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The period was one of intense political activity and feeling in that city, and the development of republican sentiment, ending in the overthrow of Queen Liliuokalani, interested me greatly. The people of Honolulu, of all classes and nationalities, are hospitable, social, and communicative, to a greater degree than those of any other country I have ever visited. Within a few weeks after my arrival I was upon terms of more or less friendly intimacy with nearly all of the leading men of all parties. I was more particularly brought into personal contact with leading royalists, they frequently discussing their plans and projects, without reserve, in my presence. The evident transition state of the country, and the great importance, both from a commercial and a military standpoint, of Hawaii to the United States, caused me to study the people and the situation, as well as the past history of the country, most diligently, and to keep full current notes of the results of my observations and studies. Upon my return to the United States in the fall of 1893, I wrote out these notes. About this time the report of Commissioner Blount stating that the Hawaiian monarchy had vii viii Preface. been overthrown through the agency of the American Minister and the Boston, the letter of Secretary Gresham to President Cleveland recommending the restoration of ex-Queen Liliuokalani, and the attempts of the President to carry such recommendation into execution, became public. Knowing of my own knowledge that much of the evidence upon which Mr. Blount based his report was utterly false and unreliable; that his conclusions were, if anything, more misleading than his evidence, and that a deadly wrong had been and was being done to the diplomatic and naval officers of the United States who were in Honolulu at the time of the revolution, I desired to immediately publish nmy manuscript, and in compliance with the regulations of the Navy Department, submitted it to the Honorable Secretary of the Navy for his inspection, and requested permission to have it printed. No reply was made to my request for two months, when I was forbidden to publish it. Since the late change of administration I have revisited Hawaii, brought my statements up to date in some respects, and obtained the permission of Secretary Long to publish my manuscript. I am aware that, in some respects, this is a contribution to by-gone history, and that popular interest in the subject-matter does not exist to the degree that it did when it was fresh in the public mind, but the rank injustice done to Minister Stevens and Captain Wiltse, the Commander of the Boston, both of whom are now dead, and their Preface. ix associates, and the wicked and malicious misrepresentation and criticism to which they have been subjected, have impelled me, as a duty to the living and the dead and to historical accuracy, as well as in defense of American good faith and the fair name of the Republic, to put on record the facts, which I know to be true from my personal observation and investigation. LUCIEN YOUNG. WASHINGTON, D. C., May 8, 1898. I CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. Early History of the Hawaiian Islands and the Reign of Kalakaua,. CHAPTER II. The Reign of Liliuokalani,.. CHAPTER III. Honolulu, the Capital of Hawaii, CHAPTER IVHow the Time was employed in Honolulu, CHAPTER V. Population, and Description of the People, CHAPTER VI. Native Games and Sports,.. CHAPTER VII. The Hawaiian Religion.... CHAPTER VIII. Resources, Past and Present,.... CHAPTER IX. Land Tenure,.... PAGE I 20 36 50 68 100. II4. 132 CHAPTER X. Trip to the Other Islands and the Volcano, xi I45 xii Contents. CHAPTER XI. PAGE The Revolutionary Act of the Queen... i60 CHAPTER XII. The Landing of the Boston's Troops,.. 177 CHAPTER XIII. Establishment of the Provisional Government,.. 194 CHAPTER XIV. Temporary American Protectorate,.. 2o8 CHAPTER XV. Foreign Interference and Treaties,. 225 CHAPTER XVI. Ex-parte Investigation by United States Commissioner,...... 241 CHAPTER XVII. Efforts to Restore the Ex-Queen, and Establishment of the Hawaiian Republic,. 260 CHAPTER XVIII. The Strategic Value of Hawaii,.... 284 CHAPTER XIX. The Hawaiian Islands become an American Possession,....... 297 APPENDIX,........307 A. Land-B. Coffee-C, Sugar-D. Population and Area-E. Schools-F. Climatic Conditions-G. Exports and Imports-H. Strategical Position-I. Cost of Living, Transportation, etc. -J. Freight, Passenger and Postage Rates. LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Raising the American Flag on Annexation Day, August 12, 1898,. Frontispiece Hawaiian Products: Cocoanut Trees and Fruit, Mangoes and Breadfruit,... Facing page 2 Map of Hawaiian Islands,.. i 4 Liliuokalani,.... 20 Native Riding Costume,, 38 Nuuanu Avenue-Honolulu,. 40 The Palace-Honolulu,. 44 Native Flower-Sellers-Honolulu, 66 Taro Patch and Plant, and Tamarinds, 76 Surf-Riding-Waikiki, Honolulu,, 86 Packing Pineapples-Pearl Harbor,. 130 Rainbow Falls-Hilo,.. 148 Lake of Molten Lava-Kilauea,. 56 Pineapple Ranch, and Plowing a RiceField,... " 182 Loading Sugar-Cane,.... " 196 Camp Boston-Honolulu,... " 210 The Government Building-Honolulu, " 214 Strategical Map of Hawaiian Islands,. " 286 xiii CHAPTER I. EARLY HISTORY OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS AND THE REIGN OF KALAKAUA. Prior to the bloodless revolution in the Hawaiian Islands, on January I7th, 1893, resulting in the overthrow of a semi-barbaric monarchy, a large number of people in the United States hardly knew of their existence, beyond a vague recollection of having read of Captain Cook and the Sandwich Islands in their school books. It was not an uncommon occurrence for the merchants of Honolulu to receive letters directed to the " Hawaiian Islands, West Indies." Such was the interest of the majority of the people of the United States, especially in the eastern section, in regard to this most important group of islands in the North Pacific, destined in the near future to become more important to the west coast of the United States than the zEgean Islands were to the commercial enterprises of the ancient Phoenicians. The simple overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy would have created but a mere ripple of interest that would have soon merged into the ordinary wave of human progress; but when the resulting Provisional Government appealed for political union with the United States, and the adherents of the defunct royalty accused the sailors of the United States Cruiser Boston of having assisted in their overthrow, the Hawaiian Islands became 2 American Naval Policy. well known through the press comments. But as the general statements published at the time bore the same relation to rumor and canard that bread bore to liquor in Falstaff's tavern bill, I propose to give an historical account of facts as obtained from personal observation and various sources of information during a stay of fourteen months in the islands on a man-of-war. The official documents bearing upon the subject are so easily accessible that I have not republished any of them, and from the smallness of this volume I have not considered it of sufficient importance to quote authorities. It is sufficient to say that all statements of fact herein contained are either of my own knowledge or the result of careful and painstaking study and investigation conducted upon the ground. The United States has for many. years found it necessary to maintain a constant naval force in the waters of the Hawaiian Islands to protect its growing interests and defend its treaty rights against political agitation and foreign intrigue. In pursuance of this policy, the United States Cruiser Boston, on which I was serving at the time as an officer, was ordered, in August, IS92, to relieve the U. S. S. San Francisco at Honolulu. The Boston is one of the most formidable cruisers of the new navy, of the superstructure class, of three thousand tons displacement and a maximum speed of fifteen and a half knots per hour. Her crew consisted of 280 officers and men, well organized and drilled. The main battery consisted of two 8-inch central pivot C(0CA- NUT GIROVE COCOA-N UT> 0 Trip to HonoZulu. 3 high-powered guns mounted in echelon, and six 6-inch high-powered guns mounted in broadside pivots. The secondary battery consisted of two 6 -pounder, two 3-pounder, and i-pounder rapid-fire guns; two 47mm., two 37mm. revolving cannon; Gatling guns, torpedo outfit, and small arms. We passed through the Golden Gate, bound for the Hawaiian Islands, on the Ioth of August, 1892. A short stop was made at Santa Cruz, and from there we took our parting look at the California coast, steering direct for the Island of Oahu. The occurrences on our voyage from Santa Cruz to Honolulu were, like the generality of modern sea trips, too trivial to be interesting, and too unvaried to afford amusement. No fables of the ancients were realized, and Neptune offered no resistance to our invasion of his watery empire; nor did we see the beautiful goddess Amphitrite skimming the surface of the deep, seated in her coral chariot, drawn by mermaids and surrounded by musical neriads. In fact, we encountered none of the adventures or wonders that surrounded the celebrated voyage of AEneas. We simply had a smooth sea, fine weather, a light northeasterly breeze, and an occasional sight of a passing sailing vessel; yet all on board were cheerful. Early in the morning of the 24th of August we made out Koko Head, a novel and attractive landmark on the eastern extremity of the Island of Oahu. In a few hours thereafter we rounded picturesque Diamond Head, a lofty extinct volcano, 4 Location of Islands. which marks the entrance to a long roadstead on the south of the island. Steering along parallel with a coral reef that protects the shore from the ocean swell, we soon passed through a narrow entrance in the reef to the snug harbor of Honolulu, the capital of the island government. The Island of Oahu, the most populous, although the third in size of the Hawaiian group, is about forty miles long and twenty-three wide, and in appearance remarkably picturesque. As viewed from Honolulu on the south, a chain of lofty mountains extends from back of Diamond Head the entire length of the island. The elevated plain of Ewa separates this range from another parallel mountain range lying west of Honolulu. The main range is seamed by deep, shady ravines, which spread out in rolling valleys until they join the plain upon which Honolulu is situated. The whole island is volcanic, and in many parts extinct craters of large dimensions may be seen; but many ages have elapsed since any eruption took place. In fact, all the islands of the Hawaiian Archipelago are of volcanic origin, and are situated in the Northern Pacific Ocean, just within the limits of the tropics, extending for nearly four hundred miles in a direction from southeast to northwest, from I8~ 50' to 23~ 05' north latitude, and from I54~ 40' to 16I~ 50' west longitude from Greenwich. They are some 2,100 miles from San Francisco, 3,800oo miles from Auckland, 4,400 miles from Sydney, 3,400 miles from Yokohama, and 4,800 miles from Hongkong. They Early Voyagers. 5 consist of eight principal islands and several islets. Of these only seven of the largest are inhabited, namely: Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Lanai, and Niihau. The bulk of population and the principal industrial and mercantile enterprises are on the first five. The eight islands combined have an area of 6,740 square miles, of which Hawaii, from which the group takes its name, contains 4,210 square miles; Maui, 760; Kauai 600 and Oahu about the same, and Molokai 270 square miles. This group of islands was first discovered in the sixteenth century by Juan de Gatan, the navigator of one of the Spanish expeditions in the Pacific during the period when the flag of Spain domi-:ated in the waters of that ocean. The name given to this archipelago by Gatan was Islas de Mesa, or Table Land. From the evidences to be found in old documents and charts, corroborated by native tradition, there are several other instances where these islands, during a remote epoch, were visited by white people, but they did not come into prominence until rediscovered by Captain Cook in I778, nearly three hundred years after the time of Gatan. Captain Cook was in command of an English expedition in search of a northern passage from the Pacific to the Atlantic, and by accident came upon these islands; and in honor of his patron, the Earl of Sandwich, the first lord of the admiralty, he gave them the name of The Sandwich Islands. From that time on, and especially after the visit of Van 6 Foreign Aggression-Ancient Rule. couver, the islands became of great importance to the maritime world, and a bone of contention to the European powers for their possession. The officials of France and England took every advantage of the primitive simplicity of the people, who had existed for ages, isolated and unknown tothe rest of the world. They commenced a series of petty annoyances and vexatious interferences with the island government which on several occasions gave the foreign representatives pretexts for action with a view to the ultimate subversion of the native government and seizure of the islands. Timely interference and threatening demands of United States officials, of U. S. men-of-war, and Ameriican diplomacy were all that preserved the independence of the islands. At the time of the discovery of the Hawaiian Islands they were inhabited by a race of Polynesians living under a social organization strikingly similar to that of Europe in the tenth and eleventh centuries. They had kings, who were hereditary suzerains, having under them a lot of vassal chiefs, who were granted certain tenures in consideration of military service, leaving the common people the mere privileges of villains. The power of these petty sovereigns was limited only by the endurance of the subjects, while the priesthood exercised an unlimited authority in the " tabu," which means "prohibited," or forbidden under the penalty of death. As might be expected, where so many small kingdoms existed within such narrow limits, Kamehameha I. 7 war was of frequent occurrence, until a powerful chief, from the Island of Hawaii, gradually conquered the whole of the island and then the entire group, over which he ruled with great ability, wisdom, and good sense for a period of twenty four years, under the title of Karnehameha I. It was during this reign that the influence of the white race began to assert itself and the whole social and political condition of the people became revolutionized, the power of the heathen priests destroyed, and the way paved for an easy introduction of Christian civilization by the American missionaries, who landed for the first time in I820, the year following the death of Kamehameha I. During this long and vigorous reign, in which the chiefs remained in undisputed possession of their lands, there was developed a sentiment favorable to permanent individual rights, which brought about a remarkable change from feudal to hereditary succession; followed ultimately by the buying and selling of lands. White foreigners in consequencebecame land-owners. In 8S33 Kamehameha III came to the throne, and acting under the influences of the incoming tide of civilization and recognizing the defenceless condition of the common people, he, a few years later, proclaimed a " Bill of Rights," which at once transformed a feudal despotism into a constitutional monarchy. The Bill of Rights was followed in 1845 to S847 by the organization of an executive ministry, the creation of a judiciary department, and the adoption of pro 8 First U. S. Treaty. visions for an adjustment of land tenure; and in 1852 a constitution was promulgated forming the basis of others which followed. A legislative body was created, consisting of thirty nobles, appointed by the crown, and not less than twenty-four representatives elected by universal suffrage. This constitution was so modified in I864 as to require both branches of the legislative body to sit and vote together in the same chamber, and the suffrage of the people was restricted by a property qualification and the ability to read and write; provisions which remained in force until I887. From the very first, and throughout the ninetyfour years in which the Kamehamehas reigned over the islands, American influence dominated over that of all other foreign countries in Hawaiian affairs. American institutions were adopted, the American school system inaugurated, and American laws enacted and put in force, developing property interests, commercial associations and political education almost identical with those of any State within the American Union. To protect and foster these growing interests the United States, as early as I8zo, established a commercial agency on the Hawaiian Islands, and, in I823, Commodore Jones of the United States Navy negotiated a treaty of commerce and navigation, which, though it was not ratified at Washington, was the first treaty ever negotiated by the Hawaiians with any foreign power. From time to time thereafter naval vessels of the United States visited the islands, and on several America and England. 9 occasions protected the autonomy of the native government against the English and French aggressions, based upon trumped-up claims of their respective consular agents. In I842 the independence of the islands was practically recognized by the United States, the commercial agency was elevated to a diplomatic position by the appointment of a Commissioner, and in I863 the rank of the United States diplomatic representative was again raised to that of Minister Resident. During this entire period the continued and steady decrease of the native race, the creation of agricultural necessities and growing of sugar cane, importation of Oriental contract labor, together with the rapid growth of the foreign population, gradually developed a condition favorable to a political evolution calculated to disturb the internal affairs of the government, and injure those foreigners who had invested money in commercial enterprises in the islands. As long as the Kamehameha race of kings governed the islands, American interests wer: in no danger of being subverted, through internal intrigue, by those of any other foreign power; but in i874, when the last of that dynasty, Kamehameha V, died, the political affiliations with the English intriguers became alarming and necessitated a renewed energy on the part of American residents and officials to maintain their commercial and political supremacy. Hence after a year's experience of political confusion and uneasy agitation under the elected King, Lunililo, David Kala I o Election Riol-Kalakaua. kaua, supported by the American residents, was chosen, after a stormy election, by the legislature to fill the vacant throne, in opposition to Queen Emma, the widow of Kamehameha IV. Emma was thoroughly imbued with British sympathies and most hostile to the commercial interests of the United States, and her native followers, supported by the English and a lot of irresponsibles or refugees, bitterly contested the election. They organized a formidable riot and surrounded the CourtHouse and, when they saw they had lost by a large majority, attacked the building and assaulted the members, driving them from the legislative hall and killing several. Sailors and marines from the two American men-of-war in the harbor landed, and after suppressing the riot, maintained order in the city of Honolulu until Kalakaua was secure on the throne. An English warship also landed men, but they did not interfere. Kalakaua was only a high chief, in no way related to the extinct royal family, and was reputed to be the illegitimate son of a negro cobbler who had emigrated to the islands from Boston. Before his elevation to the throne, he was a pettifogging police-court attorney. He had held subordinate positions under the government, from which he had been discharged for corruption and incompetence. He drank and gambled inordinately. The assumption of authority afforded him ample means of displaying his natural instincts-those of a Polynesian savage. At times he would disguise these instincts Kalakaua's Character. II under a social polish and the appearances of a gentleman. He was superstitious, sensual, and corrupt, and, with the assistance of a class of adventurers of the same type as himself for advisers, it was not long before he committed overt acts in opposition to the promises made to those who placed him on the throne, and sowed the seeds of discontent that ultimately led to the overthrow of the monarchical form of government. His principal adviser and counsellor was an unscrupulous ex-Mormon missionary who had apostasized from and swindled that church, who aided him in estranging the native element from the whites, resulting in a theretofore unknown intense race hatred. A secret society was established, in which childish mysteries were combined with obscene forms gathered from the ancient religion of the Hawaiian Islands. Kalakaua became the head of this society, and in the course of time undertook the role of a god, and as such constituted himself the divine guide to the native clergy, and impressed the native race with the fear of himself as a " kahuna," a witch doctor, who assumes to pray people to death or cure the sick at will. One of the great privileges enjoined upon the head of this polytheistic church was to appear among the believers, bereft of all attire, and perform unspeakable rites to prove himself fit for heathen worship. On one occasion, as late as i89o, the King came out upon a dais stripped to the skin, and, in the presence of several hundred pagans, at a secluded 1 2 Ka la k aa's Policy. place near Honolulu, fully proved himself an adept in all the filthy performances required by his native followers-performances of such an indescribably barbarous nature as can only be found among the savages inhabiting the South Sea Islands. He would have songs chanted by the native women at the great functions of the court, which were simply exaltations of his powers to employ and gratify the baser passions, and wherever he went his train of attendants sang obscene songs and danced lewd dances. To afford a better opportunity for entertaining his favored courtiers and a few special tourists who wished to witness the savage customs, he caused to be built a large boat-house, in the harbor of Honolulu, and the scenes enacted there beggar description. Gambling, lewd practices, immoral exhibitions, drunken carousals, and the abominations of the hula dance, all combined to establish his reputation as a prince of good fellows with his large retinue of dissipated dependents. By wholesale bribery, the use of soldiers at the polling places, and general debasement of the electorate and the appointment of legislators to lucrative offices while they still held their seats in the legislature, he was enabled to carry through pernicious and extravagant legislation against the will of the people. In short, he became absolute ruler. With such power unopposed it only required a little flattery on the part of his various disreputable counsellors to work the King's vanity and ego Primacy of the PaczfJc. I3 tism up to the point of aspiring to the " Primacy of the Pacific." In consequence an old vessel was purchased and fitted out at great expense, and in command of a worthless, drunken, half-pay English naval officer, and manned by boys from the reform school and a few low whites, she was dispatched as a man-of-war, with an embassy to assume a protectorate over the Samoan Islands, as a beginning. On December 26, i886, an unworthy half-caste by the name of Bush was sent as envoy, accompanied by a secretary and other attaches, to King Malietoa. Upon the arrival of the embassy they became the object of hostile demonstrations by the representatives of the German firm who had instigated the revolution then existing in Samoa. The embassy were driven from the hotel, and taking refuge in a Samoan house, gave themselves up to dissipation. Bush gathered around him the lowest kind of half-castes and beach-combers, and, with a decided appetite for native beverages and mixed drinks, he went on a protracted spree. He was run out of the window at the hotel for insulting remarks, and his disreputable, lewd, and intemperate habits, together with an attempt to introduce the hula, disgusted even that savage, Malietoa, who asked for his recall, and thus ended the attempt at the confederation of the Pacific. The riotous drunkenness and mutinous conduct of the officers and men of the man-of-war were such that a German gunboat had to interfere, and the vessel was ordered to return to Honolulu. The captain took 14 Kalakaua's Coronation. her, instead, to Pago Pago, where he exchanged her small arms for gin and had a month's debauch. Finally she was brought back, the captain dismissed and the vessel sold. Failing to become Emperor of Polynesia, Kalakaua was not content with the mere title of King, so, after being on the throne for nine years, he determined upon a useless and expensive coronation, the ceremonies of which would convey to all nations evidence of his autocratic authority. Three years were consumed in preparing for this great pageant. Bombastic notices were sent to all the powers apprising them of the event and inviting their representatives to be present. To gratify another of his whims and still further clothe his already overburdened egotism, his extravagant dependents caused to be celebrated, at great expense and legislative appropriation of a large sum, the fiftieth anniversary of his birth. The festivities were to extend over a fortnight but were somewhat curtailed by inclement weather. Receptions, presentation of costly gifts, torchlight illuminations, a great feast and grand ball were the general features of this birthday jubilee, winding up with a hula that was so obscene as to offend even some of his depraved associates. The printer who printed the programme of the dances, prepared by Kalakau himself, was fined for " publishing indecent literature." These unpleasant details, which fall far short of the truth, are given merely to show the Mass-Meeting of r887. I5 King's utter unfitness for his position. On his return from a trip around the world, where he had managed to deceive the high officials of each country he visited by a correct demeanor, modest dress and a knowledge of languages, his innate barbarism, escaping from the long imprisonment on this trip, again asserted itself in bolder relief. The rapidly increasing revenues occasioned by the treaty of reciprocity with the United States were not sufficient to support the expensive and puerile extravagances of Kalakaua, and to meet them he had recourse to exemption money from lepers, unlawful rental of government lands, abuse of the franking privileges, embezzlement of public funds, and gross official corruption, which hardships upon the people but hastened the inevitable. The financial benefits of the treaty of reciprocity with the United States had the effect of encouraging a spirit of forbearance towards himnr but the patience of the respectable foreign element and progressive natives at last became exhausted when the King accepted a large bribe from a Chinaman for an opium license for which he had already taken a larger bribe from another Chinaman. A secretcommittee of safety was organized and quietly armed, and on the 3oth of June, I887, an enthusiastic mass-meeting passed resolutions to the effect that the administration of the Hawaiian government had ceased, through corruption and incompetence, to perform its legitimate functions and afford protection to person and property, A committee waited upon the King and exacted from him specific I6 Constitution of z887. pledges, within twenty-four hours, of future good government on the basis of a new constitution. Kalakaua appealed to the foreign diplomatic representatives to help him out of the dilemma, and they not only refused but advised him to accept the demands of the mass-meeting. Realizing his consummate guilt, and fearing the absolute loss of his crown, the King, much to the surprise of the revolutionists, who expected a fight, pusillanimously agreed to comply with all the demands of the citizens. His most capricious and profligate counsellor was removed from office and banished the country, and a reform ministry appointed, one that was in thorough sympathy with the people. The King was compelled to sign a new constitution, which was subsequently ratified by a vote of the people, in conformity with the demands of the mass-meeting. The general provisions of this constitution made every male resident of Hawaii, of American or European descent, who had lived there a year and taken an oath to support the constitution and laws of Hawaii a legal voter, and distinctly enlarged the measure of Hawaiian citizenship. The King was deprived of the absolute right of veto, and the responsibility for the government was placed upon a cabinet, subject to removal only by a vote of the legislature elected by the people. Instead of the nobles being appointed by the crown they were chosen by a special electorate composed of citizens possessed of an annual income of at least $600, or Constitution of fI887. I7 unencumbered property to the value of $3,000, which practically gave to the whites the choice of one-half of the legislature. Another principal measure in the new constitution prohibited members of the legislature from holding any civil office. Emerging thus from an era of bombastic display, political corruption, and gross irregularities, the King was left as a mere figure-head. A large element of the population at first desired the total abolition of the monarchy; but, after mature deliberation, they again exhibited their forbearance, and permitted the King to be tried once more, under the restrictions implied in the new order of administration. At the same time, it was explicitly understood and clearly foreseen that should the monarchy again fall into the hands of adventurers and repeat its imbecility and corruption, it would cease to exist, as it did on January the I7th, IS93. Kalakaua signed the new constitution under duress, and ever after he sought opportunities to regain his lost power. It is remarkable how patiently the foreign element endured and how considerate they were with this semi-barbaric monarchy. To a close observer, however, it was plainly apparent that the foundation of an ultimate abrogation of the monarchy had been laid, and the time was not far distant when it would cease to exist. Princess Liliuokalani, a sister of the King, had been appointed heiress apparent. She strongly disapproved of her brother's assent to the reform constitution. In I889 she joined what was known as 1s iliuokalani —Revolution of i889. the Wilcox plot for the overthrow of the new government and the establishment of herself on the throne. The entire plot was concocted in her home. Wilcox, a half-caste, who had been educated in Italy, at a military school, was to lead an armed revolt, which he did, the rendezvous and arming taking place at Liliuokalani's home. Wilcox succeeded in getting together a few natives and a band of disreputable loafers and surrounded the palace. The same people who brought Kalakaua to terms and enforced the reformations of ISS7 reorganized and, after a small skirmish, drove the insurgents to cover, killed nine, and took the remainder prisoners. Upon the first fire the military ardor of Wilcox left him, and he immediately deserted his followers and took cowardly refuge in an old gasolene tank lying in the palace yard, where he remained, until the rest surrendered. The support thus given the King encouraged him in his efforts to recover his lost royal prerogatives, and he was able to find weak white judges to misinterpret the provisions of the new constitution and pervert its plain meanings in his favor. However, the principal constitutional limitations were maintained and the King up to his death remained simply the head of a constitutional government. The country became prosperous, taxes easy, internal improvements were carried on and the revenues were economically expended. The once strong and athletic constitution of Kalakaua at last began to break down, under the Death of Kalakaua. 19 influences of long and excessive dissipation, and in order to recruit his failing health the King visited California, in an American man-of-war. On the 2oth of January, I89i, he died at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco. Upon the arrival of his remains at Honolulu, nine days later, his sister, Mrs. Dominis, who was acting as regent in the absence of the King, was proclaimed Quleen under the title of Liliuokalani, and took the oath to support the constitution. CHAPTER II. THE REIGN OF LILIUOKALANI. The frequent attempts of Kalakaua to regain autocratic authority after the adoption of the new constitution led many whites and natives to believe that he would be the last Hawaiian monarch, and had it not been for the sudden surprise accompanying the tragic return of his remains, it is more than likely Liliuokalani would never have succeeded to the throne. It was a well-known fact that she had evinced on every occasion her disgust at her brother's acceptance of the new constitution, and her determination to re-establish the royal pretensions at the first opportunity was manifest. She had, on two occasions before her succession, entered into a conspiracy to supplant her brother even at the expense, if necessary, of walking over his dead body. The moment of her accession she fully intended to abrogate the constitution forced upon Kalakaua and proclaim one, instead, containing all the old prerogatives exercised by the Kamehamehas prior to the existence of a constitution. The cabinet of the late King, realizing the danger of such an act, promptly called upon the Queen in a body, and induced her to take the oath to support and maintain the existing constitution. Liliuokalani had greater courage and was more politic than her brother, but resembled him in superstition, selfish20 .............Il I.,. I. z Character of Liliuokal'ani. 2f ness, and savage ignorance, and, like him, was a hater of whites and a promoter of race prejudices. She was such a mistress of dissimulation as to convince many well-meaning people that she was a strict believer in the Christian religion, whereas she was an idolatress and worshipper of the old pagan superstitions of Hawaiian mythology. She kept continually around her kahunas and heathen sorcerers to counsel and assist her, and women of openly bad character were her constant personal attendants. She was addicted to the grossest social vices-in a word, she was the true sister of Kalakaua, and the attempt on her part to guide the destinies of not only her native subjects, but the thousands of Europeans in the Islands, was simply farcical. The course of affairs became evident at once. The Queen's first official act was a refusal to recognize the ministers of the late King, and they, upon the advice of the supreme court, resigned, and a ministry was appointed in their stead, composed of men she selected under promise, made in advance, that they would appoint her favorite paramour to the marshalship of the kingdom. This official had absolute command of the police force, and during the Queen's reign he was really vested with the powers of a dictator. His advice was paramount over that of the cabinet ministers, and it was not an uncommon procedure for him to openly, and in the presence of her ministers, oppose or nullify their contemplated acts. 23 Policy of Liliuokalani. Following the appointment of her ministry, the Queen gradually began to interfere in the removal of government officials, and to appoint incompetent and irresponsible favorites in their stead. She stubbornly, but with more tact and diplomacy than Kalakaua, usurped autocratic authority in all directions, yet with all her power and heathen practices she was unable to obtain the fealty of her brownskinned subjects. The reason for this was due to the fact that Liliuokalani was not a Kamehameha, but only the sister of Kalakaua, both of whom were the legitimate grandchildren of the first man who was hanged for murder in the Hawaiian Islands; and the occupancy of the throne, established by Kamehameha, whom the natives regarded as of divine origin, by this lowly bred family, was keenly felt and bitterly opposed. When she made a tour in state through her realm, the natives received her with scant hospitality. Her retainers could not even procure a supply of food from the natives, much less presents, as was the custom with ancient Hawaiian monarchs travelling through the kingdom. Fear and dissatisfaction on the part of some whites and many natives led to a secret organization having for its purpose the remedy of existing evils. The Queen, hearing of the formation of this conspiracy, at first conceived the idea of using those engaged in it in the promulgation of a new constitution, and if unsuccessful in obtaining their co-operation, to become familiar with their intents, so as to be able at any moment to remove every possible danger of Liliuokalani- Conspiracy of z892. 23 disturbance in her contemplated coup. To this end she encouraged them in their designs, and diplomatically obtained at least a promise of their neutrality, if not their acquiescence. Then, relying upon the absolute support of the royal guard and the police force, she caused to be prepared a constitution granting her the powers which she craved, which she proposed to promulgate. Everything was working well, when a large number of men, known to be hostile to her, were admitted to membership. In a feeling of unconcealed distrust, and fearing the legal opposition of the legislature recently chosen by the people, and soon to meet, she urged immediate action. Wilcox, who was one of the leaders, was sent for and given her ultimatum, that he and his colleagues must at once support her plans; and upon his refusal, she broke up the conspiracy, arrested him and a few others. They were brought to trial, and although the evidence was clear, she stopped the trial for fear the true facts would come out. Some of the conspirators fled the country, but others, including Wilcox, were elected to the legislature. This was in I892. Before the Queen could do anything else in the way of changing the constitution, which she had, under mental reservation, taken an oath to support, the legislature met. The wire-pulling and political intrigue for a time were held in check through the approximately equal strength of three parties that composed the legislative body. The members were chosen at the biennial election in February, I892, 24 Legislative Parties, 1892. and in May following took their seats. They were divided into Reform, National Reform, and Liberal parties, and three or four independents. The Reform party was composed of the so-called missionary class, a term applied to all the progressive whites of American nationality or descent, Germans, and Portuguese. They had for their object the enactment of laws beneficial to commerce, the establishment of closer commercial relations with the United States, the construction of an ocean cable, and the development of agricultural interests based upon the minimum taxation for the support of the government. They supported all legislation that had for its object the internal improvements of the country, rigid segregation of lepers and contagious diseases, and were bitterly opposed to autocratic rule or personal power in the Queen. The controlling power in the National Reform party was the English and Canadian whites, and those who had little or no property interests on the islands; among them were many adventurers who had immigrated to the islands for personal gain regardless of the methods of accomplishment. They favored English interests, and if possible an English protectorate as against American influences or commercial supremacy. The Liberal party was made up from the native members and lower class of whites and hangers-on at the palace. They had no policy and cared for none beyond the bribes or bargains they could obtain from the other two parties to vote in their interests. They were in favor English H-osthiiy. 2 25 of universal suffrage and the absolute rule and autocracy of the Queen. From the very first day on which the members of the legislature took their seats log-rolling, wire-pulling, and political corruption commenced. The Queen had this advantage: her ministers could sit in the legislature and vote on all subjects, except on a vote of want of confidence or impeachment. They were of the National Reform party, that stood closer to the native branch and strengthened the Queen's power in all legislation tending to assist her in governmental interference. The American Minister, realizing the situation, affiliated with the Reform party, and through them he was enabled to check moves detrimental to the interests of the United States. On the other hand, the English Minister was an active worker with the National Reform party, and openly and in public used every effort to support them and obtain any advantage beneficial to his country. Having resided in the country for many years and being the head of a largye family, some of whom had married into Kanaka families, he had great influence with the members of the National Reform and Liberal parties. It was not an uncommon sight to see him on the floor of the legislative ball, actually lobbying for the passage of some measure detrimental to American interests, or beneficial to British interference, openly expressing his approval or disapproval of current debate. With the assistance of a simple, benighted, ritualistic English bishop, by publicly sympathizing with the Queen and her min 26 Jno. L. Stevens. isters and privately advising both her and the Liberal and National Reform leaders, he exerted a powerful influence. But, from a want of tact and diplomatic knowledge, he relied upon pompous demands'and political intrigue with a class of political intimates in the legislative body who would give his secrets away. The sagacious, well trained and experienced diplomat of the United States, Mr. Jno. L. Stevens, quietly sat in his legation, pulled the wires and every time brought American interests to the front. So well did he play his cards, resulting on every occasion in success, that he became a subject of personal abuse, and an object of intense hatred, by the leaders of the National Reform and Liberal parties. On the street and in public places they would vilify and criticise even his personal and private conduct, going so far as to attack his domestic way of living, and caused the arrest of his domestic for some trumped-up offense of a minor nature, which act was a violation of the national sanctity of the United States legation. On one occasion a leader of the National Reform party, an Englishman by birth, and a noble at the time in the legislature, afterwards a minister of the cabinet, introduced a resolution in the legislature reflecting upon the official acts of the American Minister, and so offensive to the United States government that the House voted to expunge it from the records. In all these attacks the Queen appears to have aided and abetted, but the power and activity of the English InflZuence. 27 Reform members caused her much uneasiness and prevented her taking any decided steps towards carrying out her cherished plan of promulgating a new constitution. Therefore, in order to break the influence of the Reform party and that of the American Minister, while pretending to favor the most cordial relations with the representative of the United States, she conceived a plan of negotiating a loan in England upon a first mortgage of the port dues of Honolulu. A bill to that effect was subsequently introduced by one of her ministers, the same who had on a previous occasion offered the attack upon the American Minister, but it was promptly voted down. The English Minister, together with his wife, actively engaged on the floor of the legislature working for the support of this measure, all of which came under my personal observation while a visitor to the hall. An English adventurer, a man of no principle but of fine education, was employed by the Queen on a stipulated salary to write articles, in support of her political course and against American interests, for a local paper owned by the Queen, using the name of her coachman as the author of these publications. A position was given to him as manager of the Hawaiian Hotel for his board, that he might, by his position as such, come in contact with tourists, win their sympathy, and fill them with misinformation concerning political conditions. In fact every means was used to further the Queen's ambitious designs, and the business depres 28 Arrival of Boston. sion, financial uneasiness, and national danger which naturally followed deterred any commercial agency or local corporation from negotiating any kind of loan from abroad or at home. Everything was in a chaotic state, with inevitable ruin apparrent on all sides. The large sugar interests that came into existence through the gratuity of the treaty of reciprocity with the United States were, in addition to the agitated condition of affairs, affected by the provisions of the McKinley tariff, and plainly foresaw that unless something was done towards establishing closer commercial relations with the United States they would suffer, and they therefore became more active in support of the Reform party, which was the party most strongly favoring American interests. Such was the condition of affairs when the U. S. Cruiser Boston arrived in Honolulu. The U. S. Flagship San Francisco was relieved, and sailed for Mare Island Navy Yard, leaving the Boston to look after American interests and treaty obligations. The political agitation and uneasiness was so great that during the entire stay of the Boston in those waters it was impolitic for her to leave the harbor of Honolulu, except on two short occasions, and as a reminder of the force constantly present a battalion of troops was landed once a week and marched through the streets to the old base-ball grounds for drill. The causes of the continued and increasing uneasiness and hostility to the Queen, and finally to The Macfarlane Cabinet. 29 the monarchy, were the stubborn efforts of the Queen to trample upon the constitution, and her persistent interference in politics, both directly and through her creatures in office, and by bribing native members in the legislature in order to secure illegal control of that body. The executive members, or ministry, nobles and representatives sat and deliberated in one chamber presided over by a speaker elected by the whole body. As the Queen attempted to increase her arbitrary power over the legislative branch of the government, that body very soon asserted its constitutional prerogatives, and on August 30th, 1892, voted out the ministry that had consented to her maladministration. The Queen then, against the advice of the leading members of the legislature and the business men of the community, appointed, on the I2th of September, a ministry headed by E. C. Macfarlane, an Englishman by birth and sympathies, a naturalized American, and a domiciled Hawaiian. One of his first acts was to introduce and attempt to push through the legislature a bill authorizing a loan from England upon a first mortgage of the port dues of the port of Honolulu, a steppingstone to a commercial protectorate by Great Britain, as was done in Egypt. Associated in this cabinet with Macfarlane were Sam. Parker, Paul Neumann, and Chas. T. Gulick, all of whom were of the National Reform party. In three days after they qualified an effort was made to vote them out, resulting in 24 for and 21 against their removal. The 30 Zottery and Opium. question was referred to the judges of the supreme court, who decided 25 votes were necessary to constitute a constitutional number to pass such a measure. Meanwhile, on the 4th of October, a special election was held in Honolulu to elect two nobles to fill the vacancies made by Macfarlane and Neumann when they resigned to accept positions in the cabinet. A native and a half-white, supported by the lottery and opium factions, were elected over two of the most respectable men in Honolulu, M. P. Robinson and H. Waterhouse. This election had a tendency to strengthen the National Reform party in the legislature, and realizing the danger of such a ministry remaining in office, some of the Liberal party coalesced with the Reform party and a few dissatisfied members of the National Reform party, and on the I7th of October voted to remove the Macfarlane cabinet. They carried the want of confidence by a large majority-32 to 15. The Queen was obstinate, and knowing this, every irresponsible person in the legislature, and many out of it, urged their claims for a cabinet position, and failing to obtain their object turned upon her. In the little native paper, published by the notorious Bush, she was accused of ignoring the native claims. When the Queen, on November ist, appointed a cabinet composed of men of no personal standing and representing no property interests, it was voted out in less than two hours by a vote of 26 to 15, being known as the " Nancy Wilcox- 7ones Cabzinet. 31 Hanks cabinet," because it made the quickest time on record. By this time the patience of the members of the Reform party had become exhausted, and in caucus with their allies they passed a resolution calling upon the Queen to designate a leader, chosen by a majority of the legislature, to select a ministry. A ministerial crisis was imminent and political agitation alarming; excitement was intense and business prospects gloomy, with every indication of a revolution. The Queen for the time being surrendered, and selected a cabinet on the 8th of November, known as the Wilcox-Jones ministry. This cabinet had the full confidence of the people and the country felt easy, but it was not long before the Queen began to dictate to them and to interfere with their line of policy, which was for retrenchment and moderate legislation. It soon became known to the public that severe friction existed between the Queen and the ministry, and during the last of December it was the talk all over the town that there would be a vote of want of confidence against the cabinet. On the 4th of January, Bush introduced the resolution, and upon a vote it failed, 19 to 22. This failure to remove the Wilcox-Jones cabinet insured confidence, and encouraged the belief amongst the leading citizens, as well as the American Minister, that the Reform ministry had come to stay. The Queen, however, was not contented and did not mean to give up, but sent for the native members, and by bribes and 3:2 Wilcox Cabinet. promises obtained their united support to pass the lottery and opium bills, which every one supposed were dead, she having bargained with the promoters of these measures, for their support in return, to put the Wilcox cabinet out. Hopkins, who was a half-white, and who was elected by the lottery people, moved their consideration, and they passed to the second reading, to the astonishment of everybody, by a vote of 20 to i7; and on the i ith of January they were rushed through a third reading on a vote of 23 to 20. This victory so elated the Queen and her adherents that she took advantage of the absence of members who had gone home, and the following day, the I2th of January, she induced a native member to introduce a vote of want of confidence in the Wilcox-Jones cabinet, and they were removed by a vote of 25 to 16. Upon a canvass of the legislature by her native followers, she discovered the fact that the vote of one white man was necessary for a constitutional majority. To obtain that the Queen sent for C. 0. Berger, and promised him that his father-in-law, Widemann, should form a new cabinet if he would vote with the natives. Berger took the bait, and to the disgust of his friends voted that way, and the Reform ministry went out. The Queen had no intention of permitting Widemann to form a cabinet, and when, in apparent compliance with her promise, she sent for him and imposed obligations that Colburn, a half-white and under a cloud, should be named as one of the ministry, Widemann Colburn Cabinet. 33 demurred and he was dismissed. She had made up her mind to appoint a cabinet that would hold over during the interim of two years, in the absence of a legislative body, and be entirely subservient to her arbitrary whims. Colburn was sent for and instructed to form a cabinet of the persons she would name. The native members were instructed to remain away from the legislative hall on the I3th, so there would be no quorum on that day to vote the cabinet out, and the legislature would be prorogued the following day, at noon. Colburn, upon the request of the Queen, named as his associates, Parker, Cornwell, and Peterson. Colburn was a man of unsavory reputation in business matters, while all the rest were known to be zealous in their support of the Queen's misrule. The next morning, Saturday, the r4th of January, I893, the ministry reported to the legislature that the Queen had signed the lottery and opium bills, and they became laws, by which the establishment of opium joints and the licensing of the sale of opium were to be given out, evidently to palace favorites. The exclusive franchise to conduct a lottery was given to a few men representing the Louisiana Lottery Company, which had just been evicted from Louisiana and was to remove its establishment from New Orleans to Honolulu, under a supposed obligation that the government was to receive $5oo,ooo a year from that company. This annual revenue was, as a blind, to be devoted to internal improvements; and to secure the native votes of the legislature, 34 Prorogalzion of Legislature. promises were held out to them of lucrative offices, so dear to the Kanaka heart. At noon the legislature was prorogued, and the Queen proceeded to the palace, the approaches to which were guarded by the government troops, and the grounds filled by a mob of natives brought from the other islands and fitted out with new suits of clothing to give coloring to a so-called petition, under which the Queen was now to perform her coup d'etat by the proclamation of a new constitution. This caused her to lose her throne. During all this time the presence of the American Minister and of the United States ship Boston was a source of disquietude to the Queen and her supporters, as they feared interference by the American forces should any attempt be made to gain arbitrary power by force of arms which should result in injury to Americans or American property. On one occasion, when it was reported a boat had landed at Hilo from a wrecked American vessel, most villainous attacks were made by the royalist papers upon the American representatives, and it was while the Boston was away for target practice the Queen took her fatal step. It will be seen from the foregoing that the political development of the I-awaiian Islands had been, in the early years of its transition, from a feudal and savage despotism into a free and civilized state, with only a few instances of foreign interference. Under the Kamehamemhas the fundamental changes in the social and political organization were effected Kamehamehas and Kalakaua. 35 without disturbance or bloodshed, and armed resistance and revolutions were unthought of. The Hawaiian kings sought the counsel and service of able foreigners in the administration of the government, and there arose no occasion for foreigners to feel the need of suffrage rights to protect their interests. But with the failure of the Kamehameha line, Kalakaua set himself to work to undermine the confidence of natives in foreigners and injected into the elections the element of intense race hatred. In place of the diminished prerogatives of the sovereign and the increased privileges of the subject, by voluntary acts of preceding kings, there was manifested on the part of Kalakaua a disposition to extend his royal prerogatives and a return to absolutism. His acts inaugurated a series of revolutions that culminated in that of the I7th of January, I893. The first was headed by the whites to secure responsible government through a representative cabinet, responsible to the people's elected representatives. Other revolutions were headed by the natives, instigated by Kalakaua and Liliuokalani, to regain their lost power, followed at last by a spontaneous uprising of the whites, who again asserted themselves in opposition to the revolutionary act of the Queen. They overthrew the ignorant, selfish, corrupt, and semi-barbarous monarchy and established instead a republican government, as will hereafter be detailed. CHAPTER III. HONOLULU, THE CAPITAL OF HAWAII. The day following the first arrival of the Boston, the Flagship San Francisco gave a ball in honor of the officers of the former ship in order to afford an opportunity for them to meet the people of Honolulu and become familiar with the situation. To this ball all the leading white and native residents were invited, and it proved a most enjoyable affair. Cordial relations were established and invitations to social gatherings on shore were extended, which proved to be exceedingly pleasant and beneficial, reciprocated by frequent dinners, dances, and extensive receptions on board the Boston. At the first opportunity I went on shore to see the city and was escorted to the Pacific Club, where I met some old acquaintances whom I had known in the States and a number of most estimable gentlemen, with whom I took lunch. The club-house is well adapted for such a purpose in that climate, and is centrally located. Its membership is composed of the very best men in the city. In a stroll about I found Honolulu to be a city of about 25,ooo inhabitants, having the appearance of a new England country town. It is situated on low ground with lofty hills behind and an untroubled sea in front; shaded by tropical trees, clothed with a variety of bloom and laden with the perfume or flowers. 36 Climate of Honolulu. 37 The climate is that of a Washington city spring, with an average temperature of 7I~. Although as far south as Havana, the heat is nothing to be compared to that of Key West and Cuba. Honolulu is tempered by breezes that always blow, and by rain that falls in intermittent showers. There are a few broad avenues, but most of the streets are narrow and go winding aimlessly through the town, hardly wider than passing teams require and with sidewalks where but two people can walk abreast. The residence portion of the city has the appearance of a land of country villas, as each homestead is surrounded by large yards, botanical gardens, and tropical trees, most of which have been transplanted from other countries and even improve upon their native appearance when grown here. The business portion of the town does not strike one in an architectural sense, but the street scenes are most interesting to the stranger. White duck suits and panama hats give an equatorial glamour; while the Kanaka in his neglige suit, with floral circles hung about the shoulder, his feet unshod, and his attitude extremely restful, presents a marked contrast to the swarm of Orientals in their native dress, sailors from the men-of-war in the harbor, and tourists from every civilized country. The female natives wear a Mother Hubbard gown, a wreath of flowers called "' leis," and go barefooted. No one can accuse the female native of prudishness, and her appetite for poi, raw fish, and the hula dance is unappeasable, while her fondness for 38 People of Honolulu. gin, licentiousness, and kahuna doctors is a besetting sin. She is an expert on horseback as she gallops from place to place astride, with body erect and firm as that of any cow-boy, her divided skirts flapping to the breeze. Frequently you meet with the offspring whose nationality is hard to trace, produced by the intermarriages of Chinese and Kanakas, Japanese and natives, Portuguese, whites, and half-castes-a sort of composite issue which is often an improvement on the mated types. The best class of white people are as refined, polished, polite, and accomplished as one will meet with in any city of the civilized world, and their hospitality is unsurpassed. They live in luxurious homes, fitted with the products of American and European art, and are supporters of every religious and moral movement. Though largely of an admixture of the New England element, there are many whose ancestry came from every section of the United States. There are excellent hotels, a large opera house and other places of amusement; fine churches and magnificent schools and hospitals. The sanitary condition of the town is most excellent; there is a beautiful palace and commodious government buildings, extensive water-works, majestic scenery, zestful sport, glimpses of savage life, delightful homes, and all the attributes of the most perfect state of advanced civilization. The town is lighted by a complete electrical plant with an installation equal to that of any city, - - ------- - --- Details about Honolulu. 39 and the telephone system is the best I have ever seen, with a corps of operators that cannot be excelled in politeness. The telephone is the means of communicating all manner of information, from the market order to the arrival of a steamer or the time of day. The stores are neat and filled with all the articles of luxury as well as necessaries to be found in those of the large cities on the continent. A system of street-car lines meanders through the town, but these are mainly patronized by the Chinese and lower class, there being a lot of nice carriages that will take a person anywhere in the town for twenty-five cents. There are foundries, workshops, and ship-yards, but no manufactories. Down on the docks it will be seen, from the character of the freight handled, that Honolulu is the port of distribution of all merchandise for the islands, and is dependent on the industrial enterprises of the country. On the wharves are bags of grain, cases of goods and machinery of all descriptions; filrniture, bricks, and cement, on which are marks showing that they are from abroad. There are no metals or minerals to be found on the islands, and the iron foundries are wholly dependent upon the coal and iron shipped from abroad in sufficient quantities to meet the necessities of the country. The articles of export are rice, sugar, coffee, raw hides, bananas, and pineapples. To the rear of the central portion of the city is an old extinct crater, called " Punch Bowl," that rises to 40 Suburbs of Honolulu. an elevation of five hundred feet above the sea-level. From the summit a fine bird's-eye view of Honolulu can be obtained. A fine roadway winds about the slopes that are dotted with the cottages of thrifty Portuguese. Back of Punch Bowl hill is the famous Tantalus Mountain, up which a splendid road enables one to obtain a view of surpassing beauty, from a height of 2,000 feet above the sea-level. Below is the city, immersed in a wealth of foliage, as though every quarter of the subtropical world had been laid under tribute, and beyond this the broad Pacific meets the gaze. To the west rise the beautiful Waianae Mountains, in front of which are the lowlands of innumerable rice fields and the Ewa plantation beyond the Pearl River locks. To the east rises the old extinct volcano called Diamond HIead. On one side is the beautiful and historic Nuuanu Valley, and on the other side are the cocoanut-fringed shores of Waikiki. The hillsides are not under a state of cultivation as a rule, although the soil is fertile and covered with a rank growth of stiff grass possessing little or no nourishment for stock. Near the summit of Tantalus the ground has been covered with a thick growth of transplanted trees and laid out into villa sites. The land outside of this artificial forest is covered with the wild guava, which bears fruit as big as the lemon, and impassable patches of lantana, the seeds of which are scattered broadcast by an imported bird from India called the mynah. One of the most beautiful sights in the vicinity of |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ l- -------- kW The Pali-Pearl Harbor. 4I Honolulu is the trip to what is known as the Pali, a pass through the mountains to the windward side of the island, up Nuuanu Valley. The ascent is gradual for about four miles, through an avenue lined with handsome houses, set in grounds filled with rare trees and plants, over an excellent road to the apex of the pass, down which there is on the other side a sheer drop of nearly one thousand feet. It was over this cliff that Kamehameha the Great drove the remnants of the army of the Oahu chiefs when he conquered the island. A winding road down this cliff has been constructed for the convenience of descent. From the north side of this pass, and far below, the country spreads before the eye like a relief map, while on each side are sharp volcanic cones and mountain crags that pierce the clouds. Another intensely interesting trip from the city is a ride on the railroad to Pearl Harbor and the Ewa sugar plantation. Near Pearl City is Reymond Grove with its large dancing pavilion, a favorite rendezvous for pleasure-seekers and picnic parties. The scenery on the road from Honolulu to Ewa is rather picturesque, with glimpses of mountain valleys on the one side and rice fields and the ocean on the other. Pearl Lochs is a favorite resort for aquatic sports, such as boat-racing and yacht-sailing. The drives about the city are smooth and picturesque. They run past groves of cocoanut trees and royal palms, taro patches, where the poi root is grown, banana plantations, and brackish ponds where fish are fattened for the market. 42 Waikiki —Ka5iolani Park. The favorite drive and bathing resort for the leisure class, white and tinted, is along the road to Waikiki. This place is four miles fiom the heart of the city, and is a curved shore line occupied by lovely villas. The ocean breaks on the coral reef several hundred yards from the beach, between which and the shore the water is still and transparent, affording most excellent bathing and fishing, in water with a uniform temperature of about seventy degrees the year round. The famous King's Cocoanut Grove is passed on the way, and just before reaching the beautiful Kapiolani Park is the little villa of Liliuokalani, close on the beach and shut in by a high board fence. This little villa has been the scene of many rather questionable festivities. Kapiolani Park is a government reservation, and in the center is the race-track, where some good sport is seen during the race season, especially on the eleventh of June, or Derby Day. Between this park and the beach is the Sans Souci Hotel and bathing houses, where one can lounge about in reclining chairs or hammocks on the large porches and enjoy the cool sea breeze, obtain a fine meal or refreshing draft. The great annoyances, however, are the insects, which, by the way, are of foreign importation. In the old times there were no mosquitoes here; in fact the name of them is not to be found in the Hawaiian language. The whaling ships brought the pests in their stagnant water-butts, and the residents even claim to know the very ship that brought the first consignment to .Absence of Snakes. 43 the islands. Be that as it may, the harpooning gentry are of two kinds-those that trouble by day and those that ravage by night. The two species are quite distinct as to size and shape, as well as habits. The day pest is noiseless and painful,while the night prowler is noisy and poisonous, and between the two they make life anything but pleasant. The centipede and barbed scorpion have also found their way to the islands, but from the nature of their food and habits they are no more poisonous than the honey-bee. The islands are exempt from snakes, although a planter once imported some to kill the rats and mice in the cane fields, but they were killed before they had time to propagate and no more are allowed to come in. In order to enjoy the beauties of the mountain valleys that open out on the plains it is necessary to go on horseback, as by so doing the head of each valley can be reached without trouble. In the Pauoa Valley the ride leads up to a point where, on the right, the eye overlooks the whole of Manoa Valley. The latter is closed in by high precipices, down which slide numerous water-falls, one of which forms at the base of the precipice a pool of clear cold water, affording an opportunity for a refreshing bath. The next, or Palolo Valley, is most interesting to a botanist, as high up in its encircling peaks is a crater filled with peculiar vegetation, delicate varieties of ferns and mosses, which are elsewhere found in small bunches, but here they entirely cover trunks of trees, and the further one i z44 Ferns- Crime-Rotel. goes along the moist trail the greater is the variety to be found. Even those who have no special acquaintance with ferns will be struck by the variety and size of the specimens to be seen here. There are about one hundred and fifty varieties of ferns to be found on the Hawaiian Islands. The paucity of crime is very noticeable, and it is an uncommon thing for the people to lock their houses. Such a thing as theft is very rare. The prison is built on a coral reef extending into the harbor and connected with the mainland by a narrow road. The prisoners are of many nationalities, and they do much of the hard labor in the streets of the city, working under overseers. The city post-office is in the center of the business portion of the city, in close proximity to the steamboat landings and large warehouses. Through this office the mails from all parts of the world are distributed to the other islands, and upon the arrival of a mail steamer the scene in the vicinity is most interesting. The Hawaiian Hotel is situated in grounds comprising an entire square of about four acres. This large area affords ample room for a lawn and beautiful walks, which are laid out most artistically with flowers, plants, and tropical trees. There are a number of pretty cottages scattered about the inclosure, all under the hotel management, which afford accommodations for several hundred guests. The apartments open out on broad verandas from which a magnificent view of the mountains in the rear may be seen through the ~~~~~~~~~~~~" R~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...... i - I Public Buildings. 45 tropical foliage that surrounds the balconies. On the front lawn is an ornamental band-stand where musical concerts are given upon the arrival and departure of all foreign steamers. Across the street from the Hawaiian Hotel is the Central Union Church, but recently completed at a cost of $I30,ooo. It is built of volcanic rock and fashioned after the most modern church architecture, with a capacity of seating a thousand or more people. Diagonally across to the southeast of the hotel grounds is by far the most attractive building in Honolulu, the new palace, built in I88o-'Si, at a cost of over $300,000. It is a very modest piece of architecture, built of brick and covered with cement, and is surrounded by i i acres of tropical park. The interior is finished with many kinds of native woods that take a high polish. The structure is two stories and a basement, with extensive balconies. The basement is divided into kitchens, servants' quarters, and store-rooms. On the first floor is a large hallway from which a broad stairway ascends. To the right of this hallway was the throne-room, a plain apartment in white, with two gilded chairs on a dais at one end and a round sofa in the center, with carved gilt chairs along the side of the room. Across the hall and at the front of the palace was the drawing-room, and oft this, opening upon a tiled piazza, were the diningroom and royal council chamber. The second floor had three bed chambers, a library and parlor. About the various walls were hung oil paintings of 46 Public Buildings. the royal personages from Kamehameha the Great to Liliuokalani, royal orders and portraits of distinguished Europeans, and in all this array there was not the portrait of a single American. This palace, which had been the scene of court festivities and semi-savage orgies of Kalakaua and his sister, the ex-Oueen, for a number of years, was taken by the Provisional Government as an executive building, and as such it is now used. Just in front of this building, known as Iolani Palace, is the government building, or Aliiolani Hall, situated in a spacious ground. In this structure are the rooms of the supreme court, offices of the ministers and other executive offices, and the legislative hall. In front is an heroic statue of Kamehameha the Great. From the steps of this building the Provisional Government issued its proclamation abrogating the monarchy, and it was upon its tower that the United States flag was hoisted when the temporary protectorate was declared by the American Minister, and afterwards hauled down by the orders of the United States Commissioner. Another building of historic interest is the Oahu College for the education of foreign children. Through its educational advantages many distinguished men of the islands have takes their degrees from Harvard, Yale, and other American colleges. Several charitable institutions ornament the city and have done much good. One of these is the Lunalilo Home, an attractive and comfortable place Hosfital- Schools. 47 for indigent Hawaiians. The Queen's Hospital, partially endowed by the widow of Kamehameha IV and partly supported by the government, is centrally located in the midst of extensive grounds through which several avenues of rich palms mark the approaches to the building. In this building or institution the natives receive treatment free, and it is open to all nationalities. Just outside the western limits of the city is the hospital for the insane;- it consists of a number of small cottages, and the inmates are of all nationalities. The next, and one of the finest institutions in the country, is the Kamehameha School, which was founded and endowed by Mrs. Bishop, a princess of high standing and great wealth. Since her death her husband has liberally donated monetary gifts until there has been more than $I,ooo,ooo spent on its completion and endownment. It comprises over thirty buildings in all, about two miles from town, on a beautiful location of high ground with the mountains in the rear and the sea in front, giving a cool and healthy breeze both night and day. The material from which the buildings are constructed is a dark gray volcanic rock, somewhat resembling coarse granite, and quarried in the vicinity. Connected with the school is an interesting museum containing Hawaiian antiquities, a collection which not only illustrates the ethnology of the islands, but every bird, fish, insect, shell, or plant, a collection which gives an accurate and scientific knowledge of the products 48 4Bishop Museum. of the islands in a remote past. It contains also an interesting collection of curiosities illustrating the condition of the Hawaiian people ages ago, and gives a most excellent idea of the advance in art made by the natives prior to the advent of the whites. The Kahilis, the insignia of royalty, are made of feathers, cylindrical plume-like ornaments, in the shape of a duster or fly-brush with long slender handles. On state occasions and royal processions there was a gorgeous display of these Kahilis, and the bearers were very close to the sovereign. A great variety of kapas or native cloth of different patterns, texture, and color is interesting, and as a manufacture most creditable to Hawaiian industry. From them one can trace the strip of bark through every process to the finished product of bark cloth. The handicraft of the Hawaiian fishermen is well shown here in many kinds of nets, fish traps and hooks of fine workmanship. Of the last some are made of human bones, or shells from a tiny size to the large shark hook that was frequently baited with human flesh. Wooden calabashes or bowls form another attractive sight, made from the wood of the Koa and Kou, resembling mahogany and rosewood in color and graining. Some are for the cooking of fish, or roasting pig and dog. Others are in size from the poi-bowl to the great trough in which the body of a chief was dissected and his bones cleaned, or for the great cannibal feast, although there was no cannibalism in Hawaii. The feather cloaks here Honolulu Harbor. 49 preserved are works of art, of a bright yellow hue, and made from feathers taken from under the wings of tens of thousands of birds of a species now almost extinct, which makes their pecuniary value much greater than their intrinsic utility. Some of them are said to be worth more than $Ioo,ooo. The harbor of Honolulu is very spacious and stands as the highest foreign port in the world as to the amount of tonnage of American shipping visiting it. Improvements at the entrance have been made so that vessels of the deepest draught can now go alongside of the docks for handling freight. Of late years a Bureau of Information has been established in Honolulu for the distribution of valuable Hawaiian information to the other countries of the world. This bureau has done much towards advancing the business prospects of the islands, and it will not be long, under the present system of responsible government, before Honolulu will become a great resort as well as commercial center. CHAPTER IV. HOW THE TIME WAS EMPLOYED IN HONOLULU. As soon as the cruiser Boston was secure in the harbor of Honolulu, on the morning of the 24th of August, I892, a national salute of twenty-one guns was exchanged with the Hawaiian battery on shore, and in the afternnoon of the same day formal calls were made on the officials of our own and the Hawaiian governments. The following day the Hawaiian Minister of Foreign Affairs, accompanied by three nobles of the realm, returned the calls and were received with customary honors and a salute of seventeen guns on leaving the ship. Officials of other nations paid visits of ceremony in the course of the few days following, and the quiet harbor of Honolulu was disturbed by an endless roar of cannon as these officials left the ship. On the afternoon of the 27th of August the flagship San Francisco got under way and left the harbor bound for San Francisco. Our men manned the rigging, and while the band played a few lively tunes they gave their parting friends three rousing cheers and God-speed on their homeward voyage. The San Francisco gone, the Boston settled down to the task of putting everything in shape for the protection of American interests on the islands, and in accordance with the custom on such occasions, and in maintenance of friendly relations, the Call on LIziimokaanz.5 51 commanding officer, through the United States Minister, made known to the Hawaiian Minister of Foreign Affairs his intention of calling upon the Queen with the officers of the Boston, and desired to know when it would be most agreeable and convenient. In reply to this request we were notified the Queen would be pleased to receive us at the palace at io A. M. on the 29th of August. Accordingly, the commanding and other officers who could be spared from the ship went on shore dressed in special full-dress uniform, and, escorted by the United States Minister Resident, proceeded in carriages to the palace entrance, where we were received by the royal guard drawn up in line at a present arms, with the band playing the national air of the United States. Ascending by the steps of the main entrance to the large hall, we were met at the door of the palace by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Chamberlain. After waiting a few minutes, the Chamberlain threw open a door on the left of the hall and announced that the Queen was prepared to receive us. Preceded by the Hawaiian Minister of Foreign Affairs and the United States Minister Resident, we followed in columns of two according to rank, and the presentation of each took place. The Queen was standing at the further end of the room. On her left stood four half-white ladies in waiting, and on her right were four aids, each in the regimentals of a colonel, and to her rear were the royal kahilibearers. A few compliments were passed, and, 52 52 Liliuokalani. after a short conversation with the attendants, we all, according to royal etiquette, backed out. The ceremony was rather stiff, and the head of the little semi-savage kingdom appeared to be up in all the customs of the most powerful monarchs. Queen Victoria was never more exacting in ceremonious requirements than this relic of barbarism. The Queen was rather portly, of medium height, and plainly dressed. She was about 54 years of age, with a full, round face, broad across the cheeks, thick lips, rather dull expression, and a countenance indicative of a severe temper and strong determination. She was darker than the ordinary native, showing evident traces of negro blood. With the exception of one, her maids of honor were beyond middle life, and were far from being attractive, either in appearance or intelligence, but they served the purpose of lending show. The 2d of September was the Queen's birthday and we were given the first opportunity of seeing some of the surviving evidences of Hawaiian heathenism. The occasion was a great holiday, and during the day the Boston was dressed aloft, from stem to stern, with bunting, and a salute of twenty one-guns fired at sunrise and at sunset. The Queen gave a reception, " luau," or feast, and a hula in the palace grounds. The hula, while it did not possess all the abominable features of vulgarity associated with the ancient dance, was nevertheless hardly calculated to arouse in the audience any great reverence for the sovereign who made it The Hula Dance. 53 a part of her formal reception to foreigners. The word " hula " is a term applied to any dance which the natives used to accompany all forms of ceremony from a dedication of a temple to the launching of a canoe; the nature of the ceremony implied the dance, and owing to its extreme vulgarity has been interdicted by law. This was the last time the hula was ever placed on exhibition by royalty, and it is more than likely it will never again be. Natives came from all quarters to partake of the feast, and at Pearl River Lochs all kinds of aquatic sports were indulged in, such as swimming-matches, boat-races, and yacht-sailing, and in the surrounding country the natives had luaus and hulas that did justice to the customs of past days of heathenish practices. One of the ministers of the government, a noble of distinction in the legislature, took me at night across wet taro-patches to a secret grass house in the country, to see a hula as it was given before having been modified. After witnessing this performance I was not surprised that its main features are interdicted by law. None but those of the most depraved sensuality could enjoy its performance. Not far from the city, and off the road leading to Waikiki, is an old residence kept by a native and in this building the tourists were entertained with this royal sport. A young man of no moral standing in the community and rather shady in his habits, but the keeper of a liquor establishment in Honolulu, a boon companion of the royal family, usually made the arrangements for the profits he 54 Wreck of the Campbell. could make out of the sale of a few jugs of cheap gin for the girls and a commission from the regular fees given by the visitors. On these occasions the police never interfered, and it was not an uncommon thing to see cabinet officials in attendance giving countenance to the illegal dance. Even in the homes of some of the reputed respectable white residents I have seen the ladies of the house indulge in the dance, and though somewhat modified it was still sensual. The monotony of a long stay in one place was broken in the latter part of September, when the news cames that an American merchant vessel, the William Campbell, had foundered at sea, and that the first mate in charge of one of the boats, with five others of the crew, had landed at Hilo, on the Island of Hawaii. He reported another boat, containing the captain with his wife and child and the rest of the crew, as missing at sea, making their way for Hawaii. We got under way at half past three on the afternoon of the 29th of September, and stood to the southward and eastward in search of this missing boat. We passed the Island of Maui at night, early the next morning sighted the Island of Hawaii, and at 2 P. M. came to anchor off Htilo, and sent a boat for the American Consular Agent, who came on board bringing the mate of the unfortunate vessel. From the information obtained from the mate we got under way and stood around to the southward of Hawaii, using every effort to obtain some information of the miss A Royal Luau. 55 ing boat. We steamed out to sea and then inshore, scanning the horizon and the beach with powerful field-glasses. During the night a signal light was made out which we supposed to be the long-lookedfor captain of the Campbell. Guns were fired and rockets sent up to attract his attention, but it proved to be a native fisherman, and we gave up the search as hopeless and headed the Boston for Honolulu, arriving at our old anchorage on the afternoon of the 3d of October. The boat journey of the mate from the time he left the abandoned vessel to the time of arriving at Hilo was the longest ever known to have been made at sea in a little open boat, being 2,200 miles. The survivors were cared for and sent to the United States, but the captain was never heard from. A few days after our return the keeper of one of the public institutions gave, in honor of his birthday, a grand luau, to which the Queen and all the leading natives were invited. An invitation was also sent to some of the officers of the Boston, myself included. It was given near the city limits and hundreds were in attendance, old and young. The reception was held in the house. When all was ready the spread was given under a thatched grass shed near by, and for the prominent guests was laid on a long table in the shape of three sides of a square, while the common people seated themselves about a spread on the ground. Facing the opening of the table were the inevitable and indispensable hula dancers, keeping time to the thumping on 56 A Royal Luau. calabashes by some old toothless hags in the rear. On a raised platform in an alcove was perched the Queen, and at the proper time she moved to the table and took a seat, which was the signal for all to follow. It fell to my lot to be seated between two half-white damsels and opposite the Queen. The dishes that were spread before us consisted of all manner of native delicacies, poi in wooden bowls, raw fish, roast dog, fowl, and pig, squid, live shrimps, salted sea-weed, and other condiments of a similar character. Each individual would thrust the fingers into a common poi-bowl when a mouthful was wanted, give a peculiar twist of the hand, and hold aloft a round ball of the mushy paste, and when through laughing and talking push the morsel down the throat. Then he would reach into a little calabash and pull out a raw fish, which is considered a special delicacy. Live shrimp were taken down in the same way. The slimy squib, with a bad smell and an eye that stares unhappily about, appeared to be a rare delicacy. The guests would reach over and break off a toothsome tentacle, which, when it touched the native palate, made him feel that the choicest part had not been withheld. It took a strong nerve and stronger stomach to sit by and see all this, much less eat anything, and together with the sickening smell of cocoanut-oil, with which my two neighbors as well as others had smeared their hair, it made my meal hardly pleasant. No one was permitted to rise, under the rules of royal etiquette, until her Majesty had Preparingfor a Luau. 57 finished her repast. Finally the Queen rose from the table, greatly to my relief. The native luau is one of the leading characteristics of Hawaiian hospitality, and from its preparation to its consummation is exceedingly interesting. It is seldom given by a single individual, but several persons combine, each adding to the quality and variety of edibles. Thus one person will supply thepoi, another the pig, dog or fowl, while others will furnish the fish, bananas and other fruit, and they will give their last fowl or pig for such occasions. When the great event is determined upon, depending upon the fattening of a certain pig or some noted occasion, they will all meet at the designated place and commence the preparations, which entail a great deal of work, the natives exhibiting an industrial spirit that is never witnessed on any other occasion. Some will go to the woods for ferns, ki-leaves, and other plants suitable for decoration; others will dig the oven in the ground and prepare the food for cooking, exercising great care in selecting stones that will not explode as they are heated. While the food is cooking they make a spread on the ground, consisting of ferns and kileaves laid out with much care. When the food is cooked it is taken out and put on the improvised table piping hot, and each one takes his place, squatting on the ground with his legs folded under the body, and the feast commences. "-No knives or forks are used, but each one eats with his fingers, and the greatest cordiality and good will prevails. 58 Hzolidays -G. A. R. Post. They will gorge themselves to such an extent that for days after they are unfit for anything beyond a lazy loitering about on the grass, never thinking of the future. On all occasions like this both male and female adorn themselves with wreaths of flowers called leis. One of the picturesque scenes inl Honolulu is a cluster of flower women seated about on the sidewalk selling flower wreaths of their own manufacture. The monotony of every-day life was again broken on the 28Sth of November by another Hawaiian national holiday, known as the anniversary of recognition of Hawaiian independence by England and France. Boat-racing, yacht-sailing, and the usual luau and games to amuse the crowds were the main features of the day. New Year, Christmas, and the holidays of the United States and other countries were observed with appropriate celebrations. Washington's Birthday, Decoration Day, and the Fourth of July were observed in such an enthusiastic manner as to lead one to suppose that for the time being he was in a typical American town. The United States flag was exhibited on every side, and the American patriotism displayed equal to that of the most ardent supporters of the free and liberal institutions of the great republic. On Decoration Day, on the 31st of May, the local G. A. R. post of 40 old veterans of the civil war in the United States marched from their encampment hall to their lot in the cemetery and paid homage to the memory of their heroic dead by holding Election of U. S. President. 59 literary exercises and garnishing anew the graves of their old comrades, of whom there are a number buried there. Appropriate speeches were delivered and the ceremonies were as imposing as would be found on a like occasion at any national cemetery in the United States, the government offices and business houses closing at noon and the local military as well as the U. S. naval forces participating in the parade. The day on which the election of the President of the United States took place polling places were opened in Honolulu and as much enthusiasm displayed as though their votes were to be counted in the selection of the executive head of the republic. A great many votes were cast, Cleveland receiving a large majority over Harrison. When the steamer, bringing the news of the result in the States, hove in sight, the wharves and house-tops were covered with people anxious to hear the news. Just before the steamer arrived at the wharf some one on board formed with his bent arms a large C and it was at once known who was the successful candidate, the intelligence being received with cheer after cheer. The local election for two nobles to fill vacancies occasioned in the legislature by resignations to accept cabinet positions was outwardly quiet and orderly. There was much bribery and wire-pulling among the natives, resulting in the choice of two candidates put up by the opium and lottery rings. The average native Hawaiian is a natural politician, likes to talk and is fond of discussion; 60 oNcztive Character. open to monetary considerations, defective in logic, and careful to turn every incident to his own advantage regardless of inconsistencies and with no regard for the future. His inherited instinct and intuition lead him to follow the dictates of the chief under whose rule he was servile, and he has little power to think for himself. This feeling of dependence was continued under the monarchy and fostered by some of the foreigners who perpetuated in some degree these relationships. The native is deficient as a legislator, possessing no originality or constructiveness, and when some pernicious measure was proposed in the legislature he readily fell a prey to demagogic arts. It was to this native weakness that a minority but aggressive party in the legislature was enabled, during the legislature of 1892, to vote out so many cabinets, and, until near the close of the session, to control legislation. Lobbyists and local politicians of a character fashioned after the " heelers " of the tough wards of New York or San Francisco, unscrupulous and ready at all times with proper gifts supplied by the bosses, vied with the Queen's agents in tempting the legislators to do their bidding, and the native members fond of office, unwilling to work, and with small salaries readily became willing tools. On one occasion I had a very favorable opportunity to witness the methods of political corruption in Honolulu. I was invited bya supporter of a measure pending before the legislature to attend Royal Political Aethods. a luav and drinking bout to be given that evening to some of the native members of the legislature in order to obtain their votes on the following day for the passage of the act in question, which was opposed by many of the white members. About seven o'clock in the evening a little redheaded Irishman and a friend of his, both of-the down-town gentry, called for me at the hotel in a carriage, and informed me they had been instructed to take me to the place of rendezvous. When I was seated in the carriage they drove down town by one of the drinking establishments and took in a goodly supply of cheap gin and sour beer. They then drove to a little shanty situated in the suburbs of the city. We entered by a back door into a dark room, and after stumbling over a few more boxes of gin and beer that had been sent ahead, a door to a larger room was opened by an old toothless hag, who was the only female present, who appeared to be on the most intimate terms with the little politician, as their greetings were of the most familiar kind. In this large room were gathered many of the native members of the legislature, and as we entered they rose and shook hands, receiving us with the most cordial salutations and alohas. The degree of secrecy and manner of reception indicated at once the methods of this little Irish politician, and it was apparent that nothing was to be said or known outside of this meeting until after the votes were cast on the following day. Cheap gin was immediately passed around, not in small glasses 62 Royal Political Methods. but by the table-glassful, and many stone jugs were soon empty. Nothing was said at the time about the purposes of the gathering, but simple good fellowship prevailed. In a short time we were ushered into an adjoining room where, on the floor, was the spread or feast in genuine Hawaiian style, a bottle of beer and a stone jug of gin marking each man's place. The little Irishman took a seat on the floor at the head of the spread, and his companion at the foot, my place falling between a full-blooded Kanaka and a half-caste Chinese and native, the rest being seated around on the floor. The old female acted as hostess and waited on the guests. Drinking and feasting commenced, and as the legislators began to show indications of the inner man being propitiated, the wily politician began to unload his eloquent appeal for the passage of the bill, and explaining the advantages each would receive should the bill become a law. Personal flattery, and the legislative importance each held in the legislative body, were dwelt upon with much adroitness, and frequently be would hold his glass on high and propose a toast to the measure, which was echoed bv each member as he would drain his glass. Now and then, as the bacchanalian festivities proceeded, the little Irishman and his friend would pass around and drink toasts to each individual, tipping glasses and dexterously dropping a coin into the hand as be passed along. More gin was brought out, and the capacity of these sons of the soil was beyond conception. Royal Political Methods. 63 They emptied jug after jug, but finally the spell was broken and each exhibited evidences of intoxication, when the politician changed from argument to threats and demands. By midnight he had received written pledges from each to vote as directed on the following day. As a divergence, and in honor of my presence, a native would now and then fire off a series of word pyrotechnics to the health of America, and for fear I might not appreciate his love for the United States over and above that of his colleagues, he would take me into an adjoining room and explain that he was for America, and give me advice to beware of the others, all of whom were said to be sympathizers of Great Britain. By the time it was all over, every legislator in the party had inflicted me with the same dose. At midnight the party broke up, and as they separated to go to their respective homes they were informed by the little Irishman that if they broke their promises on the next day, he would see that his friends would no longer pay their board bills, to which an answer was given in a chorus of drunken shouts that disturbed the still night air. They all marched into the legislative hall the next day, and when the bill came up they voted for it to a man. I knew repeatedly of legislative acts carried in this way, especially when the Jones-Wilcox cabinet was voted out and the opium and lottery bills passed. Such was the hold the common whites or National Reform party had with the native mem 64 Native Character. bers of the legislature, and it was no wonder that the progressive people of the Reform party, representing the tax-payers and property-holders, became so disgusted that they failed to put in an appearance in the legislative hall after the Jones-Wilcox cabinet was voted out. The average native Hawaiian is weak, not wicked. He is naturally conservative. Under the Kamehamehas, and now again under the Republic he responds to honest leadership. The House of Representatives under the Republic consists of a majority of natives, who in the absence of the degrading influence of the crown and the National Reform party, which has been disintegrated and absorbed in the ultra royalist faction, have done good work. The worst enemies of tie native Hawaiian have been the Kalakaua family. He and his sister, Liliuokalani, ever since their family came into power, have constantly been the center of a baleful, degrading influence, exalting immorality, drunkenness, heathenism, and race hatred, for their own personal, selfish ends. But for this the native government and the monarchy could have retained power indefinitely, without interference or opposition from the whites. The downfall of the monarchy was the direct and inevitable result of an attempt to arbitrarily subjugate men of the Anglo-Saxon race, whose homes and property were at stake, by illegal means. Another important Hawaiian holiday was the 31St of July, known as Restoration Day, the anni zEnglish Action in 1843. 65 versary of the restoration of Hawaiian independence by the English admiral after the islands had been seized by the captain of one of the vessels of his fleet upon trumped-up claims by the consul of Great Britain. The friction arising from national prejudicies between the American and English residents on the islands led to severe troubles between the Hawaiian government and the foreign powers, which culminated in I843, when the British consul, in a false statement of facts, urged Captain Paulet to demand redress for imaginary wrongs sustained by his countrymen. Captain Paulet, taking advantage of the occasion, made most unjust demands, evincing a determination to accept nothing short of the cession of the islands as redress. rhis demand was eventually complied with under protest. During the negotiations national feeling ran high between the American and English residents. Singular as it may seem, there was lying in the waters of the harbor at the time an American sloop of war named Boston, which came to the rescue, as the other United States Cruiser Boston appeared on the scene of the final overthrow of the monarchy. In order to enforce his demands, Paulet threatened to bombard the town, but Captain Long of the Boston notified the English captain that if any damage should be done to American property he would immediately open fire upon him from the Boston, and in support of this threat he immediately cleared ship for action and placed his vessel in position for a raking fire of the English ship. Shortly afterward the United States Frigate 66 Paulct and Thomas. Constellation, under command of Captain Kearney, came into the harbor. When made acquainted with the state of affairs, Kearney showed his disapproval of the English flag flying over the islands by inviting the Governor and princes on board, and with the Hawaiian flag at the mainmast-head fired a salute, and made every effort to show his sympathy for the native people, much to the discomfiture of Captain Paulet. As soon as Admiral Thomas, then at Valparaiso, Chili, heard of the cession of the islands, he made sail in his flagship for Honolulu and restored the rights and prerogatives of the King; the English flag was hauled down and the Hawaiian flag resumed its place. The square in the city where the ceremonies took place is now one of the most attractive garden spots in Honolulu, and is named after the Admiral, " Thomas Square." On this day the usual amusements, luaus, hulas, and festivities were indulged in. The arrival and departure of steamers fiom and to the United States, the Orient and the colonies atiorded another diversion to the dull every-day life of Honolulu, as on all such occasions the rank, wealth, and beauty of the city are on hand to decorate their departing friends with leis and chaplets of flowers until some of them are so covered up that it looks as though they must suffocate. The royal band was always in attendance upon such occasions, giving selections of national and operatic airs. At night a band concert in the grounds of the IHawaiian Hotel or at Emma Square two or three times a week is another NATIVE FLOWER SELLERS-ION II.U. I BishZoJ Willis —Religion. 67 feature distinctly Hawaiian in its lavish hospitality. One of the disturbing influences in the community during our stay in Honolulu was a church scandal occasioned by the Anglican bishop making an effort to coerce the American contingent of the Episcopal church into recognition of his supreme will. The Americans, together with a number of the more liberal members of the congregation, refused to accept such authority on the part of the bishop, whereupon, although the former had contributed nearly all the funds, nearly a hundred thousand dollars, with which to build the new cathedral, the bishop attempted to close the doors to all except those who agreed with him. It was finally settled by the bishop taking one part of the day for his services, his opponents holding separate services. The bishop was a ritualistic, orthodox bigot, possessing a strong aversion for Americans and a warm admiration for royalty, whereas the pastor was a man of strong intellect and liberal views, exceedingly popular, and a fine pulpit orator. The result was that the bishop remained as a figurehead with a skeleton congregation, while the pastor did the work, and carried the congregation with him. According to the last census, the different religious denominations claim 30,000ooo Protestants and about 20,000 Catholics. The Protestants as a rule are in sympathy with American interests on the islands, whereas the Catholics are favorably disposed to native rule, notwithstanding the teachers in the Catholic schools are mostly Americans. CHAPTER V. POPULATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE PEOPLE. The population of the Hawaiian Islands is decidedly mixed. By the census of I896 it numbered I09,020 persons. Of these the natives numbered 31,oI9; part Hawaiian, 8,485; Chinese, 21,616; Japanese, 24,407; Portuguese, 15,191. The rest were Americans or Europeans. Those of American birth or descent constitute the most intelligent, influential, and largest property-holders of the community. There are a number of very respectable English residents, of good character and abilities, but the majority of them are imbued with a sense of superiority, and seem to entertain the opinion that Americans have obtained advantages which should have gone to England. They feel deeply aggrieved at seeing the Yankee assert himself in Hawaii. Though not given to any genuine consideration of the sovereign rights and claims of the aboriginal race, they are nevertheless, with few exceptions, sympathizers with the corrupt royalty, and constantly intriguing against American influences. This is especially the case with Theo. -I. Davies, the self-constituted guardian and champion of Princess Kaiulani, whom he took to England and educated there. He has become wealthy through the reciprocity treaty with the United States, but 68 English Hostility. 69 is most bitterly hostile to everything American. He was for many years English consul, a position now held by his partner, Mr. Walker. Mr. Davies now spends a large part of his time in England, but returns to Honolulu every year, where he poses as the friend of the natives, proclaims his willingness to protect them from the wicked Americans, makes long speeches and prayers in the native churches, and incidentally sows a crop of domestic discord and race prejudice. Whatever may be the policy of the British government toward Hawaii, the clique which trains with her consular representatives in Honolulu are responsible for nearly all the anti-American feeling in Hawaii, as they feel it an insupportable grievance that the Hawaiian Islands have not become a British stronghold in the North Pacific. With very few exceptions, the Germans, Scandinavians, and other Europeans are supporters of the republic and opposed to the monarchy. The Portuguese are a desirable class of laborers and make good citizens. They are of European descent, but were originally brought from the Azores and Madeira by the Hawaiian government as laborers on the plantations. Over 7,ooo Portuguese children have been born in the islands. The Hawaiian-born white population numbers I4,000. Upon the subsequent introduction of cheap Oriental contract labor, the Portuguese became the leading mechanical and expert workmen on the various internal improvements. They are very strong in their opinions and sympathies with the United 7o Chinese and Japanese. States. In the exercise of their rights of suffrage they form an important adjunct to the strength of the Reform party, and co-operate with the most responsible men of the community. In the summer of 1865, under arrangements for the importation of laborers made by the Hawaiian Bureau of Immigration, 500 Chinese were brought to the islands as contract laborers, and these were followed by others in great numbers until their immigration was checked in I886. They are a patient and industrious people, and in the struggle for existence have crowded the improvident natives from the rich bottoms and taro-fields. On every hand can be seen their r;.e-fields and taro-patches, truck-farms, and poultry-yards, giving evidence of their thriftiness. Some of them have become very rich. Coming as they did to the islands in large bodies composed almost exclusively of men, they soon began to intermarry with the natives, and a mixed race is the result, but of an improved type, in many instances, to the mated pair. However, the distribution throughout the islands of a large number of wifeless Chinese, in close contact with the natives, has had a pernicious influence upon the social life of the Hawaiians, necessarily destructive to the purity of native families. The Japanese began to come to the islands in 1868, but it was not until 1884 that the consent of the Japanese government was obtained for the systematic immigration of its subjects; and then only as contract laborers. Early in the following Jaficnese arnd H waiizans. 7i year they commenced to arrive in great numbers. From that time to the present the Japanese have been coming, many returning as their three-year contracts expired. At first they consisted of a very low caste of Japanese, gathered from the riffraff of the cities, but later they were gathered from the interior and were a better class. They are a combative set, ignorant, mulish, and mutinous, and are likely to give great trouble to the government as their numbers increase. Under the terms of their contracts they are partially held in check. If the laborer is idle he is docked a portion of the day, and if he refuses to obey orders or to work he is arrested and tried by the civil courts, and, if found to be in fault, is ordered to return to work; on repetition of the offense he is punished with a light fine, which is taken from his wages. If he persists in a refusal to work, or is mutinous in conduct, he is given a term of imprisonment. The native race is thriftless and indolent but amiable and attractive, physically strong, cordial, and generous. They are in general above the middle stature, well formed, with fine muscular limbs, open countenances and features, frequently resembling those of Europeans. The higher class, or remnants of the chiefs, are tall and stout and their personal appearance is so much superior to that of the common people that they look like a distinct race. Their hair is black or brown, strong and frequently curly. Their complexion is neither yellow nor red, but a kind of olive, and sometimes 72 Origin of Hawaiians. reddish brown. The question of their origin is merely speculative, but it is pretty well settled by native tradition that their ancestors migrated from one of the Samoan Islands, which was the chief center of dispersion for the Polynesian race. The Phlcenicians, who were of H1amitic origin, originally came from the shores of the Persian gulf, and carried with them the nautical traditions and commercial customs of the most ancient times. As they were in the habit of using the AEgean Islands for a port of call and distribution, and as a means of keeping secret their communications with the rich countries of the west, it is more than likely the Chaldean navigators in a remote period had a similar custom in the use of the Samoan Islands to preserve their knowledge of the existence of the rich islands of the Pacific Ocean and of the American continent. From this it would appear the earliest inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands originally came from Southwestern Asia, a conjecture that is borne out by the fact that domestic animals of Asiatic origin were found among them. They had dogs, the common hens and chickens and pigs, which are certainly of Asiatic origin. The ancient Hawaiians were very bold and skillful navigators, and often made voyages of great length to the Polynesian islands to the south. They had a knowledge of astronomy, knew the planets and had names for the brighter stars. Their year was 365 days. They practiced agriculture and constructed immense canals for irriga Hawaiian Idolatry. 73 tion. Accustomed to the water, they were wonderfully expert fishermen and built large fish-ponds for rearing select varieties. Situated as they were, thousands of miles from the discord and anarchy that convulsed the archipelagoes of the south, as they grew dense in population, struggling for individual supremacy, the Hawaiians developed into comparative peace and prosperity, and settled down to the task of working out a destiny in advance of the aborigines of the other Pacific islands. They were in a state that admitted of a rapid transition to civilization without war. This easy transition from barbarism to civilization, and sudden adoption of the Christian religion in place of superstition and idolatry, has been regarded as a signal instance of the triumph of Protestant propagandism. But it is a mistake to cherish the idea of their having become thoroughly Christianized or enlightened, as the greater part of the natives, from Liliuokalani down, are more or less tinctured with their ancient superstitions and idolatrous worship, practicing the old forms, and in secret praying to their old-time gods. The idols have been destroyed or hid away, yet in secret haunts, concealed from the public gaze, the natives still practice their incantations and believe in the mysteries of their time-honored religion. Liliuokalani supported heathen sorcerers, with whom she was on terms of intimacy, making them her secret confidential advisers. Her Christianity was but a mask. Some of the native pastors are worshippers 74 Hiazwaiian Sorcerers. of the old gods, and heathen at heart. Civilized doctors have great difficulty in alleviating pain or destroying the germs of disease owing to the prevalent heathenism of the patients and their faith in the kahunas, or native " medicine men," who teach that diseases are due to some offended deity that must be propitiated. The natives believe that an individual who possesses the means of employing a kahuna may afflict with painful disease, and even death, any person against whom he has feelings of hatred or revenge. They also believe that these sorcerers by certain incantations can discover the author of the disease. A great many natives are brought to their death by the pretensions of these ignorant medicine-men, whose influence is so great upon the minds of the people that in all manner of distress or disease their spirtitual aid is sought for relief. A pig or a fowl for sacrifice is at all times necessary for the ceremony, and the fees to the kahuna are regulated according to the wealth or standing of the employer. The kahuna who is supposed to have most influence with the gods is most frequently employed, and derives the greatest emoluments from his profession. The offerings on such an occasion are accompanied with heathenish ceremonies and sacrifices, and are not lacking in mesmeric or hypnotic phenomena. Violent sweatings and purgings, as well as other great physical severities, are frequently used to promote the expulsion of the demon, and, from the anxiety and dread, the mental apprehen Hawaiian Relizgion. 75 sion is so great that the victim often dies when no disease originally existed. The sufferer is told that a kahuna is at work against him; he at once sickens, becomes prostrated, aud frequently dies. Very recently the sister of Liliuokalani, Princess Likelike, mother of the heiress apparent, Kaiulani, died from the effects of this heathen superstition. Human sacrifices were in vogue up to I820, but ceased then. The Hawaiian religion was the embodiment of beastiality and malignity, that frequently lapsed into crimes of lust and revenge. The various legends of their gods abound in attributes of the most excessive animalism and cruelty. Lewdness, prostitution, and indecency were exalted into virtues. One of the most foul practices intimately connected with IHawaiian idolatry, and forming an essential part of its services, was the hula dance. The chief posturings are illustrated and varied with elaborate art, accompanied with chants of unspeakable foulness of diction and description, elaborated with foul wit and jest and extolling impurity. The motive of the dance is grossly sensual. Sometimes it is performed to the music of the orchestra, but usually the accompaniment is the thumping of calabashes and a weird song, in the Hawaiian dialect, unfit for civilized print. The dances commence by the appearance of the performers in the middle of a ring. Seated on the ground behind them are the musicians. The hula girls wear a short frock over the loins, their legs bare to the knees, and around 76 The Hula Dance. their ankles are circles of grass fringe. Their heads and shoulders are ornamented with circlets of flowers called " leis." A weird chant from among the squatted musicians, accompanied by the thumping on the calabashes, starts the dance, at first slow, but as it proceeds the music grows louder and more discordant. Each hula dancer, keeping time to the music, gives an exhibition of indecent pantomime. With body erect and shoulders motionless, they keep up a constant gesticulation with the arms and hands and nervous stamping of the feet as the hips are made to rotate about as though they were pivoted to the small of the back and knees. The performers at times join in the strident chant. The dance is exceedingly tiresome and seldom lasts more than ten or fifteen minutes, when the performers pause to refresh themselves with cheap gin, and the next act commences. A dancing debauch usually lasts all night, and as a rule ends in a promiscuous drunk. The hula was Kalakaua's favorite pastime, and he kept a dancing troupe of his own for the amusement of not only himself, but to entertain his favorite courtiers and special tourists at the boat-house. The dance requires years of training, and cannot be acquired by an adult any more than an acrobat can be developed from an old man. The extreme vulgarity of the hula has been interdicted by law, but in secret it is carried on with the same lewdness and obscenity as in the olden times. It must not be forgotten, however, that it has Cause of Decrease of Population. 77 only been seventy years since these people commenced to receive Christian civilization, and for the past twenty years the entire tendency and influence of the reigning family has been of the most degrading character, so that it is small wonder that the retrogression of the common people is so in evidence. Relieved from this blighting influence, there is already an upward tendency in the native moral tone. Unfortunately, the native population is rapidly decreasing, and ultimate extinction threatens the race. From a period prior to the advent of the white race they have continued to steadily decrease. At the time of the discovery of the islands by Captain Cook, in I774, there was, upon a moderate estimate, a population of 250,000, which has dwindled down to less than 30,ooo pure natives at the present date. This decrease was greatly augmented by contact with the whites, but prior to their coming the elements of decay were already in operation, owing to the entire absence of morality. Chastity had no recognition in the social organism, and, unlike other races, the female was aggressive in solicitation. A woman who withheld herself was considered sour and ungracious, and it was a matter of good form that all proposals should come from her. It was the universal practice for the mother to place her hands on the hips of the infant female as soon as it could stand up, and by careful manipulations teach it the sensual and abominable movements of the hula, that upon arriving at maturity she might, with that accomplishment, 78 Inf anticide-Disease. attract the favor of some influential chief. Hospitality was thought to be neglected if the host did not supply his visitor during his sojourn with the women of his family, and there was no more impropriety attaching to it than in the free life of animals. This condition of society naturally led to wholesale infanticide, which was practiced by all ranks of the people. However numerous the children were, parents seldom reared more than two or three, and many spared only one. All the others were destroyed, sometimes after birth, and the infant living a week, a month, or even a year, was still insecure. The method of destruction was usually by strangulation, frequently by burying them alive, often in the floor of the house, within a few yards of the bed, and the spot where the mother took her meals. The principal motive for this crime was idleness and the trouble of bringing up children. Every effbrt has been made to check this criminal practice, and infanticide is not now more common than elsewhere. The diseases brought by the contact with the whites have done much towards decimating the race. For instance, on two occasions the ravages of small-pox were terrible, and the measles made sad havoc among their ranks. Other infectious and epidemic diseases largely added to the destruction of the population, but venereal diseases were the chief agent of depopulation. From the very first intercourse with the Captain Cook-Leprosy. 79 crew of Captain Cook, the amiable and social nature of the Hawaiians caused to be introduced these scorching and withering diseases that ran like wildfire through the nation. When a portion of the United States Army took their station at Honolulu, the First New York Voltlnteers were the means of introducing the last epidemic. They did not seem to have any idea of how to take care of themselves, and although typhoid fever is almost an unknown disease in Hawaii, a large number of these troops died, and in some companies the percentage of numbers on the sick list ran as high as fifty per cent., and when they were recalled a large number were still sick. That this pernicious disease was caused by the carelessness of the First New York Volunteers is shown by the fact that the regulars and the engineers who were camped side by side with the volunteers had almost no sickness. Fortunately the health conditions here arising from the fate of the New York Volunteers were eliminated by their timely recall and subsequent hygienic regulations. It is true that typhoid fever did not get much headway, but its appearance did much injury to the favorable health reports of the islands. One of the most loathsome and incurable diseases is leprosy. This disease was first discovered in the islands in I853, and was introduced from China. Since then it has claimed about 4,000 victims. It very rarely occurs among the whites. Scientific and medical experts from all over the world have been employed by the Ha 80 Origin and Treatment of Leprosy. waiian government to study the disease, and, if possible, to find some cure. So far, it has baffled the medical fraternity. Some have reported it to be the outcome of too much fish food and improper diet; yet if such was the case, why did the natives not develop it before, as from all ages they have been a fish-eating people? Others lay its origin to the want of cleanliness, yet, personally, there is not a cleanlier person in the world than the Kanaka. He not only bathes frequently, but is almost amphibious. Again, it is asserted that the disease is an aggravated form of tertiary syphilis in a race virgin to the disease, and this is more likely the case. The disease is but slightly contagious, and heroic doses of iodide of potassium seem to give relief. Its general appearance is of the constitutional and not the ulcerated form, and the period of incubation of the germ after once implanted in the body is probably fiom two to five years, and death occurs in from four to seven more years. In an experiment by inoculation a convict who was sentenced to be hanged submitted to leprous inoculation on condition of sparing his life. Two years after inoculation the disease made its appearance, and in less than four more he died. The efficacy of the experiment was destroyed, however, by the fact that there was leprosy in his family, from whom he might have caught it. Inoculation of animals has produced no perceptible result. The contagiousness of the disease is so slight that the The Leper Settlement. 81 doctors and attendants at the hospitals and settlement never contract it. In one instance a native woman was married three times. Each of her husbands contracted the disease and died from its effects, yet frequent medical examinations developed no trace of the disease in the woman. Again, a pronounced leper has for years lived and cohabited with his wife, and she has not contracted the disease; and of some sixty children born of leprous parents who have been cared for by the government, only two or three have developed the disease. In the absence of knowledge as to the method by which the disease is communicated, and in view of the fact that it was spreading rapidly among the natives, who have no fears of the disease and mingle freely with lepers in the most intimate daily intercourse, an act was passed, in I865, segregating all lepers and providing a hospital and isolated establishment for them at government expense. A site was selected on the north side of the Island of Molokai, about 50 miles from Honolulu. The site so selected is situated on a narrow peninsula, comprising about 5,000 acres, surrounded by the ocean in front and shut in on the rear by a precipice from two to three thousand feet in height. To this location the government in I866 commenced to segregate the lepers, sending 140 that year. The number receiving treatment there at present is about I,Ioo. Several lovely villages of these poor creatures have grown up, and all means that governmental aid and popular charity can devise have been 82 The Leper Settlement. taken to alleviate their sufferings. They are provided with hospitals, a Y. M. C. A. hall, a public library and concert and lecture hall, provided with a piano, organ, seats, &c. There are three churches-Roman Catholic, Congregational, and Mormon —and a boy's and a girl's home, each built by donations from wealthy white residents of Honolulu, which are presided over and managed by Catholic sisters-all Americans, from a sisterhood having its headquarters at Syracuse, New York. There are about 8oo horses in the settlement, and horse-racing is one of the holiday amusements. Wives and husbands are permitted to accompany each other into this exile. A band of music plays in the public park several days in the week, and medical treatment is administered by efficient specialists, the whole being under the supervision of the government board of health. No nation in the world provides more liberally for its afflicted than does Hawaii. Prior to the exiling of patients to this settlement an examination is made at the Kalihi hospital, near Honolulu, and not until they are beyond all doubt suffering from the disease are they sent to Molokai. The natives regard this segregation of their leprous relatives as a cruel and uncalled-for hardship, and Kalakaua practically permitted the law to lapse in his efforts to control native influence; but now it is so rigidly enforced that but few lepers are at large. Either from segregation or because the disease has run its course, the number of lepers is gradually decreasing, and ultimate extinction is hoped for. Lizquor and Opium. 83 Another great curse to the native race is their natural fondness for stimulants. Even before the arrival of the whites a narcotic called "6 awa" was a favorite beverage, and when taken in excess has a tendency to waste and paralyze the system. A liquid was also made from fermented sweet potatoes, but the strongest alcoholic beverage was concocted fiom the macerated and fermented ki-root. With the introduction of the foreigner came the products of the still, and this craving appetite knew no bounds. The previous mild orgies were transformed into a carnival of excess and contributed largely to depopulation. The narcotic influences of opium tookwith the natives under the tuition of the Chinese, whose smoking joints are exceedingly numerous. Importation of opium is prohibited by law, but the quantity smuggled is very large. Some idea of the quantity sold on the islands may be obtained from the fact that two Chinamen paid Kalakaua bribes, one $75,000 and the other $80,oo00, for the privilege of securing a license, for which $25,000 a year was paid, to sell it. This fondness for alcoholic stimulants and narcotics, with its resultant exposure, is one cause for the decrease of the Hawaiians. The native Hawaiian race is doomed to extinction. They cannot compete with other races, and as new conditions are evolved, and a possible overcrowding of the islands by thrifty and capable classes in the near future takes place, the little remnant of natives will soon disappear as an im 84 Native Character. portant element in the population of the country. Like all semi-savages, they are poetical, eloquent, and fond of holding office; but the Hawaiian, with his superficial civilization and inexperience in practical government, is incapable of governing or controlling the stronger races, which now outnumber him three to one. He has already passed from the stage as a controlling factor in Hawaiian government, although under firm and capable leadership he does not make a bad citizen. CHAPTER VI. NATIVE GAMES AND SPORTS. The native Hawaiians are natural sportsmen, and some of their games would favorably compare with those of civilized races. One of their most popular and delightful sports was surf-riding. Familiar with the sea from birth, they have no dread of it, and are as much at home in the water as on dry land. On these occasions they use a board generally six to ten feet long and rather more than a foot wide, sometimes flat, but more frequently convex on both sides. The natives choose a place where the deep water reaches to the beach and where the surf breaks violently. They take their boards and pushing them ahead swim perhaps a quarter of a mile or more to sea, dodging the billows or diving under them as they roll towards the shore. Arriving far enough out, they adjust themselves on the rear end of the board, lying flat on their faces, and upon the approach of the largest billow, paddle with their hands and feet toward the shore. The breaker catches up with them, and by skillful manipulation it is made to bear the board forward upon its face at an angle of 30 or 40 degrees, with the speed of an express train, to within a few yards of the beach, when, by a quick movement, they slide off the board, and grasping it in the middle dive under the water while the wave 85 86 Surf-Riding. breaks on the shore. Sometimes the swimmer assumes a sitting or standing position on the board in the midst of the foam, balancing himself in a way that would prove fatal to even the best American swimmer. The larger the waves, in their opinion, the better the sport. They have a variety of games, and gambol as fearlessly in the water as the children of the United States do on their playgrounds. Occasionally a light canoe, holding from one to half a dozen people, is used instead of a board. This is less difficult than board-riding, and is one of the favorite amusements afforded tourists at the Waikiki beach, a few miles from Honolulu. In the olden times all ranks and ages were equally fond of this sport, but when the king or queen or any high chiefs were playing in the surf none of the common people were allowed to approach the place. Another favorite amusement with the common people was the throwing of a blunt dart, varying in length from two to five feet, and thickest about six inches from the point, after which it tapered gradually to the other end. These darts were made with great care and ingenuity, of a hard wood and highly polished. They were thrown with great force and exactness along the level ground previously prepared for the game. The ground was laid off into a court about fifty or sixty yards long, upon which two or more darts were laid down at a certain distance, three or four inches apart. The excellence of the play consisted in the dexterity with which . I i | I i I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I 1 SU7RF-RIDINGWA1KAK1> H(WNOLULIl Native Sports. the dart was thrown. He who in a given number of times threw his dart most frequently between the stationary darts without striking either of them won the game. Again, the play was a mere trial of strength. A mark was made in the ground from which the player must throw his dart. He balanced the dart in the hand, retreated a few yards firom the starting point, and then sprang forward to the mark and threw it along the ground with great force. All the darts were left wherever they stopped until all were thrown, when each player ran forward to the other end of the course to see who had made the most successful throws. In throwing darts, casting spears, and dodging them the Hawaiians were great experts. A game somewhat similar to the dart-throwing was bowling, and the skill with which the native Hawaiian could handle the ball would compare with the most expert ten-pin player of to-day with all his knowledge of how to make the spare, strike, lighthouse break, or Dutchman's bridge. The native game consisted in bowling a highly polished stone disk, three or four inches in diameter and an inch thick, with a slight convexity from the edges to the center. They were made of compact lava, or of a white alluvial rock, and were highly valued and carefully preserved, being always oiled and wrapped up in native cloth after having been used. A narrow course about half a mile in length was made on the ground, similar to that made for dart-throwing, and at one end, about thirty or forty yards from 88 Boxing and Wrestling. the starting mark, two sticks were stuck in the ground only a few inches apart, and between these the parties at play strove to throw the stone without striking either of the stakes. At other times the play was to see who could throw the disk farthest along the course. Sometimes the inhabitants of a district, believing they had the champion, would challenge the other people of the whole island to bring a man to compete with their favorite. This game required great bodily exertion, yet the natives would play it for hours with restless avidity and untiring effort. In athletic sports boxing was a favorite national game, was regulated by fixed rules, and presided over by umpires. The usual contestants were the chiefs of different districts. When they entered the ring they were usually attended by a large crowd of partisans. The fight was severe and determined, and when a knock-down occurred or blood was drawn, the partisans of the victor indulged in deafening yells, danced and beat drums, while the champion would strut around the ring with an air of a John L. Sullivan, challenging others to the contest, until he finally met his match. It was not uncommon for several of the contestants to be left dead on the field during one of these games. Wrestling and foot-racing were much practiced, as well as jumping the rope and kite-flying. Another popular sport was sliding down hill on a long narrow sledge. The runners were from twelve to fourteen feet long, and two or three Coasting- Gcarnbling.8 89 inches deep, made of hard wood, highly polished, and curved at the forward end. They were set up about four inches apart and fastened together by a lot of cross-pieces, on which two long tough sticks were fastened and connected by wicker-work. A smooth narrow track was made of cobble-stones or dry grass down the side of a steep hill, extending to a great distance over the adjoining plain. The performer would grab the sledge about the middle, run a few yards to the starting place, and, with a good start, would throw himself upon it and shoot head foremost down the hill, going sometimes half a mile before stopping. In all these games the natives indulged in various kinds of gambling. Scarcely any individual resorted to a source of amusement but for the purpose of gambling; and at those periods they exhibited all the excitement, anxiety, and rage which such pursuits invariably produce. These feelings were not only visible in every countenance, but were fully acted out, and all the malignant passions which gambling engenders were indulged without restraint. The female would hazard her beads, cloth, beating mallet, and every piece of clothing she possessed, except what she actually had on. The male would risk his implements of husbandry, his hatchets and adzes, and even the mat on which he slept. All were eager to stake every article they possessed on the success of their favorite player, and when they lost all, would become frantic with rage and tear their hair from their heads. These scenes frequently ended in quarrels, sometimes of a serious nature. go Native Games. A complicated game like our checkers was played with black and white pebbles upon a board divided into numerous squares. One of the favorite gambling plays consisted in hiding a small stone under one of several pieces of native tapa or cloth, so as to prevent the spectators from discovering under which piece it was hid. The parties at play squatted on the ground, each one holding in his right hand a small elastic rod about three feet long and highly polished. The small end of the stick had a narrow slit in it through which was drawn a tuft of hair or piece of ti-leaf. The players were usually divided into two parties of five persons each, and the pieces of tapa were placed between the two parties. One person was selected on each side to hide the stone. In doing this the stone was taken in the right hand and passed along several times underneath each piece of tapa and finally left under one of them. All this time the other side was closely watching to see where it was deposited. The stone deposited and hand withdrawn, the opposite party would then point with the sticks to the piece of tapa under which they guessed it to be concealed. The cloth was instantly lifted up, and should the stone be under it that side had won the hiding, and the side that guessed right the greater number times won the game. As almost all the men were taught the use of various weapons employed in battle, they frequently engaged in martial exercises or warlike games. One of these exercises consisted in throwing stones Single Combats. 9x with a sling at a mark, and it was remarkable with what precision and accuracy they would, with great force, strike a small stick fifty yards away, rarely ever missing it. The throwing of a javelin and catching and returning it, or warding it off to avoid receiving any injury, was another game. This feat was one of Kamehameha I's greatest accomplishments, in which he excelled to an astonishing degree. He was known to have six men throw their javelins at him at one time, three of which he caught and returned to his assailants, two he parried, and one he dodged. Wrestling was an athletic practice of the youths as a preparation for the single combats usual in almost every one of their battles. Sham battles were frequently indulged in, when large numbers would take part. Divided into parties they would advance and retreat, attack and defend each other, and engage in all the manceuvres employed in actual warfare. They took great delight in these gymnastic and warlike exercises, and spent a great deal of time in their practice. In actual hostilities it was not an uncommon occurrence for the result to be decided in a single combat. A boastful warrior would advance beyond the line of his companions and in opprobrious terms challenge his enemies to mortal combat. A warrior from the army of the other side would come out to meet him, and the duel would be continued until one or the other was disabled or slain. 92 Ancient Warfare. Although actual warfare may not be considered one of their games of amusement, yet their mode of carrying on war was the result of their national character and training, and some account of their system of military tactics and methods of fighting will probably be acceptable in this place. The native traditions are full of accounts of plundering expeditions of one island against another, or the murderous battles between the various independent chiefs of different parts of the same island. No pretext was wanted to commence the fight. It was simply started by one party who thought themselves powerful enough to invade with success the domains of their neighbors and plunder their property. Not until the introduction of fire-arms and the subjugation of the whole group by Kamehameha I. did this custom cease. Whenever war was in contemplation sacrifices were offered, and advice sought from the war gods through the appearance of the entrails of a hog or fowl that was sacrificed, or by the interpretation of dreams. If the expedition was of great magnitude or threatened imminent danger, human sacrifices were offered to the war gods. These victims of sacrifice were either captives or individuals who had broken tabu or made themselves obnoxious to the chiefs. The number offered at one time varied according to the importance of the enterprise. War was never declared without the approbation of the gods made known through the priests, having due regard to the views agreed upon in a public meeting of the Jf.ilhiary Tactics. 93 chiefs and their warriors. As soon as they were ready, the chiefs and priests fixed upon the time and place for commencing and the manner of carrying it on. Messengers were sent to all the districts under their authority to require the attendance of a sufficient number of men provided with their weapons, kukui nuts for torches, calabashes and portable provisions. If the circumstances justified it, all persons capable of bearing arms were summoned, and any one failing to obey had his ears slit and was led to the camp by a rope. This slit was ever afterwards a mark of cowardice, and was so humiliating that very few ever lingered behind. When all had assembled at the place of rendezvous a general muster was held by the inferior chiefs, and the number present reported to the commanderin-chief. They then went into camp on some plain, or near the banks of a river, or in a deep ravine secured from sudden attack, and threw out pickets. Near by they usually constructed a fortress, including a spring, for the protection of the women and children. The field chosen for battle was generally on some uneven or broken ground or rugged tracts of lava, and from the elevated positions they fought with slings and stones, and repelled the assaults with spears and clubs. When compelled to fight in the open plain, their tactics were of a superior kind. They advanced in the formn of a crescent, with the wings thrown back, center considerably in advance and reserve to the rear. A line of skirmishers was formed along the entire front, composed of the 94 Military Tactics. slingers and javelin-throwers. The high chief led the center. In passing a defile, or when engaging in a narrow pass, the wings were massed to the rear and the center led, deploying by divisions after emerging from the defile. The priests kept to the rear, and just before the engagement commenced were consulted by the chiefs, and if the auspices were favorable they brought out the images of the war gods and placed them near the head chief. Prayers were offered and speeches of encouragement made to the assembled warriors, when the signal was given and the onslaught commenced. As the fight progressed the priests bore near each chief the image of his particular war god. After the fight was over it was the duty of the priests to sacrifice a certain number of prisoners in honor of the gods. The usual mode of fighting was by a succession of skirmishes, but at times the whole army would engage except the reserve, which was used with much skill when required. Sometimes their disputes were settled in a great naval engagement, and fleets of hundreds of canoes were opposed to each other with a skill equal to those of the flotilla engagements of the ancient Phoenicians. They went into the fight with boastful shouts and confusing noise. The first victim slain was treated with barbarity: his hair cut or torn from the top of his forehead, his ornaments stripped off and his body dragged to and mutilated on the altar as the first blood to the war Treatment of Prisoners. 95 god. When routed in the field they fled to some sacred enclosure, and if successful in reaching that place of refuge they were preserved, but if intercepted they were slain. If they took to the mountains they were pursued for weeks and months, and if discovered were cruelly massacred. If taken prisoners they were taken before the high chief, who passed judgment, by which they were either slain or spared. If spared, their persons became the property of the captor as slaves. The victors usually buried their dead, but the bodies of the vanquished were left on the field to be devoured by hogs and dogs, or suffered to rot. When completely routed, the country of the vanquished was portioned off to the chiefs of the victorious army, and the wives and children of the defeated were made slaves and treated with great cruelty. If the battle was a draw, a flag of truce, or messenger with a plantain tree or branch of the ki-plant, was sent by one side with proposals, and if agreed to they were ratified in the temple by sacrifices, feasting, dances, and public games, and a wreath of a particular plant was deposited in the temple as a record of the treaty. With the introduction of the whites the ancient games almost ceased, those of the new-comers were adopted instead, in which the natives have proven themselves exceedingly expert. They have several base-ball clubs in Honolulu, and in the frequent matches against clubs composed of whites they are often the victors. There is a centrally located and 96 Boating-Shooting — Tug of War. spacious base-ball ground, amphitheatre, and all accommodations for the public in Honolulu. Great enthusiasm is shown for the sport, and on occasions of a match game the elite of Honolulu turns out. In boating, the natives take to the long narrow shell with as much skill as they did in their old time-honored canoe, and in the many regattas at Pearl river and Honolulu harbor they are frequently victorious over their white competitors. Rifle-shooting and target practice come in for their share as an amusement, and the natives have a team that has made a good record for disfiguring the bull's-eye at short and long range. One of their favorite sports of to-day is the " tug of war," which consists in a certain number of men on one side matched against an equal number on the other. Each side, taking the most favorable position for bringing all its strength into play, holds on to one end of a rope and pulls against the other until the mark in the middle of the rope is drawn across the limits of the field, when the game is decided. The test requires not only strength, but judgment, knack, and endurance. Sometimes they will tug at the rope for hours before either side wins. The bowling-alley has superseded the old disk-rolling floor, and in this modern game the native is also an expert. With the introduction of fire-arms, and the moral superiority of the white inhabitants, the natives have become exceedingly docile and a remarkably peaceful race of people. Game-shooting. 97 Horse-racing is a favorite sport. On nearly all the islands there is a well-regulated track, and at the regular meets the races are hotly contested, with good exhibitions of speed. In the field the sport is magnificent. Quail have been imported from California, and though they will not remain on the lee side of the islands, do well on the windward side, which makes the sport a little more difficult. Japanese and Chinese pheasants have also been imported and do well, having multiplied in sufficient numbers to permit shooting them. Domestic turkeys became so plentiful that the surplus took to the woods and went wild, and turkey-hunting has become quite a sport as well as a means of supplying food. In the mountains there are wild geese, most delicious in flavor, but as they occupy the higher regions of the mountains they are difficult to reach by the sportsmen. During the winter months, or what is known as the rainy season, the marshy ponds around the lowlands of the islands are filled with many species of wild ducks and fowl, and the sport is extremely fine. Numerous ducking clubs and preserves have been formed and it is not unusual for a few gentlemen from Honolulu in two days' outing to bag as many as one hundred ducks. On the northern side of the Island of Oahu there is a series of marshy ponds, near which is the most popular club on the islands, its membership being composed of many of the leading gentlemen of Honolulu. In the winter months also a kind of upland plover make their way to the islands from their breeding ground to the 98 Plover and Duck Shooting. north. The great distance to this breeding ground is shown by the impoverished condition the plover are in upon arrival on the islands, but only a week or so after landing they become so fat as to be dull and slow in flight compared with their rapid movement at first. They are a most deliciously flavored bird, and the sport in shooting them exceeds that of any other of a similar nature on the islands. They feed along the beach and marshes or outlying points, and the sportsman simply takes a stand on one of the projecting reefs while a dog is sent around to flush them, or in the absence of a dog an attendant is sent the rounds. As they fly from one place to another they nearly always cross the spit, and a good shot is obtained. Three sportsmen and two attendants bagged over five hundred in three days on the western end of the island where the field was not so frequently shot over. As the birds fly across the little water indentations to cross the reef or spit they are very likely to fall in the water when shot. It is therefore necessary to have a good retriever, of which there are many fine ones in Honolulu. At other times during the year dove-shooting is the favorite sport in the field. These doves are a little larger than the ordinary dove of the United States and somewhat smaller than a pigeon, having a wreath of white mottled feathers on the top of the head. They fly with a swiftness equal to that of a blue-rock pigeon, and when coming towards a person are hard to kill. They feed along the rich rice bottoms and cultivated fields, and when flushed Deer- Cattle- Goats. 99 fly singly towards a certain cover of woods. Hence to enjoy the sport the marksman takes a stand, as much concealed as possible, near some opening through which the birds usually fly. Early in the morning they leave their roost, and late in the afternoon are again on the move, but in the middle of the day one person goes to a favorable spot on one side of the fields, and another to one on the opposite side, so that as the one fires he drives the birds to the other, and vice versa. The sport is very fine and not too much work, and unless the wind is blowing hard can be indulged the entire day. Of the large game, the little spotted deer have been introduced on the Island of Molokai, and become so numerous as to be an injury to the forests. In the mountains, however, there are a great number of wild cattle and wild hogs on five of the islands, and the sport in chasing them, joined with the danger accompanying the hunt, is highly exciting and very interesting. The hunt is made on horseback, and the weapon is the rifle, hence it takes a good shot and cool judgment to be successful. A wounded bull is no insignificant foe, for he will attack man or beast when in that condition. There are great numbers of wild goats in the mountains of all the islands, which are much hunted for sport. They are very destructive to vegetation, and in some places men are hired to exterminate them. The skins used to be exported, but the price is now so low that this is only done on a small scale. CHAPTER VII. THE HAWAIIAN RELIGION. The description of a race of people is incomplete without an account of their religion. The religion of a people has always been considered to have an immense formative power over them. For instance, the religion of Egypt and Chaldea, of Greece and Rome, by its exaltation of the higher elements of character, laid a foundation upon which advanced civilization became possible, while all those nations which worshipped evil gods became corroded and poisoned in their social and political life. The Hawaiian religion was of the latter kind, polytheistic and idolatrous, coupled with oppressive restrictions, superstitious exactions and human sacrifices. It was impure and malignant, evil and unclean, possessing strong tendencies to animalism and cruelty, lust and revenge. This diabolical religion drew its greatest strength from idolatry and sorcery which brought their evil gods down to living, active powers, interposing in all circumstances of life, and holding the people in habitual fear of the powerful gods and their subordinate demons. Their lives were constantly threatened by them, and every illness, however slight, was the deadly touch of a god. In fact the people were held in abject slavery to the gods and their priests who represented them. The high zoo The Spirit World. IOI chiefs even bowed in submission to their rules and dictates and dreaded theirvengeance. Their highest gods were absolute embodiments of beastiality and malignity, and their various legends abound in attributes of loathsome filthiness incapable of being printed without extensive expurgation. Yoked to such unclean beings the people lost all sentiments of morality, and lewdness, prostitution and indecency were exalted into virtues. In the construction of their idols or images of the gods, an effort was made to depict their lineaments in as revolting and horrible a manner as their imaginations could conceive. They peopled the sea and air, the sky and heavenly bodies, as well as the valleys and volcanoes, with vindictive and malignant spirits who were subservient to the arts of the haughty and powerful kahunas, or priests. While believing in a future life, the Hawaiians recognized a distinction in the lot of the dead. They divided the future realm into four separate and distinct regions. The heaven beyond the clouds was reserved for the departed spirits of the noble chiefs. For the souls of the great heroes there was a hidden land or fairy island in the distant west which was said to have been seen sometimes by the mariners in the far-off horizon, covered with cocoanut-trees and rich foliage, and beautiful to behold, but as they approached, it receded before them like a mirage. For the select few of the common people who, through life, had been scrupulous in observing the religious rites and 102 The Spirit World-Kahunas. the laws of tabu there was an upper region of the lower world where quiet, peace, and comparative comfort existed, which was presided over by the great god Wakea, the reputed ancestor of the race. The last, or terrible inferno, where the majority of the dead were conducted, was the lower region of the world, filled with misery and woe, noise and disorder. It was presided over by the notorious and wicked god Milu, a former chief of Hawaii, who was given this power for his excessive evils during lifetime. From each of these spiritual dwelling-places the souls of the departed were permitted to emerge in company with some particular god, who would conduct them back to earth, where they were not only supposed to watch over the destinies of their survivors, but at times their bodies would become reanimated and youthful, and the existing generation would see and know their parents and ancestors. In time all who hadk (lied would be restored to life and resume the same position and authority originally held before death. The means by which the various legends and religious rites were transmitted was through the kahunas, or priests, who were divided into several hereditary orders. It was their special duty to commit to memory and teach their children the long prayers used in the temple service, and the genealogies and tales of prowess of the chiefs and their ancestors. They were the learned class, who kept alive the knowledge and handed down the traditions of what was known of astronomy, history, or Character of "T abu." I03 medicine. They selected and executed the victims for human sacrifice. The lever by which the chiefs and priests compelled implicit obedience to their will was the tabu, a complete system which covered the entire daily life of the people with a vast network of regulations and penalties. The people were, at no period of their existence, exempt from its influences, and no circumstance in life could excuse their disobedience to its demands. The death penalty was often inflicted on those who violated the tabu. It was not only a legal requirement, but a religious ordinance; hence its violation broke both divine and human laws. It was divided into many kinds, some permanent and others special and temporary. Those relating to the chiefs, the idols, and the temples were permanent, while others belonged to particular times, or were imposed arbitrarily by the king. During a common tabu, the men were only required to abstain from their usual avocations and attend at the temple when prayers were offered, every morning and evening. During the strict tabu the requirements were most oppressive and the prohibitions strictly enforced, and every breach of them was punished with death. For days the strictest silence was observed; every fire and light in the district was extinguished; no canoe could be launched, no person could bathe, no tapa be beaten, or poi pounded; no dog could bark, pig squeal, or cock crow. On these occasions the dogs and pigs were muzzled, and the fowls put under large calabashes. o04 Aplpicalion of "Tabu." All the common people prostrated themselves, with their faces touching the ground, before the sacred chiefswhen they walked abroad. It was tabu for men and women to eat together, or have their food cooked in the same oven, and it was death for a woman to enter the chapel for the family idols or the men's eating-house. The best kinds of food, such as pork, bananas, cocoanuts, turtles, and certain kinds of fish, were tabued to the women on pain of death. During each month there were four tabu periods of two nights and one day each, dedicated severally to each of four gods. These four tabus were so sacred that the king spent the time in the temple in prayer with the priests, while the congregation stood with uplifted arms for quite awhile, at the beginning and ending of the prayer. Sacrifices were offered and profound silence was observed. Tabu was sometimes laid on places and things by affixing certain marks, the purport of which was well understood. When the fish of a certain locality were tabued, a small pole was fixed in the rocks on the coast, in the center of the place, to which was tied a bunch of bamboo-leaves or a piece of white cloth. A cocoanut-leaf was tied to the stem of a tree when the fruit was tabued. If the chief wanted any portion of a tenant's crop he simply caused a pole to be placed in the patch, and from that time on it was tabued, and it was death for the tenant, who had raised it, to use any of it. In collecting taxes the assessor went his rounds carrying with Religious Ceremonies. Io5 him a certain idol and preceded by a man who, upon arriving at the boundary of a land, set up a pole which placed the land under tabu, and no one could leave it until the taxes were paid in full. If anything was to be exempt from use for a certain period of time a tabu was placed upon it. For instance, a certain kind of fish had a sacred character, and was tabued during certain periods of the year. When cattle were first introduced on the islands they were tabued for ten years. The ceremonies by which the people worshipped their gods were elaborate and complicated. From the building of a canoe to the dedication of a temple all enterprises were attended with prayers, offerings,,ad.. sac.ifices.. In addition to the worship of the four principal gods the people in every avocation in life had their patron gods,.who had to be propitiated, and innumerable omens had to be observed, The dedication of a, temple was the most laborious of their religious services. Many days were occupied in the preliminary rites of purification. A religious procession was formed, and headed by a man personating the god and accompanied by a priest, made a tour of the district levying contributions from the tenants. They managed to complete this tour on the evening of the new moon, when a responsive service was held in the temple, before the whole population, and the priests sprinkled the people with holy water, prepared for the occasion. A tree was selected in the forest from which the principal idol was to be Io6 Idol Construction. made, and a great procession was formed and marched to the spot, headed by the chief and priest with a crowd of attendants carrying idols and various offerings and leading a human victim. Upon arrival at the tree the priest recited the ritual and the chief offered prayer and killed a hog. If no sound of man or beast, insect or fowl, had been heard, it was a good omen, and the doomed man was then brought forward and offered to the god, after which his body was buried at the foot of the tree. The consecrated hog was baked in an oven on the spot while the tree was being cut down. A feast was then held, and the procession re-formed with the feather gods in front, the rear men carrying the new idol and yelling at the top of their voices. It was death for any of the inhabitants to meet this procession, and when it returned to the temple the images were finally deposited in their places amid the shoutings of the people and the beating of drums. The final ceremonies were then held in the temple, where for days the entire multitude took part. Prayers were offered by the priests amid various evolutions of the people and the image-bearers. Finally a hole was dug near the altar, in which another human victim was buried and the image erected over the dead body. Other and subsequent ceremonies, sacrifices, and offerings were performed before the temple was finally dedicated. The temples differed much in variety of plan and construction. The priesthood were divided Temple of Refuge-Marriage. Io7 into several orders, some of which were more severe and exclusive in their ritual than the others. Other temples formed places of refuge and were inviolable sanctuaries in time of war, or for any fugitive who had broken talu or committed any sort of crime. The gates were always open and any one pursuing a fugitive to within the walls of the sacred inclosure was put to death. After remaining a few days in the temple the refugee could return unmolested to his home. In every avocation in life the native Hawaiian lo had some form of ceremony, incantation, and offerings to the tutelar deities. A man could not even build a canoe or use a new fishing-rod without prayer and sacrifice to his patron god. The building of a house was in accordance with superstitious rules, even to the arrangement of the sticks, and in the case of a chief's house human sacrifices were required. In the building of a canoe an idol was brought out, the tree selected, the flight of birds noted, and offerings made. After it was finished a final sacrifice was offered, and in the launching, if the silence was broken, the canoe would not be safe. About the only act in life that was not accompanied with prayers and sacrifices to the gods or with religious ceremonies was marriage. In the case of marriage not even the favor of departed ancestors was invoked, and the husband could dismiss or kill his wife without ceremony or cause. When a male child was born, offerings were made to the priests and prayers made to the gods. When he io8 Burial Ceremonies. reached four or five years of age he was permitted to partake of tabu food, and forbidden to eat with women, a sacrifice was offered and a feast given, and he was circumcised. But the female child was left to its chances and suffered the same restrictions under the tabu as were imposed upon matured women. The female child was not even allowed to be fed with a particle of food that had been kept in the father's dish or cooked at his fire. ^i (With regard to the dead, their interments were conducted in great secrecy and without ceremony, and took place in the night. The people had a superstitious dread respecting the places where the dead were deposited. They were exceedingly superstitious about ghosts and haunted places) During the first few days after death, the spectres of the deceased haunted the sepulchre and endeavored to strangle their enemies, often inflicting death, but they grew weaker and weaker day by day. The remains of the chiefs were secreted in the most inaccessible caverns, and frequently the bones of the legs and arms, and sometimes the skull of the king and principal chiefs, who were supposed to have descended from the gods, or were to be deified, were preserved, and either deposited in the temples for adoration or distributed among the immediate relatives, who carried them wherever they went. The other parts of the body were either burned or buried. The bodies of the priests and chiefs of inferior rank were laid out straight, wrapped in tapa and buried in that posture; the Bu rial-Sacrzifces. log priests within the precincts of the temple. A pile of stones or a circle of high poles marked the place of their interment. The common people committed their dead to the earth in shallow graves, and the bodies were placed in them in a sitting posture. The upper part of the body was raised and the face bent forward to the knees, with the hands put under the hams and passed up between the knees, the whole bound together with a cord and then wrapped in a coarse mat and buried. Sometimes the inhabitants of a village deposited their dead in one large cavern. The fishermen, after wrapping their dead in red native cloth, cast them into the sea to be eaten by the sharks, in the belief that the sharks would be animated by the spirit of the dead and never devour the survivors. The bodies of human sacrifices, and those who broke tabu, were left to rot, after which the bones were piled up in the temple. The method of killing was by strangulation or by striking with a club or stone, within the precincts of the temple, or the victim was decoyed into the bush by cries of help and knocked in the head. The next morning after burial, it was necessary for those persons who were defiled by handling the dead to bathe in fresh water and seat themselves in a row at the door of the house, when the priest would come along with a calabash of holy water, pronounce the form of purification, and they became clean. IIO Funeral Rites-Sorcery. Although the funeral rites were not attended by any ceremony, the death of a great chief was accompanied by human sacrifices and with paroxysms of grief so violent that the people lost all reason. They would knock out their front teeth, shave one side of the head, and tattoo their tongues. The whole community would exhibit a scene of confusion and cruelty that the most barbarous condition could devise. The people would run to and fro without clothing, acting more like demons than human beings. Every vice was practiced and every species of crime perpetrated. I-ouses were burned, property plundered, murders committed, every base and savage feeling gratified without restraint, and long forgotten injuries revenged with unrelenting cruelty. If the service in the temples, idolatry, and the restrictions of the tabu imposed such great severities on the people, they did not have the debasing influences that sorcery had. The basis of sorcery was a kind of spiritualism, hypnotism, and faith cure, with a belief that all forms of sickness and disease were caused by evil spirits, with whom communication could only be held through the sorcerers. There were many omens by which the sorcerer judged whether the patient would recover or not. In addition to prayers and sacrifices, herbs and hygienic treatment were also used. They had, through their arts, powerful agencies of death, and were great experts in the knowledge and use of poisons. Some of these sorcerers were so expert Sorcery- Souls. III in their profession that superstitious fear of them was often sufficient to make the victim give up all hope and pine away until he died. They were frequently employed to use their black art to gratify personal revenge upon an enemy, after which the speedy death of the unsuspecting victim was sure to follow. To accomplish his purpose it was supposed to be necessary for the sorcerer to secure something connected with the person of his intended victim, such as the parings of the nails, a lock of the hair, and the like. For this reason the chiefs always kept their most faithful servants around them, who carefully buried everything of the kind or sunk it out at sea. The more respectable class of sorcerers were the astrologers, soothsayers, and prophets. They were comparatively harmless persons, attached to the high chiefs as counselors. They helped to keep alive the knowledge of astronomy and navigation and kept up a continual study of the heavens, predicted future events and changes in the weather. The Hawaiians believed that each individual was possessed of two souls, one of which occasionally left the body in trances and dreams and returned again. The sorcerer was believed to have not only the faculty of seeing the souls of living beings, but of catching them. If he desired, he could either squeeze them to death or imprison them, whereupon the owner of the soul would be terrified and willing to do anything that the sorcerer required. Kamehameha II, in order to ameliorate the 112 End of Tabu-Missionaries. condition of his wives, and women in general, whom the tabu had sunk into a state of extreme wretchedness and degradation, and to destroy the power of the priests, abolished idolatry and the tabu system by which it was upheld, a few months prior to the advent of the missionaries. One of his first acts upon coming to the throne was to commit several violations of the tabu, especially the tabu which prohibited men and women from eating together. The abolition of idolatrywas the immediate occasion of war. The high priest acquiesced in the acts of the King; but some of the subordinate priests and chiefs took up arms, and in a decisive battle, in December, 1819, the rebels were completely overthrown, their leader killed, and forces scattered. This resulted in the destruction of their idols, the abolition of the system of the tabu and of human sacrifices. The people were thus left without a religion, opening the way for American missionaries, who arrived and commenced their labors early in 1820. The devotees of the ancient cult, with its cruel and bloody ceremonies, though cowed by the changed condition, were not exterminated, but continued to exercise powerful influences. There have always been those who have clung to the faith of their fathers, who in secret have kept up the worship of their ancestral gods and the superstitions relating to sorcery, and the influence of this faith is destined to survive for generations to come. Under the royal favor and sanction of Kalakaua and his sister, Queen Liliuokalani, the heathen doc Revival of Idolatry. I13 trines of the past were publicly revived, and the influence of the kahunas over the people encouraged; the King even securing the passage as late as I884, by a subservient legislature, of an act authorizing the licensing of kahunas. This determined spirit of retrogression is what finally wrought the downfall of the monarchy. CHAPTER VIII. RESOURCES, PAST AND PRESENT. At the time of the discovery of the Hawaiian Islands by the whites, the industrial resources of the country were of a nature to support only a barbarous race of people. The sea supplied a great portion of their wants, and as fishermen the Hawaiians were unsurpassed. They used a great variety of hooks, lines, nets, and other apparatus, fishing in the shallows, on the reefs, and even going miles out to sea in frail canoes and catching fish from depths as great as a hundred fathoms. All kinds of superstition attended success in their fishing, and the hook made from the shinbone of some noted chief was of incalculable value. Such was the importance attached to particular hooks of this kind that different tribes have gone to war for the possession of one, and to avoid the use of their bones for that purpose it was the custom for faithful attendants to hide the remains of their chiefs in some secret cavern or bury them at sea. Sharks were caught for sport, and eaten to some extent. Shark hooks were very large, and were frequently baited with human flesh. One method of catching these monsters was to carry pointed sticks which were thrust between the jaws of the shark or into his vital parts. Men would perch themselves upon some outlying rock or swim 114 Rishing- Canoes. II 5 around in the clear warm water, until they caught a glimpse of a shark, and then jump or dive under the big fish and attack it as it would turn on its back to bite. As a rule the fight would result favorably to the man, but sometimes he was worsted. In the shoaler waters and inside the reefs, large schools of rare edible fish run, and were caught in great quantities by the natives, in various forms of nets. Certain kinds were placed in the large ponds to fatten. These ponds are large and shallow, made by the construction of long sea walls, requiring much time and labor. Sluices and gates are provided to permit the flow of the tide and the admission of spawn. When once in, the fish cannot get out, and can be easily caught as needed. The importance attached to the supply of fish food caused canoe-making to be one of their greatest industries, which, like all other works of a similar nature, was accompanied by superstitious incantations and ceremonies. When completed the canoe was christened, not by the breaking of a bottle of wine over the bow, but by sacrifices to a particular god of the sea. In the case of a large canoe for some noted chief a human sacrifice was necessary to insure its safety and lucky voyages. These canoes were low, narrow and light, drawing but little water and made out of a single tree. Some of them were upwards of fifty feet long, one or two feet wide, and sometimes more than three feet deep. The body of the canoe was generally covered with a black paint, made of various Ii6 Canoes-Fruilt. earthy and vegetable materials, in which the bark and oil of the kukui tree were the principal ingredients. On the upper edge of the gunwales was neatly sewed a wash-board or small strip of hard white wood about six inches wide. These wash-boards met and closed over stem and stern. The tackling was very simple, consisting of a stub mast supporting a sail made of mats in the shape of a sprit. The paddles were large and strong, with an oval-shaped blade and round handle, and were made of the same hard wood employed in building the canoe. Neither the canoe nor paddles were carved or ornamented, but were nevertheless very neat. To give the canoe greater stability and steadiness, curved outriggers extended to one side and supported a narrow float, giving the whole the appearance of a catamaran. In these canoes the natives would go through any kind of surf, with a velocity that would excite the apprehension of any man-of-war's-man, were he even in a good whale-boat. Should they capsize, the natives swim around, right the canoe, and get in as though no accident had occurred. The wonderful productiveness of the Hawaiian Islands made it easy for the natives to obtain a livelihood on shore, and had it not been for the system of tabus and traditions, by which the common people were held in subjection and their privileges confined to a practical serfdom, life would have been one continual pursuit of pleasure. Bananas, yams, and other edible plants grew wild in all the Irz~riation.-. Taro, II7 valleys of the wooded districts; while bread-fruit, cocoanuts, and a wild apple constituted the indigenous fruits of the islands. The mostimportant of all the vegetable supply for food was the taro, and the cultivation of this plant occupied all the farming abilities of the native Hawaiian. It consists of two kinds, the upland and the lowland. The former grows on the hillsides, in dry ground, whereas the latter, or more important staple, is propagated, like rice, under water. Long irrigating ditches were constructed to supply the water, and great skill was required in preparing the bed, to obtain a good crop. The ground was leveled off and enclosed by a low wall impervious to water. The floor of the patch was made as rich and as free from clods as possible, and the tops cut from the ripe roots set out in hills several feet apart. The water was let in upon them, to remain until the crop was ripe, usually about twelve months. The only labor required was to keep the weeds out, and keep a depth of about six inches of running water. The climate permits planting at any time, so that a continuous supply of ripe taro can be insured. No other plant yields more food to a given space. The root of the taro is oblong, from three inches to a foot in length, and three or four inches in diameter. The substance of the root is somewhat like that of a yam, but more fibrous. Before it is cooked the taste is exceedingly pungent and acrid. The young leaves of this plant are cooked either separately or with meats, making a delicious green, II8 2~Nat/ive Foods. known as " luau." The method of preparing the root by the natives is by cooking it in a stone oven or pit in the ground. The stones are first heated red-hot and then, after brushing off the dust and ashes at the bottom, the taro is laid in the oven till it is full, and a few leaves spread on top. Hot stones are then placed on these leaves, and a covering of leaves and earth over the whole. In this state the taro is steamed or baked about half an hour. Potatoes, yams, fish, and meats are cooked in the same manner. From the baked taro poi is made. This is the national dish of the Hawaiian people. The baked root is pounded into a moist paste and thinned down by the addition of water, when the mixture is allowed to ferment. To a stranger it appears to be almost tasteless, but upon use it becomes very palatable. It is very nutritious, easily digested, and can be retained on the stomach of an invalid when no other food can be. When thinned down to a thick liquid, by either the addition of water or milk, it is called a poi cocktail, and is most soothing to the stomach and highly beneficial to an invalid. A pudding called " kulolo" is made by the natives by mixing poi with the grated meat and milk of the cocoanut, which is sweetened and baked. Cocoanut mixed with sweet potato, and baked, forms a compound called " poi-palau." In no case does poi ever induce dyspepsia and its kindred afflictions. With poi the natives usually eat the roasted kukui nuts salted with a coarse salt, The Ti Plant. II9 which is regarded as a great condiment. Limu, a kind of sea-moss, is also eaten with relish by the natives. Another very important plant much used by the natives is the ti. It is a slow-growing plant with a large oblong root, which, when first dug from the ground, is hard and fibrous, almost tasteless, and of a white or yellow color. The leaves are of a lively, shining green. The natives bake the root in large ovens under ground. After baking, it appears like a different substance, and is of a yellowish-brown color, soft though fibrous, and saturated with a highly saccharine juice. It is sweet and pleasant to the taste, and much of it is eaten in this state. It is used to make an intoxicating drink by bruising the roots with a stone and steeping the mass with water until it ferments. The liquor is then drawn off and drunk without any further preparation. Since the introduction of the still by the whites the fermented mass is distilled, making a powerful liquor called "okolehao." It is an excellent antiscorbutic, and as such became very useful to the whaling ships on their long voyages. The leaves are the best provender obtainable on the islands for stock taken to sea. The tileaves were woven together and formed a short cloak which the natives sometimes wore. They are also universally used to the present day to tie up meat, fish, and other articles in the markets, and in which to wrap meats which are to be cooked under ground, imparting a delicate flavor thereto. 120 Nuts-Meras. The kukui (candle) nut, a heart-shaped nut about the size of a walnut, was used by the natives for many purposes. The tree furnished a gum used in preparing varnish for their tapa; and when burned to a charcoal and pulverized, was used for tattooing the skin, or for making paint. The hard shells of the nuts were removed and the kernels slightly baked in an oven, when they were strung on the center rib of a cocoanut leaf and burned as a torch, giving a tolerably good light. The nuts were also baked or roasted, and eaten with a coarse salt. The meat supply of the natives was exceedingly limited. The only indigenous quadrupeds consisted of a small species of hog, with long head and small erect ears; dogs, lizards, and a small animal between the mouse and a rat. In the mountains there were several varieties of birds and wild geese, and near the lagoons or ponds in the vicinity of the seashore there were great numbers of wild ducks and other aquatic birds, and plover. The domestic fowl was raised as an article of food. Fish were eaten raw, dried, or baked. Pigs, dogs, and fowls were killed, dressed and baked in the oven. In this way the flavor was much improved over that of the other methods of cooking. No labor was required to raise hogs and fowls; they were simply permitted to roam about. The dogs used for food were of a breed that was rather small in size, something like our terrier, and when raised for food were exclusively fed on vegetables and poi. From experience I can say the flesh is sweeter than that of the pig, Early Trade. 121 and much more palatable than that of goats or kids. With the introduction of the whites, the abolition of the tabu system, and the distribution of lands, the industrial conditions underwent great changes. For several years after the discovery of the islands by Captain Cook, very few vessels communicated with them; but later on, when Vancouver and other navigators made public the accounts of their voyages, nearly every vessel employed in the Pacific visited the country. Hence in the course of time a regular market was established for the sale of the products of the islands, and the harbor of Honolulu soon became crowded with ships of all nations. The discovery of sandal-wood in the mountains opened a profitable channel of commerce, and from I8io to 1825 its sale became a source of great revenue to the islands. Adventurers, chiefly from the United States, opened an advantageous trade by collecting it from the natives. They found a ready market for it in China, and the goods from that country were brought in return, laying the foundation of an extensive trade. The chiefs became very rich and accumulated large treasures from the supply of this precious wood, by means of which they were enabled to purchase guns, ammunition, liquors, and vessels, and the luxuries of life. They indulged in all manner of extravagances and created extensive establishments, the maintenance of which soon exhausted their means. Dissipation, ruinous pur I22 Sandal- Wood. chases, and expensive ideas combined to leave them in a worse condition than they were before this boom. The sandal-wood requires many years to arrive at a fit state for the market, and there being no cultivation of a fresh supply it soon became exhausted. The common natives were forced to exceedingly severe labor and suffered increased oppression, being obliged to remain for months at a time in the mountains, searching for the trees, felling them and bringing the wood down on their backs to the royal warehouses. The odor of sandal-wood is very strong and is retained for years after the tree is cut. The wood was extensively used by the Chinese for the manufacture of fancy articles and ornaments and to burn as incense in their joss-houses. With the failure of a supply of sandal-wood, the profits arising from the sale of salt, and from the port dues from merchant vessels visiting the islands, were not adequate to meet the expenses of the government, much less liquidate the debts of the chiefs. Attempts were made to manufacture sugar from the cane, which grew very abundantly and in great luxuriance. Tobacco, coffee, and spices were introduced, and an attempt made to raise cotton, which was tolerably successful the first year, but by neglect the crop was not gathered and it rotted in the pod. In exchange for an immense quantity of vegetables, hogs, and native presents, Vancouver, on Cattle — Whaling-Szugar. 123 his second and third voyages to the islands in 1793-'94, landed some live stock, consisting of cattle and sheep, and a tabu was laid upon them for ten years. In consequence of this tabu they increased very rapidly, until now there are not only large cattle ranches on the islands, but the mountains are full of wild herds. Later on, in 1803, Captain Cleaveland, on his way from California to China, touched at the islands and landed a few horses, which soon multiplied, and the natives became expert horsemen, making excellent cow-boys. The principal receipts of the islands for a long while were from the sale of supplies to the whaleships, of which a great number made their headquarters at Lahaina or Honolulu. This source of revenue continued up to the civil war in the United States, when the whaling fleet suffered so much that the industry never recovered. At first the cultivation of sugar-cane and manufacture of sugar met with many obstacles, in consequence of the lack and great cost of the proper machinery and plant. The first sugar plantation was started on the Island of Kauai in 1835, under a concession, signed by the king, to Ladd & Co., an American company, by which certain lands were leased for the purpose of agricultural development. A start was made, and though labor was cheap the methods were so crude and wasteful that but little progress was made, and the company failed. With the importation of laborers from 124 Effect of Reciprocity Treaty. abroad, and the hope of reciprocity with the United States, the sugar industry revived, but it never amounted to much until 1876, when a treaty of commercial reciprocity with the United States went into effect. Under the provisions of this treaty an era of unexpected prosperity set in and the production of sugar and rice increased more than was ever dreamed of. Not only the rich valleys that were well watered were planted in cane, but large tracts of previously barren land were brought under cultivation by extensive irrigation. Canals were constructed for that purpose. Artesian wells were bored, and the water pumped to heights of four and five hundred feet. Great mills were erected at enormous cost, and sugar became the chief product of the islands. Although the rainfall on parts of the islands is sufficient to supply the growing wants of vegetation, in other parts everything requires irrigation, as the soil is disintegrated lava, frequently over beds of porous coral. Some of the irrigation ditches are forty miles in length, through dense woods, tunneled through solid rock, and spanning wide canons by means of substantial iron bridges, wooden fluming or steel piping. The Ewa plantation, near Honolulu, one of the largest, was originally a worthless and unproductive area of land, unsuitable even for pasturage; but by means of artesian wells and enormous pumps the water is pumped through pipes to an elevation of several hundred feet to irrigate the cane. It is now one of the finest plan Sugar Production. 125 tations on the islands. There are about sixty sugar plantations on the islands, covering about go,ooo acres of land, employing about 20,000 laborers, with a yield per annum of about 225,000 tons of sugar. It requires an average of eighteen months for a crop to mature, and the ordinary yield is about three and a half tons per acre; yet on specially rich alluvial soil the yield is sometimes as great as nine tons to the acre. Steam plows, the latest improved cultivators, and the most modern, elaborate, and perfected machinery are used. Both the diffusion and crushing methods are used to extract the sugar from the cane. The cane is cut and stripped in the field and by means of portable railways is transported to the mills. It is then run between several sets of large rollers, steam being applied to the crushed material between each set of rollers to extract the juice; or if the diffusion method is used the cane is cut into thin slices by means of revolving knives, and the juice soaked out in tanks of hot water, under hydraulic and steam pressure. After the juice is extracted it passes through filters into clarifiers, where it is heated and skimmed, passing thence into the boilers, where it is boiled down into syrup. From these boilers the syrup passes into a vacuum pan, where it is boiled to granulation, passing thence through centrifugals, where it is freed of all molasses or syrup, the dried sugar dropping into bins for bagging and shipment. The molasses is boiled, granulated, and passed again through the centrifugals, making a lower grade of sugar. I26 Sugar-Rice. The market for the sugar produced in the Hawaiian Islands is the Pacific Coast of the United States and Canada. For a number of years the entire crop has been purchased by the American Sugar Trust, but this year (i898) about two-thirds of the crop has been sold to rival refineries in New York and San Francisco. The passage of the McKinley bill giving a bounty on domestic sugar, and the cultivation of beet sugar in California and the northwest, and placing imported sugars on the free list, lowered the price of Hawaiian sugar so much that the value of Hawaiian sugar property was materially lowered. It became apparent that the country could not exist on a single industry that was liable to fluctuations by every modification of the American tariff laws; hence the cultivation of new products on the large extent of country unsuited for the culture of sugar or rice was commenced. Rice, which is also admitted free of duty to the United States under the provisions of the reciprocity treaty, is extensivelycultivated. Its culture is principally carried on by the Chinese, and in the markets of San Francisco it grades with the best shipped from China. The ground is plowed and well harrowed and the field then submerged and the water allowed to stand until the crop ripens, when it is drawn off. The method of cultivating rice is crude and primitive. On a small field the Chinaman thickly sows the seed. When the plants are about six inches high they are pulled CofTeee- Tea. 127 up and taken in great bales on the backs of men to the field for planting. The plants are set out in the mud by hand, in rows about eight inches apart. As the crop begins to ripen it takes about all the time of one man to about ten acres to scare off the small birds that devour the crop. When matured the water is run off for the ripening of the straw, and the crop is harvested with hand-sickles. It is spread on the ground to dry, and then bundled and carried to the threshing-floor. The grain is separated from the straw while on the floor by walking a lot of horses or Chinese cattle over it, and by beating the straw with hand-flails, the straw being then carefully raked off and the chaff separated by fans. The rice is then milled. Very little of it is shipped to the United States as paddy. Coffee cultivation has been begun with most flattering prospects. Hawaiian, or Kona coffee, as it is called, takes a high place among the best coffees in the world. The trees are grown anywhere from the sea-level to 3,800 feet above the sea. In three years from the time of setting out, the plantation will yield expenses, and in five years commence to pay well. One of the greatest difficulties in coffeegrowing is the blight, but by the introduction of peculiar parasites and lady-bugs for each kind of pest the various blights have been very nearly eradicated. The cultivation of tea has met with good results. It grows to better advantage on the higher elevations than in the lower sections. The high price of labor has prevented its extensive cultivation. Fibres-FJruit. I28 Hemp has been experimented with, and the samples grown were pronounced by experts to be of good length, clean, strong, and fairly bright. The plant is free from enemies among the insect tribe, and it is not injured by rain or storms nor by drought. The expense of cultivation is almost nothing, and the yield per acre was found to be at the rate of thirteen and one-half tons of clean fiber. Ramie, or vegetable silk, grows luxuriantly, but the want of proper machinery to prepare its fiber for the market has prevented development of the industry. Tobacco has been produced of a quality that compares favorably with the best manila wrappers. There is no question but that the raising of tobacco in the islands can be made a paying industry. The soil and climate of Hawaii cannot be excelled for the production of tropical and subtropical fruits, and their introduction has added largely to the industrial enterprises of the islands, especially so in the case of semi-tropical fruits, such as the avocado pear, banana, pineapple, orange, lime, and lemon. The avocado pear is common to the West Indies and Mexico, and of different varieties, varying in size and color, the largest being about six inches long and weighing upwards of three pounds. The trees grow to a large size in the Hawaiian Islands, and the fruit is of a superior quality. It is of a butter-like consistency, with a nutty flavor, and makes a delicious dressing for salads. The Fruit — Vegetables. 129 mango grows in great profusion, and several varieties are used for making chutney. The best qualities of mangoes were imported from Jamaica and India, and, for eating, their flavor is exceedingly fine. The mango tree is an evergreen, with small glossy leaves, makes a good shade-tree, and the gum which exudes from the trunk is used in medicine. It is very prolific, and bears fiuit which ripens during several months of the year. Frequently trees are found with ripe fruit on one side and blossoms on the other. Cocoanuts, which grow along the shore where nothing else will, are now very little cultivated. If attended to they will, after about ten years from planting, bear steadily for generations. Not only the nut, but the husks or fibrous covering and the leaves furnish valuable marketable material. The sapodilla, soursop, cherimoya, custard-apple, jack-fruit, pomelo, papia, citron, mammy apple, water-lemon, granadila, pomegranate, and tamarind are some of the desirable exotic fruits that do well in the islands. Vegetables of all descriptions are raised the year round, and watermelons and cantaloupes are superior to those grown in most countries. Pineapples were introduced in the islands by some of the early navigators. They grow wild on all the islands, but the later introduction of a superior quality, and recent revival of the industry, have developed quite an export of this fruit. There are some twenty-five varieties, known by different names 130 Pin eaJals, les-Bcan an as. in the various localities from which they are obtained. Near Pearl City is quite a plantation where a most excellent variety is cultivated. They have good shipping qualities and grow to a good size, some reaching the extreme weight of seventeen pounds for a single fruit, though a fair average is from six to ten pounds. The season of pineapples is from the middle of May to the middle of August, although some varieties bear fiuit throughout the year. In the year I893 no less than 6o,ooo pineapples were shipped from the islands. The banana business has of late become of great importance. At present bananas are raised in very small patches, yet in the year I892 there were $I75,ooo worth of bananas shipped from the islands. There is a great market for bananas on the western coast of the United States, and the cost of raising them is very small. Along the mountain ranges is a most luxuriant growth of trees and vines, large forests of magnificent trees whose wood is beautifully marked and takes a high polish that would place them in competition with the best walnut or mahogany for the mlanufacture of ornamental furniture. All that interfered with an exceedingly rapid development of the industries of the country was the uncertainty of the political future, for capital is ever wary of investment in a country in which political stability does not exist. The Republic of Hawaii was honest, able, and progressive, but the intelligent leaders had every reason for anxiety and future tli iAMMO FN Z ZPPLESPFARL H ARBR.. I Independence Impossible. I31 uncertainty, as they fully recognized the fact that there did not exist the elements, in sufficient numbers, to maintain a stable independent government. Now that the Hawaiian Islands have become an integral part of the United States, development will proceed with giant strides. Since the annexation of the Islands to the Great Republic of North America a desirable class of people have begun to look about for both large and small investments. With American industry and American thrift and American emigration, with the present conditions considered, the future industrial outlook of the Hawaiian Islands is very flattering, and as soon as the large leaseholds shall expire and the government lands taken up and developed, there will be a great increase in the production, manufactures will spring up, and great shipping industries established. CHAPTER IX. LAND TENURE. One of the most important features of Hawaiian evolution is the system of land tenure, past and present, by which the soil was distributed and is now held by the present owners. At first, during the time of the earliest native occupation of the islands, there were land and water enough for all, and possessions were based upon use only. Industrial enterprises were commenced; canoe-building was developed; the manufacture of native cloth flourished. Great engineering feats were undertaken, such as irrigating ditches and sea walls, inclosing bays and reefs for fish-ponds; and implements of stone and wood for mechanical and industrial works were invented and improved upon. As the different communities began to crowd the limited areas of the valleys, and the population grew until the whole group was stocked with people, the principles of land tenure developed from the patriarchal system into one of tribal or communal ownership. The improved condition of the lands by irrigation led to strict rules for the distribution of the water supply, and the developed localities acquired a special value. As the population continued to increase, and the best lands became occupied, an increasing demand gave them a market value, giving rise to disputes over boundaries,!32 Power of Chiefs. 133 and gradually developing a feudal system of land tenure. The head men acquired the rank of chiefs, and class distinction became very marked, by which the people were divided into a nobility, comprising the kings and chiefs; the religious order, including priests, sorcerers, and doctors; and the common people or laborers. Internal wars were frequent, and the ambition of the chiefs for political power and personal aggrandizement led to their increased importance, which was prejudicial to the rights of the common people, who were oppressively taxed in support of the wars and in defence of their chiefs from the attacks of ambitious rivals. Necessity for the protection of life and property caused the people to become closely attached to some chief, who afforded protection in consideration of service and a portion of the produce of the soil. The chiefs assumed not only political power, but also that of a sacred and religious character, claiming to be of divine origin and in close alliance with the invisible rulers, and they were looked upon with superstitious awe by the common people, who became separated from them by a wide and permanent distinction. When they went abroad all the common people prostrated themselves upon the ground, face down. Death even became the penalty for the slightest breach of etiquette. It was death for a common man to remain standing in the presence of the King, or even at the mention of his name, or when the King's food, drinking water, or wearing apparel 134 Control of Land. was carried by; to enter his inclosure or house without permission, or even to cross his shadow or the shadow of his house; to touch his head or occupy a position above it. It was the custom for any one approaching the King's presence to crawl on the ground and leave in the same manner. No one but a chief could wear the red or yellow feather cloak and helmet or ivory clasp, and his canoe and sails alone were allowed to be painted red. Wherever he went he was surrounded by a retinue of attendants, some of whom carried the royal kahilis (feather ornaments); others took charge of his spittoon, while others were always at hand to knead and shampoo him whenever he desired. There were also in attendance priests, sorcerers, bards, and story-tellers, with dancers, drummers, and buffoons. With a growing power like this the chiefs became not only the owners of the soil, but of all the products that grew out of it, as well as of the time and labor of the people. The constant wars between the rival chiefs resulted in the smaller or weaker of their number allying themselves to some one of the more powerful warrior chiefs, until each island was under the control of its high chief, when finally the whole group passed under the sovereignty of Kamehameha I, about I79o, and the feudal system was complete. Each of these smaller chiefs divided his territory among an inferior order of petty chiefs, who owed to him the same service and obedience that he owed to the high chief. In this way the land was subdivided again and again, down People without RZights. I35 to the serfs who tilled the soil. The common people received not more than one-third of the products of their industry, while the other two-thirds were divided between the chiefs of different grades. The taxes were paid in articles of food, vegetables, fruit. hogs, dogs, fowls, and fish, ku-kui nuts for light, kapa, nets, calabashes, and feathers, besides personal labor on certain days of every moon, which consisted chiefly in working the taro-patches of the chief. They were made to work on all public works, such as building and repairing the temples, fish-ponds, houses, and canoes of the chiefs. Whenever the chief travelled about, his horde of retainers were supported entirely by the contributions of the people, and if sufficient quantity was not forthcoming, the people were plundered of almost everything they had. Upon the death of a chief, or the accession of a new one, either by inheritance or conquest, it was the custom to redivide and distribute all the lands among his adherents. The only redress the colmmon people had was the privilege of moving from one land to another and joining the forces of a new landlord, becoming in each case merely tenants at will and liable to be dispossessed at any time, subject to the personal whim of the ruling chief. Thousands of unoffending people would in this way be sent houseless and homeless to find a resting-place in some other section of the country. This redistribution of lands was carried out with great severity, and especially so if the chief came into power as 136 Lands uzder Karmehameha. the result of war. When the islands were conquered by Kamehameha I, the fullest and severest application of this custom was carried out. He divided the lands among his principal warriors and chiefs, retaining a portion to be cultivated by his own immediate servants or attendants. Each principal chief divided his lands anew and gave them out to an inferior order of chiefs, by whom they were again and again subdivided, passing through the hands of five or six persons, from the king down to the lowest tenants. Each island was divided into several districts, and each district was subdivided into long strips extending, as a rule, from the sea to the mountains, so that each chief should have his share of all the products of the mountain regions, the intermediate cultivated land and the sea. These strips were again subdivided into smaller holdings, which in turn were divided into patches. Each division had a carefully defined boundary and a name. During the long reign of Kamehameha, affairs became settled, and the long and undisturbed possession of the lands by the chiefs developed a sentiment favorable to permanent individual rights in land, which finally crystallized into law. Upon the death of Kamehameha I, his son came to the throne, and it was his desire to redistribute the lands according to custom, but the united opposition was so strong that beyond a few assignments among his intimate friends he relinquished his purpose, and from that time on until the year 1839 Evolution of Tenure. I37 the chiefs remained in possession of their lands. In that and the following year laws were passed to prevent evictions without cause and the wanton seizure of the property of the tenants. This increased security of tenure led to activity in land transactions. Chiefs transferred lands to others, they became a marketable commodity, and incited speculation in buying and selling. The King even gave away and sold some of his personal lands, and foreigners became land-owners. But these sales carried with them no permanent title to the lands, as the act of the chiefs was simply an expression of an opinion, and not a binding law. Nevertheless, purchasers felt a degree of security in their holdings through a public sentiment favoring permanent occupation and hereditary succession. Besides, the possession of lands by foreigners with strong governments back of them, and zealous consuls to insist upon their claims, supported by men-of-war in the harbor, rendered their occupation secure. When Kamehameha III came to the throne the unsatisfactory status of land tenures was pressed upon his attention, and realizing the defenceless and wretched condition of his people, he became deeply interested. The increasing demand of the foreigners for the right to buy and hold land finally brought about a national crisis forcing the King to decided action. He thereupon consulted the chiefs and conferred with the whites on the subject, the result being the proclamation of a Bill of I38 Division of Lands. Rights on the 7th of June, I839, by which protection was secured to the persons of all the people, together with their lands and their property, while they conformed to the laws of the kingdom. Although the Bill of Rights did much towards defining the rights in lands granted by it, the feudal right of controlling transfers of land was still retained by the King, and all lands forfeited for nonpayment of taxes reverted to him personally. His consent was necessary for any transfer of real estate in the kingdom, for real mortgages, and for the seizure of land for debt. Upon the adoption of the constitution of I840, the question of the proportionate interests of the King, the chiefs, and the common people in the lands of the kingdom was one of great difficulty, and the necessity of an organized government, separate from the person of the King, became apparent even to the chiefs. This was carried out by three comprehensive acts in 1845, 1846, and I847. The King retained all his private lands as his own individual property, subject only to the rights of the tenants. Other lands were designated by him, about one-third of the lands of the country, to maintain the royal state, since known as I' crown lands." One-third ofthe lands were set apart as the property of the Hawaiian government, subject to the control of the sovereign as pointed out by the constitution and laws; and one-third to the chiefs, and common people, each receiving what he was actually in possession of. The division in nowise interfered with the Division of Lands. I39 lands that had been or might be granted by the King or his predecessors in fee simple to any Hawaiian subject or foreigner, nor with unexpired leases. It was left optional with any chief, holding lands in which the government held a share, to pay into the treasury one-third of the unimproved value of said lands, or surrender portions of land in lieu thereof, which payment or surrender extinguished all claims of the government to them. The division between the King, chiefs, and the people was carried out in 1848. Laws were also passed providing for the purchase of land from the government by private land-holders. A record of the division and sales by the government is contained in books of registry of land titles, deposited in the office of the Minister of the Interior. In 1850 most ofthe chiefs ceded a third part oftheir lands to the government in lieu of paying for the government interest therein, receiving allodial title for the remainder, this being accepted by the privy council. By these cessions the crown lands received their designation from the King's donation, and much of the government land was derived from the chiefs. In all the awards of each of the divisions the rights of the tenants were reserved, and the acts of I850 and I$85 protected the common people in the right to take wood, water and fish from the sea appurtenant to the land, but gave them no right to pasturage on the lands of the chiefs. By the act organizing the Executive Department a Board of Royal Commissioners to quiet land 14o Crown Lands. titles was created. The Land Commission began its work in T846, and made great progress in adjudicating the claims of the common people, but its powers were not adequate to dispose of the still unsettled questions between the King, the cliefs, and government. As the chiefs and tenants alike were required to make proofs of ownership to the lands they occupied, and failing to do so their rights were barred, the result was that the ignorant natives failed in many instances to comply, and so lost their property. The division between the King and the chiefs was effected through partition deeds signed by both parties. The chiefs then went before the commission and received awards for the lands partitioned off to them. Kamehameha III and his immediate successors dealt with the crown lands as their private property, selling, leasing, or mortgaging them at pleasure, until I864, when. the supreme court decided they should descend to the successors to the throne. The following year the legislature passed an act to relieve the royal domain from encumbrances and to render the same inalienable. It provided for the redemption of the mortgages on the estate which had been incurred by the kings, by the issue of exchequer bonds not to exceed $30,000, and enacted that the lands reserved by the act of I848-i. e., the crown lands-should be henceforth inalienable and descend to the heirs and successors of the Hawaiian crown forever; also that it should not be lawful to execute any lease for a term exceeding thirty years. Crown Lands-Spreckeds. T4V A board of commissioners of the crown lands was created consisting of three persons appointed by the King, two of whom were to be appointed from among the cabinet ministers. The King thereupon, in consideration of the payment by the legislature of the debts with which the estate had become encumbered, and of the income rents, renounced all personal claim to the lands which were set apart for the successors to the throne, instead of being governed by the general laws of inheritance. Since that time the government has exercised control over them, and the legislature has passed various acts relating to their disposition. The courts have also, by several decisions, drawn the distinction between these lands and the private lands of the Kamehamehas and their heirs. Now that the Hawaiian royalty has ceased to exist, the republican government claims title to these lands as the " successor" to the kingdom, and is selling the lands to actual settlers. On the death of Kamehameha V, the last of the old line of kings, his half-sister, Princess Ruth, inherited his private lands. The boom in sugar, under the reciprocity treaty with the United States, had its effect about this time and Claus Spreckles made his appearance on the islands. He was desirous of obtaining a fee-simple title for a sugar company of certain rich crown lands on the Island of Maui, and secured from Ruth a quitclaim of all her interest or claim in and to the crown lands for the small sum of $Io,ooo. These lands are now 142 A S5reckels Deal. worth millions. This conveyance was disputed, but the Prime Minister of Kalakaua compromised the claim without taking it to the courts, an act was carried through the legislature to authorize the commissioners to transfer to Spreckles 24,000 acres, more or less, in fee simple, worth some $500,000, and a royal patent was issued to that effect. Spreckles then applied for a perpetual monopoly of the water for irrigating this tract, and upon refusal by the cabinet to grant it, he made an effort to secure the removal of the cabinet by a vote of the legislature of want of confidence. Failing in this, he made a bargain with the King by which the latter sent messengers at 2 o'clock in the morning demanding the resignation of each member of the cabinet. This was one of Kalakaua's first arbitrary and despotic acts, for which Mr. Spreckles was directly responsible. He then appointed a new ministry, who granted to Spreckles the water privilege for thirty years at a small annual rental. The crown lands until recently were generally leased to corporations for cane culture and grazing, at very low rentals, for long terms of years. Legislative efforts were made to have them divided up (some 876,ooo acres) into small farms for the settlement of industrious and thrifty farmers. The monarchy prevented this, but it is now being rapidly done under the republic. Between the years I850 and i86o, most of the desirable government lands were sold, generally to natives, but in consequence of their thriftless dispositions they soon sold out, Distribution of Lands. I43 and the natives have become largely landless. Subsequently the natives purchased government lands under an act providing for the sale of residence lots from one to fifty acres each. In I850, one-twentieth of the lands belonging to the government was set apart for the purpose of education. Another large tract, known as the Bishop estate, a gift from a native, Mrs. Bishop, is devoted to educational purposes. The chiefs generally were extravagant, got into debt, and, as they obtained title to their lands, these debts were mostly paid with lands which have become a part of the plantations. The distribution of the lands at present is about 830,000 acres of government lands, about 876,ooo acres crown lands, and about 1,850,ooo acres of private lands. Of these, in I892, Europeans and Americans owned nearly,0o6o,ooo acres; natives, 257,ooo; half-castes, 530,ooo; Chinese, I2,ooo, and Japanese, 200 acres. Many of the old surveys made under the orders of the commission are full of defects. Some of the surveys are recorded which were made with a ship's compass or a pocket needle, with no allowance for variation. Very little attention was paid to local marks or topographical features of the country. This has resulted in many overlaps and gaps. General maps of districts or tracts giving the location of claims were scarcely thought of. Portions of government lands, sold to private parties, were surveyed at the expense of the pur I44 Survey Bureau. chaser. The pieces sold were of all sizes and shapes, and were surveyed without reference to previous surveys of adjoining land, frequently cutting across each other, leaving the worthless and unsalable portions after the rest had been sold. An efficient government survey bureau has been engaged for many years, however, in straightening out this tangle, and has now reduced the system to comparative certainty. A most careful and exact trigonometrical survey of the country has been made, and the details of most of the districts filled in. The late President of the Hawaiian Republic is an able lawyer, thoroughly posted on the landed system of the islands, and under an act drafted by him government lands with good and sound titles can be purchased. CHAPTER X. TRIP TO THE OTHER ISLANDS AND THE VOLCANO. A failure to remove the Jones-Wilcox cabinet by a vote of want of confidence exhibited a strength in the cabinet, revived business interest, elicited expressions of satisfaction amongst the people, and indicated a final settlement of the political crisis, which made it justifiable for the Boston to leave the 'harbor for a long-needed target practice. The Boston got under way on the 4th of January, 1893, with the United States Minister and his daughter on board as passengers and proceeded to Hilo, situated on the Island of Hawaii, about 250 miles from Honolulu. just prior to leaving Honolulu I drove about town in a carriage with the ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs, and in listening to his talk with a number of the native members of the legislature, and their answers, I became convinced that a movement was under way to oust the cabinet, and that the chances were in favor of its accomplishment. In a conversation with the United States Minister, Mr. Stevens, shortly after, I remarked that I believed that the cabinet would be voted out before the adjournment of the legislature, and from what I had heard from reliable royalist sources, the Queen had no intention of permitting them to remain in office until the meeting of the next legislature; that she '45 148 H4awaii-Mauna Loa. days gone by, but is now simply a dilapidated village of ancient buildings and abandoned houses, scattered about beneath a thick foliage of shadetrees and cocoanut-palms. Through these trees a glimpse of cane fields can be seen running up to the foot of immense hills in the rear, that are cut by deep ravines between rugged bluffs. Leaving Maui, we were in a few hours off the north coast of Hawaii, the largest island of the group. The scenery along the northern or windward side of the island is both grand and beautiful. The land terminates in cliffs, varying from 200 to 2,000 feet in height, plunging down almost vertically into the Pacific. The long, heavy swell or the ocean, driven for several thousand miles before the trade-winds, breaks with great force against these bluffs, throwing spray high into the air and decorating the walls with innumerable small rainbows, produced by the soft rays of the morning sun. These bluffs are frequently cut by deep ravines, canons, and narrow gorges, through which copious streams discharge their waters in magnificent waterfalls and foaming cataracts, tumbling into the sea, giving an additional splendor to the scene. Above these bluffs, the surface slopes upwards towards the mountainous interior, at first with a gentle acclivity, then steeper, until at length it is almost precipitous, culminating in the snowcapped mountains of Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, upwards of I4,000 feet high. All along the coast-line can be seen the rich cane I i RAINBOW FALLS-111LO. Hifo. I49 fields, sugar-mills, and plantation-houses, little villages, school-houses, and church-spires, while in the valleys and ravines and on the face of the bluff there is a luxurious growth of ferns, vines, and tropical vegetation. About three miles inland from the cliff-bound shore is a forest some ten to fifteen miles in depth, so dense that it can hardly be penetrated. Higher up, the sides are clothed with bushes, ferns, and mountain plants, while still beyond, the summits are composed of dark lava, partly decomposed, and entirely destitute of every kind of verdure, snow lying there throughout the year. Finally we let go an anchor in the Bay of Hilo, from which a black sandy beach rises gently to the pretty little town of Hilo, situated at the mouth of the Wailuku river. Nature has been prodigal in her gifts of beauty to this town by the sea. On either side of the streets are merry bubbling streams, and every little nook and hillside is banked with masses of ferns and plants. Stately trees are in leaf, and roses and lilies bloom the year round. It is difficult to imagine any scenery more lovely than that which borders the Wailuku river, which has its source on the slope of Mauna Kea, and in its course dashes in foaming cataracts over cliffs, through dense tropical forests, and past the rich lowlands into the Bay at Hilo. Along its banks are scattered houses, and the lands adjoining are very fertile, producing all the tropical fruits in profusion. Just across the bay fronL Hilo is 150 Cocoanut IsAand-Mountains, Cocoanut Island, with a delightful white-beached bathing-place, where picnics are held. The people of the town gave us a grand reception there one afternoon. This island was the legendary scene of one of the greatest exploits of the last of the heroic kings of Oahu. To obtain the daughter of the great Kamehameha, the chief of Oahu quietly stole ashore here, abducted the sleeping princess and carried her from the magic shore across the moonlit waves in safety to his home, and as the picnickers while away the time on the wave-lapped beach, beneath the clustering cocoanut-trees, they still feel that Love treads the bleaching sands, a willing captive. Hawaii is the largest and most southern island of the group, and resembles in shape an equilateral triangle, somewhat less than 300 miles in circumference. Nowhere else can the results of the interior forces of the earth be seen to better advantage than in Hawaii. The bulk of the island has been estimated to be z,6oo cubic miles of lava rock above sea-level, and it is remarkable that the soundings around the island show that less than four miles from shore there is a water depth of three and a half miles. The Pacific, if laid bare, would show these islands as a number of mountains, 32,000 feet high, with truncated tops, and presenting an appearance just the reverse of the mountains we see on shore. Instead of their being covered with vegetation at their bases, while their tops are barren, or covered with snow, they would be perfectly bare at Hlawa'Iian Volcaanoes.!5 151 their bases, and all around their tops they would be covered with beautiful vegetation and coral polypus. Unlike other volcanic piles of the world, which are covered with cinder cones, the lava of the great volcanoes of Hawaii flows out evenly in enormous deluges, running sometimes for months, or even a whole year, with little or no explosive action, except at the point of exit, which gives to the colossal piles an exceptional form —a great dome with a nearly flat summit-in the center of which is a sunken pit, two and a half to three miles in width, and upwards of a thousand feet in depth. At intervals an outbreak of lava occurs through huge fissures which open in the side of the mountain. The lava spouts out in gigantic fountains from 200 to I,oo000 feet high, collecting into a river of fire from a mile to two and a half miles in width, which flows toward the sea, varying its velocity according to the slope. Sometimes it runs ten miles an hour, and at others it spreads out into great lakes and fields, making little progress for days. As the flow descends, small rivulets are shot out on the sides, which soon blacken and harden, only to be covered by another and another stream. As the surface cools it remains hot within, and beneath the hardened covering the liquid river flows on, advancing sometimes less than a hundred yards a day, leaving in its train fragmental products from which are formed, by explosions, steep conical hills. These flows are destructive of everything within their path. In I88So the flow stopped within half a '5P, Lava- Flows. mile of the beautiful little town of Hilo. So mild in action are these flows, as a rule, that an observer may stand a few feet to the windward of one, so near that the heat will make the face tingle, yet without danger. The people flock to witness the sublime spectacle, and display as much eagerness to approach the scene as the people of other countries show to get away from one. These lavaflows have crossed and recrossed one another in a confused network, in the paths of which desolation is complete. The more recent ones are black masses of lava, covering many thousands of acres of valuable land. The great central valley between Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea is a vast tangled wilderness of lava-flows, which sometimes extend down the mountain-side for miles without a break. The last great flow occurred in I887. A stream of molten lava broke through a fissure in the side of Mauna Loa, nearly 7,000 feet above the sea-level, and in three days it reached the coast, a distance of 20 miles. The most extensive flow of recent years took place in ISSo, and came near destroying the town of Itilo. The lava stream burst forth from the eastern slope of Mauna Loa, i,000 feet above the level of the sea, and continued to flow for nine months. Along the entire upper line of its advance, it was one crash of rolling, sliding, and tumbling mass of red-hot slag, from io to 30 feet in height, accompanied by tremendous roaring and incessant explosions. Its progress was from the interior plain down through dark forests and dense The Volcano Road. I53 jungles, toppling over mammoth trees, filling up streams, and driving before its lurid glare every species of beast or fowl, until finally ceasing to flow, within a half-mile of Hilo. Some of these eruptions are attended by a preliminary series of earthquake shocks and destructive tidal waves. Others are accompanied by no such phenomena. After a few days off Hilo, engaged in great gun target-practice, a fellow officer and myself were given an opportunity to visit the greatest active volcano in the world, the volcano of Kilauea. We made arrangements the evening before with parties on shore for a conveyance, horses, and guide, and early in the morning started out in a light buggy over an excellent macadamized road being built by the government to the volcano, but not then completed. The road took us through cultivated fields and avenues of rich tropical jungle and foliage up a gradual incline until we reached the lower slopes of the majestic Mauna Loa on our right, with a beautiful vista of rich fields, fern-forests, and the broad Pacific on our left. Arriving about noon at a small tavern on the side of the road known as the Half-Way House, we stopped for refreshments, and then drove on until we reached a point near the terminal of the finished road, about 25 miles from Hilo. There we met our guide with saddlehorses, and a man to take care of the buggy. In the saddle, and preceded by the guide, we entered a narrow trail leading through an intensely thick and marshy fern-forest. The horses were 154 Volcano of Kilauea. protected from sinking by a corduroy of fern logs. For about three miles we were in this forest, emerging into an open, covered with tough grass and shrubs, between great lumps of lava-rock, and the trail became easier. For six miles more our way lay over rough and desolate tracts of lava occasionally covered with a thin layver of soil on which grew, here and there, a green tuft of grass, a straggling shrub or creeping vine. In every direction we could see little conical hills of lava in distorted forms, resembling small extinct craters. Late in the afternoon the welcome Volcano House hove in sight, and all about were to be seen jets of steam rising from the ground in every direction. The Volcano House stands but a few feet fiom the edge of the great crater. Its close proximity to the crater subjects it to frequent shocks of earthquake, and it looks as though it might be insecure, yet no accident has occurred since its erection. The vicinity is marked by fissures, cracks, and steamholes. Over some of these fissures and holes are deposits of sulphur, and from these pipes are led into the hotel, forming natural steam and sulphur baths, highly beneficial upon a return friom the tedious trip to the crater. From the front of the hotel we could look down into the great crater, which is nine miles in circumference and 6oo feet deep, with perpendicular walls, stretching out like a great plateau. In this crater and about three miles distant is the active lake of molten lava, the smoke from which could be distinctly seen. XIn the Crater. I55 So soon as we had rested a little, our impatience to see the lake before dark caused us to arrange at once for the descent. Fresh and experienced horses were secured, and with a crater guide we set out once more. Just in front of the hotel we descended into the great crater by means of a steep zigzag road. The floor of this vast pit is covered with black lava hills in gigantic convolutions, fantastic forms and irregular shapes, piled up in endless confusion, while the level portion is crossed by many cracks and fissures, from which jets of hot steam and sulphuric vapors are constantly arising. This glistening surface crackles under foot like a thin icy crust on snow, but is firm underneath, except in some places, where the brittle covering treacherously conceals a fissure or cavity. Myriads of thread-like filaments of lava resembling twisted hair are seen floating in the air or deposited here and there, the products of volcanic fires-a product similar to blown glass. This is known as " Pele's hair," Pele being the mythical fire goddess of the lake. Over this great waste a trail has been constructed to within a short distance of the final pit, in which is situated the burning lake. At the end of the trail there was a paddock, where the horses were left, and we went the remainder of the distance on foot. We arrived in time to view the scene by daylight, and to make the descent about 300 feet into the inner pit, to within a few feet of the molten mass. In this great bed we saw a volume of liquid fire, I56 Zn the Crater. like molten iron, moving to and fro, surging and hissing like a sea in a storm. Conducted by the guide, I went across a thin shell of lava, burning 'to the soles of the feet, and over crevices through which the livid fire could be seen only a few inches down, until I calne to the edge of the cone-shaped wall that confined the liquid mass of some twenty acres or more. Ascending to the top of this cone, I stood within a few feet of the boiling lake, and with a stick stirred its surface. The heat was intense, as the lake of fire, boiling like a caldron, covered in places with hardened crust, separated by great lanes of fire, surged and rolled its heavy surf against its enclosingwalls. The whole surface was constantly changing, fountains were playing at many points, and liquid tongues of fire would leap up as the congealed surfaces would meet with a crash, and new lanes form, sometimes opening clear across the lake. One of the fountains broke out just in front of me, and threw its clots of melted stone over the wall close to my right. I immediately climbed down the cone and made for the bluff in a straight line, against the advice of the guide. One of my feet broke through into a crevice and the whole sole of the shoe was burned off. In less than an hour the cone on which I had been standing fell in and the lava overflowed several acres. After that I followed the guide, and reaching the top of the bluff surrounding the pit, we sat down and waited for darkness to set in, that we might F I I.AKE OF MOLTEN TAVA-KILAUEA I In the Crater. '57 get a good view of the lake by night. As daylight faded away, the walls of the pit began to glow with the reflection of the lurid volcanic fire, and the heavy gases hung in clouds, like reflectors in the star-lit sky. As the darkness deepened, the light from the lava grew brighter, while the jets and surges of molten fire continued without intermission, fountains of liquid fire shooting up some thirty feet. The peculiar sullen or angry roar of the fiery surf was distinctly heard, sometimes like the noise of cannon or rattling fire of musketry. The crust, which by daylight appeared to be uniformly black, now showed a network of cracks and fissures, through which the light of the molten mass could be seen. All of a sudden the fiery flood on the left rose above its embankment, and in an instant a lava stream began to flow, and soon became a river of living fire, covering a large space on that side of the pit. The effect was grand and suggestive of the great hidden force within the bowels of the earth. We sat for hours looking down on the boiling mass, entranced and fascinated. At last fatigue and hunger reminded us of the lateness of the hour, and we retraced our steps to the hotel. Arrangements had been made beforehand. so that we had dinner served immediately on our return. After dinner came a chat in the cosy room, by a cheerful fire, over what we had just observed, a quiet smoke, an exhilarating sulphur bath, and a good night's rest in comfortable spring beds. One of the very interesting objects in the hotel, I58 Volcanic Ac/ion. and over which a number of pleasant hours can be spent, is the register in which the various people who have visited the volcano have written their impressions, and sketches have been drawn of the lake at different stages. The tourist may find a different scene in the great pit of Kilauea upon each visit. Sometimes the lava will overflow and fill the entire pit, and then without warning suddenly drop out of sight, hundreds of feet, as though the bottom had fallen out; then again rise to the surface. A couple of years before my visit, the lake disappeared down a pit a thousand feet deep, into an unknown abyss. When I was there it had risen again to within 300 feet of the surface of the inner pit. This was a repetition of what must have happened on a grander scale, when the crater was formed, for the entire floor of the great crater, three miles in diameter, was formed by one of these great " break downs." The lake continued its upward tendency until it completely filled again the great inner pit, overflowing all over the floor of the main crater, until it again fell in, in July, I894. The inner pit is now (April, I898,) about 1,500 feet across and 500o feet deep, an inaccessible well with hot lava at the bottom. After two days' pleasant enjoyment of the cool crisp weather of this altitude, 4,000 feet above the level of the sea, we turned our faces toward Hilo and arrived in due time. Upon our return to Hilo a plunge in one of the Return to Honolulu. I59 large stone bathing pools for which the place is famous had the effect of removing the soreness and fatigue caused by the long horseback ride. The next morning we returned to the ship, and the Boston got under way and steamed to Lahaina, where we engaged in target practice in the roadstead, with the secondary battery. This being completed, orders were given on the evening of the I3th of January to have steam up and all preparations made for getting under way at midnight for the return to Honolulu. Shortly before that time, the inter-island steamer from Honolulu came into port and anchored near the Boston. The purser, who was an intimate friend, came on board, bringing the Honolulu papers, and stated that the Wilcox ministry had been voted out the preceding afternoon, and another one appointed in their stead. I immediately informed Captain Wiltse and the American Minister; they both expressed much surprise and asked which of the white members of the legislature had joined in the vote, which information could not then be obtained. The Boston got under way at midnight and steamed slowly back to Honolulu. When off Diamond Head a pet dog fell overboard, and the ship steamed around the spot looking for him for over an hour. Not finding the dog, the Boston was once more headed for port, and about io o'clock in the forenoon of the I4th of January she was moored in her old berth in the harbor of Honolulu. CHAPTER XI. THE REVOLUTIONARY ACT OF THE QUEEN. As soon as the Boston came to anchor I was sent for by the commanding officer, who read to me an invitation from the Minister of Foreign Affairs to be present at the prorogation of the legislature on that day, January I4th, at noon. The Captain, in compliance with this invitation, instructed me to put on special full-dress uniform, and in company with the American Consul-General proceed to the government building as the representative of the ship on that occasion. After having dressed myself as directed, I went on shore and met the Consul-General at the consulate, and we took a carriage and drove to the government building. Upon arrival, and before entering the hall, I was informed by a very prominent citizen that the Queen, immediately after the adjournment of the legislature, was going to proclaim a new constitution from the palace —a constitution that would abrogate the rights and privileges of all foreigners in favor of native rule and autocratic power; that danger was imminent, and he wished I would return to the ship at once and inform Captain Wiltse. I laughed at the matter, and in reply said I placed no credence in the report, to which he said he had the news from the very best of authority, I6o Prorogation of Legislature. I6I one of the cabinet ministers, and urged I should inform my commanding officer, which I declined to do. On entering the building I spoke to the Consul-General of what I had heard. He remarked that the gentleman who informed me was of a rather nervous disposition, and that he placed no credence in his statement, nor did he believe the Queen contemplated any such movement. At the door of the legislative hall we were met by the Secretary of Foreign Affairs and conducted to seats assigned to us. The legislative hall is a spacious room, about sixty feet long by thirty feet wide, having at one end a raised platform or rostrum and speaker's desk. Just in front of and below the speaker's desk is the clerks' circle, and beyond this was the hall proper, where both nobles and representatives sat together as one body, and behind them was a railing separating the legislators from the section allotted to visitors. Not long after we took our seats, the hall proper began to fill with members of the legislature, foreign officials, and distinguished guests. The space back of the railing was packed with native spectators. Nearly every member of the legislature present was decorated with the various orders of Kamehameha I. and Kalakaua, consisting of great gilded stars, covering the left breast and dangling from the neck by silk bands. I was surprised to notice the entire absence of the white members, and in my cogitations as to the reason of this, began to surmise there was some truth in the information conveyed to me by the gen 162 Prorogation of Legislature. tieman on the outside, in which surmise I became more convinced when a native nobleman, who sat to my left and a little to the front, and with whom I was on quite intimate terms, turned around and in a boastful tone said to me: " We have them at last. Wait until we leave the hall and you will see something. Come over to the palace when you go out." I asked him what he meant, and he said: "Never mind, but come over to the palace." I then inquired: ' Do you refer to the new constitution? " and he smiled and nodded his head in assent. Our conversation was interrupted by the entrance of the Chamberlain from a side door on the left, who, with a few assistant attendants, quickly arranged the fixtures upon the rostrum and retired. Immediately after, a few lackeys entered, followed by the Governor of Oahu, dressed in a flash uniform, covered with gold lace and embroidery, and ornamented with orders that would have pleased the Shah of Persia. He took post on the left side of the rostrum. From a side door came the royal procession with all the pomp and paraphernalia this semi-savage Queen could surround herself with, a comedy compared with which Pinafore and the Mikado would be considered Shakesperean. First came the Chamberlain, supporting in front of him a large portfolio containing the Queen's message of prorogation. From it were streaming the ends of white and blue silk ribbons. Next came four dusky aides-de-camp in full uniform, somewhat similar to that worn by a colonel in the Prorogation of Legislature. I63 United States army. They were stiff and pretentious, varying in personal appearance, size, shape, and color, and exhibiting the air of fully realizing the importance of their exalted positions. After them were the feather kahili bearers, supporting the emblems of savage royalty. These were followed by her Majesty the Queen, dressed in a light colored silk which tended to add somewhat to her dark complexion and negro-like features, and more plainly exhibiting in the facial outlines a look of savage determination. The dress was provided with a very long train, which was supported by four Kanaka lackeys dressed in blue velvet cut-away coats, knee breeches, white stockings, and buckled slippers. They were extremely awkward and ungainly, and were a source of annoyance to the Queen, who appeared to be unfamiliar with this ornamental appendage. Next came four homely ladies in waiting, dressed in the loud colors so much admired by all dark-colored races. Then the two royal princes, modest in demeanor, but extremely spick and span. After them came the newly appointed cabinet ministers, and then the dignified justices of the supreme court, whose manly bearing and intellectual appearance gave a relief to what had preceded. One of them, Mr. Dole, afterwards became the President of the Provisional Government and of the Republic. As the procession entered, the Chamberlain turned to the right and placed the portfolio on the desk, opened it, arranged the message for the Queen's con I 64 Appjearance of Liliuokalani. venience, and took his stand just to the left. The kahili-bearers formed in line to the rear. The Queen, in turning to face the legislative body, caught her feet in the cumbersome train and partially stumbled. It was due partly to. her own awkwardness and turning too quickly, and partly to the slowness and ignorance of the train-bearers. She immediately turned with flashing eyes and angered features and spoke to her lackeys, and then stepped up to the desk and waited. The aides-de-camp formed in a diagonal line on her left, and the maids of honor were similarly disposed on her right, all facing the Queen. The ministers and the justices of the court remained on the right. As soon as all were in position the Chamberlain stepped up, and taking the message from the desk handed it to the Queen, who slowly and deliberately commenced to read it, first in English and then in Hawaiian. While reading she exhibited evidences of both anger and great mental strain. Her eyes flashed, and the facial expressions of a nervous yet determined temperament indicated an excitement in no way associated with what is known as stage fright. As soon as the Queen had finished reading her proclamation the procession reformed on the rostrum, and in the order of entering passed through to the room then used as an office by the Minister of the Interior, where she held a sort of reception. She took her seat, and, surrounded by the court attendants and cabinet ministers, received the then ex-members of the legislature and other officials. Liliuokdlani's Reception. i65 The Consul-General said he would not go in, and I went into the reception-room alone. As I enterned the door the governor of Oahu, who was standing near by, stepped up to me and entered into a short conversation. He was very nervous and his language rather disconnected, conveying to me the impression that he wished to prevent my going further. But as I was there under orders and in an official capacity, and desired to see the remainder of the show, I passed on. Arriving before the Queen I extended my salutations and congratulations, which were coldly received and with evident dissatisfaction that I was there. Her manner and general appearance were such as to convince me that I was right in the opinion I had formed when she was reading her proclamation, namely, that she was under the influence of some intoxicant rather than mere excitement. This opinion was borne out later in the day when a very high and distinguished official, who had been near her person all the afternoon, said to me, " We have at last induced her to postpone her coup, and if she had not been full of gin we would have accomplished it long ago." A similar statement was made to me by one of her personal favorites several days later. I paid no attention to her conduct towards me, but entered into a cordial conversation with one of her ministers, of whom I was fond, and from whom I had been the recipient of many acts of friendly hospitality. After a short talk and friendly exchanges of courtesies with some of the attendants, I left the building. I66 Military Preparations. On the outside a large crowd of natives and a few whites were congregated, while great numbers were moving towards the palace grounds. I was again told of the Queen's intention to proclaim a new constitution, and a half-white by the name of Wilcox, an ex-member of the legislature and generally mixed up in every revolution that takes place, in a burst of confidence, said to me that he would have nothing to do with it; that the Queen, in anticipation of resistance on the part of the whites, had sent for him the night before to take command of four small pieces of cannon which she had caused to be placed in the upper halls of the palace, enfilading the approaches to that building from all sides, and that he had declined. These cannon were still there when the Provisional Government took possession of the palace. I also learned that the household guards to the number of eighty, who were at that time drawn up in line firom the palace to the entrance gate, were armed with ball cartridges and under the command of a favorite who had received explicit instructions. The police-station had been fortified with two Gatlings and a force of police under the Marshal, and were in readiness for immediate use. I still had my doubts as to the accuracy of either the whole or part of the prevailing rumors; but on entering the palace grounds and noticing the extraordinary gathering and the position and armament of the troops, I began to realize the seriousness of the situation and felt it my duty to The New Constiution. i67 at once go on board ship and report to my commanding officer what was going on, which I did. He was very much surprised, and said he had just before received a message of similar import, but paid little or no attention to it; but from what I reported to him he thought it best to find out all he could. I was then ordered to shift into citizens' clothes and return on shore as soon as possible, and in a quiet way obtain any and all information and keep him posted. Immediately upon my return on shore, I found at the landing a number of native boatmen loitering about who informed me that the Queen was going to make a new constitution, and that there was much excitement at the palace and uptown. A few minutes later I met an American, who was on his way to the Boston to convey the news to Captain Wiltse. He informed me the Queen had commanded the ministers to countersign the new constitution and they had refused, in consequence of which she had threatened their lives. To avoid personal danger, in great fear and excitement they had hastily made their way down town and appealed to the leading men of the community to protect and sustain them. I was further informed that at the office of W. 0. Smith, on Fort street, a large number of prominent men were holding a meeting. I hurried on to that place, only a few hundred yards from the landing, and found the two rooms of the office crowded with the best men of the city, irrespective of political affiliations, busily devising I68 Opposition to Liliuokalani. ways and means to avert serious consequences, and to prevent, if possible, the Queen from doing such an unconstitutional act. Some excitement was exhibited on the part of a few, and much uneasiness shown by all, yet every one was outspoken in a determination to do something to prevent the arbitrary promulgation of a constitution. Short speeches were made, voicing this sentiment, but nothing was said or intimated beyond a condemnation of the Queen's act as unconstitutional, and threatening the business interests of the kingdom. I left them still in session and went on to the palace grounds, where the native crowd still remained waiting for news from the inside of the palace. The soldiers were still drawn up in line ready for a move. The natives in the grounds appeared to be unconcerned and quiet. I made a circuit of the city, and in the eastern suburbs met a body of natives on horseback coming in from the country. I learned later that they were simply returning from a feast up the adjoining valley. I immediately returned to the center of the town and visited the hotels, clubs, and public places, and heard the people discussing the situation. The prevalent talk was a denunciation of the Queen in no measured terms. The intelligent people appeared to be alarmed and exceedingly apprehensive of serious trouble, and throughout the city the excitement and uneasiness were growing. At W. 0. Smith's office the crowd had increased, with many people on the sidewalk, in front of the door, while those inside were still in Lliuokalani's Sfpeech. I69 discussion. I then went again to the palace, meeting the Chief Justice coming in a carriage from the palace. IHe stopped and informed me that, after hours of argument and persuasion, the Queen had been induced to defer her coup d'e'al, but that she had announced her determination to promulgate the new constitution in a few days. The Chief Justice thought she would attempt it again on Monday, and that such was her stubbornness and determination they would have the whole affair to go through with again. I went on to the palace grounds and there saw the Queen in front of the palace, standing on the balcony. She had just finished a speech in the throne-room, before a large gathering, stating her desire to promulgate a new constitution, declaring that she had been prevented from doing so by her ministers. She repeated, in substance, this speech from the balcony to the crowd in the grounds. There was no cheering, or any evidence of enthusiasm or regret on the part of the natives. They were simply unconcerned as to what was going on, beyond the novelty of the affair and a morbid curiosity over something that was unusual in their daily life. While the Queen still stood on the balcony, two natives near her began to harangue the crowd, stating that the ministry, under the influence of the whites, had prevented the Queen from giving them a new constitution, and appealed to them to rise and kill those opposing her. A few natives in front, realizing what the effect of such language Io70 The Queen's Program. as this would be, climbed up the balcony and, by force, removed the two incendiary speakers from the scene. Neither the Queen, nor any one near her, made any effort to stop these speakers, and her actions indicated that she was pleased with their remarks and conduct. After this the natives began to disperse and leave the palace grounds. At night quiet crowds gathered about the streets, in the hotels and public places, and the conversations there were universally condemnatory of the Queen's revolutionary act. From all these sources I learned that the Queen, immediately after leaving the government building, had gone direct to the palace and retired to the blue room, where she summoned the ministers to come to her at once. She presented to them the draft of the new constitution and demanded their signatures, declaring at the same time her intention to promulgate it at once. In the meantime a native political association, all dressed in evening dress and tall hats, carrying banners and badges, had marched in columns of two from the government building. They were headed by their president carrying a large flat package suspended in front of him by ribbons about his shoulders. This was a draft of the new constitution, a prepared address and petition for the promulgation of the constitution. All this had been prearranged by direct orders from the Qjueen. They marched to the throneroom and took position in regular lines, the president to the front and holding in his hands the .ueen's Revolutionary Act. I7I address opened and ready to read at the given signal when the Qleen took her position on the dais. In the throne-room were also assembled a few members of the diplomatic corps, two of the judges of the supreme court, the Governor of Oahu, the two princes, and a number of the native members of the late legislature, all in position for a state ceremony, but they were kept waiting by what was going on in the blue room. Two of the ministers, Colburn and Peterson, positively refused to sign the document, and the other two reluctantly followed their example. The Queen became enraged and, in most excited and emphatic terms, accented by a sudden striking of the table with her clenched fist, informed them if they did not sign the paper laid before them she would go out on the balcony and denounce them. To gain time and means of escape, they asked for fifteen minutes to retire and deliberate. This was at first refused, but finally granted. They had no sooner left the room than they hurried over to the government building and immediately sent word down town calling on the citizens to support them in their resistance to the revolutionary acts of the Queen. They sent for several of their leading opponents of the Reform party and asked their advice. They were promised the support of the Reform party, and advised to resist the Queen; to issue a proclamation declaring the Queen in revolution against the constitution and calling on the people to support them; also to request the assistance of the American naval forces, 1 72 Armed Resistance. if necessary, to maintain order. The cabinet acquiesced in the plan, if the Queen persisted, and at their request a draft of proclamation and request, in accordance with such advice, was drawn up on the spot. Two of the ministers signed the request to land troops, but it was never delivered. Two of them, Colburn and Peterson, more apprehensive of their safety and impatient of delay, rushed down town and personally addressed the meeting at Smith's office, appealing for their support against the Queen. Leading people hurried together at Smith's office and, after brief consultation, unanimously agreed to support the laws and resist the revolutionary encroachments of the Queen, and sent a message to that effect to the ministers. A document pledging the armed support of the signers, to the Cabinet, for the purpose of resisting the revolutionary acts of the Queen, was drawn up and signed by nearly every one present. The ministers were advised not to resign, and to hold out to the last. Meanwhile the Queen was in the blue room awaiting the return of the ministers. She finally sent a messenger requesting their immediate return. Two of the ministers refused, on the ground that their lives would be endangered. Two went to the palace, and somewhat later, upon receiving assurances of support from the people at Smith's office, the other two reluctantly followed. In the meantime the Queen's especial favorite, C. B. Wilson, the Marshal, and one who was known to have great influence over her, was sent Refutation of Blount's Charges. 173 into the blue room. He used all his power to induce her to go no further. He even threatened her; but finding her obdurate, he assured her of his support if she persisted. Just as the ministers returned, he went to the police-station, called in all the police that could be spared, appointed and armed a few white friends as deputies, and made preparations for armed resistance or aggression, as the occasion might require. Other efforts were made to induce the Queen to retrace the revolutionary steps she had already taken, but without avail, she only consenting, with great reluctance, to a temporary postponement of the premeditated coup. The importance of the measures taken by the Queen, the Marshal, and the Cabinet, above set forth, consists in the fact that they constitute an absolute refutation of the reiterated charge made by Commissioner Blount, Secretary Gresham, and President Cleveland, that there was profound peace in Honolulu when the Boston troops landed and the Provisional Government was formed. From my personal observation, made at the time, on the spot, and an intimate personal acquaintance with all the leading people of all parties, I assert unhesitatingly that during the three days between the attempt of the Queen to overturn the constitution and the proclamation of the Provisional Government Honolulu was a slumbering volcano, liable to break out into bloody conflict at any time on two minutes' notice. I repeatedly urged Captain VVWiltse to land the troops on Sunday, but he waited until the 174 The Committee of Safety. evidences of impending conflict became so strong that he would have been wilfiully negligent of his duty to have waited longer, and did not land until Monday afternoon. The assembly in the throne-room, after listening to her announcement, left the building, and the news was sent to the citizens down town of what had transpired. The impromptu meeting at Smith's office, appreciating that the Queen did not intend to give up, and that the trouble had but begun, continued their deliberations. A Committee of Public Safety, composed of thirteen members, was formed,to which the further consideration of the situation was delegated, and the assembly adjourned. The committee remained where they were and continued their deliberations for about an hour, but with little or no plan of operations. The unanimously expressed opinion was that the Queen, having violated her oath to support the constitution, the people were absolved from further obligations to her; that she was in revolution against the government; that this was only the last act of a series extending over years, all tending in the one direction, viz., the concentration of arbitrary power in the hands of the sovereign, and encroachment upon the just rights of the people; that the limit of endurance had been reached, and the abolition of the monarchy was the sound course to pursue. Before adjourning, the sense of the committee was formally expressed in the following resolution, which was adopted by a vote of I2 Annexation Resolution. I75 to I, the one explaining that the only reason why he voted " no" was because there was no assurance as to what the United States would do: "Resolved, That it is the sense of this committee that in view of the present unsatisfactory state of affairs, the proper course to pursue is to abolish the monarchy and apply for annexation to the United States." The committee adjourned about dark, without having come to any decision as to means of carrying the resolution into effect, agreeing to meet on the following morning. Several of the committee and some other leading citizens held an informal meeting that night, at the residence of a prominent citizen, which gathering was reported to the Marshal, who at once informed the Queen and her supporters and requested that she would declare martial law and permit him to arrest the Committee of Safety, but she was afraid to do it. The Marshal deserves great credit for his course throughout this exciting period. Fully realizing and disapproving the Queen's unlawful project, he nevertheless was loyal to his mistress and displayed more judgment and genuine pluck than all of her other followers put together. The main features of the constitution which the Queen attempted to promulgate had been at her order drafted and submitted to Peterson and Colburn weeks before, meeting at the time with no disapproval by them. Parker and Cornwell, the other two ministers, were in ignorance of its full text. 176 -Features of New Constitution. The knowledge of the extreme character of the instrument, and of the effect which it would have upon the determined characters who had led the fight against both Kalakaua and Liliuokalani accounts for the great fear on the part of the first two and the less anxiety shown by the latter two ministers at the critical moment. The most objectionable clauses of the proposed constitution provided that the Queen should have the power to appoint and remove at will her ministers; that all members of the upper house of the legislature were to be appointed for life or good beheavior, the choice being absolute with her instead of their being elected by the people for terms of six years as had theretofore been done; that the tenure of office of the Supreme Court judges should be changed to six years only instead of for life, as theretofore; that all whites theretofore possessing the voting right should be disfranchised except those married to native women. Such was the condition of affairs when I returned to the ship at midnight. I made a detailed statement of the situation, and expressed the opinion that i;othing would happen that night, but that, from the state of feeling of the people, serious trouble would come as soon as the counter-revolutionists could organize. CHAPTER XII. THE LANDING OF THE BOSTON S TROOPS. The following morning, Sunday, January I5, I893, the Committee of Safety met again, and, after discussing the situation in all its bearings, came to the conclusion that a proclamation should be issued abrogating the monarchy and establishing a provisional government in its place. Word was sent to the Cabinet that, in accordance with their request, the people had organized to support them with armed force against the Queen's revolutionary course; that the Committee of Safety would act in subordination to the Cabinet if they would lead in taking the Queen at her word; but that the committee insisted upon action. The Cabinet were requested to declare that by violating the constitution the Queen had vacated the throne, and were informed that if they failed to take this course the committee would proceed to act without them. The Cabinet asked for time to consider the proposition. They were told that the committee were proceeding with their preparations and would stop for nothing; that it rested entirely with the Cabinet whether they led the movement or not; but in any event the committee would act as soon as it was ready to do so. The committee decided to call a mass-meeting, make a report, and ask this 1;7 178 8 Mass-MeetingY-Resistence. general gathering of citizens to confirm their appointment, and authorize the taking of whatever further steps were necessary to advance the public welfare and secure the rights of the people from future aggression. The mass-meeting, of about 2,000 men, was held on Monday, noon, the report presented, and strong resolutions adopted condemning the Queen, approving the course of the committee and authorizing it to continue to act. The committee continued its meetings and began the work of organization and preparations. Couriers were sent all over town to notify friends of the movement to arm themselves, and be prepared to answer a call when needed. The various old volunteer organizations and the people who had brought Kalakaua to terms in I887 and put down the revolution instituted by Liliuokalani in I889 now began to stir themselves, and by night one squad of about 50 men reported with arms at a rendezvous on Emma street. Another squad of 75, mostly Germans, met at a place on Fort street, back of the Chinese church. Posters were displayed calling on the people for a mass-meeting on the following day, to be held in the old armory on Beretania street. The result of the deliberations of the Committee of Safety, the posting of these notices, and the gathering of armed men were known to the Marshal and by him reported to the Queen, but her advisers were afraid to act, and the meetings of the committee and gathering forces were left undisturbed. A Critical Situation' I79 The Marshal afterwards told me he had urged the ministers to let him open an attack on the opponents of the Queen before they got too strong, but they would not let him do it. All this time the forces at the palace and station-house were kept under arms. Transpiring events were reported to Captain Wiltse at various times during the day, and he went on shore twice to make personal observations. On his return to the ship he informed me the situation on shore was very critical, and expressed the opinion that he ought to land a force to protect Americans and property, but he did not want to do that unless absolutely necessary. IHe said he had several interviews with the United States Minister, who informed him that he and the English Minister had used their best influences to stop the Queen, but could do nothing, and that he (Wiltse) and the Minister had agreed upon great caution. In the meantime the aggressive spirit of the Queen had weakened. She began to realize the seriousness of the situation, and exhibited grave fears of being deprived of her throne. She and her followers became frightened at the tone of intense feeling manifested by the people, and began to cast about for means of saving themselves. A peace was patched up between the Queen and her ministers, and for the time being she forgave them for their perfidy. Without a moment's hesitation, and without replying to the proposition of the Committee of Safety, the Cabinet abandoned the citizens whom they had called upon for help, and who had organized in good faith to assist them. I80 Honolulu a Hiostile Camp. A secret meeting was held on Sunday noon, at the office of the Attorney-General, in the government building, by a few citizens and hangers-on of the palace and the now reconciled cabinet, and they decided to call a counter mass-meeting of natives the next day at Palace Square. It was decided that the tone of this meeting should be very conservative. A " by authority," to be signed by the Queen and countersigned by the Cabinet, was drawn up, announcing that the Queen had abandoned her intention to force a new constitution, and that in future she would abide by constitutional requirements. Speakers were detailed and posted as to what they should say, in a temperate and peaceful manner. On Monday morning, although outwardly quiet, the city was the recruiting ground for two hostile camps. The Queen, the Marshal, and the Cabinet were increasing their forces and preparing for the demonstration of the people acting through the Committee of Safety, which was preparing swiftly and with little concealment of its objects. The people were, by this time, organized into armed bodies ready at a moment's call, with squads still forming, of sufficient force to command the entire situation. The palace guards were kept constantly under arms and ready for active work with a battery of field artillery, while the police-station was barricaded and fortified with two Gatling guns, and nearly the whole police force and a number of special deputies. The city was full of Canadian refugees, beachcombers, and loafers from all over the world, eager Hionolul'u ac HostiZe Camt. for incendiarism and loot, with two mass-meetings of opposing factions, to be held in the afternoon at points only a block apart. The situation was alarming, excitement intense, and a feeling of uncertainty as to what would take place. The bubble was likely to break at any moment, and disorder and riot be precipitated. The Marshal had notified the leaders of the Committee of Safety that the massmeeting should not be held, and receiving no favorable answer, he reported to the Queen's headquarters that it would be impossible to stop it without armed interference. A message was sent to the Committee of Safety by the Cabinet on Sunday, stating the ministers would like to meet and consult with representatives of their number, which request was complied with on Monday morning. In that interview the ministers urged the committee to go no further, stating that the Queen bad agreed to go no further with the constitution matter. The committee replied they could place no confidence in the Queen's pledges, that she had gone too far, and they would proceed with their deliberations without regard to what the Queen said or did. This alarmed the Queen and her supporters still more, and impressed upon them the enthusiasm and determination of the respectable and conservative portion of the community to put and end to the corrupt monarchy. The ministers made public the "by authority" referred to, and sent copies to all the foreign legations in the hope of obtaining their support, but without avail. Not only was this con I823 Why Troops Landed. dition of affairs reported to Captain Wiltse, but, to make sure, he went on shore in the morning to ascertain the facts, and with a personal knowledge of the danger to life and property that existed, there was no other course for him to pursue than to land a force before it was too late, and he made up his mind to do so. Immediately upon his return to the ship, about Io A. M., he called me to the cabin and with closed doors told me of the condition of affairs as he had learned them, confirming what I had already reported. The leading citizens of the town were openly and publicly preparing to oust the Queen's government by force of arms. They were making no concealment of their intentions. On the contrary, they informed the Cabinet on Sunday morning, again on Monday morning, and the Marshal on Monday noon, what their intentions were. The Queen and Cabinet were making such preparations as they could to resist. There were several thousand American citizens and many million dollars' worth of American property at the very focus of this cyclonic condition of affairs. It was manifest that the government was unable to protect itself, and could not under any circumstances protect life and property. If ever a situation warranted the landing of troops to protect American interests, this was such an occasion, and Captain Wiltse, after consulting the American Minister and myself, decided that his duty plainly required him to land. IlIIl)\lIN tx rZ Rlt li: It'TI.I;D I:i — I ~ I I Pi I " l | I I ~ - ~ ~ ~|~~~~~,~~~ a w w g R ~~~~~~~~~~~~J la % | |,;.~. 1X} H'..f. qg F1iiyX e l} w'X,,"A t-~~ A... gE 5 d i~,,. -tr;, B ( S;; Eg Pi(&5, k4A~lr, ja ue 1. VaA:Stl,i44l Ij~(l~ji- Il ff Landing of Troops. i83 He asked me how long it would take to get ready for landing the two revolving cannon, and two Gatling guns, with ammunition. I replied, half an hour. Shortly afterwards the executive officer instructed me to get one revolving cannon, and one Gatling gun, with their field carriages, and one caisson ready, and to let him know how many men I needed to fill up the complement, and to get the boats ready for lowering. All of which I did. Other preparations were made and the men of the battalion instructed to get their dinner, and to pack their knapsacks for heavy marching order. Captain Wiltse sent for me again and, in a confidential manner, as was his usual course with me, read his confidential letter of instructions from the Navy Department, and from Admiral Brown, commanding the United States naval forces in the Pacific. In the discussion which followed I fully agreed with him as to the necessity of landing a force. I remarked that the situation was such that great tact and judgment would have to be used to avoid being accused of interfering or taking sides with one or other of the contending parties. His reply was that he intended to maintain a perfectly neutral attitude, but he would prevent any injury to Americans or their property, incendiarism or pilfering, even if he had to fight all hands. As soon as the men had finished their meal, the battalion was gotten ready, ammunition put up, belts filled with ball cartridges, and the men fitted out for heavy marching order, with I84 The Mass-Meeling. instructions to be ready to land at 4 o'clock. The time set was supposed to be about the hour the two mass-meetings would finish their deliberations, and should they come together in a hostile manner, we would be on the scene in time to prevent riot and bloodshed within the city proper, or in the vicinity of the innocent women and children. The battalion consisted of one company of artillery, two companies of blue-jackets, and one of marines, with musicians, and hospital corps. The men were provided with knapsacks and double belts, each holding from 6o to 80 cartridges. The caisson and ammunition-boxes were filled with ammunition, taking in all I4,000 rounds of rifle, 1,200 revolver cartridges, and 174 common explosive shells for the revolving cannon. At 1.30 the citizens began to assemble, and before 2 o'clock the large armory on Beretania street was crowded to its utmost capacity with the largest and most enthusiastic mass-meeting ever held in Honolulu. Every class in the community was fully represented-mechanics, merchants, professional men, and artisans of every kind being present in full force. The report of the Committee of Safety was submitted and unanimously adopted, which was a condemnation of the acts of the Queen and her supporters as being unlawful and unwarranted, endangering the peace of the community and tending to excite riot and cause destruction of life and property. The appointment of the Committee of Safety was confirmed or ratified and they were in The Counter Meeting. 185 structed and empowered to further devise such ways and means as might be necessary to secure the permanent maintenance of law and order and pro'tection to life, liberty, and property in Hawaii. At the same time that the mass-meeting was in session at the armory, the royalists, under the instruction of the government, were holding a counter demonstration at Palace Square. A resolution, as previously agreed upon by the Queen and her supporters, was adopted, accepting the royal assurance that she would no longer seek to promulgate a new constitution by revolutionary means. Notwithstanding the instructions of the night before for the speakers to be most conservative in their remarks, some of them gave vent to expressions of a desire for bloodshed. During the sessions of the two gatherings the stores in town were closed, business suspended and drinking-saloons stopped from selling liquor, and excitement was intense, while the city was at the mercy of a mob, as most all the policemen had been called into the police-station. The Committee of Safety met as soon as the massmeeting adjourned. Numerous citizens, fearing a repetition of the mob of I874, and probable destruction of the town, outrages upon the persons of women and children, urged the committee to request the American Minister to land a force from the Boston for the protection of life and property. This was prepared but was not delivered until after the Minister's visit to the Boston hereunder referred to, and had nothing to do with the subsequent land I86 Caft. Wiltse's Instructions. ing. While the two mass-meetings were in session the American Minister came on board the Boston, several hours after the order had been given for the battalion to land. Captain Wiltse immediately sent for the officers who were to accompany the men on shore, to come into the cabin, and be present at the interview and consultation with the Minister. The Minister spoke of the Queen's proclamation to abandon her attempt to proclaim a new constitution, and of the attitude of the leading people of the city in support of the Committee of Safety; also of the large mass-meeting being held by order of the committee, and of the counter meeting, composed mostly of low whites and natives. He thought they might come into conflict and that trouble was imminent; that Captain Wiltse should be prepared to land if necessary. "Should you land," said he, "you need not apprehend any one firing upon you, as they have never done such a thing under other and similar circumstances; " referring to the landing of American troops in 1874 and 1889. Captain Wiltse replied that he realized the necessity and had already given orders to land the troops at 4 P. M., to protect American interests. Then turning to the officers present he read a short letter of instructions to them. These instructions were taken bodily from his confidential letter from the Navy Department, and were prepared in the morning when he first decided to land. One of the officers present asked how far he was to go in the event of a change in Salute to Liliuokalazni. i8 i87 the state of affairs, or should he be attacked by either of the contending forces. Captain Wiltse thereupon supplemented his written by oral instructions, to this effect: Under conditions as he then understood them to exist, he would have to largely depend upon the judgment of the officers going on shore; that they had been long enough in Honolulu to be thoroughly acquainted with all Americans and the location of their property; that they should be protected so long as they preserved a neutral attitude. The Minister, after remarking, " I am glad you are going to land," and that he thought the landing absolutely necessary, left the ship. At 5 P. M. the battalion was landed at the regular landing at Brewer's wharf, and after being formed on shore, marched to the corner of Fort and Merchant streets, where a squad of the marine company was detailed to protect the United States consulate. The rest of the marine company was marched to the United States legation, on Nuuanu avenue. The main body of the force was marched up Merchant street through Palace Square. As it passed the palace entrance, the Queen was seen standing on the front balcony of the palace, whereupon a royal marching salute was given her, arms port, drooping of colors, and ruffles on the drums. As we marched through the city there were no policemen or guardians of the peace at their posts for the protection of the public. A little beyond Palace Square, the battalion halted for the purpose of finding some place to go into 188 Camp at Arion Hall. camp. An effort was made at first to secure an old armory near the boat-landing, as that was in touch with a base on board ship, but it was refused, as was the opera house, the only two places of suitable dimensions available. These being refused, the forces were marched on out King street, nearly a half mile, to the residence of an American, and in his yard the troops were bivouacked under the trees. About 9.30 P. M. Captain Wiltse drove up, and said he had secured a temporary place in a hall to the rear of the opera house, commonly known as Arion Hall. This building was a small, low, wooden structure with a wide porch front and rear, and was originally erected by the corrupt minister to Kalakaua, Gibson, for the purpose of high carnivals and political gatherings of their ring. The battalion was immediately formed and marched to the hall and went into camp. I was made officer of the day and posted pickets inside the yard at all the approaches to the camp, and kept watch myself for anything unusual along the front of the opera house. I soon saw that this was the best strategical position in the city for the main body of the troops to encamp, with the two smaller bodies of troops in the narrow business portion of the city, and at the United States Legation. The broad streets diverging from Palace Square afforded an easy means of mobilizing at any point, while the opera house in front constituted a formidable breastwork. From in front of the opera house a good view was obtained of the vicinity of the Number of Opposing Forces. 189 fortified police-station and center of the business portion of the city, along King and Merchant streets, and of the vicinity of the government barracks across the Palace Square; the park of the principal hotel; the approaches to the armory occupied by the citizen forces, and the grounds surrounding the government buildings. The whole section was, with the exception of the government buildings, occupied by American property and residents. I immediately procured several men whom I knew well, and in whom I had implicit confidence, to scour the town and obtain all information possible of the situation, disposition and number of troops on each side, movements of the citizens, and from time to time I received information afterwards corroborated by actual participants. I was informed that the police had all been called in, and a few deputy marshals, newly appointed, in citizen's dress, were the only government officers doing duty in the streets of the city; that the government forces, consisting of the household guard and policemen, were divided into two detachments, one of 6o men at the barracks and palace grounds, the other of So men at the fortified police-station, making in all i40 men. With the exception of a few newly appointed deputy marshals, these were all the forces that the Queen had at her command up to the time of the overturn of the monarchy. At the same time, I learned there were i75 men of the volunteer forces under arms, mostly members of a military organi I90o Committee's Forces, zation known as the "' Honolulu Guards," famous for the aggressive and determined part they had taken in forcing Kalakaua to terms in i887, and in putting down the Liliuokalani-Wilcox revolution of 1889. They were quartered in three different sections of the city, within convenient positions for a quick and easy mobilization of a part or whole at any desired point within the city. One of these squads to the number of 8o men were in a building on Fort street, in rear of the Chinese church. Another squad of 50 men were in an old building on Emma Square, while a third of 45 were encamped in the armory on Beretania street, commanding any flank movement from the government barracks. It was apparent to my mind that the citizens were the masters of the situation, as they had much fighting material yet to draw from, while the Queen's supporters had melted away. Our forces were so placed as to enforce upon both sides a proper regard for the safety of property and the protection of non-combatants, and, if necessary, to prevent fighting in the streets, as our forces did when they landed in Panama during the revolution there in 1885. Early in the evening the deputy marshal, dressed in citizen's clothes, called to see me with an apparent friendly message from the Marshal, but obviously to find out the disposition of our forces, and the part we proposed to take in the event of a fight. I understood his mission and extended to him a most cordial reception, took him all through the camp and Boston Troops Neu/trald. 1I9 emphatically informed him we were there simply to protect American life and property, and under no circumstances would we take part with either side; but I believed no fighting would be permitted in the streets or residence portion of the city. He replied, they knew that, and the next evening the Marshal told me he knew we would have nothing to do with either side, and that he wanted to go out and fight, stating at the same time the cowardly ministers would not let him. The deputy departed with a friendly message and with cordial feelings, and offered to send me something for my comfort in camp, which he did later that night. All night long, rumors of an alarming nature prevailed of the intention, by native supporters of the Queen, to burn the residences of her leading opponents, and the business portion of the city. The fire-patrol was kept on the alert for immediate use. Many women were very much frightened, and some of the people sent their families out of the city to Waikiki. There were two fires during the night of an incendiary nature, and on each occasion I called out the guard ready for a move, and sent couriers to find out where the fires were. Learning that they were of little importance and that American property was not involved, I returned the guard to their quarters. This calling out of the guard had a good effect, and was the means of quieting the extreme tension of feeling. The fact that we were ready and on the alert to protect them inspired confidence among orderly people. T92 Judge Dole and the Commnitee. That evening the Committee of Safety continued their deliberations and perfected their plans. They finally decided to abrogate the monarchy and establish a provisional government in its stead, and this accomplished, to submit an appeal for annexation to the United States. Mr. J. H. Soper was appointed to take command of the military forces. A committee of two was appointed to select four persons to constitute an executive council, and others to act as an advisory council. Judge Dole of the supreme court was chosen to act as the head of the government. A messenger firom their number was sent to invite Judge Dole's attendance at the meeting. He came, and after hearing their proposition said that he doubted the advisability of abrogating the monarchy yet, and that he did not entirely favor the idea of annexation to the United States. He suggested that it might be better to establish a regency and place Kaiulani on the throne. Kaiulani had been appointed heiress apparent by her aunt, Liliuokalani, and confirmed as such by the legislature. Dole's advice, even at this time, might have been taken and the monarchy pre-, served, had that young princess been educated in the United States, and not in England under the self-appointed guardianship of T. H. Davies, an Engl ishman of pronounced bitterness against American interests, and who had repeatedly in the local press of Honolulu, over his own signature, denounced in bitter terms and unfriendly spirit the rights of the United States to establish a naval station at Judge Dole Accepts. 193 Pearl Harbor. It was also reported that his son was engaged to marry the princess. Even as it was, there was a long discussion as to the acceptance of Dole's advice, but the feeling prevailed that bitter experience had demonstrated that the Kalakaua blood was not to be trusted, and that if action were not taken now, it would have to be taken at some time in the future, after another struggle, and under, perhaps, more unfavorable circumstances. Finally, upon the earnest persuasion of the committee, Dole consented to take the matter under advisement and further consideration, and give them an answer on the following day. After persistent efforts on the part of the committee, Judge Dole agreed on the following day to accept the responsible position, which acceptance sealed the doom of the monarchy in the Hawaiian Islands. CHAPTER XIII. ESTABLISHMENT OF THE PROVISIONAL GOVERNMENT. Early on the following morning, I7th of January, 1893, the battalion was drawn up in line, mustered and inspected, guards detailed for the day and a routine established. Breakfast was brought off from the ship and served to each company, after which the men were exercised at drill. Every assurance was given to convince both sides that we occupied with our forces a neutral position and were there only for the purpose of protecting American life and property. The men were cautioned not to say or do anything that would cause them to be accused of partisanship, and no one was permitted to leave the limits of the encampment. Whatever rumors either side caused to be circulated to the contrary was due to no word or act of either the officers or men of the Boston's battalion. They were simply there in the performance of duty, as was the case when American forces had been landed in Honolulu on previous occasions of riot or revolution, and this fact was thoroughly understood by both the contending factions in Honolulu. Some of the members of the Committee of Safety made an eflort to intimidate the royalists by starting the report that the American forces were on shore for the purpose of supporting them against the Queen and 194 Formation of Provisional Government. I95 her forces; but Marshal Wilson informed me, the night after the surrender, that he knew better, and that the craven ministers used that canard as an excuse for their own cowardice. The only effect the false rumor had was to induce a few timid whites, who were anxious to join the movement of the citizens but held aloof on account of the fear of reactionary consequences, to become publicly supporters of the committee where they had previously secretly supported it, and it formed a pretext for the protest under which the final surrender of the royalists was made. The people of the city were astir earlier than usual, yet everything was outwardly quiet. The two hostile forces still occupied the same positions they did the evening before. The royalists kept within their fortified places, well knowing the active progress being made by the Committee of Safety, who were actively at work completing their plans. Several of the prominent members had been to Judge Dole, urging upon him an immediate answer and acceptance of the offer tendered him the day before. Others had waited upon those who had been selected to serve upon the executive and advisory councils of the new government, to obtain their consent to serve. The preliminaries having been attended to, the Committee of Safety met at Io o'clock A. M. in the office of W. 0. Smith and proceeded to organize the Provisional Government. An order was sent out prohibiting the inter-island steamers from leaving for the other 196 Dole's Character. islands before the next day. Judge Dole came before the committee and notified them of his decision to accept the presidency, but before doing so he sent in his resignation to the Minister of Foreign Affairs as one of the justices of the supreme court. No better man could have been selected. In fact, there was no one else available gifted with those great qualities which nature lavishes on men born to rule. Quiet and unobtrusive, modest in demeanor and of sterling integrity; possessing a cultivated mind and a benevolent heart; a leader in all the moral, religious, and progressive movements on the islands; careful in thought, fair in judgment, honest in convictions, an excellent lawyer, and a cool, deliberate statesman, Judge Dole was fortified with the universal confidence of the citizens of Hawaii of all nationalities. He was born in Honolulu, of American parentage, in 1844. He was educated in Honolulu, and at William's College in the United States; studied law in Boston and was admitted to the bar in that city before returning to his native country, where he not only became one of the leading lawyers, but a member of the supreme bench. The Committee of Safety adjourned at noon for lunch, meeting again at 1.30 P. M., when they completed the organization of the Provisional Government upon the plans previously agreed upon. An executive council was appointed consisting of four members, with Dole as chairman and Minister of Foreign Affairs; the other three filled the offices - - -----... Formation of Provisional Government. 197 of Ministers of the Interior, Finance, and AttorneyGeneral. An advisory council, to have general legislative duties, was selected, consisting of fourteen members. The proclamation abrogating the monarchy and proclaiming the Provisional Government was signed by the committee, and the executive council confirmed J. H. Soper as Commander-inChief of the Military. A guard was sent out to order arms and ammunition, which the committee had in one of the stores in town, to be taken to the armory. A messenger was sent to the government building to ascertain whether there was any armed force there to oppose them. He reported that there were none. In the meantime the forces from the Boston were being exercised in an afternoon drill within the enclosure, in ignorance of what was going on in town, when a messenger from the police-station came and informed me that the counter revolutionists had completed their organization and were going to make an effort to take the government building at 3 P, M. and from there issue a proclamation formally establishing a Provisional Government, and to prevent this, the Marshal was going to send 50 armed men from the palace and policestation to guard the building. We stopped drilling and the officers went to the front of the yard to see if there was any movement. In a few minutes we saw some men coming up the street headed by Judge Dole, and immediately after heard that a policeman had been shot in town. It looked as ig98 ]First and Only Shot. though a fight was imminent and the Boston's men were in consequence not dismissed, but kept in the rear of the opera house, with Arion Hall between them and the government building. The shooting of the policeman precipitated matters, and the executive and advisory councils, accompanied by the Committee of Safety, immediately went by different streets to the government building fully half an hour before they intended the cousp should take place. It appeared that the officer in charge of the squad who were directed to gather the arms and ammunition was seen by one of the special deputies to drive into the back yard of the store where some of these arms were. The special immediately notified the Marshal, who sent out four or five policemen from the station to capture the arms, and in their efforts to do so the officer of the guard shot one of the police. The others permitted the wagon to proceed to the armory and deliver the arms to the men waiting to receive them. When this shot was fired and the story of its results flew through town, it created a panic in the royal ranks, and all those who could reach the police-station rushed in such numbers to that building for shelter that the Marshal had to close the doors. The Marshal afterwards told me that two of the cabinet ministers, one of whom was the Attorney-General, and the immediate head of the military forces of the kingdom, rushed to the rear of the room and stood there trembling and would not permit the Marshal to either send men to the Cozwardice of Cabinet. I99 government building or open a fight, and there they remained, clustered in the closed station-house, afraid to move, while Dole and his party moved on the government building unmolested. Had the plans which the Marshal mapped out been sustained by the ministers, and a guard sent to the government building, supported by the cannon from the palace and the forces at the barracks, with the fortified police-station as a base, it is exceedingly doubtful if the counter-revolutionists could have taken the government building or palace that day, and it would have necessitated the proclaiming of the new government from some other place. In that event they could not have obtained control of the government building and archives, and the treasury, or secured any recognition from the foreign representatives until they had driven the royalists out. They had a sufficient force to eventually capture the place, yet there would have been a fight. The ministers knowing the force and the character of the mnen opposed to them were afraid to make a stand. However, the leaders of the Provisional Government, while on their way from Smith's office, had grave apprehensions, and the excitement was intense. Several of them told me that they expected at every corner to be fired on. The armory on Beretania street had been designated as the place of rendezvous for the volunteer forces, and as soon as they heard of the shot on Fort street, they formed their companies and squads and moved towards the government grounds from 200 Reading of Proclamation. different approaches. Upon the arrival of Dole and his followers at the entrance to the building, only a few employees were to be found, and the demand upon the chief clerk of the Interior Department for possession of the building was immediately complied with. A crowd began to gather, and from one of the rear gates of the yard a company of about 50 armed volunteers entered and formed in front of the building. The committee now proceeded to read the proclamation abrogating the monarchy and formally establishing a Provisional Government instead, "to exist until terms of union with the United States can be negotiated and agreed upon." During the reading of the proclamation, armed forces were gathering in the yard, and by the time it was finished fully 175 determined volunteers were in position to guard the building and protect the new government, and the royal forces could never have driven them out. The yard was cleared of all lookers-on, and sentries posted at the gates to prevent outsiders from entering. After reading the proclamation the councils convened in the office of the Minister of the Interior and issued an order calling upon all persons favorable to the new government to report at the government building and furnish such arms and ammunition as they might have in their possession or subject to their control. Martial law was established, liquor-saloons closed, and letters sent to each of the different members of the foreign diplo A//titude of Wiltse. 20I matic and consular officers announcing the establishment of the Provisional Government, and requesting their recognition. All this time the American forces were peaceful spectators from their camp of what was going on. Captain Wiltse and myself were standing on the front porch of Arion Hall, where we had a partial view of the proceedings. Calling me to his side, he remarked: "' This ends it; the royalists are not going to fight." Just then a messenger from the Provisional Government came up and reported the formation of the new government, with a message from Judge Dole asking if he, Captain Wiltse, would not recognize them. The reply was that such recognition could not be made until they were in possession of the police and military forces, and fully in condition to protect life and property. A few minutes later I was ordered to go over to the building with his compliments to Judge Dole, ask him what the new government was in possession of, and to inform him that if he did not have control of the police and military forces Captain Wiltse could have nothing to do with them. I found Judge Dole, and the officials of the new government, and some others, clustered around him, in one of the large rooms of the government building. When I delivered my message, with a wave of the hand Judge Dole said: "' You see we have possession of the government building, the archives and the treasury, which is the government of Hawaii." To which I replied, " I see you are here, but how 202 A/tilude of Wilise. about the police-station, palace and barracks, and the armed forces at those places? " To this Judge Dole remarked they would soon have them. "Well," said I, " Captain Wiltse directed me to say to you that until you obtain possession of them and are in position to guarantee safety to life and property, he could not recognize you or have anything to do with you." Several persons asked me if we were not going to stand by them. I replied, "Gentlemen, you beard what I said." A few looked at each other in surprise, but the majority and Judge Dole appeared to anticipate my answer. I reported the conversation and result of my observations to Captain Wiltse on my return, and he repeated in the most emphatic terms that under existing conditions he would have nothing to do with them. Shortly after this another messenger from Mr. Dole came over and requested Captain Wiltse to come and see him, as he desired to speak with him on the situation. The Captain requested me to go with him, expressing a desire to have a witness to his conversation present. The commanding officer of the battalion was standing near and said he would go, and the two went over, resulting in another refusal of Captain Wiltse to recognize them. A summons was sent by Judge Dole to the palace, demanding an immediate and unconditional surrender of the palace, police-station, and barracks. To gain time the ministers who were at the police-station sent a messenger to invite the leaders of the new government to come and Oueen's App5eal to Stevens. 203 consult with them, which was of course declined, and word sent back that if the ex-ministers wished to see the Provisional Government they must come to the government building. Two of the ex-ministers came in company with two members of the Provisional Government and after obtaining an assurance of safety returned for the other two ex-ministers, when all four appeared at the government building and entered into negotiations for a surrender. In the meantime the adherents of the Queen, realizing that all hopes were gone, appealed to the American Minister for protection, and being refused, advised the Queen to take advantage of the presence of the American forces on shore and to surrender to them. This proposition was refused by Mr. Dole on the ground that the United States forces had nothing to do with the present state of affairs, and he did not understand why such a proposition should be made, unless it was a dodge. The royalists then began to evolve some other means to escape, and were at a loss for plans, when Paul Neumann came to their rescue. Neumann was one of the best lawyers in I-Tonolulu, a thorough Bohemian, an excellent entertainer, of superior education. He also had more influence with the Queen than any other man on the islands. A German by birth, an American by adoption, and a Hawaiian by domicile, he was at this time the Queen's only adviser who possessed more than ordinary abilities or education, but was not over 204 The Surrender. scrupulous when a fee was in sight. He drew up terms of surrender by which the Queen was to give up, under the pretext that the armed forces of the United States were the supporters of the new government, and stating that impelled by that force she would, under protest, yield her authority, appealing to the government of the United States to reinstate her upon a presentation of her case. The ex-ministers were no longer trusted by the Queen as advisers, but to give official force to this act they were required to sign the document with the Queen. When the document had been signed, the ex-ministers in company with the agents of the new government, who had been sent to demand the Queen's surrender, returned to the government building and the terms were accepted. The Queen then gave orders to the Marshal to give up the policestation, Oahu prison, and government property under his control, and an officer with a squad of men was sent to take possession. The commander of the forces at the palace and the barracks went over to the government building and offered to surrender, but was instructed to continue in charge until the following day, when those two places were taken possession of. Late in the evening, and during and following the time of the negotiations between the officials of the new government and the Queen's representatives, I saw a number of the foreign diplomatic corps entering the government building, and was informed at the time that all had verbally recog Foreign Recognition. 205 nized the new government as the de facto government of Hawaii. Each stated he would confirm recognition in writing at the earliest opportunity, and on the following day this was done by all the representatives of the foreign powers in Honolulu. With the final surrender the Provisional Government was in full possession of the public buildings, the archives, the treasury, and in control of the Hawaiian capital. Armed sentries were posted about the city and a mounted patrol detailed to guard the approaches to and the main streets. No one was permitted to be on the streets after 9 P. M., unless provided with a pass from military headquarters, and for the first time since Saturday afternoon a feeling of quiet was restored, and the people were able to retire to rest in full confidence of safety. The forces from the Boston remained all the time within the limits of their encampment, and never lifted a finger in either physical or moral support of either the falling monarchy or the rising Provisional Government. Their men were amply protected by the opera house and Arion Hall from all harm, even if fighting had taken place in the government grounds. While at the Hawaiian Hotel that evening, I met the ex-Marshal, C. B. Wilson, and had a long talk with him in relation to the past events, before he became biased by the later false statements made by the Queen's advisers. The Marshal recounted to me all his plans and how he had expected to carry them out, had he not been interfered with 206 Wilson's Plans and Forces. by the ex-ministers. Wilson is a man powerful of physique, a half white, of strong natural, but uncultivated mind; of good judgment, and possessed of great confidence in his own prowess. He was intense in his loyalty to the Queen and bitterly dencunced the ex-ministers as cowards and traitors. He had intended to resist, and said that it was fully understood that if a fight took place, the government buildings and palace grounds were to be the scene of battle, as had been the case in all the other uprisings in Honolulu. Both he and the ministers well knew that the government building was the objective point of the counter-revolutionists. The forces, he informed me, that were under his command consisted of 60 men at the palace and barracks, 85 armed police and a lot of scared and unarmed refugees, the ex-ministers at the police-station, and about 20 special deputies in civilian clothes in the city. With this force so disposed, his plans were to detail about 30 men early in the forenoon to guard the government building, and as the volunteers from the armory on Beretania street would have to approach the government grounds from the eastern approaches, they would be opened upon by the cannon in the top of the palace, and the forces at the barracks and government building. At the same time he would move up the two Gatling guns to enfilade the streets from the western approaches to Palace Square, reserving the station-house for a base of supplies, and a stronghold to rally on in case of defeat. Had the Marshal been permitted to Overthrow of Monarchy. 207 carry out those plans, there would have been loss of life and the Provisional Government would have had difficulty in establishing itself that day. However, the provisional forces had everything their own way from the time of the organization of the military squads on Sunday night, and I am thoroughly convinced, from personal knowledge and careful observations, that the counter-revolutionists, by their superior intellect, greater couLrage, and superior numbers, would have easily won in any event, and could have sustained themselves when once established. Without the loss of a single life this remarkable revolution in the Hawaiian Islands came to an end. The Provisional Government immediately received the support of the best citizens, and nine-tenths of the property-owners of the country. It resulted in the complete and final overthrow of the rank hypocrisy and unconcealed paganism of the house that Kalakaua founded and his sister Liliuokalani brought to grief. CHAPTER XIV. TEMPORARY AMERICAN PROTECTORATE. From the preceding it will be seen that for three days, from the 14th to the I6th of January, 1893, inclusive, there were two parties in Honolulu confronting each other in angry hostility, with every indication of an armed conflict at any moment, before the forces from the Boston were landed. When they did land it was purely as a precautionary measure, and in conformity with established precedent and instructions, authorizing and requiring the protection of American lives and property in cases of imminent danger. Their disposition was such as to subserve that particular object, and in their distribution at the Legation, Consulate, and Arion Hall, where they occupied enclosures, they were isolated and inconspicuous, beyond a sentry or two on post. No one was permitted to leave the camp, and no demonstration whatever was made intimidating to the Queen, or in support of the organizers ofthe Provisional Government. Prior to filing her protest, and twenty-four hours after the troops from the Boston were landed, the Queen and her ministers requested the aid of those troops for her re-establishment and protection, which request was refused and they were again informed that the force would only be employed to protect American property and neutral American citizens. On the 208 Establishing' the Government. 209 other hand, the head of the Provisional Government, late in the evening, and after they were in full possession of the capital of Hawaii, and recognized by the foreign representatives as the de facto government, requested the support of the American troops, and further suggested that Captain Wiltse assume command of their forces. The reply to this request was the same as that given to the ex-Queen and her ministers, and at no time did Captain Wiltse or any officer from the Boston take command of the Hawaiian forces, or permit the troops from that vessel to perform any kind of military duty for the Provisional Government. During the night of the Iyth the officers and men from the Boston were kept ready for a moment's call, but everything passed off in a quiet manner. The interior of the government building was transformed into a barrack for the volunteer forces, and the legislative hall and other rooms were assigned as quarters for the different companies. The household guards completed their surrender on the following day, and they were disbanded, except a small squad that was detailed as a body guard to the ex-Queen, as it was feared some one might attempt to do her bodily injury. The barracks were taken possession of, and all the arms and ammunition of the late government were turned over to the proper officials of the Provisional Government. In view of the unsettled condition of affairs, and the fact that most of the volunteer 210 Camp Boston. forces were men of business, and the police were in sympathy with the royalists, it was thought to be to the best interest of the United States for the Boston's troops to remain on shore. In consequence an unoccupied house on King street, about 300 yards from the temporary camp at Arion Hall, was obtained for permanent quarters, and the Boston's battalion, on the forenoon of the i9th, was moved into the building, known afterwards as " Camp Boston," where they remained until finally recalled on board ship, April ist. This house was a square, two-story building of stone, with broad verandas on three sides, and as it had formerly been used as a hotel, the accommodations were excellent for the health and comfort of the men. Everything was put in order, and the bills for expenses were paid by the paymaster of the Boston, although the Provisional Government offered to do this; but Captain Wiltse refused to accept their proposition. The lower floor was occupied as barracks for the men, an office for the adjutant, and officer of the day, and a guard-room. The upper rooms were assigned to the officers, and an outside building was set apart for a hospital and armory. The grounds around the building had a frontage of about 250 feet separated from the street by a high stone wall with two broad entrance gates. On the east side and to the rear was a splendid lawn for drill, shaded by tropical trees, and enclosed by a high broad fence having a rear entrance. The next day after going into the new quarters a com to 1, The Annexation Commission. 21 1 pany was sent through the principal thoroughfares as a grand guard to make observations, and inspire confidence. With the exception of this the men were constantly and rigidily kept within the camp enclosure during their entire stay on shore, except a dress parade every evening in Palace Square, which was attended by most every one in Honolulu. One of the first acts of the Provisional Government was to appoint a special commission to proceed to Washington, and negotiate a treaty of union of the Hawaiian Islands and the United States. The commission sailed on the g9th of January for San Francisco, in the chartered steamer Claudine, and proceeded thence by rail to Washington, where they presented their credentials at the State Department on the 4th of February. The ex-Queen, to offset the plans of this commission, employed Paul Neumann as her diplomatic agent, to proceed to Washington and present her claim. He was instructed to obtain for her restoration to the throne, or a large indemnity as a price of final abdication, and to try and save her the crown lands. A full power of attorney, signed and acknowledged by Liliuokalani, was given to Neumann, authorizing him in his discretion to release all her claims and make such settlement as he thought best. To inspire Neumann's zeal in this behalf, she paid him $5,000 down, and agreed to pay him $5,ooo more should he succeed. This money she had to borrow from one of the local banks, having spent her ready cash on the preparations for change in 212 T7reatment of.Queen. the constitution. Neumann sailed on the regular mail steamer, which left Honolulu a few days after the Claudine. It leaked out that the ex-Queen in her instructions had sold out her friends, and they regarded it as a purely selfish and personal effort on her part to escape with the spoils of compromise and leave them in the lurch. On the ISth the Queen was notified to haul down the royal standard, which was still flying from the palace, and to vacate that building. With her body-guard she accordingly removed to her private residence on Beretania street, and the palace was taken for the executive building. Every courtesy and friendly consideration was shown her, even the salary she had been drawing as Queen was given her. She was permitted to live quietly in her own home residence, close by her former palace, and in the fullest enjoyment of all the immunities and privileges of a distinguished citizen. There she persistently clung to her royal claims, and her attitude as the rightful ruler of the Hawaiian Islands was not in the least weakened. Her firm confidence in her royal dignity did not show any tremor in the face of the strong, quiet, and well-ordered administration of the Provisional Government. She gathered around her the former ring of political supporters, and openly threatened and intrigued to overthrow the new order of governmental affairs. She was strongly encouraged in this attitude by the support given by the British residents and officials, the English Minister being the leader. Prior to her Thle British Attitude. 213 extreme proceedings just previous to the revolution, he had been an ardent partisan of the Queen. On her retirement he continued a notorious sympathizer, and was a frequent caller at Washington place, the ex-Queen's residence. The rumor was spread broadcast by the royalists that lhe had requested an English fleet to come to Honolulu and restore her, and that one was coming. Another source of great uneasiness to the Provisional Government was the fact that there were 20,000 Japanese in the country, over I,500 of whom were on a plantation only 20 miles from the city. These Japanese had been admitted to the country as contract laborers, under the provisions of a special labor-immigration treaty. The general Japanese treaty gave to Japanese all the immunities of the peoples of the most favored nations. The privilege of the franchise had, however, been denied to them. The royalist leaders made an effort to stir them up to hostility to the government, by making them believe that if the islands became a part of the United States, as proposed by the Provisional Government, they would, under their contracts, become forever slaves, and they promised them full rights of Hawaiian citizenship if the monarchy were restored. There was one Japanese man-ofwar in the harbor, and another coming, with every indication of discontent on the part of both the Japanese officers and laborers, and when some 400 of the laborers approached the city one evening, armed with sugar-cane knives, or machetes, and 214 7The Japanese Attitude. threatening an attack, the situation became serious. They were stopped with some difficulty and sent back by the Japanese officials. There were a number of renegade whites and of the hoodlum element of all nationalities ready to nag the Japanese on and for trouble of any kind, and for nights the town was full of rumors of incendiarism, assassination, and threatened attack on the government building. The fear entertained by the Provisional Government, that the captain of the Japanese manof-war might take advantage of the discontent of his people on shore to land an armed force, and the expected arrival of an English war vessel, by the aid of which the British Minister would undoubtedly try to embarrass them, decided them to request the American Minister to assume a temporary protectorate over the Hawaiian Islands for the purpose of assuring the status quo and checkmating foreign intrigue until the decision of the annexation proposition. With the flag of the United States over the government building, they felt confident that neither the Japanese nor English officials would attempt to insist that their government had a right to interfere. With the sole object, therefore, of holding the existing status unchanged and free from foreign complications until the United States could act, the United States Minister acquiesced in the propriety of this, and on the morning of February ist the Boston's battalion was paraded and marched to the government building, where they TtHE G ONV, ER M - N-I IN N II ', l INr- HON(OL FI'U'l. 717 u1?~va11 L1; 7~~L1V Proclamation of Protectorate. 2I5 were received by the civilian troops in line at a salute. All the officials of the Provisional Government were present, and the custody of the building was turned over. A proclamation signed by the United States Minister and approved by Captain Wiltse was then read by the adjutant, establishing a protectorate over the Hawaiian Islands in the name of the United States, pending negotiations and action in Washington. At the close of reading the proclamation the United States ensign was hoisted over the building, the battalion and civilian forces presenting arms. Then the front of the battalion was changed to the rear, and the Hawaiian flag was hoisted to the staff in the grounds in front of the building, the forces again presenting arms, and a salute of twenty-one guns was fired from the Boston. The civilian forces were then withdrawn and the company of marines of the Boston's battalion took charge of the building. The rest of the battalion then returned to their quarters. The assumption of a United States protectorate, and the hoisting of the flag, had the effect at once of allaying fears and restoring confidence, and was approved by all the leading men of the community. A paper edited by a Canadian, and one by two adherents of the exQueen, filled their columns with abuse of the United States officials, and with weird utterances in the native dialect urged the people to rise against the government, whereupon the editors were arrested and brought before the courts, and their papers suppressed until they gave bond to ab 218 JaEpanese Hlostilily. assistance of the English tars whenever a curbstone encounter took place, in the evident hope that in the excitement something might be done to upset the police power of the Provisional Government, and start a counter insurrection, or cause the English forces to land from the Garnet. To stop this it became necessary to deprive the men of both the American and English ships of their liberty on shore for the time being. After remaining in Honolulu several weeks, the Garnet got under way and left the harbor, leaving the British ship Hyacinth in her place; but no further rumors of English interference were circulated. However, the disaffection among the Japanese spread to the other islands, and upon the arrival of the large protected Japanese cruiser Naniwa, on February 23, they became more bold in their threats, and it soon became necessary to send that vessel to the other islands to check this growing menace towards the government of Hawaii. On one occasion a Japanese convict, sentenced to life imprisonment for murder, made his escape from Oahu prison and took refuge on board the Japanese man-of-war, and upon an application fi:om the Provisional Government for his delivery the Japanese officials refused to give him up. For a time it looked as though there would be a breach in the friendly relations between the two countries, but after a few days' correspondence the Japanese Commissioner delivered the convict to the prison authorities, and from that time peaceable, if not cordial, relations existed. Royal and Annexation Cluzs. 2I9 In the meantime the provisional forces were organized into a company of Ioo men under pay, a volunteer artillery company of 60o men, two companies of infantry consisting of 60 men each, and a home guard. The home guard was composed of the leading men of the town, divided into corporal's squads, and each squad had a secret rendezvous at different places in the city. The whole was under the command of one man, and by a system of signals they could be called out at a moment's notice and mobilized at any point, either by squads, companies, or battalion, to the number of over 400. From the time the American flag was hoisted, there was, with the exception of the above, perfect quiet. Political clubs were organized, one of which was called the Annexation Club, which was the largest, and composed of leading whites and natives, having for its object the political union of Hawaii with the United States. A large club of natives was formed for the purpose of supporting the claims of the Queen for restoration. The majority of the English and Canadian residents affiliated with the latter club, and between these two clubs there was intense feeling and race prejudice. President Dole pursued a most conservative policy, retaining the natives in office, which was bitterly opposed by some of the leaders of the Annexation Club, who at times even went so far as to undertake to dictate a policy for the government, and insisted that they should be invested with all power. President Dole, how 220 Reception to Capt. Wilse. ever, continued in his wise policy of tolerance and indulgence, endeavoring to conciliate the native population, and eventually won a very large proportion over to the support of the Provisional Government. The ex-Queen took advantage of this leniency, and, assisted by a few sympathizing foreigners, continued her plotting and intrigue at her residence, until it became necessary to deprive her of the salary she had been permitted to draw after her retirement from office. Without this salary and the revenues of the crown lands, having spent on the coup and in fees to her commissioner all the-money she could raise, she was without ready means to do any serious damage. On Washington's birthday all business houses were closed at noon, the stars and stripes were seen on all sides, the shipping in the harbor was dressed with flags, and the American holiday was celebrated to the fullest extent. The citizens of Honolulu, hearing of Captain Wiltse's detachment, decided upon giving him a farewell reception, and on the evening of February 24th, it was given in the opera house. The parquet was covered over for dancing, and space set apart for the orchestra. The stage, the proscenium arch, and the walls were blazoned with flags, mostly American. President Dole and Captain Wiltse received the more than two thousand guests. The English Minister and officers of the English and Japanese men-of-war in the harbor declined the invitations and were not American Holidays. 221 present. Their absence, however, did not mar the festivities in the least, and the affair was a grand success. On April ist the temporary protectorate was removed, and the last of the Boston's troops embarked aboard ship, where they remained until the Boston returned to Mare Island Navy Yard, in September, and was put out of commission. On the 4th of July, the American Independence Day was celebrated with as much enthusiasm as in any typical town of the United States. Business was suspended and the American flag displayed everywhere, while the people, in holiday attire, gathered in a beautiful grove near the city in such numbers that the place seemed the incarnation of American patriotism. The Declaration of Independence was read, patriotic songs were sung, music was furnished by the band, and appropriate speeches were delivered. Finally, a few days before the Boston left the port for the United States, a grand ball was given to the officers in the executive building, and a great feast to the crew, by the citizens of Honolulu, which was pronounced by all to have been the grandest affair of the kind ever given in Honolulu. The old palace had never presented so fine an appearance as it did that night. The front of the building was hung with hundreds of small and large Japanese lanterns, and all arrangements made to bring out the beauty of the building and add to the festal splendor of the scene. The newel posts and grand stairway 222 2A Ball to tAe Boston. were draped with American and Hawaiian flags alternating with each other. The numerous chandeliers of the hallway were trimmed with wreaths and festooned with red, white, and blue ribbons. In the center of the entrance was placed a large ottoman of red silk surmounted by a silver flower-stand filled with red and pink blossoms. The council chamber, where the ball was held, was decorated with festoons of fragrant ferns. The dais, lately occupied by the President's chair, was covered with evergreens, behind which was draped the American flag, over which was placed the single word " Boston" in large gold letters on a blue background. The large mirrors were ornamented by a skilful arrangement and contrasting of colors ranging from the dark green of tropical vines to the brilliant glow of variegated carnations in crystal containers. The gilt window-frames were each surmounted by an alternate gold and silver shield placed at the center. The ceiling was crossed and intercrossed with red, white, and blue ribbons, hung from the crystal chandeliers. In the main hallway above were laid the magnificently provided tables for supper, and the four verandas on the sides of the building were provided with chairs and tables to accommodate the guests. Promptly at the appointed hour the guests began to arrive and it seemed as if the whole population of Honolulu had turned out with the exception of the English officials and a few leading royalists. The guests were received by Mrs. Dole, assisted by several prominent Departure of the Boston. 223 ladies. The music was furnished bythe Hawaiian band and that of the United States flagship. At 8 o'clock the grand procession was formed, headed by Admiral Skerrett and staff, who were followed by the other officers of the three American vessels in port, all in full-dress uniform. They were presented to Mrs. Dole and the ladies receiving. The reception of the other guests followed and at 9 o'clock the ball was opened with the Saratoga lancers. Dancing was kept up until a late hour. The entertainment was in every sense a flattering success and the officers of the Boston can forever look back upon it as one of the most agreeable occasions in which they ever participated. The Boston got under way the following afternoon, and as she left the harbor of Honolulu was followed to sea by the President and government officials on the harbor tug, with the band playing patriotic Hawaiian and American airs. Off Diamond Head they gave farewell cheers and Godspeed to the cruiser that had been in their waters a welcome guest during fourteen months of severe trials and a witness of the triumphal overthrow of the corrupt and semi-savage monarchy which for the past twenty years had been a menace to the Christianity and civilization of the nation. Kalakaua, whose election was secured by American influence, and who was established on his throne by American protection, alienated the support of the foreign residents in his efforts to gain native popularity and revive Hawaiian superstition; 224 Cause of Fall of tueen. he laid the foundation and commenced the revolution which Liliuokalani carried on with such determination that she thereby lost her crown and relegated herself to private life. But for the determined retrogression of this family, monarchy would probably have survived for many years in Hawaii, as none of the leading whites thought of such a thing as revolution until they were fairly goaded into it in defense of the elementary principles of freedom and liberty. The Provisional Government, up to the time of the sailing of the Boston from I-Ionolulu, was moderate in its demands, humane in its actions, uniformly considerate with the whole people, whether native or foreign, and exceedingly patient with the deposed monarch, who was permitted to enjoy every privilege, even when it was well known how sullenly, persistently, and determinedly she was plotting against them, backed by the powerful support of the English Minister and his clique. CHAPTER XV. FOREIGN INTERFERENCE AND TREATIES. The Provisional Government was administered by men of intelligence, education, and high character, and at the time of departure of the Boston was protected by an efficient military and police force. The officials saw, however, that by reason of the undisguised hostility of the diplomatic representative of the great maritime power of Europe, and his flagrant intimacy with the fallen Queen and her adherents, together with the threat of interference in their internal affairs on the part of other foreign officials, it would not be long before troubles of a serious nature would arise. It was also manifest that the defunct royalist party, under the encouragement thus given by these foreign diplomatic agents, were intriguing in such manner that it was only a question of time when a desperate effort would be made to restore the old regime. This situation necessitated an unusual expense to maintain a force capable of protecting the government against these internal foes. But, to meet the perils from without, it was fully realized that an alliance with some strong nation was necessary. The United States was preferred, and in compliance with the provisions of the proclamation under which the Provisional Government was formed, annexation to that country was attempted, a measure 22i 226 6Russian Aggression. which after many set-backs is now an accomplished fact. A review of the intrigues in the past on the part of the French and English agents, having for their objects the subversion of the native government and the seizure of the islands, is enough to sustain the grave fears entertained by the supporters of the new government. From the earliest period of discovery of the Hawaiian Islands by the whites, the subject of their control has been one of bitter contention between various foreign governments, and this contention will continue so long as they remain independent. As early as 1794, Vancouver took possession of the islands in the name of Great Britain and hoisted the English flag, but when the news reached London his acts were not ratified. Following upon this, in 1815, the Russian governor of Alaska sent a vessel to Honolulu, and upon her arrival a block-house was built, a few guns mounted and the Russian flag hoisted. A fortified post was also established on Kauai. To resist this encroachment, the King, in the following year and under the advice of John Young, a boatswain of an English ship, who had been detained on shore and raised to the rank of a high chief, built a large fort at Honolulu and mounted upon it about forty guns, as well as a few more on Punch Bowl hill. Upon the completion of these works, Kamehameha gave orders to expel the Russians. In their attempt to depart, their vessel was sunk in the harbor, but the crew was British Aggression. 227 kindly treated by the natives, and the act of the Russian agent was disavowed by the Russian governmnent. The King, still fearing a repetition of Russian interference, sailed, in 1823, for the United States and England to secure their protection. WVhile in England he and his wife died, but his attendants were sent back with the royal remains, in an English man-of-war, with a promise from George IV to protect them against all foreign aggression. At the same time a coarse and illiterate man, Richard Charlton, was appointed as British Consul, who immediately put himself at the head of a lawless and depraved class of foreigners, and persistently labored to destroy the influence of the American missionaries and attempted to involve the native government in difficulties that would result in hoisting the British flag over the group. This arrogant Consul even went so far as to deny the right of the native chiefs to make laws or treaties without the approval of the British government, and a series of outrages were perpetrated, under his direction, to enforce the repeal of the laws which had been enacted to restrict drunkenness and prostitution. In all his acts he was backed by the crews of the whaling-ships, which on several occasions landed a body of men and committed many acts of a riotous nature, even going so far as to attack the residences of the missionaries, and on one occasion they actually fired upon the town of Lahaina, the then capital of the kingdom. These 228 British Aggression. lawless acts became so common that an American man-of-war was finally sent out to suppress them, and after ridding the islands of a lot of runaway sailors the captain agreed to the terms of a commercial treaty with the United States, which, however, was not ratified by the home government. The English Consul bitterly opposed this treaty and issued a manifesto that the islands were under the control of Great Britain and that the King, therefore, could not enter into any treaty with the United States or any other power. Following upon this line of dictation the English Consul, on the accession of Kamehameha III, made every effort to lead the King into dissipation and to estrange him from his political advisers, hoping thereby to gain his influence. With the assistance of a renegade Tahitian he was very successful: laws were abrogated, distilleries set up, obscene dances and drunken revels were encouraged, and heathen practices revived. The King finally realized the hold these people had upon him, broke away and asserted himself, which resulted in a change for the better and the adoption of a constitutional government. In the meantime a renegade Frenchman by the name of Rives, a man who had been dismissed as interpreter to Kamehameha II while on his voyage to England, went to France, and by false representations succeeded in getting a few French laborers and three priests to follow him back to the islands. The English Consul saw in the landing of these Trouble with France. 229 priests an opportunity to further his designing intrigues with the internal affairs of the government, and to offset the influences of the American mission, enlisted their support, and together with Rives plotted to bring about a civil war, which was only averted by the boldness of the native chiefs. In I831 the council of high chiefs, in opposition to the advice of the American missionaries, passed a formal order for the departure of the priests, and they sailed for California. This banishment, however, was of short duration, for the exiled priests soon returned to the islands in an English vessel, but in an attempt to land they were sent back to the vessel. The captain refused to receive them, whereupon they were put on board by force. The captain in consequence sent the crew ashore and hauled down his flag, and made a protest to the English Consul, who was always on the alert for some pretext to force the native government into a quarrel. The Consul declared that the vessel had been seized by the Hawaiian government, for which he made claim for $50,000 damages. An English and a French man-of-war shortly after came into harbor, and their commanding officers, upon exaggerated reports by the Consuls of their respective countries, made a vigorous protest against the detention of the priests on board ship. The native government was forced to permit tlhe landing of the priests, but under a solemn promise that they should depart as soon as an opportunity would permit. The port was declared under blockade, and the French cap 230 2French Aggression. tain in a brief conference with the King forced him to sign an agreement to accord to the French equal advantages with those of the most favored nations. The two men-of-war then sailed away. For the next five years the French and English became very active in their efforts to occupy the islands of the Pacific, and the Hawaiian government more than ever became a bone of contention. The French made another effort to land Catholic priests on the islands as a pretext to opening hostilities with the native government, but after a vigorous protest, the King, in June, I839, met the demands of the French by issuing an edict of toleration for all religions on the islands. This was not what the French wanted, and the captain of the man-ofwar, in the following month, drew up a series of articles by which the King was to grant not only the freedom of the Catholic religion and the erection of a Catholic church in Honolulu, but the flag of France must be saluted with twenty-one guns. The sum of $20,000 was exacted from the government. A battalion of one hundred and fifty men, with fixed bayonets and a band of music, were landed and took possession of the King's residence, and after the priests had celebrated mass, the King was made to sign the convention without amendments. Under duress the series of articles were agreed to, and, in addition, French merchants were granted extraordinary commercial privileges, and in future all Frenchmen who should commit any crime in the islands were to be tried by a foreign France-Englcznd. 23I jury, selected by the French Consul. Following upon this the Catholic mission became a settled institution. Shortly after, a bishop and many priests arrived in the islands, and a considerable number of natives were enrolled as converts. Petty disputes arose between the Catholics and Protestants, and the French Consul endeavored to support the former by constantly interfering in the internal affairs of the government. This state of affairs continued until 1842, when another French man-of-war arrived in Honolulu, and from the very first exhibited an unfriendly disposition by failing to exchange a national salute. The captain made a number of demands, which were answered by the King in a dignified manner, stating an embassy had been sent to France to negotiate a new treaty. The English Consul, stimulated by the French action, and jealous of the advantages that might be obtained by a rival country, thereupon manufactured a lot of grievances intending to involve the native government in difficulties that would result in hoisting the English flag over the islands. The King, after vainly trying to satisfy the Consul, petitioned the British government to remove him. The Consul, failing to produce an open rupture, engaged in another move by taking advantage of the schemes of a private firm who, by a secret contract, had obtained a lease of a large tract of land at a low rental. The Hawaiian government, realizing the danger that would follow the designs of the English Consul, 232 Cession to England. made an effort to avoid a crisis by appointing a commission to visit the United States, Great Britain, and France, with power to negotiate new treaties, and, if possible, to obtain guarantees of the independence of the kingdom. This embassy quietly embarked in a small schooner for Mazatland, and crossed to Vera Cruz. As soon as it was known that they had left the islands on such a mission, the wily English Consul secretly embarked for London, leaving an English adventurer as his deputy to carry out the designs in which both were interested. The hostility of this deputy to the native government was so well known that the King refused to recognize him, whereupon he sent dispatches requesting that a man-of-war be sent to protect him, and representing that the property and persons of his countrymen were in danger. The complaints of the Consul induced the British Admiral to send an English man-of-war, under the command of Lord George Paulet, to Honolulu to investigate. The Consul had met Paulet on the Mexican coast, and made a convert of him to his schemes. Hence, upon arrival, Paulet, without ceremony, demanded the recognition of the English Vice-Consul and immediate submission to the English government. The peaceful submission of the King was not what the hot-headed Paulet wanted, and he followed these demands up with one for the absolute cession of the islands to the Kingdom of Great Britain. The King, amid perplexity and the indignation of the American residents, was forced to sign a provisional Restoration by England. 233 cession and the Hawaiian flag was hauled down and the British colors hoisted instead. The officers of the American man-of-war in the harbor, after doing all in their power short of open hostilities, showed their displeasure at this outrageous seizure of the islands at the cannon's mouth, gave a ball and declined to invite the officers of the English vessel. Paulet appointed a commission, including himself, to govern the islands, which arrogated to itself executive, legislative, and judicial powers. It seized all the lands claimed by the English Consul, and expelled all natives living on the same. It abrogated all laws against vice, released all prisoners, and enlisted a small army of natives, who were made to swear allegiance to Great Britain, and were drilled by English officers. Heavy drafts were made on the Hawaiian treasury, and the seizure of the national archives was threatened. The impetuous anxiety of Paulet to inform the home government of his acts caused him to send his dispatches by the Vice-Consul direct to England instead of through his Admiral, as he should have done. This offended the Admiral, and upon his arrival, when informed of what had taken place, he became so indignant over the presumption of his subordinate that he not only disapproved of Paulet's acts, but restored the King to authority after obtaining his signature to a convention which fully guarded English interests. The 3 I st of July, the day of this restoration, has ever since been a national holiday, and the place where the cere 234 Webster on Hawazi. monies were held was made into a public square, and called Thomas Square, after the Admiral. These interferences in Hawaiian affairs by the French and English officials, and their encroachments upon the commercial rights of other nations in these islands, were encouraged by the absence of any pronounced policy on the part of the United States. When the Hawaiian Commission represented to the Washington government the true condition of affairs, the United States immediately declared that no power ought to take possession of the islands, either as a conquest or for the purpose of colonization. Daniel Webster, then Secretary of State, while declining at that time to recognize their full independence, announced definitely that as between Hawaii and all other governments Hawaii must be considered absolutely independent. This declaration on the part of the United States operated, without doubt, to prevent England or France from taking possession of the islands. The Hawaiian Commission at first met with indifferent reception in England. The British officials refused to receive them, claiming that the influence of the United States was detrimental to British interests. But when the French government treated the Commissioners with every, consideration, and promised to recognize the independence of Hawaii, the English officials thought better of their former course, and not only recognized the independence of the native government, but promised to remove Charlton, the objectionable England and France. 235 English Consul. They also assured the United States and France that the English government had no intention of retaining possession of the Hawaiian Islands. Finally, on the 28th of November, 1843, France and England entered into a joint declaration not only recognizing the independence of the island kingdom, but agreeing never to take possession, either directly or under the title of a protectorate, of the whole or any part of the islands. The United States followed up their friendly act by immediately sending a Commissioner, and the English replaced the troublesome Charlton as Consul-General for Great Britain. The French, a few years later, attested their friendly relations by restoring the $20,ooo extorted by the French captain in 1839. Notwithstanding these treaties and avowed relations of an amicable nature, the foreign consular and diplomatic representatives continued to intrigue and harass the native government by asserting the rights of ready access to the King, diplomatic interference with internal affairs, and efforts to discredit the native government abroad and break it down at home. Old claims were revived, and for several years the government was involved in disputes with the English Consul-General over the illegal Charlton claims, which had already been settled by the courts and confirmed by Great Britain in favor of the Hawaiian government. The French Consul attempted to reopen the old disputes and manufactured new grievances, for which the Ha z36 French Aggression. waiian government was compelled to request his recall. Instead of complying with this request, a French frigate arrived in I849, and the Admiral in command supported the Consul in ten most unjust demands. An armed force was landed, and, against the urgent protests of the American and English Consuls, the custom-house and public buildings were seized, the fort dismantled, and much property destroyed, the King's yacht confiscated, and communication with the other islands cut off. Although the French government disavowed the acts of the Admiral, the King was, nevertheless, apprehensive, and for his better guidance installed some of the leading foreigners as his advisers. A second commission was dispatched to the United States, England, and France, and a new treaty negotiated with the two former countries, but they met with opposition in France. This opposition was indicative that the acts of the Admiral were in accord with instructions from Paris, and as further evidence that such was the case, the French sent out a counter commission, who, to the surprise of every one, renewed the demands of the Consul and assumed a policy of interfering with the internal affairs of the kingdom. The King and Privy Council became alarmed at the new aggression of the French, and issued a proclamation on March Ioth, I850, placing the islands under the protection of the United States. This document was duly signed and deposited with the government archives. When it became known, the Annexation in 1854. 237 French Commissioner modified his demands, and although arbitrary and unjust they were submitted to by the native government. The officials of the United States from this time on assumed a more active policy, and in 85 I Secretary Marcy apprised both France and England of the determination of the United States not to allow the Hawaiian Islands to be owned by, or fall under the protection of, either of those two powers, or any other European government. In I854 the Secretary directed the American Minister at Honolulu to negotiate a treaty of annexation. Sailor riots and threatened filibuster raids from California kept the native government in a constant state of alarm, which, together with internal political agitation and party strife induced an active agitation in favor of annexation to the United States. A committee was appointed to carry out these objects, which was vigorously protested against by the British and French Consuls. Petitions were presented to the King based upon strong commercial interests, and he favored such a course as a refuge from the annoying demands made upon him by the foreign powers and the intrigues of their agents. The prospect of annexation to the United States stimulated speculation and led to new enterprises. The King in February, I854, agreed to an annexation treaty, which was duly drawn up, but before it was signed he died, and his successor, Kamehameha IV, declined to carry the negotiations further. A treaty of reciprocity was concluded instead with 238 Continuous Annexation Policy. the United States, but it failed of ratification at Washington. In I867 a minister was sent to the United States to negotiate a treaty of reciprocity, and though it was approved by the Hawaiian legislature and the President of the United States, it failed of ratification by the United States Senate. Secretary Seward instructed the United States Minister at Honolulu that the peaceful annexation of the Hawaiian Islands was more desirable. In I86S President Johnson, in his message to Congress, recognized the precarious condition of the Hawaiian people, caused by the unfriendly proceedings of the foreign powers, and favored a treaty of reciprocity until the people applied for admission to the Union. Again, in I88I, Secretary Blaine, in his dispatches to the American Minister, spoke of the advantage to be derived from the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands and the settlement of their future upon an American basis, and not upon an Asiatic or British solution. Secretary Bayard and other American officials have since reiterated the same sentiments. Finally, in S876, a treaty of commercial reciprocity with the United States, together with the enactment of laws to carry it into effect, was entered into in spite of strenuous opposition on the part of a large party in the islands led by the English residents. Under the provisions of this treaty, the United States became the controlling influence in the commercial affairs of the island kingdom, and an era of unexampled prosperity followed for Japanese in Hawaii. 239 the people of Hawaii. So great was the influence thus obtained by the United States that the French officials have stopped their interference in Hawaiian internal affairs. The immense and growing importance of American interests in the Pacific led to an amendment to the original treaty of reciprocity, in I887, whereby the United States obtained the exclusive right to use Pearl Harbor as a coaling depot and naval station, thus completing her commercial control of the islands so long as the treaty continues. The effect of the treaty was, for the time being, to silence the discussion of annexation, and it was not renewed again until the continuous aggressions of Kalakaua and Liliuokalani upon the rights of the people forced it to the front. In the meantime the English Minister, supported by British resident subjects and naval officers, made an effort to offset American influences, and by his support of the fallen Queen and her adherents was the means of giving intense alarm. Aside from this hostile British influence, there was a new factor of trouble in the Japanese, who even now threaten future interference of a most serious nature. There are about 25,ooo000 Japanese in Hawaii, of whom over 9,000o are adult males. Nearly all have had a military training, many having served in the war with China. The adult male natives number only about io,ooo, and the adult male whites of all nationalities only 7,500. Japanese immigration increased to an alarming extent, and 240 0 Jaanese in Hawaizi. threatened by sheer force of numbers to possess the country and make it practically, if not formally, Japanese. By a clause in the treaty between the two countries, the privileges of the most favored nations were accorded Japanese residents in Hawaii, and the government of Japan was continually demanding for its subjects the right to vote,-which the Hawaiian government persistently refused. Acting upon this refusal, and with a determination of ultimately seizing the islands, the Japanese government, in I897, sent as many as 2,000 emigrants a month to Hawaii, and amongst these emigrants were a number of trained soldiers disguised as laborers. An attempt by IIawaii to limit this invasion resulted in a demand by Japan for damages, for an apology, and a promise not to further interfere with Japanese immigration. All that prevented the enforcement of these demands was the pendency of the annexation treaty with the United States, and the result was, for the time being, the creation of most bitter feelings between the Japanese and the people of the United States. On several occasions our sailors were attacked by a mob in Kobe and American tourists in Japan were insulted. The difficulty was finally settled by the political changes in the Orient, and the Hawaiian government agreeing to pay an indemnity of $75,000, which was accepted by Japan with reluctance; and were it not for the fact she has to watch the political agitation in the Orient, early and certain aggression by Japan against the claim of the United States to Hawaii might be looked for. CHAPTER XVI. EX-PARTE INVESTIGATION BY UNITED STATES COMMISSIONER. The great strategical value and commercial importance of the Hawaiian Islands, and the frequent interferences by foreign nations in the internal affairs of the island kingdom, have warned the I-awaiian people of their inability to permanently maintain an independent government. For more than seventy years Americans and American influence have been dominant in Hawaii, and annexation to the United States has during all these years been the subject of careful study and contemplation. This has always been regarded by them as the ultimate destiny of the country, whenever the exigencies of fate should compel them to make choice between independence and foreign domination. In this they have been encouraged by the public declarations of American statesmen, and the diplomatic correspondence of the United States with its Ministers to Hawaii, which has from time to time been made public or communicated to the Hawaiian officials. In this correspondence frequent and favorable allusion is made to ' closer relations "between the two countries, the term 'C annexation" being sometimes used, and at others, more general language. Many times the subject of annexation has been dealt with in a spirit 241 242 American Annexation Policy. of friendly consideration for the advantage of the country and the people. Daniel Webster, John M. Clayton, W. L. Marcy, William H. Seward, Hamilton Fish, Thomas F. Bayard, and James G. Blaine as Secretaries of State, and Presidents Pierce, Lincoln, Johnson, and Grant, all equally maintained a settled policy that all other foreign nations must be excluded from Hawaii, and that if it should turn out that Hawaii could not maintain an independent stable government it should be encouraged to gravitate towards political union with the United States. It became a conceded axiom on the part of Great Britain, Germany, and France that the islands would in the course of time drift to the United States. The result has been that the progress, education, development, laws, commerce, and government of Hawaii have become so closely identified with those of the United States that there has developed an ever-increasing mutuality of interests and gravitation of Hawaii toward political union with the United States. This peculiar relationship has repeatedly been evidenced by official declarations that no intervention would be permitted in the affairs of Hawaii by any foreign power which might tend to diminish American control, or to gain any advantage over the Americans who may have settled in that country. Finally a treaty of reciprocity was agreed upon between the two countries, by which the Hawaiian trade, both export and import, is practically confined to the United States, while at The Annexation Treaty. 243 the same time its terms are highly advantageous to Hawaii. It, moreover, prevents the disposal of Hawaiian bays, harbors, and territory, either by lease or otherwise, to other countries so long as the treaty lasts, and gives to the United States the exclusive right to Pearl Harbor as a coaling depot and naval station. Hence when the Provisional Government assumed the sovereign power, their avowed purpose to secure the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States was but an event in the natural order of development; an event which had been predicted, looked forward to, and hoped for by two generations of American statesmen. The proclamation inaugurating the new government explicitly stated that it would exist "1 until terms of union with the United States of America have been negotiated and agreed upon." Therefore, the Executive and Advisory councils proceeded to immediately carry out the provisions of the proclamation under which they assumed office, by appointing a commission to go to Washington, where they negotiated and signed a treaty in conjunction with Secretary Foster for the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands to the United States, which was approved by the President and sent to the Senate for ratification. When the news reached Honolulu that the treaty had been signed by the President and sent to the Senate the majority of the people went into a fever of enthusiam and blossomed out with handkerchiefs and head-coverings made of the stars and 244 Treaty Withdrawn-Blount. stripes; the American flag was displayed from almost every house-top and flag-staff, and the Hawaiian band played the " Star-Spangled Banner." The Senate of the United States delayed action until after the 4th of March, when another administration came into power and Mr. Cleveland, the new President, disapproving of the acts of his predecessor, withdrew the treaty from the Senate and appointed Mr. Blount, of Georgia, a special Commissioner to Hawaii to make an investigation and report upon the causes that led to the overthrow of the Hawaiian monarchy. When the news reached Honolulu of the withdrawal of the treaty from the Senate it caused serious misgivings in the minds of the government officials, and the royalist faction exhibited their feelings in a series of jollificationmeetings, and drinking-bouts in the bar-room of the Hawaiian Hotel, and at night the old court circles gathered at the ex-Queen's residence, and between poi, gin and music the party had a royal time. On the other hand, while disappointment was felt on the part of the leading citizens, they nevertheless took a philosophical view of the situation and fully appreciated the fact that the President was new to the subject, and was entitled to know the facts. They therefore welcomed the news of a Commissioner fiom the United States to inquire into the state of affairs, and without fear of the result, awaited and courted a fair, complete, and impartial investigation and report to the President of the United States. But they were sadly disappointed. Arrzv taof Blount. 245 Commissioner Blount, with "s paramount authority," and accompanied by a stenographic clerk, arrived in the harbor of Honolulu on the United States Revenue Cutter Rush, about noon of the 29th of March, 1893. By the time the Rush came to anchor an immense crowd of men, women, and children had gathered on the wharves in expectation of seeing the Commissioner. The United States Minister and a delegation of leading gentlemen of Honolulu immediately went on board to receive the high official and extend to him offers of assistance and friendly courtesies. They informed him that the manager of the Hawaiian Hotel was intensely partisan in his royalist sympathies, that the hotel was the rendezvous of the royal supporters, and for him to go there would simply be to place himself within the circle of their influence. They further informed him of a comfortable residence then vacant, but furnished, removed from annoyances and interferences, which he could have on his own terms. These courteous salutations and friendly offers were met with a bluff refusal, and in the midst of the conversation Mr. Blount abruptly turned on his heel and returned to the cabin, leaving his visitors standing in amazement on deck. Shortly after this incident the Commissioner left the vessel and went on shore, where he was met by the Chamberlain of the ex-Queen, who offered him the use of her coach, which he politely declined, his manner being in marked contrast with the treatment accorded the diplomatic representative of the 246 American Flag Hauled Down. United States. Entering a cab, he drove to the Hawaiian Hotel, where he took up his residence in one of the cottages in the hotel grounds, and from the very first, free access was given to the exQueen's ministers and the royal supporters, while the members of the government and the leading whites of the community were either denied that privilege or put off with the remark that when they were wanted they would be sent for. Grave anxiety on the part of the government officials began to assume shape, notwithstanding Mr. Blount's letter of credence was to that government and of a most friendly and cordial nature. They feared a partiality to the ex-Queen, and as the methods of interrogation of a class of irresponsible persons became known in the progress of the investigation, these fears increased. Friendly overtures and disinterested offers of ordinary courtesies and civilities by the leading whites were met by cool and deliberate snubs, which caused them to refrain from calling or volunteering information. The first two days were occupied by Mr. Blount in presenting his letters of credence to the Provisional Government and notifying the United States officials, both diplomatic and naval, of his " paramount authority." On the afternoon of March 31 st he notified the President of the Provisional Government of his intention to haul down the American ensign and issued a written positive and direct order to Admiral Skerrett, commanding the United States naval forces in the Pacific, to haul down the United American Flag Hauled Down. 217 States flag from the government building at I I o'clock on the ist of April and embark the troops on shore to the ship. This unusual and unprecedented order was obeyed by Admiral Skerrett, although he exhibited unmistakable signs of irritation and humiliation, and afterwards wrote a complaint to the Navy Department. Coming into town early in the morning of April ist, in company with a friend at whose country cottage I had spent the night, we passed the residence of the ex-Queen, where we met a couple of native women coming out, who informed us they had spent the night with the ex-Queen; that she and her ex-ministers had been informed the evening before that the United States flag was going to be hauled down that day at I o'clock; that the Commissioner was going to restore her, and that she was very nervous and excited. On arrival on board ship I found that no one there had as yet been informed of the fact, the orders from the Admiral coming later. At the appointed time the flag was hauled down and the troops embarked, a humiliation which was keenly felt by both men and officers. No demonstration was made by the people present, and no exhibition of disturbance, yet the immediate effect of this movement was to increase the membership of the Annexation Club in the city. No notice was given by Mr. Blount to the government of what he was doing, nor was any request made of them to present evidence or argument. He simply commenced and carried through ?48 Blount's Methods. a secret and ex-parte investigation, examining only those witnesses whom he selected, nearly all of whom were avowed royalists. His method of examination was to put leading questions upon a few points, either shutting off altogether or manifesting by his manner that he did not wish to listen to evidence on other points. It soon became manifest that it was his purpose to obtain evidence in support of a restoration of the ex-Queen, and in support of the theory that the American Minister and the officers of the Boston were parties to the overthrow of the monarchy. The causes of the revolution, the grievances of the people, the justness of their action, the rottenness, immorality, and irresponsible character of the late King, the ex-Queen, and the entire court influence-all this was ignored, and the investigation conducted as though he were an attorney working up one side of a case. The royalists were kept well informed of what was going on, and freely predicted what the report would show. Mr. Blount's stenographic clerk was a frequent visitor and most intimate associate at the house of a leading royalist, one of the most notorious native gamblers and smugglers in Honolulu, and from this house frequent reports came of what Blount's doings and intentions were, that were afterwards corroborated in the published report of the Commissioner. So-called patriotic societies, headed by some of the worst characters on the islands, including the drunken Bush of Samoan fame, were the first to present a series of resolutions. The An Unfair Investigation. 7,49 statements of these men were given careful attention, and serious consideration without inquiry as to their standing in the community. The ex-Queen's ministers were examined at length, and encouraged to state all they were supposed to know in support of their cause; while, on the other hand, the few officers from the Boston, and all the sympathizers with the Provisional Government, were asked leading questions, sk-ilfully framed, to bring out any facts tending to support " the theory," while further explanatory evidence, which would have absolutely refuted such conclusion, was suppressed. Any information or suggestions from the naval officers or the United States Minister were met with the reply that he simply wanted answers to the questions put. I am not speaking from hearsay, but of my own knowledge, when I say that Mr. Blount did not attempt to make either a fair investigation or a truthful report. I was called before the Commissioner and made several suggestions in relation to the revolution. When I came to the statement that Captain Wiltse would not have allowed any fighting in the streets in the vicinity of the residences of Americans, Mr. Blount eagerly asked me to write that down, saying he did not care for the rest. On several occasions I suggested the names of old white residents, of high standing, who were familiar with the entire history and progress of the islands and the events leading up to the revolution, and in each case he said he did want anything to do with them; whereas those 250 False Evidence. who were in accord with the fallen Queen were either sent for or permitted to make all manner of statements, many in the form of written affidavits, drawn up by themselves, without the slightest regard to their character or standing. In no case was there anything in the nature of cross-examination to test the credibility of the royalist witnesses or the correctness of their statements. One noticeable instance was that of the manager of the Hawaiian I-Hotel, who was repeatedly sent for, and at all times had ready access to the Commissioner's cottage. I called Mr. Blount's attention to the fact that this man was an intense royalist, and misrepresenting facts to him. From what he had told me in relation to the examination and his answers, I knew he was not telling the truth; yet in the published report of the Commissioner this man is represented as a person of the greatest integrity and high social standing. One day I was passing through the corridor of the hotel and met the ex-Marshal, Wilson, who requested me to look over and comment upon a typewritten manuscript which he held in his hand, and which he informed me was prepared at the request of the Commissioner. Upon looking over the document I observed the first few pages were devoted to vilification and abuse of the American Minister, and advised him to expunge it. I remarked that the whole paper bore the earmarks of Peterson, the ex-Attorney-General to the Queen, as I recognized some of the phrases that I had heard Peter Wilson's Statement. 251 son use, to which Wilson replied that Peterson did write it from his notes, and that the part about Minister Stevens was known to Mr. Blount, who told him to put it in, as he, the Commissioner, wanted full information about Stevens. The document, among other things, purported to give a statement of the military forces at the disposal of the Queen at the time of her overthrow and the plans for a fight, had such an affair taken place, and the number of men under arms as eight hundred. I remarked that the number given was false; that I was cognizant of the exact number, which was only one hundred and forty-five. Wilson acknowledged that I was correct; but said that in a conversation with the Commissioner, the day before, he, Wilson, had said to the Commissioner that he could have gotten that many if he had been given time, and that the Commissioner directed him to put as many men down as he could have obtained. Therefore the paper would go in as it was, and if the Commissioner wanted more he would give them to him. VWhether the Commissioner " wanted more," or whether Wilson's imagination fed upon itself, I cannot say, but the identical report shown me by Wilson appears in Mr. Blount's report to Secretary Gresham, with the available force changed from 8oo, the number stated when I saw it, to 700, " and a reserve of about 500 men, mostly foreigners," or I,20oo altogether. The utter unreliability of the statement is demonstrated by the fact that another statement sworn to by Wilson and also printed in 252 Inconsistent Evidence. Blount's report says that the police-station force was 224, and an affidavit by Nowlein, commander of the palace troops, gives the number at the palace as 272, or a total of 496. A summary of these statements, which are about as near the truth as most of the evidence on which Mr. Blount based his report, is as follows: The real number of armed men supporting the Queen was........................ I45 The number sworn to by Wilson and Nowlein was........................ 496 The number enumerated in Wilson's statement when he showed it to me was...... 800 The number enumerated in Wilson's statement when printed in Blount's report is.. 1,200 I called on the Commissioner the following morning, informed him of this conversation, told him that of my own knowledge the paper was full of misstatements, and that if he desired the facts I could recommend a few actual participants, men of standing, both Provisional Government men and royalits, who would give them to him. He appeared much embarrassed, but made no reply except to ask: "Did he show you that paper?" In the published report the paper appears in its entirety, with the remark that the ex-Marshal was a man who could be relied upon, and that he believed his statements to be substantially correct. On another occasion I met several native politicians, ex-members of the legislature, coming out of the cottage. They told me they had just been Bloount Annoyed. 253 examined by the Commissioner, and that from his manner and the character of his questions they were sure he was making an effort to secure information in favor of the royalists. Rumors began to be circulated that the Commissioner was strongly in favor of the monarchy and had made secret visits to the residence of the ex-Queen, which rumors came from the exministers, who were constant at and around the cottage. These rumors appeared to irritate the Commissioner, and when he accepted an invitation to visit one of the other islands in company with a party of the ex-Queen's adherents, who made the most of the opportunity to augment the foundation for these rumors, the Commissioner issued an explanation and denial. Another annoying episode to the Commissioner was the arrival in Honolulu of two persons on the 7th of April, one a New York correspondent and the other an ex-U. S. Consul to Samoa. It was given out that they were special officers of the United States and were fully informed as to the intent of the President to annex the islands. They were said to have stated that the ex-Queen and the President of the Provisional Government had agreed upon terms of settlement for a monetary consideration to the ex-Queen, who was to abdicate, and that her attorney was going to Washington to close the deal. This was in accord with the known instructions to hei attorney when he went to Washington before, and credence was therefore given to the rumor. This was 254 Discourtesy to Slevens. decidedly distasteful to the Commissioner, as it was directly opposed to his too apparent efforts to secure evidence in support of the royalists and against the annexation of the islands and he warned the Queen against having anything to do with them or with such a settlement. The American Minister was accused of trying to support these two supposed agents. The Commissioner intimated that he was trying to mould native opinion in favor of annexation of the islands to the United States, which accusation brought about pronounced friction between the two. Mr. Blount's treatment of Mr. Stevens was discourteous in the extreme. Although the latter was instructed to assist the Commissioner in his investigation, and possessed the fullest knowledge of every detail, he was ignored by the Commissioner, and virtually told to remain silent in all matters connected with the Commissioner's investigation. The Minister was from that time on such in name only. Shortly after, he was recalled and Mr. Blount appointed in his stead. The active measures taken by a club, favorable to annexation, to increase their rolls, and their suggestions that the ex-Queen should be deported in the interest of peace, together with a few editorials to that effect in a paper controlled by the club, brought forth a letter of complaint from the Commissioner to the President of the Provisional Government, although the paper was controlled by a private corporation and not under governmental Blount-Nordho f-Sjreckels. 255 control. The native clubs and patriotic leagues were differently treated; their memorials, reflecting upon the existing government and condemnatory of American officials, were not only received and encouragement given, but the Commissioner, ignoring not only the amenities of civilized international intercourse, but the first principle of international law, caused to be published in the royalist paper a proclamation, over his own official signature, entitled "An address to the Hawaiian people," ignoring the government to which he was accredited, setting forth what his instructions were, what he proposed to do, and wound up by stating that in the event of any conflict, he would protect those Americans who took no part therein. As practically all the white men in the country had taken an active part in the recent troubles, in common defense of their elementary rights, this proclamation was looked upon as a direct threat that the Americans of Honolulu were to be abandoned to their fate, so far as Mr. Blount could accomplish it. It was interpreted by the natives as a censure for the landing of the Boston's troops and a hint for them to rise and by force restore the Queen, and an assurance that all domiciled Americans would have to keep off. In the meantime two persons arrived in Honolulu who undoubtedly influenced greatly the results of the investigation. These two gentlemen were Charles Nordhoff, a newspaper correspondent, and Claus Spreckles, the sugar king. Nordhoff, while on the steamer on his way to Honolulu, 256 VNordho f's Libels. and before he had any opportunity to investigate the situation, wrote an article for his paper denouncing the action of the Provisional Government and reflecting upon the troops from the Boston, giving the keynote of the course he intended to pursue. This article was so full of misstatements and of such a libelous nature that when it was republished in the local papers he was threatened with prosecution before the courts of law. The Commissioner immediately came to his rescue, and notified the officials of the Provisional Government that Mr. Nordhoff should not be molested, nor should he be deported, and the two became almost inseparable companions. This encouraged the wily correspondent, and he continued to send out false and inflammatory articles to the press of the United States, which were republished in the papers of Honolulu hostile to the existing government. The tenor of these dispatches followed closely the outlines of the leading questions and the desired answers thereto that leaked out through those examined by the Commissioner, leaving no doubt in the minds of the people that Nordhoff possessed the confidence of the Commissioner, and that his press dispatches outlined the tone of the final report of that official in censuring the American Minister and the officers of the Boston, and in favor of the restoration of the Queen. This impression became so fixed in the minds of the royalists that one day the leader of the ex-Queen's'Cabinet told me that he had learned from a reliable source that such would be the report, and offered Spreckels-Nordhoff-Blount. 257 to bet a large sum of money the Queen would be restored. That Nordhoff had intimate connection with Blount is demonstrated by the fact that considerable portions of his letters, published months before Blount's report was made public, are verbatim copies of evidence appearing in Blount's report. Who paid Nordhoff for his services is a question which I cannot undertake to answer. Mr. Spreckles claimed that he did, as appears hereinafter. Whether he did or not is a question for those gentlemen to settle. Claus Spreckles, upon his arrival in Honolulu, called a meeting of the sugar stockholders on the islands, and at the meeting attempted to obtain the support of the planters to oppose annexation and continue the government as an oligarchy, so that cheap Chinese labor could be continued, which could not be done if annexation took place. The planters almost unanimously rejected his proposition. This defeat not only irritated him, but broke his prestige with the sugar-growers who were in favor of securing stable government, which they believed could be obtained only through annexation to the United States. Spreckles thereupon became an open and violent opponent of the Provisional Government, denouncing it and " the missionaries" in the most abusive language in the most public manner, and became an enthusiastic supporter of the ex-Queen, advocating her restoration and predicting the early downfall of the existing government. One morning a sign of a skull and crossbones was found pinned to his gate. It was 258 S fireckels-NAnord/ho Blount. generally believed that he had it placed there himself. In any event, he immediately raised a hue and cry, claimed that the Annexation Club were trying to assassinate him, and called upon Mr. Blount to protect his life. Mr. Blount had no more jurisdiction over the matter than the King of Dahomey, but the desired protection was promptly promised. Referring to the matter one evening at the residence of his neighbor, a well-known royalist leader, Spreckles boastingly remarked, in my presence, that Blount would protect him, and that he knew the Commissioner had no use for the set who were running the government nor for the " annexation missionaries." His neighbor asked on what he based that opinion, and what he thought would be the character of the report of the Commissioner? Spreckles' reply was to the effect that he had Blount in the palm of his hand, that he would do just what Nordhoff said, and that he, Spreckles, was " paying Nordhoff to work Blount." The intimacy between the British Minister and the Commissioner was also a matter of amazement to the community. The Mfinister took up his residence in a cottage in the hotel 4grounds, just across the street from the ex-Queen's residence. From this cottage he became a frequent caller and adviser to the Qi:een, and was often the companion to the Commiissioner, over whom he appeared to have much influence. He constantly sent out word through his adherents that he knew the Queen was to be restored by the Commissioner. Return of Blount-Restoration. 259 After the Commissioner had completed his reports and forwarded them to Washington, he became very restless to return home. Finally, the permission came, and Admiral Skerrett, commanding the United States naval forces in the Pacific, was placed in charge of the legation, without any diplomatic authority. When the Commissioner left, the entire royalist faction followed him to the steamer and loaded him down with flowers, while the notorious Bush mounted a pile and in fervid language thanked the Commissioner for his services to the Hawaiian people and violently abused the officials of the Provisional Government, the former United States Minister, and officers of the Boston. The royalists had been given direct information of what his report would be, which preliminary information was borne out when the report was made public. They freely discussed the Queen's restoration as a foregone conclusion. The Queen herself firmly believed such would be the case, and in consequence, the night following the departure of the Commissioner, she gave a big reception and luau to her especial favorites. On the other hand, the officials of the Provisional Government were kept in the dark, being able to draw inferences only from the one-sided partial method of the examination, the Commissioner's friendly intimacy with every royalist leader and opponent of the Provisional Government, and his persistent avoidance of examination of those who were in a position to give him reliable information. CHAPTER XVII. EFFORTS TO RESTORE THE EX-QUEEN; AND ESTABLISHMENT OF THE HAWAIIAN REPUBLIC. The uncertainty respecting the outcome of Mr. Blount's report caused serious depression in business circles on the islands. Both public and private enterprises were hampered, for capital is wary in the face of possible political overturn. The royalists, believing firmly that the Commissioner had recommended restoration of the Queen and that the United States would act favorably upon the recommendation, renewed their secret intrigues, and, assisted as they were by the English Minister, they became a constant menace to the peace of the community. There were constant rumors of an uprising, and reports of filibuster expeditions from the coast to assist the royalists, keeping the community in a condition of excitement and disquietude. In addition to the interference with business, created by this condition of affairs, it necessitated the government keeping up a comparatively large force of artned men to prevent sudden uprising, at an expense which the depleted treasury inherited from the monarchy could ill afford. The Hawaiian Minister in Washington made every effort to find out the intentions of the government in regard to Hawaii, but without avail. This failure was still further depressing to the cause of the Provisional Government. 260 Arrival of Willis. 26i The report of the Commissioner was received at Washington in July, but no action was taken until in October, I893, when Mr. Willis was sent to Honolulu as Minister of the United States and publicly accredited to the Provisional Government but actually and covertly for the purpose of destroying that government and restoring the exQueen before Congress should meet. Mr. Willis had received both oral and written instructions to do this. Upon his arrival in Honolulu he was received by the Provisional Government with great cordiality, and an interchange of the usual courtesies was had between them. Little did the Hawaiian officials think that under the guise of this amicable representation Mr. Willis had secret instructions to take the earliest opportunity to inform the exQueen that the treaty withdrawn from the Senate would not be returned, and that if she would promise amnesty to all persons who had been engaged in overturning the monarchy, she would be restored to the throne by the United States. Suspecting nothing of this kind, the officials of the Provisional Government were greatly encouraged by the friendly attitude of the United States as manifested by accrediting a Minister to the new government after full investigation by a manifestly hostile Commissioner. Simultaneously with the arrival of Mr. Willis, Admiral Skerrett was relieved and ordered to command the naval forces in China, and Admiral Irwin took his place. The American Minister lost no time in carrying 262 Restoration of Liliuokalani. out his instructions relating to the ex-Queen. Without a word to the government to which he was accredited, he sent for Liliuokalani, and early in the forenoon of November I3th she called, accompanied by her former Chamberlain. She was informed that through the unauthorized intervention of United States officials and the troops from the Boston she had been obliged to surrender her sovereignty, and that if she would bind herself to grant amnesty to all persons who had been engaged against her authority, it was the intention of the United States to restore her to the throne. To this proposition the ex-Queen would not assent, replying that she would cause those people who had been instrumental in her overthrow to be beheaded and their property confiscated to the government. This startling statement amazed the Minister, and put a stop to further negotiations for the time being. The Minister faithfully reported the facts to Washington, and notified the ex-Queen that he had no further communication to make until he heard fi-om his government, which would be in three or four weeks. Every precaution was taken to keep this interview and the ex-Queen's declaration a secret from the Provisional Government. The Minister frankly informed the American Secretary of State that, from actual information received in a conversation with the ex-Queen's best friends, it was plainly evident that in the event of restoration there would be a concerted movement to overthrow the constitution Restoration of Liliuokalani. 263 and limited government, and establish the absolute dominion of the Queen, as was attempted in the couib d''tat which caused her downfall. Notwithstanding the great secrecy maintained in regard to this interview, the officials of the Provisional Government got some inkling of it, for that very evening the tension of feeling became so great as to threaten disastrous consequences, and the town was filled with rumors of an outbreak. The greatest excitement prevailed at the executive building, in consequence of which the military forces were increased and the volunteer companies were ordered on duty at night. This condition of affairs continued for nearly two months; business was practically suspended; the people subjected to a severe strain of excitement, and the military was again increased to meet apprehended contingencies. On November 24th and December. 2d, respectively, a British and a Japanese man-of-war arrived in the harbor, and, on the same day that the English vessel came in, a letter of the Secretary of State recommending the restoration of the monarchy was published in the Honolulu papers. Although this was simply a newspaper publication, it was given credence and created a great sensation. Crowds gathered and the excitement became intense. A public meeting was called for the following night of all friends of the Provisional Government, at which over,200 men were present, and at which the Vice-President prsiided, and vigorous protests voiced in several speeches by leading men of the 264 Demnand on Willis. community. The Provisional Government withdrew its permission, formerly given to Admiral Irwin, to land troops for drill, and a protest against the use of force by the United States against their persons or property was presented to the Minister by a large number of American residents. Not until the Hawaiian Minister in Washington notified his government that the publication of Secretary Gresham's letter in the American press was official, and that it was not only unfriendly towards the Provisional Government, but actually recommended hostile action, did the Hawaiian officials become satisfied that the intentions of the American Minister were other than favorable, as indicated by his letter of credence to their government. This absolute proof of a contemplated overthrow of their existence as a sovereign power through the secret agency of the Minister accredited to them forced the Provisional Government to decide upon a course of action, either to submit or fight. President Dole, accompanied by his Attorney-General, called upon the Minister and requested to know what the United States intended to do, receiving the reply that he was unable at that time to comply with their request. To obtain some authentic utterance in reference thereto, President Dole that afternoon addressed a formal letter of inquiry, dated November 29, 1893, to the United States Minister, as to the authenticity of the published letter. The Minister did not answer this communication until December 2d, and then he evaded the question by referring to Preparation to Fzight. 265 it as a domestic transaction and intimating that something of a serious nature would occur, but it was not in his power to indicate what it would be until he had received further instructions in answer to letters recently forwarded by him to his governm ent. No possible information could be obtained from the Minister as to his course, but on the 29th of November a local paper published the remarks of the Minister made to one of the native leagues, in which he stated the policy of the United States regarding the islands was already formulated, and as an executive officer he would act when the proper time came. This implied threat, and the inability to obtain information whether the Minister intended to use force, or not, in support of his policy, emboldened the royalists and made it necessary for the Provisional Government to make further preparations for defence. After full deliberation and consultation with nearly all the leading men of the city, the decision was reached, practically unanimously, to resist to the last the attempt to restore the Queen, even though it involved a conflict with the United States troops. The executive building was fortified with bags of sand, both in front and around the various balconies. The volunteer forces were again increased and the citizens armed as if in a state of war. Following upon this the American Minister became more active, sent for the exMarshal to the Queen, and on December 5th had an interview with him in regard to the restoration, 266 The Restoration Program. well knowing that person would have command of the royal forces if such an event should occur. The ex-Marshal submitted a paper containing a method of procedure upon the restoration of the Queen which had been approved by her attorney and by all the members of her former Cabinet. This paper had been drawn up months before and contained a list of special advisers, all of whom were English or natives who had distinguished themselves by their ultra hostility to American interests. They were almost, without exception, men of low character and without responsibility or property interests. A provision was made for the support of autocratic authority by the Queen, and the trial of all those who had taken part against the monarchy, by a special court martial to be appointed for that purpose. This extraordinary document shows the confidence these people had in the information they had received prior to Mr. Blount's departure that the Queen was to be restored, and it should have convinced the Minister that the Queen had made up her mind to do what she originally proposed to him —assassinate all enemies and confiscate their property. Hle was informed that this program had. been agreed upon after a consultation with the leading royalists, who would constitute that court, and that she had decided upon the course she intended to pursue long before his interview. Any one acquainted with her stubborn disposition well knows that she would have carried it out to the letter. Yet, on December i4th, the Revenue Cutter Cor Restoration Instructions. 267 win arrived in Honolulu from San Francisco, bringing further instructions in answer to the Minister's letter reporting the ex-Queen's refusal to accept the amnesty proposition directing him to proceed with the restoration program. Minister Willis thereupon renewed his efforts to restore the dusky, bloodthirsty Queen. The unexpected arrival of the Corwin created intense excitement, which was increased when it became known that immediately after the arrival of that vessel the liberty of the men on the United States man-of-war in the harbor had been stopped; that the battalion was made ready to land at a moment's notice, and that the wives of the naval officers in Honolulu had been instructed by their husbands to make preparations for an immediate removal, indicative of possible hostilities. The Minister was instructed to carry out his original instructions, was urged to prompt action, but to insist upon amnesty and recognition of obligations of the Provisional Government as essential conditions to restoration. Accordingly lie made arrangements for another interview with the ex-Queen, which was held on Saturday, December i6th, in the presence of Mr. J. 0. Carter, her immediate friend. In this interview the ex-Queen was informed of what had previously been said and reported to Washington. In a long interview, assisted by Carter, the ex-Queen remained firm in her determination to kill or banish all those who took part against her, and their children, and to confiscate 268 Warning by J. O. Carter. their property. Shortly after, the ex-Queen and Carter left the legation, the latter becoming uneasy as to the outcome, and in the hope of getting the ex-Queen to change her mind, returned and requested another interview for Monday, which was granted. In the meantime the ex-Queen had seen some of her adherents, who, together with Carter, urged her to abandon her savage purpose. As though to assist these supporters in their efforts to induce her to give up this purpose, the Minister followed them up by calling at her residence, and further notified her that should she refuse assent to the written conditions, he would cease interference in her behalf. These extraordinary efforts at last brought this bloodthirsty barbarian to terms, and she drew up a letter promising to permit no proscription or punishment of any one, and virtually accepting the written obligations submitted by the Minister. For fear she might change her mind, J. 0. Carter immediately obtained an agreement signed by herself to that effect, and delivered it to the American Minister at the legation. It will be seen that four days had elapsed since the arrival of the Corwin before the ex-Queen could, under all this pressure, be induced to accept the terms proposed. Carter, who had full information of what had been said and done, understanding that force was to be used by the sailors and marines of the U. S. S. Philadelphia, and well knowing that the ex-Queen would be liable to violate any agreement she had entered into as soon as restored, American Attack Expected. 269 became apprehensive for the safety of his nephew, one of the officials of the Provisional Government, and after informing him of the purpose to restore the ex-Queen, advised him to join the royalist forces. The nephew, instead, informed President Dole of what had been told him. The frequent and secret interviews of the Minister with the ex-Queen and her partisans, together with the preparation on board the Philadelphia, produced an almost universal belief in the city that the naval forces of the United States would land to restore the Queen. In anticipation of such a move the wharves were for days lined with crowds of people, waiting to see the troops land. At no time did the American Minister attempt to deny this rumor, notwithstanding the German Consul called and begged him to speak, and relieve the public from the state of extreme tension they were in, which was becoming unbearable. The British and Japanese Ministers shared likewise in a failure to obtain an answer, and they became alarmed. They requested permission from the government to land a force from their men-of-war in the harbor to protect their respective legations, and it was granted. The Japanese Minister, realizing the status of those Americans supporting the Provisional Government, through the published notice that only those not engaged in conflict would be protected by the American Minister, and knowing that the entire American population were supporting that government, sent word to a number of Americans offering them the Rho Jap5anese Protection to Americans. use of the Japanese Legation as a refuge for their families in case of attack by the American troops upon the government. Was there ever a more humiliating situation since the Declaration of Independence, that, in the interests of humanity, a Japanese official, in a foreign country, should feel called upon to offer asylum to American women and children, to protect them from American troops, who were being used to force back into power a bloodthirsty and dissolute Queen, against the armed protest of an intelligent people, largely of American birth, who had been forced into revolution against her by her attempt to overthrow the constitution and establish an absolute monarchy? The President of the Provisional Government that same day addressed a letter to the American Minister calling his attention to the fact that he was informed of what was going on, and that he, the Minister, was acting in a way hostile to the Hawaiian government, to which he was accredited, and asking for immediate confirmation or denial. In answer to this the Minister on the following day called upon the President of the Provisional Government by appointment, and in the presence of his ministers notified him of the Queen's acceptance of the proposals submitted, and demanded "in the name and by the authority of the President of the United States" that President Dole forthwith relinquish to her the sovereign power. He concluded by asking if President Dole was willing to abide by this decision of the President of the United Dole's Refusal to Surrender. 271I States. Nothing was said in regard to whether the decision would be enforced in case of rejection. The Corwin was placed under sailing orders to leave for San Francisco to carry the answer of President Dole to Washington. To prevent the news getting out in the press, the captain was instructed to enter the harbor of San Francisco at night. No mails were permitted to be sent on the vessel, not even the official mail of President Dole to the Hawaiian Minister in Washington, although he requested permission from Mr. Willis to forward such mail. On December 23d, after a conference at a special session of the Advisory Council, President Dole wrote a lengthy document in answer to the United States Minister's demands, giving a full r6sunme of the situation and the events leading up to the establishment of the Republic. He claimed to have been no party to the Blount investigation; never to have seen the Blount report upon which the action of the American official was based, and, as no court of arbitration existed, he denied the right of the United States to interfere in the affairs of the sovereign state of Hawaii. He therefore declined to entertain the proposition to surrender the authority of the government to the ex-Queen. The Corwin sailed on the following day, December 24th, and on the 26th the Minister acknowledged the receipt of Dole's reply, and notified the ex-Queen of the result. If the excitement of the last few days had been great, it now bordered upon terrorism. Threats to 272 2The End of Restoration. assassinate the Provisional officials were made; royalist conspiracies were formed, and the passions of all parties were aroused, which made it probable that a disturbance might occur at any time. To relieve the tension and restore confidence, President Dole again addressed the United States Minister a letter on December 27th, calling his attention to the apprehension existing, and urgently requesting that some assurance be given as to whether or not he intended to use force in regard to his policy, but Mr. Willis still withheld all information. At last, President Cleveland's special message to Congress, transmitting copies of Blount's report, and submitting the Hawaiian problem for Congressional solution, as published in the American papers, was received, giving the desired information for the first time. A rather spicy and unpleasant correspondence between President Dole and the United States Minister followed, closing the attempt, by direct act of the American executive, to restore the ex-Queen. In the meantime the Senate of the United States, by a formal resolution, directed its Committee on Foreign Affairs to investigate the Hawaiian situation. The Committee, under a Democratic chairman, made an exhaustive and careful investigation, examinations being under oath, and the witnesses subjected to rigid cross-examination, in place of Mr. Blount's method of affidavits and simple interrogation of an ex Jarte nature. Leading men of all parties, and others having no interest in the matter, were placed on the witness stand, and the Exoneration by the Senate. 273 result was a lengthy report unqualifiedly exonerating the officers of the Boston and Minister Stevens, and reflecting upon the methods of Mr. Blount. January I7, s894, the first anniversary of the Provisional Government, was celebrated with great enthusiasm, in public receptions, a military parade, and a mass-meeting at night. The American Minister declined an invitation to be present, and the other foreign representatives in Honolulu followed his example by failing to participate in the observance of the day. No salutes were fired firom any of the men-of-war in the harbor, a tacit recognition of the monarchical government and an apparent discourtesy to the Provisional Government for refusing to step down and out. The English Minister made good use of the situation by actively influencing opinion inimical to the interests of the United States and in support of the ex-Queen and her party. The officials of the Provisional Government now fully realized that their case was in the hands of Congress, the proceedings of which were reported by their Minister at Washington, who, after filing a protest with the Secretary of State against the unwarranted demands of the United States, returned to Honolulu to post his superiors on the situation in the United States. In consequence the hope of early annexation was abandoned by the Provisional Government, and steps were immediately taken to establish a republican form of government. The office of Minister of Foreign Affairs was separated firom the person of the President, and the Executive 274 The Republic Established. Council was increased to five members. A constitutional convention was called to assemble May 30, I894, for a revision of the constitution by which the Provisional Government was to transfer its authority to the Republic of Hawaii. The convention finished its labors on the afternoon of July 3d, and on the same day the Advisory Council passed the act to provide for the proclamation of the Republic. On the following day the general public were invited to participate in the ceremony. At 8 A. M. July 4th, I894, President Dole, accompanied by his Cabinet and staff and other officials, delivered the proclamation ushering into existence another republic, and that, too, on the anniversary of American Independence. Official notification was sent to all foreign powers of the changed form of government, and it was promptly recognized by them. The constitution adopted by the convention went immediately into force as the supreme law of the Republic, and Sanford B. Dole by virtue thereof assumed the office of President. The new constitution was fashioned after the general form of that of the United States and of the individual States. An educational qualification was required of voters for both houses, and a property qualification for electors of Senators, by which the ignorant and irresponsible of all nationalities are eliminated from control of the political life ofthe community. The legislature was divided into two branches, consisting of fifteen members each, a Senate and a House of Representatives. A Council of State was also English Hostility to Republic. 275 provided for, consisting of fifteen members, five of whom are appointed by the President and five elected by each branch of the legislature, and these together with the President and Executive Council act in times of emergencies when the legislature is not in session. Provision was made for the bestowal of special letters of denization on those who assisted in establishing the Provisional Government, entitling them to all privileges of Hawaiian citizenship without having to renounce allegiance to their own government. The President is elected for a term of six years by a joint vote of the two houses, and cannot be elected to a second consecutive term. The Senators are elected for six years and the Representatives for two. A small property qualification is required for a Representative and a larger one for Senators. The authority of each house is similar to that of other legislative bodies. There is a special provision by which the President is empowered, with the approval of his Cabinet, to make a treaty of political union with the United States. In opposition to this excellent form of government the royalists were warmly supported by the British residents and officials to continue their intrigues under the stimulus of a supposed American unfriendliness. The English Minister and his wife were not only notorious sympathizers with the exQueen, but were in constant communication with her, and the officers of the British man-of-war in the harbor took part in secret meetings of the lead 276 Admiral Walker's Re'ports. ing royalists to consider what action should be taken to reinstate the monarchy. This British sympathy and support constituted not only a serious element of peril, but stimulated the naturally peacefully inclined natives and half-whites to look forward to, and work for, the return of the monarchy, and they largely failed to qualify as voters for the first election called by the Republic for the election of Senators and Representatives. About 5,000 voters qualified, and all the members of both houses were elected on a platform in favor of annexation of the islands to the United States, both houses subsequently passing resolutions unanimously approving such proposition. This is worthy of note, as the majority of the lower house, including the Speaker, were full-blooded native Hawaiians. Secret plotting and serious disaffection were reported, and some arrests were made, but this did not put a stop to the continued intrigues. In the meantime, Rear-Admiral J. G. Walker, whose professional abilities, tact, and judgment are unexcelled by those of any other officer in the United States Navy, by orders of the Navy Department, was placed in command of the naval forces in the Pacific. He relieved Rear-Admiral Irwin on April I4, I894, and at once proceeded to obtain all the information possible on the political situation, and in several communications to the Department made exhaustive reports. The accurate and reliable information transmitted to the Department by the Admiral was not of an ex Jarte nature, but based upon knowl England and Necker Island. 277 edge obtained in conversations with men of all parties, and clearly defined the condition of affairs. Hie plainly demonstrated how the English were interfering in the political affairs of the islands; reported their efforts to seize Necker Island for a cable landing, and pointed out the necessity of strengthening the United States naval forces in I-awaii, urging that another vessel be sent to Honolulu, which recommendation was not complied with. The establishment of a permanent form of government and a settled policy was discouraging to the royalists; nevertheless their leaders held a series of conferences, and as a result sent a committee of three, headed by one of the ex-Queen's Cabinet, to the Coast to purchase arms and munitions of war, and make other arrangements to assist in a secret uprising. The committee visited Washington, called upon the Secretary of State, and made an effort to obtain the support of the United States in case of such a move. They were informed that the United States would not interfere in the domestic affairs of Hawaii. They informed Secretary Gresham that if the American men-of-war were recalled from -Iawaii, they would have no difficulty in overthrowing the Republic and re-establishing the monarch. There is no record of his reply. The committee reported back that the United States ships were going to be withdrawn. They returned to California, purchased arms and munitions, and caused them to be shipped to the islands. Admiral Walker was, by telegram of July 9th, instructed to 278 Walker's Enforced Withdrawal. proceed with the Philadelphia to Mare Island, California, but as soon as it was known that the Philadelphia was to leave, the British Minister ordered the Champion, a British war ship, to remain in port. The Admiral had full confidence in the Republic's ability to preserve order, but he well knew that in the event of an uprising of the royalists, with only an English man-of-war in the harbor, the forces from that vessel would, in all probability, land to assist them in the restoration of the Queen, and he very wisely postponed the departure of the Philadelphia. The English and royalists were greatly elated at the intended departure of the Philadelphia, leaving the Champion in port, while the supporters of the government regarded the situation with anxiety. A petition was sent to the Admiral, signed by prominent merchants and business men, representing large American moneyed interests, requesting him to remain. The Acdnmiral not leaving, he was again ordered by telegram, via San Francisco, to leave at once with the Philadelphia, and this time, having no discretion in the matter, he obeyed his instructions and sailed on the I2th of August, leaving the islands virtually under British protection. This withdrawal of the Philadelphia left Honolulu, for the first time in twenty years, without United States naval supervision. The royalists believed and announced that it was done to afford them an opportunity to revolt against the Republic. The timidity of the royalist leaders, however, insurrection of iS95,9 z?9 caused the contemplated move to be put off until January 6, 1895, when a lot of natives and low whites, instigated by agitators of foreign birth, and acting with the full knowledge and consent of Liliuokalani, met at a secluded spot about four miles from the city for the purpose of commencing hostilities. Arms and ammunition, having been previously purchased in San Francisco by the royalists, were landed from a small coasting vessel, and placed in the hands of these men, from the house of one of the conspirators, at the foot of Diamond Head. Preparations were made for a night attack on the city, which, had it been successful, would have resulted in the killing of many innocent men, women, and children, the looting of buildings and the destruction of much property. The armed forces were led by the mutinous Wilcox and others of unsavory record, while the instigators remained in the city to assist when the attack was made if the appearances were favorable to success. The telephone wires were cut and a number of foreigners out for a stroll were taken prisoners by the rebels, as a precautionary measure. The news of a suspicious gathering at the place of rendezvous reached the authorities, and the deputy marshal, with a few police, was sent with warrants to arrest the conspirators. Upon their arrival at the place they were fired upon, resulting in the killing of young C. L. Carter, who had been one of the annexation commissioners who went to Washington in IS93, and the wounding of two police, The regular troops ?,go Insurrection of 1895. and volunteer forces were immediately called out, and for several days there was desultory fighting, resulting in the complete overthrow of the revolution and the capture of the rebel forces. The leaders as soon as captured became anxious to reveal the inner history of the movement, and the names of the parties connectedwith them. Asearch was made of the ex-Queen's residence, and a lot of bombs, rifles, and ammunition found there. She was arrested, together with several prominent foreigners, mostly English and Canadians. The town was placed under martial law, and a military commission appointed to try those implicated. Nowlein, one of the leaders, turned state's evidence. Those found guilty were either deported or sentenced to imprisonment for a stated period and fined. Some were fined only, and four were sentenced to be shot, all of whom in the course of time were pardoned. The ex-Queen, hoping to avoid trial and consequent punishment, voluntarily executed a document renouncing and abdicating all pretensions or claims whatsoever to the throne of Hawaii, and took the oath of allegiance to the Republic; but she was tried, nevertheless, for "misprision of treason " and sentenced to imprisonment and to pay a fine, but was afterwards released and placed on indefinite parole. Following upon this revolution frequent reports of filibuster expeditions from Puget Sound and British Columbia came to disturb the peace and quiet. American flostilily to Rej5ublic To make matters worse, there was sprung upon the government an unexpected claim of a serious nature. It was a demand from the American Minister, by order of Secretary Gresham, claiming a large indemnity for the imprisonment of an American subject who had been found guilty of engaging in the late revolution and sentenced to a short term of imprisonment. This man's affidavit was taken by the American Consul and the Minister without any inquiry being made of the government officials. Upon that affidavit alone the demand was made, and that, too, after an official publication stating that no American engaged in a conflict would be protected. Hence when the demand came it was regarded as another act of hostility by the Washington government and caused grave apprehension, as the British government at the same time presented several claims of a similar character. It was feared that the United States was going to combine with England in crushing exactions and ruinous demands for the treatment of those who had been in active revolution against the Republic. The Hawaiian Minister in Washington, who, by his exertions against restoration of the Queen, had lost favor with the Secretary of State, was, in the early part of April, recalled by his government upon request of Secretary Gresham, but the position was filled later on and did not interfere with the formal diplomatic relations between the two countries. Major Wodehouse, the English Minister, continued his hostility to the Republic so openly that 28 7, Brilish illinister Recalled. the government finally, in self-defense, demanded to know his intentions and meaning. He became so offensive that his government finally recalled him. Upon his retirement from office he declined to notify the President of the change, and failed to exercise the invariable courtesy of a formal farewell to that official, but, instead, upon his departure, he requested permission for himself and wife to bid adieu to the ex-Quecn, who was then in prison. This request was denied. Both Major Wodehouse and his wife had stimulated to the utmost the ex-Queen's hopes of restoration, and prior to and during the revolution of i895 they gave active encouragement to the royalists. This official had been at Honolulu nearly thirty years, in a constant struggle to promote English influence at the expense of American interests, and his policy was to maintain the monarchy as a means of maintaining English influence. The successful establishment of the Republic upon the eve of his retirement made him bitter and hostile, and though holding the position of British Minister and transacting diplomatic business with the de facto government, he continued to be a pronounced royalist. He was succeeded by an official who was not involved in local politics, but who possessed the English proclivity for British supremacy, and was, consequently, a sympathizer with the royalists. But the change was welcomed by the republican officials. The first legislature of the Republic met on June i2, 1895, and adjourned August 15th, Land Laws- Cholera. 283 after passing an elaborate act providing for dividing the government and crown lands into homesteads, which are now being rapidly taken up by actual settlers on very favorable terms. As though the political turmoil on the islands had not caused sufficient suffering, the overtaxed patience of the people was further burdened by an infliction of the cholera. A passenger steamer from China brought the disease to the islands in August, i895, and though a strict quarantine, thorough sanitary treatment, medical and police inspection were maintained, the disease was not stamped out before the end of September, resulting in the death of 85 persons, mostly natives. The government of the new Republic was at last firmly established, with ample strength to maintain itself against any and all phases of hostile domestic sentiment; an organic law had been put in force and faithfully and judiciously administered, distinctly closing the chapter in Hawaiian political history which relates to the transition from a monarchy to a republic. The entire community accepted the situation and settled down to comparative peace and contentment. The regular legislature was chosen and passed many acts of a beneficial nature, with every indication of a most favorable outlook for political stability and commercial prosperity. CHAPTER XVIII. THE STRATEGIC VALUE OF HAWAII. It is interesting to note that upon the strength of Balboa's discovery of the Pacific Ocean, in I5I3, Spain continued, until not much over a hundred years ago, to claim that entire ocean and all the countries bordering thereon as her property. When Sir Francis Drake circumnavigated the globe, the claim was advanced that the Pacific was a mare clausum, and his sailing across that sea was resented as a trespass upon Spanish property. As late as I789 Spanish war vessels seized several English fur-trading vessels on the northwest coast, and the Commandant at San Francisco was ordered to seize the Columbia, the first vessel that carried the American flag around the world, for having invaded those waters. Spain's greatness was already on the wane, however, and she was unable to maintain her preposterous claims. Early in the present century the nations of the world began to realize, in a faint way, that the Pacific and its adjacent shores were eventually to become valuable, and in ever accelerating degree began an international scramble for dominion therein until, with the exception of the territory 284 Japanese Power. 285 owned by the United States or protected by the Monroe doctrine, China, Japan, and Hawaii, every island in the Pacific, and the shores bordering thereon, have become the property of some European country. Japan is one of the wonders of the modern world. It is the one country not of the Aryan race which has evinced ability to withstand the aggressions of that race. It has taken its position as one of the forces, not only of the Pacific, but of the world, which must be calculated upon by international statesmen, not only in a negative way, but as one of the active and aggressive forces, not only of the future but of the present. Japan already has a navy nearly as strong as that of the United States, and has more naval vessels in course of construction than any other country, except Great Britain. Moreover, her people are of an active, mercurial, and belligerent disposition, with unbounded faith in their own prowess and ability. In possession of the magnificent navy which they are building, they are liable to be in the position of a boy with a new toy, with which he wishes to experiment. While the traditional relations of Japan and the United States are friendly, the rapid prospective commercial development of both countries is liable to bring them into conflict of interest. A conflict of commercial interest is growing more and more to ie the basis of international hostility. No American statesman can in the future leave Japan out of sight as one of the dominating powers in the Pacific. 286 Valuze of Hawaii to England. Although the great powers began to absorb Pacific territory in the early part of the century, it was not until some ten or twelve years ago that the available territory began to become exhausted. At that time a final division of the Pacific into " spheres of influenced" was made among Germany, France, England, and Spain, which partitioned and divided off among these four powers all the territory not theretofore absorbed, except Samoa, which the sudden and unexpected intervention of the United States finally left in the anomalous control of united England, Germany, and the United States; and Hawaii, which has remained in a semi-independent position simply because the United States has for forty years reiterated at frequent intervals that it would consider interference in that group as an attack upon the United States. It is idle to claim that other countries have not desired, and do not desire, the control of Hawaii. At various times Russia, England, and France have each seized the country, and Japan has had serious intentions looking in that direction. To England, especially, the control of Hawaii would be of inestimable value. It has become fashionable of late to rhapsodize over the unity of the English-speaking race and their community of interest; and now that England is facing a hostile Europe it is manifestly wise policy on her part to cultivate every possible appearance of friendly feeling toward the United States. American statesmen, however, cannot and do not lose sight of the fact that sentiment has little effect upon I 36 1404? ISO, 160, I 0- ___20O1 1oo' Long go, from 6ooGreenwich4O1 4jI~~~~~~~~C TTA 0~~~~~~~~~EA 80 A - /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~0 L AR&4, 7000 SQ.M1LE6~~~~~~ tIN TH~~/SPACisI -%C~~~~~~~'CALC J~~RICALPOF REVEN~t$-/8S$ #/,7500.tot sXo~8S196 /9400 NtT OffBT-1897, p3,889,000. _______ HAWA1IIAM I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~LANDS1 FALKLAND IS.~~~~~~~~~~bc 157 177 ~~PI I341- jr- 0 10 3-4R23Ln? rRS7ahn n i i t I ,England America's Rival. 287 international relations when material interests are involved. It is to England's material interest today to cultivate friendship with the United States. The fact cannot be lost sight of, however, that the United States, more than any other country, is the rival of Great Britain in almost every great material interest. Producing, as the United States does, all the necessary raw materials, this country, in an ever-accelerating degree, is destructively competing with Great Britain in the markets of the world. To a still greater degree is this competition on the part of the United States going to be injurious to the other European countries. While present conditions have produced a temporary estrangement between Europe and Great Britain, driving the latter to a seeming friendship toward the United States, it is a moral certainty that the near future will draw Great Britain and the countries of Europe, by mutuality of interest. into an antagonism to the United States. The map of the Western Hemisphere demonstrates that Great Britain recognizes that America is her greatest rival, and that she is preparing to treat her as her greatest foe. Beginning with Halifax and including Bermuda and the Bahamas, Jamaica and St. Lucia on the east and south, and ending with Esquimalt and British Columbia on the west, she has established a series of impregnable fortresses, each equipped with dry-docks and fortifications second in strength and capacity to none in the world, and connected them all with expensive cable 288 Value of Hawaii to England. systems for which there is no commercial call. All this has been done with no logical purpose except to prepare for eventual hostilities with the United States. The one link omitted in this chain of hostile forts surrounding the United States is Hawaii. Not only is Hawaii a missing link in an otherwise continuous chain, but it directly divides England's greatest Anglo-Saxon colonies, Canada and Australia, the distance between which is so great that it is impossible for even merchant steamers to traverse it without recoaling at Hawaii, as there is no other supply station available. The importance of Hawaii as a strategical position is no more a matter of opinion than is a geometrical axiom. It is a primal, incontrovertible fact. It is second in importance to no other single point on the earth's surface. England seized, and with bull-dog tenacity has held, Gibraltar for its strategical value alone; but there is no country the route to which lies past Gibraltar which cannot be reached by several other different ways. The distinctive feature of Hawaii, wherein it is unique among the strategical points of the world, is that it lies at the center of an area so great that commercial and military operations across it are practically impossible, except by using Hawaii as a coal and supply station. Eliminate Hawaii from the map, and there are scarcely any battle-ships in existence which can operate across the Pacific, by reason of the fact that they cannot carry coal enough, and the problem of coaling at sea has not yet been solved. I-awaii's Strategical Position. 289 It has been repeatedly and officially pointed out by the naval authorities, not only of the United States but of the world, that the trans-Pacific countries and islands, with the exception of Hawaii, are so far distant from the American continent that, unless the ships of such nations can recoal at Hawaii, it is practically impossible for them to get to the Pacific Coast for the purpose of conducting military operations there. The most efficient ships could not get there at all, and those which do carry sufficient coal to cross would have no coal with which to operate, much less to return to their base of operations. In other words, it is impossible to maintain naval or military operations at a distance of from 3,500 to 5,500 miles from a base of operations. This fact was definitely established in the late war with Spain, as every United States man-of-war and transport for troops, in their efforts to reinforce Admiral Dewey's fleet in the Philippine Islands, had to stop at Honolulu for coal, repairs, and supplies. As long ago as i85, Congress by formal resolution requested the Navy and War Departments to report upon the conditions and requirements of the coast defenses of the United States. By instructions of the Navy Department, Admiral Dupont drew up a report in reply to this resolution, in which he said, in connection with the defense of the Pacific Coast: "It is imlpossible to estimate too hzighly the value and importance of the Sandwich Islands, 290 Expert Oi5znion on HZawaii. whether in a commercial or military point of view. Should circumstances ever place them in our hands, they would prove the most important acquisition we could make in the whole Pacific Ocean —an acquisition intimately connected with our commercial and naval supremacy in those seas." This opinion has been fully approved by United States naval officers from that day to this. That United States control of Hawaii can be made both effective and economical is demonstrated by a brief examination of the facts. Although the Hawaiian Islands are eight in number and extend over a distance of about 400 miles, with the exceptions of Honolulu and Pearl harbors the ports are all open roadsteads, in which vessels are compelled to lie at distances of approximately half a mile from shore, obliged at all times to land. and ship all freight in small boats, hampered by the restless swell of the ocean and exposed to constant interruptions by storms. The port of Hilo could be partially protected by building a breakwater several miles long, at an expense of an unestimated number of millions of dollars, but even then it would not be protected from northerly storms. With the exception, therefore, of Honolulu and Pearl Harbor, all points in the island may be eliminated from consideration as possible naval stations. Pearl Harbor and Honolulu harbor are both located upon the south side of the Island of Oahu, Defense of Pearl Harbor. 29r and are only seven miles apart. Any effective military control of the one must necessarily include the control of the other, for they are so close together that heavy artillery located at either point would be within easy range and have full control of the other. Fortifications for the defense of the two need be of the most inexpensive kind. Both HIonolulu and Pearl Harbor are protected by natural fortifications which need nothing but the placing of guns in position to become impregnable. Three miles east of Honolulu, projecting out into the deep water, its summit only about a quarter of a mile from the water's edge, rises Diamond Head, a hill of solid rock, with an almost perpendicular face, reaching an elevation of 750 feet. In the very heart of Honolulu, within threequarters of a mile of deep water, lies a second hill of solid rock, with almost perpendicular face, rising to an elevation of 500 feet. Four miles west of Honolulu, just half way to Pearl Harbor, lies a third hill, of the same rocky perpendicular character, reaching an elevation of 400 feet. A battery of modern guns can be mounted on each of these three hills at so little expense as to practically eliminate the amount as a factor for consideration in an estimate of cost. To the rear of Honolulu the only pass through the mountain is a narrow cut, twenty feet wide, to approach which an invading army would have to climb an almost perpendicular bluff, nearly a thousand feet high, that would preclude any attack from that direction. 292 DescrziTtion of Pearl Harbor. Honolulu is an absolutely safe land-locked harbor, but is unsuitable for a naval station, for two reasons: first, because it is so small that it will not accommodate more than a hundred vessels at the outside, and the rapidly growing commercial use of the port will very soon tax its limit to the utmost. In the second place, the shores of the harbor are distant only from a half to three-quarters of a mile from deep water. The dry-docks, machine shops, and magazines of a naval station should be located at such a distance from deep water as to practically put them beyond the reach of an ordinary bombardment. While Honolulu can be so fortified as to absolutely prevent an effective landing being made, it lies so close to deep water that a heavy battle-ship might easily, before being driven off, annihilate the effectiveness of the station by a few well-directed shots. Pearl Harbor is an arm of the sea, a lagoon, connected with the ocean by a long, narrow, river-like entrance, some three miles in length; the inner end expanding and dividing into three locks, having together an interior frontage of some 30 miles, with an average depth of from 30 to 60o feet. Its banks are formed of coral and sandstone with a top layer of soil. In many places the banks are so perpendicular that a full-rigged ship could lie alongside without excavation or dock-building. The entire harbor is surrounded by abundant springs ofpure, fresh water, and artesian wells reach fresh water at any point at a depth of approximately 400 to 425 feet, which rises to an Description of Pearl Harbor. 293 elevation of about 30 feet above sea-level. The shores are well wooded with Algeroba forests, and the country on the land side is a rich, fertile district covered with rice, banana, and sugar plantations, capable of furnishing an unlimited amount of fresh supplies for the use of the station. A barrier reef extends parallel with, and distant about a mile from, the shore, and the water beyond does not reach a depth of over ioo feet for a distance of about another mile, being well suited, therefore, for marine mining. These, with the assistance of the fortifications already spoken of and inexpensive fortifications at the mouth of the harbor, would be absolutely prohibitive of any successful attack on the station from the sea. The Navy and War Departments have already executed most minute surveys of the harbor and its entrance, and caused expert reports to be made thereon. As early as I872, Generals Schofield and Alexander, of the United States Army, reported unequivocally in favor of the military value of this harbor to the United States. The surveys of the Navy Department have been made under the direction of Admirals Irwin, Walker, and Miller. They disclose that there is a sand-bar across the extreme outer entrance of the harbor, consisting almost exclusively of soft disintegrated coral sand, which can be disposed of by a suction dredge at an estimated expense of not more than $I50,ooo. The rise and fall of the tide is less than three feet, and there are no currents which need be feared to re-form the bar. A bar similar 294 Status of Pearl Harbor. in character, somewhat smaller in extent, was pumped out from the entrance to Honolulu harbor in i89i, a depth of over 30 feet being secured, which has not since changed a particle. The expense of clearing the Honolulu harbor bar, exclusive of the cost of the dredge, was only about $40,ooo. This dredge was the property of the Hawaiian government, and is now available at any time for use by the United States Government at Pearl Harbor, if desired. The United States had for a long time, by means of treaty rights, the exclusive use of this harbor as a coaling and naval station, but nothing was ever done to avail itself of this privilege other than making the few surveys mentioned. It was fully realized that a mere sheet of water carried with it few advantages, and to be effective for the purpose intended, to protect a fortified port of call, must necessarily be able to control the territory for a sufficient distance therefrom to prevent its occupation by a hostile power. As there was no grant of territory by that treaty, the United States consequently had no claim to the jurisdiction over the lands adjacent to Pearl Harbor, and the Hawaiian government used this fact as a lever to either perpetuate the treaty of reciprocity or force the acceptance of the islands as a whole by the United States. It argued, and that forcibly, that by the terms of the treaty the claim of the United States to Pearl Harbor was coterminous with the treaty itself, and that if the treaty terminated, the American rights to Hawaizz Annexed. 295 the harbor terminated also. Finally, when the war commenced between the United States and Spain, and Admiral Dewey made his celebrated attack upon Manila, the importance of this harbor became more than ever apparent, and the Hawaiians, on the alert for such an opportunity, immediately declined to pass any act of neutrality. Consequently the men-of-war and transports with soldiers on their way to the Philippine Islands made Honolulu a port of call, as was necessary. They were welcomed by the people of the city and given a most hearty reception. American flags were displayed, American airs were played, and the inhabitants regarded the temporary occupation as a propitious omen. The result was that the United States saw no alternative but to accept the islands as a whole, and the Senate failing to take up the treaty of annexation, Congress passed the Newlands act, and the Hawaiian Islands at last became an American possession. Now, with the control of this stronghold of the Western world the United States becomes the dominant power over the entire North Pacific, both from a naval and a commercial standpoint, and our Pacific Coast is afforded a military protection, as well as command over the trans-Pacific commerce, which could never have been obtained as long as these islands were subject to seizure by the commercial powers of Europe. The American merchant marine is now greater in the Pacific than in any other ocean, and will in the near future increase with giant strides under 296 An Impregnable Stronghold. the new regime. With a little addition to the present force, occupation and a strengthening of the fortifications of Pearl Harbor and Honolulu, the United States can never be evicted from the islands except by an expenditure of blood and treasure that will make the effort one of the greatest naval and military feats of history. CHAPTER XIX. THE tIAWAIIAN ISLANDS BECOME AN AMERICAN POSSESSION. The withdrawal of the treaty of annexation of Hawaii to the United States by President Cleveland, and the subsequent efforts to restore Liliuokalani to the throne, was a severe blow to the advocates of American absorption. They were, however, encouraged by the result of the investigation and report upon the situation by the Committee on Foreign Affairs in the United States Senate, and they patiently waited for the proper time to renew their efforts. Finally, when a change in the administration took place, and President McKinley assumed office as the Chief Executive of the United States, the IIawaiian statesmen renewed their efforts to carry out the provisions of the proclamation inaugurating the Republic of the islands, which explicitly state that such form of government would exist " until terms of union with the United States of America have been negotiated and agreed upon." A new treaty of annexation was drawn up and, through diplomatic agents in Washington, it was submitted to President McKinley for his inspection and comment. Meeting with his approval it was in a short while ratified by the Hawaiian legislature. In the meantime, President McKinley submitted the treaty to the Senate of the United States for its 297 z98 8 7e Newlandcs Resolution, action, but it met with such opposition in that body that those having it in charge hesitated to report it from the committee. Sporadic efforts of a few of the advocates of the treaty were made to get it before the Senate, but each time it was met with such pronounced opposition that Senator Davis, the Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, would not report it to the Senate. This strong and unexpected attack on the part of the Senate aroused the enthusiasm of the advocates of the treaty in the House of Representatives. The result was that after the introduction of a number of bills favorable to annexation and some heated political discussion, the Newlands resolution was adopted by both houses of Congress, and approved by the President on July 7th, I898. The following is the full text of the resolution that made Hawaii a portion of the United States: " Whereas the government of the Republic of Hawaii having in due form signified its consent in a manner provided by its constitution to cede absolutely and without reserve to the United States of America all rights of sovereignty of whatsoever kind in and over the Hawaiian Islands and their dependencies, and also to cede and transfer to the United States absolutely free the ownership of all government or crown lands, public buildings, edifices, ports, harbors, military equipment, and all other public property of every kind and description belonging to the government of the Hawaiian Islands, together with every right and appurtenance thereunto appertaining; therefore The Newlands Resolution. 299 I"Resolved, By the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That said cession is accepted, ratified, and confirmed, and that the said Hawaiian Islands and their dependencies be, and they are hereby, annexed as part of the territory of the United States, and are subject to the sovereign dominion thereof, and that all and singular property and rights thereinbefore mentioned are vested in the United States of America. "' Existing laws of the United States relative to public lands shall not apply to such lands in the Hawaiian Islands, but the Congress of the United States shall enact special laws for their management and disposition, provided that all revenue from or proceeds of the same, except as regards such a part thereof as may be used or occupied by civil, military, or naval purposes of the United States, or may be assigned for use of the local government, shall be solely for the benefit of the inhabitants of the Hawaiian Islands for educational and other public purposes. '1 Until Congress shall provide for the government of such islands, all civil, judicial, and military authority exercised by the officers of the existing government of said islands shall be exercised in such a manner as the President of the United States shall direct, and the President shall have power to remove said officers and fill the vacancies so occasioned. - " Existing treaties of the Hawaiian Islands with 300 The Newlands Resolution. foreign nations shall forthwith cease and determine, being replaced by such treaties as may exist and may be hereafter concluded between the United States and such foreign nations. Municipal legislation of the Hawaiian Islands, not enacted for the fulfillment of treaties so extinguished, and not inconsistent with this joint resolution, nor contrary to the Constitution of the United States, nor to any existing treaty of the United States, shall remain in force until the Congress of the United States shall otherwise determine. " Until legislation shall be enacted extending the United States customs laws and regulations to the Hawaiian Islands, existing customs regulations of the Hawaiian Islands with the United States and other countries shall remain unchanged. fci The public debt of the Republic of Hawaii lawfully existing at the date of the passage of this joint resolution, including the amounts due to depositors in the Hawaiian Postal Savings Bank, is hereby assumed by the Government of the United States, but the liabilities of the United States in this regard shall in no case exceed $4,000,000. " So long, however, as the existing government and the present commercial relations of the Hawaiian Islands are continued as hereinbefore provided, said government shall continue to pay the interest on said debt. "' There shall be no further immigration of Chinese into the Hawaiian Islands, except upon such conditions as are now or may hereafter be allowed Admiral Mizbller's Arrival. 30I to enter the United States from the Hawaiian Islands. " The President shall appoint five commissioners, at least two of whom shall be residents of the Hawaiian Islands, who shall, as soon as reasonably practicable, recommend to Congress such legislation concerning the Hawaiian Islands as they shall deem necessary or proper. 4" Section 2. That the commissioners hereinbefore provided for shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. "' Section 3. That the sum of $Ioo,ooo, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, and to be immediately available, to be expended at the discretion of the President of the United States for the purpose of carying this joint resolution into effect." Admiral Miller, of the United States Navy, was instructed to carry the message of acceptance to the President of the Hawaiian Government. He arrived in Honolulu in his flag-ship, the Philadelphia, and at noon of August i2 th, I898, the imposing ceremony of transferring the Hawaiian Islands to the United States took place. The ceremonies began by the appearance of the Hawaiian National Guards, headed by a detachment of police, at the boat landing, where they met the sailors and marines from the two United States men-of-war in the harbor, the Philadelphia and the Mohican. From 302 The Formal AnnexalZon. the landing the Hawaiian Guards escorted the American troops to the gate of the Executive Building and there deployed to positions near the platform, with the Hawaiian band on one side and the American band on the other. In the grounds and all around the approaches were crowds of onlookers. The platform for the exercises and the verandas of the Executive Building were crowded with the elite of Honolulu. Exactly at fifteen minutes to noon President Dole and his Cabinet came from the Executive Building to the platform. The Justices of the Supreme Court followed, and after them Admiral Miller, United States Minister Sewell, Consul General Hayward, and the Commanding Officers of the American men-of-war. The ceremonies opened with prayer, after which Minister Sewell rose and presented a certified copy of the joint resolution to President Dole, who, in the interest of the Hawaiian body politic, yielded up to the representatives of the United States the sovereignty and public property of the Hawaiian Islands. Minister Sewell accepted the same, when Admiral Miller directed the transfer of flags. As the Hawaiian flag came down the band played HawaiiPonoi, and a salute of 21 guns was fired from the National Guard battery on shore, which was answered by a similar number of guns from the Philadelphia. A few minutes later the United States flag was hoisted, the American band played the Star Spangled Banner, and a salute of 21 guns was fired from the Philadelphia, answered by the National Guard on shore. The Proclamation. 303 One of the most gratifying spectacles of the occasion, especially to those Americans who witnessed our flag being hauled down by Blount, was the re-hoisting of the same flag on the same flag-pole, over the same building, simultaneously with the lowering of the Hawaiian flag on the Executive Building. I was enabled to obtain this flag immediately after it was hauled down five years previously and carefully preserved it, fully believing that sooner or later there would be a call for it to go up again. When I was ordered to Cuban waters last May, in command of the U. S. S. Hist, to take part in the war with Spain, I gave this flag to L. A. Thurston, with the request that it be re-hoisted on the same flag-staff from which it had been lowered. Mr. Thurston communicated with President McKinley, and he approved of the proposition, as did President Dole; so the result was, the flag that Blount hauled down rose proudly to its old position. The flag-raising being over, a proclamation was read by Mr. Sewell in which the civil, judicial, and military officials of the Republic of Hawaii in office prior to the transfer of sovereignty should continue to exercise authority until Congress should provide for the government of Hawaii, and they took the oath of allegiance to the United States. All treaties entered into between the Hawaiian Government and foreign powers, except those inconsistent with the provisions of the joint resolution, or contrary to the Constitution of the United States, or to any existing treaty of the United States, were 304 S4Sal'or Cul/la n's COni;s$son. to remain in force until Congress should otherwise determine. The ceremonies concluded at night with a popular ball and public reception at which Admiral Miller, President Dole and Mrs. Dole, Mr. and Mrs. Sewell received the people. The grounds of the Executive Building were the scene of the most elaborate fire-works ever displayed in Honolulu. The cession of the Hawaiian Islands to the Great Republic of North America having been accomplished, the President of the United States, in compliance with the joint resolution of Congress, appointed a commission, headed by Senator Cullom, to visit Honolulu, and upon careful investigation devise a system of government for the islands. They carried out their instructions, and after careful and mature deliberation reported favorably upon placing Hawaii on the plane of an organized Territory of the United States, to enjoy the same degree of self-government that is accorded to New Mexico, Arizona, and Oklahoma. They based their opinion upon the fact that the people of Hawaii had already demonstrated their capability of self-government by the establishment and maintenance of the Republic of Hawaii, and that they were already more or less familiar with the institutions and laws of the United States, from which most of the Hawaiian laws were drawn. President Dole made a minority report recommending a Board of Advisers to the Governor of the Territory in all matters of public policy, stating as his reason for so doing that he feared the Laws Affecting Hawaii. 305 Governor would arrogate to himself greater power than was contemplated. The commissioners also recommended the construction of a cable to the Hawaiian Islands, to be under the control of the United States, as required by the military conditions existing or liable to exist at any time. In accordance with the recommendations of this Board, three bills were sent to Congress by President McKinley, and were introduced in the Senate by Senator Cullom, and in the House by Representative Hitt. By the provisions of these bills, safeguards, such as educational and limited property qualifications, are thrown around the suffrage so as to insure the domination of Americans and persons of American descent in the government of the islands. All white persons, as well as Portuguese and persons of African descent, and all persons descended from the Hawaiian race on either paternal or maternal side, who were citizens of Hawaii immediately preceding the annexation, were made citizens of the United States. It will be seen from this that all Japanese and Chinese laborers on the islands are barred from citizenship, and the importation of coolie labor into Hawaii forever prevented. The labor laws of the United States are extended over the islands so as to prevent all kinds of foreign contract labor from entering the Territory. This closes the long chapter in Hawaiian history through which American influence has wonderfully developed the islands until now the government in Hawaii is the same as the Government of the United 306 Outlook for the Islands. States. There can no more be any overthrow of this or that monarchy or little republic. It is at last planted, as it were, upon a rock where capital will soon recognize its solidity, and with the introduction of capital will come power to develop varied industries. Agricultural resources will be improved, manufactures will be established, and a further increase of population and accumulation of national wealth will naturally result. Hawaii is now in truth the Paradise of the Pacific and the jewel in the diadem of our western possessions, as the Pearl of the Antilles is the gem of our eastern acquisitions. APPENDIX. [The following appendices set forth in abbreviated form nearly all the latest and most reliable information relative to the Hawaiian Islands that has been gathered within the last ten years. They have been compiled from pamphlets issued by the Secretaries of State and of Agriculture of the United States, reports of commissions, consular reports, official correspondence and the like, and are in every sense authoritative.] A. LAND. SETTLEMENT ASSOCIATIONS IN THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Six or more qualified persons may form a " Settlement Association" and apply for holdings in one block. The provisions for cash freehold apply to the settlement of such blocks, but first auction sale is confined to members of such Settlement Association. Any lot in such block which may be forfeited or surrendered, or which is not taken up by any member of the Settlement Association within three months, shall be open to any qualified applicants. Disputes, disagreements, or misunderstandings between the parties to certificate of occupation, homestead lease, right of purchase lease, or cash freehold, and relating thereto, which cannot be amicably settled, shall be submitted to the Circuit 308 Appendix A. Judge in whose jurisdiction the premises are situated, and his decision shall be final, subject only to appeal to Supreme Court. CASH SALES AND SPECIAL AGREEMENTS. With consent of Executive Council, public lands not under lease may be sold in parcels of not over i,ooo acres, at public auction, for cash, and upon such sale and payment of full consideration a land patent will issue. Parcels of land of not over 6oo acres may, with consent of Executive Council, be sold at public auction upon part credit and part cash, and upon such terms and conditions of improvement, residence, etc., as may be imposed. Upon fulfilment of all conditions a land patent will issue. GENERAL LEASES. General leases of public lands may be made for a term not exceeding twenty-one years. Such leases are sold at public auction, and require rent in advance quarterly, semiannually, or annually. The conditions of general leases are made at discretion of the Commissioners, and may be made for any class of public lands. METHODS OF ACQUIRING LAND. Land can be obtained from the Government by two methods, viz., the cash freehold system and the right of purchase leases. Under the first system the land is sold at auction. The purchaser pays one-quarter in cash and the rest in equal instalments of one, two, and three years, interest being charged at the rate of six per cent. upon the unpaid balance. Under this system the purchaser is bound to maintain a home on the land from the Land. 309 commencement of the second year to the end of the third. The right of purchase leases are drawn for twenty-one years at a rental of eight per cent. on the appraised value of the land. The lessee has the privilege of purchasing the land after the third year at the original appraised value, provided twenty-five per cent. of the land is reduced to cultivation and other conditions of the lease filled. In this case a home must be maintained from the end of the first year to the end of the fifth year. The limit of first-class agricultural land obtainable is Ioo acres. This amount is increased on lands of inferior quality. Under the above conditions the applicant must be eighteen years of age and obtain special letters of denization. Land can also be obtained from the various land and investment companies and from private parties. GOVERNMENT LANDS. The total area of Government lands is fixed at 1,782,500 acres, classified as follows: Class of land. Acres. Valuable building lots................... 145 Coffee................................... 76,270 Cane................................ 25,626 Rice..................................... 977 Rice..+ * 977 Homesteads, Government interest in..... 20,000 G razing................................. 45I, 200 Forest lands, high....................... 681,282 Rugged mountain tracts................. 227,000 Barren lands............................ 300,000 The above classification is somewhat arbitrary because of the lack of positive knowledge of quality and adaptability of soil in untried sections. The area of coffee lands on the island of Maui will probably be increased by further investigations on the windward side of the island, 310.Appendix A. These Government lands are located on the several islands as follows: Islands. Coffee. Cane. Rice. Grazing. Forests, Estimated etc. value. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Acres. Hawaii.............. 62,890 I8,156 40 368,849 749,302 $1,874,900 Maui............ 8,i80 520 10o 112,570 58,550 453,800 Oahu............... 800 2,050 327 71,414 13,778 983,500 Kauai 4,400 4,900 400 80,o5o 86,650 648,000 Molokai............................... 40,625........ 77,500 Lanai and Kahoolawe.................... 77,669..... 70,000 Laysan, etc................................ 40,000 Total..........76,270 25,626 977 751,I77 908,280 4,147,700 AGRICULTURAL INDUSTRIES. The mainstay of the Hawaiian Islands has, for the last thirty-five years, been the sugar industry. From this source a large amount of wealth has been accumulated. But the sugar industry requires large capital for expensive machinery, and has never proved remunerative to small investors. An attempt has been made at profit-sharing and has met with some success, the small farmer cultivating and the capitalist grinding at a central mill. Of late years, moreover, the small farmer has been steadily developing in the Hawaiian Islands and attention has been given to other products than sugar. Rice neither the European nor the American can cultivate as laborers. It requires working in marshy land, and though on the islands it yields two crops a year, none but the Chinaman can raise it successfully. A dry-land or mountain rice has been introduced, which will be treated under the head of agricultural possibilities. The main staple after sugar and rice is coffee. Of this hundreds of thousands of trees have been planted out within the last five years. This is essentially the crop of the future and bids fair to become as important a staple as sugar. Coffee does Land. 311 not require the amount of capital that sugar does, and it can be worked remuneratively upon a small area. It is estimated that at the end of the fourth year the return from a 75-acre coffee plantation will much more than pay the running expenses, while from that time on a return of from eight to ten thousand dollars per annum may be realized.* Fruits can also be cultivated to advantage. At present the banana trade of the islands amounts to over 1oo,ooo bunches per annum, valued at over $ioo,ooo, and the quantity might be very easily quadrupled. The banana industry may be regarded as in its infancy. The export of the fruit is only from the island of Oahu, but there are thousands of acres on the other islands of the group which could be profitably used for this cultivation and for nothing else. The whole question of the banana industry hinges on the market. At present the market is limited. Limes and oranges can be cultivated and the fruit can be easily packed for export; at present the production does not meet the local market. The fruits can be raised to perfection. The Hawaiian orange has a fine flavor, and the Hawaiian lime has an aroma and flavor far superior to that cultivated in Mexico and Central America. In the uplands of Hawaii and Maui potatoes can be and are raised. Their quality is good. Corn is also raised. In these industries many Portuguese, Norwegians, and others have embarked. Both these products find an ample local market. The corn is used largely for feed on the plantations. The corn is ground with the cob and makes an excellent feed for working cattle, horses, and mules. In the uplands, where the climate is temperate, as at Waimea, Hawaii, vegetables of all kinds can be raised; excellent cauliflower, cabbages, and every product of the temperate zone can be grown to perfection. *See page 315 of this appendix, 312 Appendix A. Cattle-raising in so small a place as the Hawaiian Islands does not present great opportunities except for local consumption. Pigs are profitable to the small farmer. In the Kula district of Maui pigs are fattened upon the corn and potatoes raised in the district. The price of pork, dressed, is twentyfive cents per pound in Honolulu and about fifteen cents per pound in the outside districts. The Chinese, of whom there are some fifteen thousand resident on the various islands, are extremely fond of pork, so that there is a large local market, which has to be supplemented by importations from California. Attention has lately been given to fibre plants, for which there are many suitable locations. Ramie grows luxuriantly, but the lack of proper decorticating and cleaning machinery has prevented any advance in this cultivation. Sisal hemp and sanseveira have been experimented with, but without any distinct influence upon the trade output. The cultivation of pineapples is a very growing industry. In I895 pines were exported from the islands to San Francisco to the value of nearly $9,000oo. This has grown up in the last half-dozen years. There is every reason to think that canning pineapples for the coast and other markets can be made profitable. The guava, which grows wild, can also be put up to profit for the manufacture of guava jelly. It has never been entered upon on a large scale, but to the thrifty farmer it would add a convenient slice to his income, just as the juice of the maple adds an increase to the farmer of the Eastern States. Well-made guava jelly will find a market anywhere. In England it is regarded as a great delicacy, being imported from the West India Islands. Besides the guava there are other fruits which can be put up to commercial profit, notably the poha or Cape gooseberry (Physalis edulis). This has been successfully made into jams and Land. 3I3 jelly, which command an extensive local sale and should find their way into larger markets. In the Hawaiian Islands a simple life can be lived, and, entering gradually upon the coffee industry, a good competence can be obtained long before such could be realized by the agriculturalist elsewhere. However, it is useless to immigrate to the islands without the necessary capital to develop the land that can be obtained. Between arriving and the time that the crops begin to give returns there is a period when the living must be close, and cash must be paid out for the necessary improvements. The land is cheap, the climate equable; it only requires brains, a small capital, and energy to realize such comfort and independence as cannot be realized in old countries in one-fourth of the time. B. COFFEE. Estimate of cost of establishing and maintaining a coffee plantation of 75 acres from the first to the seventh year. FIRST YEAR. Purchase of ioo acres of Government land at $io per acre....... $i,ooo Manager's house and water-tank... 600 Laborers' quarters and water-tank. 350 Clearing 50o acres of land at $20 per acre............................, 000 Fencing......................... 300 Purchase of 65,ooo one-year-old coffee plants at $5 per thousand... 325 Lining, holing, and planting 50 acres........................ 600 Manager's salary, one year........ 1,200 Labor of six Japanese, one year, at $i 5 per month.................. I,o8o Purchase of tools and starting nursery............................ 500 $6,955 SECOND YEAR. Manager's salary................. 1,200 Labor, six Japanese............... i,o8o Extra labor, lining, holing, and planting 25 acres............... 300 Sundries........................ 500 ---- 3,o8o 10,035 Coffee. 3I5 THIRD YEAR. Manager's salary................. $1,200 Labor, nine Japanese............. 1,620 Pulping-shed and drying-house.... 500 Pulper, with engine and boiler.... 500 Extra help for picking, pulping, and drying 20,000 pounds of coffee from 50 acres at 4 cents per pound.....:................. 800 Hulling, polishing, and grading 20,000 pounds of coffee at I cent. 200 Sundries (bags, freight, etc.)...... 250 $5,07o I5, 05 CREDIT. By sale of 20,000 pounds of coffee at 18 cents............................. 3, 600oo 11,505 FOURTH YEAR. Manager's salary................. 1,200 Labor, nine Japanese.............,620 Extra labor picking, pulping, and drying: 50,000 pounds of coffee from o5 acres at 4 cents per pound.. 2,000 1o,000 pounds from 25 acres (three-year-old trees)....... 400 Hulling, polishing, and grading 60,ooo pounds at i cent......... 6oo Sundries (bags, freight, etc.)...... 400 6,220 17,725 316 Appendix B. CREDIT. By sale of 6o,ooo pounds of coffee at 18 cents................................ $io,8oo 6,925 FIFTH YEAR. Manager's salary................. $, 200 Labor, nine Japanese............. 1,620 Picking, pulping, and drying 60,000 pounds of coffee from 50 acres and 25,000 pounds from 25 acres at 4 cents.................... 3,400 Hulling, polishing, and grading 85,000 pounds at I cent per pound. 850 Sundries (bags, freight, etc.)...... 500 - 7,570 I4,495 CREDIT. By sale of 85,ooo pounds of coffee at I8 cents................................. I5,300 Balance on hand................. 905 SIXTH YEAR. Manager's salary.................. 1,200 Labor, nine Japanese............. 1,620 Picking, pulping, and drying 75,000 pounds of coffee from 50 acres and 25,000 pounds from 25 acres — 00,000 pounds at 4 cents...... 4, ooo Hulling, polishing, and grading o00,000 pounds at I cent.........,000o Sundries (bags, freight, etc,),,,... 1,000 --- 88,820 Coffee. 317 CREDIT. By sale of Ioo,ooo pounds of coffee at i8 cents............................ $i8,ooo Balance on hand.................. o, o85 SEVENTH YEAR. Manager's salary.................. $I,200 Labor, twelve Japanese.......... 2, i60 Picking, pulping, and drying I25,000 pounds of coffee at 4 cents...... 5,000 Hulling, polishing, and grading 125,000 pounds at i cent........,250 Sundries (bags, freight, etc.)...... 1,200 - io,8io CREDIT. By sale of 125,000 pounds of coffee at i8 cents.............................. 22,500 Balance to credit of plantation at end of seventh year............ 21,775 INTERVIEWS WITH PLANTERS. Plantation No. i.-This place is situated in Hamakua, and is owned by a Portuguese, Narcizzo de Mello. It shows what can be done by a man without means. It must be borne in mind, however, that this man was on the ground making a living, and had every opportunity to select his land. In all probability a stranger would spend nearly as much as this man owns before he got fairly started. This place consists of 17 acres, 3 of which are in coffee. The land cost $0o per acre, 318 Appendix B. and he estimates that the clearing did not cost him more than $3 per acre, as he did most of the work himself. His plants cost $5 per thousand, the trees now being from six months to four and onehalf years old. They are planted 7 by 6 feet at an elevation of 1,750 feet. He employs no labor, with the exception of one Portuguese woman at 50 cents per day at picking time, who, together with his own wife and two children, is sufficient. His land is not paid for, he paying interest at five per cent. He has a small house of two stories, 20 by 20 feet, with a 7-foot veranda, which cost $650, with a detached kitchen costing $55. He estimates that it costs hin $20 per month to support his family, outside of what he raises in the way of vegetables. His tools cost $5, and his stock, consisting of a horse and cow, $70. The crop of last year amounted to 2,560 pounds; this year he expects to get 4,800 pounds. The coffee was sold in the parchment, to a local shopkeeper, for io cents per pound, which was 2 cents under the price paid in Honolulu. Mr. de Mello has owned his place for six years and estimates that it has cost him, exclusive of land, $I,ooo. He owes $700. His trees look very well, and show careful planting and intelligent cultivation. The older trees were laden with berries, and the estimate made that there would be an average yield of I2 pounds of clean coffee per tree is conservative. Some trees must have had 4 pounds of clean coffee on them. De Mello never had any previous experience in raising coffee, but raised fruit in Portugal. He frequently works for others, earning about $io5 per year. He will work at planting by the day for new settlers, and would be a good man to employ to show strangers around the Hamakua district. Plantation NVo. 2.-The owner of this place is also a Portuguese. Ie owns 5 acres of land which cost $io per acre. He had 4A acres in coffee, the trees being three and one-half to six Coffee. 319 years old. Last year he received $I5o for his crop. The man probably works at times for others. It costs him in money from $20 to $25 per month to support a family of twelve. He raises hogs, chickens, and vegetables. He estimates that his place has cost him, all told, $700. Plantation No. 3. —This place is owned by a gentleman who is engaged in other business besides coffee. He has 40 acres planted. The cost of clearing his land was $Soo per acre. The trees are from six months to seven years old. They are planted 7 by 8 feet at an elevation of i,8oo feet. Five Japanese are required to take care of the place, who are paid $i5 per month. Last year 4,225 pounds of coffee were marketed. It was sent in parchment to the coast, and brought at the rate of 19 cents for clean coffee. On this place are a number of trees which have been badly planted. Upon pulling the tree up it is usually found that the tap-root was bent or that the lateral roots were growing in a bunch around the main stem. Plantation No. 4.-This is a new place of go acres which cost $12.50 per acre. The clearing cost $25 per acre. Ten acres have just been planted, the plants costing $5 per thousand. The trees are planted 8 by 8 feet at an elevation of I,800 feet. Four Japanese are employed at $i5 per month. About $800 has already been spent, in addition to the cost of the land. This gentleman is a firm believer in plants raised from Guatemalan seed. Plantation No. 5.-This place belongs to two young men. They have spent rather more than usual for a place of its size and age. They have 147 acres, the cost of which averaged them $12.50 per acre. This is one of the new homestead lots in Hamakua opened up by the Government the first part of the year. The land is covered with heavy timber and a thick tropical undergrowth. It cost to clear $25 per acre. Eight acres have just been put in coffee. The plants were bought at $5 320 Appendix B. per thousand. The trees are planted 8 by 8 feet and 7 by 7 feet. The land has an elevation of from,6oo00 to 2,300 feet. Four Japanese are employed at $15 per month. They estimate their living expenses to be $40 per month. They have spent so far $5,000. Their buildings have cost $2,000, the dwelling costing alone $1,75o. This place is a good illustration of what it costs to build on a new place before roads are made. The material for the house had to be packed on mules over a miserable trail, and then carried by Japanese over a deep gulch. The freight cost as much as the material and labor. Plantation No. 6.-This place is owned by Mr. J. M. Horner, and is the show place of Hamakua. He is also a large sugar-planter. He has 125 acres in coffee. The land cost to clear $40 per acre. He sells plants raised from Guatemalan seed at $io per thousand. He has also sold considerable seed at $i per pound. His land has an elevation of from 1,400 to 2,000 feet. He considers 2,000 feet the best. His trees are from one to five years old. They are planted 7 by 7 feet. He employs twenty-five Japanese, four being women, paying $I5 to the men and $io to the women. In 1894 he picked 2,000 pounds of coffee; in I895, i2,000 pounds; in i896, 68,000 pounds, and this year expects 80,000 pounds. He has received 15 cents per pound for his coffee. Mr. Horner has paid great attention to his nurseries, his plants being in great demand. After planting the seed, all of which is Guatemalan, he covers the ground with fern leaves and does not remove them until the plants are well out of the ground. The ground is watered every day. Mr. Horner claims that a tree raised from Guatemalan seed is as far advanced at four years as a native one would be at six years. Cutworms appear on the ridges and not in the valleys. This year he has been experimenting with fertilizing. He hopes by expending 5 cents per tree to double the crop. His coffee looks very fine. Coffee. 321 As the case now stands for the investor, land can be obtained for coffee-growing in: ISLAND OF HAWAII. North and South Kona, Hilo, Puna, including Olaa, Hamakua. ISLAND OF MAUI. Keanae, Nahiku, Lahaina, Kaupo. ISLAND OF MOLOKAIo ISLAND OF OAHU. ISLAND OF KAUAI. C. SUGAR. Sugar is the great staple of these islands, and the whole production goes to the United States. The total amount shipped during the first six months of I897 was I86,517 tons, valued at $I I,093,516.82. Of this amount, 70,503 tons, valued at $4,235,6I3.85, went to New York, consigned to the American Sugar Refining Company, and II6,014 tons, valued at $6,857,902.97, went to San Francisco. One hundred and forty-six vessels were employed, of which 123, or 84 per cent., were American, carrying 143,270 tons. Hawaii can never produce enough sugar to supplant the beet or any other sugar in the United States. The sugar consumption of the United States was approximately two million tons during 1896, which consumption is rapidly increasing year by year. During I896 Hawaii produced a little over two hundred thousand tons, or approximately one-tenth of the consumption of the United States. This is the highest output ever made by Hawaii, and is the best it has been able to do after twenty years of encouragement under the reciprocity treaty with the United States. All of the natural cane lands of Hawaii are already under cultivation. The only remaining lands which can possibly be cultivated with sugar-cane are those now dry and barren, which can only be cultivated by artificial irrigation, by pumping water to an elevation of from one hundred and fifty to six hundred feet. rI* 3ugar. 323 It goes without saying that such irrigation must be limited in area and problematical in profits. SUGAR-PLANTATION STATISTICS From 1875 to 1897 inclusive. SUGAR. MOLASSES. YEAR. TOTAL ExPounds. Value. Gallons. Value. PORT VALUE. I875 25,080,182 $1,216,388.821 93,722 $12,183.86 $1,228,572.68 1876 26,072,429 1,272,334.53 130,073 19,510.95 1,291,845.48 1877 25,575,965 1,777,529.57 151,462 22,719.30 1,800,248.87 1878 38,43I,458 2,701,73I.50 93,136 12,107.68 2,713,839.18 1879 49,020,972 3,1o9,563.66 87,475 9,622.52 3,II9,I85.9I 1880 63,584,871 4,322,711.48 198,355 29,753.52 4,352,464.73 1881 93,789,483 5,395,399.54 263,587 31,630.44 5,427,020.98 1882 I14,177,938 6,320,890.65 221,293 33,I93.95 6,354,084.60 1883 II4,107,155 7,II2,98.I2 193,997 34,819.46 7I,47,8oo.58 1884 142,654,923 7,328,896.67 110,530 i6,579-50 7,345,476.17 I885 I71,350,314 8,356,061.94 57,941 7,050.00 8,363,111.94 1886 2I6,223,615 9,775,i32.12 113,137 14,501.76 9,789,633.88 1887 212,763,647 8,694,964.07 71,222 10,522.76 8,705,486.83 1888 235,888,346 10,818,883.09 47,965 5,900.40 10,824,783.49 1889 242,I65,835 13,089,302.10 54,612 6,185.10 13,095,487.20 1890 259,789,462 12,159,585.01 74,926 7,603.29 12,167,188.30 1891 274,983,580 9,550,537.80 55,845 4,721.40 6,555,258.20 1892 263,636,715 7,276,549.24 47,988 5,061.07 7,281,610.34 1893 330,822,879 10,200,958.37 67,282 5,928.96 10,206,887.33 1894 306,684,993 8,473,009.10 72,979 6,050.11 8,479,059.21 1895 294,784.819 7,975,590.41 44,970 3,037.83 7,978,628.24 1896 443,569,282 14,932,172.82 15,885 1,209.72 14,933,382.54 I897 520,158,232 15,390,422.13 33,770 2,892.72 I5,393,3I4.85 AMOUNT OF SUGAR SHIPPED FROM THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS FROM JANUARY ist TO JUNE 3oth, 1897. From whence shipped. To New To San Fran- Total. York. cisco. Pounds. Pounds. Pounds. Kahului.................... 14,671,387 28,967,60i 43,638,988 Mahukona........................... 22,976550 22,976,550 Hilo....................... 15,897,831 39,482,113 55,379,9I4 Honolulu................. 110,437,950 140,602,431 251,040,381 Total............. 141,o007,168 232,028,695 373,035,863 Total tons............. 70,503 116,014 86,517 324 Appendix C. VALUE OF ABOVE. From whence shipped. Value to Value to San Total. New York. Francisco. Kahului.................. 439,673.89 $906,748.06 I1,346,421.95 M ahukona............................. 658,843.43 658,83434 Hilo................... 472,050.71 I,137,683.28 1,609,733.99 Honolulu................ 3,323,889.25 4,154,628.20 7,478,517.45 Total................... 4,235,613.85 6,857,902.97 11,093,516.82 NUMBER AND NATIONALITY OF VESSELS, A m erican.......................................................... 23 H aw aiian,............................................. 13 B ritish....................................................... 5 German...................................... 5 LIST OF SUGAR PLANTATIONS, MILLS, AND CANE GROWERS THROUGHOUT THE ISLANDS. Those marked with an asterisk (*) are planters only; those marked with a dagger (t) are mills only; all others are plantations complete, owning their own mills. NAME. American Sugar Co............. Beecroft Plantation*......... Eleele Plantation............. Ewa Plantation................. Gay & Robinson*.............. Grove Farml................... Haiku Sugar Co................ Hakalau Plantation Co........ Halawa Sugar Co............... Hamakua Mill Co.t......... Hamakua Plantation Co....... Hamoa Plantation.............. Hana Plantation Co........ Hanamaulu Sugar Plantation*... Hanamaulu Millt............ Hawi Mill & Plantation........ Hawaiian Agriculturual Co..... Hawaiian Com'l & Sugar Co.... Hawaiian Sugar Co............. Heeia Agricultural Co., Ltd... Hilo Sugar Co.......... Hilo Port. Sugar Mill Co....... Kona Sugar Co................. Honolulu Sugar Co............. Honokaa Sugar Co............. Honomu Sugar Co.............. Hutchinson Sugar Co......... Kahuku Plantation............. Kaiwilahilahi Mill.............. LOCATION. M ANAGER. AGENTS. Molokai........................ Kohalo, Hawaii................ Eleele, Kauai................ Ewa, Oahu..................... Makaweli, Kauai............. Nawiliwili, Kauai............. Haiku, Maui.................. Hilo, Hawaii.................. Kohala, Hawaii............. Hamakua, Hawaii............. Hamakua, Hawaii............... Hana, Maui.................... Hana, Maui................... Lihue, Kauai.................. Hanamaulu, Kauai............. Kohala, Hawaii.............. Kau, Hawaii................... Spreckelsville, Maui........... Makaweli, Kauai............... Heeia, Oahu.................... Hilo, Hawaii.................. Hilo, Hawaii.................. Kona, Hawaii................. Halawa, Oahu............... Hamakua, Hawaii............ Hilo, Hawaii................. Kau, Hawaii................ Kahuku, Oalhu... Laupahoehoe, Hawaii...... P. McLane................ C. Brewer & Co. H. R. Bryant................... Davies & Co. A. Dreier.................... Schaefer & Co. G. F. Renton.................. Castle & Cooke Gay & Robinson............. H. Waterhouse. G. N. Wilcox.................. Hackfeld & Co. H. A. Baldwin................. Alexander & Baldwin. Geo. Ross...................... Irwin & Co. T. S. Kay................ H. Waterhouse. J. R. Renton................... Davies & Co. A. Lidgate................... Davies & Co. T. H. C. Campbell............ C. Brewer & Co. K. S. Gjerdrum................Grinbaum & Co. A. S. Wilcox........... Hackfeld& Co. C. Wolters................. Hackield & Co. J. Hind.................. Davies & Co. C. M. Walton.................. Brewer & Co. W. J. Lowrie............ Alexander & Baldwin. -1. Morrison.................. Alexander & Baldwin. E. K. Bull.................... Grinbaum & Co. John A. Scott................. Irwin & Co. W. von Gravemeyer............ Hackfeld & Co. J. Coerper................ M'Chesn'y & Sons. las. A. Low.........,................ john Watt.................... Schaefer & Co. Win. Pullar.................... Brewer & Co. C(. C. Hewett.............. Irwin & Co. George Weight................. Grinbaum & Co. C. MIcLennan.................. Davies & Co. c/) iA4,It LIST OF SUGAR PLANTATIONS, ETC.-Continued. NAME. LOCATION. Kekaha Sugar Co............... Kekaha, Kauai.............. Kilauea Sugar Co.............. Kilauea, Kauai................ Kipahulu Sugar Co............ Kipahulu, Maui....... Kihei Plantation............... Kihei, Maui.................... Kohala Plantation............ Kohala, Hawaii................ Koloa Agricultural Co......... Koloa, Kauai............ Koloa Sugar Co........... Koloa, Kauai................... Kukaiau Mill Co.............. Hamakua, Hawaii........... Kukaiau Plantation Co......... Hamakua, Hawaii.............. Laie Plantation................. Laie, Oahu................... Laupahoehoe Sugar Co........ Laupahoehoe, Hawaii.......... Lihue Plantation............ Lihue, Kauai.................. Makee Sugar Co........... Kealia, Kauai................. Nahiku Sugar Co............ Koolau, Maui.................. Niulii Mill & Plantation........ Kohala, Hawaii............. Oahu Sugar Co............. Waipahu, Oahu................ Olowalu Sugar Co.............. Oloalu, Hawaii............... Onomea Sugar Co.............. Hilo, Hawaii.................. Ookala Sugar Co............... Ookala, Hawaii................ Paauhau Plantation Co.......... Hamakua, Hawaii............ Pacific Sugar Mill.............. Hamakua, Hawaii............. Paia Plantation................. Paia, M aui..................... Pioneer Mill Co............... Lahaina, Maui.................. Pepeekeo Sugar Co............. Hilo, Hawaii................. Union Mill Co.................. Kohala, Hawaii............ Waiakea Mill Co............... Hilo, Hawaii.................. Waialua Agricultural Co........ Waialua, Oahu................. Waianae Plantation............ Waanae, Oahu............. Wailuka Sugar Co.W............ ailuku, Maui......... Waimanalo Sugar Co........... Waimanalo, Oahu............... Waimea Sugar Mill Co...... Waimea, Kauai................ MANAGER. Otto Isenberg............... G. R. Ewart................... Oscar Unna.................. W. F. Pogue.................. E. E. Olding................... J. K. Farley.................. A. Cropp....................... Jas. R. Renton............. J. M. Horner............... S. E. Wooley............... C. McLennan................... C. Wolters.................... G. H. Fairchild............................................. Robert Hall................... A. Ahrens...................... A. Hanneberg................. John T. Moir................... W. G. Walker.................. A. Moore...................... D. Forbes...................... D. C. Lindsay.................. L. Ahlborn..................... H. Deacon...................... J. Renton...................... C. C. Kennedy................ W. W. Goodale................ D. Center................... C. B. Wells.................. G. C. Chalners................ E. E. Conant............... AGENTS. Hackfeld & Co. Irwin & Co. Hackfeld & Co. Alexander & Baldwin. Castle & Cooke. Castle & Cooke. Hackfeld & Co. Davies & Co. Hackfeld & Co. H. Waterhouse. Davies & Co. Hackfeld & Co. Brewer & Co. Davies & Co. Hackfeld & Co. Irwin & Co. Castle & Cooke. Irwin & Co. Irwin & Co. Schaefer & Co. Alexander & Baldwin. Hackfeld & Co. Davies & Co. Davies & Co. Davies & Co. Castle & Cooke. J. M. Dowsett. Brewer & Co. Irwin & Co. Castle & Cooke. N F) ~tl D. POPULATION AND AREA. Square Miles. N iihau................................... 97 K au ai.................................... 590 Oahu................................... 600 M olokai................................ 270 M aui....................................... 760 L anai.................................... 150 K ahoolawe............................... 63 H aw aii.................................... 4,210 T otal.................... 6,740 The islands that interest an intending immigrant are Hawaii, Maui, Oahu, and Kauai. It is on these islands that coffee, fruits, potatoes, corn, and vegetables can be raised by the small investor, and where land can be obtained on reasonable terms. The different nationalities represented among the population of the islands are distributed as follows: POPULATION BY NATIONALITIES. H aw aiians............................. 35,000 Part Hawaiians......................... 10,000 Chinese................................ 15,ooo Japanese............................... 24,00ooo Portuguese............................. 9,0oo American and European................. I4,000 Total.................. 107,000 328 Appendix JD. In the matter of the general population of the islands the subjoined table has been compiled from the last census returns. DWELLINGS. Male. Female. Total. Inhab- Unin- Build- Total. ited. habited. ing. Oahu........ 26,164 I4.041 40,205 6,685 I,065 60 7,010 Hawaii..,. 22,632 10,653 33,285 5,033 955 35 6,027 Molokai..... 1,335 972 2,307o 651 92 3 746 Lanai..... 51 54 105 23 13..... 36 Maui........ I,435 6,29I 17,726 3, 56 650 3,824 Niihau...... 76 88 I64 3 3....... 34 Kauai...... I0,824 4,404 i3,228 2,320 299 2,627 Totals..... 72)517 36,503 09,020 17,099 3,o8 24 21,104 _.. _ _,1 E. SCHOOLS. SCHOOL STATISTICS, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. (From Reports of the Department of Education.) COMPARATIVE TABLE OF SCHOOL POPULATION, 1897-98. IN SCHOOL, JAN. | IN SCHOOL, JAN. c d~^ 1898. co 1897. ISLANDS. Z4. Bo l Boys. Girls. Total. 1/ Boys. Girls. Total. Hawaii..... 60 2,o55 1,773 3,828 64 2,00oo8 1,703 3,711 Maui and Lanai........ 36 I,32I 1,I67 2,488 37,39 I,151 2,470 Molokai.... 9o 67 157 6 114 64 178 Oahu...... 73 3,638 2,790 6,428 71 3,429 2,670 6,099 Kauai & Niihau........ 8 913 708 1,621 17 878 687 1,565 Totals..... 92 8,017 6,505 14,522 195 7,748 6,275 14,023 The main plan of the school system is modelled upon the public-school system of the United States, modified to meet the wants of a heterogeneous population. The children are instructed in writing, reading, composition, arithmetic, geography, both local and general. The books are uniform and obtainable at the same price as in the United States. The schools are strictly non-sectarian. There is no district, however remote, in which there is no school. The only people who cannot read and write are those who come from abroad. Those born on the islands are compelled by law to take advantage of the education offered. Besides the common-school education, opportunities are given at various centres for a higher education equivalent to the grammar grade of the United States, and in Honolulu a high school and collegiate course can be obtained at a small cost. 330 F. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS. RAINFALL THROUGHOUT THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, 1897-98. Locality. Feet 1898. vation Tan. Feb. Mar. I Ann. Mav Tn_ I Total. HAWAII. Waiakea.............. 504151 6.94 4975 6.95 725 4.30 17347 Hilo.................. 10oo 38.64 3.95 45.4' 7 12 8.19 4.23 161.39 Kaumana.... 1,250 49.6 7.76 5558 12.70 15.58 Pepeekeo............. 10033.4 8.66 42.37 594 87.17 152.62 Honomu.........3... 300 35-44 7.28 49-99. Hakalau............. 200 31.9o 6.53 38.72 6.32 8.48 3 851147.92 Laupahoehoe.......... 6oo0041.6o 8.28 3.7o0 7.50 11.6 4801i69.86 Ookala.............. 400 32.85 6,52 28.43 6.33.1......... Kukaiau,............. 260128.20 4 72 20.59 4,96 3.96 3.88 9I.o0 Paauhau.............. 300 18.31 2.90 12.23 4.46 3.52 2.73 62.41 Honokaa............ 425 6.24 3.56 2.79 539 2.93 3.29 66.54 Waimea,,........... 2,720 3.62 2.62 6.39 2.60 2.54 4.66 34.64 Kohala........... 350 6.6 16.54 3.15 4 84.... Kailua................ 950 1.33 4.9 8.67 2.48 7.28 7.26 67.62 Kealakekua...........,58o0.6 4. 3 6.99 2.03 7-81 7.36 69.39 Kalahiki............. 800 1.27 3 88 6.80 2.19 4.74 3.59 51.27 Naalehu........ 650 4.34 3.77 20.02 0.7 347 o.62 5539 Pahala................ 1,100 5 82 5.3..... 0.54 1.21 0.34..... Olaa.................,6501.46o.6 5244 13.86 13.66 8.18 22700 Kapoho.............. 110 15.64 11.41 24.86 3.26 4.17 4.19 1o8.86 Pohoiki.... 8.04 15.26 19.87 3.05 3.48 6.50...... MAUI, ETC. Haleakala Ranch......2,000 3.97 3.83 9.46 1.17 I5 8 38.49 Puuomalei............. 1,400 9.93 5.94 13-38 321 5.32 2 78. Paia 3.845........... 80 3.08 4.35 503 1.80..... Kahului............... I o.88 5.i6 1.74 0 75 Kaanapali........... 15 3.64 8.71 4.8... Olowalu.............. 15 o.oo 4.15 0.70 0.00 0.00 0 00oo.... Kaupo................ 3001423 6.84 20.96 2.I7 2.94 1.96...... Mapulehu, Molokai... 70 3.68 8.66 8.69 1.02 2 23 43 45-49 Koele, Lanai..........,6oo 0.23 7.92 9.22 0.39 0.32 5.02.... OAHU. Punahouo.............. 5o 6.26 8.491 2.70 2.42 1.35 2.90...... Kulaokahua.......... 50 3.99 7.62 o.66 1.20 o.68 2.07 34.26 Kapiolani Park....... o 1.39 6.63 795 0.23 0 22 0.37 I994 School Street........ 50. 6.56 9.15 22.o3 2.22 1.84 3.05 49.59 Nuuanu Avenue 50.... 9.04 11.79.67 1.47 2.63. " Valley....... 40518.89 910.82 26.17 432 4.31 7.20 08.70 Luahaka....... 850 22.00 20.44 40.13 7.45 9 30 10.25 i66. 6 Waimanalo............ 25 1.87 11.20 12.35 i.68 1.26 2.74 46.27 Maunawili............ 00 4.9310.72 I569 2.32 2.92 4 51 80.46 Kaneohe,............. 100 2.02..... 6.34 2.77 1.58... Ahuimanu............ 350 4541275 2887 405 3.5 6.95103.22 Kahuku.............. 2.57 6.58 16.15 1.72 I 24 1.91 45-49 Waianae............. 1,700 2.99 13.93 11.20 440 2.45 3 oi 64.73 Honouliuli............ 6o 0.42.o01 7.02 0.38 0.22 1,53 3043 KAUAI. Lihue................. 200 4.03 6.65 i.6o 2.00o.89 2.51 40.46 Hanamaulu....... 200 2.68 5.o6 10.39 54 73 283 3546 Kilauea.......... 325 8.79 7.44 i8.oi 5.27 446 4.09 73.39 Hanalei............ 101220 471 27.67 703 6.10 349 98-72 SUMMARY OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS AT HONOLULU, I897-98. (Compiled from Records of Weather Bureau by C. J. Lyons.) 4. BAROMETER. REL. TEMPERATURE. 0 - 0 C 9 HUMID. 3.,r Month. 0'| I I t 0 9 A.M. 3 P.M. I 9 A.M. 9 P.M.Min. Max. 6 A.M. 2 P.M. 9 P.M. Aver. IGr.' to - ___ ____! — __ ___1 _~ ___~ 1Cu.Ft July... 30099 30.032 I.31 68.o 73.8 72-5 83.9 74.2 80.8 75.5 76.8 6.9 5.0 4.0 August......... 130079 30.024 I.23 67.9 7I.3 72.6 85-4 739 8i.6 76.8 77-4 7.I 5.o 3.0 September.......... 30 58 29.99 3.4 70.0 76.6 7r.3 844 74 2 o.8 75 4 76.8 71 40 3 oo October......... 30.073 29.9901 I.8rI 72.7 79-I 72.5 83. 73.1 80.2 75.1 76. 1 7 5 5. o 3.0 November............ 303229.956 0.07 67 9 76.6 66.6 80. 69.6 77.5 71.8 73.0 6.6 6.o 3 o December........... 3 -100 30 020 0.84 69.8 77.0 65.8 78.8 68.o 75.0 71.0 71.2 6.2 5~0 3.0 January............. 30 6 30043 6.261 74 7 76.4 67.0 77. 68.o 74.0 7I. 71.0 6.3 6.o 3.0 February.............129.996 29.9I6! 8.491 78.2 79.8 62.9 76. 64.2 74.0 67 6. 668.4 5.2 1.4 00 [March.............. 130o85 30.0031 r2.70 75. 2 77.5 653.2 74.6 67.1 73 o 69.5 69-9 6.4 7.2 3.3 o" April................. 30I33 30481 2.421 66.5 75.71 65.3 77.4 67.5 75-7 T 7.4 74721 6.i 3. 9 2.6 I May.................. 30.1330.3072 1 I.35 66.2 73-6 6 8.8 79.2 70.6 77-3 72 5 73.51 6.5 5.2 3.4 June................. 30.o8230.031 2.90 67.3 75.2 69.9 81.5 75 79-5 74.0 75.0 6.8 4.2 2.5. Year..308230.1 i 42.79 70.4 76. 61.4 80.2 70.2 775 72.6 73.4 6.7 5.1 2.9 Year................ 0 2 o 77 5 72. 1 2. ~~~~~~~~~.[7.~ 7~I.~ _o.!.t~i~ ~4!~7 G. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS. EXTENT OF HAWAIIAN TRADE WITH UNITED STATES. In the fiscal year ending June 30, 1897, the aggregate trade between the Hawaiian Islands and the United States reached $18,385,000. This is greater than our total trade with Argentina, which amounted to $17, 157,000 in the same year. It was greater than our total trade with Central America, which amounted to $I6,464,000 last year. It was greater than our total trade with Spain, which amounted only to $i4,600,ooo. It was greater than our total trade with Switzerland, which amounted only to $13,950,000. It was greater than our total trade with Venezuela, which amounted only to $12,960,000. It was greater than our total trade with Austria, which amounted only to $12,200,000. It was greater than our total trade with Russia, which amounted only to $10,700,000. It was greater than our total trade with Denmark, which amounted only to $o, 500,000. It was greater than our total trade with Colombia, which amounted only to $8,540,ooo00. It was greater than our total trade with Norway and Sweden, which amounted only to $7,963,000o. It was greater than our total trade with the Guianas, which only amounted to $6,770,000. It was greater than our total trade with Chili, which only amounted to $6,370,000. It was greater than our total trade with Uruguay, which only amounted to $4,729,000. Exports and Imports. 333 It was nearly four times greater than our total trade with Portugal, which amounted only to $4,750,000. It was nearly seven times greater than our total trade with Turkey, which only amounted to $2,82,ooo. It was ten times greater than our total trade with Peru, which only amounted to $1,830,000. It was more than twenty times greater than our total trade with Greece, which only amounted to $850,000 in the last fiscal year. COMPARATIVE TABLE OF IMPORT VALUES FROM VARIOUS COUNTRIES SINCE 1891. WC COUNTRIES. 1892. 1893. 1894. United States........... Great Britain............ Germany............... Brit. Col. and Canada... Australia and New Zealand.................. Dutiable........... Bonded............ Free by Treaty..... LFree by Civ. Code. Dutiable........... Bonded............ Free by Civ. Code. Dutiable........... Bonded............ Free by Civ. Code. Dutiable........... Bonded............ Free by Civ. Code. Dutiable........... Bonded............ Free by Civ, Code. Dutiable........... Bonded............ Free by Civ. Code. Dutiable........... Bonded............ (Free by Civ Code. Dutiable........... Bonded............ (Free by Civ. Cde. Dutiable........... Bonded............ Free by Civ. Code., $553,800.94 87,456.3 r 2,340,7 7.24 870,524.62 332,767.75 I8,730.44 28,581.70 89,057.34 6,796.4c 3,260.13....................... 25,I59.0C 33,874. Ic 2,463.2C 68,866.12 125,853-55 27,621.52 1,221.87 58,481.55 731.2C 79I-03 3,267.3t 1,297-17 77-76 29I.11 45............ 4, 571775 $568,345.3 I 87,I06.45 2,413,369.25 1,257,679.08 362,093.45 22,694.06 36,230.82 64,82r.43 5,309.I8 3,825.70 I8,o00.28 482.88 46,766.35 42,871.07 16,096.33 67,077.03 141,666.56 29,248.92 1,218.46 120,263.33 1,I37.97 18,057.54 5,215.63......... 85-35 400.59 16,9......60 I6,965.60 $344,275-79 86,257.65 2,738,213.68 986,043.30 397,054.77 16,643.63 51,781.32 98,920.41 7,377.23 33,935.43 41,312.05 3,088.72 73,797.80 94,967.78 1,110.62 90,440.35 I8I,967.24 46,551.40 r,75I-77 170,044.37 3,391.40 10,431.75 8,215.53 476.98 93.80 1,555.83 21;260.83 1895. $619,150.78 73,015.22 3,018,755.42 805,912.86 413,223.64 12,091.67 45,807.67 64,318.76 6,970. 0 39,482.75 8,846.02 4,560.17 17,325.02 66,460.36 2,865.05 53,469.19 I64,239.17 59,452.39 10.00 i83,487.51 18,124.46 5,5 3.62 7,849.90 507-87.......22,377... 22;377-84 1896. 1897. $665,834.67 $725,862.90 40,187.48 38,761.12 3,225,659.80 4,318,944.30 1,532,526-25 1,716,460.02 636,238.19 774,476.22 12,690.45 14,223.09 I06,782.75 77,081.94 03,058.59 I49,526.30 8,406 76 8,799.44 36,561.32 34,606.45 9,493.12 12,506.75 2,086.82 2,684.11 41,402.05 43,484.07 24,175.54 19,001.99 1,534-30 209.26 87,934.8I 103,241.94 236,148.72 242,477 69 62,306o00o 17293.04 616.25 646.67 264,849-34 267,819.84 3,330.83 4,513.64 8,303.63 19,982.86 8,322.98 13,050.74 5,794.08 5,122.48 3,603.96 I2,824.10 6,259.60 28,513.96 2,998.10 47,668.80 27,865.12 137,419.38 China.............. Japan.................. France.................. All other countries...... COMPARATIVE TABLE OF PRINCIPAL ARTICLES OF EXPORTS, 1867 TO 1897. Y'r. Sugar. Molas. Lbs. Galls. 1867 17,I27,I871 544,994 1868 18,3I2,926} 492,839 I869 I8,302,II0 338,3II 1870 18,783,6391 216,662 1871 21,760,773j 271,29I 1872 I6,995,402 192,105 1873 23,129,IOI I46,459 1874 24,566,611 90,o60 1875 25,S00,182 93,722 1876 26,072,429 139,073 1877 25,575,965 151,462 1878 38,431,4548 93,136 1879 49,020,972 87,475 I880 63,584,871, i93,355 188i 93,789,483 263,587 1882 II4,I77,935 221,293 1883 I14,107,155 193,997 1884 142,654 9231 1,530 1885 1171,0,,314 57,94I 3886 2I6,223,615 113,137 1887 212,763,647 71,222 1 8881235,888,346 47,965 1889 242,I65,835 54,612 1890 259,798,4621 74,926 3891 274,983,5801 55,845 1892 263,656,7151 47,988 1893 330,822,879i 67,282 1894 306,684,993 72,979:8951294,784,819 44,970 i896 443,569,282 15,885 1897 520,158,232 33,770 Rice. Paddy. Coffee. Hides! Tal'w. GoatLbs. Lbs. Lbs. Pcs. Lbs. skins 441,750 572,099 127,546 11,207 6o,936 51,88c 40,450 862,954 78,373111,I44 1o9,504 57,67c 48,830 I,586,959 340,841 I2,803 85,937 62,736 152,o06 535,453 415,I1I 13,95 90,388 67,463 417,01 867,452 46,926 19,384! 85,240 58,900 455,I2I 894,582 39,276'27,o66 493,978 53,598 941,438 507,945 262,025 20,677 609,855 66,702 I,187,986 439,157 75,496 22,620 I 25,596 71,955 I,573,739 556,495 165,977 22,777s5 1 92o60,595 2,259,32411,542,603 153,6671 I, 05 327,291 45,265 2,691,37012,57,987 1I,345 122,164 369,829 51 55 2,767,768 2,774,86i 127,963 25,309!23994I 64,525 4,792,813 33,8I5 74,275 24,885....... 24,940 6,469,840......... 99,50,22,945 I9,I69 31,OI3 7,682,700 102,370 18,912!21,972 118,031 21,308 12,169,475 459,633 8,&13126,0oo7 77,893 23,402 1i,6I9,ooo 1,368,705 16,057 38,9551 32,252 24,798 9,493o000 46,224 4 231 2I,026j 2,864120,125 7,367,253......... I,675 19,o45;.....1 I9,782 7,338,651......... 5,93I3I,207j 2I,3052I,I73 13,684,200 400 5,300o28,639 56,713 16,233 12,878,600......... 7,13024,49420474317589 9,669,896........43,673127,s58i 97,125 II715 10,579,000....... 88,593 28,I96, 33,876 8,66I 4,900,450......... 3,95I126,427! 27,225 7,3i6 11,516,328....... 13,56821,622 792 3,449 7,821,004'..... 49,311I98261 13,250 5,911 7,803,972........ I80,o I5o 21,6031....... 6,759 3,768,762...... II755i I9,10....... 6,466 5,025,491.. 255,655 25,079....... 12,647 5,499,499 *.... 337,158125,1401 9,ooo 6,o85 Wool. Lbs. 409,471 258,914 218,752 234,696 471,706 288,526 329,507 399,926 565,469 405,542 385,703 522,757 464,308 381,316 528,489 528,913 318,271 407,623 474,121 418,784 75,9I1 562,289 24 1,925 374,724 97,119 288,969 391,592 261,337 227,987 462,8I9 249,800 l Pulu. Fungusl Salt. Bunches Total Val. All Lbs. Lbs. Tons. Ban'nas Dom'stic Exp. 203,958 167,666 107 2,913 $1,324,I22.02 342,882 76,781 540 3,966 1,450,269.26 622,998 85,215 1,152 6,936 1,743,291.59 233,803 41,96812,513 4,007,514,425.06 292,720 37,475 711 3,876 1,733,094.46 421,227 32,I61 522 4,520 1,402,685.38 412,523 57,538 445 6,492 I,721,507.78 418,320 50,955 730~1< 6,494 I,622,455.37 379,003 45,098 96 1,518 1,835,382.91 314,432 35,893 5 14,9821 2,055,I33.55 150,586 ii,629 322 5,995 2,462,4I6.66 212,740 22,364 ISo0 13,431 3,333,979.49 137,001 2,571 50/ 12,369 3,665,503.76 44,846 I4,80I 14/ 1i9,64 4,889,194.40 53,415 4,282 302 20,,776 6,789,076.38....... |2,III..... 28,848 8,I65,93I.34....... 3,783!.... 44,902 8,036,227.11 465 2,247 I..... 58,040 8,067,648.82.,137....... 60,046 8,958,663.88......I........ 45,862 10,540,375.17..... ---........ 58,936 9,435,204.12...... Pine ---- 7I,335 1,631,434.88....... apples Guano 105,630 13,810,070.54 Pcs. Tons. 97,204 13,023,304.16 5.......,368 1,217 6,66o 10 I,7,315.67 40,171 61 IO5,375 7,959,938.05.,042..... 108,239 10,742,658.50....... 44,903. - 123,004 9,053,309.87....... 65,213 1..1.. 0 5,055 8,358,0o6.79....... 47,451.... 126,413 5,436,037.23....... 151,7I5 |.. 75,835 I6,021,775.19 c (_2 336 Appendix G. DUTIES ON IMPORTS.!Articles. From From other United States, Countries. Ale, beer, cider, and porter........... Animals and birds..................... Building materials.................. Asphaltum, fire clay, window glass, plaster of Paris, stone, and tiles.......... Clothing, boots and shoes............. Linen collars, collars and cuffs, hats, jackets, ladies' cloaks, oil clothing, rubber clothing, linen shirts, underclothing.............................Skirts, suits......................... Coal and coke......................... Crockery and glassware............ Lamp fixtures....................... Drugs and medicines................. Artificial limbs and sponges........... Dry goods............................ Linens........................ Silks................................ 'W oollens............................ Fancy goods.......................... Beads, bonnets, buttons, binding, collars.................... Feather dusters................. Embroidery and feathers.............. Kid gloves............................ Silk gloves........................... Gold-leaf.................. Hook and eyes, hoods................. Parasols, pins, veils, suspenders, linen thread, trimmings, umbrellas, assorted Lace, mitts, sewing silk, silk umbrellas. Fish, dry and salt.................. Flour................................ Fruit,fresh.................. Furniture.......................... Oilcloth........................ Looking-glasses...................... Grain and feed........................ Groceries and provisions.............. Chocolate, cocoa, condensed milk, glucose, honey, indigo blue, lye, sago, tapioca............................ Guns, revolvers, and findings,......... Caps, cartridges, gunpowder....... Fuse, blasting powder, giant powder... Hardware, agricultural implements and tools................................ Glue, lead, stove polish, corks........ Iron, steel, etc........................ Brass................................ Railroad equipment................... Jewelry......................... 20 cts. per dozen. 20 cts. per dozen. Free........... Io per cent.....do.......... D o. io per cent...... Free......... io per cent..........do........ Free............ io per cent...... Free............ io per cent...... Free............... do........ io per cent.... 25 per cent...... Free................do.......... io per cent.........do.......... 25 per cent..... $3 per dozen.... 25 per cent..... Io per cent..........do........do......... 25 per cent...... Free..............do............do...........do.......... io per cent....... do.......... Free..............do..... io per cent...... Free............ 25 per cent...... io per cent...... Free........... Io per cent...... Free............ io per cent...... Free........... lo to 25 percent. Do, Do. Do. Do. Free. io per cent. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 25 per cent. io per cent. Do. Do. Do. 25 per cent. $3 per dozen. 25 per cent. io per cent. Do. Do. 25 per cent. ro per cent. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 25 per cent. Do. io per cent. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Io to 25 per cent. Exports and Imports. 337 DUTIES ON IMPORTS.-Continued. Articles. I.From From other United States. Countries. - -, - ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I.. Leather........................,.. Lum ber............................ M achinery........................... Coffee machinery..................... M atches.............................. M usical instruments................... Naval stores........................ O ils................................. Cocoanut, neat's-foot, palm,........... P aints............................. Benzine and turpentine............... Toilet articles........................ Toilet soaps....................... Saddlery, carts, etc.................... Axle grease, harness dressing, saddles.. Baby carriages and carriages........... Sheathing metal...................... Shooks and containers................. Alcohol.............................. Stationery and books................. T ea............. Tin and tinware....................... Cigars: American........................ Foreign.......................... C igarettes............................ Snuff................................. Tobacco.............................. Wines under Is per cent trail.......... M ineral waters........................ Artists' materials..................... Birdseed.............................. Boxes and cases....................... C andy............................... Charcoal.,,.. Cotton waste............... Curiosities........................... Chewing gum......................... 'D yes................................. Electric and telephone instruments and m aterials........................... Fertilizers....................... Lubricating compound............... Plants and seeds..................... Photographic supplies................. Pipes, tobacco......................... Cigar-holders....................... Scientific instruments.................. Shoe blacking....................... T runks.............................. Travelling bags........................ Tombstones.......................... Wicker and wicking................. Free................do............. do..............do............. do............do..............do.............do.......... so per cent........ do.......... Free........... 10 to 25 percent. Free...........do......... Io per cent.... 25 per cent..... Free...............do........ $so per gal...... Free............ Io per cent.....,..do....... Free. Free.............r do..............do..............do......... lo per cent...... Free................do..............do,....... 25 per cent..... Free.............. do..............do........ Io per cent..........do.......... Free................do..............do..............do......... Io per cent...... Free.... 25 percent..........do........ Io percent.... Free. -...........do......... Io per cent...... Free........... io per cent. Do. Do. Free. so per cent. Do. Do, Do, Do, Do. Do. Io to 25 percent. so per cent. Do. Do. 25 per cent. Io per cent. Do. $io per gal. to per cent, Do. Do. $1o per M. 25 per cent. S15 per cent. Do. Free. io per cent. Do. Do. Do. 25 per cent. io per cent Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Free. io per cent. Do. Do. 25 per cent. Do. Do. io per cent. Do. Do. Do. Do. 338 Appendix G. EXPORTS FOR THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 1896 AND 1897. 6 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 3oth. Whither exported. -Increase. Decrease. i896. 1897. United States.... $12,233,291.82 $11,26,705.87........ $972,585.95 Australia and New Zealand.......... 7,384.60 8,070.50 $685.90. Canada............ 15,938.6I 12,922.76.... 3,015.85 China...........,.959.00............ 1,959.00 Pacific Islands................... 872.70 872.70.......... Total........... $2,258,574.03 $J r1282,577.83 $1,558.60 $977,560.8o Net decrease, $976,002.20. IMPORTS FOR THE FIRST SIX MONTHS OF 1896 AND 1897. 6 MONTHS ENDED JUNE 3oth.. Whence imported. Increase. Decrease. 1896. 1897. United States.... $2,303,176.42 $3,058,380.92 $755,204.50 Great Britain... 392,068.72 351,381.52...... $40,687.20 Germany 31,122.74 52,878.70 21,755.96....... China............. 144,447.69 102,273.91........... 42,173.78 Japan............. 128,21.85 59,555.45 3I,343.60........... Australia and New Zealand......... 62,023.03 75,975-73 I3,952.70... Canada............ 20,066.63 i6,179.93........... 3,886.70 Pacific Islands.... 4,391.9X 3,03.16.......... 1,388.75 France........... 5,929.36 I8,385.70 12,456.34.......... Other countries.... 24,388.34 70,474.23 46,085.89........... Total......... $^3 I5,826.59 $3,908,489.25 $880,798.99 $88, 136.43 Net increase, $792,662.56. The following tables may be interesting as showing the exports from the Hawaiian Islands. The tables give the articles, quantity, value, and the countries to which the articles are exported. QUANTITY AND VALUE OF EXPORTS OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS TO ALL PORTS FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 3oth, 1897. UNITED STATES. PACIFIC PORTS. ATLANTI( Articles. Sugar........................pounds.. R ice................... do.... Coffee.......................... do.... Bananas........................ bunches. W ool...........................bales. Do.........................pounds. H ides.......................... bundles. Do......................... pieces. Pineapples........................do... Goatskins..................,.... do.... Sheepskins........................do... M olasses........................ gallons.. Betel leaves.....................boxes.. Taro flour............................. Watermelons..................... pieces.. Plants and seeds.......................... Sundry fruit............................ Bones and horns................. pounds.. Curios.................................. Canned fruits.................... dozens.. Sundries.................................. Foreign................................... H oney.................................. T otal............................. Quantity. 230,350,296 2, 68,600 2 8,489 43,457 24 10,024 1,170 10,863 64,874 3;i63 4,9I4 21,040 70 75 81,6I3 60............. Value. $6,698,595.37 87,378.30 31,756.52 43,334-50 85.44 40,119.39 7,429.70 930.00 1,I40.45 1,052.00 350.00 250.00 20.00 1,077.90 442.00 306.oo00 30.00 102.00 555-I6 22,I86.77 Quantity. I4j,612,7I...................................................................................................................................................................................................... - - t e *- 8 e....... AU STRALIA C PORTS. ZEAL Value. Quantity. $ 322,757.37....................... -.97 -.,975.............. 8..975.....................50................................................... I............................................... 11,760 4,322,798.37....... Value. $2,151.00 100.00 5..........oo.......... 20.00 738.20 4,583.30 473-00 8,070o.50 tnI Z't k ~1. S N Z~; AND NEW AND........... $6,937.9.7... O 0 QUANTITY AND VALUE OF EXPORTS OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS TO ALL PORTS, ETC.-Continued. ISLANDS OF THE PACIFIC. CANADA. TOTAL. Articles. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Quantity. Value. Sugar.........................pounds.. Rice........................... do.... Coffee.....................do.... Bananas.............. bunches.. Wool............................bales.. Do......................pounds.. Hides.........................bundles.. Do......................... pieces.. Pineapples....................do.... Goatskins........................ do.... Sheepskins................... do.... Molasses......................gallons.. Betel leaves...................boxes.. Taro flour.............................. Watermelons.................... pieces.. Plants and seeds........................ Sundry fruit............................ Bones and horns.............. pounds.. Curios................................. Canned fruits...................dozens.. Sundries................................ Foreign............................... H oney......................... Total.............................. I I I I I_ ___ 1A__ 1- --. I..........................0 12.............,........................ -......................................................................................................................................................................................... ~11,754............................. 1 7............. 52......................................... 86.............. 7. 8........................................................................... 6.oo.............. 860.70............. $872.70.............. I $2,2I4.38 722.00 3,558.40........................... 1,441.28 93.00.............. 66.oo 30.00 4,797-70............. l'47..[).0 I l (,.. [-, ag.'7Z 2,168,600 239,218 44,158 24 54,504 1,170 10,863 81,776 2,163 4,914 21,790 70 75....... 8S,6i8.... 6.. 60 1I,760 87,378.30 36,I21.90 44,062.50 4,409.84 40,119.39 8,970.98 930.00 1,140.45 1,145.00 350.00 35o.oo 250.00 20.00 1,082.90 442.00 306.00 16.oo 102.00 I,329.36 32,469.47 473.00 $11,282,571.83 $12,922.76.......... Exports and Imports. 34a PERCENTAGE OF EXPORTS BY COUNTRIES. United States: Per Cent. Pacific ports....................................... 6.49 Atlantic ports...........,,...,,,,.... 38.31 Australia and New Zealand...................,... 07 Canada.................................... The following table shows the value of merchandise imported, where from, and amount paying duties or entering free by treaty with the United States. It will be noticed that over half the imports come in free under the treaty. VALUE OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED AT ALL PORTS OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, AND COUNTRIES OF ORTGIN DURING THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 3oth, 1897. PAYING DUTY. BONDED. Country from which imported. United States: Pacific ports.. Atlantic ports Great Britain... Germany..... tChina........ Japan......... Australia and New Zealand. Canada........ Pacific islands.. France......... Other countries. Total....... Goods free by treaty. Goods. Spirits. Goods. _1 _ $I,878,499.17 145,83 1.64 I.......................I $291,443.14 9,211.42 323,736.62 44,274.34 96,638.82 97,056-33 $31,536.96 701.58 2,922.65 141.59 43,493.73........ 36.90o 42.50 I, i0549 $79,981.40 $1,776.65 41.04 9C)0.01 -.93 r,2r5.80 3,0r3.19 2.29 I5.20 19,956,62 $26,202.73 Spirisl. $13,498.33 6,854. 4 3,384.66 3,633-53 1,410.45 206.97 1,748.90 2,954.55 54.28 $33,745-8 r............ 10,995.33..... 5,118.93 X.... I.... | I99.91 I....... -. 8,321.01.......... I 13,557.64 $2,o24,330.81 $900,553.49 VALUE OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED AT ALL PORTS OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC.-Continued. FREE BY CIVIL CODE. Country from which _Total Per imported. Goods. Spirits. cent. United States: Pacific ports......... $651,843.78 $34,I94.54 $2,902,792.57 74.27 Atlantic ports...... 488.25 i6.oo 0 55,588.35 3.98 Great Britain........ 9,999.I7....... 351,381.52 8.99 Germany.................,538.08 757.-4 52,878.70 1.35 China............. 644.17............ 102,273.91 2.62 Japan.............. 4,486.75 5.00 159,555-45 4.08 Australia and New Zealand 64,771.14..... 75,975.73 1.94 342 Appendix G. VALUE OF MERCHANDISE IMPORTED AT ALL PORTS OF THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, ETC.-Continued. FREE BY CIVIL CODE. Country from which FRE CIVIL. 1 Per imported. Total cent. imported. Goods. Spirits. cent Canada................. 9,26o.oo........... $ 6,L79.93.42 Pacific islands............ 2,803.25 3,003.6.o8 France.................. 1,028.96 $6,o38.68 18,385.70.47 Other countries.......... 35,800.20....... 70,474.23.80 i Total.................. $8o2,663.75 $41,011.26 3,90~,419.25.O The above table includes specie ($423,550) imported for the last six months by civil code, all of which is from the United States. The total value of exports to the United States, according to the records of this consulate-general, was $11,294,034.89, and for the same period in 1896 $12,205,778.55, while the Hawaiian customhouse figures give the values of said exports for the same periods as $11,282,571.83 and $12,258,574.03, respectively. This discrepancy is explained by the fact that the total value of invoices presented at this office for certification includes commissions and insurance, whereas the Hawaiian custom-house, in stating values, deducts all charges. DECLARED VALUE OF EXPORTS FROM THE DISTRICT OF HONOLULU AND THE AGENCIES CONNECTED TO THE UNITED STATES DURING THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 3oth, 1896, AND ALSO FOR THE SIX MONTHS ENDED JUNE 3oth, 1897. FROM HONOLULU. Six MONTHIS ENDED JUNE 30th Articles. Increase. Decrease. 1896. 1897. Awa root....... $396.42.................. $396.42 Bananas........ 49,601.48 $28,426.70..... 21,174.78 Betel leaves..... 268.80 292.57 2377......... Coffee........... 26,644.42 23,852.28........... 2,792.14 Hides and skins.. 3,381.00oo 40,080.30 8,699.30........... Household goods 3,600.75 2,399.00............ 1,201.75 Exports and Imports. 343 DECLARED VALUE OF EXPORTS FROM THE DISTRICT OF HONOLULU, ETC.-Continued. FROM HONOLULU. Six MONTHS ENDED JUNE 30th Articles. Increase. Decrease. 1896. 1897. Returned American goods: Empty beer kegs $5,817.30 $6,071.50 $254.20.......... Empty bottles.. 435-42 291.75..43.67 Miscellaneous... 10,294.24 3,365.32 6,928.92 Whiskey....... 2,266.20 1,459-85 ~.......... o 806.35 Pineapples.,...... 4,13607 5,70327 1,567.20.......... Rice........... 68,912.89 77,691.56 8,778.67......... Sugar......... 8,542,781.64 7,478,517-45.......... I,o64,264.i9 Sundries........ 1,810.40 723.00........... 1,087.40 W ool............ 179-37 773.06 593.69........... Total....... $8,748,526.4 0 $7,669,647.6........................ Total decrease in 1897, $1,078,878.79. FROM HILO AGENCY. Awa root....... $124.50....,......... 124.50, Coffee......... 276.28 $936.55 $660.27............ Hides and skins.. 1,014.78 1,382.98 368.20.......... Returned American goods...... 94.50 1,628.00 1,533-50.......... Sugar......... I,499,457-00 I,609,733.99 110,276.99............ Total......,500,967.06 $i,613,6 36281.2........ Total increase in 1897, I 12,714.46. DECLARED EXPORTS, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. QUARTER ENDINGArticles. 30. QUARTER ENDING- Total Sept. 30_ Dec. 3. j Iar. 3. June 3 Total. Jn 30. HILO. C offee........................................ H ides and skins............................. Returned American goods......................... Sugar....................................... T otal................................ HONOLULU. A w a.................................... Ba anas........................................... Betel leaves...................................... Coffee........................................ Household goods................................. Hides and skins.................................. Pineapples...................................... Pineapples, canned................................ Pineapple plants.......................... Returned goods: Brandy............................... Empty beer kegs.............................. Empty bottles..................... M iscellaneous................................ W ine....................................... Whiskey...................................... Rice..* Sugar........................................... Sundries......................................... Taro flour....................................... W halebone................................... W ool............................................ T otal..................................... $565.63 914.62 10o.40 396,882.72 $832.26 432.96 I............................. $936.55 $834.78 548.20 1,628.00......... 634,435.-I 975,298.88 $2,334-44 2,730.56 1,738.40 2,006,616.71 $398,473-37 $,265.22 $636,897.89 976.783.63.. - I $12,388.95 7,880.62 3,141.50 9,700.00 1,421.25 3,845.00 620.00 146.00 1,059.55 1,817.70 40,362.97 1,634,656.3I 390.63 9,990.88 1I,727,421.36 $464.26 I7,799.53 I9 115.73 I,852.00 20,768.50 3,343.73............................ 2,217.00 328.50 1,007.95 5,347.12 98,422.78 830,169.27 202.50 8,000o00 6,558.15 $1,015,597.02 $15,2940oo 292.57 13,893.48 431.00 14,115.30 1,552.80............. 2,313.75 1,543 8o 797.85 50,258.38 3,468,070.39 218.00 252.50........... 623.11 $3,569,656.93 $I3,132.70 9,958.80 i,968.00 25,965.00 4, I50.47 3,757-75 29.75 1,821.52 662.00 27,433 I8 4,010,447.o6 252.50.............. 149.95 $4,og99,99068 $2, 03,420. 1 $464.26 58,6I5.18 292.57 50,848.63 7,392.50 70,548.80 10,468.25 3,845.00 620.00 146.00 9,348.05 620.25 6,190.97 1,459.85 5,347. 2 216,477.3r 9,943,343.03 1,063.63 252.50 8,oo00000 17,322.09 $10,412,665.99 DECLARED EXPORTS, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS.-Continued. Articles. QUARTER ENDING----— I — -- 1Total. KAHULUI. Sept. 30. Dec. 31. Mar. 3 r. June 30. _ _ Sugar................,........... $.147,891.98 34,674. 2 $777, 44.74 $568,424.21 $I,528,435.05 M olasses................................................. i i6.50 286.50 850.00 1,253.00 Hides...............................213.27 1r7.35 273.74 124.87 729.23 Lumber...................................... 216.85................................. 216.85 Taro flour................................. 54.50 4.25 3.00...... 61.75 Em pty carboys............................................... 9.... 6950 Returned goods......................................,460.50 1,520.34 97.88 3,078.72 Household effects.................................... I62.03 I 25.50 ] 187.53 Total.................................. $36,742.22 $779,39035 $569,522.46 1534,03.63 MAHUKONA. Coffee..........*t......,......................... $I,577.30 $1,797.36.............. 3,374.66 Hides................................. $770.12 543.69 584.80 567.33 2,465.94 M olasses......................................................... 4............. 353-34 Mo~lasses...~~~~~ll~~~~t~~ l.~~.~~~-~_~~~~i 353.34..353.34 R eturned goods...................................... 25.14.......................... 25.14 Sugar.................................. 52,278.58 127,438.01 319,164.29 339,679.20 938,560.02 Saddle trees...................................... 6.64......................... 1664 Total...................................... 153,48.70 29,954.2 321,54639 340,246.53 944,795.74 RECAPITULATION. Hilo..................................... 398,473.37,26522 636 97.89 $976,73.63 2,013,420 Honolulu...................................... 1,727,421.36 1,015,597.02 3,569,656.93 4,099,990.68 10,412,665.99 Kahalui.......................................... 48,376.60 36,742.22 779,390.35 569,522.46 1,534,031.63 Mahukona............................. 153,048.70 129,954. r2 321,546.39 340,246.53 944,795.74 Total.................................. 2,427,320.03 $1,183,558.58 $5,307,491-56 $5,986,543.30 $14,904.913.47 _....~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ STRATEGICAL POSITION. THE STRATEGICAL POSITION OF HAWAII. The main reason why Hawaii is a strategical point of value to the United States is that the Pacific is so wide that battleships cannot cross it from any foreign naval station to the Pacific coast without recoaling, and there is no place to recoal except Hawaii. Exclusion of foreign countries from Hawaii will therefore practically protect the Pacific coast from trans-Pacific attack. The following statements have been made by the leading experts of the United States army and navy directly upon the point at issue. They are unanimously in support of the proposition that Hawaii strengthens the United States, and that control of Hawaii is essential to the safety of the Pacific coast and American commerce. MAHAN ON HAWAII. Captain Mahan's views on the importance of Hawaii as a military and naval stronghold are given in the following correspondence, which was read in the executive session of the Senate by Senator Teller; QUESTIONS PUT TO MAHAN BY SENATOR KYLE. WASHINGTON, D. C., February 3, 1898. Capt. A. T. Mahan, U. S. N., i6o West 86th Street, New York. DEAR SIR: Recent discussions in the Senate have Strategical Position, 347 brought prominently to the front the question of the strategic features of the Hawaiian Islands, and in this connection many quotations have been made from your valuable and highly interesting contribution to literature in regard to these islands, and I am led to believe that you are as well qualified to give information relating to them as any man in the country. I hand you herewith a list of four questions, and I shall be greatly pleased if you will kindly answer them. Thanking you in advance, I remain, very truly yours, JAMES I-. KYLE. I. Would the possession of Hawaii strengthen or weaken the United States from a military standpoint? 2. In case of war, would it take a larger navy to defend the Pacific coast with or without the possession of Hawaii? 3. Is it practicable for any trans-Pacific country to attack the Pacific coast without occupying Hawaii as a base? 4. Could such attack be made by transporting coal in colliers and transferring coal at sea? MAHAN'S REPLY. I6o WEST 86TH STREET, NEW YORK, February 4, I898. Hon. James H. Kyle, U. S. Senate. DEAR SIR: Your letter of the third is at hand. You appreciate, doubtless, that to give a categorical reply to questions such as you propose is very like giving a quotation apart from the context in which it stands. I shall try, however, to present such replies and their reasons as summarily as possible. 348 Appendix H. The Possession of Hawaii will Strengthen the United States. r. From a military point of view the possession of Hawaii will strengthen the United States. Of course, as is constantly argued, every addition of territory is an additional exposed point; but Ha-, waii is now exposed to pass under foreign domination-notably Japan-by a peaceful process of overrunning and assimilation. This will inevitably involve its possession by a foreign power-a grave military danger to us-against which preoccupation by the United States is, in my judgment, the only security. A Larger Navy necessary Without than With Hawaii. 2. In replying to the second question I must guard myself from being understood to think our present Pacific fleet great enough for probable contingencies. With this reservation a greater navy would not be needed for the defence of the Pacific coast than would be required with the islands unannexed. If we have the islands, and in the Pacific a fleet of proper force, the presence of the latter, or of an adequate detachment from it, at the Hawaiian Islands will materially weaken, if not wholly cripple, any attempted invasion of the Pacific coast (except from British Columbia), and consequently will proportionately strengthen us. With a fleet of the same size and Hawaii unoccupied by either party the enemy would at least be in a better position to attack us; while if he succeeded in establishing himself in any of our coast anchorages he would be far better off. For, in the latter case, the islands would not menace his communications with home; which they would if in our possession, because Hawaii flanks the communications. It is obvious, also, that if we do not hold the Strategical Position. 349 islands ourselves we cannot expect the neutrals in the war to prevent the other belligerent from occupying them; nor can the inhabitants themselves prevent such occupation. The commercial value is not great enough to provoke neutral interposition. In short, in war we should need a larger navy to defend the Pacific coast, because we should have not only to defend our own coast, but to prevent, by naval force, an enemy from occupying the islands; whereas, if we had preoccupied them, fortifications could preserve them to us. Invasion of Pacific Coast Impracticable Without Hawaii as a Base. 3. In my opinion, it is not practicable for any trans-Pacific country to invade our Pacific coast without occupying Hawaii as a base. Coaling at Sea Im5racticable. 4. Coal can be transported in colliers, but as yet it cannot be transshipped at sea with either rapidity or certainty. Even if it be occasionally practicable to coal at sea, the process is slow and uncertain. Reliance upon such means only is, in my judgment, impossible. A base must be had, and, except the ports of our own coast, there is none to be named alongside of Hawaii. With much respect, I am, very truly yours, A. T. MAHAN. The distances to the principal Pacific ports are as follows: Miles. Hawaii to San Francisco.................. 2,o80 Hawaii to Nicaragua Canal................ 4,2I0 Hawaii to Tahiti.......................... 2,389 Hawaii to Pagopago, Samoa............... 2,263 Hawaii to Auckland, New Zealand........ 3,850 350 Appendix H. Miles. Hawaii to Fiji.........2,736 Hawaii to Marshall Islands................. 2,98 Hawaii to Caroline Islands................ 2,602 Hawaii to Hong-Kong.................... 4,917 Hawaii to Yokohama, Japan............... 3,399 Hawaii to Unalaska, Aleutian Islands...... 2,016 H aw aii to Sitka........................... 2,395 Hawaii to Vancouver..................... 2,305 I. COST OF LIVING, TRANSPORTATION, ETC. San Francisco and Victoria are the two points of deportation for the Hawaiian Islands. The Oceanic Steamship Line has vessels sailing twice a month. One steamer sails for Honolulu, stays a few days, and returns to San Francisco. The other steamers touch at Honolulu and go on to the Australian colonies. Round-trip tickets can be obtained, and also lay-over tickets, at the company's offices on Montgomery Street, San Francisco. The Pacific. Mail and 0. & 0 S. S. lines, running from China and Japan to San Francisco, also touch at Honolulu regularly. Arrangements can be made to lie over in Honolulu, visit the volcano, and proceed on the voyage by the next vessel. From Victoria the C. & A. S. S. sail once a month. The cost of round-trip passage is $I25. PRICE LIST OF PROVISIONS ON THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Fresh Hawaiian butter, from 25 to 50 cents per pound. Hams, from i6 K to 30 cents per pound. Bacon, from I61 to 20 cents per pound. Cheese, from 20 to 35 cents per pound. Family pork, from 15 to i8 cents per pound. Corned beef, 7 cents per pound. Fresh meat, from 6 to 5 cents per pound. Loin of porterhouse steaks, from 6 to I5 cents per pound. 352 Appendix I. Tinned fruits, per dozen, from $1.75 to $2.25. Golden Gate flour, per ioo pounds, $2.50; lower grades, $2.20. Hawaiian rice, $3.25 to $5 per ioo pounds. Hawaiian bananas, per bunch, 25 to 55 cents. Potatoes, from I to 2 cents per pound. Eggs, per dozen, 25 to 50 cents. Rolled oats, per case, $5.50. Ice, in small quantities, IS cents per pound; 50 pounds and over, i cent per pound. WAGES. The following is an approximation of the wages paid to different classes of labor on the Hawaiian Islands: Engineers on plantations, from $125 to $I75 per month, house and firewood furnished. Sugar-boilers, $125 to $175 per month, house and firewood furnished. Blacksmiths, plantation, $50 to $ioo per month, house and firewood furnished. Carpenters, plantation, $50 to $ioo per month, house and firewood furnished. Locomotive-drivers, $40 to $75 per month, room and board furnished. Head overseers, or head lunas, $ioo to $150. Under overseers, or lunas, $30 to $50, with room and board. Bookkeepers, plantation, $Ioo to $I75, house and firewood furnished. Teamsters, white, $30 to $40, with room and board; Hawaiians, $25 to $30, with room; no board. Field labor, Portuguese and Hawaiian, $I6 to $18 per month; no board. Field labor, Chinese and Japanese, $12.50 to $I5 per month; no board. In Honolulu bricklayers and masons receive from $5 to $6 per day; carpenters, $2.50 to $5; machinists, $3 to $5; painters, $z to $5 per day of nine hours. Cost of Living, Transportation, Etc. 353 DOMESTIC LABOR. The domestic labor in Honolulu, and in all parts of the islands, has for many years been performed by Chinese males, who undoubtedly make excellent house servants. During the last four or five years the Japanese have entered the field; the Japanese women are especially in demand as nurses for children. The following are the prevailing rates of wages: Cooks, Chinese and Japanese, $3 to $6 per week, with board and room. Nurses and house servants, $8 to $I2 per month, with board and room. 'Gardeners or yard-men, $8 to $12 per month, with board and room. Sewing-women, $i per day and one meal. Good substantial meals can be obtained at respectable Chinese restaurants and at the Sailors' Home for 25 cents, or board for $4.50 per week. The market for all kinds of labor is overstocked, and it would be very unwise for any one to go to these islands with no capital on the mere chance of obtaining employment. The many steamships arriving at Honolulu bring numbers of people seeking employment who are obliged to return disappointed. CURRENCY. The currency of these islands is of the same unit of value as that of the United States. The gold is all of American mintage, and United States silver and paper money is in circulation and passes at par. The Hawaiian money is paper, very little of which is seen in circulation, and silver. The paper money is secured by silver held in reserve. The banks keep two accounts with their depositors, silver and gold. 23 354 AppendiZ I. The checks are so worded that the depositor may specify from which account the check is to be paid. If the check does not state in what currency it is to be paid, the law provides that the holder may demand gold if the amount is over $Io. The Hawaiian silver amounts to $I,ooo,ooo, $300,000 of which is held by the Government to secure a like amount of paper. The minister of finance has estimated that there is $3,500,000 of money in circulation. RATE OF EXCHANGE. The rate of exchange is i X per cent on Eastern cities of the United States, and i per cent on the Pacific coast. Gold is at a premium of i per cent. J. FREIGHT, PASSENGER, AND POSTAGE RATES. TRANSPORTATION. The steamship lines plying between the coast of America and Honolulu are- the Oceanic Steamship Company, the Oriental and Occidental Steamship Company, and the Pacific Mail. One steamer of the Oceanic Line, the Australia, makes Honolulu her destination; the two other steamers of the line, after discharging passengers and freight, go on to Samoa and Australia. The steamers of the two other lines proceed to Japan and China. The rates for passengers range from $75 to $Ioo. The time from San Francisco to Honolulu by steamer is from six to seven days. The Canadian-Australian Royal Mail Steamship Company's steamers, sailing from Vancouver and Victoria, stop at Honolulu and then proceed to Australia and New Zealand. There are a number of fine sailing-vessels making regular trips between Port Townsend and San Francisco and Honolulu, with limited passenger accommodations. The price is $40 for cabin passage. The bulk of the steam passenger and freight traffic between San Francisco and Honolulu is controlled by the Oceanic Steamship Company, their rates being $75 cabin and $25 steerage, while the two other lines charge $ioo and $30, respectively. 356 Appendix f. FREIGHT RATES. The rates of freight from here to San Francisco are: For steamers, $5 per ton and 5 per cent primage; sailing-vessels, $3 per ton and 5 per cent primage. The rates to Atlantic ports range from $5 to $7 per ton, with 5 per cent primage. The duration of the voyage between here and New York has been from 89 to 134 days. RAILROADS. There are three railroads on the islands. The Kahului Railroad, on the island of Maui, is I3 miles long; the Hawaiian Railroad, on the island of Hawaii, is about 20 miles long. These two roads are used principally to carry the products of the plantations to the various points of shipment. The principal road on these islands is the Oahu Railway and Land Company line, which runs from Honolulu to Waianae, the total length, including sidings, being 38.5 miles. This road was opened for traffic July I, 1890, since which time its business has shown a steady increase, both in its passenger and freight traffic. Last year the road carried 85,596 passengers, receiving a revenue of $30,993.50; 66,430.49 tons of freight were carried, earning $69,752.76. The equipment consists of 5 locomotives, I4 passenger coaches, and 132 freight cars. The road is bonded for $2,000,000, at 6 per cent, with $700,000 worth of stock, which is to be increased to $I,5oo,ooo. RATES OF POSTAGE. Domestic: Cents. Letters to any part of the republic, for each one-half ounce................. I Drop or city letters or printed circulars, per one-half ounce or fraction.. I Freight, Passenger, and Postage Rates. 357 Domestic: Cents. Unsealed printed circulars to any part of the republic, per 4 ounces or fraction thereof......................... Newspapers printed in the republic and sent from the office of publication to subscribers residing in the republic. Free Books, cards, photographs, etc., for each ounce............................... I Merchandise, samples of all kinds, for each ounce......................... I Newspapers, pamphlets, almanacs, calendars, handbills, magazines, maps, occasional and other publications (not bound), for each 4 ounces or fraction thereof......................... I Registry fee, in addition to above charges............................. 10 Rates of foreign postage: To United States, Canada, Mexico, and colonies, letters, each one-half ounce or fraction.......................... 5 Postal cards, each..................... 2 Commercial papers, each 2 ounces or fraction (with a minimum charge of 5 cents)...2 2 Books, each 2 ounces.................. I Photographs, each 2 ounces.. I Newspapers, each 2 ounces.. I Registration fee, in addition to above charges.......................... 10 Registration fee, with return receipts, in addition to above charges......... 15 Other countries of Postal Union: Letters, each one-half ounce........... 5 Postal cards, each.. 2 Newspapers, each 2 ounces or fraction 2 Photographs, each 2 ounces or fraction 2 Samples (limit of weight I2 ounces, limit of size I2 by 8 by 4), each 2 ounces - - - - - - - - -....... 2 358 Appendix J. Other countries of Postal Union: Cents. Registration fee, in addition to above charges............................. I Registration fee, with return receipts, in addition to above charges......... 15 Parcels post: United States of America, per pound... Canada, per pound.................... 20 United Kingdom, per pound.......... 25 Australia, per pound.................. 25 For New Zealand and other countries inquire at parcels post department, where full particulars as to size, limit of weight, etc., will be given. INDEX. American Annexation Policy. (See "Annexation.") Early Influence in Hawaii,.... 8 Holidays, celebration of in Hawaii,. 220, 221 Interests in the Pacific,... 238, 239 Minister to Hawaii, firstappointment of,. 9 (See " Stevens," " Blount," " Willis.') Missionaries. (See "Missionaries.") Naval Policy in Hawaii,.....2, 278 Property in jeopardy,.... 182 Protectorate. (See " Protectorate.") Treaties. (See "Annexation," "Reciprocity.") Troops. (See "Troops.") Annexation Club, organization of,.... 2I9 Commission, appointment of,.... 21 Japanese demands in case of failure,. 240 Policy, American toward Hawaii,. 238, 241, 242 Prospective effect of,... 31 Reasons for Hawaiian Policy of,. 224, 225, 240 Resolution adopted by Committee of Safety, I74, 175 Termination of negotiations with Cleveland,. 273 Treaty of I854,....... 237 Treaty of 1893,...... 243 Treaty, withdrawal of by Cleveland,. 244 Bananas, Production of,..... 130 Bayard, Hawaiian Policy of,..... 238 Bill of Rights, First Hawaiian,.. I37, I38 Blaine, Hawaiian Policy of,..... 238 Blount, Appointment of as Special Commissioner, 244 Arrival at Honolulu,..... 245 Discourtesy of,..... 245, 254 False evidence taken by,.. 250 to 252 Hauling down of American Flag by,.. 246, 247 359 360 Index. Intimacy with British Minister,... 258 Investigation by,..... 241 to 259 Methods of examination by,.. 248 to 252 Protection of Nordhoff by,.....256 Protection of Spreckels by,.. 258 Refutation of charges by,.. 73 Relations with Nordhoff and Spreckels,. 255 to 258 Return of to Washington,. 259 Boston, Camp, description of,..... 2 Complimentary Ball to,... 221 Date arrival at Honolulu,.. 3 Departure of for San Francisco,... 223 Necessity for presence of in Honolulu,.. 28 Reception to officers of,..... 50 Return to Honolulu from Hilo,.. 159 Search for Campbell's crew,. 54 Senate exoneration of officers of,.. 272, 273 Troops. (See " Troops.") Visit of to Hilo,... 45 Visit of Stevens to, at time of Revolution,. I86 Boxing and wrestling, Ancient Hawaiian,.. 88 Bribery of Kalakau for opium license,.. 15 of Legislature by Liliuokalani,.. 31 British aggression in Hawaii, Early, 6, 9, 65, 226 to 236 Attempt to secure cable station,... 277 Hostility to American influence,. 9, 24, 26, 27, 68 " to Provisional Government, 216, 219, 239 " to Republic of Hawaii,... 275 British Minister, Hostility to Provisional Govt., 212 213, 225, 273 Interference in Hawaiian Politics,... 25 Intimacy with Blount,..... 258 Recall of,...... 28, 282 British Policy in Hawaii,... 69 British Recognition of Hawaiian Independence,. 235 Seizure and Restoration of Hawaii,. 232, 233 Warship in Honolulu,.. 216, 27, 278 Index. 36I Burial ceremonies, Ancient Hawaiian,. 08 to IIo Bush, Envoy to Samoa,..13 Cabinet, appeal to citizens for protection, I67, 171, 172 Attempt of Queen to coerce,.... 77 Attitude toward Committee of Safety, I79, i80, 181 Consultation with Provisional Government,. 203 Cowardice of,.... 195, I98, 199, 206 Voted out,.... 29 to 32 Cable Station, Attempt of England to secure,..277 Camp Boston, Description of,... 210 Canadian Hostility to Provisional Government, 215, 219 Carter, C. L., Death of,... 279 Carter, J. 0., Connection with Restoration,. 267, 268 Catholics, early experiences in Hawaii,.. 228 Present number of,......67 Census. (See " Population.") Charlton, Richard, Hostility of, to Hawaii, 227 to 229 231 Chiefs, Powers of ancient Hawaiian,. 133, 134 Chinese Immigration, Number and effect of, 68, 70 Cholera at Honolulu,.. 283 Cleveland, Refutation of charges of,.. 173 Vote for, in Honolulu,...59 Climate of Hawaii,....... 28 Coffee and Tea, Cultivation of,.... 27 Colburn, Jno., Cabinet and character,.. 32, 33 Commission, Hawaiian, to England and France, 234, 235 Committee of Safety, Attitude of Cabinet toward, I77, I79, I8o, I8I Final meeting of,... 95 Forces, Disposition of,... 78, i8o, 189, I90 Organization of,.. I5, 167, i68, 172, 174, 192 Report of-Instructions to,. 184 Constitutional Convention, Republican,.. 274 Constitutions, dates of early,.. 7, 8 Attempt of Queen to Promulgate,.. 22, 34 362 z Index. Liliuokalani's Revolutionary, I6o, 162, 165, 169 to 171 I75, I76 Main features of,..... 175, I76 Of 1887,...... i6 Crown lands, Acquisition by Spreckels,.. 42 Devoted to Homesteads now, 4.. 4, 283 Origin of,....... I8 to 14o Transfer to Government,... 140 Crimes, Scarcity of,....... 44 Davies, T. H., Hostility to American Interests, 68, 6, 92 I)ecoration Day, Observance of in HIonolulu,. 58 Dole, President, Character of,... 196 Conservative Policy of,....219 Consultation with Wiltse,... 20 Demand of, on Willis for intentions,. 264, 270, 27I Demand on, by Willis to Surrender,..270 Favorable to Kaiulani,.. 92 Joining of Revolution by,.. 192, 193 Dupont, Report of Admiral on Hawaii,.. 290 Education, Lands set apart for, Electors. (See "' Voters.") English. (See "British.") England America's natural rival and foe, Value of Hawaii to, * I43 287. 286, 288 Fibres, Production of,......128 Foreign Aggression. (See " British" and " French,") 226 Foreign Representatives, Recogition of Provisional Government by,... 204, 205 Fourth ofJuly, celebration of in Hawaii,.. 221 France, Recognition of Hawaiian Independence,. 235 French Aggression in Hawaii,..6, 9, 226 to 236 Fruits, Hawaiian,.... 16, 128 to 130 Gambling,. Game, Shooting,. 89 97 to 99 Index. 363 Games and Sports, ancient,. 85 to 91, 96 to 99 Gibson, W. M.,...., 12, I6 Government Building at Honolulu, Description of,. 46 Government of Hawaii, Early,.. 6, 7 Grand Army Post in Hawaii,... 58 Gresham, Demand of damages from Hawaii,..281 Interview of Royalists with,.. 277 Refutation of charges made by... 173 Haleakala, Description of Crater,... 47 Hawaii, Description of Island of,. 48, I50 Discovery, Early History,...., 5 Location-Distances from otherpoints,. 4, 5 Strategic value of,... 284 to 297 Hawaiian Government. (See " Government.") People. (See " Population," " Natives.") Hilo, Defensibility of,..... 29 Description of town,. 149, I50 Visit of Boston and Stevens to,... 45 Holidays, Celebration of American in Hawaii, 58, 220, 221 Honolulu, Defensibility of,. 29I, 292, 296 Description of,. 4, 36 to 49 Guards, Record of,.... 90 Hospital at Honolulu, Description of,.. 47 Hotel, Hawaiian, Description of,.. 44 Hula, Description of,... 75, 76 Given by Liliuokalani,.. 52 Secret exhibitions of,.. 53 Idolatry, Ancient...... o00, 112 Revival of by Kalakaua and Liliuokalani,. 12, 113 Idols, Manufacture of,...... o6 Independence of Hawaii impossible,.... 131 Heretofore preserved by U. S.,.. 9 Insurrection of 1895,.....278, 279 Irrigation, ancient,...... 17 Recognition of by France and England,.. 235 By United States,... 9 364 Index. Japan, Power of,..... 285 Japanese demands against Hawaii,.. 240 Hostility to Provisional Government,.. 213, 218 Immigration, beginning and character of,. 70, 71 Minister, offer of to protect Americans,. 269, 270 Number and character of,.. 68, 239, 240 Treaty, Terms of,.....23 Johnson, Hawaiian policy of President,.. 238 Kahunas, Death caused by,... 74 Licensed by Kalakaua,.. 1 II3 Office of,.....I02 Kaiulani, Dole favorable to,.. 192 Control of by Davies,. 1 92 Kalakaua blood distrusted,..... I93 Bribery of,. I5, 83 Coronation of,..... 4 Death of,.. I8, 19 Election of and riot,.. 9, 10 Extravagance of,... 12 to 14 Family, Enemy of Natives,.. 64 Origin, Character, and Policy of,. I, II, 2 Patron of the Hula,.... 76 Race hatred fostered by, ~. ~. 35 Reign of,......*. I Revival of heathenism by,.... 112,113 Kamehameha I, Division of Lands by,.. 36 History of,....... 7 School, Founding and description of,. 47 Third, Division of lands by,... 37 to I41 Kamehamehas, Policy of, ~.. 34, 35 Kilauea, Description of Volcano of,.. 154 to I58 Land Commission, Appointment and work of, 139, 140 Land, Division by Kamehameha I,.. I36 By Kamehameha III,..I3 to 1 Laws,.. 283 Index. 365 Present owernership of, Survey Bureau,. Tenure of Hawaiian, Lava-Flows, Descri.ption of, Legislative Corruption in 1892, Legislature, First meeting of Republican, Of 1892, Political parties in, Prorogation of, January, 1893, Leper settlement, Description of, Leprosy, Origin and treatment of, Liberal Party, Composition of, Liliuokalani, Abdication of, Accession to Throne, Ancestry of, Attempt of Willis to restore,. 262 * 143 144 132 to 140 I51, 52 60 to 63 282. 24 34, I6o to 164 81, 82 79 to 82. 24 280 19, 20 22 263, 266, 267 To promulgate Constitution,... 170 Appeal to Stevens for protection,.. 203 Appearance of at Prorogation of Legislature, I64, 165 Available forces of,.... 251, 252 Beheading proposition by,.... 262 Causes of opposition to,.. 28, 29, 223, 224 Connection of with revolution of 1889,. 17, i8 Conviction of for Insurrection,. 280 Demand of Willis for restoration of,. 270 Hostility to American interests,.. 27 Hula given by,....... 52 Intriguing by,...... 212, 220 Military Preparations of,... 180, 189, 2o6 Opposition to Constitution of I887,. I7 Overthrow of,....... 207 Personal Appearance of,.. 52 Policy and character of,. 20, 21, 22 Power of attorney to Neumann,. 211 Proclamation abandoning new Constitution, I8o, 181 Prorogation of Legislature by,.. 6 to I64 Restoration of demanded by Willis,. 270 Revival of heathenism by,.. 112, 1I3 366 Index. Revolutionary Constitution. (See "Constitution.") Revolutionary status of,..... 74 Salary of, why stopped,. 220 Salute by Boston troops to,.. 87 Senate investigation concerning overthrow of, 272, 273 Speech concerning new Constitution,.. 69 Support of, by British Minister,.. 225 Support of Idolatry by,.... 73 Surrender of,.. 203, 204, 209 Treatment of by Provisional Government,. 21 Wilcox Revolution, who put down by,.. 90 Loan, British, attempted in 892,.. 29 Lottery, Bill passed,... 32 Franchise, Influence in Politics, Loui iana Lottery. (See "Lottery.") Luau, Description of a, Macfarlane, E. C... Macfarlane Cabinet voted out, Marcy, Annexation Treaty of, Mass-meeting, called by Committee of Safety, IF 33 30, 59, 63 55 to 57 26, 29 29, 30 237 77, I78, 184 Forbidden by Marshal,.. 81 Of I887,...... I5 Of Royalists,...... 80, 185 Maui, description of Island of,.... 147 Meats, aboriginal supply of,.... I20 Military forces. (See " Liliuckalani.") (See " Committee of Safety.") Preparations to enforce Queen's Constitution, I66 Tactics, ancient,... 93, 94 Minister. (See " Cabinet.") -*Missionaries, arrival of American,... 7, 12 Monarchy, abrogation desired in 1887,... 17 Cause of overthrow of,.. 35, 64, 223, 224 Stevens not party to overthrow of,...I46 Museum, Bishop,.. 47, 48 Index. 367 Nancy Hanks Cabinet,.. 30 National Reform Party-How composed,.. 24 Natives, character,. 59, 6o, 64, 84 Abject condition of, under chiefs,. 133 to 135 Cause of decrease of,... 77 Character and origin of,.. 71, 72, 73 Games and sports,... 85 to 9gi, 96 to ( 9 Number of,......68 Retention in office of,.... 219 Naval Policy in Hawaii. (See "American Naval Policy.") Neckar Islcand, attempt of England to secure,. 277 Neumann, departure of, for Washington, pay of, 211 Paul, description of,...... 203 Nordhoff, hostility to Provisional Govt.,. 255 to 258 Libelous articles by,.... 256 Protection by Blount from libel suits,. 256 Relations with Blount, 255 to 258 Oahu College,....... 46 Opium Bill passed,...... 32 Influence in politics,.. 30, 59, 63 License, Bribery of Kalakaua for,.. 15 Natives addicted to,.... 83 Palace, description and cost of,... 45, 46 Parker, Sam,..... 29 Paulet, seizure of Hawaii by,... 232, 233 Pearl Harbor,...... 41 Description and defense of,... 291 to 297 Opposition of Davies to American control of,. 192 Races at,........ 53 Treaty of 1887,.... 239, 295 People. (See " Natives." "Population.") Pineapples, Production of,..... 129, 130 Population. Number and nationality of,.... 68 Number of white born in Hawaii,...69 368 Index. Of Hawaii, Aboriginal, Of Honolulu,. Portuguese, character of,. Number of, Primacy of the Pacific, 6 36, 38 69 68, 69 13 Prisoners, 'reatment ot, 95 Products of Hawaii,.. 14 to I30 Protectorate, American, Proclamation of,.. 215 American, reasons for establishing,... 214 American, removal of,..... 221 Protestants, number of,...... 67 Provisional Government, appointment of Annexation Commission,.. 2II Character of,...224 Character of supporters of,.. 207 Establishment of,... I94 Forces, number and disposition of, I78, I8o, 189, 190 Hostility of British Minister to,.. 225 Japanese hostility to,.... 23, 218 Military preparation against British,... 2I7 Organization of,... 192, I96, 97, 198 Preparations to resist restoration,... 265 Recognition of by foreign governments,. 204, 205 Request to Wiltse for recognition of,. 201, 202 Surrender of Liliuokalani to,... 203, 204 Treatment of Liliuokalani by,... 212 Reciprocity Treaty, effect of, Negotiation of,. Reform Party, how composed, Religion, Early Hawaiian, Religious Census of Hawaii, Republic of Hawaii, organization of, Resources of Hawaii, Restoration, End of, First knowledge of in Honolulu, Further instructions concerning, 124, 242,243. 238 24 75, Ioo00 to I05, III 67 273 to 275. 14 to 130.272 263.267 Index. 369 Of Liliuokalani, demand of Willis for,.. 270 Of Queen, rumors of,. 259, 260 Preparations of Government to resist,. 265 Wilson's programme,......266 Revolutions caused by Kalakaua and Liliuokalani, 35 Of I887,.. I5, I6, 190 Of I889.I7, I,, 190 Of I895,... 278, 279 Royalist Club, Formation of,.. 219 Commissioner, appointment of,. 211 Committee, interview with Gresham,. 277 Corruption,.... 6o to 63 Insurrection of 1895,. 2 78, 279 Russian aggression,.. 226 Samoa, Hawaiian Protectorate over,..I3 Sandwich Islands, Origin of name,.. 5 Schofield, Report of, concerning Pearl HIarb;r, 294, 295 Senate investigation concerning Hawaii,. 272, 273 Seward, Annexation policy of,... 238 Skerritt, Arrival of Admiral,.. 216 Snakes, Absence of,...43 Soper, J. H., appointed Military Commander,. I92 Sorcery, effect of,..74., II1, III Spain, early claims of, in Pacific,.. 284 Spreckels, Advocacy of oligarchy,. 257 And Annexation Club,... 258 Control of Government by,.... 142 Control of Nordhoff by,.. 258 Hostility to Provisional Government,.. 257 Protection of by Blount,.... 258 Relations with Nordhoffand Blount,. 255 to 258 Stevens, exoneration of by U. S. Senate, 272, 273 Jno. L., action of and opposition to,.. 26 Jno. L., attack on by Royalists,.. 34 Not scheming for annexation,. 145, 146 Visit of to Iilo,.. 45 370 Index. Strategic value of Hawaii, Sugar, Production of, Surf-riding,. Survey Bureau, work of, 284 to 297. 123 to 125. 86 1 I44 Tabu, Abolition of, Character and application of, Taro, Description and cultivation of, Temperature of Honolulu, Thomas, Admiral, Restoration by, Trade, Early development of, Treaty. (See "Annexation Treaty.") (See "t Reciprocity Treaty.") First American,. Treaties, Commission to negotiate in 1842, Troops, American, attack fioon expected, Troops, Boston, Aid of requested by Queen, At Arion Hall,.. Inspection of by Deputy Marshal, Instructions of Wiltse to, Landing and disposition of, I77, I83, Neutrality of,..., 191, 194, Why landed, United States. (See "American.") Hawaiian Independence due to, Volcanoes, Description of Hawaiian, Of Kilauea, Description of, Road, Description of, Voters, Qualifications of Hawaiian,. 112 6, 103, 104 I17, II8 37.66 233 121 to 123 8. 231, 232 269 208, 209 ~ I88. 190 i. 86 184, I87, I90 201, 205, 208 I79, 182. 6 I5. to I55 154 to I58 I53 ~ i6 Waikiki, Description of,... 42 Warfare, Ancient Hawaiian,..92 to 95 Walker, Admiral, Ordered away from Honolulu, 278 Reports of,..... 276, 277 Webster, Policy of concerning Hawaii,... 234 Whites disfranchised by Liliuokalani's constitution, I76 Index. 37I Wilcox Cabinet, News of fall of, I59 Conspiracy of I892,....22, 23 Jones Cabinet,.. 31 Revolution of I889,.. 17, I8 Willis, Arrival of Minister,. 261 Bishop, Character of,...67 Demand for intentions of by Dole,. 264, 270 Demand on Dole to restore Queen,. 270 Further instructions for restoration,. 267 Hostility to Provisional Government,.. 273 Negotiations to restore Queen, 262, 263, 266, 267 Refusal of Dole to surrender on demand of,. 271 Report to Gresham of beheading proposition, 262 Wilson, Marshal, Character of, Statement given Blount, Statement of royal plans by, Support of Queen,. Wiltse, Captain, Attitude of, Decision to land troops, Departure of, Instructions concerning troops, Reception to,.. 2, 206 250, 251. 205 172, I73 201 I82 2I6 I83 220 Wodehouse. (See " British Minister.") 3 9015 01289 3007 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD 1ii ii i ii ii i i i DII