ku,-shi, a. Sharp, strong, or back. Ki-san, come back, return. harsh to the taste. Ki-taku, returning to one's house. KI-BUKU, n. The period of mourning on KI, (tattoki),a. Noble, honorable. Ki- the death of a relative. nin, an honorable person, a man of KI-BUN, n. The spirits, feelings, state rank. Ki-sen, noble and ignoble, high of the body. or low in rank. Ki-kun, you, (res- KI-BURI, n. The shape, trim, or figure pectful). Ki-den, Ki-hen, and Kiko, of a tree. you, (to inferiors). Ki-sama, id. Ki- I KI-BURUSHI, n. Old and worn out clothsatsu, your letter. Ki-sho, your house, ing. you. Ki-BUsAl,-ki,-ku,-szi, a. Solicitous, anxKI. A measure used in measuring the ious, nervous; apprehensive, diffident, height of horses, a hand, of about five timorous. Japanese inches or 6 in. English. Ko- KI-BUSHO. Idle, indolent, lazy. no urna wa ya ki yori mo sukoshi oki, KI-BUTSU, n. A vessel, utensil, furniture, this horse is a little more than eight implement. hands high. KICHI, a. Lucky, fortunate. Ki, n. A season, quarter of a year. KI-CHIGAI. Mental derangement, crazy, Shi-ki, the four seasons. Ni-ki, the insane, mad. - na hito, a crazy man, the two seasons of spring and fall. lunatic. Kl, kuru, kita, i.. To come. Koni, KI-CHIU, (imi no uchi). During the not come. Imp. Koi, come. Neg. period of mourning. imp. Kura-na, don't come. Kazega KICHO, n. A curtain. futte-kita, the wind has begun to KICH6MEN, n. A moulding or an ornablow. Kite mi nasai, come and see. mental border; exact, accurate, preHadzukashuz natte kuru, begins to cise, punctual. - na hito. feel ashamed. KI-DACHI, n. A wooden long sword. KI,-kiru-kita, t. v. To wear, put on KI-DATE, n. Disposition, temper, spirit. clothes, to dress. On wo kiru, to re- KI-DEN, (shirushi tsutaye), n. Records, ceive favors. history, chronicles. KI, n. History, record, chronicle. Ni- KIDo, n. The orbit of a heavenly body. hon-ki' the history of Japan. - suru, KIDO, n. A gate in any common thorto record, chronicle, take a note of. oughfare. KI-AI, n. The spirits, feelings. — ga KIDOBAN, n. A clown or buffoon. warui, to feel bad. KIDOKU, n. Kind, benevolent, philanKIBA, n. A tusk, the canine teeth. thropic. KIBA, n. A horseman, trooper. KI-DORI, n. Pleasing to the taste, stylKI-BACHI, n. A large wooden bowl. ish, neat in fashion. KIBAMI,-,-u,-d, i. v. To become yel- KIDORI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To act so as to low, to turn yellow, please, to be attractive. KIBIRASHI, n. Dispelling the vapors or KI-D6SHI. Always wearing the same gloom; pastime, amusement. clothes. - ni suru. KIBARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To force or exert KIDZU, n. A kind of owl. one's self to do anything, to strive; to KIDZU, n. A wound, hurt, a scar, cicabe liberal. trice; a blemish, defect. KI-BASAMI, n. Shears for pruning KI-DZUI. Selfish, self-willed, one's own trees. pleasure or convenience. KIBAYAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Excitable, easi- KI-DZUKAI, n. Concern, solicitude, care, ly roused, quick-tempered, high-spir- apprehension, anxiety, fear. ited. KIDZUKAWASHII, - i, - ku, a. Anxious, KIBI, n. A species of millet, sorghum. concerned2 fearful, solicitous, careful, KIBrSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Severe, strict, strin- apprehensive. gent, rigid, stern, rigorous. KIDZUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To build with KIBISHo, n. A small tea-pot. stones or earth, as a wall, fort, or castle. KIBISU,. The heel. KIDZUKIGAMI, n. A kind of unglazed KIBO, n. Example, worthy of imitation, paper. precedent, pattern; renown, illustrious KIDZUMARI,-ru,-ita, i. v. To be under deed.'restraint, uncomfortable, to feel timid, KI-BoNEORI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be full of solicitous, or not free and easy. care, concern or anxiety, usually writ- KIDZUNA, n. Bonds, cords,-only used ten Kibone wo oru. figuratively. KID 125 KIK KIDZU-TSUKI,-ku,-/ia, t. v. To wound, KI-KASANE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To wear many hurt, to inflict injury. clothes-one over the other. KIDZUYOI,-ki,- ku, -ski, a. Resolute, KIKASE,-rU, - a, caust. of Kiku. To stout-hearted, of great fortitude, nerve, cause another to hear; to inform, tell. or endurance. I KI-KATSU, n. Hunger and thirst. - ni KI-FU, n. Contributions or donations kurushimu. made to a temple. - suru, to contri- KI-KAYE,-ru,-a, t. v. To change the bute to a temple. clothes. KIFU, n. The skin or surface of the KI-KAZARI,-rU,-ta, t. v. To adorn with body. fine or gay clothing. KI-FJ, n. Disposition, temper, idiosyn- KI-KENJ6, n. Heaven, paradise. crasy or temperament of mind. KI-KETSU, n. Vital spirits and blood. KI-FUDA, n. A wooden ticket, or pass. Kiici,-ku,-ta, t. v., or i. v. To hear, lisKI-FUKU. - suru, to obey, submit, to ten; to inquire, to perceive, to grant, or yield, to follow, to look up to,-as permit; to be efficacious, to have effect, teacher or authority, power, strength, virtue, or influence; KIGA, a. Tasting of wood, woody taste, to be clever, acute, expert, or good at. KI-GANE, n. Care, anxiety, or solicitude KIKI, n. The effect, efficacy, influence, ty please others. virtue, strength, clevernesss. KI-GARUI, - ki, - ku, a. Light-hearted, KIKI-ATE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To guess by hearsprightly,-cheerful, vivacious. ing, to find out by hearing. KI-GAYE, n. Changing the clothes, a KIKI-AWASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To inquire and change of clothing. find out. KI-GEN, n. Feeling, spirits, temper, - KIKI-AYAMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To make a ga warui, to feel unwell, out of tem- mistake in hearing, not to hear corper. Go - yoroshu, farewell, may you rectly. be in good health,-in parting. Go - KIKI-CHIGAI,-a,-atta, i. v. To hear inyoroshii ka, how do you do? are you correctly. well?-in meeting. - wo toru, to KIKI-DASHI,-SU,-ta t. V. To find out by please, to gratify, to conciliate. Fu -, hearing, or enquiring. out of humor, ill-temper. KIKI-GAKI, n. A memorandum, or note KI-GIKU, n. The yellow crysanthemum. of what one hears. KIGOMIX n. A kind of padded garment KIKI-GAKU, n. Learning got by hearing, worn in winter under armor. learning by the ear. KI-GU, n. Wooden-ware. KIKI-HADZUSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To miss the KI-GUSHI, n. A wooden comb. hearing, to fail to hear. KIGUSURI-YA, n. A drug store, apothe- KIKI-HATSURI,-r,-tta, t. v. To hear incary shop. distinctly, to incidentally catch a few KI-GUWAN, (inori negau), n. Prayer, words of anything said, to get a smatsupplication. tering of. KIGU-YA, n. A seller of wooden-ware. KIKI-IRE,-ru-ta, t. v. To consent to, alKIHADA, n. The inner bark of the hino- low, listen to, to heed. ki, used as oakum. KIKI-KAJIRI,-ru,-tta, a. v. To have a KI-HEI-TAI, n. A troop of cavalry. smattering of, or a little knowledge of Ki-i, (anata no oboshimeshi). Your anything said. honor's opinion or mind. KIKI-GANE,-ru-ta, t...Disagreeable or KI-IRo, n. Yellow. hard to hear; hard to consent to. KIITAF0, n. A pedant, a pretender to KIKIME, a. Virtue, strength, efficacy. learning, a boaster. KIKIN, n. Famine. KIJI, n. A pheasant. KIKI-NAGASHI,-SU,-ta, t.v. To hear, but KI-JI, a. History, record. not to mind; to take no notice of what KI-j1, a. The nature or quality of was heard, not to heed. wood. KiKI-NAOSHI,-SU,-a, t. v. To hear and KI-JO-NA, a. Resolute,firm, determined, correct what was before heard indisof great fortitude. tinctly. KIKAI, n. A machine, instrument, tool, KIKI-NARAI,-i,-tta, t. v. To learn by utensil, furniture. hearing, learn by the ear. KI-KAN, (uye samz). Hunger and cold. KIKI-NARE,-rU,-ta, t.v. To be accusKIKAN, n. Example for imitation. tomed to the hearing of anything. KIKARE,-ru,-ta, pass. and pot. of kiku, KIKI-NIKUI,-ki,-ku,-s/Zi, a. Disagreeable to be inquired of, to be heard. to hear, offensive to the ear. KIK 126 KIM KIKI-NOKOSHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To omit the KIKORI, n. A wood-chopper, woodman hearing of anything, to put off hear- KIK)SHIMESHI-,-SU,-ta, /. v. To hear,ing. ~ used only to superiors; to eat, or drink. KIKI —OBOYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To learn or KIKOyE,-ru,-ta, pass. and pot. of Kiku. remember anything by hearing it. To be heard, to be known, celebrated, KIKI-OTOSHI,-SU,-ta. To miss hearing, famous. Kikoyenu, cannot hear. to fail to hear what is said, to fail or for- KIKOYE, n. Fame, celebrity, notoriety, get-to inquire about. reputation. KIKI-OYOB,-bu,-nda, t. v. To get or at- KIKU, n. The Chrysanthemum. tain to the hearing of anything, to be KI - KU, (bunmawashi to kanezashi). apprised of, to find out. Compass and square, a rule, established KIKI-SADAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To hear or custom; the moment or proper time. inquire and determine, to be confirmed - ni hadzureru, contrary to-rule. in what one hears. KIKU. - suru, to hold in the hollow of KIKI-SOKONAI,-d,-atta, i. v. To hear in- the hands. Midzu wo - suru, to take correctly, mistake in what one hears, up a double hand full of water. KIKI-SONJI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To hear incor- KIKU-DZUKI, n. The 9th month. rectly, to mistake. KI-KUGI, n. A wooden nail. KIKI-SUMASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To listen at- KI-KUI-MUSHI, n. A kind of insect that tentively, to finish hearing, to hear and bores in wood, a borer. grant. KIKU-ITADAKI, n. A kind of small bird. KIKI-suTE,-ru,-t, t. v. To hear and KI-KURAGE, n, A kind of fungus which take no notice of, or not to mind. grows from the bark of trees. KInK-TADASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To hear and KI-KUWAI, n. Opportunity, favorable judge of, to inquire and find out the time or circumstances. - wo hadzusu, truth of anything. to miss the opportunity. KIKITAGARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be fond KI-KUWAN, n. The trachea, windpipe. of hearing, to be inquisitive. KIMAI, n. Spirits, feelings, temper. KIKI-TAGAYE,-ru,-ta, t.. To hear in- KI-MADZUI, a. Disagreement, ill-feeling, correctly, mistake what is heard. not harmonious. KIKI-TATE,-ru,-/a, t. v. To inquire about KI-MAGURE, n. Mental derangement, inall the particulars, hear and determine sanity, the truth, to hear and find out. KI-MAKURA, n. A wooden pillow. KiKI-TODOKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To permit, KI-MAMA. Selfish, self-willed, one's own grant. way, one's own convenience or pleasure KIKI-TOGAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To hear and arbitrary, despotic. reprimand, to check one who is reading KI-MAMORI, n. Fruit left on a tree after or speaking by way of reproof. the fruit is gathered. KIKI-TORI,-r,-tta, t. v. To understand KiMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be fixed, setor distinguish what is heard. tied, determined; definite, sure, cerKIKI-TSUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To hear acci- tain. neg. Kimatra nai, not sure, not dentally, to happen to hear. fixed. KIKI-TSUKUSHI,-sa,-ta, t. v. To inquire KIME, n. The texture. about, or hear anything fully. KIME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To fix, settle, estabKIKI-TSUTAYE,-ru, -ta. To hear from lish, set, determine, to make sure. others or by tradition. KIME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To reprimand, scold, KKI-KIU,. Danger, peril, hazard. - na, censure, reproach. dangerous, perilous. KIME-TSUKE,-rU,-ta, t.. To reprimand, KIKIU, n. A balloon. scold, censure, reproach. KIKI-WAKE,-ruta, t. v. To hear and KIMI, n. Lord. master understand; to understand what is said, KIMI, n. The state of one's mind, or to discern, discriminate, feelings. - waruku fune.wo noru, KI-KIYm, n. The Platycodon Grandi- to sail in a boat-feeling alarm or dread. florum. - ga yoi, to feel easy, comfortable, or KIRKiv6, n. Lucky or unlucky. Mono glad. no - wa sadamari-gatashi. KIMI, n. The yoke of an egg. KI-KO, n. Climate. KI-MIJIKAI,-ki,-ku, a. Quick-tempered, KI-KON, n. Energy, or vigor of mind, irascible, easily provoked, impatient. strength of mind. KI-MITSU, n. A secret, mystery. KIKONASHI,-s,-ta, t. v. To dress with KI-MIY6. Marvelous, wonderful, strange, neatness or taste. admirable, remarkable, curious. - na KIM 127 KIN mono, a marvelous thing. - ni, wo n- KIN-DZUKURI, n. Gold mounted,wrought fully, of gold. KIM-ME, n. The weight' in catties. - KINE, n. The wooden mallet used in de uru, to sell by the catty. pounding rice, a pestle. KIMMOThU, n. Prohibited things, con- KI-NEN, n. Prayer, supplication, petitraband goods; things forbidden to be tion. eaten,-as in sickness. KIN-GEN, n. Golden saying, an aphorKIM-MUKU, n. Pure gold. ism, a wise maxim or precept. KIMO, n. Gall-bladder; courage, brave- KIN-GIN, n. Gold and silver; money. ry. KIN-GIYO, n. Gold-fish. KIMO-IRI, n. Superintendence, direction, KIN-GIYOKU, n. Gold and pearls. - no or management of any work; assis- kotoba, precious maxims or precepts. tance, aid, service; also a superintend- - to, a kind of sweetmeat. ent, manager, director, overseer. KIN-GO (chikaki sato), a. Neighboring KI-MON, n. The north-east,-fron which village. an evil influence is supposed to come. KIN-GOKU (chikaki kuni), n. NeighborKIMONO, n. The long robe worn by the ing states or provinces. Japanese; clothing. KI-NICHI, n. The day of the month on KIM-PAKU, n. Gold-leaf. which a person has died, the anniverKIM-PEI (kin no go hei), n. Gold-leaf, or sary of a death. gilt paper hung in Sintoo temples to KINJI,-dzuru,-ta, t. v. To prohibit, represent the Kami. forbid, interdict. KIM-PEN, n. Neighborhood, vicinity. KIN-JITSU (chikai hi). Soon, in a few KIM-PUN, n. Gold powder. days. KIMUDZUKASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Hard to KIN-JO (chikaki tokoro), n. Neighborplease, of an uncertain temper. hood, vicinity. KIMusSA-i,-ku,- a Disagreeable, offen- KIN-JO (tori kedamono), n. Birds and sive, stinking, foul, having a close or beasts. unventilated smell. KIN-KAN, n. The kumkwat, Citrus JaKIMUSUME, n. A chaste woman, a vir- ponica. gin. KIN-KEI, n. The golden pheasant. KIN, n. Gold. - de koshirayeru, made KIN-KIN, adv. Soon, in a short time, in of gold. - no, golden. a few days. KIN, n. A catty of I6o momme, - iI lb. KIO-Ko, n. Gong and drum. avoirdupois. KIN-KO, n. Biche-de-mer. KIN (koto), n. A harp, or lyre. - wo KIN-KON, n. A tendon. dandzuru, to play on the lyre. KIN-KOTSU, n. Bone and muscle. KIN, n. The scrotum, the testicles. KIN-KU, n. A sarcasm, satire; anything KI-NAGAI,-ki,-ku, a. Easy and calm in said which is offensive, insulting, or temper; deliberate, patient, long-suf- wounding to the feelings. fering. KIN-NEN (chikaki toshi), n. Few years KINAKA, n. Half a zeni. past, late years, recent time. KINAKINA, n. Quinine. KINO, n. Yesterday. KINA-KINA, adv. Brooding. or thinking KINODOKU, n. Feeling sorrow, or congloomily over. - oym, to brood over. cern. KINAKO, n. A kind of food made of KI-NO-KO, n. A kind of mushroom which beans. grows from the bark of trees. KI-NAN, n. Danger, peril, jeopardy, dis- KI-NO-KOMORI,-ru,-iZa, i. v. Confined, aster. close, unventilated. KINCHAKKIRI, n. A cut-purse, a pick- KI-NO-ME, n. The bud of a tree; used pocket. specially of the buds of the sansho. KINCHAKU, n. A purse or wallet for KI-NO-MI, n. The fruit of a tree. carrying money. KIN-RAI, adv. Of late, recently. KINCHO, n. Curtains of embroidered KIN-RAN, n. A kind of gold brocade. work. KIN-RI, n. The forbidden ground,-the KIN-CHO, n. Swearing or confirming a palace of the Mikado. Kinri-sama, promise by striking a sword. the Mikado. KIN-DAN, n. Prohibition, interdict. - KIN-SATSU, n. A prohibitory edict,suru, to prohibit. written on a board. KIN-DEI, n. A kind of gilt paint; gold KIN-SATSU, n. Paper money. dust used for ornamenting. KIN-SEI, n. The planet Venus. KIN 128 KIR KIN-SEN (kin to zeni). Gold and copper KIRABIYAKA, a. Gorgeous, splendid. coin; money. KIRADZU, n. The refuse of beans left in KIN-SHA, n. Gold dust; also fine gold making tofu. thread. KIRAI,-au,-tta, t. v. To dislike; to KIN-SHI, n. Gold thread. regard with aversion, disrelish, or disKIN-SHI, n. Duty, official employment, gust; to hate, abhor, abominate. service. - suru, to serve in one's offi- KIRA-KIRA-TO, adv. Glitteringly, sparkcial duty. lingly, brilliantly. KIN-SHI, n. Prohibition, stopping, for- KIRA-KIRASHII,-ki,-kU, a. Glittering, bidding, interdicting. -suru, to pro- sparkling, brilliant. hibit. KIRAKU. Ease, free from care. - nishi KIN-SH6, n. Inflammation. suru, to nasare, do just as you like, be at your be inflamed. ease. - na hito, one who takes things KIN-SHOKU, n. Golden color. easy. KIN-SHU, n. The owner of the money, KIRAMEKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To glitter, the person who supplies the capital in sparkle, shine, flash. any business. KIRARA, n. Talc, mica, the scum that KIN-SHU, n. Leaving off the use of ar- floats on the top of a solution of lime. dent spirits; prohibiting the use of KIRARA-GAMI, n. A kind of paper. ardent spirits. KIRATSUKI,-ku,-ita, i.. v. Glittering, KIN-S5, n. An incised wound. shining, sparkling, brilliant. KIN-SOKU (ashi wo imashimeru). For- KIRAWARE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Kirai. To bidden to leave the house, confined to be disliked, or shunned by others, to the house as a punishment. be abhorred, abominated. KIN-SON (chikaki mu). A neighboring KIRAWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Disagreeable, town or village. unpleasant, odious, disgusting, abomKINSU, n. Money, specie, coin. inable, hateful. KIN-SUNA-GO, n. A kind of wall paper KIRE, n. Cloth; a piece, bit, scrap, as spotted with gold. cloth, paper, or wood. KIN-TAMA, n. Testicles. KIRE,-ru,-ta. t. v. To be broken, sevKIN-TEI, n. The Mikado's palace. ered, stopped, spent, frayed, parted; KIN-TON, n. A kind of confectionary can cut. made of beans and sugar. KIRE-GIRE, n. Pieces. KINU, n. Silk goods. KIREI, a. Clean, clear, pure, beautiful, KINU-BARI, n. Glazed or spread with neat. Kirei-na midzu, clean water. silk, as screens, lanterns, etc. KIREME, n. The indentations in the KINU-CHIJIMI, n. A kind of silk stuff. edge of a leaf, saw, file, etc. KI-NUKE, n. Idiotic, foolish, absent- KIRE-MONO, n. Cutting instruments, minded. edged tools. KINUSA, n. A mallet for fulling cloth. KIREPPASHI, n. A piece, bit, scrap, as - no dai, the block used in fulling of paper, cloth, board. cloth. KIRI, n. A gimlet, an awl, a drill. KINUTA-UCHI, n. A fuller, one who KIRI. A fog. whitens cloth by beating. KIRI, n. The circles in a target. KIN-ZAI, n. Neighborhood, vicinity, or KIRI, n. A stop, period, end; only; an the country near any place, environs. act of a play. - ga nai, unlimited, KIN-ZEI, n. Forbidden, prohibited, in- endless. Kore kiri, this is all I have, dicted. - suru. or only this and no more. KI-OCHI, n. Despondency, loss of hope KIRI, n. The Paullownia Imperialis. or courage, dejection. KIRI,-ku,-t, t. v. To cut, to sever, diKIoI,-o,-ota, i. v. To strive to excel, to vide; affixed to the roots of verbs sigemulate, to rival. nifies that the action expressed by the KI-OKU, n. Memory, remembrance. - verb is finished, or ended. Kono hon suru, to commit to memory. wo yomi-kitta, I have finished reading KI-OKURE-, n. Losing one's presence of this book. li-kiru, to finish saying. mind, forgetting one's self. KIRI-AI,-a,-atta, i. v. To fight togethKIPPAN (mneshi wo ku), eating food. - er with swords, to cut each other. suru, to eat. KIRi-AKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To cut open. KIPPARI-TO, adv. Clearly, distinctly, KIRI-AME, n. A mist, fine rain, drizzling well defined. rain. KIRA, n. Gorgeous, splendid. KIRI-AWASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To cut and KIR 129 KIS fit together, to fight together with KIRI-MAKURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To cut about swords. furiously, to slash. KIRI-BAN, n. A cutting block. KIRI-ME, n. A cut, the mark of a cut, a KIRI-BARI, n. Cutting the torn paper notch. from a screen and repairing by pasting KIRI-MOMI, n. Boring with a gimlet, or new paper over. drill. KTRI-CHIRASHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To cut and KIRIN, n. A fabulous animal, said not to scatter. tramp on live insects or to eat live grass, KIRIDO, n. A small one-leaved gate in the unicorn. a garden or yard. KIRIN-KETSU, n. Dragon's-blood. KIRI-DORI,. Killing and robbing. KIRI-NABIKE,-ru,-a, t. v. To bring into -suru, to kill and rob. subjection with the sword. KIRI-DOSHI, a. A deep road cut through KIRI-NOKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To cut off a a mountain. part. KIRIFU, n. Spotted with black and white. KIRI-OTOSHI,-su,-ta, t.V. To cut down, KIRI-FUSE,-ru,-Lt, t. v. To cut down. cut off, lop off. KIRI-GIRISt, n. A cricket. KIRI-SAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To rip or cut KIRI-HANASHI,-tsu,-ta, i. v. To cut apart, open. separate by cutting. KIRISHITAN, n. Christian. - no skhKIRI-HARAI,-au,-atta, t. a. To cut and nmon, hristianity. clear away, as an obstruction. KIRI-SOGI,-gu,-ita, t. v. To cut, to KIRIHI, n. Fire struck out by a flint and shave, or whittle, to cut across obliquesteel. ly. KIRI-HIRAKI,-k,-ita, t. v. To cut open, KIRI-suTE,-ru,-ta, t. V. To cut and to clear off by cutting down trees. throw away, to kill and leave. etc. KIRI-TAOSHI,-sU,-ta, t. v. To cut down KlRI —R,-ru,-tta, t. v. To cut and enter, anything standing. to cut a way into. KIRITE, n. The slayer, killer, murKIRI-ISHI, n. Cut stone, hewn stone. derer. KIRI-KAKARI,-rt,-ttia, i. a. To begin to KIRI-TSUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To engrave cut, to be about to cut. on, to cut into, as letters on a stone; to KIRI-KAMI, n. A summons or written cut, to cut at. order to appear before a magistrate. KIRI-TSUKUSHI,-S,-t, t. v. To kill and KIRI-KATA, n. A mark made by cutting. exterminate. KIRI-KIDZU, n. An incised wound, a cut. KIRITSU-KIRARETSU, adv. To cut and KIRI-KIRI, adv. Quickly, speedily; in a get cut, in fighting; to kill and be cutting manner. killed. KIRI-KIRI-TO, adv. A creaking sound, KIRIYO, a. Capacity, ability, talent, as of a bow when drawn to its utmost. genius. KIRI-KISHI, n. A steep bank. KIRIYO, n. Countenance. KIRI-KIZAMI,-MU,-nda, t. v. To cut or KI-RIYOKU, n. Natural vigor, force, shave fine. strength, or energy of mind or body. KIRIKO, n. A figure with the corners KI-ROKU, n. A record, history, chronicle, squared, cut-glass. journal. KIRI-KOJO, n. A formal or precise way of KI-RUI, n. Clothing, wearing apparel. -speaking, as an actor. KISAKI, n. The empress. KIRI-KOMAZAKI,-ku,-/ia, t. v. To cut KI-SAKI, a. Ardor, zeal, earnestness, into small pieces. eagerness, enthusiasm, spirit. KIRI-KOMI,-mo,-nda, t. v. To cut into, KI-SAN-JI, n. Dispelling vapors, or to cut and fit, as timber for building. gloom, recreation, diversion, amuseKIRT-KOROSHI,-su,-ta. t. v. To slay, to ment. kill by cutting. KISARAGI, n. The second month. KIRI-KUCHI, n. The mouth of a wound, KiSE,-rut,-t, 1. v. To put on, as clothes; the place where anything is cut. dress up; to overlay, to plate. KIRI-KUDAKI,- kt,- ita, t. v. To cut KI-SEI, (inori c ikau,) n. A vow. - something hard into fine pieces, chop suru, to vow. fine. KISE-KAKE,-ru,-ta, t. V. To lay over, KIRI-KUDZUSHI,-SU,-ta, t. V. To hew cover over; to impute, charge with, down, to cut and destroy. attribute. KIRI-MAI, n. Rice-rations, paid to in- KISERU, n. A tobacco pipe. ferior officers or soldiers. KISHI, n. A bank, a wall, a cliff. 6* KIS 130 KIU KlsIMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To stick or rub I KI-T6, n. Prayer, supplication. in moving, not to move or work easily KITSUI,-ki,-ku,-sii, a. Strong, severe, or freely, to move with much friction, intense, harsh, hardy, stout-hearted, to creak. manly. KI-SHIN, n. Contributions, or offerings KI-TSUKE, n. Anything which cheers or to temples. enlivens the spirits, cordial. - no kuKlSFKIR,-ru,-tta, t. v. To rub, or grate suri, a cordial medicine. against, to creak; to move with a KITSU-MON, n. Cross-examination, rigid creaking noise. inquiry, as of a criminal. - suru, to KI-SHITSU, n. Natural temperament, examine closely. disposition, temper, mind. KITUNE, n. A fox. KI-SHOKU, n. The state of one's feel- KITSUNE-BI, n. Jack with a lantern. ings, spirits, health. KITSUNE-DO, n. A lattice door. KI-SHO-MON, n. An indenture, a written KITSUTSUKI, n. A wood-pecker. contract, bond, a written oath. KITTAN, n. A fete day, holiday. KI-SHUKU, - surZ, to lodge, sojourn, KITTACHI,-ts,-,-a, i. v. To be preciplboard or dwell for a short time. ious, steep, abrupt. KI-SHUKU-NIN, n. A lodger, boarder, KITTE, n. A passport, a pass, a ticket, a sojourner. certificate. Kisoi,-co,-Ota, i. v. To emulate, compete, KITro, adz. Surely, certainly, positively. strive, to excel, contend for mastery. without fail; attentively, fixedly. KI-SOKU, n. A rule, law. KIU, n. An emergency, exigency, danKISSAKI, n. The point of a sword. ger, urgency, pressing necessity. KiuKISSHIN, n. A fete day, lucky day. ba, the critical time, juncture, place of KISSHIRI TO, adv. Tightly, closely. danger. Kiu-bin, quick messenger, KissO, n. The expression of the various express. Kiu-biyo, a sudden and danpassions or emotions in the counte- gerous sickness. Kiu-hen, a sudden nance. calamity. Kiu-sei, acute form of disKIsso, n. Valerian. ease. Kiu-shi, sudden death. Kiu-u, Kisso, n. A lucky physiognomy. a sudden rain. Kiu-yo, urgent busiKisu, n. A kind of fish. ness. KIrA, n. North. Kiu, (yumii,) n. A bow. KITA-GOCHI, n. North-east wind. KIU, (kotonotsu,) a. Nine. - szi issha KITAI,-ki,-kz, a. Wish or desire to no toki, the critical time, the time of wear, like to wear or put on. Kitaku danger. Kiz-zoku, the nine generanai, do not wish to wear. tions. KI-TAI, (yo ni marena koto). Strange, KIu, n. The moxa. rare, uncommon, wonderful. KIU, (tasukeru). - suru, to save, aid KITAI,-a, ta. v. To forge iron, to harden assist, help. -se shu, the Saviour of iron by pounding it; to improve the the world. quality of anything by use. Kiu, (furuz). Old, ancient, former, KITAI-GANE, It. Tempered or wrought worn out, defunct or passed away. iron. Kiu-hei, old and bad customs or habits. KITANABIRE,-ru,-it, i. v. To be dirty, Kiu-ho, old laws or edicts. - aku, an foul, mean, base, or low. old offence, an old distemper. KiuKITANAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Dirty, foul, iu, an old friend. Kiu-ka, an old filthy; mean, base, despicable. Kita- family, an ancient house. KiA-ki, oldnaku naru, to become dirty. Kita- chronicle, ancient history. Kiu-nen, naku suru, to dirty. the old or last year. Kiu-rei, an old KITARASHI,-sa,-ta, caust. of kitari. To example, an old precedent. Kiu-seki, cause to, or let come, to attract, draw old ruins, the remains of an ancient or bring. place. Kiu-shiki, an old acquaintance. KITARI,-ru.-tta, i. v. To come. Kilt- Kiu-taku, an old house. Kiu-toku, an rua toshi, the coming year, next year. old kindness or assistance. Kiu-rai, KITAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To harden or from old times, from ancient times. temper by pounding, as iron; to scold, Kiu, (madzushiki,) n. Poverty, want. or admonish. - suru, to be poor, to be in want. KITCHIRI. adv. Exactly, evenly, neatly, KIU-BA, n. A place for practicing closely. archery. KITCHO, (yoi shirase). A lucky sign. KIU-BI, n. The pit of the stomach, epiKI-TEN. Clever, ingenious. gastrium. KIU 131 KIY KIU-HAKU, (komari-hate). Distressed, Tachi-giwa, point of starting. -ga troubled, suffering discomforts, annoy- tatsu, to be separate, or distinct. ance. KIWADA, (cbaku), n. A kind of bark KIU-IKU-JO, n. Alms-house. used in dyeing yellow. KIu-ji, n. Waiting, or serving at table; KIWADACHI,-tSU,-tta, i. v. To be well also, a waiter, table servant. defined or distinct as to the limits or KIu-JI. Applying the moxa. -suru. border; to be distinct, separate, or difKIU-JITU, (yasumi-bi,) n. Day of rest, ferent. holiday. KIWADOI,-ki,-ku, a. Critical, hazardKIu-JUTSu, n. Archery. ous, dangerous, risky. KIU-KAN,.n A parrot. KIwADZUKl,-ku,-ita, i. v. To show the KIU-KETSU, n. The places for applying line of junction or demarkation; to apthe moxa. pear distinct, or separate. KIU-KETSU. The nine holes of the body KIwA.MARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be defined, -the eyes, ears, nostrils, mouth, urin- determined, settled, fixed, limited, finary and fecal passages. ished, ended; come to the last extremKIU-KIN, (atayuru kane,) a. Wages, hire, ity, utmost point. salary. KIWAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To define, deterKII-KOTSU, a. Spinal vertebrae. mine, decide, fix, establish, settle; to KIU-KUTSU, a. Contracted, narrow, re- end, finish; exhaust, to carry to the utstraint, distress, trouble, confined. most. KIT-MON. — suru, to examine or inter- KIWAME, n. The time when any thing rogate a prisoner, to cross-examine. was made, and the maker. KI-UN, n. Changes, fluctuations; fortu- KIWAMETE, adv. Definitely, positively, nate time. assuredly, must, exceedingly. KIU-NA, a. Pressing, urgent, requiring KIWATA, n. The Gossypium Herbahaste; hasty, rapid; steep, sudden, ceum. dangerous. - saka, a steep slope. - KIWATA-GURI, n. A machine for cleanse, a rapid current. ing cotton of its seeds, a cotton gin. KIU-NI, ad. Urgently, pressingly, quick- KIYAFU, a. A waist cloth worn by womly, hastily, rapidly, steeply, sudden- en. ly. KIYAHAN, n. Leggings. KIU-RI, (furusato). Native village, na- KIAKU, n. A guest, visitor, a passenger, tive place. customer. Kiyaku-bun, the same as a KI-URI, n. Cucumber. guest or visitor. Kiyaku-den, a parKIU-RI, (hisashiku hanarerc,) n. Cut- lor, drawing room. Kiyaku-rai, the ting off a child from the family, disin- coming of visitors orguests. Kiyakuheriting, to disfranchise. sen, a passenger ship, packet ship. KIU-RI, n. Natural philosophy. KIRAKU-RO, n. A toot-stove. K!u-SEN, (yuamiya). Bow and arrow. KI-YAMI, n. Distress, trouble of mind, KIU-SE-SHu, n. The Saviour of the depression of spirits. world. KIYARA. Aloes-wood, or Agallochum. KIU-SEN, n. Anarmistice, truce; a KIYARI, a. The song of persons uniting temporary cessation of hostilities. their strength to do any thing, as in KIU-SHO, n. A vital or dangerous lifting cr pulling. place. KIYASHA. Genteel, delicate. KIU-SOKU, (iku wo yasumu). Resting, KI-YASUME, n. Tranquility of mind, conceasing from labor or travelling. solation, comfort. - wo iu, to condole KIU-SOKU. Quick, hasty, urgent, press- with, to soothe or appease. ing. KIYATATSU, n. A step-ladder. KIusu, n. A small tea-pot. KiYATSU. That fellow, that rascal. KIU-TEN, n. The mark made with ink KiYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To melt away, to be to show where the moxa should be ap- extinquished, quenched, put out, efplied. faced; to vanish, disappear; to die. KI-UTSU, n. Melancholy, gloom, low KIYE, (shitagau,) - suru, to humbly spirits. trust in, depend on, to believe in. KIWA, n. Margin, brink, edge, verge, KI-YETSU, (yorokobi), n. Joy, gladness, border; the line of demarkation, the pleasure. point of time when anything is done. KIvo, (oi naru). Great, large, vast, Sono - ni natte nanju suru, when many; very. Kiyo-sai, very minutely, that time comes you will have trouble. particularly. Kiyo-dai, exceedingly KIY 132 KIY great, very large. Kiyo-man, myriad judicial decision passed on a crimiof myriads, innumerable. nal. KIYo, (munashi,) n. Deficiency, wants, KIYo-Ju. - suru, to dwell, reside. weakness, unguarded places. Kiyo- KivY-Ju, (oshikye sadzukeru), n. Teachbiyi, a disease of debility. KAiyo-dan, ing, instruction, education. - suru, a falsehood, fiction, story. Kiyo-gon, to teach. -r riy,, the price paid for ina lie, falsehood. Kiyo-jaku, weak, fee- struction, tuition. Kivy-ju-,ataa, a ble. Kiyo-j/tsu, false or true. Kiyo- teacher, instructor, preceptor. setsu, a false report, a story. Kiyo- KIY6-KA, (taznamnu- eru uta,) n. Comic shoku, a false show, dissimulation. poetry, comic song. KIvY, adv. To-day. KIYO-KAKU, (muine), n. The breast, the KIYO. Unlucky, bad, evil. Kyo-ji, un- chest. lucky affair. Kiyo-nen, an unlucky KIO-KA-SEIJI, n. Republican or demoyear. Kiyo-saku, bad crop. cratic form of government. KIYO, n. Canonical, or sacred books, es- KIYOKATABIRA, n. Grave clothes, a pecially of the Buddhists; the Chinese shroud, winding-sheet. classics. KIYO-KI, n. Mental derangement, insanKIvY, n. Sport, diversion, amusement, ity, madness. pleasure, fun, entertainment. - suru, KIYO-KIYO-NEN, adv. Year before last. to make merry, to frolic. KIYv-K6, (kono noc/z), adv. HenceKIvY, (kant). Agreement, union, con- forth, after this, hereafter. currence, harmony. Kiyo-do, agreeing KIY6-KOTSU. Rough, rude, harsh, viotogether, of one mind. Kiyo-rzyoku, lent, boisterous. doing together in unison, or concord. KIYOKU, n. That which is crooked, Kiyo-shin, of one mind, agreement, bent, distorted, wrong; entertaining, unison. performances or diversions. Konma no KIx', n. A fraction over the precise -, top-spinning. Urna nori no -,cirmeasure or quantity. Kiyo-jaku, cus riding. - choku, wrong or right. strength or weakness, excess or defi- Kiyoku-ba, a circus. Kiyoku-ji, a ciency. misdemeanor.'zyoku-mochi, feats of KIYO. Ingenious, expert, clever, adroit. strength or dexterity. Kiyoku-nori, KIY6-BOKU, n. The gibbet on which the circus riding. heads of executed criminals are ex- KIYOKU, n. The utmost point, the exposed. treme, highest degree, acme, summit. KIYVDAI,. Brother, brethren. -bun, - do, id. the part of, or the same as, a brother. KIYO-KUN, n. Instruction, teaching of KIY6-DAI, n. A mirror stand. the principles of morality and religion; KIVO-DAN, (inaka kotoba,) n. Provin- education; advice, counsel. - suru, cialism, country dialect, to instruct. KIYO-FO, n. Convulsions, fits. KIYOKURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To deceive, KIYO-GAI, n. Condition, circumstances, cheat, delude, impose on. state. KIYOKU-ROKU, n. A large chair used by KIYv-GAKI, n. A clean copy. priests in temples, an arm rest. KIYO-GANNA, n. A smoothing or finish- KIYO-MAN, n. Pride, arrogance. - suru, ing plane. to be arrogant. KIYO-GEN, n. A play, drama, theatrical KIYOMARI,-ru,-ft, i. v. To be clean, performance. pure, free from defilement. KIYO-GFTSU, n. Last month. KIYOME,-ru,-ta, /. 7'. To make clean Kivoi,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Clean, clear, pure, cleanse, purify, free from defilement. free from defilement. - naru, to be- KIYOME, n. Cleansing, purification come clean. Kiyoku suru, to cleanse. ablution. KIYO-IiKU, (eshiye sodateru). Instruc- KIN'O-NEN, n. Last year. tion, education. - suru, to educate, KIY6-NIN, a. The kernel of an apricot or to instruct and bring up. peach stone. KIvoJI,-ru,-ta, i. 7. To be delighted, KIYv-6. - suru, to treat, entertain pleased, diverted by any thing. guests, to feast. KIYO-JIN, n. A madman, lunatic. KIVORAKA-NA, a. Clean, pure, free from KIYO-jI-YA, n. A maker of wall-paper, defilement. paper hangings, screens, etc., a paper KIYORAKA-NI, adv. Cleanly. hanger. KIYO-RAN. Mental derangement, insaniKIYO-JO, n. The sentence, judgment, or ty, craziness. KIY 133 KOB KIYO-RI-CHI, n. The ground appropri- Ko. A particle prefixed to words to give ated to foreign residents. - mawari, them a diminutive sense; as, Koyumi, the policemen of the foreign settle- a little bow. Kobune, a small boat. ment. Ko-nusubito, a pilferer. Ko-ushi, a KIYORO, n. Atrophy. small cow. KIYORO-KIYORO-TO, adz. Looking about Ko, n. Flour, fine powder. Mugi-nostealthily, peering about. ko, wheat flour. Soba-no-ko, buckwheat KIYORORI-KUWAN, adv. Sitting silent meal. Kome-no-ko, rice flour. Ko ni and alone. suru, to pulverize. KIYORORI-TO, adv. Staringly, gazing Ko, (coll. cont. of kaiko,) n. A silkabout. worm. KiYORO-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To stare, Ko, n. A tree. Ko no moto, at the foot gape about, to peer, or gaze around in- of a tree. Ko no ma, between the decently. trees. KIYOSA, n. The degree or state of clean- Ko. Ancient. Ko-jin, a man of ancient liness or purity, times. Kosei, ancient sage. Ko-bun, KIY6-SAKU, n. Stricture of the urethra, ancient form of writing. Ko-bulsu, an KIYO-SHI, n. A teacher of religion, a ancient thing. Ko-butsu-ka, an antipriest, clergyman, missionary. quarian. Ko-fu, ancient customs. KoKIYO-SHO, (idokoro), n. Dwelling place, go, an ancient word, ancient language. place of residence. Ko-taku, an old house, former resiKIY6-SOKU, n. A kind of padded stool dence. Ko-ji, ancient affairs. Ko-jin, for leaning against in sitting, an arm an ancient man, the late.- Ao-nmai, old rest. rice. Ko-seki, ancient ruins. Ko-jitsu, KIYO-SO-ZAI, n. Tonic medicines, antiquities. Ko-kon, ancient and moKIYO-TAKU, (iru tokoro), n. Dwelling dern. Ko-rai, from ancient times. house, home, residence. K6, n. A watch of the night, of which KIY6-TO, n. The capital, residence of there are five, commencing at sun-down the Mikado, metropolis, or six o'clock and extending to four KIYO-Y6. - suru, to grant, permit, al- o'clock A. M. low, consent to. K6, n. The back of anything; used also KIYO-YU, n. Instruction, teaching, edu- to designate the first in quality or order. cation. Kame no -, the back of a tortoise. KIZA, n. An elephant. Te no -, back of the hand. KIZA, (ki ni sawaru). Disagreeable, un- Ko, n. Metallic ores, minerals. Ko-zan, pleasant, odious. mine of ore, mineral region. Ko-fu, KlzAGARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be disagree- miner. Kbzan-gaku, mineralogy or able, unpleasant, odious, disliked, art of mining. Ko-butsu, minerals. KIZAHASHI, n. Stairs, a flight of steps. Ko-butsu-gaku, mineralogy. KI-ZAI, n. Household furniture and uten- K6, n. Filial piety, obedience to parents. sils; the timber used in building. Fu-ko, disobedient. KIzAAMImu-nda, t. v. To cut into K6, n. Actions of merit, worth, or exsmall pieces, to chop; to carve, as an cellence; actions worthy of praise; image; to sculpture, engrave, talent, ability, virtue. Ro shite ko naKIZANIi, a. Carving; time, period of shi, much labor for nothing. time. Ko, n. Incense, fragrant or aromatic KIZARASHI, n. A persimmon that ripens substances, perfume. Ko-gt, utensils on the tree. used in burning incense. KIZASHI,-SU,-a, i.v. To bud, to sprout, K6, adv. So, thus, this manner. Ko to shoot forth, germinate, begin to ap- seyo, do it so. pear. KO-AGE, n. A coolie, a porter. KIZASHI, n. The first beginning, shoot- KO-BAI, (akai une,) n. A species of ing up; tendency, disposition; sign, plum bearing red blossoms. omen. KO-BAI, n. The slope or inclination of a KI-ZETSU (ikiga tomaru,) n. Stoppage roof or mountain. of the breath, faintness, choking; as- KO-BAKAMA, n. A kind of trowsers, the phyxia. lower part of which is gathered and Ko, n. A child, the young of anything. tied to the leg. Ko, n. A numeral for threads, or strands; KOBAMI,-nu,-na t. v. To stop, oppose, as, Hito ko, one strand. Futa ko, two withstand; resist, hinder, prevent; to strands. object, to contradict, to deny. KOB 134 KOD KO-BAN, n. The name of an ancient KO-CHA, n. Old tea, last year's tea. gold coin, = four ichibus, or one riyo. KO-CHA, n. Broken tea-leaves, tea-dust. KOBAN-NARI, n. Elliptical in shape, like KOCHI, adv. Here, this place; I, me. a koban. Achi kochi, here and there, about. KO-BARA, n. Slightly offended, slight KocHI, (higashi kaze,) n. East wind. degree of resentment. KOCHIRA, ad,. Here, this place. KO-BASHI, n. Two small silver rods, KOCHITAKI,-ku, a. Tedious, tiresome, used as tongs when burning incense, prolix, prosy. KOBASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Fragrant, odorous, KO-CH6, n. Dropsy of the abdomen, aromatic. ascites. KOBE, n. The head. KO-CHO, n. A civil magistrate of a town KOBERI-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To stick, or city. to adhere, to harden and stick to any- KO-DACHI, n. Trees, in relation to the thing, as gum. manner of planting, or standing. - ga KoBI,-r,-ta, i. v. To smirk and smile yoi, the trees are planted in beautiful in order to please, or ingratiate one's order. self with another; to fawn, to flatter. KO-DACHI, n. A small sword. KoBI,-ru,-a, i. v. To be old, not new. K6-DAI, n. The dish of an incense KoBI, n. Flattery, adulation, banish- cup. ment. KODAMA, n. An echo. - ga hibiku, KOBI-HETSURAI,-au,-tIa, t. v. To flatter, there is an echo. pay court to, to fawn, to use blandish- KODAMA-GIN, n. A bullet-shaped coin. ments. K6-DAN, n. Discourse, le:ture. — suru, KO-BIKI, n. A sawyer. to discourse, lecture, preach. KO-BIN, (saiwai no tayori) n. A good KODATE, n. Making a shield of a tree, or fortunate opportunity. screening one's self by getting behind KOBOCHI,-tsU,-tt, t. v. To break, de- a tree. stroy. KO-DATS.U, n. Verbal message. - suru, KO-BON, n. A tray for putting perfume to send a message. on. KODAWARI,-ru,-atta, i. v. To hinder, KoBOREE,-ru,-a, i. v. To be notched, prevent, to obstruct. nicked, broken on the edge. KO-DO, n. Filial piety, love and obediKoBORE,-r,-ta, i. v. To spill, to run ence to parents. over, overflow; to shed, as tears; to KO-D6, n. A house or temple for preachdrop from being too full. ing, or discoursing in, a church, a lecKOBORE-ZAIWAI, (gziy-kd,) n. The turn- ture-room. ing out to be fortunate, of what at first KODOKU, n. An orphan. appeared only amisfortune; unexpected KODOMO, n. A child, children. Kodogood fortune. mora, children. KOBOSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To spill, shed, to KODOMORASHII,-ki,-K, a. Like a child, make run over, to pour out; to cor- in the manner of a child. plain, to grumble. KODZU, n. The paper mulberry, BrousKOBU, n. A wen, fleshy tumor, excres- sonetia Papyrifera. cence. lump. K6DZURU. To die, used only of a person KOBUCHI, n. A snare or trap for catch- of the highest rank. ing birds, or small animals. KO-DZUI, n. An inundation, flood. KO-BUKAI,-ki,-ku, a. Densely wooded KO-DZUKA, n. The knife carried in the and shady. scabbard of the small sword used for KO-BUKURO, n. The womb. cutting paper. KO-BUN, n The part or place of a child; KODZUKAI, n. A servant. an apprentice, protege; a person be- KODZUKAI, n. Cash or money spent in longing to a laborer's guild, the chief current expenses, pocket-money. of which is called Oya-bun, or Oya- Ko-DZUKE,-ru,-a, i. v. To add anykata. thing small, light, or of no account, to KO-BURI, n. Small in size, a little shower a full load. of rain. KO-DZUKE, n. A trifle added to a full KO-sUSHI, n. The fist, a knot in wood, load. a piece of dried fish. KoDzuMI,-u,-nda, t. v. To pile up, to KO-BU-SH6, n. Board of Public Works. store away; to be bigoted, narrowK6-BusuU, (konomu mono). A thing one minded; to be trifling, frivolous; to is fond of. incline to one side, partial. KOD 135 KOI KODZURA, n. The face,-used in scold- gle, or higgle in buying, to beat down ing. - no nikui karasu-me, a dirty the price. faced crow. KO-GIRI-DORI-NI, adv. Diminishing little KODZURI, n. The change, or balance of by little. money paid beyond the price. - wo KoGI-TORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To pluck up toru, to take change. by the roots. KO-DZUYE, n. The small branches of a KO-GIYO. Making or getting up an entree, a twig. tertaining performance or amuseKOGAI, n. An ornament made of shell, ment. worn by married women in the hair; KO-G6, (majiwari-au,) n. Sexual interalso, two iron rods carried in the scab- course or commerce, coition. bard of the short sword, used as chop- KO-GOME, n. Broken rice. sticks. KOGORr,-r,-tta, i. v. To congeal, KOGAI, n. An indentured servant boy or coagulate, curdle. girl, about seven or eight years Ko-GosHI, n. A slight bow to a superior. old. - wo kagaanu, to stand in a bowing K6-GAKU, n. Lesson, recitation, exer- posture. cise. Yei sho -, exercises in reading Ko-GOTO, n. Grumbling, fault-finding, English books. scolding, censuring. - wo iu, to find KOGANE, n. Gold. fault, to scold. KOGARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be charred, KOGOYE,-ru,-ta, i.v. Benumbed, chilled, scorched, burnt, blackened with fire stiff with cold, frozen. to long, or pine for, to be troubled KOGOYE-JINI, n. Frozen to death. about. suru. KOGARE-KUSAI,-ki,-ku, a. Having the KO-GUCHI, n. The cut end of a tree. smell of being burnt, charred and KOGUCHI-GAKI, n. The title of a book stinking. written on the outside, across the edges KOGARE-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To burn of the leaves. and stick to the pot, or pan; to be KO-GUSURI, n. Medicinal powder, powscorched, charred. dered medicine. KOGASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To char, scorch, K6GU-YA, n. A shop where utensils for burn, or blacken with fire; to inflame, burning incense are sold. or excite with passion. K6-HAI, (sakannaru otoroyeru). Rise KOGASHI, n. A kind of food made of and fall, flourish and decay. parched meal. KOHAKU, n. Amber. KO-GATANA, n. A small knife, pocket- KOHAN, (yaki nzi3yban), a. Burnt alum. knife. K6HAN, n. Sulphate of zinc. KoGE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be charred, to KO-HAN-TOKI, n. A quarter of a Jaburn, to scorch, toasted; to be inflamed, panese hour, = half an hour English. or burn with passion. KO-HARU, n. Little spring, the tenth KO-GE, (takai hikui). High or low, month of the Japanese year. good or bad, superior or inferior. KOHAZE, n. A clasp, or locket. KO-GEKI, (semne utsu). -suru, to attack, KO-HEN, a. Court, government, the assault, assail, invade in war. place where public affairs and justice KoGI,-gu,-ida, t. v. To scull, row. Ko- are administered. gi-modosu, to scull or row back. Kogi- KO-HIYv, n. Small in stature, a small wataru, to scull or row across. bag. KoGI,-gz,-ida, t. v. To pull up by the K6-HONE, n. The Nuphar Japonica. roots, root up. KOI, n. The name of a river fish. KO-GI, n. The court, the government. KoI,-ki,-ku,-ssi, a. Thick or dense in KOGI, n. The national assembly, parlia- consistence; deep in color, strong in ment or congress, composed of two taste. branches, called Migi and Hidari; Koi, n. Love between the sexes; also, the president is called Gi-cho; the brotherly love. members are called Gikuwan; the Koi,-d,-tfa, t. v. To request, ask courplace in which the council assembles is teously, to beg. Koi-maneku, to call, called Kogisho, or Kogi-in. invite, bid. Koi-motomeru, to ask for, KOGINOKO, n. A shuttlecock. implore, beseech, entreat. Koi-negau, KO-GIRE, n. A small piece of cloth, a to beg for, earnestly request or desire, patch. to pray for. Koi-ukeru, to ask and get, KoGIRI,-ru,-Ita, i. v. To chaffer, hag- to obtain by request. KOI 136 KOK KOI-BITO, n. A person loved, a loved one, way of talking, mode of pronouncing, a lover, mode of address. KOI-CHA, n. Powdered tea. KO-JO, n. Word of mouth, verbal reKoIGuCHI, n. The joint, or place where port or message. the sword-handle meets the scabbard. KO-JU-HA-N, n. A lunch taken between KOI-KA, n. A love-song. dinner and supper. KOI-KOGARE, i. Z. To be inflamed or KO-JUN, n. Obedient and amiable. burn with love. KoJOTo, n. The husband's brother, KO-IN, (nochi no tayori), n. Future op- brother-in-law. portunity, in writing; at another time. KO-JU-TOME, n. The husband's sister, Ko-INU, n. A young dog, pup. sister-in-law. KOI-OTOKO, n. A lover. K6-KA, n. Back-house, privy. KOISHIGARI,-ru,-ttl, i. v. To think lov- KO-KAGE, n. Shade of a tree. ingly or fondly of, to long for. KO-KAI, (umi wo wataru), n. Crossing KOISHI, -ki,- ku, a. That which is the ocean. - justu, the science of thought of with love, desire, longing, or navigation. fondness. Furusato ga -, thinking KOKE, n. Scales of a fish or serpent. fondly of one's native place. KOKE, n. Fool, dunce. - ni suru, to KOISHISA, n. The longing, desire or love make a fool of. felt for anything. KOKE, n. Moss. KOI-SHITAI,-6,-/ta, t. v. To long after, KoKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To fall over, fall pine for. down. KOI-TORI, n. A person who collects ma- KOKEN, n. A deed of the sale or purnure. chase of land. KoITsu, n. You blackguard! you ras- KO-KEN, (ushiromni), n. One who looks cal! after, a guardian. - suru, to act as K6-iu, dem. fro. This, this kind, this guardian to a child. way, this manner. KO-KEN-JO, n. A deed of sale. KOI-WADZURAI,-3,-sta, d. v. To be love- KOKERA-BUKI, n. A roof with shingles sick, to pine for. several layers deep. KOI-WADZURAI, n. Love-sickness. KOKETSU-MAROBITSU, adv. Falling and KoJI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To pry, as with a le- rolling over. ver, to gouge. Koji-akeru, to pry up, KO-KI, n. A kind of red wood. to lift with a lever. Koji-akeru, to pry KO-KI, n. Fragrance, perfume, odor, aroopen. Koji-/anasu, to pry apart. ma. Ko-JI, n. A small sour orange. KoKI,-ku,-ila, i. v. To strip off the KoJI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To increase, grow grains of rice or wheat by drawing more severe, to be more confirmed, to through a frame set with iron teeth, be more addicted to. to strip by drawing through the KoJI, n. Barm or yeast. hand. KOJI-BUTA, n. A shallow box for holding KO-KIMI, n. Spirit, feelings. - ga ii, barm. to feel pleasantly. KOJIKI, n. One that begs for food, a beg- KO-KIU, n. A violin or fiddle of three gar. strings. - no tsuru, fiddle-strings. KO-JIKI, n. High price. KO-KIU, n. Expiration and inspiration, KOJIRETTAI,-ku, a. Tedious, tiresome the breathing. from slowness, prolix. KO-KJTvO, (furu sato), n. Native village, KOJIRI, n. The metal or horn tip on the birth-place. end of a scabbard. KOKKA, (kuni zye), n. Country. - no KO-JITA, n. Tongue-tie. Kodomo ni - tame ni inochi wo suteru, to die for ga dekita, the child is tongue-tied. one's country. KO-JITSU, n. A habit of speaking, or ad- KOKKEI, n. Comical or humorous talk, dicted to the use of certain words; ex- jesting, antics, anything exciting laughcuse, plea. ter. KOJITSUKE,-rU,-la, t. v. To force, strain, KOKKIN, n. The laws, or prohibitions of or wrest the meaning of words; to a country or state. draw forced resemblances or analogies. KO-K6. n.'Anything pickled in salt. KOJITSUKE, n. Forcing or wresting the Dai-kon no -, pickled radishes. meaning of words, a forced analogy, re- KOKO, adv. Here, this place. Koko semblance, or inference. kashiko, here and there, all about, K6-Jo, n. Way or manner of speaking, everywhere. KOK 137 KOK KO-K6, n. Obedience to parents, filial KOKORO-aIOTO-NAI, - ki, - ku, a. That piety. which one is uneasy about, uncertain, KoKOCHI, n. The feelings, sensations, and anxious, doubtful, apprehensive. spirits. -ga warui, to feel unwell. KOKORO-NIUKK, n. Disposition, temper. KOKODAKU. Many. KOKORO-NARADZU. Contrary to one's KOKOMOTO. This place, here; I, me. will, or desire; without wishing, or inKOKONOKA, adv. Ninth day of the tending, unintentional. month, or nine days. KOKORO-NE, n. Heart, disposition, temKOKONOTSU, a. Nine. per. KOKORA, a. Many. KOKORO-NOKORI, n. Regret. KOKORO, n. The heart; the mind, will, KOKORO-NIKUI, a. Bad-hearted, disathought, affection, reason, meaning, greeable, hateful. signification. - suru, to be mindful, KOKORO-OKI-NAKU, adv. Without backcareful. wardness, without fear, or hesitation, KOKORO-ATE, a. That on which one de- without concealment, or mental reserpends, trusts, calculates on, or looks to, vation. -as asupport, encouragement, or hope. KOKORO-WARUI, - ki, - ku, a. Feeling KOKORO-BASE, n. Volition, emotions, pained, unhappy, or uncomfortable. passions, spirits. KoKORO-YASaIu-ki,-ku, a. Easy, not difKOKORO-BAYE, n. The natural disposi- ficult; intimate, friendly; easy, free tion, temper. from care. KOKORO-BOSOI, a. Sad and anxious, pen- KOKORO-YASU-DATE, n. Familiarity, insive, gloomy, lonely, dispirited. timacy. KOKORO-DATE, a. Temper, disposition, KoKOROYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To know, perheart. ceive; to intend, to keep in mind, reKOKORO-DZUKAI, n. Trouble of mind, member. solicitude, anxiety, perplexity, care. KOKOROYE-CHIGAI, n. Misunderstanding, KoKORO-DZUKIu,-ia,-Ia i. v. To sud- misconception, mistake, misapprehendenly recollect or think of, to strike sion. one's mind or attention. KoKCORO-YOI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Well, easy, KOKORO-DZUMORI, n. Thinking over, comfortable, happy, agreeable. planning, reckoning, or estimating in KOKORO-ZAMA, n. A kind, state or habit the mind. of mind. KOKORO-GAKARI, n. Anything on one's KOKORO-ZAMUSHI, a. Feeling the loss or mind, care, concern. want of something with which one has KOKORO-GAKE,-rU,-tn, i. v. To keep in been familiar; lonesome, forlorn, friendmind, fix in the mind, to have a care less; also mean, despicable. about, to think about. KOKORO-ZASHI-SU,-ta, t. V. To purKOKORO-GAKE, n. Thought, care, cau- pose, intend, design, to aim at, to detion. sire. KOKORO-GAMAYE, n. Previous prepara- KOKORO-ZASHI, n. The purpose, intention or readiness of mind, mind made tion, design, aim, desire, hope. up before-hand for a future contingen- KOKU, n. A grain measure of ten to, cy. equal to 5.13 bushels, or 7.55I cub. feet. KOKORO-GAWARI, n. Changing one's KOKU (naku). - suru, to cry, mourn. mind, renouncing former views. KOKU (kuni), n. Kingdom,state, province, KOKORO-GOKORO. Various minds, diverse country. Koku-chiu, in the state, the opinions. whole country. Koku-do, country, KOKORO-IKI, n. Intention, purpose, state. Koku-fu, the customs of a mind. country. Koku-ho, the laws of a state. KOKORO-KUBARI,. Vigilance, watchful- Koku-o, a king, or ruler of a state. ness, circumspection. Koku-san, the productions of a counKOKORO-MADOI, n. Perplexity, bewilder- try. Koku-sei, the government of a ment, indecision. country, also the manufactures. KoKOKORO-MAKASE-NI, adv. As one pleases, ku-yaku, public service, or work done just as one likes, to his own mind, for government. KoKORO-MI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To try, prove, KOKU, adv. Thick or dense in consisttest, examine. ence, deep in color, strong in taste. KOKORO-MOCHI, a. The feelings, spirits. suru -, to thicken. - naru, to beKOKORO-MOKE, n. Preparing the mind in come thick. See Koi. expectation or in waiting for something. KOKU (kuroi), a. Black. - biyaku, KOK 138 KOM black and white; met. right and wrong. to trouble, afflict, vex, annoy, molest, - shoku, a black color. - jin, a black distress. man. - ye, black clothes. KoMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be troubled, KoKU, n. The fourth of a Japanese annoyed, vexed, afflicted, distressed. hour, = half an hour English. KO-MATA, n. The crotch between the KOKU, n. Cereals, grain. Go-koku, the legs, short steps. five cereals, viz., rice, wheat, millet, KOMATCHAKURE,-rz,-ta, t. v. To be hemp, and beans. vain, pompous, or affected. KOKi, n. Empty space, the air. KOMAYAKA. Fine, small, minute, delicate. KO-KUBI, n. A slight inclination of the KO-MAYE, n. The lower class of people, head. such as tenants or renters of houses. KOKU-BO (kuni no haha), n. The Em- KOMAYE, n. The bamboo strips used as peror's mother, the Queen-mother. lathing for plastered walls. KOKU-DZUKE, n. Marking the time on a KOMAYOSE. n. A low picket fence, paleletter or circular when it was received fence. and transmitted, to insure despatch. KOM-BU, n. A kind of edible sea-weed. KOKU-GEN (toki wo kagiru), n. The - the Laminaria. fixed time, appointed time, the time, KOME, n. Cleaned rice. - no ko, rice hour. flour..Kome-bitsu, a rice-box. KomeKOKU-IN, n. A stamp or private chop. bukuro, a rice-bag or sack. Kome- wo utsu. burui, a rice sieve. Kome-dawara, a KOKU-MOTSU, n. Grain, cereals. straw rice-bag. Kome-gura, a storeKOKU-SHO-GAN, n. Amaurosis. house for rice, rice granary. KomeKOKU-SO, n. A kind of stuff used for mushi, t.le weevil. Kome-tsuki, a perstaining wood black. son who cleans rice by pounding it in a KOKU-TAN, n. Ebony. mortar. Kome-ya, a rice store. K6-KUWAI (nochi ni kuyamu), n. Sor- K6-MEI (nadakai), n. High name, farow or regret for something done, re- mous, celebrity, great reputation. pentance, remorse, compunction. - KOME-KAMI, n. The temple or side of suru, to repent. the forehead. KO-KUWATSU. Cunning. knavish. KOMENDO, n. Troublesome, meddling. KOMA, n. A top; chessmen, a pawn; - na yatsu. a colt; a small room; the bridge of a KOME-OKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To place in, to guitar. confine, inclose, to garrison. KOMADORI, n. A small bird. KOMERO, n. A young female; a conKOMADZUKAI, n. A young servant girl. temptuous word. KOMA-GOMA-TO, a. Minutely, particu- KoMI,-mu,-nda, t. vJ. To put into, to larly. crowd into; mostly affixed to the roots KOMA-INU, n. The stone image of a dog of verbs, with the meaning of,-into, in. before Sintoo temples. Nage-kamu, to throw into. Komi-au, KOMAKA-NA, a. Fine, small, minute, crowded together. Komi-iru, to enter stingy. pell-mell. Komi-yarzt, to cheat in KOMAKA-NI, adv. Minutely, particularly, making up an account, to squeeze, or fine, small. defraud, to take in. KO-MAKU, n. The tympanum. KoMI, n. The odds given to a poor hand KO-MAKURA, n. The small pad or cushion at draughts; in the lump; several fixed on a wooden pillow. things of different kinds or values at KOMA-MONO, n. Small or fine wares, once. Komi ni kau, to buy in the such as toilet articles, mirror, comb, lump or gross. rouge, tooth-brush, powder, etc. Ko- KOMI-AGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To retch, heave, mamonoya, a shop where ladies toilet or strain in vomiting. articles are sold. KO-MIJIN, n. Fine pieces. K6-MAN, n. Pride, haughtiness, arro- KOMI-YA, n. A ramrod. gance, boasting. KO-MIYO, n. Famous, celebrated or illusKO-MANAKA, n. The quarter of a trious deeds. mat. KoMIzo,-na, a. Small and trivial, little, KO-MANEKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To beckon unimportant. with the hand. KOMMORI-TO, adz. Dark, — shila yaKOMANUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To fold the ma, a dark wooded mountain. hands. KOMO, n. Straw matting, used for makKOMARASE,ru,-ta, caust. of Komaru, ing bags. KOM 139 KON KO-MOCHI-DZUKI, n. The moon nearly KONAKARA, adv. A quarter, one fourth; full, or the fourteenth day of the month, a little. KOMO-DARE, n. A straw mat hung be- KONARE,-rU,-ta, i. v. Reduced to powfore the door. der, digested. KOMOGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To be musty, KONASHI,-U,-ta, t. v. To reduce to mildewed. powder, or make fine; to digest, to KOnMO-GOMO, adv. Mutually, from'ne thresh; to deride, to treat with ridianother. cule; to manage or bring into subjecKOMO-KABURI, n. Covered with straw tion. matting, as a sake tub or a beggar. KONATA, adv. Here, this side; I, you KO-MON, n. Small figures on cloth. (to inferiors). A nata konata, here and KO-MON, n. The anus. there, both sides, both persons. KO-MONO, n. A young servant boy, er- KONDATE, n. A bill of fare; the differrand boy. ent courses at an entertainment. KoMoRASE,-ru,-Ia, caust. of Komoru. KONDZURU (majiru), t. v. To mix, minTo order, let, or cause others to be gle, to confuse. confined or shut up. KONE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To knead, to work KOMORI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be shut up, or mix together. confined, immured; included, con- KO-NEN (nochi no toshi), n, Future year, tained, comprised; to be close and un- years to come. ventilated. KON-GEN, n. Beginning, origin. KO-MORI, n. A young female nurse. KON-GI, or KON-TENGI, n. The brass KOMORI, n. A bat. meridian of a celestial globe. KOMORI-GASA, n. A European umbrella. KON-GI, n. Marriage contract, matriKOMOSO, n. A person of the Samurai mony. class guilty of some political offence or KON-GO, n. The diamond. other crime, who takes refuge in a tem- KON-GO-RIKI-SHI, n. The monster idols pie, and lives by begging. which guard the gates of Buddhist temKOM-PAKU, n. The spirit of the dead, ples. the soul. KON-GO-SEKI, n. The diamond, adaKOM-PAN, adv. This time, now, at the mant. present time. KON-GO-SHA, n. Emery. KOMPEIT6, n. A kind of candy. KON-GO-TSUYE, n. A staff with metal KOM-PON, n. The origin, beginning; the rings on the top, carried by Yanaplace or cause from which anything bushi. originates. KON-I (nengoro no kokoro). Friendship, KOMUGI, n. Wheat. - no ko, wheat amity; intimate, familiar, friendly. flour. KONIDA, n. A pack-horse. KOMURA, n. The calf of the leg. Komu- KO-NIN, n. One who surrenders, or lays ra-gayeri, cramp in the calf of the leg. down his arms. KoMURi,-ru,-/ta, i. v. To receive from KON-IN, n. A marriage, matrimony, a superior. wedlock. K6MURI, n. A crown. -gasa, an Euro- KON-JIKI (kogane no iro). Golden color. pean umbrella. KON-JO, n. Prussian blue. KON. Numeral for glasses of wine: as, KON-JO, n. Natural disposition, temper, Sake ikkon, one wine-glass full of character, spirit, turn of mind. sake. KON-KI, n. Natural vigor, nervous powKON (kin), n. Gold, golden. er, energy, stamina. KON (inma). Now, present time. Kon- KON-KIU, n. Poverty, want, adversity, ban, this evening, to-night. Kon-cho, misery. this morning. Kon-do, this time, now. KON-KU, n. Distress and hardship, tribuKon-getsu, tlis month. Kon-j', this lation, misery. life. Kon-kiyd, this morning's dawn. KONNA. This way, this manner, so, thus, Kon-nen, this year. Kon-nichi, to- such. day. Kon-sek., this evening. Kon-ya, KON-NAN, n. Suffering, distress, misery, to-night. anguish, affliction. KON, n. A dark blue color. KoNO,tro. This. Kono-aida, lately, reKONA, n. Flour, meal, fine powder of cently, within a few days past. Konoanything. Kona-ya, a flour store. kata, from that time until now, since KONAIDA, adv. Lately, recently, within then, ever since. a few days past. K6-NO, n. Virtue, efficacy, power,-only KON 140 KOR of medicine. Kono-gaki, an advertise- KORASHIME, n. Reproof, punishment, ment of a medicine. chastisement, correction. KO-NO-HA, n. A leaf of a tree. KORASHIME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To correct, KONO-KAMI, n. Elder brother. reprove, to punish, chastise. KONOMASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Anything which KoRAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To bear, endure, one likes or is fond of; agreeable, pleas- stand, sustain, to resist, suffer patientant, desirable. ly, to forbear. Koraye-kaneru, imKO-NO-ME, a. Bud of a tree. possible to bear, or hard to bear. KO-NO-AII, a. Fruit of a tree. KORAYERARE,-ru,-ta. Pass. or pot. of KONOMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To like, be fond Koraye, can bear. Korayerarenu, canof, to relish, to be pleased with, to de- not be borne or endured. sire. KoRE,Psro. This; here. KO-NO-MONO, n. Radishes pickled in KORERA, ro. These, such as this. salt and bran. KORE-SHIKI. This kind. KONOWATA, n. Biche-de-mer. K6-RI, n. High rate of interest, usury. KON-RAN. Confused, mixed, blended to- - wo toru. gether in disorder; a disturbance. K6RI, n. A bale, package-generally of KON-REI, n. A wedding, marriage cere- ioo catties. monies. KoRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To make into a bale, KON-RIU. - suru, to build or erect by or bundle. contribution or subscription. KORI, n. Ice. KON-RO, n. An earthenware furnace. K6RI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To freeze, congeal. KON-SHI, (nengoro naru kokorozashi). K6RI, n. The subdivision of a Kuni, a Kindness, goodwill, benevolence. county. KONTENGI, n. A celestial globe. KORI, n. The hold of a ship. KON-T6. Falling from dizziness or faint- Ko-RI, n. Cleansing by washing, or ness. pouring water over the body. KON-TON, a. Chaos. KoRI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be warned, or adKONU, (neg. of Ki, kuru). Not come. monished by some past occurrence; to Mada konu, not yet come. be taught a lesson by past misconduct KONUKA, n. Rice-bran. or danger, to be punished. KONUKA-AME, n. A fine, drizzling rain. KoRI-ru,-ta, i. v. To freeze, congeal, KON-YA, n. A dye-house, dyer. crystallize; to be wholly given up to, KON-ZATSU, n. Confusion, disorder; addicted to. engrossed in. Kori-katamixed, or jumbled together. maru, to be engrossed in, absorbed, K6-oTsu. These and those persons, good taken up with. or bad, superior or inferior. - naski, KoRI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To cut timber. all alike, no difference. - wo tsukeru, KO-RIKO. Adroit, smart, clever. to say which is best. KORI-MAME, n. A confectionary made KOPPA, n. A chipor block of wood or of parched beans coated with sugar. stone. KORI-MESHI, n. Boiled rice carried in a KOPPAI, n. Back of the head, occi- section of bamboo for lunch. put. KO-RIYO, n. Government or public land. KoPPI, n. A playing card, a domino. K6-RIYOKU, n. Benefactions, charitable KOPPO, (honeguni), n. The bony frame donations, contributions, help, assistof the body. ance to the poor. K6RAI, adv. Corea. KORI-ZAT6, n. Crystalized sugar, rock KO-RAI, adv. Henceforth, in future, candy. hereafter. KORO, n. Time, period of time. Itsiz KO-RAN, n. A balustrade around the top gore, when? Aono -, soon, in a few of a building. days. KORARE,-ru,-ta. Poten. mood. of Ki, KORO n. A cylindrical wooden roller kuru, can come. Neg. Korarenu, used in moving heavy bodies. cannot come. K6-RO, n. A censer for burning inK6RASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Koru, to cause cense. to freeze. KOROBASHI,-,- a,-, t. v. To cause to fall KORASHI,-Su,-ta, i. v. To correct, pun- down, to tumble down, to roll. ish, chastise, or reprove for one's good; KOROBI,-bu,-da, i. v. To fall down, to to chasten, to warn; to give one's tumble down, to fall and roll over. whole mind to, or concentrate one's KOROGARI,-_r,-,-a, i. v. To roll about, powers on anything. roll over and over. KOR 141 KOS KORO-KORO-TO, adv. The sound, or ap- eign minister. Koshi-kuwtan, the ofpearance of anything rolling. fice of a foreign minister, legation. KO-ROKU, a. High salary. KO-SHI, (oinotemuki naishd). Public and KORIOM, n. The outside robe worn by and private. - no oime, public and Buddhist priests; clothing. private debts. KOROMO-GAYE, a. Changing the clothes KO-SHI, n. Confucius. from the wadded clothes of winter, to KO-SHI, n. Lattice-work. - inado, a the lighter clothes of summer. latticed window. - do, a door made KOROMOTONA,-k,-ku,-, a. Doubtful, un- of latticed bars. certain. KOSHI, n. A bier in which a coffin is KO-RON, n. A- quarrel, angry conten- carried at a funeral. tion, brawl, dispute. KOSHI, n. A sedan chair, only used by KORO-oI, a. Time, period of time. the Mikado, or Kuge; the shrine in KORORI, n. Asiatic cholera. which the Kami are carried at festiKORORI-TO, adv. In a rolling manner, vals. or sound; suddenly. KOSHI, n. The loins. Koshi-no-mono, KOROSHI,-su,- ta, t. v. To kill, slay, the things carried in the belt, side arms, murder. the sword. Koshi-sage, articles worn KOROTSUKI,-ku,-a, i. v. To roll about. suspended from the belt, such as the KOSA, n. The thickness, consistence. tobacco pipe and pouch, inkstand and K6-SAI, (nochi no tsuma), n. A second seal. wife. KOSHI,-U,-ta, t. v. To cross over. KO-SAI, n. The iris. KOSHI,-,-ta, t. v. To strain, to filter. KOSAI-NI, adv. Minutely, particularly. KOSHI-ATE, n. A kind of shield over the KO-SAKU, (tagayeshi tsukuru). Cultiva- loins, to protect it from the quiver. tion of the land, farming. - suru, to KOSHI-BARI, n. Wall paper, spread on a surrender, capitulate. wall some two feet high from the floor, KOSAME, n. A drizzling rain. to protect the clothes from the plaster. K6-SAN, (kudari mairu). Submission, KOSHI-BIYOBU, n. A low kind of screen. surrender, capitulation. - suru, to KOSHI-BONE, n. The os sacrum. farm. KosHI-BOSO, n. A kind of wasp. K6-SATSU, n. The board containing the KOSHI-ITA, n. The paste board worn in Imperial edicts. the back of the Iakama. KOSEBITSU, n. An eruption of the skin. KOSHI-IRE. n. Putting the bride into a K6-SEI, (nochi on yo), n. Future genera- norimon to convey her to the house of tion, future times. her husband. K6-SEKI, n. A hall where stories are KOSHI-KAKI, n. The bearers of the noritold, or discourses delivered; an audi- mon. tory. KOSHI-KAKE, n. A raised seat, a chair; KO-SEKI, (iye kadzu no chomen), n. A anything raised to sit on. register of the names and number of KOSHI-KATA, n. The past, the time past houses. of one's life, old times. KOSE-KOSE, adv. Fond of little or tri- KOSHIKE, n. Fluor-albus. fling matters. KOSHIKI, n. A vessel for steaming food KO-SEN. n. Commission for selling goods, in; the hub of a wheel. brokerage, percentage. KOSHI-MAKI, n. A petticoat or shirt worn KO-SEN, n. An infusion of Shiso and by women. parched rice, used instead of tea. KOSHI-MINO, n. A covering made of KOSETSTKI.-ku,-ita, i. v. To be fond of grass, tied around the waist, to protect little, petty or trifling matters. the hips and thighs from rain, worn by KO-SHA, n. A blind person. fishermen. KO-SHA, n. An ingenious, clever, expert, KOSHI-MOTO, n. A maid-servant, a chamor skilful person. ber-maid. KO-SHAKU-NA, a. Having a smattering KoSHI-NUKE, n. One weak in the loins, of knowledge, pedantic. a cripple; a coward. - bushi, a cowKO-SHAKU, n. Exposition, discourse, ardly soldier. lecture, disquisition, sermon. -suru, KosHI-ORE, n. Poetry defective in metto lecture, discourse, explain. rical structure, or rhythm. KOSHAKU-SHI, n. A public story-teller, KOSHIRAYE,-r,-ta, t. v. To make, to or lecturer on ancient history. form, fashion, prepare, make ready, K6-SHI, n. An ambassador, envoy, for- make up. KOS 142 KOT KOSHIRAYE-GOTO, n. A fiction, a made- KOTAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To answer, to reup story. ply, to respond; to feel, to penetrate, KOSHITSU, n. An inveterate or chronic or reach to, as pain; to suffer, endure, disease. bear. K6-SHITSU, n. A widow. - only used KOTCH6, n. The utmost or highest deof nobles. gree, acme..Dzurui no -, the chief of KO-SHO, n. A written judgment or con- knaves. Omoshiroi no -, the most demnation of a criminal, the charge of agreeable. a judge. KOTE, n. Defensive armor for the arm KOSH6, n. Black pepper. and hand; a bracelet; a trowel, a KOSHO, n. Objection; adverse reason or smoothing iron. circumstances; hindrance, impediment. KO-TEI, n. Filial piety and brotherly - wo iu, to object. love, respect for elders. KO-SHO, n. A boy servant who waits KOTE-ITA, n. A paddle used by masons upon a noble, or the head priest of a and plasterers. Buddhist temple; a page. KOTE-KOTE, adv. Much, abundantly, a K6-SHO, (kuchi-gaki,) n. A written con- good deal. fession, a deposition, written declara- KO-TO. Dignified. tion. - wo toru, to take down a con- K6-T6. The larynx. fession. KOTO, n. A harp, or lyre. KO-SH6, (daiku,) n. A carpenter. KOTO, n Affair, event, transaction, ocKO-SHO, n. Mechanic and merchant. currence, fact, business, concern, cirKOSH6-IRE, n. A pepper-box. cumstance, thing, matter, word. K6-SHOKU, (iro wo kanomu.) Lewd, KOTO. Different, strange. Koto-gokoro lecherous, lascivious. wo idaku, to have a treacherous heart. K6-so, n. An action, of suit at law, com- KOTOBA, n. A word, language, speech. plaint or appeal made-to an official. KOTOBA-DZUKAI, n. Use of words, way Koso. A particle which serves to par- of talking, manner of pronouncing, dicticularize or give emphasis to the word. tion. KOsoBAGARI,-ru, i. v. To be ticklish. KOTOBA-JICHI, n. A promise, the pledge KOSOBAI, a. To tickle, itchy. of one's word or veracity. KOSOBASA, n. Ticklishness. KOTOBA-UTSUSHI NI, adv. Word for word, KosoBAYU-ki,- ku,-,-shi, a. Having the verbatim. sensation of tickling, itchy. KOTOBUKI, n. Complimentary language, KOSODE, n.'The wadded silk coat usu- a toast in honor or in praise; age, ally worn by Samurai or people of the length of life. higher class. KOTODZUKARI,-rU,-tta, i. v. To be enKosoGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To scrape. trusted with a message or commission KosoGURI,-rU,-I/a, t. v. To tickle. to another. Koso-Koso, adv. Secretly, clandestine- KOTODZUKE, n. A verbal message. ly, stealthily. KOTODZUkE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To avail one's KosoKu. Temporizing, procrastinating, self of an opportunity or aid of another easy and complying. to do anything. KOSSA-NI, adv. Artfully, cunningly, KOTO-DZUMI, n. End or completion of craftily, knavishly, insidiously. one's work. KOSSORI-TO, adv. Secretly, clandestine- KOTO-FURE, n, A strolling fortune-teller ly, stealthily. of the weather, crops, or sickness. Kosu, n. A hanging shade or screen KOTO-GARA, n. Kind, or nature of affair..made of bamboo. - niyotte, according to the merits of KosUI, n. A lake. the case. Kosui,-ki,-ku, a. Stingy, mean, nig- KOTO-GOTOKU, adv. All, every one. gardly, close, miserly, avaricious. KOTO-GOTO-NI, adv. Everything, every KosuRI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To rub, to use matter or circumstance. friction to anything. Kosuri-komu, KOTO-GOTOSHII, - i, - ku, a. Making to rub into. KAsuri-otosu, to rub out, much of an affair, exaggerating. erase. Kosuri-tsukeru, to rub on. KOTOHOGI,-gu,-shi, t. v. To celebrate, KO-TAI. Alternation, to do by turns. - commemorate; to felicitate. suru, to do by turns, alternate. KOTOI, n. A bull. KOTATSU. A hearth or fireplace covered KOTO-KAGI,-gu,-ta, t. v. To be deficient with a quilt, under which people warm in, in want of, to be short of, or lacking themselves. in something. KOT 143 KOY KOTO-KAWARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be dif- KOWADAKA, n. A loud voice. ferent, to be dissimilar, distinct, un- KOWADZUKURI, n. Clearing the throat, like. to hem in preparing to speak. KOTO-KIRE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To end, con- KOWAGARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be timid, clude, finish, to die. afraid, to be frightened. KOTO-KOMAYAKA-NI, adv. Minutely, par- KOWA-GOWA, adv. Fearful, afraid, dreadticularly. ful. KOTONARI,-rU, i. v. To be different, un- KowAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a.'Fearful; afraid; like, unusual, strange. dreadful, dangerous, alarming. KowaKOTO-NI, adv. Especially, particularly. ku nai, not afraid. KOTO-NO-HOKA, adv. Unusually, extra- KowAI,-ki,-ku,-Thi, a. Stiff, hard, rigid, ordinarily, uncommonly, exceedingly, unyielding. beyond measure. KOWAIRo, n. The tone of voice. - wo KOTO-OSOI. Slow of speech, stammer- tsukau, to imitate the voices of differing. ent persons, as a ventriloquist. KO-TORI, n. A small bird. KOWAKI, n. The side, or under the arm. KOTO-SARA-NI, adv. Particularly, in an Nagi-nata wo - ni kakayeru, holdespecial manner. ing the spear under his arm. KOTO-SHI, n. Harp or lyre maker. KOWAMESHI, n. A kind of food made of KO-TOSHI, n. This year. rice and beans. KOTO-SHIGEKI,-ku, a. Busy, hurried or KOWANE, n. The tone of voice. over-run with business, thronged. KOWARAMBE, n. A little child. KOTO-SUKUNA, a. Easy, short, not diffi- KOWARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be broken. cult. KowARi,-ru,-ita, i. v. To be hard, beKOTO-TARI,-rU. To answer the purpose, come hard. will do; to be content, satisfied; suffi- KOWASA, n. Stiffness, hardness, rigidity; cient, enough. fearfulness, dreadfulness. KoTOWARI,-ru,-tta, i.. To refuse, de- KOWASARE,-ru,-ea, pass. ofKowasu. To cline; forbid; to state, mention. get broken. KOTOWARI, n. Reason, principle, cause, KowASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To break, to nature; excuse, plea; meaning. shiver. KOTOWAZA, n. An adage, common say- KO-YA, n. A dye-house, dyer. ing, proverb. KOYA, n. A small house, hut, pen. KOTOYOSE,-,-ta-, s. v. To make a pre- KO-YAKAMASHIH,-ki,-ku, a. Noisy, maktext of, to pretend, to do as an excuse; ing a disturbance, fault-finding, capto allude, to hint at. tious. KoTSU, n. Bone; a knack, tact or dex- K6-YAKU, n. A medical plaster, ointterity in doing. Kotsu-gara, the bony ment, cerate. frame. Kotsu-maku, the periostium. KoYAsHI, n. Manure. Koyashi-tsubo, Kotsu-niku, bone and flesh, blood re- a large jar used for holding manure. lations, kindred. Kotsu-riu, a bony KOYASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To fertilize, to tumor, exostosis. enrich, to manure. KOTSU, n. A weight - the tenth part of KOYASU-GAI, n. A species of cowry. a mo. KOYATSU. That rascal. KO-TSUBO, n. The womb. KOYE, n. The voice. Toki no- wo KOTSU-DZUI, n. The marrow. ageru, to give a shout. KO-TSUDZUMI, n. A small kind of drum. KOYE, n. Manure. KOTSUGAI, n. A beggar. KOYE,-ru,-Ia, i. v. To grow fat, plump, KOTSUJIKI, n. A beggar. or fleshy; to be fertile, rich, producKOTSU-ZEN-TO, adv. Suddenly, unex- tive. Koye-fuloru, to grow fat and pectedly. large. KOTTERI, adv. Gross in taste, thick in KovE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To cross, pass over; consistence. to excel, surpass; to transgress. KO-URI, a. A retail-merchant; selling KO-VEDA, n. A twig, small branch, shoot. at retail. K6-YEKI, n. Barter, exchange of comKO-USHI, n. A calf. modities, trade, commerce. KO-UTA, n. A sonnet, ditty. Ko-Y6, n. Public service, government KO-WA, ro. This; also an exclamation business. of surprise. Ko-Yoi, adv. This evening. KOWABARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be hard KOYOMI, n. Almanac, calendar. - haand stiff. kase, almanac maker. KOY 144 KUC KOYONAKI. Nothing above this, = high- KUBI-KIRI-BA, n. The place where crimest, greatest. - saiwai, greatest good inals are beheaded, execution ground. fortune. KUBI-KUKURI,-ru,-tta, i.. To hang KOYORI n. Paper rolled or twisted into one's self by the neck. a string. KUBI-MAKI, n. A cravat, tippet, neckKO-vUBI, n. The little finger, cloth. KOvUMNAKI, n. An under-garment worn KBIRi,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be hanged by by women from the waist to the the neck. knee. KUBIRE-JINI, n. Suicide by hanging. KO-ZA, n. A high seat, a rostrum, or KUBIRI,-ru,-tta, t.v. To choke, strangle. high platform, a pulpit. Kubiri-korosa, to strangle, to kill by KOZAKASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Having a shal- strangling. low smartness, or low cunning; ad- KUBISU, n. The nape of the neck. roit. KUBI-SUJI, n. The muscles on the back KO-ZEN-TO, adv. Publicly, openly, above- of the neck. board. KUBI-TAMA, n. A collar for the neck. Ko-z6, n. A young Buddhist priest, a KUBOI,-ki,-shi, a. Concave, depressed, small servant boy. hollowed, indented, sunken. Kuboku KozoRIru,-r,-ta, t. v. To assemble, suru, to hollow out. - naru, to begather together. Kozori-atsumaru, come hollowed, or concave. to be assembled together. KUBOMI,-mu,-nda, i. vz. To be concave, KOZOTTE, adv. Including every one. depressed, hollowed, sunken, indented. Ku. Nine. - j', ninety. Ku bu ichi, KUBOMI, n. A concavity, a hollow place, one-ninth. Kubu-ku-rin, ninety-nine a depression, indentation. parts. Ku-ku, nine times nine. Ku- KUCHI, n. The mouth; an orifice, aperku-san, multiplication. ture; entrance, door, opening; in merKu, n. A verse, or stanza of poetry; a cantile language, = demand, request; sentence. kind, mark, or brand, article, item, or Ku, n. Trouble, pain, labor, hard work, quality of goods; language, mouths or toil; solicitude, anxiety, uneasiness of number of persons. - ga suberu, to mind. make a slip of the tongue. Tokkuvi KU, n. Empty space, the air, the sky; ni kuchi wo suru, to cork a bottle. - vacant, thoughtless, idle, aimless. Ki7- ni makasu, to talk at random. - de kui-jaku-jaku, vacantly and idly. Ka- uru, to sell by the quantity. - wo kachi, vacant land. Ku-chiu, empty keru, to speak for, apply for, solicit. space, the air. Ku-kiyo, empty, void. KucHI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To decay, to rot, KUBARI,-ru,-/ta, t. v. To distribute, to decompose. deal out, divide. Kokoro wo -, to KUCHI-AKE, n. Opening of a sale, comgive careful attention to many things. mencement of sale. yi-kubari, the order or arrangement KUCHI-BA, n. Withered leaves. of characters. KUCHI-BAMI, n. A venomous snake. KUBARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To fall into the K;CHI-BASHI, n. The bill, or beak of a fire. bird. KUBE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To put into the KUCHI-BASHIRI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To be posfire. sesscd by the spirit of one dead, and KUBI, n. The neck, the head. - no utter his mind; to rave like a madman, hone, the cervical vertebrae. - wo to tell from one to another. kiru, to behead, decapitate. Te no-, KUCHIBIRU, n. The lips. the wrist. Ashi no -, the ankle. KUCHIBUE, n. Whistling. - wo fuku. KUBI-BIKI, n. Trying the strength of the to whistle. neck, by two persons putting their KUCHI-DOME, n. Hushing or stopping necks through a loop in each end of a another from speaking or telling anyrope, and pulling in opposite directions; thing. Kuchi-dome wo shite oku, to (fig.) to bid against each other in buy- bribe one to secrecy. ing. KUCHI-DZUKARA, adv. With one's own KUBI-DAI, n. Money paid as commuta- mouth. tion for one's life. KUCHI-DZUSAMI, n. Humming or singing KUBI-GASE, n. The cangue. to one's self. KtnIKI, n. A yoke. KUCHI-GAKI, (ksho,) n. A deposition, K:-BI —IzRI,-rU,-1ta, t. v. To cut off the written confession. head, to behead, decapitate. KUCHI-GIREI-NA, a. Pleasantly spoken, KUC I45 KUD speaking so as to please or gratify KUCHI-TORI, n. A dessert of confectionothers. ary taken after meals. KUCHI-GITANAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Foul- KU-CHIU-ZAI, n. Anthelmintic medimouthed, blackguard, disagreeable or cines. coarse language. KUCHI-WAKE, n. Assorting goods acKUCHI-GOMORI,-,-ra,-/, i. v. To stutter,. cording to the quality, or brand. - wo stammer, to mumble or to speak indis- suru, to assort goods. tinctly. KUCHI-YAKAMASHI,-ki,-ku, a. Noisy, or KUCHI-GO-SHA, n. A person clever at troublesome from much talking. talking, eloquent. KUCH6, n. Unison, harmony, or agreeKUCHI-GOTAYE, n. Answering back in a ment with what another says. surly manner to a superior. KUDA, n. A section of bamoo, a pipeKUCHI-GUCHI-NI, adv. Many different stem, a tube, the spindle of a spinningpersons or kinds. wheel. KUCHI-GUSURI, n. Powder used only for KUDAKAKE, n. Day-break, the time of priming a gun. cock-crowing. KUCHI-HATE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Completely KUDAKE,-ru,-ta, i. V. Broken into pieces, decayed or rotten. shivered, crushed. KUCHI-IRE, n. An intelligence-office, KUDAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To break to where servants may be hired. pieces, shiver, crush, smash. Kan-tan KUCHI-KI, n. A decayed tree, rotten awo kudaku, to do with great care and wood. diligence. KUCHI-KIKI, n. Clever at talking, elo- KUDA-KUDASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Troublequent. some or tedious repetition, needless KUCHI-KUSE, n.' A byword, something reiteration. which one is in the habit of saying; KUDAMONO, n. Fruit. cant word. KUDAN. Before-mentioned, the said, KUCHI-MAI, n. Rice extracted by an in- aforesaid, above-mentioned. spector from a bag as a sample. KUDARANU, neg. of kudari. Won't or KUCHIrMAME, - na, talkative, loqua- cannot go down, don't understand, uncious, garrulous. intelligible; useless, stupid, absurd. KUCHI-MANE, n. Repeating what an- KUDARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To go down, get other says, mimicking another's way of down, descend to purge; to depretalking, mocking. ciate in quality or value; to surrender, KUCHI-MOTO, n. The mouth or near the yield. mouth; near the door. KUDARI, n. A descent; a purging; fall KUCHI-NAGUSAMI, n. Talking for amuse- in price; surrender; a row or line from ment, or pastime. top to bottom. Bun ni — han, three KUCHI-NAMEDZURI, n. Licking the mouth, lines and a half of writing; a writing or chops, as a dog after eating. of divorcement. KUCHINASHI, n. The Cape Jasmine, Gar- KUDASAI-MASHI,-SU,-ta, t.v. To give to denia Floribunda. an inferior. KUCHINAWA, n. A snake. KUDASARE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To let descend, KucHI-OSHII,-ki,-ku,-sa, a. A thing to to receive from a superior, to give. be regretted or sorry for, or which ex- Kite kudasareru ka, can you come? cites disappointment. Kuchioshiku KUDASARI,-ru,-t/a, t. v. To give, spoken omo, to feel regret. of a superior; to receive from a supeKUCHI-RIK6, n. Clever at talking. rior. KUCHI-SAGANAI,-ki,-ku, a. Given to low KUDASHI-,-S-,ta, t. v. To cause to go and vulgar language, babbling. down or descend, to send down, to KUCHI-SAGASHI,-ki,-ku, a. Plausible, purge, to cause to surrender or yield. specious in talking. Hara wo -, to purge, KUCHI-SAKI, n. The lips, in distinction KUDASHI-GUSURI, n. Cathartic medicine. from the heart. - de iu, to say only KU-DEN, n. Oral tradition, learning or with the lips. teaching by oral instruction. KUCHI-SOSOGI, n. Cleansing the mouth, KUDO, n. A kitchen range, furnace. gargling. KuDOI,-ki,-ku,-shi,-sa, a. Tedious or KUCHISUGI, n. A living, livelihood. troublesome reiteration, repetition, goKucHI-SUI,-su,- ita, t. v. To suck the ing over and over a matter. mouth, to kiss. KUDOKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To importune, KUCHI-TORI, n. A horse-boy, hostler. to solicit or say over and over, to en7 KUD 146 KUJ treat, persuade, to coax; to be trouble- passunder or through, to worm through, some from repetition, to think over to dive. with regret. Kudoki-otasu, to over- KUGURI, n. A small low door in a gate. come by importunity or frequent solici- KuGUSE, n. Humpbacked. tation. KUGUTSUME, n. Waiting girls at an inn, KUDOKU, 2, Merit, good works, virtu-, a harlot. ous and meritorious actions. KuI,-yuru,-ta, i. v. To regret, feel KUDO-KUDO, adv. Over and over; again sorry for, deplore, repent of. Ayamaand again. chi wo kuyuru. KUDZU, n. Rubbish, waste and useless KUI. n. A pile, stake, post. scraps, worthless articles. Oga-kudzu, KUI, KU, KUTA, t. v. To eat, to bite; sawdust. Kanna-kudzu, shavings. Ta- used in com. coll. often in the sense of chi-kudszt, waste scraps left after cut- receive, get, catch; as, Kogoto wo kuting out a garment, also paper shavings. tta, to get a scolding. Kui-awaseru, KUDZU, n. The Dolichos Bulbosus. to mix together and eat. Kuzi-iru, to KUDZU-OREE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be worn eat into, to eat its way into, to corrode. out, decrepit, broken down, or infirm Kui-kiru, to bite off. Kui-shibaru, with age. Naki-kudzuoreru, worn to clinch the teeth. Kui-shimeru, to out with crying. Oi-kudzuoreru, in-> crush, or hold fast in the teeth. Kuifirm with age. shimesu, to wet or moisten with the KUDZURE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To break and mouth. Kui-tomeru, to oppose, hold give way, of anything built up or ar- in check, to stop. Kui-tsuku, to bite, ranged; to slip or slide, as earth from to seize with the teeth. Kui-tsumeru, a hill; to cave in, to crumble, to fall to straitened for food, to clinch the teeth. pieces; to break in confusion and run, Kui-wakeru, to discern by chewing, as troops; to open or break, as an to taste. abscess; to be depraved, vitiated, cor- KUI-CHIGAI,-au,-/ta, i. v. To cross, to rupted; to go to decay, or neglect, as pass each other, not to agree, or fit, to laws, usages. be contrary, to be thwarted in one's KUDZUSHI,-SU,-at, t. v. To break down, hopes, to be disappointed. tear down, throw down, as a hill, or KUI-MONO, n. Food, eatables, provihouse; to infringe, violate, as laws, sions. rank; to deprave, vitiate, demoralize. KUINA, n. A kind of snipe. Ki wo kudzusedzu, not to lose cour- KUI-SOME, n. The first feeding of an inage. fant. KUDZUSHI-GAKI, n. A running hand. KuI-TAI,-ki,-ku, a. Wish or desire to KUDZU-YA, n. A thatched house. eat; like to eat. Kuitaku nai, do not KUFU, a. Contrivance, plan, scheme, wish to eat. invention. - suru, to devise, con- KUITSUMI, n. A small stand on which trive, plan. nuts, oranges, rice, and a pine branch KU-FUKU, n. Hungry, stomach empty. are arranged on New Years' day. - ni naru, to become hungry. KUJAKU, n. A peacock. KUGA, n. Land, as distinct from water. KuJI (oyakegoto), n. An action at law, Kuga-ji, land route, land journey. a suit, prosecution, dispute. - wo suKUGE, n. The name of the ancient no- ru, to bring suit; enter complaint. bility of Japan. KuJI, n. The lot. -wo toru, to draw KUGI, n. A nail, spike. lots. KUGI-KAKUSHI, n. An ornamental cov- Ku-JI, n. A diagram, used as a charm ering for concealing the head of a nail. against evil spirits. KUGI-NUKI, n. Nail extractors, pincers. KOJI,-ru,-a, t. v. To sacrifice, to offer KU-GIRI, n. Marks of punctuation. - to the gods. Kzji-mono, an offering, wo tsukeru, to punctuate. sacrifice. KUGUDZU, n. A puppet show. KUJI-BA, n. A court-room, a bar. KuGUMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. Bent in the KUJI-DORI, n. Drawing lots. back with age or disease; to stoop, to KUJIKA, n. A kind of stag. be humpbacked. KuJIKE,-ru.-,a i. v. To be broken, KUGUMORi,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be in a crushed; to be weakened, impaired or state of chaos; without form and void. destroyed; to be discouraged, disheartKUGUNAWA, n. A small rope made of ened. straw. KujIKI,-ku,-t/, t. v. To break, impair, KUGURI,-U,-t/a, t. v. To stoop and or weaken, dislocate, sprain. KUJ 147 KUN KtJIRA, n. A whale. weave, twist, or knit together; to interKUJIRA-JAKU, n. A cloth measure, equal lace, intertwine; to lay hold of, or grapto one foot two inches of the Kanaza- ple, as a wrestler; to unite or join toshi, or fifteen inches English. gether in a company, to club or league KUJIRI,-r -tta, n. To pick, bore, or together. Kumi-au, joined together gouge. in one company, band, or firm; to have KuJIRI, n. A small curved knife, a gouge. hold of each other, as wrestlers; knit KLJI-ISHI, n. One who buys out the in- together, linked together. Kumi-'futerest of a party in a lawsuit,'and ap- seru, to throw in wrestling. Kumipears before the court to advocate it, a shiku, to throw or hold down another lawyer. in wrestling. Kumi-tateru, to conKUJI-YADO, n. An inn where only per- struct, to fit together and erect, as a sons who have lawsuits lodge. house; to frame; to plan. KumiKuKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To sew the edges of tsuku, to seize hold of each other, as two pieces together, so that the thread wrestlers. cannot be seen. KuM,-u,- -nda, t. v. To draw or dip KU-KETSU, n. Oral instruction, up, as water; to lade. KU-KI, n. The atmosphere, air. KuMI, n. A company, band, partnerKUKI, n. A mountain gorge, glen. ship, league, firm, club. Go-nin-gumi, KUKI, n. A stem. a company of five persons or families, KUKIYAKA, a. Clear, bright, fresh and into which the Japanese wards are subuntarnished in color. divided. KuKKIRI, adv. Clear, bright, fair, or KUMI-GASHIRA, n. The head of a comfresh in color. pany, a captain. KUKKIYO. Good, fit, excellent, eminent, KUMI-HAKARI,-rU,-tta, t. V. To measure; distinguished, illustrious, to estimate the capacity, form an estiKUKUME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To feed, to put mate of, appreciate. into the mouth of another-as a bird in KUMI-HIMO, n. Braid, plaited cord. feeding its young. KUMI-ITO, n. Silk-braid. KUKcuMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To hold in KUMI-jU, n. A nest of boxes, one fitting one's mouth. on top of another, for holding KUKUNAKI, n. The clucking of a hen. food. KUKURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To birfd, tie. KUMI-KAWASHI,-sU,-/a, t. v. To drink Kubi wo -, to hang by the neck. together, to pass the cup from one to KUKURI, n. Bound, limit, proper re- anothe. straint. Kuku-hakama, a kind of KUMI-KO, n. The members of a comtrowsers, full and tied at the knee. pany or club. Kukuri-makura. a pillow made of KUMI-TORI,-ru,-IIa, t. v. To guess, conmuslin stuffed and tied at the ends. jecture, divine. KUMA, n. A bear. - no i, bear's gall. KUMO, n. A cloud. -- ga deru, it is KUMA, n. Border, edge; the shading of clouding over. - no ashi, the appeara picture, a dark spot, blur, blemish. ance of rain falling in the distance. KUMA-BACHI, n. A large kind of bee. KUMO, n. A spider. - no su, a spider's KUMADE, n. A rake. web. KuMADORI,-ru,-Ita, t. v. To edge with KUMOI, n. The clouds, sky; the one colors. dwelling in the clouds - the Mikado. KUMAGAYERI, n. Asomersault. - wo u- KU-MON, n. An official document, or tsu, to turn a somersault, order. KUMIASHI,-su,-ia, caust. of Kumi, to KuMORI,-rU,-iia, t. v. To be cloudy, cause or let another draw water, dim, dusky. KUMASHI,-su,-ia, caust. of Kzumi, to cause KUMOSUKE, n. A low kind of chairor let another join, braid or plait. bearer, who frequents the great highKUMASHI. A manure made of rotten ways. vegetable matter. KuMo-sUKI, n. Projected against the KUMA-TAKA, n. A kind of falcon, or clouds, or horizon. black eagle. KU-MOTSU, n. Things offered to idols, KU-MEN, n. Pecuniary ability, means, such as rice, fruits, cakes. able to afford or raise money. - ga KUN, (kimi). Lord, master, prince; also yoi, to be well off, rich. - wa dekinu, a respectful title, - Mister. Kun-shi, cannot raise the money. the superior man, a gentleman. KunKUMI,-,,-nda, t. v. To braid, plait, shin, master and servant. KUN 148 KUR KU-NAN, n. Pain, trouble, hardship, af- KURAMI,-^nu,-nda, i. v. To grow or befliction, tribulation. come dark, to be dizzy. KUN-DOKU, (yomu). To read by trans- KURA-6I, n. A saddlecloth. lating the Chinese characters into Ja- KURASA, n. The state or degree of darkpanese. - suru, to read. ness. A KUNDZURU, t. v. To give the Japanese KURASHI,-su,-a, t. v. To pass or spend equivalent of a Chinese character. the time, to live. Asonde -, to spend KUNE, n. A wattled bamboo fence. one's time in idleness. KUNE-GUNESHII,-i,-ku, a. Spiteful, KURASHI, n. The means or manner of jealous; crooked. living. Hitori-gurashi, to live alone. KUNEMBO, n. A kind of large, thick- Sono higurashi no hito, one who lives skinned orange. from hand to mouth. KuNERI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be crooked, KURASHI-KATA, n. Mode or manner of bent; to be spiteful, jealous, to hate. living, livelihood, occupation. KUNI, (koku), n. Country, state, pro- KURA-SHIKI, n. Money paid for the vince. Kuni-dzume, residing on one's storage of goods, storage. estate. Kuni-kudzushi, a battering KURA-TSUBO, n. The seat of a saddle. ram. Kuni-yedzu, a map or chart of a KURAWARE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Kurai, to country. Kuni-zakai, boundary of a be eaten, to be bitten. state. KURAWASE,-ru.-ta, t. v. To make, or KU-NIU, n. A person who acts as a go- let another eat; to strike, hit. between, or introduces another, or acts KURAYAMI, n. Dark. as agent or broker. KURE, n. A stave. KuNJI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To send forth a KURE,-r,-ta, i. v. To set, go down, as perfume. Kunji-wataru, to perfume the sun; to darken, grow dim, be beall about. wildered. KUN-JU, - suru, to crowd together, to KURE, n. The setting, end, close. Hi flock together, assemble. no kure, the setting of the sun. Toshi KUN-TEN, n. The marks made in trans- no -, end of the year. lating Chinese to show the order in KURE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To give. Mite kure, which the characters must be rendered mite o kure, let me see it. Hanashite to suit the Japanese idiom. o kure, tell it to me. KUPPUKU, - suru, to submit, yield. KURE-GURE, adv. Over and over, again KURA, n. A fire-proof store-house, ware- and again, repeatedly. house. KURE-KATA, n. The evening, sunset. KURA, n. A saddle. Kura-bone, a sad- KURENAI, n. Pink, or scarlet color. die tree. KURE-TAKE, n. A kind of bamboo. KURABE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To compare, to KURI, n. The house near a Buddhist measure anything with something else. temple in which the priests live. KURAGARI, n. A dark place, darkness. KURI, n. A chesnut. - no ki, chesnut KURAGE, n. A species of medusa. tree. KuRAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Dark. Kura- KuRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To reel, to wind ku naru, to become dark. Kuraku on a wheel, to pass between two wheels, suru, to darken. or rollers, to roll, to gin cotton. KURAI, n. Rank, dignity, grade; the KuRI,-r,-tta, t. v. To scoop out, holImperial throne; kind, sort, manner, low, to excavate, to bore, as a canoe, way, quantity. Kono kurai, this kind, pump, or cannon. this way. Dono kurai, how much? in KURI-AGE,-ru-ta, t. v. To finish reeling; what way? how far? San riyogurai, to face about, to withdraw or retreat, about three riyo. to fall back, as an army. KuRAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To eat, devour, KURI-AWASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To slacken, to munch. or lengthen the strands of a loop so as KURA-KURA, adv. Dizzy, giddy, having to make it fit. (fig.) to take time from a sensation of whirling in the head. business, or adjust one's business, so as KURA-MAGIRE, n. Bewildered, owing to to get time for something else. the darkness; dark and not able to dis- KURI-BIKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To face about, tinguish anything, under cover of the retire or retreat. darkness. KURI-DASHI.-SU,-a, t. v. To wheel and KURAMASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To darken, march out, to march out in long files. cause to become dark; to blind, to im- KURIGE-UMA, n. A chesnut colored pose on, deceive, hoodwink. horse. KUR 149 KUS KURI-GOTO, n. Repeating the same story; wild, frenzied, mad, disordered in mind; talking often on one subject. to act irregularly; twisted, turned, or KURI-IRE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To turn or march warped from the true direction; to into, file into,-as an army into a castle. change, vary. KURI-IRO, n. Chesnut color. KURUI, n. Bent, warped, crooked; deKURI-ISHI, n. Pebble-stones, gravel. rangement. KURI-KANNA, n. A plane for grooving. KUR-I-KURU-TO, adv. Round and round, KURI-KAYE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To put one around. - mawaru, to go round and thing in the place of another, to ex- round change; to wheel and march back, to KURUMA, n. A wheel, a cart, waggon. make a reversed turn, unreeled. KURU-MAKI, n. A screw-press. KURI-KAYESHII-Su,-ta, t. v. To turn and KURUMA'-ZA, n. Sitting in a circle. go over again, to reverse the turn, to KURUMA-ZAKI, n. The punishment of repeat. Hon wo kuri-kayeshite miru, being broken on the wheel. to review a book. KURUME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To gather into a KU-RIKI, n. Virtue, power, efficacy. bundle, to bundle together. KU-RIN, n. A spire on the top of a tow- KURUMEKI,-u,-ita, i. v. To become er, having nine circular wheels. dizzy. KURI-WATA, n. Cotton that has been KURUMI. n. A walnut. cleaned of its seeds, ginned cotton. KURURI, n. A flail. KURI-YA, n. A kitchen. KURURI-TO, adv. Around. - mawaKURO, n. The banks or dykes between ru, to turn around, revolve. rice fields; a mound of earth, the ridges KURURU, n. The pivot on which a door of a field. turns or hinges. KURO. Black,-used only in comp. words. KURUSHII,-ki,-ku, n. Painful, distressKU-RO, n. Trouble, difficulty, care, con- ing, difficult; causing concern or anxcern, anxiety, toil. iety; toilsome. Kurushiku naru, to KURO-BIKARI. Black and shining, or become painful. Kurushi-karadzu, glossy. not painful, not difficult; to allow, perKURO-BRKU, n. A kind of black stone, mit. also black earth, or loam. KURUSHIME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To afflict, d:sKURO-DAI, n. A kind of black fish. tress, trouble, torment, persecute, KURO-GANE, n. Iron. grieve, worry, vex. KURO-GOME, n. Unhulled rice. KUKUSHImi-m-,- -nda, i. v. To suffer KUROI,-ki,-k,-shi, a. Black. Kuroku pain, affliction, distress, torment; to naru, to become black. Kuroku suru, grieve, worry; to toil, labor. to blacken. KURUSHIMI, n. Suffering, affliction, disKURO-MADARA, a. Spotted with black, tress, pain, toil, hard labor. piebald. KURUSHISA, n. The state or degree of KUROMASHI,-$U,-/a, t. V. To blacken. suffering. KURO-MATSU, n. Black pine, the Pinus KURUWA, n. An inclosure, area separatDensifloris. ed by an inclosure; prostitute quarters. KUROMBO, n. A black person, a negro. KURUWASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To cause, frenKUROME,-r,-ta, t. v. To blacken; to zy or madness. conceal, hide. KUSA, n. A cutaneous eruption. KUROMIu,-,-nda, i. v. To become KUSA, n. Grass, a plant. black. KUSABA, n. Leaf of grass. - no kage, KURORO, n. Black silk gauze. tle grave. KUROSA, n. Blackness. KUSABI, n. A wedge driven in to tighten KURO-TAMA, n. The iris and pupil of the a joint. eye, KISABIRA, n. A mushroom, toadstool. KUR6TO. n. One belonging to, or skilled KUSA-DZURI, n. The skirt of a coat ot in, the profession, business, or trade mail. spoken of. KUSA-GUSA. Many kinds, various subKURO-YAKI, n. Anything reduced to a jects. cinder, or burnt to a coal. KUSA-GIRI, n. Grass-cutting, weeding. KURO-ZATTO, n. Brown sugar. KUSAI,-ku,-vhi, a. Stinking, offensive to KURUBUSHI, n. The ankle bone, malleo- the smell, fetid, rancid, putrid. Kusalus. Uchi -, internal malleolus. Soto ku naru, to become putrid. —, external malleolus. KUSAME, n. Sneeze. - wo suru, to KURUI,-u,-ata, or utta, i. v. To be sneeze. KUS 150 KUT KUSAMI, n. A stinking smell, offensive KUSO-BUKURO, n. The large intestine. smell. KUS6DZU, n. Petroleum. KUSA-MOCHI, n. A kind of rice-bread KUssHI,-suru,-ta. To yield, submit, to made by mixing boiled yomogiwith the succumb, to give up. rice. Kusu, n. The camphor-tree. KUSA-MURA, n. A grassy place, grass- KusuBE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To smoke, to fuplat. migate. KUSARAKASHI,-SU,-ta. To cause to pu- KusUBORI,-ru, i. v. To be smoked, trify, to corrode, to make to slough, to smoky. cauterize. KUSUGURI,-ru,-tta, /. v. To tickle. KUSARAKASHI, n. Caustic, eschirotic, or KUsuGUTTAI,-ki,-ku, a. Ticklish. corrosive medicine. KUSUKI, n. The Quercus Serrata; deKUSARI, n. A chain. ciduous oak. KusARi,-ru,-tta, i. v. To putrify, rot, KUSU-KUSU-TO, ad. - warau, to laugh to be fetid, to stink, at one behind his back. KUSARI-KATABIRA, n. A shirt of mail KusuMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be quiet, made of rings interlaced. grave, sedate, or dull in manner; to be KUSASA, n. The stink, putridity, fetor, plain and simple, but rich, and chaste, rottenness. as a color; to be without ornament, but KUSASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To speak evil of, valuable and rare. depreciate, run down, detract, calum- KusuNE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To pilfer, steal. niate. KusuRI, n. Medicine, drug; gunpowKUSAWARA, n. A moor, prairie. der; the material used in glazing porceKUSA-YA, n. A thatched house. lain, enamel. KUSAZ6SHI, n. Paper-covered books; KUSURI-BAKO, n. A medicine chest. story books for children; the name of KUSURI-KIZAMI, n. A knife and block a kind of light, fictitious literature; used in cutting medicines. a novel, a pamphlet. KUSURI-NABE, n. A pot for making meKUSE, n. Habit, peculiarity of manner, dicinal decoctions. or of like or dislike, eccentricity; pro- KususHI, n. A physician, doctor. pensity, inclination, fondness for. Hito KususHII,-ki, -, a. Extraordinary, ni hito kuse, every one has some pecu- wonderful, strange. liar habit. KUTABARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To die. KUSE-GOTO, n. Offence, misdemeanor, KUTABIRE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be tired, fahypocrisy, perfidy. tigued, to become weary. KUSE-MONO, n. A suspicious-looking KUTABIRE, n. Fatigue, weariness. person, an impostor, deceiver, hypo- KU-TO, n. Reading and punctuating. - crite. wo kiru, to point or punctuate senKO-SEN, n. A balloon. tences. Ku-toshi, a teacher of the KUSHAI-KUSHA, adv. In a confused state, sounds of Chinese characters. in disorder. KUTSU, n. A shoe. Ufa no -, the lowKusHATsuKI,-ku-ita, i. v. To be con- er ends of the lines of a verse. Kutsufused, disordered. bake, shoe-brush. Kutsu-dzuni, shoeKUHI, n. A comb. - no ha, the teeth blacking. Kutsu-nug', the place where of a comb. shoes are taken off on entering the KUSHI, n. A skewer or stick of bamboo. house, on which fish or fruit are strung to dry; KU-TSU, n. Extreme pain either of mind a spit. or body, anguish, agony, distress. KUSHI-GAKI, n. Persimmons strung, and KUTSU-BAMI, n. The bit of a bridle. dried on a stick. KtrrSUGAYE,-ru,-ta. i.. To upset, capKUSHI-HARAI, n. A brush for cleaning a size, overturn; subverted, overthrown. comb. KUTSUGAYESHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To upset, KUSHIKO, n. Biche-de mer strung on a capsize, overturn; to subvert, overstick and dried. throw. KU-SHIN, n. Hard labor, toil. KuTSUGO, n. An ox-muzzle. KUSHIRO, n. A bracelet. KUTSU-KUTSU-WARAU, i. v. To laugh seKuso, n. Feces, dung, excrements. Me cretly, or in a suppressed manner, to -, a discharge from the eyes. Hana giggle. snot. Mimi, ear-wax. Ha -, KUTSU-MAKI, n. The wrapping near the tartar or sordes on the teeth. head of an arrow to fix it in its place. KUSO-BAYE, n. A green-bottle fly. KUTSUROGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To slacken, KUT 15I KUW loosen, free from tightness, to relax, to coming better, recovery from sickness, ease. restoration to health. KUTSUROGI,-gf,-ida, i. v. To be loose, KUWAI-GO, (atsunzari au). - suru, to slack; to relax, remit effort or attention; assemble, to meet together. to be at ease, free from anxiety. KUWAI-HEI, n. Coin, metallic money. KUTSUWA, a. A bridle-bit or the rings on _-kiyoku, a mint. each side of a bit. KUWAI-HO. Convalescing, growing betKUTSUWA, n. A prostitute house. ter in sickness. KUTSUWA-DZURA, n. The rein of a bri- KUWAI-JO, n. A circular, a letter circudle. lated. KUTSUWA-MUSHI, n. A kind of cricket. KUWAI-KEI, n. Accounts; receipts and KUTTAKU, n. Care, trouble, distress. - disburements of money. - ch/, an sure, to be anxious and troubled, to be account-book. - kata, an accountant, careworn. or one who has charge of the finances. KUWA, n. A hoe, mattock. KUWAI-KEN, n. A small sword or dirk KUWA, n. The mulberry, on which silk- carried in the bosom. worms feed. KUWAI-KI, n. Convalescence, restoration KUWA, n. Friendship, harmony, peace; to health. - iwai, a feast made to union, blending. - suru, to mix, unite, friends on recovery from sickness. blend. KUWAI-KOKU, (kuni wo mnepuru). To KUWA, n. Transformation, change, trans- travel, or go round the different promutation. - suru, to change, alter, vinces of the empire. transform, metamorphose. KUWAI-MEI, (atsumatte chikau). MeetKUWA-BIN, n. A flower vase. ing and binding each other with an KUWA-BOKU, (hana no ki), n. A flower- oath, leaguing together. ing tree. KUWAI-NIN, n. Being with child, pregKUWA-BUN, (bun ni sugiru). Beyond nancy. - suru, to be pregnant. one's deserts, more than one is worthy KtUWAI-RAISHI, n. A person who carries of, undeserving, unworthy. about a puppet-show. KUWADATE,-ru,-ta, /. v. To plot, to de- KUWAI-RO, n. A corridor, or gallery built vise, to scheme; to plan, contrive, con- round a house. coct, to conspire. KUWAI. RO, n. A small metal box for holdKUWADATE, n. A plot, plan, device, ing fire, carried in the bosom to warm scheme. the chest. KUWA-DEN, n. A melon-patch. KUWAI-SEN, (mawaru June), n. A KUWA-FUKU, n. Fortune and misfortune, packet-ship, a ship that trades from adversity or prosperity. port to port. KUWA-FUSOKU. Too much or too little, KUWAI-SIA, n. A company, association, excess or deficiency. - no nai yoni, especially a mercantile company. so that there may be neither too much KIWAI-SHO, (atsumari tokoro), n. A or too little. place for assembling to transact public KUWA-GON, (kotoba wo sugosu). Lan- business, a public hall, town-house. guage that violates propriety; intem- KUWAI-SHU, (atsumari no aruj'i), n., perate language. The head man of an assembly, meetKUWA-HAN, (hamzbun sugi), n. More ing, or party of pleasure; a chairman. than half, the greater part, the majori- KUWAI-TAI, n. Pregnant, with child. ty, the most. KUWAI-T6, n. The chairman or presidKUWA-H6, n. Retribution, the recom- ing officer of an assembly. pense or reward of one's deeds. KUWAI-YEN, n. Wine-party. a convivial KUWAI, n. A chapter, section. meeting. - suru, to make an enterKUWAI, (atsumari), n. A meeting, as- tainment. sembly. - suru, to assemble, meet to- KUWA-JI, n. A fire, conflagration. gether. shozoku, a fireman's uniform. KuwAI-BUN, n. A sentence or verse in KUWA-KI, n. Heat, caloric. which the words are the same, read KUWA-KIU, (i isogi). Great haste, urgent, either forwards or backwards; a circu- or pressing. lar. KUWAKKEI, n, Livelihood, way or expeKuWAI-CHIU, n. Inside of the clothing dients used for getting a living. covering the breast; the bosom. KUWA-KO, (sugzsaru). n. The previous KUWAI-CHIU, n. Worms in the stomach, state of existence; the past; the past KUWAI-FUKU, (yokiye kayeru), n. B tense in grammar. KUW 152 KUW KUWAKO-CH6, n. A register kept in Bud. KUWAN-Z6, (wasure gusa.) The day temples, containing the names of those lily, Hemerocallis. deceased persons for whom prayers are KUWAN-ZOKU, n. The title given, since to be said, arranged according to the the abolition of the Hans, to the Daiday of the month on which they died; miyos and their retainers, and also to also a family record of the nanres, the Kuge, who receive an annual penbirths, and deaths of one's ancestors. sion from the government. KUWAKU, n. The strokes of a character. KUWARARI-TO, adv. Fully2 thoroughly, KUWAKU, n, The box or hearse in which clearly. Yo a - aketa, it has become a coffin is placed. broad day-light. KUWAKU-RAN, n. Cholera morbus. KUWA-RIYO, n. A fine, mulct, penalty, KUWAKU-SHIPPC, n. Name of al scrofu- forfeit. lous disease of the joints. KUWA-SAN, n. A volcano. KUWAM-BAKU, n. An officer who formerly KUWA-SAI, (hi no wazawaz), n. Calamacted as the Prime Minister of the Mi- ity or loss from a fire. kado. KuwASE-ru,-ta. To cause or to let anKUWAM-MON, (seki no to), n. A gate on other eat, to feed. a public road, near a police station KUWA-SEI, n. The planet Mars. house, where persons and goods are in- KUWA-SEI, (kawari umareru.) Transspected, passports demanded, etc. formation or change of animal form. KUWAN, (yaku). Government office, KUWA-SEKI, (ishi ni kawaru), n. official; also the office where govern- Changed to stone, petrifaction. ment business is transacted. Kuwan- KUWA-SHA, n. A maid servant in a prosin, officials, government officers. Ku- titute house. wan-i, office and rank. Kuwan-roku, KUWA-SHI, n. Confectionary, sweetofficial salary. Kuwan-choku, official meats, fruit. Midzu -, fruit. duty, office. KUWASHI,-SU,-Ia. To give, or let anothKUWAN, n. A coffin. er eat. KUWAN, n. A ring, a drawer-handle. KUWASHI-BON, n. A small tray used for KUWAN, (yakata), n. A large house. holding fruit or sweetmeats. Sho-kuwan, a merchant's house. KUWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Minute, particuKUWAN, n. A string of iron cash con- lar, intimately. taining ten hundred; applied also to KUWASHI-YA, n. A confectionary shop. weight. Ikkuwan-mon, one thousand KUWA-SHU, n. Alcohol. cash. KuwA-sO, n. Cremation. - suru, to KUWA-NAN, (hi no wazawai), n. Calam- burn the bodies of the dead. ity, or misfortune caused by a fire. KIJWA-TAI, n. Punishment inflicted for KUWAN-CH6, n. An enema. - suru, to a breach of law or neglect of duty, a give an enema. - ki, a syringe. - zai, penalty. enema. KUWA-T6. Beyond one's desert, above KUWAN-KATSU, n. Jurisdiction, govern- what one's position entitles him to. ment, rule, administration. KUWATSU, (inochi,) n. Life. KuwatsuKUwAN-KE, n. Contributions for a tem- butsuz, living things, things having pie or religious purpose. -- suru, to life. make a contribution. KUWATSU-DATSU, n. Quick discernment, KUWAN-KEI, n. Concern, meddling with, clear judgment, great penetration. participating in; relating, appertain- KUWATSU-JI, n. A movable type. - ing to. ban, printed by movable type. - wo KUWAN-NIN, n. Clemency, liniency; be- uyeru, to set type. nignant, generous. KUWATSU-Y6. - suru, to use as a verb, KUWAN-NO-KI, n. A bar or bolt, for fas- to conjugate. tening a gate. KUWATTO, adv. In a sudden flash or KUWAN-ON, n. The goddess of mercy. blaze. - moye-tatsu, to blaze up sudKUWAN-RAKU, n. Joy and happiness, denly. pleasure. KUwAWARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be joined KUWAN-SU, n. An iron tea-kettle. to, added to, united with. KUWANTARU. The principal, chief, most KUWA-YAKU, n. Gunpowder. Kuwaimportant. Kuwan to suru, to regard yaku-gura, a powder magazine. as the principal. KuwAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To bite, to hold KUWANZEYORI, n. A string made of two in the mouth, or between the teeth. strands of twisted paper. KUWAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To add some KUW I53 MAB thing to another, to join, combine, be sorry for, regret, deplore, to feel unite, to augment. Chikara wo -, compunction. to help, assist. KUYAMI, n. Regret, repentance, sorrow, KUWA-YEN, n. A flame, blaze. remorse, compunction. KUWA-ZAI, U. Crime, transgression. KUYASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Producing sorrow, KUWA-ZOKU, n. Nobility, grandees, aris- repentance, or regret; lamentable. tocracy. Kuyashiku omn, to regret. KUW6-DAI, (Kiroku binaru). Great, ex- KuYASHIGARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To feel retensive, vast. gret, sorrow, or penitence, to be disapKUwo-DO, n. The ecliptic. pointed. KUWO-GEN, n. Talking largely, boast- KUYASHISA, n. The state or degree of ing, vaunting, pompous. - wo haku, repentance, regret, remorse, sorrow, or to boast, to talk pompously. compunction. KuW6-IN, n. Light and shade,. e. time. Ku-YO. - suru, to make offerings to - wo tsuiyasu, the waste time. the gods, to the spirits of the dead, or KUW6-MIYO, n. Glory, splendor, halo. to the priests. Hi no -, the glory of the sun. KUYOKU, n. Camomile flowers. KUW6-SEN, n. Hades, the place of the KUYO-KUYO, adv. Anxiously brooding dead. over anything. KUW6TEI, n. Emperor. KUYURASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To burn slowKU-YAKU, n. The Old Testament. - ly and emit smoke, to smoke. Tabako zen shit, the old testament scriptures. wo -, to smoke tobacco. KU-YAKU, n. Public service, labor ex- KuvuRI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To burn slowly acted by the government from far- without blaze, to smoulded, to smoke. mers. KU-ZETSU, n. A dispute, or quarrel, as KuYAMI,-mU,-nda, It. v. To repent, to between husband and wife. M MA, n. A room; interval of time or MA-BI, (aida no hi), n. Intervening, or space; leisure, opportunity. Ma-nai, intercurrent day. without interval, incessantly. - mo MABIKI,-ku,-it&, t. v. To thin out, to naka, but a short time. Ma-ma kore make less close, crowded or numerous. ari, sometimes it is so. Ko wo -, to commit infanticide. MA, n. A demon, evil spirit, devil. Ma- MABISASHI, n. An eye-shade, the frontdo, infernal doctrines. Ma-jutsu, dev- let of a helmet. ilish arts, sorcery. Ma-kai, the region MA-BImYSHI, n. Time, or measure in where evil spirits dwell. music. MA. Just, true; perfectly, exactly. Ma MABOROSHI, n. A phantom, optical illuni ukeru, to take to be true, - to be- sion. lieve. Massakasama, exactly upside MABU, n. A mine from which ore is down, exactly reversed. Ma-aomuke, dug. face turned exactly upward. Ma-higa- MABU, n. A paramour, lover. ski, exactly east. MABUCHI, n. The edges of the eye-lids. MA, adv. Yet, still, more. Ma hitotsu, MABUKA-NI, adv. Eyes deeply shaded, one more. Ma sukoshi, a little more. or set deep in the head. MAA. Exclam. of entreaty or satisfac- MABURE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Smeared or daubtion. Maa yoroshii, well, that will ed with any thing, sprinkled. Haido. mabure, covered with ashes. ChiMABARA, adv. Dotted, scattered, not mabure, smeared with blood. close together. A4me ga - ni furu, MABURIu,,-tta, t. v. To sprinkle over, the rain fell in scattered drops, to smear, daub. MABAYUI,-ki,-ka,-shi, a. Dazzled, over- MABUSHI,-SU,-/a, t. v. To sprinkle over, powered by too strong a light. to smear, daub. 7* MAB 154 MAG MABUSHI,-ki,-ku, a. Dazzling, over- MADE, post-ios. To, until, till, even to, powering by too strong a light, as far as to. MABUTA, a. The upper eyelid. MADO, n. A window. - no ko, bars of MACHI, n. A street, a town, a ward. a window. - buta, window-shutter. MACHI, n. A gore let into a garment. MADOI,-o,-ott, i. z. To be led astray, MACHI,-tSU,-tta, t. v. To wait, to stay, to wander from the right way, to err, to to expect, look for. Machi-au, to wait be deluded, misled, beguiled, bewilderfor each other, to wait by appointment. ed, perplexed. Machi-akasu, to wait the whole night, MADOI, n. Delusion, error, illusion, deto wait until morning. Machi-awase- ception. ru, to wait for another by appointment. MADoI,-,-otta, t. v. To make up a loss, Machi-kakeru, to lie in wait for, to to indemnify, to make good, to pay as watch for. Machi-kaneru, to wait surety. impatientty for, hard to wait for. Ma- MAD6o-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Long, prolix, chi-kurasu, to wait the whole day, or spun out, tedious. any indefinite time; to live waiting for. MADOI, n. Sitting in a circle, or ring. Machi-mokeru, to get ready in ex- MADOKA, n. Round, circular. pectation of, to be prepared for and MA-DORI, n. The arrangement of rooms wait. Machi-tsukeru, to lie in wait in a house, plan of a house. for, watch for. Machi-ukeru, to MADOROI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Slow, tardy, wait and receive, to wait for the com- procrastinating, dilatory, tedious. ing of any one, as guests; to await, to MADOROMI,-MU, i. v. To doze, to drowse, expect. Machi-wabiru, to wait anx- fall into a short nap. iously for, or in loneliness; to long for MADowASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To lead astray, the coming. cause to err or wander from the right MACHI-AI, n. A waiting house, public- way; to delude, beguile, mislead, dehouses in which persons wait for, or ceive. meet with, each other by appointment. MADZU, adv. First, in the first place; MACHI-BUGIYO, n. Mayor of a city. however, still. MIadzu yoroshii, howMACHI-BUSE, n. Lying in wait, or in ever it will do. ambush.. MADZUI-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Disagreeable or MACHI-D6I,-ki,-ku, a. Long in coming, unpleasant to the taste, nasty. long delayed, seeming long deferred, MADZU-MOTTE, adv. First, in the first waiting impatiently. place. MACHIGAI,-au,-tta, i. v. To mistake, to MADzsHII,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Poor, destimiss, to err, to be different, to be at tute, needy. fault, to blunder. MADZUSHISA, n. The degree, state or MACHIGAI, n. Mistake, error, fault, blun- condition of poverty. der, miss. MAGAI,-au,-ita, i. v. To imitate or reMACHI-GAI-SHO, n. A town hall or office semble, simulate, to be confounded where public business is transacted. with. MACHIGAYE,-r,-ta, t. v. To mistake, MAGAI, n. Imitation, resemblance. Kinmiss. magai, imitation of gold. Bekko-maMACHI-MACHI, a. Many and different, gai, imitation of tortoise-shell. various, diverse. MAGAI-KAWA, n. A kind of oiled paper MACHIU, n. Mox vomica. made in imitation of leather, stamped MA-CHITTO, adv. Just a little, but a lit- and ornamented with various patterns, tie. used for making tobacco pouches, walMACHI-YA, n. The houses in a street or lets, etc. town. MAGAKI, n. A fence made of bamboo. MADA, adv. Still, yet; with a neg. verb, MAGA-MAGASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Unfortunot yet. Mada konu, not yet come. nate, unlucky. Mada hayai, yet early, too early. MAGANE, n. Iron. MADAKI, (imtada akezaru,) n. Early, MAGAO, (makoto no kao,) n. A sincere before daylight, beforehand, already. countenance, a straight face, a full MADARA, a. Spotted, dappled, marked face. with different colors. MAGARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be bent, MADARUI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Tardy, slow, crooked, not straight; morally crooked, dilatory, taking time, tedious, perverse, depraved. MADASHIMO. Still, yet, rather, better, MAGARI, n. A bend, corner. preferable. MAGARI-GANE, n. A carpenter's square. MAG I55 MAI MAGARI-KADO, n. The bend or corner MAGURE,-r,-la, i. v. Perplexed, beof a road. wildered; to be deranged, confused. MAGARI-MICHI, n. A crooked road. Magure-komu, to be greatly perplexed, MAGASHIRA, n. Inner canthus of the eye. or bewildered. MAGAWASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To imitate, MAGURE-ATARI, n. Hit at random, hit counterfeit, or cause to resemble, to by a chance-shot; a chance-guess. make like. MAGURO, n. The Bonito. MAGAYE,-rt,-ta, t. v. To make in imi- MA-GUSA, a. Grass, provender, horsetation, to counterfeit, simulate. feed. MAGE, n. The Japanese cue. MA-GUSO, n. Horse-dung. MAGE,-rU,-ta, /. v. To bend, to crook; MA-GUWA, n. A harrow. to do reluctantly, to do though averse MAHI, (shibireru). - suru, to be or loath to do it. numb, paralyzed, devoid of feeling or MAGE-MONO, n. Round boxes, such as sensation. pill-boxes, made by bending wood. MA-HIRU, n. Noon, midday. MAGETE, ad>. Reluctantly, unwillingly, MAHO, n. A sail squared to the wind. averse or loath to do. MA-HO, n. Sorcery, magic arts, conjuraMAGIRAKASHI,-SU,-/a, t. v. To cause to tion. - tsukai, a conjurer, sorcerer, be undistinguishable or undiscernible; magician. to obscure, hide, to conceal, mystify, MAI, a. Every, each. Mai nichi, every disguise. day. Mai-do, every time, often. MaiMAGIRAWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Imitating, mai, often, frequently. counterfeiting, or resembling the ap- MAI,-au,-Ia, t. v. v. o dance or move pearance, form, or manner of something the body to music. else; disguising; confused, obscure. MAIBA, n. A reel. MAGIRE,-rU,-ct, i. v. To be undiscern- MAI-BITO, n. A dancer. ible, or undistinguishable, because of MAI-FUKU, n. An ambush. - suru, to being like, or resembling something lay in ambush. else; to be confounded with, blended MAI-GINE, n. An implement used for with. Mlagire-komu, mingled, con- pounding grain in order to clean it. cealed, or diguised with other things so MAI-GIRI, n. A drill. as to be undistinguishable. MAI-GO, n. A child that has wandered MAGIRE, n. Disguise, concealment, mis- away from home, lost child. - fuda, take, error, obscurity. - nashi, no a ticket attached to children, having obscurity. their parents' name and place of resiMAGIRE-MONO, n. A thing made in imi- dence inscribed on it, so that when lost tation of a genuine article, counterfeit; they may be restored to their a spy. homes. MAGIRI,-ru,-tta, i. V. To tack or beat, MAI-HADA, n. The inner bark of the as a ship sailing against the wind. hi no ki, used as oakum for caulking MAGIRI-GAWARA, n. The keel of a ship. boats. MA-GIWA, n. Just on the point of time MAIKAI, n. The Rosa rugosa. when one is about to do anything, the MAI-KAZE, n. A whirlwind. time near or bordering on any event. MAI-KIYO. - suru, to specify, enumerMAGO, n. Grandson, grandchild. - mu- ate. sume, granddaughter. MAI-KO, n. A dancing girl. MAGO, n. One who leads or attends on MAI-MAI-MUSHI, n. A small insect which a pack-horse. moves about on water. MA-GOKORO, n. True, sincere, without MAI-MAI-TSUBURA, n. A snail. deception or hypocrisy. MAI-NAI, n. A bribe. - wo tsukau, to MAGO-MAGO, adv. Moving about in a bribe. confused or perplexed manner. MAIRADO, n. A door made with crossMAGO-NO-TE, n, An instrument in the pieces of wood at narrow intervals. shape of a child's hand, used to scratch MAIRASHI,-SU,-/a, /. v. To present, to the back with. give or send to a superior, to offer to MAGOTSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To move the Kami. about in a confused, uncertain, or per- MAIRI,-ru,-ta, i. or t. v. To go, to plexed manner; not knowing what to come, to go to a temple for worship; to do. take, (as food, but only when speaking MA-GUCHI, n. The front dimensions of a of others); also an auxiliary verb, same house. as Yuku, = can, or neg. cannot. MAI 156 MAK MAI-SU, n. A hypocritical or avaricious MAKE-KACHI, n. Lose and win, defeat priest. or victory. MAJI, n. A south-west wind. MAKE-OSHIMI, n. Extenuation, or palMAJI,-ki,-ku. A n g. affix to verbs, liation made for being defeated; dislike having a future or dubitative mean- to be out-done by others. ing. Iu-majiki koto, a thing that MAKI, n. Firewood. should not be said. MAKI, n. A kind of fir tree. MAJIKAI,-ki,-kuu,shi, a. Close by, near MAKI, n. The numeral for volumes of a in space, time, or relation. book. MAJI-MAJI, adv. Dull, listless. MAKI, n. Pasture ground for horses, MAJIME. Grave, sober, serious in man- a park, game preserve, pasture land. ner. MAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To sow, to sprinkle. MAJINAI,-au,-tta, t. v. To charm, to scatter. Maki-chirasu, to scatter bind by a spell; to exorcise, bewitch. about, to sprinkle about, to squander. MAJINAI, n. A charm, spell, enchant- MAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To wind around, ment. to turn round; to bind, to roll up, to MAJIRAI, n. Friendship, fellowship, in- curl. Maki-ageru, to roll up. Makitimacy. kayest, to roll or wind in an opposite MAJIRI.-rU,-/ta, i. v. To be mixed, direction, or by reversed turns, to unmingled, alloyed, blended together; to roll. Maki-komu, to roll or wind one be confused. thing within another. Maki-tsukeru, MAJIRI, n. External canthus of the eye. to bind one thing to another by windMAJIROKI,-ku,-ita; i. v. To wink, to ing many turns of thread around them. blink. MAKI-AMII, n. A seine. MAJIWARI,-ru,-/a, i. v. To associate, MAKI-FUDE, n. A pencil having the hair to be intimate, keep company with, to secured to the handle with thread. be friendly with; mixed, mingled toge- MAKI-GAMI, n. Paper used for letters, ther. kept in long rolls. MAJIWARI, a. Intimacy, friendship. MAKI-GARI, n. Hunting by surrounding MAJIYE,-,-,-ia, t. v. To mix, mingle, a large district, and gradually driving blend together, to confuse. the animals to the centre. MAKAGE, n. Eye-shade. MAKI-JIKU, n. The round stick on which MAKANAI,-au,-tta, t. v. To furnish pro- pictures are rolled. visions, provide food, to board, to pur- MAKI-MONO, n. Pictures that are kept vey, to furnish with lodgings, or accom- rolled up, not hung up; roll of silk. modations. MAKI-ROKURO, n. A capstan, windlass, MAKANAI, a. Board, entertainment, pully. food, provisions. - kata, the person MAKI-TABAKO, n. A cigar. who boards or furnishes food to others, MAKI-WARA, n. A bundle of straw used a purveyor, a butler, steward. - riyo, as a target. expense of board. Hom-makanai, MAKI-WARI, n. An axe used for splitting full board. Han-makanai, half board. fire-wood. MAKARI,-ru. To go, return, take leave, MA-KIYE, n. Gold lacquered. - shi, a to die. person who paints gold lacquer. MAKASE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To commit to MAKI-ZOYE, n. Implicated, or involved the will or disposal of another, to in trouble through the offence of anleave, to- trust, to give in charge, to other. - ni au, to be involved. entrust. MAKKAI, a. Deep red. MAKASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To cause to lose MAKKAKU. True, or pefectly square. in a game or contest; to defeat, con- MAKK6. Directly over the head. quer, beat, vanquish. MAKKURA. Very dark, pitch dark. MAKASHI,-SU,-ta, caust. of Maki. To MAKKURO. Deep black. cause another to sow, or sprinkle; to MAKOMO, n. A kind of rush, used in cause another to wind, or bind. making coarse bags and mats. MAKE,-ru,-/a, i. v. To lose in a game MAKOTO, n. Truth. or contest, to be defeated, conquered, MAKOTO-NI, adv. Truly, really, indeed, vanquished, to give up, to yield; to sincerely; correctly. cheapen, to lessen the price; to be MAKOTORASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Truth-like, easily affected by, susceptible of. having the appearance of truth, speMAKE-IRO. The appearance of defeat, cious, plausible. signs of giving way. MAKOTOSHIYAKANI, adv. Making a show MAK 157 MAN of truth, having the appearance of be- MAMMA-TO, adv. Well, readily, easily; ingotrue, plausibly, speciously, without impediment or difficulty. MAKU, n. A curtain. MAMORASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Mamoru. MAKURA, n. A pillow. To order or cause another to protect, MAKURA-BIY6BU, n. A small screen placed watch, or guard. near the bed. MAMORi,-ru,-tta, t. v. To guard, to MAKURA-YE, a. Obscene pictures. watch, keep, defend, protect, preserve, MAKURi,-rU,-ta, t. v. To roll up. take care of; to rule over. MAKURI, n. A purgative medicine much MAMORI, n. Guarding, watching, proused in children's complaints. tection, defence, keeping, care; charm, MAKUWA-URI, n. Muskmelon. amulet. Mamori-bukuro, a bag in MAKUYA, n. A tent. which charms are kept and worn around MAMA, n. State, condition, manner, way. the neck. Mamori-katana, a small MAMA, n. Boiled rice. sword or dirk, carried secretly to defend MAMA, n. A wet-nurse. one's self. MAMA-CHICHI, n. Stepfather, foster- MAMPACHI, n. A lie. father. MAMPITSU, n. Miscellaneous writings. MAMAGOTO, n. Children's tea party, MAMPUKU, n. A fill! stomach. played with wooden cups and saucers. MAM-PUKU (yorodzu no saiwaz). Ten MAMA-HAHA, n. Stepmother, foster-mo- thousand blessings. ther. MAMUKI. Directly opposite. MAMA-KO, n. Step-child. MAMUSHI, n. The name of a poisonous MAM-BEN (michi amaneshi). Every- snake, a viper. where, all over. MAN. Ten thousand, a myriad; all, MAMBIKI, n. A shoplifter, thief, pilferer. every. - ni hitotsu, ten thousand to MAME, n. A bean, pea. - no saya, one if, peradventure. bean-pod. - no ko, bean flour. - MANABASHI, n. The chop-sticks.used in gara, empty bean-pods. dressing fish. MAME, n. The small blister formed on MANABI,-b,-nda, t. v. To learn, to practhe hands or feet by hard work or badly tice, to imitate. fitting shoes. MANAITA, n. A board for cutting or MAME. Honest, virtuous, strong, robust, cleaning fish on, a chopping-block. hale, healthy; active, busy. MANAJIRI, n. The external canthus of MAME-MAKI, n. The ceremony of scat- the eye. tering parched beans about the back- MANAKO, n. The eye. rooms of a house to drive out evil MANE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To do like, to imispirits, on the last evening of the old tate, mimic, mock, copy after, to ape, year. personate. MA-METSU. Defaced, marred, obliterated. MANE, n. Imitation, mimicry, copying MAMEYAKA, a. Robust, hale, active, after, personation. prompt, quick in doing, faithful, con- MANEKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To beckon, to stant. call, invite. Maneki-atsumeru, to call MAMEZ6, n. A juggler. together, to invite to assemble. MAMIGE, n. The eyebrow. MANEKI, n. Beckoning, invitation. MAMIRE,-rU,-ta, i. v. Smeared, daubed, MANEKI, n. The lever by which the bedaubed. Chi-mamire, besmeared reeds of a loom are raised and lowered. with blood. Doro-mamire, bedaubed MANGACHI. Wanting all that one sees, with mud. greedy and selfish. MAMIYE,-yuru. To go to see, have an MAN-GETSU, n. The full-moon; the audience with, to meet or visit; only tenth month, or full time of utero-gesused of persons of high rank. tation. MAMIYE, n. An interview, meeting or MAN-GUWAN, n. The completion of the audience with a person of high rank. time set apart for making a vow or MAMIYESHIMI,-mu, To cause to visit, to prayer. introduce. MA-NI-Ai-,au,-tta, i. v. To suit, to do, MAMMAKU, n. A silk curtain, hung be- to answer the purpose, to be in time, to fore the door of persons of high rank. hit the opportunity. MAM-MAN, adv. Spreading far and wide, MA-NI-AI, n. A kind of plain wall-paper. as the ocean. MA-NI-AWASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To cause to MAMMARUI-ki,-ku',-sti, a. Perfectly suit, to make do, or answer the purpose. round. MAN-ICHI, adv. Ten thousand to one; MAN 158 MAS if, providing that, supposing, should MARE, a. Rare, strange, uncommon; there be. scarce, extraordinary. AIare - mare, MANIH6JU, n. A round ball representing seldom, rarely. Mare - ni, seldom, a pearl, held in the hand of Buddhist rarely. idols. MARI, n. A ball, foot-ball. Te-mari, MAN-JU, n. A round cake made of wheat hand-ball. flour and cooked by boiling, a dump- MAROBI,-bu,-nda, i. v. To fall and roll ling. over. MAN-KI, n. Arrogance, pride, haughti- MAROKASE, n. A round ball. ness. - suru, to be arrogant proud. MAROTO, n. A guest, visitor. MAN-KIN-TAN, n. The name of an ano- MARU, n. A circle; the name given to dyne pill. the different divisions of a castle; a tiMAN-KIVO-FU, n. A convulsive disease tie, or name for ships, for swords, or the of children. Japanese flag. MAN-NAKA, n. The centre, middle. MARU-BACHI, n. A kind of bee. MAN-NEN-GAMI, n. A thick kind of pa- MARU-BON, n. A round tray. per varnished and used as a slate. MARU-DE, adv. Wholly, entirely, altoMA-NO-ATARI, adv. Before one's eyes, gether. in one's presence. MARU-HADAKA, n. Stark naked. MAN-RIKI, n A windlass, capstan. MARU-GOSHI, n. Going without the MANROKU. Level, even, horizontal, sword, unarmed. MAN-SAKU, n. A full or abundant crop. MAiuI,-ki,-k,-,-shi, a. Round, circular, MAN-SEI. Chronic. - kinshd, chronic globular. Maruku suru, to make inflammation. round. Maruku naru, become round. MAN-SHIN, n. Arrogance, pride, haughti- MARU-KI, n. A round log. Marukiness. bashi, a bridge made with a round log. MANSOK6. Adhesive plaster. Maruki-bune, a boat made out of a sinMANUKARE,-ru,-a, t. v. To escape, gle tree, a canoe. avoid, evade; to be pardoned. MARUME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To make round. MA-NUKE, n. Blundering, missing the MARUMERO, n. The quince, Cydonia time and occasion. -- me, stupid fel- vulgaris. low, dunce. MARU-NE, n. Sleeping in one's clothes. MA-NUKI,-ku,-ia, t. v. To take any- MARU-NOMI, n. A round chisel, or thing from between others where there gouge. are too many, or too close together, to MARU-NOMI, n. Swallowing whole. - ni thin out. suru. MA-NURUI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Slow, dila- MARUSA, n. The degree of roundness. tory, idle. MARUTA, n. A round log. MAN-YETSU. Full of joy, perfect happi- MARU-TOSHI, n. A whole year. ness. MASAGO, n. Sand. MAN-ZA, n. Whole assembly. MASAKA, adv. Directly, straightway, imMAN-ZAI (yorodzu no tos/i), n. Ten mediately, positively. - no toki, the thousand years, used in congratulating critical time. others; also, strolling ballet singers MASAKARI, n. A broad axe. and dancers, who go about at the be- MASAKI, n. The Evonymus Japoniginning of the new year. cus. MAN-ZARA, adv. Not wholly, not en- MASAME, n. A small green bean. tirely,-always used with a negative. MASAME, n. The straight grain of wood. - waruku mo nai, not as bad as MASAME, n. Before one's eyes. might be. MASANAI,-ki, - ku,- ski, a. Improper, MAN-ZOKU. Fully or completely satis- wrong, unbecoming. fled, complete, perfect. - ni omo, to MASA-NI, adv. Near in time or action, feel satisfied. just, almost, about, exactly. MAO, n. The flax from which grass cloth MASARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To excel, surpass, is made. outdo; to be superior, more excellent, MA-OTOKO, n. A paramour, a lover. better; to increase, become greater. MAPPADAKA. Stark naked. MASASHII,-ki,-ku, a. True, real, certain, MAPPIRA, adv. Earnestly, importunately. sure, positive. - gmen kudasare, earnestly beg you MA-SATSU. n. Friction, attrition. to excuse me. MASA-TSUCHI, n. Soil that has not yet MARA, n. The membrum virile. been worked, virgin-soil. MAT 159 MAS MASA-YUME, n. A true dream, a dream MATAGI,-gu,-ida, t. V. To straddle, to which comes to pass. step over. MASEGAKI, n. A fence made of bamboo MATAGURA, n. The crotch, groin. placed upright. MATA-ITOKO, n. Second cousin. MA-SHAKU, n. Proportion, measure. MATASE,-rU,-ta. To cause another to MASHI,-SU,-ta. A respectful colloquial wait. suffix to the roots of verbs. MATATABI, n, The Trochostigma polyMAsHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To increase, to aug- gama. ment, to add to, make greater. MATATAKI,-k/u,-a, t. v. To wink, to MASHI, adv. Better, preferable. flicker as a candle, to twinkle. MataMASH-ASHI,-SU, i. v. To dwell, to sit, taku-rna, in a twinkling, in an inused only of the Mikado and Kami. stant. MASHIN,. Measles. MATA-UKE, n. A second security or MASHITE, adv. How much more? still bondsman,-one who is surety for a more. surety. MASSAKASAMA, adv. Upside-down, MATA-WA, conj. Again, besides, moreheadlong. over, furthermore, likewise. MASSAKI, adv. The very first, the fore- MATE, n. The solenensis. most. MATO, n. A target. MASSAO, n. Deep blue, livid. MATOBA, n. A place for target-shooting. MASSE, (suye noyo). n. Last times, or MATOI, n. A kind of ensign made of paages. per and carried at fires. MASSHIKURA-NI, adv. Riding furiously. MATOIl-O, —ta, t. v. To twine around, MASSHOMEN, a. Directly in front, to wind around, coil around, to wrap MASSUGU, a. Straight, not crooked, di- round with clothes, to clothe, array, enrect. robe. Jlatoi-tsuku, to twine around, MASU, n. A wooden box used as a mea- wind around, coil round. sure for liquids, or grain, etc., a box MATOMARI,-ru,-/ta, i. v. Assembled-toused at the angles of water-pipes. gether, collected, gathered. MASU, n. A salmon (?) MATOME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To collect, to MASUGATA, n. The space between the gather together, to assemble, bring toouter and inner gates of a castle. gether. MASUI, n. Anodyne, narcotic, anaesthe- MA-TOMO, adv. Right aft, directly astern, tic. - suru, to be narcotized, or in a also; directly towards one, or in front. state of anaesthesia. Masui-zai, nar- MATOWARE,-ru-ta. To be twined around, cotic medicine. encircled, as by a vine. MASUKAGAMI, n. A large mirror. MATOWARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. Twined around, MASU-KAKI, n. A stick used in leveling wound around, encircled, coiled around. the top of a measure. MATSU, n. Pine. - no ki, a pine tree. MASU-MASU, adv. More and more, still - noyani, pitch. more, increasingly. MATSU, n. Fine powder. MASUME, n. Measure. MA-TSUCHI, n. Loam, good soil. MASURAO, n. A strong and fearless man, MATSU-DAI, n. Future ages, latest gena hero. erations. MATA, adv. Again, likewise, moreover, MATSU-GANE-K6, n. A kind of pomatum also. - oide nasare, come again. Ma- used for the hair. ta-miata, again and again' repeatedly. MATSUGE, n. Eye-lash. Saka-matsuge, MATA, n. The crotch of the legs, a entropium. crotch, fork. MATSU-GO, n, The end of life, the time MATABURI n. A hook used at fires, or to just before death. catch thieves with. MATSUHODO, n. Pachima. MATA-DONARI, n. Next neighbor but one. MATSU-JI, n. A branch temple, a temple MATA-GAI, n. Buying second-handed. which is an offshoot from a honji, or MATA-GARI, n. Borrowing at second- main temple. hand. MATSUKASA, n. A pine-bur. MATAGARI,-rU,-tta, i. v. To sit, or stand MATSU-MUSHI, n. A kind of cricket. astride of anything, straddling, bestrid- MATSURAI,-O, /. v. To wear, to put on, ing; to span, as an arch; to extend as clothes; to clothe. across. MATSURI,-ru,-t//, t. v. To offer sacriMATAGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To step over or fices, to worship, to celebrate religious across, to straddle, to sit across, services. MAT I60 ME MATSURI, n. A religious festival, or cele- MAYE-DARE, n. An apron. bration, a fete. MAYE-GAMI, n. The forelock of hair. MATSURIGOTO, n. Administration of pub- MAYE-GARI, n. Drawing money before it lic affairs, government. - wo suru, to is fully due. govern, to administer public affairs. MAYE-KADO, n. Former or previous thing. MATSURAI,-au, i. v. To submit, become MAYE-KAKE, n. An apron. subject, yield to authority. MAYE-KAKI, n. A kind of hoe. MATSU-TAKE, n, A kind of edible mush- MAYE-KATA. adv. Before, previously. room. MAYE-KIN, n. Advance-money, earnestMATTADANAKA, a. The centre. money, or the money paid in adMATTAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Whole, com- vance. plete, entire, perfect; sound; gentle. MAYE-MOTTE, adv. Beforehand, preMattaku suru, to complete, make per- vlously. fect. - uma, a sound horse. MAYE-OKI, n. Anything said as an introMA-UTSUMUKE, n. Face directly down- duction, prelude, or preface to the main ward. - ni taoreru, to fall with the subject. face to the earth. MAYE-USHIRO. Before and after, before MAWARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To go round, to and behind, front and rear. turn round, to revolve, circulate, rotate, MAYE-WATASHI, n. Money paid beforespin round, whirl. hand, earnest-money, bargain-money. MAWARI, n. A turn, revolution; circum- MAYOI,-,-tta, i. v. To be bewildered, ference; a period of seven days, in tak- confused, perplexed; infatuated, lost, ing medicine. Mi no -, the clothing. given up to. MAWARI-AWASE, a. Luck, fortune. MAYOI, n. Perplexity, bewilderment, MAWARI-BAN, n. A watch, in which each maze. one takes his turn. MA-YOKE, n. Anything that will keep MAWARI-D6I, - i,-si, - ku, a. Round off evil spirits. about, circuitous, not direct, prolix, MA-YORI, n. The hard mucus which collengthy, tedious, dilatory, slow. lects about sore eyes. MAWARI-D6OR, n. A lantern with a re- MAYORU, n. Midnight. volving shade. MAYOWASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To delude, MAWARI-GUWAI, n. A meeting, or party mislead, beguile, to lead astray, to which meets at different places in charm, fascinate. turn. MAYU, n. The eyebrows.,Mgyu-ai, MAWARI-MAWARI-NI, adv. By turns. the space between the eye-brows. MaMAWARI-MICHI, n. A circuitous road. yu-dzumi, ink used for blacking the MAWASHI,-su,-ta. t..v. To turn, to turn eye-brows. Mayu-gashira, the end round, to wheel, whirl, spin, to circu- of the eye-brows near the nose. Mayulate. ge, the hairs of the eyebrows. MayuMAWASHI,-U,-ta, (caust. of Mai). To hake, a brush used in powdering the make dance. Saru wo -, to make a face. Mayu-shiri, the outer end of monkey dance. the eyebrow. MAWASHI-MONO, n. A spy. MAYU, n. Silk-worm's cocoon. MA-WATA, n. Floss silk. MAYUMI, n. The Evonymus thunberMAWATASHI, n. The cross strips on gianus. which laths are tied for plastering. MAZE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To mix, mingle, MA-YAKU, (shibire-gusuri,) n. Narcotic blend, to adulterate. medicines, anaesthetics. MAZE-KAYESHI,-SZ,-a, t. v. To speak MAVAKASHI,-su,-a, t. v. To cheat, de- ironically, to confuse or bewilder. ceive, to hoax, to gull. ME, n. The eye; vision. - no tama, MAYAKASHI, n. One who obtains money the ball of the eye. by cheating, or trickery; a knave, jug- (2.) The teeth of a saw, grater, or gler, cheat, swindler. file; the furrows cut on a mill-stone. MAYE, n. Before, front, former, pre- (3.) The joint or seam where two vious; proper quantity, portion, or things, as paper or boards, are united. share. Chawan junin a aye, tea-cups (4.) The meshes of a net; the space for ten men. between the threads of anything woven, MAYE-BA, n. The front or incisor teeth. or between the sticks of a basket. MAYE-BI, n. Day before, previous day. (5.) The grain or veins of wood. MAYE-BIRO-NI, adv. Beforehand, pre- (6.) The graduated marks on a weighviously. ing-beam, on a measure, or on a ther ME I6I MEI mometer; the marks on dice, the ence of, or interview with, a superior squares of a checker-board. officer. (7.) Used to specify or particularize; MEDzURASHII,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Rare, unas, Ichi-ban-me, the first one; Nido- frequent, unusual; singular, strange,;ne, the second time; MIikka-me, the extraordinary, remarkable, curious, odd. third day. Medzurashiku nai, not strange. (8.) After contemptuous epithets; MEDZURASHISA, n. Rareness, singularity, as, Yatsu-mne; Koitsu me. strangeness. (9.) Affair, accident. Hidoi-mne ni MEGA,. A female deer, a doe. alta, met with cruel treatment. AMe ni MEGAIE,-ru,-ta, t. V. To single out, to atta, met with an accident. keep the eye on, to mark, notice. ME, n. A female, woman, wife. Me wo ME-GAMI, n. A female divinity, a godmetoru, to marry a woman. (2.) The dess. female of animals or birds. Me-ushi, MEGANE, n. Spectacles. a cow; me inu, a bitch. Mendori, a MEGANE-SHI, n. An optician. female bird. MEGE,-ru,-a, i. v. To be broken, ME, n. A bud-of a leaf or flower, a crushed, to be deeply affected by. sprout, or young shoot. Ki no me ga MEGUMI-,-,-nda, t. v. To show kindderu, the trees are budding. ness, to pity and aid, to do good to, ME, n. A kind of edible sea-weed. bestow blessings. ME-AKASHI, n. A spy, secret police- MEGUMI, n. Kindness, blessings, beneman. ficence, mercies, grace, benevolence, ME-ATE, n. The object. aim, purpose, good will, favor. design, intentio; also that to which MEGUMIu,- u-nda, i. v. To bud, to one looks for hel~ or direction. sprout. ME-AWASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To give in mar- MEGURAsHI,-S,-ta. To make go round, riage, to give to wife. to turn, to cause to circulate, revolve; ME-BAJIKI, n. Leonurus sibiricus; to revolve in the mind, ponder over, to motherwort. set a-going. ME-BARI, n. Pasting paper over a crack MEGURi,-ru,-ta, t. v. To go round, to or joint. revolve, circulate, to rotate; to go or ME-BATAKI, n. Winking, flickering, travel about. Meguri-au, to meet each twinkling. other when away from home. ME-BAYA,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Sharp-sighted, MEGURI, n. Turn, round, revolution, quick-sighted. circuit, rotation; vicinity; catamenia. ME-BAYE, n. A sprout, a young shoot. MEGUWASE,-rU,-ta, t. a. To wink at, to MEBUKI-u,-,ita, i. v. To bud, sprout. give a signal by winking. ME-BUN-RIYO, n. Judging of the weight, MEGUWASE, n. Hinting, or giving a or measure of anything by the eye. signal by winking. ME-DACHI,-tSU,-tt/, i...To attract at- ME-HASHI. - ga kiku, quick to perceive, tention, to be conspicuous, to be showy, thoughtful, attentive. - ga kikanai, gay. careless, heedless. MEDAKA, n. A very small kind of fresk- MEI, n. Name; famous, celebrated, rewater fish. nowned, eminent, illustrious. - ba, a MEDAKE, n. A kind of bamboo. celebrated horse. - butsu, a famous ME-DAMA, a. The ball of the eye. article. - i, an eminent physician. ME-DARUI,-k,-ku,-h,-z, a. Eyes tired or - ka, an illustrious house or family. or fatigued by looking. - ken, a famous sword. - saku, an ME-DASHI, n. Sprouting, germinating. article made by a celebrated maker. MEDATAWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Anything - san, a famous product of the soil, or which attracts observation, or the eyes of manufacture. - hitsu, a famous of others; showy, gay. penman. - sho, a celebrated place. MEDE, MEDZURU, i. v. To love, admire, MEI, a. Life, fate, destiny; command, to be fond of. order, decree. Mei-rei, command, orMEDETAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. To be congrat- der. Mei-sz2 the years of one's life. ulated, joyful, happy, fortunate. O me- MEI, n. A niece. Mei-muko, niece's deto gozarimasu, I wish you joy, I husband. congratulate you. Afedetaku nai koto, MEI-DO, n. Hades, the invisible world, an unlucky event. region of the dead. MEDOGI, a. Divining sticks. MEI-DO, (nari ugoku). - suru, to send ME-DORI, n. Admission into the pres- forth a sound and shake. MEI 162 MEM MEI-FUDA, n. Alabel or ticket bearing qualities of any work of art, or of silk, the name of the article. tea, etc. lMekiki-sha, a connoisseur, MEI-HAKU, a. Clear, plain, evident; an inspector. just, honest, open, frank, fair, candid; MEKKACHI, n. Blind cf one eye, a oneabove-board, without concealment, eyed person. Banji - ni suru ga yoi, it is best to MEKKI, n. Plated with gold. - wo be honest in everything. suru, to plate with gold. ME-ISHA, n. An oculist. MEKKIRI, adv. Exceeding, very. — saMEIJI,-dzuru,-ta, t. v. To command, mukunatta, has become very cold. order, give instructions to a servant, to ME-KUBARI, n. Overseeing, superintenddecree. ing, or watching many things. MEIJI,-dzuru,-ta, t. v. To engrave, or MEKUBASE, n. Winking or making signs inscribe, with the eyes. MEI-JITSU, (miyi-nichi,) adv. To-mor- MEKUGI, n, A rivet. row. MEKURA, n. A blind person. MEI-KAN, (akirakanaru kagami,) n. ME-KURAMASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To blind The clear mirror, = just balance, just hoodwink, to cheat, impose upon. judgment. ME-KURAMASHI, n. A juggler, one who MEI-MEI, jiron. Each one separately, performs sleight of hand tricks. each by himself, each and all, every MEKURA-UCHI, n. Striking, or shooting one. at random. MEI-NICHI, n. The day of the month, MEKURI,. A kind of game played with or year in which a person's death is cards. commemorated. MEKURI,-rut,-/ta, t. v. To peel off, strip MEIRI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be given up to off, tear off, to uncover. drink, or drunkenness. MEKURI-FUDA, n. Playing cards. MEI-SAI. - ni, minutely, particularly. ME-KURUNMEKI,-ku, i. v. To be lightMEI-SHI, (na-kotoba,) n. A noun, or headed, dizzy, vertiginous, giddy. stubstantive. ME-KUSO, n. Gummy discharge from MEI-SHU, (chikai no nushi), n. The per- the eyes. son set up as chief, leader, or head of a ME-MAGIRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To have the company, whom they swear to obey. sight confused, blurred, or indistinct, MEI-TEI. Intoxicatel, drunk. as by too strong a light. MEI-WAKU, n. Trouble, embarrassment, MEMAGURUSHII,-kz,-ku, a. Troublesome, perplexity, quandary, annoyance. annoying, as children by noise and runMEI-YAKU, n. An oath, covenant, agree- ning. ment. ME-MAI, n. Dizziness, vertigo, giddiMEI-YO, n. Good reputation, high es- ness. teem, honor, renown. MEN-BIR6DO, n. Cotton velvet. MEJIKA, n. A doe. MEM-BO, n. A veil. MFJIRUSHI, n. A sign, mark, signal, bea- MEM-BO, n. A wooden rolling-pin. con. MEM-BOKU, n. (fig.) Face, countenance. ME-KADO, n. Sharpness of sight or per- - ga nai, to be out of countenance, ception. — ni orareru, to be marked, ashamed, crestfallen. - wo ushinau, singled out, or detected. - wo tsu- to lose face, to be humiliated, mortikeru, to detect or mark. fled. - wo hodokosu, to put in counME-KAGO, n. An open-worked basket. tenance, to encourage. MEKAKE, n. A concubine, mistress. MEMESHII,-ki,-,-h,-Zi, a. Woman-like, ME-KAKUSHI, n. Blind-men's buff, a womanish, feminine, weak, timid. board-screen, the blinds of a bridle. MEMMA, n. A mare. ME-KAO, n. Expression of the face or MEM-MITSU. Fine in texture; minutely, eye; grimace, or signs made by the eye particularly; carefully. or face. MEMOSUI, n. Chloroform. MEIARI,-rZ,-shi, t. v. To be weary of ME-MOTO, n. Near the eye; the expreslooking at. sion of the eye. ME-KARI, a. A gatherer of sea-weed. MEMPI, (tsura no kawa), n. The skin MEKASHI,-SU,-ta. To make a foppish or of the face; fig. the face, countenance, dandyish appearance; to put on the - wo kaku, t9 be ashamed, to be put appearance of, to make a show of. out of countenance. MEKATA, n. Weight. MEMI-PUKU, n. Clothing made of cotME-KIKI, n. Expert in judging of the ton. MEN 163 MES MEN, n. A mask. MERIYASU, n. Any knit work; gloves; MEN, (kao), n. The face, surface. Ichi the name of a tune. -, the whole surface. Nin-men, a ME-R6, n. A contemptuous epithet for a human face. Kai-men, the surface of woman. the ocean. ri-men, the face of the ME-SAME,-rU,-ta, i. v. To awake from ground. Men-men, each one, every sleep, to come to one's self, to have one's one. Men-sO, physiognomy. Men- eyes opened. dan, talking face to face. Men-tei, MESARE,-rU,-Ia, pass. of AMeshi. To be the features or form of the face. called, sent for, summoned, ordered; MEN, (nengu), n. Tax on the products to wear, to put on, to dress. of the farm. MESEKI-AMI, n. A net with fine meshes. ME-NARE,-rU,-ta, i. v. Used to, or ac- MESHI, n. Boiled rice. Alugi —, boiled customed to seeing anything, to know wheat. - doki, meal-time. Meshiby sight. bitsu, a rice box. Meshi-tsugi, a rice MEN-CHI, n. Land exempted from taxes. tub. MEN-DO. Troublesome, difficult, irk- MESHI,-S,-a, t. v. To call, send for, some, requiring time and care. summon, cite, to order. MENDORI, n. A female bird, a hen. MESHI,-SU,-La, t. v. To wear, to put on ME-NEKO, n. A female cat. - no sanyo, dress, to dress. mental arithmetic. MESHI-AGARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To take MENJI,-dzuru,-ea, t. v. To allow, ex- food, to eat. cuse, forgive, exempt; to remit, dis- MESHI-AGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To take away, pense with; abate, as punishment; re- take possession of, seize, to levy, to move from office. confiscate. MEN-J6, n. A written permit, a license; MESHI-ATSUME,-ru,-/a, t. v. To call or diploma, commission. summon together. MEN-KEN. To be dizzy, giddy, light MESHI-BUMI, n. A subpena, a written headed, to be salivated, summons, or citation. MEN-KIYO, n. Permission, sanction, cer- MESHI-DASHI,-su,-/a, t. v. To call forth, tificate, license; a diploma. - suru, to call out into public service, to apto permit, authorise. point to office. MENO, n. Agate. MESHI-GUSHI,-SU, t. v. To take along ME-NO-KO-ZAN, n. Reckoning by count- with, as servants or attendants. ing on the fingers; mental arithmetic. MESHI-HANASARE,-ru,-t, i. v. To be MENOTO, n. A wet-nurse. Menoto-go, expelled from office, to have one's esa child suckled by a wet-nurse. tate or salary taken away. MEN-RUI, n. Foodmade of wheat flour. MESHII, n. A blind person. MEN-SEN, n. A cotton rug. MESHI-J6, n. A written summons to MEN-TEN, n. Cotton velvet. court, a subpena. MEN-TSU, n. A wooden box carried by MESHI-KAKAYE,-ru,-/a, t. v. To appoint beggars, for keeping food in. to office, to take into service. MEN-YO, n. A sheep. MESHI-MONO, n. Clothes. MEN-YO-NA, a. Strange, bewildering, MESHI-MORI, n. Hotel servant girls. astonishing, surprising. MESHI-SOME, n. The first dressing in the ME-o, n. Male and female. Kamsishimo, or clothes of ceremony. ME-OBOYE, n. Memory of something ME-SHITA, n. Inferiors, persons of low which one has seen. rank. ME-ONI, n. The person who is blind- MESHI-TAKI, n. A cook. folded in blindman's buff. MESHI-TORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To arrest, to ME-OTO, (fufu,) n. Husband and wife. seize, as a criminal; apprehend. MEPPARIKKO, adv. Face to face, spoken MESHI-TSUKAI, n. A servant. of two persons talking together alone. MESHI-TSURE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To take MEPPO. Unreasonable, absurd, exorbi- along with, as a servant or attendants. tant, outrageous. - na yatsu, a des- MESHI-UDO, n. A prisoner, criminal. perado. Meifempkai, outrageous, pre- MESHI-vosE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To summon posterous, monstrous, absurd. or call tog^ther, to call near. MERI, n. Deficiency in weight or quan- MESO-K. KI,-ku,-ita, (or meso wo kaku), tity. i. v. To prepare to cry, to be on the MERI-KOMI.. u,-nda, t. v. To be defi- point of crying. cient in weight or quantity; to cave in, MESSO. Outrageous, extravagant, exorto indent. bitant, atrocious. MES 164 MIB MEssHI,-suru,-ta, (horobiru,) i. v To MEZO, n. The eye of a needle. die, to finish, to perish, to destroy, ex- Mi, n. A shallow basket used for cleanterminate. ing rice. MESU, n. Female of birds, or animals. MI, n. Fruit, seed, nut; anything proMEsu-osu, n. Male and female; gen- duced by a tree, grass, etc. - wo muder. subu, to bear fruit. ME-TATE, n. A saw-sharpener, a repair- Mi, n. The body; person, one's self; er of the teeth of a grater, or of mill- station or condition of life; the blade stones, of a sword or knife; the body of a box METCHA, n. The marks left on the face or cup, in distinction from the lid; by small-pox; confused, disordered, flesh, meat. jumbled together. Mi. Three. METE, (migi no te,) n. The right-hand. Mi, per. i ron. I,-only used by supeMETE-ZASHI, n. A dagger worn in the riors in speaking to inferiors. Mi-domo, belt on the right side. we. On mi, you,-used in speaking to METORI,-ri,-tta, t. v. To marry a wife. inferiors. ME-TSUBO, n. The orbit of the eye. Mi, a. The snake, one of the twelve METSUBO, n. Destruction, ruin. calendar signs.- Mi no toki, ten o'clock ME-TSUBURE-DAKE, n. A puff-ball the A.M. Mi no tsuki, the fourth month. dust of which is poisonous to the eyes. MI. A term of honor or respect prefixed ME-TSUBUSHI, n. Anything thrown into to words relating to the Kami or Mithe eyes to cause blindness. kado. ME-TSUKE, n. A public censor, or spy. Mi. A prefix, meaning deep, great; as, ME-TSUKI, n. The expression of the Mi-yuki, a deep snow. eye. MI, n. Taste, flavor; a numeral for METTA. Reckless, indiscriminate, heed- medicine. Bi-mi, pleasant taste. Samless, thoughtless, random. mi, sour. Ichi-mni no mono, a friend, METTA-NI,adV. Carelessly, heedlessly, one of the same mind or party. without just cause or reason used in M,-ru,-ta, t. v. To see, look at, pera negative sentence, with the meaning ceive, to feel; with other verbs has the of seldom, infrequent, rarely. - nai, meaning of trying, attempting, endeanot often, seldom. - konai, seldom vor. Tabete mite kudasare, taste and comes. see what it is like. Miyaku wo miru, ME-YAMI, n. Sore eye, disease of the to feel the pulse. Nete mite mo neraeyes. renai, he tried to sleep but could not. ME-YANI, n. A gummy or mucous dis- Shite miru, to attempt o rry to do. charge from the eyes. MI-AGARI, n. - suru, to be irritated, MEYASU-BAKO, n. A box placed before angry, provoked. the gate of a court-house into which MI-AGE,-ru -ta, t. v. To look up at. petitions or complaints are thrown by MI-AI, n. Secretly getting a look at. any one. MI-AKI,-ku,-ia, i. v. To be tired of MEYASU-GAKI, n. A summons or writ- looking at, to loathe the sight of. ten citation to parties in-a suit to appear MI-ATE, n. Example, rule, copy. before the magistrate. MI-AWASE,-ru,-ta, t. V. To look out MEYASU-GATA, n. The magistrate or for, to look and ascertain, to see about; judge who tries a lawsuit. to leave off, let be, cease; to look at MEZAMASHI, n. Awakening from sleep. each other. -tokei, an alarm clock. MI-AWASHII,-SZ,-ta, t. v. To join toMEZAMIASHII,- ki,-ku. a. Awaking the gether in marriage. attention, wonderful, astonishing, ap- MI-AYAMACHI,-tSU,-tta, t. v. To mispalling. take in seeing, to see incorrectly. ME-ZASHI, n. A small fish dried by MI-BA, n. The looks, show, appearance. stringing them on a stick passed through MI-BAYE, n. Growing wild, as a plant, the eyes. or growing from the seed. ME-ZASHI.-SU,-ta, t. a. To fix the eyes MI-BIIKI, n. Selfishness, self love. on, to aim for, to direct the attention MI-BUN, n. Place, social position; conto. dition, rank, or station in life. ME-ZATOI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Easily awak- MI-BURI, n. Carriage, deportment, manened, not sleeping soundly. ners, action or motion of the body, ME-ZAWARI, n. In the way of the eyes, gesture. obstructing the view, offensive to sight. MI-EURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To imitate, as MIB 165 MID sume the part of, as in a play; to ges- MI-DOKORO, n. Something noticeable, or ticulate, to deport one's self. worthy of observation, remarkable. MI-BURUI, n. Shaking, trembling or MIDORI, n. Green color. shivering of the body. MIDORI-GO n. An infant. MICHI, n. A road, way (fig.), the right MIDORO. Smeared over with; as, Chiway, truth, principles, doctrine, teach- midoro, smeared with blood. Ase-miing, duty, office, function, art. - no doro, covered with sweat. be, side or vicinity of a road. - no MIDZU, n. Water. ki, a road-book or journal of one's MIDZU-ABI, n. Bathing with cold water. travels. Michzi-nori, length of a road, MIDZU-ABURA, n. The oil made from journey. Michi-shirube, a way-mark, rape-seed. a guide. Michi-sugara, while in the MIDZU-AGE, n. Unloading goods from a road. ship or boat. MiCHI,-tsuru or ru,-ta, i. v. To be full, MIDZU-AI, n. The junction of two fill up or occupy the whole extent, to streams of water. be complete. MIDZU-AME. n. A kind of syrup or jelly MICHI-BATA, n. The side of a road. made of malt. MICHI-DZURE, n. Fellow traveler, com- MIDZU-ASAGI, n. A light blue color. panion on a journey. MIDZU-BANA, n. Mucous discharge from MI-CHIGAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To see and the nose, as in catarrh. mistake, or not know, not to recog- MIDZU-BARE, n. A watery swelling, dropnize. sical swelling. MICHI-GUSA, n. Sporting or playing by MIDZU-BUIK, n. The Euryale ferox. the way, loitering. MIDZU-BUKURE, n. A water-blister, bleb, MICHI-HI, n. Ebb and flow of the tide. or vesicle. MICHI-KAKE, n. The waxing and wan- MIDZU-BUKURO, n. The air bladder of ing of the moon. fishes. MICHI-MICHI, adv. While in the way, or MIDZU-BUNE, n. A vat, trough, or box on the road. for holding water; a water-boat, or a MICHISHIKI,-kU, a. Full, filled, boat which supplies ships with water. MICHI-SHIWO, n. Flood tide. MIDZU-CHO, n. A land register, or reMICHI-SUJI, n. The line of a road, pub- cord containing charts, plans, the quallic ways. ity, ownership and rate of taxes, of all MICHI-WATARI,-rU,-/ta. Filling every the land held by the peasantry. place, spreading over. MIDZU-DEPPO, n. A squirt. syringe. MI-DAME. One's own interest, self-in- MIDZU-DOKEI, n. A clepsydra. terest. MIDZU-DORI, n. A water fowl. MIDANUKI, n. The name of an animal. MIDZU-FUKI, n. A utensil for watering MIDARA-NA, n. Acting disorderly, or plants, a watering-pot. contrary to propriety, order or rule; MIDZU-GAKI, n. A picket fence. arbitrary. MIDZU-GIWA, n. Edge of the water. MIDARE,-rU,-ta, i. v. Disturbed, disor- MIDZU-G6RI, n. Cleansing the body with dered, thrown into confusion, excited water, as in some religious ceremonies. to tumult, agitated. MIDZU-GURUMA, n. A water-wheel. MIDARE, n. Disturbance, excitement, MIDZU-GUSA, n. Grass, or weeds growing disorder, confusion, tumult, in the water. MIDARE-IRI,-rU,-tea, i. v. To enter in MIDZU-GUWASHI, n. Fruit. confusion or tumultuously, to go in MIDZt-HIKI, n. A fine cord of white and helter-skelter. red color, made of paper, and used for MIDARI-NI, adv. Disorderly, arbitrarily, tying up presents; a curtain before the irregularly; not in accordance with stage of a theatre; letting out water law, order, propriety, or custom. from a channel for irrigation, by openMlDASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To derange, throw ing an embankment. into disorder, to disturb the regular MIDZU-IMO, n. Chicken-pox. order, to break down, confuse, to de- MIDZU-IRE, n. A vessel for holding waprave, corrupt. ter. MI-DASHI,-s,-ta, t. v. To find by look- MIDZU-IRO, n. A light blue color. ing for, to discover, descry. MIDZU-JAKU, n. A rod, or line for meaMI-DATE, n. Appearance calculated to suring the depth of water, a log. strike the eye, or arrest attention; MIDZU-KAGAMI, n. Water used as a mirshow, display, looks. ror. MID I66 MIH MIDZU-KAGE, n. The shadow of any- ways wet and boggy, and which cannot thing in water, or reflection of water. be drained. MIDZUKt.U,-aa,. v. To water animals. MIDZU-TADE, n. Water-cress. MIDZ'U-KAKE-RON, n. A quarrel or dis- MIDZU-TAMA, n. Crystal, or quartz; also, pute in which each recklessly incrimin- drops of water or spray. ates the other. MIDZU-TAMARI, n. A puddle of water. MIDZU-KAME, n. A water jar. MIDZU-TAME, n. A rain-tub, a cistern MIDZU-KANE, n. Quicksilver, mercury. for holding water. MIDZUKARA, pers. pron. By or of one's MIDZU-TORU-TAMA, n. Crystal, quartz. self; it may mean, myself, yourself, MIDZU-UMI, n. A lake. himself, herself, according to its connec- MIDZU-UMI. n. The pustules of smalltion. pox. MIDZU-KIN, n. A bribe or present made MIDZU-YA, n. A seller of water, a washto one from whom a favor is expect- stand. ed. MIDZU-YOKE, n. A breakwater, or any MIDZU-KASA, n. The volume or quan- structure for defending the banks of a tity of water. river against the current. MIDZU-KE, n. Moisture, dampness. MIDZU-ZEME, n. Torture by water. MIDZU-KEMURI, a. The mist which rises MIGAKI,-ku,-i/a, t. v. To make to from water. shine, to polish, burnish, to rub up; to MIDZUKO, n. A new-born infant. brighten; to refine, purify, make more MIDZUKOSHI, n. A filter. elegant. MIDZUJ-KUGURI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To dive MIGAKI, n. Polishing, burnishing. under water. MIGAKI-KO, n. Polishing-power. MIZDU-KUROI,. Adjustingone'sclothes. MI-GAMAYE, n. Posture, or position of MIDZU-KUSA, n. An exzematous erup- the body, as in fencing. tion about the mouth of children. MI-GARA, n. The kind or quality ofperMIDZU-KUSAI,-ki,-ku, a. Raw or fresh son-either physically or socially. taste; insipid, lukewarm; unfeeling, MI-GATERA, adv. While looking at. false-hearted, insincere. Shibai wo mi-gatera mnono wo kai ni MIDZU-MIDZU-TO, adv. Fresh and beau- yuku. tiful; having a fresh, young, and un- MI-GATTE, n. One's own convenience or faded look. pleasure, self-indulgence, selfishness. MIDZU-MONO, n. A fluid, liquid. MI-GAWARI, n. Taking the place of anMIDZU-MORI, n. A water-level. - nawa, other, a substitute. a plumb-line. MIGI, n. Right; aforesaid, above-menMIDZU-NA, n. A kind of greens. tioned. - no te, right hand. - no ho, MIDZU-NAWA, n. A line used in leveling right side. or measuring ground. MIGIRI, n. A stone pavement, or wall; MIDZU-NOMI, n. A cup for drinking wa- the right; time, period of time. ter. - hiyakuszho, a farm-laborer. MI-GIWA, n. Edge of the water, shore. MIDZU-NO-TARU. Smooth, shining, and MIGO, n. The stem on which the grains beautiful,-like the Surface of water, of rice grow. MIDZU-NO-TE, n. The supply of water. MI-GOMORI, n. Pregnant, with child. MIDZUNOTO, n. One of the ten calendar MI-GOROSHI, n. Letting one die without signs. rendering assistance. MIDZUNOYE, n. One of the ten calendar MIGoTO, a. Beautiful, handsome, pretsigns. ty. MIDZU-NUKI, n. A drain for draining off MI-GURUSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Ugly, offensive standing water, to the eyes, homely. MIDZU-OCHI, n. The pit of the stomach. MIGUSHI, i. The hair of the head. MIDZU-SAKI, n. A ship's pilot. oroshi, one who shaves the head and MIDZU-SASHI, n. A pitcher. retires from public life. MIDZU-SEKI, n. A dam. MI-IABA, n. The width of a dress. MIDZU-SHIME, n. A female servant. MI-HADZUSHI,-s-,-ta, t. v. To overlook, MIDZU-SUJI, n. A vein of water, as in miss seeing. digging for a well;' currents in the MI-HAKARAI.-aU,-atta, i.. To judge of, ocean. or estimate by the eye. MIDZU-SUMASHI, n. An insect which MI-HARASHI,-su,-/a, t. v. To look at a moves about on the surface of water. prospect or distant objects from a MIDZU-TA. n. Rice-fields which are al- height. MIH 167 MIM MI-HARASHI, n. A wide or extensive view, MI-KIRENU. Cannot be wholly seen, too a parapet. much for the eye to see at once. Umi Mi-HARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To look out and ga hirokute me ni mikirenu, the watch what is passing, to stare. ocean is so wide it cannot be all seen at MI-HARI, n. A look-out, or station- once. house. MI-KIRI,-ru,-ta,. v. To settle in one's MI-HIRAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To discover, mind to see no more. lay open, or disclose something con- MI-KIWAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To decide cealed. on, settle in one's mind, take good aim MI-mRE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To charm, bewitch, at. fascinate. MIKKA. The third day of the month, MI-IRI, a. The bearing of fruit, the qual- three days. ity of the fruit, the crop. MIKKEI (hisokana hakarigoto). A secret MI-ITOKO, n. The grandchild of a cou- plot, conspiracy. sin, a third cousin. MIKKUWAI (hisokani atsumaru). A seMIJIKAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Short, not cret meeting. long. MIKO, n. A woman who pretends to hold MIJIKAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To shorten, communication with the gods and the abridge. spirits of the dead, and to tell fortunes; MIJIKASA, na The shortness, the length. a fortune-teller, witch. MIJIMAI, n. Dressing, attiring, adorning MIKO, n. A prince or son of the Mikado. the face and head,-in the manner of Hime miko, a princess. women. MI-KO. Three strands. - ito, thread MIjIME, n. Cruelty, abusive treatment. of three strands. MIJIMAKU, n. Looking after or minding MI-KO, n. Triplets. only one's own interests. MI-KOMI, n. Opinion, judgment, estiMI-JIN, n. Fine dust, smallest particle, a mate, view, supposition; shape or form mite, a piece. as taken in by the eye. MIJIROKI,-ku, i. v. To shrink back in MI-KOMi,-mu,-nda, t. v. To see into or fear, to draw back, to flinch, to start in perceive clearly, to reckon upon, estialarm. mate. MI-JUKU. Not yet ripe; imperfect in MI-KONASHI,-su,-a,, t. v. To run down, learning, or skill; green, inexperienced. depreciate, disparage, detract. MI-KADo, n. The Emperor. MIKOSHI, n. The sacred car, in which MIKA-DZUKI, n. The moon as seen on the mirror, the paper, or the idol, which the third day, new moon. represents the Kami, is taken out in MI-KAGIRI,-ru,-tta, i. V. No longer able processions and festivals. to endure the sight of, no longerwilling MI-KosHI,-xu,-ta, t. v. To look over anyto see, to discard. thing intervening; to foresee, to perMIKAKE, n. Appearance, looks. ceive future events. MI-KAKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To lay eyes on, MIKOTO-NORI, n. An order or command to see, to meet. of the Mikado. - suru, to comMI-KAKE-DAOSHI, n. Anything different mand. from what it appears, false or deceptive MIKO-YOSE, n. Inquiring of a witch or appearance. fortune-teller. - wo suru, MI-KAN, n. An orange. MI-KUBIRi,-,-ra,-/, t. v. To despise, MI-KATA, n. A friend; one of the same contemn. army, side, or party, our side. MI-KUDARI-HAN, n. A bill of divorceMI-KAWASHI,-s,-ta, t. a. To exchange ment,-so called from its being always glances, to look at and recognize. written on three lines and a half. MI-KAYE,-rU-/a, i. v. To look back, MI-KUDASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To look down; look behind; to change the object of to despise, look down on, contemn. one's admiration for something else. MI-KUDZU, n. Rubbish floating in waMI-KAYESHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To regard ter. again with favor something which one MI-KUJI, n. Divining sticks, used in temhad rejected or disliked. ples to learn the mind of the Kani. MIKEN, n. The space over the nose be- MI-KUSA, n. Sea-weed; any grass growtween the eyebrows. ing in water. MIKI, n. Sake offered to the Kami. MI-MAGAI,-au, or j, t. v. To mistake one MIKI, n. The trunk of a tree. thing for another, to confound different MI —KKI, n. Seeing and hearing. things. MIM I68 MIO MIMAI, —au,-ata, i. v. To condole with, MI-NAGE, n. Drowning one's self. to make a visit of sympathy to one in wo suru, to commit suicide by drowntrouble. ing. MIMAI, n. A visit of friendship, con- MINAGI, n. A kind of water plant. dolence, or sympathy. MINAGIRI,-r, i. v. To rise and swell, as MI-MASHI, n. Best-looking, the pretti- waves; to surge. est. MINAGIWA, n. Water's edge. MI-MAWARI,-ru,-tta,, v. To go about MINA-GOROSHI, n. Putting all to death, looking, to go around on watch, to look extermination by the sword. around. MINAKAMI, n. The head-waters, founMI-MAWARI, n. Looking around, going tain-head, source, origin. around as a watchman. MINAKUCHI, n. The openings made for MI-MAWASHI,-S, - ta, t. v. To look water to flow out of, as in the banks of around. rice-fields or ponds. MIME, n. The countenance, face. MINAMI, n. The south. MI-MEGURl,-ru,-tta, i. v. To go about MINAMOTO, n. The fountain-head, the looking. head or source of a river. MI-MEI, (imada akedzu), n. Before the MI-NAOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To look over dawn of day. again, in order to find or correct. MIMI, n. The ear; the selvedge of cloth, MI-NARAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To look on list. and learn, learn by seeing. MIMICHII,-k, a. Attentive to business; MI-NARE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To get used to active or diligent in one's business, in- seeing, to be accustomed to anything dustrious. by often seeing it. MIMI-DARAI, n. A basin with ears,-to MI-NARI, n. The dress, clothing, delift it by. portment. MIMI-DARE, n. A discharge of pus from MI-NASHI, n. Fancy, whim, freak, capthe ears. rice of the sight. MIMIDZU, n. A red earth-worm. MINASHIGO, n. An orphan. MIMIDZUKU, n. A kind of owl. MINASOKO, n. The bottom of water, of MIMI-GAKUMON, n. Learning acquired by the sea, or river. the ear. MINATO, a. Harbor, port, or mart. MIMI-GANE, n. Ear-ring, ornamentsworn MINAWA, a. The foam of water. in the ear. MINE, n. A mountain peak, ridge of a MIMI-KAKI, n. An ear-pick. mountain. MIMI-KOSURI, n. Whispering in the ear. MI-NIKUI-ki,-ku,-shzi, a. Ugly, homely, MIMI-KUSO, n. Ear-wax. hard or difficult to see. MIMISHII, n. A deaf person. MINO, n. A rain-coat made of hemp. MIMI-TABU, n. The lobe of the ear. MI-NOGASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To see but let MIMI-TAKE, n. A mushroom which pass; to overlook, to take no notice of. grows from the trunk of a dead tree. MI-NOKORI.-ru,-tta, i. aI. Remaining MIMOCHI, n. Conduct, behavior, deport- over unseen, overlooked. ment; pregnancy. MI-NOKOSHI,-,-Sta, t.. To leave unMIM-PEI, n. Soldiers from the common seen, to overlook. people; militia. MINOMUSHI, n. A small kind of worm; MI-MUKI, n. Looking towards. - mo a mob or rising of the farmers against sedzu, would not even look towards the government. him. MINORI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To bear fruit; to MIN, (lami), n. The people. Min-ka, head, or ear, as grain. the houses of the common people. MINORI, n. The bearing of fruit, the Min-sei, people, a democratic goverr- heading, earing of grain, the crop. ment. MI-NUKI,-ku,.ita, i. v. To see through MINA, n. A kind of river-shell, like the the future and comprehend coming Eulima. events, foresee, to see through. MINA, adv. All, everything, the whole. MINUSA, n. Paper hung up in a Miya. Mina-mina, all, everyone, the whole. Mmo, n. A channel in shallow water Mina-sama, all of you. through which a boat or ship may MINADZUKI, n. The sixth month. pass. MI-NAGASHI, n. Letting anything pass MIO-GUI, n. A graduated post planted without noticing, seeing but taking no in shallow water to show the height of notice of. the tide, or mark the channel. MIO 169 MIT MIO-JIRUSHI, n. A buoy or post for show to others as an example or warnshowing the channel. ing. MI-OKURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To see off, to MISESHIME, n. Showing as a warning or accompany one who is leaving to the example. door. MI-SHIRI,-ru,-gta, t. v. To know by MI-OMO, n. Pregnant, with child, high sight. in rank or authority. - ni naru, to MI-sWIRiZOKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To retire, be with child. to withdraw, to quit. MI-OTOSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To look down Mi-sHi, n. Raised from the seed,-as a from a height. tree or plant. MI-OSAME, n. The last look. MI-SH6, n. A smile. MIOSHI, n. The bow of a ship. MI-SH6. Not yet alive, not yet born. - MI-OTOSHI,-SU,-ta, f. v. To overlook, i-zen, before birth. miss seeing; to reject or cast out of Miso, n. A kind of sauce made of beans. sight. MISOJI, n. Thirtieth year of age. MI-OYBI,-bu,-xda, t. v. To get to see, MISOKA, n. The thirtieth day of the to attain to the seeing of. month, or last day of the month. MIPPU, n. A paramour, secret lover. MISOKAO, n. A lover, paramour. MI-RAI, (kinaradzu). Not yet come, the MI-SOKONAI,-au,-tta, i. v. To mistake future, the future state, future tense. in seeing, to see incorrectly. MIRARE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Mi, to be seen. MI-soME-r,-r,-a, t. v. To see for the Mirarenu, cannot be seen. first time. MI-REN, (imada neredzu). Not yet in- MI-SORA, n. The sky. ured, matured, hardened, or trained; MI-soRE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To have an inundisciplined, inexperienced; unprac- distinct recollection of having seen a tised, not yet hardened into stoicism, person; to forget having seen a perindifference, or insensibility; raw, son. green; having qualms, or scruples. MISOSAZAI, n. The wren. MIRENRASHII,-ki,-kU. Tender-hearted, MISOYAKU, n. A steward, butler. not hardened or stoical; like a green, Misu, n. A window or door shade made inexperienced person. of fine strips of bamboo. MI-RIN-SHU, n. A kind of sweet wine. MISUBORASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Poor and MIRU, n. A kind of edible sea-weed. dirty in appearance, ragged, shabby. MIRUCHA, n. A yellowish-green color. MISUDZU, n. A small kind of bamboo MIRUGAI, n. A large kind of clam. like stiff grass. MISAGO, n. A fish-hawk. MISUGI, n. Business, employment, ocMI-SAI, a. Minute, particular. - ni, cupation, living. minutely, particularly. MISUGOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To look at in MISAKI, n. A cape. passing, to think about the future. MISAO, n. Chastity, virtue, or fidelity of MI-SUKASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To look a widow to her deceased husband. through, to see through, penetrate, disMISAO, n. A boat pole. cern, to foresee, foreknow. MIsE,-ru,-tn, t. v. To make or let see, MI-SUMASHI,-su,-fa, t. v. To mark, to to show, exhibit, to expose, to cause to notice, to see and make sure of. suffer. MISU-MISU, adv. While looking at, beMISE, n. A shop; a store; a prostitute fore one's eyes. house. MI-suTE,-ru,-ia, t. v. To look at and MISE-BIRAKI, n. Opening or setting up let alone; to see and not mind, turn a store or shop. away from, to give over, abandon. MIsE-BIRAKASHI,-Su,-ta, or mise-jiraka- MITAI,-ki,-k,-k, a. Wish to see, desirsu, t. v. To show, or display anything ous of looking at. in order to excite desire; to tantal- MI-TAMA, n. The soul, spirit. ize. MITARASHI, n. A pool or trough where MISE-KAKE, n. Doing anything merely worshippers at a Mliya wash their hands for appearance or show; pretending. before worshipping. - mono, a pretender, hypocrite. MITASHIME,-ru,-na, caust. of Michi. To MISE-KAKE-r,-,-a, t. v. To make to order or cause another to fill, to cause lesemble, to imitate, simulate, counter- to abound. feit, pretend to. MI-TATE,-rU-Za, t. v. To see one off on MISE-MONO, n. A show, exhibition. a journey; to choose, select; decide MISE-SHIME,-ru,-ta, t.. To exhibit or on, to diagnosticate. 8 MIT 170 MIY MITE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To fill, to occupy the MI-WAKE,-ru,-tI, t. v. To discriminate, whole capacity. to discern, distinguish between. MITOCH6, n. A curtain hung before the MI-WASURE,-ru,-a, t. v. To forget havaltar in a Bud. temple. ing seen, or how anything looked. MI-TODOKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To ascertain, MI-WATASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To look across, or find out, to detect, discover. look over. MI-ToME,-ru,-fa, t. v. To see and fix in MIYA, n. A Sintoo temple; the dwelling the memory, to mark, to take particu- of the Mikado; the title of the chillar notice of. dren of the Mikado. Hime-miya, a MITOMONAI,-ki,-ku, a. Disagreeable to princess. Ni no miya, the second son. look at, unfit to be seen, ugly, unseem- Miya-sama, a child of the Mikado. ly, indecent. Ichi no -, the most famous ziya of MI-TORE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Enchanted, cap- each province. tivated, charmed with. MIYABI, a. Refined in taste, style, or MI-T6SHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To look through, manner; polite, polished, elegant, classto see through the future, foresee, an- ical, genteel. ticipate. MIYABIYAKA, a. Genteel, refined, polite, MITSU, n. Three. polished, elegant. MITSU, n. Honey. MI-YABURI,-ru,-/ta, t. v. To see and lay MITStT, a. Secret, hidden, mysterious. open, as something hidden; to explain, Mitsu-dan, secret or private talk. Mi- reveal, disclose. tsu-ji, a secret. Mitsu-mitsu, secretly, MIYA-DZUKAYE, n. Servants employed privately. in the service of the Mikado. MITSU-BACHI, n. A honey-bee. MIYAGE, n. A present made by one reMITSU-BAI-KAI, n. Illicit trade, smug- turning home from a journey, or by one gling. coming from another place, generally MITSU-BUSA, n. Honey-comb. of some rare or curious production of MIT.SUGANAWA, n. A tripod, used for that place. burning incense. MIYAKKUWAN, n. Blood-vessels. MI-TSUGI,-ga,-ida, t. v. To contribute MIYAKO, n. The imperial city, capital. money to assist a poor person, to sup- MIYAKO-DORI, n. A sea-gull. port. MIYAKU, n. A blood-vessel, the pulse. MITSUGI, n. Tribute, tax. MIYA-MORI, n. The keeper of a Miya. MITSUGO, n. Triplets; also, a child of MI-YARI,-rU,-tta, t. v. To let see, perthree years old. mit to see. MITSU-GUSOICU, n. The three utensils- MIYE,-ru,-ta, pass. or pot. of Miru. a flower-stand, candlestick, and incense Can be seen, to appear, be visible, can pot which stand on the altar in front of see. a Budd. idol. MIYE, n. Doing anything for show or Mi-TSUKE,-ru,-ta, /. v. To detect, to appearance; display, ostentation, afdiscover, to find out, to watch, descry. fectation. MI-TSUKE, n. The gate of a castle where MIYE-KAZARI, n. Ostentation, display, a guard is stationed, a watch. show. MITSU-KUCHI, n. Harelip. MIYE-SUKI,-ku,-ila, i. v. To be seen MI-TSUKURAI,,-,-ta, t. V. Try and make through, transparent. do, or answer the purpose. MIY6, a. Admirable, excellent, remarkMITSU-MATA, n. The Edgeworthia pa- able, wonderful. pyrifera; a three pronged fork. MI-Y6, n. Mode or way of looking for MI-TSUME,-ru,-ta, i. v. To fix the eye, anything, way of looking at or considerto stare, gaze. ing anything. MITSU-ME-GIRI, n. A triangular-shaped MIYOBAN, n. Alum. drill. MIYO-BAN, n. To-morrow evening. MITSU-R6, n. Bee's wax. MIY6-BATSU, n. Divine retribution, or MIT-TSU, n. Secret or illicit connection, punishment. fornication. MIYO-CH6, n. To morrow morning. MI-UCHI, n. Kindred, relations. MIYO-DAI, n. A substitute, representaMI-UGOKI, n. Movement of the body. tive, deputy, proxy. MI-UKE, n. Buying or redeeming a per- MIYOGA, n. The Zingiber mioga. son out of servitude. - tegata, a cer- MIY6-GA, n. The providence or benefactificate of redemption. - kane, re- tions of heaven, grace; the benefactions demption money. of superiors; gratitude. Inochi-miyo MIY 71 MOD ga no hito, one whose life is saved from MOCHI, n. Bird-lime. great danger. - shiranu, ungrate- MoCHI, n. The fifteenth day of the ful. month. - dzuki, the full-moon. MIYO-G6, n. Name; title, appellation. MOCHI,-tsu,-tta, t. v. To hold in the MIYO-GO-NICHI, adv. The day after to- hand, to carry; to have, own, possess; morrow. to last, endure. MIYO6-I, n. The surname. MOCHI, n. The property of lasting, durMIYO-JO, n. The planet Venus. ability. MIY6-jo, n. Providential aid. MOCHI-AGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To hold up, to MIY6-KIUWAN, n. Officers who have the lift up; to praise, to commend. management of Hades. MOCHI-AGUMI,-^nu,-nda, t. v. To be MIYO-MIYO-GO-NICHI, adv. Two days af- be tired of having or owing anything. ter to-morrow. MOCHI-ASOBI, n. A toy, play-thing. MIYv-MOKU, n. Name, title, designa- MOCHI-ATSUKAI,-J,-/ta, t. v. To be emtion. barrassed or encumbered by something MIYO-MON, n. Fame, reputation; name, which one owns or carries. show, appearance. MOCHI-AWASE,-ru,-, t. v. To happen MIY6-NEN, n. Next year. to have, to have on hand, to carry with MIYO-NICHI, adv. To-morrow.- one. MIYORI, n. Relations. MOCHI-BA, n. The place one's duty reMIY6-RI, (na to ri,) n. Reputation and quires him to keep or hold, station, gain, fame and avarice. place. MIVY-RI, n. The hidden or secret prin- MOCHI-GOME, n. A glutinous kind of ciple, providence, retribution; favors, rice, of which rice bread is made. or gratitude. - wo shiranai, ungrate- MoCHI-HAKOBI,-bu,-nda, t. v. To conful. vey, transport, to carry. MIY6-SEKi, n. To-morrow evening. MOCHII,-U or -ru,-ta, t. v. To use, emMIVO-SEKI, n. The name and estate of a ploy; to follow, obey. family. MOCHI-KITARI, n. Anything which one MIYO-TAN, n. To-morrow morning, has inherited; an heirloom. MI-YUKI, n. A deep snow. MOCHI-KITARI,-rU,-ta, t. v. To carry MIYUKI, n. Travelling, going,-only of and come, to bring. the Mikado. MOCHI-KOSHI,-SU,-/a, i. v. To last over, MI-ZANME, n. Losing one's ardor, or in- to keep over, as from one year to anterest in anything by seeing it, to be- ther; to carry over. come stale, to lose its.novelty or power MOCHI-KOTAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To last, to please. endure, hold out. MI-ZEN, (imada shikaradzu,) n. The MOCHI-KUCHI, n. A place one is to superfuture, that which has not yet come to intend, keep, or defend; a post, stapass. tion. MIzo, n. A ditch, drain, furrow, groove. MOCHI-KUDZUSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To run MIZORE, a. Sleet. through with one's property or possesMl-z6-u, (imada katsute aradzu). Nev- sions. er was so before. MOCHI-KUSARASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To let Mo, n. A kind of skirt, or loose trous- rot or decay by long keeping, to let go ers. to ruin for want of use. Mb, n. A weight, = the tenth part of a MOCHI-MAYE, n. Proper, peculiar, aprin, a hair in weight. propriate; natural or inherent quality, Mo, n. The period of mourning. Mo attribute. chiu, during the time of mourning. MOCHI-MONO, n. Property, possession. Mlo-fuku, mourning clothes. MOCHI-RON, adv. Without dispute, inMo, adv. or conj. Also, too, more, yet, disputable, unquestionable, self-evieven, any, soever. dent, of course; not to mention, or Mb. An exclamation of doubt, perplex- speak of; indeed, but. ity, anxiety. MOCHI-TSUTAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To inherit, Mo. An exclamation of relief of mind, receive by inheritance, to be hereor satisfaction at something done or ditary. past. MODASHI,-su,-ta, i. v. To refrain from MOCHI, n. A kind of bread made of speaking, to keep silent, to resist. MAoglutinous rice by beating it in a mor- dashi-gataku, hard to remain silent, or tar. resist. MOD 172 M:O., MoDAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To feel pain or misfortune, but which turns out to be sorrow, to suffer, to writhe in pain or fortunate. anguish, to be in an agony. MOKKIN, n. A kind of musical instruMODE,-ru or -dzuru, i. v. To go to a ment. temple for worship. MOKKIYAKU, n. Confiscation of an estate. MODOKASHI,-ki,-k, a. Uneasy because - suru, to confiscate. of anything being slow, tedious or tire- MOKKO, n. A basket made of a netsome; itching to do what one sees an- work of rope, for carrying earth. other doing slowly or badly. MOKK6, n. Putchuck. MODOKI,-kU, t. v. To undo, reverse MOKKO-FUNDOSHI, n. A breach cloth what has been done; to dislike, or have which is fastened to a string around the an aversion to. waist. MoDORI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To return, go M6KO, n. Corrosive sublimate. back. MO-KO, n. Mongolia. MODORI, n. The barb of a hook. MOKU, (ki,) n. A tree, wood, wooden. MODOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To return, re- Moku-ba, a wooden horse. Moku-bustore, give or send back, to regurgitate, tsu, a wooden image of Buddha. Movomit. ku-giyo, a wooden fish which priests MODZU, n. The shrike, or butcher bird. strike in praying. fMoku-jiki, eating MODZUKU, n. A kind of sea-weed. the fruit of trees only, as certain M6-FO, (tsuyoi kaze). A violent wind. Buddhist priests. Moku-me, the veins, MOGAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To writhe, or or grain of wood. Aloku-zo, a wooden contort the body in pain, or effort; to image. struggle, strive. MOKU. Silent. - suru, to be silent. MOGARI, n. Strips of bamboo used by,Moku-moku, silently. IMoku-nen, sildyers for stretching cloth while dry- ent. Mloku-rei, silent salutation. Aoing. ku-san, mental arithmetic, silent calMOGARI, n. A knave, sharper, swindler, culation. Moku-za, sitting in sitrickster. lence. MOGASA, n. Small-px. MOKU-DAI, a. A commissioner, a repreMOGI,-gt,-ida i. v. To pluck off, pull sentative. off, pick off. MOKUDZU, n. Rubbish floating in waMOGIDO, a. Cruel, inhuman. ter. MOGIRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To break or pluck MOKUGE, n. The Althea. off, as a leaf, fruit, etc. MOKURANJI, n. Name of a fruit. MO-GO, n. Immoral, wild, incoherent MOKU-REN, n. The purple magnolia. language; a falsehood. Burgeria obovata. MOGUSA, n. The leaves of a species of MOKUROKU, n. An index, list, table of Artimesia used as a moxa. contents, bill, catalogue. MOHAVA, adv. Soon, in a little while, MOKUROMI,-,-,-nda, i. v. To plan, to presently, already, with a pret. verb; consider or turn over in the mind, to with a neg. = no longer, no more. speculate, to devise, scheme. Moji, n. A character, word, a letter. MOKUROMI, a. Plan, device, stratagem, MoJI, n. A kind of thin, light stuff, cot- scheme. ton gauze..MOKU-SEI, n. The Osmanthus fragrans. MoJIDZURI, n. The orchid. MOKU-SEI, n. The planet Jupiter. MOJI-MOJI, adv. Moving or twisting the MOKU-TEKI, (me-ate). A dependence, body, or working the hands or feet in reliance, trust; any thing given as sea bashful, uneasy or impatient man- curity or mortgage. ner. MOKU-YOKU, n. Bathing in hot or cold M-JIN, n. A blind man. water. - suru. MoJIRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To twist, to knit MOKU-ZEN, (me no maye). Before one's in loops. eyes, in one's presence. MOJIRI, OZ. An iron instrument kept at M6-MAKU, n. The omentum.; police-stations to seize offenders with. MOMASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Momu. To MoKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To gain, earn, to cause or let rub, to let another shamacquire, to get, beget, to prepare, to poo. make, to concoct, devise, organize, MOM-BAN, n. A porter, gate-keeper. form, frame. MoME,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be rumpled, to MOKKE-NO-SAIWAI, n. Unexpected good be mixed or crumpled; jumbled -tofortune; what at first seems to be a gether, to quarrel. MOM I73 MON MOMIE, n. Contention, quarreling, dis- house or inclosure; sect, school. Monsension. guwai, outside the gate. MOMEN, n. Cotton cloth. MON, n. Badge, coat of arms, crest. MonI,-mn,-nda, t. v. To rub and roll MONAKA, n. The middle, midst of; a between the hands, to shampoo, knead; kind of cake. to struggle, or make violent efforts, as MON-CHAKU, n. Quarrel, dispute, conin a contest. Ki wo -, to fret or trou- tention. ble one's self about anything. Moma- MON-CHO, n. A book in which the difreru, pass. to be rubbed, or shampooed. ferent coat of arms and crests are regisMomi-au, to contend or struggle to- tered. gether, as wrestlers. Momi-dasu, to MON-DO, (toi kolye,) n. Question and rub and press out, to wring out, to get answer, catechism. - suru, to quesby hard labor or diligence. Momi- tion and answer, discuss, catechise. hogusu, to loosen the texture, to bray MON-DOKORO, n. Badge, coat of arms, or soften anything by rubbing in the insignia, crest. hands. Mlomi-kesu, to rub out. extin- MoNDoRI, n. A basket for catching fish, guish by rubbing, or kneading. Momi- a trap also for catching small animals. komu, to rub or work in, as a color; to MONDORI-UCHI,-tSU,-tta, i. v. To turn scatter by rubbing as a tumor. Momni- heels over head, to turn a somersault. kudaku, to break by iubbing in the MON-GAMACHI, n. The lintel and sill of hands, to crumble. Alomi-otosu, to a door. rub off between the hands, as dry mud MON-JI, n. Character, letter, word. from a garment. IMonmi-yawarage,-ru, MON-JIN, n. A disciple, pupil, follower. to soften by rubbing or working in the MON-JIN. - suru, to question, to interhands. rogate. MOMI, n. A kind of red silk. MON-KU, n. The sentences of a compoMOMI, n. The outside hull or bran of sition. rice. - mai, unhulled rice. MONO, n. Thing, article, matter; perMOMI-DANE, n. Seed rice. son, individual. - wo iu, to speak. MOMn-GARA, M. Rice-hulls, rice-bran. - no kadzu to mo sedzu, to make light MOMI-GURA. n. A rice granary, or store- of; consider of no account. house for unhulled rice. MoNO-uI1,-ki,-ku, a. Distant, seldom MOMIJI, n. The red leaves of autumn, seen, seldom visiting, stranger. the maple tree. - suru, to turn red, MONO-DOMO. Plural of Mono, things, as leaves in autumn. persons. MOMI-SURI-USU, n. A mortar or mill for MONO-DZUKI, n. Odd or eccentric; one hulling rice, a hulling mill. fond of meddling in matters that don't MOMME, n. A measure of weight, = concern him. - no hito. 58.33 grains troy, also the sixtieth part MONO-GAMAHII,-ki, —kU, a. Making of a r!y,. much of a little, exaggerating. AIonoMOMMO, n. Unlearned, unable to read, gamnashiku iu, to exaggerate. ignorant, uneducated. MONO-GANASHII,-ki,-ka, a. Given to MOMO, n. Peach. - no ki, peach- sadness, gloomy, or melancholy. tree. MONO-GATAI,-ki,-k,k a. Strict, tempeMOMO, a. The thigh. rate, exact in conduct, precise, careMOMO-DACHI, n. Hitching or girding up ful. the hakana by tucking the skirts un- MONO-GATARI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To relate, der the belt. narrate, tell. MOMO-HIKI, n. Trowsers, pantaloons, MONO-GATARI, n. History, story, narradrawers tion. MOMO-IRO, n. Peach-color. MONO-GONOMI, n. Particular in taste, M6-MOKUL, n. Destitute of sight, blind. and fond of good eating, fine clothes, or MOiMONE, n. The groin. rare things. MOMONJI, n. Flesh or meat kept for sale. MONO-GOSHI, n. Deportment, behav-ya, a meat shop, butcher. iour. MOMONJII, n. A spook, ghost, hobgob- MONO-GOSHI-NI, adv. Through or over lin. something intervening; as, - kiku, to MOMPA, n. Cotton flannel. listen through a partition. - miru, MOM-PUKU, n. Clothes which have the to peep across a fence. family crest or coat of arms on them. MONO-GURUI, n. Madness, lunacy, frenMON, n. A gate. outside entrance to a zy. MON I.74 MOR MONO-GURUWASHI,-ki,-ku, a. Like a MoNO-SUsAMAJII,-ki,-ku, n. Feeling timcrazy or mad person, frenzied, frantic. id, easily frightened, feeling dread or MoNo-GusAI,-ki,-ku, a. Lazy, indolent, alarm. slovenly. MONO-TACHI, n. Binding one's self by MONO-II, n. Language, style or way of an oath to abstain from certain kinds speaking; talking, address-: a dispute. of food, or certain things to which one MONO-IMI, n. Abstinence from certain is addicted. articles of food for a certain time. MONO-TACHI, n. A knife used in cutting MONO-IRI, a. Expense, outlay. cloth. MONO-IWAI, n. Felicitation, a celebra- MONO-TOGAME, n. Given to scolding or tion of some happy event. - wo suru, fault-finding. to make a celebration. MONO-UI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Lazy, indolent, MONO-KAKI, n. Secretary, clerk, wri- slothful. ter. MONO-WARAI, n, Something to laugh at, MoNO-KtI, n. Eating, feeding. a laughing-stock. MONO-MANABI, n. Learning, gaining in- MONO-WASURE, n. Forgetful. struction. MON-SAI, a. Literary ability, literary MONO-MANE, n. Gesture, gesticulation. talent. MONO-MAYE, n, The few days before MON-SHA, n. A kind of silk gauze. the end of the month or quarter, when MON-TEI, n. A disciple, pupil, follower. debts and accounts are to be settled. MONUKE,-ru,-t a, /. v. To be superior to MoNO-MI, n. Sight seeing; a look-out all others, to be preeminent; to slip out place. of, escape from. MONOMI, n. A spy, one who reconnoi- MONUKE, n. The cast-offskin of asnake tres. or insect. MONO-MODE, n. Visiting a temple for MON-ZEvrSU, n. Extreme anguish or sorworship, pilgrimage. row. MONO-MONOSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Affecting MOPPARA, adv. The chief or most imundue importance; making much of portant thing, paramount: mainly, for one's self. the most part, mostly, chiefly, princiMONO-MIORAI, n. A beggar; a sty on the pally. eyelid. MoRAI,-au,-ta, t. v. To receive, to acMONO-NARI, a. The income or revenue cept, to get, to take. derived from the products of the soil. MORAI, n. A request. MONO-NETAMI, n. Jealousy. MORAI-GUI, n. Begging for something to AIONONOFU, t. A soldier, eat. MONONOGU, n. Military arms, and ar- MORAI-NAKI, a. Affected to tears by mor. seeing others cry. MONO-NOKE, a. The evil influence or MORASHI,-Su,- ta, caust. of Mori. To curse of one dead. cause or let leak, to let escape, omit, or MONO-NUI, n. A seamstress. over-look, to make known, divulge. MONO-OBOYE, n. The memory. MORAWARE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Iorai. To MONO-OKI, n. A pantry, store-room. be received, accepted; to be received MONO-OMOI, a. Thinking, reflecting, in marriage. cogitating, brooding.' MORE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To leak, to leak out, MONO-OSHIMI, n. Stingy, grudging, pe- escape; to be left out, omitted or overnurious, abstemious. looked. MoNo-sABIsHI,-ki,-ku. Lonely, solitary, MORI, n. A grove, or clump of trees, a pensive, forlorn. copse, wood. MONO-SASHI, n. Any instrument for MORI,. A harpoon. measuring length, a foot measure. MORI, n. A guard, watch, keeper, guarMONO-SAWAGASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Given to dian, a nurse. making a disturbance, commotion, or MoRI,-ru,-/a, i. v. To leak. noise. MoRI,-ru,-tta, t.v. To fill up. to put MONO-SHIDZUKA, a. Quiet, still, free into a cup, or plate, to pour into; to from noise, or bustle. draw the lines on a chequer board. MONO-SHIRI, n. A philosopher, a learned MORI, n. A leak. man. MORI-AGE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To fill up, pile MoNo-sUGoI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Feeling up, heap up; to emboss. timid, full of fear, dread, or alarm; MORI-AGE, n. A heap, pile, raised ot startling, embossed work. MOR 175 MOT MORI-KOROSHI,-SU,-ta, 1. v. To kill by Mosso, n. The day's rations of a cnipoison, to poison. mon soldier in cooked rice, = about a ORI-MONO, n. Food offered to idols. quart of uncooked rice. MORI-SODATE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To nurse Mosuso, n. The skirt of a robe. and bring up, as a child; to act as MOSUTO, adv. A little more. — o agari, guardian. give me a little more. MoRI-TATE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To bring or MOTAGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To lift up, raise rear up a child, as a nurse or guardian. up. MORI-YAKU, n. An officer who has the MOTARASHI,-sU,-ta, t. V. To take or charge of the child of a noble, an at- carry in the hand. tendant. MOTARE,-rt,-ta, i. v. To lean on, rest MORO, adv. Obscure, dim. - to miyeru, against. to appear obscure. MoTAsE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To lean or rest MORO, adv. Even, level, uniform; to- anything against. Tsuye wo kabe ni gether; both. - ni motsu, to carry motaseru, to rest a cane against the anything level or evenly. - taore, wall. falling both together. - chikara, ex- MOTASE,-ru,-Ia, caust. of Mlotsu. To erting in unison. - kata, both should- make or let another carry, to cause to ers. Mloro-te, both hands. Moro- have or own, to make to last or endure. ashi, both feet or both legs.. Moro- MOTE-AMASHI,-SU,-ta, i. v. To be more bito, all men. Moro-ha, two-edged. than one is able to carry; to be beyond Morohada-nugi, both shoulders bare. one's ability; to be tired of keeping AMoro-hiza, both knees. anything. MOROI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Brittle, friable, MOTE-ASOBI,-bu,-nda, t. v. To amuse fragile, frail, weak. one's self with, to sport, toy or play MoROKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To crumble, to with. be brittle. MOTE-ASOBI, n. Anything used for diMOROKO, n. A kind of small river fish. version, a toy. MOROKOSHI, n. China; broom-corn. MOTE-ATSUKAI,-au,-tta, t. v. To use, MOROKU. Old and foolish, decrepit, child- to manage, to deal in; to be embarish with age. rassed or encumbered with something MOROMI, n. The grounds left in making which one owns. soy, used as an article of food. MOTE-IIAYASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To pubMOROMI-ZAKE, n. A kind of sake, in lish, celebrate, praise, give currency to. which the rice-grounds are not separ- MOTE-NASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To treat, to ated from the liquid. entertain kindly or with civility, to reMORO-MORO, a. All, every. ceive as a host. MOROSA, n. Brittleness. MOTO, n. The origin, beginning, the MOROTOMO-NI, adv. All together, to- first, source, fountain-head, cause; gether with. originally, formerly; house, home; MOSAHIKI, n. Acting as a guide, a guide. you, in addressing another. - yori, MO-SEN, n. A woolen rug, drugget. from the first, heretofore. Sono-noto, MO-SETSU, n. An absurd saying, false- you. On-moto, you. On yado-moto, hood, fiction, fable. your house. MOSHI, adv. If peradventu:e, supposing MOTO-DATE, a. Beginning, origin, root, that, in case that, it may be, whether. first. MOSHI. Exclam. used in addressing or MOTODE, n. Capital in trade, principal. calling another. MOTODORI, n. The cue or tuft of of hair, M6SHI, n. Mencius. as is worn by the Japanese. MOSHI,-su,-ta, i. v. To speak, say, tell, MOTO-DZUKI,-ta,-, i. v. To make as call; the substantive verb, to be, to do. a basis or foundation, to found. M6SHI-GO, n. A child born in answer MOTOI, n. Foundation, basis, beginning, to prayer. origin, cause. MOSHIKUBA, adv. If, supposing that, if MOTO-JIME, n. A manager, director, perchance, in case that. controller, steward. - wo suru. MOSHI-MATA, adv. If, supposing that. MOTO-KATA, n. The first party, original MOSHI-YA, adv. If, lest, for fear that, owner; first seller, or holder. perchance, peradventure. MOTO-ME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To search for, MOSSHU. - suru, to confiscate, seize to seek, to ask for, inquire after, to get, and take forfeited goods or property, to obtain, acquire, to buy. sequester. MOTO-NE, n. First or original cost. MOT 176 MUG MOTORAKASHI,-SU,-ta, caust. of motoru. or woven in cloth; condition, state, To twist, wrench. circumstances. MoTORi,-ru,-tta, i. v. To oppose, to MOYORI, n. Vicinity, neighborhood. act contrary to, conflict with, to act Mov6SHI,-su,-ta, t. v.'o make. prewith contumacy or insubordination, to pare, form, organize, make ready; to rebel against, resist. stir up, excite. MOTO-YUI, n. The cord with which the M OYSHI, n. Making ready, preparation, cue is tied. organization. MOTSU (mono) n. Thing. Ban motsu, Mo-z6, n. Wicked, impure, or disorderly all things. thoughts; lascivious desires. - wo MOTSURE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be entangled; miru, to have nocturnal emissions. to be confused, intricate, involved, em- Mu. Contraction of Mustu, six. barrassed. Mu (nashi). = no, have not, without, MOTSUYAKU, n. Myrrh. used as a negative prefix. - ni naru, MOTTAI, n. Affectation of importance to be in vain. or state above one's station; airs, MUBE-KADZURA, n. The clematis, Staunhaughtiness. - wo tsukeru, to put on tonia hexaphylla. airs. MU-BIYO (yamai-nashi). Not sick, well, MOTTAINAI,-ki,-ku,-shi. Profane, irrev- healthy. erent, impious, sacrilegious, ungrateful. MUCHA-KUCHA, a. Mixed, confuted, MOTTE, jbrep. With, by, by means of; jumbled together, topsy-turvy. because of; used also to intensify the MUCHI, n. A whip. - wo utsu, to word to which it is added.. whip- -no nhimo, the cord on the MoTTE-KI,-kuru,-kiza, t. v. To bring, handle. MOTTE-NO-HOKA, a. Unusual, extraor- MUCHI-DZUWAYE, n. A switch, rod. dlnary, beyond what was previously Mu-cHIU (yume no uchi). In a dream, supposed or imagined. absent-minded, dreamy, visionary; fasMOTTOMO, adv. Reasonable, just, right, cinated, or absorbed in anything. proper; used as a superlative, = most, MUCHI-UCHI,-tSU,-tta, t. v. To whip, to in the highest degree. flog, to lash. MOYA, n. The space under the roof oc- MUDA, a. Useless, vain, without advancupied by the roof timbers, a loft. tage or profit. VAuda ni, uselessly, MOYA, n. Fog. vainly, unprofitably. Muda-dzuiye, MoYAI,-au,-tta, t. v. To lash boats, or waste, useless expense. Muda-dzukai, ships together; to be associated as useless expenditure. Muda-gui, an partners. MIoyai-bune, boats lashed unprofitable consumer, a drone. Mutogether. AMoyai-nawa, a rope for da bito, one who does not work. lashing boats together. MuDZU-GAII, a. Itching, tickling, tingling. MOYAI-NI, adv. Together, in common, MUDZUKARI,-u-tta, i. v. To be hard to in partnership. please, impatient, peevish, cross. MOYA-MOYA, adv. Melancholy, gloomy, MuDSUKASHii,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Difficult, and troubled. hard to be done; troublesome. MOVASHI, n. Malt. MUDZUKASHISA, n. The state or degree MOYASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To burn. of difficulty. MovASHI,-s,-ta, caust. of Moye. To MUDZU-MUDZU; adv. In an idle, lazy mancause to sprout or germinate, to malt. ner, without object; tickling, itching. MoYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To burn. Moye- MUDZU-TO, adv. Mludzu-to kumu, to agaru, to burn up in a flame, to blaze seize each other suddenly and violently, up. Moye tatsu, to blaze up, to burn as wrestlers. up. Moye tsuku, to take, or catch fire, MU-FUMBETSU, n. Without judgment or to ignite. discrimination, unintelligent. MovE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To sprout, germin- ML-GA (watakushi nashi). Unselfish, ate. impartial. MOYEGI. n. A light green color. MU-GAKU, n. Ignorant, unlearned, illitMOVE-KUI, n. A fire-brand, a charred erate. fagot. MU-GEI, a. Without polite accomplishMOYE-KUDZU, n. Embers, cinders. ments, ignorant, unlearned. MOYE-KUSA, n. Combustible matter, any- MU-GE-NI (kore yori shimo nashi), adv. thing to burn. Nothing lower, very lowest, most vul. MOYE-SASHI, u. A firebrand. gar; in a heedless, careless manner. Movy, n. The figures dyed, embroidered, MUGI, n. Barley, wheat. Omugi, bar MUG 177 MUK ley. Ko-mugi, wheat. AMugi-aki, the MUKADZUKI,-ku,-ita, i. 7/. To loathe, to fourth month, or wheat harvest. Mugi- feel nausea, to be sick at the stomach. batake, a wheatfield. Mugi-meshi, MUKAGO, n. The fruit of the Yamafood made of boiled barley. Mugi- imo. wuara, wheat straw. Mugi-wari- MUKAI,-au, or o,-tta, i. v. To stand meskzi, food made of cracked barley with the face towards, to face, to front, mixed with rice and boiled. to be opposite anything; to go to MU-GIYo, (katachinachi). Without form meet; to confront, to oppose, to be or shape, incorporeal. near to in time. MuGoI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Unmerciful, with- MUKAI, n. Meeting, calling, inviting; a out compassion or pity, barbarous, messenger sent to bring or meet a percruel. son. MU-GON, (kotoba nashi). Silent, having MUKAI-BARA, n. The pains preceding nothing to say. parturition. MtGOSA, n. Cruelty, barbarity. MUKAI-BUNE, n. A boat or ship sent to MUGOTARASHII,-Zki,-z, a. Barbarous, meet or bring a person. cruel. MUKAI-IRE,-rZ,-ta, t. v. To go to meet MUGURA, n. The hop, the Humulus lu- and bring in, as an honored guest. pulus. MUKAI-KE, n. Nausea, sickness ofstomMUGURAMOCHI, n. A mole. ach. MUGURI,-rcr,tta, t. v. To dive under, MUKA-MUKA, adv. Sick at the stomach, to stoop and pass under, to evade and to feel nausea, to loathe. do by stealth. MUKASHI, n. Ancient times, former MUGURI, n. Diving under the water; ages, antiquity, a period of ten years; the name of a small wild duck, a diver. ancient, old. Mukashi-gatari, a story MU-HEN, (kagiri nashi). Illimitable, in- of ancient times, talking about old finite, boundless. times. Mukashi-katagi, old-fashioned, MU-HI-DO, a. Cruel, savage, brutal, des- simple, honest. titute of humanity, barbarian. MUKAWARI, n. The first anniversary of MU-HITSU, n. Unable to write, a death. MU-H6, (nari nassi). Not conforming MuKAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To go out to to rule, lawless, improper, rude. meet or welcome, to receive or bring in, MU-HON, (hakatte somuku). Rebellion, as a visitor; to call, to invite to one's sedition, treason, conspiracy. house; to await or wait for; to corresMu-I, (kurai nashi). Without rank, un- pond to, agree, suit. titled. MUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To turn anything MUI-KA, n. The sixth day of the month; towards, to direct towards, to cause to six days. front or point towards, to send. MU-IN, n. Unstamped, unsealed. MuKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To peel off, to lose Mu-JI, n. Plain, unfigured, as cloth. the skin, bark, or rind. MU-JIHI, (awareini-nashzi). Without MUKE-KAYE,-ru,-ta, t.. To face anypity, compassion, or love. thing about, turn anything in a differMU-JIN, (tsukiru koto nashz). Inex- ent direction. haustible; a kind of lottery. MUKE-NAOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To alter the MUJINA, n. An animal something like a direction or frontage of anything. badger. MUKi,-,- -ita, t. v. To skin, to peel, to MU-JIN-TO, n. An argand lamp. strip off the bark. Mu-jITsU, (makoto nashi). Untrue, false, MuKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To turn the face not real. - no tsumi), innocent, not towards, to front, to incline towards. guilty. In mercantile language, to be in reMu-JO, (tsune nashi). Inconstant, muta- quest, or demand. ble, changing, not lasting; evanescent, MUKI, n. The direction, frontage, asfleeting, passing away; death. pect, exposure; request, demand; mode, Mu-JO, (uye nashi). Nothing higher, manner; person, individual. Mukihighest, most excellent, supreme. muki, every direction, eaci and every MUKA-BA, n. The front, or incisor teeth. person; each and every kind. MUKABAKI, n. A leather shield worn on MUKI-AI,-au,-tta, i. v. To be opposite the front of the thigh in hunting. each other. MUKA-BARA-TATSU, i. v. To flash up in MUKI-DASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To peel off the sudden anger. skin and take out, to make bare. MeMUKADE, n. Acentipede. wo -, to stare. 8* MUK 178 MUR MUKI-DASHI-NI, adv. Without conceal- MUNA-DZUMORI, n. Reckoning or estiment, in a straight-forward, open man- mating in the mind. ner; above-board. MUNA-FUDA, n. A writing fixed to the MUKI-KUCHI, a. Demand, request. ridge-pole of a house, telling when and MU-KIU, (kiwamari nashi). Endless, by whom the house was built. inexhaustible, eternal. MUNA-GAWARA, n. The tiles laid over MUKo, n. Son-in-law. the ridge of a roof. MUK6BA, n. The front teeth. MUNA-GI, n. The ridge-pole of a roof. MUK6-DOSHI, n. Opposite house, oppo- MUNAGURA,. The breast of a coat. site neighbours. MUNA-HIGE, n. The hair on the breast. MIUKODZUNE, a. The shin. MUNA-ITA, n. The breast bone, sternum; MUKG-DZURA, n. An adversary, ene- breast-plate. my. MUNA-SAKI, n. The pit of the stomach. MUK6-GASHI, N. Opposite bank of ariver. MUNA-SAWAGI, n. Perturbation, agitaMUKO-KAZE, n. Head wind, adverse tion, or commotion of mind. wind. MuNASHII -ki,-k/i, a. Empty, vacant, MUKO-MIDZU. Regardless of what is be- void, vain, naught, useless. fore, rash, reckless, incautious, fool- MUNASHISA, n. Uselessness. hardy. MUNA-ZAN-YO, n. Mental calculation, MU-KU, n. Pure, unalloyed. Muku-ye, plan. pure white clothes. MUNE, n. The breast, front of the chest, MUKU, n. A kind of tree, the leaves of pit of the stomach; the breast as the which are used by carpenters for polish- seat of the affections, = heart, or mind; ing wood. Celtis muku. the important or principal point, or MU-KUCHI, n. Silent, taciturn. meaning; the design, object, intention, MUKU-GE, n. The soft down beneath reasons. the long hair of animals. MUNE, n. The ridge of a roof. MUKUGE, n. The Hibiscus Syriacus. MUNE, n. The back of a sword, knife, MUKUI,-yuru,-ta. To requite, recom- comb. pense, compensate, to repay, to retaii- MUNE-AGE, n. The celebration made by ate, take vengeance on. the workmen on completing the setting MUKUI, a. Recompense, requital, retri- up of the frame of a house. bution, compensation. MUNE-KUSO, n. The feelings, spirits, MUKU-INU, n. A shaggy dog.. temper. MUKUMEKI,-ku, t. v. To crawl as a worm, MU-NEN, n. Regret, sorrow, disappointto move up and down like the crawling ment. of a caterpillar. MU-NI, (futatsu nashi). Not the seMUKUMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be bloated, cond, the first. - mu-zan hi, pell-mell, swollen, puffed up, to be dropsical. confusedly and violently, regardless of MUKU-MUKU, adv. Moving like the order. crawling of worms. Mu-No, n. Without ability or skill, unMUKURE,-r,-ta, i. v. Peeled, skinned, skilful, bungling. flayed, bare. MURA, n. A small district of country, MUKURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To strip off, take the subdivision of a Kori, or county, a off a covering. village. MUKUTSUKE,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Hairy and MURA, n. Clustered, or in spots; not coarse, low, vulgar and dirty. even, irregular, not uniform. MU-MEI, (na nashi). Nameless, with- MURA-DACHI, n. Standing in clusters. out the maker's name incribed on it; MURADO, n. The kidneys. without cause or reason. MURA-GARASU, n. A flock of crows. MU-MI, (ajiwai nashi). Without taste, MURAGARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To flock totasteless, insipid, dull, flat, wanting in gether, to be clustered or grouped topleasing qualities. gether, to herd, to be uneven or irreguMU-MON, a. Without crest or coat of lar. arms. MURAGARI, n. A flock, herd, drove, MUNA-ATE, n. A breast-plate. cluster, clump, crowd, group. MUNA-BONE, n. The breast-bone. ster- MURAGI, n. Fickle, capricious, whimsical. num. MURA-KUMO, a. Clusters of clouds. MUNA-DZUKAI, n. An uneasiness or stop- MURA-MURA, n. Townships. Broken into page in the chest; care, anxiety, trou- groups, clusters, or in separate collecble. tions.. MUR 179 MUS MURA-OSA, n. The headman of a town- musty, to heat by fermenting, to fership. ment. MURASAKI, n. Purple color. MusE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To choke, to strangle MURA-SAME, n. Rain falling in show- and cough. Muse-kayeru, to choke or ers here and there.. strangle, stiffled. MIuRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To become musty, MusEBI,-bu,-nda, i. v. To be choked, to mould, to heat by fermenting. strangled. MURE, n. Flock, drove, herd, crowd, MUSEI-BAI, n. Unjust punishment. band, group, company, cluster, clump, MU-SHA, a. A soldier. class. MU-SHABETSU. No difference, the same, MuRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To flock, herd, alike, not discriminating. crowd, swarm, group, cluster or band MusHI, n. Insects, worms, bugs; pains together. in the bowels-supposed to be caused MURE-ATSUMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To flock by worms. - ga shiraseru, = sometogether, crowd together, to collect in thing told me, or I felt as if. swarms, or herds. MUSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To cook by steamMURE-I,-r,-tta, i. v. To be in a flock, ing, to steam, to foment, to vaporize. herd, crowd, or cluster. MU-sHI, (watakushi nashi). Unselfish. MU-RI, (kotowari nashi). Without rea- MUSHI-ATSUI, n. Damp and hot, sultry, son, right, or principle; unjust, unrea- close. sonable; oppression, violence. MUSHI-BA, n. A decayed or carious tooth; MURI-NI, adv. By force or compulsion, a worm-eaten leaf. by violence, unjustly, unreasonably, MUSHI-BAMI, n. Worm-eaten. against the will. MUSHI-BOSHI, n. Drying so as not to be MU-RISOKU, n. Without interest (of injured by insects. money). MUSHI-BOTARU, n. A glow-worm. MU-RIYO, (hakari nashi,) n. Innumer- MUSHIDZU, n. Acidity of stomach, waterable, immeasurable, infinite. brash, pyrosis. MURO, n. A room, an oven, cave, cellar, MUSHI-KE, n. The appearance of having a chamber dug in the ground for pre- worms, as, in children; the pains that serving vegetables. Hli-muro, ice- precede child-birth. - dzuku, sick house. with worms. MU-ROKU. Without wages, salary, or MUSHI-KUI, n. Worm-eaten. - ba, a support from government. decayed tooth. MU-RON, (wakimaye nashi). Devoid of MUSHI-KUSO, n. Insect dirt. reason, consideration or judgment. MUSHI-MEGANE, n. A microscope. MU-RUI, (tagui naski). Without an MUSHI-MONO, n. Articles cooked with equal, or the like; without compar- steam. ison. MU-SHIN, (kokoro nashi,) n. Without MuSABORI,-ru,-ita, t: v. To covet, to heart or mind, inanimate; innocent; desire inordinately, to be greedy of; to begging with reluctance for something lust after, which one wants of another. - wo iu, MU-SAI, (tsuma nashi). Wifeless, celi- to make a request for something. bacy. MUSHI-NOBORI, —ru,-/ta, i. v. To evapoMU-SAI. Without natural talent or rate, or ascend in vapor. ability. MUSHI-osAYE, n. Medicines used by MUSAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Dirty, filthy, females for pains in the back and loins. nasty, low, indecent, mean, vile. MiUSHIRI,-ru,-/a, t. v. To pluck, or MUSA-KURUSHI,-ki,-kU, i. v. Dirty and strip off,-as feathers, hair. Mushirimean, slovenly, filthy. an, to pull and tear each other, as two MUSA-KUSA, adv. Confused, topsy-turvy, persons fighting. Mushiri-tsuku, to perplexed, distracted, vexed. seize hold of a person, as in a quarrel. MUSA-MUSA, adv. Confused, perplexed, MUSHIRO, n. A mat made of straw. distracted. MUSHIRO, adv. Better, rather. MUT-SAN. Ignorant of arithmetic. MU-SHITSU, (tsumi nashi). Not guilty, MUSANKO-NI, adv. In a hurried and innocent. confused manner. MUSHI-YOKE, n. A charm which keeps MUSASABI, n. A kind of large bat. off or preserves the crops from insects. MUSASHI, n. A kind of game in which MU-SHO, n. A cemetery. checkers are used. MU-SH6-NI, adv. Recklessly, rashly, rcMusE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To mould, to be gardless of consequences. MUS I80 NAB MU-SHUKU, (yado nashi). Without MLTSUBI, n. Affection, intimacy, love, home, homeless, friendship. Mu-so, (narabi nashi). Without an MUTSUKI,. The first month. equal, second to none. MUTSUKI, n. A diaper worn by in. Mu-s6, (yume ni omnO). Revealed in a fants. dream. MUTSUMAJII,-ki,-ku, a. Friendly, amicMu-so, n. Dove-tailed or interlaced. - able, harmonious, on good terms. makura, a kind of camp-pillow. - MUTSUMAYAKA, a. Harmonious, friendly, mado, a window made with moveable amicable. slats which overlap each other. MUTSURI, adv. Quiet, sedate, grave in MusoJI. Sixty years old. manner, taciturn. Mu-soKu. Without interest,-of money. MuTTro, adv. To flash up, flare up, as MUSUBI,-bu,-nda, t. v. To tie, to knot; with sudden anger. to produce, form, make. Musubi-tsu- MU-YAKJ, (yeki nashi). Useless, unkeru, to tie anything on something profitable, unserviceable. else. MU-YAKU. Out of service, or official emMUSUBI-BUMI, n. A letter closed with a ployment. knot. MUYAKUYA, adv. Uneasiness of stomach, MUSUBI-ME, n. A knot. sickness of stomach. MUSUBORE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To be tied to- MUYAMI, n. Headstrong, desperate, reckgether, knotted, tangled; perplexed, less, rash, regardless of everything. distracted, embarrassed. MU-YEKI. Useless, of no profit or advanMUSUKO, n. A son, boy. tage, unserviceable. MUSUME n. Daughter, girl, miss, young MU-YEN. Without kindred or relations, lady. having no affinity or connection. MU-TAI. Wrong, improper, unjust. MU-YO, (mochiiru koto nashz). Useless, MU-TE, n. Empty-handed, without cap- not needed, not necessary. Used also ital; unskilled, or hand out in playing as an imperative, do not, cannot, must checkers. - de wa akinai dekinu. not. -de wa hito no uchi ye iki-nikui. MU-YOKU. Not covetous, without irre- de go ni maketa. gular desires. MU-TEPP6. Regardless of anybody or MU-ZAI, (tsumi nashi). Without crime, anything, rash, reckless, careless. without sin; not guilty, innocent. MU-TOKU-SHIN. Not to consent, not al- MU-ZAN. Cruel, without pity or comlow, not permit; not to perceive or passion, barbarous. understand. MUZA-MUZA-TO, adv. Cruelly, inhumanMU-TOSE, (roku nen). Six years. ly. MUTSU. Six. - doki, six o'clock. Kure- MU-zO-sA. Not difficult, easy; without mutsu, six o'clock in the evening, formality. Ake-mutsu, six in the morning. NA, n. Name; renown, fame, reputa- NABETE, adv. General, common, usual, tion. ordinary. NA, n. Leaves of various plants, as rape, NABE-ZENI, n. Small iron cash. turnip, radish, cabbage, etc., boiled and NABIKASHI,-,-U,-a, caust. of Nabiku. used for food; greens. To cause to bend, bow, lean, incline, NA. A contraction of Naru, affixed to yield, obey, or comply to some power words to form an attributive adjective; or influence. as, Kon-kiu na hito, a poor man. NABIKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To bend, lean. or NA-ATE, n. The name of the person to or incline in the direction of something whom a letter is addressed, moving; to yield, comply, submit, or NABE, n. A pot, kettle. - no tsurui obey. the handle of a pot. Nabe-buta, a pot- NABIKI,-ku,-zta, i. v. To bend, lean, lid. incline, bow, or yield to some power or NAB ISI NAG motion; to follow, obey or comply NAGA-DACHI, a. The long sword. with. NAGA-I, n. Remaining or sitting long. NABURI,-ru,-lta, t. v. To tease, chafe, NAGAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Long in space or jeer, vex; to torture; make a fool of, time. to play tricks on, make sport with; to NAGA-IKI, n. Long life. handle, touch. Naburi-kiru, to kill NAGA-IMO, n. The long edible root of a by inches, to torture to death by cut- wild plant. ing the body to pieces. Naburi-koro- NAGA-JIRI, n. A long sitter, a tedious su, to kill by a slow death, or by tor- visitor. ture. NAGAME,-rU,-ta,. v. To lengthen, proNADA. The ocean or sea. 0-nada, Soto- long. nada. Uchi-nada, inland sea. NAGAME,-rU,-ta, t. v. To view, behold, NA-DAKAI,-ki,-ku,-s1h, a. Celebrated, to look long at, to gaze at. famous, distinguished, having a great NAGAME, n. Viewing, looking; a view, name or reputation. prospect. NADAME,-ru,-ta, t.. To soothe, ap- NAGA-MOCHI, n. A long chest, or box; pease, pacify, quiet, tranquilize, con- lasting or enduring a long time. sole; to mitigate or lessen, as a punish- NAGA-NAGA, adv. Very long. ment. NAGA-NOBI,. The length to which anyNADARAKA-NA, a. Level, even, smooth. thing is extended, the long dimensions, NADARE, n. An avalanche, snow-slip. as of a road, house, canal, etc. Yama -, a mountain-slide. NAGARA, adv. While, during, at the NADARE, n. Gentle declivity or slope. same time that, although, notwithstandNADARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To slope gently ing, together. Shikashi-nagara, while down, incline downwards; to be seized it is so, but, nevertheless. Futari nawith a panic. Nadare-nigeru, to be gara, both together. Umare nagara seized with a panic and flee. no katawa mono, a cripple from his NADE, n. A broom. birth. NADE,-ru,-ra, t. v. To stroke, to rub NAGARAKU, adv. A long time. gently with the hand, to smooth; to NAGARAYE,-ru,-t, i. v. To continue console, pacify, quiet. Nade-ageru, to long in, to live. stroke or rub upward or against the NAGARE,-rU,-,a, i. v. To flow; to move, grain. Nade-tsukeru, to comb, rub, pass, or run as a fluid; to be adrift, or stroke, smooth. ~ carried by the current; to be forfeited, NADESHIKO, n. A pink. as a pawn; to miscarry, to stray. NaNADE-TSUKE, n. The hair worn un- gare-dama, a stray ball. Nagare-washaven and falling or combed back. taru, to float or drift across with the NADO. And so on, et cetera, or such current. like. NAGARE, n. A current, a stream; lineNADO, adv. Why, for what reason. age, race; numeral for flags, streamers, NA-DOKORO, n. A place of note, cele- forfeited. brated place. NAGARE-BUNE, n. A boat or ship that is NADZUKE,-ru,-la, t. v. To give a name, adrift or afloat. to name, to call. NAGARE-YA, n. A random shot, of an NADZU-KI, n. The head. arrow; a stray arrow. NADZUMI,-mU,-nda, i. v. To cloy, pall, NAGARE-ZAN, n. Miscarriage, abortion. cloy the appetite, to lie heavy on the NAGASA, n. The length. stomach. NAGASARE,-rU,-ta, pass. of Nagashi, to NADZUMI,-mu,-ada, i. v. To be attached be floated, or drifted by a current; to to or adhere to anything; obstinately be transported, or exiled. or bigotedly attached to, addicted to; NAGASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To cause to, or cleave, cling to. let flow, float, or drift; to set adrift; to NADZU-NA, n. The Capsella bursa pasto- commit to the current; to drain, or ris, Shepherd's Purse. draw off, as water; to forfeit, or let fail, NA-FUDA, n A card on which one's name as a pawn; to exile. is written, a visiting card. NAGASHI, n. A sink or drain to carry off NAGA-AME, n. A long rain. dirty water. MAGA-BAKAMA, n. The long trowsers NAGASHIME, n. Looking attentively worn at court. at. NAGA-BANASHI, n. A long story. NAGASHI-MONO, n. An exile, or one transNAGACHI, n. Menorrhagia. ported for crime. NAG 182 NAI NAGASHI-OTOKO, n. The servant or at- NAGURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To beat, strike. tendant of a bath-house. Naguri-taosu, to knock down. NAGASU, n. A large whale. NAGUSAME,-,-r,-, t. v. To amuse, diNAGATARASHII,-ki,-k,, a. Long and te- vert: to console, to comfort, to soothe, dious; prolix, lengthy. pacify, appease, to calm. NAGATE, a. Oblong. - no kata, oblong NAGUSAMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To amuse, shape. divert one's self. NAGA-TSUKI, n. The ninth month. NAGUSAMI, n. Amusement, diversion, NAGA-YE, F. A block of houses, a long recreation. row of houses under one roof; bar- NAI,-au,-tta, t. v. To twist a rope. racks. NAI,-ki,-ku,-shi. a. Not, is not, have NA-GAYE, n. Change of name. - wo su- not; dead. Shira-nai, don't know. ru, to change the name. lWakara-nai, don't understand. So de NAGA-YE, n. The shaft of a carriage; wa nai, it is not so. -Nai nara nakute the shaft of a spear, handle of an um- mo yoi, if there is none-very well. brella, a long spear. Nai mono wa nai, have everything, or NAGA-ZASHIKI, n. A long visit from a. destitute of nothing. Naku suru, to guest; staying long at an entertain- cause not to be, to destroy, to lose. ment. NAI, n. Earthquake. NAGE,-ru,-ta, t. z. To throw, cast, fling, NAI-BUN, n. Secret, private, not public. pitch, toss, hurl. Mi wo -, to cast one's - ni surz, to do privately. self into the water, to commit suicide. NAI-BUTSU, n. A household god. Nage-ageru, to throw up. VNage-dasu, NAI-FUKU, n. Administering medicines to throw out. Nage-ireru, to throw internally, internal treatment. into. Nage-komu, to throw into. NAIGASHIRO-NI, adv. Treating as of no Nage-kosu, to throw across, or over. consequence, making light of, disreNage-orosa, to throw down from a garding, slightingly, insultingly. height. Nage-suteru, to cast away; NAI-GUWAI, (uchti soto). Internal and exto let alone. Nage-tsukeru, to throw ternal, within and without, private and against, to fling down. Nage-utsu, to public, domestic and foreign. throw and hit, to hit, beat, to throw NAI-I, n. Private opinion, design, or inaway. Nage-yaru, to let alone, neg- tention; secret wish. lect, cast aside, give up. NAI-JAKURI, n. A sob. — wo suru, to NAGEKAWASHII,-ki,-kuz, a. Lamentable, sob. sad, mournful, pitiable. NAI-JO, n. Real or private sentiments, NAGEKI,-ku,-ila, t. v. To draw a long opinion, or feelings. breath, or sigh from grief, or sadness; NAI-KEN, n. Looking over privately beto grieve, lament, mourn; to complain. fore-hand. NAGESHI, n. A horizontal piece of tim- NAI-KO, n. Receding or striking in of an ber in the frame of a house. eruption. NAGI,-gu,-ida, t. v. To mow, to cut NAI-NAI, adv. Secretly, privately, not with a sweep. Nagi-fuseru, to mow publicly or openly. down, to cut down with a sweep. Na- NAIRA, n. Broken-winded,-only used gi-harau, to clear away by mowing. of horses. Vagi-taosu, to mow down. Nagi-ta- NAI-RAN, n. Looking at privately or seteru, to mow, to cut with a sword with cretly. a sweeping motion. NAI-RAN, n. Civil broil, civil war, intesNAGI,-gu,-ida, i. v. To be calm, still, tine commotion, domestic trouble. quiet, as the waves, or wind. NAI-SAI, n. Settling a matter privately, NAGI,n. Acalm. Asa-nagi, the morn- compounding a matter, compromise. ing calm. NAI-SHAKU, n. Borrowing money on acNAGI, n. A kind of water plant. count, or drawing a part of one's salary NAGI, n. The Podocarpus nageia. or wages before it is due. NAGI-NATA, n. A halberd. NAI-SHI, (sunawachi itaru made), conj. NAGISA, n. A beach, shore. Or, even to. NAGO, n. A mirage. NAI-SHIN, a. Real state of mind, private NAGORI, n. The act of parting, or saying opinion. farewell; relics, remains, vestige, ru- NAI-SHITSU, n. Wife. ins. NAI-SHO, n. Secret; private, not public, NAGURE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To glance off, slip not apparent. off, as an arrow. NAI-SON, (uchi wo sokonai), n. Internal NAI I83 NAK injury, or disease; a concealed blem- NAKA-NAORI, n. Healing strife; reconish. ciling parties who have quarreled; reNAI-TSi, n. Secret communication, storing friendship and harmony. treachery. NAKANDZUKU, adv. Especially, particuNAI-YAKU, n. Medicines given inter- larly, above all the others. nally. NAKANIMO, adv. Above all others, esNAI-YEN, (hisokana chigiri). Secret al- pecially, particularly. liance, secret marriage. NAKA-NIWA, n. A court-yard in the NA.JIMASE,-rU,-ga, caust. of Najinzi. To centre of a house. make familiar or intimate, to tame, to NAKARA, n. The middle, half. domesticate. NAKARAI, n. Marriage, union of sexes. NAJIMI,-nm,-nda, i. v. To be on famil- NAKARASHIMU, caust. of Nakari. Cause iar, friendly, or intimate terms; to be not to be. Chikara wo -, deprive of intimately acquainted, strength. NAJIMI, a. Intimate acquaintance, fa- NAKARI,-ruZ,-/ta, i.V. Is not, have not, miliarity, intimacy, friendship. neg. imp. Nakare, do not. NAJIRI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To inquire in a NAKASE, n. A porter, coolie. peremptory manner, to raise objections, NAKASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Naku. To to cavil. make or let cry. NAJIRI-T6, a. Inquiring in a peremptory NAKA-TAGAYE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be on manner, cross-examination. bad terms, to disagree, to fall out, to be NAKA, a. Inside, within, in, middle, at variance. midst, among, between; the state of NAKA-TAGAYE, n. Dissension, rupture, feeling between persons, relations of falling out, feud. friendship or harmony. NAKA-TE, n. Middling rice, that ripens NAKABA, a. Middle, midst of, the half. neither early or late. NAKA-BIKU, a. Concave, hollow or de- NAKA-TSUGI, n. One who transacts busipressed in the centre. ness between others, an agent, broker. NAKA-DACHI, n. A go-between, middle- NAKATSUKAMI, n. A leopard. man, mediator. NAKA-YUBI, n. The middle-finger. NAKA-DAKA, n. High in the centre, con- NAKA-ZASHI, n. An ornament worn in vex. the hair by women. NAKADAYE,-rZ,-ta, i. v. To be alienated NAKA-ZORA, n. Mid-heaven. in feeling, to cease friendly relations, NAKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To cry, to weep, to break off an intimacy. bawl, squall; used also for the loud NAKAGAI, n. The trade or business of a cry or noise made by birds, animals, or broker, a broker. insects. Naki-akasu, to spend the NAKAGO, n. That part of the sword- night in crying, to cry all night. Nablade which runs into the handle. ki-doyomu, to make a loud noise, as NAKA-GORO, n. Middle ages, or middle when many persons are crying out toof a month. gether. Naki-fusu, to lie down and NAKA-HODO, n. The middle, half, cen- cry. Naki-harasu, to swell the eyetre. lids or face with crying.. Naki-modaNAKA-ICHI-NEN, n. The third year from yeru, to cry and writhe, or throw one's now, after one full year has intervened. self about. Naki-sakebu, to shriek NAKA-ICHI-NICHI, a. After one day has and cry, or cry with a loud voice. Naintervened, or on the third day, count- ki-sawaguz, to cry in great agitation or ing the first and last. excitement, to make a disturbance by NAKA-IRE, n. A mediator, go-between. crying. Naki-shiorerit, to become NAKA-IRI, n. The recess, or interval in weak, or faint with crying. Nakiplay. shitau, to cry and long for a loved one NAKA-KUBO, n. Concave, hollowed in the who is absent. middle. NAKI-DZURA, n. Crying face, tearful NAKAMA, n. A company, firm, class, so- countenance. ciety, party, fraternity, guild. NAKI-GOTO, n. Complaining, whining, NAKA-MUKASHI, n. Middle ages. whimpering, or talking in a croaking or NAKA-NAKA, conj. Beyond expectation; lugubrious manner. but on the contrary; indeed; imper- NAKI-GOYE, n. A cry, the voice of one fectly, not fully or thoroughly. - mu- crying. dzukashii, more difficult than I sup- NAKODO, n. A go-between, a middleposed. man; mediator. NAK I84 NAM NAKUNARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be lost, NAMASU, n. A kind of food made of missing, no longer in existence, come raw fish. to naught, done, used up, all gone, NAMA-TSUBA, n. A flow of saliva, as in dead. eating anything sour or in pregnancy. NAMA, a. Raw, crude, uncooked, unripe, NAMA-WAKAI,-ki,-ku,-s/Zi, a. Still very green, unseasoned, fresh; inexperienced, young, green and inexperienced, young immature, imperfect, unskilled; super- and immature. ficial. Nama-mono, raw or uncooked NAMA-YAKE, a. Half-baked, or roasted, things. Narna-samurai, an inexpe- under-done. rienced soldier. Nama-uwo, raw fish. NAMAYE. n. Name. Nana-gai, raw clams. NAMA-YEI, n. Half-drunk, fuddled. NAMABI, a. Imperfectly dried, half dried. NAMBA, n. A kind of wooden boots worn NAMACHI, n. Fresh blood. -by farmers in working in deep rice NAMADZU, n. A cat-fish. fields; maize. NAMADZU, n. A species of macula or NAM-BEN, adv. How many times, many disease of the skin. Shiro -, albino. times. NAMA-GATEN, n. Having a smattering NAM-BIY~. A dangerous or incurable only, comprehending imperfectly, only disease. half understanding a matter. NAM-BO (nani hido). How much? How NAMA-GIKI, n. A charlatan, smatterer; many? a vain, conceited person. NAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To lick, to taste, to NAMA-GOROSHI, n. Not completely killed, apply the tongue to anything. half dead. NAMEDZURI,-rU, i. v. To lick the mouth, NAMA-GUSAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Fresh and as an animal after eating. disagreeable in smell, smell of raw flesh, NAMEGE, n. Rudeness, impoliteness. or of raw fish. NAMEHARA, n. Mucous diarrhoea. NAMA-IKI, a. Affected, conceited; half NAMEKUJI, n. A slug or kind of snail. dead. NAMERAKA, n. Slippery, smooth, glib, NAMAJII, a. Imperfect, half done.- oily, unctious; bland, flattering. NAMA-JIROI, a. Dirty white, not pure NAMESHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To tan, to dress white. and soften skins. NAMAKE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be indolent, NAMESHI-GAWA, n. A tanned skin, idle, lazy, slothful. leather. NAMA-KI, n. Unseasoned or green wood. NAMI, n. Waves. Namni-uchi-giwa, NAMAKO, n. A kind of tile-work, made wave-beaten shore. of square tiles with the joints filled and NAMI. Common, ordinary, usual, averraised with mortar. age quality. Tohsi-nami, yearly. NAMAKO, n. The sea-slug-Beche de Tsuki- nami, monthly. Hi- nami mer. daily, day by day. Kado -, from house NAMAKURA, n. A bad tempered blade, a to house. dull sword. NAMIDA, n. Tears. NAMAMEKI,-ku,-ita,i. v. To affect a fas- NAMIDA-GUMI,-,tu,nda, i. v. Eyes fillcinating manner; to adorn one's self, ing with tears, to look as if about to and act with the desire to please, or cry. captivate; to flirt, coquette. NAMI-I,-iru,-ita, i. v. To be in a row, NAMA-MONO-JIRI, n. One who has only sit in a row, arranged in order. a superficial knowledge of things, but NAMI-KI, n. Trees planted in a row or who affects the philosopher, a pedant; a in regular order. vain, conceited or affected person. NAMI-MA, n. Between, or amongst the NAMA-NAKA, adv. Imperfectly, partially, waves. not thorough or fully; beyond expect- NAMI-NAMI, adv. Ordinary, usual, comation. mon, in regular order. NAMA-NAMA. Raw, green, inexperienced, NAMI-SURU. To set at naught, to despise, immature. make light of, to treat with disrespect. NAMA-NIYE, n. Half-boiled, half-cooked. NAMI-YOKE n. A breakwater. NAMARI, n. Lead. NAM-MON, n. A caviling or difficult NAMARI, n. Dialect, manner of speak- question or objection. - suru, to raise ing, provincialism. objections, to propound hard questions, NAMARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To speak with a catechise. provincial accent, or manner; to speak NAMOMI, n. A kind of weed. with a brogue. NAMPI, n. Defect, flaw, blemish. NAM 185 NAO NAM-PO, n. Adverse or baffling wind. NA-NI-6, a. The celebrated, famous; NA-MUSHI, n. A caterpillar which feeds corresponding to its reputation. on the leaves of the rape-seed plant. NANI-SAMA, adv. Somehow, some way NAN (katai). Hard, difficult; hardship, or other. adversity, misfortune; objection, diffi- NANI-TO-ZO. Exclam. in requesting, beculty. seeching; I pray you, please. NAN (minami), n. South. NANJI,5-rO. You,-used to equals or inNAN (otoko). A male, man, son. - shi, feriors. Nanji-ra, plur. you. a male child, a boy, a son. - niyo, NANJI,-dzu,-ta, i. v. To object to, to male and female, man and woman. state a difficulty. yi -, the second son. Yo -, the fourth NAN-Jo, n. Affliction, hardship, misery, son. trouble. NAN. A contracted form of Nani. What. NAN-KIYOKU, n. The south pole. Nan doki, what o'clock? Nan-do, NAN-KO, n. The game of odd and even. how often. Nan-demo, whatsoever, NAN-KON, n. Membrum virile. whatever. NAN-KOTSU, n. Cartilage. NANA, cont. of Nanatsu, seven. NAN-NAN, adv. Almost, nearly, about NANAKO, n. A kind of silk goods, en- to, approaching to. Ski ni - to su, chased work. almost dead. NANAME, a. Inclined, slanting, oblique, NAN-NANTARU, a. Deep and dark, as a diagonal. Naname-naradzu, exceed- deep river or sea. ing great. NANORI,-rZ,-ita, t. v. To tell one's NANAsoJI. Seventy years of age. name, to introduce one's self. NanoNANATSU. Seven. ri-au, to tell each other their name NANATSU-GE, n. The hairs on the fin- to introduce themselves to each other. gers and toes.. NANORI, n. Name. NANDA, adv. What is it? what is the NANORI-SO, n. A kind of seaweed. matter? NAN-SEN, n. Shipwreck. - suru, to be NAN-DAI, n. A hard theme; a difficult wrecked. subject; a hard, unjust or cruel mat- NAN-SHOKU, n. Sodomy. - suru, to ter. practice sodomy. NAN-DO, n. A butler's room, closet, NAN-TEN-SHOKU, n. The Nandina dopantry, larder. mestica. NAN-GI, n. Hardship, affliction, trouble, NANUKA, n. The seventh day of the misery, calamity, disaster; difficult, month, seven days. hard. NANUSHI, n. The head-man, chief magNAN-GIY6. n. Hard and painful religious istrate of a village, or of a ward of a city. works; as fasting, self-inflicted torture; NAN-ZAN, n. A difficult parturition. penance. NANZO, adv. Why, wherefore. NANI, pro. What. Nani hitotsu to NAO, adv. Still, yet, more. Nao-mata, shite, in every particular. -ga haite moreover, again, furthermore, still kuru, something is coming in. more. Nao-motte, still more, moreNANI-BUN. Exclam. = I pray you, over. Nao-nao, more and more, still please, I beseech. more. Nao-sara, still more, moreNANI-DEMO, fron. Anything whatever. over, again. -yoroshii, anything will do. NAOI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Straight, not NANI-GASHI, Iron. A certain person, crooked, right, correct, upright, just, somebody, some one, so and so. honest. NANI-GE-NAI,-ki,-ku,-.chi,-c, a. Without NAOKARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be straight, any appearance whatever of minding, not crooked; correct, upright. caring about, or knowing i with a care- NAO-NAO-GAKI, n. A postscript, addenless, unconcerned, or indifferent man- da, codicil. ner; without letting on. NA-ORE, n. Disgrace, infamy, reproach. NANI-GOKORO-NAKU, adv. Not think- NAoRI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be cured, healing, not intending, without minding. ed; to mend, repair, to restore friendNANI-GOTO. Why, what reason; what ship; to be translated from one lannews, matter or business. guage into another. NANI-KURE. Any and everything. - to NAOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To cure, heal; to isogashii, busy in various ways. mend, repair; to correct, to rectify, reNANI-MO, adv. Everything whatever; form, to straighten, to restore friendwith a neg., nothing whatever, ship; to translate. NAO i86 NAR NAOSHI, n. A cobbler, or repairer of NARE-SOME,-rU,-ta, i. v. To commence, shoes. to be intimate, or acquainted; to begin, NAOZARI, n. Indifferent, remiss, slight- to be accustomed to. ing, disregarding; unimportant, trivial, NARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be. become. not worthy of notice or consideration. NARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To emit a sound, to NAOZARI,-ru,-tta, /. v. To pass by, ne- sound, to make a noise, ring, hum, glect, omit to do; to disregard, slight. buzz. Nari-agaru, to sound upward. NARA, n. The name of a species of oak. Nari-doyomu, to sound aloud. NariNARA,nadv. If. Yedoyeyuku-nara,if hibiku, to resound, reverberate. Nariyou go to Yedo. wvataru, to sound over,-far and wide. NARABA, adv. If there be, if, if possible. NARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To form fruit, to NARABE,-ru,-a, t. v. To place in order, grow, or appear as fruit; to beget, proarrange in a row, to match or rank duce. with. NARI, n. Leprosy. NARABI,-b,-nda, i.. To be in a row, NARI, n. Form, figure, shape, manner, to be arranged in order, matched. appearance, style, air. NARABI, n. The order, arrangement, NARI, n. Sound, noise. row, rank, series. NARI-AGARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To grow up; NARABI-NI, conj. Together with, and, to rise suddenly in rank or fortune also. from a low grade. Nari-agari shin NARADE, adv. Not being, without it is, sh5, suddenly acquired property. unless, excepting. Kore- hoka ni wa NARI-FURI, n. Manner, deportment, apnai, have none except this. pearance, mode of dress. NARADZU-MONO, n. A good for nothing NARI-GATAI,-ki,-ku-shi, a. Difficult to fellow, one who is of no use. be, to become, to do; hard to obtain. NARAI,-au,-atla, t. v. To study, to NARI-HATE,-ru -ta, i. v. To end, finish, learn, to practice so as to be familiar conclude one s course. to come to a with; to imitate. bad end, to turn out bad. NARAI, n. Custom, usage, fashion, man- NARI-HATE, n. A bad end, or the end ner, way, practice. of one's evil course. NARA-NAI, the neg. of Nari. Nakute NARI-KAKARI -ru,-,ta i. v. To begin to naranai, can't do without, must have be, to commence, about.to become. it. Itakute naranai, it pains so that NARI-KATACHI, a. The form, figure, I cannot endure it. shape, appearance. NARASHI,-su,-ta. Caust. of Nari. To NARI-KAWARI,-ru,-tta, i. z. To change cause to produce, make to bear. into, transform; to be instead of, to NARASHI-sU,-ta. Caust. of Nari. To take the place of. cause to sound, to sound, to ring, to NARIKKO, n. Form, shape, style. play on. NARI-KUDARI,-ru,-/tt, i. v. To become NARASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To level, make low, to descend from a high to a low even; to average, station in life, to fall to a low estate. NARASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To train, drill, or NARIMBO, n. A leper. exercise so as to be perfect in, or famil- NARI-MONO, n. Musical instruments. iar with; to familiarize. NARI-MONO, n. Fruit. NARASHI, a. Training, drilling. NARI-S6, a. Appears as if it would be, NARASHIME,-rU,-ta, caust. of Nari. To seems as if, looks as if. cause to be, or become. NARI-TACHI, n. Bringing up, education, NARAWASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Narai. To rearing up. cause to learn, order to be taught. NARI-WAI, n. Employment, occupation, NARAWASHI, a. Custom, fashion, man- business; calling. ner, practice, way. NARI-YUKI, n. State, condition, case or NARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be accustomed circumstances into which any thing to, used, habituated, familiar, inured comes by a course of conduct or train to, well acquainted with. of events, the result. NARE-AI, n. Collusion, conspiring to- NARU-HODO. Exclam. used in expressing gether, a secret agreement, or under- one's understanding, assent or approstanding. bation, = I understand, very true, inNARE-GINU, n. Clothes which one is ac- deed! customed to from use. NARU-KAMI, n. Thunder. NARE-NARESHII,-ki,-kI, a. Familiar, in- NARU-KO, n. A kind of scare-crow which timate; free or easy in manner. makes a noise. NAR I87 NEB NARU-TAKE, adv. As much as possible; in which rice sprouts are grown for as much, or as good as you can. transplanting. NASAKE, n. Kindness, pity, humanity, NAWATE, n. A road through rice-fields. benevolence. NAWA-TSUKI, n. A person in bonds, a NASARE,-rU,-ta, (pass. of Nasu; used re- criminal. spectfully). To do, to make. NAYA, n. A store room, or cellar for preNASARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To do, to make. serving vegetables, fish, etc. NASASHIME,-rU,-ta, caust. of Nasu. To NAYAMASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To afflict, to cause or order to make, or let do. trouble, distress, to persecute, harass, N.ASHI,-sU,-ta, t. v. To do, to make, to to vex, annoy. beget. NAYAMASHII,-ki,-kU,-u,-sa, n. Afflictive, NASHI, n. A pear. - no ki, a pear distressing, bitter, painful. tree. NAYAMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be dis-. NASHIJI, n. A kind of lacquer, having a tressed, afflicted, tormented, harassed, pear colored ground sprinkled with gold vexed, to suffer. leaf. NAYAMI, n. Affliction, suffering, malady, NASHI-KUDZUSHI, n. Paying by instal- pain. ments. NAYARAI, n. The ceremony of expelling NASU, or NASUBI, n. The egg-plant. evil spirits, or sickness. NASURi,-ru,-tta, i. v. To paint, varnish, NAYASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To make limber, daub, smear; to lay the blame on pliant, or soft; to afflict, distress, to others, to impute, or charge to others. trouble. NATA, n. A hatchet. NAVE, n. Young shoots, or sprouts. NATA-MAME, n. A kind of bean with a NAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be weak, imposword shaped pod. tent, paralysed. NA-TANE, n. Rape-seed. NAYE, n. Impotence. NATSU, n. Summer. - mono, summer NAYORAKA-NA. Delicate in form or clothes. graceful in motion. NATSUGE, n. The brown hair of the NAZE, adv. Why, wherefore, for what stag, of which pencils are made. reason. NATSU-GI, n. Summer clothes. NAZO, same as Nado, = ahd such like NATSUGO, n. A kind of silk-worm that things, et cetera. makes a cocoon twice a year. NAZO, (contr. of Nanzo,) Why, whereNATSUKASHIGARI,-rU,-tt, i. v. To be fore, for what reason. longing after, to think affectionately of NAZO, n. A riddle, enigma. something absent, to be home-sick. NAZORAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To make like or NATSUKASHII,-ki,-ku, a. That which is similar, to resemble, to imitate: to use absent and thought of Aith love or af- figuratively, to compare, liken; to ilfection, to be longed after. lustrate, to give as an example; to NATSUIKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To tame, to learn. make gentle or familiar, to domesti- NAZOYE. Inclined, slanting, sloping, obcate; to soften, mollify, to gain the lique. friendship of. NE, n. The root; the origin; at the NATSUKI,-k,-ita, i. v. To be friendly, bottom, at heart, in truth. familiar or intimate; social, to be tame, NE, n. Price, value, cost. domesticated. NE, n. The sound, tone: noise. NATSUME, n. The date fruit. NE, (contr. of Nedzumi, rat). One of NATTO, n. A kind of food made of the twelve calendar signs. Ne no toki, beans. 12 o'clock at night. Ne no ho, the NATTOKU. - surU, to consent, to ad- north. mit, approve, allow, to concur in. NE, n. The peak of a mountain. NA-UTE. Celebrated, famous, well- NE,-ru,-a, i. v. To sleep; to lie down; known. to go ro bed. NAWA. A rope, line. NE-AGE, n. Rise, or advance in price. NAWA-BARI, n. Laying out or measur- - wo suru, to raise the price. ing ground with a line. NE-ASE, n. Sweating while asleep; NAWA-HASHIGO, n. A rope ladder, night-sweat. NAWA-NOBI, n. Stretching a line; giv- NEBAI,-ki,-ku,-/hi, a. Sticky, adhesive, ing good measure or more than is gluey, viscous, glutinous, tenacious, called for in measuring with a line. cohesive. Nebaku suru, to make NAWASHIRO, n. A small piece of ground sticky. Nebaku naru, to become sticky. NEB I88 NEJ NEBA-NEBA, adv. Sticky, adhesive, te- NEGAWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Desirable, that nacious, glutinous. which is desired or prayed for. NEBARI,-r,-tta, i. v. To be sticky, ad- NE-GAYERI, n. Changing one's position hesive, gummy, viscous, tenacious or in sleep. - wo suru, to turn in bed. cohesive. Nebari-tsuku, to stick, to NEGI, n. Onion. adhere, to cohere. NEGI, n. An inferior Sintoo priest. NEBARI-KE, n. Gummy, of an adhesive, NEGI-GOTO, n. A petition, prayer, deglutinous, or sticky nature. sire, request. NEBASA, n. Adhesiveness, viscidity, te- NEGIRAI,-au,-t a, t. v. To entertain, nacity, cohesiveness. treat hospitably; to return thanks for NEBA-TSUCHI, n. Sticky earth, clay. some service rendered. NE-BIKI, n. A reduction or lowering of NEGIRI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To cheapen, to price, beat down the price. NE-BIYE, n. Being cold while asleep or NE-GOTO, n. Talking in sleep. - wo lying down. iu, to talk in sleep. NE-BO, n. A sleepy-head, a drowsy per- NEGURA, n. A roost, peach. son. NE-GURUSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Sleeping badly, NEBOKE,-ru,-t, i. v. To be stupid or unable to sleep. bewildered, when suddenly roused from NE-GUSARI,-ru,-/ta, i. v. To oversleep sleep; to walk in sleep. one's self, sleep to long. NEBUKA, n. A kind of garlic. NEHAN, a. Nirvana, - the state of suNEBuRI,-ru,-tta, t.. To lick, to taste, preme happiness of the Buddhists. to apply the tongue to anything. NEI, (hetsurau). To flatter, to fawn Caust. neburaseru. upon, pay court to, to be obsequious. NEBUTO, n. A boil. Nei-ben, flattery, adulation, blandishNEDA, i. The lower sill of a building on ment. Nei-jin, a flatterer, sycophant. which the upright timbers rest. Nei-kan, flattery and intriguing. NeiNEDAN, n. Price, value, cost. sha, a flatterer, sycophant. Nei-yu, NEDARI,-r,-tta, t. v. To demand im- flattery, adulation. portunately, to tease by asking for. NE-IKI, a. The breathing of one asleep. NE_-DOGU, n.'Articles used in sleeping; - wo ukagau, to watch the breathing as, bedding and night-clothes. of one asleep. NEDOI. Asking a person to repeat what NE-IRI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be asleep. Nehe has said, to enquire a second time. iri-bana, the time of deepest sleep. NEDOKO, n. A bedstead, a sleeping NE-IRO, n. The tone of voice, or of an place. instrument of music. NEDZUMAI, n. Manner or posture in NEJI, n. A screw. sleeping. NEJI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To screw, to twist, to NEDZUMI, n. A rat. Nedzuimi-iro, wring, to contort, distort, wrench. mouse-color, a lead color. Nedzumi- Neji-au, to wrestle together. Nejikoroshi, rats-bane, poison for killing akeru, to open by twisting or screwing, rats. Nedzumi-mochi, ligustrum or to wrench open. Neji-ffuseru, to privet. Nedzumi-naki, the squeak- throw a person down by a twisting moing of a rat, the noise made with the tion, as in wrestling. Neji-hanasu, to lips like calling a dog. Nedzunzi- separate by twisting, twist apart, otoshi, a rat-trap. wrench off. Neji-kiru, to twist, to NE-DZUYo I,-ki,-ku,-si, a. Strongly or wring off. Neji-koRmu, to screw, or well rooted, good at bottom, of good twist into. Neji-mawasu, to screw, stamina. twist, or turn round, to whirl round. NE-FUSHI,-SU,-ta, i. v. To lie down, to Neji-muku, to turn one's face away, sleep. or twist the body around so as to turn NEGAI,-au or -,-atta or -oaa a, t. v. To the face away. Neji-oru, to'break off desire, to request, entreat, beseech, to by twisting. Ne/i-shiboru, to press pray for, supplicate, to petition. Ne- out by twisting, to wring out. Nejigawakuba, I desire or pray that. Nega- taosu, to throw down in wrestling by a wanu, not to desire, twisting motion. NEGAI, n. Desire, request, entreaty, pe- NEJIKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be unprincitition, prayer. pled and artful, to be specious and flatNEGAI-SHO, n. A written petition. tering; to be twisted. Ne'ike-bito, an NE-GAMI, n. A paper the color of which unprincipled, artful and specious perhas changed by long keeping. son. NEJ 189 NER NEJI-KIRI, n. An augur. year. Nen-kiri, a term of years. NenNEJI-KUBI, n. Twisting off the head. bun, yearly portion, or share. NenNE-JIME, a. Tight, firm, or secure about nai, during the year. Nen-nen, yearly. the roots or foundation; exactness, ac- Nen-pai, age, time of life. Nen-rai, curacy; tone of a musical instrument. for years past. Nen-rei, age, years old. NEJIRE,-ru-ta, i. v, To be twisted, Nen-,ju, yearly payments. Nen-rei, warped, distorted, to be askew, con- New Year's compliments. Nen-shi, torted. beginning of the year. NVen-bi, end of NEKASHI,-SU,-,a, t. v. To make, or let the year. Nen-suz, the number of years. go to sleep, to lay down anything stand- Nen-go, epoch, name of the year. Nening, to let rest, or remain quiet. gen, fixed term of years. NEKKARA, adv., with a neg. verb. Not NEN, n. Thought, attention, care, heed, at all. notice, regard, regret. - wo irete suru, NEKKI, n. Fever, heat. to do carefully. NEKO, n. A cat. NENASHI-KADZURA, a. Cuscuta, DodNEKOMIA, n. A cat, or a badger. der. NEKO-NADEGOYE, n. The coaxing sound NEN-CHAKU. - suru, to stick or adhere made in fondling a cat. tightly. NE-KOROBI,-b —nda, i. v. To lie down NENDAIKI, n. A chronological table, a anywhere, to throw one's self down book on chronology. anywhere to sleep. NENGORO. Friendly, kind, civil, courteNEKOSOGE, adv. All, everything,-down ous, polite, affable, social. to the very roots. NEN-GU, n. Tax on land. NEKOZA, n. A kind of coarse mat made NEN-GUWAN, n. Desire, wish, hope. of straw. NENJI,-dzuru,-ta, t. v. To repeat or reNE-KUBI, n. Cutting off the head of a.cite prayers, to pray. person asleep. - wo suru. NEN-JU, a. A rosary. NE-MA, n. A bed-chamber, bed-room. NEN-JU, n. Reciting the sacred books of NE-MAKI, n. A night-gown. the Buddhists. NE-MARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To sit with the NENKI, n. The term of service of a serfeet doubled under in Japanese fashion. vant; an apprentice, or one bound to NE-MASHI, n. Increasing or adding to service for a fixed time. Ichi -, one the price. year's service. - j n mon, an indenture. NEM-BUTSU, n. Praying by repeating the - mono, an apprentice — hokob servwords, Namu annida butsu. ing for a term of years. NEsME,-ru-ta, t.. To look fiercely at, NEN-KI, n. The year of mourning for to glare at. Neme-mawasu, to look the death of a relative. around fiercely, to glare about. Neme- NENNE, n. An infant child. tsukeru, to look fiercely at, to glare at. NE-NOBI, n. Stretching one's self in bed NE-IMIM, a. The ears of one sleeping. or while laying down. - ni midzu, like water dropped into NEN-RIKI, (omou chikara). The jower the ear of a person sleeping. of the will, resolution, fixedness of purNE-MOTO, a. The root, origin, source, pose. beginning. NEN-RIYO, n. Thought, attention, careNEMUI,-,-k',-shi, a. Sleepy, drowsy. ful consideration; care, anxiety. Nemuku naru to become sleepy. NEN-SHA, n. A careful, thoughtful, proNEMUNOKI, n. The magnolia. vident, considerate person. NEMURI,-rU,-Ita, i. v. To sleep. NEN-YEKI, n. Mucus. NEMURI, n. Sleep. NEO, n. A round silken cord. NEMURI-ME, n. Sleepy-eyes, or eyes NE-OBIYE,-ru,-ta, i.. To wake from closed in sleep. sleep bewildered or startled. NEsMiURiTAGARiI-ru,-4/a, i. v. To be NE-OKI, n. Rising from sleep, or from sleepy, want to sleep. bed. -ga warui, to get up in a bad NEMUSA, n. Sleepiness. humor. NEMUTAI,-ki-ku,-shi, a. Sleepy, drow- NEPPO, (atsui kaze), n. A hot wind. sy, to wish to sleep. Nemutaku nai, NERAI,-au,-ata,. v. To aim at, to watch not sleepy. for, lie in wait for, to glare at. NeraiNEN, (toshi), n. Year. Iku nen ato, yoru, to aim at, or watch anything and how many years ago? Nen-ga, New approach to it. Year's compliments. Nen -giyoku, NERAI, n. Aim. New Year's gift. Nen-jui, the whole NERE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be worked into NER I90 NIB proper consistence, tempered, trained, into proper consistence, to work into experienced. paste; to knead. NERI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To work into proper NE-YASUI,-ki,-ku, a. Sleeping quietly, consistence of softness or hardness, by -peacefully, or tranquilly. kneading, stirring, or pounding; to tern- NE-YASUI,-ki,-ku, a. Cheap in price. per, to harden, to train. Neri-kitau, NE-ZAME, n. Awake. to harden, to temper, as metals. NE-ZAME,-r/,-/a, i. v. To awake, to NERI, n. A kind of white silk. wake from sleep. NERI,-ru,-t/a, i. v. To walk at a slow NE-ZASHI,-su,-ta, i. v. To take root; to pace. Neri-aruku. to walk slowly. originate. NERI-BEI, n. A wall built of tiles laid NEZATOI,-ki,-kz, a. Easily waking from horizontally in mortar. sleep, sleeping lightly. NERI-MONO, n. A car filled with dancers NEZERI, n. A kind of celery. drawn at festivals. NE-ZO, n. The way of sleeping, the poNERI-MONO, n. Ornaments made of wax, sition in sleep. in imitation of coral, or precio us stones. NI, (fuatlsu), a. Two. Nido, twice. NERI-YAKU, n. A medical paste or con- Ni-gawatsu, the second month. Niserve, an ointment. ban, the second. Ni-ben, the two calls NERI-Y6KAN, n. A kind of confectionary of nature. made of red beans and sugar. NI, n. Goods, merchandise, wares; NE-SAGE, n. A fall in the price of any- a package or bale of goods; baggage, thing. luggage; a burden, load; cargo. NESASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To make or let go NI,jost-hos. In, into, to, on, at, by, of, to sleep, to cause to lie down. from; since, as, because; according to. NE-SHIDZUMAR.I, —ru,-tta. i. v. To sink (2.) An adverbial ending, as, Makointo quiet sleep, buried in sleep. to-ni, truly. Sude ni, already. NE-SH6BEN, n. Wetting the bed, urinat- (3.) A conjunctive particle, in enumering while asleep. - wo suru, to wet ating several things, = and. Sake ni the bed. budo ni mikan ni sono hoka iro iro NE-SUGI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To over-sleep, aru, there were wine, grapes, and sleep too long. oranges, besides many other things. NE-SURIGOTO, n. Flattery, or currying (4.) At the end of a sentence, exfavor by traducing others. presses regret; as, chichi no in koto NETAMASHII,-ki,-ku, a. That of which wo kiie irazaru wagamana wo seneone is envious or jealous; enviable. ba yokalta ni, it would have been betNETAMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To be jealous ter if I had listened to my father, and of, to envy. not followed my own selfish ways. NETAMI, n. Jealousy, envy. Ni,-ru,-ta, t. v. To cook in boiling waNETSU, n. Fever. ter, to boil. NETSU-BIYO, n. A fever, or febrile dis- Ni,-ru,-ta, i. v. To resemble, to be simiease. lar. alike. NETSU-BUTSU, n. Ardent spirits. NIAI,-au,-tta, i. v. To resemble each NE-TSUGI, n. Splicing the decayed end other, to be like each other, to suit, to of posts. fit, to accord, adapt, to become. NViNETSUI,-i, -ku, -si, a. Persevering, awanu, not suited, unbecoming, impersisting in or sticking to anything; proper. tedious, prolix; over-particular or care- NI-AWASE,-ru,-ta, t. V. To adapt, to ful. make to suit, or fit. NETSUKE, n. A carved button, used for NIAWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Suitable, becomsuspending the tobacco-pouch to the ing, well adaped, proper. belt. NIBAMI,-mu,-da, i. v. To turn yellow NE-TsUKI,-ku,-i/a, i. v. To fall asleep. in color, to become old and yellowNETSU-SAMASHI, n. A medicine that cures ish. a fever, febrifuge. NI-BANA. An infusion of tea just made NETTr, n. Hot water. and in its best state. NE-UCHI, n. Setting the price, fixing the NIBE, n. A fish's air-bladder, isinprice. - wo fzz/u, to appraise. glass. NE-WASURE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To forget by NIBUI,-ku,-shi, a. Dull, blunt; stupid, over-sleeping. sluggish, slow, inactive, awkward. NEYA, n. A chamber, bed-room. NI-BU-KIN, n. A piece of gold coin of NEYASHI,-,-,-a, t. V. To work or stir the value of half a riyo. NIB 191 NIK NI-EUNE, n. A merchant-ship, a ship NIGIWASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To make for carrying goods. thronged, busy, active, or lively; to NIBUSA, n. Dulness, stupidity. relieve the sufferings of the people by NICHAKO, n. Paper chewed up into a giving supplies, or alms. soft ball, spit-ball. - teppo, a pop- NIGIwASHII,-ki-ku, a. Bustling, thronged gun. and lively, crowded with busy people. NICHA-NICHA, adz'. Having the quality NIGIWASHISA, n. The bustle, stir, crowdsticking or adhering. ed state. NICHATSUKI,-ku,-ta, i. v. To be sticky, NIGIYAKA, n. Bustling, lively, crowded, adhesive, clammy. thronged. NICHI, n Day. Iku nichi, how many NIGOKE, a. The hair of the body. days? Ichi -. one day. Nichi-gen, NI-GON, n. Contradicting, or denying a fixed or set day, a limited number of what one has said or promised previousdays. Nizchi-nichi, daily, every day, ly; breaking or retracting one's word, day by day. NVichi-ya, day and night. repeating what one has said. Nichi-yo, daily use. NIGORI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be muddy, NICHI-RIN, n. The sun. turbid, not clear, impure. NI-DZUKURI, n. Making up into bales or NIGORI, n. Turbid, not clear, impure. packages. NIGORI-ZAKE, n. A kind ofinferiorsake NIGAI,-ki,-ku,-s i, a. Bitter; hard, in which the grounds have not been cruel, severe, sarcastic. strained off. NIGAMI,-m,,-nda, i. v. To be bitter, to NIGOSHI,-s,,-a, caust. of Nigoru. To have an angry or surly look. make turbid, to muddy. NIGAMI, n. Bitter in taste, bitterishness. NI-GURA, n. A pack-saddle. NIGA-NIGASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Bitter, dis- -NIGUROME, n. Bronzed copper. agreeable, painful, severe, distasteful, NI-HAN, n. (lit. two halves.) Hesitating provoking, sarcastic. between two, uncertainty, doubt, NI-GAO, n. A likeness, portrait. -zoo quandary, dilemma. - de koto ga zakaku, to draw a likeness. kara-nai, I am in a dilemma and don't NIGARI,-ru,-4ta, i. v. To feel bitterly, know what to do. to be provoked, or angry. NII, (atarashi,) (only used in compound NIGARI, n. The brine formed by the words). New; as Nii-makura, a new deliquescence of salt. pillow, or sleeping together for the first NIGASA, n. Bitterness. time. NIGASHII,-SU,-ta, caust. of Nigeru. To NII-SAN. A coll. cont. of A nisan. Elder make, or let escape; let go. brother. NIGA-WARAI, n. A bitter or sarcastic NIJI, n. A rainbow. laugh, a sneer. NI-JIKI, n. Two meals a day. NiGE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To run away, to flee NIJIMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To spread or away, to escape. Nige-chiru, to flee run, as a blot of thin ink, or oil. and scatter. Nige-dasu, to flee out of, NIJIRAsE,-ru,-?a, caust. of Nzjiru. To escape from, to leave. Nige-hiashiru, cause to incline to one side; to to flee away. Nige-kakureru, to run twist, to force in an oblique position; and hide. to give a slant, to cant round. NIGENAI,-ki,-k, a. Unlike, not resem- NIJIRI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be twisted or bling, not appearing to be like. inclined to one side, to slant, canted; NIGI-NIGISHII,-ki,- u, a. Bustling, to shove one's self along on the butthronged, crowded and lively. tocks. NiGIRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To grasp, or hold NIJIRI-GAKI, n. A slanting mode of in the hand, to clutch, clinch to gripe. handwriting. Nigiri-shimeru, to squeeze tight in the NI-Ju, a. Twenty. - ichi, twentyhand, to grasp tightly, to clinch. one. NIGIRI, n. The hold, the place where NI-JU. Twice, over again, double, second the hand grasps the bow. time. -yane, a double roof. NIGIRI-KOBUSHI, n. The clenched fist. NIKAI, n. The second story of a house. NIGIRI-MESHI, n. Cold rice eaten by NI-KATA, n. A cook; making it into a ball. NIKAWA, n. Glue. Nlikawa- dzuke, NIGITE, a. The cut paper hung up be- gluing together. Nikawa-nabe, a fore the Kami. glue-pot. NIGIwAI,-au,-tta, i. v. To be crowded NIKIBI, n. Pimples on the face, acne. and bustling, thronged and lively. NIKKEI, n. Cinnamon, or cassia. NIK 192 NIO NiKKI, n. A diary, journal. NI-MOTSU, U. Baggage, luggage, goods NIKKO-TO-WARAI,- a, - ta, i. v. To in packages, mercnandize. smile, to laugh in a suppressed way, to NIM-PI-NIN, (hito ni shite hito ni arachuckle. dzu). A man in appearance, but not NIKKUWA, n. Daily work, daily task. in heart, a low fellow, a yeta. NI-KoMI,-nu,-nda, t. v. To boil into, to NIN, (hito,) n. Man, person. Iku nin, boil and incorporate one thing with an- how many persons? other. NIN. n. Trust, office, duty, business. NICO-NIKO-TO, adv. Smilingly, pleas- NIN, n. The kernel of a peach-stone, antly, cheerfully. - warau, to smile. plumb-stone, etc. NI-KOROSHI-sS,-ta, /. v. To boil to NINAI,-au,-tta, t. v. To carry with a death, to kill by putting into boiling pole across the shoulder. water. NINAI, n. A bucket for carrying water. NIKOYAKA, a. Smiling, gentle, cheerful, NINAI-B6, n. A pole used for carrying mild. burdens across the shoulder. NIKU, n. Flesh, meat. The coloring NINAWASE,-rU,-ta, caust. of Ninau. To stuff made of Nogusa saturated with cause, order, or let another carry a load. ink, used for sealing, or stamping. NINDO, n. The honey-suckle, the LoniUshi no -, beef. Buta no -, pork. cerajaponica. Shu -, red ink for stamping. Niku- NIN-DZU, (hito no kadzu,) n. The numiro, flesh-color. Niku-jiki, flesh-eater, ber of persons, population, census. carniverous. Niku-ten, a meat-shop, NIN-GARA. The kind or quality of man. a place where flesh is sold, butcher- NIN-GEN, n. Mankind, man, a human shop. being. NIKU-AI, n. The flesh, or condition of NIN-GIYO, (hilo no katachi,) n. A statue a person as to flesh. or image of a man, a doll, a puppet. NIKUDZUKU, n. Nutmeg. NIN-GIYO, n. A mermaid. NIKUGE-NA, n. Ugly, hateful, disagree- NINJI,-dzuru,-ta, t. v. To appoint to, able to the sight, offensive. or invest with an office; to commit or NIKUI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Hateful, odious, leave to the will of another, to confide detestable, abominable; affixed to the to. root of verbs it means, hard, difficult. NIN-JIN, n. Ginseng. Yomni-nikui, hard to read. Kiki-ni- NIN-JIN, n. The carrot. kui, difficult or disagreeable to hear. NIN-JO, (hito no kokoro,) n. The heart, NIKUMARE,-ru,-la, i. v. To be hated, feelings, or affections common to man; disliked, detested, odious, humanity, kindness. NIKUMI,-Mm,-nda,. v. To hate, dis- NIN-J6, n. Fighting in a private quarrel, like, detest, abominate, a duel. NIKUMI, n. Hatred, dislike. NIN-KUWAN. Investing with office or NIKU-NIKUSHII, - ki, - k, a. Hateful, title, appointing to office. odious, abominable, detestable, vil- NIN-NIKU, n. Garlic. lanous. NIN-SHIN, n. Pregnant, with child. NIKURASHII,-ki,-ku,-7, a. Abominable, NIN-S6, n. The physiognomy or expreshateful, or odious. sion of the face. NIKU-RIU, n. A fleshy tumor, a wen. NIN-SO-JA, n. A physiognomist, one who NIKU-SO-NA, a. Having a hateful, vil- tells fortunes by examining the face. lanous, or detestable appearance. NIN-SOKU, n. A coolie, or common laborNIKU-TEI, n. A hateful or disgusting er. appearance, or form. - na mono. NI-NUSHI, n. The owner of goods, lugNIM-BETSU, n. Registered as a citizen, gage or merchandize. registry of citizenship, census, citizen- NIN-Y6. Pregnant. ship, population. Mu -, without Nio, n. The widgeon. citizenship. Nimbetsu-chd, the book NIoI,-o,-t/a, i. v. To emit an odor, to in which the names of citizens are smell, to perfume. registered, census-roll. NIoI, n. An ordor, scent, smell, fragNIAM-MEN, (hito no kao,) n. Man's face, rance, an exhalation or effluvium. human face. NIOI-BUKURO, n. A scent-bag. NI-MOCHI, n. A coolie who carries one's NIOI-WATAR,-r,-a,-a, i. v. To spread luggage in travelling, a porter. an odor or fragrance all about. NIMONO n. A soup made of beans or NIOYAKA, a. New and fresh in color, vegetables. bright. NIP 193 NO NIPPON (hi no moto), n. Japan. — in, NrU-B6, n. A pestle. a Japanese. NIu-I-ACHI, n. A mortar for pulverizing NIRA, n. A leek. medicines. NIRAMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To look fiercely NIU-JAKU. Weak, feeble, frail, or delior savagely at, to glare at. Nirami- cate in constitution. - nc hito. au, to look fiercely at each other. iVi- NIUKO, n. Olibanum. ranmi-tsukeru, to look fiercely at, to NIURI-MISE, n. A small refectory, or glare at. Nirami-tssuzeru, to look at eating-house. fiercely for some time. NIu-WA. Amiable, gentle, mild, meek. NIRE, n. The Microptelea parviflora. - na hito. NIREKANI or NERiKAMI,-IZau,-/a, i. v. To NIU-Y6, n. Cancer of the breast. chew the cud, to ruminate as an ox. NIWA, n. A flower garden, a yard, a NI-SAMASHI,-S',-t1a, /. v. To set aside to court-yard, compound. cool after boilin. NIWAKA, a. Sudden; unexpected. NiNISE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To make like, to imi- weaka-ni, suddenly, unexpectedly. tate, to counterfeit, to forge, falsify. NIWAKA, n. A buffoon, clown. Nise-gane, counterfeit money. Nise- NIWATADZUMI, n. A puddle of water. kichigai, feigned madness, counterfeit- NIWATATAK!, n. The wagtail. ed insanity. Nise-mono, a counterfeit NIWATOKO, n. The Sambucus ebuloides. imitation, not genuine. NIWATORI, n. The domestic fowl, chicken. NISHI, n. The west. NIWA-TSUKURI, n. A gardener. NISHI, n. The name of a shell of the NIYAKF,-ra,-la, i. v. To he- delicate, Buccinida genus. effeminate, womanish in manners or NISHIKI. n. Brocade. appearance. NISHIKI-GAI, n. A species of cowry. NIYAWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Alike, resemNISHIMiE, n. A kind of food, made by bling, similar. boiling together various kinds of vege- NIYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Boiled, cooked by tables. boiling. Niye-kayeru, to boil up NI-SHrT; n. Half an ichibu, pronounced fiercely. Niye-koboreru, to boil over. in Yed. coil. Ni-shi. Niye-tatsu, to bubble and boil up. NI-S6-BAI, adv. Twice as much, two- Yu ga niyetattara mottekoi, when the fold. water is boiled bring it here. NiyeNISSHOKU, n. Eclipse of the sun. tagiru, to boil. NITARI,-rz, i. v. To be like, resemble, NIYO (onna). n. A woman, female. Nisililar. yo-nin, a female. Niso-shi, a girl. NIT-CHIU, n. Middle of the day, meri- Niyo-tei, a queen, empress. dian. NIVBO6, n. Wife. NITE, post-posit. With, by, as cause, in- NIYO-Dr, a. The urethra. strument, or means; in; being, as it is, NIv6-HACH1 n. Cymbals used in Budsince it is. dhist temples. NITEMO. Same as Demo. Ever, so ever. NIY(OI-NIYOKI-TO, adv. Undulating, Doko -, wherever. Dare -, whoso- rising and falling, as the outlines of ever. Nani -, anything whatever. mountains, or as the motion of waves; NITORI-MAME, n. A kind of confection- the appearance of many projections ary. from an even surface. NI-TSUME,- 1ar,-a, t. v. To boil to a NIVORO-NIYORO-TO, adv. With a slow, thicker consistence. zigzag. or undulating motion. NIu (iru). To enter. VNiu-gaku, enter- No,opost-pos. Of. ing school, matriculating. Niz-h/i, No, n. A wild, uncultivated region; a outlay, expenses. Niu-kb, entering moor, prairie, desert, wilderness. Noport. Niu-mon, becoming a disciple. michi, a road through a moor. Niu-satsu, handing in a bid or vote; No, n. Breadth, or width of cloth, a vote, ballot, bid. Niu-szhu, to come muslin, silk, etc. Hito no, one breadth. to hand. Niu-to, taking a hot bath. Itsu no buton, a quilt made of five Niiu-yo, expenses, outlay. breadths of cloth. NIu, n. A crack, or rather the'appear- No (uni), n. Pus. matter. ance of a crack in porcelain, or ivory. No. n, The bamboo of which arrows NIU-BA.I, n. The rainy season in the fifth are made, the shaft of an arrow. month. N6 (ia wo ts/ukuru), n. Husbandry, NIU3I, n. Chyle. farming, agriculture. N2-fJo, a farmer. NIUBI-KUWAN, n. The thoracic duct. No-giyb, husbandry. No-Ji, agriculf NO 194 NOG ture. No-ka, a farmhouse, the pea-I NoBIRU, n. A kind of wild garlic. santry. No-min, farmers. N2-saku, r NOBIYAKA, a. Expanded, free from care farming. -p gu, farming tools. or gloom. N6, n. Skill, ability, cleverness, genius, NoiBKAsHI,-s,-ta, caust. of Noboru. talent; virtue, strength, or power, as To make or let another ascend, or orof medicines. iVo nasji, without skill, der to go up. without virtue. No-doku, efficacious, NOBORI,-ru-tta, t. i>. To go up, ascend, or poisonous, the useful or hurtful pro- to rise. Nobori-kudari, ascending and perties of medicines. NVo-aki, an ad- descending, rise and fall, up and down. vertisement of the virtues of a medicine. Noboori-tsumneru, to ascend to the high Vo-hitstt, a clever penman. Nl-sai, est point, or as far as possible. skill, cleverness. NOBORI, n. Flags raised at festivals, havNo, n. A kind of operatic performance ing the name of the god inscribed on consisting of music and dancing. -ya- them. kusha,/ operatic performer. NOBOSE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be light-headN6, adv. Same as Naku. Not, not ed, to have a feeling of fulness in the having, without. head, to be dizzy; to be giddy, wild, No, n. The brain. gai-kotsu, the enthusiastic, or fanatical in opinions or skull. sVo-shinkei, the nerves pro- ways. ceeding from the brain. - biyo, dis- NOBOSE, n. A rush of blood to the head, ease of brain. Dai-no, the cerebrum. dizziness, giddiness, light-headed, enSho-na, the cerebellum, thusiasm. NO-BAKIAM., n. A kind of trowsers NOBosHI,-sM,-ta, t. v. To make or let gathered and tied at the knee. ascend, to send up, to raise; to cut in NO-BARA, n. A moor, uncultivated tract raised figures, to emboss. of country. No-BUDo, n. A kind of wild grape, Vilis NOBASHI.-st,-ta, t. v. To stretch, to heterophilla. lengthen, to extend, to reach out; to No-BU;sRI, n. One who sleeps in the continue or prolong the time; to post- fields, a vagabond, beggar. pone; to spread, or smooth out, as the NO-BUSHI, n. An outlawed Samurai, a wrinkles or inequalities of anything. bandit, highwayman. NOBE, n. A moor, a field. - no okuri, NocHI, a. and prep. After in time, the a funeral. zobe-c/zh, a register in which next. - no yo, the next world. Sonodeaths are recorded. nochi, after that. Koono-lochi after NoBE,-rz,-/a, t. v. To tell, narrate, to this, hereafter. Nochi-ni, by and by, state the particulars, to give an account in a little while, afterwards. Nc/chiof, to record. dzure, second husband. Nochi-h/odo, NoBE,-ru,-Ia, t. v. To stretch, extend, by and by, after a little while. Nochilengthen out, reach out; to postpone, kata, by and by, after a little. Nochior prolong to some future time; to zoye, second wife. spread out, to expand, to dilute. NocHI, n. Descendant, lineage. Do-no NOBE-GANE, n. Metal stretched by ham- hito no - da, whose descendant is he? mering; money, the payment of which NODACHI,-tszs,-ta, i. v. To grow up. is extended beyond the time fixed. NODACHI, n. A short sword worn in NOBE-HARAI. nI. Paying by instalments hunting. or on credit. - de kau, to buy on NoDo, n. The throat. - no hiko. the credit. uvula. -- zwo kubiru, to strangle. NVodoNO-BI, n. A prairie fire. bone, the hyoid bone. Nodo-buje, the Noml,-rz,-ta, i. v. To stretch, to extend, windpipe. to reach, to grow, to expand, to enlarge, NODOKA, a. Clear, pleasant, cheerful to spread, to be prolonged, or length- weather. ened in time. Nobi-agaru, to stretch NODOKE, n. Sore throat, tonsilitis. up one's self, as if to look. ANobi- NODO-NODO, adv. Clear and pleasant chjiZjiiu, expanding and contracting, bright and cheerful. lengthening and shortening. NODOYAKA, n. Same as Nodoka. NOBIKI, n. One who goes into the streets NODZUCHI, n. The name of a poisonous to draw guests into hotels, theatres, snake. etc.. a runner. NO-DZI, n. The brain. NoBI-NOBs, adv. In an expanded man- No-DZURA, n. A boorish or brazen face. ner, relieved from a feeling of gloom, NoGARE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To avoid, escape, cheerful. to shun. NOG I95 NOR NOGASHI,-SU,-/a, caust. of Nogeru. To NOMI-GUCHI, a. A faucet, spigot. cause to or let escape. NOMITE, nZ. A hard drinker. NoGI, n. The beard of grain. NOMI-TORI, n. A flea-trap. No-I. n. A road through a moor. NONDAOx'URE, n. A drunkard. NOJISA, n. The thistle. NONDO, n. The throat. No-JUKU. Sleeping in the moor, camp- NoNclt, n. Clear and pleasant weather. ing out in the fields. NONOsIEKI,-ku,-ita, i. z7. To be noised NoKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To take away, to abroad. remove out of the way, to take or leave NoNOSHIRI,-rt,-/ta, t. v. To revile, to out of the number, to exclude, except. reproach, to rail at, swear at; to abuse, IjOKE-NOKE-TO, adv. Boldly, shame- to curse; to speak loudly, angrily, or lessly, unblushingly. abusively. NOKE-SAMA-NI, adv. With the face up NONTAR6, n. A name given to a drunkwards. ard. NoKEZORI,-rU,-taI, i. v. To bend back- NOPPERAPO, n. A bald head, a smooth, wards, to fall backwards. round club; the trunk of a tree without NoKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To withdraw, re- branches. tire, to leave, go aside, depart from. NOPPERI, adv. Even, or smooth in outNOKI, or NOKIBA, n. The eaves of a line, without irregularities or roughhouse. ness. NOKKE, adv. Beginning, first. - ni, at NoPPIKI, n. Flight, withdrawal, escape. first. - naradzu, impossible to escape. NAKOGIRI, n. A saw. - no ha, the Nopp6, n. A big and clownish fellow, a teeth of a saw. - kudzu, saw-dust. boor, clown. NoKORaDZU, neg. of Nokoru. Not left, NORA, n. A moor, field. none remaining, all; every one. NORA, n. Pleasuring, amusements, idNOKORI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To remain over, ling. - kawai, fond of pleasure. to be left over. Nokori-omou, to feel, NORA-KURA. Wandering idly about, loafor think of with regret, pain or sorrow. ing. - mono, an idler, vagrant, loafer. NOKORI, n. The remainder, residue, NO-RAN, (nayami-midareru). Unconremnant, anything left over. scious, comatose, or delirious from NOKOSHI,,-,-ta, t. v. To let remain sickness or a blow on the head. over, to leave, to keep back, to spare, NO-REN, or NOREN, n. A small curtain. to save. NoRI, A. Paste made of flour, starch, NOMARE,-ru,-ta, pass. or pot. of Nomu. cement. Katna 0no -, the blood To be drunk, or swallowed. sticking to a sword. Nori-bake, a NoaiASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Nomu. Make paste-brush. Nori-ire, a vessel for or let drink, give to drink. holding paste. Nori-ita, a board for NOMBENGURARI, n. Delay or procrasti- making paste on. nating in doing what one has engaged NORI, n. Law, rule, ordinance, doctrine, to do. precept. NOIME-NOME-TO, adv. In an unconcern- NoRI, n. A kind of edible seaweed. ed, indifferent, careless or apathetic NORI, n. Measurement, dimensions. manner; with effrontery. Uchi-nori, the inside dimensions. SoNoMuERI,-ru,-t.'a, i. v. To slip and fall. to-nori, the outside dimensions. NoMI, n. A flea.' NORI -r,-tta, i. v. To ride, or be carNOMI, n. A chisel. - no ha, the edge ried on anything; to be placed or to of a chisel. - no ye, the handle of a lie on anything. Nori-kakaru, to bechisel. gin to ride; to be committed to anyNoMI, adv. Only, nothing more. Sore thing. Nori-kakeru, to ride over or - naradzu, not only that. upon anything. Nori-kayeru, to NoMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To drink, to swal- change in riding from one horse to anlow. Nomi-hosu, to drink anything other, or one boat to another. Noridry. Nomi-komu, to swallow; to per- komnc, to ride into. Nori-koyeru, to fectly understand, or comprehend, to ride across or over, as a mountain. consent. Nomi-kui, eating and drink- Nori-kumi, n. The company of pering, food, victuals. Nomi-oku, to drink sons in a ship, or carriage. Nori-miabefore it is needed in prospect of future wasu, to ride around, or about. Now iwant. Nomti-sashi-ni, to stop drinking modosu, to ride back. Nori-suteru, to before one has finished. Tobako wo -, stop and leave the horse or boat on to smoke tobacco. which one has been riding. Nori-toru, NOR I96 NUI to enter and seize, to board and take NoTAKURI,-ruz.-tza, i. V. To writhe possession of. NVori-isukeru, to ride wriggle, to twist about, as a wounded up to, to ride against. NoVri-utsuru, snake. to change fron1 one boat, horse, or NOTANAI,-Ca, i. v. To speak, to say,chair, to another; to possess or influ- only used of high personages. ence, to take possession of as a spirit; NOTAMAWAKU, same as iVotamau. Ko5bewitch. Katsu-ni-, to be carried or shi no -, Confucius says. urged on by victory. NOTARE-JINI, n. Dying as an outcast in NORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To rail at, scold, the streets or fields. abuse with vile or angry language, to NoTARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To creep, to curse, swear at. crawl, move by winding and turning, NoRI,-ra,-tta, i. v. To bear fruit, to like a snake. grow, as fruit. Mi ga noru. NOTARI-NOTARI, adv. In a sauntering or NoRI-AI, n. Riding together, going in lumbering manner. company. - bune, a passenger boat. NOTARI-DE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To wind one's - de akinai wo suru, to do business way out; to interrupt another in speakin partnership. ing. NORI-GAYE, n. A relay of horses. NOTA-UCHI-MAWARI,-'U,-tta, i. v. To NORIKI, n. A person inspired by a Kami writhe about, to wallow, wriggle. or letake. NOTTO, n. A Sintoo prayer. NORI-MONO, n. A thing to ride in, a se- NOTTORI,-ru, (comp. of nori a rule, and dan chair. toru). To set as an example or rule NORO-ZOME, n. The first ride of the new for imitation. year. NOWAKI, n. A violent autumnal wind, NoROI,-io,-fta, t. v. To invoke evil or which throws down the crops. curses on any one, to imprecate, curse. NO-ZARASHI, n. Bones or a carcass left NoROI, n. Praying for evil upon others, bleaching on the moor. a curse, imprecation. NOZENK(ADZURA, n. The Bignonia granNoRoI,-ki,-kz,-shi, a. Slow, not fast; diflora. dull, sluggish in mind; indolent, lazy. NozoKI,-ki,-ita, t. v. To bend the NOROKE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be smitten, head and look down, to look into, as a captivated, enchanted, or fascinated by hole; to peep through, to peer into. love. NozoKI,-kz,-ita, t. v. To remove, to NOROKE, n. Love, passion, take away, do away with, to subtract, NOROMA, n. A dolt, blockhead. leave out of the number, to except, to NOIO-NORO-To, adv. Slowly, lazily. abrogate, annul. NORORI-TO, adv. Dull, stupid, idly, NozoKI, n. A camera-obscura, a box in sluggish, slow. which pictures are looked at through a NOROSA, n. Sluggishness, slowness. lens. NOROSHI, n. A signal rocket. NozoKI, n. A light-blue color. NosA\BARI,-ru,-t, i. v. To stretch one's NozoOMI,-mu,-Zda, t. v. To desire, to self back, as from ennui; to interrupt hope for, wish for. others, as in talking. NozoMI,-tmu,-na, i. v. To approach to, NOSA-NOSA-TO, adv. Without noise, to be near to, to be at the point of; to softly. look upon, to behold. NosE,-rz,f-tta, t. v. To make, or let NOZOMI, n. Desire,'hope, wish. ride; to place upon; to record, to NU-BOKU, n. Man-servant, a slave. write in a book; to hold, contain. NUGASE,-ru,-t, caust. of Nugu. To NOSHI, n. The piece of dried awabi strip off the clothes of another, to make which is always attached to a present. bare, denude. NOSHI, n. A smoothing iron. NuGE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be stripped off; NosHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To stretch, to ex- take off, of clothes. tend, flatten or smooth out. NUGI,-gU,-ida, t. v. To take off, as NOSHI-AGARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be ar- clothes or covering; to strip off, to rogant, supercilious, overbearing, inso- bare, denude. Nraugi-kakeru, to take lent. off and hang up, as a coat. Nugi-suteNOSHI-ITO, n. The coarse silk reeled ru, to take off and cast away. from the outside of the cocoon. NUGUI,,,-zta t. v. To wipe. NoSO-NOSO, or NossoRI, adv. Without Nui,-27,-uta, t. v. To sew, to stitch, to making a noise with the feet, softly, embroider. Nui-awaseru, to sew or quietly. stitch together. Nui-tsugfc, to splice NUI 197 NUN or lengthen by sewing. Nui-tsukeru, NUKE-NUKE, adv. Clandestinely, stealthto sew one thing on or to another, as a ily, sheepishly. patch. NUKI, n. The woof; those syllables Nui, n. Embroidery, needle-work. which end with the same vowel sound, NUI-HAKU, a. Embroidery. - suru, to and which are arranged crosswise in the embroider. -ya, an embroiderer. table of fifty sounds. NUI-ME, A. A seam. NUKI, n. The stick that is passed NNI-IMON, n. An embroidered crest or through morticed holes in upright coat of arms. pieces of timber to keep them together, NUI-MONO, a. Embroidery, needle- a brace. work. NuKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To draw out, to NUI-TORI, a. Embroidery. take out, to extract, to root up, pluck NUI-ZARASA, n. Embroidery, ornamental out, to abstract. Nuki-atsutueru, to needle-work. collect extracts from books; to pluck NulKA, n. Rice-bran. up and collect. Nuki-awaseru, to NUKA, n. The forehead. draw and cross swords, as in the comNUKADZUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To bow mencement of a combat. Nuki-dasu, touching the forehead to the ground. to draw out, extract. Nuki-hanasu, to NUKA-GAMI, a. The fore-lock. draw a sword out of the sheath, to draw NUKA-KUGI, n. A small tack. out and separate. Nuki-tosu, to pass NUKA-MISO, n. A kind of pickle for through, to thread, to string. NAtkivegetables. tsureru, to draw swords together, NUKARI,-ru,-tta, i. z. To be muddy. spoken of several persons. NUKARI,-ru,-fta, i. v. To be remiss, NuKI, n. Extracting, an extractor, forinattentive, negligent, heedless, care- ceps, tweezers. less. NUKI-ASHI, a. Noiseless or stealthy steps. NUKARUMI, n. A muddy place, mud NUKI-DEWATA, n. Old cotton that has hole. once been used for wadding clothes. NUKASHI,-$S/,-a, t. v. To say, speak. NUKI-GAKI, a. Extracts from books, an NUKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be rooted out, epitome, abridgement, or abstract of a drawn out, extracted. (t. v.) To pass book or writing. through a narrow way, to steal out of, NUKI-MII,. The naked blade of a sword, to slip away stealthily, to sneak out of, spear, etc. skulk out of..NUKINDE.-dCzua-,-ta, i. v. To excel, NUKE-AKINAI, n. Selling by stealth, surpass, to out-do, to be distinguished, clandestine trade, smuggling. or eminent above others. NUKE-ANA, n. A hole or passage-way by NUKI-NUKI, adv. Extracting here and which the way is shortened, or for there from a book, or writing. stealing out of a place; a tunnel, a NUKI-SASHI, a. Taking out and putting passage-way through a hill or under in, extracting and inserting. ground. NUKI-UCHI, n. Drawing and striking NUKE-GAKE, n. Stealing a march on, with a sword. forestalling others in the market. NUKI-uTSUSII, n. A brief summary or NUKE-GARA, n. The cast-off skin of a abstract of a book or writing, an episnake, or shell of an insect. tome, abridgment, synopsis. NUKE-IDE,-dZuru,-deta, i. v. To be NUKUNE-DORI, n. A species of hawk. loose and fall out of itself, as a nail NUKUMERI,-r,-tta, t. v. To keep warm, from a decayed board; to go out by to warm. stealth, to steal out, slink away. NUMA, n. A marsh, swamp. NuIKE-MAIRI, n. Stealing away from NUME, n. White satin. home and visiting the M)iya of Sensho- NULME-NUME, adv. Slippery, smooth, ko dairin in the Province of lse, spoken oily, glabrous, unctious. only of a young person. NuMEnI-ru,-rtta, i. v. To be slippery. NUKE-MIE, n. Way or place for slipping NUMtERINDZU, a. White satin. out. NUNAWA, n. A kind of water plant, NUKE-MICHI, n. A byway, a secret or marsh mallow (?). concealed way. NUNO, aZ. Linen, grass-cloth. NUKE-MONO, n. Stolen goods, esp;cially NUNOKO, n. Padded winter clothes. such as are offered for sale. NUNO-ME, n. The figure or impression NUKE-NI, n. Smuggled goods, stolen like the meshes of cloth on paper, porgoods. celain, etc. NUN I98 OBA NUNOME-GAMI, n. A kind' of stiff paper smear with anything adhesive or uncused for book covers, stamped so as to tious; to blame, or impute a fault. appear woven. NURI-TSUKURAI,-aU,-atta, t. v. To reNURA-NURA, adv. Slippery, smooth, pair by varnishing, painting, or plasterglabrous, unctious. ing; to varnish over, to palliate, gloss NURASE,-ru,-La, caust. of Nuru. To over. cause or let another paint, lacquer, or NURI-YA, n. A house plastered outplaster. side. NuRASHI-,-s-ta, t. v. To wet, to damp- NURUDE, n. The Rhus semialata, the en, moisten. tree which produces the fushi, or NURATSUKI,-ku,-ita. i. v. To be slip- Japanese galls. pery, smooth, oily, glabrous, lubri- NuRUI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Lukewarm, mocated. derately warm, tepid; lazy, stupid, NuRE,-ru,-ta,. v. To be wet, damp, dull. moist. Nure-toru, to be wet or soaked NURUmI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be tepid, through. lukewarm. NuRlI.-ru,-tta, t. v. To cover, besmear, NURU-NURU-TO, adv. Slippery, smooth, or daub with anything; to paint, to unctious. lacquer, to varnish, to plaster; to blame, NURUSA, n. Tepidity, lukewarmness. or charge another with a fault. Nuri- NUSiI, n. Master, owner. au, to daub or smear each other; to NUSMI-YA, n. A lacquerer, varnisher, blame each other. Nuri-fusagu, to painter. close, or shut up with plaster, to var- NUSU-BITO, n. A theft, robber. nish or paint over. NUSUMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To steal, pilfer, NURI, n. Lacquering, varnishing, paint- to rob. Nuisumi-dasu, to take out by ing. stealth, to steal out. Nusumi-toru, to NTRI-BON, n. A lacquered tray. steal. NURI-GOIE, n. A fire-proof storehouse. NuSUMI, n. Theft, stealing, robbery. NURI-ITA, n. A lacquered board used as NUTA, n. A kind of sauce. a black-board for making memorandums NUTA, n. Plaster or mud mixed with on. straw for plastering. NURI-MONO, n. Lacquered ware. NUTTO-DE,-rL,-tn, i. v. To slip out, to NURI-IONO-SHI, n. A lacquerer, varnish- spring out suddenly. ~er. NuwAsE-r,-rta, caust. of Aui. To make, NURI-TSUKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To paint, order, or let another sew. lacquer, varnish or plaster; to daub, 0 O, n. A species of hemp. 0. Going, used as a numeral, in countO, n. The tail. 0 no saki, tip of the ing times of seeing, hearing or doing. tail. O-tsutsz, the bag for a horse's Ich/i- kiite wa wakaranai, I do not tail. understand it by hearing it only once. O, n. The string, thong, or cord with 0. Exclamation in answering a call, an which any part of the dress is fastened. affirmative. O, n. A male. Me o, female and male. 0, n. A king, chief ruler. O-tori, a male bird. 0, a. Great, large,-only used as an O. An honorable prefix in addressing, or amplifying prefix. -amne, a heavy in speaking respectfully of another; as, rain. O-arashi, a violent storm, a O-kamii-san, in speaking to, or of the gale, hurricane. O-are, a violent storm wife of another. O-isha san, the doc- of wind and rain. tor. O-ANI, n. Eldest brother. O. A diminutive prefix. O-bune, alittle O-ANE, n. Eldest sister. boat. O-gurumza, a little wagon. 0- O-AZAMI, n. A thistle. gushi, a little comb. OBA, n. Aunt. OBA 199 ODA O-BA, n. Grandmother. O-CHAKU, a. Unprincipled, dishonest, O-BAA-SAN, n. An old woman. knavish, lazy. Occzaku-nzono, a C-BAKO, n. The Plantago major. knave. O-BAKU, n. The name of a medicine, OCHI, a. The pride of India, a species and dye-stuff. of Melia. O-BAN, n. The name of an ancient gold OcHI,-rZ,-/a, i. v. To fall, to drop coin. down; to leave, to run away, to flee; OBANA, n. A kind of tall grass. to fall away, to fall off, decline; to misOBASHIMA, n. Balustrade, or railing, take; to die, only of birds, fish, or aniOBEKKA. - wo iu, to flatter. mals; to strike, as lightning; to lull. OBI,-ri,-ta, i. v. To carry in the belt, as the wind; to fade; to be omitted by to gird on, to wear; to have, to include, mistake. CO/zil-au, to meet, or come to carry, to contain, to exhibit, to hold. together without previous concert. OBI, n. A belt, girdle, or sash worn OcA/i-alfsunz ar-, to escape and afteraround the waist. wards come together. Ochi-buireru, to OBIII,-ku,-ita, t. v. To decoy, to lure, to fall from prosperity into poverty, to entice, or lead by artifice or decep- become bankrupt, insolvent. Ochition. chiruZ, to fall and scatter; to give way OBI-SHINIE, n. A narrow belt. and scatter, as an army. Ochi-iru, to OBI-SHITA, n. The part of the body un- fall into, to be entrapped. Ochi-kakader the belt, the waist. rta, to be on the point of falling, ready OBITADASHII,-ki,-kz,-i7,-sz, a. Great, to fall; to fall and strike. Ochi-kasamany, great in quantity or violence, naru, to fall and pile up one on the violent, severe, other, as leaves. Oc/i-/komzu, to fall OBIYAKASIII,-SU,-it, t. v. To frighten, into. Och/i- k/bonzu, to sink, cave, or to scare, to alarm, terrify. fall in, as the earth. Oczi-tsukeru, to OBIYE,-ra,-/a, i. v. To start in alarm or calm, quiet, settle, tranquilize; set at surprise; to start, jerk, as in disease. rest, to level, make smooth or even. OBOKO, n. A young boy or girl, a child. Oc/zi-tszuku, to become quiet, calm, setOBORE,-ru,-la, i. v. To be submerged, tied, tranquil, composed; to stop, setimmersed, to sink; absorbed in, ad- tie down in a place, to become still or dieted to. at rest. Ochi-useru, to lose by destrOBORE-JINI, n. Drowned. tion, or by the fight of soldiers. OBoizo, a. Not clear or bright, clouded, OCHI, n. A fall, omission. obscured, dusky, dim. Oboro-dzuki, a OCH-AI, n. The confluence, or junction clouded moon. of two rivers. OBOItOGE-NA, a. Dim, clouded. OCHI-BA, n. A fallen leaf. OBOSHII.-ki,-k-, a. Thinking or sup- OCHIDO, n. Error, fault, mistake, omisposing to be, take to be, appeared to sion. be. OCHI-FUDA, n. A vote, ballot, bid. OBOSHIMESHI,-su,-t, t. v. To think, OCnII-KATA, n. There, yonder, the other suppose. side, far side. OBOSHMESHI, Z. Thought, opinion, sen- OCHI-KOCHI, adv. Here and there, far timent. and near. OBOTSUKANAI,-ki, —ka,-sh', a. Doubtful, OCHI-MA, n. An open space or court in uncertain, not sure, dubious. a Japanese house, for the purpose of OBOYE,-rU,-za, t. v. To know, to re- light and ventilation. member, to perceive, to feel, to learn, OCHI-MUSHA, n. A runaway, or an esto practice. Oboye-chligau, to mistake caped soldier, deserter. in remembering. OCHI-TSUKI, n. Calmness, composure, OBOYE, n. Memory. tranquility, peace and quietness. OoYE-CHOu, n. A memorandum book, OCHI-UDO, i. One who has fled, or esnote book. caped from war, a runaway. OBUI.-27,-izfa, t. v. To carry on the ODAMAKI, n. A spool of yarn. back, -- as a child. O-DAN, n. Jaundice. OBUNE, n. A little boat. ODATE,-ra?,-/a, i. v. To stir up, instiOBswAEZ-,-ra,-ta, i.. To be carried on gate, rouse up, animate, incite, encourthe back., age. OBtI VASE,-rat,-ta, caust. of obuti. To ODATE, n. Instigating, inciting, stirring put a child on the back of another, to up. cause, or let carry on the back. ODATSUr, n. Trespassing or encroaching ODA 200 0I upon the rights or possessions of an- O-GA, n. A large saw. - kudzu, sawother, usurping. dust. ODAYAKA, a. Calm, quiet, tranquil, still, OGA, n. A kind of reel for reeling silk. serene; free from agitation. OGAMI,-In/,-gda, t. v. To worship, to O-Do, n. A kind of yellow paint, adore, to look up to. 0-DO, a. Unprincipled, knavish, dis- OGAMI-UCHI, n. A downward blow with honest. - mono, a dishonest fellow, a sword, with the body bending forknave. wards like one worshipping. ODOKE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be comical, O-GARA, n. The sticks of hemp, after funny, droll, to joke, jest; to be witty, the bark has been stripped off. facetious or humorous. Odoke-bana- O-GAWA, n. A rivulet, or small stream shi, a facetious story. Odoke-shibai, a of water. farce. O-GI, n. A fan, - one that opens and ODOKE. n. Drollery, fun, wit, jest, face- shuts. - no hone, the stays of a fan. tiousness, antics. Ogi-ya, a fan store or fan maker. ODOMI, n. The settlings, or deposit O-GI, n. The profound or most difficult which settles at the bottom of a liquid, parts of an art or science, the mysteries. dregs, sediment, lees. OGINAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To make up a ODOMI-a,u,-nda, i. v. To settle, to fall deficiercy or loss, to repair, to restore, to the bottom of liquids. to mend, to make good. ODO-ODO, adv. Trembling with fear. OGINAI, n. Repairing, restoring, recup- s/tie kuchi mo kiki-ye-nai. eration. Oginai-gusuri, tonic mediODORASHI,-su,-ta, caust. of Odori. To cines. cause to dance. O-GIxO, a. Audacious, impudent; insoODoRI,-ru,-t/a, i. v. To dance, to jump lence, rudeness. up and down, to leap and frisk about, OGON, a. Gold. to skip, prance, to caper about. Odori- O-GON, n. Scull-cap, a species ofscutelagaru, to jump, or spring, or skip up. laria. Odori-koyeru, to jump or skip across. OGORI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be stubborn or ODORI, n. A dance; the fontanelle in obstinate, as a horse; to balk. an infant's head. OGORI,-ru,-tta, t. 7z. Given to extravaODORI-KOMI, n. A person who forces gance, luxury, sumptuousness, or graninto houses to rob; a house-breaker. deur in living; to live in splendor. ODORO, n. A place over-grown with OGORI, n. Extravagance, luxury, or brambles, a thicket. splendor in living. ODOROKASHI,-,-/a,, caust. of Odoroku. OGOSOKA, a. Strict, rigid, firm, grave, To astonish, to surprise, to amaze; to majestic, solemn. scare, to frighten, to startle. O-GUCHI, n. Obscene or filthy talk. - ODOROKI,-kt,-ita, i. a. To be aston- iri, an obscene person. ished, surprised, amazed; startled with OGURUMIA, n. The sunflower, Inula Jafright, or alarm. ponica. ODORO-ODOROSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Startling, OGUSHIx,. The hair. alarming, fearful, surprising. OHAMOJI, a. Shame, ashamed. ODOSHI,-s,-ta, t. v. To make afraid, OHAGURO, n. The black stuff used to frighten, to scare, alarm, to terrify by blacken the teeth. threat or menace, intimidate. OHAYO, interj. Good morning. ODOSHI, n. Fright, fear, consternation, O-HAN, n. Chlorosis. intimidation. O-HARI, n. A seamstress. ODOSHI,-SU,-it, t. v. To sew or fasten O-HEI, a. Arrogant, supercilious, contutogether the metal plates of a coat of melious, insolent. mail. O-HEN, (yuki kayerz). Going and comODOSHI, n. The cord used for connect- ing. ing the plates of armor together, OHIYA, n. Cool water, - for drinking. ODZU-oDZu-TO, adv. With fear, alarm, OHIYARAIASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To joke, or apprehension. play or sport with, to play tricks on, O-DZUTSU, n. A cannon, great-gun, ar- befool, hoax. tillery. OHIYE, n. & padded coat. O-FU, a Haughty, arrogant, supercili- OI, n. Nephew. ous, proud, insolent, extravagant, prod- OI, n. A kind of box with feet, used for igal. carrying burdens on the back. O-FUKURO, n. Mother. OI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To grow old. OI 201 OKA Oi, n. Old age. OI-ME, n. A debt. Oi, Ou or oru, Oita, t. v. To grow or OI-NARU, a. Large, great, big. shoot up,-as grass. OI-OTOSHI, n. A highwayman, robber, 01, Cu, ota, t. v. To cover, to screen, footpad. shade, to hide, conceal. OIRA, pro. I. -- a zea da, I wont. OI, ou, ota, t. v. To carry on the back, OI-oI, adv. Gradually, by degrees. to owe; to charge, impute or throw OIRAKU, n. Old age. blame on another. OI-SHIGERI,-,-ar,-, i. v. To grow up OJ, uta, t. v. To pursue, to chase, luxuriantly. to drive, to follow; to imitate. Oi-da- OISHII,-ki,-ku, a. Pleasant to the taste, su, to drive out. Oi-hanatsu, to drive sweet, delicious. Oishiku nai, not away, to expel. Oi-harau, to drive pleasant to the taste. off, drive away, or expel, as something OISHISA, n. Deliciousness or pleasantannoying or hurtful. Oi-hzashirasu, ness of taste. to pursue and cause another to run. OI-TACHI, n. Bringing up, growing up, Oi-kakeru, to drive on, to set on. Oi- growth. kayesu, to drive back. Oi-konau, to OITE, n. A fair wind. drive into. Oi-kosu, to drive across or OITE, post-fosit. (always preceded by nO). over, as a mountain; to pursue and In, in respect of, in the case of, as to, pass. Oi-kudasu, to drive down. Oi- in regard to. Kono tokoro ni -, in makuru, to drive with violence, to pur- this place. sue furiously, or hotly. Oi-mawaru, OI-ucHI,. Pursuing and killing. to pursue all about, to follow around. OI-WAKE, n. A forked road. Oi-mawasu, to drive round or about. OI-YOME. n. Nephew's wife. Oi-nokeru, to drive away. Oi-tateru, OJI, n. Uncle. to drive away, or expel from a place, OJI, a. Grandfather. not allow to be or dwell in a place. OJI,-/iru or.dzurz,-Ia, i. v. To accord Oi-tsukau, to drive persons who are with, agree, suit. correspond; to be employed, to urge or force to work. proper, meet, appropriate, becoming; Oi-tsuku, to pursue and come up with, to respond to, to comply with, to to overtake. Oi-tsumeru, to drive into obey. a confined place, to drive and hem in, OJI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To fear, dread. OQito corner. Oi-yaru, to drive off, to ononoku, to tremble with fear. Ojidrive away. osoreru, to fear, dread, to be in terror. Oi, n. Something given to boot. Ichi- Oji-wananaku, to tremble with fear. bu - wo utsu, to give an ichi-bu to OJIKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be afraid, terriboot. fled. OI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Many, numerous. OJIKE, n. Fear, dread, terror. - ga OI-ATSUME,-ru,-tta, t. v. To drive to- tsuku, smitten with fear. gether. OJIME, n. A slide on the strings of a OI-BARA. - wo kiru, to commit suicide bag or pouch to fasten it. in order to follow a deceased master. O-JITSU, n. Past days, days gone by. OI-BORE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To become child- OKA, n. A bill. ish with age, to be in one's dotage, de- OKA, n. Land, the base or starting place crepit. Oi-bore-me, a dotard. in a play. OIDE (comp. of o polite, and ide, the root OxABO, n. Hill or upland rice. form of iderz; used only as an impera- OKADZU, n. Anything eaten with rice. tiqe, or joined to the sub. verb). Come, O-KAGE, n. Kindness, help, influence, go. Doko ye oide-nasaru, where are favor, grace. going? (2). To be. Damatte oide, be OKAMI, n. A wolf. - mono, a cunning silent, or don't tell. Doko ni oide na- fellow, knave, rogue. saru, where do you live? Otonashiku O-KAN, n. The chill, the cold stage of shite oideyo, be good, - to a child, fever. OIDO, n. The buttock, posteriors. OKAPPIKT, n. A secret policeman, a spy, OI-HAGI, n. A highwayman, robber, detective. foot-pad. OKASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of oku. To cause OI-KAKE, n. The cords by which the or let lay, to make another put down. cap or bonnet is fastened to the head. OKASHI,-S.,-ta, t. v. To attack, seize by OI-KAKUSHI,-SZo,-ta, t. v. To cover and violence; to violate, to offend against, hide, conceal, cloak. transgress, to usurp; to encounter fearOI-KAZE:, n. A driving wind, a fair wind. lessly, to dare, brave, defy. 9* OKA 202 OKU OKASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Laughable, ludi- OKKAKE,-r,-ta, t. v. To pursue, to crous, funny, odd, singular. chase. OKASHISA, n. Ludicrousness, oddity. OKKANAGARI,-ru,-h/a, i. v. To be timid, O-KATA, adv. For the most part, mostly, fearful. chiefly; perhaps, probably, most likely. OKKANAI,-ki,-ku,-zhi, a. Afraid, fearful. O-KAZE, a. A gale, tempest, typhoon. OKKAYESHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To drive back. OKE, n. A bucket, tub, pail. Oke-ya, OKKOCHI,-rU,-ta, i. v. To fall, to fall in a cooper. love with. OKENAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Courageous, OKKOCHI, n. A lover. bold. OKKUl, n. Difficult, tedious. — nisuru, OKERA, n. The Atractylodes lancea. to magnify the difficulties of anything. OKERU, fiost-pos., same as Oite. In re- OKO, x. A pole for carrying burdens. spect of, in regard to, in the case of, OKO, a. Vain, conceited, foolish, silly, as to. ridiculous, absurd. OKETSU, n. Bad blood. OKOGAMASHII,-ki,-ku. Ridiculous, abOKI, n. The wide sea, or far off at sea. surd, or silly in manner or appearance. OKI, n. Coals of fire, live coals. OKONAI,-au,-att a, t. v. To perform, to OKI.-ku,-i~a, t. v. To place, to put, to do, to execute, to practice, to observe. lay down; to set, to fix, settle" to let OKONAI, n. Actions, conduct, doings. be, let alone, to leave; to let rest, to OKONAWASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of okonai. except or leave out of the number. To cause to do or perform. OKI,-km or iru,-ta, i. v. To rise up OKORI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To arise, to orifrom a recumbent position, to awake, ginate, issue, to break out; to be exto arise from sleep, to get up. cited, provoked, angry. OKI-AGARI,-rU,-tta, i. v. To rise up from OKORI, n. The rise, origin, cause; anger, sleep. passion. OKI-AGARI-KOBOSHI, n. A.toy which OKORI, n Intermittent fever, ague. always turns head up. OKOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To excite, rouse OicI-A,-au,-alta, t. v. To be mutually up, stir up, cause to begin, raise up, set reserved, or restrained. up anything lying down or fallen over, OKI-BURUSHI, n. Old and spoiled from to cause. being kept too long. OKOSHI,-u,-ta, t. v. To send. OKI-DOKORO, n. A resting or stopping- OKOSHI, n. A kind of confectionery made place, a place for putting anything. of parched rice and sugar. OKI-FUSHI. n. Awake or asleep, lying OKOTARI,-ru,-ta, t. V. To be negligent, down or rising up. to neglect, to be careless, remiss, or OKI-GOTATSU, n. A kind of movable lazy in doing. fire-place. OKOTARI, n. Negligence, laziness, remissOKII,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Large, big, great. ness, carelessness. Okiku suru, to make large. OKU, adv. Many, numerous. - naru, OKI-MIAGE, n. A present made on leav- to become numerous. ing. OKU, n. One hundred thousand; acOKINA, n. An old man. cording to some, ten thousand times ten OKI-NA, a. Large, big, great. thousand, or a hundred million. OKINAGUSA, n. The Chrysanthemum. OKu, n. The back, or the innermost part OKI-NI, adv. Greatly, much. of anything, or most remote from the OKINORI,-ru,-tt., t. v. To pawn, to front. borrow money by pawning or pledging OKU. - suru, t6 be afraid, cowardly, something. backward, ashamed. OKISA, n. The bigness, size. - wo dono OKU-BA, n. The back teeth, molars. kurai, how large is it? OKUBI, a. Belching, eructation. - wo OKITE, n. Law, enactment, decree, sta- suru, to belch. tute, ordinance. OKUBI, n. The gore sewed into the front OKITE-D6RI, n. Lawful, according to law. of a Japanese Kimono. OKI-TSUKE, n. Fixture, anything belong- OKUBIY6, n. Cowardice, timidity. Ing to, or part of a house. OKU-BUKAI,-ki,-kuZ,-shi, a. Far back, OKI-ZARI, n. Leaving and going away, deep, profound, obscure. desertion of one's family, forsaking. OKU-GAKI, n. The writing at the end of OKKAA, n. Mother. Okkaasan. a Japanese or Chinese book. OK-KAI, n. Promotion to rank above the OKU-GATA, n. Wife. one next in order, by skipping over. OKU-GI, n. The most important, most OKU 203 OMO profound, abstruse, or difficult parts of a the pronunciation of words, in order to science or art; the mysteries. easy utterance or euphony. OKU-I, n. The most abstruse, recondite, OI-BIN, n. In a private or quiet way, to or profound meaning of a subject. hush up a matter. - ni suru, to hush OKURE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be behind, to up a matter so as not to become public, fall behind; to be late, slow, or tardy; or to settle a matter peaceably or prito be behind, or inferior to in abili- vately. ty. O1-B1s, n. The person whose business it OKURE, imp. of Kureru, to give, with is to burn the bodies of the dead. 0 polite. l'ite okure, let me see. OME,-ru,-a, i. v. To be cowardly, timid. Temnpo okure, give me a tecne5. ashamed. Omedzu-okusedzu, without OKURE, n. Behind, inferior; backward- shame or fear. ness, fear, cowardice; faint-hearted. - O-MEI, (kegarelaru na), n. A bad name, wo toru, to be inferior, to be behind in foul reputation. ability. OMEIci,-ku,-ita, i. v. To make a great OKURE-BASE, n. Being late or behind- outcry or confused noise; to clamor, to hand to run or hurry. shout, halloo. Omeki-sakebu, to make OKURI,-ru,-tta, t. V. To send; to ac- a great clamor and noise. company, or attend a guest a short dis- OME-MUSHI, n. The wood-louse. tance on his departure; to leave, as at OME-OME-TO, adv. In a bashful or crestdeath; leave behind; to present, give fallen manner. as a present, to confer, bestow; to pass O-MIDZU, n. An inundation. the time, to live; to recompense. O-MIKE, n. The boiled rice offered to the OKURI, n. Sending, accompanying; a Kami. funeral. OMINAMESHI, n. The name of a flower. OKURI-DASHI,-Su,-ta, t. v. To send out 0-MISOKA, n. The last day of the year. or away, dismiss, to go along with a OMMIITSU, n. A secret; a spy. — naru guest for a short distance. koto, a secret aff. ir. OKURI-JO, n. A memorandum, or list of OMIO, a. Heavy, weighty, important, articles, sent along with the articles; an principal, chief. -yakunin, the chief invoice. officer. Ono-ni, a heavy burden or OKURI-MoNo, n. A present. load. Omo-ya, the main building. OKURI-MUKAI, n. Accompanying a guest OMio, n. The face, the surface. on his departure, or going out to meet OImO-BUSE, n. Ashamed, mortified, cresthim when he comes. fallen. OKURI-NA, n. A posthumous title, or OMOCHA, n. A toy, play-thing. name given after death. OMO-DACHI, n. The form of the face, the OKURI-TEGATA, n. A passport or docu- features, countenance. ment certifying to one's birth and citi- OMODACHI,-ts,-/a, i. v. To be chief in zenship. authority, to be high or principal OKUI-SAIA, n. Wife. amongst officials. OKU-SOiO-NAI,-ki,-ku, a. Open, frank, OMODAKA, n. A kind of water-plant. without concealment or disguise; in- OMO-DE, n. A severe wound. - wo, genuous, candid. to receive a severe wound. OKUTE, a. Late rice. OMO-DOCHI, n. Persons of the same mind, OKUYUKASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Profound or or holding the same opinions. erudite, exciting admiration. OMOGAI, n. A bridle. OICU-YUKI, n. The depth or dimension OMO-GAWARI, n. Alteration or change in from front to rear. the face,-as by age. OMAHAN, iro. You. O.MO-HAYUI,-ki,-ku, a. Bashful, diffident, OMIAKA-NA, a. Magnanimous, generous, timid. liberal. OMoI,-ki,,-su,-shi, a. Heavy, weighty, OMAKE-NI, ad>,. Moreover, besides, severe, important, eminent. OM^AMMA, n. Boiled rice. OMOI,-ou,-ita, t. v. To think, suppose, OMANKO, n. The vulva. consider, regard; to think or be anxious OMAIRU, n. A wooden utensil used as a about, Icngafter; to desire, wish; to care water-closet by children. about, to mind; to love, to feel. OmioOMAYE, pro. You. -gata, id. — san, mama ni, as one desires or pleases. id. Omrn-sam7a ni, as one pleases, or to the OMBA, n. A wet-nurse. heart's content. OM,-BEN, (koye no taori), n. Contracting OsIOI, ni. Thought, expectation, care, OMO 204 OMO anxiety. - no hoka, unexpected, or OMiOI-NASHI, n. Fancy, conceit, imagina different from what was expec ed. - no tion, opinion, theory. mama, as one expects, or wishes. OMOI-NOKOSHI,-S-,-ta, t. v. To feel sor OMoI-AI,-au, —atfa, i. v. To regard each row, regret, care, or anxiety after an other with affection, to think of each event has passed. other. OMOI-OKI,-ku,-ita, i. V. To have anyOMOI-AIMARI,-au,-Ita, i. v. Unable to thing on the mind, to dwell upon in restrain one's feelings of love, anger, or thought. hatred; overcome by feeling. OMO-IRE, adv. As much as one wishes, OMnO-ATARI,-ruZ,-Ita, i. v. To be struck or to one's heart's content; opinion, with the thought, to come suddenly supposition, according to one s mind. into the mind, to bethink one's self. OIOI-SADAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To make up OMlOI-AYANIARI,-ruZ,-fa, i. v. To mistake one's mind, to resolve, or determine in what one thinks of anything, to mis- on. conceive. OIMOI-SAGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To think meanly OMOI-BA, n. The beautiful feathers on of, to despise, contemn. the back of certain wild fowls, as the OOI-soMiE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To begin to duck, pheasant, etc. love, or think about for the first time. OMIoI-BITO, n. One much thought of, one OMOI-SUGOSHI,-,-S,-a, t. v. To think loved, or cared for. too much about, to love too much. OMOI-CHIGAI,-a,-tan, i. v. To differ or ONIoi-SUTE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To cease thinkmistake in what one thinks, to misap- ing about, banish or dismiss from one's prehend. mind. OMOI-DASHI,-SU,-ta, i. v. To recollect, OMOI-TACHI,-tsU,-itat, t. v. To resolve to bring to mind, to remember; to think in one's mind, to suddenly think about. out. OMlOI-TAGAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To mistake OMOI-GAKE-NAI,-ki,-ku, a. Unexpected, or differ in one's opinion. unthought-of. unlooked-for, incidental, OMOI-TORI, n. Understanding, or comchance.. prehension. OMOI-GO, n. A much-thought-of child, OMOI-TSUKI,-ku,-ia, t. v. To think of, a beloved child. recollect; call to mind, to be attached OMOI-GOTO, n. Care, anxiety, trouble. to, cleave to in heart; to plan, devise, OMIOI-GUSA, n. A loved plant; subject, conceive. or matter for thought, care, or anxiety. OMOI-TSUKI, n. A fancy, fanciful device, OMIOI-KAMAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To think conceit; conception. of and be prepared for, to anticipate. OMOI-TSUNME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To dwell OMOI-KAYESHI.-t,-fa, t. v. To think upon, to think upon constantly, to be over again, to reconsider. absorbed, wrapped up in. OMoI-KiRI,-rz-ttVa, t. v,. To cease think- OMOI-TSUIMORI,-ru,-tia, i. V. To think ing about, to make up one's mind, to more and more about, to grow more have no more care or anxiety for. concerned about. OMOI-KOMII,-mu,-nda, i.v. To entertain OloI-WABI,-rnI,-ta, i. z'. To think sadly the opinion, to be under the impression, of or with compunction. for some time to be thinking of. ONMOI-WADZURAI,-aZ,-attZl, i. v. To think OMIOI-KOSHI,-SU,-tn, t. v. To anticipate, about with trouble and anxiety. to fancy, or be anxious about something OMOI-WAIKE, n. Judgment, discernment, that may happen in the future. discrimination. OMOI-MAWASHIi,-sn,-ta, t. v. To revolve OMOI-WASURE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To forget, in the mind, to reflect on. not to think of. OMOI-MIEGURASHI,-sZt,-ta, t. v. To re- OMOI-YARI,-au,-/ta, i. v. To imagine, flect, ponder, or turn over in the conceive of, to fancy, to picture in the mind. imagination; to judge of others by one's O^IOI-MIIDARE,-rt,-ta, t. v. To think self, to sympathize with. and be perplexed, confused, distracted OMOI-WATASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To think about. over, to reflect or meditate upon matOMIOI —MIKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To think of ters long past or distant. beforehand and be prepared for, to de- OMOI-YORANU. Not as was expected ot vise or frame in the mind. thought, not anticipated. OMOI-NAOSHI,-Sn,-la, t. v. To reconsider, OMO —KAGE, n. The likeness of anything to think better of to alter one's opinion pictured in the imagination, or in the about. mind, fancy, imagination. OMO 205 OND OMO-KAJI, n. The helm to the star- OMOTE-DACHI,-tsi,-/a, i. v. To be pubboard. - wo toru, to starboard the lie, open, not private. helm. OMOTE-MON, n. Front door. OIMO-KUSA, n. An eruption on the face. OMOTE-MUKI, adv. - zi, ope.ly, pubOAIO-ME, a. That which one wished or licly, above-board; apparently, in apthought of. - ga deru, to get what- pearance, seemingly. -- no, public, ever one wishes. open, to the view of all. OMaioAI, a. Weight, heaviness, import- ONIOTE-OKOSHI, n. Lifting up the head ance, dignity or rank. on account of merit, or honor. OMio-MOCHI, n. Countenance, expres- OMOTO, n. The ground pine, Licoposion of face. dium. OMOMPAKARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To consider, OMO-TSUBO, n. The place intended or reflect, deliberate, ponder; to be anxi- aimed at, the mark, aim. ous or solicitous about. OMOWAKU, n. The thoughts, mind, OMOMNUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To go. opinion, sentiment. MOMUKI. n. Subject, meaning, pur- OMOWASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Omoi. To port, tenor; fashion, form. cause, or induce another to think. OnIOMURO-NI, adv. Softly, gently, as of OMOWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. That which is to the wind. one's mind, desirable; thoughtful, or OMIO-NAGA, n. A long face. full of care. Mono omowaskii kao-tsuOMO-NAKI,-kz,-shi, a. Out of counte- ki, a careworn countenance. nance, ashamed, crest-fallen, mortified, OMOYASE,-,-ta, t. v. To be thin or abashed. lean in the face. cadaverous. ORIONERI,-ru.-ta, i. v. To flatter, to be OMioYU, n. A thin gruel made of rice. obsequious, compliant, to court fa- OMO-ZASHI, n. The form of the face, vor. countenance, the features. OIO-NI, adv. Generally, principally, for OMiu, n. A parrot. the most part, chiefly, mainly. O-MUGI, n. Barley. OMONJI,-dzuru,-la, t. v. To esteem, O-MUKASHI, n. Remote antiquity. value, prize, appreciate, to regard with O-MUNE, adv. Generally, in the main, respect, to dignify, honor. for the most part. OMo-oNIosHIn,-ki,-ku, a. Grave, sober, ON, n. Favor, kindness, grace, benefits, dignified, consequential, imposing, mo- benefactions. - wo ktzuru, to rementous, important, serious. ceive kindness. OMORASE,-ru,-ta, t. V. To make heavy, ON, na. Sound, voice. Dai on, loud grave, or important; to aggravate. voice. OMORI, n. The weight of a weighing ON. An honorable or respectful prefix, beam, or of a fishing line. same as Go, and 0. OMORI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be grave, ON-AI, n. Love and kindness, either of weighty, serious, important, of conse- a master or parent. quence. O-NAGA-MUSHI, n. A long-tailed insect, OMOSHI, n. A weight, for pressing or maggot. weighing. ONAGO, n. A woman, female. OMOSHIROGARI,-ru,-Ita, i. v. To be ONAGORASHII,-ki,-k, a. Having an appleased with, delighted with, to be glad, pearance or manner of a woman, like a to enjoy. woman. OMOSHIRO)I,-ki,-ku,4-i, a. Pleasant, ONAJI,-ki,-ku, a. Same, like; ditto. delightful, agreeable, amusing, interest- Onajiyo hi, in the same way. Onajiing, curious. Omoshiroku nai, not koto, same thing, alike. pleasant. ONAKA, n. Belly, abdomen. OmIOSIIIROSA, n. Agreeableness, enjoy- ONAME, n. A cow. ment, pleasure. ONARA, n. Breaking wind. OMno-suG,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be excessive, ON-DO, nt. Raising the tune, or leading too heavy, too great, burdensome. in singing. - wo toru, to lead in singOMOTAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Heavy, weigh- ing. Ondo-tori, the person who ty. leads in singing, a chorister. OMOTE, n. The face, front, surface, out- ON-DO, n. The degree of heat, temperaside; the iange or striking distance of ture. an arrow, or ball. ON-DOKU, n. Reading the Chinese char9MOTE-BUSE, n. Hanging the head for acters according to their sounds, withshame, downcast, crestfallen. out rendering into Japanese. OND 206 ORI ONDORI, n. A male bird, a cock. ONORE, per. jro. I, you, myself, himONE, (daikon), n. A radish. self, one's self. Onore ni katsu, to O-NETSU, n. A bad fever. conquer one's self. Onore ga, my, ON-GAKU, n. An entertainment of vocal your, my own, your own, one's own. and instrumental music accompanied Onore-ra, plur. we, you. Onore-me, with dancing; music. you,-addressing a contemptible perON-GAYESHI, n. Repayment of a kind- son. ness. ONOYE, n. A mountain peak, high ONI, n. Tasting wine or food before it is place. eaten by a lord to see that it is not ON-RIY6, (urami no tamnashiz), n. A poisonous. - wo suru. malicious spirit. ONI, n. A devil, demon, fiend, the spirit ON-SEN, n. A hot spring. of one dead, a ghost; also an epithet ON-TAKU, (megumi no uruoi), n. Grace, for a powerful or a bad man. Kokoro favor, kindness, benefactions. wo - ni suru, to harden one's heart, ON-TO, a. Amiable, gentle, meek, mild. to force one's self to act like a fiend. ON-TOKU, n. Kindness, goodness, grace, ONI-AZAII, n. A kind of thistle, Cardu- favor. us. ON-v6-SHI, n. A soothsayer, a fortuneONI-BI, n. Ignis-fatuus, jack with a lan- teller. tern. O-OSHIKI,-ku, a. Manly, bold, brave. ONI-GOKKO, n. A kind of play amongst O-O-TO, adv. Gloomy, melancholy, dechildren similar to " prisoner's base," jected in spirits. the base is called oka, the player is O-o, adv. Sometimes, now and then, called oni. here and there, some places; eventuONI-MUSH1, n. A species of horned bee- ally, in process of time. tie. O-RAI, (yukiki), n. Passing to and fro, ONI-YARAI, n. The ceremony of driving going and coming; coming, communicaout evil spirits at the Setsu-bun, or last tion, a road; title of a book. evening of the old year, by throving ORANDA, n. Holland. - no hito, a about parched peas, and crying, " oni Hollander. wa sotofuku wa uchi." ORASE,-ru,-/a, caust. of Ori. To cause ON-JAKU, n. A hot stone dipped in wa- to be or dwell, let dwell. ter and applied to a painful part. ORE, per. pro. I. Orega, my own, my; ON-JO, t. The voice. - Dai- ni yo- orera, we, orera ga, our. bitateru, to call out with a loud voice. ORE,-ru,-/a, i. v. Broken,-used of a ON-JUN, n. Meek, amiable, gentle, mild stick, or anything long; to be folded, and obliging. rumpled. ON-KUWA, n. Mild, gentle, and friendly ORE, a. A broken piece or fragment of in disposition. anything long. Kugi no -, a piece of ONNA, n. or a. A female, woman. - no nail. ko, a girl, female child. - is/a, a fe- OREN, n. Gentian. male physician. - kiyzdai, sisters. ORI, n. Time, occasion, opportunity. Onna-gazi, a female divinity, god- ORI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To break anything dess. Onza-gata, a play-actor who long and slender, as a stick; to fold, to represents the part of a female. bend, to double. Hone wo,- to break ONNARASHII,-ki,-kU, a. Having the a bone, (fig.) to toil, or labor industrimanner or appearance of a woman, ously. feminine. ORI, oru, otta, t. v. To weave, to work ONNA-ZAMMAI, n. Fondness for women. a loom. ONO, n. A broad axe. ORI, oru, otta, i. v. To be, to dwell, ONODZUKARA, adv. Of itself, of its own live; to be in, or at home. Higa mooaccord, spontaneously. yete oru, the fire is burning. ONODZU-TO, adv. Spontaneously, of its ORI, rir, orita, t. v. To descend, to own accord. go down, to alight, dismount, to setONO-GA, Poss. fro. Own, my own, his tie. Ori-nobori, descending and asown, or its own. cending. ONO-KO, n. A male, man. -go, a male ORI, n. A pen, a cage, coop; a gaol, child, boy. prison. ONONOKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To tremble with ORI, n. A small box made of thin board fear. by folding the corners, used for holding ONo-oNo, a. Each, every one. confectionary, etc. ORI 207 OSH ORI, n. The fine sediment, lees, or set- ORosHI,-su,-Ia, t.v. To take off or down tlings from tea, wine, or any liquid; from a height, to put down on the deposit. ground, to let down, let drop, to sell at OR-AI,-au,-tta, i. v. To be composed, wholesale, to reduce by grating, tritusettled; to subside, abate. rating, or filing; to produce aboition. ORl-ASHII,-ki,-ku,-si, a. At an un- Ko wo -, to produce abortion. Oiseasonable or inopportune time, in an orosu, to drive down. Mi-orosu, to unfortunate time. look down. ORI-DO, n. A folding door. ORosHI, n. A grater. ORI-DOKORO, n. A dwelling place; room OROSHI, n. Selling by the quantity; or space to live, sit, stand, or lie in. wholesale. ORI-FUSHI, adv. Sometimes, now and ORosHI, n. An abortionist. - baba. then, occasionally; just then, just at OROSOKA,a. Careless, remiss, ornegligent. that time, instant, or conjuncture. - nisuru, to treat disrespectfully. ORIHA, n. A kind of game played with OSA, a. The reed of a loom. dice. OSA, n. The chief, head, or principal ORI-HIME, U. The weaver, the name of man, commander. the star Veda, near the milky way. OSA, a. Numerousness, the number. ORI-HON, n. A folding book. OSAMIARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be regulated ORI-ITTE, adv. Earnestly, urgently, im- governed; tranquilized, quieted; paid portunately. up or collected, as taxes. ORI-KANII, n. A folded paper or docu- OsAiE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To regulate, to ment accompanying any curiosity, stat- govern, to quiet, tranquilize, settle, ing its history, etc.; a certificate. calm, allay; to pay in, as taxes; to lay ORI-KARA, adv. Just then, at the time, up, to store away; to bury, inter; put instant, or conjuncture. up or away. ORI-KATA, n. A crease or mark made by OSANAGO, n. A young child, infant. folding; the mode or way of folding. OSANAI,-ki,-shi, a. Young, youthful. ORI-KU, n. An acrostic. OSA-OSA, adv. Much, great deal; with ORI-KUGI, n. A bent nail, or hook for a neg. not much, not a great deal. hanging anything on. OSARABA. Exclamation used at parting, ORI-MAGuEu,-rzi,-t, t. v. To break and = farewell, good-by. bend, to bend double. OSARE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Oshi. To be ORI-AE, n. The crease, or place where pushed, pressed, forced; thrust aside. anything is folded. OSAYE,-ru,-r a, t. v. To press upon or ORI-IEDAKA. Haughty, supercilious. against, to push against in order to ORI-IMONO, n. Woven goods, things made support or hold down; to repress, rein a loom, cloth. strain, to keep down, keep back; to ORI-IONO, (tsuki no mtono,) n. Menses, stop, to stay, to check. also the discharge of blood after labor. OSAYE, n. A stop, check, restraint, stay, ORI-ORI, adv. Sometimes, occasionally, hold. now and then. Os.A E, a. The rear column of an army, ORI-YA, per. rona. I. the rear. ORI-YA, n. A weaver. OSE,-ru,-ta, t. v. Used only in connecORI-TACHI,-IS,-tta, i. v. To alight from tion with Te, as Te wo oseru, to inflict anything on one's feet. a wound. O-RIY6, n. Taking violent possession, OSE, n. The word, command, or instructrespassing, encroaching on or usurping tion of an honorable person; charge, the rights of another. - suru, to en- order. croach on the territory or rights of an- OSERARE,-rZ,-ta, i. v. To speak, to say, other. command, charge, used only of honorORI-YOI,-ki,-ku, a. Good time, fortunate able persons. or opportune time. O-SETSU, n. A meeting, or conference OROCHI, n. A large snake. of officials of different nations. -suru, OROKA, a. Foolish, silly, simple, ignor- to meet. ant. OSII, a. Deaf and dumb, a mute. OROKASA, n. Folly, foolishness. O-SHI, n. A violent death, death not in ORO-ORO, adv. A little, few. - to naku, the natural way. - suru. to cry a little, to sob. - goye, a sob- OSHI, n. A weight tor pressing upon anybing voice. thing; (met.) influence, authority; OROSHA, n. Russia. effrontery, brass, impudence. OSH 208 OSH OSHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To push, to shove, to OSHI-KAKE,-rU,-ta, t. V. To attack, asthrust; to press, to squeeze; to force, sault with force and numbers. compel, constrain, to drive; to infer, OSHI-KATAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To press todeduce; to consider, regard. gether into a hard mass. OSHI-AGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To push or hold OSHI-KAYESHI,-SU,-a, t. v. To push or up. force back, to force another to take OsHI-AI,-au,-ttaa, i. v. To push or back or do over again. shove one another. OSHI-KIRI,-rU,-tt, t. v. To press and OSHI-AKE,-r,-ta, t. v. To push, force cut, as anything hard; to break by or hold open. pushing forcibly against, as a rope. OSHI-ATE,-rU,-ta, t. 7. To push or hold OSHI-KIRI, n. A straw-cutter. anything against something else. OSHI-KOME,-r,-ta, i. vi. To be forced OSHI-BUCHI, n. Small strips of wood or compelled to remain shut inside, as fastened against the edges of wall- an offender to his own house; to conpaper. fine. OSHI-DASHI,-u,-ta, t. V. To push, thrust, OSHI-KOMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To push, or force out. press, or force one thing into another. OSHI-DORI, n. The mandarin duck. OSHI-KOMI, n. A forcible entrance, a OSHI-DORI, n. Taking by violence or force, pushing in; one who forces his way OSHI-DZUYOI,-ki,-ku, a. Obstinate, per- into a house to rob, a house-breaker, tinacious, persisting. burglar. OSHI-FUSE,-r,-/ta, t. v. To push down, OSHI-KOROSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To press, or to force down with the face to the squeeze to death. ground. OSHI-KUDAKI,-ku,-ita, t. V. To press on OSHI-GAI, n. Violently pressing the sale and break into pieces, to crush. of anything by one who wishes to pur- OSHI-KUIDASHII-sU,-ta, t. v. To push or chase. force down, depress. OSHI-GARI, n. A violent demand or ex- OSHI-MADZUKI, n. A stand for resting tortion,- as of one's money by a rob- against while sitting. ber. OSHI-MAGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To bend by OSHIGARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be stingy, force. sparing, niggardly, grudging, ungener- OSHI-MAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To push and ous; to lament or deplore the loss of roll up. something highly valued. OsAzigara- OSHI-lMAROME,-ru,-/a, t. v. To press reru, to be deplored, regretted. and make round. OSHIGE-MO-NAKU, adv. Without appear- OsHIsMI,-mZ,-nda, t. v. To feel sorrow ing to grudge, without any appearance at the thought of losing anything of reluctance, not seeming to mind, or prized; to be reluctant to lose or spend; or value. to spare, to grudge; to esteem, value, OSHI-HAKARI,-ru,-/ta, t. v. To guess, prize, to love. conjecture, suppse, consider, to infer. OSHINA, n. A clown, countryman, a OsHI-HEDATE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To separate boorish person. by force, as by getting between two OSHI-NABETE, adv. All, universally, persons fighting; to push apart, hold generally. apart. OSHI-NAGASHI,-sU,-ta, t. v. To carry or OSHI-HESHI,-Zu,-ta, t. v. To bring down, float along by a current. abase, humble. OSHI-NAOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To press on OSHI-HIRAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To push or and mend,-as anything bent. force open; to open out. OSHI-NOKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To push or OSHI-HIRAME,-ru,-/a, t. v. To press and thrust aside or out of the way. flatten anything round. OSHI-NUGI,-gu,-ida. To strip off, tear OSHI-HIROGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To force open, off, as a covering. as anything folded up, to spread out. OSHIROI, n. The white lead power used OSHII,-ki, a. Highly prized, esteemed, by women for powdering the face. valued, loved; grudged; precious; de- OSIIIROI-BANA, n. The Mirabilisjalapa. plorable. OSHISA, n. The unwillingness to lose or OsHI-IRE,-ru?,-ta, t. v. To force or push part with, preciousness. into. OsHI-sAGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To push or OSHI-IRE, n. A closet. force down. OsHI-IRI,-ru. -ta, i. v. To force or push OSHI-SHIDZUME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To push one's way into, to enter violently, or force under water; to quiet, hush, OSH 209 OTO pacify, restrain,-as an uproar, an- OsoNAWARI-ru,-/ta, i. v. To be late, ger. slow, or tardy; to procrastinate. OSHISO-NI, adv. Grudgingly, reluctant- OSORAKUBA, adv. I am afraid that, I fear ly. that, I doubt whether; lest, perhaps, OsHI-TAOSHI,-Su-,-a, t. v. To push, probably. thrust or force over, so as to fall. OSORE,,-,-ta, t. i. To be afraid of, to OSHI-TATE,-rU,-ta, /. v. To push or fear, to dread. force to stand up. OSORE, n. Fear, dread. OSHI-TAWAMF-r,-r,-, t. v. To bend by OsoRE-AI,-au,-atta, i. v. To fear each force, to press on and bend. other, to be all afraid,-spoken of many OSHITE, adv. By force, by violence, by persons. compulsion, presumptuously, pertina- OsoRE-IRI,-ru,-tta, i. V. To be filled ciously. with fear, dread or respect. — used OSHI-TODOME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To stop by only in respectful address to officials. force, to push and stop. OSORE-NAGARA, adv. Although, or whilst OSHI-TOSHI,-S.,-ta, /. v. To push, thrust I am afraid, most humbly or respector force through, fully. OSHI-TSUBUSHIi,-su,-It, t. V. To crush, OSORE-ONONOKI,-ki,-ila, i. v. To tremor break with violence. ble with fear, to do with fear and tremOSHI-TSUKE,-ru,-/a, t.. To push or bling. force one thing against another, to sell OsoREsSHIME,-rU,-ta, caust. of Osore. To or make away with, to treat with make afraid, frighten. severity, to urge immoderately. OsoRosHI,-ki,-ku,-st i, a. Fearful, frightOSHI-TSUM-E,-ru,-fa, t. v. To push or ful, dreadful, awful, terrible. force into a narrow or strait place, to OSOROSHISA, n. Dreadfulness, fearful5traiten, to compress. ness, terribleness. OSHI-TSUTSUMI-zu, —Nda, t. V. To wrap OSOSA, n. Lateness, slowness, tardiup, to fold up. ness. OsHI-UGOIASHI,-S-,-ta, t. v. To push OsowARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be attacked, and shake, to be possessed, as by evil spirits; to OSHI-URI, n. Pressing the purchase of have the nightmare. something which one wishes to sell, OsowARI,-ru,-Ia, i. v. To be taught, to importunately desirous of selling. learn, to be instructed. OSHI-WAKE,-ra,-ta, t. v. To push or Osso, n. A petition or complaint made force apart, to separate forcibly. immediately to a high official without OSHI-WATASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To push passing through those below him. across, as a boat. Osu, n. The male of birds and animals. OSHI-YABURI,-rU,-tta, t. v. To push OTAI, n. A meeting, conference, interand break, to attack and break. view. - suru, to meet. OsHI-YARI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To push out OTAMAJAKUSHI, n. A tadpole. of the way, to send with a push. OTAMEGOKASHI, n. One who, pretending OSHIYE,-rU,-ta, /. v. To teach, instruct, to seek the interests of others, seeks to to educate; to caution, warn; to show, promote only his own; a selfish, hypoto point out. critical person. OSHIYE, X. Teaching, instruction; pre- O-TE, n. Checking the king in a game cept, doctrine; sect, religion. of chess. - suru, to check. - wo OSHI-YOSE,-ru,-Ia, t. v. To push or nigeru, to move out of check. - dzuforce near to, to attack or forcibly ap- me, checkmate. proach to. OTE, n. The front gate of a castle. OsHO, n. A Buddhist priest. OTEDAMA, n. Jackstones, or marbles Oso, a. The bodily disorders caused by used by children for playing with. pregnancy. OTEKI. n. A flute. OsoI,-ou,-Oia, t. v. To attack, assault. OTEMBA, a. Forward, bold, impudent. OsoI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Late, slow, tardy, -musume, a bold, forward girl. dull. OTO, n. Sound. OSOI-BA, n. The wisdom teeth. OTODOI, n. Brothers or sisters. OSOI-GAKI, n. Writing or drawing by OTODOSHI, n. Year-before-last. placing the paper over the thing to be OTO-DZUKI, n. The twelfth month. drawn and tracing the lines. OTODZURE, n. Message, word, commuOSO-MAKI, n. Grain, or any seed sown nication, tidings, account, information. late in the season. OTOGAI, n. The chin. OTO 210 OYA OTOGI, n. A nurse to a sick person, a OTOSHI-IRE,-rU,-ta, i.. To drop into, companion or attendant. to decoy, to entrap, insnare. OTOGI-BANASHI, n. A story, tale, ro- OTOSHIMI,-mZ?,-tda, t. v.'To look down mance. on, to despise. OTO-GO, n. The youngest child. OTOSHI-TSUIKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To throw OTOKO, n. A male, man. down. OTOKO-BURI, n. A manly appearance or OTOTOI, n. Day before yesterday. bearing. OTOTO-YE, OZ. Brethren, including older OTOKO-DATE, n. A gallant, chivalrous and younger, brothers and sisters. person, one who is liberal and ready to OTOTSAN, n. Father. assist the oppressed. OTSU-NA, a. Strange, odd, unusual, sinOTOKO-GI, n. Manly, spirited, bold, gular. courageous. - na hito. OTSU-NEN (toshi zvo koveru). Passing OTOKO-MASARI, n. Masculine in appear- the time, living. - szru. ance or strength, spoken only of a wo- OTSUYU, n. Soup made of vegetables or man. beans. OTOKORASHII-,-k',-, a. Like a man, OTTE, adv. By and by, presently, soon, manlike, manly, noble, brave after a little. OTOKU-TSUKI, n. Manly bearing or ap- OTTE, n. The pursuing party, a pursuer. pearance. OTTO, n. Husband. OTOME, n. A young woman, girl, young OTToI,-ru,-ta, t.v. To take or seize in lady. a hurry, to snatch. OTO-MUSUME, n. Yungest daughter. OTTORI, adv. Immediately, at once. OTONA, n. A grown-up person, adult, OTTORI-KOME-,-,-tt, t. v. To surround, full-grown. environ, encomT ass. OTONABI,-r,-ta, i. v. To speak or act OTTOSEI, n. The seal. like a full-grown man. OTTSU-KAYESItI1SU, a'v. Advancing and OTONAGENAI,-ki,-ku,-sh.i, a. Not manly retreating, pursuit g and being pursued. in appearance or spirit; childish, puer- OTTSUKE, adv. By and by, soon, preile, foolish, silly. sently. OTONAI,-at, t. v. To make a sound, to O-UMA, n. A stallion. call. O-USHI, n. A bull. OTONASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Quiet, mild, gen- OwARE,-ru,-ta, pass. or pot. of Oi. To tie, tame, good-tempered, not cross or be borne or carried on the back. refractory. OwARi,-ru,-ta, pass. or pot. of Oi. To OTONASHISA, n. Gentleness, tameness. be pursued, driven, chased. OTONASHIYAKA. Quiet, gentle, mild. OwARI-z,-rt,-a, i. v. To end, finish, OTO-OTO, or OTOTO, n. Younger brother. complete, terminate; to die. OTORI,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be inferior OwARI, n. The end, termination. or less in size, degree, excellence or OWASE,-ru,-a, caust. of Oi. To place quality; to be worse than, not so good on the back of another, to load, to imas. pute, charge with. OTORI, n. Inferiority, worse. l1asari OwAsE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Oi. To cause otori nashi, neither better nor or let anything pursue or chase another. worse. O\VASHI, or OWASHI-MASHI,-$S,-/t, i. v. OTORI, n. A bird used to decoy others. To be, to dwell, —used only of honorOTOROYE,-rt,-/ta, i. v. To grow worse, able persons. to be impaired, to decline, decay, to OYA, n. Parents. Waga inochi no -, fail in strength or power, to deteriorate, the preserver of my life. Oya ko, pato wane. rent and child. OTOSHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To drop, to let or OYA. Exclam. of surprise. cause to fall; to omit, leave out; to OYA, n. A landlord, owner of a house. lose; to debase, degrade; to take out, OVA-BUN, n. One who acts a parent's as a stain. part; a head man, master, boss. OTOSHI, n. A trap for catching birds. OYADAMiA, n. The chief, head, the best. OTOSHI-ANA, n. A pitfall. OYA-GO, n. Your parents. OTOSHI-BANASHI, n. A story in which a OYA-JI, n. Father. pun, quibble or play upon words is in- OYA-KATA, n. The chief, head, boss, tended. ringleader. OTOSHI-DANE, n. The bastard child of a OYAKE, n. The government, the rulers. person of rank. - no sata, a government order. OYA 211 PUR OYAKE, a. Public, common, not private; OYOGI,-g'u,-ita, t. v. To swim. Oyogijust, fair, equitable, disinterested. - agaru, to swim up. Oyogi-deru, to ni, publicly, openly. swim out of. Oyogi-kosu, to pass anOYAMIA, n. A harlot, the female charac- other in swimming, to swim across. ter in a theatre. Oyogi-wataru, to swim across. OvA-YUDZURI, n. Anything received by O-YO-NI, adv. Generally, mostly, for the inheritance from one's parents. part most. OvE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be ended, termin- OYoso, adv. For the most part, geneated, finished, completed. rally, mostly, in general, about. OYE, a. Unclean, polluted, dirty, foul. O-YUBI, n. The thumb. O-YO. Generous, liberal, magnanimous. O-ZAKE-NOMI, n. A drunkard, an intemOYOBANU, neg. of Oyobi. Cannot reach, perate person. extend, or attain to; inferior, impracti- OZAPPAI, a. Prodigal, lavish, profuse or cable; unnecessary. liberal in using. OYoBI,-bu,-nda, i. v. To reach to, at- O-ZEI, n. A multitude, a great company. tain, to extend to; to terminate in, re- Ozo,-i,-kui,, a. Dishonest, knavish, suit in, issue in; until, till. Ikusa ni cunning; stupid, foolish. -, to result in a war. OZOKKOKU, n. Poppy capsules. OYOBI, conj. And, together with. OzoMASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Foolish, silly. OYOBosHI-,-su,-ia, caust. of Oyobi. To OZORA, n. The sky. extend, cause to reach, to impart. P PACHI-PACHI, adv. Sharp cracking noise, or smarting manner, - as the taste of snapping. pepper. PAN, n. Bread. PISSHARI, adv. Like the sound of the PANYA, n. A species of Asclepias, or crushing of egg-shells, shutting a wilk-weed, also the silky material ob- screen, slamming a door, banging. tained from it. PIYOI-TO, adv. Hopping like a frog, PAPPU, n. A poultice. bird, etc., skipping. PARA-PARA-TO, adv. The sound, or man- PIYO-TO, adv. The whizzing sound made ner of rain, hail, or tears falling in big by an arrow. and scattered drops. POKAN, adv. In a vacant, thoughtless, PARARI-TO, adv. In a scattered, dis- or absent manner. persed, or sprinkled manner. POKI-POKI, adv. The sound of crackPATA-PATA, adv. The sound of repeated ing. slaps, flaps, or clapping. POKU-POKU, adv. Like the sound of PATCHI, n. Trowsers, pantaloons' made striking pieces of wood together. of silk. PON-PON, adv. The sound of successive PATCHIRI, adv. The sharp, sudden sound reports, as of guns. of anything cracking, snapping, split- POPPO-TO, adv. Hot, heated appearting, as of splitting a bamboo, bursting ance. the air-bladder of a fish, etc. POTARI-POTARI, adv. In the manner, or PATCHI-PATCHI, adv. Sounding in a sud- appearance of water dropping. den sharp manner, clapping, snapping, POTCHIRI, adv. or i. A drop, jot, dot, cracking, popping. the least quantity. PATTARI, adv. The sound made by any- POTSU-POTSU, adv. A little spot here thing falling, slapping, slamming. and there, or in a scattered manner. PATTO, adv. In the manner of anything PUN-PUN, adv. In the manner of a delisuddenly bursting out, spreading. cious perfume. PERA-PERA, adv. Quickly, fast. PURI-PURI, adv. Shaking or moving like PIN, n. The ace on a dice. jelly. PIRI-PIRI, adv. In a pricking, burning, RA 212 RAN.R RA, - and such like things; et cetera, RAKU-BA, ((uma yri osuru,) n. Falling also a plural suffix. Ware-ra, we. from a horse. Onz-zi ra, you: but sometimes of no RAKUDA, n. A camel. meaning; as A chira, K ira, ra an- RAKU-GAKI, n. Writing or scribbling ra. upon walls, stones, trees. RACHI, n. A picket fence. - zo naki, RAKU-GAN, n. A kind of confectionary, without order, confused, absurd, non- made of rice-flour and sugar. sensical, foolish. - ga akanu, slow, RAKU-HAKU, (ochi-bureru,) n. Falling tedious, wasting time. undetermined, from prosperity or wealth, bankruptcy, unsettled. - wo akeru, to decide, insolvency. conclude on, settle. RAKU-HATSU, (kami wo otosu,) n. ShavRACHI-AKI,-ku,-i/a, i. v. To finish, con- ing the head. clude, settle; dispatch, or expedite a RAKU-JI, (otsuru moji), n. A word tedious matter. omitted. RA-DEN, n. Mosaic work of mother of RAKU-MEI, (inochi wo otasu,) n. Losing pearl. life. Gun chiu ni - shita, lost his life RA-HEI, n. A patrol, sentry, policeman. in battle. RAI. To come, to reach; coming, arriv- RAKU-RAKU-TO, adv. Easily, pleasantly, ing; next. Rai-bin, the next oppor- comfortably, free from care and labor. tunity. Rai-chk, the next morning; RAKU-RUI, (namida wo otosu), n. Shedcoming to court, or to the Mikado's ding tears. palace. Rai-gauwatsu, the next month. RAKU-SATSU, (fuda wo otosu). DropILrti-hara, the next spring. Rai-jitsu, ping a ticket into the ballot-box, votthe next day. Rai-ziyaku, the guest ing. - suru, to ballot, vote. who has arrived. Rai-nen, the next RAKU-SHITSU, (otoshi ushinau.) - suru, year. Rai-se, the next world. Rai- to drop and lose, to lose. shzun, the next spring. Rai-yu, the RAKU-SHO, (otoshi bumi), n. An anonyhistory of the origin or rise of any- mous writing. thing. RAKJ-SHU, n. A lampoon, any satirical RAI, (kamninari), n. Thunder. Rai- or cutting writing. den, thunder and lightning. Rai-jin, RAKU-TETSU, n. The actual cautery. - the god of thunder. Rai-ju, an animal suru, to apply the actual cautery, cauwhich is supposed to fall when the terize. lightning strikes. Rai-inei, the sound RAKU-YAKI, n. A kind of porcelain of thunder, a rumbling, a report. Rai- baked so as to be covered with cracks. yoke, a protection against thunder, a RAMBIKI, n. A still for distilling spirits. lightning rod. Rai-geki, a stroke of RAM-Bo-, n. Disorder, riot, tumult, violightning. lent and rude conduct. - nin, a rioter, RAI-BIYO, n. Leprosy. a violent and turbulent person. RAI-DO. - suru, to be obsequious, com- suru, to act in a violent and disorderly pliant, to servilely imitate another. manner. RAKAN, n. Bacon, pork, ham. RAMMA, n. The open ornamental work RAKANSHO, n. The Thyopsis. over the screens which form the partiRAKKAN, n. The name and seal of the tions between the rooms of a house. writer inscribed in a book or draw- RAM-PATSU, (midare ganti), n. Disheving. eled hair. RAKKIYO, n. A vegetable of the garlic RArIPITSU, n. A bad hand, or slovenly class, scallion, chives. penmanship. RAKsUWASH6, n. A ground-nut. RAN, (miru). To look, to see. Go ran RAKU, (tanoshimi,) n. Comfort, ease; nasare, look here. pleasure, freedom from pain, toil or RAN, n. Disorder, confusion, tumult, hard labor. - na koto, easy or pleas- riot, disturbance. - wo okosu, to raise ant thing. a tumult. RAN 213 REN RAN, n. A fabulous bird, the phoenix? REI-JIN, n. The performers and musiKAN-DA, a. Lazy, idle. cians of a Kagura. RAN-GIYAKU, (mtuhon,) n. Rebellion, or REI-KI, n. Cold, cool. war against the government. REI-KIYAKU, (hiyakasu). Strolling about RAN-GUI, n. Posts and stakes driven into to look. the ground to molest or hinder the en- REI-MIIN, (tada-hito,) n. The common emy. people, farmers, laborers. RAN-KAN, n. A balustrade, railing. REI-NEN, (itsumo), n. Yearly custom. RAN-KI, (midare kokoro), n. Insanity, - no tri, in the usual yearly manner. derangement, or disorder of mind. REI-RAKU, (oc/i-bureru,) n. BankruptRAN-SHIN, (mnidaretaru kokoro). In- cy, insolvency, reduced to poverty. sanity, mental derangement. REI-SHI, n. A species of hard mushroom. RAN-SH6, n. Oviparous, produced from REI-SHI, n. The balsam-apple. an egg. REI-SHI, n. The Lichi. RAN-SO, n. The ovaries. REI-YO-KAKU, n. A kind of hartshorn, RAN-TO, n. A kind of oval monument used as a medicine. over a grave. - ba, a cemetery. REKI, n. A calendar year, an almanac. RAO, n. A bamboo pipe-stem. Reki-dai, successive generations or dyRAPPA, n. A trumpet, bugle. nasties. Reki-goku, study or learning RAPPAKUWAN. n. The fallopian tubes. pertaining to the almanac or calendar. RA-SE-ITA, n. Flannel. Reki-shi, a history, chronicle, annals. RASETSU. -suru, to castrate, emascu- Reki-sz, number of years. late. REKI-REKI. Passing or continuing through RASHA, n. Woolen cloth. successive periods of time; standing RASHII,-ki,-ku. A suffix adding the idea out conspicuously from amongst others; of, like, appearance, or manner, to the prominent, illustrious, eminent; clear, root word; as, Onna-rashii, like a plain, evident, distinct. woman. REM-BO, (koi-shitau), n. Love between RASOTSU, n. A policeman, patrol. the sexes. - suru, to love. RASSHI, n. Order, arrangement,-always REMMA, (neri migztku), n. To exercise, used with a negative; as, - no n tain, or drill one's self in anything. disordered, confused, without order or REN, n. A pair of boards on which stanarrangement. zas of poetry, or sentences from the RASSOKU, n. A kind of candle, having a classics are written and hung up for orstick projecting from the butt of it for nament. carrying it the hand. REN. Connected or joined together in a REI, n. oliteness, decorum, etiquette; series, a succession of, consecutive; a thanks, salutation; a thank offering, or row, series; used in counting things present in acknowledgment of a favor. strung together. PTama ichi —, a string - wo suru, to bow, to make a present of beads, Ren-chiu, a company, band. out of thankfulness, to thank, to pay a Ren-chi, several mornings in succesdoctor's fee, to pay a teacher. - wo sion. Ren-in, a row of seals affixed to iu, to express one's thanks. Rei-jo, a a document. Ren-jitsu, several days in letter of thanks. Rei-ji, propriety, eti- succession. Ren-jo, a succession of letquette. Rei-fuku, dress of ceremony. ters, or a writing subscribed by a row of Rei-kin, a fee, or money paid for a fa- names. Ren-nen, several years in sucvor received. Rei-sha, thanks. Rei- cession. Ren-kiu, involved along with shiki, the rules of etiquette, or cere- others in the same trouble or crime, immony. plication. Ren-ri, the union of two REI, n. A command, order. things by growing together, as two REI, (tameshi,) n. Custom, usage, prac- branches of a tree. Ren-zoku, constant tice, example, precedent, instance; us- or continuous, without interruption. ual, common. Ren-rnei, leagued or banded together REI, (tamashii,) n. The soul, spirit; by an oath. Ren-miy5, a list of names. manes, ghost. Rei-kon, the soul, spir- Ren-miyo-gaki, a catalogue. it; manes of the dead. Rei-boku, a sa- REN-CHAKU, n. Inordinate attachment cred tree. Rei-chi, a sacred place. to anything; entirely engrossed in anyRei-hei, an ancestral tablet, thing. REI. This word is used as a cipher, or to REN-CHOKU, a. Honest, upright, exact, show that one denomination is omitted, precise, accurate; cheap. as, San sen rei hachi-juz, = 3080. REN-DAI, (hasu no utena), n. The Lo REN 2I4 RIN tus-flower-seat on which A mida is re- RI-FU-JIN, (kotowari wo tsukusadzu). presented as sitting. Contrary to right, or reason; unjust, REN-DAI, n. A hand-barrow, a bier. unreasonable, violently, forcibly. REN-GA, n. A pastime in which one ex- RI-GAI. Profit or loss, advantage or distemporizes the first half of a stanza of advantage. - wo toku, to show the poetry and another finishes it. advantage or disadvantage of doing REN-GA-SEKI, n. A brick. anything. REN-GE, (hachisu bana), n. The Lotus RI-GAKUSHA, n. A rationalist, infidel. flower. RI-GIN, n. Interest money. RENGE, n. The intestines of a fowl or RI-HI, n. The right or wrong, justice or ox. injustice, reasonable or unreasonable. REN-GES6, n. The name of a small flower, RI-KATA. The profitable mode, advanSedum. tageous or convenient way. RENGI, a. A wooden pestle. RIKI, (ckikara). Strength, power, force, REN-GIYO, n. A flowering-shrub, the a strong man. Riki-sha, a strong man. Forsythia. Riki-shi, a strong man, a wrestler. REN-JAKU, a. The name of a beautiful RIKIMI,-m,-nda, i. v. To make a show bird. of one's strength, or authority; to REN-JAKU, n. A wooden frame slung swagger, bully. Rikimni-au, to make a over the back and used for carrying show of each other's strength, as wrestbulky articles, as straw, etc. lers before contending. Rikimi-chiraREN-JI, n. The frame-work of upright su, to strut, swagger, or make a display wooden bars before windows. of one's authority all about. RikimiREN-JO, (shitau kokoro), n. Love be- kayeru, to strut, swagger, bully or boast tween sexes. immoderately. REN-JU, (neri osameru). To exercise, or RIKIMI, n. Vigor, power, strength, audrill one's self in. thority. REN-JUKU. To become proficient, or RIK6, n. Acuteness of mind, shrewdness, adept in by practice. cleverness, ingenuity, expertness. REN-NIKU, (hasu no mi), n. The fruit or RIKO-DATE, n. Making a show of one's seeds of the Lotus. cleverness. RESSuH,-suru,-ta, i. V. To arrange in RI-KON, n. Sagacity, clevernesss, ingenuorder, to rank with, to have a certain ity, acuteness. grade, RIK6RASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Having the apRESSHUKU, a. The constellations, of pearance of cleverness. which the Japanese reckon twenty- RIKU, n. The land as opposed to water eight. or sea. RETSU, (tsura), n. The order, or arrange- RIKU-CHIN. To be bankrupt, ruined, as ment in ranks, files, lines, or com- a person once prosperous. pany. RIKU-GEI, n. The six acquirements, viz: RxE'su-Jo, n. A chaste woman, a faithful reading, arithmetic, etiquette, archery, widow. horsemanship, and music. RETSu-zA, n. Sitting in a row, or in RIKU-GO, n. The six sides of the uniranks, or according to rank. verse, viz: the heaven, earth, and four RI, n. A Japanese mile, = 4,320 yards, cardinal points. or nearly 2a miles Eng. RIKU-GUN. A land force or army. RI, n. The natural laws, the inherent biyo-in, a military hospital. principles of things; reason, principle; RIKU-JI, (oka no michi), n. A landthat which is right, just, proper; mean- journey, by land. ing or signification. RI-KUTSU, a. Reason, cause; false reaRI. n. Profit, gain, interest. advantage; soning, caviling; captious objections, victory. Ri wo toru, to make a profit. quibble, sophistry. - wo iu, to quib-surru, to benefit, to gain. ble, or cavil. Rikutsu-sha, a caviler, RI-AI, n. Interest on money. captious reasoner. RI-SI, n. Principle, law, or truth. RIM-BIYO, n. Gonorrhcea. RI-BETSU, (hanare wakare), n. Parting, RIN, (wa), n. A wheel. Ni - sha, a separation, divorce. two-wheeled wagon. Shi - sha, a RI-BvIY, n. Dysentery. four-wheeled wagon. Rl-BUN, n. Profit, gain. RIN, n. A small bell. RI-DZUvME. Convinced by the reasons RIN, n. A weight, the tenth part of a given. - suru, to confute, convince. faun, 0,583 of a grain troy RIN 215 RIY RIN-DEN, n. The transmigration of souls, RIU-GI, n. Style, manner, or method ot metempsychosis. writing, drawing, singing, fencing, of RIN-D6, n. Gentian. medical practice, or of any work of art; RINDZU, n. A kind of figured satin. a sect, creed, school, system, order. RIN-GETSU, (umidzuki), n. The month RIu-Go, n. A small wheel on the spinof parturition,-the tenth month ac- dle of a spinning-wheel, over which the cording to Japanese reckoning. band passes. RINGO, n. An apple. RIU-GO-SHA, n. A water-wheel, worked RIN-GOKU, (tonari kuni), n. A neigh- by treading and used for irrigating. boring country. RIU-IN, n. Pyrosis, water-brash. RIN-JI, n. Unexpected, accidental, con- RIU-JO, (yanage no wata), n. The cattingent, extras. - no yo, unexpected kins of the willow. business. RIU-KIU, n. The Lew Chew islands. RIN-KA, (tonari no iye), n. The next or RIU-K6, (nagare yuku), n. Prevailing, neighboring house or family. popular, or fashionable way; style, RIN-KI, n. Jealousy. - wo suru, to feel fashion. - suru, to prevail, to be jealous. fashionable. RIN-KI-6-HEN, n. Acting according to RIU-KOTSU, (tatsu no hone), n. Dragthe occasion or exigency, changing to on's-bone, a species of cactus. suit circumstances as they arise. RIU-MON, n. A kind of white silk. RIN-SHITSU, n. Gonorrhcea. RIU-NO, n. Refined camphor. RIN-SHOKU, n. Stingy, miserly, nig- RIU-RAKU, n. Reduced from honor or gardly, parsimonious. wealth to poverty and misery, bankRIN-TO, n. A row of lamps suspended ruptcy. by large brass rings in front of an idol. RIU-RIU, adv. The whizzing of a ball, RIN-VE, n. Transmigration of the soul. arrow, or spear in its flight. metempsychosis. RIU-SEI, n. A shooting star, meteor. RIN-YEN, n. A park, garden, grove. RiU-suI, (nagareru mzidzu), n. A curRIN-ZAN, n. The approach of parturition, rent of water, a stream. the time when parturition is expected. RIU-TAI, (todomzari todokori). DetenRIN-ZO, n. A circular book-case, made tion, hindrance, stoppage, obstruction. to revolve round a vertical axis. RIU-TAN, n. Gentian. RIPPA, a. Splendid, fine, magnificent. RIU-TO-SUI, n. A fire engine. RIPPO, n. A cube. Riu-wo, n. The king of the dragons,RIPPUKU, n. Anger. - suru, to be supposed to govern the rain. angry. RIU-YO, (yi wo tateru). To lend, or acRIRISHI,-ki,-ku, a. Grand, imposing, commodate one with anything; to severe, striking with awe or fear, ma- give temporarily as a convenience, to jestic. make do, to make answer the purpose. RI-SOKU, n. Interest on money. RIU-ZAN, a. Abortion, miscarriage. RISSHIN, ({mi wo talsuru), n. Rising in RI-YAKU, n. Help, aid, or favor of a dirank, wealth, honor; promotion, ad- vine being. vancement. RIYAKU, n. Abridgment, abbreviation, RIsu, n. A squirrel. summary, epitome. - suru, to abRI-I-SUI-ZAI, n. Diuretic medcicines. ridge, to abbreviate, to curtail, to shortRITSU, (okite), n. A statute, ordinance, en, to slight, to omit. Riyaku-bun, law. an abbreviated letter, epitome, synopRIU, (tatsu), n. A dragon; the emblem sis. Riyaku-gi, an abridging or omitof imperial power. ting of customary forms. Riyaku-ji, RIu, (nagare), n. A current; style, or an abbreviated word, contracted charmanner; school, either of religion or acter. Riyaku-shiki, an abridgment philosophy; line or succession offamily. of the usual form, or ceremony. RIU-D5-BUTSU, n. A fluid, liquid. RI-vEKI, n. Profit, gain, advantage. RIU-Dzur, (tatsu-gashira), n. Dragon's RI-YEN, n. Separation, sundering of a head, the place on the top of a large relationship, divorce. - suru, to sebell by which it is suspended. parate as husband and wife, to divorce. RIU-GAN-NIKU, n. The lungyen,-a Chi- Riyen-jo, a writing of divorcement. nese fruit. RIYO, n. A tael, the value of four ichiRIU-GEFN, (nagashi kotoba), n. A cur- bus, or sixty momme; two, both. - rent report, a story fabricated and made san nin, two or three men. Ichicurrent. nichi, one or two days. - ashi, both RIY 216 RO feet. - mimi, Loth ears. Riyz-do, RIYO-KUWAN, (tabi nd yadori), n. An both times, twice. Riyd-gan, two or inn, a lodging-house, hotel. both eyes. Riyd-ho, both sides, both RIYO-ME, n. The weight of anything aspersons. Riyo-men, two faces, both certained by weighing. surfaces. RiyO setsu, two versions or RIYO-RI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To cook. reports of the same thing. Riyo-shin, RIYO-RI, n. Preparing, dressing, or cookboth parents. Riyd-so/ku, both feet. ing food. - suru, to prepare, or cook Riyz-te, both hands. RiyO-td, two or food. both swords. Riyo-zetsu, double-ton- RIYORI-YA, n. An eating-house, restaugucd. rant; a person who keeps an eating RIvY, n. The numeral used in counting house. wagons. Kuruma san riyd, three RIYO-SHI, n. Writing materials, viz., ink, wagons. pen, and paper, also a lackered box for RIYO, n. Hunting, fishing. -wosuru, keeping them in. to fish, hunt. Riyd-sen, a fishing-boat. RIYO-sHI, n. A hunter. RIvY, n. Stuff, or material for making RIYO-SHI, n. A fisherman. anything, or for use. Kimono no -, RIY6-SHU, n. The lord of an estate, or material for clothes. Riyo-ju -, the ruler of a district. price of instruction, tuition fee. RivO-SHUKU, (Iabi noyadori), n. StopRIYO, n. The dominion, territory or es- ping at an inn, or hotel. tate belonging to a lord, or ruler; ju- RIYO-TAN. Double-sided, two-ended. - risdiction; used also as a numeral in no hakarigoto, a plan which may work counting helmets, etc. - suru, to two ways. rule, govern, have dominion. RIYO-TEN, n. A choice between two RIYO, n. Ability, talent, capacity. things, so that if one fails the other RI-YO, n. Utility, usefulness. will answer; an alternative; also an RIvY, a. Good, excellent, skilful. Riyo- umbrella suitable to either rain or sun. ba, a good horse. Riyo-i, a good phy- - ni kakaru, to have one of two sician. RiyO-sho, a good general. Ri- choice. yo-yaku, good medicine. RIYO-TEN, n. An inn, hotel, lodgingRIYO-BUN, n. Dominion, territory, or house. estate belonging to a king, a lord, or RIYO-YO, n. Travelling expenses. monastery; jurisdiction. Ro, n. A scull or oar of a boat. - wo RIY6-CHI, n. The land, territory, or es- osu, to work a scull. tate belonging to a lord or temple. Ro, n. A hearth, or fire-place in the RIvY-GAKE, n. Two black boxes made floor. of bamboo used in travelling. Ro, n. A kind of gauze silk, used for RIYO-GAYE, n. Changing money. - wo dresses. suru, to change money. Ro, (usagi uma), n. A mule, donkey. RIY6-GAYE-YA, n. A money changer, Ro, (tsuyu), n. Dew. Cho ro, morning exchange office. dew. RIYO-GUWAI, (omoi no hoka), n. Impo- Ro, (michi). A road, journey. Cho ro, lite, rude, ill-mannered, rough. - na- a long road. Yen ro, a distant jourgara, excuse my impoliteness. ney. Ro-yo, travelling expenses. RoRIYO-HAKU, (tabi no tozmri), n. A stop- ji, a way, road. ping-place for travellers, lodging at an R6, n. Wax, enamel. inn while on a journey. R6, (takadono), n. The second or upRIYu-JI, n. A consul. Fuku -, vice- per floor of a house, a brothel. consul. S —, consul-general. - ku- R6, (hito ya), n. A gaol. Ro-ban, a wan, consulate. gaoler. Ro-sha, imprisonment. RdRIYO-JI, n. Treatment of disease, medi- shi, dying in gaol. Ro-ya, a prison, cal attendance. - suru, to treat di- goal. Ro-goku, a gaol. sease, to prescribe for the sick. R6, (ori), n. A pen, cage. RIYO-KAKU, (tabi-bito). n. A traveller, R, (oi), n. Old age, old, aged. Fu-rd, a guest at an inn. not growing old. Ro-shd, old and young. RIYO-KEN, a. Judgment, opinion, no- Ro-sui, old and decrepit. Rdo-aku, old tion, mind, pardon, excuse, intention, and young. - Jin, an old man, el- chigai, mistaken in judgment. ders. Ro-ba, an old horse, an old RI-YOKU, n. Desire of gain, avarice, woman. Ro-fu, an aged father. Rocovetousness, love of money. shin, aged parents. RIYOKU-BAN, n. Sulphate of iron. R6, (tsukaruru), n. Toil, labor, trou RO 217 RUI ble, fatigue, weariness, care. - shite ROKU-ROKU, adv. Well. ko nashi, much labor and no profit. ROKU-ROKU, adv. Triflingly, idly. - to RO, n. Consumption, phthisis. shie yo wo okuru, to live a useless ROBA, n. A mule, donkey. life. RO-BAN, n. A steeple, spire. ROKURO-KUBI, n. The name of a disease, R6BA-SHIN, n. An old woman's heart, in which the neck is supposed to kind and thoughtful, tender solicitude. lengthen to an enormous extent. ROBESO, n. The wooden pin or nipple ROKU-SHIN, (mutsu no shitashimi,) n. on which a scull works. The six relations, viz.: father, mother, Rouzu, n. Deficiency in full weight or older brother, younger brother, wife, quantity; waste, loss, leakage; dam- and child. age or loss from being kept long. - ROKU-SHO, n. Verdigris. mono, damaged or unsaleable goods. ROKU-YOKU, n. The six desires or lusts, RO-GAI, n. Consumption, phthisis. which come by the six senses. ROGEKI. - suru, to attack, charge on, ROKUWAI, n. Aloes. assault. RO-M6. To be childish from age, deR6-GOSHI, n. A coarse basket for con- crepit, infirm. veying prisoners. R6-MIUSHA, n. A veteran soldier. RO-HA, n. Sulphate of iron. RON, (kafaru,) n. Dispute, debate, R6-KA, n. A corridor, gallery, covered argument, discourse, discussion. way. RON-DAN, n. Disputation. ROKITSU, n. The loquat. RO-NEN, (oitaru toshi,) n. Old age. ROKKAKU, n. Six-angled; a hexagon. RON-GI2 n. Discourse, discussion, disROKKAKU, (shika no tsuno,) n. Harts- putation. horn. RON-GO, n. The Confucian analects. ROKKON, n. The six senses, viz.: the RO-NIN, n. A samurai who, for some eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and offence, has been dismissed from serheart. vice; an outcast, vagrant. RO-KOKU, n. A clepsydra. RONJI,-rU or-dzuru,-ta, t. v. To disRoKU, (mustsu.) Six. y7-roku, sixteen. cuss, to discourse on, debate, argue, Roku-roku, six times six. Roku-ju7, dispute. Ronzedzu, regardless, not sixty. Roku-bu ichi, one-sixth. Ro- considering. ku-ban, the sixth. Roku-bam-me, the ROPPAI. Six times full. sixth one. Roku-nin, six persons. ROPPIY6. Six bags of anything. Roku-do, six times. ROPPON. Six sticks; used in counting ROKU, n. A record, account. - suru, sticks, timber, posts, pencils, etc. to record, to write an account of, make RoppU, n. The six viscera, viz.: lungs, a note of. Fu-roku, an appendix to a heart, liver, spleen, kidneys, and book. ovaries. ROKU, n. The salary, pay, rations. ROPPUKU. Six doses of medicine. KuROKU, a. Even, level, straight, good, suri -. well. - ni suru, to make level or RORETSU, n. Pronunciation. horizontal. R6-SEKI, n. Marble. ROKU-BISO, (hijii,) n. A kind of sea- RO-SEN, n. A boat with a saloon built weed. on it, for pleasure excursions. ROKU-CHIKU, n. The six domestic ani- RO-SHITSU, n. Nocturnal emissions. mals, viz.: the fowl, dog, cow, goat, RO-sHO, n. Consumption, phthisis. horse, and hog. RO-SOKU, n. A candle. - tate, a candleROKU-DO, (mnUtsu no anichi,) n. The six stick. roads of the Buddhist hades, into which RO-TAI, n. A platform built on the roof the souls of the dead are sent, viz.: of a house. yigoku, Gaku, Chiku-sho, Shura, R6-TO, n. Belladonna. Ningen, Tenjo. ROYA, n. A scull or oar maker. ROKU-DZJAII, n. An inked line, used in R6-YEN, (noros/hi,) n. A signal rocket. making a straight line, as in sawing ROZEKI. Brutal and violent, savage, timber. cruel; ningled in confusion. - mono, ROKUJ6, n. Hartshorn. a ruffian. ROKURO, n. A pulley, windlass, capstan, RU-Fu. - suru, to spread, extend a lathe, a potter's wheel. over. ROKURO-GIRI, n. A drill worked by a Rui, (tagui,) n. Kind, sort, class, race, lathe. genus. - suru, to be alike, of the IO RUI 2 8 SAD same kind. Rui-yaku, same sort of RURI, n. The emerald. medicine. RURI, n. The variegated kingfisher. Rui, n. A parapet, wall, or rampart, RU-RO. Wandering about without any embankment. settled home, as an outcast. - suru, Rui, (kasanaru). Lying or heaped one to wander. on the other; many. Rui-dai, several Rusu, (todomari mamoru,) u. Keeping generations in succession. Rui-getsuz, watch, or taking care of a house during several months. Rui-jitsu, many days the absence of the master; absent, not in succession. Rui-nen, several years. at home. Rusu-ban, keeping watch Rui-rui, piled up one on the other. during the absence of the master. RuRui-za, involved, implicated with su-chiu, during one's absence. Rusu-i, others. the name of an officer who has the care RUI-KUWAN, a. The lachrymal duct. of the family in his master's absence. RUI-REKI, n. Scrofula. RU-TEN, n. The transmigrations of the RUI-SETSU, n. Bonds, fetters. soul. Rui-sO, n. Wasting away of the flesh, RU-TSU, n. Passing or circulating from emaciation, atrophy. one to another; current. RU-KEI, n. Transportation, or exile for RLrTSUBO, n. A crucible. crime. RU-ZAI, n. Transported or exiled for RU-NIN, (nagashibito,) n. An exile, or crime. one transported for crime. S SA, (hidari,) n. The left. Sa no tgri, SABI-IRO, n. Rust-color. as follows, in the manner following. SABIRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be lonely, dull, SA, adv. So, thus. - ni aradzu, it is free from noise or bustle. not so. SABISHII,-ki,-kz,-shi, a. Lonely, solitary, SABA, n. Mackerel. Sasehi saba, salt desolate; still, quiet; dull, destitute of mackerel. stir or bustle; forlorn, forsaken, friendSABA, n. A fraudulent entry in an ac- less. count. - woyoamu, to cheat by telling SABISHISA, n. Loneliness, solitude, stilloffa wrong number. ness, dullness. SABA, n. An offering of a small portion SABI-TSUKI-GE, n. A rust-colored horse, of food to the Kanti before eating. - a sorrel. wo toru, to make the above offering. SABITSUYE, n. A kind of hoe. SA-BAKARI, adv. Such, so, so much, SABOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To dry or air anythus. thing damp. SABAKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be disentangled, SABOTEN, n. The prickl pear. unraveled, loose; to be sold off; to be SACHI, (saiewai,) n. Fortunate. adjudicated; to have quick discern- SADAKA. Certain, sure, settled, distinct, ment or judgment. plain. Sadaka-ni, certainly, surely, SABAKE, n. The sale of goods, market; distinctly, plainly. sagacity. SADAMARI,-rze,-tta, i. v. To be deter SABAKE-KATA, n. The sale, market. mined, decided, settled, fixed, certain, SABAKE-KUCHI, n. The sale, demand. confirmed, resolved. SABAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To disentangle, SADAME,-r,-ta, t. v. To determine, unra el, loose; to sell off; to judge, to decide, fix, settle, conclude, to confirm, examine and decide a matter. to resolve. SABAKI, n. The unravelling of anything SADAME, n. That which is fixed, settled, perplexing or intricate, as a lawsuit; or agreed on; the conclusion, decision; the selling of goods. a law, ordinance. SA-BAKU, n. A sandy desert. SADAMETE, adv. In all probability, perSABI,-ru,-a, i. v. To rust. haps, likely, doubtless. SAB,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be hoarse, rough, SADE, n. A hand-net for catching fish. or harsh in voice. SADZUKARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To receive from SABI, n. Rust. a superior, imparted, bestowed, derived. SAD 219 SAI SADZUKE,-rU,-ta, /. v. To bestow, im- or endeavor to ascertain anything indipart, to give, to communicate, hand rectly. down. SAHACHI, n. A platter, or large dish. SAGA, n. An omen, sign, prognos- SA-HAI, n. Superintending, directing, tic. manging. SAGA (yoshi, aski). Merit or demerit, SAHARI, n. White copper. good or ill. SA-H6, n. Law, rule of conduct, custom, SAGA, n. Disposition, temper.- Gaman usage. no -, obstinate disposition. SAHODO, a. So, such, so much, thus SAGANAI,-ki,-shi, a. Unlucky, unfortu- much. nate, mean, low, vulgar. SAI, a. Again, a second time, repeated. SAGARI,-r,-tta, i. v. To go down, to Sai-kin, to be reappointed to office. hang down, to decline, to sink down, to Sai-do, a second time, twice, again. fall in value or rank. Saz-ko, to rebuile, reconstruct, resume. SAGASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To search, seek, Sai-han, to publish again, a second look for, inquire for. Sagashi-dasu, edition, reprint. Sai-kon, re-erect, reto search and find. build, reconstruct. Sai-hotsa, to break SAGASII,-i,ki,-k,-hi, a. Steep, precipi- out again, relapse, recur. Sai-kuwai, tous. reassemble, meet again. Sai-kan, afSAGASHISA, n. Steepness. fected the second time, as by disease. SAGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To let hang down, Sai-kayeru, to return again. Sai-rai, to suspend, to let down, to lower, to to come again. Sai-sai, again and take down, to send down; to abase, again, repeatedly. Sai-san, two or humble. three times. SAGE-FUDA, n. A note or writing at- SAI (nishi), n. The west, western. Saitached to a communication as a reply ho, western side, or regions. Sai-koku, to some question in the paper to which western provinces. Sai-kai the westit is pasted. ern sea, the "Yellow sea.' Sai-y, SAGE-FURI, n. A plumb-line, or plum- western or European countries. met; plumb, perpendicular. SAI, n. Wife. Sai-shi, wife and child. SAGE-GAII, n. The hair worn hanging SAI, n. Fish, vegetables, or anything down the back. eaten along with rice. SAGE-GATANA, n. A sword carried in the SAI, n. A rhinoceros. hand. SAI, n. A dice. - no me, the marks on SAGE-JO, n. A nest of boxes set in a a dice. handle for carrying. SAI, n. Ability, capacity, talent, sagacity. SAGE-MAONO, n. The articles which the Sai-chi, wisdom, intelligence. Sai-shi, Japanese carry suspended from the belt. a wise, sagacious person. as the tobacco pouch and pipe, ink- SAI, n. Material, stuff. Go sai, the five stand and pen. elements, of fire, water, wood, metal SAGE-O, n. The cord around the sword and earth. handle. SAI, n. A year, year of age. Iku sai, SAGESHIMrI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To look down how old? on, despise, disdain, to regard with SAI, n. Encampment, a stockaded camp. contempt. SAI-BAN. - sur, to adjudge, adjudicate, SAGI, n. The snowy heron, Egretta can- decide on the case ofa criminal, to j tdge. didissima. SAIBAN-SHO, n. A court-house; governSA-GO, n. Deeds, works. ment office. SAGO-BEI, n. Sago. SAI-BASHI, n. The chopsticks used for SAGURI,-rU,-tta, t. v. To search for by helping fish or vegetables. feeling, to feel after, to grope for, to SAI-CHIU (monaka), n. The very middle, probe, to sound, explore. the time when anything is at its height, SAGURI, n. A mark or notch on anything acme, climax, perfection. to be noticed by feeling, as that on the SAI-DAI (moltomo eki). The last. - ichi, bow, or seal; a probe. the very largest, the most important. SAGURI-ASHI, n. Groping or feeling one's SAI-DAN. - suru, to judge, to examine way with the feet. and decide. SAGURI-DASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To feel after SAIDE, n. Scraps of silk left after cutting and take out, to extract with forceps, out a garment; also imperfect cocoons. as when the thing is not visible. SAI-DO. - surz, to save from destrucSAGURI-KIKI,-ku,-ta, t. v. To inquire, tion after death. SAI 220 SAK SAI-DZUCHI, n. A small wooden mallet. ornaments hung before the door on SAI-FU, n. A money bag, a purse. New Year's day. SAI-GEN (kagiri), n. Bound, limit. - SAI-TAN, a. The first day of the year. wa nai, boundless. SAI-TORI, n. A middleman between seller SAI-GO (mottlomo toki), n The last pe- and buyer, a broker. riod of life, death. SAI-TORI-SASHI, n. One who catches birds SAI-HAI, n. A baton carried by the gen- with a pole armed with bird-lime. eral-in-chief of an army, and used in SAI-TOR-ZAO, n. A pole armed with giving orders. bird-lime for catching birds. SAI-HITSU (komayakana fude). Writ- SAIWAI, n. or adv. Fortunate, opporten in small letters, small hand, fine tune, lucky, favorable; good fortune, writing. blessings, prosperity, happiness, good. SAI-JI, n. Small characters, fine letters. SAI-YEN, n. A second marriage. SAI-JI (oshi toki), n. The year and the SAJp, n. A spoon. seasons, time. SAJIKI, n. The upper box, or gallery in SAI-JITSU (matsuribi), n. The day on a theatre, the seats in a circus or exhibwhich a festival is celebrated, the day ition. for worshiping. SAKA, n. A road up a mountain, a steep SAI-J6 (motoamo uye), n. Most excel- road. Nobori-saka, an ascent. Kulent, best, very highest. dari saka, the road down a mountain, SAI-KAKU (sai no tssno), n. Rhinoceros descent. horn, used as a medicine. SAKA. Upside down. - tateru, to stand SAI-KAKU, n. Expedient, resource. anything upside down. - ni motsu, SAI-KIYO. - suru, to examine and de- to hold upside down. cide on, to judge. SAKA-BARI-TSUIE, n. Crucifixion with SAI-KU, n. Fine work, workmanship, the head downward. manufacture, fabric, ware. — suru, to SAKA-BAYASHI, n. A green bamboo or manufacture, to fabricate. Kin-zaiku, flag erected in front of a sake brewery gold-ware. Gin-zaiku, silver-ware. for a sign. Biidoro-zaiku, glass-ware. Ta-zaiku, SAKA-BITARI, n. A person soaked with anything made by one's self,-home sake, a sot, drunkard. made. SAKA-BUTKURO, n. A bag used for strainSAI-KU-NIN, n. A mechanic, artisan, ing sake in breweries. workman. SAKA-BUNE, n. A large vat used in makSAI-MATSU (koamayaka), n. Fine pow- ing sake. der. SAKA-DACHI,-/tS,-t/a, i. v. To stand on SAI-MI, n. A kind of coarse hemp cloth. the head or upside down. SAIMITSU-NI (komaka ni), adv. Particu- SAKA-DAI, n. The price of sake. larly, minutely, carefully. SAKA-DARU, n. A wine-cask, a sake-tub. SAINAMI,-mt,-nda, i. v. To torture. SAKA-DE, n. Holding the point of a SAI-NAN (wazawai), n, Calamity, mis- sword downwards. fortune, evil. SAKADZUKI, n. A wine-cup. SakadzukiSAI-N6, n. Talent, ability and skill. dai, the stand of a wine-cup. SAI-RIYv. - suru, to superintend, to SAKA-GAME, n. Large wine-jar. manage, supervise, control. - nin, a SAKA-GO, n. A foot or breech-presentasupervisor, superintendent. tion of the child in parturition. SAI-R6, n. A box for carrying food. SAKA-GOMO, n. The mat which is SAI-SEI (futatabi ikiru). Living again, wrapped round a wine-cask. returning to life, to revive. SAKA-GOTO, n. Reading or spelling a SAI-SEN, n. Offerings of copper cash in word backwards. temples. - bake, the box in which SAKA-GUORA, n. A house in which sake is money is cast. stored. SAI-SHIKI (irodaru), n. Color, coloring, SAKA-HA, n. The barb of a hook. painting in various colors. SAKA-HADZURE, n. One who in a wineSAI-SHO (ichiban hajime), adv. The party avoids drinking. very first, at the beginning, commence- SAKAI, n. A boundary, border; confines, ment, at first. frontier, limit. - ran, a dispute about SAI-SOKIT. - sur, to hasten, hurry, to a boundary. press or urge on the performance or do- SAKAI,-J,-SIta, t. v. To go against or ing of anything; to dun. contrary to, oppose, disobey, to contraSAITO, n. Burning the bamboo and straw dict. SAK 221 SAK SAKAI-ME, n. A boundary line, border. SAKASHIRA, n. Calumny, detraction; SAKA-KABU, n. A license from govern- cunning. ment to manufacture sake. SAKASHIRA-GOTO, n. A fable; a smart or SAKAKI, n. The name of a tree. cunningly-invented story, slander, deSAKA-KIGEN, n. The spirits, or excite- traction. ment produced by drinking wine. SAKA-TE, n. Money for buying sake, SAKA-KURE, n. A hang-nail. drink-money. SAKA-MnAKU-MIDZU, a. Water whirling in SAKA-TOJI, n. One acquainted with the a circle, an eddy in a current. art of brewing sake, a brewer. SAKA-MATSUGE, n. Entropium or inver- SAKA-TSUBO, n. A sake-jar, a winesion of the eyelashes. jar. SAKA-ME, n. Against tbe grain of wood. SAKA-UNJ6, n. The tax or dutylevied by SAKAMOGI, n. Trees and brushwood, government on the manufacturers of placed around a fortification to keep off sake. or hamper the approach of an enemy; SAKA-YA, n. A brewery, a shop where abatis. sake is sold, a grog-shop. SA:A-MIORT, n. A wine-party, entertain- SAKAYAKI, n. The shaven part of the ment, feast, banquet. Japanese head. SAKA —MUKAI, n. The going out of acom- SAKA-YAMAI, a. The indisposition felt pany of friends to meet one returning after a debauch, or a disease brought on from a journey, and giving him an en- by drink. tertainment. SAKAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To flourish, to SAKAIMUKE, n. A hang-nail. prosper, bloom. Tomi-sakayeru, to be SAKAN, n. A state of prosperity, full rich and flourishing. bloom, or vigor; flourishing, exube- SAKAVE, n. Full bloom, illustrious or rant. glorious condition, prosperity, welfare; SAKANA, n. Any kind of food taken with exaltation, glory. sake, fish. Sakana-ichi, a fish-market. SAKA-VOMI, n. Reading backwards or Sakana-ya, a shop where fish are sold, upside down. a fishmonger. SAKA-YOSE,-ru,-ta, t.v. To drive back SAKA-NAMI, n. Adverse or opposing waves an attacking party, and, in return, inor current, a head-sea. vest his stronghold. SAKA-NEJI, n. The reverting of an at- SAKE, n. An intoxicating liquor brewed tack on another upon one's self. from rice. SAKA-NOBORI,-ru,- t/a, i. v. To go SAKE, n. A salmon. against a current, to go up stream. SAKE,-rU,-ta,. v. To avoid, shun. to SAKANNARU, a. Prosperous, flourishing, elude. blooming, in full vigor or prime. SAKE,-U,-ta, i. v. To be torn, ripped, SAKARAI,-aU, or -,-Otta, t. v. To go rent. against, or contrary to; to oppose, to SAKEBI,-bu,-nda, i. v. To cry out with disobey. a loud voice, to shout, to clamor, voSAKARE,-ruZ-ta, pass. or pot. of Saki. ciferate, halloo, scream, to bawl. To be torn, rent, ripped. SAKEBI, n. A loud cry, clamor, shout. SAKARI,-rzI,-ta, i v..To be flourishing, SAKE-DZUKI, n. One fond of sake, a lover prosperous; to be at its height, bloom, of wine, a toper. or acme. SAKE-NOMI, n. A drunkard a wine-bibSAKARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be in heat, to ber, toper. rut. SAKI, n. The front, foremost part of anySAKARI, n. The bloom, prime, time of thing, the first, the van; before; the highest vigor, acme, height, culminating future; the other party, or person. point; the heat of animals. SAKI, n. The point, or end of anything. SAKASAMA, adv. Upside down, head- SAKI. n. A cape, promontory. foremost, in a contrary direction, topsy- SAKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To open or bloom,turvy. as a flower; to blossom, to flower. SAKASE,-ru,-a, caust. of Saki. To cause SAKI,-ku,-/ia, t. v. To tear, to rip, rend to bloom; to fling money wrapped in asunder, to rend open, to split off. paper amongst tea-housegirls or harlots. SAKI-AGARI, n. A gentle ascent. - no SAKASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Clever, smart, in- mich/i, a road having a gradual rise. telligent, shrewd. SAKI-BARAI, n. Clearing the way before SAKA-SHIMA, adv. Upside down, head- a high official. foremost, in a contrary direction. SAKI-BASHIRI,-r,-ta, i. v. To run before SAK 222 SAK or ahead, forestall, or anticipate others, SAKKON, (kind kiyo). Yesterday and to to get ahead of others. day, a few days past, lately. SAKI-BO, n. The front or forward coolie, SAKKURI, adv. In a crisp, or clean manwhere two are carrying with the same ner; prompt, ready, not slow or hesipole. tating. SAKI-BURE, n. A notice sent in advance SA-KIO, (tzinato wo tozasu). - suru, to advising of the coming of any one, har- close a port to trade, to blockade a binger, forerunner. port. OAKI-DACHI,-tsa,-tta, i. V. To stand first, SA-KOKU, (kuni wo tozasu). To close a to come first, to go before, to be first in country against foreigners. importance, to be thought of before SAKOTSU, n. The clavicle, collar-bone. anything else; to die before others. SAKU, n. A stratagem, plan, scheme, exSAKI-DACHI, n. A forerunner. pedient. SAKI-D.ATE,-r,-ta, t. v. To make or let SAKU, n. The crop, harvest, farming; another go before, to make or consider work, make, manufacture; author. 7Jfirst in importance, to die before. saku, a fine crop. MIansaku, an abunSAKI-DATTE, adv. Before (in time), pre- dant harvest. viously, lately, short time ago. SAKU, n. A ridge made in ploughing or SAKI-GANE, n. Earnest money, money by the hoe. paid in advance. SAKU, n, A stockade, a fence of high SAKI-GARI, n. Borrowing or drawing posts. money in advance. SAKU-BAN, n. Last night. SAKI-GASHI, n. Lending or paying money SAKU-BIYO, n. A feigned sickness. in advance. SAKU-Bo, n. The first and fifteenth day SAKI-HODO, adv. Before, previously, a of the month, which are observed as few minutes, hours, or days before. days of rest or holidays. SAKI-KATA. n. The other party or person SAKU-CHO, n. Yesterday morning. in any affair, the opposite party, the SAKUGO, (ayanari), n. Mistake, error, plaintiff. misprint. SAKI-KLIUGRI, n. Anticipating others in SAKU-I, n. A fiction, conceit, invention, an underhanded way, forestalling. or fancy of an author. SAKI-KVSA, 1. Lycopodium, a kind of SAKul,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Easily broken or moss. torn, brittle, not tough; crumbling; SAKI-MIICHI,-r,-/a, i. z. To be full of prompt, ready. flowers, to bloom luxuriantly. SAK^-JI, n. The work of building, reSAKI-IMOTO, n. The other, or opposite pairing. - kata, superintendent of party in any affair, buildings. SAKINJI,-dzuru,-a, /. v. To regard as SAKU-JITSU, n. Yesterday. the first or the principal thing, to do SAKU-MONO, n. The work or manufacfirst. ture of a celebrated maker. SAKI-NORI, n. The person who rides first SAKU-MONO-GATARI, n. A fiction, novel. in a train. SAKU' -MOTSU, n. Anything grown by SAKI-OTODOSHI, n. Two years before farming, the productions of the soil. last. SAKU-NEN, n. Last year. SAKI-OTOTOI, n. Two days before yester- SAKU-NIN, (fsukuru hito), n. A laborer day. on a farm, a farmer, gardener, a maker. SAKI-SAMA, a. The other, or opposite SAKURA, n. A cherry-tree,-the Prunus party or person in any affair. Pseudo-cerasus. SAKI-SOME,-ru,-ta, i. v. To begin to SAKURA-KA, n. A kind of pomatum havflower, first flowering. ing the fragrance of cherry-blossoms, SAKI-TE, n. The one who goes in ad- used for the hair. vance, the advance guard, or van of an SAKU-RAN, n. Confusion, mistaking one army. thing for another. - suru, to confound, SAKI-WAKE, n. Blooming with flowers mistake. of different colors. SAKURAS6, n. The name of a flower. SAKI-ZONAYE, n. The front rank of an SAKU-RIYAKU, n. A stratagem, scheme, army, first division. plan, device. SAKKAN, n. Confusion, derangement in SAKU-RIVO, a. The wages of workmen. the order of the leaves of a book. SAKU-SAKU-TO, adv. The sound of cutSAKKIU. Soon, speedy, quick. - ni, ting anything crisp and friable. - quickiy. kiru. SAK 223 SAN SAKU-SHA, n. Author, writer of a book, SAMO. Exclam. how! just, truly. - maker. nitari, how much alike! SAKU-SEKI, n. Last evening. SANIoJI, n. A wooden paddle or ladle SAKU-SO, n. A net-work of nerves or ves- used in dipping out boiled rice. sels, inosculation, anastomosis. - su- SAMOSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Mean, low, or vile ru, to inosculate. in appearance, close, penurious. SAKU-TOKU, n. The farmer's share of the SAM-PAI-YEKI, n. The waterbrash, pyrocrops after the tax is paid. sis. SAKUWAN, n. A plasterer. SAMPAKU, n. The Jasminum sambac. SAKU-YA, n. Last night. SAM-PEI, n. Skirmishers. SAKU-YU, n. Last evening. SAI-PITSU, n. Arithmetic and penmanSAMA, n. Form, shape, appearance: ship. manner, fashion, condition. SAM-PO, n. The rules of arithmetic, SAMA, n. A respectful title appended to mathematics. the names of persons, and sometimes SAM-PUKU, n. Half way up a mountain, of things. the side of a mountain. SAMA, n. A loop-hole in the wall of a SAMUGARI,-rm,-ta, i. v. To be comcastle, port-hole. plaining of the cold, to feel chilly, to SA-AIADE. To that extent, so much, such, be cold. (referring to something said before). - SAMU i,-k/u,k,-sz, a. Cold, chilly, shzimiai ni wa oyobanu, it is needless (spoken only of the weather, or of one's to feel so much anxiety. feelings). Sazmuku naru, to become SAMASHI,-SU,-/a. t. v. To wake up from cold. sleep, to arouse. SAMuRAI, n. A general name for all perSAMASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To cool anything sons privileged to wear two swords. hot. SAMUKARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be cold. SAMATAGE,-rU,-ta, t. V. To obstruct, SAMUSA, a. The state or degree of coldhinder, impede, to interrupt. ness. SAMATAGE, n. Obstruction, hindrance, SAIUSHII,-ki,-k, a. Lonely, solitary, impediment, interruption, injury. quiet, desolate, dull. SAnMAISU, n. An early kind of edible SAN, (mitsu), a. Three. San san ga mushroom. kua three times three are nine. - SAMAYOI-,-,-ba, i. v. To wander about guwatsu, the third month. Sambu bewildered, as an outcast, or one in ichi, one third. Sam ban, the third, great trouble, or number three. Sam-bai, three times SAMA-ZAMA, adv. Many and various full. - bu ni, two thirds. San-kaku, forms, appearances, or conditions. Hi- a triangle. San-nan, the third son. to no kokoro - nari. San-zo-bai, three times as much. SAMBA, n. A midwife. SAN, n. Parturition, birth, production. SAMBASHI, n. A plank laid from a boat - uo suru, to be in labor. - suru, to or ship for crossing; also a wooden jet- produce. San-pu, a woman in childty at which boats land. bed. San-ga, child-birth. San-jo, a SANIBI. -suru, to praise, commend, extol. lying-in woman. San-ka, an accouchSAM-BIYO, n. The three incurable dis- eur. eases; viz.. leprosy, consumption and SAN, n. Reckoning on the abacus, ciphsyphilis. ering, calculating; arithmetic, matheSANM-BUTSU, n A product, production, or matics. - wo suru, to calculate, recstaple commodity of a country. kon, cipher. Mu-san, ignorant of arSAME, n. A shark, shark-skin. ithmetic. San-gaku, mathematics. SANIE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To awake; to be- SAN, (homeru,) - suru, to praise, extol come calm, sober, to become cool. sing praise to; also a verse written on SAMI. -suru, to revile, to abuse, to a picture in praise of it. speak evil of, to treat contemptously, to SAN, n. The sash, or frame which supdespise. ports a panel; the stick or cleat under SAMISEN, n. A guitar or banjo of three a shelf. strings. SAN, (yama,) n. A mountain, hill. San. SAMMAI, adv. Is-sanmmai ni, with the chiu, amongst the mountains. San-chb, whole heart. the top ofa mountain. San-gaku, a high SAMMII, n. Sour taste, acid. mountain peak. San-jo, on the mounSANIo, adv. So, thus. Same are, so be tain. San-kai, land and sea. Sanit, let it be so. kiyo, dwelling amongst the mountains. SAN 224 SAR San-ro, a mountain road. San-zoku, a SAN-SH6, n. The Xanthoxylon piperimountain robber, a bandit, brigand. tum, an aromatic shrub. SAN, n. Acid. - ki, acidity. - mi, SANSH-UWO, n. A kind of lizard. acid taste. SAN-SO, n. Oxygen gas. SAN, a. Medicinal powder. Daiyosan, SAN-TEI. - suru, to examine and colpowdered rhubarb. late the text of books to correct a writSAN, (a contraction of Sama). A familiar ing. title to names. Danna san. SAN-T6, n. Calculation, computation, acSANADA, n. Flat braid, tape, a tape- count. worm. Sanada-mushi, a tape-worm. SANTO.ME, a. Taffachillas, a kind of SANAGARA, adv. Just, exactly, precise- striped cotton goods. ly. SAN-YAKU, n. A powdered medicine. SANAGI, n. The silk-worm during its co- SAN-YO, n. Account, calculation, reccoon life, a chrysalis. koning. — surc, to calculate. SANA.E, n. Early rice sprouts. SAN-ZAI. Spending or squandering monSAN-DAN, n. Means, way, method, plan, ey or one's property. a shift, expedient. SANZASHI, n. The Cratagus cuneata. SANDAWARA, n. The round straw lid of SAO, n. A pole; also used in counting a straw bag. things carried by a pole; as Tansu hito SAN-DO, (kake hashi,) n. A plank-road sao, one load of bureau. constructed on the face of a preci- SA-OSHIKA, n. A male deer, a buck. pice. SA-OTOME, n. A girl who plants young SAN-DZUGAWA, n. The river which the rice shoots. souls of the dead cross in going to SAO-TORI, n. A boatman who pushes Hades; the river Styx. with a pole. SANE, n. The seeds of fruit, melon<, etc., SAPPARI, adv. Clear, clean, free from the plates or scales of armor. any defilement or defect, quite, fully, SANEKADZURA, n. The Kadzura Japon- entirely. ica. SAPPOKEI. Anything that spoils what is SAN-GE, n. Confession, acknowledg- otherwise pleasing, attractive, or agreement. - suru, to confess. able; something offensive to the sight SAN-GI,n. Sticks used in divining, or in or feelings. - na mono, an eye-sore. calculating. - wo naraberu. SARA, n. A plate, saucer, dish. Hiza SAN-GO-JU, a. Coral. no -, the knee-pan. SANJi,-dzuru,-ta, (chiru,) i. v. To scat- SARA, a. New, fresh. - iye, a new ter; to be dispersed, dissipated. house. SANJI,-dzuru,-ta, (mairu,) i. v. To come SARABA, adv. If so, well then, after that. to go. SARACHI, n. The ruins or empty place SAN-JIN, (yamabito,) n. A fabulous be- once occupied by a building. ing who lives amongst the mountains. SARAI, n. A rake. - same as sennin. SARAI,-au,-tta, t. v. To seize or take by SAN-JO, n. The three great duties of a violence or without right; to abduct, to woman; viz., when unmarried, obedi- steal, kidnap. ence to parents; when a wife, obedi- SARAI,-au,-tta, t. v. To dredge, to ence to her husband; when a widow, deepen or clean out by dredging or obedience to her son, (who inherits the scraping. estate.) — no mzichi. SARAI —,a,-atta, t. v. To study over, SAN-JU. Thirty. — an, thirty-three. con, peruse, or practice a lesson; to SAN-KEI, (,nmdzuru). Going to a temple learn. for worship. SA-RAI-NEN, n. Year after next. SAN-KI,. Fond of speculating in corn- SARAKEDASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To haul out mercial ventures, confusedly and carelessly. SANKIRAI, n. Sarsaparilla, - Smilax SARA-NARI, adv. Of course, needless, pseudo-china. unnecessary. SANNURU, a. Past, gone by, last. SARA-NI, adv. Again, anew, quite, SA-NOMI, adv. So much, such. wholly; with a neg. not in the least, SAN-RI, n. The space just helow the entirely, totally. - nas/i, there is not head of the fibula, a good place for ap- a particle. plying the moxa! SARARE,-rU,-/a, fiass. or pot. of Sari. SANSHISHI, n. The seed-capsule of the To be divorced, separated, or abanwhite Jasmine, used for dying yellow. doned. SAR 2 2 SAS SARARI-TO, adv. Like the noise, or in SARU-GASHIKOI,-ki,-km, a. Tricky, artthe manner, of sliding, rolling, or rust- ful, cunning, clever, or smart in a ling. trifling way. SARASA, n. Calico, chintz. SARU-GI, n. A monkey-post,-the posts SARA-SARA, adv. Entirely, wholly, posi- to which a horse is tied in a stable. tively, absolutely, quite. SARU-GUTSUWA, n. A monkey-bit; a SARA-SARA-TO, adv. Like the sound, or gag. in the manner, of rolling beads or peb- SARUHODO-NI. So then, accordingly, bles between the hands; with a slipping, thus. rattling, or rustling noise. SARU-JIYE, n. Cunning, trickish; artfulSARASHI,-SZ,-ta, /. v. To expose to the ness, knavery. sun or weather, to air, to expose to SARUKO, n. Monkey coat,-a wadded public view, to bleach, to sun. coat with sleeves, worn outside the SARASHI, n. White or bleached muslin. other clothes in cold weather. SARAWARE,-rU,-ta, Spass. of Sarai. To SARU-KORO, adv. Some time, some time be seized or taken. since, before. SARAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To clean out or SARU-MAWASHI, n. One who leads a deepen by scooping or dredging, as a monkey about to show his tricks for a well or the channel of astream. Sara- livelihood. ye-dasu, to scrape out, scoop out. Sa- SARU-NO-KOSHI-KAKE, a. Monkey's stool, raye-komu, to scrape into, to fill in by - a kind of large fungus growing from scraping or dredging. decayed.trees. SARAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To study, con SARU-RIKO, a. Artful, cunning, trickish. over, to go over again and again, as a SARU-SUBERI, n. The monkey slipper,lesson, the Lagerstramia Indica. SARAYE, n. A review, revision of a book SASA, n. A kind of small bamboo grass. or lesson. SASAGANI, n. A small kind of land SARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be left, forsaken, crab. abandoned, deserted. SASAGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To present to a SARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be exposed or superior, to offer up, to hold up and bleached in the sun. Sare-kobe, a skull carry with both hands. left bleaching on the ground. SASAGE, n. A long bean. SAREBA, adv. So then, therefore, it be- SASAHERI, n. Braid used for edging. - ing so, just so. wo toru, to edge with braid. SAREDOMO, conj. But, however, although SA-SAI,-ki,-ku, a. Small, little, diminuit is so, nevertheless, notwithstanding. tive, few, fine, trifling, trivial. SARI,-ru,-tta, i. or t. v. To leave, go SASAME-GOTO, n. Talking in a whisper away from, depart, to reject; to separate or low voice, whispering. from, divorce; remove, absent; to for- SASAMEKi,-ku,-zita, i. v. To talk in a sake. low voice, to whisper. SARIGENAI,-ki,-ku, a. Not appearing as SASARA, n. A small brush made of split if it were so, not having such an appear- bamboo. ance. SASARAGATA, a. Calico. SARI-JO, n. A bill of divorcement. SASARE,-ru,-ta, fass. and pot. of Sashi. SARI-NAGARA, conj. Yet, however, but, To be stuck, stabbed. still, nevertheless. SASAwARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be obSARI-NI-SHI, a. Past, gone, departed, structed, hindered, impeded, interdeceased. rupted, stopped. SA-RIYAKU, n. Services, assistance, exer- SASAWARI, n. A hindrance, obstruction, tions. impediment, interruption, stoppage. SARU, n. A monkey, ape. - no toki SASAYAKA, a. Small, little, fine, few, four o'clock P. M. - no kata, the trivial. south-west. SASAYAKI,-ku,-i/a, t. v. To whisper, to SARU, (comp. of Sa, and aru,) a. A cer- talk in a low voice. tain, so, such, same as mentioned. - SASAYE,-ru,-ta t. v. To obstruct, hinhito, a certain man. - ni yotte, on der, impede, to stop, check, prevent, account of its being so, therefore. - restrain, intercept; to uphold, sustain, koro, on a certain time. support, preserve. SARU-BO, n. The nameof abivalveshell. SASAYE, n. A vessel for carrying sake, SARU-GAKU, n. A kind of operatic per- made of a section of bamboo. formance. SASE,-ru,-la, t. v. The caust. form of IO0 SAS 226 SAS suru. To make or let another do, to SASHI-GAMI, n. A summons or written cause, to give, to induce, bring. order to appear before a magistrate. SASEMOGUSA, Z. The Artemisia or mug- SASHI-GANE, n. A carpenter's metal wort, of which moxa is made. square. SA-SEN. Degraded and banished from SASHI-GASA, n. An umbrella. the court or capital. - suru. SASHI-GUMI,-m,-nda-, i. v. The eyes SASHI, n. A foot measure. Nagazashi, to fill suddenly with tears. a cloth measure. SASHI-GUSHI, n. A comb worn in the SASHI, n. The string used for stringing hair for ornament. cash. SASHI-GUSURI, n. Medicine for dropping SASHI, n. A stick of bamboo shaved off into the eye. obliquely at the end for pushing into a SASHI-HASAMI,-mU,-nda, t. V. To stick bag of grain or sugar and drawing out or place between two things,, to press a muster. between two things. SASHI, n. A general name for a vessel SASHI-HIKAYE, n. Punishment by conwhich is used for pouring out that finement to one's house. which it holds. Midzu -, a water SASHI-HIKI, n. Ebb and flow, or rise and pitcher. Abura -, an oil can. Ki- fall (as of the tide). Kanj no -, deseru -, the bag or case of a tobacco ducting from or adding to an account pipe. money previously advanced or received, SASHI,-u,-ta, t. v. To stick, pierce, or to balance an account by adding or stab, thrust, prick; to sting; to point, deducting previous transactions. to measure; to put into, pour into; to SASHI-JIYE, n. A lesson or trick which one bolt, to hand, or hold out to; to stitch, has learned from another. or quilt; to string, to spit; to leave un- SASHI-KAKARI,-rZ,-tta, t. v. To be near finished or partly done; to join. to, on the eve of, approaching to. SASHI-AGE,-r,-a, t. v. To give or SASHI-KAKE, n. An extension built to a present to a superior. house. SASHI-AI,-a,-atta, i. v. To be pre- SASHI-KAMAYE, n. Concern, importance, vented, obstructed, hindered. moment, matter. SASHI-AI, n. Something that acts as a SASHI-KI, n. A branch without a root hindrance, obstruction, interruption or planted by sticking into the ground, a embarrassment. slip or cutting. SASHI-ASHI, n. Soft or stealthy steps. SASHI-KO, n. A quilted coat. SASHI-ATARi,-ra,-at/a, i. v. To happen SAsHI-KolI,-Mn,-nda, i. v. To stick unexpectedly and cause embarrass- into; to have severe pain or cramp in ment. the stomach, to be convulsed. SASHI-ATARI, n. Something that comes SASHI-KOROSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To stab on one suddenly and unexpectedly; an and kill. emergency, exigence, a matter of press- SASHI-KOSHI,-U,-ta, t. v. To come, to ing necessity. send, hand over, to pass by. SASHI-CHIGAYE,-ru,-ta, t. V. To thrust SASHI-MANEKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To beckeach other through, as with a sword; on. to meet each other while going in op- SASHI-MI, n. Raw fish cut in thin slices, posite directions, to interrupt. and eaten with soy. - bochzo, a long SASHI-DASHI,-Sz,-a, t. v. To hand up, slender knife for slicing fish. to offer, to tender. SASHI-MO, adv. So, such. SASHI-DE, adv. Spoken of two persons SASHI-MONO, n. Cabinet-ware, joinery. doing anything together; as, - sake SASHI-MONO, n. A small flag or banner. zoo nomu, to drink wine together. - SASHI-IONO-SHI, n. A cabinet-maker, ni wo katsugu, to carry a burden to- joiner. gether. SASHI-MOTSURE, n. Imbroglio, entangleSASI1I-DE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To put one's ment, complication, broil, dissension, self forward, to be forward, bold, or contention. presumptuous in speaking. SASHI-MUKAI,-au,-atta, i. v. To be face SASHI-DE-GUCHI, n. Interrupting others to face. by putting in a word. SASHI-MKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To send. SASHIDZU, n. Command, order, instruc- SASHI-NABE, n. A pot with a long spout, tion, direction, used for warming sake. SASHI-DZUME, adv. After all, in the SASHI-NAWA, n. The cord with which end, must be. criminals are bound. SAS 227 SAT SASHI-NINAI,-at,-t/a, t. v. To carry on ysz-sh; mao odoroita, even such a brave the shoulder between two. soldier was alarmed. SASHI-NUKI, n. A kind of long trowsers SASU-MATA, n. A weapon in shape like worn by nobles, a pitch-fork used by policemen. SASHI-oKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To let be, let SASU-NOMI, n. A tool used by carpenrest, to leave, quit, forbear, to set aside. ters for making holes by driving it into SASHI-OKURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To send. the wood. SASHI-SEAMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be in SASURAI,-,-ota, t. v. To degrade in extremity, or utmost degree of suffer- rank and banish from the capital, to ing, difficulty or violence. transport to a convict island. SASHI-SHIO, n. The rising tide. SASURAYE,-ru,-ta. To be banished or SASHITARU, a. Special, particular, im- transported for crime. portant. SA-SUREBA, adv. So then, since it is so, SASHITE, adv. Particularly especially. then. SASHI-TOME,-rU,-ta, t.. V io stop, for- SASURI, n. A concubine, mistress. bid, to intercept, obstruct. SASuRI,-r1,-tta, t. v. To rub, to stroke, SASHI-TOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To pierce or feel with the hand, to chafe. through, transfix, to run through. SATA, n. The notice, attention, orjudgSASHI-TSUKAYE,-rzz,-ta, i. v. To be hin- ment of the Emperor upon a matter redered, interrupted, embarrassed, ob- ported to him; decision, communicastructed. tion, instruction or message from an SASHI-TSUKAYE, n. Hindrance, obstruc- official; tidings, word, report, rumor; tion, interruption, impediment, engage- conference, communication with othment, embarrassment, difficulty or ob- ers; treatment. - suru, to scrutinize, jection. or give official attention to a matter. SASHI-TSUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To thrust SATAN. - suru, to be a friend, ally, conagainst. federate, or accessory. SASHI-WATASHI, n. The distance across, SATE. It being so, so then; an exclam. distance in a straight line, diameter. of admiration, salutation. SASHI-YAME,-ru,-ta, t.. To stop, frus- SATE-MATA, adv. Again, moreover. trate, balk. SATEMO. Exclam. of admiration, surSASHI-ZOYE, n. The small sword. prise; used also in resuming a narraSA-SHO. - sure, to cancel, annul, abol- tive that has been interrupted. ish. SA-TEN, n. A tea-house. SA-sH6, a. Little, few, trifling. SATO, n. A village, a district of cultivatSASOl.-O,-Jta, t. v. To invite to go with, ed country smaller than a county; a to persuade to accompany; to allure, country place; a brothel, or prostitute entice. Sasoi-dasu, to take along or quarter. in company with, to entice, or allure SATO, n. Sugar. Kuro-zat/, brown suout of. gar. Shiro-zato, white sugar. SA-SOKU, n. The left foot. SATO-BANARE, n. The wild country on SASOKU, adv. Quick, ready, or prompt- the outskirts of a village. ly. SATOBI-KOTOBA, n. The common colloSASORI, n. A scorpion. quial language. SAsOWARE,-ru,-ta, pass. and pot. of Sa- SATO-BIRAKI, n. The first visit ofa bride soi. To be invited to go with, to be to her father's house after marriage. enticed, led. or carried away. SATO-DZUKI, n. Confectionary made of SASSA-TO, adv. Fast, quickly. sugared fruit. SASSHI,-surZt,-/a, t. v. To feel, conjec- SATO-GAYERI, n. The first return visit of ture, conceive, fancy, imagine, to per- a bride to her home. ceive, observe, consider. SATO-GO, n. A child sent away from SASSOKU, adv. Quick, hastily, speedily, home to be brought up. soon. - mairimashd, I will come SATO-GOKORO, n. Home-sickness. soon. ga tsuku, to be home-sick. SAsu, n. A pole sharp at the ends used SATOI-ki,- ku,- ssi, a. Intelligent, knowby farmers in carrying sheaves of grain. ing, clear-sighted, quick in discerning SAsuGA, n. A pocket knife. or perceiving. SASUGA, adv. While it was so, such be- SATO-IRE. n. A sugar-bowl. ing the case, so, therefore. - ni s/i- SATO-KATA, n. The wife's family or reranu kao ma serarenu, so, I could not lations. appear not to know. Sasuga-no, a. - SAT-KIBI, n. The sorghum, or sugar cane. SAT 228 SE SATORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To know, discern, SAYA, n. A sheath, case, scabbard, husk. understand; to discover, distinguish, Mame no -, a bean pod. Fude no-, perceive. a pencil case. SATORI, n. Intelligence, perception, dis- SAYA, n. Damask. cernment, understanding, knowledge. SAYA-BASHIRI,-rU,-tt, i. v. To fall or -a hayai, of quick discernment. slip from the scabbard. SATOSHI,-Sto,-ta, t. v. To make to know, SAYAGI,-g'U, i. v. To rustle as the leaves to instruct, teach, to enlighten. of a tree when shaken by the wind. SATSU,;. A bank note, ticket, card. SAYAKA-NA, a. Clear, distinct, plain. SATSU-BATSU. Killing and cutting; fight- SAYA-MAME, n. String beans. ing, violence, carnage. - na hito, SAYASHI, n. An auction. violent, ferocious, or cruel person. SAVE, adv. Even, so much as, even to, SATSU-BIYO, n. The diagnosis of disease. only. SATSU-HITO, n. A hunter. SAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be cold, chilly; SATSUKI, n. The fifth month. to have a clear, cold appearance. SATSUNA-IMlO, n. Sweet potato. SAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To obstruct, interSATSU-O, n. A hunter. cept, to stop, hinder, oppose, prevent. SATSU-RIKU, n. Slaughter, slaying. SAYEDA, n. The end of a branch, twig. SATSU-YA, n. An arrow used in hunting. SAYEDZURI,-rZ,-//a, i. v. To twitter, SATTO, adv. Suddenly, quickly, with a chirp as a flock of birds; to chatter, to quick motion. prate. SATTO, n. Censure, reprimand, reproof, SAYEGRIR,-ru,-1/a, t. v. To fill up, blockspoken mostly of government. - wo up, obstruct, intercept, to hinder, prekimnuru, to be reprimanded. vent, to be constrained. SAWA, n. A valley between mountains. SAYE-K.AYE,-r/,-ta, i. v. To become SAWADACHI-s-,-t -ta, i. v. To be excited, cold again in Spring. agitated, to be in a tumult, ferment, SA-YEN, n. A vegetable garden. commotion; disturbed. SAYERARE,-ru,-ta. Pass. and pot. of SA\\WAGASHI,-SU,-a, caust. of Sawagu. Sayeru, to be hindered, obstructed. To excite, agitate, disturb, throw into SAYE-WATARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be clear tumult or commotion. and free from haze. SA\AGASHII,-ki,-kU, a. Turbulent, bois- SAYE-ZAYESHII,-ki,-ku, a. Strong, hale, terous, tumultuous, noisy, uproarious, hearty, well. disturbed. SAY6, adv. Yes, just so, indeed. - de SAWAGASHISA, a. The noise, disturb- gozarimasu, just so, just as you say. ance, tumultuosness. SAYO-FUKE,-ru, i. v. Late in the night. SAWAGI,-gu,-ida, i. v. To be agitated, SAYOMI, n. A coarse kind of hemp cloth. excited, to make a noise, tumult, dis- SAYO-NAKA, n. Midnight. turbance, commotion or uproar. SAYONARA, interj. A salutation at partSAW\VGI, n. Excitement, commotion, -ing, farewell, good-bye. disturbance, uproar, tumult, clamor. SAYORI, n. Belone Gigantea. SAWAIYE, adv. Nevertneless, still, not- SAvU, n. Hot water used for drinking. withstanding. SAZA-NAMI, n. Small waves, ripple. SA\VARA, a. The Thujopsis Dolabrata. SAZAN-KUWVA, n. The mountain tea flowSAWARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be hindered, er,-a species of Camellia. impeded, obstructed, embarrassed; to SAZARE-ISHI, n. Gravel, small pebbles. oppose. SAZAYE, n. A shell, a species of murex. SAVrARI, n. Hindrance, impediment, ob- SA-ZEN (zen wo nasu), a. Doing good, struction, interruption, interference, good works. SAWARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To hit or strike SAZO, adv. How much, very, indeed. against anything, to clash against, to Sazo ureshikard, how happy he must meddle, to touch, handle. be! SAWARI, n. The menses. SE, n. A stream of water, channel, raSAWA-SAWA-TO, adv. Clear, pure; the pids, a swift current; a shoal. sound of flowing or rippling water. SE, n. A land measure, - san-jzipo or SAWASHI-GAKI, n. Persimmons treated thirty tsubo; = I,o8o sq. feet. Se-bt, with sake to remove astringency. the area of a piece of land. SAWATE, n. Damaged, or stained with SE, n. The back. water. SE, n. The world, state of existence. SAWAYAKA, a. Clear, pure, serene, clean, SE (hodokoshi). Conferring relief, becheerful, fluent. stowing, as in charity; gratuity, relief, SEB 229 SEI charity. Se-hon, books distributed gra- ment authority, power of the governtuitously. Se-motsu, alms, charity. ment. Sei-tei, the system or constituSe-shte, one who makes charitable offer- tion of government. Sei-j2, rule, govings or gives alms. Se-yaku, medi- ernment, administration of government. cines dispensed gratuitously. Se-riyo, Sei-do, the laws, ordinances, or enactmedical services givel gratuitously. ments of government. Zen-sei, good Se-zai, rice dealt out to the needy. government. Aku set, bad governSEBAME,-ru,-ta,. v. To make narrow, ment. Sei-do, system or form of govto reduce in extent or size; to be con- ment. strained, urged. SEI (nasu tokoro), n. Cause, reason, SEBI, n. A pulley. effect, consequence. SEBIKU, n. A dwarf. SEI-BAI, n. Punishment of crime. - SEBONE, n. The back-bone, spine. suru, to punish. Seibai-shiki zoku, SE-BUMI, n. Wading into a current to criminal code. - ha, the place of try its depth; trying anything in order punishment, execution ground. Ma to find out. -, illegal punishment, or punishment SEBURI,-rz,-tta, t. v. To tease and ex- of an innocent person. tort by frequent demands. SEI-BUN, n. Strength, energy, or vigor SECHI-GASHIKOI,-ki,-ku, a. Cunning, art- of body, stamina. ful, crafty. SEI-CHIU-KOTSU, n. The ulna. SEGAKI, n. The ceremony of feeding the SEI-CHO (okiku naru), n. Full grown, spirits of those who have no relations full size. - suru, to be full grown. in the seventh month. SEI-DAKU (sumu nigorz). Pure and imSEGAMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To tease, worry, pure, clear or turbid, clean or foul. vex. SEI-DASHI,-,-a,-a, i. v. To put forth SEGARE, n. Son (in speaking of one's strength, to exert one's self. own son to others.) SEI-D6 (mnatsurigoto no nichi), n. SysSE-GIYO (hodokos/i okonau), n. Alms, tem, or form of government, the govcharity, charitable assistance or help. ernment. - suru, to do, conduct, perform, man- SEI-DO (aoki akagane), n. Green copage, to grant, give, bestow, as alms. per,-copper that has turned green from SEGURI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To ooze, to drop rust. or run out. SEI-FU, n. The place where the Council SEI (kindzuru). - suru, to prohibit, of State meets,-the Council chamber, forbid, stop, hinder, restrain, control, the council of state itself, the governregulate. Sei-ho, prohibitory law. Sei~ ment. kin, to prohibit. SEIGIRI, adv. To the utmost of one's SEI, n. Family name. ability, the most that one can do. SEI (ikiru), n. Life. Shi sei nmei ari, SEIGIRI,-r,-tta, t. v. To dam (as a death and life are fixed by Provi- stream of water.) dence. SEI-GO, n. A kind of silk sguff. SEI (take), n. Stature. SEI-GON, n. An oath. - wo tateru, to SEI (koye), n. Voice; numeral for sounds, take an oath. Tai sei, a loud voice. SEI-H5 (koshiraye kata), n. The way of SEI (ikioi), n. Strength, force, energy, making anything, the composition, revigor, power; authority, influence; an cipe, formula. army. - wo dasu, to put forth one's SEI-HO, n. The west. strength. - ga tsuku, to be invigor- SEI-HON-YA, n. Book-bindery, a bookated. binder. SEI (umaretsuki), n. Natural disposi- SEI-IKU, n. Rearingorbringingup achild. tion; nature, essential quality of any- SEI-JI, n. Green porcelain. thing. ifto no - wa zen nari, man's SEI-JIN, n. A sage, spoken generally of natural disposition is good. Confucius. SEI, n. Command, order, instructions. SEI-JIN (/zito to naru), n. A full grown SEI (kosiraye), n. The form, make, person, an adult. - suru, to be grown fashion, or mode in which anything is up. made. - suru, to make, manufacture. SEI-KI, n. Essence, active principle, the SEI (mnatsirigoto), n. Rule, govern- strength; vital principle. ment, administration of the laws. - SEI-KON, n. The soul, spirit, ghost. suru, to govern. Sei-rei, a govern- SEI-KON, a. Strength, vigor, energy, ment order or notice. Sei-ken, govern- either of body or mind, stamina. SEI 230 SEK SEI-KUWATSU, n. Life; a living, way of SEIYATTO, adv. With all one's might. making a living; employment. - suru, SEI-Y6, n. Western countries, European to live. countries. SEI-MIEI, n. Name, including the given SEI-ZO. Manufacture. — suru, to make, and surname. manufacture. SEIMEI (inochi), n Life. SE-JI (yo no 4Pto), n. The world,-its SEI-MU, n. Official employment, gov- business and affairs; civility, courtesy, ernment business. politeness. AEI-RI, n. The laws of being or mind, SE-JIN (yo no hito), n. People, men, metaphysics. -gaku, id. mankind. SEI-RIKI, n. Strength, power, force. SE-KAI, n. The earth, the material SEI-RIYAKU. To abridge, to lessen, dim- world, the globe. inish, curtail. SEKARE,-ru,-/a, pass. of Seki. To be in SEI-RIYOKU, n. Strength, or vigor ofmind. a hurry, to be urgent. SEI-RIYO-ZAI, n. A medicine used in the SEKASE,-ru-1a, caust. of Seki. To hurry treatment of fever, a febrifuge. another. SEI-Ro, n. A vessel for cooking with SEKA-SEKA, adv. Impetuous, driving, steam. pushing, hasty. SEI-RO, n. A fortress constructed with SEKA-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To be impetimbers laid one over the other; a tuous, driving, or always in a hurry. block-house. SEKEN (yo no'naka), n. The worldSEI-RO, n. A prostitute house. its people, pleasures, manners. SEI-ROKU, n. An annual income or pen- SEKI, n. Room, occasion, reason. Wasion received from government. ruku iu - zva nai, no room for finding SEI-SAI, adv. At the most, at the high- fault. est, farthest. SEKI, n. A cough. - ga deru, to SEI-SAKU, n. Manufacture, construction, cough. make, structure. - suru, to construct, SEKI,-k/a,-i/a, t. v. To cough. Seite build, make. neraremasen, could not sleep for SEI-SATSU. n. The boards on which the coughing. government edicts are written and hung SEK,-ku,-ita, t. v. To hurry, to make up. haste, to urge, drive. SEI-SHI. - suru, to stop, prevent, for- SEKI, n. A mat, a seat or place where bid, prohibit. one sits; a room; a place of meeting; SEI-SHI, n. An oath, a declaration made an assembly or meeting, rank. on oath. SEKI, n. A guard house and gate, or SEI-SHIGOYE, n. The call or voice of barrier where travelers are stopped and those who go before high officials, to passports examined, a pass. warn all bystanders to stoop down. SEKI, n. Evening, night; the tenth part SEI-SHIN, n. A star. of a g. Kon seki, this night. Cho -, SEI-SHIN, n.'The mind, intellect, mental morning and evening. power. SEKl,-ku,-ita, t. v. To stop a stream of SEI-SHITSU (ao urushi), n. Green lac- water by a bank of earth, to dam, keep quer. back, restrain. Seki-kayesu, to dam SEI-SHITSU (ztmare-tsuki), n. Nature, up water and cause it to set back. constitution, temperament, natural dis- Seki-komu, to dam up and confine position, temper. water. Seki-tonlert to dam, obstruct SEI-SHO (kiyog-aki), n. A clean writing, and cause to stop. or finished copy. SEKI-BAN, n. The stone used for lithoSEI-SUI (kiyoki nzidzu), n. Pure or clear graphing, a lithograph; a slate. water. SEKI-BARAI, n. Clearing the throat. SEI-SUI (sakan-naru otoroyeru), n. Flour- SEKI-CII1KU, n. The pink. ish and decay, rise and fall, prosperity SEKIDA, n. Sandals that have iron heels and adversity. fastened to the sole. SEI-TEN, n. Clear weather, unclouded SEKI-DAI, n. A stone for standing anysky. thing on, a flower-pot. SEI-TO, n. A name given to copper cash. SEKI-DAN, n. A stone step. SEI-U-GI, n. A barometer. SEKI-DO, n. The equator. SEI-YAKU (kusztri wo koshirayerz), n. SEKI-DZUI, n. The spinal marrow. Manufacturing, or compounding medi- SEKI-GAKI, n. Specimens of penmanship cines. - suru, to make medicines, written by pupils for examination. SEK 231 SEM SEKI-HAN, -. A kind of food made of SEKK6, n. Gypsum or Sulphate of Lime. red beans and rice, eaten on fete days. SEKKOKU, n. The orchis. SEKJ-HI, n. A stone monument. SEKKU, n. Certain holidays; as the 7th SFKI-HITSU, n. A slate pencil. day of the ist month; the 3rd day of SEKI-IN, n. A stone seal. the 3rd month; 5th day of the 5th SEKi-R-E,-ru,-ia, i. v. To dam-up a month; 7th day of the 7th month; and stream and conduct it into another gth day of the gth month. channel. SEKUWAI-SUI, n. Lime-water. SEKI-KOMl,-m-,- nda, t. v. To be out of SEKO, n. Persons who beat the bush in breath with haste. hunting. SEKI-MEN. n. Reddening of the face SEMAI,_-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Narrow, confrom shame or diffidence, blushing. tracted, small. Semaku suru, to nar-suru, to blush. roW. Semaku naru, to become narSEKI-mIORI, n. The guard or officers who row. are stationed at a barrier. SEMAI, cont. of Sur-r-mai the neg. fut. SEKI-REI. A species of wagtail. ofsuru. Will not do, will not be. SEKI-RIN, n. Stone in the bladder, urin- SEMARI,-rU,-tta, i. v. To close up with, ary calculus. to press upon, or approach near, to SEKI-SHI (akago), n. An infant, newly crowd on; straightened, confined, conborn child. stricted; to be ill used, persecuted. SEKI-SHIN, n. True, sincere, or pure SEM-BAN. Go-kuro-, many thanks for heart. your trouble. SEKI-SHITSU (iwa muro), n. A rocky SEM-BEI, a. A kind of cracknel made of cave or cavern. rice. SEsI-SHO, n. A barrier, pass. -yaburi, SEMBURI, n. The Pleurogyne rotata. passing a barrier without a passport. SEIE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To torture, torment, Seki-shzo-fuda, a passport for passing a to punish, to harass, vex, to persecute, barrier. scold, to afflict, to treat with rigor, to SEKI-SHO, n. A kind of flag, Acorus. press; to attack, assault, besiege, SEKI-SHOKU (akai iro), n. Red color. charge upon. SEKI-TATE,-ru,-ta, t.v. To hurry, hasten, SEME, n. An attack, assault, a charge. quicken. SEME, n. Torture, punishment, torSEKI-TO, n. A tombstone, monument ment; an attack, assault, charge. over a grave. Midzu-zeine, water torture. SEKI-TORI, n. The champion or best of SEnME, n. A clasp or band, as for a fan, wrestlers. or umbrella. SEKI-TSUME, -ru,-ta, t. v. To urge and SEME-AGUMI,-MU,-nda, i. v. To be tired, vex, tease, or annoy. or disgusted with attacking, beseiging SEKI-UTSL, n. Long continued melan- or torturing. choly, despondency, or gloom. SEME-AI,-au-atta, t. v. To attack each SEKI-ZO, n. A stone image of a man, a other. stone idol. SEAIE-DASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To afflict and SEKI-ZoRO, a. The singing and dancing expel, to persecute and cause to leave. of beggars, at the end of the year, from SEME-DOGU, n. Instruments of torture or house to house, for money. punishment. SEKKACHI, a. Impetuous, hasty, driving. SEME-FCSE,-ru,-t/, t. v. To attack and SEIKXAI, i. A kind of wooden paddle or reduce or bring into subjection. ladle. SEME-GI, n. A wedge. SEIKKAKU, adv. With especial pains, SEMEGI,-gu,-ida, t.. To quarrel, wranwith much care, with much trouble. gle, dispute. -no ahozeori gza muda ni natta, all SEME-GUCHI, n. The point of attack, a my trouble has been for nothing. breach. SEKKAN. - suru, to punish, chastise, SEME-HATARI,-,-tta,-a, t.. To treat correct, reprimand. cruelly, oppress, harass, vex, perseSEKKEN, n. Economy, parsimony. cute. SEKKEN, n. Soap. SEME-IRI,-rC,-tta, i. v. To attack and SEKKI, (toshi no kure), n. The end of enter, enter by storm. the year. SEME-NOBORI,-ra,-tta, t. v. To go up to SEKKI~Y, (kiy5 wo toku). — suru, to ex- attack. plain the sacred books, to preach, lec- SEME-OTOSH,-su,-ta, t. v. To take by ture. storm, take by assault. SEM 232 SEN SEMETE, adv. Urgently, pressingly, by SEN, (mopiara). Chief, principal, most all means, at least. - moto-dake demo important. - to suru, to regard as the tori-tai mono, I would like to get back chief thing. Sen-do, most important, at least the original outlay. chief. Sen-giyo, principal business. SEMETE-TOI,-,-t,-a, t. v. To examine by Sen-ichi, the most important, chief, torture, to annoy by persistent in- principal. Sen-yo, the chiefbusiness. quiry. SEN, n. A drawing-knife, used by SEME-TORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To attack and coopers. seize, to take by assault or storm. SEN, (the fut. form of shi, suru, same as SEME-YOSE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To approach shi, of the coil.) Ikani sen, what shall in order to attack, to charge. I do? Sen kata nashi, nothing can be SEMI, n. Cicada, or locusts. - no nu- done, no resource, no help for it. kegara, the cast off shell of a cicada. SENAKA, n. The back. - bone, the SEMMEN, n. The surface of a fan. spine, back-bone. SEMMON, (noppnara to suru koto,) n. SEN-CHA, n. An infusion of tea leaves, Special or particular object of pursuit tea. or study, speciality. SEN-DAN, n. The Melia azedarach. SEMPUKUGE, n. The Inula Japonica. SEN-DO, (aogi-tateru). -- suru, to inSE-MUSHI, n. Humpback; a humpbacked cite, excite, instigate. person. SEN-D6, (fune no kashira,) n. Captain SEN, n. The hundredth part of a dollar, of a ship; a boatman, sailor. (yen), a penny, cent. SENDZURI, n. Masturbation. - wo SEN, n. A thousand. Issen, one thou- kaku, to practice masturbation. sanp. Sen-ban, a thousand myriads, SENDZURU-TOKORO, adv. In fine, the very many. Sen-ja-man-betsu, many sum of it, the upshoot of the matter, and different. conclusion. SEN, n. A wooden or metal pin passed SEN-GI, n. Examining or inquiring into through a hole to fasten anything, a the truth or facts. - suru, to judge bolt, a cork or stopper of a bottle. or inquire into. SEN. (saki). Previous, former, recent, SEN-GOKU-BUNE,. Ajunk of one thoubefore, last, first, late. Sen-dai, the sand koku burden, the name of any former or last generation. Sen-do, the large junk. former or previous time, before. Sen- SEN-GOKUDOSHI, n. The name of a majitsu, a former or previous day. Sen- chine for cleaning rice, a windmill. kaku, a former rule or law. Sen-ken, SEN-GURI-NI, adv. According to priority seeing or perceiving anything before- or precedence. hand, foresight. Sen-koku, a few min- SEN-I, (tate yoko). The small fibres utes before, a short time previous, re- which cross each other in the texture or cently, previously. Sen-nen, a former web of silk or cloth; the lines of latiyear, previous year. Sen-rei, a former tude and longitude in a map. Kinu no custom, usage, or example, a precedent. -, the web of silk. - no nziyakkuSen-sai, the former or first wife, late wan, the capillary vessels. wife. Sen-shu, the former lord or mas- SENJI,-dzur.u-ta, t. v. To boil, to make ter, the late lord. Sen-do, a guide. a decoction. Senji-dasu, to extract by Sen-hai, (saki no tomogara), one's el- boiling, to boil out. Senji-gara, the ders or predecessors. Sen-ya, a pre- grounds or refuse left after boiling or vious night. Sen-yaku, a former con- making a decoction. Senji-tsunzeru, tract, or promise. Sen-hi, some bad or to boil down to a greater consistence. evil done before, former wickedness. SEN-JO, n. Female genii, a fairy. Sen-pan, the former time, previously. SEN-J6, (tatakai ba), n. The field of Sen-getsu, the month before. Sen-h/, battle. (sempo), the opposite party, other per- SEN-JUTSU, n. Magic arts, or miraculous son. Sen-dachi, a guide, forerunner. performances of Sennin. Sen-datte, before, previously, lately. SEN-KI, n. A general term for pains, or Sen-jin, the van or front ranks of an complaints in the loins, pelvis, or testiarmy. cles. SEN, n. Profit, advantage, use. - mo SEN-KO, a. Joss-sticks, incense sticks. nait useless. SEN-KUDZU, n. Metal shavings or filSEN, (zeni), n. Small copper coin. ings. SEN, n. A sort of imaginary beings, who SEN-NIN, n. Changes of office, removing live amongst the mountains; genii, fairy. an official from one place to another. SEN 233 SES SEN-NIN, n. Genii, fairy. SEPPU, n. A chaste or virtuous woman. SEN-NUKI, n. A cork-screw. SEPPUKU, (hara-kiri,) n. Suicide by SEN-REI, n. Baptism. - wo okonau, to cutting open the abdomen. baptize. SERAI,-au,-atia, t. v. To be envious of, SEN-RO, n. A telegraphic line, road, or jealous of. telegraphic communication. SERARE,-ru,-ta, pass. or pot. of Shi SENROPPU, n. Radishes cut up very fine suru. To suffer or be the object ot and eaten with fish. something done by another. WataSEN-SAKU, n. Examination, inquiry, kushi wa hito nii jama wo serareta, search, inquisition. - suru, to ex- I have been hindered by him. amine into, to inquire. SERI, n. Parsley. SEN-SEI, n. A polite title used in ad- SERI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To hasten, hurry, to dressing an elderly man, a physician or contend, to strive, to bid, to sell at a scholar. auction. Seri-ageru, to raise up, as by SEN-SHAKU, n. Colic or pain in the pel- a windlass; to bid up. Seri-au, to vic region. struggle, rush, or strive together who SEN-SHI, n. Teacher. shall be first; to bid against each other. SEN-SHIN, (asai fukai.) Shallow or Kuwaji ga atte shibai yori hito ga deep. seriatte deru, as there is a fire, people SEN-SO, n. A battle. - suru, to fight, struggle to get out of the theatre. Serito engage in battle. dasu, to force or squeeze out, as anySEN-SOKU, (ashi wo arau,) n. A foot- thing through a hole. Seri-tateru, bath, washing the feet. to hurry or hasten the departure of SENSU, n. A fan that opens and shuts. another. SEN-SUI, n. An artificial pond. SERI, n. Auction. - ga aru, there is SEN-TAKU, a. Washing,-used only of an auction. - hiki-fuda, auction adclothing. - suru, to wash clothes. vertisement. SEN-TE, n. The person who comes first, SERI-AI, n. Contending together for or has the first turn, or comes before superiority, strife, struggle, contenanother. tion. SEN-TEN. - suru, to revolve, go round. SERI-AKINDO, n. A peddler. SEN-TEN-BIYO, n. A congenital or here- SERI-URI, n. Peddling. ditary disease. SE-SAI. Shrewd in business, cleverness, SEN-TEN-DOKU, n. Congenital or here- knowledge of the world. ditary contamination. SESEKUMARI,-,-rt,-tta, i. v. To stoop, to SEN-TO, n. A battle. bend the body forward, to bow. SEN-T6, n. A public bath-house. SESERAKI, n. Shallow or shoal water. SEN-TSUKI, n. A machine for cutting SESERAWARAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To laugh tobacco fine for smoking. - tabako, with a suppressed laugh, lo chuckle. fine cut tobacco. SESERI,-rU,-/a, t. v. To pick, to peck SEN-YO, n. Many-leaved. - no hana, at, as a fowl in eating, or a fly, musa flower with many petals. quito, or flea; to stick or strike at with SEN-ZAN-KO, n. The skin or scales of anything pointed. the manis, or pangolin, used as a medi- SE-SHI, n. An heir or inheritor of an cine. estate or family name. SEN-ZO, n. Ancestor, forefather, pro- SESHIME,-ru,-/a, caust. of Shi. To cause genitor. another to be, or do. SEOI, —,-bta, t. v. (in com. coll. pro- SESHIME-URUSHI, n. A kind of cement nounced Shoi, 0, Ota). To carry on or paste made of lacquer. the back. SESSETSU, adv. Often, frequently, many SEPPA, (toki yaburu.) - suru, to con- times. fute, to disprove. SESSHA, hers. pro. I,- used only by SEPPA, n. A metal plate or ring round honorable persons. the sword-blade near the hilt. SESSHI,-SUru,-ta, t. v. To manage, diSEPPAKU, (setsu no shimari,) n. The rect, control. Matsurigoto wo sessuru, close of the season. to act as regent. SEPPAKU, a. Straitened, pressed, ur- SEssHI,-suru,-shifa, t. v. To join, congent. nect, to continue, abut upon. SEPPO, (ho wo toku,) n. Explaining, ex- SESSHO, n. A difficult or dangerous place, pounding, or discoursing on the doc- as a pass or defile. trines of Buddhism. - suru, to preach. SESSHO, (ikeru wo korosu,) n. Taking SES 234 SHA life, killing anything. - kai, the com- SEWA-NIN, n. One who aids, renders mandment against taking life. assistance, or acts as a go-between for SESSHO, n. Regent or acting emperor. others, a friend, helper, patron. SE-suJI, n. The line down the back over SE-WARI, n. Cutting open a fish along the backbone. the back. SETAGE,-ru,-ta, (cont. of Shiyetageru,) SEWA-RIYO, n. Money presented to anyt. v. To oppress, maltreat. one as an acknowledgment for kind SE-TAI, n. Housekeeping, household services or assistance. property. - dogu, housekeeping uten- SEWA-sEWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Bustling, sils, mainly kitchen furniture. - no stirring, active, fussy, fidgety. iriyo, family expenses. SEWASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Busy, hurrying, SE-TAKE, n. Full growth or stature. bustling, fussy, fidgety, distracted with SETCHIN, n. A privy, water-closet, business or cares. SETO, n. A strait, a narrow channel of SEWAsHINAI,-ki,-ku, a. Busy, hurried, water. or distracted with business, fussy, bustSETO-GIWA, n. The border of a strait; a ling. difficult or important part of one's SEWASHISA, n. The state of being busy life. or actively engaged. SETO-MONO, n. Porcelain, earthenware, SEWAYAKI,-k,,-/t, t. v. To be officious crockery. or attentive in rendering assistance, aid, SETSU, n. Virtue, fidelity, or constancy or services. of a widow to her deceased husband; SEZENAGI, n. A drain, ditch, or sink to fidelity, patriotism, or constancy of one carry off filthy water. in the midst of trial or sufferings to his SHA. - sUru, to thank, acknowledge a lord or country. kindness; to confess. SETSU, (toki,) n. Time, period, season; SHA. - suru, to purge, to be loose in opportunity; a solar term of fifteen the bowels. days, of which there are twenty-four in SHA, a. Silk gauze. a year. Setsu-bun, the last evening SHA, (mono, hito), (only used in comof the old year. Setsu-gawari, the pound words). Person, man. Gakuchange of the season, or solar terms. sha, a learned man or scholar. I-sha, SETSU, (hanashi,) n. Saying, teaching, a healing man, or physician. discourse, doctrine; common talk, re- SHA, n. Amnesty, pardon. port. SHA, (iru,) n. Archery. Sha-jutsu, SETSU- DAN, (kiri-tatsu,) n. An ampu- archery. tation. - suru, to amputate. SHA, (nakama,) n. A company, associaSETSU-GAI, n. Murder, assassination. - tion, clique, society. - wo musuba, suru, kill, slay, to murder. to form a company. SETSU-GI, n. Virtue, fidelity, constancy. SHAA-SHAA, adv. Shamelessly, brazenSETSU-IN, n. A privy. faced, in a cool and impudent manSETSU-NA, n. Moment, instant, the ner. shortest interval of time. - no aida SHAATSUKU, n. An impudent fellow, zo zwasureru koto nashi, have not for- shameless person. gotten it for a moment. SHABA, or SHABA-SEKAI, n. This world. SETSUNAI,-ki,-ku,-/shi, a. Painful, dis- Shaba-fusagi, a useless fellow. tressing, oppressive, causing great suf- SHABERI,-,-t,-tt, t. v. To talk much fering. and annoyingly, to prate, tattle, chatSETSUNARU, a. Distressing, painful, af- ter, babble. flicting. SHA-BETSU, n. Difference, distinction. SETSU-WA, n. A saying, talk, report. SHABON, n. Soap. SETSU-ZOKU-SHI, n. A conjunction. SHABURI,-ru,-tta, /. v. To suck. SETTA, n. Sandals armed with iron SHACHI, n. A capstan or windlass. heels, same as Sekida. SHACHIHOKO, n. The name of a fish, the SETTAI, n. Gratuitously dealing out food ornament like a fish on the end of the to poor people. roofs of temples. SETTSUKI,-ku,-i/a, t. v. To dun, to SHA-CHIU, (nakama uchi,) n. Company, hasten, urge or hurry one in doing any- club, clique, party. Waga - no mono, thing. a member of my company. SEWA, n. Help, aid, assistance, patron- SHAGA, n. The iris, or fleur de lis. age, kind offices, agency, intervention. SHAGAMI,-mU,-nda, i. v. To squat or - wo suru, to befriend, aid or assist. sit down on the heels, to crouch. SHA 235 SHA SHAGIRI, n. A small kind of cymbal. SHAKURIr,-rf,-, t. v. To scoor out, as SHA-HON, (utsztshi hon,) n. A copied a hole; to irritate, to set on, excite to book, a book written with a pen, a anger. manuscript. SHAKURI-NAKI, n. Sobbing, convulsive SHA-JIKU, n. The hub of a wheel. crying. - wo'suru, to sob. SHAKA, n. The son of J6bon king of SHAKUSHI, n. A wooden ladle. Makada and founder of Buddhism; lived SHAKU-TORI, n. A waiter who serves out in the time of Xerxes, and died about the wine. 475 B. c. SHAKU-TORI-MUSHI, n. A caterpillar. SHAKAN-YA, n. A plasterer. SHAKUWAN, n. A plasterer, same as SaSHAKE, same as Sake. A salmon. kuwan. SHAKE, n. A Sintoo priest. SHAKU-YA, (kari iye), n. A hired house, SHA-KIN, n. Gold dust. or a house for rent. SHA-KIN-SEKI, n. Glass with small pieces SHAKU-YAKU, n. The herbaceous peony. of gold foil sprinkled through it. SHAKU-YO. - suru, to borrow. SHAKKIN, (karita kane). Borrowing SHAKU-ZAI, n. Borrowed money, a debt. money, a loan. - suru, to borrow SHA-MEN, n. Pardon, forgiveness, acmoney. quittal. — suru, to pardon. SHAKKIRI, adv. Stiff, hard. - to suru, SHA.1, n. One who is preparing to be a to become hard or stiff. Bnddhist priest, a novice. SHAKO, n. The Squilla mantis, a species SHANII-SEN. Same as Smisen. A guitar of crustacea. or banjo. SHAKO, n. The quail. SHAMO, n, A large kind of fowl, introSHAKU, n. A foot of ten inches; (same duced originally from Siam. length as the English foot). SHAMURO,;n. Siam. SHAKU, n. Awooden tablet formerly car- SHANSHI,-su,-ta. Much used in draratiried by nobles when in the presence of cal works, as an auxiliary verb, same as the Emperor. suru, nasaru, to be, to do. Shi-na. SHAKU, n. The title of a Buddhist priest. shanshita, has died. - surz, to explain, comment on. SHARA-DOKE, n. Untied, loose, undone. SHAKU, n. A measure of capacity, the Obiga - suru, the belt is loose. tenth part of a go. SHARAKUSAI, a. Affecting or pretending SHAKU, n. A dipper, ladle. to do what one knows nothing about. SHAKU, n. Pouring wine into the cup, SHARE, n. A witticism, pun, a humorous serving out wine. - wo suru, to serve or comical saying. out wine. SHARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be witty, huSHAKU, n. The name of a disease, per- morous; to crumble, moulder, or wear haps Hysteria. - wo dekasu, to become away-as a stone-by the washing of hysterical. water; to be elegant, refined, stylish. SHAKU-BA, (kari uma). A hired or bor- SHA-REI, n. Acknowledgment of a farowed horse. vor, expressing thanks. SHAKU-DO, n. A kind of black metal SHARI, n. A small hard substance like a made by mixing copper and gold. gem, supposed to be left in the ashes SHAKU-GIN, n. Borrowing money, debt after burning the dead body of a Budaccruing from borrowing money, a loan; dhist saint. same as Shakkin. - wo suru, to bor- SHARI, n. Diarrhcea. row money. SHA-RIKI, n. A laborer who pushes or SHAKU-HACHI, n. A kind of flute, or pipe, pulls a cart. blown at the end. SHARI-KOBE, n. A skull. SHAKUI-k7,,-k2ta, t. v. To dip up, to SHA-RIN, n. The rim of a wheel, a fellade. ly. SHAKU-JO, n. A staff, the top of which is SHARI-SHARI-TO, adv. The sound made armed with metal rings, carried by beg- by crushing anything hard and brittle, ging priests, as an egg-shell. SHAKU.MI,-Z,-nda, i. v. To be bent, SHARI-YEN, n. Epsom salts. curved, or warped so as to be concave. SHA-SEI, n. A correct or life-like picture SHAKu-NAGE, n. The Rhododendron. of anything, a fac-simile. SHAKU-NIN, n. A waiter who serves out SHA-SHI, (ogori), n. Extravagance, prodithe wine. gality, luxury, pomp. SHAKURI,. Hiccough. -gatsuku,to SHA-SHIN, n. A likeness, a photograph. hiccough. SHA-SHIN-KIYO, n. A camera-obscuta, a SHA 236 SHI photographic instrument. -de utsusu, SHIRE, n. The nerves of a leaf, the pistil taken by photography. of a flower, the stalk to which the grains SHA-TEI, (otto), n. Younger brother. of rice are attached, the joints in the SHATTSURA, n. Your impudent face, used stalk of wheat or rice. only in contempt or anger. - ye tata- SHIBI. The bonito. ki tsukeru, to strike one in the face. SHIBIN, n. A urinal, chamber-pot. SHI, (yolsu), a. Four. us-shi, fourteen. SHIBIRE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be numb, palShi-bu ic/hi, one-fourth. - ban, No. sied, dead. four, the fourth. - ban me, the fourth SHIBIRE-GUSURI, n. Narcotic, or anasone. - hiyaku, four hundred. - man, thetic medicines. forty thousand. SHIBOMi,-mI,- nda, i. v. To close, or SHI, (uta), a. Chinese poetry, an ode, shut,-as a flower. poem. - wo tsukuru, to write poetry. SHIBORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To press or SHI, (samurai) n. A person belonging squeeze out, to express, to wring. Ushi to the military class, or gentry. no chichi wo -, to milk a cow. ShiSHI n. Death, the dead. - suru, to bori-toru, to squeeze out, wring out, to die. Shi-betsu, separated by death. extort. Shi-bito, a dead person. Shi-go, time SHIBU, n. The sap of a tree; the thin of death; after death. skin round the kernel of a chesnut; the SHI, (shisho), n. Teacher. juice expressed from unripe persimSHI, n. The name of a plant-the Oxalis mons, used as a stain or varnish. Acetosella. SHIBU-GAKI, n. An astringent kind of SHI su, sor suru, shita, t. v. To do, to persimmon. be, to make; used as a verbalizing affix, SHIBUI-ki,-ku, a. Astringent in taste, or substantive verb to words derived austere, morose, or sullen. from the Chinese. Ai-suru, to love. SHI-BU-ICHI. One-fourth;-the thin strip Hai-suru, to worship. of moulding used by paper-hangers; SHI-AGARI,-ru,-/ta, i. v. To be done, the name of a composite metal made finished, completed. of copper three parts and silver one SHI-AGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To do up, to fin- part. ish doing, get through. Shi-age ni SHIBU-IRo, n. A reddish-brown color. natta, to be finished. SHIBU-ITA, n. A board four-tenths of an SHI-AI, n. A single combat with wooden inch in thickness, much used for clapswords. boarding. SHI-A,-,-a,-atta,. v. To do mutually, SHIBU-KAMI, n. A kind of tough, reddish do to or for each other, paper, used for wrapping. SHI-AKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To tire of doing SHIBU-KAWA, n. The astringent bark,anything, disgusted with doing. the inner bark of a tree. SHI-AN, (kangaye), n. Thought, consid- SHIBUKI, n. A driving rain. eration, reflection. - wo suru, to think SHIBURi,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be constricted, over, consider, obstructed, or impeded in flowing, not SHI-ASATTE, adv. Two days after to- passing easily or freely. morrow. SHIBUSA, n. Astringency. SHI-AWASE, n. Event, affair; that which SHIBU-SHIBU, adv. Slowly and reluctantfalls out, happens, or comes to pass; ly, sullenly, in an ill-tempered manner. fortune, luck. - shochi suru, to consent reluctantly. SHIBA, n. Brushwood. Shiba-gaki, a SHIBUroI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Sullen, sulky, hedge or fence made of brushwood. surly, crabbed, churlish, austere. SHIBA, n. Sod, turf, a grass-plot. SHICHI, (nanatsu), n. Seven. Shichi-ju, SHIBAI, n. Theatrical performances, seventy. y7 -, seventeen. - bu ichi, drama. one-seventh. - ban, No. 7, the sevSHIBAI-GOYA, n. A theatre. enth. - banme, the seventh one. SHIBARAKU, adv. For a short time, a lit- SHICHI, n. A pawn, pledge, or deposit tie while. given as security for money borrowed. SHIBARARE,-rU,-ta, pass. and pot. of Shi- Shichi- kusa, articles that can be baru.To be bound, tied. pawned. Shichi-notsu, articles placed SHIBARI,-ru,-/tt, t. v. To bind, tie, to in pawn. fasten by encircling with a cord. SHICHI-Jo, n. The seven passions, viz: SHIBA-SHIBA, adv. Often, frequently. anger, joy sadness, happiness, love, SHIBA-TATAKI,-ku-ita, i. v. To wink fre- hatred, and desire. quently. SHI-CHIKU, n. A purple kind of bamboo. SHI 237 SHI SHI-CHIKU, (ifo take), n. String and wind (met.) to drown, overwhelm, immerse, instruments of music, or sink in, as lust or wine. SHICHI-YA, n. A pawnbroker's shop, a SHIDZUMI,-nl,-nda, i. v. To sink, to pawnbroker. be submerged or immersed in. SHI-CHIU, (ichi no naka), n. In the mar- SHIDZU-SHIDZU-TO, adv. Quietly, still; ket; the market town. softly, slowly. SHI-CH6, (kamino kaya), n. A mosquito- SHIDZUYAKA-NI, adv. Quietly, gently, net made of paper. slowly, calmly, tranquilly. SIIDA, n. A fern. SHI-FU, n. Paper cloth,-cloth made by SHIDAI, n. Order, arrangement; reason, weaving threads made of twisted paper. account, consideration; in proportion SHI-FU, (samurai no narawashti), n. to, according to, as soon as. Deki-shi- The manners or customs of the gendai, as soon as it is done. szuki-shidai, try. as soon as received. SHI-FU, (kusari wo todomeru). - suru, SH-D AI, n. The four elements according to counteract or resist putrefaction. to the Buddhists: viz., earth, water, zai, antiseptic medicines. -yaku. id. fire, and wind.' SHI-GAI, n. A corpse, dead body. SHIDAI-NI, adv. Gradually, by degrees, SHI-GAKU, n. Contriving, devising, planby little and little. ning. - wo suru, to plan, contrive, SHIDARA, n. Order, system, method, devise. reason, (used with a negative). -naki, SHIGAMI-TSUKI,-ku,-i/a, i. v. To clasp, disordered, confused, slovenly. shut, or fasten on; to twine around, as SHIDARE,-ru,-/a, i. v. To curve and a vine; to throw the arms around. bend downwards, as the branch of a SHIGARAMI, n. Piles driven along the willow. banks of a stream, and interwoven with SH DARI-YANAGI, n. The weeping wil- bamboo, to protect the bank from the low. current. SAI-rDASHI,-,-s,-ta t. v. To begin to SHI-GATAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Difficult or make or do, to enlarge, improve, impossible to do. SHI-DASHI, n. Food cooked and supplied SHI-GATSU, n. The fourth month. to order, productions. SHIGE, n. The teeth. - ni kakeru, to SHI-DASH:-YA, n. A restaurant where talk about, speak of. food is prepared and supplied to order. SHIGEI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Thick, close toSHIDOKENAI,-ki, ku, a. Slovenly, loose, gether, dense, as grass, or leaves; not neat or methodical, discomposed or many, numerous, much. unsettled in mind. SHIGEDO, n. A bow wrapped around SHI-DO-KIN, }n. Money paid for saying with rattan. masses for the dead. SHIGEKI, n. A pricking, smarting, sharp SHIDOME, coll. The Pirus Japonicus. pain, irritation. SHIDONE, n. A rug for sitting on. SHIGERI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be thick, SHIDORO-MODORO-NI, adv. In a confus- dense, close together, as leaves, or ed manner, disorderly. - aruku, to grass; to be rich, luxuriant. Shigeristagger like a drunken man. au, to be close, or thick and matted toSAIDORO-NI. In a confused, disorderly gether. manner. SHIGESA, n. The density, closeness, SHIDZU, (yashii). Mean;low, poor, hum- thickness. ble. SHIGE-SHIGE, adv. Often, frequently. SHIDZUKA, a. Quiet, still, tranquil, peace- SHIGI, n. A species of woodcock. ful; free from commotion, disturbance SHI-GI, n. Circumstance, case, account, Or noise; slow. reason, fact of the case. - ni yoru, SHIDZUKU, n. A drop. - wo tarasu, according to circumstances. to let the drops fall, to drop. SHIGOKI,-ku,-it/, t. v. To draw anySHIDZUMARi,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be stilled, thing through the hand. quieted, lulled, tranquilized, calmed, SHIGOKU, adv. A superlative, = very, pacified, subsided. extremely, exceedingly, most, utmost. SHIDZUMARl,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be im- SHIGOTO, n. Work, labor, employment, mersed, sunk, submerged. manual labor, needle work. SHIDZUME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To quiet, still, SHIGOTO-SHI, n. A common laborer, calm, tranquilize, to settle. coolie. SHIDZUME,-r,-_ta, t. v. To immerse, to SIIIGUMA, n. A white bear. sink, put under water, submerge; SHI-GUMI,-mnZ,-nda, t. v. To cut and SHI 238 SHI fit together, to prepare the frame or SHIJIRA, n. A kind of crape. materials by fitting and joining. SHI-jO, (hajime owari), n. From beginSHIGURE,-rl,-ta, i. v. To rain in show- ning to end, the whole, the end; at the ers, to drizzle, only spoken of rain in last, the result; always, constantly. the tenth month. SHI-jU, n. Forty. - ni, forty-two. SHIGURE, n. A drizzling shower of rain san, forty-three. in the tenth month. SHI-JO-GARA, n. The name of a small bird. SHi-HAI, n. Rule, superintendence, man- SHIKAA n. A deer, stag. - no tsuno, a agement, government, administration deer s horns. of affairs, control, jurisdiction. -suru, SHIKA, n. Disgrace, cause of shame. to rule, govern, direct. SHIKA, adv. So, thus, in this manner. SHI-ItAI-NIN, n. A manager, a superin- - nori naradzu, not only so, moretendent, a factor, or agent in a mercan- over. Shika-mo, besides, moreover, tile house. furthermore, more than this. SIII-HATMxBUN, n. One fourth, a quarter. SHIKABANE, n. A corpse, dead body, SHI-HAN, IZ. A teacher, instructor, carcass. SIII-HAN-GIN, n. A quarter of a catty. SHIKADZU. Not so, not like, not so good SHI-HO, n. The four quarters, or cardi- as, not equal to, inferior to. nal points; the four sides, all sides. SHIKA-JIKA, adv. Well, exactly, fully, Shihko-hago, on every side, in every thoroughly. direction. SHI-KAKE,-ru,-a, t. v. To begin to do, SHI-IIO, n. The way, manner of doing, to set about doing. or making anything; a way, method, SHI-KAKE, n. A work commenced and course of procedure. left partly done. SHII,-rt,-ita, t. v. To compel, force, con- SHI-KAKE, n. Machinery, a machine. strain; press, urge. SHIKAKE, n. A long loose robe worn by SHII, (mIekura). Blind. Riyo gan - women over their other garments. taru hito, a man blind of both eyes. SHIIAKU, n. An assassin. SHil,-yrU,-n, t. v. To backbite, vilify, SHI-KAKU, n. Four-cornered, square. slander. SHIKAKU, adv. So, thus, in such a way. SIII, in. Holding rank or office without SHIK^KUBARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be forperforming any duty. - naru hito. mal, precise, to be pompous il manner. SHII, n. The live oak. Shii-no-ki, id. SHIKAME,-r,-ta, t. v. To wrinkle or SHII-GIYAKU, n. The murder of one's contort the face, to make a wry face, master or parent. frown. SHIIGOTO, n. Calumny, slander, false SHIKAMI,-m u,,-da, i. v. To be wrinkaccusation. led, contorted, to frown. SHIIKO, n. Urine, used only to children. SHIKAMI-DZURA, a/. A wrinkled or frownSHIINA, n. An imperfect or immature ear ing face. of corn. SHIKANAI, adv. Only, merely, SamSHI-IE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To buy, or lay in biyaku-nin -, only three hundred a quantity of anything in order to sell, men. to instruct. SHI-KANE,-rU,-la, t. v. To do with difSHI-IRE, n. Buying or laying in goods ficulty, hard to do, or make. by the quantity, training, instruction. SHIKARARE,-ru,-ta. Pass. of Shikaru. SHJ-IRE-KATA, n. The purchasing clerk To get a scolding. or agent in a mercantile house; also, SHIKARE,-rZ,-ta. Pass. or pot. of Shiku. the way in which goods have been pur- To be pressed under anything, or overchased; mode of instruction. laid, as by a stone, or run over by a SHI-IRE-IMONO, an. Articles or goods laid wagon. in or purchased by the quantity. SHIKARI,-rt,-tta, t. V. To scold, to SHII-TAKE, n. A kind of dried mush- chide, rate, censure. room. SHIKARI,-ru,-shi, i. v. To be so, thus, SuIITE, adv. By force, by compulsion, this way, this mode or state, such. by constraint, against the will; obsti- Shikaradzu, not so. Shikarazareba, nately, persistently. since it is not so, if not so. Shikareba, SHII-TSUKE, -u,-ta, t. v. To compel, if so, then, therefore. Shikaredomo, force, constrain, insist on. though it be so, still, yet, but, howSHIJI, n. The four seasons. ever. SHIJIrM, n. A kind of small shell-fish. SHIKASE,-ru,-ta. Calst. of Shiku. To SHI-JIN, n. A poet. make, or let another spread anything. SHI 239 SHI SHIKASHI, conj. But, still, however, yet lord, which is returned when the tenant nevertheless, notwithstanding. Shika- moves away.. shi-nagara, but, however, yet, never- SHIKINMI, a. The name of a tree. theless. SHIKI-MONO, n. Anything used for spreadSHIKA-SHIKA, adz. So and so, and so on, ing, as a carpet, rug, table-cloth, or used in the place of something omitted. mat, a spread. SHIKASHITE, adv. Then. afterward, in SHIKI-REI, n. A law, rule, custom, usage. that case. SHI-KIRI, n. A partition, a dividing line; SHI-KATA, n. Way or method of doing; a compartment; a mercantile transactreatment, conduct toward others; tion, in which the buyer has a quantity way of making, resource; gesture or of goods placed to his credit in a wholesign. sale house, paying part of the money SHIKATA-BANASHI, n. Talking or nar- down, for which he receives an equal rating a story with much gesticulation. portion of the goods, and taking up the SHIKA-TO, adv. Well, fully, certainly, rest of the goods with the money refirmly. ceived from the sale of the previous lot. SHIKATSUBERASHII,- u, a. Consequen- SHI-KIRI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To divide or cut tial, important, conceited in manner, off, by a partition, fence, or line; to diaffected, pedantic, bombastic. vide into compartments; to purchase SHI-KAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To do or make goods as mentioned under s/i-kiri. over again, to mend. SHIKIRI-NI, adv. Constantly, incessantly, SHIKE, n. A long rain, or continued SHIKI-SAH6, n. Law, rule, custom, usage. stormy and wet weather; a scarcity of SHI-KI-SE, n. Clothes given to a serfish in the market. Shike bz)ori, a vant at the change of the season. continuation of stormy weather. SHIKI-SHA, n. A learned man. SHIKEITO, n. The silk reeled from the SHIKI-SHI, n. Tinted or watered paper outside of a cocoon, and of an inferior for writing verses on. quality. SHI-KITARI,-rU,-fta, i. v. To be pracSHI-KETSU-YAKU, n. Styptics, or medi- ticed, or observed from ancient times. cines that stop the flow of blood. SHIKITARI, n. A custom, usage. SHI-KI (yotsu no toki), n. The four sea- SHI-KIYOKU (walakushi no magari), n. sons. Any wrong or corruption committed SHIKI (iro), n. Color, lewdness. Go for private ends. shiki, the five colors; viz., green, red, SHIKI-YOKU, n. Lust, lasciviousness. white, black, and yellow. lewdness. SHIKI, n. Law, rule, custom, usage, cere- SHIKKAI (koto-gotoku), adv. All, everymony. thing. SHI-KI (saskidzu), n. Command, order. SHIKKARI, adv. Strong, staunch; firmly, - suru, to give orders. tightly; many, much. SHI-KI, n. Military spirit. SHIKKE, n. Moist or damp air, humidity, SHIIKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To spread, to pave; dampness, moisture. to pass over, overlay. SHIKKEI, a. Disrespectful, uncivil, impoSHIKI-BUTON, n. A mattrass. lite. SHIKI-DAI, n. The stoop or pavement SHIKKUI, n. A white plaster or cement before the main entrance of a house. made by mixing lime in the water in SHIKI-GAII, n. A kind of thick paper which nori has been boiled. - suru, used for spreading over a floor. to cement. SHIKI-GAWA, n. A fur-skin used for SHIKKURI-TO, adv. Exactly, accurately, spreading on the floor or for sitting on. nicely, snugly. SHIKI-GAWARA, n. Tiles or bricks used SHIKKUWA, n. A fire, conflagration. for paving. SHIKO, n. The name of a small sea-fish. SHIKI-HO, n. Law, rule, custom, usage. SHIKODZURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To calumniSHIKII, n. The threshold, or low grooved ate, slander. beam in which a screen or door slides. SHI-KONhI, mu,-da, t. v. To make and SHIKI-ISHI, n. Flat paving-stones, a fix anything inside of something else pavement. (as the lead inside of a lead pencil, or a SHIKI-JITSU, n. A day set apart for any sword inside of a cane); to buy up, or purpose by custom or usage, holiday, lay in a quantity of goods; to teach, to festival. educate, to break to. SHIKI-KIN, n. A deposit of money as SHI-KOMNI,. Buying, or laying in goods; security, made by a tenant to the land- instruction. SHI 240 SHI SHIKON, n. The root of the Lythosper- actness, rigorous, or scrupulous nicety; mum crythrorhizon, used as a dye-stuff. precision, or regularity; discipline, orSHIKONASHI, n. Conduct or treatment der. of others; pains or activity in doing. SHI-MASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To do, to make. SHTKONASHI,-u-,- ta, t. v. To thoroughly Nani wo shimasu, what are you doscrutinize and examine; to handle, ing? treat or discuss a matter. SHI-MATSU (moto suye), n. The origin SHIIORI, n. An induration, or tumor, and end, all the circumstances, econoSHIKORO, n. The back part or cape of a my. - na hito, a careful, economical, helmet, which protects the neck. or judicious person. - wo suru, to be SHI-KOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To beat another economical, careful. at work, to do more than is required. SHIMBARI, n. A brace, fastening, or prop, SHIK6SHITE, conJ. And, it being so. as a stick placed against a door to keep SHIKU. To be as, to be like, as good as, it shut. or equal to, better than. Kannin ni SHIM-BATSU, n. Punishment inflicted by shiku wa nashi, there is nothing like the Kami, divine punishment. - wo patience. komuru. SHIKUJIRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. In doing or SHIM-BEN. Divine, miraculous or supermaking anything to spoil it, to misman- natural phenomenon. age, to commit a mistake, to blunder; SHIM-BO, n. Perseverance, diligent oi to lose, or be turned out of office or patient continuance in anything; paplace; to be dismissed. tience, patient endurance, or bearing SHIKUJIRI, n. A blunder, mistake, mis- with; self-denial. - suru, to persemanagement; turned out of office or severe, to bear patiently, to hold out, place, dismission. to abstain from. SHI-KUMI,-mU,-nda, i. v. To do to- SHIMBO, n. Axis, piston. Koma no-, gether, to be partners in, to league, the stem of a top. confederate or combine together. SIMBOCHI, n. One who experiences a SHIKURI, adv. Neatly, evenly, smoothly; change of heart and enters a convent; harmoniously. a novice. SHI-KUSE, n. Propensity to do, habit of SHIM-BOKU, n. A sacred tree. doing, way of acting or speaking, hab- SHIMBO-NIN, n. One who is persevering its, manners. in business, and denies himself useless SHIKU-SHIKU, adv. In a low voice, in a pleasures. slight degree. - to naku, to cry in a SHIM-BUN (atarashiku kiku), n. News. low voice. - no noberu, to tell the news. SHI-KUWAN. Filling a public office. - SHIM-BUN-SHI, n. A newspaper. suru, to engage in official employment. SHIME, n. A clasp, band or fastening, as SHIMA, n. An island. for a fan or umbrella. SHIMA, n. The striped figure in cloth. SHIMiE, n. The name of a small bird. SHIMA-DAI, n. A stand on which branches SIIMM, n. The amount, sum, total. of bamboo, pine, and plum, together SHI1E,-ru,-t, t. v. To tighten, to press, with figures of the crane, tortoise, of an squeeze; to fasten, to make firm, comold man and woman, are arranged and pact, or hard; to scold, reprove; to set out on marriage occasions, being shut, close; to sum up, add together; emblematic of virtue, happiness, and to take or get possession of. Hikilong life. shimeru, to draw tight. Daki-shimeSHIMAI,-au,-att, t. v. To be done, to ru, to hug tightly. Nigiri-shinteru, end, finish, conclude, terminate; to set to squeeze tightly in the hand. Kuior put away, as anything not in use. shimeru, to hold tightly in the teeth. SHIMAI, n. End, conclusion, termina- SHIME-DAKA, n. The amount, sum, total. tion. Shimai-mono, anything remain- SHIME-GI, n. An oil press. ing over. SHIMEJI, n. A kind of mushroom. SHI-MAI (ane imoto), n. Sisters. SHIME-KAZARI, n. The decorations of SHI-MAII, n. A shower of rain. straw-rope, pine, bamboo, charcoal, SHIMARI,-rU,-tta, i. v. To be tight, crab, fern, etc., hung over the door at tense, pressed together, close, compact, the beginning of the new year. shut, closed; to be strict or careful in SHIME-KIRI-DO, n. A blank or false door. conduct; to be exact, precise, rigorous; SHIME-KOROSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To choke to govern, control. to death, to strangle. SHIMARI, n. Tightness, tenseness; ex- SHIME-KUKURI,-rU-,-tta, t. v. To tie or SHI 24I SHI draw tight, as the strings of a bag, or SHIMME, n. New-sprouts, as from a pouch; to be strict, exact, as in the use stump. of money, or in business; to administer SHIM-MOTSU, n. A present. - wo suru, the law, to control, govern. to make a present. SHI-MEN (yotsu no omole), n. The four SHIMO, n. Hoar-frost. Shimo-bAshira, sides of anything. the small icy columns observed in froSHIME-NAWA, n. The straw rope hung zen, wet ground. Shimo-g-are, withbefore MIiyas. or before houses on the ered by the frost, frosty, wintry. Shibeginning of the new year. mo-kzdzure, crumbled or disintegrated SHIMERI,-ru,-Ita, i. v. To be wet, damp, by frost. moist or soaked; to be extinguished, go SHIMO, a. Below, down; Inferiors. Kaout. wa no -, down the river. - no to ka, SHIMERI, n. Dampness, moisture. the last ten days of a month. Shimo SHIMESHI,-SZ,-ta, t. v. To wet, moisten, no hito, an inferior, common people. dampen; to extinguish, put out, SHIMOBE, n. A servant. quench. SHIMOGE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be frosted SHIMESHI,-SZC-ta,. v. To show, to make frost-bitten, spoken only of fruit or vegknown, to declare, inform, to publish, etables. show forth, indicate, to instruct, ad- SHIMO-GOYE, n. Night soil, used as mamonish, teach. Yz/yake wa miyonichi nure. no ame wo-, a red sky in the evening SHIMO-JIMO, n. The lower classes, comindicates rain to-morrow. mon people. SHIMESHI, n. Anything made known or SHI-MOKU, n. The hammer, or stick declared, instruction, indication, de- used for striking a bell. claration. SHI-MON, n. Incantation, conjuration, a SHIMESHI, n. A diaper, napkin, or clout sentence or formula used in performing used to receive the excrement of in- magical arts. fants, also called o-shine. SHI-MON-SEN, n. The name of a small SHIMETE, adv. In all, the sum, amount. iron coin. SHIME-TSUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To tighten, SHIMO-ONNA, n. A female servant, maidfasten. servant. SHIMEYAKA, a. Quiet, still, free from SHIMO-OTOKO, n. A man-servant. noise, or commotion. - naru yo, a SHIMOTE, n. The lower part of a town, still night. river, etc. SHIME-YOSE,-r -tta, t. v. To press, SHIMOTO, a. A stick or rod. Goku-sotsqueeze, crowd, or force near to. su no - ni kashaku seraru, to be SHIMI,-ru,-ita, t. v. To pierce, penetrate, flogged with the gaoler's rod. or affect deeply; to smart, or cause a SHIMO-TSUKE, n. A species of Spirea. sharp, piercing pain; to stain, to spot, SHIMO-TSUKI, n. The eleventh month. discolor. Shimi-komu, to eat into, to SHIMO-YAKE, n. Frost-bite. corrode, penetrate into, as an acid; to SHIMO-YASHIKI, n. A house belonging stain. to a noble, used only as a temporary SHIMI, n. A stain. residence. SHIMI, n. A moth, book-worm. SHIMO-ZAMA, n. The lower classes, comSHI-MIDZU (kiyoki midzu), n. Pure or mon people. clear water. SHIMPAI, n. Concern, anxiety, care, soliciSHIMI-JIMI-TO, adv. In a penetrating, or tude, trouble. -suru, to be concerned deeply affecting manner. or troubled about. SHI-MIN (yotsu no tami), n. The four SHIM-PAN, (atarashii ita), n. A new classes of people; viz., the nobility, book, a new edition, a reprint. farmers, mechanics, and merchants. SHIM-PITSU, n. A genuine writing, an SHIMITARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be mean, autograph. stingy, penurious; to be lazy and slov- SHIM-PO, n. Advancement, progress. enly, indolent, or dirty. Kai-kzuwa ni- suru, to advance in SHIM-MAI, (atarashii kome). n. New civilization. rice, this year's rice. SHIM-PO, (atarashii hatto), n. A new SHIM-MAKU, (tsutsus/imfite nakare.) Be law, a new edict. careful not to do; or to avoid, do not; SHIM PUKU. Reliance, confidence, that also, careful, prudent. Mijim-zmaku in which one confides. - no banto, a careful of one's self. - suru, to be confidential clerk. -suru, to rely or careful. confide in, trust in. II SHI 242 SHI SHIMUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To do or act SHINAI,-au,-tta, i. v. To be bent, crooktowards others, to treat, behave or con- ed, curved, said of anything long and duct towards, to manage, to give, be- slender. stow. SHINA-JINA, adv. Many or various things, SHImIUKE, n. Treatment, mode of con- different articles or kinds. ducting, dealing, or managing. SHINA-KATACHI, n. Form, figure, shape. SHIN, (kami,) n. The deities of the Sin- SHINA-MONO, A thing, article; kind or too religion, God; divine, most excel- quality of anything. lent, superior. Shin-jin, the spirit or SHI-NAN, n. Teaching, instruction. soul of man. Shin-ki, vigor of body, suru, to teach, to show how. energy. Shin-rei, the soul, spirit. SHI-NAosHI,-szu,-t, t. v. To mend, reShin-riki, divine power. Shin-taku, pair, to alter, to make over. divine communication, inspiration. SHI-NARE,-ru,-ac, i. vz. To be used or Shin-toku, divine virtues, or attributes. accustomed to do or make, to learn to Shin-tsu, divine power. do, to be skilful in doing or making. SHIN, (atarashii,) a. New. — shu, new SHI-NASHI, n. Treatment, behavior, way wine. -nen, the new year. - taku, of acting or doing. a new house. - cha, new tea. SHI-NAWASE,-rU,-/a, caust. of shinai. SHIN, (kerai), n. The retainer, vassal, To cause to bend, to make crooked. serf or servant of a noble; minister of a SHINAYAKA, a. Soft and flexible, pliant, prince; officer, a subject, delicate, limber, graceful. SHIN, (kokoro), n. The heart; the wick SHINAYE, n. A bamboo sword used for of a candle; the pith of a tree; the fencing. small paper cone which supports the SHINAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To bend downhairs of a pencil; the heart or core of ward, as the branch of a tree. fruit. Aku shin, a bad heart; immor- SHIN-CHA, (atarashi cha), n. New tea, ality. Shin-chiu, in the heart. Shin- or this year's tea. jutsu, the thoughts, devices, mental SHIN-CHIU, n. Brass. operations. Shin-krzra, from the heart, SHIN-DAI, n. Property, possessions, essincerely, heartily. Shin-ki, melan- tate. choly, depression of spirits. Shin- SHIN-DO, (furui ugoku). Shaking, tremriyoku, the mind and strength. Shin- bling. -suru, to shake, tremble. rO, mental trouble. Shin-so, fancy, SHINDOI,-ki,-ku, a. Tired, fatigued. imagination. Shin-tei, the bottom of SHI-NEN, (omoi omn), n. Thinking, the heart. Shin-tsz, care, -trouble, thought, care, concern. Shinen suru, anxiety. to think. SHIN, (makoto), a. Real, genuine, true. SHIN-GAKU, n. Learning or literature re- i, indeed, really, truly. lating to God, theology. - sha, a theSHIN, (makoto otodzure), n. Truth, faith, ologian. sincerity, fidelity; word, tidings, com- SHIN-GAKU, n. Moral essays or dismunication. - wo toru, to believe, to courses, moral philosophy. be devout. - wo tsudzuru, to send SHINGARI, n. The rearguard of an army, word. Shin-jin, devotion, piety, faith. the rear; the aftermost, hindmost. SHINA, n. A thing, article; k;nd or qual- SHIN-GI, (makoto itsuwari), n. True or ity of a thing; events or circumstances, false, genuine or spurious. - wot adaSHINA, n. China. su, to ascertain whether anything is SHINA. A suffix to verbs, = upon, when, genuine or spurious. at the moment pf. Yuki-shina i, SIIIN-GI, n. The centre pin, about which upon going. Yama wo koye-shina ni, anything turns, axle-tree, axis; the imwhen crossing the mountain. portant part. SHINABI,-r,-ta, i. v. To wilt, to begin SHIN-GUWAI, (kokoro no hoka,) adv. to wither, to become soft or flaccid. Regret, sorrow. SHINA-DAMA, n. The balls and articles SHIN-GUWAN, (kokoro no negai,) n. used in sleight-of-hand tricks. Shina- Heart's desire.. dama-tsukai, a juggler, conjurer. SHINI,-urae,-da, i. v. To die. ShiniSHINADARE,-ru,-/a, i. v. To bend over hateru, to die out, to be all cut off by or lean towards; to act in a soft, sweet, death, as a family. Shini-iru, to be or loving manner to one of another sex. like one dead, as from fright. ShiniSHINA-GIRE, n. To be out or deficient of kakaru, to be at the point of death, any article of merchandise, having sold about to die. Shini-me, the time of all. death, the article of death. Shini-no SHI 243 SHI koru, to be left alive, to escape death, on the top of a fence to prevent persons -all the others having died. Shini- from climbing over. sokonau, to outliae one's time or use- SHINOBI-NAKI, n. Weeping in sefulness, to fail to die. Shlini-tayeru, cret. cut off by death, to die out. Shini- SHINOBI-TSUMA, n. A mistress kept sewvakareru, to be separated by death. cretly. Shini-yamai, a mortal or deadly dis- SuINOBIYAKA-NI, adv. Secretly, privateease. ly, stealthily, incognito, in disguise, SHINI, n. Death. clandestinely. SHINI-GAO, a. The face of one dead. SHINOBU-GUSA, n. The name of a SHINI-MONO-GURUI, n. Desperation. - vine. wo suru, to fight with desperation. SHINOGI,-gZa,-zda, t. v. To experience SHI-NIN, n. A dead person. - ni kuchi or suffer anything with fortitude, to nashil, - dead men tell no tales. bear, endure, stand, support, sustain, SHI-NISE, n. Carrying on, conducting, tolerate; to get or rise above; to pass management. or get through with. Ki katszs wo-, SHIN-JA, n. A devout, religious person; to endure hunger and thirst. a believer, a saint. SHINOGI, a. Enduring or suffering anySHINJI,-dzuru,-ta, t. v. To believe, to thing, toleration. regard as true, to believe in, to confide SHINOGI, n. The raised line along the in, trust in. Shinji-rarenu hanashi, blade of a sword. an incredible story. SHI-NOKOSHI,-SU,-a, t. v. To leave over SHIN-JI, n. A devout person, a believer, the doing of anything to another time, a saint. to put off, postpone. SHIN-JITSU, a. True, sincere, faithful, SHIN-RUI, n. Kindred, relations either honest, real. - ni, truly, sincerely, in- by birth or marriage. deed. SHIN-SATSU, n. Examination of a patient SHIN-J6, (susume ageruJ. A present. by a physician. - suru, to give as a present, to pre- SHIN-SEN, (fukai asai,) n. Deep or sent. shallow. SHIN-JU, (madama), n. A pearl. SHIN-SETSU, n. Kindness, friendliness, SHIN-JUTSU, n. Acupuncture. benevolence. - Hi, kindly. SHIN-KA, n. A retainer, serf, servant. SHIN-SETSU, (atarashii hanashi.) News. SHIN-KEI, n. A nerve. SHIN-SHA, n. Cinnabar. SHIN-KI, (arata). New. SHIN-SHO, (mi no uye,) n. Property, SHIN-KIKU, n. The name of a flowering means, substance, possessions, estate. plant. - mochi no warui hito, a person who SHIN-KIRI, n. Snuffers. manages his property badly. SHIN-KI-RO, n. A mirage. SHIN-SHOKU, (ine taberu.) Sleep and SHIN-KO, n. A kind of confectionary food, sleeping and eating. - wo wamade of rice flour. sure, to forget to eat or sleep. SHIN-K6, n. Faith, belief, trust, confi- SHIN-SOKU, n. Wonderful quickness or dence. - suru, to believe, credit, rapidity. - na, exceeding quick or trust, confide in. rapid. SHIN-KU. (kurd), n. Toil, labor, hard- SHIN-TAI, n. The body. ship, pain, difficulty, trouble. SHIN-TAI, (SUSumu, szirizoku,) n. AdSHIN-NO, n. A son of the Tenshi, the vancing and retreating. prince royal, or heir apparent. Nai- SHIN-TO, (kami no michi,) n. The reshinno, a princess. ligion or worship of the Kami, " SinSHIN-NO-ZO, n. The viscus called the tooism,"-the most ancient religion of heart, the Japanese. SHINO-DAKE, n. A small kind of bam- SHI-NUKI,-ku,-ta, t. v. To complete, boo. finish, accomplish. SHINoBI,-u,-nda, t. v. To conceal, hide, SHIN-YEKI, n. The saliva. or keep from sight, to disguise; to bear SHIN-YO, n. Faith, trust, confidence, reor endure in secret, to love, or long liance, belief. - suru, to believe, after. trust, or confide in. SHINOBI, n. Disguise, concealment; a SHIN-ZAN, (ima mairi.) Lately or newly spy, or disguised person. - na mono, arrived, a new-comer. a spy. SHIN-ZO, n. A young lady. Go-shin-z~, SHINOBI-GAYESHI, n. Sharp sticks fixed your wife. SHI 244 SHI SHIN-ZOKU, n. Kindred, relations, con- SHIPPO, n. A hurricane. nections on both sides. SHIRA. White. - wo kiru, to dissemble, SHIO, n. Salt; the water of the ocean, to pretend or feign ignorance. the tide. - wo yaku, to make salt. SHIRABAKURE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To appear -ni tsukeru, to salt, or pickle. not to know; to pretend, or feign SHIO, n. Gamboge. ignorance; to dissemble, to connive SHIO-BIKI, n. Salted, or pickled salmon. at. SHIO-BURO, n. A salt-water bath. SHIRABE,-ru,-/, t. v. To examine, inSHI-OCHI, n. Mistake, omission, over- vestigate, inquire into, to judge; to sight. tune, to play on a musical instrument. SHIODE, a. Straps or cords attached to SHIRABE, n. Examination, inquiry, inboth sides of a saddle for securing the vestigation. flap, or tying on a lantern. SHIRABE-YAKU, n. A judge. SHIO-DZUKE, n. Pickled, or salted food. SHIRA-BIYOSHI, n. A female dancer. SHIO-HAMA, n. The salt beach where SHIRA-CHI, n. Fluor-albus, whites. salt is made. SHIRAFU, n. Sober, not intoxicated or SHIo-HAYUI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Salt in taste, under the influence of drink. salty. SHIRAGA, n. Gray hair. SHIO-HI, n. The beach over which the SHIRA-GAYU, t. v. Rice gruel, congee. tide ebbs and flows. SHIRAGE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To whiten; to SHIO-KARA, n. A kind of food made by flag, decline, fail. salting fish. SHIRA-HA, n. White teeth; white feaSHIO-KARAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Over-salted, ther; a naked sword. disagreeably salt. SHIRA-HADA, n. Vitiligo. SHI-oKI,-ku,-it, t. v. To make, estab- SHIRA-HATA, n. A white flag. lish, ordain, to enact. SHIRA-JIRASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Having a SHI-OKI, n. Punishment of crime. -wo feigned or dissembling appearance, suru, to punish a criminal. hypocritical. SHIOKI-BA, n. The place where criminals SHIRA-KABE, n. White plaster. are executed, execution ground. SHIRAKE,-ru,-/a, i. v. To become white, SHIO-MIDZU, t. Salt water, brine. to grow dull, to languish, lose spirit. SHION, n. The name of a flower. SHIRA-KI, n. White wood; plain, unSIIO-OSHI, n. Salted, pickled. - ni varnished, unpainted. suru, to salt, pickle. SHI-RAKU, n. Blood-letting, venesection. SHIOPPAI,-ki,-ku, a. Salt in taste, salty, - wo suru, to bleed. briny, brackish. SHIRA-KUNIO, n. An eruption on the SHIORASIII,-ki,-ku, a. Delicate, tender scalp of children; Pityriasis (?) and refined. SHIRAMI. A louse. - takari, alousy SHIORE,-,-r a, i. v. To droop, as a person. flower; to languish; to lose heart, to SHIRAMI,- I,- ada, i. v. To become be dispirited. white, or grey; to break, as the mornSHIORI, n. A book-mark made of a thin ing; to fail, decline, languish. piece of wood. SHIRAN, n. The Bletia Hyacinthina. SHI —SE-r,-ra,-, t. v. To finish, com- SHIRA-NAMI, n. White waves-waves plete, to do, perform, accomplish, capped with foam. SHIO SHIO-TO, adv. In a sad, dispirited SHIRASE,-rU,-ta, caust. of Shiru. To manner, drooping, languishing. make or cause to know; to tell, inform, SHIo-sU, n. Muriatic acid. acquaint. SHIO-TARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be dirty SHIRASE, n. A sign, omen, prognostic, and greasy. signal. SHIO-YA, n. A salt merchant. SHIRASU, n. The place spread with white SHIO-ZE, n. A current in the ocean. sand or pebbles before a noble's door; SHIPPARAI, n. The rear-guard of an also the place where criminals are army. placed to be judged; the bar. SHIPPEI, n. A piece of broken bow, SHIRA-TSUYU, n. Dew. used as a ferule. SHIRE,-ru,-ta, poten. of Shiru. May or SHIPPO, a. The tail of an animal, bird, can know, to get the knowing of. Shifish, etc. reta koto, a thing well known. SHIPP6, (nanatsu no takara). The SHIRE-MONO, n. A fool, dunce, a cunning seven precious things, viz.: gold, silver, fellow. emerald, coral, agate, crystal, and pearl. SHIRI, a. The buttock, posteriors. - SHI 245 SHI wo hashoru, to tuck up the skirts of SHIROMI, n. The white part; a tinge of the long coat. white, white of an egg, the enamel inSHIRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To know, to under- side of a copper pot. stand. Shiri-kiwameru, to know per- SHIRO-MONO, n. Goods, merchandise, any fectly or to the utmost. article exchanged for money. SHIRI-AJ, n. An acquaintance, mutually SHIRO-MUKU, n. White garments, such acquainted. as are worn by women at funerals and SHIRI-ASHI. Hesitation, pausing in doubt, weddings. or standing ready to go back. - wofu- SHIRO-NAMADZU, n. Vitiligo. mu, to recede or go back. SHIROSA, n. The degree of whiteSHIRI-BITO, n. An acquaintance. ness. SHIRI-GAI, n. A crupper. SHIROTO, n. One who does not properly SHIRI-GOMI, n. Moving or walking back- belong to the trade or profession spoken wards, receding, holding back as in of, an outsider, an inexperienced perfear. son. SHIRI-ME, as, Shirime ni miiru, to look SHIROTORASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Having the askant, or out of the corner of the eye, look or manner of an unskilful, bungto look down on. ling, or uninitiated person. SHI-RIN-SHA, n. A four-wheeled car- SHIRO-ZAKE, n. A kind of drink made of riage. rice. SHI-RIY6, (shinda hito no tamashii), n. SHIRU, n. Juice; the fluid part of any The spirit of a dead person. substance, sap; gravy, soup. SHI-RIYO, n. Thought, consideration, SHIRUBE, n. Acquaintance, a guide, a reflection. sign or mark to show the way. SHI-RIY6, (watakushi no riyobun), n. SHIRU-KE, n. Juicy, succulent. One's own estate or territory. SHIRU-KO, n. A sauce made of red beans SHIRI-UMA, as, Shiri-uma ni noru, to and sugar, eaten with rice-cake. ride behind another on horseback; to SHIRUSARE,-rU,-ta, pass. of Shirushi. slavishly imitate another. Written, recorded, marked. SHIRI-YE, n. Behind. - ni tatsu, to SHIRUSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To write down, stand behind. to enter in a book, to record, to note, to SHIRI-ZAYA, a. A sheath made of bear mark. or tiger skin worn around the end of the SHIRUSHI, n. A mark or sign by which scabbard of the long sword. anything is known, a token, symptom, SHIRIZOKE,-r?,-ta, t. v. To cause to emblem, a badge, crest; signal; proof, retire, retreat or leave; to drive back, evidence. to cause to withdraw, to expel. SHI-SAI, n. Reason, cause, motive; matSHIRIZOKI,-kU,-ita, i. v. To retreat, re- ter, particulars, circumstances. tire, leave, withdraw. SHISAI-NI, adv. Minutely, particularly, SHIRO, n. A castle, the fortified resi- attentively. dence of a feudal chief, a fortress, SHISAIRASHII, a. Having a consequential, citadel. important, or conceited manner. SHIRO, (kawari), n. Price, money given SHI-SAKU, n. Making verses, or poetry. in exchange. - suru, to write poetry. SHIRO. A coll. imp. of Suru, = seyo, do SHI-SASHI,-sa,-t, t. v. To leave a thing it, be it, whether. Nan ni shiro ka- partly done, to lay aside. waisi-no Koto da, it is a cruel thing, be SHI-SEKI-YEI, n. An amethyst. it as it may. SHI-SEN, n. A variegated paper used for SHIRO-ATO, n. The ruins or vestiges of writing verses on. an ancient castle. SHISERI,-rU, i. v. To die. SHIROI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. White; green, SHI-SETSU, n. An ambassador, commisinexperienced. Shiroku suru, to sioner, herald. whiten. Shiroku naru, to become SHI-SHA, n. A messenger. white. SHISHI, n. A lion. SHIRO-KANE, n. Silver. SHISHI, n. A wild hog. SHIRO-KAYE, n. Barter, exchange. SHI-SHI, (shoben), n. Urine; used only SHIRO-KO, n. An albino. to children. - wo suru. SHIRO-ME, n. The white of the eye, the SHISHIBSHIO, n. Salted mince-meat. sclerotic. SHISHI-BUYE, n. A whistle used by hunSHIROMI-,-u,-nda, i. v. To become ters to decoy deer. white, whiten. SHISHI-GARI, n. A deer-hunter. SHI 246 SHI SHISHI-GASHIRA, n. A mask like a lion's SHITA-GUTSU, n. A sock, or stocking head, used by Daikagura. worn inside of a shoe. SHISHI-MII, n. The dance performed by SHI-TAI,-ki,-Kk, a. Wish to do or make. the Daikagura. Shitaku nai, don't wish to do it. SHISHInIURA, n. The flesh on the ham SHITAI,-au,-ta, t. v. To love and long and thigh. for, to yearn after, to pine for, to desire, SHI-SHIN, (.7vwaakushigokoro), n. Selfish- to follow. ness, private interest. SHITA-JI, a. The bottom or lowest part, SHI-SHO, n. A teacher, master. ground or fundamental color, texture; SHI-SOKONAI,-a/,-ada, t. v. To mar, the first coat of plaster or paint, a primhurt, injure, or spoil in doing, or mak- ing. ing anything; to do amiss. SHITAJI, n. Soy. SHI-soKu, n. Son, used in speaking re- SHITA-JITA, n. The inferior or lower spectfully of the son of another. Go classes of people. shisoku, your son. SHITAKU, n. Outfit, preparation, readiSHI-SOKU, (yotsu ashi), n. Four-footed, ness. - wo suru, to make preparation, a quadruped. to get ready. SHI-sonIE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To begin to do, SMTA-KUCHIBIRU, n. The lower lip. to do for the first time. SHITA-MABUCHI, n. The lower eyelid. SHI-SON, n. Posterity, descendant. SHITA-AXE, n. Contempt. - ni niru, to SHi-SONJI,-dzuru,-ta. t. v. To hurt, mar, look down on, to despise. injure, or spoil in doing or making any- SHiTAlI,-mU,-nda, t. v. To let a fluid thing. drain from anything. Tokkuri no miSHI-SOTSU, n. Common soldiers. dzu wa -, to drain the water from a SHISso, n. Economy, frugality, plain- bottle. ness, or simplicity in dress or food. SHITAII, n. Clap-boarding, weatherSHISU, or SHISURU. To die. boarding. - wo utsu, to clap-board. SHI-sUMASHI,-sU,-ta, t. v. To finish do- SHITA-MOTSURE, n. An impediment in ing or making anything, to accom- the speech, lisping. plish. SHITA-NAMEDZURI, n. Licking the chops, SHITA, n. The tongue. - wo maku, as an animal after eating. or - wofuri,, to be struck with fear or SHITA-OBI, n. The waist-cloth worn awe. around the loins. SH1TA, (shimo), post-Aosit. Below, be- SHITARI-GAO, n, The face of one who neath, under, down; inferior, low in has done something for which he feels rank or excellence; subordinate. - elated, a vain-glorious countenance. kara deru, to humble one's self. SHITASHII,-k, - k, - shi, a. Friendly, SHITA, n. Anything given in lieu of amicable, intimate, harmonious. Shisomething else, or to make up the dif- tashiku suru, to be friendly. ference in value of things bartered. - SHITASHIMI,-MU, -nda, i. v. To be ni toru, to take in lieu. friendly, amicable, or harmonious.. SHITA-BA, n. The lowermost leaves of a SHITASHIMI, n. Friendship, amity, hartree. mony, concord. SHITAGAI, —a,-atta, i. v. To follow, to SHITASHIMONO, n. Boiled greens. go after; to obey, to comply with, ac- SHITATAME,-rU,-ta, t. v. To write. cording with, agree to; to submit, yield, SHITATARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To drop, or conform to. drain from, to drip. SHITA-GAKI, n. The copy, or original SHITA-TARADZU, n. Tongue-tied, lisping, writing to be copied. or impediment in the speech. SHITAGANE-YA, n. A person who buys SHI-TATE,-Tr,-/a, t. v. To make up, as old metal, clothes; to tailor; to make ready, preSHI-TAGARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To desire to pare, to get up; to bring up, educate; do, anxious to do..to put on. SHITAGAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To cause to fol- SHI-TATE, n. An express messenger, low, to cause to obey or submit, bring tailoring. into subjection. SHITA-TE,. A subordinate, in subjection SHITA-GI, n. An under-garment or cloth- to another. ing. SHI-TATE-KATA, n. The manner in which SHITA-GOKORO, a. Secretly inclined, anything is got up, prepared, or minded, or disposed to anything; se- made. cretly aware or conscious of. SHITATE-YA, n. A tailor. SHI 247 SHO SHITA-UCHI, n. A clicking, or smacking SHI-TSO-ZAI, n. Anodyne medicines. sound made with the tongue. SHITTO, (netami), n. Envy, jealousy. SHITAWASHII,-ku, a. Anything longed - suru, to be jealous. for, desired, yearned after. SHITTSUI, n. Loss, waste, or sinking of SHITA-YE, n. The first draught of a pic- money from useless expenditure. ture, first copy of a drawing. SHI-UCHI, n. Treatment, behavior or SHITCHI, a. Wet or moist ground. conduct towards others. SHITE, 0A. or Shi, suru. Being, doing; SHIWA, n. Wrinkles, folds, rumples; a and, then, moreover. Nani wo - iru, crease. what are you doing? Hito wo shite SHIWABUKI, n. Clearing the throat, hemyorokobashimu, to cause joy to others. ming. SHITE, n. The principal character in a SHIWAGARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be hoarse. drama or play. Skiwagare-goye, a hoarse or harsh SHITE, n. The doer, maker. Kano shi- voice. goto no - wa dare, who did this work? SHIWAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Stingy, close, SHI-TEI, n. A disciple, follower. parsimonious, miserly, niggardly. SHITE-YARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To take by SHI-WAKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To make in a stealth and eat what belongs to an- different way, to distinguish, to divide. other. SHIWAKUCHA. Rumpled, wrinkled, disSHITE-KATA. A workman, operative. arranged, topsy turvy. SHI-TOGE,-ru,-ta. t. v. To succeed in SHIWAMB, n. A miser, a stingy fellow. doing, finish doing, accomplish. SHIWAMIw,,-,nda, i. v. To be wrinkSHI-TOME,-rU,-ta, t. v. To finish by slay- led, rumpled, ing, to give the finishing blow. SHIWA-NOSHI, n. Smoothing out the SHITO-TOME, n. A hasp or clasp, for fas- wrinkles. ~ tening a wallet. SHIWARI,-rU,-tta, i. v. To bend or curve SHITOMI, n. A kind of moveable lattice by a weight, as a pole, board. window-frame. SHIWASU, n. The twelfth month. SHITONE, n. A mattrass. SHI-WAZA, n. Work, doing, deed. SHITORI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be damp, SHI-YARI,-r,-tta, t. v. To do. make. moist. SHIYEN, n. A purgative medicine. SHITOYAKA. Easy, graceful, gentle, quiet, SHI-YEN, n. A paper kite. slow and dignified. SHIYETAGE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To oppress, SHITSU, n. Nature, constitution, sub- treat with cruelty or tyranny. stance, material. SHI-Yv, n. Private business. SHITSU, n. The itch, scabies. SHI-YO, n. The way or manner of doing SHITSU-BO, (weasureru). - suru, to for- or making anything; how to do; reget. source, expedient. SHITSU-BO (nozomi wo ushinau). To be SHI-YoI-,-ki,-k,-shi, a. Easy, pleasant disappointed, fail to get one's desire. to do or make. SHITSU-BOKU, a. Plain, rustic, unsophis- SHI-YOKU, n. One's own lusts or pleasticated, simple-minded, honest. ures, selfish desires, self-interest. SHI-TSUKE,-ra,-ta, t. v. To cultivate, SHI-ZAI, n. Capital punishment, executo till, to produce by tillage, to teach; tion. to educate; accustomed, or used to SHIZARASE,-rU,-/a, t. v. To cause to doing. move backwards, to back. Umna wo -, SHITSUKE, n. Cultivation, breeding, to back a horse. training, home instruction in morals SHIzAR,-ru,-tta, i. a. To move or go and politeness; the basting-threads in backwards, to fall back. a new garment. SHIZEN, adv. Spontaneously, of itself, SHITSUKE-GATA, n. One who instructs of its own accord; naturally, of course. in politeness, or etiquette; the rules of SHI-ZOKU, n. Family, clan, all who bear good breeding, or way of bringing up. the same surname. SHITSUKOI,,-ki,-k, a. Gross, or indeli- SHO, (fumi, kaku), n. A book, writing, cate in taste; nauseous; given to need- document. - suru, to write. less repitition, or inquiring over and SHO, (moro moro),a. Many; used in an over about the same thing. indefinite sense as a plural prefix; as, SHITSU-NEN, a. Forgetfulness. -suru, Sho-nin, the people. Sho-ko, the to forget. daimios. Sho-biyo, diseases. SHITSU-REI, a. Rude, impolite, ill-man- SHO. The fut. or dub. of Shi, suru, nered. Nani to -, what shall I do? SHO 248 SHO SH6, n. A measure, either dry or liquid, SHO-JI, (motsu tokoro), n. Property, equal to tengo, or io9,752 cub. inches; a possession, that which one owns. little more than one qt. one pt. and a suru, to have, to own, possess. half gill imperial measure. SHO-JI, n. A window or door-sash covSHO, (chiisai). Small, little in size; a ered with thin paper. Giyaman -, little in quantity. Sho no tsuki, a short a glass window. month of 29 days. Dai sh/, large and SHO6I,-dzuru,-jita, (umareru), t. or i. v. small. To produce, beget, bring forth, bear; SHO. - suru, to call, name, designate, to create, make, to cause to exist or denominate. arise, develop, to be manifested. SH6-AI, n. Nature, quality. SHO-JIKI. Honest, simple-hearted; frank, SH6-BAI, n. Mercantile business, trade; sincere, unsophisticated. also any business or occupation. - SHO-JIN, n. Abstaining from fish or suru, to trade, traffic. flesh, when attending to religious duSHO-BATSU, a. Reward and punishment. ties or on days of mourning. SHO-BEN, n. Urine. - wo suru, to SHO-jo, n. A letter, epistle, dispatch, urinate. document. SH6-BI, n. Praise, applause, commenda- SHO-J6, (iszagiyoz). Clean, free from detion. - suru, to praise. filement. SHd-BU, (kachi make), n. Win or lose, SH6-JO, n. The orang-outang. victory or defeat, a contest. - wo SHO-J1-HI, n. Red woolen cloth. kessuru, to decide a contest. Sho-bu- SHO-KACHI, n. Female gonorrhcea or gota, any kind of game of skill, contest. leucorrhcea. SHi-BU, n. The sweet flag, Acorus Ca- SHO-KAN, n. A letter, epistle, dispatch, lamus. document. SH6-CHI, n. Consent, permission, assent, SHO-KATSU-mBIY, n. Diabetes. - suru, to know, feel, be aware of, to SHO-KE, n. A common Budd. priest of understand, concur in, to consent, as- the lowest order. sent to, accede, grant. SHO-KI, n. Right mind or senses. - wo SHO-CHI, n. The management, conduct ushinau, to lose one's right mind, to of business treatment, or direction of become delirious. - ni naru, to come a matter; business, matter. - suru, to one's self. to manage, direct, deal with. SHO-KIN, n. Money or cash-not barter. SHO-CHIU, n. Alcohol, or distilled spir- - de kau, to buy with money, to pay its. the cash. SH6-DAI. Invitation. - suru, to in- SHO-KIN-ZAI, n. Antiphlogistic medivite, call. cines. SH6-DOKU, n. Counteracting poison. - SHOKKAKU, n. A dependant, one who suru, to counteract apoison. -yaku, depends on another for support. or - zai, an antidote to a poison. SHO-KO, n. Proof, testimony, evidence. SH6-FU, n. A starch made of wheat SHO-CO-NIN, n. A witness. flour. SHOKU, n. Trade, mechanical employSHa-GA, n. Ginger. ment, business, duty, office. SHO-GAI, (iki no kagiri), n. Life, period SHOKU, (kurau). Eating, taking food, or duration of life, life-long. IsshS-gai, appetite. - suru, to eat. - bun, the whole life. something or enough to eat. Fu - SHOGAKUB6, n. A large kind of turtle. no appetite. SHO-GATSU, n. The first month. SHOKU, (tomoshibi), n. A light, lamp. SH6-GENGI, n. A quadrant. SHOKU-BA, n. The place where a workSH6-GI, n. A camp stool. man does his work. SH6-GI, a. The game of chess. SHOKU-BUN, n. One's duty, branch or SH6-GI, n. A wooden mallet used for department'of work, the part of one's striking a fire-bell. business or employment. SHO-GIYO, (okonau tokoro), n. Actions, SHOKU-DAI, n. A candle-stick, lampconduct, deeds, doing. stand. SHO-GJUN, n. A general, commander-in- SHOKU-D6, n. The gullet, aEsophagus. chief of an army. SHOKU-GIY6, n. Business, proper work, SHO-I, (nasu tokoro), n. The deed, do- duty, occupation. ing, work; cause, reason; effect, con- SHOKU-JI, (ku-koto,) n. Eating, taking sequence, result. food, appetite. - wa ikaga, how is SHO-JAKU, (skomotsu), n. A book. your appetite? SHO 249 SHO SHOKU-JO, n. The Weaver or the star SHOSA-GOTO. Moving the hands to muVega, near the Milky-way. sic, as dancers. SHOKU-MOTSU, (kui mono), n. Food, ar- SHO-SAI, n. A library, study, or reading tides of food, victuals, provisions. room. SHOKU-NIN, n. A mechanic, artisan. SHO-SAN. - suru, to bring forth a stillSHOKtU-RIY, n. Provisions, materials for born child, or bring forth prematurely. eating, food. SHO-SAN-GIN, n. Nitrate of silver, or luSHOKU-SEN, n. A woollen table cover. nar caustic. SHOKU-SHd, n. Pain, or sickness pro- SHO-SEI, n. A pupil, scholar, student. duced by something eaten, indiges- SHO-SEKI, n. Nitrate of potash, salttion. petre. SHOKU-TAI, n. Indigestion. SH6-SEKI-SAN, n. Nitric Acid. SHd-KUWA, n. Digestion. - no warui SHO-SEN, adv. In the end, at last, after mono, an indigestible thing. all; the conclusion or sum of the whole SHO-KUWAI, n. A mercantile company, matter; the result. or firm. SHO-SEN, (akinai bune,) n. A merchant SH6-KUWAN, n. A mercantile house. ship. SHOKU-YE, (kegare ni fureru). Cere- SH6-SHA, n. A mercantile company or monial uncleanness. firm. SHOKU-YOKU, (tabetai,) n. The desire SHO-SAI. Pitiful, sad, to be commiserated. for food, appetite. - na koto, a sad business. SHOMBORI-TO, adv. Little, small in quan- SHO-SHI, n. A book-store. tity, solitary, alone. SHO-SHIKI, n. All kinds of things, comSHO-METSU, (kiye horoburu). - suru, modities, goods. to put an end to, to blot out, expunge. SHO-SHIN, (nobori susumu), n. PromoZai-sho -, to blot out sins. tion, advancement in rank or office. - SH6-MI, n. The true or exact weight, the suru. real substance or essence separated from SHO-SHITSU, (yake useru). Consumed, adventitious matter. or burnt up. SHO-MO, (nozomi), n. That which one SHO-SHO, n. A writing to certify to anydesires or hopes for; also = " encore," thing, or as evidence; a deed, certifiwhen used to bring back a geisha. cate. Yaku-jJ, a deed of contract. SH6-MON, n. A bond, voucher, certifi- SH6-SH6, adv. A little in quantity or cate, debenture, and writing made as degree. evidence or in proof of a transaction. SHO-SOKU, n. Word, tidings, message, SHO-MOTSU, n. A book. account. - wo suru, to send word. SHO-NE, n. Sensation, sense, feeling, SH6-sui, (yase otoroyeru). - suru, to disposition, temper. - wo ushinau, become emaciated, or cadaverous. to lose one's senses. - wo ireru, to SHo-sUI, n. Urine. give close attention; to endow with SHO-TAI, n. Holding property, keeping sense, as an idol. house. - wo motsu, to be a houseSHO-NEN, n. One young in years, a young holder, or to keep house. - dogu, man. house-keeping articles. SH6-NI, n. A little child. SH6-TAI, (makoto no karada,) n. True SHO-NIN, n. A merchant. or real person or cha.acter, natural SH6-NIN, n. A witness. condition of mind or b(dy. Sake ni SHO-NIU-SEKI, n. A stalactite. yte - wo ushinazn, he was so drunk SHO-N6, n. Crude camphor. he was not himself. SHO-RAI, n. Nature, essential quality of SHd-TATSU. - suru, to attain to emiany thing. nence in, be proficient or adept in. SH6-RI, n. Victory or advantage in a SHOTCHIU, adv. Always, constantly, incontest, mastery. cessantly. SHO-RIN, n. A bookstore. SHO-TE, (hajime,) n. The first, beginSHO-RIYO, n. Estate, territory, domin- ning, commencement. - kara, from ion, jurisdiction, the first or beginning. SH6-RO, n. A bell-tower. SHO-TOKU. That which one earns or SHo-RO, n. Indisposition, sickness. gets; income, revenue, earnings, perSH6-RUI, (ikeru tagui), n. Things that quisites. have animal life, animal kingdom. SHO-TOKU, (umazretsuki,) adv. NaturalSHO-SA, n. Conduct, actions, deeds, be- ly, by force of one's nature, inborn, havior, doings. constitutionally. II* SHO 250 SHU SH6-YA, a. The head man of a village. science or accomplishments. - suru SHO-YAKU, n. A secretary, clerk, wri- to practice, study, cultivate, to do. ter. SHU-GIYO-JA, n. A religionist, devotee SHO-YEN, n. Relationship, connection; pilgrim. acquaintance, friend, or helper. SHU-GO, (mamnoru). - suru, to guard, SH6-YEN-ZAI, n. Antifebrile medicines, protect, keep, preserve, watch over. febrifuge. SHU-GOKU-SHI, n. A gaoler, sheriff. SHO-Yo, (Zmchiiru tokoru), n. Anything SHU-I, n. The principal purpose, main which one uses. Kore wa watakushi object, chief end, intention; point, - da, this is a thing which I use. purport or subject of a matter; the mo. SHO-YO,. Urine. - suru, to urinate. tive. SH6OY, n. Soy, a kind of sauce made of SHU-IN, n. A red seal, or stamp. fermented wheat and beans. SHO-JAKU, n. Excessive fondness or atSHO-ZA, (kami za,) n. The upper or tachment for anything; fascination, inhighest seat in a room, or assembly. fatuation. SHO-z6, (nitaru katacki), n. A likeness, SHU-JIN, (nushi, arauji), n. Lord, masportrait. ter. SHO-ZOKU, u, Dress, garb, clothes, uni- SHO-JITSU, n. The whole day, from form, livery, trapping, adorning. morning to night. SHO-ZOKU. Belonging to, subject to, un- SHU-JO, (moro-hito,) n. All the living, der the dominion or power of. men, all mankind. SHO-ZON, (om5 tokoro,) n. The thoughts, SHiT-Ju, (kusa gusa). Many kinds, vawhat one is thinking about, mind, rious kinds. opinion. - no hoko, different from SHU-KI, (sake no ki,) n. The taste, or what was expected. smell of wine. SHU, n. Vermillion, cinnabai, red ink. SHU-KIKU, (mari wo keru,) n. Playing - de kaku, to write with red ink. at foot-ball. SHU, (nushi), n. Lord, master. - to SHU-KIN, (tenugui,) n. A handkerchief. suru, to make it the prime object. SHU-KIYO, n. Exhilarated with wine. SHU. The many, the multitude, the peo- SHUK-KAKU, (kaku wo idzuru). Extrapie; a plural particle. -jin, the peo- ordinary, different from the usual meple, all men. Yakuninshsu, the offi- thod, rule, or order; exception. cers. Hiyakusho-s/zl, the farmers. SHUKKE, (iye wo idzuru,) n. Forsaking SHlu, (kuni), n. A state, province. Cho- home, surname, and the world, to enter shzJ, the province of Nagato. a Buddhist monastery; a Bonze, or SHU-BI, (hajime owari), adv. or n. From Buddhist priest. beginning to end, case, opportunity, SHUKKIN, (ide-tsutomeru). Attending time. -yoku, all has passed off well, to one's official duties away from favourably, or fortunately. home. SHU-BIKI, n. Drawing a red line along SHUKKUWA, n. The breaking out of a words, or on maps to mark boundary conflagration or fire. lines. SHU-KO, (omomuki,) n. Plan, contrivSHU-BUN, n. The autumnal equinox. ance; design, style; an act, play, or SHU-DAN, (tetate), n. Plan, scheme, way, performance in a theatre. - suru, to device. - ga tsukanu, can't devise plan, design. any plan. SHUKU, n. A constellation,- of such the SHU-DOKU, n. Indigestion or pain in the Japanese reckon 28. stomach from excessive drinking of ar- SHUKU, n. A lodging place, a post-stadent spirits. tion or place where relays of horses and SHU-DZUMI, n. Red ink. coolies are kept. - suru, to stop, to SIIU-FUKU. - suru, to repair, as a build- lodge at a hotel or inn. ing, fence, wall. SHUKU, (iwau). Congratulation, felicita. SHU-GI, n. An assembly of persons for tion, celebration. Shinnen wo -suru, consultation or deliberation; the whole to celebrate the new year. council. - in, parliament, congress, SHUKU-BA, n. A post-station, or halting convention. place, a lodging place. SHU-GI, (i7wai,) n. Congratulation, felic- SHUKU-BO, n. A temple, in which travelitation, compliment. ers may rest or lodge. SU-GIY6, (okonaiwo osameru), n. Reg- SHUKU-G6, n. Deeds done in a previous ulating the conduct, self discipline; the state of existence, for which retributions practice, study, or cultivation of virtue, are received in this. SHU 251 SO SHUKU-GUWAN, n. An old or long- SHU-SEKI-SAN, n. Tartaric acid. cherished desire. SHO-SHI, n. A religious sect, or denomiSHUKU-H6, n. Guns fired in honor of nation. anyone, or to celebrate any occasion. SHO-SHIN, (kokoro wotoru). Earnest de- wo suru, to fire a salute. sire, ambition, hope, aspiration; passion SHUKU-I, n. Malice, enmity or grudge for, fondness for, attachment. of long standing. SHU-SOKU, (te ashi,) n. Hands and SHUKU-SEI, (maye no yo,) n. A previous feet. state of existence. SHUS-SAN, n. Parturition. - sure, to SHUKU-SUI, n. Drunkenness continued bear, to beget, bring forth a child. for several days. SHUS-SEI, (yO ni deru). Rising in the SHO-KUWAI,(tsudoi-au,) n. An assembly, world, rising in rank, dignity, or foran assemblage, meeting. - suru, to tune; prospering in business, leaving assemble. the world to enter a monastery. SHUM-BUN, n. The spring equinox. SHUS-SEI, (sei wo dasu). Putting forth SHO-MON, n. Religious sect. strength, striving or exerting one's self SHU-MOTSU, (dekimono,) n. A sore, to do anything. -suru. ulcer, or boil on the skin. SHUS-SEKI, (sekiye ideru). Going to an SHUN, (haru,) n. Spring; time when any assembly, or meeting. article of food is in season. SHUS-SEN, (defune). The sailing or deSHU-NEN, n. Ambition, unceasing desire, parture of a ship. hope, longing or aspiration after any- SHUS-SHI, S. Attendance on official thing. duties, official service. SHO-NEN, n. The whole year. SHUS-SH6, (unzare deru). - suru, to be SHU-N6, (osameru,) n. Gathering, col- born, to beget. lecting; revenue, receipts, collections. SHUS-SHO, (deru tokoro,) n. The place Shu-no-cho, a book in which the sums from which a thing has originated or paid in or collected are registered. come forth; origin, beginning. SHUPPAN, n. Sailing out of port, setting SHUSU, n. Satin. sail. - suru, to set out on a voy- SHU-SUDZURI, n. A red ink stone. age. SHUT-CH6, (debari). - suru, to leave SHUPPAN, a. Publishing, editing. -su- home and open shop, to do business in ru, to publish, or edit. another place, to go forth and commence SHUPPON, (idete hashiru). Running military operations. away, absconding. - suru, to run or SHU-TO, (uye-boso,) n. Vaccine disease, flee away, to abscond. vaccination, - suru, to vaccinate. SHO-REN, n. Penurious, stingy, parsi- SHO-TO, n. Father-in-law. monious, miserly. SHU-TO-ME, n. Mother-in-law. SHU-REN, (narai-neru,) n. Skill or dex- SHUT-TSU, (minato wo deru). Leaving terity acquired by long practice. port, exportation. SHU-REN. Astringent. - suru, to be SHUTSU-GEN, (arawareru). The appearastringent; to constringe, constrict, to ing or manifestation of an invisible bebe penurious. ing. Kaziga — shi-tanzau. SHU-REN-ZAI, n. Astringent medicines. SHUTSU-N6, (dashi ire,) n. Expenditures SHU-RIKEN, n. A dirk, used by throw- and receipts, paying out and taking in ing. money. - suru, to pay out, and reSHU-RO, n. A small brazier for warming ceive money. the hands. SHUTSU-ZA, (zaye deru). - suru, to go SHU-RO, n. A species of palm-tree, palm- and take one's seat in an assembly or etto. meeting. SHU-R6, n. A restaurant. SHUT-TAI, (dekiru). - suru, to be done, SHU-RO, n. A bell-tower, belfry. made; to finish. SHO-RON, n. A dispute between religious SHF-YA. The whole night. sects. - suru, to dispute about SHU-YEN, (sakamori,) n. A banquet, sects. feast, or entertainment, where wine is a SHU-RUI, n. Kind, class, species, varie- principal article. ties. SH-vuv, (sukoshi no aida). A short time, SHUSABI, n. A nose red and swollen from an instant, moment. drinking spirits..So, a. Coarse, rude, rough, unpolished, SHU-SEKI, a. Handwriting, penman- inelegant; thin, not close together. ship. So-butsu, anything coarse in texture SOB 252 SOD or make, or form. So-cha, coarse or the rise or fall in the market price of inferior tea. So-juku, coarse clothes. anything. Soba-dzuke, a price-current. So-gon, vile language. So-jiki, mean Soba-shi, a speculator in the market food. So-mitsu, coarse or fine. So- price of any commodity, a gambler in shoku, coarse food. So-shu, bad wine. stocks, a stock-jobber, or broker. So na mouo, a coarse thing. SOBA-DZUKAYE, n. A page, waiter, atSo, (senzo,) n. Ancestor, progenitor. tendant. WVaga so, my ancestor. So-biyo, an- SOBADACHI,-tSU,-/ta, i. v. To be steep, cestral temple. So-bo, grandmother. precipitous, to be erect. So-/u, grandfather. SOBADA.TE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To erect, or put So, n. The strings used as a warp for in a perpendicular position; to slope, floor matting. Tatami so wo umu. slant, or stretch out. Mimi wo -, to So, (bodzuz,) n. A Buddhist priest, a prick up the ears. Ashi wo -, to stand bonze. So-zoku, the clergy and laity. on tiptoe. So, adv. So, thus, this way, this man- SO-BAI. The same quantity added, or rener. - de wa ni, it is not so. - shite peated; as, Ni-sobai, twofold, or twice oku, let it be as it is. as much. So, (subete,) a. The whole. -- taka, the SOBA-I, n. Sitting apart, or away from whole amount. - shime, whole sum, others in an offended or sulky manner. total. So-betsu, all or singly, together SOBAKASU, n. Freckles. or separately. So-kei, the whole SOBAME,-rU,-ta, t.v. To turn sideways. amount. So-mi, the whole body. So- AMe wo sobamete miru, to look askant, miyo, general name. So-tai, generally, or sideways. for the most part, the majority. SOBA-ME, n. A concubine. So, (kusa,) n. Grass, herb; a running SOBA-SOBASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Distant, cool, hand, or grass character. - de kaku, unfriendly; sulky, morose. to write in a running hand. So-an, a SOBAYE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be familiar and thatched cottage. SO-moku, grass and rude, to take liberties with, and be too trees, the vegetable kingdom. free in one's conduct to others. So, n. The numeral in counting ships or SOBIKI,-ku,-ta, t. v. To pull or drag by boats. Fune is-so, one ship. San-so, force. Sobiki-dasu, to drag out. three sail. SOBIRA, n. The back. So, (kuwayeru). A syllable used in SOBIYAKASHI,-sZ-,-ta, /. V. To elevate, adding numbers together. Ski ni roku erect, to stretch up. Kata wo -, to so no t0, four and six make ten. elevate or shrug the shoulders. So, (otodzure,) n. Message, tidings, SoBIYE,-ru,-ta, i. V. To be erect, to word, account, news, order. — ga nai, stretch up high. no news, no word. - wo suru, to send So-BO. Coarse and violent, rude, careword. less, vulgar; unrefined in manner. So, n. Physiognomy; looks, appearance na hito, a careless person.. of, likelihood, probability; used fre- SOBURI, n. Manner, deportment, behavquently as a suffix to verbs. Yedo ni ior, appearance. ari-so na mono, a thing which is likely SO-CHI, adv. That place, there, that to be in Yedo. A me ga furi-so-da, it thing, (pointing to it). You. Sochira, looks like rain. Hito no - wo miru, id. to examine the physiognomy. S6-CHo, (asa hayaku), n.. The early SO-AIX n. Chinese grass slippers. morning, early in the morning. SOBA, n. Side, the place near, adjoining, SODA, n. Branches of trees or brushcontiguous. wood used for lighting fires. SOBA, n. The steep side of a mountain, SoDAcHI,-su,-t/a, i. v. To grow, to ena precipice, cliff, large in bulk or stature, to be reared SOBA, n. Buckwheat. - no ko, buck- up, brought up. wheat meal. Ki-soba, pure buckwheat. SODACHI, n. Growth, bringing up, rearSoba-gaki, porridge or mush made of ing, education, cultivation. buckwheat. Soba-gara, the chaff or SO-DAI, (subete no kawari), n. The shells of buckwheat. Soba-kiri, a kind agent, deputy, substitute orrepresentaof food made of buckwheat. Soba-ya, tive of a body or number of persons; a a shop or eating-house where food made committee. of buckwheat is sold. SO-DAN, (ai-katari), n. Talking togethSO-BA, n. The current or market price, er, consultation, conference. - suru, exchange. - wo suru, to speculate on to consult or confer together. SOD 253 SOK SODATE, —r,-ta, t.. To raise, to bring S6-HKTSU, n. The hair unshaven, long up, rear up, to cause to grow, culti- hair. vate. SO-HO, (riyo-hk), n. Both sides, both SODE, a. The sleeve of a garment. So- parties, both persons. de-gaki, a short fence adjoining a So-i, (utoki kokoro), n. Distant, strange, house. Sode-goro, a small censer used cold, or unfriendly in feeling; treating by carrying in the sleeve. Sode-jiru- with neglect; mostly connected with a s/i, the badge or coat of arms worn on negative; as, Soi-naku, without rethe sleeve. ~ Sode-kuchi, the end or serve or neglect, intimate, friendly. hole of a sleeve, the cuff. SO-I, (ai-tago), n. Difference, discrepanSODE-MAKURA, n. A pillow made of the cy, mistake, error, failure. - naku, arm and sleeve. - wo shite neru, without fail. sleeping with his arm for a pillow. S6I,-o,-t1a, i. v. To be at the side of, SO-DEN, (ai tsutaye), n. Handed down near to, along with; added, joined, or transmitted from one generation to united, annexed, or associated with, apanother, inherited. -noyaku-ho. pended. Kawaa ni sote yuku, to go SODENAI,-k',-ku, a. Different from what along, or follow the course of the river. it should be; not true, insincere, false. Kokoro mio nmi niesowadzu, to lose one's - mono, counterfeit article. presence of mind. SODE-NASHI, n. A vest or jacket with- SOI-BUSHI, n. Sleeping together. out sleeves. SOI-MONO, n. Anything that appertains, SODE-TOME, n. The sewing up of part belongs to, or is always associated with of the sleeve when a child becomes something else, an appendage; as, Ya about five years old so as to make a wat yumi ni -, the arrow belongs to pocket. the bow. SODE-UTSUSHI, n. Handing anything se- SOI-NE, n. Sleeping together. cretly to another through the sleeve. SOITSU, n. A word of contempt, that SO-D6, n. Disturbance, riot, tumult, up- rascal, that fellow; also that thing, or roar, row, war. - wo suru, to make a affair. disturbance. Sd-IU. That kind, such, that way, that SO6-OKU, n. Syphilis. manner. - koo de wa nai, there is no So-DOKU, a. Reciting the names of the such thing. Chinese characters without learning S6JI, a. Cleaning, putting to rights, puttheir meaning, as children in first learn- ting in order by sweeping or dusting. ing to read. S6JITE, adv. Generally, for the most SO-DOSHIYORI, n. A magistrate of a city, part, commonly, all, universally. town, or village, selected from the com- So-j6, (uttaye gaki), n. A written pemon people. tition, memorial, or complaint to offiSODZU, n. The effigy of a man, used to cials. scare animals or birds from a grain- S6-JUTSU, n. The art of using the spear, field; a scarecrow, the spear exercise. SO-GAMI, n. Unshaven head, long hair. SO-KEN, n. The white garment worn by S6-GAN-KIYO, n. An opera-glass. a priest, a surplice. SOGARE,-r,-ta,.aZss. andsot. of Sogi, to S6-KEN, (sukoyaka). ftrong, robust; be sliced or cut off. hale, healthy. SoGE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be cut, pared, or SOK-KA, iro. You, (used in addressing sliced obliquely, to be splintered; to another respectfully). cut or get rid of an unwelcome com- SOKKENA!,-ki,-ku, a. Uncivil, rude, unpanion. courteous. SO-GEKI, n. Sudden difficulty, pressing SOK-KIN, n. Ready money, cash paid emergency. down. - de kau, to buy for cash. SOGE-SOGE, adv. Cut up into various SOK-K6, n. Immediate action, or quick shapes, discordant, disagreeing, dis- operation of medicines; instant reunited. lief. SoGI,-gu,-ida, t. v. To cut or pare off SOK-KOKU, adv. In a moment, instantly, obliquely, as in pointing a pencil or immediately, at once. stake; to slice off, to chip off. Seki- SOK-KON, adv. Now, at once, this mohitsu wo -. ment, immediately. SO-GO, (kui-chigau) - suru, to cross, SOK-Kd-SHI,. The name of a medicinal oppose, be contrary to, not to suit or plaster. agree. SOKKURI, adv. All just as they are with SOK 254 SOM out disturbing or moving; entirely, SOKU-JITSU, adv. Same day, immediatewholly. - ni shite oke. ly. SOKO, adv. That place, there, that. SOKU-RIYO. - suru, To measure the SOKO, n. The bottom, the lowest part depth, height or length of anything of anything. - wo ta'taku, to empty great. Umni wo- suru. to the last particle, as by striking the SOKURO, n. A bribe, or present made to bottom of a measure when turned up. gain the favor of another. - wo kau, Sotco, n. The wall or rampart of a cas- to employ bribes. tie, the earth thrown out of a ditch or SOKU-SAI. Free from sickness, misforintrenchment and used as a defence. tune or evil. - ni kurashile oru. SOKOBAKU, adv. A good deal, much, SOKU-SEN, n. Snuffers. many. SOKU-SHI, n. Sudden death, dying on SoKODE, conj. Then, after that, where- the spot. upon. SOKU-SOKU, adv. Quietly, softly, gentSOKO-oDZUI, n. Packed or stowed away ly. in the bottom of a ship, box, etc. SOKU-TAI, n. The court costume. SOI;OHAKA-TO-NAKU, adv. Without ob- SOKU-TO, n. Immediate or instant anject, or special reason. swer; replying at once. SOKOHI,. Amaurosis. S6-KUTSU, n. The den of a wild beast. SOKO-I, n. Secret, concealed or latent SOKU-ZA, adv. On the spot, immediatethoughts or intentions, reservation. ly, while sitting. SOKO-KIMI, n. The deep or latent feel- SOMIA-BITO, n. A woodman, wood-choping or emotion which is felt but not per. manifested, like the shudder which is SoMARI,-ru,-t a, i. v. Dyed, colored, felt in looking over a precipice; shud- tinged, stained; to be imbued, or imder, fear, aversion. pregnated with. SOKO-NMAMlE, a. Corns on the sole of the SO-MATSU. Coarse, rough, rude, carefoot. less, badly made, vulgar. Oya wo - SOKO-MoTo, ro. You. nisuru, to behave disrespectfully to SoKONAI,-au.-atla, t. v. To injure, hurt, parents damage. harm, to spoil, to mistake. SoMiE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To dye, to stain, Kiki-sokonau, to mistake in hearing. tinge, color; to imbue or impregnate Deki-sokonau, to spoil anything in with. Aka-zomne, dyed red. Kuromaking. zome, dyed black. SOKO-NUKE, n. Without a bottom. - SOME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To begin, or do anyno oke, a bucket without a bottom. thing for the first time, only used in SoKOI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To flow or rise, comp. with other verbs; as, Arukispoken only of the tide. someru, to begin to walk. Saki-soSOKO-SOKO-NI, adv. In a hasty, hurried, meru, begin to bloom. Kiki-someru, or half-finished manner. to hear for the first time. SOKOTSU. Rude, coarse, vulgar in man- SOME-IRO, n. The color of which anyners, rough, unpolished, gross, care- thing is dyed. less. SOMNE-KAYESHI, —u,-ta, t. V. To dye anySOKO-TSUKI, n. Sticking to the bottom, thing in a different color, to re-dye. as anything cooking in a pan or pot; SOME-KUSA, n. Dye-stuff. burnt, charred. SOME-MONO, n. Anything undergoing the SOKU. A pair of anything worn on the process of dyeing. feet or legs. Tabi-is-soku, a pair of SOME-MONO-YA, n. A dye-house, or stockings. dyer. SOKU, n. A bundle, used in counting S6-MEN, n. Vermicelli. paper, straw, wood, etc.; a hand's SOME-TSUKE, n. Figured, either by the breadth, in measuring the length of an pencil, as porcelain, or by dyeing. arrow. Kami is-soku, one ream of SoNII,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be dyed. paper. S6-MlIYO-DAI, n. An agent, deputy, subSOKUI,-7,-27ta, t. v. To bind several stitute, or representative of a body, or things into a bundle or sheaf, to bun- number of persons. die. SOM-M6, n. Loss of money. SOKuII, n. Paste made of boiled rice. SO-ION, n. The principal gate or enSOKU-JI, adv. At once; this moment, trance into a castle. immediately; the same hour, or in- SOMo-soMo, conj. Used in commencing stant. a narrative or introducing a new sub SOM 255 SOR ject, - Now, things being so, after thing. - ni naku na, don't cry so this. much. So.tPusHI, n. A teacher who resides in SONNARA, adv. If so, so then, - kayerS, the house of his pupils; a tutor, or so then I will return. traveling instructor. SONO, n. A flower-garden. SOMUKE,-ru,-a, t. v. To cause, or make SONO, adv. or pro. That, those; his, turn the back to, to turn away. hers, its. - nmama, that way or manSoMuUKI,-k,,-ita, t. v. To turn the back ner, just as it is. - nocki, after that, on, to act contrary to, to oppose, dis- afterwards. - uchi, during that time, obey, rebel against, to transgress, in the mean time. - uye, besides that, break. in addition to that, moreover, still more, SON. - suru, to cause to be, or continue furthermore. -yuye, on that account, in existence, to preserve. Inochi wo -, for that reason, therefore. - hoka, beto preserve one's life. sides that, moreover. - mi, he, himSON, n. Loss. — wo suru, to lose. Son- self, itself. Sono-ho, that side, that toku, loss and gain. country, that person, or thing; you. SON, n. Descendant, posterity. Sono-kami, formerly, anciently. SonoSON, n. A numeral in counting tubs, bar- moto, you. rels, casks, etc. Sake is-son, one barrel SON-RIYO, n. The expenses or hire, price of wine. paid for things hired, such as clothes, SON, (tattoki). Honorable, respected, furniture, utensils. noble, a term of great respect used in SON-SHITSU, n. Loss. addressing or speaking of high, or di- SON-VEKIn. Loss and gain, increase or vine persons. Son-gan, honorable face, diminish, advantage or disadvantage. or your face. Son taiin, your honor- S6o-, a. Suitable, fitting, becoming; able father. Son-pi, noble and ignoble. middling or tolerably good circumSon-i, majesty. Son-go, honorary name stances. or title. SOPPA, n. Projecting front teeth. SONATA, pron. That side, you,-spoken SoPPo, n. Reckless, careless, or extravato inferiors. gant in speaking, or acting. SONAWARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To have or to SORA, n. The sky, the heavens; the be endowed with, to be fully furnished, space between heaven and earth; time, to be perfect, or complete in, to possess, or season; false, fictitious, feigned, SoNAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To set before an sham, pretended; flighty. - de yomu, honorable person, to offer; to set in or- to recite from memory. Sora-toboke der, arrange, to provide against; to fur- feigning ignorance. - warai, feigned nish, to endow with. laughter. - ne, feigned sleep. -yoi, SONAYE, n. Provision, preparation; dis- pretended intoxication. - mimi, preposition, order, or arrangement. tending not to hear. -yamai feigned SoNEMI,-nmu,-nda, t. v. To envy, to be sickness. - tsumbo, feigned deafness. jealous of. - usofuku, whistling in affected ignoSONEII, n. Envy, jealousy. rance. — ini, pretending to be dead. SO-NEN, (sakannaru toshi), n. The Sora-make, feigning defeat. Sora-shi, flower of one's age, an adult. a shamming, pretending, feigning; a SO-NIN, n. An informer, a complainant, pretender, shammer. a plaintiff. SORA-GOTO, n. A falsehood, a lie, a ficSoNJI,-dzuru,-ta, t. v. To injure, hurt, tion, sham. damage, spoil; to mistake, to do er- SORA-IRO, n. A sky-blue color. roneously. SORA-MAME, n. The name of a large SON-KIN, n. Money s ink or lost in busi- bean. ness. SO-RAN, n. Disturbance, commotion, war. SON-KIYO. - suru, to sit in the Japanese SORANJI,-r,-ta, t. v. To recite from fashion. memory, to commit to memory. SON-KIYO, (mura ni oru), n. Residing SoRAsE,-ru,-ta.. v. To cause to bend in the country. or curve, to crook, arch, bend back. SON-KIYO, (tattobi uyamau). - suru, SORASHI,-s,-ta, t. v. To cause to glance to honor and respect, to reverence, ve- or fly off; to turn off; to offend. nerate, to hallow. Kami wo- suru, SORASHI,-sU,- ta, caust. of Sori. To to reverence the Kami. cause or let shave. SONNA, a. That kind, such, so much. - SORA-TSUKAI,-aU1,-a/a, i. v. To feign, koto de wa nai, it is not that kind of sham, pretend, make believe, dissemble. SOR 256 SOT SORE, pro. That. - demo yoi, that plete the full number, to furnish or supwill do. - kara, after that, then. - ply with anything requisite. yuye, on that account, therefore. - So-SAKU, (saguri-motomeru). — suru, kore, this and that, here and there, to search for, make inquiries after. about. - dake, that much. Sore-sore, SO-SHI, n. A copy-book, for learning to that and that, each and every one. write. SORE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To glance, or fiy off SO-SHIKI, n. The tissues of which the obliquely, to be offended or turned body is composed. away; to be bent, curved, to deviate SO-SHIKI, n. Funeral rites, obsequies. from the right way, deflected. SoSHIRI,-ru,-ita, t. v. To speak evil of, SoRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be shaved. to rum down, decry, vilify, backbite, SOREGASHI. A certain person, used when slander, calumniate. the name is unknown; also, I. SOSHITE, adv. So doing, then, after that, SO-REI, n. Obsequies, funeral ceremonies, So-sHO. - suru, to make a complaint to funeral. officials, to accuse, impeach, to bring SO-REN, n. Drill, exercise, training, ma- suit against. nceuvres. - suru, to drill, train, or So-so, a. Coarse, vulgar, rude, unrepractice the exercises, as military or fined; carelessness, heedlessness. naval. So-so, adv. Quickly, with haste, expeSORE-YA, n. An arrow that has glanced, ditiously. or flown wide of the mark. So-so, (homuri), n. A funeral. - suru, SO-RI, n. The pores of the skin. to inter, to bury. SoRI,-ru,-ta,. v. To shave. Hige wo. SOSOGASE,-ru-ta, caust. of Sosogu. To SoRI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To bend backwards make or let sprinkle. or outwards, to warp, to curve, to lean SosoGI,-gz,-ida, /. v. To sprinkle; to towards. Sotte aruku, to walk bending apply water, to wash. back. SOSOKASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Hasty, impetuSORI, n. A bend, curve, crook, arch; the ous, or precipitate in manner; heedcurved back of a sword. - ga awanu, less, careless; rude, coarse. to offend or grate upon the feelings, to SosoKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be slovenly, be incongruous. or careless; to be vulgar, coarse. SORI, n. Skates; also, a sled, or sleigh. SOSOKUSA-TO, adv. In a hurried manner, SORI-HASHI, n. An arched bridge. said of one walking. - deteyuku. SoRi-KAYE,-r,-ta, t. v. To bend back- SOSONOKASHI,-su,-ta, I. v. To persuade, wards, to warp. induce, allure, entice, seduce. SORI-KE, n. The refuse hair that has SosoRm,ru,-tta, i. v. To stroll about been shaved off. for amusement. SO-RIYAKU, a. Careless, neglectful, treat- SosoRI,-ru,-ia, t. v. To delude, impose ing with slight, indifference, inattention, on, trick, dupe. or disrespect. - ni suru, to treat with SO-soTsU, adv. Suddenly, unexpectedly. neglect, to slight, to do carelessly, or Sossni,-suru,-ta, (hikiiru), t. v.'o coarsely. lead, command, or head an army. SO-RIYO, n. Eldest son. SO-TAI-SHO, n. General-in-chief. SO-RIU, n. The line of descent by a SOTCHIU, n. Falling down dead, a sudyounger son, not by primogeniture. den death. SOROBAN, n. A calculating machine, aba- SO-TEN, adv. Early in the morning, cus. - suru, to calculate or reckon on dawn of day. - okiru. the abacus. SOTETSU, n. The sago-palm. SOROI,-O,-OZia, i. v. To be equal, even, SO-TO, a. Suitable, proper, fitting, beuniform, alike; to agree, to accord, to coming, according. be in union; to match; to have the full SO-TO, (/utatsu no katana), n. Two number, to be complete. Neg. Soro- swords. - wo obiru. wadzu, unequal, uneven, not uniform. SOTO, n. Outside, out, outer, external, SO-RON, n. A dispute, contention, quar- abroad. Uci —, inside and outside. rel, altercation. SO-TO, adv. Softly, gently. - shite SORORI-TO, adv. Slowly, softly, gently. oku, to put down gently. SORO-SORO -TO, adv. Slowly, softly, SOTOBA, n. A long, narrow wooden tabgently. let set up near a grave, inscribed with SOROYE,-ru,-ia, I. v. To equalize, make Sanscrit characters. even, uniform or alike; to make, to ac- SOTO-BORI, n. The ditch around a cascord or be in unison; to match, to com- tle, a moat. SOT 257 SUD SOTO-GAMAYE, n. The outside inclosure Su, (kadzu,) n. The number, several,of a castle. an indefinite number less than ten. SOTO-GAWA, n. The outside. ju nin, several tens of men. - hayaSOTO-GURUMA, n. A paddle-wheel. - ku, several hundred. - nen, several nojokisen, a paddle-wheel steamer. years. - hen, several times. - gaku, SoToMO, n. The outside. the science of numbers, arithmetic. SOTO-NORI, n. The outside dimensions jin, several men. - kado, several or measurement. times. - kajo, several items, several SoTsU, n. A foot-soldier. articles, as of a treaty or contract. SOTSU, n. The waste, refuse, imperfect, SUAI, n. A pedlar, broker. or damaged goods usually found in a SUASHI, n. Bare feet. large lot; also waste, or useless work. SUBAKURI-NUKE,-rt,-ta, i. v. To slip SOTSUJI, adv. Hastily, abruptly and away, as an eel or anything slippery. rudely; lightly, without proper respect SUBANASHI, n. Conversation merely - or diffidence. without wine or refreshments. - de SOTTO, adv. Quietly, gently, softly, se- omoshiroku nai. cretly, stealthily. SUBARASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Very, extremely; SOWA-SOWA SHITE, adv. Restless, un- splendid, grand, magnificent. - riopa quiet, uneasy, not calm or deliberate. na iye. SOWA-TSUKI,-ku,-iLa, i. v. To be rest- SUBASHIKOI,-ki,-ku, a. Nimble, agile, less, inattentive, easily diverted from active or.smart in doing. any object. SUBAYAI,-ki,-ku, a. Quick, fast, acute, SovE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To annex, to add, sharp, keen in wit, agile. unite, subjoin, or join a smaller to a SUBE, n. Way, manner, how. Mono wo greater or principal, to append. it - mo shiranu. SOYE-BtJMI, (tensho), n. A subjoined let- SUBE,-rU, i. v. To unite in one, taking ter, a letter of recommendation or in- the whole. Ten-ga wo sube-osameru, troduction. to govern the whole empire.'SOYE-GAKI, n. A postscript. SU-BEKI,-,-tu,-s, a. Should or ought to SOYE-GAMI, n. Artificial hair-worn by do, proper to do. one whose hair is thin. SUBEKKOI, a. Smooth to the feel, glazed, SOYEJI, a. Suckling a child. - wa slippery. suru. SUBE-KUKURI,-rU,-tga, t. v. To have the SO-YEN, (utoku toshi). Distant, without supreme control or management, to communication or friendly intercourse. have the chief command, or governSOYOGI,-g,-ida, i. v. To shake or flut- ment. ter in the wind. SUBERI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To slide, slip, to SOYO-SOYO-To, adv. Softly, gently. be slippery. SO-ZAN, n. To hold office, and draw SUBERIBIYU, n. A species of Portulaca. salary without discharging its duties, a SUBE-SUBE, adv. Smooth, slippery. sinecure. - naru hito, an official SUBETA, n. A slattern. drone. SUBETE, n. All, the whole, total; comSo-zo, n. Fancy, imagination, idea. monly, in general. SO-ZOKU, (ai-tsuwgu), n. Connecting with SUBIKI, n. Drawing an empty bow, i. e. and continuing a family line, succeed- without an arrow. ing to or inheriting an estate. - suru, SUBISU n. The hearth-stone, or stone to inherit the estate. placed for the bottom of a fire-place. SOZORO. Unintentional, involuntary, un- SUBOME,-rY,-ta, t. v. To contract, draw wittingly, without design or reflection, together or close, as the mouth of a spontaneous. - namida, tears that bag; to pucker. flow involuntarily. SuBOMi,-a,-nda, i. z. To be contractSozosHII,-ki,-kt, a. Noisy, tumultuous, ed or drawn together, to be gathered, turbulent, uproarious. puckered. Su, n. A nest of birds or insects. Kumo SuBnoR,-ru,-ta, i. v. To smoke, emit no -, a spider's web. - ni tsuku, to smoke. set, as a hen. SUBORI,-ru,-ita, i. v. To contract. KaSu, n. Vinegar, acid. ta ga -, to stoop the shoulders, to feel Su, n. A sand bank in a stream, a bar, ashamed. alluvial deposit. Kawa no -. SU-DACHI, n. Leaving the nest, as a Su, n. A mat made of bamboo or reeds young bird able to fly. woven together. SUDAKI,-/t,-ia, i. v. To gather or SUD 258 SUG swarm on shrubs or trees, as insects; to Sugari-au, to lean against each other. sing as an insect. Sugari-tsuku, to cling fast to. SUDARE. n. A blind or shade made of SUGATA, n. Form, figure, looks, shape, split bamboos or reeds. appearance, manner, likeness, image SU-DATE, n. The frame of a building. condition. SU-DE. n. Empty-handed. SUGArA-MI, n. A large mirror, in which SUDE-NI, adv. Sign of past time; done, the whole figure may be seen. finished, already; with the fut. tense, SU-GATARI, n. A song, or dramatic per= almost, about to. formance, unaccompanied with music. SUDO, n. A door made of split bamboos. SuGE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To fasten by passing SUDOKKAI, n. Barter, exchange, swap- into, or through a hole, as a handle into ping. a socket. SU-DORI, n. Passing by without calling. SUGE, n. A kind of rush, used for makSUDZU, n. A kind of bell, such as are ing mats, raincoats, and hats. hung upon pack-horses or a gong, SUGE-GASA. A basket-hat made of rush. such as is suspended beore Miyas, or SUGENAI,-ki,-ku, a. Destitute of affectemples. tion or feeling; unkind, uncivil. SUDZU. n. Tin. SuGi,-ru,-ta, i. v. and t. v. To exceed, SUDZU, n. A small kind of amboo. to pass or go beyond; to pass over; to SU-DZUKE, n. Anything pickled in vine- go too far, pass the proper bounds, to gar. transcend; to be in excess, too much; SUDZUKI, n. The Labrax Japonicus. to surpass, excel; to be superior; to be SUDZUME,'n. A sparrow. hasty. SUDZUMI-,n,-,-nda, i. zv. To cool, to re- SuGI, n. The cedar, or Chriptomiria Jafresh one's self in hot weather. ponica. SUDZUMI-DAI, n. A bench set before the SUGI-HARA, n. The name of a kind of door in summer evenings, for sitting on paper. to cool one's self. SUGINA, a. Equisetum, horse-tail. SUDZUMUSHI, n. The name of an insect SUGI-NARI, n. The shape of a cedar,that sings like the tinkling of a small conical or pyramidal in shape. bell. SUGI-SARI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be past, SUDZU-NARI, na. Growing thick or in gone. great luxuriance, used only of fruit. SIGIWAI, n. Living, livelihood, occupaSUDZURI, n. An ink-stone. tion, employment. SUDZURI-BAKO. n. The box in which the SUGI-YUKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To pass, to go ink-stone and pencils are kept. by. SUDZURI-BUTA, n. An ink-tray. SuGO,-iki-ku,,-shi, a. Inspiring fear, SUDZUSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Cool, refreshing, faint-heartedness or shuddering; loneor airy, in hot weather. some, dismal, gloomy, dreary. SUDZUYAKA, a. Bright, clear, not hazy SUGOKI,-ku,-it, t. v. To draw through or dim. the hand, to strip by drawing through SUGAITO, n. Raw silk. the hand. SUGAKI, n. A mat work of bamboo. SU-GOMORI, n. A young bird still conSUGAME,-ru,-ta, t. za. To look at with fined to the nest, a nestling. one eye, to draw up the eyes or slightly SUGOROKU, n. A game played with dice, close them,-as when the light is too backgammon. strong.. SUGOSHI,, —ta, t. v. To pass by, to exSUGANIE, t. Near-sighted or half closed ceed or do anything in excess, transeyes, squint eyed. gress, to pass the time, to live. VeSUGAO, n. The naked face,-unpowdered sugosu, to sleep too much. Ire-sugasze or unrouged. to put in too much. SUGARA. Used onlyas an affix, = during, SUGo-sUGO, adv. In a mean, sneaking, whilst. Michi-sugara, whilst in the skulking manner. way. Yomno-sugara, during the night. SUGui,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Straight, not SUGARE,-rU,-/a, i. v. To waste or wear crooked; direct, upright, honest. away, to diminish, become less, con- SUGU-NARU, a. Straight, direct, upright, sume away, decay: Togi-sugare, wear honest. away by sharpening. SUGU-NI, adv. Directly, immediately, at SUGARI,-rU,-fia, i. v. To cling to, to once. hold fast to, to stay by catching hold SUGJRE,-ru,-/a, i. v. To be preeminent, of; to lean upon, to rely on, depend on. excel, to be superior, better. SUG 259 SUJ SuGURI-r,-r,-ta, t. v. To draw out or SUI-RIKI, n. Water power, the force of pick out the good from the bad, to water. choose, select. SUI-RIY6, (oshi-hakaru,) n. Conjecture, SUGU-SAMA, adv. Immediately, at once, surmise, guess, supposition, inference, directly. opinion. - suru, to conjecture, perSUHADA, n. Bare or naked body. ceive. SuI, n. Ingenuity, cleverness. - na, SUI-SAI, (midzu no wazawai,) n. Calamcharming, captivating, genteel. ity or loss occasioned by an inundaSuI, (oshi-hakaru). - suru, to conjec- tion. ture, surmise, consider, infer. SUI-SAI, n. A water battery, or fort built Sui,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Sour. near the water. Svi, (midzu,) n. Water. SUI-SATSU, n. Conjecture, surmise, supSUI,-a,-ta, t. v. To suck; to sip; to ab- position, guess, suspicion. - suru, to sorb; to draw; attract. Sishaku tetsu conjecture, infer. oo suyedomno ishi wo suwadzu. Sui- SUI-sEI, (midzu no ikioi,) n. The force ageru, to suck up. Sui-idasu, to suck of a current of water. out. Sui-konu, to suck into, imbibe, SUI-SEN, n. A battle upon the water, a inhale, absorb. Sui-toru, to draw out sea fight. by suction. Sui-tsuku, to stick fast by SUISENKUWA, n. The Nayacinth, Narsucking. cissus Tazetta. SUI-AGE, n. A syphon. SUI-SHA, n. A watery diarrhoea. SUI-BI, (otoroyeru,) n. Decaying, declin- SUI-SHA, (midzu guruma,) n. A watering, failing, fading, impaired. - suru, wheel for driving machinery. to fail, decline, deteriorate. SUI-SHI, n. Death by water, drowning. SUI-D6, (midzu no michi,) n. A conduit SUI-SH6, n. Crystal, quartz. or channel for conducting water, an SUI-SHU, (midzz no te,) n. A sailor, wateraqueduct. man. SUI-DZUTSU, n. A section of bamboo SUI-sa, (midzu ni homuru,) n. Burying used for carrying sake. by casting into the water, or throwing SUI-FU, n. A common sailor. overboard. SUI-FUKUBE, n. Cups for drawing blood. SUt-so, n. Hydrogen. - wo kakeru, to cup. SUI-SON, (midzu nisokonau,) n. Loss, or SUI-GAKI, n. A fence made of bamboo injury caused by water. set upright at short intervals. SUI-TETSU, n. A leech, bloodsucker. SUI-GAN, (otoroyeru kao,) n. A face SUJI, n. A tendon, sinew; a vein; aline, faded with age. streak or long mark; lineage, family SUI-GARA, n. The ashes of tobacco. line; reason, right, business line, or SUI-GIN, (midzukane,) n. Quicksilver. kind of employment; used also as a SUI-GIU, (midzu no ushi,) n. The buf- numeral in counting belts, roads, rivers, falo, or water-ox. etc. Ki no ha no -, the nerves of a SUI-HI. suru, to wash any pulverulent leaf. lye no -, a family line. Chi substance in water, to elutriate. -, blood relation. Michi -, a road. SUI-KADZURA, n. The honey-suckle. Te no -, the lines in the palm of the SUI-KI, n. The vapor of water. hand. SUI-KIYO, n. Appointment to or promo- SUJI, n. Leprosy. - aru hito, a tion in office. - surz, to promote. leper. SUI-KUWA, n. A watermelon. SUJI-AI, n. Reason, right, business. SUI-MIYAKU, n. The veins of water Nan no - de, by what right? under ground struck in digging a SUJI-GAKI, n. An outline sketch or well. drawing. SUI-MON, n. A water-gate, a lock, flood- SUJIKAI,-a-,-atta, i. v. To be oblique, gate. slanting, diagonal. SUI-AIONO, n. Soup. SUJIKAI. Oblique, slanting, diagonal, a SUI-NAN, n. Calamity or loss occasioned brace. - ni yuku, to cross obliquely, by water, as an inundation, shipwreck, or take a near cut. - michi, an obdrowning. lique road. SUI-N6, n. A strainer. SUJI-ME, n. Lineage, pedigree, family, SUI-REN. (oyorgi,) n. Learning to swim, blood. exercises in swimming. SUJI-MICHI, (dtri,) n. Reason, right, SU-IRI, n. Diving in water. — wo suru, claim. - wo ii-tate kuji ni katsu, to dive. to show one's right and gain a suit. SUJ 260 SUK SUJI-MUKAI, a. Obliquely opposite. -ye kusuri wo nomu, to take mediSUJIRI,-ru,-t/a, t. v. To twist or bend cine on an empty stomach. from a straight line, distort. SUKI-KAYESHI,-SU,-t, t. v. To work old SUJIRI-MOJIRI, adv. Zigzag. - aruku, paper over again into new. This kind to walk in a zigzag manner, of paper is called Sukikayeshi. Su-jO, n. Family, blood, lineage, pedi- SKI-KIRAI, n. Like and dislike. Hono gree; nature, natural qualities. ni - ga aru, people have their likes SUKAMBO, n. Rumex acetosella, sor- and dislikes. rel. SUKI-MA, u. Opening, interval, crack, SUKANU, neg. of Suki. Impervious. time, chance, opportunity, leisure. SUKANU, neg. of Suku. Do not like, am SUKI-MI, n. Peeping, or looking through not fond of. a crack. SUKARE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Suku. To be SU-KIN, n. Money only. -de kau, to liked, to be loved. buy with money. SUKASHI,-Su,-ta, t. v. To make open- SUKI-NA, a. That which one likes or ings in or to separate things that are pleases. dense, close, or crowded; to place SUKI-sHA, n. A person fond of antiquities, apart, to thin out, to open; to look rare, or curious things; a virtuoso. through, to look along the surface of SUKISHA, n. A person skilled in the art anything. of making an infusion of tea. SUKASHI, -U,-ta, t. v. To coax, to SUKI-T1Ri,-u,r ta, t. v. To pass through, wheedle, to persuade by soft words, to permeate, saine or appear through, to soothe; to trick, to dodge away, to be transparent. give one the slip, to cheat. SUKI-UTSUSHI,-.zs,-ta, /. v. To trace or SUKASHI, n. The water lines, or figures copy by placing the paper over the in the texture of paper, a transparency. figure to be copied. SUKASHI-BORI, n. Ornamental carved SUKIYA, n. A tea-room. open-work. SUKKARI, adv. Clear, distinct, plain; SUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To help, assist, aid, all, entirely, clean. Kanega - nakulend a hand. Sukete kudasare, help natta, his money is clean gone. me. Sukete.-a keeper, assistant. SUKKoMI,-Mu,-nda, t. v. To draw in, SUKE, n. Assistance, aid, help; an as- as a tortoise its head; go in, hide. sistant, helper, aid. SUKOBURU, adv. Considerable, a good SUKEBEI. Lewd, lascivious, wanton. - deal, very. - ji, great many. na otoko, a lewd man. - dzura, a SiKosKI,-hi,-ku, a. Little, few. Sukowanton face. ski mate, wait a little. - no aida, a SUKE-DACHI, n. A second in a duel. little while. SU-KEN, (tada miru). Merely looking at SUKOYAKA, a. Strong, hale, hearty, well, anything,-without buying. robust, healthy. SuKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To be open or sepa- SuKUI,-7,-i/,a, t. v. To save, rescue, derated, as of things joined, dense or liver; to aid, help. Hito no inochi wo crowded; to be thinned out, scattered, -, to save a man's life. Sukui-tamo dissipated; to be transparent, previous, kimi, the Savior. to permeate or pass through the pores SUKUI,-z, —t/a, t.. To scoop, to dip, or or instertices of anything; to have an lade out, to take up'with a dipper, interval of rest, to be empty. spoon, etc., to skim. SKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To comb with a fine SUKUI-AMI. n. A dip or hand net. comb; to make paper; to dig with a SUKUME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To contract, conspade; to net, or make a net. stringe, to draw into a smaller compass; SuKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To like, to be fond to cringe or draw one's self together in of. Hon wo suite yomnu, to be fond of fear or humility, to crouch down; to reading. restrain, curb; to tease, vex. Kata wo SUKI, n. A spade. -, to shrug the shoulders. SKI, n. An opening, interval, a crack; SUKUMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To be drawn chance, opportunity; leisure; trans- up, contracted, cramped; to shrink. parency. To no - kara kaze ga SUKUMO, n. Rice-hulls; peat, or turf hairu. used for burning. SUKI, n. One who likes, or is fond of, a SUKUMO-MUSHI. n. A grub-worm. lover. SUKUNAI.-ki,-ku,-shi, a. A little, few, SUKI-ABURA, n. Pomatum, hair-oil. small in quantity or number. SukunaStrKI-HARA, n. Empty stomach, hungry. ku naru, to become few. Sukunaku SUK 261 SUN suru, to lessen, or diminish the num- SUMI-NAWA, n. The inked line used by ber. carpenters for striking a straight line. SUKUNASA, n. Fewness. SUMIRE, n. The violet. SUMA, n. An inside corner or angle. SUMI-SASHI, n. The inked stick used by SuMAI,-au,-ata, i. v. To reside, dwell, carpenters for drawing lines. live. SUMI-TORI, n. A coal-scuttle. SUMAI, n. A residence, a dwelling-place. SUMI-TSUBO, n. The ink pot used by SUMAKI, n. A mode of punishment,-by carpenters. tying the criminal in a bamboo mat and SUMI-YA, a. A shop where ink or charcasting him into the water. coal is sold. SUMAsHI,-s,-ta, t. v. To finish, to end, SUMIYAKA, a. Quick, fast, swift, soon. to settle; to cleanse, purify. Suma- SUMI-YE, n. A picture drawn with ink. shite iru, to be easy, indifferent, un- SUM6, n. Wrestling. - wo toru, to concerned, take no notice of. Mi-szu- wrestle. inasu, to see and be certain of. Kiki- SUMOMO, n. A kind of plum. sumasu, to hear and be sure of. 2Mi- SUM6TORI, n. A wrestler. mi wo sumashite kiku, to listen at- SUM6-TORI-GUSA, n. The violet. tentively. SUIPAKU, n. The name of a class of disSUMAWASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Sumai. To orders peculiar to women, characterized cause to dwell or reside. by pain in the back and loins. SUME,-ru,-ta, pass. of Sumu. To be SUMP6, n. The dimensions. Hako-no dwelt in. Waga sumeru kuni. - wa ikura. SUMERU, a. Pure, clear. - midzu, wa- SUN, n. An inch,-the tenth part of a ter that has been settled. foot. - wo toru, to measure the length. SU-MEN, n. The naked face,-unpro- Issun go bu, one inch and a half. tected by the mask used in sword exer- SUNA, n. Sand. cise; a face free from the influence of SUNA-BACHI, n. A shallow flower pot. wine; sober or straight face. SUNADORI,-rU, i. v. To fish. SUMI,-mu,-nda. To dwell, reside, live. SONADORI, n. A fishing, fisherman. SvMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To do, end, finish, SUNA-DOKEI, n. An hour-glass, sandconclude, close, settle; to be easy in glass. mind. unconcerned; to be clear, pure, SUNA-GO, n. Gold or siver dust. used to without sediment. Sumanu koto, any- ornament lacquer or paper. thing for which one reproaches him- SUNA-GOSHI, n. Anything strained or self, or feels uneasy about, improper, filtered through sand. wrong. SUNAO. Straight, not crooked; right, SUMI, n. Ink. - wo suru, to rub ink correct, virtuous, pliant. on the stone. SUNAPPA, n. A sandy place, a desert. SUMI, n. Charcoal. -yaki, a charcoal SUNAWACHI, conj. Then, that is, namely. burner. 0 tadzune nasaru hito wa - kore SUMI, n. An inside corner, or angle. iite soro, this is he about whom you SUMIBI, n. A charcoal fire. inquired. SUMI-CHIGAI, n. The figure of lines drawn SUNA-WARA, n. A sandy plain, a desert. diagonally from the opposite angles of a SUNE, n. The shin or leg between the square and cutting each other in the knee and ankle. centre. SNE,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be cross, illSUMI-IRE, n. An inkstand. humored, sulky. Kodomo g-a sunete SUII-GAMA, n. A kiln in which charcoal inono wo iuwanu. is made. SUNE-ATE, n. Armor for the front of the SUMI-IRO, n. The quality of the color of leg, or shin. ink. SUNE-MONO, n. A sullen, morose or sulSUMI-KA, n. A dwelling-house, residence. ky person. SUMI-KAKI, n. A scraper used for clean- SUN-KA, n. A moment of leisure. ing out a furnace. mo nai. SUMI-KESHI, n. Blotting out, erasing SUN-KO, n. A small degree of merit, a with ink. few praiseworthy actions. - nakuSUMI-NAGASHI, n. Marbling, or variega- shite tai roku wo ukeru. ting like marble, as paper. - no ka- SUNOKO, n. A floor made of bamboo. mi, marbled paper. SUN-SHAKU. Dimensions, size. SUMI-NARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be used or SUN-SUN, adv. Into inches, or small accustomed to living in. pieces. - ni kiru. SUO 262 SUT Su6, n. Sapan-wood. SURI-KOGI, n. The stick used in washSUPPA, adv. The sound of a cut with a ing rice in a Suribachi. sword. - to kiru. SURI-KUDZU, n. Metal filings. SUPPA, n. A thief, who snatches a thing SURI-TSUKEGI, n. A friction match. and runs, a cheat. - wo suru. - wo SuRuDOI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Sharp, acute, iu, to tell an exaggerated lie, or brag in keen, penetrating, piercing, cutting, an outrageous way. quick of discernment. SUPPADAKA, a. Stark naked. SURUME, n. The Onychoteuthis BankSUPPAI,-ki,-ku, a. Sour in taste. Sui- sii. paku nai, it is not sour. Su/ asa, the SURU-SURU-TO, adv. In a slippery mansourness, acerbity. ner, smoothly. SuPP.-sNUKI, n. Drawing the sword reck- SUSA, n. Anything like hair or straw lessly, as when one is drunk. - wo mixed with plaster to make it stick. suru. SUSAMASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Fearful, frightSUPPON, n. A kind of turtle. ful, producing dread, or shuddering. SUPPON-TO, adv. The sound of drawing yamacji wo itowadzu,did not mind the a cork from a bottle. - naru. frightful mountain road. SUKA, adv. Even. Tori kemono sura SUSAMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To spoil, lay ko wo aisuru, even birds and beasts waste, ruin, to destroy. Tanoshinzi love their young. ni -. SURARI-TO, adv. In an even, smooth, SUSHI, n. A kind of food made of rice manner; w;ithout obstructions, sleek and fish seasoned with vinegar. and easy, glibly. - dekita, to do any- Suso, n. The skirt of a coat. Yama no thing easily without obstructions. -, the skirt of a mountain. Urna no SURA-SURA-TO, adv. Smoothly, sleekly, -, the feet of a horse. glibly, without obstructions. Suso, n. Warm water used for washing SURE -ru,-ta, pot. mood of Suri. Can a horse. - suru, to wash a horse witl - print. Ichi nicki ni iku mai sureru. warm water. SURE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be rubbed, chafed, SUSO-wAKE, n. Dividing anything which galled, worn by friction; to have one's one has received with others. rough points rubbed off, or to become Susu, n. Soot. Susu-dake, bamboo that keen or sharp by contact with the has been stained with smoke. Susuworld. Ishiga surete maruku natta, haki, n. Cleaning away the soot, the stone by friction has become house cleaning. round. SusuDOI,-ki,-ku, a. Active, quick, enSuRE-AI-a-,- a-ta, i. v. To rub against ergetic, smart. each other. SUSUGI,-g-,-ida t. v. To cleanse, to SURE-AI, n. Friction. rinse, wash. SUREKKARASHI, a. Keen, sharp, cun- SUSUKE,-rU,-a, i. v. To be fouled with ning, artful from contact with the smoke or soot. world. SUSUKI, n. A kind of long grass. SURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To rub, to file, to SusunME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To advance, to print, to chafe. Suri-chizgau, to rub make go forward or higher, to promote; or scrape past, to strike against each to recommend, to press, urge, solicit, other. Fune ga -. Suri-hagasu, to persuade, exhort. rub off the skin, bark, lacquer, or out- SUSUME, n. Persuasion, solicitation, adside of anything. Suri-kiru, to cut vancement, promotion. off anything by rubbing, to file off, to SvsvMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To advance, go cut by chafing. Suri-komu, to rub in. forward; to be eager for, ardent, or Suri-kudaku, to pulverize by rubbing. zealous in the pursuit of. Shokumotsa4 Suri-mnigaku, to polish by rubbing. ga -, to have a good appetite. Suri-zmuku, to rub off or abrade the SusuMI, n. Advancement, improvement, skin. Suri-nukeru, to rub or squeeze ardor or eagerness for anything. through a crowd. Suri-otosu, to rub SusuRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To sip, sup; to off, abrade. Suri-tsubusu, to break or snuff, sniff. crush by rubbing, to efface by rubbing. SUSURI-GUSURI, n. Errhine medicines. Suri-tsukeru, to apply anything by SUSURI-NAKI, n. A sniffling cry. — wo rubbing, to rub anything on another. suru, to cry and sniffle. Suri-yaburu, to tear or wear by rub- SUTARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. Cast or thrown bing or friction, to chafe. away, discarded, abandoned, rejected; SURI,. A pickpocket, pilferer, thief. forsaken, out of use. SUT 263 TAB SuTARl,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be left, left tor, to do something to provoke anover, cast away, abandoned, forsaken. other, or to excite a quarrel. - mono, a useless thing. SuvE,-ri,-ta, t. v. To place, lay, set, SUTARI, n. A remnant, waste, that which fix, to settle, to apply; to compose, is rejected or useless, quiet, calm. Ki wo -, to settle or SvTE,-ru,-a, t. v. To throw away, to compose one's mind. reject, discard, to leave, abandon, for- SUYE, n. The end, termination, the sake, to let be, let alone, to desert. ultimate branch; a descendant; the Aku wo sutete zen we torte, to forsake future. - no yo, the last ages of the evil and cling to that which is world. Yo ga - ni natta, the world good. has deteriorated. Kono -, in future or SUTE-BUCHI, n. A pension, or daily ra- after this. tion of rice given by government to SuYE,-ru-ta, i. v. To be spoiled, unfit disabled or helpless servants. to eat. Koco niku ga suyeta. SUTE-FUDA, n. A public notice of the SUYE-DZUYE, (shiHmo-jimn,) n. The lower crime and execution of a criminal, or inferior classes of people. SUTE-GO, n. A foundling. SUYE-FURO, n. A moveable bath-tub. SUTEKI-NI, adv. Exceedingly, very. - SUYEv ONo, n. Porcelain, crockery-ware. saanui, very cold. SUYE-NARI, n. Fruits that are the last to SUTE-OKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To let alone, ripen. let be as it is. SUYE-ZEN, n. A table with food set out SUWARI,-ru,-tta, i. a. To sit, to be set, before a guest; anything which comes placed, fixed, to be aground. unexpectedly to hand just as one was SUWOKAI,-au,-/ta, t. v. To bully, hec- wishing for it. T TA. n. A rice-field. bakarareru, to be cheated or imposed TA, a. Others, other persons, things, or on. places; other, another. - shutszu, TABAKO, n. Tobacco. - wo nomu, to gone out. Ta-jitsu, another day. Ta smoke tobacco. jin, stranger, aot related. Ta-ke, an- TABAKO-BON, n. A box or tray in which other family, no connection. Te-koku, fire and smoking utensils are kept. foreign countries. Ta - mon, the TABAKO-IRE, n. A tobacco-pouch. hearing of others, publicity. Ta-riki, TABANE,-U,-ta, t. v. To tie or make the power of another. Ta-riyu, the into a bundle, to bundle. style or system of another. Ta-sho, TABANE, n. A bundle. another place. TABASAMI,-mu,-nda, t. v. To hold unTA, (ei,) a. Many, much. Ta-nen, der the arm, to put or insert between many years. Ta-ben, much talking. anything. Ta-biyo, often sick, sickly. Ta-sho, TABE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To eat. Meshi wo many or few. Ta-yo, much business, -, to eat rice. busy. Ta-yoku, lustful, sensual. TABE-KASU, n. The scraps of food left TA, pro. Who. Ta ga tanze ni, for after eating. whose sake? Ta ga tsuma, whose TABE-MONO, n. Food, provisions, vicwife? tuals. TABA. n. A bundle, as of straw, wood, TABETAGARi.-ru,-tta, i. v. To desire to bamboo, etc. Wara hito taba, a bun- eat, to be hungry, to be fond of eating, die of straw. - ni suru, to make into given to eating; greedy, gluttonous. a bundle. TABI, n. Stockings, socks. - wo zaku, TABAI,-6,-Ota, t. v. To preserve, save, to wear stockings. Tabi-ya, a sock to care for. maker. TABAIARI,-rU,-tta, t. v. To cheat, de- TABI, n. Ajourney, travelling, astranger. ceive, impose on, to hoax, to gull. Ta- Tabi-bito, a traveler, a stranger. Tabi TAB 264 TAD dachi, setting out on a journey. Tabi- TACHI-GARE, n. A withered tree, still dzukare, fatigue from travelling. Tabi- standing. ji, a journey, the road in which one TACHI-GATAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Useless. travels. Tabi-jitaku, preparations for Mono no yo ni wa tachigatashi. ajourney. Tabi-ne, sleeping while on TACHI-GIKI, n. Standing to listen, listena journey. ing stealthily. - wo suru. TABI, n. Time, or repetitions. Hito TACHI-GURAMI, n. Sudden vertigo or tabi, once. Futa tabi, twice. Iku dizziness on rising up. tabi, how often? Tabi-tabi, many TACHI-I. Standing or sitting. — ga jiyz times, frequently, often. ni dekinu. TABO, n. The puff made in dressing the TACHI-IDE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To arise and go hair on the back of the head. out. TABU, n. The lobe of the ear. TACHI-IR Ir,-ru,-ta, i. v. To enter, go in. TA-BUN, n. Many parts, the most part, TACHI-KAYERI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To return, majority, chief part; perhaps, probably, go back. likely, much, a great deal. TACHI-KOYE,-rU,-a, t. v. To surpass, TA-BUN, (yoso ni kiku). The hearing of be superior, to exceed. others. - mu yo, don't let others hear TACHI-MACHI, adv. Immediately, suddenit. - ly, at once. TABURAKASHI,-SU,-/a, /. v. To deceive, TACHIMAI, n. Wages, compensation for cheat, impose on, hoax, gull; to seduce. labor. TABUSA, n. The Japanese cue. TACHI-MAWARI,-rU,-tta, t. v. To move TABU-TABU, adv. Shaking with a quiver- about, to act, conduct one's self. ing motion, like jel!l. TACHI-MODORI,-r,-tta, i. v. To return, TACHI,-tsu,-tta, i. z'. To stand up, to be go back. erect, erect one's self; rise up, to start, TACHI-MONO, n. A building, edifice; set out, or leave; to begin, to open; to anything abstained from, abjured, or pass, or to elapse as time; to run or renounced. stick into; fit for, useful; to evaporate; TACHI-MOTORI,-rU,-ta, i. v. To walk to shut; to boil. Yaku ni tatanu, backward and forward, as in suspense, useless, good for nothing. Yo ni tatsu, or deep thought. useful. Ki ga -, to be angry. Hara TACHI-MUKAI,-au,-a1ta, i. v. To stand ga -, id. Me ni tatsu, striking or at- opposite to, to rise and meet, to contracting the attention. Mikka tatte front, face. mata koi, come again after three days. TACHI-NUI, n. Cutting out and sewing, Kemuri ga -, it smokes. Hokori ga tailoring. -, it is dusty. Suiki ga -, the vapor TACHI-SAWAGI,-gU,-ida, i. v. To rise rises or evaporates. with tumult or noise. TACHI,-tsu,-/ta, t. v. To cut out gar- TACHI-TOMARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To stop, to ments, to make clothes. stand still. TACH,-tsu,-tta, t. v. To cut off, leave TACHI-URI, n. Selling by slices, as wateroff, stop, abstain from. Inocki wo -, to melon, fish, etc. take life. Doku wo -, to abstain from TACHI-YAKU, n. A person who represents hurtful things. a male character in a theatre. TACHI, n. A long sword. TACHI-YUKI,-ku, i. v. To get along, to TACHI, n. The nature, character, quality. live, support one's self. Kane no - ga warzi. TACHI-YORI,-rU,-ta, t. v. To call at or TACHI, a plural suffix; as, Omaye-tachi, stop in passing, to meet or assemble toyou. Kodomo-tachi, children. gether. TACHI-AGARI,-rU,-tta, i. v. To rise up, TADA, adv. Only, merely, just, alone, to arise, simply, but, gratis, gratuitously. Also TACHI-AI,-au,-/ata, i. v. To meet toge- an adj.,'usual, common, ordinary. - ther, assemble, to meet in combat. morau, to receive gratuitously. - hiTACHIBANA, n. The general name for tori, alone, or only one person. - nafruits of the orange kind. ranu, not usual, uncommon, strange. TACHIDO, or TACHI-DOKORO, n. A stand- TADA-BITO, n. A common or ordinary ing place, a place to live in. person. TACHI-DOKORO-NI, adv. Immediately, TADACHI-NI, adv. Immediately, directly; at once. straightway. TACHI-FURUMAI, n. Actions, conduct, TADADZUMI,-mu,,-nda, i. v. To stand behavior. still, stop while walking. TAD 265 TAI TADAIMA, adv. Now, just now, at pres- TAGAI-NI, adv. Alternately, mutually, sent. reciprocally, each other, one another. TADAKKO, adv. By barter or exchange, TAGANE, n. A chisel or graver used for swapping one thing for another. engraving on metal. TADA-NAKA, n. The centre, middle. TAGAYE,-rU,-ta, t. v. Not to conform to, TADA-ORI, n. Living in idleness or with- to act contrary to, to break, transgress. out occupation. TAGAYESHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To cultivate TADARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be inflamed, the fields, to labor as a farmer. sore and irritated. TAGIRI, -ru,- ta, i. v. To boil. TagiriTADARE-ME, n. Blear-eyed. koboreru, to boil over. TADASHI, conj. Used in introducing TAGO, n. A bucket with a handle. some exceptional or explanatory remark, TA-GON. Telling to others, divulging, or a note to something stated before; blabbing. - wo shite kudasaru ha. but, however. TAGUI, (rui) n. Kind, sort. Tagui naTADASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To examine into, ski, uncommon, extraordinary. to inquire into, to judge, to ascertain, to TAGURI,-r,-tta, t. v. To haul in a rope adjust, rectify, correct. hand over hand. Taguri-dasu, to pay TADASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Straight, correct, out, as a rope. Nawa wo -, to pay right, just, upright, honest. out a rope. Taguri-komu, to haul in TADASHISA, n. Correctness, rectitude. hand over hand. TADAYOi,-r3,-ra, i. V. To float or drift TAI. - suru, to be opposite, to front, to about, to be adrift, to be becalmed, correspond, suit, answer to, to be equiTADAYOWASHII,-sU,-ta, caust. of Tadayoi. valent, to agree with, to pair; towards, To cause to float or drift about. to. TADE, n. A species of Polygonum, the TAI, n. Name of a fish, the Serranus water-pepper, or smart-weed. Marginalis. TADE,-ru, —a, t. v. To foment, to stupe. TAI, n. Body, substance, individual, perFune wo -, to char the bottom of a son. Kazai wa ittai, there is only one junk with fire. God. TADON, n. A ball made of charcoal and TAI, (obiru). - suru, to carry or wear in sea-weed for burning in braziers. the belt. Dai-shk Zvo tai-su. TADORI -ru,-tta, t. v. To walk by feel- TAI, n. A tower, high terrace, ing or groping the way. Yami'i vwo-, TAI, n. The pregnant womb. - Zo to grope one's way at night. ukeru, to be pregnant. TADO-TADO-TO, adv. Walking in a grop- TAI, n. A company of soldiers. ing manner, or with uncertain steps. TAI,-ki,-k?,-r, - ski. To desire, wish, TADO-TADOSHII,-ki,-ku, a. Going along want; used only as a suffix to verbs; as groping one's way. Mi-tai, wish to see. Kiki-tai, wish to TADZU, n. A crane. hear. Kai-tai, want to buy. YukiTADZUKI, n. A helper, one to lean or taku-nai, do not wish to go. depend on. TAI, (okii), a. Great, large, chief, illusTADZUNA, n. A rein, or strap of a bri- trious, distinguished, severe. Tai-jin, die. a great man. Tai-ke, an illustrious TADZUNE,-ru,-ta, t. V. To inquire, ask, house. Tai-ki, great talents. Tai-kin to search for, hunt after. Tadzune-au, great wealth. Tai-ko, remote antiquito inquire of each other, to search after ty. Tai-mei, a great name, famous. each other. Tai-ono, great desires, ambitious. TaiTADZUNE, n. Inquiry, search. sha, general amnesty. Tai-zai, a great TADZUSAWARI,-ru,-tt, i. v. To join, crime. with, club, or league with, to take part TAI-DOKU, n. Congenital syphilis. in, to participate in. TAI-FO, (8 kaze), n. A typhoon, hurriTADZUSAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To carry in the cane, tempest. hand, to carry. TAI-FUKU-HI, n. The shell of the Areca TAFU, n. Cotton damask. nut. TAGA, n. A hoop. TAI-GAI, (rmune), adv. For the most TAGAI,-au, or o,-atta, or o5ta, i. v. To part, generally, generally speaking; differ, disagree; not to conform to or about, more or less. accord with; to miss, err from, mistake. TAI-GEN, n. Big words, bragging, boastNaka wo -, to be at variance. ing. - wo haku, to brag, boast. TAGAI-CHIGAI-NI, adv. Alternately mis- TAI-GI, n. Hard work, labor, toil, exersing each other. tion; used often in expressing thanks; 12 TAI 266 TAI as Gotai-gi daz, I have given you great - naru tokoro, a level place. - ni trouble, or I am much obliged. suru, to make level. TAI-GO, n. A company or corps of an TAIRAGE,-ru,-a, t. v. To level, make army. plain or even; to quell, subdue; to TAI-HAKU-SEI, n. The planet Venus. quiet, tranquilize. TAI-HAN, n. More than half, the greater TAIRAKA, a. Level, plain, even, quiet, part, most part. calm, tranquil. - naru tokoro, a level TAI-HEI, n. Peace, or freedom from place. war. TAI-RIYAKU, adv. For the most part, TAI-HEI-KAI, n. The Pacific Ocean. generally, about, more or less, probably. TAI-HEI-RAKU, n. Speaking in an arro — TAI-RIYO, a. Magnanimous, generous, gant, overbearing, or insolent manner; liberal, honorable. boasting. TAISAN, adv. Very much, a great many, TAI-HEN, n. A great, important, or seri- very. ous affair; a fearful or terrible event; TAI-SAN, (shirizokichiru). - suru, to very. leave, or retreat and scatter, withdraw TAI-HO, (o-dzutsu), n. A cannon, artil- in confusion,-as an army. lery. TAI-SEI, n. Smalt. TAI-H6, (okata). The most part, gener- TAI-SETSU. Important, of great conseally; perhaps, probably. quence, highly valued or esteemed. TAI-H6-TAI, n. An artillery company or na mono, a thing which one sets great corps. store by. -- ni suru, to regard as of TAI-I. The principal meaning, the sub- great importance, to value, care for. stance, in the main, chiefly. TAISHA-SEKI, n. Red ochre. TAI-JI, (shirizcke osameru). - suru, to TAI-SHIN, (mi qoo shirizokeru). - suru, drive off and regulate, to suppress, sub- to resign a service, to withdraw from due, destroy. Akuma wo -, to expel office. evil spirits. TAISHITA, a. Great, important, serious, TAI-KETSU. - uru, to judge of a mat- severe. ter at law, by having the plaintiff and TAI-SH6, n. The title of the highest mildefendant confront each other. itary officers, general-in-chief, chief. TAI-KI, n. The atmosphere, air. Tai-sho-gun, generalissimo, commandTAI-KIYO, (shirizoki saru). - suru, to er-in-chief. leave, depart, go away, withdraw, aban- TAI-SHO, n. Viviparous. don. TAI-SHOKU, (J-gui). - suru, to eat TAI-KIYOKU, n. The first principle or much. - na mono, a gormandizer. germ of all things in Chinese philoso- TAI-SHU, n. A continent. phy. TAI-SHU, (ozake), n. Drinking much TAI-KO, n. A drum. wine, a great drinker. TAIKO-HARI, n. A drum-maker. TAI-SHUTSU, (shirizoki-idzuru). - suru, TAIKOMOCHI, n. A jester, or one who, to leave, withdraw, depart from an ofon account of his wit or comic talents, fice, to return from an assembly. is called to assist at entertainments. TAI-SO, n. First progenitor, earliest anTAIKO-YA, n. A drum store, or a person cestor. who sells drums. TAI-SO, a. Great many, great deal, TAIKO-UCHI, n. A drummer, much, very, exceeding. - kane ga TAI-KUTSU, n. Ennui; tired, disgusted iru, cost a great deal of money. - or wearied with anything tedious, or for fukai, very deep. - okina koye, a want of occupation; tedium. very loud voice. TAI-MAI, n. Tortoise-shell. TAI-SOKU, n. A long breath. - suru, TAI-MAI, a. Much, a great deal. - no to draw a long breath. kane. TXA-su, n. The average number. TAI-MAN, (okotaru), - suru, to be negli- TAI-TEI, adv. For the most part, genergent or careless. ally, in the main; about, nearly, on an TAI-MATSU, n. A pine torch, flam- average. - no shina, a thing of ordibeau. nary or average quality. - ni shite TAI-MEN, n. Meeting face to face. oku, need not be very particular about TAI-NAI, (hara no uc/i), n. In the bel- how it is done. - hiyaku nin gurai, ly. Ha.ha no - ni oru toki, when in about one hundred persons. the womb. TAI-T6, (katana wo obiru). Wearing a TAIRA, a. Level, plain, even, horizontal. sword. TAK 267 TAK TAI-WA, n. Talking face to face, con- valued, riches, wealth. - to suru, to versation. esteem, value. TAI-YAKU, (yaku wo shirizoku). — suru, TAKARA-BUNE, n. A picture of a boat in to withdraw from or resign an office. which the seven gods of wealth are repTAI-YO, n. The sun. resented riding on the sea. TAI-YU. Generous, magnanimous, libe- TAKARA-GAI, n. A cowry. ral. TAKARAKA, a. High, loud. - no koye, TAJIRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be childish a loud voice. from age, to dote, to be forgetful. TAKARI,-rU,-t/a, i. v. To assemble or TAJIROKI,-ku,-ita, coll. i. v. To stag- collect in a crowd, to swarm together. ger, start, or to become weak from sud- Mi fnidzu ni ariga -, the ants swarm den surprise, shock, or fright. about an earth worm. TAJI-TAJI, adv. In a staggering, un- TAKASA, n. The height, elevation, altisteady manner. Kodomo ga - aru- tude. km. TAKASE, n. A river boat. TAKA, n. A falcon, hawk. - wo tsu- TAKASE,-ru,-ta, caust. of Taku. To kau, to hunt with a falcon. cause or let a fire be kindled. TAKA, n. Income, produce from a farm, TAKA-TSUKI, n. A wooden bowl, or tray revenue; also the size of a farm; the for holding fruit. amount, sum. Ichi nen no moke-daka, TAKA-WARAI, n. A loud laugh. the amount of one year's earnings. TAKE, n. Bamboo. - no fushi, the Kusa-daka, the amount which land is joints of bamboo. - no ko, bamboo capable of producing and for which it is sprouts. - no kawa, the sheath of assessed. Ari-daka, the amount of young bamboo. - bashi, bamboo revenue paid to the landlord by the chop-sticks. -- zao, a bamboo pole. farmers. - dzuye, a bamboo cane. TAKA-BIKU, adv. Rising and falling, TAKE, n. Mushroom. hills and valleys, uneven. TAKE, n. The length, the measure, the TAKABURI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be haughty, height or depth. Mi no -, the height proud, arrogant, pompous. of the body, the stature. Mlidzu no - TAKA-DAKA, adv. High, loud. - to wra roku shaku, the depth of the water nobi-agaru, to ascend high. - to is six feet. yomu, to read with a loud voice. TAKE, n. A high mountain. TAKADEKODE, adv. Used in the phrase; TAKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be high, well ad-ni shibaru, to tie the hands behind vanced, eminent. Hi ga taketa, the the back. sun is high. Toshi ga taketa hito, a TAKA-DOMIA,'n. The lowest gallery or person well advanced in age. Chiyega box of a theatre. -, eminent in wisdom. TAKADONO, a. The second story of a TAKEBERA, n. A flat piece of bamboo. house. TAKEBI,-bz,-nda, i. v. To be fierce, fuTAKA-D6RO, n. A light house. rious, savage. TAKA-FUDA, (kd-satsu), n. The boards TAKE-GARI, n. Hunting for mushrooms. on which the imperial edicts are pub- - niyuku. lished. TAKEKI,-ku,-shi, a. Valiant, brave, TAKA-GARI, n. Hunting with a falcon, courageous, fearless, fierce, strong. hawking. hkon, a hot fire. TAKA-GOYE, n. A loud voice. TA-KEN. The seeing of others. - wa TAKAI,-ki,-ku,-shi,-r, a. High, loud; go muyo, don't let others see it. dear in price, expensive; exalted, hon- TAKENAWA. Past the height, beginning orable. Ki ga takai, haughty, proud. to decline or fail, to flag. wane. Yoga Tako-natta, has become high. Taka- - ni natta, to be past midnight. ku suru, to make high, heighten. TAKERI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be fierce, feroTAKA-J6, n. A falconer. cious, savage, to growl. Tora ga hito TAKAMAKIYE, n. Embossed gilt lacquer. ni takeri-kakatta, the tiger ferociously TAKAME,-ru,-a, t. v. To make high, sprang on the man. heighten. TAKE-TABA, n. Bundles of bamboo, fasTAKAMI, n. A high place. cines. TAKA-MURA, n. A bamboo grove. TAKE-TAKA-YUBI, n. The long, or midTAKANA, n. A kind of greens. die finger. TAKANE, n. A high mountain peak. TA-KETSU, n. Plethora, too much TAKARA, n. Precious things, anything blood. TAK 268 TAM TAKE-UMA, n. A wooden horse, the human organs of speech, an oracle. stilts used by boys. Kami no - niyolte miya wo tateru. TAKI, n. A waterfall, cateract. TAKUWANDSUKE, n. Radishes pickled in TAK,-ku,-ita, t. v. To burn, kindle; to salt and bran. boil, to cook. Maki wo -, to burn TAKUWAYE,-rU,-a, t. v. To store up, wood. Ko wo —, to burn incense. Hi to lay up, to keep on hand, to hoard. wo -, to make a fire. MIeshi wo -, to Kane wo -, to accumulate money. boil rice. TAKUWAYE, n. A supply, store, provisTAKI-BI, n. A fire used for cooking, ion. TAKI-BOKORI, n. Fine soot. TAMA, n. A ball, a precious stone, a TAKI-GI, n. Firewood. bead; the spirit, soul; precious, valuaTAKI-MONO, n. Fuel, incense. ble; the master or owner. TeJpp no TAKI-TATE. Just boiled, or cooked. - -, a musket or a cannon ball. Me no no meshii, rice that has just been boiled. -, the eyeball. Musubi -, a knot TAKI-TSUBO, n. The deep hollow place tied on a string. Ki no -, a wooden excavated by the water of a cataract. ball. Hi no-, a ball of fire. Hito no TAKI-TSUIKE-rU,-ta, t. v. To kindle a -, a man's soul. Tama-gaye wo suru, fire; to make angry. to change ownership. TAKI-TSUKE, n. Kindling-wood. TAMA-GAKI, n. The picket-fence around TAKO, n. A kite. - wo ageru, to fly a a Miya. kite. TAMAGE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be surprised, TAKO, n. The cuttle fish. astonished, startled. TAKO, n. The callosity on the hands TAMAGO, n. An egg. -noshiromi, the produced by work. white of an egg. - no kimi, the yolk TAKU. - suru, to intrust to, commit to of an egg. - nokara, egg-shell. Tathe care of, charge with; to engage, ask mago-iro, the color of the yoke of an or commission a person to do, to make egg. Tamago-nari, egg-shape, ellipan excuse of, use as a pretext. tical. TAKU, n. A house. TAMA-GOME, n. The load of a gun, a TAKU-BOKU, n. The cord used for tying charge. - no tsutsu, a loaded gun. up a picture mounted on a roller. TAMA-GUSURI, n. Powder and ball. TAKU-HATSU, n. Begging from house to TAMAI,-J,-b/a, t. Zv. To give to inferiors, house as Buddhist priests. used only when speaking of the most TAKUMASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Large and strong, honorable persons. Kami wa tenchi robust, lusty, and powerful; frowardly, wo tsukuri-tamo, God made heaven recklessly, skilfully, ingeniously, adroit- and earth. Waga mi wo yasuku araly. shime-tamaye, grant me freedom from TAKUMIi-mu,-,nda, t. v. To devise, plan, evil. contrive, invent. TAMAKA, a. Economical, saving, frugal, TAKUMI, n. A carpenter. not wasteful. - ni suru, to be econoTAKUMI, n. Skill, cleverness, adroitness, mical. dexterity, ingenuity. Kotoba wo - ni TAMAKI, n. A bracelet. suru, to be clever at talking. TAMA-MONO, n. A gift, anything received TAKUNAMI,-nU,-nda, t.. v To devise, from an honorable person. Inochi wa contrive, invent. sunawachi kami no mi - nari. TAKURABE,-ru,-/a, 1. v. To compare TAMA-MUSHI, n. A kind of beetle. one thing with another, to liken. TAMA-NI, adv. Seldom, rarely, occasionTAKURE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be rumpled, ally. wrinkled, kinked, corrugated. Kawa TAMA-NO-O, n. The string on which ga -, the skin is excoriated. beads are strung. TAKURI,-ru,-tta, t. v. Same as Taguri. TAMARI,-ru.-tta, i. v. To collect, accuTo haul in hand over hand, as a rope, mulate; to endure, bear, suffer. Midzzu to snatch.; to embezzle, defraud. ga kubomi ni -, the water stands in TAKURI-KOMI,-mu,-nda-, t. v. To haul hollow places. Samukute tamaradzu, into hand over hand; embezzle. could not endure the cold. TAKUROMI,-nm,-nda, t. v. To devise, TAMASAKA, a. Seldom, rare, occasional. scheme, plan. Mlhon wo -. - ni, rarely, occasionally. TAKUSAN, adv. Many, plenty, abun- TAMASHII, n. The soul, spirit, ghost. dant, enough. TAMA-TAMA, adv. Occasionally, rarely, TAKU-SEN, n. A communication or rev- seldom. - ni kuru, seldom comes. elation from a Kami, made through TAMAWARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To give, spoken TAM 269 TAN only of most honorable persons; also, TAMURO, n. A flocking or assembling toto receive from a superior. gether; an encampment, or station for TAMA-YA, n. A tomb, sepulchre. troops; barracks. - suru, to collect TAMBI, adv. Every time, whenever. together. Kuru - ni, every time he comes. TAMUSHI, n. A ring-worm. TAMBI, n. Admiration. - suru, to ad- TAN, n. Mucous, phlegm, expectoration, mire. sputa. - ga deru, to expectorate. TAMBO, a. Rice-fields. Tan-kiri-kusuri, expectorant mediTAME, n. Sake, account, purpose, reason, cines. motive, for; by, denoting the agent, or TAN, n. Red oxide of lead. means; to, or relation. Oya ga kodo- TAN, n. A piece of cloth, the half of a mo no tame ni kuro suru, the parent hiki, = 28 feet in length.. Momen toils for his children. Tame ni nara- ittan, one piece of long cloth. nu, good for nothing, useless. TAN, n. A plot of ground, = ten se, or TAMIE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To collect, to put 300 tsubo, = io,8oo sq. feet or about I-4 together in one place anything scattered of an acre. Tan-belsu, a land regisabout, to lay up, to preserve. A ma- try. midzu wo -, to catch rain-water. TAN, n. The gall-bladder. Tannofu, id. TAME-ru,-ta, t. v. To straighten, make TAN, (zmijikai). Short. Tan-jitsu, a etraight, to correet what is wrong, to short day. -Tan-sai, little talents. level, as a gun. Te5po wo tamele tori Tan-to, a short sword. Tan-ya, a wo utsu, to level a gun and shoot a bird. short night. TAME, n. A present made to a servant TANA, n. A shelf. Kami-dana, the who brings a present. shelf in houses on which the household TAME-IKI, n. A long breath, a gasp. - gods are placed. wo tsuku. TANA, n. A shop. TAMENURI, n. Black lacquer. TANABATA, n. The Weaver or star Vega, TAMNERAI,- a, or,-ota, i. v. To pause near the Milky Way, worshipped on or hesitate, to be undecided, to be in the 7th day of the 7th month. doubt, quandary. Ikaga sen to tame- TANABIKI,-ku,-ita, i. V. To be spread ro. abroad in the air, as clouds, fog, haze, TA^MESHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To try, prove, ex- or smoke. periment, examine. TANA-CHIN, n. House rent. TAMESHI, n. A case, example, precedent, TANA-DATE, n. Ejection of a tenant. former instance. - nihiku, to give as TANA-GARI, n. One who rents a house an example or instance. or shop; a tenant. TAMI, n. People. TANA-GAYE, n. Removal from one shop TAM-MONO, n. Cloth, or piece-goods. to another. TAaocHI,-tsu,-tta, t. v. To keep, guard, TANAGO, n. The name of small fresh protect, preserve, to watch over and de- water fish. fend from evil.; to sustain, support; to TANAGOKORO, n. The hollow or palm of last, endure; to have, possess, own, the hand. hold. Inocki wo -, to preserve life. TANA-KATA, n. A clerk, shop-boy. TAMOCHI, n. Enduring, keeping, or last- TANA-KO, n. Persons living in rented ing long. houses, a tenant. TAMOTO, n. The pocket in the sleeve. TANA-MONO, n. The persons belonging TAMOTO-OTOSHI, n. A small purse or to a shop, clerks. wallet carried in the sleeve. TANA-OROSHI. n. Taking an account of TAMPAKU, a. Delicate in taste or color; stock, overhauling goods; (fig), lecturfresh, tasteless, insipid; unambitious, ing another about his faults; or speakdevoid of strong desires or lusts. ing of the faults to others. TAMPAN, n. Sulphate of copper. TANA-NUSHI, n. The owner of a shop, a TAM-PEI, n. A short sword. - kiu ni, landlord. in a great hurry, with intense activity. TANE, n. A seed; descendant, race; the TAMPO. A soft pad affixed to the point of occasion, cause, or origin from which a spear in the spear exercise. any thing springs; yeast, or ferment. TAMPO, or TAMPOPO. n. The dandelion. - rva onaji hara ga chigau, the same TAIMUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To place as an of- father but different mother. fering before an idol, or at a grave. TA-NEDZtUMI, n. A field-rat. TAMUKE, n. An offering made to idols or TANE-GAMI, n. The paper on which the at the graves. eggs of silk worms are deposited. TAN 270 TAR TANEGASHIMA, n. A pistol. ed, or to be an adept in any art, expeTANE-GAWARI, n. Having a different rienced. father, but the same mother. - no ki- TAN-RIYOKU, n. Elastic. yodai, step-brothers. TAN-SUKU, (sagasai motomeru). - suru, TAN-GUWAN. - sure, to complain in to search for, look into, inquire after, tears, to plead, to supplicate earnestly, investigate. entreat. TAN-SAN, n. Carbonic acid. TANI, i. A valley. Tani-guchi, the TAN-SEI, n. Labor, exertion. pains, dilientrance to a valley. Tani-gawa, a gence. — site koshirayeru, to make stream running through a valley, rivu- with much pains. let. Tani-michi, a path amongst the TAN-SEKI, (asa ban), n. Morning and mountains. evening. TANI-AI, n. In the valley. TAN-SEKI, n. A moist cough, or a cough TANISHI, n. A snail.. accompanied with expectoration. TAN-JAKU, n. Paper cut into long and TAN-SHIN, (akaki kokoro), n. A pure or narrow strips used for writing poe- sincere heart. - arawasu, to show try. sincerity. TANJI,-dzuru,-ta, (nageku), t. v. To TAN-SO, n. Carbon. sigh, to lament, mourn. Yo zewo -, to TAN-SOKU. - suru, to sigh, to lament, lament on account of the times. grieve. TANJI,-dzuru,-ta, (hiku), t. v. To play TAN-SOKU, n. A fuse, or match of a fireon a stringed instrument, as the harp. cracker or rocket. Koto o -. TAN-SOKU-SHI, (nage-ki-kotoba), n. An TAN-TO, (umnare), n. Birth, nativity. - interjection. suru, to bear, beget. TANsu, n. A chest of drawers, bureau. TANJO-BI, n. Birthday. TAN-TEKI-NI, adv. At once, immediateTANJO, n. Bile. ly, suddenly. TAN-KI, (mnijikai ki), n. Quick tem- TAN-TO, adv. Much, many. pered, passionate, irascible, impatience, TANUKI, n. A badger. fretfulness. TAN-ZAKU, n. A kind of thick paper used TANNO. - Suru, to be satiated, filled, for writing verses on. satisfied, to have enough, as with see- TAORE,-r,-ta, i. v. To fall over, to fall ing, hearing or eating. Ichi nichi shi- down,-of anything erect or standing ~ bai wo mite - shita. to lose money by lending, or by bac TAN-N6, n. The gall bladder. debts. Kiga -, the tree has fallen. TANOrI,-,-nu,-nda, t. a. To call, ask, to TAORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To break off, pluck apply to for aid or assistance; to re- off with the hand. Hano wo -, to quest, solicit; to trust to, depend on, pluck a flower. confide in, rely on. Isha wo-, to call TAOSHI,-su,-a, t. v. To throw down in a doctor. Chikara wo tanonde, re- anything standing, to prostrate, to lying on one's strength. throw over; to defraud. Airi-taosu, TANOMI, n. Request, solicitation, peti- to cut down. Oshi-taosu, to push over. tion; trust, reliance, dependance. - Taosareru, to be thrown down, to be ni naranu mono, a person not to be defrauded. depended on. TAOVAKA, a. Graceful, genteel. - na TANOM'os HII,-ki,-ku, a. Reliable, to be suagata. depended on; hopeful, promising, giv- TAPPITSU, n. Characters written with a ing ground to expect aid, or help from. pen full of ink, and in large size. - ni TANOSHII.-ki,-ku, a. Pleasant, delight- kaku. ful, agreeable, happy. TAPPURI, adv. Much, a great deal, TANOSHIMI,-u, —nda, i. v. To take considerable, good deal. Go shaku - pleasure in, to be happy in, to delight aru, there is a little over five feet. in, rejoice in, to enjoy, to anticipate TARA, n. Cod-fish. with pleasure. Suye wo -, to look for- TARA, n. The name of a thorny tree. ward to a happy future. TARADZU, or TARANU, neg. of Tari. Not TANOSHIMI, n. Pleasure, happiness, de- enough, insufficient, wanting, deficient; light. unworthy, not competent. Osoru ni-, TANOSHISA, n. Happiness, delight, pleas- not worth fearing. antness. TARADZU-MAYE, n. The deficiency or TAN-REN, (kitai neru). - suru, thor- amount necessary to complete anyoughly drilled, fully skilled, well vers- thing. wo tasu. TAR 271 TAS TARAI, n. A wash-basin, a small tub for to make up the full number or quantiwashing the face and hands in. ty, to fill up. Tegamni wo kaki-tasu, TARAI,-c,-lta, i. v. To be enough, suf- to fill up an unfinished letter. Tsugificient, adequate, complete, qualified. tasu, to fill out by slicing. Shi ni roTARAKASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To divert a ku tasu no to, six added to four make child so as to stop its crying, to stop its ten. crying by coaxing or scaring it. TASHI, n. That which is added to make TARARI-TO, adv. The manner of any- up the full number or quantity, comthing hanging down, or sound of drops pliment. falling. Inugashita wo - sageru. TASHIKA-NA, a. Certain, true, sure, TARASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To drop, let fall, positive, assured, safe, secure, reliable. or run down as a liquid; to let hang TASHIKA-NI, adv. Certainly, assuredly, down, as a tassel. Namida wo -, to surely, truly, positively, absolutely. - let tears fall. Tarashi-komu, to drop, uketoruz, certainly received. or let a liquid fall or run into anything. TASHI-MAYE, n. Boot, anything given to TARASHI (teki), n. A drop. Midzu hilo make the exchange equal, or make up -, one drop of water. a deficiency. - wo toru, to take boot. TARAWANU, neg. of Tarai. Not enough, TASHIMI-mu,-nda, t. z. To be very insufficient. - koto nashi, deficient fond of, delight in, have pleasure in; in nothing. to keep or provide one's self in. TARAYO, n. The Holly, Ilex Latifolia. TASHINAI,-ki,-ku, a. Not more than TARE, pro. Who. Tare mo ka mo, one needs, only enough for one's self; everybody. Tare ka shiranu mono not enough. wa nai, there is nobody that does not TASHINAMI,-mU,-nda, t. v. To be cirknow it. cumspect, cautious, careful, watchful, TARE,-ru,-la, L. v. To drop, or run prudent, provident. down, as a liquid; to hang down, as TASHINAMI, n. Circumspection,'caution, anything suspended; to bestow or give prudence, care. to an inferior. Kobe wo -, to hang TASHINAIMU, or TASHINAMERARU, i. V. down the head. Te wo -, to let the To be persecuted, afflicted, distressed, hands hang down. A waremi wo tare- harrassed. taytoaye, have pity upon me. Tare-ko- TASOGARE, n. Evening, twilight. mteru, to shut in, or screen with hang- TA-SOKU, n. That which serves to fill ing curtains. or make up a deficiency, or to make a TARE-KASU, n. The sediment or grounds sufficiency. left after straining or filtering. TASSHA, a. Vigorous, well, healthy, roTARI,-,-la, i. v. To be enough, suf- bust, strong, sound in body or mind. ficient, adequate, competent, qualified. TASSHA-NI, adv. Vigorously, in a strong, Taru koto wo shzranu, to be dis- robust or active manner. - kuraszite contented. iru, to live in vigorous health. TARI,-rU. An auxiliary verbal suffix TAssHI,-,,-ta, i. v. To be thoroughly formed from to, and ari. Ko-taru versed, expert or proficient in; to reach, monoe, = ko to aru maono, one who is a attain to; to inform, communicate. child. Shin-taru no amichi, the duty Bumbu ni tasshita hito, a person perof a minister. Mi-tari kiki-tari shita fect in literature and military art. koto wokaite oku, to write down things TASSHI-GAKI, n. A government circular which one sees and hears. or proclamation. TARU, n. A barrel, cask. TASUKARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be saved, TARUHI, n. An icicle. preserved, delivered, helped, aided. TARRI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Slack, lax, not Inochi ga tasukatta, his life was saved. tense, relaxed; remiss. Tasukaranu, cannot be saved. TARUKI, n. The timbers of a roof, a TASUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To save, deliver, rafter. succor, preserve, rescue; to aid, assist. TARUME,-ru,-ta, I. v. To slacken, to Ware wo tatsuke-tamaye, save me. loosen, relax, to remit care or attention. Tasuke-au, to aid, help or assist each Nawa wo -. other. Tasukerareru, to be saved or TARMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be slack, helped by another; can be saved. loose, lax; to become remiss, relaxed, Tasukerarenu, cannot be saved. negligent. TASUKE, n. Salvation, preservation, deTAsHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To make up a de- liverance; succor, help, aid, assistance. ficiency, to complete; to add to, so as - no hei, succoring troops. - bune, TAS 272 TAT a boat which saves from drowning or TATAYE,-rU,-ta, t. v. or i. v. To fill up shipwreck. to the brim, to be brimful, full to overTASUKI, n. A cord used for girding up flowing. the sleeves while working. TATAYE,-ru, t. v. To praise, extol; to TATADZUNMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To stop, liken, compare to. stand still. Tatadzumi-dokoro, a stop- TATE, n. The warp or threads which ping place. are extended lengthwise in a loom. TATAKAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To'fight, to TATE, n. A shield. - ni toru, to use war, to contend, or engage in battle. as a shield. Tatakareru, to be beaten, pounded. TATE, n. The height or length, used Tatakarete shinu, to be beaten to' only in measuring; a row from top to death. Tatakawaseru, to cause to, or bottom. let war, to make to fight, set to fight- TATE,-ru,-ta,. v. To stand up, set up, ing. to erect, raise, fix, establish; to shut, TATAKAI, n. War, battle, contention, as a door; to sharpen, as a saw; to offighting. fer up, as a petition; to enact, as laws; TATAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To strike, beat, to pass, as time. Hara wo -, to get knock, rap, to pound; to chop fine. angry. Chikai wo -, to make an oath. Taiko wo -, to beat a drum. Ku/chi Shoko wo -, to bring proof. Na wo -, wo -, to talk much babble. Tataki- to make famous. Kami wo -, to let au, to fight or beat each other. the hair grow. Hari wo -, to stick Tataki-hirameru, to flatten out by with a needle. Yu wo -, to boil water. beating. Tataki-korosu, to beat to Cha wo -, to stir powdered tea and death. Tataki-kudaku, to break to hot water together until it foams. Umza pieces by pounding. Tataki-mageru, wo -, to stop a horse. Ichi wo -, to to bend or curve by pound-ing. hold a fair or market. Shkchiu wo -, TATAK. A hard floor made by pound- to evaporate alcohol. ing small stones and mortar together. TATE, adv. Just now. Kumi-tate no TATAKI-BARAI, n. Flogging-as a pun- midzu, water just drawn. Ki-tate no ishment. kiyaku, a guest who is just come. DeTATA IARI,-ru,-/ta, i. v. To be folded, ki-tate, just finished, or just made. shut. Taki - no mneshzi, rice just boiled. TATAAMI,-n,-nda, t. v. To fold, or TATE-BA, n. Stopping-places on a road double up, to shut, to wrap up; to for chair-bearers or horses. multiply, increase. Kimono wo -, TATE-DASHI, n. An apartment or buildto fold clothes. Hon wo -, to shut ing erected as an addition to the main a book. building. TATAMI, n. A floor mat. TATE-GAMI, n. A horse's mane. TATAII-BARI, n. A long needle used TATE-GU, n. Articles used in building a or sewing mats. house, as screens, doors, etc., kept TATAMI-KAKETE, adv. Repeatedly, over ready made for sale. Tategu-ya, the and over again. - kuru, to cut re- shop in which the above articles are peatedly. sold. TATAMI-SASHI, n. A maker of floor-mats. TATE-HIKI.-ku,-iita, i. v. To generousTATAMI-YA, n. A seller or maker of floor- ly aid, assist, or take the part of others. mats. TATE-JIMA, n. Striped lengthwise. TATAMI-ZAN, n. A way of divining, or TATE-KAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To erect or settling a doubt, by casting anything put up anything in the place of anothon a mat, and counting the square on er, to exchange or substitute. Daikin which it falls. wo tate-kayete dashite oku, to advance TATARA, n. A large bellows used in or pay out money for another. foundries and worked by treading. - TATE-KIRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To close up, wo fumu. cut off, or shut up, as a road or thorTATARI, n. Curse, evil, or calamity in- oughfare; to intercept. flicted by a Kamni, evil spirit, or ghost TATE-KOMORI,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be shut of a dead person. up in a fortress, or inclosed with deTATARI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To inflict evil or fences, to be intrenched, to be garricalamity, to smite with a curse. soned. TATASE,-rU,-ta, caust. of Tatsu. To TATEnIATSURI,-rU,-/a, t. v. To give or help up, cause to stand up, to set free, offer to a superior,-used as a very reto help off on a journey. spectful adjunct to other verbs. Miki TAT 273 TAY Gwo kami ni -, to offer up wine to the noble; precious, valuable, esteemed, Kami. excellent. TATE-MONO, n. A building, also the tim- TATTOSA, n. Honorableness, eminence, bers cut and made ready for a building, preciousness. the horns or plume on a helmet, a TAWAI, as Tawaimo nai. Stupid, dull, crest, the principal characters in a senseless, powerless. Sake ni yotte - theatre. ga nai, to be drunk and stupid. TATERA. A word only found in combina- TAWAKE, n. A dunce, fool. tion with a few words; as, Onna, oto- TAWAKE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To sport, to trifle ko kodomo, = nagara; as, Onna-ta- or talk nonsense, especially to a woman; teru ikusa ni detagaru, woman as she to daily, to be silly, foolish. is, or unwomanlike she wishes to go to TAWA-KOTO, n. Foolishness, nonsense, the war. absurdity. TATE-TSUGI, n. An extension erected so TAWAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To bend, to as to enlarge a house. curve. Yeda wo tawamete mi wo TATE-TSUKE, n. The crack of a door or toru. window, where the sashes meet. TAWAMI,-ma,-nda, i. v. To bend, to TATE-TSUKETE, adv. In quick succes- sag. Nigaomokute bo gatawanda. sion, one after the other. TAwAAURE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To play, sport, TATE-YOKO, n. Length and breadth, or to frolic, make merry, romp, make fun, lengthwise and crosswise. joke, daily. TATOGAMI, n. A portfolio. TAWARA, n. A bag made of straw, for TATOI, adv. In case that, supposing holding grain, etc. that, although, even if. - shin-demo TAWARE-ME, n. A prostitute. haku-jo wa senu, will not confess TAWAYAKA. Bending, flexible. though he die for it. TAYASHI,-saZ,-ta, t. v. To cause to cease, TATOYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To compare, liken, to cut off, to put an end to, to extermifor the purpose of illustration, to eluci- nate. Shison wo -, to cut off the posdate, illustrate. terity. Tayasadzu, without ceasing. TATOYE, n. Comparison, illustration. Ne wo -, to eradicate. Tatoye-banashi, an illustration, a para- TAYASUI,-kik-k,- -shi, a. Easy, not difble. ficult. TATOYEBs, adv. For instance, by way of TAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To come to an end, illustration, for example. cease, discontinue, to fail, to be extinct, TATSU, n. A dragon; one of the twelve exhausted, cut off. Chi-suji ga -, horary signs. - no koku, eight o'clock family line is extinct. Tayedzu, unA. M. - no ho, E. S. E. ending, unceasing, unfailing, everlastTATSU-JIN, n. An expert, adept. ing, perpetual. Taye-hateru, to be TATSUKI, no. Something for the hand to extinct, cut off, ended, exterminated. lay hold of, a hold, support, expedient, Taye-iru, to die, to extinguish life. way. Taye-iru hodo no kurushimi, suffering TAUTSUMI, n. - no ho, South-east. - no enough to take one's life. toki, from eight to ten A. M. TAYE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To bear, endure, TATSU-MONO, n. A long scroll hung up suffer, support, sustain; to hold out, against the wall, containing a verse of Taye-gatai, hard to bear. Owari poetry, an extract from some book, or a made -, to hold out to the end. Tayea picture. dzu, unbearable, insufferable, intoleraTATTA, coll. same as Tada. Only, mere- ble, insupportable. ly. - kore dake, only so much. TAYE-DAYE-NI, adv. Hardly, barely, TATTE, adv. Urgently, importunately, scarcely; almost, exhausted or finished. right or wrong. - negau, urgently to Inochi - nogareta, barely escaped with request. life. TATTOBARESHI-ki,-k,, a. Worthy of TAYE-MA, n. Interruption, interval of honor, estimable. space or time. Kumo no - kara TATToBI,-ba,-nda, i. v. To honor, re- tsukiga sasu. spect, reverence, esteem, to value, prize. TAYENARU, a. Marvellous, wonderful, Kin yori tattobu monno ntshi, there is most excellent, indescribable. nothing more prized than gold. Tatto- TAYE-sHINoBI,-b,-nda, t. v. To bear bareru,-ru,-ta, to be honored, or es- patiently. teemed. TAYORI,-r,-tta, i. v. To look to for TATTOI-ki,-shi, a. Exalted, honorable, aid, or help; to lean upon for support, 12* TAY 274 TED to depend on, rely on, to trust in, to vision, supplies, equipment. Ro-yo no befriend. -, funds needed on a journey. TAYORI, n. Support, reliance, depend- TE-ATSUI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Liberal, genence, trust, help, use, assistance; word, erous, munificent. tidings, news; opportunity. Nani wo TE-AWASE, n. First encounter or meet- ni kurashimasu, what does he de- ing of hostile armies. Kami-sori - pend on for a living? -ni naranu suru, to sharpen a razor on the mnusuko, a son to whom one cannot hand. look for help. TE-AYAMACHI, n. A mistake or blunder TAYowAI,-ki,-ku,-ski, a. Weak, feeble, in doing anything. TAYUME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To slacken, relax. TE-BAKO, n. A small box. unbend. TE-BANA. - wo kamnu, to blow the nose TAYUMI,-mu,-nda, i. v. To be slack, to with the fingers. relax, or remit exertion, to flag, to be- TE-BANASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To let go the come careless or inattentive, hold, remove the hands, let go. TAYuTAI,-au,-atta, i. v. To be rocked TE-BARI,-ru,-ita, i. v. To be more than about on the waves, to be becalmed; to one can attend to, too much for one to hesitate, to waver in doubt, to falter. do or manage. Ichi nichi no shigoto TAZOKARE, n. Dusk, twilight. ni wa tebaru. TE, n. The hand, the arm; a body or TE-BASHIKOI,-ki,-ku, a. Ready and exdivision of troops; a path, or road; a pert with the hands, dexterous, adtune; skill, plan, tactics, art, device; roit. way, mode, manner of performing or TE-BATAKI, n. Clapping the hands; just doing; style of penmanship; handle; clearing one's expenses. -- vo suru, a person, a company, or division of an to clap the hands; to sell anything for army; the tendril of a vine. - no ko, just enough to clear one's expenses. the back of the hand. - no suji, the TE-BAYAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Expert with lines on the palm. Midzu no-, water- the hands, dexterous, adroit, nimble, courses. Yama no-, roads in a moun- quick. tain. Hi no -, flames of a fire. Saki- TE-BI, n. A torch-light, flambeau. te, thevan, or front division of an army. TE-BIKAI, n. A note, or memorandumKai-te, the buyer. - no kiita hito, a book. skilful person, a good hand. - vo ka- TE-BIKI, n. Leading another by the shite kudasare, lend us a hand. - oo hand to show the way, a guide; an indasu, to take hold, to help to do. - troduction. wo o, to be wounded. - wo owa- TE-BIRoI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Wide, extenseru, to wound. - ga tatsu, skilful, sive, widely extended. Tebiroku akidexterous. -ga agaru, to improve in nai wo suru. penmanship. - ni amaru, too much TE-BIYOSHI, n, Beating or keeping time for the hands, more than one is able to with the hands, in music; drumming do. - ni awanu, unable to do. Shigi with the fingers. - wo toru. no te, the moves in chess. TE-B6, n. A person who has lost his TE-AI, plural noun. Persons, fellows. hand. Chiugi na -, faithful fellows. TE-BOKI, n. A small broom. TE-AKI, a. Nothing to do, hands unoc- TE-BUKURO, n. A glove, mitten. cupied. - no nai, no leisure. TE-BURI, n. Empty handed; behavior, TE-AMASHI,-su,-ta, i. v. To be too much manner, customs. - de kuru, to come or too hard for one to manage, to be empty-handed. beyond one's ability. TE-CHIGAI, n. A mistake, blunder, erTE-ARAIi,ki,-k,-shi, a. Rough, rude, ror. violent in doing, coarse in manner. TE-CH6, n. A small account, note, or TE-ASOBI, n. A toy. memorandum-book. TE-ATARI, n. The feel, or state of any- TE-DAI, n. One that acts in the place thing as perceived by the touch; any- of another, an agent, factor, a substithing within one's reach, or near at tute. hand. - shidani nitotte nageru, seiz- TEDATE, n. Plan, device, stratagem, ing whatever was within reach he flung scheme, trick, way. - wo suru, to it. devise a plan. TE-ATE, n. Treatment or management; TE-D6. Distant, a long way. - na tothings needed; conveniencies means; koro, a distant place. appliances, preparation, outfit; pro- TE-DZUKAMI, n. Seizing hold of, taking TED 275 TEI with the hand or in the fingers. - ni dexterity in doing, or the knowledge shite kui, to eat with the fingers. acquired by putting the hand to anyTE-DZUKARA, adv. With one's own thing. hand. - koshirayeta, made it my- TE-GOME, n. Taking out of the hand by self. force, or against the will of another. TE-DZUKAYE, n. Hands full of business, Kane wo - ni toru, taking money busy. - ni nara, to be busy. from another by force. TE-DZUKURI, n. Anything made by one's TE-GORO, n. Suited to the size or self, not by a regular manufacturer, strength of the hand, handy, convenhome-made. - no nuno, home-made lent in size. - na tsuye, a cane suiting cloth. the hand. TE-DZUMA, n. Sleight of hand tricks, TE-GOTAYE, n. The sensation felt in the legerdemain. - tsukai, a juggler. hand, when striking against something TE-DZUMA-SHI, n. A juggler. held in it. TE-DZUME, n. Extremity, extremely TE-GOWAI, a. Rough, rude, violent, or pressing or urgent. - no saisoku, the coarse in manner, exact, strict. last demand for payment. TE-GUMI, n. Folding the arms; a plan, TE-DZUMORI, n. Measuring with the scheme, trick. - wo suru, to fold the hands or fingers. - wo suru. arms. TE-DZURU, n. A go-between, or a mutual TE-GURI, n. Adjusting one's business so acquaintance who introduces two per- as to get leisure or time for something sons who are strangers. else. - wo shiteyuku. TE-DZUSAII, n. Doing anything merely TEGUsu, n. A kind of fishing line. to relieve tedium, as a pastime, or di- TE-HADZU,. Plan, arrangement, scheme, version. ~- ni zuo kaku. project. TE-DZUYoI,-ki,-k-,-shi, a. Firm, reso- TE-HAJIME, n. The commencement, or lute, unyielding, decided. first part of any work. TE-FUDA, n. A visiting-card. TE-HIDOI,-ki,-kM,-shi, n. Severe, vioTE-GAI, n. Fed by the hand, reared by lent, cruel. one's self, tame, domestic,-used only TE-HON, n. A copy for imitation, a samof animals. ple, pattern, model, specimen, examTE-GAKARI, n. A hold, or anything to pie. lay the hand on; a clew, trace. TEI. Fidelity or obedience of a wife to TEGAMI, n. A letter, epistle. her husband. Tei-jitsu, virtuous, true, TE-GANE, n. A manacle, handcuff. failhful. Tei-jo, a virtuous woman. TEGARA, n. A skilful or clever deed, TEI, n. A roof supported by pillars, a exploit, skill. - wo suru, to do a pavilion, shed, summer house. heroic deed. TEI, n. Form, appearance, looks, fashTE-GARUI,-ki,-k,-shi, a. Easy to do, ion, manner, state, condition. kziyaku without difficulty. Tegaruku dekita, -, state of the pulse. easily done. TEIKA-KADZURA, n. The Malonetia TE-GASA, n. A parasol, sunshade. Asiatica. TE-GASE, n. Handcuffs. TEI-NEI, a. Neat, nice, exact, scrupuTE-GATA, n. A certificate, receipt, lous, careful, particular, delicate, genvoucher, passport, a ticket, bank-note. teel, courteous, polite. TE-GATAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Firm, strong, TE-IPPAI, a. Ahandful. Akinai wodurable, safe, secure. ni suru, to trade with one's own capiTE-GINE, n. A pestle, or small pounder. tal,-without a partner; also, to invest TE-GIRE,. Cut off, broken off, dis- one's whole property in business. solved, as relationship. - ni naru. TE-IRADZU. New, not yet used. - no TE-GIREI. Doing in a clean, neat way. rmono, a thing that has not yet been - ni suru. used. TE-GIRI, n. Cut by one's self. -no sep- TE-IRE, n. Repairing, mending. - wo puku, the execution of harikiri or- suru, to mend, repair. dered by a Daimiyo himself to one of TEI-SHU, n. The master of a house, head his servants, and not by the orders of of a family, a husband. the government. TE-ITAI,-ki,-ku,-shi.,-O, a. Severe, vioTE-GIWA, n. Workmanship, skill in do- lent, until the hand is tired. Teitakz ing or making. - ga warui, badly semeru, to torture severely. done. TEI-TAI, n. Indigestion, dyspepsia. - TE-GOKORO, n. Knowledge of how to do, suru, to have indigestion. TEI 276 TEM TEI-TARAKU, a. The condition, manner, TEKOMAI, n. A pageant at festivals, circumstances. where men and women dressed in pecuTE-JIKA, a. Near at hand, within reach. liar clothing walk in procession, singing - na tokoro, a place near at hand. " to mo agekiyari." TE-JINA, a. Motions or gestures of the TE-KUBARI, n. Distribution of troops, or hand, movement of the hands in danc- hands for any kind of work, division of ing. labor. TE-JO, n. Handcuffs, manacles. TE-KUBI, n. The wrist. TE-JOBU, a. Strongly made, durable, TE-KUDA, a. Artifice, deception, trick. firm. TE-KUSE, a. Habit, or style of penmanTE-JUN, n. The order, or method of do- ship; also, a habit of pilfering. ing. Shigoto no —ga warui, the work TEMA, (te no imna,). The time spent is not done in the proper order. in work or doing anything. - wo ireTE-KADZU, n. Number of hands or work- ru, to spend a long time in doing. men, much labor, frequent services. - no kakaru shigoto, work requiring time ga kakaru, to require much labor. to do. TEKAKE, n. A concubine. TEMA-CHIN, n. The price of labor, wages TE-KAKI, n. A good penman. of workmen, —reckoned according to TEKI, n. An enemy, foe; used only of the time spent on the work. an enemy in war. - ni katsu, to over- TEMA-DAI. The price of labor. come the enemy. - suru, to oppose, TEMA-DORI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To spend or resist, contend with. Teki-chi, the take time, to be tardy, slow, to delay, enemy's country, a hostile country. procrastinate. TE-KIBISHII,-ki,-ku, a. Severe, rigorous, TE-MAKURA, n. The arm used as a pilstrict. low. - wo shite neru, to sleep with TEKI-CHIU, (mato ni ataru). - suru, to the head on the arm. hit the mark, to suit, to agree, accord. TE-MAME. Dextrous, expert, skilful in TEKI-HAKI, adv. Soon, quickly. - to doing. - ni shigoto wo suru, to be tenki ni naranu. expert in doing one's work. TEKI-I, (kokoro makase). According to TE-MANE, n. Gesture, or motions of the one's will or pleasure, agreeable to hands. - wo shite hanashi wo suru, one's mind or judgment. - ni seyo, to talk and gesticulate. do just as you please. TE-MANEKI, n. Beckoning with the TE-KIKI, n. Smart, adroit, active, or ex- hand. pert in doing anything. TE-MARI, n. A small ball, hand-ball. -- TEKI-MEN, adv. Quick and manifest, wo tsuku, to strike a ball. immediate and obvious, in a striking TEMARI-BANA, n. Hoya Carnosa. manner. - ni kusuri ga kiita, the TEMA-TORI, n. An assistant to a workeffects of the medicine were quickly man, an under-workman. manifest. TE-MAWARI, n. Anything near or at TE-KIN, n. Earnest money, advance hand; a servant of a noble who carries money, bargain money. his master's sandals. TEKIPAKI, adv. Quick, industriously, TE-MAWASHI, n. The work to bedone on actively, diligently. any occasion. Sho guwatsu no -, the TEKI-REI, n. An example, or case in work to be done in preparation of new point; a precedent to establish a usage. years day. TEKITAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To be hostile, TE-MAYE, firo. I, (in speaking humbly resist, contend, to fight with, oppose. of one's self); or you, (in speaking conTEKI-TO, (mato ni ataru). Suitable, temptously to at other); this side; beproper. fitting, appropriate, adequate, fore, or in the sight of; manner of holdbecoming. - no home kata, praise ing. Temzaye domo, we or you. Kawa just suitable to one's merit. - shitaru no -, this side of the river. Hito no reigi, appropriate ceremonies. - ga hadzukashii, ashamed in the TEKI-YAKU, n. An incompatible medi- presence ofothers. Temaye-gatte, one's cine. own convenience, one's own pleasure. TEKKIU, n. A gridiron. TEM-BIN, n. Scales for weighing, a balTEKKO, n. A mitten covering only the ance. back of the hand. TEMBIN-BO, n. The pole used by coolies TEKO, n. A lever. for carrying burdens across the shoulTEKODZURI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be per- der. plexed, troubled, embarrassed. T'rz-BUTSU, n. Anything pawned at a TEM 277 TEN pawnbroker's shop, a pledge. - suru, TENDE, adv. From the first, from the to pawn. beginning. TE-MIJIKA. Short, brief, concise. — a TEN-DEN, adv. Each one' every one, oshiye, short lessons. - ni mono wo all. iu, to tell anything in a few words. TEN-DO, n. The heavenly temple, paraTEMMA, n. A devil, demon. dise, heaven. TEMMA, n. A small boat, used for plying TEN-DO, (shizen no michi), n. The laws between a ship and the land. or ordinances of heaven, laws of naTEMMA, n. The relay of pack-horses kept ture. at a post-station. TEN-DO, (kutsugayeri taoru). Turning TEMMAKU, n. Curtains hanging around up side down, to be overthrown, capa room from the ceiling, in theatres, or sized. temples; a tent. TEN-GAI, n. The horizon, the utmost TEMMOKU, n. A large tea cup. verge of the heavens. TEMMON, n. Astronomy, astrology. TEN-GAI, n. A canopy or dome of wood TEMMON-DAI, n. An observatory, or gold under which idols are seated, TEMMON-DO, n. Asparagus. also a canopy carried over the coffin at TEMMON-SHA, n. An astrologer, astrono- funerals. mer. TEN-GAN-KIY6, n. A mirror which magTE-MOCHI, n. The way of holding any- nifies the face. thing in the hand. TEN-GEN, (hirugayeru kotoba), n. An TEMOCHI-BUSATA. Tired, wearied or dis- altered word, a word formed from angusted, ennui, tedium. other by a change of some of its letTE-MODORI, n. A relapse, as in disease; ters. turning back in order to do over again. TEN-G6, n. Playing with anything in TEMONAKU, adv. Just like, very like, the hands, motions or gestures made not different from. with the hands. — sur, to lay hold TE-MOTO. Near, at hand, convenient, of, to handle. within reach. Ima - nikanega nai. TEN-GU, (ten no inu,) n. An imaginary TE-MOTSURE, n. Entanglement, per- being supposed to inhabit mountains plexity; difficult and tedious. and unfrequented places, represented TEMPO, n. The name of an oval brass in pictures with a long nose, wings, and coin, = ioo cash. two claws on each foot and hand; an TEM-PO. - suru, to change a prescrip- elf, or hobgoblin, a devil. - ni naru, tion, or mode of treatment. to become proud or vainy - wo iu, to TEMPURA, n. Fish dipped in batter and boast, vaunt one's self. fried, fish-cutlets. TEN-GU-J6, n. A kind of fine thin paTE-MUKAI,-,-atta, t. v. To resist, op- per. pose. TE-NI-WO-HA, n. The particles used by TE-MUKAI, n. Opposition, resistance. the Japanese to show the relations of TEN, (amne), n. The sky, the heavens; words to each other; the rules of gramheaven, the supreme power, providence, mar. or nature; the'blank space at the top TENJI,-ru or dzuru,-ta, 1. v. To change, of a page. Ten-batsu, the punishment to vary, alter. of heaven. Ten-nei, the decree of TBNJIKU, n. India. heaven, fate, providence, destiny. Ten- TEN-JO, n. The ceiling of a room. chi, heaven and earth. TEN-JO, (ten no uye), n. Heaven, paraTEN, n. A dot, point. - wo utsu, to dise. - suru, to ascend to heaven, to make a dot. mount up into the air. TEN, n. A marten. - no kawa, the TEN-KA (ame no shita), n. The world, skin of a marten. but especially the empire of Japan. TE-NAGA-ZARU, n. A long-armed ape. - ittM, the whole world, or the whole TE-NAMI, n. Hand or skill in doing or empire. fencing. TEN-KAN, n. Epilepsy. TE-NARAI, n. Learning to write, pen- TEN-KARA, adv. From the first, from manship. the beginning. TE-NARASHI,-sU,-ta, i. v. To break in, TEN-ICEI-BIYO, n. The disease inflicted to accustom to one's use, to train. by heaven, viz., the leprosy. TE-NARE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be accustom- TEN-KEN. — suru, to examine, search ed to the use of anything, to be in the into. habit of using, used to. TEN-KI, n. The weather. TEN 278 TES TEN-KOKU. - suru, to engrave letters TE-ODORI, n. Moving the hands and on a seal. arms to music in the manner of dancers. TEN-NAN-SHO, n. The Arum Tryphil- TE-OI, n. A wound.' ni naru, to be lum, dragon-root, or Indian turnip, wounded. - ni suru, to wound. TEN-NEN, a. Natural, produced or effect- TE-OI, n. A kind of mitten covering the ed by nature, of itself, spontaneous. arm and back of the hand. TEN-NEN, n. The natural term of life as TE-OKI, n. The manner of putting away fixed by heaven. for keeping. Katana no -ga warui TEN-NIN, n. Imaginary beings repre- kara sabita. sented by the Buddhists as beautiful TE-OKURE, n. Late in doing, delaying, females, enjoying perpetual youth, procrastinating. Riyojiga - ni natte clothed in feather robes, with wings, mo naoraru. skilled in music and singing, and dwell- TE-o-ioI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Difficult to do, ing in heaven; an angel. tedious, slow; important. TEN-NIN, n. Rotation in office, change TE-ONO, n. A hatchet or small axe. of office or service. TE-ORI, n. Woven by one's self or at TEN-NO, n. The Emperor. home, not by a regular manufacturer. TEN-NON, n. Blessings, benefactions, or TE-owASE,-r,-ta, t. v. To wound, to favor conferred by heaven, inflict a wound. Hito ni -. TEN-RAN-KUWAI, n. An exhibition or TEPPATSU, n. An iron bowl carried by collection of rare things for show. begging priests. TEN-SAI, n. A calamity caused by the TEPPEKI, n. An iron wall. Ikanaru great powers of nature; as by an earth- - nari to iyedomo yaburezaru koto quake, tempest, or inundation. nashi. TEN-Sill, n. The son of heaven, viz., TEPPEN, n. The top, summit, highest the AMikado, or the Emperor of Japan. point. TEN-SHI, n. The metastasis of disease. TEPPO, n. A gun, cannon, or fire-arms TEN-SHU, n. A tower of several stories of any kind; the furnace of a bathwithin the walls of a castle. tub. TEN-SHU-KIYO, n. The religion of the TEPPO-DAI, n. A gun-carriage, gun-stock. Lord of Heaven, Roman Catholic re- TEPPO-KAJI, n. A gun-smith. ligion. TEPPUN, n. Iron filings, powdered iron. TEN-SUI-OKE, n. A rain-tub. TERA, t. A Buddhist temple, or monasTEN-TAKU. - SUru, to change a resi- tery. 0 tera sama, a Buddhist priest. dence, move to another house. TERA-IRI, n. Entering school. - wo TEN-TEKI, n. The rain drops from the suru. eaves of a house. TERAKOYA, n. A school-house. TEN-TO, n. The ruling power of nature, TERASHI,-Su,-ta, t. v. To cause to shine, the Deity, heaven; the sun. to give light, to illuminate, lighten, enTEN-TO-BOSHI, n. In the open air; with- lighten; to observe, examine, compare. out a covering. - akinai wo suru. TERASHI-AWASE,-,-ta, t. v. To comTEN-TOKUJI, n. A mattress made of pare together, to examine anything by thick paper stuffed with straw. - bu- comparing it to the rule or standard, ton. collate. TE-NUGUI, n. A handkerchief, a towel, TERA-TERA, adv. Shiny, glossy, oily in napkin. appearance. TE-NUKE, n. An unintentional omission, TERATSU-TSUKI, n. A wood-pecker. or failure to do something which should TERA-UKE-JO, n. A certificate or letter have been.done. of dismission from one Buddhist temTE-NUKI, n. An intentional omission, ple to another. neglect, or slighting of any work. TEREN, coil., n. Artifice, deception, TE-NURUI,-ki,-ku, a. Slow, dull, inac- fraud. - i noru, to be imposed upon. tive in doing; easy, or gentle. TERI,-r,-Ita, i. v. To shine, give light. TENYA, coil., n. A shop where boiled Hilga -, the sun shines. fish and vegetables are sold. TE-SAKI, n. The end of the fingers; TEN-YAKU. - suru, to be changed from a secret policeman, a spy, an underling one official position to another. or agent. TE-OBOYE, n. A mark, or anything used TE-SAKU, n. Produced or grown by one's to aid one to remember; dexterity, self, home product, domestic manufacskill. - ni kaite oku. ture. TE-OCHI, n. An omission, neglect. TE-SEI, n. Made by one's self, manufac TES 279 TO tured at home. - no sake, home-made or company in doing anything; diviwine. sion of a body of troops. TE-SENJI, n. Boiling one's rice himself, TE-WATASHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To hand over, cooking for one's self. to pass over to another. TE-SHAKU. Pouring wine into a cup for TE-WAZA, n. Work, anything done by one's self, helping one's self to wine. the hands, manual labor. TE-SHIMA-ISHI, n. A kind of soft stone TE-YARI, n. A short spear, a javelin. used in building. TE-YOKI, n. A hand axe, hatchet. TE-SHIO-ZARA, n. A small plate. TE-oOWAI,-,-i,-k,-shi, a. Weak, not TE-SHOKU, n. A hand lamp. strong, without nerve, cowardly. TE-SO, n. The lines on the palm of the TE-ZAI-KU, n. Any small or ingenious hand examined in palmistry. work made by one's self, or at home. TESO-MI, n. Palmistry, or one who tells TE-ZAWARI, n. The feel of anything. fortunes by the lines on the hand. -ga araz. TES-SEKI, n. Iron and stone, adaman- TE-ZEI, n. One's company, or division tine. of troops. TES-SEN, n. A fan, the frame of which TE-ZOROI, n. Full complement or numis made of iron. ber of hands. - de shigoto ga hayai. TES-SEN, n. A small iron coin, 96 of To (haku). -suru, to vomit. which make one temzpo. To, n. A door. TES-SHA, n. Iron filings. To, n. A whetstone. TEssHI,-suru,-ta (toru). To penetrate, To, conj. And, that; from; if, when, pierce through, to affect deeply. with; used to mark a quotation or to TES-SHO, n. The fluid made of iron and indicate something said, or thought. gall-nuts, used by women for blacking A me to tsuchi, heaven and earth. Mo the teeth. nai to mOshimashita, he said there TE-SUKI, n. Intervals of leisure from was no more. work. T6, n. Ratan. TE-SUsRI, n. A rail extending from post To, n. Candy, used only in compound to post, or over balusters for the hand words; as, Hakka-t, peppermint canto rest on. dy. Shaga-tO, ginger candy. AriheiTETE, or TETEOYA, n. Father. to, sugar candy. TETE-NASHI-GO, n. A child without a To, a. Ten. father, viz., a bastard. To, = and that kind of things, or things TETERA, n. A shirt without sleeves worn of that class, et caetera, also a plural next the skin. particle; as, Kamni sumi fude tO wa TETSU, n. Iron. Tetsu-ben, an iron cane. nichi-yo no mono da. Tetsu-bin, an iron pot used for boiling To. An infusion, or decoction; only water. Tetsu-iro, iron color. Tetsu- used in comp. words; as, Keishi-to, Jo, an iron cane. Tetsu-mempi, a infusion of cinnamon. brazen-faced person, impudent. To. A grain or fluid measure, equal to TE-TSUDAI,-au,-Atta, t. v. To lend a ten s/ho, and the tenth part of a koku, hand, help, or assist in doing. = 1097.520 cub. in., or a little less than TE-TSUDAI, n. A helper, assistant at any half an imperial bushel. work. TO, n. A tower, pagoda. TE-TSUDZUKI, n. A go-between, one who To, n. A club, party, band, junto, facintroduces two parties who are strangers, tion, league. - wo musubu, to band, or acts as an agent in business; a set of together. by-laws, or rules, or mode of procedure. To, n. Party, company. Waga to ni TE-TSUIDE, n. A convenient time, when aradzu, does not belorig to my comengaged in doing; as, Sentaku no - pany. ni kore wo araye, when you wash the To, a. This, now, present. To koku, clothes wash this too. this country. To nen. this year. TO TE-TSUKE, n. Money paid in advance to chi, this place. - yaku, in office. - confirm a bargain, earnest-money. - nin, the said person, the principal kin, bargain money. party. TO-ban, on duty, on watch. TETSU-YA, n. Passing the night without To-bun, at present, now, temporarily. going to bed. - wo shite hon wo To-dai, the present generation. Toyomu. ho, this side, this person. TO-ji, now, TET-TO, n. An iron sword. at present. TO-sei, the present age. TE-WAKE, n. Division of labor, hands To-za, for the time being, temporarily. TO 280 TOD T6 (higashi), n. East. to feign, to pretend, dissemble; to be To, n. The stem of vegetables which silly with age. have gone to seed. Chisha ni- ga ToBORI,-ru,-tta. i. v. To burn, to flame tatte taberarenu, the salad has gone or blaze, - as oil, a lamp or candle. to seed and cannot be eaten. TOBOSHI,-S;,-ta, i. v. To cause to burn TO-AMI, n. A net for catching birds. or flame, to light. Andon wo -, to TO-AMI, n. A net for catching fish, used light a lamp. by throwing. TOBOSHII, ki,-ku, a. Deficient, wanting, T6-BA, n. Same as Sotoba. scarce; poor, destitute. Kate hibi ni TOBARI, n. A curtain over a window or toboshiku naru, the provisions daily door. become scarce. ToBASE-r,-ru,-, caust. of Tobu. To cause ToBoso, n. The leaf of a door. to or let fly, jump, or run; to pawn. TOBO-TOBO, adv. In a hobbling or haltTOBASHIRI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To splash, to ing manner. - to aruku. spatter about, as water falling upon TO-BUKURO, n. The place into which anything. the outside doors slide, and are kept TOBASHIRI, n. The drops of water spat- during the day. tering about. -ga kakaru. T6-BsN. Same weight, length, quantity TOBASU-MONO, n. An article which one or proportion; equal, alike, par. has pawned. TOBURAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To make a visTOBAYE, n. A caricature. it of condolence, to inquire after the TOBI, n. A fish-hawk, osprey. health; to visit a tomb, or ruins. ToBs,-bu,-nda, n. To fly, to jump, to T6-BUTSU, n. Chinese wares, now used spring, to move rapidly. Tobi-agaru, to for all articles of foreign make. fly up, to jump up. Tobi-chigau, to fly, TO-BUTSU-YA, n. A shop where foreign or jump past each other, to be far apart articles are sold. or very different. Tobi-hanareru, to fly T6-CHAKU, (itari tsuku), n; Arrival. apart, to fly away; to jump suddenly suru, to arrive. from one subject to another. Tobi-iru, TO-CHAKU. Attached or belonging to to fly or jump into, to enter suddenly. the soil or country. - no tami, the Tobi-kakaru, to fly upon, to rush farmers belonging to any place. upon, spring on. Tobi-kayeru, to fly TO-CHI, n. Country, place, region, soil. back. Tobi-komnu, to fly into, jump or TOCHI-GURUI,-,-t,-fa, i. v. To sport, spring into. Tobi-koyeru, to fly across, play, frolic, jest. or over; jump or spring over. Tobi- TOCHI-NC-KI, n. The Horse chesnut, kudaru, to fly, jump, or spring down. Aesculus turbinata. Tobi-noku, to flee, jump, or spring TO-CHIU, (micino naka). In the road, aside and avoid, to flee away. Tobi- while in the way. oriru, to fly, or jump down from a To-cHO. A curtain. height. Tobi-saru, to fly away, to flee T6-DAI, n. A lamp-stand, a candlestick. away! Tobi-tatsu; to start and fly, or TO-DANA, n. A cupboard, closet, wardflee away. Tobi-tsuku, to spring upon robe. and seize, or bite. Tobi-wataru, to TODAYE, n. Ceasing for a while, interfly, jump or spring across. ruption. TOBI-CHI, n. Territory isolated and lying T6DO, n. China. in a distant region, not continuous with ToDO, n. End, final, issue, upshot. the main country. no tsumari, the close or upshot of a TOBI-GUCHI, n. Hawks-bill, a fire-hook, matter. for hauling timber. ToDOKE,-r, —ta, I. v. To make, to TOBI-HI, n. Sparks or flakes of fire flying reach, or arrive at; to send forward, or from a conflagration. deliver a letter; to report, to inform. TOBI-IRO, n. Hawk's color, a light brown. TODOKE-SHO, n. A report in writing. ToBI-KIRI. Superfine, extra good. TODOKI,-ka,-it, i. 2i. To reach, exTOBI-KOSHI, n. The game of leap-frog. tend, attain to, arrive, to avail, to be TOBI-NO-MONO, n. Firemen, persons who efficacious, useful. Sodangn todokanu, carry fire-hooks, also workmen who as- the consultation was a failure. Imasist in erecting the frames of houses. shine ga todoku, the reproof was efTOBIRA, n. The leaf of a door. fective. TOBI-UWO, n. A flying fish. TODOK6RI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be obsructToBoKE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To be stupid, un- ed, impeded, retarded, delayed, kept conscious; to act the clown; to sham, back, stopped, clogged, to be sluggish, TOD 281 TOJ inert. Todokiri naku, without stop- TOGI, n. An attendant, a nurse to a sick page or delay. Omoku nigoru mono person. Hanashi —, a person called todokirite tsuchi to naru, the heavy, to entertain the sick by his conversadirty part being inert became earth. tion. TODOKRI, n. A stoppage, obstruction, ToGI,-g,-idc, t. v. To rub, to make clog, stagnation. smooth, to polish, to whet, to sharpen; TODOMARI,-ru,-ita, i. V. To stop, to to refine or improve. Togi-otosu, to cease from motion, to remain, take out by rubbing, as a flaw or nick. TODOME,-rZ,-ta, t. v. To stop, to ar- TOGI-KAWA, n. A razor-strop. rest motion, to detain, stay, check. ToGIRE,-rU,-ta, i. v. To cease for a Todomerareru, to be stopped, or ar- while, to stop at intervals, to be interrested. rupted. TODOME, n. Stop, pause, suspension, TOGI-SHI, or TOGIYA, n. A person whose rest. - wo sasu, to give the coup de business it is to sharpen swords. grace. To GIU-BA, n. A slaughter-house. TODO-NO-TSUMARI, n. The end, ulti- TO-GIYO. - suru, to go, or visit, spoken mate point, highest degree; at the only of nobles. las TO-GUCHI, n. A door, entrance. T5-DORI, n. A headman, chief, a com- TOGURA, n. A chicken coop, or roast. mandant. TOGURO, n. A coil, as of a snake. Nawa TODOROKASHI,-su,-ta, caust. of Todoro- wo - ni naku, to coil a rope. ku. To cause to resound or reverber- TO-GURUMA, n. A small wheel on which ate. doors or sashes are rolled, a caster. TODOROKI,-ku,-i/a, i. v. To sound with T6-GUWA, (fuyu no uri), n. The " wina rolling or rumbling noise, like thun- ter-melon," a pumpkin. der, oi a wagon going over stones. TOGUWA, n. A kind of grubbing hoe. T6-FU, n. A kind of food made of beans, TO-HI-YU, n. Oil of lemon. bean curd. TOHO, n. Tohod wo ushinau, to lose one's TO-FU, (higashi kaze), n. An east wind. presence of mind. - ni kureta, to be TOGA, n. The Abies Tsuga. in doubt or perplexity what to do; to TOGA, n. A crime, offence, fault. - wo be in a quandary or dilemma; to be at okasu, to commit a crime. Toga-nin, a stand, bewildered, puzzled. Tok5 mao a criminal, offender. nai, a. Outrageous, exceeding reason ToGAME,-ru,-ta, t. v. To find fault or decency, extravagant. with, to censure, reprove, to blame, Toi, n. A pipe for conducting water. reprehend, rebuke, to scold; to irritate, ToI,-ki,-shi,-ku, a. Quick, fast, early, as a sore. soon, long ago. TOGAME, n. Censure, reproof, blame, ToI,-o,-ota, t. v. To inquire, to ask, to reprehension. - wo ukeru, to be cen- question. Toi-awaseru, to make insured. quiry about. Toi-tsumeru, to quesTOGARAKASHI,-SZu,-ta, caust. of Togaru. tion closely, inquire strictly, to crossTo make into a sharp point, to point, examine. sharpen, pucker to a point. Koye wo Toi, a. A question, inquiry. togarakashite shikaru, to scold with a T6i,-ki,-ku,-shi,-, a. Far, distant; not sharp voice. familiar, strange. TOGARASHI, n. Cayenne or red pepper. TOIKI, n. A long breath, a sigh. - wo ToGARI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be pointed, tsuku, to sigh, draw a long breath. sharp, peaked. Saki no tagatta bd, a TOISHI, n. A whetstone, hone. sharp pointed pole. Togari-goye, ft TO-ITA, n. A sliding door made of sharp or shrill voice. boards. TOGE, n. A high mountain pass; a cli- TOIYA, n. A wholesale commercial max, acme, summit, height. house, or wholesale merchant; comToGE,-ru,-ta, t.. To accomplish, ful- mission merchant. fil, realize, achieve, succeed in, to ef- TOIYA-BA, n. The place in a post-stafect, to perform, to make good, to ob- tion where coolies and pack-horses are tain, execute, complete. Yaku-soku- furnished to nobles and government wo -, to fulfil a promise, officers. TOGE, n. A thorn, splinter. TOJI, n. A brewer of sake. ToGE,-ru,-ta, i. zi. To be rubbed smooth, TO-JI, n. The winter solstice. polished by friction, to be whetted, T6-JI, n. Hot springs. honed, sharpened. ToJI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To close, shut, to TOJ 282 TOK fasten. Toji-komoru, to shut or lock ToKI,-ku,-ia, t. v. To melt, dissolve; one's self in. to untie, unbind, loosen, disentangle, to ToJI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To sew or tack to- unravel, rip open; to explain; undo: gether, to quilt, to fasten together with to comb, to take away, dispel, dissipate, a thread, to bind as a book. Toji-komu, disperse. Toki-akasu, to explain, to to sew in, or amongst the leaves of a solve, expound, to make clear or intelbook, bind up with. ligible, to unfold or illustrate. TOJIKIMI, n. The groove in which a TOKI, n. The Ibis. door slides.' TOKI-DOKI, adv. Sometimes, now and To-JIMARI, a. Closing, fastening or lock- then, occasionally. ing a door. TOKI-MAI, n. The rice received by a TOJIME,-ru,-ta, t. v.. To conclude, to Buddhist priest by begging. end, terminate. TOKIMEKI-ku,-ita, i. v. To be at the TOJIME, n. The binding or knot that most flourishing, or prosperous period. fastens the thread with which a book is TOKI-MORI, n. One who strikes the bound, the fastening of a door, conclu- hours on a bell. siQti. TOKIN, n. A kind of cap worn by a YaT6-JIN, (kara no hito), n. A Chinaman. mabushi. Onna -, a foreign woman. TOKI-NARANU, n. Out of season. TOJI-SHIRO, n. That part of the page at TOKI-NO-KE, n. The noxious influences the back of a book left blank for bind- peculiar to the season. ing. TOKI-NO-KOYE, n. A loud shout, as that TO-KA, n. The tenth day; also, ten days. raised by an army on making an onset. TOKAGE, n. A lizard. TOKIWA-GI, n. An evergreen tree. TO-KAI, (umi wo wataru). Crossing ToKKo, n. A brass mace held by Buddthe ocean, to cross the ocean. - suru, hist priests in praying. navigation. TOKKUMI,-nu.-nda, t. v. To seize and TOKAKI, n. A stick used for leveling a embrace, as wrestlers. measure of grain, a strike. TOKICURI-TO, adv. Attentively, carefulTOKAKU, adv. In that way and this ly, well. - miru, to look at closely. way; in various ways, in one way and TOKO, n. A bed, bedstead; a hot-bed; another, some how or other, by all the bottom piece of a plough. Tokomeans, for the most part. dzure, a bed-sore. Kawa -, the bed T-ICKARASU, n. The magpie. of a river. TOKASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To dissolve, to TO-K6, (contracted from To-kaku). This melt, to untie, unravel. or that. - zmsu ni oyobadzu, no use ToKE,-ru,-la, i. v. To be dissolved, in saying anything more. melted, untied, unraveled, loosed, ToKoBI,-bu,-nda, t. v. To imprecate, or cleared off, explained, ended. invoke evil upon, curse. ToKE-AI-auu,-atta, i. v. To be recon- TO-KON, n. Ipecacuanha. ciled to each other, or restored again to TOKONATSU, n. The pink. friendship, to be mutually free from re- TOKO-NOMA, n. That part of a Japanese straint or backwardness. room which is raised a few inches above TOKEI, n. A watch, clock. the floor. TO-KEI, n. Cock-fighting. TOKORO, n. A place; answers to the TOKEI-BANA, a. The Passion flower. relative pronoun, that which, the thing TO-KEN, n. A foreign dog, large dog. which, time when, just as; in writing, TO-KETSU, (chi wo haku). Vomiting or at the end of a sentence, indicates that spitting of blood, Hemoptisis. what is said was done or finished; SuTOKI, n. Hour, time, season; any period inau -, the place where one lives. of time; the times; a favorable time or Kanete mita - no mono to chigai, opportunity; occasion; the time when. different from the thing I saw before. Nan dok', what o'clock? - ni au, to TOKORO, n. The name of a bulbous suit the times. - ni okureru, behind root. the times. - ni yoru, according to the TOKORO-BARAI, a. Banishment, or extime or occasion. - wo utsusu, to pass pulsion from a place as a punishment. the time. - wo tsukuru, to crow, (as TOKORO-DOKORO. Various places, here a cock,) to shout. - ni jodzuru, to and there. improve the occasion. Toki to shite, TOKORO-GAKI, n. The written directions sometimes. Toki no kane, a bell on of a place, as the name of the place, which the hours are struck. street, etc., a directory. TOK 283 TOM TOKORO-GARA, n. The kind or character TOMBI, n. A fish-hawk. Hiru-tombi of a place. a pickpocket. TOKORO-GAYE, n. A change of place, TOMBI-KAPPA, n. A kind of overcoat removal from one place to another. with a long cape, a cloak. TOKORO-SEKI,-/U, a. Filling up, encum- TOMB6, n. A dragon-fly. bering or blocking up a place. Tokoro- TOMBOGAYE, n. A somersault.. seki hodo aru. TOME,-ru,-la, t. ZJ. To stop, cause to TOKOROTEN, n. A kind of jelly made of cease, to put an end to any motion, arsea-weed. rest, hinder, to hold, to check, to detain, TOKOSHINAYE-NI, adv. Always, con- to harbor. Chi zvo -, to stop the flow stantly, perpetually, eternally. - yaki- of blood. Me wo tomete, to look fixedly yamadzu, will never cease to burn. at. TOKO-YAMI, n. Perpetual darkness. TOME-BA, n. A region of country in TOKO-YO, n. Perpetual and unchanging which hunting is prohibited; a gameages; eternal ages. preserve. TOKU, n. Virtue, moral excellence, good, TOME-BARI, n. A pin. influence, power. TOMIE-CHa, n. A memorandum-bAk. TOKU, n. Profit, gain, or pecuniary ad- TOME-DO, n. A stop, end, cessation, a vantage. stopping-place. TOKU-BIKON, n. A cloth'worn about the TO-MEGANE, n. A spy-glass, telescope. loins. ToiERI,-ru, i. v. To be rich, wealthy, TORU-BUN, n. Profit, advantage, the part opulent. or share which one has gained. TOME-YAMA, a. Hills or forests reserved TOKU-I, (kokoro ye,) n. A customer; as the hunting-ground of a noble. that which one is well acquainted with TMI,-mu,-ndac, i. v. To be rich, opuor understands. lent, wealthy, prosperous. TOKURI, n. Abottle, phial,jug, decanter. TOMI, n. Riches, wealth, opulence, TOKuSA, n. Equisetum, or scouring prosperity; a kind of lottery. rush. To-uII, n. A scout, a lookout. TOKUSEI, n. Profit on the sale of goods. TO-MI, n. A windmill for cleaning TOKU-SHIN, n. Assent, consent, to agree, grain. concede, or yield. TOMI-K6MI. Looking here and there. - TOKU-SHITSU, n. Profit and loss. shite susuananq, looking here and ToKU-SHO, (hon'wo yozmu). - suru, to there hesitating to go forward. read books. -jin, a learned man. TOMI-NI, adv. Quickly, hastily, suddenTOKU-TO, adv. Attentively, carefully, ly. minutely, well. - miru. To-MIYv, n. A light. - dai, a lightTOKU-TOKU, adv. Quickly. house. TO-KUWAI, n. A large city. TOMMA, a. Stupid, silly, dull, foolish. T6-KUWAN-SHIN, n. A trocar. - na yatsu, a blockhead, an ass. TocK-YO. Good, serviceable, useful, pro- TOMO, n. A friend, companion. fitable, advantageous. TOMO, n. The stern of a boat, or ship. TOMA, n. A mat used for covering the Tomo-dzuna, a rope or hawser from the cargo in junks, or for roofing. stern of a ship. TOMNARI,-ru,-/tt, i. v. To stop, to cease TOMO, n. An attendant, servant. - wo from motion or action; to leave off, to suru, to go along with. discontinue; to light, as a bird; to TOMo, n. A leather shield worn around roost; to be detained. Me ni tomatta the wrist by archers. mono, anything which has particularly TO-MO, conj. Though, even if, whether, attracted one's notice. even. Suru torno shinai to/to kokoro TOMARI, n. A stop, cessation, stoppage, makase, do it or not just as you please. a stopping place. TOMO-ARE, (a contraction of To-mo-kaTOMARI-GI, n. The pole on which fowls ku-no, and are the imper. of ari). roost, a perch. Let it be as it may; however it is, so TOMARU, n.. A large kind of fowl. be it. Sore wa tomo-are, let that be TOMASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To enrich, to as it is. make wealthy. TOMO-BITO, a. Attendants, followers, TO-MAWASHI-NI, adv. Indirectly, in a servants. roundabout way. TOcMO-DACHI, n. A friend, companion. TOMA-YA, n. A small hut thatched with TOMO-DOMO NI, adv. Together, altogetozna. ther, in company. TOM 284 TOR TOMO-GARA, n. A collective noun de- TON-SHI, (niwakani shinuru), n. A signating the whole class.of persons to sudden death. which it is joined; a plural word. Ko- TON-TO, adv. Entirely, quite, wholly, at domo onago no -, children and women. all. - shirimasen, know nothing at TOMO-MAWAARI, n. The attendants all about it. around a person of rank. TON-YOKU, n. Covetousness, avarice. ToMoNAI,-au,-ztta, i. v. To accompany, TORA, n. A tiger; one of the 12 signs. to go along with, to attend, to lead, - no tsuki, the first month. - no conduct. toki, 4 o'clock A. M. - no he, the E. ToMO-NI, adv. Together, in company N. E. with, along with; both. T6-RAI, (itari kitaru.) -suru, to arTOMORI,-ru,-/ta, i. v. To burn so as to rive, come. Mnada jikoku ga torai give light, see Tobori. senu. TO6IOROKOSHI, n. Maize, or Indian corn. TORAKASHI,,-U,-Ia, t. v. To melt; to TOMOsHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To light, spoken fascinate, enchant. Shu-shoku ga koonli of a light, lamp, or candle; see koro wo -. Tob6shi. A ndon wo -, to light a lamp. TORA-OTOSHI, n. A pit or trap for catchTomoshi-abura, lamp-oil. ing tigers; also an inclosure in which TOMOSHIBI, n. A light. the punishment by Harakiri is perToMOSHII,-ki,-ku, see Toboshii. formed. ToMuRAI,-au,-a/ta. The same as Tobu- TORASE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Thsu. To be rai. let pass through, to be admitted or alTOMURAI, n. A funeral. lowed to enter. Torasenai, cannot be TOMURAMAKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To coil up admitted or allowed to pass. as a snake. TORAWARF, n. A prisoner. TOMUSHI, n. A moth. TORAWARE,-ru,-ta, pass. of Torayeru. TO-AIUSHIRO, n. A mat made of ratan. To be taken, seized, or arrested. TO-NAN, n. Calamity or loss from rob- TORAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To take, to seize, bers. - niau. to catch, arrest. TONARERU, a. Neighboring, adjoining. ToRE,-ru,-ta, pass. or pot. of Toru. To - ye, a neighboring house, be taken, seized, plucked off. Tenki TONARI,-r-t, t/a, i. v. To adjoin, to be ga yokute sakana -ga tanto toreru, as contiguous to, to lie-or be next to. the weather is fine fish can be caught in TONARI, n. Neighboring, adjoining; a abundance. neighbor. TORI, n. A bird; one of the 12 signs. - TONASU, n. A squash. no toki, 6 o'clock p. M., or sunset. TONAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To say, to recite; no hd, west. to call or name. Nembutsu wo —, to TORI, n. Manner, way, mode; kind, recite prayers. sort, like; numeral for a suit of clothes. TONCHIKI, n. A stupid fellow, a dunce, Kono - ni shi nasare, do it in this dolt, ass. way, or make it like this. TONDA, ret. of Tobi. Has flown; this TORI, n. A street, avenue, thoroughfare; word is much used in the Yedo coll. as the line, direction or course in which a superlative. -- kotoga dekita, or - anything points, faces, or moves; the me ni atta, have met with a shocking passing of anything through, along, or affair. from one to another; admission, enTO-NIN, n. A peach kernel, trance, currency. Kaigan-dori, the TO-NIU, (chichi wo haku). Throwing street next the sea. Yubi no - ni miup milk, as infants. yeru fune, the ship seen in a line with TON-JAKU. To be solicitous about, to be my finger. careful for, take an interest in, concern TORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. or i. v. To pass one's self about; intermeddle. -senu, through, to pass along; to be current, indifferent, unconcerned. pervious. TONO, n. A seigneurial residence, or TORI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To take, to catch, palace; a lord, seignior. Tono-sama, seize; to take off, to pluck off; to rethe lord. ceive, to get, obtain; to steal; to adTO-NOKI,-kU,. ita, i. v. To remove far mit, or receive as true; to select. Yafrom, to keep at a distance from. Ku- do wo -, to take lodgings at an inn. waji wo tonoite miru. Sumyp wo -, to take the dimensions. TONOKO, n. The fine powder of a whet- Hiyoshi woo -, to beat time. Sumnd stone, used for polishing. wo -, to wrestle. Toshi wo -, to get TOR 285 TOR old. Kuji,o —, to draw lots. Sui- age, to conduct, direct, control, to shO de hi ao -, to converge the sun's transact, to do, negotiate. rays with a lens. Kasa wo -, to take TORI-HAKARAI, n. Management, direcoff the hat. Kadzu wo -, to mark the tion, negotiation, conduct. number. Toru ni taradzu, worthless, TORI-HANASHI,-SU.-ta, t. v. To separate, or of no account. Kado -, to to take away, to take from. round off the angles. Hike wo-, to TORI-HARAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To tear get the worst of it. Kigen wa -, to away and remove, to clear away. please, humor. Seiji wo -., to admin- TORI-HIKI, n. Business, trade, mercanister the government. tile transactions. TORI-AGE,-r.-ta, t. v. To take up, take TORI-HISHIGI,-gU,-ita, t. v. To abase, and lift up, take away, receive and hand humble, bring down; to crush, or deup, to confiscate, sequester. Nengu wo stroy. -, to take and pay in taxes, (as an in- TORI-HODAI, n. Taking without restraint, ferior officer). or at pleasure. TORI-AGE-BABA, n. A midwife. TORI-I, n. A portal, or a structure of TORI-AI,-,-atta, t. v. To take hold of stone or wood, something like thekframe each other; to mind, concern one's of a gate, erected in front of Sintoo self about, or take notice of, to answer temples. for. Te wo toriatte aruku, to walk ToRI-IRI,-ru,-tla, i. v. To get into the holding each others hand. good graces of any one, to curry favor TORI-AI, n. Strife, quarrel, contention. with. TORI-AMI, n. A net for catching birds. TORI-KA, a. The amount of tax assessed TORI-ATSUKAI,-aU,-atta, t. v. To nego- or levied on each lot of ground; tax, intiate between others, to manage, trans- come, revenue. Kiu-kin no hokz ni act, to treat, direct, entertain; to han- -ga nai, besides the wages there is die, use; employ. Atsuku -, to treat nothing to be got from it. handsomely. TORI-KABUTO, (udzu), n. Aconite. TORI-ATSUKAI-NIN, n. A director, mana- TORI-KABUTO, n. A kind of cap worn by ger, negotiator, controller. dancers. ToRI-ATSU,-rME,-tu, t. v. To assem- TORI-KAGO, n. A bird cage. ble, collect together, gather. TOKI-KAJI, n. Helm to the larboard. - TORI-AWASE. n. A cock-fight. - w wow suru, to port the helm. suru, to fight cocks. TORI-KAKARI,-rU,-tta, i. v. To comToRI-AWASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To take and mence to do, to begin. put many things together, to mix to- TORI-KAWASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To exchange gether. reciprocally, as a treaty, or agreement. TORI-AYEDZU, adv. Immediately, forth- TORI-KAWASHI, n. Exchange, giving and with, at once without waiting to take or receiving reciprocally. do anything. TORI-KAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To exchange TORI-CHIGAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To take one thing for another, to change, to anything in the place of another, to barter, to give and take, to reciprotake by mistake, to confound, ex- cate. change. TORI-KAYE, n. Exchange of one thing TORI-DASHI,-s,-ta, t. v. To take out. for another. - ko, exchange, barter. TORIDE, n. A fort, stockade, strong- TORI-KAYESHI,-Su,-ta, t. v. To take hold. back, retake, recapture, to reclaim. TORI-DOKORO, n. A place for catching TORI-KAYESHI, n. Taking back, retakhold of; used only fig. as, - o nai ing, recapture, reclamation. -ga tsuhito, a worthless person, one of no ac- kanu, cannot be reclaimed. count. TORI-KI, a. Propagating trees by layers TORI-DORI, adv. Various, diverse, sun- or by binding together two branches of dry, different. - ni, in various ways. different trees partially cut. TORI-HADA, n. The corrugation of skin TORI-KIME,-ru.-ta, t. v. To decide, setproduced by cold, gooseflesh. tie, fix, determine. Tori-kinari naki, TORI-HADZUSHI,-SU,-ta, t. a7. To let any- undecided, unsteady, irresolute. thing slip from the hand, or let go acci- ToRI-KIR,-ru,-tta, t. v. To take all, to dentally, to take apart, to remove. pluck off clean. Hana wo tori-kitta, TORI-HADZUSHI, n. Anything made so as has plucked off all the flowers. to be taken apart and put together. TORI-KO, n. A prisoner of war, a captive. TORI-HAKARAI,-au,-atta, t. v. To man- - ni suru, to take prisoner. TOR 286 TOR TORI-KOME,-rZ,-ta, t. v. To surround, TORI-ODOSHI, n. A scarecrow. encompass, enclose. TORI-OI, n. Females of the yeta caste ToRI-KoAI,-rnu.-nda, t. v. To take up who go from house to house on the beand put in, to take into. ginning of a new year, playing on the TORI-KOSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To anticipate guitar and singing for money. the doing of any thing, to do before the TORI-KI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To take and fixed time. Tori-koshi-guro, anxiety put away; to inter, bury. or trouble about the future. TORI-OKONAI,-au,-ntta. To administer, TORI-KUDZUSHI, t. v. To dismantle, to conduct, perform, to do, celebrate. take apart, take down. Mutsuri-goto wo -, to administer the TORI-MAGIRE,-ra:,-a, t. v. To be'dis- government. tracted, perplexed, or occupied with TORI-SABAKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To judge, to much business. hear and determine a case, to adjudiTORI-MAKI,-k,-ita, t. v. To surround, cate, to manage, transact. encompass, environ. TORI-SASHI, n. A person who catches TORI-MAWASHI. n. A person's move- birds with a pole armed with birdments, the moving of anything. -ga lime. warui, to be awkward, clumsy. TORI-SATA, n. Current report. TORI-ME, n. Night blindness. TORI-SHIMARI, n. Exactness, strictness, ToRI-MIDASHI, -SU,-t, t. zv. To derange, carefulness in managing order, discipconfuse, disorder, jumble together, em- line, control. - no yoi iye, a well orbarrass. dered family. - nin, an official, one TORI-MOCHI, n. Bird-lime. who controls and manages, a policeTORI-MOCHI,-tsu,-ita, t. v. To recom- man. mend; to offer, or commend to anoth- TORI-SHIME,-rU,-/a, t. v. To regulate, er's notice; to advocate the cause of keep in order, manage, control, reprove, another. Hito ni yome wo -, to rec- scold. ommend a wife to another. TORI-TATE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To collect, to TORI-MOCHI, n. Recommendation, ad- promote, or advance in office. NVeng vocacy. wo -, to collect taxes. TORI-MODOSHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To take TORI-TE, n. An officer who arrests ofback, retake, reclaim, recapture. fenders, a policeman. TORI-MO-NAOSADZU, adv. Nothing more TORI-TOME,-,r,-a, i. v. To adopt, or nor less than, just the same as, tanta- receive as certain, sure, undoubted, or mount to, or only another name for. reliable. TORI-MUSUBI,-bu,-nda, t. v. To unite, TORI-TOME, n. Reliable, sure, certain. or join together. yoyaku wo -, to - mo.nai koto wo iu. make an agreement. TORI-TSUGI,-g-u,-ida, t. v. To receive TORI-NAOSHI,-su,-ta, t. v. To alter, anything and hand it over to another, change for the better, to mend. to transmit a message; to act as goTORI-NASHI,-SU,-ta, 1. v. To intercede, between. to mediate, to plead for, to advocate TORI-TSUGI, n. An usher; middleman, the cause of another, to manage in be- an agent. half of another. ToRI-TSUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. To take, TORI-NASHI, n. Mediation, intercession, catch, or seize hold of; to bewitch or advocacy; an advocate. take possession of, as a fox; to charm, TORI-NAWA, n. A rope used for binding fascinate. Tori-tsukareru, to be becriminals. witched. TORI-NIGASHI,-S,-ta, t. v. To let any- TORI-TSUKI, n. Taking hold to do anything escape which one has almost had thing, the commencement. - no zye, in his power. the first in a row of houses. TORI-NIGE, n. Stealing and running ToRI-TSUKURAI,-au,-ata, t. v. To mend, away. repair, to smooth over, palliate, or exToRI-NOBOSE,-,-r,-/a, i. v. To be great- cuse, as a fault. ly excited, or agitated by passion or T6-RIU, (tomaru). - suru, to stop, stay, emotion, or remain for an indefinite time in a ToRI-NoKI,-k/,-iZa, i. v. To take and place, to sojourn, to board. withdraw. TORI-WAKE, or TORI-WAKETE, adv. ParTORI-NO-KO, n. A kind of thick paper. ticularly, especially, above all. TORI-NOZOKI,-ku,-ita, t. zr. To takeout, TORI-WAKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To distribute, except, leave out, remove. divide. TOR 287 TOT TORI-YA, n. A shop where fowls or birds number of years old, elder in years. are sdld. Toshi-koshi, the crossing from the old TORI-YARI,-rU,-//a, t. v. To take and to the new year; the last day the lunar give, to receive and send. year. Toshi-nami, yearly, each year, TORI-YARI, n. Give and take, receiving year by year. Toshi-waka, young in and sending. years, youthful. Toshi-wasure, an TORIYE, n. Worth or useful quality. - entertainment made at the close of the mo nai hito, a worthless person. year. - wo kurasu, to live or pass T6-RIYO, n. Chief or presiding officer, one's life. commandant, president. Gasshz koku TOSHIBAYE, n. Age. — ga wakai hito, no dai -, the President of the United a person young in years. States. TOSHIMA, n. A woman from twenty to To-RsIY, n. The topmost beam of a roof; forty years of age, a woman in middle a head carpenter, foreman. life. Chiu-doshima, a middle-aged TORI-YOSE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To bring, fetch, woman. import, draw. TO-SHIN, n. The wick of a lamp, or TO-RO, n. A lantern or stationary lamp. candle. TO6R, n. A mantis. TOSHISHI, n. The name of a parasitic TOROI,-ki,-'hi, a. Dull, sluggish, slow vine,-the Cuscuta major. of motion, stupid. TOSHI-YORI, n. An old man; an elder of TOROKE,-ru-ta, i. v. To dissolve, to a street or village, who ranks next bemelt, to soften, liquify; to be de- low a nanushi. based. TosHIYoRi,-ru,-tta, i. v. To be old, TORORO, n. A kind of gruel made of aged. Yamaiin o. TO-SHU-SEKI, n. Tartar emetic. TORO-TORO-TO, adv. In aslight or short Toso, n. A kind of spiced sake. manner. - neru, to doze, to have TOTAN, n. Spelter, or zinc. short naps. TOTAN, n. Gambling on the rice exTOSAKA, n. A cock's comb or crest, change, speculating; the act, or effort TO-SAN, n. Any article for the produc- of doing. Unma wo yokeru - ni dobmz tion or manufacturing of which a place ni hamaru. is noted; domestic manufacture, a TO-TAN, (doro sumi,) n. Mire and charpresent made on returning from a coal, or dust and ashes;-used only to journey. convey the idea of extreme misery. - To-sEI, (yo watari,) n. A living, busi- ni kurushinzu. ness, occupation, employment. TOTE, conj. In order to, for the purpose TO-SEN, (watashi-bune,) n. A ferry- of. boat, a packet-ship. Tosemba, a TO-TEI, a. Disciples, followers. jetty. TOTEMO, adv. Although, even if, notT6-SEN-GUSA, n. The grass of which withstanding; with a neg.: by no matting is made. means. TO-SHA, (haki kudashi), (med.) n. TOTO, coll. Father. -sama. Vomiting and purging. - biyo, cho- TO-TO, adv. At length, at last; in the lera. end, after all. - sumi-mashita, have TOSHI,-u,-ta, t. v. To cause to pass finished at last. through, let through, to admit. Comp. TOTO, n. A band, league, confederacy, with order verbs, = through, from one faction, conspiracy. - suru, to band side to the other, from beginning to or league together. end; or constantly, always. Michi wo TOToI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Honorable, noble, akete hito wo -, to remove obstruc- precious, valuable. tions from a road to let people through. ToTOMI,-nu,-nda, t. v. To honor, venHari ni ito wo -, to thread a needle. erate, to esteem, prize. Toshite itamimaasu, it pains constant- TOTONOI,-b,-/ta, i. v. To be in harmony, ly. to accord, to be in tune; to be finished; TOSHI, n. A sieve. to be complete or full, free from defiTOSHI n. Year. Tcshi-dama, a new- ciencies; to be regulated. yearns gift. Toshi-doshi, yearly, every TOTONOVE,-ru,-a, t. v. To regulate, year. Toshi-go, bearing a child every harmonize, adjust, arrange; to own, to year. Toshi-goro, age, time of life. - get, obtain, buy; to make, to preni naru, to be of age. Toshi-goto-ni, pare. every year, yearly. Toshi-kasa, age, TOTSUBEN, n. Slw ef speech. TOT 288 TSU ToTsuGo,-gu,-ida, t. v. To marry a wife, TSUBAKURA, n. The swallow or martin. to be given in marriage. TSUBAME, a. The swallow. TOTSUKAWA, adv. Unexpectedly, sud- TSUBANA, n. The flower of a kind of denly. grass. TOTSU-OITSU, adv. In doubt what to TSUBANAKASHI,-rU,-a, 1. V. To pick do, this way or that way. - anji- open or loose, as cotton or wool when wadzuro, anxiously reflecting what to lumpy. do. TSUBASA, n. The wings of a bird. TOTSU-ZEN, adv. Abruptly, suddenly. TSUBE-KOBE, adv. Talking much and - to kuru. long; babbling, garrulous. TOTTE, n. A knob, or catch to take hold TsUBO, n. A land measure of six feet of. square, or 36 sq. feet. TOTTOKI, n. That which is laid up, or TSuBo, n. A jar. preserved for a time of need or future TSUBO-GUCHI, n. The mouth puckered use. - no kane wo daszz'te tsukau. up or contracted, as when speaking in TO-WAKU, n. Doubt, perplexity, trouble, anger, or scolding. dilemma. - suru, to be in doubt and TSUBOMARI,-ru,-tta, i.. To be puckered perplexity. up, drawn together, or contracted, like TOWATARI, n. The perineum. the mouth of a jar. To-wo, n. Gamboge. TSUBOME.-ru-,- a t. v. To pucker, draw TO-YA, n. A long shot with a bow. together, or contract. Kuchi wo -, to TOYA, n. A chicken-coop. pucker the mouth. TOYA, n. Moulting of birds. - wo suru, TsuBOMI,-mu,-da, i. v. To be puckered to moult. drawn together, contracted, to be closed ToYu, n. A pipe for conducting water, or shut as a flower. conduit. TSUBOMI, n. A flower-bud. TOyu, n. Oiled paper, a rain-coat made TSUBONE, n. The female apartments. of oiled paper. TsBosSHI, n. The mark, the right point. TO-ZAI. n. Punishment by hard labor. - ni ataru, to hit the nail. - ni sadameru, to condemn to hard TSUBO-SUMIRE,. The Violet. labor. TSUBO-YANAGUI, n. A quiver of the shape TO6-AI, (higashi nishi). East and west; of a long jar. also a call used before raising the cur- TsuBU, n. A grain; the numeral in counttain of a theatre, or at the commence- ing grains, seeds, pills, or anything ment of an exhibition to still the audi- small and roundish. ence. - ko, a little child so young as TSUBURE, -ru,-ta, i. v. To be broken; not to be able to tell its wants, said of things like an egg, bubble, the TO-ZAI, (haku gusuri,) n. An emetic. eye, gall-bladder, etc., to be burst, T6ZAKARI,-ru,-ita, i. v. To be separated mashed; worn off or effaced, as by fricor absent, to keep at a distance from, tion; stopped up or closed up, as a hole; not to be familiar with, estranged. to be bankrupt and ruined. Mimiga, TOZAKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To separate from, to be deaf. Koye ga -, to lose the keep at a distance, keep away from. voice. TOZAMA, n. A noble or baron who was TSUBUSA-NI, adv. Minutely, fully, parnot a vassal of the ShIgun. ticularly, in detail, in full. TO-ZAN, a. Taffachelles. TSUBUSHI,-SU,-ta, t. V. To break, to mash, TOZASHI,-SU,-ta, t.. To shut, close. burst, to crush, to spoil, or destroy; to TO-ZEN, n. Leisure and ennui. fill up, as a hole; to rub off, or wear off TO-ZEN, (shikaru beki). Proper, right, by friction. Mimi vo -, to deafen that which ought to be; natural, or TSUBUTE, n. A small stone, a pebble. - according to the stated course of things, wo utsu, to throw stones. of course. TSUBU-TSUBU, n. Grains, any small lumps, To-zOKU, n. A robber, thief. granulations. Kono nori wa - ga deTsu, n. A numeral used in counting let- kita, this paste is lumpy. ters, documents, etc. Tegami itfszu, TSUBU-TSUBU-TO, adv. In a grumbling, one letter. Ni tsiz, two letters. muttering way. TSUBA, n. The guard on the hilt of a TsuBuYAKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To grumble, sword. murmur, or complain or mutter to one's TSUBA, or TSUBAKI, n. Saliva. - wo ha- self. ku, to spit. TSUCHI, n. Earth, clay, soil, ground, morTs:BAA-I, n. The, Camelia Japonica. tar; the earth. TSU 289 TSU TsUCHI, n. A hammer, mallet. TSUGA, n. The larch. TSUCHIBETA, n. The ground. - ni neru, TsUGAI,-au,-a//a, t. v. To join one thing to lie on the ground. to another by a joint or hinge, to couTSUCHI-BOTOKE, n. A clay idol. ple together, to copulate, (of dogs). TSUCHI-DO, n. A door made of plaster, Yumni ni ya wo -, to fix the arrow to as in fire-proof store-houses, the bow-string.. TSUCHI-GUMO, n. A species of spider. TSUGAI, n. A pair or couple consisting TSUCHI-HOTARU, n. A glow-worm. of male and female; a joint, hinge. TsUCHIKAI,-i,-dio. Four sides, four quarters of the associating. conpass, all parts. YORI-AWASE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To twist toYOnOGIo, n. Artemisia Chinenses, or gether. or mugwort, of waich the moxa is YORI-BITO, n. The person chosen or made. elected. YOMOSUGARA, adv. The whole night. YORI-uO, n. An oak pole or club six feet YO0MOYA, adv. of conjecture or doubt = long used by policemen. I rather think, am inclined to think, YORI-DASHI,-SU,-ta, t. v. To select, perhaps. - uso de eva arzumai. choose, elect, pick out. YOMIOYA, n. A deception, cheat, artifice. YORI-DOKORO, n. Something to rest or - ni kakaru, to be imposed on. depend on; a ground, basis, foundation, YO-MUKI, n. Business, matter, concerns. proof, used only of statements, docYO-NA, a. Like, similar, resembling. trines, opinions, etc. - mo nai setsu. Mita - hito da, like some one I have YORI-ITO, n. A thread. seen. YoRI-KAKAR,-ru,-tta, i. v. To lean YO-NABE, n. Any work done at night. upon. YO-NAKA, I. Midnight. YORIKI, n. A policeman or constable. YO-NAKI, n. Crying at night (as an in- YORI-KonrI,-mzu,-nda, t. v. To twist fant). into, as a string into a hole. YONDOKORONAI,-ki-ku,-shi, a. That YoRI-KOZORI,-rz,-Uta, i. v. To assemmust be done, necessary, unavoidable, ble. obliged to be done. YORII-KUDZU, n. The refuse left after YONE, n. Rice. picking out the best. YOR 322 YOS YORI-ME, n. The mark, or crease in a YosE,-rt/,-a, t. v. To bring near, cause string made by twisting it. to approach; to cause or order to call, YORI-NUKI,-k/Z,-ita, t.. To select, or stop in passing; to gather, to colchoose out. lect, assemble; to bring close together, YORI-NUKI. n. Anything choice, select, to depend on, trust in, or take refuge in, or highly approved. Yose-atsuineru, to gather, collect, or YoRI-soI.-5,-t5a, i. z. To be near the assemble together, to concentrate. side of another, to keep company with, Yose-kakeru, to place or hang anyassociate. thing near to something else. YORI-SU, n. Hillocks of sand thrown to- YOSE-uIA, n. A prison or house of corgether by the waves or wind. rection where persons are sent for slight YoRI-TSUGI,-oC,-ida, t. v. To join to, offences, and kept at hard labor. splice or lengthen by twisting the ends YOSEI. - wo tsukeru, to give strength together. to, aid, help, inspirit, encourage. YORI-vWAKE,-rU,-ta, t. v. To assort, to YOSEKI, n. Arsenic. select and separate. YOSE-TE, n. The attacking force, stormYO-RIVoKu, n. Spare time, leisure. ing party. YORI-YORI, adv. Sometimes, occasion- YUSE-TSuGI, n. A mode of grafting, done ally. by binding together two branches of YoRoBOI,-,-,-ta, i. V. To stagger, to different trees that have been slightly reel. pared, and after they have knit toYORODZU, n. Ten thousand, a myriad; gether, detaching one of them. all. YO-SHA, n. Pardon, patience, indulYOROI,-5,-Ota, i. v. To wear a coat of gence, forbearance. - wo tanzomz, to mail, or armor. beg pardon. YOROI, n. A coat of mail. Yc-SHA-B.\KO, n. A box with two comYOROKE,-ru,-Za, i. v. To stagger, reel, p.artments in which articles that are as a drunken man. wanted or not wanted are placed sepaYOROKOBASHIU,-SZo,-ta, caust. of orokobu. rately. To cause to rejoice. YOSHI, n. Subject, matter, affair, event, YOROKOBASHII,-ki,-kU, a. Joyful, glad. thing, fact, circumstances; reason, pleasant. cause; at the end of a sentence, = so YOROKOPI,-bU,-nda, i. v. To rejoice, to it is said. be glad, joyiul, pleased. YosHI, t. A rush, or reed, such as grow YOROKOBI, o;. Joy, gladness, pleasure. in wet places. YORO.1EKI,-keC,-ita, i. v. To stagger, YosHI, adv. Very well, never mind, all reel. right, it is enough. YoRosHI,-ki,-kl,-sa, a. That which is Y-SHI, a. A foster-child, an adopted good, right, proper; well. Sakana son or daughter. wa yorosiiuz g-ozarimasu ka, do you YoS-suIII-,-Sa, t. v. To stop, quit, to want to buy any fish? MIo yoros/zii, leave off, give up, to cease. that will do. YOSHIDZU, n. A mat made of rushes. YORO-YORO, adv. In a staggering, reel- bari, a booth in the street for selling ing manner. small wares. YORU, n. Night. - no nzono, bed- YosHIMBA, adv. Let it be so that, even clothes. fliNi -, day and night. if it be so that, no matter if, supposing YORUBE, It. One to depend on. or look that. -- atta tote shikataga znai. to for aid; a friend, helper. - naki YosHoIMI, n. Friendship, friendly relaini wuo nanti to sen. tions, intimacy, good will. YO-RUI, n. Those who are not of, but at- YosHINAI,-ki,-ku, a. Something which tached to those of the, regular com- one regrets to have done; useless. pany; dependents, an abettor, accom- YOSHINA-N1. Same as Yoroshiku. - o plice. negaz i meoshimasu, I beg your kind asYOSA, n. The goodness, excellence. sistance. Y6-SAKI, n. The place where one has YOSHI-YA, adv. Very well, or no matter; business or something to do. but supposing that. YOSASo-NA, a. Having the appearance YOSHI-YOSHI. Exclam. of consent, or of being good. permission; = very well, all right, very YosE, oz. A house where public enter- good. tainments are given, such as story-tel- Yo-sud, n. Youth, time of childhood. ling, singing, dancing, top-spinning. no toki kra. YOS 323 YUB Yoso, (hoka no tokoro). Another or dif- fers herself in the streets; a streetferent place, abroad, away, elsewhere, walker. foreign. -ye ita, has gone out. - YOrA-YOTA, adv. Walking in a tottering no koto wa kamnaimasen, I will not or staggering manner. - aruku. meddle with other people's business. YO-TO, n. A night robber. - ni mite toru, to pass by without no- YO-T5, (amar no tomzogzra). The remticing. - no hilo, a stranger or a per- nant of a company or gang who are still son of another place or family. leagued together. Y6-so, n. Cancer. YO-TOGI, n. Night nursing, or sitting up YOSOGAMASHII,-,kuk-U,-u,, a. Like, or in at night with a sick person. the manner of a stranger; distant, re- YO-TOKU, (amari no isao), n. The benserved, cold or unconcerned in beha- efits which descend to the posterity of vior. a person of great virtue or merit. YOSO-GOTO, a. Something belonging to YOTSU, n. Four. another, that which does not concern YOTSU-ASHI, n. A four-footed animal, one's self, something foreign. - de wa quadruped. nai, i t is not a matter that I can be in- YOTSU-DAKE, n. Castanets. - wo unsu. different to. YOTSUDE-AMI, n. A net for catching YosoI,-j,-joa, t. v. To put rice into a fish, let down by the four corners. cup, to help one to rice. YOTSUDE-KAGO, n. An inferior kind of YosoJI, n. Forty years of age. sedan chair, suspended by the four corYOSO-ME, n. The eyes of another, or of ners to the pole. one disinterested or unconcerned; the YO-TSUGI, n. An heir. eyes or notice of others. - ni moiru, to YOaSU-JIRO, n. A horse with four white look at with the eyes of one whom the feet. matter don't concern. YOTSU-IME-GIRI, n. A drill with four YOSO-MI, n. Looking off from what one faces. is doing, looking at something else. - YoTsU-TSUJI, n. A cross-road. sedzu ni hon wo yonze. YO-UCHI, n. A night attack. YosooI,-,-/ta, t. v. To adorn, orna- YOWAGE, n. Appearing to be feeble or ment, to dress up. - weak. YosoYE,-r,-ta, t. v. To liken to, to YOWA-GOSHI, n. Weak in the loins, bent represent, compare to, resemble, to per- in the back. sonify, to refer, allude to. YOWAGI, n. Dispirited, discouraged. Yoso-YOScsHII,-ki,-ku, a. Like a stran- YoWAI, n. Age. ger in manner, cold, distant, indiffer- YowAI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Weak, not strong, ent, unconcerned, or disinterested in feeble, infirm. manner. YOWAME,-ru,-tn, t. v. To weaken, to Yosu, n. State, condition, circumstances. enfeeble, debilitate, enervate. YOSUGA, n. Connection, affinity; op- YOWAMI, n. Weakness, feebleness, weak portunity, or convenient way; some- place, or time of weakness. thing to depend on. Chikaki-, near YowAR1,-U-r,-/a, i. v. To be weak, feerelation. ble, debilitated, enfeebled. YO-SuGAIRA, adv. The whole night. YO-WATARI, n. Passing through the YO-SUGI. n. A living, support, liveli- world, a living, subsistence. hood. -ga deki-kanerz. YOWASA, n. Weakness, feebleness. Yo-sucIRU. Exceedi.ig what is right and YOWA-YOWASHII,-k/,-k1o, a. Weak, feeproper, too much. Naka go -, too ble. intimate. Y6YAKU, adv. At last, at length, after YO-sUI, n. Water used or kept ready for long waiting, or great difficulty, scarceirrigation, fires, etc. ly, hardly, barely. YO-suJI, n. Line of business, occupa- Yo-Yo, n. Important business, importion. tant. YO-SUKI, n. Interval of rest, or leisure Yovo, n. A calf. between work or business. YOZASHI,.su, t. v. To entrust with an YO-SUMI, n. Completion or finishing of office, to appoint to office. any business. Yu, n. Hot water. Y6-sO, n. Odd numbers. YU-AGARI, n. Coming out of a hot bath. YO-SUTE-BITO, n. One who forsakes the YU-AMI, n. Bathing in hot water. world, - a wandering bonze. YU-BA, n. A bath-house, a place where YOTAKA, n. A low prostitute, who of- there are hot springs. YUB 324 YUK YUBA, n. A kind of food made of beans. YU-GEI, a. Amusing arts or performYU-BE, a. The evening; also, last night. ances, such as music and the drama. YUBESHI, U. A kind of confectionary Y-GIN, n. Unemployed capital; money made of the rind of the lemon, that is lying idle or not earning anyYU-BI. Genteel, refined, graceful, gentle. thing. YUBI, r. A finger, a toe. Ashi no -, YU-GU, n. The inside garment worn by the toes. women, from the waist to below the YU-BIKI. n. Sponging certain kinds of knee, originally worn on entering a new cloth, in order to take out the bath. starch. YU-GUN, n. The reserve corps of an YUBI-MAKI, n. A finger-rino. army. YUBI-NUKI, n. A thimble. YU-GURE, n. The period just after sunYUBI-ORI, n. Shutting the fingers, count- set, twilight. inn upon the fingers. Yui,-z,-u7,-, t. v. To tie, to dress the YIJBI-WA, n. A finger-ring. hair. KAmzi wo -, to dress and tie up YUBI-ZASHI, n. Pointing the finger. the hair. YU-DACHI, n. A shower, a thunder storm, YUI-GAI, n. A dead body, corpse. squall. YUI-GEN, or YUI-GON, a. The verbal will YU-DAMA, i. The bubbles in boiling or last directions of a dying person. water. YtI-KAI, (nzokosuZ imashimze), n. The dyYU-DAN, n. Negligence, inattention, ing instructions, exhortations, as of a slothfulness, heedlessness, carelessness, parent or teacher. remissness. YUI-KOTSU, (nokorn hone), n. The YUDANE,-ru,,-ta, t. v. To commit to the pieces of bone left after burning a dead will or control of another, to leave to body. another, to entrust, to delegate, to con- YUI-IMoTsU, (nokosu m0onoo), n. The fide. things left by a deceased person, or a YUvxRI,-ru,-tt, i. v. To be cooked by present made by a person about to die; boiling. a legacy, bequest. YUDE,-ru,-ta, t.v. To cook by boiling. YuI-NO, n. The presents exchanged at YUDONO, n. A bath-room. the time of espousal. YUDZU, n. A lemon YUI-SEKI, (nokoru ato). The writing left YU-DZO, n. The circulation of money, by a deceased person, the ruins, or remoney matters, finance, fiscal matters. mains of an ancient place, house, casYu-OIZUKE, n. Rice eaten with hot va- tle, etc. ter poured on it. YUI-SHO, n. Pedigree, lineage, descent. YU-DZUKI-YO, n. A moonlight evening. YUI-TrsUKE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To bind fast to, YUDZURI.-ru,-tt, t. v. To cede, yield, to tie something on another. resign, give up, to give place to, relin- YU-JIN, n. A friend, companion. quish. YU-JIN, n. A man of leisure; one who YUDZURI, n. Resignation, cession, yield- lives without business, or occupation. ing, or giving up. YU-Jo, (asobine), n. A harlot. YuDozRI-J6, n. A deed of conveyance, a YUKA, n. The floor; used only of the grant in writing. ground floor. YLTDZURU, n. A bow string. YU-KAGE, n. The evening shadows, twiYIT-FUKU. Wealthy, rich. light. YUGAKE, n. A glove worn by archers to YU-KAN, a. Washing a corpse before protect the hand. burial. - ba, a place belonging to a YLGAKI,-ku,-ta, i. v. To cook slightly Buddhist temple where the poor wash by pouring boiling water over, to scald, their dead. parboil. YUKARE,-rU,-ta, pass. and pot. of Yuki. YuGAIME,-ru,-ua. t. a. To turn from a Can go. Michi ga nai kara yukarestraight line or right direction, to in- nu, as there is no road, you cannot go. dine, to bend, crook., Kono michi wa yukareru ka, can I go YuGA\.n,-m,-nzda, i. v. To be. awry, in- along this road? dined from the right direction, crooked, YUKARI, n. Relation, affinity, connection, bent, distorted, askew. acquaintance. YU-GAO, n. The flower of a species of YUKATA, n. A thin garment of a single gourd that opens in the night. thickness worn in summer. YUGE, n. Steam, vapor of boiling water. YU-KATA, a. The evening about sunYO-GE, n. Supper. down. YUK 325 YUR YU-KEI, n. The evening sky. YUKURI-NAKU, adv. Unexpectedly, sudYUKI, n. The width of a coat measured denly. between the ends of the sleeves. Ki- YUKU-SAKI, n. The place to which one mono no yuki-take. is going, destination; the future. YUKI,-ku,-ita, t. v. Togo. Yuki-au, to YUKU-SUYE, n. The future, the time to meet in the way. Yuki-ataru, to walk come. against, to strike against while going. YU-KUWAI, n. Joy, rejoicing, pleasure, Yuki-chigau, to pass each other in the delight. way. Yuki-kau, to go and come, to go YUKU-YE, n. The place to which one is to and fro. Yuki-kayeru, to go and going, or has gone, the whereabouts. return. Yuki-kayou, to go and come YUKU-YUKU, adv. In future, as time often, to be in the habit of going and elapses, at length, in the end. coming. Yuki-kureru, to be belated YU-MAGURE, n. The evening twilight. in going. Yuki-sugiru, to go too far, YU-MAKI, n. The cloth worn by women go beyond. around the loins. YU-KI, n. Courage, bravery, bold- YUME. n. A dream. - wo miru, to ness. dream. YUKI, n. Snow. -gafuru, it snows. YUME-MI,-ru,-ta, t.v. To dream. Na- midzu, snow-water. Yuki-akari, ni wo yumemita, what did you dream snow-light, or light caused by the snow. about? Yuki-bira, a snow-flake. Yuki-damz, YUMEn-MI, n. Dreaming. a snowball. Yuki-doke, the thawing YU-MEN, n. Pardon, forgiveness. - of the snow. suru, to pardon. YUKI-BOTOKE, n. An image made of YU-MESHI, n, Supper. snow. YUME-URANAI, n. Divining one's fortune YUKI-DOKORO, n. The place to which one by means of a dream. is going or has gone. YUME-YUME, adv. Positively, certainly, YUKI-DOMARI, n. The end of a road, or peremptorily. - kono kotoba wo hito of one's journey. ni morasu koto nakare. YUKI-GAKE, n. While going. — nicha- YUM, n. A bow. ya ye yoru. YUII-DZURU, n. A bow-string. YUKI-GATA, n. The place or direction in YUII-GATA, n. Bow-shaped, an arch. which any one has gone. YUMI-HARI-DZUKI, n. The moon when YUKIGE-NO-MIDZU, n. Snow-water. three or four days old. YUKI-KI, n. Going and coming, passing YUII-TSUKURI, n. A bow-maker. to and fro; intercourse, or visiting YUMI-YA, n. Bow and arrow, arms. backward and forward. no michi, the rules of war. - tori, a YUKI-KOROBASHI, n. Rolling snow into soldier. - gami, the god of war; viz, large.balls. Hachi-man. YUIKI-NO-SHITA, n. The name of a flower, YUMOJI, n. The inside garment worn by the Saxifraga Sarmentosa. women from the waist to the knee. YUKI-OROSHI, n. A snow-slip, avalanche. YUN-DE, n. The hand in which the bow YU-KI-SHO, n. Trial by hot water,-a is held viz., the left. - mete, the left mode of ascertaining the guilt or inno- and right hand. cence of a person by making them YUNDZUYE, n. Using the bow as a cane. plunge the hand in boiling water. - nisugatte tatsu, stood leaning on YUKI-TODOKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To extend his bow. or reach to the utmost, to be thorough, YUN-ZEI, n. The power of a bow, or the complete, perfect, to be able. Kami force of an arrow. -no tsuyoi hito, a no miru koto za nanigoto ni mo yuki- person who draws a strong bow. todokanu tokoro wa nai. YU-NI, n. Cooking with boiling water. YUKI-WATARI,-r,-tta, t. v. To be able - zwo suru. or efficient, competent, adequate to, YU-NIU, n. Imports of merchandise. equal to; extend to. Ano hito wa na- YU-RAI, n. The origin and subsequent nigoto ni ino yoku yuki-watatte te- history, the rise and progress, history. mawashi ga ii. YURAMEKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To move or YU-KIY6, n. Pleasure and amusement, swing to and fro, to roll or rock from diversion. side to side, as a boat; to vibrate, oscilYUKKURI-TO, adV. Leisurely, not in late. haste, not in a hurry. YU-RAN, (asobi miru). Looking at for YU-KUN, n. A harlot. amusement, or sport, YUR 326 YUY YURARI-TO, adv. With a waving or haste, leisurely, slowly, taking time and swinging motion,-like a person spring- ease. ing nimbly into the saddle. Unza ii YURUSA, n. Slackness, looseness, the ten- uchinoru. sion. YURA-YURA, adv. Swinging, rocking, YURUSHI,-su,-/a, t. v. To grant, allow, rolling, vibrating, or oscillating to and permit; to let go, set free; to accede fro. to; to yield, to pardon, to forgive, to YuRE,-ru,-ta, i. v. To rock from side to excuse. side, to swing. YURUSHI, n. Permission, leave, forgiveYU-REI, n. A ghost, an apparition, phan- ness, pardon. tom, spectre. -ga deta. YURUYAKA, a. Not strict, severe, or rigYU-REKI. Traveling for pleasure. orous; slack, lax, easy, lenient, gentle. YO-RETSU, (masari otori), n. Superi- YURU-YURU, adv. Leisurely, without ority or inferiority. Kuni no - wo hurry or haste, slowly. araso, to dispute about the comparative YU-SAN. A pleasure excursion, a pic-nic. excellence of different countries. - bune, a pleasure boat. YU-RETSU, a. Bold and ardent, daring, YUSAWARI, n. A swing. courageous. YI-SEI, n. A planet. YU-RI, n. The prostitute quarters in a YU-SEN, n. The price of a bath. - town. YU-SEN, n. Heating by the waterbath, YURI, n. The lily. by placing the vessel containing the YURI,-ru,-ta, t. v. To rock, to move to substance to be heated in boiling water. and fro, to swing, to shake, to sift by YO-SHA, n. A brave man. shaking. Yuri-ageru, to raise, or lift YU-SHI, n. A brave soldier. up by rocking or shaking. Yuri-komu, YU-SHUTSU, n. Exportation, the export to pack down by shaking, as tea in a of merchandise. - suru, to export. box. Yuri-kudzusu, to shake down, Yusu, n. The Ficus Pyrifolia. to cause to fall by shaking, as by an YusuBURI,-ru,-/a, t. v. To shake, agiearthquake. Yuri-wakeru, to sepa- tate. Ki wo yusubutte mni wo otosu. rate by shaking, as with a sieve; to YU-SUDZUMI, n. The cool of the evenbolt, to clean by sifting. ing. YURI,-riru,-rita, i.v. To be pardoned, YusuGI,-gu,-ida, t. v. To cleanse by forgiven, excused, to be allowed, per- washing, to wash. mitted. YUSURA, n. The Prunus Tomentosa. YURI-YAKA. Easy, lenient, mild, not YUSURI, n. Extortion of money by fraud, strict, not severe. threat, or intimidation. YURUBE,-rU,-ta, t. v. Same as Yuru- YusuRI,-ru,-tta, t. v. To shake anywzreu. thing, as a tree, pole; to extort. YURUGI,-ga,-ide, Z; V. To shake, vibrate, YUTABURI,-ru,-tta, i. v. To shake, to rock, to swing, to move to and fro, to be agitated, moved, excited. be loose, to quake, tremble. YUTAKA, n. Abundance, plenty, prosYuRuI,-ki,-ku,-shi, a. Slack, not tense perity, affluence. - ni kurasu, to nor tight, loose, lax, not firm, flabby, live in plenty. - na, abundant, plensoft, limber, not strict, not severe; re- tiful, copious, fruitful, prolific, rich. miss. YU-TAN, n. An oil cloth for covering YURUKCASE, adv. Negligently, carelessly, goods, or a large cloth used for wrapheedlessly, in a slighting or perfunctory ping. way. - ni sru, to slight, disregard. YU-T6, n. An oil-can. YURUMARI,-rU,-ta, i. v. To be slack, YUTORI,-rU,-t/a, i. v. To linger, to loilax, loose; to become weak, to relax in ter, to delay. zeal or ardor. YU-TSUGI, n. A pot for holding hot waYURUME,-ru-ta, i. v. To make less tense, ter. tight, or severe; to slacken, loosen, re- YuwAYE,-ru,-ta, t. v. To bind, tie. lax one's attention or care. Nawa de kori wo -. YURUME-IUSURI, n. Anodyne medicines. Yuw6, n. Sulphur. YURUMIu,-n,-nda, i. v. To be slack, lax, YU-YA, n. A public bath-house. loose, soft, flabby, flaccid; to be remiss; YO-YAKE, n. The red and glorious apto remit zeal, activity, or attention; to pearance of the western clouds when flag; to abate, moderate. the sun is setting. YURURI. A hearth; same as Irori. YU-YAMI, n. An evening without moonYURURI-TO, adv. Not in a hurry or light. YUY 327 ZAM YUYE, n. Reason, cause, account, sake, time remaining; redundancy, excess: because, effect, consequence, result, more than, something over. Roku-jiz Kono yuye ti, on this account, there- - no ro/in. fore. Sonoyuye ni, on that account. Yu-yv, ad'. In an easy, quiet way; YUYEN, n Reason, cause. free from labor, want, or trouble. YUYEN, n. Lamp-black. Yu-Yu-SHIIi,i,-k/, a. Having a galYO-vo, n. Hesitation, doubt, quandary, lant, grand, martial, or warlike appearperplexity; lenient, mild, not severe. ance; strong, imposing; fearful, terriY0-YO, (amari ari), n. Room, space, or ble. z ZA, n. A seat, place to sit in, assembly; throne, reign. - no Tenshi, the reignalso the numeral for dancers in a kagu- ing emperor. ra. - ni'tsuku, to take one's seat. - ZAI-JfT, n. Now residing, a resident. suru, to sit down. Ichi za, the whole Yedo - na hito. assembly. Za-chiu, in the assembly or ZAI-KIN, (isutoine ni aru). Discharging session, during the session. official duty, in office. ZABON, n. A pumelo. ZAI-IOKU, n. Timber, for building; lumZA-BUTON, n. A rug or cushion for sit- ber. ting on. ZAI-MOKU-YA, n. A lumber yard, or a ZABU-ZABU, adv. The sound of the person who sells timber. splashing of water. ZAI-MOTSU, (aktara mono). Precious ZA-GU, n. A cloth on which a Bonze things, any article of value. sits when praying. ZAI-RIU. Dwelling, living, residing. ZAGU-ZAGU, adv. Mealy; soft and fri- ZAI-ZE, (yo ni aru). Living, in the able, as fruit. Kuriga- shite umaku world. Chichi ga - no toki. nai. ZAI-SHO, n. Dwelling place, place of ZAcGUTSuKI,-kte,-ita, v. To be mealy. one's birth, native place; the country. ZAI, (tsumni), A. Crime, transgression of - wva doko da, where were you born? law, sin, punishment. Kutwa —, pun- ZAI-SHUKU, (yado ni iru). At home. ishment by burning. KA-zai, punish- - bi, the days when one is at home. ment by strangulation. Ben-zaci, by ZAI-TAKU, (Zye ninar). At home, in the whipping. Gei-zai, punishment by house. branding. Zai-nin, a criminal, trans- ZAI-YAKU, (yaku ni aru). In office. gressors. Zai-go, evil deeds, sin. ZAKKUBARA, adv. Frank, candid, sinZAI, n. A numeral used in counting cere in manner, without affectation. doses of medicine, or the periods in ZAKKI, n. A miscellany. wLich medicines are taken. Ichi zai ZAKO, n. A general name for any small no kusuri. fish. ZAI, (takara), n. Wealth, riches, pro- ZAKOB.A n. A fish-market. perty. ZA-KOKc, n. All kinds of grain. ZAI, n. The country, a place away from ZAKONE, n. Sleeping crowded or cona town. fusedly together, without distinction of ZAI, n. Ice. - ga hatta, the water is sex. frozen. Zai-wari, posts driven in be- ZAKURO, n. The pomegranate, Punica fore the timbers on which a bridge rests, granatum. to protect from the ice. ZAKURO-BANA, n. A grog-blossom, the ZAI-GO, n. The country or place away red nose of a grog-drinker. from a town. ZAKURO-GUCHI, n. The small entrance ZAI-HAN, (han arz), n. Having a seal, to the tank of a bath-house. sealed. ZAMIA, n. Same as sama; state, condiZAI-HO, n. Money, riches. tion, manner, appearance, habit. ZAI-I, (kurai ni aru), n. Upon the ZAMBU-TO, adv. The sound made by ZAM 328 ZEM anything falling or plunging into to do, various engagements, miscellanwater. eous affairs. ZAM-BUTSU, (nokori mono), n. Anything ZATSU-YO, nZ. Many or various kinds of left over or remaining; the residue, business, a multiplicity of engagements. remnants. ZATTO, adv. Coarsely, roughly, not niceZAMMAI. Fond of, or addicted to, devot- ly, not minutely; without care, attened to. Hamono - suru na, don't be tion, neatness, or skill. fond of edged tools. ZAZAMEKI,-ku,-ita, i. v. To make a ZA-MOCHI, n. One who is hired to at- noise, clamor, tumult, or clatter. tend at tea-houses or entertainments to ZA-ZO, n. An image, or idol in a sitting amuse the company. posture. ZA-MOTO, n. The manager of a theatre, ZE, n. That which is right, that which or show. is. Sono setsu wo ze to su, to regard ZAN, n. Slander, calumny, false charges. that doctrine as the right one. - suru, to slander, calumniate. Zan- ZECHI, n. Alternative, one of two things. sha, a slanderer, calumniator. Zan-so, - wo suru, to offer the alternative. calumnious charges, or complaints ZEGEN, n. A person who supplies prosagainst another made to a ruler, of- titutes to houses of ill-fame, a pimp, ficial slander. procurer, pander. ZANGE. Same as Sange. ZE-HI, n. Right or wrong, so or not; ZAN-GEN, n. Slander, calumny, detrac- true or false, (adv.) must. lii wo sution, false charges. tete ze wo toru, to reject the false and ZAN-GIN, (nokoru kane), n. Remaining hold to that which is true. -ga nai, money, remainder, or balance of the no help for it, no room for dispute, no money not yet paid, arrear. gainsaying. ZAN-JI, n. A short space of time, a little ZEHI-ZEHI, adv. Must, by all means. while, a moment. - ni, soon, quickly, ZEI, n. The fine feathers or down on a in a little while. bird. ZAN-NEN, n. Regret, sorrow; chagrin, ZEI, n. Duty, excise, customs, tax. - vexation, disappointment. wo toru, to collect duty. ZAN-NIU, n. Interfering, intermeddling, ZEI-BUTSU, n. An excrescence, a useless or interposing improperly, interrupting. appendage, unnecessary or superfluous - suru, to intermeddle. thing. ZAPPI, n. General, or miscellaneous ex- ZEI-CHIKU, n. The 50 rods, or sticks penses, disbursements of money. used by fortune-tellers. ZARARI-TO, adv. Rough to the feel or ZEI-GIN, n. Money paid for duty or tax. hearing, roughly, without order or ZEI-KUWAN, n. A custom-house officer, nicety. - te ni sawaru. a controller of customs, taxes, or excise. ZARA-TSUKI,-kua,-ita, i. v. To be rough, ZEI-SOKU, n. A tariff or rate in which not smooth to the feel, as sand, customs, taxes, or excise are levied. etc. ZEI-ZEI, adv. Wheezing, or crepitation ZARA-ZARA, adv. In a manner rough or in breathing. harsh to the feel or hearing. ZEK-KEI, n. An extremely fine landZARE,-rZ,-ta, same as Yare. To sport, scape. play, frolic. ZEKK6 (7iaJ/iwari wa tatsu). - suru, ZARE-KOTO, n. Jesting, joking, facetious, to break off intimacy, fellowship, or humorous or playful talk. friendship. ZARU, n. A basket. ZEKKO (shita de tagayesu). - suru, to ZA-SEKI, n. An apartment or room, a make a living by talking, lecturing, etc. place of meeting or assembly. ZEM-BI (msattaku sonawaru). Full and ZAS-SETSU, n. Miscellaneous sayings or complete in all its parts, having no dewritings. ficiency, perfect. ZA-SHIKI, n. A room or apartment. ZEM-BU. Complete number of volumes. ZA-SHIKI-R6, n. A room of a private ZEM-BU, n. A table set out and furnished house converted into a prison or place with food. of confinement, as for a lunatic. ZEMI-BU, n. A person who superintends ZAS-SHO, n. Miscellaneous books, amed- the arrangements and preparing of food; ley of different kinds of books. a butler. ZATSU. Coarsely, badly or roughly made, ZEM-BUN, n. The introductory part of a unworknllailike, carelessly done. letter. ZATSU-JI, n. Many and various things ZEMMAI, n. The shoots of young ferns. ZEM 329 ZOK ZEMMAI, n. A circular spring for mov- ZES-SHOKU. Ceasing to eat from want of ing machinery, a mainspring. appetite, as in sickness. ZEM-PAI (mtaye no tonmogara), a. Prede- ZESSO, t. An ulcer on the tongue. cessors, those previously engaged in the ZETCH6, n. The apex, highest peak, the same work. summit of a mountain. ZEM-PIYO, n. An omen, prognostic, pre- ZETSU (shita), u. The tongue. Zettai, sage. a fur, or coat on the tongue, as in fever. ZEN (yoshi), n. Virtue, goodness. - Zettan, the tip or end of the tongue. wzo okonau, to practice virtue. Zen- ZetfC, the tip of the tongue. aku, virtue and vice, good and evil. ZETT6. - suru, to fall down dead; to Zen-go, good or virtuous deeds, good be enraptured or overcome with emoworks. Zen-gon, virtuous deeds, acts tion. of charity and benevolence, good Zo. A particle used to give emphasis to works. the preceding word or sentence. Nani ZEN, n. A dining-table. zo, what? Sono hako no naka ni nan ZEN (maye). Before, previous, former, zo aru ka, is there not something in in the presence of. Zen-ch/o, a prog- that box? Nan to iu koto zo, what is nostic, an omen. Zen-chzo, yesterday that you say? morning, the previous dynasty. Zen- Zo, n. An elephant. dai, former ages, previous times. Zen- Z6, n. An image, statue, idol, a likeness. gen, a prophecy, prediction, foretelling. Butsu-zo, a Buddhist idol. Moku-zo, ZEN-DANA, n. A closet in which dining- a wooden image. Seki-zo, a stone imtables are kept. age. ZEN-GO, before and behind, before or Z6, n. The viscera. Go-zo, the five visafter, front and rear. cera; viz., the heart, lungs, stomach, ZENI, n. Small copper or iron coin, cash. liver, and kidneys. Ni no -, the brain. Zeni-bako, a money-box. Zeni-ire, a Hai no -, the lungs. Shin no -, the purse. Zeni-sashi, the string on which heart. cash are strung. Zeni-za, the mint ZO-BUSSHA, n. The Creator. where copper coins are made. Zo-CH6. - suru. To become more and ZENI-AUI, n. The name of a flower, more, to become greater and greater, ZENI-GAME, n. A small kind of tortoise, to grow worse and worse; to increase. ZEN-KEN, n. Prognosis. - suru, to Ogoriga -, to become more and more prognosticate. extravagant. ZEN-KIN, n. Money. Z6-DAN, n. Miscellaneous or idle talk. ZEN-KUWAI, n. Recovery from sickness, Z6-FU, n. A viscera, or organ of the perfect restoration to health, body, the intestines. ZEN-NO-TSUNA, n. Two long strips of ZO-GAN, Inlaid work of gold or silver. cotton cloth, attached to a coffin, and ZO-GE, n. Ivory. held in the hands of those walking in Z6-GEN (mashi herashi). Adding to or front of it. taking from, increasing or diminishing. ZEN-SE (maye no yo), n. The previous - suru. state of existence (Bud). Z6-GON, n. Scurrilous, foul, or abusive ZEN-SOKU, n. Asthma. language. - wo iu, to abuse. ZEN-TAI, n. The whole body, the entire Z6-GU, n. Various articles of furniture. system of anything composed of parts; Z6-KIN, n. A house-cloth, or coarse towel. usually, commonly, customarily, habit- ZOKKON. Very, exceedingly, truly, inually, naturally, constitutionally,or from deed. birth, before. ZOKU. Common, vulgar, plebian; ineleZEPPAN, n. Out of print, the edition is gant, uneducated, unpolished; laity, exhausted. - ni naru. secular. - na mono, a vulgar person. ZEPPEKI, n. A precipice. - ni, vulgarly, commonly. Zoku-bun, ZEPPI, adv. (Coll. for Zehi). Must, the vulgar style of writing. Zoku-bupositively, without dispute. tsu, a vulgar person, one uneducated, or ZEPPIN, n. An article of the very best unrefined. Zoku-dan, vulgar talk, or quality, conversing in the Xulgar dialect. ZokuZESSEN, n. A war of words, dispute, go, the common, or vulgar dialect. Zoquarrel. ku-ji, the common or vulgar business ZESSHI,-SU,-/a, (tayeru), i. v. To be cut or affairs of life, secular business. Zooff, destroyed, exterminated, to come ku-jin, a common or unlearned person. to an end. Zoku-miyo, the secular name which a ZOK 330 ZOY person bore while living, in contradis- ZON-I, n. Mind, opinion, sentiments, tinction to the Kaimzzjyo. Zoku-setsu, thoughts. a saying, story, or belief current among ZO-NIN, n. The rabble, the common the vulgar, or common people; a vul- herd. gar saying. ZoNJI,-dzuru,-ta, i. v.To think, to know, ZOKU (tsu u). - suru, to belong, a polite word. Arigato-zonjimaas, thank pertain, attached to, to be subject to, you. Go-zonji ka, do you know? tributary, to connect one's self with, ZONJI-GAKENAI,-ki,-ku, a. Unexpected, join. unlooked for. ZOKU, n. A family, clan, or tribe having ZON-JI-YORADZU. Unexpected, unlooked the same surname. lchi-zoku, the for, unthought of, incidental. whole family, or tribe. ZONJI-YORI, n. Opinion, mind, sentiZoKU, n. A robber, bandit, brigand, a ments, views. rebel. Zoku-to, a band of robbers, a ZoN-JO, n. In life, living. Oj'i san wa company of thieves. Zoku-shu, the go - degozarimasu ka. chief of a band of robbers. Zoku-kan, ZONKI, n. Gruff, churlish, or crabbed, a pirate ship. Zoku-gun, an army of perverse and uncompliant. robbers, rebel army. Zoku-cho, the ZON-NEN, n. Thoughts, mind, opinion, chief of a band of robbers. views, sentiments. ZOKU-HEN, n. A supplementary treatise, ZONZAI, a. Careless, inattentive, neglior additional volume. gent, not neat, slovenly. A no daiku ZOKtJRASHII,-ki,-ku, a. Common, vul- wa - da. gar, unrefined, inelegant, or unlearned Z6RI, n. Sandals made of straw. - no in manner, style, language, etc. o, the thong of a sandal. ZOKU-ZOKU, adv. - suru, to start, shud- ZORI-TORI, n. The servant who carries der, or shiver, as when cold water is his master's sandals. poured over a person. Z6-RIU (tsukuri tate ru). - suru, to ZOM-BUN, n. All that is in one's mind, erect, build. sentiments, pleasure. - wo nokosadzu ZORO-ZORO, adv. Dragging or trailing iu, to speak one's mind without reserva- like the long skirt of a robe. - to tion. aruku. ZoMEKI,-zk,-ita, i. v. To be noisy, up- Z6sA. As, Zosa mo nai, not difficult, roarious, turbulent. Zomneki-aruku, to easy. Zosa mo naku dekita, easily go along shouting, or making a noise. done. ZOMMmI, n. In life, still living. Chichi Z6-SAKU (tsukuru). - suru, to finish no - no uchi ni wayemd5 yeyukima- off a building, to make it complete in sen. all its parts; to repair. ZO-MOTSU, n Personal property, the ZoTTo, adv. Startled, shocked, as by things which one possesses. sudden alarm; a sudden feeling of ZON-GUWAI (omoi no hoka). Contrary to chilliness. - suru. one's expectations, different from what ZO-YEI (tsukuri itonami). - suru, to one supposed. erect, to build, construct, make. Z6-NI, n. A kind of food made by boil- ZO-_Y, n. Expenses, outlay for miscellaing mochi, fish, and various vegetables neous purposes. -ga tanto kakaru, together. the expenses are heavy. THE END. PART SECOND. ENGLISH AND JAPANESE DICTIONARY. CONTAINING THE MOST IMPORTANT ENGLISH WORDS, WITH NUMEROUS EXAMPLES. AN ENGLISH-JAPANESE DICTIONARY. A A ABN A, or AN, a. Hitotsu, ichi, aru. ABDICATION, n. Kurai wo yudzuru koto. ABACK, adv. Ushiro ni, ato ni. Taken-, ABDOMEN, n. Hara, fuku. an ni soi shite bikkuri suru. ABDOMINAI., a. Hara no, fuku. ABACUS, n. Soroban. ABDUCT, t. v. Sarau, nusumu, ubau, kaABADDON, x. Aku-ma no na. sumeru, kadowakasu. ABAFT, adv. Ato ni, ushiro ni. ABERRANT, a. Tsurei naki, mayou. ABANDON, t. v. Suteru, mi-suteru, sarl, ABERRATION, n. Michi ni chigayeru kohai suru, yameru shirizoku, taikiyo to, mayoi, tsune no tori ni naranu suru. -study, hai-gaku suru. koto. ABANDONED,fi. a. Sutaru, sarareru. -fel- ABET, t. v. Tetsudau, hagemasu. low, d6raku na mono, h6t6 na mono, ABETTOR, n. Tetsudai, hagemasu hito. h6ratsu na mono. ABEYANCE, n. Matsu koto. ABANDONMENT, n. Shirizoku koto, tai- ABHOR, t. v. Kirau, nikumu, imi-kirau. kiyo, suteru koto. ABHORRENCE, n. Kirai, nikumi. ABASE, t. v. Oshi-hesu, sageru, kudasu. ABHORRENT, a. Ki ni sakarau, nikunde - one's self, heri-kudaru, mi wo sageru. oru, somuku. ABASEMENT, n. Sageru koto. ABIDE, i. v. Sumu, oru, ju-kiyo suru, ABASH, t. v. Hadzukashimeru, kao wo yadoru. - by a contract, yaku-jo wo tsubusu, chijoku saseru. tagayedzu. ABASHED, P./. Memboku wo ushinau, ABILITY, n. Kiriy6, sai, chikara, no, tahajiru, chijoku suru, hadzukashii. kumi, ko, doriyo, riy6. Without-, ABATE, t.v. Herasu, gendzuru, men- mu-sai, mu-no. Utmost of one's-,seidzuru, yameru. - a nuisance, gai wo giri, chikara no kagiri. nozoku. -thetfrice, nedan wo makeru. ABJECT, a. Iyashii, gesen naru. ABATE, i. v. Heru, yuruku suru, usu- ABJECT, n. Iyashii mono, hinin. rogu, yurumaru, shidzumaru. ABJECTLY, adv. Iyashiku. ABATEMENT, n. Gendzuru koto, yuruku ABJURE, t.. Chikatte suteru, yameru, naru koto, yameru koto, ne-sage. haisuru. ABATIS, n. Sakamogi. ABLACTATION, n. Chi-banare. ABBESS, n. Ten-shu-kiyo nite amadera ABLE, a. Dekiru, yoku, yeru, rik6 na, no kashira. yuki-todoku, yukl-wataru. This meanABBEY, n. In, tera. ing is included in the pot. form of the ABBOT, n. Tenshukiyo nite h6-shi na- verb; as, able to see, miyeru; able to kama no kashira. read, yomeru; able to hear, kikoyeru. ABBREVIATE t.. Mijikaku suru,riyaku Not aiee dekinu, yedzu. Not able to suru, habuku, tsudzumeru, hashoru, say anything, nan to mo ye iwadzu. tsumeru. ABLE-BODIED, a. Sukoyaka na,jobu na. ABBUREVIATION, n. Mijikaku suru koto, ABLUTION, n. Arai, kiyome. riyaku-ji.. ABLY, adv. Yoku, j6dzu ni shite, yukiA nDICATE, t. v. Kurai wo yudzuru, ku- todoite. rai wo suberu. ABNEGATION, n. Suteru koto, aradzu to (3) ABN 4 ABU suru. -of self, mu-shi, watakushi na- ABRADE, t. v. Suri-muku, suri-yaburu. shi. ABREAST, adv. Narande, mukatte. To ABNORMAL, a. Tsurei naki, tsune na- walk two -, futari narande aruku. ranu. ABRIDGE, t. v. Tsumeru, chijimeru, riABOARD, rei. Fune ni. Togo-shiz, yaku suru, mijikaku suru, habuku. fune ni noru. ABRIDGMENT, n. Riyaku-setsu, habuku ABODE, n. Sumai, jui-kiyo, zai-riu, iye, koto. uchi, taku. ABROAD, adv. Hiroku. To walk -, soABODE, fret. of Abide, Sunda, otta, ju- to ye deru. Togo-, yoso ye yuku, kiyo shita. guwai-koku ye yuku. ABOLISH, t. v. Hai-suru, yameru, hai- ABROGATE, t. v. Hai-shi suru, hai suru, shi suru. yameru, yame-saseru. ABOLITION, n. Haishi, hai suru koto, ABRUPT, a. Kewashii, niwaka no. yameru koto. ABRUPTLY, adv. Niwaka ni, tadachl ni, ABOLITIONIST, n. Hai-ten wo moshi tate- totsu-zen to, sotsu-zen. ru hito. ABSCESS, n. Hare-mono. ABOMINABLE, a. Kirawashii, nikui, ni- ABSCOND, i. v. Kakusu, chikuten suru, kunikushii, nikurashii. shuppon suru, kake-ochi suru. ABOMINABLY, adv. Nikurashiku, kira- ABSENCE, n. I-nai koto, oranu koto, rust. washiku.' ABSENT, a. Oranu, inai, rusu no. ABOMINATE, t. V. Kirau, nikumu. minded, h6-shin, utsutsu, mu-chiu. ABOMINATION, n. Kirau koto, nikui ABSENT, t. v. -one's self, ko-nai, de-nai. mono. ABSOLUTE, a. Jfbun naru, kiwamattaru, ABORIGINAL, a. Moto no. shigoku no. ABORIGINES, n. Moto no hito, dojin. ABSOLUTION, n. Yurushi, yf-men. ABORT, i. v. Riu-san suru. ABSOLVE, t. v. Yurusu, yu-men suru. ABORTION, n. Riu-zan, datai, han-san. ABSORB, t. v. Sui-komu, hikkomu. To cause-, ko wo orosu,ko wo naga- ABSORBED, a. Sui-komareru, oboreru. su, datai wo suru. - in study, gaku-mon ni hamaru. ABORTIONIST, n. Oroshi, oroshi-baba. ABSORPTION, n. Sui-komu koto, muABORTIVE, a. Muyeki na, deki-sokonai chiu, mono ni oboreru koto. no, munashiku naru. ABSTAIN, i. v. Yameru, imu, tatsu. - ABOUND, i. v. Taku-san ni aru, mitsuru, from food, shoku sedzu. - from jubun ni aru. wine, sake wo nomadzu, kin-shu suru. ABOUT, pre. adv. Mawari,gururi. All Things to be abstained from, imi-, h6-bo, sho-h6, sho-sho, achi-kochi. mono. - a hundred men, hiyaku nin gurai; ABSTEMIOUS, a. Uchiba naru, shu-shoku see also, oyoso, bakari, achi-kochi, tai- wo hikayeme ni suru. tei. - to read the book, hon wo yomi- ABSTINENCE, n. Yameru koto, tachi. - kakaru. About to die, shinan to suru, from cooked food, hi-no-mono-dachi. shi ni kakaru; see kakari. (relating ABSTRACT, t. v. Nuku, toru, nusumito)... ni oite,... ni tsuite wa,... toru, hanareru. ni wa. How about that book you bor- ABSTRACT, n. Bassui, nuki-utsushi, nurowed last year? saku nen no karita ki-gaki. Make an -, bassui shite hon ni tsuite wa do da. - three o'clock, kaku. san ji goro. Togo -, mawaru, yu-reki ABSTRACTED,p. a. Ki ga tsukanu, nususuru, shi-kakeru. Turn -, mawasu. mi-tori-taru, nukitaru. Look -, mi-mawaru. Walk -, aruki- ABSTRUSE, a. Oku-i, akiraka nai, wamawaru. Run -, kake-mawaru. How kare-gatai, fukai. did this come about? doshite dekita ABSURD, a. D6ri ni somuku, higagoto ka; d6shite konna ni natta ka. naru. ABOVE, freP. and adv. Uye-ni. -a hun- ABSURDITY, n. Higagoto. dred men, hiyaku yo nin. - fifty ABUNDANCE, n. Takusan, yoppodo, amayears, go-ju yo nen. - the brightness ta, taiso, jibun. of the sun, hi no hikari ni sugureru. ABUNDANT, a. Oi, tais6 na, jfbun na, From -, uye kara, kami kara. As dossari. - harvest, h6-saku. was said-, migi no tori ni. - all, ABUSE, t. V. Nonoshiru,warukuiu, sami sono uye ni, besshite, koto ni. suru, mugoi me ni awaseru, shi-sonjiru, ABOVE-BOARD, adv. Omote-muki ni, mu- mijime ni awaseru. ki-dashi ni. meihaku ni, oyake ni. ABUSE, n. Nonoshiri, mugoi-me, mijime, ABOVE-MENTIONED, a. Migi no, kudan no. hidoi-me. ABU 5 ACC ABUSIVE, a. Mugoi. -language, akk6, ACCOMPLISH, t.v. Togeru,sumu,dekiru, nonoshiri. To meet with - treatment, shi-togeru, jo-ju suru, shi-6seru, hatahidoi-me ni au, mugoi-me ni au. -fel- su, sei-ko suru. low, rambo, abare-mono. ACCOMPLISHED, p. a. Dekita, togeta, ABUT, i. v. Tsuku, hittsuku, sessuru. sunda, joju shita, ta-no naru. —perABUTMENT, n. Hashi-geta wo tsukeru son, n6-sha. — scholar, haku-gakudai-ishi. sha. — villain, kan-chi naru hito, ABYSS, n. Soko naki ana, jigoku. hidoi yatsu. ACADEMICAL, a. Gakk6 no. ACCOMPLISHMENT, n. Joju, shitoge, n6, ACADEMY, n. Gakk6, gakumonjo. gei-no. ACCELERATE, t. v. Hayameru, hayaku ACCORD, n. Wag6, kanau koto. With suru, hakadoraseru. one accord, itchi ni, ichid6 ni. Own ACCEDE, i. v. Sh6-chi suru, nattoku -, jibun de, onodzukara, shizen ni, suru. tennen ni, onodzu-to. ACCENT, n. Iro. ACCORD, t. v. Kanau, tekit6 suru, 6dACCENT, V. Iro wo tsukeru. zuru. ACCEPT, t. V. Morau, ukeru, uketoru, ACCORDANCE, n. Wago, kanau koto. sh6-chi suru, nattoku suru, gaten suru. ACCORDING TO. Shitagatte, shidai ni, ACCEPTABLE, a. Ki ni iru, kokoro ni odzuru, ni yotte, t6ri ni. kanau, ureshii. ACCORDINGLY, adv. Yuye ni, soshite. ACCEPTANCE, n. Sho-chi, uketori, uke, ACCOST, t.. Ii-kakeru. moral, hiki-uke. ACCOUCHEUR, n. San-ka, san-isha. ACCEPTATION, n. Imi, giri, kokoro. ACCOUNT, n. Kanj, sanyo,santb. WritACCESS, n. Chika-yoru koto, michi. ten -, kanjo-gaki, kaki-dashi. To give ACCESSIBLE, a. Chikayoru yasui. an account of, noberu, tsugeru. O0 ACCESSION, n. Kuwayeru koto, masu no-, kadzu ni naranu, kamawanu. On koto, fuyeru koto. -of fever, netsu -of, yuye ni, wake de, ni yotte. On no hassu. no-, kanaradzu, kitto, zehi. TakeACCESSORY, n. Tot6 suru hito, satan of stock, tana-oroshi wo suru. To call suru hito, kata wo motsu hito. to-, gimmi suru, ii-wake wo nobesaACCIDENT, n. Fui no koto, deki-goto, seru. On account of this, kono-yuye ayamachi, futo shita koto, tsui shita ni, karu-ga-yuye ni. koto. Without-, buji ni. Met with ACCOUNT, i.v. To- with, kanj6 suru. an-, me ni atta. To-for, yuye wo noberu, wake wo ACCIDENTAL, a. Fui no, hakaradzu, futo tsugeru, ukeau. shita, fuji na. ACCOUNTABLE, a. Ukeau; kakaru. All ACCIDENTALLY, adv. Futo, fui to, omoi- men are -to God for their conduct, gake-naku. okonai ni yotte bammin wa kami sama ACCLAMATION, n. Kanshin shite koye no gimmi ni kakaraneba naranu. The wo ageru koto. To elect by-, ichi-dO government is- for the debts of the ni koye wo agete yerabu. HIans, seifu nite Han no oime wa tsuACCLIMATE, t. z. Ji-ko ni narasu. To gunawaneba naranu. be - ed, jik6 ni nareta. ACCOUNTANT, V. Kanjo kata, kuwai-kei ACCLIMATION, n. Jiko ni nareru koto. kata. ACCLIVITY, n. Kobai, saka. ACCOUNT-BOOK, n. Kanj6-ch6, kuwaiACCOMMODATE, t. v. Teki-t6 suru, kanau, kei-ch6. awaseru, rinkiohen ni suru, tsugo shite ACCOUTRED, p.p. Sh6zoku shitaru, ideyaru, ma ni awasete yaru. - differences, tattaru. naka wo naosu, waboku wo suru, naka- ACCOUTREMENT, n. Idetachi, sh6zoku, naori wo suru. - with a pen, fude wo shisotsu no gusoku. yodateru. ACCREDIT, t. v. Nindzuru. ACCOMMODATING, a. Shinsetsu na, nen- ACCRUE, i. v. Masu, fuyeru. gorona. ACCUMULATE, t. v. Tsumu, kasaneru, ACCOMMIODATION, n. Naka-naori, wabo- atsumeru (i. v.), kasanaru, tsumoru, ku, makanau koto. kasamu. ACCOMPANIMENT, n. Tsuki-mono, soye- ACCUMULATION, n. Kasanaru koto, tsumu mono. koto. ACCOMPANY, t. v. Issho-ni yuku, tsure- ACCURACY, n. Machigawanu koto. datte yuku, do-d6 suru, tsukiai wo suru, ACCURATE, a. S6i naki, machigawanu, okuru. tadashii. [wadzu shite. ACCOMPLICE, n. Do-rui, guru. ACCURATELY, adv. S6i naku, machiga ACC 6 ADE ACCURSED, J. a. Nikumareru, tembatsu -, wataru, koyeru. To step -, matani kakaru. geru. Sit -, matageru. umnj4 -, toACCUSATION, n. Uttaye, sosh6, meyasu. bi-koyeru. Fly-, tobi-koyeru. To ACCUSE, t. v. Uttayeru, sosh6 suru, ii- lay-, watasu, kakeru. tsukeru, tsumi wo owaseru. ACROSTIC, n. Uta no oriku. ACCUSER, n. Uttaye-nin. ACT, n. Koto, waza, shi-waza. — ofgovACCUSTOM, t. v. Naresaseru. ernment, kisoku, okite, tate. - of a ACCUSTOMED, P. a. Nareru. - to seeing, Play, dan, maku. In the -of doing, mi-nareru. - to living in a ilace, hiyoshi, totan. - of kindness, sewa. sumi-nareru. - to sp5eaking, ii-nareru. ACT, i. v. Okonau, shi-mukeru. - up -to hearing, kiki-nareru. to a fromise, yakusoku wo togeru. ACE, n. Pin, hitotsu. ACT, t. v. Nasu itasu, suru, maneru, ACERBITY, n. Suppasa, karasa, shibusa. niseru, miburu, hataraku. ACHE, n. Itami, (v.) Itamu. Headache, ACTION n. Okonai, shogiy6,waza, hatadzutsf. Belly-, fuku-tsi. raki, (battle) kassen, senso. - at law, ACHIEVE, t. v. Togeru, shi-togeru, joju kuji, de-iri,(gesture) miburi. suru, deki-agaru. ACTIVE, a. Mameyakana, kasegu, hoACHIEVEMENT, n. Joju suru koto; te- neoru, hataraku, Isogu. - verb, ta no gara, isaoshi no waza. hataraki kotoba. ACID, n. Sui, suppai, san, sammi. ACTIVELY, adv. Isoide, hayaku, kaseide, ACIDIFY, t. v. Suppaku suru, sammi ni honeotte, shussei shite. suru. ACTIVITY, n. Kasegu koto, shussei. ACIDITY, n. Suppasa, san-ki. ACTOR, n. Shibai no yakusha. ACIDULATE, t. v. Sammi ni suru. ACTRESS, n. Shibai no onna yakusha. ACKNOWLEDGE, t. v. Sh6chi suru, akasu, ACTUAL, a. Jitsu no, honto no, makoto sange suru, haku-jo suru, wabiru, aya- no. maru. To- the receipt of a letter, ACTUALLY, adv. Jitsu ni, hon ni, omategami wo rakushu shita to hent6 surul. koto ni. ACKNOWLEDGMENT, n. Sh6chi, sange, ACTUATE, t. v. Ugokasu, ugoku. To be hakujo, hent6. actuated by the desire of gain, mokeACME, n. Saichiu, kiyokudo. goto ni ugoite iru. Actuated byipity, ACNE, n. Nikibi. jiki ni ugoite iru. ACONITE, n. Udzu, tori-kabuto. ACUMEN, n. Rei-ri, hatsu-mei. ACORN, n. Kashi-no-mi. ACUPUNCTURE, n. Shin-jutsu, hari-jutsu. ACQUAINT, t. v. Shiraseru, tsugeru, ki- ACUTE, a. Surudoi, togaru, riko na, kaseru. Tobe acquainted with, shiru, kashikoi, hayai. - disease, kiu-sei wakaru. biyo. - tone, hosoi neiro. - pain, ACQUAINTANCE, n. Shiru koto, wakeru kibishii itami. koto, chikadzuki, shirube, shiru-hito. ACUTELY, adv. Surudoku, kibishiku, ACQUIESCE, i. v. Sh6chi suru, akirame- tsuyoku, hidoku. ru, shitagau, fuku suru, nattoku suru. ADAGE, n. Kotowaza, kin-gen, kaku-gen. ACQUIRABIE, a. Yerareru, motomerareru. ADAM, n. Hajimete dekitaru hito no na, ACQUIRE, t. v. Ukeru, yeru, mokeru, jn-so, ningen no shiso. motomeru. ADAMANT, n. Kongo-seki. ACQUIREMENT, n. Motomeru koto, no, ADAPT, t. v. Kanau, tekit6 suru, 6dzuru, gei. chodo ni suru, awaseru; jundzuru. ACQUISITION, n. Yeru koto, motomeru ADD, t. v. Kuwayeru, kaz6 suru, masu, koto, motomeru mono. fuyasu, tasu. ACQUIT, t.v. Yurusu, mendzuru, shamen ADDENDUM, n. Furoku, mashi-gaki, suru. shli, tsui-i. ACQUITTAL, n. Shamen, yurushi. ADDER, n. Mamushi, doku-ja. ACRE, n. Ji-tsubo issen ni-hiyaku-ju no ADDICTED, - to, fukeru, tashimu. koto narl, tambetsu nite shi tan san ADDITION, n. Yose-zan. In - to, heka seki yo. h1i, mata wa, uye ni. ACRID, a. Karai. ADDRESS, t. V. Ii-kakeru, hanashi kaACRIDITY, n. Karasa. keru. - a letter, tegami no uwagaki ACRIMONIOUS, a. Karai, nigai, kibishii. wo suru, teganl wo todokeru. ACRIMONY, n. Karasa, nigasa. ADDRESS, n. Ate-na, na-ate, yendan, ACROBAT, n. Karuwaza-shi. bensetsu, rik6 naru koto. ACROSS, adv. Yoko ni, sashi watashi-ni. ADDUCE, t. v. Hiku, moshi-tateru. The distance -, sashi-watashi. To go ADEPT, n. Jodzu, yete, tokui, tatsu-jin. ADE 7 ADV ADEQUATE, a. Tariru, kanau, teki-to, ADMITTANCE, n. T6ri, ireru koto, iri. oyobu. No -, hairu bekaradzu. ADHERE, i. v. Tsuku, nebari-tsuku, he- ADMIX, t. v. Mazeru, kake-mazeru. bari-tsuku, nenchaku, suru, nadzumu. ADMIXTURE, n. Maze-mono. ADHERENT, a. Hebari-tsuku, nenchaku ADMONISH,'. V. Imashimeru, isameru, naru. korasu, iken suru. ADHESION, n. Hebari-tsuki, nadzumi. ADMONITION, n. Imashime, iken, isame; ADHERENT, n. Zoku suru mono, fuzoku korashi. no mono, tsuki-bito. ADO, n. Sawagi, yakamashii, sozoshii. ADHESIVENESS, n. Nebari, tsuki. ADOLESCENCE, n. Jaku-nen, itoke nai ADHESIVE-PLASTER, n. Mansoko. toki, sh6nen. ADIEU, adv. Sayonara, saybnaraba, go- ADOPT, t. v. Hiki-ukeru, tori-mochiyukigen-yoku. ru, sh6-chi suru. - a son, y6shi ni suADJACENT, a. Tsugi no, tonari no. ru. - a daughter, yojo ni suru. ADJECTIVE, n. Keiy6-shi. A dotted son, yoshi. - daughter, yojo. ADJOIN, i.v. Tsugu, tonaru. Adjoining ADOPTION. n. Y.oshi ni naru koto, yoshi house, tonari no iye, rin ka, tonari-ya. ni suru koto. ADJOURN, t. v. Nobasu, yennin suru. ADORE, t. v. Ogamu, raihai suru, aga(i. v.). Yameru, sumu. meru, uyamau. ADJOURNMENT, n. Sodan no seki no ko- ADORATION, n. Ogami, raihai, uyamai. to wo sumashite yasumu koto. ADORN, t. v. Kazaru, yosoou, shozoku ADJUDGE, t. v. Kimeru, saiban suru, han- suru. dan suru. ADORNMENT, n. Kazari, yosooi, shozoku. ADJUDICATE, t. V. Saiban suru, sabaku, ADRIFT, adv. Tadayou, nagareru. handan suru. ADROIT, a(. Jodzu na, kashikoi, riko na, ADJUDICATION, n. Saiban, sabaki, gimmi, takumi na. handan. ADULATION, n. Hetsurai, kobi, bennei, ADJURATION, n. Chikai, chikawaseru omoncri, neiben. koto. ADULT, n. So-nen, otona. ADJURE, t. v. Chikawaseru, chikai wo ADULTERATE, t. v. Mazeru, niseru. toru, meiyaku wo toru, seishi wo toru. ADULTERATION, n. Maze, nise. ADJUST, t. v. Osameru, tadasu, naosu, ADULTERER, n. Kan-tsf nin, mippu, matsukurau; shaku-do wo hakaru. otoko. ADJUSTMENT, n. Osame, tsukurai. — of ADULTERESS, n. Ma-otoko onna. a quarrel, naka-naori. ADULTEROUS, a. Kantsu suru. ADJUTANT, n. Fuku, gon kuwan. ADULTERY, n. Kantsu, mittsu, kan-in. ADJUVANT, n. Oginai-gusuri. ADVANCE, t. V. Susumeru, nobosu, ageru. ADMEASUREMENT, n. Bunriyo, sumpo, - theprice, ne-age wo suru. - money nori. for another, hito no tame ni kane wo ADMINISTER, t. V. Okonau, segiy6 suru, tate-kayeru. (i. v.) Susumu, maye ni shihai suru, tori-atsukau, osameru, sho- deru, agaru. - in rank, risshin suru, chi surl. - medicine, kusuri wo hodo- shussei suru. - by obsequiousness, hekosu, fuku-saseru. agaru. - in rice, ne-agari ga suru. ADMINISTRATION, n. Okonai, segiyo, tori- ADVANCE, n. Susumi, agari. To go in atsukai, shochi, hodokoshi, osame; seiji, -, maye ni yuku, saki ni yuku, shimpo matsurigoto, shihai. suru. Lend in -, maye-gashi wo suru. ADMINISTRATOR, n. Shi-nin no yui-mo- Borrowing in -, saki-gari wo suru. tsuwosono ichi zoku no tame ni tori- Draw in -, nai-shaku suru, uchi-gari atsulau hito, tori-atsukai nin, shihai wo suru. nin. ADVANCEMENT, n. Susumi, shussei, risADMIRABLE, a. Miy6 naru, taye naru, shin, agari. appare na, kanshin na, kekko na. ADVANTAGE, n. Ri, yeki, ri-yeki, kai, ADMIRAL, n. Kaigun sotoku. sh6ri, kachi, toku. To take-of, jodzuru. ADMIRATION, n. Kanshin, kampuku, ADVANTAGEOUS, a. Yeki ga aru, riyeki tambi. naru, kai ga aru, sugureru. ADMIRE, t. v. Kanshin suru, medzuru. ADVENT, n. Kitari, cak chaku, chaku-tO. ADMISSIBLE, a. Yurusareru, toraseru. ADVENTITIOUS, a. Fui naru, omoi-gake Not -, t6rase-nai. nai, rinji no, fuji naru. ADMISSION, n. Yurushi, tori. ADVENTURE, n. Hijo no me, fuji no me, ADMIT, t. v. Hairaseru, toraseru, tosu, tsune narazaru koto, ihen, hen na me, ire-saseru. kakeroku. t. v. Kakeru. ADV 8 AGA ADVENTUROUS, a. Dai-tan na, kimo-futoi, AFFIRMATIVE, n. Sh6chi, kashikomari, muyami na. he, hai. ADVERB, n. Fuku-shi. AFFIX, t. V. Tsukeru, soyeru, tsugu. ADVERSARY, n. Aite, teki, kataki, ada. a seal, in wo osu. ADVERSE, a. Giyaku na, fu-jun naru, AFFIX, n. Tsuke-kotoba. somuku. - wind, giyaku-fu. AFFLICT, t. v. Kurushimeru, nayamaADVERSITY, n. Wazawai, sai-nan, kan- seru, komaraseru. nan. AFFLICTED, p. a. Kurushimu, komaru, ADVERT, t. v. Mochi-dasu. nayamu, setsunai. ADVERTISE, t. v. Hiro suru, fu-koku AFFLICTION, n. Nangi, nanju, kannan, suru, hiromeru, shiraseru, fui-cho suru, biyoki, anyami, kanashimi, wazawai. fureru. AFFLICTIVE, a. Nayamashiki, kurushii, ADVERTISEMENT. n. Hir6, fu-koku, hiki- itamashii, kanashii. fuda, fure, shirase, hirome-gaki. AFFLUENCE, n. Ffiki, kane-mochi. ADVICE, n. Iken, riy6ken, mune, isame, AFFLUENT, a. Kane-mochi naru; fuki na, imashirne, kiyokun, tayori, inshin, chiu- dai-jin naru, tomeru. shin. AFFLUENT, n. Yeda-gawa. ADVISE, t. V. Iken suru, isameru, oshi- AFFLUX, n. Nagare-komu koto. - of yeru, imashimeru, kiyokun suru, kei-jo blood to head, nobose, giyaku-jo. suru. (i. v.) s6dan suru, hiyo-gi suru. AFFORD, t. V. Shodzuru; dekiru, ataADVISABLE, a. Itasu beki, su beki, yoshi yeru. Can't-, dekinu, atawa-nai. to suru. Not -, itasu bekarazaru, yo- AFFRAY,n. Kenkuwa, tatakai. mushiri-ai. roshikaradzu. AFFRIGHT, t. v. Osoresaseru, odorokasu, ADVOCATE, t. v. Tori-nasu, tori-motsu. odosu. (n.) Osore, odoroki. AfAdvocacy. n. Tori-nasu koto. frighted, osoreru, kowagaru,.odoroku, ADVOCATE, n. Tori-nashi, tori-mochi. kowakatta. ADZ, n. Chona. AFFRONT, t. v. Ki ni fureru, ki ni sakaAERIAL, a. Kuki no. rau, chijoku wo saseru, hajisaseru. (n.) AEROLITE, Hoshi-ki'so, hoshi-ishi. Chijoku, haji. AERONAUT, n. Ffisen ni noru hito. AFFUSE, t. V. Sosogu, furi-kakeru. AFAR, adv. Haruka ni, t6ku, yempo, AFLOAT, adv. Uku, ukamu. harubaru to. To come from -, yempo AFOOT, adv. Kachi nite, aruite. kara kitaru. AFORE, freP. Maye, omote. AFFABILITY, n. Seji, aiso, nengoro. AFOREHAND, adv. Mayemotte, arakaAFFABLE, a. Aiso ni iu, seji ni in, nen- jime. goro ni iu. An —person, yoku seji AFOREMENTIONED, a. Migi no, kudan wo iu hito. no, maye no. AFFAIR, a. Koto, ji, waza. Govern- AFORESAID, a. Migi no, kudan no. ment affairs, jimu, sei-ji. AFORETHOUGHT, a. Takumu. AFFECT, t. v. Ugokasu, kand6 saseru, AFOUL, adv. To run —, tsuki-ataru, furi wo suru, niseru, maneru. To be ataru. affected by, kandzuru, kand6 suru, AFRAID, a. Osoru, kowagaru, kowai. ataru, fureru. AFRESH, adv. Arata-ni, sara ni. AFFECTED, p. a. Kandzuru, furi wo suru. AFRICA, n. Afurika. AFFECTION, n. Ai, itsukushimi, nasake, AFT, adv. Ushiro ni, tomo ni. joai, yamai, biyoki, mochimaye. AFTER, prey. or adv. Ato ni, nochi ni, AFFECTIONATE, a. Ai suru, nasake naru, go. To follow -, shitagau, ou. Run nengoro naru, shinsetsu na, kawai- -, oi-kakeru. - this, kono nochi, rashii. ima yori, ika, igo, ji-kon, jigo, irai. AFFECTIONATELY, adv. Ai shite, nasake Make it - this pattern, kono mono nite. wo tehon ni shite koshiraye nasare. AFFIANCE, n. Ii-nadzuke, chigiri, yen- To inquire- the welfare of nfriend, gumi. (t. v.) li-nadzukeru. Affianced, tomodachi no ampi wo tadzuneru. chigiru, yengumu. AFTER, a. Ushiro no, ato no, shiriye no. AFFIDAVIT, n. Chikai-gaki, sei-sho. AFTER-BIRTH, n. Ato zan,yena, hoye. AFFINITY, n. Yen, chigiri, chinami, AFTER-NOON, n. Hiru-sugi. tsudzuki. AFTER-THOUGHT, n. Okurebase, ato AFFIRM, t. v. Sadameru. kiwameru, ke- shian. tsuj6 shite in, chikatte iu. AFTERWARDS, adv. Nochi ni, ato ni, sono AFFIRMATION, n. Sadame-goto, kiwame- nochi. goto; chikai-goto. AGAIN, adv. Mata, futa-tabi, m6 ichi AGA 9 ALA do, sai-do, mata-wa. - and again, AGRARIANISM, n. Koku-min no shinsha kasane-gasane, kudo-kudo, mata-mata. wo hin puku nashi ni heikin suru koto. AGAINST,.PreP. Mukau, sakarau, giyaku, AGREE, i.v. Yakusoku suru, ukeau, itchi somuku. Strike -, tsuki-tsukeru, bu- ni naru, wago suru, fugo suru, odzuru, chi-tsukeru. tekito suru, kanau, au, sh6chi suru, AGATE, n. Men6-seki. nattoku suru, shitagau. AGE, n. Toshi, yowai, nen-rei, sai, yo, AGREEABLE, a. Kanau, fugo suru, tekito dai, ji-dai, toki. Spirit of he -, ji- suru, omoshiroi, kokoro-yoki, ki ni sei. Of-, otona. To come of-, to- iru, tanoshiki, shitagau. shigoro ni naru, hito to naru. AGREEABLY, adv. Omoshiroku, kokoroAGE, i. v. Toshi-yoru, toshi-toru, furu- yoku, tanoshiku, shitagatte, kanote. - biru. disappzointed, zonji no hoka no tanoAGED, a. Oi, or oitaru, toshi yotta, to- shimi ni au. shi-totta, r6, furubitaru. AGREEMENT, n. Yakusoku, j6yaku, yaAGENCY, n. Hataraki, tori-atsukai, tori- kujo, wago, fug6, tekit6, sh6chi, nattoatsukai-jo. ku. AGENT, n. Tori-atsukai-nin, dai-ben nin, AGRICULTURE, n. Nogiy6, tagayeshi, nomiy-dai, tedai, banto. saku. AGGLOMERATE, t.v. Katameru. (i.v.) AGUE, n. Okori, giyaku. Katamaru, glyoketsu, atsumaru. AH, interj. Aa, sate-sate. AGGLUTINATE, t.v. Nebari-tsukeru. (i.v.) AHEAD, adv. Saki-ni, omote-ni. To go Nebari-tsuku, hebari-tsuku. -, susumu, saki ye yuku. AGGRANDIZE, t.v. Okikusuru, masu, aga- AHOY, interj. Fune no yuki-chigaye ni raseru, nobosu. tadzune-kakeru hotsugo no kotoba. AGGRANDIZEMENT, n. Sakaye, okiku naru AID, n. Tasuke, sewa, fujo, shusen, koto. suke, tetsudai, yakkai, tasuke-te, sukuiAGGRAVATE, t.v. Omoku suru, omora- te, suke-te. seru, tunoraseru, hageshiku suru, hana- AID-DE-CAMP, n. Heitai no sashidzu hadashiku suru. Aggravated, omoku yaku. naru, tsunoru, hageshiku naru, hana- AIL, i. v. Yamu, wadzurau, ambai wahadashiku naru. rute iru. AGGRAVATION, n. Omosa, fukasa, hidosa, AILMENT, n. Yamai, biyOki, yami, wahana-hadashisa. dzurai. AGGREGATE, t.v. Atsumeru, kasaneru, AIM, t. v. Nerau; kokorozasu. tsumu, awaseru. AIM, n. Nerai, mokuteki, atedo, meate AGGREGATE, n. Tsugo, shime, shime- kokoro-zashi. daka, atsumari, awase. AIMLESS, a. Atedo nashi, mokuteki AGGREGATION, n. Atsumari, awase, nashi, kf na. gasshu. AIR, a. Kuki, taiki, kaze, nari, furi, AGGRESSION, n. Okashi-kasumeru koto, nari-furi; utai, fuchi, uta. To take seme, osoi, ubai. the -, undo wo suru, yu-ho suru. AGGRESSIVE, a. Semetagaru, okashi-ta- AIR, t. v. Sarasu, kaze wo t6su. garu, ubai-tagaru. AIR-BLADDER, n. - Nibe. AGGRESSOR, v. Seme-te, ubai-te, oka- AIR-GUN, n. Fu-ho, kaze-teppo. shi-te, hotto-nin. AIR-HOLE, n. Iki-dashi no ana, kaze AGGRIEVE, t.v. Komaraseru, nayama- nuki no ana. seru, nanjflsaseru, samatageru. AIR-TIGHT, a. Kiki no hairanu yo ni AGHAST, adv. Bikkuri shite, giyoten tojite oku. shite, akke wo torareru. AIRY, a. Kaze tori no yoi, sawayaka, AGILE, a. Subayai, subashikoi, te ashi kaze no yo naru. no hataraki no sumiyaka. AISLE, n. Kiyo kuwai-do no uchi ni aru AGITATE, t.v. Ugokasu, doyomekasu, kayoi michi, yutaburasu; sawagasu, araso, giron AKIN, a. Kechi, yen naru, chisuji naru, suru. Agitated, ugoku, doyomeku; yen. sawagu. ALABASTER, n. Sekko. AGITATION, n. Ugoki, doyomeki, sawagi. ALACRITY, n Isogi, sumiyaka. AGO, adv. Ato, izen. ALARM, n. Aidzu, shirase, odoroki, osore, AGOING, Set -, ugokasu, hatarakasu, bikkuri. - bell, haya-gane. - clock, unten suru, okosu. mezamashi tokei. - gun, aidzu no AGONIZE, i.v. Modayeru, kurushimu. teppo. AGONY, n. Modaye, kurushimi, kutsO. ALAS, interj. Satemo, sate-sate, ana. I* ALB 10 ALR ALBICORE, n. Maguro. ALLIGATOR, n. Wani. ALBINO, n. Shiro-namadzu, shiroko. ALLOT, t. v. Wari-tsukeru, ategau, ateALBUGO, n. Me-boshi. hameru. ALCOHOL, n. Kuwa-shu, araki. ALLOTMENT, n. Wari-tsuke. — of rovALDER, n. Han no ki. idence, tem-mei. ALDERMAN, n. S6doshi-yori. ALLOW, t. v. Yurusu, menkiyo suru, ALEIBIC, n. Rambiki. mendzuru; yaru, atayeru, shochi suru, ALERT, a. Sumiyaka na, jo-riukuwan. yasuku suru. - sme to see, mite okure, To be on the -, ima ya ima to matsu. mite kudasare. ALIAS, adv. Hem-mei, betsu na. Gom- ALLOWABLE, a. Yurusu beki, menkiyo bei alias Santsuke, Gombei koto wa su beki. Santsuke. ALLOWANCE, n. Wari-ai, bun, wakiALIEN, n. Gaikoku-jin. maye; yurushi, menkiyo; yasuku suru ALIEN, a. Gaikoku no, takoku no. koto, herasu, gendzuru. ALIENATE, t. V. Hoka-ye utsusu, toza- ALLOY, n. Maze-gane, sashi-kin. keru. (i. v.) Aisb-dzukashi ni naru, ALLOY, i. v. Mazeru, sasu. tozakaru. ALLUDE, i. v. Ate-tsukeru, yosoyete iu, ALIENATION, n. Utsuru koto, tozakaru tsukete iu. koto, aiso-dzukashi. AMental-, kichi- ALLURE, t. v. Sosonokasu, hiku, hikigai, ranshin, kimagure, kiyoki. dzuri-komu, tsuri-komu, sasou. ALIGHT, i. v. Orosu, kudaru, oriru. - ALLUREMENTS, n. Sasoi, tsuri-komi. from a horse, rakuba suru. ALLUSION, n. Ate-tsuke. ALIKE, a. Onaji, hitoshii, do-yo. ALLUVIUM, n. Su, dai ga no yori su. ALIMENT, n. Shoku-motsu, tabe-mono. ALLY, t. v. Chinami wo musubu, iiALIVE, a. Ikite oru, ikiru; nigiyaka, iki nadzukeru, yen wo musubu. na. To keeA -, ikasu. ALLY, n. DB-mei, mikata. ALL, a. Tsugb, shimete; mattaku, mina, ALMANAC, a. Koyomi, reki. subete no, moro-moro no, ari-kiri, ari- ALMIGHTY, a. Atawazaru tokoro naki, take, issai, nokoradzu. - things, bar- yuki-todokazaru tokoro naki. motsu, arayuru mono, yorodzu no ALMOND, n. Hadankiyo. meno. - men, bam-min. - coun- ALMONER, n. Segiyo suru hito no tetries, ban-koku, tenka. - the world, gawari. sekai-ji. -the year, nenju. -gen- ALMOST, adv. Sude ni, ma mo naku, erations, ban-sei. - one, onajikoto, hotondo, sunde ni, hodo-naku, masa ichi-yo, do-yo. - the better, kayete ni, nan-nan to. yoroshii. - over, shimatta, sunda, ALMS, n. Se-motsu, hodokoshi, segiyo, owatta; amaneku, hb-bb, dzuppuri. nigiwashi. To give -, semotsu suru, At -, totemo, kesshite, sara ni. - hodokosu, segiy6 suru, nigiwasu. alone, hitori-de. - about it, kuwa- ALMS-HOUSE, n. Se-in, kiu-iku-jo, hinshiku, arisama. - there are, aran ka- in. giri, ari-giril ari-take. This is - there ALOE, n. Kokuwai. is, kore kirl. For- that, sare-domo, ALOFT, adv. Uye ni, takaku. shika aredomo. - of you, ono-ono ALONE, a. Hitori no. adv. Hitori de, sama, mina sama. By - means, zehi, bakari, nomi,-tada. Sitting -, dokutokaku, kesshite. At - events, d6 za. Livin-, hitori-dzumi. Travelshite mo, idzure ni shite mo. - ready, ling-, hitori-tabi. To let -, kamashitaku suru. wanu, sutete oku, uchatte oku, ALLAY, t. v. Shidzumeru, nadameru, ALONG, adv. Sote, tsuite, shitagbte. yawarageru, osameru. with, tomo ni, issho ni, tsuredatte, izaALLEGATION, n. Moshi-tate. nbte, sasote. - side, soba, katawara. ALLEGE, t.. Ii-tateru, mbshi-tateru. All-, tsudzuite. ALLEGIANCE, n. Chiugi wo subeki koto, ALOOF, adv. Hedatete, tozakete, hanashitagau beki koto. rete. ALLEGORY, n. Tatoye-banashi. ALOUD, ddv. Ogoye nite, takaku, takaALLEVIATE, t. v. Nadameru, yawarage- goye de. ru, karuku suru. ALPHABET, n. Igirisu no ni-jfi-roku moALLEVIATION, n. Yawarage, nadame, ka- ji no so-miyo. rumi. ALREADY, adv. Mo, wiith thetret. tense ALLEY, n. Roji, koji. of the verb; as, - come, mo kimaALLIANCE, n. Chinami, chigiri, yen, yu- shita, haya, mo-haya, sude ni. When kari. yocu arrive, the business will be al ALS II ANA ready comgileted, anata ga yuku made AMBITION, n. Tai-mo, nozomi, kokoroni ano koto wa mo dekite shimatta. zashi, shushin, shfnen. ALSO, adv. Mo, mata, mo-mata, yahari, AMBITIOUS, a. Taim6 aru, hito nami onajiku, narabi ni, oyobi. yori sugure, hiide-taki. ALTAR, n. Shin-zen no dai. AMBUSCADE, n. Fuku-hei, fuse-zei, maiALTER, t. v. Aratameru, naosu, henka- fuku. ku suru, kayeru, hendzuru, tori-kayeru. AMELIORATE, t. v. Yoku saseru, tasu-,i. v.) Kawaru, hendzuru. keru. ALTERATION, n. Aratame, naoshi; ka- AMEN, n. Kami ni inori no owari no wari, henkaku. kotoba; sono imi wa kaku no gotoku ALTERCATE, i. v. K6ron suru, arasou, shikaru beki nari. ii-au, giron suru. AMENABLE, a. Kakaru, kakawaru. ALTERCATION, n. K6ron, arasoi, kenku- AMEND, t. v. Aratameru, naosu, kaiwa, giron, isakai, ron, gekiron. kaku suru, kai-sei suru, kai-shin suru, ALTERNATE, a. Tagai-chigai, tagai ni, tadasu. kawari-au,hasami. — days,kaku-jitsu, AMENDMENT, n. Aratame, kaikaku, taichi nichi oki. - years, kaku-nen, dashi. ichi nen oki. -fersons, ichi nin oki. AMENDS, n. Tsugunai. Make-, tsuguALTERNATE, n. Miy6dai. nau, aganau, mado, wabiru. ALTERNATELY, adv. Tagai-chigai ni, AMERCE, t. v. Bakkin wo ii-tsukeru, kawari-gawari ni, ichido-gawari ni, kuwa-riy6 wo meidzuru. hitotsu-gawari ni, utte-gawashi ni, utte- AMETHYST, n. Shisekiyei. chigaye ni, uchi-chigai ni. AMIABLE, a. Yasashii, otonashii, niuwa ALTERNATIVE, n. Zechi, riyoten, riy6- naru, onjun naru, sunao naru, hitoyaka tan. Vo -, shikata ga nai, sen kata na, onto naru. nashi. AMICABLE, a. Shitashii, mutsumajii, waALTIIEA, n. Mokuge. jun naru, wago na. ALTHOUGH, conj. Tatoi, keredomo, iye- AMIDST, frep. Naka, uchi, chiu. domo, tomo, shikashi-nagara. Also AMISS, adv. Machigau, ayamaru, sonformed by the sub. verb in demo. jiru, sokonau, warui. To do -, shiALTITUDE, n. Takasa. sokonau. Sfeak -, ii-ayamaru, iiALTOGETHER, adv. Issho-ni, ichi do ni, sokonau. To go -, yuki-sokonau. mattaku. AMITY, n. Wago, wajun, shitashimi, ALUM, n. Miy6ban. Burnt -, yaki- kon-setsu. miy6ban, kohan. AMMONIA, a. D6shasei. ALWAYS, adv. Itsu-demo, itsu-made- AMMUNITION, n. Tama-kusuri, danyaku, mo, tsune ni, shiju, toshi-ni, shot-chiu. giyoku-yaku. AM, formed by the verbs, aru, iru, oru, AMONG or AMONGST. Naka uchi, chiu. as; I am sick, watakushi yande iru. AMOROUS, a. Hore yasui, uwaki na. I am eating, watakushi tabete oru. I AMOUNT, n. Tsugo, semete, shimedaka, am foor, watakushi wa bimbo de aru. sokei. I am going to Kioto to-morrow, wata- AMOUNT, i. v. Noboru, agaru, kakaru. kushi wa miyonichi Kioto ye yuku. AMPHIBIOUS, a. Sui riku ni sumu. AMALGAM, n. Kin rui midzu-kane wo AMPLE, a. Hiroi, kuwodai; takusan, jumazete aru kane no na. bun. AMALGAMATE, t. v. Mazeru, kondzuru, AMPLIFY, t. v. Hiroku suru, okiku suru, chogo suru, awaseru. kuwashiku iu. AMASS, t. v. Tsumu, takuwayeru, tame- AMPLITUDE, n. Hirosa, okisa. ru, kasaneru. AMPLY, adv. Hiroku, jubun ni, takusan AMATEUR, n. Shiroto nite sono waza wo ni. tanoshimi ni kononde suru hito. AMULET, n. Mamori. AMAUROSIS, n. Sokohi, koku-naisho. AMUSE, t. v. Nagusameru, asobaseru, AMAZE, t. v. Odorokasu, tamagesaseru. tanoshimasu. A mused, nagusamu, taAmazed, odoroku, tamageru, bikkuri. noshimu, kiyo ni iru. suru, giyoten suru. AMUSEMENT, n. Nagusami, asobi, kiy6, AMAZEMENT, n. Odoroki, giy6ten, bikkuri tanoshimi, tawamure. AMBASSADOR, n. Shisha, shisetsu. AN, n. Hitotsu, ichi. An ichibu an AMBER, n. Kohaku. hour, ittoki ni ichibu dzutsu. AMBIGUOUS, a. Utagawashii, fushin naru, ANACONDA, n. Daija. fufummiyo, ibukashii, obotsukanai, aya- ANALOGOUS, a. Onaji, do-yo, niru. shiki. ANALOGY, n. Nitaru omomuki. ANA 12 ANT ANALYSIS, n. Bunseki, bunri. ANNIVERSARY, n. Iwai-bi. - of a death, ANALYZE, t. v. Bunseki suru. mei-nichi, ki-nichi. ANARCHY, n. Koku-ran, soran, seiji ANNOTATION, n. Chiu, kaki-ire, chiunashi, midare. kai, chiu-shaku. ANASARCA, n. Sui-ki, mukumi. ANNOUNCE, t. v. Hiro suru, shimesu, hiANASTOMOSE, z. v. Sakuso suru. romeru, tsugeru, kikaseru. ANATOMY, n. Kaibo, fuwake. ANNOY, t. v. Wadzurawasu, komaraseru, ANCESTOR, n. Senzo. ijlmeru. Annoying, urusai, wadzuraANCESTRAL, a. Senzo no, senzo yori su- washii. tayete kuru. - temple, sobiyo. ANNOYANCE, n. Urusai koto, meiwaku. ANCHOR, n. Ikari. (t. v.) Ikari wo oro- ANNUAL, a. Toshi-doshi, mai-nen, nensu, kakeru. The ship is anchored, nen no, toshi-nami. Annually, toshifune ga kakatte iru, or, ikari wo oro- doshi ni. shite iru. ANNUITY, n. Seifu nado yori sono h-ito ANCHORAGE, n. Kakari-ba. no nengen chiu mai-toshi harai-watasu ANCHORITE, n. Giyoja, mokujiki. risoku kin. ANCIENT, a. Mukashi no, furuki, inishi- ANNUL, i. v. Hai suru, haishi suru, yaye no, ko; mukashi, ro. - and mod- meru, hai-kiyaku suru. ern, ko-kon. - customs, ko-ff. ANNULAR, a. Marui, wa no nari. ANCIENT, n. Toshiyori, rojin. ANNUMERATE, t.. Kuwayeru, tasu. AND, conj. To, narabi-ni, oyobi, shiko- ANODYNE, n. Shitsf-zai, itami wo todoshite. meru kusuri. ANECDOTE, n. Medzurashii hanashi. ANOINT, t. v. Abura wo nuri tsukeru. ANEROID, n. Sei-u-ki. ANOMALOUS, a. Kaku wo hadzureru, ANEURISM, n. Miyak-kuwan no ch6- midareru. ketsu no, d6miyaku-riu. ANON, adv. Sugu ni. ANEW, adv. Arata ni. ANONYMOUS, n. Mu-mei no, na naki. - ANGEL, n. Tennin, ten no tsukai. writing, rakusho. ANGER, n. Rippuku, ikari, hara-tachi, ANOTHER, a. Hoka no, betsu no, mo hiikidori. totsu, ta-nin. One -, ai-tagai ni. ANGLE, n. Kado, sumi, kaku; uwo tsu- ANSWER, t. v. Kotayeru, hentO suru, ri dogu. t. v. Tsuru. henji wo suru. (i. v.) Kakawaru, ma ANGLER, n. Uwo tsuri. ni au. To - the purpose, ma ni au. ANGLICAN, a. Igirisu no. ANSWER, n. Kotaye, hentO, henji. ANGRY, a. Ikaru, haratatsu, rippuku ANSWERABLE, n. Tsugunau beki, kakasuru; tadareru. waru beki; tekito, odzuru, kanau. ANGUISH, n. Ku-tsf, nayami. ANT, n. Ari. - hill, ari-dzuka. ANGULAR, a. Kado-datsu, kado. ANTAGONIST, n. Aite, kataki, teki, ada. ANIMADVERSION, n. Imashime, hinan, ANTAGONISTICAL, a. Giyaku na, sakatogame, hihan. mru. ANIMAL, n. Kemono, kedamono, chi- ANTARCTIC, a. -Ocean, nan kai. -~fole, kush6, chiku-rui. - kingdom, d6butsu nan kiyoku. rui. -food, niku. - spirits, ki. ANTECEDENT, a. Maye no, izen no. ANIMALCULE, n. Me de miyenu hodo no ANTECEDENTLY, adv. Maye ni, izen ni, dobutsu. sendatte, saki-datte. ANIMATE, t. v. Iki-saseru, ikaseru, sei- ANTEDATE, t. v. Hi-dzuke wo maye ni kuwatsu saseru, hagemasu, seishin wo suru. tsukeru, odateru. ANTELOPE, n. Shika no rui. ANIMATE, a. Ikeru, ikite oru. - and ANTENNA, n. Mushi no tsuno. inanimate, ujo mujo. ANTERIOR, a. Maye no, onlote no, zen ANIMOSITY, n. Urami, nikumi, ikon. no. ANISE, n. Sho-uikiyo. ANTHELMINTIC, n. Kuchiu-zai. ANKLE, n. Ashi-kubi. - bone, kurubu- ANTHEM, n. Kami vro hai suru toki no shi. uta. ANNALS, n. Rekishi, nendaiki, ki, kiro- ANTHER, n. Dzui. ku. ANTIC, a. Kokkei na, odoke na. (n). ANNEAL, t. v. Yaki wo modosu. Odoke mono, kokkei. ANNEX, t. v. Tsugu, soyeru, awaseru, ANTICIPATE, t. v. Maye-motte nasu, tsukeru, kuwayeru. omoi-kosu, tori-kosu. ANNIHILATE, t. V. Naku suru, messuru, ANTICIPATION, n. To say in -, mayetayasu, danzetsu suru, horobosu. motte iu. To do in -, maye-motte ANT 13 APP suru. To think of in -, maye-motte APPEAR, i. V. Miyeru, arawareru, genomou. dzuru, deru. Cause to -, arawasu, ANTIDOTE, n. Doku-keshi, gedoku-zai, miseru. Afpears to be or have, ari-so. sho-doku-yaku. APPEARANCE, t. Deru koto, katachi, suANTI-FEBRILE, n. Sh6-yen-zai, shd- gata, nari, nari-furi, tei, keshiki, iro, netsu-zai. midate, so, rasllii. - of being true, ANTIPATHY, n. Kirai, nikumi. makotorashii. ANTI-PHLOGISTIC, n. Sho-kin-zai. APPEASE, t. v. Nadameru, shidzumeru. ANTIQUARIAN, n. Kojitsu-ka, kobutsu- APPELLATION, n. Na, tonaye, go. ka. APPEND, t. v. Tsugu, soyeru, tsukeru. ANTIQUATED, a. Ko-ff na, furukusai. APPENDAGE, n. Soi-mono, tsuki-mono, ANTIQUE, a. Mukashi, furui, ko, kiu. soye-mono. Useless -, zeibutsu. ANTIQUITY, n. Mukashi, inishiye, koseki. APPENDIX, n. Furoku, tsuika, hoi. ANTISEPTIC, n. Shifu-yaku. APPERTAIN, i. v. Tsuku, zoku suru, kaANTITHESIS, n. Hantai, urahara. karu, fuzoku suru, ki suru. ANTLER, n. Shika no tsuno. APPETITE, n. Shoku, shoku-yoku, shoANUS, n. Komon. Diseases of-, ji. kuji. No-, fu-shoku. ANVIL, n. Kanatoko. APPLAUD, t. v. Koye wo agete homeru, ANXIETY, n. Kokoro-dzukai, kidzukai, te wo tataite shobi suru. shimpai, anji, kur6. APPLAUSE, n. Homare, sh6bi. ANXIOUS, a. Kidzukai ni omou, anjiru. APPLE, n. Ringo. - tree, ringo no ki. ANXIOUSLY, adv. Kidzukatte, anjite. APPLIANCE, n. Tsuki-mono, dogu. IWait - for, machi-wabiru, machi- APPLICABLE, a. Tsuku. - to this, kore kaneru. ni tsuite wa. ANY, a. Demo, idzure. — erson, dare- APPLICANT, n. Negai-te, tanomi-te. demo. - time, itsu-demo. - how, APPLICATION, n. Tsukeru koto, ateru d6-demo. - thing, nan-demo. koto, negai, tanomi, benkiyo, hagemi. where, doko-demo, idzuku nite mo. APPLY, t. v. Tsukeru, oku, soyeru, ateNot - more, mo nai, kore kiri. gau, hagemu. - the mind to, kokoro APART, adv. Hanarete, betsu-betau ni, wo ireru. (i. v.) Tsuku, kanau, tanomu, wakete, hedatete. negau. APARTMENT, n. Heya, zashiki, ma. APPOINT, t. v. Sadameru, kiwameru; APE, n. Saru. (t. v.) Mane wo suru. moshi-tsukeru, ii-tsukeru, meidzuru, APERIENT, n. Ge-zai. nindzuru. (i. v.) Sadamaru, kiwaAPERTURE, n. Ana, kuchi, sukima. maru. APEX, n. Ch6jo, zetcho, itadaki, saki. APPOINTMENT, V. li-tsuke, moshi-tsuke, APHORISM, n. Kaku-gen. yaku-soku, sadame, mei-rei; te-ate, APHRODISIAC, n. Hore-gusuri, biyaku. sonaye. APIECE, adv. Dzutsu, maye, ate ni. APPORTION, t. v. Wari-tsukeru, ategau, APISII, a. Saru mane suru, saru-riko na. kubaru, haitO suru, bun-bun suru. APOLOGISE, t. v. Ayamaru, wabiru, ii- APPOSITE, a. Kanau, 6dzuru. wake wo iu. APPRAISE, t. v. Ne wo tsukeru, ne-uchi APOLOGY, n. Wabi, ii-wake, ayamari. wo fumu, hakaru, ataye wo tsumoru. APOSTATE, n. Daraku mono. APPRECIATE, t. v. Ataye wo tsukeru, APOSTATIZE, i. v. Daraku suru, shumon hakaru, omondzuru. wo suteru. APPREHEND, t. v. Tsukamayeru, toraAPOSTLE, n. Shisha, Iesu no ju-ni nin yeru, meshitoru; satosu, wakeru, kono deshi. koroyeru. APPAL, t. v. Osore-saseru, odorokasu, APPREHENSION, n. Tsukamayeru koto, kimo wo tsubusu. AppallZing, osoro- toraye, meshi-tori; satori, gaten, kokoshii. roye, riyoken; kokoro-dzukai, ki-dzuAPPARATUS, n. Kikai, dogu, shikake. kai. APPAREL, n. Ifuku, kimono, isho. (t. v.) APPREHENSIVE, a. Kidzukawashii, kiKiru, yosoo, chaku suru, chakuyo suru. gane wo suru, kibusai. APPARENT, a. Miyeru, akiraka, araware- APPRENTICE, n. Nenki-mono, deshi. taru, ichijirushi. (I. v.) Nenki hOko suru. APPARENTLY, adv. Akiraka ni, me nite APPRISE, t. v. Tsugeru, shimesu, kikamiru ni, mise-kakete. seru. APPARITION, n. Bake-mono. APPROACH, i. v. Chika-yoru, chikaAPPEAL, t. v. Uttayeru, sosho suru, (n.) dzuku. yoru, nozomu. (n.) Chikayori, Uttaye, sosho. nozoni michi. APP 14 ARR APPROBATION, n. Yoshi to omou koto, ARISTOCRACY, n. Kuwa-zoku, kuge, iyekanshin. gara. APPROPRIATE, t. v. Ategau, ate-hameru, ARITHMETIC, n. San-jutsu. ate-sonayeru; kasumeru, muri ni toru. ARITIIMETICIAN, n. San-jutsu ni tasshiAPPROPRIATE, a. Soto naru, tekito naru, taru hito. mochi-maye no, atari-maye no. ARK, n. Mukashi k6dzui no toki no APPROPRIATION, n. Ate-hame, ate-sona- hako bune; Yudaya no Shin-den ni ye-kin. osamatte aru kil no hako. APPROVE, /. v. Yoshi to suru. ARM, n. Ude, te, yeda. - of the sea, APPROXIMATE, i. v. Chikayoru. iri-umi. Under the —, waki no shita. APPURTENANCE, n. Tsuki-mono, fuzoku ARM, t. v. Buki wo atayeru. To be mono, soi-mono. armed, buki wo motsu. APRICOT, n. Andzu. ARMAMENT, n. Gunzei, buki. APRIL, n. Seiyo no shi-guwatsu no na. ARM-CHAIR, n. Hiji-kake. APRON, n. Maye-kaki, maye-dare. ARM-FUL, n. Hito kakaye. APROPOS, adv. Tsuite, chodo. ARMISTICE, n. Tatakai no shibaraku no APT, a. Tekit6 naru; ya-ya mo sureba, yasumi, kiu-sen. hayaku, sumiyaka, yasui. ARMOR, n. Yoroi kabuto, katchiu, guAPTNESS, n. Yasuki koto. soku. AQUEDUCT, n. Sui-d6. ARMORER, n. Buki-shi. AQUEOUS, a. Midzu no, sui. ARMORIAL SIGN, n. Mon, shirushi. ARABLE, a. Tagayasareru. ARMORY, n. Buki-gura. ARBITRARY, a. Kimama naru, wagamama ARMPIT, n. Waki no shita. naru. ARMS, n. Hei-ki, bu-ki, gun-ki; tsutsu. ARBITRATE, t. v. Saiban suru, sabaku, Fire -, teppo, hi-dogu. tadasu. ARMY, n. Gun-zei, gun. ARBITRATION, n. Moshi koto atte seifu AROMA, n. Nioi, ka, kaori, k6ki. ni idedzu shite dohai ni san nin nite AROMATIC, a. Kobashii. saiban suru koto; sabaki. AROUND, fire5. Mawari, meguri, gururi. -ARBITRATOR, n. Saiban nin, giyoji, chiu- Togo -, mawaru, meguru, junko suru, sai-nin. hemeguru. To look -, mi-mawaru. ARBOR, n. Chin. Ride-, nori-mawaru. ARCH, n. Han-getsu nari. AROUSE, t. v. Okosu, samasu, ugokasu, ARCHER, n. Ite. hiki-okosu. ARCHERY, n. Kiujutsu, shajutsu. ARRAIGN, t. V. Yobi-dasu, meshi-dasu, ARCHITECT, M. Chiku-zo-ka. uttayeru. ARCHITECTURE, n. Chiku-z6-jutsu. ARRANGE, t. v. Naraberu, sonayeru, ARCHIVE, n. Kuni no taisetsu naru kaki tsuraneru, osameru, totonoyeru, soromono takuwaye oku tokoro; bunko, yeru. kiroku, ch6men. ARRANGEMENT, n. Narabe, sonaye, toARCTIC, a. Hokkiyoku. - ocean, hok- tonoyc, soroye; osame, shitaku. kai. ARRANT, a. Futoi, akuto na. ARDENT, a. Fumpatsu na, hagende iru, ARRAY, n. Sonaye, narabe. atsuku naru. - spirits, netsu butsu, ARRAY, t. V. Sonayeru; yoso6, sh6-zoku sake. suru, kazaru, mat6. ARDOR, n. Kisaki. ARREAR, n. Nokori kane, zankin, shaARDUOUS, a. Kewashii, hone-oru, kur6 kuzai no harai-nokori. na, konnan naru. ARREST, t. v. Tsuramayeru, torayeru, ARE, i. v. Aru, oru, iru, gozaru. tomeru. - the attention, mi-tomeAREA, n. Hirosa, tsubo-kadzu, 6kisa; sascru. (n.) Toraye, tome. basho. ARRIVAL, n. Kitaru koto, chaku, t6ARENA, n. Basho, ba. chaku, chaku-t6. - of a shzi, chakuARGAND-LAMP, n. Mujint6. sen. ARGUE, t. v. Giron suru, rondzuru, ara- ARRIVE, i. V. Itaru, chaku suru, kuru, so. tsuku, t6chaku suru, t6rai suru. ARGUMENT, n. Giron, ron, arasoi. ARIRCGANCE, n. Manshin, koman. ARtI, a. Kampatsu naru, kawaki, kara- ARROGANT, a. Jiman naru, koman naru, bii u. ibaru, manshin naru, takaburu, unubure ARIGHT, adv. Tadashiku, yoku. na. ARISE, i. v. Agaru, noboru, okiru, okoru, ARROGATE,t. v. Yodaiburu. hassuru, tatsu. ARROW, n. Ya. - head, ya no ne. ARS T5 ASS ARSENAL, n. Buki takuwaye gura. ASIA, n. Ajia. ARSENIC, n. Yoseki, hisoseki. ASIDE, advz. Waki. Set -, katadzuARSON, n. Tsukebi. keru, shimau. Stand —, yokeru, waki ART, n. Jutsu, gei-jutsu; takumi, no, ye yore. ko, toku. ASK, t. v. Tadzuneru, tou, motomeru, ARTERY, n. Do-miyaku. tanomu, negau, ko. How much do you ARTFUL, a. Ko-kuwatsu na, warugashi- askfor this? kono shina no nedan wa koi, kozakashii. ikura. ARTICLE, n. Kaj6, kado; jo, mono, shi- ASKANT, adv. Naname ni. Look-, yona, kuchi. - of death, shini-me. ko me de miru, shirime de miru. ARTICULATE, t. v. Hanasu. ASKEW, adz. Nejirete, magattc, yuARTIFICE, n. Hakarigoto, tedate, takumi, gande, hidzunde. hoben, kama. ASLANT, adv. Naname ni. ARTIFICER, n. Saiku-nin, shoku-nin. ASLEEP, a. Nete iru, nemuru, fuseru. ARTIFICIAL, a. Tsukuri no. -flowers, ASP, n. Mamushi, doku-ja. tsukuri-bana. - teeth, ire-ba. -nose, ASPECT, n. Keshiki, muki, iro, kao. tsuke-bana. - eye, ire-me. - hair, ASPERITY, n. Araki koto, karaki koto, ire-gami, soye-gami, kamoji. - moun- arasa, karasa, shibusa. tain, tsukuri-yama. ASPERSE, t. v..Waruku iu, soshiru, zanARTILLERY, n. Taih6, 6dzutu. - com- gen suru. Aspiersion, zan-gen, soshiri. pany, taih6-tai. ASPHYXIA, n. Ki-zetsu. ARTISAN, n. Shoku-nin. ASPIRATION, n. Nozomi, shushin, shfuARTIST, n. Gei-jutsu ni tasshitaru shoku- nen, negai. nin. ASPIRE, t. v. Nosomu, negau, shfshin ARTLESS, a. Meihaku na, shojiki na, suru. adokenai, takumi naki. Ass, n. Usagi-uma, r6ba. As, conj. Gotoku, tori, y6, hodo, ni, ASSAFETIDA, n. Agi. kara. Do as you lease, kokoro makase ASSAIL, t. v. Semeru, osou, utsu, k6geni se yo. Take as many as you want, ki suru. omo hodo wo tore. As hot as you can ASSAILANT, n. Seme-te, seme-kakeru bear, shimb6 dekiru hodo no atsusa. mono. As for that matter. sono koto ni wa, ASSASSIN, n. Hito-goroshi, ansatsu nin. sono koto ni tsuite wa. A s was going ASSASSINATE, t. v. Hito wo korosu, to Yedo, Yedo ye yuku toki ni. I will ansatsu suru. goassoonaslamdoneeatingwataku- ASSAULT, t.v. Semeru, osou, utsu, koshi gozen tabe shidai ni yukimasu. He geki suIu. (n.) Seme, osoi, uchi, kohas not come as yet, kare wa imada geki. mairimasen. As he is a bad servant ASSAY, n. Bunseki, fuki-wake. (t. v.) will dismiss him, warui ko-dzukai ni Bunseki suru, fuki-wakeru; tamesu, yotte (or da kara) itoma wo dasu. Stof yatte miru. as you are passing, anata ga tori-ga- ASSEMBLAGE, n. Atsumari. kari ni yori-nasai. Do asyou would be ASSEMBLE, t. v. Atsumeru, yoseru, tsudone by, jibun no hossuru tokoro wo doyeru, matomeru. (i. v.) Atsumaru, hito ni mo oyobosu beshi. Not as yoru, tsudou, shugo suru, matomaru. bad as it seems, qlanzara waruku mo ASSEMBLY, n. Atsumari, shu-kuwai, za, nai. seki. Whole -, man-za. ASCEND, t. V. Noboru, agaru. ASSENT, i. v. Shochi suru, yurusu, ASCENDENCY, n. Suguretaru koto, masa- menkiyo suru, nattoku suru. (n.) Shoru koto. chi, yurushi, nattoku, menkiyo. ASCENSION, n. Noboru koto, agaru koto. ASSERT, t v. li-haru, ketsujo shite iu, ASCENT, n. Nobori, agari. kimete iu. ASCERTAIN, t. v. Kiku, kiite-miru, tada- ASSERTION, n. Ketsu-dan. su, mi-todokeru, ukagau. ASSESS, t. v. Wari-tsukeru, wari-ateru. ASCETIC, n. Giyoja. ASSESSMIENT, n. Wari-tsuke-kin. ASCRIBE, t. v. Ki suru, owaseru. ASSESSOR, n. Wari-tsuke-kata. ASHAMIED, a. Hajite oru, hadzukashi- ASSETS, n. Bunsan mono. garu, memboku ushinau. ASSEVERATE, t. v. Ii-haru, ketsujo shite ASHES, n. Hai. iu, kimete iu. ASHORE, adv. Oka, kuga. Go -, jori- ASSIDUOUS, a. Hagende oru, benkiy6 ku suru, kuga ni agaru. The shiA is -, naru. fune ga hama no asa se ni suwaru. ASSIGN, t. v. Ate-hameru, ategau, ii ASS 16 AUC tsukeru, meidzuru; kimeru, bunsan tsui-ni. - least, semete. - the best, suru. d6shitemo. To strike at a post, hashiASSIGNATION, n. Naisho no de-ai. ra wo ate ni shite buchi-kakeru. ASSIGNMENT, n. Bunsan, shinsho-ka- ATHEIST, n. Kami ma naki mono to iu girl. hito. ASSIMILATE, t. v. Kuwa suru. ATHIRST, a. Kawakitaru. ASSIST, t. v. Tetsudau, tasukeru, suke- ATHLETIC, a. Chikara shobu suru. ru, sewa wo suru, shusen suru, yakkai ATHWART, Prep. Yoko ni, naname ni. suru. ATLAS, n. Chi-dzu-sho. ASSISTANCE, n. Tasuke, sewa, tetsudai, ATMOSPHERE, n. Tai-ki, kfki. fujo, yakkai. ATOM, n. Mijin, bunshi. ASSISTANT, n. Tetsudai nin, suke te. ATONE, t. v. Aganau, tsugunau, mado. ASSIZE, n. Saibanjo. ATONEMENT, n. Aganai, tsugunai. ASSOCIATE, t. v. Kumi-awaseru, (i. v.) ATROCIOUS, a. Futoi, furachi na, futoTsuki-au, chikadzuku, majiwaru, ku- doki na. mu. ATROPHY, n. Rui-so, yaseru-koto, kiyoASSOCIATE, n. Tomodachi, tomo, h6- ro. bai, aite, onaji nakama no mono. ATTACH, /. v. Tsukeru, tsugu, musubiASSOCIATION, n. Tsuki-ai; sha-chiu, tsukeru, tsunagu, soyeru. (i. v.) Tsukuwai-sha, nakama. ku, konomu, shushin suru. ASSORT, t. v. Tori-wakeru, yori-wakeru, ATTACHE, n. Fuzoku no mono. kuchi-wake wo suru. ATTACHMENT, n. Shfshin, shu-jaku, ASSORTMENT, n. Tori - wake, kuchi- tsunage, tsuki mono. wake; shina-mono. ATTACK, t. v. Semeru, osou, utsu. (n.) ASSUAGE, t. v. Yurumeru, yawarageru, Seme, osoi, uchi. nadameru, nagusameru. ATTAIN, i. v. Oyobu, todoku, itaru. (t.v.) ASSUME, t. v. Toru, nari wo suru, mane Togeru. wo suru, yodaiburu. To assume a ATTAINABLE, a. Todokareru, oyobareru. thing that isfalse to be true, hi-ri wo ATTAINT, t. v. Chijoku wo tsukeru, kadori-rashiku suru. kin wo tsukeru. ASSURANCE, n. Sh6ko, ukeai; shinyo, ATTEMPER, t. v. Yawarageru, yurumeru. buyen-riyo, haji-shiranu koto. ATTErIPT. t. v. Tamesu, yatte miru. ASSURE, t. v. Shiny. saseru, tashika-ni to do, shite miru. - to walk, aruite iu. miru. (n.) Tameshi. ASTERN, adv. Fune no tomo ni. ATTEND, t. v. Tsutomeru, tsuki-sou. - ASTHMA, n. Zensoku. on the sick, kaiho suru. (i. v.) Nen wo ASTONISH, t. V. Odorokasu, obiyakasu, ireru, ki wo tsukeru, kiku, tomonau, akire-saseru. (t. v.) Odoroku, akireru, tsutsushimu. bikkuri suru, tamageru, kimo wo tsu- ATTENDANT, n. Jusha, kaiho nin, kaibusu. zoye. ASTONISHMENT, n. Odoroki, bikkuri, ATTENTION, n. Nen wo ireru koto, ki wo akire, giyoten. tsukeru koto, kokoro-gake. ASrOUND, t. v. Akire-saseru, odorokasu. ATTENTIVELY, adv. Nen wo irete, toku ASTRAY, adv. Mayo, madowasu, mayo- to, tsuku-dzuku to, tsutsushinde. wasu. ATTENUATE, t. v. Usuku suru, hosoku ASTRINGE, t. v. Chijimeru, shfishuku suru. (i. v.) Yaseru, hosoku naru. suru. ATTEST, t. v. Shoko ni suru, chikatte iu. ASTRINGENT, a. Shibui. - medicines, ATTESTATION, n. Shoko, chikai. shuren-zai. ATTIRE, t. v. Kiru, mato, yoso6. (n.) ASTRINGENCY, n. Shibusa. Ifuku, kimono, isho, shozoku. ASTROLOGY, n. Hoshi no yosu wo mite ATTITUDE, n. Kamaye. un wo uranau jutsu. ATTORNEY, n. Kuji no miyodai nin. ASTRONOMER, n. Temmon sha, sei-gaku- ATTRACT, i. v. Hiku, hiki-yoseru; izasha. iau. ASTRONOMY, n. Temmon, sei-gaku. ATTRACTION, n. In-riyoku. ASTUTE, a. Kashikoi, riko na. ATTRIBUTE, t. V. Ki suru, cwaseru. ASYLUM. n. Kiu-iku-jo. Blind -, mo ATTRIBUTE, n. Mochimaye, toku, no. in. Insane -, kiy6 in. Deaf and ATTRITION, n. Suri-ai, masatsu, sure, dumb -, 6 in. kosure. AT, pref. Ni, de, wo. — first, hajimete, ATTUNE, t. v. Choshi wo awaseru. sh6te, saisho. - last, yo-yaku, toto, AUCTION, n. Seri-uri. AUC 17 BAC AUCTIONEER, n. Seri-te. AVARICE, n. Hanahadashiku kane wo AUDACIOUS, a. Dai-tan naru, dzubutoi, hoshi-garu koto, yoku-toku. fu-teki na, furachi na. AVARICIOUS, a. Kane wo musaboru. AUDIBLE, a. Kikoyeru. AVENGE, t. v. Muku, ada wo h6dzuru, AUDIENCE, n. Yekken, mamiye, mimi, ada wo kayesu, kataki wo utsu. ch6mon suru hito, choju. AVENGER, n. _Ada-uchi. AUDIT, t. v. Kanjo wo shiraberu, gimmi AVENUE, n. O-d6ri. suru. AVER, /. v. Kimete iu. AUDITOR, n. Chomon nin, kanj6 no AVERAGE, n. Heikin, narashi, taira. shirabe-yaku. AVERSE, a. Iyagaru, kirau, itou. AUGUR, n. Neji-kiri. AVERSION, n. Kirai, naka warui. AUGMENT, t. v. Masu, fuyasu, kasamu, AVERT, t. v. Fusegu, yokeru. — the tsumu, okiku suru. eyes, waki-me wo furu. AUGUR, i. v. Uranau, boku suru, haka- AVIARY, n. Tori-goya. ru. (n.) Uranai-sha, AVIDITY, n. With -, tashinde. AUGUST, n. Hachi-guwatsu. AVOID, t. v. Manukareru, sakeru, nogaAUGUST, a. Son-i naru. reru, yokeru. AUNT, n. Oba. AVOCATION, n. Kagiy6, nariwai, giyo. AURORA, n. Asa-yake, yo-ake, asa-bo- AVOUCH, t. v. Kimete 1u. rake. Avow, t. v. Kimete iu, ketsuj6 shite iu. AUSPICIOUS, a. Kitcho naru, saiwai na, AVOWEDLY, adv. Kakusadzu ni, omoshi-awase na. temuki nl. AUSTERE, a. Kibishii, arai, genjf na, AWAIT, t. V. Matsu, nozomu. shibui. AWAKE, i. v. Sameru (t. v.). Samasu, AUSTERITY, n. Shibusa, kibishisa, genju okosu. naru koto. AWAKEN, /. V. Samasu, okosu. AUTHENTIC, a. Jitsu no, makoto no, AWARD, t. v. Sadameru, kiwameru. honto no. AWARE, i. v. Sh6shi shite iru, shiru, AUTHOR, n. Saku sha. wakaru. AUTHORITY, n. Keni, isi, kempei, seiji, AWAY, adv. Rusu, inai. Do- with, seifu, kuwan-nin, kempei ka. haishi suru. Throw -, suteru. Run AUTHORIZE, t. v. Keni wo atayeru, -, nigeru. To go -, saru, yuku. Put menkiyo suru. -, shimau, katadzukeru. Keei -, yuku AUTOCRAT, n. Ichi nin de matsurigoto na. Look -, yoso ni miru. wo okonau mono. AWE, n. Osore-iri, kashikomari. AUTOGRAPH, n. Ji-hitsu. AWFUL, a. Osoroshii. AUTOPSY, n. Shi-nin ga nani no yamai AWHILE, adv. Shibaraku, sukoshi no de shishi taru ka kaib6 shite miru koto. aida. AUTUMN, n. Aki. AWKWARD, a. Heta na, bu-kiy6 na, buAUTUMNAL, n. Aki no, shu. saiku na, tsutanai, buchoho. AUXILIARY, a. Tasukeru. - troofs, AWL, n. Kiri. yempei, kasei. AWNING, n. Hi-yoke. AVAIL, n. Yeki, kai, ri, ri-yeki, m6ke. AWRY, adv. Magatte, yugande. Of no -, y6 ni tatanu- yaku ni tatanu, AXE, n. Ono, masakari. mu-yeki. AXILLA, n. Waki no shita. AVAIL, i. v. Y6 ni tatsu, yaku ni tatsu; AXIOM, n. D6ri. see kayeru. (t. v.) Jodzuru. To - AXIS, n. Shimbo, shingi. one's self of, j6dzuru. AXLE, n. Shingi. AVAILABLE, a. Yo ni tatsu, yeki ga aru. AZALAA, n. Tsutsuji. AVALANCHE, n. Yuki nadare. AZURE, a. Aoi. B BABBLE, i. v. Shaberu. BACHELOR, n. Yamome otoko, dokushin BABE, n. Akambo, midorigo, akago. mono. BABOON, n. Saru, yenko. BACK, n. Se, senaka, sobira; ura, oku, BABY, n. Akamb6, midorigo, ningiy6, ushiro, ko, mune. boya, yaya. BACK, adv., see comp. of Kayeru, kayeBABYISH, a. Kodomo-rashii. su. To go -, kayeru, modoru, shirizo BAC I8 BAR ku. To send -, kayesu, modosu. To BALLAD, n. Uta. stand -, yokeru, atoshizaru. To keep BALLAST, n. Karu-ni, funa-ashi, soko ni. -, nokosu, hikayeru. To look -, ka- BALLET, n. Joruri. yeri-miru, mi-kayeru. To give -, ka- BALLOON, n. Ki-kiu, ffi-sen, ku-sen. yesu, modosu. BALLOT, n. Niu-satsu, ire-fuda. (t. v.) BACK, t. v. Shisaraseru; shirizokeru; Niusatsu wo ireru. - box, niusatsu tetsudau, kata wo motsu. To - out, hako. shirizoku, ato ye yoru, ato-shizaru. BALMY, a. K6bashiki. BACKBITE, t. v. Soshiru, zangen suru. BALUSTRADE, n. Rankan, obashima, teBACK-BONE, n. Se-bone. suri, koran. BACK-DOOR, n. Ura-do, ura-mon. BAMBOO, n. Take, chiku. BACK-GAMMON, n. Sugoroku. BAN, n. Hatto, kinzei. BACK-GROUND, n. Ji. BANANA, n. Bash6. BACK-HOUSE, n. Setsuin, k6ka, cho- BAND, n. Himo, seme, do-rui, kumi, dzuba. tot6, haya-o, haya-ito. BACK-ROOM, n. Oku no heya. BAND, i. v. Kumi suru. toto suru. BACK-SIDE, n. Ushiro no ho, ura no h6, BANDAGE, n. Maki-momen, hakutai. shiri, oku no ho. BANDBOX, n. Kami-bako. BACKSLIDE, i. v. Daraku suru, ochiru. BANDIT, n. Sanzoku, yamadachi, tozoku, BACKSLIDER, n. Daraku nin. dorobo. BACK-STAIRS, n. Ura hashigo. BANDY-LEGGED, a. Wani-ashi. BACK-TOOTH, n. Okuba. BANE, n. Doku, gai, aku. BACKWARDS, adv. Ato ye, ushiro ye. BANEFUL, a. Doku na, gai naru. To move -, atoshizaru, shirizoku. To BANG, t. v. Butsu, utsu. fall, -, aomuke ni taoreru. To look BANISH, t. v. Shima-nagasu, ruzai suru, -, kayeri-miru. To read -, saka- hairu suru, yento suru, ruizan suru, yomi wo suru. To turn -, ato ni ma- tsuiho suru. waru, ato ni mawasu, ato ni kayeru. BANISHMENT, n. Shima-nagashi, yent6, BACKWARD, a. Habakaru, yen-riyo naru, ruzai, tsuiho, ruizan. iyagaru, okureru, ma ga warui, osoi. BANISTER, n. Rankan, tesuri. BAD, a. Warui, ashiki, aku naru. BANJO, n, Samisen. BADGER, n. Tanuki. BANK, n. Tsuka, tsutsumi, dote, adzuBADLY, adv. Waruku, ashiku. chi, kishi, se; kane-kashi, kawase, BAFFLE, t. V. Munashiku saseru, muda riyo-gaye. ni saseru. BANK, t. v. Kidzuku. BAG, n. Fukuro, tawara, hiyo, kamasu. BANK-BILL, n. Tegata, kawase-tegata. To -, fukuro ni ireru. BANK-BOOK, n. Kawase no kayoi-cho. BAGGAGE, n. Ni, nimotsu. BANKER, n. Kawase kata. BAIL, t. v. Saiban ukeru made zai-nin BANK-NOTE, n. Kawase tegata. wo -oya yori dashite adzukari ukeau. BANKRUPT, n. Bunsan nin. To be - (n.) Adzukari, ukeai nin. bunsan suru. BAIT, n. Ye, yeba, yesa. To bait a BANKRUPTCY, n. Bunsan. hook, hari ni yewo tsukeru. BANNER, n. Hata, hatajirushi. BAKE, t. V. Yaku. ( i. v.) Yakeru. BANQUET, n. Chiso, furumai, shuyen, BAKER, n. Pan-yaki. kiyo-o. (i. v.) Chiso suru. BALANCE, n. Tempin, hakari, tsuri-ai, BANTAM, n. Chabo. harai-nokori. BANTER, t.. Jodan suru. BALANCE, t. v. Tsuri-awaseru, hei-kin BANTLING, n. Hiyo-ko. suru, hikaku suru, kuraberu, tsumoru. BANYAN, n. Bodaiju. (i. v.) Tsuri-au, heikin ni naru. BAPTISM, n. Senrei. BALCONY, n. Yengawa. BAPTIZE, t. v. Senrei wo okonau. BALD, a. Hageru, hagetaru. BAR, v. Kuwan-nuki, yokogi, shirasu, BALD-HEAD, n. Hage-atama. kuji-ba. BALE, n. Kori, tsutsumi. BAR, t. v. Kuwan-nuki wo tozasu, kobaBALE, t. v. Koru, tsutsumu. To bale a mu, sasayeru. boat, fune no aka wo kaye-dasu, kai- BARB, n. Modori, saka-ha. dasu; kai-komu. BARBARIAN, n. Yebisu, iteki, muhido na. BALEFUL, a. Kanashiki. BARBARISM, n. Yebisu, iteki, ban-i. BALK, t. v. Munashiku saseru, sashi- BARBARITY, n. Muhido. tsukayeru. (i. v.) Todomaru. BARBAROUS, a. Mugoi, muhido na, iteki BALI, n. Mari, tama. no. BAR 19 BEA BARBACUE, n. Maru-yaki. BATH-HOUSE, n. Yuya. BARBER, n. Kami-yui. (t. v.) Kamiyu. BATHING-TUB, n. Oke, yu-darai. BARD, n. Shijin, kajin. BATH-ROOM, n. Furoba, yudono. BARE, a. Hadaka na. BATTER, t. v. Tataku, utsu. BARE, t. v. Hadaka ni suru, hadakeru. BATTERY, n. Hotai, daiba, -the head, kaburi mono wo nugu. BATTLE, n. Kassen, senso, ikusa. -arTo - the breast, futokoro wo akeru. ray, ikusa no sonaye. BARE-FACED, a. Haji-shiranu, muki- BATTLEDOOR, n. Hagoita. dashi no. BATTLEMENT, n. Himegaki. BARE-FOOT, a. Hadashi, su-ashi. BAWDY, a. Oguchi naru. BARELY, adv. Karojite, kara-gara, ba- BAWL, i... Naku, sakebu. kari, tada. BAY, a. Kuri ge. BARGAIN, n. Yakusoku, ukeai, akinai. BAY, n. Iri-umi, uchi-umi. To strike a-, te wo utsu. Into the BAY, i. v. Hoyeru. -, soye-mono ni shite. BAYONET, n. Ken. BARGAIN, i. v. Yakusoku suru. BAZAR, n. Mise. BARGE, n. Fune, hashike-bune. BE, i. v. Aru, iru, oru, gozaru, imasu, BARK, n. Ki no kawa, inu no hoyeru naru. To cause to -, araseru, arashi. koye. meru. To let -, sutete oku, uchatte BARK, t. v. Kawa wo muku, hagu. (i. v.) oku, kamawanu, mama yo. Be it as it Hoyeru. may, do nari to mo, nani ni shiro. As BARLEY, n. O-mugi, tai-baku. - wa- an imp. Be gone, yuke yo. Be still, ter, 6mugi-kayu, taibaku sen. shidzuka ni shiro. To be haafy, tanaBARM, x. Koji. shimu. To be far, toi. To be large, BARN, n. Hiyakush6 no mono-oki. okii. BARN-YARD, n. Hiyakusho no niwa. BEACH, n. Hama, iso, nagisa. BAROMETER, n. Sei-u-gi. BEACON, n. Kagaribi, miojirushi, mioBARON, n. Kurai no na. gui. BARQUE, n. Fune. BEAD, n. Tama. BARREL, n. Taru, oke. - of a gun, BEAK, n. Kuchi-bashi, totosaki, saki, tepp6 no tsutsu. To -, taru ni ireru. hesaki. BARREN, a. - woman, umadzu me. BEAM, n. Hari. - land, are-chi, fu-mo no chi, yase-chi. BEAN, n. Mame. Spec. Adzuki, soraBARRICADE, t. v. Fusagu, sayegiru. mame, daidzu, yendo, ingen, sasage. BARRISTER, n. H6-ritsu ka. -fiod, mame no saya. BORROW, n. Rendai, doku rin sha. BEAR, n. Kuma. The great, hagunBARTER, n. Koyeki, akinai, sudokkaye, sei.'s gall, kuma no i. tori-kaye-ko. (t. v.) Tori-kayeru, b6- BEAR, t. v. Motsu, - children, ko wo yeki suru, koyeki suru. umu. - fruit, mi wo musubu, dekiru, BASE, n. Motoi, moto, ne; ishidzuye, naru, sh6dzuru. - a part, tetsudau. dodai. - a hand, tetsudau, te wo kasu. - on BASE, a. Iyashii, gesen naru, shidzu no, the shoulders, katsugu, ninau. - on kechi na. (t. v.) Motodzuku. the back, oi, seo, obu. - hard, or BASELY, adv. Iyashiku. down, osu, osaye. - up1, osayeru, BASHFUL, a. Hadzukashigaru, yenriyo- tsupparu. bukai. BEAR, i. v. Korayeru, tayeru, shinogu, BASIN, M. Tarai, tedarai, midzu-bachi; shinobu. - patiently, shimb6 suru, ike. gaman suru, kannin suru. - ui, taBASIS. n. Motoi, ne, dodai, ishidzuye. yeru, shinobu. The island bears iV. E., BASK, t. v. Sarasu, aburu. shima ga ushi tora ni ataru. To - conBASKET, n. Kago, zaru. iany, d6-d6 suru. BASTARD, n. Naisho-go, tetenashi-go. BEARABLE, a. Korayeru. BASTE, t. v. Butsu. BEARD, n. Hige. - of wheat, nogi. BASTINADO, n. Tsumi-bito no ashi no BEARER, n. Motsu hito, mochi-te. Chair ura wo tataku koto. -, kago-kaki. BAT, n. K6mori; bo. BEARING, n. Furi; nari-furi, h6gaku. BATE, t. V. Herasu, gendzuru. BEAST, n. Kedamono, chikusho. BATH, n. Midzu-abl, yu-abi, yu. To BEAT, t. v. Tataku, utsu, chichaku take a hot -, yu ni hairu. suru; katsu, shori wo toru. - back, BATHE, t. v. Midzu-abi wo suru, yu-abi uchi-kayesu, shirizokeru. - out, uchiwo suru, mokuyoku suru. dasu; tsukarete shimatta. - down, BEA 20 BEL uchi-taosu, uchi-kowasu. - down the BEFORE-HAND, adv. Maye-motte, kanete, firice ne wo kogiru, negiru. - off, ara kajime, katsute, mayebiro ni. uchi-fusegu. - into, uchi-komu, uchi- BEFORE-MENTIONED, a. Migi no, kudan ireru, oshiye-komu. - time. hiyoshi no. wo toru. - to death, uchl-korosu. BEFORE-TIME, adv. Mukashi. - to pieces, uchi-kudaku, buchi-kowa- BEFOUL, t. v. Kegasu, yogosu. su. The heart beats, shinz6 ga kodo BEFRIEND, t. v. Sewa suru. suru. BEG, t. v. Tanomu, kou, ncgau, koi-neBEAT, n. Uchi, hiy6shi, mochi-ba, ch6- gau. I beg pardon, gomen kudasare, chaku. kannin shite kudasare. BEATIFY, t. v. Goku-raku ni suru. BEGET, t. v. Umu, shodzuru, m6keru, BEATITUDE, n. Goku-raku, an-raku. shussan suru. BEAU, n. Date-sha, date-koki. BEGGAR, n. Kojiki, kotsujiki, hi-nin, BEAUTIFUL, a. Kirei na, utsukushii, mi- mono-morai, katai. goto na, rippa na, hanayaka na, bibi- BEGIN, i. v. Hajimaru. (t. v.\ Hajishiki. meru, hottan suru. BEAUTIFY, t. V. Utsukushiku suru, ka- BEGINNING, n. Hajime, hajimari, hottan, zaru, kirei ni suru. moto. BEAUTY, n. Utsukushisa, kireisa, rip- BEGONE, interj. Yuke yo. pasa. BEGRUDGE, t. v. Oshimu, urayamu. BECALM, t. v. Shidzumeru. Becalmed, BEGUILE, t. V. Madowasu, sosonokasu, taday6. taburakasu, itsuwaru, nagusamu. BECAME, imP. Natta, shita. BEHALF, n. Tame. BECAUSE, conj. Ni yotte, yuye ni, da BEHAVE, i. v. Okonau, nasu, itasu, suru, kara, ikan to naraba. shimukeru. BECHE DE MER, n. Kinko, iriko, namako. BEHAVIOR, n. Tachi-furumai, okonai, BECK, n. Maneki. mimochi, gy, giy, giyseki. BECKON, t. v. Maneku. BEHEAD, t. v. Kubi wo kiru. BECLOUD, t. v. Kumoraseru. Beclouded, BEHIND, prep. Ato ni, ushiro ni, ura-ni. kumoru. To be -, okureru, otoru. To leave - BECOME, i. v. Ni naru, suru, natte nokosu, okuru. kuru. BEHIND-HAND, n. Okureru. BECOME, t. v. S6t6 suru, kanau, 6dzuru. BEHOLD, t. v. Nagameru, miru. BECOMING a. S6to naru, so-o naru, ni- BEHOOVE, t. v. Beki, seneba naranu. awashiki. BEING, n. Ikite oru mono, do-butsu. BED, n. Ne-dokoro; shin-jo, futon, ne- BEING, adv. Shite, nite, atte. doko, nema, toko. - time, neru toki. BELCH, t. v. Okubi wo suru, geppu In bed, nete iru. Go to -, ne ni yuke. suru. BEDAUB, t. v. Nuru, tsukeru; mabure. BELEAGUER, t. v. Semeru, kakomu. - ed with blood, chi-darake ni naru. BELFRY, n. Shurodo. - ed with mud, doro-darake. BELIEF, n. Shin, shiny6, shindzuru; BED-CHAMBER, n. Heya, nema. shfishi. BED-CLOTHES, n. Yagu. BELIEVE, t. v. Shindzuru, shink6 suru, BEDECK, t. v. Kazaru, yoso6. shinyo suru. BEDIM, t. v. Kumoraseru. BELIEVER, n. Shinja. BEE, n. Mitsu-bachi. -~ hive, mitsuba- BELL, n. Tsurigane, hansh6, furin, rin. chi no su. BELLADONNA, n. Roto. BEEF, n. Giu-niku, ushi no niku. - BELLIGERENT, a. Ikusa shite iru, ikusaeater, niku-jiki. rashii. -p owers, sen-goku. BEER, n. Mugi-zake, baku-shu. BELLOW, i. v. Hoyeru, naku, sakebu. BEES-WAX, n. Mitsu-r6. BELLOWS, n. Fuigo, tatara. BEET, n. Aka-daikon. BELLY n. Hara, fuku. To lie on the BEETLE, n. Kogane mushi; kake-ya. harabai ni neru, hofuku. BEFALL, i. v. Au, kakaru. BELLY-ACHE, n. Fuku-tsu, hara itami. BEFIT, t. V. Sot6 naru, kanau. BELLY-BAND, n. Hara-obi. BEFOOL, t. v. Baka ni suru, gur5 suru, BELONG, i. v. Zoku suru, tsuku, soyeru, jodan suru, azakeru, chakasu. kisuru, fuzoku, no. BEFORE, Arep. Maye ni, saki ni, omote BELOVED, a. Kawalgaru, cho-ai no. ni, sendatte, itsuzoya, izen, sakidatte, child, ai-shi. ganzen. The shiz sails before the BELOW, prep. Shita ni, otoru, shimo. wind, fune ga oite ni hashiru. BELT, n. Obi; haya-o. BEM 21 BIG BF.MIRED, a. Doro-darake, doro - ma- BESTOW, t. v. Sadzukereu, atayeru, yaru, bure. okuru. BEMOAN, t. v. Nageku, kanashimu. BESTREW, t. v. Maki-chirasu. BENCH, n. Koshi-kake dai, shirasu. BET, n. Kake-kin. BEND, t. V. Mageru, kagameru, tawa- BET, n. Kane wo kakeru, kakeroku suru. meru, sorasu; katamukeru, hiku. - a BETEL-NUT, n. Binroji. rope, nawa wo musubi-tsukeru. (i. v.) BETIMES, adv. Hayaku. Magaru, kagamaru, soru, tawamaru, ka- BETOKEN, t. V. Shiraseru, shimesu. tamuku..BETRAY, t. v. Naisho de mikata wo teki BEND, n. Magari. ni watasu, uragiru arawasu. BENEATH, prep. Shita ni, otoru. - one's BETRAYER, n. Uragiri sonin. notice, toru ni taranu. BETROTH, t. v. Ii-nadzukeru, yendzuku. BENEDICTION, n. Saiwai wo inoru koto. BETROTHAL, n. Yendzuki, ii-nadzuke. BENEFACTION, n. Megllmi. BETTER, a. Nao yoi, motto yoi. - than BENEFACTOR, n. Megumi nin. one foot long, isshaku yo no nagasa. BENEFICENCE, n. Megumi, on. — not do so, so shite wa warui. - not BENEFICENT, a. Megumi okonawareru, go, yukanai ho ga ii. None better than zen naru, megumareru. this, kore yori uye wa nashi. - let it BENEFICIAL, n. Ri-yeki naru, yeki naru, alone, kamawanai ho ga ii. Had Itame ni naru, yo ni tatsu. go? yuku ga yoi ka. To get the - of, BENEFIT, n. Megumi, on, yeki, tame, katsu, ri wo toru. yo. BETTER, adv. Mashi, mushiro. BENEFIT, t. v. Riyeki suru, tame ni BETTER, t. v. Yoku suru, shi-dasu. suru. BETWEEN,firef. Aida ni, chiukan, manBENEVOLENCE, n. Jin, nasake, jihi, jin- naka ni, ma-ai ni, aitagai ni, tagai-ni. ai. To place -, hasamu. Let this be - BENEVOLENT, a. Jin naru, nasake naru, ourselves, uchi-maku ni shite kudasare. jihi naru, shinsetsu na. BEVERAGE, n. Nomi-mono. BENIGHTED, a. Yo ni iru, kurai-yami ni BEWAIL,. v. Nageku, kanashimu. iru. BEWARE, i. v7. Abunai, tsutsushimu, ki BENIGN, a. Nasake naru, jihi no, tame wo tsukeru. naru. BEWILDER, t. v. Mayowasu, uro-uro ni BENIGNANT, a. Jin-ai naru, nasake na, saseru. (i. v.) Mayou, urotayeru, toho jihi naru. ni kureru, uro-tsuku. BENT, n. Kuse, heki. BEWITCH, t. v. Tori-tsuku, mi-ireru. BENUMB, t. v. Kogoyesaseru, shibiresa- (i. v.) Tori-tsukareru. seru. BEYOND, prep. Achira ni, amaru, masaBENUMBED, f. P. Shibireru, kogoyeru, ru. - expectation, omoi no hoka ni, kaji-keru. zonguwai, zonji no hoka. - one's BEQUEATH, t. v. Yudzuru, yudzuri-tsu- reach, todokanai. — one's ability, tayeru. chikara ni amaru. - all others, hoka BEQUEST, n. Yudzuri-mono, yui-motsu. yori masaru or sugureru. To go, suBEREAVE, t. v. Toru. giru, koyeru; damasu, taburakasu. BERRY, n. Ichigo. BIAS, n. Kata-hiiki, yeko-hiiki. BESEECH, t. v. Koi-negau, hitasura ni BIBLE, n. Sei-sho. negau. i BICKER, t. v. Isakau, koron suru. BESET, t. v. Ozei de semaru, semeru. BID, t. v. Ii-tsukeru, meidzuru, yobu, BESIDE, firet. Waki ni, katawara ni, maneku, seru. - good norning, ohasoba ni, hoka ni, uye ni; mata wa. - yo to aisatsu suru. - good bye, sayoone's self, kichigai ni naru. nara to aisatsu suru. - ua the price, BESIEGE, t. v. Semeru, osou, tori-kakomu. nedan wo seri-ageru. BESMEAR, t. v. Nuru, mamireru, nuri- BID, n. Tsuke-nedan. tsukeru. Besmeared with blood, chi- BIDE, t. v. Matsu. - one's time, jisetsu darake. - with mud, doro-darake. wo matsu. BESPATTER, t. v. Hane-kakeru. BIENNIAL, a. Ni-nen-dzutsu no. BESPEAK, t. v. Mayemotte ii-oku. BIER, n. _Kuwan-bako no dai. BEST, a. Goku yoi, saijo, mottomo yoshi, BIG, a. Okii, dai. - and little, dai-sh6. gokujo, ichi-ban yoi. At -, do shite BIGAMIST, n. Futari no tsuma aru otoko. mo. To make the - of,ma ni awasete BIGOT, n. Ganko naru mono, henkutsu oku, yoi to shite oku. (adv.) Motomo, naru mono. goku, ichiban. BIGOTED, a. Ganko naru, henkutsu na. BIL 22 BLI BILE, n. Kimo shiru, tanjf. BLACKING, n. Kutsu-dzumi. BILGE-WATER, n. Fune no aka. BLACK-LEG, n. Bakuchi-uchi. BILL, n. Kuchi-bashi, kama. Mer- BLACK-MAIL, n. Mainai, tsukutsu kin. chant's-, kanj6-gaki. -of exchange, BLACKNESS, n. Kurosa. kawase tegata. - of sale, ni-tegata. BLACKSMITH, n. Kajiya. -of fare, tabe-mono no mokuroku, BLACK-SNAKE, n. Kuro-hebi, karasu-hebi. kondate. — of divorce, riyenjo. -of BLADDER, n. Bok6, shoben-bukuro. lading, okurijo. BLADE, n. Katana no-mi, yaiba. A - BILLET, n. Kaki-tsuke, tegata. - of ofgrass, kusa ippon. wood, ki no kire. BLAMABLE, a. Togamerareru. BILLIARD, n. - ball, tama. To flay BLAME, t. v. Togameru, ayamachi wo tama-tsuki wo suru. hito ni kiseru, kogoto wo iu. (n.) ToBILLION, n. Hiyaku-man nohiyaku-man. game, ayamachi, toga. BILLOW, n. Nami, 6-nami. BLAMELESS, a. Mu-shitsu, ayamachi naBI-MONTHLY, a. Ni ka getsu dzutsu. shi, tsumi-nashi. BIN, n. Hako. BLAME-WORTHY, a. Togamu beki. BIND, t. v. Shibaru, kukuru, tsunagu, BLANCH, t. v. Shiroku suru. yuwayeru, karameru, musubu. -- in BLANDISH, t. v. Hetsurau, kobiru. bundles, karageru, tabaneru. — a book, BLANDISHMENT, n. Neiben, hetsurai. hon wo tojiru. - up a wound, kidzu BLANK, a. — papaer, shira-kami. - carwo maku. - the bowels, daiben wo tridge, kf-ho. - door, shime-kiri-do. kessuru. - a mat, tatami no heri wo - book, shirakami-hon. tsukeru. - out to service, nenki no BLANKET, n. Buranket. hoko ni kukuru. To - by a contract, BLASPHEME, t. v. Kami wo nonoshiru, hito wo yakujo de tsunagu, or ku- nonoshiru, akk6 wo iu. kuru. BLASPHEMY, n. Kami wo nonoshiru koBINDING, n. Heri, toji. to. BINNACLE, n. Fune nite jishaku wo ire- BLAST, n. Fuki. oku no hako. BLAST, t. v. Yensho de fuki-kowasu, fuBIOGRAPHY, n. Ichi dai ki, hito no den- ki-arasu. ki. BLAZE, n. HonO, kuwa-yen. To -, BIRD, n. Tori. - cage, tori-kago. - moyuru. To - abroad, yogen suru. nest, tori no su. BLEACH, t. v. Sarasu. BIRD-LIME, n. Tori-mochi. BLEAR-EYE, n. Tadare-me. BIRTH, n. Umare, tanjo, san, chi-suji. BLEAT, n. Hitsuji no hoyeru koye. Premature-, sho-san. Br.EB, n. Midzu-bukure. BIRTH-DAY, n. Tanjo-bi. BLEED, i. v. Chi ga deru, shuk-ketsu, BIRTH-PLACE, n. Umareru tokoro, koki- (t. v.) Chi wo toru, shiraku wo suru. yo, furusato. BLEEDING, n. Chi no deru koto, shukBISCUIT, n. Katai pan. ketsu. -from the nose, kanaji. BISECT, t. v. Futatsu ni kiru. BLEMISH, n. Kidzu, shimi. BISHOP, n. Sojo. BLEND, t. v. Mazeru, awaseru. (i. v.) BISHOPRIC, n. S6oj-shoku. Majiru. BISMUTH, n. Jakanseki. BLESS, t. v. Megumu, ta nin no tame ni BIT, n. Kire, neji-giri. Horse's -, ku- saiwai wo inoru, kokoro no arigataki tsuwa, hami. wo iu, o rei wo mosu. BITE, t. v. Kamu, hamu. (n.) Hami, BLESSED, a. Arigataki. kami-kidzu. BLESSEDNESS, n. Tanoshimi, arigatasa. BITTER, a. Nigai, niga-nigashi. BLESSING, n. Megumi, inori. BITTERNESS, n. Nigasa. BLIGHT, n. Fuke. Blighted, fukeru, BLAB, t. v. Shaberu. mureru. BLABBER, n. Shaberi. BLIND, n. Mekura no, m6moku. - man, BLACK, a. Kuroi, koku. - and blue, mekura, meshii, mo-jin, kosha. - of aza, urumu. (n.) Kuro-iro, kurombo. one eye, kata-me, mekkachi. Window To make -, kuroku suru. -, sudare. BLACK-BOARD, n. Kuro-ita. BLIND-FOLD, t. v. Mekakushi wo suru. BLACKEN, t. v. Kuroku suru. BLINDMAN'S-BUFF, n. Kakurembo. BLACKGUARD, n. Waru-kuchi wo iu mo- BLINK, i. v. Mebataku, mabushii. mo, akutai mono. (t. v.) Akko wo iu, BLISS, n. Tanoshimi, raku. nonosiru. - language, akko, akutai, BLISTER, n. Midzu-bukure, mame, suinonoshiri, kuchi-gitanai. bo, hibukure. — piaster, hatsubo. BLO 23 BOL BLOAT, i. v. Mukumu, fukureru. BLUR, t... umoru. BLOCK, n. Koppa, kire, sebi; hangi. - BLUSH, n. Sekimen, akami. of houses, naga-ya. Cutting -, uchi- BLUSH, i. v. Sekimen suru, akaramu. ban, manaita. BLUSTER, i. v. Sozoshiku fuku, sawagaBLOCK, t. v. Sasayeru, tsumeru, fusegu. shiku jiman suru. Blocked uf, tsumaru, fusagu. BOA-CONSTRICTOR, n. Uwabami. BLOCKADE, t. V. Minato wo fusagu. BOAR, n. O-buta. BLOCKHEAD, n. Baka, funuke me, mon- BOARD, n. Ita, makanai, dai. — of Pubmo na mono, noroma. lic IWorks, K6busho. - of ]PunishBLOOD, n. Chi, ketsu; chisuji. - ves- ment, Giy6busho, Kei-h6-ji-mu-kiyosels, miyak-kuwan. ku. - of Education, Bun-bu-sho. BLOODLESS, a. Chi naki. BOARD, t. v. Ita wo haru, makanau. BLOOD-SUCKER, n. Hiru. a shiip, fune ni noru, nori-toru. BLOOD-THIRSTY, a. Hito wo koroshita- BOARDER}, n. Toriu-kiyaku, tomari-udo. garu, mugoi. BOARDING, n. Makanai, shoku-riy6, fune BLOODY, n. Chi-mabure no, chi-darake ni noru koto, itabari. no, chi-mamire no. BOARDING-HOUSE, n. Ki-shiku-yado. BLOODY-FLUX, n. Ge-ketsu, chi-kudari. BOARDING-SCHOOL, n. Ki-shiku-gakko. BLOOM, n. Hana, hana-zakari. - of BOAST, Z. V. Jiman suru, k6man suru, youth, waka-zakari. kogen wo haku, taiheiraku wo iu, hora BLOOM, i. v. Saku, sakaru. wo fuku. BLOOMING, a. Sakaru, sakan naru. BOASTING, n. Jiman, k6man. BLOSSOM, n. Ki no hana. (i. v.) Hana BOAT, n. Ko-bune. - race, kei-shu. ga saku. - builder, funa-daiku. - house, funaBLOT, t. v. Sumi de kegasu, yogosu. - gura. out, kesu, nuri-kesu, shometsu suru. BOAT, t. v. Fune ni hakobu. BLOT, n. Sumi no yogore, haji. BOATMAN, n. Send6, kako, sui-fu, funaBLOTCH, n. Deki-mono, aza. ko. BLOTTING-PAPER, n, Sumi no sui-tori- BOB, n. Furi-sage no omori. gami. BOB, t. v. - the head, atama wo furu. BLOW, n. Uchi, tataki. A blow out, sui- BOBBERY, n. S6d6, sawagi. kiyb, shukiy6. To come to blows, tata- BOBBIN, n. Tsuki-bari. ki-ai wo suru. BODE, t. v. Shirasu, shimesu. BLO, i. v. Fuku, saku. - bu, haretsu BODILY, a. Karada no, tai. suru, fuki-tobasu, (t. v.) Fuku. — out, BODKIN, n. Kanzashi-bari. fuki-dasu, fuki-kesu. - off, fuki-dasu, BODY, n. Karada, shin-tai, tai, mono, fuki-toru. - ui, fuki-tobasu, fukura- nakama, kuwai-sha. su, shikaru. - the nose, hana wo ka- BODY-GUARD, n. Keigo. mu. - the nose with the finRers, te- BOG, n. Numa. bana wo kamu. - doon, fuki-taosu, BOIL, i. v. Niye-tatsu, waki-tatsu, waku. filki-otosu. - away, fuki-harau, fuki- - over, ni-koboreru, waki-koboreru. chirasu. - over, shidzumaru. - into, BOIL, t. v. Niru, wakasu, senjiru. fuki-komu. - through, fulki-tosu. To BOIL, n. Hare-mono, nebuto. - and break, fuki-oru, fuki-kowasu. BOILER, n. Doko. - open fuki-akeru. - shut, or - to, BOILING,f. a. Niyetatte oru. - water. fuki-shimeru. - back, fuki-kayesu. niyetatta yu, niye-yu. BLOW-GUN, n. Fuki-dzutsu. BOISTEROUS, a. Sawagashii, hageshii, BLOW-PIPE, n. Hi-fuki-tsutsu. arai. BLUBBER, iz. Kujiru no abura. BOISTEROUSLY, adv. Sawagashiku, hageBLUDGEON, n. Bo. shiku, araku. BLUE, n. Aoi, ai. BOLD, a. Daitan no, yuki no, isamashiBLUE-BOTTLE-FLY, n. Aobai. ki, muk6midzu no, kewashii. BLUFF, a. Arai, arappoi, kenso na, bu- BOLDLY, adv. Isamashiku, mukomidzu kotsu na. ni; habakaradzu ni. BLUFF, n. Kewashii yama. BOLDNESS, n. Daitan, yfki. BLUNDER, n. Machigai, ayamachi, ochi- BOLL, n. - of cotton, wata-mi. do, busaho (.) Ayamachi wo BOLSTER, n. Makura, o kukuri-makura. suru, busaho wo suru. BO.T, n. O-kugi, sen, kuwan-nuki. BLUNT, a. Nibui, don; bukotsu na. (t.v.) Thunder -, raijfi. Nibuku suru, don ni suru. BOLT, t. v. Tozasu, shimeru; furu. BLUNTLY, adv. Bukotsu ni. BOLT, i. V. Kake-dasu. BOM 24 BOY BOMB, n. Haretsu-dama. BOTANIST, n. Honzo-ka, shoku-butsu-ka, BOMBARD, t. v. Haretsu-dama wo utsu. uye-mono-ka. BOMBASTIC, a. Shikatsuberashiku mono BOTANY, n. Honzo-gaku, shoku-butsuwo iu. gaku, uye-mono-gaku. BOND, n. Nawame, himo, nawa, kidzu- BOTCH, t. v. Deki-sokonau. na; sh6mon, yakujo-sho. BOTH, a. Riyo-ho, dochira mo, idzureBONDMAN, n. Yakko. mo, futatsu nagara, ai-tomo ni, narabi BONE, n. Hone, kotsu. A- ofconten- ni. - hands, moro-te, riy6 te. - tion, kenkuwa no tane. feet, moro ashi, riyo ashi. - eyes, riBONE-SETTER, n. Hone-tsugi isha. yo-gan. - knees, moro hiza. BONFIRE, n. Iwai no kagaribi. BOTHER, t. v. Urusaku suru, meiwaku BONITO, n. Katsuo. suru. BONNET, n. Onna no kaburi-mono, dzu- BOTHERATION, n. Urusai koto. kin. BOTTLE, n. Tokuri, bin. (t. v.) Tokuri BONNY, a. Kirei na, utsukushii. ni ireru. BONY, n. Honeppoi. BOTTOM, n. Soko, ne, moto. (t. v.) BONZE, n. Bodzu. Soko wo ireru, motodzuku. BOOBY, n. Baka-mono. BOTTOMLESS, a. Soko naki. BOOK, n. Hon, sh6motsu, sh6jaku. To BOUGIE, n. Tsu-niyo-kuwanki. -, kaki-noseru. BOUNCE, i. v. Haneru, tobu. BOOKBINDER, nt. Hon wo tojiru hito. BOUND, i. v. Tobu, haneru. Where are BOOK-CASE, n. Hon-dana, sho-dana. you -for? doko ye yuku ka. BOOKISH, a. Hon-dzuki. BOUND, n. Kagiri, sakai. BOOK-KEEPER, n. Chomen kata. BOUND, t. v. Kagiri wo suru, kuni no BOOK-KEEPING, n. Cho-men ni kaki- sakai wo iu. noseru keiko. BOUNDARY, n. Sakai, kagiri. BOOK-MAKER, n. Chojutsu sha. BOUNDLESS, a. Kagiri naki, mu-hen. BOOK-MARK, n. Shiori. BOUNTIFUL, a. Mono-oshimisezaru, tais6 BOOKSELLER, n. Shomotsu ya, honya, na, kuwandai naru. shorin. BOUNTIFULLY, adv. Mono-oshimi sedzu BOOK-STAND, n. Kendai. ni, taiso mo naku, obitadashiku. BOOK-STORE, n. Shomotsu ya, hon BOUNTY, n. Megumi, hobi. ya. BOUQUET, n. Hito tsugane no hana. BOOK-WORM, n. Shimi, hon-dzuki. Bow, t. v. Soru, mageru, nabikaseru; BooM, n. Hogeta, miojirushi. kagameru, utsumuku. (i, v.) Jigi BOOMING, n. Don-don no oto. suru. BOOR, n. Inaka-mono, zaigo no mono; Bow, n. Jigi, - of a shi;, he-saki. yabona mono, koke-mono. Bow, n. Yumi. BOORISH, a. Busaho na, bukotsu na. BOWEL, n. Hara-wata, cho, hiyaku-hiro. BoosY, a. Nanlayoi ni naru. BOWER, n. Koyeda nite koshirayetaru BOOT, t.. Y ni tatsu. chin-zashiki. BOOT, n. Naga-kutsu, oi, tashimaye. BOW-KNOT, n. Hiki-musubi. BOOTH, n. Koya. BOWL, n. Domburi, wan, hachi; tama. BOOT-JACK, n. Kutsu-nugi. - of a pifie, gan-kubi. Iooden - BOOTY, n. Bundori. ki-bachi. BORAX, n. Hosha. BOWL, t. v. Tama-korogashi wo suru. BORDER, n. Sakai, heri, fuchi, kiwa, BOWLDER, n. Banjaku, iwa. hashi; fukurin. BOW-LEGGED, a. Wani-ashi. BORDER, i. v. Sakai suru. BOWLING, n. Tama-korogashi. BORDER, t. v. Heri wo toru. BOW-MAN, n. I-te. BORE, t. v. Ana wo momu, kuru, koma- BOW-SHOT, n. Ya-omote, ya-goro. raseru. (n.) Ana, uttoshii hito. BOWSPRIT, n. Yaridashi. BORN,fi. f. Umareta, tanjo shita. BOW-STRING, n. Yumi no tsuru. BORROW, t. v. Karu, hai-shaku suru, Box, n. Hako. - tree, tsuge. - of shaku-yo suru. - in advance, saki- theatre, sajiki, takadoma. gari wo suru. Box, t. v. Tataki-au, tataku, hako ni BORROWER, n. Kari-te, shakuyo nin. ireru. - a tree, ki ni kiza wo tsukeru. BOSOM, n. Mune, futokoro, kuwai-chiu. BOXING, e. Tataki-ai. Boss, n. Mori-age; todori. BOx-WOOD, n. Tsuge. BOTANICAL, a. - book, honz6-sho, sho- BOY, n. Nan-shi, doji, sho-ni, kozo, boku-butsusho, uye-mono-sho. san; kodzukai. BOY 25 BRI BOY-HOOD, n. Osanai toki, kodomo no BREAK, n. Kire-me, ma. - of day, yotoki. ake. BOYISH, a. Kodomo-rashii. BREAKER, n. Nami, taru. BRACE, n. Shimbari, tsuka; sujikai-nu- BREAKFAST, n. Asa-han, asa-meshi. ki. - of pheasants, kiji hito tsugai. BREAKWATER, n. Nami-yoke, kawa-yoke. Braces, momohiki tsurl. BREAST, n. Mune, chichi. Make a clean BRACE, t. 7Z. Sujikai nukiwo ireru, shim- -, hakujo suru, mune wo uchi-akeru. bari wo kau. - the yards, hogeta wo BREAST-BONE, n. Muna-ita. kawasu, or magiru. BREAST-PLATE, n. Muna-ita. BRACELET, n. Ude-wa. BREATH, n. Iki. BRACKET, n. Uke. BREATHE, i. v. Iki wo suru, kokiu suru. BRACKISH, a. Shioke ga aru, shioppai. BREATHING, n. Kokiu. BRAG, i.. Jiman suru, taiheiraku wo BREECH, n. Shiri, daijiri. - loader, iu, k6man wo iu. motogome. BRAGGART, n. Hora-fuki. BREECHES, n. Momohiki. BRAID, n. Himo. To -, himo wo utsu, BREED, t. v. Yashinau, sodateru, sh6kumu. dzuru, kiy6-iku suru. BRAIN, n. No-dzui, n6-miso, n6. BREED, i. v. Waku, umareru, sh6dzuru. BRAKE, n. Cane -, yabu. BREEDING, n. Sodachi, kiyo-iku, shiBRAMBLE, a. Ibara. tsuke, sodate-kata. BRAN, n. Nuka, fusuma, hakama. BREEZE, n. Kaze. BRANCH, n. Ko-yeda, yeda-gawa. To BRETHREN, n. Kiy6dai. -, yeda ga deru. -road, wakare- BREVITY, n. Mijikasa. michi. - line, wakare-suji. BREW, t. v. Kamosu. BRAND, n. Yaki-ban, yaki-wi, moye-gui. BREWER, n. Toji. To -, yoki-in wo osu. BREW-HOUSE, n. Sakaya. BRANDING-IRON, n. Yaki-ban. BRIBE, n. Mainai, wairo. To -, mainai BRANDISH, t. v. Furi-mawasu. wo yaru. BRASS, n. Shinchiu. BRICK, n. Rengaseki, tsuijigawa,kawara. BRAVE, n. Isamashii, go-yi naru, yuyu- BRICK-KILN, n. Kawara-gama. shiki. BRICK-MIAKER, n. Kawara-yaki. BRAVE, t. v. Okasu, shinogu. BRIDE, n. Hana-yome. BRAVERY, n. Yuki, isamashisa. BRIDEGROOM, n. Hana-muko. BRAVO, n. San-zoku. BRIDGE, n. Hashi. -of a guitar, ji, BRAWL, n. Koron, ken-kuwa, isakai. koma. -of boats,funa-bashi. -keepBRAWNY, a. Arakuroshii, arakuretaru er, hashi-mori. BRAY, n. Usagi-uma no hoyeru koye. BRIDGE, t. 7. Hashi wo watasu. To -, hoyeru. BRIDLE, n. Tadzuna, omogai. BRAZEN, a. Shinchiu no. -face, tetsu- BRIEF, a. Mijikai, sukoshi no aida. mempi. BRIEFLY, ad',. Shibiraku, tai-riyaku. BREACH, n. Yabure, kudzure. — of con- BRIER, n. Ibara, toge. tract, ha-yaku, ha-dan. BRIG, n. Ni-hon bashira no fune. BREAD, n. Pan, shokumotsu. BRIGAND, n. San-zoku, t6zoku, dorob6. BREADTH, n. Haba, yoko-haba, watari. BRIGHT, a. Kagayaku, sayeru, akiraka BREAK, i. v. Kowasu, yaburl, tsubusu, naru. kudaku, kiru, oru, kudzusu, kobotsu, BRIGHTEN, t. v. Migaku. (i. v.) Hareru. tatsu, somuku, hishigu, hadan suru. BRIGHTNESS, n. Kagayaku koto, tsuya. -down, buchi-kowasu. - into, uchi- BRILLIANT, a. Kagayaku. (n.) Kongoiru, oshi-komu, kowashite hairu. - seki. off, tatsu, aratameru, oru, chigiru, BRIM, n. Fuchi. yameru. -o pen, buchi-akeru, kowa- BRIMFUL, a. Ippai. shite akeru. - out, yaburi-deru, has- BRIMSTONE, n. IWo. suru. BRINDLE, a. Buchi no. BREAK, i. v. Yabureru, akeru, otoroyeru, BRINE, n. Shiwo. naka-tagayeru. - awbay, tsuna wo kitte BRING, t. v, Motte-kuru, tsurete kuru. nigeru, hareru. -forth, hassuru, deru. - about, shi-togeru,jojui suru. -back, - with, nakatagayeru, yen wo kiru. motte kayeru. - down, motte oriru, - in, narasu, shikomu. - wind, he wo tori-hishigu. - forth, shussh6 suru, hiru, hohi wo hanatsu. - out (offire), umu, sandzurl, shodzuru. -forward, shukkuwa. -through, yajiri-kiru. The susumaseru, moshi-tateru. -on, okoday breaks, yo ga akeru. su, hajimeru. - out, motte dasu, tsu2 BRI 26 BUN rete dasu, hakobi-dasu. - over, wata- BUBO, n. Yokone, bendoku. su. - to, iki-kayesu. - under, shita- BUCCANEER n. Kai-zoku. gawaseru. - ut, motte ageru,'soda- BUCK, n. 6- hika. teru, shi-tateru, bu-iku suru. - to light, BUCKET, n. Oke, te-oke. Well-, tsuarawasu. - to mind, omoi-dasu. - in, rube. motte hairu. BUCKLE, n. Bijogane. BRINGING-UP, n. Sodachi, nari-tachi. BUCKLER, n. Tate. BRINK, n. Kiwa, fuchi. BUCK-SKIN, n. Shika no kawa. BRINY, a. Shioppai. BUCK-WHEAT, n. Soba. BRISK, a. Isogu, sumiyaka-na. BUD, n. Ki no me, tsubomi. BRISKLY, adv. Isoide, sumiyaka-ni. BUD, i. v. Medatsu, me ga deru. (t. v.) BRISTLE, n. Buta no ke. Me wo tsugu. BRITTLE, a. Moroi, koware-yasui, sa- BUDDHA, n. Butsu, hotoke. kui. BUDDHISM, n. Bupp6, butsu-d6. BROAD, a. Hiroi. BUDDHIST, n. Buppo ni kiye suru hito. BROAD-AXE, n. Yoki, masakari. BUDDHIST, a. Butsu no. -priest, osh6, BROADCAST, adz. Bara-maki. b6dzu, so. - temple, tera, ji, in, an. - BROCADE, n. Nishiki. idol, Butsuz6. - scriptures, Bukkiy6. BROGUE, n. Namari. BUDGE, i. v. Ugoku. BROIL, n. Ken-kuwa, isakai. BUFF, n. Ki-iro. BROIL, t. v. Ageru, yaku. (i. v.) Yakeru. BUFFALO, n. Sui-giu. BROKEN, f. a. Kawareta, yabureta, me- BUFFET, t. v. Tataku, butsu. geru. - hearted, kokoro ga itamu, BUFFOON, n. Doke-mono, chari. shin-tsfi. BUFFOONERY, n. D6ke-goto. BROKEN-WINDED, n. Naira. BUG, n. Mnshi. BROKER, n. Saitori, naka-tsugi, naka- BUGABOO, n. O-bake. gai. Exchange -, riyogaye. BUGGERY, n. Nin-shoku. BROKERAGE, n. Kosen, buai, bu. BUGGY, n. Basha no rui. BRONCHIA, n. Ki-kuwan no yeda. BUGLE, n. Rappa. BRONZE, n. Kara-kane. BUILD, t. v. Fushin suru, tateru, z6-riu BROOD, i. v. Daku, mono-omoi wo suru, suru, kidzuku. kuyo-kuyo omo. BUILDER, n. Daiku. BROOD, n. Umareta mono. BUILDING, n. Tachi-mono, iye. BROOK, n. Tani-gawa. BULB, n. Ne, imo. Lily -, yuri no ne. BROOK, t. v. Tayeru, shinobu. BULGE, i. v. Deru, haramu. BROOM, n. Hoki. BULK, n. Kasa, okisa; omo no h6, kuwaBROOM-CORN, n. Morokoshi. bun. BROOM-STICK, n. Hoki no ye. BULK-HEAD, n. Fune no heya no shikiri. BROTH, n. Shiru, tsuyu, dashi. BULKY, a. Kasadaka, kasabaru. BROTHEL, n. Joroya, kutsuwaya, yujo-ya. Bu I.n. O-ushi, kotoi. BROTHER, n. Otoko-kiy6dai. Elder -, BULLET, n. Tama. ani. Younger -, ototo. - in-law, BULLETIN, n. Fu-koku, fure. ane-muko, imoto-muko. BULL-FROG, n. Gama. BROTHERLY, a. Kiy6dai-rashii. BULLION, n. Ji-gane. BROW, n. Mayu, mamige, kitai. To knit BULLOCK, n. O-ushi. the brows, mayu wo hisomeru. BULLY, n. Chikara wo tanonde takaburu BROWN, n. Kuri-iro. To —, kuri-iro ni hito. (t. v.) Ijimeru. nuru, or someru. BULL-RUSH, n. Gama. BROWSE, t. v. Kusa wo hamu. BULWARK, n. Daiba, toride, h6tai. BRUISE, n. Uchi-kidzu, uchimi. BUMBLE-BEE, n. Kuma-bachi. BRUSH, n. Hake. BUMP, t. v. Utsu, buchi-tsukeru. BRUSH, t. v. Haku. - up, soji wo suru. heads, hachi-awase wo suru. - against, fureru. - off, harau. BUMPER, n. To drink a -, sakadzuki ni BRUSH-WOOD, n. Yabu, shiba. ippai wo nomu. BRUTAL, a. Chikusho no yo na, mugoi, BUMPKIN, n. Yabo, bukotsu-na mono. zannin naru. BUNCH, n. Fusa. BRUTE, n. Chikush6, kedamono. BUNDLE, n. Taba, tabane, wa, tsutsumi. BRUTISH, a. Chikush6 no yo na, mugoi, BUNDLE, t. v. Tabaneru, tsutsumu, kuzannin naru. rlmeru. BUBBLE, n. Awa, abuku. (i. v.) Awa ga BUNG-HOLF, n. Taru no kuchi. tatsu. BUNGLER, n. Bukiyo na mono. BUN 27 CAL BUNGLING, n. Heta, busaiku, futegiwa, BUSTLING, a. Nigiyaka, sawagashiki, isotsutanai, bu-kiyo. gashiki, zatto naru. BUNTING, n. Hata-jirushi ni mochiyuru BUSY, a. Isogashii, sewashii, ta-y6, y6ji rasha. ga aru. BUOY, n. Ukegi, uki-jirushi, uki. BUSY-BODY, n. Sewa-yaki. BUoY, t. v. Ukaseru. (i. v.) Uku. BUT, conj. Hola ni, ga, bakari, tada, BUOYANT, a. Ukamu. keredomo, shikashi-nagara, to iyedomo. BUOYANCY, n. Ukamu koto. BUTCHER, n. To-giu nin, ushi wo hofuru BUR, n. Iga. hito. — meat, momonji. (t. v.) HoBURDEN, n. Ni, nimotsu, da, katsugi. furu. (t. v.) Owaseru. BUTLER, n. Makanai, misoyaku. BURDENSOME, a. Omoi, nangi na, omo- BUTT, n. Mato, taru. sugiru. BUTTER, n. Giu-raku, niu-raku. BUREAU, n. Tansu. yaku-sho. BUTTERFLY, n. Ch6. BURGLAR, n. Oshi-komi, yajiri wo kitte BUTTOCK, n. Shiri, oido, ishiki, isarai. hairu dorob6. BUTTON, n. Botan. To -, botan wo BURGLARY, n. Yajiri wo kitte nusumi ni kakeru. hairu koto. BUTTON-HOLE, n. Botan-ana. BURIAL, n. Tomorai, s6-shiki. BUY, t. v. Kau. - on credit, lobe-gai BURLESQUE, a. Okashii. wo suru. Wish to buy, kai-tai. To buy BURLY, a. Takumashii. uf so as to control the market, kai-shiBURN, t. v. Moyasu, taku, yaku, kogasu. meru. - and sell, urikai, bai-bai. - up, taki-tsukusu. BUYER, n. Kai-te, kai-kata. BURN, n. Yakedo, kuwa-sh6. Buzz, i. v. Unaru. BURNING, a. Atsui. BUZZARD, n. Misago. BURNISH, t. v. Migaku, togu. BY, prep. De, ni, nite, motte; soba ni, BURROW, t. v. Tsuchi ni ana wo ugatte hotori ni; also the p. p. form of the iru, horu. verb in, te. One by one, hitotsu dzutsu. BURST, i. v. Haretsu suru, yabureru, - one's self, hitori de. Day -day, tsuiyeru. -forth, hassuru, deru. nichi-nichi ni, hi nami ni. House by BURST, t. v. Haretsu saseru, yaburu. - house, iye nami ni. Put it by itself in, oshi-kowasu. (n.) Hasshi. betsu ni oku, hanashite oku. How did BURY, t. v. H6muru, udzumeru, ikeru. you come by that book, sono hon do- in the water, suiso suru. shite motte-lru ka. Three feet by six, BURYING-GROUND, n. Haka-chi, haka- san shaku ni roku-shaku. To go by, sho, bosho, rantoba. tori-sugiru. To put by, shimau, kataBUSH, n. Chiisai ki. dzukeru. To lay by, nokoshite oku. BUSHEL, n. Masu-me no na, ni go ni t6 By and by, ima ni, nochi-hodo ni. By ni ataru. far the best, haruka ni yoi, yoppodo BUSINESS, n. Shobai, yoji, kagiy6, tosei, yoi. shigoto, koto, shoku, giy6. It is none of BYGONE, a. Sugi-satta. your -, omaye no kamau koto de nai. BY-LAW, n. Kisoku. Although it is none of my business, BY-ROAD, n. Nuke michi. yoso nagara. BYSTANDER, n. Waki ni tatsu hito. BUST, n. Han shin no zo. BYWORD, n. Kuchi-kuse. C CAB, n. Ba-sha. CAJOLE, t. v. Hetsurau, omoneru. CABAL, n.- Toto, nakama. CAKE, n. Kuwashi, mochi, katamari. CABBAGE, n. Botan na, ha botan. (i. v.) Katamaru. CABIN, n. Fune no heya, waraya. CALABASH, n. Hiyotan, fukube. CABINET, n. Heya,, zashiki, tansu. - CALAMITOUS, a. Wazawai na, sainan council, sangi. naru. CABLE, n. Tsuna. CALAMITY, n. Wazawai, sainan, nanju, CACKLE, i. V. Mendori no tamago wo nangi. ulmu toki no naku koye. CALAMUS, n. Shobu. CADAVEROUS, a. Shi-bito no ganshoku, CALCINE, t. v. Yaku. shibito dzura, omoyaseru. CALCULATE, t. v. KanjO suru, kazoyeru, CAGE, n. Kago, ori. hakaru, tsumoru, sankei suru. CAL 28 CAP CALCULATION, n. Sankei, kanj6, hakari, CANDID, a. Meihaku na, shojiki na. tsumori, sanyo. CANDIDATE, n. Yaku-gi ni naru wo neCALCULUS, n. Sekirin. gau hito. CALDRON, n. Kama. CANDLE, n. Rosoku. CALENDAR, n. Koyomi. CANDLE-STICK, n. Shokudai. CALF, n. Ko ushi. - of the leg, hoku- CANDOR, n. Sh6jiki, meihaku. rahagi, komura. CANDY, n. Arihei-t6, kinkuwa-t6, komCALIBRE, n. Odzutsu no ana no pei-t6. Pefpermint -, hakka-t6. Ginsashi-watari. ger -, shoga-t6. To -, sat6dzuke ni CALICO, n. Kanakin, sarasa. suru. CALK, t. v. Mai-hada wo fune no ita no CANE, n. Tsuye, take. To -, tsuyo sukima ni uchi-komu. nite butsu. CALL, t. V. Yobu, maneku, iu, tonayeru, CANE-BRAKE, n. Yabu. nadzukeru. - back, yobi-kayesu. - CANGUE, n. Kubi-gase. for, ukubeki, ukeru hadzu. — forth, CANINE-TEETH, n. Kiba. yobi-dasu. - in, yobi-komu, tori-atsu- CANISTER, n. Tsubo. Tea -, cha-ire. meru. - off, yobi-kayesu. - over, CANKER, n. Deki-mono. ichi-ichi ni yobu. - to mind, omoi- CANNIBAL, n. Hito no niku wo kurau dasu. - together, yobi-atsumeru. - hito. near, yobi-yoseru. - upon, mi-mai CANNON, n. O-dzutsu, tai-h6. - ball, ni yuku, yoru. taih6 no tama. CALLING, n. Nariwai, kagiyo, giy6, sho- CANNONADE, n. Taih5 nite utsu koto. ku-giy6. (t. v.) Taiho nite utsu. CALLOUS, a. Katai, shinsetsu nashi. CANNOT, Dekinu, atawadzu. Also conCALLUS, n. Tako. tained in the neg. potential form of the CALM, a. Odayaka na, shidzuka-naru, verb; as, kikoyenu, cannot be heard; ochi-tsuku, nagu. kazoyenu, cannot be counted. CALM, n. Nagi. CANOE, n. Maruta-bune. CALM, t. v. Shidzumeru, odayaka ni CANON, n. Nori, kisoku, kiy6-h6, ji suru, ochi-tsukeru. h6. CALMLY, adv. Shidzuka ni, ochi-tsuite, CANONICAL-BOOK, n. -of the Buddhists, odayaka-ni, heiki de. Bukkiyo, kiy6-mon. CALOMEL, n. Karomer. CANONIZE, t. v. Hotoke to nashite agaCALORIC, n. Unki, kuwaki. meru. CALUMNIATE, t. v. Soshiru, zangen suru, CANOPY, n. Ten-gai. waruku iu, hi-h6 suru, kusasu. CANT, t. V. Katamukeru, nijiraseru. CALUMNIATOR, n. Zansha, soshiru hito. CANT, n. Kuchi-kuse. CALUMNY, n. Zangen, soshiri. CANTER, t. v. Kake-saseru, daku wo CALYX, n. Utena, heta. noru. CAMBRIC, n. Kanakin. CANTER, n. Daku. CAMEL, n. Rakuda. CANTHARIDES, n. Hammiyo, gensei. CAMELLIA, n. Tsubaki. CANTONMENT, n. Jinkoya. CAMERA-OBSCURA, n. Shashin wo toru CANVAS, n. Ho-momen. hako. CANVASS, t. v. Sensaku suru, giron suru; CAMLET, n. Goro. waga tame ni hito ni niu-satsu wo saseru CAMOMILE, n. Kuyoku, yakikkuwa. wo tanomi aruku. CAMP, n. Jingoya, jin. CAP, n. Kaburi-mono. To -, kaburu. CAMPAIGN, n. Hei-chi, shutsujin. CAPABLE, a. Dekiru, kanau, kiriyo aru. CAMPHOR, n. Riu-no, henn6, shon6. Not -, dekinu, atawadzu. CAMPHOR-TREE, n. Kusu no ki. CAPACIOUS, a. Hiroi, okii. CAMP-STOOL, n. Sh6gi. CAPACITATE, t. v. Koto no dekiru y6 ni CAN, n. Oil-, abura-tsugi. suru. CAN, i. v. Dekiru. Contained also in CAPACITY, n. Kiriyo, sai, riy6, hodo. the pot. mood of the verb ending in CAPARISON, n. Atsubusa. yeru; as, Can be seen, miyeru. Can be CAPE, n. Misaki. heard, kikoyeru. Cannot but speak, CAPILLARIES, n. Seni no miyak-kuwan. iuwaneba naranu. CAPITAL, a. Omo no. -- punishment, CANAL, n. Hori-wari, hori. shi-zai, dan-zai, keiriku. - letter, kaCANARY,n. Kanaria. shiraji. CANCEL, t. v. Kesu. CAPITAL, n. Hashira no kashira, moCANCER, n. Yoso. tode. CAP 29 CAS CAPITALIST, n. Kane-mochi. CAROUSE, i. v. Shu-kiyo suru, sake CAPITULATE, i. v. Kosan suru, k'ldaru. nonde tanoshimu. CAPON, n. Kintaina wo nukitaru niwa- CARI, i. v. Rikutsu wo iu, hi wo utsu. tori. CARP, 7. Koi. CAPRICE, n. Deki-gokoro, ukamu. CARPENTER, n. Daiku. CAPRICIOUS, a. Adafuda na, uwatsuku, CARPET, n. Zashiki no shikimono. (t. v.) muragi. Shiki mono wo shiku. CAPSICUM, n. Togarashi. CARRIAGE, n. Basha, kuruma; hakobi: CAPSTAN, n. Rokuro, shachi, manriki. nari-furi. Gun -, taiho no dai. CAPTAIN, n. Kashira. CARRIER, n. Ninsoku, katsugu hito. CAPTIOIUS, a. Ko-goto wo konomu, riku- CARRION, n. Kusatta shigai. tsu wo ii-tagaru, giron-gamashii. CARROT, n. Ninjin. CAPTIVATE, t. V. Kokoro wo toru. Cap- CARRY, /. v. Motsu, hakobu, tadzusayetivated, norokeru, mi-toreru. ru. - on the shoulder, katsugu, niCAPTIVE, n. Toriko. To take -, ike- nau, katageru. - on the back, ou, doru. ombu suru, se-ou. - in the belt, obi-APTURE, t. v. Bundori suru, torayeru, ru. - in the bosom, daku. - a sedan meshitoru, tsukamayeru. chair, kaku. To - on, suru, nasu, CAR, n. Kuruma, dashi. okonau, tawamureru. - anway, motteCARBINE, n. Tan-dzutsu. yuku. - back, motte kayeru. - up CARBON, n. Tanso. motte ageru. - down, motte oriru. CARBONIC-ACID, n'. Tansan. - out, motte deru, okonau, shitogeru. CARBONIZE, t. v. Sumi ni yaku. - in, motte hairu. - across, motte CARBUNCLE, n. Yo. wataru, motte koyeru. - through, CARCASS, n. Shikabane, shigai. motte toru. - one's self, tachi-furuCARD, n. Nafuda, tefuda. Playing —, mau. karuta, mekuri-fuda. CART, n. Ni rin no ni-guruma. To -, CARDAMOM, n. Yakuchi. kuruma nite hakobu. CARDIAC-ORIFICE, n. I no jok6. CARTILAGE, n. Nan-kotsu. CARDINAL, a. Kany6, dai-ichi no, omo CARTRIDGE, n. Haya-go. - box, tanno. - points, shi-ho. - princfile, yaku doran. goku-i. - virtues, go-jo. CARVIE, t. v. Horu, kiru, ch5koku suru. CARE, n. Shimpai, kokoro-dzukai, ki- CARVER, n. Hori-mono shi; niku wo kidztlkai, kokoro-gake, anji, yojin. Take ru hito. -, tsutsushimu, abunai, ki wo tsukeru, CARVING, n. Hori-mono. yojin suru, chiu-i. Don't -, kama- CASCADE, n. Taki. wanu. CASE, n. Saya, hako, fukuro, tsutsumi CAREEN, t. v. Katamukeru. (i. 7.) Ka- yodai, yosu, ba-ai, tameshi, arisama; tamuku, kashigu. kuji. Book -, hon-dana. - offever, CAREER, n. Isshogai. (i. v.) Washiru, netsu-biy6 ni wadzuratta hito. In -, kakeru. moshi, moshikuba. - in point, tekiCAREFUL, a. Tsutsushimu, ki wo tsu- rei. keru, yojin-bukai, nen wo irer:l. CASE, t. V. Saya ni suru. CAREFULLY, adv. Tsutsushinde, ki wo CASH, n. Zeni, kane, genkin, sokkin, bitsukete, nen wo irete. ta, kinsu. To -, riyo-gaye wo suru. CAREFULNESS, n. Yojin, tsutsushimi. CASH-BOOK, n. Genkin cho, uri-age ch6. CARELESS, a. Tsutsushimazaru, ki wo CASHIER, n. Kuwai-kei kata. tsukenu, yudan naru, okotaru. CASHIER, t. V. Shikujiru, hai suru. CARESS,.. V. ChO-ai shite sasuru. CASK, n. Taru, oke. CARGO, n. Funa-nimotsu, ni. - boat, CASKET, n. Ko-bako. hashike-bune, uwani-bune. CASQUE, n. Kabuto. CARICATURE, n. Toba-ye, doke-ye, share- CASSIA, n. Nikkei, keishi. ye. CAST, t.. N'ageru, horu, hakaru, iru. CARIES, n. Fukosso. - avay, sutern, utcharu, hokasu. - CARIOUS, a. - tooth, mushiba. out, dasu. nage-dasu. - in, nage-ireCARMIAN, n. Kuruma no giyosha. ru, nage-komu. - down, nage-otosu, CARNAGE, n. Satsubatsu. orosu. To be - down, ki ga fusaide CARNAL, a. In-yoku. oru. - Zup, nage-ageru, kanjo suru. CARNIVOROUS, a. Niku-jiki. - aside, suteru, utcharu. CAROL, n. Uta. CAST, i. a. Omoi-megurasu, kangaycru. CAROUSAL, n. Shuyen, shu-kiyo. CASTANET, n. Yotsu dake. CAS 30 CEN CAST-AWAY, n. Sutari-mono. CAUTION, n. Y6jin, tsutsushimi, imashiCASTE, n. Koku min no kurai, hint6. me. CASTER, n. Kuruma. CAUTION, t. V. Imashimeru, isameru. CASTIGATE, t. V. Sekkan suru, muchi- CAUTIOUS, a. Y6-jin suru, tsutsushimu. utsu, shioki suru. CAVALIER, n. Kibamusha, ki-hei. CASTING, n. I-mono. CAVALRY, n. Kihei-tai. CAST-IRON, n. Dzuku. CAVE, n. Ana, hora. CASTLE, n. Shiro, jo. CAVE, i. v. Kudzureru. CASTOR-OIL, n. Himashi no abura. CAVERN, n. Ana. CASTRATE, t. v. Kintama wo nuku, ra- CAVIL, i. v. Nammon suru, hinan wo setsu suru. utsu, rikutsu wo iu. CASUAL, a. Hakarazaru, fu-i na, omoi- CAVITY, n. Ana, gakenaki, fuji no. CAW, n. Kaa-kaa, karasu no koye. CASUALLY, adv. Hakaradzu ni, futto, fui CAYENNE-PEPPER, n. Togarashi. ni. CEASE, i. v. Yamu, todomaru, owaru, CASUALTY, n. Fuji-goto. tayeru, togireru. CAT, n. Neko. CEASE, t. v. Yameru, todomeru, yosu. CATALOGUE, n. Mokuroku, rem-miy6- CEASELESS, a. Tayezaru, ma mo naki, gaki. tsudzuki, togirezaru. CATAPULT, n. Ishi-yumi. CEASELESSLY, adv. Tayedzu-ni, manashi CATARACT, n. Taki. - of the eye, so- ni, tzudzuki ni, togiredzu ni. kohi, haku-naisho. CEDAR, n. Sugi no ki. CATARRH, n. Kaze-hiki. CEDE, t. V. Yudzuru, yudzuri-watasu, CATASTROPHE, n. Tai-hen. watasu. CATCH, t. v. Toru, uke-toru, tsukama- CEIL, t. v. Tenjo wo haru. yeru, torayeru. — fire, hi ga tsuku. CEILING, n. Tenj6. - up to, oi-tsuku. - cold, kaze wo CELEBRATE, t. v. Iwau, shuku suru, mahiku. — rain water, ama-midzu wo tsuru. tameru. - disease, biyoki ga utsuru, CELEBRATED, a. Nadakaki, mei, k6mei. den-sen suru, kanjiru. - on a nail, CELEBRATION, n. Iwai, matsuri, shuku. kugi ni hikkakaru. CELEBRITY, n. Homare, hiyoban. CATCH, n.. Hiki-te. CELERITY, n. Hayasa, sumiyaka narn CATECHISE, t. v. Mon-d6 suru. koto. CATECHISM, n. Mond6-sho. CELESTIAL, a. Ten no. - globe,.konCATECHU, n. Asenyaku. tengi. CATEGORY, n. Y6su, arisama. CELIBACY, n. Mu-sai, tsuma motanu, CATER, t. V. Makanau. metorazaru koto. CATERPILLAR, n. Shakutori-mushi, ke- CELL, n. Ana, chiisai heya, hachi no su. mushi. CELLAR, n. Anagura, muro. CATERWAULING, n. Neko no naki. CEMENT, n. Shikkui. CAT-FISH, n. Namadzu. CEMENT, t. V. Shikkui suru, musubu. CAT-GUT, n. Kedamono no hiyaku-hiro CEMETERY, n. Hakasho, hakachi, hakanite seishi-taru ito. ba, rantoba. CATHARTIC, n. Gezai, kudashi-gusuri. CENSER, n. Koro. CATHETER, n. In-niy6-ki, kateter. CENSOR, n. Ometsuke, kan-satsu. CATHOLIC, n. Tenshukiyo no hito. CENSORIOUS, a. Hinan wo uchitagaru, CAT'S-CRADLE, n. Aya. nan ron shitagaru, kogoto-dzuki. CATTLE, n. Ushi. CENSORSHIP, n. Kansatsu yaku. CAUSE, n. Yuye, wake, shisai, sei, dori, CENSURABLE, a. Togamerareru, togamemoto, kongen, kompon, gen-in; kllji. ru beki. CAUSE, t. VZ Saseru, contained in the CENSURE, n. Togame, imashime. causativeform of the verb; as, yuka- CENSURE, t. v. Togameru, imashimeru, seru, to jause to go. Kakaseru, to cause shikaru. to write. CENSUS, n. Nimbetsu, koseki. To take CAUSELESS, a. Wake nashi, yuye naki. the -, nimbetsu wo aratameru. CAUSEWAY, n. Dote-michi. CENT, n. Sen. zeni, wari. Ten per - CAUSTIC, n. Kusarashi, fuyaku, fushoku- ichi wari. Two and a half er -, ni zai. Lunar —, sho-san-gin. bu go rin. CAUTERY, n. Raku-tetsu. CENTIPEDE, n. Mukade. CAUTERIZE, t. v. Kusarakasu, raku-tetsu CENTRALIZE, t. v. Chiu-shin ni atsllsuru. meru. CEN 31 CHE CENTRE, n. Mannaka, chiu-shin. CHAPEL, n. Kami wo ogamu tokoro. CENTRIFUGAL, a. Chiu-shin kara tobi- CHAPERON, t. V. Annai suru. dasu. CHAPLAIN, n. Kai riku gun ni aru shuCENTRIPETAL, a. Chiu-shin ni hiki-atsu- mon no kiyo-shi. maru. CHAPTER, n. Sh6, hen, kuwai. CENTURY, n. Hiyaku nen. CHAR, t. v. Kogasu. (i. v.) Kogareru. CERATE, n. K6yaku. CHARACTER, n. Moji, ji, shirushi; hiy6CEREALS, n. Go-koku. ban, umare-tsuki, tachi. - of a place, CEREBELLUM, n. Sho-n6. tokoro-gara. A man of bad -, CEREBRAL, a, N6dzui no. hito-gara no warui hito. CEREBRUM, n. Dai-no. CHARACTERISTIC, n. Shirushi, mochiCEREMONIAL, n. Reishiki no. maye. CEREMONY, n. Reishiki, reigi, rei. With- CHARACTERIZE, /. 7. Shirusu. out —,jigi nashi,yenriyo nashi, haba- CHARADE, n. Nazo. kari nashi. CHARCOAL, n. Sumi. CERTAIN, a. Tashika naru, masashii, CHARGE, n. Adzukari mono, 6se, iiutagawazaru, honto, makoto; aru, saru, tsuke; kanj6, nedan, ne; uttaye; tamananigashi. gome, semeru koto; toga wo owaseru CERTAINLY, adv. Tashika-ni, jitsu ni, koto. utagawadzu ni, masashiku, masa-masa. CHARGE, t. v. Adzukeru, ii-tsukeru, CERTIFICATE, n. Sh6ko-gaki, shomen. meidzuru; oshiyeru; nedan wo tsukeru. CERTIFY, t. v. Ukeau, sh6ko suru. - to one's account, kanj6 ni kaki-noseCERUMEN, n. Mimi no aka. ru. - with crime, tsumi wo owaseru. CESSATION, n. Yamu koto, todomari. - a gun, tepp6 ni tama-gome wo suru. CHAFE, t. v. Suru, kosuru, sasuru; ika- - the enemy, teki wo semeru, or osou, raseru. or utsu. How much do you charge CHAFF, n. Momi-gara, mugi-gara. for this? Kono mono no nedan wa CHAFF, /. v. Gur6 suru, baka ni suru. ikura. CHAGRIN, n. Haji, memboku ushinai. CHARGE D'AFFAIRES, n. Dai-ben-ko-shi. CHAIN, n. Kusari. CHARIOT, n. Basha no tagui. CHAIN, t. v. Kusari de tsunagni. CHARIOTEER, n. Giyo-sha. CHAIR, n. Koshi-kake, za, isu, kiyokuro- CHARITABLE, a. Jihi-bukai, zen-gon na. ku. Sedan —, kago, norimono, koshi. CHARITY, n. Itsukushimi, jihi, zengon, CHAIRMAN, n. Kuwai-ch6. hodokoshi, semotsu, hodokoshi-mono, CHAISE, n. Ni rin basha. segiyo-mono. CHALK, n. Seki-fun. CHARLATAN, n. Nama-iki, yabu-isha. CHALLENGE, t.. Yobi-dasu. CHARM, n. Mamori, majinai, goff, maCHAMBER, n. Heya, nema. -fiot, shi-bin. yoke. CHAMBERLAIN, n. Kunaisho. CHARM, f. V. Mi-ireru, tori-tsuku, mayoCHAMBERMAID, n. Heya-kata, koshi-mo- wasu, tanoshimasu. (i. v.) Mi-toreru. to; o sandon. CHARMING,. a. Tanoshii, omoshiroi. CHAMP, t. v. Kamu, hamu. CHART, n. Umi-yedzu, k6kai yedzu. CHAMPION, n. Ozeki. CHARTER, n. Menkiyo-j6. CHANCE, n. Fuji-goto, gfzen. To hit by CHARTER, t. v. - a shi, fune wo kariru. -, guzen de atatta. To hapien by -, CHASE, t. V. Ou, karu. - away, oifuji atta, guzen ni atta. dasu, harau. CHANCRE, n. Kanso, gekan. CHASE, n. Kari. CHANGE, t. v. Aratameru, kayeru, tori- CHASM, n. Dai ji no wari-me. kayeru. - money, riy6-gaye suru. CHASTE, a. Jittei naru. CHANGE, i. v. Kawaru, hendzuru, hen- CHASTEN, t. v. Sekkan suru, imashimekuwa suru. ru. CHANGE, n. Kawari, henkuwa. - of CHASTISE, /. v. Sekkan suru, imashimemoney, tsuri, ko-dzuri. - of tlace, to- ru, korasu. koro-gaye. CHASTISEMENT, n. Sekkan, imashime. CIANGEABLE, a. Kawari-yasuki, uxya- CHAT, i. v. Hanasu. (n.) Hanashi. tsuku, sadamaranu. CHATTEL, n. Nimotsu, kagu. CHANNEL, n. Se, mio, funa-michi. CHATTER, i. v. Kuchi no mada kikanai CHANT, t. v. Utau, gindzuru, tonayeru. kodomo no gotoku shaberu, ha no ne ga CHAOS, n. Kon-ton. furugeru. CHAP, n. Akagire, hibi. To chap, hibi CHAW, t. v. Hamu. ga kireru. CHEAP, a. Yasui, ge-jiki na. CHE 32 CHU CHEAPEN, t. v. Negiru, makeru. CHILLINESS, n. Samusa. CHEAPLY, adv. Yasuku. CHILLY, a. Samui, hiyeru, tsumetai. CHEAT, n. Katari, nayakashi. CHIME, i. v. Choshi ni kanau. CHEAT, t. v. Azamuku, damasu, itsuwa- CHIMERICAL, a. Muchiu na, ki na. ru, taburakasu. mayakasu. CHIMNEY, n. Kemuri-dashi. CHECK, t. v. Todomeru, tomeru, ima- CHIN, n. Ago, otcgai, agito. shimeru, sasayeru, hikayeru, shirusu, CHINA, n. Shina, kara, morokoshi, t66te suru. goku, todo; setomono no tagui. CHECK, n. Sashi-tsukaye, tome, fuda, CHINA-ROOT, n. Sankirai. tegata. CHINESE, n. Shina-jin, to-jin. CHECKER-BOARD, n. Go-ban. CHINK, n. Sukima. - of metal? chin. CHECKERS, n. Go-ishi. CHINTZ, n. Sarasa. CHECK-MATE, n. Otedzume. To -, CHIP, t. v. Sogu, kizamu, koppa ni suru. otedzume ni suru, tsumeru. CHIP, n. Koppa, kire. CHEEK, n. Ho, hobeta. CHIRP, i. v. Chiu-chiu to sayedzuru. CHEER, t. V. Yorokobasu, kibarashi wo CHISEL, n. Nomi, tagane. Stone cutsuru, kisaki wo okosu, hagemasu, toki ter's -, genno. no koye wo ageru, chikara wo tsukeru. CHLOROFORM, n._ Memosui. CHEER, n. Toki no koye, in-shoku. CHLOROSIS, n. Ohan, iobiyo. CHEERFUL, a. Kigen yoi, kokoro-mochi CHOCK, t. V. Sen wo kau. no yoi, iso-iso to shita, kokoro-yoi. CHOLK-FULL, a. Ippai. CHEERLESS, a. Uttoshii, ki gafusagu. CHOICE, n. Yerabi; gokuhin, beppin. CHEMISTRY, n. Kuwa gaku. CHOIR, n. On-gaku no nakama. CHERISH, t. v. Kokoro ni idaku, kawai- CHOKE, t. v. Tsumeru, shimeru, fusagegatte idaku. ru. (i. v.) Museru, tsumaru, fusagaru. CHERRY, n. Sakura. CHOLERA, n. To-sha-biyo, kuwakuran, CHESS, n. Shogi. - board, shogi-ban. korori. - men, koma. CHOOSE, t. v. Yeramu, yoru, suguru. CHEST, n. Mune, hako, hitsu. CHOP, t. v. Kiru, kizamu. - off, kiriCHESTNUT, n. Kuri. - tree, kuri no hanasu, kiri-otosu. ki. CHOP, n.- Kiri, mi-hon, te-hon. CHEVALIER, n. Kiba, bushi. CHOP-FALLEN, n. Memboku nai. CHEW, t. v. Kamu, hamu. - the cud, CHOPPING-BLOCK, n. Mana-ita. neri-kamu. CHOPPING-KNIFE, n. H6cho. CHICKEN, n. Niwatori, hiyoko. CHOP-STICKS, n. Hashi. CHICKEN-BREASTED, n. Hato-mune. CHORD, n. Choshi. To -, ch6shi ga CHICKEN-POX, n. Midzu- imo, midzu- au. boso. CHORISTER, n. Ondo-tori. CHIDE, t. v. Togameru, korasu, ima- CHRIST, n. Kirishito. shimeru. CHRISTIAN, a. Kirishitan. CHIEF, a. Omo no, cho-taru, taisetsu CHRISTIANITY, n. Kirishitan, shu-mon. na. - end, shu-i. CHRISTIANIZE, t.. Iesu-kirishito wo CHIEF, n. Todori..kashira. shinkb saseru. CHIEFLY, adv. Omo-ni, moppara ni, CHRISTMAS, n. Kirishito no tanj6bi. Okata, tabun, taitei. CHRONICLE, n. Rekishi, ki, kiroku, kiCHIEFTAIN, n. Todori, taish6, kashira. den. CHILBLAIN, n. Shimo-yake. CHRONICLE, t. v. Kiroku ni shirusu, ki CHILD, n. Kodomo, shoni. To be with suru. -, haramu. CHRONOLOGY, n. Nendaiki. CHILD-BIRTH, n. Shussan, san, ko wo umu CHRONOMETER, n. Tokei, funa-dokei. koto. CHRYSALIS, n. Sanagi. CHILDHOOD, n. Itokenai toki, osanai to- CHRYSANTHEMUM, n. Kiku no hana. ki. CHUCKLE, i. v. Sesera-warau. CHILDISH, a. Otonage-naki. CHUM, n. D6-ma. CHILD-LIKE, a. Kodomo-rashii, shoni- CYURCH, n. Kuwai-do, kiy6 kuwaido, rashii. kiyo-kuwai, kirishitan shf-mon. CHILDREN, n. Kodomo-ra. CHURL, n. Bu-aisatsu na hito, bu-aisO na CHIIL, n. Samuke, okan, furui, samusa, mono. kiyo ga sameru koto. CHURLISH, a. Bu-aisatsu na, bu-aisO na. CHILL, t. v. Hiyasu, samuku suru, k6ru, CHURN, n. Giu-raku wo koshirayeru kiyo vo samasu. oke. CHU 33 CLE CHURN, t. v. Chi-chi wo kaki-mawashite CLAIM, t. v. Dori aru ni yotte motome wo giuraku ni suru. ii-tateru, motomeru. CHYLE, n. Niubi. CLAIM, n. Sujimichi ni yotte motomeru CICADA, n. Semi. koto, suji-michi. CICATRIX, n. Kidzu no ato. CLAM, n. Hamaguri. CICATRIZE, i. v. Kidzu ga naoru. CLAMBER, t. v. Yojiru, yoji-noboru. CIDER, n. Ringo nite koshirayetaru no- CLAMOR, n. Sawagi, sodo, omeki. (i. v.) mi-mono. Sawagu, omeku, wameku. CIGAR, n. Maki-tabako. CLAMOROUS, a. Sawagashii, s6z6shii. CIMETER, n. Tsurugi. CLAMP, n. Kasugai, chikirijime. CINCHONA, n. Kinakina. CLAN, n. Han, zoku, kuwan-zoku. CINDER, n. Keshi-dzumi. CLANDESTINE, a. Hisoka-naru, naish6 CINNABAR, n. Shu. na, shinobitaru. CINNAMON, n. Nikkei, keishi. CLANDESTINELY, adv. Hisoka ni, naishd CIPHER, n. Shirushi, fucho, rei. de, shinonde. CIPHER, t. v. Sanyo suru. CLANK, n. Kachin-kachin naru hibiki. CIRCLE, n. Maru wa; nakama. To, CLANSMAN, n. Kuwan-zoku no hito. mawasu. - CLAP, t. v. Tataku. - the wings, hataCIRCUIT, n. Mawari, gururi. taki. CIRCULAR, a. Marui. - letter, kuwai- CLAP, n. Hata to utsu, pisshari-to utsu. jO. CLAPBOARD, n. Shitami-ita. To -, shiCIRCULAR, n. Kuwai-j6. tami wo haru. CIRCULATE, i. v. Mawaru, meguru. (t. v.) CLAPPER, n. Hancho no shita. Mawasu, megurasu. CLAP-TRAP, n. Mise-kake. CIRCULATION, n. Meguri, mawari, jun- CLARET, n. Bud6shu no tagui. kuwan. -of money, yfdziu. CLARIFY, t. v. Sumasu. CIRCUMFERENCE, n. Mawari. CLARION, n. Rappa. CIRCUMNAVIGATE, /. v. Fune de junkO CLARIONET, n. Charumeru. suru. CLASH, i. v. Cho-cho to utsu, kachiCIRCUMSCRIBE, t. v. Sakai shite kagiru, kachi to utsu. herasu. CLASP, t. v. Kumu, kumi-tsuku, shigaCIRCUMSPECT, a. Tsutsushimu, yojin mi-tsuku, daku, kakeru. suru. CLASP, n. Ko-haze-gake, shitotome. CIRCUMSPECTION, n. Tsutsushimi, yo- CLASS, n. Bu-rui, rui. The four classes jin. ofp eofle, shi-min, yotsu no tami. CIRCUMSTANCE, n. Koto, arisama, shisai, CLASS, t. v. Bu-wake wo suru. shigi, yoshi. (plur.) Shinsho, bungen, CLASSICAL, a. - language, ga-gen. shindai. According-to-, koto ni yo- CLASSICS, n. Kei-sho, kei-ten, go-kiyo. ru. CLASSIFICATION, n. Buwake wo suru koto. CIRCUMSTANTIALLY, adv. Kuwashiku, CLASSIFY, t. v. Buwake wo surt. shisai ni, saimitsu ni. CLASSMATE, n. Do-hai, ai-deshi. CIRCUMSTANTIATE, t. v. Kuwashiku iu. CLATTER, t. v. Kachi-kachi to utsu, saCIRCUMVENT, t. v. Azamuku, damasu, wagu, zazameku. kataru, taburakasu. CLAUSE, n. Ku, kaj6. CIRCUS, n. Kiyoku-ba. CLAVICLE, n. Sakotsu. CISTERN, n. Midzu-tame. CLAW, n. Tsume. To —, tsume de kaku. CITADEL, n. Shiro, hommaru. CLAY, n. Neba-tsuchi, tsuchi. CITATION, n. Hiki-mono. CLEAN, n. Kirei-na, keppaku na, kiyoki, CITE, t. v. Mesu, meshi-dasu; hiku, isagiyoi, shojo, kiyoraka naru. hiki-ageru. CLEAN, adv. Sappari, mattaku. CITIZEN, n. Ju-nin, kiriu-nin. CLEAN, t. v. Kiyomeru, kirei ni suru, kiCITIZENSHIP, n. Junin ni naru koto, yoku suru, sojo ni suru. nim-betsu ni hairu koto. CLEANLINESS, n. Shojo na koto, kiyoki CITY, n. Tokuwai, fu. koto. CIVIL, a. Kuni no; nengoro na. - war, CLEANSE, t. v. Kiyomeru, kirei ni suru, doshi-uchi, nai-ran. -government, ko- kiyoku suru. ku-sei. CLEAR, a. Akiraka naru, kiyoki, kiyoraCIVILITY, n. Aiso, nengoro na koto. ka, sawayaka, hakkiri to shita, suki-toru. CIVILIZATION, n. Kai-kuwa. CLEAR, t. v. Akiraka ni suru, sumasu. - CIVILIZE, t. v. Kaikuwa suru. away, harau, tori-harau, tori-nokeru. CIVILLY, adv. Nengoro ni, teinei ni. -- the voice, seki-barai wo suru. -land, 2* CLE 34 COA. jisho wo kai-hotsu suru. - from the i CLOSE-FISTED, a. Shiwai, rinshoku na. charge of crize, tsumi nashi to sadame- CLOSELY, adv. Kataku, chikaku, shigeru. - a fence, hei wo tobi-koyeru. - rite. expenses, mokeru, riyeki wo yeru. - a CLOSET, n. Todana, nando, oshi-ire, ship, shuppan no menj6 wo yeru. - a mono-oki. place of people, hito-barai wo suru. CLOSURE, n. Fusagi, owari, shimai. CLEAR, i. v. Hareru, sumu. CLOT, n. Katamari. CLEARANCE, n. Shuppan menjo. CLOT, i. v. Katamaru. CLEARLY, adv. Akiraka ni. CLOTH, n. Tammono, kire. Cotton -, CLEAT, n. San. momen. Woollen -, rasha. CLEAVE, t. v. Waru, saku. (i. v.) Tsu- CLOTHE, t.V. Kiseru, kiru, chaku suru, ku, hiki-tsuku, nebari-tsuku; wareru, chakuyo suru, matou. sakeru; daki-tsuku. CLOTHES, n. Kimono, ifuku, ish6. Warmz CLEFT, n. Wari-me, suki-ma., atsu-gi. Old —, furu-gi. CLEMATIS, n. Mube-kadzura. CLOTHING, n. Kimono, ifuku, ish6. CLEMENCY, n. Kuwan-jin, jin-on. CLOUD, n. Kumo. (i. z.) Kumoru. CLEMENT, a. Kuwan-jin naru,jin naru, CLOUDLESS, n. Kumo-nashi. yasashii. CLOUDY, a. Kumoru. -weather, don-ten. CLEPSYDRA, n. Midzu-dokei, r6koku. CLOVE, n. Ch6ji. CLERGYMAN, n. Kiy6-shi. CLOWN, n. Doke-mono, chari, niwaka, CLERK, n. Sho-ki, sho-yaku, hissha, iu- kidoban, yabo, bukotsu na mono. hitsu. Merchant's -, ch6tsuke. CLOWNISH, a. Yabo na, bukotsu na, buCLEVER, a. Jodzu na, riko na, kashikoi, saho na. hatsumei na, sakashii. - penman, no- CLOY, t. v. Aku. hitsu. - at talking, n6-ben. CLUB, n. B6, nakama, renji. - together, CLEVERLY, adv. Jodzu ni, kashikoku. renji wo kumu. CLEW, n. No -, ato-kata mo nai, ito- CLUB-FOOT, n. Yebi-ashi, kama-ashi. guchi nashi. CLUCKING, n. Kuku-naki. CLICK, n. Hajiku oto. CLUMP, n. - of trees, mori. CLIENT, n. Kuji no t6-nin. CLUMSY, n. Heta, bukiy6 na, tsutanai. CLIFT, n. Gake. CLUSTER, n. Fusa, mura, mure. - of CLIMATE, n. Jik6, yoki. trees, mori. CLIMAX, n. Saichlu, mas-saichiu, sakari. CLUSTER, i. v. Muragaru, mureru. CLIMB, i. v. Yoji-noboru, yojiru. CLUTCH, t. v. Tsukamu, nigiru. CLINCH, t. v. Tsukamu, nigiru. CLUTTER, n. Konzatsu. CLING, i. v. Sugaru, sugari-tsuku, tori- CLYSTER, n. Kuwan-cho-zai. tsuku, hittsuku, nebari-tsuku. COACH, n. Shi rin basha. CLIP, t. v. Hasami-kiru, kiru. COACHIMAN, n. Giyosha. CLIPPER, n. Haya-bune. COADJUTOR, n. Tetsudai-nin. CLIQUE, n. Nakama. COAGULATE, i. v. Katamaru, giyoko suru. CLOAK, n. Tombi-kappa. (t. v.) Ka- COAGULUM, n. Katamari, giyo-ketsu. kusu, ou. COAL, n. Sekitan, ishi-dzumi. - offire, CLOCK, n. Tokei. oki. To - a steamer, j6kusen ni CLOD, n. Tsuchi-kure, tsuchi no kata- sekitan wo ireru. mari. COALERY, n. Sekitan-ana. CLOG, t. v. Tsumeru, sashi-tsukayeru, COALESCE, i. v. Au, gassuru, it-chi ni sasayeru, samatageru, jama suru. (i. v.) naru. Tsumaru. COALITION, n. It-chi, gassuru koto. CLOG, n. Jama, sashi-tsukaye, tsumari; COAL-SCUTTLE, n. Sumi-tori. geta, bokuri, ashida; ashi-motsure. COARSE, a. Arai, futoi; bukotsu, somatCLOSE, t. v. Shimeru, tozasu, tojiru, ta- su na, so na, zatsu na. - language, soteru, awaseru, fusagu; sumu, shimau gon. kakomu. - a port, sa-k6 suru. - a COARSELY, adv. Araku, futoku, bukotsu country, sa-koku suru. - uf, tate-kiru. ni, somatsu ni, zatto. CLOSE, i. v. Tojiru, sumu, owaru, hateru, COAST, n. Iso, kai-gan, umi-be, kaihen. shimau, tsuku. COASTING, a. Kaigan wo nori-mawaru CLOSE, n. Shimai, owari, hate. koto. CLOSE, a. Shimaru;komoru, shiwai, rin- COAT, n. Haori, uwa-gi. - of the eye, shoku na; chim-moku na, mu-guchi gan-kiu no maku. A - of varnish, na; katai; shigeru, mushi-atsui. - to, urushi hito kise. - of arms, mon, clikai. -translation, choku-yaku. shirushi. -of mail, yoroi. COA 35 COM COAT, t. v. Kiseru. COLLATE, t. v. Kuraberu, kiy6og suru, COAX, t. v. Susumeru, nadameru, omo- COLLEAGUE, n. D6-yaku. neru. COLLECT, t. v. Atsumeru, yoseru, tsuCOBBLE-STONE, n. Gorota. doyeru, tameru, tori-tateru. (i. v.) COBBLE, t. V. Kutsu wo naosu. Atsumaru. COBBLER, n. Kttsu naoshi. COLLECTED, a. Ochi-tsuite iru, heiki de COBWEB, n. Kumo no su. iru, shidzuka naru. Coccyx, n. Bitei-kotsu, kame no o. COLLEGE, n. Gakumon-jo, gakko. COCHIN-CHINA, n. Annan. COLLIDE, i. v. Tsuki-ataru. COCK, n. Ondori. - of a gun, hajiki- COLLIER, n. Sekitan wo ana kara horigane. To- agun,hajikigane wo oko- dasu hito. su. A hay-, ina-mura. To fight -, COLLISION, n. Tsuki-ataru koto. ke-awaseru. COLLOCATE, t. v. Narande oku. COCK-CROWING, n. Kei-mei. COLLOQUIAL, a. - languagee, zoku-go, COCK-FIGHTING, n. Tori no ke-ai, to-kei. hei-wa. COCKROACH, n. Abura-mushi. COLLUDE, t. v. Nare-au. COCK'S-COMB, n. Kei-to. COLLUSION, n. Nare-ai. COCOA-NUT, n. Yashi. COLLYRIUM, n. Me-gusuri. COCOON, n. Mai, ken. COLON, n. Dai-cho. COD, n. Tara. COLONIZE, t. v. Hito wo uyeru. CODE, n. Horitsu-sho. COLOR, n. Iro, shiki; hata-jirushi. CO-EQUAL, a. Onajiki, hitoshii. COLOR, t. v. Irodoru, iro wo tsukeru, COERCE, t. v. Shiiru, muri ni saseru, saishiki suru, someru. (i. v.) Sekimen muri ni oshi-tsukeru, iyagaru koto wo suru. ii-tsukete saseru. COLORLESS, a. Mu-shiki, iro nashi. COERCION, n. Iyagaru koto wo nashi COLT, n. Korna, uma no ko. okonawaseru koto, muri-oshi. COLUMN, n. Hashira. - of figures, COEVAL, a. Do jidai no, onai-doshi. kudari, narabi. - of troops, tai, te. COFFEE, n. Kohi. COMB, n. Kushi; hachi no su. - of a COFFER, n. Hako. cock, tosaka. (t. v.) Toku, kushiCOFFIN, n. Kuwan, hitsugi. kedzuru. CoG, n. Zemmai kuruma no ha. COMBAT, n. Uchi-ai, tatakai, shi-ai. (t.v.) COGENT, a. Tsuyoi. Tatakau, uchi-au, shiai wo suru. COGITATE, i. v. Kangayeru, omoi-megu- COMBATANT, n. Tachi-ai, tatakai nin. rasu. COMBINATION, n. Tot6, chogo, au koto, COGITATION, n. Kangaye. - gas-suru koto. COGNIZANCE, n. Kokoroye, shiru koto; COMBINE, t. v. Awase-u, ch6og suru, sabaki, shi-hai. kuwa-suru, gassuru, shikumu. COGNOMEN, n. Miy6ji, sei. COMBUSTIBLE, a. Moyoru. - mnattr, COG-WIIEEL, n. Ha-guruma. moye-kusa. COHABIT, i. v. D6klyo suru, kogo suru, COMBUSTION, n. Moyeru koto. majiwaru. COME, i. v. Kuru, kitaru, chaku suru, COHERE, i. v. Hit-tsuku, kut-tsuku, oide, mairu, torai suru, tcchaku suru. tsudzuki ote iru. - back, kayeiu. - down, kudaru, COHESION, n. Hit-tsuki, kut-tsuki. oriru. - up, noboru, agaru, hayeru. COIL, t. v. Waganeru, maku, tomura- - in, hairu, iru, agaru. - near, chimaku. kayoru, yoru. - on, iza, ide, susumu, COIL, n. Wagane, maki. gosan nare. - over, koyeru, wataru. COIN, n. Tsuiy-kin, kuwa-hei, takara, - across, koyeru, wataru. - together, kane, kinsu. atsumaru, yoru. - tolass, hatasu, au. COIN, t. v. Kuwa-hei wo iru. -- uf with, oi-tsuku. - at, oyobu; COINCIDE, i. v. Kanau, tekit6 suru, todoku. - after, ato kara kuru, tori 6dzuru, au. ni kuru, okureru. How much does it COINCIDENCE, n. Kanau koto, tekit6. cone to? nedan wa ikura; awasete ikuCOLD, a. Samui, kiyetaru, hiyakoi, tsu- ra, dono kurai. -to one's self, sh6 ga mitai, kanjiru, kan; utoi. tsuku, iki-kayeru, ki ga tsuku, sho-ki COLD, n. Kanki, samusa, reiki. To take ni naru. -to hand, te ni todoku, niu-, kaze wo hiku. shu shita, uketoru. Cause to -, kiCoLIC, n. Hara-itami, fuku-tsu. tasu. - again, mata kuru, mata oide, COLLAR, n. Yeri. futatabi kitaru. - away, saru, hanareCOLLAR-BONE, n. Sakotsu. ru, noku. - by, motte iru, shoji suri. COM 36 COM - home, iye iii kayeru, kokoro ni tes- COMMIT, t. v. Makaseru, adzukeru, yusuru. - into, shochi suru, shitagau. daneru. - sin, tsumi wo okasii. -to -in for, motomeru. - of, deru, oko- prison, roya ni ireru. - treason, muru. - out wit/z, dasu. - s/ort, fuso- hon wo okosu. - murder, hito wo kii suru, oyobanu, taranu. - ul to, korosu. - to memory, sorandzuru. - oyobu, agaru. - uzon, au, ataru. - theft, nusumu. - adultery, mitsu sudown wit/h, harau. How arc you cori- ru. igz on? do shite oide nasaru ka. COMMITTEE, n. So-dai. COMEDIAN, n. Doke-yakusha. COIMMIX t. v. Mazeru. (i. v.) Majiru. CoMEDY, n. Doke kiyogen. COMMODIOUS, a. Tsugo yoi, ben-ri yoi. COMELY, a. Utsukushiki, kirei na. COMMODITY, n. Sho-shiki, shiro-mono, COMET, n. Hoki-boshi, kei-sei. shina-mono. COMIFORT, t. v. Nagusameru, anshin COMMON, n. Tsfirei no, tsune no, heizei saseru. no, fudan no, heijitsu no, nami, ariCOMFORT, n. An-shin, nagusami, an-on. fureru, itsumo no. -p eoile, hei-min. COMFORTABLE, a. Soo na, jiyu na, ko- -person, hei-nin. - colloquial, tsfrei koro-yoki. no kotoba. In -, moyai ni. COMFORTER, n. Nagusameru hito. COMMONALTY, n. Hei-min, shimo-jimo, COMFORTLESS, a. Fujiyf na, anshin shita-jita, tami. naradzu. COMMONLY, adv. Tsune ni, fudan ni, COMICAL, a. DOke-taru, okashii, kokkei heizei ni. na. COMMONWEALTH, n. Seiji. COMITY, n. Shitashimi. COMMOTION, n. S6d6, sawagi, ran. COMMAND, n. li-tsuke, geji, sashidzu, COMMUNE, i. v. Hanashi-au. mei, shihai. COMMUNICATE, t. v. Atayeru, sadzukeru, COMMAND, t. V. Ii-tsukeru, meidzuru, tamau, shimesu, kikaseru, hanasu. (i.t.) hikiiru, shihai suru, ukeru. Tsiddzuru, majiwaru, tsfishin suru. COMMANDANT, n. Todori. COMMUNICATION, n. Tsiuji, kayoi, tsuCOMMANDER, n. Tai-shb. datsu, tsiur, -rai; tayori, otodzure, inCOMMANDMENT, n. Imashime. The five shin; majiwari, tsushin. -, gokai. Ten -, jikkai. To break COMMUNION, n. Tsuki-ai, majiwari. -, ha-kai suru. COMMUNITY, n. Nakama, hito tokoro ni COMMEMORATE, t. Z. Iwau, shuku suru. sunde iru hitobito. -of goods, moyai COMMENCE, t. V. Hajimeru, okosu. (i.v.) ni shinsho wo motsu. Hajimaru. COMMUTATION, n. Tori-kaye, kawari, tsuCOMMENCEMENT, n. Hajime, hajimari, gunai. hottan, shote. saisho, okori. COMMUTE, t. v. Tori-kayeru, tsugunau, COMMEND, t. V. Makaseru, homeru, tori- kawari ni suru. motsu, susumeru. COMPACT, n. Yakusoku, yakujo. COMMENDABLE, n. Homeru beki. COMPACT, a. Katai. COMMENDATION, n. Homare. COMPACT, t. v. Katameru, katamaru. CO.MMENSURATE, a. Tekito naru, kanau. COMPANION, n. Tomodachi, hobai, hoiu, COMMENTARY, n. Chiu-kai, chiu-shaku. tsure. COMMENTATOR, n. Chiu-kai suru hito. COMPANY, n. Nakama, sha-chiu, kuwaiCOMMIERCE. n. Koyeki, akinai, boyeki, sha, kumi, renchiu. - of soldiers, heimajiwari. tai. Mercantile -, sh6-sha. Take in COMMERCIAL, a. Akinai no, koyeki no, -, izanau, sasou, tsureru, tomonau. sh6. Keep -, tsuki-au, majiwaru. COMMIINUTE, t. v. Ko ni suru, saimatsu COMPARABLE, a. Kurabu beki. Not -, ni kudaku. narabi nashi, mu-rui, hirui-nashi, kuraCOMMISERATE, t. v. Awaremu, fubin ni be-nashi. omou, kinodoku ni omou. COMPARATIVELY, adv. Kurabete. COMMIISERATION, n. Awaremi, fubin. COMPARE, t. v. Kuraberu, takuraberu, COMMISSARY, n. Hiyoro kata. hikaku suru; tatoyeru, nazorayeru. CoMMISSIoN, n. Menkiyo-jo, meirei-ga- COMPARISON, n. Kurabe. ki, kUsen, mokudai. - ofcrite, tsumi COMPARTnMENT, n. Shikiri. wo okasu koto. COMPASS, n. Sakai, kagiri, mawari. CORIMISSIONER, n. Moku-dai, shi-setsu. Manriner's -, jishaku. - of cistoms, so-zei no kami. COMPASS, t. v. Mawaru, kakomu, shiCOMMISSION-MERCHANT, n. K6sen mise. togeri, ukeru, kuwadateru. COMMISSURE, n. Awase-me. COMPASSES, n. Bummawashi. COM 37 CON COMPASSION, n. Awaremi, fubin, jihi, ita- ochi-tsukeru; koshirayeru. What is wari. this ink cominosed of? kono sumi wa COMPASSIONATE, a. Jihi-bukai, fubin nani de koshirayetaru ka. naru. COMPOSED, f. a. Ochi-tsuku, heiki de iru. COMIPASSIONATE, t. v. Awaremu, fubin ni COMPOSER, n. Saku-sha. - of music, omou, itawashigaru. fushidzuke. COMPATIBLE, a. Kanau, au. COMPOSITION, n. Bun-sh6, tsudzuri; tsuCOMPEER, n. Do-hai. kuri-kata, koshiraye-kata. COMPEL, t. v. Shiiru, ii-tsukete saseru, COMPOST, n. Koyashi, haguchi-goye. osu, meidzuru, muri ni suru. COMPOSURE, n. Hei-ki naru koto, ochiCOMPENDIOUS, a. Riyaku shita. tsuki, an-shin. COMPENDIUM, n. Riyaku-setsu. COMPOUND, t. V. Maze-awaseru. - medCOMPENSATE, t. v. Muku, hodzuru, ka- icines, ch6go suru. - a debt, shakkin yesu, tsugunau, oginau. wo nai-sai suru. COMPENSATION, n. Mukui, tsugunai, ogi- COMPOUND, a. Mazaru, zatsu-g6 naru. nai. COMPREHEND, t. v. Wakaru, satoru, yeCOMPETE, t. v. Kisou, arasou, seru. toku suru, gaten suru, kokoro-yeru; COMPETENCY, n. Tariru koto, fusoku fukumu, komoru, obiru. naki koto,jubun. COMPREHENSIBLE, a. Wakerareru, satoCOMPETENT, a. Jubun naru; kanau, ki rareru. suru. COMPREHENSION. n. Wakimaye, gaten, COMPETITION, n. Kisoi, arasoi, seri-ai. satori, kokoroye. COMPETITOR, n. Kisou hito, seri-au hito, COMPREHENSIVE, n. Hiroi. aite. COMPRESS, i. v. Osu, shimeru, osayeru, COMPILE, t. v. Hen-shf suru, saku suru, oshi-tsukeru, oshi-shimeru, oshi-chijich6jutsu suru. meru. COMPLACENCE, n. Kokoro-yoku, tano- COMPRESS, n. Ate-momen. shimi. COMPRESSIBLE, a. Oshi-chijimerareru. COMPLAIN, t. V. Uttayeru, so-sh6 suru; COMPRISE, t. V. Komoru, fukumu, obishu-so suru; nakigoto wo iu, nageku, ru. fusoku wo iu. To comnplain of pain, COMPROMISE, t. v. Naka-naori wo suru, itami aru to iu. naisai suru. - one's reputation, hiyoCOMPLAINANT, n. Uttaye-kata. ban ni kakawaru. COMPLAINT, n. Nageki, nakigoto, uttaye, COMPULSION, n. Muri ni saseru koto, biy6ki, yamai. /ritten -, sojo. anagachi ni saseru koto. COMPLAISANCE, n. Teinei. COMPUNCTION, n. Kuyami, kokuwai, zanCOMPLAISANT, a. Teinei na. nen. COMPLEMENT, n. Tashi-maye, tashi. COMPUTATION, n. Kazoye, hakari, tsuCOMPLETE, t. V. Joju suru, deki-agaru, mori. shi-ageru, togeru, shi-togeru, owaru. COMPUTE, t. v. Kazoyerun hakaru, tsuCOMPLETE, a. Jubun naru, mattaki, moru, kanjO sura. manzoku na; owaru, totonou, sona- COMRADE, n. Tomodachi, hobai, aite. waru. CON, t. v. Sarayeru, yomu. COMPLETELY, adv. Mattaku, jbun ni. CONCAVE, n. Kubomu, kuboi, nakabiku. COMPLETION, n. Shi-togeru koto, j6jfu CONCEAL, t. v. Kakusu. suru koto. CONCEALED, f. a. Kakureru, shinobu, COMPLEX, a. Iri-kundaru. hisomu. COMPLEXION, n. Gan-shoku, kao-iro. CONCEALMENT, n. Kakushi, kage. WithCOMPLIANCE, n. Sh6chi, shitagai, nattoku.' out -, fukuz6naku, kakusadzu ni, akaCOMPLICATE, t. v. Iri-kumaseru, sashi- rasama ni. motsureru, konzatsu suru. CONCEDE, t. v. Sh6chi suru, yudzuru, COMPLICATION, n. Sashi-motsure, iri- makoto to suru. kundaru koto, konzatsu. CONCEIT, n. Omoi-tsuki, kufu; jiman, COMPLICITY, n. Dorui no koto. unubore. Out of — of, aki ga deru. COMPLIMENT, n. Iwai, shugi. To send CONCEITED, a. Namagiki na, unuboreru, -, yoroshiku m6shi soro. (t. v.) Ho- shikatsuberashii. meru. CONCEIVABLE, a. Hakarareru, omoi-tsuCOMPLY, t. v. Shitagau, nabikeru, kanau, kareru. makaseru.. CONCEIVE, i. v. Haramu, kuwai-nin suru, COMPORT, t. V. Kanau, au, soo suru. nin-shin suru; hakuru, omoi-tsuku. COMPOSE, t. v. Tsudzuru, shidzumeru, CONCENTRATE, t. v. Yose-atsumeru. CON 38 CON CONCEPTION, n. Harami. kuwai-nin nin- CONDOLE, t. v. Kuyami wo iu. shin; omoi-tsuki, riyoken. CONDUCE, t. v. Tame ni suru. - to CONCERN, t. v. Kakawaru, tonjaku suru, health, yojo no tame ni suru. anjiru, kamau, tsuku. CONDUCIVE, a. T: me ni naru. CONCERN, n. Kidzukai, kokorodzukai, CONDUCT, n. Okonai, giyogi, furumai, anji, kuwan-kei, dai-ji; sha-chiu. A shogiy; tori-atsukai, tori-okonai. matter that does not concern one, yoso- CONDUCT, i.?. Michi-biku, annai suru, koto, kuwankei senu koto. tsureru; tori-atsukau, tori-okonau; shiCONCERNING, Pre. Ni tsuite, ni oite. hai suru. CONCERT, t. v. Kuwadateru, hakaru, s6- CONDUCTOR, n. Annai-ja, kimo-iri, toridan shite sadameru. atsukai-nin. CONCERT, n. To do in -, sorote suru, CONFABULATION, n. Hanashi-ai. itchi ni suru. CONFECTION, n. Neriyaku. CONCESSION, n. Yurusu koto, yurushi. CONFECTIONER, n. Kuwashi-ya. CONCH, n. Horagai. CONFECTIONERY, n. Satodzuke, kuwashi. CONCHOLOGY, n. Kai no gaku-mon. CONFEDERACY, n. Tot6, yaku-soku shite CONCILIATE, t. v. Nadameru, kigen wo iru koto, kei-yaku shite itchi ni naru toru. koto. CONCILIATION, n; Waboku. CONFER, t. v. Okuru, sadzukeru, ataCONCISE, a. Mijikai,-kanriyaku naru. yeru. CONCISELY, adv. Riyaku shite, mijikaku. CONFER, i. v. Sodan suru, hiyogi suru. CONCLUDE, t. v. Owaru, shimau; oshi- CONFERENCE, n. Dampan, osetsu, kakehakaru, sadameru, ketsujo suru. ai, s6dan, taidan; hanashi-ai. CONCLUSION, n. Owari, shimai, hate, sa- CONFESS, t. v. Hakujo suru, sange suru, dame, ketsujo. akasu. CONCLUSIVE, n. Ketsu-j5 no. CONFESSION, n. Hakujo, sange. CONCOCT, /. v. Takumu, kuwadateru, CONFESSIONAL, n. Tenshukiyo no monto kuffT suru, mokeru, takuramu, konare- ga kiyoshi ni tsumi wo sange suru toru; koshirayeru. koro. CONCOMITANTS, n. Tsuki-mono, soye- CONFESSOR, n. Iesu no oshiye ni shitamono. gau to kotaye akasu mono. TenshuCONCORD, n. Shitashimi, mutsumajii ko- kiyo no tsumi wo sange suru wo kiku to, sorou koto. kiyoshi. CONCORDANT, n. Teki-to naru, kanau, CONFIDE, i. v. Shinko suru, shindzuru, sotO naru. tanomu, makaseru. CONCORDAT, n. Joyaku. CONFIDE, t. v. Adzukeru, yoru, makaseCONCOURSE, n. Kunju, atsumari, mura- ru, yudaneru. gari. CONFIDENCE, n. Shinko, shindzuru koto, CONCRETION, n. Katamari. shinyo; shimpuku, tanomi. CONCUBINE, n. MAekake, sho, tekake. CONFIDENT, a. Kesshite iru, kiwamatte CONCUPISCENCE, Z. Musabori, in-yoku. iru; dait:n naru. CONCUR, i. v. Shochi suru, doi suru, fugo CONFIDENTIAL, a. Shimpuku no. suru, do-shin suru. CONFIDENTLY, adv. Kesshite, kiwamete, CONCURRENCE, n. Doi, fugo, shochi. ketsujo shite. CONCUSSION, n. Hibiki. CONFIGURATION, n. Katachi, sugata. CONDEMN, t. v. Togameru, tsumi wo sa- CONFINE, n. Sakai, kagiri. dameru, saiban wo ii-watasu. - to CONFINE, t. v. Kiwameru, komoraseru1 death, shi-zai ni sadameru. - to hard kagiru. To beconfined, san suru, uchi labor, tozai ni sadameru. ni komoru, hikikomotte oru. CONDEMNATION, n. Tsumi ni sadameru CONFINEMENT, n. Komoru koto, hikikoto. komoru koto. CONDENSE, t. v. Katameru, kataku suru, CONFIRM, t. v. Sadameru, kimeru, katachiiimeru. meru, ketsujo suru. CONDESCEND, t. v. Herikudaru, kenson CONFIRMATION, a. Sadameru koto, shosuru. ko. CONDITION, n. Y6su, yodai; arisama, CONFISCATE, t. v. Tori-ageru, mosshu mibun; kajo, kado. Ufion this -, suru, kessho suru. kono gi ni tsuite, kono koto ni yotte. CONFISCATION, n. Tori-age, mosshu, - ofsale, seri-uri no kisoku. kessho. CONDITIONALLY, adv. Ni motodzuite, ni CONFLAGRATION, n. Kuwaji, shukkuwa. yotte, ni shitagatte. CONFLICT, n. Uchi-ai, tatakai, sens6. CON 39 CON CONFLICT, t. V. Uchi-au, tatakau, sens6 CONJURE, i. V. Chikawaseru, koi-negau, suru, giyaku suru. mah6 wo tsukau. CONFLUENCE, n. Ochi-ai. CONJUROR, n. Maho-tsukai, shina-damaCONFORM, t. v. Shitagau, kanau. tsukai. CONFORMATION, n. Shitagau koto, kanau CONNECT, t. v. Tsugu, awaseru, tsudzukoto; katachi. keru, tsunagu, soyeru. (i. v.) TsuCONFORMITY, n. Kanau koto, shitagau dzuku. koto. CONNECTION, n. Tsudzuki, tsugi, yen, CONFOUND, t. v. Mayowaseru, magira- chinami, shinrui, aidagara, shushi. wasu, midasu. CONNIVE, i. v. Minu furi wo suru, miCONFRONT, t. Z. Mukau, tai suru. nogasu, shiranu furi wo suru. CONFUCIUS, n. Koshi. CONNOISSEUR, n. Mekiki, kantei-sha. CONFUCIANISM, n. Judo, jugaku. CONNUBIAL, a. Fffu no. CONFUCIANIST, n. Jusha. CONQUER, t. v. Katsu, shori wo suru, naCONFUSE, t. V. Midasu, mayowaseru, bikaseru, tatakai de toru. konzatsu saseru; midareru, hechi wo CONQUEROR, n. Kattaru hito. makuru, mayou; urotayeru. CONQUEST, n. Tatakai de torn koto, CONFUSION, n. Konzatsu, midare, ran, yari-saki de torn koto; shori, katsu urotaye, robai, mayoi. koto. CONFUTE, t. v. Heiko saseru, ii-tsumeru, CONSANGUINITY, a. Onaji chisuji, d6sei, ii-komeru. kett6. CONGEAL, t. v. Katameru. (i. v.) Kata- CONSCIENCE, n. Hon-shin, kokoro. maru, koru, giyoketsu suru. CONSCIENTIOUS, a. Dori ni shitagatte CONGENIAL, a, Kokoro ni kanau, an. okonau, tadashiki. CONGENITAL, a. Umare nagara no. - CONSCIOUS, a. Oboyeru, satoru. sysh/ilis, taidoku. — disease, senten- CONSCIOUSNESS, n. Chikaku, oboye, sadoku. tori. CONGESTION, n. Chi no ichi bu-bun ni CONSECRATE, t. v. Kami ni tsukaye-tatekodzumu koto. - of head, nobose, matsuru ni sonaye m6keru. giyakuj6. CONSECUTIVE, a. Tsudzuku, ren. CONGLOMERATION, n. Midari ni atsu- CONSECUTIVELY, adv. Tsudzuite, remmatte iru koto. men to shite, tsugi-tsugi ni. CONGLUTINATION, n. Hebari-tsuite iru CONSENT, t. v. Shochi suru, yurusu, tokoto, nenchaku. kushin suru; nattoku suru, itchi suru, CONGRATULATE, t. v. Iwai wo iu, shuku doi suru. suru, shugi wo iu, omedetO. CONSENT, n. Shochi, tokushin; itchi, CONGRATULATION, n. Iwai, shfgi. doi. CONGREGATE, t. v. Atsumeru, yoseru. CONSEQUENCE, n. Yuye. In -, yuye ni, (z. v.) Atsumaru, yoru, shu-kuwai su- ni yotte, ni tsuite. Of-, tai-setsu. ru, kuwai-g6 suru. CONSEQUENT, a. Ni yottaru, ni tsuitaru. CONGREGATION, n. Shu-kuwai, kuwai-go, CONSEQUENTIAL, a. Taka-buru, ji-man kuwai, atsumaru koto. suru, shisairashii. CONGRESS, n. Gi-in, shf-gi-in. CONSERVATION, n. Mamoru koto. CONGRUITY, n. Tekito naru koto. CONSERVATIVE, n. Injun naru hito. CONGRUOUS, a. Kana:, an, tekito naru, CONSERVE, t. v. Mamoru, tamotsu, sata sotO naru. ni tsukete tamotascru. CONJECTURE, t. v. Suiriyo suru, suisatsu CONSERVE, n. Neriyaku. suru, tsumoru, oshi-hakaru; also by the CONSIDER, t. v. Kangayeru, omompakadubitatizve suffixes dar6, de aro. ru, omou, omoi-megurasu, oshi-hakaru, CONJOIN, t. v. Awaseru. kamben suru. CONJUGAL, a. Fufu no. - relation, yen- CONSIDERABLE, a. Yohodo no, dzuibun gumi, fufu no chinami. no. CONJUGATE, t. v. Hatarakasu. CONSIDERABLY, adv. Yohodo, dzuibun. CONJUGATION, n. Hataraki, kuwatsu-yO. CONSIDERATE, a. Tsutsushimi no aru, CONJUNCTION, n. (gram.) Setsu-zoku- omoiyari no aru. shi. CONSIDERATION, n. Kangaye, omompaCONJUNCTIVA, n. Ketsu-maku. kari; omoi-yari, kamben; tsutsushimi, CONJUNCTURE, n. Ori-fushi, ori-kara, to- tsutsushinde moshi ageru koto. In - ki, tokoro. of, ni yotte, ni tsuite, aida. CONJURATION, n. Ju-mon, majinai; chi- CONSIGN, t. v. Adzukeru, takusu. kai; koi-negai. CONSIGNEE, n. Adzukari nin. CON 40 CON CONSIGNOR, n. Adzuke nin. CONSULATE, n. Riyoji-kuwan. CONSIGNMENT, n. Adzukari ni-motsu, CONSULT, t. V. S6dan suru, dampan suru, adzukeru koto. sensaku suru, kake-au, kayeri-miru. CONSIST, i. v. Kanau; aru. To - of, CONSULTATION, n. Sodan, dampan, kakoshirayeru. ke-ai. CONSISTENCE, n. Katasa, k6sa. CONSUME, t. v. Tsuiyasu. tsukusu, takiCONSISTENT, a. Katai; kanau, ni-awa- tsukusu, tsukai-hatasu, naku suru. shii, s6o shite iru. (i. v.) Tsukiru, tsuiyeru, naku naru. CONSOLATION, n. Nagusame, anshin. CONSUMMATE, t. v. J6-ju suru, shi-togeCONSOLE, t. v. Nagusameru. ru, kiwameru. CONSOLIDATE, t. v. Katameru, kataku CONSUMMATE, a. Shigoku na, itatte no. suru; awaseru, gassuru. (i. v.) Kata- CONSUMPTION, n. Tsuki-hatasu koto, maru. tsuiye, taki-tsukusu koto. - of the CONSONANT, a. Kanau, au. luzgs, rosh6, rogai. CONSONANT, n. Shi-in, ko ji. CONSUMPTIVE, a. Rosh6 nite yande iru. CONSORT, n. Tsure-ai, tsuma. CONTACT, n. Tsuite oru koto. Place in CONSORT, t. vZ. Tsure-au, tsuki-au. -, tsukete oku, tsukeru. To be in -, CONSPICUOUS, a. Hiidetaru, me ni tatsu, tsuite oru. medattaru, nukindetaru. CONTAGION, n. Den-sen, yamai no utsuCONSPICUOUSLY, adv. Hiidete, medatte, ru koto; yaku-biyo, yeki. nukindete. CONTAGIOUS, a. Utsuru, den-sen suru. CONSPIRACY. n. Tot6, ichi-mi, mei-yaku - disease, densem-biyo. shite kuwadateru koto. CONTAIN, t. v. Hairu, iru, fukumu, noseCONSPIRE, t. v. Meiyaku shite kuwada- ru. teru, nareau, toto suru, ichi mi suru. CONTAMINATE, t. v. Kegasu, yogosu, fuCONSPIRATOR, n. Toto-nin. jo ni suru. CONSTABLE, n. Meshi-tori yakunin. CONTEMN, t. v. Iyashimeru, karondzuru, CONSTANCY, n. Kesshin, kengo naru ko- anadoru, mi-sageru, sageshimu, naigakoro. shiro ni omou. CoNsrANT, a. Kengo naru, kawarazaru. CONTEMPLATE, t. v. Kangamiru, tsuraCONSTELLAI ION, n. Shuku. The 28-, tsura nagameru; kangayeru, kayerinijiu-has-shuku. miru. CONSTERNATION, n. Giyoten, akireru ko- CONTEMIPORANEOUS, a. Onaji toki no, to, bikkuri. do-ji no. CONSTIPATE, t. v. Kessuru, tsumaru. CONTEMPORARY, a. Onaji toki no CONSTIPATION, n. Hiketsu, bempei. CONTEMPT, n. Karondzuru koto, iyashiCONSTITUTE, t. v. Tateru, sadameru; merareru koto, iyashimi. meidzuru, nindzuru; nasu, kumi-tateru. CONTEMPTIBLE, a. Iyashiki, hiretsu na. CONSTITUTION, n. Sei-shitsu, kumi-tate, CONTEnIPTUOUS, a. Koman naru, sagejin-tai, sho-ai; sei-tai, sei-ji; horitsu, shimi-taru furi naru. okite. CONTEND, t. v. Kisou, arasou, hagemiCONSTITUTIONAL, a. Umare-tsuki na, ko- au, tatakau, kenkuwa suru; giron suru. ku-ho ni shitagau. CONTENT, t. V. Manzoku saseru, nadaCONSTRAIN, t. v. Shiiru, osu, muri ni su- meru, akirameru, yasundzuru. ru, shikata nashini suru, yoginakusuru. CONTENTED,. a. Chisoku naru, yasunCONSTRAINT, n. Oshi-komeru koto, oshi- jite iru, kototaru to omou, anshin shite komerareru koto. By-, muri-ni, shiite, iru. oshite, yoginaku, yamu koto yedzu ni. CONTENTION, n. Kenkuwa, koron, soron, CONSTRICT, t. v. Chijimeru, shimeru, arasoi, giron, isakai; seri-ai, tori-ai, shurensuru. (i. v.) Chijimaru. monchaku. CONSTRINGE, t. v. Shuren suru, chiji- CONTENTIOUS, a. Arasoitagaru, kenkuwa meru. dzuki no, giron-dzuki na. CONSTRUCT. t. v. Tsukuru, koshirayeru, CONTENTMENT, n. Anshin, chisoku. tateru; mokeru, zoyei suru. CONTEST, t. v. Giron suru, rondzuru, CONSTRUCTION, n. Koshirayeru koto, ta- arasou, kisou, seri-au, momi-au. teru koto; tate-kata, tsukuri-kata, sei- CONTEST, n. Kenkuwa, s6ron, arasoi, saku; bunshO. giron. CONSTRUE, t. v. Honyaku suru, naosu; CONTIGUOUS, a. Tsugi no, tsudzuite oru. toki-akasnL CONTINENT, n. Tai-shu. CONSUL, n. Riyo-ji. - general, s6-ri- CONTINGENCY, n. Hakarazaru koto, fuji yoji. Vice -, fuku-riy6ji. no koto, rinji. CON 41 CON CONTINGENT, a. Omoi-gake nai, rinji no, CONTROL, t. v. Shihai suru, osameru, fuji no. tori-shimeru; hikayeru; kindzuru. CONTINUAL, a. Tayema naki, fudan naru, CONTROL, n. Shihai, tori-shimari, osame, toshite aru, yamezaru. hikaye. CONTINUALLY, adv. Tayema-naku, to- CONTROVERSY, n. Giron, soron, arasoi, shite, fudan ni, tsudzuite. koron, ihai. CONTINUE, i. v. Sumu, matsu, oru, ta- CONTROVERT, t. v. Giron suru, arasou, motsu, todomaru. soron suru. CONTINUOUS, a. Tayema naki, fudan CONTUMACIOUS, a. Giyaku na, furachi naru, tsudzuite iru. na, futodoki na. CONTORT, t. vT. Nejiru. CONTUMELIOUS, a. Ohei na. CONTORTED, P. a. Nejireru. CONTUMELY, n. Iyashimeru koto. CONTOUR, n. Katachi. CONTUSE, t. v. Utsu, tsuki-kudaku. CONTRABAND, a. Kinzei no. - goods, CONTUSION, Uchi-kidzu, uchimi. kinzei no shina-mono, go hatto na mo- CONUNDRUM, n. Nazo. no. CONVALESCE, i. v. Zen-kuwai suru, CONTRACT, t. v. Chijimeru, chiisaku hombuku suru, heiyu suru, kuwafuku suru, semaku suru, mijikaku suru; suru. tsumeru, yakusoku suru. musubu; hi- CONVALESCENCE, n. Zen-kuwai. ki-ukeru, ukeau. - itch, shitsu wo CONVALESCENT, a. Zen-kuwai shite kaku. oru. CONTRACT, i. v. Chijimaru, semaku na- CONVENE, t. V. Atsumeru, matomeru, ru, mijikaku naru. -for, yakusoku yoseru; yobi-atsumeru. (i. v.) Atsusuru, hiki-ukeru, ukeau. maru. CONTRACT, n. Yakusoku, yukujo, ukeoi, CONVENIENCE, n. Benri no yoi mono, jo-yaku. Written -, jo-yaku sho. tsugo no yoi koto, chodo yoi mono. At CONTRACTIBILITY, n. Chijimerareru koto. your -, tsuide ni, go tsugo no yoi toki CONTRACTILITY, n. Chijimaru koto. ni shi nasai. CONTRACTION, n. Chijimi. CONVENIENT, a. Benri na, tsug6 no yoki, CONTRACTOR, n. Ukeoi-nin, hike-uke nin. chodo yoi. CONTRADICT, t. v. Ii-kesu, sakar6te iu. CONVENT, n. An, amadera. CONTRADICTION, n. Ii-kesu koto, sakar6te CONVENTION, n. Kuwai-gi, shfgi-in. iu koto; sakarau koto. CONVERGE, i. v. Yori-atsumaru. CONTRARIES, n. Han-tai. CONVERSANT, a. Majiwatte oru, tsukiCONTRARIETY, n. Sakarote oru koto, han- atte-oru; juku shite oru, tasshitaru. tai naru koto. CONVERSATION, n. Hanashi, danwa, maCONTRARIWISE, adv. Kayette. jiwari, okonai, giyogi. CONTRARY, a. Giyaku na, hantai no, sa- CONVERSE, i. v. Hanasu, danwa suru, karote iru, wagamama no. - wind, dandzuru. - together, hanashi-au. giyaku-fu. CONVERSELY, adv. Kayette, sakasama CONTRARY, n. Hantai, urahara. On the ni, kawarite. -, kayette. CONVERSION, n. Kawaru koto, henkuwa, CONTRAST, t. V. Hiki-kuraberu. kaishin, kokoro no aratamaru koto. CONTRAST, n. Han-tai, urahara. CONVERT, t. v. Kayeru, henkuwa saseCONTRAVENE, t. V. Sakarau, somuku, ru, kaishin saseru, aratameru. (i. v.) motoru; sashi-tsukayeru; samatageru. Kawaru, henkuwa suru, kaishin suru, CONTRAVENTION, n. Somuku koto, sama- aratamaru. tage. CONVERT, n. Kaishin shitaru hito. CONTRIBUTE, t. v. Dashi-au; ageru, jo- CONVERTIBLE, a. Kayerareru, henkuwa sei suru. - to a Bud. teipfile, kuwan- sareru. kin wo ageru. - to a miya, kishin CONVEX, a. Naka-daka, marui. suru. CONVEY, t. v. Hakobu, unso suru, okuCONTRIBUTION, n. Dashi-atra mono, jo- ru, motte-yuku, watasu. sei shitaru mono, kuwankin, kishin. CONVEYANCE, n. Un-s6, okuru koto, CONTRITE, a. Kuyamitaru, k6kuwai suru. unso suru mono. CONTRITION, n. Kuyami, k6kuwai, zan- CONVICT, t. v. Tsumi ari to sadameru, nen. tsumi ari to moshi-tsukeru. CONTRIVANCE, n. Kufi, tedate; shikake, CONVICT, n. Tsumi-bito, toga-nin, mesaiku. shiudo, zai-nin. CONTRIVE, t. v. Kuff suru, mokuromu, CONVICTION, n. Tsumi wo sadameru kotakunamu, hakaru, hatsu-mei suru. to. CON 42 COR CONVINCE t. V. Hei-k6 saseru, ii-kome- CORAL, n. Sangoju, umi-matsu. ru, ii-suKumeru. CORD, n. Himo, nawa, o. CONVIVIAL, a. - meetings, shuyen, sa- CORDAGE, n. Nawa, tsuna. kamori, kiyo-o. CORDIA, a. Shinsetsu na, nengoro na. CONVOCATION, n. Yobi-atsumeru koto, - medicine, ki-tsuke no kusuri. shugi. CORDIALITY, n. Shinsetsu. CONVOKE, t. V. Yobi-atsumeru. CORE, n. Shin, dzui. CONVOLUTED, a. Makitaru, unekuru. COREA, n. Chosen, k6rai. CONVOLVULUS, n. Asagao. CORK, n. Sen. CONVOY, n. Keigo. CORKSCREW, n. Sen-nuki. CONVULSE, t. v. Hiki-tsukeru. CORMORANT, n. U. CONVULSION, n. Kiyffiu, kei-ren, hiki- CORN, n. Go-koku. (maize), tomorotsuke. koshi. One - of wheat, mugi hito Coo, n. Hato no naki-goye. tsubu, riu. - on thefoot, tako. COOK, t. v. Taku, riyOri suru. - by CORN, t. v. Shio-dzuke ni suru. To be boiling, niru, taku, uderu, senjiru, yu- corned, sake ni yotta. deru. - by baking or roasting, yaku. CORNEA, n. Kaku-maku. - byfrying, ageru. - by broiling or CORNER, n. Kado, kaku, sumi. (t. v.) Sutoasting, aburu. mi ni oshi-tsukeru, oshi-tsumeru, oiCOOK, n. Riyori-nin. tsumeru. CooL, a, Sudzushii, tsumitai, hiyakoi, CORONATION, n. Sokui. hiyayaka na, heiki no, ochi-tsuitaru, CORONER, n. Kenshi, kantoku. utomu, utoi, habakari naki, yenriyo na- CORPORATION, n. Sha-chiu, kuwai-sha. ki. - ofthe evening, yu-sudzumi. CORPOREAL, a. Tai no, karada, u-tai. COOL, t. v. Hiyasu, samasu. (i. v.) Hi- CORPSE, n. Shigai, shikabane. yeru, sameru, utomu. CORPULENCE, n. Himan. COOLNESS, n. Hiyasa, tsumitasa. CORPULENT, a. Koye-tattaru, buta-buta COOLIE, n. Ninsoku, karuko, shigoto- to koyeru. shi. CORRECT, a. Tadashii; sei-choku na, COOP, n. Toya, ori, togura. machigai naki. COOPED, i. v. Komorite oru. CORRECT, t. v. Naosu, tadasu, aratameCOOPER, n. Oke-ya. ru; sekkan suru. CO-OPERATE, i. v. Chikara wo awaseru, CORRECTION, n. Aratame, sekkan, imatetsudau, suke wo suru. shime, naoshi. CO-ORDINATE, a. Do-kaku naru, onaji CORRECTLY, adv. Tadashiku, machigakurai no. wadzu ni. COPAIBA, n. Barsam kopaibe. CORRESPOND, i. v. Kanau, au, odzuru, CO-PARTNERSHIP, n. Shachiu, sho-sha, soto suru, tekit6 suru; tsishin suru, nakama. otodzure wo suru. COPE, i. v. Arasou, kisou, tatakau, rui CORRESPONDENCE, n. Kanau koto, tekisuru. to; otodzure, tsushin. COPIOUS, d. Baku-tai naru, taiso, taiso CORRESPONDENT, a. Tekito naru, soto na, obitadashii, 6i. naru, kanotaru. COPIOUSLY, adv. Bakutai ni, taiso ni, CORRESPONDENT, n. Tegami wo tori-yaobitadashiku, tappuri, oku. ri no hito. COPPER, n. Akagane, do. CORRIDOR, n. Roka. COPPERAS, n. Roha, riyokuban. CORROBORATE, t. v. Kimeru, tsurhabiCOPPER-PLATE, n. Do-ban, doban-dzuri. raka ni suru, hakkiri to suru. COPPERSMITH, n. Akagane-shi. CORRODE, t. v. Kusarasu, shimi-komu, COPPICE, n. Mori, yabu. herasu. COPULATE, i. v. Kogo suru, majiwaru, CORROSIVE, a. Kusarasu, shimi-komitatsurumu. ru. - sublimate, moko. COPy, n, Shita-gaki, sei-sho, utsushi; CORRUGATE, t. v. Shiwa yoseru. ammon, gesho, soko, honsho, tehon, bu. CORRUPT, t. v. Kusarasu; kegasu,waruCOPY, t. v. Utsusu, mane wo suru, ma- ku suru. (i. v.) Kusaru, kuchiru, kenabu, narau. gareru. COPY-BOOK, n. SO-shi. CORRUPT, a. Kusaretaru;yokoshima na, COPYING-PRESS, n. Kaki-mono wo utsu- aku, ja, ashiki. su kikai. CORRUPTIBLE, a. Kusareru, kuchiru. COQUET, i. v. Ai-kiyo wo tsukuru, kobi- CORRUPTION, n. Kusarashi, kusari, kuru. chiru koto, waruku naru koto. COS 43 CRA COST, n. Nedan, atai, ne, iriy6, niuyo; COURSE, n. Michi, suji; h6gaku; ho, son. shi-yo, shi-kata; narabi. (Of a meal), COST, t. v. Kakaru. To -a great deal, hiki-kaye. Of -, shizen, mochiron. yokodo kakarimashita. In -, jun-jun ni. In the - of a COSTIVE, a. Kessuru. month, hito tsuki no uchi ni. COSTLY, a. Nedan-takaki kojiki na. COURT, n. Niwa, naka-niwa; goten, chdCOSTUME, n. Ifuku, isho, kimono. tei, o-go-sho; saiban-sho. COTTAGE, n. Koya, iye. COURT, t. v. Kobiru, omoneru, kigen wo COTTON., Wata, momen, kiwata. -flan- toru. nel, mompa. - goods, momen, futo- COURTEOUS, a. Nengoro-na, aiso no aru, mono. - clothes, mempuku. - vel- shinsetsu na, teinei na. vet, membir6do, menten. -yarn, mo- COURTESAN, n. Joro, yu-jo, oiran. men-ito. -rug, mensen. -gin, ki- COURTESY, n. Shinsetsu, aiso, reigi. wata-guri. COURT-HOUSE, n. Saiban-sho. COUCH, i.. v. Neru, fuseru, kakusu, suku- COURT-YARD, n. Niwa. meru. *COUSIN, n. Itoko. Second -, futa-itoCOUCH, n. Nedai, nedoko. ko. COUGH, n. Seki. Moist —, tan-seki. COVENANT, n. Joyaku, yakujo, yakusoCOUGH, i. v. Seki wo suru, seki ga deru. ku. COUNCIL, n. Kuwaigi, shfgi-in. COVENANT, i. v. Yakujo suru. COUNSEL, n. Iken,s6dan,dampan; riy6- COVER, n. Futta; ou mono. ken. COVER, t. v. Ou, kakusu, kabuseru, osou; COUNSEL, t. V. Iken suru, imashimeru, futa suru, kabau; oyobu, tsutsumu. isameru, riyoken wo noberu. COVERLET, n. Ne-dai no uye no shikiCOUNT, t. V. Kazoyeru, kanj6 suru, omou. mono. COUNTENANCE, n. Kao, omote, tsura, COVERT, a. Hisoka naru, naisho na. kambase, men. Give - to, susumeru. COVERTLY, adv. Hisoka-ni, shinonde. To keep the-, magao wo shite iru. To COVET, t. v. Hoshigaru, hossuru. lose -, memboku wo ushinau. COVETOUS, a. Tonyoku suru, musaboru, COUNTER, adv. Run - to, somuku, sa- yoku-baru, hoshigaru, yoku-fukai. karau. COVETOUSNESS, n. Tonyoku, musabori. COUNTERACT, t. v. Naku suru, kesu. Cow, t.v. Odosu. COUNTERBALANCE, t. v. Tsuri-au. Cow, n. Me-ushi. COUNTERFEIT, t. v. Niseru, magayeru. COWARD, n. Okubiy6 nin, okure-mono. COUNTERFEIT, n. Nise-mono, nisegane, COWARDICE, n. Oku-biyo, okure, higambutsu. kiyo. COUNTERFEIT, a. Nise, sora. - insani- COW-HIDE, n. Ushi no kawa; ushi no ty, sora kichigai. kawa nite koshirayetaru muchi. To -, COUNTERMAND, t. V. Sashidzu wo shi- muchi-utsu. naosu, ii-tsuke naosu. Cow-Pox, n. Giu-to. COUNTER-MARCH, t. v. Hiki-kayeru. COWRY, n. Takara-gai. COUNTERPART, n. Ai-kata, waii-han. COXCOMB, n. Date-otoko; kei-to. COUNTERPOISE, t. v. Tsuri-au. COY, a. Hadzukashigaru. COUNTERSIGN, t. v. Uwagaki wo suru. COZEN, t. v. Damasu. COUNTERSIGN, n. Uwagaki; ai-kotoba, CRAB, n. Kani. aidzu. CRABBED, a. Zonki na, shibutoi. COUNTRIFIED, a. Hinabiru, bukotsu na. CRACK, i. 7/. Waru, hibiku. - thefinCOUNTRY, n. Kuni; tochi, inaka, zaigo, gers, yubi wo boki-boki to oru. hempi. Natize -, kokiy6, furusato. CRACKED PORCELAIN, n. Hibi-yaki, raCOUNTRYMAN, n. Inaka-mono, do-koku ku-yaki. no hito; hiyaku-sho. CRACK, n. Wari-me, hibiki. COUNTY, n. Kori, gun. CRACKERS, n. Fire —, kanshakudama. COUPLE, n. Futatsu; ni, ittsui; fifu, CRACKLE, i. v. Pachi-pachi to hibiku. tsugai. CRADLE, n. Kodomo wo nese oku dogu, COUPLE, t. v. Awaseru, haig6 suru, tsu- tsuguro. gau. CRAFT, n. Kagiy6, shoku-giy6, takumi, COURAGE, n. Yfki, goyu, isamashisa. waru-dakumi. COURAGEOUS, a. Yuki naru, isamashii, CRAFTY, n. Kokuwatsu na, waru-gashitakeki; kimo-futoi. koi. COURIER, n. Haya bikiyaku, hikiyaku, CRAG, n. Iwa. haya. CRAM, t. v. Tsumeru, oshi-komu; tabe CRA 44 CRO sugi saseru. (i. v.) Aku made kurau. CRIMINAL, n. Tsumibito, toganin, zainin, - the mouth, h6baru. meshiudo. - laws, kei-ho. CRAMP, n. Tsuri, hiki-tsuri. - in the CRIMINATE, t. v. Tsumi wo owaseru, leg, komura-gayeri. toga wo kiseru. CRANE, n. Tsuru. CRIMIP, t. v. Hida wo tsukeru. CRANIUM, n. N6-gai-kotsu. CRIMSON, n. Kurenai, beni-iro. CRANNY, n. Sukima. CRINGE, t. v. Sukumu, osore-chijimu, CRAPE, n. Chirimen. omoneru. CRATE, n. Waku. CRIPPLE, n. Katawa, izari, koshi-nuke, CRATER, n. Kuwa-zan no yake ana. fugu na mono, chimba, ashi-naye. CRAUNCH, n. Kamu. CRIPPLED,.. P. Fugu ni naru; sonjiru. CRAVAT, n. Kubi-maki. CRISIS, n. Kiu-shi-issho no toki, kiwaCRAVE, t. v. Kou, koi-negau, tanguwan doi toki, ayauki toki. suru, tanomu. CRISP, n. Moroi, chijimaru. CRAVEN, a. OkubiyO na. CRITERION, n. Tehon, jogi kisoku. GRAY-FISH, n. Yebl. CRITIC, n. Kantei sha, hi-hiy6 nin, meCRAW, n, Yebukuro. kiki. CRAWL, t. v. Hau. CRITICAL. a. Kiwadoi, kiu-shi-issh6 no, CRAZY, a. Kichigai no, ranshin naru, ayauki, shomotsu no handan wo suru, kurute oru. hi wo uchitagaru. CREAK, i. v. Kishiru, kishimu. CRITICISE, t. v. Hi wo utsu, hiyO suru. CREAM, n. Chichi no uwa-kawa. CROAK, t. v. Karasu no yo ni naku, fuCREASE, n. Ori-me. soku wo iu, wabite mono wo iu. CREATE, t. v. Shodzuru, tsukuru. CROCK, n. Kame. CREATION, n.'Tsukuru koto; kai-biya- CROCKERY, n. Yaki-mono, setomono. ku. CROCODILE, n. Wani. CREATOR, n. Z6bussha, tsukuru mono. CROOK, t. v. Mageru, kagameru, taCREATURE, n. Tsukureru mono, do- wameru. (i. v.) Magaru, kagamu, tabotsu; hito, mono. wamu, yugamu. CREDENCE, n. Shiny6. shink6. CROOK, n. Magari. CREDENTIAL, n. Shoko-gaki. CROOKED,. a. Magaritaru. CREDIBILITY, n. Shinjiraruru koto. CROP, n. Yebukuro. (Ofgrain,) saku, CREDIBLE, a. Shinjiraruru. deki. CREDIT, n. Shinyo; homare. Buy on CROP, t. v. Hasami-kiru, karu. - out, -, kake de kau, kai-gakari. Sell on -, deru, arawareru. kake de uru, kake-url. Charge to my CROSS, n. Jujika, jumonji. To take uj -, hiki-maye ni kaki-ireru. the -, kannin shite nangi wo shinpgu. CREDIT, t. v. Shink6 suru, shiny6 suru, CROSS, a. Yokotawaru; sakar6te iru; shindzuru; hiki-maye ni kaki ireru. dadakeru; jireru. CREDITOR, n. Kane no kashi nushi, CROSS, t.v. Yokotawasu, yoku ni suru; kashi-kata. sakarau, jumonji wo tsukeru. -- out, CREDULOUS, a. Yasuku shinyo suru. kesu. CREED, n. Shindzuru tokoro. CROSS, i. v. Wataru, koyeru. CREEK, n. Ko-gawa; iri-umi, iri-i. CROSS-BILL, n. Isuka. CREEP, t. v. Hau, ugomeku. AMake to CROSS-BIRTH, n. Nan-san. -, hawasu. - into, hai-komu. - out, CROSS-EXAIINE, t. a7. Toi-tsumeru, hai-deru. -ui, hai-noboru. -around, kitsu-mon suru, gO-mon suru. hai-matou, hai-mawaru. CROSS-EYED, a. Yabunirame, sugame. CREEPER, n. Tsuru. CROSS-GRAINED, a. Yugande iru. CREMATION, n. Kuwaso, dabi. CROSS-LEGGED, a. Ashi wo kunde iru. CREPITATION, n. Zeizei to naru koto. CROSS-PATCH, n. Dadakko. CREST n. Mon, tosaka: itadaki, mine. CROSS-PIECE, n. Yokogi. CRESTFALLEN, a. Memboku wo ushinau, CROSS-QUESTION, t. v. Toi-tsumeru, g6omote-buse wo suru, omo-naki. mon suru. CREVICE, n. Wareme, sukima. CROSS-ROAD, n. Yoko-michi, tsuji. CREW, n. Tomogara; nakama. - of a CROSSWISE, adv. Yoko-ni, yokosama. shiz, funako, kako. CROTCH, n. Mata. CRIB, n. Ushi no koya; kodomo no ne- CROTON-BEAN, n. Shiyen, hadzu. - oil, dai. hadzu no abura. CRICKET, n. Kiri-girisu. CROUCH, i. v. Udzukumaru, shagamu, CRIME, n. Tsumi, toga, zai. shita ni oru. CRO 45 cus CROUP, n. Bahifu. CULTIVATION, n. Tagayeshi, tsukuri, CROW, n. Karasu. shugiy6, shi-tsuke, bummei, kai-kuwa. CROW, i. v. Toki wo tsukuru. CULTURE, n. Id. CROW-BAR, n. Kanab6, kanateko. CUMBER, t. v. Hodasu, samatageru jaCROWD, n. Ozei, kunju, mure. ma suiu, sasawaru. (i. v.) Hodasareru. CROWD, i. v. Kunju suru, atsumaru, mu- CUMBERSOME, a. Jama ni naru, wadzuraragaru. - into, oshi-iru, oshi-yoseru. washii, sasawari ni naru. CROWN, n. Koku 6 no kammuri, teppen, CUMBRANCE, n. Jama, sasawari. dzuboshi, itadaki, zetch6. CUMSHAW, n. Shinjo-mono. CPOWN, t. v. Kammuri suru, soku-i suru, CUMULATE, t. v. Kasaneru, tsumu. kabuseru, joju suru. CUNNING, a. Kokuwatsu na, warugashiCRUCIBLE, n. Rutsubo. koi; riko na, kashikoki. CRUCIFIX, n. Jujika no z6. CuP, n. Wan, choku; sakadzuki. CRUCIFIXION, n. Hari-tsuke, jfjika ni Cup, t. v. Suifukube wo kakeru. uchi-tsukeru koto. CUPBOARD, n. Todana, zendana. CRUCIFY, t. v. Hari-tsuke ni kakeru, ju- CUPIDITY, n. Musaborl tonyoku. jika ni uchi-tsukeru. CUPPING-GLASS, n. Suifukube. CRUDE, a. Nama no, arai, somatsu na, CUR, n. Inu. namajiki no. CURABLE, a. Naosareru, iyasareru. CRUEL. a. Mugoi, nasake no nai, muzan CURB, t. v. Hikayeru, osayeru. naru, funinjo na, hakuj6 na, jaken na, CURB, n. Kutsuwa. Well-, ido-gawa. kakoku na, kawais6 na. CURD, n. Katamattaru chichi. CRUELTY, n. Mugoi-me, jaken, funinj6. CURDLE, i. 7. Katamaru. CRUISE, i. v. Fune nite tokai suru. CURE, n. Riyoji, naoru koto. CRUMB, n. Pan no kudzu. CURE, t. v. Naosu, iyasu, riyoji suru. CRUMBLE, t. V. Momi-kudaku, kudzusu. (i. v. Naoru, iyeru, ji-suru. -fish, (i. v.) Kudzureru. sakana wo kakou, shiwo-dzuke wo suru. CRUMPLE, t. v. Shiwa-yoseru, momu. CURIOSIrY, n. Kikitagaru koto, medzuCRUPPER, n. Shirigai. rashii mono, chimbutsu, kibutsu. CRUSH, t. v. Osu, oshi-tsukeru, oshi-tsu- CURIOUS, a. Medzurashii, kimiy6 na, busu, oshi-kudaku, assuru. kitai na; kikitagaru. CRUST, n. Uwa-kawa, kara. CURL, t. v. Nejiru, inageru (i. v.) ChiCRUSTY, a. Iji ga warui. jlreru. CRY, i. 7J. Naku, koku suru. yobu. - CURRENCY, n. Tsf-yo-kin, kuwa-hei. out, sakebu, wameku, omeku, yobawa- Paper -, cho-hei, shi-hei. To give-, ru. -up, homeru. - down, soshiru, riuk6 suru, ii-hiromeru, rufu suru. kenasu. Preparing to -, mesokaku, CURRENT, a. Tsfiy no; riuk6 no. - besokaku. -to, tanguwan suru, inoru. month, to-getsu, kon-getsu. CRY, n. Naki, sakebi. CURRENT, n. Nagare, riuko. - usage, CRYSTAL, n. Suish6. tsurei. - repfort, torisata. CRYSTALLIZE, i. v. K6ru, katamaru. CURRENTLY, adv. Tsune ni, heizei ni. CUB, n. Ko, kedamono no ko. CURRY, t. 7.. Kushi-kedzuru, kedzuru. CUBE, n. Ripp6. - favor, kobiru, tori-iru. CUBEB, n. Hihatsu. CURRY-COMB, n. Uma no kushi. CUCKOO, n. Hototogisu. CURSE, t. v. Norou, tokobu; komaraseCUCUMBER, n. Kiuri. ru. (i. v.) Nonoshiru, akk6 suru. CUD, n. Chew the -, neri-kamu. CURSE, n. Noroi, akko, tatari. CUDGEL, n. Bo, tsuye. CURSORILY, adv. Zatto, s6riyaku ni. CUE, n. Mage, motodor, tabusa. CURSORY, a. Soriyaku na. CUFF, t. v. Te de tataku. CURT, a. Mijikaki. CUFF, n. Sode-guchi. CURTAIL, t. v. Mijikaku suru, habuku, CUIRASS, n. Yoroi no d6. gendzuru, herasu. CULL, t. v. Yerabi-toru. CURTAIN, n. Maku, tobari, noren, ibaku, CULMINATE, i. v. T6ge ni itaru, sakan cho. naru. CURVE, t. v. Mageru, soru, kagameru. CULMINATION, n. Sakari, t6ge, sakan (i. v.) Magaru. naru toki. CURVE, n. Nabe dzuru nari. CULPABLE, a. Togamu beki, tsumi aru. CUSHION, n. Zabuton. CULPRIT, n. Zai-nin, toga-nin. CUSTODIAN. n. Ban suru mono, mamori. CULTIVATE, t. v. Tagayesu, tsukuru, CUSTO)D, zn. Mamoru koto, ban suru shugiy6 suru, shi-tsukeru. koto, toji-komeru koto. CUS 46 DAR CUSTOM, n. Narawashi, h6shiki, h6, fu, kara m6kete oru. - a das/, omote wo fuzoku, shi-kitari; unj6. Good run of haru. - capers, tawamureru. -short, -, akinai ga hanjo suru. yame-saseru. - up, kiri-saku; hihan CUSTOMABLE, a. Unjo no deru. wo utsu. - the acquaintance of, maCUSTOMARY, a. Tsuirei no, fudan no, jiwari wo tatsu. - the teeth, ha ga itsumo no, tsune no. hayeru. CUSTOMER, n. Tokui, kiyaku. CUT, n. Kiri-kidzu. - of a garment, CUSTOM-HOUSE, n. Unjosho. kimono no nari. Short -, chika-michi, CUT, t. v. Kiru, sogu, kizamu, tatsu, niike-michi. To draw cuts, kuji wo horu, karu. - to the quick, tessuru. hiku. - asunder, kiri-hanasu. - across, CUTICLE, n. Hiyohi. yoko ni kiru, yokogiru. - down, kiri- CUTLASS, n. Katana. taosu, kiri-otosu; herasu, gendzuru. CUTLER, n. Hamono-shi, hamono-kaji. - og, tatsu, tayasu, danzetsu suru, CUTLERY, n. Hamono. sayegiru. - out, tatsu. - oten, kiri- CUT-PURSE, n. Kinchakkiri, suri. akeru, kiri-hiraku, kiri-saku. - into, CUTTING-BLOCK, n. Kiriban. kiri-iru, kiri-komu. - each other, CUTTLEFISH, n. Ika. kiri-au. About to -, kiri-kakaru. - CYCLONE, n. Tai-fu. fine, kizamu, kiri-kudaku. - with CYLINDER, n. Tsutsu. scissors, hasami-kiru. - the wages, CYMBAL, n. Niyohachi. kiu-kin wo hiku. - and dried, maye CYNICAL, a. Rikutsu wo ii-tagaru. D DAB, t. v. Tataku. DAMSEL, n. Musume, otome, shinz5. DABSTER, n. J6dzu na hito. DANCE, i. v. Odoru, mau. (t. v.) OdoDADDY, n. O-totsan. raseru, mawasu. (n.) Odori, mai. DAGGER, n. Kuwai-ken. DANCER, n. Odori-ko, maiko. DAILY, a. Nichi-nichi no, mai-nichi no, DANDELION, n. Tampo. hi-nami no, hi-bi no. DANDER, n. Fuke. To raise one's - DAILY, adv. Nichi-nichi ni, hi-goto-ni. hara-tataseru. DAINTY, a. Oishii, bimi naru. DANDLE, t. v. Ayasu. DAINTY, n. Chim-mi, bi-mi, bi-shoku. DANDRUFF, n. Fuke. DAIRY, n. Chichi wo oku koya, niu- DANDY, n. Share-mono, hadesha. bo. DANGER, n. Kennon, ayauki, abunasa, DALE, n. Tani, sawa. abunai koto. DALLY, i. v. Asobite toki wo tsuiyasu, DANGEROUS, a. Abunai, ayaui, kennon himadoru; tawakeru. naru. DAM, t. v. Seku, seki-tomeru. DANGLE, i. v. Burari to sagaru, buraDAMAGE, n. Kidzu, son, itami, gai, so- tsuku, tsuru. konai; tsugunai kin. DAPHNE-ODORA, n. Jin-ch6ke. DAMAGE, t. v. Itameru, sondzuiu, soko- DAPPLE, a. Buchi, madara. nau, gai suru, yaburu. To be damaged, DARE, i. v. Ayete suru. (t. v.) Yobiitamu, sonjirareru, sokonawareru. - dasu. goods, sawatemono. DARING, a. Daitan naru, mukomidzu no, DAME, n. Onago. dzubutoi, futeki na, yfretsu na. Not DAMN, t. v. Tsumi aru to sadameru, -, ayedzu. tsumi su-beki mo to ii-watasu, nono- DARK, a. Kurai, kurai-yami na, akirakashirli. naranu; kakureru; ashiki. (n.) KuraDAMNABLE, a. Tsumi su-beki, jigoku no yami. - lantern, gandojochin. seme ni au beki. night, an-ya. Pitch -, makkura. DAMP, a. Shimeru, nureru. DARKEN, t. v. Kuraku suru, kurameru. DAMPEN, t. v. Shimesu, nurasu. - the DARKNESS, n. Kurayami, kurasa. ardor, kisaki wo kujiku. DARLING, a. Kawairashii, airashii, it6DAMPNESS, n. Shikki, midzuke. shii. DAR 47 DEC DARN, t. v. Nui-tsukurou. yoru no monaka. -of winter, fuyu DART, n. Te-yari, nage-yari. To throw no sanaka. a -, yari wo nageru. DEADEN, t. v. Yawarageru. DART, i. v. - out, hane-deru, tobi-deru. DEADLY, a. Shinaseru, inochi ni kakaru. (t. v.) Idasu, hassuru. DEAF, a. Tsumbo naru, kikoyenu, kikiDASH, i.. v. Nageru, utsu. - the hopes, taku-nai. - in one ear, kata-tsumbo. nozomi wo kujiku, or oru. - against, - and dumb, oshi. nage-tsukeru, uchi-tsukeru. - out, DEAFEN, t. v. Mimi wo tsubusu, tsumbo uchi-kesu, kake-dasu. - through, ha- ni suru. shiri-toru. - together, uchi-au, tsuki- DEAF-MUTE, n. Oshi. au. DEAFNESS, n. Tsumb6. DASH, n. Uchi, tsuki-ai, sashi. DEAL, t. v. Wari-tsukeru, hai-bun suru, DASTARD, n. Oku-biyo-nin. hodokosu, segiy6 suru. (i. v.) Akinau, DATE, n. Gappi, toki, koro. shobai suru; ashirau, okonau; nasu, DATE, t. v. Gappi wo kaku, hidzuke wo suru. - with, tori-atsukau, shochi suru, toki wo sadame;u. suru. DATE, n. Natsume. DEAI, n. Great -, yohodo. - wood, DATIVE, n. - case is indicated by the matsu no ita. post-los. ni, ye. DEALER, n. Akindo, sh6bai suru hito. DAUB, t. v. Nuru, nasuru. Daubed, DEAR, a. Takai, kojiki na, airashii, kadarake, mabure. wairashii. DAUGHTER, n. Musume. Eldest —, ane- DEARLY, adv. Takaku, itaku. musume. Youngest-, im6to musume. DEATH, n. Shi. Life and-, sei-shi. DAUGHTER-IN-LAW, n. Yome. DEBAR, t. v. Kindzuru, kinzei suru, koDAUNT, t. v. Osoruru. bamu. DAWN, n. Yo-ake, akebono, akatsuki. DEBARK, i. V. J6-riku suru. Before -, mi-mei. DEBASE, t. v. Waruku suru, hiki-sageru, DAWN, i. v. Yo ga akeru. kurai wo otosu. DAY, n. Nichi, hi. To -, kon-nichi, DEBATE, n. Giron, soron. (t. v.) Arakiyo. First day of the month, tsuita- sou, giron suru. chi. Last day of the month, misoka. DEBAUCH, t. v. Shu-shoku ni fukeru; First day of the year, ganjitsu. Last taburakasu; sosonokasu. day of the year, 6-misoka, o-tsumogori. DEBAUCHEE, n. H6to nin, doraku mono, Another -, ta-jitsu. Day after to- h6ratsu na mono. morrow, miy6-go-nichi, asatte. Second DEBAUCHERY, n. Shu-shoku. day after to-morrow, shi-asatte. Day DEBENTURE, n. Shakuyo-jo-mon. before yesterday, oto-toi, issakujitsu. DEBILITATE, t.. Yowaku suru, yowaDay by day, nichi-nichi, hi-bi ni. meru. What day? ikka. Day-time, hiru. DEBILIT, n. Yowaki koto,yowasa. All day, shujitsu, hime-mosu. Every DEBIT, t. v. Kake-uri no ataye wo shiother day, ichi-nichi-oki, kakujitsu. rusu. Every third day, mikka oki. Day and DEBRIS, n. Kudzu. night, chiu-ya, hlru-yoru. Whole day, DEBT, n. Oime, shakkin, shakuzai. shujitsu, himemosu. Day's;work, iri- DEBTOR, n. Shakkin-jin, shakuzai kata. shigoto, hiyo, iri. Set day, nichi-gen, DECADE, n. Jun. jojitsu, hi-giri. One day, aru hi, nochi DECALOGUE, n. Jikkai. no hi. DECAMP, i. v. Chikuten suru, kake-ochi DAY-BOOK, n. De-iri-cho, dai-fuku-ch6. wo suru, shuppon suru. DAYBREAK, n. Yo-ake, akatsuki, asabo- DECANT, t. v. Uwadzumi wo toru. rake. Before -, asa-madaki, bimei. DECANTER, n. Saka-dokuri. DAY-LAB6R, n. Hiy6, iri-shigoto, iri. DECAPITATE, t. v. Kubi wo kiru. DAY-LABORER, n. Hiyo-tori. DECAY, i. v. Otoroyeru, suibi suru; kuDAYLIGHT, n. Hiru. chiru. DAYTIME, n. Hiru. DECEASE, n. Shinuru koto, shi. (i. v.) DAZZLE, t. v. Mabushiku suru. Dazzled, Shisuru, shinuru. mabushii, mabayui. DECEIT, n. Itsuvwari; azamuki, uso, kaDEAD, a. Shinda, naku natta. - man, tari. shi-nin. - tree, kareta ki. - drunk, DECEITFUL, a. Itsuwaru. chin-sui. - ahead, mammukai. DECEIVE, t. v. Itsuwaru, azamuku, daasleef, ne-komu. masu, taburakasu, sukasu, mayowasu. DEAD, n. Shishitaru mono. -of night, DECEIVER, n. Itsuwaru hito, katari. DEC 48 DEF DECEMBER, n. fi-ni guwatsu. DEDUCIBLE, a. Oshite shiru beshi. DECENCY, n. Ri ni kanau koto; dori, DEDUCT, t. v. Hiku, nozoku. mibun so-6 na koto. DEDUCTION, i. v. Hiku koto, sui-riyo, DECENT, a. Dri ni kanau; so-o na. oshi-hakaru koto. DECEPTION, n. Itsuwari, azamuki, uso, DEED, n. Koto, shi-waza, shi-kata; k; katari; mayoi. okonai, giyojo, giy6gi, giyoseki; go; DECIDE, t. v. Sadameru, ketsujo suru, shomon, kokenjo, shosho. kessuru, ketchaku suru, ketsudan suru, DEEM, i. v. Omou, suiriyo suru. sumasu. DEEP, a. Fukai, oku no, omoi. - (in DECIDED, a. Ketsujo naru, meihaku na, color) koi. ketchaku na. DEEPEN, t. v. Fukaku suru, fukameru, DECIDEDLY, adv. Kesshite, kitto. koku suru. (i. v.) Fukaku naru. DECIMIATE, t. V. Jubu-ichi wo toru. DEEPLY, adv. Fukaku. DECIPHER, t. v. Toku, ge-suru, hon-ya- DEEPNESS, n. Fukasa, kosa. ku suru. DEER, n. Shika. DECISION, n. Ketsudan, ketsujo, sa- DEFACE, t. v. Mametsu suru, sondzuru, dame, ketchaku. sokonau. DECK, t. V. Kazaru, yosou. DEFALCATION, n. Adzukari-kin wo kasuDECK, n. Kampan. meru koto. DECLAIM, i. v. Shu-jin no maye ni DEFAME, t. V. Waruku iu, soshiru, bendzuru. zangen suru, hiho suru. DECLARATION, n. Hir6 suru koto, shira- DEFAULT, n. Ochido, ayamachi; aranu, seru koto. oranu koto. DECLARE, t. v. Arawasu, hiro suru, shi- DEFAULTER, n. Adzukari-kin wo kasumesu, akasu, shiraseru. meru hito. DECLENSION, n. Otoroyeru koto, suibl, DEFEAT, t. v. Katsu, fusegu, munashiku jitai, kotowari, katamuki. suru. Defeated, makeru. DECLINE, i. v. Otoroyeru, suibi suru, DEFECATE, t. v. Sumasu. mayou; jitai suru, kotowaru, inamu, DEFECATED, a. Sumu. ti. v.) Daiben katamuku. suru. DECLINE, n. Otoroye, suibi, katamuku DEFECT, n. Kidzu, itami, kake: fusoku, koto. taranu tokoro. DECLIVITY, n. Nadare. DEFECTION, n. Suteru koto, shirizoku DECOCTION, n. Senjiru koto, senyaku. koto. DECOMPOSE, t. v. Bunseki suru, toki- DEFECTIVE, a. Fusoku naru, fugu na, wakeru. sonawaranu, mattakaranu. DECOMPOSITION, n. Bunseki, tokeru ko- DEFEND, t. v. Mamoru, shugo suru, keito. go suru, fusegu; yokeru. DECORATE, t. v. Kazaru, yos6u. DEFENDANT, n. Uttayerareru hito, ukeDECOROUS, a. Ri ni kanau, dori ni sO-to kata, uke-mi. naru, rei-gi ni kanau. DEFENSE, n. Mamoru mono, shugo suru DECORUM, n. Reigi, mibun ni kanau ko- koto, ii-wake, kotaye. to. DEFENSIVE, a. Fusegu, bOgiyo suru. To DECOY, t. v. Obiku, sosonokasu, tsuri- stand on the -, ukemi wo suru. dasu. DEFER, t. v. Hi-nobe wo suru, noberu; DECOY-BIRD, n. Otori. kifuku suru. DECREASE, i. v. Sukunaku naru, heru, DEFERENCE, n. Ki-fuku, kei-fuku, tsugendzuru, chiisaku naru. t. v. Hera- tsushimi, shitagau koto. su, habuku, sukunaku suru. DEFICIENCY, n. Fusoku, taranu koto. DECREE, n. Okite, sadame, nori, kisoku, DEFICIENT, a. Fusoku na, taranu, sonahoritsu. waranu. DECREE, t. v. Sadameru, tateru. DEFICIT, n. Heri, meri, kareberi, kan. DECREPIT, a. Oiboretaru, rosui suru. DEFILE, n. Semaimichi. DECREPITATE, i. v. Irite pachi-pachi DEFILE, t. v. Kegasu, yogosu. (i. v.) naru. Ichi-retsu ni yuku. DECRY, t. v. Kenasu, kusasu, soshiru, DEFINE, f. 7i. Kiwarneru, sadameru, kihihan suru. meru, toki-akasu. DEDICATE, t. v. Kami ni tsukaye tate- DEFINITE, a. Kimatte oru. matsuru ni sonaye mokeru, ageru. DEFINITELY, adv. Kiwamete. DEDUCE, t. 7'. Osu,suisatsu suru, oshite DEFINITION, n. Kotoba no imi wo tokishiru, oshi-hakaru. akasu koto; imi, omomuki, mune. DEF 49 DEN DEFLECT, i. v. Soreru hadzureru. blow, utsu. -a sermon, dangi wo DEFORM, t. v. Katachi wo sondzuru, mi- suru. nikuku suru. DELIVERANCE, n. Tasuke, sukui; hanaDEFRAUD, t. v. Azamuki toru, katari shi, nobe; san suru koto. toru, kasumeru. DELIVERER, n. Tasukeru hito. DEFRAY, t. v. Harau. DELIVERY, n. Tasuke; watasu koto, DEFUNCT, a. Shinimashita. shussan, koJo. DEGENERATE, i. v. Otoroyeru, suibi DELL, n. Tani. suru. DELUDE, /. v. Azakeru, damasu, mayoDEGLUTITION, n. Nomi-komu koto. wasu, bakasu. DEGRADE, t. v. Kurai wo sageru, otosu, DELUGE, n. K6dzui, 6-midzu. (t. v.) shirizokeru, iyashiku suru. Afureru, midzu nite ou. DEGRADED, a. Shimo ni sagaritaru, iya- DELUSION, n. Mayoi, azamuki, mayoshiki. washi. DEGREE, n. Do, kurai, hodo, dan, kaku- DELUSIVE, a. Mayowashii. shiki. By degrees, dan-dan, oi-oi, shi- DELVE, t. v. Horu. dai-shidai ni. DEMAGOGUE, n. Takumite hito no ki wo DEIFY, t. v. Kami to nasu, kami ni aga- toru mono. meru. DEMAND, t. v. Kibishiku notomeru, tou. DEIGN, i. v. Kudasaru. - to hear me, - a debt, shakkin wo saisoku suru. Dekiki-tamaye, doka o kiki-kudasare. mands great care, tsutsushinde itaDEITY, n. Kami, shin. saneba naranu. DEJECT, t. v. Ki ga fusagu, utsu-utsu DEMAND, n. Kihishiku motomeru koto, suru, ki ga ochiru. saisoku, hake-kuchi, muki, muki-kuchi. DEJECTION, n. Ki-ochi. To pay a bill of exchange on demand, DELAY, t. v. Toki wo nobasu, chitai sa- kawase wo jiki-watashi ni suru. seru, himadoraseru; matsu, himado- DEMARCATION, n. Kiwa. ru, temadoru, chitai suru, todok6ru, sa- DEMEAN, t. V. Okonau, mimochi suru, sayeru, yen-nin suru, chichi suru. hige suru. DELECTABLE, a. Tanoshiki, omoshiroi. DEMEANOR, n. Okonzi, mimochi. DELEGATE, t. v. Miyodai nl yaru, kawa- DEMENTED, a. Kichigai. ri ni tsukawasu; yudaneru, nindzuru. DEMISE, t. v. Yudzuru, (n.) Hogiyo, DELEGATE, n. Mokudai, miy6dai. shinuru koto. DELIBERATE, t. v. Hiy6gi suru, kanga- DEMOCRACY, n, Kiyo-kuwa-sei-ji. yuru, shian suru, omompakaru. DEMOLISH, t. v. Uchi-kowasu. DELIBERATE, a. Tsutsushimitaru, soro- DEMON, n. Oni, akki, akuma, ma, yasha, soro to suru. godzu-medzu. DELIBERATELY, adv. Tsutsushinde, soro- DEMONIAC, n. Akki ni tsukaretaru hito. soro to. DEMONSTRATE, t. v. Ronjite akiraka ni DELIBERATION, n. Kangaye, hiyogi, tsu- suru, arawasu, toki-akasu. tsushimi. DEMONSTRATION, n. Ronjite akiraka ni DELICACY, n. Chim-butsu. suru koto, shoko, giron. DELICATE, a. Teinei na, assari-to shita, DEMORALIZE, t. v. Giy6gi wo kegasu, sappari to shita, kiyasha na; hosoi, ko- midasu, kudzusu. maka na, yowai. DEMURRAGE, n. Fune wo karite yakujo DELICIOUS, a. Oishii, kekk6 na, umai. no nichigen wo sugureba hi-wari nite DELIGHT, t. V. Yorokobasu, tanoshima- harau tokoro no bakkin. su. (i. v.) Yorokobu, tanoshimu, omo- DEMURE, a. Magao na. shirogaru. DEN, n. Ana, sokutsu, su. DELIGHT, n. Yorokobi, tanoshimi. DENIAL, n. Ina-ina, so ni aradzu to iu DELIGHTFUL, a. Kekk6 na, omoshiroi, koto. oishii. DENOMINATE, t. v. Nadzukeru, g6 su, DELINEATE, t. v. Kaku, utsusu, yegaku. shosu, DELINQUENCY, n. Ochido, toga, tsumi. DENOMINATION,n. Na, miyomoku, shishi. DELINQUENT, a. Futamawari no, shoku- DENOTE, t. V. Shimesu. bun ni okotaru. DENSE, a. Katai, shigeru, shigeki. DELIQUESCE, i. v. Shimeru, shitoru. DENSITY, n. Katasa, shigeru koto. DELIRIUM, n. Uwakoto, sengo. DENT, n. Kubomi, hegomi. DFLIVER, t. V. Tasukeru, suku, watasu, DENTRIFICE, n. Hi-migaki. hiki-watasu, yudzuru, hanasu, noberu, DENTIST, n. Ha-isha, ireba-shi, ha-nuki. tsutayeru; umu, shus-san suru. - a DENTITION, n. Ha no hayeru koto. 3 DEN 50 DES DENUDE, t. v. Hadaka ni suru, hagu, DEPURATE, t. v. Sumasu, kiyoku suru. muku. DEPUTE, t. v. Miyodai ni tateru, mokuDENY, t. v. S6 de was nai to iu, shikara- dai ni okuru; okuri-yaru dzu to iu. - one'sself, onoreni katsu, DEPUTY, n. Miybdai, mokudai, tsukai, kannin suru. dai-kuwan, shisha. DEPART, i. v. Saru, yuku, deru. - DERANGE, t. v. Midasu, konzatsu suru; from, suteru. midareru. Deranged in zind, kichiDEPARTMENT, n. Shoku-bun, kakari, gai, hakkiyo. ken. DERANGEMENT, n. Midare, konzatsu, DEPARTURE, n. Saru koto, de-tachi, ranshin, kichigai. shuttachi. DERELICTION, n. Suteru koto, hai suru DEPEND, i. v. Yoru, kakaru, tayoru, koto. makaseru, ate ni suru, tanomu, sugaru. DERIDE, t. v. Gurt suru, ch6-r6 suru, DEPENDENT, n. Kakari-udo, yakkai, isO- azakeru, warau, naburu, azawarau. ro, shokkaku. DERIVE, t. v. Tsutawari kuru; ide-kitaDEPENDENCE, n. Ate, moku-teki, tano- ru, dekite oru. moshiki mono, tayori, shink6 suru ko- DEROGATE, t. V. Sonjiru. to. DESCEND, t. v. Kudaru, oriru, sagaru, DEPENDENCY, n. Zoku suru mono, riy6- tsutayeru..ji. DESCENDANT, n. Shison. DEPENDENT, a. Taruru, sagaru; irai DESCENT, n. Kudari, otoroyeru koto, shite oru, zoku shite oru, kakaru, tsu- chisuji; saka. ite oru. DESCRIBE, t. v. Shirusu, hiku, tsugeru, DEPICT, t. v. Kaku, yegaku, noberu. kaki-noberu. DEPLETION, n. Shiraku. DESCRIPTION, n. Hanashi, noberu koto; DEPLORABLE, a. Kanashiki, itamashii, tagui, rui. nagekawashii. DESCRY, t. v. Mi-tsukeru, mi-dasu, ukaDEPLORE, t. v. Kanashimu, nageku, ita- gau. mu. DESECRATE, t. v. Mottainaku suru, keDEPONENT, n. Chikatte shoko wo tate- gasu. ru hito. DESERT, t. v. Dasso suru, kake-ochi wo DEPOPULATE, t. v. Hito wo tayasu. suru, suteru, chikuten suru, mi-suteru. DEPORT, t. v. Shima-nagashi ni suru, DESERT, n. Suna-bara, sabaku, sunappa, tsuiho suru, mimochi suru. are-chi; mukui. A bove one's -, kuwaDEPORTMENT, n. Mimochi, okonai. bun. DEPOSE, t. v. Kurai wo otosu, suberasu, DESERTER, n. Ochi-musha, dasso-nin, shikujirasu, sh6ko suru. ochi-udo. DEPOSIT, t. v. Oku, osameru, tsumu, DESERVE, t. v. Uku beki, morau beki, adzukeru. ukuru ni taru. DEPOSIT, n. Adzukari-mono; ori, kasu. DESICCATE, t. v. Kawakasu, hossu. -money, tetsuke-kin, uchi-kin. DESIGN, t. v. Kufu suru, tsumoru, takuDEPOSITION, n. Ko-sho, kuchi-gaki. mu, mokuromu, hiku, kaku. DEPOT, n. Kura. DESIGN, n. Kufiu, kuwadate, hinagata; DEPRAVE, t. v. Kegasu, otcroye saseru. riyoken, tsumori; yedzu, tehon. DEPRAVITY, n. Aku, hid6, ashlsa. DESIGNATE, t. V. Shirusu, shimesu, kiDEPRECATE, t. v. Naki y6 ni inoru, zan- meru: sho suru, go suru. nen suru. DESIRABLE, a. Negawashii. DEPRECIATE, t. v. Kenasu, hihan suru, DESIRE, t. v. Negau, nozomu, hossuru, iyashimeru. (i. v.) Yasuku naru, gera- motomeru. Also thesuffx, tai. ku suru. DESIRE, n. Negai, nozomi, guwan, guDEPREDATE, t. v. Ubai-toru, kasumeru, wan-mo, hon-guwan. nusumu. DESIROUS, a. Hoshigaru, hoshii. DEPRESS, t. v. Sageru, oshi-kudasu. - DESIST, t. v. Yameru, yosu. trade, fu-keiki ni suru, samatageru. - DESK, n. Tsukuye. the spirits, ki wo fusageru. DESOLATE, t. v. Horobiru, arasu. DEPRESSION, n. Sagaru koto, kubomi. - DESOLATE, a. Samushii, wabishii, hito of Jsirits, ki no fusagu koto. - of naki, horobitaru. trade, fu-keiki. DESPAIR, i. v. Nozomi ga tsukita. DeDEPRIVE, 1. v. Toru, tori-ageru, ubai- spaired of life, tasukaranu to omoitoru. kiwameru. - of mercy, jihi ga tsukiDEPTH, n. Fukasa. hateta to omou. DES 5 DIE DESPAIR, n. Nozomi ga tsuki-hateru ko- DETRIMENTAL, a. Gai ni naru, son ni to, nozomi ga naku-natta koto. naru, itameru, sondzuru. DESPERATE, a. Muyami na, yake ni DEVASTATE, t. v. Arasu. naru. - disease, naoranu yamai. To DEVELOP, t. v. Arawasu, akasu, toku. make a - effort, chikara no aran ka- (i. v.) Hiraku. giri wo suru. DEVIATE, i. v. Hadzureru, tori-chigayeDESPERATION, n. Shini mono gurui. ru, mayou. DESPICABLE, a. Iyashii, nikurashii, hire- DEVICE, n. Tedate, hakari-goto, kufu; tsu na. mon, shirushi. DESPISE, t. v. Iyashimeru, anadoru, ka- DEVIL, n. Akuma, oni, ma, gaki. rondzuru, sageshimu, naigashiro ni su- DEVIOUS, a. Magareru. ru. DEVISE, t. v. Kuwadateru, hakaru, kufu DESPOIL, t. v. Ubai-toru, nusumi-toru. suru, takumu, mokuromu, takuromu. DESPOND, t. v. Ki-ochi ga suru, chikara DEVOID, a. Naki, aradzu. ga ochiru. DEVOLVE, t. v. Makaseru, watasu, yudaDESPOT, n. Kimama ni matsurigoto suru neru, ki suru. (i. v.) Tsutayeru, wamono. taru, ki suru. DESPOTISM, n. Kimana no seiji. DEVOTE, t. V. Kami ni tatematsuru. DESSERT, n. Go-dan, kuwashi. to destruction, metsub6 to sadameru. DESTINATION, n. Yuku-saki, yuku-ye, Devoted to learning, gaku-mon ni me-ate. kori-katamaru. DESTINE, t. v. Tori-kimeru, sadameru. DEVOTEE, n. Shu-giy6-ja. DESTINY, n. Un, temmei, ten-un. DEVOTION, n. Shinjin, ogamu koto, shuDESTITUTE, a. Naki, madzushiki. shin, shujaku. DESTROY, t. A. Horobosu, tsubusu, ara- DEVOUR, t. v. Aserite kurau, nomi-kosu, naku suru. mu; naku suru. DESTRUCTION, n. Horoboshi, tsubushi, DEVOUT, a. Shinjin naru. - herson, metsubo. shinja. DESTRUCTIVE, a. Gai suru, sonjiru. DEVOUTLY, adv. Uya-uyashiku, shinDETACH, t.v. Hadzusu, hanasu. jitsu ni. DETAIL, t. v. Kuwashiku noberu, isai ni DEW, n. Tsuyu, ro. iu. DEXTERITY, n. Jodzu, takumi. DETAIL, n. Isai. In -, isai ni, chiku- DEXTEROUS, a. Jodzu na, takumi na, teichi ni, kuwashiku, komaka-ni, tsubu- bayaki. sa-ni. DIABETES, a. Sh6katsu-biy6. DETAIN, t. v. Todomeru, mataseru, hi- DIADEM, n. 0 taru mono no kamuri. ki-tomeru, osayeru, sashi-tomeru. To DIAGNOSIS, n. Yamaiwo mi-tateru koto. be detained, tomaru. DIAGONAL, a. Sujikai, naname. DETECT, t. v. Mi-tsukeru, mi-todokeru, DIAGRAM, n. Dzu, kata. mi-dasu, mi-arawasu. DIAL, n. Sun -, hi-dokei. DETECTIVE, n. Okappiki, ommitsu. DIALECT, n. Namari, kotoba. DETER, t. v. Osorete yameru. Deterred DIALOGUE, n. Mon-d6. from going, osorete yukanu. DIAMETER, n. Sashi-watashi. DETERIORATE, i... Otoroyeru, suibi su- DIAMOND, n. Kongo-seki. - sha5ped, ru. hishi. DETERMINATE, a. Sadametaru, ketsu-j6 DIAPER, n. Shimeshi, o-shime. shite iru. DIAPHORETIC, n. Happiyozai, hakkanDETERMINATION, n. Ketsu-jo, ketsu-dan, zai. ketchaku. - of blood to the head, no- DIAPHRAGM, n. Okaku-maku. bose, giyaku-jo. DIATHESIS, n. Sei-shitsu; sh6. DETERMINE, t. v. Sadameru, kiwameru, DICE, n. Sai. ketsu-j6 suru. DICTATE, t. V. Jogon suru, meidzuria, iiDETEST, t. v. Nikumu, kirau. tsukeru. DETESTABLE, a. Nikurashii, kirawashii, DICTION, n. Mono wo iu kata, ii-yO. iyarashii. DICTIONARY, n. Jibiki. DETHRONE, t. v. Kurai yori otosu. DIE, i. v. Shinuru, yo wo saru, nakuDETRACT, t. v. Nozoku; soshiru, hihan naru, bossuru. suru. DIET, n. Tabe-mono, shoku-ji, shokuDETRACTION, n. Soshiri, zangen, hihan, motsu, kui-mono. hiho. DIET, t. v. Doku-date wo suru, dokuDETRIMENT, n. Gai, son, itami, kidzu. yoke wo suru. DIF 52 DIS DIFFER, t. v. Chigau, kotonaru, tagau. DIMINISH, t. v. Hesu, herasu. (i. v.) - in opinion, omoi-chigau. Gendzuru, habuku, heru. - in numDIFFERENCE, n. Chigai, shabetsu, kube- ber, sukunaku suru. - in size, chiisatsu, wakachi, waidame, kejime, kenku- ku suru. wa, koron, s6ron. DIMINUTION, n. Herashi, gendzuru koto, DIFFERENT, a. Betsu no, hoka no, ta, heri. kotonaru. - place, yoso, bessho, ta- DIMINUTIVE, a. Chiisai. sho. - mind, besshin. - kinds, iro- DIMLY, adv. Bonyari, kasunde, kasukairo, machi-machi, sama-zama, shuju. - ni. affair, betsu-dan. DIMPLE, n. Yekubo. DIFFICULT, a. Mudzukashii, katai, men- DIN, n. Sawagi. do. DINE, t. v. Yuhan wo shoku suru, sh6DIFFICULTY, n. Mudzukashisa, katasa, ban suru. nan, kenkuwa. DINNER, n. Yfhan. DIFFIDENCE, n. Yenriyo, habakari, ji- DIP, t. v. Tsukeru, hitasu. - uuorout, jo. kumu, shaki, suku. DIFFUSE, t. V. ChiIasu, hiromeru. (i. v.) DIPLOMA, n. Menkiyo-jo. Chiru, hiromaru. DIPLOMACY, n. Koku ji wo tori-atsukau DIG, t. v. Horu, hojiru, ugatsu. - down, koto, shisetsu no tsutome kata. hori-kudzusu. - in, hori-hakeru. - DIPPER, n. Hishaku, shaku. into, hori-iru, hori-komu. - out, hori- DIRECT, a. Massugu na, sugu no, naoi, dasu. - up, hori-dasu. — open, hori- jiki no. hiraku, abaku. - through, hori-nu- DIRECT, t. v. Nerau, osameru, tori-atsuku. kau, tsukasadoru, shochi suru; oshiyeDIGEST, t. V. Sh6-kuwa suru, konareru, ru; ii-tsukeru. - a letter, tegami no sho suru, konasu; juku shite kaga- uwagaki wo suru. yeru. DIRECTION, n. Tori-atsukai, shochi, osaDIGESTIBLE, a. Sh6-kuwa shi-yasuki. me, tsukasadori, kimo-iri, ii-tsuke; oshiDIGESTION, n. Sho-kuwa. ye, h6gaku; uwagaki, na-ate. DIGNIFY, t. v. Agameru, sonkiyo suru, DIRECTLY, adv. Sugu ni, jiki ni; massuomondzuru. gu-ni, naoku. DIGNITARY, n. Kamitaru mono, keni wo DIRECTOR, n. Kimo-iri, tori-atsukai-nin, motsu mono. sewa-nin, shihai nin. DIGNITY, n. Takaki kurai, kaku, tattoki DIRECTORY, n. Tokoro-gaki. koto, omoi-yaku. DIRK, n. Kuwai-ken, aikuchi. DIGRESS, i. v. Hoka no hanashi ni DIRT n k, n. Aka, gomi, akuta, okori, doro, utsuru, hanashi no tochiu ni yeda ga kudzu, kuso, fun. saku. DIRT-HEAP, n. Gomoku-ba, haki-dame. DIKE, n. Mizo; dote aze, tsutsumi. DIRTY, a. Kitanai, akadzuku, kegareru, DILAPIDATE, i. v. Yabureru, kowareru. yogoreru, akajimu, biro-na, musai. DILATABLE, n. Hiromerareru. DIRTY, t. v. Kitanaku suru, yogosu. DILATE, t. v. Hiromeru, hirogeru, hiroku DISABLE, a. Yaku ni tatanu y6 ni suru, suru. (i. v.) Hiromaru, haru. naki yo ni suru. DILATORY, a. Himadoru, temadoru, dzu- DISABUSE, t. v. Mayoi wo toku, utagai rukeru, osoki. wo harasu. DILEMMA, n. Toh6 ni kureru koto, to- DISADVANTAGE, n. Fu-ben, fu-tsugo, son, waku, madoi. gai. DILIGENCE, n. Benkiyo, hagemi, hone- DISAFFECTED, a. T6zakaru, naka ga waori. ruku naru, utoku naru. DILIGENT, a. Hagemu, benkiy6 naru, DISAFFECTION, n. Fu-hei, naka no wahone-oru, sei-dasu.. ruki koto. DILLY-DALLY, adv. Bura-tsuku, gudo- DISAGREE, i. v. Kanawanu, tagau, chitsuku. gau, naka ga waruku naru. DILUTE, t. v. Midzu wo mazete, usuku DISAGREEABLE, a. Kanawanu, awanu, suru; umeru. kirawashii, iya-na, funiyoi no, fujiyu DIM, a. Kasumu, kumoru, bonyari shi- na. taru. (t. v.) Kasumaseru, kumorase- DISAGREEMENT, n. Fu-wa, naka-tagaye, ru. isakai, kanawanu koto. DIMENSION, n. Sump6, kensu, sun-sha- DISALLOW, t. v. Yurusadzu, menkiyo ku, tateyoko, oku-yuki. Inside -, sedzu, shochi senu. uchi-norl. Outside —, soto-nori. DISAPPEAR, i. v. Kiyeru, miyenu, useru. DIS 53 DIS DISAPPOINT, t. v. Nozomi wo ushinawa- DISCOMFORT, n. Fu-jiyu, fu-anshin, fuseru, nozomi wo hadzusu. tsugo na koto. DISAPPOINTED, p. a. An ni s6i suru, DISCOMMODE, t. v. Komaraseru, fujiyu shitsub6 suru, ate ga hadzureru, zan- saseru. nen suru. DISCOMPOSE, t. v. Midasu, ugokasu, fuDISAPPROVE, t. v. Waruku omou, fu- anshin ni suru. shochi suru, yoshi to senu. DISCONCERT, t. v. Midasu, yaburu, muDISARM, t. v. Datto suru, buki wo toku, nashiku suru. teppo wo tori-ageru. DISCONNECT, t. v. Wakatsu, hanasu, haDISARRANGE, t. v. Narabi wo midasu, dzusu. shidai wo kudzusu. DISCONSOLATE, a. Nagusamanu. DISASTER, n. Fu-shiawase, fuk6, waza- DISCONTENT, n. Fusoku, fu-hei, fu-anwai, sainan, nangi. shin. DISASTROUS, a. Fu-shiawase no, fuko DISCONTINUE, t. V. Yameru, yosu, tomeno. ru, tatsu. DISAVOW, t. v. Ii-fusegu, ii-kesu, so ni DISCORD, n. Fu-wa, choshi ga awanu aradzu to it, s6 de wa gozarimasenu to koto, naka ga warui koto, mutsumajiku iu. nai koto. DISBAND t. v. To wo musubishi mono DISCOUNT, n. Maye ri, risoku, zen ri. wo toki-chirasu. DISCOUNT, t. v. Zen ri wo hiite kasu, DISBELIEVE, t.. Shink6 senu, shinze- makeru. dzu. DISCOUNTENANCE, t. v. Kinjiru, kobamu. DISBURDEN, t. v. Ni wo orosu, omoi wo DISCOURAGE, t. v. Ki wo otosu, chikara iute ki wo sandzuru. wo otosu. (lass.) Ki ga fusagu, ki ga DISBURSE, t. v. Harau. ochiru, ki ga kujikeru. DISBURSEMENT, n. Zappi, niuy6, iriyo. DISCOURSE, n. Hanashi, danwa; koshaDISCARD, t. v. Oi-dasu, itoma wo yaru, ku. (i. v.) Hanasu, bendzuru, koshamajiwari wo tatsu. ku suru. DISCERN, t. v. Satoru, wakimayeru, wa- DISCOURTEOUS, a. Burei na, hitsurei katsu, mi-tomeru. na. DISCERNIBLE, a. Miyeru. DISCOVER, t.. Arawasu, mi-dasu, mi DISCERNMENT, n. Satori, wakimaye, tsukeru, hatsumei suru. fumbetsu, chiye. DISCOVERER, n. Hatsumei-ja, hajimste DISCHARGE, t. v. Dasu, hassuru. - mono wo mi-dasu hito. cargo, midzu-age wo suru, ni-age wo DISCREDIT, t. v. Shinyo senu, hadzukasuru. - a gun, teppo wo hanasu, or shimu. utsu. — from service, hima wo dasu, DISCREET, a. Tsutsushimite iru, tashiitoma wo yaru. - from office, shiku- nami no yoi, yojin naru, kashikoki, hajiru. - an office, yaku wo tsutomeru. tsumei naru. - from frison, romen suru. - fus, DISCREPANCY, n. Chigai, soi, kotonari. umi ga deru. - a debt, shakkin wo DISCRETION, n. Tsutsushimi, tashinami, harau. - one's duty, tsutome wo ma- yojin. moru DISCRIMINATE, t. v. Wukimayeru, wakeDISCHARGE, n. Hatsu, deru koto. - ru, bembetsu suru, kubetsu suru. from the nose, ao-bana, midzu-bana, DISCUSS, t. zv. Giron suru, rondzuru, chihana. - from the eyes, me-yani, me- rasu. kusa. - from the ears, mimi-dare. DISCUSSIoN, n. Gibn, rongi, ron. DISCIPLE, n. Monto, montei, deshi, shi- DISDAIN, t.. Iyashimeru, karondzuru, tei, monjin. sageshimu, mi-kudaru. DISCIPLINE, t. v. Imashimeru, oshiye- DISDAINFUL, a. Iyashimetagaru. ru, shitsukeru, cho-ren suru, kiyodo DISEASE, n. Biyoki, yamai. suru, keiko saseru. DISEASED, a. Yamu, wadzurau, biyoDISCIPLINE, n. Imashime, shitsuke, kei- shin. ko; sekkan; tori-shimari, shimari. DISEMBARK, t. v. Jo-riku suru, oka ni DISCLAIM, t. v. li-fusegu, ii-kesu, so ni agaru. aradzu to iu. DISEMBOGUE, t. v. Nagare-ochiru. DISCLOSE, t. v. Arawasu, hakkaku suru, DISEMBOWEL, t.. Seppuku suru, haraabaku, yaburu. wata wo nuku. DISCOLORED. a. Shimiru, iro ga kawaru. DISENCHANT, t. v. Mayoi wo harasu. DISCOMFIT, t. v. Uchi-yaburu, shirizo- DISENCUMBER, t. v. Mi no jama naru keru, oi-chirasu. mono wo suteru. DIS 54 DIS DISENGAGE, t. v. Manukareru, nogareru, DISMOUNT, i. v. Geba wo suru, uma kahanasu; hima ni naru. ra oriru. DISENTANGLE, t. v. Toku, hodoku, sa- DISOBEDIENT, a. Fu-k6 naru, shitagabaku. wanu. DISFIGURE, t. v. Katachi wo waruku su- DISOBEY, t. v. Shitagawanu, fu —ko suru, ru, migurushiku suru. somuku, sakarau. DISFRANCHISE, t. v. Nimbetsu wo ha- DISOBLIGE, t. v. Burei nite hito ni mobuku. toru, fu-shinsetsu naru. DISGORGE, t. v. Haki-dasu. DISORDER, n. Midare, kon-zatsu,camai, DISGRACE, n. Haji, chijoku, kakin, na- biyoki. ore, shika, kidzu, hadzukashimi. DISORDER, t. v. Midasu, kon-zatsu suru, DISGRACE, t. v. Hadzukashimeru, chijo- wadzurawaseru. Disordered, p. p. Miku saseru. dareru. DISGRACEFUL, a. Hadzukashii. DISORDERLY, adv. Midari-ni. DISGUISE, t. v. Shinobu, yatsusu, magi- DISORGANIZE, t. v. Kudzusu, midasu. rakasu, sama wo kayeru. DISOWN, t. v.. Kando suru, waga mono DISGUST, t. v. Kirawaseru, nikumaseru. ga nai to iu. Disgusted with, kirau, nikumu, aki- DISPARAGE, t. v. Waraku iu, sochiru, hateru. mikonasu. DISGUST, n. Kirai. DISPARITY, n. Kubetsu, chigai, soi. DISH, n. Sara. DISPATCH, t. v. Yaru, okuru, todokeru, DISHEARTEN, t. V. Ki wo otosu, kisaki tsukawasu; korosu, sumasu, rachi-akawo kujiku. seru. DISHEVELED, - hair, rampatsu. DISPATCH, n. Tegami, shokan. Wit/ DISHONEST, a. Fu-sh6jiki, fu-chiu. -, isoide, hayaku, hakadotte. DISHONOR, n. Haji, kakin, chijoku. (t.v.) DISPEL, t.v. Harau, harasu, toku, chiHadzukashimeru, sageshimu, iyashime- rasu. Dispelled, jp.f. hareru. ru. DISPENSARY, n. Se-yaku-jo. DISHONORABLE, a. Hadzukashii, iyashii. DISPENSATORY, n. Yaku-ho-gaki. DISINCLINED,.i. Iya ni naru, iyagaru. DISPENSE, t. v. Wari-tsukeru, kubaru, DISINFECT, t. v. Yamai no tane wo no- hai-bun suru. - with, mendzuru, yuzoku, or harau. rusu, hadzusu. DISINHERIT, t. v. Kando suru, h6chiku DISPERSE, t. v. Chirasu. Dispersed, suru. kudzureru, chiru, chiri-jiri ni naru. DISINTEGRATE, i. v. Kudzureru, kuda- DISPIRIT, t. v. Kisaki wo kujiku, ki wo keru. kujiku, ki wo otosu. DISINTER, t. v. Tsuka wo abaite kabane DISPLACE, t. v. Hadzusu, midasu. wo hori-dasu. DISPLAY, t. v. Hiromeru, arawasu, miseDISINTERESTED, a. Hiiki nashi, kata- ru, shiraseru. hiiki naki, watakushi nashi. DISPLAY, n. Date, hade; arawasu koto. DISJOIN, t. v. Hanareru, hadzusu. DISPLEASE, t. v. Ki ni sakarau, ikaraseDISJOINT, t. v. Hone no fushi-bushi wo ru. hanasu. DISPLEASURE, n. Ikari, fu-kiy6. DISK, n. Marui ita. DISPOSAL, n. Sonaye, narabi; shochi, DISLIKE, t. v. Kirau, konomadzu, suka- tori-atsukai. nu, iyagaru. * DISPOSE, t. v. Narabu, sonayeru, oku, DISLOCATE, t. vI. Hone wo chigayeru. osameru, katamukeru, sadameru, uru. Dislocated,.. Hone ga chigau, ta- DISPOSITION, n. Sonaye, narabi, torigau, hadzureru atsukai; konj6, shone, ki-shitsu, seiDISLODGE, t. V. Oi-dasu, hadzusu. shitsu. DISLOYAL, a. Fu-chiu na, fugi na. DISPOSSESS, t. v. Shoji no mono wo toDISMAL, a. Utt6shii, sugoi, wabishii. ri-ageru, oi-harau. DISMANTLE, t. v. Tori-kudzusu. DISPROPORTION, n. Futsuri-ai, fu-soDISMAST, t. v. Hobashira wo toru. Dis- na koto, tsuri-awanu koto. masted, hobashira ga hadzureta. DISPUTATION, n. Gi-ron, ron, arasoi. DISMAY, n. Osore. DISPUTATIOUS, a. Arasoitagaru, gironDISMAYED, i./. Osoreru, kowagaru, oji- gamashii. keru, abunagaru. DISPUTE, t. v. Giron suru, rondzuru, DISMISS, t. v. Okuru, yaru, hima wo da- arasou. su, itoma wo yaru, hochiku suru. -an DISPUTE, n. Giron, s6ron, k6ron, kenassembly, seki wo hiraku. kuwa, arasoi. DIS 55 DIV DISQUALIFIED, /.. Kanawanu, tekit6 ri to shita, akiraka naru, meihaku nasenu.'ru. DISQUIET, t. v. Ugokasu, anji-saseru. DISTINCTION, n. Shabetsu, kubetsu, heDISQUISITION, n. Koshaku. date, wakachi; na-dakaki, nukindetaDISREGARD, t. v. Itowadzu, kayeri-mi- ru. dzu, oshimadzu. DISTINCTLY, adv. Hakkiri to, akirakaDISRELISH, t. V. Konomadzu, kirau. ni, meihaku ni, shika-to. DISREPUTABLE, a. Hiyoban ashiki, iya- DISTINGUISH, t.. Wakimayeru, mi-washii. keru, wakatsu, bembetsu suru; ko wo DISRESPECTFUL, a.. Uyamawanu, fu-kei tateru. na, shitsu-rei. DISTINGUISHABLE, a. Mi-wakerareru. DISROBE, t. v. Nugu, datsui wo suru. DISTINGUISHED, a. Hiidetaru, nukindeDISRUPTION, n. Sakeru koto. taru, na-dakaki. DISSATISFACTION, n. Fu-man-zoku, fu- DISTORT, t. v. Shikameru, igamaseru. soku ni omou koto. Distorted, igamu, yugamu, nejireru. DISSATISFIED,... Fu-soku ni omou, DISTRACTED,.P. Tori-magireru; toritaru koto wo shiranu. komu, konzatsu shite iru. DISSECT, t. v. Kaib6 suru. DISTRESS, n. Kanashimi, nangi, setsuDISSECTION, n. Kaibo. nai, itami, kurushimi. DISSEMBLE, t. v. Tobokeru, shirabaku- DISTRESS, t. v. Nayamaseru, kurushimereru, kakusu, shiranu furi wo suru, so- ru. ra-tsukau. DISTRIBUTE, t. v. Kubaru, wari-tsukeru, DISSEMINATE, t. v. Hiromeru. haibun suru, wakeru, haito suru. DISSENSION, n. S6ron, koron, arasoi, na- DISTRICT, n. Tochi, tokoro, riyochi, ka-tagaye. chi. DISSENT, t. V. Nattoku senu, shochi se- DISTRUST, t. V. Utagau, ayashimu shinnu. zenu, shinyo senu. (n.) Utagal, ayaDISSIMILAR, a. Onajiku nai, ni-awanu, shimi. hitoshikaradzu. DISTURB, t. v. Ugokasu, sawagasu, miDISSIMULATION, n. Itsuwaru koto. dasu; samatageru. DISSIPATE, t. v. Harau, harasu, toku, DISTURBANCE, n. Sawagi, sodo, samachirasu, tsuiyasu. tage. DISSIPATION, n. Chirasu koto, horatsu, DISUNITE, t. v. Wakeru. h6t6. DITCH, n. Dobu, mizo, hori. DISSOLUTE, a. H6ratsu na, d6raku na, DITTO, adv. Onajiku, dozen. hot6 na. DITTY, n. Uta. DISSOLUTION, n. Tokeru koto, kudzure- DIURETIC, n. Ri-sui-zai. ru koto, yameru koto, shi. DIURNAL, a. Hi-nami no, mai-nichi no, DISSOLVE, t. v. Tokasu, yameru, hai-shi hiru no. suru. (i. v.) Toku, kiyeru. DIVE, i. v. Muguru, kuguru. DISSONANT, a. Kanawanu, teki-t6 senu, DIVER, n. Muguri. choshi awanu. DIVERGE, t. v. Wakarete deru. DISSUADE, t. V. Koto wo senu yo ni su- DIVERSE, a. Iro-iro, sama-zama, machisumeru, isameru. machi, kusa-gusa, shuju; onajikaranu. DISTANCE, n. Tokisa, aida, soyen. - DIVERSIFY, t. v. Sama-zama ni suru. by shzip. funaji. What is the - to'DIVERSION, n. Nagusanli, tawamure, kiYedo? Yedo ye dono kurai. To look y6. atfrom a -, tonoite miru. DIVERT, t. v. Nagusameru, kiy6 suru, DISTANT, a. Toi, yemp6 naru; soyen ni warawaseru, tarakasu; hiki-toru. naru, utoi, hedateru, tozakaru, tono- DIVEST, t. v. Nugu, muku, hagu, toru. ku. DIVIDE, t. v. Wakeru, hedateru, kubaru, DISTASTEFUL, a. Madzui, umaku nai, ki- saku, waru. rawashii, iyarawashii. DIVIDERS, n. Bummawashi. DISTEMPER, n. Wadzurai, yamai, inu no DIVINATION, n. Uranai, bokuzei. yamai. DIVINE, t. v. Uranau, boku suru; miDISTEND, t. U. Fukurasu. tosu. DISTIL, t. v. Jo-riu suru, furasu. DIVINE, a. Kami no, kami ni tsuite no, DISTILLERY, n. Sh6chiu wo jo-riu suru shin. tokoro. DIVINE, n. KiyO-shi. DISTINCT, a. Betsu no, hoka no, koto- DIVINER, n. Uranai-ja, boku-sha. naru, hanaretaru, betsudan no: hakki- DIVINING-ROD, n. Bokuzei. DIV 56 DOZ DIVINITY, n. Shin, kami, shin-gaku. mals, roku-chiku, kai-mono. - mannDIVISIBLE, a. Wakerareru. facture, ji-saku, te-saku, koku-san. DIVISION, n. Wakeru koto, wakahei, he- DOMESTIC, n. Hoko-nin, meshi-tsukai. date; wari-zan; gunzei no ittai. DOMESTICATE, t. v. Najimaseru, natsuDIVORCE, t. v. Ri-yen suru, ribetsu keru. suru. DOMICILE, n. Iye, taku, sumai. DIVORCEMENT, n. Riyen, ribetsu.- Bill DOMINATE, t. v. Shihai suru, riyo suru. of-, riyenjb, sarijo, mi-kudari-han. DOMINEER, t.'. Shihai suru, riyo suru. DIVULGE, t. v. Arawasu, akasu, morasu, DOMINION, n. Matsurigoto, seiji, shihai, abaku, yaburu. riyobun, shoriyb. DIZZINESS, n. Memai, tachi-gurami, ken- DONATION, n. Shinjo-mono, shimmonun. tsu. DIZZY, a. Memai ga suru, kurumeku. DONE, f. f. Dekita, sunda, jobj shita, Do, t. v. Suru, nasu, itasu, dekiru, oko- shi-agatta. nau. That will -, yoroshii, sore de DONKEY, n. Roba. yoi. Make it-, ma-ni awaseru. Do DONOR, n. Shinjo suru hito. not (neg. ipt.), na, na yo, mu-yo, na- DOOM, t. v. Kei-batsu ni moshi-tsukekare. Also in the neg. form of the ru. verb; as, Do not know, shiranu. Do DOOM, n. Temmei, kei-batsu, mukui. nothear,kikanu. Do notgo,yukunayo. DOOR, n. To, mon. Do it quickly, hayaku se yo. I will do DOOR-PLATE, n. Hiyo-satsu. it, itashi-masho. - one's best, sei wo DOOR-KEEPER, n. Momban. dasu. -over, futatabi suru, shi-naosu, DOORWAY, n. Kado-guchi. shi-kayeru. - up, tsutsumu, shi-ageru. DOSE, n. Fuku, cho. (t. v.) Kusuri wo -with, mochi-iru, tsukau. What will fukumaseru. you do with it? nani ni nasaru ka? Do DOT, n. Ten, chobo. as you like, katte ni suru ga ii, kokoro DOTAGE, n. Oi-boreru, r6mo. makase ni se yo. Cannot do without DOUBLE, a. Futatsu5 nisobai, futa-ye. this, kore nakute kanawanu. I can do - dealing, kage hlnata ga aru. without it, nakute mo kamawanai. hearted, futa-gokoro. - tongued, riWhat shall Io do? dshiyo? Do what yo-setsu. - edged, riycha, moroha. you will, do shite mo, idzure ni shite -faced, riyb-men. mo. I cannot do it, deki-nai. Any DOUBT, n. Utagai, gishin, ginen, giwabody can do it, dare demo dekiru. Do ku. come, dozo oide kudasare. How do you DOUBT, i. v. Utagau, ayashimu, ibudo? go kigen yoroshiu gozaru ka, go karu, ginen suru, ayabumu, giwaku kigen wa ikaga de gozari-masu ka. Do sum. not mind it, tonjaku nasaru na, o ka- DOUBTFUL, a. Utagawashii, ibukashii, mai nasaru na. obotsukanai, fushin naru. DOCILE, a. Otonashii, sunao na. DOUBTLESS, a. Chigai-naku, mochiron. DOCK, n. Yego, (lZant), gobo. DOUGHTY, a. Sukoyaka naru. DOCK, t. v. Mijikaku kiru, nozoku. DOUSE, t. v. Hitasu. DOCTOR, n. Isha, ishi, kusushi. (t. v.) DOVE, n. Hato, yama-bato. Riyoji suru. DOVE-TAIL, n. Arizashi, ari, muso. DOCTRINE, n. Dori, setsu, oshiye. DOWER, n. Jisankin. DOCUMENT, n. Kaki-tsuke, shomen, sho- DOWN, a. Shimo, shita. - the river, kan. kawashimo. Go -, kudaru, oriru. Pall DODGE, t. v. Sakeru, yokeru, hippadzu- -, ochiru, korobu. taoreru. Throw -, shi. otosu, taosu. Take -, orosu. Hang DOG, n. Inu, chin. -, sageru, tsuru. Look -, nozomu, DOGMA, n. Oshiye, setsu. nozoku. Put -, oku. Lie -, tuseru, DOINGS, n. Waza, okonai, shikata. neru. yumi -, tobi-kudaru, tobiDOLE, t. v. Hodokosu, atayeru. oriru. Pay -, genkin ni harau. Tear DOLEFUL, a. Kanashii, wabishii, utto- -, kowasu, hegasu. Up and -, age shii. sage. DOLL, n. Ningiyo. DOWN, n. Zei. DOLLAR, n. Doru, yen, yogin. DOWNCAST, a. Ki ga fusagu; urei, ki ga DOLOROUS, a. Kanashii, nagekawashii. uttoshii. DOLT, n. Baka, gu-jin, aho. DOWNFALL, n. Horobi. DOMAIN, n. Riyobun, riyochi. DOWNWARD, adv. Shita ni. DOMESTIC, a. - affairs, ka-ji. - ani- DOZE, i. v. Nemuru, madoromu. DOZ 57 DRU DOZEN, a. Ju-ni. shirayeru. - food, tabe-mono wo riDRAFT, t. v. Hiku, kaku, shitatameru. yori suru. (i. v.) Kiru, chakuyo suru. DRAFT, n. Kawase-tegata. DRESS, n. Ifuku, kimono, isho. DRAG, t. v. Hiku. DRESS-CLOTHES, n. Hare-gi. DRAGON, n. Tatsu, riu, riyo. DRESSER, n. Todana. DRAGON-FLY, n. Tombo. DRIBBLE, i. v. Tareru, shitataru. DRAGON'S-BLOOD, n. Kirin-ketsu. DRIFT, i. V. Tadayou, ukamu, uku. DRAGON, n. Kiba, ki-hei. The snow drifts, yuki ga fuki-tsuDRAIN, n. Dobu, gesui, nagasbi. moru. DRAIN, t. v. Hakaseru, nuku, shitamu, DRILL, n. Kiri, choren, keiko. kosu, tsukusu. DRILL, t. v. Soren suru, choren suru, naDRAINAGE, n. Midzu-haki, midzu wo rasu, nereru, kiri wo momu. nuku koto. DRINK, t. v. Nomu. DRAM, n. One dram Troy,= ichi mom- DRINK, n. Nomi-mono. me ni rin. One dram avoirdupois, = DRINKABLE, a. Nomareru. shi fun ni rin go mo. A -of wine, DRIP, i. v. Shitataru. sake ippai. DRIVE, t.v. Ou, osu. -a nail, kugi DRAMA, n. Kiy6gen, shibai. wo uchi-komu. - away, oi-harau, DRAPER, n. Shitateya. harau. - out, oi-dasu. - in, oi-koDRAPERY, n. Ifuku. mu, oshi-komu, uchi-komu. - off, oiDRAUGHT, n. Hiku koto; shita-gaki, harau. - back, oi-kayesu. - across, kaki-tsuke; kawase-tegata; kaze no oi-kosu, oi-watasu. - together, oitoru koto; go. - of a shiz, funa- atsumeru. - down, oi-kudasu. - inashi. to, oi-komu, uchi-komu. - through, DRAW,. v. Hiku, kaku, nuku, yegaku. uchi-nuku, oi-tosu. - a horse, uma - water, kumu. - blood, chl wo toru, wo giyo suru. shiraku suru. - back, shirizoku, ato- DRIVEL, n. Yodare. (i. v.) Yodare ga shizari wo suru. - in, sukkomu, hiki- tareru. komu. - together, subomeru. - tight, DRIVER, n. Giyo-sha, uma wo tsukai. shime-kukeru. - nigh, chikayoru, DRIZZLE, i. v. Kiri-ame ga furu. chikadzuku. - up, hiki-ageru, sona- DRIZZLING-RAIN, n. Kosame, kiri-ame. yeru, naraberu, tsuraneru, shitatemeru. DROLL, a. Okashii, odoketaru. - down, hiki-orosu. - out, hiki-dasu, DROLLERY, n. Kokkei, share, jodan, nuku, nobasu. - off, shirizokeru, da- odoke. su. - interest, risoku wo toru. How DROMEDARY, n. Rakuda. much does the ship draw? fune no DRONE, n. Sozan naru mono, shii naru ashi wo nani hodo. Drawn up with hito. cold, samui kara idzukumatte oru. DROOP, i. 7. Shioreru, otoroyeru. DRAW-BRIDGE, n. Hane-bashi. DROP, n. Tarashi, teki, shidzuku. DRAWER, n. Hiki-dashi, hiku-hito, ye- DROP, t. v. Otosu, tarasu, orosu, yamegaku hito, kawase-tegata no kane wo ru. -a line, tegami wo okuru. uketoru hito. Pair of drawers, shita DROP, i. v. Ochiru, tareru, shitataru, momo-hiki. Chest of drawers, tan- yamu. su. DROPSY, n. Sui-ki. - of abdomen, ch6DRAWING-KNIFE, n. Sen. man. DRAWING-ROOM, n. n. Kiyaku-ma, za- DROSS, n. Kasu, kudzu. shiki. DROUGHT, n. Kampatsu, hideri. DRAY, n. Dai-hachi-guruma. DROVE, n. Mure. DREAD, t. V. Osoreru, kowagaru, haba- DROWN, t. v. Oborasu, oborakasu. (i. v.) karu, osore-iru. Oboreru; obore-jini, deki-shi, botsuDREADFUL, a. Osoroshii, kowai. deki. - one's self, mi wo nageru, miDREAMI, n. Yume. (i. v.) Yume wo nage wo suru. miru. DROWSY, a. Nemutai, nemui. DREARY, a. Utt6shii, wabishii, mono- DRUB, t. v. Tataku, butsu. sugoki. DRUDGE, i. v. Hone-oru. DREDGE, t. v. Sarau, sarayeru. DRUG, n. Kusuri, yaku, yaku-shu. DREG, n. Kasu. DRUGGIST, n. Yakushu-ya, ki-gusui-ya. DRENCH, t.v. Nomaseru, nurasu, shime- DRUM, n. Taiko, tsudzumi. (i. v.) Tai. su. (i. v.) Nureru, shimeru. ko wo utsu. DRESS, t. v. Totonou, soroyeru, kimono DRUMMER, n. Taiko-uchi. wo kiseru. yoso6u, kazaru, tsukuru, ko- DRUMSTICK, n. Taiko no bachi. 3* DRU 58 EAS DRUNK, a. Sake ni yotta, mei-tei-no, yei. DUPLICATE, a. Futatsu no. DRUNKARD, n. Sake-dzuki, sake-nomi, DUPLICATE, n. Utsushi, hikaye-gaki. nondakure. DUPLICITY, n. Futa-gokoro. DRUNKENESS, n. Sake ni yotta koto, DURABLE, a. Mochi ga yoi, nagaku tameitei. motsu. DRY, a. Kawakitaru, hiru. DURATION, n. Aida, nen-su. DRY, t. v. Kawakasu, hosu. DURING, prep. Aida, uchi, chiu. DRY, i. v. Kawaku, hiru, kareru. DUSK, n. Higure, kuregata, yukata. DUAL-PRINCIPLES, n. In-yo, ni-ki. DUSKY, a. Kuraki, kuroi. DUB, t. v. Tonayeru, sh6-su. DUST, t. v. Gomi wo harau. DUBIOUS, t. a. Utagawashii, fushin na. DUST, n. Chiri, hokori, gomi. DUCK, n. Tame -, ahiru. Wild -, DUST-BRUSH, n. Gomi-harai. kamo. DUST-PAN, n. Gomi-tori, chiri-tori. DUCK, t. v. Midzu ni hitasu, muguraseru. DUSTY, a. Hokori no oki, chiri-darake. DUCTILE, a. Hiki-yasui. DUTCH, a. Oranda no. DUE, a. Atari-maye no, hadzu. The DUTCHMAN, n. Oranda-jin. money is due, shakkin wo harau nichi- DUTIFUL, a. K6-ko na, chiugi na, jitsu gen ga kita. The shiz is due to-day, na. kon-nichi wa chakusen bi. To dunfor DUTY, n. Tsutome, yakume, h6ok, shomoney before it is due, nichigen no kubun, subeki koto; unjb. On duty, maye ni kane wo saisoku suru. More tb-ban. Off-, hi-ban. than is due, kuwa-bun. DWARF, n. Sebiku. DUEL, n. Hatashai-ai, shi-ai. DWELL, i. v. Sumu, oru, jukiyo suru, iru. DULL, n. Nibui, don; uttoshii, toroi, DWELLING, n. Sumai, ju-sho. - house, yoku kirenu; fu-keiki, omoshirokara- iye, uchi, taku. nu. - of hearing, mimi ya t6i. - DWINDLE, i. v. Heru, chiisaku naru, day, don-ten. yaseru, otoroyeru. DUMB, a. Mono wo iiyenu, damatte oru, DYE, t. v. Someru. Oshi no. DYE-HOUSE, n. K6ya, some-mono-ya. DUMB-FOUNDERED, a. B6zen to shite irn. DYER, n. Some-mono-shi. DUMPISH, a. Ussuru, utsu no, uttbshi. DYE-STUFF, n. Some-kusa, some-gusuri. DUMPLING, n. Dango, manju. DYING, a. Shinde oru, shi ni kakatte iru. DUN, t. v. Saisoku suru, settsuku. - words, yui-gen. Never -, fu-shi. DUNCE, n. Baka, gu-nin, koke, tawake- DYNASTY, n. Dai, cho. mono. DYSENTERY, n. Ribiyb, akahara. DUNG, n, Fun, kuso, unko, koyashi. DYSPEPSIA, n. Shoku-motsu no shokuwa DUNGEON, n. Rya, gero. shigataki koto, teitai. DUPE, t. v. Damasu, azamuku, sukasu. DYSPNCEA, n. Ikigire. E EACH, a. Ono-ono, mei-mei, men-men, EARNESTLY, adv. Ichi-dzu-ni, hitasuragotoi, mai. — other, tagai-ni. Also ni, isshin-ni, hitoye-ni, shikkiri ni. by au, when suffixed to the root of EARNINGS, n. Moketaru kane, kiukin, verbs; as, tataki-au, to beat each sho-toku. other. EAR-PICK, n. Mimi-kaki. EAGER, a. Hagende oru, kibishii. EAR-RING, n. Mimi-gane. EAGLE, n. Washi. EARTH, n. Chi, tsuchi, sekai. EAR, n. Mimi. - ofcorn, ho. Give -, EARTHENWARE, n. Setomono, yaki-mokiku. no, suye-mono. EARLY, adv. Hayaku, toku. - rising, EARTHLY, a. Chi, sekai no. haya-oki. EARTHQUAKE, n. Jishin. EARN, t.v. Mokeru. EARTH-WORM, n. Mimidzu. EARNEST, n. Hatsuo. - money, tetsuke EASE, n. Anshin, ando, raku, annen, angin, tekin. raku, anki. EAS 59 ELB EASE, t. v. Kutsurogeru, yurumeru, ra- tanu, shirushi nashi. Effects, nimotsu, ku ni suru, yasundzuru. kagu, shochi no mono. EASILY, adv. Yasuku, tayasuku, nan- EFFECT, /. v. Jo6j suru, shi-togeru, tonaku, zosa mo naku. geru, saseru, nasu, dekiru. EAST, n. Higashi, t6. EFFECTIVE, a. Kiki ga yoi, tsuyoki, koEASTERN. n. Higashi no. — countries, no aru. to-koku. EFFECTUAL, a. Shi-togerareru hodo no, EASTWARD, adv. Higashi no ho ye. joju suru hodo, todoku. EASY, n. Yasui, tayasui, zosamonaki, EFFECTUATE, t. v. Shi-togeru, dekiru. raku ni naru, anshin naru, yasunjite EFFEMINATE, a. Onnarashii, niyakeru, iru. yowai. EAT, t. v. Taberu, kurau, ki, shoku su- EFFERVESCE, i. v. Awa ga tatsu. ru, hamu. EFFETE, a. Furukusai. EATABLE, a. Taberareru. EFFICACIOUS, a. KGn6 aru, yoku kiku, EATING-HOUSE, n. Riy6ri-ya. tsuyoi; todoku. EAVES, n. Noki, hisashi. EFFICACY, n. KGon, kikime. EBB, t. v. Hiku. EFFIGY, n. Katashiro, hito gata, niEBB-TIDE, n. Hiki-shio. giyo. EBONY, n. Kokutan. EFFLUVIUM, n. Kusaki nioi. EBULLITION, n. Niye-tatsu koto. EFFLUX, n. Nagare-deru koto. ECCENTRIC, a. Kotonaru, tsurei ni chi- EFFORT, n. Sei-dasu-koto; totan. To gau, heki naru. make an -, sei wo dasu, shussei suru. ECHO, n. Kodama, yamahiko, hibiki. EFFRONTERY, n. Haji wo shiranu koto, (t. v.) Hibiku. atsui-kao. ECLIPSE, n. - ofsun, nis-shoku. -, of EFFULGENCE, n. Kagayaki. moon, gas-shoku. EFFULGENT, a. Kagayaku, hikaru, kiraECLIPTIC, n. Sekido. meku. ECONOMICAL, a. Kenyaku-naru, tsudzu- EFFUSION, n. Deru koto. mayaka na, shimatsu na, sekken na. EGG, n. Tamago, keiran. ECONOMIZE, t. v. Kenyaku suru, shi- EGG-PLANT, n. Nasu. matsu suru. EGOTISM, n. Unubore,jifu. ECONOMY, n. Kenyaku, kanriyaku, shi- EGOTIST, n. Jifu suru hito. matsu, sekken. Political -, keizai- EGREGIOUS, a. Amari na, futoi, furachi gaku. na. EDDY, n. Udzu, udzu-maki. EGRESS, n. Deru koto. EDGE, n. Fuchi, kiwa, hashi. — of a EIGHT, a. Yatsu, hachi. — days, yGka. knife, ha. Two-edged, moro-ha. Teeth -fold, yaye. on - hagayui. EIGHTEEN, a. Ju-hachi. EDGE, t.v. Heri wo tsukeru. EIGHTEENTH, a. Ju-hachi-ban, jf-hachiEDGE-TOOLS, n. Ha-mono. bamme. EDGING, n. Sasaheri. EIGHTH, a. Hachi-ban, hachi-bam-me, EDIBLE, a. Taberareru. dai hachi-ban. EDICT, n. O-fure, okite, sadame. EIGHTIETH, a. Hachi-jf-ban. EDIFICE, n, Iye, tate-mono. EIGHTY, a. Hachi-ju. -one, hachijfuEDIFICATION, n. Michi ni susumu koto. ichi. EDIFY, t. v. Michi ni susumeru. EITHER, a. Dochira demo, idzure demo; EDIT, t. v. Shuppan suru, jG-boku suru. riyG-ho, dochira mo. (cono.) Aruiwa. EDITOR, n. Shuppan suru hito. EJACULATE, t. v. Hotsu-gon suru, moEDITION, n. Han. First -, sho-han. shi-dasu. Second-, sai-han. EJACULATION, n. Hotsu-gon. EDUCATE, t. v. Kiyoju suru, shi-tateru, ELABORATE, t. v. Nen wo irete nasu, kiyGkun suru, oshiyeru, shi-komu, shi- honeotte koshirayeru. tsukeru. ELABORATELY, adv. Teinei ni shite, EDUCATION, n. KiyGju, kiyokun, shi- tansei shite. tate. ELAPSE, i. v. Heru, tateru, utsuru, sugiEtUCE, t. v. Hiki-dasu. ru. EEL, n. Unagi. ELASTIC, a. Tanriyoku naru. EFFACE, t. v. Kesu, kedzuru. ELASTICITY, n. Tanriyoku. EFFECT, a. Sei, yuye, waza, shoi; kiki, ELATED,f.fJ. Yorokobu. shirushi. To do for effect, hito no me ELATION, n. Yorokobi, jiman. ni tatsu yo ni suru. Of no -, y ni ta- ELBOW, n. Hiji. Wooden -, hiji-ki. ELD 60 EMP ELDER, n. Toshi-yori, rojin. - brother, EMBARRASSMENT, n. Sashi-tsukaye, koani. — sister, ane. koro no konzatsu shite iru koto. ELDESTl a. Toshi ga uye. - son, cha- EMBASSY, n. Shisha no yaku. ku-shi, soriyo. - daughter, ane-mu- EMBELIISH, t. v. Kazaru. sume. EMBELLISHMENT, n. Kazari. ELECT, t. v. Yerabu, yoru, suguru. EMBER, n. Moye-kudzu. ELECT, a. Yerabaretaru. EMBEZZLE, t. v. Kasumeru, sukasu, nuELECTION, n. Yerabu koto, yerabi, niu- sumi toru, takuri-komu. satsu suru koto. EMBLAZON, t. v. Kazaru. ELECTIVE, a. Yerabaretaru. EMBLEM, n. Shirushi, hanjimono. ELECTOR, n. Yerabu hito. EMBODY, t. v. Katachi ni suru. ELECTRICITY, n. Den-ki. EMBOLDEN, t. v. Ikioi wo tsukeru. ELECTUARY, n. Neriyaku. EMBOSOM, t. v. Futokoro ni suru, daku. ELEGANT, a. Rippa naru, utsukushii, EMBOSS, t. v. Hori-age-zaiku suru. kekk6 na. EMBRACE, t. v. Daku, idaku, fukumu, ELEGY, n. Kuyami no uta, banka. komeru. - an o5portunity, kotodzuELEMENT, n. The five -, go-giyo. keru. ELEMENTARY, a. Moto no. EMBRASURE, n. Sama, ya-zama. ELEPHANT, n. Zo, kiza. EMBROCATION, n. Nuri-gusuri. ELEVATE, t. v. Ageru, takaku suru, he- EMBROIDER, t. v. Nuihaku suru, kagaagaru, agameru. ru. ELEVATION, n. Takasa. EMBROIDERER, n. Nuihaku-ya. ELEVEN, a. Ju-ichi. EMBROIDERY, n. Nuihaku mono. ELEVENTH, a. Dai jf-ichi, ju-ichi-ban, EMEND, t. v. Naosu, tadasu, aratameru. jfi-ichi-ban-me. EMERALD, n. Ruri. ELF, n. Tengu. EMERGE, t. v. Deru, hassuru. ELICIT, t. v. Akasu, arawasu. EMERGENCY, n. Sashi-atatta koto, sashiELIGIBLE, a. Yerabaruru. atari, kiu-hen, fui na koto. ELIMINATE, t. v. Nozoku, yerami-dasu. EMERY, n. Kong6sha. ELISION, n. Kotoba no tsumaru koto. EMETIC, n. Tozai, haki-gusuri. ELLIPSIS, n. Tamago nari, koban nari, EMIGRANT, n. Kuni-gaye wo suru hito. dayen. EMIGRATE, t. v. Ta-koku ye utsuru, kuELOCUTION, n. Benzetsu. ni-gaye wo suru. ELONGATE, t. v. Nagaku suru, noberu. EMINENT, a. Takaki, na-dakai, hiidetaELOPE, t. v. Kake-ochi suru, chikuten ru, nukindetaru, sugure-taru, takusuru, nigeru. yetsu no, k6mei na. ELOQUENCE, n. N6ben, benzetsu no yoi EMISSARY, n. Tsukai, shisha. koto. EMISSION, n. Hasshutsu, deru koto, hasELOQUENT, a. Benzetsu no yoi, no-ben suru koto. naru. EMIT, t. v. Dasu, hassuru, idasu. ELSE, a. Sono hoka ni, betsu ni, nake- EMENAGOGUE, n. Cho-kei-zai. reba. EMOLUMENT n. Yaku-toku, shotoku, ELSEWHERE, adv. Ta-sho ni, hoka no moke, yeki, riyeki. tokoro ni. EMOTIONS, n. Shichi-jo. ELUCIDATE, t. v. Akiraka ni suru, tsu- EMPEROR, n. Tenshi, mikado, tenn6. mabiraka ni suru, toki-akasu, tatoyeru. EMPIRE, n. Shihai, matsuri-goto; tenELUDE, t. v. Manukareru, yokeru, sake- ka, koku. ru, nogareru. EMPIRIC, n. Yabu-isha. ELUTRIATE, t. V. Suihi suru. EMPLOY, t. v. Tsukau, mochiyuru, kaEMACIATE, i. v. Yaseru, sh6sui suru. kayeru. EMANATE, i. v. Deru, hassuru, okoru. EMPLOYMENT, n. Shigoto, kagiyo, shoEMANCIPATE, t. V. Yurusu, hanatsu. ku-giyo; nariwai, sugiwai, yoji. Out of EMASCULATE, t. v. Kintama wo nuku. -, hima de oru. EMBALM, t. v. Kusuri wo tsukete shika- EMPORIUM, n. Ichiba. bane wo tamotaseru, miira ni suru. EMPOWER, t. v. Isei wo atayeru, keni wo EMBANKMENT, n. Tsutsumi, dote. atayeru. EMBARGO, n. Funa-de wo tomrru koto. EMPRESS, n. Kisaki, niyo-tei. EMBARK, t. v. Fune ni noru,j6-sen suru. EMPTY, a. Kara, munashii, aki, muda EMBARRASS, t. v. Sashi-tsukayeru, tori- no; utsura. - handed, su-de, karamagireru; samatageru; hodosareru, te, tebura. - stomach, suki-hara. magotsuku. EMPTY, t. v. Kara ni suru, akeru. EMU 61 ENN EMULATE, t. v. Kisou, hagemi-au, hari- ENERGY, n. Chikara, ikioi, konki, kiau, arasou. kon. ENABLE, t. v. Koto wo dekiru y6 ni su- ENERVATE, t. V. Yowaku suru, yowameru. ru, otoroye-saseru. ENACT, t. v. Tateru, sadameru, oku. ENFEEBLE, t. v. Yowaku suru. ENACTMENT, n. Okite, sadame, kisoku, ENFORCE, t.. K ibishiku suru. - the ho-ritsu. laws, hito wo horitsu ni shitagawaseru. ENAMEL, n. Yaki-mono no kusuri. - obedience, shitagawaseru. ENAMORED, a. Horeru. ENFRAN;CHISE, t. vZ. Ta-koku jin wo kuENCAMP, i. v. Jinya wo haru. ni no hito to suru. ENCAMPMENT, n. Jin-ya, gun-jin, tamu- ENGAGE, t.. Hiki-ukeru, uke-au, yaro-jo. kusoku suru, kakayeru, yatou. -. in ENCHANT, t. v. Maho wo tsukau, mayo- controversy, arasou, giron suru. - the wasu, mi-toreru, kokoro wo torareru, to- enemy, teki to tatakau. rakasu. ENGAGED, f. a. Am engaged and canENCHANTMENT, n. Maho, majutsu. not go, yoji atte mairaremasen. Tze ENCIRCLE, t. v. Kakomu, tori-maku, ka- young lady is -, ano musume ii-nako, mawasu. - in the arms, idaku. dzuke ga aru. - in writinga letter, ENCOMIUM, x. Homare, sambi. tegami wo kaite oru. ENCOMPASS, t. v. Tori-maku, kakomu, ENGAGMEENT,. Yakusoku, yoji, sashimawaru. tsukaye, kassen. ENCORE, interj. Shomo. ENGENDER, t. v. Nasu, okosu. ENCOUNTER, t. v. De-au, mukau, au. ENGINE, n. Kikai. yire -, riutosui. ENCOURAGE, t. v. Hagemasu, susumeru, ENGLAND, n, Yekoku, igirisu. ki wo hiki-tateru. ENGLISH, a. Ye-koku no. - man, yeENCROACH, t. V. Oriy6 suru, muri-dori jin. - lazguage, ye-go. wo suru, odatsu suru, yoko-dori wo su- ENGRAVE, t. v. Horu, kizamu, koku suru. ru. ENCUMBER, t. v. Samatageru, hodasare- ENGRAVER, n. Hori-mono-shi. ru, jama ni naru. ENGRAVING, n. Hori-mono. ENCUMBRANCE, n. Jama, sashi-tsukaye. ENGROSS, t. v. Shitatameru, kaku. EnEND, n. Owari, shimai, hate; moku-te- grossed with, kori-katamaru, isshin ni ki, me-ate, yuye, shui. Pit an end to, naru, isshin furan ni suru. yameru, korosu. In the -, tsui ni, ENHANCE, /. v. Masu, omoku suru, takashosen. To the - that, tame ni, y6 ku suru, hidoku suIu. ni. ENIGMA, n. Nazo, ingo. END, t. V. Owaraseru, yameru. (i. v.) ENJOIN, t. v. li-tsukeru, meidzuru, Owaru, shimau, yamu, hateru, sumu, kindzuru. togeru, oyobu. ENJOY, t. v. Omoshirogaru, tanoshimu, ENDANGER, t. v. Ayauku suru. - life, motsu, aru. Have greatly enjoyed inochi ni kakaru. — Sroferty, shinsho your entertainment, okini go-chiso ni ni kakawaru. narimashita. ENDEAR, t. v. Aisaseru. ENJOYMENT, n. Tanoshimi, kiy6, ureENDEAVOR, i. v. Tamesu, yatte miru; shisa. shussei suru, hone-oru. - to wvaIk, ENKINDLE, t. v. _Taku, okosu. aruite miru. - to do, shite miru. ENLARGE, t. v. Okiku suru, hiroku suENDLESS, a. Owari nashi, kagiri naki, ru. (i. v.) Futoru, okiku naru, hiroku hateshi naki, tayezaru. naru, kuwashiku noberu. ENDOW, L v. Kaiki suru; araseru, mo- ENLIGHTEN, t. v. Terasu, akaruku suru, taseru, sadzukeru, umaretsuku, sona- kagayakasu, akiraka-'i suru, satosu, waru. bummei ni suru. ENDOWMENT, n. Umaretsuki, sonawaru ENLIGHTENMENT, n. Bummei. mono. ENLIST, t. v. Hohei wo kakayeru. ENDURE, t. v. Shinogu, korayeru, ga- ENLIVEN, t. v. Ki wo hiki-tateru, kibaman suru, shimbo suru, tayeru, shino- rashi wo suru, tanoshimaseru, kuwappabu, kannin suru. tsu ni suru. END-WISE, ad-. Tate ni shite. ENMITY, n. Urami, ikon, uppon. ENEMA, n. Kuwan-ch6. ENNOBLE, t. v. Tattobaseru, agameru, ENEMIY, n. Teki, ada, kataki. tattobu. ENERGETIC, a. Kikon no yoi, hataraki ENNUI, n. Taikutsu, tozen, akiru kono tsuyoki. to. ENO 62 EQU ENORMOUS, a. Bakutai naru, ikai na, ENTRY, n. Iru koto, kaki-ireru koto, iriosoroshii; furachi na, amnmari na. kuchi, shi-kakeru koto. ENOUGI, a. or adv. Jubun, taru, aku; ENTWINE, t. v. Karainu, karami-tsuku. takusan, tanno. Vot -, tashinai. Well ENUMERATE, t.. Zazoyeru, kanjo suru, -, yoku. sanyo suru; shisai ni noberu, maikiyo ENRAGE, t. v. Haratataseru, rippuku sa- suru. seru, ikidoraseru, ikaraseru. To be en- ENUMERATION, n. Sanyo, kazoye. raged, hara ga tatsu, rippuku suru, iki- ENUNCIATE, t. v. Ii-dasu, hotsugon su; doru, ikaru. noberu. ENRAPTURED,. Ap. Hidoku tanoshinde ENVELOP, t.v. Tsutsumu, fijiru, ou. oru, hidoku yorokonde oru. ENVELOPE, n. Jobukuro, ffji-gami; tsuENRICH, t.v. Tomaseru, kanemochi ni tsumi. suru, yutaka ni suru, uruosu, koyasu. ENVIABLE, a. Urayamashii, kenarii. ENROBE, t. v. Matou, kiseru. ENVIOUS, a. Urayamashigaru, sonemu, ENROLL, t. v. Chomen ni kaki-ireru, ka- netamu, shitto-bukai. ki-tomeru. ENVIRON, t. v. Kakomu, tori-maku. ENSANGUINED,.A. Chi-mamireru, chi- ENVIRONS, n. Hotori, atari, kinjo, kadarakeru. koi. ENSCONCED, p.p. Komoru. ENVOY, n. Shisha, tsukai, koshi. ENSHRINE, t. v. Anchi suru. ENVY, t. v. Netamu, sonemu, urayamu. ENSIGH, n. Hata, hata-jirushi. ENVY, n. Netami, sonemi, urayami. ENSLAVE, t. v. Katte shimobe ni suru. EPHEMERA, n. Kagero. ENSUING, i.. -day, akuruhi. -year, EPICURE, n. Bi-shoku wo konomu hito. akuru toshl. EPIDEMIC, n. Riu-ko biyo, hayari yaENTAIL, t. v. Sozoku saseru, nokosu. mai. Evil entailed ucon one's posterity, EPIDERMIS, n. Guwai hiyohi. yoO. EPIGASTRIUM, n. Midzu-ochi, kiubi. ENTANGLED, f. A. Motsureru, musubo- EPILEPSY, n. Ten-kan. reru, midareru. EPISTLE, n. Tegami, shokan, fumi, shoENTER, t. v. Iru, hairu, ageru, ireru. jo. — school, niu-gaku suru, deshi-iri wo EPITAPH, n. Bohi no mei, himei. suru. - in a book, kaki-tsukeru, kaki- EPITOME, n. Riyaku-setsu, riyaku-sho. tomeru. - port, niu-tsu suru. - EPOCH, n. Toki, nengo, the friesthood, shukke suru. -on, or, EPSOM-SALT, n. Shariyen. eAon, shi-kakeru, hajimeru. EQUARLE, a. Taira-naru, ichi-yo na, ENTERPRISE, n. Koto. mura naki, hitoshii, soroitaru, heikin ENTERTAIN, t. v. Motenasu, kiyo-6 suru, naru. ashirau; go-chis6 suru, furumau; nagu- EQUAL, a. Onaji, ichi-yo na, hitoshii, sameru, shochi suru. sorotte oru, do-yo na, biyod6 na; kaENTERTAINMENT, n. Go-chis6, furumai, nau, tekito na. kiyo-o, kiyO, nagusami. EQUAL, n. Do-hai. ENTHUSIASM, n. Nobosete atsuku-naru EQUAL, t. v. Onajiku suru, sorou, heikoto, netchiu. kin ni suru, hitoshiku suru. (Aass.) ENTICE, t. v. Sosonokasu, obiku, izanau, Onajiku naru, hitoshiku naru, rui susasou, hiki-ireru. ru. ENTIRE, a. Mattaki, marude, ippan no, EQUALITY, n. Onajisa, hitoshisa, ichiy6 nokoradzu. na koto. ENTIRELY, adv. Mattaku, sappari, suk- EQUALIZE, t. v. Onajiku suru, soroyeru, kari, tonto. hito-shiku suru, ichiyo ni suru, hei-kin ENTITLE. t. v. Nadzukeru, go-su, sh6su. suru. ENTOMB, t. v. Haka ni osameru, homu- EQUANIMITY, n. Heiki, ochi-tsuki. ru. EQUATOR, n. Sekido. ENTRAILS, n. Hara-wata, hiyakuhiro. EQUESTRIAN, a. -feats, kiyokuba, baENTRANCE, n. Hairu koto; iri-kuchi, gei. shi-kakeru koto. Ship's -, niu-ko- EQUILIBRIUM, n. Tsuri-ai. tegata. EQUINOX, n. Vernal-, shumbun. AuENTRANCE, t. V. Ho-shin suru. tumnal -, shubun. ENTRAP, t. V. Wana ni kakeru, ana ni EQUIP, t. v. Teate wo suru, shitaku wo otoshi-ireru, obiki-komu. suru, yoi wo suru, sonayeru. ENTREAT, t. v. Koi-negau, tan-guwan EQUIPAGE, n. Teate, yoi; shozoku, d6suru, kito suru. zei. EQU 63 EVE EQUIPMENT, n. Teate, y6i, shitaku. ESTATE, n. Katoku, shinsh6, chigiyo, EQUIPOISE, n. Tsuri-ai. mibun, bungen. EQUISETUM, n. Sugina, tokusa. ESTEEM, t. v. Tattobu, tai-setsu ni suru, EQUITABLE, a. Gi naru, tadashii, 6yake oshimu, omou, yomi suru. naru, seichoku na. ESTIMABLE, a. Tattobareshii, oshii, oshiEQUITY, n. Gi, ri, giri, d6ri, michi, sei- mu beki. choku, k6hei. ESTIMATE, t. v. Tsumoru, hakaru, kanjo EQUIVALENT, a. Onaji, hitoshii. - words, suru, kazoyeru, mikomu. d6i no kotoba. ESTIMATE, n. Tsumori, tsumori-gaki, EQUIVOCAL, a. Utagawashii, ibukashii, sant6-gaki, oshi-hakari, suiriyo. fushin naru. ESTRANGE, i. V. T6zakeru, utoku suEQUIVOCATE, i. v. Itsuwaru. ru. ERA, n. Yo, dai, jidai toki, nengo. ESTRANGED, T6zakaru, utoku naru, soERADICATE, t. v. Nuku, ne kara hiki- yen ni naru. nuku, kogu. ESTRANGEMENT, n. Soyen. ERASE, t. v. Kesu, kaki-kesu, kedzuri- ETERNAL, a. Kagiri-naki, hate naki, tokesu. koyo. - life, kagiri-naki-jfmiyo. ERE, adv. Maye ni, izen. ETERNALLY, adv. Kagiri-naku, hate naERECT, a. Massugu na. ku, tokoshinaye ni, itsu-made mo. ERECT, t. v. Tateru, konriu suru. ETERNITY, n. Hajime mo naku mata ERE-LONG, adz. Fu-jitsu ni. owari mo naki koto, hate naki koto. ERR, i. v. Mayou, ayamaru, machigau, ETIQUETTE, n. Reigi, rei-shiki. omoi-chigau, kokoro-chigau. EULOGY, n. Homeru koto. ERRAND, n. Tsukai, yoji. EULOGIZE, t. v. Homeru, shobi suru, sh6 ERRATIC, a. Buratsuite iru, kotonatte suru. iru. EUNUCH, n, Kintama wo nukitaru hito, ERRATUM, n. Sakugo. yensha, yenkuwan. ERRONEOUS, a. Machigatte iru, ayamatte EUROPE, n. Y6ropa, seiyO. iru. EVACUATE, t. v. Kobosu, akeru, shirizoERROR, n. Ayamachi, machigai, soi; ku, deru, kudaru. ochido. EVADE, t. v. Sakeru, nukeru, yokeru, ERUCTATION, n. Okubi, geppu, hedo. nogareru, manukareru. ERUDITE, a. Haku-gaku na, monoshiri EVANESCENT, a. Haka-naki, mujo. no. EVAPORATE, i. v. Suiki ni tatsu. ERUDITION, n. Gakumon, hakugaku. EVAPORATION, n. Suiki ni tatsu koto. ERUPTION, n. Deru-koto, hassuru koto; EVASION, n. Nogareru koto, nogare. deki-mono. EVEN, n. Kure-gata, ban, yube. ESCAPE, t. v. Nigeru, nogareru, manu- EVEN, a. Tairaka naru. - numbers, kareru, nukeru, yokeru, sakeru. cho no kadzu. - and odd, cho-han, ESCORT, n. Keiyei, tsuki-soi, keigo. ki-gu. - tempfered, ki ni mura no naESCORT, t. v. Keiyei suru, keigo suru. ki. Make -, narasu, soroyeru. ESOPHAGUS, n. Ikuwan. EVEN, adz. Demo, saye, sura, dani, saESPECIAL, a. Kaku-betsu na, betsudan suga, sashimono. - so, kaku no gotono, kakugai na. ku. - if, tatoi, to iyedomo. ESPECIALLY, adv. Kakubetsu ni, bes- EVENING, n. Yube, ban, kuregata, yfshite, tori-wakete, koto ni, koto-sara gure. ni. EVENLY, adv. Tairaka ni, soroite. ESPIONAGE, n. Kansatsu, metsuke. EVENT, n. Koto, hen. ESPOUSAL, a. Ii-nadzuke. EVENTUALLY, adv. Tsui-ni, hate ni, ESPOUSE, t. v. Ii-nadzukeru, yome ni ageku-ni, toto, shimai ni. yaru, metoru. EVER, adv. Itsu-made mo, bandai, yeiESPY, t. v. Ukagau, mi-tsukeru, mi-to- kiu. meru,midasu. EVERGREEN, n. Tokiwagi. ESSAY,. v. Tamesu, yatte miru; shite EVERLASTING, a. Kagiri-naki, itsu-made miru. mo, tsukizaru. From -, mu-shi yori ESSAY, n. Bunsho, tameshi, kokoro-mi. kono kata. ESSENCE, n. Genso, moto, gokui. EVERY, a. Goto ni, mai. - day, mai ESSENTIAL, a. Kanyo, kanjin na, taise- nichi, nichi-nichi. hi-goto ni, heijitsu, tsu na, nakute kanawanu. tsune no. - body, dare-demo, dare-niESTABLISH, t. V. Sadameru, kiwameru, temo, bammin, ono-ono. - thing, katameru, tateru, hiraku. banji, bammotsu. - time, tabi goto EVE 64 EXE ni, tambi, mai-do. - other day, ichi- EXCESSSIVELY, adv. Shigoku, hanahada, nichi-oki ni, kaku-jitsu ni. itatte. EVERYWHERE, adv. Doko nite mo, idzu- EXCHANGE, t. v. Tori-kayeru, kayeru, ku ni mo, amaneku, mamben, hobo, riyogaye suru, tori-kawasu. sho-sho, sho-ho, bampo. EXCHANGE, n.. Tori-kaye, kawaru koto; EVIDENCE, n. Sh6ko, akashi. k6yeki, riyogaye-ya, kawase. Bill of EVIDENT, a. Akiraka na, meihaku na, -, kawase-tegata. - Broker, riyoichijirushi. gaye-ya. EVIL, a. Aku, ashiki, warui, fukitsu na, EXCHANGEABLE, a. Tori-kayerareru. kiyo. - speaking, akk6. - spirits, EXCISE, n. Unjo, zei-gin, zei. akki. - thoughts, aku-nen. EXCITABLE, a. Jo no ugoki-yasui. EVIL, n. Aku. EXCITE, t. v. Hagemasu, okosu, odateru, EVINCE, t. v. Arawasu. sendo suru, sawagasu, taki-tsukeru. EVULSION, n. Nuku koto. EXCITEMENT, n. Sodo, sawagi, doyo. EXACERBATION, n. - of fever, ch6- EXCLAIM, t. V. Koye wo ageru, sakebu. netsu. EXCLAMATION, n. Hotsu-gon. EXACT, n. Kich6men na, shimattaru, EXCLUDE, t. v. Kindzuru, kotowaru, genjf na, kimari no. dasu; nokeru. EXACTLY, adv. Chodo, shikkuri to, kit- EXCLUSIVE, a. As, wearing two swords chiri to, teinei ni. is the exclusive privilege of a samuEXAGGERATE, t. v. Okiku iu, giy6-san rai, ni hon sasu wa samurai nomi ni ni iu, hari wo b6 ni iu, o ni o tsukete kagiru. iu, kotogotoshiku iu. EXCLUSIVELY, adv. Kagitte. EXALT, t. v. Agameru, homeru, ageru, EXCGOITATE, t. V. Omoi-megurasu, kantakameru. gaye dasu. EXAMINATION, n. Gimmi, shirabe, ara- EXOCMMUNICATE, t. v. Shushi wo habutame, shi-mon. ku, shushi kara hochiku suru, shushi EXAMINE, t. v. Gimmi suru, shiraberu, wo kamayeru. aratameru, kokoromiru toi-tsumeru, EXCORIATE, t. v. Kawa wo suri-muku, shi-mon suru. - one's self, kayeri- hagu. miru. - a patient, shin-satsu suru. EXCREMENT, n. Fun, kuso, dai-ben. EXAMPLE, n. Tehon, mihon, kibo, gihi- EXCRESCENCE, n. Kobu, zei-butsu. yo, kangami, rei, tameshi, furiai. For EXCRUCIATING, a. Kurushiki. - tatoyeba. EXCULPATE, t. v. Tsumi nashi to m6shiEXASPERATE, t. v. Ikaraseru, rippuku- wake suru, kamai kore naki munemoshi saseru. (Aass.) Ikaru, okoru, rippuku watasu. suru. EXCURSION, n. Yusan. Boat -, funaEXCAVATE, t. v. Hori-kubomeru, kuru, yusan. horu. EXCUSABLE, a. Yurusareru, gomen aruEXCAVATION, n. Hori-kubomeru koto, beki. ana, hori. EXCUSE, t. v. Yurusu, menkiyo suru, EXCEED, t. v. Sugiru, amaru, koyeru, mendzuru. - me, go-men nasare. kosu, yosugiru. EXCUSE, n. Ii-wake; kakotsuke. EXCEEDINGLY, adv. Hanahada, shigoku, EXECRABLE, a. Nikurashii. itatte, ito, ammari. EXECRATE, t. V. Nonoshiru, norou, niEXCEL, t. v. Sugiru, kosu, masaru, hiide- kumu. ru, nukinderu, katsu, sugureru. EXECRATION, n. Nonoshiri, noroi, akko. EXCELLENCE, n. Sugitaru koto, masaru EXECUTE, t. v. Togeru, shi-togeru, sukoto, hiidetaru koto, yosa. masu; tori-okonau, tori-atsukau; shioki EXCELLENCY, n. Your —, kekka. wo suru, shizai ni suru. EXCELLENT, a. Yoi, ii. EXECUTION, n. Tori-okonai, tori-atsuEXCEPT, i. v. Nokosu, nokeru, tori-no- kai; shioki. -ground, shioki-ba. zoku. - to, kotowaru, inamu. EXECUTIONER, n. Shioki wo okonau hito. EXCEPT, prep. Hoka-ni, narade, nokete. EXEMPLARY, a. Kangami ni naru, gihiyO EXCEPTION, n. Bekkaku, kakugai, kaku- to naru. betsu. EXEMPLIFY, t. v. Okonaite hito no tehon EXCESS, n. Y6kei, amari, kuwabun, yo- to suru, tai suru. bun, do wo sugiru koto. -or deficien- EXEMPT, t. V. Yurusu, menkiyo suru. cy, ka-fugiu. EXEMPTION, n. Menkiyo, yurushi, naki EXCESSIVE, a. Ammari na, do ni sugiru, koto. do ni hadzureru, bakutai, hidoi EXERCISE, n. Ugoki, hataraki, mochiiru EXE 65 EXP koto; keiko; ch6-ren, s6ren, und6. EXPEDITE, t. V. Hakadoraseru, haya Sword -, kenjutsu. Spear-, s6jutsu. meru, rachiakaseru. EXERCISE, t. v. Hatarakasu, ugokasu, EXPEDITION, n. Isogu koto, shimpatsu. shugiyo suru, keiko suru, soren suru, EXPEDITIOUS, a. Hayai, haka-bakashii, choren suru; okonau, tsukasadoru. isoide iru, rachi ga aku. - authority, shihai suru. EXPEDITIOUSLY, adv. Hayaku, isoide, EXERT, t. V. Shussei suru, sei-dasu. kaka-bakashiku. EXERTION, n. Shussei, tansei, taigi. EXPEL, t. V. Oi-dasu, dasu, hochiku EXHALATION, n. Ki, nioi. suru, oi-harau. EXHALE, t. v. Ki wo dasu, nioi wo dasu. EXPEND, t. v. Harau, tsuiyasu, ireru. EXHAUST, t. v. Tsukiru, tsukusu naku EXPENDITURE, n. Niu-yo, iri-yo, zappi, suru, tsuki-hateru. (/ass.) Tsukareru, irika, iri-meyodo, kakari, zoyo. tsukusareru. EXPENSE, n. Niu-yo, iriy6, hakari, zoy6. EXHIBIT, t. v. Miseru, arawasu. Useless -, muda-dzukaye. EXHIBITION, n. Mise-mono, hakuran- EXPENSIVE, a. K6jikina,nedan notakakuwai, tenrankuwai. ki, oku kakaritalu. EXHILERATE, t. v. Yorokobaseru, kiba- EXPERIENCE,'a. Nashite shiru koto, shite rashi wo suru. satoru koto, tameshite shiru koto. EXHORT, t. v. Hagemasu, isameru. EXPERIENCE, t. v. Included in the subEXHUME, t. v. Shikabane wo hori-dasu; jective or intransitive form of the haka wo abaku. yapanese verb; as, to -pgain. itamu. EXIGENCY, n. Kiu na koto, kiu-hen, To - sorrow, kanashimu. To - the kiuba, sashi-atari. contempt of others, hito ni mi-kudasaEXILE, n. Tsuih6-nin. reru. EXILE, t. V. Tsuiho suru. EXPERIENCED, fi. a. Juku-ren shite oru, EXIST, i. v. Oru, aru, imasu, sumu. tasshitaru, tan-ren shitaru, narete iru, Cause to -, arashimeru. All things jukushitaru, yeteru. that -, arayuru mono. EXPERIMENT, n. Kokoro-mi, keiken, EXISTENCE, n. Oru koto, aru koto. tameshi. EXIT, n. De-guchi, saru koto. EXPERT, a. J6dzu na, tasshi-taru. EXONORATE, t. v. Toga naki koto wo EXPERT, n. Tatsu-jin, yeteta hito. meihaku ni suru, haji wo sosogu. EXPIATE, t. v. Tsumi wo tsugunau, EXORBITANT, a. Mess6 na, toho mo naku, aganau. hoguwai. EXPIATION, n. Tsugunai, aganai. EXOSTOSIS, n. Kotsu-riu. EXPIRATION, n. Tsuku-iki, de-iki, owan, EXPAND, t. v. Hirogeru, hiroku su- shimai. rl. EXPIRE, t. v. Iki wo tsuku; idasu. (i. v.) (i. v.) Hiraku, hirogaru, hiroku naru. Shinuru, iki ga tsukiri, awaru, shimau. EXPANSE, n. Sora. EXPLAIN, t. v. Toki-akasu, toku, ge suEXPANSIBLE, a. Hirogerareru. ru. EX-PARTE, a. — statement, kata-kuchi. EXPLANATION, n. Toki-akasu koto, imi, EXPATIATE, t. V. Isai ni iu, kuwashiku iwake -ae. hanasu. EXPLETIVE, a. Jogo, kiyoji, joji. EXPATRIATE, t. V. Kuni yori oi-dasu, EXPLICIT, a. Akiraka naru, hakkiri to tsuih6 suru. - one's self, hon-koku shite oru, meihaku na. wo saru. EXPLODE, i. v. Haretsu suru, hanasu. EXPECT, t. v. Matsu, nozomu. Also EXPLOIT, n. Tegara, k6, hataraki, waza. formed by the fut. or dub. suffix 6 or EXPLORE, t. V. Ukagau, tansaku suru, aro; as, I expect to sail to-morrow, tadzuneru; sagasu, saguru, shiraberu. miyonichi shuppan itashimash6. Iex- EXPLOSION, n. Haretsu, hanasu koto. Sect him here to-night, kon-ban kuru EXPORT, t. v. Hakobi-dasu, yushutsu de aro. suru. EXPECTATION, n. Matsu koto, nozomi. EXPORTS, n. Yushutsu mono. EXPECTORATE, t. V. Kuchi kara haki- EXPORTATION, n. Haboki-dasu koto. dasu. EXPOSE, t. v. Arawasu, idasu, sarasu, EXPECTORATION, n. Haki-dasu koto, ku- miseru, ii-furasu, shiraseru. - life, chi kara haki-dau mono, tan, tsubaki. inochi wo kakeru. EXPEDIENT, a. Yeki ni naru, tame ni EXPOSITION, n. Toki-akasu koto, konaru. shaku. EXPEDIENT, n. Tedate, kufu, sandan, EXPOSTULATE, i. V. Isameru, kangen shikata, senkata, saku. suru, iken suru. EXP 66 EYE EXPOUND, t. v. Toki-akasu, yaku suru, EXTINGUISH, t. v. Kesu, fuki-kesu, tayakai suru, toku, koshaku suru. su, naku suru, messuru. EXPRESS, t. v. Shiboru, shimeru, shiru- EXTIRPATE, t. v. Nuki-dasu, nuku, su, shimesu, ii-toru, noberu, shitate de dammetsu suru, yaru. EXTOL, t. v. Homeru, sh. suru, sambi EXPRESS, n, Haya-bikiyaku, haya, shi- suru, tatayeru. tate. EXTORT, t. v. Ubai-toru, oshite toru, itaEXPRESS, a. Shika-to shitaru, tashika buru, nedaru, yusuru. naru. - messenger, shitatetaru hiki- EXTORTION, n. Muri ni toru koto, oshiyaku, hiya-bikiyaku. - image, iki- dori. utsushi. EXTRA, a. Sono hoka, betsudan no. EXPRESSION, n. Shiboru koto, noberu expenses, ringi no niuyo. koto, hanashi, kotoba, ku. - of coun- EXTRACT, t. v. Hiki-dasu, nuki-dasu, tenance, kao-tsuki. hiku, nuku. EXPULSION, n. H6chiku suru koto, oi- EXTRACT, n. Nuki-gaki, bassui, genso. dasu koto. EXTRACTION, n. Nuki, hiki-dasu koto, EXPUNGE, t. v. Kesu, kaki-kesu, kedzu- chisuji. ri-kesu, EXTRAORDINARILY, adv. Kakubetsu ni, EXQUISITE, a. Kekk6 na, sei-miy6 naru, tsune naradzu shite. tsuyoi, hanahadashii. EXTRAORDINARY, a. Tsune naranu, hijo EXSICCATE, t. v. Kawakasu, hosu. * naru, ihen na; kakubetsu no. EXTANT, a. Tsutaye-kitattaru, nokoru. EXTRAVAGANCE, n. Ogori, zeitaku, shashi. EXTEMPORANEOUS, a. Maye kara kanga- EXTRAVAGANT, a. Hoguwai naru, ogoru, ye naki, detarame na, dehodai no. zeitaku na. EXTEMPORANEOUSLY, adv. Maye kara EXTREME, a. Shigoku naru, kiwamattakangayedzu shite, detarame ni. ru, kono uye naki, hanahadashiki. EXTEMPORIZE, t. v. Maye kara kangaye EXTREME, n. Itari. nashi ni iu. EXTREMELY, adv. Shigoku, itatte, hanaEXTEND, t. v2. Haru, nobasu, noberu, to- hadashiku. dokeru, oyobosu, hiromeru, rufu suru, EXTREMITY, n. Kagiri, owari, hate, itari. hiromaru. - the time, hi-nobe wo su- EXTRICATE, t. v. Sukui-toru, tasukeru. ru, nichi-gen wo nobasu. EXUBERANT, a. Shigeru, habikoru, yuEXTENSION, n. Haru koto, nobasu koto. taka na. - oftime, hinobe. EXUDE, t.v. Dasu. (i. v.) Deru. EXTENSIVE, a. Hiroi, 6kii. EXULT, i. v. Yorokobu, ureshigaru, kiEXTENSIVELY, adv. Hiroku. yetsu suru. EXTENT, n. Hirosa. EYE, n. Me; manako, gan, moku. One EXTENUATE, t. v. Heru yo ni ii-wake wo -, kata-me. - disease, gam-biyo. iu, gendzuru. Sore -, biyo-gan. Artificial -, ireEXTERIOR, a. Soto no, guwai. (n.) Uwa- me. - of a needle, hara no ana, hari be, omote. no mizo. To keep an - on, me wo tsuEXTERMINATE, t. v. Tayasu, mina-goro- keru, mamoru. Have an - to, ki wo shi ni suru, messuru, horobosu, kiri- tsukeru. tsukusu. (fass.) Taye-hateru, dan- EYE-BROW, n. Mayu, mayu-ge. zetsu suru. EYE-BALL, n. Me no tama. EXTERNAL, n. Soto no, guwai, uwamuki EYE-GLASS, n. Megane. no. - and internal, nai-guwai. EYE-LID, n. Mabuta. EXTINCT, a. Kiyeru, tayeru, taye-hateru. EYE-TOOTH, n. Kiba. EXTINCTION, n. Kesu koto, kiyeru koto, EYE-WATER, n. Me-gusuri. tayeru koto. EYE-WITNESS, n. Me ni mita sh6ko-nin. FAB 67 FAL F FABLE, n. Tatoye-banashi, tsukuri-mo- FAILING, n. Ayamachi, ochido, bunsan. no gatari. FAILURE, n. Ayamachi, ochido, hladzure. FABRIC, n. Tsukuri-kata, ji-ai, ji, kime, - ofafpromise, i-yaku, ha-dan. - of tate-mono. crois, kai-mu. - ofsizght, sui-gan. - FABRICATE, t. V. Tsukuru, koshirayeru, of business, bunsan, ochi-bureru. saku suru, sei suru. - a lie, uso wo FAINT, a. Yowai, uchiki na, kiyowa na, tsuku. kasuka naru. -in color, usui. -from FABRICATION, n. Tsukuru koto, tsukuri- loss of blood, chi-mayoi. - hearted, mono; uso, kiyo-gon. uchiki na, okubiyo na. FABULOUS, a. Kiyo-setsu na, gi-saku na, FAINT, i. v. Yowaku naru, kizetsu suru, dzuzan na. fusagaru, ki-utsu suru, ki ga tbku naru. FACE, n. Kao, tsura, kambase, omote; FAINTING, P.fr. Memai, ken-nun. membu, memboku, men, omo. To -, FAINTLY, adv. Yowaku, kasuka ni, usumukau, tai suru. - about, kuri-ageru. ku. Face to face, taimen, ai-mukai ni, ai- FAIR, a. Kirei na, yoi, utsukushii. - tai ni, muki-au. Lose -, memboku wo weather, otenki, seiten. - wind, jumushinau. Straight -, magao, majime pu. na kao. To laugh in one's -, azawa- FAIR, n. Ichi. rau. Before the -, me no maye ni, FAIRLY, adv. Shbjiki ni, massuguni, jingan-zen. In the - of, mukomidzu ni. jo ni. To make faces, karakaidzura wo suru. FAIRY, n. Tengu. To have the -, hadzukashiku mo naku. FAITH, n. Shin, shinko, shiny6; oshiye, To - each other, ai-mukau, muki-au. setsu. FACE, t. v. Mukau, tai suru, kiseru, ka- FAITHFUL, a. Gi naru, chiugi no, shojiki zaru. na, shinjitsu na. - servant, chiu-shin. FACETIOUS, a. Odokeru, shareru, kokkei - soldier, gi-hei. na. - person, odoke mono, share- FAITHLESS, a. Fu-shink6 na, fu-shinmono. jitsu na, fujitsu na. FACILE, a. Te-yasui, tayasui, yasui, ya- FALCON, n. Taka. sashii, otonashii. FALCONER, n. Takajo. FACILITATE, t. v. Yasuku suru, tayasuku FALL, i. v. Ochiru, taoreru, korobu, sasuru. garu, kudaru, dareru. - over, taoreru, FACILITY, O. Shi-yasui koto, z6samo- kokeru. - behind, okureru, ato ni nanaki koto, j6dzu. ru. - away, yaseru, dasso suru, michi FAC SIMILE, n. Iki-utsushi. wo suteru, otoroyeru, daraku suru. - FACT, n. Jitsu-ji, koto, arisama, yoshi. back, shirizoku, atoshizaru. — from, In fact, jitsu ni, hon ni, makoto ni, ge- somuku. - into, hamaru. -in with, ni-mo. kanau, shitagau, sh6chi suru, de-au. - FACTION, n. Toto, muhon. off, ochiru, shirizoku, tozakaru, suteru, FACTIOUS, a. Giyaku-shin naru. otoroyeru. - out, kenkuwa suru, naFACTITIOUS, a. Magayeru, niseru, koshi- katagaye wo suru. - short, fusoku rayetaru. naru, sukunaku naru, taranu. - to, FACTOR, n. Banto, tedai, tori-atsukai. shi-kakeru. - under, kakawaru, kiFACTORY, n. Sh6-kuwan, sei-z6-ba. suru. - ufon, semeru, yosoou. - in FACULTY, n. Umare-tsuki, sh6toku, chi- love, horeru, rembo suru. - in frice, ye, chikara, hataraki; nakama. geraku suru, sagaru. The tide falls, FADE, i. v. Samelu, bokeru, aseru, oto- hiki-shio ni naru. The rainfalls, ame royeru, stiibi suru, kareru, kiyeru. ga furu. FAGGED,fp.. Tsukareru, kutabireru. FALL, n. Ochi, korobi, taore, sagari, hoFAGGOT, n. Takagi, yake-bokkui. robi; kudari, otoroye. - of water, FAIL, i. v. Naku naru, tayeru, ochiru, taki. Rise and —, age-sage. otoroyeru, suibi suru. hadzureru, bun- FALLACIOUS, a. Ri ni ataranu, itsuwaru, san suru, tsubureru. Without fzil, to- hi naru, dori ni kanawanu. dokori naku, sashi-tsukaye naku, soi FALLACY, n. Itsuwari, hi, machigai. naku. FALLIBLE, a. Machigai yasui. FAL 68 FAU FALLOPIAN-TUBES, n. Rappan-kuwan. FARM, t. v. Tagayesu, k6saku suru, tsu" FALLOW-GROUND, n. Yasume-ji. kuru. FALSE, a. Makoto naki, itsuwaru, fu- FARMER, n. Hiyakusho, nofu. jitsu na, uso no, fu-chiu na, fu-shin- FARRIER, n. Ba-i, hakuraku; uma no jitsu na, niseru. - hair, ire-gami, gi- kana-kutsu wo utsu hito. hatsu. - tooth, ire-ba. - key, ai- FASCINATE, t. v. Mayowasu, torakasu. kagi. - eye, ire-me, gi-gan. - tears, (pass.) Mayou, norokoru, mi-toreru, sora-naki, kara-naki. -measure, nise- shijaku suru. masu. - hearted, futa-goltoro, ura- FASCINATION, n. Shfjaku, kokoro no gokoro. — pretences, kataru. ubawaretaru koto. FALSEHOOD, n. Uso, kiyo-gon, itsuwari, FASHION, n. Katachi, sugata, nari, furi; chiku. hayari, riuko no sugata. FALSIFY, t. V. Itsuwaru, niseru. FASHION, t. V. Katadoru, tsukuru. FALTER, i. v. Tamerau, tayutau, yodo- FASHIONABLE, a. Hayaru, riuko no, fiumu. riu na, fuga na. FAME, n. Kikoye, hiy6ban, fibun. FAST, a. Hayai, sumiyaka na; katai, koFAMILIAR, a. Najimu, natsuku, kokoro- wai, tsumaru. - asleep, juku-sui. - yasui, nengoro na, nare-nareshli, nareru. man, hoto-nin. - spirit, oni. Too -, sobayeru. FAST, adv. Kataku, shikkari; shika-to, FAMILIARITY, n. Najimi. hayaku, sumiyaka ni. FAMILIARIZE, t. v. Narasu, nareru. - FAST, i. v. Danjiki suru, shoku wo tato doing, shi-nareru. - to hearing, tsu, kuwadzu. kiki-nareru. - to seeing, mi-nareru. FAST, n. Danjiki. - to living in, i-nareru. FASTEN, t. v. Tozasu, shimeru, tojiru, FAMILIARLY, adv. Najinde, kokoro-ya- tsukeru. suku, nen-goro ni, nare-nareshiku. FASTENING, n. Shimeru mono. FAMILY, n. Kanai no mono, kanai-ji, FASTIDIOUS, a. Ki-mutsukashii. uchi-wa, kenzoku; iye-suji, shurui. FAT, a. Koyeru. FAMINE, n. Kikin. FAT, n. Abura. FAMISH, i. v. Uye-jini wo suru, uyeru, FATAL, a. Inochi ni kakaru, shinu hodo katsuyeru. no. FAMOUS, a. Nadakai, k6mei naru, kiko- FATALITY, n. Ten-un, temmei. yeru. FATALLY, adv. Shinu hodo ni, inochi FAN, n. Uchiwa, 6gi, sensu; mi. ni kakatte. FAN, t. v. Aogu, aoru. FATE, n. Ten-un, tem-mei, un, yakusoFANATICAL, a. Shfshi ni nobosetaru. ku. FANATIC, n. Shishi ni nobosetaru hito. FATHER, n. Otots-san, chi-chi, teteoya. FANCIFUL, a. Dzuzan na, ukaretaru, Your -, go-shimbu-sama, taijin. - ukaretsuku. and child, fu-shi. - land, hon-goku. FANCY, n. Omoi-nashi, deki-gokoro, so- - and mother, fu-bo, futa-oya, riyozo; ki, kokoro; konomi. shin. - in law, shuto. FANCY, t. v. Omoi-nasu, ukabu, soz6 su- FATHERLESS, a. Chichi nashi, tete-naki. ru; konomu. - child, minashigo. FANG, n. Kiba. FATHOM, n. Hiro. FANTASTICAL, a. Ukatsuite iru, okashii. FATHOM, t. v. Sokuriy6 suru, umi no fiFAR, a. Toi, haruka, yempo, haru-baru. kasa wo hakaru. How far to Yedo? Yedo ye iku ri ari- FATHOMLESS, a. Hakararenu, soko namasu, or dono kurai de gozarimasu. shi. FAR, adv. T6ku, haruka-ni, haru-baru FATIGUE, n. Tsukare, kutabire. to. FATIGUED, p. p. Tsukareru, kutabireru, FARCE, n. Odoke-shibai, chari-shibai. hokkori to shita, gakkari to shita. FARE, i. v. Au. To - well, shi-awase FATNESS, n. Koyeru koto. ni naru. To - ill, fu-shiawase. - FATTEN, t.V. Koyasu. sumptuously, ogoru. FATTY, a. Aburake no aru. FARE, n. Chin, dai; shokuji, unchin FATUITY, n. Gu naru koto, orokonaru, Jachin. Boat-, funa-chin. ki-nuki. FAREWELL, interj. Sayonara, go-kigen FAUCET, n. Nomi-guchi. yoroshf. To bid -, wakare wo tsuge- FAULT, n. Ayamachi, ochido, ii-bun. ru. To find -, kogoto wo iu, togameru. FARM, n. Denji, jimen, dembata. - FAULTLESS, a. Ayamachi-naki, mu-shihouse, denka. tsu na, m6shi-bun nashi. FAU 69 FER FAULTY, a. Ayamachi aru, toga aru. FEEL, i. v. Oboyeru, kandzuru, omou. FAVOR, n. On, megumi, nasake, o-kage, Included in the intransitive or subsewa, ontaku. To beg a -, o tanomi jective fornm of the verb; as, to feel m6shi-masu. To receive a -, sewa ni sick, yamu; or yande oru. To feel naru. To do a -, sewa wo suru. To angry, ikaru; or ikatte oru. To feel find -, ki ni iru, hiiki ni sareru, ai- afraid, kowagaru. To feel cold, saserareru. To regard with -, kokoro mukaru. To feel for, omoiyaru, fubin ni kanau. In - of, yoshi to suru. To ni omou. To feel unwell, ambai ga gain -, tori-iru. warui. To feel rough, tezawari ga FAVORABLE, a. Kokoro ni kanaitaru, arai. shubi yoi, tsug6 no yoi. - wind, FEEL. n. Te-zawari, te-atari. jumpu, oite. FEELING, n. Chikaku, kokoro-mochi, kiFAVORITE, n. Ki ni iritaru hito, konomi- bun, ki-mochi, kimi, oboye, shone, taru hito; hayari. zonjiyori. Destitute of -, nasake nai. FAVORITISM, n. Kata-hiiki, yeko, hempa, FEIGN, t. v. Tobokeru, shirabakureru, kata-yori, hiiki. niseru, mane wo suru, maneru, furi wo FAWN, n. Shikano ko. suru. FAWN, t. v. Hetsurau, kobiru, omoneru, FEIGNED, A. a. Nise, sora. - sickness, tsuisho suru. ke-biyo, sora-yamai. - madness, niseFEALTY, n. Chiugi. kichigai, sora-kichigai. FEAR, n. Osore, ojike, kowagari. FELICITATE, t. v. Iwau, shuku suru, ga FEAR, t. v. Osoreru, ojikeru, kowagaru, suru, shugi wo iu. ojiru. FELICITATION, n. Shfgi, iwai. FEARFUL, a. Osoroshii, kowai, okkanai, FELICITY, n. Tanoshimi, urei, raku, anabunagaru. raku, saiwai. FEARFULLY, adv. Osoroshiku. FELL, t. v. Buchi-taosu; nu. FEARLESS, a. Osore-nai; futeki na, dai- FELLOW, n. Mono, yatsu, ko-itsu, d6tan naru. rui, do-hai, tomo; aite. These shoes FEASIBLE, a. Dekiru, itasareru. are not fellows, kono kutsu wa tsui da FEAST, n. Go-chiso, furumai, shu-yen; na. - citizen, do-koku jin. — feelmatsuri. - of lanterns, bon, bor- ing, omoi-yari, nasake. - lodger, domatsuri. shuku mono. - officer, do-yaku. FEAST, i. v. Furumau, shoku suru, kiyo- student, do-gaku, ai-deshl. -creature, o suru. onajiku kami no tsuku mono. -travelFEAST-DAY, n. Matsuri-bi. er, michi-dzure. FEAT, n. Waza, shi-waza, ko. - of FELLOWSHIP. n. Nakama, tsuki-ai, majistrength, kiyoku-mochi. wari, shitashimi. FEATHER, n. Tori no ke. - brush, ha- FELON, n. Zai-nin, tsumi-bito. boki. - fan, ha-uchiwa. To show FELONY, n. Tsumi, toga. the white -, shirakeru, oku-biyo ni FEMALE, a. Mesu, me, onna no, niyo. naru. FEMININE, a. Onna no, onnarashii, meFEATHER, t. v. - an arrow, ya wo meshii, niyakeru. hagu. FEMUR, n. Dai-tai-kotsu. FEATURE, n. Kao-tsuki, omodachi, tsura- FEN, n. Numa. gamaye, keshiki. FENCE, n. Hei, kakoi. Board -, itaFEBRIFUGE, n. Seiriyozai, netsu-sama- bei. Stone —, ishi-bei. shi. FENCE, t. v. Hei de kakou; shi-au, FEBRILE, a. Netsu no. kenjutsu suru. FEBRUARY, n. Ni-guwatsu. FENCER, n. Kenjutsu-tsukai, kenkaku. FECES, n. Dai-ben, kuso, fun, unko. FENCING, n. Kenjutsu. FEDERAL, a. Keiyaku no. FEND, t. v. Fusegu, yokeru; ukeru. FEE, n. Rei-kin, yaku-rei, kiu-kin. FENDER,n. Yoke, jotan. FEEBLE, n. Yowal, niujaku na. FERMENT, n. Koji; s6do, sawagi. FEEBLY, adv. Yowaku. FERMENT, i. v. Waku, mureru, wakiFEED, t. v. Tabesaseru, kuwaseru, kau, agaru. fukumeru, kukumeru, yashinau. (i. v.) FERMENTATION, n. Waki-agaru koto. Taberu, shoku suru. FERN, n. Warabi, shida, zemmai. FEED, n. Tabe-mono, kaiba, yeba, ma- FEROCIOUS, a. Takeki, boaku na, arai. gusa, ye. - animal, mo-ju. FEEL, t. V. - after, saguru. - with FERRULE, n. Tagane. the hand, naderu, sawaru. FERRY, n. Watashi-ba. FER 70 FIN FERRY, t. v. Watasu, wataru. FIFTIETH, a. Gojf-ban, (n.) Goju-banFERRY-BOAT, n. Watashi-bune. me. FERRYMAN, n. Watashi-mori, send6. FIFTY, a. Go-ju. FERTILE, a. Koyetaru, yutaka na. FIG, n. Ichijiku. FERTILITY, n. Yutaka naru koto. FIGHT, i. v. Tatakau, kassen suru, senFERTILIZE, t. v. Koyasu. so suru, buchi-au; kenkuwa suru, tekiFERULE, n. Shippei. tau, teki suru. (as dogs.) kui-au, kamiFERVENT, a. Atsui; fumpatsu na, hage- au. To fight cocks, ke-awaseru, t6kei shiki. saseru. - with swords, shi-au, kiriFERVENTLY, adv. Atsuku, hageshiku, au. ichidzu ni. FIGHT, n. Kenkuwa, tatakai, ikusa, kasFERVID, a. Atsui. sen, buchi-ai. Dog-, kami-ai. Cock FERVOR, n. Nesshin, kisaki. -, ke-awase. Sea -, funa- ikusa. FESTAL, a. - day, iwai-bi. Sword -, kiri-ai, shi-ai. FESTER, t. v. Umu. (n.) Deki-mono. FIGURATIVE, a. Keiyo naru, tatoyetaru, FESTIVAL, n. Matsuri, iwai-bi, jinji, sai- nazorayetaru. rei. FIGURE, n. Katachi, sugata, kata, moyo, FESTIVITY, n. Kiyo, yorokobi, kiyetsu. aya; nari, shirushi, tatoye, keiyo. FETCH, t. V. Motekuru, uru. - a sigh, FIGURE, t. v. Katadoru, kaku, tatoyeru, tansoku suru. - a blow, buchi-yaru. ayadoru, nazorayeru. - uh, sany6 suFETID, a. Kusai. - ru, kanj6 suru. FETTER, n. Ashi-gane, hodashi, ashi- FIGURED, a. Moyo aru, aya aru. gase. FILBERT, n. Hashibami no mi. FETTER, t. v. Ashigase wo kakeru, ho- FILCH, t. v. Nusumu. dasu. FILE, n. Yasuri; narabi. FETUS, n. Hara-gomori no ko. FILE, t. v. Yasuri de suru. FEUD, n. Kenkuwa, isakai; han. FILE, i. v. Hitori-dachi ni aruku. FEUDAL, a. - system, ho-ken. - chief, FILIAL, a. Ko taru mono no. - obedishoko, daimiyo. ence, koko, ko. FEUDALISM, n. Hoken. FILL, t. v. Mitaseru, mitsuru, moru, aku, FEUDATORY, n. Sho-ko, daimiyo. ippai ni suru. - up with earth, udzuFEVER, n. Netsu, netsu-biy6, sh6kan. meru, moru. - up a deficiency, tasu. FEW, n. Sukunai, sho-sho, wadzuka, su- FILLET, n. Himo. koshi, su. -days, su-jitsu. - hun- FILLIP, t. v. Hajiku, tsuma-hajiki wo sudred, su-hiyaku. ru. FIB, n. Uso. To -, uso wo iu. FILM, n. Uwa-kawa. FIBRE, n. Sen-i. FILTER, n. Midzu-koshi. To -, kosu. FIBULA, n. Hotai-kotsu. FILTH, n. Aka, kegareru mono, fujo. FICKLE, a. Utsurigi na, muragi na, gu- FILTHY, a. Kitanaki, akatsuita, kegarereru, sadamaranu, uwatsuite oru. taru, fuj6 na, fuketsu na, yogoretaru, oye FICTION, n. Tsukuri-mono gatari, tsu- na, musai. kuri-mono, saku-mono. FIN, n. Hire. FICTITIOUS, a. Nisetaru, fujitsu na, bu- FINABLE, a. Kuwariy6 wo toru beki. kei no; sora. FINAL, a. Owari no, shimai no. FIDDLE, n. Kokiu. To -, kokui wo hi- FINALLY, adv. Tsui ni, ageku ni, hate ku. - string, kokui no ito. ni, owari ni, shimai ni, to-to. FIDELITY, n. Chiugi, chiu-shin, shin- FINANCE, n. Keizai, shindai, yfdzu. jitsu, chiu-setsu, shin. FIND, t. v. Au, ataru, hirou; motomeru. FIELD, n. Ta-hata, hatake. Rice —, ta. -- out, mi-dasu, mi-tsukeru. — fault Wheat -, mugi-batake. - of battle, with, togameru, kogoto wo iu. To - kassemba, senjO. in food, makanau. - in mioney, kane FIEND, n. Oni, akuma, akki. wo dasu. - one's self, jibun makanai FIERCE, a. Takeki, arai, hageshii, b6aku wo suru. na. FINE, a. Hosoi, komaka na, usui, yoi, FIERCELY, adv. Takeku, araku. kirei na, teinei na, rippa na. FIERY, a. Hi no y na; hageshii. FINE, n. Bakkin, kuwariyo, batsu-kin. FIFE, n. Yoko-buye. FINE, t. v. Bakkin wo toru. FIFTEEN, a. Ju-go. FINELY, adv. Yoku, kirei ni, teinei ni; FIFTEENTH, a. Jugo-ban. (n.) Jugo- hosoku, komaka ni, usuku. ban me, FINENESS, n. Hososa, komakasa, yosa; FIFTH, a. Go-ban. (,z.) Go-ban-me. hin, gara. FIN 71 FLA FINERY, n. Kazari-mono, date-na kimo- FISH, n. Sakana, uwo, giyo. no. FISH, i. v. Sakana wo toru, riy6 suru, FINESSE, n. Tedate, hakarigoto, kama. sunadoru, tsuru. FINGER, n. Yubi. Eating with the -, FISHERMAN, n. Riy6shi, sunadori. tedzukami wo shite ku. Blowing the FISH-GIG, n. Yasu. nose with -, tebanawo kamu. - ring, FISH-HOOK, n. Tsuri-bari. yubi-wa. FISHING, f. a. Tsuri. -boat, tsuri-bune. FINGER, t. v. Tsumaguru, sawaru. riyGsen. - line, tsuri-ito. - rod, tsuriFINGER-BOARD, n. Kandoko. zao. FINISH, t. V. Shitogeru, deki-ageru, j6-j FISH-MARKET, n. Sakana-ichi, zakoba. suru, shimau, owaru, sumasu, shuttai FISHMONGER, n. Sakana-ya. suru, hatasu, sumu. FISH-OIL, n. Giyo-to. FINISH, n. Deki-agari. FISH-ROE, n. Hararaga. FINITE, a. Kagiri aru. FISHY, a. Sakana-kusai. FIR, n. Matsu no ki. FISSURE, n. Wari, wari-me. FIRE, n. Hi,kuwaji. Toset on -,hiwo FIST, n. Kobushi, nigiri-kobushi. tsukeru. FISTULA, n. Ru-kuwan. - in ano, anaji, FIRE, t. v. Hi wo tsukeru. - a gun, hasuji. teppo wo hanasu. - a salute, shuku- FIT, n. Kanau, teki-tG, so-o na, au, sGt6 h6 suru. na. If you think fib, kokoro ni kanaFIRE-ARM, n. TeppG. yeba; ki ni itta nara. FIRE-ARROW, n. Hi-ya. FIT, t. v. Awaseru, ate-hameru, hameru. FIRE-BELL, n. Hansho. (i. v.) Kanau, au, tekit6 suru. - out, FIRE-BRAND, n. Moye-kui, moye-sashi. shitaku suru, te-ate wo suru. - ufi, soFIRE-COMPANY, n. Hi-keshi-gumi. nayeru, koshirayeru. The coat fits FIRE-CRACKER, n. Kanshaku-dama. well, haori ga yoku ai-masu. FIRE-ENGINE, n. Riutosui, midzu-dep- FIT, n. Kiyofu. - of sickness, biyGki. P6. FIVE, n. Itsutsu, go. The - virtues, goFIRE-FLY, n. Hotaru jG.. -elements, go-giyo. - relations, FIRE-HOOK, n. Tobi-guchi. go-rin. FIRE-LOOK-OUT, n. Hi-no-mi. Fix, t. v. Sadameru, kiwameru, kimeru, FIREMAN, n. Hi-keshi. shikato suru, jitto saseru, i-tsukeru. - FIRE-PLACE, n. Kotatsu, hidoko, ro. the attention, nen wo ireru, ki wo tsuFIRE-PROOF, n. Moyezaru, hi-dzuyoi. keru. - on a day, hi-dori wo suru, niFIRE-SHOVEL, n. Juno. chi-gen suru. FIRE-STEEL, n. Hi-uchi-ishi. Fix, i, v. Ochi-tsuku. FIRE-TOWER, n. Hi no miyagura. FIXED, f. a. Sadamaru, kiwamaru. - FIRE-WARDEN, n. Hi-gakari. day, nichigen. - timne koku-gen. FIREWOOD, n. Takagi, maki. FIXTURE, n. Iye ni tsuki no mono, okiFIREWORKS, n. Hanabi. tsuke. FIRKIN, n. Taru, oke. FLABBY, a. Yurui, yurumu. FIRM, a. Katai, genju na, jGbu na, ta- FLACCID, a. Yawaraka, yurui. shika-na. FLAG, n. Hata-jirushi, hata, nobori, yoFIRM, n. ShG-sha. shi, ashi. FIRMAMENT, n. Sora, ame, kuki. FLAG, i. v. Yurumu, tayumu, okureru. FIRMLY, adv. Kataku, jGbu ni, shika-to, The mirth began to -, kiy6 ga sameshikkari to. ru. FIRMNESS, n. Katasa, genju na koto. FLAGELLATION, n. Muchi-uchi. FIRST, a. Hajime no, dai ichi no, saisho. FLAGEOLET, n. Hachiriki. - wife, sensai. FLAGITIOUS, n. Ashiki, warui, aku. FIRST, adv. Hajimete, madzu. At -, FLAGRANT, a. Ashiki, hidoi. shote, saisho, hajime ni, ichi-ban ni. FLAG-STAFF, n. Hata-zao. From the -, tende, hajime kara. FLAIL, n. Karasao, kururi. FIRST-BORN, a. Chaku-ahi, sGriyG, ui- FLAKE, n. - offire, tobi-hi. - of snow, zan. yuki hito hira. FIRST DAY, n. -ofthe zonth, tsuitachi. FLAMBEAU, n. Taimatsu, te-bi. FIRST-FRUITS, n. Hatsuo. FLAME, n. Ho-no, kuwa-yen. FIRSTLY, adv. Madzu, dai ichi ni. FLAME, i.. Moyuru. FIRST MONTH, n. ShG-guwatsu. FLANK, n. Yokohara, waki-hara. To atFIRST-RATE, a. Dai-ichiban no, goku tack on both flanks, hasami-uchi ni yoi, goku-jG. suru. To-, katadoru. FLA 72 FLU FLANNEL, n, Rase-ita. tsukeru, uchi-tsukeru. - into, nageFLAP, n. Saddle -, aori. ireru, nage-komu. - open, oshi-akeru, FLAP, t. v. Aoru, chirameku. - the oshi-hiraku. wings, habataki wo suru. FLINT, n. Hi-uchi-ishi. - and steel, FLASH, n. Hikari, kagayaki. hi-dogu. FLASH, i. v. Hikaru, hassuru. To - in FLIPPANT, a. Ben-zetsu na. anger, mukabara datsu. FLIRT, t. v. Furi-kakeru, furu. FLASK, n. Furasuko, tokuri. FLIRT, i. v. Tawamureru. FLAT, a. Hirattai, hira, tairaka na, hi- FLIT, i. 7. Tobu. ramu, omoshiroku nai, madzui; fu- FLOAT, i. v. Uku, ukabu. (t. v.) Ukakeiki. meru. FLAT, a. Hirachi, hirada. FLOAT, n. Uke. FLAT-FISH, n. Hirame. FLOCK, n. Mure. FLAT-IRON, n. Hinoshi kote. FLOCK, i. v. Muragaru, kunjf suru. FLATNESS, n. Hirami, hiratasa. FLOG, t. v. Muchi-utsu, butsu, chochaFLATTEN, t. v. Hirattaku suru, taira ni ku suru. suru. (i. v.) Hiramu, hirattaku naru. FLOOD, n. De-rnidzu, kodzui. - tide, FLATTER, t. v. Hetsurau, kobiru, omo- michi-shio, sashi-shio. neru, ayu suru, tsuisho suru, bennei su- FLOOD, t. v. Afureru. ru, nei suru. FLOOD-GATE, n. Sui-mon, sui-do. FLATTERER, n. Nei-jin, nei-sha. FLOOR, n. Yuka. FLATTERY, n. Nei-ben, hetsurai, kobi, FLOOR, t.. Yuka wo haru; heiko suru. tsuisho, nei-kan, nei-yu. FLORID, a. Akai, akudoi. FLATULENCE, n. Fuki, hara ga naru FLORIST, n. Uyekiya, hana tsukuri. koto. FLOSS-SILK, n. Ma-wata. FLAVOR, n. Ajiwai, aji, ambai, kagen, FLOUNCE, i. v. Haneru. fumi. FLOUNDER, i. v. Haneru, agaku. FLAVOR, t.. Aji wo tsukeru, kagen wo FLOUR, n. Ko, kona. Wheat -, komusuru, gi-no-ko, udonko. Rice-, kome-noFLAW, n. Kidzu, itami, nampi. ko. Buck-wheat -, soba-no-ko. FLAY, t. v. Hagu, muku. FLOURISH, i. v. Shigeru, sakayeru, hanj6 FLEA, n. Nomi. - bite, nomi no ato. suru. (i. v.) Furu, haneru. - trap, chikufujin, nomi-tori. FLOW, i. v. Nagareru. - of the tide, FLEE, i. v. Nigeru, nogareru, chikuten shio ga sasu, michi-shio. Ebb and suru. flow, michi-hiki. FLEECE, n. Hitsuji no ke. FLOW, n. Nagare. FLEECE, t. v. Muri ni hito no shoji wo FLOWER, n. Hana. - bud, tsubomi. kasumeru, hagi-toru. - basket, hana-kago. - pot, uyekiFLEET, a. Hayai, ashibaya no. bachi. - scissors, hana-basami. FLEET, n. Iku s6 ka aru gun-kan. vase, hana-ike. FLEETNESS, n. Hayasa. FLOWER, i. v. Hana ga saku. FLESH, n. Niku, niku-ai; jin-tai, kara- FLOWERY, a. Hanayaka na, hana-banada, nin-gen. shii. FLESH-COLORED, n. Niku-iro. FLUCTUATE, i. v. Agari-sagari suru, fuj6 FLESHY, a. Futotta, kcyetaru, himan naru, sadamaradzu. suru. FLUE, n. Kaza-ana, kemuri-dashi. FLEUR DE LIS, n. Shaga. FLUENCY, n. Benzetsu, kuchi-kiki. FLEXIBLE, a. Tawayaka naru, tamerare- FLUENT, a. Benzetsu na, ben no yoi, ru, magerareru. sura-sura to iu. FLICKER, i. v. Chiratsuku, chira-chira FLUID, n. Riu-do-butsu, midzu-mono. to suru. FLUKE, n. Ikari no tsume. FLIGHT, n. Nigeru koto, tobu koto, ka- FLUOR-ALBUS, n. Koshike, taige, shirake-ochi, chikuten. Put to -, uchi- chi. chirasu, uchi-nigasu. FLURRIED, f.. Urotayeru, awateru, FLIGHTY, a. Ukatsuitaru. bikkuri suru. FLIMSY, a. Yowai. FLUSH, i. v. Akaku naru, noboseru, seFLINCH, i. v. Hirumu, mijiroku, atoshi- kimen suru. zaru. FLUTE, n. Y oko-buye, oteki. FLINDERS, n. Mijin. FLUTTER, i. v. Hirameku, hirugayeru, FLING, t. v. Nageru, h6ru. - away, biratsuku, chirameku, chiratsuku, sonage-suteru, furi-suteru. - down, nage- yogu. FLU 73 FOR FLUX, n. Harakudari, geri. Bloody -, FOOL, t. v. Baka ni suru, gur6 suru, geketsu, benketsu. chor6 suru; damasu. ti. v.) Dokeru, FLY, i. v. Tobu; hashiru, nigeru. hiyogeru. - away, itadzura ni tsuiat, tobi-tsuku, tobi-kakaru. - about, yasu. tobi-mawaru. — off, tobi-yuku, tobi- FOOLERY, n. Doke-goto, h;yogi-goto. kakeru. To let -, nageru. To - ojen, FOOL-HARDY, a. Muk6midzu na, mutobi-aku. teppo na, muyanii na. FLY, n. Hai. Horse -, abu. —,oison, FOOLISH, a. Bakarashii, ah6rashii, orohaidoku. Green —, ao-bai. kanaru, tawai-mo-naki, tsumara-nai, FLYING FISH, n. Tobi-uwo. gu naru, don na, baka na. FOAM, n. Awa. (i. v.) Awa ga tatsu, FOOLISHNESS, n. Oroka na koto, baka na awa wo fuki-dasu. koto, tawakoto. FODDER, n. Kaiba. FOOT, n. Ashi; shaku. - of a mounFOE, n. Kataki, ada, teki. tain, yama no fumoto. To go on -, FOG, n. Kiri, moya. kachi nite yuku. Set on -, hajimeru, FOGGY, a. Kiri fukaki. shi-kakeru. Near the feet, ashi-moto. FOGY, n. Furu-kusaki mono, furumeka- FOOT, i. v. Aruku, fumu. (t. v.) To shii hito. - a bill, kanj6 wo harau. To - uJ an FOIL, t. v. Munashiku suru, naku suru, account, kanjo wo sany6 suru. fusegu. FOOT-BALL, n. Kemari. FOIL, n. Keiko-dachi; haku, kise. FOOT-BATH, n. Sen-soku. FOLD, n. Bai, ye; kakoye. Two -, fu- FOOT-HOLD, n. Ashi-gakari, ashi-damari. ta-ye. Three -, mi-ye. FOOTING, n. Ashi-gakari. FOLD, t. v. Oru, tatamu. - the arms, FOOTMAN, n. Ge-nan, ho-hei. ude wo kumu, tegumi. - in the arms, FOOT-MARK, n. Ashi-ato. idaku, daku. FOOTPAD, n. Oi-hagi. FOLDING-DOORS, n. Ori-do. FOOTPRINT, n. Ashi-ato. FOLIAGE, n. Ko-no-ha. FOOT-SOLDIER, n. Ho-hei, ashigaru. FOLK, n. Hito, mono, tami. Old folks, FOOT-RULE, n. Mono-sashi, kanezashi. rojinshu. Youngfolks, wakashu. Poor FOOT-STALK, n. Jiku, kuki. folks, bimbo no mono domo. FOOTSTEP, n. Ashi-ato, ashi-oto. FOLLOW, t. v. Shitagau, ou, ato ni tsu- FOOTSTOOL, n. Fumi-dai, ashi-tsugi. dzuku, tsuite yuku, tsugu, fukuju suru. FOOT-STOVE, n. Kiyaku-ro, ashi-aburi. To- the mercantile business, akinai FoP, n. Date-sha, date-otoko. wo giy6 to suru. To - with the eye, FOPPISH, a. Date-dzuki na. mi-okuri. FOR, prep Kawari ni, tame ni; ni yotte, FOLLOWER, n. Tomo, jfsha, dzui-ju, ni tsuite. Rice forfive men, meshi go shitagau hito; monto, deshi. nin maye. Medicinefor ten days, toFOLLOWING, a. Tsugi no. - day, aku- ka buri no kusuri. For as much as, ni ru hi, yoku-jitsu. yotte,ni tsuite. If it had not been for FOLLY, n. Orokanaru koto, baka naru the doctor I should have died, isha de koto, guchi. nakattara tasukarananda. As for me, FOMENT, t. v. Musu, taderu. watakushi ni wa. FOMENTATION, n. Mushi-gusuri. FOR, conj. Ikan to nareba, yuye ni, naFOND, a. Itawashigaru, kawaigaru, ko- reba nari; da kara, ni yotte. nomu, suku, tashimu; shushin naru; FORAGE, n. Shoku-motsu, shoku-riyo. also formed by the suffix tagaru,form- (t. v.) Shoku-riyo wo ubai-toru. ed of tai and garu; as, asobi-tagaru, FORBEAR, t. v. Hikayeru, yameru, kanfond of play. Hana-mi-tagaru, fond nin suru, korayeru. of looking at the flowers. FORBEARANCE, n. Kannin, hikayeme, FONDLE, t. v. Ayasu. y6sha. FONDLY, adv. To think - of, natsuka- FORBID, t. v. Kindzuru,kotowaru, kinzei shiku omou, koishiku omou. suru, choji suru. FONTANEL, n. Hiyomeki. FORCE, n. Chikara, ikioi, sei, riki, seiFOOD, n. Tabe-mono, kui-mono, shoku- riki. By -, muri ni, shiite, oshite. ji, shoku-motsu. Put into -, okonawaseru. Of no -, FOOL, n. Baka, aho, tawake-mono, ko- yo ni tatanu. ke, chdsaib6, shire-mono. To make a FORCE, t. v. Shiiru, osu; also included -of, baka ni suru, choro suru, guro in the causativeform of the verb. To suru. To play the -, dokeru, hiy6- - out, oshi-dasu. - open, oshi-akeru, geru. oshi-hiraku. - apart, oshi-hedateru, 4 FOR 74 FOR oshi-hanasu. - into, oshi-komu. - FORGERY, n. Niseru koto, nise-mono, giback, oshi-kayesu. - one's way into, hitsul, bo-han, nise-in. oshi-iru, shiite iru, muri ni iru. FORGET, t. v. Wasureru, shitsu-nen suru, down, oshi-kudasu. - through, oshi- bokiyaku suru. tosu. FORGETFUL, a. Wasureppoi, wasuregaFORCEPS, n. Nuki. Tooth -, ha-nuki. chi na, yoku wasureru, wasure-yasuil FORCIBLE, a. Tsuyoi, muri naru. FORGIVE, t. v. Yurusu, mendzuru, shaFORCIBLY, adv. Muri ni, shiite, oshite. men suru, yumen suru, kamben suru, FORD, n. Kachi-watari. (t. v.) Kachi- gomen nasaru. wataru. FORGIVENESS, n. Yurushi. FORE, a. Zen, maye, saki. FORK, n. Mata, hoko. Twojronged-, FORE-ARM, n. Ko-ude, kote. futamata. Three pronged -, mitsuFORECAST, t. v. Maye-motte hakaru. mata. FOREFATHER, n. Senzo. FORLORN, a. Wabishii, kokoro-zamushii, FOREFINGER, n. Hito-sashi-yubi. samushi, madzushii. FOREGOING, a. Migi no, kudan no, maye FORM, t. v. Tsukuru, katadoru, koshirano, sen no. yeru, FOREHEAD, n. Hitai, nuka. FORM, n. Katachi, sugata, nari, kata, FOREIGN, a. Guwai. - country, guwai- hina-kata, reishiki, koshi-kake. - of koku, ikoku, yoso no kuni, ta-koku. government, sei-tai. -goods, tobutsu. - minister, koshi. FORMAL, a. Katakurushii, ganko na, kaoffice, guwai-musho. takuna no. FOREIGNER, n. Guwai-koku-jin, ijin. FORMALITY, n. Rei-gi, reishiki. WithFOREKNOW, t. V. Arakajime shiru, maye- out -, yenriyo naku, jigi-nashi, katamotte shiru, senken suru. kurushiku nai. FORELOCK, n. Maye-gami. FORMATION, n. Tsukuri-kata, shi-h6. FOREMAN, n. Kashira, todori, toriyo, ki- FORMER, a. Maye-no, sen. izen. mo-iri. FORMERLY, adv. Mukashi, kono-maye FOREMAST, n. Maye-bashira. ni, sakidatte. FOREMENTIONED, a. Migi no, kudan no, FORMIDABLE, a. Osoroshii, tsuyoi. maye ni iitaru, iwayuru. FORMULA, n. Ho, sei-ho, hinagata. FOREMOST, a. Ichi-ban saki, saisho no, FORNICATION, n. Kantsf, mittsu. hana no, massaki. FORSAKE, t. V. Suteru, utcharu1 hai suru. FORENOON, n. Hiru-maye. FORSWEAR, t. v. Itsuwatte chikau, chiFORE-ORDAIN, t. V. Maye ni sadameru, katte inamu. maye ni kiwameru. FORT, n. O-daiba, h6tai, toride, daiba. FORE-PART, n. Maye no ho. FORTH, adv. From that day forth, koFORERUNNER, n. Saki-dachi. no-kata, irai. So forth, un-nun, shikaFORE-SAIL, n. Mayebo. shika. Go forth, deru. Call forth, FORESEE, t. v. Maye ni mitOsu, maye ni yobi-dasu. Put -, dasu, hassuru. miru, sen-ken suru. FORTHWITH, adv. Tachi-machi, tachiFORESIGHT, n. Sen-ken, y6jin, tsutsu- dokoro, sugu-ni, sokuza-ni. shimi. FORTIETH, a. Shl-ju-ban. (n.) Shi-juFORE-SKIN, n. Inkiyo no saki kawa. ban me. FOREST, n. Hayashi, mori. FORTIFICATION, n. Toride, o-daiba. FORESTAL, t. V. - the market, kai- FORTIFY, t. v. Katameru, kengo ni suru, shimeru. kataku suru. FORETELL, t. v. Maye kara iu, kanete iu, FORTITUDE, n. Gaman, shimbo, korayearakajime iu, maye-motte shiraseru. jo, kannin. FORETHOUGHT, n.' Yojin, tashinami. FORTNIGHT, n. Juyokka, futa mawari. FORE-TOOTH, n. Maye-ba. FORTRESS, n. Shiro, daiba, toride, yogai. FOREVER, adv. Itsu-made-mo, ban-dai. FORTUITOUS, a. Fui na, hakarazaru, fuFOREWARN, t. v.'Mayemotte isameru, toshita, zonjiyorazaru, shizen to shita, kanete iken suru, kanete shiraseru. itsu to naki. FORFEIT, n. Batsugin, kuwariyo. FORTUNATE, a. Sai-wai na, shiawase na, FORFEIT, t. V. Nagareru, kessho sera- un np yoi, kichi naru. reru. FORTUNATELY, adv. Saiwai ni, shi-awase FORGE, t. v. Niseru, utsu, kitau. Forged ni. seal, bo-han. Forged writing, bo-sho. FORTUNE, n. Shinsh6, zai-ho, takara, FORGE, n. Kaji, kajiya. shiawase, un. Tell frtunes, bokusu, FORGER, n, Bo-han nin, bo-sho nin. uranau. FOR 75 FRI FORTUNE-TELLING, a. Uranai, bai-boku. FRAME, n. Sudate, honegumi, waku, FORTUNE-TELLER, n. Uranaija, baiboku- shoji, kamachi, san. shi, boku-sha, ony6shi. FRAME, t. v. Kiri-kumu, kuffi suru, kuFORTY, a. Shi-ju. — one, shiju-ichi. wadateru, kumi-tateru. FORWARD, a. Bu-yenriyo na, busah6 na, FRANCE, n. Furansu, futsu. saki no, maye-no, jisetsu ni shite wa FRANK, a. Tampaku na. hayai. FRANKINCENSE, n. K6. FORWARD, t. v. Todokeru, hakadoraseru. FRANKLY, adv. Tampaku ni, uchi-akete. To go -, susumu, maye ye deru. FRANTIC, a. Kurui, gureru, monogurui FOSSIL-WOOD, n. Umoregi. na, kichigai no y6 na. FOSTER, t. v. Yashinau, sodateru, y6iku FRANTICALLY, adv. Kichigai no yo ni. suru. FRATERNAL, a. Kiy6dai-no, keitei. FOSTER-BROTHER, n. Chi-kiy6dai. FRATERNITY, n. Nakama, kumi, shachiu, FOSTER-CHILD, n. Yashinai-go. renchiu, kabu. FOSTER-FATHER, n. Y6-fu. FRATERNIZE, i. v. Kiyodai-no y6 ni maFOSTER-MOTHER, n. Yo-bo. jiwaru. FOUL, a. Kitanai, yogoreru, kegareru, FRATRICIDE, n. Kiyodai wo korosu koto. fuj6 na, fuketsu na, musai, nigoru, aku. FRAUD, n. Itsuwari, katari, damashi. Run -,tsuki-ataru. - language, ak- FRAUDULENT, a. Itsuwaritaru. -entry, ko. - wind, giyaku fu. To play -, saba. teme wo suru. all —, kenkuwa suru. FRAY, n. Kenkuwa. FOUL, t. v. Kegasu, yogosu. FRAY, i.v. Yabureru, h6kedatsu, hoguFOUL-MOUTHED, n. Kuchi-gitanai, ak- su, hokeru, hotsuku. ko. FREAK, n. Deki-gokoro. FOUND, t. v. Kai-ki suru, hajimeru, hi- FRECKLE, n. Sobakasu, aza. raku, motodzuku, kane wo iru. Have FREE, a. Dokuriu na, hitori-dachi no, you -it? atta ka. ji-yu na, ji-zai na, dzuii, todokori-nai FOUNDATION, n. Dodai, ishidzuye, motoi, hodai, tadano. Setfree, hanatsu. yoridokoro, chiuso. FREE, t. 7. Hanasu. FOUNDER, n. Kaiki, hotto-nin, soshi, FREEBOOTER, n. Oi-hagi, dorobo, goma kaisan, i-mono-shi, ikake-ya. no hai. FOUNDLING, n. Sute-go, hiroi-go. FREE-HEARTED, a. Meihaku na. monoFOUNDRY, n. Imoji-ya, imono-ba. oshimadzu. FOUNTAIN, n. Idzumi. FREELY, adv. Jiyi-jizai ni, tada, todoFOUR, a. Yotsu, shi. kori naku. FOURFOLD, a. Yo-ye, shi-mai, shi-s6bai. FREEZE, i. v. K6ru, kogoyeru. - to FOUR-FOOTED, a. Yotsu-ashi, shl-so- death, kogoye-jini. (t. v.). Korasu. ku. FREIGHT, n. Ni, nimotsu, tsunda mono, FOURSCORE, a. Hachiju, yaso. funa-chin, unchin, dachin. - list, fuFOUR-SQUARE, a. Shi-kaku. na-chin-tsuke. FOURTEEN, a. Ju-shi. FREIGHT, t. v. Tsumu. FOURTEENTH, a. Jushi-ban. FRENCH, a. Futsu. - language, futsuFOURTH, a. Yo-ban. (n.) Yoban me. go. - mnan, futsu-jin. FOURTH DAY, n. Yokka, yokka-me. FRENCH-HORN, n. Rappa. FOWL, n. Tori, niwatori. Water -, FRENZY, n. Mono-gurui, kichigai. midzu-tori. FREQUENT, t. V. Shiba-shiba yuku, tsune Fox, n. Kitsune. White —, biyakko. ni oru. FRACAS, n. S6d5, kenkuwa, sawagi. FREQUENTLY, adv. Shiba-shiba, tabiFRACTION, n. Hashita, bu, hampa, bun- tabi, choko-choko, ori-ori. sf. FRESH, a. Atarashii, nama no. - water, FRACTIOUS, a. Iji no warui. kumi tate no midzu. - hands, ara-te. FRACTURE, t. V. Oru, kujiku, waru, ki- — fish, sen-giyo. reru. - ofbone, dan-kotsu. FRESHET, n. Kodzu, 6-midzu, de-midzu. FRAGILE, a. Koware-yasui, moroi, sakui, FRET, t. v. Suru, suri-yaburu, suri-kiru, yowai. iratsu. (i. v.) Iratsuku, jirasu, dadaFRAGMENT, a. Hashita, hampa, kire, keru, naku. kake. FRETFUL, a. Jireru, jirettagaru, dada wo FRAGRANT, n. K6bashii, kaoru, kamba- iu. shii. FRIABLE, a. Koware-yasui, moroi, sakui, FRAIL, a. Yowai, moroi, sakui. yowai. FRAILTY, n. Yowasa, ochido, ayamachi. FRIAR, n. Shukke, bddzu. FRI 76 FUR FRICTION, n. Sure-ai, kishimi. FRUSTRATE, t. v. Naku suru, munashiku FRIDAY, n. Kin-y6bi. suru, sashi-yameru. FRIEND, n. Tomodachi, h6yu, h6bai, FRY, t. v. Abura de ageru. mikata, yorube, tayori, kokoro-yasui FRYING-PAN, n. Age-nabe. hito. FUDDLED,S. p. Namayoi ni naru. FRIENDLY, adv. Nengoro-ni, kokoro-ya- FUEL, n. Takigi, maki, taki-mono. suku, shin-setsu ni, mutsumajiku, koni FUGITIVE, n. Kake-ochi-nin, shuppon shite. nin, dass6 nin. FRIENDSHIP, n. Mutsumajii, shitashimi, FULCRUM, n. Teko no dai, teko no makonsei, yoshimi, mutsubi. kura. FRIGATE, n. Gunkan no na. FULFIL, t. v. Hatasu, sumasu, togeru, FRIGHT, n. Osore, odoroki. joju suru, kanayeru. FRIGHTEN, t. v. Odorokasu, odosu, obi- FULL, a. Ippai, mitsuru, aku, mattaku, yakasu. jfbun. - moon, mangetsu, b6getsu. FRIGHTFUL, a. Osoroshii, kowai, okkanai. - tide, michi-shio. - bloom, hanaFRIGHTFULLY, adv. Osoroshiku. zakari. - of the moon, bo. To the FRIGID, a. Samui, kan. -, yoppara. FRINGE, n. Fusa, yoraku, baren. FULL, t. v. - cloth, momen wo momu. FRISK, i. v. Haneru,jareru, tawamureru. FULLER, n. Kinuta uchi. FRITTER, t. v. - away time, toki wo FULLY, adv. Mattaku, shika-to, tsumatsuiyasu. biraka ni. FRIVOLOUS, a. Wadzuka na, karui, iya- FUME, i. v. Iburu, kuyoru. shii. FUME, n. Kemuri. FRIZZLED, a. Chijireru. FUMIGATE, t. v. Fusuberu, ibusu, kuyoFRO, adv. To and-, achi-kochi. rasu. FROCK, n. Kimono, uwagi. FUMIGATION, n. Ibushi, fusubori, ibushiFROG, n. Kawadzu, kayeru. Tree -, gusuri. amagayeru. Bull-, hiki, gama; aka- FUN, n. Tawamure, kiy6. gayeru, ao-hiki. FUNCTION, n. Yaku, yakume, hataraki, FROLIC, a. Tawamureru, asobu, jareru. shokuburl. FROM, pref. Kara, yori. FUND, n. Motode, moto-kin, midzukin, FRONT, n. Omote. teate. FRONT, i. v. Mukau, tai suru. FUNDAMENT, n. Shiri, ishiki, k6-mon. FRONT, a. Omote no; maye no. FUNDAMENTAL, a. Kan-yo naru. FRONT-DOOR, n. Omote-mon. FUNERAL, n. Tomurai, s6rei, ss6s, okuri, FRONTIER, n. Kuni no sakai. s6shiki, h6muri. FRONTLET, n. Ma-bisashi. FUNGUS, n. Take, kikurage, kinoko. FROST, n. Shimo. FUNNEL, n. Jogo. FROST-RITE, n. Shimo-yake. FUNNY, a. Okashii. FROSTBITTEN, a. Shimoyake naru, FUR, n. Ke, kawa. - coat, ke-goromo. shimogeru. FURBISH, t. V. Migaku, togu. FROSTY, a. - night, shimo-yo. FURIOUS, a. Hageshii, tsuyoi, kibishii, FROTH, n. Awa. arai, takeki. FROTH, i. v. Awa wo fuku. FURIOUSLY, adv. Hageshiku, araku, taFROTHY, n. Awa-gachi na. keku. FROWN, i. v. Shikameru, mayu wo hiso- FURL, t. V. Maku, orosu, sageru. meru. FURLOUGH, n. Hima, yasumi. FROZEN, a. K6tta, kogoyeta. FURNACE, n. Kamado, hettsui, kama, FRUCTIFY, t. v. Koyasu, uruosu. kudo, ankuwa. FRUGAL, a. Kenyaku na, kanriyaku na, FURNISH, t. v. Soroyeru, sonayeru, atashimatsu na, tsudzumayaka na, tsuma- yeru, teate wo suru, segiyo suru, y6dashii. teru. FRUGALITY, n. Kenyaku, shimatsu. FURNITURE, n. D6gu, kagu, kazai. Old FRUIT, n. Mi, kinomi, midzu-kuwashi, - shop, furu-dogu-ya. narimono, kudamono. First fruits, FURRED tongue, n. Zettai, hakutai. hashiri. FURROW, n. Mizo, saku. FRUITFUL, a. Yutaka naru, koyetaru. FURTHER, a. Toi-ho, mata, mo mata, - and unfruitful, ho-kiyo. - year, sono uyeni, nao. ho-nen. FURTHER, t. v. Susumeru. FRUITLESS, a. Muda-na, munashiku, y6 FURTHERMORE, adv. Sono-uye, sononi tatanu, mi wo motanll. hoka, mata, nao, nao-mata, mata-wa. FUR 77 GAW FURTIVELY, adv. Shinonde, kakurete, Fuss, n. Yakamashii, sawagi. uso-uso. FussY, a. Sewashii. FURY, n. Hageshisa, arasa, tsuyosa, FUTILE, a. Muda na, munashii, itadzuru ikari, rippuku. na, yo ni tatanu. FUSE, n. Hi-nawa, tansoku. FUTURE, a. Mirai, yuku suye, nochi, go, FUSE, t. v. Tokasu. kosei, suye, saki. -state, nochi no yo, FUSIBLE, a. Tokeru, toke-yasui. gosei, gosh6, gose. FUSION, n. Tokasu koto. G GABBLE, i. v. Shaberu. GAMESTER, n. Bakuchi-uchi. GABLE, n. Hafu. GANG, n. Kumi, nakama, tot6. GAD, i. v. Asobu, bura-bura suru. GANGRENE, n. Funiku, dasso. GAG, t. v. Kamaseru, bai wo fukuma- GAOL, n. Roya, hito-ya, agari-ya, gokuseru. (i. v.) Yedzuku. ya, gero, ro. GAG, n. Saru-gutsuwa, bai. GAOLER, n. Ro-ban, r6-mori,goku-sotsu. GAIN, t. v. Mokeru, katsu, uru, ukeru, GAP, n. Ana. itaru. - over, katarau, deki-komu. GAPE, i. v. Akubi suru, kuchi wo hiraGAIN, n. Ri, yeki, moke, riyeki, kai. ku, kiyoro-tsuite miru, kuchi-angori to GAINSAY, t. v. Ii-fusegu, ii-kesu, kobamu. shite iru. GAIT, n. Ashi-tsuki, aruki-buri, ashidori, GARB, n. Nari, ifuku, kimono. furi. GARBAGE, n. Akuta, gomi. GAITER, n. Kutsu no na. GARDEN, n. Hatake, sono, niwa, uyeGALAXY, n. Ama no kawa. gomi, sayen, senzai. GALE, n. Okaze, arate, tai-ff, arashi. GARDENER, n. Saku-nin, uyeki-ya. GALL, n. Tan, i, kimo. GARGLE, n. Gansozai. GALL, t. v. Sureru, suru, suri-muku. GARLIC, n. Ninniku, nira. GALLANT, a. Yuki-na, isamashii, g6ki- GARMENT, n. Kimono. na, yuyushii, kenage-na. GARNER, n. Kura, doz6. GALLANTLY, adv. Yuyushiku, isama- GARNISH, t. v. Kazaru, yoso6. shiku. GARRISON, t. v. Katameru. GALLANTRY, n. Yfki. GARRISON, n. Tamuro, katame, toride. GALL-BLADDER, n. Tan-n5. GARRULOUS, a. Shaberu, ch6choshii. GALLERY, n. Roka, sajiki. GARTER, n. Himo. GALLIPOT, n. Tsubo, futamono. GAS, n. Gas. GALL-NUT, n. Gobaishi, fushi. GASH, n. Kiri-kidzu. GALLON, n. Masu-mono, = to about, ni- GASH, t. v. Fukaku kiru. sho roku-g6. GASP, n. Tame-iki, do-iki. GALLOP, i. v. Kakeru, hashiru, agaku. GASP, i. v. Do-iki wo suru, tame-iki wo GALLY-WORM, n. Yasude. suru. GAMBLE, i. v. Bakuchi wo utsu, baku- GATE, n. Mon, kido, kado-guchi. yeki wo suru. GATEWAY, n. Kado-guchi. GAMBLER, n. Bakuchi-uchi. GATHER, t. v. Atsumeru, yoseru, tsuGAMBLING-HOUSE, n. Bakuchi-yado. dou, tsunoru, mogi-atsumeru, iseru, GAMBOGE, n. Shio, towo. oshite shirl, suiriyo suru. (i. v.) AtsuGAMBOL, i. v. Haneru, tawamureru, ja- maru, yoru, muragaru. reru. GATHERING, n. Atsumari, kunju. GAME, n. Sh6bu-goto, kachi-make, GAUDY, a. Hanayaka na, date na, rippa kari, ye-mono. Two games of chess, na, hade na. sh6gi ni ban. Make - of, choro suru. GAUGE, t. v. Hakaru. GAME, t. v. Sh6bu-goto wo suru, bakuchi GAUGE, n. Mono-sashi. wo utsu. GAUNT, a. Yasetaru. GAME-COCK, n. To-ken. GAUNTLET, n. Kote, tenuki. GAMEKEEPER, n. Maki wo mamoru hito. GAUZE, n. Moji, ro, sha. GAME-LAWS, n. Kariba no kisoku. GAWKY, a. Bukotsu na. GAY 78 GIV GAY, a. Kirei-na, hanayaka na, hade na, giru. - up, okiru, tatsu, agaru, noboru. date na, iki-na, shareru. - away, yuku, yokeru, tatsu, saru. GAZE, i. v. Nagameru, kiyorori to miru, behind, okureru. - back, kayeru. miru. clear, sakeru, yokeru. - out, deru. - GAZETTE, n. Shimbunshi. in, hairu, iru. - loose, hanareru. GEAR, n. Dogu, bagu. down, oriru, kudaru. - rid of, yokeru, GELATINOUS, a. Nebai, nebaritaru. sakeru, - through, shi-togeru, shiGELD, t. v. Kintama wo nuku. agaru, sumu. - near, chika-yoru, yoGELDING, n. Kintama wo nukaretaru ru. - at, todoku, oyobu. - drunk, uma. sake ni yo. - between, hedateru. -to, GEM, n. Tama. itaru, ataru. - ahead, susumu, shussei GENDER, n. Mesu-osu, shi-yu. suru. - a child, ko wo umu. - rich, GENEALOGY, n. Keidzu, chisuji, kett6. kanemochi ni naru. - home, iye nl GENERA, n. Rui, bu-rui. kayeru. - on a horse, uma ni noru. - GENERAL, n. Taisho. - in chief, sho- the better, katsu, shori wo uru. - by gun, sh6oaish6. In -, okata, taigai, heart, sorandzuru. How are you gettaitei. ting on? kono setsu ikaga de gozariGENERAL, a. Taitei no, 6-kata no, taigai masu ka. no. - name, so-miyo. GHASTLY, a. Aozametaru, osoroshii. GENERALISSIMO, n. S6daishO, s6toku, GHOST, n. Yfrei, b6-kon, tamashii, ikiGENERALLY, adv. Tai-tei, okata, 6mune, riyo, shi-riy6. Give up the -, shi-suru. taigai, tairiyaku, oyoso. GIBE, t. V. Ch6ro suru, naburu, nonoGENERATE, t. v. Sh6dzuru, san suru, de- shiru. kiru. GIANT, n. Sei-takai hito. GENERATION, n. Dai, yo. GIDDY, a. Memai, kennun, kura-kura, GENEROUS a. Ki ga hiroi, ki no 6kii, kurumeku, kuramu, tachigurami, ukamono-oshimi senu, tai-ki na, mune no tsuku. hiroi. GIFT, n. Shinjo-mono, shim-motsu, okuGENIAL, a. Nengoro na, shinsetsu na. ri-mono, immotsu, tama-mono, mi-age, GENTEEL, a. Teinei na, furiu na, fuga sadzukari mono, ataye. na,.iki na, miyabiyaka na, adeyaka na. GIG, n. Ni rin sha no na, yasu. GENTIAN, n. Rindo, riutan. GIGANTIC, a. Nami yori suguretaru taGENTLE, n. Otonashii, onjun naru, ya- kaki. sashii, shidzuka na, odayaka na. GIGGLE, t. v. Warau, kutsu-kutsu waGENTLEMAN, n. Kunshi. rau. GENTLY, adv. Soro-soro-to, sotto, soyo- GILD, t. V. Kimpaku wo haru, mekki wo soyo-to, yasuraka ni, shidzuka-ni, soku- suru. soku, soto. GILDING, n. Kimpaku, mekki. GENTRY, n. Samurai, mibun aru hito, GILL, n. Yera, akido. reki-reki no hito. GILT PAINT, n. Fundei. GENUINE, a. Hon, honto, jitsu-na, ma- GIMLET, n. Kiri. koto no. GIN, t. v. Wata wo kuru. GENUS, n. Bu, bu-rui. GINGER, n. Shoga, hajikami, sh6kiy6. GEOGRAPHER, n. Chiri-sha. GINSENG, n. Ninjin. GEOGRAPHY, n. Chiri. GIRD, t. v. - on, obiru, tai suru. - u, GEOLOGY, n. Chi-shitsu gaku. karageru, hashoru. GERM, n. Kizashi, mebaye, moto, me. GIRDLE, n. Obi, kakoye. GERMAN, a. Doitsu no. GIRL, n. Musume, shinzo, otome, niyoGERMANY, n. Doitsu. shi. GERMINATE, i. v. Kizasu, me ga deru. GIRLISH, a. Musume-rashii. GESTATION, n. Mi-gomori, kuwai-nin, GIRTH, n. Hara-obi, mawari. hara-gomori. GIST, n. Goku-i, ogi, oku-i. GESTICULATE, i. v. Temane wo suru, mi- GIVE, t. v. Yaru, watasu, atayeru, okuru, buri wo suru. kureru, hodokosu, harau, yokosu, saGESTURE, n. Temane, mono-mane, mi- dzukeru, adzukeru, ch6dai suru. buri. place, yokeru. - one's self to, hamaru, GET, t. V. Uru, ukeru, motomeru, mo- koru. - back, kayesu, fuku suru. keru, ttonoyeru, sadzukaru, atayerare- over, yameru, yosu. - out, hiromeru, ru, moran. - out of the way, yokeru. kikaseru, dasu, yameru. - uh, yama- the day, katsu, shori wo yeru. - to- ru, yosu. yudzuru, suteru. - way, magether, atsumeru, tsumu. - over, su- keru, shirizoku, ochiru. - ear, kiku, GIV 79 GOD - chase, oi-kakeru. - one's self zfp, mare, ikuwo, k6miy6, go-kuw6. Evenomoi-kitte shimau. -- lace, seki wo ing - of the sky, yu-yake. Morning yudzuru, shirizoku. To - in to, shita- - of the sky, asa-yake. gau, fuku suru, shochi suru. Give me GLOSS, n. Tsuya. what you don't want, go fu-yo na mono GLOSS, t. v. Tsuya wo tsukeru, ii-kazaru, okure nasare.. - in exchange, kayeru, kazaru. tori-kayeru. Willgive this in, korewo GLOSSARY, n. Jibiki. tsukete, age-masu. - heed, ki wo tsu- GLOSSY, a. Tsuya naru. keru. -( to a superior ), ageru, GLOVE, n. Tebukuro. kenjo suru, tate-matsuru. - (to an in- GLOW, i. v. Moyeru, yaku, hikart. ferior), kudasaru, tamawaru, sadzuke- GLOW-WORM, n. Tsuchi-hotaru. ru, atayeru. - the way, michi wo yo- GLUE, n. Nikawa. keru. -a blow, buchi-yaru. - it a GLUE, t. v. Nikawa-dzuke wo suru. trial, yatte miru. GLUE-POT, n. Nikawa-nabe. GIVER, n. Yari-te. GLUEY, a. Nibai, betatsuku, beta-beta to GIZZARD, n. Usu. shita. GLAD, t. v. Yorokobu, ureshigaru, kiye- GLUT, t. v. Aku aguneru. tsu suru. GLUTINOUS, a. Nebai, beta-tsuku. GLAD, a. Ureshii, yorokonde oru. GLUTTON, n. Ogurai, shoku wo musaboGLADDEN, t. v. Yorokobasu. ru mono. GLADLY, adv. Yorokonde, ureshiku. GLUTTONOUS, a. Ijigitanai, kuitagaru. GLANCE, i. v. Kagayaku, chirari-to mi- GNASH, t. v. - the teeth, hagishiri wo ru, soreru, nagureru. suru, hagiri wo suru, hagami wo suru. GLAND, n. Sen. GNAT, n. Buyu. GLARE, i. v. Neme-tsukeru, niramu, ki- GNAW, t. v. Kamu, kf. Sound of gnawrameku, kagayaku. ing, bori-bori-to. GLARING, a. Akiraka na, medattaru. Go, i. v. Yuku, iku, mairu. Let go, haGLASS, n. Giyaman, biidoro, kagami. natsu, yukasu. - about, mawaru. GLAZE, t. v. Giyaman wo hameru, yaki- against, sakarau, somuku. aside, himono no kusuri wo kakeru. kayeru, yokeru. - across, koyeru, waGLAZING, n. Kusuri. Paper -, d6sa. taru. - astray, mayou. - away, saGLEAM, i. v. Hikari wo sosu, kagayaku, ru, yuku. - by. koyeru, sugiru. kirameku, kiratsuku. down, kudaru, oriru, sagaru. -forth, GLEAN, t. v. Kaki-atsumeru. deru. -forward, susumu. - in, haGLEE, n. Yorokobi, ureshigaru koto, ta- iru, iru. - in and out, de-iri wo suru. noshimi. - off, hanareru, saru, hanasu. - out, GLEN, n. Tani, kuki. deru, kiyeru. - over, koyeru, wataru, GLIB, a. Nameraka na, tsuru-tsuru. yomu. - through, t6ru, sumu, togeru. GLIBLY, adv. Dzura-dzura, nameraka - ~up, agaru, noboru. - with, tomoni. nau, d6-d6 suru, issh6 ni yuku, ddhan GLIDE, i. v. Nagareru, hashiru, tobu. surl. -to and fro, kayo, yukiki. The GLIMMER, i. v. Chiratsuku, kiratsuku. pilace to which one is going or gone, GLIMPSE, t. v. Chirari-to miru. yuku-saki, yuku-tokoro, yukuye. rust GLISTEN, i. v. Kagayaku, hikaru, kira- about to go out, de-kakaru. Not go, meku, kiratsuku. ikanu. To - for nothing, yo ni tatanu. GLITTER, i. v. Kirameku, kira-kira, ka- Where does this road go to? kono migayaku, hikaru. chi wa doko ye yuku michi. GLOBULAR, n. Marui. GO-BETWEEN, n. Nakodo, chiu-nin, baiGLOBE, n. Sekai, chikiu. Celestial-, shaku, aisatsu-nin, hito-dzute. kontengi. GOAD, t. v. Hagemasu, susumaseru. GLOOM, n. Utsu, shinki, ukki, inki. Dis- GOAL, n. Matoba, me-ate. pel -, ussan suru, kibarashi wo suru. GOAT, n. Hitsuji. GLOOMINESS, n. Inki, shinki. GOBLET, n. Wan, sakadzuki. GLOOMY, a. Utt6shi, ibusei, kokoro-bo- GOBLIN, n. Akki, tengu, oni. soi, ui, inki naru, usshiru, ussuru, ki ga GOD, n. - of the Sintoo, kami, shin. - fusagu. of the Buddhists, hotoke. - of horses, GLORIFY, t. v. Homeru, sh6bi suru, aga- barekijin. - of wealth, fuku no kami, meru. daikoku-den. - of the kitchen, kojin, GLORIOUS, a. Kuw6dai, kagayaku, hika- or dokojin. - of shits, funa-dama. - ru, komiyo na, appare na. of war, gun-jin. hatchiman. -of rice, GLORY, n. Yeiyo, kagayaki, hikari, ho- inari-sama. -of the privy, k6kagami. GOD 80 GRA - of thunder, rai-jin. Dragon -, riu- GOSPEL, n. Fuku-in. jin. -of roads, sai no kami. -of GossIP, i. v. Uwasa wo iu. water, sui-jin. -of marriage, tsuki Gossip, n. Oshaberi, kuchitataki, uwano okina. - of roads, dosojin. - of sa. pestilence, yakubiyo gami. GOUGE, n. Marunomi, kuri-nomi. GODDESS, n. Onna-gami, me-gami. -of GOUGE, t. v. Kujiru, hori-kujiru, yegumercy, kuwan-on. ru. GODLESS, a. Kami wo uyamawanu. GOURD, n. Hiy6tan. fukube. GOD-LIKE, a. Kami no y6 na. GOURMAND, n. Gebizo, taishoku na moGODLINESS, n. Shinjin. no. GODOWN, n. Kura, d6zo. GOVERN, t. v. Osameru, matsurigoto wo GOING, n. Yuki, mairi, iku. Asyou are suru, shi-hai suru, riyo suru, kuwangoing, yuki-gake ni. katsu suru. GOLD, n. Kin, kogane. -beater, haku- GOVERNESS, n. Onna shish6. ya. — color, kin-shoku, kon-jiki. GOVERNMENT, n. Matsurigoto, seifu, GOLDEN, a. Kin no. seiji, seido, shihai. GOLD-BEATER, n. Haku-ya. GOVERNOR, n. Chiji, shihai nin. GOLD-DUST, n. Kinsha. GOWN, n. Kimono, koromo. GOLD-FISH, n. Kin-giyo. GRAB, t. v. Hittakuru, tsukami-toru. GOLD-LEAF, n. Kimpaku. GRACE, n. On, megumi, awaremi, jihi, GOLDSMITH, n. Kin-zaiku-nin. fubin, nasake, on-taku, on-toku. GOLD-THREAD, n. Kinshi. GRACEFUL, a. Ffiriu na, iki na, miyabiGONG, n. Dora. yaka, ateyaka na, taoyaka, ada na, shiGONORRHCEA, n. Rimbiyo, rinshitsu. nayaka. Female -, shOkachi. GRACIOUS, a. Jihi-bukai, nasake-bukai. GOOD, a. Yoi, yoroshii, i, riy6, zen na- GRADATION, n. Dan-dan, shidai, oi-oi. ru. Make -, aganau, tsiigunau, ogi- GRADE, n. Kurai, kakushiki, kaku, jonau, madou. - for nothing fellow, chiu-ge, dan, i, tairaka naru koto. naradzu-mono. Doing -, sazen suru, GRADE, t. v. Narasu, tairaka ni suru. zen wo nasu. -for nothing, yo ni GRADUALLY, adv. Shidai-ni, dan-dan, tatanu, nani ni mo naranu. — while, oi-oi, itsu-to naku. yaya, hisashiku. - deal, yohodo, GRADUATE, t. v. Bu wo tsukeru, me wo dzui-bun, tappuri. - or bad, ashi- tsukeru. (i. v.) Dai-gakko no yuru yoshi, zen-aku, saga, ze-hi. shi wo ukeru. GOOD, n. Zen, tame, saiwai, yeki. - GRAFT, n. Tsugiho, tsugiki. and evil, zen aku. As good as, onaji- GRAFT, t.. Ki wo tsugu. koto, hitoshiku. GRAIN, n. Tsubu, go-koku, mokume. GOOD-BYE, interj. Sayonara, go-kigen- One grain troy, = ichi rin shichi mo. yoroshii. GRAM, n. Mame. GOODLY, a. Yoi. GRAMMAR, n. Bump6, bunten. GOOD-MAN, n. Aruji, shujin, teishu. GRAMMARIAN, n. Bumpo wo shitte iru GOOD MORNING, interj. OhayO. hito. GOOD-NATURED, a. Otonashii, niuwa na, GRAMMATICAL, a. Bumpo ni kanau. hitoyaka na. GRANERY, n. Kome-gura. GOODNESS, n, Yosa, yoroshisa, toku, GRAND, a. Kekko na, rippa-na, ririshii, nasake, on, kage. rin-rin, kodai, subarashii, okii. GOOD NIGHT, interj. Sayonara, o-yasumi GRANDCHILD, n. Mago. nasare. GRAND-DAUGHTER, n. Mago-musume. GOODS, n. Ni, nimotsu, ka-gu, shiro- GRANDEE, n. Reki-reki no hito, ki-nin, mono, shoji. kuwa-zoku. GOOD-TEMPERED, a. Iji no yoi, yasashii. GRANDEUR, n. Kekk5, rippa, rinrin. GOOsE, n. Wild -, gan, kari. Tame GRANDFATHER, n. Jiji, o-ji-san. Great -, gocho. -, hi-jiji. Great great -, hii-jiji. GOOSE-FLESH, n. Tori-hada. Maternal-, guwai-sofu. GOOSE —NECK, n. Gan-kubi. GRANDMOTHER, n. Baba, obaa-san. Great GORE, n. Chi, hagi, machi. -, hi-baba. Great great —, hii-haba. GORE, t. v. Tsuku. GRANDSON, n. Mago. GORGE, t. v. Hara ippai kurau. GRANT, t. v. Yurusu, shochi suru, kudaGORGEOUS, a. Kekko na, rippa-na, ha- saru, tamau, sadzukeru. nayaka na, kirabiyaka-na. GRAPE, n, Budo, yebi. - vine, budoGORILLA, n. Hihi. dzuru. GRA 8I GRO GRAPNEL, n. Ikari. kubaru, mangachi na, d6yoku na, toriGRAPPLE, t. v. Kumi-au, tori-muku, tsu- h6dai. kamiau, tsukamu, kakeru, nigiru. GREEN, a. Aoi, midori, nama, jukusenu, GRASP, t. v. Tsukamu, nigiru. aomu, aomi-datsu. GRASS, n. Kusa. GREEN-BOTTLE-FLY, n. Kuso-baye. GRASS-CLOTH, n. Asa-nuno, nuno. GREENGROCER, n. Yao-ya. GRASSHOPPER, n. Batta, hata-hata. GREENHOUSE, n. Muro. GRASSPLOT, n. Shiba. GREENNESS, n. Aosa. GRATE, i. v. Kishiru, kishiri-au. (t. v.) GREENS, n. Na, yasai, ao-na. Suru, orosu. - the teeth, hagishiri. GREET, t. v. Aisatsu suru, yeshaku suru, GRATE, n. K6shi. jigi suru. GRATEFUL, a. Arigatai, katajikenai. GRIDDLE, n. Age-nabe. GRATER, n. Oroshi. GRIDIRON, n. Aburiko, tekkiu. GRATIFY, t. v. Yorokobasu, kigen wo GRIEF, n. Kanashimi, urei, nageki, shintoru. tsu. GRATING, n. K6shi. GRIEVANCE, n. Nangi. GRATING, a. Gichi-gichi suru. GRIEVE, i. v. Kanashimu, komaru, uriou, GRATIS, adv. Tada, dai wo toranu. nageku. GRATITUDE, n. Arigataki. GRIEVOUS, a. Kurushii, dzutsunai, setsuGRATUITOUS, a. Tada suru, tada shite nai, kibishii, omoki. yaru. GRILL, t. v. Yakeru, ageru. GRATUITOUSLY, adv. Tada. GRIM, a.- Osoroshii. GRATUITY, n. Tada yaru mono, shimmo- GRIMACE, n. Kao wo shikameru koto. tsu. GRIN, i. V. Warau, yemi wo fukutnu, GRATULATION, n. Iwai, shuku. kuchi wo akeru. GRAVE, a. Majime na, magao r o, ogo- GRIN, n. Warai, kuchi wo akeru koto. soka, taisetsu na, omoi. GRIND, t. v. Hiku, togeru. GRAVE, n. Haka, tsuka. GRIP, n. Tsukami, nigiri. GRAVE, i. v. Horu, kizamu. GRIPE, t. v. Tsukamu, nigiru. GRAVE-CLOTHES, n. Kiy6-katabira. GRIST-MILL, n. Kuruma-ya. GRAVEL, n. Jari, kuri-lshi, ko-ishi, sa- GRIT, n. Mugi no hiki-wari. zare-ishi. GRIZZLY, a. Hampaku na. GRAVELY, adv. Majime de, magao GROAN, i. v. Unaru, umeku. de. GROAN, n. Unari. GRAVER, n. Tagane. GROCER, n. Kambutsu-ya. Green -, GRAVESTONE, n. Sekit6, haka-jirushi. yao-ya. GRAVEYARD, n. Hakachi, hakasho, ranto- GROG, n. Sake. ba. GROG-BLOSSOM, n. Zakuro-bana. GRAVITY, n. Omosa. GROG-DRINKER, n. Sake-nomi, j6go. GRAVY, n. Shiru. GROG-SHOP, n. Sakaya. GRAY, a. Shiroi. - hair, shiraga. GROIN, n. Momone, tsukene. GRAY, n. Nedzumi-iro. GROOM, n. Betto. GRAZE, i. V. Suru, kasuru, fureru, kusa GROOM, t. v. Uma no sji wo suru. wo hamu. GROOVE, n. Shikii, mizo. GREASE, n. Abura. GROPE, i. v. Saguru, tadoru. GREASE-SPOT, n. Abura no shimi. GROSS, a. Akudoi, shitsukoi, iyashii, GREASY. a. Aburake naru. bukotsu na, gehin, aku. - language, GREAT, a. Okii, kuw6dai, bakutai, tai, akk6, kuwa-gon. ko, dai. - in extent, hiroi.- in num- GROSS, n. Kuwahan, tai-han, hiyakuber, takusan, tanto, taiso, 6ku. - dis- shijushi. - weight, kaigake, uwame. tance, toi, haruka, yempo. - conse- In the -, kuchi de, matomete. quence, taisetsu, daiji. - while, naga- GROTESQUE, a. Okashii. ku, hisashiku. - in degree, fukai, GROTTO, n. Ana, hora. atsui, tsuyoi, omoi, hageshii. - crime, GROUND, n. Tsuchi, tsuchibeta, jimen, dai-zai. jigiyo, denji, shitagi, motodzuki. Lose GREAT-GRANDSON, n. Hiko. -, shirizoku. Run aground, i-suwaru. GREAT-GRANDFATHER, n. Hi-jiji. -rent, ji-dai. Gain -, susumu, kaGREAT-GRANDMOTHER, n. Hi-baba. tsu. GREATLY, adv. _Oki-ni. GROUND, t. v. Motodzuku. The shiz GREATNESS, n. Okisa, hirosa. has grounded, fune ga umi no soko ni GREEDY, a. Tonyoku na, musaboru, yo- tsuita. 4* GRO 82 HAD GROUND-FLOOR, n. Yuka. GUARDIAN, n. Koken, hosa, ushiromi. GROUNDLESS, a. Wake ga nai, shisai ga GUESS, t. v. Suiriyo suru, oshi-hakaru, nai. ii-ateru, ateru. GROUND-NUT, n. Rakkuwasho. GUEST, n. Kiyaku, maroto, kiyaku-jin. GROUND-PLOT, n. Jidori. GUIDE, n. Annaija, tebiki, shirube. GROUND-SILL, n. Dodai. GUIDE, t. v. Annai suru, michibiku. GROUNDWORK, n. Jigane. GUIDE-BOOK, n. D6-chiu-ki. GROUP, n. Mura. GUILD, n. Nakama, kabu, kumi. GROUP, t. v. Murageru, atsumeru. GUILE, n. Itsuwari, uso, azamuki. GROVE, n. Mori, yabu. GUILELESS, a. Meihaku na, keppaku na, GROVEL. t. v. Hau, hire-fusu. shinjitsu na. GROW, i. v. Tsukuru. GULP, t. v.'Nomi-komu. GROW, i. v. Hayeru, nobiru, futoru, sei- GUILT, n. Tsumi, zai. cho suru, ch6dzuru, hayasu. - in GUILTLESS, a. Mu-shitsu, tsumi nai, skill, agaru, susumu. - (to become), higo, mu-zai. naru, as, to grow cold, samuku naru. GUILTY, a. Tsumi aru, u-zai. Not -, - up, sodatsu. - old, or late, fukeru. mu-zai, mujitsu no tsumi. - counte- over, shigeru, habikoru. - better nance, nuke-nuke to shita kao. or stronger, hidatsu. - more violent, GUISE, n. Nari, furi, sugata. tsuyoru, tsunoru. - late, fukeru. - GUITAR, n. Samisen. together, au. - in size, futoru. - of GULF, n. Iri-umi, uchi-umi. its self, jinenbaye. Let- long, haya- GULL, t. v. Azamuku, damasu, baka ni su. - worse, zoch6 suru. suru. GROWL, i. v. Kagasu, hamuku, igamu, GULL, n. Kamome, chidori. unaru. GULLET, n. Shokudo, ikuwan. GROWN, a. Full-, seicho, seijin. GULLY, n. Ana, kubomi. GROWTH, n. Oitachi, sodachi. GUM, n.' Yani, gom, haguki. GRUB, t. v. Horu, hojiru. GUMMY, a. Nebari, nebai. GRUB-AXE, n. Tsuru-bashi. GUN, n. Teppo. GRUB-WORM, n. Sukumomushi. GUN-CARRIAGE, n. Tepp6-dai. GRUDGE, i. v. Oshimu, netamu, urayamu. GUNNERY, n. Ho-jutsu. GRUDGE, n. Urami, urayami. GUNPOWDER, n. Yensho, d6gusuri, g6GRUDGINGLY, adv. Oshlnde. yaku. GRUEL, n. Kayu. GUNSMITH, n. Tepp6-kaji. GRUFF, a. Zonki na. GUNSTOCK, n. TeppG-dai. GRUM, a. Shibutoi. GUNWALE, n. Funa-bata. GRUMBLE, t. v. Butsu-butsu iu, gudo- GURGLE, i. v. Doku-doku, goto-goto to gudo iu, tsubuyaku, kogoto wo iu, bo- naru. yaku, butsu-butsu iu. GUSH-OUT, i. v. Waki-deru. GUARANTEE, t. v. Ukeau, hiki-ukeru, GUST, n. Yudachi, niwaka-ame. uke-tsukeru, uke-komu. GUT, t. v. Harawata wo nuku. GUARANTEE, n. Ukeai. GUT, n. Harawata, hiyaku-hiro. GUARD, t. v. Mamoru, shugo suru, ban GUTTER, n. Toi, toyu, hi, mizo, dobu. suru, yokeru, kabau, keiyei suru. GYPSUM, n. SekkO. GUARD, n. Mamori, ban, keigo, mori, GYRATE, i. v. Mawaru, udzumaku. katame. GYVES, n. Ashi-gase. HABERDASHER, n. Komamono-ya. HABITUALLY, adv. Tsune-tzune, higoro, HABIT, n. Kuse, narai, kimono. mai-do. HABILIMENT, n. Ifuku, kimono. HABITUATE, t. v. Nareru. HABITABLE, a. Sumawareru. HACK, t. v. Tataki kiru. HABITATION, n. Sumai, jukiyo, taku. HACKLE, t. v. Kogu. HABITUAL, a. Tsune no, heijitsu no, HACKNEY, n. Jo-me. itsumono, fudan-no. HADES, n. Kuwbsen, yomi no kuni. HIE 83 HAR HNEMATURIA, n. Ketsu-rin. Suiting the hand, tegoro. - behind HAFT, n. Tsuka, ye. the back, ushiro-de. Come to -, ukeHAGGARD, a. Yasegao naru. toru. Hands off, kamau na. Bear a HAGGLE, i. V. Kogiru, negiru, kiri-kiza- -, te wo kashite okure. mu. HAND, t. v. Watasu, yaru. - down, HAIL, n. Hiy6. tsutayeru. HAIL, t. v. Yobu, maneku. HAND-BARROW, n. Rendai. HAIR, n. Kami, ke. - stood on end, HAND-BASKET, n. Te-kago. yodatsu. - breadth, gobatsu. False HAND-BELL, n. Rin. -, kamoji, iregami. - rope, ke-dzuna. HAND-BILL, n. Harifuda, hiki-fuda, chi-on the breast, muna-hige. rashi, bira. HAIR-DRESSER, n. Kami-yui. HAND-BREADTH, n. Tsuka, soku, ki. HAIR-PIN, n. Kanzashi, binsashi. HANDCUFF, n. Tejo, tegase, tegane. HAIRY, a. Kebukai, ke no 6i. HANDFUL, n. Hito tsukami. HALBERD, n. Hoko. HANDICRAFT, n. Shigoto, tezaiku. HALE, a. Sukoyaka na, tassha na, j6bu HANDILY, adv. Tebayaku, jodzu ni. na, mame na, mameyaka na. HANDKERCHIEF, n. Tenugui. HALF, n. Han, hambun, nakaba. - HANDLE, t. v. Sawaru, tori-atsukau, dried, namabi. - dead, nama-iki. ijiru. To - kill, nama-goroshi. - drunk, HANDLE, n. Ye, te, torite. nama-yei. To cut in -, futatsu ni HANDMAID, n. Koshimoto, ge-jo. kiru. - a day's work, han-nin. HAND-RAIL, n. Te-suri. HALF-BLOOD, n. Hara-chigai, tane- HAND-SAW, n. Nokogiri. chigai. HANDSOME, a. Kirei na, utsukushii, miHALF-BROTHER, n. Hara-chigai no kiyo- goto, bibishii. dai, hara-gawari. HAND-SPIKR, n. Bo. HALF-CASTE-CHILD, n. Ai no ko. HANDWRITING, n. Tenarai, jiki-hitsu. HALF-DONE, n. Nama-niye, nama-yake, HANDY, a. Jodzu, tebayai, benri no yoi, chiudo. tsug6 ga yoi. HALF-MOON, n. Han-getsT. HANG, t. v. Kakeru, tsuru, sagaru. HALF-PAY, n. Han-taka. a door, to wo hameru. - out nozoHALF-PRICE, n. Han-gen. ku. - down, sageru, tareru, tarasu, HALF-SISTER, n. Harachigai no ane, tsurusu. - to one side, kata-sagari. tane chigai no imoto. -by the neck, kukuri-korosu. - uf, HALF-WAY, n. Ham- michi, chiu-do, kakeru. chiu-to, hanto, hampuku. HANGER-ON, n. Isor6, kakari-udo. HALF-WITTED, n. Baka, aho. HANG-NAIL, n. Sakakure, sakamuke. HALF-YEAR, n. Han toshi. HANK, n. Kuri. HALL, n. Do, yashiki, iri-kuchi. HANKER, z. V. Hossuru, hoshiku omo. HALLOO, Exclam. Oi, moshi. HAP-HAZARD, n. Fui-to, omoi-gake nai. HALLOW, t. v. Uyamau, son-kiyo suru. HAPLESS, a. Fu-saiwai, fu-shiawase no. HALO, n. Gok6. — around the moon, HAPPEN, i. v. Au, ataru. to have, tsuki no kasa. ari-au. - on, de-au. HALT, i. v. Todomeru, bikko wo hiku. HAPPILY, adv. Saiwai ni, shiawase ni, HALTER, n, Tsunagi nawa, hadzuna. naka yoku shite. HALVE, t. v. Futatsu ni kiru. HAPPINESS, n. Raku, tanoshimi, saiwai, HALYARD, n. Ho-dzuna. kuwan-raku. HAM, n. Momo. HAPPY, a. Raku na, saiwai naru, shiHAMLET, n. Mura, machi, sato. awase na, anraku na. HAMMER, n. Kanadzuchi. HARASS, t. v. Komaraseru, nayamasu. HAMMER, t.v. Buchi-komu, utsu. HARASSED, lass. Tsukareru, nayamu. HAMPER, t. v. Sasawaru, hodasareru, HARBINGER, n. Saki-bure, saki-dachi. sashi-tsukayeru. HARBOR, n. Minato, funa-gakari, tsu. HAND, n. Te. Right -, migi no te, HARBOR, t.. Kakumau, tomeru. - in mete. Left -, hidari no te, unde. the mind, idaku. Em5Apty-handed, mute, sude. At hand, HARD, a. Katai, mudzukashii, nan, kibichikai. On hand, deki-ai, ari-awase, shii, karai, kakoku na, tsuyoi. - to ari-ai. Off hand, dehodai, detarame. chew, hagotaye. Lend a hand, tedzutau, te wo kashite HARDEN, t. v. Kataku suru, katameru. kudasare. On the other hand, kayete. HARDLY, adv. Karojite, yoyaku, karaHand to mouth, hi-okuri ni kurasu. -gara. HAR 84 HEA HARDNBSS, m. Katasa, kuro, nan, nangi. HAUGHTILY, adv. Ohei ni, 6fi ni, hoHARDSHIP, n. Kur6, nangi, nanjo, shinku, kotte. karai-me, konku. HAUGHTINESS, n. Ohei, fu, jiman,takaHARDWARE, n. Kana-mono. buri, manki, manshin. HARDY, a. Kitsui. HAUL, t. v. Hiku, taguru, kaiguru. HARE, n. Usagi. HAUL, n. Hiki. HARELIP, n. Mitsu-kuchi, iguchi. HAUNT, t. v. Tsuku. Haunted house, HAREM, n. Hiroshiki. bake-mono-yashiki. HARK, imf6. Kike, kiki nasare. HAVE, t. v. Aru, motsu, motomeru. As HARLEQUIN, n. Dokemono. an auxiliary, forming the perfect HARLOT, n. Joro, oyama, yujo, asobi tense, it is formed by the verb stffix, onna. ta; as, katta, have bought. Kiita, HARM, t. V. Gai suru, sokonau, son- have heard. - on, kiru, chaku suru. dzuru, ittameru. - a care, ki wo tsuke yo. To -fever, HARM, n. Gai, itami, sokonai. netsu ga okotta. - a cough, seki ga HARMFUL, a. Doku na, sokonau, gai wo deru. - in honor, tattobu. -afondnasu. ness for, konomu. - a baby, ko wo HARMLESS, a. Doku-nai,gai-senu, otona- umu. -aiin, itamu. - a hundred shii. riyb a month, gekkiu wa hiyaku riyo HARMONIOUS, a. Naka ga yoi, mutsuma- de gozaru. jii, wajun na, wago na. HAVEN, n. Minato, kakari-ba, funaba. HARMONIOUSLY, adv. Mutsumajiku. HAVOC, n. Arasu koto. Make —, arasu, HARMONIZE, t. v. Choshi wo awaseru, sondzuru. nakanaori wo suru, waboku suru. HAWK, n. Taka, tobi. HARMONY, n. Choshi, shirabe, wag6, HAWKING, n. Takagari, botefuri. mutsumajii. HAWSER, n. Tsuna, nawa. HARNESS, n. Bagu. - maker, bagu-ya. HAY, n. Hoshi kusa. HARP, n. Koto. HAY-STACK, n. Inamura. HARPOON, n. Mori. HAZARD, a. Ayaui koto, abunai koto, HARROW, n. Maguwa. kennon, inqchi-gake. HARSH, a. Arai, ara-arashii, kibishii. HAZARD, t. v. Kakeru, kakawaru. - HARTSHORN, n. Rokkaku. life, inochi-gake wo suru. HARVEST, t. V. Karu, kiru, kari-komu, HAZARDOUS, a. Kiwadoi, abunai, ayauki. kari-ireru. HAZE, n. Kasumi. HARVEST-MOON, n. Monaka no tsuki. HAZY, a. Kasumu, bonyari to shita. HARVEST-TIME, n. Kari-shun, kari-ire. HE, pro. Are, kare, ano hito, ano okata, HASH, n. Kamaboko. kono hito, kono okata. HASP, n. Shitotome. HEAD, n. Atama, kashira, kobe, tsumuHASTE, n. Hayai, isogi, kiu. ri, kubi, dzu, nadzuki t6dori. - of HASTEN, t. v. Hayameru, saisoku suru, a river, minamoto. - of a discourse, isogaseru, hakadoraseru, sekitateru, dai, shui. - of wheat, ho. - of a settsuku. cask, kagami. Crown of-, dzu-boshi. HASTEN, i. v. Isogu, hayaku yuku. The boil has come to a head, hare-moHASTILY, adv. Hayaku, sassoku ni, kiu- no ga unda. To make head against, ni, isoide, sugu-ni, jiki-ni, sumiyaka-ni. sakaratte susumu, saka-noboru, katsu. HASTY, a. Hayai, kiu-na, sassoku no, Six - of oxen, ushi roppiki. It never sumiyaka na. entered my head, so to chitto mo omoiHAT, n. Kaburi mono, yeboshi, dzukin, masenanda. b6shi, kasa. HEAD, t. v. Saki ni yuku, mukau, hikiHATCH, t. v. Kayesu. (pass.) Kayeru. yuru, hiki-tsureru. HATCHEL, n. Inakogi, hashi. HEADACHE, n. Dzutsfl. HATCHEL, t. v. Kogu. HEADLAND, n. Misaki, hana, saki. HATCHET, n. Teyoki, nata. HEADLONG, adv. Massakasama ni, muHATE, t. v. Nikumu, uramu, kirau, yen- ko-midzu-ni, muteppo-ni. dzuru. HEAD-MAN, n. Kashira no hito, t6dori. HATEFUL, a. Nikui, kirawashi, nikura- HEADQUARTERS, n. Honjin. shii. HEAD-SEA, n. Saka-nami. HATRED, n. Nikumi, urami, ikon. HEADSTRONG, a. Waga-mama na, kimaHATrER, n. Dzukin-shi. ma na, wambaku na, kidzui na, ganko HAUGHTY, a. Taka-burn, ofu na, jiman na. naru, hokoru, ohei na, ibaru. HEAD-WIND, n. Giyaku fu, mukai-kaze. HEA 85 HEN HEADY, a. Wagamama na, muteppo nami. - load, omoni. - clouds, kuna. ro-kumo. HEAL, t. v. Naosu, jisuru, iyasu. HECTOR, t. v. Ijimeru. HEALED, jass. Hombuku, zenkuwai, HEDGE, n. Kaki, ikegaki, kakine. heiyu, naoru, iyeru. HEDGE, t. v. Kaki wo tsukuru. — p, HEALTH, n. Yojo. In -, jobu, tassha, fusegu, sasayeru. mame, kenko. Preserving-, yojo su- HEED, t.. Ki wo tsuk-ru, nen wo ireru, hoyo wo suru. For the sake of-, ru, mochiiru, kiku, tsutsushimu. y6j6 no tame ni. Restored to-, horn- HEED, n. Yojin, tsutsushimi. Take-, buku shita, zen-kuwai, heiyu. Leaving ki wo tsukeru, tsutsutshimu. home for the sake of-, de-yojo suru. HEEDLESS, a. Ki wo tsukenu, soso na, Careless of -, fu-yoj6. To drink to mukomidzu, buyojin naru. one's -, sake nonde anzen wo iwau, HEEL, n. Kagato. shuku-hai wo nomu. To inquire after HEFT, n. Omosa. one's -, ampi wo tou. HEIGHT, a. Takasa, tate, desakari, toge, HEALTHY, a. Kenko naru, mame naru, saichiu. tassha naru. A - jlace, hoyo ni naru HEIGHTEN, t. v. Ageru, takaku suru, tatokoro. kameru, tsuyomeru, masu, susumeru. HEAP, n. Kasa, tsumi, yama. HEINOUS, a. Nikui, omoi, hidoi, futoi. HEAP, t. v. Tsumu, kasaneru. - up, HEIR, n. Sozoku-nin, iye-tsugi, ato-tori, takuwayeru, tsumi-ageru. - in meas- katoku-nin, atoshiki. - apparent, uring, yama-mori ni suru, mori-ageru. taishi. HEAR, t. v. Kiku, chomon suru. HEIRLOOM, n. Yui-motsu, arikitatta moHEARSAY, n. Fubun, ffsetsu, hiyoban, no. uwasa, dembun, densetsu. HELL, n. Jigoku. Going to —, dagoku HEART, n. Kokoro, shin no z6, shin, ki, suru. hara. Learn by -, sorandzuru, oboye- HELM, n. Kaji. ru. Set the - at rest, akirameru, omoi- HELMET, Kabuto. kiru. With the whole -, isshin de, HELMSMAN, n. Kaji-tori. shin kara, kokoro komete. At -, honi, HELP, t. v. Tetsudau, tasukeru, sukeru, hont6. Heart trouble, shinro. sewa wo suru, josei suru. - me up, HEARTACHE, n. Shinr, shintsfi. okoshite kudasare. - me down, oroHEARTBURN, n. Riuin, mune ga yakeru. shite kudasare. - on, susumeru. HEARTBURNING, n. Urami. to wine, sake wo tsugu. - to rice, meHEARTH, n. Irori. - stone, subitsu. shi wo moru. HEARTILY, adv. Shin-kara, jitsu ni, ha- HELP, n. Tetsudai, tasuke, sewa, shfsen, gende. Eat -, aku made taberu. okage, risho, hojo, joriki. There is no HEARTLESS, a. Nasake no nai, funin-j6 help for it, shikata ga nai, sen kata nana. shi, shiy6 ga nai. Cannot-, yaru kaHEARTRENDING, a. Shintsf naru. ta naku. HEARTY, a. Shinsetsu na, nengoro na, HELPER, n. Sewa-nin, tasukeru hito, tekokoro kara no. tsudai nin, yorube, tayori. HEAT, n. Atsusa, kuwaki, nekki, hono- HELPFUL, n. Tanomoshiki, yo ni tatsu. ke, unke. - of animals, sakari, tsu- HELPLESS, a. Tayowaki. rumu. HELTER-SKELTER, adv. Musanko-ni, muHEAT, t. v. Atsuku suru, atatameru. sakusa ni. (i. v.) Atsuku naru. HEMI, i. v. Shiwabuki wo suru, sekiba HEATHEN, n. Guz6 wo matsuru mono. rai wo suru, kowadzukuri wo suru. HEATHENISM, n. Guzo wo matsuru koto. HEM, n. Heri, fuse-nui. HEAVE, t. v. Nageru, ageru. - the an- HEM, t. v. Nui. chor, ikari wo maku. - down, kata- HEMISPHERE, n. Han-kiu. mukeru. - to, todomeru. HEMIPLEGIA, n. Chiubu. HEAVE, i. v. Ugoku, tsuki-ageru. - up, HEMOPTISIS, n. Toketsu, daketsu. modosu. HEMORRHAGE, n. Shukketsu. HEAVEN, n. Ten, ame, sora, goku-raku, HEMORRHOIDS, n. Iboji. tend6, jodo. HEMP, n. Asa. HEAVENLY, a. Ten no. HEN, n. Mondori, hin-kei. HEAVILY, adv. Omoku. HENCE, adv. Koko kara, kono yuye ni, HEAVINESS, n. Omosa. kore ni yotte. A year-, ichi nen HEAVY, a. Omoi. - rain, 6-ame. Ex- tatte penses are -, niuy6 ga oi. - sea, 6 HENCEFORTH, adv. Kore kara, ima ka HEN 86 HOC ra, ika, igo, kono nochi, kiy6ok, irai, kojiki. -color, koki iro. -antiquity, jikon. 6-mukashi. — tide, michi-shio. HEN-COOP, n. Toya, ori. HIGH-HANDED, a. Mugoi, muri no. HER, ro. Ano onna no, kano onna no, HIGHWAYMAN, n. Sanzoku, oihagi, yasono, are no, kare no. madachi. HERALD, n. Shisha, shisetsu. HILARITY, n. Kiyo, omoshirosa. HERALD, t. v. li-hiromeru, shiraseru HILL, n. Ko-yama, yama, oka. Hills HERB, n. Kusa. and hollows, daku-boku. HERBAGE, n. Kusa. HILLOCK, n. Tsuka. HERBALIST, n. Hon-z6-ka. HILL-SIDE, n. Saka, chiu-fuku. HERBARIUM, n. Oshiba. HILT, n. Tsuka. HERD, n. Mura, mure. HIM, 5ro. Kare, are, ano hito. HERD, i. v. Muragaru, atsumaru. HIMSELF, fro. Midzukara, onore, jibun. HERE, adv. Koko, kochi, kochira. - By, hitori de, jibun de. and there, achi-kochi. HIND, a. Ushiro no, ato no. - legs, ato-ashi. HEREABOUMTS, ad. Kono atari, kono HINDER, t. V. Samatageru, sasawaru, hen, kono-hn. sayegiru, jama suru, kodawaru, kobamu, HEREAFTER, adv. Kono nochi, igo, irai, sasayeru. mirai, yuku-suye. HINDMOST, a. Itchi-ato. HEREAFTER, n. Nochi no yo, mirai. HINDRANCE, n. Jama, kodawari, shoge, HEREAT, adv. Kono yuye-ni, kore ni- kosho, sawari, sashi-tsukaye. yotte. HINGE, n. Ch6tsugai, kaname. HEREBY, adv. Kore de. HINGE, i. v. Tsugau. HERETIC, n. Oshiye ni somuku mono, HINT, t. v. Ate-tsukeru. muhd. HINT, n. Ate-tsuke. HERETOFORE, adv. Kono maye-ni, izen, HIP, n. Koshi. jurai. HIPPOCAMPUS, n. Umi-uma. HEREDITARY, a. Mochi-tsutaye no, mo- HIRE, n. Kiukin, dai, chin, sonriy6, chi-kitari no, oya-yudzuri no. - dis- chinsen. Monthly. -, gekkiu. ease, taidoku. HIRE, t. v. Yatou, kakayeru, oku. HERESY, n. Betsu no ha, michi wo His, fro. Kare no, ano hito no, are somuku oshiye, ged6. no. HERITAGE, n. Denrai, mochi-kitari no HIss, n. Seishi-goye. To -, seishigoye mono, tsutayete kitaru mono. wo dasu. HERMAPHRODITE, n. Futa-nari. HISTORIAN, n. Kiroku-sha, shoki. HERMIT, n. Inja, intonja. HISTORY, n. Reki-shi, kiroku. HERO, n. G6ketsu, yei-yu, masurao. HIT, i. v. Ateru, butsu, utsu, fureru. - HEROIC. a. Tegara na, kenage na. upon, au, de-au, ataru. - off, maneru. HEROISM, n. Yuki. - and miss, atari-hadzure. HERON., n. Sagi. HITCH, t. v. Tsunagu, motsureru, hikHERSELF, fro. Midzukara, jibun ni. kakaru. HESITATE, i. v. Tamerau, yuyo suru, HITHER, adv. Koko ye, kochi ye. chiu-cho suru, shiriashi wo fumu, tayu- HITHERTO, adv. Ima made, kore made. tau, chichiu, nihan suru. HIVE, n. Hachi no su. HESITATION, n. Tamerai, kogi, yfyo. HOARD, t.. Takuwayeru, tsumu. HETERODOX, a. Gedo no. HOAR-FROST, n. Shimo. HETEROGENEOUS, a. Konzatsu naru. HOARSE, a. Koye ga kareru, shiwagareHETEROMORPHOUS, a. Igiy6 naru. ru. HEW, t. v. Iru, hatsuru. HOARY, a. Shiroi. - head, shiraga. HEXAGON, n. Rok-kaku. HOAX, n. Hamede, azamuki, naburi. HICCOUGH, n. Shakuri. HOAX, t. v. Sukasu, azamuku, damasu, HIDDEN, a. Kakuretaru. taburakasu, chakusu, fudzuku, naburu. HIDE, t. v. Kakusu, hisomeru. (i. v.) HOBBLE, i. v. Bikko wo hiku, toboHisomu, kakureru, kakumau. tobo to aruku. HIDE, n. Kawa. Ra —, aragawa. HOBBY, n. Kabu, kuse. HIDEOUS, a. Osoroshii, nikui. HOBBY-HORSE, n. Take-uma. HIGGLE, i. v. Kogiru, negiru. HOBGOBLIN, n. Tengu, bake-mono, ganHIGH, a. Takai, takeru. - minded, gozei. kedakai. - and low, ki-sen. - official, Ho us-Pocus, n. Tedzuma wo tsukau, omo-yaku. - wind, o-kaze. — irice, in wo musubu. HOD 87 HOR HODGE-PODGE, n. Gotani. HOMOGENEOUS, a. Onaji-yo na. HOG, n. Buta. Wild-, shishi, inoshi- HONE, n. Toishi, awasedo. shi. HONE, t. v. Togu. HOG-PEN, n. Buta-goya. HONEST, a. Shojiki na, tadashii, seiHOE, n. Kuwa. To -, kuwa nite choku na, shinjitsu na. horu. HONESTLY, adv. Jitsu ni, makoto ni, HOIDEN, n. Otemba. tadashiku. HOIST, t. v. Ageru, hiki-ageru, kaka- HONEY, n. Mitsu, hachi-mitsu. geru. HONEY-BEE, n. Mitsu-bachi. HOLD, t.v. Motsu, tamotsu. - back, HONEYCOMB, n. Mitsubachi no su, mihiki-tomeru, osayeru, hikayeru, todo- tsu-busa. meru. - afortress, toride wo tamotsu, HONEYSUCKLE, n. Nindo. mamoru. - lossession, tamotsu. - HONG, n. Sho-kuwan. out the hand, te wo sashi-dasu. - out HONOR, n. Homare, uyamai, kurai, meito the end, owari made korayeru. - yo, tattoki. on, korayeru, shinobu, tayeru. Tired HONOR, t. v. Tattobu, sonkiyo suru, of —, mochi-agumu. - in, hikayeru, uyamau, agameru. tomeru. - ui, ageru, sasayeru. Lay HONORABLE, a. Tattoki, takai, k5mei - of, tsukathu, tsukamayeru, torayeru. naru, nadakai, meiyo naru. -under the arm, waki-basamu. - in HONORARY TITLE, n. Son-go. the mouth, fukumu, kuwayeru. -a HOOD, n. Dzukin, horo. conference, 6setsu wo suru. — a con- HOODWINK, t. v. Damasu, mayakasu, sultation, s6dan suru. To -, (as a gomakasu, me wo kuramasu, ii-kurovessel) hairu, ukeru. -forth, kosha- meru. ku suru. - off, t6zakaru. - on to, HOOF, n. Tsume, badzu, hidzume. sugari-tsuku. HOOK, t. v. Kagi de kaku. HOLD, n. Tsukami, tegakari. - of a HOOK, n. Kagi, ori-kugi, tobi-guchi. ship, fune no soko. Fish -, tsuri-bari. Pot -, ji-zai HOLE, n. Ana. kagi. HOLIDAY, n. Matsuribi, kiujitsu, iwaibi, HOOK AND STAPLE, n. Hiji-tsubo. kajitsu. HooP, n. Taga, wa. HOLINESS, n. Isagiyoi, sei naru koto. HOP, i. v. Tobu, odoru. HOLLAND, n. Oranda. HoP, n. Mugura. HOLLO, interj. Hito wo yobu koye, — HOPE, n. Nozomi, kokorozashi. 6i. HOPE, i. v. Nozomu. HOLLOW, a. Kara, kubomu, utoro, HOPEFUL, a. Nozomi aru. utsura, uro. -shot, uro no tama. - HOPELESS, a. Nozomi ga tsuki-hateta, on the back of the neck, bonnoku- omoikitte iru. bo. HORARY CHARACTERS, n. Ju-ni-shi. HOLLOW, t. v. Kubomeru, kuru. HORIZON, n. Chi no hate-giwa. HOLLY, n. Tarayo, hiragi. HORIZONTAL, a. Tairaka.na. HOLLYHOCK, n. Aoi. HORN, n. Tsuno, charumera, rappa. HOLY, a. Isagiyoi, kiyoi, sei-naru. HORNET, n. Hachi. HOMAGE, n. Uyamai. HOROSCOPE, n. Hoshi-uranai, uranai. HOME, n. Iru-tokoro, sumai-dokoro, HORRIBLE, a. Osoroshii, kirawashii. sumika, sumai, iye, uchi, yado, taku, HORRID, a. Osoroshii, kirawashii. jusho. To beat — in, yoku shitte oru. HORRIFY, t. v. Osoresaseru. At -, uchi ni iru, zaishuku. Not at HORRIPILATION, n. Mi no ke no yodatsu -, rusu, soto ye deta, ta-shutsu, tagiyo, koto. ori-masen. Affairs, nai-ji. - depart- HORROR, n. Osore-wananaki. inent, mimbusho. HORSE, n. Uma. - power, ba-riki. HOMELESS, a. Yado-naki, mu-shuku - hoof, batei, badzu. Wild -, arana. uma. HOMELY, a. Mi-nikui. HORSE-BOY, n. Betto, mago. HOME-MADE, a. Tedzukuri, tesaku, HORSE-CHESTNUT, n. Tochi no ki. tezaiku, jisaku, tesei. HORSE-CLOTH, n. Baginu. HO.aE-SICK, a. Satogokoro, kokiy6 wo HORSE-DEALER, n. Bakur6. natsukashiku omo. HORSE-DOCTOR, n. Hakuraku, ma-isha, HOMESTEAD, n. Honke, hon-taku. chori, ba-i. HOMICIDE, n. Hito-goroshi, setsugai- HORSE-DUNG, n. Bafun, maguso. nin. HORSE-FLY, n. Abu. HOR 88 HUM HORSE-JOCKEY, n. Bakuro. or the way in which anything is made HORSE-LOAD, n. Da, dani. or done, shi-ho, shi-kata. How much? HORSEMAN, n. Kiba-musha, uma-nori, or, How many? ikura, nali-hodo, iku, kihei. ika-hodo, dore-hodo, dore-dake, ikuHORSEMANSHIP, n. Bajutsu. tsu, dono-kurai. How long? itsuHORSE-RACE, n. Keiba. made, itsu-kara. tAow can? or, How HORSE-RADISH, n. Wasabi. shall? doshite, idzukun zo. - often, HORSE-SHOE, n. Kanagutsu. iku tabi. HORSE-WHIP, n. Muchi. HOWBEIT, conj. Keredomo, saredomo, HOSE, n. Tabi, kawa-doyu. naredomo, iyedomo. HOSPITABLE, a. Kiyaku wo teinei ni HOWEVER, conj. Tomo-kakumo, keredomotenasu. mo, saredomo, shikashi, shikashi-nagaHOSPITAL, n. Biyo-in. ra, shikaru-ni, shikaru-tokoro. HOSPITALITY, n. Kiyaku wo teinei ni HOWL, i. v. Hoyeru, naku. motenasu koto. HOWSOEVER, conj. Ikayo domo, donoyo HOST, n. Shujin, motenashi-kata, yado- demo. ya no tei-shu; ozei, gunzei. HUB, n. Kuruma no koshiki, sha-jiku. HOSTAGE, n. Hitojichi.. HUBBUB, n. Sawagi, s6do. HOSTILE, a. Teki no, ada no. HUCKSTER, n. Botefuri. HOSTILITY, n. Ikusa, urami, ikon. HUDDLE, i. v. Atsumari, muragaru. HOSTLER, n. Betto, mago. HUE, n. Iro. HOT, a. Atsui, karai, hoteru. - s.rings, HUG, t. v. Daku, daki-shimeru, dakideyu, tojiba, onsen. tsuku. HOT-BED, n. Nawashiro. HUGE, a. Okii, bakutai, kuwodai. HOT-BLOODED, a. Hayari-o no, kekki- HULL, n. Kara, kaw. - of a ship, no. fune no do. HOTEL, n. Yadoya, hatagoya, riyo-ku- HULL, t. V. Muku, hagu. wan. HUM, i. v. Utau, unaru, naru, hana-uta HOTHOUSE, n. Muro. wo utau, HOTLY, adv. Atsuku, kiu-ni. HUMAN, a. Hitono. - heart,jin-shin. HOTNESS, n. Atsusa. - form. jin-tai. - face, nim-men. HOT-WATER, n. Yu, sayu. - sacrifice, hito-migoku. HOUND, n. Inu no shurui. HUMANE, a. Ninjo no aru, nasake no HOUR, n. Toki, ji, jisetsi, koro, jikoku. aru, jihi no aru, kidoku na. HOUR-GLASS, n. Suna-dokei. HUMANELY, adv. Shinsetsu ni. HOURLY, adv. Toki-doki ni, toki-goto HUMANITY, n. Ningen, yo no hito, ninni. jo, nasake. HOUSE, n. Iye, uchi, yado, sumai, ke, HUMBLE, a. Kenson na, hige suru, taku. -for sale, uri-suye. House by kentai na, iyashiki. house, yado-nami. To keep -, shotai HUMBLE, t. v. Herikudaru, kenson suru, wo motsu. - of correction, yoseba. kentai suru, yenriyo suru, higo suru. HOUSE-BREAKER, n. Yajiri-kiri. - another, kudasu, hadzukashimeru. HOUSE-CLOTH, n. Zokin. HUMBLE-BEE, n. Kuma-bachi. HOUSEHOLD, n. Kanai, kazoku. HUMBLY, adv. Herikudatte, hige shite. HOUSEHOLDER, n. Shotai wo motsu hito. HUMBUG, i. v. Damakasu, taburakasu. HOUSEHOLD STUFF, n. Kagu, kazai, sho- HUMDRUM, a. Gu naru, don na, guchi tai-ddgu. na. HOUSEKEEPER, n. Shotai wo motsu ko- HUMID, a. Nurete iru, shimeru, shikke to. aru. HOUSELESS, a. Yado-nashi. HUMIDITY, n. Shikki, suiki. HOUSE-MAID, n. Gejo. HUMMIING-KITE, n. Unari-dako. HOUSE-MOVING, n. Ya-utsuri, watama- HUMMING-TOP, n. Unari-goma. shi, tentaku, hiki-koshi. HUMOR, n. Ki, kibun, kokochi, kokoroIHOUSE-PIGEON, n. Iye-bato. mochi, kigen, kishoku. Out of-, fuHOUSE-RENT, n. Yachin, tana-chin. kigen. HOUSE-SEARCH, n. Ya-sagashi. HUMOR, t. v. Ki wo toru, kigen wo toru, HOVEL, n. Koya. amayakasu. HOVER, i. v. Tobu. HUMORIST, n. Hiyokin na hito, share How, adv. Do, ikaga, ikan, ika yo, dono wo iu hito, odokeru hito. yo, iku, idzukunzo, ikadeka, ikani. How HUMOROUS, a. Okashii, dokeru, hiyogetmuch more? mashite, iwan-ya. How, ru, kokkei na, shareru, odokeru. HUM 89 IGN HUMPBACK, n. Semushi, kukuse. HUSBAND, n. Otto, teishu. -and wife, HUNCH, t. v. Hiji de tsuku. fiLfu, me-otto, fusai. Daughter's - HUNDRED, a. Hiyaku, momo. muko. HUNDRED-THOUSAND, a. Ju-man. HUSBAND, t. v. Kenyaku shite tori-atsuHUNDREDTH, a. Hiyaku ban. kau. HUNGER, i. v. Haraheru, uyeru, katsu- HUSBANDMAN, n. Hiyakush6, nonin, yeru. dem-pu. HUNGER, n. Uye. HUSBANDRY, n. N6-giy6, ko-saku. HUNGRY, a. Hidarui, himojii. HUSH, t. v. Shidzumeru. - up, (imzer.) HUNT, t. V. Sagasu, tadzuneru, karu, ri- damare. To - up a matter, ombin ni yo suru, tansaku suru, yuriyo suru. suru. HUNT, n. Kari, riy6. HUSH-MONEY, n. Kuchi-dome-kin. HUNTER, n. Kariudo, riy6-shi. HUSK, n. Saya. HURL, t. v. Nageru, h6ru. HUSKY, a. Kareta. HURLY-BURLY, n. Sawagi. HtJT, n. Koya, iyori, wsra-ya. HURRAH, i. v. Toki no koye wo ageru, HUZZA, interj. Toki nokoye. toki wo tsukuru. HYACINTH, n. Suisen-kuwa. HURRAH, interj. Toki no koye. HYBISCUS, n. Fusoka. HURRY, t. V. Isogasu, hayameru, saiso- HYDROGEN, n. Sui-so. ku suru, sekaseru, unagasu. (t. v.) Iso- HYGIENE, n. Yojo. gu, seku, seru. HYMN, n. Wasan, sho-miy6, uta. HURT, t. v. Kidzu wo tsukeru, itameru, HYPOCRITE, n. Gizensha, gikunshi, maisondzuru, sokonau. su, neijin. HURT, i. v. Itamu. It hurts, aita. HYPOCRITICAL, a. Hiyori na, sharakusai, HURT, n. Itami, kega, kidzu, sokonai, ata. fu-jitsu na. HURTFUL, a. Doku na, gai naru, soko- HYPOTHETICAL, a. Dzuzan na. nau, sondzuru. I I, fio. Watakushi, ware, sessha, sorega- IDLY, adv. Asonde, y5ji-sedzu ni, itashi, chin. dznra ni. IBIS, n. Toki. IDOL, n. Z6, moku-z6, butsu-z6, kanaICE, n. Kori, hizai. Thin -, haku- butsu, guz6, do-butsu, seki-z6. Maker hiyo. of-, busshi. ICE-HOUSE, n. Hi-muro. IDOLATER, n. Moku-z6 wo ogamu hito. ICICLE, n. Tsurara, taruhi. IDOLATRY, Moku-zo wo ogamu koto. IDEA, n. Omoi, riy6ken, tsumori, s6z6. IDOLIZE, t. v. Kami-sama no y6 ni IDEAL, a. Ukabitaru, soz6 naru. omou, agameru, daijigaru. IDENITICAL, a. Doyo na, onaji, hitoshii, IF, conj. Moshi, naraba, yoshiya, ka, ya, ichi-yo na. hiyotto, nara; also formed by conj. IDENTIFY, t.'. Hitoshiku suru, itchi verb suffix, ba, and tara; as, yukaba, suru, mi-kiwameru, misadameru. if you go, araba; if there are; mitara, IDIOM, n. Namari, ii-kata, ii-y6. ifyou see. IDIOSYNCRASY, n. Kifu, kishitsu. IGNIS-FATUUS, n. Kitsune-bi, hi-daIDIOT, n. Kinuke, baka, boketa hito, ma. ammai. IGNITE, t. v. Taku, hi wo tsukeru, moIDLE, a. Hima de iru, asonde iru, y6- yuru, moyasu. nashi, busho na. - time, hima, itoma. IGNOBLE,. Iyashii, gebiru, ge-hin na, - talk, zdan. gesen na. IDLE, i. v. Asobu, namakeru, okotaru. IGNOMIINIOUS, a. Hadzukashii, iyashiki. IDLENESS, n. Asobi, busho, okotari, bu- IGNOMINY, n. Haji, chijoku, kakin, kisei. dzu, hadzukashime. IDLER, n. Busho-mono, dzuruke-mono, IGNORAMUS, n. Mu-gaku, gu-jin, momm6 namake mono. na hito. IGN 90 IMP IGNORANCE, n. Shiranu koto, mu-gaku, IMBUE, t. v. Someru. (.ass.) Sonamcmmo. waru, somaru. IGNORANT, a. Shiranu, wakaranu. IMITATE, t. v. Maneru, niseru, katadoru, IGNORANTLY, adv. Shiradzu ni, wakara- nazorayeru, narau, magayeru, kangadzu ni. miru. IGNORE, t. v..... wa nai to iu. IMITATION, n. Magai, mane, nise-mono. ILL, a. Ambai-warui, wadzurau, fuku- IMMATERIAL, a. Katachi naki, mugiyo wai, aku, warui, ashii. na, daijinai, kamawanu. ILLS, n. Nangi, kur6, yamai. IMMATURE, a. Mijuku na, jukusenu, ILL-BLOOD, n. Urami. nama, umanu. ILL-BRED, a. Burei na, shitsurei na, bu- IMMEASURABLE, a Hakararenu. sah6 na, sodachi ga warui. IMMEDIATE, a. Tachi-machi no. - reILLEGAL, a. Hoguwai, okite ni somuku, lief, sokko. mu-ho. IMMEDIATELY, adv. Jika ni, jiki ni, sugu ILLEGIBLE, a. Yomarenu. ni, tadachi-ni, tachi-machi-ni, tachiILLEGITIMATE, t. Muho na, hon-suji na- dokoro-ni, yaniwa-ni. ranu, naish6-go. IMMENSE, a. Okii, bakutai, kw6dai na. ILLIBERAL, a. Rinshoku na, semaki, IMMERSE, t. v. Hitasu, shidzumeru, hashiwaki, sh6riy6 na.' meru, tsukeru. (/pass.) Oboreru, haILLICIT, a. Yurusarenu, hatto naru, maru. muh6 na. IMMETHODICAL, a. Shimari ga nai, toriILLIMITABLE, a. K6bakutaru, kagiri na- shimari no nai. ki, muhen naru. IMMINENT, a. Kakatte iru, nozonde iru, ILLITERATE, a. Mu-gaku na, momm6 nannan to suru. naru. IMMOBILE, a. Ugokasarenu. ILL-MANNERED, a. Riyo-guwai, burei- IMMODERATE, a. Do ni sugiru, muri na, na, shitsurei, bushitsuke. hanahadashii. ILL-NATURED, a. Tanki na, kataku na, IMMODEST, a. Haji wo shiranu, bu-yeniji no warui. riyo na, atsu-kawa-dzura na. ILLNESS, n. Yamai, biyoki, wadzurai. IMMOLATE, t. v. Kuidzuru, korosu. ILLOGICAL, a. Ri ni kanau-nai. IMMORAL, a. Fugi na, fugiyogi na, fugiILL-OMENED, a. Kiyo naru. yoseki no, fuho na. ILL-TIMED, a. Toki ni kanawanu. IMMORALITY, n. Fugiyogi, fugi. ILL-TREAT, /. V. Aiso wo tsukasu, bu- IMMORTAL, a. Tayenu, tsukinu, nakunaaiso, bu-ashirai. ranu, fu-shi. ILLUDE, t. z'. Azamuku, damasu. IMMORTALIZE, /. v. Matsu dai ni nokosu, ILLUMINATE, t. v. Terasu, akaruku su- k6sei ni tsutayeru. ru. IMMOVABLE, a. Ugokasarenu. ILLUSION, n. Maboroshi. IMMUNITY, n. Yurushi, menkiyo, kakariILLUSTRATE2 t. v. Toku, tatoyeru, ara- awanu. wasu, toki-akasu, satosu. IMMURE, t. v. Komeru, komoru. ILLUSTRATION, n. Tatoye, yetoki. IMMUTABILITY, n. Kawaranu koto, henILLUSTRIOUS, a. Mei, nadakai, nukin- zenu koto. dzuru, hiideru, ko-mei naru. IMMUTABLE, a. Kawaradzu, or kawaranu, ILL-WILL, n. Urami, ikon. fuyeki na. IMAGE, n. Katachi, zo, kata, utsushi, IMMUTABLY, adv. Kawaradzu ni. nin-giyo. IMP, n. Oni no ko. IMAGERY, n. So-z6, keiyo. IMPACT, t. v. Buttsukeru. IMAGINARY, a. Omoi-nashi no, s6z6 to IMPAIR, t. v. Yowaku suru, yowameru, shitaru. otoroyeru. IMAGINATION, n. Omoi-nashi, deki-go- IMPALPABLE, a. Te ni sawatte mo shirekoro, shins6, s6z6. nai. — owder, saimatsu. IMAGINE, t. v. Omou, omoi-nasu, s6-z6 IMPART, t. v. Hodokosu, atayeru, yaru, suru, ukabu. kudasaru, tamau, sadzukeru. IMBECILE, a. Niu-jaku na, hi-niyaku na, IMPARTIAL, a. Katayoranu, oyake na, jijaku na, yowai. katahiiki naki, yeko nashi. IMBECILE, n. Hiwadzu-bito. IMPASSABLE, a. Torarenu, watararenu, IM.IBE, t. v. Sui-komu, nomi-komu. kosarenu. IMBROGLIO, n. Sashi-motsure. IMPASSIVE, a. Kanji-naki, chikaku IMBROWN, t. v. Kogasu, kogeru. naki. IMBRUED, -in blood, chimarnire ni naru. IMPATIENCE, n. Fu-kannin, tanki. IMP 91 IMP IMPATIENTLY, adv. To wait —, machi- IMPOLITIC, a. Tam e ni niranu, fu-tame d6i, machi-kaneru. na. IMPEACH, t. V. Uttayeru, so-sh6 suru, IMPONDERABLE, a. Hakarenu, omomi tsumi wo ii-kakeru. naki, mekata naki. IMPEACHABLE, a. Tsumi wo okasarenu. IMPORT, t. v. Hakobi-komu. IMPEDE, t. v. Sasayeru, jama suru, sama- IMPORTANCE, n. Daiji, taisetsu na koto, tageru. kanyo naru koto. IMPEDIMENT, n. Jama, sawari, kosh6, IMPORTANT, a. Taisetsu na, daiji na, samatage, sashi-tsukaye. kanyo naru, tai-shita, kaku-betsu na. IMPEL, t. v. Osu, seshimuru, saseru. IMPORTS, n. Yu-niu no nimotsu, shuIMPENDING, a. Kakatte iru, nozonde iru, niu. nannan to suru. IMPORTUNATELY, adv. Hitasura-ni, hitaIMPENETRABLE, a. Tsuki-t6senu, t6ranu. mono, hira-ni, ichi-dzu-ni, shikiri ni. IMPENITENT, a. Tsumi wo kuyamanu, IMPORTUNE, t. v. Hitasura-ni negau, kutsumi wo zan-nen ni omowanu, k6ku- doku, tanguwan suru. wai senu. IMPOSE, t. v. Ii-tsukeru, osameru, meiIMPERATIVE, a. Somukarenu, yondokoro- dzuru. -on, azarnuku, damasu, kataru. naki. - mood, ge-ji no kotoba. IMPOSING, a. Medattaru, yuyushii. IMPERCEPTIBLE, a. Miyenu, kikoyenu, IMPOSITION, n. Muri na koto, mu-h6 na me ni oyobanu. koto, katari, azamuki, yo-gin. IMPERFECT, a. Fusoku na, mattakaranu, IMPOSSIBLE, a. Dekinu, atawanu, oyosorowanu, taranu, jubun naranu. banu, kanawadzu. IMPERFECTION, n. Fusoku, kaketaru to- IMPOSSIBILITY, n. Atawazaru koto, dekoro. kinu koto. IMPERFORATE, a. Ana naki. IMPOST, n. Unj6, seigin, mitsugi. IMPERIAL, a. Choku. - ambassador, IMPOSTOR, n. Katari-mono. chokushi. — answer, chokut6. - let- IMPOSTURE, n. Katari, azamuki, niseter, choku-sho. - grant, choku-men, goto. chokusai. IMPOTENCE, n. Yowaki koto, niujaku, IMPERIL, see Kakawaru. jin-kiyo. IMPERIOUS, a. Koman na, jiman-rashii, IMPOTENT, a. Chikara naki, tayowaki, ibaru. muriki na, yowai, niu-jaku na, hiniyaku IMPERISHABLE, a. Naku-naranu, tayenu, na, jinkiyo na. kuchinu. IMPOVERISH, t. v. Bimb6 ni suru, toboIMPERMEABLE, a. T6ranu. shiku suru, madzushiku suru. IMPERTINENT, a. Burei na, shitsurei na, IMPRACTICABLE, a. Dekinu, atawanu2 buyenriyo na. nasarenu, serarenu, te-amaru, fu-todoki IMPERTURBABLE, a. Kokoro no ugokanu, na. mudoshin. IMPRECATE, t. v. Nor6, tokobu, shuso IMPERVIOUS, a. Toranu, sukanu. suru. IMPETUOUS, a. Seikiu na, sekkachi na, IMPRECATION, n. Noroi, shuso. hageshii, sekatsuku, sosokashii, hayaru. IMPREGNABLE, a. Yaburarenu, seme-toIMPETUS, n. Ikioi, hiyoshi, hiyori. rarenu, seme-otosarenu. IMPIETY, n. Bu-shinjln, kami wo uyama- IMPREGNATE, t. v. Haramaseru, kuwaiwanu. nin saseru. (tass.) Haramu, kuwaiIMPINGE, t. v. Ataru, tsuki-ataru. nin ni naru. IMPIOUS, a. Aku, ashii, warui, mottai- IMPRESS, t. v. Osu, oshi-komu. - on naki. the mind, kimo ni meidzuru. IMPLACABLE, a. Uramiga harenu, yawa- IMPRESS, n. Kata, oshi-gata. raganu, naka-naori gataki, fuwag6 na. IMPRESSION, n. Ato, kata, shirushi, koIMPLANT, t. v. Maku, shi-tsukeru. koro ni kandzuru koto. - of a seal, IMPLEMENT, n. D6gu, kikai. hangiyo. IMPLICATE, t. v. Makizoye ni suru, hiki- IMPRESSIVE, a. Kokoro ni tessuru, ariireru. gataki. IMPLICATED, a. Makizoye ni naru, ren- IMPRINT, t. v. Osu, oshi-komu, oshirui, hiki-ai, kakari-ai, rui-ai. tsukeru, shirusu. - on the mind, koIMPLICITLY, adv. Utagawadzu ni. koro ni meidzuru. IMPLORE, t. v. Negau, ko, koi-negau, IMPRISON, t. v. R6ya ni ireru, jur6 suru. tan-guwan suru. - in one's house, heimon suru, chikIMPOLITE, a. Burei, shitsurei, busaho, kiyo, tsutsushimu. bushi-tsuke, riyo-guwai. IMPRISONMENT, n. Rosha. IMP 92 INC IMPROBABLE, a. Nasaso na, nakar6, aru- INACCESSIBLE, a. Yukarenu, oyobanu, mai, aris6 mo nai, nas6, shinji-gataki. itararenu. IMPROMPTU, adv. Dehodai, detarame. INACCURACY, n. Machigai, s6i, tagai. IMPROPER, a. Fu-so-o na, fu-niai, fu- INACCURATE, a. Machigau, s6-i aru, shisoto, ni-awanu, ri ni kanawanu, mutai, mari ga nai. fu-t6zen, hibun. - conduct, fugiy6gi. INACTIVE, a. Bush6-na, hone-oranu, IMPROPRIETY, n. Fugiyoseki, fugiyogi, okotaru, hatarakanu. busah6 na koto. INACTIVITY, n. Ugokanu koto, okotari, IMPROVE, i. v. Susumu, agaru, jodzu ni hatarakanu koto. naru. (t. v.) Susumeru, ageru, yoku INADEQUATE, a. Fusoku na, taranu, sosuru, hidatsu. - the opportunity, toki rowanu. ni j6dzuru, ki ni odzuru. Imnproving INADMISSIBLE, a. Ukerarenu, yurusaredaily, himashi-ni yoku naru. nu. IMPROVEMENT, n. Yoku naru koto, su- INADVERTENT, a. Okotaru, nen wo irenu, sumi. ki wo tsukenu. IMPROVIDENCE, n. Fu-y6jin. INALIENABLE, a. Torarenu. IMPROVIDENT, a. Fluyoi na, fu-y6jin na, INANIMATE, a. Muj6 na, shi-butsu, hijo tashinami naki, yoi senu, buy6-jin na. naru. INAPPLICABLE, a. Awanu, fu-niai, kanaIMPRUDENCE, n. Tsutsushimi naki koto. wanu. IMPRUDENT, a. Mukomidzu na, muyami INAPPRECIABLE, a. Hakararenu. na, fukakugo na, tsutsushimi naki. INAPPROACHABLE, a. Chikadzukarenu. IMPUDENCE, n. Burei, busaho. INAPPROPRIATE, a. Fu-niai, awanu, tekiIMPUDENT, a. Haji shiranu, fu-yenriyo, to senu. busaho na, burei na. INARTICULATE, a. Mono iuwarenu. IMPUGN, t. V. Ii-fusegu, kobamu, motoru, INASMUCH, adv. Kara, yuye ni, ni sakarau. yotte. IMPULSE, n. Ikioi, choshi, hibiki, kotaye. INATTENTION, n. Ki wo tsukenu koto. IMPULSIVE, a. Sekkachi na. INATTENTIVE, a. Nen wo irenu, ki wo IMPUNITY, n. Buji de, bu-nan ni, kega tsukenu, okotaru. naku. With -, koto-naku. INAUDIBLE, a. Kikoyenu. IMPURE, a. Kitanai,fuketsuna, yogoreta, INAUGURATE, t. v. Kurai ni ageru, hajifuj6 na, kegareta, mazetta, maze-mono meru. ga aru. - sound, daku-on. INAUGURATION, n. Sokui. IMPURITY, n. Kagare, fuj6, kitanaki koto. INAUSPICIOUS, a. Kiyo naru, ashiki, waIMPUTE, t. v. Kiseru, owaseru, nuri-tsu- rui, fukitsu na. keru, ii-kakeru, ii-oseru, kabuseru, ka- INBORN, a. Umare-tsuita, sh6toku no. dzukeru. INCALCULABLE, a. Kazoyerarenu, hakaIN, or INTO, frel. Uchi, ni, nite, also rarenu, kanj6 dekinu. the compounds of komu, and iru, and INCANTATION, n. Mah6, majutsu, ch6bu5.,. ending of verbs, te. To go in, ku, shimon. hairu. Put -, ireru. Fall -, ochi- INCAPACITATED, a. Kanawanu, tekito komu, hamaru. To be -, iru, oru. naranu. yumzl -, tobi-komu. Knock -, buchi- INCAPACITY, n. Fu-kiriyo, fu-saichi. komu. Throw -, nage-komu. Pour INCARNATE, a. Nin-tai wo ukeru, niku-, tsugu. Pull -, hiki-komu, hiki- shin ni yadoru. ireru. To strike in anger, ikatte butsu. INCARNATION, n. Nintai wo ukeru koto, Go in haste, isoide yuku. Run in fear, keshin. kowagatte hashiru. In my opinion, INCASE, t. v. Tsutsumu, kiseru, saya ni watakushi no omo ni wa. - office, t6- ireru. yaku, zaiyaku, zaikin. Come in, o- INCAUTIOUS, a. Y6jin naki, tashinami agari-nasare. The ship is not in yet, naki, muyami na. fune ga mada niuko shinai. Is Mr.... INCENDIARY, a. lye ni hi wo tsukeru, in?... san ori-masu ka, or, go zai- sodo wo okoshitaru. shuku ka. He is not in, orimasen, or INCENDIARY, n. Hitsuke, s6d6 wo okosu rusu de gozarimasu. -and out, de-iri. hito. yust in time, ch6do ma ni ai-masu. INCENSE, n. K6. — pot, kro. To burn Not in time, ma ni awanu. He has -, shoko suru. gone in, uchi ni haitta. INCENSE, t. V. Ikaraseru, hara wo tataINABILITY, n. Atawanu koto, dekinu seru. koto, oyobanu koto. INCENSE-STICKS, n. Senk6. INC 93 IND INCENTIVE, n. Kokoro wo ugokasu mo- INCONSTANT,a. Kawari yasui, sadamaranu, no. uwatsuite-iru, utsurigi na. INCEPTION, n. Hajime. INCONTESTABLE, a. Arasowarenu, hihan INCESSANT, a. Tayedzu, yamadzu. subekarazaru, rondzu-bekarazaru. INCESSANTLY, adv. Shikiri-ni, tayedzu INCONTINENTr, a. Inran naru. ni. INCONTROVERTIBLE, a. Arasowarenu, ronINCEST, n. Kan-in. dzu-bekarazaru, hi wo utsu koto ga deINCH, n. Sun. By inches, dan-dan. kinu. INCIDENT, n. Koto. INCONVENIENT, a. Fubenri na, futsug6 INCIDENTAL, a. Omoi-gake-nai, futo no, na, katte no warui, fuben na. omoi-yoranu, zonjiyoranu, fui na, rinji INCORPORATE, t. i'. Maze-awaseru, nana. kama wo koshirayeru, kumi-ai wo INCISION, n. Kiru koto, kiri-kidzu. suru. INCISOR-TEETH, n. Mayeba, mukaba. INCORPOREAL, a. Katachi no naki, mugiINCITE, i. v. Okosu, hagemasu, odateru, yotai, keitai nashi. sends suru. INCORRECT, a. Chigau, machigau, tadaINCIVILITY, n. Shitsurei, burei. shikaranu. INCLEMENT, a. - weather, u-ten. INCORRIGIBLE, a. Korinu, aratamenu, INCLINATION, x. Kokorozashi, kuse, ka- tori-naosarenu, kaisei sarenu. tamuki. INCORRUPTIBLE, a. Kusaranu, kuchinu. INCLINE, i. v. Katayoru, katamukeru, INCREASE, t. v. Masu, fuyeru, fuyasu, katadzumu, kashigu, katamuku. futoru, 6kiku naru, tsuyoku naru, tsuINCLOSE, t. v. Kako, kakomu, tori-maku, noru, tsuyoru, z6ch6, kasamu. tsutsumu, fdjiru. INCREDIBLE. a. Shinzerarenu, shinkoINCLOSURE, n. Kakoi, kakomi, kakomi serarenu, shinji-gatai. oku mono, besshi. INCREDULOUS, a. Shinyo-senu. INCLUDE, t. v. Fukumu, komeru. INCRUST, a. Uwakawa ga hatta, mabure INCOGNITO, adv. Shinonde, shinobi ni. tsuita. INCOMBUSTIBLE, a. Hi ga tsukanu, mo- INCUBATION, n. Tori su ni tsuite tamago yenu. wo kayeru koto, fuku suru koto. INCOME, n. Taka, m6ke, shuns, roku. INCUBUS, n. Unasareru koto. INCOMMODE, t. v. Komaraseru. INCULCATE, t. v. Oshiye-komu, shikomu, INCOMMODIOUS, a. Fu-benri, katte ga narawaseru. warui, fu-tsug6 naru. INCUMBENT, a. Subeki, nasu-beki. INCOMMUNICATIVE, a. Fu-tsf, majiwari INCUR, t. V. Ukeru, au, k6muru. wo shi-nai. INCURABLE, a. Naoranu, jishi-gataki, INCOMPARABLE, a. Bu-so-na, tagui naki, nan-chi no. hirui naki, narabi naki. INCURSION, n. Okasu koto, oshi-yoseru INCOMPATIBLE, a. Awanu, fuwa na, fugo- koto, seme-iri. na, kanawanu, futekito, majiranu. - INDEBTED, a. Oime ga aru, kari ga aru, rnedicine, teki-yaku. kake ni natte oru, shakkin suru. INCOMPETENT, a. Taranu, fusoku na, INDECENT, a. Busaho na, burei na, bir5 oyobanu. na, musai. INCOMPLETE, a. Mattaku nai, manzoku INDECISION,n. Torikimari naki koto,kogi. senu, sorowanu. INDECISIVE, a. Shobu ga tsukanu, sadaINCOMPREHENSIBLE, a. Wakaranu, sato- maranu. rarenu, gaten ga yukanu, nomi-kome- INDECOROUS, a. Busah6 na, burei na, nu. shitsurei na. INCOMPRESSIBLE, a. Oshi-tsumerarenu. INDECORUM, n. BusahO, burei, rei ni INCONCEIVABLE, a. Hakari shirarenu, somuku koto, fugiyogi. satorarenu, fukashingi na. INDEED, adv. Makoto ni, jitsu ni, tashiINCONGRUOUS, a. Fus6-6 na, funiai, so-o ka ni, hon-ni, hon-to ni, ge-ni. senu, fu-tekito. INDEFATIGABLE, a. Tsukarenu, kutabiINCONSIDERABLE, a. Wadzuka na, isasa- renu, yowaranu. ka. INDEFENSIBLE, a. Tamotarenu, fusagaINCONSIDERATE. a. Omoi-yaranu, kaga- renu. ye-naki, mu-furmbetsu na. INDEFINITE, a. Kimaranu, sadamaranu, INCONSISTENT, a. Awanu, fuwa na, fius- kimerarenu. o. fr:iiai, futekito, kanawanu. INDELIBLE, a. Kiyenu. INCONSOLABLE, a. Nadamerarenu. INDELICATE, a. Busahb na, bir6 na, INCONSONANT, a. Ch6shi ga awanu. bushitsuke na. IND 94 INF INDEMNIFY, t. v. Mad6, tsugunau. INDIVIDUAL, n. Hitotsu, hitori, ichi-nin. INDEMNITY, n. Madoi-kin, tsugunai INDIVIDUALLY, adv. Hitori-dzutsu, hitokin. ri de, hitori-datte. INDENT, t. v. Kubomu, hekomu, heko- INDIVISIBLE, a. Wakerarenu. masu. INDOLENT, a. Okotaru, busho-na, fusei INDENTATION, n. Kubomi, hekomi, kire- na. me. INDORSE, t. v. Uragaki wo suru, urahan INDENTURE, n. Sh6mon, ukej6, nenki- wo osu. jomon. INDORSEMENT, n. Uragaki, urahan. INDEPENDENT, a. Dokuriu, hitori-dachi, INDORSER, n. Uragaki wo suru hito, jiritsu na, cdoku-ritsu na. ukeai-nin, han-nin. INDESTRUCTIBLE, a. Nakunaranu, mes- INDUBITABLE, a. Utagai-naki, utagawasenu. shikaranu, tashika na. INDEX, n. Mokuroku, shirushi. — fin- INDUCE, t. v. Susumeru, kudoku, okoru, ger, hito-sashi-yubi. hassuru, sosonokasu. INDIA, n. Tenjiku, indo. INDUCEMENT, n. Shui, tanc, moto. INDIAN CORN, n. Tomorokoshi. INDUE, t. v. Araseru, motaseru, sonawaINDIAN INK, n. Sumi. ru. INDIAN OCEAN, n. Indo-kai. INDULGE, t. v. Idaku, o-me ni miru. - INDIAN TURNIP, n. Tennansh6. a child, amayakasu. INDICATE, t. v. Shiraseru, shimesu, mi- INDURATE, t. v. Kataku suru, katameru. seru. INDURATION, n. Katamari, shikori. INDICATION, n. Shirushi, kizashi, shime- INDUSTRIOUS, a. Honeoru, shussei naru, shi. mimichii. INDIFFERENT, a. Kamawanu, tonjaku INDUSTRY, n. Honeori, hagemu koto. senu, yosoyososhii. Become - to, aiso INEBRIATE, n. Sake-nomi. ga tsukiru. INEFFABLE, a. Ii-tsukusarenu, ye mo INDIGENCE, n. Bimbo, hinkiu, madzushi- iwadzu. ki. INEFFECTUAL, a. Muda-na, munashiki, INDIGENT, a. Bimb6 na, madzushiki, kikanu, yaku ni tatanu. hinkiu na. INEFFICACIOUS, a. Kikanu, k6n6-nashi, INDIGESTIBLE, a. Konare-gatai, sh6ku- kikime ga nai. wa senu. INELEGANT, a. Bu-iki na, utsukushiku INDIGESTION, n. Teitai, shokutai, sho- nai. kush6. INELIGIBLE, a. Toru ni taranu. INDIGNATION, n. Ikari, ikidori, rippuku, INEQUALITY, n. Sorowanu koto. haradachi. INERT, a. Nibui, don na, todokoru, ugoINDIGNITY, n. Iyashimi, naigashiro, chi- kadzu. joku, keibetsu. INESTIMABLE, a. Hakari-kirenu. INDIGO, n. Ai. INEVITABLE, a. Manukarenu, nogarenu. INDIRECT, a. Mawarid6, tomawashi, ate- INEVITABLY, adv. Tashika ni, yamu kotsukeru. to yedzu ni. INDISCERNIBLE, a. Miyenu. INEXCUSABLE, a. Yurusarenu. INDISCREET, a. Tsutsushirranu, mu- INEXHAUSTIBLE, n. Tsukusarenu, mujin. fumbetsu na. INEXORABLE, a. Kiki-irenu. INDISCRIMINATE, a. Shabetsu naki, wa- INEXPEDIENT, a. Fuso-o na, futsugo na, kachi naki, wakimayenu. awanu. INDISCRIMINATELY, adv. Yatara-ni. INEXPERIENCED, a. Miren na, mi-juku INDISPENSABLE, a. Nakute kanawanu, na, heta, nama. hitsuyo na, yondokoro naki. INEXPERT, a. Heta, tsutanai, buchoho. INDISPOSED, a. Kirau, iyagaru, fukuwai INEXPLICABLE, a. Toku koto wa dekinu, naru. toki-akasarenu, toku ni tokarenu. INDISPOSITION, n. Kirai, fukuwai, ambai INEXPRESSIBLE, a. Iyenu, iu ni awarenu, ga warui, wadzurai, yamai. ye mo iwadzu. INDISPUTABLE, a. Mochiron, ron ni oyo- INEXTINGUISHABLE, a. Kesarenu, kesu banu. ni kesarenu. INDISSOLUBLE, a. Tokenu, hanarenu, INEXTRICABLE, a. Hodokarenu. kirenu. INFALLIBLE, a. Machigai naki, machigaINDISTINCT, a. Akiraka naranu, kasuka wanu. na, hakkiri senu, fu-fummiyo na, bon- INFAMOUS, a. Futoi, nikui, furachi na. yari shita, honoka. INFAMY, n. Naore, kajin, haji. INF 95 INN INFANCY, n. Wakai toki, itokenai toki, INGOT, n. Chogin. osanai toki, jaku-nen. INGRAFT, t. v. Tsugu. INFANT, n. Akambo, akago, midzugo, INGRAIN, t. v. Someru, some-komu. midorigo. INGRATIATE, t.. Kigen wo toru, kobiINFANTICIDE, n. Ko wo mabiku. ru. INFANTRY, n. Hohei, kachi-musha. INGRATITUDE, n. On wo shiranu koto, INFATUATED, a. May6, oboreru, hamaru. arigataki wo shiranu koto. INFECT, t. V. Utsusu, densen suru, ka- INGREDIENT, n. Chogo, go-yaku. One -, bureru, utsuru, makeru. ichi-mi. INFECTIOUS, a. Densen suru. INGRESS, n. Hairu koto. INFER, t. V. Oshite shiru, suiriyo suru, INHABIT, t. V. Sumau, oru, ju-suru, jusui-satsu suru, oshihakaru. kiyo suru. INFERIOR, a. Otoru, makeru, shita. INHABITABLE, a. Sumarenu. quality, gehin. INHABITANT, n. Sumau-hito, jf-nin. INFERIORS, n. Ge-hai. INHALE, t. v. Sui-komu, hiki-komu. INFERNAL, a. - doctrines, ma-dO. - INHERE, t. v. Umare-tsuku, sonawaru, rites, ma-ho. - arts, ma-jutsu. - ki-suru, zoku suru. sphirits, aku-ma, akki. - regions, ma- INHERENT, a. Sonawatte oru, umarekai. tsuite oru, ki suru. - quality, mochiINFEST, t. v. Komaraseru. maye. INFIDEL, n. Fu-shinjin, shinko senu INHERIT, t. v. Tsugu, ato wo toru, sOzohito. ku suru, mochi-tsutayeru. INFIDELITY, n. Fu-shinko, fu-chiugi. INHERITANCE, n. Katoku, denrai, yuiINFINITE, a. Kagiri naki, saigen naki, motsu. kiwamari naki, mu-hen na. INHIBIT, t. v. Kindzuru, sashi-tomeru. INFIRM, a. Yowai, jfjaku na, hiniyaku INHOSPITABLE, a. Fu-ashirai, aiso no na, biyo-shin na, oiboreu, dajaku. nai. INFIRMARY, n. Biyo-in. INHUMAN, a. HakujO na, muzan na, hiINFIRMITY, n. Yamai, biyoki, ayamachi, doi, mugoi, fujin. ochido. INHUMATION, n. H6muri. INFLAME, t. v. Moyasu, yaku, kinsho INHUMANITY, n. Fu-jin, funin-jo, hakusuru, ikaraseru. jo. INFLAMED, a. Tadareru, kinsho shita, INIMICAL, a. Uramiru, nikumu, teki ni biran suru. naru. INFLAMMABLE, a. Moyeru, moye-yasui. INIMITABLE, a. Niserarenu, manerarenu, INFLAMMATION, n. Kinsh6. murui na, buso na. INFLATE, t. v. Fukurasu, fukureru. INIQUITY, n. Fuho, bud6, fusho, aku, INFLEXIBLE, a. Magaranu, tawamanu. tsumi. INFLICT, t. v. Tsumi ni okonau, bassu- INITIAL, a. Hajime no, moto no. ru. INITIATE, t. V. Oshiyeru, michibiku. INFLUENCE, n. Isei, iko, ikioi, okage, INJECT, t. v. Sasu, sashi-komu, sashisuikiyo, hakiki, haburi. ireru, shachiu suru. INFLUENZA, n. Ffja, jaki. INJECTION, n. Sashi-ireru mono, sashiINFORM, t. v. Kikaseru, tsugeru, shirase- ireru koto. ru, oshiyeru, todokeru, chiu-shin suru. INJUDICIOUS, a. Mu-fumbetsu na, wakiINFORMAL, a. HO wo hadzusu. maye no naki. INFORMATION, n. Tayori, otodzure, shi- INJURE, t. v. Sokonau, sondzuru, gairase, oshiye, kokoroye. suru, itamu. INFORMER, n. Sonin. INJURIOUS, a. Warui, doku na, gainaru, INFREQUENT, a. Mare na, tama-tama, INJURY, n. Sokonai, gai, kidzu, kega, mettani nai, medzurashii. itami. INFRINGE, t. v. Somuku, yaburu, okasu. INJUSTICE, n. Muri, fugi, muho. INFUSE, t. v. Ireru, senjiru, shi-komu. INK, n. Sumi, boku. INFUSIBLE, a. Tokenu. INKSTAND, n. Sumi-ire, yatate, sumiINFUSION, n. Senji-gusuri. tsubo. INGENIOUS, a. Hatsumei na, rik6 na, ka- INK-STONE, n. Susuri. shikoi, takumi no. INLAND, a. Oku, inaka, kuni no uchi. INGENUOUS, a. Mei-haku na, okusoko- INIAY, t. v. Kiri-hameru. nai, sho-jiki. INLET, n. Iri-umi, iri-guchi. INGLORIOUS, a. Naorena, memboku nai, INMATE, n. Do-kiyo no mono. hadzukashii. INN, n. Yadoya, hatagoya -iyo-kuwan. INN 96 INS INNATE, a. Umare-tsuki, seishitsu na. INSIST, t. V. OSU, ii-haru, shiite iu. INNER, a. Oku no. INSNARE, i. v. Sukasu, tsuri-komu, taINNERMOST, a. Ichi ban oku no. burakasu. INN-KEEPER, n. Yadoya no teishu. INSOLENT, a. Ofu na, 6hei na, burei naru. INNOCENT, a. Mu-shitsu, mu-zai, hig6. INSOLUBLE, a. Tokenu. INNOCUOUS, a. Doku no nai, gai no nai. INSOLVENT, a. Shin-sh6 ga tsubureru, INNUMERABLE, a. Kadzuyerarenu, muri- kanj6 ga tatanu, daraku suru, bunsan yo-na, hakararenu. naru. INOCULATE, t. v. Tsugu, uyeru. INSPECT, t. v. Aratameru, gimmi suru, INODOROUS, a. Nioi naki. kembun suru, shiraberu. INOFFENSIVE,-a. Gai ni naranu, ki ni sa- INSPECTION, n. Kembun, kemmi, gimmi, karawanu. shirabe. INOFFICIAL, n. Yaku-guwai no. INSPECTOR, n. Mekiki, kenshi. INOPERATIVE, a. Yaku-ni-tatanu. INSPIRATION, n. Hiki-iki, takusen. INOPPORTUNE, a. Fu-benri na, fu-tsug6 INSPIRE, t. v. Sui-komu, iki wo hiku, na. hiki-komu. INORDINATE, a. Do ni sugiru, h6-guwai INSPIRIT, t. v. Hagemasu, chikara wo na, hanahadashiki, midari naru. tsukeru, ki wo hiki-tateru, kisaki wo INORDINATELY, adv. Hanahadashiku. hiki tatsuru. INQUEST, n. Kenshi, kembun, gimmi. INSPISSATE, t. v. Koku suru. INQUIRE, i. v. Tadzuneru, to, kiku, sen- INSTABILITY, n. Sadaramanu koto, utsusaku suru, gimmi suru, anaguru, moto- rigi. meru. INSTAL, t. v. Yaku ni tateru. INQUIRY, n. Tadzune, toi, tansaku. INSTALMENT, n. Nashi-kudzushi. Daily INQUISITION, n. Gimmi, sensaku. -, higake. Monthly -, tsukifu, gepINQUISITIVE, a. Monodzuki, kikitagaru. pu. Yearly-, nempu. INROAD, n. Uchi-iru koto, sakai wo oka- INSTANCE, t. v. Rei ni hiku. su koto. INSTANCE, n. Rei, tameshi, tehon. For INSALUBRIOUS, Yoki ga warui, jik6 ga wa- -, tatoyeba. rui. INSTANT, a. Kiu na, niwaka na, sashiINSANE, a. Kichigai, hakkiy6, kiy6ran. ataru. INSANITY, n. Kiyoki, ranshin. INSTANT, n. Toki, koro, jibun, soku-ji, INSATIABLE, a. Akanu, akitaranu, shuyu, orikara. INSCRIBE, t. v. Kaku, horu. INSTANTANEOUS, a. Tachimachi no, soINSCRIPTION, n. Uwagaki, himei, bohi. kuji no, niwaka na. INSCRUTABLE, a. Hakararenu, tadzunete INSTANTLY, adv. Sokuji ni,tachidokoro ni. mo satorarenu. INSTEAD, adv. Kawari-ni. To give-, INSECT, n. Mushi. Singing of -, su- kayeru. daku. INSTEP, n. Ashi no ko. INSECURE, a. Abunai, ayaui, katakaranu. INSTIGATE, t. v. Odateru, keshi-kakeru, INSENSIBLE, a. Oboye ga nai. shone ga kuwadateru, sendo suru. nai, shibireru, chikaku nashi, don naru. INSTIGATOR, n. Odateru hito, hott6 nin, INSENSIBLY, adv. Itsu-to-naku, dan- hokki nin. dan. INSTIL, t. v. Shimi-komaseru. INSEPARABLE, a. Wakerarenu. INSTINCT, n. Umare-tsuki no kokoro, tenINSERT, t. v. Ireru, hameru, kuwayeru, nen naru kokoro. hasamu. INSTINCTIVELY, adv. Umare-tsuite, onoINSIDE, freh. Naka ni, uchi ni. (a.) dzukara. Ura, naka, uchi no. INSTITUTE, t. v. Tateru, hajimeru, shiINSIDE, n. Ura, naka, uchi. - out, ura- tateru, oku, sadameru. gayesu. INSTITUTE, n. Okite, sadame, hOritsu. INSIGHT, n. Mi-komi. INSTRUCT, t. V. Oshiyeru, tsugeru, kiy6INSIGNIA, n. Shirushi, mon, mondokoro. kun suru, ii-tsukeru, nomi-komaseru. INSIGNIFICANT, a. Wadzuka na, iyashiki, INSTRUCTION, n. Oshiye, kiy6kun, iitoru ni toranu. tsuke, shinan, denju, kiyo-iku, kiyo-yu. INSINCERE, a. Fu-jitsu na, shinjitsu na- INSTRUCTOR, n. ShishO, shihan. ki. INSTRUMENT, n. Dogu, kikai, utsuwa. INSINUATE, t. V. Hairi-komu, shi-komu, INSUBORDINATE, a. Shitagawanu, somuatetsukete iu, kigen wo toru. ku. INSIPID, a. Aji no nai, tampaku na, awa- INSUFFERABLE, a. Tayerarenu, korayeki, mu-mi na. rarenu, gaman-dekinu, shimbo dekinu. INS 97 INT INSUFFICIENT, a. Taranu, fusoku naru. INTERCHANGE, t. v. Tori-kayeru, kayeru, INSULATE, /. 71. Hanashite-oku. k6veki suru, kayowasu. INSULT, nZ. Burci, shitsurei. INTERCOURSE, n. Tsuki-ai, majiwari, INSULT, t. v. Burei wo suru, shitsurei wo 6rai, yukiki, kayoi. suru. INTERDICT, t. v. Kindzuru, sei-kin suru, INSUPERABLE, a. Nozokarenu, oyobare- kotowaru, choji suru. (n.) Kinshi, nu, koyerarenu. kinzei, kindan. INSUPPORTABLE, a. Tayerarenu, gaman INTEREST, n. Ri, risoku, kai, yeki, waridekinu, korayerarenu. ai, buai. Daily -, hibu, hiwari. INSURANCE, n. Ukeai. INTERESTED IN, t. v. Omoshirogaru. INSURE, t. v. Ukeau. INTERESTING, a. Omoshiroi. INSURER, n. Ukeai-nin. INTERFERENCE, n. Yamau koto, sashiINSURGENT, n. Muhon nin. tsukaye. INSURMOUNTABLE, a. Oyobarenu, koye- INTERFERE, t. V. Kamau, kakawaru. rarenu. INTERIOR, n. Naka, uchi, ura. INSURRECTION, n. Muhon, ikki, gekiran. INTERIOR, a. Naka no, uchi no. INTEGRITY, n. Mattaki koto, tadashiki INTERJECTION, n. Tansoku-shi. koto, seichoku. INTERf.ACE, t. v. Kumu, kagaru. INTEGUMENT, n. Kawa, hifu. INTERLEAVE, t. v. Shira-kami wo hasaINTELLECT, n. Chiye, sai, sai-chi. mu, hasami-ireru. INTELLIGENCE, n. Sai-chi, chiye, satori, INTERLINE, t. v. Hasamu, hasami-ireru. tsfshin. INTERMARRY, t.. Juyen suru. INTELLIGENCE-OFFICE, n. Keian, kuchi- INTERMEDDLE, t. v. Kamau, zanniu suire.' ru. INTELLIGENT, a. Riko-na, kashikoki, INTERMINABLE, a. Kagari-naki, tayezatslishin naru. ru. INTELLIGIBLE, a. Wakari-yasui. INTERMINGLE, t. v. Mazeru, kondzuru. INTEMPERANCE, n. Do ni sugiru koto, INTERMISSION, n. Aida, hima, ma. sake ga sugiru koto, goshu. INTERMIT, t. v. Aidawo oku, yasumu. INTEMPERATE, a. Do ni sugiru. - in INTERMITTENT-FEVER, n. Okeri. drink, sake ga sugiru. goshu. — in eat- INTERNAL, n. Naka no, uchi no, ura no, ing, go-shoku. nai. - injury, nai son. - medicine, INTEND, t. v. Kokoroyeru, kokorozasu. nai-yaku. INTENSE, a. Hageshii, tsuyoi, kibishii, INTERPOLATE, t. v. Kaki-ireru. kitsui. INTERPOSE, t. Z. Hasamu, osayeru, naka INTENSELY, adv. Tsuyoku, hidoku, ki- ni tatsu, tori-atsukau, hedateru. bishiku. INTERPRET, t. v. Honyaku suru, naosu, INTENSITY, n. Tsuyosa, hidosa. handan suru, ii-hodoku. INTENT, a. Nen irete suru, hagende oru, INTERPRETER, n. Tsuji. kokorozashi fukai. INTERROGATE, t. V. To, tadzuneru, kiku. INTENT, n. Tsumori, kokorozashi, me- INTERROGATION, n. Toi, tadzune. ate. INTERRUPT, t. v. Jama wo suru, samaINTENTION, n. Tsumori, riyoken, koko- tageru, sashi-tomeru, sashi-deguchi wo rozashi, me-ate. Contrary to one's -, suru, togireru, todaye, chiu-zetsu, dekokoro naradzu. shabaru. INTENTIONAL, a. Takumitaru, kokoro- INTERRUPTION, n. Jama, sashi-tsukaye, gaketaru. samatage, sashi-deguchi. INTENTIONALLY, adv. Waza to, koto sa- INTERSECT, t. v. Yokogiru. ra ni. INTERSPERSE, t. v. Mazeru. INTENTLY, adv. Hitasura ni, hita-mono, INTERSTICE, n. Sukima, hima, aida, ma nen-irete. INTERTWINE, t. v. Motsure-au, ai-mato, INTER, t. v. H6muru, udzumeru. karami-au. INTERCALARY-MONTH, n. Urfdzuki,jun- INTERVAL, n. Aida, hima, ma. getsu. INTERVENE, i. v. Hedateru, naka ni INTERCEDE, t. v. Tori-nasu, tori-tsuku- tatsu, tori-atsukau. ro. INTERVENTION, n. Tori-atsukai, nakaINTERCESSION, n. Tori-nashi, naka-da- dachi. chi. INTERVIEW, t. v. Taimen suru, osetsu INTERCESSOR, n. Chiu-nin, nakodo. suru. INTERCEPT, i. V. Sashi-tomeru, seki-to- INTERWEAVE, t.'. Ori-mazeru, ori-awameru, osayeru, yokodori wo suru. seru. 5 INT' 98 IRR INTESTATE, a. Yui-gon nashi. ni suru, tsuyomeru, sukoyaka ni suINTESTINE, a. Uchi no, nai. - war, ru. nai-ran, d6shi-uchi. INVINCIBLE, a. Katarenu, kachi-gataki. INTESTINE, n. Harawata, z6fu, ch6. INVIOLABLE, a. Yaburarenu, hadan seLarge -, daicho. Small —, shocho. rarenu. INTHRONE, t. v. Kurai ni tsukeru. INVISIBLE, a. Miyenu. INTIMATE, a. Nengoro na, kokoro-yasui, INVITATION, n. X obare, shodai, maneki. najinmu, natsuku. INVITE, t.. Yobu, maneku, shodai suINTIMIDATE, t. v. Osorasu. ru, yobareru, izanau. sasou. INTO, prep. Ni, uchi, naka. INVOICE, n. Okuri-j6, tsumi-ni no moINTOLERABLE, a. Shimb6 dekinu, gaman kuroku. dekinu, korayerarenu, taye-gataki. INVOKE, t. V. Negau, tanomu. INTOLERANT, a. Kataku naru, ganko na. INVOLUNTARY, a. Mu-i no, omowanu, iINTOXICATE, t. v. Yo, meitei suru. guwai no. INTOXICATED, a. Sake ni yotta. INVOLVE, t. v. Ou, tsutsumu, fukumu, INTRACTABLE, a. Otonashikaranu, on- komoru, hiki-ai ni suru. jun naranu. INVOLVED, a. Hiki-ai, makizoye, ruiza, INTRENCH, t. v. Hori wo horu, jingama- kakari-ai, renrui. ye wo suru, soko wo kidzuku. INWARD, adv. Naka ye, uchi ye, kokoINTREPID, a. Isamashii, yatake na, ta- ro no uchi ni, shin-chiu ni. keshi. INWARDLY, adv. Naka ni, uchi no hd ni, INTRICATE, a. Motsureru, iri-kumu, kon- shinchiu ni, hisoka ni. zatsu. IODINE, n. Yojum. INTRIGUE, n. Imb6, irogoto. IPECACUANHA, n. Tokon. INTRODUCE, t. v. Tebiki wo suru, hiki- IRASCIBLE, a. Tanki na, ikari-yasuki. awaseru, chikaduki ni suru, hajimeru, IRIS, n. K6sai. nanoru, nanori-au. IRKSOME, a. Taikutsu naru, iya-na, uruINTRODUCER, n. Naka-dachi, bai-shaku, sai, mono-ui. chiunin, tebiki. IRON, n, Tetsu, kurogane, magane. INTRODUCTION, n. - of a book, jbun. Smoothing -, kote, hinoshi. Put in INTRUDE, t. v. Oshi-komu, desugiru. irons, tegase wo kakeru. INTRUST, t. v. Adzukeru, yudaneru, ma- IRON, t. v. Nosu, hinoshi wo kakeru. kaseru. IRON-FOUNDRY, n. Imojiya. INUNDATE, t. v. Afureru, koboreru. IRONY, n. Ura wo iu, saka ni iu. INUNDATION, n. K6dzui, 6-midzu, de- IRRADIATE, t. v. Terasu, kagayakasu. midzu. IRRAT!ONAL, a. Dori wo wakimayenu, INURE, t. v. Nareru, narasu. mu-fumbetsu na, ri ni kanawanu. INVADE, t. v. Okasu, oshi-yoseru. IRRECONCILABLE, a. Naka-naori no nari INVALID, n. Biyo-shin, da-jaku. gataki. INVALIDATE, t. V. Yaburu. IRREGULAR, a. Sorowanu, midari na, kiINVALUABLE, a. Tattoki, yoki no haka- mari no nai, kaku-guwai na, muho na. ri-gataki. IRRELEVANT, a. Adzukaranu, kakaranu, INVARIABLE, a. Kawaranu, d6y6 na, hen- kuwankei sedzu. zenu. IRRELIGIOUS, a. Bu-shinjin, bud6 naINVEIGH, t. v. Nonoshiru. ru. INVEIGLE, t. v. Hiki-ireru, sosonokasu, IRREMEDIABLE, a. Naoranu, shi-naosatsuri-komu, obiku, sukasu. renu, shikata no nai. INVENT, t. v. Hatsumei suru, takumu, IRREPARABLE, a. Tsugunowarenu, toritakunamu, anji-dasu. modosarenu, shi-naosarenu. INVENTORY, n. Mokuroku. IRREPROACHABLE, a. Togamerarenu. INVERT, t. v. Fuseru. IRRESISTIBLE, a. Fusegi-kirenu, sasayeINVERSELY, adv. Sakasama ni, abekobe rarenu, tekishi-gataki. ni, achikochi, urahara. IRRESOLUTE, a. Ketsuj6 naki, ki ga INVEST, t.. Kakeru, ire-komu, ireru, ki- uwatsuite iru, sadamaranu, tori-kimari seru, tsumi-oku, nindzuru, tori-kakomu. naki. INVESTIGATE, t. V. Shiraberu, gimmi su- IRRESPECTIVE, a. - of, kamawadzu, ru, tadasu, sensaku suru, tansaku suru. kakawaradzu. INVETERATE, a. K6jiru, ganko naru, ko- IRRETRIEVABLE, a. Tori-modosarenu, shitsu. shi-naosarenu. INVIDIoUS, a. Urayamashii, netamashii. IRREVERENT, a. Uyamai naki, fu-kei na. INVIGORATE, t. V. Jobu ni suru, kengo IRREVOCABLE, a. Ii-kayesarenu. IRR 99 JOY IRRIGATE, t. v. Uruosu, midzu wo kakc- IssUE, n. Hate, owari, shimai, yuku-suye. ru. ISTHMUS, n. Chi-kiyo. IRRITABLE, a. Tanki na, ikari-yasuki. IT, /ro. Are, sono. IRRITATE, t. V. Ikaraseru, tadareru, ira-' ITALY, n. Itaria. ira suru, iratsuku. ITCH, n. Shitsu, hizen. IRRUPTION, n. Afure-komu koto. ITCHING, a. Kayui, kayumi, kaii, modoIs, i. v. Aru, gozarimasu. - or not, kashii. ari-nashi. - not, nai, aradzu. Ifthere ITEM, n. Kajo, kado. is, araba, attara, aru naraba. ITINERATE, i. v. Mawaru, henreki suru, ISINGLASS, n. Nibe, kanten. hoko suru. ISLAND, n. Shima. ITSELF, n. Hitori de, shizen-to,jibun ni, ISOLATE, t. v. Hedatete oku, wakete oku. midzukara. (oass.) Hanareru, hedateru. IVORY, n. Zoge. ISSUE, i. v. Deru, hassu. IVY, n. Tsuta. J JACK, - with a lantern, kitsune-bi, in- JEST, t. v. J6dan wo iu, share wo iu, kuwa. tawamureru. In -, j6dan da, dokeru. JACKASS, n. Roba. JESTER, n. Taikomochi, d6kemono. JACKET, n. Hanten. JETTY, n. Hatoba, sambashi. JACK-PLANE, n. Arashiko. JEWEL, n. Kazari-mono, tama. JACKSTONES, n. Otedama. JEWELER, n. Kazari-ya. JADED, a. Tsukareru, katabireru. JIG, n. Odori. JAIL., n. Roya. JILT, t. v. Hadan suru, hengai suru. JALAP, n. Yarapa. JINGLE, t. v. Narasu. (i. v.) Naru. JAM, t.. Osu, tsumeru, komi-au. JOB. n. Shigoto. Work done by thejob, JAM, n. Komi-ai. ukeoi shigoto; see, chimmochi, chimJANITOR, n. Momban. biki, chindzuku. JANUARY, n. Shogatsu. JOB'S TEARS, n. Dzudzudama. JAPAN, n. Nippon, yamato, wa, hino- JOBBING-HOUSE, n. Toi-ya. moto, akitsushima. JOB-WORK, n. Chin-shigoto. JAPANESE, a. Nippon no, wa. - lan- JOCKEY, n. Bakur6. guage, wa-go. JOCOSE, a. Jodan, tawamureru. JAPAN-VARNISH, n. Yurushi. JOG, i. v. Ugokasu. JAR, i. v. Ugokasu, yurugasu, hibiku. JOIN, t. v. Awaseru, tsugu, kuwayeru, JAR, n. Tsubo, kame. soyeru, gassuru. (;ass.) Au. JASMINE, n. Kuchinashi. JOINER, n. Sashimonoshi. JAUNDICE, n. Odan. JOINERY, n. Sashimono. JAVELIN, n. Te-yari. JOINT, n. Fushi, awashime, tsugai-me. JAW, n. Ago. Out of-, chigai. - ofbamboo, yo. JAY, n. Kasasagi. JOKE, n. J6dan, share, tawamure. JEALOUS, a. Netamu, sonemu, yakkamu, JOLLY, a. Omoshirogaru, kiy6 ni iru. serau. JOLT, i. v. Ugoku. JEALOUSY, n. Yaki-mochi, shitto, neta- JOSTLE, t. V. OSU. mi, rinki, jintsuke, yaku. JOT, n. Ten, chobo, mijin. JEER, t. v. Naburu, chor6 suru, azake- JOURNAL, n. Ki, nikki, roku,shimbunshi. ru. JOURNEY, n. Tabi,riyo-ko,ji,michi-nori. JELLY, n. Ame. JOVIAL, a. Omoshirogaru. JEOPARDY, n. Ayauki, kennon, kinan. JoY, i.. Yorokobu. JEOPARDIZE, t.. V life, inochi-gake JOY, n. Yorokobi, yetsu, ureshisa, tanowo suru. shimi, kiyo. JERK, i.. Shakuru, haneru, bikutsuku, JOYFL, a. Ureshii, yorokobashii, yorobiku-biku suru, hikumeku. (t. v.) Na- konde oru. geru. JOYFULLY, adv. Yorokonde. JOY 100 KIN JUDGE, n. Saiban-nin, tori-sabaki-kata, JUNCTURE, n. Kiuba. shirabe-yaku. JUNE, n. Roku-gatsu. JUDGE, t. v. Sai-ban suru, gimmi suru, JUNGLE, n. Hayashi. sabaku, sai-kiyo suru, tori-sabaku, mi- JUNIoR, a. Wakai. wakeru, an-satsu. JUNIPER, n. Ibuki. JUDGMENT, n. Wakimaye, fumbetsu, wa- JUNK, n. Fune. kachi, kamben, riy6ken, kiyojo, bachi, JUPITER, n. Moku-sei. tatari, tembatsu. Clear -, kuwatsu- JURISDICTION, n. Riyo, riyobun, shihai, datsu. haika. JUDGMENT-SEAT, n. Shirasu. JURISPRUDENCE, n. H6ritsu gaku. JUDICIOUS, a. Kamben aru, saichi aru, JURIST, adv. Hritsu ka. kashikoki. JUST, adv. Chodo, adakamo, tate, sanaJUG, n. Tokkuri. gara. - as it is, ari no mama. - JUGGLE, i. v. Tedzuma wo tsukau, shi- rigzt, chodo yoi. - now, tadaima. nadama wo tsukau. Wate7 just drawn, kumi tate no miJUGGLER, n. Yashi, tedzuma-tsukai, shi- dzu. Bread - baked, yaki-tate no nadama tsukai, mamezo. pan. Give me - one, tada hitotsu JUICE, n. Shiru. okure. 7ust as I thought of going, JULY, n. Shichi-guwatsu. yuko to omo tokoro ni. JUMBLE, t.v. Konzatsu suru, konran su- JUST, a. Richigi na, shojiki na, ren-choru, mucha-mucha ni suru. (i. v.) Go- ku na, seichoku na, oyake na, choku tatsuku, gota-gota shite iru, iregomi, na, tadashi. iri-kumu, iri-midaru. JUSTICE, n. Gi, ri, giri. do d6ri. JUMP, i. v. Tobu, haneru. - over, to- JUSTIFY, t. v. Tadashii to sadameru, bi-koyeru. - down, tobi-oriru. - up tsumi nashi to ii-watasu. on, tobi-agaru. - into, tobi-komu, JUSTLY, adv. Tadashiku. tobi-iru. — off, tobi-oriru. - tkrough, JUT-OUT, i. V. Sashi-deru, hari-datobi-t6ru. su. JUNCTION, n. Awaseru koto, awashime, JUVENILE, a. Wakai, itokenai. ochi-ai. K KALPA, n. G6. KETTLE, n. Nabe, tetsubin. KEEN, a. Hageshii, klbishii, tsuyoi, KEY, n. Kagi. — hole, kagi-ana. surudoi. KEY-NOTE, n. Hon-choshi. KEEP, t. v. Mamoru, motsu, tamotsu, KICK, t. v. Keru. - up, ke-ageru, keshugo suru, kau. - back, nokosu, tateru. - open, ke-hanasu. - over, osayeru, seku, hikayeru. - down, ke-taosu. - down, ke-kudasu, keosayeru. - alive, ikeru, ikaru. - otosu. — into, ke-komu. out, keunder, hikayeru. - off, fusegu, yoke- dasu. ru. -t at distance, tozakeru. — in KID, n Hitsuji no ko. mind, kokoro-gakeru. - in the house, KIDNAP, t. v. Kadowakasu, sarau. hikikomu. - conmSany with, tsukiau, KIDNAPPER, n. Zegen. majiwaru. -silence, damaru, mokunen KIDnEY, n. Jin-no-zo, nurado. to shite iru. To be in keeping with, KILL, t. v. Korosu, sessho suru, chiu kanau. — watch, ban suru. - afeast, suru. matstru, iwau. KILN, n. Kama. KEEPER, n. Bannin, mori. KIN, n. Shinrui, yenja, yoshimi. KEG, n. Oke, taru, kodaru. KIND, n. Tagui, rui, shurui, kurai, gara, KEPT, P. p. - in by the cold, fuyu- kuchi. -of ierson, hito-gara,jimpin, gomcori. -in by the raint, furi-kome- jimbutsu. — of day, higara. rareru, ama-gomori. KIND. a. Nasake aru, nengoro na, shinKEEPSAKE, n. Wasure-gasame, katami. setsu na. KERNEL, n. Mi, nin, jitsu. KINDLE, /. v. Taku, taki-tsukeru, okosu. KIN 101 LAN KINDLY, adv. Nengoro ni, shinsetsu ni. KNEEL, i. v. Hizamadzuku. KINDNESS, n. Nasake, shinsetsu. KNEE-PAN, n. Hiza no sara. KINDRED, n. Kiyodai, shinrui, shin-seki, KNIFE, n. Pocket -, ko-katana. Table shin-zoku. -, hoch6, Kitchen -, deba. KING, n. 0, koku-o. KNIT, t. v. Amu. - the brows, mayu KINGDOM, n. Koku, kuni riyobun. A ni- wo shisomeru. rnal -, shOrui. KNOB, n. Hikite. KING-FISHER, n. Kawasemi. KNOCK, t. v. Butsu, utsu, tataku. - KINK, n. Yore, takureru. down, buchi-taosu. - open, buchiKIss, t. v. Kuchisu, seppun suru. akeru. - out, buchi-dasu. - in, KITCHEN, n. Daidokoro, katte, kuriya. buchi - komu. - off, buchi-otosu, KITCHEN-GARDEN, n. Hatake, sayen, ochiru. Knocked off, as goods, ochisenzai. fuda suru. KITE, n. Tako, ikanobori, shiyen. KNOLL, n. Tsuka. KITTEN, n. Neko no ko, ko-neko. KNOT, n. Fushi, kobushi, musubime, KNACK, n. Kotsu. fushime. Full of- fushikuredatsu. KNAPSACK, n. Doran. KNOW, t. v. Shiru, wakaru, kokoroKNAVE, n. Katari, 6do, ochaku, mogari. yeru, zonjiru, satoru. I don't know KNAVISH, a. Dzurui, kataru, ko-kuwatsu whether it is so or not, so de aru ka mo na, kosui, ochaku na. shirenu. KNEAD, t. v. Koneru, neru, neyasu, tsu- KNOWLEDGE, n. Kokoroye, jutsu. kuneru. KNUCKLE, n. Yubi no fushi, genkotsu. KNEE, n. Hiza. KUM-KWAT, n. n. Kinkan. ABEL. Fuch-fuda,hishi,meifuda. LAME, a. Chimba, bkko, ashinaye. LABEL, n. Fuch6-fuda, shirushi, meifuda. LAME, a. Chimba, bikko, ashinaye. LABOR, n. Shigoto, hone-ori, hataraki, LAMENT, i. v. Kanashimu, nageku, naku. san. Day —, hiyo. - saving, kappo. LAMENTABLE, a. Nagekawashii, itoshii, I,ABOR, t. v. Shigoto wo suru, honeoru, oshii. shussei suru, rosuru. To be in -, san LAMENTATION, n. Kanashimi, nageki, suru. -p~ains, ikimi, mukaibara. naki, hitan. LABORIOUS, a. Honeoru. LAMP, n. Andon, todai, shoku. LACE, t. v. Kagaru. LAMP-BLACK, n, Yuyen. LACERATE, t. v. Saku, kaki-kiru. LAMPOON, n. Rakushu. LACHRYMAL-DUCT, n. Rui-kuwan. LAMP-SHADE, n. Bombori, hoya. LACK, n. Fusoku, kotokaki. LAMP-WICK, n. TO-shin. LACK, t. v. Nashi, aradzu, taranu, fuso- LAMPREY, n. Dojo. ku suru. LANCE, n. Yari. LACQUER, n. Urushi. LANCE, t. v. Yari de tsuku. LACQUER, t. v. Urushi wo nuru. LANCET, n. Habari, hirabari. LACQUER-WARE, n. Nuri-mono, shikki. LAND, n. Chi, tsuchi, jimen, denji, LACTEAL-DUCT, n. Niubikuwan. kachiji, oka, riku. LAD, n. Warambe, d6ji. LAND, i. v. Oka ni agaru. LADDER, n. Hashigo. LANDING-PLACE. n. Hatoba, ageba. LADE, t. v. Kumu. shakf, suku. - a LANDLADY, n. Hatagoya no niyobo. ship, fune ni tsumu. - horse, uma ni LANDLORD, n. Hatagoya no teishu, aruji. noseru. LANDMARK, n. Bogui. LADLE, n. Shaku, hishaku, shakushi, LANDSCAPE, n. Keshiki, fikei, mi-harasamoji. shi, chob6. LADY, n. Onna, fujin, shinzo. LANE, n. Hoso-michi. LAG, i. v. Okureru, ato ni naru. LANGUAGE, n. Kotoba, monoii, go. LAITY, n. Zoku, hei-nin, banzoku. LANGUID, a. Darui, yowai, namakeru, Clergy and-, sO-zoku. darakeru. LAKE, n. Midzu-umi. kosui. LANGUISH, i. v. Otoroyeru, suibi suru, LAMB, n. Hitsuji no ko, ko-hitsujl. fu-keiki ni naru, shioreru. LAN 102 LEA LANGUOR, n. Darui, namakeru koto. LAUDABLE, a. Homu-beki, kanshin na, LANTERN, n. Ch6chin. sho su beki. LAP, n. Hiza. LAUGH, t. v. Warau, yemu. - at, azaLAP, t. v. Nameru, oru, awaseru. keru. LAP-DOG, n. Chin. LAUGHABLE, a. Okashii, monowarai. LAPIDARY. n. Giyokko. LAUGHTER, n. Warai, yemi. LAP.SE, n. - of time, heru, tatsu, okuru. LAUGHING-STOCK, n. Warai-gusa, waraLAPSE, i. o,. Ayamachi, hadzureru. wareru. LAPSUS LINGUAE, n. Kuchi ga suberu. LAUNCH, t. v. Yaru, deru, orosu. LARBOARD, n. Fune no hidari. LAUNCH, n. Funa-oroshi. LARCENY, n. Nusumu koto. LAVA, n. Kuwa-zan no yake-ishi. LARCH, n. Tsuga. LAVISH, a. Ozappai, oshige mo naki, LARD, n. Buta no abura. oshimadzu. LARDER, n. Nando, mono-oki. LAW, n. Okite, gohatto, h6, ritsu, seito, LARES, n. Jibutsu. nori, horitsu, gij6. - of nature, tenLARGE, a. (kii, futoi, hiroi, dai. - and do, dori, ri. small, dai-sho. LAWFUL, a. Okite-d6ri no, ge-j6oh-dori LARGENESS, n. Okisa. rO, gomen-no. LARK, n. Hibari. LAWLESS, a. Furachi na, fuh6 na. LARYNX, n. K6to. LAWSUIT, n. Kuji, de-iri. LASCIVIOUS, a. Sukebei na, irogonomi LAWYER, n. Kuji-shi, de-iri-shi, n6ritsu na, uwaki na, koshoku na. ka. LASH, n. Himo. LAX, a. Yurui, darui. LASH, t. 7'. Moyau, shibari-tsukeru, LAXITY, n. Yurusa. maki-tsukeru, muchi-utsu. LAY,... Oku, noseru, kakeru. - aside, LASS, n. Musume, shinzo. katadzukeru, yameru, nokeru. -away, LASSITUDE, n. Darusa. katadzukeru, shimau. - before, sonaLAST, n. Kutsu no kata. yeru. - by, katadzukeru. - down, LAST, i. v. Motsu, tamotsu, oyobu. oku, neru, fuseru. - hold of, tsukamu, LAST, V. Owari no, shimai no, hate no. tsukamayeru. — in, takuwayeru, tsu- ~month, ato-getsu, sen-getsu, maye mu, shi-ireru, kai-ireru. - oten, hirano tsuki, kiyo-getsu. - year, saku- ku, akeru, arawasu, abaku. - over, nen, kiyo-nen, maye no toshi, kiu-nen. o, kakeru, kiseru, noseru. -out, harau, - night, saku-ban, saku-ya. At last, tsukawasu. - one's self out, sei wo tsui-ni, tot6, yoyaku, yoyo, yatto, dasu. - together, atsumete oku. - shosen. - of life, matsu-go. - ages, to heart, ki ni kakeru. - up, takuwamatsu-dai. yeru, tsumu, osameru. - siege, semeru, LATCH, n. Kake-gane. kakomu. - wait, machi-buse wo suru. LATCHET, n. Hana-o, o. - waste, arasu. - a wager, kakeru. LATE, a. Osoi, okureru, chi-chi suru, - the blaone on, kiseru, nuri-tsukeru, osonawaru. -years,kin-nen. -sleef- kabuseru. - bare, hadaka-ni suru. - ing, asa-ne. - in coming, chi-san. the ship to, fune wo todomeru. - a - and early, chi-soku. Of -, kono- fault on another, kadzukeru, owaseru. goro, chikagoro. Too -, ma ni awanai. - an egg, tamago wo umu. LATELY, adz,. Kono aida, chikagoro, LAYER, n. Ye, kasane. kinrai, kono goro, kono hodo. LAYMAN, n. Zoku, zokutai. LATENT, a. Hisoka na, kakusu, nai-nai, LAZY, a. Busho na, mono-gusai. nai-sho no, hi-suru. LEAD, n. Namari. LATERAL, a. Waki no, yoko no. LEAD, t. v. Tsureru, hiku, michibiku, LATEST, a. Ichiban ato no, ichiban osoi. hikuru, annai suru. - a life, kurasu, - generatioas, matsu-dal. okuru. - astray, madowasu, mayoLATH, n. Komaye. To -, komaye wo wasu. kaku. LEADER, n Annaija, kashira, chobon-nin. LATHE, n. Rokuro. LEAD-PENCIL, n. Seki-hitsu. LATIT(TDE, n. Yoko-do, haba, hirosa. LEAF, n. Ki no ha. -of a book, hira. LATTER, a. Nochi no, ato no. Gold -, kimpaku. -of a door, to. LATTERLY, adv. Kono aida, kono goro, LEAF-STALK, n. Kuki. kiu-rai, chikagoro. LEAFY, a. Shigeru. LATEST DESCENDANT, n. Basson. LEAGUE, i.V. Yakusoku suru, tot6 wo LATTICE-WORK, n. K6shi. musubu. LAUD, t. v. Homeru. LEAGUE, n. Yakusoku, keiyaku, tot6. LEA 103 LET LEAK, i.. Moru. n. Uro, ama-mori. LEGALIZE. f. V. Menkiyo shite horitsu LEAKAGE, n. Rodzu. wo tateru. LEAN, a. Yasetaru. LEGATION, n. KOshi-kuwan. IEAN, i. v. Katamuku, katayoru. - on LEGEND, n. Mukashi-banashi. or against, motareru, yori-kakaru, mo- LEGERDEMAIN, n. Tedzuma, shinadataseru, yoru. ma. LEAP, n. Tobi. LEGGING, n. Kiyahan, habaki. LEAP, t.. Tobu, odoru, haneru. - LEGIBLE, a. Yomeru. over, tobi-koyeru. - ui, tobi-agaru. LEGISLATE, i. V. Okite wo tateru, horitsu - into, tobi-komu. - down, tobi- wo tateru. oriru. - for joy, yorokonde odoru. LEGISLATION, n. Horitsu wo tateru koupon a horse, uma ni tobi-noru. to. LEAP-FROG, n. Tobi-koshi. LEGITIMATE, a. Jitsu no, honto no. - LEAP-YEAR, n. Uru-toshi. child, jisshi. LEARN, t. v. Narau, manabu, keiko su- LEGUME, n. Saya. ru. LEISURE, n. Itoma, hima, ma, yori-yoku, LEARNED, a. J6dzu, tasshita. - man, ankan, aida. gakusha. LEISURELY, adv. Soro-soro-to, yuruLEARNING, n. Gakumon. yuru-to. LEASE, t. v. Kasu, karu. LEMON, n. Yudzu. LEAST, a.... yori mo chiisai, chiisai LEMON-OIL, n. Tohiu. ho. At -, semete. LEND, t. v. Kasu. - a hand, tetsuLEATIIER, n. Kawa, tsukuri-kawa, na- dani. meshi-kawa. Imitation -, magai- LENDER, n. Kashi-kata. gawa. LENGTH, n. Nagasa, tate, naganobi. - LEATHER-DRESSER, n. Kawata, yeta. of life, jomiyo. At length, yoyaku, LEAVE, n. Yurushi, menkiyo. Take-, tsui-ni. itoma wo ko, saru. LENGTHEN, t. v. Tsugu, nagaku suru, LEAVE, t. V. Shirizoku, taishutsu suru, noberu, nobasu. saru, nozoku, hedateru, hanareru, no- LENGTHWISE, adv. Tate ni. kosu, suteru, utcharu, adzukeru, ma- LENGTHY, a. Nagai. kaseru, yudzuru, nindzuru, noku, shiri- LEOPARD, n. Hiyo, nakatsukami. zokeru. - off, yameru, yosu, tatsu. LENIENT, a. Yasashii, yuruyaka na, on-out, otosu, habuku. - over, amasu. Jun naru. -off wine, kinshu suru. LENITY. n. Onjun, yuruyaka. LEAVEN, n. Tane, pan no tane, k6ji. LEPER, n. Raibiyo-yami, kattai, narimLEAVINGS, n. Nokori-mono, amari. bo. LECTURE, t. V. Koshaku suru, oshiyeru, LEPROSY, n Raibiy6, tenkei-biyo, nari, sepp6 suru, h6dan suru, kodan. kattai, suji. LECTURER, n. Koshaku-shi. LEss, a. Chiisai, sukoshi. To become-, LEDGER, n. Chomen, daicho. otoru. LEE, n. Kaza-shimo, kaze-shita. LESSEE, n. Kari-nushi. LEECH, n. Hiru, suitetsu. To —, hiru LESSEN, t.. Herasu, habuku, hesu, suwo tsukemr, kishin suru. kunaku suru, gensho suru, chiisaku LEEK, n. Nira. suru, tsumeru. LEER, i. V. Yokome de miru. LESSEN, i. v. Heru, otoru, habuku, suLEES, n. Ori, kasu. kunaku naru, chiisaku naru, tsumaru, LEE-SHORE, n. Kazashimo no iso, kaze chijimu. uke no oka. LESSON, n. Nikkuwa, keiko, oshiye. LEE-SIDE, n. - of a ship, fune no kaza- LEST, conj. Moshiya, osorakuba, hiyotto, shimo no ho. sureba. LEEWARD, n. Kaza-shimo no h6, kaze- LET, t. v. Yurusu, kasu, yaru; and the shita no ho. caust. form of the verb. - drive LEFT, a. Hidari no, sa. uchiyaru. - alone, sutete oku. utLEFT HAND, n. Hidari no te. chatte oku, mama yo, kamau na, nageLEFT-HANDED, a. Hidari-giki no. yari shite oku. - down, orosu, tarasu. LEG, n. Ashi. One -, kata ashi. Both - loose, hanatsu. - in, hairaseru. - -, riyo-ashi. blood, chi wo toru, shiraku suru. LEGACY, n. Yui-motsu, katami. out, hanasu, yurumeru, dasu. - me LEGAL, a. Okite-dori no, gomen naru, have, kudasaru, chodai. - me see, ho ni kanau. mite kudasare. - me write, wataku LET 104 LIK shi kakase nasare. - grow, hayasu. idle-, asonde hi wo kurasu. Eternal go, hanasu. - off, hanasu, yu- -, kagiri naki jlmiy6. rusu. LIFELESS, a. Inochi no nai, darui, daraLETIIARGY, n. Nekomi. keru. LETTER, n. Tegami, fumi, j6, shokan, LIFE-LIKE, n. Iki-utsushi. ji, moji, monji, shomen, tamadzusa. LIFE-TIME, n. Isshogai, issho, sho-gai, LETTER-PAPER, n. Jo kaki gami. zaizei no toki, zonjb no uchi. LETTUCE, n. Chisha. LIFT, t. v. Ageru, mochi-ageru. LEVEL, a. Taira, tairaka, hirattai. - LIFT, n. Ageru koto. To give a -,teground, hei-chi, hira-chi. tsudau. LEVEL, t. v. Narasu, tairageru, taira ni LIGATURE, n. Shibari-ito. suru. - a gun, teppo wo nerau. LIGHT, n. Akari, hikari, tomoshibi, shoLEVEL, n. Midzumori. ku, akarusa. In one's -, akari-saki. LEVER, n. Teko. Bring to -, arawasu, akasu. LEVIGATE, t. V. Saimatsu ni suru, suru, LIGHT, a. Karui, usui, akarui. Set - by, suri-kudaku. karondzru. - sleeper, nezatoi. Make LEVITY, n. Karusa, kara-karashii. - of, naigashiro-ni suru, mono no kaLEVY, t. v. li-tsukeru, m6shi-tsukeru, dzu to mo sedzu, nami surlu. ateru, tsunoru. LIGHT, t. v. Akari wo tsukeru, tobosu, LEW-CHEW ISLANDS, n. Riukiu. terasu. - afire, hi wo tsukeru. LEWD, a. Irogonomi na, sukebei na, LIGHT, i. v. Tomaru. - down, orosu. koskoku na, midara-na, inran naru. LIGITEN, t. v. Karumeru, karuku suru. LEXICON, n. Jibiki, jiten. (i. v.) Hikaru, hareru. LIABLE, a. Kakawaru, kakari-ai. LIGHTER, n. AMidzu-age bune, temma. LIAR, n. Uso-tsuki. LIGHT-FINGERED, a. Teguse no warui. LIBEL, n. Zangen. LIGHT-FOOTED, a. Ashi-baya, haya-ashi LIBERAL, a. Mono-oshimi senu, omaka- no. na, tairiyo. LIGHT-HEADED, a. MAemai, kurumeku. LIBERALLY, adv. Oshimadzu ni, jubun LIGHT-HEARTED, a. Ki no karui, kirakuni. na. LIBERATE, t. v. Hanasu, hanareru. LIGHTHOUSE, n. Taka-doro. LIBERTINE, n. Doraku mono, hoto mo- LIGHTLY, adv. Karuku. no. LIGHTNESS, n. Karusa. LIBERTY, n. Jiyf ni naru koto, kokoro LIGHTNING, n. Inadzuma, hikari, inabino mama. At -, h6dai. kari, den-kuwa, den. Stroke of-, raiLIBRARY, n. Shosai. geki. LICENSE, n. Yurushi, men-kiyo, kabu, LIGHTNING-BUG, n. Hotaru. menjo. LIGHTNING-ROD, n. Rai-yoke. LICENSE, t. v. Yurusu, menkiyo suru. LIKE, a. Onaji, nitari, niru, hitoshii, goLICENTIOUS, a. Hoto naru, horatsu na, toki, ayakaru. - zinded, doshin, doi, burai na. isshin. LICK, t. v. Nameru, neburu, butsu, utsu. LIKE, adv. Gotoku, y6, tori, so, rashii. - the mouth, kuchi-namedzuri. It looks like rain, ame-furi so de gozaLICORICE-PLANT, n. Kanzo. ru. It looks well, yosaso. - a woman, LID, n. Futa. Eye -, mabuchi. onnarashii. - a child, kodomo-rashii. LIE, n. Uso, itsuwari, kiyogon, mampa- To talk - a dunce, bakarashiku iu. chi, chiku. - t/is, kono tori, kono mama. LIE, i. v. Uso wo tsuku, itsuwaru. LIKE, t. v. Konomu, suku, tashimu; White -, haya-uso. also the suffix, tai, after the roots of LIE, i. v. Neru, fuseru, heiguwa suru, verbs, as, kaki-tai, would like to write; ataru. - by, yasumu. - in wait, kai-tai, would like to buy; yuki-tai, machi-fuseru, nerau. - down, neru, wioulld like to go. fusu. - in, san wo suru, ko wo unde- LIKELIHOOD,fo rmed by thesuffix so. iru. Let lie, nekasu. - over, nokosu, LIKELY, adv. Tabun, okata, see so. noberu. LIKELY, a. Makotorashii. LIEGE, n. Shujin, tono sama. LIKEN, t. v. Nazorayeru, tatoyeru, ayaLIEU, n. Kawari. In - of, kawari ni. karu. LIFE, n. Inochi, seimei, mei, jumiyo, LIKENESS, n. Katachi, sugata, nigao, shogai. In -, zommei, zonjo. This yezo. -, kono yo. Future -, nochi no yo. LIKEWISE, conj. Mata, mo, yappari. Previous -, maye no yo. To lead an LIKING, a. Ki ni iru, kokoro ni kanau. LIL I05 LON LILY, n. Yuri. long, chd-sei suru. - without work, LIMB, n. Yeda. ankan suru. LIMBER, a. Yurui, nayeru, guniya-guni- LIVE, a. Ikiteoru. yashite oru, gutat-suku. To make-, LIVELIHOOD, n. Kurashi-kata, kurashi, nayasu. tosei, shobai, kuchisugi, kagiyo, nariLIME, n. Ishibai. wai, kuwakkei, yosugi, yowatari. LIME-KILN, n. Ishibai-gama. LIVELY, a. Ki no karui, kigaru-na, keiki LIME-WATER, n. Sekkuwaisui. ga yoi, nigiyaka. LIMIT, n. Sakai, kagiri, kiri, kiwa, kuku- LIVER, n. Kan no z6. ri. LIVERY, n. Shozoku. LIMIT, t. v. Kagiru, kiwamaru. LIVID, a. Aozame taru. LIMITATION, n. Kagiri, kiwamari. LIVING, n. Ikiteoru, ikeru, ikitaru, ikiLIMP, i. v. Bikko wo hiku. nagarayeru, tosei, nariwai, shindai. LIMPED, a. Kiyoki, kiyoraka, sumu. LIZARD, n. Imori, yamori. LINCH-PIN, n. Sen. LOAD, n. Da, katsugi, ni, tsumidaka. LINE, n. Ito, nawa, suji, chisuji, ke. A LOAD, t. v. Tsumu, komeru, noseru. line from top to bottom, kudari. To LOAFING, a. Namakeru, norakura suru, strike a line, sumi wo utsu. bush ona. LINE, t. v. Ura wo tsukeru, ke wo hiku. LOAFER, n. Norakura-mono, namakeLINEAGE, n. Chi-suji, suji, ketto, shison, mono, asobi-dzuki. sujime, suj6, kechi-miyaku, nagare. LOAF-SUGAR, n. Bosato. LINEAL, a. - descent by the eldest son, LOAM, n. Ma-tsuchi. chaku-riu. LOAN, n. Shakkin, kari, haishaku, shaLINEAMENT, a. Kao-katachi, kao-tsuki, kuyo. yobo. LOAN, t. v. Kasu. LINEN, n. Nuno. LOATHE, t. v. Kirau, iyagaru, mukadzuLINGER, i. v. Matsu, himadoru, tema- ku, imikirau, muka-muka shite oru. doru, tamerau, gudzu-gudzu suru, yu- IOATHSOME, a. Kirai na, kirawashii. toru. LOBE f the ear, a. Mimi-tabu. LINIMENT, n. K6yaku. LOBSTER, n. Kuruma-yebi. LINING, n. Ura. LOCALITY, n. Tokoro, sho, atari, hen, LINK, n. Kuwan, wa. tochi. LINK, t. v. Tsunagu, hameru, kumu, LOCATE, t. v. Tateru, oku. kakeru. LOCATION, n. Tateru-tokoro, basho, jiLINT, n. Hotsuki, sanshi. sho. LINTEL, n. Kamachi, kabuki. LOCK, n. J6, jo-maye. - smith, j6maLION, n. Shishi. ye-ya. LIP, n. Kuchi-biru, kuchi-saki. LOCK, t. v. J6 wo orosu, tojiru, shimeru. LIQUEFY, t. v. Tokeru, fukuwa suru, - one's self in, toji-komoru. boyakeru. LOCKET, n. Kohaze. LIQUID, n. Midzu-mono, riudobutsu. LOCK-JAW, n. Hash6fu. LIQUIDATE, t. v. Tokeru, harau. LOCOMOTIVE, n. Jokisha. LIQUORICE, n. Kanzd, dzub6to. LOCUST, n. Inago. LISPING, n. Shita-motsure, shita-taradzu. LODE-STONE, (Loadstone) n. Jishaku. LIST, n. Tammono no mimi, mokuroku. LODGE, i. v. Yadoru, shuku suru, tomaLIST, n. (Nautical), katayoru. ru, t6riu suru. LISTEN, t. v. Kiku, ch6mon suru. LODGE, n. Momban-sho. LISTLESS, a. Ukkari-to, ki ga tsukanu. LODGER, n. Kiyaku. LITERATI, n. Gakusha, mono-shiri, ha- LODGING, n. Yadori, shuku, t5riu. kushiki. LOFTILY, ado. Takaku, takaburite. LITERATURE, n. Gakumon, bun, bundo. LOFTY, a. Takai, ko. LITHOGRAPH, n. Ishidzuri. LOG, n. Ki, hashira, midzujaku. LITTER, n. Gomi, chiri, akuta, kudzu. LOIN, n. Koshi. LITTLE, a. Chiisai, sukoshi, chitto, wa- LOITER, i. v. Himadoru, temadoru, budzuka, jinj6, sh6-sho, chikkuri, chop- ratsuku, gudzu-gudzu, gudotsuku. pori. - by little, chibi-chibi, sukoshi- LONELY, a. Samushii, shin-shin to shita, dzutsu, jir-jiri. mono-sabishii, wabishii. LIVE, t. v. Oru, iru, sumau, jf-suru, iki- LONG, a. Nagai, cho. - ago, toi. - ru, nagarayeru, kurasu. - together, talk, chodan. - life, choju, ch6-mei. dokiyo suru. - alone, hitori-dsumi. - and short, ch6-tan. -journey, cho- in idleness, tada-ori, asonde ori. - to. - night, cho-ya. - sickness, cho5* LON o16 LUB biy6. - time, hisashii. - time since, LOSE AND WIN, n. Kachi-make, sh6bu. hisashiburi. - delayed, machidoi. In LOSER, n. Make-kata. the - run, hikkiy6, tsui-ni wa, tsuma- Loss, n. Son, sommo, son-shitsu. - in ri. Before —, kinjitsu, tokaradzu. weight, kan, heri, meri. - and gain, LONG, i. v. Shitau, koishiku omo, koi- son-toku, son-yeki. shitau, koishigaru. LOST, a. Nakunatta, ushinatta, useta. LONGEVITY, a. Naga-iki, chbmei, choju. - child maigo. LONGITUDE, n. Tatedo. LOT, n. kuji, jimen, hatake. To draw LONG-SUFFERING, a. Ki no nagai, kan- -, kuji wo toru. How much for, the nin-tsuyoi. lot? komi de ikura, komete ikura. LONG-TONGUED, a. Shita no nagai, osha- LOTION, n. Arai-gusuri. beri. LOTTERY, n. Mujin, fukubiki. LOOK, i. v. Miru, goran, nagameru. LOTUS, n. Hasu no hana, ren-ge, hachiFormed also by the particle, so, and au. ranshii, which see. - up, mi-ageru, LOUD, a. Takai, tsuyoi. - voice, ogoye. aogu, aomuite miru, furi-sakemiru. - noise, sawagi. Tired of looking, mi-aku. - out for, LOUNGE, i. V. Bura-bura shite iru. mi-awaseru, mi-tateru. - down, mi- LOUSE, n. Shirami. kudasu, mi-orosu, nozomu. - about, LOUSY, a. Shirami-takari. mi-mawasu. - after, mi-okuru, ma- LOVE, t. v. Ai suru, kawaigaru, chbai moru. - for, matsu, sagasu, ukagau. suru, itsukushimu, konomu, suku, ho- into, gimmi suru, sensaku suru. - reru, rembo suru, okkochiru. Love to across, mi-watasu, mi-kosu, mi-kayeru. God, or to parents, uyamau. - talk, - back, kayeri-miru. - through a chiwa. -andsympathy,jinjo. - of crack, kaimami wo suru. - through, money, riyoku. - letter, chiwa-bumi. mi-tosu, mi-sukasu. - away, yoso ni - son, koi-ka. - affair, iro-goto. - miru, yosomi. - toward, mukau, uke- sick, koi-wadzurau. - with each other, ru. aiboreru. LOOKS n. Miba, midate, tei, sugata, LOVE, n. Ai, on-ai, chb-ai, itsukushimi, kao-lro, ganshoku, kao-tsuki. ai-nen, jo-ai, koi, rembo, noroke, aijaLOOKER-ON, n. Soba kara miru hito, ku. kembutsu-nin. LOVE-LETTER, n. Chiwa-bumi, koi-buLOOKING-GLASS, n. Kagami. mi. LOOK-OUT, n. Monomi, mihari, tomi. LOVELY, a. Kawai, kawairashii. LOOM, n. Hata. LOVER, n. Koi-bito, koi-otoko, okkochi. LOOP, a. Wasa, wana, chi. LOVE-SICK, a. Koi-wadzurau, koi-shiLOOP-HOLE, n. Hazama, yazama. tau. LOOSE, t. v. Toku, yurumu, kutsurogu, LOVE-SONG, n. Koi no uta, koi-ka. darumu, tarumu, yurugu, hanareru, hi- LOVING-KINDNESS, n. Jihi, fubin. raku, akeru, yurusu, hadzureru, hana- Low, a. Hikui, gebiru, iyashii. — water, su. shio ga hiru, hiki-shio. - or shallow, LoosE, a. Yurui, hadzureta. asai. - in price, yasui. - in condiLOOSEN, t. v. Tokeru, yurumeru, kutsu- tion, iyashii, karui, shita no, hisen, gerogeru, yuruku suru, tarumeru, hanasu. sen na. -in strength, yowai. - felLOOSENESS, n. Yurusa. low, gero, gesu. - employment, geLOOT, n. Bundori. shoku. -in quality, ge-hin. — ierson, LOOT, t. v. Bundori wo toru. ge-nin. LOP, t. v. Kiru. - off, kiri-otosl. Low, adv. Hikuku, iyashiku, yasuku. LOP-SIDED, a. Kashigu, katamuku, kata- LOW-BRED, a. Iyashii, gehin na. dzuri. LOWER, t. v. Sageru, orosu. - the price, LOQUACIOUS, a. Taben na, shaberu, cho- makeru. choshii, kuchi-mama na. LOWER, a. Shita no. - seat, ge-za. LOQUAT, n. Biwa, rokitsu. LOWERMOST, adv. Ichi-ban shita no. LORD, n. Shu, shu-jin, nushi, aruji, ki- LOWLY, a. Herikudaru, kenson na, himi, tono, danna. kayeme na, hige suru, kentai. LORDLY,a. Jiman-naru, takaburu, dan- LOW-PRICED, a. Ge-jiki, yasui. na-gao. LOW-WATER, n. Hiki-shio. LORE, n. Gakumon, jutsu, oshiye. LOYAL, a. Chiu na. chiugi na, gi. LOSE, t. v. Ushinau, useru, nakunaru, LOYALTY, n. Chiugi, chiu-setsu, chiuotosu, funjitsu, son suru, makeru, nuke- shin. ru. - the way, mayou, LUBRICATE, t, v. Abura wo nuru. LUC 107 MAI LUCID, a. Akiraka naru, teru, meihaku. LUNACY, n. Kichigai,ranshin, mono-guLUCK, n. Un, shiawase, ketai, unki, ten- rui. un. LUNATIC, n. Kichigai hito, kiyo-jin. LUCKLESS, a. Fu-shiawase na, fukitsu no, LUNCH, n. Chanoko. - box, bento. kiyo naru, fuko no. LUNG, n. Hai no zo. LUCKY, a. Un no yoi, saiwai, shiawase LUNGYEN, n. Riu-gan-niku. no yoi, kichi na. - day, kichi-nichi, LURE, t. v. Sosonokasu, obiku. kittan. - or unlucky, kikkiy6. -- LURK, i. v. Machi-buse wo suru. dream, dzui-mu. - omen, dzui-gen, Luscious, a. Oishii, amai. dzui-s6, kitch6. LUST, n. Yoku, bonn6. - of gain, riLtJCRATIVE, a. M6ke no oi. yoku. LUCRE, n. Moke, ri, yeki, takara. LUST AFTER, t. V. Musaboru, tonyoku, LUDICROUS, a. Okashii, odoketaru, kok- yokubaru. kei naru. LUSTRE, n. Hikari, kagayaki, tsuya. LUG, t. v. Hiku, ninau, katsugu. LUSTRING, n. Kaiki. LUGGAGE, n. Ni, nimotsu. LUSTY, a. Jobu na, sukoyaka na. LUKEWARM, a. Nurui, noroi, nurumita- LUTE, n. Biwa. ru. LUXATION, n. Hone-chigai. LULL, i. v. Nagiru, shidzuka ni naru, LUXURIANT, a. Shigeru, habikoru, hamodayaka ni naru. mo. LUMBER, n. Zai-moku. LUXURIOUS, a. Ogoru. LUMBER-YARD, n. Zaimoku-ya. LUXURY, n. Ogori, yeiguwa, shahi. LUMINOUS, a. Hikaru, teru, akiraka na- LYE, n. Aku, ru. LYING in, n. San. -woman, sampu, sanLUMP, n. Katamari. Buy in the lumi, jo. kuchi de kau, komi ni kau. LYRE, n. Koto, kin. LUMPY, a. Tsubu-tsubu shite oru. M MACARONI, n. Udon. MAGIC, n. Mah6, idzuna, hojutsu, genMACE, n. Shaku, jittei, b6, sao. jultsu. MACERATE, t. v. Hitasu, tsukeru. MAGICIAN, n. Maho-tsukai, idzuna-tsuMACHINATION, n. Kan-kei, kuwadate, kai. aku-riyaku. MAGIC-LANTERN, n. Utsushiye. MACHINE, n. Shikake, karikuri, kikai, MAGISTRATE, n. Yakunin, kuwan-nin. d6gu. MAGNANIMOUS, a. Tai-riyo na, omaka MACHINERY, n. Kikai, dogu. na, tai-yu na. MACKEREL, n. Saba. MAGNATE, n. Reki-reki, ki-nin. MACULAE, n. Aza. MAGNET, n. Jishaku. MAD, a, Kurui, kichigai na, ranshin na- MAGNIFICENT, a. Rippa na, kekk6 na, ru, ikaru. - dog, yamai-inu. yuyushii. MADAM, n. Kami-san, oku-sama, go- MAGNIFY, t. v. Okiku suru, homeru, 6kishinz6 san. ku iu, taisc ni iu, agameru. MADDER, n. Akane. MAGNIFYING-GLASS, n. Kembikiy6, muMADE, fAt. Dekita, shita, itashita, ko- shi-megane. shirayeta. Badly -, deki-sokonatta, MAGNITUDE, n. Okisa. fu-zaiku, fu-tegiwa. MAGNOLIA, n, Nemunoki, mokuren. MADHOUSE, n. Kichigai wo riy6ji suru MAGPIE, n. Kasasagi, t6karasu. iye. MAID, n. Musume. Old-, yendoi onMADMAN, n. Kichigai naru hito, kiy6- na. jin. MAID-SERVANT, n. Gejo, hashitame. MADNESS, n. Ranshin, kichigai. MAIL, n. Coat of-, yoroi. MAGAZINE, n. Kura, yensho-gura, g6ya- MAIL, n. Hikiyaku. - shij5, hikiyakuku-gura. sen. MAGGOT, n. Uji, onaga-mushi. MAIM, t. v. Sokonau. MAI 108 MAN MAIMED, a. Katawa, fugu. MALADY, n. Yamai, biyoki, itatsuki, waMAIN, a. Hon, shu. - object, hon-i, dzurai. shu-i. - building of a ternzle, hon- MALE, n. Nan, o, osu, yu. - and fedo. In the-, taitei, tairiyaku, taigai. male, nan-niyo, me-o, mesu-osu, shiMAINLY, adv. Moppara, omo-ni. yu, in-yo. - character in a flay, taMAIN-MAST, n. Naka-bashira, hom-ba- chi-yaku. shira, 6-bashira. MALARIA, n. Jaki, akki, sh6reidoku. MAIN-SAIL, n. Obashira no shitano ho. MALCONTENTS, n. Sakarau mono. MAIN-SPRING, n. Zemmai. MALEDICTION, n. Akko, soshiri, noroi. MAINTAIN, t. v. Yashinau, hagokumu, MALEFACTOR, n. Zai-nin, toga-nin, tsumamoru, motsu. - life, inochi wo tsu- mi-bito, meshi-udo. nagu. MALEVOLENCE, n. Urami, ikon, ishu. MAIN-TOP, n. Obashira no saki. MALFORMATION, n. Deki-sokonai. MAIN-YARD, n. Obashira no shita no ho- MALICE, n. Urami nikumi, ikon, ishu. geta. MALICIOUS, a. Nikurashii, akushin naru. MAIZE, n. Tomorokoshi, namba. MALICIOUSLY, adv. Akushin nite, nikuMAJESTIC, a. Kedakai, ririshiki, ogosoka rashiku. naru, inrin to shite iru. MALIGN, t. v. Zangen suru, soshiru, waMAJORITY, n. Tahan, okata, taihan, ta- ruku iu. bun. MALIGN, a. Aku, ashii, giyaku na. MAJOR-PART, n. Tabun, taihan. MALIGNANT, a. Aku, ja, yoko-shima na. MAKE, n. Shi-kata, shi-y6, tsukuri-kata, - disetse aku-sei-biy6. koshiraye-kata, katachi, sugata. MALIGNITY, _n. Urami, ikon. MAKE, Tsukuru, koshirayeru, dekiru, MALL, n. Odzuchi, kakeya. mokeru, tateru, suru. Fornmed also by MALLEABLE, a. Kitairareru. the caust. form of the verb; as, mo- MALLET, n. Tsuchi, kakeya. taseru, to make another carry; yuka- MALT, n. Moyashi, koji. seru, to make another go. - amends, MALTREAT, t. v. Mugoku suru, shimuke tsugunau, mado. - account of, taisetsu wo waruku suru, migoi-me ni awaseru. ni om5. -- free with, buyenriyo shite, MAMMA, n. Okka-san, haha. habakari naku. -good, tsugunau, ma- MAN. n. Hito, nin, ningen, otoko. Like do, oginau. togeru, sumu. - light of, a -, otoko-rashii, hitorashii. - of naigashiro ni suru, karondzuru. - much war, gunkan. of, daiji ni suru, taisetsu ni suru, tatto- MANACLE, n. Tegane, tejo, tegase. bu. - over, watasu, yudzuru. - out, MANAGE, t. v. Atsukau, tori-atsukau, wakaru, kokoroyeru. - ua, koshiraye-,sho-suru, shihai suru, osameru, shoru, naka wo naosu. - up a deficiency, chi suru, tori-hakarau. To much for tasu. - up a loss, tsugunau. - up one to -, te-amasu. one's mind, kokoro wo sadameru, ke- MANAGEABLE, a. Tori-atsukawareru, yatsujo suru. - up a sum of money, sashii, otonashii. ch6datsu, sandan, saikaku. - water, MANAGEMENT, n. Tori-atsukai, shochi, shoben suru; (of a shib), moru. -for, tori-hakarai, shinise. mukatte hashiru. - paper, kami wo MANAGER, n. Zamoto, t6riyo, motojime, suku. - rope, nawa wo nau. - a net, kimo-iri. ami wo suku. - a mat, tatami wo sa- MANDARIN, n. Yaku-nin. su. - mention, tsugeru, noberu. - MANDARIN-DUCK, n. Oshidori. - believe, shirabakureru, soratsukau, MANDATE, n. Mikoto-nori, mei, m6shifuri wo suru. - love to, kigen wo toru, tsuke, ose, geji, ii-tsuke. hetsurau. — as if he did not know, MANE, n. Tategami. shiranu furi wo suru. I- bold to ask, MANES, n. Tamashii, kompaku, reikon. habakari nagara otadzune m6su. To MANFULLY, adv. Kitsuku, tsuyoku. - for land, oka ni mukatte yuku. - MANGLE, t. v. Zara-zara nl kiru. up to, chikayoru. - ua for, tasu. - MANHOOD, n. Hito to naru koto, otokoup with, naka-naori wo suru. dachi taru koto. MAKER, n. Tsukuru hito, saiku-nin. MANIA, n. Ran-shin, kiy6ki. Generally formed by affixing ya or MANIAC, n. Kichigai hito, ranshin mono. shi to the end of the thing made; as MANIFEST, a. Akiraka-na, ichijirushi, fide-shi, a pen-maker. meihaku, fummiyo. MAKING, n. Tsukuri, shi-ho, shi-kata. MANIFEST, n. Tsumi-ni mokuroku. One's own -, te-saku, tezaiku. MANIFEST, t. v. Arawasu, shimesu. MALADMINISTRATION, n. Fu-seiji. MANIFESTO, n. Ofure. MAN log MAT MANIFOLD, a. Oku, obitadashiku, iro- MARRIAGE, n. Konrei, yome-dori, yomeiro. machi-machi. iri, nakarai. To give in -, yome ni MANKIND, n. Ningen, hito, nin. yaru, meawaseru. MAN-LIKE, a. Hito-rashii. MARRIAGEABLE, a. Yome-iri-maye no. MANLINESS, n. Otokogi, otokoburi. MAlRRow, t. Kotsu-dzui, dzui. MANLY, a. Kitsui, otokogi naf otoko- MARRY, /... Metoru, yome wo toru, buri ga yoi. yome-iri wo suru. - off a daughter, MANNA, n. Kanro. katadzukeru. - again, kaika. MANNER, n. lamama,sama, y5, tori, ku- MARS, n. Kuwa-sei. rai, rui, nari, nari-furi, tei. MARSH, n. Numa. MANNERS, n. Furumai, giyojo, olsonai, IMARSHAL, /. v. Sonayeru. nari-furi, narawashi, fuzoku, soburi, fu- MART, n. Ichi-ba. tei. MARTEN, n. Ten. MANOEUVRE, n. Keiko, tedate. MARTIAL, a. Ikusa no, bu, gun, hiyo. MAN-OF-WAR, n. Gunkan, ikusa-bune. MIARTYR,. Michi nijun-suru hito. MANSION, n. Yakata, yashiki. MARTYRDOM, n. Jun suru koto. MANSLAUGHTER, n. Hito-goroshi. M.RVEL, n. Fushingi, kitai. MANTIS, n. Kamakiri, toro. MARVEL, t. v. Ayashiku om5, ayashiMANTLE, n. Uwagi. mu, fushingi ni om6, ibukashiku omo, MANUAL, n. Techo, tebikai. - labor, fushin ni omo. tewaza, teshigoto. nMARVELOUS, a. Ayashii, fushin naru, MIANUFACTURE, n. Sei, seizo. - of ened- ibukashii, fushingi naru. icines, seiyaku suru. MASCULINE, a. Otoko-masari no. MANIUFACTURE,. v.' Tsukuru, koshira- gender, osu, yu. yeru, saku, sei suru, seisaku suru. MASH, t. V. Oshi-kudaku, oshi-tsubusu, MANUMIT, t. v. Yurusu, hanasu. hishigeru, hishigu. MANURE. n. Koyashi. MASK, n. Men. (t. v.) Kakusu. MANURE, t. v. Koyashi wo kakeru. MASON, n. Ishi-ya. MANUSCRIPT, n. Bunsho, shita-gaki, ka- MASS, n. Hoji, tsuizen, kasa, katamari, ki-mono. gunju, yeiko. MANY, a. Oi, takusan, tanto, taiso, obi- MASSACRE, n. Hito-goroshi. (v.) Hotadashii, amata, ikai. How -, ikura, furu, korosu. ikutsu, nani hodo, dore-dake, nambo. MASSIVE, a. Omoi. Good -, yohodo. MAST, n. Hobashira, hashira. ForeMAP, n. Kuni-yedzu. To -, yedzu wo mast, maye-bashira..Main -, 6bahiku. shira. MIizen —, ato-bashira. MAPLE, n. Momiji no ki. MASTER, n. Danna, shujin, aruji, kashiMAR, t. 7. Itamu, sokonau, sondzuru. ra, kimi. MARASMUS, n. Hikan. MASTER, i. v. Katsu, sugiru. MARBLE, n. Roseki. MASTERLY, adv. J6dzu. MARBLE, t. v. Sumi-nagashi wo suru. MASTERPIECE, n. Meisaku. MARBLE-PAPER, n. Sumi-nagashi. MASTERY, n. Ri, kachi, sho-ri, shihai. MARCH, t. v. Ch6ren suru. MASTICATE, t. v. Kami-konasu. MARCH, n. San-gatsu, michi-nori, tsu- MASTURBATION, n. Sendzuri. me. MAT, n. Tatami, goza, mushiro, komo. MARE, n. Memma. MAT, t. v. Tatami wo shiku, komo wo MARGIN, n. Kiwa, fuchi, hashi. tsutsumu. aatted together, mutsureMARINE, a. Umi no, kai. ru. MARINER, n. Sendo, funako, funabito. MATCH, n. Tsukegi, hinawa, aite, sh6MARITIME, a. Kai-hen no. bugoto, haigu. MARK, n. Shirushi, ato, mato, mejiru- MATCH, 1. 1. Au, awaseru, sor6, narashi. Hit the -, teki-chiu. beru, hiki-ateru, hisuru, hitteki suru, MARK, t. v. Shirushi wo tsukeru, shiru- rui suru, haigu suru. su. (notice), mi-tomeru. - time, hi- MATCHLESS, a. Bus6, narabi-nashi. y6shi wo toru. MATCHLOCK, n. Teppo. MARKET, n. Ichi, s6ba, muki. -frice, MATCH-MAKER, n. Nakodo, baishaku, soba. - people, ichi-bito. - place, chiu-nin. ichi. None in the -, shinagire. MATE, n. Aite. School-, d5gaku, aideMARKETABLE, a. Ure-kuchi ga aru, mu- shi. ki-kuchi ga ii. MATE, t. v. Awaseru, soroyeru, haig MARKET-TOWN, n. Ichi-ba. suru. MAT IIO MEE MATERIAL, a. Katachi aru, u-giyotai, MEAN, t. v. Riyoken suru, tsumoru, omo, taisetsu na. - and immaterial, u-zo shimesu. mu-zO. MEANING, n. Kokoro, wake, imi, riyoMATERIAL, n. Shina, ji, jiai, riyo, kusa. ken, tsumori. girl. MATERNAL, a. Haha no, haha-kata no. MEANLY, adv. Iyashiku, misuborashiku. MATHEMATICS, n. San-gaku, san-jutsu. MEANNESS, n. Iyashisa. MATRIX, a. Kotsubo, shikiu, ikata. MEANS, n. Shinsho, shindai, kane, sanMATRICULATE, t. v. Niu-gaku suru. dan, te-ate. By - of, de, wo motte, MATRIMONY, n. Yengumi, kongi. nite. By all means, zehi, keshite, k;tto, MATRON, n. Oba san. kanaradzu, tomo-kakumo. By no means, MATTER, n. Umi, koto, mono, ji, shina, the same words with a negative verb. tane, kusa. What is the matter? By any -, d6 shite mo. nanda, dshita. Great-,dai-ji. Small MEASLES, n. Hashika, mashin. -, wadzuka. No -, kamai-masen, sa- MEASURE, n. Monosashi, shaku, kaneshi-kamayewa nai. No - what, nani- jaku, kujirajaku, masu, hakari, hodo, goto ni yoradzu. A - offact, jitsu-ji. kenzao. To sell by the -, masume de MATTER, t. v. Umu, kamau. uru. MATTRESS, n. Futon, shitone, tentoku. MEASURE, t. v. Hakaru, kenchi wo utsu, MATURE, t.V. Juku suru, umu. sokuriyo suru. - with the hands, teMATURE, a. Juku-shita, unda, neru. dzumori. MATURELY, adv. Toku-to, jubun ni. MEASUREMENT, n. Nori, sump6. MATURITY, n. Juku shitaru koto. MEAT, n. Niku, tabe-mono, shokuji. MAUL, t. v. Butsu, utsu. MECHANIC, n. Shoku-nin. MAW, n. Yebukuro. MECHANISM, n. Saiku, shikake. MAXIM, n. Dori, kakugen. MECONIUM, n. Kanibaba. MAY, n. Go-guwatsu. MEDDLE, i. v. Kamau, sawaru, ijiru, MAY, v. formed by the potent. suffix, tonjaku suru, tori-au, desugiru, kakayeru, or rareru, neg. yenu, or rarenu, waru, kuwankei suru. masumai, or mai; also by the fut. or MEDDLER, n. Yajimma, desugi-mono. dub. suffix, sho, masho, o, de-arO; MEDDLESOME, a. Sui-kiyo na, monoalso in other ways. If the weather is dzuki na. jleasant I may go, otenki nara yuki- MEDIAEVAL, a. Naka-mukashi no. masho. If your work is done you may MEDIATE, v. Tori-nasu, tori-atsukau, go, shigoto ga sundara itte mo yoi. tori-motsu, atsukau. May Igo to Yedo? Yedo ye itte yoro- MEDIATION, n. Tori-atsukai, atsukai. shu gozarimasu ka, or Yedo ye itte mo MEDIATOR, n. Chiu-nin, atsukai nin, yoika. May Ipass through this road? naka-dachi, naka-ire, aisatsu- nin, hitokono michi wo tote mo yoi ka. You dzute. may not pass. tote wa warui, If the MEDICAL, a. - art, i-jutsu. -- fee, breach is not healed they may fight, yaku-rei. - advertisement, no-gaki. naka wo naosaneba kenkuwa wo suru - virtue, yaku-riki, kono. - comdaro. It may not rain, but I wzll take bound, yaku-zai. — rescription, i-ho. my umbrella with me, furu-mai kere- - book, i-sho. -faculty, i-ka. domo kasa wo motte-iko. It is a cruel profession i-ka, igiyo. - decoction, thing, be it as it may, nan ni shiro sen-yaku. - school, i-gakko. kawai's na koto da. May be, okata, MEDICAMENT, n. Kusuri. osorakuba. MEDICINAL, a. -plant, yaku-sO. MAYOR, n. Machi-bugiyO, hanji. MEDICINE, a. Kusuri, yaku-shu. Price MAZE, n. Mayoi. of-, yaku-dai. Virtues of-, ko-no, ME, gpro. Watakushi, ore, ware. yaku-riki. Quality of a -, yaku-hin. MEADOW, n. Ta. - chest, yaku-ro. To take -, kusuri MEAL, n. Meshi, gohan, gozen, jiki, ko, wo nomu, fukuyaku suru. kona. Wheat-, udon-ko, komugi-no- MEDITATE, i. v. Kangayeru, za-zen suru, ko, mempu. Buck-wheat-, soba-ko. hakaru. Indian-, tomorokoshi-no-ko. -time, MEDITATION, n. Za-zen, kagaye. meshi-doki. Two - a day, ni-jiki. MEDITERRANEAN SEA, n. Chu-chiu-kai. MEALY, a. Zagu-zagu, zakutsuku. MEDIUM, n. Chiu. 7ust -, uchi-ba. MEAN, a. Iyashii, gesen-na, kechi na, - quality, chiu-dori. shidzu na, chiu na. - while, aida, ma. MEDLEY, n. Mucha-kucha, konzatsu. MEAN, a. Chiu, chiuto, nakaba, heikin, MEEK, n. Onto na, onjun na, niuwa na, narashi. yasashii. MEE III MET MEET, a. S6t6 naru, tekit6 naru, kanau. shiro-mono, shoshiki, sh6bai, akinai, MEET, t. v. Au, deau. - together, at- baibai. sumaru, yoru, kuwai suru. Wish to -, MERCHANT, n. Akindo, akiudo, shb-nin. ai-tai. MERCHANTABLE, a. Akinai ni naru muMEETING, n. Atsumari, ai-kuwai, ochi-ai. ki no. MEETING-HOUSE, a. Kuwai-sho, atsu- MERCHANT-MAN, n. Akinai-bune, nimari-dokoro, hai-den. bune, h6sen, bai-sen. MELANCHOLY, n. Kiutsu, ki ga fusagu, MERCIFUL, a. Jihi no fukai, jihi-bukai, shinki, usa, usshiru. awaremi-bukai, nasake no aru, nasakeMELLOW, a. Yawaraka na, juku shitaru. bukai. MBLODY, n. Ne, oto, ne-iro, uta. MERCILESS, a. Jihi-naki, nasake nai, MELON, n. Uri. — patch, kuwaden. mugoki. MELT, t. v. Toku,' or tokeru. - away, MERCURY, n. Midzu-gane, sui-gin. kiyeru. MERCY, n. Jihi, awaremi. MEMBER, n. Yeda, hito, mono. The MERELY, adv. Tada, nomi, bakari, five -, go-tai. shikanai. MEMBRANE, n. Maku. MERGE, i. v. Kumoru, fukumu. MEMENTO, n. Katami, yui-motsu, yu- MERIDIAN, n. Nitchiu, mahiru. dzuri-mono, wasure-gatami. MERIT, n. K6, isao, kudoku. MEMOIR, n. Giy6-j6-sho, ichi-dai-ki. MERIT, i.. Beki, hadzu; as, a faithMEMORABLE, a. Kioku subeki, mei, nada- ful servant merits praise, chiu-naru kaki. kerai wa sh6-subeki mono da. Merits MEMORANDUM, n. Kaki-tome, kaki-tsuke, severe punishment, hidoku keibatsu hagaki, oboye-gaki. - book, tome-ch&, su-beki mono nari. te-ch6, tebikai. MERITORIOUS, a. Sh6-subeki, homeraMEMORIAL, n. Katami, tsutaye, kempa- reru, k6 aru. - deed, k6, tegara. ku, kengen. MERMAID, n. Nin-giyo. MEMORIALIZE, i. v. Kempaku wo tateru. MERRIMENT, i. Kiy6, warai, tawamure, MEMORIZE, t. v. Kioku suru, oboyeru. tanoshimi. MEMORY, n. Oboye, mono-oboye, kioku. MERRILY, adv. Tanoshinde, tawamurete. To recite from -, sorandzuru. Bad MERRY, a. Omoshirogaru, nikoyaka na. -, wasureppoi. MERRY-ANDREW, n. Doke-mono. MEN, n. Hito, ningen, hitobito. MESH, n. Me. MENACE, t. v. Odosu, odoshi-tsukeru. MESS, t. v. Taberu, tomoni shoku suru. MENACE, n. Odoshi-tsukeru koto. MESSAGE, n. KO6j, tayori, otodzure, MENAGERIE, n. Kemono no mise-mono. sh6soku, bingi, kotodzuke. MEND, t. v. Naosu, tsukurb, aratameru, MESSENGER. n. Tsukai, shisha. hidatsu, masaru. - metal wares, ika- MESSMATE, n. D6-shuku, d6-shoku. keru. METAL, n. Kane. MENDACIOUS, a. Itsuwaru, usotsuki na. METALLURGIST, a. Kanefuki. MENDICANT, n. Kojiki, mono-morai, taku- METALLURGY, n. Kane wo fuki-wakeru hatsu, hachi-tataki. jutsu. MENIAL, n. Ge-nan, ge-jo, shimobe, METAMORPHOSE, t. v. Hend-zuru, heniyashiki. kuwa suru, henge suru, bakeru. MENORRHAGEA, n. Chir6. METAPHOR, n. Keiy6, tatoye. MENSES, n. Tsuki no mono, sawari, kei- METAPHORICALLY, adv. Keiy6 shite. sui, gekkei, tsuki-yaku, keiko, meguri. METAPHYSICS, n. Seiri-gaku. MENTAL, a. Shin, kokoro no. -facul- METASTASIS, a. Tenshi. ties, shintoku. - arithmetic, muna- METEMPSYCHOSIS, n. Umare-kawari, rudzumori, munazanyo. ten, rinden, rinye. MENSTRUATE, i. v. Gekkei wo suru. METEOR, n. Yobaiboshi, riusei, yusei. MENSURATION, n. Soku-riy6 gaku. METEOROLOGY, n. Kufki-gaku. MENTION, t. v. Iu, hanasu, tsugeru, no- METHOD, n. D6ri, kata, shikata, h6. beru. ~ of writing, kaki-kata, fude-dzukai. MERCANTILE, a. KOyeki no, sh6. - - of teaching, oshiye-kata. compiany, sh6-sha. -, house, sh6- METHODICAL, a. Torishimari no yoi, kuwan. jun-jo naru. MERCENARY, a. Kane-dzuku naru, riyo- METROPOLIS, n. Miyako. ku no. METROPOLITAN, a. Miyako ni oru. MERCER, n. Gofukuya. METTLESOME, a. Kitsui, kidzuyoki, akuMERCHANDISE, n. Ni, nimotsu, shina, mashii. MEW 112 MIN MEW, i. v. Niya-niya to naku. MILITATE, i. V. Sakarau, giyaku suru. MIASMA, a. Akki. MILITIA, n. Mimpei, nohei, hohei. MICA, n. Kirara, ummo. MILK, n. Chichi. MICROSCOPE, n. Mushi-megane, kembi- MILK, t. v. Chichi wo shiboru. kiy6. MILK-FEVER, n. Chi-burui. MID-DAY, n. Nitchiu, mahiru. MILKMAID, n. Ushi no chichi wo shiboMIDDLE, n. Mannaka, nakaba, chiu-6. ru gejo. -ages, chiu-ko, naka-goro, naka-mu- MILKY-WAY, n. Ama-no-gawa, ginka. kashi. - aged, chiu-nen. - class, MILL, n. Usu. chiu-hai. MILLET, n. Awa. MIDDLE-MAN, n. Chiu-nin, nakodo, sai- MILLINER, n. Onna no kamuri-mono wo tori, kuniu-nin. seisaku suru onna. MIDDLING, a. Kanari, dzuibun, chiu-hin, MILLION, n. Hiyaku-man, sen-sen. chiu-gurai, chiu-dori. MILLSTONE, n. Hiki-usu no ishi. MIDNIGHT, n. Yonaka, yahan. MILT, n. Hararago. MIDST, n. Naka, uchi, chiu, nakaba, MIMIC, n. Maneshi. saichiu, chiuto, chiu-do. MIMIC, t. v. Maneru. - others, hitoMIDSUMMER, n. Chiu-ka. mane wo suru. MIDWAY, n. Michi no nakaba. MINCE, t. v. Tataku, komaka ni kiru. MIDWIFE, n. Tori-age-baba, samba. MINCE-MEAT, n. An. MID-WINTER, n. Chiut6. MIND, n. Kokoro, shin, ki nen, i, riyoMIEN, n. Nari, nari-furi. ken, omoi, zonjiyori, zombu, zoni, zoMIFF, n. Kobara, ikari. nen. Keep in —, ki ni tomeru. Call MIGHT, n, Chikara, ikioi, sei, tsuyoki, to -, omoi-dasu. Put in -, ki wo riki. - and main, chikara wo tsuku- tsukete yaru. To make up one's -, shite. Cried out with all his might, ketchaku suru. Never -, kamau na. koye no kagiri ni yonda. One -, ichi-i. Not to -, kayeri-miMIGHT, pfret. of may, is thus formed: dzu, itowadzu. Alind your own busiif he had called the doctor earlier he ness, go jibun no koto nasare. might have recovered, hayaku isha ni MIND, t. v. Nen wo ireru, ki wo tsukeru, kakattara naoru de attaro. If he had kokoro ni kakeru, ito, mochi-iru, toriwished he might havegone, ki-ni-ittara au, tonjaku suru, kayeri-miru, kangayuku de attaro. I might have sold yeru, omou. them last year, kiy5-nen uru de attaro. MINDFUL, a. Ki wo tsukeru, tsutsushiDon't fire the gun, you nmight shoot mu, kokoro ni kakeru. somebody, teppo wo hanasu na hito ni MINE, a. Watakushi no, waga. attaro mo shirenu. Don't cross on the MINE, t. v. Horu, aragane wo horilog, you might fall, marukibashi wo dasu. wataru na ochi6 mo shirenu. MINE, n. Mabu, ana, ko-zan, jirai-kuMIGHTILY, adv. Tsuyoku, hageshiku, wa. kibishiku, hiroku. MINER, n. Kane-hori, kofu. MIGHTY, a. Tsuyoi, hageshii, kibishii, MINERAL, a. Kobutsu, ko. okii, ikuwo aru, gosei naru. MINERALOGY, n. Kobutsu gaku. MIGRATE, t. v. Utsuru, wataru, kuni- MINERALOGIST, n. Kobutsu gakusha. gaye wo suru. MINGLE, t. z'. Mazeru, kondzuru, kakiMILD, a. Umai, hodoyoi, yawaraka, niu- mazeru, awaseru. jaku na. - of taste, awayaka. MINIATURE, n. Nigao. MILDEW, n. Kabi, (i. v.) kabiru, fukeru, MINISTER, n. Shin, kerai, tsutome-bito, komo-geru. kiyoshi. Foreign -, koshi. MILDLY, adv. Umaku, hodoyaku, yawa- MINISTER, t. v. Tsutomeru, hodokosu, raka ni shite. segiyo suru, sewa wo suru. MILE, n. Ri. Equal to ni ri han of MINISTRY, n. Tsutome, yakume. English mile. Halfa mile, han-michi. MINOR, n. Shonen naru mono, MILE-STONE, n. Ichi-ri-dzuka. MINORITY, n. Shonen, sho-bun. MILITARY, a. Bu. - class, buke. - MINSTREL, n. Kadotsuke, torioi, goze. m2erit, bu-ko. - science, bu-do, bu-gei, MINT, n. Gin-za, kuwahei-kiyoku. gum-po. - arms, bu-gu, bu-ki. - MINT, n. Hakka. power, bu-i. — merit, bu-do. -fame, MINUET, n. Odori no tagui. bumei. -officer, bu-kuwan, gunshi. MINUTE, a. Chiisai, komayaka-na, suko- reparations, bubi. shi. MILITARY SCHOOL, n. Kobusho. MINUTE, n. Bu, bunji, kaki-tome, tebikai. MIN 113 MIS MINUTELY, adv. Kuwashiku, komayaka- MISERLY, a. Shiwai, rinshoku na, yabuni, isai ni, tsubusa ni, saimitsu ni, saka, kechi-na, shuren na. koma-gcma to, ru-ru. MISERY, n. Nangi, nanju, kuro, sainan, MIIRACLE, n. Fushigi. itami, kurushii. MIRACULOUS, a. Fushigi na. MISFORTUNE, n. Wazawai, sainan, fuko, MIRAGE, n. Nago, shinkiro. fu-shiawase. MIRE, n. Doro, tsuchi. MISGIVE, i. v. Utagau, ibukashiku om6. MIRROR, n. Kagami. MISGOVERN, t. v. Sei-ji ga warui, osame MIRTH, n. Tawamure, kiy6, warai. kata ga warui. MISANTHROPE, n. Hito wo nikumu hi-to. MISHAP, n. Fuk6, ayamachi, fu-shiaMISAPPLY, t. v. Tsukai-ayamaru. wase. MISAPPREHEND, t. v. Kiki-chigau, kik- MISIMPROVE, t. V. Muda ni mochiiru, sokonau, omoi-chigau, kokoroye-chi- muda ni tsukau. gau. MISINFORM, t. v. Oshiye-chigai wo suMISBEHAVIOR, n. Busah6, fu-mimochi, ru. giyogi ga warui. MISINTERPRET, /. v. Toki-ayamaru, honMISCALCULATE, t. v. Kazoye-chigau, ha- yaku chigai, geshi chigai. kari-chigau, tsumori-chigau. MISJUDGE, t. v. Mitate-chigau, tsumoriMISCALL, t. v. Yobi-chigayeru, yobi- chigau, riyoken-chigai. ayamaru. MISLAY, t. v. Oki-chigau, oki-wasureru. MISCARRY, /. V. Hadzureru, ataranu, MISLEAD, t. v. Mayowasu, madowasu, deki-sokonau, hansan suru, nagarezan damasu. suru, riuzan suru. MISLETOE, n. Hoya, yadorigi. MISCARRIAGE, n. Han-san, riu-zan. MISMANAGE, /. V. Shi-sokonau, shiMISCELLANEOUS, a. - writings, dzui- kujiru, waruku tori-atsukau. hitsu, mampitsu, zassho. MISPLACE, t. v. Oki-chigau, oki-wasuMISCELLANY, n. Zakki. reru. MISCHANCE, n. Fu-un, fu-shiawase. MISPRINT, t. v. Kaki-chigau, uye-chiMISCHIEF, n. Itadzura goto, aku, gai, gau. ada. MISPRINT, n. Sakugo; MISCHIEVOUS, a. Itadzura na, gai wo MISPRONOUNCE, t. v. Ii-sokonau, ii-chinasu. gau, ii-ayamaru. MISCHIEVOUSLY, adv. Itadzuru ni, wa- MISQUOTE, t. V. Hiki-chigau. ruku. MISREPRESENT, t. v. Ii-magerl, itsuwatte MISCHIEF-MAKER, n. Goma-suri. noberu. MISCOMPUTE, t. V. Kazoye-chigau. MISRULE, n. Midare, ran, aku sei, giyaku MISCONCEPTION, n. Omoi-chigai, riy6- sei. ken-chigai, kokoroye-chigai, omoi-aya- Miss, t. v. Ataranu, hadzureru, machimari. gau, mayo, miye-nakunaru, nuku. MISCONDUCT, n. Fu-giy6gi, fu-giy6-seki, MISS, n. San. fu-mimochi. MISSING, a. Naku-natta, ushinatta. MISCONJECTURE, n. Surlyo-chigai, riy6- MISSION, n. Tsukai. ken-chigai. MISSIONARY, n. Yesu no michi wo hiroMISCONSTRUE, t. V. Honyaku-chigai, to- meru hito, kiy6shi. ki-ayamaru. MISSPELL, t. v. Kanadzukai chigai. MISCOUNT, t. v. Kazoye-sokonai wo MISSPEND, t. V. Tsuiyasu, muda-dzusuru. kai. MISCREANT, n. Furachi na yatsu. MISSTEP, t. v. Fumi-hadzusu. MISDATE, t. v. Hi wo kaki-ayamaru, MIST, n. Kiri-ame, nuka-ame, midzuhidori-chigai wo suru. kemuri. MISDEED, n. Aku-ji, fu-giy6gi. MISTAKE, t. v. Ayamaru, machigau, MISDEMEANOR, n. Toga, tsumi, kei- sonjiru, sokonau. zai. MISTAKE, n. Ayamachi, ochido, sakugo, MISDIRECT, t. V. Namaye-chigai wo shi-ochi, s6i. suru, na-ate chigai wo suru. MISSTATE, t. V. Ii-chigau, tsuge-ayamaMISEMPLOY, t. v. Muda ni tsuiyasu, ru. muda ni mochiiru. MISTER, n. San sama, kimi. MISER, n. Shiwamb5, kechina-hito, rin- MISTIMED, a. 6ri ni awanu, basho ni shoku na hito, yabusaka. awanu, ma ni awanu. MISERABLE, a. Nanjf na, nangi na, wa- MISTRESS, n. San, kami-san, goshinzo, bishiki, ashiki. iro-onna. MIS 114 MOR MISTRUST, t. v. Fushin ni omo, ibuka- MOMENTOUS, a. Daiji-na, taisetsu nashiku omo, utagau. ru. MISUNDERSTAND, t. v. Kokoroye-chigau, MOMENTUM, n. Hadzumi, sei, ikioi. omoi-chigau. MONARCH, it. Tenshi, o, kashira. MISUSE, t. v. Tsukai-sokonau, mochi- MONARCHY, n. Gunken. ayamaru, te-araku tsukau. MONASTERY, n. Tera, ji. MITIGATE, t. v. Nadameru, gendzuru, MONDAY, n. Getsu-yobi. yawarageru, karuku naru, yurumeru. MONEY, n. Kane, kinsu, kinsen, kingin. MIx, t.v. Mazeru, majiru, kaki-mazeru, Ready -, genkin. kondzuru, awaseru. MONEY-BAG, n. Saifu, kane-ire. MIXTURE, n. Mazerukoto, majirumono. MONEY-BOX, n. Zeni-bako. MIZEN-MAST, n. Ato-bashira. MONEY-CHANGER, n. Riyogaye-ya. MOAN, t. v. Unaru, umeku, naku, kana- MONEY-LENDER, n. Kane-kashi. shimu. MONEYLESS, a. Kane-nai. MOAT, n. Hori. MONK, n. So, osho. MOB, n. Ikki, sodo. MONKEY, n. Saru. MOCK, t. v. Maneru, azakeru, azawarau, MONOPOLIZE, t. v. Kai-shimeru. gur6 suru, warau, naburu, choro suru. MONOPOLY, n. Kabu. MOCK, a. Fujitsu na, nise, sora, magai. MONOTONOUS, a. Taira naru, taikutsu MOCKERY, n. Guro, choro, naburi. na. MODE, n. Yo, tori. MONOTONY, n. Taira naru oto. MODEL, n. Kata, tehon, mihon, hinaga- MONSTROUS, a. Kikuwai na, hen na, igita. yo na, kesho na, okii, taihen na. MODEL, t. v. Katadoru. MONTH, n. Tsuki, getsu, guwastu. MODERATE, t. V. Hikayeru, gendzuru, about, kaku-getsu. Last —, ato-getsu. habuku, yawarageru, yurumeru. Next -, rai-getsu. MODERATE, a. Chiu-gurai no, nami no, MONTHLY, a. Tsuki-dzuki, mai-getsu. hodo no yoi. - salary, gekkiu. MODERATION, n. Hikayeme, uchiba. MONUMENT, n. Hi, seki-hi. MODERN, a. Ima no, toji no. - times, MOOD, n. Kokoro-mochi. kon-sei, kon-ji. Ancient and -, ko- MOODY, a. Muragi naru, ki no fusaide kon. oru. MODEST, a. Hadzukashigaru, uchiki na, MOON, n. Tsuki, getsu. Full -, byenriyo naru. getsu, man-getsu. New -, mikkaMODESTY, n. Yenriyo, habakari, hige. dzuki. - rise, tsuki no de. MODIFY, t. v. Kayeru, naosu, shi-nao- MOONLIGHT, n. Tsuki-akari, tsuki-kage, su. gekko. - night, tsuki-yo, getsu-ya. MODULATION, n. Irone. MOOR, n. No, nobara. MOIETY, n. Hambun, nakaba. MOOT, i. v. Araso, rondzuru. MOIL, i. v. Hone-oru. MOPE, i. v. Ki ga fusagu, ussuru. MOIST, a. Nureta, shimetta, uruoi, uru- MORAL, a. -philosophy, shin-gaku. mu, jimi-jimi to shita. MORALITY, n. Michi, dori, reigi. MOISTEN, t. v. Nurasu, shimesu, uruosu, MORASS, n. Numa. urumaseru. MORBID, a. Yameru, biy6. MOISTURE, n. Shikke, midzuki. MORE, adv. Nao, mada, yo, amari, maMOLAR-TOOTH, n. Okuba. saru, ma. No -, kore-kiri, mo nai. MOLASSES, n. Sato-mitsu. Once -, ima ichi do, mo ichi do. Give MOLE, n. Muguramochi, hokuro, dori- me a little -, mo chitto kudasare. Do yo. you want any more? mada iru ka. MOLEST, t. v. Komaraseru, wadzurawa- Have you any more? mada aru ka. seru. The more he eats the more lean he beMOLLIFY, t. V. Yawarageru, nadameru, comes, shoku sureba shoku suru hodo yurumeru. yaseru. - and more, masu-masu, iyoMOMENT, n. Henshi, kata-toki, zanji. iyo, zocho, iyamasu, itodo. How much In a -, chotto, tachi-machi, shuyu, more, mashite, iwan ya. A little more, sunka, su-nin. Of-, daiji na, taisetsu mo sukoshi, machitto. na, setsu-na. Last -, saigo. Wait a MOREOVER, adv. Sono uye ni, mata, nao, —, chotto o machi-nasare. nao-sara, nao-mata, mata wa, katsu, MOMENTARY, a. Shibaraku, wadzuka no katsu mata, amassaye. aida, zanji no. To be in - expectation, MORNING, n. Asa, ch6, kesa, hiru-maye. ima ya ima ya to matsu. - bell, ake no kane. - shower, asa MOR 115 MUL dachi. - sleep, asa-ne. — sun, asa-hi. MOUNTEBANK, n. Yashi. - twilight, asa-hikage. Six o'clock in MOUNTINGS, n. Hiy6gu, hiyoso. the -, ake-mutsu. - and evening, MOURN, t. v. Kanashimu, naku, nageku. chill-ya, chobo, asa-ban. — star, ake MOURNFUL, a. Kanashii, urei, itamano miyo-jin, aka-boshi, taihaku sei. shii, nagekawashii. MORNING-GLORY, n. Asagao. -of the MOURNING, a. Imi, kichiu, mochiu, kisky, asa-yake. buku. - clothes, mofuku, imi-buku. MOROS, a. lji no warui. )Days of-, mei-nichi, ki-jitsu. End of, MORROW, n. Miyo-nichi, ashita. - imi-ake. morning, miyo-asa. - evening, miyo- MOUSE, n. Hatzuka-nedzumi. ban. Day ater to -, asatte, miyo-go- MOUTH, n. Kuchi. Expiression of - nichi. Two days after to -, shi-assa- kuchi-moto, kuchi-dzuki. To stoh the te, miyo-go-go-nichi. -, heiko suru. MORTAL, a. Shinuru hadzu, shi-subeki, MOVABLE, a. Ugokasareru. ningen. - wound, omode. -disease, MOVE, t. v. Ugoku or ugokasu, undo shini yamai. suru, utsuru, hikkosu, hakobu, kandzuMORTAR, n. Niuhachi, usu, kabe, tsuchi, ru, ii-kakeru. - with friction, kishiodzutsu. mu. - aside, dokeru. - round, maMORTGAGE, n. Kaki-ire-jo-mon. waru, meguru. - uSiward, noboru, MORTGAGE, t. v. Hiki-ate ni suru, kaki- agaru. - backward, shirizoku, shisaire ni suru. u.. -forward, susumu. - sideways, MORTIFICATION, n. Funiku, dasso, haji. yokobari suru. - downward, kudaru, MORTIFY, i. v. Kusaru, hadzukashimeru. sagaru. WH7hat inoved you to do so? MORTISE, n. Hozo-ana. nan no yuye ni s6 nasatta ka. Nothing Moss, n. Koke. Ii ould say would move hin, watakuMOST, a. Ichiban, goku, itatte, motto- shi nani hodo iute mo kanji-masen. mo, hanahada. The moost art, taigai, MOVEMENT, n. Hataraki, undo, guai, okata, daibun, moppara, arakata, tai- ambai, hashiri, hakobi. tei, tairiyaku, aramashi. At the most, Mow, t. v. Nagu, karu, kiru. - down, seisai, seigiri, tsumarl. nagi-fuseru. MOSTLY, adv. Taigai, tairiyaku, okata, MOXA, n. Kiu, yaito. taitei, moppara. MUCH, adv. Takusan, tanto, taisO, okiMOTH, n. Shimi, hiru, tomushi. ni, yoppodo, osa-osa, hodo, dake, kurai. MOTHER, n. Haha, okka-san, ofukuro, How -, ikura, ikutsu, nambO, nanibodo. hodo, dore-dake. - more, mashite, MOTHER in law, n. Shftome. iwan-ya. Twice as -, bai, ni-sobai. MOTHER OF PEARL, n. - mosaic work, So -, kore dake, kare hodo, kono kuraden. rai. Too -, amari. Very -, daibun. MOTHERLY, a. Haha no. (adv.) Haha MUCILAGE, n. Nori. -for letters, funo yo ni. nori. MOTION, n. Undo, ugoki, hataraki, ha- MUCILAGINOUS, a. Nebaru, neba-neba, kobi, ii-kakeru koto. nebari-tsuku. MOTION, i. v. Maneku. MUCK, n. Koyashi. MOTIVE, n. Kokoro, wake, yuye, tsumo- Mucus, n. Nenyeki. - of nose, hanari, ishu, meate. shiru. MOTLEY, a. Konzatsu shitaru. MUD, n. Henatsuchi, doro. Besmeared MOTTLED, a. Madara na, buchi na, mu- with -, doro-darake. ragaru. MUDDLE, i. v. Namayoi, yoi-kusaru. MOULD, n. Kata, ikata, kabi. MUDDY, a. Nigoru, nukaru, doro-darake MOULD, t. v. Katadoru, kabiru. na. MOULDER, i. v. Kudzureru. MUDDY, t. v. Nigosu, yogosu. MOULDING, n. Oshi-buchi. MUFFLE, t. v. Kaburu, tsutsumu. MOULDY, a. Kabitsuku, kabikusai. MUGGY, a. Shikki no, mushi-atsui. MOULT, i. v. Kegawari wo suru, toya. MULBERRY, n. Kuwa, kodzu. - ig bird, ha-nuke-dori. MULCT, n. Batsu-kin, kuwa-riyo. To-, MOUND, n. Tsuka, adzuchi. bakkin wo toru. MOUNT, t. v. Ageru, nobiru, noru, nose- MULE, n. Roba, usagi-uma. ru. -guard, ban wo suru. MULISH, a. Kata-iji. MOUNT, n. Yams. MULTIFARIOUS, a. Iro-iro, machi-machi. MOUNTAIN, n. Yama, san. MULTIFORM, a. Machi-machi no katachi. MOUNTAINOUS, a. Yama-darake na. MULTIPLICAND, n. Jitsu. MUL I 16 NAM MULTIPLICATION, n. Kake-zan. - table, MUST, adv. Kanaradzu, kitto, zehi, also ku-ku. formed by two negatives; as, yukaneMULTIPLIED, a. Kadzu-kadzu no. ba naran, must go. Must see, mineba MULTIPLIER, n. Meyasu, ho. naran, mi-nakute wa naranai. - not, MULTIPLY, t. V. Masu, fuyeru, habi- bekaradzu. koru; shigeru. To - three by four, MUSTACHE, n. Uwa-hige. san ni shi wo kakeru. MUSTARD, n. Karashi. - plaster, kaiMULTITUDE, n. Ozei, takusan, oi. shidei. MUM, i. v. Damaru, moku suru. MUSTARD-POT, n. Karashi-ire. MUMBLE, t. v. Gudzu-gudzu to iu, fu- MUSTY, a. Kabi-kusai, museru, fukeru, fummiyo ni iu, ganko shite iu, kuchi- komogeru. gomoru. MUSTER, n. Tehon, mihon, choren. MUMMY, n. Miira. MUSTER, t. v. Atsumeru, tsunoru. MUMPS, n. Hasami-bako to iu yamai. MUTATION, n. Kawaru-koto, henkuwa. MUNCH. t. V. Kamu. MUTILATE, t. v. Sokonau. MUNICIPAL, a. Tochi no, tokoro no. MUTABLE, a. Hen-kuwa suru, kawaru, MUNIFICENT, a. Kuwan-dai naru, mune fujo na. no hiroki. MUTE, n. Oshi. MUNITION, n. Gunki, buki. MUTE, a. Damaru, moku-nen. MURDER, n. Hitogoroshi. (v.) Hito wo MUTINY, n. Sodo, muhon, ikki. korosu. MUTINY, i. v. Ikki wo okosu, kuwanMURDERER, n. Hito wo korosu hito. nin ni te-muko koto. MURIATIC ACID, n. Shio-su. MUTTER, t. v. Tsubuyaku, gudzu-gudzu MURKY, n. Kumoritaru, kasumitaru. wo iu. MURMIUR, i. v. Tsubuyaku, gudzu-gudzu MUTTON, n. Hitsuji no niku. wo iu, yomaigoto, unaru. MUTUAL, a. Tagai no, riyo-ho no, s6-h6 MUSHROOM, n. Take, kusabira, ki-no- no. ko, halsu. MUTUALLY, adv. Tagai-ni, tomo-ni,kaMusic, n. Gaku, hayashi, ongaku. In- tami-ni, komo-gomo. struments of-, nari-mono, hayashi- MUZZLE, n. Kutsugo, tsutsu-guchi. To mono. -, kutsugo wo hameru, hana-ami wo MUSICAL, a. Gaku wo konomu. - notes, kakeru. fu, fushi. - instrument, gakki, haya- MMY, fro. Watakushi no, waga. shi-mono. MYRIAD, a. Man, yorodzu. MUSIC-BOOK, n. Gaku-fu. MYRRH, n. Motsuyaku. MUSICIAN, n. Gaku-nin, hayashi-kata. MYSELF, pro. Jibun, jishin, onore, miStrolling -, (spec.) komuso. dzukara. MUSK, n. Jako. MYSTERIOUS, a. Satori-gataki, wakaraMUSKET, n. Teppo. nu, ibukashii, ki-miyo na, oninitsu MUSK-MELON, n. Makuwa-uri. naru. MUSLIN, n. Momen, sarashi. MYSTERY, n. Inji, 6gi, himitsu, okui. MUSQUITO, n. Ka. - net, kaya, kach6. MYSTIFY, t. v. li-kuromeru, ii-magirasu. Muss, n. Sodo, konzatsu shitaru koto. N NAIL, n. Kugi, tsume, aikugi. To hit yo-moku, miy6mon. Come in the - the -, hoshi ni ataru. of,... no keni wo motte kitaru. Bad NAIL, v. Kugi wo uchi-tsukeru, buchi- -, omei. A nother -, kaye-na. tsukeru. NAME, t. v. Na wo tsukeru, nanoru, naNAKED, a. Hadaka na, ratei, aka-hada- dzukeru, sho suru, gosu. To call ka na, meihaku naru. - sword, haku- names, nonoshiru. Suiting the -, na jin. - body, hada-mi. ni shi-o. NAKEDNESS, n. Hadaka, inkiyo. NAMELESS, a. Na no nai, mu-mei. NAME, n. Na, namaye, mei, nanori, mi- NAMELY, adv. Sunawachi. NAP 117 NER NAP, n. Nemuri, ke. NEARLY, adv. Chikaku, masa-ni, nanNAPE, n. Chirike. nan, hotondo, yoppodo, hadzu-hadzu. NAPKIN, n. Tenugui, fukin, oshime. - all, taitei, taigai, ta-bun, okata, taiNARCOTIC, n. Ma-yaku, masui-zai. han. - done, yoppodo dekita, m jiki NARRATE, t.. Noberu, tsugeru, kikase- ni dekiru. ru, hanasu, monogataru, chindzuru. NEAR-SIGHTED, n. Chika-me. NARRATION, n. Monogatari, noberukoto. NEAT, a. Kirei, teinei na. NARROW, a. Semai, hosoi. - nzinded, NEATLY, adv. Kirei-ni, teinei ni, shikuganko. ri to. NARROW, t. v. Semaku suru, chijimeru, NECESSARY, a. Kanaradzu, nakute kasebameru, hosomeru. (i. v.) Semaku nawanu, yamu koto wo yedzu, yondonaru. koro nai, yoginai. NARROWLY, adv. Semaku, karojite. NECK, n. Kubi, nodo. Short -, ikuNASAL-SOUND, n. Hana-goye. bi. NASAL-POLYPUS, n. Hana-take. NECK-CLOTH, n. Kubi-maki. NASTY, a. Madzui, musai. NECKLACE, n. Kubi-tama. NATION, n. Jim-min, koku-min. NECROMANCER, n. Maho-tsukai, uranaiNATIONAL, a. - customs, koku-fu. - ja, ony6shi. law, koku-hb. - government, koku- NEED, n. Y6, iri-y6. More than one sei. -production, koku-san. needs, yobun, yokei, amari. Not needNATIONALITY, n. Kuni, koku. ed, fu-yo. NATIVE, n. - ofjaplace, tochi no hito. NEED, t.V. Iru, nakute kanawanu. - jzlace, kokiyo, furusato, kiuri. - NEEDFUL, a. Nakute kanawanu, shitsuconntry, hon-koku. y6 naru. NATIVITY, n. Tanjo, umare. NEEDLE, n. Hari. - maker, hari-ya. NATURAL, a. Umare-tsuki no, atarimaye NEEDLE-BOX, n. Hari-bako. no, tozen. - disposition, hon-sho, NEEDLESSLY, adv. Muda-ni, munashikonjo. - properties, umare-awase, ku, itadzura-ni. umare-tsuki. NEEDLE-WORK, n. Hari-shigoto, nuiNATURALLY, adv. Umare-tsuki ni, shi- mono. zen to, sh6-toku.. NEEDY, a. Madzushii, hinkiu na, bim-b6. NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, n. Kiu-ri. NEFARIOUS, a. Futoi, aku, ashiki, nikui. NATURE, n. Sho, shitsu, umaretsuki, NEGLECT, t. v. Okotaru, yudan wo suru, seishitsu, shO-ai, sei, mochi-maye. so-riyaku ni suru, tarumu, naozaru. NAUGHT, adv. Muda-ni, munashiku. NEGLIGENCE, n. Okotari, yudan, taiSei at -, karondzuru, naigashiro-ni man, yurukase. sulu, nami suru. NEGLIGENTLY, adv. Soriyaku ni, somaNAUGHTY, a. Warui, ashiki, aku. tsu ni, nen wo iredzu ni, orosoka ni. NAUGHTILY, adv. Ashiku, waruku. NEGOTIATE, t. v. Atsukau, tori-atsukau, NAUSEA, n. Mukaike, mun-mun. hakarau, tori-hakarau. NAUSEATE, V. t. Mukadzuku, muka- NEGOTIATOR, n. Atsukai-nin, sewa-nin. muka suru, haki-so ni naru, muya- NEGRO, n. Kuromb5. kuya suru. NEIGH, i. v. Inanaku, ibau. NAUTILUS, n. Ho-tate-gai. NEIGHBOR, n. Tonari, kinjo na hito. NAVAL, a. Fune no. - battle, funa- Next - but one, mata-donari. ikusa. — forces, kai-gun. - officers, NEIGHBORHOOD, n. Kinjo, kimpen, atakai-gun-kuwan. - hospital, kai-gun ri, kinzai, moyori. no biyo-in. NEIGHBORING, a. - states, kin-goku, NAVEL, n. Heso, hozo. - string, heso rin-goku. - villdge, kin-son, kin-go, no o. rin-son. NAVIGABLE, a. Fune ga torareru. NEIGHBORLY, adv. Tonari no y5 ni, NAVIGATE, t. v. Fune wo tsukau. nengoro ni. NAVIGATION, n. Ko-kai. NEITHER, ro. Dochira mo, idzure mo. NAVY, n. Kai-gun. I want -, dochira mo iranu. - are NAY, adv. Ina, iiye. good, idzure mo yoku nai. NEAR, a. Chikai, soba no. - way, NEITHER, COnj. Nao mata, mo mata, haya-michi. mo, with a neg. NEAR, adv. Masa-ni, hotondo. - to NEPHEW, n. Oi. death, shi ni kakaru. NERVE, n. Shinkei. NEAR, t. v. Chikayoru, chikadzuku, yo- NERVOUS, a. Shinkei no, tassha na, niuru, nozomu. jaka na. NES I18 NOO NEST, Su. - of boxes, ireko, kumiju. - robber, yat6. - lamj, ari-ake. - NESTLE, t. v. Yadoru. attack, yo-uchi. - crying, yo-naki. NESTLING, n. Sugomori. - waking, tetsu-ya, yo-akashi. - NET, n. Ami. - shirt, ami-jiban. work, yo-shigoto, ya-giy6. — fishilrg, NET, t. v. Amu. ya-riy6. - dress, yo-gi. To work NET, a. - weight orfroceeds, shomi. night and day, yo wo hi ni tsuide kaNETHER, a. Shita no. segu. NETTLE, n. Ira-kusa. NIGHT-BLINDNESS, n. Tori-me. NE'rTLED, adss. Iratsuku. NIGHT-BOAT, n. Yo-fune. NET-WORK, n. Ami, ami-saiku. NIGHT-CLOTHES, n. Nemaki, yogi. NEUTRAL, a. Dochira no ho ni mo kata- NIGHTLY, adv. Mai-ban, yo goto ni. yoranu, chiu-ritsu no, bo-kuwan shite NIGHTMARE, n. Unasareru, osowareru. oru. NIGHT-SOIL, n. Shimogoye. NEUTRALIZE, t. V. Sakarote muda ni NIGHT-SWEAT, n. Ne-ase. suru, munashiku suru. NIGHT-WATCH, n. Yo-ban. NEVER, adv. Itsu-to-temo, katsute na- NIMBLE, a. Ashibaya-no, hayai. shi, tsuini nai. NIMBUS, n. Komiyo. NEVERTHELESS, conj. Shikashi-nagara, NINE, a. Kokonotsu, ku. keredomo, saredomo, iyedomo. NINETEEN. a. Ju-ku. NEW, a. Atarashii, shin. - goods, NINETEENTH, a. Ju-ku-ban. shinto no shina - edition, shimpan. NINETIETH, a. Ku-ju-ban. NEW-COMER, n. Shin-zan. NINETY, a. Ku-ju. NEWLY, adv. Arata-ni, atarashiku, shin- NINTH, a. Ku-ban. (n.) Ku-ban-me. ki ni. NIP, t. v. Tsumeru, tsumu. NEWNESS, n. Atarashisa. NIPPLE, n. Chi-mame, chikubi, chibusa. NEWS, n. Shimbun, tayori, shin-setsu, NITRATE OF POTASH, n. Sho-seki. chindan, chinsetsu. NITRATE OF SILVER, n. Sho-san-gin. NEWSPAPER, n. Shimbun-shi. No, adv. Iiye, iya, nai, and neg. suf. NEW TEA, n. Shin-cha. nu, dzu, de, mai. - matter, kamaiNEW-YEAR, n. Shin-nen, kai-nen. masen. No helj for it, shikata ga nai, NEW-YEAR'S DAY, n. Ganjitsu. - eve, shiyo ga nai. joya, omisoka. NOBLE) a. Tattoki, omoki, takai, kenage NEW-YEAR'S GIFT, n. Toshidama. na, rlppa no. - and ignoble, ki-sen. NEXT, a. Tsugi no. — day, akuru hi, NOBLEMAN, n. Kuwa-zoku, reki-reki no yoku-jitsu. - month, rai-getsu, yoku- hito. tsuki. - year, rai-nen, yoku-nen, NOBILITY, n. Kuwa-zoku, reki-reki. akuru-toshi. - world, rai-se, nochi no NOBODY, n. Dare mo nai. yo. - sJring, rai-shun. NOCTURNAL, a. Yo, yoru no. NIB, n. Saki. NOD, i. v. Unadzuku. NIBBLE, t. v. Kamu. NOISE, n. Oto, ne, sawagi, hibiki. To NICE, a. Kirei na, teinei na, bi, yoi, make -, yakamashii, sawagu, sddo suumaki. - bit, chimmi. ru, zazameku, zomeku. NICELY, adv. Yoku, teinei na. NOISE, t. v. Fure-chirasu, hiromeru. NICK, n. Kidzu, kake. - oftime, cho- NOISELESS, a. - steps, nuki-ashi, shido ma ni atta. nonde, noso-noso to. NICKED, a. Koboreru, kakeru. NOISOME, a. Doku-na, aku, warui, kuNICKNAME, n. Ada-na. sai. NIECE, n. Mei. NOISY, a. Yakamashii, sawagoshii, sozoNIGGARD, a. Shiwai, rinshoku no, yabu- shii. saka. (n.) Shiwambo. NOMENCLATURE, n. Kotoba, miyomoNIGGARDLY, adv. Shiwaku, kechi ni, ku. rinshoku ni, oshinde. NOMINATE, t. v. Tateru. NIGH, a. Chikai. - to, nosomu, masa- NONE, a. Mo nai. ni, hotondo. Draw -, chikayoru. NONENTITY, n. Mu ichi motsu. NIGHT, n. Ya, ban, yo. - time, yoru, NONPLUSED, iass. Toho ni kureru. yabun. Whole -, yodoshi, yomosuga- NONSENSE, n. Orokanaru koto, andara, ra. To-night, kom-ban. Last -, guchi. saku-ban, yombe. To-morrow -, NONSENSICAL, a. Bakarashii, gu naru, miy6-ban. In the -, ya-chiu. Late oroka naru, guchi na. at-, yo-fuka. -about, ichi ya oki NOON, n. Mahiru, nitchiu, haku-chiu. ni, kaku-ya. Pass the -, yo wo akasu. NOOSE, n. Wana. NOR 119 NUR NOR, conj. Mo, nao, mata, with a nega- NOTION, n. Kokoroye, omoye, riyoken, tive. tsumori, zonjiyori, zombun. NORMAL, a. Atarimaye no, kisoku-d6ri no. NOTIONAL, a. Uwatsukite oru. NORTH, n. Kita, kita no ho, hoku, ne no NOTORIETY, n. Guwai-bun, miyo-mon, ho. hiyo-ban. NORTH-EAST, n. To-hoku, ushi-tora no NOTORIOUS, a. Nadakaki, meihaku ho. - wind, narai. na. NORTH-POLE, n. Hokkiyoku. NOTWITHSTANDING, conj. Saredomo, keNORTH-STAR, n. Hokkiyoku-sei, hoku- redomo, iyedomo, nagara. shin. NOUN, n. Tai no kotoba, mei-shi. NORTHWARD, adv. Kita no ho ye. NOURISH, t. v. Yashinau, sodateru, buNORTH-WEST, n. Kita-nishi, sei-hoku, iku suru, yo-iku suru. inu-i no h6. NOURISHMENT, n. Tabe-mono, yashinaiNORTH-WIND, n. Kita-kaze, hoku-ff. mono, kui-mono, shoku-motsu. NOSE, n. Hana. To blow the -, kamu. NOVEL, n. Kusazoshi, saku-mono-gaBlow the - with the fingers, tebana tari. wo kamu. -bleed, hanaji. Hair of-, NOVEL, a. Atarashii, tsune naranu. hana-ge. Breathing of -, hana-iki. NOVELTY, n. Chimbutsu, atarashii moMucus of -, hana, hana-shiru, hana- no. kuso. -paper, hana-gami. NOVEMBER, n. Ju-ichi-guwatsu. NOSE-BAND, n. Hana-gawa. NOVICE, n. Heta, shimbochi, shami, NOSEGAY, n. Hito tsukane no hana. shoshin. NOSE-RING, n. Hanagai. Now, adv. Ima, toji, imasara. - and NOSTRIL, n. Hana no ana. then, ori-ori, ori-fushi, o-o. - high NOSTRUM, n. Hi-yaku. now low, agattari sagatarri. Now cryNOT, adv. Is not, or have not, nai. Do ing now laughing, naitari warattari. not, na, nakare, muy6. Not yet, mada, NOWHERE, adv. Doko ni mo nai. or imada, with a neg. verb. - the NoxIOUs, a. Doku-na, gai ni naru, tame least, sukoshi mo nai. ni naranu, sawaru. NOTABLE, a. Nadakai, ki-miyo, miyo- NOZZLE, n. Kuchi. naru, komei. NUDE, a. Hadaka na. NOTCH, n. Kiri-kata, kirime. -of an NUDGE, t. v. Hiji de tsuku. arrow, hadzu. NUDITY, n. Hadaka naru koto. NOTCHED, a. Kakeru, koboreru, kirime NUGATORY, a. Muda na, munashiki, yawo tsukeru. ku ni tatanu. NOTE, n. Shirushi, chiu, fu, tegata, te- NUISANCE, n. Gai, jama, fuji. To abate gami, kaki-tsuke, kaki-tome, hiyoban. a -, fujo wo nozoku. NOTE, t. v. Tsukeru, kaki-tomeru, mi- NULL, a. Muda, yo ni tatanu, tomeru, shirusu, chiu-kai suru, chiu- NULLIFY, t. V. Mudani suru, munashiku shaku suru. suru. NOTE, a. Nadakaki, na aru. Place of NUMB, a. Shibireru, mahi suru. -, mei-sho, nadokoro. A nan of -, NUMBER, n. Insf, kadzu, ban. Great-, mel-jin. oku, amata. Small -, wadzuka, sukuNOTE-BOOK, n. Oboye-cho, te-cho, tebi- nai. Odd -, ki-su. Even -, gu-su. kai. What -, ikutsu, ikura, iku-ban. - NOTED, a. Na-dakai, ko-mei. of years, nen-si. NOTHING, n. Nani mo nai, mu-ichi- NUMBER, t, z. Kazoyeru, ban wo tsukemotsu. - but this, kore bakari, kore ru. kiri. Make - f, koto to mo sedzu, NUMBERLESS, a. Kazoyerarenu. kayeri-midzu, itowadzu. - more, m6 NUMERICAL, a. -order, ban-date nai. Have - to do with it, kuwan-kei NUMERICALLY, adv. Bandate shite, kasenu ga yoi. dzu ni shite. NOTICE, t. v. Miru, mi-tsukeru, mi-to- NUMEROUS, a. 0, amata no, taiso no. meru, kayeri-miru, kamau. Take no NUMSCULL, n. Baka,gudon nahito. - of, sumashite iru. NUN, n. Ama, bikuni, zenni. NOTICE, n. Fure, shirase. Public-, fu- NUNNERY, n. Amadera. ko. Give -, shiraseru, tsugeru. - of NUPTIAL, a. -~resents, yuino. - cereothers, hito-me. monies, kon-rei. NOTIFICATION, n. Fu-koku. NUPTIALS, n. Kon-rei, kon-in. NOTIFY, t. v. Kikaseru, shiraseru, tsuge- NURSE, n. Mori, kai-ho-nin, kambiy6ru, fukoku suru. nin, togi. VTet -, uba, omba. NUR 120 OCC NURSE, i. v. Mori wo suru, kaihO suru, NUTRIMENT, n. Shokuji, yashinau mo kambiy6 suru, chichi wo nomaseru. no. NURTURE, t. v. Yashinau, sodateru, bu- NUTRITION, n. Yashinai iku suru. NUTRITIOUS, a. Yashinau. NUT, n. Mi. NUTSHELL, n. Kara. NUT-GALL, n. Gobaishi, fushi. Nux VOMICA, n. Machin. NUTMEG, n. Nikudzuku. 0 OAK, n. Kashi no ki. OBSCURE, t. V. Magirakasu, kuramasu. OAKUM, n. Maihada, or makihaka, ki- OBSEQUIES, n. Tomorai, s6rei, soshiki. hada. OBSEQUIOUS, n. Hetsurau, kobiru, omoOAR, n. Ro, kai. - maker, roya. neru, hige no chiri wo harau. OAT, n. Karasu-mugi. OBSERVANCE, n. Shitagai, mamori, okoOATH, n. Chikai, seigon. nai. OBDURATE, a. Ganko naru, funinj6, ka- ORSERVATION, n. Miru koto, okonai, tai. mamoru koto, me. OBEDIENCE, n. - to arents, kok6. -to OBSERVATORY, n. Temmondai. a master, chiugi. OBSERVE, t. v. Miru, mi-tsukeru, iu, haOBEDIENT, a. Shitagau, koko naru, ko- nasu, mamoru, shitagau, okonau. naru. OBSOLETE, a. Furuku narite ima wa OBEISANCE, n. Aisatsu, yesaku. mochiirarenu. OBEY, t. v. Shitagau, fuku suru, nabiku, OBSTACLE, n. Jama, sasawari, samatage, mochiiru, kifuku suru. kosho. OBFUSCATE, t. v. Mayowasu. OBSTINATE, a. Ganko2 wagamama, kiOBITUARY, n. Shinuru koto. mama, henshu, kataij, joppari, gojo wo OBJECT, n. Ate, me-ate, kokoro-zashi, haru, jo wo haru.. moku-teki. OBSTREPEROUS, a. Sawagashii, yakamaOBJECT, t. v. Kotowaru, ii-fusegu, nan shii. wo tsukeru, kobamn. OBSTRUCT, t. v. Jama wo suru, sasawaru, OBJECTION, n. Nan, kotowari, betsugi. samatageru, fusagu, fusagaru, kodaHave you any - to nzy taking this waru, heisoku suru. pen? kono fude wo totte mo ii-ka. OBSTRUCTING, - the view, me-zawari. OBLATION, n, Ku-motsu, sonaye-mono. OBSTRUCTION, n. Jama, sasawari, haseOBLIGATION, n. Subeki koto, hadzu, mono, kosho. - of bowels, bempei. atari-maye. tozen no koto. OBTAIN, t. v. Yeru, uru, motomeru, toOBLIGE, t. v. Shiiru, seneba naranu. - tonoyeru, uketoru. me, dozo, nani to zo, doka. OBTRUDE, t. v. Sashi-deru, deshabaru, OBLIGED, a. Yamukoto wo yedzu, yon- oshi-komu. dokoro naku, yoginai, kanaradzu, zehi OBTRUSION, n. Sashi-deru koto. naku. Am obliged to you, arigato, ka- OBTUND, t. v. Yawarageru, nibuku suru. tajiken6. OBTUSE, a. Donna, nibui, namakura OBLIGING, a. Nengoro na, shinsetsu na. na. OBLIQUE, a. Naname no, sujikai. OBVIATE, t. v. Nozoku, saru. OBLITERATE, t. v. Kesu, mametsu, oto- OBVIOUSLY, adv. Akiraka, fummiyo. su. OCCASION, n. Koto, ori, tsuide, yo, wake, OBLIVION, n. Wasureru koto, bokiyaku. seki, yuye. No occasion, oyobanu. OBLONG, a. Nagate no kata. OCCASION, t. v. Contained in the caust. OBLOQUY, n. Soshiri, hiho, zangen, ak- form of the verb, saseru. -grief, ko. kanashimaseru. OBNOXIOUS, a. Kakawaru, nikumareru. OCCASIONALLY, adv. Ori-fushi, ori-ori, OBSCENE, a. - story, iro-banashi -2pic- tabi-tabi, tama-tama, tama-ni. tures, makuraye. OCCIDENTAL, a. Nishi no, sai. OBSCURE, a. Akiraka naranu, fu-fummi- OCCULT, a. Kakuretaru, himitsu na. yo, aimai, magirawashii, moro. OCCUPANT, n. Sumai hito, oru-hito. OCC 121 PN OCCUPATION, n. Giy6, kagiyo, tosei, sh6- OFFSHOOT, n. Yeda, bumpa, ha. bai, nariwai, giy6tei. OFFSPRING, n. Shison, ko. OccuPY, t. v. Sumau, oru, toru, kama- OFTEN, adv. Shiba-shiba, tabi-tabi, keru. maido, mai-mai, seki-seki. OCCUR, i. v. Au, aru, kakaru. OHI, interj. Aa, oya-oya, o. OCCURRENCE, n. Koto, yoshi. Without OIL, n. Abura. evil-, buji. OIL,.. Abura wo tsukeru. OCEAN, n. Umi, kai, nada, oki. OIL-CAKE, n. Abura-kasu. O'CLOCK, n. Toki, ji. Six - in the OIL-CAN, n. Abura-tsugi. morning, ake-mutsu. Twelve -, ko- OIL-JAR, a. Abura-tsubo. konotsu-doki, ju-ni ji. OIL-PAINTING, n. Abura-ye. OCTAGON, n. Hakkaku. OIL-PAPER, n. Abura-gami. OCTOBER, n. Hachi-guwatsu. OIL-PRESS, n. Abura-shime. OCULIST, n. Me-isha. OIL-SHOP, n. Abura-ya. ODD, a. Medzurashii, mare na, han, ki. OIL-TUB, n. Abura-daru. - and even, ki-gf. - months, han OILY, a. Aburake aru. no tsuki. OINTMENT, n. K6yaku. ODDS, n. Komi. OLD, a. Furui, ro, kiu, furuberu, kobiru. ODE, n. Shi, uta. How old? toshi wa ikutsu. - times, ODIOUS, a. Nikui, kirawashii, niku-niku- mukashi. - man, r6jin, toshiyori. shii. - house, furui-iye, kiu-taku. - horse, ODOR, n. Nioi, ka, kaori. ro-ba. - clothes, furute, furugi, kibuODORIFEROUS, a. Kobashii. rushi. - rags, furu-gire. - furniCESOPHAGUS, n. Ikuwan. ture, furu-d6gu. - rice, hine-gome. OF, frep. No. Of course, mochiron, -friend, kiu-iu. - custot, kiu-rei. shizen. - late, chikagoro, kinrai. - Of -, mukashi kara. old, mukashi. - itself, hitori de, ono- OLD AGE, n. Oi, r6-nen, ro. dzu to, onodzukara. OLDER, a. - brother, ani. - sister, OFF, adv. Off hand, dehodai, detarame. ane. Off-watch, hi-ban. Put -, nobasu. OLDEST, a. - son, chaku-shi, s6riy6, Go -, saru. Get -, oriru. Take -, cho-nan. - daughter, ane-musume. toru, mane wo suru. To look -, waki- OLD-FASHIONED, a. Ko-fu no, furukusai, mi wo suru. furumekashii. OFFAL, n. Gomi, akuta. OLD TESTAMENT, n. Kiu-yaku. OFFENCE, n. Tsumi, ochido, toga, okori. OLIVE, n. Kanran. OFFEND, t. v. Okasu, rippuku-saseru, OMEN, n. Zempiy6, kizashi, sh6, shirase, itameru, sorasu, hadzusu, kobara ga dzui, saga, yengi. Good -, dzui-gen, tatsu, fureru, ki ni sakarau, ki ni sa- sh6-dzui. waru. OMENTUM, n. M6-maku. OFFENSIVE, a. Iya-na, kirai-na, kimusai, OMINOUS, a. Fukitsu na. kiza na. OMISSION, n. Ochido, shi-ochi, ayamachi, OFFER, t. v. Ageru, dasu, kubutsu suru, ochi, dame. - of a word, rakuji. tamukeru, sasegeru, tatematsuru, ii- OMIT, t. v. Riyaku suru, nuku, otosu, ireru, yaru, sonayeru. I offered him a ochiru, kaku. - to write, kaki-morasu, hundred dollars, but he would not kaki-otosu. - to say, ii-morasu, ii-ototake it, hiyaku doru yaro to iutemo su. - reading, yomi-otosu. toranai. What offer do you make? OMNIBUS, n. Shi-rin basha no na. ikura daso ka. OMNIPOTENT, a. Atawazaru koto n'ashi, OFFERING, n. Kumotsu, tamuke, sonaye- dekinu koto nashi. mono, hon6. - to spirits, hiyogu. OMNIPRESENT, a. Arazaru tokoro nashi. OFFICE, n. Tsutome, yakume, sewa, OMNISCIENT, a. -Shiranu koto nashi. yaku-sho, kuwan-shoku. Holding -, ON, prep. Uye ni. - foot, kachi. zai-kin, zai-yaku. In -, t6-yaku. Out the contrary, kayette, kekku. - duty, of-, hi-yaku. t6-ban. Toplay on a drum, taiko wo OFFICER, n. Yaku-nin, tori-shimari nin. utsu. To lie on a bed, ne-dai ni neru. OFFICIAL, a. Kuwan, yaku-hen, kuwan- The child depends on its mother, koin, yaku-nin. domo ga haha ni tayoru. To rest on OFFICIATE, t. v. Tsutomeru, okonau, the Sabbath day, ansoku-nichi ni yasutori-atsukau. mu. Have mercy on me, watakushi wo OFFICIOUS, a. Sewa wo yaku, sui-kiyo. awaremi-tamaye. On a sudden, niwaka OFFSET, n. Yeda. ni, tachimachi ni. The house is on fire, 6 ON 122 ORD iye ga yakeru. On the way, tochiu ni. OPPORTUNE, a. Tsugo no yoi, shiawaseno. On fiurpose, waza to. On the left, hi- OPPORTUNELY, adv. Oriyoku, chodo yoi dari ni. On the right, migi ni. On toki, tsugo yoki toki. seeing it he rejoiced, kore wo mite yo- OPPORTUNITY, n. Tsuide, k6-bin, tayori rokobu. yosuga, bin, bingi, kikuwai, atedzu. ON, adv. To fut on clothes, kimono wo - by shiz, funa-dayori, bin-sen. kiru. Togo on, susumu. OPPOSE, t. v. Salarau, fusegu, tekitai ONCE, a. Ichi-do, aru-hi, katsute. At suru, hamukau, temukau, mukayeru, - soku-ji, tachi-dokoro, sugu-ni, sok- motoru, somuku, giyaku. koku, sokkon. OPPOSING, a. Mukai, giyaku-naru. ONE, a. Ichi, hitotsu. - day (uncer- OPPOSITE, a. Mukai no, tai suru, hantai tain), aru hi. All-, onaijikoto, kama- no, urahara, sakasama. wanu. One by -, hitotsu dzutsu. - OPPRESS, t. v. Setageru, kurushimeru, o'clock, kokonotsu-han-doki. -(of a semeru. pair), kataippo, kata-kata. - after OPPRESSIVE, a. Mugoi, kakoku naru, the other, tsugi-tsugi-ni, jun-jun-ni. bogiyaku naru. - person, hitori, ichi nin. - effort, OPPROBRIOUS, a. Hadzukashimeru. ikkiyo. - another, tagai-ni. OPPROBRIUM, n. Chijoku, kakin, kidzu. ONE CORNER, n. Kata-dzumi. OPTICIAN, n. Megane-shi. ONE EYE, n. Kata-me. OPTION, n. Yerabu koto, om6-mama, ONE FACE, n. Kata-omote. zom-bun, omoi-ire. Own -, kokoro ONE FOOT, n. Kata-ashi. ni makaseru, kokoro shidai. ONE HAND, n. Kata-te. OPULENT, a. Tomeru, kanemochi no. ONE LEG, n. Kata-ashi. - house, dai-ke. ONEROUS, a. Omoki. OPTIONAL, a. Omo-mama no. ONE'S-SELF, fro. Ji-bun, jishin, midzu- OPTIONALLY, ado. Omo-mama ni. kara, doku, hitori. Talkingto -, hi- OR, conj. Aruiwa, ka, ya. Two or three tori-goto. Made by -,ji-saku,tedzuka tersons, riyo san nin. koshlrayeta, te-dzukuri, te-sei, te-saku. ORACLE, n. Takusen, kami no tsuge. ONE-SIDE, n. Kata-ipp6, kata-kawa, kata ORAL, a. Koj6 no. - instruction, kukuchi. den, klchi-dzutaye. ONE-WAY, n. Kata-michi. ORANGE, n. Mikan, tachibana. Bitter ONION, n. Negi, hitomoji. -, daidai. ONLY, adv. Bakari, nomi, shikanai, ORANGE-PEEL, n. Chimpi. tada. — son, hitori musuko. — child, ORANG-OUTANG, n. Hihi, shojo. hitori-go. ORATOR, n. Bensha. ONSET, n. Seme. ORB, n. Marui mono, mari. ONWARD, adv. Susumu. Togo -, saki ORBIT, n. Meguru michi, giyod6, kid6. ye yuku. - of the moon, haku-do. -- of the eye, OOZE, t. v. Seguru, dara-dara to idzuru. me-tsubo. OPAQUE, a. Tsuki-toranu. ORCH.RID, n. Sono, kudamono-batake. OPEN, t. v. Hiraku, akeru, aku, hirogeru, ORCHESTRA, n. Baka-bayashi. hassu, toki-akasu, hajimeru. ORCHID. n. Mojidzuri. OPEN, a. Hiraita, aita. ORCHIS, n. Sekkoku. OPENING, n. Kuchi, ana. - and shut- ORDAIN, t. v. Sadameru, tateru. ting, ake-tate. ORDEAL, n. - by water, midzu-zeme. - OPENLY, adz. Omote-muki ni, oyake ni, by fire, hi-zeme. mukidashi ni, k6zen to, arawa-ni. ORDER, n. Shidai, narabi, shidara, retsu, OPERA, n. Shibai, saru-gaku. -glass, ichi, rasshi, geji, sashidzu, ii-tsuke, sb-gankiy6. mei, shiki, rei, jun, tsuide, shimari, OPERATE, t. v. Hataraku, setsudan suru, tori-shimari, riugi, kurai, rui, atsuraye, kiru. The medicine has not operated, chiumon. In order to, tame ni, yo ni. kusuri ga kikimasenanda, or, shirushl Regular -, jum-ban. ga nakatta. ORDER, t. v. Osameru, ii-tsukeru, meiOPERATION, n. Hataraki, kiki, setsudan. dzuru, atsurayeru, chiu-mon suru. OPHTHALMIA, n. Gam-biy6, me no ya- ORDERLY, adv. Tadashiku. mai. ORDINANCE, n. Okite, go-hatto, sadame, OPINION, n. Riyoken, omoi, kokoro, horitsu, taih6, odzutsu. zombun, zonjiyori, zonnen, zoni. ORDINARY, a. Tsune no, heijitsu, heizei, OPIUM, n. Ahen. fudan, itsumo no, nabete. tsfirei. OPPONENT, n, Aite. person, bonnin. - clothes, heifuku, ORD 123 OUT ORDURE, n. Fun, kuso, daiben. kesu. To be out (of a house), rusu, ORE, n. Aragane, ko. deta. Out of, kara, yori, nai. Out of ORGAN., n. Dogu, kikai, gakki no na. silk, ito ga urete shimatta. Out of oil, ORGANIZE, t. v. Koshirayeru, sonaye- abura ga shimatta. To befully out (as ru. an eruption), de-soro. Grow out of, ORIENTAL, a. Higashi no h no.... kara hayeru,... kara deru. To ORIFICE, n. Kuchi, ana. go in and -, de-iri wo suru. - of ORIGIN, n. Hajimari, moto, okori, sho- fashion, sutarete shimatta. - ofplace. hotsu, hottan, minamoto, kongen, kom- basho hadzureru, bun wo hadzureru. pon, tane, motodate.. - of time, toki naranu, toki ni hadzuORIGINAL, a. Moto no, hon. reru. - of the way, michi ni hadzureru, ORIGINAL COPY, n. Tane-hon, gempon, michi ni mayo. - of order, jun wo hashitagaki. dzureru. -~oftime, choshi ga hadzurete ORIGINALLY, adv. Guwan-rai, moto- iru. - of sight, miye-nakunatta. - yori, zentai, hon-rai. of hearin g kikoye-nakunatta. - ORIGINATE, t. v. Hajimeru, okosu, hok- of breath, iki ga kireru. - of rint ki suru, okoru. zeppan ni natta. - of season, tokiORIGINATOR, n. Hotto nin, hokki nin. naranu. - of sorts, ambai ga warui, ORNAMFNT, n. Kazari. ki-bun ga warui. - of tenmper, fuORNAMENT, t. v. Kazaru, yosoou. kuwai. - of business, sh6-bai yame ORPHAN, n. Minashigo, kodoku. ni shita. - of employment, hima de OSPREY, n. Tobi. oru. - of trim, kashigu, katamuku. OSSIFY, i. v. Hone ni naru. Out and out, mattaku. - of my RowOSTENSIBLE, a. Omotemuki no, oyake er, watakushi no chikara ni oyobimasen. no. The fire is -, hi ga kiyeta. To beOSTENSIBLY, adv. Omote-mukini, muki- of money, kane ga tsukita. Hear me dashi ni. -, shimai made okiki nasare. OSTRICH, n. Dacho. OUTBID, t. v. Kai-katsu. OSTENTATION, n. Date, miye, omote wo OUTBREAK, n. Hassuru-koto, okori. haru. OUT-BUILDING. n. Koya. OTHER, a. Hoka no, betsu no, yoso no, OUTCAST, Ronin, ru-nin, mu-shuku. ta, aruiwa, adashi. - side, ano-ho, OUTCRY, n. Sawagi. achira. - day, konaida, kono-goro, OUTDO, t. v. Sugiru, katsu, masaru. chika-goro. Every- day, kaku-jitsu, OUTER, a. Uwa, soto no. - darkness, ichi nichi oite. Every - one, hitotsu- chiu-u. oki ni. OUTERMOST, a. Ichi-ban soto no. OTHERWISE, conj. Shikazareba. OUTFIT, n. Te-ate, yoi, shitaku. OTTER, n. Kawa-oso. OUT-GO, t. v. Koyeru, sugiru. OUGHT, Beki, hadzll, atarimaye. You OUTLANDISH, a. Bukotsu na, kitai ought to have written yesterday, kino na. kakeba yokatta, or kino kakeba yokatta OUT-LAST, t. v. Nagaku motsu, nagaku mono wo. Ought to have bought it, tamotsu, mochi ga yoi. kayeba yokatta, or kayeba yokatta no OUTLAY, n. Iriyo, niuyo, zappi, yOdo. ni. Ought to have gone, yokeba yokat- OUT-LEAP, t. v. Tobi-koyeru. ta mono wo, or yukeba yukatta no ni. OUTLET, n. De-guchi. You ought to go to-day, kiyo iku hadzu OUTLINE, a. - sketch, suji-gaki, shitano koto, or kiyo iku beki koto. Men gaki. - ofa character, kagoji. ought to fear God, hito wa kami wo OUTLIVE, t. v. Iki-nokoru, okureru. uyamau hadzu no mono. MAen ought to OUTNUMBER, t. v. Kadzu ga koyeru, obey the laws, hito wa gohatto ni shita- kadzu ga masaru. g6 beki mono. OUTPOST, n. Bansho, sayaku. OUNCE, a. Troy equals, hachi momme OUTRAGE, n. Hidoi me, mugoi me. ni-fun san-rin. OUTRAGEOUS, a. Futoi, muri na, furachi OUR, pro. Warera-no. na. OUST, t. v. Oshi-nokeru. OUT-RANK, t. v. Uye-tatsu. OUT, adv. Soto. Formed by affixing OUT-RIDE, t. v. Kake-kosu. deru or dasu to the roots of verbs; as, OUT —RUN, t. v. Hashiri-kosu, kakekake-dasu, to run out. Tobi-dasu, to kosil. jumz out. Tori-dasu, to take out. To OUT-SAIL, t. v. Fune ni notte hashiripour out, kobosu, tsugu. To go out (as kosu. a fire), kiyeru. To put out (a fire), OUT-SELL, t. V. Uri-katsu. OUT 124 OVE OUTSET, n. Hajimete, hajimari, okori, OVERDRAW, t. v. Tori-sugiru, moraisai-sho. sugiru. OUTSIDE, a. Soto, hoka, uye, guwai- OVER-DRIVE, t. v. Oi-sugiru. men, uwa-muki, uwabe, omote-muki. OVER-DUE, t. V. Nichigen wo kosu, ni- measurement, soto-nori. - gar- chigen ga koyeta. ment, uwagi. - coat, uwa-nuri. OVER-EAT, i. V. Kui-sugiru, tabe-sugoOUTSIDER, n. Shiroto, nakama de nai. su. OUTSTRIP, t. v. Sugiru, koyeru. OVER-ESTIMATE, t. v. Tsumori-sugiru, OUT-WALK, t. v. Aruki-kosu. hakari-sugiru. OUTWARD, a. Soto no, uye no. OVER-FATIGUE, t. v. Tsukare-sugiru. OUTWARD-BOUND, i. v. Shukko suru. OVER-FEED, t. v. Kuwase-sugiru. OUTWARDLY, adv. Omote-muki-ni, oya- OVERFLOW, i. v. Afureru, koboreru. ke-ni. OVERGROW, i. v. Habikoru, shigeru. OUT-WEAR, t. v. Nagaku motsu, mochi OVERHANG, i. v. Uye kara deru, nozoga yoi. ku. OUTWEIGH, t. V.. yori omoi. OVER-HASTY, a. Amari isogu, isogiOVAL, a. Tamago nari, dayen, ibitsu- sugiru. nan. OVERHAUL, t. v. Aratameru. OVARY, n. Rans6. OVERHEAD, a. Uye-ni, atama no uye OVEN, n. Kama, furo, muro. ni. OVER, prep. Uye, yo, sugiru. amaru, OVERHEAR, i. v. Kiki-dasu, kiki-tsukeru, nokoru. To cross -, wataru, koyeru. fui ni kiku. To hand-, watasu. To run -, kake- OVERJOY, i. v. Amari-yorokobu, 6-yorowataru, afureru, koboreru. To have -, kobi. amaru, nokoru. To Zook —, mi-watasu. OVERLADE, t. v. Nose-sugiru, tsumiTo roll -, korobu. Over and -, sugiru. kasane-gasane, juju, kudo-kudo, seizei. OVERLAND, a. Riku, kuga, oka. - and above, sono hoka ni, sono uye OVERLAP, i. v. Kasane-kakeru. hi. - again, kayeru. - against, OVER-LARGE, a. Amari okii, oki-sugimukai. To give over, yameru, yosu. ru. All -, sunda, shimatta. - the head OVERLAY, i. v. Kasanaru, kakeru. (deep), take ga tatanu. Something —, OVERLOAD, t. v. Nose-sugiru, tsumiyuyo. To do it - again, shi-naosu, sugiru. shi-kayesu, futa tabi suru. To read - OVERLOOK, t. V7. Mi-watasu, mi-harasu, again, yomi-kayesu. To leap -, tobi- mi-kosu, sairiyo suru, ome ni miru, kosu, tobi-watasu. To walk -, aruki- yurusu, kayeri-midzu, mi-nogasu, mimawaru, toru, haikuwai suru. Over hadzusu, mi-nokosu, mi-otosu. and under, uye shita. -a hundred OVERMATCH, i. v. Katsu, masaru, sugimen, hiyaku yo nin. The rain is over, ru. ame ga hareta. The winter is over, OVER-MODEST, a. Yenriyo sugiru, omefuyu ga owatta. ru, uchiki-sugiru. OVER-ANXIOUS, a. Anji-sugiru. OVERMUCH, a. Amari na, sugiru, yokei OVERAWE, t. v. Osoreru, ojikeru. na, yobun. OVER-BALANCE, t. v. Omo-sugiru. OVERPAID, t. v. Yokei ni naru, haraiOVERBEARING, a. Ohei na, Ofu na. sugiru. OVERBID, t. v. Takaku nedan wo tsuke- OVERPASS, t. V. Sugiru, koyeru. ru. OVERPLUS, n. Amari, nokori. OVERBOARD, a. Midzu ni hamaru. To OVERPOWER, i. v. Katsu, tsubusu. throw goods-, ni wo utsu. OVER-PROMPT, a. Hiya-sugiru. OVERCAST, a. Kumoru. OVERRATE, t. v. Takaku tsumoru, tsuOVER-CAUTIOUS, a. Tsutsushimi sugiru, mori-sugiru. yojin sugiru. OVERREACH, t. v. Damasu, azamuku. OVERCHARGE, t. V. Kake-ne wo iu, tsuke- OVERRIDE, t.v. Nori-sugiru. kake wo suru, komi-sugiru. OVERRUN, t. v. Shigeru, habikoru, miOVERCLOUD, t. v. Kumoru. chiru, afureru. OVERCOAT, n. Uwagi. OVERSEE, i. v. Tsukasadoru, sairiy6 OVERCOME, t. v. Katsu. suru, shihai suru. OVER-CONFIDENT, a. Hokoru. OVERSEER, n. T6riy6, kashira, kimoOVERDO, t. zv. Shi-sugiru, yaki-sugiru, iri. ni-sugiru, honeori-sugiru. OVERSET, t. v. Hikuri-kayeru, kutsuOVER-DOSE, t. v. Bunriy6 ni sugiru. gayeru, hikuri-kayesu. OVE 125 PAL OVERSHOE, n. Uwa-kutsu. OVERTURE, n. To make an -, m6shiOVERSHOOT, t. v. Uchi-sugiru. ireru, ii-ireru. OVERSIGHT, n. Mi-otoshi, ayamachi, OVERTURN, t. v, Hikuri-kayesu. tsukasadoru koto, shiochi, me-kubari, OVERWHELMI, t.. Shidzumeru. kimo-iri. OV ERWORK, t. v. Tsukarakasu, tsukaiOVERSLEEP, i. v. Ne-sugiru. suglru. OVERSPREAD, t v. Ovi-wataru, habikoru, OVIPAROUS, a. Ransho no. michi-wateru, shige-wataru. OWE, i. v. Oi, beki, hadzu. OVERSTAY, t. v. Tome-sugiru. OWING, a. Yotte (yoru), kara, yuye. OVERSTEP, t.. Yuki-kosu, yuki-sugiru, OWL, n. Fukuro, mimidzuku, kidzu. fumi-kosu. OWN, t.. Motsu, hakujo suru, zange OVERSTOCK, t. V. Mise ni sugiru. suru. OVERSTRAIN, t. v. Ikimi-sugiru. OWN, a. Jibun no, jishin no, waga, onoOVERSTRICT, a. Kibishi-sugiru, amari ga. kibishii. OWNER, n. Nushi, mochi-nushi, aruOVERTAKE, t. V. Oi-tsuku. ji. OVERTHROW, t. v. Taosu, oshi-taosu, Ox, n. O-ushi, kotoi. horobosu. OXYGEN, n. Sanso. OVERTOP, t. V. Uye ni deru, hiideru. OYSTER, n. Kaki. - rake, kai-kaki. OVERTRADE, i. V. Te-baru akinai wo OYSTER-SHELL, a. Kaki-gara. suru, te amaru akinai wo suru. P PACE, n. Fumi. To go at a slow -, so- PAIN, n. Itami. Labor -, ikimi. Take ro-soro to aruku. pains, ro suru, tansei, kokoro-dzukai. PACE, t. v. Fumu, aruku, fumi-hakaru. Wiit/ muck -, sekkaku. PACHIMA, n. Bukuriyo. PAINFUL, a. Itai, ita-itashii, shinr6 narut, PACIFIC, a. Odayaka-na, heiwa nuru. kurushii. PACIFIC OCEAN, 7. Tai-hei kai. PAINLESS, a. Itami naki. PACIFICATION, n. Waboku wo suru koto, PAINT, t. v. Nuru, iroduru, yedoru, sainaka-naori. shiki suru. PACIFY, /. v. Nadameru, nagusameru, PAINT, n. Nuri-mono. Black -, haishidzumeru, yawarageru, waboku wo dzumi. suru. PAINTER, n. Guwa-k6. PACK, t. v. Tsumu, tsumeru. PAINTING, n. Irodori. Oil-, aburaye. PACK, n. Tsutsumi. PAIR,. v. Tsui-ni suru, haigo suru. PACKAGE, n. Tsutsumi, k6ri, ba. PAIR, n. Soku, tsui, tsugai. One - of PACKET, n. Tsutsumi. -ship, kuwaisen. shoes, kutsu issoku. One - sogloves, PACK-HORSE, n. Ni-uma, da-uma, koni- tebukuro ittsui. A - of,ants, momoda-uma. hiki hitotsu. A - of spectacles, mePACKING, n. Tsume-mono. gane hitotsu. A - of horses, uma ni PACK-SADDLE, n. Kura, ni-gura. hiki. A - of fowls, niwatori ni wa PAD, n. Ate, makura. PALACE, n. Kinri, goten, go-sho. PADDLE, n. Kai. PALATABLE, a. Umai, oishii. PADDLE, t. v. Kai de kogu. PALATE, n. Uwa-ago. PADDLE-WIEEL, n. Soto-guruma. - PALE, a. Shiroi, ao-zame no. steamer, sotogurama no jokisen. PALFREY, n. Nori uma. PADDY, n. Ine, kome. PALISADE, n. Yarai, saku. PADLOCK,, o. J6, jo-maye, yebij6. PALL, i. v. Madzuku naru, nadzumu. PAGAN, n. Mokuzo wo ogamu mono. PALL, n. Kake-muku.. PAGE, n. Hira, soba-dzukaye. Wkzat PALLIATE, t. V. Karuku iu, ii-wake wo page? iku mai gozaru ka. suru, nadameru, tori-tsukurau. PAGEANT, n. Iwai. PALLID, a. Aozameru. PAGODA, n. To. PALM, n. Tanagokoro. - of the hand, PAIL, n. Oke, te-oke. te no ura. PAL 126 PAR PALMER, n. Angiya. PARBOILED, a. Nama-niye no, iburi. PALM-TREE, n. Shuro. PARCEL, a. Tsutsumi, wari-ai. PALMISTRY, n. Te-so-mi. PARCEL, t. V. Wari-tsukeru. PALPABLE, a. Te sawari de shireru, mei- PARCH, t. v. Kogasu, iru. haku na. PARCHED, a. Kogeta, karabiru, kawaku PALPITATION, n. Doki, doki-doki. shita. PALSIED, a, Shibireru. PARCHING, n. Hashiyagu, hikarabiru. PALSY, n. Chiuki, yoi - yoi, chiushO, PARCHMENT, n. Hitsuji no kawa nite sei chiu-bu. suru kami. PALTRY, a. Iyashii, kitanaki, wadzuka. PARDON, t. Z'. Yurusu, sha-men suru, PAMPHLET, n. Kusazoshi. yosha suru, yfmen suru, yuriru. - me, PAN, n. Sara, nabe. gomen nasare, kannin kudasare, kamPANACEA, n. Sho-biyo wo ji su-beki ku- ben shite kudasare. To implore -, suri. wabiru. PANDEAN-PIPES, n. Biwabon. PARDON, n. Yurushi, shamen. PANDER, t. v. Zegen, hannin. PARDONABLE, a. Yurusareru. PANE, n. Mai. One pane of glass, giya- PARDONING, a. Yurushitagaru, yurusu man ichi mai. ken wo motsu. PANG, n. Itami. PARE, t. v. Muku, hagu, kedzuru, kiru. PANIC, M. Odoroki, bikkuri, akireru, na- PARENT, n. Oya, fubo, futa-oya, chichidare. haha, riy6-shin. PANNIER, n. Kago. PARENTAL, a. Oya no. PANOPLY, n. Gusoku, katchiu, yoroi-ka- PARIAH-CLASS, n. Yeta, hinin, dei-dei. buto. PARISHIONER, n. Danka, danna, nijiko, PANT, t. v. Ayegu, tame-iki wo tsuku. dampo. PANTALOON, n. Hakama, momohiki. PARK, n. Niwa. PANTING, a. Ikimaku, ikiseki to suru. PARLEY, t. v. Hanashi-au, dampan suPANTOMIME, n. Damari no maku. ru. PANTRY, n. Mono-oki, nando. PARLIAMENT, n. Shugi-in. PAPER, n. Kami. Wall -, karakami. PARLOR, n. Zashiki, heya. News -, shimbunshi. - covers, hiy6- PAROLE, n. Kotoba-jichi, seigen. shi. WVaste —, hogu. - cut and re- PAROXYSMI, n. Hossa. presentingthe kami, gohei. PARSON, n. Kiy6shi. PAPER, t. V. Haru, hari-tsukeru. PARRICIDE, n. Oya-koroshi. PAPER-CUTTER, n. Kami-kiri. PARROT, n. Omu, inko. - toed, waniPAPER-HANGER, n. Kiyojiya. ashi, hachi moji wo fumu. PAPER-HANGINGS, n. Kara-kami. PARRY, t. v. Ukeru, uke-tomeru. PAPER-MAKER. n. Kami-suki. PARSIMONIOUS, a. Rinshoku na, shiPAPER-MILL, n. Kami-sukiba. wai. PAPER-STORE, n. Kami-ya. PARSIMONY, n. Rinshoku, shiwaki. PAPER-WALLET, n. Kami-ire. PARSLEY, n. Seri. PAPER-WEIGHT, n. Bunchin, kesan. PART, n. Bu, bun, h6, kata, wari-ai, kiPAPER-MONEY, n. Kinzatsu, chohei. riyo, chiye. For my -, watakushi ni PAPIER-MACHE, n. Harinuki. wa, watakushi ni tsuite. For the most PAPIST, n. Tenshukiyo na hito. -, Okata, taitei, zen-tai, tai-riyaku, PAR, n. Soto, soba, to-bun. arakata. Take - in, tadzusawaru, kaPARABLE, n. Tatoye-banashi. tan suru, kakawaru. Part of speech, PARADE, n. Jindori, giyoretsu, date. kotoba no shurui, ji-rui. PARADE, t. v. Jindori suru, jin wo ha- PART, t. v. Wakeru, waru, hanareru, heru. dateru, wakareru, saru, ribetsu suru. PARADE-GROUND, n. Keiko-ba. The cable hasparted, tsuna ga kireta. PARADISE, n. Goku-raku, tendo, jodo. PARTAKE, t. v. Adzukaru, kakari-au. PARAGON, n. Mihon, teh6n, kagami. PARTAKER, n. Kakari-ai nin, adzukaru PARAGRAPH, n. Ku. hito. PARALLEL, a. Soroi taru, or sorote oru. PARTIAL, a. Kata-hiiki no, katayoru, PARAMOUNT, a. Sugiretaru. yeko na, hempa, mibiiki no, mattakaPARAMOUR, n. Mippu, ma-otoko, iro- radzu. otoko, mabu. PARTIALITY, n. Kata-hiiki, mi-biiki, yePARAPET, h. Himegaki, rui. ko, hilki. PARASITE, n. Yadorigi, hoya. PARTIALLY, adv. The story is - true, PARASOL, n. Hi-gasa. ano hanashi ni makoto no tokoro ga aru. PAR 127 PAT PARTICIPATE, t. v. Adzukaru, tadzusa- PASSAGE, n. Michi, doro, de-iri guchi, yeru, kakari-au, tadzusawaru. watari, tori. To take-in a shii, fuPARTICIPATION, n. Kakari-au koto, adzu- na-gitte wo kau. - of a law, h6ritsu karu koto. wo sadameru koto. A - at arms, kiPARTICLE, n. Chitto mo, sukoshi-mo, ri-ai. (in grammar), te ni wo ha. PASSENGER, n. Kiyaku, noru hito, toru PARTICULAR, a. Kakubetsu, betsudan, hito. -boat, kiyaku-sen, nori-aibune. kuwashii, komayaka na, isai-naru, ki- PASSING, adv. Goku, hanahada, itatte. rai-gachi na, sashitaru. PASSION, n. Jo, iji, ki, joai, kurushimi, PARTICULARLY, adv. Kuwashiku, koma- kutsu, nangi, shushin, shujaku. The ka ni. seven -, shichi-jo. PARTICULARS, n. Arisama, isai, shisai, PASSIONATE, a. Tanki, ki no mijikai. kado, bantan. PASSION-FLOWER, n. Tokei-bana. PARTING, n. Ribetsu, hanare, wakare, PASSIVE, a. Ukekata wo slru, ukemi ni nagori. - words, nagori no kotoba. naru, somukanu, sakarawanu. PARTITION, n. Hedate, shikiri. PASSPORT, n. Kitte, tegata, inkan, menPARTITION, t. v. Wari-tsukeru, kubaru, jo, okuri-tegata. hedateru, shikiru. PASS-WORD, n. Ai-kotoba, aidzu. PARTLY, adv. Aru tokoro ni, ichi bu- PAST, fret. Sugitta, sunda, t6ta, koshita, bun ni. sannuru, saru, sarinishi. PARTNER, n. Kumi-ai, nakama, aite, ai- PAST, n. - time, koshi-kata, kuwako, kata, tsure-ai. izen, ato. PARTNERSHIP, n. Kumi, nakama. Mer- PASTE, n. Nori. - ot, nori-ire. - cantile -, sho-sha. board, nori-ita. PARTRIDGE, n. Shako. PASTE, t. v. Haru, tsukeru. PARTURITION, n. San, shussan, umu- PASTEBOARD, n. Atsugami, itagami. koto. Easy or natural -, an-zan. PASTIME, n. Nagusami, asobi, tedzusaDifficult or unnatural -, nan-zan. mi, kibirashi. PARTY, n. Nakama, sha-chiu, ho, kata, PASTURE, n. Kusa, maki. kuwai, te, hito. One of the same -, PAT, t. Z. Naderu. mikata. Opposite -, aite, sempo. PATCH, n. Tsugi, hagi, hatake. PARTY-COLORED, a. Madara naru. PATCH, t. v. Tsugi wo suru, hagu, tsuPASS, i. v. T6ru, utslru, heru, kurasu, gu, tsudzuru. kayo, tsuyo suru, koyeru, sugiru, oku- PATCH-WORK, n. Hagi-ko, hagi-hagi. ru. -to and fro, yukiki, kayoi, tori, PATE, n. K6be, atama. orai. - away, kiyeru, naku naru, sa- PATELLA, n. Hiza no sara. ru. To let -, toraseru, tosu, kayowa- PATENT, a. Akiraka na, meihaku na. seru, itowadzu, kayeri-midzu, ome ni PATENT, n. Menkiyt-jo. miru. To come to -, hatasu. To - PATERNAL, n. Oya no. by, tOru, sugiru, koyeru. To -on, su- PATH, n. Ko-michi, michi. sumu. To - over, wataru, watasu, ko- PATHETIC, a. Nagekawashii, kanashiki, yeru. To - time, utsuru, kurasu, oku- kanjisaseru. ru, heru. To - the cup, sasu. - sen- PATHLESS, a. Michi naki. tence, moshi-tsukeru. - a law, sada- PATHWAY, n. Michi. meru, tateru. - out, deru. - in, hai- PATIENCE, n. Kannin, shimbo, gaman, ru, iru. - under, kuguru. - from, yosha. deru, toru, utsuru. To passfor a wise PATIENT, a. Kannin suru, shimbo suru, man, riko to sareru. - through, to- gaman suru, shinobu, shinogu, koraru. yeru. PASS, t. v. Watasu, tosu, sugiru. - PATIENT, n. Biyo-nin. through hardships, nangi wo shinogu. PATIENTLY, adv. Kan-nin shite, shimbO - counterfeit money, nise-gane wo shite, gaman shite, shinonde, shinoide, tsukau. Passed him off as his son, korayete. are wo waga musuko to mosu. To - PATOIS, n. Namari. by, riyaku suru.. PATRIARCH, n. Senzo, tai so. PASS, n. Nan-jo, sessho, tegata, kitte. PATRICIAN, n. Kuwa-zoku, reki-reki no. To bring to -, nasu, dekasu. PATRIMONY, n. Katoku, tsutaye kitaIu PASSABLE, a. Torareru, watareru, kosa- mono. reru, yurusareru. PATRIOT, n. Chiu-shin, gi-shi. PASSABLY, adv. Dzui-bun, kanari. PATRIOTIC, a. Chiu-naru. PASS-BOOK, n. Kayoi-cho. PATRIOTISM, n. Chiu-shin, chiugi. PAT 128 PEN PATROL, n. Yo-mawari, yo-ban, ban-nin, PEACH, n. Momo. - tree, momo no ki, rasotsu, rahai, mawari-ban. - blossom, momo no hana. - color PATROL, t. v. Ban-suru, mi-mawaru, mono no iro. jun-ra suru. PEACOCK, n. Kujaku. PATRON, n. Sewa-nin. PEAK, n. Mine, zetcho. PATRONAGE, n. Okage, sewa, shfsen. PEANUT, n. Rakkuwash6. PAYRONIZE, t. v. Sewa wo suru. PEAR, n. Nashi, arinomi. - tree, nashi PATTEN, n. Geta. no ki. PATTER, t. v. Bara-bara to furu. PEARL, n. Shinju. PATTERN, n. Tehon, mihon, kagami, PEARL-DIVER, n. Ama. kibo. PEARL-OYSTER, n. Awabi. PATTERN, t. v. - after, kangamiru. PEARLY, a. Shinju no y6 na. PATULOUS, a. Hirakitaru. PEASANT, n. Hiyakusho, no-min. PAUCITY, n. Sukunasa. PEAT, n. Sukumo. PAUNCH, n. Yebukuro. PEBBLE, n. Ko-ishi, jari, sazare-ishi. PAUPER, n. Bimbo-nin, konkiu-nin, mo- PECK, (measure) about = go sho. no-morai. PECK, t. v. Tsuku, tsutsuku. PAUPERISM, n. Hinkiu, madzushiki. PECULATE, t. v. Nusumu, kasumeru, suPAUSE, t. v. Yasilmu, tamerau, yameru, kasu. matsu. PECULATION, n. Kane wo sukasu koto, PAUSE, n. Yasumi, ma, aida, tamnerai. kasumeru koto. PAVE, t. v. Ishi wo shiku. PECULIAR, a. Mochimaye, kakubetsu, PAVEMENT, n. Shiki-ishi. kotonaru. PAVILION, n. Tei, maku. PEDANTIC, a. Gakusha-buru, gakushaPAW, n. Ashi. rashiku suru, chokozai, namagiki na, PAW, t. v. Agaku. koshaku na, kii-tafu. PAWN, n. Shichi, kata, hiki-ate, tembu- PEDDLE, t. v. Uri-aruku. tsu. - of chess, koma, fu. PEDDLER, n. Sho-ho ye uri-aruku hito. PAWN, t. v. Shichi ni oku. PEDESTAL, n. Ishidzuye, dodai, daiza. PAWNBROKER, n. Shichi-ya. PEDESTRIAN, n. Kachi, aruku hito. PAWNED ARTICLES, n. Shichi-motsu, shi- PEDICLE, n. Kuki. chi-gusa, adzukari-mono. PEDIGREE, n. Keidzu, sujime, sujo, kaPAY, t. v. Harau. - a vow,'hodoku. kei, chisuji. - out role, nawa wo taguri-dasu. - PEEL, n. Kawa. back, hemben suru, henn6 suru, honj6 PEEL, t. v. Muku, hagu, hegu. suru, kayesu, muku-yuru. - atten- PEEP, t. v. Nozoku, nozoki-mi wo suru, tion, nen wo ireru, ki wo tsukeru. - suki-mi wo suru. for, tsugunau. - PEEP-HOLE, n. Nozoki-ana. PAY, n. Dai, daigin, chin, shiro, rei, ki- PEEPING, n. Nozoki-mi, suki-mi. ukin, yakuriyo. Monthly -, gekkiu. PEER, n. Do-hai, tomodachi. Increasing the -, haz6 suru. PEER, t. v. Kiyorori to miru, jiro-jiro to PAYABLE, a. Harau hadzu, harau-beki, miru. harawareru. PEERLESS, a. Mu-s6 naru. PAY-DAY, n. Harai-bi, kanjo-bi. PEEVISH, a. Tanki-na, jireru, iji-iji suru. PAYMASTER, n. Kanjo-kata, harai-gata. PEG, n. Ki-kugi, take-kugi. PAYMENT, n. Harai, mukui. Daily -, PELLICLE, n. Uwa-kawa. higake. Alonthly-, tsuki-gake. Year- PELL-MELL, adv. Muni-muzan ni. ly -, toshi-gake. PELLUCID, a. Reiro-naru, suki-toru. PEA, n. Saya-yend6. PELT, t. v. Nage-utsu, utsu, nage-tsuPEACE, n. Taihei, jisei, odayaka, anshin, keru. raku, ando, annon, anraku, waboku, PELTRY, n. Ke-kawa, kawa. seihitsu, heian. To make -, waboku PEN, n. Fude, hitsu, ori, koya. Gold-, wo suru, naka-naori wo suru. Hold kim-pitsu. Steel-, tep-pitsu. the -, damaru, mokunen suru. PEN, t. v. Kaku. PEACEABLE, a. Odayaka na, ont6 na. PENAL, a. - laws, kei-h6. PEACEABLY, adv. Odayaka ni, shidzuka PENALTY, n. Keibatsu, shioki, tsumi, ni. kuwariy6, batsu-kin, bakkin. PEACEFUL, a. Odayaka na, annon na. PENANCE, n. Tsumi wo midzukarabassu- mind, an-shin. ru tame ni nan-giyo wo okono koto. PEACEMAKER, n. Aisatsu-nin, nakada- PENATES, n. Ji-butsu. chi, chiunin. PENCIL, N. Seki-hitsu, fude. PEN 129 PER PENDENT, a. Tsuru, sageru. PEREGRINATE, i. v. Yureki suru, henreki PENDING, pre. Uchi ni. suru. PENDULUM, n. Tokei no furi. PEREMPTORY, a. Ketchaku na, genjf PENETRABLE, a. Tsuki-komareru. na. PENETRATE, t. v. Sasu, tsuki-komu, PEREMPTORILY, adv. Kitto, genju ni, tessuru, sui-komu, shimu, tsuyanuku, kataku, shikato. satoru. PERENNIAL, a. Tayezaru, fudan no, ma PENETRATION, n. Tsuki-komu koto, sa- mo naki. tori, kashikoku. PERFECT, a. Mattaki, jfi-bun naru, manPENITENCE, n. Kuyami, k6-kuwai. zoku na, zembi-shitaru. PENITENT, a. Ko-kuwai suru, kuyuru, PERFECT, t.. Joju suru, shi-togeru,jukuyamu, zan-nen-garu. bun ni suru. PENITENT, n. Tsumi wo kuyamu hito, PERFECTLY, adv. Mattaku, jfbun-ni, kokuwai suru hito. sappari to. PENITENTIARY, n. Roya, hitoya. PERFIDIOUS, a. Fu-chiu na, fu-jitsu na, PEN-KNIFE, n. Ko-gatana. akugiyaku na, bogiyaku na. PEN-MAKER, n. Fude-shi. PERFIDY, n. Fu-jitsu, fu-chiu, bogiyaku. PENMAN, n. Kaku-hito, kaki-te, shoki. PERFORATE, t. v. Tosu, sashi-t6su, nukeGood -, n-hitsu. Bad-, aku hitsu. t6ru, tsuki-t6su. PENMANSHIP, n. Hitsui, fudedzukai. PERFORATION, n. Ana. Learning -, tenarai. Rules of -, PERFORCE, adv. Muri ni, shiite. hippo. PERFORM, t. v. Suru, nasu, itasu, dekiru, PENNANT, n. Hatajirushi. okonau, togeru, sumu, hatasu, toriPENNILESS, a. Kane naki. okonau, shitogeru, joju suru. PENNY, n. Zeni, mon, sen. PERFORMANCE, n. Togeru koto, dekiPENRACK, n. Fude-nose, hikka, fude- agaru koto, nasu koto. kake. PERFUME, n. Ko, kaori, k6-ki. PENSION, n. Sute-buchi, sei-roku. PERFUME, t. V. Kaoru, ni6, kunjiru. PEN-STORE, n. Fude-ya. PERFUMERY, n. _Kaori-mono. PENTHOUSE, n. Hisashi. PERHAPS, adv. Okata, tabun, osorakuba, PENURIOUS, a. Rinshoku na, shiwai, ke- Mostly by the dubit. suffix, ro, or so. chi na, shuren. as, kuru de aro, ierhaps he will come. PENURY, n. Konkiu, madzushiki, bim- Yoku naru de aro, he will perhiaps get bo. well. Ari-so na mono da,perha.s it is PEONY, n. Butan. so, or perha5s there are. PEOPLE, n. Hito, tami, cho-nin, bam- PERICARDIUM, n. Shim-maku. min, shimo-jimo, shimo-zama, shita- PERIL, n. Ayauki, abunaki, kennon, jita, jim-min. Like other -, hito-na- kinan. mi na. PERILOUS, a. Ayaui, abunai, kennon naPEPPER, n. Black -, kosho. Cayenne ru, inochi ni kakaru, inochigake. -, togarashi. PERINEUM, n. Towatari. PEPPER-BOX, n. Kosho-ire. PERIOD, n. Toki, jisetsu, jibun. PEPPERMINT, n. Hakka. PERIOSTEUM, n. Kotsu-maku. PERAMBULATE, t. V. Yureki suru, henre- PERISH, i. v. Shinuru, messuru, kareru, ki suru, mawaru. nakunaru. PERCEIVE, t. v. Miru, kiku, oboyeru, sa- PERJURE, t. v. Itsuwatte chikau. tort. PERJURY, n. Itsuwatte chikau koto. PERCENTAGE, n. Wari, kosen. PERMANENT, a. Kawaranu, tayedzu. PERCEPTIBLE, a. Miyeru, shireru, obo- PERMEATE, t. v. T6ru, tsuki-t6su. yeru. PERMISSIBLE, a. Yurusareru. PERCEPTION, n. Shone, satori, chikaku. PERMISSION, M. Yurushi, shochi, menkiPERCH, n. Tomarigi. yo. Without -, kotowari-nashi, yuruPERCH, t. v. Tomaru. saredzu shite. PERCHANCE, adv. Futo, fui-ni, omoi- PERMIT, V. Yurusu, shochi suru, menkiyoradzu ni, moshi-ya. yo suru, kiyoyO suru. Application for PERCOLATE, i. v. Kosu, toru. apermit, negai-sho. PERCUSSION, n. Hibiki. PERMIT, n. Menjo. menkiyo-jo. PERCUSSION-CUP, n. Dondor, (a Dutch PERMUTATION, n. Hen-kuwa, tori-kaye. word.) ru koto. PERDITION, n. Metsubo, horobi, messu- PERNICIOUS, a. Doku-na, gai ni naru. ru koto, jigoku. PERPENDICULAR, a. Massugu-ni tatsu. 6* PER 130 PHO PERPETRATE, t. v. Nasu, okonau, okasu, PERVERSE, a. Yokoshims, furachi na, itasu. higan de oru. PERPETUAL, a. Tayedzu, yamazaru, ban- PERVERT, t. v. Mageru, tagawasu, kojidai fuyeki. tsukeru, fukuwaj suru. PERPETUALLY, adv. Tayedzu ni, yama- PERVIOUS, a. To:,axeru, sukitoru. dzu ni, tayema-naku, tokoshinaye ni. PEST, a. Yaku-biy5, urusaki moino. toPERPETUATE, t. v. Matsu-dai ni nokosu, waku no mono. bandai ni tsutayeru. PESTER, t. v. Komaraseru, wadzurawasu, PERPLEX, t. v. Tori-komu, konzatsu na- towaku, mei-waku saseru. ru, mayo, toho ni kureru, togi-magire- PESTERED, a. Komaru, wadzurau. ru, urotayeru, magotsuku. PESTIFEROUS, a. Aku, doku-na, gai suPERPLEXITY, n. Towaku, kokoro-kubari. ru, itameru. PERQUISITE, n. Homachi, yakuriyo. PESTILENCE, n. Yabu-biyo, yeki, yekiPERSECUTE, t. v. Hidoime ni awaseru, rei. semeru, nayamasu, kurushimeru. - PESTILENT, a. Doku na, aku. -fe.l'ow, ed, tashinamu. rambo, abare-mono. PERSEVERE, t. v. Shimbo suru, taruma- PESTLE, n. Niubo, rengi, suri-kogi, kadzu ni suru, okotoradzu ni nasu, tsu- tsu, tine. dzuite nasu. PET, n. Kawairashii mono. PERSEVERANCE, n. Shimbo, tarumazaru PET, t. v. Amayakasu. koto. PETAL, n. Hanabira, ben. PERSIMMON, n. Kaki. Dried —, hibo- PETITION, n. Negai, kito, guwan-sho, shigaki. ki-nen, meyasu, negai-sho. PERSIST, i. v. Okotoradzu ni nasu. PETITION, t. v. Negau, tanguwan suru, PERSISTENT, a. Kujikedzu shite oru. ta- uttayeru. rumadzu ni suru. PETRIFACTION, n. Kuwa-seki. PERSISTENTLY, adv. Tarumadzu ni. PETRIFY, i. v. Ishi ni kawaru, kuwaseki PERSON, n. Hito, mono, ho, kata te. suru. fnperson,jibun de. Received in erson, PETROLEUM, n. KusOdzu. jiki-den. Ordinary -, bon-nin, hei- PETTED,a. Amayeru. nin, hitonami no hito. Two —, futari. PETTICOAT, n. Onna no shitagi. Three -, san-nin. PETTIFOGGER, n. Kujishi. PERSONAGE, n. Hito, mono, nin. PETTY, a. Wadzuka, iyashii, chlisai. PERSONAL, a. Jiki. - conversation, PETULANT, a. Tanki na, ki-mijikaki. jiki-dan. - comzplaint, jiki-sa. PEW, n. Kuwai-do no koshikake. PERSONALLY, adv. Jibun de, jika ni, ji- PEWTER, n. Ro, handa, biyakurO. ki ni. PHANTASM, n. Maboroshi, utsutsu. PERSONATE, t. v. Maneru, niseru, nazo- PHANTOM, n. Bakemono, yurei. rayeru. PHARMACOPCEIA, a. Yaku-zai-sho, hoPERSONATION, n. Mane. kan. PERSONIFY, t. v. Nazorayeru, yosoyeru, PHEASANT, n. Kiji. Silver -, hakkan. tatoyeru. Golden -, kin-kei. PERSPICUOUS, a. Sappari-to, fummiyo PHENIX, n. HOWO. na, akiraka na. PHENOMENON, n. Koto, hen-ji. PERSPIRATION, n. Ase, abura. PHIAL, n. Bin, tokkuri. PERSPIRE, t. v. Asegaderu,hakkan suru. PHILANTHROPY, n. Jin, jinji. PERSUADE, t. v. Kudoku, susumeru. PHILANTHROPIST, n. Jin-sha. PERSUASION, n. Susumeru koto. PHILANTHROPIC, a. Kidoku na. PERT, a. Buyenriyo na. PHILOSOPHER, n. Monoshiri, gaku-sha, PERTAIN, t. v. Sou, tsuku, kakawaru, ki hakase, hakushiki. suru, zoku suru. PHILOSOPHY, n. Gaku, jutsu, ri, dri, PERTINACIOUS, a. Henkutsu na, ganko michi, do. Natural -, kiu-ri. na, kataiji na. PHILTER, n. Hore-gusuri. PERTINACIOUSLY, adv. Kataku, hitasura PHIMOSIS, n. Kawa-kaburi, hokiyo. ni, ichidzu ni, kure-gure mo. PHIZ, n. Kao. PERTINENT, a. Tsuku, kanau, tekitO PHLEBOTOMY, n. Shiraku. naru. PHLEGM, n. Tan. PERTURBED, a. Urotayeru, sawadachi. PHOTOGRAPH, n. Shashin-ye. PERUSE, t. v. Yomu, dokuju suru. PHOTOGRAPHIC, a. - instruments, shaPERVADE, t. v. Toru, michiru, michi- shin-kiyo. wataru. PHOTOGRAPHY, n. Shashin jutsu. PHR 131 PIT PHRASE, n. Ku. PILE, t. v. Tsumu, kasaneru, hayertl. PHRASEOLOGY, N. Ii-kata, kaki-kata. PILES, n. Iboji. Bleeding-, hashiriji. PHRENITIS, n. No-kinsho. PILFER, t. v. Nusumu, kasumeru. PHTHISIS, n. Roshc. rogai. PILFERER, n. Suri, mambiki, ko-nusu. PHYSIC, n. Ijutsu, kusuri, gezai. bito. PHYSIC, t. z. Riyoji wo suru, gezai wo PILFERING, a. Ko-nusumi, teguse ga nomaseru. warui. PHYSICIAN, n. Isha, ishi, hondo, kusushi. PILGRIM, n. Dosha, angiya. PHYSICS, n. Kiu-ri gaku. PILGRIMAGE, n. To go on -, mOderu, PHYSIOGNOMIST, n. Ninso-mi, nins6-ja. mairu, sankei suru. PHYSIOGNOMY, n. Ninso. Bad -, fu- PILL, n. Guwanyaku. One -, hito tsunins6. Good -, ninsO no yoki. bu. - box, mage-mono. PIANO, n. Gakki no na. PILLAGE, t. v. Ubau, ubai-toru. PIAZZA, n. Genkuwa, roka. PILLAR, n. Hashira. PICK, t. I. - off, toru, mushiru, mogu. PILLORY, n. Kubi-gase. -out, yortl, yerabu, nuku, toru, horu. PILLOW, n. Makura. - up, hlro, kaki-tateru. To pick (stick), PILOr, n. Midzu-saki. sasu, tsuku, tsutsuku, seseru. - the PILOT, t. v. Michibiku, fune w6 tsukau, nose, hana wo kujiru. To - the teeth, annai suru. ha wo horu, koyoji wo tsukau. To - PIMP, n. Zengen, hannin. the ears, mimi wo horu. - a fowl, PIMPLE, n. Nikibi. tori no ke wo mlshiru. - a pocket, PIN, n. Hari, tome-bari. Wooden -, tamoto no mono wo suru, - cotton, ki-kuji, sen. wata wo toru, wata wo hogusu. - a PIN, t. v. Tome-bari de tomeru. quarrel, kenkuwa wo shi-kakeru, ken- PINCERS, n. Kugi-nuki. kuwa wo fuki-kakeru. - a lock, jo wo PINCH, t. v'. Tsumeru, tsumamu, hasaakeru. - out a splinter, toge wo hori- mu. - off, tsumu, tsumi-kiru. dasu. PINCH, n. Tsumami. PICK, n. Tsuru-bashi. PINE, n. Matsu-no-ki. - bur, matsuPICKED, a Yeronda, yotta, gimmi shita. kasa. Red -, aka-matsu. - soldiers, seihei. PINE, i. v. Yaseru, koishiku om6, koi PICKET-FENCE, n. Yarai, komayose. wadzurau. PICKLE, t. v. Tsukeru. PINION, n. Hane. PICKPOCKET, n. Kinchaku-kiri, suri. PINK, n. Sekichiku. PICNIC, n. Yusan, hanami, asobi. PIN-MONEY, n. Heso-kuri-gane. PICTURE, n. Ye, dzu, yedzu, iki-utsushi. PINNACLE, n. Zetcho. PICTURE-BOOK, n. Yezoshi. PINT, = about, ni go san shaku. PICTURE-FRAME, n. Gaku no fuchi, waku. PIOUS, n. Shinjin naru, kami wo uyamau. PICUL, n. Hiyakkin. PIPE, n. Kiseru, kuda, fuye, rappa. PIE, n. Kuwashi no na. Water -, hi. PIEBALD, a. Buchi, madara. PIPE, i, v. Fuye wo fuku. PIECE, n. Kire, hashi, kake; (of clofh), PIQUE, n. Rippuku, nikumi. tan, hiki. A - of foetry, uta isshu. PIQUE, t. v. Ki wo sekaseru, okoraserl. - of fainting, kake-mono ippuku. PIRATE, n. Kai-zoku. - of artillery, taih6 itch6. - ofcloth. PIRUS-JAPONICA, n. Boke. tammono ittan, or ippiki. Piece by PISMIRE, n. Ari. iiece, hitotsu-bitotsu, hitotsu dzutsu. Piss, n. Shoben, ibari. - the bed, yf PIECE, t. v. Tsugu, hagu. bari wo suru. PIECE-GOODS, n. Tammono. PISTIL, n. Hana no dzui, shibe. PIECES, n. Sun-sun, dzuda-dzuda, mi-jin. PISTOL, n. Teppo, tanegashima. PICE-WORK, n. Uketori-shigoto. PISTON, n. ShimbO. PIER, n. Hatoba. PIT, n. Ana, ba, kubomi. - of the PIERCE, t. V. Sasu, tsuku, tOsu, shimu, stomach, midzuochi, mune, kiubi. sashi-komu, tsuki-komu, tessuru. - in a theatre, doma. througt, sashi-tosul, nuke-toru. PIT, t. v. Kubomu, hekomasu. PIETY, n. Shinjin, kamiwo uyamau koto. PITCH, n. Matsu no yani, chan. of a PIG, n. Inoka, ko-buta, buta. roof, k6bai. PIGEON, n. Hato. House —, iye-bato. PITCH, t. v. Nageru. - away, suteru. PIC-HEADED, a. Gudon na. - a boat, fune ni chan wo nuru. - a PIGMENT, n. Iro-mono, inogu. tent, maku wo haru. - a tune, fushi PILE, n. Kui, kasa, tsumi, yama. wo soroyeru PIT 132 PLE PITCH, i. v. Ochiru. - uon, yerabu. PLANK, n. Atsui ita. PITCH-BLACK, a. Makkuro. PLANK, t. v. Ita wo haru. PITCH-DARK, a. Makkura. PLANT, n. Kusa, uyeki, so-moku. PITCHER, n. Midzu-ire, midzu-sashi. PLANT, t. V. Uyeru, udzumeru, maku, PITCH-FARTHING, n. Ana-ichi, zeni-nage, uwaru. tenka. PLANTAIN, n. Bash5. Common -, 6baPITCHFORK, n. Mataki, sasumata. ko. PITEOUS, a. Wabishiki, nangi na, aware- PLANTATION, n. Denji, dembata. naru. PLASTER, n. Kabe, nuta, tsuta; (med), PITFALL, n. Otoshi-ana. koyaku. PITH, n. Ki no shin, dzui, gokui, 6gi. PLASTER, t. V. Kabe wo nuru. PITIABLE, a. Kawais6, aware na. PLASTERER, n. Shakanya. PITIFUL, a. Fubin na, jihi no fukai, PLASTER, of Paris, n. Sekk6. aware na, itawashii. PLATE, n. Sara, sane, kana-ita. Copper PITILESS, V. Nasake nai, fubin-naki. -, do-han. PITY, n. Fubin, awaremi, jihi, nasake, PLATE, t. v. Kiseru. aware, sokuin. PLATED, a. Kiseta. Gold -, kin-kise. PITY, t. v. Awaremu, fubin ni omo, ita- Silver -, gin-kise. waru. PLATFORM, n. Dai, agari-ba. PIVOT, n. Kaname, horoshi. PLATTER, n. Sahachi, bon. PLACARD, n. Harifuda, bira, harigami. PLAUSIBLE, a. Kuchi-sagashii, makotoraPLACE, n. Tokoro, basho, tochi, za, shii. bungen, mibun, tori. In the - of, PLAY, t. v. Tawamureru, fuzakeru, asobu, kawari ni. Native-, kokiy6, furusato. hiyogeru, jareru, odokeru; (drama), In the first -, ichi ban ni, saisho. shibai wo suru. - checkers, go wo - where it is, ari-dokoro, ari-sho. utsu. - chess, sh6gi wo sasu. - cards, Give -, yudzuru. karuta wo utsu. - the flute, fuye wo PLACE, t. v. Kakeru, oku, suyeru, osa- fuku. - the guitar, samisen wo hiku. meru, adzukeru, hoseru. - the woman, onnakata wo suru. - PLACENTA, n. Yena. upon, damasu, azamuku. - the fool, PLACID, a. Odayaka na, shidzuka na, baka wo suru. yasuraka-na, ochi-tsuitaru. PLAY, n. Tawamure, asobi, shibai, bakuPLACIDLY, adv. Odayaka ni, ochi-tsuite. chi, guwai, ambai, amai. Fair -, PLAGIARISM, n. Ta-jin no cho-jutsu wo jinjo. Foul-, fu-jinjo. To come into nusunde waga cho-jutsu to suru. -, y5 ni tatsu, ma ni au. PLAGUE, n. Yeki, yeki-rei, yaku-biy6. PLAY-ACTOR, n. Yakusha, kawara-mono. PLAGUE, t. v. Komaraseru, wadzurawa- PLAY-BILL, n. Ban-dzuke. seru. PLAY-DAY, n. Kiujitsu, yasumi-bi. PLAID, n. Benke-jima, goban-jima, ichi- PLAYER, n. Yakusha. matsu. PLAYFELLOW, n. Tomo, chikuba no PLAIN, n. Hira-chi, hei-chi. tomo. PLAIN, a. Taira na, tairaka na, hirattai, PLAYFUL, a. Tawamureru. akiraka na, fummiyo, shitsuboku, jimi PLAY-HOUSE, n. Shibai. na, sunao, ubu, k6t6 na. - wood, PLAYTHING, n. Omocha, mote-asobi. shira-ki. To make -, akirameru. PLEA, n. Ii-gusa, ii-wake, negai, kojiPLAIN-DEALING, a. Meihaku na, kep- tsu. paku na. PLEAD, t. V. Rondzuru, giron suru, toriPLAINLY, adv. Akiraka-ni, hakkiri. nasu. PLAINTIFF, n. Uttaye-kata, s6-nin. PLEASANT, a. Yoi, omoshiroi, umai, urePLAINTIVE, a. Aware-naru, kanashii. shii, kokoroyoki. PLAIT, n. Hida, shiwa, ori-me. PLEASANTRY, n. Tawamure, odoke, kokPLAIT, t. v. Kumu, hida wo toru, yoru. kei. PLAN, n. Yedzu, hinagata, hakarigoto, PLEASE, t. v. Tanoshimaseru, yorokosaku, tedate, te, kuff, fumbetsu, b6kei. baseru. (i. v.) Ki ni iru, kckoro ni PLAN, t. v. Kufu suru, hakaru, kuwada- kanau. Asyou -, kokoro ni makasu, teru, takuromu. dzui-i, go katte ni. To - another, PLANE, a. Tairaka-na, hirattai. kigen wo toru, nagusameru. As much PLANE, t. v. Kedzuru. - as one pleases, omo-sama, omo-ire, PLANE, n. Kanna, arashiko, chiushiko, zombun. Please give it to me, dozo j6shiko, kiyo-ganna, kuri-kanna. watakushi ni kudasare. Please let me PLANET, n. Hoshi, yusai. go, d6ka yurushite kudasare. Please PLE 133 POL show me, nani to zo oshiycte kuda- PLUTO, n. Yemma. sare. PLY, t. v. Honeoru, hagemu, kasegu. PLEASED, a. Omoshirogaru, tanoshimu, PLY, n. Ye. Two -, futa-ye. yorokobu. PNEUMONIA, a. Hai-kinsho. PLEASING, a. Yoi, kokoroyoki, omoshi- POACH, t. v. Niru, nusumi-toru. roi. POCKET, n. Kakushi, fukuro, tamoto. PLEASURE, n. Tanoshimi, omoshirosa, POCKET, t. V. Tamoto ni kakusu. To - ureshisa, kiyo, asobi. At pleasure, an insult, haji wo mukuyedzu. kokoro shidai, kokoro makase, dzui-i, POCKET-BOOK, n. Kami-ire. katte ni, kimama ni. POCKET-KNIFE, n. Kogatana, sasuga. PLEBIAN, a. Iyashii, zoku-na. (n.) Shi- POCKET-MONEY, n. Kodzukai. ta-jita, shimo-jimo. POCK-MARK, n. Abata,janko. PLECTRUM, n. Bachi. POD, n. Saya. PLEDGE, n. Shichi, hiki-ate, ate, kata, POEM, n. Shi, uta. ukeai, katame. Pledging one's word POET, n. Uta-yomi, ka-jin, shi-jin. -, kotoba-jichi. POETICAL, a. Uta no, shi no. PLEDGE, t. V. Ukeau, shichi ni oku. To POETRY, n. Shi, uta. - the health, shukuhai suru. POIGNANT, a. Kibishii, tsuyoi. PLENIPOTENTIARY, n. Zen-ken-kO-shi. POINT, n. Saki, ten, chobo, kiwa, toki, PLENTEOUS, a. Oi, takusan, obitadashii, tokoro, shui, honi. - of death, mayutaka na. tsugo, rinjfu, shinigiwa, shi ni kakaru, PLENTIFUL, a. - crop, ho-saku. - shigo. year, ho-nen. POINT, t. v. Togaraseru, kedzuru, sasu, PLENTY, a. Jfbun na, takusan, yutaka nerau, tameru, ku-to wo kiru. - out, na. oshiyeru, yubizasu. PLENTY, n. Jubun, takusan, yutaka. POINTED, n.. Togaru, surudoki. PLETHORA, n. Ta-ketsu. POINTING, n. Kuto wo tsukeru koto. PLIABLE, a. Tawayaka na, nabiki-yasui, POISE, t. v. Tsuri-au, hakaru. shi-nayaka, nayeru. POISON, n. Doku. Kill with —, dokuPLIGHT, t. v. Ukeau, yakusoku suru. satsu, doku-gai. PLIGHT, n. Y6su, yodai, sama. POISON, t. v. Doku wo tsukeru, dokuPLOD, i. v. Honeoru, ro shite aruku. gai wo suru, kabureru, mori-korosu. PLOT, n. Hakarigoto, saku, tedate, ku- Poisoned arrow, doku-ya. fu. PPOISONOUS, a. Doku-na, dokudokushii. PLOT, t. v. Hakaru, kuff suru, kuwada- -fish, doku-giyo. teru. POKE, t. v. Tsuku, tsuki-tsukeru. PLOUGH, n. Kara-suki. POKE, n. Dzurui-yatsu, namake mono. PLOUGH, t. zv. Tagayesu, suku. POKER, n. Hikaki. PLUCK, t. V. Toru, mushiru, mogu, tsu- POLAR-STAR, n. Hoku-shin. mu, chigiru. - out, nuku. POLE, n. Sao, bo. North -, hokkiyoPLUCK, n. Kimo, dai-tan, shimbo. Good ku. South -, nan-kiyoku. Coolie's -, kimo-futoi, ki-tsuyoi. -, tembimbo, ninai-bo. PLUG, n. Tsume, sen. POLICE, n. Sei-ji, tori-shimari. PLUG, t. V. Tsumeru, fusagu. POLICEMAN, n. Mawari-bannin, jun-ra, PLUM, n. Ume, bai. - tree, ume no ki. bam-pei, rasotsu. - blossoms, ume no hana. POLICY, n. Seiji, seido, sho-chi, toriPLUMAGE, n. Hane, ke. atsukai-kata, shi-hO, takumi. PLUMB, n. Omori. POLICY, n. Ukeai-jo. PLUMB, a. Massugu. POLISH, t. v. Migaku, togu, takuma PLUMB-LINE, n. Sage-sumi, sage-furi, suru. midzumorinawa. POLISH, n. Tsuya. PLUME, n. Hane, ke. POLITIC, a. Kashikoki, takumi naru, PLUMP, a. Koyeru. hatsumei naru. PLUMULE, n. Hana. POLITICAL, a. Sei-ji ni kakawaritaru. PLUNDER, t. V. Ubau, ubai-toru, toru, POLITICIAN, a. Seijinijuku shitaruhito, nusumu, kasumeru. seiji ni kakawaritaru hito. PLUNDER, n. Bundori, nusumi-mono. POLITICS, n. Seiji. PLUNGE, t. V. Shidzumeru, hameru, POLITE, a. Aiso no yoi, seji no yoi, teitobi-iru. nei-na, furiu na, ikina, ingin no. PLURALITY, a. Hitotsu yori oku naru POLITENESS, n. Rei. reigi, rei-shiki, shiloto. tsuke-gata, ingin. POL 134 POS POLITY, n. Seitai, seido. PORCUPINE. Hari-nedzumi. POLL, n. Niusatsu ba, irefuda ba. PORE, n. Ke-ana, sori. P::LL, t. v. Kiru, hasami-kiru, nimbetsu- PORK, n. Buta no niku. cho ni noseru, nengu wo osameru. PORPOISE, n. Iruka. POLL-BOOK, n. Niusatsu cho. PORRIDGE, n. Kayu. POLLEN, n. Nioi. PORT, n. Minato, tsu, narifuri. — the POLLUTE, t. v. Kegasu, yogosu. helm, tori-kaji. Enter -, niu-tsu. POLLUTION, n. Kegasu koto, yogoshi, Leave -, shukkO, shuttsu. oye. PORTABLE, a. Motareru, mochl-yasui. POLTROON, n. Okubiyo-mono, hikiyo PORTAL, n. Mon. kido. mono. PORTEND, t. v. Shirassru, arawasu. POLYGAMY, n. SU sai wo motsu koto. PORTENT, n. Zem-piyo, shirase, dzui, POLYPUS OF NOSE, n. Hanatake, biji. zencho. POMATUM, n. Bintsuke, suki-abura. PORTENTOUS, a. Fukitsu wo maye-kara POMEGRANATE, n. Zakuro. snirashitaru. POMP, n. Ogori, ririshiki, rin-rin. PORTER, n. Momban, nin-soku, ko-age, PoMPous, a. Taka-buru, ohei na, ofu na, karuko, hakobite, nimochi. ririshiki, ibaru. - in talking, kuwo- PORTERAGE, n. Ninsoku-chin, un-chin, gen. hakobi-chin. POND, n. Ike, sensui. PORTFOLIO, n. Tatogami, jobako. PONDER, t. v. Kangayeru, andzuru, PORT-HOLE, n. Sama. teppo-zama, hazaomou, megurasu. ma. PONDEROUS, a. Omoi. PORTICO, n. Yen, genkuwa, roka. PONGEE, n. Tsumugi. PORTION, n. Wari, wari-ai, bun, maye, PONIARD, n. Kuwai-ken. bu. PONTIFF, n. Tenshukiyo no kashira no PORTION, t. v. Wari-tsukeru, kubaru, so. ategau, ate-hameru. PONTOON-BRIDGE, n. Funa-bashi. PORTLY, a. Koyeta, okii. POOH-POOHED, a. Naozari ni shite omo. PORTMANTEAU, n. Do-chiu nimotsu wo PONY, n. Uma. ireru kawa-bukuro. POOL, n. Ike. PORTRAIT, n. Yezo, nigao. PoOP, n. Fune no tomo. PORTRAY, t. v. Kaku, hiku. POOR, a. Bimbo, konkiu na, madzushii, PORTUGAL, n. Horitogar. demo, shidzu, wabishii, yasetaru, warui. PORTULACCA, n. Hanahiyu. - fazmily, hinka. — and mean, hin- POSITION, n. Kamaye, muki, uke, bunsen. The -, him-min. - soil, hin- gen, mibun, bunzai, yosu, tokoro, bachi. - man, hin-jin. - woman, sho. hin-niyo. POSITIVE, a. Ketchaku na, tashika naru, POOR-HOUSE, n. Kiu-iku-jo. shikato shita, kimaritaru. POORLY, adv. Madzushiku, bimb6 shite, POSITIVELY, adv. Kanaradzu, zehi, keswaruku. shite, kitto, tashika-ni, shikato, issePOORLY, a. Ambai warui, fu-kuwai. tsu. POOR-SPIRITED, a. Ki no okureru. POSSESS, t. v. Motsu, aru, shoji suru. PoP, t. v. Pon-pon to hibiku, patchi- Possessod with devils, akki ni toripatchi-to naru. tsukareru. POPE, n. Tenshu-kiyo no kashira no POSSESSION, n. - Mochi-mono, mochiba, so. mochi-kitari, shinsho, shindai, shoji. POPERY, n. Tenshu-kiyo. POSSESSOR, n. Nushi, mochi-nushi. POP-GUN, n. Tsuki-deppo, nichako-tep- POSSIBLE, a. Dekiru, okata, de aro, or po. the dubit. suff., ro. To God al POPLITEAL-SPACE, n. Hikkagami. things are possible, kami ni atawazaru POPPED-RICE, n. Haze. tokoro nashi. POPPY, n. Keshi. - heads, Ozokkoku. POST, n. Hikiyaku, hashira, kui, mochiPOPULACE, n. Shimo-jimo, chonin. ba, mochi-kuchi. POPULAR, a. Hayaru. POST, t. v. Oku. To - a bill, hikifuda POPULATION, n. Nindzu, nimbetsu, hito- wo haru. To - a letter, tegami wo kadzu, jinko. hikiyaku-ya ye watasu. To - an acPOPULOUS, a. Hito no oi. count, kanjo wo dai-cho ni noseru. PORCELAIN, n. Seto-mono, suye-mono, POSTAGE, n. Hikiyaku-chin, jo-chin, yakimono. tegami-dai. PORCH, n. Yell, genkuwa. POSTERIOR, a. Ato no, nochi no, go. POS 135 PRE POSTERIORS, n. Shiri, ishiki, oido. POWERFUL, a. Chikara aru, tsuyoi, ikioi POSTERITY, n. Shison, ko-in. no aru, isei aru, kikime ga aru, go. POSTERN, n. Karamete, ura-mon. POWERFULLY, adv. Tsuyoku. POST-HORSE, n. Shuku-ba, yekiba. POWERLESS, a. Chikara naki, tayowaki. POSTHUMOUS NAME, n. H6og, kai-miy6, PRACTICABLE, a. Dekiru, nasareru. h6-miy6, okuri-na. PRACTICAL, a. Yodatsu, yaku ni tatsu. POSTMAN, n. Hikiyaku, jo-bikiyaku. PRACTICE, n. Koto, okonai, keiko, maPOSTMASTER-GENERAL, n. Yeki-tei no nabi, jutsu, narai, tsu-rei, riyori, furi-ai, kami. rei. POST-OFFICE, n. Hikiyaku ya. PRACTICE, t. v. Nareru, nasu, keiko suPOST-OFFICE DEPARTMENT, n. Yeki-tei- ru, manabu, okonau. - mnedicine, ijuriyo. tsu wo giy6 to suru. To be 6racticed, POSTPONE, t. V. Nobasu, shi-nokosu, tanren suru, yete taru, nare-taru. yenki suru. PRAIRIE, n. No, hara, nohara. POSTPONEMENT, n. Hinobe, yen-nin. PRAISE, n. Homare, san, sambi, sh6, POST-POSITION, n. Go-shi. sh6bi. POSTSCRIPT, n. Soye-gaki, kaki-soye, PRAISE, t. v. Homeru, sambi suru, sh6bi batsu, tsuikei. suru, sh6 suru. POST-TOWN, n. Shuku, shukuba, yeki. PRAISEWORTHY, a. - action, k. POSTURE, n. Kamaye, yosu, arisama. PRANCE, t. v. Haneru, odoru, agaku. POT, n. Nabe, kama. - lid, kama- PRANK, n. Jodan, tawamure. buta. PRATE, i. v. Shaberu. POTATO, n. Imo. White -, jagatara- PRAWN, n. Yebi. imo. Sweet-, satsuma-imo. PRAY, i. v. Inoru, kit6 suru, negau, koiPOTENT, a. Tsuyoi, ikioi no aru, keni aru. negau, tanomu. POTENTATE, n. O taru mono. PRAYER, a. Inori, kit6, negai, koi, kinen, POT-HOOK, n. Jizai-kagi, kagi. nejigoto. - for rain, amagoi. POTION, n. Nomi-mono. PRAYERLESS, a. Kami ni inoranu. POTTER, n. Yaki-mono-shi, suye-mono- PRECARIOUS, a. Obotsukanai, tashikanashi. radzu, kimara-nai. POTTERY, n. Yaki-mono, suye-mono. PRECAUTION, n. Yoi, yojin, tsutsushimi. POUCH, n. Fukuro, kane-ire, kinchaku. PRECEDE, t. v. Saki ni yuku, saki ni POULTICE, n. Pappu. tatsu, maye ni aru, sakidatsu. POULTRY, n. Niwatori. PRECEDENCE, n. Sakidatsu koto. POUNCE, i. v. Tori-tsukamu. PRECEDENT, n. Senrei, sen-kaku, senki,. POUND, n. Kin.'One pound avoirdu- kiu-rei. (a.) Saki no, maye no. fiois = shichi momme ni fun go-rin. PRECEDING, a. Sen, saki no, maye no. POUND, t. v. Butsu, utsu, tsuku. PRECEPT, n. Imashime, kai, oshiye, iken, POUNDER, n. Kine. ho. POUR, i. v. Nagareru, deru, koboreru. PRECEPTOR, n. Shi, shish6. The rain fours, 6-ame ga furu. PRECINCT, n. Sakai, riy-chi, atari. POUR, t. v. - into, tsugu, shaku suru, PRECIOUS, a. Tattoki, takara, atara, kumu. - out, kobosu. -from, na- oshiki. gare-deru. - on, sosogu, kakeru. PRECIPICE, n. Kenso, zeppeki. POUT, i. v. Suneru, futeru. PRECIPITANTLY, adv. Kuwa-kiu ni, awaPOVERTY, n. Bimbo, konkiu, hin, ma- tadashiku, isoide. dzushiki, hinkiu. PRECIPITATE, t. v. Otosu, sekasuru, isoPOWDER, n. Ko, kona, saimatsu, san, gaseru, hayameru. matsu, fun. Gun -, yensh&, kuwaya- PRECIPITATE, i. v. Shidzumu, odomu, ku, goyaku. Face -, oshiroi. - ma- ochiru. gazine, kawayaku-gura. PRECIPITOUS, a. Kewashii, sagashii, soPOWDER, t. v. Kona ni suru, kosuru,ko uru, badatsu, sobiyeru. saimatsu ni suru, hiku, suri-kudaku, PRECISE, a. Katai, shikakubaru, kataorosu. - with sugar, satO wo furi- kurushii, kirik6oj, shikatsuberashii. kakera. To - the face, kao ni oshiroi PRECISELY, adv. Ch6do, adakamo, shiwo nuru. ka-to. POWDER-FLASK, n. Goyaku-ire, yensh6- PRECISION", n. Tagawanu koto. ire. PRECLUDE, t. v. Fusegu, kobamu, sasaPOWDER-MILL, n. Kuwayaku-ba. yeru, sayegiru. POWER, n. Chikara, ikiol, iko, isei, kon6, PRECOCIOUS, a. Toshi ni niawanu chiye kikime, ken, kuriki, keni. no aru. PRE 136 PRE PRECONCERT, t. v. Kanete sadameru, PREPARATION, n. Shitaku, yoi, sonaye, maye-motte kuwadateru. y6jin, teate, kakugo, moyoshi. PRECURSOR, n. Sakidachi. PREPARE, t. v. Shitaku suru, sonayeru, PREDECESSOR, n. Sen no hito, zempai. mokeru, koshirayeru, totonoyeru, kaPREDESTINATE, t. v. Mayemotte tori- mayeru. moyosu. kimeru, maye-ni sadameru, arakajime PREPAY, t. v. Saki ni harau, maye-barai kimeru. wo suru. PREDETERMINE, t. v. Maye kara kime- PREPAYMENT, n. Maye-barai, mayeru. sen. PREDICAMENT, 7. Yosu, arisama, ba-ai. PREPOSTEROUS, a. Ri ni somuku. PREDICATE, t. v. IU, ii-haru. PREREQUISITE, n. Mayemotte nakereba PREDICT, t. V. Mayemotte iu, arakajime naranu. iu, yogen suru. PREROGATIVE, n. Ki-suru koto, kakaru PREDICTION, n. Mayemotte iuta koto, koto. It is the - of the father to zengen, yogen. govern his family, kanai-ju wo osaPREDOMINANT, a. Sugitaru, katsu, gachi, meru koto wa teishu hitori ni kakaru. oku, masaru. PRESAGE, n. Zempiyo, shirase, zencho. PREDOMINATE, a. Sugiru, masaru, ka- PRESAGE, t. v, Maye-motte shiraseru, tsu. yogen suru. PRE-EMINENT, n. Hiideru, sugiru, bak- PRESCIENCE, n. Mayemotte shiru koto. kun, nukinderu. PRESCRIBE, Ii-tsukeru, meidzuru, kusuri PRE-EMINENTLY, adv. Nakandzuku, su- wo yaru, riy6ji wo suru. gurete. PRESCRIPTION, n. Ho-gaki, ch6go. A lter PRE-ENGAGEMBTT, 7. Sen-yaku. a -, tempo suru. PRE-EXIST, i. v. Zen-se ni oru, maye no PRESENCE, n. Oru-koto, oru-toki. In yo ni oru. the -, omote, maye, gan-zen, ma-noPRE-EXISTENCE, n. Zen-se, maye no yo, atari, mokuzen. Lose - of mind, toho kono yo no maye ni oru koto. wo ushinau, akire-hateru, ki-okure ni PREFACE, 7. Jo. hashigaki. naru. PREFER, t. v. Yerabu, tattomu, ageru, PRESENT, a. Oru, iru, genzai, ima. At susumeru. I - this one, kono ho ga -, toji, to-bun. For the -, t6-bun, yoi. to-ji. PREFERABLE, a. Yoi, madashimo, ma- PRESENT, n. Rei-motsu, miage, okurishi. mono, shinjo-mono, immotsu, shimmoPREFERENCE, n. Yerabi. tsu. PREFERMENT, n. Risshin, shussei. PRESENT, t. v. Shinj6 suru, okuru, agePREFIX, t. v. Maye ni oku. (n.) Ka- ru, tsukawasu, tatematsuru, teijo suru. kari-kotoba. PRESENTIMENT, n. Mayemotte omo. PREGNANT, n. Kuwai-nin, mi-mochi, PRESENTLY, adv. Ima-ni, ottsuke, otte, nin-shin, haramu, migomori. nochihodo, hodonaku, sugu-ni, jikiPREJUDGE, t. v. Mayemotte ketsudan ni. suru. PRESERVATION, n. Tasuke, sukui. PREJUDICE, n. Hiiki, kata-hiiki, yeko, PRESERVE, t. v. Tasukeru, suku, tabau, katayori, higamu koto, gai, itami. tamotsu, mamoru, shugo suru, kako, PREJUDICIAL, a. Doku-na, gai-naru, fu- sato ni tsukeru. tame na. PRESERVE, n. Tomeba. PRELIMINARY, a. Maye no. PRESERVER, n. Tasuke-te, inochi no oya, PREMATURE, a. Haya-sugiru, toki-na- tasuke nin. ranu, tsuki-taradzu, madajukusenu. - PRESIDE, Shihai suru, matsurigoto wo birth, shosan. Prematurely old, hi- suru. nekkobiru. PRESIDENT, 7. Toriyo, dai-toriyo. PREMEDITATE, i. v. Mayemotte kanga- PRESS, t. V. Osu, shiboru, shimeru, isogu, yeru, mayemotte hakaru. seku, hayameru, shiiru. To - uf, oshiPREMISE, t. v. Mayemotte iu. ageru. - down, oshi-kudasu, osayeru, PREMIUM, n. Hobi, r, r rigin. oshi-tsukeru. - against, osayeru. - PREMONITION, n. Mayemotte shiraseru, into, oshi-komu, oshi-tsumeru, oshi-iru. saki ni shiraseru. - forward, isoide yuku. - out, oshiPREOCCUPY, t. v. Saki ni oru, maye ni dasu. sumu. PRESS, n. Shime-gi, han wo suru dogu, PREORDAIN, t. v. Mayemotte sadameru, gun-ju. To j2ut a book to -, hon wo arakajime kiwameru. han ni okosu. PRE 137 PRO PRESSED, a. Sappaku. PRIMOGENITURE, a. Chaku-son. PRESSMAN, n. Han-suri. PRINCE, n. Tai-shi, miya, seishi. PRESSURE, n. Osu koto. PRINCESS, n. Hime, naishin-no, himePRESTIGE, n. Dzu. miya, hime-gimi. PRESUME, t. V. Om6, tsumoru. PRINCIPAL, a. Taisetsu na, kany6 naru, PRESUMPTUOUS, a. Sashi-deru. omoi, kuwantaru. PRETENCE, n. Kakotsuke, iigusa, dashi. PRINCIPAL, n. Cho, kashira, motode, moPRETEND, t. v. Kakotsukeru, itsuwaru, tokin, sen, sen-ichi. - and interest, kotoyoseru, maneru, niseru. - not to guwan-ri. - thing, dai-ichi, kanyo, yo, know, shirabakkureru, shiranu kao wo kan-jin. suru. - to read, yomi-nasu. PRINCIPALITY, n. Riy6bun, riy6. PRETENDER, n. Ikisugi, namaiki, kiita- PRINCIPALLY, adv. Moppara, dai-ichi, fu. omo ni. PRETEXT, n. Kakotsuke, iigusa, dashi. PRINCIPLE, n. Ri, dori, kotowari, michi, PRETTY, a. Kirei na, utsukushii, migoto moto, kizashi, ri-ai. no, rippa naru.'- PRINT, t. v. Han ni okosu, suru, j6boku PRETTY, adv. Kanari, dzuibun, yaya. suru. - ed book, hampon. Out of — PREVAIL, t. v. Katsu, hayaru, riuk6 suru, zeppan. hakko suru. PRINT, n. Ato, kata, ji. PREVALENCE, n. Hayari, riuk6. PRINTER, n. Hansuri. PREVALENT, a. Hayari no, riuk6 no, tsu- PRINTING-OFFICE, n. Kuwappan-o. rei no. PRINTING-PRESS, n. Hansuri-dai. PREVARICATE, i. Z'. Itsuwaru. PRIOR, a. Saki no, maye-no. PREVENT, t. v. Kobamu, fusegu. PRIORITY, n. A ccording to-, senguri PREVENTION, n. Kobamu koto, fusegu ni. koto, samatage. PRISON, n. R6ya, hito-ya. PREVIOUS, a. Saki no, maye no, izen, sen. PRISONER, n. Zainin, meshiudo, tsumi- state, maye no yo, zen-se, shuku-sei. bito, toriko. - contract, sen-yaku. PRIVACY, n. Inkiyo, himitsu. PREVIOUSLY, adv. Itsuzoya, sendatte, PRIVATE, a. Jibun no, jishin no, watamaye-ni, maye-kata, mayemotte, kane- kushi no, naish6 no, naibun no, hisoka te, sakidatte, saki-hodo, sen-koku, ka- naru. - business, shi-y6. - opinion, tsute. nai-i. PREY, a. Bundori. PRIVATELY, adv. Hisoka-ni, nai-nai, naiPREY, t. v. Toru, ubau, ubai-toru. sh6 ni, aitai-ni, om-bin. PRICE, n. Nedan, ne, atai, dai, chin, shi- PRIVATION, n. Naki-koto, arazaru koto. ru, daikin. PRIVILEGE, n. Ki suru koto, mochimaye, PRICE-CURRENT, n. Sobadzuke. Tea -, sujime. chanofu. PRIVY, a. Hi-mitsu no, hisoka naru. PRICELESS, a. Atai-naki, kane de.kawa- PRIVY, n. Ch6dzuba, setsuin, k6ka, karenu. waya. PRICK, t. v. Sasu, tsuku. - u the ears, PRIZE, n. Bundori, h6bi. mimi wo sobadatsu. PRIZE, t. v. Tattomu, omondzuru, oshiPRICKING, n. Chiku-chiku suru. mu. PRICKLY-HEAT, n. Asebo. PROBABLY, adz. Okata, tabun, osorakuPRICKLY-PEAR, n. Saboten. ba. Also formed by the sujffxes, raPRIDE, n. Koman, jiman, takaburi, ho- shii, s6, and ro, dearo. kori, 6of, 6hei, man-ki, man-shin. PROBATION, n. Kokoromi, tameshi. PRIEST, n. Bodzu, osho, juji, so, h6shi. PROBE, n. Saguri. Shintoo -, kannushi. PROBE, t. v. Saguru. gimmi suru. PRIMARILY, adv. Madzu, moto, hajimete, PROBITY, n. Tadashisa, meihaku, shinsaish6. jitsu. PRIMARY, a. Moto-no. - imnzortance, PROBLEMATICAL, a. Obotsukanai, utagadai ichi, sen-ichi, sakidatsu. washii, tashikanaranu. PRIME, a. Moto-no, ichi-ban no, dai- PROBOSCIS, n. Hana. ichi no. -object, shu, shui. - quality, PROCEED, t. v. Susumu, deru, saki ni yujo-hin. - cost, moto ne. ku. PRIME, t. v. Shita-nuri wo suru: PROCEEDING, n. Koto, shiwaza, shikata. PRIMING, n. Kuchi-gusuri. PROCEEDS, n. Taka, agari, dai, moke, ri. PRIMITIVE, a. Moto-no. - times, ini- PROCESSION, n. Retsu, giyoretsu. shiye, mukashi. PROCLAIM, t. v. Hirogeru, hiromeru, fu PRO 138 PRO reru, fure-chirasu, shiraseru, tsfdatsu PROGNOSIS, n. Yogo. wo suru. PROGNOSTIC, n. Shirase, zempiyo, sho. PROCLAMATION, n. Ofure, go-j6-moku, PROGNOSTICATE, t. V. Mi-tosu, mi-nuku, fukoku. mi-sadameru, mayemotte iu. PROCLIVITY, n. Kuse. PROGRAMME, n. Ban-tsuke. PROCRASTINATE, t. v. Injun suru, yennin PROGRESS, i. v. Susumu, te ga agaru, stlru, noberu, shi-nokosu. shimpo suru, sei-suru shotatsu suru. PROCRASTINATION, n. Injun, yennin, ima PROGRESS, n. Susumi, te-agari, shimpo, subeki koto wo go nichi ni nobasu ko- shotatsu. to. PROHIBIT, t. v. Kobamu, fusegu, kindzuPROCREATION, n. Umu koto. ru, kotowaru, seikin suru, sasayeru, sei PRODIGAL, a. Tsuiyasu, oshige-naki, suru, ch6ji suru. oshimadzu ni tsukau, mudadzukai, ozap- PROHIBITION, n. Hatto, go hatto, kinzei. pai. PROJECT, n. Kufu, saku, tedate, hakariPRODIGAL, n. Sanzaika. goto. PRODIGIOUS, n. Okii, bakutai, kuwodai. PROJECT, t. v. Kufu suru, hakaru. (i. v.) PRODIGY, n. Hen-na koto, ayashii koto, deru. Projecting teeth, deba, soppa. miyo-na koto, ki-naru-koto, kikuwai na - eyebrows, de-bitai. - eyes, de-ma. koto, heni, jimben. - navel, be-beso. PRODUCE, t. v. Dasu, hiki-dasl, miseru, PROLAPSUS-ANI, n. Dakko. shodzuru, musubu, naru, tsukuru, ko- PROLIFIC, a. Yutaka naru, yoku dekiru, shirayeru, saku, dekiru, tateru. yoku sh6dzuru. PRODUCE, n. Saku, tsukuri, deki, saku- PROLIX, a. Nagai, nagatarashii, shitsumotsu, sambutsu. koi, kudoi, kuda-kudashii, kojirettai. PRODUCT, n. Deki, saku, sambutsu. PROLONG, t. v. Nagaku suru, nobasu, noPRODUCTION, n. Saku-motsu, sambutsu, biru, ato wo hiku. tsukuri-mono. PROLONGATION, n. Nobasu koto. PROFANATION, n. Kami to kami no mono PROMINENT, a. Hiidetaru, takai, medagoto nado wo kegasu koto, mottai-naki tsu. - eyes, de-me. - eyebrows, dekoto. bitai. PROFANE, a. Mottainai, kegaretaru, sei PROMISCUOUS, a. Midaretaru, konzatsu naranu. shita. PROFANE, t. v. Kami to kami no mono PROMISCUOUSLY, adv. Konzatsu shite, migoto nado wo kegasu. To - the Sdb- darete, mazete. bath, ansoku-nichi wo kegasu. PROMISE, n. Yakusoku, yaku-j6, ukeai, PROFESS, t. v. Omote-muki ni mosu, iu, katame. A person of great -, tanoii-tsutayeru. moshiki hito. PROFESSION, n. Giy6-tei, shfi-shi. PROMISE, t... Yakusoku suru, ukeau. PROFESSOR, n. Hakase. PROMONTORY, n. Hana. PROFFER, t. if. Atayeru, yaru. PROMOTE, t. v. Susumeru, shO-tatsu saPROFICIENT, n. Jodzu, yete, tokui, sho- seru, shussei suru, ageru, hiromeru. tatsu. PROMOTION, n. Shussei, shoshin. PROFICIENT, a. Tasshitaru, sh6tatsu na. PROMPT, t. V. Jogon suru, odateru, sasePROFILE, n. Hammen no yedzu. ru, hagemasu. PROFIT, n. Ri, riyeki, bu-ai, yeki, hai, PROMPT, a. Hayai, sumiyaka na, toi, r-bun, tokusei, mOke, toku, bugin, ta- shin-sotsu, sakui. me. - and oss, ri-gai, son-toku, toku- PROMPTLY, adv. Hayaku, toku, sugu-ni. shitsu. PROMULGATE, t. v. Hiromeru, fureru, PROFIT, t. V'. Tame ni naru, yd ni tatsu, fukoku suru. yaku ni tatsu. PRONE, a. Utsubushi, katamuku, sukiPROFITABLE, a. Toku-y6 na, rikata ni na. Lay the hand-, te wo fuseru. naru, ri no aru, kai no aru, tame ni na- PRONG, n. Mata. ru, toku ni naru, y6 ni tatsu. PRONOUN, n. Dai-mei-shi. PROFLIGATE, a. D6raku, hoto, ho-ratsu- PRONOUNCE, t. v. IU, hanasu. na. PRONUNCIATION, n. Ii-kata, ii-y6, roretsu. PROFOUND, a. Fukai, omoi, tasshitaru. PROOF, n. Shoko, kokoromi, akashi. PROFUSE, a. Tsuiyasu, sanzai suru, tap- Fire -, higotaye no yoi. Bullet -, puri, ikai, yokei na. tama-gotaye. PROGENITOR, n. Senzo, k6so, shiso, gan- PROP, n. Shimbari, tsuka, tsuppari, tsukso. kaibo. PROGENY, n. Shison. PROP, t. v. Kau, shimbari wo kau. PRO 139 PRY PROPAGATE, t. v. Tsutayeru, hiromeru, PROSTRATE, t. v. Taosu, fuseru, hiresh6dzuru. fusu, heifuku suru. PROPAGATION, n. Sh6dzuru koto, hiro- PROSTRATION, n. Taosu koto, hire-fusu geru koto. koto. - of spirits, ki no fusagu koto. PROPEL, t. V. OSU. PROSY, a. Kuchitaki, netsui, kojirettai. PROPELLER, n. Uchi-guruma no jokisen. PROTECT, t. v. Mamoru, shugo suru, PROPENSITY, n. Kuse. kago suru, kabau, yokeru. PROPER, a. Mochimaye no, kanau, tada- PROTECTION, n. Mamori, shugo, okage, shii, niau, soto, t6zen, beki. yoke. PROPERLY, adv. Tadashiku, hon-ni. PROTEST, t. V. Kitto iu, kesshite iu, kaPROPERTY, n. Shinsho, shindai, kaz6, taku iu. - against, shika-to sakarote mochimono, shoji, shozo, kazai. - iu. holder, shutai. PROTEST, n. Sakar6te iu koto, isame, PROPHECY, n. Zengen, yogen. kempaku. PROPHESY, t. v. Mayemotte iu, araka- PROTESTANT, n. Iesuwoshinjitetenshujime iu, yogen suru. kiyo ni shitagawazaru mono, Iesu-kiyo. PROPHET, n. Yogen-sha. PROTRACT, t. v. Nagaku suru, nobasu, PROPITIATE, t. v. Nagusameru, nada- himadoru, temadoru. meru, kigen wo toru. PROTRUDE, t. v. Deru, dasu. PROPITIATION, n. Nagusameru koto, PROTUBERANCE, n. Kobu. aganai, tsugunai. PROUD, a. Hokoru, takaburu, ohei naru, PROPITIOUS, t. v. Jun, wa-jun ni naru. jiman naru, k6man naru, 6f0-naru. PROPORTION, n. Hodo, wari-ai, bun, PROVE, t. v. Tamesu, kokoro-miru, shoko kakko. Out of -, awanu, tsuri-awanu. wo tateru, keiken suru, sadameru. PROPORTION, t. v. Tsuri-au, tekito suru, PROVERB, n. Kotowaza. hodo-yoku suru. PROVIDE, t. v. Shitaku suru, yoi suru, PROPORTIONALLY, adv. Wariai ni wa, te-ate wo suru, sonayeru, ategau. - tsuriai ni wa. food, makanau. PROPORTIONATE, a. Teki-to, s6-6, s6t6, PROVIDENCE, n. Yoi,yojin, temmei, kago. kanau. PROVIDENT, a. Y6jin no yoi, tsutsushiPROPORTIONATELY, adv. Wari-ai ni wa. mu. PROPOSAL, n. Ii-kakeru koto. PROVIDENTIAL, a. Temmei no. PROPOSE, t. V. Ii-dasu, ii-kakeru, ii-ireru, PROVINCE, n. Kuni, koku. ii-tateru. PROVINCIALISM, n. Namari, katakoto, PROPOSITION, n. Ii-kakeru koto, ii-kake. kiyodan. PROPOUND, t. v. Ii-kakeru, ii-dasu. PROVISION, t. v. Makanau, shokuriyo PROPRIETOR, n. Nushi, mochi-nushi. wo atayeru. - of land, ji-nushi. PROVISION. n. Yoi, shitaku, te-ate, tabePROPRIETY, n. Tadashiki, reigi. mono, shokuriyo, sonaye. Army -, PROROGUE, t. v. Nobasu, yen-nin suru. hiy6rO. PROSCRIBE, t. v. Kindzuru, kinshi suru. PROVISIONAL, a. Kari no, t6-ji. PROSE, n. Bun. PROVOCATION, n. Ikaru wake, ikaraseru PROSECUTE, t. V. Shochi suru, tori-atsu- koto. kau, uttayeru. PROVOKE, t.. i karaseru, rippuku sasePROSECUTION, n. Shochi, tori-atsukai, ru, hara wo tataseru; naburu, jirasu, ki uttaye, kuji wo tori-atsukau koto. wo momu, okoru, aragau. PROSELYTE, n. Kai-shu-nin, shitago hi- PROVOKING, a. Sirettai, ikaraseru. to. PROW, n. Mioshi, hesaki. PROSPECT, n. Keshiki, ffkei, chobo, mi- PROWL, t. v. Shinobi aruku, nerai-aruku, watashi, nagame, mi-haraahi, nozomi. hai-kuwai suru. PROSPER, t. v. Sakayeru, hanj6 suru. PROXY, n. Kawari, dai, miy6dai. PROSPERITY, n. Hanjo, sakaye, hankuwa, PRUDENCE, n. Yojin, tsutsushimi, tashisaiwai. nami. PROSPEROUS, a. Sakan-naru, hanjo naru, PRUDENT, a. Tsutsushimu, y6jin bukai, hankuwa na, sai-wai na, shiawase na. tashinamu. PROSTITUTE, t. V. Mi wo uru koto, joro PRUDENTLY, adv. Tsutsushinde, yojin ni naru koto. shite. PROSTITUTE, n. Joro, yfjo, asobi-onna, PRUME, t.. Kari-komu, yeda wo subaita. - quarters, kuruwa, yuri. kasu. PROSTITUTION, n. Mi wo uru koto, joro PRUSSIAN-BLUE, n. Konjo. ni naru koto. PRY, t. v. Ukagau, nerau, kojlru. - PSA 140 PUS up, koji-ageru. - open, koji-akeru. PUNCTUALITY, n. Kokugen wo tagaye- afart, koji-hanasu. zaru koto. PSALM, n. Wa-san, shomiy6. PUNCTUALLY, adv. Soi naku, tashika ni, PUBERTY, n. Hito to naru toki, otona, machigawadzu. iroke-dzuku. PUNCTUATION, n. Kut6. PUBLIC, a. Oyake no, bahareru. - busi- PUNCTUATE, t. v. Ku wo kiru, ten wo ness, go-yo. - and firivate, k6-shi. tsukeru, kin wo tsukeru, kuto wo tsu- service, ko-mu. In —, omotemuki keru. ni. PUNCTURE, n. Ana. PUBLICATION, n. Shuppan, fukoku. PUNCTURE, t. v. Tsuki-tosu, sasu. PUBLIC-HOUSE, n. Yadoya, hatagoya. PUNGENT, a. Karai. PUBLICLY, adv. Omote-muki ni, 6yake PUNISH, t. v. Tsumi suru, korasu, imani, kozen-to, arawa-ni. shimeru, kei-batsu suru, bassuru, shioki PUBLICITY, n. Guwai-bun, ta-mon. wo suru, sekkan suru, chiu-batsu suru. PUBLISH, t. v. Hiromeru, fureru, ara- PUNISHMENT, n. Shioki, kei-batsu, imawasu, fukoku suru, tsudatsu suru, shup- shime, korashi, bachi, batsu. Capital pan suru, amu, fure-shirasu. -, dan-zai. - by hard labor, bakkin. PUCKER, t. v. Subomeru, hisomeru. PUP, n. Ko-inu. inukoro. PUDDING, n. Shokumotsu no na. PUPIL, n. Deshi, monjin, shosei. -of PUDDLE, n. Nukarumni, midzu-damari. the eye, hitomi, d6ji. PUERILE, a. Kodomorashii, osanage na. PUPPET, n. Ningiyo. - show, kairai, PUFF, t. v. Hito-iki wo fuku. - u?, kugudzu. homeru. Puffed up, fukureru, jiman PURCHASE, t. v. Kau, motomeru. suru. PURCHASE, n. Kau koto. PUFF-BALL, n. Me-tsubure-dake. PURCHASER, n. Kai-te. PUGNACIOUS, a. Ken-kuwa-dzuki. PURE, a. Sumi-kitta, sunda, kirei-na, PUKE, t. v. Haku, modosu, to suru. kiyoki, shojo-na, muku, seichoku na, PULL, t. v. Hiku, torn, mushiru, mogu, isagiyoi, kiyoraka na, sei-ketsu-na. tsumu, sohiku. - in two, saku. - heart, tanshin, sekishin. -and imafart, niki-hanasu, hiki-wakeru. - u, pure, sei-daku. - stream, sei-riu. hiki-ageru, hiki-okosu, hiki-tateru, nu- - water, sei-sui. ku. — out, hiki-dasu, nuku, hiki-ha- PURGATIVE, n. Gezai, kudashi-gusuri. dzusu. -off, hiki-hagu. -open, hiki- PURGE, t. v. Kudasu, sha suru. hatakeru. - over, hiki-taosu. - PURIFY, t. v. Sumasu, kiyomeru, kirei across, hiki-watasu. - in, hiki-ireru, ni suru. hiki-komu. - back, hiki-kayesu, hiki- PURIFICATION, n. Kiyomeru koto. modosu. - around, hiki-mawasu. PURITY, n. Kiyoki koto. - op1osite, hiki-mukeru. - down, PURLOIN, t. v. Nusumu, kasumeru. hiki-orosu, hiki-otosu. - near, hiki- PURPLE, a. Murasaki. yoseru, hiki-tsureru. - along, hiki- PURPORT, n. Omomuki, wake, imi, shui. tsureru. PURPOSE, n. Kokorozashi, kokoro, wake, PULL, n. Hiki. yuye, shisai, tsumori, riyoken. On -, PULLEY, n. Rokuro, sebi. waza-to, koto-sara-ni. To no -, mudaPULPIT, n. Koza.. ni, munashiku, itadzura-ni. Toanswer PULSATE, i. v. Utsu, ugoku, odoru, kud6 the -, kototaru, ma-ni-awaseru. suru. PURPOSE, t. v. Om6, kokorozasu, sadaPULSATION, n. Kud6, hibiki. maru. PULSE, n. Miyaku. PURPOSELY, adv. Waza-to, koto-sara-ni. PULVERIZE, t. v. Ko ni suru, saimatsu ni PURSE, n. Kinchaku, kane-ire. suru, suri-tsubusu. PURSER, n. Kanjo-kata. PUMELO, n. Zabon. PURSUANT, a. Shitagatte, tsuite, yotte. PUMICE-STONE, n. Karu-ishi. PURSUE, t. v. Ou, okkakeru, tsuku, karu, PUMP, n. Pompu, riu-tosui. yuku. PUMPKIN, n. Kabocha, bobura. PURSUER, n. Otte. PUN, n. Share, jiguchi. PURSUIT, n. Oi, tosei, kagiy6, shobai. PUNCH, n. Uchigiri. PURULENT, a. Unda, umi wo motsu. PUNCH, t. v. Buchi-komu, tsuku, utsu. PURVEY, t.. Makanau. PUNTILIOUS, a. Kata-sugiru, reigi sugiru, PURVEYOR, n. Makanai-kata. katakurushii. Pus, n. Umi, no. PUNCTUAL, a. Katai, toki wo hadzusanu, PUSH, t. v. Osu, tsuku. - against, oshikichomen. tsukeru, oshi-ateru. - across, oshi PUS 141 QUA watasu. - u, oshi-ageru, oshi-tateru. odosu, obiyakasu. - aside, or out of - over, oshi-taosu, oshi-watasu, oshi- the way, dokeru, nokeru. - on the kosu. - out, oshi-dasu. - in, oshi- fire, taku, kuberu. - over, kabuseru, komu, oshi-ireru. - down, oshi-fuse- ou. - into water, midzu ni hitasu. - ru, oshi-taosu, oshi-otosu, oshi-sageru. izi a curtatin, noren wo haru, or sage- near, oshi-yoseru. - &art, oshi- ru or kakeru. - zt a mosquito net, hedateru, oshi-wakeru. - open, oshi- kaya wo kakeru, or haru, or tsuru. To akeru, oshi-hiraku. - back, oshi-ka- - u6 a house, iye wo tateru. To - yesu. -aside oshi-nokeru. -through, money out at interest, ri-gane wo kasu oshi-tosu. To - to the trial, yatte miru, kokoro PUSILLANIMOUS, a. Kechi na, ki no se- miru, tameshite miru. - to shame mai, shoriyo na, shotan, ikujinai. hadzukashimeru. - to the blush, sePUSTULE, n. Dekimono. kimen saseru. - a stop to, yame-saPUT, t. v. Oku, suyeru, ateru, noseru, seru, tomeru, kindzuru. To - to sitsukeru, kakeru. - about shi5, fune lence, hei-k6 saseru. - out to service, wo mawasu. - away, shimau, kata- hoko saseru. - a question, tadzuneru, dzukeru, osameru. - away a wife, tou. - back, samatageru, kayesu, moribetsu suru, riyen suru. - down, oku, dosu, (i. v.) kayeru, modoru. - by, osameru, shidzumeru, osayeru. -forth, nokeru, shimau. -forward, susumedasu, nobasu, noberu, kizasu, kakeru. ru. - on a hat, kaburi-mono wo ka- into, ireru, hairu, hameru, komeru. buru. - out of joint, hone wo chiga-. - in nmind, ki wo tsukete yaru, shira- yeru. - out ofcountenance, memboseru. - in practice, okonau, shitagau. ku wo ushinawaseru. To - to it, ko- off, nugu, nobasu. - on, kiru, ha- maraseru. To be - to it, komaru. - ku, oku, noseru, owaseru, kiseru, kake- to the sword, kiri-korosu. ru, hameru. - out, kesu, kasu, kizasu, PUTCHUCK, n. Mokko. dasu, nobasu, shijukiru. - to, awase- PUTREFACTION, n. Kusaru koto. ru, kuwayeru, soyeru, kakeru. - to PUTREFY, t. v. Kusaru,fuhai suru. death, korosu. - trust in, shinko su- PUTRID, a. Kusai. ru, tanomu, makaseru. - together, PUZZLE, t. v. Mayowasu, komaraseru. atsumeru, awaseru, soyeru. - up, ta- PUZZLED, a. Mayo, toho ni kureru. teru, tsutsumu, tsumu, takuwayeru, shi- PYLORUS, n. I no gek6. matte oku. - up with, kannin suru, PYRAMIDAL, a. Sugi-nari. itowadzu, kamawanu, shimbo suru. - PYRoSIS, n. Riu-in, sampaiyeki, mushiio sea, shuppan suru. - u3 to, odate- dzu. ru, susumeru, keshi-kakeru. - infear, Q Qu.CK, a. - medicine, bai-yaku. QUALITY, n. Tachi, sho, shitsu, gara, QUACK, n. Yabu-isha, yoi, yashi, nama- hin, kurai, hodo, shina, kuchi. - of jiri. nmedicines, kono. Superior -, jo-hin, QUADRANGLE, n. Shi-kaku. gokujo. Middling-, chiu-hin. InQUADRANT, n. Shogengi. ferior-, ge-hin. -ofman, hito-gaQUADRUPED, n. Yotsu-ashi, shi-soku. ra, jim-pin. People of-, reki-reki, QUADRUPLE, a. Shi-sobai. kuwa-zoku. QUAGMIRE, n. Numa, doro.. QUALM, n. Mukayeki. -ofconscience, QUAIL, n. Shako. ushirogurai, kuyamu. QUAIL, i. v. Shioreru, ki ga fusagu. QUANDARY, n. Toh6 ni kureru koto, taOUAINT, a. Medzurashii, furui. merai, yuyo, magotsuki, hedo-modo. UAKE, t. v. Furu, wananaku, ononoku. QUANTITY, n. Hodo, dake, bunriyo. UALIFICATION, n. Kiriy6 ga kanau, te- QUANTUM SUFF. Taru hodo. kit6. QUARREL, n. Kenkuwa, koron, isakai, QUALIFIED, a. Taru, kanau, tekito. arasoi, naka ga warui, mon-chaku, moQUALIFY, t. v. Tekit6 saseru, kanawase- me. To pick a -, kenkuwa wo shikaru. keru. QUA 142 RAI QUARREL, i. v. Kenkuwa suru, s6-ron QUICKEN, t. V. Hayameru, seku, isogasuru, k6ron suru, arasou, naka ga waru- seru. ku naru. QUICKLY, adv. Hayaku, sassoku, kiu-ni, QUARRELSOME, a. Kenkuwa-dzuki na. jiki-ni, isoide, toku, kiusoku. QUARRY, t. V. Hori-dasu, kiri-dasu. QUICKNESS, n. Hayasa. QUARRY, n. Ishi wo hori-dasu tokoro. QUICK-SIGHTED, a. Me bayai. QUART, a.= about, shi-go rok' shaku. QUICKSILVER, n. Midzukane, suigin. QUARTER, n. Shi-bu-ichi, konaka. QUIET, a. Shidzuka na, odayaka na, QUARTER, t. v. Yotsu ni wakeru. tairaka naru, ochi-tsuku, hei-an naQUARTERLY, adv. San ka getsu me ni. ru. -QUARTZ, n. Suisho. QUIET,. v. Shidzumeru, osameru, heiji QUASH, t. v. Osayeru, shidzumeru. suru, ochi-tsukeru. QUAY, n. Hatoba, age-ba. QUIETLY, adv. Shidzuka ni, odayaka QUEEN, n. Kisaki, niyo-tei. ni, ochi-tsuite, sotto, soro-soro-to, yuQUEER, a. Ayashii, okashii, otsuna. yu. QUELL, t. v. Shidzumeru, osameru, tai- QUIETNESS, n. Anki, an-non, an-raku, rageru, heiji suru. hei-an. QUENCH, t. v. Kesu, shimeru. QUILL, n. Hane, fude. QUERULOUS, a. Fusoku wo iu, fu-man QUILL, t. v. Hida wo toru. wo iu, tsubuyaku. QUILT, n. Futon. QUERY, i. v. T6, tadzuneru. QUILT, t. v. Tojiru, nu. QUEST, n. Tadzune, tansaku, negai. QUINCE, n. Karin. QUESTION. n. Toi, tadzune, ron, rongi, QUININE, n. Kinayen, kiniin. rondan. Beyond all -, mochiron, QUINTESSENCE, n. Goku-i, shu-i, 6gi. mottomo. - and answer, mon-do. QUIRE, n. Kami niju-shi mai. To propose diicult -, nam-mon suru, QUIT, t. v. Yameru, yosu, suteru, suteteshimon suru. To call in -, utagai wo oku, utcharu, saru, hanareru. kakeru. QUITE, adv. Mattaku, sappari-to, saraQUESTION, t. v. Tadzuneru, t6, gimmi ni. suru. QUIVER, n. Yebira, yanagui, utsubo, yuQUESTIONABLE, a. Obotsukanai, ibuka- gi, yadzusu. shii. QUIVER, i. v. Furu, wanaku, ononoku, QUIBBLE, i. V. Rikutsu wo iu. senritsu suru. QUIBBLE, n. Ri-kutsu. Quiz, t. v. Ch6r6 suru, gur6 suru, nabuQUIBBLER, n. Rikutsu-sha. ru. QUICK, a. Hayai, sassoku na, sumiyaka QUOTATION, n. Hiki-koto, soba. na, kiu na, jiki, toi, s6s6, isogu. QUOTE, t. v. Hiku, s6ba wo tsukeru QUICK, n. To pierce to the -, mi ni QUOTIDIAN-AGUE, n. Hi okori. tessuru, mi ni shimiru. RABBIT, n. Usagi. RADIATE, i. v. Deru, hassuru, hanatsu. RABBLE, n. Shita-jita, shimo-jimo. RADICAL, a. Ne, hon, moto, guwan. - RABID, a. Kurui. — dog, yamai-inu. of a Chinese character, bu. RACE, n. Chisuji, kazoku, shison, hashi- RADICALLY, advz. Mattaku. ri-kurabe. Horse —, kei-ba. Boat -, RADISH, n. Daikon. kei-shu. - course, baba. RAFT, n. Ikada. RACE, i. v. Hashiru, kakeru. (t. v.) RAFTER, n. Taruki. Hashiraseru. RAG, n. Boro, tsudzure. Old-, furuRACK, n. Clothes - iko. Pen -, hikka. gire. Sword -, katana-kake. RAGE, i. v. Ikaru, areru. RACK, t. v. Semeru, kurushimeru. RAGE, n. Ikari, kurui, ikidori, rippuku. RACKET, n. Sawagi. RAGGED, n. Yaburetaru, hotsureru. RACY, a. K6bashii. RAGING, a. Kurf. hageshii, takeshii. RADIANCE, n. Koki, kagayaki. RAIL, n. Tesuri, rankan. RAI I43 RAV RAIL, t. v. Nonoshiru, noru. RANK, t. v. Naraberu, sonayeru, tsuRAILLERY, n. Jodan. raneru. RAILROAD, n. Tetsud6. RANSACK, t. v. Hobo sagasu, tansaku RAIMENT, n. Ifuku, kimono. suru. RAIN, n. Ame. Long —, furi-tsudzuki. RANSOM, n. Aganai-kin, mi-uke-kin, Prayer for -, ama-goi. - dross, aganai, tsugunai. amadare. — hat, amagasa. Heavy -, RANSOM, t.v. Aganau, mi-uke suru. o-ame, 6-buri. To —, ame ga furu, fu- RANT, i. v. Koye wo takaku iu, kowaru. Having the aipearance of -, daka ni iu. amakedzuku, amefurisO. Detained in RAP, t. v. Tataku, butsu, utsu. the house by rain, furi-komerareru. RAPACIOUS, a. Takeki, muri-mutai-na, To - several days, furi-tsudzuku. tori-akinu. RAINBOW, n. Niji, kogei. RAPE, n. Go-in. RAIN-COAT, n. Kappa, ama-gappa. RAPE, n. Kabura-na. RAIN-DOOR, n. Amado, amashoji. RAPESEED, n. Natane. RAIN-SCREEN, n. Ama-yoke. RAPHE, n. - of the nose, hana no miRAIN-TUB, n. Midzutame, tensui-oke. zo. RAIN-WATER, n. Ama-midzu, tensui. RAPID, a. Hayai, kiu-na. RAINY, a. Uten, amefuri, buri-gachi na. RAPIDITY, n. Hayasa. - season, niu-bai. - night, ama-yo. RAPIDLY, adv. Hayaku, isoide, kiu-ni. RAISE, t. v. Ageru, tateru, agameru, RAPIDS, n. Se, kiu-riu, hayase. odateru, kakageru. -from sleep, sa- RAPINE, n. Ubai-tori. mesu, okiru. - a family, sodateru, RARE, a. Medzurashii, mare-na, sukubuiku suru. -from death, ikasu, yo- nai. - thing, chim-butsu. - beef, mi-gayeru. - money, kane wo koshi- nama-yake no niku. rayeru. - horses, uma wo kau, or, uma RAREFY, t. v. Usuku suru, karuku suwo koshirayeru. - wheat, mugi wo ru. tsukuru. - a sedition, muhon wo RARELY, adv. Mare ni, tama ni, tamaokosu. — the frice, nedan wo ageru, tama, tamasaka, mare-mare, metta-ni. or, nedan wo takaku suru. -bread, RARITY, n. Medzurashisa, mare-naru pan wo fukurakasu. - a siege, kako- koto, chim-butsu, ususa, karusa. mi wo toku. - a wall, ishi-gaki wo RASCAL, n. Kiyatsu, yatsu, aitsu. kidzuku. RASH, n. MukOmidzu, ki wo tsulkenu, RAISIN, n. Hoshi-budo. muteppo. RAKE, n. Kumade, doraku mono. RASP, n. Yasuri. RAKE, t. v. Kaku. - together, kaki- RASP, t. v. Kedzuru, orosu. atsumeru. - and level, kaki-narasu. RASPBERRY, n. Ichigo. RALLY, t. v. Hiki-kayesu, matomeru, RAT, n. Nedzuni. atsumeru. RATAN, n. To. RAM, n. O-hitsuji. RATE, n. Kurai, hodo, dake, ne, nedan. RAM, t. v. Tsuki-komu, buchi-komu. - of interest, wari-ai. Market -, RAMBLE. i. z,. Aruki-mawaru, bura-bu- s6ba. At any -, do demo. ra aruku, sh6oy suru, haikuwai suru. RATE, t. v. Shikaru, togameru, hakaru, RAMIFY, t.. Yeda wo dasu. tsumoru, kurai wo tsukeru, shina wo RAMROD, n. Hisao, karuka. tsukeru. RANCID, a. Kusai. RATHER, adv. Kayete, mushiro, nakaRANCOR, n. Urami, nikumi. ikon, ishu. naka, nama-naka. - think that, yaRANDOM, a. - shot, magure-atari, na- waka, yomoya. - better, yaya yorogare-ya. Shoot at -, mekura-uchi. shii. Talk at -, dehodai, detarame. RATIFY, t. V. Musubu, sadameru. RANGE, t. v. Naraberu, sonayeru. (i. v.) RATIO, n. Hodo, kurai. aruki-mawaru. RATION, n. Fuchi, mosso. RANGE, n. Narabi, kurai, dan. Kitchen RATIONAL, a. D6ri ni kanau, dori wo -, kamado. - of an arrow, yagoro, wakimayeru. To become -, sh6-ki ni ya-omote. naru. RANK, n. Narabi. retsu, sonaye, kurai, RATIONALE, n. li-ware, dori. kaku, kakushiki, i, ikai, bungen, mi- RATIONALIST, n. Ri-gakusha. bun, rui, daigo. RATSBANE, n. Nedzumi-koroshi. RANK, a. Shigeru, habikoru, kurai, aku- RATTLE, i. v. Gara-gara naru, gata-gata doi, shitsukoi. suru. RANK, i. v. Narabu, rui suru. RAVAGE, t. v. Arasu, abareru. RAV 144 REC RAVAGED, a. Areru. RE-APPEAR, t. v. Mata miyeru, mata RAVE, i. v. Kuri, uwa-koto wo iu, sen- arawareru, sai-rai suru. go wo iu. RE-APPOINT, t. v. Mata, nindzuru, saiR 4VEL, t. v. Toku, tokeru. nin m6shi-tsukeru. RAVEN, n. Karasu. REAR, a. Ushiro, ato. -colunn of an RAVENOUS, n. Gatsu-gatsu suru. army, go-jin, shingari. - house, uraRAVINE, n. Kai, tani. dana. RAVISH, t. v. Ubai-toru, go-in suru. REAR, t. v. Tateru, sodateru, buiku suRAW, a. Nama, arai. - hide, aragawa. ru, yoiku suru, yashinau, hagokumu, RAY, n. - of sun, kuwO-sen. mori-tateru. RAZE, t. v. Horobosu, uchi-kudzusu. REAR-GUARD, n. Shingari, gojin. RAZOR, n. Kami-sori, REAR-RANK, n. Go-jin. RAZOR-STROP, t. Togi-kawa. RE-ASCEND, t. v. Mata noboru. REACH, t. v. Todokeru, todoku, oyobu, REASON, a. Dri. ri, kotowari, michi, itaru, ataru. rikutsu yuye, sei, wake, waza, chiye, REACH, n. Atari, te-moto, te-jika, te- fumbetsu. By - of, ni yotte, uye ni. atari. REASON, i. v. Kangayeru, ftum-betsu RE-ACT, t. v. Kotayeru, hibiku. suru, rondzuru, dan-ko suru, hiyo-ron RE-ACTION, n. Hadzumi, hibiki. suru, giron suru. READ, t. v. Yomu, doku-sho suru. - REASONABLE, a. Dri ni kanau, ri ni au, through, yomi-tosu, yonde shimau, yo- mottomo. mi-ageru. About to -, yomi-kakeru. REASONABLY, adv. Mottomo, dzui-bun Wish to -, yomi-tai. Do not wish to ni, kanari. -, yomi-taku nai. Hard to-, yomi- REASONING, n. Ron, gi-ron, hiy6-ron. gatai, yomi-nikui. To mistake in RE-ASSEMBLE, t. v. Sai-kuwai suru, fureading, yomi-ayamaru, yomi-soko- ta-tabi atsumeru. nau. To pretend to -, yomi-nasu. To RE-ASSURE, i. v. Ki ga tsuku. read over again, kuri-kayeshite yomu, REBEL, n. Mu-hon-nin, giyaku-shin, sarayeru. Can -, yomeru. giyaku-zoku. READILY, adv. Hayaku, yasuku, sugu- REBEL, t. v. Mu-hon suru, hon-giyaku ni, sumiyaka-ni, yoku, kokoro-yoku. suru, sakarau. READINESS, n. Hayasa, yasusa, shitaku, REBELLION, n. Muhon, hon-giyaku, gekakugo. ki-ran, ran-giyaku. RE-ADJUST, t. v. Mata sonayeru, futa- REBELLIOUS, a. Giyaku-i, bogiyaku na. tabi tsukurau. RE-BLOSSOM, i. v. Kayeri-bana ga saku. RE-ADMIT, t. v. Mata iraseru. REBOUND, i. v. Hane-kayeru. READY, a. Shitaku ga aru, yo6 ga aru, REBUFF, t. v. Uchi-kayesu, kotowaru. kakugo aru, sonaye ga aru, kokoro- REBUFF, n. Kotowari, kobami. yoku, sasoku. To make -, shitaku REBUILD, t. v. Sai-kon suru, mata-tatesuru, yoi suru, kakugo suru, sonayeru. ru. - money, genkin, sokkin. - toperish, REBUKE, t. v. Togameru, shikaru, imashi ni kakaru. - way, chikai-michi. shimeru, korasu. - at hand, temoto, tejika. - ndde, REBUS, n. Hanji-mono de kaitaru koto. deki-ai, ari-ai. REBUT, t. v. Uchi-fusegu, ronjite tai REAL, a. Jitsu-na, hon no, makoto no, suru. honto na. RECALL, t. v. Yobi-kayesu. -to mind, REALITY, n. Ji-jitsu, jitsu. In -, hon omoi-dasu. ni, jitsu ni, makoto ni, ge-ni. RECANT, t. V. Ii-kayesu, ii-kayeru, iiREALIZE, t. v. Jitsu to omo, honto to naosu. om6, makoto to suru, omoi-yaru. Do RECAPITULATE, t. v. Kuri-kayeshite iu, not -,jitsu to senu, makoto to omo- temijika-ni iu. wanu. RECAPTURE, t. v. Tori-kayesu. REALLY, adv. Jitsu ni, hon ni, makoto RECAST, t.. I-naosu, mata iru. ni, naka-naka. RECEDE, i. v. Shirizoku, ato-shizaru, REALM, n. Kuni, koku. yameru, hiku, nai-ko suru. REAM, n. Kami shi hiyaku hachi-ju RECEIPT, n. Morai, itadaki, ch6-dai, komai. muri, uketori, shihogaki. On- of, REANIMATE, t. v. Yomi-gayeraseru, ha- uketori shidai ni. To be in the - of gemasu, iki-kayeru, ike-kayesu. your letter, otegami wo raku-shu itashi REAP, t. v. Karu, kiru. soro. Receipts and expenditures, daREAPER, n. Kari-te. shi-ire, de-iri. REC T45 RED RECEIVE, /. v. Uketoru, morau, itadaku, tokeru, naka-naori wo suru, toke-au, ch6dai suru, k6muru, adzukaru, tama- akirameru, kanawaseru. waru, ukeru, jun6 suru, sadzukaru. - RECONCILIATION, n. Naka-naori, tokea guest, kiyaku wo mukayeru. ai, waboku. RECEIVER, n. Uketori-nin, morai-te. - RECONDITE, a. Ogi, kakureru, ommitsu of stolen goods, nuke-mono-kai. na. RECENT, a. Atarashii, shin. - times, RECONNOITRE, t.. Ukagau. chikaki toshi, chikagoro, kin-nen. RECONQUER, t. v. Tori-kayesu, futa RECENTLY, adv. Konaida, kono-goro tabi toru. sen-jitsu, chikagoro, kinrai. RECONSIDER, t. v. Mata-kangayeru, kuRECESS, n. Kiri, yasumi, hiki, naka-iri, ri-kaye shite omo, omoi-kayesu, omoishirizoki. naosu. RECEPTACLE, n. Ire-mono. RECONSTRUCT, t. v. Sai-kon suru, mata RECEPTION, n. Uketori, ukeru koto, tateru, saiko suru. mukayeru koto. RECONVEY, t. v. Mochi-kayesu, hakobiRECIPE, n. Shiho-gaki, h6-gaki. kayesu, kayesu. RECIPROCAL, a. Tagai, ai-tagai. RECORD, t. v. Shirusu, kaki-tomeru, RECIPROCALLY, adv. Ai-tagai-ni, tagai tsukeru, ki suru, noseru. ni, katami ni. RECORD, n. Cho, chomen, kiroku, denki, RECIPROCATE, t. V. Kayowasu, tori-ka- roku. Family -, kafu, keidzu. yeru, kayesu, mukuyuru, hodzuru, shi- RECORDER, n. Sho-ki, hissei. au, shikayesu. RECOUNT, t. v. Kataru, monogataru, RECITAL, n. Noberu koto, tsugeru ko- noberu, hanasu, tsugeru, iu. to. RECOURSE, n. To have - to, tanomu. RECITATION, n. Sodoku, an-sho, soran- RECOVER, t. v. Tori-kayesu, tori-kayeru, dzuru koto. tori-modosu. - from sickness, homRECITE, t. v. Noberu, sodoku wo suru, buku suru, zenkuwai suru, heiyu suru, ansh6 suru, chiu de yomu, tonayeru, naoru, kuwaifuku suru. bendzuru, sorandzuru. RECOVERY, n. Hombuku, zenkuwai, RECKLESS, a. Muko-midzu na, muyami heiyu, oginai, kuwaifuku. na, metta-na. RECREANT, n. Oku-biyo nin, hon-giyaku RECKLESSLY, adv. Mukomidzu ni, mu- nin. yami ni. RECREATION, n. Nagusami, asobi, kiRECKON, t. v. Kanj6 suru, kazoyeru, san-ji, ki-barashi. tsumoru, hakaru, kadzu wo ageru, san- RECRIMINATE, t. v. Tagai ni uttayeru, yo suru. tagai, ni togameru. RECKONING, n. KanjO, tsumori, kazoye, RECRUIT, n. Shin heisotsu. sanyo. RECRUIT, t. V. Oginau, tasu, hoyeki RECLAIM, t. v. Tori-kayesu, tori-modosu, suru, shimpei wo tsukuru. shi-naosu, tame-naosu, - wild land, RECTIFY, t. v. Naosu, aratameru, kaiare-chi wo kaitaku suru. kaku suru, kaisei suru. RECLINE, t. v. Neru, fuseru, fusu. RECTITUDE, n. Sh6jiki, tadashii, seiRECLUSE, M, Inkiyo, in-ja. choku. RECOGNITION, n. Mi-oboye, shochi. RECTUM, n. Jiki-cho. RECOGNIZE, t. v. Mi-oboyeru, shochi RECUR, t. v. Kayeru, sai-kayeru, sai-kan sur. ru. suru. RECOIL, t. v. Shisaru, kayeru, mijiroku, RECURRENT, a. Sai-kan naru. atomodoru. RED, a. Akai, kurenai. Turn -, akamiRECOIL, n. Shisaru koto. datsu. RECOIN, t. v. Kuwa-hei wo i-naosu. REDDEN, t. v. Akaku suru, akameru. RECOLLECT, t. V. Oboyeru, omoi-dasu, (i. v.) Akaramu. Face to -, sekimen kokorodzuku. suru. RECOLLECTION, n. Oboye. REDDISH, a. Akami. RECOMMENCE, t. v. Mata hajimeru. REDEEM, t. v. Aganau, mi-uke wo suru, RECOMMEND, t. v. Tori-motsu. uke-kayesu, kai-modosu. RECOMMENDATION, n. Tori-mochi. Let- REDEEMER, n. Aganai-nin. ter of-, soye-bumi, tensho. REDEMPTION, n. Kai-modoshi, aganai, RECOMPENSE, t. v. Mukuyuru, hodzuru, mi-uke. hempo suru, tsugunau. RED-HAIRED, a. Aka-ge. RECOMPENSE, n. Mukui, hemp6. RED-HOT, a. Hi ni naru, yakeru. RECONCILE, t. v. Naka wo naosu, uchi- RED LEAD, n. Tan. 7 RED 146 REI RED OCHRE, n. Taishaseki. REFRACTORY, a. Ri ni shitagawanu, fuko, REDOLENT, a. Nioi-wataru, kobashii, wagamama. kaoru. REFRAIN, i. v. Hikayeru, shimb6 suru, REDOUBLE, t. v. Bai suru, kasaneru. tatsu. REDOUBT, n. Toride, daiba. REFRESH, /. v. Sudzumu, nagusameru, REDOUBTABLE, n. Osoroshii, daitan noriyo wo suru, yasumeru, oginau. no. REFRESHING, a. Sudzushii. REDOUND, i. v. Kayeru, modoru, oyo- REFRESHMENT, n. Oginai-mono, shokubu. motsu. REDRESS, t. v. Naosu, aratameru, talastu, REFRIGERATE, t. V. Hiyasu, samasu. tsugunau. REFUGE, n. Kakure-ba, tanomi-dokoro, REDRESS, n. Tasuke, sukui. No -, yogai, nogare-dokoro. tasuke y6 ga nai. Ask for -, sukui REFUGEE, n. Ochi-udo. wo negau. kEFULGENT, a. Kagayaku, hikaru, kiraREDUCE, t. v. Habuku, gendzuru, herasu, kira suru. otosu. - the rice, makeru, hiku. - REFUND, t. v. Tsugunau, kayesu. to subjection, tairageru, shitagawaseru. REFUSAL, n. Kotowari. - in rank, shikujiru. REFUSE, t. v. Kotowaru, yurusanu, sh6REDICTION, n. Habuki, gensh6, herashi. chi senu, ji-tai suru, inamu. - in price, ne-biki. REFUTE, t. z. Ii-yaburu, ii-tsumeru, iiREDUNDANT, a. Yokei na, yobun na, katsu, ii-tsubusu, heik6 saseru. amari no, nokoru, kuwa-bun naru. REGAIN, t. 7/. Saik6 suru, mata dete REDUPLICATE, t. v. Bai suru, kasaneru. kuru, tori-kayesu. REED, n. Take, yoshi, aze. REGAL, a. 0 no. REEF, n. Iwa. REGARD, t. v. Itou, kamau, kayeri-miru, REEF, t. v. Ho wo tsumeru. tattomu, mamoru, uyamau. In - to, REEK, i. v. Mushi-tatsu, jo-hatsu su- ni tsuite. ru. REGARD, n. Uyamai, tattomi. REEL, n. Waku, maiba, kase, oga. REGARDLESS, a. ltowadzu, kayeri-midzu, REEL, t. v. Kuru. (i. v.) Yoromeku, oshimadzu. yorokeru. REGENERATE, t. v. Aratamesaseru, honRE-EMBARK, t. v. Mata fune ni noru. shin ni kayesu, arata ni suru. RE-ENFORCE, t. v. Masu, kuwayeru. REGENERATION, n. Aratameru koto, kaiRE-ENFORCEMENT, n. Yem-pei. shin suru. RE-ENTER, t. V. Maa iru, sai-niu suru. REGENT, n. Sessh6. REEVE, t. v. TOsu. REGICIDE, n. 0 wo shii suru hito. RE-EXPORT, t. v. Tsumi-kayeru. REGIMEN, n. Doku-date, yojo, shokuji. REFECTORY, n. ShokudO. REGION, n. Tochi, tokoro, atari, kai. REFER, t. v. Makaseru, kayesu, adzuke- REGISTER, n. Cho, chomen, koseki. ru. (i. v.) Sasu, tsuku, ate-tsukeru, REGISTER, t. v. Kaki-tomeru, tsukeru. yosoyeru. REGRET, n. Zan-nen, kuchi-oshii, kuyaREFERENCE, n. in - to, ni tsuite, sono mi, oshimi, mu-nen, ki-no-doku, kochinami-ni. kuwai. REFINE, t. v. Fuki-wakeru, yaki-naosu, REGRET, i. v. Kuyamu, kokuwai suru, aratameru, naosu, kirei ni suru, keppa- oshimu, kinodoku ni omo, zan-nen ni ku ni suru. om6. To be regretted, kuyashii. REFINED, n. Kirei na, ffiriu na, ateyaka REGRETFUL, a. Kuyashii, zan-nen, kuna, miyabi-taru, miyabiyaka na, fuga. chi-oshiki. REFIT, t. v. Tsukurau, shufuku suru. REGULAR, n. Tori-shimari no yoi. REFLECT, i. v. Kangayeru, omoi-mawasu, order, jum-ban, jun-jun ni. shiriyo suru, utsuru, kayeri-miru. (t. v.) REGULARITY, n. Tori-shimari, shinari. Utsllsu. REGULATE, t. v. Osameru, totonoyeru, REFLECrION, n. Kangaye, shiriyo, utsu- tori-shimaru, shihai suru, hei-kuwa shi. - of sound, hibiki-kayeru; of suru. light, teri-kayeru. REGULATION, n. Okite, sadame, gijo. REFLUX, n. Nagare-kayeru koto. REGURGITATE, t. v. Haku, modosu. REFORM, t. v. Aratameru, kai-kaku REHEARSE, t. v. Hanasu, kataru, noberu, suru, naosu, kai-shin suru, hen-kaku mono-gataru. suru. REIGN, t. z. Kurai wo fumu, shihai suru, REFORMATION, t. Aratameru koto, kai- osameru, matsurigoto suru. shin. REIGNING, a. - emperor, zai-i, kin-io. REI 147 REM One in whom azvarice is the reigning RELUCTANT, a. Oshimu, iyagaru, kirau, rpassion, riyoku-gachi na mono. it6, magete. REIMBURSE, t. v. Tsugunau. RELY, i. v. Tanomu, tayoru, sugaru, REIN, nZ. Tadzuna. yoru. REINS, n. Koshi. REMAIN, i. v. Matsu, todomaru, tomaru, REINSTATE, t. v. Mata kurai ni kayesu. to-riu suru, zairiu suru, nokoru, nokosu, REITERATE, t. v. Kuri-kayesu, kasane- amaru, amasu. gasane iu. REMAINDER, n. Nokori, amari. -oj REJECT, t. v. Suteru, utcharu, kotowaru, money, zan-gin. ukenu, sh6chi senu. REMAINING, a. Nokoru, amaru. None REJOICE, i. v. Yorokobu, kiyetsu suru, -, nokoradzu. tanoshimu. REMAINS, n. Ato, nokori, amari, nakiREJOIN, t. v. Mata au, oi-tsuku, mata- gara. kuwayeru, kotayeru. REMAND, t. v. Kayesu. REJOINDER, n. Kotaye. REMARK, t. v. Mi-tomeru, mi-tsukeru, RELAPSE, i. v. Sai-kan suru, sai-hotsu, hanasu. sai-kayeru, tachi-modoru, ato-modori REMARKABLE, a. Miyo na, kimiy6 na, wo suru, temodori. medzurashii, kakubetsu no. RELATE, t. v. Noberu, kataru, iu, hana- REMARKABLY, adv. Kaku-betsu ni, torisu, tsugeru, chindzuru, kakawaru, tsuku. wakete, besshite. RELATION, n. Mono-gatari, hanashi, REMARRY, t. v. Sai-yen suru, futatabi shin-rui, yenja, aidagara, yukari, mi- metoru. yori, yen, chinami, chigiri. tame. In REMEDIABLE, a. Naorareru. - to, ni tsuite, taishite. What -is he REMEDILESS, a. Naoranu, shikata ga nai. to you, anata no do iu go shinrui. REMEDY, n. Kusuri, shi-kata, shi-yd, RELATIVE, n. Shinrui, yenja, shinzoku, sen-kata. No -, kusuri ga nai, shitsuku. kata ga nai. RELAX, t. v. Yurumeru, kutsurogeru, REMEDY, t. v. Naoru, naosu, tsukur6, yasumeru, yawarageru. (i. v.) Yuru- oginau. mu, darumu. REMEMBER, i. V. Oboyeru, omoi-dasu, RELAXATION, n. Nagusami, yasumi, ki- kokoro ni kakeru, kokoroyeru. barashi, yurumi. REMEMBRANCE, n. Oboye. Give my RELAY, n. Kaye-uma. kind - to hinm, yoroshiku o tanomlRELEASE, n. Yurushi, hanatsu koto. m6su. To bring to -, omoi-dasu. To RELEASE, t. v. Hanasu, yurusu. bring to another's -, kidzukaseru. RELEGATE, t. v. Yaru, watasu. REMIND, t. v. Ki wo tsukeru, oshiyeru. RELENT, i. v. Tokeru, yurumu, yawa- REMISS, a. Okotaru, yudan wo suru, ragu, awaremu. taiman naru, tarumu, darumu, nukaRELENTLESS, a. Jihi naki, awaremi na- ru. ki. REMISSION, n. Yurushi, shamen, gomen, RELEVANT, a. Kanau, au, tekito. yurumi, yasumi. RELIABLE, a. Tanomoshii, tori-tome no REMISSNESS, n. Okotari, yudan, kedai. aru, shindzu beki, yoridokoro ni naru. REMIT. t. v. Yurumu, usurogu, yurusu, RELIANCE, n. Tanomi, tayori, chikara, shamen suru, gomen suru. - money, shinko, yoridokoro, yosuga. yaru, okuru, tsukawasu. RELIC, n. Ato, nokorl, nagori. Ancient REMNANT, n. Hashita, nokori, hampa, -, ko-seki. sutari, zambutsu. - of life, yo-mei. RELIEF, n. Raku, tasuke, sewa. REMONSTRANCE, n. Isame, kangen, iken. REIIEVE, t. 7. Raku ni suru, yurumeru, REMONSTRATE, t. V. Isameru, kangen tasukeru, sewa surt. suru, iken suru. RELIGION, n. Oshiye, michi, h6, do. REMORSE, n. Kuyami, zannen, k6kuwai. RELIGIOUS, a. Shin-jin-naru. - book, REMORSELESS. a. Jihi-naki, awaremi oshiye no hon, d6-gaku-sho. - dis- naki. courses, do-wa. REMOTE, a. T6i, yemp6, haruka. RELINQUISH, t. v. Yameru, suteru, hai REMOTENESS, n. Tosa. suru, yudzuru, shirizoku. REMOVAT., n. Tori-harai, harai, tentaku. RELISH, i. v. Oishiku omou, amanau, REMOVE, i. v. Utsuru, utsusu, toru amandzuru, konomu, suku. Do not -, hadzusu, tori-harau, tori-hadzusu, tenoishiku nai. taku suru. RELUCTANCE, n. Without —, oshige mo REMUNERATE, t. v. Mukuyuru, kayesu, naku. h6dzuru, hobi wo yaru, tsugunau. REN 148 REQ REND, t. v. Saku, waru, hiki-saku, sa- REPORT, t. v. Moshi-ageru, todokeru, keru, tsunzaku. m6shi-noberu, chiu-shin suru, gonjo RENDER, t. v. Kayesu, mukuyuru, h6- suru. dzuru, naosu, honyaku suru. — a ser- REPORT, n. Todoke-sho, ff-bun, hiyovice, sewa wo suru. You have ren- ban, uwasa, tori-sata, fa-zetsu, hibiki, dered me many kindnesses, dan-dan oto. o-sewa ni narimashta. - assistance, REPOSE, i. v. Neru, yasumu, fuseru. sewa suru, josei suru, tasukeru. To - REPOSE. n. Yasumi, an-shin. an English word into afapanese, yei-go REPREHEND, t. v. Togameru, imashiwo wa-go ni naosu, or honyaku suru. meru, korasu, korashimeru. To - uV, m6shi-ageru. - back, ka- REPRESENT, t. v. Nazorayeru. yosoyeru, yesu. katadoru, mane wo suru, arawasu, miyoRENDEZVOUS, n. Atsumaru tokoro, mato- dai suru, sodai ni idzuru. maru tokoro. (i. v.) Atsumeru. REPRESENTATION, n. Arawasu koto, yeRENEGADE, n. Kake-ochi, dass6. dzu, kaki-arawasu koto, shibai, sodai. RENEW, t. v. Shi-naosu, shi-kayeru, REPRESENTATIVE, n. S6dai, miy6-dai. aratameru, ire-kayeru, kasaneru. REPRESS, t. v. Osameru, shidzumeru, RENOUNCE, t. v. Suteru, mi-suteru. hikayeru, tori-hishigu, osayeru. RENOVATE, t. v. Shi-naosu, koshiraye- REPRIEVE, t. v. Shioki wo nobasu. naosu. REPRIMAND, t. v. Togameru, imashiRENOWN, n. K6-mei, homare, ko-miy6, meru, shikaru, korashimeru, kimeru. na-dakai. REPRINT, t. v. Sai-han suru. (n.) SaiRENT, t. v. Karu, kasu. han. RENT, n. Tana-chin, yachin. Ground REPRISAL, n. Hem-p6. To make -, -, jidai. hemp6 suru. RENTER, n. Kari-te, kari-kata, tanako, REPROACH, t. v. Togameru, shikaru, tanagari, kari-nushi. nonoshiru, kimeru, kime-tsukeru. REORGANIZE, t. v. Is-shin suru, arata ni REPROACH, n. Togame, nonoshiri, akko, sonayeru. z6gon, sogon, haji, kakin, chijoku. REPAIR, t. v. Naosu, tsukuro, oginau, REPROBATE, t.. Waruku omou, shochi shi-naosu, tstigunau. (i. v.) Yuku, senu, kotowaru. mairu. REPROBATE, n. Doraku mono, hot6 nin, REPARATION, n. Tsugunai, oginai, naori. horatsu mono. REPARTEE, n. Kotaye. REPRODUCE, n. Mata sh6dzuru. REPASS, t. v. Mata t6ru, futa-tabi sugiru, REPROOF, n. Imashime, iken, isame, tomata wataru. game, korashime. REPAST, n. Shoku-motsu. REPROVE, t. v. Togameru, imashimeru. REPAY, t. v. Kayesu, mukuyuru, h6jiru, REPTILE, n. Hau mushi no somiyo. tsugunau, hemben suru, henj6 suru, REPUBLIC, n. Kiyokaseiji. hen-kiyaku suru, henn6 suru. REPUBLICATION, n. Sai-han. REPEAL, t. v. Yameru, hai-shi suru. REPUBLISH, t. v. Sai-han suru. REPEAT, t. v. Kasanete iu, kasaneru, REPUDIATE, t. v. Suteru, utcharu, ribemata, kuri-kayeshite iu. tsu suru, riyen suru. REPEATEDLY, adv. Kasane-gasane, tabi- REPUGNANCE, n. Kirau koto, iyagaru tabi, tatami-kakete, kayesu-gayesu, koto, imu, it6. kure-gure. REPUGNANT, a. Sakarau, motoru, sak6, REPEL, t. v. Fusegu, shirizokeru, bogiyo awanu, kanawanl. suru. REPULSE, t. v. Shirizokeru, fusegi-kayesu. REPENT, i. v. Kuyamu, ko-kuwai suru, REPULSIVE, a. Kirawashii, iyarashii. zannen ni omo. REPUTABLE, a. Hiy6ban no yoi, tattoki. REPENTANCE, n. K6-kuwai, zan-nen, REPUTATION, n. Hiy6-ban, na, guwaikuyami. bun. REPINE, i. v. Oshimu, kuchi-oshigaru, REPUTE, t.. Omou, suikiyo suru. kuyamu. REQUEST, t. v. Negau, tanomu, ko. REPLACE, t. v. Kayesu, tsugunau, kaye- REQUEST, n. Negai, tanomi, koi. In -, ru, mamayeru. kake-kuchi ga oi, ure-kuchi ga aru. REPLENISH, t. v. Mata tsugu, habikora- REQUIEM, n. Shi nin no tame ni yomu seru. kiyomon. REPLY, t. v. Kotayeru, hen-t6 suru, REQUIRE, t. v. Tanomu, yd, iru, negau, henji suru. nakute naranai, nakute kanawanu. It REPLY, n. Kotaye, hento, henji. is required of the people that they obey REQ 149 RES the laws of the state, tami wa koku-h6 RESORT, n. Yuku tokoro, atsumaru toni shitagawaneba naranu. koro. REQUIREMENT, n. Nakute naranu mono. RESOUND, i. v. Naru, hibiku, narasu, REQUISITE, a. Nakute-kanawanu, hi- doyomu. tsuy6. RESOURCE, n. Shikata, shiy6, senkata. REQUISITION, n. Motomeru koto. RESOURCES, n. Taka, shin-sho. REQUITAL, n. Mukui, hemp6. RESPECT, t. V. Uyamau, tattomu, sonREQUITE, t. v. Mukuyuru, hojiru, ka- kiy6 suru. yesu, hemp6 suru. RESPECT, n. Uyamai, tattomi. In reRESCIND, t. z,. Yameru, hai suru, haishi sSect to, ni tsuite, taishite. No - of suru, hai-chi suru. 5ersons, hedatsuru kokoro nashi, kataRESCUE, t. v. Tasukeru, sukf. hiiki nashi. RESEARCH, n. Shirabe, sensaku. RESPECTABLE, a. Hodo-yoi, tattoki. - RE-SELL, t.. Mata uru. terson, hitogara no yoi hito, jim-pin RESEMBLE. t. v. Niru, nite-oru, nazora- no yoi-hito, johin na hito. bungen no yeru, yosoyeru, ayakaru, katadoru. yoi hito. RESEMBLANCE, n. Niru koto. RESPECTFUL, a. Uya-uyashii. RESENT, t. v. Ikid6ru, hemp6 suru. RESPECTING, a. Ni tsuite, taishite. RESENTMENT, n. Ikid6ri, urami, on-nen. RESPECTIVE, a. Mochimaye, ono-ono, RESERVATION, n. Nokosu koto, kakushi- goto-ni. oku koto. RESPIRATION, n. Iki-dzukai, kokiu. RESERVE, t. v. Nokosu, nokoru, kokoro RESPIRE, i. v. Iki wo suru, kokiu suwo oku, oki-au, takuwayeru, hedataru. ru. RESERVE, n. Yenriyo, habakari, kokoro- RESPITE, n. Hima, itoma, yasumi, hioki, hedate, godzume. Without -, nobe. besshin naku. RESPITE, t. v. Shioki wo nobasu. RESERVED, a. Tsutsushimu, yenriyo RESPLENDENT, a. Hikaru, kagayaku. naru, tottoki no, takuwayeru. RESPOND, t. v. Kotayeru, hento suru, RESERVOIR, n. Midzu-tame, ike. henji suru, odzuru. REsHIP, t. v. Tsumi-kayesu, okuri-ka- RESPONSE, n. Kotaye, hent6, henji. yesu. RESPONSIBLE, a. Kakawaru beki, tsuguRESIDE, t. v. Sumu,.oru, ji-kiyo suru, nau beki, kakari-au. sumau. zaiju. REST, i. V. Yasumu, kiusoku suru, iko, RESIDENCE, n. Sumai, juikiyo, iye, taku. oku, ansei suru. - with, yoru, makaRESIDENT, n. Ju-nin, sumu hito. su. RESIDUE, n. Nokori, zam-butsu. REST, n. Yasumi, ansei, ansoku, todome, RESIDUUM, n. Kasu, tare-kasu. nokori. RESIGN, t. v. Yudzuru, makaseru, shi- RESTAURANT, n. Riyori-ya, kapp6-ka. tagau, taishin suru. — office, tai-yaku RESTITUTION, Tsugunai. suru, fukkuwan suru. - a seat, tai-za RESTLESS, a. Ochi-tsukanu, shidzumasuru. ranu, odayaka naradzu. RESIGNATION, n. - of offce, jishoku, RESTORATION, n. Naori, saik6. - to tai-yaku. health, hombuku, zenkuwai, heiyu. - RESIN, n. Matsu no yani, chan. offriendship, naka-naori. RESIST, t. V. Sakarau, tekitau, sak6, bo- RESTORATIVE, a. - medicine, oginaigiyo suru, filsegu, temukau. kusuri, hozai. RESISTANCE, n. Sakarau koto. RESTORE, t. v. Kayesu, tsugunau, ogiRESISTLESS, a. Sakarawarenu, fusegare- nau, tsukurau, naoru, fuku suru. - nu. to health, hombuku suru. - to life, RESOLUTE, a. Kitsui, ki-dzuyoi, kijo yomi-gayeru, sai-sei. - harmony, nana. ka-naori. - a building, sai-kon suru, RESOLUTELY, adv. Shikatto, kibishiku. sai-ko suru. RESOLUTION, 7. Kesshin. RESTRAIN, t. v. Hikayeru, osayeru, saRESOLVE, t. v. Sadameru, ketsuj6 suru, shi-tomeru, tomeru, kobamu. ketchaku suru, toku, toki-akasu, wake- RESTRAINT, n. Hikayeme, osaye. ru, bunri suru. RESTRICT, t. v. Kagiru, kagiri wo kiwaRESONANCE, n. Tlibiki. meru. RESONANT, a. Hibiku, naru, ato ga de- RESTRICTION, n. Kagiri wo kiwameru ru. koto, sasayeru koto. RESORT, t, V. Mochiiru, yuku, atsuma- RESULT, t. v. Okoru, hassuru. - in, ru. hateru, shimau, owaru, oyobu, hatasu. RES 150 RIC RESULT, n. Owari, hate, sei, yuye, wa- REVELRY, n. Sakamori, sawagi. za, hatashite, ni yotte. REVENGE, t. V. Kayesu, mukuyuru hoRESUME, t. v. Sai-ko suru, mata-haji- dzuru, fuku-shf suru. meru. REVENGE, n. Mukui, kataki-uchi, fukuRESUMPTION, n. Tori-ageru koto. shu, ada-uchi. RESURRECTION, n. Haka kara yomiga- REVENGEFUL, a. Mukuitagaru. yeru, sai-sei suru, iki-kayeru. REVENGER, n. Uchite, kataki wo utsu RESUSCITATE, t. v. Ike-kayesu, ikasu. hito. RETAIL, t. v. Ko-uri wo suru. REVENUE, n. Taka, shu-n6, agari, toriRETAIL, n. Ko-uri. ka. RETAIN, t. v. Motsu, tamotsu, yatou. REVERBERATE, i. v. Hibiku, doyomu. RETAINER, n. Kerai shin. REVERBERATION, n. Hibiki, hibiki-waRETAKE, t. V. Tori-kayesu. taru. RETALIATE, t. v. Kayesu, mukuyuru, REVERE, t. v. Uyamau, son-kiy6 suru, ate-kayesu. tattomu. RETALIATION, n. Kayesu koto, hempo. REVERENCE, n. Uyamai, tattobi, sonRETARD, t. v. Osoku suru, sasayeru, to- kiyo, kukiy6. dok6ru. REVERENTIAL, a. Uya-uyashiki. RETCH, i. v. Yedzuku, haku. REVERIE, n. Utsutsu. RETICULE, n. Tamoto-otoshi. REVERSE, t. v. Fuseru, kuri-kayesu, toRETINA, n. M6-maku. ri-kayeru. RETINUE, n. Tomo, d6-zei. REVERSE, n. Wazawai, fu-un, un ga kaRETIRE, i. v. Shirizoku, atoshizaru, hiki- waru. toru, ron-sei suru, noku, hiku. REVERSELY, adv. Saka-sama, abekobeRETIRED, n. Inkiyo. ni, kayete. RETIREMENT, n. Living in -, in-kiyo REVERT, t. v. Kayesu. suru. REVIEW, t. v. Kuri-kayeshite miru, kaRETORT, t. v. Ii-kayesu. yeri-miru, suiko suru, kemi suru. RETORT, n. Rambiki. REVILE, t. v. Akko suru, nonoshiru, noRETRACE, t. v. Kayeru, modoru. ru. RETRACT2 t. v. Hikkomasu, ii-naosu, REVISE, t. v. Kuri-kayeshite miru, kahen-gal suru, ii-kayeru. yeri-miru, sui-ko suru, kai-sei suru, RETREAT, t. V. Shirizoku, hiki-kayesu, aratameru. hiki-toru. - of an army, tai-jin su- REVISIT, t. v. Mata kayeru. ru. REVIVE, i. v. Iki-kayeru, yomi-gayeru, RETRENCH, t. v. Habuku, herasu, gen- futa-tabi okoru, sai-ko suru. dzuru, sei-riyaku. REVOKE, t. v. Aratameru, kiri-kayeru, RETRENCHMENT, n. Gen-sh6. haishi suru. RETRIBUTION, n. Mukui, kuwa-h6, in- REVOLT, n. Muhon, ikki. guwa. REVOLT, i. v. Muhon suru, ikki wo okoRETRIEVE, t. V. Sai-k6 suru, kuwai-fuku su. suru, tate-naosu. REVOLUTION, n. Muhon, jun-kuwan, RETROGRADE, t. v. Atoshizari wo suru, mawari. shisaru, ato-modori wo suru, shirizoku, REVOLVE, t. v. Mawaru, meguru, masagaru. wasu, megurasu, jun-kuwan suru. - RETROSPECT, n. Kayeri-miru koto. on its axis, shiten. - in the mind, RETURN, t. v. Kayesu, modosu, henn6 omoi-mawasu. suru, hen-kiyaku suru, hen-jo suru. REWARD, n. Hobi, mukui, kuwaho. - (t. v.) Kayeru, modoru, tachi-modoru, andfiunishment, sho-batsu. ki-san suru. -- an answer, kotayeru. REWARD, t. v. Hobi wo yaru, sho suru, -home, ki-taku suru. - comniliment, mukuyuru, hojiru. hen-rei suru. On returning, kayeri- RHEUMATISM, n. Fushitsu, tsfifi, fu-dogake ni. - to one's country, ki-koku ku. suru. RHINOCEROS, n. Sai. RETURN, n. Kayeri, modori, kayeshi, RHUBARB, n. Daiy6. ribun, moke. RHYME, n. Uta. REVEAL, t. v. Arawasu, shiraseru, kika- RHYME,.. v. In wo fumu. seru, tsugeru. (pass.) arawareru. RIB, n. Abara-bone. REVELATION, n. Divine -, kami no RIBBON, n. Himo. tsuge, kami no shirase, taku-sen, ji- RICE. n. Unhulled -, momi, mai, gemgen. mai. Clean -, kome, or, haku-mai. RIC 151 RIS - shoots, naye. - inthe stalk, ine. - RIGHTEOUSNESS, n. Gi, sei-choku, tastrazw,wara. Cooked —,meshi. Ear- dashiki koto, naoki koto. ly -, wase. Late -, okute. Middling RIGHTFUL, a. Suji-no, mottome no, t6-, nakate. Upland -, okabo. - zen no. bran, nuka. -flour, kome no ko. - RIGHT HAND, n. Migi-no te. cakRs, mochi. Old-, komai. -box, RIGHTLY, adv. Yoku, yoroshiku, jitsukome-bitsu. -bag, kome-dawara. - ni, makoto ni, tadashiku. store, komeya. New -, shimmai. RIGID, a. Katai, kibishii, genjf na, koRICIH, a. Kane-mochi, shinsho no yoi, wai, kiu-kutsu na, ogosoka naru. yufuku-na, tomeru, yutaka-na, koyeru. RIGIDITY, n. Katasa, kibishisa, kowasa. andfpoor, him-pu. RIGIDILY, adv. Kataku. RICHES, n. Takara, zai-ho, shinsho, to- RIGOR, n. Katasa, kibishisa, hidosa, sami. muke. RICHLY, ad7. Fukaku, omoku, 6ku, jf- RIGOROUS, a. Kibishii, genju na, hidoi. bun ni, makoto ni, jitsu ni. RIGOROUSLY, adz. Kataku, kibishiku, RICE, n. Ina-mura. genju ni, hidoku. RICOCHET, i. v. Toberu. — firing, to- RILE, t. v. Ikaraseru. (lass.) Ikaru. beri-uchi. RILL, n. Tani-gawa, ko-gawa. RID, t. v. Nozoku, harau, oi-dasu. RIM, n. Fuchi. RIDE, t. v. Noru, jOdzuru, ga suru, ha- RIND, n. Kawa. seru. - on the shoulders, kataguruma RING, n. Wa, nari. - and staple, kani noru. kegane. Finger -, yubi-wa. Ear-, RIDDLE, n. Nazo. mimi-wa. T/e - in which wrestlers RIDER, n. Nori-te, nori-kata, uma-no- contend, do-hiy6. To sit in a-, yenza ri. suru, kurumaza ni naru. RIDGE, n. Mune, mine. saku. RING, t. v. Narasu. (i. v.) Naru, hibiRIDGE-POLE, n. Munagi. ku. RIDICULE, t. v. Azakeru, guro suru, ch6- RING-FINGER, n. Beni-sashi-yubi. r6 suru, warau, aza-warau. RINGLEADER, n. Kashira, cho-bon, hott6RIDICULOUS, a. Okashii, monowarai, nin, hon-nin. oko, okogamashii. RINGWORM, n. Tamushi. RIDING-SCHOOL, n. Ba-ba. RINSE, t. v. Sosogu, arau. RIFLE, n. Teppo. RIOT, n. Sod6, ikki, sawagi, ran. To RIFLE, t. v. Ubai-toru, kasumeru, nusu- run -, abareru. mu. RIOT, i. v. Abareru, areru, sawagu. RIFT, t. 7'. Saku, waru. RIOTER, n. Ikki-nin. RIG, n. Idetachi, yosooi, fune no tsuna- RIOTOUS, a. Abareru, sawagashii. gu. To run the rig upon, hito wo ba- RIOTOUSLY, adv. Sagawashiku, abarete. ka ni suru. RIP, t. v. Hokorobasu, saku, hiki-saku, RIG, t. v. Kiseru. (fass.) Kiru, yoso- hiki-yaburu. - off the skin, kawa wo ou. To - a shiz, fune ni ho tsuna na- hiki-muku. - off a board, ita wo hido wo tsukeru. ki-hagu. Rilped, sakeru, yabureru. RIGGING, n. Fune no tsunagu. RIPE, a. Juku shita, unda, yawaraka, RIGHT, a. Tadashii, yoi, makoto no, renjuku na, ureru. jitsu no, yoroshii, tozen no, migi. - RIPEN, i. v. Juku suru, undaru. side, migi no h6. - and w.,rong, zen- RIPEN, t. v. Juku saseru, umaseru. aku, ri-hi, ze-hi. All right, yoroshi, RIPPLE, n. Se, hayase. yoshi. - side (of cloth), omote. RIPPLE, i. v. Sawa-sawa to nagareru, RIGHT, t. v. Naosu, tadasu, totonoyeru, joro-joro to nagareru. tateru. RISE, i. v. Agaru, noboru, okiru, tatsu, RIGHT, adv. Yoroshiku, yoku, tadachi- deru, okoru, hassuru, he-agaru. Rising ni, mottomo, tozen, makoto ni, jitsu ni. up or lying down, oki-fushi. -from RIGHT, n. Dori, michi, ri, gi, zen, suji, the dead, yomi-gayeru, iki-gayeru. sujial, hadzu, beki. To piut to rights, from sleel, ne-oki wo suru. soji suru. - and left, sa-yi. - or RISE, n. Agari, nobori, okori. - and wrong, zehi, ka-fuka. fall, agari-sagari. RIGHT ANGLE, n. Kane-no-te. RISIBLE, a. Okashii, warawaseru. RIGHTEOUS, n. Gi naru, tadashii, sei- RISK, n. Kennon. abunai koto, ayauki, choku naru, misao aru. kiwadoi koto. At the - of li/e, inochi RIGHTEOUSLY, adv. Tadashiku, tozen ni kakawaru. To run a -, abunai kode, mottomo. to wo suru. RIS I52 ROU RIsK, t. v. Abunai koto wo suru. - ROOF, t. v. Fuku. life, inochi ni kakawaru, inochi wo ka- ROOM, n. Heya, zashiki, basho, ma, sekeru. To - money, kane wo kakeru. ki.. Plan of -, madori. Make -, RISKY, a. Abunaki, ayauki, kiwadoi. akeru. RITE, n. Ho, rei, shiki. ROOMY, a. Hiroi. RIVAL, n. Aite. ROOST, n. Tomarigi, negura. RIVAL, t. v. Kisou, arasou, hari-au. ROOST, i. v. Tomaru. RIVALRY, n. Kisou koto, kioi, arasoi. ROOSTER, n. Ondori. RIVE, t. v. Waru, saku. ROOT, n. Ne, kon. - and branches, RIVER, n. Kawa. - bank, kawa-bata, hommatsu. kawa-be, kawa-gishi. - mouth, kawa- ROOT, t.. (as a pig), horu. — u, nugushi. Up the —, kawa-kami. Down ku, kogu. the -, kawa-shimo. ROPE, n. Nawa, tsuna. RIVET, n. Me-kugi. ROPE-DANCING, n. Tsuna-watari. RIVET, t. v. Mekugi wo sasu, katameru. ROPE-LADDER, n. Nawa-hashigo. RIVULET, n. Tani-gawa, ogawa, ko-ga- ROPEMAKER, n. Tsuna-uchi. wa. ROPEMAKING, n. Tsuna-uchl. ROAD, n. Michi, d6ro, ro, roji. In the ROPEWALK, n. Tsuna-uchi-ba. -, to-chiu. ROPY, a. Nebaru, nen-chaku na. ROADBOOK, n. Do-chiu-ki. ROSARY, n. Judzu, nenju, dzudzu. ROADSTEAD, n. Kakari-ba. ROSE, n. Bara no hana. White -, yaROAM, i. v. Yu-reki suru, aruki-mawaru, shobi, dobi. haikuwai suru, urotsuku. ROSIN, n. Chan. ROAR, i. v. Naku, hoyeru, sakebu, wa- ROSTRUM, n. K6-za. rau, sawagu. ROSY, a. Bara no iro, akai. ROAST, t. v. Yaku, iru. (n.) Yaita mo- ROT, i. v. Kusaru, kuchiru. (t. v.) no, aburi mono. Kusarasu. ROB, t. v. Nusumu, ubau, kasumeru, ROTATE, i. v. Mawaru, meguru. toru. ROTATION, n. Mawari, jun-kuwan. ROBBER, n. Dorobo, nusubito, tO-zoku, ROTE, n. Say by -, sorandzuru, ankl goto. suru. ROBBERY, n. Nusumi. ROTTEN, a. Kusai, kuchitaru. ROBE, n. Kimono, uwagi. Priest's -, ROTUND, a. Marui. koromo. ROUGE, n. Beni. ROBE, t. v. YosoO, kiru, matou. ROUGE, t. v. Kessh6 suru, beni wo tsuROBUST, a. Sukoyaka na, tassha na, j6bu keru. na, soken-na, mame na, takumashii, ROUGH, a. Arai, somatsu-na, bukotsumameyaka. na, gasatsu, zaratsuku. - estimate, ROCK, n. Iwa, banjaku, iwao. ara-dzumori. In the -, ara. ROCK, t. v. Ugokasu, yurugasu. (i. v.) ROUGHEN, t. V. Aruku suru. Yureru, yuru, yurugu, ugoku. ROUGHLY, adv. Ara-ara, araku, somaROCK CANDY, n. Korizato. tsu-ni, zatto, burei-ni, kibishiku, tsuyoROCK CRYSTAL, n. Suisho. ku, ara-ara-shiku. ROCKET, n. Noroshi, royen. ROUGHNESS, n. Arasa. ROCK WORK, n. Tsuki-yama. ROUND, n. Mawari. ROCKY, n. Gan-kutsu na. ROUND, t. V. Maruku suru, marumeru. ROD n. Sao. ROUND, a. Marui, madoka naru. To ROGUE, n. Yatsu, katari. go -, mawaru, meguru. To turn -, ROISTERER, n. RambO nin. mawasu, megurasu. To wind -, maROLL, t. v. Korobasu, maku, mawasu, ku. Make -, maruku suru, marumemegurasu. To - up, mnakuru, maki- ru. To become -, maruku naru. - o. aguru. To roll and level, maki-narasu. the corners, kado wo toru. A 1 -, hoROLL, i. v. Korogaru, mawaru, meguru, bo. korobu. ROUND ABOUT, a. MawaridOi, uyen-na. ROLL, n. Maki, maki-mono. ROUNDNESS, n. Marusa. ROLLER, n. Koro, to-guruma. ROUSE, i. v. Mesameru, okiru. (t. v.) ROLLING-PIN, n. Membo. Me wo samasu, okosu. -,up, hageROMANCE, n. Tsukuri-mono-gatari. masu, hagemu, fumpatsu suru. ROMP, i. v. Tawanureru, fusakeru, ja- ROUT, t. v. Oi-chirasu, seme-yaburu. reru, odokeru. ROUTE, n. Michi. - by ship, funaji. ROOF, n. Yane. ROUTED, a. Hai-gun suru. ROV 153 RUT ROVE, t.v. Yiireki sur, hai-kuwai su- RUMINATE, i.v. v moi-mawasu, meguru, urotsuku, hiyohaku suru. rasu. ROVER, n. Hiy6-haku mono. RUMOR, n. Fubun, fuzetsu, hiy6ban, ROYAL, a. 0 no, alsoformed by prefix- uwasa. ing the words, choku, riu, go, mi, ten. RUMP, n. Shiri. ROYALTY, n. 0 no koto. RUMPLE, i. v. Momu, shiwa ni naru. Row, n. Narabi, tsura, retsu, kudari, RUMPLED, a. Shiwa ga yoru. giyo, tate, kawa. To lace in a —, na- RUMPUS, n. S6do, sawagi. rabu, tsuranaru, tsuraneru. RUN, i. v. Hashiru, kakeru. - away, Row, t. v. Kogu. - back, kogi-modo- chikuten suru, nigeru, shuppon suru. su. - across, kogi-wataru. - (flow), nagareru. - (metal), toku, ROWDY, n. Rambo nin. iru. - round, mawaru, meguru. - RUB, t. v. Kosuru, suru, momu, naderu, (as ink), ochiru. - (as a snake), hau. kishiru. - and polish, migaku, suri- - after, ou, (i). - at, tsuki-kakaru. migaku. - off, suri-hagasu, suri-muku, into, kake-komu, hashiri-komu. suri-otosu. - in, suri-komu, momi- down, tareru, tarasu, kake-kudaru, hakomu. - fine, suri-kudaku. - out, shiri-oriru,soshiru,warukuiu, mikonasu. kesu, momi-kesu. - up, migaku. - - over, afureru, koboreru. - out, kaagainst, suri-chigau, kishiru. - on, ke-dasu, nagari-deru, moru, sumu. - suri-tsukeru. riot, abareru. -- uf, kake-agaru. - RUBBISH, n. Gomi, akuta, chiri, gomoku. through, kake-toru, tsuiyasu, tsukiRUDDER, n. Kaji. tosu. - a nail into the foot, kugi ga RUDDY, a. Akai. ashi ni tatsu. - at the nose, hana ga RUDE, a. Arai, somatsu, zatsu, soriyaku, tareru. Time runs by, tsuki hi ga heburei, shitsurei, bukotsu, busaho, he- ru. To let -, hashiraseru. ta, nama. RUN, t. v. Hashiraseru. To - a shiz RUDELY, adv. Araku, ara-arashiku, ara- aground, fune wo hase-ageru. To -a ara, somatsu ni, zatto, burei-ni. bullet, tama wo iru. RUDENESS, n. Arasa, somatsu, bukotsu, RUN, n. Hayari, riuk, ko-gawa. In the shitsurei. long~-, shimai ni, hikkiyo, tsui ni, ageRUDIMENT, n. Moto, dodai. ku no hate ni. The common run, bonRUE, t. v. Zan-nen ni omo, kuyamu, nin, nami-nami no hito. oshimu. RUNAWAY, n. Ochi-udo. RUEFUL, a. Kanashii. RUNG, n. -of a ladder, hashigo no RUFFIAN, n. Rambo-nin, abare-mono. dan, or san. RUFFLE, t. v. Shiwameru, hida wo toru, RUPTURE, n. Naka-tagaye. araku suru, sawagasu. RUPTURE, t. v. Yaburu, haretsu suru. RUG, I. Mosen, mensen. RURAL, a. Inaka no. RUGGED, a. Arai. RUSE, n. Hakarigoto, tedate, kama. RUIN, n. Horobi, metsub6, sokonai, gai. RUSH, i. v. Hashiru. RUIN, t. v. Horobiru, horobosu, tsubusu, RUSH, n. Ashi, yoshi, kaya. tsubureru, ha-metsu, yaburu, metsub6, RUSSIA, n. Orosha. botsuraku, chinrin. RUST, n. Sabi. RUINOUS, a. Gai natu, sokonau. RUST, i. v. Sabiru. RUINS, n. Ato, ko-seki. RUSTIC. n. Inaka-mono, gasatsu-mono, RULE, n. Ki-soku, kaku, rei, h6, sa-ho, hina-bito. sadame, ho-shiki, shi-hai. RUSTIC, a. Inaka, bukotsu-na. RULE, t. V. Shi-hai suru, riy6 suru, osa- RUSTICATE, i. v. Inaka ni oru, zaigo ni meru, suji wo hiku. Ruled raper, ke- oru. biki-gami. RUSTLE, i. v. Sara-sara to naru, haraRULER, n. Osameru hito, kashira, shi- hara to naru, sayagu. hai suru hito, matsurigoto suru hito, jgi. RUSTY, a. Sabita. RUM, n. Shochiu, kuwa-shu. RUT, n. Tesseki, kuruma no ato. RUMBLE, i, v. Naru, todoroku, doro-doro RUTHLESS, a. Mugai, hakujo na, ubin to naru, goro-goro to naru. Rumbling naki. of the earth,ji-nari. 7* SAB 154 SAN S SABBATH, n. Ansoku-nichi, yasumi-bi, SALE, n. Ure, hake-kuchi, hake, *abake, zontaku. uriguchi, sabaki-kuchi. SABLE, a. Kuroi. SALEABLE, a. Ure ga yoi, hake ga yoi. SABRE, n. Katana, tsurugi. SALINE, a. Shio no, shioke no. SACCHARINE, a. Umai, sato no. SALIVA, n. Tsubaki, yodare, katadzu, SACK, n. Tawara, filkuro. nama-tsuba. SACK, t. v. Bundori suru. SALIVARY GLAND, n. Da-sen. SACRAMENT, n. Iesu no tatetaru reishiki. SALIVATION, n. Ko-chiu furan. SACRED, a. Sei naru, shin sei na. - tree, SALLY, i.. Deru, idzuru. rei-boku. -place, rei-chi, rei-jo. SALMON, n. Shake. Pickled -, shioSACRIFICE, t. v. Ageru, sonayeru, tamu- biki. keru, tatematsuru, matsuru, kujiru. SALOON, n. Zashiki. SACRIFICE, n. A niizal -, ikeniye. SALT, n. Shio. Things offered in -, ku-motsu, tamu- SALT, t. v. Shio ni tsukeru, shio wo suru, ke mono. Human -, hitomigoku. shio-oshi. SACRILEGIOUS, a. Mottainai. SALT-CELLAR, n. Shio-ire, te-shio, shioSAD, a. Kanashii, urei no, itamashii. zara. To feel-, kanashimu, uriou. SALTISH, a. Shio-ke. SADDLE, n. Kura. -girth, hara-obi. SALT-MAKER, n. Shio-yaki, shio-taki. SADDLER, n. Bagu-ya. SALT-MERCHANT, n. Shio-ya. SADDLE-TREE, n. Kura-bone. SALTPETRE, n. Sho-seki. SADLY, adv. Kanashiku, ureite. SALT-WATER, n. Shio, shio-midzu. SADNESS, a. Kanashisa, urei, utsu. SALT-WORK, n. Shio-hama. SAFE, a. Buji, sokusai, dai-jobu, tassha- SALTY, a. Shio-kayui, shio-karai, shopna, tashika-iia, tsudzukanai. pai. SAFE, n. Hai-ch6. SALUBRIOUS, a. Yo-jo no tame ni naru, SAFELY, adv. Buji-ni,anzen-ni, tashika- hoyo no tame naru. ni, tsudzukanaku. SALUBRITY, n. Yojo no tame naru koSAFETY, n. Buji, anzen. to. SAFFLOWER, n. Belli no hana. SALUTARY, a. Tame ni naru. SAG, i. v. Kata-yoru, katadzuru, tawa- SALUTATION, n. Aisatsu, jigi, rei-gi. mu, tarumu. SALUTE, n. Aisatsu, reigi, jigi. Firing SAGACIOUS, a. Kashikoi, rik'na, chiye a -, shukuho suru. ga aru,-katsudatsu na, satoki. SALUTE, t. v. Aisatsu suru, reigiwo suru, SAGACITY, n. Chiye, chi-riyaku, satori. jigi wo suru. - without speaking, SAGE, n. Kashikoi, rik6 na, satoki. moku-rei. SAGE, n. Seijin. SALVAGE, n. Fune aruiwa nimotsu nado SAGELY, adv. Kashikoku. wo tasukuru hito no daigin. SAGO, n. Sagobei. SALVATION, n. Tasuke, sukui, saido. SAID, Itta Aret. of iu, hanashita, kudan- SALVE, n. Koyaku. no, iwayuru. SAME, a. Onaji, onajikoto, do, do-y5, SAIL, n. Ho, so. To set -, shuppan su- hitoshii. - as before, moto no tori, ru. - boat, orshi, ho-bune,ho-kake- itsu mo onaji. - ~iroportion, tobun. bune. Not all the -, onajiku nai. - as the SAIL, i. v. Shuppan suru, hashiru. psattern, mi-hon no tori. - state, do SAIL-MAKER, n. Ho wo tsukuru hito. hen. SAILOR, n. Suifu, kako, suishu, sendo, SAMPAN, n. Fune, temma. mado-rosu. SAMPLE, n. Tehon, mihon. SAILORS' INN, n. Funa-yado. SANCTIFICATION, n. Sei suru koto, sei SAINT, n. Buddhist -, hijiri. naru koto, kokoro no kiyoki naru koto. SAKE, n. Tame, yotte, (yori). SANCTIFY, t. v. Kiyomeru, sei suru. SALAD, n. Chisha. SANCTION, n. Yurushi, menkiyo. SALARY, n. Yaku-riyo, rei, rei-kin, kiu.- SAND, n. Suna, isago. kin. Monthly -, gekkiu. SANDAL, n. Zori, sekida, waraji. SAN 155 SCA SANDAL-WOOD, n. Biyakudan. SAVE, pref. Nokoshite. SAND-BAG, n. Do-hiyo. SAVING, a. Kenyaku-na, shimatsu-na, SANE-BA.NK, n. Su. kanriyaku na. SAND-GLASS, n. Suna-dokei. SAVIOUR, n. Shukui-te, tasuke-te, kiuSANDY, a. Suna-gachi-na, sunappoi. - se-shu, sekiu-tamo kimi. desert, sunappa, sabaku. SAVOR, i. v. Niou, jaiwau. SANE, a. Tashika na. SAVOR, n. Nioi, ajiwai. SANGFROID, n. Hei-ki, magao. SAVORY, a. Oishii, umai, amai. SANGUINARY, a. Hito-jini no oi, mugoi, SAW, n. Nokogiri. muzan. SAW, t. v. Hiku. SANGUINE, a. Chi no iro, akai, kekki na- SAWDUST, n. Oga-kudzu. ru. SAWYER, n. Kobiki. SANITY, n. Seishin no tassha naru koto. SAY, t. v. Iu, hanasu, iwaku, danjiru, SANITARY, a. YOjO wo mamoru. tsugeru. - to one's self, chingin suru. SANSKRIT, n. Bonji. It is said, yoshi. SAP, n. Shiru, yani, shibu. SAY, n. Hanashi. SARCASM, n. Kinku. SAYING, n. Setsu, hanashi, kotowaza. SARCASTIC, a. Nigai, niga-nigashii. - Habit of -, kuchi-kuse, laugh, niga-warai. SCAB, n. Kasa-buta. SARDINE. n. Iwashii. SCAB, i. v. Kaseru. SARDONIC, a. Nigawarai. SCABBARD, n. Saya. SASH, n. Obi, shoji. SCABIES, n. Shitsu. SATAN, n. Akuma no na. SCAFFOLD, n. Ashiba, ashijiro. SATCHEL, n. Doran. SCALD, t. v. Yu de yakeru, ibiru. SATELLITE, n. Tsuki, tsuki-mono. SCALD, n. Yakedo, tokuwasho. SATIATE, t. v. Aku, taru, tenno suru. SCALE, n. Hakari, ter-bin, koke, uroko, (t. v.) Akaseru, aki-taraseru. sane, do-su. SATIETY, n. Aki, aki-taru koto. SCALE, t. v. Noboru, agaru. SATIN, n. Shusu. White -, nune. SCALP, t. v. Kashira no kawa wo muku. SATIRE, n. Raku-shu, waru-kuchi, kin- SCAMP, n. Kiyatsu, yatsu. ku. SCAMPER, i. v. Kakeru, hashiru. SATIRIZE, t. v. Togameru. SCAN, t. v. Shiraberu, nagameru, kemi SATISFACTION, n. An-shin, taru koto, suru. akirame, tsugunai, oginai. SCANDAL, n. Soshiri, zangen, haji. SATISFACTORY, a. An-shin saseru, utagai SCANDALIZE, t.. Iladzukashimeru. wo harasu, ki ni kanau. SCANDALOUS, a. Hadzukashii. SATISFY, t. v. Akaseru, aki-taraseru, SCANT, a. Semaki, toboshiki, taranu. tsugunau, ochi-tsukaseru, oginau, aki- SCANTILY, adv. Taradzu ni, sukunaku, rameru, utagai wo harasu, anshin sase- fisoku ni shite, toboshiku. ru. SCANTY, a. Semai, taranu, fusoku-na, SATURATE, t. v. Shimesu, nurasu, shimi- toboshiki, jubun naranu. toru. SCAPULA, n. Hambi-kotsu. SATURATION, n. Shimesu koto. SCAR, n. Ato, kidzu no ato, hankon. SATURDAY, n. Doyobi. SCARCE, a. Sukunai, fusoku, toboshii, SATURN, n. Dosei. futtei, mare naru. SAUCE, n. Shoyu, miso. SCARCELY, adv. Y6yaku, yatto, kar6SAUCER, n. Sara. jite. SAUCILY, adv. Shitsurei ni, burei ni. SCARE, t. V. Odosu, odorokasu, obiyaSAUCINESS, n. Shitsurei, burei, buyenri- kasu. - away, odoshi-yaru. yo. SCARECROW, n. Odoshi, kagashi, s6dzu, SAUCY, a. Shitsurei na, burei na. hita, naruko, tori-odoshi. SAUNTER, i. v. Bura-bura aruku, shoyo SCARED, f. a. Kowagaru, osoru, okkasuru. nai. SAVAGE, a. Mugoi, muzan-na, takeki, SCARF, n. — of a riest, kesa. araki. SCARIFY,. v. Asaku kiru. SAVAGE, n. Yebisu, yeteki. SCARLET, a. Akai, hi. SAVANT, n. Mono-shiri, hakushiki, ga- SCARP, n. Kishi. kusha. SCATTER, t. v. Chirasu, hai-suru, barasu. SAVE, t. v. Tasukeru, saido suru, do SCATTERED, e. Mabara, ussuri to, chiru. suru. - money, kane wo nokosu, or, SCATTERINGLY, adv. Bara-bara, bararikane wo tameru. to, san-zan, chiri-chiri. SCA r56 SCY SCAVENGER, n. Machi no soji nin. SCRABBLE UP, i. v. Yoji-noboru, haiSCENE, n. Keshiki, y6su, tei. agaru, kaki-noboru. SCENERY, n. Keshiki, fukei, keishoku, SCRAGGY, n. Araki. chob J. SCRAMBLE UP, i.v. Yoji-noboru. Scramble SCENT, n. Nioi, ka. for, bai-torigachi. SCENT, t. v. Kagu, kaoru, kagi-dasu, SCRAP, n. Hashita, kire. kagi-tsukeru. SCRAPE, t. v. Kedzuru, kosogeru, suru, SCHEDULE, n. Mokuroku. kaku. SCHEME, n. Tedate, te, hakarigoto, kei- SCRATCH, t. v. Kaku. - off, kaki-otosu, riyaku, kufi, jutsu, h6ben. kaki-mushiru. - and search for, SCHEME, t. v. Kufu suru, kuwadateru, kaki-sagasu, asaru. — out, kaki-kesu. hakaru. SCRAWL, n. Aku-hitsu, ram-pitsu. SCHISM, n. Wakari, yedaha. SCRAWL, t. v. Tsutanaku kaku. SCHOLAR, n. Deshi, monjin, gakusha, SCREAM, i. v. Sakebu, wameku, naku. shosei. SCREECH, i. v. Sakebu, naku. SCHOOL, n. Gakud6, gakk6, keiko-ba, SCREEN, n. Biyobu, sh6ji, fusuma, mi, gaku-monjo, juku, ha, riu, riugi, shf- jo-tan, hoya. shi. SCREEN, t. v. Oi, kakusu, kabau, abau, SCHOOL, t. v. Oshiyeru, kiyoju suru. kabusaru, kadamu, mi de hiru. SCHOOLFELLOW, n. Do-gaku. SCREW, n. Neji. SCHOOL-HOUSE, n. Gakudo, gakumonjo, SCREW, t. v. Nejiru. - into, neji-komu. gakk6. - open, neji-akeru. - out, shiboru. SCHOOLMASTER, n. Shisho, kiy6shi. SCREW-DRIVER, n. Neji-mawashi. SCHOOLMATE, n, D6gaku, ai-deshi. SCREW-STEAMER, n. Uchi-guruma-no SCIENCE, n. Gaku,jutsu,gakumon. j6ki-sen. SCINTILLATE, t....iga haneru, hibana SCRIBBLE, t. v. Kaku, fude makase ni ga chiru. kaku, tedzusami ni kaku. SCISSORS, n. Hasami. SCRIBE, n. Sho-yaku, yi-hitsu, sho-ki. SCLEROTIC, n. Haku-maku. SCRIMP, t. v. Semaku suru. SCOFF, t. v. Azakeru, gur6 suru, soshi- SCRIP, n. Fukuro. ru. SCRIPTURES, n. Sei-kiy6, seisho, kiyoSCOLD, t. v. Shikaru, togameru, kogoto mon. wo iu, kimeru, gami-gami iu. SCROFULA, n. Rui-reki. SCOLDING, n. Kennomi. SCRUB, t. v. Migaku, kosuru. SCOOP, n. Shaku. SCRUPLE, i. v. Tamer6, tayutau, yfyo ScooP, t. v. Kumu, kuru, yeguru, sogu, suru, kogi suru, utagau. sarayeru. SCRUPLE, n. -- of troy weight = sam SCOOPNET, n. Sukui-ami, sade. pun shi rin. SCOPE, n. Tokoro, basho, atedo. SCRUPULOUS, a. Yiyo-gachi na, tsutsuSCORCH, t. v. Kogasu. shimi fukai. SCORCHED, a. Kogeru, yakeru, koga- SCRUTINIZE, t. v. Sensaku suru, shirareru. beru, gimmi suru, tadzuneru, toi-tsuSCORE, n. Shirushi, kanj6, ni-ju. meru. SCORE, t. v. Shirusu. SCRUTINY, n. Shirabe, tadzune, sensaSCORIA, n. Kanakuso. ku. SCORN, n. Anadori, keibetsu, iyashimi. SCUFFLE, n. Kenkuwa. To laugh to -, azawarau. SCUFFLE, i. v. Sumo wo toru, ken-kuwa SCORN, t. v. Anadoru, kei-betsu suru, suru. mi-sageru, karondzuru, iyashimeru, SCULL, t. v. Kogu. sage-sumu. SCULL, n. Ro. SCORPION, n. Sasori. SCULL-PIN, n. Ro-beso. SCOUNDREL, n. Yatsu, me. SCULPTOR, a. Ishi-ya, ishi-kiri. - of SCOUR, t. v. Migaku, togu, suru, suri- wood images, busshi. migaku. SCULPTURE, t. v. Horu. SCOURGE, n. Muchi, shimoto, tatari, ba- SCUM, n. Uwa-kawa, kudzu, awa. chi-atari. SCURF, n. Fuke. SCOURGE, t. v. Muchi-utsu, sekkan suru, SCURRILITY, t. v. Akk6, waru-kuchi. bassuru, keibatsu suru, imashimeru. SCUTTLE, n. Sumi-tori. SCOUT, n. Monomi, t6mi. SCUTTLE, t. V. - a ship, fune wo shidzuSCOWL, i. v. Shikameru, hisomeru. meru tame ni soko ni ana wo akeru. SCOWL, n. Kao wo lisomeru koto. SCYTHE, n. Ogama. SEA 157 SEE SEA, n. Umi, kai, nada. The- is rough, store, furute-ya. Buy at -, furute de nami ga arai. Half seas over, nama- kau, matagai wo suru. Borrowing at yoi, horoyoi. - and land, kai-riku. -, nata-gari wo suru. - water, shio. SECOND-RATE, n. Dai ni ban no. SEABOARD, n. Kai-gan, umi no iso, kai- SECRET, a. Kakureru, hisoka-na, naisho hen, umi-te, umibe. na, initsu-na. - talk, mitsu-dan. SEA-BREEZE, n. Umi-kaze. kai-fu. SECRET, n. Hiji, Ilitsuji, himitsu, ommiSEA-CAPTAIN, n. Fune-no kashira, sen- tsu. - medicine, hi-yaku. sho. SECRETARY, n. Yuhitsu, sho-yaku, hissei, SEA-CHART, n. Umi no yedzu. monokaki. SEACOAST, a. Kai-gan, kai-hen. SECRErE, t. v. Kakusu. SEA FIGHT, n. Funa-ikusa. SECRETLY, adv. Hisoka-ni, nai-nai, naiSEA-HORSE, n. Umi-'ma. sho de, shinonde, nai-bun de, hiso-hiso, SEAL, n. (Fish) ottosei, ashika. koso-koso. SEAL, n. Han, in, ingiyo, fa, kaki- SECT, n. Shushi, shui, ha, riu, riugi, han. shumon. SEAL, t. v. Han wo osu, fujiru. SECTION, n. Sho, hen, kire, bu-bun. - SEAL CHARACTER, n. Ten-sho. of country, ho, kata. SEAM, n. Nui-me, awashime. SECULAR,a. Seken-no,zoku. -affairs, SEAMAN, n. Sendo, funako, kako. zoku-ji. SEAMSTRESS, n. O-hari, mono-nui. SECURE, a. Genjfi-na, kengo-na, daij6bu SEAR, t. v. Yaku, kogasu. na, katai, anko, anshin, buji-naru. SEARCH, t. v. Sagasu, tadzuneru, sensa- SECURE, t. V. Ukeau, mamoru, katamaru. ku suru, shiraberu, tansaku, anaguru. SECURITY, n. Anshin, an-non, kengo, - a house, ya-sagashi. katame, ukeai, hiki-ate, kahan- nin, SEARCH, a. Tadzune, sagashi, sensaku, ukeai-nin. shirabe, gimmi. SEDAN, n. Norimono, kago. SEA-CICK, n. Fune ni yd. SEDATE, a. Shidzuka-na, heiki na, ochiSEA-SIDE, n. Kai-gan, umi-te, kai-hen. tsuite iru, majime na. SEASON, n. Toki, jisetsu, kiko, setsu. SEDENTARY, a. Ugoka-nai. - employThe four -, shi-ki. Out of -, toki- ment, suwari-shigoto. naranu. SEDIMENT, n. Kasu, tare-kasu, ori. SEASON, t. v. Aji wo tsukeru, kagen SEDITION, n. Muhon, ikki, sod6. suru, narasu, tanren suru. To season SEDITIOUS, a. Bo-giyaku na, muho na. by drying, karasu, kawakasu, hossu. SEDUCE, i. V. Sosonokasu, hiki-komu, SEASONABLE, a. Tsugo no yoi, hodo- taburakasu. yoi. SEDUCTION, n. Taburakasu koto. SEASONING, n. Kagen, ambai. SEDULOUS, a. Hone-oru, hataraku, benkiSEAT, n. Koshi-kake, za, seki, ba-sho, yo na, mame-na, hagemu. tokoro, ba, sho. figh —, koza. Low- SEE, t. V. Miru. I request to see, or est -, basseki, geza. wish to see, hai-ken itashitai, mi-tai. SEAT, t. v. Za-suru, suwaru, oku, suyeru, See here, (polite), goran nasare, michakuza. nasare; (common), mi-yo; (vulgar), SEA-WATER, n. Shio. miro. Let me see, mise-nasare. SEAWEED, n. Aosa, funori, hijiki, kaji- through, mi-tosu. See to it, ki wo me, modzuku, miru. tsuke yo. To see (for curiosity), kemSEAWORTHY, a. Kai-k6 ni yo ni tatsu. butsu suru. To mistake in seeing, SECEDE, i. v. Shirizoku. mi-ayamatsu, mi-chigai, mi-sokonau. SECLUDE, t. v. Hiki-komoru, tonsei suru, - about it, toi-awaseru, kiki-awaseru. kakureru, inkiyo suru. SEED, n. Tane. SECLUSION, n. Inkiyo, in-ton, tonsei, ka- SEEDLING, n. Mibaye. kureru. SEED-TIME, n. Shi-tsuke-doki, uyetsukeSECOND, n. Suke-dachi, bu. doki. SECOND, a. Ni-ban-me. - tine, futa- SEEK, t. v. Sagasu, tadzuneru, motometabi, mata. - day, futsuka. - hus- ru, sensaku suru, tansaku suru. baWd,nochi-dzure. -son,ji-nan. - SEEM, t. V. Miyeru. Formed by the wife, gosai, nochi-zoye. suffixes, rashii, s; also by, keshiki, SECOND, t. V. Tetsudau, kata wo motsu, iro, nari-so, nari, ke, furi. sukeru. SEEMING, b. a. - truth, makoto-rashii. SECOND-COUSIN, n. Mata-itoko. SEEMINGLY, adv. Misegake ni. SECOND-HAND, n. Furute. - clothing SEEMLY, a. Atarimaye no, tOzen no. SEE I58 SEP SEETHE, t. v. Niru. SELF-SACRIFICE, n. Mi wo kayeri midzu, SEIGE, n. To lay- to, kakomu. Ini wo oshimadzu. SEINE, n. Hiki-ami, ami. SELF-SEEKING, a. Jibun gatte, temaye SEIZE, t. v. Toru, tsukamu, nigiru, ubau. gatte, mi-biiki. - with the teeth, kui-tsuku. SELF-WILLED, a. Waga-mama, kimma, SEIZURE, n. Tori, ubai. ga wo haru. SELDOM, adv. Mare-ni, tama-tama, ta- SELL, t. v. Uru. sabak. - by the quanma-ni, metta-ni. tity, orosu. To cause or let another SELECT, t. v. Yerabu, yoru, gimmi suru, sell, uraseru. To - off, uri-harau, uriyeru. kiru. SELECT, a. Yeramitaru, hiidetaru. SELLER, n. Uri-te, uri-nushi, bai-nin. SELF, fro. Ji-bun, ji-shin, onore, midzu- SELLING, - at wholesale, oroshi. - at kara, hitori de, mi, ikko. Maade by -, retail, ko-uri. ji-saku, te-saku. SELVEDGE, n. Mimi. SELF-ABHORENCE, n. Midzukara uramu SEMBLANCE, n. - of truth, makotokoto. rashii. - ofsincerity, shinjitsu-rashii, SELF-ACTING, a. Midzukara ugoku. date-shinjitsu. SELF-ADMIRATION, n. Jiman, jifu. SEMEN, n. Tane, sei, insui. SELF-COMMAND, n. Jijaku to shite oru SEMI-ANNUAL, a. Han-toshi-no, han-nenkoto, heiki-naru. no, han-ki. SELF-COMMUNION, n. Midzukara kayeri- SEMICIRCLE, n. Han-getsu. miru koto. SEMINARY, n. Gakudo, gakumonjo, gakSELF-CONCEIT, n. Ji-man, jifu, unubore. ko. SELF-CONFIDENCE, n. Midzukara tanomu. SEND, t.v. Yaru, tsukau, okuru, tsukaSELF-CONTROL, n. Jijaku, onore ni katsu. wasu, todokeru. Also formed by the SELF-DECEPTION, n. Midzukara damasu. caust. form of the verb; as. To send SELF-DEFENCE, n. Midzukara mamoru. rain, ame wo furasu. To send a nesSELF-DENIAL, n. Onore ni katsu, shim- senger, tsukai wo yukaseru, or yaru. bo, kannin. To-forth, hassuru. - back, kayesu, SELF-DESTRUCTION, n. Jibo-jimetsu. henjo, hemben suru. To send for a SELF-EDUCATED, a. Doku-gaku. doctor, isha wo yobu. SELF-EVIDENT, a. Ichi-jirushi, meihakh SENIOR, n. Toshi-ori, cho-nen. na. SENSATION, n. Chikaku. SELF-EXAMINATION, n. Midzukara kaye- SENSE, n. Kokoro. ki, shone, imi, wake. ri-miru. Lose one's senses, ki wo ushinau. Come SELF-EXISTENT, a. Onodzu to imasu. to one's senses, honsh6 ga tsuita. The SELF-GOVERNMENT, n. Onore ni katsu, five -, go-gan, go-kuwan. doku-ritsu. SENSELESS, a. Oboyenu, kanzenu, chiSELF-IGNORANCE, n. Midzukara shiranu. kaku nashi, shone nashi, oroka naru. SELF-IMPORTANT, a. Takaburu, jiman. SENSIBILITY, n. Chikaku, shone. SELF-INDULGENT, a. Shi-yoku ni maka- SENSIBLE, a. Chikaku aru, kanji no yoi, seru. oboyeru, satoki, kashikoi. SELF-INTEREST, n. Midame, shi-yoku, SENSITIVE, a. Chikaku yoki, kanji no temaye-gatte. hayai. SELFISH, a. Temaye-gatte, ki-mama, wa- SENSUAL, a. Yoku no, yoku fukaki. takushi no, waga-mama, kidzui, ga. SENSUALIST, n. Shu-shoku ni fukeru hito. SELF-KNOWLEDGE, n. Midzukara shiru. SENSUALITY, n. Shu-shoku ni fukeru SELF-LOVE, n. Ji-ai, midzukara ai suru. koto. SELF-MURDER, n. Jigai. SENTENCE, n. Ku, ii-tsuke, m6shi-tsuke, SELF-PARTIAL, n. Mi-hiiki. moshi-watashi. SELF-POSSESSION, n. Heiki, ochi-tsuki, SENTENCE, t. v. Moshi-tsukeru, ii-tsujijaku. keru. SELF-PRAISE, n. Jiman ji-san. SENTIMENT, n. Riyoken, iken, kokoro, SELF-RELIANT, a. Midzukara tanomu, tsumori, zombun, zonjiyori, zoni, zonmidzukara yoru. nen. SELF-REPROACH, n. Midzukara semuru, SENTINEL, n. Ban-nin, mi-hari, hari-ban. onore wo imashimuru. SENTRY, n. Idemz. SELF-RESPECT, n. Midzukara oshimu. SEPARATE, t. v. Wakeru, wakatsu, hansSELF-RESTRAINT, n. Onore ni katsu. su. (i. v.) Hanareru, hedateru. SELFISH-RIGHTEOUS, a. Midzukara gi to SEPARATELY, adv. Betsu ni, betsu-betsusuru. ni, mei-mei ni. SEP I59 SEW SEPARATION, n. Hanare, wakare, ribetsu, kakeru, tori-kakaru. - uP, tateru. fuyen. up business, kaigiyo suru. - zb shop, SEPTEMBER, n. Ku-gatsu. mise wo dasu, mise wo hiraku. - one s SEPULCHRE, n. Haka, tsuka. self against, teki suru, tekitau. To set SEPULTURE, n. Homuri. aside, katadzukeru, sutete oku, uchatte SEQUEL, n. Yuku-suye, ato, suye. oku, sashi-oku. - agoing, ugoki-dasu, SEQUESTER. t. v. Tori-ageru. - one's hajimeru, shi-kakeru, - down, self, inkiyo sliru. orosu. - down in a day book, SERENE, a. Akiraka-na, uraraka, nodo- chOmen ni tsukeru, or kaku, or shirusu. ka, shidzuka na, odayaka na. - sky, -forward, susumeru. - off, kazaru, sei-ten. ashirau. - on, keshi-kakeru, odateru, SERENITY, n. Odayaka, ochi-tsuki, heiki, oikakeru. -out on ajourney, tabi-dachi anshin. wo suru. - at naught, naigashiro ni SERIES, n. Tsudzuki, narabi. Com- suru, karondzuru. - in order, narapounds of ren, rui. - of years, rui- beru, osameru. - eyes on, me ni kakanen, ren-nen. - of days, ren-jitsu. ru. - the teeth on edge, hagayui. - - of dynasties, rui-dai. at ease, ochi-tsukeru, akirameru. - SERIOUS, a. Daiji na, taisetsu na, jitsu, free, hanatsu. - at work, shigoto ni hont6, omoi, taishita. tsukeru, hatarakaseru. - on fire, hi SERIOUSLY, adv. Omoku, magao de. wo tsukeru. - a trap, wana wo haru. SERMON, n. Hodan, dangi, seppo, k6- Sets well, yoku aimasu. - day, nichishaku. gen, higiri, jojitsu. To - out a tree, SERPENT, n. Hebi, ja. - charmer, he- ki wo uyeru. - out a table, handai wo bi-tsukai. dasu. - a tune, fushi wo tsukeru. - SERVANT, n. Kodzukai, hok6-nin, kerai, a saw, nokogiri no me wo tateru. boku, genan, gejo, sobadzukai, kiu-ji, offa gun, teppo wo hanasu. - onfoot, meshi-tsukai, shimobe. hajimeru, shi-kakeru. — right, naosu, SERVE, t. v. Tsutomeru, hoko suru, tsu- tadasu. kayeru. - uA, sonayeru, koshirayeru. SET,,. a, Ganko na, kataku na. - out, kubaru, wakeru. To - out SET, n. - of books, bu. - of boxes, wine, sake wo tsugu, or shaku wo suru. ireko. To - out boiled rice, meshi wo morn. SETTING SUN, n. Iri-hi. To - out medicines to the poor, bimb6 SETTLE, t. v. Sadameru, kiwameru, kinin ni kusuri wo hodokosu, or segiyo yo-riu saseru, ochi-tsukeru, shidzumesuru. To - one's country, kokka ni ru, kimeru, osameru, sumasu, odomatsukayeru. To - as a waiter, kiu-ji seru, ari-tsukeru, hitsuj6, kessuru. - wo suru. To - one badly, waruku an account, kanjo wo harau. tori-atsukau. To - God, kami ni tsu- SETTLE, i. v. Odomu, sadamaru, kimakayeru. - the purpose, ma-ni-au, ru, shidzumaru, ochi-tsuku, osamaru. y6datsu. To make - the purpose, ma- SETTLEMENT, n. Ochi-tsuku koto. Forni-awaseru. - out one's time, itogeru. eign -, kiyo-riu-chi. - of a quarrel, SERVICE, n. Tsutome, h6k6, yaku, ya- kenkuwa no naka-naori. - of an ackume, yo, nenki. Public -, go-y6, count, kanj6-barai. yaku-y6. Of no-, yo6ni tatanu, yaku SEVEN, n. Nanatsu, shichi. ni tatanu, kiki-masen. Time of -, SEVEN FOLD, a. Shichi-s6bai, nana-ye. nen-ki. Buria —, s6-shiki, so-rei. SEVENTEEN, n. Ju-shichi. SERVICEABLE, n. Y6 ni tatsu, yaku ni SEVENTH, a. Shichi-ban, shichi-ban-me. tatsu, toku-y6, y6datsu. SEVENTIETH, a. Shichi-j u-ban-me. SERVILE, a. Iyashii, yakko no y6 na. SEVENTY, a. Shichi-jf. SERVILITY, n. Yakko no y6su. SEVER, t. v. Kiru, hanareru, wakeru, SERVITUDE, n. Hok6, tsutome. kiri-hanatsu, wakimayeru. SESSION, n. Seki, za. SEVERAL, a. Su, rui, ren. SET, t. v. Oku, suyeru, osameru, tsuke- SEVERAL, adv. Betsu-betsu-ni, goto-ni. ru, sonayeru, sadameru. Sun has -, SEVERE, a. Kibishii, kitsui, tsuyoi, hahi ga kureta. - a day, nichi-gen wo geshii, hidoki, omoi, ogosoka-naru, suru, higiri wo suru. - a razor, kami- genjfi na, kiukutsu na. sori wo awaseru. - sail, shuppan su- SEVERELY, adz. Tsuyoku, hageshiku, ru. - a sail, ho wo ageru. - a watch, kibishiku; kitsuku, hishi-to, hishi-biban wo tsukeru, tokei wo naosu. - a shi-to. bone, hone wo tsugu. - aart, ate- SEVERITY, n. Tsuyosa, kibishisa, hidosa. hameru. To set about, hajimeru, shi- SEW, t. v. Nui, tojiru, kukeru. - to SEW I60 SHI gether, nui-awaseru. - one thing on SHARP, a. Yoku-kireru, tsurudoi, togeanother, nui-tsukeru. -andlengthen, ru, karai, kitsui, tsuyoi, kibishii. - nui-tsugu. voice, togarigoye. SEWER, n. Dobu, mizo. SHARPEN, t.. Togu, togarakasu, tateSEWING, n. Nu koto, nui-mono. ru. SEX, n. Nan-niyo, mesu-osu. SHARPER, n. Katari-mono, mogari. SEXTON, n. Haka-mori. SHARPLY, adv. Tsuyoku, hitsuku, kibiSEXUAL INTERCOURSE, n. Kogo, boji. shiku, karaku. SHABBY, a. Misuborashii, kitanai. SHARP-SIGHTED, a. Me-bayai. SHACKLE, t. v. Hodasu, samatageru. SHATTER, t. v. Uchi-kudaku, buchi-koSHACKLE, n. Hoda, hodashi. wasu. SHADDOCK, n. Zabon. SHAVE, t. v. Soru, kedzuru, sogu. - SHADE, n. Kage. A sun shade, hi-oi. the head, chihatsu. Lamjn -, hoya. SHAVINGS, n. Kanna-kudzu. SHADE, t. V. Ou, kakusu, kazasu. SHE,jro. Ano onna, are. SHADOW, n. Kage, kageboshi. SHEAF, n. Taba, tabane. SHADY, a. Kage aru. Under a tree, SHEAR, t. v. Hasami-kiru. mori no shita. SHEARS, n. Hasami, ki-basami, hanaSHAFT, n. Hashira, ye, nagaye. basami. SHAGGY DOG, n. Muku-inu. SHEATH, n. Saya. SHAKE, t. v. Ugoku, ugokasu, furi, yu- SHEATHE, t. v. Katana wo osameru. ru, yurugu, yurugasu, yusuburu, yusu- SHED; t. v. Nagasu, otosu. - light, ru. - off, furi-harau, furi-hanatsu. terasu. - tears, raku-rui suru, nami- out, furl-dasu. - hands, te wo to- da wo kobosu. - the skin, kawa wo ru. -loose, furi-hanatsu. nugu. - hair orfeathers, ke ga kawaSHAKING, n. Furui. ru, toya ni tsuku. SHAKY, a. Gura-gura suru. SHED, n. Koya, adzumaya. SHALL, i.. Formed by future suffix, SHEEP, n. Rashamen, hitsuji, menyo. 0, ro. What — I do? nan to sho. - SHEET, n. Mai, nedoko no shikimono. I go or not? yuko ka yukumai ka. SHEET-COPPER, n. Akagane-ita. How - I do it? dshite shiy ka. - SHEET IRON, n. Tetsu-ita. - go to-morrow? ashita yukimasho. SHEET LEAD, n. Namari ita. Shallyou go yuku ka, or oide nasaru SHELF, n. Tana. ka. I - go, yuki-masu. You - go, SHELL, n. Kara, haretsu-dama. yukaneba naranu. SHELL, t. v. Kawa wo muku, haretsu SHALLOW, a. Asai. - or deel, sen-shin. dama de utsu. SHAM, t. v. Tobokeru, mane wo suru. SHELTER, t. V. Ou, yokeru, kabau. - SHAM, a. See Sora. from rain, ama-yadori. To - one's SHAMANISM, n. Shamon. self, mi wo kakusu. To be sheltered, SHAME, t. V. Haji, chijoku, kakin, ha- kakureru. dzukashimi. Put to-, hadzukashime- SHEPHERD, n. Menyo wo kau hito. ru. SHERIFF, n. Shugokushi. SHAMEFACED, a. Hadzukashigaru. SHERRY, n. Budoshu no rui. SHAMEFUL, a. Hadzukashii, chijoku na- SHIELD, n. Tate. ru. SHIELD, t. v. Kabau, mamoru, yokeru. SHAMELESS, a. Haji wo shiranu. SHIFT, t. v. Kayeru, utsusu. (i. v.) UgoSHAMPOO, t. Z. Momu, ampuku suru, ku, utsuru, mokuromu, hakaru, kawaamma suru, d6in suru. ru. To -for one's self, jibun no taSHAMPOOER, a. Amma. me ni hakaru. To make -, hakaru. SHANK. n. Hagi, sune. SHIFTLESS, n. Yaku ni tatanu. SHAPE, n. Katachi, sugata, kata, na- SHINE, i. v. Terasu, hikaru, kagayaku. rikko. SHINE, n. Seiten, tsuya. SHAPE, t. v. Katadoru, tsukuru. SHINGLE, n. Yane-ita. - roof, itabuSHAPELESS, a. Katachi naki. ki. SHARE, v. Wari-tsukeru, wakeru, wari- SHINGLE, t. v. Ita de fuku. awaseru. SHINGLE-ROOFED, a. Ita-buki. SHARE, n. Wari-ai, wari, wappu, wari- SHINING, a. Terasu, hikaru, kagayaku. maye, bun. SHIP, n. Fune. - of/war, gunkan, ikuSHARER, n. Kakari-ai. sabune. Merchant -, akinai-bune, SHARK, n. Same, fuka. shosen. Steam -, hi-bune, jokisen. SHARK'S FINS, n. Same no hire. A,iace where - stop, funa-ba, funa SHI i6i SHR tsuki. To load a -, funadzume wo su- SHORT-WITTED, a. Tansai. ru. SHOT, n. Tama. Bow -, ya-goro, yaSHIP, t. v. Fune ni tsumu. omote. A good -, tedari. - hole, SHIPBOARD, n. To go on -, fune ni no- tama-kidzu. Long-, t6-ya. ru. SHOULD, as, You should have paid the SHIP-BUILDER, n. Funa-daiku. money at the time you promised, niSHIP CAPTAIN, n. Funa-osa. chigen ni kane wo harayeba yokatta, SHIP-CHANDLER, n. Funa-gu wo akinai or, if expressing regret, nichl-gen ni suru hito. kane wo harayeba yokatta mono wo. SHIP'S carpenter, n. Fune no daiku. If I had had time I should have gone, SHIPMENT, n. Funa-dzumi, fune no ni- watakushi hima ga attara yuku de attamotsu. r6. I should go if I were well, ambai SHIP-OWNER, n. Funa-mochi. ga yoi nara yuko. I should have gone SHIPPING-MERCHANT, n. Funa-doiya. yesterday, kin6 yukeba yokatta mono SHIP-WRECK, n. Hasen, nan-sen. One wo. Children should obey their pasavedfrom -, funa-kobori. rents, ko wa oya ni k6ok suru hadzu no SHIP WRIGHT, n. Funa-daiku. koto. It should be done, suru hadzu no SHIRK, n. Dzurui mono, ochaku-mono. koto, or suru beki koto, or atarimaye SHIRKING, a. Dzurui, dzurukeru. no koto. - or not, ka-fu-ka. SHIRT, n. Jiban, hadagi. SHOULDER, n. Kata. SHIVER, t. v. Sun-dzun ni kudaku. (. v.) SHOULDER, t. v. Katsugu, katageru. Furu, ononoku, wananaku, zoku-zoku SHOULDER-BLADE, n. Hambi-kotsu. suru. SHOUT, n. Sakebi, toki no koye, sawagi. SHOAL, a. Asai tokoro, su. - of victory, kachidoki. SHOAL, i. v. Asaku naru. SHOUT, i. v. Sakebu, toki no koye wo SHOCK, n. Hibiki, kotaye. ageru, wameku. SHOCKING, a. Kirawashii. SHOVE, t. V. OSU. SHOE, n. Kutsu, hakimono. One pair SHOVEL, n. Suki. Fire -, jfun. A of-, kutsu issoku. Horse -, kana- basket-, joren. gutsu. SHOW, t. v. Miseru, oshiyeru, arawasu, SHOE-BRUSH, n. Kutsu-bake. shimesu, kikaseru. -- mercy, awareSHOE-MAKER, n. Kutsu-shi. mu. - the way, annai suru, michibiSHOOT, t. v. Hanasu, utsu. - a bow, ku. -forth, arawasu, shimesu. iru. Of a bud, kizasu, tatsu. SHOW, n. Mise-mono, miye, miba, miSHOOTS, n. Naye, me, me-baye. date, mikake, date. SHOOTING-STAR, n. Yobaiboshi, riusei. SHOW-BILL, n. Hiki-fuda. SHOP, n. Mise, tana. SHOWER, n. Niwaka ame, shigure, yfdaSHOP, i. v. Kaimono ni yuku. chi. SHOP-BOY, n. Tedai, kozo. SHOWY, a. Date-ra, medatawashii, meSHOPKEEPER, n. Akindo. datsu, hanayaka na. SHOPLIFTER, n. Mambiki. SHREW, n. Kashimashii onna. SHOPPING, n. Kaimono ni yuku. SHREWD, a. Riko na, kashikoi, chiye no SHORE, n. Iso,.kishi. Sea -, kai-gan. aru, hashikoi. SHORT, a. Mijikai, tan. - road, chikai SHREWDLY, adv. Kashikoku. michi, haya-michi. To be - of, taranu, SHREWDNESS, n. Chiye, rik6, rihatsu. fusoku, toboshii. Come- of, itaranu, SHRIEK, n. Sakebi. todokanu. Cut -, habuku, herasu, ri- SHRIEK, i. v. Sakebu, 6-goye nite naku. yaku suru. Fall-, hekomi ni naru. SHRILL VOICE, n. Hosokoye, hosone, to- months, sho no tsuki. gari-goye. SHORT-BREATHED, a. Kataiki, iki-gire. SHRIMP, n. Yebi. SHORTEN, t. v. Mijikaku suru, habuku, SHRINE, n. Mikoshi. herasu, gendzuru, riyaku suru, tsume- SHRINK, i. v. Chijimaru, tsumaru, ijikeru, tsumaru, hashoru. ru, chijikamaru, atoshizaru, mijiroku, SHORT-HANDED, n. Kotokagi. biku-biku suru. SHORT-LIVED, a. Tammei, inochi-miji- SHRINK, t. v. Chijimeru. kai. SHRINKAGE, n. Chijimaru koto, chijiSHORTLY, adv. Shibaraku, jiki-ni, haya- mi. ku, chika-jika-ni, kinjitsu-ni. SHRIVEL, i. v. Shiwa ga yoru, shioreru, SHORTNESS, a. Mijikasa. shinabiru, hinayeru, shibomu. SHORT-SIGHTED, a, Chika-me. SHROFF, n.,Kane-mi, kane no gimmi SIORT-WINDED, n. Ikigire. kata. SHR I62 SIL SHROFF, t. v. Kane wo miru, kane wo SIDLE, i. V. Yoko ni aruku. gimmi suru. SIEGE, n. To lay - to, kakomu, osou. SHROUD, n. Kiyo-katabira. SIEVE, n. Furui. SHRUB, n. Ki, uyeki. SIFT, t. v. Furu. SHRUG, /. v. Sobiyakasu. SIGH, n. Tame-iki. SHUDDER, i. v. Furu, wananaku, onono- SIGH, i. v. Tansoku suru, nageku, tameku, zoku-zoku suru, senritsu suru. iki wo tsuk:. SHUFFLE, t. v. Watasu. To - cards, SIGHT, n. Miru-koto, me, me ni miyeru karuta wo kiru. mono. The ship is not inz, iune ga SHUN, t.v. Nogareru, yokeru, manuka- miyenu. To take-, nerau. To be in reru, sakeru, imu., miyeru. SHUT, t. V. Shimeru, tateru, tojiru, fusa- SIGHT, t. v. Miru, mi-tomeru, mi-tsugu, tatamu, tozasu, tsugumu. (i. z.) keru, nerau. Shibomu. To - the hand, te wo SIGHTLESS, a. Me-nashi, mekura. nigiru. - the fingers, yubi wo oru. SIGHTLY, a. Medatsu. To - a port, sa-ko suru. To — up in SIGHT-SEEING, n. Kembutsu, mono-mi. prison, roya ni toji-koneru. To - in SIGN, n. Shirushi, shoko, yengi, zempia view, mi-harashi wo fusagu. To - yo, shirase, sh6, kizashi,keshirai, kamout, shimedasu, sayegiru, yokera. To ban,dzui. Strange -,ki-dzui. Favor- u a house, iye wo tozasu, to-jimari able, ishodzui. wo suru. To - up another by reason- SIGN, t. v. Han wo osu, kaki-han suru, ing, giron shite heiko saseru. shirusu. SHUTTLE, n. Hi. SIGNAL, n. Aidzu. SHUTTLE-COCK, n. Hane, hago, kogino- SIGNAL, a. Appare na, suguretaru. ko. SIGNAL, t. v. Aidzu wo suru. SHY, a. Kowagaru, okume na, tsushimu. SIGNALIZE, t. v. Aidzu de shiraseru, ko SIAM, n. Shamuro. wo tateru. SICK, a. Yamu, wadzurau, fu-kuwai, SIGNATURE, n. Han, kaki-han. ambai warui, biyoki no. Sea -, fune SIGN-BOARD, n. Kamban. ni yo. - at stomach, mukadzuku. - SIGNET, n. Han, in. person, biyo-nin, biyo-ja, biyo-kaku. SIGNIFICANT, a. Imi ga aru. -bed, biyo-sho. - and afficted, bi- SIGNIFICATION, n, Kokoro, wake, imi, yo-no, biyo-ku, biyo-nan. To be - of, giri. kirau, akiru. To make -, yamaseru. SIGNIFY, t. v. Arawasu, miseru, shiraSICKEN, t. v. Mukadzukaseru. (i. v.) seru, kikaseru, oshiyeru, hiy6 suru. It Mukadzuku, yamu, kirau. does not-, kamaimasen. SICKISH, a. Ambai warui. SIGN-POST, n. Michi-shirube. SICKLE, n. Kama. SILENCE, n. Oto naki koto, damatte oru SICKLY, a. Hito ni sawaru yamai ga ha- koto. yaru. — pe-son, biyo-shin. SILENCE, t. v. Shidzumeru, yari-komu, SICKNESS, n. Biyoki, yamai. - ostomn- heiko suru, ii-komeru. Sit in -, moac/, mune no warui. During-, biyo- kuza. chiu. After -, biy6-go. Cause of-, SILENCE, interj. Damare. biy6-kon. Died of-, biy6-shi. Kind SILENT, a. Damaru,mokunen, shidzuka, of-, biyo-tei. - of jregnaney, tsu- odayaka, mugon. wari, oso. SILENTLY, adv. Damatte, moku-nen to SIDE, n. Kata, kata-wara, waki, kataye, shite, shidzuka-ni, sotto. soba, hotori, kawa, hata, ho. Every SILK, n. Kinu, ito., h-bo. Both -, riyo-ho, riyo men. SILK-WORM, n. Kaiko. One -, kataipp6, kata-kata, kata hashi, SILKY, a. Kinu no y6 na. kata-kawa, kata-kuchi. This-, kona- SILL, n. Dodai, neda. ta, kochi. That —, achira, achl, ana- SILLY, a. Bakarashii, gu-na, don-na, guta. - of a mountain, sampuku. chi na, oroka naru. SIDE, a. Yoko. SILT, n. Nagare midzu kara shidzumitaSIDE, i. v. Kata wo motsu, tsuku. ru doro. SIDE-DISH, n. or anything eaten with SILVER, n. Gin, shiro-gane. rice, okadzu,,sai. SILVER, t. v. Gin wo kiseru. (pass.) SIDE-LONG, adv. Yoko-ni. Shiroku naru. SIDEREAL, a. Hoshi no. SILVER-LEAF, n. Gimpaku. SIDE-WISE, adv. Yoko-ni, yokosama, SILVER-MONEY, n. Gin-su, katamukeru, sobameru. SILVER-PLATED, n. Gimpaku. SIL 163 SLA SILVER-WARE, n. Gin zaiku. SIN-OFFERING, n. Tsumi wo aganau ikeSIMILAR, a. Onaji, niru, d6y6, hitoshi- niye, tsumi wo aganau kumotsu. ki. SIP, t. v. Su, (sui), nomu. SIMILITUDE, n. Nitaru koto. SIR, n. Sama, san. SIMPLE, a. Ichi-mi na, hitoye-no, jimi SIRUP, n. Sat6 mitsu. na, shitsuboku, ubu, oroka na, gu ha, SISTER, n. Kiyodai, onna-kivydai, shikoto-na, kani, adokenai, kanyeki. mai. Older-, ane. Younger -, imOSIMPLE-MINDED, a. Guwanzenaki, ado- to. - in law, ani-yome, kojiitome. kenai. SIT, i. v. Suwaru, za-suru, koshi wo SIIPLETON, n. Gu-don na mono. kakeru. Sitting uh all night, yodoshi, SIMPLIFY, t. v. Yasuku suru, temijika ni tetsuya, akashi. To - up with the suru. sick, yotogi wo suru. - in a ring, SIMPLY, a. Nomi, bakari, tada. kurumaza, madoi. - tailor fashion, SIMULATE, t. v. Niseru, maneru, magau, agura wo kaku. magayera. SITE, n. Basho, tokoro. SIMULATION, n. Niseru koto. SITTING, a. Suwatte oru, za-shite oru. SIMULTANEOUS, a. Onaji toki, doji, so- Manner of-, idzumai, iy6. r6te. SITUATED, a. Aru, oru. SIN, n. Tsumi, zai, zai-go. SITUATION, n. Basho, tokoro, yakume. SIN, t. v. Tsuml wo okasd, kami no mi- SIX, a. Mutsu, roku. chi ni somuku, or, michi ni motoru. SIXFOLD, a. Muye, roku mai, roku s6SINAPISMI, n. Kaishidei. bai. SINCE, adv. Kara, konokata, i-rai, yori, SIXTEEN, a. Jfi-roku. imamade, ato, yuyex aida, yotte, iku- SIXTEENTH, n. Ju-roku-bam-me. wan. SIXTH, n. Roku-ban, roku-bam-me. SINCERE, a. Jitsu, makoto, hon-na, shin- SIXTIETH, n. Roku-ju-ban. jitsu na, honto. SIXTY, a. Roku-ju. SINCERELY, adv. Jitsu-ni, makoto-ni, SIZE, Okisa, kasa. hon-ni, honto, shinjitsu ni. SKEIN, n. Kase. SINCERITY, n. Jitsui, magokoro, shinji- SKELETON, n. Gaikotsu. tsu. SKEPTICAL, a. Utagai-bukaki. SINECURE, n. Sozan. SKETCH, n. Ye, dzu, yedzu. SINEW, n.'Suji. SKETCH, t. v. Kaku, yegaku. SINFUL, a. Tsumi aru, SKILFUL, a. Jodzu, takumi no, tegiwa no SING, i. v. Utau, gindzuru, yeidzuru. yoi. To lead in singing, ondo wo toru. SKILL, n. Tegiwa, takumi, yete. SINGE, t. v. Yaku. SKIM, t. v. Sukui-toru, kasutte tobu, SINGING-BOOK, n. Uta no fu. tobi-tobi ni yomu. SINGING-WOMAN, n. Gei-sha, tori-oi, gei- SKIN, n. Kawa. ko. SKIN, t.v. Muku, hagu. SINGLE, a. Hitotsu, ichi, hitoye, ichi- SKINFLINT, n. Shiwambb, kechi-kusai. mi. - _erson, hitori, dokushin. To SKIP, t. v. Tobu, haneru. - out, me-gakeru. - eye, kata-me. SKIRMISH, n. Ko-zeri-ai. - hand, kata-te. SKIRMISHERS, n. Sampei. SINGLY, adv. Hitori de, jishin, jibun, SKIRT, n. Suso. To hold up the-, tsuhitotsu-bitotsul. madoru. SINGULAR, a. Medzurashii, miyo-na, ki- SKIRT, t. v. Sakai suru. tai na, betsu-dan, kaku-betsu na. SKITTISH, a. Mono-odoroki. SINGULARITY, n. Kuse. SKULK, i. v. Shinobu, kakureru, nukeSINGULARLY, adv. Kaku-betsu ni, betsu- nuke. dan ni, koto-sara ni. SKULL, n. Atama no hone, dokuro, shaSINISTER, a. Fu-saiwai na, fukitsu na, rikobe. ashiki, giyaku na. SKY, n. Sora, ame, ten. Clear-, seiSINK, n. Nagashi, dobu, gesui. ten. SINK, i. v. Shidzumu, hamaru, oboreru, SKYL.ARK, n. Hibari. otoroyeru, sagaru, kubomu. SLACK, a. Yurui, tarui, tarumu, amai, SINK, t. v. Shidzumeru. - a well, ido okotaru, kutsurogu. wo horu. SLACKEN, t. v. Yurumeru, kutsurogeru, SINLESS, a. Tsumi nashi. tayumeru. (i. v.) Yurumu, kutsurogu, SINNER, n. Tsumi aru hito, zai-nin, tsu- tayumu. mi-bito. SLACKNESS, n. Yurusa, tarusa. SLA I164 SMA SLAB, n. Ita. SLIGHT, a. Karui, yowai, wadzuka. SLABBER, i. v. Yodari wo tarasu. SLIGHT, t. v. Naigashiro ni suru, karonSLAKE, t. v. Kesu, tomeru. dzuru, tenuke wo suru, yurukase ni SLAM, t. v. Hato to shimeru, pisshari to suru, naozaru. shimeru. SLIGHTLY, adv. Karuku, yowaku, zatto, SLANDER, t. v. Zan-suru, shikodzuru, somatsu-ni, usuku, usu-usu. soshiru, shiiru. SLILY, adv. Shinonde, hisoka-ni, sotto. SLANDER, n. Zangen, shi-goto, goma- SLIM, a. Hoso-nagai. suri. SLIME, n. Doro. SLANDERER, n. Zan-sha. SLIMY, a. Nebari-tsuku, doro-darakeru. SLANT, t. v. Sujikai ni suru, naname ni SLING, n. Bunyari, wana, ishi-nage. suru, katamukeru. (i. v.) Sujikai ni SLING, t. v. Nageru, horu. naru, naname ni'naru, katamuku. SLINK, i. v. Ome-ome to nigeru. SLANTING, t. V. Naname, sujikai, na- SLIP, i. v. Dzuru, suberu, fumi-hadzusu. zoye. -out. tsutto deru, piyoi-to deru, nukeSLANTINGLY, adv. Sujikai ni, naname ideru. - in, dzuri-komu. - down, suni. beri-korobu. To giv e one the sliS, SLAP, t. v. Haru, utsu, tataku. hito wo hadzusu. - of the tongue, SLASH, t. v. Kiru, kiri-makuru. kuchi ga suberu. - away, nukeru. SLATE, n. Banseki, sekiban. SLIPPERS, n. So-ai, uwa-gutsu. SLATE-PENCIL, n. Seki-hitsu. SLIPPERY, a. Dzuru-dzuru, suberu, naSLATTERN, n. Subeta, hikidzuri. meraka, nume-nume, numeru, nuraSLAUGHTER, t. V. Hofuru, kiri-korosu. tsuku. SLAUGHTER-HOUSE, n. Togiuba. SLIT, t. v. Saku, kiru. SLAVE, n. Shiro mono no gotoku kawa- SLOPE, n. Saka, k6bai, nadareru. rete boku to naru mono. SLOPING, a. Naname, sujikai, nazoye. SLAVISH, a. Iyashii. SLOTHFUL, a. Bush6-na, randa-na, fuSLAY, t. v. Korosu, kiru, setsu-gai suru, sei. kiri-korosu, ayameru, chiu-riku suru. SLOUGH, i. V. Kusaru. SLED, n. Sori. SLOVEN, n. Jidaraku na hito. SLEDGE, n. Tsuchi. - hammer, ai- SLOVENLY, a. Musai, musakurushii, midzuchi. suborashii, jidaraku na, darashinai. SLEEK, a. Nameraka na. SLOW, a. Osoi, yurui, himatloru, tema SLEEP, i. 7J. Nemuru, neru, ne-iru, ne- wo toru, rachi ga akanu, noroi, madarui. tsuku. - together, soi-ne, soi-bushi. - and fast, chi-soku. - in the daytime, hiru-ne. - alone, SLOW, t. V. Osoku suru. hitori-ne. SLOWLY, adv. Osoku, yuruku, soro-soro SLEEP, n. Nemuri. Position in -, ne- to, shldzuka ni, yuru-yuru to. zO. SLUE,. V. - round, mawasu, mawaru. SLEEPING, n. - together for the first SLUG, n. Name-kuji. time, nii-makura. Posture in -, ne- SLUGGARD, n. Bush6-mono. dzumai, ne-yo. -- too long, ne-gusaru. SLUGGISH, a. Gudzu-gldzu naru, nibui, - badly, ne-gurushii. - quietly, ne- yodomu, namakeru, darakeru, darui. yasui. SLUGGISHLY, adv. Dara-dara-to. SLEEPLESS, a. Nemuradzu, nedzu. SLUICE, n. Sui-mon. SLEEP-WALKING, n. Nebokete aruku. SLUMBER, i. v. Nemuru. SLEEPY, n. Nemutai, nemui. - head, SLUR, t. V. Somatsu ni suru, zonzai ni nebo. suru. SLEET, n. Mizore. SLUT, n. Me-inu. SLEEVE, n. Sode. SLY, a. Ochaku na, dzurui, saru-rik6 SLEIGH, n. Sori. na. SLEIGHT, a. - ofhand, tedzuma, shina- SMACK, t. v. Shita wo narasu, uma-kudama, hayawaza. chi wo suru. SLENDER, a. Hoso-nagai, hosoi. SMALL, a. Chiisai, hosoi, sukunai, komaSLICE, n. Mai, kire. yaka-na, wadzuka na. SLICE, t. v. Usuku-kiru, kizamu, haya- SMALLNESS, n. Chiisasa, hososa. su. SMALL-POX, n. HOso. SLIDE, n. Ojime. SMALL WARES, n. Koma-mono. SLIDE, t. V. Suberu, dzuru. - down, SMALT, n. Taisei. dzuri-ochiru. SMART, i. v. Piri-piri-itamu, biri-tsuku, SLIDE, t. V. Suberasu. hiri-tsuku. SMA 165 SOE SMART, n. Kibishii, riko na, kashikoi. SNOB, n. Y6dai kazari. SMART, n. Itami. SNORE, i. v. Ibiki wo kaku, go-go to SMASH, t. v. Uchi-kudaku, buchi-kowa- naru. su. SNOT, n. Hana-shirui, hana. Snotty SMATTERING, n. Namagiki, namagaten, nose, aobana. chokozai. SNORT, i. v. Hana-arashi wo fuku. SMEAR, t. v. Nuru, mabureru, mamire- SNOUT, n. Hana, kuchi. ru. SNOW, n. Yuki. To -, yuki ga furu. SMEARED, a. Darake, mabure, midoro. SNOW-BALL, n. Yuki-dama. To -, yuki- with blood, chi-darake. dama wo utsu. SMELL, t. V. Kagu. SNOW-FLAKE, n. Yuki no hira. SMELL, n. Nioi. SNOW-SHOE, n. Kanjiki. SMELT, t. v. Fuki-wakeru. SNOW-SLIP, n. Yuki-nadare. SMILE, i. v. Niko-niko suru, hoyoyemu, SNOW-STORM, n. Fu-buki. yemu. - in derision, azawarau. SNUFF, n. Kagi-tabako. SMILING-FACE, n. Nikoyaka na kao, SNUFF, t. v. Kagu. - a candle, shin wo yegao. kiru. SMITE, t. V. Butsu, utsu, tataku. SNUFFERS, n. Shinkiri. SMITH, n. Kaji, kajiya. SNUFFLE, i. v. Nana-goye de iu. SMOKE, n. Kemuri. So, adv. So, sayo, shika, sa, yo, kaku, ko. SMOKE, t. v. Ibusu, fusuberu, kuyorasu. See also, shikadzu, shikaji, shikaku, (i. v.) Iburu, fusuboru, kuyoru. - shikaradzu, shikarashimuru, shikarazatobacco, tabako wo nomu. ru, shikareba, shikaredomo, shikari to SMOKY, a. Kemutai, kemui, kemuri ga iyedomo, shikarubeki, shikaru-ni, shideru. ka-shika, sareba, saredomo, saritomo,.SMOOTH, a. Nameraka na, subekkoi, sarito, sonnara. Why were you so late sube-sube na. in coming? naze sono yo ni osoku oide SMOOTH, t. v. Narasu, nosu, nobasu, nasaru ka. Don't do so, ko suru na, k6 naderu. shite wa warui. SMOOTHING-IRON, n. Hinoshi, kote. So MUCH, Kono-kurai, kore-dake, sonSMOOTHLY, adv. Nameraka ni, tsuru- na, kore-hodo, sa-hodo, kahodo. Don't tsuru. cry -, sonna ni naku na. SMOTHER, t. v. Iki wo tsumeru. (i. v.) SOAK, t. v. Hitasu, tsukeru, kasu. (i. v.) Iki ga tsumaru Hitaru. SMOULDER, i. v. Iburu, kuyuru. SOAP, n. Shabon, sekken. SMUGGLE, t. v. Bahan suru, mitsubai SOAR, t. v. Tobu. suru, nuke-uri wo suru. So AS, Yo-ni. SMUGGLED, goods, n. Nuke-ni, bahan- SOB, t. v. Shakuri-naku. mono. SOB, n. Naijakuri, shakuri-naki. SMUGGLER, n. Bahan-nin. SOBER, t. v. Yei-samasu. (i. v.) YeiSMUTTY, a. Sumi-darake, bir6 na koto- sameru. ba. SOBER, a. Sake wo nomanu, shirafu, maSNAIL, n. Maimaitsubura, ta-nishi, de- gao, majime. Become -, sameru, yeidemushi. sameru. - minded, ochi-tsuite oru. SNAKE, n. Hebi, kuchi-nawa. SOCIABLE, d. Aiso no yoi, nengoro-na, SNAP, t. v. Oru, hajiku, hoki-to oru. - shinsetsu na. the fingers, tsumahajiki. To break SOCIAL, a. Natsukil, shitashii, nengorowith a -, futtsuri to kireru. na. — fosition, mibun, bungen, bunSNAPPING-TURTLE, n. Dogame. zai. SNARE, n. Wana, kobuchi, otoshi. SOCIETY, n. Nakama, kumi, ren-chiu, SNARL, i. v. Kagasu, igamu, hamuku. sha-chiu. SNATCH, t. v. Hitakkuru, ottoru. SOCK, n. Tabi, bessu. SNEAKINGLY, adv. Nuke-nuke to, sugo- SOCKET, n. Tsubo. sugo to. SoD, n. Shiba. To -, shiba wo shiku. SNEER, i. v. Aza-warau. SODOMY, n. Nanshoku. SNEEZE, i. v. Kusame wo suru, hana- SOFA, n. Koshikake no na. hiru. So FORTH, adv. Un-un, nado. SNIFFLING, n. Susuri-naki. SOEVER, Nite-mo, demo. Who -, dareSNIP, t. v. Hatsuri-toru, hasami-kiru. demo. When -, itsu-demo. What -, SNIIE, n. Shigi, chidori, ban. nani -demo. Where -, doko-demo. SNIVEL, i. v. Hana ga tareru. How -, do-demo. SOF i66 SOR SOFT, a. Yawaraka na. SOLVE, t. v. Toku, toki-wakeru, hodoku, SOFTEN, t. V, Yawaraka ni suru, yawa- handan suru, ii-hodoku, toki-akasu. rageru. SOLVENT, a. Shakkin wo harawareru, SOFTLY, adv. Yawaraka - ni, sorori-to, kanj6 ga tatsu. shidzuka-ni, sotto, yaora ni, soku-soku, SOMBRE, a. Inki naru. so to. SOME, a. Aru, aruiwa, saru. I /want - SOIL, n. Tsuchi, doro, koyashi, yogore. water, midzu wo ippai o negai-mosu. Nature of the -, jisho. There must be some reason for it, nan SOIL, t.. Yogosu, kegasu, aka ga tsu- zo wake ga aro, or nani yuye daro, ku. Take - wine, sake wo o agari-nasai. SOILED, a. Yogoreru, kegareru, akajimi- A place - twelve miles distant, ju-ni ta. ri.hodo toki tokoro. Some fifteen ferSOJOURN, i. v. Tomaru, yadoru, t6riu sons, jfigo nin gurai. suru, shuku suru, ki-shuku suru. SOMEBODY, n. Aru hito, nani-gashi. SOJOURNER, n. Kiyaku-jin, tabi-bito, ki- SOMEHOW, adv. Tokaku, kare-kore. shuku-nin. SOMERSET, n. Kumagayeri, mondoriSOLACE, n. Nagusami, tanoshimi. uchi. To turn a -, hikkuri-kayeru, SOLACE, t. v. Nagusamu. kumagayeri wo utsu. SOLAR, a. Hi no, jitsu. SOMETHING, n. Nan zo, nani ka, naniSOLDER, n. Biyakuro. To -, rS-dzuke goto. I will go to-miorrow unless ni suru. someething pfrevents, ashita sashi-tsuSOLDIER, n. Tsuwamono, hosotsu, shi- kaye ga nakattara yuki-mash6. There sotsu, heisotsu, gunsotsu, samurai, bu- must be someth/zig the matter, nan zo shi, heishi, heitai. wake ga aru de aro. SOLE, n. Ashi no ura. SOMETIME, adv. Itsu ka. SOLE-FISH, n. Hirame. SOMETIMES, adv. Toki-doki, ori-ori, oriSOLELY, adv. Bakari, nomi, tada, mop- fushi, toki to shite. para-ni. SOMEWHAT, adv. Sukoshi, chitto. He is SOLEMN, a. Omo-omoshii, uya-uyashii, - better to-day, kiyo sukoshi yoku-naochi-tsuita. rimashita. SOLEMNIZE, t. v. Okonau, suru, musubu, SOMEWHERE, adv. Aru-tokoro, doko iwau. zo. SOLEMNLY, adv. Omo-omoshiku, uya- SOMNAMBULISM, n. Nebokeru koto. uyashiku, ochi-tsuite. SOMNAMBULIST, a. Nebokete aruku hito. SOLICIT, t. v. Negau, tanomu, k6, moto- SON, n. Ko, musuko, segare, shisoku, meru. shison. Oldest -, s6riyo, chakushi. SOLICITATION, n. Negai, tanomi, koi. Second-, ji-nan. Third-, san-nan. SOLICITOUS, a. Anjiru, anjite oru, kidzu- Youngest -, basshi. - in law, muko. kai suru, kokorodzukai suru. SONG, n. Uta. - of victory, gai-ka. SOLICITUDE, n. Shimpai, anji, kuro, ki- SONGSTRESS, n. Geisha, utaye-me. gakari, kidzukai. SONNET, n. Uta. SOLID, a. Katai, katamaru. SONOROUS, a. Naru. - bodies, naruSOLIDIFICATION, n. Katamari, giy6tai. mono. SOLIDIFY, t. v. Kataku suru, katameru, SOON, adv. Hayaku, jiki-ni, sugu to, chigiyotai saseru. (i. v.) Kataku naru, ka- ka-uchi ni, chika-jika, kinjitsu, tokatameru, giy6tai suru. radzu, hodo-naku, ma mo naku. AsSOLIDITY, n. Katasa. as, shidai, hodo. SOLIDLY, adv. Kataku, shikkari to. SOOT, n. Susu. SOLILOQUIZE, i. v. Hitori-goto wo iu,hi- SOOTHE, t. v. Nadameru, nagusameru, tori sasayaku. yawarageru. SOLILOQUY, n. Hitori-goto. SOOTHSAYER, n. Uranaija, boku-sha, onSOLITARY, a. Samushii, hanareru, tada y6shi. hitotsu no, wabishii. SOOTHSAYING, n. Uranau. SOLITUDE, n. Samushii tokoro, hitori-mi SOPHISTRY, n. Rikutsu, higa-koto, ri ni de oru koto. hadzureta koto. SOLSTICE, n. Summer-, geshi. Winter SOPORIFIC, a. Nemuraseru. -, toji. SORCERER, n. Maho-tsukai, idzuna-tsuSOLUBLE, a. Tokeru, tokasareru, y6kai kai. suru. SORCERY, n. Maho, idzuna, majutsu. SOLUTION, n. Wakeru koto, tokeru koto, SORDID, a. Iyashii, kechi na. handan, toki-akasu koto. SORE, n. Deki-mono, kidzu. SOR I67 SPE SORE, a. Itai, itamu, tadareru, hidoi, bi- SPAN, t. v. Nigiru, matagaru, watarl. ran suru. SPANISH-FLY, n. Hammiyo. SORELY, adv. Hidoku, ita-itashiku, ha- SPANK, t. V. Shiri wo haru. nahada. SPAR, t. V. Shi-ai suru. SORGHUM, n. Sato-kibi. SPAR, n. Maruta, shi-ai. SORROW, n. Urei, kanashimi, itami, zan- SPARE, t. v. Yaru, yurusu, oshimu, tsunen, al, hitan. keru. I have none to -, yokei wa goSORROW, i. v. Kanashimu, nageku, kuya- zarimasen. mu. SPARE, a. Sukunai, yasetaru, shiwai. - SORROWFUL, a. Urei, kuyashii, kanashi- time, hima, itoma. mu. SPARING, a. Kenyaku, oshimu, shimatsu, SORRY, a. Kinodoku, zannen, kuchi- shiwai, rinshoku na. oshii, itami-iru. SPARINGLY, adv. Rinshoku ni, kenyaku SORT, n. Tagui, rui, shurui, y6, tori, ku- shite, monio-oshimite. rai. nami, gara. Out of sorts, ambai SPARK, n. Hibana, hinoko. warui, fukuwai. Manyz-, iro-iro, sama- SPARKLE, i. v. Hikaru, chiradzuku, kirazama. meku, kagayaku, kira-kira to hikaru. SORT, t. v. Bu wake wo suru, yori-wake- SPARKLINGLY, adv. Kira-kira. ru. SPARROW, n. Sudzume. SOT, n. Sake-nomi, nomi-nuke. SPARSE, a. Mabara naru, sukunai. SOTTISH, a. Gu-don naru, oroka-naru. SPASM, n. Tsuru, hiki-tsukeru, keiren. SOUL, n. Tamashii, rei-kon, mi-tama, SPATTER, i. v. Haneru, hodobashiru, tosei-shin, kompaku, shinjin. bashiru, chiru. SOUND, n, Oto, hibiki, nari, ne, on. SPATULA, n. Hera. SOUND, t. v. Narasu, soku-riyo suru, sa- SPAWN, n. Uwo no ko. guru, hakaru. SPAWN, t. v. Tamago wo suri-tsukeru. SOUND, i. v. Naru, hibiku, todoroku. SPAY, t. v. Ranso wo nuku. SOUND, a. Tassha. mattaki, jobu na, ma- SPEAK, i. v. Iu, harasu, tsugeru, kataru. koto no, yoi, sukoyaka la. - sleep, ju- - to one's self, chingin suru. Manner ku-sui. of speaking, ko-jo. Tol pass without SOUNDLY, adv. Yoku, hidoku, tsuyoku. s/ieaking, tsunto shite yuki-suguru. SOUNDNESS, n. Tassha naru koto, kata- SPEAKER, n. Iu hito, kuwai-to. sa. SPEAR, n. Yari. - exercise, s6-jutsu. SOUP, n. Shiru, shitaji. - head, yari no mi. SOUR. i. v. Suppaku naru. (t. v.) Sup- SPEAR, t. v. Tsuku. paku suru. SPECIAL, a. Kakubetsu na, betsu-dan SOUR, a. Suppai, sui. - taste, sammi. na, sashitaru. SOURCE, n. Mina-moto, moto, kongen, SPECIALLY, adv. Koto-ni, koto-sara-ni, kompon. besshite, kakubetsu ni, betsudan-ni, SOURNESS, n. Suppasa, susa. tori-wakete. SOUSE, t. v. Hitasu, nage-komu. SPECIALTY, n. Yete, tokui na koto, semSOUTH, n. Minami, uma no ho, nan. mon, sengiyo. west wind, maji. - wind, minami ka- SPECIE, n. Kane, kin-gin,kin-sen,kinsu, ze, nampfi. - east, tatsu-mi, to-nan. kuwa-hei. - west, hitsuji-saru, sei-nan. - east SPECIES, n. Rui, tagui, shu-rui, bu. wind, inasa. SPECIFIC, a. Mochimaye-no. SOUTHERLY, a, Minami no ho ye, mina- SPECIFIC, n. Tekigi no kusuri. mi no h6 kara. SPECIFICATION, n. Isai wo tsugeru koto. SOUTHWARD, adv. Minami no h6 ye. SPECIFY, t. v. Kuwashiku iu, mai-kiyo SOUVENIR, n. Wasure-gatami. suru. SOVEREIGN, n. Tsukasa, kashira, o, ka- SPECIMEN, n. Tehon, mihon. mi. SPECIOUS, a. Makotorashii. Sow, n. Me-buta. SPECIOUSLY, adv. Makotorashiku. Sow, t. v. Maku, chirasu. SPECK, a. Ten, chobo, fu. SoY, n. Shoyu. SPECKLED, a. Chobo-chobo to shite oru, SPACE, n. Aida, ma, hima, kf-chiu, ko- madara, fu-iri no. ku, chiu, ai. SPECTACLE, n. Mise-mono. SPACIOUS, a. Hiroi. SPECTACLES, n. Megane. SPACIOUSLY, adz. Hiroku. SPECTATOR, n. Miru mono, kembutsuSPADEn. Suki. nin, oka-me. SPAIN, n. Hispania. SPECTRE, n. Bake-mono, yu-rei. SPE 168 SPR SPECULATE, i. v. Kangayeru, omoi-ma- SPIRITUAL, a. Rei naru, tamashii ni kiwasu, shian suru, yama wo suru, moku- suru. romu. SPIT, t. v. Haku. SPECULATION, n. Kangaye, yama, moku- SPIT, n. Tsubaki, yodare, katadzu, kushi. romi. SPIT-BOX, n. Haifuki, dako. SPECULATOR, n. Yama-shi. - in stock, SPITE, n. Urami, ikon, nikumi. s6bashi. SPITEFUL, a. Uramashii, jaken naru, SPEECI-, n. Kotoba, mono-ii, hanashi. akushin naru. SPEECHLESS, a. Moku-nen, mono wo SPITTOON, n. Dako. iwarenu. SPLASH, t. v. Kakeru, hane-kakeru. (i.v.) SPEED', i.. Hayameru, seku, isogu, Hodo-bashiru, tobashiru, chiru. hakadoru. (t. v.) Isogaseru, sekaseru, SPLASHING, n. Hita-hita-to, haneru. hakadoraseru. SPLEEN, n. Hi no zo, ikari, urami. SPEED, n. Hayasa. With -, hayaku, SPLENDID, a. Kekko na, rippa na, appare toku, kiu-ni. na, hanabanashii. SPEEDILY, adv. Hayaku, toku, jiki-ni, SPLENDOR, n. Hikari, kagayaki, tsuya, sumiyaka ni, isoide. haye. SPEEDY, a. Hayai, sumiyaka na. SPLICE, t. v. Tsugu, tsugi-awaseru. SPELL, n. In. gofu, majinai. SPLINTER, n. Toge. SPELL, t. v. Tsudzurlu. SPLIT, t. V. Waru, hegu, saku, wakeru. SPELLING, n. Kanadzukai, tsudzuri. (. v.) Sakeru, wareru. - the differSPELLING-BOOK, n. Tsudzuri-bon. ence, ayumi-au, aibiai. SPELTER, a. Totan. SPLIT, n. Wari, hibiki. SPEND, t. v. Tsukau, harau, tsuiyasu, SPOIL, t. v. Ubau, arasu, ubai-toru, itatsukai-hatasu, tsukai-kiru, tsukusu. - meru, kusarasu, sokonau, dainashi ni tirae, utsusu, heru, kurasu, tatsu, su- suru. giru. - the night, yo wo akasu. SPOIL, i. v. Kusaru, fuhai suru, uteru, SPENDTHRIFT, ta. Muda ni shindai wo azareru. tsuiyasu mono. SPOIL, n. Bundori. SPERM, n. Tane, sei, insui. SPOKE, n. Ya. SPERMACETI, n. Kujira no abura. SPONGE, n. Umi-wata, kai-men. SPEW, t. v. Haku. SPONGE, t. v. Umiwata de fuku, (i. v.) SPHACELUS, n. Dasso. Yakkai ni suru. SPHERE, n. Chi-kiu, bungen, mibun, SPONGE-CAKE, n. Kasutera. kurai. SPONGY, a. Umiiwata-rashii. SPHERICAL, a. Marui. SPONTANEOUSLY, adv. Onodzu to, onoSPICE, n. Yakumi. To -, yakumi wo dzukara, shizen, hitori de ni, jibun de, kakeru. jinen. SPICY, a. K6bashii. SPOOK, n. Gangozei. SPIDER, n. Kumo. Long-legged -, SPOOL, n. Itomaki. ashitaka-kumo. - thread, i.'SPooN, n. Saji. SPIGOT, n. Ktuchi, taru-guchi, sen. SPORT, n. Tawamure, jodan, odoke, SPIKE, n. Kugi. To -, kugi de uchi- yfige, kiy6. tsukeru. SPORT, i. v. Tawamureru, fuzakeru, hiyoSPILE, i. Kui, sen. geru, odokeru, tochiguru, jareru. SPILL, t. v. Kobosu, otosu, ayasu. (i.v.) SPORTIYE, a. Tawamureru, jaretagaru. Koboreru. SPORTSMAN, n. Kariudo. SPIN, t. v. Tsumugu, hiku. - a top, SPOT, n. Ten, shimi. koma wo mawasu. SPOT, t. v. Kegasul, shimi wo tsukeru. SPINACH, n. Horenso. SPOTLESS, a. Kegarenu. SPINDLE, n. Tsumu. SPOTTED, a. Madara, shimita, buchi-na, SPINE, n. Sebone, toge. kirifu. SPINNING-WHEEL, n. Ito-guruma. SPOUSE, n. Tsuma. SPIRAL, n. Rasen yo. SPOUT, n. Kuchi, toyu, anko. SPIRE, n. Roban. SPOUT, t. v. Fuki-deru, fuki-dasu. SPIRIT, n. Ki, kokoro, sei-shin, kilon, SPRAIN, t. v. Kujiru, kujiku. seiriyoku, konjo, rei-kon, kompaku, ki- SPRAY, n. Shira-nami, awa. shoku, ki-gen, kokoro-mochi, kibun, SPRAWL, t. v. Fuseru, neru. yu-rei, bake mono. Evil s3irzts, akki, SPREAD, t. v. Shiku, haru, noberu, hiroakuma, ma, oni. meru. (i. v.) Rufu suru, hiromaru, SPIRITED, a. Ki-tsuyoi, goki na, kekki na. hirogaru. - as disease, hayaru, utsuru. SPR I69 STA - as grass. habikoru, shigeru. - as SQUASH, n. Tonasu. ink, nijimu. SQUASH, t. V. Oshi-tsubusu, hishigeru. SPRIG, n. Ki no ko-yeda. SQUAT, i. v. Tsukubau, udzukumaru. SPRIGHTLY, a. Uki-uki to shita. SQUEAK, i. v. Kishiru, kishimu. SPRING, n. Haru, shun, idzumi, hajiki, SQUEAL, i. v. Sakebu, naku. hajiki-gane, zemmai, kizashi, hadzumi. SQUEEZE, t. v. Shimeru, shiboru, isuru. - like, harumeku. Hot -, on-sen, - out, shibori-dasu, seri-dasu, shiboriide-yu, tbji. - of a wagon, bane. toru. SPRING, i. v. Tobu, hajiku, okoru, deru, SQUEEZE-MONEY, n. Kasuri, uwamaye, hassuru, kizasu, shodzuru, haneru. - bosaki. on, tobi-tsuku, tobi-kakeru. - in, SQUIB, n. Kanshakudama. tobi-komu. — out, tobi-dasu. -a leak, SQUINT, t. v. Yokome de miru, sugame moru. - up as a plant, hayeru. To de miru. - a mine, jiraikuwa wo hanasu. - SQUILLS, n. Kaiso. a trap, wana wo tobasu. SQUINT-EYED, n. Yabu-nirami, higaraSPRING RAINS, n. Haru-same. me, sugame. SPRINKLE, t. V. Sosogu, kakeru, maku, SQ(UIRM, i. z. Notakuru. utsu, chirasu. SQUIRREL, n. Risu. SPRINKLING, n. Sosogi. A - of rain, SQUIRT, n. Midzt-teppd. ame ga mabara ni furu. SQUIRT, t. v. Hiyoguru, tsuki-dasu. SPRITE, n. Yirei. STAB, t. v. Tsuku, sasu. SPROUT, i. v. Kizasu, hayeru, mebuku, STABILITY, n. Genju naru koto, tashika medatsu, moyeru, moyasu. naru koto. SPROUT, n. Me, naye, mebaye. STABLE, a. Tashika-na, sadamatta, kaSPRUCE, a. Tei-nei na. tai, shikkari to shita, genju na. SPRUCE, i.. Yosoo. STABLE, n. Uma-ya. SPRUCE, n. Matsu no ki no rui. STABLE-BOY, n. Betto. SPRY, a. Tebayai, ashibayai. STACK, n. Inamura. SPUME, n. Awa. STAFF, n. Tsuye. SPUNK, n. Hokuchi, panya. STAG, n. Shika. SPUR, n. Kedzume. - of a mountain, STAGE, n. Butai, dan, tomari, shukuba, hana. shi-rin-sha. SPUR, t. v. Seku, hagemasu, hayameru. STAGE-COACH, n. Shi-rin-sha. SPURIOUS, a. Niseru. - thing, nise- STAGE-DRIVER, n. Giyo-sha. mono, gambutsu, gibutsu. STAGE-PLAYER, n. Yakusha. SPURN, t. v. Ke-tobasa, shirizokeru. STAGGER, i. v. Hiyoro-hiyoro to aruku, SPURT, t. v. Haki-dasu, fuki-dasu. (t. v.) yoro-yoro to aruku, yorobo, yoromeku, Hashiri-deru, hodobashiru. tajiroku, yorokeru. SPUTTER, i. v. Hane-deru. (t. v.) Ha- STAGGER, t. v. Yorotsukaseru, mayowane-dasu. seru. SPY, t. v. Ukagau, nerau, mi-tsukeru, STAGGERINGLY, adv. Hiyoro-hiyoro to, midasu. yota-yota. SPY, n. Shinobi, kanja, yokome, ommi- STAGING, n. Ashijiro, ashiba. tsu, me-tsuke, me-akashi, mono-mi, STAGNANT, a. Tamaru, yodomu, todokanchb. koru. SPY-GLASS, n. To-megane. STAGNATE, i. v. Yodomu, todomaru, toSQUAB, n. Iye-bato no hinako. dokoru, fu-yfdzu ni naru. SQUABBLE, i. v. Araso, soron, kenkuwa. STAID, a. Majime na, ochi-tsuitaru. SQUAD, n. Tai, kumi, te. * STAIN, t. v. Shimu, somaru, mabureru, SQUADRON, n. Kumi, te, tai. nuru, yogareru. SQUALID, a. Misuborashii, kitanai. STAIN, n. Shimi, kakin, chijoku. SQUALL, n. Yudachi. STAIR, n. Hashigo. SQUALL, i. v. Naku, sakebu. STAKE, n. Kui, hashira, kake-mono, SQUANDER, t. v. Tsuiyasu, mudadzukai kakegoto. Burning at the —,hi-abuwo suru, sanzai suru. ri. SQUARE, a. Shi-kaku na,.kaku-gata no, STAKE, t. v. Kui wo tateru, kakeru. seichoku na, ho-sei na. STAKEHOLDER, n. Kake no mono wo SQUARE, t. V. Kaku ni suru, kanawaseru. adzukaru hito. tsuri-awaseru. (i. v.) Kanau, tsuriau. STALACTITE, n. Shoniuseki. To - off, uchi-ai no kamaye wo suru. STALE, a. Furu-kusai, kusai. To grow SQUARE, carSeneter s, -, kanezashi. -, mizame suru, fukeru. 8 STA 170 STE STALK, n. Kuki, jiku. START, n. Biku-tsuki, bikkuri. To get STALK, i. v. Takaburite aruku. the - of, saki-gake wo suru. STAL1, n. Uma-tate, koma-yose, tsuji- STARTLE, i. v. Biku biku suru, odoroku, mise. tamageru, gikkuri suru. STALLION, n. O-uma. STARTLE, t. v. Biku-tsukaseru, odorokaSTAMEN, n. Shibe, hana no dzui. su, odosu. STAMINA, n. Genki, konki. STATE, t. V. Iu, hanasu, m6su, tsugeru, STAMMER, i. v. Domoru, kuchi-gomoru. noberu, chindzuru. STAMP, n. Han, in. STATED, a. Kimaru, sadamaru, kimatte STAMP, t. v. Han wo osu, tsuku, fumi- oru. tsukeru. STATELY, a. Genkaku na, ogosoka na, STANCH, a. Jobu-na, katai, shika to shi- rippa na. ta. STATEMENT, n. Kojo, kaki-tori. STANCH, t. v. - blood, chi wo tomeru. STATESMAN, n. Seiji ni tasshitaru hito. STANCHION, n. Tsuppari, shimbari, tsu- STATION, n. Ba, tokoro, mochi-ba, kuka. rai, dan. - in life, mibun, bungen. STAND, t. v. Korayeru, shinogu, tayeru, Official -, yaku, yakume. Post -, shinobu. To - one's ground, tayeru, shukuba. tamotsu. STATION, t. v. Oku, m6shi-tsukeru, soSTAND, i. v. Tatsu, tomaru. - by, soba nayeru. ni tatsu. To —by a friend, tomo ni STATIONARY, a. Ugokanu, undo senu, katan wo suru. To - to it, ii-haru, susumanu. shirizokadzu. To - for, shirusu. - STATIONER, n. Kami-ya. off, tozakaru, chikayoranu. It stands STATIONERY, n. Kami fude sumi nado to reason, ri-ni kanau. It stands me no somiyo. in twenty riyo, ni-ju riyo kaketa. To STATISTICS, n. Jojitsu wo shiraberu ko- together, kanau, fugo suru, chigawa- to. dzu. To - out againt, sakaro, teki- STATUARY, n. Seki-zo wo kizamu koto, tau. To - uifor, katan suru. To - seki-zo wo kizamu hito. out for, shirizokadzu, makedzu. To - STATUE, n. Ningiyo, zo, seki-zo. in need, iriy6 to suru. -To - on cere- STATURE, n. Take, sei, mi no take. zony, rei ni yoru, To- in awe, osore- STATUTE, n. Okite, sadame, h6-ritsu, iru. To -on end, massugu ni tatsli. hatto. To - aside, waki ni yoru. STAVE, n. Kure. STAND, n. Tomari, bakenjo, dai. To STAVE, t. v. Tsuki-kowasu. - off, fumake a -, tachi-tomaru, todomaru. segu. STANDARD, a. Hata, hata-jirushi, kiwa- STAY, i. v. Matsu, tomaru, todomaru, metaru koto. t6riu suru, yamu, tanomu, oru. (t. v.) STANDARD-BEARER, n. Hata-mochi, ha- Osayeru, hikayeru, yameru. tasashi. STAY, i. v. Tomaru, t6riu. STANDING, n. Tatsu, mibun, bungen. STEAD, n. Kawari. To stand in -, yo STAND-POINT, see wakime, okame, yoso- ni tatsu. me. STEADFAST, a. Shika-to shitaru, tashikaSTANZA, n. Zekku. naru, ugokanu. STAPLE, n. Sambutsu, ji, shina. STEADFASTLY, adv. Kataku, shikkari, STAR, n. Hoshi. Fixed-, gosei. tashika-ni, kitto, jitto, shika to. STAR-ANISE, n. Uikiyo. STEADILY, adv. Jitto, kitto. STARBOARD, n. Fune no migi no h6. - STEADY, a. Shika to shita, tashika-na, the henl, omo-kaji wo toru. katai, shikkari to shita. STARCH, n. Nori, shofu. STEADY, t. V. Osayeru. STARE, i. v. Nagameru, kiyorori to miru, STEAL, t. v. Nusumu, ubau, toru, kasukiyorotsuku, mi-tsumeru. meru. - away, hisokani nigeru, nuSTARK, adv. - naked, mappadaka, aka- kete deru. hadaka. STEALING, n. Nusumu koto. STARLIGHT, n. Hoshi no hikari. STEALTH, n. Nusumi. By -, hisokaSTARRY, a. Hoshi no. ni, shinonde. START, i. V. Biku-biku suru, biku-tsuku, STEALTHILY, adv. Hisoka ni, hiso-hiso, tikkuri suru, tatsu, obiyeru. - on a naisho, shinonde, kossori-to, nukete. journey, tabidachi wo suru, detachi. STEAM, n. J6ki, yuke. START, t. V. Bikutsukaseru, odorokasu, STEAM, S. V. Jo-hatsu suru, museru. tateru, shi-kakeru. STEAM, t.. Musu, fukasu. STE 171 STO STEAM-BOAT, n. Hi-bune, jki-sen. kowaku suru. (i. v.) Kataku naru, STEAM-BOILER, n. Kama. katamaru. STEAM-CAR, n. Joki-sha. STIFF-NECKED, a. G6-jO naru, iji wo STEAM-ENGINE, n. Joki no shikake. haru. STEEL, n. Hagane, hi-uchi. STIFFNESS, n. Katasa, kowasa, kataki, STEEL-YARD, n. Tembin, hakari. henkutsu, kataiji. STEEP, n. Gake, zeppeki, nanjo. STIFLE, t. v. Iki wo tomeru, kesu, muSTEEP, a. Kewashii, sagashii, kittatsu, sebu. soba-datsu. STIGMA, n. Haji, kakin, chijoku, kidzu. STEEP, t. v. Hitasu, tsukeru. STILETTO, n. Kuwai-ken. STEEPLE, n. Roban. STILL, t. v. Shidzumeru, osameru, tomeSTEER, t. v. Kaji wo toru. ru, todomeru. STEERSMAN, n. Kaji-tori. STILL, a. Shidzuka na, odayaka na, shiSTEM, n, Jiku, kuki. dzumaru, ochi-tsuku, damaru, mokuSTEM, t. v. Sakarau, saka noboru. nen. STENCH, n. Shuki, kusai nioi. STILL, n. Rambiki. STEP, i. v. Fumu, aruku. - into, fumi- STILL, adv. Mada, ima-made, nao, hitokomu, yoru, hairu. -back, atoshizari, shiwo, keredomo, nao-sara, shikashiushiro-ashi. - across, fumi-koyeru, nagara, yahari. - more, iyo-iyo, mafumi-watasu, matageru, matagu. - su-masu. Hold-, jitto shite ire. aside, yokeru. - zuon and break, STILL-BORN, a. Shinde umareru, sho-san fumi-kudaku, fumi-tsubusu. - on, fu- shita. mi-tsukeru. - forth, deru. - out, STILLNESS, n. Shidzuka naru koto. deru. STILT, n. Take-uma. STEP, n. Fumi, dan. One —, hito ashi. STIMLUATE, t. v. Hagemasu, fumpatsu Step by step, dan-dan, shidai-ni, oi-oi. saseru, susumeru. Walk with long-, fumbatte aruku. STING, t. v. Sasu, hari de sasu. STEP-BROTHER, n. Tane-gawari no kiy6- STING, n. Hari. dai, beppuku no kiyodai, chi-kiyodai. STINGY, a. Shiwai, rinshoku na, kechi STEP-CHILD, n. Mama-ko, beppuku. na, yabusaka na, mono-oshimi no. STEP-DAUGHTER, n. Mama-ko. STINK, i. v. Kusaru. STEP-FATHER, n. Mama-chihi, keifu. STINT, t. v. Herasu, oshimite yaru. STEP-LADDER, n. Fumi-dan, fumi-tsugi, STIPEND, n. Gekkiu, kiu-kin. kiyatatsu. STIPULATE, i. v. Yakusoku suru, joyaku STEP-MOTHER, n. Mama-haha, keibo. suru. STEPS, n. Agaridan, hashigo, fumi-dan, STIPULATION, n. Yakusoku, jGyaku, kafumi-tsugi. jo. STEP-SON, n. Muko. STIR, i. v. Ugoku, und6 suru. (t. v.) STEP-STONE, n. Kutsu-nugi, dan. Ugokasu, kaki-mawasu, kaki-mazeru. STEREOSCOPE, n. Shashin megane. - up, hagemasu, odateru, okosu. STERILE, a. Yasetaru. STIR, n. Sawagi, sOdo, yakamashii. STERILITY, n. Yasetaru koto. STIRRUP, n. Abumi. - leather, chikaSTERN, n. Fune no tomo. ra-gawa. STERN, a. Arakenai, kibishii, ikameshii. STITCH, t. v. Nl, tojiru. STERNLY, adv. Kataku, kibishiku. STOCK, n. Jiku. - ofa gun, tepp6 no STERN-MOST, a. Itchi ato no. dai. - (capital), moto-de, motokin, STERNUM, n. Mune no hone. midzukin. - (sufppy), takuwaye. STEW, t. v. Niru, yuderu. STOCK, t. v. Takuwayeru. STEWARD, n. Makanai-kata, katte-kata. STOCKADE, n. Yarai, saku. STICK, n. B6, sao, tsuye, ki. STOCKING, n. Tabi. STICK, t. v. Sasu, tsuku, haru, tsukeru. STOCKS, n. Ashigase, hota. Gambler in (i.,.) Koberi-tsuku, nebari-tsuku, he- -, sobashi. bari-tsuku, kishimu. -fast, hittsuku, STOKER, n. Hi-taki. kakaru, i-tsuku. To - by, katan suru. STOLEN GOODS, n. Nuke-mono. To - out, tatsu, deru. To -- to, tsu- STOLID, n. Gu-don naru. ku. STOMACH, n. Ibukoro, i, ikuwan. STICKY, a. Nebai, nebaru, beta-beta, be- STONE, n. Ishi, seki. Precious -, tama. tatsuku, nebari-tsuku. Broken -, wariguri. - in the bladder, STIFF, a. Katai, katamaru, kowai, kowa- sekirin. - image, sekizo, ishi-botoke. baru, kataku na, henkutsu na. - step, sekidan. - wall, ishi-gaki. STIFFEN, t. v. Kataku suru, katameru, - chijs, ishi-ko. STO 172 STR STONE, t. v. Ishi de butsu. STRAIT-LACED, a. Kataku na, katakuruSTONE COAL, n. Ishidzumi, sekitan. shii. STONECUTTER, n. Ishiya, ishi-kiri. STRAND, n. Iso, hama. A roae of /tree STONE FENCE, n. Ishi-bei. strands, mitsu gumi nawa. STONEMASON, n. Ishiya. STRAND, t. v. Fune wo riku ye haseSTONE WALL, n. Ishi-gaki. ageru. (i. v.) Fune ga riku ni uchiSTOOL, n. Koshi-kake, sh5gi, fumidan, agaru. daiben, dai-yo. To go to -, hako su- STRANGE, a. Kotonaru medzurashii, ru. ayashii, hen na, kawatta, miyo na, STOOP, i. v. Kagamu, kuguru, kagameru, fushigi na, fushin na, hiyon na, ihen na, sesekumaru. kitai na, otsu na. STOP, i. v. Tomaru, todokoru, tsumaru, STRANGELY, adv. Ayashiku, medzuratatadzumu. Not stopping to do, ayedzu, shiku. tori-ayedzu. STRANGER, n. Shiranu hito, yoso no hito, STOP, t. v. Fusagu, sasayeru, tomeru, kiyaku, tabi no hito. fusegu, todomeru, yameru, yosu, osa- STRANGLE, t. v. Kubiru, kubiri-korosu, yeru, kindzuru, sashi-tomeru, seki-to- shime-korosu. (i. v.) Museru, musemeru. bu. STOP, n. Todeme, yasumi, sasaye, kin- STRAP, n. Kawa-himo. Razor -, togizei, jama, tsumari. kawa. STOPPER, n. Sen. STRAP, t. v. Kawa-himo de kukuru. STOPPING, a. - at a hotel, riyo-shuku, - a razor, kami-sori wo togi-kawa de riyohaku. togu. STORAGE, n. Kura-shiki, kura ni tsumu STRATAGEM, n. Hakarigoto, kei-riyaku, koto. bokei. Strategical advantages of a STORE, n. Mise. A thing one sets - by, 0lace, chi-nori. daiji na shina, hizo na shina. STRAW, n. Wara. - bag, hiyo, kamasu, STORE, t. v. Tsumu, takuwayeru, ko- tawara. - matting, komo. dzumu. STRAWBERRY, n. Ichigo. STOREHOUSE, n. Kura, doz6. STRAW-CUTTER, n. Oshi-kiri. STORM, n. Okaze, arashi, taifu, same. STRAW ROOF, n. Wara-yane. STORM, t. v. Semeru, osou, utsu. STRAY, t. v.. Mayo. - horse, hanareSTORMY, a. Areru, ara-arashii. uma. STORY, n. Hanashi, setsu, mono-gatari, STREAK, n. Suji. kai. STREAM, n. Nagare. STORY-TELLER, n. Hanashika. STREAM, t. v. Nagareru. STOUT, a. Sukoyaka na, jobu na, tassha STREAMER, n. Fuki-nagashi. na, soken na. - hearted, ki-dzuyoi. STREET, n. Machi, t6ri. STOVE, n. Hibachi. STREET-WALKER, Yotaka. STOW, t. v. Tsumu, tsumi-komu. STRENGTH, n. Chikara, riki, ikioi, tsuSTOWAGE. n. Tsumi. yosa, yiriki. STRABISMUS, n. Yabunirami. STRENGTHEN, t. v. Tsuyoku suru, j6bu STRADDLE, t. V. Matagaru, fumbaru, ha- ni suru, katameru. (i. v.) Tsuyoku dakaru, matagerll. naru, tsuyoru. STRAGGLE, t. v. May6. STRENUOUS, a. Tsuyoi, hageshii. STRAIGHT, a. Mattsugu, sugui, semai. STRESS, n. Lay - on, taisetsu ni suru. - face, magao. STRETCH, t. v. Nobasu, haru, hipparu, STRAIGHT, adv. Sugu-ni, mattsuide. noberu. - ui, sobiyeru. STRAIGHTEN, t. v. Mattsugu ni suru, STRETCH, i. v. Todoku, nobiru, hiroganobasu. ru. STRAIGHTWAY, adv. Tachi-dokoro ni, STREW, t. V. Chirasu, maku. tachimachi ni, sugu ni. STREWED, a. Chiru. STRAIN, t. v. Ikimu, ki wo haru, chikara STRIATED, a. Suji no tsuitaru. wo ireru, sei wo dasu, hipparu. - (as STRICT, a. Kibishii, katai, genju na, water), kosu. kiukutsu na, kengo na, monogatai, ogoSTRAINER, nt. Midzu-koshi. soka na. STRAIT, n. Seto, nanj6, nangi, nanju. STRICTLY, adv. Kataku, kibishiku, genju STRAIT, a. Semai. ni. STRAITEN, t. v. Semaku suru, semeru. STRICTURE, n. - of urethra, kiyosaku. (i. v.) Komaru. semaru, semaku naru, STRIDE, t. v. Fumbatte aruku, matagasetsunai, seppaku naru. ru. STR 173 SUB STRIFE, n. Arasoi, k6ron, kenkuwa, STUDIOUSLY, ad-'. Benkiyo shite, nen toriai, seriai. wo irete, ki wo tsukete. STRIKE, [. v. Utsu, butsu, tataku, cho- STUDY, n. Gakumon, keiko, manabi. chaku suru, ateru, ataru, naguru, tsuku, STUDY, t.. V lanabu, narau, sarau. sasu. -in, naiko suru. 7Te ligh/tningv STUFF. n. Shina, mono, s!iina-mono, has struck, kaininari ga ochita. - a ori-mono. measure, hakari-kiru. To - sail, ho STUFF, t. V. Tsumeru, tsume-komu, fuwo orosu. - a tent, maku wo hiki- sagu, oshi-komu. harau. To - root, ne ga tsuita. - STULTIFY, t. v. Baka ni suru. with surprise, odoroku, bikkuri suru. STUMBLE, i. v. Tsumadzuku, fumi-ha- dead, tonshi suru, bachi-atat- dzusu, mayowasu. te shinuru. To - a bargai;z, yaku STUMP, n. Kabu, daigi. wo musubu. To - of, nozoku. - out, STUMP, t. v. Tsumadzuku. kesu. -off ahundred sheets, hiyaku STUN, t. V. Memai wo saseru, (lass.) mai wo suru. Memai ni naru, zetto suru. STRIKE, n. Tokaki. STUNT, t.V. Seicho wo samatageru. - STRING, n. Ito, nawa, sashi, koyori, o. a fHant, uyeki wo tsukuru. To have two strings to one's bow, koto STUPE, t. v. Musu. wo riyotan ni suru. STUPEFACTION, n. Chikaku wo ushinau STRING, t. v. Sasu, tsuranuku, tosu. koto, ki no tsukanu koto. STRIP, t. v. Nugu, hagu, muku, hegu, STUPEFIED, a. Shibireru, mahi suru, b6toru, ubau, kogu, hageru, mekuru. - zen to shite iru. naked, hadaka ni suru. STUPEFY, t. V. Maki saseru, ki wo ushiSTRIP, n. Hegi. nawaseru. STRIPE, Z. Shima. Cross-, dandara. STUPID, a. Don na, gu naru, oroka-naru, STRIPED, a. Shima no. manuke no, tomna no, tonchiki no, niSTRIPLING, n. Wakashu, shonen. buki, gumai, gumb, gudon, guchi no. STRIVE, i. v. Sei wo dasu, hagemu, STUPIDITY, n. Guchi. haru. — together, kiso, araso, kumi- STUPOR, n. Chikaku naki koto, mahi, au, momi-au, hagemi-au, seri-au. shibire. STROKE, n. Kuwaku. - of the sun, STURDY, a. Sukoyaka na, j6bu na. atsuke-atari, shoki-atari. STUTTER, i. v. Domoru. STROKE, t. v. Naderu, sasuru. STY, n. Buta-goya, mono-morai. STROLL, i. v. Asobu, yureki suru, soso- STYLE, n. Y, te, fu, nari, tei, kamaye ru. sugata, sama, tsuki, kata, rui, riugi, STRONG, a. Jobu na, tsuyoi, sukoyaka Owzn -, ga-riu. na, kengo na, katai, tashika na, kibui. STYLE, t. a. Go su, sho su, nadzukeru. - or weak, kiy5-jaku. STYLISH, a. Iki na, uriu na, shareru. STRONGHOLD, n. Toride, yogai. STYX, a. San-dzu-gawa. STRONGLY, adv. Tsuyoku, kataku, kibi- SUAVITY, n. Tei-nei, shinsetsu. shiku, jobu ni. SU:'DIVIDE, t. V. Mata wakeru. STROP, n. Togi-kawa. SUBDUE, t. v. Osameru, katsu, tairageru, STRUCTURE, n. Tsukuri-kata, koshiraye- taiji suru, shidzumeru, shitagayeru, nayo, tsukuri, koshiraye, sei-saku, sei-ho, bikeru, fuku suru, heiji suru. tate-mono. SUBJECT, a. Shitagat, fuku suru, fukuju STRUGGLE, n. Momi-ai, agaki, aseri. suru. zoknu suru, dzuijfi suru. STRUGGLE, i. v. Momi-au, sei wo dasu, SUBJECT, t. v. Tairageru, osameru, shiagaku, aseru, seri-au. tagayeru, saseru. To be tke - of, seSTRUM, t. V. Hiku, shiraberu, tandzuru. rareru. STRUMPET, a. Joro. SUBJECT, n. Koto, omomuki. yoshi, waSTRUT, i. V. Fumbaru, bakko suru. ke, shitagau mono, tami, haika. -for STUBBLE, n. Kabu, kari-kabu. thozght, omoi-gusa. STUBBORN, aZ. Henkutsu na, wagamama, SUBJECTION, n. Shitagai, k6san, shitagajo no kowai, gojo na, ganko na. waseru koto. STUBBORNLY, adv. Kataku na ni, ganko SUBJOIN, t. v. Soyeru, kuwayeru, tsukeni. ri. STUCCO, n. Kabe. SUBJUGATE, t. v. Tairageru, osameru, STUCK-UP, a. Takaburu, jiman. shitagayeru, nabikeru, fuku-saseru. STUDENT, n. Deshi, shosei. SUBLET, t. V. Mata-gashi wo suru. STUDIOUS, a. Benkiyo suru, sei-dasu, SUBLIMIATE, t. Z'. Jo-sh6 saseru. kin-gaku suru. I SUBLIME, t. V. Joshc saseru. SUB 174 SUF SUBLIME, a. Bakkun na, miy6-na, taye- SUBTILE, a. Hosoki, kashikoi, riko-na, naru, zetslt-miyo na. surudoi, jachi na. SUBMERGE, t. v. Shidzumeru, hitasu. SUBTILTY, n. Jachi. (pass.) Oboreru, shidzumaru. SUBTRACT, t. v. Hiku, nozoku, hesu, haSUBMISSION, n. Shitagai, kosan, kuppuku. buku. SUBMISSIVE, a. Kentai naru, shitagau. SUBTRACTION, n. Hiki-zan. SUBMIT, i. v. Shitagau, kudaru, kosan SUBURBS, n. Joka, hadzure, bo-bana. suru, makaseru, zoku suru, tsuku, fu- SUBVERT, t. v. Horobosu, katamukeru, kusu, kuppuku. metsubo suru. SUBORN, t. v. Itsuwatte chikawaseru. SUCCEED, i. v. Tsugu, tsudzuku, togeru, SUBORDINATE, a. Shita no, otoru. - dekiru, kanau, shitogeru. officer, shita-yakunin. SUCCEEDING, a. Nochi no, tsudzuku. - SUBORDINATE, t. v. Shitagawaseru, fu- years, ko-nen. zoku saseru, otoraseru, shita ni suru. SUCCESS, n. Shi-togeru koto, ataru koto, SUBORDINATION, n. Shita ni suru koto, jojui suru koto. kurai no otoru koto. SUCCESSFUL, a. Ataru, shubi yoi, shiaSUBPCENA, t. If. Yobi-dasu, meshi-dasu, wase no. meshi-yoseru. SUCCESSION, n. Tsudzuki, jumban, ren. SUBPCENA, n. Meshijo. SUCCESSIVE, a. Tsudzuku. - days, renSUBSCRIBE, i. v. Nattoku suru, shochi jitsu. - years, ren-nen. - generasuru, kishin suru, kifu suru. tions, ren-dai. SUBSCRIBE, t. v. Na wo shirushite kime- SUCCESSOR, n. Ato-tsugi, tsugi no hito, ru, na wo shirushite sho to suru. ato-tori, ato-shiki. SUBSCRIPTION, n. Kishin, kifu, hono. - SUCCINCT, a. Mijikai, chijimetaru. paper, kishin fuda, kuwankecho, hoga- SUCCINCTLY, adv. Mijikaku, ara-ara, taicho. riyaku, zatto. SUBSERVE, t. V. YO ni tataseru, ma ni SUCCOR, t. v. Tasukeru, suku, hojo suru. awaseru. SUCCOR, n. Tasuke, sukui. SUBSERVIENT, a. Yo ni tatsu, ma ni SUCCULENTLY, a. Shiru no oki. all. SUCCUMB, i. v. Kosan suru, shitagau, SUBSEQUENT, a. Ato no, nochi no, tsugi kussuru, kuppuku, makeru. no, go. SUCH, a. Kono-yo-na, kon-na, sonoy6 SUBSEQUENTLY, adv. Nochi ni, ato de. na, son-na, ano-yo-na, anna, ayu, sayoSUBSIDE, i. V. Shidzumu, odomu, shidzu- na, kono-kurai na, kono tori-no, sonomaru, ochi-tsuku. kurai-na, sono-tori-no, sasuga-no, saSUBSIDIARY, a. Kuwayeru, soyetaru, ma- hodo-na, sabakari-no, kaku-no gotoki. shitaru. SUCK, t. v. Su, nomu, shaburu. — in, SURSIDIZE, t. a'. Yato, tanomu. sui-komu. - out, sui-dasu. SUBSIDY, n. Yatoi kin. SUCKLE, t. V. Chi-chi wo nomaseru, SUBSIST, i. V. Kurasu, inochi wo tsuna- SUCKLING, n. Chi-nomi-go. gu, oru. SUDDEN, a. Kiu na, niwaka na, fui na, SUBSIST, t. v. Yashinau. tachi-machi na. - death, ton-shi. - SUBSISTENCE, n. Kuchisugi, kate, shoku- riches, deki-bugen. - notion, dekiriyo. gokoro. SUBSTANCE, n. Mono, shina, shitsu, shu- SUDDENLY, adv. Niwaka ni, kiu ni, futo, i, hon-i. A man of-, bugenja. tachi-machi ni, ton ni, soku-ji ni, fui SUBSTANTIAL, a. Jitsu, makoto no, hon- ni, hiyoito, dashi-nuke ni. to, jbu na. SUDORIFIC MEDICINES, n. Hakkan-zai. SUBSTANTIALLY, adv. Jitsu ni, makoto SUE, t. v. Uttayeru, todokeru, so-sho ni, hon ni, tai-riyaku-ni, hikkiyo. suru, negai-dasu. SUBSTANTIVE, n. Jitsu-mei-shi. SUET, n. Ushi no abura. SUBSTITUTE, t. v. Kawari-ni suru, dai ni SUFFER, t. v. Ukeru, au, yurusu, gaman suru, ko-tai suru. suru, kandzuru, tayeru, shinogu. To SUBSTITUTE, n. Miyodai, kawari no hito, - pain, itamu. To - death. korosamigawari, bandai. reru. - pznishnment, basserareru, tsuSUBSTITUTION, n. Kawaru koto, dai ni mi-sareru. To - fromz sore eyes, suru koto. gambiyo de wadzurau. To - loss, son SUBTERFUGE, n. Ii-gusa, kakotsuke, ya- suru. To - to enter, hairaseru. To - magoto. with headache, dzutsfi ke nanju suSUBTERRANEOUS, a. Tsuchi no naka, ru. chi-chiu no. SUFFERANCE, n. Yurusu koto, gaman. SUF 175 SUP SUFFERING, n. Setsunai, kurushimi, ku- SUMMON, n. Ii-tsuke, meshi-bumi, metsu, nanju. shi-jG, meyasugaki. SUFFICE, i. v. Taru. SUMPTUOUS, n. Rippa na, kekko na. SUFFICIENCY, n. Taru koto, jfbun. SUMPTUOUSNESS, n. Ogori, yeiguwa, SUFFICIENT, a. Taru, aku, jubun na, ka- kekko. nau. SUN, n. Hi, nichi-rin, tai-yo. - dried, SUFFICIENTLY, adv. Jubun-ni. amaboshi. Sun's rays, hizashi, hi-ashi, SUFFIX, t. v. Soyeru, kuwayeru, tsukeru. hi no kuwosen. SUFFOCATE, i. v. Iki ga tsumaru. SUN, t. v. Sarasu. SUFFOCATE, t. v. Iki wo tomeru. SUNBEAM, n. Hi no kuwo-sen. SUFFRAGE, n. Hotsugon niusatsu nado SUNBURN, t. v. Hi ni yakeru, kogeru. shite yerabu koto. SUNDAY, n. Ansoku-nichi, yasumi, donSUFFUSE, t. v. Eyes suffused with tears, taku, nichiyobi. namida-gumu. Suffused with blushes, SUNDER, t. v. Hanareru, wakeru, wakakao ga akameru. reru, hedateru, kireru, kiru, tatsu. SUGAR-BOWL, n. Sato-ire. SUN-DIAL, n. Hi-dokei. SUGAR, n. Sato. SUNDRY, a. Iro-iro, sama-zama. SUGAR-CANDY, n. Kori-zat6, sat6-guwa- SUN-FISH, n. Ukiki. shi. SUNFLOWER, n. Hi mawari, oguruma. SUGAR-CANE, n. Sat6-kibi, kansha. SUNKEN, a. Kuboi, kubomu. SUGAR OF LEAD, n. Yento. SUNLIGHT, n. Hikage, hi no hikari. SUGGEST, t. v. Tsutsushinde iu, hanasu, SUNNY, a. -p/lace, hinata. oshiyeru. SUNRISE, n. Hi no de. SUICIDE, n. Ji-gai, ji-satsu. SUN-SCREEN, n. Hi-oi. SUIT, n. Koto, kuji,gu. One-ofclothes, SUNSET, n. Hi no iri, hi-gure. kimono hito kasane. To bring-, utta- SUNSHINE, n. Hinata. yeru, sosh6 suru. SUN-STROKE, n. Atsuke ni ataru. SUIT, i. v. Au, kanau, ojiru. - one's SUP, t. v. Su, nomu, susuru. taste, ki ni iru, ki ni kanau. Exactly SUPERABUNDANCE, n. Yokei, kuwabun, -, chodo yoi. Does not suit, ki ni ira- yobun, amaru. nu, ma ni awanu. SUPERABUNDANT, a. Yokei na, yobun na, SUITABLE, a. Au, kanau, s66, s6to, teki- amaru, kuwa-bun no. to. SUPERADD, t. v. Soyeru, kuwayeru, maSUITE, n. Tomo, tsuki-s6. su. SUITOR, n. Koi-bito. SUPERANNUATED, a. Oiboreru, romo. SULKY, a. Suneru, futeru. SUPERB, a. Rippa na, kekko na. SULLEN, a. Suneru, shibui. SUPERCARGO, n. Uwa-nori. SULLIED, a. Kumoru, yogoreru. SUPERCILIOUS, d. Of/, 6hei, takaburu. SULLY, t.. Yogosu, kegasu. SUPEREMINENT, a. Nukinderu, hiidetaru. SULPHATE OF COPPER, n. Tampan. SUPEREXCELLENT, a. Goku-jo, tobi-kiri SULPHATE OF IRON, n. Riyoku-ban. na. daigoku-jo. SULPHATE OF ZINC, a. Kohan. SUPERFICIAL, a. Uwa-muki no, omote no, SULPHUR, n. Iwo. uwabe no, asai, namagiki na, soto no. SULPHURIC ACID, n. Riu-san. SUPERFICIALLY, adv. Uwa-muki ni. SULTRY, a. Mushi-atsui, atsui, homeku. SUPERFICIES, n. Guwai-men, omote, uwaSUM, n. Tsugo, shime-daka, awasete, tsura. mina. SUPERFINE, a. Goku-hin, gokujO. SUM, t. v. Shimeru, yoseru, kanjo suru, SUPERFLUITY, V. Yokei, yobun, amaru, awaseru. The suZn ofthe matter, sho- takusan. sea, hikkiyo, tsumari. SUPERFLUOUS, a. Sugiru, yokei na. - SUMMARY, adv. Ara-ara, zatto, tai-riya- words, zei-gen. ku, riyaku-shite, arakajime. SUPERHUMAN, a. Hito no oyobanu, jinSUMIMARY, n. Riyaku, tsudzume. riki ni atawanu, fushigi na, fukashigi. SUMMER, n. Natsu, ka. Beginningfof-, SUPERIMPOSED, a. Kasanaru. shoka. End of-, ban-ka. SUPERINTEND, t. v. Sairiy6 suru, tsukaSUMMERSET, n. Kumagayeri. sadoru, sahai suru, kimo-iri wo suru. SUMMIT, n. Zetcho, itadaki, chojo, sai- SUPERINTENDENT, n. Kimo-iri, sairiyo chiu, desakari, toge, teppen. nin, bugiyo, toriyo. SUMMON, t. v. Mesu, meshi-dasu, yobi- SUPERIOR, a. Masaru, sugureru, katsu, dasu. - together, meshi-atsumeru, nukinderu, hiideru, jo, uye no, kami. - meshi-yoseru. quality, goku-hin. SUP 176 SUR SUPERIOR MAN, n. Kunshi. SUPPOSITION, n. Tsumori, omoi, hakaSUPERIORS, n. Me-uye no hito, kami ni ri. tatsu hito, johai. SUPPRESS, 1. v. Osameru, tairageru, shiSUP. RLATIVE, a. Nukindeta, masatta, dzumeru, taiji suru, hisomeru, hikayeru, sugureta. kakusu, tomeru. SUPERLATIVE, adv. Shigoku, goku, ito, SUPPURATE, /. v. Umu, ibo, umi wo koitatte, mottomo, hanahada. mosu. SUPERNATURAL, a. Fushigi na, shimben SUPREMACY, n. Kempei wo motsu koto. na, fukashigi na, shim-miyo na. SUPREME, n. Ichi-ban uye, zenken wo SUPERNUMERARY, n. Kadzu no hoka. toru, shigoku, itatte no. SUPERSCRIPTION, n. Uwagaki. SUPREMELY, adv. Itatte, shigoku, motSUPERSEDE, t.V..Fuy ni suru, tori-ka- tomo. yeru, yasumeru. SURE, a. Tashika naru, katai, j6bu na, SUPERSTITION, n. Makoto no kami de utagai-naki, s6i-naki, shikkari to shita, naki mono wo ogamu koto, hito no tsu- hitsujo na, masashil. To make -, kuritaru shushi, gohei wo katsugu koto. ukeau, tashika ni suru. Not -, obotsuSUPERSTITIOUS, a. - ~erson, gohei-ka- kanai. To be -, kitto, tashika ni. tsugi. SURELY, adv. Tashika-ni, s6i-naku, maSUPERVISE, t. V. Sai-riy6 suru, sa-hai su- koto-ni, jitsu-ni, kitto. ru, tsukasadoru, shihai suru. SURETY, n. Ukeai-nin, hiki-ukenin. SUPERVISOR, n. Sai-riy6-nin, toriy6. SURF, n. Nami. SUPINE, a. Aomuku, aogu, okotaru. yu- SURFACE, n. Omote, tsura, guwai-men, dan naru. men. SUPPER, n. Yf-meshi, yu-gohan, yashoku. SURFEIT. t. v. Aku, aki-hateru, kuwaSUPPLANT, t. v. Hito wo oshi-nokete de- shoku suru. ru. SURFEIT, n. Kuwa-shoku, tabe-sugiru SUPPLE, a. Shinayaka na, yasashii, su- koto, aki-hateru koto. nao na. SURGE, O-nami. SUPPLE, t. v. Yawaraka ni suru, shinaya- SURGE, i. v. Nami-tatsu. ka ni suru. SURGEON, n. Ge-kuwa-isha. SUPPLEMENT, n. Tashi-maye, furoku, SURGERY, n. Ge-kuwa. tsuika, tsuketari. SURLY, a. Shibutoi, jo no kowai. SUPPLEMENT, t. v. Tasu, oginau. SURMISE, i. v. Sui-riyo suru, suisatsu suSUPPPLIANT, n. Tan-guwan suru hito, ru, oshi-hakaru. guwan nin. SURMOUNT, t. v. Katsu, masaru. SUPPLICANT, n. Guwan nin. SURNAME, n. Sei, uji. SUPPLICATE, t. v. Negau, tanomu, tan- SURPASS, t. v. Sugiru, masaru, katsu, koguwan suru, kito wo suru. su. SUPPLICATION, n. Negai,tanomi, kiguwan, SURPASSING, a. Hiidetaru, nukindetaru, guwan, kito. suguretaru. SUPPLIES, n. Te-ate, hiy6ro, shoku-ri- SURPLUS, n. Amari, nokori. YO. SURPRISE, t. v. Fui ni osou, odorokasu, SUPPLY, t. v. Atayeru, yaru, te-ate wo odoroku, akireru, obiyakasu. By -, suru. - a deficiency, tasu, oginau. - futo, fui-ni, omoigake naku, dashi-nuthe wrants of the hoor, bimb6-nin wo ke ni. sukfi. SURPRISE, n. Odoroki, fui. SUPPORT, t. v. Motsu, ukeru, tayeru, SURPRISING, a. Odoroku hodo no, osoroshinobu, korayeru, shinogu, yashinau, shff, kimiyo na. kotayeru, shimbo suru, gaman suru, te- SURRENDER, t. V. Kosan suru, kudaru, tsutau, tasukeru, katan suru. yudzuru. SUPPORT, n. Dodai, tsuka, tasuke, yashi- SURRENDER, n. Kosan, yudzuri. nai. SURREPTITIOUS, a. Hisoka naru, naishi SUPPORTABLE, a. Korayerareru, shinoba- naru. reru, tayerareru. SURROUND, /. v. Kakomu, tori-maku, SUPPORTER, n. Katodo, katan nin, satan tori-komeru. nin. SURVEILLANCE, n, Me wo tsukeru koto, SUPPOSE, i.. Om6, daro, de ar6, or the kansatsu. dub. form of the verb. Tsumoru, ta- SURVEY, t. v. Mi-orosu, nagameru, kentoyeru. chi wo utsu, soku-riyo suru, hakaru, SUPPOSING, n. Moshi, moshikuba, tatoye- kembun suru, bunken wo suru. Surba, yoshimba, yoshiya, hiyotto. veying instruments, bunken-dogu. SUR 177 SYS SURVEY, n. Nagameru koto, gimmi, kem- SWEEP, t. v. Haku, soji suru. - away, bun, kenchi, soku-riyo. hissarayeru. SURVEYOR, n. Kemmi yaku, fushin-yaku, SWEEPINGS, n. Gomi. jikata-yakunin. SWEET, a. Amai, kawairashii, umai, yoi, SURVIVE, i. v. Iki-nokoru, shi ni okure- SWEETEN, t. v. Amaku suru. ru. SWEET-FLAG, n. Sh6bu, ayame. SURVIVOR, n. Iki-nokoru-mono. SWEETMEATS, n. Kuwashi. SUSCEPTIBLE, a. Kanji-yasui. SWEETNESS, n. Amasa. SUSPECT, t. v. Utagau, ayashimu, suiriy6 SWEET POTATO, n. Satsuma-imo. suru, ayabumu, ibukaru, fushin ni omo, SWELL, i. v. Hareru, fukureru, tsumoru, kedoru. tsuyoru, b6cho suru. Cause to -, fuyaSUSPEND, t. v. Kakeru, sageru, tsuru, kasu. yasumeru, tomeru, kindzuru. SWELLING, n. Hare-mono SUSPENSE, n. Tayutai, tamerau, tadayS, SWERVE, t. v. Hadzureru. utagau. SWIFT, a. Hayai, kiu-na, sumiyaka na. SUSPENSION, n. Tomeru koto, yasumeru SWIFTNESS, n. Hayasa. koto. To ask a - of judgment, gim- SWILL, t. V. O-kuchi ni nomu. mi ni tsuite yuyo wo negau. - of a SWIM, t. v. Oyogu, ukamu. Head -, mercantile house, sh6sha ga bunsan me ga mau, kennun suru. To - across, shita. oyogi-wataru. To - a horse, uma wo SUSPICION, n. Utagai, usan, uron, giner, oyogaseru. gishin, fushin, giwaku, saigi. SWINDLE, t. v. Damasu, kataru, mayakaSUSPICIOUS, a. Utagawashii, uron-na, su, gurasu. usanrashii, gaten-yukanu, ayashii, fu- SWINDLER, n. Katari, mayashi. shin na, ibukashii. - SWINE, n. Buta. SUSTAIN. (See Supzort). SWINEHERD, n. Buta-kai. SUSTENANCE, n. Yashinai, shoku-mot- SWING, i. v. Yurugu, furu, mawaru, yuru. su. SWING, n. Buranko, yusawari, bishago. SUTURE, n. Awashi-me. SWINISH, a. Buta no y6 na. SWAB, n. YezO-kin, zo-kin. SWITCH, n. Sumoto. SWAB, t. v. Fuku. SWITCH, t. v. Muchi-utsu. SWADDLE, t. v. Tsutsumu, maku. SWOON, i. v. Memai, tachi-gurami. SWAGGER, i. v. Takaburu, rikimi-kayeru, SWORD, n. Katana, tsurugi. - rack, rikimi-chirasu, bakko suru, fumbataka- katana-kake. - cut, katana kidzu. ru. Wooden -, bokuto. Laying aside the SWAIN, n. Inaka mono. -, datto suru. SWALLOW, n. Tsubame, tsubakura. SWORD-BLADE, n. Katana no mi, yaiba. SWALLOW, t. v. Nomu, nomi-komu. - SWORD-EXERCISE, n. Ken-jutsu. wthole, maru-nomi. SWORD-FIGHT, n. Shi-ai. SWAMP, n. Numa. SYCOPHANT, n. Neijikebito, goma-suri. SWAN, n. Hakuch5. SYMBOL, n. Hanjimono. SWAP, t. V. Tori-kayeru, k6yeki suru, in- SYMMETRICAL, a. Tsuri-au. Not -, dari ni suru. tsuri-awanu. SWARD, n. Shiba. SYMPATHIZE, i. V. Omoi-yaru, awaremu, SWARM, i. V. Waku, takaru, uza-uza su- itchi-suru. ru, habikoru. SYMPATHY, n. Omoi-yaru koto, jinjo. SWARM, n. Mura. SYMPTOM, n. Shirushi, shoko, chok6. SWARTHY, a. Kuroi. SYNONYMOUS WORD, n. Nitaru kotoba. SWAY, t. V. Shihai suru. SYNOPSIS, n. Riyaku-bun. SWAY, n. Shihai, keni. SYPHILIS, n. Kasa, sodoku. baidoku. SWEAR, i. v. Chikau, nonoshiru, akko SYPHILITIC ERUPTION, n. Y6bais6. suru. SYPHON, n. Sui-age. SWEARER, n. Chikau hito, kami no na SYRINGE, n. Midzu-deppo, suiju. wo midari ni iu hito. SYRINGE, t. V. Tsuku. SWEAT, n. Ase. To -, ase ga deru, hak- SYSTEM, n. Do, riu, riugi, michi, shikan suru. dara, shidai. SWEATY, a. Asebamu. - hands, abu- SYSTEMATIC, a. Kimari no yoi, tori-shirade. mari no yoi. 8* TAB I78 TAN T TABERNACLE, n. Tem-maku. madoru. - up room, ba wo toru. TABLE. a. Dai, tsukuye, zen, hinagata. toheart, ki ni motsu. - advantage of Dining-, handai. tsuke-konde, dzu ni notte, j6dzuru. TABLE-BOY, n. Kiu-ji. - the air, asobu. - leave, itoma-goi TABLE-CLOTH, n. Handai-shiki, shoku- wo suru. - breath, yasumu. - aim, sen, fukusa. nerau. - along, tsureru, tomonau. TABLET, n. Ancestral-, ihai. The child takes after his father, koTACITURN, a. Mukuchi no, mutsuri shite domo ga chichi ni niteoru. To take iru. for, machigayeru. - to, konomu, suTACK, n. Biyo. ku. Take to one's heels, nigeru. Take TACK, t... Tsugu, tsukeru, soyeru. To cold, kaze wo hiku. Take without re- shiz, fune wo majiru. straint, tori-h6dai. Take all, toriTACKLE, t. v. Tsukamu. kiru. — ity, awaremu. Take whichTACITLY, adv. Damatte, mokuzen shite. ever you like, o kokoro makase ni o TACKLING, n. D6gu. tori nasai. - a rest, yasumu. - ofTACT, n. Kotsu, jodzu. No —, heta. fence, rippuku suru. To- a walk, TACTICS, n. Hei-jutsu, jutsu, gun-gaku, sampo suru. - heed, ki wo tsukeru, heiho, gumpo. tsutsushimu. To - in, damasu. To TAEL, n. Riy6. - in hand, shi-kakeru, hajimeru. To TAIL, n. Shippo, o. - off a coat, haori wo nugu. To - off TAILOR, n. Shitateya. the head, kubi wo kiru. - off the TAINT, t. v. Tsuku, utsuru, kusaru, aza- mnind from one's work, shigoto no ki reru. ga nukeru, or torareru. To - off a TAKE, t. v. Toru, ukeru, uke-toru, tsu- person, hito manewo suru. To- heart, kamayeru. - in the arms, daku. - ki wo tsukeru. To - no notice of, tonin the fingers, tsukamu. -food, ta- jaku senu, kamawanai. Taken ua with beru, ku. - one's choice, yerabu, yoru. business, y6ji ni kamakeru. - (accept)-, uke-toru. - medicine, TALC, n. Kirara, ummo. kusuri wo nomu. - the liberty, haba- TALE, n. Hanashi, monogatari. To tell kari nagara. - for granted, mochi- -, tsugeguchi wo suru. ron. Taken sick, yami-tsuku. Take TALE-BEARER, n. Tsuge-guchi, gomaa house, iye wo karu. - a likeness, zo suri. wo utsusu. -a castle, shiro wo seme- TALENT, n. Sai, chiye, sai-n6, kiriyo, toru. - a seat, koshi-kakeru, suwaru, riyo, do-riy6. chakuza suru. How much will it take? TALK, i. v. Mono wo iu, iu, hanasu, kaikura kakarimash5. - away, tori-ha- taru, shaberu, dank6 suru, yenzetsu rau, tori-nokeru, tori-hanasu. - care, suru. abunai, ki wo tsuke-yo. - care of, ma- TALK, n. Mono-ii, hanashi, katari, danmoru. — our own course, kattenise- wa, kotoba, uwasa, setsu. - about yo, omaye no kokoro-mochi shidai. others, hitogoto wo iu. - to one's self, - off, torL, maneru. Take down, oro- hitorigoto wo iu. - in sleep, negoto su, tori-kudzusu. - out, tori-dasu, wo iu. Long —, chodan. hadzusu, nuku. - out of the way, TALKATIVE, a. Cho-choshii, tagen suru, tori-harau, tori-nokeru. - hold of, kuchi-mame na. tsukamayeru, nigiru. - back, tori- TALL, a. Sei-takai. kayesu. — apart, tori-kudzusu. - in, TALLY, t. v. Kanau, au, fugo suru. ukeru, hairu. - notice, mi-tsukeru. TALLOW, n. Ushi no abura. - an oath, chikau. - off, toru, nugu, TALLOW-TREE, n. R6 no ki. orosu. - out a stain, shimi wo nuku. TALLY, n. Te-ita, shirushi-ita. - part in, kumi suru, issho ni naru, TALON, n. Tsume. nakama ni hairu. - place, ga atta TAME, a. Otonashii. (aru). - effect, kiku, shirushi ga aru. TAME, t. v. Natsukeru. - root, ne ga tsuku. - ua, hiro, ageru, TAMPER, t. v. Kamau. tsukamayeru. - time, himadoru, te- TAN, t. v. Namesu. TAN 179 TEL TANGLE, t. v. Motsureru. TEA-CADDY, n. Cha-ire. TANK, vt. Midzu-oke, midzu-tame. TEA-CANISTER, n. Cha-ire. TANNED HIDE, n. Nameshi-kawa. TEA-CHEST, n. Cha-bako. TANNER, n. Kawa-nameshi, kawata, ka- TEA-COLOR, n. Cha-iro. waya. TEA-CUP, n. Cha-wan. TANTALIZE, t. v. Mise-birakasu, mise- TEA-DEALER, n. Cha-akindo. jirakasu, hekiragasu. TEA-GARDEN, n. Cha-yen. TANTAMOUNT, a. Onaji-koto, hitoshii, TEA-GROUNDS, n. Cha-gara, cha kasu, torimonaosadzu. cha-shibu. TAP, t. v. Tataku, dashi-guchi wo akeru. TEA-GROWER, n. Cha-shi. TAPE-WORM, n. Sanada-mushi, jo-chiu. TEA-HOUSE, n. Cha-ya. TAPER, n. R6soku. TEA-JAR, n. Cha-tsubo. TAPIR, n. Baku. TEA-KETTLE. n. Tetsu-bin. TAR, n. Chan. To -, chan wo nuru. TEA-PARTY, n. Cha-seki. TARDY, a. Osoi, okureru, yen-nin, oso- TEA-PLANT, n. Cha no ki. nawaru, chichi suru. TEA PLANTATION, n. Cha-batake. TARE, n. Hagusa, fftai. — of weight, TEA-POT, n. Dobin, cha-bin, cha-dashi. kan. TEA PRICE CURRENT, n. Cha-no-fu. TARGET, n. Mato, kaku. - shooting, TEA-ROOM, n. Cha-ma, cha-shitsu. kaku-uchi. TEASPOON, n. Cha-shaku, cha-saji. TARIFF, n. Unjo, zei-soku. TEA-STRAINER, n. Cha-koshi. TARNISH, i. v. Kumoru, sabiru. TEA-STORE, n. Cha-mise. TARO, n. Sato-imo. — steis, dzuiki. TEA-TRAY, n. Cha-bon. TARRY, i. v. Matsu, todomaru, tomaru, TEACH, t. v. Oshiyeru, kiyokun suru, toriu suru. michibiku, kiyoju suru, satosu. TART, a. Suppai. TEACHING, n. Oshiye, kiyokun, kiyo-ju, TARTAR,,. - of the teeth, hashio, ha- shinan. guso. TEACHER, n. Shisho, kiyo-shi. TARTAR-EMETIC, n. To-shu-seki. TEAL, n. Kamo. TARTARIC ACID, n. Shu-seki-san. TEAM, n. - of two horses, ni hiki no TARTARUS, n. Jigoku. uma. TARTLY, adv. Suppaku, kibishiku. TEAR, n. Namida. Shed-, raku-rul. TASK, n. Hito kiri no, bun, nikkuwa, TEAR, t. v. Saku, yaburu, hiki-saku, shigoto. To take to -, togameru, ima- hikiyaburu, chigiru. - off, hittakuru, shimeru. nuku, hiki-hadzusu, hiki-hagu. -'ui, TASSEL, n. Fusa. hiki-nuku. -down, kowasu. - aart, TASTE, n. Aji, ajiwai, ffmi, mi. Bitter saku, hiki-hanasu, tsunzaku. -, nigami. Acrid-, kara-mi. TEARFUL, a. Namida-gumu. TASTE, t. v. Ajiwau, nameru, aji wo TEASE, t. v. Naburu, jirasu, ijimeru, komiru, aji wo kiku, kokoromiru. maraseru, nedaru, gudzuru, atakeru. TASTEFULLY, adv. Teinei ni. TEAT, a. Chi-mame. TASTELESS, a. Aji no nai. TEDIOUS, a. Urusai, nagatarashii, menTATTERED, a. Yabureta. do na, taikutsu, kochitaku, kudoi. TATTLE, i. v. Shaberu, kuchi-saganai. TEDIUM, n. Taikutsu, temochibusata. TATTLER, n. O-shaberi. TEEM, i. v. Mitsuru, habikoru. TATTOO, n. Hori-mono. TEETH, n. Ha. Front -, maye-ba. TATTOO, t. v. Horu. Back -, okuba. Canine -, kiba. TAUGHT, a. Katai. To make -, hiki- Gnashing of -, hagami, higishiri. haru. Projecting -, deba. To set - on edge, TAUNT, i,.. Nonoshiru. ha ga uku, hagayui. To cut -, ha ga TAVERN, n. Yadoya, hatagoya, riyo- hayaru. shuku. TEGUMENT, n. Kawa. TAWDRY, a. Kazari-sugiru. TELEGRAM, n. Denshin. TAWNY, a. Ki iro. TELEGRAPH, n. Denshinki. - offce, TAX, n. Nengu, unjo, denso, men, mo- denshinkiyoku. - line, senro. nohari, mitsugi, zei. Pay, nengu wo TELESCOPE, n. Tomegane. osameru. TELL, t. v. Kikaseru, tsilgeru, kataru, TAX, t. v. Nengu wo toru. hanasu, iu, noberu, shiraseru, oshiyeru, TAXABLE, a. Nengu wo tori-tatsu beki. wakaru, chiushin. - to others, tagon. TAXIS, n. Momu. - off, kazoyeru. TEA, n. Cha. TELL-TALE, n. Tsuge-guchi. TEM I80 TEX TEMERITY, n. Mukomidzu. TENET, n. Oshiye, setsu. TEMPER, n. Ki, kokoro, iji, kishitsu, TENFOLD, a. Jissobai, t6ye. shone, kidate. Ill-, fu-kigen. TENON, n. Hozo. TEMPER, t. v. Kitau, neru, tanren suru, TENOR, n. Omomuki, shui, imi. nereru, neri-kitau. TENSE, a. Katai, shimaru. TEMPERAMENT, n. Sho, sho-ai, sei-shitsu, TENSE, n. (in grammar), fast -, kuumare-tsuki. wako. Present -, genzai. Future —, TEMPERANCE, n. Hikayeme, uchiba. mirai. TEMPERATE, a. Yenriyo naru, hikayeme TENSELY, adv. Shimatte, hippatte. na. TENSENESS, or TENSION, n. Katasa, shiTEMPERATURE, n. Yoki, kan-dan, on- mari. do. TENT, n. Maku-ya, tem-maku. TEMPEST, n. Arashi, okaze, are, boff. TENTATIVE, a. Tamesu, kokoro-miru. TEMPESTUOUS, a. Areru. TENTH, a. Ju-ban,jubam-me. — 5art, TEMPLE, n. Tera, miya, do yashiro. jubu-ichi. TEMPLES, n. Bin, komekami. TENUITY, n. Hososa, ususa. TEMPORAL, a. Yo no, seken no. TEPID, a. Nurui, nurumu, nama-nuTEMPORARY, a. Kari no, tdbun. - re- rui. sidence, kari-dzumai. - sewing, kari- TEPIDNESS, n. Nurusa. nui. TERM, t. v. Sho suru, go su, nadzuTEMPORARILY, adv. Kari ni. keru. TEMPORIZE, t. v. Jisei ni makaseru, in- TERM, n. Nichi-gen, miy6-moku, kojun suru. toba, ji, shirushi. To bring to -, koTEMPT, t. v. Hiku, kokoromiru, ki wo san saseru. Make termTs, yakusoku hiite miru. suru. To come to -, naka-naori wo TEMPTATION, n. Kokoromi, aku ni iza- suru. To be on bad terms, naka ga nau koto, aku ni obiku koto. warui. TEMPTED, a. Hikareru, aku ni izanawa- TERNIAGANT, n. Akuba, kuchi yakamareru. shii onna. TEMPTER, n. Aku ni izanau mono. TERMINATE, t. V. Shimau, owaru, kaTEN, a. Ju, to. - hundred, issen. - giru. thousand, man. ban, yorodzu. Ten TERMINATION, n. Owari, shimai, hate, times, to-tabi, judo, jippen. Ten times kagiri. as much, jissobai. Tenfold, toye. TERMINUS, n. Sakai, owari, kagiri. TENABLE, a. Mamorareru, shugo sare- TERRACE, n. Utena, dai, tai, hiraba. ru. TERRACE, t. V. Hiraba ni suru. TENACIOUS, a. Kataku na, katai, kataiji TERRESTRIAL, a. Seken no. na, henkutsu, nebai, nebaru. - mewn- TERRIBLE, a. Osoroshii, mezamashii. ory, kizoku no yoi, oboye no yoi. TERRIBLENESS, n. Osoroshisa. TENACIOUSLY, adv. Kataku, nebaku. TERRIBLY, adv. Osoroshiku. TENACITY, n. Nebasa. TERRIFY, t. v. Odosu, obiyakasu. TENANT, n. - of land, ji-kari. - of TERRITORY, n. Riyobun. a house, tanako, tana-gari, shakuya TERROR, n. Osore, kiyofu. nirl. TERSE, a. Teinei na, kirei na. TENANTRY, n. Hiyakushd. TESSELLATE, t. v. Tatami-ishi wo shiTEND, t. v. Mamoru, ban wo suru, ki ku. wo tsukeru, kaih6 suru. (i. v.) Muku, TEST, t. v. Tamesu, kokoromiru, gimmi mukau, yoru, omomuku. suru. TENDENCY, n. Omomuku koto, mukau TEST, n. Tameshi, kokoro-mi. gimmi. koto. TESTAMENT, n. Yui-sho. Old -, kiuTENDER, a. Yowai, yawaraki, tayowai, yaku-zensho. New -, shin:yaku-zenki no yowai, yasashil, onjun na. sho. TENDER, t.v. Sashi-dasu. TESTATOR, n. Yui-sho wo nokosuhito. TENDER-HEARTED, a. Jihi-bukai, nasake TESTICLE, n. Kintama, kin, inn6, fuguri, aru. koguwan. TENDERLY, adv. Yawaraka ni, shinsetsu TESTIFY, i. v. Shoko wo tatsu. ni.. TESTIMONY, n. Shoko, akashi. TENDON, n. Suji, kinkon, ken. TESTY, a. Tanki naru, ki-mijikaki. TENDRIL, n. Tsuru no te, te. TETHER, t. v. Tsunagu. TENEMENT, n. lye, tana, taku. TETANUS, n. Hashofu. TENESMUS, n. Shiburu. TEXT, n. Hom-mon, dai. TEX 181 THI TEXTURE, n. Jiai,hada,ji,kime. sochira, asuko. Here and -, achi THAN, conj. Kara, yori. More -, kochi. amaru. THEREABOUT, adv. Gurai, bakari, sono THANK, t. v. Arigato, katajikeno, sha- atari. suru, rei wo iu. THEREAFTER, adv. Sono-nochi. THANKFUL, a. Aragatai, katajikenai, THEREAT, adv. Soko-ni, soko-de. arigatagaru. THEREBY, adv. Sono-yuye-ni, kono THANKLESS, a. Arigataku omowanu, on yuye ni, kore ni yotte. wo shiranu, arigatagaranu. THEREFORE, adv. Kono uye ni, sono THANK-OFFERING, n. Guwan-hodoki, rei- uye ni, kore ni yotte, sore ni yotte, motsu. karu-ga-uye-ni, uye ni. THANKSGIVING, n. Sha suru koto, rei wo THEREIN, adv. Sono uchi ni. iu koto. THEREOF, adv. As, in the day thou eatTHAT, dem. fro. Sore, are, kare, sono, est thereof thou shalt surely die, sore kano, ano, to, yo ni. As a relative wo taberu hi ni wa kanaradzu shinufro. it is formed as follows; they - ru. love others, hito wo aisuru mono. The THEREUPON, adv. Sokode, sore-kara. person - struck me, watakushi wo THERMAL, a. - spring, on-sen. butta hito. The king - rules the THERMOMETER, n. Kandankei. people well, yoku shimo wo shihai THESE, Iron. Kare, korera. suru o. (conj.) To. He said that THESIS, n. Dai. there was a fire in Yedo, Yedo ni kn- THEY, fron. Sorera, sore. waji atta to hanashimashita. I hearl THICK, a. Koi, atsui, shigei, shigeru, the doctor say that he would die, wa- futoi, nigoru, dossari. takushi ga biy6nin wa shinuru to isha THICKEN, t. v. Atsuku suru, koku suru, ga iu wo kikimashita. shigeru. (i. v.) Atsuku naru, tsunoru, THATCH, t. v. Wara wo fuku. tsuyoru. THATCHED HOUSE, n. Wara-ya. THICKET, n. Mori, yabu, odoro. THATCHER, n. Yane-ya. THICKLY, adv. Atsuku, koku. THATCHING, n. Wara-fuki. THICKSET, a. Shigeru. THAW, t. v. Tokasu, toku. (i. v.) To- THICKNESS, n. Atsusa, kosa, futosa, keru. shigeisa. THE, as an article, has no equivalent. THIEF, n. Nusubito, dorobo, tozoku, The higher the sun is the warmer it yoto, mambiki. becomes, hi ga noboru hodo atsuku THIEF-CATCHER, n. Okappiki. naru. The more the fever increased, THIEVISH, a. Nusumi-gachi na, nusumithe more he suffered. netsu ga tsunoru guse no, tekuse ga warui. dake kurushiku natta. The more the THIGH, n. Momo. better, oku aru hodo yoi. THIMBLE, n. Yubi-nuki. THEATRE, n. Shibai. THIN, a. Usui, hosoi, yaseru. THEFT, n. Nusumi. THIN, t. v. Usuku suru, mabiku, sukasu, THEIR, iron. Are no, sono hito no, mabara ni suru, manuku, uronuku, sono, karera no. suguru. THEM, pron. Karera wo, sono hito wo, THINE, iron. Nanji no, anata no.' are wo. THING, n. Mono, koto, shina, motsu. THEME, n. Dai. All things, bam-motsu. Any -- THEMSELVES, pron. Onore, ji-shin, ji- nandemo. No such -, s6 de wa bun. nai. THEN, adv. or cony. Sono toki, ano- THINK, i, v. Om5, kangayeru, tsumoru, toki, shikaru toki ni, s6shite, shikaraba, shian suru, ar6. - much of, tattomu, kara, sono ato de, tsui-ni. oshimu. - of each other, omoi-au. THENCE, adv. Soko kara. To cease to -of, omoi-suteru, omoiTHENCEFORTH, adv. Sono nochi, sono- yaru, omoi-kiru. - of, omoi-dasu, go, irai. omoi-tsuku. - more and more of, THEOLOGY, n. Shin-gaku, shin-t6. omoi-tsumoru. - of only, omoi-tsuTHEOLOGIAN, n. Shin-gaku-sha. meru. - to much of, omoi-sugosu. THEORETICAL, a. Hito no suiriy6 ni - meanly of, omoi-sageru, karondzumotodzuku, jitsuji ni motodzukanu. ru. - better of, omoi-naosu. - of THEORY, n. Hito no suiriyo no setsu, again, omoi-kayesu. I think I shall gaku, setsu. return, watakushi kairl-masho. I think THERE, adv. Achi, achira, soko, sochi, it willrain to-morrow, miyo-nichi ame THI 182 THR furi-masho. I think he is a bad man, THREAD, t. V. Ito wo t6su, tsuranuku warui hito de aro. sugeru. THINKING, n. Mono-omoi. THREAT, n. Imashime, korashi, odoshi. THINLY, adv. Usuku, hosoku, mabara THREATEN, t. v. Korasu, imashimeru, ni. odosu. - rain, furi-so. - to fall, THINNESS, n. Ususa. taore-so. THIRD, a. Samban, sambam-me. One THREE, a. Mitsu, san, mi. -, sambu-ichi. THREE-CORNERED, a. San-kaku. THIRST, i. v. Nodo-kawaku, kawaku, THREE-FOLD, a. Sambai, san-s6bai, mikassuru. tsu-gake, mi-ye. THIRST, n. Katsu, kawaki. THREE-LEAVED, a. Mitsu-ba. THIRSTY, a. Kawaki, kassuru. THREE-PLY, a. Mi-ye. THIRTEEN, a. Ju-san. THREESCORE, a. Roku-ju. THIRTEENTH, a. Ju-sam-ban. THRESHOLD, n. Shikimi, shikii. THIRTIETH, a. San-ju-ban. THRICE, a. San-do, mi-tabi. THIRTY, n. San-ju. THRIFT, n. Hanj6. THIS, firon. Kore, kono, kon, t6. - THRIFTY, a. Hanjo suru, sakayeru. year, kon-nen, to-nen, ko-toshi. - THRILL, t. v. Tessuru, kotayeru, hibimzorningq kon-ch6, kesa. - day, kon- ku. nichi, klyo. - ezening, kom-ban, ko- THRIVE, i. V. Sakayeru, hanjo suru. yoi. - night, kon-ya, kom-ban. - THROAT, n. Nodo. Clear the -,kowamnonth, kono tsuki, kon-getsu, togetsu. dzukuri, seki-barai, shiwabuki. - world, kono yo. - time, kon-do, THROB, i. v. Doki ga utsu. - with kono tabi. - manner, kono tori, ko- pain, dzuki-dzuki itamu. no mama, kono bun. THRONE, n. Takamikura, kurai. THISTLE, n. Azami, no-jisa. THRONG, n. Ozei, kunju. THITHER, adv. Asuko, achira. THRONG, t. v. Kunju suru, yoru, atsuTHONG, n. Himo, o. - of sandal, ha- maru. Thronged, nigiwai, nigiwashii, na-o. nigiyaka. THORACIC-DUCT, n. Niubikuwan. THROTTLE, t. v. Nodo wo shimeru. THORAX, n. Mune. THROUGH, prep. Toru, ni. To pass -, THORN, n. Toge, hari. — hedge, ibara- tosu. Go —, t6ru. Blow -, fuki-t5su. gaki. Run - with a thread (string), tsuraTHORNY, n. Toge aru. nuku, sasu. Run - (with a spiear), THOROUGH, a. Mattaku, maru-de, ij- sashi-tosu, To fall-, muda ni naru. bun-na, yuki-todoku. Not —, fu-yuki- Shoot - (with an arrow), i-t6su. todoki, ftu-temawari. Shoot - (with a ball), uchi-t6su. To THOROUGHFARE, n. Tori-michi, 6rai, carry -, (accomplish), togeru, dekiru. kaido, michi, ro, dO, tsu-ro. Died through starvation, uyete shinTHOROUGHLY, adv. Mattaku, maru-de, da. Saved- the mercy of God, kami jubun ni, sappari. no on ni yotte tasukatta. THoU,firon. Nanji, anata. THROiGHOUT, fref. -the year, nenju, THOUGH, conj Keredomo, naredomo, toshi ippai. - the night, yomosugara, iyedomo, tatoi, tomo, domo, shikashi. shu-ya. - the month, shu-getsu, tsuTHOUGHT, n. Omoi, riy6ken, kangaye, ki ippai. - life, isshgai. — the day, tsumori, zoni, shiriyo, shian, kufu, an, shu-jitsu, himemosu. kokoro-gake. THROW, t. v. Nageru, heru. - down, THOUGHTFUL, a. Y6jin no yoi, tashina- taosu, otosu, nage-orosu. - away, mi ho yoi, ki wo tsukeru, tsutsushimu. suteru, utcharu, nage-suteru. - into, THOUGHTLESS, a. Ki no tsukanu, ukkari nage-komu, nage-ireru. - up, nageto shita. ageru, haku, modosu. - out, nageTHOUSAND, a. Sen, chi, kuwan. Ten dasu, nozoku. - across, nage-kosu. -, man. - aside, nage-yaru. - against, nageTHOUSAND-FOLD, n. Sem-bai. tsukeru. - and hit, nage-utsu. - THOUSANDTH, a. Sem-ban. - iart, dice, sai wo utsu. - away time, hima sem-bu-ichi. wo tsuiyasu. - back, nage-kayesu, THRASH, t. Z'. Utsu, butsu, konasu, cho- ii-kayeru. - by, suteru, hai suru. - chaku suru. off, nugu. - on a coat, haori wo kiTHRASHING, n. Konashi. ru. To - one's self down, uchi-neru. THRASHING-FLOOR, n. Konashi-ba. To - up a commission, yaku wo henjo THREAD, n. Ito. Ball of-, heso. suru, or kayesu. THR 183 TIP THRUM, t. v. Hiku,shiraberu. TILLER, Kaji no ye, hiyakusho. THRUST, t...Tsuku, sasu, osu. - TILT, 1. v. Katamukeru. tihrough, tsuki-tosu. - out, oshi-dasu. TILTED, a. Katamuku. - in, oshi-komu, oshi-ireru. - often, TIMBrER, n. Zai-moku. oshi-akeru, oshi-hiraku. - against, TIMBER-YARD, n. Zaimoku-ya. oshi-ateru, oshi-tsukeru. - aart, TIME, n. Toki, jisetsu, koro, koro oi, oshi-hedateru, oshi-wakeru. - back, jikoku, jisei, ji-bun, jidai, jigi or, hooshi-kayesu. - dowzi, oshi-fuseru, do, yo, dai, kuwo-in, tsuki hi, go, do, oshi-kudasu, oshi-sageru. - aside, tabi, ma, hen. Spare-, hima. itoma. oshi-nokeru. A ncient -, mukashi, inishiye. Set -, THUMB, n. Oya-yubi. To -, ijiru, sa- nichi-gen, koku-gen, higiri. Three waru. times five are fifteen, san go no jugo. THUMP, t. v. Butsu, lutsu, tataku. - (of music), hiyoshi. Any -, itsuTHUNDER, n. Kami-nari, rai. - and demo. Wlhat -, itsu. To be iz -, lightning, rai-den. ma ni au. Vot in -, ma ni awanu. THUNDER, i. v. Kami-nari ga naru, or, At tinmes he rides and at other times todoroku, hatameku. he walks, kago ni nottari aruitari. THUNDERBOLT, n. Raiiju. Have time enough, ma ga aru. To THUNDERSTRUCK, a. Bozen, bikkuri. lose -, osoku naru, himaga iru. Long THURSDAY, n. Moku-yobi. -, hisashii, nagai. For a long -, hiTHUS, adv. Kono tori, kono-mama, ka- sashiburi. Short, shibaraku, chitto, yo, kaku-no-gotoku, kono yo. sukoshi. Many -, shiba-shiba, tokiTHWACK, t. v. Tataku, utsu. doki, tabi-tabi. What'- is it? Nan THWART, t. v. Sakarau, teki-suru, sa- doki de gozarimasu ka. To kill -, sayeru, samatageru. taikutsu ni naranu yo ni toki wo okuru. THY, pron. Anata no. To beat -, hiyoshi wo toru. To steal TIBIA, n. Shb-tai-kotsu. -, hima wo nusumu. TICK, n. Dani. TIME, t. v. Toki ni yoru, ji-setsu ni kaTICK, i. v. The watch ticks, tokei ga nau, hakaru. To - the pulse, miyaku furu. do wo hakaru. To - a horse, uma no TICKET, n. Fuda, tegata, kitte. hayasa wo hakaru. TICKLE, t. V. Kosoguru, (i. v.) Mudzu- TIMELY, adv. Tsugo-yoi toki, hayaku. gaii. TIMIE-PIECE, n. Tokei. TICKLISH, a. Kusuguttai, kosobayui, TIMIE-SERVING, a. Tsuish6 wo iu, kigen kosobaigaru, kiwadoi, abunai. wo toru, hetsurau. TIDE, a. Shio. TIME-WORN, a. Furubitaru. TIDINGS, n. Tayori, otodzure, inshin, TIMID, a. Okubiyo na, abunagaru, kimo sata, bingi. no chiisai, ayabumu, omeru. TIDY, a. Kirei, tei-nei na. TIMIDITY, n. Okubiyo, hikiyo. TIE, n. Musubime,ven. TIMOROJS, a. Abunagaru. TIE, t. v. Musubu, shibaru, tsunagu, ka- TIN, n. Sudzu, handa. Sheet -, briki. rageru, kukuru, yfu, yuwayeru. TINCTURE, t. v. Someru. TIER, n. Narabi. TINCTURE, n. Chinki-zai. TIFFIN, n. Hiru-gohan, chiu-han. TINDER, n. Hokuchi. TIGER, n. Tora. TINFOIL, n. Sudzu-haku, kanagai. TIGHT, a, Katai, shimaru. TINGE, t. v. Someru, some-tsukeru, TIGHTEN, t. v. Kataku suru, haru, shi- tsukeru. meru. TINGLE, i. v. Naru. TIGHTLY, adv. Kataku, shika-to, tsuyo- TINKER, n. Ikakeya. ku, hittari to, shikkari to, hita-to. TINKLE, t. v. Narasu, rin-rin to naru. TILE, n. Kawara. - kiln, kawara-ga- TIN-MAN, n. Briki ya, briki zaiku-shi. ma. To roof with -, kawara wo fuku. TINSEL, n. Kazari, date. - roof, kawara-yane, kawara-buki. TINT, n. Formed by adding mi to the Square -, renga. name of the color, as, red tint, aka-mi. TILER, n. Shakan. Green tint, aoi-mi. TILING, n. Kawara-yane. TINY, a. Chiisai. TILL, pref. Made. - now, ima-made. TIP, n. Saki. -of he nose, hana-saki, - then, sono toki made, sono maye bito. ni. TIP, t. v. Saki wo tsukuru. - over, kuTILL, t. V. Tagayesu, k6saku suru. tsugayesu. - the wink, mekubase wo TILL.GE, n. Kosaku, tagayeshi. suru. - u, katamukeru. TIP 184 TOR TIPPET, iZ. Kbhi-maki. ToILSo:'iA, a. Kur5-na, hone no oreru, TIPPLE, i. z'. Sake wo nomu. ro suru. TIPPLER, n. Sake-nomi. TOKEN, it. Shirushi, shirase. katami. TIPPLING-HOUSE, n. Sakaya. TOLERABLE, a. Kanari, dzui-bun, koraTiI.Y, a. Sake ni yo. yerareru. TIPTOE, n. To stand on -, tsumadateru, TOLERATE-, t. 2. Yurusu, menkiyo suru, choriu suru. kan-nin suru. TIP-TOP, n. Zetcho, teppen, chojo. TOLERATION, Ua. Yurushi, menkiyo, kanTIP-TOP, a. Shigoku yoi no. nin, shinogi. TIRADE, n. Togameru koto. TOLL, t. v. Narasu. TIRE, i. v. Tsukareru, umnl, tsularaka- TOLL, n. Chin, dai, unjo. Blridge -, su, kutabireru, taikutsu, agumu, shin- hashi-zeni. doi. Tired out, tsukarete shimatta. TOLL-BRIDGE, Z. Zeni-tori-bashi. TIRESOME, a. Taikutsu naru, umu, tsu- TOMATO, n. Aka-nasu. kareru. mendo na. TOMB, n. Haka, tsuka, fumbo. TISSUE, n. Soshiki. TOMIBSTONE, n. Haka-jirushi, sekito, seTIT, n. Chichi. kihi. TITHE, n. Jftbu-ichi. TO-.1iORROW, n. Miya-nichi, ashita. TITLE, n. Gedai, hiyo-dai, miyo-moku,'TONE, n. Ne, neiro, koye, oto, kowane. kuwan-miyo, sonsho, suji, daimoku. TONGS,,, IIi-bashi. To take with -, TITLE PAGE, n. Hiyodai wo kakitaru hasamu. ichi men. TONGUE, Z. Shit, kotoba. To hold the TITTER, i. v. Hisoka ni warau. -, darnaru, mokunen suru. To,iret. Ni, ye, made, oyobu, taishite. TONGUE-TIE, n. Kojita. As the sigiz of the inzfiitizv e mood; TONeIC MEDICINES, n. Hoyaku, kiy5oszai. as, I loze to irzite, kaiku koto ga suku. TO-NIGOIT, n. Komban, kon-ya. Are you ready to go? yuku ga shitaku TONNAGE, n. Funa-ni no mekata, fune nashita ka. Has gone to ba1 Soineeish., no tsumidaka, funa-unjo. sakana wo kai ni yuita. To die for TONSIL, az. Hentosen. one's country is rigzht, kokka no tame TONSURE, iZ. Teihatsu, raku-shoku, chini shinuru wa gi nari. hats;, kashira-orosu. TOAD, a. Kawadzu, kayeru. Too, ad7. Sugiru, amaru, mo, mata, yaTOAD-STOOL, n. Take. hari, takusan. - mztch, yokei. TOADY, t. v. Hito no hige no chiri wo TooL, n. D)gu. harau. TOOTH, aZ. Ila, me, see Teeth. Carious TOAST, n. Yaki-pan, kotobuki. -, mushi-ba. A-rtzfcial, ire-ba. TOAST, t. v. Aburu. To - a person, TOOTH-ACHE, n. Ha-itai, ha ga itai. hito ni shukuhai suru, kotobuki wo su- TOOTH-BRUSH, n. Yoji. ru. I TO)TH-DYE, n. Haguro, kane. TOBACCO, n. Tabako. TOOTH-EDGE, n. Hagayui. TOBACCONIST, nZ. Iabako-ya. TOOTH-FORCEPS, n. Ha-nuki. TOBACCO-PIPE, n. Kiseru. I TOOTHLESS, a. Ha-naki. TOBACCO-POUCH, nZ. Tabako-ire. TO)TI-PLICK, r. Koyoji. TO-DAY, adv. Konnichi, kiyo. TOOTH-POWDER,.n. Ila-migaki. TOE, t. v. To - /te Ztiark shirushi ni ToP, n. Itadaki, zetcho, uye, kashira. ashi no saki wo tsukeru. Spini;zg -, koma. - ofa carriage, TOGETHER, ad',. Isshs-ni, tomo-ni, d6- basha no horo. shi, ichid6, itchi. Alsof/br id iy thze Top, i. v. Sugureru, nukindern, hiideru. szl/tf.x, au, to the roo f t ra verb; as, TrOPER, n. Sake-dzuki, sake-nomi. Tan/l teogther, hanashi-au. Figt z-, TOP-HEAVY, a. Atama-gachi na. tataki-au. Tojoin -, awaseru, soyeru. TOPHET, n. Jigoku. 7o inix -, mazeru. To /ive-, do-kiyo TOIIC, i. Tane, ii-gusa. suru Tosit-, do seki suru. To i ea-, I TOPMOST, a. Ichi-ban uye no. do-shoku suru. To slee -, soi-ne wo ToP