OF T DS."'51 PROPERTY OF SI a ill 1_ CATALOGUES OF THE GENNADIUS LIBRARY II VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN GREECE, THE NEAR EAST AND ADJACENT REGIONS MADE PREVIOUS TO THE YEAR I8oI Being a part of a larger Catalogue of works on Geography, Cartography, Voyages and Travels, in the Gennadius Library in Athens COMPILED AND PROVIDED WITH A PREFACE AND INDEX BY SHIRLEY HOWARD WEBER LIBRARIAN OF THE GENNADEION THE AMERICAN SCHOOL OF CLASSICAL STUDIES AT ATHENS PRINCETON NEW JERSEY I953 -Ds 4WY( ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED IN GERMANY AT J.J.AUGUSTIN, GLUjCRSTADT I?- - ,,, o -?,/ t PREFACE The present catalogue of books in the Gennadius Library describing travels in the Near East before I80o, follows in general the pattern of the previous volume which described travels made during the XIX Century, with some minor differences. In the previous volume, considerations of space and size prevented the inclusion in the catalogue of books merely descriptive or topographical in character. In the XIX Century such works are relatively unimportant, most of them being compilations or repetitions of earlier accounts. On this score their omission was justified. But before I80o descriptive and topographical works, though not valuable from their accuracy, are seldom uninteresting and often rare, and there are fewer of them; therefore they have been included. An interesting class of descriptive books, the proskynetaria, have been included as a whole, from the earliest editions down into the present century, an inconsistent procedure, justified only because of the special and unusual interest attached to books of this sort, to the great rarity of some of them and to the value of Keeping them together. The indices follow the pattern of the earlier volume, and while they follow the less voluminous notes, it is hoped that the general index will be as useful as the former one. Another volume remains to be done before the catalogue of travelers in the library is complete, namely the catalogue of the maps, charts, pamphlets and dissertations on geography and cartography. Their place will be found in a volume to be published later. ATHENS, GREECE. ATHENS, GREE. SHIRLEY HOWARD WEBER OCTOBER, 1951. V I TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE CATALOGUE I A. INTRODUCTORY TREATISES, ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY AUTHOR............... I B. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES, ARRANGED CHRONOLOGICALLY......................... 5 II TRAVELERS IN THE NEAR EAST AND ADJACENT REGIONS, ARRANGED CHRONOLOGICALLY BY THE DATE OF THE JOURNEY, WHERE KNOWN.................. 15 III BOOKS TOPOGRAPHICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE.......... I45 IV BOOKS LARGELY OR ENTIRELY PICTORIAL......... I76 V PROSKYNETARIA...................... I87 INDEX OF TRAVELERS AND AUTHORS, INCLUDING EDITORS AND SOME TRANSLATORS....................... I93 GENERAL INDEX........................... 20I vii CATALOGUE CATALOGUE IA. INTRODUCTORY TREATISES ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY BY AUTHOR 1 La litterature geographique franqaise de la Renaissance: repertoire bibliographique, par GEOFFROY ATKINSON. Description de 524 impressions d'ouvrages publies en franqais avant I6Io, et traitant des pays et des peuples non europeens, que l'on trouve dans les principales bibliotheques de France et de l'Europe occidentale. Paris, Auguste Picard, I927. 564p. 4to. BB 76.35 Pp. 417-492 contain reduced facsimiles of 293 title-pages of French travel-books. 2 De l'utilite des voyages, et de l'avantage que la recherche des antiquitez procure aux seavans. Par M BAUDELOT de DAIRVAL... A Paris, chez Pierre Auboiiin et Pierre Emery, I686. 2 vols. paged continuously, [xvii] + 732p. i6mo. GT 814 3 Abendlandische Palistinapilger des ersten Jahrtausends und ihre Berichte. Eine Kulturgeschichtliche Skizze von Dr. ANTON BAUMSTARK. Koln, J. P. Bachem, I906. 8 + 87p. 8vo. GT 377 4 Byron and English interest in the Near East. By WALLACE CABLE BROWN. (Reprinted from Studies in Philology, Univ. of North Carolina, vol. XXXIV, 1937, pp. 55-64). Chapel Hill,N.C. By 233.3 5 English travel books and minor poetry about the Near East, 1775-1825. By WALLACE CABLE BROWN. (Reprinted from Philological Quarterly, vol. XVI, 1937, pp. 249-27I). GT Iooo.o8I 6 The popularity of English travel books about the Near East, 1775-1825. By WALLACE CABLE BROWN. (Reprinted from Philological Quarterly, vol. XV, 1936, pp. 70-80). GT Iooo.o8 i Gennadeion II I 2 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 7 Thomas Moore and English interest in the East. By WALLACE CABLE BROWN. (Extract from Studies in Philology, Univ. of North Carolina, vol. XXXIV, I937, pp. 576-588). Chapel Hill, N.C. By 233.3 8 A reference guide to the literature of travel, including voyages, geographical descriptions, adventures, shipwrecks and expeditions. By EDWARD GODFREY COx. Seattle, University of Washington, I935, I938. 2 vols. [iii] + 40Ip. and [ii] + 59Ip. 8vo. BB 76.12 Vol. I: the Old World. Vol. II: the New World. 9 A history of Persian navigation. By HADI HASAN... With two plates in colour and nine in monotone. London, Methuen & Co., Ltd., (I928). xiv + I76p. 4to. GT 384.32 10 Deutsche Reisende des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. Von VIKTOR HANTZSCH. Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, I895. vii + I40p. 8vo. (Leipziger Studien aus dem Gebiet der Geschichte, Band I, Heft 4). GT 394.8 11 Terrae incognitae: eine Zusammenstellung und kritische Bewertung der wichtigste vorkolumbischen Entdeckungsreisen an Hand der dariiber vorliegenden Originalberichte. Von Dr. RICHARD HENNING... Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1936-38. 3 vols. x + 384p., ix + 399P., x + 389p. Chart. 8vo. GT 380.2 12 British routes to India. By HALFORD LANCASTER HOSKINS... New York, London, Toronto, Longmans, Green and Co., I928. xii + 493p., frontispiece, and io illustrations. 8vo. GT 384.I 13 English travellers of the Renaissance. By CLARE HOWARD. London and New York, John Lane, I9I4. xvii + 233p. Frontispiece and II illustrations. 8vo. GT 812.6 14 In quest of spices. By SONIA E. HOWE. London, Herbert Jenkins, Ltd., (1946). 268p., colored frontispiece, many maps, plates, and illustrations in text. 8vo. GT 384.2 15 Les voyageurs francais dans l'orient europeen. Par N. IORGA. Conferences faites en Sorbonne. (Extraites de la Revue des cours et conferences). Paris, Boivin & Cie; J. Gamber, (I928). i28p. 8vo. GT 812.3 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 3 3 16 Des peilerinages en Terre Sainte avant les Croisades. Pa r LUDovic LALANNE... Paris, Firmin Didot Fre'res, 1845. (Extrait de la Bibliothe'que de l'Ecole de charles, 2e serie, t. II, pp. 1-31.8o GT 376 Useful reviews of the pilgrimages and list of the travelers to the Holy Land from the 3rd century to the iith, with bibliography. 17 Voyages en Levant pendant les XV~e, XVJ~e et XVIJIe sie'cles. Essai de bibliographie par ANDR1t LEVAL... Budapest, Singer et Wolfner, i897. 3oP. 8vo. BB 43 18 French travellers in Greece (I770-1820>: an early phase of French philhellenism. By EMILE MALAKIS. Thesis, University of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, 192,5. 90P. Svo. GT 812.32 19 ~l'ments d'une bibliographie fran~aise de la Syrie (geographie, ethnographie, histoire, arche'ologie, langues, litte'ratures, religions). Re'unis par PAUL MASSON... Marseille, Barlatier, 1919. xix-+ 528p. 4to. BB 58.3 20 Reisen du~rch die Balkan-Halbinsel wthrend des Mittelalters, nach der kroatischen Original-Abhandlung des PETER MATKOVIC. Von Joseph Armin Knapp. (Separatabdruck aus den Mittheilungen der k. k. geographischen Gesellscha It). Wien, Gerold & Comp., i88o. i 63p. 8vo. GT 379.3 21 IEXv4~o~e 453-182I I,"ypoc~s 'FANHI MIXAAOHOYTAOZ. 'AOi~vc(, HRpv~y4,rLx4 AE'aZ4,, 1940. 2oP. Sm. folio. GT 379.7 22 Itine~ra Hierosolymitana et descriptiones Terrae Sanctae bellis sacris anteriora et Latina lingua exarata... Ediderunt AUGUSTUS MOLINJER & CAROLUS KOHLER. II. Itinerum bellis sacris anteriorum series chronologica occidentalibus illustrata testimoniis L. 30-600. Genevae, J. G. Fick, i885. 267P. 8vo. (Publications de la Societe' de I'Orient latin, serie geographique, IV). BH 436 A complete bibliography of the travelers to Palestine during the period, 30-600. 23 Travel and travellers of the Middle Ages. Edited by ARTHUR PERCIVAL NEWTON... London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co.; New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1930. [ix] + 2,23p. Frontispiece and 6 illustrations. 8vo. GT 81i2,.2 Chapters contributed by the editor and other scholars. I[* 4 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 24 Chapters on Mediaeval and Renaissance visitors to Greek lands. By JAMES MORTON PATON; edited by L. A. P. Princeton, N. J., The American School of Classical Studies at Athens, I95I. (Gennadeion Monographs III). xii + 2I2p. 8vo. GT 394.6 Chapters: Turkish Athens; Descriptions and brief notices of Athens; The tomb of Edward Wyche at Herakleia; Rinaldo de la Rue; A visit to Athens in 1699; Athens as seen by travelers under the Acciaioli. Period covered, 9th to I7th centuries. 25 La route des Indes et ses navires. [Par] JEAN POUJADE... Paris, Payot, 1946. 302p., 86 illustrations in text. 8vo. GT 384.3 Les portes de la Mediterranee; La route du Cap; Les aires de navigation dans l'antiquite; Les navires occidentaux et orientaux de la route des Indes; L'interpenetration des formes de bateaux et des techniques de construction navale. 26 The English voyages of the sixteenth century. By WALTER RALEIGH... Glasgow, Jackson, Wylie & Co., I928. 20IP. I2mo. GT 393.5 27 Early English travelers to Greece and the Levant. By WARNER G. RICE. (In Essays and studies in English and comparative literature, by Members of the English Department of the University of Michigan.) Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1933, pp. 205 -260. GT 812.63 28 Bibliotheca geographica Palaestinae: chronologisches Verzeichniss der auf die Geographie des Heiligen Landes beziiglichen Literatur von 333 bis 1878, und Versuch einer Cartographie. Herausgegeben von REINHOLD ROHRICHT... Berlin, H. Reuther, I890. xx + 744p. 8vo. BB 58.2 29 Die Deutschen im heiligen Lande: chronologisches Verzeichniss derjenigen Deutschen, welche als Jerusalempilger und Kreuzfahrer sicher nachzuweisen oder wahrscheinlich anzusehen sind (c. 650-I29I). Von REINHOLD ROHRICHT. Innsbruck, Wagner, I894. iv + I69p. 8vo. GT 378.1 30 Deutsche Pilgerreisen nach dem heiligen Lande. Von REINHOLD ROHRICHT. Neue Ausgabe. Innsbruck, Wagner, Igoo. v + 360p. 8vo. GT 378.2 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 5 31 Travel in the first century after Christ, with special reference to Asia Minor. By CAROLINE A. J. SKEEL... Cambridge, University Press, I90I. I0 + I59p. Map. 8vo. GT 376.1 32 Bibliographia geographica Palaestinae, zunachst kritische Ubersicht gedruckter und ungedruckter Beschreibungen der Reisen ins Heilige Land. Von TITUS TOBLER. Leipzig, S. Hirtzel, I867. iv + 265p. 8vo. BB 58 IB. COLLECTIONS OF VOYAGES ARRANGED CHRONOLOGICALLY I-XVI CENT. 33 The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques & discoveries of the English nation made by sea or over-land to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compasse of these I600 yeeres. By RICHARD HAKLUYT... Glasgow, James MacLehose and Sons, I903. 12 vols. Frontispieces, plates, portraits, maps, plans, facsimiles. 8vo. GT 393.4 This is an exact reprint of the second edition, which was printed at London, in three folio volumes, I598, I599 and I6oo. The first edition appeared in one folio volume in I589. 34 Richard Hakluyt and the English voyages. By GEORGE BRUNER PARKS... Edited with an introduction by James A. Williamson... New York, American Geographical Society, I928. xvii + 289p. 32 maps, plans and illustrations. 4to. (American Geographical Society Publication No. Io). GT 393.45 IV-XI CENT. 35 Itinera Hierosolymitana et descriptiones Terrae Sanctae bellis sacris anteriora & Latina lingua exarata... Ediderunt Titus Tobler & Augustus Molinier. Genevae, J. G. Fick, I879-80. (Publications de la 6 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I Societe de l'Orient latin: serie geographique, I-II). 2 parts, with continuous pagination, lv + 4I8p. A few diagrams in text. 8vo. BH 434 Contains the following: Itinerarium a Bordigala Hierosolymam (333). Peregrinatio S. PAULAE (404). PAULA & EUSTOCHIUM, De locis sanctis (386). S. EUCHERIUS, De locis aliquibus sanctis (c. 444). Breviarius de Hierosolyma (c. 530). THEODOSIUS, De Terra Sancta (c. 530); De situ Terrae Sanctae. ANTONINUS Martyr, Perambulatio locorum sanctorum; De locis transmarinis sacris; Iter ANTONINI martyris. ARCULFUS, Relatio de locis sanctis (c. 670). BAEDA VENERABILIS, De locis sanctis (c. 720). Sanctimonialis Heydenheimensis, Hodoeporicon S. WILLIBALDI (723-726). Itinerarium S. WILLIBALDI. Commemoratorium de casis Dei (c. 808). BERNARDUS monachus Francus, Itinerarium (c. 870). Descriptio parochiae Ierusalem (c. 460). Notitiae Antiochiae ac Hierosolymae patriarchatuum (saec. VI). Qualiter sita est Ierusalem (ante Io96). IV-XV CENT. 36 PALESTINE PILGRIMS' TEXT SOCIETY [Collection of translations of the accounts of early travelers, from the original texts by various scholars]. London, I89I-I897. 13 vols. and I index vol. 8vo. GT 381.1 Contents as follows: Vol. I: The churches of Constantine at Jerusalem; Itinerary from Bordeaux to Jerusalem (333); the pilgrimage of S. SILVIA of Aquitania to the holy places (ca. 385); the letter of PAULA and EUSTOCHIUM to Marcella (386); the pilgrimage of the holy Paula, by St. JEROME. Vol. II: The epitome of S. EUCHERIUS (ca. 440); the Breviary, or short description of Jerusalem; THEODOSIUS on the topography of the Holy Land; the buildings of Jerusalem, by PROCOPIUS; the holy places visited by ANTONINUS Martyr. Vol. III: The pilgrimage of ARCULFUS (ca. 670); the Hodoeporicon of St. WILLIBALD (ca. 754); description of Syria and Palestine, by MUKADDASI (ca. 985 ); the itinerary of BERNARD the Wise (870). Vol. IV: A journey through Syria and Palestine, by NASR-I-KHUSRAU (I047); the pilgrimage of SAEWULF to Jerusalem (II02-3); the pilgrimage of the Russian Abbot DANIEL (II06-7). Vol. V: Description of Jerusalem and the Holy Land by FETELLUS (ca. II30); description of the Holy Land, by JOHN of Wiirzburg (1160-1170); the pilgrimage VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi 7 7 Of JOHANNES PHOCAS (1185); description of the Holy places, by THEODERICH (ca.. 1172); a crusader's letter from the Holy Land (1281). Vol. VI: Anonymous pilgrims; the city of Jerusalem and ERNOUL's account of Palestine (I220); the Guide book to Palestine (ca. 1350); Description of the Holy Land, by JOHN POLONER (ca. 1421).Vols. VII-X: The wanderings of FELIX FABRI (1484). Vol. XI:- Extracts from ARISTEAS, HECATAE US, ORIGEN, St. CYRIL of Jerusalem; the life of St. SABA; DION CASSIUS; the Paschal Chronicle; the Patriarch SOPHRONIUS; the Chronicle of THEOPHANES, and EUTYCHii Annales; JACQUES de VITRY'S History of Jerusalem. Vol. XII: BURcHARD of Mount Sion (1280); MARINO SANUTO, Book III, pt. 14 (1321); LUDOLPH von SUcHEM's Description of the Holy Land (1350). Vol. XIII: The life of Saladin. VIII-XVII CENT. 37 Early travels in Palestine, comprising the narratives of ARCULF, WILLIBALD, BERNARD, SAEWULF, SIGURD, BENJAMIN OF TUDELA, Si r JOHN MAUNDEVILLE, de LA BROCQUIERE, and MAUNDRELL. Edited, with notes, by Thomas Wrigh~t... London, Henry G. Bohn, 1848. xxxi + 57Ip. and map. 8vo. GT 382, VIII-XV CENT. 37a Descriptiones Terrae Sanctae ex saeculo VIII. IX. XII. et XV. S. WILLIBALDUS, Commemoratorium de casis Dei, BERNARDUS MONACHUS, INNOMINATUS VII, JOHANNES WIRZIBURGENSIS, INNOMINATUS VIII, La citez de Iherusalem, JOHANNES POLONER. Nach Hand- und Druckschriften he~rausgegeben von Titus Tobler... Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1874. 539 -4- [i]p. map. I2mo. GT 381.2, XI-XIII CENT. 38 Itine'raires?'a Jerusalem et descriptions de la Terre Sainte re'dige's en fran~ais aux Xle, XIIe, & XIIje sie'cles. Publies par HENRI MICHELANT & GASTON RAYNAUD. Gene've, Jules-Guillaume Fick, 1882. xxxiii -F 282p. 8vo. (Publications de la Societe' de l'Orient latin, se'rie ge'ographique, III). GT 390 vol. III 8 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI Contains the following: Les Saints Lieux d'apre's la Chanson du voyage de Charlemagne 'a Jerusalem (ca. 1075). Patriarchats de Jerusalem et d'Antioche (ca. ii8o). L'estat de la cite' de Iherusalem (ca. I23I).ERNOUL, L'estat de la cite' de Iherusalem (ca. 1231I); fragments relatifs 'a la Gaflee (ca. 1231).Les pelerinaiges por aler en Iherusalem (ca. I23I). PHILIPPE MOUSKET, Description rime'e des Saints Lieux (ca. I24I). Itine'raire de Londres 'a Jerusalem, attribu' 'a MATTHIEU PARIS (ca. 1244). De ROTHELIN, La sainte cite' de Iherusalem... Les chemins et les pelerinages de la Terre Sainte (av. I265). RUSTICIEN de PISE, Voyages en Syrie de NICOLO, MAFFEo et MARCO POLO (1269 -1271).Pelerinages et pardouns d'Acre (ca. 1280). La devise des chemins de Babiloine (I289-I29I). Les casaus de Sur (avi. 1291). XI-XVI CENT. 39 Reyf~buch dess heyligen Lands, das ist emn grundtliche Beschreibung aller und j eder Meer und Bilgerfahrten zum heyligen Lande, so bil3he ro in Zeit dasselbig vofl den Ungliubigen erobert und inngehabt... beneben eyngefifihrter auch eigentlicher Besch~reibung dess gantzen heyligen Lands. Gedruckt zu Franckfort am Mayn im Jar I584 (colophon: du rch Johann Feyerabendt in Ve rlegung Sigmundt Feye~rabendts). 5 + 466 leaves + 6 leaves, title-page in red and black, woodcut heading and elaborate printer's mark at end. Folio. GT 391 Contemporary pigskin elaborately stamped, on oak boards. On the verso of the front cover are painted in colors the arms of a bishop, dated 1604. Contains the following: RUPERTi Abts zu Bergen Beschreibung deB3 gewaltigen Heerzugs der Christen ins H. Landt, 1095. Beschreibung der Meerfahrt Hertzog ALEXANDERS, 1495-1496. Herrn BUGISLAI X. Hertzogen Zn Pommern ReyB, 1496. Herrn JOHANN Graffen zu SOLMS &c. ReyB, 1483. Herrn JOHANN WERLI von ZIMBERN u. and. Wallfahrt, 1484. Herrn ALBRECHTs Graffen zn L6WENSTEIN, &C. Pilgerfahrt zum H. Grab, in Egypten, und zum Berg Sinai, 156i, mit angengtem Bilgerbuch... Herrn JACOB WORMBSERs ReyB, I56i-62. Herrn STEFFANS ZUM G UMPENB URG &c Reyf3... Herrn MELCHIORS von SEYDLITz ReyB uund Bilgerfahirt, 1556-59. Herrn JOHANN von EHRENBERG ReyI3, 1556. LEONHART RAUCHWOLFFEN ReyB... 1573. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi 9 JOHANN TUGHERS von NU~RNBERG ReyB, 1479. JOHANN HELFFRICHS von LEIPZIG ReyB... 1565. I)ANIEL ECKLINS von ARow....... 1552. IierrnIJOHANNis de MONTE VILLA Reysen... Herrn RUDOLPHs Kirchherrn zu S ucHEN &c. ReyB, 1336-1350. Bruder BROCARDS fleissige Beschreibung des gantzen H. Lands... 1283. XII-XIII CENT. 40 Voyages f aits en Te rre-Sainte par THETMAR, en 1217, et par BURCHARD de STRASBOURG, en 1I75, 1189 ou 1225. Par le Baron Jules de Saint-Genois... (Extrait des Me~moires de l'Academie royale de Belgique, XXV). 6ip. GT 427 XII-XV CENT. 41 Voyages faits principalement dans les XII, XII I, XIV, et XV sie'cles, par BENJAMIN de TUDftLE, JEAN du PLAN CARPIN, N. ASCHELIN, GUILLAUME de RUBRUQUIS, MARC PAUL Venitien, HAITON, JEAN de MANDEVILLE, et AMBROISE CONTARINI: accompagne's de 1'histoire des Sarasins et des Ta~rtares, et precede's d'une introduction concernant les voyages et les nouVelles de'couvertes des principaux voyageurs. Par Pierre Bergeron. A la Haye, chez jean Neaulme, 1735. 2 Vols., 5 maps, 7 engravings in text. 4to. GT 384 XII-XVI CENT. 42 Itine'raires russes en Orient. Traduits pour la Societe' de l'Orient latin par Mine B. de Khitrowo. I, ii. Gene've, Jules-Guillaume Fick, i889. 334p. 8vo. (Publications de la Societe' de l'Orient latin, serie ge'ographique, V). BH 437 Contains the following: Vie et pe'lerinage de DANIEL, he'goume'ne russe (ii06-07). Description des Lieux-Saints de Constantinople, par ANTOINE, Archieve'que de Novgorod (1200). Pederinage d'ETIENNE de Novgorod (vers 1350). Pe'lerinage d'IGNACE de Smnolensk (1389-1405). Voyage 'a Constantinople du scribe ALEXANDRE (1393). Pellerinage de l'archimandrite GRETHENIOS (vers 1400). Itine'raire 'a Jerusalem du moine EPIPHANE (vers 1416). Vie et pe'lerinage du diacre ZOSIME (I4I9-I42I). Description de Constantinople (I424-I453). 10 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI Pe'lerinage du marchand BASILE (I465-66). Recit de la Sainte-Montagne d'Athos, par le moine ISAiE (1489). Re'cits de CLIM'ENT et de GREGOIRE (I500-47). Recit de SOPHRONIUS (I547'). Re'cit de 1'heigoume'ne PAYSSIUS (1550). Pe'erinage du marchand BASILE POSNIAKOV (I558-156i). XIII CENT. 43 Relation des voyages en Tartarie de Fr. GUILLAUME de RUBRUQuis, Fr. JEAN Du PLAN CARPIN, Fr. ASCELIN, & autres religieux... qui y furent envoyez par le Pape Innocent IV & le Roy S. Louys; plus, un traicte' des Tartares, de leur origine, moeurs, religion, conquestes... avec un ab~rege' de l'histoire des Sa'rasins et Mahometans, de leurs pays, peuples, religion, guerres... le tout recueilly par Pierre Bergeron, Parisien. A Paris, chez Georges Josse, 1634. 6 unnumbered leaves -F 466p. index. i6mo. GT 383 Rubruquis' journey began from Constantinople, May 7, 1253. Carpin set out, Feb.I1246. Ascelin arrived among the Tartars in Persia in August, 1247. XIII-XVII CENT. 44 Itine'raires de la Terre Sainte, des XIIIe, XIIVe, XVe,XV, et XVIIe sie'le, traduits de l'hebreu, et accompagne's de tables, de cartes et d'&claircissements, par E. CARMOLY... Bruxelles, A. Vandale, I847. xxiv + 572p., Colored map, and illustrations. 8vo. GT 382.3 journeys dated from 1210 to 1641. XIV CENT. 45 Uber altere Pilgerfahrten nach Jerusalem, mit besonde~rer Riicksicht auf Luidol/'s von Suchlen Reisebucli des heiligen Landes. Eine historisch-litterarische Abhandlung, nach Handschriften und alten Drucken, von Dr. FERDINAND DEYCKS... Mtinster, Friedrich Regensberg, i848. 64.p. 8vo. GT 378 XIV.-XVI CENT. 46 Vier rheinische Palaestina-Pilge~rschriften des XIV. XV. und XVI. Jahrhunderts, aus den Quellen mitgeteilt und bearbeitet von VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi I II Ludwig Conrad y... Wiesbaden, Feller & Gecks, 1882. X + 37oP. 8vo. GT 394.2 Contains: i) an anonymous guide book and traveler, 14th cent. 2) a pilgrim's account of the 15th cent. 3) CLAES VAN DUSEN, end of I~th cent., in Dutch. 4) Philipp von HAGEN, Hodoporika, i6th cent. in Latin, with vocabulary. XV-XVI CENT. 47 Viaggi fatti da Venetia alla Tana, in Persia, in India, et in Costantinopoli, con la descrittione particolare di citta', luoghi, siti, costumi, et della Porta del Gran Turco, & di tutte le intrate, spese, & modo di governo suo, & della ultima impresa contra Portoghesi. In Vinegia, (nelle case de figliuoli di Aldo), 1543. i8o numbered leaves. i6mo. GT 389 48 _____.Vinegia, 1545. I63 numbered leaves. i6mo. Bound in ii vol. with P. Jovius, Commenlayii delle cose de Turchi, Vinegia, Aldus,I1541. TH 4 G493 Contemporary red morocco binding, blind and gilt tooling on back and sides, title in gold letters on cover, and in black on the fore-edge. See also No. 66i Voyages made between 1436 and 1538: JOSAPHAT BARBARO to Tana; the same to Persia; AMBROGIO CONTARINI to the Sophi of Persia; ALVIGI Di GIOVANNI in India; the same to Calicut; voyage to Constantinople (7-= Benedetto RAMBERTI, Libri tre delle cose de Turci;- see Nos. I46-7); and an expedition made by Soleyman Pascha against the Portuguese in India in 1538. XV-X VII CENT. 49 Athe~nes aux XVe, XVIe, et XVIIe siekles. Par le Comte de LABORDE... Paris, chez Jules Renouard et Cie, I854. 2 vols. XViii + 276, 392P. 40 plans and illustrations. 8vo. HG 38.1 L 12 Added: Autograph letter of the editor. B. Beule, Athe'nes et les Grecs mode-rnes (extrait Revue des deux miondes, X, 1855, PP. I042-I057). Some of the chapter headings: Topographie d'Athe'nes, ecrite vers 1460 par un voyageur anonyme. Lettres e6crites de Constantinople... en 1578. Plan de la ville d'Athe'nes, dessine' par les Capucins fran~ais vers 1669... Extrait du journal de GALLAND, i672-73. Correspondance et de'peches de NOINTEL, i674-77. 12 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI Biographie de J. CARREY... et quelques renseignements sur ses dessins. Relation de le'tat present de la yulle d'Athe'nes envoye'e de la Smyrne... 1672 par le Peare BABIN. Ce qu'il y a de vrai et de bon 'a consulter dans l'ouvrage intitule' Athe'nes ancienne et moderne par GUILLET. Discours du voyage de Constantinople, par le Seigneur de BORDERIE, 1537. Trois relations du siege d'Athe'nes de lFanne'e 1687 par des officiers qui ont prit part aux operations. Depe'ches de Morosini... Lettre e'crite d'Athe'nes par un officier de l'arme'e venetienne, le 8 juin, i688. Les inscriptions grave'es sur les deux flancs du lion du Pire'e sont-elles grecques on runiques? Correspondance et journal d'ANNA AKERHJELM (letters written in Swedish from Greece, i686-88, by a lady who accompanied the Countess Koenigsmark to Greece at the time of the siege of the Acropolis). Correspondance du CORNETTE HOMBERGK. XV-X VII CENT. 50 Documents ine'dits ou peu connus sur l'histoire et les antiquit's d'Athe'nes, tire's des archives de 1'Jtalie, de la France, de 1'Allemagne, etc. pa r le Cte de LABORDE... Paris, Jules Renouard et Cie, i854. viii + 324p. 3 plates and ii facsimile. 8vo. HG 38.1 L 121 Added: autograph letter of the editor. Contains texts only, with a few notes. XV-XIX CENT. 51 (H X'o tp ~? yz&yp~c xoP L&t6vir6y6o etxoat&5 oXIvoq, ex&36vTwv (PIAIIHOV H. APrENTH xoa.' ZTIA~HQNOZ H1. KTPIAKIAOT. 'Ev 'AO-'~vat, Tunoypoxyseov I~ato, 946. 3 vols. colored frontispiece, plates (some colored), maps, plans, facsimiles, diagrams. Folio. Paged continuously: vol. i: ty' + 597p., vol. 2: 598-I264P., vol. 3: I265-I944P. Text and translation in parallel columns of all available passages in the travelers relating to Chios. The dates given in the title are misleading, the travelers with whom the book is concerned being those of the 15th to the end of the i9th centuries. 52 [Histoire des voyages, par] (ALBERT MONTI~MONT. Paris, Lacour, no date). 4 vols. in:2, with separate paginations for each traveler. Many illustrations. 4to. GT 393.2 Collection of travelers' narratives, covering most of the world, from those of Columbus, I492-I505, to one by Monte'mont himself, in 1852, near the time of publication of the book. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i80o I3 XVI CENT. 53 LES PORTULANS GRECS. Edites par Armand Delatte... Paris, E. Droz, I947. xxii + 399P. large folding map. 8vo. (Bibliotheque de la Faculte de philosophie et lettres de l'Universite de Liege, fascicule CVII.) GT 330.I Contains the text of six Greek portolans of the i6th century. XVI-XVII CENT. 54 An English garner: voyages and travels mainly during the I6th and I7th Centuries. With an introduction by C. RAYMOND BEAZLEY... Westminster, Archibald Constable and Co., I903. 2 vols. xviii + 332p., XXiV + 444P. 8vo. GT 394.5 55 Early voyages and travels in the Levant. I. The diary of Master THOMAS DALLAM, I599-I600. II. Extracts from the diaries of Dr. JOHN COVEL, I670-I679; with some account of the Levant Company of Turkey merchants. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by J. Theodore Bent... London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, I893. xlv + 305p. 8vo. GT 394.5I XVII CENT. 56 Two journies to Jerusalem: containing I. A strange and true account of 2 English pilgrims some years since, and what admirable accidents befel them in their journey to Jerusalem, Gr. Cairo, Alexandria, &c. II. The travels of fourteen Englishmen in I669, to Jerusalem, Bethlem, Jericho, the River Jordan, Lake of Sodom and Gomorrah, &c., with the antiquities, monuments, and memorable places mentioned in Scripture. By T.B. To which are prefixed, memorable remarks upon the antient and modern state of the Jewish nation... together with a relation of the great council of the Jews in the plains of Hungary in I65o, to examine the scriptures concerning Christ, by S.B., an Englishman there present; with an account of the wonderful delusion of the Jews by a false Christ at Smyrna, I666; lastly, the final extirpation and destruction of the Jews in Persia in I666, and the occasion thereof. Collected by R. Burton, and beautified with pictures. The ninth edition. London, printed for A. Bettesworth and J. Hodges, I738. I83p. Engraved frontispiece and 2 illustrations. i6mo. GT 547 14 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 57 A collection of original voyages, containing: I. Capt.CowLEY's voyage round the globe (I683). II. Captain SHARP'S journey over the Isthmus of Darien, and expedition into the South Seas, written by himself (I680). III. Capt. WOOD'S voyage through the Streights of Magellan (I669). IV. Mr. ROBERTS'S adventures among the corsairs of the Levant (I692): his account of their way of living; description of the Archipelago Islands, taking of Scio, &c. Illustrated with severals maps and draughts. Published by Capt. William Hacke. London, James Knapton, I699. [xiv] + 45 + IOO + 53p. and 6 plates. I2mo. GT 393 XVII-XVIII CENT. 58 Voyages en Turquie, en Perse, en Armenie, en Arabie, et en Barbarie. Par un MISSIONAIRE de la Compagnie de Jesus. A Paris, chez Jacques Vincent, (I729). [viii] + 647p. I6mo. GT 767 Accounts of various journeys made by the Jesuit Fathers: Marseilles to Constantinople, Erzerum, Erivan, Chamaki, Ispahan, Tabriz, Trebizond, Babylon. XVIII CENT. 59 Lettres sur Constantinople de M l'Abbe SEVIN... ecrites pendant son sejour dans cette ville; suivies de plusieurs lettres de M PEYSSONNEL... et d'autres savans, ecrites au meme contenant des details curieux sur l'Empire ottoman; on y a joint la relation du consulat de M ANQUETIL a Surate...; un memoire du savant BESCHI, sur le calendrier de l'interieur de l'Inde, revu par Jerome Lalande... Le tout imprime sur les originaux inedits et revu par M l'Abbe Bourlet de Vauxcelles. A Paris, chez Obre et Buisson, An X (I802). xvi + 452p. 8vo. GT 642 First group of letters written in I728-29. Peyssonnel's letters on Crete and the Maina, 1746-1752; I762-63; Leroy's letters, 1754-5; Anquetil's letters, I774-78. II TRAVELERS IN THE NEAR EAST AND ADJACENT REGIONS ARRANGED CHRONOLOGICALLY BY THE DATE OF THE JOURNEY, WHERE KNOWN. IV CENT. 60 ETHItRIE: journal de voyage; texte latin, introduction et traduction de Helene Pey. Paris, E~ditions du Cerf, 1948. (Sources Chre'tiennes.) 284P. Izmo. GT 401.5 This pilgrim was formerly erroneously identified with St. Silvia of Aquitaine. 61 Notice bibliographique critique et ge'ographique, sur l'itin'r aire de Bordeaux 'a Jerusalem. Par C. A. WALCKENAER. A Paris, L.-G. Michaud, I813. 28p. 8vo. GT 379 Account of a journey recorded about 333, and first published at Paris by Pierre Pithou in I588 (1589, Brunet). The above notice has boen inserted in the appendix of Michaud's Histoire des Croisades, Vol. I. 870 62 Voyage de BERNARD et de ses compagnons en ~gypte et en Terre Sainte. Itinerarium BERNARDI SAPIENTIS. (Editum a Francisque Michel). (Extrait du Recueji de voyages et de mcemoiyes Publie' Par la Societe'de geographie, Paris, I839, PP. 78i-815). GT 433 The author started from Rome in the year 870. X CENT. 63 Des peuples du Caucase et des pays au nord de la Mer Noire et de la Mer Caspienne, dans le dixie'me sie'le, ou, Voyage d'ABOUEL-CASSIM. Par M C. D'OHSSON. Paris, chez Firmin Didot Pere et Fils, 1828. XXii +~ 284P. 8vo. GT 1569.1 '5 i6 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi Added: Extract from the Classical Journal, 1829, pp. i68-I76. Account of a journey made by a fictitious traveler, the facts for which have been taken from genuine Arabic sources. 1035-1042 64 Sefer Nameh: Relation du voyage de NASSIRI KHOSRAu en Syrie, en Palestine, en Egypte, en Arabie et en Perse, pendant les annees de l'He'gire 437-444 <1035-I042>. Publie', traduit et annote' par Charles Scheler... Paris, Ernest Leroux, i88i. lviii -1 348 ~[97]P. colored frontispiece and plates. 4to. GT 716.2 1102 65 Relation des voyages de SAEWULF 'a Jerusalem et en TerreSainte, pendant les anne's 1102 et 1103. Relatio de peregrinatione SAEWULFi ad Hierosolyman et Terrain Sanctam annis Dominicae incarnationis MCII et MCIII. (Edita ab Armand d'Avezac. Extrait du Recueji de voyages et de me~moires Publie' par la Socie'te'de geographie, Paris, 1839, PP. 8I7-868). GT I433 1113 66 Pe'lerinage en Terre Sainte de l'goumene russe DANIEL, au commencement du XI~e sie'le <II13-I5>. Traduit pour la premie're fois, accompagne' de notes critiques et suivi du texte russe, collatione'?t la commission arche'ographique d'apre~s trente manuscrits, par Abrahm de orot. St. Petersbourg, Acad'mie imp ile des sciences, 1864. viii + 2I7P. ii photograph, 3 maps. 4to. GT 427 1175 67... Itinerarium D. BENIAMINIS, cum versione & notis Constantini l'Empereur ab Oppyck... Lugd. Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1633. [48] + 234P. index. i6mo. GT 397 Hebrew and German text. Benjamin returned from his travels in 1175, and wrote his book in I178. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I I7 68 Die Reisebeschreibungen des R. BENJAMIN von TUDELA, nach drei Handschriften aus dem 13. und 14. Jahrhundert stammend, und altern Druckwerken ediert und iibersetzt, mit Anmerkungen und Einleitung versehen von L. Griinhut und Markus N. Adler. Jerusalem and Frankfurt, J. Kaufmann, I903. 2 parts in I vol. 28 + 164 and 99p. Map. I2mo. GT 400 Hebrew and German text. 69 The itinerary of BENJAMIN OF TUDELA: critical text, translation and commentary. By Marcus Nathan Adler... London, Henry Frowde, I907. xvi + 94p. and Hebrew text. Map and facsimile. 8vo. GT 40I 70 The itinerary of Rabbi BENJAMIN of TUDELA. Translated and edited by A. Asher. Vol. I. Text, bibliography, and translation.Vol. II. Notes and essays. New York, Hakesheth Publishing Co., no date. ix + i65 + I22p. and xix + 448p. 8vo. GT 40I.2 71 Itinerarium BENIAMINI TUDELENSIS, in quo res memorabiles quas ante quadringentos annos totum fere terrarum orbem notatis itineribus dimensus vel ipse vidit vel a fide dignis suae aetatis hominibus accepit, breviter atque dilucide describuntur. Ex Hebraico Latinum factum Bened. Aria Montano interprete. Antverpiae, ex officina Christophori Plantini, I575. II4p. index. I6mo. GT 396 The first translation into a European language. 72 Voyages de Rabbi BENJAMIN Fils de Jona de TUDELE, en Europe, en Asie, & en Afrique, depuis l'Espagne jusqu'a la Chine; ou l'on trouve plusieurs choses remarquables concernant l'histoire & la geographie & particulierement l'etat des Juifs au douxieme siecle; traduits de l'Hebreu & enrichis de notes & de dissertations historiques & critiques sur ces voyages. Par J. P. Baratier... A Amsterdam, aux depens de la Compagnie, I734. 2 vols. 247P. + index + 377p. in I vol. Portrait frontispiece. I6mo. GT 398 French translation only. 73 Notice historique sur Benjamin de Tudele, par E. CARMOLY; nouvelle edition, suivie de l'examen geographique de ses voyages, 2 Gennadeion II I8 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I par J. LELEWEL. Bruxelles et Leipzig, Kiessling et Compagnie, i852. 36p. and 4IP. and map. 8vo. GT35 Added: notice of Benjamin of Tudela, extract from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. 52, 1842, PP. 552-564. This is not an edition, but two studies of Benjamin's voyages. 74 M~1, nl= Tour du monde, ou, Voyages du Rabbin PE#THACHIA, de Ratisbonne, dans le douzie'me sie'cle; publie's en he'breu et en fran~ais, accompagne's de notes historiques, ge'ographiques et litte'raires. Par M F. Carmoly... Paris, Imprimerie royale, 1831. I22 p. 8vo. GT 395 journey started about 1175; he arrived in Jerusalem before 1187. AFTER 1192 75 Description des lieux saints de la Galilee et de la Palestine [par] ABOUL HASSAN ALY EL HEREWY et extraite de son livre Indications ayant pour objet la connaisance des lieux de pederinage. Traduite par Charles Sche/er... G enes, Imprirnerie de l'institut royal des sourds-muets, i88i. 25P. 8vo. (Extrait des Archives de l'Orient latin, I, i88i, PP. 587-609). GT 7I7 The author was in a caravan that was captured by Richard Coeur de Lion between Cairo and Palestine, June 23, 1192. 1217 76 Mag. THIETMARI peregrinatio <1217>. Ad fidem codicis Hamburgensis cum aliis libris manuscriptis collati edidit annotatione illustravit codicem recensum scripturae discrepantiam indicem rerumi et verborum adiecit J. C. M. Laurent... Hamburgi, Nolte & K6hler, 1857. 8op. 4to. GT 427 1256 77 GUILLAUME de RUBROUCK, ambassadeur de Saint Louis en Orient: recit de son voyage traduit de l'original latin et annote' par Louis de Backer. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1877. xxvii1 + 336p. i6mo. (Bibliothe'que orientale Elze'virienne). GT 792.1I According to one authority, tbe author died at the Monastery of St. jean d'Acre, in 1256. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi I9 1321 78 Christophori Rommel... ABULFEDEA Arabiae descriptio commentario perpetuo illustrata: commentatio in certamine literario civium Academiae Georgiae Augustae... Gottingae, typis Henrici Dieterich, I802. viii + 98p. index. 8vo. GT 719 ISMAEL IBN ALI ABULFEDA, Prince of Damascus, wrotehisbookin 1321 (A. H. 721); this work is an attempt to discover his source material. 1322 79 The voiage and travaile of Sir JOHN MAUNDEVILE, Kt. which treateth of the way to Hierusalem and of marvayles of Inde, with other Ilands and countryes, now publish'd entire from an original MS. in the Cotton Library. London, Woodman and Lyon, and C. Davis, I727. xvi + [8] + 384 + [7]P. 8vo. GT 402 Voyages made I322-I356. 80 The voiage and travaile of Sir JOHN MAUNDEVILE, Kt. which treateth of the way to Hierusalem; and of marvayles of Inde, with other ilands and countryes, reprinted from the edition of A. D. 1725, with an introduction, additional notes, and glossary. By J.O. Halliwell... London, Reeves and Turner, 1883. xxxi + 326p. Frontispiece, woodcuts in text. 8vo. GT 403 81 The voiage and travayle of Sir JOHN MAUNDEVILLE, Knight, which treateth of the way toward Hierusalem and of marvayles of Inde with other ilands and countreys. Edited, annotated, and illustrated in facsimile by John Ashton... London, Pickering and Chatto, 1887. xxiv + 289p. Many woodcut illustrations. 4to. GT 404 Ioo copies printed, of which this is No. II. 82 IOANNE De MANDAVILLA, nel quale si contengono di molte cose maravigliose, con la tavola di tutti i capitoli che nella presente opera si contengono, novamente stampato & ricorretto. In Venetia, I567. Io6 leaves. I6mo. GT 405 Green morocco gilt, extra by Trautz-Bauzonnet. From the Yemeniz library 20 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE r8oI 83 DeB vortrefflich-Welt-erf ahrnen, auch Hoch- und weit-beriihmten Engellindischen Ritters JOHANNIs de MONTEVILLA curieuse ReiB3-Beschreibung, wie derselbe ins gelobte Land Palastinam, Jerusalem, Egypten, Tiirckey, Judaeam, Indien, Chinam, Persien und andere... Kbnigreiche... durchzogen seye. Von ihme seibst in latein und franzdsischer Sprach beschrieben; nunmehr alien Teutschen... zu gutem iibersetzt. Ehmals gedruckt zu Cdlln, j etzt von neuem aufgelegt... im Jahr i692. (No place). 228p. index. Titlepage printed in red and black. i6mo. GT 406 84 De wonderlyke Reize van JAN MANDEVYL, beschrivende eerst de Reize en Geschiedenigze van den H. Lande van Belosten, te Voet, te Paard of ter Zee ende de Gestaltenisze, ende Gelegenheid van den zelven Landen... Te Amsterdam, by d'Erve vander Putte, 1779. 78p. Rude woodcut on title-page. Printed in gothic letter in double column. I2mo. GT 407 85 Die Quellen ffur die Reisebeschreiben des Johann von Mandeville... Vorgelegt von ALBERT BOVENScHEN... Berlin, W. Pormetter, i888. Io5P. 8vo. GT 408 Diss. Leipzig. 1324 86 De MOHAMMEDE EBN BATUTA, Arabe Tingitano eiusque itineribus: commentatio academica... auctor joannes Gothofredus Ludovicus Kosegarten... Tenae, Libreria Crokeriana, i8i8. 51p. 8vo. Diss. Jena University. GT 7I9 Added: two anonymous extracts entitled, The Travels Of EBN BAT UTA: i) from Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, vol. XLIX, I84I, PP. 597-6I5; 2) from the Classical Journal, i829, PP. 309-3i6. Arabic text with Latin translation. The Arab traveler made four pilgrimages to Mecca from his native Tangiers, beginning in I324 (A. H. 725) and covering the Mohammedan countries of the Near and Far East, returning in I349 (A. H.- 750). He set out again in I352 (753 A. HI.) and visited the black tribes in the Soudan. 87 Voyages d' IBN BATOUTAH dans l'Asie Mineure, traduits, de I'Arabe et accompagne's de notes historiques et ge'ographiques, par M De/re'mery... Paris, E. Thunot et Cie, I85I. GT 719 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE r8oi 2 2I 1345 88 Rassegna bibliografica: Libro di Oltremare di Fra NICOL6' d a POGGIBONSI, pubblicato da Alberto Bacchi della Lega, Bologna, i88i. [Da] C. Desimoni. (Estratto dal Giornale Ligustico, XI, i882). 23P. 8Vo. GT 433 Notice of a journey made in I345-46. 1384 89 Viaggio di LiONARDo di NiCCOL6' FRESCOBALDI Fiorentino in Egitto e in Terra Santa, con un discorso deli' editore (Gu glielmo Manzi) sopra deli' commercio degi' Italiani nel secolo XIV. Roma, Carlo Mordacchini, i8i8. xiV + i96p. 8Vo. GT 412 Voyage made in I384. 90 Viaggio di LiONARDo di NICOLO IFRESCOBALDI in Egitto e in Terra Santa con le relazioni del Nilo, del Pretegianni, del Mar Rosso, e della China: operette del C. LORENZO MAGALOTTI preceduto da un discorso sopra ii commercio degl' Italiani nel secolo XIV, di Guglielmo Manzi. Parma, per Pietro Fiaccadori, 1845. xiv + 2I0p. i6mo. (Scelta di elegantissimi scrittori italiani antichi e moderni, volume 66). GT 413 91 Viaggio al Monte Sinai di SIMONE SIGOLI: testo di lingua citato nel vocabolario, ed or per la prima Volta pubblicato, con due lezioni sopra il medesimo, una di Luigi Fiacchi, e l'altra di Francesco Poggi,... e con noti ed illustrazioni di quest' ultimo. Firenze, all' insegna di Dante, 1829. lxi + 286p. Frontispiece. 8Vo. GT 414 Printed on large blue paper, uncut. Journey made in I384. 1395 92 Le saint voyage de Jherusalem, du Seigneur d'ANGLURE. Publie' par Fyan~ois Bonnardot et Auguste Longnon. Paris, Firmin Didot, 1878. lxxViii -F I78p. 8Vo. (Societe' des anciens, textes, fran(;ais). GT 415 Ogier VIII, Seigneur d'Anglure, made the journey in 1395. 22 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 1396 93 The bondage and travels of JOHANN SCHILTBERGER... in Europe, Asia, and Africa, I396-I427. Translated from the Heidelberg Ms. edited in I859 by Karl Friedrich Neumann, by Commander J. Buchan Telfer... with notes by P. Brunn.... and a preface, introduction, and notes by the translator and editor. London, Hakluyt Society, I879. xxxii + 263p. Map. 8vo. GT 416 1403 94 CLAVIJO: Embassy to Tamerlane, 1403-1406. Translated from the Spanish by Guy le Strange, with an introduction. London, George Routledge & Sons, Ltd., (I928). (The Broadway Travellers). xv + 375p. 7 maps and plans. 8vo. GT 793.3 Cadiz, Rhodes, Chios, Mytilene, Troy, Constantinople, Trebizond, Arzinjan, Erzerum, Khoi, Tabriz, Sultanieh, Damghan, Nishapur, Meshed, the Oxus, Samarkand, and return to Seville via Tabriz, Ani, Trebizond, Constantinople and Genoa. 1406 95 CHRISTOPH. BONDELMONTII Florentini, librum insularumArchipelagi, e codicibus Parisinis regiis nunc primum totum edidit, praefatione et annotatione instruxit GABR. RUD. LUDOVICUS de SINNER... Lipsiae et Berolini, G. Reimer, 1824. 263p. 2 colored plates. Large paper, uncut. 8vo. GT 2580 The author was a monk, curate of a church in Florence. According to E. Legrand (see following entry), he set out for Rhodes in 1406, and remained there 8 years, studying the Greek language; then for six years he traveled among the islands, and in 1420 dedicated his work to Card. Orsini. 96 Description des iles de l'Archipel, par CHRISTOPHE BUONDELMONTI: version grecque par un anonyme, publiee d'apres le manuscrit de Serail, avec une traduction franyaise et un commentaire par Er~ile Legrand... Premiere partie, ornee de 52 cartes geographiques. Paris, Ernest Leroux, I897. xl + 259P. 4to. GT 2580.55 All published. 96a The library has also a manuscript of this curious and important work, copied from an archetype now lost, about the year 1520, with 89 colored maps in tlhe text. 4to. MS 71 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 2 23 1412 97 KYRIACi ANCONITANI itinerarium nunc primum ex ins. cod. in lucem erutum ex bibi. illus. clarissimique Baronis Philippi Stosch, editionem recensuit, animadversionibus ac praefatione illustravit, nonnullisque ejusdem Kyriaci epistolis partim editis, partim ineditis, locupletaVit Laurentius Mehus... Florentiae, ex flovo typographio joannis Pauli Giovannelli, 1742. lXXii + 8op. i6mo. GT 400 Stamped in gold with crowned monogram on front cover. journeys begun in 14I12, to Rhodes, Chios, Samos, Miletus, Cyprus, Beirut, Alexandria, Ragusa; 1416, from Messina to Palermo; 1418, from Ancona to Gallipoli and Constantinople; I425-3I, to Constantinople and Chios; I435-38, and I443-47, hie visited Epirus, Arta, and most of the Greek world, with great interest in inscriptions and other antiquities. 98 Commentariorum CYRIAci ANCONITANi nova fragmenta notis illustrata (edidit Hannibal de Abatibus Oliverius). Pisauri, in aedibus Gavelliis, 1763. 10 + 68p. Folio. GT 409.1 99 Lettere inedite di CIRIAco d' ANCONA <I438-I440>. [Pubblicate da] Dott. Medardo Morici. Pistoia, Flori e Biagini, 1896. 3op. 8vo. GT 410 100 Emn Notizbuch des CYRIAcuS VON ANCONA aus dem jahre 1436. Von Dr. Paul Maas. (Sonderabdruck aus Beitrdge zur Studien und Mitteilungen aus dem A ntiquariat Jacques Rosenthal, Folge I, Heft I, PP. 5-I5). Mifinchen, no date. A 817.3 101 Inscriptions grecques provenant du recueil de CYRIAQUE d'ANCONE. Par 0. RIEMANN. (Extrait du Bulletin de Correspondance hellenique, 1877, PP. 8I-I36). A 863 102 Zur Handsch~riftenkunde und Geschichte der Philologie: IV. CYRIACUS von ANCONA ZU Strabon. (Von Richard Foerster. Sonderabdruck aus dem Rheinischen Museum /iir Philologie, Neue Folge, Band LI, PP. 481-491). A 817.2 103 Die Thasiaca des CYRIACUS von ANCONA urn Codex Vaticanus 5250. (Von F. Jacobs. Extract from Mittheilungen des K. deutschen arch. Instituts zu A then, XXILI, 897, PP. II3-I38). A 864 24 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI 104 Cyriacus vonI Ancona als Begriinder der Inschriftenforschung. Von ERICH ZIEBARTH. (Separatabdruck aus Neue jahrbicher fur das klassische AlItertum... V, 1902, Pp. 214-22,6). A 863 1403 AND 1421 105 GUILLEBERT de LANNOY et ses voyages en 1413, I4I4 et 1421; commente's en fran~ais et en polonais par Joachim Lelezwel. Bruxelles, A. Vandale; Poznan (Posen), Nakiadem Ksiegarni J. K. Zupanskiego, I844. In two parts, 46, 94P. map and chart. 8vo. GT4o8 The date of publication appears in the second part, which has a separate title-page in Polish. The text of the voyages appears in the second part, in French and Polish. The Travels of 1413 and I4I4 covered the countries on the southern shores of the Baltic; in 1421 Lannoy undertook a voyage to the Byzantine court at Constantinople. 1418 106 Voyaige d'oultremer en Jhe'rusalem par le Seigneur de CAUMONT, l'an MC CC CXVJIJIL Publie' pour la premie're fois d'apre's le manuscrit du Muse'e Brittanique par le Marquis de la Grange. A Paris, chez Auguste Aubry, i858. xix + I93P. Facsimile. 4to. GT 420 Printed on large blue paper, uncut. Title-page in red and black. 1432 107... Voyage d'outre mer et retour de Jerusalem en France par la voie de terre, pendant le cours des anne'es I432 et 1433, par BERTRANDON de LA BROCQUIE'RE... ouvrage extrait d'un manuscrit de la Bibliothe'que Nationale, remis en fran~ais moderne, et publie' par le citoyen Legrand d'Aussy. Paris, Baudouin, Fructidor, an XII (1804). (M'emoires de lHnstitut national des sciences et Arts; Sciences morales et politiques, PP. 422-637). 4t0. GT 421 Added: Notes sur les miniatures ornant un manuscrit de la Relation du Voyage d'outremer de BERTRANDON de LA BROCQUItRE par M CH. SCHEFER... Paris, Gazette des Beaux-Arts, i891. 7p. i plate. 4to. 108 The travels of BERTRANDON de LA BROCQUIERE, Counsellor and first Esquire-Carver to Philippe le Bon, Duke of Burgundy, to VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi 2 25 Palestine, and his return from Jerusalem overland to France, during the years 1432 & 1433. Extracted and put into modern French... Translated by Thomas Johnes, Esq. Hafod [Cardiganshire], at the Hafod Press, i807. 366p. Map and plate. 8v0. GT 422 109 Voyages du H1PRAUT SAVOYE en France, 'a Chypre, en Sicile, ai Venise, etc., les anne'es 1432 et suivantes; extraits des comptes du Chatelain de St.-Germain en Bugey [R. Masuer]. Publie's par Fran9ois Rabut... (Extrait des Me~moires de la Societe'd'histoire et d'archeologie de Chambe'ry, no date, PP. 391-408). GT 408 1435 110 Andan~as e6 viajes de PERo TAFUR por diversas partes del mundo avidos <I435-I439>. Madrid, Miguel Ginesta, 1874. xxvi + 6i8p. i2mo. GT 422.2 Chss. i-4, Italy; chks. 5-I9, the Near East: Ragusa, Corfu, Modon, Crete, Rhodes, Palestine, Cyprus, Cairo, Mt. Sinai, Alexandria, Constantinople, Chios, Troy, Adrianople, Trebizond, Brussa. 111 PERo TAFUR; travels and adventures, I435-1439. Translated and edited, with an introduction by Malcolm Letts. London, George Routledge & Sons, (1926). (The Broadway travellers). xv + 2,6ip. Frontispiece, 7 illustrations and sketch map. Svo. GT 422.3 112 Pero Tafur, i suoi viaggi e il suo incontro col Veneziano Nico'lo de' Conti. (Da CORNELIo DESIMoNI). Genova, Istituto Sordi-muti, i88i. 24P. 8vo. GT 433 1452 113 Le discours du voyage d'oultremer au tre~s victorieux roi Charles VII, prononce' en 1452, par JEAN GERMAIN, Eve~que de Chalon, publie' d'apre~s le Ms. fran~ais No. 5737 de la Bibliotheque Nationale, par Ch. Scheley... Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1895. 40P. Frontispiece. 8vo. (Extrait de la Revue de lyOrient latin, t. IIIy 1895). GT 433 26 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 1453 114 The diary of JORG von EHINGEN. Translated and edited by Malcolm Letts... London, Humphrey Milford, I929. 7Ip. Frontispiece and ii plates. 4to. GT 422.5 Diary first printed at Augsburg, I600. Journey to Rhodes, the Holy Land and Cyprus, in I453. 1458-1462 115 The itineraries of WILLIAM WEY, fellow of Eton College, to Jerusalem, A. D. 1458 and A. D. 1462; and to Saint James of Compostella, A. D. I456. From the original manuscript in the Bodleian Library. Printed for the Roxburghe Club. London, J. B. Nichols and Sons, I857. xxxii + I64p. 8vo. GT 422.6 116 Map of the Holy Land, illustrating the itineraries of WILLIAM WEY, Fellow of Eton, in 1458 and 1462. In fac-simile from the original in the Bodleian Library. Printed for the Roxburghe Club. London, J. B. Nichols and Sons, I867. 13 + 4p. Map. 8vo. GT 422.61 1461 117 Journal de voyage a Jerusalem de LOUIS de ROCHECHOUART, Eveque de Saintes <146I>. Publie avec une notice sur sa vie, par Camille Couderc... Paris, Ernest Leroux, I893. Io7p. 8vo. (Extrait de la Revue de l'Orient latin, t. I, I893). GT 433 1466 118 Die Fahrt des ATHANASIUS NIKITIN fiber die drei Meere: Reise eines russischen Kaufmannes nach Ostindien, 1466-1472, aus dem Altrussischen iibersetzt, mit Einleitung, Anmerkungen und einer Kartenskizze versehen, von Karl H. Meyer... Leipzig, Paul Schraepler, no date. 47P. I6mo. GT 422.8 1471 119 CATERIN ZENO: Storia curiosa delle sue avventure in Persia tratta da antico originale manoscritto, ed ora per la prima volta VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 27 pubblicata da Vincenzio Formaleoni. In Venezia, presso l'autore, I783. viii + II8p. I6mo. GT 423 Printed on thick paper, with engraved title-page. Zeno was sent as Venetian ambassador to Persia in I47I. 1480 120 LE VOYAGE de la saincte cyte de Hierusalem, avec la description des lieux, portz, villes, citez et aultres passaiges fait l'an mil quatre cens quatre vingtz, estant le siege du grant Turc a Rhodes et regnant en France Loys unziesme de ce nom. Publie par M Ch. Schefer... Paris, Ernest Leroux, I882. xlvii + I52p. 4to. (Recueil de voyages et documents pour servir a l'histoire de la geographie... II). GT 385 1481 121 T'voyage van Mher Joos van GHISTELE... over d'Zee inde landen van Sclavonien, Griecken, Turckyen, Candien, Rhodes, ende Cypers; voorts nock inden lande van Beloften, Assirien, Arabien, Egypten, Ethiopien, Barbarien, Indien, Persien, Meden, Caldeen ende Tartarien; metter gheleghenthede der selver landen ende meer andere plaetsen, insulen ende steden van Europen, Asien ende Affriken... Te Ghendt, by de Weduwe van Gheeraert van Salenson, 1572. [xxii] + 383p. 8vo. GT 424 Account of a voyage begun in I48I, written under the supervision of the traveler by AMBROISE ZEEBOUT, his chaplain and companion. 122 Notice (par A. G. B. SCHAYES) sur un ouvrage flamand, rare et curieux, intitule Voyage van Mher Joos van Ghistele... in den Landen van Sclavonien, Griecken, Turckien [etc.]. (Unidentified extract, 30p.) 8vo. GT 424. I 1489 123 Itinerarium IOANNIS de HESE presbyteri a Hierusalem describens dispositiones terrarum, insularum, montium & aquarum, ac etiam quedam mirabilia & pericula per diversas partes mundi contingentia lucidissime enarrans... Tractatus pulcherrimus de situ& dispositiones regionum & insularum totius Indie, necnon de rerum mirabilium ac gentium diversitate. (Colophon: Expliciunt duo trac 28 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE 18oI tatuli de mirabilibus rerum totius Indie ac principe eo rum P~resbytero Joanne. Impressum Parisius per Robe~rtum Gourmont pro OliVero Senant...) No date. 2,o unnumbered leaves. izmo. GT 426 Printed in Gothic letter, with fine printer's mark at end. The author states at the beginning that he was in Jerusalem in I489. 1490 124 Voyage 'a Jerusalem de PHILIPPE de VOISINS, Seigneur de Montaut. Publie6 pour la Societe' historique de Gascogne, par PH. TAMIZE Y de LARROQ UE.. Paris, Honore' Champion; Auch, Cocharaux Fre'res, i883. 6op. 8vo. GT 433 journey begun April i6, 1490. 1494 125 Viaggio di PIETRO CASOLA a Gerusalemme, tratto dall' autografo esistente nella biblioteca Trivulzio. Milano, Paolo Ripamonti Carpano, 1855. vi + I3Irp. 4to. GT 427 Privately printed for the celebration of a Trivulzio-Lumiarez wedding, and edited by Giulio Porro. Journey probably took place in 1494. 1496 1.26 Die Pilgerfalirt des Ritters ARNOLD von HARFF von Cdln durch Italien, Syrien, Aegypten, Arabien, Aethiopien, Nubien, Palastina, die Tiirkei, Frankreich und Spanien, wie er sie in den jahren 1496 bis 1499 vollendet, besch~rieben und durch Zeichnungen erliutert hat. Nach den altesten Handschriften und mit deren 47 Bildern in Holzschnitt herausgegeben von Dr. E. v)on Groote. C61n, J. M. Heberle, i86o. li + 28op. 47 woodcuts in text. Svo. GT 378 XV CENT. 127 Emn Jerusalem- und Sinaipilger aus Ziurich im 15. jahrhundert, der Predigerm6nch FELIX SCHMID <F. F. F. FELIX FABRI>. Zurich, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi 29 Fasi & Beer, I899. Neujahrsblatt zum Besten des Waisenhauses in Zurich. 6Ip. 4 illustrations, 4to. GT 427 1506 128 The pylgrymage of Sir RICHARD GUYLFORDE to the Holy Land, A.D. I506; from a copy believed to be unique, from the press of Richard Pynson. Edited by Sir Henry Ellis... [London], printed for the Camden Society, I85I. xvi + 92p. Genealogical table, and facsimiles of beginning, colophon and printer's mark of Pynson's edition. 8vo. GT 441 Editor's presentation to Antonio Panizzi on fly-leaf. 1511 129 Viaggio di FRANCESCO GRASSETTO da Lonigo lungo le coste Dalmate, Greco-Venete ed Italiche nell' anno MDXI e seguenti. Venezia, I886. 9Ip. 4to. (R. Deputazione Veneta sopra gli studi di storia patria). GT 470. I 130 Contenta: RICOLDI ordinis praedicatorum contra sectam Mahumeticam non indignus scitu libellus; Cuiusdam diu captivi Turcorum provinciae Septemcastrensis, de vita & moribus eorundem alius non minus necessarius libellus... Adiunctus est insuper libellus de vita & moribus Iudaeorum. (At end of second part): Libellorum de impugnatione legis Turcorum & de moribus vita & nequitia eorum, impressorum Parisiis in officina Henrici Stephani... finis... 1511. 86 leaves, woodcut initials and I illustration. 8vo. TH 4 R 54 1512 131 Le voyage d'outremer <Egypte, Mont Sinay, Palestine> de JEAN THENAUD... suivi de la relation de l'ambassade de DOMENICO TREVISAN aupres du Soudan d'Egypte - 1512 -, publie et annote par Ch. Schefer... Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1884. xc + 297p. 3 illustrations. 4to. (Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir a l'histoire de la geographie... V). GT 386 Thenaud's voyage was made after 1523. 30 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 1517 132 ye oldest diarie of Englysshe travell; being the hitherto unpublished narrative of the pilgrimage of Sir RICHARD TORKINGTON to Jerusalem in I5I7. Edited by W. J. Loftie... London, Field & Tuer, etc., no date. xxxvi + 72p. 24mo. GT 442 1518 133 Viage de Jerusalem de D FADRIQUE ENRIQUEZ de RIBERA, Marques de Tarifa, i otros Caballeros. (At end:) Se imprimio en Madrid, el afio de 1733, en la imprenta de Francisco Martinez Abad. 66p. no title-page. Folio. GT 628.I The journey started from Bornos, in southern Spain, November 24, 1518; the travelers crossed Spain, southern France, Italy via Turin, Milan, to Venice where they took ship. They returned to Seville, Oct. 20, 1520. First edition recorded by Brunet, Lisbon, I580. The above is a reprint made for a collection of travels by Barcia, hence no titlepage. 134 Viage y peregrinacion que hizo y escribi6 en verso Castellano el famoso poeta JUAN DE LA ENCINA, en compaiia del Marques de Tarifa, en que refiere lo mas particular de lo sucedido en su viage, y santos lugares de Jerusalem. Madrid, por Pantaleon Aznar, 1786. iv + I22p. I6mo. GT 698 See No. I33. 1519 134a Heimfahrt von Jerusalem HANS STOCKAR'S von Schaffhausen Pilgers zum Heiligen Grabe im Jahr des Heils 1519, und Tagebuch von 1520 bis I529, mit einem erklarenden Wortregister und Anmerkungen nebst zehen Briefen des Hauptmanns ULRICH HARDER von 1524 und I525, und Ausziigen aus den heiligen Leben von I475. Schaffhausen, Franz Hurter, I839. xiip. + I leaf + 244 + [I]p. plates. I2mo. GT 442.3 1521 135 Relazione di Costantinopoli di Messer MARCO MINIO, Patrizio Veneto, anno MDXXI. Venezia, Alvisopoli, I845. 52p. 8vo. GT 2443.2 The author went from Venice as ambassador to Suleiman II in September 1521. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 3I 1527 136 Viaggio da Venezia al S. Sepolcro, e al Monte Sinai, col disegno delle citta, castelli, ville, chiese, monasterii, isole, porti, e fiumi, che fin la si trovano, ed una breve regola di quanto si deve osservare nel detto viaggio, e cio che si paga da luogo a luogo, si di dazii, come di altre cose. Composto dal R P Fra NOE dell'Ord. di S. Francesco. Aggiuntovi il modo di pigliar le sante indulgenze, e a quali chiese, monasterii, ed altri luoghi siano concesse. Di nuovo aggiuntavi una tavola, che dinota quante miglia sono da luogo a luogo insino a Gerusalemme. In Lucca, per Salv. e Giand. Marese, (senza anno). I92p. many illustrations, I6mo. GT 444 There are a large number of woodcuts in text, showing animals, plants, costumes and views of cities, including double-page views of Corfu, Modon, Candia, Rhodes, etc. In the first edition known to Brunet, (Venice, I566) the author, whose name is given as NOE BIANCO, states in the preface that he made the voyage in 1527. 137 _. In Venetia, presso Domenico Imberti, I609. Pages unnumbered, same woodcuts. I6mo. GT 445 1530 138 Itinerarium der Botschaftsreise des JOSEF von LAMBERG und NICLAS JURISCHITZ durch Bosnien, Serbien, Bulgarien nach Konstantinopel, I530. [Von] Benedict Curipeschitz. Aus einer gleichzeitigen Handschrift neuherausgegeben von Eleanore Grafin LambergSchwarzenberg. Innsbruck, Wagner, I9IO. 83p. 8vo. GT 377 139 De la republique des Turcs, & la oui l'occasion s'offrera, des moeurs & loy de tous Muhamadistes. Par GUILLAUME POSTEL, Cosmopolite. A Poitiers, par Enguilbert de Marnef, 1560. In three parts. [vi] + I27 + 57 + [v] + 90p. 8vo. TH 4 P 851 Bound in richly gilt Italian morocco, early I8th cent. The author was sent by Francois I to collect mss. in the East about I530. He became professor of mathematics and languages at the University of Paris in r538. The second and third parts of the book have separate titles, as follows: Histoire et consideration de l'origine, loy, et coustume des Tartares, Persiens, Arabes, Turcs, & tous autres Ismaelites ou Muhame 32 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi diques, dits par nous Mahometains, ou Sarrazins. A Poitiers, de l'imprimerie d'Enguilbert de Marnef, I560. La tierce partie des orientales histoires, ou est exposee la condition, puissance & revenue de l'Empire Turquesque, avec toutes les provinces & pais generalement depuis 950 ans en Sa par tous Ismaelites conquis... Par GUILLAUME POSTEL, Cosmopolite. A Poitiers, par Enguilbert de Marnef, I560. 139a The library has a second copy..TH 4 P 85 140 Des histoires orientales etprincipalement desTurkes ouTurchikes et Schitiques ou Tartaresques et autres qui en sont descendues: oeuvre pour la tierce fois augmente, et divise en trois parties, avec l'indice des choses les plus memorables y contenues. Par GUILLAUME POSTEL, Cosmopolite, deux fois de la retourne et veritablement informe. A Paris, Hierosme de Marnef et Guillaume Cavellat, I575. [xlvi] + 374P. index. 32mo. TH 4 P 852 Red morocco binding, blind-stamped, gold borders. 1532 141 Le voyage de la Terre Sainte compose par Maitre DENIS POSSOT, et acheve par Messire CHARLES PHILIPPE... Publie et annote par Ch. Schefer... Paris, Ernest Leroux, I890. xv + 350p. 6 illustrations, 3 maps. 4to. (Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir a l'histoire de la geographie... XI). GT 445.5 Journey made in 1532. First published at Paris in I536. 1535-1540 142 NICOLAI CLENARDI peregrinationum, ac de rebus Machometicis epistolae elegantissimae; accessere autem supra priorem editionem aliquot epistolae ut amoenae ita salsae, sed citra gentis alicuius offensionem. Lovanii, apud Martinum Rotarium, I55I. 79 unnumbered leaves, 24mo. GT 446 Letters dated variously from I535 to I540. 143 -. Lovanii, apud Hieronymum Wellaeum, 156I. 67 unnumbered leaves. 24mo. GT 447 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 33 144 Reysen van NICOLAES CLENARD, leeraer in d'Academy van Leuven, wt verscheyde brieven by een versamelt. Vertaelt door Adr. van Nispen. Tot Dordrecht, voor Vincent Caeymacx, 1651. p. 267-297. 32mo. GT 447 The pages of this edition have been closely trimmed, and are apparently extracted from a larger book. 1537 145 Questo sie uno libro che fu trovato dapoi la morte dil Signore ALUIXE GRITTI fiol del Principe di Venetia el qual degiara tutto il governo dil Gran Turcho & tutta la spesa che il Gran Turcho a sotto di lui codi in pace como di guerra, & il numero de le persone & nome & governo de le sue donne & garzoni che lui tene nel Saraglio serati & de tutta la entrata che lui a alano et nomina tutti li signori de le sue provincie e il nome de tutte le sue terre che la sotto Se & la ordinanza dil suo campo quando va a la guerra como va in ordenanza tutte le persone a sorte per sorte & come vano e che arme portano. Novamente stampato. (At end: impresso in Milano, per Francesco Cantalovo & Nocento da Cigognera, I537). I2 leaves. 24mo. TH 4 G 87 At the end there is this statement: "Questo libro e statto cavatto da Ionus Bei, il qual era Greco & hora e Turco & e interpetro grande dil Signor & dal Signor ALUIXE GRITTI fiol dil duxo di Venetia & tutto e vero." 1539 146 Libri tre delle cose de Turci [da BENEDETTO RAMBERTI]. Nel primo si descrive il viaggio da Venetia a Costantinopoli, con gli nomi de luoghi antichi & moderni; nel secondo la Porta, cioe la corte de Soltan Soleymano, Signor de Turchi: nel terzo il modo del reggere il stato & imperio suo. (At end: In Vinegia, in casa de' figliuoli di Aldo, I539). 37 leaves. 24mo. TH 4 R I6 Reprinted at the same press in 1543 and I545 is a collection entitled "Viaggi fatti da Vinetia alla Tana... et in Costantinopoli," etc. See Nos. 47-8. 147. In Vinegia, in casa di Maestro Bernardin Milanese, I54I. 37 leaves. I6 mo. TH 4 R 161 3 Gennadeion II 34 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi 1544 148 Itine'raire de JE~ROME MAURAND d'Antibes 'a Constantinople <1544>: tex epute italien publi' ou la premi're fois avec une introduction et une traduction, par Le~on Dorez. Paris, Ernest Leroux, 1901. lVii + 378p. Frontispiece and 20 plates. 4to. (Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir 'a. l'histoire de la geographie... XVII). GT 385 1545 149 Hodoeporici Byzantini libri III, autore HUGONE FAVOLIO. Lovanii, excudebat Servatius Sassenus, 1563. io6p. index. Printer's mark on title-page, and 2woodcut illustrations. i6mo. C1T 449 Account in hexameter verse of a voyage made by the author in 1545, to Constantinople. 150 The second book of NICANDER Nuclus of Corcyra. Edited from the original Greek Ms. in the Bodleian Library, with an English translation, by the Rev. J. A. Cramer... London, printed for the Camden Society, 1841. xxvii + I26p. 8vo. GT 449.2 The whole account occupies three books; this book describes the journey of the author to England in 1545. 151 T-0v ( 7o8-Lt~v ANAPONIKOT TOT NOTrKIOY Kzpxupoc~ou zeoxo.cm OH ' — 717 'ToU XYo u IF'. REPyvo t'zwa''v '~r a'6p-~atv '4 qv "'rsr I537 7roopxtoc4 -r~ KepwxSpaq, vi5v ntp~ov e'x~oOe'vrt e C&VTypMcpouT7qA~poa qBPtO "Ev Kepx~pc~, Tuvtoypocye~ov,,'O Koc~tiriq", i865. i6p. 8vo. GT 449.2 152 NICANDRi Nucii fragmentum Franciscus Eyssenhaydt ex codice Ambrosiano exscripsit. Hamburg, Th. G. Meissner, 1882. Programm. i12p. 4to. GT 449.3 1546-1549 153 Les observations de plusieurs singularitez et choses me'morables, trouve'es, en Gre'e, Asie, lude'e, Egypte, Arabie, & autres, pays estranges, r~edige'es en trois livres, par PIERRE BELON du Mans... Le catalogue contenant les plus notables choses de ce present livre, est en l'autre part de ce fueillet. A Paris, Guillaume Cavellat, I53 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i80o 35 [xxiii] + 2Iip. Many woodcut illustrations and initials. Title-page with printer's mark for each book, and mark at end. 8vo. GT 486 Printed with italic type, on wide paper, within red ruled lines. Belon was a botanist and naturalist who made his journeys in I546-I549. 154 __ _.. Reveuz de nouveau & augmentez de figures... I555. [xxiii] + 2I2p. Title within wide woodcut border, many woodcut engravings and initials in text, and folding woodcut of Mt. Sinai; also portrait of the author. 8vo. GT 487 Printed in italic type. 155. ___.... Reveuz de rechef, & augmentez de figures, avec une nouvelle table de toutes les matieres traictees en iceux. En Anvers, Christofle Plantin, I555. [8] + 375 leaves. Index. Portrait of author on leaf 8; many illustrations in text, folding plate of Mt. Sinai, and printer's mark on title-page. I6mo. GT 489 Printed in italic type. 156.. Paris, chez Hierosme de Marnef, & la vefve Guillaume Cavellat, I588. [91 leaves. Index. 468p. Portrait of author, many illustrations, 2 folding plates. 8vo. GT 488 157 PETRI BELONII Cenomani plurimarum singularium & memorabilium rerum in Graecia, Asia, Aegypto, Iudaea, Arabia, aliisque exteris provinciis ab ipso conspectarum observationes tribus libris expressae. Carolus Clusius Atrebas e Gallicis Latinas faciebat. Antverpiae, ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1589. [xvi] + 495p. Many illustrations in text. I2mo. GT 493 158 Portraits d'oyseaux, animaux, serpens, herbes, arbres, hommes et femmes, d'Arabie & Egypte, observez par P. BELON du Mans, le tout enrichy de quatrains, pour plus facile cognoissance des oyseaux, & autres portraits; plus y est adiouste la carte du Mont Attos, & du Mont Sinay, pour l'intelligence de leur religion. A Paris, chez Guillaume Cavillat, I557. [Io] + 122 + 2 leaves. 216 woodcut illustrations, portrait of author, title in woodcut border. 8vo. GT 490 The plates of Athos and Sinai are lacking. The quatrains are supposed to have been composed by G. Aubert of Poitiers, who has signed the quatrains that accompany the author's portrait. 5* 36 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 159 P. BELLONII Cenomani De admirabili operum antiquorum et rerum suspiciendarum praestantia liber primus. De medicato funere, seu cadavere condito, & lugubri defunctorum eiulatione, liber secundus. De medicamentis nonnullis, servandi cadaveris vim obtinentibus, liber tertius... Parisiis, apud Benedictum Prevost, I553. 5 leaves, index. 54 leaves. index. 8vo. GT 49I 160 P. BELLONII Cenomani De arboribus coniferis, resiniferis, aliis quoque nonnullis sempiterna fronde virentibus, cum earundem iconibus ad vivum expressis; item de melle cedrino, cedria, agarico, resinis, & iis quae ex coniferis proficiscuntur... Parisiis, apud Benedictum Prevost, I553. [8] + 32 leaves, 5 woodcuts with many initials. 8vo. GT 49I 161 PETRI BELLONII Cenomani medici De neglecta stirpium cultura, atque earum cognitione libellus: edocens qua ratione silvestres arbores cicurari & mitescere queant. Carolus Clusius Atrebas e Gallico Latinum faciebat. Antverpiae, ex officina Christophori Plantini, I589. 87p. I2mo. GT 493 1547 162 Le discours du voyage de Venise a Constantinople, contenant la querele du Grand Seigneur contre le Sophi, avec elegante description de plusieurs lieux, villes, & citez de la Grece, & choses admirables en icelle. Par Maistre IAQUES GASSOT... Paris, Antoine le Clerc, I550. 34 leaves. I6mo. GT 450 Account beginns Dec. 15, 1547, and ends at Aleppo, Dec. 5 of the following year. 1551 163 Les navigations, peregrinations et voyages, faicts en la Turquie, par NICOLAS NICOLAY Daulphinoys Seigneur d'Arfeville, valet de chambre & geographe ordinaire du Roy de France, contenants plusieurs singularitez que l'autheur y a veu & observe, le tout distingue en quatre livres; avec soixante figures au naturel tant d'hommes, que de femmes selon la diversite des nations, leur port, maintien, habits, loyx, religion & fa~on de vivre, tant en temps de paix comme de guerre, avec plusieurs belles & memorables histoires advenues en VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 37 nostre temps. En Anvers, par Guillaume Silvius, I577. [xxii] + 308p. index. 8vo. GT 481 The journey began toward the end of May, I55I. First published, Lyon, I567. 164 Der erste (ander, dritte, vierdte) Theyl von der Schiffartund RayB in die Tiirckey unnd gegen Oriennt beschriben durch Herrn NICLAS NICOLAI, Kammerling und Geographum des Kunigs inn Frannckreich; mit sch6nen Figuren wie beede Mann- unnd Weibirei Landtsart nach bekleydet sey, erst aus der frantzosischen Sprach in die Teutsche... (At end: Gedruckt zu Niirnberg durch Dieterich Gerlatz), 1572. [2] + Io8 leaves. Title in red within elaborate woodcut border. 60 full-page engravings. Folio. GT 479 165 De schipvaert ende reysen gedaen int landt van Turckyen deur N. de NICOLAY Dolphinois, Heere van Arfeville, ende ordinaris Landt-beschryver des Conincks van Vranckrijck: inhoudende vele enn diversche notable dingen... Alles gedeelt in vier boecken, met eenensestich figuren... T'Antwerpen, by Willem Silvius, I576. [vi] + 325p. index. I2mo. Gothic letter. GT 482 Many of the plates are signed with the engraver's initials. 166 Vier Biicher von de Raiss und Schiffart in die Turckey beschrieben durch Hern N. NICOLAI... Mit ein unnd sexich Man unnd weibliche Figuren... Neben Anzeigung etlicher namhaftiger Geschichten bey unsern Zeiten geschen. Zu Antorff, durch Wilhelm Silvium, I577. [v] + 3I5p. I2mo. GT 483 167 Le navigationi et viaggi nella Turchia, di NICOLO de NICOLAI del Delfinato... novamente tradotto di francese in volgare, da Francesco Flori, da Lilla, arithmetico, con sessanta figure al naturale... In Anversa, appresso Guiglielmo Silvio, I577. [xii] + 328p. index. 8vo. GT 484 168 Le navigationi et viaggi fatti nella Turchia, di NIccoLo de' NICOLAI del Delphinato... con diverse singolarita viste, & osservate in quelle parti dall' autore. Novamente tradotto di Francese in Italiano da Francesco Flori... con sessantasette figure naturali... Con due tavole, l'una de' capitoli, & l'altra delle materie principali. In Venetia, presso Francesco Ziletti, I580. Index. [viii] + I92p. Folio. GT 480 38 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8o0 169 The navigations, peregrinations, and voyages, made into Turkie by NICOLAS NICHOLAY Daulphinois, Lord of Arfevile, Chamberlaine and Geographer ordinarie to the King of Fraunce: conteining sundry singularities which the author hath there seene and observed; devided into foure bookes, with threescore figures, naturally set forth as well of men as women, according to the diversitie of nations, their port, intreatie, apparrell, lawes, religion and maner of living, aswel in time of warre as peace, with divers faire and memorable histories happened in our time. Translated out of the French, by T. Washington the younger. London, Thomas Dawson, I585. [v] + I63p. index. I2mo. GT 485 170 The navigations, peregrinations and voyages made into Turky, by NICHOLAS NICHOLAY Daulphinois... Geographer in ordinary to the King of France; containing sundry singularities which the author hath there seen and observed; divided into four books, with divers fair and memorable histories which happened in our time. Translated out of the French, by T. Washington the younger. (No place nor date). Folio. [Harleian voyages, vol. I, pp. 554-708]. GT 394 1553 171 HANS DERNSCHWAM'S Tagebuch einer Reise nach Konstantinopel und Kleinasien <I553-I555> nach der Urschrift im FuggerArchiv herausgegeben und erlautert. Von Franz Babinger. Miinchen und Leipzig, Duncker & Humblot, I923. xxxvi + 3I4P. 55 illustrations in text. 8vo. GT 450.I 172 The travels and adventures of the Turkish Admiral SIDI ALI REIS, in India, Afghanistan, Central Asia, and Persia, during the years I553-I556. Translated from the Turkish, with notes by A. Vambery. London, Luzac & Co., I899. xviii + I23p. I2mo. GT 450.2 1554 173 Itinera Constantinopolitanum et Amasianum ab AUGERIO GISLENIO BUSBEQUII, &c. D. ad Solimannum Turcarum Imperatorem C. M. oratore confecta. Eiusdem BUSBEQUII De acie contra VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 39 Turcam instruenda consilium. Antverpiae, ex officina Christophori Plantini, 1581. I67p. I6mo. BG I03 First edition. Account written in a letter dated Vienna, March 13, I554. The author was long in the diplomatic service of the Holy Roman Emperor. 174 AUGERII GISLENII BUSBEQUII D. legationis Turcicae epistolae quatuor, quarum priores duae ante aliquot annos in lucem prodierunt sub nomine Constantinopolitani & Amasiani. Adiectae sunt duae alterae. Eiusdem de re militari contra Turcam instituenda consilium. Parisiis, ex officina Plantiniana, I595. I86 leaves. I6 mo. BG I04 175 AUGERII GISLENII BUSBEQUII D. legationis Turc. epistolae IV, eiusdem De re militari contra Turcam consilium & Solimanni Turc. Imp. legatio ad Ferd. I. Imp. Rom. in quibus mores, et res a Turcis per septennium gestae; a RAPHAELE SADELERO imaginibus exornata et venum proposita. Monaci, I620. 54Ip. index. Printer's mark, and several engravings. 32mo. BG I05 176 A. GISLENII BUSBEQUII omnia quae extant. Amstelodami, ex officina Elzeviriana, I66o. 575P. index. engraved title-page. 32mo. BG I07 Bound in dark green morocco, inside gilt borders. 177 AUGERII GISLENII BUSBEQUII Omnia quae extant: I. Legationis Turcicae epistolae quatuor. II. Exclamatio sive De re militari contra Turcam instituenda consilium. III. Solimanni Turcarum Imp. legatio ad Ferdinandum Roman. Caesarem an. MDLXII. IV. BusBEQUII legationis Gallicae ad Rudolphum II Imp. epistolae LIII. Praemissa est vita auctoris. Summa cum fide ac diligentia denuo recognita & aucta locupletissimo indice. Basileae, typis Jo. Brandmulleri, I740. [viii] + 556p. i6mo. BG I07.I 178 AUGERII GISLENII BUSBEQUII omnia quae extant. Pestini, typis Francisci Antonii Eitzenberger, (I758). [xxvi] + 348p. index. 8vo. BG Io8 179 Den Kaizarlijkken Gezant, AUG. GISLEEN BUSBEEQ, aan den grooten Soliman. Vertaald doorAdriaan van Nispen. Tot Dordregt, voor Abraham Andriessz, 1652. 47Ip. index, engraved frontispiece, portrait and 4 plates. 32mo. BG Io6 40 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 180 AUGERII GISLENII von BUSBECK Vier Sendschreiben der Tiirkischen Bottschaft, welche von dem R6m. Keyser Ferdinand dem I. an Solimann, damaligen Tiirkischen Keyser ihm aufgetragen worden; darinnen viel politische Lehren... denen beygefiiget eine Beschreibung seiner absonderlichen Reis von Constantinopel nach Amasien; ein Bedenken von Anstellung und Fortsetzung des Tiirkenkriegs; samt des Tiirkischen Abgesandten Relation... alles aus dem Lateinischen geteutschet mit sch6nen Kupfern, Tiirkischer Landkarte, nothwendigen Anmerkungen und Register geziert und verbessert. Niirnberg, Michael und Joh. Friederich Endters, I664. xii + 896p. index. Engraved frontispiece and many plates. 24mo. BG Io9 181 The four epistles of A. G. BUSBEQUIUS concerning his embassy into Turkey, being remarks upon the religion, customs, riches, strength and government of that people; as also a description of their chief cities, and places of trade and commerce; to which is added, his advice how to manage war against the Turks. Done into English. London, printed for J. Taylor, and J. Wyat, I694. [vi] + 420p. i6mo. BG III 182 Travels into Turkey: containing the most accurate account of the Turks and neighboring nations, their manners, customs, religion, superstition, policy, riches, coins, &c., the whole being a series of remarkable observations and events, interspers'd with great variety of entertaining incidents never before printed. Translated from the original Latin of the learned A. G. BUSBEQUIUS, with memoirs of the life of the illustrious author. London, J. Robinson and W. Payne, I744. iv + 290p. I2mo. BG II2 183 Lettres du Baron de BUSBEC, Ambassadeur de Ferdinand I, Roy des Romains, de Hongrie &c. aupres de Soliman II, Empereur des Turcs... traduites en francois avec des notes historiques & geographiques, par M l'Abbe de Foy... A Paris, chez Claude JeanBaptiste Bauche, et Laurent d'Houry, I748. 3 vols. xxx + 263, 433, and 349P. I6mo. BG IIO 184 The life and letters of OGIER GHISELIN de BUSBECQ, Seigneur of Bousbecque, Knight, Imperial Ambassador, by Charles Thornton VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI 4 4I Forster... and F. H. Blackburne Daniell... London, C. Kegan Paul & Co., i88i. 2 Vols. 418 and 34Ip. 2 frontispieces and plate. 8vo. BG "I3 185 Etudes sur l'ambassade d'AUGER de BoUSBECQUEs en Turquie. Par M A lbert Dupuis... Lille et Paris, 1863. (Extrait des Memoires de la Societe' Impe'riale des Sciences, de l'Agriculture et des Arts de Lille, 1862, PP. 439-487.) BG 114 186 BUSBEEKs Erlebnisse in der Tiirkei in den Jahren 1553-I562, nach semnen Briefen dargestellt. Von A. Viertel. Beilage zum Jahresbericht des kdnigl. Gymnasiums zu G&~tingen, 1902. G6ttingen, Louis Hofer, 1902. 4IP. 8vo. BG 114 187 Notice sur OGIER de BUSBECQ. Par Ed. Morren... Deuxie'me edition. Liege, chez lFauteur, 1875. i6p. portrait. 8vo. BG 114 188 De legationibus AUGERII GiSLENii BUSBEQUII in Turciam a Ferdinando I Austriaco ad Suleimannum missi K<1554-I562 >. Thesim Facultati litterarum in Universitate Parisiensi proponebat L. Peytraud... Parisiis, Hachette, 1897. viii + 74p. 8vo. BG 114 189 Cosmographie de Levant, par F ANDRI, THE VET, d'Angoulesme, revue & augmente& de plusieurs figures. A Lion, par Jean de Tournes, 156 2i8p. index. 34 woodcut illustrations in text; title in fine woodcut border. 8vo. GT 495 First edition, Lyons, 1554. Undated journey to Constantinople and the Holy Land. Illustrations and descriptions often highly imaginative. 1556 190 Reyf3beschreibung dess gestrengen und besten Herrn WOLFFGANG MtYNTZERS von Babenberg, Ritters &c., von Venedig auI3 nach Jerusalem, Damascum und Constantinopel, und dann wider nacher Venedig: darinnen die Gelegenheit derselben LUnder, innwohnenden Vdlcker, Sitten und Gottesdienst, &c. innsonderhieit die eygendliche Beschaffenheit dess H. Grabs., und anderer Oerter begriffen und vermeldet; ingleichen wie er MtYNTZER bey 3. Jarlang in der Tiirckey gefangen gewesen, was er daselbst in wdrender Dienstbarkeit auI3 - 42 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi gestanden, endlichen durch Gottes gnadige und wunderliche Vorsorg zur erwiinschter Freyheit wider gelanget... Niirnberg, gedruckt und verlegt durch Ludovicum Lochnern, 1624. Table of contents, I27p. Portrait and folding plate. I2mo. GT 451 Journey made in I556. 1563 191 CHRISTOPHORI FURERI ab Haimendorf, Equitis aurati... Itinerarium Aegypti, Arabiae, Palestinae, Syriae, aliarumque regionum orientalium; addita est oratio funebris & carmina exsequalia piis manibus summi viri scripta... Norimbergae, ex officina. Abrahami Wagenmanni, 1620. [xiv] + II8p. + index. Engraved portrait and insignia of author. 4 engraved folding plates. 8vo. GT 452 Enclosed in a separate vellum cover are the original4 copper plates to accompany this volume. Journey made in I563-I565. 192 CHRISTOPHERS FURERS von Haimendorff Ritters... ReisBeschreibung in Egypten, Arabien, Palastinam, Syrien, etc., mit beygefiigter Landtafel und derselben Erklarung; sambt kurtzem Anhang JACOB FURERS von Haimendorff, seines Bruders, Constantinopolitanischer Reise. Niirnberg, Wolffgang Endter, I646. xvii + 384p. + index. Folding map, 2 portraits, and 4 folding plates as in the foregoing. I2mo. GT 453 1566 192a EDWARD WEBBE, Chief Master Gunner, his travailes, I590. Edited byEdward Arber... Westminster, A. Constable and Co., I902. (English reprints.) 40p. i6mo. GT 467 The account begins in the year I566. The itinerary is given in the title to the I590 edition: The rare and most wonderful thinges which EDWARD WEBBE an Englishman borne, hath seene and passed in his troublesome travailes, in the Citties of Ierusalem, Dammasko, Bethelem and Galely: and in the Landes of Iewrie, Egipt, Grecia, Russia and in the Land of Prester Iohn. Wherein is set foorth his extreme slaverie sustained many yeres togither, in the gallies and wars of the Great Turk against the Landes of Persia, Tartaria, Spaine, and Portugall... VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 43 1573 193 Voyage du Levant de PHILIPPE Du FRESNE-CANAYE <I573>. Publie et annote par M H. Hauser... Paris, Ernest Leroux, I897. xxxvii + 332p. + 2 leaves. Folding map, frontispiece and plate. 4to. (Recueil de voyages et de documents pour servir a l'histoire de la geographie... XVI). GT 387 194 Beschreibung der Reisen des REINHOLD LUBENAU. Herausgegeben von W. Sahm. K6nigsberg i. Pr., Ferd. Beyers Buchhandlung, I912-30. 2 parts, issued in 5 fascicles, xiii + 321 + 339p. GT 498.2 The account covers the years I573-89. Journeyed through most of central Europe, down the Danube to Constantinople, Brussa, Nicaea, Nicomedia; later to Troy, Negroponte, Athens, Nauplia, Tunis, Alexandria, Cyprus, Rhodes, Chios, Cyclades, Venice and Italy. 195 A description of Athens in 1588. By C. G. Lowe. (Reprinted from Classical Studies presented to Edward Capps, Princeton, I936, pp. 233-242). GT 2150.2 An account of the Journal of REINHOLD LUBENAU. 196 LEONHARTI RAUWOLFEN der Artzney Doctorn, und bestelten Medici zu Augspurg aigentliche Beschreibung der Rai3 so er vor diser Zeit gegen Auffgang inn die Morganlander, fiirnemlich Syriam, Iudaeam, Arabiam, Mesopotamiam, Babyloniam, Assyriam, Armeniam &c. nicht ohne geringe Miihe unnd grosse Gefahr selbs volbracht... Alles in drey underschidliche Thail mit sonderem FleiB abgethailet... (At end: Getruckt zu Laugingen, durch Leonhart Reinmichel), 1582. xiii + 487p. In 3 parts, with separate title-page and woodcut for each, but with continuous pagination. 8vo. GT 454 Bound in stamped pigskin over oak boards, with brass corners and clasps. On inside cover, a former owner, Kilian Meule, states that he purchased this book in I583; on I6 added leaves at end, he has made extensive notes, expounding Lutheran doctrines. Journey made in I573. 1575 197 Relazione di CARLO RANZO, gentil'huomo di Vercelli, d'un viaggio fatto da Venetia in Constantinopoli; ritornato, che fu dalla 44 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8OI battaglia navale assai curioso per i molti accidenti occorsi, ove si possono imparare stratagemme di guerra, humori d'huomini, e diversita di genti, & di paesi. In Torino, per li fratelli di Cavaleri, I616. 88p. 8vo. GT 455 The author left Venice on a mission to Constantinople, May 3, I575. 1577 198 Ein newe ReyBbeschreibung auB Teutschland nach Constantinopel und Jerusalem, darum die Gelegenheit derselben Lander, Stadt, Flecken, Gebew, etc., der innwohnenten V6lcker Art, Sitten, Gebreuch, Trachten, Religion, und Gottesdienst, etc., insonderheit die jetzige ware Gestalt deB H. Grabs, der Stadt Jerusalem, und anderer heiligen Oerter... deBgleichen deB Tiirckischen Reichs Gubernation, Policey, Hofhaltung... Mit hundert sch6nen newen Figuren, dergleichen nie wird gewesen sein, in III. unterschiedlichen Biichern auffs fleif3igst eigner Person verzeichnet und abgerissen, durch SALOMON SCHWEIGGER, damal Diener am Evangelio fibers dritt Jar zu Constantinopel, etc., dieser Zeit aber Prediger der Kirchen zu unser Frawen inn Niirnberg... Nfirnberg, (Johann Lantzenberger), I608. [xliv] + 34IP. More than Ioo woodcuts in text, portrait, coat of arms, title-page in red and black. I2mo. GT 50I Journey begun from Vienna, Nov. o1, I577. 199 _. Zum vierdtenmal gedruckt zu Niirnberg durch Chr. Lochner, 1639. [xliv] + 340p. Engraved portrait of author, arms, and all the other illustrations of the previous edition. Title-page in red and black. I2mo. GT 502 Roll-stamped pigskin binding over oak boards, with clasps. 1579 200 Orientalische ReyB deB edlen unnd besten HANSS JACOB BREUNING von und zu Buochenbach so er selbander in der Tiirckey under deB Tiirckischen Sultans Jurisdiction und Gebiet so wol in Europa als Asia unnd Africa ohn einig Cuchium oder FreyGleit, benantlich in Griechenland, Egypten, Arabien, Palestina, das Heylige Gelobte Land und Syrien, nicht ohne sondere grosse Gefahr vor dieser Zeit verrichtet; alles in fiinff underschiedliche Meerfahrten dispo VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 45 nirt und abgetheylet... Mit angehenckter summarischerComputation aller Meylen... Strassburg, Johann Carolo, I612. 15 unnumbered leaves, 289p. index. Title within woodcut border preceding each of the five sections; engraved portrait of author on back of 2nd leaf, and his arms on 8th leaf. Many illustrations in text. 4to. GT 457 Journey made in I579. 201 Twee reysen van JOHAN NEWBERIE, de eene na het Heyligland, en de andere na Balsara, Ormus, Persien, en weder na huys door Turkyen; gedaan anno 1579, en vervolgens. Mitsgaders de Scheeps togt van PETRO SARMIENTO, naar de Straat van Magellan, van Lima door de Zuyd-Zee bevaren, anno I579... Te Leyden, by Pieter van der Aa, I706. 5 leaves in 20 columns, 2 engravings in text, I map. Folio. GT 456 The second part mentioned in the title is not included. 202 CARLIER de PINON, voyage en Orient. Publie avec des notes historiques et geographiques, par E. Blochet. Paris, Ernest Leroux, I920. 322p. 2 maps. 8vo. (Extrait de la Revue de l'Orient latin, tome XII, pp. 112-203; tome XIII, pp. 6I-I97). GT 457I. Journey made in I579 from Venice, with J. J. Bruening: Valona, Corfu, Zante, Constantinople, Rhodes, Alexandria, Cairo, Mt. Sinai, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Tripoli, Damascus, Lebanon, Cyprus. 1581 203 Peregrinations du S. JEAN PALERNE, Foresien... ou est traicte de plusieurs singularites, & antiquites remarquees es provinces d'Egypte, Arabie deserte & pierreuse, Terre Saincte, Surie, Natolie, Grece, & plusieurs isles tant de la Mer Mediterranee que Archipelague; avec la maniere de vivre des Mores & Turcs & de leur religion; ensemble un bref discours des triomphes & magnificences faictes a Constantinople... Plus est adiouste un petit dictionaire en langage francois, italien, grec vulgaire, turc, moresque ou arabesque, & esclavon, necessaire a ceux qui desirent faire le voyage. A Lyon, Jean Pillehotte, I606. 554p. index. 24mo. GT 458 Journey made in 1581. 46 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 1582 204 Ierosolymitana peregrinatio illustrissimi principis NICOLAI CHRISTOPHORI RADZIVILI, Ducis Olicae... militis Ierosolymitani, etc., primum a Thoma Tretero Custode Varmiensi ex Polonico sermone in Latinum translata, nunc varie aucta, et correctius in lucem edita. Antverpiae, ex officina Plantiniana, 1614. [x] + 308p. index. Printer's mark at end. Folio. GT 459 The first edition was printed at Brunsberg, I60I. Journey made in 1582. 1584 205 The travels of JOHN SANDERSON in the Levant, I584-I602, with his autobiography and selections from his correspondence. Edited by Sir William Foster... London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, I93I. xliv + 322p. Facsimile frontispiece, maps and illustrations. 8vo. GT 459.2 A series of journeys to Constantinople, Alexandria, Jerusalem, Aleppo. He gives a list of names of 19 ships which carried him to and from the ports in the Eastern Mediterranean. 1586 206 Il devotissimo viaggio di Gerusalemme, fatto & descritto in sei libri dal Sig. GIOVANNI ZUALLARDO, Cavaliero del Santiss. Sepolcro di N. S., l'anno 1586; aggiontovi i dissegni di varii luoghi di Terra Santa & altri paesi, intagliati da Natale Bonifacio Dalmato. Roma, F. Zanetti & Gia. Ruffinelli, I587. [xviii] + 402p. index. Engraved title-page and portrait, and many illustrations in text. 8vo. GT 460 207 Il devotissimo viaggio di Gierusalemme, fatto e descritto in sei libri dal Signor GIOVANNI ZUALLARDO... aggiontivi i disegni in rame di varii luoghi di Terra S. & altri paesi. Di nuovo ristampato, e corretto. In Roma, appresso Domenico Basa, I595. 35Ip. index. 48 engravings in text, and 2 folding plates. izmo. GT 461 208 Le tresdevot voyage de Ierusalem, avecq les figures des lieux saincts, & plusieurs autres, tirees au naturel. Faict & descript par IEAN ZUALLART, Chevalier du sainct Sepulchre de nostre Seigneur, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 47 Mayeur de la ville d'Ath en Haynnaut, &c. En Anvers, chez Arnould s'Conincx, I608. [xxii] + I9I + 235 + 230p. with many engraved illustrations in text. 8vo. GT 462 1588 209 Le voyage a Jerusalem de LoYs BALOURDET, Cure de Mareuil <(588>. Par le Comte de Marsy. Paris, H. Menu, 1878. IIp. 8vo. GT 433 210 Les voyages du Seigneur de VILLAMONT, Chevalier de l'Ordre de Hierusalem... divisez en trois livres, comme il se voit en la page suivante, reveue, corrigeee [sic], et cottee par l'autheur. A Paris, par Claude de Montr'oeil et Iean Richer, I600. [8] + 346 leaves. index. I6mo. GT 463 The first edition was printed in Paris, I596. Journey begun from Paris in the late summer, 1588. 211 Les voyages du Sr. de VILLAMONT, divisez en trois livres; le contenu d'iceux est en la quatrieme page; derniere edition, reveue et augmentee en la fin de chacun livre, d'une guide des divers chemins, par lesquels lon va en Hierusalem, Rome, Venise, Naples, Lorette, & Egipte, & de plusieurs choses belles & rares qui s'y voyent. Liege, chez Lambert de la Coste, I608. [xiv] + 607p. I6mo. GT 464 212 __. A Rouen, chez Iacques Besongne, I6Io. [vii] + 815 + [I6]p. 24mo. GT 466 213 Les voyages de la Terre Saincte et autres lieux remarquables et signalez d'icelle, ensemble de l'Italie, Sclavonie, Grece, Turquie, Moree, Cephalonie, Candie, Cypre, Hierusalem, Syrie, Damas, Egipte, Damiette, du Grand Caire, & Babilone, avec la description de l'Empire du Grand Turc, & des mers du Levant. Par L. S. D. V. Paris, Guillaume Loyson, 1627. [24] + 143 + 276 leaves. I6mo. GT 465 1590 214 Beschrijvinge van een zee ende landt reyse naer de Levante, als Italien, Candyen, Cypres, Egypten, Rhodes, Archipelago, Turc 48 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi kyen, en wederom door Duytslant. Gedaen door JAN SOMER van Middelburgh... t'Amsterdam, Joost Hartgers, I649. 38 leaves. 6 engravings in text. Gothic black letter. I2mo. GT 468 Journey started Nov. 10, I590. 215 JAN SOMERS zee en landt reyse gedaen naer de Levante als Italien, Candien, [etc.] en wederom door Duytslant; waer in vele aenmerckenswaerdige saken verhaelt worden. Desen derden druck vermeerdert met de maniere van leven, gottsdienst, Ceremonien, wetten, en Krijghshandel der Turcken, en hoe wreet sy met de slaven handelen; beschreven door een Christen slaaf, die 13 jaer aldaer gevangen heeft geweest... t'Amsterdam, Jacobus van den Bergh, I66I. 47 leaves, 6 engravings in text. Gothic black letter. I2mo. GT 469 216 JOHAN SOMMERS von Middelburg in Seeland Wasser und Land-Reise gethan nach der Levante, oder Morgen-Landern, als Italien, Cypern, [usw.]... mit Beschreibung der Lebens-Art... der Turcken... aus dem Niederlandischen ins Hochteutsche mit Fleiss iibergesetzet von A. R. L. Amsterdam, Christoffel Cunradus, 1664. IIop. index. Engraved title-page, and 4 engravings in text. I2mo. GT 469.I 1591 218 Viaggio di un ambasciatore Veneziano (LORENZO BERNARDO) da Venezia a Costantinopoli nel 1591 (scritto da Gabriele Cavazza). Venezia, Fratelli Visentini, I886. 92p. I2mo. GT 470 219 Viaggio a Costantinopoli di Sier LORENZO BERNARDO per l'arresto del bailo Sier Girolamo Lippomano Cav., 1591, Aprile. Venezia, I886. 47p. 4to. R. Deputazione Veneta sopra gli studi di storia patria. GT 470.I 220 Des Freyherrn von WRATISLAW merkwiirdige Gesandschaftsreise von Wien nach Konstantinopel, so gut als aus dem Englischen iibersetzt. Leipzig, Sch6nfeld, 1786. [x] + 47Ip. frontispiece. I2mo. GT 805 Account of an embassy performed in I59I. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 49 221 'H Kcov~a*v*vouxoX~ xra O'v i6ov aI6 o va (I591-1596>. (By Baron WENCESLAS WRATISLAW von MITROWITZ). M~T~(PeOaCe0 UXO 'Ir&c&vvou 'EC. Apuaxou. (No place). TUrotL IIHcxatroauou xcl Stc, I920. LO + 212 P. I2mO. GT 805.2 The author was attache of the Austrian embassy in Constantinople. 1597 222 A true relation of the travels and most miserable captivity of William Davis, Barber-surgeon of London, under the Duke of Florence, wherein is truly set down the manner of his taking, the long time of his slavery, and means of his delivery, after eight years and ten months captivity in the gallies, discovering many main lands, islands, rivers, cities, and towns of the Christians and Infidels, the condition of the people... By WILLIAM DAVIS... (No place nor date). Folio. [Harleian voyages, 1745, vol. I, pp. 476-488]. GT 394 The author set forth from England, Jan. 28, I597. 223 GEORGII DOUSAE, De itinere suo Constantinopolitano, epistola. Accesserunt veteres inscriptiones Byzantio & ex reliqua Graecia nunc primum in lucem editae, cum quibusdam doctorum virorum epistolis. Ex officina Plantiniana, apud Christophorum Raphelengium, I599. I4Ip. I6mo. GT 475 Journey made in I597. At the end, are letters in Greek from Meletios Pegas, Patriarch of Alexandria, Simon Simonides, and other scholars, Greek epigrams from Scaliger and B. Vulcanius, and Greek inscriptions collected during the journey. 1598 224 Itinerarium Hierosolymitanum et Syriacum in quo variarum gentium mores et instituta, insularum, regionum, urbium situs una ex prisci recentiorisque saeculi usu, una cum eventis quae auctori terra marique acciderunt, dilucide recensentur. Accessit synopsis reipublicae Venetorum auctore IOANNE COTOVICO... Antverpiae, apud Hieronymum Verdussium, I6I9. [xxviii] + 5I8p. index. 5 folding plates and many illustrations in text. 8vo. GT 473 Bound in calf, gilt, with arms and monogram of Jacques-Auguste de Thou, the bibliophile and historian, and his second wife, on back and sides. Journey begun in 1598. 4 Gennadeion II 50 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi 225 De loflycke reyse van Ierusalem ende Syrien ghedaen ende het Latijn beschreven by Hr. IAN VAN COTVVYCK... in vvelcke de manieren, religie van alle natien, ghelegentheyt der landen ende steden, ende alle gedencvveerdighe saken soo te vater als te lande vvaerachtelijck in't cort verhaelt vvorden; ende nu uyt de Latijnsche in de Nederlantsche tale vertaelt by M Adriaen van Meerbeeck... T'Antvverpen, by Hieronymus Verdussen, 1620. [xvii] + 575P. index, many engravings in text. Gothic black letter. I2mo. GT 474 Original calf binding, rebacked. 226 Peregrinatione di Terra Santa ed altre provincie di Don AQUILANTE ROCCHETTA, Cavaliere del Santissimo Sepolcro, nella quale si descrive distintamente quella di Christo secondo gli Evangelisti. In Palermo, per Alfonzo dell' Isola, I630. [xvi] + 517p. index, Portrait, engraved title-page, numerous engravings in text. 8vo. GT 47I The author started from Messina, Oct. 26, I598. 227 The three brothers, or, The travels and adventures of Sir ANTHONY, Sir ROBERT, and Sir THOMAS SHERLEY, in Persia, Russia, Turkey, Spain, etc. With portraits. London, Hurst, Robinson, & Co.; Edinburgh, A. Constable & Co., 1825. iv + 204p. I2mo. GT 472 Red morocco, gilt back, gilt borders and panels on sides. Journeys first made in I598, and published in I600. 1599 228 Voyage du Mont Liban, traduit de l'italien du R P JEROME DANDINI, Nonce en ce pays la, ou il est traite tant de la creance & des coutumes des Maronites, que de plusieurs particularitez touchant les Turcs, & de quelques lieux considerables de l'Orient, avec des remarques sur la theologie des Chretiens du Levant, & sur celle des Mahometans, par R. S. P. [Richard Simon Pretre]. A Paris, Louis Billaine, I675. [xxii] + 402p. index. I6mo. GT 476 Signature of [Paul] Lucas, the traveler, on the title-page. First edition printed at Cesena, in 1656, under the title: "Missione Apostolica al Patriarca e Maroniti del Monte Libano." Dandini, an Italian Jesuit, I554-I634, made the journey in I599. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 5I 229 __. Suivant la copie imprime [sic] a Paris, chez Louis Billaine, 1685. [xx] + 356p. index. Engraved frontispiece. 24mo. GT 477 230 A voyage to Mount Libanus, wherein is an account of the customs, manners &c. of the Turks, also a description of Candia, Nicosia, Tripoly, Alexandretta, &c. with curious remarks upon several passages relating to the Turks & Maronites. Written originally in Italian, by the R F JEROME DANDINI. London, printed by J. Orme, I698. [vi] + I33p. I6mo. GT 478 231 Il viaggio di VINCENZO GRADENIGO, Bailo da Venezia a Constantinopoli, I599. [Edito da] Horatio Brown. Venezia, S. Fabbris & Co, I9I3. (Estratto dal volume: Scritti vari in memoria del Prof. Giovanni Monticolo). 4to. GT 475.2 1600 232 The travels of certaine Englishmen into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, and to the Blacke Sea, and into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damascus, Canaan, Galile, Samaria, Iudea, Palestina, Ierusalem, Iericho and to the Red Sea, and to sundry other places; begunne in the yeere of Iubile I600, and by some of them finished this yeere i608, the others not yet returned. Very profitable for the help of travellers, and no lesse delightfull to all persons who take pleasure to heare of the manners, governement, religion and customes of forraine and heathen countries. London, printed by Th. Haveland for W. Aspley, I609. [xvi] + I43 + [I]p. Gothic black letter. I2mo. GT 496 Preface signed by THEOPHILUS LAVENDER, but many of the letters were signed by W. BIDDULPH, under whose name the work often appears. See Nos. 233 and 234. 233 The travels of foure English men and a preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, and to the Blacke Sea: and into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damascus, Canaan, Galile, Samaria, Iudea, Palestina, Ierusalem, Iericho, and to the Red Sea, and to sundry other places. [By WILLIAM BIDDULPH]. Begunne in the yeere of Iubile, I600, and by some of them finished the yeere I6II, the others not yet returned. Very profitable for the helpe of travellers, and no lesse delightfull to all persons who take pleasure to heare of 4* 52 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o the manners, government, religion, and customes of forraine and heathen countries. At London, imprinted by Felix Kyngston for William Apsley, 1612. [xvi] + io2p. Gothic black letter. 8vo. GT 496.I 234 The travels of four Englishmen and a preacher into Africa, Asia, Troy, Bythinia, Thracia, and to the Black-Sea, and into Syria, Cilicia, Pisidia, Mesopotamia, Damascus, Canaan, Galilee, Samaria, Judea, Palestina, Jerusalem, Jericho, and to the Red-Sea, and to sundry other places [by WILLIAM BIDDULPH]. Begun in the year of jubilee, I60o, and finished in the year I6II... (No place nor date). Folio. [Harleian voyages, 1745, vol. I, pp. 762-830]. GT 394 235 Le sainct voyage de Hierusalem et Mont Sinay faict en l'an du grand Iubile I600, par V P F HENRI CASTELA, Tholosain religieux observanti. Revue et corrige par le mesme autheur. Seconde edition. A Paris, chez Laurens Sonnius, I612. [xx] + 732p. index. I6mo. GT 497 The first edition appeared in I603. 1602 236 Iter Persicum, ou, Description du voyage en Perse, entrepris en 1602 par ETIENNE KAKASCH de Zalonkemeny... Relation redigee en Allemand et presentee a l'empereur par Georges Tectander von der Jabel. Traduction publiee et annotee par Ch. Schefer... Paris, Ernest Leroux, I877. xxii + I20p. Portrait. I6mo. GT 497.I 1604 237 Relation iournaliere du voyage du Levant. Faict et descrit par Messire HENRY de BEAUVAU, Baron dudit lieu... A Toul, Francois du Bois, I608. [xiv] + 246p. I6mo. GT 503 Voyage begun from Lyo, near Venice, Nov. I, 1604: Constantinople, Jerusalem, Palestine, Malta. 238 Ambassade en Turquie de JEAN de GONTAUT BIRON, Baron de SALIGNAC, I605 a I6IO: voyage a Constantinople - sejour en Turquie: relation inedite precede de la Vie du Baron de Salignac, par le Comte VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 53 Theodore de Gontaut Biron. Paris, Honore Champion; Auch, Cocharaux Freres, I888-89. 2 vols. in I. lxx + I68; xiv + 45Ip. frontispiece. 8vo. GT 794 Journey begun from Venice, Nov. I, I604: Ragusa, Navarino, Chios, Gallipoli, to Constantinople, pp. 1-62. 239 Neue Reysbeschreibung eines gefangenen Christen, wie derselbe neben anderer Gefahrligkeit zum sibenden mal verkaufft worden, welche sich anno I604 angefangen und I6II ihr End genommen: darinnen auBfiihrlich zu finden die Statt, Lander und K6nigreich, sampt deroselben V6lcker, Sitten und Gebraiuch... insonderheit von der Tircken und Araber jahrlichen Walfahrt von Alcairo nach Mecha, ihren Opffern und Ceremonien daselbsten; von deB3 Mahomets BegrabnuB zu Medina Talnabi; von dem roten Meer und einer drey viertelj ahrigen gefahrlichen Schiffart nach Gemen ins Abyssiner Land; vom Berg Synai und anderer Gelegenheit, etc.; item von der Statt Jerusalem, de3 H. Grabs, deB Tempels Salomonis, und der Statt Damasco, Cypern, Rhodis, wie auch der grosen Statt Alcairo und dem FluB Nilo, sampt der Egypter Gebrauch und Sitten; deBgleichen von der Statt Constantinopel, dess Tiirckischen Kaysers Hofhaltung; der Tiircken Leben und Wandel; endlich wie er durch Poln wider in Teutschland kommen; sampt einer Landtafel, darinnen seine vornemste Reysen. In IIII. unterschiedlichen Biichern begriffen, auffs fleissigst eigner Person beschrieben und ausgestanden durch JOHANN WILDEN, Burgern inn Niirnberg. Mit einer Vorrede Herrn Salomon Schweiggers, Predigers... Niirnberg, Balthasar Scherffen, 1613. [xxxv] + 262p. Portrait and map. Title-page in red and black. I2mo. GT 500 1605 240 Relation des voyages de Monsieur de BREVES, tant en Grece, Terre Saincte, et Aegypte, qu'aux royaumes de Tunis & Arger; ensemble, un traicte faict l'an 1604, entre le Roy Henry le Grand & l'Empereur des Turcs, et trois discours dudit Sieur, le tout recueilly par le S D. C. (Sieur du Castel). A Paris, chez Nicolas Gasse, 1628. [xxviii] + 383 + 47 + 34 + 26 + 47P. 8vo. GT 498 The editor states at the outset that after 22 years' residence at the Porte as French Ambassador, M de Breves sailed from Constantinople early in I605 on his travels here related. 54 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 241 Seer aanmerkelyke reys-beschryvinge na Constantinopolen en Egypten, gedaan in het Jaar I605, en vervolgens, door NICOLAUS SCHMIDT, waar in sijne veelvoudige togten, en seldsame ontmoetingen door de Egeische Zee, van de eylanden in de selve gelegen, van de zeden, gewoontens, en van de regeering der volkeren gelegen an de Middelandsche Zee, langs de kusten van Africa en Egypten seer naauwkeurig gehandeld word... Nu alder-eerst uyt het Hoogduyts vertaalt... Te Leyden, by Pieter Vander Aa, (I706). I2 leaves of 39 columns and index. I engraving in text. Folio. GT 456 1609 242 Travels & voyages through Europe, Asia, and Africa, for nineteen years, containing an account of the religion, government, policy, laws, customs, trade, &c. of the several countries through which the author travelled, and a description of Jerusalem, and many other remarkable places mentioned in sacred and profane history. Also, a narrative of the tortures he suffered in the Spanish inquisition, and of his miraculous deliverance from those cruelties. By WILLIAM LITHGOW. Twelfth edition, illustrated with notes from later travellers. Leith, William Reid & Co., I814. viii + 4I2p. Portrait frontispiece. 8vo. GT 508 Journeys begun from Paris, March 7, I609: Rome, Venice, Dalmatia, Corfu, Crete, Constantinople, Cyprus, Palestine, Jerusalem, Cairo, Malta, Barbary Coast. 1610 243 A relation of a iourney begun An. Dom. I6Io: foure bookes, containing a description of the Turkish Empire, of Aegypt, of the Holy Land, of the remote parts of Italy, and ilands adioyning. [By GEORGE SANDYS]. The fourth edition. London, printed for Andrew Crooke, I637. [ii] + 309P. Map, folding plate, engraved title-page, and illustrations in text. 4to. GT 504 Printed title-page missing. First edition, London, I615. Sandys has been called the first "Classical tourist" of England; he was the son of the Archbishop of York. 244 SANDYS travels, containing an history of the original and present state of the Turkish Empire, their laws, government, policy... the Mahometan religion and ceremonies; a description of Constantinople... also, of Greece, with the religion and customs of the VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 55 Grecians; of Aegypt, the antiquity, hieroglyphics, rites, customs... a voyage on the River Nylus; of Armenia, Grand Cairo, Rhodes, the Pyramides, Colossus; the former flourishing and present state of Alexandria; a description of the Holy-Land, of the Jews, and several sects of Christians living there, of Jerusalem, Sepulchre of Christ, Temple of Solomon... lastly, Italy described, and the islands adjoining: as Cyprus, Crete, Malta, Sicilia... and other places of note. Illustrated with fifty graven maps and figures. The seventh edition. London, John Williams, Junior, I673. [ii] + 240p. Engraved titlepage, taken from 6th ed. Folio. GT 505 Added: Review, extract from Classical Journal vol. 28, I823, pp. I58-I66. 245 SANDYS voyagien, behelfende een historie van de oorspronckelijcke ende tegenwoordige standt des Turcksen Rijcks... als mede, van Egypten... neffens een beschrijvinge van het H. Landt: van de Ioden ende verscheydene secten der Christenen aldaer; van Ierusalem, het graf Christi, den Tempel Salomons..., endelyck Italien beschreben met hare nabuerighe eylanden: als Cyprus, Creta, Malta, Sicilia... etc. Uyt't Engels vertaelt door J.G. Verciert met 30. trefflijcke Figueren. t'Amsterdam, by Baltes Boeckholt, I665. 263p. Engraved title-page, and 30 engravings in text. Gothic black letter. 8vo. GT 506 246 SANDYS Reisen, inhaltende die Histori von dem urspriinglichen und gegenwertigem Stand dess Tiirckischen Reichs... zugleich auch von Egypten... benebens einer Beschreibung des Gelobten Lands; von den Juden und unterschiedlichen Secten der daselbst wohnenden Christen; von der Stadt Jerusalem... endlich eine Beschreibung Italiens sampt dessen angrantzenden Eylanden: als Cypern, Creta, Maltha, Sicilien... Franckfurt, Johann Georg Schiele, I669. [xxviii] + 634p. A few illustrations in text. 24mo. GT 507 1611 247 Le bouquet sacre, compose des roses du Calvaire, des lys de Bethleem, des iacintes d'Olivet, et de plusieurs autres rares & belles pensees de la Terre Saincte. Par le R P BOUCHER, Mineur Observantin. A Rouen, chez Iean Cousturier, I629. [xiv] + 50Ip. index. I6mo. GT 509 Journey was made in 1611-12. First edition, Caen, I618. 56 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 1612-1613 247 a HANS JAKOB AMMANN, genannt der Thaiwyler Scharer, und seine Reise ins Gelobte Land [herausgegeben von] (Aug. F. Ammann). ZUrich, Polygraphisehes Institut, I919. Vii + 250 + [ijp. 69 illustrations. Folio. GT 509.04 The title-page of the edition of 1630 has been reproduced in red and black: ReiB ins Globte Land: Von Wien auB Qesterreich, durch Ungariam, Serviam, Bulgariam. unnd Thraciam auff Constantinopel: ferner durch Natoliam, Cappadociam, Ciliciam, Syriam und Judaeam auff Jerusalem: von dannen durch die Wiiste unnd Aegypten gehn Alexandriam, folgends uber das Mitlendische Meer in Siciliam, und durch It aliam auft Zftrich in die Eydtgnoschafft: in dreyen Theilen, sampt deren Landen unnd Stditten, Gelegenheiten, Einwohnern, Policeyen, Sitten und Gebreuchen, auch anderen vorgefallenen denckwi~rdigen sachen, kurtz, doch eigentlich beschriben, auch auffs new ubersehen unnd etwas ve~rmeh~rt: durch HANS JACOB AMMAN, Burger zu Ziirich, genannt der Taliwyler Scharer. Anno 1630. journey made in 1612-13 First edition, i6i8. 1613 248 Relation de ce qui s'est passe' de plus remarquable 'a SantErini, isle de l'Archipel, depuis 1'e'tablissement des Peares de la Cornpagnie de Jesus en icelle; avec la declaration de plusieurs choses, memorables touchant le rit & la cre'ance des Grecs de ce temps, & touchant les feux sous-terrains qui sorti~rent du fond de la mer l'an 1650, avec plusieurs prodiges,... Par le R P FRAN~ois RICHARD, Missionaire de la Compagnie de Jesus. A Paris, chez Sebastien Cramoisy, 1657. [vi] + 426p. map. i6mo. GT 769 Order given by Pope Paul V in 1613 to the Jesuits of Chios to visit the Aegean islands. 1614 249 Delle conditioni di Abbas, re. di Persia... [Da] PIETRo DELLA VALLE, il pellegrino. In Venetia, i628. [v] + I25P. 8vo. GT 509.4 Old calf binding, gilt, stamped on sides with the arms of the Abbe' Le'onor d'Estampes de Valen~ay. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 57 250 Viaggi di PIETRO DELLA VALLE il pellegrino, con minuto ragguaglio di tutte le cose notabili osservate in essi, descritti da lui medesimo in 54 lettere familiari da diversi luoghi della intrapresa peregrinatione... divisi in tre parti, cioe la Turchia, la Persia, e 1'India; le quali hauran per aggiunta, se Dio gli dara vita, la quarta parte, che conterra le figure di molte cose memorabili, sparse per tutta l'opera, e la loro esplicatione. In Roma, appresso Vitale Mascardi, I650-63. 4 vols. 780p. index; [x] + 492p. index; 546p. index; [vi] + 5o8p. index. 4to. GT 509.I Added to last vol.: I6p. of the life of the author with his portrait, taken from a later edition. Turkey, in Vol. I. Persia, in Vols. II and III. India, and return home, Vol. IV. Letters dated from Aug. 23, 1614, to Aug. I, 1626. 251 ____. In Venetia, presso Paolo Baglioni, I661-63. 4 vols. [viii]p. index. 670 + 734 + 792 + 756p., each vol. with its index. 24mo. GT 509.2 Stamped in gold on sides with the arms of the Earl of Clare. 252 PETRI DELLA VALLE... ReiB-Beschreibung in unterschiedliche Theile der Welt, nemlich in Tirckey, Egypten, Palestina, Persien, Ost-Indien, und andere weit entlegene Landschaften, samt einer auBffihrlichen Erzehlung aller denck- und merckwiirdigster Sachen, so darinnen zu finden und anzutreffen... Erstlich von dem Authore selbst der diese Reisen gethan, in Italianischer Sprach beschrieben, und in vierundfiinffzig Sendschreiben in vier Theile verfasset: nachgehends auB dieser in die Franz6sische und Hollandische; anjetzo aber auB dem Original in die Hoch-Teutsche Sprach iibersetzet, mit sch6nen kupfferen geziert... Genff, Johann Herman Widerhold, I674. 4 parts in I vol., each with separate title-page and pagination. Folio. GT 509.3I 253 Voyages de PIETRO DELLA VALLE, gentilhomme Romain, dans la Turquie, l'Egypte, la Palestine, la Perse, les Indes Orientales, & autres lieux. Nouvelle edition, revue, corrigee & augmentee. A Rouen, chez Robert Machuel, I745. 8 vols. Portraits of the author and his wife in vol. I. I2mo. GT 509.3 58 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 1621 254 Voiage de Levant, fait par le commandement du Roy, en l'ann6e 1621. Par le Sr. D. C. [Louis DESHAYES, Baron de COURMESNIN]. A Paris, chez Adrian Taupinart, 1624. [vi] + 404p. index, plates, engraved title-page. 8vo. GT 5Io Bound in olive morocco, extra, richly tooled back and sides, aux petits fers, gilt over marbled edges, with the crowned initials of Louis XIII and Anne of Austria repeated four times on each cover. The presentation copy. Binder was Le Gascon. Journey from Paris to Constantinople by land: Constantinople and the Seraglio described; Mytilene, Chios, Smyrna, Patmos, Rhodes, Famagusta, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Palestine. 255 _. Seconde edition. 1632. [vi] + 495P. index, engraved title-page, 6 folding plates, and engravings in text. 8vo. GT 5II 256 L'Ambassadeur Louis DESHAYES de CORMENIN <I600-I632>: les relations de la France avec l'Empire Ottoman, le Danemark, la Suede, la Perse et la Russie. [Par GERARD TONGAS]. Paris, Geuthner, I937. I86p. 8vo. GT 5II.2 1622 257 Relation du voyage de Perse faict par le R P PACIFIQUE de Provins Predicateur Capuchin, ou vous verrez les remarques particulieres de la Terre Saincte, & des lieux ou se sont operez plusieurs miracles... aussi le commandement du Grand Seigneur Sultan Murat, pour establir des convents de Capuchins par tous les lieux de son empire; ensemble le bon traitement que le Roy de Perse fit au R PPACIFIQUE... avec le testament de Mahomet que les Turcs appellent sa main & signature... A Lille, Pierre de Rache, 1632. [xvii] + 504p. index. 24mo. GT 768 First voyage begun from Marseilles, Jan. 22, 1622. The account is valuable, containing as it does the documents for the establishment of the Capuchins in the Levant. 1628 258 Iournal des voyages de Monsieur de MONCONYS, Conseiller du Roy... ou les s9avants trouveront un nombre infini de nouveautez en machines de mathematique, experiences physiques... outre la VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 59 description de divers animaux & plantes rares... les coutumes et moeurs des nations... Enriche de quantite de figures en taille-douce des lieux & des choses principales... Publie par le Sieur de Liergues son fils... A Lyon, chez Horace Boissat, 1665-66. 3 vols. many engraved plates, with illustrations and diagrams in text. index. 4to. GT 540 Vol. I: Voyage de Portugal, Provence, Italie, lgypte, Syrie, Constantinople,& Natolie, April, 1645 to Jan. I649. Vol. II: Voyage d'Angleterre, Pais-Bas, Allemagne, & Italie, May, I663 to June, 1664. Vol. III: Voyage d'Espagne, 1628; mort de Sultan Ibrahim, lettres s~avantes, algebre, vers & secrets. 1629 259 Voyages faicts par le commandement du Roy, ou sont contenues les navigations des Francois entreprises en I629 & I630 soubs la conduite de Monsieur le Commandeur de Razilly es costes occidentales des royaumes de Fez & de Marroc; le traicte de paix faict avec les habitans de Salle & la deliverance de plusieurs esclaves francois; ensemble la description des susdits royaumes, villes, coustumes, religion, moeurs & commoditez de ceux dudit pays, le tout illustre de curieuses observations par IEAN ARMAND (dit MUSTAPHA), Turc de nation, lequel a eu employ aus dits voyages. A Paris, chez Nicolas Traboulliet, 1632. [vi] + 320p. I6mo. GT 743 260 Les correspondants de Peiresc, XVII. FRANCOIS de GALAUPCHASTEUIL, le solitaire du Mont Liban: Lettres inedites ecrites de Provence et de Syrie a Peiresc <I629-I633> publiees et annotees par Philippe Tamizey de Larroque et suivies d'une notice genealogique sur la famille de GALAUP-CHASTEUIL, par le Marquis de BOISGELIN. Digne, Chaspoul, Constans et Ve Barbaroux, I890. viii + 52p. 8vo. GT 408 261 Itinerarium orientale R P F PHILIPPI a SSma Trinitate Discalceati, ab ipso conscriptum; in quo varii successus itineris, plures Orientis regiones, earum montes, maria & flumina, series principum qui in eis dominati sunt, incolae tam Christiani quam infideles populi; animalia, arbores, planta & fructus; religiosorum in Oriente missiones, ac varii celebres eventus describuntur. Lugduni, sumptibus Antonii Iullieron, I649. [xiv] + 43IP. i6mo. GT 515 60 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I Journey was made from 1629 to I640: Rome, Malta, Aleppo, Babylon, Ispahan, Goa, Persia, Armenia, Syria, Palestine. 262 Voyage d'Orient du R P PHILIPPE... Oh il descrit les divers succez de son voyage, plusieurs regions d'Orient, leurs montagnes, leurs mers & leurs fleuves... Compose, reveu & augmente par luy mesme, et traduit du latin par un religieux du mesme ordre. A Lyon, chez Antoine Iullieron, 1652. [xlvi] q- 592p. I2mo. GT 516 263 Viaggi orientali del Reverendiss. P FILIPPO della SS. Trinita... da lui composti nella lingua Latina, e nuovamente tradotti nell' Italiana da un padre del medesimo ordine, ne' quali si descrivono varii successi, molti regni... con alcune cose di nuovo aggiunte per consiglio dell autore. In Roma, a spese di Filippo M. Mancini, i666. [xxii] + 622p. I6mo. GT 517 264 P. a S.T. Orientalische Raisebeschreibung, worinnen unterschiedliche Begebenheiten seiner Raise, vielerley orientalische Landschafften, das Gebiirg, Meer, und Fliisse, die Zeitrechnung der Fiirsten so darinnen geherrschet, ihre Einwohner, so wohl Christen als Unglaubige, ingleichem auch die Thiere, Baume, Pflanzen und Friichte so darinnen gefunden werden, endlich mancherley Geschichten so darinnen sich haben zugetragen. Franckfurt, Joh. Georg Schiele, I67I. [xx] 4- 628p. index. Engraved frontispiece. I2mo. GT 518 1630 265 Observations curieuses sur le voyage du Levant, fait en I630 par Messieurs FERMANEL, Conseiller au parlement de Normandie; FAUVEL, Maistre des comptes; BAUDOUIN, Sieur de LAUNAY; STOCHOVE, Sieur de Sainte Catherine, Gentilhomme flamand, ou l'on voit ce que nos geographes tant anciens que modernes ont ecrit des plus curieux des royaumes de Corse, de Sardaigne, de la Sicile, & d'autres isles considerables de la Mer Mediterranee, & de l'Archipelague; il y est aussi fait mention de la Grece, de Constantinople, de l'Empire du Turc, de la religion mahometane, de leur politique... A Rouen, chez la vesfe d'Antoine Ferrand, I668. [viii] + 882p. Map. 8vo. GT 513 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 266 Voyage d'Italie et du Levant, de Messieurs FERMANEL... FAUVEL... BAUDOUIN de LAUNAY, et de STOCHOVE... contenant la description des royaumes, provinces, gouvernemens, villes, bourgs, villages, eglises, palais, mosquees, edifices, anciens & modernes; vies, moeurs, actions tant des Italiens que des Turcs, Juifs, Grecs, Arabes, Armeniens, Mores, Negres, & autres nations qui habitent dans l'Italie, Turquie, Terre Sainte, Egypte, & autres lieux de tout le pals du Levant... A Rouen, chez Jean Viret, I670. [vi] + 48Ip. table. i6mo. GT 514 267 Voyage du Sieur de STOCHOVE, faict es annees I630, 1631, 1632, I633. A Bruxelles, chez Hubert Anthoine Velpius, I643. [iv] + 538p. table. Engraved title-page. I2mo. GT 519 From Bruges to Constantinople, Aleppo, Jerusalem, Egypt, Sinai. 268 Voyage du Levant du Sr. de STOCHOVE... Seconde edition revue & augmentee. A Bruxelles, chez Hubert Anthoine Velpius, I650. [xiv] + 5o8p. table. Engraved title-page and portrait. I6mo. GT520 269 Het bereysde OOsten door Jo.r VINCENT STOCHOVE... behelsende de naukeurighe beschrijvinghen vande rijcken, landen, steden, ende dorpen, kercken, moskeen, oude ende nieuwe ghestscheen, manier van leven, Godes-dienst, ende bedrijf vande Turcken Ioden, Griecken, Araben, Armenianen, Mooren, ende andere nation die Turckyen, 't H. Landt, Egypten, ende andere strecken... Hier by is gevoeght, Otthoman, oste kort begryp der levens vande Turcksche Keysers... noyt voor desen in't nederduytsch ghedruckt. Den tweeden druck... Tot Brugghe, Joos vander Meulen, i68I. [vi] +450p. 33 plates. i6mo. GT 521 The second part has separate pagination and title: 269a Otthoman, ofte kort begryp der levens vande Turcksche Keysers t'sedert Otthoman den I. tot Mahomet den IV. teghenwoordigh regeerende. Door Jo.r VINCENT STOCHOVE... Tot Brugghe, Joos vander Meulen, I680. II4p. 22 plates. GT 521 270 Nouvelle relation de l'interieur du serrail du Grand Seigneur, contenant plusieurs singularitez qui jusqu'icy n'ont point este mises 62 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I en lumibre. Par J. B. TAVERNIER, Ecuyer Baron d'Aubonne. A Paris, chez Gervais Clouzier, I675. [xiv] + 277P. engraved frontispiece. 8vo, GT 584.5 Red morocco binding with ruled borders, fleurs-de-lis at corners, in center the arms of Mme Marie-Adelaide, one of the daughters of Louis XV; inside lined with morocco, ruled and dentelle borders and fleurs-de-lis. Ex libris of La Roche Lacarelle. The author's journeys in Europe began in I630. He went on a mission to Constantinople in 1636, or earlier. He states in the preface that much of his information regarding the seraglio was obtained from two former employees of the Sultan, one a Frenchman, the other an Italian, each of whom had served for many years. 271.Cologne, chez Corneille Egmon & ses associez, I675. 386p. 24mo. GT 585 272 _. A Amsterdam, chez Joannes van Someren, 1678. [x] + 27Ip. table, engraved title-page. 24mo. GT 581.2 273. A Paris, chez Gervais Clouzier, I680. [xiv] + 34IP. I6mo. GT 586 274 Nova ed esatta descrizione del seraglio del Gran Turco, con tutte le sue parti interiori, minutamente distinte, e spiegate secondo lo stato presente in cui si trova sotto l'imperio di Mahomet IV, hoggidi regnante... Publicata gia in lingua francese dal Sig. TAVERNIER, e trasportata novamente nell' italiana dal Sig. Filippo Bagliotti... In Milano, per Ambrogio Ramellati, I687. [xx] + 330p. index. I6mo. GT 587 275 JOH. B. TAVERNIERS... Beobachten fiber das Serrail des Grossherrn, auf seiner sechsmaligen Reise nach der Tiirkey gesammelt, nebst vielen eingestreuten Bemerkungen fiber die Sitten und Gewohnheiten der Tiirken. Memmingen, bey Andreas Seiler, I789. xvi + I59p. I6mo. GT 587.I 276 Les six voyages de JEAN BAPTISTE TAVERNIER... en Turquie, en Perse, et aux Indes, pendant l'espace de quarante ans, & par toutes les routes que l'on peut tenir; accompagnez d'observations particulieres sur la qualite, la religion, le gouvernement, les coutumes & le commerce de chaque pals, avec les figures, le poids, & la valeur des monnoyes qui y ont cours. (A Amsterdam, chez Johannes van VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI 63 Someren), suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1678. 2 vols. [xxxii] + 792p. and [x] + 663p. engraved frontispiece and many plates. 24mo. GT 58I Bound in red morocco, gilt extra, with the arms of the Comte Joseph de Lagondie stamped on sides; inside borders. 277 _. [Amsterdam] suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, 1679. 2 vols. [xxxii] + 782p. and [x] + 6i6p. Engraved title-page, portrait, and numerous plates. I6mo. GT 582 Added: engraved title-page from the edition of Utrecht, I712. 278 _ __ A. A Paris, chez Gervais Clouzier, I68I. 2 vols. [xxiv] + 636p. and [vi] + 48Ip. numerous plates. 4to. GT 583 279 Beschreibung der sechs Reisen welche JOHAN BAPTISTA TAVERNIER, Ritter und Freyherr von Aubonne, in Tiirckey, Persien und Indien, innerhalb viertzig Jahren durch alle Wege, die man nach diesen Landeren nehmen kan, verrichtet... Anfangs frantz6sosch beschrieben, und in drey Theil abgetheilt, anjetzo aber nebenst der Beschreibung des tirckischen Serrails, und der Kr6nung des jetzt regierenden K6nigs in Persien, in der Hoch-Teutschen Sprach ans Liecht gestellt, durch Johann Herman Widerhold... Genff, Johann Herman Widerhold, I68I. [xxiv] + 304 + 227 + 64 + 82 + I56p. and many plates, engraved portrait and frontispiece. Folio. GT 584 280 Recueil de plusieurs relations et traitez singuliers & curieux de J. B. TAVERNIER... qui n'ont point este mis dans ses six premiers voyages, divise en cinq parties... [Amsterdam, chez Johannes van Someren], suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, I679. [vi] + 564p. 2 maps and plate. I6mo. GT 582 Pp. 379-564 with separate title-page contain another edition of the author's: 280a Nouvelle relation de l'interieur du serrail, etc. [Amsterdam, chez Johannes van Someren], suivant la copie imprimee a Paris, I679. 281 Recueil de plusieurs relations et traitez singuliers et curieux de J. B. TAVERNIER... qui n'ont point este mis dans ses six premiers voyages, divise en cinq parties... Seconde edition. A Paris, chez la 64 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi Veuve Clouzier, Pierre Aubouyn et Pierre Emery, i686. [Vi] + 3I2p. Numerous plates. 4to. GT 583 Contains an account of the French and the Dutch commercial transactions in the East Indies, Japan, Tonquin, etc. 282 JEAN-BAPTISTE TAVERNIER, Ecuyer, Baron d'Aubonne, Chainbellan du Grand fMecteur, d'apre's des documents nouveaux et ine'dits. Par CHARLES JORET. Paris, Plon, i886. x + 4I3P. 8vo. GT 588 1631 283 EVLIYA CELEBI Seyahatnamesi... Istanbul, 1314 [= 1898] -1938. 10 Vols. 8vo. GT 726 The first eight vols. are in the old Arabic characters; the last two are in the modern Turkish alphabet. Their contents are: Vol. i.- Description of Constantinople and environs, as of i63I. Vol. 2. journey to Brussa and Nicomedia, i640, Pontus, Caucasus and Crimea, i640-44; expedition to Crete, i645; journey to Erzerum and Caucasus, 1648. Vol. 3: Syria, Kurdistan, Armenia, i650; Roumelia, Bulgaria and Dobrudja, i655-56. Vol. 4.: Persia and Irak, i655-56. Vol. 5: journey to Moldavia and expeditions to Transylvania and Russia, 1658; to Anatolia, then across the Dardanelles to Adrianople, i659; expeditions to Moldavia and Dalmatia, i66o. Vol. 6: expedition to Transylvania and journey to Albania, i66i-62; expeditions to Hungary, Montenegro and Croatia, i663-64. Vol. 7: Austria, Crimea, Daghestan, Caucasus, Astrakhan. Vol. 8:- Crimea, Crete, Salonica, Roumelia (Greece). Vol. 9: pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. Vol. io: Egypt. 284 Narrative of travels in Europe, Asia, and Africa in the seventeenth century, by EVLIYA Effendi. Translated from the Turkish by the Ritter Joseph von Hammer... London, William H. Allen and Co., i846-50. 2 vols in i. xviii + i86p. and iv ~ 244P. 4t0. GT 726.1 Contains an abridgment of the first two books. 285 Ze'e obo r V~ o' 7raX6EqC yv~trampLxVq Toupx&'oc4. Kocr&k 7rvptprypayp' rOi Toi'pxou 7rp~-r 'rOi3 17. ad. EBALA TEEAEMHH. ['Thc6 'A. "A. H&X?'cu.] 'AO'voc, 1941. 252P. Map and 31 illustrations, some colored. 8vo. GT 726.2 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 65 286 In the days of the Janissaries: old Turkish life as depicted in the "travel book" of EVLIYA CHELEBI. By ALEXANDER PALLIS. Introduction by Philip Graves. London, New York, etc., Hutchinson & Co., I95I. 236p. 36 full-page illustrations. 8vo. GT 726.21 1633 287 Relation du voyage d'ADAM OLEARIUS en Muscovie, Tartarie et Perse, augmentee en cette nouvelle edition de plus d'un tiers, & particulierement d'une seconde partie contenant le voyage de IEAN ALBERT MANDELSLO aux Indes orientales. Traduit de l'allemand par A. de Wicquefort... A Paris, chez Iean du Puis, I659. 2 vols. [lii] + 686p. and 686p. Numerous maps and plates. 8vo. GT 533 Bound in old red morocco, broad gilt borders, with arms at angles, and monogram in center. The voyage of Olearius was made from 1633 to I637. See also No. 298. 288 Voyages tres-curieux & tres-renommez faits en Moscovie, Tartarie et Perse, par le Sr. ADAM OLEARIUS... dans lesquels on trouve une description curieuse, & la situation exacte des pays et etats par ou il a passe, tels que sont la Livonie, la Moscovie, la Tartarie, la Medie, & la Perse... Traduits de l'original & augmentez par le Sr. de Wicquefort... divisez en deux parties. Nouvelle edition revue et corrigee exactement, augmentee considerablement... A Amsterdam, chez Michel Charles le Cene, 1727. 2 vols. in I, with title-pages in red and black, continuous pagination, [xxx]p. + IIo8 columns, index. Engraved portrait and title-page reproduced from the ed. of Leiden, I7I9. Numerous maps and plates and illustrations in text. Folio. GT 534 1634 289 A voyage into the Levant: a brief relation of a iourney lately performed by Master H[ENRY] B[LOUNT], Gentleman, from England by the way of Venice, into Dalmatia, Sclavonia, Bosnah, Hungary, Macedonia, Thessaly, Thrace, Rhodes, and Egypt, unto Gran Cairo; with particular observations concerning the moderne condition of the Turkes, and other people under that empire. The second edition. London, printed by I. L. for Andrew Crooke, 1636. I26p. I2mo. GT 522 The first edition also appeared in 1636. Journey begun from Venice, May 7, I634. 5 Gennadeion II 66 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 290. The fourth edition. London, printed by R. C. for Andrew Crooke, I650. 228p. 24mo. GT 523 291 _. London, William Crook, I669. I65p. 24mo. GT 524 292 _. No place or date. Map and plate. Folio. [Harleian voyages, vol. I, pp. 512-552]. GT 394 293 Des edlen Herrn HENRICH BLUNT, Englischen Herrn und Ritters Morgenlandische Reise, durch Dalmatien, Sklavonien, Thrazien und Egypten, etc., in welcher die Grundfeste des Tiirkischen Staats genausichtig untersucht wird, erstlich von ihm in Englisch verzeichnet, nun aber in die reine Hoch-Teutsche Sprache iibersetzet von G. C. S. A. T. nebst einem Bedenken fiber diese Betrachtungen... Helmstadt, Johann Nicolaus Gerlach, 1687. [vii] + I83p. I2mo. GT 527 294 Zee- en land-voyagie van den Ridder HENDRIK BLUNT, na de Levant, gedaan in het Jaar I634; waar in op het naauw-keurigst verhaalt word, 't geen hem onderweegen van Venetien, door Dalmatien, Slavonien, Bosna, Hungarijen, Macedonian, Thessalien, Thracien, Rhodes, tot aan Groot-Cairo en Egypten... als mede veele bysonderheeden... nu alder-eerst uyt het Engelsch vertaalt... Te Leyden, by Pieter Vander Aa, (I706). I8 leaves in 66 columns and index. Map; 2 engravings in text. Folio. GT 456 295. I707. I25p. and index. Map and two folding plates. Gothic letter. I6mo. GT 525 1637 296 The arrivall and intertainments of the Embassador, ALKAID JAURAR BEN ABDELLA, with his associate, Mr. Robert Blake, from the high and mighty Prince, Mulley Mahamed Sheque, Emperor of Morocco, King of Fesse and Suss, with the Ambassador's good and applauded commendations of his royall and noble entertainments in the court and the city; also a discription of some rites, customes, and lawes of those Affrican nations; likewise God's exceeding mercy, and VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 67 our King's especiall grace and favour manifested in the happy redemption of three hundred and two of his Majesties poore subjects, who had beene long in miserable slavery at Salley in Barbary. London, I. Okes, I637. 44p. portrait frontispiece. I2mo. GT 742 1638 297 Le bouclier de l'Europe, ou, La guerre sainte, contenant des avis politiques & Chretiens, qui peuvent servir de lumiere aux rois & aux souverains de la Chretiente, pour garantir leurs estats des incursions des Turcs... avec une relation de voyages faits dans la Turquie, la Thebaide & la Barbarie. Par le R P JEAN COPPIN... A Lyon,chez Antoine Briasson, I686. [x] + 496p. table, 4 plans. 8vo. GT 518.3 Journeys begun from Marseilles: for Egypt, Jan., 1638; for Tunis, March I6, I640; for Palestine, Oct. 2, 1642. 298 Voyages celebres & remarquables, faits de Perse aux Indes orientales par le Sr. JEAN-ALBERT de MANDELSLO... contenant une description nouvelle & tres-curieuse de l'Indostan, de l'Empire du Grand-Mogol, des iles et presq'iles de l'Orient, des royaumes de Siam, du Japon, de la Chine, du Congo, &c.... mis en ordre & publiez, apres la morte de l'illustre voyageur, par le Sr. Adam Olearius... Traduits de l'original par le Sr. A. de Wicquefort... divisez en deux parties. Nouvelle edition revue et corrigee exactement... A Amsterdam, chez Michel Charles le Cene, 1727. 2 vols. bound in I, with continuous pagination. 808 columns, engraved portrait and the title-page of earler edition (Leide, Van der Aa, 1718), numerous maps and plates. Title-page in red and black. Folio. GT 532 Journey begun from Ispahan in 1638. See also No. 287. 1639 299 Les voyages du Sieur DU LOIR, contenu en plusieurs lettres ecrites du Levant, avec plusieurs particularitez qui n'ont point encore este remarquees touchant la Grece, & la domination du Grand Seigneur, la religion, & les moeurs de ses sujets; ensemble, ce qui se passa a la mort du feu Sultan Mourat dans le Serrail, les ceremonies de ses funerailles, & celles de l'avenement a l'empire de Sultan 5* 68 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi Hibraim son frere, qui luy succeda; avec la relation du siege de Babylone, fait en 1639, par Sultan Mourat. A Paris, chez Gervais Clouzier, 1654. [xiv] + 358p. index. 8vo. GT 537 Letters dated from Nov. 28, I639 to June 13, I64I. 300 Viaggio di Levante del Signor di LOIR, nel quale si hanno molte notizie della Grecia, del dominio del Gran Signore, della religione, e de' costumi de' suoi Sudditi, & altre particolarita non descritte da Pietro della Valle, aggiontovi ill viaggio d'Inghilterra del Signor di SORBIERE... Tradotti dall' idioma Francese in Italiano... In Venetia, per Abbondio Menasoglio, 1671. [x] + 400p. index. 24mo. GT 538 Contemporary red morocco, with sides and back profusely ornamented with borders and fleurons in gold and silver, enclosing a shield with crowned eagle. 1640 301 Relation de la captivite et liberte du Sieur EMANUEL D'ARANDA, iadis esclave a Alger: ou se trouvent plusieurs particularitez de l'Affrique, dignes de remarque. Nouvelle edition, reveue, corrigee & augmentee de treize relations, & autres tailles douces, par le mesme autheur. A Paris, Compagnie des libraires du Palais, I665. 3Iop. table. 24mo. GT 744 The author was taken captive by corsairs in August, I640 and released in I642. 1644 302 Le pieux pelerin, ou, Voyage de Ierusalem; divise en trois livres contenans la description topographique de plusieurs royaumes, pais, villes, nations estrangeres, nommement des quatorze religions orientales, leurs moeurs, & humeurs, tant en matiere de religion, que de civile conversation, &c... Le tout remarque et reciieilli par le R Pere BERNARDIN SURIUS Recollect., President du Sainct Sepulchre, et Commissaire de la Terre Saincte es annees 1644, 1645, 1646, I647. A Brusselles, chez Fran9ois Foppens, I666. [xxvi] + 569p. index. Engraved portrait and title-page, map and illustrations in text. 8vo. GT 539 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 69 1646 303 La Terre Saincte, ou, Description topographique tres-particuliere des saincts lieux, & de la Terre de la Promission, avec un traitte de quatorze nations de differente religion qui l'habitent... un discours des principaux poincts de 1'Alcoran; l'histoire de la vie et mort de l'Emir Fechrreddin, prince des Drus; et une relation veritable de Zaga Christ, Prince d'Ethyopie, qui mourut a Ruel pres de Paris l'an 1638. Le tout enrichy de figures. Par F EUGENE ROGER, Recollect. Missionaire de Barbarie. A Paris, chez Antoine Bertier, 1646. [xvi] + 440p. index. Many fine engravings in text; map and plans. 8vo. GT 535 Account based on five years residence in Palestine. 304 _. 1664. [xvi] + 498p. index; illustrations. 8vo. GT 536 1648 305 The adventures of <Mr. T.S.> an English merchant, taken prisoner by the Turks of Argiers, and carried into the inland countries of Africa; with a description of the kingdom of Argiers, of all the towns and places of note thereabouts; whereunto is added a relation of the chief commodities of the countrey, and of the actions and manners of the people. Written first by the author, and fitted for the publick view by A. Roberts. Whereunto is annex'd an observation of the tide... by RICHARD NORRIS. London, Moses Pitt, I670. [vi] + 252p. 24mo. GT 745 Journey began the end of July, I648, and the author's captivity lasted over three years. 1651 306 Le voyage de la Terre-Sainte, contenant une veritable description des lieux plus considerables que N. S. a sanctifie de sa presence, predications, miracles & souffrances; l'estat de la ville deIerusalem, tant ancienne que moderne... avec quelques ceremonies de la Pasque des Chrestiens orientaux, ou il est traitte du fleuve Iourdain, de la Mer-morte, de la Quarantaine, de Nazareth, du Mont-Thabor, & autres places celebres. Le tout enrichi de figures... Plus une legere 70 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi description des principales Villes d'Jtalie. Fait l'an i65:2par M J.D.P. [M JEAN DoUBDAN Pe`re]... 'A Paris, chez Gervais Clouzier, 1657. [x] + 744p. index. 4 folding plates. 8vo. GT 54I First edition, apparently unknown to Brunet. journey begun NOV. 25, i651. 307 __ ____-.Troisi'me edition, reviie, augmente'e, & enrichie de nouVelles figures. 'A Paris, chez Pierre Bien-fait, i666. [vi] + 7I4p. index. Engraved title-page and 14 plates. 8Vo. GT 542 1655 308 MWmoires du Chevalier d'ARVIEUX, Envoye' extraordinaire du roy 'a la Porte, Consul d'Alep, d'Alger de Tripoli, & autres echell es du Levant; contenant ses voyages ' Constantinople, dans I'Asie, la Syrie, la Palestine, 1']Egypte, & la Barbarie, la description de ces palfs, les religions, les moeurs... les e'venemens les plus conside'rables reciieillis de ses me'moires originaux, et mis en ordre avec des re'flexions, par le R P jean-Baptiste Labat... A Paris, chez Charlesjean-Baptiste Delespine le Fils, I75 6 vols. index in each. i6mo. GT 538.3 Account begins Oct. i655 and ends with author's death, Oct. 30, I702. 309 Relation d'un voyage fait au Levant, dans laquelle il est curieusement traite' des estats suj ets au Grand Seigneur... et des singularitez particulie'res de I'Archipel, Constantinople, Terre- Sainte, Egypte, Pyramides, mumies, deserts d'Arabie, la Meque, et de plusieurs autres lieux de l'Asie & de I'Afrique, remarquez depuis peu, & non encore de'crits jusqu'a' present; outre les choses memorables arrive'es au dernier sie'ge de Bagdet, les ceremonies faites aux receptions des ambassadeu~rs du Mogol; et l'entretien de l'autheur avec celuy du Pretej an, oii" il est parle' des sources du Nil. Par Monsieur de THEVENOT. Paris, chez Thomas Jolly, i665. [xvi] + 576p. Frontispiece. 8vo. GT 549 journey begun from M~essina, June, 1655. 310 Suite du voyage de Levant, dans laquelle apre's plusieurs remarques tre's-singulie'res sur les particularitez de l'Egypte, de la Syrie, de la Me'sopotam ie, de l'Euphrate, & du Tygre, il est traite' de la Perse, et autres estats sujets au roy de Perse... et aussi des anti VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 7I quitez de Tchehelminar & autres lieux vers l'ancienne Persepolis, et particulierement de la route exacte de ce grand voyage, tant par terre en Turquie & en Perse, que par mer dans la Mediterranee, Golfe Persique & Mer des Indes. Par Monsieur de THEVENOT. Seconde partie. A Paris, chez Charles Angot, I674. [xxii] + 392p. index. 8vo. GT 549 Author left Paris, Oct. 6, 1663, and died at Miana, near Tabriz, Nov. 28, 1667. This and the following volume were published by an anonymous editor after his death. 311 Troisieme partie des voyages de M de THEVENOT, contenant la relation de l'Indostan, des nouveaux Mogols, & des autres peuples & pays des Indes. A Paris, chez la Veuve Biestkins, i684. [xviii] + 338p. index. 8vo. GT 549 This and the previous two volumes are bound uniformly in contemporary calf, so as to form a set, in which condition, according to Brunet, they are rarely found. This part of the travels began at Bassorah, Nov. 6, 1665, and ended with the author's death. 312 Voyages de M de THEVENOT en Europe, Asie & Afrique, divisez en trois parties, contenant cinq tomes... Troisieme edition. A Amsterdam, chez Michel Charles le Cene, 1727. 5 vols., each with separate title-page and index. 2 frontispieces and illustrations in the text. I6mo. GT 550 Bound in full green morocco, gilt, floriated monogram J L on sides and backs, inside borders. 313 __.. Entirely uncut. GT 55I 314 The travels of Monsieur de THEVENOT into the Levant. In three parts; viz. into I. Turkey; II. Persia; III. The East-Indies. Newly done out of French [by A. Lovell]. London, H. Clark, 1687. [xxxiv] + 291 + 200 + II4p. index. Engraved portrait and plates, and special title-page to each part. Folio. GT 552 315 DeB Herrn THEVENOTS Reysen in Europa, Asia und Africa, worinnen gehandelt wird von der morgenlandischen Reise, und unter andern denen unterthanigen Herrschaften deB GroB-Tiircken... 72 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi wie auch denen unterschiedenen Umbstanden dess Archipelagi, Constantinopels, dess Heyligen Landes, Egyptens, der Pyramiden, Mumien, deren Wiisten Arabiens, Mecha, und anderer Orthen mehr in Asia und in Africa, dergleichen seithero wenig angemercket und von anderen beschrieben worden... erstlich in frantz6sischer Sprache beschrieben, mit sch6nen Kupffern geziehret, und drei vollstandigen Registern versehen, anjetzo aber in die Hoch-Teutsche Sprache auf grosses Verlangen iibersetzet, und in drey Theil verfasset... Franckfurt am Mayn, Philipp Fievet, I693. 3 vols. in I. engraved frontispiece, each vol. with separate title-page, and index. ([xvi] + 4I9 + 285 + 342p. Numerous engraved plates. 8vo. GT 553 1656 316 A voyage to Mount Libanus: wherein is an account of the customs and manners, &c. of the Turks, also a description of Candia, Nicosia, Tripoli, Alexandretta, &c. with curious remarks upon several passages relating to the Turks and Maronites. Written originally in Italian, by the Reverend Father JEROM DANDINI. (No place nor date). Folio. [Harleian voyages, I745, vol. I. pp. 832-873]. GT 394 The first edition in Italian appeared in 1656. 1657 317 Les voyages de M QUICLET a Constantinople par terre. Enrichis d'annotations par le Sieur P.M.L. (Prome, Marchand libraire). A Paris, chez Iean Prome, 1664. [vi] + 246p. 24 mo. GT 543 Journey made in 1657 in company with M Poullet (see next entry), who refers to Quiclet as "Interprete du roi en langue turquesqe," in his preface. 318 Nouvelles relations du Levant, qui contiennent plusieurs remarques fort curieuses non encore observees, touchant la religion, les moeurs, & la politique de divers peuples, avec un discours sur le commerce des Anglois & les Hollandois. Par Monsieur P.A. (POULLET). A Paris, chez Louys Billaine, 1667. [xxxii] + 454p. 2 maps, 3 plates. I6mo. GT 544 Added: title-page of the edition of I668, on which the name of the author appears. His name also appears on the "Privilege du Roy," on p. xxxi. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 73 1658 319 Relation d'un voyage de Berlin a Constantinople par FRANCOIS BLONDEL, Sieur des Croisettes et de Gallardon (NovembreDecembre, 1658>. Par M Charles Lucas... Paris, Imprimerie Nationale, 900o. (Extrait du Bulletin de geographie historique et descriptive, No. I, I899). I2p. 8vo. GT 801.2 320 Kort bestriffning om thet som wid then Constantinopolitaniske resan ar f6reluppit Huruledes kongl. May: tz anf6rtrodde ahrender iro f6rzattade sampt vthi hwad wilkor then Turkiske staten widh samma tijdh befans; giord den stormechtigeste Konung och Herre, Herr Carl Gustaff, Sweriges G6thes och Wandes Konung &c. tilskyldigh underrattelse, aff troo och underdanige tienare til Portam Ottomannicam extraordinarie affslickader CLAS RALAMB, anno I658. Stockholm, Henrich Keyser, I679. 93P. index. Gothic letter. I2mo. GT 797.I 1659 321 A brief history of the voyage of KATHARINE EVANS and SARAH CHEEVERS to the island of Malta, where the Apostle Paul suffer'd shipwreck, and their cruel sufferings in the inquisition there for near four years, occasion'd by the malice of the monks and friers against them, and their several conferences with them; and how they came to be deliver'd from thence, and their safe return home to England; to which is added, a short relation from GEORGE ROBINSON, of the sufferings which befel him in his journey to Jerusalem, and how he was preserved from the hands of cruelty when the sentence of death was passed against him. London, printed by the assigns of J. Sowle, I715. 2z6p. 24mo. GT I730.I The two women were Quakers as was also Robinson, who made his journey in I657. Their journey began in I659. 1660 322 La Syrie sainte, ou, La mission de Jesus et des Peres de la Compagnie de Jesus en Syrie. Divisee en deux parties; par le R P JOSEPH BESSON, de la mesme Compagnie. A Paris, chez Jean Henault, I660. [xx] + 232p. index. + 269p. index. map. I6 mo. GT 771 74 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 323 La Syrie et la Terre Sainte au XVIIe siecle. Par le P JOSEPH BESSON, de la Compagnie de Jesus. Nouvelle edition, revue par un pere de la meme Compagnie (Nicolas de Poiresson). Poitiers, Henri Oudin; Paris, Victor Palme, 1862. xv + 462p. 8vo. GT 772 324 EDUWARD MELTONS, Engelsch edelmans zeldzaame en gedenkwaardige zee- en land-reizen; door Egypten, West-Indien, Perzien, Turkyen, Oost-Indien, en d'aangrenzende gewesten... aangevangen in den jaare I660, en geeindigd in den jaare 1677; vertaald uit d'eigene aanteekeningen en brieven van den gedagten Heer MELTON, en met verscheidene schoone kopere figuuren versierd. t'Amsterdam, by Jan ten Hoorn, I68I. [iv] + 495p. index. Engraved title-page, and I9 full-page and folding engraved plates. Gothic letter. 8vo. GT 545 1661 325 A narrative of the success of the voyage of the Right Honourable HENEAGE FINCH, Earl of Winchelsea... His Majesties Ambassadour Extraordinary to the high & mighty Prince Sultan Mahmet Han, Emperour of Turkey, from Smyrna to Constantinople; his arrival there, the manner of his entertainment and audience with the Grand Vizier and Grand Seignior. London, printed by I.R., I66I. IIp. I2mo. GT 795.5 The Ambassador sailed from Smyrna, Jan. 6, i66i. 326 The present state of the Ottoman Empire, containing the maxims of the Turkish politie, the most material points of the Mahometan religion, their sects and heresies, their convents and religious votaries, their military discipline, with an exact computation of their forces both by land and sea. Illustrated with divers pieces of sculpture representing the variety of habits amongst the Turks. In three books. By PAUL RYCAUT, Esq., secretary to his Excellency the Earl of Winchelsea, Embassador Extraordinary for His Majesty Charles the Second, &c. to... the Emperour of the Turks. London, John Starkey and Henry Brome, I668. The three parts in I vol. with continuous pagination. [x] + 2I8p. plates, and illustrations in text. Folio. TH 4 R 48 Added at end: title-page and last leaf of third edition, London, I670. Bound in original black calf. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 75 327. Third edition. I670. [x] + 2I6p. Folio. TH 4 R 481 328. Fourth edition. I675. [xii] + 380p. index. Frontispiece. and many illustrations. I2mo. TH 4 R 482 Bound in original calf, with arms of Wm. Douglas, Duke of Queensberry, I637-95. 329 _ ___. The sixth edition, corrected. London, Charles Brome, I686. [xii] + 406p. index. I2mo. TH 4 R 483 330 Histoire de l'Etat present de l'Empire Ottoman: contenant les maximes politiques des Turcs, les principaux points de la religion Mahometane, ses sectes, ses heresies, & ses diverses sortes de religieux, leur discipline militaire, avec une supputation exacte de leurs forces par mer & par terre, & du revenu de l'etat. Traduit de l'Anglois de Monsieur RICAUT... par Monsieur Briot. A Paris, chez Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy, I670. [x] + 382p. illustrations in text, frontispiece. 4to. TH 4 R 484 331 _. A Amsterdam, chez Abraham Wolfgank, I670. 498p. index, many illustrations. 24mo. TH4 R 485 332 L'etat present de l'Empire Ottoman, ou sont compris les moeurs, les maximes, & la politique des Turcs, leurs manieres de gouverner, leur discipline militaire, leur religion, leurs mariages, leurs forces par mer & par terre, & comment le Grand-Seigneur se maintient dans l'eclat & la gloire, & se fait craindre. Divise en trois livres. De la traduction du Sieur Bespier sur l'original Anglois du Sieur RICAUT... A Rouen, chez Jean Lucas, 1677. 3 vols. in 2, paged continuously, [xiv] + 72op. many illustrations. I6mo. TH 4 R486 333 Verhaal van de tegenwoordige Staat van het Turksche Kaizerryk, aangetekent en beschreven... door de Heer RYKAUT... die daar in vertoont: die stattkundige Grontreegelen der Turken; de voornaamste stukken der Mahometaansche Godsdienst...; hun Krijgsordening, met een naaukeurige rekening van hun Heirkrachten ter zee en te Lant, en van d'Inkoomsten van dit Rijk... Door 76 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI J. H. Glazemaker Vertaalt... t'Amsterdam, by Abraham Wolfgang, i670. [vi] + 224P.- illustrations. I2mo. TH 4 R 489 334 Historia dello stato presente dell' Jmpe~rio Ottomano, nella quale si contengono le massime politiche de' Turchi, i punti principali della religione Mahomettana... la disciplina milita~re, il conto essatto delle forze per mare, e per terra, e delle rendite dello stato loro. Coinposta prima in lingua I'nglese dal Sig. RiCA UT... tradotta poscia in Francese dal Sig. Briot, e finalmente t~raspo~rtata in Italiano da Constantin Belli... Seconda editione... Venetia, presso Combi & La Noii, 1673. [x] + 296p. illustrations. 8vo. TH 4 R 487 335 _ ___-.In Bologna, per Gio. Recaldini, i674. [xxii] + 684p. 24mo. T114 R488 Contains no illustrations. 336 Die neu-erdffnete Ottomanische Pforte, bestehend, erstlichen, in einer grund-richtigen und aus eigener Erfahrung gezogenen Beschreibung deB gantzen Tiirckischen Staats- und Gottesdiensts... die vornehmste Stiick und Artickul der Mahumetischen Lehre, darunter verborgene politisehe Griffe, Art der Mosqueen, Gottes-Hauser, und deren Einkunffte, die Vornehmsten Ceremonien deB3 Gebetts... bevorab die gantze Tiirckische Kriegs-Verfassung... VJbersetzt aus dess hochberiihmten Herrn RiCAUT, in Englischer Sprach Verfa~ten, und zu unterschiedlichen mahien ins Frantz6sische gebrachten Buch. Zweytens, einer wolgefaPten aussfifihrlichen Histori der Vornehmsten Geschichten aller Ottomanischen Mo~narchen... aus deB vortrefflichen Venetianischen... GiOVANNI SAGREDO Itafidinischer Beschreibung und gemeltem RiCAUT ebenmaBig iibersetzt... Augspurg, gedruckt bey Johann Jacob Schdnig, i694. [xiV] + 150 + 569p. index, frontispiece and many engraved illustrations. Title-page in red and black. Folio. TH 4 R 49 1664 337 Voyage dans la Palestine (par le Chevalier d' ARVIEUX) vers le Grand Emir, Chef des princes Arabes du desert, connus sous le nom des Bedoufins, ou d'Arabes Scenites, qui se di-sent la vraie posterite' d'JsmaKl fils d'Abraham... avec la description generale de VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 77 l'Arabie, faite par le Sultan ISMAEL ABULFEDA traduite en francois sur les meilleurs manuscrits, avec des notes, par M de La Roque. A Amsterdam, chez Steenhouwer & Uytwerf, I718. [xliv] + 342 + [6]p. engraved frontispiece and 2 illustrations. I2mo. GT 538.1 Journey started from Sidon, Aug. I6, I664. The author's name is given in the preface. 338 The Chevalier d' ARVIEUX'S travels in Arabia the Desart, written by himself, and publish'd by Mr. de La Roque: giving a very accurate and entertaining account of the religion, rights, customs, diversions, &c. of the Bedouins, or Arabian Scenites... To which is added, a general description of Arabia, by Sultan ISHMAEL AB ULFEDA, translated from the best manuscripts, with notes. Done into English by an eminent hand... London, B. Barker and C. King, I718. [xx] + 358p. table, engraved frontispiece and four illustrations. I6 mo. GT 538.2 339 Caesarea legatio, quam mandante Augustissimo Rom. Imperatore Leopoldo I ad Portam Ottomanicam suscepit perfecitque... WALTERUS S.R.I. Comes de LESLIE... Succincta narratione exposita, atque... in perennem laudatissimi patrui memoriam dicata R P P.T. [Paulo Tafernero] S.J., itineris comite... Viennae Austriae, typis Matthaei Cosmerovii, I668. [xiv] + I82p. portrait frontispiece. I6mo. GT796 The embassy started from Vienna in the Spring of 1664, down the Danube via Adrianople to Constantinople, and returned early in I665. 340 Keiserliche Botschafft an die Ottomannische Pforte, welche auff Befehl ihrer R6m. Keis. Maj. Leopoldus des I., der hochgebohrne Herr, Herr WALTER LESSLIE... gliicklich verrichtet, anfangs in lateinischer Sprache, von P Paul Tafernern, Jesuitern... aus eigener Erfahrung beschrieben, nunmehro aber dem teutschliebenden Leser zum besten verteutschet durch B.Z.v.W. Bresslau, bey Joh. Ad. Rastner, I680. [viii] + 352p. GT 797 341 A relation of a journey of the Right Honourable My Lord HENRY HOWARD, from London to Vienna, and thence to Constantinople, in the company of his Excellency, Count Lesley... Extraordinary Ambassadour from Leopoldus Emperour of Germany to the 78 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o Grand Seignior, Sultan Mahomet Han the Fourth. Written by JOHN BURBURY Gent. London, T. Collins, and I. Ford, I67I. [vi] + 225p. GT 798 342 Relatione della Siria particolarmente della santa citta di Gierusalem, suoi santuarii, e viaggio di D. Gio. DOMENICO VERUSIO... In Roma, Stefano Cavalli, I665. 28p. 8vo. GT 554 Contemporary brown calf binding, richly gilt, with center and fan-shaped corners. Ties. Account of a journey recently made, written for the guidance of other pilgrims to the Holy City. 1665 343 Voyage en Turquie et en Grece du RP ROBERT de DREUX, Aumonier de l'Ambassadeur de France <I665-I669>. Publie et annote par Hubert Pernot... Paris, "Les Belles Lettres," 1925. xi + 202p. (Collection de l'Institut Neo-hellenique de l'Universite de Paris, No. 3.) I2mo. GT 797.2 Journey started from Marseilles, Oct. 29, I665: Malta, Constantinople, Adrianople, Mytilene, Chios, Smyrna, Rodosto, Cavalla, Serres, Salonica, Larissa, Athens, Corinth, Cerigo. 344 Viaggi dell'illustrissimo, & eccellentissimo Sign. Marchese GHIRON FRANCESCO VILLA, in Dalmatia, e Levante, con la distinta relatione de' successi di Candia per il tempo, che fu dal medemo diffesa in qualita di Generale dell' infanteria della Serenissima Republica di Venetia. Descritti, & occularmente osservati dal Consigliere... GIo. BATTISTA ROSTAGNO. In Torino, per Gio. Sinibaldo, I668. 4I6p. large folding plate of the siege of Candia. 8vo. HG 87.2 V 71 The account begins with the setting out of the expedition in April, 1665, and ends in April, I668. Villa was accidentally killed by the premature explosion of a cannon in December of the same year. The account is more concerned with the war in Crete, than with incidents of travel. 345 Histoire des voyages de Monsieur le Marquis VILLE en Levant, et du siege de Candie. (Par JOSEPH Du CROS) A Paris, chez Francois Clouzier, et Pierre Aubouyn, I669. [x] + 286p. 24mo. HG 87.2 V 712 346. A Lyon, chez la Veve de Guill. Barbier, I669. [x] + 4i8p. 24mo. HG 87.2 V 713 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 79 347 Les memoires du voyage de Monsieur le Marquis de VILLE au Levant, ou, L'Histoire curieuse du siege de Candie, comprenant en trois parties tout ce qui s'est passe, tant avant l'arrivee & sous le commandement de ce General, que sous celuy de Mr le Marquis de S. Andre Montbrun, jusques a la prise de la Place. Le tout tire des memoires de J. B. ROSTAGNE... Par Franfois Savinien d'Alquie. A Amsterdam, chez Henry & Theodore Boom, I67I. Three parts in 2 vols. [viii] + 60 + 453p. 320p. Frontispiece. 24mo. HG 87.2 V 715 348 Funerale, lettere, patenti, ecompositioni per il Signor Marchese FRANCESCO VILLA, morto in Candia per colpo di cannone, mentre commandava alle soldatesche di Nostro Signore Papa Clemente IX, in qualita di Sargente Generale di battaglia (per Alessandro Camerata). In Ancona, nella stamperia Camerale, I669. II2p. table. HG 87.2 V 718 1666 349 Les beautez de la Perse, ou, la Description de ce qu'il y a de plus curieux dans ce royaume, enrichie de la carte dupais, & de plusieurs estampes dessignees sur les lieux. Par le Sieur A.D.D.V. [ANDRIS DAULIER DESLANDES, Vendomois], avec une relation de quelques avantures maritimes de L.M.P.R.D.G.D.F. [Louis MAROT, Pilote real des galeres de France]. A Paris, chez Gervais Clouzier, I673. [x] + I33p. engraved frontispiece. 7 plates. 8vo. GT 531 Journey made in I666. The pilot's adventures are undated. 350 Viaggio e navigatione di Monsignor SEBASTIANI F GIUSEPPE di S. Maria, dell' Ordine de' Carmelitani Scalzi... nell' andare, e tornare dall' Arcipelago. In Roma, Domenico Ant. Ercole, 1687. [iv] + I52p. index. 8vo. GT 773 Journey begun in July, I666. 351 FRANTZ FERDINAND von TROILO... Ritters des Heiligen Grabes... Orientalische Reise-Beschreibung, wie er zu dreyen unterschiedenen Mahlen nach Jerusalem, von dannen in Egypten, auff den Berg Sinai, und ferner nach Constantinopel sich begeben, auff der letzten Riick-reise aber von See-Raubern gefangen, nach Algier in die Barbarey gebracht, zwey mahl verkaufft, und durch Gottes 80 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o wunderbare Schickung zu Ende des I669 Jahres wiederumb erl6set worden; worbey aller derer Lander Art und heilige Orter ausfiihrlich beschrieben... und was denckwiirdiges mit groBer Leib- und LebensGefahr angemercket werden m6gen, nunmehr auff Begehren dem giinstigen Leser ausfiihrlich nach vier Jahren von dem Authore selbst abgetheilet, vor Augen gestellet wird... Dresden, Melchior Bergen, I677. [xxvi] + 670p. Engraved title-page. I2mo. GT 556 Account covers the years I666-70. 1668 352 An account of several travels through a great part of Germany, in four journeys: From Norwich to Colen. II. From Colen to Vienna, with a particular description of that Imperial city. III. From Vienna to Hamburg. IV. From Colen to London. Wherein the mines, baths, and other curiosities of those parts are treated of. Illustrated with sculptures. By EDWARD BROWN... London, Benj. Tooke, I677. I79p. Illustrations. 8vo. Bound with the following. GT 560 Journey begun in I668. 353 A brief account of some travels in Hungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli, as also some observations on the gold, silver, copper, quicksilver mines, baths, and mineral waters in those parts: with the figures of some habits and remarkable places. By EDWARD BROWN, M.D. London, Benj. Tooke, I673. [viii] + I44P. Many engraved illustrations, 8vo. Bound with the previous. GT 560 Journey begun in I669. 354 A brief account of some travels in divers parts of Europe, viz. Hungaria, Servia, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Thessaly, Austria, Styria, Carinthia, Carniola, and Friuli; through a great part of Germany, and the Low-Countries, through Marca Trevisana, and Lombardy on both sides the Po; with some observations on the gold, silver, copper, quicksilver mines, and the baths and mineral waters in those parts, as also the description of many antiquities, habits, fortifications and remarkable places. The second edition with many additions. By EDWARD BROWN, M. D. London, Benj. Tooke, I685. [ii] + 222p. Table, many plates. Folio. GT 561 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 8i 355 Relation de plusieurs voyages faits en Hongrie, Servie [etc]... enrichie de plusieurs observations tres curieuses... Traduit de l'Anglois du Sieur EDOUART BROWN... A Paris, chez Gervais Clouzier, I674. [iv] + 2o8p. Engraved frontispiece and illustrations. 8vo. GT 562 356 Journal du voyage de Mr. COLLIER, Resident a la Porte, pour Messieurs les Etats Generaux des Provinces Unies. Traduit du Flament (par Vincent Minutoli). A Paris, chez Gervais Clouzier, I672. [x] + I03p. index. 24mo. GT 798.I The author reached Constantinople, May 25, i668. 357 J. J. STRUYS aenmerkelijke en seer ramspoedige reysen door Lijfland, Moscovien, Tartarien, Persien en Oostindien, met en beschryving van de gelegentheyt, aart en gewoonte dier volkeren, en landen, beneffens seltzame voorvallen tot sijn te rug-komst alhier. t'Amsterdam, by de Weduwe van Gysbert de Groot, I7I3. II2p. 8vo. Gothic letter. GT 528 Journey begun end of September, i668. First edition, Amsterdam, 1676. 358 Les voyages de JEAN STRUYS en Muscovie, en Tartarie, en Perse, aux Indes, & en plusieurs autres pais etrangers; accompagnez de remarques particulieres sur la qualite, la religion, le gouvernement, les coftumes, & le negoce des lieux qu'il a vus; avec quantite de figures en taille-douce, dessinees par lui-meme, & deux lettres qui traitent a fond des malheurs d' Astracan, par M Glanius. A Amsterdam, I720. 3 vols. viii + 3o8p. + 278p. + 276p., with table after each; many engraved illustrations. I6mo. GT 529 1669 359 Voyage de Galilee [Par Dom SAVINIEN ALQUIg]. A Paris, Florentin Lambert, I670. [xiv] + 259p. I6mo. GT 558 Journey begun from Sidon, Dec. I9, 1669. Preface signed D. S. A. and privilege to publish granted to S. A. 360 A journey to Jerusalem, or, A relation of the travels of fourteen Englishmen in the year I669, from Scanderoon, to Tripoly, Joppa, Ramah, Jerusalem, Bethlem, Jericho, the River Jordan, the 6 Gennadeion II 82 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8OI Dead Sea, and back again to Aleppo, with an exact account of all the remarkable places and things in their whole journey. In a letter from T.B. in Aleppo to his friend in London. Together with a map, and brief account of the ancient and modern state of those countries. London, printed by T.M. for N. Crouch, 1672. [xxxiv] + 87p. Frontispiece. 24mo. GT 548 361 Relation de 1'esclavage d'un marchand de la ville de Cassis, a Tunis; redigee par A. GALLAND... traducteur des Mille et une nuits. A Paris, chez Ferra, I8IO. I79p. I6mo. GT 757 From an account found among Galland's papers told by "un honnete marchand de la famille des BONNET a Cassis... trois lieues de Marseille," shortly after the capture of the city of Candia by the Turks in I669. 362 A letter from a gentleman of the Lord Ambassador HOWARD'S retinue, to his friend in London, dated at Fez, Nov. I, 1669, wherein he gives a full relation of the most remarkable passages in their voyage thither, and of the present state of the countries under the power of Taffaletta, Emperour of Morocco, with a brief account of the merchandizing commodities of Africa, as also the manners and customs of the people there. London, Moses Pitt, I670. 36p. I2mo. GT 1711 363 Reise des Sheikh IBRAHIMEL-KHIJARI EL-MEDENI durch einen Theil Palistinas. [Herausgegeben von] Friedrich Tuch. Leipzig, W. Vogel, Sohn, I850. I9p. 8vo. Festprogramm, Univ. Leipzig. GT 719 The traveler left Medina, June II, 1669 (A. H. Io80). 364 Athenes ancienne et nouvelle, et l'estat present de l'empire des Turcs, contenant la vie du Sultan Mahomet IV; le ministere de Coprogli, Achmet Pacha, Grand Vizir; ce qui s'est passe dans le camp des Turcs au siege de Candie, et plusieurs autres particularitez des affaires de la Porte; avec le plan de la ville d'Athenes, par le Sr. de LA GUILLETIERE. A Paris, chez Estienne Michallet, I675. [xxii] + 446p. index. 2 folding plates. I6mo. GT 575 Contemporary calf binding, gilt, with arms on sides. The author, ANDRI GEORGES GUILLET or GUILLET de ST. GEORGES, never visited Athens or Greece, but from his own and others' studies learnedly produced books, and attributed them to a fictitious brother, GUILLET de LA GUILLETIERE, said VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 83 to have escaped from captivity at Tunis and sailed for Greece in Feb. I669. For a full and interesting account, see Laborde, Athenes aux XV, XVI et XVII siecles, Paris, 1854, vol. I, pp. 214-247. See also No. 411. 365 __. Troisieme edition, augmentee en plusieurs endroits, sur les memoires de l'autheur. A Paris, chez Estienne Michallet, 1676. [xxii] + 456p. index. 2 folding plates. I6 mo. GT 576 366 An account of a late voyage to Athens, containing the estate both ancient and modern of that famous city, and of the present empire of the Turks; the life of the now Sultan Mahomet the IV. with the ministry of the Grand Vizier, Caprogli Achmet Pacha; also the most remarkable passages in the Turkish camp at the siege of Candia, and divers other particularities of the affairs of the Port, by Monsieur de LA GUILLATIERE (sic), a French gentleman. Now Englished. London, printed by J. M. for H. Herringman, 1676. 422p. I6mo. GT 577 367 Lacedemone ancienne et nouvelle, ou l'on voit les moeurs, & les coftumes des Grecs modernes, des Mahometans, & des Juifs du pays; et quelques particularitez du sejour que le Sultan Mahomet IV a fait dans la Thessalie; avec le plan de la ville de Lacedemone, par le Sieur de LA GUILLETIERE. A Paris, chez Jean Ribou, 1676. 2 vols. paged continuously. [xiv] + 666p. index. I folding plate. I6 mo. GT 578 1670 368 Memoires du Sieur DE LA CROIX, cy-devant Secretaire de l'Ambassade de Constantinople, contenans diverses relations trescurieuses de l'Empire Othoman. A Paris, chez Claude Barbin, 1684. 2 vols. [xxxiv] + 428 and 398p. indices. I6mo. TH 4 L I4 Account written in the form of letters dated Dec. 20, I670 to Jan. 10, I679. The writer states that he accompanied the Ambassador of France, Nointel, to Constantinople from Toulon, Aug. 20, I670. 369 Relation nouvelle d'un voyage de Constantinople, enrichie de plans levez par l'auteur sur les lieux, et des figures de tout ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable dans cette ville. [Par GUILLAUME JOSEPH] (GRELOT). Presentee au Roy. A Paris, chez la veuve de Damien Foucault, i680. [xi] + 306p. and many plates. 4to. GT 589 6* 84 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi Added: title-page of the edition of I689. Presentation copy to Louis XIV, bound in red morocco, gilt, with fleur-delys on back and angles, and the royal arms stamped on sides. Ex libris of the Chev. de Fleurieu and of Ambroise Firmin Didot. Author states in preface that he spent six years in Constantinople, but gives no dates. The privilege to print was given in I677. 370 _. Suivant la copie. Paris, Pierre Rocolet, I68I. [Printed in Amsterdam]. [x] + 37IP. 8 plates. 24mo. GT 590 371 A late voyage to Constantinople, containing an exact description of the Propontis and Hellespont with the Dardanels, and what else is remarkable in those seas, as also of the city of Constantinople, wherein is particularly described the Grand Seraglio and the chief mosquees; likewise an account of the ancient and present state of the Greek Church, with the religion and manner of worship of the Turks... illustrated with curious and exact draughts of the Hellespont, Propontis, Constantinople, the seraglio, Sancta Sophia and other chief mosquees... in fourteen copper plates... the like never done before... Published.. by WILLIAM JOSEPH GRELOT. Made English by J. Philips. London, printed by John Playford, I683. [xii] + 243p. portrait and 12 folding plates. I2mo. GT 591 372 Relation de la captivite du Sr. MOUETTE dans les royaumes de Fez et de Maroc, ou il a demeure pendant onze ans; ou l'on void les persecutions qui y sont arrivees au Chretiens captifs sous les regnes de Mouley Archy, & de Mouley Semein son successeur regnant aujourd'hui, & les travaux ordinaires ausquels on les occupe; avec un traite du commerce, & de la maniere que les negocians s'y doivent comporter, ensemble les termes principaux de la langue qui est la plus en usage dans le pais. A Paris, chez Jean Cochart, I683. [x] + 362p. index. I6mo. GT 746 The author was captured in October, I670. 373 L'Odyssee d'un ambassadeur: les voyages du Marquis de NOINTEL (I670-I680>. Par Albert Vandal... Paris, Plon, I900. xii + 355p. 4 plates. 8vo. GT 795 During his mission to the Porte, he visited, in 1673, the Greek Islands, Palestine, Aleppo, the Euphrates, and Athens, (pp. II4-I76). VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 85 374 Relation de la visite du Marquis de NOINTEL a la grotte d'Antiparos (I673>. Par M H. Omont... Paris, Ernest Leroux, I893. (Extrait du Bulletin de Geographie historique et descriptive, No. 4, I892.) 30p. I plate. GT 795.I 375 Relation de DOURRY Efendi, Ambassadeur de la Porte Ottomane aupres du roi de Perse, traduit du Turk, et suivi de l'Extrait des voyages de PgTIS DE LA CROIX, redige par lui-meme (et publie avec quelques notes, par M Langles). Paris, chez Ferra, I8Io. viii + I88p. 8vo. GT 728 The Turkish Ambassador made his report to the Sultan in I720. PETIS DE LA CROIX was an expert linguist, who was sent out by the French government to the Levant in Nov. I670, to learn Arabic, Persian and Turkish, and remained there ten years. This extract is an account of his travels in Syria, Kurdistan, Armenia, and Persia and occupies pp. 73-174; it was not presented until I694. 1671 376 Le couronnement de Soleimaan Troisieme, Roy de Perse, et ce qui s'est passe de plus memorable dans les deux premieres annees de son regne. (Par le Chevalier CHARDIN). A Paris, par Claude Barbin, 1671. [xxxvi] + 460p. engraved frontispiece, vignettes and initials. I2mo. GT 597 377 Journal du voyage du Chevalier CHARDIN en Perse & aux Indes Orientales, par la Mer Noire, & par la Colchide. Premiere partie, qui contient le voyage de Paris a Ispahan. A Londres, chez Moses Pitt, I686. [viii] + 349p. index. engraved portrait, title-page, and plates. Folio. GT 592 Added: title-page of the English edition of I689 and a plate from it on p. 288. On the title-page is written: "Pour Monsieur le Chevr. Christofle Wreen par son tres humble et tres obeissant serviteur CHARDIN." The first edition, of which this was the only part published. This part of the journey was made in I67I-73. The plates are said to have been drawn by Grelot. See No. 369. 378 _. Amsterdam, chez Jean Wolters & Ysbrand Haring, I686. [xx] + 432p. index. engraved frontispiece portrait, and many plates. I6mo. GT 593 This is an exact reprint of the previous edition of the first part of the voyages. 86 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 379 Voyages de Mr. le Chevalier CHARDIN en Perse, et autres lieux de l'Orient... enrichi d'un grand nombre de belles figures en tailledouce, representant les antiquitez & les choses remarquables du pais. A Amsterdam, chez Jean Louis de Lorme, 1711. IO vols. engraved portrait and many folding plates, title-page in red and black. I6mo. GT 594 The first edition of the complete voyage, which lasted from 1671 to I677. 380 Voyages du Chevalier CHARDIN en Perse, et autres lieux de l'Orient, enrichis de figures en taille-douce, qui representent les antiquites & les choses remarquables du pais. Nouvelle edition, augmentee du couronnement de Soliman III, & d'un grand nombre de passages tires du manuscrit de l'auteur, qui ne se trouvent point dans les editions precedentes... A Amsterdam, aux depens de la Compagnie, I735. 4 vols. Engraved portrait and 79 plates, title-page in red and black. 4to. GT 595 Ex libris of Sir James Mackintosh, and his notation on the fly-leaf. 381 Voyages du Chevalier CHARDIN en Perse, et autres lieux d'Orient, enrichis d'un grand nombre de belles figures en taille-douce, representant les antiquites et les choses remarquables du pays. Nouvelle edition, soigneusement conferee sur les trois editions originales, augmentee d'une notice de Perse, depuis les temps les plus recules jusqu'a ce jour, de notes, etc., par L. Langles... Paris, Le Normant, I8II. IO vols. 8vo. I vol. of plates, folio. GT 596 Added to vol. of plates: Notice sur JEAN CHARDIN, par L. Langles. Unidentified extract, 8p. 8vo. 382 Des vortrefflichen Ritters CHARDIN, des grossen K6nigs in Persien Hoff-Handelsmanns curieuse Persian- und Ost-Indische Reise-beschreibung, bestehend in einem ordentlichen Journal, oder taglichen Verzeichniiu seiner in Persien und Ost-Indien fiber das schwartze Meer und den Cholchidem abgelegter Reisen; erstlich vom Authore selbst in frantz6sischer Sprach beschrieben, nachgehends in die englische, anitzo wegen seiner Vortrefflichkeit in die Hochdeutsche ibersetzet, mit sch6nen Kupffern gezieret, und notigem Register versehen... Leipzig, Johann Friedrich Gleditsch, 1687. [xviii] + 532p. index, many plates. GT 598 Bound in contemporary vellum. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 87 383 Dagverhaal der reis van den Ridder CHARDYN, na Persien en Oost-Indien, door de Swarte Zee en Colchis, uit het Fransch in't Nederduitsch gebracht door G. v. Broekhuizen. Vercierd met schoone kopere figuuren. t'Amsterdam, by Sander van de Jouwer, 1687. [vi] + 436p. index, engraved portrait and frontispiece, many plates. Gothic letter. 8vo. GT 599 384 Sir JOHN CHARDIN'S Travels in Persia, never before translated into English, containing, A most particular account of the religion, government, trade, product, rarities, structures, arts and sciences of that great monarchy. An exact description of the court and city of Ispahan, the capital thereof, as also of the ruins of Persepolis, the antient metropolis of that nation, and of several other places of note. With genuine copies of the instructions given by the English, French, and other powers to their respective embassadors in Persia, China, Japan, and other Eastern Empires, no less useful and instructive for carrying on the commerce in those parts, than satisfactory to the curious. Adorn'd and illustrated with a great number of cutts, by EDM. LLOYD. London, J. Smith, I720. 2 vols. [xviii] + 26Ip. [ii] + 333p. many plates. Title-page in red and black. 8vo. GT 600 Narrative begins at Ispahan, omitting the first part. 385 Il pellegrino nell' Asia, cioe Viaggi del Dottor ANGELO LEGRENZI... con li ragguagli dello stato della Santa Citta di Gierusalemme, Bethelemme, Nazareth, & altri luoghi santi, e citta maritime. Opera divisa in XXXII pelegrinaggi... In Venetia, per Domenico Valvasense, I705. 2 vols. [xvi] + 240p. + 426p. Frontispiece. 24mo. GT 558.1 Journey begun from Venice, Aug. 15, 1671. 386 The present state of the Morea, called anciently Peloponnesus, which hath been near two hundred years under the Turks dominion, and is now very much depopulated; after several years observation, from 1671 to I679, faithfully describ'd by BER. RANDOLPH. Printed at Oxford, I686. 24p. 8vo. GT 2239 387 The present state of the Morea, called anciently Peloponnesus, which hath been near two hundred years under the dominion of the Turks, and is now very much depopulated; together with a descrip 88 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI tion of the city of Athens, islands of Zant, Strafades, and Serigo, faithfully described by BERNARD RANDOLPH, who resided in those parts from 1671 to I679. London, printed for the author, and are to be sold by Tho. Basset, etc., i686. 26p. large folding map and 5 plates. I2mo. GT 2240 Plates are of Corinth, Modon, Navarino, Mistra and Nauplia, and are not found in the Oxford edition. 388 The present state of the Morea, called anciently Peloponnesus, together with a description of the city of Athens, islands of Zant, Strafades, and Serigo, with the maps of Morea and Greece, and several cities; also a true prospect of the Grand Serraglio, or Imperial palace of Constantinople, as it appears from Galata, curiously engraved on copper plates. By BERNARD RANDOLPH. The third edition. London, Will. Notts, etc., I689. 26p. 2 folding maps and 2 engraved plates. 8vo. GT 2241 389 The present state of the islands in theArchipelago <or Arches>, sea of Constantinople, and Gulph of Smyrna, with the islands of Candia, and Rhodes. Faithfully describ'd by BER. RANDOLPH. To which is annexed an index, shewing the longitude and latitude of all the places in the new map of Greece lately published by the same author. Printed at the Theater in Oxford, 1687. io8 + [ix]p. large folding map and 3 folding plates. I2mo. GT 2240 390 Relation ou journal d'un voyage fait aux Indes Orientales... A Paris, chez Estienne Michallet, I677. [ii] + 282p. index. I6mo. GT 590. I Journey from 1671 to I675. 1672 391 Relation de l'etat present de la ville d'Athenes, ancienne capitale de la Grece, batie depuis 3400 ans, avec un abrege de son historie & de ses antiquites [par IAQUES PAUL BABIN]. A Lyon, chez Louis Pascal, I674. [vi] + I82p. I6mo. GT 2147 Published by J. Spon, who signed the preface. The author's name appears on p. 6I, at the end of his report to l'abbe Pecoil, 8 Octobre, I672. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI 8 89 392 __-___.Annote'e et publie' par le Comte de Laborde. Paris, Jules Renouard et Cie, i854. [vil ~ 76p. Plate of Athens, i6mo. GT 2I48 Contains the plate missing from the Gennadius copy of the edition of 1674. An exact reproduction of the first part of the original edition of i674, without pp. 62, to i82,, Antiquitt~s d'Athe'nes and Histoire d'Athc'nes, which were added to the first edition by Dr. Spon of Lyons. 393 Viaggio di cinque anni in Asia, Africa, & Europa del Turco di D Gio. BATTISTA de BURGO, Abbate Clarense... con la distinta descrittione delle forze, fortezze di detti paesi, tanto in terra ferma, come anche di tutti i porti di mare, e di tutte le isole; con la descrittione di Gierusalem, Gran Cairo, Alessandria, Constantinopoli, & altre citta' di Turchia, con molte altre curiosita'. Milano, Agnelli, i686. 3 vOls. [xxxiv] ~ 548p.; [x] + 5o3p.; [xxiV] + 57Ip. 24mo. GT 557 journey made from i672, to 1677. About this book Brunet has the following note: L'Vauteur de cet ouvrage appartenait 'a l'illustre famille des Burgh, comtes de Clanricarde; il a exerce' les fonctions de vicaire apostolique en Irlande. Les i8o premieres pages de son premier volume sont enti~rement consacre' aux. evenements auxquels il prit part pendant son sejour dans cette ile, circonstance qui, aux yeux des Anglais, donne beaucoup d'importance 'a ces trois volumes, devenus d'ailleurs assez rares. On y reunit un 4e tome, ec&rit par le m~me auteur sous ce titre:" 394 Hydraulica, o si a trattato dell'acque minerali del Massino, S. Mauritio, FaVera, Scultz, e Bormio, con la guerra della Valtellina del i6i8 sin' al 1638, & altre curiosita', autore D Gio. BATTISTA de BURGO... In Milano, Agnelli, i689. [x] ~ 428p. 24mo. GT 557.I The four volumes are bound uniformly in full green morocco, gilt. 395 journal d'ANTOINE GALLAND, pendant son sej our a Constantinople <i672-1673>. Publie' et annote' par Charles Schefer... Paris, Ernest Leroux, i88i. 2 VOlS. in i. xvii + 287 and 220p. frontispiece. 4t0. GT 559 Vol. II, P. 207: Meimoire des antiquite's qui restent encore de nostre temps dans l'Archipel et dans la Gre~ce. 396 Le voyageur d'Europe, oft est le voyage de Turquie, qui comprend la Terre Sainte et l'gypte... Par M JOUVIN de RoCHEFORT, Tre'sorier de France. A Paris, chez Claude Barbin, 1676. 3I7P. i6mo. GT 564 9go VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I There are no indications of the date of the journey; the "privilege du roy" to print is dated Feb. I6, 1672. 397 Quanto di piu curioso, e vago ha potuto raccorre CORNELIO MAGNI nel primo biennio da esso consumato in viaggi e dimore per la Turchia resta distribuito in questa prima parte in varie lettere scritte in Italia, le quali principalmente includono l'esame della metropoli di Costantinopoli, de' luoghi aggiacenti, e dell' esercito Ottomano, si in marcia, come in campo... aggiontavi la relazione del serraglio del Gran Signore... In Parma, per Galeazzo Rosati, I679. [xxii] + 672p. portrait and folding plate. 24mo. GT 579 On the fly-leaf: "Ex dono authoris, Parmae, 20 Maii, I680." Letters dated from Feb. I5, 1672 to March II, I673. 398 Nouvelle relation en forme de Iournal d'un voyage fait en Egypte par le P VANSLEB, R. D. en 1672 & I673. A Paris, chez Estienne Michallet, I677. [xii] + 423p. index. I6mo. GT 565.I 399 The present state of Egypt, or, A new relation of a late voyage into that kingdom, performed in the years 1672 and 1673, by F VANSLEB, R. D.... Englished by M D.B.D. London, John Starkey, 1678. [iv] + 253p. index. I6mo. GT 565.2 1673 400 L'estat present de l'Archipel (par ANTHOINE des BARRES). A Paris, chez Claude Barbin, 1678. In two parts. [ii] + 215 and 206p. portrait. 24mo. GT 2587 The author's name appears in the "Privilege du Roy." He accompanied the Marquis de Nointel, French Ambassador to the Porte, on his visit to the Greek islands, sailing from Therapia, Sept. 20, I673. See No. 373. 1674 401 Le Consul JEAN GIRAUD et sa relation de l'Attique au XVIIe sibcle. Par Maxime Collignon... (Extrait des Memoires de l'Acadenmie des inscriptions et belles-lettres, tome XXXIX, pp. 374-425. Paris, Imprimerie nationale, I913). GT 2149 The Consul prepared the report on the antiquities of Attica for the French Ambassador Nointel, in I674. See No. 373. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 91 402 Voyage au Levant, c'est-a-dire, dans les principaux endroits de l'Asie Mineure, dans les isles de Chio, Rhodes, & Chypre, &c. de meme que dans les plus considerables villes d'Egypte, de Syrie, et de la Terre Sainte; enrichi de plus de deux cens tailles-douces, ou sont representees ]es plus celebres villes, pais, bourgs, & autres choses dignes de remarque, le tout dessine d'apres nature, par CORNEILLE LE BRUN. A Paris, chez Guillaume Cavelier, I714. [x] + 408p. index. Engraved frontispiece, portrait, and many plates. Folio. GT 563 Journey begun from the Hague Oct. I, I674 and ended there, March 19, I693. First edition (in Dutch), Delft, I698. 403 Relazione della citta d'Athene, colle provincie dell' Attica, Focia, Beozia, e Negroponte, ne' tempi, che furono queste passeggiate da CORNELIO MAGNI, Parmegiano, 1' anno 1674, e dallo stesso publicata 1' anno I688... In Parma, per Galeazzo Rosati, I688. [iv] + I35p. portrait, folding plan and 5 plates. 8vo. GT 580 On title-page: "Ex dono autoris." 1675 404 THE PRESENT STATE of Tangier: in a letter to His Grace, the Lord Chancellor of Ireland; with the present state of Algiers, and an account of their shipping. London, Henry Herringman, I68o. I35p. 24mo. GT 1713 Added: another title-page, dated 1676. The letter on Tangier is signed G. P., and is dated Sept. 29, I675. 405 Voyage d'Italie, de Dalmatie, de Grece, et du Levant, fait aux annees 1675 & 1676 par JACOB SPON, Docteur Medecin Aggrege a Lyon, & GEORGE WHELER, Gentilhomme Anglois. A Lyon, chez Antoine Cellier le Fils, 1678. 3 vols. [xxii] + 405, 417, 226p. portrait, and a large number of plates. I6mo. GT 566 Bound in calf, gilt, with the arms of Charles Henri, Comte de Hoym, Minister Plenipotentiary of France to Poland. This first edition was composed entirely by Spon. Wheler published his own account, in English, four years later. See No. 413. Vol. III consists mainly of inscriptions. 92 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 406 __. A Amsterdam, chez Henry & Theodore Boom, I679. 2 vols. [xviii] + 476, 489p. index, portrait, frontispiece and many plates. 24mo. GT 567 407 Viaggi di Mons. SPON per la Dalmazia, Grecia, e Levante, portati dal franzese da D Casimiro Freschot, Casinense... In Bologna, per Giacomo Monti, I688. [x] + 528p. 2 folding plates. 24mo. GT 568 408 Voyagie door Italien, Dalmatien, Grieckenland, en de Levant, gedaan in de Jaren 1675, en 1676, door den Heer JACOB SPON, Doctor in de medecijne tot Lion, en GEORGIUS WHELER, Engelsch edelman... t'Amsterdam, by Jan ten Hoorn, I689. [iv] + 320p. index. 6 plates. 8vo. GT 569 409 Italiinische, dalmatische, griechische und orientalische ReiseBeschreibung, worinn allerhand merkwiirdige, vormals in Europa unbekannte, Antiquitaten enthalten, welche JACOB SPON, Med. Doctor, und GEORGIUS WHELER, Englischer von Adel, als sie obbenannte Lande im Jahr 1675 und 1676 durchreiset fleissig zusammen getragen, und der Welt zu niitzlicher Nachricht in den Druck bef6rdert; anjetzo aber aus dem Franz6sischen ins Teutsche iibersetzt durch J. Menudier... Niirnberg, Johann Hofmann, I690. [vi] + 122 + I20p. index. frontispiece, plates, and engravings in the text. Folio. GT 570 Bound in one vol. with Tavernier, No. 279. 410 Lettres ecrites sur une dissertation d'un voyage de Grece publie par Mr. SPON, Medecin antiquaire, avec des remarques sur les medailles, les inscriptions, l'histoire ancienne & la moderne, lageographie, la chronologie, & une carte des detroits de Constantinople, selon les nouvelles decouvertes de l'antiquaire. (Par GUILLET de SAINT-GEORGES). A Paris, chez Estienne Michallet, I679. [viii] + 288p. I6mo. GT 573 411 Reponse a la critique publiee par M GUILLET, sur le voyage de Grece de JACOB SPON, avec quatre lettres sur le mesme sujet, le journal d'Angleterre du Sieur Vernon, & la liste des erreurs commises par M GUILLET dans son Athenes ancienne & nouvelle. A Lyon, chez Antoine Celier Fils, I679. [xxii] + 322p. I6mo. GT 574 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE 80oi 93 On fly-leaf: "Pour le R. P. de la Chaize, par son tres humble serviteur, Spon." See No. 364. 412 The diary of HENRY TEONGE, chaplain on board His Majesty's ships Assistance, Bristol, and Royal Oak, anno 1675 to I679. Now first published from the original Ms. with biographical and historical notes. London, Charles Knight, I825. xviii + 327p. Facsimile. 8vo. GT 478.1 Cruises along the Barbary Coast and in the eastern Mediterranean, with visits ashore to Syria and Palestine. 413 A journey into Greece, by GEORGE WHELER, Esq., in company of Dr. SPON, of Lyons, in six books, containing: I: A voyage from Venice to Constantinople. II: An account of Constantinople and the adjacent places. III. A voyage through the Lesser Asia. IV: A voyage from Zant through several parts of Greece to Athens. V: An account of Athens. VI: Several journeys from Athens, into Attica, Corinth, Boeotia, &c. With variety of sculptures. London, printed for William Cademan, Robert Kettlewell, and Awnsham Churchill, 1682. [xii] + 483p. map and plates. Folio. GT 57I Author's signature of presentation on title-page. First edition of Wheler's account. 414 Voyage de Dalmatie, de Grece, et du Levant, par Mr. GEORGE WHELER, enrichi de medailles, & de figures des principales antiquitez qui se trouvent dans ces lieux, avec la description des coustumes, des villes, rivieres, ports de mer, & de ce qui s'y trouve de plus remarquable. Traduit de l'anglois. A Anvers, et se vend a Paris, chez Daniel Horthemels, I689. 2 vols. [xii] + 607p. paged continuously. index. Many plates. I6mo. GT 572 415 _. A Amsterdam, chez Jean Wolters, I689. xii + 358 and 332p. I6mo. GT 572.I Added: title-pages and engraved frontispieces of ed. of La Haye, 1723. 1679 416 Voyage nouveau de la Terre-Sainte, enrichi de plusieurs remarques particulieres qui servent a l'intelligence de la Sainte Ecriture, 94 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi et de diverses reflexions Chr6tiennes... (Par M.N.I.)[MICHEL NAU, Jesuite]. A Paris, chez Andre Pralard, 1679. [xviii] + 67Ip. I6mo. GT 565 A curious and interesting book of undated travels in Mesopotamia, Syria, Persia, and Armenia. By his zeal for making conversions, the author frequently aroused the hostility of the Moslems. 1680 417 Viaggi a Costantinopoli di Gio: BATTISTA DONADO, Senator Veneto, spedito Bailo alla Porta Ottomana l'anno I68o, sua permanenza, e ritorno in patria nel i684, osservati colla raccolta delle piu curiose notitie dal fu Dottor Antonio Benetti, e dati in luce dal Dottor Francesco Maria Pazzaglia... In Venezia, per Andrea Poletti, i688. 4 parts bound in 2 vols. [xx] + 240, 271, 176 and I48p. 24mo. GT 799 1681 418 Ambassades de M le Comte de GUILLERAGUES et de M GIRARDIN aupres du Grand Seigneur, avec plusieurs pieces curieuses tirees des memoires de tous les ambassadeurs de France a la Porte, qui font connoistre les avantages que la religion, & tous les princes de l'Europe ont tire des alliances faites par les Fran9ois avec Sa Hautesse, depuis le regne de Francois I... ensemble plusieurs descriptions de festes, & de cavalcades a la maniere des Turcs... A Paris, chez G. de Luines; et T. Girard, etc., 1687. 334p. 24mo. GT 794.2 The events narrated took place between I68I and I685. 1683 419 Voyage ou relation de l'etat present du royaume de Perse, avec une dissertation curieuse sur les moeurs, religion & gouvernement de cet etat. Par M*** SANSON. A Paris, chez la Veuve Mabre Cramoisi, 1695. [viii] + 264p. index, engraved frontispiece, map and 6 plates, title-page in red and black. I6mo. GT 60I Author was sent as apostolic missionary to Persia in 1683. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 95 1684 420 Kurtze historische und geographische Beschreibung des heiligen Lands Judea, in was vor einem Stand selbiges zu denen LebZeiten unsers Herrn Jesu Christi gewesen, und wie solches jetzo beschaffen, sambt einen ausfiihrlichen Bericht aller von Christo in diesem Lande gethanen Reisen und verrichteten Wunder-Wercken, auch wo selbige geschehen; nebst einer Beschreibung derer K6nigreiche Morea, Sicilien, und der Insul Maltha, mit sch6nen geistreichen Sinn-Spriichen, Ermahnungen und vielen Kupffern gezieret, in einer I4-jahrigen Reise zusammen getragen durch JOH. BALTH. METZGER. Diisseldorff, Johan van der Smissen, 1724. [iv] + I39p. I original colored plan and 29 folding engraved plates. I2mo. GT 591.I Journey made from I684 to I697. 421 HEINRICH MIRIKE, weyl. reformierten Predigers bey der hollandischen Gesandtschaft in Konstantinopel Reise von Konstantinopel nach Jerusalem und dem Lande Kanaan. Mit vielen Anmerkungen von Palastina, &c., von Johann Heinrich Reiz, nebst einem Fragment der von Herrn PETER FtSSLIN aus Zurich, in J. 1523 gethanen Pilgerreise nach dem gelobten Lande. Augsburg, bey Christoph Friedrich Biirglen, I789. 224p. I2mo. GT 443 The account of the journey begins at the Dardanelles, Jan. 15, 1684; it was first published in complete form in I7I9, and the second part added later. 1685 The following books of travel in Siam (Nos. 422-431) do not properly belong in a catalogue of travels in the Near East, but they have been included here because of their rarity and interest to the collector. 422 A relation of the late embassy of Monsr. de CHAUMONT, Knt. to the court of the King of Siam, with an account of the government, state, manners, religion and commerce of that kingdom. London, Henry Mortlock, I687. I52p. 24mo. GT 808.32 The embassy set forth from Brest, March 3, 1685, and returned in I686. 423 Journal du voyage de Siam, fait en I685 & I686. Par M l'Abbe de CHOISY. Seconde edition. A Paris, chez Sebastien Mabre-Cramoisy, 1687. [ii] + 65Ip. I6mo. GT 808.35 96 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8OI 424 Journal ou suite du voyage de Siam, en forme des lettres familieres fait en MDCLXXXV et MDCLXXXVI par Mr. L.D. C. [HOISY], suivant la copie de Paris imprimee. A Amsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier, 1687. ii + 377P. i6mo. GT 808.34 A supplement to the account of the embassy as given in No. 423. 425 Histoire de M CONSTANCE, premier Ministre du Roy de Siam, et de la derniere revolution de cet estat. Par le Pere d'ORLIANS, de la Compagnie de Jesus. A Tours, chez Philbert Masson, et se vend a Paris chez Daniel Horthemels, I690. [xxxiv] + 244P. I6mo. GT 808.42 426 Voyage du Comte de FORBIN a Siam, suivi de quelques details extraits des Memoires de l'Abbe de CHOISY <1685-1688). Paris, L. Hachette et Cie., I853. iv + I76p. I6mo. GT 808.46 427 Voyage de Siam des peres Jesuites, envoye par le Roy aux Indes & a la Chine (par GUY TACHARD); avec leurs observations astronomiques, & leurs remarques de physique, de geographie, d'hydrographie, & d'histoire. Suivant la copie de Paris imprimee par ordre exprez de Sa Majeste. A Amsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier, 1687. [viii] + [359]P. frontispiece, numerous plates. I6mo. GT 808.37 The journey was begun in I685. See following, No. 428. 428 A relation of the voyage to Siam, performed by six Jesuits sent by the French King, to the Indies and China, in the year 1685, with their astrological observations, and their remarks of natural philosophy, geography, hydrography and history. Published in the original, (by Father TACHARD), by the express orders of His most Christian Majesty, and now made Englished, and illustrated with sculptures. London, A. Churchil, I688. 308p. index and many plates. I2mo. GT 808.4 429 A FULL and true relation of the great and wonderful revolution that hapned lately in the Kingdom of Siam in the East Indies, giving a particular account of the seizing and death of the late king, and the setting up of a new one; as also, the putting to death of the King's only daughter, his adopted son, who was a Christian, his two brothers, and of Monsieur Constance, his great minister of state, and VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 97 favourer of the French; and of the expulsion of all the Jesuites, missionary priests, officers and soldiers of the French nation out of that kingdom, that endeavoured to bring it under the French domination: being the substance of several letters writ in Octob. I688 and Febr. I689 from Siam and the Coast of Cormandel, never before publisht in any language, and now translated into English. London, Randal Taylor, I690. viii + I2p. 8vo. GT 808.43 430 Second voyage du Pere TACHARD et des Jesuites envoyes par le Roy au royaume de Siam, contenant diverses remarques d'histoire, de physique, de geographie, & d'astronomie. A Paris, chez Daniel Horthemels, I689. [vi] + 4I6p. index and many folding plates. 8vo. GT 808.38 Journey begun from Brest, March I, I687. 431 _. Suivant la copie de Paris, imprimee, a Amsterdam, chez Pierre Mortier, I689. [ii] + 369p. index and numerous folding plates. frontispiece. I6mo. GT 808.39 432 Reize door verscheidene staten van Europa en Asia, als Turkyen, Persien, Armenien, het Zuider-Tartaryen, Muscovien, Poolen, beide de Pruissens en Moldavien, gedaan zedert den Jaare 1685 tot I692: behelzende veele naaukeurige aanmerkingen zoo in de natuurkunde, land en Zee-beschrijvinge als in de historien, nevens de beschrijvinge als in de historien. Door PHIL. AVRIL, Priester onder de Societet van Jesus... Uit het Frans overgebragt door H. v. Quellenburgh. Tot Utrecht, by Anthony Schouten, I694. [x] + I9Ip. Index. Engraved title-page and 3 plates. Gothic letter. 8vo. GT 602 1688 433 Voyage de Syrie et du Mont-Liban: contenant la description de tout le pays compris sous le nom de Liban & d'Anti-Liban, Kesroan, &c., ce qui concerne l'origine, la creance, & les moeurs des peuples qui habitent ce pays; la description des ruines d'Heliopolis, aujourd'huy Balbek, & une dissertation historique de cette ville; avec un abrege de la vie de Monsieur de Chasteuil, Gentilhomme de Provence, solitaire du Mont-Liban, et l'histoire du Prince Junes, Maronite, mort pour la religion dans ces derniers temps. Par Monsieur 7 Gennadeion II 98 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I de LA ROQUE. A Paris, chez Andre Cailleau, 1722. 2 vols. [x] + 347 and 32Ip. plates. I2mo. GT 627 For Chasteuil, see also No. 260. Journey begun from Marseilles, May I688. 434 Relation nouvelle et exacte d'un voyage de la Terre Sainte, ou, Description de l'etat present des lieux ou se sont passees les principales actions de la vie de Jesus-Christ. A Paris, chez Antoine Dezallier, I688. [iv] + I64p. I6mo. GT 603 The author is said to have been PIERRE de LA VERGNE de TRESSAN, Prior of St. Germain, a convert to Catholicism from Protestantism. The journey began from Marseilles in a year not specified. 1689 435 Nouveau voyage du Levant, par le Sieur D(u) M(ONT), contenant ce qu'il a vu de plus remarquable en Allemagne, France, Italie, Malthe & Turquie; ou l'on voit aussi les brigues secretes de M de Chateau-neuf, Ambassadeur de France a la cour ottomane, & plusieurs histoires galantes. A La Haye, chez Etienne Foulque, 1694. [xx] + 475P. engraved frontispiece, title-page in black and red, 8 folding plates. I6mo. GT 605 Author's name appears in full at the end of the epistle dedicatory. Account begins June, I689, at the siege of Speyer. 436 A new voyage to the Levant, containing an account of the most remarkable curiosities in Germany, France, Italy, Malta, and Turkey, with historical observations relating to the present and ancient state of those countries. By the Sieur Du MONT. Done into English, and adorn'd with figures. The third edition. London, printed for T. Goodwin, M. Wotton, and B. Took [etc], I702. [xx] + 4I6p. 9 plates. I2mo. GT 606 1691 437 Voyage d'Italie et de Grace, avec une dissertation sur la bizarrerie des opinions des hommes. (Par MIRABAL). A Paris, chez Jean Guignard, 1698. [x] + 275P. I6mo. GT 604 The name of the author appears at the end of the epistle dedicatory. Journey begun in I69I. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 99 1692 438 Description de l'Egypte, contenant plusieurs remarques curieuses sur la geographie ancienne et moderne de ce pals, sur ses monumens anciens, sur les moeurs, les coutumes & la religion des habitans... composee sur les memoires de Monsieur de MAILLET,... par M l'Abbe Le Mascrier... A La Haye, chez Isaac Beauregard, I740. 2 vols. [xxiv] + 328 and 397P. index, frontispiece and many plates. Title-page in red and black. I6mo. GT 656 De Maillet was French Consul at Cairo from 1692 to I708. 1693 439 Estat present de l'Empire de Maroc. (Par PIDOU de ST. OLON). A Paris, chez Michel Brunet, 1694. [xiv] + I27p. 8 plates. I6mo. GT I714 The author's name is found at the end of the "Epistre au Roy." He was sent to Morocco to conclude a treaty in I693. 440 Relation de l'Empire de Maroc, ou l'on voit la situation du pays, les moeurs, les coutumes, gouvernement, religion & politique des habitans. Par Mr. de'S[AINT] OLON, Ambassadeur du Roy a la cour de Maroc. Le tout enrichi de figures. A Paris, chez la Veuve Mabre Cramoisy, 1695. xiv + I29p. map, frontispiece and 8 plates. I6mo. GT 1715 Bound in calf, gilt, with the arms of the Comtesse de Verrue (I670-I736) stamped in gold on sides and back. 441 The present state of the Empire of Morocco, with a faithful account of the manners, religion, and government of that people. By Monsieur de ST. OLON, ambassador there in the year 1693. Adorn'd with figures. London, R. Bentley, etc., I695. [xxii] + 216p. index, map and 8 plates. I6mo. GT 1716 1696 442 A. de LA MOTRAYE'S travels through Europe, Asia, and into part of Africa, with proper cutts and maps, containing a great variety of geographical, topographical, and political observations on those parts of the world; especially on Italy, Turky, Greece, Crim and 7* 100 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I Noghaian Tartaries, Circassia, Sweden and Lapland: a curious collection of things particularly rare, both in nature and antiquity, such as remains of antient cities and colonies, inscriptions, idols, medals, minerals, &c. with an historical account of the most considerable events which happen'd during the space of above 25 years... London, printed for the author, 1723. 2 vols. [iii] + 440p. and 432 + 68p. 39 plates and maps. Folio. Large paper. GT 607 Plates No. VI and VII are in duplicate; No. XI is signed by William Hogarth. Portrait of the author added. Contemporary red morocco gilt, extra, elaborately tooled sides and backs; gilt over marbled edges; floriated gilt end papers. First edition. Voyage begun in 1696. 443 Voyages du Sr. A de LA MOTRAYE en Europe, Asie & Afrique, ou l'on trouve une grande variete de recherches geographiques, historiques & politiques, sur l'Italie, la Grece, la Turquie, la Tartarie Crimee, & Nogaye, la Circassie, la Suede, la Laponie, &c.... Ouvrage enrichie d'un grand nombre de cartes, plans, & figures en taille-douce.. A La Haye, chez T. Johnson & J. van Duren, 1727. 2 vols. [x] + 472 + 23p. and [iv] + 496 + 39p. frontispieces, plates, title-pages in red and black. Folio. GT 608 1697 444 A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, A.D. 1697, to which is added, an account of the author's journey to the banks of the Euphrates at Beer, and to the country of Mesopotamia. By HENRY MAUNDRELL... The fourth edition. Perth, R. Morison, I800. [xii] + 228p. frontispiece and 2 plates. 24mo. GT 6IO First edition printed at Oxford, I699. 445 A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, 1697. By HENRY MAUNDRELL, M.A.; also, a journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back again. Translated from a manuscript written by the Prefetto of Egypt, by the Right Rev. Robert Clayton, Lord Bishop of Clogher. London, J. White and Co., I8IO. [xi] + 282p. 14 plates. On large paper. 8vo. GT 6II The journey to Mt. Sinai was performed by the Prefetto of the Franciscans in Egypt, in 1722. See also No. 49I. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi IOI 446 A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, I697. By HENRY MAUNDRELL... Also, a journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai, and back again, translated from a manuscript... [etc.] To which is added, a faithful account of the religion and manners of the Mahometans, by JOSEPH PITTS. London, Richard Edwards, 1817. [viii] + 520p. portrait and plates. 8vo. GT 612 Pitts's account has a separate title-page, but the pagination is continuous. 447 A journey from Aleppo to Jerusalem at Easter, A.D. MDCXCVII. By HENRY MAUNDRELL, M.A. New edition. London, J. G. & F. Rivington, 1832. I4Ip. I2mo. GT 613 448 Reize van Aleppo naar Jeruzalem, op Paaschen, in't jaar I698. Door HENR. MAUNDRELL... Uit het Engelsch vertaalt door G. Muntendam. Te Utrecht, by Willem van Poolsum, I705. [iV] + i88p. many plates. 8vo. GT 615 449 Voyage d'Alep a Jerusalem a Paques en l'annee I697. Par HENRI MAUNDRELL. Traduit de l'anglois. Imprime a Orleans, et se vend a Paris, chez Pierre Ribou, I706. Engraved frontispiece. 252p. Io plates. i6mo. GT 614 450 Gantz neue Reise-Beschreibung nach dem Belobten Lande, darinnen die jetzige Beschaffenheit und der aller-neueste Zustand des heiligen Landes und aller darinnen sehenswiirdigen Stadte... befindlich; welche im Jahr 1700 mit m6glichster Observantz verrichtet und in Englischer Sprache beschrieben, auch in verschiedenen Kupfer vorgestellet M HENRICH MAUNDRELL... Hamburg, bey Gottfried Liebernickel, I706. [xii] + 206p. Engraved frontispiece and 8 plates. i6mo. GT 406 Title-page printed in red and black. 451 Relation historique d'un voyage nouvellement fait au Mont de Sinai et a Jerusalem: on trouvera dans cette relation un detail exacte de ce que l'autheur a vu de plus remarquable en Italie, en Egipte & en Arabie, dans les principales provinces de la Terre-sainte, sur les c6tes de Syrie & en Phoenicie, dans les isles de la Mediterranee & de l'Archipel, dans l'Asie Mineure & dans la Thrace, sur les cotes de 102 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8OI Negrepont, du territoire d'Athenes, de la Moree & de la Barbarie... Par le Sieur A. MORISON, Chanoine de Bar le Duc.... A Toul, par A. Laurent, I704. (xx] + 75op. table, portrait of Louis XIV, 2 maps. 4to. GT 609 Journey begun in I697. 1698 452 Travels in Turkey and back to England, by the late Reverend and learned EDMUND CHISHULL, Chaplain to the factory of the worshipful Turkey Company at Smyrna. London. W. Bowyer, I747. viii + I92p. Large paper. Folio. GT 617 A series of journeys, in the form of a diary, starting from Smyrna: Magnesia, Sardis, Ephesus, April, I699; Constantinople, April to June, I70I; to Adrianople overland and via Gallipoli, Feb. to April, I70I; from Adrianople to England via Holland, April I702 to May, I703. Chishull left England Sept. 12, I698 and arrived at Smyrna on Nov. 19. 453 Relation des etats de Fez et de Maroc, ecrite par un Anglois qui a ete long-tems esclave, et traduite de l'Anglois, publie par M Simon Ockley... A Paris, chez Pissot, 1726. xxxip. table, 2I6p. I6mo. GT 753 Description of the country with especial reference to the Christian slaves. The author was released in I698. 1699 454 Voyage du Sieur PAUL LUCAS au Levant: on y trouvera entr' autre une description de la haute Egypte, suivant le cours du Nil, depuis le Caire jusques aux Cataractes, avec une carte exacte de ce fleuve, que personne n'avoit donnee. (Tome second:) On y verra le recit de l'entreprise violente du Pacha de Babylone contre les sujets du roi, l'etablissement des missionaires Capucins en cette ville, & l'histoire du jeune Paleologue. A La Haye, chez Guillaume de Voys, I705. 2 vols. in I. [xxii] + 231 and 265p. index, 2 plates only, map missing. Title-page in red and black. I6mo. GT 625.I Account of journey begun from Paris, June I8, 1699. 455 Voyage du Sieur PAUL LUCAS au Levant, contenant la description de la haute Egypte, suivant le cours du Nil, depuis le Caire VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 103 jusqu'aux Cataractes; avec une carte exacte de ce fleuve, que personne n'avoit donnee. (Tome second:) contenant la description de la Perse, avec une relation des troubles arrivez dans l'Empire Othoman en I703. Nouvelle edition reviue & corrigee. A Paris, chez Nicolas Simart, I73I. 2 vols. paged continuously, [xvi] + 494p. index, map and plates. i6mo. GT 623 456 Reise nach der Levante, darinn unter andern Merckwiirdigkeiten auch der allerneueste Zustand von Ober-Egypten, nemlich von Cairo an bib zu den beriihmten Wasser-Fallen des Nil-Flusses getreulich angezeiget; anbey eine piinctliche Carte dieses Strohmes, dergleichen niemals gesehen worden, in Kupfer gestochen. Au3 dem Frantz6sischen des Sieur PAUL LUCAS ins Hochteutsche iibergesetzet von M.V.** Hamburg, Thomas von Wierings Erben, I707. [xvi] + I65p. map, no plates, title-page in red and black. I6mo. GT 625 1700 457 ETAT des royaumes de Barbarie, Tripoly, Tunis et Alger: contenant l'histoire naturelle & politique de ces pais, la maniere dont les Turcs y traitent les esclaves, comme on les rachete, & diverses avantures curieuses; avec la tradition de l'Eglise, pour le rachat ou le soulagement des captifs. A La Haye, chez Guillaume de Voys, I704. [vi] + 363p. Title-page in red and black. I6mo. GT 747 A series of letters purporting to have been written by a member of a holy order who visited the Barbary States in the summer of I700. 458 Relation d'un voyage du Levant, fait par ordre du Roy, contenant l'histoire ancienne & moderne de plusieurs isles de l'Archipel, de Constantinople, des c6tes de la Mer Noire, de l'Armenie, de la Georgie, des frontieres de Perse & de l'Asie Mineure, avec les plans des villes & des lieux considerables; le genie, les moeurs, le commerce & la religion des differens peuples qui les habitent, et l'explication des medailles & des monumens antiques; enrichie de descriptions & de figures d'un grand nombre de plantes rares, de divers animaux, et de plusieurs observations touchant l'histoire naturelle. Par M PITTON de TOURNEFORT... A Paris, de l'Imprimerie royale, I717. 2 vols. [xvi] + 544 and [ii] + 526p. index, and many plates. 4to. GT 618 Journey begun from Paris, March 9, I700. Account ends with return to Marseilles, June 3, I702. 104 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 459. A Lyon, chez Anisson et Posuel, I7I7. 3 vols. [xx] + 379, 448, 4o4p. index. GT 619 Plates in a separate volume bound uniformly, without title-page. 460 A voyage into the Levant, perform'd by command of the late French King, containing the antient and modern state of the islands of the Archipelago, as also of Constantinople, the coasts of the Black Sea, Armenia, Georgia, the frontiers of Persia, and Asia Minor, with plans of the principal towns and places of note... illustrated with full descriptions and curious copper-plates of great numbers of uncommon plants, animals, &c., and several observations in natural history. By M TOURNEFORT... To which is prefix'd the author's life, in a letter to M Begon, as also his elogium... adorn'd with an accurate map of the author's travels, not in the French edition, done by Mr. Senex. London, printed for D. Browne, A. Bell, etc., I718. 2 vols. xlii + 402, [ii] + 398p. index. 4to. GT 620 461. London, printed for D. Midwinter, R. Ware, etc., I74I. 3 vols. li + 335, [ii] + 390, 364p. index, maps and plates. 8vo. GT 62I 462 Herrn PITTON VON TOURNEFORT, k6niglichen Raths &c. Beschreibung einer auf k6niglichen Befehl unternommenen Reise nach der Levante. Aus dem Franz6sischen iibersetzt. Niirenberg, bey Gabriel Nicolaus Raspe, I777. 3 vols. [vi] + 503, 516, 64Ip. index, maps and plates. 8vo. GT 622 1701 463 Voyages de CORNEILLE LE BRUN, par laMoscovie, enPerse, et aux Indes Orientales; ouvrage enrichi de plus de 320 tailles douces, des plus curieuses, representant les plus vues de ces pais, leurs principales villes, les differens habillemens des peuples qui habitent ces regions eloignees; les animaux, les oiseaux, les poissons, & les plantes extraordinaires qui s'y trouvent; avec les antiquitez de ces pais, et particulierement celles du fameux palais de Persepolis, que les Perses appellent Chelminar, le tout dessine d'apres nature sur les lieux... A Amsterdam, chez les Freres Wetstein, 1718. 2 vols. with continuous VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI I05 pagination. [iv] + 460p. Engraved frontispiece and portrait, titles in red and black; many illustrations. Folio. GT 563.I Journey begun from The Hague, July 28, I70I, and ended there, I704. 464 Reise nach der Levante, vorstellend den allerneuesten Zustand von Armenien, Persien, Tiirckey und Griechenland, in den Jahren I70I biB I704, mit curieusen so wohl natiirlich als politischen Anmerckungen abgelegt und beschrieben von Sieur PAUL LUCAS, als eine Suite dessen bereits gedruckten Reise nach Ober-Egypten, &c. AuB dem Frantz6sischen iibersetzet durchJ.M.L. nebst einer Vorrede von M.V. Hamburg, Thomas von Wierings Erben, (I708). [xiv] + 209p. index. I6mo. GT 625 1704 465 Voyage du Sieur PAUL LUCAS, fait par ordre du roy dans la Grece, l'Asie Mineure, la Macedoine et l'Afrique. A Paris, chez Nicolas Simart, 1712. 2 vols. [xxviii] + 4IOp. [viii] + 4I7p. map and plates. i6mo. GT 623 Journey begun from Paris, Oct. 15, I704, ended at Marseilles, June, I708. Vol. I: Anatolia, Caramania, Macedonia. Vol. II: Jerusalem, Egypt and the Fayum, with a memoir on the history of Tunis since 1684. 466. A Amsterdam, aux depens de laCompagnie, I7I4. 2 vols. [xxvi] + 323, [viii] + 328p. frontispieces, maps and plates, title-pages in red and black. I6mo. GT 624 467 RELATION de ce qui s'est passe dans les trois voyages que les religieux de l'ordre de Nostre Dame de la Mercy ont faits dans les etats du roy de Maroc pour la redemption des captifs en I704, I708, & 1712. Par un des Peres deputez pour la redemption de la Congregation de Paris, du meme ordre. A Paris, chez Antoine-Urbain Coustelier, 1724. [xiv] + 438p. I6mo. GT 750 1708 468 Voyage de l'Arabie Heureuse, par l'Ocean Oriental, & le Detroit de la Mer Rouge, fait par les Fran9ois pour la premiere fois dans les annees I708, I709, & I7IO; avec la relation particuliere d'un 106 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi voyage du port de Moka a la cour du Roi d'Yemen, dans la seconde expedition des annees 1711, 1712 & I713; un memoire concernant l'arbre & le fruit du cafe, dresse sur les observations de ceux qui ont fait ce dernier voyage; et un traite historique de l'origine & du progres du cafe, tant dans l'Asie que dans l'Europe; de son introduction en France, & de l'etablissement de son usage a Paris. (Par JEAN DE LA ROQUE). A Amsterdam, chez Steenhouwer et Uytwerf, I716. [xii] + 343p. index. frontispiece, map and plates; title-page in red and black. I2mo. GT 626 Author's name at end of dedication. 469 Viaggio nell' Arabia Felice, per l'Oceano Orientale, e lo Stretto del Mar Rosso, fatto la prima volta da' Francesi negli anni I708, I709, e I7IO; con la relazione particolare d'un viaggio dal Porto di Moka alla corte del Re d'Yemen nella seconda spedizione degli anni I71I, 1712, & 1713; finalmente, una memoria spettante l'albero, e frutto del caffe, scritta sulle osservazioni di coloro, che hanno fatto quell' ultimo viaggio, ed un trattato istorico dell' origine e progresso del caffe si nell' Asia, come nell' Europa. [Par JEAN DE LA ROQUE]. In Venezia, presso Sebastian Coleti, 1721. [vi] + 297p. map and plate. i6mo. GT 626. 1712 470 Voyage du Chevalier de BELLERIVE au camp du roi de Suede a Bender en 1712. Publie avec notes par A. Demarsy... Paris, Academie des bibliophiles, 1872. ix + 5op. I2mo. GT 694.I 1713 471 SABA SOULKHAN ORBELIANI mogzaouroba. [Voyage de SABA SOULKHAN ORBELIANI]. Constantinople, Imprimerie du couvent georgien, I925. [In Georgian]. 48p. 8vo. GT 625.3 Title-page missing. The author of the ms. from which the above was taken was a Roman Catholic monk, descendant of an illustrious Georgian family, who made a journey to France in 1713, to get help from the King to develop catholicism in his country. Only the second part of his ms. still exists, the part dealing with his return. It was written in 1714, but because of lack of funds, only a part of it was published. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I I07 1714 472 Voyage du Sieur PAUL LUCAS, fait en MDCCXIV, &c. par ordre de Louis XIV, dans la Turquie, l'Asie, Sourie, Palestine, Haute et Basse Egypte, &c. ou l'on trouvera des remarques tres-curieuses, comparees a ce qu'ont dit les anciens sur le Labyrinthe d'Egypte; un grand nombre d'autres monumens de l'antiquite, dont il a fait la decouverte... A Amsterdam, chez Steenhouwer & Uytwerf, I720. 2 vols. [xviii] - 436p. index; 345p. index, maps and plates, title-page in red and black. I6mo. GT 623 473 Herrn PAUL LUCAS Reise in die Tiirckey, Syrien, das Gelobte Land, wie auch Ober- und Nieder-Egypten, worinnen viele curieuse Anmerckungen, verglichen mit dem, as die Alten von dem Egyptischen Labyrinth vorgegeben haben... anzutreffen sind; desgleichen eine Beschreibung von der Regierung, Macht, Religion, politique und dem gegenwartigen Staat der Tiirckey... (Zweiter Theil:) in sich haltend eine besondere Beschreibung von Ober-Egypten und der vornehmsten Alterthiimer von Fium, Said, &c. samt curieusen Anmerckungen... Aus dem Frantz6sischen iibersetzt, und mit sch6nen Kupfern gezieret. Hamburg, Thomas von Wiesings Erben, 1721-1722. 2 parts in I vol., each with title-page in red and black. [xiv] + 320, [ii] + 246p. index, map and a few plates. I6mo. GT 625 474 Relazioni dirette al Veneto senato da ANDREA MEMMO, gia Bailo a Costantinopoli nel 1714 e 1715, intorno alla prigionia da lui sofferta al Topana e nel castello di Abido. Venezia, Alvisopoli, I840. 5op. 8vo. GT 80I.2 1715 475 The history of the long captivity and adventures of THOMAS PELLOW, in South Barbary, giving an account of his being taken by two Sallee rovers, and carry'd a slave to Mequinez at eleven years of age: his various adventures in that country for the space of twentythree years, escape, and return home; in which is introduced, a particular account of the manners and customs of the Moors, the astonishing tyranny and cruelty of their emperors, and a relation of all those great revolutions and bloody wars which happen'd in the kingdoms of Fezz and Morocco, between the years I720 and 1736... I08 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi Written by himself. The second edition. London, R. Goadby, (no date). 388p. i6mo. GT 748 The author claimed to have been captured in 1715 and released in I738. 476 Voyage de Jerusalem, par F.-M. TURPETIN, de Baugency... Publie pour la premiere fois d'apres les manuscrits, avec une introduction et des notes, par A. Couret... Orleans, H. Herluison, I889. xxi + 2o6p. I6mo. GT 627.I The pilgrim left Marseilles June 4, 1715, arrived at Sidon July II; joined caravan for Jerusalem at Ramah July 21, and spent about two months in visiting the holy places. He left St. Jean d'Acre on Sept. 8 for Livorno and spent some time in Italy. He returned to Beaugency April 29, 1716. 1716 477 Letters of the Right Honourable Lady M - Y W - Y M — E [MARY WORTLEY MONTAGUE]: written during her travels in Europe, Asia and Africa, to persons of distinction, men of letters, &c. in different parts of Europe; which contain, among other curious relations, accounts of the policy and manners of the Turks... The second edition. London, T. Becket and P.A. de Hondt, I763. 4 vols., xv + 165, 167, 134 and I42p. I6mo. GT 802 Letters dated from 1716 to I718. Vols. I-III are the second edition. Vol. IV was published in 1867. 478 The letters of Lady M. W. MONTAGU, during the embassy to Constantinople, I716-I718. Paris, Baudry's European Library, I840. x +- 228p. frontispiece. I6mo. GT 803 1718 479 Relation du voyage du Sieur DEPELLEGRIN dans le royaume de la Moree, ou, Recueil historique de ce qui s'est passe de plus remarquable dans ce royaume depuis la conquete que les Turcs en ont fait sur les Venitiens. A Marseille, chez Jean-Baptiste Boy, 1722. [iv] + I82p. index. 24mo. GT 2248 The author served as vice-consul of the French government in various places in the Morea, I718-2I. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI IO9 1719 480 Voyage fait a la Terre Sainte en l'annee MDCCXIX, (par MARCEL LADOIRE, Vicaire de la Terre Sainte), contenant la description de la ville de Jerusalem, tant ancienne que moderne, avec les moeurs & les coustumes des Turcs. A Paris, chez Jean Baptiste Coignard, I720. [x] + 398 + [8]p. GT 628 The author's name is signed at end of dedication. 481 Memoires et avantures secretes et curieuses d'un voyage du Levant, par M de MIRONE. A Liege, chez Everard Kints, I73I. 2 vols. in I. [x] + 237 and 249p. title-page in red and black. I6mo. GT 631 Sailed from London to Bordeaux; Marseilles to Constantinople, Jan. I719. Account entirely occupied with the latter city. 482 Several voyages to Barbary, containing an historical and geographical account of the country, with the hardships, sufferings, and manner of redeeming Christian slaves, together with a curious description of Mequinez, Oran, and Alcazar, with a journal of the late siege and surrender of Oran; to which are added, the maps of Barbary, and the sea-coasts; the prospects of Mequinez and Alcazar; an exact plan of Oran, and a view of the ancient Roman ruins near Mequinez, all designed by Captain HENRY BOYDE. The whole illustrated with notes historical and critical. The second edition, corrected. London, Olive Payne, etc., I736. [vi] + 146 and I58p. 7 maps. Title-page in red and black. I2mo. GT 755 An account of recent and past horrors, chiefly around 1719, inflicted by the pirates. 483 Historia magnae legationis caesareae, quam fortunatissimis Caroli VI auspiciis augustum imperantis post biennalis belli confectionem suscepit illustrissimus & excellentissimus S.R.I. Comes DAMIANUS HUGO VIRMONDTIUS, Maximi Caesaris primus nuper ad Possarovicium caduceator... Authore GERARDO CORNELIO DRIESCHIO... Viennae Austriae, typis Andreae Heyinger, 1721. 2 parts in I vol. [xiv] + 342 and 749P. I6mo. GT 800 Bound in contemporary calf, gilt back and sides, with the arms of Franz Ferdinand, Graf und Herr zu Sprinzenstein stamped in gold on sides. The embassy set out from Vienna in April, I719 and proceeded overland to Constantinople. 110 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi 484 Historische Nachricht von der R6m. Kayseri. Gross-Botschaft nach Constantinopel, weiche auf allergndidigsten Befehi Sr. Rdm. Kayserlichen und Catholischen Majestdt Carl des Sechsten nach giticklich vollendeten zweyjdhrigen Krieg der hoch- und wohigebohrne des H.R. Reichs Graf DAMIAN HUGO VON VIRMONDT ruhmlichst verriclitet; worinnen ganz besonde~re Nach~richten von der Tiirken Policey, Religion, Griechischen Anti quitdten... zu finden.. aufgesetzt vofl GERARD CORNELIUSVOfl den DRIESCH... Niirnberg, Peter Conrad Monath, 1723. [xVil + 494p. index, 12 engraved plates and map. 8Vo. GT 8oi 1720 485 Voyage pour la redemption des captifs, aux royaumes d'Alge~r et de Tunis, fait en I720 par les PP FRAN9OIS COMELIN, PHILEMON DE LA MOTTEI et JOSEPH BERNARD de l'ordre de la sainte Trinite', dits Mathurins. A Paris, chez Louis-Anne SeVestre, and Pierre-Fran~ois Giffart, 1721. [xiv] + 169 ~ lx ~ 3o6p. portrait of Louis XV and 2 plates. i6mo. GT 749 DoURRY Efendi. Relation... Paris, i8io. See No. 375. 1721 486 Un voyage officiel 'a Constantinople en 1721. Par M le Comte L. d'Osseville... (Unidentified extract, pp. 293-305). GT 801.2 The ambassador was PIERRE BLOUET (i666-I753), of Caen in Normandy. 487 Nouveau voyage de Gre'e, d'Egypte, de Palestine, d'Jtalie, de Suisse, d'Alsace et des Pays-Bas, fait en 1721, 1722, & 1723. A La Haye, chez Pierre Gosse, et Pierre de Hondt, 1724. xxx + 4I2p. GT 631.I Bound in contemporary calf, gilt, with Grammont arms on sides. The dedication is signed with the initials C. D. S. M. 488 A NEW JOURNEY through the kingdoms and provinces of Italy, Greece, Egypt, and Palestine, as also thro' Swisserland, Alsatia, and the Netherlands. Written by a French officer, who travelled those VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi III countries in the years 1721, 1722, and 1723, in XXV familiar letters to a friend, containing many curious observations relating to the present state of those countries not mention'd by other writers. The second edition. London, J. Osborn, I739. [vi] + 269p. index. I2mo. GT 632 First letter dated May 24, I720, from Genoa. 489 Relation de l'ambassade de MEHEMET Effendi a la cour de France en MDCCXXI. Ecrite par lui-meme, et traduite du turc. A Constantinople, et se trouve a Paris, chez Ganeau, I757. xii + 233P. frontispiece. I6mo. GT 804 490 A journey to Mequinez, the residence of the present Emperor of Fez and Morocco, on the occasion of Commodore STEWART'S embassy thither for the redemption of the British captives in the year 1721. (By JOHN WINDUS). London, Jacob Tonson, 1725. [xxx] + 25Ip. index and 6 folding plates. 8vo. GT 751 The author's name appears at the end of the dedication. 1722 491 A journal from Grand Cairo to Mount Sinai and back again; translated from a manuscript; written by the Prefetto of Egypt, in company with the missionaries de propaganda fide at Grand Cairo; to which are added some remarks on the origin of hieroglyphics and the mythology of the ancient heathens. By the Right Reverend ROBERT [CLAYTON], Lord Bishop of Clogher... London, William Bowyer, I753. I38p. 2 plates. 4to. GT 629 See also Nos. 445 and 446. 492_.Second edition, corrected. London, William Bowyer, I753. I70p. 2 plates. 8vo. GT 630 1723 493 Relation en forme de journal du voiage pour la redemption des captifs aux roiaumes de Maroc & d'Alger, pendant les annees 1723, 1724 & I725, par les Peres JEAN DE LA FAYE, ProcureurGeneral... DENIS MACKAR... AUGUSTIN D'ARCISAS, HENRY LE II2 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi RoY, Deputes de l'Ordre de la Sainte-Trinite, dits Maturins. A Paris, chez Louis Sevestre, et Pierre-Francois Giffart, 1726. [viii] + x + 364 + xiip. portrait frontispiece and I plate. I6mo. GT 752 1725 494 A journey from Aleppo to Damascus [by J. GREEN], with a description of those two capital cities, and the neighboring parts of Syria, to which is added, an account of the Maronites inhabiting Mount Libanus &c., collected from their own historians; also, the surprising adventures and tragical end of Mostafa, a Turk, who, after professing Christianity for many years in Spain and Flanders, returned to Syria, carrying with him his Christian wife. The whole illustrated with notes and a map. London, printed for W. Mears, etc., 1736. [xviii] + 2o8p. I2mo. GT 634 The initials J. G. appear at the end of the dedication, where the name is written out in a contemporary hand. Journey begun April 6, I725. 495 Peregrinus in Jerusalem: Fremdling zu Jerusalem, oder, Ausfiihrliche ReiB-Beschreibungen, worinnen P ANGELICUS MARIA MYLLER... seine fiinff Haupt-Reisen, die er in Europa, Asia und Africa vor einigen gethan, und unter Gottes Schutz gliicklich vollendet hat, richtig erzehlet, nebst umstandiger Beschreibung aller dabey vorgefallenen Denckwiirdigkeiten... Alles mit vielen und nothigen Kupffern und etlichen Land-Charten erlautert... Wien und Niirnberg, bey Peter Conrad Monath, I735. [xviii] + 964p. index. frontispiece and 67 engraved maps and plates. Title-page in red and black. 8vo. GT 633 Account begins at Livorno, Sept. 24, I725, and ends at Rome, Sept. 27, 1727. 496 Travels or observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant. By THOMAS SHAW... Oxford, printed at the Theatre, I738. xv + 442 + 6op. index, numerous maps and illustrations. Title-page in red and black. Folio. GT 637.I The author was Chaplain over a period of years to the British Factory at Algiers. In the following supplement, he replied to attacks made upon him by Pococke. See No. 513. 497 A supplement to a book entituled Travels, or observations, &c. wherein some objections lately made against it are fully considered and answered; with several additional remarks and dissertations. By VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 113 THOMAS SHAW... Oxford, printed at the Theatre, I746. xvi + II2p. 2 plates. Folio. GT 637.2 498 Travels or observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the Levant, illustrated with cuts. The second edition, with great improvements. By THOMAS SHAW... London, A. Millar, and W. Sandby, I757. xviii + 513p. maps and plans. 4to. GT 638 499 _. The third edition, corrected, with some account of the author. Edinburgh, J. Ritchie, I808. 2 vols. xxxiv + 462, and vi + 440p. maps and plates. 8vo. GT 639 500 Voyages de Monsr. SHAW, M.D., dans plusieurs provinces de la Barbarie et du Levant, contenant des observations geographiques, physiques, philologiques et melees, sur les royaumes d'Alger et de Tunis, sur la Syrie, l'Egypte, et l'Arabie Petree, avec des cartes et des figures. Traduits de l'Anglois. A La Haye, chez Jean Neaulme, I743. 2 vols. xliv + 414; iv + I92 and I72p. numerous maps and plans. 4to. GT 640 501 Herrn THOMAS SHAWS... Reisen oder Anmerkungen verschiedene Theile der Barbarey und der Levante betreffend. Nach der zweyten englandischen Ausgabe ins Deutsche ibersetzt und mit vielen Landcharten und andern Kupfern erlautert. Leipzig, Bernh. Christoph Breitkopf und Sohn, I765. [xviii] + 424p. index. Many maps and plates. 4to. GT 641 1728 502 Une ambassade frangaise en Orient sous Louis XV: la mission du Marquis de VILLENEUVE, I728-I74I. Par Albert Vandal. Paris, Plon, 1887. xv + 46Ip. 8vo. GT 795.2 The Marquis set sail for Constantinople from France, Dec. 14, 1728. 1730 503 Relation du voyage fait en Egypte, par le Sieur GRANGER, en l'annee I730, oh l'on voit ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable, particulierement sur l'histoire naturelle. A Paris, chez Jacques Vincent, I745. ix + 262p. table. I2mo. GT 654 8 Gennadeion II 114 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 504 Palestina, ovvero Primo viaggio di F LEANDRO di SANTA CECILIA Carmelitano scalzo, in Oriente. Scritto dal medesimo, e dedicato al merito impareggiabile dell' Altezza Serenissima del Principe Reale Giuseppe d'Austria. In Roma, Angelo Rotilj, I753. [xxiv] + 200p. frontispiece, plates, printed on large paper. 4to. GT 635 Bound in red morocco, gilt, sides covered with a rich floriated ornament, enclosing the arms of the Archduke Joseph of Austria. The dedication copy. Forms a set with Nos. 511 and 525. Journey begun in June, I730. 505 LETTERS HISTORICAL AND CRITICAL, from a gentleman in Constantinople to his friend in London, giving an account of the largeness and extent of that city, its palaces, mosques, and the Musselmen, their priests, how they go up to the balconies of the steeples of their mosques and cry and invite the people to come to prayers, and what they say; the Seraglio, Hippodrome, Bussard, Serpentine Column, obelisques and other curious monuments of antiquity, as also the nature and genius of the people, their way of living, courtships, marriages, dresses, and laws religious and civil, with more accurate and nice observations than any heretofore given. By a gentleman in the retinue of... his Britannick Majesty's Ambassador to the Grand Seignior. London, George Spavan, I735. 86p. i2mo. GT 2442.2 Letters dated July and August, I730. 506 The travels of the late CHARLES THOMPSON, Esq., containing his observations on France, Italy, Turkey in Europe, the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and many other parts of the world: giving a particular and faithful account of what is most remarkable in the manners, religion, polity, antiquities, and natural history of those countries; with a description of Jerusalem as it now appears, and most other places mention'd in the Holy Scriptures. Publish'd from the author's original manuscript... with historical, geographical and miscellaneous notes by the editor. Reading, C. Micklewright, 1752. 3 vols. 448, 432, 404p. index and maps. Title-pages in red and black. 8vo. GT 643 Journey begun March 25, I730. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 115 507 Travels through Turkey in Asia, the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and other parts of the world; giving a particular and faithful account of what is most remarkable in the manners, religion, polity, antiquities, and natural history of those countries; with a curious description of Jerusalem as it now appears, and other places mentioned in the Holy Scriptures. By CHARLES THOMPSON, Esq. Interspersed with the remarks of several other modern travellers; illustrated with notes, historical, geographical, and miscellaneous, by the editor, and adorned with maps and prints. The third edition. London, J. Newbery, I767. 2 vols. iv + 250 and 256p. maps and plates. I2mo. GT 644 1731 508 Voyage de Constantinople pour le rachapt des captifs, par le R P JEHANNOT... de l'ordre de la Sainte Trinite. A Paris, la Veuve Delormel, et Rene Josse, I732. vi + 40Ip. index and a folding map. i6mo. GT 754 Journey made late in I731. 509 Nouveau voyage fait au Levant es annees 1731 & 1732, contenant les descriptions d'Alger, Tunis, Tripoly de Barberie, Alexandrie en Egypte, Terre Sainte, Constantinople, &c. Par le Sieur TOLLOT. A Paris, chez Andre Cailleau, 1742. vi + 354P. I2mo. GT 636 1733 510 Twanne stora Swenska herrars rese-bescrifning, ifran Cypern, til Asien, Forsloswade Landet, Jerusalem och Christi graf, jamte andra markwardiga orter och namnkunniga stallen. Tryckt i Jonk6ping [I768]. [29]p. Gothic letter. i6mo. GT 644.2 Authors' names appear at the end, CARL FR. von HOPKEN and EDUARD CARLSSON. The accounts were written in 1733 and I736. 1734 511 Persia, ovvero, Secondo viaggio di F LEANDRO di SANTA CECILIA, Carmelitano scalzo dell' Oriente. Scritto dal medesimo, e dedicato a Sua Altezza Serenissima il Principe Carlo Arciduca 8* II6 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8OI d'Austria. In Roma, Angelo Rotilj, I757. xxviii + 280p. engraved frontispiece, printed on large paper. 4to. GT 635 Bound in red morocco, gilt, sides covered with a rich floriated ornament, enclosing the arms of the Archduke Joseph of Austria. The dedication copy. Forms a set with Nos. 504 and 525. Journey begun the end of Feb., I734. 512 Voyage en Turquie et en Perse, avec une relation des expeditions de Tahmas Kouli-Khan. Par M OTTER... A Paris, chez les Freres Guerin, I748. 2 vols. [x] + 415 and 386p. map. I6mo. GT 645 Journey begun from Paris, Jan. 27, I734 and ended at Marseilles, Jan. II, I744. 1736 513 A description of the East, and some other countries. By RICHARD POCOCKE... London, printed for the author, by W. Bowyer, I743-45. 3 parts in 2 vols. xiv + 3IO; xii + 268; viii + 308p. engraved frontispieces. I78 plates. Folio. GT 646 Journeys from Oct. I736 to I740. Egypt, Oct. I736 to March, I737. Palestine, Syria, Mesopotamia, Cyprus, May to Nov., I737. Candia, July, I739. Archipelago (Chios, Psara, Mytilene, Lemnos, Samos, Patmos), Oct., I739. Smyrna, Ephesus, Magnesia ad Maeandrum, Alabanda, Mylasa, Eskihissar, Tralles, Hierapolis, Colossae, Afium-Karahissar, Angora, Ismit, Princes' Islands, Chalcedon, Troy, Lampsacus, Marmora Islands, Brussa, Mt. Olympus, Nicaea, Nov. I739 to May, I740. Constantinople, Adrianople, Gallipoli, Mt. Athos, Thessalonica, Larissa, Zeitouni, Thebes, Phylae, Athens, Corinth, Patras, Cefalonia, Messina, July to October, I740. 514 Voyages de RICHARD POCOCKE... en Orient, dans l'Egypte, l'Arabie, la Palestine, la Syrie, la Grece, la Thrace, &c. traduit de l'Anglois, sur la seconde edition. Par M Eydous... A Neuchatel, Societe typographique, I772-73. 6 vols. I6mo. GT 647 515 Beschryving van het Oosten en van eenige andere landen, door den Heer RICHARD POCOCKE. Met plaaten. Uit het Engelsch overgezet en met aantekeningen voorzien door Ernst Willem Cramerus, met eene voorrede van Rutger Schutte... Te Utrecht, G.T. en A. van Paddenburg, 1776-86. 6 vols. plates. 4to. GT 648 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI 117 516 RICHARD POCOCKES... Beschreibung des Morgenlandes und einiger anderer Lander. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzet durch Christian Ernst von Windheim... Erlangen, im Verlage des Stiftshauses, I755. [xxviii] + 428p. index, maps, plates. 4to. GT 648.I The library has only this portion of the larger work. 517 Memoires historiques qui concernent le gouvernement de l'ancien & du nouveau royaume de Tunis, avec des reflexions sur la conduite d'un consul, & un detail du commerce... Par Monsieur DE SAINT GERVAIS, ci-devant Consul de France a Tunis. A Paris, chez Ganeau fils, et Henry, I736. iv + 344P. I6mo. GT I7I7 Date of the author's consulship not indicated. 1737 518 JONAS KORTENS ehemaligen Buchhandlers zu Altona Reise nach dem Weiland Gelobten, nun aber seit siebzehn hundert Jahren unter dem Fluche liegenden Lande, wie auch nach Egypten, dem Berg Libanon, Syrien und Mesopotamien, von ihm selbst aufrichtig beschrieben, und dieser dritten Auflage das dritte und vierte Supplement hinten angefiiget. Halle, Joh. Christian Grunert, I75I. 2 vols. [xxviii] + 712p. index and [x] + 286p. and index, frontispieces, maps and plates. i2mo. GT 649 The third and fourth supplement, mentioned in the title, compose Vol. II. Account of journey begins at Venice, Oct. 30, I737. 519 Voyage d'Egypte et de Nubie, par Mr. FREDERIC LOUIS NORDEN... Ouvrage enrichi de cartes & de figures dessinees sur les lieux, par l'auteur meme. A Copenhague, de l'Imprimerie de la maison royale des orphelins, I755. 2 vols. [xxxviii] + 288p. 159 plates; paged continuously. Portrait and frontispiece. Folio. GT 650 Bound in straight grain green morocco, gilt, with Greek outside borders; stamped with the large arms of the Duke of Sutherland. Ex libris of the Marquis of Stafford. Author arrived in Cairo July 7, 1737, and remained there until Nov. I8. Then taking a boat, he sailed up the Nile, taking account in his journal of every place along the route, and sketching the important ones. He reached Deir, in Nubia, Jan 4, I738, started back on Jan. 7, and reached Cairo again on Feb. 24, I738, when the account ends. II8 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 520 Travels in Egypt and Nubia, by FREDERICK LEWIS NORDEN, F.R.S., Captain in the Danish navy. Translated from the original, published by command of his Majesty the King of Denmark, and enlarged with observations from ancient and modern authors that have written on the antiquities of Egypt, by Dr. PETER TEMPLEMAN. London, Lockyer Davis and Charles Reymers, I757. 2 vols. [viii] + xxxiv + I24p. and viii + I55p. portrait, frontispiece and I59 plates. Large paper. Folio. GT 65I Bound in russia, gilt, sides elaborately blind-tooled and gilt. 521 _. (A smaller issue of the same date.) 2 vols. in i.xl +154 and 232p. 7 folding plates. 8vo. GT 652 1738 522 A voyage performed by the late Earl of SANDWICH round the Mediterranean in the years 1738 and I739, written by himself, embellished with a portrait of his lordship, and illustrated with several engravings of antient buildings and inscriptions, with a chart of his course; to which are prefixed memoirs of the noble author's life, by JOHN COOKE... London, T. Cadell Jun. and W. Davies, I799. xl + 534p. portrait, 25 plates and map. 4to. GT 653 Author was JOHN MONTAGUE, fourth Earl of SANDWICH. Account of a cruise begun from Leghorn, July 12, 1738; many places described, but not all actually visited. Those visited: Melos, Aegina, Piraeus, Athens (Theseum, Olympieum, Stadium, Hadrian's arch, Lantern of Demosthenes, Theater of Dionysos, Philopappus Monument, Propylaea, Parthenon, Erechtheum), Salamis, Megara, Eleusis, Sunium, Mykonos, Delos, Rhenaea, Parechia (Paros), Antiparos, Gallipoli, Constantinople, Smyrna, Chios, Cos, Cyprus, Alexandria; started for Rosetta Sept. I6, I739; by Nile boat to Cairo; pyramids, Sakkara. Return to Genoa via Malta, Lisbon, Gibraltar, Malaga, Minorca. 1743 523 A view of the Levant: particularly of Constantinople, Syria, Egypt, and Greece, in which their antiquities, government, politics, maxims, manners, and customs, (with many other circumstances and contingencies) are attempted to be described and treated on. By CHARLES PERRY, M.D. London, T. Woodward and C. Davis, I743. xviii + 524P. index and 33 plates. GT 642.2 Based on an undated journey or residence. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 119 1744 524 Travels through different cities of Germany, Italy, Greece, and several parts of Asia, as far as the banks of the Euphrates, in a series of letters containing an account of what is most remarkable in their present state, as well as in their monuments of antiquity. By ALEXANDER DRUMMOND, his Majesty's Consul at Aleppo. London, W. Strahan, I754. 3Iip. large folding frontispiece, many plates. Folio. GT 653.I Left London May II, 1744, traveled through Holland, Germany, Austria, and parts of Italy to Venice. Thence to Zante, Aug. Io, Delos, Smyrna, Alexandretta, Tripoli, Cyprus (Larnaca, Nicosia, Limassol), Aleppo, Latakia; excursion to Mandra and St. Simeon, Aintab, Beer, the Euphrates, Antioch, Seleucia Pieiria; later excursion in Cyprus. 1746 525 Mesopotamia, ovvero, Terzo viaggio di F LEANDRO DI SANTA CECILIA, Carmelitano scalzo, in Oriente. Scritto dal medesimo, e dedicato a sua Altezza Serenissima, il Principe Pietro Leopoldo, Arciduca d'Austria. In Roma, Angelo Rotilj, I757. xiv + I74p. frontispiece, map and plates. Printed on large paper. 4to. GT 635 Bound in red morocco, gilt, sides covered with a rich foliated ornament, enclosing the arms of the Archduke of Austria. The dedication copy. Forms a set with Nos. 504 and 511. Journey begun the end of Oct., I746. 526 Observations on the religion, law, government, and manners of the Turks. The second edition, corrected and enlarged by the author; to which is added, the state of the Turkey trade, from its origin to the present time... [By Sir JAMES PORTER]. London, J. Nourse, I771. xxxvi + 464p. 8vo. TH 4 P 84 The first edition appeared in 1768. The author was Ambassador to Constantinople from 1746 to 1762. 527 Observations sur la religion, les loix, le gouvernement et les moeurs des Turcs. Traduites de l'Anglois de M PORTER. Nouvelle edition considerablement augmentee de notes faites par un voyageur [M BERGIER] qui a fait un sejour en Turquie. Neuchatel, Societe Typographique, I770. 2 parts in I vol. 204 and I87p. I2mo. TH 4 P 841 I20 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 1747 528 Description historique et geographique des plaines d'Heliopolis et de Memphis (par CL. L. FOURMONT). Enrichie de figures en tailledouce. A Paris, chez Duchesne, I755. xl + 264p. 3 folding plates. 24mo. GT 658 The author's name appears at the end of the dedicatory epistle. He was the nephew of the celebratedAbbe Fourmont, the archaeologist, whom he once accompanied on his travels in Greece in I729-30. He states in the preface that he went to Cairo in I747 with the Consul General of France, and remained there four years. 1748 529 Voyage litteraire de la Grece, ou, Lettres sur les Grecs, anciens et modernes, avec un parallele de leurs moeurs. Par M GUYS... Troisieme edition, revue, corrigee, considerablement augmentee, & ornee de dix belles planches. On y a joint divers voyages & quelques opuscules du meme. A Paris, chez la Veuve Duchesne, I783. 4 vols. bound in 3. viii + 527, 382, 373, 240p. frontispiece, plates. 8vo. GT 655.2 First journey begun from Marseilles, Jan. 1748: Melos, Smyrna, Constantinople. Later letters written in I777 and after. Mostly classical observations, literary criticism, translations, etc. 530. (A larger issue of the same date, same publisher.) 2 vols. 455 and 356p. frontispiece. 4to. GT 655.3 531 A sentimental journey through Greece in a series of letters written from Constantinople. By M DE GUYS, of the Academy of Marseilles... Dublin, J. Milliken, I773. xvi + 370 and 344P. I6mo. GT 655.4 1749 532 Voyages dans le Levant, dans les annees 1749, 50, 51 & 52; contenant des observations sur l'histoire naturelle, la medecine, l'agriculture & le commerce, & particulierement sur l'histoire naturelle de la Terre Sainte. Par FRaDtRIC HASSELQUIST... publies par ordre du roi de Suede, par Charles Linnaeus... traduits de l'allemand par M** *. A Paris, chez Delalain, I769. 2 vols. 260 and 2oIp. I6mo. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI I2I Left Stockholm Aug. 7, I749, for Smyrna: Melos, Nov. I6, Smyrna, Nov. 27: Magnesia (adSipylum); Alexandria, May 15, I750; Cairo, Damietta. Palestine, April, I75I: Jerusalem, Jericho, Bethlehem, Cana, Acre, Sidon. Cyprus (Famagusta, Larnaca), May 1751; Rhodes, Cos, July. Vol. II contains descriptions of plant-life and other scientific matters, and letters of the author to Linnaeus. 1751 533 A journey from Joppa to Jerusalem in May, I75I. By DAVID FALCONAR, with occasional notes. London, E. Comyns, I753. 36p. I2mo. GT 657 1755 534 Memoires du Baron de TOTT sur les Turcs et les Tartares. A Amsterdam, 1785. 2 vols. in I. xliv + 500 and 380p. I6 plates. 4to. BG 121 Binding by Pagnant, green morocco, gilt, richly ornamented back. 535. A Maestricht, chez J.E. Dufour & Phil. Roux, 1786. Five parts in 2 vols. xxxv + I95, 204, I73, 143 and I76p. I6mo. BG 122 536 Memoirs of the Baron de TOTT on the Turks and the Tartars. Translated from the French, by an English gentleman at Paris, under the immediate inspection of the Baron. London, J. Jarvis, etc., (I785). 2 vols. xxiv + 532 and 382p. index. BG I23 537 Memoirs of Baron de TOTT, containing the state of the Turkish Empire and the Crimea, during the late war with Russia, with numerous anecdotes, facts, and observations on the manners and customs of the Turks and Tartars. Translated from the French. In two volumes. London, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, I785. xxxv + 238, 236 and 204, I6op. and index. 8vo. BG 123.1 538 Herrn Baron von TOTT'S Nachrichten von den Tiirken und Tartaren mit Herrn von Peyssonel's Verbesserungen und Zusatzen. Aus dem Franz6sischen mit Kupfern. Wien, Thadd. Edlen von Schmidbauer, 1788. 2 vols. in 1. [ii] + 300 and 297p. many plates. i6mo. BG 124 122 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI 1759 539 Travels through part of Europe, Asia Minor, the islands of the Archipelago, Syria, Palestine, Egypt, Mount Sinai, &c., giving a particular account of the most remarkable places, structures, ruins, inscriptions, &c. in these countries... By the Honourable J. AEGIDIUS VAN EGMONT... and JOHN HEYMAN... Translated from the Low Dutch. London, L. Davis and C. Reymers, I759. 2 vols. xii + 395 and vi + 376p. 6 folding plates. 8vo. GT 659 Travels begun from the Island of Texel in April of an undetermined year. Vol. I: Messina, Smyrna, Ephesus, Sardis, Constantinople, Mytilene, Magnesia ad Sipylum, Thyatira, Brussa, Chios, Cyprus, Ramah, Jerusalem, Dead Sea, Bethlehem. Vol. II: Mt. Carmel, Nazareth, Tiberias, Damietta, Cairo, pyramids, Heliopolis, Rosetta, Monastery of St. Catherine (July), Suez, Tyre, Sidon, Damascus, Baalbek, Lebanon, Maronites, Tripoli, Druses, Antioch, Alexandretta, Aleppo, church of St. Simeon Stylites. 1760 540 Voyage en Orient, ou, Tableau fidele des moeurs, du commerce de toute espece, des intrigues, des filouteries, des amours particulieres, des productions generales, etc., de differens peuples du Levant. Par M A.B.D***, qui, pendant quarante ans, a sejourne ou voyage dans ces contrees, tant pour M Peyssonnel, que pour son propre commerce, son instruction et ses plaisirs. A Paris, au bureau de l'Annee Litteraire, etc., An IX (I80I). 270p. 8vo. GT 714 No indication of the date of the travels is given in the text. Peyssonnel's Observations historiques et geographiques was published in I765. 541 Nachrichten von Marokos und Fes, im Lande selbst gesammlet in den Jahren 1760 bis 1768, von GEORG H6ST... Aus dem Dinischen iibersetzt. Kopenhagen, Christian Gottlob Prost, 1781. [xvi] + 3I2p. portrait frontispiece and 34 plates. 8vo. GT 1719 542 Viaggi per l'isola di Cipro e per la Soria e Palestina, fatti da GIOVANNI MARITI Fiorentino, dall' anno MDCCLX al MDCCLXVIII. Lucca e Firenze, I769-76. 9 vols. bound in 5, engraved title-pages, plates. 8vo. GT 664 The author arrived in Cyprus from Leghorn Feb. 2, 1760 and left it Oct. 6, 1767, to return to Florence. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 123 543 Voyages dans l'isle de Chypre, la Syrie et la Palestine, avec l'histoire generale du Levant. Par M l'Abbe MARITI; traduits de l'Italien. A Paris, chez Belin, I79I. 2 vols. viii + 327 and 4Iop. 8vo. GT 664.I 544 Travels in the island of Cyprus. Translated from the Italian of GIOVANNI MARITI (I769> by Claude Delaval Cobham... Nicosia, Herbert E. Clarke, I895. ii + I92p. index. I2mo. GT 664.3 545 _. (Second edition), with contemporary accounts of the sieges of Nicosia and Famagusta. Cambridge, at the University Press, I909. vii + I99p. I2mo. GT 664.31 1761 546 Les voyageurs savants et curieux, ou, Tablettes instructives, & guide de ceux que sa Maj. Danoise a envoye en Arabie et autres pays voisins de la Palestine, de la Perse & le Mogul ou l'Inde, & vers la Mer-Rouge & l'Egypte, pour l'eclaircissement de questions tresimportantes de l'histoire, de la nature, & des arts. Redige & publie par Mr. MICHAELIS... Traduit de l'allemand, et accompagne de figures. A Londres, aux depens de la Compagnie, 1768. 2 vols. bound in I, with continuous pagination, [xc] + 483p. Title-page for each part, in red and black; frontispieces, 3 plates, and 4 large folding maps in pockets. I6mo. GT 662 Prepared for the guidance of the party of exploration that set out in I76I under CARSTEN NIEBUHR. See the following entries. 547 Recueil de questions proposees a une societe de savants, qui par ordre de sa Majeste Danoise font le voyage de l'Arabie. Par Monsieur MICHAELIS... Traduit de l'allemand. A Amsterdam, chez S.J. Baalde, [etc.] I774. xliv + 256 + I6 + 39p. 4to. GT 66I Forms a set bound uniformly with Nos. 548 and 549. Another edition of No. 546, under a different title. 548 Description de l'Arabie faite sur les observations propres et des avis recueillis dans les lieux memes, par CARSTEN NIEBUHR. A Amsterdam, chez S.J. Baalde, (etc.) I774. xlii + 372p. index and 24 plates. 4to. GT 66I Bound uniformly and forming a set with Nos. 547 and 549. 124 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 549 Voyage en Arabie & en d'autres pays circonvoisins, par C. NIEBUHR. Traduit d'allemand. A Amsterdam, chez S.J. Baalde [etc.], 1776-80. 2 vols., viii + 409 and vi + 389p. 124 plates. 4to. GT 66I The original edition appeared in German, in Copenhagen, I774-78. Journey begun from Copenhagen, Jan. 4, I76I: Marseilles, Malta, Constantinople, Alexandria, Rosetta, Cairo and environs: Suez, Mt. Sinai, Monastery of St. Catherine: left Jiddah, Oct. 29, 1762 and traveled extensively in Arabia, until Aug. 23, I763. Left Mocha then for Bombay and Surat, where the narrative ends. 550 Travels through Arabia, and other countries in the East, performed by M [CARSTEN] NIEBUHR, now a Captain of Engineers in the service of the King of Denmark. Translated into English by Robert Heron, with notes by the translator, and illustrated with engravings and maps. Edinburgh, R. Morison and Son, etc., 1792. 2 vols. xx + 454 and xii + 439P. 8vo. GT 660 1763 551 A tour to the East in the years I763 and 1764, with remarks on the city of Constantinople and the Turks, also select pieces of Oriental wit, poetry and wisdom. By F[REDERICK CALVERT] Lord BALTIMORE. London, W. Richardson and S. Clark, I767. iv + I76p. colored folding map. I2mo. GT 663 Journey begun from Naples, May 4, I763. 1764 552 Travels in Asia Minor, or, An account of a tour made at the expense of the Society of Dilettanti. By RICHARD CHANDLER... The second edition. London, J. Dodsley, J. Robson, [etc.,] Oxford, D. Prince, I776. xiii + 283p. map. 8vo. GT 1772.1 The first edition was printed at Oxford, I775. The author set out from Gravesend, June 9, 1764 in company with Nicholas Revett and William Pars, the painter: Dardanelles (Chanak), Tenedos, Alexandria Troas, Chemali, Sigeum, Chios, Smyrna, Vourla (Clazomene), Teos, Claros, Ephesus, Aiasaluk, Miletus, Branchidae, Priene, Mylasa, Eskihissar, Labranda, Tralles, Laodicea, Philadelphia, Sardis, Magnesia ad Sipylum; left Smyrna for Greece, Aug. I765. 553 _. Dublin, R. Marchbank, I775. xxviii + 283p. no map. 8vo. GT 1772.2 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 125 554 Travels in Greece, or, An account of a tour made at the expense of the Society of Dilettanti. By RICHARD CHANDLER... Oxford, Clarendon Press, I776. 7 maps and plans. xiv + 304p. 8vo. GT 1770.1 Contains some ms. notes and corrections. A continuation of the previous. Journey begun at Smyrna, Aug. 21, 1765: Sunium, Aegina, Athens, Marathon, Penteli quarries and monastery, Eleusis, Corinth, Poros, Troezen, Epidaurus, Mycenae, Tiryns, Nemea, Distomo, Hosios Lukas, Delphi, Patras, Olympia, Phigalia. 555 _. Dublin, Price, Whitestone, etc., I776. xvi + 319p. no maps. 8vo. GT 1770.2 556 Reisen in Griechenland unternommen auf Kosten der Gesellschaft der Dilettanti und beschrieben von RICHARD CHANDLER... Leipzig, Weidmanns Erben und Reich, I777. xvi + 432p. 8 maps and plans. 8vo. GT 1771 557 Travels in Asia Minor and Greece, by the late RICHARD CHANDLER, D.D. A new edition, with corrections and remarks by Nicholas Revett, Esq. to which is prefixed an introductory account of the author, by RALPH CHURTON... Oxford, at the Clarendon Press, 1825. 2 vols. xxxvii + 352 and xiv + 370P. index and 6 maps and plans. 8vo. GT 1770 Arms of John, Earl of Clare stamped on sides. 558 Voyages dans l'Asie Mineure et en Grece, faits aux depens de la Societe des Dilettanti, dans les annees 1764, 1765, et 1766. Par le Dr. RICHARD CHANDLER... Traduits de l'anglais, et accompagnes de notes... par MM J.P. Servois et Barbie du Bocage. A Paris, chez Arthus Bertrand et Buisson, I806. 3 vols. xxx + 456, 573 and 5I3p. 3 maps. 8vo. GT 1772 1767 559 Voyages en Sicile, dans la Grande Grece et au Levant, par M le Baron de RIEDESEL; suivis de l'Histoire de la Sicile par LE NoVAIRI. A Paris, chez H. J. Jansen, an X (I802>. vii + 45Ip. GT 67I The first journey was made in I767. The second part of the Voyages is an account of the author's journey, in I768, to Smyrna, the Aegaean Islands, Athens and Constantinople. The account of the 126 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi conquest of Sicily by the Saracens, by the Arab historian NOVAIRI, translated by Caussiu, is at the end. 560 Remarques d'un voyageur au Levant [par M le Baron de RIEDESEL]. Amsterdam, I773. [vi] + 348p. I2mo. GT 667 This is an earlier edition of the second part of the previous entry. The author sailed from Naples for Smyrna, May IO, 1768: Chios, Samos, Mykonos, Tinos, Delos, Naxos, Paros, Syra, Zea, Athens, Mytilene, Tenedos, Constantinople. 1768 561 NIKOLAUS ERNST KLEEMANNS Reisen von Wien fiber Belgrad bis Kilianova, durch die Butschiak-Tartarey fiber Cavschan, Bender, durch die Nogen-Tartarey in die Crimm, dann von Kaffa nach Konstantinopel, nach Smirna und durch den Archipelagum nach Triest und Wien, in den Jahren I768, 1769, und I770; nebst eiriem Anhange von den besondern Merkwfirdigkeiten der Crimmischen Tartarey. Zweyte und vermehrte Auflage mit vielen Kupfern. Leipzig, Johann Paul Krauss, I773. [vi] + 280p. many folding plates, some colored. I2mo. GT 665 Author started down the Danube from Vienna, Oct. 6, 1768. 562 Voyage de Vienne a Belgrade et a Kilianova, dans le pays des Tartares Budziacs & Nogais dans la Crimee, & de Kaffa a Constantinople, au travers de la Mer Noire; avec le retour a Vienne, par Trieste, fait dans les annees 1768, I769 & I770, par NICOLAS-ERNEST KLEEMAN. On y a joint la description des choses les plus remarquables concernant la Crimee. Traduit de l'allemand. A Neuchatel, Societe Typographique, I780. 246p. 8vo. GT 665.2 1769 563 JACOB JONAS BJoRNSTAHLS Briefe auf seinen auslandischen Reisen... aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt von Just Ernst Groskurd. Stralsund, bey Christian Lorenz Struck; Rostock und Leipzig, bey Johann Christian Koppe, I777-83. 6 vols. (only part I of vol. 6), portrait frontispiece in vol. 4. i6mo. GT 648.2 The portions relating to Greece and the Near East are in vols. 4 and 6. Letters and accounts of the journeys begin Apr. 7, I769 and end Sept. I78I. Vols. 5 and 6 have the title: VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi 127 JACOB JONAS BjORNSTAXHLs Nach~richten vofl semnen auslandischen Reisen, aus dem Schwedischen iibersetzt usw. 1770 564 A tour through Sicily and Malta, in a series of letters.. from P. BRYDONE, F.R.S. London, W. Strahan and T. Cadell, 1773.2 vols. [Viii] + 374 and [iV] + 287p. 8Vo. GT 666 565 Saggio d'osserVazioni sopra l'isola. di Cherso ed Osero, d-' ALBERTo FoRTIs... In Venezia, presso Gaspare Storti, 1771. [iV] -4 i69p. map. 8Vo. GT 668 Report of a trip made in May, 1770 to two islands in the Gulf of Quarnero, in the Adriatic. 566 Viaggio in Dalmatia dell' Abate ALBERTO FORTIS. In Venezia, presso AlVise Milocco, I774. 2 VOls. Viii + i8o ~ xlViip. and Viii + 204P. 2 maps and 13 plates. 8vo. GT 668.i Account given in undated letters: Zara, the Morlaks, Krk, Sebenico, Vol. I: Trau, Spalato, Cettina River, Bra9 and other islands. With the above belongs: 567 OsserVazioni di GIOVANNI LOVRICH sopra diVersi pezzi del Viaggio in Dalmazia, del Signor Abate ALBERTO FORTIS, coll' aggiunta della vita di So~ivizca... In Venezia, presso Francesco Sansoni, 1776. 26op. 8vo. GT 668.2 Contains remarks on the course of the River Cettina, and the customs of the Morlaks. 568 Die Sitten der Morlacken, aus dem Italienischen iibersetzt. Bern, bey der Typographischen Gesellschaft, 1775. [ii] + 99p. 3 colored plates. i6mo. GT 665 Taken from Vol. I of the Viaggio in Dalmatia of the Abbe' FORTIS. See No. 566. 569 Voyage en Dalmatie, par M l'Abbe' FORTIs. Traduit de l'italien. Berne, Societe' Typographique, I778. 2 VolS. 248 and 276p. 13 plates and 2 plans. 8vo. GT 669 128 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 1776 570 Voyage par l'Italie, en Egypte, au Mont-Liban et en Palestine, ou Terre Sainte. Par M l'Abbe de BINOS... A Paris, chez l'auteur et chez Boudet, I787. 2 vols. in I. viii + 3o0 and 367p. numerous plates. i6mo. GT 699 Bound in contemporary red morocco, gilt, with the arms of the Duc d'Orleans on sides. Journey begun Oct. 26, 1776; last letter dated July 28, I779. 571 Voyage pittoresque de la Grece. (Par MARIE-GABRIEL-FLORENTE-AUGUSTE, Comte de CHOISEUL-GOUFFIER). Paris, Tilliard, graveur (vols. I and II, pt. I); J. J. Blaise (vol. II, pt. 2), 1782-1822. 2 vols. bound in 3; numerous sumptuous engravings and maps; portrait frontispiece of author in vol. II, pt. 2. Imperial folio. GT I289 Vol. I is the second impression, according to Brunet. Added: A collection of biographical notices that appeared at the time of the author's death in June 1817, and was gathered by the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres in a 6p. brochure. In Vol. I is attached a copy of the Moniteur Universel of Sept. I4, I819, containing an obituary delivered by M Dacier. Journeys made in 1776 and I785. 572 Voyage pittoresque de la Grece, par CHOISEUL-GOUFFIER. Nouvelle edition, avec des notes historiques sur les evenemens actuels, par Lesbroussart. Bruxelles, Aug. Wahlen et Compe., I823. 8vo. 2 vols. in I. GT I290 573 Voyage pittoresque de la Grece. Planches. Bruxelles, n. d. (I830?). Large folio. GT I290.I Lithographed reproductions of the plates to accompany the previous volume. 574 Discours preliminaire du Voyage Pittoresque de la Grece. [Par CHOISEUL-GOUFFIER]. [Paris], l'Imprimerie de la Societe litterairetypographique, I783. 70p. 24mo. GT I29I Printed on vellum. The name of the author does not appear on the first edition, nor on this reprint of the Discours. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 129 575 Travels from Aleppo to the city of Jerusalem, and through the most remarkable parts of the Holy Land, in 1776: wherein are described Mount Lebanon, Jerusalem, and all the curiosities in and about that once famous city; the River Jordan, its rise and course; the Valley of Salt, and Lake of Sodom, Mount Olivet, Mount Sinai, Mount Hount Horeb, Mount Hermon, Mount Gilboa, and the Rock Meribah... with a minute description of most of the places so often mentioned in Scripture... a description of Bethlehem, and all its ancient curiosities; with a description of Moloch, &c. By RICHARD TYRON, Esq. an English Gentleman. Glasgow, J. and M. Robertson, I790. 24p. i6mo. GT 670 Journey begun from Scanderoon, May 3, I776. 1777 575a Descrittione dell' isola di Creta composta da FRANCESCO BAROZZI fu figliuolo di messer Jacomo Nobile Venetiano l'anno 1777 ritrovandosi nella detta isola. (Venezia, Tipografia Emiliana, I898). 20p. 4to. GT 2800 (Nobili nozze Elisabetta Barozzi - Cesare Foscari). 576 A series of adventures in the course of a voyage up the RedSea, on the coasts of Arabia and Egypt, and of a route through the desarts of Thebais in the year 1777; with a supplement of a voyage from Venice to Latichea, and of a route through the desarts of Arabia, by Aleppo, Bagdad, and the Tygris, to Busrah, in the years 1780 and 1781. In letters written to a lady, by EYLES IRWIN... The third edition. London, J. Dodsley, I787. 2 vols. xvi + 387 and 40Ip. 5 maps and 4 engravings. 8vo. GT 672 577 Voyage a la Mer Rouge, sur les cotes de l'Arabie, en Egypte, et dans des deserts de la Thebaide; suivi d'un autre, de Venise a Bassorah par Latique, Alep, les deserts, etc. dans les annees 1780 et I781. Par M EYLES YRWIN. Traduit sur la troisieme edition angloise, par M Parraud. Avec deux cartes geographiques. A Paris, chez Briand, I792. 2 vols. vi + 440 and 483p. I2mo. GT 673 578 Lettres sur l'Egypte, ou l'on offre le parallele des moeurs anciennes et modernes de ses habitans; ou l'on decrit l'etat, le com9 Gennadeion II 130 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I merce, l'agriculture, le gouvernement et la religion du pays; la descente de S. Louis a Damiette, tiree de Joinville et des auteurs arabes, et l'histoire interessante d'Ali Bey et de ses successeurs. Par M [CLAUDE] SAVARY. Nouvelle edition, ornee de cartes geographiques, et augmentee d'une table alphabetique des matieres. A Paris, chez Bleuet jeune, an VII (1798>. 3 vols. xvi + 394, 29I and 330p. 8vo. GT 674 First letter dated at Alexandria, July 24, I777. 579 Voyage dans la haute et basse Egypte, fait par ordre de l'ancien gouvernment, et contenant des observations de tous genres. Par C.S. SONNINI... Avec une collection de 40 planches, gravees en taille-douce par J. P. B. Tardieu, contenant des portraits, vues, plans, carte geographique, antiquites, plantes, animaux, etc. dessines sur les lieux, sous les yeux de l'auteur. A Paris, chez F. Buisson, an 7 [I799]. 3 vols. vii + 425, 417, and 424p. 8vo. Separate vol. of plates with title-page. 4to. GT 678 Journey started from France, April 26, 1777, and ended at Alexandria, Oct. 17, I778. 580 Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt, undertaken by order of the old government of France, by C.S. SONNINI... Illustrated by engravings... drawn on the spot, under the author's inspection, to which is subjoined a map of the country. Translated from the French. London, J. Debrett, I8oo. xl + 730p. index and 28 plates. 4to. GT 679 1778 581 Voyage en Grece et en Turquie, fait par ordre de Louis XVI, et avec autorisation de la cour Ottomane. Par C. S. SONNINI... Avec un volume grand in-4~, contenant une tres-belle carte coloriee et des planches gravees en taille-douce. A Paris, chez F. Buisson, an IX (i8oi>. 2 vols. 460 and 460p. 8vo. I folio vol. of 6 plates with titlepage. GT 676 Journey begun from Alexandria, Oct. 17, I778. Vol. I: Cyprus, Rhodes, Cos, Santorin, Crete. Vol. II: Argentiera (Kimolos), Naxos, Patmos, Mykonos, Delos, Tinos, Chios, Mytilene, Salonica, return to Toulon, Oct. I8, I780. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI 131 582 Travels in Greece and Turkey, undertaken by order of Louis XVI, and with the authority of the Ottoman court. By C.S. SONNINI... Illustrated by engravings and a map of those countries. Translated from the French. London, T.N. Longman and 0. Rees, I80I. 2 vols. xl + 428p. and xii + 443p. 8vo. and an accompanying folio vol. of 6 plates with title-page. GT 677 583 _. (A larger issue of the same publisher, same date). xxxiii + 56Ip. map. and 5 plates. 4to. GT 680 1779 584 Lettres sur la Grece, pour servir de suite a celles sur l'Egypte. Par M SAVARY. Nouvelle edition. Paris, chez Bleuet jeune, an VII <I798>. 382p. map. 8vo. GT 674.I Journey begun from Alexandria, Sept. I779: Castellorosso, Rhodes, Syme, Kasos, Crete (18 months residence there), Melos. See No. 578. 585 Letters on Greece; being the sequel of Letters on Egypt, illustrated with a map of the Grecian islands in the Archipelago, and of part of Asia Minor, and with a draught of the Cretan Labyrinth. By M [CLAUDE] SAVARY. Translated from the French. London, C. Elliot and T. Kay, etc., 1788. viii + 442p. 2 plates. 8vo. GT 675 586 Lettere odeporiche o sia Viaggio per la penisola di Cizico per Brussa, e Nicea, fatto dall' Abate DOMENICO SESTINI... l'anno I779. In Livorno (presso Carlo Giorgi), I785. 2 vols. bound in I. 8 + I65 and I38p. engraved title-pages. 8vo. GT 685 587 Voyage dans la Grece asiatique, a la peninsule de Cyzique, a Brusse et a Nicee; avec les details sur l'histoire naturelle de ces contrees. Traduit de l'Italien de M l'Abbe DOMENIQUE SESTINI... A Londres, et se trouve a Paris, chez Leroy, I789. viii + 252p. 8vo. GT 686 588 Viaggio da Constantinopoli a Bukoresti fatto l'anno I779, con l'aggiunta di diverse lettere relative a varie produzioni, ed osservationi asiatiche. (Par l'Abate DOMENICO SESTINI). Roma, per Antonio Fulgoni, 1794. I23P. 8vo. GT 682 9* 132 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o The "diverse lettere" are based on journeys made from 1781 to 1788 to Diarbekir and some extinct volcanoes, Aleppo, Latakia, Brussa, Angora. The name of the author is given in the dedication. 589 Remarks on a journey to the East Indies, by way of Holland and Germany to Venice, and from thence by Alexandria, Grand Cairo, and Suez, to Fort St. George. Undertaken by order of the Secret Committee of the Court of East India Directors, the 24th day of March, I779, by Captain MARK WOOD... Reprinted for private circulation only, by permission, by his niece, Mrs. Montagu. Lichfield, F.W. Meacham, I875. 56p. map. 8vo. GT 68I 1780 590 FAUVEL'S first trip through Greece. [Edited] by C. G. Lowe. Reprinted from Hesperia, V, I936, pp. 206-224. GT 688.2 Louis FRANCOIS SEBASTIEN FAUVEL, antiquary, (I753-I838), was for many years Consul of France in Greece. He travelled the mainland of Greece with his companion Foucherot in I780. The manuscripts of the accounts of both travelers are in the Gennadeion. 591 Viaggio curioso - scientifico - antiquario per la Valachia, Transilvania, e Ungheria fino a Vienna, fatto da DOMENICO SESTINI... Firenze, Luigi, e Fratelli Magheri, 1815. xxviii + 35IP. 2 plates. I2mo. GT 688 Journey begun from Bucharest, May 27, I780. 592 Viaggi e opuscoli diversi di DOMENICO SESTINI... Berlino, appresso Carlo Quien, I806. xiv + 3I3p. and 2 plates. I2mo. GT 687 Accounts of three journeys: (a) from Vienna down the Danube to Rustchuk, Varna and via the Black Sea to Constantinople, Aug. 25 to Oct. 23, 1780; (b) excursions in Asia Minor around Smyrna, Ephesus, Sardis, Thyatira, Aug. and Sept., 1782; (c) Constantinople to Angora, via Brussa and Olympus, June to Aug. I787. 1781 593 Voyage historique, litteraire et pittoresque dans les isles et possessions ci-devant venitiennes du Levant; savoir: Corfou, Paxo, Bucintro, Parga, Prevesa, Vonizza, Sainte-Maure, Thiaqui, Cephalonie, Zante, Strophades, Cerigo et Cerigotte; contenant la descrip VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi I33 tion de chacune de ces iles et possessions, l'histoire et les monumens anciens... l'industrie, la navigation, le commerce; un aper~u sur celui des Etats maritimes de Venise et de l'Albanie, relatiVement aux inte're'ts de la France; accompagne6 d'un atlas de trente planches, compose' de la carte generale, des mouillages, des vues, des costumes et monumens anciens, et des me'dailles et inscriptions grecques et romaines. Par ANDRE'-GRASSET SAINT-SAUVEUR, Jeune, ancien Consul de France, resident 'a Corfou, Zante, Sainte-Maure, etc. depuis 1781 jusques l'an 6 de la re'publique francaise. A Paris, chez Tavernier, an VIII (i8oo). 3 vols. xvi + 407, 358 and 383p. 8vo. GT 3263 Atlas to accompany the above. Map and 25 plates. Small 4t0. 594 Beschreibung der ehemaligen venetianischen Besitzungen auf dem festen Lande und an den Kiisten von Griechenland. Nach dem Franz6sischen des Herrn GRASSET SAINT SAVE UR. Herausgegeben Von M.C. Spren gel. Mit einer Charte. Weimar, im Verlage des Industrie-Comtoirs, i8oi. viii + 270p. 8vo. GT 3264 595 Viaggio da Costantinopoli a Bassora fatto dall' Abate DOMENICO SEsTrI~i Accademico Etrusco. (In Yverdun), 1786. viii ~ 265p. 8vo. GT 683 Left Constantinople March 30, I78I: Nicomedia Amasia, Tokat, Sivas, Diarbekir, Mosul, Bagdad, Bassora, Aug. 5, 178i. 596 Nouveau voyage de Constantinople 'a Bassora, par le desert et Alexandrie (par I'Abate DOMENICO SESTINI). Traduit de l'Jtalien [par le Comte de Fleury]. 'A Paris, chez la Veuve DeVaux, An 9, i8oo. vi A- 332p. map. 8vo. GT 684 Added: Title-page from a previous edition, Paris, lFan VI. The author's name appears in the dedication. Contains, besides the previous account, the narrative of the return journey: from Bassora to Hilla, Bagdad, Aleppo, Latakia, Larnaca, Famagusta, Alexandria, Constantinople, from Sept. z8, 178I to April i, 1782. 1782 597 Voyage pittoresque et historique de l'Jstrie et Dalmatie (re'dige' d'apre's l'itineraire de L. F. CASSAS, par Joseph Lavalle'e... ouvrge rn~d'estampes, cartes et plans, dessine's et leve's surle lieux par CASSAS... et grave's par les meilleurs artistes en ce genre 134 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi sous la direction de Nee, graveur...) Paris, (Pierre Didot l'aine), an X-I8o2. Viii + I90p. text, engraved title-page and 2 frontispieces, 63 plates. Folio. GT 1838 Added: original prospectus and list of subscribers. 598 Memoires historiques, politiques et geographiques des voyages du Comte de FERRIERES-SAUVEBOEUF, faits en Turquie, en Perse et en Arabie, depuis 1782, jusq'en I789; avec ses observations sur la religion, les moeurs, le caractere & le commerce de ces trois nations; suivies de details tres-exacts sur la guerre des Turcs avec les deux cours imperiales, d'Autriche et de Russie... A Paris, chez Buisson, I790. 2 vols. xxiv + 298 and x + 303p. I2mo. GT 8I2.4 599 VOYAGE dans les etats barbaresques de Maroc, Alger, Tunis et Tripoly; ou lettres d'un des captifs qui viennent d'etre rachetes par MM leschanoines reguliers de la Sainte-Trinite; suiviesd'une notice sur leur rachat, & du catalogue de leurs noms. A Paris, chez Guillot, I785. 193 + 8p. i6mo. GT 756 Letters dated from June 21, 1782 to March I, 1785 from various places in the Barbary States. 1783 600 Voyage en Syrie, et en Egypte pendant les annees 1783, 1784 et 1785, avec deux cartes geographiques, et deux planches gravees, representant les ruines du temple du Soleil a Balbek, et celles de la ville de Palmyre, dans le desert de Syrie. Par M C. F. VOLNEY. Seconde edition, revue et corrigee. A Paris, chez Desenne, et Volland, I787. 2 vols. xvi + 383 and viii + 458p. Large paper. 4to. GT 689 601 Voyage en Syrie et en Egypte pendant les annees 1783,84 et 85; quatrieme edition, accompagnee I) de la notice des deux manuscrits arabes inedits, qui fournissent des details nouveaux et curieuse sur l'histoire... les arts de l'Egypte... 2) d'un tableau exact de tout le commerce du Levant... 3) des considerations sur la guerre des Russes et des Turcs; publiees en 1788; 4) de deux gravures nouvelles representant les pyramides et le sphinx... Par C. F. VOLNEY... A Paris, chez Courcier, 1807. 2 vols. x + 487 and 492P. 9 folding plates. 8vo. GT 690 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 135 1784 602 Voyage a Constantinople, fait a l'occasion de l'ambassade de M. le comte de Choiseul-Gouffier a la Porte Ottomane. Par un ancien aumonier de la Marine Royale [1'ABBI MARTIN] A Paris, chez Francois et Louis Janet, I8I9. viii + 256p. portrait frontispiece. I2mo. GT 808 Set out from Toulon, July 1784, for Malta, Ionian Islands, Negroponte (Chalcis), thence overland to Athens, Smyrna, Chios, Dardanelles and Constantinople. 603 Viage a Constantinopla, en el ano de 1784, escrito de orden superior. (Por JOSEPH MORENO). Madrid, (Imprenta Real), I790. [xiv] + 360 + xxxiiip. map and numerous plates. 4to. GT 692 The author, whose name appears at the end of the preface, accompanied the Spanish fleet on a mission to Turkey, which left Spain in April, 1784, and returned the following year. 604 Voyage en Turquie et en Egypte, fait en lannee I784. [Par J. POTOCKI]. A Varsovie, et se trouve a Paris, 1788. iv + I46p. 24mo. GT 694 605 Les recherches de A. F. STURTZENBECKER a Delphes et dans les environs en I784. Par Christian Callmer. Lund, Gleerup, I948. Skrifter utgivna av Svenska Institutet i Rom XIII. (Opuscula archaeologica, Vol. V. pp. II3-I44). GT 1772.5 606 Aanteekeningen, gehouden op eene reize door Turkijen, Natolien, de Krim en Rusland, in de jaaren I784-89. (Door P. VAN WOENSEL). Constantinopolen, van de hegira, I206-09 (= I791-94). 2 vols. xx + 453 and viii + 317p. portrait, 6 folding plates, vignettes. 8vo. GT 693 1785 607 Travels in Europe, Asia Minor, and Arabia. By J. GRIFFITHS.. London, T. Cadell and W. Davies, I805. xix + 396p. map and 2 engraved plates. 4to. GT II03.2 Journey begun in June, 1785: Archipelago, Constantinople, Chios, Smyrna, Sardis, Konia, Taurus to Syria, Antioch, Aleppo. 136 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 608 Voyage de la Troade fait dans les annees 1785 et 1786, par J. B. LECHEVALIER... Troisieme edition, revue, corrigee et considerablement augmentee... Paris, Dentu, an X. 3 vols. xviii + 303, 332, 3i6p. I2mo. GT I458.2 The first edition is not known to the bibliographers, but there is an English edition dated I79I, from which the following German translation was made: 609 Beschreibung der Ebene von Troja mit einer auf der Stelle aufgenommenen Charte, der k6n. Societat zu Edinburgh im Febr. und Marz I791 vorgelegt von ihrem Mitgliede, Herrn LECHEVALIER.. Mit Anmerkungen und Erliuterungen von Herrn Andreas Dalzel... Professor der Griechischen Litteratur und erstem Bibliothekar der Universitat zu Edinburg. Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt und mit Vorrede, Anmerkungen und Zusitzen des Herrn Hofrath Heyne begleitet... Mit vier Charten. Leipzig, Weidmann, I792. xxxiv + 284p. 8vo. GT I458.3 610 Reise nach Troas, oder Gemahlde der Ebene von Troja in ihrem gegenwartigen Zustande, vom Burger LECHEVALIER. Nach dem Franz6sischen der zweyten Ausgabe frey bearbeitet von C. G. Lenz... Mit VIII Kupfern und I Charte. Altenburg und Erfurt, Rinck und Schnuphase, I8oo. xiv + 27IP. I2mo. GT I458.4 611 A genuine voyage to Smyrna and Constantinople, and a journey from thence overland to England... also a minute detail of the antiquities, manners, customs, and present state of Jerusalem, made during a three years residence of the author in that city, with a relation of the pilgrim's journey to the Holy Land; to which is prefixed a confutation of Volney's History of Ali Bey's revolt. By S. LuSIGNAN. Second edition. [London], Bateman and Son, I80I. 2 vols. in I. xlviii + 271 and 260p. frontispiece. 8vo. GT 69I Letters dated from Aug. 30, 1785 to Aug. 29, I786. 612 NARRATIVE of a ten years' residence at Tripoli in Africa, from the original correspondence in the possession of the family of the late Richard Tully, Esq., the British Consul, comprising authentic memoirs and anecdotes of the reigning Bashaw, his family, and other persons of distinction, also an account of the domestic manners of the Moors, Arabs, and Turks. London, Henry Colburn, I816. xiii + 370p. 6 colored plates, and map. 4to. GT 70I VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 137 Bound in russia calf, broad gilt borders and blind tooling on sides. The letters were written by the Consul's sister-in-law, between July 3, I785 and April 30, I795. 613 _. Third edition. I8I9. 2 vols. xv + 375 and 396p. map, portrait frontispiece and 6 colored plates. 8vo. GT 702 1786 614 A journey through the Crimea to Constantinople in a series of letters from the Right Honourable ELIZABETH Lady CRAVEN... written in the year 1786. Lonson, G.G.J. and J. Robinson, I789. [iv] + 327p. map and 6 plates. 4to. GT 695 Letters written to the Margrave of Anspach, whom she later married, dated from June 15, 1785 to Aug. 30, 1786. The journey through Russia began from Warsaw Jan. 7, 1786. 615 _. Dublin, H. Chamberlain, etc. I789. 7 + 415P. map and 2 folding plates. 8vo. GT 696 616 Voyage en Crimee et a Constantinople, en 1786. Par Miladi CRAVEN. Traduit de l'Anglois, par M Guedon de Berchere... A Londres, et se trouve a Paris, chez Maradan, I789. 433P. 6 folding plates and map. I2mo. GT 697 617 Idea del Imperio Otomano; parte historica del diario de navegacion, que en su viage a Constantinopla en el anio de 1787, hizo el Capitan de fragata de la real armada Don JOSEF SOLANO ORTIZ DE ROZAS... en el que por via de apendice se da razon de otro viage que execut6 a Constantinopla en el anterior aio de 1786, y del que posteriormente hizo a Napoles y Liorna en el de I789. En Madrid, en la imprenta de Sancha, I793. [vi] + 359P. index. 4 folding plates. 8vo. GT 2450.I 1787 618 A tour up the Straits, from Gibraltar to Constantinople; with the leading events of the present war between the Austrians, Russians, and the Turks, to the commencement of the year I789. By 138 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi Captain SUTHERLAND... London, J. Johnson, I790. xlvii + 372p. 8vo. GT 704 Account given in letters dated Aug. 14, 1787 to Jan. 24, 1789. 619 Reise durch die StraBe von Gibraltar nach Constantinopel, nebst den vornehmsten Begebenheiten im jetzigen Kriege der Oesterreicher und Russen mit den Tiirken, bis zu Anfange des I789sten Jahre. Von Capitain SUTHERLAND... Aus dem Englischen iibersetzt. Liubeck, bey Christian Gottfried Donatius, 1790. 264p. I6mo. GT 705 1788 620 A picturesque tour through part of Europe, Asia, and Africa, containing many new remarks on the present state of society, remains of ancient edifices, &c. with plates, after designs by JAMES STUART... author of the Antiquities of Athens. Written by an ITALIAN GENTLEMAN. London, J. Davis, I793. xiv + 24IP. 6 folding plates. 8vo. GT 703 James Stuart died in 1788: the unknown author used the plates after his death. See J. M. Paton, The Erechtheum, Cambridge, Mass., I927, p. 617, No. 19, who attributes the authorship to ALESSANDRO BISANI. The letters are dated from April 29, 1788 to Oct. 7, 1789, from: Palermo, Malta, Argentiera, Salonica, Zea, Athens, Smyrna, the Dardanelles, Constantinople, Mykonos, Gibraltar, Tunis, Carthage, Tripoli, etc. 621 Relazione di un viaggio a Costantinopoli di GIAMBATTISTA CASTI, nel 1788, scritta da lui medesimo con una carta topografica di quella citta. Milano, Batelli & Fanfani, 1822. ii + 5op. folding frontispiece. I2mo. GT 700 Journey begun June 30, 1788. There is a brief description of Athens on the return voyage. 622 VIAGGIO in Valachia e Moldavia con osservazioni storiche, naturali e politiche... Milano, per Giovanni Silvestri, 1822. iv + 239P. I6mo. GT I215.I Preface states that the first edition was printed in Naples in 1788, but gives no indication of authorship, or date of journey. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI 139 1789 623 Viaggi in Etiopia del P MICHELANGELO PACELLI da Tricarico Minore Osservante, ne' quali si descrivono le cose pift rimarchevoli ed osservabili incontrate in quella regione sulle orme del Ludolif de La Croix., ed altri celebri scrittori di quei luoghi. In Napoli, presso Gioacchino de Bonis, 1797. xi + I9Ip. 3 plates. I2mo. GT I70I 1790 624 Reise von Petersburg nach Moskau <1790> von A.N. RADISCHTCHEW. Aus dem Russischen ifibersetzt, vofl Arthur Luther. (Quellen und Aufsatze zur russisehen Geschichte, herausgegeben vofl Karl Stahlin, viertes Heft.) Leipzig, Paul Schraepler,I1922. i89p. 8mo. GT 697.2 625 Voyage "a Constantinople, en Italie, et aux iles de l'Archipel, par I'Allemagne et la Hongrie [par CHARLES MARIE D'JRUM BERRY, Comte de SALABERRY]. Paris, chez Maradan, [an] 7 (= 1799). 331+ [I]p. rzmo. GT 705.:2 Bound in half calf, gilt, with the eagles of Napoleon stamped on the back. The library has a second copy. Account of a journey begun from Paris, Oct. 5, 1790 and ended at Marseilles, Nov. 179I. 1791 626 BENJAMIN NOLDMANN's Geschichte der Aufklarung in Abyssinien, Oder, Nachricht von seinem und seines Herrn Vetters Aufenthalte an dem Hofe des grof~en Negus, oder Priesters Johannes. G6ttingen, bey Johann Christian Dieterich, 179I. 2 vols. in i.:262 and 300P. 6 plates. i6mo. GT 1700 1792 627 Voyage dans l'Empire Othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait par ordre du Gouvernement, pendant le six premieres annees de la Re~publique. Par G. A. OLIVIER... A Paris,, chez H. Agasse, an 9 (i8oi)-i8o7. 6 vols. 8vo. GT 1010.i 140 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I Journey begun from Paris, Nov. 7, I792, and ended there, Dec. I798. Vol. I: Constantinople. Vol. II: Dardanelles (Chanak), the Troad, Tenedos, Lesbos, Chios, Naxos, Ios, Kimolos, Melos, Santorin, Candia, Canea. Vol. III: Alexandria, Aboukir, up the Nile to Cairo, Memphis. Vol. IV: Beirut, Sidon, Tyre, Latakia, Aleppo, Orfa, Merdin, Nisibis, Mosul, Bagdad. Vol. V: Kirmanshah, Hamadan, Teheran, Ispahan, Caspian Sea. Vol. VI: Ispahan to Bagdad, thence by left bank of Euphrates to Latakia; Larnaca and Nicosia, Karahissar, Kutahia, Nicaea to Constantinople; left for Piraeus May 30, I798, arrived June 5; Athens, ascent of Hymettus, Monastery of Kaisariani, Marathon mound and village, ancient column at the Stavros, the lion of Hymettus, Daou Penteli monastery, Kephalari at Kifissia, quarries on Penteli; left Athens by sea, June 25 for Eleusis, Corinth, Patras, Parga, Corfu, Butrinto, Ancona. 628 Atlas pour servir au Voyage dans l'Empire Othoman, l'Egypte et la Perse, fait... par G. A. OLIVIER... A Paris, chez H. Agasse, an IX (I8oi)-I807. Plates. Folio. GT IOIO.2 In de luxe binding with the monogram of Louis-Philippe of France on sides. 50 plates in three parts, with title-page for each part. Some of the plates of Greece are taken from those of Barbi6 du Bocage. 629 La mission de S]MONVILLE a Constantinople, 1792-1793: documents reunis et commentes... par Georges Grosjean... Paris, Charavay Freres, 1887. (Extrait de la Revolution franfaise, revue historique, I887.) 40p. 8vo. GT 8012. 1793 630 Ausflug von Konstantinopel nach Brussa in Kleinasien im Jahre I793. Von IGNATZ VON BRENNER. Wien und Triest, bey Geistinger, I808. Io2p. folding frontispiece. I6mo. GT 708.I 631 Reise der russisch-kaiserlichen ausserordentlichen Gesandtschaft an die othomanischen Pforte im Jahr I793; drei Theile vertrauter Briefe eines Ehstlinders an einen seiner Freunde in Reval... St. Petersburg, Schnoor, 1803. 3 vols. [ii] + xii + 220, viii + 231, viii + I73p. Portrait frontispiece and map. 4to. GT 807 6 Plates to accompany the above, in a separate folio volume. The author's name, HEINRICH von REIMERS, appears at the end of the dedication to Tsar Alexander I. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 141 632 Voyage en Krimee, suivi de la relation de l'ambassade envoyee de Petersbourg a Constantinople en I793; publie par un jeune Russe, attache a cette ambassade. Traduit de l'allemand par L.H. Delamarre. A Paris, chez Maradan, an X -I802. viii + 398p. table. 8vo. GT 806 1794 633 The letters of JOHN B.S. MORRITT of Rokeby: descriptive of journeys in Europe and Asia Minor in the years I794-I796. Edited by G. E. Marindin. London, John Murray, I9I4. x + 3I9P. portrait frontispiece and 8 illustrations. 8vo. GT 709.I Letters begin Feb. 27, I794: London, Ostend, Dresden, Vienna, Constantinople, Brussa, Ephesus, Samos, the Troad, Chios, Mytilene, Salonica, Larissa, Athens, Mycenae, Tripolitza, Andritsaina, the Maina, Crete, Olympia, Ionian Islands. 634 Voyage en Grece, de XAVIER SCROFANI, Sicilien, fait en I794 et I795. Traduit de l'Italien, par J.F.C. Blanvillain... Avec une carte generale de la Grece ancienne et moderne, et dix tableaux du commerce des iles dites Venitiennes, de la Moree, et de la Romelie meridionale. Paris et Strasbourg, Treuttel et Wiirtz, an IX, I8oI. 3 vols. xii + 167, i68 and I35p. GT 706 Commercial tables are in the last volume. 1795 635 A tour performed in the years 1795-6 through the Taurida, or Crimea, the antient kingdom of Bosphorus, the once-powerful republic of Tauric Cherson, and all the other countries on the north shore of the Euxine, ceded to Russia by the Peace of Kainardgi and Jassy. By Mrs. MARIA GUTHRIE... described in a series of letters to her husband, the editor, Matthew Guthrie... London, Nichols and Son, I802. xxiv + 446p. 2 maps, II plates and many illustrations of coins in the text. 4to. GT 707 1796 636 P.O. von ASPS Reise in der Levante. Aus dem Schwedischen von Peter Treschow Hanson. Christiania, H.A. Hielm, 1822. [iv] + I45p.j i6mo. GT I546.1 142 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I The author was Swedish envoy to Constantinople. The title of the original was: Resa i Levanten Ar 1796, Skara, I805, and was taken from the French ms. of M. Hasselrot. Journey from Constantinople to the Dardanelles, Tenedos, Troy, Chios, Tenos, Syra, Sunium, Athens (Tower of the Winds, Lantern of Diogenes, Hymettus, Acropolis, Mt. Anchesmus, Theseum), Eleusis, Corinth, Patras, Vostitza, Zante, Ithaca, Corfu. 637 Lettres sur la Moree et les lies de Cerigo, Hydra et Zante. Par A.L. CASTELLAN. Avec vingt-trois desseins de l'auteur, graves par luimeme, et trois plans. A Paris, chez H. Agasse, I808. 2 parts, with separate pagination in I vol. 8vo. GT I293 Letters dated from Dec. 24, I796 to July 9, I797. In the Morea, visited Corone, Navarino and Napoli de Malvoisie (Monemvasia). Much interesting detail about Cerigo (Cythera) and the interior of Zante (Zacynthus). 638 A.L. CASTELLAN'S Briefe fiber Morea und die Inseln Cerigo, Hydra und Zante. Aus dem Franz6sischen. Weimar, F.S. I809. viii + 228p. Map. 8vo. GT I294 639 Lettres sur la Moree, l'Hellespont et Constantinople, par A.L. CASTELLAN... Seconde edition, ornee de soixante-trois planches dessinees et gravees par l'auteur. A Paris, chez A. Nepveu, I820. 3 vols. 8vo. GT I295 Contains 34 letters on the Hellespont and Constantinople omitted in the first ed., and has been re-edited. 1797 640 Constantinople ancient and modern, with excursions to the shores and islands of the Archipelago and to the Troad. By JAMES DALLAWAY... London, T. Bensley, I797. xii + 4I5P. index and io plates. 4to. GT 709 Printed on large, thick paper, with double set of plates, colored and aquatint. No indication of date of excursions: Constantinople, Eregli, Brussa, Mt.Olympus, Smyrna, Ephesus, Miletus, Samos, Teos, Chios, Pergamum, Mitylene, the Troad, Burnabashi, Chanak, Tenedos. 641 Reise in die Levante. Von Sir JAMES DALLAWAY. Giesen, Tasche und Muller, I804. 462p. engraved title-page, map, plates. I2mo. GT 709.I VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i80o 143 642 Voyage de DIMO et NICOLO STEPHANOPOLI en Grece pendant les annees V et VI <I797 et 1798 v. st.), d'apres deux missions, dont l'une du gouvernement frangais, et l'autre du general en chef Buonaparte. Redige par un des professeurs du Prytanee, avec figures, plans et vues leves sur les lieux. A Paris, Guilleminet, [an VIII - I800]. 2 vols. xvi + 303 and 319p. 8 plans and illustrations. 8vo. GT 711 Printed on large paper. Contains a careful description of the manners and customs of the people of Maina, to which a large portion of the book is devoted. 1798 643 Travels in Upper and Lower Egypt in company with several divisions of the French army, during the campaigns of General Bonaparte in that country, and published under his immediate patronage, by VIVANT DENON. Embellished with numerous engravings. Translated by Arthur Aikin. London, T.N. Longman and 0. Rees, etc., 1803. 3 vols. viii + xx + 392, 366 and 3I2p. 67 plates. 8vo. GT 708 Journey begun from Toulon, May I4, I798. 644 Memoires sur l'Egypte, publies pendant les campagnes du General Bonaparte, dans les annees VI et VII. A Paris, P. Didot l'Aine, an VIII. viii + 4IIp. 2 maps. I2mo. GT 1597.2 1799 645 BONAPARTE AU CAIRE, ou, Memoires sur l'expedition de ce general en Egypte, avec des details curieux et instructifs sur cette interessante partie du Globe, par un des savans embarques sur la flotte francaise... A Paris, chez Prault; chez Rondonneau, an VII de la Republique. 240p. frontispiece. I2mo. GT I594.I The Empress Josephine's copy, with her initials J B stamped on the back. 646 The travels of MIRZA ABU TALEB KHAN, in Asia, Africa, and Europe, during the years I799, I8oo, I80o, 1802, and I803, written by himself in the Persian language. Translated by Charles Stewart... 144 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I London, Longman, Hurst, Rees, and Orme, I8IO. 2 vols. xxiv + 320 and 4I8p. portrait frontispiece. 8vo. GT 724 English translation without the text. 647 Travels in Turkey, Asia-Minor, Syria, and across the desert into Egypt during the years 1799, I8oo, and I8oi, in company with the Turkish army and the British Military Mission; to which are annexed, observations on the plague, and on the diseases prevalent in Turkey, and a meteorological journal. By WILLIAM WITTMAN, M.D... London, Richard Phillips, I803. xvi + 595P. many plates and plans, most of them colored. 4to. GT 712 Author proceeded to Constantinople by sea, May II, 1799, and joined the Mission there, June 14: Pera, Buyukdere, Chanak Kale, Limassol, Jaffa, Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Gaza, pyramids of Gizeh, Cairo, Memphis, Alexandria, Castellorosso, Rhodes, Chios, Constantinople, Varna, up the Danube to Vienna, and return to England. 648 W. WITTMANN'S der [sic] Arzneikunde Doctor's Reisen in der europaischen Turkey, Kleinasien, Syrien und Aegypten in den Jahren I799, I8oo, I8oi, und I802 nebst Bemerkungen fiber die Pest und andere in der Turkey herrschende Krankheiten wie auch eine meteorologischen Tagebuche. Aus dem Englischen mit Anmerkungen und mit Desgenettes, Larrey's, Pugnets, Sotiras und anderer Untersuchungen fiber die Pest, iibersetzt von J. A. Bergk. Leipzig, bey Wilhelm Rein und Comp., I804. 2 vols. bound in I. xxii + 293 and vi + 347P. I8 plates, mostly colored. 8vo. GT 713 1800 649 Voyage de la Propontide et du Pont-Euxin, avec la carte generale de ces deux mers, la description topographique de leurs rivages, le tableau des moeurs, des usages et du commerce des peuples qui les habitent, la carte particuliere de la plaine de Brousse en Bithynie, celle du Bosphore de Thrace, et celle de Constantinople accompagnee de la description des monumens anciens et modernes de cette capitale. Par J.B. LECHEVALIER... Paris, Dentu, an VIII. 2 vols. xii + 4I6p. paged continuously. 8vo. GT 1458 Date of travels not indicated. III BOOKS TOPOGRAPHICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE In this group have been placed those works in which the contents are mainly descriptive, which show little or no evidence of the author's having visited the places in person. They are arranged by the date of publication, and, where possible, by the date of the first edition. 650 LA CITEZ de Jerusalem (en quel estat...estoit a cel jour). Societe de l'Orient latin; recueil des historiens des Croisades, t. II, pp. 490-507). 4to. GT 427 12 leaves of proof, possibly unpublished. BEFORE 1480 651 (First leaf begins:) Incipit prohemium in tractatum de moribus condictionibus et nequicia Turcorum. ( )nmanissima persecutionum genera... No place nor date. 36 leaves. I2mo. TH 4 T 751 Hain, Repertorium, No. I5673. 652 TRACTATUS de ritu, moribus, nequitia et multiplicatione Turcorum, in quo si quispiam aliquid de secta Turcorum magna atque admiranda scire desiderat, pauca que hic sub compendio narrantur memoria revolvat: namque si ea sane diligenterque inspexerit, de multis inquisitionis veritatem agnoscet. No place nor date. Three ornamental woodcuts on title-page and at end. 38 leaves. i2mo. TH 4 T 752 Hain, Repertorium, No. 15677, suggests that this was printed by Zeninger at Nurenberg. 653 TRACTATUS de ritu et moribus Turcorum. (At top of first leaf:) Incipit prohemium in tractatum de moribus conditionibus et nequitia Turcorum. No place nor date. 51 and 2 blank leaves. I2mo. TH4 T 75 Hain, Repertorium, No. 15674. Brunet places before I480. io Gennadeion II 145 146 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 1520 654 OPERA nova chiamata portolano laqual narra tutte le terre & porti de Levante cominciando a Venetia andando per tutta la Schiavonia fin a Corfu con tutta la Grecia, la Morea & Napoli de Romania con tutto Larcipelago, Constantinopoli, Candia, Rodi, Cipro & tutto il Levante & tutte le isole, terre, citta e castelli & porti & quanti miglia da una terra a l'altra & da una isola a l'altra, & tutte starie, porti, valle e colphi, scagni, fondi e sechi dintorno. Novamente stampato. (At end: Stampato in Vineggia, per Domenego Zio & Fratelli Veneti, no date.) 40leaves, text in2 columns, title-page within printed border, printer's mark at end. 24mo. GT 324 1521 655 PIRI RE'IS Bahrije: das Tiirkische Segelhandbuch fur das Mittellandische Meer vom Jahre 1521. Herausgegeben, iibersetzt und erklart, von PAUL KAHLE. Band I. Text. I. Lieferung, Kapitel 1-28; Band II. Ubersetzung, Kapitel 1-28. Berlin und Leipzig, Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1926. 2 vols. bound in I. [ii] + 64p. index, 4 plates, and xlviii + 88p. 4 plates. 4to. GT 326.2 656 PIRI RE'IS Kitabi Bahriye... Istanbul, Devlet basimevi, I935. [2] + Iv + [2] + [855] + [IO] + 72p. maps. Folio. (Turk tarihi arastirma kurumu yayinlarindan, no. 2). GT 326.22 1530? 657 PORTOLANO, opera nova qual narra tutte le isole, terre, citta, castelli, porti, starie, valli, colphi, scagni, fondi di Levante, cominciando a Venetia, andando per la Schiavonia sino a Corfu, la Grecia, la Morea, Arcipelago, Costantinopoli, Candia, Rodi, Cipro, con tutti il Levante quante miglia e da una isola a l'altra, e da una terra a l'altra, cosa molto utile. (No imprint, but Venetiis, ca. I530). 39 unnumbered leaves, text in 2 columns, title within woodcut border. I6mo. GT 325 1531 658 Commentario delle cose de' Turchi di PAULO IOVIO, Vescovo di Nocera, a Carlo Quinto Imperadore Augusto. (At end: Stampata in VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 147 Roma, per Maestro Antonio Blado d'Asola, no date). 46 unnumbered leaves. Printer's mark. I2mo. TH 4 G 49 Bound in red morocco, gilt inside borders. The preface which is reprinted in all editions, is dated Rome, Jan. 22, 1531. 659. In Venetia, I540. 36 leaves. 24mo. TH 4 G 49I 660 _. Nuovamente revisto & con somma diligentia impresso. [In Venetia], I54I. 30 unnumbered leaves. 24mo. TH 4 G 492 661 Commentarii delle cose de Turchi, di PAULO GIOVIO et ANDREA GAMBINI, con gli fatti et la vita di Scanderbeg. (At end: In Vinegia, in casa de' figliuoli di Aldo, I54I). 36 + 76 + 52 leaves. I6mo. TH 4 G 493 Bound in original Venetian red morocco, gilt borders, blind-tooled back. Title stamped on cover. 662. Second copy, in I7th cent. binding, gilt, marbled edges. TH 4 G 493 663 Turcicarum rerum commentarius PAULI IovII Episcopi Nucerini ad Carolum V Imperatorem Augustum, ex Italico Latinus factus, Francisco Nigro Bassianate interprete: origo Turcici imperii: vitae omnium Turcicorum Imperatorum, ordo ac disciplina Turcicae militiae exactissime conscripta, eodem Paulo Iovio authore. Addita est praefatio Philippi Melan[chthonis]. (At end: Vitebergae, ex officina Iosephi Clug, I537). 71 leaves, woodcut initials. 24mo. TH 4 G 494 664 __. Parisiis, apud Arnoldum & Carolum Langeliers, 1538. 67 leaves. 32mo. TH 4 G 495 Bound in red morocco, gilt, inside borders, by Pagnant. This and the following lack Melanchthon's preface. 665. Parisiis, ex officina Roberti Stephani, I539. 87p. i6mo. TH 4 G 496 IO* 148 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 1536 666 Insulae Melitae descriptio ex commentariis rerum quotidianarum F. IOAN QUINTINI Hedui ad Sophum. Lugduni, apud Seb. Gryphium, I536. 12 unnumbered leaves, last one blank, map of Malta on verso of second leaf. 8vo. GT 3616 Fine printer's mark on title-page. 1544 667 De Turcarum ritu et caeremoniis, autore BARPTOLOMAEO GEORGIEVICH Hungaro peregrino Hierosolymitano, qui tredecim annos apud eosdem servitutem serviendo, omnia experientia didicit; additis quam plurimis dictionibus, etiam numero, cum salutationibus & responsionibus Persarum. Antverpiae, apud Georgium Bontium, I544. 46 unnumbered leaves. 2 printer's marks. 24mo. TH 4 G 35 668 Libellus vere Christiana lectione dignus diversas res Turcharum brevi tradens BARPT. GEORG. p.h. authore. (At end: Impressum Romae, apud Anthonium Bladum, 1552). 77 unnumbered leaves, ornamented initials and woodcut illustrations in text. I6mo. TH 4 G 351 The same text as the previous, with some additions. 669 De Turcarum moribus epitome, BARTHOLOMAEO GEORGIEVIZ Peregrino autore. Lugduni, apud Ioan. Tornaesium, I553. I84p. Publisher's mark, woodcut initials and 4 illustrations in text. 32mo. TH 4 G 352 670. Lugduni, I555. Same pagination and illustrations. 32mo. TH 4 G 353 671. Lugduni, 1578. Same pagination and illustrations. 32mo. TH 4 G 354 672. Lugduni, Iohannes Tornaesius, I598.I84p. index and illustrations. 32mo. TH 4 G 355 673. Genevae, apud Ioann. de Tournes, I629. I84p. index and illustrations. 32mo. TH 4 G 356 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I I49 674 The offspring of the house of Ottomanno, and officers pertaining to the greate Turkes court; whereunto is added BARTHOLOMAEUS GEORGIEVIZ epitome of the costumes, rytes, ceremonies, and religion of the Turkes, with the miserable affliction of thise Christians whiche live under their captivitie and bondage... all englished by Hugh Goughe. Imprinted at London, by Thomas Marshe, no date. go unnumbered leaves. Frontispiece. 24mo. TH 4 G 69 1545 675 I costumi, et i modi particolari de la vita de Turchi, descritti da M LUIGI BASSANO da Zara. (At end: Stampato in Roma per Antonio Blado Asolano), I545. [3] + 62 leaves. I6mo. TH 4 B 31 1548 676 I cinque libri della legge, religione, et vita de' Turchi, et della corte, & alcune guerre del Gran Turco, di GIOVANANTONIO MENAVINO Genovese da Vultri: tutti racconci, & non poco migliorati. Oltre cio, Una prophetia de' Mahomettani, & altre cose Turchesche non piu vedute, tradotte da M Lodovico Domenichi. [In Vinegia, appresso Vincenzo Valgrisi, I548]. 256p. I6mo. TH 4 M 53 Bound in original Venetian calf, gold tooled sides and back. The prophecy and other Turkish matters are translated (pp. I85-256) from GEORGIEVIZ. See No. 669. 677 I costumi, et la vita de Turchi, di Gio. ANTONIO MENAVINO Genovese da Vultri, con una prophetia, & altre cose Turchesche, tradotte per M Lodovico Domenichi. In Fiorenza, appresso Lorenzo Torrentino, I55I. 257p. index. I6mo. TH 4 M 531 1562 678 P[ETRI] GYLII de Constantinopoleos topographia lib. IV. Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Elzeviriana, 1632. 4I2p. index. 32mo. GT 2441 Tlhe first edition was published in I562. 150 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 679 The antiquities of Constantinople, with a description of its situation, the conveniences of its port, its publick buildings, the statuary, sculpture, architecture, and other curiosities of that city, with cuts explaining the chief of them, in four books, written originally in Latin by PETRUS GYLLIUS, a Byzantine historian, now translated into English and enlarged with an ancient description of the wards of that city, as they stood in the reigns of Arcadius and Honorius, with Pancirolus's notes thereupon, to which is added a large explanatory index, by JOHN BALL... London, printed for the benefit of the translator, I729. [xvi] + 295 and 63p. Engraved frontispiece and title-page and 11 plates. 8vo. GT 2442 1563 680 Ierusalem, die alte Haubtstat der Jiiden, wie sie vor der Zerst6rung auff hohem Gebirg mitten in der Welt als das irrdische ParadyB ein Vorbildt der ewigen Statt Gottes war, mit kurtzer Historia und Erklarung was Gott von Anfang an disem Ort gehandelt... Figur und Warheit, alt und new Testament vergleicht... Alles auB dem Hebraischen Grundt der heiligen Schrifft er6ffnet und auBgelegt, und sampt einer Tafel und Contrafehtung fur die Augen gestellet, dergleichen nach der Zerst6rung biB zu dieser Zeyt nie an Tag kommen. Durch ADAM REISSNER. Franckfurt am Mayn, (bey Georg Raben, Sigmund Feyrabend, und Weygand Hanen Erben), I563. Two parts in i vol. with differing title-pages. [I6] + I68 + 8 leaves, and [6] + 227 + [II] leaves. Plates and many woodcut illustrations in text, with ornamental initials and tailpieces. First title-page in red and black. GT 3632 1587 681 QtVL nln'TIK Mn'l id est, Itinera mundi, sic dicta nempe Cosmographia, autore ABRAHAMO PERITSOL. Latina versione donavit & notas passim adjecit Thomas Hyde... calce exponitur Turcarum liturgia, peregrinatio Meccana, aegrotorum visitatio, circumcisio, &c; accedit castigatio in Angelum a St~. Joseph... Oxonii, e Theatro Sheldoniano, I69I. [xiv] + I96; [ii] + 3IP. I2mo. GT 716 The second part has separate pagination and additional title-page with the date I690. The first edition was printed in Hebrew only, Venice, 1587. The author's name is sometimes given as FARISSOL (Brunet). VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 151 1590 682 Theatrum Terrae Sanctae et Biblicarum historiarum cum tabulis geographicis aere expressis, auctore CHRISTIANO ADRICHOMIO, Delpho. (At end: Coloniae Agrippinae, in officina Birckmannica, sumptibus Arnoldi Mylii, I600.) [iX] + 286p. indices, large colored folding map, and many other maps and plates, ornamented initials and tail-pieces, engraved title-page. Folio. GT 3633 Bound in elaborately stamped pigskin over oak boards, brass clasps. Reimpression of the first edition, which appeared in I590. 683 Breve descripcion de la ciudad de Jerusalen y lugares circunvecinos, como estaba en tiempo de Cristo nuestro Senior, y de los lugares que fueron ilustrados con su pasion y la de algunos santos; con una declaracion de las principales dificuldades en las historias que se tratan, muy necesaria para entender la sagrada Escritura. Compuesta en Latin por CRISTIANO ADRICOMIO, Delpho y traducida al Castellano por el P F Vicente Gomez... Acompafia a esta descripcion el plano 6 mapa topografico que le corresponde. Va agregado al fin el viage de Jerusalem que hizo y escribi6 FRANCISCO GUERRERO, en que se manifesta el estado actual de esta ciudad y de los santuarios de la Tierra Santa. Madrid, en la imprenta de la Administracion del Real Arbitrio de Beneficencia, I805. 256p. large folding map, reproduced from the original. 24mo. GT 3634 1597 684 The policy of the Turkish Empire. The first booke. London, printed by John Windet for W. S. (WILLIAM STANSBY), I597. [4] + 82 leaves, engraved title-page, coat of arms on verso. I2mo. TH 4P76 Religious customs and beliefs of the Turks. XVI CENT. 685 Descrittione dell' isola di Creta composta da FRANCESCO BAROZZI fu figliuolo di Messer Jacomo Nobile Venetiano l'anno ritrovandosi nella detta isola. (Nobili nozze Elisabetta Barozzi - Cesare Foscari, Venezia, 14. XII, I898). 20p. 4to. GT 2800 152 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I XVII CENT. 686 Una descrizione di Candia delprincipio delseicento. (Pubblicata da GIUSEPPE GEROLA). (Estratto daglo Atti dell' I. R. Accademia di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti degli Agiati in Rovereto Serie III, Vol. XIV, I908). I5p. GT 2800.2 1609 687 Trattato delle piante et imagini dei sacri edificii di Terra Santa disegnate in Gierusalemme, secondo le regole della prospettiva, & vera misura della lor grandezza. Dal R P F BERNARDINO AMICO da Gallipoli... ombreggiate & intagliate da Antonio Tempesti Fiorentino. Romae, ex typographia Linguarum Externarum, I609. 27p. 39 plates. Folio. GT 3639 688 _. Stampate in Roma e di novo ristampate dalli stesso autore in piu piccolo forma, aggiuntovi la Strada Dolorosa & altre figure. In Firenza, appresso Pietro Cecconcelli, 1620 (at end, I619). 65p. of text, and 47 illustrations on 35 engraved plates. Engraved title-page. 4to. GT 3640 Bound in old Italian red morocco, gilt, panelled sides and back. From the Hamilton Palace Library. 1621 689 Corsi di penna e catena di materie sopra l'isola della Ceffalonia di ANDREA MORESINI, fo [figlio] del Sig. Petro, nella qual provincia e stato Proveditore l'anno 1621 e 1622... In Venetia, appresso Evang. Deuchino, 1628. IO8p. I2mo. GT 3340 1626 690 Histoire generalle du Serrail, et de la cour du Grand Seigneur, Empereur des Turcs; ou se void 1' image de la grandeur Otthomane, le tableau des passions humaines, et les exemples des inconstantes prosperitez de la cour; ensemble, l'histoire de la cour du Roy de la Chine. Par le Sr. MICHEL BAUDIER de Languedoc. Seconde edition, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8OI I53 reveue et augmentee par l'autheur. A Paris, chez Claude Cramoisy, I63I. [x] + I83p. index. 56p. 8vo. TH 256 B 33 First edition appeared in I626. L'histoire de la cour du Roy de la Chine has a separate title-page, but the pagination is continuous. 691 _. Derniere edition. A Paris, chez Jean Guignard, I633. [xiv] + 368p. index. i6mo. TH 256 B33I Does not contain the L'histoire de la cour du Roy de la Chine. 692 _. A Lyon, chez Claude La Riviere, i652. [xvi] + 335P. index. I6mo. TH 256 B 332 Complete with Le Roy de la Chine. 693 The history of the imperiall estate of the Grand Seigneurs: their habitations, lives, titles, qualities, exercises, workes, revenues, habit, discent, ceremonies, magnificence, judgements, officers, favourites, religion, power, government and tyranny. [By MICHEL BAUDIER]. Translated out of French by E.G.S.A. London, printed by William Stansby for Richard Meighen, I635. [iii] + 248p. I2mo. TH 256 B 334 There is a second title-page: The history of the Serrail and of the court of the Grand Seigneur, Emperour of the Turkes, wherein is seene the image of the Othoman greatnesse, a table of humane passions, and the examples of the inconstant prosperities of the court. Translated out of French by Edward Grimeston, Serjant at armes. London, printed by William Stansby. There is an additional title-page for pp. 193-248: The history of the court of the King of China, written in French by the Seigneur MICHAEL BAUDIER of Languedoc. Translated by E.G. London, printed by William Stansby. 1630 694 TURCICI IMPERII status, seu, Discursus varii de rebus Turcarum. Lugduni Batav., ex officina Elzeviriana, I630. [vi] + 3I4p. engraved title-page. 32mo. TH 4 T 93 154 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 1633 695 Persia, seu regni Persici status, variaque itinera in atque per Persiam cum aliquot iconibus incolarum. (Ab IOANNE de LAET). Lugd. Batav. ex officina Elzeviriana, I633. 374P. index. 7 illustrations, engraved title-page. 32mo. GT 530 Bound in red morocco, with cross of Lorraine stamped twice on back. 696. Secunda editio priori auctior. 1647. [vi] + 362p. index. 32mo. GT 530.I 697 Arabia, seu Arabum vicinarumque gentium orientalium leges, ritus, sacri et profani mores, instituta et historia. Accedunt praeterea varia per Arabiam itinera, in quibus multa notatu digna, enarrantur. [False title:] De nonnullis orientalium urbibus, necnon indigenarum religione ac moribus, tractatus brevis a GABR. SIONITA... ac IOANNE HESRONITA... Maronitis e Libano. Amstelodami, apud Ioannem lanssonium, I633. 297p. Engraved title-page. 32mo. GT 473.1 1637 698 Histoire de Barbarie et de ses corsaires, divisee en six livres, ou il est traitte de leur gouvernement, de leurs moeurs, de leurs cruautez, de leurs brigandages, de leurs sortileges, & de plusieurs autres particularitez remarquables; ensemble des grandes miseres & des cruels tourmens qu'endurent les Chrestiens captifs parmy ces infideles. Par le R P Fr. PIERRE DAN... A Paris, chez Pierre Rocolet, 1637. [xlii] + 514P. index and large plate. 8vo. GT 737 699 Histoire de Barbarie et de ses corsaires des royaumes et des villes d'Alger, de Tunis, de Sale, & de Tripoly, divisee en six livres, ou il est traitte de leur gouvernement, de leurs moeurs, de leurs cruautez, de leurs brigandages, de leurs sortileges, & de plusieurs autres particularitez remarquables; ensemble des grandes miseres et des cruels tourmens qu' endurent des Chrestiens captifs parmy ces infideles. Par le RPFr. PIERRE DAN,... Seconde edition, revue et augmentee de plusieurs pieces, par le mesme autheur, avec une table tres ample des chapitres & des matieres. A Paris, chez Pierre Rocolet, I649. [xxxiv] + 489p. index and large plate. Title-page in black and red. Folio. GT 738 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 155 1639 700 Vera relatione della gran citta di Costantinopoli et in particolare del Serraglio del Gran Turco; divisa in cinque capi nella terza pagina annotati, di ALFONSO CHIERICI Bolognese... In Bracciano, per Andrea Fei, I639. [vi] + Io4p. 24mo. GT 2443 1648 701 Rumeli und Bosna geographisch beschrieben von MUSTAFA BEN ABDALLA HADSCHI CHALFA. Aus dem Tiirkischen iibersetzt von Joseph von Hammer... Wien, Kunst- und Industrie Comptoir, I8I2. xvi + 198p. 8vo. GT 727 Translated from a part of an incomplete Cosmography begun by the author in 1648. This part gives a description of all the Balkan Peninsula, including Greece and the islands. 1650 702 A Pisgah-sight of Palestine and the confines thereof, with the history of the Old and New Testament acted thereon. By THOMAS FULLER, B.D^ London, printed by J.F. for John Williams, I650. [viii] + 442 and 202p. index. Engraved frontispiece, plate of coats of arms of the contributors, folding map and many full-page plates, illustrations, head and tail-pieces and initials in the text. Folio. GT 3635 703. London, William Tegg, I869. viii + 670p. I2mo. GT 3636 Contains facsimiles of the engraved title-page, and of all the quaint maps and illustrations of the original edition. 704 Discursus academicus de celeberrimo potentissimoque Imperio Turcico, quam... benevolae disquisitioni subjicit ALHARD HERMANN KUMMEN Hannoveranus ad d. Octobr. Jenae, typis Samuelis Krebsii, no date. 27 leaves. 12 mo. TH 4 K 96 An address delivered in the University of Jena ca. I650. 156 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 1653 705 A description of the Grand Signour's Seraglio, or Turkish Emperours court. By JOHN GREAVES... London, Jo. Ridley, I653. [vi] + I9Ip. 24cm. TH 256 G 78 706 Beschrijvinge van des Grooten Heers Serailjo, ofte 'tHoff des Turkschen Keysers. In't Engelsch beschreven door JOHN GREAVES... en in't Nederlands vertaalt door J. Sanderus. Tot Dordrecht, by Abraham Andriess, I663. [viii] + 256p. index. 32mo. TH 256 G 781 1659 707 JOHANNIS BISSELII e Societate Jesu, Palaestinae, seu, TerraeSanctae Topothesia, secundum regiones, ac tribus, expressa. Ambergae, formis Georgii Haugenhoferi, anno I659. I58p. 2 maps. I6mo. GT 3637 708 Malta vetus et nova a BURCHARDO NIDERSTEDT, Holsato, adornata, auspiciis et jussu Christophori Casparis Liberi Baronis a Blumenthal. Helmestadii, per Joh. Georgium Taeger et Mart. Vogel, I659. [xxii] + 72p. Folio. GT 3617 1661 709 Blumen-Buch dess Heiligen Lands Palestinae, so in drey Biicher abgetheilt, durch Patrem Fr. ELECTUM ZWINNER dess H. Ordens S. Francisci der strengeren Observ.... Gedruckt in Miinchen durch Johann Wilhelm Schell, I66i. [xxiii] + 66op. index and many folding plates. 8vo. GT 546 Original stamped pigskin on oaken boards, clasps, green edges. 1663 710 A NEW SURVEY of the Turkish Empire and government, in a brief history deduced to this present time and the reign of the now Grand Seignior, Mahomet the IV, the present and XIV emperor; with their laws, religion and customs, as also an account of the siege on Newhausel. London, printed for Henry Marsh, 1663. [x] + 76 + io8p. frontispiece and vignette. 24mo. TH 4 N 53 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 157 1664 711 A NEW SURVEY of the Turkish Empire, history and government compleated: being an exact and absolute discovery of what is worthy of knowledge, or in any way satisfactory in that mighty nation, with several brass pieces, lively expressing the most eminent personages concerned in this subject... London, printed by J. Best for John Williams, 1664. [vi] + I96 + 96p. frontispiece and a few plates. I6mo. TH 4 N 531 712 Mahomets und Tiircken Grewel vorgestellt durch eine kurtze historische Entwerffung,... worauB das Ottomanische Reich entsprungen, wie es in solch Auffnehmen gekommen... wie grausam und grewlich sie biB auff diesen Tag regiert: so dann wie der Tiirckische Hoff an Amptleuthen und Officirern bestellt, wie die Geistliche beschaffen, wie sie die Tiircken unter sich ins gemein leben und die Christen unter ihnen gehalten werden: endlichen wie lang dieser Mahometisch und Tiirckische Grewel etwan annoch wehren solle. Alles.. mit sonderm FleiB auB allerley den besten und bewehrtesten Autoribus zusammengetragen, und in fiinff Theil... abgetheilt und mit underschiedlichen sch6nen Kufferstichen gezieret durch DAVID SCHUSTER von Alemmingen. Francfurt am Mayn, Johann Baptista Sch6nwetter, 1664. [viii] + 4I8p. 5 frontispieces, 5 folding plates, and 6 other illustrations. 8vo. TH 4 S 39 1666 713 L'Egypte de MURTADI, Fils du Gaphiphe, ou il est traite des Pyramides, du debordement du Nil, & des autres merveilles de cette province, selon les opinions & traditions des Arabes. De la traduction de M Pierre Vattier... sur un manuscrit arabe tire de la bibliotheque de feu Monseigneur le Cardinal Mazarin. A Paris, chez Louys Billaine, I666 [liv] + 304p. 24mo. GT 725 1667 714 Serai enderum, das ist: Anwendige Beschaffenheit der Tiirckischen Kayserl. Residentz zu Constantinopoli die newe Burgk genant, sampt dero Ordnung und Gebrauchen, so von ALBERTO BoBOVIO Leopolitano, welcher... jetzt noch regierenden Sultan Mehe 158 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I met daselbst fur einen Paggy der Music etliche Jahr lang gedient, und in Italianischer Sprach beschriben hatte, nunmehro aber durch Nicolaum Brenner... in die Teutsche Sprach iibersetzet... Wienn in Oesterreich, bey Johann Jacob Kirner, 1667. [ii] + I44P. frontispiece. 32mo. TH 256 B 66 1670(?) 715 BESCHRYVINGHE van Turckyen en het ellendigh Leven der Turcken aen de Christenheyt verthoont; verhalende haer Regeringh, Superstitien in de Religie, en voorts haer gemeene Handel en Wandel &c., oock wat wreetheydt zy ontrent haer selfs en andere Natien gebruycken. Beschreven door een Lief-hebber die het selve Landt heeft bereyst. t'Amsterdam, by Gillis Joosten Saeghman, no date. 36p. engraved title-page and frontispiece, portrait and vignette. I2mo. TH 4 R 489 1671 716 West Barbary, or, A short narrative of the revolutions of the kingdoms of Fez and Morocco, with an account of the present customs, sacred, civil, and domestick. By LANCELOT ADDISON, Chaplain to His Majesty in Ordinary. Oxford, printed at the Theater, I67I. [xix] + 226p. index. i6mo. GT 1712 The author was Dean of Lichfield and father of the celebrated essayist, Joseph Addison. He traveled extensively in North Africa. 717 Relations nouvelles du Levant, ou, Traites de la religion, du gouvernement, & les coutumes des Perses, des Armeniens, & des Gaures, avec une description particuliere de l'etablissement & des progrez qui y font les missionaires, & diverses disputes qu'ils ont eu avec les Orientaux. Compozes par le P G.D.C. [GABRIEL de CHINON] & donnes au public par le Sieur L.M.P.D.E.T. A Lyon, chez Jean Thioly, 1671. [xxvi] + 48Ip. index. 24mo. GT 770 718 Histoire et voyage de la Terre-Sainte, ou tout ce qu'il y a de plus remarquable dans les saints lieux, est tres-exactement descrit. Par le R P IAQUES GoUJON, religieux de l'observance de S. Francois... Ouvrage enrichi de plusieurs figures en taille douce. A Lyon, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 159 chez Pierre Compagnon & Robert Taillandier, 1671. [x] + 358p. index. 8vo. GT 3638 Imaginary voyage, written for the purpose of describing the Holy Land and its sanctuaries. 1673 719 La cour Othomane, ou, L'interprete de la Porte, qui explique toutes les charges, & la fonction des officiers du Serrail du Grand Seigneur, de la milice, de la religion de Mahomet, & de la loy des Turcs. A Paris, chez Estienne Loyson, I673. [x] + 202P. 24mo. TH 4 C 85 720 Relations de l'empire des Abyssins, des sources du Nil, de la Licorne, &c. Par le R P IERONYMO LOBO. A Paris, chez Andre Cramoisy, I673. I6p. map. plan., and I illustration in text. Folio. GT I699 From the "Privilege du Roy" at the end one learns that this is an extract (with special title-page) from Les Grands voyages, ou, Relations de plusieurs voyages, traduits de l'Anglois, Hollandois, & autres langues, &c. 1674 721 Specchio, overo, Descrittione della Turchia, dove si vede lo stato presente di essa, li costumi degl'Ottomani, & altri popoli di quell' imperio diviso in XIV nationi tutte opposte alla potenza che le governa, e l'una, e l'altra sette delle quali sono infedeli, e sette Christiani... Parte prima delle nationi infedeli, cioe de' Turchi, Arabi, Curdi, Turchemanni, Iezidi, Drusi & Hebrei. Composto dal R P F MICHELE FEBVRE... In Roma, a spese de Tinasi, I674. [vi] + I86p. 24mo. TH 4 F 29 The second part, which deals with the Christian inhabitants of Turkey is included in this volume, without separate title-page. 722 L'etat present de la Turquie, ou il est traite des vies, moeurs & coutumes des Ottomans, & autres peuples de leur empire, divise par 14 nations qui l'habitent, toutes opposees a la puissance qui les gouverne, & les unes aux autres; sept desquelles sont infidelles, et sept Chretiennes... Par le Sieur MICHEL FEBVRE, C.M.A. A Paris, chez Edme Couterot, I675. [xiv] + 450P. I6mo. TH 4 F 291 I60 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 723 Epistola de moribus ac institutis Turcarum, cui annectitur brevis Constantinopoleos notitia. Authore THO. SMITH... Oxonii, excudebat H.H., impensis Ric. Davis, I674. [i] + I33p. index. I6mo. TH 4 S 63 724 Epistolae quatuor, quarum duae de moribus ac institutis Turcarum agunt, duae septem Asiae ecclesiarum et Constantinopoleos notitiam continent. Authore THO. SMITH... Oxonii, excudebat H.H., impensis Ric. Davis, I674. [iv] + I7Ip. index. I6mo. TH 4 S 63I 725 Remarks upon the manners, religion and government of the Turks, together with a survey of the seven churches of Asia, as they now lye in their ruines, and a brief description of Constantinople. By THO. SMITH... London, Moses Pitt, 1678. [xii] + 328p. I2mo. TH 4 S 632 1676 726 Asiatische und afrikanische Denckwiirdigkeiten dieser Zeit, das ist, Beschreibung der Konigreiche, Herrschafften und Lander deB GroBen Mogols, deB GroBen Neguz, oder so genannten Priester Johannis, deB K6nigreichs von Argier, und der Lander Barbariae und Mauritaniae, neben dem afrikanischen Judenthum... Niirnberg, Wolffgang Moritz Endter und Johann Andreae Seligen Erben, 1676. 7 leaves + 728p. Index. Engraved frontispiece. GT 392 Contemporary calf binding on oak boards. 1677 727 A description of the present state of Samos, Nicaria, Patmos, and Mount Athos, by JOSEPH GEORGIRENES, Arch-Bishop of Samos, now living in London. Translated by one that knew the author in Constantinople. London, printed by W.G., and sold by Moses Pitt, 1678. [xviii] + II2p. I2mo. GT 3214 According to Lowndes, the translator was Henry Denton. The account is preceded by an address to James, Duke of York, in Greek and English. 728 Description de Samos, ile de l'Archipel, d'apres JOSEPH GEORGIRENES. (Extrait des Nouvelles Annales des Voyages, tome XXV, 1825, pp. I82-204). BC IOI VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI i6i 1681 729 Teatro della Turchia, dove si rappresentano i disordini di essa, il genio, la natura, & i costumi di quattordici nazioni che l'habitano, la potenza degi' Ottomani indebolita, le loro ti~rannie, insulti e perfidie tanto contra li stranieri, quanto verso i suoi popoli; il tutto confermato con esempi, e casi tragici nuovamente successi. Dato in luce dal Sig. MICHELE FEBVRE C.M.A. In Milano, Heredi di Antonio Malatesta, i68i. [xvi] + 530P. 8vo. TH 4 F 292 Original vellumi binding. 730 Theatre de la Turquie, oii sont represente'es les choses les plus remarquables qui s'y passent aujourd'hui, avec, les moeurs, le gouvernement, les coutumes, & La religion des Turcs, & de treize autres sortes de nations qui habitent dans l'Empire Ottoman; le tout confi~rme' par des exemples & des evenemens t~ragiques arrivez, depuis peu. Traduit de l'Italien par le Sieur MICHEL LE FE'VRE. A Paris, chez Jacques le Febvre, i688. [xviii] + 558p. index. 4t0. TH 4F293 Bound in original calf. 1684 731 Barclaisches Tiircken-Bild, oder, Der Tiircken und ihres Wesens Beschreibung, aus des Herrn JOH. BARCLAJENS Icone animorum ins Teutsche iibersetzt, und mit beyfalligen Gedancken herausgegeben von M Fust Siebern. Niirnberg, Johann Hoffmann, 1684. 40P. I2MO. TH 4B24 The author's name was John Barclay. 1685 732 CURIE USE und eigentliche Beschreibung der welt-beruffenen Dardanellen, oder Hellespontischen Meer-Schl6sser, mit vielen lesenswilrdigen Umstdinden mdinniglich vor Augen gestellet. Franckfurt und Leipzig, bey Christian Weidmannen, 1685. 36p. I2MO. GT 2445 733 DIE GROSSE welt-beruftene in Thracien oder Romanien am Hellespont ligende Haupt- Stadt Bisanz, Neu-Rom, Constantinopel, iz Gennadeion 11 162 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi oder nach Tiirckischer Benennung Stampol, mit dero beherrschendem Archipelago oder Egeischen Meer, denen darinnen ligenden Insulen und allerseits angrantzenden Landern, Stadten, Bergen, Flissen, Meeren, Friichten und Raritaeten, &c. dem curiosen Leser, wie auch denen Reisenden zur Nachricht und Belustigung, historisch und in sch6nen Mappen und Kupfer-Figuren vorgestellt. Augspurg, Jacob Enderlin, 1685. 94 + [2]p. Engraved vignettes in text, many plates, title-page in red and black. I6 mo. GT 2444 1686 734 ARCHIPELAGUS turbatus, oder, DeB sch6nen Griechen-Lands verwiistete und er6dete Wasser-Felder, auf welchen zu sehen seyn, deB Egeischen und anhangender Meeren, Insulen, und angrantzender Lander, besonders auch deB Peloponnesi, oder Halb-Insul Morea, vornehmer Statten, Festungen, Bergen, Wasser-Fliissen, Thieren, V6glen, Fischen, Baumen, Friichten, Antiquitaten und Raritaten, &c. dermahliger Zustand und Gelegenheit, dem curiosen Leser zur Nachricht und Belustigung, historisch und in vilen sch6nen warhafften Mappen und Kupffer-Figuren nach jetziger Zeit Beschaffenheit vorgestellet. Augspurg, Jacob Enderlin, I686. 94 + [ii]p. large number of engraved plates, and illustrations in text. Title-page in red and black. I6mo. GT 2588 735 Risposta di IACOPO GRANDI... a una lettera del Sig. Dottor Alessandro Pini... sopra alcune richieste intorno S. Maura e la Prevesa. In Venezia, per Combi, e Lanou, I686. [xiv] + 94 p. I6mo. GT 3358.1 736 DESCRITTIONE delle provincie che formano la tanto decantata penisola della Morea, nella quale si contiene l'origine d'essa, le citta, il sito, i costumi di quei popoli, & altro; divisa in due libri, nel primo si contiene l'origine de primi habitanti, la religione, il nome che diedero alle provincie e citta; nel secondo si leggono i nomi moderni, si descrivono le piazze piu principali adornate di figure in rame, con l'aggionta de' progressi fatti dall' armi Venete l'anno 1686... In Milano, Agnelli, I686. Two parts with separate title-pages; paged continuously. [vi] + 239P. index and I8 engraved plates. 24mo. GT 2244 The author was Dom PIERO ANTONIO PACIFICO. See Nos. 737 and 754. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 163 737 Descrittione delle provincie che formano la tanto decantata penisola della Morea, nella quale si contiene l'origine d'essa, le citta, il sito, i costumi di quei popoli, & altro: divisa in due libri, nel primo si contiene l'origine de primi habitanti, la religione, il nome che diedero alle provincie e citta; nel secondo si leggono i nomi moderni, si descrivono le piazze piu principali, adornato di 20 figure in rame. Di D P. A. P. [Dom PIERO ANTONIO PACIFICO].... In Venetia, presso Girolamo Albrizzi, I686. II9 and 97p. index, engraved frontispiece and I8 plates. I6mo. GT 2245 738 Historia, o sia vero, e distinto ragguaglio dello stato presente della citta di Costantinopoli e suo Serraglio. II. Li ritti de Turchi, e grandezze dell'Ottomano Impero. III. La vita del Gran Turco, Mehemet IV regnante. IV. La descrittione delle fortezze delli Dardanelli. V. La vita & morte di Carra Mustafa Gran Visir, che fu sotto l'assedio di Vienna. VI. La relatione della Morea, con il dissegno geografico, della medema. [Autore GIOVANNI PIETRO PITTONI]. Adornata con sei figure in rame. In Venetia, presso Leonardo Pittoni, I686. [ii] + 36p. 2 portraits and 4 folding plans. 8vo. GT 2447 739 La Morea compendiata, da D PIo TEBALDI, in cui si descrivono le citta principali, costumi e riti di quei popoli, da quanti & da chi fh dominata, con altre notabili curiosita; annessovi le vittorie ultimamente ottenute dalla serenissima Republica di Venetia; adornata oltre la carta geografica dell' Arcipelago & della Morea, con 12 figure in rame, delle citta piu rimarcabili di questo regno... In Venetia, presso Leonardo Pittoni, I686. 92 + [2]p. 24mo. GT 2243 Bound in old Venetian red morocco, sides and back covered with elaborate ornaments, center oval, and fan-like corners. 1687 740 Esatta notitia del Peloponneso volgarmente Penisola della Morea divisa in otto provincie descritte geograficamente, dove si legge l'origine de primi habitanti, con li nomi che diedero alle provincie, citta, & altro con sue istorie & acquisti fatti dalla serenissima republica di Venetia dall' anno I684 sino al di presente (da GIROLAMO ALBRIZZI). Adornato di quantita di figure in rame... In Venetia, per II* 164 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I Girolamo Albrizzi, 1687. [i] + 143P. Frontispiece coat of arms, I folding map, 7 plates and many illustrations and vignettes in text. 8vo. GT 2242 741 L'etat present de la puissance Ottomane, avec les causes de son accroissement, & celles de sa decadence... Par le Sieur Du VIGNAU.. A Paris, chez Daniel Hortemeis, 1687. [xxviii] + 370p. I6mo. TH 4 D 98 742. A La Haye, chez Abraham de Hondt et Jacob van Ellinkhuysen, I688. [xx] + 290p. 24cm. TH 4 D 98I 743 A NEW ACCOUNT of the present condition of Turkish affairs, with the causes of decay of the Ottoman power... by a person of quality, who long resided amongst them, and is lately returned home. London, Randal Taylor, I688. [xxii] + i9op. Portrait frontispiece. 24mo. TH 4 D 983 The name of the author, Du VIGNAU is signed at the end of the preface. 744 Descrittione del regno di Negroponte antico e moderno, con un diligente esame d'un passo difficilissimo d'Herodoto, in cui riporta il talento di Babilonia a quello di Negroponte... (Par N.N.). In Venetia, presso Steffano Curti, 1687. I52p. map. I6mo. GT 2752 The dedicatory epistle is signed with the initials, N. N. 1688 745 Description exacte des isles de l'Archipel, et de quelques autres adjacentes, dont les principales sont Chypre, Rhodes, Candie, Samos, Chio, Negrepont, Lemnos, Paros, Delos, Patmos, avec un grand nombre d'autres, comprennant leurs noms, leur situation, leurs villes, leurs chateaux, & l'histoire tant ancienne que moderne de leurs habitants; leur gouvernement, les revolutions qui y sont arrivees, & les plantes, animaux, &c. qui s'y trouvent; enrichie de plusieurs cartes des isles, et de figures en taille-douce, qui representent les habits de leurs habitants & les animaux les moins connus. Traduit duflamandd'O. DAPPER, M.D. A Amsterdam, chez George Gallet, I703. [ii] + 556 + [ii] p. 29 maps and plates and numerous engravings in text. Folio. GT 2592 First edition was in Flemish, Amsterdam, I688. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o I65 746 DER HOHE BERG Olympus, von welchem zu sehen das Weltberuffene, vormals sch6ne, biBhero durch das Wiiten der Tiircken, sehr verwfistete, nunmehro aber, durch die Gnad Gottes, vermittels Christlicher Waffen widerum florierende, Feste und Wasser - Griechenland, mit deB Egeischen Meers-Insulen oder Wasser-Feldern, deroselben Statten, Festungen, Fliussen, Friichten, Thieren, V6glen, Fischen, Antiquitaten, Raritaten &c. dem Curiosen zur Nachricht und Belustigung, nach jetztmahligem Zustand, historisch und in vilen Kupffern vorgestellt. Augspurg, Jacob Enderlin, i688. 92 + [I]p. Title-page in red and black. Many engraved plates and maps. i6mo. GT 2073 747 L' Egeo redivivo, o' sia Chorographia dell' Arcipelago e dello stato primiero & attuale di quell' isole, regni, citta, popolationi, dominii, costumi, sito & imprese, con la breve descrittione particolare si del suo ambitio littorale, che della Grecia, Morea o' Poloponnese, di Candia, e Cipri, con le sue piante in rame al pii vivo incise, fatiche, e diligenze di FRANCESCO PIACENZA, Napolitano... In Modona (sic), per gli eredi Soliani, I688. viii + 684p. Frontispiece, many head and tail pieces, maps and plans in the text. 8vo. GT 2589 1689 748 DIE HOCHE STEIN-KLIPPEN und Gebiirge, Cyaneae, Olympus und Athos, von welchen zu sehen seyn: die grosse, welt-beruffene, zwischen dem Schwartzen und Weissen Meer, am Bosphoro Thracico in Europa ligende, deI3 Griechischen Reichs Haubt- und der Ottomannischen Porten, dermahlige Residentz-Stadt Bysantz, Roma Nova, Stampol oder Constantinopel, mit deroselben ringsumbligenden Meeren und Landen, vornehmen Innsulen, Stadten, Festungen, Gebiirgen, Wasser-Fliissen, Friichten, Thieren, V6geln, Fischen, Antiquitaten und Raritaten, &c. dem curiosen Leser zur Nachricht und Belustigung, historisch und in Kupffern vorgestellt. Augspurg, Jacob Enderlin, I689. 72p. portrait and numerous plates, title-page in black and red. 4to. GT 2073.I 1691 749 CYANEAE redivivae, oder, Die am Bosphoro Thracico ligende hohe Stein-Klippen, von welchen zu beschauen seyn die grosse, welt i66 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o beruffene, zwischen dem Schwartzen und Weissen Meer, in Europa ligende, deB Griechischen Reichs Haupt- und der Ottomannischen Porten dermahlige Residentz-Statt, Bysantz, Roma Nova, Stampol, oder Constantinopel, mit deroselben Begebenheiten von ihrem Erbauer Constantino M. biB auf dero heutigen Besitzer, Solymannum II, benebens dem vesten und Wasser Griechen-land, desselben vornehmen Statten, Vestungen, Gebiirgen, Seen, Fliissen &c und Raritaten dem curiosen Leser zu Nutz und Lust, historisch und in Kupffern vorgestellet. Augspurg, getruckt bey Thomas Astaler, I691. 42p. 15 full page engraved plates, title-page in red and black. small folio. GT 2446 1694 750 Distintissima descrittione della citta, porto & isola di Scio, conquista dalle armi della serenissima republica di Venetia sotto il commando dell' illustr. & ecc. Signor Antonio Zeno, Capitan Generale da Mar, alli 15 di Settembre 1694, con la descrittione di tutti li castelli, terre, ville, fiumi, e giardini, dichiaratione de possessori antichi, delle guerre, della larghezza, longhezza, e della fertilita dell' isola, costumi degl' abitanti, & altre cose curiose... In Venetia, per GIROLAMO ALBRIZZI, I694. I40 + [iv]p. Large folding plate. 24mo. GT325I The publisher's name reappears as that of the author at the end of the dedicatory epistle. The last pages, 121-140, contain the "Diario dell' assedio e resa di Scio." 751 DISTINTISSIMA DESCRITTIONE della citta, porto, & isola di Scio, con la dichiaratione di tutti li castelli, terre, ville, fiumi, chiese, giardini, e fontane, annotatione de possessori antichi, delle guerre, della larghezza e longhezza dell' isola, della fertilita della medema, de costumi degli habitanti, della belezza delle donne, e di altre cose curiose, e degne di osservatione. In Modena, I694. II9p. large folding map. I6mo. GT 3252 Identical with the Venice edition, except for differences in the title-page, lack of dedication, different plate, and lack of last pages, I2I-I40. 752 Descrizzione del regno & isola di Negroponte, antico, e moderno con la topografia de monti, promontorii, fiumi, fontane, porti, citta, castelli, e ville, con la serie historica da primi habitanti, sino al di presente, con l'esatta notizia della montagna e stretto delle Termo VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I I67 pile. Divisa in due tomi: il primo contiene il regno di Negroponte, il secondo 1' historiografia dell' Isola di Scio. Di PIER' ANTONIO PACIFICO. In Trevigi, per il Curti, (I694). [viii] + I20p. 24mo. GT 2753 The text of the first part stops abruptly at p. I20. The second part has three title-pages, identical in all but the dedication. See the following, No. 753. 753 Historiografia dell' isola e citta di Scio, divisa in parte superiore & inferiore, descrizzione topografica de promontorii, monti, porti, scogli, fiumi, bagni, fonti, terre, castelli, ville, chiese, monasterii, numero d'anime, origine con la serie historica delli Scioti con le loro imprese e monete. Opera di P PIER' ANTONIO PACIFICO, prete della chiesa di San Toma. Tomo secondo. Consecrato all' Altezze Serenissime di Carlo Filippo, e Christian Lodovico, Marchesi di Brandemburg, &c. In Venetia, per Domenico Lovisa, I694. [iv] + 94P. 24mo. Bound with the previous. GT 2753.I The dedications on the other titles are to Leopold, Prince of Anhalt, and to Lorenzo Piccolomini, Prince of the Holy Roman Empire. 1700 754 Breve descrizzione corografica del Peloponneso o' Morea, con l'origine de primi habitanti, serie de prencipi, titolo di ciascheduna provincia, possessori di quelle, natura de paesi, costumi de popoli, principio, e fine d'ogni loro avenimento sino al di presente, con suoi testi latini, con geroglifici, imprese, medaglie, & armi gentilitie d'ogni provincia estratta dal volume di D PIER' ANTONIO PACIFICO... In Venetia, per Domenico Lovisa, I700. [vi] + I36p. 8vo. GT 2246 755 Breve descrizzione corografica del Peloponneso o' Morea, con l'origine de primi habitanti, serie de prencipi, titolo di ciascheduna provincia, possessori di quelle, natura de paesi, costumi de populi, principio e fine d'ogni loro avvenimento, con suoi testi latini, con geroglifici, imprese, medaglie, & armi gentilitie d'ogni provincia, estratta dal volume di D PIER' ANTONIO PACIFICO... Aggiuntovi la notizia delle quattro provincie, divise in ventiquattro territorii con li nomi topografici delle ville fatta dal Sig. GIUSTO ALBERGHETTI Ingegnero, e sopraintendente al Catastico di Morea... In Venezia, per Domenico Lovisa, I704. [vi] + I35P. 8vo. GT 2247 I68 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 1707 756 Atene Attica descritta da suoi principii sino all' acquisto fatto dall' armi Venete nel 1687, colla relazione de suoi re, prencipi, arconti, e tiranni, suoi magistrati, consigli, ed Areopago, suoi progressi nelle scienze, e nell' arti... sua conversione al christianesimo, martirii patiti, e grazie conseguite da Cesari, collo stato presente delle sue antichita rinomate. Divisa in quattro parti, con varieta di medaglie, ritratti, e dissegni, di FRANCESCO FANELLI, J.C. ed avvocato Veneto... Venezia, appresso Antonio Bortoli, I707. [iv] + 386 + [2]p. 8 portraits, 7 folding plates, and many illustrations in text. 4to. GT 2151 1709 757 A full and just account of the present state of the Ottoman Empire in all its branches, with the government, and policy, religion, customs, and way of living of the Turks, in general, faithfully related from a serious observation taken in many years travels thro' those countries. By AARON HILL... London, John Mayo, I709. [iii] +xxviii + [viii] + 339P. portrait frontispiece. Folio. TH 4 H 64 Bound in red morocco, gold-tooled sides and back, the name of The Rt. Honble. Chariot. Countess of Warwick on front cover within a series of gold borders. 1718 758 Neue und accurate Vorstellung des grossen Ottomannischen oder Tiirckischen Reichs dessen Ursprung, Grosse, Landschafften, Stidt, Vestungen, Insulen, und Meerhafen, Verm6gen und Unvermogen, Starcke, Schwache... nebst einem Anhang Tiirckischer aus den besten Autoribus zusammen getragener Prophezeyhungen. Durchaus mit sch6nen Kupffern gezieret; communiciret von SIEGREICH TiRCKENFEIND. Niirnberg, Johann Leonhard Buggel, I718. [xii] + 54IP. I6mo. TH 4 0 II The preface is signed L. S. O. The name given in the title is obviously a pseudonym. 1721 759 NOUVELLE description de la ville de Constantinople, avec la relation du voyage de l'Ambassadeur de la Porte Ottomane, & de son VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I I69 sejour a la cour de France. A Paris, chez Nicolas Simart et Charles Osmont, 1721. [vi] + 264 + [iii]p. Engraved folding plate and 3 plates of costumes. 24mo. GT 2448 The major portion of the book, up to p. 213, is a description of the social conditions of the city. The rest is a short account of the reception in France of the Turkish Ambassador Celebi Mehemet Effendi. 1745 760 A GENERAL account of the Turkish Empire. (Anonymous; no place nor date). Folio. [Harleian voyages, vol. I, pp. 50I-5I0, I745]. GT 394 1747 761 Moeurs et usages des Turcs, leur religion, leur gouvernement civil, militaire et politique, avec un abrege de l'histoire Ottomane. Par M GUER, avocat. A Paris, chez Merigot & Piget, I747. 2 vols. [ii] + xxiv + 453p. tables; viii + 537P. 2 frontispieces, many plates and vignettes. 4to. TH 4 G 92 1750 762 Etat general et particulier du royaume et de la ville d'Alger, de son gouvernement, de ses forces de terre et de mer, revenus, justice, police, commerce, politique &c. auquel on a joint quelques pieces aussi authentiques que rares & interessantes. Par Mr LE ROY. A La Haye, chez Antoine Van Dole & Co., I750. xxiv + 23IP. I6mo. GT 1718 In the preface the author admits that he obtained his material from a resident of the country, and from sources already published. 1757 763 TABLEAU de l'Empire Ottoman, ou l'on trouve tout ce qui concerne la religion, la milice, le gouvernement civil des Turcs, & les grandes charges & dignites de 1' empire. A Paris, chez Duchesne, I757. xxiv + 3Iop. 24mo. TH 4 T II 170 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 1770 764 DESCRIZIONE delle due fortezze de' Dardanelli e de' due castelli nuovi con la veduta incisa in rame de' medesimi e del mar di Marmora fino a Costantinopoli. (No place), 1770. 23p. I folding plate. 8vo. GT 2449 1771 765 Description geographique du Golfe de Venise et de la Moree, avec des remarques pour la navigation, & des cartes & plans des c6tes, villes, ports & mouillages. Par le Sieur BELLIN, Ingenieur de la Marine... A Paris, de l'imprimerie de Didot, I77I. xii + 235p. engraved title-page, 49 plans. 4to. GT 2248.1 766 THE ENGLISH PILOT, part III, describing the sea-coasts, capes, head-lands, bays, roads, harbours, rivers and ports, together with the soundings, sands, rocks and dangers in the whole Mediterranean Sea, likewise the courses and distances from one place to another, the setting of the tides and currents, the ebbing and flowing of the sea, the bearing, distance, and prospects of the land, and how they shew themselves at sea. Carefully corrected, with new additions of several ports, harbours, bays and prospects of land, never before made public. London, J. Mount and T. Page, I77I. 86p. of text, large folding map, many charts and figures in text. Folio. GT 327 1773 767 Breve descrizione dell' Arcipelago e particolarmente delle diciotto isole sottomesse l'anno 177I al dominio russo del Conte PASCH DI KRIENEN, con un ragguaglio esatto di tutte le antichita da esso scoperte ed acquistate e specialmente del sepolcro d'Omero, e d'altri celebri personaggi. In Livorno, per Tommaso Masi e Comp., I773. viii + I70p. I plate. 8vo. GT 2593 768 Graf PASCH VAN KRIENEN; Abdruck seiner italienischen Beschreibung des griechischen Archipelagus, mit Anmerkungen und einer Abhandlung ueber den Verfasser und seine Auffindung des VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 171 Grabes Homer's auf los, aus dem Nachlasse von Ludwig Ross. Mit zwei lithographirten Tafeln. Halle, G. Schwetschke, I860. I52p. GT 2594 Edited by Karl Keil, who has added a postscript. ca. 1775 769 Portulan de la Mer Mediterranee, ou Guide des pilotes cotiers, par HENRY MICHELOT, ancien pilote hauturier sur les galeres. Nouvelle edition, corrigee et augmentee de la description des cotes du Levant et des isles de l'Archipel, par un autre navigateur. A Marseille, chez Jean Mossy, I805. xii + 596p. 8vo. GT 328.1 770 The Mediterranean pilot, being an exact account of the coasts of Spain, Provence, Italy, the islands of Yvica, Majorca, Minorca, Corsica, Sicily &c., with a particular description of all their roads, coasts, and harbours, the marks to know them, directions for sailing into them... The whole being collected from observations made upon the spot, by HENRY MICHELOTT, pilot upon the King of France's gallies. Translated from the French. [London, no date]. 32p. Folio. GT 328 1779 771 Recueil des principaux plans des ports et rades de la Mer Mediterranee, estraits de ma carte en douze feuilles, dediee a Monsgr. le Duc de Choiseul, Ministre de la guerre et de la marine, par son tres humble serviteur JOSEPH Roux, Hidrographe du Roy. A Genes, chez Yves Gravier, I779. 123 maps. engraved title-page. Oblong 8vo. GT 313 1784 772 The present state of the Ottoman Empire, containing a more accurate and interesting account of the religion, government, military establishment, manners, customs, and amusements of the Turks, than any yet extant, including a particular description of the court and seraglio of the Grand Signor, and interspersed with many singular and entertaining anecdotes. Translated from the French manuscript 172 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi of ELIAS HABESCI, many years resident at Constantinople in the service of the Grand Signor. London, R. Baldwin, I784. xvp. index. 443p. 8vo. TH 4 H II When traveling in Europe, the author assumed the name of ALEXANDER GHIGA. 773 Etat actuel de l'Empire Ottoman; contenant des details plus exacts que tous ceux qui ont parus jusqu'a present sur la religion, le gouvernement, la milice, les moeurs & les amusemens des Turcs, avec une description particuliere de la cour & du serail du Grand Seigneur, ainsi que plusieurs anecdotes singulieres & interessantes. Par ELIAS ABESCI, qui a reside plusieurs annees a Constantinople, attache au service du Grand Seigneur. Traduit de l'Anglois par M Fontanelli. A Paris, chez Lavilette, 1792. 2 vols. in I. xvi + 237 + 256p. 8vo. TH 4 H II 1788 774 DER FRANZOS ZU Konstantinopel, ein Werkchen, welches uns von der tiirkischen Nation, von ihren Sitten, Gebrauchen und Manieren, von den Wissenschaften, von der Religion und von ihren Gesetzen... endlich von dem was auf dieses Reich eine Beziehung hat, klare und deutliche Begriffe gibt. Aus dem Franz6sischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet. Konstantinopel, (no date). 93p. I2mo. TH 4 F 83 The first edition of this work appeared in Vienna in I788. 775 Breve descrizione della vasta metropoli di Costantinopoli, Serraglio del Gran Signore, vita privata del medesimo, e delle sue donne, costumi, modi, usanze, e divertimenti, con una esatta narrazione delle forze di mare e di terra dell' Ottomano Impero. Scritta dall' Abate D TOMMASO LAGHI... Bologna, a San Tommaso d' Aquino, 1788. 57P. I6mo. GT 2450 776 Tableau general de l'Empire Othoman, divise en deux parties, dont l'une comprend la legislation Mahometane; l'autre l'histoire de l'Empire Othoman... Par M de M[OURADJA] D'OHSSON... Ouvrage enrichi de figures. A Paris, de l'Imprimerie de Monsieur, 1788-91. 4 vols. bound in 5. xxxviii + 435, 573, 426, 762p. plates. 8vo. TH 4 M 92 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 173 777 Allgemeine Schilderung des Othomanischen Reichs aus dem Franz6sischen des Herrn von MURADGEA d'OHSSON, mit einiger Abkiirzung iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen, Zusatzen, einem Glossarium und Register versehen von Christian Daniel Beck. Leipzig, Weidmann, I788. 2 vols. xxiv + 605p. index; xvi + 637p. many plates and tables. 8vo. TH 4 M 92I 778 Oriental antiquities, and general view of the Othoman customs, laws, and ceremonies, exhibiting many curious pieces of the Eastern Hemisphere, relative to the Christian and Jewish dispensations, with various rites and mysteries of the oriental Freemasons... Translated from the French of M de M[URADJA] D'OHSSON... Philadelphia, printed for the Select Committee of the Grand Lodge of Enquiry, 1788. xi + 593p. frontispiece and 2 plates. 4to. TH 4 M 922 779 NEUSTE NACHRICHTEN vom Tiirkischen Reiche: ein Handbuch fur Unkundige, die sich bei Gelegenheit des gegenwartigen Krieges zwischen Rusland, Oestreich und der Pforte, vom Zustande der leztern unterrichten wollen. Mit drei illuminirten Landkarten. Berlin, bei Arnold Wever, 1788. I8op. I2mo. TH 4 N 48 780 Les Morlaques. Par J.W.C.D.U. & R. (JUSTINE WYNNE, Comtesse des Ursins & Rosenberg). No place, 1788. [iv] + 358p. engraved title-page. 8vo. GT 1210.2 Presentation of the author on the fly-leaf. Description of a Slavic people on the northern coast of the Adriatic. 781 Die Morlaken. Von J. WYNNE, Grafin von Ursini und Rosenberg. Aus dem Franz6sischen iibersetzt von S. G. Biirde. Breslau, bei Gottlieb L6we, I790. 2 parts in I vol. [xiv] + 255 and 256p. portrait frontispiece. I6mo. GT I2IO.3 782 Costumi dei Morlacchi (da GIUSTINIANA WYNNE, Contessa degli Orsini e Rosembergh). In Padova, per il Conzatti A. S. Bartolommeo, I798. viii + 340p. frontispiece. 8vo. GT I2IO.4 The following account of a celebrated chieftain of the Morlaks belongs in this place. 174 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 783 The life and extraordinary adventures of CAPTAIN SOCIVIZCA, who was commander of a numerous body of robbers of the race of the Morlachians... a people inhabiting in the dominions of Venetian Dalmatia; containing many bloody rencounters which happened between his troops and the Turks... to which is added a very entertaining comical and curious account of the manners and customs of the inhabitants of Wallachia, with a particular description of that country. The second edition. London, John Lever, [I778]. 32p. frontispiece. 8vo. BG 996 1789 784 Description historique et geographique de l'Archipel, redigee d'apres de nouvelles observations, & particulierement utile aux negocians & aux navigateurs. (Par FRIESEMAN). Neuwied sur le Rhin, chez la Societe typographique, I789. [iv] + I43P. 8vo. GT 2595 The author's name appears at end of the dedicatory epistle. 785 Reise durch die Inseln des Archipelagus, mit neuen Bemerkungen besonders fur Freunde der Erd- und Geschichtskunde, Politiker, Kaufleute und Seefahrer. [Von FRIESEMAN]. St. Petersburg, bey Johann Zacharias Logan, I793. I90p. I6mo. GT 2596 Although no indication of author or translator is given, this is clearly a translation of the previous, with changed title. 1791 786 MALTE. Par un voyageur Francois. (No place). I79I. 2 parts, 60 and II5p. frontispiece, folding plan and 24plates. I6mo. GT I730 An erudite description of the island and its archaeology, dedicated to the Grand Master of the Order of St. John. Presumably printed at Valetta. 1792 787 Der Herrn VAN KINSBERGEN Beschreibung vom Archipelagus. Aus dem Hollandischen iibersetzt und mit Anmerkungen begleitet von Kurt Sprengel... Rostock und Leipzig, in der Koppenschen Buchhandlung, I792. [ii] + 220p. 8vo. GT 2597 1798 788 A Survey of the Turkish Empire, in which are considered I. Its government, finances, military and naval force, religion, history, VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 175 arts, sciences, manners, commerce, and population. II. The state of the provinces, including the ancient government of the Crim Tartars, the subjection of the Greeks, their efforts toward emancipation, and the interest of other nations... in their success. III. The causes of the decline of Turkey... IV. The British commerce with Turkey, the necessity of abolishing the Levant Company... with many other important particulars. By W. ETON, Esq., many years resident in Turkey and in Russia. London, T. Cadell, jun. and W. Davies, I798. xxviii + 5i6p. 8vo. TH 4 E 85 789. The second edition. I799. xxxii + 526p. 8vo. TH 4 E 851 790 ___. The third edition. I80o. xxii + 5oop. 8vo. TH 4 E 852 791 _. The fourth edition, to which is now prefixed an introductory chapter. I809. xxix + xxxii + 5oop. 8vo. TH 4 E 853 792 Tableau historique, politique et moderne de 1' Empire Ottoman, contenant: I. L'examen de son gouvernement, de ses finances, de ses forces militaires... II. Considerations sur l'etat des provinces soumises a l'Empire Ottoman... III. Recherches sur les causes de la decadence de la Turquie... IV. Observations sur l'etat du commerce de la Grande-Bretagne avec la Turquie.. Traduit de l'Anglais de WILLIAMS ETON... par le C. Lefebvre. A Paris, chez Tavernier, An VII, (I799). 2 vols. xxii + 352 and 320p. 8vo. TH 4 E 855 793 W. ETON'S, Esqs. englischen vieljahrigen Residentens in der Tiirkei und in Russland Schilderung des Tiirkischen Reiches in politischer, moralischer, historischer, religi6ser, wissenschaftl. statistischer, merkantilischer u.s.w. Hinsicht. Nach der dritten Ausgabe aus dem Englischen mit Anmerkungen iibersetzt von dem Dr. Bergk. Leipzig, Rein und Compagnie, I805. xvi + 448p. 6 colored plates. 8vo. TH 4 E 856 794 Lettera ad un amico che accompagna la pianta della citta e delle attuali fortificazioni di Malta. In Venezia, 1798. I6p. and folding map. I2mo. GT 3618 IV BOOKS LARGELY OR ENTIRELY PICTORIAL In the books included in this group, the reading-matter, if any, has been subordinated to the illustrations. 1526 795 Isolario di BENEDETTO BORDONE, nel qual si ragiona di tutte l'isole del mondo, con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, historie, favole, & modi del loro vivere, & in qual parte del mare stanno, & in qual parallelo & clima giaciono, con la gionta del Monte del Oro novamente ritrovato... (Impresse in Vinegia per Nicolo d'Aristotile, detto Zoppino), I534. [41 + 74 leaves, with maps on nearly every page of text. Title-page in red and black within woodcut border. Small folio. GT 2582 Licence to print was given in 1526. 796 Isolario di BENEDETTO BORDONE nel qual si ragiona di tutte le isole del mondo, con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, historie, favole, & modi del loro vivere, & in qual parte del mare stanno, & in qual parallelo & clima giaciono. Ricorretto et di nuovo ristampato con la gionta del Monte di Oro novamente ritrovato. In Venetia, (stampato per Francesco di Leno), no date. 74 leaves, and many illustrations in text. Title in wood-cut border. Small folio. GT 2583 1559 797 Konstantinopel unter Sultan Suleiman dem Grossen, aufgenommen im Jahre 1559 durch MELCHIOR LORICHS aus Flensburg, nach der Handzeichnung des Kiinstlers in der Universitats-Bibliothek zu Leiden mit anderen alten Planen herausgegeben und erlautert von Eugen Oberhummer... Mit XXII Tafeln in Lichtdruck und XVII Textbildern. Miinchen, R. Oldenbourg, I902. I6 leaves of explanatory text. Oblong folio. GT 2438 176 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 177 1566 798 Ancien plan de Constantinople imprime entre 1566 et I574. Avec notes explicatives par CAEDICIUS. Constantinople, Lorentz & Keil, [I889]. 8p. and large folding map. 8vo. GT 2439 1572 799 L'isole piu famose del mondo descritte da THOMASO PORCACCHI da CASTIGLIONE Arretino, e intagliate da GIROLAMO PORRO Padovano... In Venetia, appresso Simon Galignano, 1572. [xx] + II7p. I leaf printer's mark, engraved title-page and many illustrations in text. 4to. GT 2584 First edition. 800. Con nova aggionta... In Padova, appressoPaolo et Francesco Galignani Fratelli, 1620. [xxii] + 2iip. and many woodcut initials, tail-pieces, and illustrations in text. 4to. GT 2585 Among the additions are: Descrittione dell' Arcipelago; Corfu, Isole Curzolari; Descrittione del conflitto navale successo a Curzolari nel Mare Ionio (Lepanto); Cefalonia; Zante; Descrittione della Morea; Cerigo; Candia; Scarpanto; Rodi; the other islands of the Aegean and Cyprus. 1598 801 Viaggio da Venetia a Costantinopoli per mare e per terra, & insieme quello di Terra Santa. Da GIOSEPPE ROSACCIO, con brevita descritto, nel quale, oltre a settantadui disegni, di geografia e corografia si discorre, quanto in esso viaggio si ritrova, cioe citta, castelli, porti, golfi, isole, monti, fiumi e mari; opera utile a mercanti marinari, & a studiosi di geografia. In Venetia, appresso Giacomo Franco, I598. I + 76 leaves with an engraved map or view on the recto of leaves 5 to 76 of the various towns and islands in Greece and the Levant; a folding map. Oblong 8vo. GT 2057.I 1651 802 Il regno tutto di Candia, delineato a parte, a parte, et intagliato da MARCO BOSCHINI Venetiano al Serenissimo Prencipe e I2 Gennadeion II 178 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I regal Collegio di Venetia. [1651]. I leaf of dedication, i leaf, arms of Venice, and 6I engraved plates. Folio. GT 2768 An early copy, issued before the date and "privileggio" were engraved on the title-page, as on later copies. 803 The library possesses also a large folio volume without title, containing many plates and maps taken from the works of Ortelius, Laurenberg, Buondelmonte and others, as well as a complete set of the plates of BOSCHINI, engraved on vellum and colored. GT 229 1658 804 L'Arcipelago con tutte le isole, scogli secche, e bassi fondi, con i mari, golfi, seni, porti, citta, e castelli nella forma che si vedono al tempo presente, con una succinta narrativa de i loro nomi, favole, & historie, tanto antiche che moderne. Opera di MARCO BOSCHINI, non meno utile alli studiosi di cosmografia, dilettevole all' universale... In Venetia, per Francesco Nicolini, 1658. [iii] + Ioip. 3 folding plates and many maps in text. 8vo. GT 2586 1674 805 Athenes au XVIIe siecle: dessins des sculptures duParthenon attribues a J. CARREY et conserves a la Bibliotheque Nationale, accompagnes de vues et plans d'Athenes et de l'Acropole. Publies par Henri Omont. Paris, Ernest Leroux, I898. 24p. table, and 45 plates. Folio. GT 2211 The sketches were made in 1674 under the orders and during the visit to Athens of the Marquis de Nointel, the French Ambassador to Constantinople. 1686 806 Memorie istoriografiche de' regni della Morea, Negroponte, e littorali fin' a Salonichi, accresciute in questa seconda edizione, nel laboratorio del PMCORONELLI... (Venezia, I686). [x] + 237p. 2 half titles, engraved title-page and frontispiece, map and 35 plates. I6 mo. GT 206I On half-title: author's autograph presentation "All' illustrissima ed excellentissima Sa. Paulina Pisani." VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I 179 806a ERMANNo ARMAO. Vincenzo Coronelli; cenni sull' 'uomo e la sua vita; catalogo ragionato delle sue opere; lettere - fonti bibliografiche - indici. Con disegni nel testo e tavole fuori testo. Firenze, "Bibliopolis", 1944. xi A- 326p. 8vo. GT 2070.2 The references to Armao in the notes which follow are to this catalogue of Coronelli's works. 806b ERMANNo ARMAO. In giro per il Mar Egeo con Vincenzo Coronelli. Note di topologia, toponomastica e storia, medievali dinasti e famiglie italiane in levante. Con stemmi nel testo e un atlante di 40 carte fuori testo. Firenze, Leo S. Olschki, I95I. viii + 426p. atlas. 8vo. GT 2070.25 806c ERMANNo ARMAO. Le grandi carte geografiche di Vincenzo Coronelli. (Estratto dalla Rivista Geogra/ica Italiana, LVII, I950, pp. I58 -i80). GT 2070.25 806d ERMANNo ARMAO... Localith, chiese, fiumi, monti, e toponimi varii di un'antica carta dell' Albania Settentrionale... Roma, Istituto per l'Europa Orientale, I933-XI. 195p. facsimile map. 8vo. GT 16i.4 This is a study of one of Coronelli's maps. 806e KIAIMHE, H. TO6 yeypCXYL.xOV Epyov rOi5 BMxevtfou Kopove'XX& xof' BThwq TO acpop ~v P~-'Lqv~ 'EXX(Xt,('Av~lturrov exrO AeoiL O~-qou 'E??-qvtxiJ FPcypocpLxiq 'EtraLp,-L'o*) 'AOi~va&~, I952. 28p. map. GT 2070.9 807 Memoire istoriografiche della Morea, Negroponte, e littorali sin' a' Salonichi, dove si descrivono tutte le provincie, cittai, isole, costumi., e molt' altre cose degne della notitia di ciascuno, adornate di copiosi dissegni in rame... [Dal P M CORONELLI]. In Milano, per Giulio Francesco Zanetti, 1687. [vil + i86~p. ir leaf and 36 engravings. i6mo. GT 2062, Armao, No. 46. 808 Memorie istoriografiche del regno della Morea racquistato dall' armi della serrna..republica di Venetia di quello di Negroponte e de Littorali fin 'a Salonicchi, consecrato all' ill...... Alessandro Pallavicino. [Dal P M CORONELLI]. Venetia, per Giuseppe Maria Ruinetti, 12* I80 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I I688. [x] + 240p. frontispiece map and 38 plates. Sub-title and engraved title-page. I6p. GT 2063 Armao, No. 47. 809 Description geographique et historique de la Moree reconquise par les Venitiens, du royaume de Negrepont, et d'autres lieux circonvoisins; enrichie de plusieurs plans & vues de places des memes pals. Par le Pere CORONELLI, Cosmographe de la Republique de Venise. A Paris, chez Claude Barbin, i686. 2 parts in I vol. [xxii] + 164, [viii] + I3Ip. 54 plates. I2mo. GT 2066 Armao, No. 35. 810 Memoires historiques & geographiques du royaume de la Moree, Negrepont, & des places maritimes, jusques a Thessalonique, recueillis, enrichis des cartes des pais, & des plans des places. Par P M CORONELLI, Geographe... Traduit de l'Italien. A Amsterdam, chez Wolfgang, Waesberge, Boom, & Van Someren, I686. [ii] + 232p. Folding map, and 42 plates. 24mo. GT 2061.I Armao, No. 36. 811 Description geographique et historique de la Moree, reconquise par les Venitiens; du royaume de Negrepont, des lieux circonvoisins, et de ceux qu'ils ont soumis dans la Dalmatie, & dans l'Epire, depuis la guerre qu'ils ont declaree aux Turcs en 1684, jusqu'en 1687, enrichie de plusieurs plans & vues de places des memes pais. Par le Pere CORONELLI, Cosmographe... A Paris, chez Nicolas Langlois, I687. 2 parts in I vol. with continuous pagination, I2Ip. index and 50 engraved plates. Folio. GT 2059 Armao, No. 41. 812 An historical and geographical account of the Morea, Negropont, and the maritime places as far as Thessalonica, illustrated with 42 maps of the countries, plains and draughts of the cities, towns and fortifications. Written in Italian by P M CORONELLI, Geographer to the republick of Venice; englished by R.W., Gent. London, Matth. Gillyflower, and W. Canning, 1687. [vi] + 230p. plates. I6mo. GT 2064 Armao, No. 40. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE i8oi i8i 813 Historische und topographische ausfiihrliche Beschreibung der Reiche Morea und Negroponte, wie auch der Insulen und Hafen selbigen Meeres biB an Salonich, Italianisch verfertigt, und mit vielen sch6nen Kupffern und Grund-Rissen auBgezieret von PM CORONELLI, der durchleuchtigsten Herrschafft zu Venedig bestellten Cosmographum, verteutschet und an Tag gegeben. Franckfurt am Mayn, Johann Balthasar Niess, 1687. 254p. 41 engraved maps and plates. frontispiece. I6mo. GT 2070 Armao, No. 39. 814 Korte, beknoopte en nette beschryvinghe van het KoninckRyck Morea ende der selver steden ende vestinghen, midts-gaders sijne grens-paelen, om-ligghende golfen en eylanden, verciert met sijne caerten, en af-beltsels van meest alle de steden, haven ende eylanden in koper ghesneded; met het eyghen af-beelsel van den edelen Heere Francisco Morosini... ghemaeckt door P M CORONELLI... ende bu by een vergaedert door G.B. t'Antwerpen, by Hendrick van Dunwalt ende by Gaspar Bouttats, [I687]. 24p. engraved frontispiece, map, and 36 plates. Oblong I2mo. GT 2068 Armao, No. 44. 815 Courte description du roiaume de la Moree, et des places maritimes, recueillis en enrichis des cartes des pais par P M CORONELLI, Geographe de la Republique de Venise; avec le veritable portrait de Francisco Morosini... Anvers, chez Henry van Dunwalt, et chez Gaspar Bouttats, no date [1687]. 24p. 34 plates (portrait lacking), oblong i2mo. GT 2067 Armao, No. 45. 816 Korte beschryvinghe, ende aen-wysinghe der plaetsen in desfn [sic] boeck, met hunnen teghen woordighen standt, pertinentelijk uytghebeldt, in OOstenryck (door JACOBUS PEETERS). (T'Antverpen), no date. 6p. text and 125 engraved plates. Oblong quarto. GT 2057.2 Title-page lacking. The above is the heading of the explanatory text to the pictures which cover Europe from Vienna southward, and the Turkish Empire, then at war with Europe. The pictures were made about I686. I82 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 1687 817 Kurtze und vermehrte Beschreibung von dem Ursprung, aufnehmen, Gebiete, und Regierung der Weltberiihmten Republick Venedig, merentheils den Jahren nach, und in Form einer kurtzen Chronick verabfasset; wie auch eine Beschreibung von Griechenland, dem Archipelago und der vornehmsten Griechischen Provintz und PenInsul Morea, samt der jetzigen Tiirckischen Krieges-Handlung, mit 64 curiosen Kupffern von Land-Taffeln, Insulen, Stidten und Vestungen, wie auch einer accuraten Land-Taffel von Griechenland, Italien, Natolien, Hungarn und gantzen Donau-Fluss, samt den angrentzenden K6nigreichen und Landern, hervorgegeben und verlegt von JACOB SANDRART. Nirnberck, 1687. 336p. 62 engraved plates. 24 mo. GT 2072 818 Die vortreffliche Halb-Insul Morea, das ist: ein kurtzgefasste und kfirtzliche Beschreibung der vornehmsten Oerter, Stidt und Fastungen, Fliissen und Gebiirgen in und neben besagter Insul und dem Archipelago, samt einer richtigen Erzahlung aller Eroberungen, Schlachten, und Scharmiitzeln, so sich bey diesem und jenem Ort ereignet und begeben haben; worinnen insonderheit die jetzigen herrlichen Sieg und Eroberungen der siegprahlenden Venetianischen Waffen entworffen worden. Mit deutlichen Kupffern der vornehmsten Oerter und einer accuraten Land-Charten versehen und ans Licht gegeben durch eine unpartheyliche Feder. Nurnberg, Joh. Hoffmann, 1687. 2IIp. 24 engraved plates. 24mo. GT 2071 1688 819 Isola di Rodi, geografica - storica, antica e moderna, coll' altre adiacenti gia possedute da Cavalieri Hospitalieri di S. Giovanni di Gerusalemme; opera di' Padri Maestri CORONELLI... e PARISOTTI, storiografo dell' Accademia Cosmografica degli Argonauti: Tomo primo dell' Arcipelago... In Venezia, alla Libreria della Geografia, i688. [viii] + 430 + [30]P. Engraved title-page, frontispiece of the Argonauts, printed title-page (with date I695), and 22 plates. I2mo. GT 3188 This volume was probably intended to be the first of a series of manuals on the islands. The leaves at the end contain a list of members of the society of the Argonauts, contributors to the publications of Coronelli. Armao, No. 94. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80o 183 820 Historia del regno di Negroponte e sue isole adiacenti dedicate all' illustrissimo et eccellentissimo Girolamo Ascanio Giustiniano, Savio grande, &c. (Par VINCENZO CORONELLI). In Venetia, 1695. [50] + 363 + [I3]p. 2 plates, 3 maps, 2 plans. I6mo. GT 2754 Armao, No. 97. The first edition was published in I688. This book forms Vol. II of the series "Arcipelago." 1690 821 Description des principales villes, havres et isles du Golfe de Venise du cote oriental, comme aussi des villes et forteresses de la Moree et quelques places de la Grece et des isles principales de l'Archipel et forteresses d'jcelles et en suitte quelques places renommees de la Terre Saincte et autres dessous la domination ottomanne vers le Midy et l'Orient, et quelques principales villes en Perse et le regne du Grand Mogul, le tout en abrege. Mis en lumiere par JACQUES PEETERS, en Anvers... (No date). [ii] + 40P. Engraved title-page, frontispiece and 143 plates. Oblong quarto. GT 2057.3 1706 822 Citta, fortezze, porti, ed altri luoghi del regno, et isola di Candia, et confinanti, delineate gia con le nuove loro fortificazioni dal P CORONELLI; pubblicate dall' Accademia cosmografica degli Argonauti; dedicati all' illustrissimo et excellentissimo Signore Gio. Pietro Pasqualigo, savio di Terra ferma nella serenissima Repubblica di Venezia. (Venezia), I706. 85 leaves of text, titles, sub-titles, plans, and large folding maps. Text printed in two columns to the page. Oblong 8vo. GT 2768.I The first two maps present the entire Mediterranean. The sub-titles precede sections on Candia, Canea, Retimo, Sitia and Cyprus. Armao, No. 83. 1707 823 Arcipelago. [Da VINCENZO CORONELLI]. No place, no date. [Ca. I707]. I00 plates, and 4p. of text. Oblong 8vo. GT 2058 Leaf 9: Indice delle citta, fortezze, isole, ed altri luoghi dell' Arcipelago, esistenti nel presente tomo, coll' ordine che nello stesso sono disposti. Besides the views of the islands, there are many of Constantinople, Adrianople, and of Turkish types and costumes. Armao, No. 84. I84 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 1708 824 Morea, Negroponte, & adiacenze. [Par VINCENZO CORONELLI. Venezia, ca. I708]. 83 leaves, of which no. 6 is index, and 7 is explanatory text, the rest, engraved maps and plates. Oblong 4to. GT 2060 The four large maps of the Archipelago and the Peloponnese are reprinted from the author's Isolario. At the end are eight views of Athens and the Acropolis. Armao, No. 82. 1749 825 Antiquities and views in Greece and Egypt, with the manners and customs of the inhabitants, from drawings made on the spot, A.D. I749. By RICHARD DALTON, Esq., Surveyor of His Majesty's pictures. Engraved on seventy-nine copper plates by CHATELAIN, VIVARES... &C; the Turkish and Egyptian habits coloured. (London), Thomas King and Henry Chapman, I79I. 20op. and 79 plates, of which 24 are coloured. Folio. GT 1848 Added, with leaves laid down, the following: 825a Remarks on prints that were published in the year 1781, relative to the manners, customs, &c. of the present inhabitants of Egypt, from drawings made on the spot, A.D. I749, by RICHARD DALTON. London, J. Nichols, I790. 62p. I2mo. 1770 826 DESCRIZIONE del regno o sia penisola della Morea, compreso nella quarta carta geografica del teatro della guerra presente tralla Russia, e la Porta Ottomana, e stato delle forze Ottomane tanto terrestri che marittime, col dettaglio di ogni ordine di esse, delle rispettive insegne, de' varii corpi si di cavalleria, che di fanteria. Venezia, nella stamperia Graziosi, I770. I2p. large folding map, 4to. GT 2242.I 1776 827 Views in Turkey in Europe and Asia, comprising Romelia, Bulgaria, Walachia, Syria, and Palestine, selected from the collection of Sir ROBERT AINSLIE; drawn by LUIGI MAYER and engraved by VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oI I85 WILLIAM WATTS; with an elucidative letter-press. London, William Watts, I80o. 68 aquatint plates, each with text in English and French, bound up from the original parts as issued. Folio. GT I850 Sir Robert Ainslie made the collection while he was Ambassador to Turkey from I776 to I792. 828 Views in the Ottoman Empire, chiefly in Caramania, a part of Asia Minor hitherto unexplored, with some curious selections from the islands of Rhodes and Cyprus, and the cities of Corinth, Carthage, and Tripoli. From the original drawings in the possession of Sir R. AINSLIE, taken during his embassy to Constantinople, by LUIGI MAYER, with historical observations and incidental illustrations of the manners and customs of the natives of the country. London, R. Bowyer, I803. 47p. text in English and French, and 24 colored plates. Folio. GT 1851 829 Views in Egypt, from the original drawings in the possession of Sir ROBERT AINSLIE, taken during his embassy to Constantinople. By LUIGI MAYER: engraved by and under the direction of Thomas Milton, with historical observations and incidental illustrations of the manners and customs of the natives of that country. London, R. Bowyer, I804. Io4p. text in English and French, and 48 colored plates. Folio. GT 1852 830 Views in the Ottoman dominions, in Europe, in Asia, and some of the Mediterranean islands, from the original drawings taken for Sir ROBERT AINSLIE by LUIGI MAYER, F.A.S. with descriptions historical and illustrative. London, R. Bowyer, I8IO. 32p. text, 71 plates, each with explanatory text; I6 of the plates in two states, aquatint and colored; 2 engraved frontispieces. Folio. GT 1853 831 Interesting views in Turkey, selected from the original drawings taken for Sir ROBERT AINSLIE, by LUIGI MAYER, F.S.A. with descriptions historical and illustrative. London, Robert Bowyer, I819. [30]p. and I6 colored plates. 4to. GT 1854 Reduced reproductions of the larger issue. I86 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 1787 832 Voyage pittoresque de la Syrie, de la Phenicie, de la Palestine, et de la Basse Egypte; (gravures sur les dessins de L. F. CASSAS). A Paris, de l'Imprimerie de la Republique, an VI (I799). 3 vols., bound in 2. 78p. of text, 338 plates. Folio. GT I839 The journey for the purpose of making the pictures was begun about I787. CASSAS was one of the artists employed by Choiseul-Gouffier to make the plates for his Voyage Pittoresque. 1787 833 Voyage pittoresque et historique de l'Istrie et Dalmatie, redige d'apres l'itineraire de L. F. CASSAS par JOSEPH LAVALLE... Ouvrage orne d'estampes, cartes et plans, dessines et leves sur les lieux par Cassas... Paris, An X - I802. viii + i9op. Frontispiece, engraved title-page, 60 engraved plates. Folio. GT 1838 1793 834 Descrizione topografica dello stato presente di Costantinopoli arricchita di figure... da COSIMO COMIDAS de CARBOGNANO, Costantinopolitano... Bassano, I794. Viii + 8ip. 26 engraved plates. Large paper. Folio. GT 245I Dedication dated June 28, 1793. 1799-1800 835 Picturesque scenery in the Holy Land and Syria,delineated during the campaigns of I799 and I8oo, by F.B. SPILSBURY, of His Majesty's ship Le Tigre; surgeon in that expedition during both campaigns. London, Edward Orme, I803. iv + 42p. portrait frontispiece and 19 colored engravings. Folio. GT 204I V PROSKYNETARIA From the earliest times guide-books were written for the use of pilgrims to Palestine. In the course of time a special type of book developed for the use of adherents to the Greek Orthodox faith, which included not only descriptions of the places to be seen, and legends connected with them, but sometimes illustrations and prayers and devotions to be used during the visit. The use of these books eventually was extended to holy places other than Palestine, as the fairly large collection here shows. Some have been included beyond the i8th century, to show the collection complete. XIV CENT. 836 VIAGGI in Terra Santa, descritti da anonimo trecentista, e non mai fin qui stampati. Napoli, Stamperia del Fibreno, i862. i6p. 8vo. GT 433 Printed for private circulation only. Directions for pilgrims regarding places to be visited, distances, and other useful details. 1498 837 Information for pilgrims unto the Holy Land. Edited by E. GORDON DUFF. London, Lawrence & Bullen, 1893. xx + 58 unnumbered pages. frontispiece and tailpiece. 8vo. GT 394.9 Facsimile of the first edition, which was printed about 1498, by Wynken de Worde. XVI CENT. 838 Tptocx &'VC0VUV.toC eXX1Vx&XC 7rpoaXU'Vj'raP&0 'rj L4' eXO'rVtra'LaO4 'viU-'Vro 7rpCi0roV V.V& 7rpo?\.6yoU eXO86teVOC UnO6 "A. Hanmano6XouKepatiho4 xod auvoazo u6xvx ~Lvt& p~arxIq ~tvocppaaeco -ou X. FocfpLt X. ~AEC~ouv-~... (Pravoslavnyi Palestinskii sbornik, tom XVI, vypusk pervyi, S. -Peterburg, 1896.) x + I53 + [I]p. T 1689 Title also in Russian. Russian introduction and Greek text. Jerusalem and some of the holy places; Bethlehem. i87 I88 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 1660 839 HpoaxuvyrTapLov APIENIOT, 1512-1520. XEp6oypopov vuv T6 TCp(,rov exSta6,,vov EIzod& uo a czoU Zpoyp&oop v,x6vov,T, rsp.cLavou MocupoF.&uTrou... xoc Frcpyiou A. 'Ap3pavvrx'T... 'Ev 'AhXeavapeltc, Tu6ot r. T'yvLou, 1899. L' + 107 + [ii]p. I plate. 8vo. T 1681.2 The author was ARSENIOS KALLOUDES, I630-I693. The book was not written in 1512-20 as stated in the title, but in I66o, as stated on pp. 87-92 of the present edition, and was first published in Venice in I66I. See Legrand, Bibliographie Hellenique, I7eme siecle, II, No. 444. Jerusalem, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Jericho, etc. 1710 840 HIlpLypocyp acspC& pk YyouQkv, uvr6VwV, xoC pLVTOXr'TLX, x& 'XLTYo6E E Tou ayLou xal o(3 Oo Tocaou opou; SLva tyaXZLa, J"eTa T&V riple, xa L 7avTov T9V cv aTCZ xeal OCpl auXo, xal na TOJ< 3criX( - xq;I, xOal XaF7opac oLxoa8oFtY TOU ix' cre pLxaXCXOXeaTO(Tou VtovaoT'ripou,, to N,,, TOU T~ ev MaTc oX5P1 TOU apLe TrLExor: avTaMq,.TOC TO V ePOTtT&v 'Apap3ov, 'TL TOU4 ~ VLav3orU pavTa0 azuTr py(oXXouq XLV8UvOUq, FLTaO TLVcvv 6auFoiTov yxyt v y o'rv xoara xaopou; v aUTO... Turco60~zac TT cPoOTTPO XO xOdal aoCTv TOV... Ku Ku ScoppovLou SvatcTou TOG eX T7- 7~pPLY)JLOU tOX6Xo Xal VYj)ou XMou. cEvzlTl7L, 7OCap& AO 7TTpic Oeo ~ oolou T ') IOCvvEvCov, o+4I'. 1768. [2] + I3Ip. 8vo. T I683 The first edition appeared in I7I0. 841 HIepLYpaycpT) Lep TOU oyLou xaci eOCOa86aTou opoug ZLVOC... eLaT'opoVia ouv-rT6oL& xoa l 7t:pLXTTTLx(O4 T'& TOU0 Oeop3aitTou TOUTou 6pouV, -TOUT~TZ L T)V Ot6LV xal oyL6OT7TC OuTOu, r& TT-rS PaCLXlx Xau7pCPSa otxoaojtq TOU eX~(Za~ repLxOCXXeATO'CTou,ovcaTzjpLou... Te eVaOV a1uToU r XOCL nep ~ LCPx rpoCxuv7xz'aTo, (LET0 TZLVV OaOu[LaTWov... TuXto0zE'a VUV 7rl71rTOV 86L 8a c Avq T'J( tl~pao x.al p3aocXLx'; F.ov~ TOV ayLou xaL 6Oopo8Za7Tou 6pou; 2Lva. 'Ev Beveia, x:ap NLxoXoc rPuxLt Ta pi 'hIcoavvLvtov, I8I7. 2z9p. 8vo. T 1684 This is in reality the sixth edition, the others having appeared in 1710, 1727, 1768, 1773 and I778. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I80I I89 1728 842 IHpoaxuvTYT&pLov T0z ayar T6Xo~x; 'IkpouaaXq xa[l 7 cTai nahXaLoclatvjc. zuvTlOev.. o. 7ap& TOU Tav toXoyLtoraTou [sic] ayiou KaoiacpoaCi roU rxaytovcou xodt cooao6ou zrcpou xupLou XPTXAN~OY Tou ex HIpou6... 'Ev BLtvv) Tz- 'Aoua6paQS, ToCp& 'Ic)V77T ( TO Baouvoviauppc, I787. I03 + [I]p. 52 plates. Folio. T 1679 Bound in red Turkish morocco, blind tooling, with a large cross in the center of recto cover. On the verso of fly-leaf the former owner of the book has written his autobiography. He was the Archimandrite Gerasimos, of the Monastery of Dousikos, in Thessaly. He bound the book himself in 1825 and took it with him to Jerusalem on a pilgrimage in I844. It is an authentic example of Greek monastic binding. The first edition appeared in I728. 843 flpooxuv'r0CpLov Tq ayLocq r6?soq 'IspoucaXX =i[ xoal oaYq HIIXoCLaclvL'. Zuvreo0v.. p.. zcou ravocr loXoyTa orou &ytou Kaoy~apaYc toU 7travayou xoat coo86ou Talcou xupiou XPYZANOOT ~ou ex npo6 -o7.... raocTaCic6 'A7rocroXou Mo6pa. 'Ev B 6vvn rTs 'AouaTopic, rcapa 'Ioavv0 C Xpa Iip,, 1807. 8' + Io3p. portrait frontispiece and 85 plates. Folio. T 1679.2 844 XPTYAN~OT TroU (cxcptloroToou HIIaTpLapXou Tcv 'IepocoXupLcov LaTopLoc xocl xspypocap j T I'AyLocS rF xol T Y 'AyTacq H6OXco c'lpoucaXjtE, vuv TO aSeuvrpov ex8oosoica [sLeTC& poXsyo.vS(ov C XV XG6aet 'To Focxocptco r~ouHoIarptpapzou -rv 'IpoCoX.iucov xupLou xupLou KupLXXou. 'Ev 'IspocoXutotL4, ex TOU TUroypacpsLou o70 HI. T&cou, aocoP (I862). [xA'] + I66p. index. 8vo. T 1681.2 1749 845 HlpoaxuvY'rapLov,T - &yoc~ rorXEco 'IpouaXi l xoal Tcraj~ IlaXActcrLtvY vuv 7rpT0ov rTpotpo7r, ZuXoyta T~ xol VesuL TOU.... XcrptLapxou 'IzpO0oXDuLov... rHap0svou, TU'ot r&eTo (aXzeSlv ex8oO0v... rapa TOUt 7rvoTLoaToU apou p avpTXPvOU o u 70. -. you t'rocou XUpLou SUpEiov TUTiV. TIva praTl TOT e CTePatL Xap&iv. " Ev B1ivve T( q 'Aouoatpia, toCp& TO iLpoSLaCX6Vp XpLaTrcopWp Zeyap, xcal TV iXXupLxo Caep3&v xoLVM& Coyp9cpo, I749. 56 engraved pages, many illustrations in text. I2mo. T 1678 I90 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi 1751 846 HIpLypacpr) TSL espocq, aspaoc[LcaC xal apca7Lxx^,uovic, T u7espaoytac; EsoToxou, T< xoal L~ya o Xoucx7q TO OaiXoaLov 8oCi zov iotop'a'ocvTa aXUT7v 'ATO6acroXov Aouxav TOv EuaoyyeXL'7tv, Tou KUxxOU emL7rLp7%LO J~v7 xaToc T&)V V6aKOV KuSrpov. NUV TrpLOV TU~Ot; ex800eo6Zac 7ti.eXe6'Trpov, 7TpoaeT~0~VTzo T xCaC TvO a&Xoa T. V Oavyxaicov, T7p6O:erpL6a0o'Tepov PepatoOi v. "ETL 8~ xzol 0ocupamo7. T'va TX ~ OOT6xou... &.. Ta rav xocX& 6XTa0cz vZroc st elt' rteXeLa xoal xptpOU~ <TYGrf~)4, xal SLOpawG)7co TOV..... TpoT7COXiU 7TCp4v 'Ayxupocx xupLou lpaOCyep TOtr, Ih cLSaLouV... EvTTjolv, tcapa& NLxoXdac FruxE, TO K 'ICoacvvLvCv, 1817. I32p. 8vo. T 1686.52 Former editions dated I75I and 1782. The author's name, EPHRAIM, appears on p. 14 of the edition of I75I; see Legrand, Bibliographie Hellenique, No. 400. 847 'AT1 7rOCT-rTOCaX [ovaoaCTp KuxxovoUv. XexpierXoU5?CaXTOuXAZX eXxovoca ocp''pouv, XocyLpXq 7r7'vyapo0v X Z~Xi,:~TVCpXa T OPLXj TCOCVTJVTzT-JP... MrlpotoXozo5 ]Epocqpu... 'EVwT[776V, R:ocp& NtxoXoc4 rFuxeLZ zr &e 'Icoovvvcov, I816. 67p. frontispiece. 8vo. T i686.5I A Turkish version of No. 846, printed in Greek characters. 1802 848 NIKH(OPOT KAAAISTOY TOtU EcvOoTrouXou rcpt a6uaroToZa TOU5 Cpa7i[,ou o0xou Tz< ev KcovaTaVTVOU7x6XeL Zcoo86Zou fHYly, xal T&v v CTV ToZ Ur(Pu&q TEXEVOTpyUov 60OuCTCOcIv xcO 6 [oL0 TOV ~v oyLoL4 KXF(LvzoVT... vuv po Tov TUtOL~ Cex8O0eVTCo... No place,,aco(3' (= 1802). I40p. 8vo. T i685.5 The place of publication was probably Leipzig. 1806 849 Hpoaxuvyropl.ov TO5 'Aylou "Opouq' (JrOU xT v Ar "AyLov "Opojouv xtpoOxuvT'Cxplov TOcP t:p OXouvoUp T'OUp4Xe &cax T-'qXeplv PFoavaa-TjpXcaplv coxp0TzXpY) j, 7ylXOvZ'-p &axXrocX ZAXAPIANHN jrJTaTiyvocv.a7jxy.oc { PepLtXPi.aTLp avdz TOX XpLcTLCVXpIV C xLPv EZa~T?7Y L TV. Bi X:pxLtF xopocaO oTr Texp&O 6 ~s0S aUyXWp~l y VwTY6. Be~V~TXTZ, trap& NLxoXaC rIXux' TZj E 'IxoavvLvwv, I806. 46p. 8vo. T 1687.2 Written in Turkish, in Greek letters. VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi I9I 1835 850 SuvoWTtLX' =LpLypacpXt TOU ~v KovacxvrLvouo6XeL [epou vaou TT] Zcoo8oi On-yiy xca TX ~V aUv TC UTCrP(Puwq TexaOiVTcov Oau&iaToV. ' EpoavLo0soa xoca uvvTaX0soOa 6o;o K.P. T- auvspojt: T&v voaoxo[ieou ' E6pCov. 'Ev NsoXcopi, ~x T:; TOU 'AyLou Toypou' EXXrvLx~TuroypaycpLac,,otoX)'. I835. 28p. 8vo. T. I685.6 1840 851 KTrvTpLx6v, 4 flpoaxuv'yrTjpLov T7' Lppau~ xoCal PacaLx.xtq tovV TroU MEy;kou:-'77Xaou. ' Ee860Ot ~7rL8op60oo0v 4N(P xal 77out0)8 TOo [ipou Movac-'TjpLou. 'A0?vf-laLV, ex T: T:UyOYpay'atC K. PCXXy,,aco.' (1840). 8' + I56p. plates. Small folio. GT 2395 1843 852 fIpoaxuvvydapLov TOu PaLXLXO, 7a:rXpLp.LxoU, TaUpapPOT YLCCxou Te, xaOl a3xcalLou ispo5 JLovoca-TpLou TOVU AoXzcapotOu, TOU ev TZ) &yL&ov6Fu opEL ToU "AOcovoq. ZuvTCQOv [Lv xaxt p(XorCovY0)6v aCpa TOu cavo LtoLoytoYTatou... KTPIAAO~T TOU ex EUpv7g... rTUt0O 8e vUv 7Tp&Tov exsoOiv rLt xeoai cpXloTL'cp SxiaTcv'n TOU 7xCvoooyXOyLcTa7ou... FrappLtX TOU EZ;upvaXou xoa xoLvoBdtTOU TOU xU ro5u... (iOVXa0T/ploU... ' Ev Bouxoupea7iC, ex -T7 TUTOYpOc(PLQA Tj4< aOUX)q ToiU (Dp8. BocaXitoou,, I843. T' (= 7) + 53 + [I]p. frontispiece and 2 plates. 8vo. T 1687.4 1864 853 Hpoaxuv'wTdplov TOU 'AyLou "Opoug rou5 "A0ovoq, auyypacp:v 5o6 ToU &[oxcorodou ocTpou Kup[ou IQANNOT TOT KOMNHNOT, vuv 8i SrTOc TaC7oF ~LtJ.EX~LOCq oCVOXeopjO&v xoCal avaOTUnoiv. "Ex'8o6 8eurepoa. "Ev Bevrca:, ex Tq~ 'EXXAqv. Tuwoyp. TOU O(OIovxog, I864. 93p. 24mo. GT 2381 854 __. "Ex8oc7; veoTad. ' Ev 'AO0lvaoq, TU7toyypaocpeov 'A. KoXxoapoxj xcl N. TptaLvgccpuAXXou, I890. 94p. frontispiece. i6mo. GT 2381.1 1867 855 ToU5 poaxuv7TapLoou T; 'Aytoca rP S TeUzXO A':'H &aycc 7CO6XL 'IepotuoaoX' xaol ta epXoa auT a (uyypcpcv ~v So6 BENIAMIN I92 VOYAGES AND TRAVELS IN THE NEAR EAST BEFORE I8oi IQANNIAOT... x..xov K UTcO. e.. pcpeia... Tou 7tpoCxuv-TqCpLou Tz), 'Ayto r-x TPUzXO B': 'H ayao BOX~~4i xal ra' spicopa aocur, U7O Toi Tlepo8Locxovou BENIAMIN I QANNIAOT... Ev 'IpoaoX6t(oL, ex -ou6 tuoypaocpyou Tzo6 1. T&cpou, I867-I877 (truX.A', I877). 2 vols., [12] + 360 + xy' + [2]p. and I6op. plates, plans. Small folio. T I682 1875 856 'H t~p& o ov') TOU zLva, xaxT& T-v ToToypoccpXLx, a7TropLx'lv xol 8Lo0X7TLX7V Ol T 0q o+LV. 'rTn HEPIKAEOTE rPHrOPIAAOT... 'Ev'IBpoaoXu6.voLg, ex To5 TU7roypacyptLou tou n. Tacpou, 1875. 0' + 226p. 8vo. T I684.2 1886 857 'H Zcoo6zoXo Hryj, xcoc Tz poc cuTj 7Tr poapZ 'rj[l oca. 'YC7TT EYTENIOT tepeo... Ev 'Ajvaot, uroyYpccpZov laoccXeocvSpp,,acoxat' (= I886). 364p. 8vo. T 1685.7 The real author was MANUEL GEDEON. Eugenios was the priest in charge of the church. 1904 858 HIpoaxuvyoTapLOv Tq eV MocxEovi0c rpocp Tn X6o Xe zppov TocaupoTnylocx)Jg epCp Lovg TOU 'AyLOU 'Icoivvou -TOU HlpoSp6oou, auvrzcxO:v oxcpC& To XPISTODOPOT iepoSSoaxoxaoou xaOL -yoUtLovou ocvc. ' Ev Aet+ia, [I904]. IIop. Small folio. T 1688.4 1911 859 M~yoc 6o87YO64 TV 7rpoCxuVzToV [Wv 'IzpooX6 uov].' T=o r. K. BPAXHIEAH... "Ex8oat 8zuprpa... 'Ev 'IepoIoXuiooo, TU7t0L HoaTpLOCPXLxOU TUX7OYpaCpl0o, I9II. 8' + 230 + [I]p. illustrations, map and plates. 8vo. T 1682.4 1929 860... ELxovoypOCaYpyLvov 7Cpoaxuv7r0Capov, t0ro '08TY yog TC XUpLcoTrpoV eV HaXLaqTivt 6p0o86ptov V~XXjVixoV 7rpoxKUVVLf0TzCov... 'Tno' AHnOETOAO T r. KQNTANTINIAO T.' AXei&vSpeo, hx8oaoL opyaCVGoLxY4 ~:7rTpO7:4 "AUTZs xv0 v apCoLV L4 'Iepoa6oxuFtp", I929. I44p. illustrations and map. 8vo. T 1682.5 INDEX OF TRAVELERS AND AUTHORS INCLUDING EDITORS AND SOME TRANSLATORS Names of traveler and authors are in capitals, of editors and translators in lower case. ABOu-EL-CASSIM, 63. ABOu HASSAN ALY EL HEREWY, 75. ABULFEDA, ISMAEL IBN ALI, Prince of Damascus, 78, 337, 338. ADDISON, LANCELOT, 716. ADRICHOMIO, CHRISTIANo, 682-3. AETHERIA, St., pilgrim, 36, 6o. AINSLIE, Sir ROBERT, 827-3I. AKERHJELM, ANNA, Swedish companion of Countess K6NIGSMARK, 49. ALBERGHETTI, GiUSTO, 755. ALBRIZZI, GIROLAMO, 740, 751-2. ALEXANDER, Herzog, 39. ALEXANDER, scribe, 42. ALQUIt, SAVINIEN d', 347, 359. ALVIGi di GIOVANNI, 48. Amico, BERNARDINO, 687-8. AMMANN, HANS JAKOB, 247a. ANGLURE, OGIER VIII, Seigneur d', 92. ANQUETIL, 59. ANTONINUS Martyr, pilgrim, 35. ANTONIus, Bishop of Novgorod, 42. ARANDA, EMANUEL d', 301. ARCISAS, AUGUSTIN d', Mathurin, 493. ARcULF, Pilgrim, 35, 36, 37. Argenti, Philip, ed., 51. ARISTEAS, 36. ARMAND, JEAN, dit MUSTAPHA, 259. ARMAO, ERMANNo, 8o6a-8o6d. ARSENios KALLOUDES, 839. ARVIEUX, d', French envoy to the Porte, 308, 337-8. AScELIN, FR. N, 41, 43. Asp. P.O. von, 636. ATKINSON, GEOFFROY, I. AVRIL, PHILIPPUS, S. J., 432. BABIN, JACQUES PAUL, 49, 391, 392. Babinger, Franz, ed., 171. BAEDA VENERABILIS, 35. BALOURDET, Loys, 209. BALTIMORE, Lord, see CALVERT. BARBARO, JOSAPHAT, 48. Barbie' du Bocage, jean Denys, ed., 558, 628. BARCLAY, JOHN, 731. BAROZZI, FRANCEScO, 685. BARREs, ANTHOINE des, 400. BASIL., merchant, 42. BASSANO, LUIGI, da Zara, 675. BAUDELOT de DAIRVAL, 2. BAUDIER, MICHEL, 690-93. BAUMSTARK, ANTON, 3. BEAUXTAU, HENRY de, 237. Beazley, Raymond, ed., 54. Beck, Christian Daniel, ed., 777. BELLERIVE, Chevalier de, 470. BELLIN, Inge'nieur de la Marine, 765. BELON, PIERRE, du Mans, 153-61. BENJAMIN IOANNIDOU, 855. BENJAMIN of Tudela, 37, 41, 67-73. Bent, J. Theodore, ed., 55. Bergeron, Pierre, ed., 41, 43. BERNARD, JOSEPH, Mathurin, 485. BERNARD THE WISE (BERNARDUS SAPIENS), 35, 36, 37, 37a, 62. BERNARDO, LORENZO, 218-19. BESCHI, 59. BESSON, JOSEPH, S. J., 322-23. BIDDULPH, WILLIAM, 232-34. BINOS, Abbe' de, 570. BIRON, JEAN de GONTAUT, Baron de Salignac, 238. BISANI, ALESSANDRO, 620. BISSEL, JOANNES, S. J., 707. Bj6RNSTAkHL, JACOB JONAS, 563. BLAKE, ROBERT, 296. BLONDEL, FRANV0IS, 319. 13 Gennadeion II I93 '94 INDEX OF TRAVELERS AND AUTHORS BLOUET, PIERRE, 486. BLOUNT, HENRY, 289-295. BOBOVIus, ALBERTUS, 714. BONNET, merchant at Cassis, 361. BORDERIE, Seigneur de, 49. BORDONE, BENEDETTO, 795-96. BOSCHINI, MARCO, 802-04. BOUCHER, Pere, Mineur Observantin, 247. BOVENSCHEN, ALBERT, 85. BoYDE, Capt. HENRY, 482. Brachypedes, G. K., 859. BRENNER, IGNATZ von, 630. BREUNING, HANSS JACOB, 200. BREVES, M de,:240. BROCARD, F, 39. BROWN, EDWARD, 352-55. Brown, Wallace Cable, 4, 5, 6, 7. BRYDONE, P., 564. BUGISLAY X, Herzog von Pommern, 39. BUONDELMONTI, CHRISTOFORO, 95, 96, 803. BURCHARD Of Mt. Sion, 36. BURCHARD Of Strasburg, 40. BURGO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA de, Abbate Clarense, 393-94. Burton, R., ed., 56. BUSBECQ, OGIER GHISELIN de, I73-88. CAEDIcI Us, 798. Calimer, Christian, ed., 6o5. CALVERT, FREDERICK, Lord Baltimore, 55I1. CARLSSON., EDUARD, 510. Carmoly, E., ed., 44, 73, 74. CARPIN, JEAN du PLAN, 40, 43. CARREY, J., architect, 49, 8o5. CASOLA,- PIETRO, 125. CASSAS, L. F., 597, 832, 833. CASTELA, HENRY, 235. CASTELLAN, A. L., 637-39. CASTI, GIAMBATTISTA, 621. CAUMONT, Seigneur de, io6. CHARDIN, CHEVALIER JEAN, 376-84. CHANDLER, RICHARD, 552-58. CHARLEMAGNE, 38. CHASTEUIL., M de, 260, 433. CHAUMONT, M de, 422. CHEEVERS, SARAH, Quaker, 321. CHINON, GABRIEL de, 717. CHIERICI., ALFONSO, 700. CHISHULL, EDMUND, 452. CoIIOSEUL- GOUFFIER, MARIE- GABRIELFLORENTE-AUGUSTE, Comte de, 571 -74, 6o2, 832. CHOISY, L. D., 423-24, 426. CHRISTOPHOROS, abbot, 858. CHRYSANTHOS of Prusa, 842-44. CHURTON, RALPH, 557. CLAVIJO, ambassador to Tamerlane, 94. Clayton, Robert, Bishop of Clogher, ed., 445, 49I-92. CLEMENT, Russian monk, 42. CLENARDus, NICOLAUS, 142-44. COLLIER, Mr., representative of the United Provinces at the Porte, 356. Collignon, Mfaxime, 401. COLUMBUS, Christopher, 52. COMELIN, FRANQ0IS, Mathurin, 485. COMIDAs de CARBOGNANo, 834. Conrady, Ludwig, ed., 46. CONSTANCE, M, 425, 429. CONSTANTINIDES, APoSToLos G., 86o. CONTARINI, AMBROGIO, 41, 48. COPPIN, JEAN, 297. CORONELLI, VINCENZO, 8o6-I5, 819-20, 822, 823, 824. COTOVICUS (COTVICK)? JOANNES, 224. Couret, A., ed., 476. COVEL, JOHN, 55. COWLEY, Capt., 57. Cox, EDWARD GODFREY, 8. CRAVEN, Lady ELIZABETH, 614-16. Curipeschitz, Benedict, ed., 138. CYRIACUS of Ancona, 97-I04. CYRIL Of Jerusalem, St., 36. DALLAM, THOMAS, 55. DALLAWAY, JAMES, 640-41. DALTON, RICHARD, 825-25a. DAN, PIERRE, 698-99. DANDINI, JEROME, 2,28-30, 316. DANIEL, Russian abbot, 36, 42, 66. Daniell, F. H. Blackburne, tr. i84. DAPPER, 0., 745. DAVIS, WILLIAM, barber-surgeon of London, 222. DE LA CROIX., Sieur, 368, 375. Delatte, Armand, ed., 53. DELLA VALLE, PIETRO, 249-53. Demarsy, A., ed., 470. DENON, VIVANT, 643. Denton, Henry, tr., 727. DEPELLEGRIN, Sieur de, 479. INDEX OF TRAVELERS AND AUTHORS '95 DERNSCHWAM, HANS, 11 DES BARRES, ANTHOINE, 400. DESHAYES, Louis, Baron de Cormesnin,:254-56. DESLANDES, ANDREr DAULIER, 349. Deycks, Ferdinand, ed., 45. DION CASSIUS, 36. DONADO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, 417. Dorez, Leon, ed., 148. DoUBDAN, JEAN, 306-07. DoURRY, Effendi, 375. DoUSA, GEORGIUS, 223. DREUX, ROBERT de, 343. DRIESCHIUS, GERARD CORNELIUS, 483. DRUMMOND, ALEXANDER, 524. Duff, E. Gordon, ed., 837. D U FRESNE-CANAYE, PHILIPPE, 193. Du LOIR, Sieur,:299, 300. Du MONT, Sieur, 435, 436. Dupuis, Albert, ed., i85. Du VIGNAU, le Sieur, 741-43. ECKLIN, DANIEL, 39. EHINGEN, JORG von, 114. EHRENBERG, JOHANN von, 39. ENCINA, JUAN de la, 134. EPHRAIM, 846. EPIPHANIUS, monk, 42. ERNOUL, pilgrim, 36, 38. ETON, WILLIAMS, 788-93. EUCHERIUS, St., pilgrim, 35, 36. EUGENIOS, priest, 857. EUSTOCHIUM, pilgrim, 35-36. EUTYCHii annales, 36. EVANS, KATHARINE, Quaker, 321. EVLIYA CHELEBI, 283-86. FABRI, FELIX, see SCHMIDT. FALCONAR, DAVID, 533. FANELLI, ]FRANCESCO, 756. FARISSOL, see PERITSOL. FAUVEL, Maistre des comtes, 265-66. FAUVEL, Louis FRANqOIS SEBASTIAN, Consul de France, 590. FAVOLIUS, HUGO, 149. FEBVRE, MICHEL, 721-22, 729-30. FERMANEL, 265-66. FERRIERES-SAUVEBOEUF, Comte de, 598. FETELLUS, 36. FINCH, HENEAGE, Earl of Winchelsea, 325. FORBIN, Comte de, 426. 13* Forster, Charles Thornton, tr., 184. FORTIS, ALBERTO, Abb6, 565-9 FoURMONT, CL. L., 528. FRESCOBALDI, LiONARD~o di Niccolo6 di, 89, 90. FRIESEMAN, 784-85. FtYRER, CHRISTOPHER, von Haimendorf, I191-92. FtYRER, JACOB, 192. FUSSLIN, PETER, 42I. FULLER, THOMAS, 702-03. GALAUP-CHASTEUIL, FRANqois de, 260. Galland, Antoine, ed., 36i; journal of, 49, 395. GAMBINI, ANDREA, 66i. GASSOT, JACQUES, 162. GEDEON, MANUEL, 857. GEORGIEVICH, BARTOLOMEO, 667-674. GEORGIRENES, JOSEPH, 727-28. GERMAIN, JEAN, Eve~que de Chalon, 113. Gerola, Giuseppe, ed., 686. GHIGA, ALEXANDER, 772. GHISTELE, Joos van, 121, 122. Giovio, see Jovius. GIRARDIN, M, 418. GIRAUD, JEAN, 401. GLANIUS, M, 358. GoujoN, JACQUES, 718. GRANDENIGO, VINCENZO, 231. GRANDI, JACOPO, 735. GRANGER, le Sieur, 503. GRAsSET SAINT-SAVE UR, ANDRt, 593-94. GRAsSETTO, FRANCESCO, 129. GREAVES, JOHN, 705-06. GREEN, J., 494. GREGORIADES, PERIKLES, 856. GREGORIus, Russian monk, 42. GRELOT, GUILLAUME JOSEPH, 369-7i, 377. GRETHENIus, Archimandrite, 42. GRIFFITHS, J., 607. GRITTI, ALUIXE, 145. Grosjean, Georges, ed., 629. GUER, M, 761. GUERRERO, FRANCISCO, 683. GUILLERAGUES, Comte de, 4i8. GUILLET DE LA GUILLETIE'RE, 49, 364 -67, 410, 411.GUMPENBURG, STEFFAN zum, 39. GUTHRIE, Mrs. MARIA, 635. GUYLFORDE, Sir RICHARD, 128. i96 196 ~INDEX OF TRAVELERS AND AUTHORS Guys, M de, 529-31. GYLIUS, PETRUS, 678-79. HABESCI, ELIAS, 772-73. HADi HASAN, 9. HAGEN, PHILIPP von, 46. HAITON, 41. Hakluyt, Richard, ed., 33, 34. Hammer, Joseph von, tr., 284, 70I. Hantzsch, Viktor, ed., 10. HARDER, ULRICH, I34a. HARFF, ARNOLD von, pilgrim, 126. HASSELQUIST, FREDERIC, 532. HECATAEUS, 36. HELFFRICH, JOHANN, 39. Henning, Richard, ed., ii. Heron, Robert, tr., 550. HESE, IOANNEs de, 123. HESRONITA, JOANNES, 697. HEYMAN, JOHN, 539. HILL, AARON, 757. H6PKEN, CARL FRANZ von, 510. H6ST, GEORG, 541. HOMBERGK, CORNETTE, 49. Hoskins, Halford Lancaster, 12. Howard, Clare, ed., 13. HOWARD, HENRY, 341. HOWARD, Lord, Ambassador to Morocco., 362. Howe., Sonia E., 14. Hyde, Thomas, tr., 68i. IBN BATuTA, MOHAMMED, 86-87. IBRAHIM EL-KHIJARi EL-MEDENI, 363. IGNATIUS Of Smolensk, 42. INNOMINATUS VII, 37a. INNOMINATUS VIII, 37a. IOANNES 0 Komnenos, 853. Iorga, Nicolas, I5. IRUMBERRY, CHARLES MARIE di, Comte de Salaberry, 625. IRWIN, EYLES, 576-77. ISAEus, Russian monk, 42. ITALIAN GENTLEMAN., 620. JAURAR BEN ABDELLA, Alkaid, 296. JEHANNOT, R P, Ordre de la Sainte Trinite', 5o8. JEROME, ST., 36. JOHN Of WURZBURG, 36, 37a. JOUVIN de ROCHEFORT, Tr~sorier de France, 396. JOVIUS, PAULUS, 48, 658-65. JURISCHITZ, NICLAS, 138. Kahie, Paul, tr., 655. KAKASCH, ETIENNE, de Zalonkemeny, 236. Kilimes, P., 8o6e. KLEEMAN, NIKOLAUS ERNST, 561 —62. Kohier, Karl, ed., 22. KONSTANTINIDES, APOSToLos G., 86o. KORTEN, JONAS, 5I8. KRIENEN, PASCH di, 767-68. KUMMEN, ALHARD HERMANN, 704. KYRILLOS o ek Smyrnes, 852. Kyriakides, Stilpon P., 51. LABORDE, LItON EMMANUEL SIMON, Comte de, 49, 50, 364. LA BROCQUIERE, BERTRANDON de 37, 107, io8. LADOIRE MARCEL, Vicaire de la Terre Sainte, 480. LAET JOANNEs de, 695-96. LA FAYE, JEAN de, Mathurin, 493. LAGHI, TOMMASO, 775. LA GUILLETIERE, see GUILLET DE LA GUILLETIERE. Lalanne, Ludovic, i6. LAMBERG, JOSEF von, 138. LA MOTRAYE, A. de, 442-43. LA MOTTE, PHILEMON, Mathurin, 485. LANNOY, GUILLEBERT de, 105. LA RoQuE, JEAN de, 433, 468-69. LAUNAY, BAUDOUIN, Sieur de 265-266. LAURENBERG, 802. Laurent, J. C. M., ed., 76. Lavalle'e Joseph, ed., 597, 833. LAVENDER, THEOPHILUS, 232-34. LA VERGNE de TRESSAN, PIERRE de, Prior of St. Germain, 434. LEANDRO di SANTA CECILIA, Carmelitano Scaizo, 504, 511, 525. LE BRUN, CORNEILLE, 402, 463. LE CHEVALIER, J. B., 6o8-io, 649. Legrand, ]Pmile, ed., 96. LEGRENZI, ANGELO, 385. Lelewel, Joachim, ed., 73, 105. LE NOVAIRI, 559. LE Roy, 59, 762. LE Roy, HENRY, Mathurin, 493. LESLIE, WALTER, Comte de, 339-4I. Le Strange, Guy, tr., 94. INDEX OF TRAVELERS AND AUTHORS '97 Leval, Andr6, 17. Linnaeus, Charles, ed., 532. LITHGOW, WILLIAM, 242. LOBO, IERONYMO, 720. LORICHS, MELCHIOR, 797. LOVRICH, GIoVANNI, 567. Lowe, Clarence George, I95, 590. L6WENSTEIN, ALBRECHT, Graf zu, 39. LUBENAU, REINHOLD, 194-95. Lucas, Charles, ed., 319. LUCAS, PAUL, 454-56, 464-66, 472-73. LUSIGNAN, S., 6ii. MACKAR, DENIS, Mathurin, 493. MAGALOTTI, C. LORENZO, 90. MAGNI, CORNELIO, 397, 403. MAILLET, M de, Consul an Caire, 438. MANDELSLO, JEAN ALBERT, 287, 298. Manzi, Guglielmo, ed., 89, 90. Marindin, G. E., ed., 633. MARITI, GIOVANNI, Abbe' 542-45. MAROT, Louis, pilot of the galleys, 349. MARTIN, Abbe', 602. Masson, Paul, -19. Matkovi&' Peter, 20. MAUNDEVILLE, Sir JOHN, 37, 39, 41, 79 -85. MAUNDRELL, HENRY, 37, 444-50. MAURAND, JE'ROME,I148. M~AYER, LUIGI, 827-3I1. MEHEMET Effendi, 489. Meletios Pegas, Patriarch of Alexandria, 223. MELTON, EDWARD, 324. MEMMO, ANDREA, bailo, 474. MENAVINO, GIOVANANTONIO, 676-77. METZGER, JOHANN BALTHASAR, 420. Michaelis, M, 546-47. Michalopoulos, Phanes, 21. MICHELOT, HENRY, 769-70. MINIO, MARCO, 135. MTIRABAL, 437. MIRIKE, HEINRICH, 421. MIRONE, M de, 481. MIRZA ABU TALEB Khan, 646. Molinier, Augustus, ed., 22, 35. MONCONYS, M de, Conseiller du Roy, 2,58. MONTAGUEJOHN, Earl of Sandwich, 522. MONTAGUE, Lady MARY WORTLEY, 477 -78. Monte'mont, Albert, ed., 52. MONTEVILLA, JOHANN, seeMAUNDEVILLE. Moore, Thomas, 7. MORENO, JOSEPH, 603. MORESINI, ANDREA, 689. MORISON, A., 451. Morren, Ed., 187. MORRITT, John B. S., 633. MOftETTE, le Sieur, 372. MOUSKET, PHILIPPE, 38. MtNTZER, WOLFGANG, 190. MUKADDASI, 36. MURADJA D'OHSSON, 63, 776, 777-78. MURTADI, fils du Gaphiphe, 71. M USTAFA BEN ABDALLA, HADSCHI CHALFA, 701. MYLLER, ANGELICUS MARIA, 495. NASR-I-KHUSRAU, 36, 64. NAU, MICHEL, S. J., 416. NEWBERIE, JOHAN, 201. Newton Arthur Percival, ed., 23. NICOLAY, NICOLAS, Daulphinois, i63-70. NIEBUHR, CARSTENS, 548-50. NIEDERSTEDT, BURCHARD, 708. NIKEPHORos KALLISTOS, 848. NIKITIN, ATHANASIUS, ii8. NOE) R P, Franciscan monk, 136-37. NOINTEL, CHARLES MARIE FRAN90IS OLIER, Marquis de, Ambassador of Louis XIV to the Porte, 49, 373-74, 400, 401, 8o5. NOLDMANN, BENJAMIN, 626. NORDEN, FREDERIC LoUIS, 519-21. Norris, Richard, 305. NUCIUS, NICANDER, 150, 151, 152. Oberhummer, Eugen, ed., 797. OCKLEY, SIMON, 453. OHSSON, MURADJA D', see MURADJA D'OHSSON. OLEARIUS, ADAM, 287-88; ed., 298. OLIVIER, G. A., 627-28. Omont, Henri, ed., 8o5. ORBELIANI, SABA SOULKHAN, Georgian monk, 471. ORIGEN, 36. ORLEANS, Pe're d', S. J., 425. ORTELIUS, 803. ORTIZ DE ROZAS, JOSEF SOLANO, 617. Osseville, Comte L. d', ed., 486. OTTER, M, 512. i98 198 ~INDEX OF TRAVELERS AND AUTHORS PACELLI, MICHELANGELO, da Tricarico 623. PACIFICO, Dom PIERO ANTONIO, 736-37, 752, 753, 754, 755. PACIFIQUE, Peore, Capucin, 257. PAiSSIus, Russian abbot, 42. PALERNE, JEAN, 203. Pallis, Alexander A., 285-86. PANCIROLUS, 679. Papadopoulos-Kerameus, ed., 838. PARIS, MATTHEW, 38. PARISOTTI, storiografo degli Argonauti, 819. Parks, George Bruner, 34. PARS, WILLIAM, painter, 552. PATON, JAMES MORTON, 24, 620. PAULA, St., Pilgrim, 35, 36. PEETERS, JACOBUS, 8i6, 821i. PELLOW, THOMAS, 475. PERITSOL, ABRAHAM, 68i. Pemnot, Hubert, ed., 343. PERRY, CHARLES, 523. PETHACHIA, Rabbi, 74. PETIs DE LA CROIX, 375. PEYSSONEL, 59, 538, 540. Peytraud, L., i88. PHILIPPE, CHARLES, 141. PHILIPPUS a SSma. Trinitate, barefoot friar, 261-64. PHOCAS, JOHANNES, 36. PIACENZA, FRANCESCO, 747. PIDou DE ST. OLON, see ST. OLON. PINON, CARLIER de, 202. PIRi RE'is, 655-56. PITTONI, GIOVANNI PIETRO, 738. PITTS, JOSEPH, 446. POCOCKE, RICHARD, 5I3-16. POGGIBONSI, NICCOL6 da, 88. POLO, MARCO and his brothers, NICOL6' and MAFFEO, 38, 41. POLONER, JOHN, pilgrim, 36, 37a. PORCACCHi da Castiglione, THOMASO, 799-800. PORTER, Sir JAMES, 526-27. POSNIAKoY, BASIL, merchant, 42. POSSoT, DENIS, 141. POSTEL, GUILLAUME, 139, 140. POTOCKI, J., 604. Poujade, jean, 25. POULLET, P. A., 318. PROCOPIUS, 36. QUICLET, interpreter, 317. QUINTINUS, JOANNES, 666. RADISCHTCHEW., A. N., 624. RADZIVIL, NICOLAS CHRISTOPHER, 204. RALAMB, CLAS, 320. Raleigh, Walter (Prof.), 26. RAMBERTI, BENEDETTO, 48, 146-47. RANDOLPH, BERNARD, 386-89. RANZO, CARLO, 197. RAUCHWOLFFEN, LEONHART, 39, 196. REIMERS, HEINRICH von, 631. REISSNER, ADAM, 68o. REVETT, NICHOLAS, 552, 557. RIBERA, Don FADRIQUE ENRIQUEs de, 133. Rice, Warner G., 27. RICHARD, FRAN9OIS, S. J., 248. RicOLD US, ordinis praedicatorum, 130. RIEDESEL, Baron de, 559, 56o. Riemann, 0., ed., 101. ROBERTS, adventures of, among pirates, 57. ROBINSON, GEORGE, Quaker, 321. ROCCHETTA, AQUILANTE, 226. ROCHECHOUART, Louis de, IPveque de Saintes, 117. R6HRICHT, REINHOLD, 28-30. ROGER, EuGEINE, 303-04. Rommel, Christopher, ed., 78. RoSACCIO, GiOSEPPE, 8oi. ROSTAGNO, GIOVANNI BATTISTA, 344, 347. ROTHELIN, de, 38. Roux, JOSEPH, 771. RUBRUQUIS, GUILLAUME de, 41, 43, 77. RUPERT, Abbot of Bergen, 39. RUSTICIANUS, of Pisa, 38. RYCAUT, PAUL, secretary to the ambassador to Turkey, 326-36. SABA, ST., 36. SAEWULF, 36, 37, 65. SAGREDO, GIOVANNI, 336. Sahm., W., ed., 194. SAINT GERVAIS, Consul de France 'a Tunis, 517. ST. OLON, PIDOu de, 439-4I. SALABERRY, see IRUMBERRY. SANDERSON, John, 205. SANDRART, JACOB, 817. SANDWICH, Earl of, see MONTAGUE. INDEX OF TRAVELERS AND AUTHORS '99 SANDYS, GEORGE, 2,43-46. SANSON, M, 419. SAN UTO, MARINO, 36. SAVARY, CLAUDE, 578, 584-85. SAVOYE, le he'raut, 109. Schefer, Charles, ed., 64, 75, 107, 113, 120, 131, 141, 236, 395. SCHILTBERGER, JOHANN, 93. SCHMIDT, FELIX, 36, 127. SCHMIDT, NICOLAUS, 241. SCHUSTER, DAVID, 712. SCHWEIGGER, SALOMON, 198-99. SCROFANI, XAVIER, 634. SEBASTIANI, F GIUSEPPE, di Santa Maria, 350. SIMONVILLE, ambassador to the Porte from France, 629. SerVois, J. P., ed., 557. SESTINI, DOMENICO, Abate, 586-88, 591 -92, 595, 596. SEVIN, Abbe', 59. SEYDLITZ, MELCHIOR vofl, 39. SHARP, Capt., 57. SHAW, THOMAS, 496-501. SHIRLEY brothers, ANTHONY, ROBERT and THOMAS, 227. SIDI ALl REIS, 172. Siebern, Fust, tr., 731. SIGOLI, SIMONE, 91. SIGURD, pilgrim, 37. SILVIA, St., see AETHERIA. Simonides, Simon, 223. Sinner, Gabriel Rudolf Ludwig de, ed., 95. SIONITA, GABRIEL, 697. Skeel, Caroline A. J., 31. SMITH, THOMAS, 723-25. SocIVIZCA, Captain, 783. SOLEYMAN Pasha, his expedition against the Portuguese in India, 48. SoLMs, JOHANN, Graf von, 39. SOMER, JAN, of Middelburg, 214-16. SONNINI, C. 5., 579-83. SOPHRONIUS Patriarcha, 36. SOPHRONIUS, Russian monk, 42. SOPHRONIoS Sinaites, 840. SORBIERE, Sieur de, 300. SPILSBURY, F. B., surgeon, 835. SPON, JACOB, 405-Il, 4I3-I5. Sprengel, Kurt, tr., 787. STANSBY, WILLIAM, 684. STEPHANOPOLI, Dimo e NICOL8, 642. STEPHEN of Novgorod, 42. Stewart, Charles, tr., 646. STEWART, Commodore, 490. STOCHOVE, Gentilhomme flamand, 265 -69a. STOCKAR, HANS, I34a. STRUYS, J. J., 357-58. STUART, JAMES, 620. STURTZENBECKER, A. F., 6o5. S UCHEM, L UDOLF von, 36, 39, 43. SURIUs, BERNARDIN, 302. SUTHERLAND, Captain, 618-i9. TACHARD, Guy, S. J., 427-28, 430-31. TAFERNER, PAULUS, S. J., 339-40. TAFUR, PERO, 110-12. TAHMAs KoULi-KHAN, 512. Tardieu, engraver, 579. TAVERNIER, JEAN BAPTISTE, 270-82. TEBALDI, Dom PIO, 739. Templeman, Peter, ed., 520. TEONGE, HENRY, chaplain, 412. THENAUD, JEAN, 131. THEODERICH, pilgrim, 36. THEODOSIUS, pilgrim, 35, 36. THEOPHANES, chronicle Of, 36. THETMAR, 40, 76. THEVENOT, JEAN, 309-I5. THEVET, ANDR1t, 189. THOMPSON, CHARLES, 506-07. Tobler, Titus, ed., 32, 35, 37a. TOLLOT, Sieur, 509. TORKINGTON, Sir RICHARD, 132. TOTT, Baron de, 534-38. ToURNEFORT, PITTON de, 458-62. TREVISAN, DOMENico, embassy of, to Egypt, 13. TROILO, FRANTz FERDINAND von, 351. TUCHER, JOHANN, 39. TtYRCKENFEIND, SIEGREICH (pseud.), 758. TULLY, RICHARD, 612. TURPETIN, F. M., 476. TYRON., RICHARD, 575. VALLE, PIETRO della, see DELLA VALLE. Vambe'ry, A., ed., 172. Vandal., Albert, ed., 373, 502. VAN DUSEN,- CLAES., pilgrim, 46. VAN EGMONT, AEGIDIUS, 539. VAN KINSBERGEN, 787. VANSLEB., R P, 398-99. VAN WOENSEL, P., 6o6. 200 200 ~INDEX OF TRAVELERS AND AUTHORS Vattier, Pierre, tr., 71. VERusio, GIOVANNI DOMENICO, 342. Viertel, A., ed., i86. VILLA, GHIRON FRANCESCO, 344-48. VILLAMONT, Seigneur de, 2I0-13. VILLENEUVE, Marquis de, 502. VIRMONDT, DAMIAN HUGO, Ambassador of Charles VI at Passarowitz, 483-84. VITRY, JACQUES de, 36. VOISINS, PHILIPPE de, 124. VOLNEY, C. F., 6oo-oi, 6ii. Walckenaer, C. A., 6i. WEBBE, EDWARD, Chief master gunner, I92a. WERLI VON ZIMBERN, JOHANN, 39. WEY,WILLIAM, fellow of Eton, I15-16. WHELER, GEORGE, 405-09, 4I3-15. Wicquefort, Sieur A. de, tr., 298. WILDEN, JOHANN, 239. WILLIBALD, St., pilgrim 35, 36, 37, 37a. WINCHELSEA, Earl of, see FINCH, HENEAGE. WINDUS, JOHN, 490. WITTMAN, WILLIAM, 647-48. WOOD, Capt., 57. WooD, Capt. MARK, 589. WORMBSER, JACOB, 39. WRATISLAW VON MILROWITZ, WENCESLAS, 220-2I. Wright, Thomas, ed., 37. WYNNE, JUSTINE, Comtesse des Ursins et Rosenberg, 780-82. ZACHARIANES, 849. ZEEBOUT, AMBROISE, 121. ZENO, CATERIN, 119. Ziebarth, Eric, 104. ZoSIMUs, Deacon, 42. ZUALLARDO, GIOVANNI, 206-08. ZWINNER, ELECTUS, 709. GENERAL INDEX Names of larger geographical areas are in capitals. In each case, see also under names of individual places in these divisions. Abbas, Shah of Persia, 249. Aboukir, 627. Abydos, 474. ABYSSINIA, 121, I26, 239, 623, 626, 720, 726. Acre (St. Jean d'Acre), 476, 532; pilgrimages to, 38. ACROPOLIS of Athens, 636, 805, 824. Adrianople, IIO, 283, 339-40, 343, 452, 513, 823. Aegina, 522, 554. Afghanistan, I72. Afium-Karahissar, 513. Aintab, 525. Aisaluk, see Ephesus. Alabanda, 513. ALBANIA, 283, 8o6d. Alcazar, Morocco, 482. Aleppo, 205, 26I, 360, 373, 444-50, 494, 524, 539, 575, 576, 588, 596, 607, 627. Alexandretta (Scanderoon), 230, 316, 360, 524, 539. Alexandria, 56, 97, IIO, I94, 202, 205, 244, 247a, 393, 509, 522, 532, 549, 589, 596, 627, 647. Alexandria Troas, 552. Algiers (Arger), 240, 301, 305, 351, 404, 457, 485, 493, 496, 509, 698-99, 726, 762. Ali Bey of Egypt, 578, 6II. Amasia, 173, 595. ANATOLIA (Natolia), see Turkey, or Asia Minor. Anchesmus, Mt., see Lykabettos. Andritsaina, 633. Angora (Ankara, Ancyra), 513, 588, 592. Ani, 94. Antioch, 525, 539, 607. Antiparos, 522; grotto of, 374. ARABIA, 58, I2I, I53, I9I, I96, 200, 203, 309, 337, 45I, 468, 506, 546-49, 576, 607, 697. Arabia Petraea, 203, 496-50I. Arabs, customs of, I39, 598, 6i2, 697, 721. ARCHIPELAGO, 57, 95, 96, I94, 203, 214 -i6, 241, 265, 309, 350, 373, 389, 395, 400, 45I, 458, 539, 559, 56i, 585, 607, 625, 640, 654, 657, 734, 739, 745, 747, 748, 749, 767-68, 769,784-85,787, 800, 80o, 817, 818, 8I9, 823. Argentiera, see Kimolos. Argonauts, Society of the, 8I9, 820, 822. ARMENIA, 58, I96, 244, 26I, 283, 375, 416, 432, 458-62, 464. Armenians, customs of 717. Arta, 97. Arzinjan, 94. ASIA, 153; central, I72. ASIA MINOR, 31, I47a, I7I, 283,308,402, 4I3, 45I, 458-62, 464-65, 472, 5Io, 539, 552, 585, 592, 607, 647-48. Assyria, 121, 196. Astrakhan, 283, 358. ATHENS, 49, 50, I94, 343, 364-66, 373, 387, 403, 4IO-II, 413, 451, 513, 522, 554, 559, 560, 602, 620, 621, 627, 633, 636, 756, 805, 824; Capuchin plans of, 49; siege of 49. ATHOS, Mt. (Agion Oros), 42, 5I3, 727, 748, 849, 853-54. ATTICA, 401, 403, 4I3. Austria, 283, 353. Baalbek, 433, 539, 6oo. Babylon, 38, 58, 213, 26i. BABYLONIA, I96. Bagdad, 576, 595, 596, 627; siege of, 309. Balearic Islands, 770. Balkan Peninsula, 70I: travelers in, 20. Baltic, southern shores of, I05. BARBARY COAST, 58, 121, 24I, 242, 308, 412, 45I, 457, 465-66, 482, 496-501, 599, 698-99, 726. Barefoot friars, 261-64, 350, 504 5II, 525. 201 202 202 ~~~GENERAL INDEX Bassae, 554. Bassorah, 201, 576, 595, 596. Bedouins, customs Of, 337-38. Beer, town on the Euphrates, 444, 525. Beirut, 97, 627. Belgrade, 56i. Bethlehem, 56, I92a, 202, 360, 385, 532, 539, 575, 647, 839, 855. BITHYNIA, 232. Black Sea, 232-34, 377, 458-62, 592, 649. BOEOTIA, 403, 413. Bonaparte in Egypt, 643-44, 645. Bordeaux, pilgrimage from, 35. BosNIA, 289, 70I1. Bosporos, 649. Bra9, Dalmatia, 566. Branchidae, 552. Brussa, 110, 194, 283, 513, 530, 586-88, 592, 630, 633, 640, 649. Bucharest, 588. BULGARIA, 247a, 283, 353, 827. Burnabashi, 640. Butrinto (Buthrotum), 593. Buyukdere, 647. Byron, Lord, 4. Cairo, 56, 110, 202, 213, 239, 242, 2,44, 289, 393, 445, 491, 522, 532, 539, 5-49, 589, 627, 645, 647. Calicut, 48. Cana of Galilee, 532. Canaan, 232-34. Candia (Herakleion), 627, 822; siege of, 344, 364 —66. See also CRETE. Canea, 627, 822. CAPPADOCIA, 247a. Captives, 130, I92a, 222, 239, 259, 296, 301, 305, 351, 361, 372, 453, 457, 467, 474, 475, 482, 485, 493, 5o8, 599, 667 -74, 698-99. Capucins in Athens, 49; in the Levant and in Persia, 257; in Babylon, 454. Caramania, 465, 828. Carinthia, 353. Carmel, Mt., 539. Carniola, 353. Carthage, 6,2o, 828. Caspian Sea, 627. Casteirosso (Castellorizo), 584, 647. Cataracts of the Nile, 454. Catherine, St., monastery at Mt. Sinai, 539, 549, 840, 841. Caucasus, 63, 283. Cavalla, 343. Cefalonia (Kephallenia), 213, 513, 593, 689, 8oo. Cerigo (Kythera), 343, 387, 593, 637-38, 8oo. Cerigotto (Antikythera), 593. Cettina river, Dalmatia, 566-67. Chalcedon, 513. Chaldaea, 121. Chalkis, Euboea, 602. Chanak, see Dardanelles. Chamaki, 58. Chateauneuf, Ambassadeur de France, 435. Chemali, 552. Cherso, island in Adriatic, 565. China, 79-85, 90, 298; king of, 690, 692 -93. Chios, 51, 57, 97, 110, 194, 238, 254, 343, 402, 513, 522, 539, 552, 56o, 581, 602, 607, 627, 633, 636, 640, 647, 745, 750 -51, 753. Chronicon Paschale, 36. CILICIA, 232-34, 247a. Circassia, 442-43. Claros, 552. Clazomenae (Vourla), 552. Coffee, 468-69. Colchis, 377. Colossae, 513. Colossus, see Sphinx. Commerce, Italian, Of 14th Cent., 90. Congo, the, 298. Constantinople, 42, 43, 48, 49, 58, 94, 97, 105, 110, 135, 148, 149, 171, 173-88, 189, 190, 194, 197, 198, 202, 203, 205, 218-19, 220-21, 231, 237, 238, 239, 241, 242, 244, 247a, 254, 258, 265, 270, 283, 308,309,317,319,320,325,339-41,343, 356, 368, 369, 371, 393, 395, 397, 413, 417, 421, 452, 458-62, 48I, 486, 502, 505, 5o8, 509, 513, 522, 523, 529, 539, 549, 551, 559, 56o, 56i, 588, 592, 595, 596,603,607, 6ii, 6I4-i6,6I7, 618-19, 620, 621, 625, 627, 629, 630, 631, 632, 633, 639, 640, 647, 649, 654, 657, 678 -79, 700, 723-25, 733, 738, 748, 749, 759, 774, 775, 797, 798, 823, 834. Corfu (Kerkyra), 110, 202, 242, 593, 636, 654, 657, 8oo. Corinth, 343, 413, 513, 554, 627, 636, 828. GENERAL INDEX20 203 Corone, 637-39. Corsairs, see Pirates. Corsica, 265, 770. Cos, 522, 532, 58i. CRETE (Candia), 59, 110, 121, 213, 214 -i6, 228-30, 242, 244, 283, 3i6, 389,513, 58i, 584, 633, 654, 657, 685, 686, 745, 747, Soo, 802-03; war in (1665-68), 344-47. Crimea, 283, 537, 56i, 6o6, 614-i6, 632, 635. Croatia, 283. Crusade, first, 39. Cyclades, see Archipelago. CYPRUS, 97, 109, 110, 114, 121, 194, 202, 213, 214-i6, 239, 242, 244, 402, 510, 513, 522, 524, 539, 542-45, 58i, 654, 657, 745, 747, Soo, 822, 828. Cythera, see Cerigo. CYzicus, 586-87. Daghestan, 283. DALMATIA, 129, 242, 2,83, 289, 344, 405, 413, 566-69, 597, 654, 657, 833. Damascus, 190, I92a, 202, 213, 217, 232-34, 239, 494, 539. Damghan, 94. Damietta, 532, 539. Danube River, 194. Daou Penteli monastery, 627. Dardanelles (Hellespont), 620, 636, 639. Castles Of, 732, 738, 764. (Chanak village), 421, 552, 602, 627, 640, 647. Darien, Isthmus Of, 57. Dead Sea, 306, 360, 539. Deir, Nubia, 519. Delos, 522, 524, 56o, 58i, 745. Delphi, 554, 6o5. Demosthenes, Lantern of, in Athens, 522. Diarbekir, 588, 595. Dilettanti, Society Of, 552-58. Dion Cassius, 36. Distomo, 554. Dobrudja, 283. Dochiariou, monastery on Mt. Athos, 852. Druses, 303, 539, 721. 131, 153, 191, I92a, 200, 203, 214-16, 239, 240, 241, 244, 247a, 252, 258, 266, 283, 289, 297, 308, 309, 310, 324, 351, 396, 398-99, 402, 438, 451, 454, 464, 465, 472, 487-88, 503, 5o6, 5I3, 5I8, 519, 523, 539, 546, 570, 576, 578, 579-80, 6oo, 604, 627-28, 643-45, 647 -48, 713, 825, 829, 832. Egyptians, customs of, 825. Eleusis, 522, 554, 627, 636. Embassy to Turkey, Russian, 631, 632. Ephesus, 452, 513, 539, 552, 592, 633, 640. Epidaurus, 554. EPIRUS, 97. Erechtheum, 522. Eregli (Heraclea), 640. Erivan, 58. Erzerum, 58, 94, 283. Eskihissar, 513, 552. Ethiopia, see Abyssinia. EUBOEA (Negroponte), 194, 403, 451, 744, 745, 752, 8o6-I5, 820. Euphrates river, 310, 373, 444, 525, 627. Famagusta, 254, 532, 596. Fayum, the, 465, 473. Fess and Suss, King Of, 296. Fez, 259, 362, 372, 453, 475, 541, 716. Friuli, 353. Galilee, 38, I92a, 232-34, 359. Gallipoli, 97, 238, 452, 513, 522. Gaza, 647. GEORGIA, 458-62, 471. Germany, 352. Gibraltar, 620. Gilboa, Mt., 575. Goa, India, 261. GREECE, 12, 153, 162, I92a, 200, 203, 210-I3, 240, 244, 265, 283, 395, 413, 437, 442-43, 464-66, 487, 523, 529-3I, 563, 57I-74, 58i-83, 634, 642, 654, 657, 70I, 746, 747, 8oi, 817, 821, 825. Travelers to, i8, 24, 27, 405. Hadrian, arch of, Athens, 522. Hamadan (Ecbatana), 627. Heliopolis, Egypt, 52,8, 539. Hermon, Mt., 575. Hierapolis, 5I3. Hilla, Iraq, 596. Earthquakes in Santorin, 248. East, English interest in, 7. Easter customs in Jerusalem, 306. Edessa, see Urfa. EGYPT, 39, 62, 79-85, 89, 90, 121, 126, 204 GENERAL INDEX Holy Land, see Palestine. Homer's grave, on Ios, 767-68. Horeb, Mt., 575. Hungary, 247a, 283, 289, 353, 591, 625. Hydra, 637-38. Hymettus, Mt., ascent of, 627, 636; Lion of, 627. Iezidi, customs of, 72I. Ikaria, 727. INDIA, 48, 79-85, I2I, I72, 250-53, 298, 3II, 546; British routes to, 12; routes to, 25. Indies, East, II8, 276, 287, 298, 314, 324, 357, 377, 390, 463. Indies, West, 324. Inquisition, Spanish, 242. Inscriptions: 405; in Cyriacus of Ancona, IoI, I04; in Georgius Dousa, 223. IONIAN ISLANDS, 593, 602, 633. los (Nios), 627, 767-68. IRAK, 283. Ireland, 393. ISLANDS, 795-96, 799-800, 824. Ismit, see Nicomedia. Isnik, see Nicaea. Ispahan, 58, 26I, 377, 384, 627. Istria, 597, 833. Italy, IIo, 126, 247a, 405, 435, 437, 442 -43, 476, 506, 570, 625. ITHACA (Thiaki), 593, 636. Jaffa (Joppa), 254, 360, 533, 647. James, St., of Compostella, 115. Japan, 298. Jericho, 56, 232-34, 360, 839. Jerusalem, 35, 36, 37a, 38, 42, 56, 6I, 79-85, 92, o18, 115, 117, 120, 123, 124, I25, I27, I32, I33, I34, I34a, I36, I90, I92a, 198, 202, 204, 205, 206-08, 209, 2IO-I3,224, 232-34, 235,237, 239,242, 244, 247a, 254, 302, 306, 321, 351, 360, 385, 393, 421, 444-50, 451, 465, 476, 480, 495, 506, 510, 532, 533, 539, 575, 6II, 647, 650, 680, 683, 838, 839, 842 -44,845, 855, 859, 862: buildings of, 36; churches of, 36. Jesuit missionaries, 58,427-31; in Santorin, 248; in Siam, 429; in Syria, 322. Jews, customs of, 130, 72I. Jiddah, Arabia, 549. John the Forerunner, St., monastery in Serres, 858. Jordan river, 56, 306, 360, 575. Judaea, see Palestine. Junes, Prince, a Maronite, 433. Kaffa, 56I. Kaisariani monastery, 627. Karahissar, 627. Kara Mustafa, Grand Vizir, 738. Karpathos (Scarpanto), 800. Kasos, 584. Kephalari, spring at Kifissia, 627. Kerkyra, see Corfu. Khoi, 94. Kilianova, 56I. Kimolos (Argentiera), 58I, 620, 627. Kirmanshah, 627. Konigsmark, Countess, 49. Konia (Iconium), 607. Kor~ula, Dalmatia, 800. Krim Tartary, 442-43, 561, 788-9I. Krk, Dalmatia, 566. Kurdistan, 283, 375. Kurds, customs of, 72I. Kutahia, 627. Kykkos, Cyprus, monastery at, 846-47. Labranda, 552. Labyrinth of Crete, 585; of Egypt, 472. Lacedaemon, 367. Lampsacus, 513. Lantern of Diogenes, see Lysicrates, Monument of. Laodicaea ad Lycum, 552. Larissa, Thessaly, 513, 633. Larnaca, 524, 532, 596, 627. Latakia (Laodicaea), 524, 576-77, 588, 596, 627. LEBANON, 202, 228-30, 260, 316, 433, 518, 539, 570, 575. Lemnos, 513, 745. Lepanto, battle of, 800. Lesbos, see Mytilene. Levant, see Near East. Levant Company, 788. Levkas (Santa Maura), 593, 735. Levkosia, see Nicosia. Limassol, 524, 647. Louis, St., King of France, 578. Lovrich, Giovanni, 567. Lukas, Hosios, monastery, 554. GENERAL INDEX 205 Lykabettos (Anchesmus), Mt., 636. Lysicrates, Monument of, 636. MACEDONIA, 289, 353, 465. Madras (Fort St. George), 589. Magellan, Straits of, 57. Magnesia ad Maeandrum, 5I3. Magnesia ad Sipylum, 452, 532, 539, 552. Mahomet IV, Sultan, 367. Maina, 59, 633, 642. MALTA, 237, 242, 244, 26I, 32I, 343, 420, 435, 522, 549, 564, 602, 620, 666, 708, 786, 794. Marathon, 554, 627. Marmora Islands, 513. Marmora, Sea of (Propontis), 649, 764. Maronites, 228-30, 316, 433, 494, 539, 697. Mathurins, Ordre de la Sainte Trinite, 485, 49I, 493. Mecca, 86, 239, 284, 309. Media, I2I. Medina, 239, 283, 363. Mediterranean Sea, 655, 766, 769-70, 771. Megara, 522. Megaspelaion monastery, 851. Melos, 522, 529, 532, 584, 627. Memphis, Egypt, 528, 627, 647. Mequinez, Morocco, 475, 482, 490; Roman ruins near, 482. Merdin, 627. Meribah, rock, 575. Meshed, 94. MESOPOTAMIA, 196, 232-34, 310, 416, 444, 513, 518; see also Irak. Messina, 97, 513, 539. Miletus, 97, 552, 640. Mocha, 468, 549. Modon, IIo. Moguls in India, 3II. Mohammedans, customs of, 139, I42, 244, 265, 326-36, 367, 446, 505, 7I9 Moldavia, 283, 432, 622. Moloch, 575. Monemvasia (Napoli diMalvasia), 637-39. MONTENEGRO, 283. Moors, customs of, 475, 612; see also, Captives. MOREA (PELOPONNESOS), 210-I3,386-88, 420, 45I, 479, 654, 657, 734, 736-37, 738, 740, 747, 754, 755, 765, 800, 806 -15, 8i6, 817, 8i8, 821, 826. Morlaks, 566-69, 780-83. MOROCCO, 259, 362,372,439-41, 453, 467, 475, 493, 541, 716, 726. Emperor of, 296. Morosini, despatches of, 49. Moscow, 624. Mosul, 595, 627. Mummies, 309. Mycenae, 554, 663. Mykonos, 522, 560, 581, 620. Mylasa, 513, 552. Mytilene (Lesbos), 94, 254, 343, 513, 539, 560, 581, 633, 640. Napoleon, see Bonaparte. Napoli di Malvasia, see Monemvasia. Napoli di Romania, see Nauplia. NATOLIA, see ASIA MINOR. Nauplia (Napoli di Romania), I94, 654. Navarino, 238, 637-39. Navigation, Persian, 9. Naxos, 560, 58I, 627. Nazareth, 306, 385, 539, 839. NEAR EAST, 17, 27, 86, IIO, I93, 205, 214-I6, 265,309,318,344-47,405,454, 496, 509, 523, 532, 540, 563, 6oo-oI, 654, 657; English interest in, 4, 5, 6. Negroponte, see Euboea. Nemea, 554. Nicaea (Isnik), I94, 513, 586-87, 627. Nicomedia (Ismit), 194, 283, 513, 595. Nicosia, 228-30, 316, 524, 627; siege of, 545. Nikaria, see Ikaria. Nile, 90, 239, 244, 454, 7I3, 720. Nios, see los. Nishapur, 94. Nisibis, 627. Nubia, I26. Olivet, Mt., 575. Olympia, 554, 633. Olympieion, Athens, 522. Olympus, Mt., Bithynia, 513, 592, 640. Olympus, Mt., Thessaly, 748. Oran, 482. Orders, religious, for the redemption of captives, 467, 485, 599. Orfa, see Urfa. Ormus, 201. Osero, island in Adriatic, 565. Oxus river, 94. 2o6 GENERAL INDEX Palermo, 97, 620. PALESTINE, 37a, 38, 39,42,44, 46, 62, 65, 66, 75, 76, 89, 90, o08, IIo, II4, I2I, 126, I28, 131, 141, 89, I9I, I92a, I96, 200, 201, 203, 206-08, 2I0-I3, 226, 232-34, 237, 240, 242, 244, 247, 247a, 254, 261, 266, 297, 303, 308, 309, 322 -23,337-38,342, 363,373,396, 402,412, 416, 421, 434, 451, 471, 476, 480, 487 -88, 504, 506, 509, 510, 513, 518, 523, 532, 539, 546, 570, 575, 682, 687-88, 702-03, 707, 709, 8oi, 82I, 827, 832, 835, 836, 837, 842-44, 845, 855, 860; bibliography of, 28, 32; description of, 36, 7I8; pilgrims to, 3, i6, 22, 29, 35, 38, 39, 46. Palestine Pilgrims Text Society, 36. Palmyra, 600. Pardons, 38. Parga, 593, 627. Paros, 522, 560, 745. Parthenon, 522, 805. Passarowitz, 483. Patmos, 254, 513, 58I, 727, 745. Patras, 513, 554, 627, 636. Patriarchate, at Antioch, 38; at Jerusalem, 38. Paul V, Pope, 248. Paxos, 593. Peloponnesos, see MOREA. Penteli quarries and monastery, 554, 627. Pera, 647. Pergamum, 640. Persepolis, 384, 463. PERSIA, 43, 47, 48, 58, 64, 79-85, II9, 121, 72, 201,227,236,250-53,261,276, 283, 287, 310, 314, 324, 349, 357, 375, 377, 416, 419, 432, 458-62, 463, 464, 5II, 5I2, 546, 627-28, 695, 821; Capucins in, 257. Persians, customs of, 139, 598, 695, 717. Phigalea, see Bassae. Philadelphia, 552. Philopappos, monument of, 522. PHOENICIA, 45I, 832. Phylae, Attica, 513. Pilgrimages to Palestine, see Palestine; see also, Proskynetaria. Piraeus, 522, 627; lion of, 49. Pirates, 57, 351, 698; see also, Captives. Pisidia, 232-34. Pontus, 283. Poros, 554. Portolans, 53, 654, 655, 656, 657, 766, 769-70, 77I. Portuguese in India, 48. Prester John, land of (Abyssinia), 123, I92a, 309, 626, 726. Prevesa, 593, 735. Priene, 552. Princes' Islands, 513. Procopius on the buildings of Jerusalem, 36. Propontis, see Marmora, Sea of. Propylaea, 522. Proskynetaria, 836-58. Psara, 5I3. Pyramids, of Ghizeh, 244, 309, 522, 539, 647, 713; see also, Sakkara. Quakers, persecution of, 32I. Ragusa (Dubrovnik), 97, IIo, 238. Ramah, 360, 476, 539. Red Sea, 90, 232-34, 239, 468, 546, 576. Religions in Palestine, 302, 303. Retimo (Rethymnon), 822. Rhenaea, 522. Rhodes, 94, 97, IIo, 114, I2I, I94, 202, 214-I6, 239, 244, 254, 289, 389, 532, 58I, 584, 647, 654, 657, 745, 800, 8I9, 828. Richard Coeur de Lion, 75. Rodosto, 343. Rosetta, 522, 539, 549. Roumelia (Roumania), 283, 827. RUSSIA, I92a, 227, 283, 287, 357, 432, 463, 606. Rustchuk, 592. Saba, St., 36. St. Petersburg, 624. Sais, Egypt, 473. Sakkara, 522. Saladin, life of, 36. Salamis, 522. Sallee, Morocco, 259, 296. Sallee rovers, 475, 699. Salonica, 283, 343, 513, 58i, 620, 633, 806-08, 8io, 812-13. Salt, Valley of, 575. Samaria, 232-34. Samarkand, 94. Samos, 97,513,560, 633,640,727-28,745. GENERAL INDEX 0 207 Santa Maura,' see Levkas. Shantorin (Thera), 248, 58i, 627. Saracens, 43. Sardinia, 265. Sardis, 452, 539, 552, 592, 607. Scanderbeg (Georgios Castriotes), 66i. Scanderoon, see Alexandretta. Scarpanto, see Karpathos. Scio, see Chios. Sebenico, 566. Seleucia Piereia, 525. Sepulchre, Holy, 190, 198, 226, 239, 244, 510, 862. Seraglio, Constantinople, 254, 270, 371, 388, 397, 505, 690, 700, 705-06, 714, 719, 738, 772-73, 775. Serres, 343. Serbia, 247a, 353. Seven Churches of Asia, 724-25. Ships, 25. Siam, 298, 422-3I. SIcILY, 244, 247a, 2,65, 420, 564, 770; conquest of by Arabs, 559. Sidon, 359, 476, 532, 539, 627. Sigeum, 552. Simeon Stylites, St., church Of, 525, 539. Sinai, Mt., 39, 91, 110, 127, 131, 136, 154, 202, 235, 239, 351, 445, 451, 491, 539, 549, 575, 840, 841, 856. Sitia, 822. Sivas, 595. Slaves, see Captives. Slavonia, 121, 210-13, 289. Smyrna,:254, 343, 389, 452, 513, 522, 524, 529, 532, 539, 552, 554-56, 56i, 592, 602, 607, 6ii, 620, 640. Societe' de l'Orient latin, 38, 42, 65o. So~ivizca, Dalmatian bandit, 567, 783. Sodom, lake of, 56, 575. Solomon, temple Of, 239, 244. Sophi of Persia, the, 48, 162,. South Seas expedition, 57. Spalato, 566. Speyer, siege Of, 435. Sphinx of Gizeh, 244. Spices, quest for, 14. Stadium, Athens, 522. Stavros on Marathon-Sunium road, ancient column at, 6:27. Strabo, Cyriacus of Ancona on, 102. Strophades islands, 387, 593. Styria, 353. Sudan, 86. Suez, 539, 549, 589. Suleiman II., the Magnificent, 173-88. Suleiman III, Shah of Persia, 376. Sultanieh, 94. Sunium, 5.22, 554, 636. Sur (Tyre), 38, 539, 6:27. Surat, 59. Syme, 584. Sy-ra, 56o, 636. SYRIA, 36, 38, 126, 191, 196, 200, 203, 2I0-I3, 224, 232-34, 247a, 258, 260, 26i,2?83, 3o8, 3I0,322-23,342,375,402, 412, 416, 433, 451, 472, 494, 496-50I, 513, 5I8, 523, 539, 542-45, 6oo, 607, 827, 832, 835; bibliography of, 19. Tabor, Mt., 306. Tabriz, 58, 94. Talent, of Babyl'on, 744; of Euboea 744. Tamerlane, embassy to, 94. Tana, a district on the Don (Tanais), 47,48. Tangier, 404. Tartars, customs of, 139, 534-39. Tartary, 43, 121, 287, 357, 432, 44:2-43, 56i. Taurus Mts., Cilicia, 607. Teheran, 627. Tenedos, 552, 56o, 636, 640. Teos, 552, 640. Thasos, in Cyriacus of Ancona, 103. Theater of Dionysos, Athens, 522. Thebais, deserts Of, 576. Thebes (Boeotia), 513. Theseum, Athens, 522, 636. THESSALY, 289, 353. THRAcE, 232-34, 247a, 289, 451. Thyatira, 539, 592. Tiberias, 539. Tides, in Mediterranean, 305. Tigris river, 310, 576. Tinos, 56o, 58i, 636. Tiryns, 554. Tokat, 595. Tower of the Winds, 636. Tralles, 513, 552. Transylvania, 283, 591. Trau, 566. Travelers, bibliography of, i, 8; English, 5, 6, 13, 27, 33, 54, 56, 132,; French, I, 15, i8; German, 1O, 29; Greek, 21; in the Middle Ages,:23, 2-4. 2o8 208 ~~~GENERAL INDEX Travels, utility of, 2,. Trebizond, 58, 94, II0. Tripoli, Africa, 457, 509, 6i12, 620, 699, 828. Tripoli, Syria, 202., 2:28-30, 316, 360, 524, 539. Tripolis (Tripolitza), Arcadia, 633. Troad, the, 6o8-io, 627, 633, 640. Troezen, 554. Troy, 94, 110, 194, 232, 513, 636. Tunis, 194, 240, 297, 361, 457, 465, 485, 496-50I, 509, 517, 620, 698-99. Turcomans, customs Of, 721. TURKEY, 58, 79-85, 121I, 126, 145, 146, 163,I173, 201, 203, 210-13, 24-i6,227, 238, 244, 250-53, 254-56, 265, 276,314, 324, 32.6-36, 368, 396, 397, 432, 435, 44.2-43, 464, 472, 5o6, 512, 58i, 604, 6o6, 6I7, 627-28, 631, 647-48, 704,710, 711, 712, 722, 729-30, 733, 738, 741-43, 757, 758, 760, 763, 772-73, 776, 777 -78, 779, 788-92, 8i6, 827-3I; diseases prevalent in, 647. Turks, customs Of, 130, 139, 175, 198, 239, 275, 316, 326-36, 397, 418, 477, 480, 483-84, 505, 523, 526-27, 534-38, 551, 598, 612, 65i, 652, 653, 658-65, 667-74, 675, 676-77, 68i, 684, 690-93, 694, 714, 715, 719, 72I-22, 723, 724, 725, 729-30, 731, 738, 757, 761, 772-73, 775, 778-93, 825. Urfa (Orfa, Edessa), 627. Valachia, 59I, 622, 783, 827. Valona, 2,02. Varna, 592, 647. Venice, possessions of, in the Levant, 593-94. Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem, 688. Volcanoes in Asia Minor, 588. Vonitza, 593. Vostitza (Aigion), 636. Voyages, English, 2,6, 27; of discovery, II. War, Russo-Turkish (I787-1792), 6i8 -19, 779. Waters, mineral, 394. Wren, Sir Christopher, presentation to, 377. Yemen, 468. Zaga Christ, Prince of Ethiopia, 303. Zante (Zakynthos), 202, 387, 413, 524, 636, 637-38, Soo. Zara, 566. Zea (Ceos), 56o, 620. Zeitouni, 513. Zoodochos Pigi, church in Constantinople, 848, 85o, 857. Zur (Tyre), see Sur. t? 4 I THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN GRADUATE LIBRARY DATE DUE zs~~ V- P 7' 0-SS r ODc~~s-~ CO~~ii~r%-U II.~ '4~ ei *s Bi g ~i-i i tBe~IE:- ht;X, — -;-ar;r;~.-~ ~:".a:." 4~ ii gz" Ilr. —~ln"~ :~1:9:9" sF,.,, U r6sr iB :~i: pJ: s:~,,, ,-, " - ii.: ~~8a L -x " e":-"-i — Ii :":I i~-~:~-s:uid ~i 9-0 ~fis-1BX 1~1:.1:Ioxaii g -~ I~~s*:~:s-g~i 1,: s'f:: 1 I,, n2- c mi "~; ~ s -1~;;~1.:5;;_6:~= i ~i\;;* i ~; s bb.; at:181 :~~a I "'B :cs e Mk -~ a