f -17 1 ( 6, I -., P. 4w %./ - LIBBRARY O.F THE 7r7 56< 4 r 1. OF RHODE ISLAND. 1647-1800. A LIST OF ALL OFFICERS ELECTED BY THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY FROM THE ORGANIZATION OF THE LEGISLATIVE GOVERNMENT OF THE COLONY TO 1800. COMPILED FROM THE RECORDS BY JOSEPH JENCKS SMITH. PROVIDENCE, R. I. PRESTON AND ROUNDS CO. 1900. COPYRIGHT, 190), BY JOSEPH JENCKS SMITH. PRESS OF E. L. FREEMAN & SONS, CENTRAL FALLS, R. I. a- / 7- f7r PREFACE. This compilation originated in a desire to place in some tangible form the names of the early settlers and their successors who were honored by being elected to fill the civil and military offices of the colony, the compiler being well convinced that it could not fail to be of considerable interest to the families of the present generation to learn that their ancestors were of such sterling quality as to have been selected for such positions of trust and responsibility as would seem to have been required in the earlier period of our history. And I have also presumed, with still more confidence, that the records of the officers of the Colonial and Revolutionary wars would be received with possibly even greater interest by their descendants, who ought to entertain-the most impressive sense of gratitude for the patriotic ardor of their ancestors. From the earliest period a militia force was ordered for defence of the colony, and all the officers, as found in the records, are herewith given, whose training and drill kept alive and perfected the martial spirit which proved so capable in the trying emergencies that arose during the Colonial and Revolutionary wars and more recent controversies. The commanding officers of the colony, and of the regiments of the Island and the Main Land, were given as early as 1675, but until May, 1714, scarcely any mention of the different company officers of militia appears upon the records. The duties of justice of the peace, or magistrate, were executed by members of the General Assembly or Court (elected by the freemen) in the towns from which they were elected before May, 1700. Afterwards these offices were delegated to conservators, or justices of the peace, selected and commissioned by the General Assembly. iv The duties of the higher offices of justice were also executed by the Governor and members of the General Assembly (elected by the freemen) as a General Court, until the special appointments of a County Court, an Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace, May, 1728; a Court of Equity, May, 1742; and a Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery, May, 1748; and a Supreme Judicial Court, June, 1799. Various laws were passed from the beginning of legislative government relating to the civil and military offices, till these affairs were well established, about 1700, a few of which it may seem proper to note: "1647. May. That Six Men in each Towne shall be chosen, in Whom the General Court shall continue, and that each Towne Shall have the choice of their men if they please, or if any Towne refuse, the Court shall choose for them. It'is enacted by this present assembly, that for matters of greater Weight and moment, there shall be erected a General Court of Tryalls for the whole Colonie, and General officers for the Administration of Justice. The President shall sitt as Chief Judge, with the assistants. That the President and assistants shall have such a Commission by which they shall be Conservators of the Peace in the same Towne where they live, and throu out the whole Colonie. That there is free liberty granted to the Free Inhabitants of the Province (if they will) to erect an Artillery Garden, and those that are desirous to advance the art Military, shall have freedom to exercise them selves therein, and to agree to their form, and Choose their officers, and they shall agree among them selves. That all ye Inhabitants in each Towne shall choose their Military officers from among themselves on the first Tuesday after the 12th of March. And that eight several times in the yeare the Bands of each Plantation or Towne shall openlie in the field, be exercised and disciplined by their Commanders and officers; the months of May, August, January, and February, excepted, and on the 1st Monday of ye other Months to make their personal appearance armed, to attend their colors by 8 o'clock in the Morning at the Second beat of the Drum." "1649. That should one chosen Captain of the Train Band refuse the place, and accepting the place, neglect to train the Band upon the Days appointed, he shall forfeit five pounds, and the Lieftenant, in like manner, fifty shillings. That if a President elected shall refuse to serve in that General Office, that then he shall pay a fine of ten pounds, and the General Assistant that refuseth to serve after being choosen, shall pay a fine of five pounds. v That he that hath most voates next to him that refuseth, shall supply the place of him that refuseth. That the Town Magistrates of the Town wheare the General Court of Tryalls shall be, shall sit in Court with the General Officers, and have equall authority to voate and Act with the General Officers." "1651. That the lawe making Assemblie of this Collonie shall Consist of six men of every Towne of this Collonie, and that these six men of every Town shall be chosen by the free inhabitants of every severall Towne, and the major vote of this assembly shall Acte in making lawes." "1664. That Two Courts of Trialls in the year be held upon the Mayne at Providence and Warwicke to the value of and under Ten Pounds, and not to sitt without Three Assistants each, and that at Providence Court, there shall be at least one assistant from Warwicke, and that at Warwicke Court, at least one assistant from Providence. Furthermore, when the Court is held at Providence, the Assistant first elected of that Towne, shall sitt as Judge of that Court, and at Warwicke, the assistant first elected, shall sitt as Judge of that Court. At Providence 2nd Tuesday in September, annual. Warwicke " March, annually. "1703. That Two Inferior Courts of Common Pleas shall be appointed each year at Newport, for Rhode Island County. That there shall be Two Inferior Courts of Common Pleas on the Main.Land (Providence Plantation) at: Providence and Warwick 1st year. Kingstown and Westerly 2nd year. That the Clarke of the Train Band shall return the names of the Military officers within two days after their election, unto the Governor, or chiefest Magistrate in each Towne, to be by him returned to the General Recorder to be recorded." 1686. Sir Edmund Andros assumed authority over the Colony by appointment from Great Britain, and there were no sessions of the General Assembly, but affairs of State were conducted by officers of his selection till 1691, as herewith given: Rhode Island Members of Sir Edmund Adros 1st Council, held at Boston: John Coggeshall, Richard Arnold, Walter Clarke, Walter Newbury, John Alborough. From 1687 to 1691. Court of Quarter-Session held Newport & Rochester: Judge Francis Brinley, Chairman. vi Lt.-Col. Peleg Sanford, Maj. Richard Smith, Capt. John Fones, Capt. Arthur Fenner, Capt. James Pendleton, John Coggeshall, Caleb Carr, Sr., Symon Ray, Randall Holden. 1687. Constables: Henry Briteman, Newport. George Sisson, Thomas Durfee, of Portsmouth. Jacob Mott, Robert Westgate, Jireh Bull, John IEaston, Jr., John Headley, William Hancock, New Shoreham. Joseph Mowry, Jamestown. Justice of the Peace, Kings Province: Capt. John Fones. Overseers of the Poor: John Maxon, John Fairfield, Haversham. James Reynolds, Samuel Albro, Rochester. Capt. Clement Weaver, John Heath, Dept ford. Nathaniel Waterman, Pardon Tillinghast, Shadrack Manton, Providence. Samuel Stafford, Moses Lippitt, Warwick. Nicholas Carr, Oliver Arnold, James Towne. Gideon Freeborn, John Borden, Mathew Borden, Portsmouth. John Woodman, Benedict Arnold, Lawrence Turner, Peter Easton, Newport. Robert Guthridge, Nathaniel Niles, New Shoreham. Lt.-Col. Peleg Sanford, Thomas Ward, Newport. 1688. Constables: Sam'l Whipple, Gideon Crawford, Ephraim Pierce, Providence. Nicholas Cotterill, Joseph Stanton, Haversham. James Carder, John Rhodes, Warwick. Jeremiah Smith, Thomas Durfee, John Keas, Ports mouth. William Gardiner, Rochester. George Cook, James Towne. William Rathbone, New Shoreham. vii Nathaniel Coddington, Shubael Painter, Benjamin Sherman, Newport. Sealer at Portsmouth: Robert Lawton. 1690. Special Constable throughout the Mlain Land: Capt. Andrew Edmonds. General Sergeant: Charles Tillinghast. Portsmouth Train Band: Capt. Albro, Lt. Cook. Prior to the organizing of legislative government, the towns of Providence, Portsmouth, and Newport each maintained a local government, selecting their own officers, both civil and military, entirely separate and independent of each other, though afterwards embraced in the same colony. Warwick never exercised any power of government nor proceeded to elect any officers until the organization of Government in 1647, but by charter from Earl of Warwick, dated March, 1643, which went into effect May, 1647, these three towns were granted all the privileges of selfgovernment, under the name of The Incorporation of Providence Plantations in Narragansett Bay in New England. Warwick's first action as a town was in August, 1647. Westerly: May, 1669. New Shoreham: 1672. Kings Towne: 1674. East Greenwich: 1677. James Towne: 1678. In presenting this compilation to the General Assembly, to whom I am indebted for its publication, I cannot refrain from acknowledging gratitude for their appreciation of the undertaking, with a sincere trust that the result may not appear unworthy of their interest. To the Honorable Secretary of State, Charles P. Bennett, are due the hearty thanks of the compiler for his earnest cooperation. JOSEPH JENCKS SMITH. I I f I f, I' CIVIL AND MILITARY LIST, 1647-1800. 1647. May. First officers of the Colony of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (by election by freemen): (President: John Coggeshall. Assistants: Providence, Roger Williams. Portsmouth, John Samford. Newport, William Coddington. Warwick, Randall Houlden; General Recorder: William Dyre. Treasurer: Jeremy Clarke. Water Bailies: John Cooke, Thomas Brownell. 1648. May. Clarke of the Assembly: N General Sarjent: AlexandE First General Court Tryalls Providence: Thomas Olneye, Thomas Harris, William Wickenden, Robert Williams, Gregory Dexter. Villiam Dyre. ar Partridge. Newport: Mr. Easton, Moderator. William Dyre, Clerk. John Clarke, James Weeden, James Barker, Joseph Clarke. Portsmouth: Capt. Moris, John Tripp, t George Layton, William Almy, John Briggs, Samuel Wilbor, Jr. Warwick: John Smith,. Ezekiel Holyman, John Warner,,Robert Potter, Christopher Helmes, Peter Greene. 2 1648. May. Officers appointed to call together their townsmen to elect their town officers: Newport, Mr. Easton. Portsmouth, JIr. Porter, Mr. Samford. Warwick, Mr. Weeks. Mar. Clarke of Assembly: John Warner. 1649. May. 1650. General Sarjent: Richard Knight. To have leave to sell a little Wine or Strong Water to some natives in theare sickness: Mr. Roger Williams. Traine Band at Newport: Capt. Clarke, Lieut. Dyre, Ensign Barker. Generall Sarjent: Richard Knight. First Generall Atturney: William Dyre. First Generall Solicitor: Hugh Buit. Appointed Gun Smiths for the Colony: Capt. Richard Morris, George Blisse, James Badcock, Peter Bussecote, William Havens, Gabriel Hick. 1651. Generall Sarjeant and Water Bayley: Hugh Bewitt. Nov. Clarke of the Assembly: John Greene, Jr. Agents to England: For Providence & Warwick, Roger Williams. For Newport and Portsmouth, Dr. John Clark. [Newport and Portsmouth having declined and fallen off from the established order of civil government and incorporation, Providence and Warwick stand alone, as before, by virtue of charter granted by that Honorable State of Ould England.] 1652. May. Generall Sarjeant: Hugh Bewitt. Oct. " Samuel Bennet. 1653. Generall Sarjeant, Providence Plantations: Hugh Bewitt. 6" Rhode Island: Richard Knight. Commissioned as privateers to go against the Dutch: Capt. John Underhill, Newport. " William Dyre, " " Edward Hull, " 3 1653. June. Traine Band, Providence*: Lieutenant, Thomas Harris. Ensign, John Smith, Miller. Sergeant, Benjamin Smith. Corporal, Thomas Hopkins. (" James Aston. Clerk, John Sayles. [The differences and obstructions amongst the foure Towns of the Colony having been dispelled, a permanent unity is formed.] 1654. Generall Sarjeant and Water Bayle: Richard Knight. Aug. Clarke of the Assembly: William Lytherland. To Revise the Laws:- Ezekiel Holyman, John Greene, Jr. May. Commission granted "to the vessel Debora," to defend themselves, and to offend the enemies of the Commonwealth of England. 1655. Generall Sargeant: George Parker. Generall Solicitor: John Green, Jr. Providence Magistrates*: Richard Waterman, Thomas Harris. Keepers of Ordinaries appointed: Providence: Newport: Roger Mowrie, Robert Griffin, Richard Perry. William Lytherland. Portsmouth: WVarwick: Ralph Earle, Ptukely Westcoate, John Anthonie, >Robert Potter. also William Baulston. 1656. May. Generall Sargeant: George Parker. Generall Solicitor: Richard Bulgar. Oct. Generall Sargeant: Richard Knight in room of George Parker, dec'd. 1657. May. Generall Sargeant: Richard Knight. Generall Solicitor: James Rogers. 1658. May. Generall Sargeant and Water Bayley: Richard Knight. * Providence Records. 4 1658. May. Oct. Mar. 1659. May. Generall Solicitor: James Rogers. Wardens for Providence: Richard Waterman, John Sayles. Wardens for Warwicke: Ezekiel Holyman, John Greene, Jr. Edward Smith. Generall Sargeant and Solicitor: James Rogers. Chosen to make out Western Line of the Colony: Arthur Fenner, Capt. Thomas Cooke, John Crandall, Lieut. Robert Westcott. 1660. May. Generall Sargeant: James Rogers. Generall Solicitor: Richard Bulgar. Oct. Colony Agent in England; John Clarke, Physician. May. Generall Serjant: James Rogers. Generall Solicitor: Peter Tallman. 1661. 1662. Generall Sarjent: James Rogers. Solicitor: Richard Bulgar. 1663. May. Generall Sargent: James Rogers. Generall Solicitor: Richard Bulgar. Nov. Generall Officers appointed by the Charter: Governor, Benedict Arnold. Dept. Gov., William Brenton. Assistant, William Baulston, John Porter, Roger Williams, Thomas Olneye, John Smith, John Cogeshall, James Barker, William Ffeild, " Joseph Clark, Mar. " Randall Howlden in room of John Smith of Warwick, dec'd. Capt. John Cranston, Lycenced and Commissioned Doctor of Phissick and Chirrurgery. 1664. May. Generall Sargent: James Rogers. 5 1664. May. Solissetor: Larrance Torner. Selectmen or Wardens at Block Island: James Sands, Thomas Terry. To Revise the Laws: John Clark, Capt. John Sanford, Roger Williams, " John Green, Left. Joseph Torrey. Oct. Commissioners to treat with Connecticut agents: John Clark, Capt. John Green, Left. Joseph Torrey. Commissioners to Run the Eastern Line: Dept. Gov. William Brenton, Roger Williams, William Baulston, Capt. Randall Howlden, or, if hee faile, Zachary Roades. Commissioners to meet Plymouth Commissioners: Capt. John Sanford, Capt. John Cranston, John Clark, -Roger Williams, Randall Howlden. 1665. Generall Sargent: James Rogers. Generall Solissitor: William Dyre. 1666. May. Generall Sargent: James Rogers. Generall Solissiter: William Dyre. To Revise the Laws: John Clark. And after their composure, To Reveiw: The Recorder, John Sanford, William Harris, John Greene. 1667. May. Generall Sargent: James Rogers. Generall Solicitor: Edward Richmond. Constable for the Town of Portsmouth: An Clerk of the Counceill: William Dyre. Appointed Gun Smiths for the Colony: Capt. Richard Morris, George Halsey, John Audley, Emanuell Wooly, Henry Stevens, Gabriell Hick. July. Drummer'for the Assembly: Job Hawkins. thony Emery. 6 1667. July. Troop of Horse for the Island: Capt. Peleg Sanford, Lieft. John Almye. Enlisted in the Troop: Gov. William Brenton, a horse, furniture, and rider. William Baulston, Samuell Willber, William Reape, Henry Dyre, John Sanford, Joseph Holdes, Nathaniel Johnson, Ralph Earle, Sr., Joseph Wellington, James Barker, Jr., John Easton, Jr., William Smyton, Francis Brayton, William Briggs, David Leake, Hugh Parsons, Thomas Briggs, Samuel Albro. 1668. 1669. Train Band upon the Island: Capt. John Cranston, Sept. Lieut. Joseph Torrey. Generall Sargant: James Rogers. Generall Solicitor: William Dyre. Oct. Clerk of Assembly: Joseph Torrey. Mar. An Atturney allowed any one who may be indicted. Generall Sargent: James Rogers. Generall Solicitor: Edward Richmond. Commissioners to treat with Connecticutt agents: John Crandall, Joseph Torrey. Conservators of the Peace: Misquamsacutt or Westerly: John Crandall, Tobias Saunders. Petaquamscut: Samuel Wilson, Jireh Bull. Narragansett or Acquidnessett: Richard Smith, Samuell Dyre. Aug. Quonanicut Island: John Homes, John Remington, Michaell Kelly. 1670. May. Generall Sargant: James Rogers. Generall Solicitor: Edward Richmond. Commissioners to meet at New London, Conn.: Capt. John Greene, Joseph Torrey, Richard Bailey. 7 1670. June. Agents to England: John Clarke of Rhode Island, Physitian. Capt. John Greene of Warwick. Messengers to Connecticut: John Crandall, Joseph Torrey, Jr. 1671. May. Generall Sargant: James Rogers. Generall Solicitor: William Harris. Constable for Pettaquamscutt: Robert Crofts. Conservator of the Peace: William Hefernan, in jointe with Samuel Wilson & Jereh Bull. Train Band: Lieut., Jireh Bull; Clerk, William Hefernan. Conservator of the Peace, Acquidnesitt: Thomas Gould, in jointe with Richard Smith & Samuel Dyre. Counstable: James Reynolds. Train Band: Lieut., Thomas Gould; Clerk, John Briggs. Messenger to Plymouth: Thomas Cornell. Agent to England: Dept. Gov. John Clarke. Apr. Appointed to view places fitt for Towns, at Narragansett: Newport, Lt. Joseph Torrey. Portsmouth, Thomas Cornell. Providence, Ephraim Carpenter. Warwicke, Samuel Gorton, Jr. Constable at Providence: Leonard Smith. 1672. May. 1673. May. Generall Sargant: James Rogers. Generall Solicitor: Edward Richmond. Commissioners to settle difference with Connecticut Colony: Richard Smith, John Clarke refusing, Francis Brinley, - Roger Williams in his place. John Easton, Capt. Randall Houlden, John Sanford, Recorder. Jireh Bull. To place King's Province in a posture of Defense: Richard Smith. Generall Sargant: James Rogers. Generall Solicitor: Robert Williams. 8 1673. May. [In war with the Dutch, none may be compelled to trayne or fight against their conscience, but shall be required to watch and inform of danger, and to perform civill service.] Keeper of Prison at Newport: Robert Taylor, Rope Maker. Captain in chief of the Colony Military Force: John Cranston. Generall Sargant: James Rogers. Generall Solicitor: Robert Williams. 1674. May. 1675. May. Generall Sargant: James Rogers. Keeper of Weights and Measures, with Seal: Weston Clarke. Apr. Empowed to procure and order the Manageing of Boats to be employed in the Waters of this Bay, for the Collony's Defense: Newport: Portsmouth: Walter Clarke, Capt. John Albro, Capt. John Cranston, Robert Hodgson, John Coggeshall, Robert Hazard. v Caleb Carr. Militia of the Collony: Major, John Cranston. 1676. May. Generall Sargeant: James Rogers. Generall Solicitor: Robert Williams. June. King's Garrison at Providence: Capt. Arthur Fenlier & 8 men. Oct. Discharged. Traine Band at Providence: Capt. Roger Williams. Train Band at Newport: 1st Company, Lieut. Edward Richmond. 2d "C Capt. Andrew Edmonds. Generall Sargeant: Thomas Fry, in room of James Rogers, dec'd. 1677. May. Generall Sargeant: Thomas Fry. Generall Solicitor: Edward Richmond. King's Garrison at Providence: Capt. Arthur Fenner. 9 1677. May. 1678. May. Militia for Collony: Major John Cranston. Keeper of Jail at Newport: Serjeant Henry Lilly. Agents to go to England: Capt. Peleg Sanford, Richard Bailey. Court of Justices of the Peace, Narragansett: Major John Cranston, James Barker, Capt. Peleg Sanford, Richard Bailey, Secretary. Joseph Clarke, Thomas Fry, Sargent. Capt. Samuel Wildbore, John Sanford, Constable. Capt. John Albro, Edmund Calverly, Capt. John Greene, Samuell Gorton, Jr. Generall Sergeant: Thomas Fry. Solicitor: Edmund Calverlye. Militia of the Collony: Major John Cranston, Dept. Gov. June. Surveyors of Narragansett Land: Capt. Peleg Sanford, Benjamin Speere. Nov. John Smith of Newport, in room of Benj. Speere, removed from County. Conservators of the Peace, Kings Province: Westerly: Tobias Sanders, John Badcock. Pettacomscutt: Jireh Bull, Samuell Wilson. Kings Towne: Thomas Gould, John Greene. East Greenwich: John Spencer. Constables: Henry Tibbitts, John Mackandrew, alias, Andrews. Aug. Commissary for the Collony: William Brinley. 1679. May. Generall Sergeant & Solicitor: Edmund Calverly. Militia of the Collony: Major Peleg Sanford. Surveyors of Mount Hope Neck: John Smith, John Borden, his assistant. Oct. To Run the line between Westerly & Kings Provence: Capt. John Albro, John Smith. Mar., removed from Collony. Peleg Tripp in his room. To Revise Laws relating to Probate of Wills and Intestate: Gov. John Cranston, Dept. Gov. Walter Clarke, Thomas Ward, Capt. John Albro, William Wodell. 2 10 1680. May. 1681. May. Generall Sargeant: Edmund Calverly. Solicitor: Robert Williams. Militia of the Collony: Major John Albro. To Revise the Laws: Thomas Ward, Capt. Arthur Fenner, Capt. John Greene, Francis Brinley, John Easton, William Wodell, John Sandford. Generall Sargeant: Thomas Fry. Solicitor: Edmund Calverly. Militia of the Collony: Major John Albro, Sr. Clarke of the Assembly: John Foanes. 1682. May. Generall Sargeant: Edmund Calverly. Solicitor: Richard Barnes., Major of Militia: John Albro, Sr. June. Conservators of the Peace, Kings Towne: John Cole, Capt. John Foanes. Deputy Clerke of Assembly: John Whipple, Jr., refusing Sergeant John Woodman in his room. 1683. May. Generall Sergeant: Edmund Calverly. Major for the Island: John Coggeshall, Sr. c " Main: John Greene. Conservators of the Peace, Kings Towne: Jireh Bull, Capt. John Foanes. Clerk, Daniel Vernon; Treasurer, Samuell Albro. Constables: Thomas Mumford, Henry Gardner, John Andrew, James Hasleton. Sergeant, Job Jennie. Sept. Agents to England: Arthur Fenner, Maj. Peleg Sanford. 1684. May. 1685. May. Generall Sergeant: Edmund Calverly. Generall Solicitor: John Pococke. Major for the Islands: Roger Goulding. (" " Main: John Greene. Clerk of Assembly: Maj. John Greene. Generall Sergeant: Edmund Calverly. Major of the Islands: Roger Goulding. (" " Main: John Greene. 11 1686. May. Generall Sergeant: Edmund Calverly. Major of the Islands: Roger Goulding. " c I Main: John Greene. To Revise the Laws: Major Peleg Sanford, Thomas Ward, John Williams. 1689. May. Major Roger Goulding of Militia on the Islands. " John Greene of Militia on the Main. Generall Sergeant: Thomas Fry. Mar. Conservators of the Peace, Kings Towne: \Henry Bull, Jr., John Watson, James Reynolds, Henry Tibbitts. Deputy Warden for Conanicut: Nicholas Carr. Conservator of the Peace for Westerly: Joseph Clarke. Appointed to make a Seal for the Colony, being the Anchor, with the motto, "Hope": Arnold Collins. 1690. May. Generall Sergeant: Thomas Fry. Major Roger Goulding, Militia of the Islands. " John Greene, Militia of the Main. Sept. Expedition for Block Island against the Enemy: Capt. Thomas Paine, Walter Bayley, Charles Tillinghast, Capt. John Godfrey, and others. Constable: William Allen. Clerk of Assembly: John Greene. 1692. Aug. Train Band of Kings Towne: Capt. Jeoffrey Champlin, Lieut. Thomas Eldridge, Ens. John Eldridge. Train Band of James Town: Capt. Tomas Paine, Lt. Nicholas Carr, Ens. George Cooke. Train Band of Block Island: Capt. John Saunders removed off the Island. 1695. July. Appointed to Run Easterly Line of the Collony: Joseph Jencks, Capt. James Barker, Jonathan Sprague, Capt. Jonathan Holmes, Surveyor John Smith. The Northerly Line: Thomas Olney, Capt. Arthur Fenner, Richard Arnold. Oct. Clerk of Assembly: Joseph Jencks. 12 1695. Oct. Conservator of the Peace for Westerly: Capt. William Champlin, in room of Tobias Sanders, dec'd. 1696. May. Sheriff: Capt. Thomas Townsend. Major John Bliss, Militia of the Islands. " John Greene, " " Main. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Capt. Jonathan Holmes. Warwick: Benjamin Barton. Westerly: Capt. William Champlin. Providence: Joseph Williams. East Greenwich: Capt. Thomas Fry. July. Collector of Impost: Capt. Samual Cranston. 1698. May. Sheriff: Jereth Bull. Major Samuel Cranston, Militia of the Island. " William Hopkins, " " Main. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Capt. Jonathan Holmes. Warwick: Randall Holden. Westerly: Capt. William Champlin, Joseph Clarke, Joseph Hull. Providence: Capt. John Dexter, Jr., Joseph Jencks. To Practice Physic and Chirurgery: Dr. James Holliman. Sealer of Weights and Measures: James Clarke, of Newport. Aug. William Weeden, Clerk of Assembly. Feb. Edward Carr, Clerk of Assembly. To Revise the Laws: Capt. Nathaniell Coddington, Capt. Henry Tew, Weston Clarke, Gov. Samuel Cranston, Thomas Olney, Capt. Andrew Willett. Feb. Commissioners to treat with Connecticut Commissioners: Major John Greene, Capt. Nathaniell Coddington, Thomas Olney, Weston Clarke, Capt. Peleg Sanford. 1699. May. Sheriff: Thomas Mallett. Major Henry Tew, Militia of the Island. Major John Dexter, Militia of the Main. 13S 1699. May. Agent to England: Jahleel Brenton. Commissioners to settle Bounds between the Towns Kings Towne, Westerly and Greenwich: Capt. James Barker of Newport.Capt Richard Arnold, Providence. Capt. Joseph Sheffield, Portsmouth. Benjamin Smith, Warwick. Nicholas Carr, Jamestown. Oct. To Determine and Conclude upon the Boundaries between Collonies of Rhode Island and Connecticut: Thomas Olney, Major Henry Tew, Richard Arnold, Isaac Martindale, Capt. William Champlin, Benjamin Barton. Agent to England: Walter Clarke, he refusing, in his stead: Thomas Olney, also refusing, " Isaac Martindale, " Nov. Weston Clarke, " Major Henry Tew " Capt. Joseph Sheffield. Clerk of House, Isaac Martindale. Ferry Man between Jamestown and Narragansett Shore for seven years: Josiah Arnold, of Jamestown. 1700. May. Sheriff: Thomas Mallett. Major Henry Tew, Militia of the Islands. " John Dexter, " " Maine. Sole Agent for Collony in England: Jahleel Brenton. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Providence: Jonathan Holmes, Joseph Jenks, Jr., John Easton, Jr..Jonathan Sprague. Portsmouth: Warwick: John Borden. Randall Holdings. Kings Towne: Westerly: Capt. Edward Greenman. Capt.William Champlin, East Greenwich: Joseph Clarke, John Spencer. Left. Peter Crandall. Aug. Newport: Westerly: John EaSton. John Maxson, Jr. May. Ferry Men between Newport and Jamestown for Seven years: John Carr of Newport, and Thomas Winterton of Jamestown. 14 1700. May. 1701. May. Sheriff, till further order: Joseph Bennett of Newport. Sheriff: Thomas Mallett. Major Henry Tew, Militia of the Islands. " John Dexter, " Justices of the Peace: Newport: Jonathan Holmes, Capt. John Rogers. Portsmouth: John Burden. Westerly: Joseph Clarke, Capt.William Champlin, Peter Crandall. Maine. Providence: Jonathan Sprague, Lt. Joseph Jencks, Gideon Crawford. Warwick: Randall Houlden. Kings towne: William Hall. Greenwich: Thomas Fry, John Spencer. General Packer and Sealer of Weights and Measures: James Clarke. 1702. May. Sheriff: Francis Pope, but not qualified. (" Thomas Mallett in his stead. Major Henry Tew, Militia of the Islands, refusing. Isaac Martindale, " " John Dexter, Justices of the Peace: Newport: Capt. Jonathan Hulmes, "John Rogers. Portsmouth: Giles Slocum refusing, George Sisson in his room. Westerly: Joseph Clarke, Capt.'William Champlin, William Gibson. " Main. Providence: Major John Dexter, Gideon Crawford, Jonathan Sprague. Warwick: Randall Howlden. Kings towne: Stephen Hazard, William Hall. Greenwich: Capt. Thomas Fry, Lieut. Jno. Spencer. Sealer of Weights and Measures: James Clarke. Commissioners of Ferries: Capt. Joseph Sheffield, John Holmes. Feb. Capt. Joseph Sheffield, Sole Agent to England. Ferry Man, Newport and Jamestown: Jonathan Marsh. 15 1703. May. Sheriff: Captain Francis Pope. Major Nathaniell Coddington, Militia of the Islands. " John Dexter, Justices of the Peace: Newport: Capt. William Brinley, Capt. John Rogers. Portsmouth: George Sisson. Kings town: Thomas Mumford, William Hall. Greenwich: Capt. Thomas Fry, Lieut. John Spencer. C" " Maine. Providence: Jonathan Sprague, Joseph Jencks. Warwick: Richard Greene. Westerly: Capt. William Champlin, Joseph Clarke, Lieut. Peter Crandall. June. Surveyors of Line between Connecticut & Rhode Island: Capt. James Carder of Warwick. John Mumford, Newport. Oct. Major William Hopkins, Providence. To lay out Highways in Kings town: Henry Tibbitts, William Knowles, Lodowick Updike, Thomas Eldridge, James Newton, John Smith, Christopher Allen, Joseph Case, Benjamin Greene, Andrew Willett, Henry Gardner, Baziah Browne. Jan. To Revise the Laws and fit them for the Press: Gov. Samuel Cranston, Major Nathaniell Coddington, Weston Clarke; ordered Printed. To lay out Highways at Jamestown: John Mumford, James Carder. Clerk of Assembly: Simon Smith. 1704. May. Sheriff: Captain Francis Pope. Major Henry Tew, Militia of the Island. " John Dexter, " "c Main Land. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Westerly: Capt. William Brinley, Capt. William Champlin, Capt. Nathaniell Shef- Joseph Clarke, field, he refusing, Capt. John Rogers. James Noyes Portsmouth: in his place, Benjamin Hall. Peter Crandall. 16 1704. May. Providence: Kingstown: Capt. John Fenner, Thomas Mur Left. Samuel Wilkinson, William Hau Left. Joseph Jencks. Greenwich: Warwick: Capt. Thoma Randall Holden. Left. John S Wardens at Jamestown: Capt. Nicholas Carr, Daniell Coggeshall. Sealer of Weights and Measures: James Clarke. To assist in revising the Laws: Major Henry Tew, Capt. Joseph Sheffield. Nov. Commission to Brigantine Charles, Privateer: Capt. John Halsey. Feb. Quota of 48 men against French and Indians: Capt. Jonathan Turner, of Kingstown. Clerk of House: Edward Carr. nford, ill. s Fry, pencer. 1705. May. Sheriff: William Coddington: Major William Wanton, Militia of the Islands. " John Dexter, " " Main Land. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Providence: Capt. Nathaniell Shef- Capt. Thomas Fenner, field, Phillip Tillinghast, Edward Smith. Eleazer Arnold. Portsmouth: Warwick: Benjamin Hall. Simon Smith. Westerly: Kings town: Capt.William Champlin, Thomas Mumford, Peter Crandall, William Hall. James Noyes. Greenwich: Capt. Thomas Fry, Pardon Tillinghast. Sealer of Weights and Measures: James Clarke. To Revise Laws, and have them Printed: Major Nath'el Coddington, Capt. Joseph Sheffield, Left. Joseph Jencks, Simon Smith. To Run Line North from Pawtuxet Falls to South Line of Province of Massachusetts, thence to Line R. I. and Conn.: Major William Hopkins, Joseph Jencks, Thomas Olney. June. Clerk of House, John Coggeshall, Jr. 17 1705. Aug. 1706. May. Clerk of House: Lieut. Simon Smith. Sheriff: William Coddington. Major Henry Tew, Militia of the Islands. " Randall Holding, " Justices of the Peace: Newport: Capt. John Rogers, Capt. Nath'll Sheffield, Edward Smith. Portsmouth: Giles Slocum, Jr., John Coggeshall. Westerly: Capt.William Champlin, Peter Crandall, James Noye. " Main Land. Providence: Capt. Thomas Fenner, Eleza Arnold, Phillip Tillinghast. Warwick: Simon Smith. Kings town: Stephen Hazard, William Hall. Greenwich: Capt. Thomas Fry, Pardon Tillinghast. Packer, Sealer and Gager: James Clarke. Feb. Clerke of House: Jonathan Sprague. To Run the Northern Boundary Line: Thomas Olney, Capt. Joseph Jencks, Capt. Richard Arnold, Jonathan Sprague, Major Randall Holden, Capt. James Carder. In Command of Quota against Enemies: Col. John Wanton. Commissary: Capt. James Browne. 1707. May. Sheriff: Nicholas Lange. Major, William Wanton, Militia of the Islands. " Randall Holden, Justices of the Peace: Newport: Capt. Nath'll Sheffield, Lieut. Edward Smith, Serg. Edward Thurston. Portsmouth: Benjamin Hall, Capt. Caleb Arnold, Daniel Pearce. Westerly: Capt.WilliamChamplin, Peter Crandall, Isaac Thomson. (" Main. Providence: Phillip Tillinghast, Richard Waterman, Eleazer Arnold. Warwick: Capt. Simon Smith. Kings town: Stephen Hassard, Christopher Allen, William Hall. Greenwich: Capt. Thomas Fry, Pardon Tillinghast. 3 18 1707. May. Packer Gauger and Sealer: James Clarke. Clerk of House: John Rhodes. Oct. " " Capt. Simon Smith. Wardens at James Towne: Capt. Edward Carr, John Weden. 1708. May. Sheriff: Nicholas Lange. Major, William Wanton, Militia of the Islands. " Joseph Jencks, Justices of the Peace: Newport: Capt. Nath'll Sheffield, Capt. Edward Thurston, Capt. James Brown. Portsmouth: John Coggeshall, Joseph Cooke, he refusing, Capt. William Arnold in his place. Prudence: Daniel Perce. Westerly: Capt.William Champlin, Peter Crandall, Isaac Thomson. " Main Land. Providence: Phillip Tillinghast, Richard Waterman, Eleazer Arnold. Warwick: Capt. Simon Smith. Kings town: William Hall, Samuel Fones, Thomas Mumford. Greenwich: Capt. Thomas Fry, Pardon Tillinghast. Aug. Oct. Mar. Clerk of House: Capt. Simon Smith. CC " " "c Thomas Fry. Agent in England: William Wharton. 1709. May. Militia of the Island: Major, William Wanton. Militia of Main Land: Major, Joseph Jenks. Sheriff: Nicholas Lang. Clerk of House: Capt. Edward Carr. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Portsmouth: Capt. Nath'll Sheffield, Capt. William Arnold, Capt. Ed. Thurston, Benjamin Hall, Capt. Jeames Brown. Jeremiah Smith. Providence: Warwick: Philip Tillinghast, Capt. Simon Smith. Richard Waterman, Elezer Arnold. 19 1709. May. Westerly: Capt.William Champlin, Peter Crandall, Capt. John Badcock, John Sandes. C>,Kings town: William Hall, Nathaniel Niels, Sam'll Fones. James Clark, Packer & Sealer. Greenwich: Capt. Thos. Frye, John Spencer, Pardon Tillinghast. Commissary: Capt. Edward Thurston. Aug. John Carr, Ferry Man at Newport, for Seven Years. Robert Barker, East Jamestown, " Capt. Josiah Arnold, " West " John & Jeremiah Smith, " Boston Neck, Kings town, " Oct. Clerk of House: Samuel Wickham. 1710. May. Sheriff: Nicholas Lang. Militia of the Island: Major, Nath'll Sheffield. Militia of the Main Land: Major, Joseph Jenks. Clerk of House: Capt. Thomas Fry. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Maj. Nath'll Sheffield, Capt. Edward Thurston, Capt. James Brown. Providence: Ebenez. Arnold, Phillip Tilinghast, Rich'd Waterman. Portsmouth: Benjamin Hall, Wm. Anthony, Jeremiah Smith. Warwick: Capt. Simon Smith. Westerly: Capt. Wm. Champlin, Peter Crandall, Capt. John Babcock, John Sanders. Kings town: Capt. Nath'll Niles, Sam'll Fones, George Hasard. Greenwich: Capt. Thomas Frey, John Spencer, Pardon Tilinghast. James Clark, Packer and Gadger. July. Empowered to treat with Gov. Dudley, and settle the Bounds from Pawtucket Falls North & West: Major Joseph Jencks. 20 1710. Aug. Expedition to Port Royal, 200 men. Commander of Rhode Island Force: Lieut. Col. John Cranston. Major George Lee. Oct. Clerk of House: William Hall. Nov. " " Capt. Thomas Fry. 1711. May. Sheriff: Nicholas Lang. Militia of the Island: Major James Brown. Militia of the Main Land: Major Joseph Jenks. Clerk of House: < John Coggeshall. June. " " John Hammet. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Maj. Nath'll Sheffield, who refused, Capt. Benj. Elery, in his place. Capt. Edward Thurston, Maj. James Brown. Providence: Rich'd Waterman, Ebenezer Arnold, Phillip Tillinghast. Portsmouth: Benj. Hall, who refused, John Coggeshall, in his roome. Win. Anthony, Dan'll Pearce. Aug. Portsmouth: Warwick: Capt. Simon Smith. Westerly: Capt. Wm. Champlin, Peter Crandall, Capt. John Babcock, John Sanders. Kingstown: Lt. Christopher Allin, Sam'll Fones, George Hasard, Jeremiah Gould. Greenwich: Capt. Tho. Frey, John Spencer, Pardon Tillinghast. Capt. George Lawton, in room of John Coggeshall, Dec'd. Expedition to Canada: 139 Men, including 12 Saylors. Commissary for Stores: William Coddington. 1712. May. Militia of the Island: Major Nathaniel Sheffield. Militia for the Main Land: Major Joseph Jenks, who refused. Major Thomas Fenner, in his room. Sheriff: Nicholas Lang. Clerk of House: Capt. Joseph Burden. 21 1712. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Westerly: Maj. Nath'll Sheffield, Capt. Wm. Champlin, Maj. James Brown, Peter Crandall, Capt. Edward Thurston. Capt. John Babcock, Providence: John Sanders. Rich'd Waterman, Kingstown: Philip Tillinghast, George Hassard, Rich'd Brown, Wm. Hall, Capt. SamuelWilkinson. Capt. Christopher Allin, Portsmouth: Jeremiah Gould. Win. Anthony, Greenwich: Wm. Coggeshall, Capt. Thomas Frye, Jeremiah Smith. John Spencer, Warwick: Pardon Tillinghast. Capt. Benjamin Green, Mallica Rhodes. James Clark, Packer, Sealer of Measures, Prover of Weights, &c. June. Commissary: Joseph Whipple, Jr. Attorney General: John Hammet, 1713. May. Sheriff: Nicholas Lang. Militia of the Islands: Major James Brown. Militia of the Main Land: Major Thomas Fenner. Robert Gardner, Clerk of House. John Hammet, Clerk of Assembly. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Maj. James Brown, Henry Tew, Jr. Jonathan Nichols, Col. John Wanton. Providence: Philip Tillinghast, Richard Brown, Capt. Sam'll Wilkinson, Capt.William Crawford. Portsmouth: William Anthony, Gideon Freeborn, Jeremiah Smith. Warwick: Malachy Rhodes, John Weeks. Westerly: Capt.William Champlin, Capt. John Babcock. Peter Crandall, Joseph Stanton. Kingstown: George Hasard, William Hall, Capt. Christopher Allen, Capt. Daniel Eldred. Greenwich: Capt. Thomas Frey, John Spencer, Pardon Tillinghast. 22 1713. May. James Clarke, Packer, Gager, and Sealer. Inspectors of Ferries: Ebenezer Slocum, Col. John Wanton, Maj. James Brown, Jonathan Nichols, in room of Col. John Wanton, refusing. June. Clerk of House: Robert Gardner. 1714. May. Sheriff: Nicholas Lang. Clerk of House: Richard Ward. cc" " Capt. Nicholas Carr. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Weston Clarke, Arnold Collins, refused, Joseph Borden, in his room. Henry Tew, Jr., Sam'll Cranston, Jr. Providence: Richard Waterman, Capt.Wm.Crawford, Jr., Eleazer Arnold, Thomas Harris. Portsmouth: Wm. Coggeshall, Wm. Hall, Jeremy Smith. Warwick: Capt. John Waterman, Capt. Sam'll Green. Westerly: Isaac Tomson, Job Card, John Saunders, Thomas Hiscox. Kingston: George Hazard, Wm. Hall, Capt. ChristopherAllen, Dan'll Eldrige. Greenwich: Maj. Thomas Fry, John Spencer, Pardon Tillinghast. Oct. Feb. James Clarke, Gen'll Sealer and Packer. Clerk of House: William Hall. Inspectors of Ferries: John Hull, in room of Ebenezer Slocum, "very sick and weak." James Brown, Jonathan Nichols. Militia of the Islands —st Regiment: Major, Nathaniel Sheffield. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Benj'n Coggeshall, refused, " Sion Arnold, in his room. Lt. Benj'n Bull, Ens. Abraham Coggeshall. 23 1714. Feb. 2nd. Capt. Jonath'n Nichols, refused. " Peter Barker, in his room. Lt. Wm. Peckham, Jr., Ens. Sam'll Rogers. 3d. Capt. Joseph Fry, Lt. Joseph James, Ens. John Rogers. Portsmouth Company: Capt. George Lawton, Lt. Benj'n Hall, Ens. George Hall. Shoreham Company: Capt. John Sands, Lt. Thomas Mitchell, Ens. Robert Westcote. Jamestown Company: Capt. Nicholas Carr, Ens. John Underwood. Samuel Dyre, Gunner at Fort Ann. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment: Major, Thomas Fry. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt.'Wm. Smith, Lt. James Olney, Ens. Epinetus Olney. 2nd. Capt. Sylvanus Scot, Lt. Joseph Morey, Ens. James Whipple. 3d. Capt. Thomas Harris, Lt. James Briggs, Ens. Othoniel Gorton. Warwick Company: Capt. Sam'11 Green, Lt. Amos Stafford, Ens. Anthony Low. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stanton, Jr., Lt. Thomas Hiscox, refused, Lt. Joseph Maxon in his room. Ens. John Mackoon. 2nd. Capt. James Rogers, Lt. Thomas Parker, Ens. Wm. Devell. Kingston Companies: 1st. Capt. Benj'n Nichols, Lt. Wm. Havens, Ens. Wm. Spencer. 2nd. Capt. Christ'r Allen, refused, " 4 Ichabod Potter, in his room. Lt. Ichabod Sheffield, Ens. Joseph Morey. Greenwich Company: Capt. Thomas Nichols, Lt. Wm. Bennet, Ens. Joshua Coggeshall. 1715. May. Sheriff: Capt. William Coddington. Clerk of House: Robert Gardner. Oct. " " Capt. Christopher Allen. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Capt. Weston Clark, Nicholas Lang, Samuel Cranston, Henry Tew, Jr., refused, William Barker. George Golden, in his room. 24 1715. Oct. Providence: Westerly: Richard Waterman, Capt. John Babcock, Capt.WilliamWilkinson, Joseph Stanton, Lieut. Andrew Harris, refused, refused, Peter Crandall, Richard Brown, in his room. in his room. Israel Thompson, Portsmouth: Thomas Hiscock. William Hall, Kingston: Gid'nFreeborne, Jr., George Hazard, refused, Elisha Cole, William Anthony, Christopher Allen, in his room. Samuell Fones. Jeremiah Smith. Greenwich: Warwick: Maj. Thomas Fry, Anthony Low, John Spencer, Capt. Samuell Green. Pardon Tillinghast. James Clark, Generall Sealer and Packer. Militia of the Islands-1st Regiment: Maj. Nathaniell Sheffield. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment: Maj. Job Green. June. Richard Partridge, Agent of Colony in Great Britain. 1716. May. Sheriff: Capt. William Coddington. Clerk of House: William Hall. Nov. " " Samuel Cranston, Jr. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Weston Clarke, George Goulding, Nicholass Lang, Henry Tew, Jr., Wm. Barker. Providence: Richard Waterman, Capt.Samuel Wilkinson, Richard Brown, Capt. Wm. Crawford, Lt. Andrew Harris. Portsmouth: Wm. Hall, Wm. Anthony, Jeremiah Smith. Warwick: Anthony Low, Capt. Samuel Green. Westerly: Capt. John Babcock, Lt. Thomas Hiscox, John Hill, Daniel Brown. Kingstown: Elisha Cole, Capt. Christopher Allen, Samuel Perry, Capt. Daniel Eldred, Rouse Helms, Samuel Fones. 25 1716. Oct. Newport: Samuel Cranston, Jr., in room of Nicholas Lang, removed out of the Collony. Militia of the Islands-1st Regiment: Maj. Nathaniell Sheffield. Militia of the Main Land —2nd Regiment: Maj. Job Green. Collector: John Langford, in place of Mr. McKay, gone to England. 1717. May. Sheriff: Capt. William Coddington. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Weston Clarke, George Goulding, Sam'll Cranston, Jr., Henry Tew, Jr., Wm. Barker. Providence: Capt. Richard Waterman, " SamuelWilkinson, Richard Brown, Capt. William Crawford, Lt. Andrew Harris. Portsmouth: William Hall, Daniel Coggeshall, Jeremiah Smith. Warwicke; Lt. Anthony Low, Capt. Samuel Greene. June. Justices of the Peace: Portsmouth:, Westerly: Capt. John Babcock, Thomas Hiscox, Lt. John Hill, Daniel Brown. Kings town: Elisha Cole, William Spencer, Capt. Daniel Eldred, Samuel Fones, William Brown, Silas Greenman. East Greenwich: Major Thomas Fry, John Spencer, Pardon Tillinghast. William Coggeshall, in room of Daniel Coggeshall, Dec'd. Westerly: Peter Crandall, in room of Capt. James Babcock, refused. " " " in room of Thomas Hiscox, refused. George Babcock, in room of Daniel Brown, refused. Kings town: George Hazard, in room of Elisha Cole, refused. 4 26 1717. June. Oct. 1718. May. Kings town: Christopher Allen, in room of William Spencer, refused. Ichabod Sheffield, in room of Samuel Fones, refused. William Hall, in room of William Brown, refused. Westerly: Isaac Thompson, 1 Joseph Hull, Jr., k in room of 3 who refuse. William Wilkinson, J To Revise the Laws: Hon. Joseph Jencks, Maj. Thomas Fry, Nathaniel Newdigate, Richard Ward. Clerk of the House: Teddeman Hull. Militia of the Islands-1st Regiment: Major, William Coddington. Militia of the Main Land —.-2nd Regiment: Major, Job Green. Sheriff: Maj. William Coddington. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Warwick: George Goulding, 1st, Anthony Low, refused. Capt. Samuel Green. Weston Clarke, Westerly: Capt. Edward Thurston, Capt. Jno. Babcock, Samuel Cranston, Jr., Thos. Hiscox, Henry Bull, Peter Crandall, refused. Joseph Hull, Jr., Henry Tew, refused. Thomas Richardson. Capt. Joseph Stanton. Providence: Kings town: Capt. Richard Waterman, Capt. Christopher Allen, Richard Brown, Rouse Helmes, Capt. Wm. Crawford, Silas Greenman, positively refused. William Hall, Capt. Samuel Wilkinson, William Spencer, Nicholas Power. Samuel Fones. Portsmouth: East Greenwich: Gideon Freeborn, Jr., Maj. Thomas Fry, Wm. Sanford, Jno. Spencer, Jeremiah Smith. Pardon Tillinghast. 27 1718. May. James Clarke, Generall Sealer and Packer. Militia of the Islands-1st Regiment: Major, William Coddington. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment: Major, Job Green. Oct. Clerk of House: Richard Waterman. 1719. May. Militia of the Islands —st Regiment: Col. William Wanton, Lt.-Col. William Coddington, Maj. Job Almy, refused, Maj. Benjamin Bull, in his room. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Henry Bull, Lt. Daniel Carr, refused, Lt. Peleg Carr in his room, Ens. John Gardiner. 2nd. Capt. Richard Dunn, Lt. Samuel Rogers, Ens. Rich'd Coggeshall. 3d. Capt. Jno. Rogers, Lt. Peleg Smith, Ens. Jno. Ingraham. Portsmouth Company: Capt. William Arnold, Lt. Jno. Sanford, Ens. John Dexter, Jr. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Simon Ray, Jr., Lt. Thomas Mitchell, Ens. Samuel Rathbone. Jamestown Company: Capt. Nicholas Carr, Lt. John Underwood, Ens. William Battey. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment: Col. Thomas Fry, refused, Col. Randall Houldon in his room refused, Col. Joseph Whipple in his room, Lt.-Col. Benjamin Green, refused, Lt.-Col. George Haszard, in his room, Maj. William Crawford. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. James Olney, Lt. John Jencks, Ens. Epenetus Olney. 2nd. Capt. Sylvanus Scott, Lt. John Whipple, Ens. Elisha Knowlton. 3d. Capt. Thomas Harris, Lt. Roger Burlingham, Ens. Othniel Gorton. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. Maj. William Crawford, Lt. John Whipple, Cornet. Henry Harris. Warwick Company: Capt. Samuel Green, Lt. Anthony Low, Ens. John Rice, Secundus. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stanton, Lt. Isaac Thompson, Ens.Oliver Babcock. 2nd. Capt. William Clarke, Lt. John Hill, Ens. John Nye. Kings Town Companies: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Nichols, Lt. William Havens, Ens. William Spencer. 2nd. Capt. Christopher AllenTLt. Ichabod Potter, Ens. John Potter. 28 1719. May. East Greenwich Company: Capt. Joshua Coggeshall, Lt. Thomas Fry, Jr., Ens. Jno. Spencer, Jr. June. Kings Town Companies, in stead of those who refused: 1st. Capt. Daniel Eldred, Lt. Richard Updike, Ens. Jno. Albro. 2nd. 'Capt. John Potter, Lt. George Mumford, Ens. Caleb Haszard. Oct. East Greenwich Company: Capt. Thomas Spencer, in room of Joshua Coggeshall, who refused. May. Sheriff: Maj. Wm. Coddington. Clerk of House: William Sanford. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Capt. Edward Thurston, Samuel Cranston, Jr., refused, Peleg Smith, in his room. Joseph Whipple, refused, Joseph Borden, in his room. Henry Bull, Henry Tew, Thomas Coggeshall. Providence: Richard Brown, Capt.Samuel Wilkinson, Nicholas Power, John Burton, Lt. William Harris. Portsmouth: Gideon Freeborn, Jr., William Sanford, Jeremiah Smith, Thomas Brayton. Warwick: Capt. Samuel Green, Anthony Low. Westerly: Capt. John Babcock, Thomas Hiscox, Peter Crandall, Capt. Joseph Stanton. Kingstown: Capt. Christopher Allen, Rouse Helme, William Hall, William Spencer, Samuel Fones, George Haszard. East Greenwich: Thomas Fry, John Spencer, Pardon Tillinghast, refused, Jno. Nichols, in his room. James Clarke, Generall Sealer and Packer. Oct. Joshua Studson, in room of James Clarke, who positively refused. Clerk of House: Thomas Spencer. 1720. May. Sheriff: Lt. Col. Wim. Coddington. Clerk of House: Capt. Joseph Whipple. " "c Rouse Helne. 29 1720. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Capt. Edward Thurston, Lt. Peleg Smith, Joseph Borden, Capt. Henry Bull, Thomas Coggeshall, William Barker. Providence: Capt. Richard Waterman, Richard Brown, Capt.Samuel Wilkinson, Nicholas Power, refused. Jonathan Spreague, Jr., John Barton. Warwick: Capt. Samuel Green, Lt. Anthony Low. Portsmouth: Gideon Freeborn, William Sanford, Daniel Pierce, Jr., Thomas Brayton. Westerly: Capt. John Babcock, Thomas Hiscox, refused. Peter Crandall, Capt. Joseph Stanton, Christopher Champlin, Jr. Kings town: Capt. Christopher Allen, Rouse Helme, William Hall, William Spencer, Lt. Col. George Haszard, Capt. Daniel Eldred. East Greenwich: Maj. Thomas Fry, John Spencer, John Nichols. \ Joshua Studson, Gen'll Sealer and Packer. July. Hon. Joseph Jenckes, Dep. Gov., Agent for the Colony in conjunction with Richard Partridge, before His Majesty in Council. Capt. John Jenkes, to wait upon his Father. Clerk of House: Thomas Spencer. Oct. Warwick: Capt. John Waterman, in room of Capt. Samuel Green, Dec'd. Clerk of House: Daniel Abbott. May. Militia of the Islands-1st Regiment: Col. William Wanton, Lt.-Col. William Coddington, Maj. Benjamin Bull. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Henry Bull, Lt. Peleg Carr, Ens. John Gardner. 2nd. Capt. Richard Dunn, refused, Capt. Samuel Rogers in his room, Lt. Richard Coggeshall, Ens. Joseph Paybody. 3d. Capt. John Rogers, Lt. Peleg Smith, Ens. John Ingraham. 30 1720. May. Portsmouth Company: Capt. William Arnold, Lt. John Sanford, Ens. John Dexter, Jr. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Simon Ray, Jr., Lt. Thomas Mitchel, Ens. Samuel Rathbone. Jamestown Company: Capt. Nicholas Carr, Lt. John Underwood, Ens. William Batty. Samuel Dyre, Gunner of Fort Ann. June. Newport Company: 3d Lt. John Ingraham, in room of Peleg Smith, who refused, Ens. James Sheffield. May. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment: Col. Joseph Whipple, Lt.-Col. George Haszard, Maj. William Crawford. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. John Jenckes, Lt. James Arnold, Ens. Daniel Abbott. 2nd. Capt. Sylvanus Scott, Lt. Job Whipple, Ens. Elisha Knowlton. 3d. Capt. Josiah Wescoat, Lt. Othniel Gorton, Ens. Moses Burlinggame. Troop of Horse: Capt. William Crawford, Lt. John Whipple, Cornet. Henry Harris. Warwick Company: Capt. Samuel Green, Lt. Anthony Low, Ens. John Rice, 2d. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stanton, Lt. Isaac Thomson, Ens. Oliver Babcock. 2nd. Capt. William Clark, Lt. John Hill, Ens. John Nye. Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. Daniel Eldred, Lt. Richard Updike, Ens. John Albro. 2nd. Capt. John Potter, Lt. George Mumford, Ens. Caleb Haszard. East Greenwich: Capt. Thomas Fry, Jr., Lt. John Spencer, Jr., Ens. James Nichols. June. Providence Company: 1st Ens. William Edmonds, in room of Daniel Abbott, who refused. Oct. Maj. Anthony Low, in room of Maj. William Crawford, Dec'd. Warwick Company: Capt. John Rice, 2nd, in room of Capt. Samuel Green, Dec'd, Lt. Stephen Arnold, Ens. Randal Holden, Jr. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. Daniel Abbott, in room of Capt. William Crawford, Dec'd. 31 1721. May. Sheriff: Jahleel Brenton, Jr. Clerk of House: Jeremiah Gould. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Joseph Borden, Peleg Smith, Capt. Henry Bull, Thomas Coggeshall, William Barker, Job Lawton, Richard Ward. Providence: Capt. Richard Waterman, Richard Brown, William Harris, Jonathan Sprague, Jr. Nathaniel Jencks, Edward Smith. Portsmouth: Gideon Freeborn, William Sanford, Thomas Brayton, Daniel Pierce, George Cornell, Warwick: Maj. Anthony Low, Capt. John Rice. Westerly: Capt. John Babcock, Capt. Joseph Stanton, Christopher Champlin,Jr., John Saunders. Kingstown: Capt. Christopher Allen, Rouse Helme, William Hall, William Spencer, Lt.-Col. George Haszard, Capt. Benjamin Nichols. East Greenwich: Maj. Thomas Fry, John Nichols, Thomas Spencer. Joshua Studson, Gen'll Sealer and Packer. June. Justices of the Peace: Kingstown: Jeremiah Gould. Providence: William Jencks, in room of Nathaniel Jencks, who refused. Oct. Clerk of House: Thomas Spencer. 1721. May. Militia of the Islands —st Regiment: Col. William Wanton, Lt.-Col. William Coddington, Maj. Benjamin Bull. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Henry Bull, Lt. Peleg Carr, Ens. John Gardner. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Rogers, Lt. Richard Coggeshall, Ens. Joseph Peabody, refused, Ens. Lawrence Clark, in his room. 3rd. Capt. John Rogers, Lt. John Ingraham, Ens. James Sheffield. Portsmouth Company: Capt. William Arnold, Lt. John Sandford,. Ens. John Dexter. ^ 32 1721. May. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Simon Ray, Lt. Thomas Mitchel, Ens. Samuel Rathbone. Jamestown: Capt. Nicholas Carr, Lt. John Underwood, Ens. William Battey. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment: Col. Joseph Whipple, Lt.-Col. George Haszard, Maj. Anthony Low. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. James Olney, Lt. James Arnold, Ens. William Edmons. 2nd. Capt. Sylvanus Scott, Lt. Job Whipple, Ens. William Hopkins. 3d. Capt. Josiah Westcoat, Lt. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Ens. Josiah Thornton. 4th. Capt. Joseph Mowry, Lt. Elisha Knowltbn, Ens. Benjamin Waterman. Warwick Company: Capt. John Rice, Lt. Stephen Arnold, Ens. Randal Holdon, Jr. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stanton, Lt. Isaac Thomson, Ens. Oliver Babcock. 2nd. Capt. William Clark, Lt. John Hill, Ens. John Nye. Kings town: 1st. Capt. Daniel Eldred, Lt. Richard Updike, Ens. John Albro. 2nd. 4Capt. John Potter, Lt. George Mumford, Ens. Caleb Haszard. East Greenwich Company: Capt. Joshua Coggeshall, Lt. John Spencer, Jr., Ens. James Nichols. Main Land Troop of Horse: Capt. Daniel Abott, Lt. William Arnold, Cornet, John Fry. June. Providence Company: 1st. Capt. James Arnold, in room of James Olney, who refused, Lt. William Edmons, Ens. Stephen Dexter. Westerly Company: 2nd. Capt. John Hill, in room of William Clark, who refused, Lt. John Nye, Ens. William James. East Greenwich Company: Lt. Robert Spencer, in room of John Spencer, Jr., who refused, Ens. Joseph Weaver, in room of James Nichols, who refused. 1722. May. Sheriff: Jahleel Brenton, Jr. Clerk of House: Teddeman Hull. 33 1722. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Joseph Borden, Henry Bull, refused, Nich's Easton, in his room. Tjios. Coggeshall, Wm. Barker, Job Lawton, Rich'd Ward, refused, John Coddington, in his room. Dan'll Updike. Providence: Rich'd Waterman, Rich'd Brown, Thomas Olney, Jon'a Sprague, Jr. Wm. Jencks, John Burton. Portsmouth: Gideon Freeborn, Wm. Sandford, Thomas Brayton, Thomas Hicks, Dan'll Pierce. Warwick: Moses Lippitt, Capt. John Rice, Maj. Anthony Low. Westerly: John Babcock, Joseph Stanton, Christ'r Champlin, Jr. John Saunders, Peter Crandal, Kings town: John Whatson, Jr. Rowse Helme, Wm. Hall, Wm. Spencer, Wm. Robinson, Benj'm Nichols, East Greenwich: Maj. Thomas Fry, John Nichols, Thomas Spencer. Joshua Studson, Gen'll Sealer & Packer. June. Justices of the Peace: Kings town: Francis Willet, in room of Wm. Robinson, who refused. Feb. Clerk of House: John Coddington. May. Militia of the Islands-1st Regiment: Col. Wm. Wanton, Lt.-Col. Wm. Coddington, Maj. Benja. Bull. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Henry Bull, refused, Capt. Peleg Carr, in his room, Lt. John Gardner, Ens. James Green. 2nd. Capt. Sam'll Rogers, Lt. Rich'd Coggeshall, Ens. Lawrence Clark. 3d. Capt John Rogers, Lt. John Engraham, Ens. James Sheffield, refused, Ens. Esbon Sandford, in his room. Portsmouth Company: Capt. Wm. Arnold, Lt. John Sandford, Ens. John Dexter. 5 34 1722. May. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Simon Ray, Lt. Thomas Mitchel, Ens. Sam'11 Rathbone. Jamestown Company: Capt. Nich's Carr, Lt. John Underwood, Ens. Wm. Batty. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment: Col. Joseph Whipple, Lt.-Col. George Haszard, Maj. Anthony Low. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. James Arnold, Lt. Wm. Edmonds, Ens. Stephen Dexter. 2nd. Capt. Sylvanus Scott, Lt. Job Whipple, Ens. Wm. Hopkins, Carpenter. 3d. Capt. Moses Burlinggame, Lt. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Ens. Jona. Night. -4th. Capt. Joseph Mowry, Lt. Benjm. Waterman, Ens. Dan'll Angel. 5th. Capt. Thomas Angel, Lt. Joseph Wilkinson, Ens. Zachariah Rhodes. Warwick Company: Capt. John Rice, Lt. Stephen Arnold, Ens. Randal Holden, Jr. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stanton, Lt. Isaac Thompson, Ens. Oliver Babcock. 2nd. Capt. John Hill, Lt. John Nye, Ens. Wm. James. Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. Dan'll Eldred, Lt. Rich'd Updike, Ens. John Albro. 12nd. Capt. John Potter, Lt. George Mumford, Ens. Caleb Haszard. East Greenwich Company: Capt. Thos. Fry, Jr., Lt. John Spencer, Jr., Ens. James Nichols. Main Land Troop of Horse: Capt. Dan'll Abbot, Lt. Wm. Arnold, Cornet, John Fry. June. Providence Company: 2nd. Lt.Wm. H.opkins,Carpenter, in room of JobWhipple,who refused. Ens. Rich'd Sailes. Aug. 3d. Lt. Henry Harris, in room of Arthur Fenner, Jr., Dec'd. Troop of Horse: Lt. John Fry, in room of Wm. Arnold, who refused. Cornet, Thomas Stafford, refused, Cornet, Wm. Green (son of Sam'll) in his room. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Thomas Stafford, in room of John Rice, who refused. 2nd. Capt. Wm. Arnold, Lt. John Green (of Potowomet), Ens. Sam'll Bennet. 35 1722. Aug. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Joshua Coggeshall, in room of Thos. Fry, who refused, Lt. Joseph Weaver, in room of John Spencer, who refused, Ens. Peter Mawny, in room of James Nichols, who refused. 2nd. Capt. Robert Spencer, Lt. Henry Mathewson, Ens. John Green (son of Benj'm, Dea'd). 1723. May. Sheriff: Jahleel Brenton, Jr. Clerk of House: John Coddington. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Westerly: Joseph Borden, Capt. John Babcock, Nicholas Easton, Capt. Jos. Stanton, Peleg Smith, Christ'r Champlin, Jr. Thomas Coggeshall, John Saunders, Wm. Barker, Oliver Babcock. Job Lawton, North Kingstown: Jno. Coddington, Wm. Hall, Dan'll Updike. Wm. Spencer, Providence: Capt. Benj'm Nichols, Capt. Rich'd Waterman, Francis Willet. Rich'd Brown, South Kingstown: Thos. Olney, Stephen Haszard, Capt. Sam'll Wilkinson, jJohn Watson, Wm. Jencks, g Capt. John Potter. John Burton. East Greenwich: Portsmouth: Maj. Thos. Fry, Gideon Freeborn, John Nichols, Wm. Sandford, Thos. Spencer., Dan'll Pearce, Jos. Cook. Warwick: Capt. Jno. Waterman, Maj. Anthony Low, Moses Lippit. Joshua Studson, Gen'll Sealer & Packer. June. Justices of the Peace: South Kings town: Joseph Mumford, in room of John Watson, who refused. Wm. Robinson, in room of Stephen Haszard, who refused. 36 1723. June. Portsmouth: Joseph Browning, in room of Joseph Cook, who refused. Westerly: Theodaty Roads, in the room of Oliver Babcock, who refused. Nov. Providence: John Smith, in the room of Thomas Olney, who refused. Clerk of House: Teddeman Hull. Robert Gardner, late Naval Officer. May. Militia of the Islands-1st Regiment: Col. Wm. Wanton, Lt.-Col. Wi. Coddington, Maj. Benj'm Bull. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Peleg Carr, Lt. John Gardner, Ens. James Green. 2nd. Capt. Sam'll Rogers, Lt. Rich'd Coggeshall, Ens. Lawrence Clark. 3d. Capt. John Rogers, Lt. John Ingraham, Ens. Ezborn Sandford. Portsmouth Company: Capt. Wm. Arnold, Lt. John Sandford, Ens. John Dexter. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Simon Ray, Lt. Tho. Mitchell, Ens. Peter Ball. James town: Capt. Nick. Carr, Lt. John Underwood, Ens. Wm. Batty. June. Newport Company: 2nd. Capt. Wm. Peckham, in room of Sam'll Rogers, who refused. Nov. Portsmouth: Capt. John Earl, in the room of Capt. William Arnold, Dec'd. May. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment. Col. Joseph Whipple, Lt.-Col. Christopher Allen, Maj. Anthony Low. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. Stephen Dexter, Lt. Nath'l Jencks (son of Joseph), Ens. Wm. Potter. 2nd. Capt. Sylvanus Scott, Lt. Wm. Hopkins, carpenter, Ens. Rich'd Sailes. 3d. Capt. Moses Burlinggame, Lt. Jona. Knight, Edward Fenner (son of Arthur). 37 1723. May. Providence Companies: 4th. Capt. Benj'n Waterman, Lt. John Steere, Jr., Ens. Jno. Aldrich (son of Sam'll). 5th. Capt. Thomas Angel, Lt. Joseph Wilkinson, Ens. Zachariah Rhodes. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Thomas Stafford, Lt. Stephen Arnold, Ens. Randal Holden, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Wm. Arnold, Lt. John Green (of Potowomet), Ens. Sam'll Bennet. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stanton, Lt. Isaac Thomson, Ens. Oliver Babcock. 2nd. Capt. John Hill, Lt. John Nye, Ens. Wm. James. North Kings town Company: Capt. Dan'll Eldred, Lt. John Albro. Ens. Jeofry Haszard. South Kings town Company: JCapt. John Potter, Lt. George Mumford, Ens. Caleb Haszard. East Greenwich Company: Capt. Joshua Coggeshall, Lt. Joseph Weaver, Ens. Peter Mawny. Main Land Troop of Horse: Capt. John Whipple, Lt. Wm. Green, Cornet Charles Tillinghast. June. South Kingstown Company: Ensign George Haszard, Jr., in room of Caleb Haszard, who refused. 1724. May. Sheriff: Jahleel Brenton, Jr. Clerk of House: Capt. Richard Waterman. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Providence: Jos. Borden, Capt. Rich'd Waterman, Nich. Easton, Rich'd Brown, Peleg Smith, John Smith, Thomas Coggeshall, Capt. Sam'11 Wilkinson, Wm. Barker, Wm. Jencks, Job Lawton, John Burton. John Coddington, Daniel Updike. 38 1724. May. Portsmouth: Gideon Freeborn, Wm. Sandford, Dan'll Pierce, Joseph Brownell. Warwick: Capt. John Waterman, Maj. Anthony Low, Moses Lippet. Westerly: Capt. John Babcock, refused, Dan'll Brown, in his room. Capt. Jos. Stanton, John Saunders, Theodaty Rhodes, refused, Jos. Hull, in his room. North Kings town: Wm. Hull, Wm. Spencer, Capt. Benj'n. Nichols. Francis Willet. South Kings town: Wm. Robinson, 4Capt. John Potter, Joseph Mumford. East Greenwich: Maj. Thos. Fry, John Nichols, Thomas Spencer. June. Westerly: John Hill, Sam'll Clark, John ichmonr, 1 in the room of those who refused. John Richmond, ( Isaac Thomson, John and Nicholas Northup, Ferry Men Between North Kingstown and Jamestown. May. Hezekiah Gorton, Ferry Man between Warwick Neck and North end of Prudence. Joshua Studson, Gen'l Sealer of Weights and Measures. Oct. Commissioners to settle Boundaries between Rhode Island and Connecticut: Col. Joseph Jenckes, Col. William Wanton, Maj. Randall Holden, John Wickes, Joseph Stanton, Richard Ward, and Daniel Updike. Clerk of House: Francis Willett. May. Militia of the Islands —st Regiment: Col. Wm. Wanton, Lt.-Col. Win. Coddington, Maj. Benj. Bull. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Peleg Carr, Lt. John Gardner, Ens. James Green. 39 1724. May. Newport Companies: 2nd. Capt. Wm. Peckham, Lt. Rich'd Coggeshall, Ens. Laurance Clark. 3d. Capt. John Coddington, Lt. John Ingraham, Ens. Isbon Sandford. Portsmouth Company: Capt. John Earl, Lt. John Sandford, Ens. John Dexter. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Simon Ray, Jr., Lt. Tho. Mitchell, Ens. Peter Ball. James Town Company: Capt. Nich's Carr, Lt. John Underwood, Ens. Wm. Batty. Samuel Dyre, Gunner at Fort Anne. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment: Col. Jos. Whipple, Lt.-Col. Christopher Allen, Maj. Anthony Low. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. James Arnold, Lt. Win. Edmonds, Ens. Wm. Potter. 2nd. Capt. Sylvanus Scott, Lt. Wm. Hopkins, carpenter, Ens. Rich'd Sailes. 3d. Capt. Moses Burlinggame, Lt. Jon'a Knight, Ens. Edw'd Fenner (son of Arthur). 4th. Capt. Benj'm Waterman, Lt. John Steer, Jr., Ens. John Smith, Jr. 5th. Capt. Tho. Angel, Lt. Jos. Wilkenson, Ens. Zachariah Rhodes. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Thomas Stafford, Lt. Stephen Arnold, Ens. Randal Holden, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Wm. Arnold, Lt. John Green (son of Peter), Ens. Samuell Bennet. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stanton, Lt. Isaac Thomson, Ens. Oliver Babcock. 2nd. Capt. John Hill, Lt. Isaac Sheffield, Ens. James Rogers. North Kings town Company: Capt. Dan'll Eldred, Lt. John Albro, Ens. James Eldred (son of John). South Kingstown Company: Capt. John Potter, Lt. George Mumford, Ens. George Haszard. East Greenwich Company: 1st. Capt. Joshua Coggeshall, Lt. Jos. Weaver, Ens. Peter Mawny. 2nd. Capt. Henry Mathewson, Lt. John Green (son of Benj'm, Dec'd), Ens. Ishmael Spink. June. Col. Nicholas Power, in the room of Col. Joseph Whipple, who refused. 40 1724. June. South Kingston Company: J Capt. George Mumford, in the room of Capt. John Potter, who refused, Lt. George Haszard, Ens. Robert Hannah. Warwick Company: 2nd. Lt. Othniel Gorton, in the room of John Green, of Warwick, who refused. 1725. May. Sheriff: Jahleel Brenton, Jr. Clerk of House: Capt. Richard Waterman. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Jos. Borden, Nich's Easton, Peleg Smith, Tho. Coggeshall, Wm. Barker, Job Lawton, John Coddington, Dan'll Updike. Providence: Capt. Rich'd Waterman, Rich'd Brown, John Smith, Capt. Sam'll Wilkinson,. Wm. Jencks, John Burton. Portsmouth: Gideon Freeborn, Wm. Sandford, Dan'll Pearce, Jos. Brown. Warwick: Capt. John Waterman, Maj. Anthony Low, Moses Lippitt. Westerly: Capt. John Hill, Sam'll Clark, John Richmond, Isaac Thomson. North Kingstown: Wm. Hall, Wm. Spencer, Capt. Benjm. Nichols, Francis Willet. South Kings town: Wm. Robinson, lCapt. John Potter, Jos. Mumford. East Greenwich: Maj. Tho. Fry, Jno. Nickols, Tho. Spencer. June. Providence: Philip Tillinghast, in the room of John Smith, who refused. Warwick: John Warner, in the room of Moses Lippitt, who refused. Westerly: Dan'll Brown, in the room of Capt. Isaac Thomson, who refused. John Coddington, Cursitor. Rich'd Ward, Prothonotary. 41 1725. June. Joseph Borden, Receiver of the King's Silver. Wm. Coddington, Commissioner of the Alienation Office. Dan'll Updike, Master of the Exemplification Office. Jahleel Brenton, Jr., Custos Brevium for the Docking of Estates by Fine or Recovery. Oct. Inspectors of Ferries-Rhode Island to James town and Main Land: Col. John Wanton, Capt. Jonathan Nichols, Lt.-Col. William Coddington, Joseph Whipple, John Watson. May. Joshua Studson, Gen'll Sealer of Weights and Measures. Jan. East Greenwich Justice: Pardon Tillinghast, in room of John Nichols, Dec'd. Clerk of House: William Hall. May. Militia of the Islands-1st Regiment: Col. Wm. Wanton, Lt.-Col. Wm. Coddington, Maj. Benj'm. Bull. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Peleg Carr, Lt. John Gardner, Ens. James Green. 2nd. Capt. Wm. Peckham, Lt. Rich'd Coggeshall, Ens. Lawrence Clark. 3d. Capt. John Coddington, Lt. John Ingraham, Ens. Isbon Sandford. Portsmouth Company: Capt. Jno. Earl; Lt. Jno. Sandford, Ens. Jno. Dexter. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Simon Ray, Jr., refused, Capt. Tho. Mitchell, in his room, Lt. Peter Ball, Ens. Acres Tosk. June. Maj. Benjamin Elery, in the room of Maj. Bull, who refused. Portsmouth Company: Capt. Robert Lawton, in the room of John Earl, who refused. Lt. John Cook, " John Sandford, Ens. Nathaniell Hall, " John Dexter, Maj. Peleg Carr, " Benjamin Ellery, May. Militia of the Main Land: Col. Nich's Power, Lt.-Col. Christopher Allen, Maj. Joseph Stanton. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. James Arnold, Lt. Wm. Edmonds, Ens. Wm. Potter. 2nd. Capt. Sylvanus Scott, Lt. Wm. Hopkins, Carpenter, Ens. Rich'd Sailes. 6 42 1725. May. Providence Companies: 3d. Capt. Moses Burlinggame, Lt. Jona. Knight, Ens. Edwd. Fenner (son of Ar.). 4th. Capt. Benj. Waterman, Lt. John Steere, Jr., Ens. John Smith, Jr. 5th. Capt. Tho. Angell, Lt. Jos. Wilkinson, Ens. Zacha. Rhodes. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Jno. Wicks, refused, Capt. Tho. Stafford, in his room, Lt. Randall Holden, Jr., Ens. Charles Holden. 2nd. Capt. John Green, Potow't, Lt. Othniell Gorton, Ens. Sam'll Bennet, Jr. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Isaac Thompson, Lt. Oliver Babcock, Ens. Jos. Maxon, Jr. 2nd. Capt. John Hill, Lt. Isaac Sheffield, Ens. James Rogers. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Dan'll Eldred, Lt. Christ'r Philips, Ens. James Eldred. 2nd. Capt. Francis Willet, Lt. John Albro, Jr., Ens. Tho. Willet. 3d. Capt. Nich's Gardner, Lt. John Eldred, Ens. John Reynolds. South Kings town: Capt. George Mumford, Lt. George Haszard, Jr., Ens. Jeremiah Fish. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Joshua Coggeshall, Lt. Jos. Weaver, Ens. Peter Mawny. 2nd. Capt. Henry Mathewson, Lt. Jno. Green (son of Benj., Dec'd), Ens. Ishmael Spink. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. John Whipple, Lt. Rich'd Fenner, Cornet, Rich'd Waterman (son of Rich'd, Dec'd). June. Providence Company: 2nd. Capt. Job Whipple, in the room of Sylvanus Scott, who refused, Lt. Richard Sailes, Ens. James Angell. 3d. Capt. Roger Burlinggame, in the room of Moses Burlinggame, who refused. 4Lt. John Potter, Jr., in the room of Jonathan Knight, who refused. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. George Thomas, in room of Dan'll Eldred, who refused, Lt. Thomas Willet, Ens. Jeremiah Haszard. 2nd. Capt. John Albro, in room of Francis Willet, who refused. 3d. Capt. John Babcock, Jr., in room of Nicholas Gardner, who refused. 43 1726. May. Sheriff: Jahleel Brenton, Jr. Clerk of House: Francis Willett. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Westerly: Joseph Borden, Christ. Champlin, Jr. Nicholas Easton, John Hill, Thos. Coggeshall. Theodaty Rhodes, Wm. Barker, Samuel Clarke, Job Lawton, John Richmond. Maj. John Coddington, North Kingstown: Dan'll Updike. Wm. Hall, Providence: Wm. Spencer, Capt. Rich'd Waterman, Capt. Benja. Nichols. Rich'd Brown, South King stown: Capt. Sam'll Wilkinson, Wm. Robinson, refused, Wm. Jencks. Lt.-Col. Christ'r Allen, John Burton, in his room. Capt. James Arnold, l Capt. John Potter, Lt. Elisha Knowlton. Joseph Mumford. Portsmouth: East Greenwich: Gideon Freeborn, Maj. Thos. Fry, Wm. Sanford, Pardon Tillinghast, Dan'll Pearce, Thos. Spencer. Joseph Brownel. Warwick: Capt. John Waterman, Maj. Anthony Low, John Warner. Joshua Studson, Gen'll Sealer of Weights and Measures. Maj. John Coddington, Cursitor. Richard Ward, Prothonotary. Joseph Borden, Receiver. Lt.-Col. William Coddington, Commissioner of the Alienation Office. Jahleel Brenton, Jr., Custos Brevium. Daniel Updike, Prothonotary's Clerk. Oct. Clerk of House: Capt. Richard Waterman. May. Militia of the Islands —st Regiment: Col. Wm. Wanton, Lt.-Col. William Coddington, Maj. John Coddington. 44 1726. May. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Peleg Carr, refused, Capt. John Gardner, in his room, Lt. James Green, Ens. Caleb Coggeshall. 2nd. Capt. Wm. Peckham, refused, Capt. Richard Coggeshall, in his room, Lt. Lawrence Clarke, Ens. Thos. Weaver, Jr. 3d. Capt. Major John Coddington, Lt. John Ingraham, refused, Lt. Isbon Sandford, in his room, Ens. Job Bennet. Portsmouth Company: Capt. Stephen Brownell, Lt. Nath'l Hall, Ens. Albro Anthony. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Thomas Mitchel, Lt. Peter Ball, Ens. Acres Tosh. Jamestown Company: Capt. Nich's Carr, Lt. John Underwood, Ens. Wm. Batty. June. Portsmouth Company: Capt. John Cook. May. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment: Col. Nicholas Power, Lt.-Col. Christopher Allen, Maj. Joseph Stanton. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. James Arnold, JLt. Wm. Potter, Ens. Jos. Angel. 2nd. Capt. Job Whipple, Lt. Rich'd Sales, Ens. James Angel. 3d. Capt. Roger Burlingame, Lt. Ezekiel Warner, Ens. Edward Fenner. 4th. Capt. Benja. Waterman, Lt. John Steere, Jr., Ens. John Smith, Jr. 5th. Capt. Thos. Angel, Lt. Joseph Wilkinson, Ens. Zachariah Rhodes. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Stephen Arnold, Lt. Rand'l Holden, Jr., Ens. John Battee, 2nd. Capt. Win. Arnold, refused, Capt. Othniel Gorton, in his room, Lt. Samuel Bennet, Jr., Ens. John Wightman. Westerly Companies: 2nd. Capt. John Hill, Lt. Isaac Sheffield, Ens. James Rogers. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. George Thomas, Lt. Christopher Philips, Ens. James Eldred. 2nd. Capt. John Albro, Lt. Immanual Northup, Ens. Robert Hazard. 3d. Capt. Job Babcock, Jr., Lt. John Eldred, Ens. John Reinolds. South Kings town Company: Capt. George Mumford, Lt. George Haszard, Jr., Ens. Jeremiah Fish. 45 1726. May. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Joshua Coggeshall, Lt. Joseph Weaver, Ens. Peter Mawny. 2nd. Capt. Henry Mathewson, Lt. John Green (son of Benj., Dec'd), Ens. Ishmael Spink. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. John Whipple, Lt. Rich'd Fenner, Cornet Rich'd Waterman (son of Rich'd). June. Providence Company: 3d. Capt. Moses Burlinggame, Lt. James Congdon. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Isaac Thompson, Lt. Nicholas Cottrell, Ens. Stephen Wilcox, Jr. 3d. Capt. Oliver Babcock, ' Lt. Joseph Maxson, Jr., Ens. John Maxson (son of Joseph). North Kingstown Company: 2nd. Ens. Eber Shearman. 1727. May. Sheriff: Jahleel Brenton, Jr. Clerk of House: Capt. Richard Waterman. " "c Thomas Spencer. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Joseph Borden, Nicholas Easton, Thos. Coggeshall, Wm. Barker, Job Lawton, Maj. John Coddington, Daniel Updike. Providence: Richard Brown, Capt. Samuel Wilkinson, Wm. Jenckes, John Burton, Capt. James Arnold, Lt. Elisha Knowlton, John Smith. Portsmouth: Gideon Freeborn, Wm. Sanford, Daniel Pearce, Jos. Brownel. Warwick: Maj. Anthony Low, John Warner, Wm. Green (son of Sam'll). Westerly: Christ'r Champlin, Jr., Capt. John Hill, Theodaty Rhodes, Samuel Clarke, John Richmond. 46 1727. May. North Kingstown: East Greenwich: Wm. Hall, Maj. Thomas Frye, Wm. Spencer, Pardon Tillinghast, Capt. Benja. Nickols. Thos. Spencer. South Kings town: Wm. Robinson, Jos. Mumford, Lt.-Col. Christ'r Allen. Joshua Studson, Gen'l Sealer of Weights & Measures. June. Justice of the Peace: Newport: Richard Ward, in room of Joseph Borden, who refused. Daniel Abbot, Cursitor. Job Babcock, Prothonotary, refused, Maj. John Coddington in his room. Joseph Borden, Receiver. William Coddington, Master of Alienation Office. Jahleel Brenton, Jr., Custos Brevium. Ferry Men between Portsmouth and Bristol: Thomas Borden and Abiel Tripp. Oct. Clerk of House: Maj. John Coddington. Apr. Thomas Phillips. Oct. Trustees to Charles Augustus Ninegret, as they formerly were to his Father: Thoma Frye, William Wanton, Major Joseph Stanton. Feb. To Run North Line of Pettaquamscut Purchase: Capt. John Hill, of Westerly, Capt. Nicholas Carr, of Jamestown, William Brown, of South Kingstown, Samuel Easton, Surveyor. To Run the Line Between Rhode Island and Connecticut: William Wanton, Francis Willett, John Waterman, Daniel Updike, William Jenckes, Benjamin Ellery. Surveyors: John Mumford and William Greene. Ferry Man, Jamestown and Newport: Samuel Clarke, of Conanicut. May. Militia of the Islands —st Regiment: Col. William Wanton, Lt.-Col. William Coddington, Maj. John Coddington. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment: Col. Nicholas Power, Lt.-Col. Christopher Allen, Maj. Joseph Stanton. 47 1728. May. Sheriff: Jahleel Brenton, Jr. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Warwick: Dan'll Updike, refused, Anthony Low, Wm. Wanton, Jr., John Warner, in his room. Wm. Green (son of Nicholas Easton, Sam'll), Tho. Coggeshall, Westerly: Wm. Barker, Christ'r Champlin, Jr., Job Lawton, John Hill, John Coddington, Theodaty Rhodes, Sam'll Vernon, John Richmond, Dan'll Gould. Geo. Babcock, Providence: Sam'll Clark. Rich'd Brown, North Kings town: WTm. Jencks, Wm. Hall, John Burton, Wm. Spencer, James Arnold, Benja. Nichols. Elisha Knowlton, South Kings town: John Smith, Wm. Robinson, Valentine Wightman. Jos. Mumford, Portsmouth: Christopher Allen. Gideon Freeborn, East Greenwich: Wm. Sandford, Pardon Tillinghast, Dan'll Pearce, Tho. Spencer. Jos. Brownell. Joshua Studson, Gen'll Sealer & Packer. Capt. Daniel Abbott, Cursitor. June. Maj. John Coddington, Prothonotary. Joseph Borden, Receiver of Kings Silver. Col. Wm. Coddington, Master of Alienation Office. Jahleel Brenton, Jr., Custos Brevium. Oct. Court of Admiralty: Judge William Whiting of Newport, in room of " John Menzies, Dec'd. To Rivise Laws: Nathaniell Newdigate, Rich'd Ward, Capt. Henry Bull, Col. Dan'll Updike. May. Militia of the Islands-1st Regiment: Col. Wm. Wanton, Lt.-Col. WVm. Coddington, refused, Lt. Dan'll'Updike in his room, Maj. John Coddington. lb 48 1728. May. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment: Col. Nicholas Power, Lt.-Col. Christopher Allen, Maj. Joseph Stanton. Portsmouth Company. JCapt. Abiel Tripp, Lt. John Dexter, Ens. William Arnold. 1st East Greenwich Company: Capt. Joseph Weaver, Lt. Peter Mawney, Ens. Samuel Gardner. 2nd Westerly Company: Lt. Stephen Wilcox, Ens. William Ross. 1st Warwick: Capt. Randal Holden. 1729. May. Sheriff: Jahleel Brenton, Jr. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Court of Vice Admiralty: Judge, Hon. Nathaniel Byfield. Collector: Nathaniel Kay. Deputy Judge: Nathaniel Hubbard. Marshall: Arthur Savage. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Westerly: Wm. Wanton, Jr., Christ'r Champlin, Jr., Nich.' Easton, Joseph Stanton, Tho. Coggeshall, Theodaty Rhodes, Wm. Barker, John Richmond, Job Lawton, George Babcock, John Coddington, Sam'l Clark. Daniel Gould, North Kings town: John Chace. Wm. Spencer, Providence: Benja. Nichols. Rich'd Brown, South Kings town: William Jencks, Wm. Robinson, John Burton, Joseph Mumford, James Arnold, Christopher Allen, Elisha Knolton, George Haszard, Jr., John Smith, refused, Joseph Arnold. Robert Hannah, Portsmouth: in his room. Gideon Freeborn, East Greenwich: William Sandford, Pardon Tillinghast, Daniel Pearce, Thomas Spencer, Joseph Brownel. Jeremiah Pearce, Warwick: John Jenkins. John Warner, Stukely Stafford, Wm. Green (son of Sam'li). 49 1729. May. Joshua Studson, Gen'l Sealer of Weights & Measures. June. Providence, Justice: James Dexter, in the room of John Smith, who refused. Ezekiel Warner, Stephen Dexter. Portsmouth: Joseph Dennis, in the room of Joseph Brownel, who refused. South Kings town: Francis Willet, George Haszard, Jr. Judges of County Court: Newport: Henry Bull, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Wm. Coddington, Sam'l Clarke, Gideon Freeborn, Jahleel Brenton, Sheriff Providence: Wm. Jencks, William Green, Clerk. Philip Tillinghast, Benja. Green, Thomas Spencer, Dan'll Abbot, Sheriff. Kings: Francis Willet, George Haszard, Jr., C1 Jerem'h Gould, Wm. Robinson, Joseph Stanton, Immanuel Northup, She lerk. )riff. Feb. Inferior Court of Common Pleas: Newport County: Capt. Benjamin Ellery, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Capt. Joseph Whipple, Col. Wm. Coddington, Capt. Benjamin Ellery, i Engagbd. Providence County: Wm. Jencks, Philip Tillinghast. Kings County: Francis Willett, Jeremiah Gould, 'George Haszard, Clerk May. Militia of the Islands: Col. William Wanton, Lt.-Col. Daniel Updike, Maj. John Coddington. 7 50 1729. May. Militia of the Main Land: Col. Nicholas Power, Lt.-Col. Christopher Allen, Maj. Joseph Stanton. 1730. May. Militia of the Islands —st Regiment: Col. William Wanton, Lt.-Col. John Coddington, Maj. John Gardner. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. James Green, Lt. Caleb Coggeshall, Ens. Ezekiel Burroughs. 2nd. Capt. Lawrence Clark, Lt. Tho. Weaver, Jr., Ens. Sam'l Rogers, Jr. 3d. Capt. Esbon Sanford, Lt. Job Bennet, Ens. George Hall. Portsmouth Company: Capt. Adam Hunt, Lt. Wm. Cook, Ens. Wm. Lawton. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Tho. Mitchell, Lt. Peter Ball, Ens. Acres Tosh. James town Company: Capt. Nich's Carr, Lt. John Underwood, Ens. Wm. Batty. Militia of the Main Land-2nd Regiment: Col. Nicholas Power, Lt.-Col. Christopher Allen, Maj. Joseph Stanton. June. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. Daniel Cook, Lt. Hope Angel, Ens. John Brown. 2nd. Capt. Rich'd Sailes, Lt. Wm. Sprague, Ens. James Angel. 3d. Capt. Ezekiel Warner, Lt. Jos. Fenner, Ens. Israel Gorton. 4th. Capt. Benja. Waterman, Lt. Dan'l Mowrey, Ens. Resolved Waterman. 5th. Capt. Tho. Angel, Lt. Tho. Hopkins, Ens. Tho. Reph. 6th. Capt. John Smith, Jr., Lt. John Inman, Ens. Hosannah Brown. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stafford, Lt. Benoni Waterman, Ens. Sam'll Stafford. 2nd. Capt. Othniel Gorton, Lt. John Wightman, Ens. Dan'll Remington. 3d. Capt. Samuel Bennet, Jr., Lt. Randal Rice, Ens. Josiah Burlingame. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Isaac Thompson, Lt. Stephen Wilcox, Jr., Ens. Wm. Ross. 2nd. Capt. John Hill, Lt. Isaac Sheffield, Ens. James Rogers. 3d. Capt. Oliver Babcock, Lt. Rich'd Dake, Ens. John Maxson (son of Jos.). 51 1730. June. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. George Thomas, Lt. Robert Havens, Ens. Dan'll Green. 2nd. Capt. John Albro, Lt. Immanuel Northup, Ens. Eber Shearman. 3d. Capt. John Eldred, Lt. Jos. Wright, Ens. Benja. Sweet. South Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. George Mumford, Lt. George Haszard, Jr., Ens. Robert Haszard (son of Stephen). 2nd. Capt. Jeremiah Fish, Lt. Tho. Haszard (son of George), 4Ens. Ichabod Potter (son of Rob't). East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Weaver, Lt. Tho. Nichols, Ens. Benja. Bently. 2nd. Capt. Ishmael Spink, Lt. Benja. Sweet, Ens. Amos Stafford. 3d. Capt. Peter Mawny, Lt. Sam'll Gardner, Ens. Jona. Nichols. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Jabez Bowen, Lt. Tho. Rice, Cornet, Jos. Brown. Kings County Troop of Horse: Capt. Christ. Champlin, Jr., Lt. Wm. Mumford, Cornet, John Hill, Jr. Warwick Company: 3d. Ens. James Green, (son of John). May. Sheriffs: Newport County: Jahleel Brenton. Providence County: Capt. Daniel Abbot. Kings County: Immanuel Northup. George Haszard, Jr., Clerk Kings Co. resigned, Christopher Helme, Clerk in his room. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Providence: Win. Wanton, Jr., Ezekiel Warner, Tho. Coggeshall, James Brown, Jr., Wm. Barker, Joseph Arnold, Job Lawton, Jonathan Sprague, Jr., John Coddington, Portsmouth: Dan'l Gould, Wm. Sanford, John Chace, Daniel Pierce, Peleg Smith. Stephen Brownel, Providence: Wm. Brown. Rich'd Brown, Warwick: John Burton, John Warner, James Arnold, Stukely Stafford, Elisha Knolton, Wm. Green (son of Sam'l). 52 1730. May. Westerly: South Kings town: Christ'r Champlin, Jr., Christopher Allen, Theodaty Rhodes, Geo. Haszard, Jr., John Richmond, Robert Hannah, George Babcock, James Perry. Sam'l Clark. East Greenwich: North Kings town: Pardon Tillinghast, Wm. Spencer, Jeremiah Pierce, Benja. Nichols. John Jenkins. Joshua Studson, Sealer of Weights & Measures. James Martin, Cursitor. John Coddington, Prothonotary. Jahleel Brenton, Jr., Custos Brevium. William Mumford, Master of the Alienation Office. Abraham Borden, Receiver of the Kings Silver. June. Justice of the Peace: Westerly: Capt. John Babcock, in room of Christopher Champlin, who refused. Providence: Christopher Fenner, in room of John Burton, who refused. North Kingstown: Daniel Coggeshal, John Spencer, in room of Thomas Spencer, chosen Judge of Inferior Court. Feb. Scituate: Zechariah Rhodes, Stephen Hopkins. Glocester: Capt. John Smith. Commissary: Jahleel Brenton, Jr. Commissioners to settle finally the Eastern Bounds of the Collony and Province of Massachusetts Bay: William Wanton, Benjamin Ellery,Henry Bull,Samuel Clarke, Jonathan Sprague, William Jenckes, and Capt. Daniel Abbott. 53 1731. May. Militia of Newport County —st Regiment: Col. Wm. Wanton, Lt.-Col. John Coddington, Maj. John Gardner. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. James Green, Lt. Caleb Coggeshall, Ens. Ezekiel Burroughs. 2nd. Capt. Lawrence Clark, Lt. Samuel Dunn, Ens. James Coggeshall. 3d. Capt. Ezbon Sanford, Lt. Job Bennet, Ens. George Hall. Portsmouth Company: Capt William Cook, Lt. Joseph Martin, Ens. Oliver Earle. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Peter Ball, Lt. Achaz Tosh. Ens. Nath'l Littlefield. James Town Company: Capt. Nicholas Carr, Lt. John Underwood, Ens. William Batty. Militia of Providence County-2nd Regiment: Col. Nicholas Power, Lt.-Col. Daniell Abbott, Maj. Randall Holden. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. William Rhodes, Lt. Charles Tillinghast, JEns. Fisher Potter. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Fenner, Lt. Israel Gorton, Ens. Richard Knight. 3d. Capt. Benja. Waterman, Lt. Thos. Harris (son of Rich'd), Ens. Richard Thornton. Warwick Companies i 1st. Capt. Joseph Stafford, Lt. Benoni Waterman, Ens. Samuel Stafford. 2nd. Capt. Othniel Gorton, Lt. John Whiteman, Ens. Daniel Remington. 3d. Capt. Samuel Bennet, Lt. Randal Rice, Ens. James Green. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Thomas Nicholls, Lt. William Spencer, Ens. Benja. Bently. 2nd. Capt. Ishmael Spink, Lt. Benjamin Sweet, Ens. Amos Stafford. 3d. Capt. Peter Mawny, Lt. Samuel Gardner, Ens. Jona. Nicholls. Smithfield Company: Capt. Richard Sales, Lt. William Sprague, Ens. Thos. Sales. Scituate Company: Capt. Joseph Brown. Lt. Henry Randell, Ens. Charles Walker. Gloucester Company: Capt. John Inman, Lt. Obadiah Jencks, Ens. Othniel Brown. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. Jabez Bowen, Lt. Thos. Rice, Cornet Joseph Brown. 54 1731. May. Militia of Kings County-3d Regiment: Col. Christopher Allen, Lt.-Col. Joseph Stanton, Maj. George Haszard, Jr. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Isaac Thompson, Lt. Stephen Wilcox, Jr., Ens. William Ross. 2nd. Capt. Isaac Sheffield, Lt. James Rogers, Ens. Win. Clark, Jr. 3d. Capt. Oliver Babcock, Lt. Thomas Potter, Ens. Daniel McCoon. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. George Thomas, Lt. James Eldred, Ens. Benjamin Wait. 2nd. Capt. Immanuel Northup, Lt. Eber Shearman, Ens. Robert Eldred. 3d. Capt. John Eldred, Lt. Joseph Wait, Ens. Peter Boss. South Kings town: 1st. Capt. George Mumford, Lt. Stephen Hassard, Ens. Robert Hassard (son of Stephen). 2nd. Capt. Jeremiah Fish, Lt. Thos. Hassard (son of Geo.), 4Ens. Ichabod Potter (son of Rob't). Kings County Troop of Horse: Capt. Christopher Champlin, Jr., Lt. Wm. Mumford, Cornet John Hill, Jr. Oct. East Greenwich Company: 3d. Ensign Benjamin Brigs. May. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Portsmouth: William Wanton, Jr., William Sanford, Thomas Coggeshall, Daniel Pearce, William Barker, Stephen Brownell, Job Lawton, Stephen Talman. John Coddington, Warwick: Daniel Gould, John Warner, John Chace, Stukely Stafford, Peleg Smith, Wm. Green William Dyre. (son of Samuel), Providence: Thomas Stafford. Richard Brown, Westerly: A John Potter, refused, Theodaty Rhodes, Richard Fenner, John Richmond, in his room. George Babcock, Ezekiel Warner, Samuel Perry. Robert Gibbs, James Brown, Jr., Joseph Rhodes. 55 1731. May. North Kingstown: William Spencer, Benjamin Nicholls, Daniel Coggeshall. South Kings town: Christopher Allen, George Hassard, Jr., Robert Hannah. East Greenwich: John Spencer, John Jenkins, Thomas Fry, Jr., John Green. Smithfield: Jona. Sprague, Jr., Jos. Arnold, Capt. Valentine Whitman, William Arnold, Thomas Steere. Scituate: Jos. Wilkinson, Zechariah Rhodes, Stephen Hopkins. Gloucester: Elisha Knowlton, John Smith, Walter Phetteplace, Newport, Sheriff: Jahleel Brenton. Providence, " Daniel Abbott. Kings, " Immanuel Northup. Joshua Studson, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Naval Officer: James Cranston. Outside Committee to settle and determine the Controversy relating to Boundary Line between R. I. & Mass., beginning at Pawtucket Falls: Col. Wm. Willett, of West Chester, Col. Isaac Hix,) of Fl, New York. James Jackson, of Flu, 1732. May. Militia of Newport County —st Regiment: Col. John Coddington, Lt.-Col. Jno. Gardner, Maj. Jas. Green. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. James Green, Lt. Caleb Coggeshall, Ens. Ezekiel Burroughs. 2nd. Capt. Lawrence Clark, Lt. Sam'l Dunn, Ens. Jas. Coggeshall. 3d. Capt. Ezbon Sandford, Lt. Job Bennet,. Ens. George Hall. Portsmouth Company: Capt. Wm. Arnold, Lt. John Burrington, Ens. Thos. Durfey. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Peter Ball, Lt. Arkes Tosh, Ens. Nath'l Littlefield. James town Company: Capt. Nich's Carr, Lt. Jno. Underwood, Ens. Wm. Battey. June. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Hezekiah Carpenter, Lt. Ezekiel Burroughs, Ens. Stephen Hookey, Jr. 56 1732. June. Newport Companies: 3d. Lt. George Hall, Ens. Wm. Philips. 4th. Capt. Job Bennet, Lt. Peleg Roger, refused, Lt. Wim. Pinnegar, in his room, Ens. Jno. Clark (son of Jas.). May. Militia of Providence County-2nd Regiment: Col. Nich's Power, Lt.-Col. Daniell Abbott, Maj. Randall Holden. Providence Companies: Ist. Capt. Wm. Rhodes, Lt. Jona. Whipple, 4Ens. Fisher Potter. 2nd. Capt. Jos. Fenner, Lt. Israel Gorton, Ens. Rich'd Knight. 3d. Capt. Benja. Waterman, Lt. Jos. Waterman, Ens. Stephen Thornton. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Jos. Stafford, Lt. Benoni Waterman, Ens. Sam'll Stafford. 2nd. Capt. Othniel Gorton, Lt. John Wightman, Ens. Dan'll Remington. 3d. Capt. Sam'll Bennet, Lt. Randall Rice, Ens. James Green. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Thos. Nicholls, Lt. Wm. Spencer, Ens. Wm. Sweet. 2nd. Capt. Benja. Sweet, Lt. Jerem'h Jones, Ens. Amos Stafford. 3d. Capt. Peter Mauny, Lt. Sam'll Gardner, Ens. Benja. Briggs. Glocester Company: Capt. Solomon Smith, Lt. Job Comstock, Ens. Othniel Brown. Scituate Company: Capt. Jos. Wilkinson, Lt. Henry Randall, Ens. Jas. Mathewson, Jr. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. Jabez Bowen, Lt. Thos. Rice, Cornet Jos. Brown. June. Providence Companies: 1st. Ens. George Brown. 2nd. Ens. Jno. Randall. 3d. Capt. Jos. Waterman, Lt. Edw'd Manton. Smithfield Companies: 1st. Capt. Wm. Sprague, Lt. Dan'l Arnold, Ens. Uriah Mowrey. 2nd. Capt. James Aldrich, refused, Capt. Jos. Smith, Jr., in his room, Lt. Dan'l Jencks, Ens. Tho. Sheppy. Scituate Company: Capt. Henry Randall, Lt. Elisha Hopkins. Glocester Company: Ens. Seth Arnold. 57 1732. May. Militia of Kings County-3d Regiment: Col. Christopher Allin, Lt.-Col. Jos. Stanton, Maj. George Haszard, Jr. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Isaac Thompson, Lt. Stephen Wilcox, Ens. Wm. Ross. 2nd. Capt. Isaac Sheffield, Lt. James Rogers, Ens. Wm. Clark, Jr. 3d. Capt. Oliver Babcock, 'JLt. Tho. Potter, Ens. Dan'll Maccoon. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Geo. Thomas, Lt. Jas. Eldred, Ens. Benj. Wight. 2nd. Capt. Emmanuel Northup, Lt. Eber Sherman, Ens. Rob't Eldred. 3d. Capt. John Eldred, Lt. Jos. Wight, Ens. Peter Boss. South Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. George Mumford, Lt. Stephen Haszard, Ens. Rob't Haszard (son of Tho.). 2nd. Capt. Jeremiah Fish, Lt. Thos. Haszard (son of George), Ens. Ichabod Potter (son of Rob't.). Kings County Troop of Horse: Capt. Christ'r Champlin, Lt. Wm. Mumford, Cornet Jno. Hill. Jan. Westerly Company: 1st. Lt. Dan'l Stanton, in the room of Stephen Wilcox, who refused. Kings County Troop of Horse: Capt. William Mumford, Lt. Joseph Pendleton, Cornet Thos. Potter, of South Kingstown (son of Ichabod). May. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Portsmouth: Wm. Wanton, Jr., Wm. Sandford, Thos. Coggeshall, Dan'l Peirce, Jr., Wm. Barker, Stephen Talman, Job Lawton, Joshua Coggeshall. Jno. Coddington, Warwick: Dan'l Gould, John Warner, Peleg Smith, Stukely Stafford, Wm. Dyre, Wm. Green John Chace. (son of Sam'l). Providence: Thos. Stafford, Rich'd Waterman, James Arnold. Rich'd Brown, Westerly: Rich'd Fenner, Theodaty Rhodes, Ezekiel Warner, Jno. Richmond, Rob't Gibbs, Jno. Babcock, James Brown, Jr., Geo. Babcock, Joseph Rhodes. Sam'l Perry. 8 58 1732. May. North Kings town: Wm. Spencer, Benj. Nicholls, Dan'l Coggeshall, George Thomas. South Kings town: Christopher Allin, Geo. Haszard, Jr., Rob't Hannah, Jos. Stafford, East Greenwich: John Spencer, Jno. Jenckins, Tho. Fry, Jr., Smithfield: Jona. Sprague, Jr., Capt.ValentineWightman, Wm. Arnold, John Mowrey. Scituate: Jos. Wilkenson, Stephen Hopkins, Jr., Benja. Fisk. Glocester: Elisha Knowlton, Capt. Jno. Smith, Wm. Phettyplace. Jno. Spencer (son of Wm.). County Sheriffs: Newport: Jahleel Brenton, Jr. Providence: Daniel Abbott. Kings: Immanuel Northup. Justice of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Providence County: John Angell, in the room of Philip Tillinghast, Dec'd. Joshua Studson, Sealer of Weights and Measures. June. Justices of the Peace: Providence: Silas Carpenter, in the room of Joseph Rhodes, who refused. South Kingstown: Robert Haszard (son of Thos.), in room of Joseph Stafford, Dec'd. Smithfield: Tho. Sailes, in the room of John Mowrey, who refused. Sealers of Duck: Benja. Thurston, Capt. Caleb Boss. Clerk of Inferior Court, &c., Kings County: Maj. George Haszard, in room of Christ'r Helme, Dec'd. Harbor Master: Wm. Wanton, Jr. Printer for the Collony: James Franklin of Newport. 59 1732. Jan. Justice of the Peace: Warwick: Capt. Stephen Arnold, in room of John Warner, Dec'd. 1733. May. Newport County Militia-1st Regiment: Col. John Coddington, Lt.-Col. John.Gardner, Maj. James Green. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Hezekiah Carpenter, Lt. Ezekiel Burroughs, Ens. Stephen Hookey, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Lawrence Clark, Lt. Samuel Dunn, Ens. James Coggeshall. 3d. Capt. Esbon Sanford, Lt. George Hall, Ens. William Phillips. 4th. Capt. Job Bennet, Lt. John Clark (son of James), Ens. William Weeden. Portsmouth Company: Capt. William Arnold, Lt. John Burrington, Ens. Thomas Durfey. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Peter Ball, Lt. Achaz Tosh, Ens. Nathanael Littlefield. James Town Company: Capt. John Underwood, Lt. William Battey, Ens. Benjamin Sheffield. Oct. Newport Companies: 1st. Lt. Stephen Hookey, Jr., Ens. Daniel Russell. May. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Nicholas Power, Lt.-Col. Randell Holden, Maj. Silvanus Scott. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. William Rhodes, Lt. Jonathan Whipple, Ens. Zuriel Waterman, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Fenner, Lt. Israel Gorton, Ens. John Randell. 3d. Capt. Richard Fenner, Lt. Stephen Thornton, Ens. Henry Harris (son of Thos.). Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stafford, Lt. Benoni Waterman, Ens. Samuel Stafford. 2nd. Capt. Othniel Gorton, Lt. John Wightman, Ens. Daniel Remington. 3d. Capt. Samuel Bennet, Lt. Randel Rice, Ens. James Green. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Nicholls, Lt. William Sweet, Ens. Abner Spencer, Jr. 60 1733. May. East Greenwich Companies: 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Sweet, Lt. Jeremiah Jones, Ens. Amos Stafford. 3d. Capt. Peter Mawny, Lt. Samuel Gardner, Ens. Benjamin Briggs. Scituate Company: Capt. Henry Randell, Lt. Elisha Hopkins, Ens. James Matthewson, Jr. Gloucester Company: Capt. Obadiah Jenks, Lt. Othniel Brown, Ens. Chad Brown. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Jabez Bowen, Lt. Thomas Rice, Cornet Joseph Brown. June. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. Nathaniel Jenks, in the room of William Rhodes, who refused, Lt. William Hopkins, in the room of Jona. Whipple, who refused. 2nd. Capt. Robert Knight, " Israel Gorton, Smithfield Companies: 1st. Capt. Job Whipple, Lt. Joseph Smith, Joyner, Ens. Edward Smith. 2nd. Capt. Richard Sales, Lt. Daniel Arnold, Ens. Uriah Mowrey. East Greenwich Company: 1st. Lt. Jonathan Weaver, in the room of Wm. Sweet, who refused. Warwick Company: 2nd. Capt. John WightmBn, in the room of Othniel Gorton, Dec'd, Lt. Thomas Rice. Providence County Troop of Horse: Lt. Joseph Brown, in room of Thomas Rice, who refused. Cornet William Rice, in room of Joseph Brown. May. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Christopher Allen, Lt.-Col. Joseph Stanton, Maj. Geoge Haszard, Jr. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Stephen Wilcox, Lt. Daniel Stanton, Ens. William Ross. 2nd. Capt. Isaac Sheffield, Lt. James Rogers, Ens. William Clark, Jr. 3d. Capt. Oliver Babcock, Lt. Thomas Potter, Ens. Daniel Maccown. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. James Eldred, Lt. Benjamin Wait, Ens. Nathaniel Havens. 2nd. Capt. Emanuel Northup, Lt. Eber Shearman, Ens. Robert Eldred. 3d. Capt. John Eldred, Lt. Joseph Wait, Ens. Peter Boss. 61 1733. May. South Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. George Mumford, Lt. Stephen Hassard, Ens Robert Hassard (son of Stephen). 2nd. Capt. Jeremiah Fish, Lt. Thos. Hassard (son of George), uEns. Ichabod Potter (son of Robert). June. South Kingstown Company: Capt. Stephen Hassard, in the room of George Mumford, who refused, Lt. Robert Hassard (son of Stephen), July. Ens. Ichabod Potter (son of Ichabod). July. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Hassard (son of George), in the room of Jeremiah Fish, who refused, Lt. Ichabod Potter (son of Robert), Ens. Ephraim Gardner. Oct. Kings County Troop of Horse: Capt. Thomas Potter, Lt. Joseph Pendleton, Cornet Jeremiah Niles. May. County Sheriffs: Newport: Jahleel Brenton, refused, John Coddington, in his room. Providence: Daniel Abbott. Kings: Emanuel Northup. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Portsmouth: William Wanton, Jr., William Sanford, Thomas Coggeshall, Daniel Pearce, Jr., William Barker, Stephen Talman, Job Lawton, Joshua Coggeshall, Daniel Gould, William Cornell, Peleg Smith, William Brown. William Dyre, Warwick: John Chace, Stephen Arnold, James Sheffield, Stukely Stafford, Kendall Nicholls. William Green Providence: (son of Samuel), Richard Waterman, Thomas Stafford, Richard Brown, James Arnold. Richard Fenner, Westerly: Ezekiel Warner, John Richmond, Robert Gibbs, John Babcock, James Brown, Jr., Samuel Perry, Silas Carpenter. John Hoxsey. 62 1733. May. Justices of the Peace: North Kingstown: William Spencer, Benjamin Nicholls, Daniel Coggeshall, George Thomas, Robert Hall. South Kingstown: Christopher Allen, George Hassard, Jr., Robert Hannah, Robert Hassard. East Greenwich: John Spencer, John Jenkins, Thomas Fry, Jr., John Spencer (son of Wm.), Peter Mawny. Smithfield: Jonathan Sprague, Jr., Capt.Valentine Wightman, William Arnold, Thomas Sales. Scituate: Joseph Wilkinson, Stephen Hopkins, Benjamin Fisk. Gloucester: Elisha Knolton, John Smith, John Barnes, Joshua Studson, Sealer of Weights and Measures. June. James Martin, Cursitor. Josias Lyndon, Prothonotary. John Coddington, Custos Brevium. Samuel Wickham, Master of the Alienation Office. Gideon Wanton, Receiver of the Kings Silver. Justices of the Peace: Portsmouth: William Coggeshall, in room of William Cornell, who refused. Scituate: Edward Shelding, in room of Joseph Wilkinson, who refused. Judge of the Court of Admiralty: George Dunbar, of Newport, in room of Nathaniel Byfield, Dec'd. 1734. May. Newport County Militia —st Regiment: Col. John Coddington, refused, Col. John Gardner, in his room, Lt.-Col. John Gardner, advanced, Lt.-Col. George Lawton, in his room, Maj. Hezekiah Carpenter. 63 1734. May. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Hezekiah Carpenter, Lt. Stephen Hookey, Jr., Ens. Daniel Russell. 2nd. Capt. Lawrence Clark, Lt. Samuel Dunn, Ens. James Coggeshall. 3d. Capt. Ezbon Sanford, Lt. George Hall, Ens. William Phillips. 4th. Capt. Job Bennet, Lt. John Clark (son of James), Ens. William Weeden. Portsmouth Company: Capt. William Arnold, Lt. John Burrington, Ens. Thomas Durfey. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Peter Ball, Lt. Achaz Tosh, Ens. Nath'l Littlefield. James Town Company: Capt. John Underwood, Lt. William Battey, Ens. Benjamin Sheffield. June. Lt.-Col. William Hall, in the room of George Lawton, who refused. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Stephen Hookey, Jr., in the room of Hezekiah Carpenter, who refused, Lt. Daniel Russell, Ens. Thomas Green. Portsmouth Company: Capt. John Burrington, Lt. John Lawton, Ens. Jeremiah Lawton, Jr. Oct. Lt. Job Lawton, in the room of John Lawton, Dec'd. May. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Daniel Abbott, Lt.-Col. Randall Holdon, Maj. Silvanus Scott. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. Nathanael Jenks, Lt. William Hopkins, Ens. Zuriel Waterman, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Fenner, Lt. Robert Knight, Ens. John Randell. 3d. Capt. Richard Fenner, Lt. Stephen Thornton, Ens. Christopher Harris. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stafford, Lt. Benoni Waterman, Ens. Samuel Stafford. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Rice, Lt. Josiah Arnold, Ens. Henry Tibbets. 3d. Capt. Samuel Bennet, Lt. Randel Rice, Ens. James Green. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Nicholls, Lt. Jonathan Weaver, Ens. Abner Spencer, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Sweet, Lt. Jeremiah Jones, Ens. Samuel Spencer. 3d. Capt. Peter Mawny, Lt. Samuel Gardner, Ens. Benjamin Briggs. 64 1734. May. Smithfield Companies: 1st. Capt. Job Whipple, Lt. Joseph Smith, Joyner, Ens. Edward Smith. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Uriah Mowrey, Ens. Jonathan Mowrey. Scituate Company: Capt. Henry Randell, Lt. Elisha Hopkins, Ens. James Matthewson, Jr. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Jabez Bowen, Lt. Joseph Brown, Cornet William Rice. June. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. William Hopkins, in the room of Nathanael Jenks, who refused, Lt. William Brown. 2nd. Capt. Robert Knight, in room of Joseph Fenner, who refused, Lt. Jonathan Randell. Smithfield Company: 2nd. Lt. Jonathan Mowrey, in the room of Uriah Mowery, who refused, Ens. Joseph Mowrey, Jr. Scituate Company: Ens. Jeremiah Angel, in the room of James Matthewson, Jr., who refused. East Greenwich Company: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Weaver, in room of Joseph Nicholls, who refused, Lt. John Spencer (son of Michael). Providence County Troop of Horse: Cornet Samuel Green, in the room of William Rice, who refused. Gloucester Companies: 1st. Capt. Obadiah Jenks, Lt. Othniel Brown, Ens. Chad Brown. 2nd. Capt. Solomon Smith, Lt. Job Culmstock, Ens. Israel Arnold. Oct. 1st. Ens. Robert Smith, in the room of Chad Brown, who refused. 2nd. Capt. John Smith, in the room of Solomon Smith, who refused. May. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Christopher Allen, Lt.-Col. Joseph Stanton, Maj. John Potter. Westerly Companies: 3d. Capt. Oliver Babcock, Lt. Daniel Maccown, Ens. Zacheus Raynolds. North Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. James Eldred, Lt. Benjamin Weight, Ens. Nath'l Havens. 2nd. Capt. Immanuel Northup, Lt. Eber Sherman, Ens. Robert Eldred. 3d. Capt. John Eldred, Lt. Joseph Weight, Ens. Peter Boss. 65 1734. May. South Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. Stephen Hassard, Lt. Robert Hassard (son of Stephen), Ens. Ichabod Potter (son of Ichabod). 2nd. Capt. Ichabod Potter (son of Robert), Lt. Ephraim Gardner, Ens. Samuel Babcock. Kings County Troop of Horse: Capt. Thomas Potter, Lt. Joseph Pendleton, Cornet, Jeremiah Niles. June. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Stephen Willcox, Lt. Ichabod Babcock, Ens. William Champlin, Jr. 2nd. Capt. James Rogers, in the room of Isaac Sheffield, Lt. William Clark, Jr., Ens. Joseph Enos. 4th. Capt. Isaac Sheffield, Lt. Daniel Stanton, Ens. Joseph Champlin. May. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Inferior Court of Common Pleas: Newport: William Coddington, Benjamin Ellery, Joseph Whipple, Gideon Freeborn, Providence: William Jenks, John Angel, Benjamin Green, Thomas Spencer, Kings: Jeremiah Gould, Joseph Stanton, Stephen Hassard, William Spencer, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. John Coddington, Sheriff. William Green, Clerk. Daniel Abbott, Sheriff. James Helme, Clerk. Immanuel Northup, Sheriff. Oct. George Thomas & Christopher Phillips, special Judges in room of Joseph Stanton & Stephen Hassard. Justices of the Peace: Newport: William Wanton, Jr. Thomas Coggeshall, William Barker, Job Lawton, Daniel Gould, Peleg Smith, William Dyre, Peter Bours, James Sheffield, James Honyman, Jr. 9 66 1734. Oct. Providence: Richard Waterman, Arthur Venner, Richard Fenner, Richard Thornton, Robert Gibbs, James Brown, Jr., Silas Carpenter, William Burton. Portsmbuth: William Sanford, Daniel Pearce, Jr., Stephen Tallman, Joshua Coggeshall, William Coggeshall, William Brown. Warwick: Stephen Arnold, Stukely Stafford, Wm. Green (son of Sam'l), Thomas Stafford, James Arnold. Westerly: John Richmond, John Babcock, Samuel Perry, John Hoxsey. North Kings town: William Spencer, Benjamin Nicholls, North Kings town: Daniel Coggeshall, George Thomas, Robert Hall, Job. Tripp, Jr. South Kingstown: Christopher Allen, Benjamin Hassard, Ephraim Gardner, Isaac Sheldon, East Greenwich: John Spencer, John Jenkins. Thomas Frye, Jr., John Spencer (son of Win.). Peter Mawny, Benjamin Sweet. Smithfield: Jonathan Sprague, Jr., Valentine Whiteman, William Arnold, Thomas Sayles. Scituate: Edward Sheldon. Stephen Hopkins, Benjamin Fisk. Gloucester: Elisha Knowlton, John Smith, John Barnes. Officers for Docking Estates Tail: James Martin, Cursitor. Josias Lyndon, Prothonotary. John Coddington, Custos Brevium. Samuel Wickham, Master of Alienation Office. Gideon Wanton, Receiver of Kings Silver. Joshua Stutson, Sealer of Weights & Measures. June. Newport Justice of Peace: James Clark, in room of William Barker, who refused. Westerly: Samuel Willbore. 67 1734. June. East Greenwich: John Spencer, Jr., in the room of John Spencer, who refused. Peleg Spencer, in the room of Thomas Fry, Jr., who refused. North Kings town: Christopher Phillips. 1735. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas: Newport County: William Coddington, Benjamin Ellery, Joseph Whipple, Gideon Freeborn, Providence County: William Jenks, John Angel, Benjamin Green, Thomas Spencer, Kings County: Jeremiah Gould, Joseph Stanton, Stephen Hassard, William Spencer, Clerk of House: Josias Lync Justices of the Peace: Newport: William Wanton, Jr., Thomas Coggeshall, James Clark, Job Lawton, Daniel Gould, Peleg Smith, William Dyre, Peter Bours, James Sheffield, James Honyman, Jr., Kendal Nichols. Providence: Richard Waterman, Arthur Fenner, Richard Fenner, Richard Thornton, Robert Gibbs, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. John Coddington, Sheriff. William Green, Clerk. Thomas Rice, Sheriff. James Helme, Clerk. Immanuel Northup, Sheriff. Providence: James Brown, Jr., Silas Carpenter, William Burton. Portsmouth: William Sandford, Daniel Pearce, Jr., Stephen Tallman, Walter Cornell, William Coggeshall, William Brown. Warwick: Stephen Arnold, Stukely Stafford, William Green (son of Sam'l), Thomas Stafford, James Arnold. 68 1735. May. Westerly: John Richmond, John Babcock, Samuel Perry, John Hoxsey, Samuel Willbore. North Kings town: Benjamin Nicholls, Daniel Coggeshall, George Thomas, Robert Hall, Job Tripp, Jr., Christopher Phillips, Peter Boss, George Tibbets, Jr. South Kings town: Christopher Allen, Benjamin Hassard, Ephraim Gardner, Isaac Sheldon. East Greenwich: John Spencer, Jr., John Jenkins, Peleg Spencer, John Spencer (son of Wm.), Peter Mawny, Benjamin Sweet. Smithfield: Jonathan Sprague, Valentine Whitman, William Arnold, Thomas Sayles. Scituate: Edward Sheldon, Stephen Hopkins, Benjamin Fisk. Gloucester: Elisha Knowlton, John Smith, John Barnes. Officers for Dockings Estates Tail: James Martin, Cursitor. Josias Lyndon, Prothonotary. John Coddington, Custos Brevium. Samuel Wickham, Master of the Alienation Office. Gideon Wanton, Receiver of the Kings Silver. Joshua Stutson, Sealer of Weights and Measures. June. Justices of the Peace: Providence: William Hopkins, in room of James Brown, who refused. William Rhodes. Warwick: William Holdon. Westerly: Stephen Babcock, in room of John Babcock, who refused. Aug. Liberty to Keep School in one of the Chambers of County House in Providence: George Taylor. May. Newport County Militia-1st Regiment: Col. John Gardner, Lt.-Col. William Hall, Maj. Hezekiah Carpenter. 69 1735. May. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Stephen Hookey, Jr., Lt. Daniel Russell, Ens. John James. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Dunn, Lt. Jeremiah Barker, Ens. James Coggeshall. 3d. Capt. Esbon Sanford, Lt. George Hall, Ens. William Phillips. 4th. Capt. Job Bennett, Lt. John Clark (son of James), Ens. William Weeden. Portsmouth Company: Capt. John Burrington, Lt. Job Lawton, Ens. Jeremiah Lawton, Jr. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Peter Ball, Lt. Achaz Tosh, Ens. Nathanael Littlefield. James Town Company: Capt. Benjamin Sheffield, Lt. William Battey, Ens. Gershom Remington. Feb. Newport Companies: 3d. Capt. William Phillips, in room of Esbon Sanford, who refused, Lt. John Stevens, Ens. Job Caswell. 4th. Ens. Edward Smith, in room of William Weeden, who refused. James Town Company: Lt. Gershom Remington, in room of William Battey, who refused, Ens. John Pain. May. Providence County Militia: Col. Daniel Abbott, Lt. Randall Holdon, Maj. Silvanus Scott. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. William Hopkins, Lt. William Brown, Ens. Zuriel Waterman, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Robert Knight, Lt. Jonathan Randall, Ens. John Randall. 3d. Capt. Richard Fenner, Lt. Stephen Thornton, Ens. Christopher Harris. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stafford, Lt. Benoni Waterman, Ens. Samuel Stafford. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Rice, Lt. Josiah Arnold, Ens. Henry Tibbets. 3d. Capt. Samuel Bennet, Lt. Randall Rice, Ens. James Green. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. John Weaver, Lt. John Spencer (son of Michael), Ens. Abner Spencer. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Sweet, Lt. Jeremiah Jones, Ens. Samuel Spencer. 3d. Capt. Peter Mawny, Lt. Samuel Gardner, Ens. Benjamin Briggs. 70 1735. May. Smithfield Companies: 1st. Capt. Job Whipple, Lt. Joseph Smith, Joyner, Ens. Edward Smith. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Jonathan Mowrey, Ens. Joseph Mowrey, Jr. Scituate Company: Capt. Elisha Hopkins, Lt. Job Randall, Ens. Jeremiah Angel. Gloucester Companies: 1st. Capt. Obadiah Jenks, Lt. Othniel Brown, Ens. Robert Smith. 2nd. Capt. John Smith, Lt. Job Culmstock, Ens. Israel Arnold. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Jabez Bowen, Lt. Joseph Brown, Cornet Samuel Green. June. Providence Companies: 2nd. Capt. Jonathan Randall, in the room of Robert Knight, who refused, Lt. John Randall, Ens. Josias Westcote. 3d. Capt. Thomas Harris (son of Michael), in the room of Richard Fenner, who refused. Smithfield Company: Ens. Michael Phillips, in the room of Joseph Mowrey, who refused. Gloucester Company: 2nd. Lt. Israel Arnold, in room of Job Culmstock, who refused, Ens. Michael Henman. Oct. Major Peter Mawny, in the room of Silvanus Scott, who refused. Providence Company: 3d. Lt. Christopher Harris, in room of Stephen Thornton, who refused, Ens. Thomas Harris (son of Henry). Smithfield Company: 2nd. Lt. Abraham Tourtelot, in room of Jonathan Mowrey. East Greenwich Company: 2nd. Capt. Jeremiah Jones, in room of Benjamin Sweet, who refused, Lt. Samuel Spencer, Ens. Samuel Hopkins. 3d. Capt. Samuel Gardner, in room of Peter Mawny, Lt. Benjamin Briggs, Ens. Benoni Andrews. Providence County Troop of Horse: Cornet William Arnold, Jr., in room of Samuel Green, who refused. Feb. Warwick Company: 3d. Lt. James Green, in room of Randall Rice, who refused, Ens. John Johnson. 71 1735. May. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Christopher Allen, Lt.-Col. Joseph Stanton, Maj. John Potter. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Edward Wilcox, Lt. Ichabod Babcock, Ens. William Champlin. Jr. 2nd. Capt. James Rogers,' Lt. William Clark, Jr., Ens. Stephen Wilcox. 3d. Capt. Oliver Babcock, Lt. Daniel Maccoon, Ens. Zacheus Raynolds. 4th. Capt. Daniel Stanton, Lt. Edward Greenman, Jr., Ens. Jonathan Clark. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. James Eldred, Lt. Benjamin Weight, Ens. Nathanael Havens. 2nd. Capt. Immanuel Northup, Lt. Eber Shearman, Ens. Robert Eldred. 3d. Capt. John Eldred, Lt. Joseph Weight, Ens. Benjamin Congdon. South Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Robert Hassard, Lt. Ichabod Potter (son of Ichabod). 2nd. Capt. Ichabod Potter (son of Robert), Lt. Henry Gardner, Jr., Ens. Samuel Babcock. Kings County Troop of Horse: Capt. Thomas Potter, Lt. Christopher Champlin, Cornet Jeremiah Niles. June. Col. Joseph Stanton, in the room of Christopher Allen, who refused, 4 Lt.-Col. John Potter, Maj. George Thomas. South Kings town Company: 1st. Ens. John Case. 1736. May. Newport County Militia —st Regiment: Col. John Gardner, Lt-Col. William Hall, Maj. Hezekiah Carpenter. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Stephen Hookey, Jr., Lt. Daniel Russell, Ens. John James. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Dunn, Lt. Jeremiah Barker, Ens. James Coggeshall. 3d. Captain William Phillips, Lt. John Stevens, Ens. Job Caswell. 4th. Capt. Job. Bennet, Lt. John Clark (son of James), Ens. Edward Smith. Portsmouth Company: Capt. John Burrington, Lt. Job Lawton, Ens. Jeremiah Lawton, Jr. 72 1736. May. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Peter Ball, Lt. Acres Tosh, Ens. Nathanael Littlefield. James Town Company: Capt. Benjamin Sheffield, Lt. Gershom Remington, Ens. John Pain. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Daniel Abbott, Lt.-Col. Randalf Holdon, Maj. Peter Mawny. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. William Hopkins, Lt. William Brown, Ens. Zuriel Waterman, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Jonathan Randall, Lt. John Randall, Ens. Josiah Westcote. 3d. Capt. Thomas Harris, Jr., Lt. Christopher Harris, Ens. Thomas Harris (son of Henry). Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stafford, Lt. Benoni Waterman, Ens. Samuel Stafford. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Rice, Lt. Josiah Arnold, Ens. Henry Tibbets. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Weaver, Lt. John Spencer (son of Michael), Ens. Abner Spencer, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Jeremiah Irons, Lt. Samuel Spencer, Ens. Samuel Hopkins. 3d. Capt. Samuel Gardner, Lt. Benjamin Briggs, Ens. Benoni Andrews. Smithfield Companies: 1st. Capt. Job Whipple, Lt. Joseph Smith, Joyner, Ens. Edward Smith. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Abraham Tourtelot, Ens. Michael Phillips. Scituate Company: Capt. Job Randall, Lt. Jeremiah Angel, Ensign Joseph Knight. Gloucester Companies. 1st. Capt. Zebedee Hopkins, Lt. Robert Smith, Ens. Isaiah Inman. 2nd. Capt. John Smith, Lt. Israel Arnold, Ens. Thomas Barnes. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Jabez Bowen, Lt. Joseph Brown, Cornet William Arnold, Jr. June. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. William Brown (son of Richard), in room of William Hopkins, who refused, Lt. Zuriel Waterman, Jr., Ens. Simon Smith. 2nd. Lt. Richard Knight, in room of John Randall, who refused, Ens. Josiah Westcote. 73 1736. June. Warwick Company: 3d. Capt. Samuel Bennet, Lt. James Green, Ens. John Johnson. Oct. Providence Company: 3d. Ens. Henry Harris, Jr. Warwick: 2nd. Capt. Josias Arnold, in room of Thomas Rice, who refused, Lt. Henry Tibbets, Ens. Samuel Wightman. East Greenwich Company: 1st. Capt. John Spencer (son of Michael), in room of Jonathan Weaver, who refused, Lt. Abner Spencer, Jr., Ens. Giles Pearce. Feb. Providence Company: 3d. Lt. Henry Harris (son of Henry, Dec'd), in room of Christopher Harris, who refused, Ens. John Williams. May. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Joseph Stanton, Lt.-Col. John Potter, Maj. George Thomas. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Edward Willcox, Lt. Ichabod Babcock, Ens. William Champlin, Jr. 2nd. Capt. William Clark, Jr., Lt. Stephen Willcox,.. _____ —Ens. Jonathan Kenion. 3d. Capt. Joseph Maxson, 2nd, Lt. John Maccoon, Ens. Jonathan Maxson. 4th. Capt. Daniel Stanton, Lt. Edward Greenman, Jr., Ens. Jonathan Clark. North Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. James Eldred, Lt. Benjamin Weight, Ens. Nathanael Havens. 2nd. Capt. Immanuel Northup, Lt. Eber Shearman, Ens. Robert Eldred. 3d. Capt. John Eldred, Lt. Joseph Weight, Ens. Benjamin Congdon. South Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. Robert Hassard (son of Stephen), Lt. Ichabod Potter (son of Ichabod), Ens. John Case. 2nd. Capt. Ichabod Potter (son of Robert), Lt. Henry Gardner, Ens. Samuel Babcock. Kings County Troop of Horse: Capt. Thomas Potter, Lt. Christopher Champlin, Cornet, Jeremiah Niles. 10 74 1736. June. Westerly Company: 3d. Capt. Caleb Church, in room of Joseph Maxson, 2nd, who refused. Kings County Troop of Horse: Capt. Christopher Champlin, in room of Thomas Potter, who refused, Lt. Jeremiah Niles. Oct. North Kings town Company: 3d. Ens. John Gardner, in room of Benjamin Congdon, who refused. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: William Coddington, Benjamin Ellery, Joseph Whipple, Gideon Freeborn, Providence County: William Jenks, Stephen Hopkins, Benjamin Green, Thomas Spencer, Kings County: Francis Willett, Joseph Stanton, Stephen Hassard, William Spencer, Clerk of House: Josias Lync Justices of the Peace: Newport: Thomas Coggeshall, James Clark, Job Lawton, Daniel Gould, Peleg Smith, William Dyre, Peter Bours, James Sheffield, James Honyman, Jr., Kendall Nicholls, Samuel Wickham. Providence: Richard Waterman, Arthur Fenner, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. John Coddington, Sheriff. William Green, Clerk. Thomas Rice, Sheriff. James Helme, Clerk. Immanuel Northup, Sheriff. Ion. Providence: Richard Fenner, Richard Thornton, Robert Gibbs, Silas Carpenter, William Burton, William Hopkins, William Rhodes. Portsmouth: William Sanford, Stephen Tallman, Walter Cornell, William Coggeshall, William Brown, John Allen. 75 1736. May. Warwick: Stephen Arnold, Stukely Stafford, William Green (son of Sam'l), Thomas Stafford, James Arnold, William Holdon. Westerly: John Richmond, Samuel Perry, Samuel Willbore, Stephen Babcock, Joseph Pendleton. North Kingstown: Benjamin Nicholls, Daniel Coggeshall, George Thomas, Christopher Phillips, George Tibbets, Jr., Job Tripp, Jr., Peter Boss. South Kingstown: Christopher Allen, Benjamin Hassard, South Kingstown: Ephraim Gardner, Isaac Sheldon. East Greenwich: John Spencer, Jr., John Jenkins, Peleg Spencer, John Spencer (son of Wim.), Peter Mawny, Benjamin Sweet. Smithfield: Jonathan Sprague, William Arnold, Thomas Sayles. Scituate: Edward Sheldon, Benjamin Fish, Job Randall. Gloucester: Elisha Knowlton, John Smith, John Barnes, Walter Phettaplace. Officers for Docking Estates Tail: James Martin, Cursitor. Josias Lyndon, Prothonotary. John Coddington, Custos Brevium. Samuel Wickham, Master of the Alienation Office. Gideon Wanton, Receiver of the Kings Silver. Joshua Stutson, Sealer of Weights & Measures. June. Justices of the Peace: Warwick: John Rice, Jr., in room of Stukely Stafford, who refused. 1737. May. Newport County Militia-ist Regiment: Col. John Gardner, Lt.-Col. William Hall, Maj. Hezekiah Carpenter. Company officers continued. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Daniel Abbott, Lt.-Col. Randall Holden, Maj. Joseph Stafford. Company officers continued. 76 1737. May. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. John Potter, Lt.-Col. Oliver Babcock, Maj. John Albro. Nov. Westerly Company: 3d. Capt. John Maxson (son of Joseph), Lt. John Lewis, fuller, Ens. Peter Burdick. All other Company officers continued. May. Judges of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: William Coddington, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Benjamin Ellery, Joseph Whipple, William Brown, John Coddington, sheriff. John Gardner, in room of William Coddington, who refused. William Ellery, in room of Benjamin Ellery, who refused. Samuel Wickham, in room of Joseph Whipple, who refused. Nov. Stephen Brownell, 5th. Providence County: William Jenks, William Green, Clerk. Stephen Hopkins, Benjamin Green, Daniel Jenks, Thomas Rice, Sheriff. Capt. Rich'd Fenner, Special, in room of John Rice, Jr., Stephen Hopkins &Daniel Jenks. Thomas Spencer, 5th. Kings County: Francis Willet, James Helme, Clerk. Joseph Stanton, Stephen Hassard, William Spencer, Daniel Coggeshall, Sheriff. Nov. Nathaniel Niles, 5th. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Thomas Coggeshall, James Sheffield, James Clark, James Honyman, Jr., Job Lawton, Kendall Nicholls, Daniel Gould, Samuel Wickham, Peleg Smith, Samuel Rodman, William Dyre, 77 1737. May. Providence: Richard Waterman, Arthur Fenner, Richard Fenner, Richard Thornton, Robert Gibbs, Silas Carpenter, William Burton, William Hopkins, William Rhodes. Portsmouth: William Sanford, Stephen Tallman, Walter Cornell, William Coggeshall, John Allen, John Dexter. Warwick: John Rice, Wm. Green (son of Sam'l). Thomas Stafford, James Arnold, William Holdoi, Charles Holdon. Westerly: John Richmond, Samuel Perry, Samuel Willbore, Stephen Babcock, Joseph Pendleton. North Kingstown: George Thomas, Christopher Phillips, George Tibbets, Benjamin Weight, Samuel Casey, Immanuel Northup. South Kings town: Ephraim Gardner, Isaac Sheldon. East Greenwich: John Fry, John Spencer, Peleg Spencer, John Spencer (son of Wm.). Peter Mawny, Benjamin Sweet. Smithfield: Jonathan Sprague, Jr., William Arnold, Resolved Waterman, David Cumstock. Scituate: Edward Sheldon, Benjamin Fisk, Job Randall. Gloucester: Elisha Knolton, John Smith, John Barnes, Andrew Brown. June. Newport: Westerly: Robert Taylor, Christopher Champlin. Joshua Coggeshall. North Kingstown: Warwick: Robert Eldred. John Green (son of South Kings town: Peter). Thomas Hassard, Jr. 1738. May. Newport County Militia-1st Regiment: Col. John Gardner, Lt.-Col. John Freeborn, Maj. Hezekiah Carpenter. Company officers continued. 78 1738. May. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Daniel Abbott, Lt.-Col. Peter Mawny, Maj. Peter Green. Aug. Col. Peter Mawny, in room of Daniel Abbott, Dep. Gov., Lt.-Col. William Hopkins. Company officers continued. May. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. John Potter, Lt.-Col. George Thomas, Maj. Joseph Pendleton. Company officers continued. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: John Gardner, William Ellery, Samuel Wickham, Gideon Freeborn, Stephen Brownell, Providence County: John Angel, Thomas Spencer, Benjamin Green, Stephen Hopkins, Richard Thornton, Stephen Hopkins, in roon Thomas Spencer, who ref John Jenkins, in room of Stephen Hopkins. Kings County: Francis Willet, Joseph Stanton, Stephen Hassard, William Spencer, Nathanael Niles, Clerk of House: Josias Lynd Justices of the Peace: Newport: Thomas Coggeshall, James Clark, Job Lawton, Daniel Gould, Peleg Smith, William Dyre, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Jonathan Nichols, Sheriff. William Green, Clerk. Thomas Rice, Sheriff. n of used, James Helme, Clerk. Immanuel Northup, Sheriff. on. James Sheffield, Kendall Nichols, Samuel Rodman, Joshua Coggeshall, Ebenezer Richardson. 79 1738. May. Providence: Richard Waterman, Arthur Fenner, Silas Carpenter, - William Burton, William Hopkins, George Brown, Zuriel Waterman, Henry Harris, Jabez Bowen. Portsmouth: William Sanford, Stephen Tallman, William Coggeshall, John Allen, John Dexter, Daniel Howland, Gideon Cornell. Warwick: John Rice, Jr., William Green (son of Samuel), John Whitman, Stephen Arnold, Samuel Barton, William Green (son of Peter). Westerly: John Richmond, Samuel Perry, Samuel Willbore, Stephen Babcock, Joseph Pendleton, Christopher Champlin. North Kings town: George Thomas, Christopher Phillips, George Tibbets, Job Tripp, Jr., Peter Boss, Thomas Northup, Nicholas Northup. South Kingstown: Ephraim Gardner, Isaac Sheldon, Thomas Hassard (son of George), Henry Gardner, 2nd. East Greenwich: Peleg Spencer, John Spencer (son of William), Peter Mawny, Benjamin Sweet, Giles Pearse, Joseph Nichols. Smithfield: Jonathan Sprague, Jr., William Arnold, Thomas Sayles, David Cumstock. Scituate: Edward Sheldon, Job Randall, Jedediah Harris. Gloucester: Elisha Knolton, John Smith, Andrew Brown. Joshua Stutson, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Justices of the Peace: Newport: George Gardner, in room of Job Lawton, who refused. Edward Boss, in room of James Sheffield, who refused. Henry Bull, John Bennet, June. 80 1738. June. Newport: Westerly: Joseph Jacob, John Dodge, Hezekiah Carpenter, Aug. William Hern. Charles Bardin. Charlestown: Providence: Samuel Perry, Eleazer Jenks. Christopher Champlin, Portsmouth: Samuel Willbore. Gideon Durfey. Gloucester: Richard Steere. 1739. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: John Gardner, William Ellery, Samuel Wickham, Gideon Freeborn, Stephen Brownell, Providence County: Stephen Hopkins, Benjamin Green, John Jenkins, Richard Thornton, John Rice, Jr., Kings County: Francis Willett, Joseph Stanton, Stephen Hassard, William Spencer, Nathaniel Niles, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Jonathan Nichols, Sheriff. William Green, Clerk. Thomas Rice, Sheriff. James Helme, Clerk. Immanuel Northup, Sheriff. Joshua Stutson, Gen'l Sealer Weights and Measures. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Justices of the Peace: Newport: John Bennett, Samuel Rodman, Thomas Coggeshall, James Clark, Daniel Gould, Peleg Smith, William Dyre, Joshua Coggeschall, Ebenezer Richardson, Henry Bull, Hezekiah Carpenter, Charles Bardin, James Sheffield, Peter Easton, Glover. 81 1739. May. Providence: Richard Waterman, George Brown, Silas Carpenter, William Burton, William Hopkins, Zuriel Waterman, Henry Harris, Jabez Bowen, Ebenezer Jenks, George Taylor, Jonathan Randall. Portsmouth: William Sanford, John Dexter, William Coggeshall, John Allen, Daniel Howland, Gideon Durfey, William Cornell. Warwick: William Green (son of Samuel), John Whitman, Richard Green, Samuel Barton, William Green (son of Peter), William Rice. Westerly: John Richmond, Joshua Babcock, Joseph Pendleton, William Hern. North Kings town: George Thomas, George Tibbetts, Jr., Job Tripp, Jr., Thomas Northup, North Kings town: Nicholas Northup, Benjamin Weight. South Kingstown: Ephraim Gardner, Isaac Sheldon, Henry Gardner, 2nd, Benjamin Perry, Jr., Jeremiah Niles, John Potter. East Greenwich: Peleg Spencer, John Spencer (son of Wm.), Peter Mawny, Benjamin Sweet, -Giles Pearse, Joseph Nichols. Smithfield: Jonathan Sprague, Jr., William Arnold, Resolved Waterman, Thomas Sayles, David Cumstock. Scituate: Job Randall, David Sprague, Jr., Jedediah Harris. Gloucester: Elisha Knolton, Richard Steere, Andrew Brown, John Smith. Charlestown: Samuel Perry, Christopher Champlin, Samuel Willbore, Aug. Stephen Hoxie, William Clark. Commissioners to finally determine the controversy respecting the Gove of Land, between R. I. & Mass.: Peter Bours, Gideon Cornell, James Honyman, Jr., Stephen Hopkins, Daniel Updike, Samuel Clark, and Francis Willett. 11 82 1739. May. Joshua Stutson, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Newport County Militia-1st Regiment: Col. John Gardner, Lt.-Col. John Freeborn, Maj. Hezekiah Carpenter. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Peter Mawny, Lt.-Col. William Hopkins, Maj. Peter Green. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Joseph Stanton, Lt.-Col. George Thomas, Maj. Joseph Pendleton. Feb. Lt.-Col. Immanuel Northup, in room of George Thomas, who refused. Capt. at Fort George: Col. John Cranston. 1740. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Session of the Peace: Newport County: John Gardner, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. William Ellery, Samuel Wickham, Gideon Freeborn, Jonathan Nichols, Sheriff, refusing, Stehpen Brownell, Thomas Potter, Sheriff, in his room. Providence County: Stephen Hopkins, William Green, Clerk. Benjamin Green, July. Richard Thornton, in room of John Jenkins, William Green, Dep. Gov. Richard Thornton, John Rice, Jr., Thomas Rice, Sheriff. July. Daniel Jenks, in room of Richard Thornton, chosen clerk. Kings County: Francis Willett, James Helme, Clerk. Joseph Stanton, Stephen Hassard, William Spencer, Nathanael Niles, Immanuel Northup, Sheriff. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. May. Newport County Militia —st Regiment: Col. John Gardner, Lt.-Col. John Freeborn, Maj. Hezekiah Carpenter. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Herbert Nichols, Lt. Joseph Gladding, Ens. John Clark. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Dunn, Lt. John Rogers, Ens. William Hannah. 3d. Capt. Job Caswell, Lt. Caleb Peckham. 4th. Capt. Barnabas Hargil. 83 1740. May. Portsmouth Company: Capt. Jeremiah Lawton, Lt. John Lawton, Ens. William Hall. James town Company: Capt. John Cranston, Jr., Lt. John Weeden, Jr. June. Colony's Sloop, "Tartar": Capt. John Cranston, Lt. Nathaniel Potter, Commissary Jahleel Brenton. Sept. To Equip Colony Sloop Tartar, as convoy, and to cruise: Capt. Benjamin Wickham, 1st Lt. Daniel Beebe, Dec. 2nd Lt. Walter Chaloner, Master Jonathan Clark, refusing, " John Godfrey, in his stead. May. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Peter Mawny, Lt.-Col. William Hopkins, Maj. James Arnold. July. Lt.-Col. Jabez Brown, in room of William Hopkins, refusing. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Joseph Stanton, Lt.-Col. Immanuel Northup, Maj. Joseph Pendleton. June. Two Companies in his Majesties Service against Spanish: Capt. William Hopkins, Lt. Christopher Palmer. Capt. James Sheffield. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: John Bennett, Samuel Rodman, Thomas Coggeshall, James Clark, Daniel Gould, Peleg Smith, William Dyre, Joshua Coggeshall, Ebenezer Richardson, Henry Bull, Hezekiah Carpenter, Charles Bardin, James Sheffield, Peter Easton, Glazier, Thomas Ward. Providence: Richard Waterman, George Brown, Silas Carpenter, William Burton, William Hopkins, Henry Harris, Jabez Bowen, Ebenezer Jenks, George Taylor, Jonathan Randall, Zuriel Waterman. 84 1740. May. Portsmouth: William Sanford, John Allen, Stephen Brownell, Gideon Freeborn, John Dexter, Daniel Howland, Gideon Durfey, William Cornell, William Anthony, Jr., Thomas Shearman. Warwick: William Green (son of Sam'l), John Whitman, Richard Green, Samuel Barton, William Green (son of Peter), William Rice, James Rhode. Westerly: Joshua Babcock, Joseph Pendleton, William Hern, Stephen Richmond. North Kings town: George Thomas, Job Tripp, Jr., Thomas Northup, Nicholas Northup, Benjamin Weight, Thomas Hill, Benoni Hall, John Sweet. South Kings town: Ephraim Gardner, Isaac Shelden, Henry Gardner, 2d, Benjamin Perry, Jr., Jeremiah Niles, Hezekiah Babcock. Jamestown (Wardens): Edward Carr, John Hull. East Greenwich: John Fry, John Spencer (son of Wm.), Peter Mawny, Giles Pearse, Caleb Carr, Jr., Nathan Rice. Smithfield: William Arnold, Resolved Waterman, Thomas Sayles, David Comstock, William Jenks. Scituate: Job Randall, Ezekiel Hopkins, Benjamin Fisk. Gloucester: Elisha Knolton, Richard Steere, Andrew Brown, John Smith. Charlestown: Samuel Perry, Stephen Hoxsie, William Clark, Jr. Edward Thurston, Sealer of Weights and Measures, in room of Joshua Stutson, Dec'd. Capt. John Cranston, of Collony's Sloop, Tarter. July. Justices of the Peace: Portsmouth: John Coggeshall, in room of William Cornell, refusing. 85 1740. July. Charlestown: Capt. John Hill, in room of Capt. Christopher Champlin, refusing. North Kings town: Robert Hall, in room of George Thomas, Dec'd. Warwick: John Green (son of Peter), in room of Hon. William Green, Dep. Gov. Sept. Providence: Richard Thornton. East Greenwich: Joseph Tillinghast. Aug. In Expedition against West Indies, 2 Companies of 100 Men each: Capt. William Hopkins, Capt. Joseph Sheffield, Lieut. Christopher Palmer. Officers to settle Boundaries between this Collony and the Province of Mass. Bay: Ezekiel Warner, George Brown. May. Enlisting Officers: Newport Co.: Capt. Samuel Dunn. Providence Co.: Capt. William Hopkins. Kings Co.: Capt. Thomas Hazard. Newport Co. Company against Spanards: Capt. Samuel Dunn, Lt. Walter Chaloner, Ens. Parker Hall. Ens. Joseph Cook, in room of Parker Hall, Dec'd. Providence Co. Company: Lt. Joseph Sheffield, Ens. William Smith. Sept. Lt. Thomas Brenton, in room of Joseph Sheffield, refusing. 1741. May. Newport County Militia —st Regiment. Col. John Gardner, Lt.-Col. John Freeborn, Maj. Hezekiah Carpenter. Newport Companies: 5th. Capt. John Gidley, Lt. Daniel Ayrault, Jr., Ens. James Allen, Jr. Aug. Capt. James Allen, Jr., Lt. Rowse Potter, Ens. James Lyon. 86 1741. Feb. 4th. Capt. Jonathan Clark, Goldsmith, in room of Caleb Jeffers, who has gone to the Island of Cuba. 2nd. Lt. James Weeden, in room of Benjamin Slocum, removed out of Town. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. Daniel Rose, Ens. Samuel Rathburn. June. James town Company: Capt. Josiah Arnold, Lt. Samuel Slocum, Ens. Joshua Bill. Capt. John Cranston, Fort George. Feb. Charter granted to Artillery Company of Newport County, Independent. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Peter Mawny, Lt.-Col. Jabez Bowen, Maj. James Arnold. Providence Companies: 1st. Ens. Alexander Frasier, in room of Abner Brown, now at Sea. 4th. Capt. Edward Arnold, in room of Stephen Remington, who refused, Lt. Benjamin Potter. Aug. Smithfield Company: 2nd. Ens. David Wilkinson. Scituate Company: 2nd. Capt. John Herenden, Lt. Samuel Derrence, Ens. Chad Aylesworth. West Greenwich: Capt. Benjamin Spink, Lt. William Hopkins, Ens. John Weight. May. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Joseph Stanton, Lt.-Col. Immanuel Northup, Maj. Joseph Pendleton. South Kings town Company: 1st. Capt. James Helme. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: John Gardner, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. William Ellery, Samuel Wickham, Gideon Freeborn, Stephen Brownell, Thomas Potter, Sheriff. Gideon Cornell, 5th, in room of William Ellery, chosen Assistant. 87 1741. May. Providence County: Daniel Jenks, John Rice, Jr., Robert Gibbs, William Holdon, Job Randall, Kings County:, Francis Willett, Joseph Stanton, Stephen Hassard, William Spencer, Nathanael Niles, Stephen Hopkins, Clerk. Thomas Rice, Sheriff. James Helme, Clerk. John Cole, Sheriff. Kings Attorneys: Newport County: James Honyman, Jr. Providence County: John Walton. Kings County: Daniel Updike. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Henry Bull, Thomas Ward, Charles Bardin, Thomas Coggeshall, James Clark, Daniel Gould, Peleg Smith, Peter Easton, Samuel Collins, Job Townsend, William Coddington, Jr., John Freebody, Jr. Providence: Richard Waterman, George Brown, Silas Carpenter, William Burton, Richard Thornton, Henry Harris, Jabez Bowen, Ebenezer Jenks, James Williams, Jr., Jonathan Randall, Zuriel Waterman. Portsmouth: William Sanford, John Allen, Gideon Durfey, John Coggeshall, William Anthony, Jr., Thomas Shearman, William Earle. Warwick: John Green (son of Peter), John Whitman, Richard Green, Samuel Barton, William Green (son of Peter), William Rice, James Rhodes, Abel Potter. Westerly: Joshua Babcock, Joseph Pendleton, William Champlin, Jr., Stephen Richmond. 88 1741. May. North Kings town: Robert Hall, Job Tripp, Jr., Thomas Northup, Nicholas Northup, Benjamin Weight, Thomas Hill, Benoni Hall, John Sweet. South Kings town: Ephraim Gardner, Isaac Sheldon, Henry Gardner, 2nd, Benjamin Perry, Jr., Jeremiah Niles. East Greenwich: John Fry, Peter Mawny, Giles Pearce, Joseph Tillinghast, Nathan Rice. Smithfield: William Arnold, Resolved Waterman, Thomas Sayles, David Cumstock, William Jenks. Scituate: Ezekiel Hopkins, Benjamin Fisk, James Brown, Jeremiah Angel. Gloucester: Elisha Knolton, Richard Steere, Andrew Brown, John Smith. Charlestown: Samuel Perry, Stephen Hoxsie, William Clark, Jr., John Hill, Joseph Hoxsie, Joseph Clark. West Greenwich: John Spencer, Henry Mattason, Jr., Jeremiah Ellis, Joseph Slocum. Edward Thurston, Sealer of Weights & Measures. Judges of Court of Equity for hearing and determining Appeals from Judgments of the Superior Court: Samuel Clark, John Potter, William Robinson, James Martin, Clerk. John Chipman, Thomas Spencer. June. Justices of the Peace: Portsmouth: Warwick: Caleb Hill, Joseph Stafford, John Anthony. Jeremiah Lippett. East Greenwich: John Spencer, Jr., in room of Nathan Rice, Joseph Nichols. 89 1741. Aug. Newport: John Taylor, in room of James Clark, Dec'd. Edward Scott, in room of Job Tovwnsend, refusing. Coventry: Thomas Stafford, Robert Green. To Rivise the Laws: James Honyman, Jr., Thomas Ward, James Martin. 1742. May. Newport County Militia —st Regiment: Col. John Gardner, Lt.-Col. John Freeborn, Maj. Hezekiah Carpenter. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Herbert Nichols, Lt. Joseph Gladden, Eus. John Clark, Mason. 2nd. Capt. William Turner, Lt. James Weeden, Ens. John Barker. 3d. Capt. Job Caswell, Lt. Thomas Rogers, Ens. James Gardner. 4th. Capt. Jonathan Clark, Goldsmith, Lt. Daniel Dunham, Jr., Ens. Peleg Cary. 5th. Capt. James Allen, Jr., Lt. Rouse Potter, Ens. James Lyon. Portsmouth Company: Capt. John Lawton, Lt. Joseph Tripp, Ens. Job Lawton. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. Robert Hull, Ens. Samuel Rathbone, Jr. James town Company: Capt. John Paine, Lt. Samuel Slocum, Ens. Joshua Bill. Capt. John Cranston, Fort George. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Peter Mawny, Lt.-Col. Jabez Bowen, Maj. John Rhodes, in room of James Arnold, who refused. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. William Brown, Lt. John Field,. Ens. Abner Brown. 2nd. Capt. Richard Knight, Lt. Thomas Hudson, Ens. John Burton, Jr. 3d. Capt. Joseph Borden, Jr., Lt. Henry Harris, Jr., Ens. William Borden, Jr. 4th. Capt. Edward Arnold, Lt. Benjamin Potter, Ens. Samuel Byles. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Benoni Waterman, Lt. Samuel Stafford, Ens. John Warner. 2nd. Capt. Rowland Barton, Lt. Thomas Wickes, Jr., Ens. Othniel Gorton. 12 90 1742. May. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Nathan Rice, Lt. Samuel Sowle, Ens. John Arnold. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Tillinghast, Lt. Henry Tibbets, Ens. John Spencer (son of Wm.). Smithfield Companies: 1st. Capt. Job Whipple, Lt. Nedebiah Angel, Ens. Jeremiah Olney. 2nd. Capt. Jonathan Mowrey, Lt. Ananias Mowrey, Ens. Thomas Arnold. Scituate Companies: 1st. Capt. Robert Potter, Lt. Hugh Phelps, Ens. William Sheldon. 2nd. Capt. John Herendon, Lt. Samuel Derence, Ens. Chad Aylesworth. Gloucester Companies: 1st. Capt. Obediah Jenks, Lt. Isaiah Inman, Ens. Jonathan Aldrich. 2nd. Capt. John Smith, Lt. Daniel Hickes, Ens. Elijah Inman. West Greenwich Company: Capt. Jonathan Mattason, Lt. John Weight, Ens. Benajah Carr. Coventry Company: Capt. Abel Potter, Lt. Robert Green, Ens. Christopher Knight. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Nathaniel Field, Lt. John Andrew, Ens. John Mawney. June. Providence Companies: 2nd. Ens. Edward Potter, Jr., in room of John Burton, Jr., refusing. 3d. Ens. Joseph Fisk, " William Borden, Jr., 4th. Capt. Benjamin Potter, Jr., " Edward Arnold, Lt. Samuel Byles, Ens. Richard Waterman, Jr. Warwick Company: 1st. Capt. Samuel Stafford, in room of Benoni Waterman, refusing, Lt. John Warner, Ens. Amos Lockwood. Providence Troop of Horse: Cornet Christopher Vaughan, in room of John Mawny, refusing. East Greenwich Company: 1st. Capt. Samuel Soule, in room of Nathan Rice, refusing, Lt. John Arnold, Ens. Joshua Coggeshall. Scituate Company: 3d. Capt. Charles Harris, Lt. Ishmael Wilkinson, Ens. Oziel Hopkins. Sept. Providence Company: 1st. Ens. Alexander Frasier. Smithfield Company: 1st. Lt. Daniel Jenks, Ens. Jeremiah Arnold. 91 1742. Sept. East Greenwich Company: 2nd. Lt. William Clark. Gloucester Company: 1st. Capt. Isaiah Inman, Lt. Charles Whitman. West Greenwich Company: Lt. Pascho Whitford. March. Smithfield Company: 1st. Lt. Richard Harris, in room of Daniel Jenks, removed out of Town. May. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Immanuel Northup, in room of Joseph Stanton, who refused, Lt.-Col. Joseph Pendleton, in room of Immanuel Northup, advanced, Maj. Christopher Champlin, in room of Joseph Pendleton, advanced. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Joshua Champlin, Lt. Edward Saunders, Ens. David Lewis. 2nd. Capt. John Maxon, Lt. John Lewis, Ens. Peter Burdick. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Robert Havens, Lt. Benjamin Thomas, Ens. Thomas Spencer. 2nd. Capt. John Cole (son of Wm.), Lt. Benjamin Allen, Ens. Wm. Congdon (son of Benj.). 3d. Capt. John Weight, Lt. Jeremiah Gardner, Ens. Thomas Wilcox. South Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Silas Miles, Lt. Benjamin Peckham, Jr., Ens, Rowland Robinson. 2nd. Capt. Elisha Reynolds, Lt. Joseph Potter, Ens. John Sheldon, Jr. Charles town Companies: 1st. Capt. James Adams, Jr., Lt. David Kenion, Ens. Richard Bailey. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Stanton, Jr., Lt. William Clark, Ens. Daniel Stanton, Jr. June. Westerly Companies: 1st. Lt. John Maxon, Jr., in room of Edward Saunders, refusing, Ens. William Hiscox, in room of David Lewis, refusing. 2nd. Capt. Zaceheus Raynolds, in room of John Maxon, refusing, Lt. Peter Burdick, in room of John Lewis, refusing. 92 1742. June. North Kings town Companies: 3d. Capt. Jeremiah Gardner, in room of John Weight, refusing, Lt. Thomas Willcox, Ens. John Reynolds, Jr. 4th. Capt. William Tripp, Lt. Peleg Thomas, Ens. Obadiah Rathbone. South Kings town Company: 1st. Lt. Thomas Stedman, in room of Benjamin Peckham, Jr., refusing. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Potter, Lt. William Gardner, Jr., Ens. Samuel Tift, Jr., in room of former officers, refusing. Charles town Company: 1st. Capt. Nathanael Lewis, in room of James Adams, refusing, Lt. Richard Bailey, in room of David Kenion, refusing, Ens. Benjamin Brown. North Kings town Company: 2nd. Ens. Benjamin Northup, Jr. May. Judges of the Court of Equity: Samuel Clark, refusing, John Chipman, in his room. John Potter, James Martin, Clerk. William Robinson, refusing, Robert Hazard (son of Thos.), in his room. Thomas Spencer, Josiah Arnold. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: John Gardner, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Samuel Wickham, James Honyman, Kings attorney. Gideon Freeborn, Stephen Brownell, Gideon Cornell, Thomas Potter, Sheriff. Providence County: Daniel Jenks, Stephen Hopkins, Clerk. John Rice, Jr., Robert Gibbs, John Andrew, Kings Attorney. William Holdon, Job Randal, Thomas Rice, Sheriff. Kings County: Francis Willet, refusing, Joseph Stanton, in his room. James Helme Clerk. Stephen Haszard, William Spencer, Daniel Updike, Kings Attorney. Nathaniel Niles, Joseph Mumford, Immanuel Northup, Sheriff. 93 1742. May. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Henry Bull, Thomas Ward, Charles Bardin, Thomas Coggeshall, John Taylour, Daniel Gould, Peleg Smith. Peter Easton, Samuel Collins, Edward Scott, Wm. Coddington, John Freebody. Providence: Richard Waterman, George Brown, Silas Carpenter, William Burton, Henry Harris, Jabez Bowen, Ebenezer Jenks, James Williams, Jr., Jonathan Randall, Zuriel Waterman, William Walker, John Walton, Portsmouth: William Sandford, Gideon Durfey, John Anthony, William Anthony, Jr., William Earle, Caleb Hill. Warwick: John Green (son of Peter), John Whitman, Joseph Stafford, Wm. Green (son of Peter), William Rice, James Rhodes, Jeremiah Lippett. Westerly: Joshua Babcock, Wm. Babcock, J., Wm. Champlin, Jr., Stephen Richmond. North Kings town: Robert Hall, Job Tripp, Jr., Nicholas Gardner, Jr., Benj. Weight, Thomas Hill, Benoni Hall, John Sweet, John Cole (son of Elisha). South Kings town: Ephraim Gardner, Isaac Sheldon, Henry Gardner, 2nd, Benja. Perry, Jr., Jeremiah Niles. East Greenwich: John Fry, refused, Peter Mawney, Joseph Tillinghast, Joseph Nichols, William Spencer, John Langford. Smithfield: William Arnold, Resolved Waterman, Thomas Sayles, David Cumstock, William Jenks. Scituate: Ezekiel Hopkins, Benja. Fisk, James Brown, Jeremiah Angel. 94 1742. May. Gloucester: W Elisha Knolton, Richard Steere, Andrew Brown, John Smith. Charlestown: Co Samuel Perry, Stephen Hoxsie, William Clark, Jr., Joseph Hoxsie, Joseph Clark, John Hicks. June. Newport: James Coggeshall, in room of Thomas Coggeshall, refusing. Thomas Gould, in room of Daniel Gould, refusing. Portsmouth: William Hall. Sept. Warwick: Samuel Green, in room of William Rice, refusing. est Greenwich: John Spencer, Henry Mattason, Jr., Jeremiah Ellis, Joseph. Slocum. )ventry: Abel Potter, Thomas Stafford, Robert Green, Randall Rice. May. Edward Thurston, Sealer of Weights & Measures. June. To Engrave Plates for Bills of Public Credit: William Claggett of Newport. Nov. Ferry Men, between Portsmouth to Southern part of Prudence and Warwick to Northern part of Prudence: John Lawton, Barlow Greene. Mar. John Gidley, Judge of Admiralty. 1743. May. Newport Militia-1st Regiment: Col. John Gardner, refusing, Hezekiah Carpenter, in his room, Lt.-Col. John Freeborn, Major Jeremiah Lawton, refusing, Benjamin Hall, in his room. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Herbert Nichols, Lt. Joseph Gladdin, Ens. John Clark (Mason). 2nd. Capt. James Barker, Jr., Lt. Wm. Peckham, Jr., Ens. Josh. Coggeshall (son of Thos.). 3d. Capt. Job. Caswell, Lt. Thos. Rogers, Ens. James Gardner. 4th. *Capt Jonath. Clark (Goldsmith), Lt. Daniel Dunham, Jr., Ens. Peleg Carey. 5th. Capt. James Allen, Jr., Lt. Rouse Potter, Ens. James Lyon. 95 1743. May. Portsmouth Company: Capt. John Lawton, Lt. Joseph Tripp, Ens. Job Lawton. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. Robert. Hull, Ens. Henry Gardner. James town Company: Capt. John Paine, Lt. Samuel Slocum, Ens. Matthew Grinnold. June. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Sueton Grant, in room of Herbert Nichols, refusing, Lt. John Clark (mason), Ens. John Hookey. 3d. Capt. Samuel Lyndon, Jr., in room of Job Caswell, refusing, Lt. James Gardner, Ens. Income Sanford. Sept. 5th. Ens. Elisha Shearman, in room of James Lyon, refusing. Middle town Company: Capt. James Barker, Jr., Lt. William Peckham, Jr., Ens. Joshua Coggeshall (son of Thomas). Oct. James town Company: Capt. Josiah Arnold. May. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Peter Mawny, Lt.-Col. Jabez Bowen, Maj. John Rhodes. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. William Brown, Lt. Simon Smith, Ens. Alexander Frasier. 2nd. Capt. Richard Knight, Lt. Thos. Hudson, Ens. Peter Joy. 3d. Capt. Joseph Borden, Jr., Lt. Henry Harris, Ens. Joseph Fisk. 4th. Capt. Benja. Potter, Ltm Samuel Byles, Ens. Rich'd Waterman, 4th. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Samuel Stafford, Lt. John Warner, Ens. Amos Lockwood. 2nd. Capt. Rowland Barton, Lt. Thos. Wickes, Jr., Ens. Othniel Gorton. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Samuel Soule, Lt. John Arnold, Ens. Joshua Coggeshall. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Tillinghast, Lt. William Clark, Ens. John Spencer (son of Wm.). Smithfield (Companies: 1st. Capt. Job Whipple, Lt. Rich'd Harris, Jr., Ens. Jeremiah Arnold. 2nd. Capt. Jonathan Mowrey, Lt. Ananias Mowrey, Ens. Thomas Arnold. 96 1743. May. Scituate Companies: 1st. Capt. Robert Potter, Lt. Hugh Phelps, Ens. William Sheldon. 2nd. Capt. John Herenden, Lt. Samuel Dorrance, Ens. Chad Aylesworth. 3d. Capt. Charles Harris, Lt. Oziel Hopkins, Ens. Jabez Hopkins. Gloucester Companies: 1st. Capt. Isaiah Inman, Lt. Charles Waterman, Ens. Jonathan Aldrich. 2nd. Capt. John Smith, Lt. Josiah Arnold, Ens. John Phettiplace. West Greenwich Company: Capt. Jonathan Mattason, Lt. Pascho Whitford, Ens. Charles Carr. Coventry Company: Capt. Robert Green, Lt. Christopher Knight, Ens. Elisha Johnson. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Nathaniel Field, Lt. John Andrew, Cornet Christopher Vaughan. June. Providence Companies: 1st. Lt. Alexander Frasier, in room of Simon Smith, refusing, Ens. James Olney (son of Epenetus). 4th. Lt. Richard Waterman, 4th, in room of Samuel Byles, refusing, Ens. Thomas Weaver. Scituate Companies: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Fisk, in room of Robert Potter, refusing, Lt. William Corey, Ens. Thomas Relph, Jr. 2nd. Capt. James Brown, in room of John Herenden, refusing, Ens. George Dorrence, Jr. Sept. Providence Company: 4th. Lt. Silas Carpenter, Jr., Ens. Joseph Willliams (son of James). East Greenwich Company: 1st. Ens. John Pearse, in room of Joshua Coggeshall, refusing, Oct. Gloucester Company: 1st. Lt. Chad Brown. Feb. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. John Andrew, Lt. Stephen Low. Providence Company: 2nd. Lt. Peter Joy, Ens. Joseph Randall. May. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Immanuel Northup, Lt.-Col. Christopher Champlin, Maj. Thomas Hassard (son of George). 97 1743. May. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Joshua Champlin, Lt. John Maxson (son of John), Ens. William Hiscox. 2nd. Capt. Zacheus Reynolds, Lt. Peter Burdick, Ens. Benja. Randall. 3d. Capt. Edward Saunders, Lt. John Larkin, Ens. Samuel Gavitt. North Kings town Companies: 2nd. Capt. John Cole (son of Wm.), Lt. Benja. Allen, Ens. Benja. Northup. South Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Silas Niles, Lt. Thos. Stedman, Ens. Thos. Browning. 2nd. Capt. Benja. Potter, Lt. Wm. Gardner, Jr., Ens. Sam'l Tift, Jr. Charles town Companies: 1st. Capt. Nathaniel Lewis, Lt. Rich'd Bailey, Ens. Benja. Brown. 2nd. Capt. John Hill, Jr., Lt. Joseph Mowrey, Ens. Reuben Johnson. Exeter Companies: 1st. Capt. John Reynolds, Jr., Lt. John Dawley, Jr., Ens. John Rogers. 2nd. Capt.William Tripp, Lt. Peleg Thomas, Ens.Nathaniel Rathbone. June. Charles town Company: 1st. Ens. Benjamin James. Sept. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Robert Havens, Lt. Caleb Clark, Ens. William Turner, Jr. 3d. Capt. William Havens, Lt. Thomas Nichols, Ens. Isaac Vaughan. Oct. North Kings town Company: 1st. Capt. Thomas Spencer. May. Judges of the Court of Equity: John Chipman, refusing, Thomas Spencer, in his room, John Potter, James Martin, Clerk. Robert Hassard, William Anthony, Josiah Arnold. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Gideon Cornell, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Samuel Wickham, refusing, Gideon Freeborn, in his room, Stephen Brownell, Daniel Gould, Edward Scott, Thomas Potter, Sheriff. 13 98 1743. May. Providence County: Daniel Jenks, John Rice, Jr., Robert Gibbs, William Holdon, Job Randall, Kings County: Joseph Stanton, Stephen Hassard, William Spencer, Benjamin Weight, Joseph Mumford, Stephen Hopkins, Clerk. Thomas Rice, Sheriff. James Helme, Clerk. Immanuel Northup, Sheriff. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Henry Bull, Thomas Ward, Charles Bardin, James Coggeshall, Thomas Gould, John Taylor, Peleg Smith, Benjamin Brenton, Samuel Collins, John Freebody, Jr., William Coddington, Jr refusing, Ebenezer Richardson, in his room. Providence: Richard Waterman, George Brown, Silas Carpenter, Henry Harris, Jabez Bowen, Ebenezer Jenks, James Williams, Jonathan Randall, Zuriel Waterman, John Burton, Jr. Portsmouth: William Sandford, William Hall, William Anthony, Jr., Portsmouth: William Earle, Caleb Hill. Warwick: John Green (son of Peter), John Whitman, Joseph Stafford, William Green (son of Peter), Samuel Green, James Rhodes, Jeremiah Lippett. Westerly: Joshua Babcock, William Babcock, Jr., William Hern, John Lewis. North Kings town: Christopher Phillips, Job Tripp, Thomas Allen, Thomas Hill, John Cole (son of Elisha). South Kings town: Isaac Sheldon, Benjamin Perry, Jr., Jeremiah Niles. 99 1743. May. East Greenwich: Charles town: Peter Mawny, John Hill, Joseph Nichols, Daniel Stanton, William Spencer, Nathaniel Lewis, John Langford. William Clark, Jr., Smithfield: John Hicks. William Arnold, West Greenwich: Resolved Waterman, John Spencer, Thomas Sayles, Jeremiah Ellis, David Cumstock, Joseph Slocum. William Jenks. Coventry: Scituate: Abel Potter, Ezekiel Hopkins, Thomas Stafford, Benjamin Fisk, Robert Green, James Brown, Randall Rice. Jeremiah Angel. Exeter: Gloucester: Job Tripp, Jr., Elisha Knolton, Benoni Hall, Richard Steere, Nicholas Gardner, Andrew Brown, Samuel Casey. John Smith, John Walton. Edward Thurston, Sealer of Weights & Measures. June. Justices of the Peace: Warwick: Samuel Gorton, in room of John Wightman, refusing. Sept. Newport: Peter Easton. South Kings town: Elisha Raynolds, Samuel Tift, Jr. June. To Revise the Laws: Samuel Wickham, Gideon Wanton, Edward Scott, Thomas Ward, and James Martin, Secretary. Aug. John Callender, Jr. - 1744. May. Newport County Militia-1st Regiment: Col. Hezekiah Carpenter, Lt.-Col. John Freeborn, Maj. Benjamin Hall. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Sueton Grant, Lt. John Clark, Ens. John Hookey. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Lyndon, Lt. James Gardner, Ens. Income Sanford. 100 1744. May. Newport Companies: 3d. Capt. Jonath. Clark (Goldsmith), Lt. Dan'l Dunham, Ens. Peleg Carey. 4th. Capt. James Allen, Jr., Lt. Rouse Potter, Ens. Elisha Shearman. Portsmouth Company: Capt. John Lawton, Lt. Walter Cornell, Ens. Job Lawton. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. Robert Hull, Ens. Henry Gardner. James town Company: Capt. Benedict Remington, Lt. William Tew, Ens. William Martin. Middle town Company: Capt. James Barker, Jr., Lt. Wm. Peckham, Jr., Ens. Joshua Coggeshall (son of Thomas). June. Newport Company: 3d. Ens. James Tew, in room of Peleg Cary, refusing. Portsmouth Company: Lt. Peleg Shearman, in room of Walter Cornell, refusing. Newport Company: 4th. Capt. Peleg Brown, in room of James Allen, refusing, Lt. Joseph Sylvester, in room of Rouse Potter, refusing. Feb. James town Company: Capt. John Cranston, Jr., in room of Benedict Remington, Dec'd. Mar. Newport Company:' 1st. Capt. David Cheesebrough, in room of Sueton Grant, Dec'd. May. Lieut. Stephen Wanton, Fort George. Capt. Philip Wilkinson, Colony Sloop Tartar. June. Commissary: John Gardner. Capt. John Cranston, Fort George. Lt. Robert Carr, " Capt. Daniel Fones, Colony Sloop Tartar, 14 Guns, 12 Swivels, 90 Men, Lt. John Stafford, " " Feb. Capt. Daniel Fones, " " ) in expedition Lt. William Pinnegar, " against Cape Mar. Lt. John Cahoone, " " Breton. May. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Peter Mawney, Lt.-Col. Jabez Bowen, Maj. Benoni Waterman, in room of John Rhodes, refusing. I I I 101 1744. May. Providence Companies: 1st.. Capt. William Brown, Lt. Alexander Frasier, Ens. John Olney (son of Epenetus). 2nd. Capt. Christopher Lippett, Lt. Peter Joy, Ens. Joshua Burlinggame, 3d. Capt. Henry Harris, Lt. Richard Smith, Ens. Richard Fenner, Jr. 4th. Capt. Benjamin Potter, Lt. Silas Carpenter, Jr., Ens. Joseph Williams (son of James). Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Samuel Stafford, Lt. John Warner, Ens. Amos Lockwood. 2nd. Capt. Robert Barton, Lt. Thomas Wickes, Jr., Ens. Othniel Gorton. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Samuel Soule, Lt. John Arnold, Ens. John Pearce. 2nd. Capt. William Clark, Lf. John Spencer (son of Wm.), Ens. Harrison Weaver. Smithfield Companies: 1st. Capt. Job Whipple, Lt. Richard Harris, Jr., Ens. Jeremiah Arnold. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Thomas Arnold, Ens. Stephen Sly. Scitqate Companies: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Fisk, Lt. Thomas Ralph, Jr., Ens. Judah Brown. 2nd. Capt. James Brown, Lt. Samuel Dorrence, Ens. George Dorrence, Jr. 3d. Capt. Charles Harris, Lt. Oziel Hopkins, Ens. Jabez Hopkins. West Greenwich Company: Capt. Jonathan Mattason, Lt. Pascho Whitford, Ens. Charles Carr. Coventry Company: Capt. Amos Stafford, Lt. Christopher Knight, Ens. Elisha Johnson. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. John Andrew, Lt. Stephen Low, Cornet Christopher Vaughan, Jr. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. John Weaver, Lt. Amos Lockwood, Ens. Randall Rice. 2nd. Capt. Wm. Arnold, Jr. Smithfield Company: 3d. Capt. Daniel Mowrey, Lt. John Smith (son of Joseph),. Ens. John Melavery. Gloucester Companies: 1st. Capt. Isaiah Inman, Lt. Chad Brown, Ens. Jonathan Aldrich. 2nd. Capt. John Smith, Lt..Josiah Arnold, Ens. Job Phettiplace. 102 1744. May. Coventry Company: Capt. Abel Potter, Lt. Elisha Johnson, Ens. Alexander D)ixson. June. Warwick Company: 2nd. Lt. Othniel Gorton, Ens. Philip Sweet, Jr. Oct. West Greenwich Company: Lt. Charles Carr, Ens. Samuel Spink. Gloucester Company: 1st. Ens. Elijah Inman. May. Charter granted to Artillery Company in Providence County. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Immanuel Northup, Lt.-Col. Christopher Champlin, Maj. Thomas Hassard (son of GOeorge). Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. John Maxson, Jr., Lt. William Hiscox, Ens. George Stillman, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Randall, Lt. Jonathan Wells, Ens. Joseph McCoone. 3d. Capt. Edward Saunders, Lt. John Larkin, Ens. Samuel Gavitt. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Thomas Spencer, Lt. Caleb Clark, Ens. William Tanner, Jr. 2nd. Capt. John Cole (son of Wm.), Lt. Benjamin Allen, Ens. Benjamin Northup. 3d. Capt. William Havens, Lt. Thomas Nichols, Ens. Isaac Vaughan. South Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Silas Niles, Lt. Thomas Stedman, Ens. Thomas Browning. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Potter, Lt. William Gardner, Jr., Ens. Samuel Tift, Jr. Charles town Companies: 1st. Capt. Richard Bailey, Lt. Benjamin James, Ens. Amos Lewis. 2nd. Capt. John Hill, Jr., Lt. Joseph Morey, Ens. Reuben Johnson. Exeter Companies: 1st. Capt. John Reynolds, Jr., Lt. John Dowly, Jr., Ens. John Rogers. 2nd. Peleg Thomas, Lt. John Sweet, Ens. Nathaniel Rathbone. June. North Kings town Company: 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Allen, Lt. Benjamin Northup, Jr., Ens. James Whitman. 103 1744. June. Exeter Company: 2nd. Capt. John Sweet, Lt. Robert Moon. Oct. North Kings town Company: 2nd. Lt. James Wightman, in room of Benjamin Northup, refusing, Ens. Robert Northup. Mar. Expedition against French Settlements on Island Cape Breton: Capt. Godfrey Mallbone, in command of all enlisted soldiers, till they arrive in Province of Massachusetts Bay: lst Comp'y: Capt. Richard Mumford, 1st Lt. Edward Cole, 2nd Lt. or Ens. Samuel Hull. 2nd Comp'y: Capt. Joseph Borden, 1st Lt. Richard Hoyle, 2nd Lt. or Ens. Nehemiah Allen. 3d Comp'y: Capt. Joshua Champlin, 1st Lt. John Potter (son of Ichabod), 2nd Lt. or Ens. William Willcox. To enlist men in the Service to go in the Expedition against Cape Breton: George Taylor, Lt. William Smith. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Samuel Wickham, Gideon Freeborn, Stephen Brownell, Daniel Gould, Edward Scott. Nov. Providence County: Daniel Jenks, John Rice, Jr., Robert Gibbs, William Holdon, Job Randall. Kings County: Joseph Stanton, Stephen Hassard, William Spencer, Benjamin Weight, Joseph Mumford. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Thomas Potter, Sheriff. Peleg Brown, Sheriff, in room of Thomas Potter, Dec'd. Stephen Hopkins, Clerk. Thomas Rice, Sheriff. James Helme, Clerk. Immanuel Northup, Sheriff. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. 104 1744. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Henry Bull, Thomas Ward, Charles Bardin, Samuel Collins, John Freebody, jr., Ebenezer Richardson, Peter Easton. Providence: Richard Waterman, George Brown, Silas Carpenter, Henry Harris, Jabez Bowen, Ebenezer Jenks, James Williams, Jonathan Randall, Zuriel Waterman, John Burton, Jr. Portsmouth: William Sanford, William Hall, William Anthony, Jr., William Earle, Caleb Hill, John Allen. Warwick: John Green (son of Peter), Joseph Stafford, William Green (son of Peter), Samuel Green, James Rhodes, Jeremiah Lippett, Samuel Gorton, Jabez Green. Westerly: Joshua Babcock, William Babcock, William Hern, John Lewis, Daniel McCoone. North Kings town: Robert Hall, Job Tripp, Thomas Allen, Thomas Hill, John Cole (son of Elisha). South Kings town: Isaac Sheldon, Benjamin Perry, Jr., Samuel Tift, Jr. East Greenwich: Peter Mawny, Joseph Nichols, William Spencer, John Langford. Smithfield: William Arnold, Resolved Waterman, Thomas Sayles, William Jenks, Thomas Steere. Scituate: Ezekiel Hopkins, Benjamin Fisk, James Brown, Jeremiah Angel. Gloucester: Elisha Knolton, Richard Steere, Andrew Brown, John Smith, Abraham Tourtelot. Charles town: John Hill, Daniel Stanton, William Clark, Jr., John Hicks, Stephen Hoxsie. West Greenwich: John Spencer, Jeremiah Ellis, Joseph Slocum, Thomas Carpenter. 105 1744. May. Coventry: Exeter: Abel Potter, Samuel Casey, Thomas Stafford, William Tripp. Robert Green, Middletown: Randall Rice. Thomas Gould, Exeter: John Taylor, Benoni Hall, Peleg Smith, Nicholas Gardner, Peleg Slocum. Sealer of Weights & Measures: Edward Thurston. Nov. Justices of the Peace: Portsmouth: William Earl, in room of his Father, William Earl, Dec'd. South Kingstown: Samuel Babcock. Providence: George Taylor, in room of Richard Waterman, Dec'd. Mar. North lings town: Benjamin Peckham, Jr. May. Charter granted to Artillery Company of County of Providence. Mar. Enlisting officers in Expedition against Cape Breton: George Taylor and Lt. Wlliam Smith, of Providence. 1745. May. Newport County Militia-lst Regiment: Col. Hezekiah Carpenter, Lt.-Col. John Freeborn, Maj. Samuel Lyndon, Jr. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Wing Spooner, Lt. John Clark (Mason), Ens. Israel Chapman. 2nd. Capt. James Gardner, Lt. Income Sanford, Ens. James Rogers (Carpenter). 3d. Capt. Daniel Dunham, Jr., Lt. James Tew, Ens. Joseph Weeden, Jr. 4th. Capt. Peleg Brown, Lt. Joseph Sylvester, Ens. Elisha Shearman. Portsmouth Company: Capt. William Arnold, Lt. Peleg Sheirman, Jr., Ens. Job Lawton. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Robert Hull, Lt. Henry Gardner, Ens. John Dodge. James town Company: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. William Tew, Ens. Edward Carr, Jr. Middle town Company: Capt. Joseph Nichols, Lt. John Peabody, Ens. Isaac Manchester. 14 106 1745. May. Newport Company: 1st. Lt. Thomas Melvil, in room of John Clark, refusing. 4th. Capt. Joseph Sylvester. 3d. Lt. Joseph Weeden, Jr., in room of James Tew, refusing. Portsmouth Company: Ens. Clark Cornall, in room of Job Lawton, refusing. June. Newport Companies: 4th. Capt. John Belitho, Lt. John Gibbs, Ens. Oliver Beere. 3d. Lt. John Pitman, Ens. Samuel Fowler. Capt. Walter Chaloner, Fort George. Lieut. Robert Carr, " May. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Peter Mawney, Lt.-Col. Jabez Bowen, Maj. William Smith, of Providence. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. Gideon Crawford, Lt. James Olney (son of Epenetus), Ens. Richard Brown. 3d. Capt. Henry Harris, Lt. Thomas Westcot, Ens. Thomas Clements, Jr. 4th. Capt. Benjamin Potter, Lt. Silas Carpenter, Jr., Joseph Williams (son of James). Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. John Warner, Lt. Amos Lockwood, Ens. William Warner. 2nd. Capt. William Arnold, Jr., Lt. Othniel Gorton, Ens. Philip Sweet, Jr. 3d. Capt. Randall Rice, Lt. James Green (son of Fones), Ens. Abraham Chace. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Samuel Soule, Lt. John Arnold, Ens. John Pearce. 2nd. Capt. John Spencer (son of Wm.), Lt. Joseph Bailey, Ens. John Bailey. Smithfield Companies: 1st. Capt. Job Whipple, Lt. Richard Harris, Jr., Ens. Stephen Olney. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Thomas Arnold, Ens. Stephen Sly. 3d. Capt. Daniel Mowrey, Lt. Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), Ens. John Malavery. Scituate Companies: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Fisk, Jr., Lt. Thomas Collins, Ens. Judah Brown. 2nd. Capt. James Brown, Lt. Samuel Dorrence, Ens. George Dorrence, jr. 3d. Capt. Charles Harris, Lt. Oziel Hopkins, Ens. John Smith. 107 1745. May. Gloucester Companies: 1st. Capt. Isaiah Inman, Lt. Chad Brown, Ens. Elijah Inman. 2nd. Capt. John Smith, Lt. Josiah Arnold, Ens. Job Petteplace. West Greenwich Company: Capt. Charles Carr, Lt. William Sweet, Ens. James Remington (son of Francis). Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Samuel Currie, Lt. James Reynolds. Jr., Cornet, John Manchester, Jr., Major, William Brown, in room of William Smith, refusing. Providence Companies: 2nd. Capt. William Randall, Lt. Charles Dyre, Ens. Benjamin Westcot (son of Stukely). 5th. Capt. Christopher Lippett, Lt. Christopher Burlinggame, Ens. Joseph Jenckes. June. East Greenwich Company: 1st. Capt. John Pearce, in room of Samuel Soule, refusing, Lt. Daniel Pearce, Ens. John Pearce, Jr. Smithfield Company: 1st. Capt. Richard Harris, Jr., in room of Job Whipple, refusing, Lt. John Angel. Scituate Company: 3d. Capt. Oziel Hopkins, in room of Charles Harris, refusing, Lt. John Smith, Ens. Simon Davis. Coventry Companies: 1st. Capt. Abel Potter, Lt. Elisha Johnson, Ens. William Burlingame. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Nichols, Lt. Richard Rice, Ens. Daniel Welch. Providence Company: 4th. Capt. Samuel Byles, Lt. Joseph Williams, Jr., *'0~~~~~ ~~~Ens. Philip Sheldon. Warwick Company: 2nd. Lt. Henry Rice. Scituate Company: 1st. Capt. Judah Brown, Ens. Henry Randall, Jr. East Greenwich Company: 2nd. Capt. Philip Green, Lt. George Gardner, Ens. Silas Green. Providence Company: 5th. Capt. Thomas Field, Lt. John Waterman. May. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Immanuel Northup, Lt.-Col. Christopher Champlain, Maj. Thomas Haszard (son of George). 4 108 1745. May. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. John Maxson, Jr., Lt. William Hiscox, Ens. George Stillman, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Randall, Lt. Jonathan Wells, Ens. Joseph McCoone. 3d. Capt. Edward Saunders, Lt. John Larkin, Ens Samuel Gaveat. 4th. Capt. Nathaniel Lewis, Lt. Thomas Foster, Ens. Elisha Lewis. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Thomas Spencer, Lt. Caleb Clark, Ens. William Tanner, Jr. 2nd. Capt. James Wightman, Lt. Robert Northup, Ens. Oliver Hassard. 3d. Capt. William Havens, Lt. Thomas Nichols, Ens. Isaac Vaughan. South Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Thomas Stedman, Lt. Paul Niles, Ens. Jeremiah Browning. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Potter, Lt. William Gardner, Jr., Ens. Samuel Teft, Jr. Charles town Companies: 1st. Capt. Richard Bailey, Lt. John Bentley, Ens. Thomas Clark. 2nd. Capt. John Hill, Jr., Lt. Joseph Mowrey, Ens. Ruben Johnson. Exeter Companies: 1st. Capt. Benoni Gardner, Lt. John Dawley, Jr., Ens. John Rogers. 2nd. Capt. John Sweet, Lt. Robert Moone, Ens. Nathaniel Rathbone. June. Westerly Company: 1st. Lt. George Stillman, Jr., in room of William Hiscox, refusing, Ens. Nicholas Cotterel. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Samuel Dyre, in room of Thomas Spencer, refusing. Lt. William Tanner, Jr., Ens. Joseph Corey. 3d. Capt. Ephraim Gardner, in room of William Havens, refusing, Lt. Samuel Boone, Jr., Ens. George Nichols. South Kings town Company: 2nd. Lt. Samuel Tift, in room of William Gardner, Jr., refusing, Ens. Benjamin Shearman. Exeter Companies: 1st. Capt. Simon Smith, in room of Benoni Gardner, refusing. 2nd. Ens. George Sweet, in room of Nathaniel Rathbone, refusing. Mar. Enlisting Officers for Expedition to Cape Breton: George Taylor, Lieut. William Smith, both of Providence; Godfrey Mallbone, Newport. 109 1745. May. Expedition against the French Settlements of Island, Cape Breton. Company Officers: 1st. Capt. Richard Mumford, 1st Lt. Edward Cole, 2nd Lt. or Ens. Samuel Hull. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Potter, 1st Lt. Richard Smith, 2nd Lt. or Ens. Richard Hoyle. 3d. Capt. Joshua Champlin, 1st Lt. Samuel Eldred, 2nd Lt. or Ens. Jeoffrey Champlin. Sept. 2nd Lt. or Ens. Joseph Weeden. Capt. Benjamin Wickham to have charge of Inlisted Seaman. Oct. Capt. Edward Cole, in room of Capt. Richard Mumford, Dec'd, 1st Lt. Joseph Weeden, 2nd Lt. or Ens. Benjamin Allen. Commissary: James Angel. Brigantine Success, Transport, Capt. John Griffith. June. Recruiting Officers to inlist Seamen for Ship of War "Vigilant," under Commodore Peter Warren: Ezekiel Hubbard, Seth Harvey. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Samuel Wickham, Gideon Freeborn, Daniel Gould, Edward Scott, Benjamin Tucker. Providence County: William Jenks, Phillip Arnold, Job Randall, Joseph Nichols, David Cumstock. Kings County: Joseph Stanton, Stephen Hazzard, William Spencer, Joseph Mumford, Benoni Hall. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Joseph Scott, Sheriff. George Brown, Clerk. Thomas Rice, Sheriff. Benjamin Peckham, Jr. Immanuel Northup, Sheriff. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. 110 1745. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Henry Bull, Thomas Ward, Charles Bardin, Samuel Collins, John Freebody, Jr., Ebenezer Richardson, Peter Easton, Abraham Borden. Providence: Henry Harris, Jabez Bowen, Ebenezer Jenks, James Williams, Zuriel Waterman, George Taylor, Joseph Potter, Stephen Remington, Solomon Drowne, John Randall. Portsmouth: William Sanford, Caleb Hill, John Allen, William Earle, Adam Lawton, Benjamin Hicks, John Freebody. Warwick: Joseph Stafford, William Green (son of Peter), Samuel Green, James Rhodes, Jeremiah Lippet, Samuel Gorton, Elisha Brown, Thomas Freeborn, Cotton Palmer. Westerly: William Babcock, William Hern, John Lewis, Nathaniel Lewis, Westerly: Joseph Champlin (son of Christopher, Dec'd), Joshua Clark. North Kings town: Thomas Allen, Job Tripp, Thomas Hill, Robert Hall, Robert Hassard. South Kings town: Benjamin Perry, Jr., Samuel Tift, Jr., Samuel Babcock, Benjamin Peckham, Jr., Thomas Brown. East Greenwich: Peter Mawney, William Spencer, John Arnold, Nathan Rice, Henry Tibbets. Smithfield: William Arnold, Resolved Waterman, Thomas Sayles, William Jencks, Thomas Steere, John Aldrich. Scituate: Ezekiel Hopkins, Benjamin Fisk, John Tyler, John Edwards, Fisher Potter. Gloucester: Elisha Knowlton, Richard Steere, Andrew Brown, John Smith. Charlestown: John Hill, Daniel Stanton, William Clark, Jr., 1ll 1745. May. Charlestown: John Hicks, Robert Lilibridge. West Greenwich: John Spencer, Joseph Slocum, Benjamin Sweet, Benjamin Spink. Coventry: Abel Potter, Thomas Stafford, Randall Rice, Thomas Brayton. Exeter: Nicholas Gardner, Samuel Casey, William Tripp, Benjamin Slocum. Middletown: Thomas Gould, John Tayler, Peleg Smith, Peleg Slocum, Exeter: Thomas Rathbone, Jr., East Greenwich: John Olin, Thomas Spencer (son of John). June. Providence: Samuel Ladd, in room of Stephen Remington, refusing. Warwick: Stephen Colegrove, in room of Samuel Gorton, refusing. North Kings town: Thomas Spencer. South Kings town: Isaac Sheldon, in room of Benjamin Perry, Jr., refusing. John Case, in room of Benjamin Peckham, Jr., refusing. West Greenwich: Caleb Carr (Joiner). Coventry: Elisha Johnson. Aug. Cursitor: James Martin. Prothonotary: Josias Lyndon. Custos Brevium: Joseph Scott. Master of the Alienation Office: John Easton (son of John, Dec'd). Receiver of the Kings Silver: John Gardner. Chirographer for Docking of Estates Tail: Thomas Ward. Oct. Justices of the Peace: Charlestown: James Congdon, Jr. / 112 1745. Oct. To Revise the Laws: Hon. Gideon Wanton, Samuel Wickham, John Callender, Edward Scott. Feb. Ferry Man, Jamestown to Newport: David Greene, of Jamestown. 1746. May. Newport County Militia-1st Regiment: Col. Hezekiah Carpenter, refusing, Col. Benjamin Hall, in his room, Lt.-Col. Jeremiah Lawton, Maj. Benjamin Hall, advanced, John Rogers, in his room. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Wing Spooner, Lt. Thomas Melvill, Ens. Israel Chapman. 2nd. Capt. Joshua Sawyer, Lt. Joseph Bailey, Ens. Clark Brown. 3d. Capt. Daniel Dunham, Jr., Lt. John Pitman, Ens. Samuel Fowler. 4th. Capt. John Belitho, Lt. Oliver Beer, Ens. Richard Whitehorn. Portsmouth Company: Capt. Job. Lawton, Lt. Clark Cornell, Ens. John Fish. New Shoretam Company: Capt. Robert Hull, Lt. Henry Gardner, Ens. John Littlefield. Jamestown Company: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. William Tew, Ens. Edward Carr, Jr. Middletown Company: Capt. Robert Barker, Lt. Robert Lawton, Ens. Benjamin Weaver, Jr. Newport Company: 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Sherburn, in room of Joshua Sawyer, refusing. June. Lt. John Heath, in room of Thomas Melvil, refusing, Ens. James Tanner, in room of Israel Chapman, refusing. Feb. Bristol Company: Capt. Nathaniel Pearce, Lt. Bennet Munro, Ens. John Throop. Tiverton Companies: 1st. Capt. Phillip Corey, Lt. Ephraim Willcox, Ens. Cornelius Sowle. 2nd. Capt. Job Durfey, Lt. Joseph Stafford, Ens: Stephen Cook. Little Compton Company: Capt. James Pearce, Lt. Oliver Hillyard, Ens. Charles Brownell. Newport County Troop of Horse: Capt. John Hunt, Lt. Silvester Woodman, Cornet Richard Greenhill. Capt. John Cole, Fort George. Lt. Samuel Freebody, " " 113 1746. Feb. Capt. Daniel Fones, Colony Sloop Tartar. Lt. Daniel Vaughan, " " Commissary John Gardner. May. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Peter Mawney, refusing, Col. Benoni Waterman, in his room, Lt.-Col. Jabez Bowen, Maj. Stephen Low. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. James Olney, Lt. Robert Sterry, Ens. Benjamin Eddy. 2nd. Capt. William Stone, Lt. Thomas Fenner (son of Joseph), H Ens. Stukley Westcot (son of Benja.). - r cm A I - 3d. Capt. Edward Sheldon, Lt. Rufus Hawkins, Ens. Jabez Westcot. 4th. Capt. Samuel Byles, Lt. William Fenner, Ens. Phillip Sheldon. 5th. Capt. Thomas Field, Lt. Matthew Manchester, Ens. Joseph Jenks. June. 1st Lt. Roger Kinnecut, in room of Peter Sterry, preferred. May. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Amos Lockwood, Lt. Jno. Green (son of Peter), Ens. John Wells. 2nd. Capt. William Arnold, Jr., Lt. Henry Rice, Ens. Philip Sweet. 3d. Capt. Randal Rice, Lt. James Green (son of Fones), Ens. Edward Case. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Thomas Spencer (son of John), Lt. Joseph Stafford, Jr., Ens. John Weaver. 2nd. Capt. Jno. Spencer (son of Wm.), Lt. Joseph Bailey, Ens. John Bailey. Smithfield Companies: 1st. Capt. Richard Harris, Jr., Lt. John Angell, Ens. Jeremiah Arnold. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Thomas Arnold, Ens. Stephen Sly. 3d. Capt. Daniel Mowrey, Lt. William Bates, Ens. John Malavery. Scituate Companies: 1st. Capt. Thomas Relph, Jr., Lt. Job Fisk, Ens. Jonathan Knight. 2nd. Capt. James Brown, Lt. Samuel Dorrence, Ens. George Dorrence, Jr. 3d. Capt. Oziel Hopkins, Lt. John Smith, Ens. Simon Davis. Gloucester Companies: 1st. Capt. Richard Smith, Lt. Timothy Wilmorth, Ens. Silas Williams. 2nd. Capt. John Smith, Lt. Job Phettiplace, Ens. William Caldwell. 15 114 1746. May. West Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Charles Carr, Lt. Pardon Tillinghast, Ens. Daniel Hill, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Philip Green, Lt. Silas Green, Ens, Robert Austin. Coventry Companies: 1st. Capt. James Green, Lt. Elisha Johnson, Ens. William Burlinggame. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Nichols, Lt. Richard Rice, Ens. Daniel Welch. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. Thomas Fry, 3d, Lt. John Manton, Cornet John Randal. Lt. Benjamin Green (son of William), in room of John Manton, refusing. Warwick Company: 3d. Capt. James Green (son of Fones), in room of Randall Rice, refusing, Ens. William Gorton. Scituate Company: 3d. Capt. Charles Harris, in room of Oziel Hopkins, refusing. Feb. Warren Company: Oapt. James Smith, refusing, Capt. Benjamin Barton, in his room. Lt. John Adams, Ens. Solomon Peck. Cumberland Company: Capt. Israel Whipple, Lt. Gideon Tower, Ens. Daniel Wilkinson. May. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Elisha Reynolds, Lt.-Col. Christopher Champlin, Maj. Thomas Hassard (son of George). Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt.George Stilman,Jr., Lt. Joseph Lewis,Jr., Ens.Elisha Clark. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Randal, Lt. Jonathan Wells, Ens. Joseph McCoone. 3d. Capt. Edward Saunders, Lt. John Larkin, Ens. Samuel Gavit. 4th. Capt. Thomas Potter, Lt. James Wells, Ens. Edward Robinson. North Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. Samuel Dyre, Lt. Joseph Ens. Thomas Allen, Jr. 2nd. Capt. John Whitman, Lt. Robert Northup, Ens. John 3d. Capt. Samuel Boone, Jr., Lt. George Thomas, Ens. George Nichols. South Kings town Companies: 1st. Capt. Joshua Bill, Lt. Caleb Gardner, Ens. Thomas Gardner (son of Jno;). 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Potter, Lt. Samuel Tift, Jr., Ens. Tenant Tift. Charlestown Companies: 1st. Capt. Richard Bailey, Lt. Joseph Enos,Jr., Ens. Thomas Clark. 2nd. Capt. John Hill, Jr., Lt. Benjamin Clark, Ens. Peleg Cross. 115 1746. May. Exeter Companies: 1st. Capt. Simon Smith, Lt. John Champlin, Ens. Samuel Weight, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Peleg Thomas, Lt. Robert Moon, Ens. George Codner. June. Westerly Company: 4th. Capt. James Wells, in room of Thomas Potter, refusing, Lt. Matthew Green. May. Capt. John Dennis, Brigantine " Defiance." Capt. Daniel Fones, Sloop Tartar. June. Expedition against Canada: 1st Company, Newport County: Capt. Joshua Sawyer, 1st Lt. Nathan Carpenter, 2nd Lt. Philip Wilkinson, Jr., Ens. Samuel Nichols. 2nd Company, Providence County: Capt. William Rice, 1st Lt. Thomas Streight, 2nd Lt. Robert Sterry, Ens. Stephen Colegrove. 3d Company, Newport and Providence Counties: Capt. Edward Cole, 1st Lt. Samuel Eldred, 2nd Lt. Silas Helme, Ens. Jeoffry Champlin. July. Lt.-Col. Edward Kinnecut, in command of Expedition against Canada. Oct. Capt. Benjamin Wickham, Colony's Sloop " Tartar," in room of Daniel Fones, refusing. Capt. James Allen, Colony's Sloop " Tartar," in room of Benj. Wickham, refusing. Masters of Vessels for Transporting Soldiers, Expedition against Canada: Capt. John Beard, Capt. Randall Eldred, Capt. Robert Durfey. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Samuel Wickham, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Edward Scott, John Freebody, Jr., Caleb Hill, William Anthony, Jr., Peleg Brown, Sheriff. Providence County: Daniel Jenks, Stephen Hopkins, Clerk. John Rice, Jr., William Holden, John Fry, William Barton, John Mawny, Sheriff. 116 1746. May. Kings County: Francis Willett, Stephen Hassard, Samuel Perry, James Babcock, Job Tripp, Jr., Feb. Sess. Bristol County: Jonathan Woodberry, Jonathan Peck, Joseph Russell, Mathew Allen, Samuel Miller, James Helme, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Thomas Troop, Jr., Clerk. Nathaniel Bosworth, Sheriff. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. To Keep Ferry on Weybosset River: East Side: Amaziah Waterman. West Side: Henry Sweeting. Justices of Peace: Newport: Warwick: Henry Bull, Joseph Stafford, Thomas Ward, William Green (son of Charles Bardin, Peter), Samuel Collins, Samuel Green, Ebenezer Richardson, Jeremiah Lippitt, Peter Easton, John Walton, Abraham Borden, Cotton Palmer, Joseph Sylvester, John Rhodes, Daniel Arault, Jr. Jabez Green, Providence: Samuel Stafford. Henry Harris, Westerly: Jabez Bowen, William Babcock, Ebenezer Jenks, William Hern, Zuriel Waterman, John Lewis, Joseph Potter, Joshua Clark, Samuel Ladd, Edward Saunders, Solomon Drowne, Nathaniel Babcock. John Burton, North Kings town: Henry Paget, Thomas Allen, Moses Burlingame, Jr. Job Tripp, Portsmouth: Thomas Hill, William Sanford, Robert Hall, William Hall, Benjamin Allen, Abraham Anthony, Thomas Phillips. Giles Slocum, Jr., Caleb Allen. 117 1746. May. June. South Kings town: Isaac Sheldon, Thomas Brown, Hezekiah Babcock, Peter Boss, Jeremiah Brown. East Greenwich: Peter Mawny, William Spencer, John Langford, Henry Tibbits, Rufus Green. Smithfield: William Arnold, Resolved Waterman, Thomas Sayles, William Jenks, Thomas Steere, Thomas Lapham. Scituate: Ezekiel Hopkins, Benjamin Fisk, John Tyler, Edward Potter, Gideon Harris. Glocester: Elisha Knowlton, Richard Steere, Andrew Brown, John Smith, Abraham Tourtelot. Portsmouth: Stephen Brayton, in room Abraham Anthony, refusin Warwick: John Holden, Jr., in room Joseph Stafford, refusing. Jeremiah Randall, in room Cotton Palmer, refusing. Providence: John Whipple, Jr., in roon Solomon Drowne, refusing Westerly: William Pendleton, in root Nathan Babcock, refusing. Charlestown: William Clark, Jr., James Congdon, Jr., John Webster, Samuel Tift, Joseph Clark, John Mumford. West Greenwich: Jeremiah Ellis, Thomas Carpenter, Samuel Hopkins, Preserved Hall, William Cumstock. Coventry: Robert Greene, Thomas Stafford, Randal Rice, Thomas Brayton, Elisha Johnson, Benjamin Nichols. Exeter: Nicholas Gardner, John Weight, Thomas Casey, Thomas Rathbone (son of John), Middle town: Thomas Gould, William Turner, Peleg Smith, John Coggeshall. 118 1746. June. Exeter: Benoni Hall, in room of John Weight, refusing. Nov. Middletown: James Gould. Jan. Special Justices: Bristol: Jonathan Peck. Tiverton: John Manchester. Little Compton: William Richmond. Warren: Mathew Allen. Cumberland: Job Bartlet. Feb. Bristol: George Dunbar, Thomas Green, Nathanael Pearce. Tiverton: Joseph Anthony, Samuel Durfey, Tiverton: Phillip Tabor, Weston Hix. Little Compton: William Richmond, William Hall, Robert Taylor, Samuel Willbor. Warren: James Smith, Joseph Mason, James Mason, Joseph Allen. Cumberland: Job Bartlet, Samuel Bartlet, Israel Whipple. 1747. May. Newport County Militia —st Regiment: Col. Samuel Lyndon, Lt.-Col. Job Lawton, Maj. John Rogers. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Wing Spooner, Lt. James Tanner, Ens. Daniel Smith. 2nd. Capt. Benj. Sherburn, Lt. Kendal Nichols, Jr., Ens. John Simpson, Jr. 3d. Capt. Daniel Dunham, Jr., Lt. John Pitman, Ens. Henry Bliss. 4th. Capt. John Belitho, Lt. Oliver Beere, Ens. Richard Whitehorn. Portsmouth Company. Capt. Peleg Shearman, Jr., Lt. Clark Cornel, Ens. John Fish. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Robert Hull, Lt. John Dodge, Ens. John Littlefield. James town Company: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. William Tew, Ens. Edward Carr, Jr. Middletown Company: Capt. Robert Barker, Lt. George Cornel, Jr., Ens. Benjamin Weaver, Jr. Bristol Company: Capt. Nathaniel Pierce, Lt. Bennet Munro, Ens. John Throope, Jr. 119 1747. May. Tiverton Companies: 1st. Capt. Philip Corey, Lt. Ephraim Wilcox, Ens. Cornelius Sowle. 2nd. Capt. Job Durfey, Lt. Joseph Stafford, Ens. Stephen Cook. Little Compton Company: Capt. Richard Hart, Lt. Jonathan Brownel, Ens. Edward Irish. Newport County Troop of Horse: Capt. Sylvester Woodman, Lt. Richard Greenhill, Cornet Samuel Baley (of Little Compton). Aug. Lt.-Col. John Lawton, in room Job Lawton, refusing. Maj. Wing Spooner, " " John Rogers, " Newport Company: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Heath, in room of Wing Spooner, promoted. Portsmouth Company: Lt. John Butts, in room of Clark Cornel, refusing. Ens. George Lawton (son of Benja.), in room of John Fish, refusing. Middletown Company: Capt. George Lawton, in room of Robert Barker, refusing. Tiverton Companies: 1st. Capt. John Manchester, in room of Philip Corey, refusing. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Stafford, " Job Durfey, " Lt. Jonathan Davel, " Joseph Stafford, promoted. Ens. William Cook (son of Joseph), in room of Stephen Cook, refusing. May. Providence County Militia-2nd Regiment: Col. Benoni Waterman, Lt.-Col. William Brown, Maj. Benjamin Potter, Jr. Providence Companies: 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Congdon, Lt. Benjamin Westcot Ens. John Warner. 3d. Capt. Jonathan Olney, Lt. John Waterman, Ens. Amos Westcot. 4th. Capt. Samuel Byles, Ens. Joseph Williams, 3d, Ens. Philip Sheldon. 5th. Capt. Thomas'Field, Lt. Matthew Manchester, Ens. Joseph Jencks. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. James Carder, Lt. Samuel Warner, Ens. Rufus Barton, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Henry Rice, Lt. William Arnold (son of Elisha), Ens. Thomas Hill. 3d. Capt. Joseph Edmunds, Jr., Lt. Moses Budlong, Ens. William Battey. 120 1747. May. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Stafford, Lt. Abial Hall, Ens. Alexander Nichols. 2nd. Capt. John Spencer (son of Wm.), Lt. John Nichols, Ens. Caleb Bayley. Smithfield Companies: 1st. Capt. Richard Harris, Jr., Lt. John Angel, Ens. Jeremiah Arnold. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Thomas Arnold, Ens. Stephen Sly. 3d. Capt. Daniel Morey, Lt. William Bates, Ens. John Malavery. Scituate Companies: 1st. Capt. Thomas Ralph, Jr., Lt. Job Fisk, Ens. Silvanus White. 2nd. Capt. James Brown, Lt. Samuel Dorrance, Ens. George Dorrance, Jr. Glocester Companies: 1st. Capt. Isaiah Inman, Lt. Timothy Wilmoth, Ens. Silas Williams. 2nd. Capt. John Smith, Lt. Job Phettiplace, Ens. William Callwell. West Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Charles Carr, Lt. Pardon Tillinghast, Ens. Daniel Hill, Jr. 2nd. Capt. John Weight, Lt. Silas Greene, Ens. Robert Austin. Coventry Companies: 1st. Capt. William Burlingame, Lt. Benjamin Gardner, Ens. Joseph Potter. 2nd. Capt. Richard Rice, Lt. Manser Cooper, Ens. Thomas Greene. Warren Company: Capt. Benjamin Barton, Lt. John Adams, Ens. Solomon Peck. Cumberland Company: Capt. Israel Whipple, Lt. Gideon Tower, Ens. Daniel Wilkinson. Aug. Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. James Olney, Lt. Roger Kinnicut, Ens. Benjamin Eddy. 2nd. Capt. Samuel stcott, in room of Benjamin Congdon, refusing. Lt. John Clark, " Benjamin Westctt, " 4th. Lt. John Dexter, " Joseph Williams, Ens. Samuel Aborn, Jr., " Philip Sheldon, 5th. Capt. Matthew Manchester," Thomas Field, Lt. John Waterman (son of Nath.), in room of Matthew Manchester, advanced. Warwick Company: 2nd. Capt. Thomas Wickes (son of Thomas), in room of Henry Rice, refusing. East Greenwich Company: 2nd. Capt. John Nichols, in room of John Spencer (son of Wm.), refusing, Lt. William Spencer, Jr., in room'of John Nichols, advanced. 121 1747. Aug. Scituate Company: 3d. Capt. Amos Hopkins, Lt. John Hulet, Ens. Benjamin Coomer. West Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Ezekiel Whitford, in room of Charles Carr, refusing, Lt. Daniel Hill, Jr., " Pardon Tillinghast, Ens. John Albro, " Daniel Hill, Jr., advanced. 2nd. Lt. Joseph Nichols, " Silas Greene, refusing, Ens. Griffen Sweet, " Robert Austin, " Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Samuel Curry, Lt. Jeremiah Whipple, Cornet Henry Gardner. Capt. Jeremiah Whipple, in room of Samuel Curry, refusing, Lt. John Lavally, in room of Jeremiah Whipple, advanced. May. Kings County Militia-3d Regiment: Col. Christopher Champlin, Lt.-Col. Thomas Hassard, Maj. William Pendleton. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Champlin, Lt. Joseph Lewis, Ens. Elisha Clark. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Randal, Lt. Jonathan Wells, Ens. Joseph Mackoon. 3d. Capt. Samuel Gavit, Lt. John Larkin, Ens. James Bleaven. 4th. Capt. James Wells, Lt. Matthew Greene, Ens. Edward Robinson. North Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. Samuel Dyre, Lt. Daniel Greene, Ens. Robert Westcot. 2nd. Capt. Robert Northup, Lt. Joseph Congdon, Ens. Samuel Browning, Jr. 3d. Capt. George Thomas, Lt. Christopher Spencer, Ens. Robert Havens, Jr. South Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. William Hassard, Lt. John Steadman, Ens. William Congdon (son of Joseph). 2nd. Capt. Samuel Tift, Jr., Lt. Jeremiah Mumford, Ens. Tennant Tift. Charlestown Companies: 1st. Capt. Richard Bayley, Lt. James James, Ens. Richard Boss. 2nd. Capt. John Hill, Jr., Lt. Peleg Cross, Ens. Enoch Kinyon, Jr. Exeter Companies: 1st. Capt. Simon Smith, Lt. Samuel Gardner, Ens. George Weight. 2nd. Capt. Peleg Thomas, Lt. George Codner, Ens. Joshua Rathbun, 3d. 16 122 1747. May. South Kings town Company: 3d. Capt. Samuel Gardner, Lt. Paul Woodbridge, Ens. Nathan Gardner. Aug. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Elias Thompson, in room of Joseph Champlin, refusing. 3d. Lt. Joseph Crandall (son of Joseph), in room of John Larkin, refusing, Ens. Stephen Saunders, in room of James Bliven, refusing. South Kings town Company: 1st. Capt. Thomas Browning, in room of William Hassard, refusing. 2nd. Capt. William Clark (son of Wm., Dec'd), in room of Samuel Tift, Jr., refusing. 3d. Lt. Nathan Gardner, in room of Paul Woodbridge, refusing, Ens. Robert Brown, in room of Nathan Gardner, advanced. North Kings town Companies: 1st. Lt. Robert Westcot in room of Daniel Green, refusing, Ens. Joshua Greene, in room of Robert Westcott, advanced. May. With the Expedition against Canada: Lt.-Col. Edward Kinnicutt. 1st Company: Capt. Joshua Sawyer, Lieut. Philip Wilkinson, Lieut. & Ens. Samuel Nichols. 2nd Company: Capt. Nathan Carpenter, 1st Lieut. Thomas Streight, 2nd Lieut. Robert Sterry, Ens. Stephen Colegrove. 3d Company: Capt. Edward Cole, 1st Lieut. Samuel Eldred, 2nd Lieut. Silas Helme, Ens. Jeoffry Champlin. Capt. Walter Chaloner, Fort George, on Goat Island. Lieut. Robert Carr, " Capt. Daniel Fones, Colony Sloop Tartar. Capt. James Holmes, " " " Lieut. Daniel Vaughan, " " Commissary: John Gardner. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Judges of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Gideon Cornel, Stephen Hopkins, Joshua Babcock, Thomas Ward, Clerk. Josiah Arnold, John[Howland. 123 1747. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Samuel Wickham, Gideon Freeborn, Edward Scott, Daniel Gould, Daniel Howland. Providence County: Daniel Jenks, Philip Arnold, Job Randal, Joseph Nichols, David Cumstock. Kings County: Joseph Stanton, Stephen Haszard, William Spencer, Thomas Brown, Benoni Hall. Bristol County: Peleg Heath, Jonathan Peck, Joseph Russel, Matthew Allen, Samuel Miller. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Joseph Scott, Sheriff. George Brown, Clerk. Thomas Rice, Sheriff. Benjamin Peckham, Jr., Clerk. Immanuel Northup, Sheriff. Thomas Throope, Jr., Clerk. Nathaniel Bosworth, Sheriff. Aug. Nathaniel Munro, in room of Joseph Russel, refusing, to be the youngest. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Thomas Ward, Abraham Borden, Samuel Collins, Ebenezer Richardson, John Channing, Thomas Cranston, refusing, Henry Tisdale, in his room. Thomas Wickham, William Rogers, Barnabas Hargill. Providence: Christopher Harris, Jabez Bowen, Ebenezer Jenckes, Zuriel Waterman, Joseph Potter, Jeremiah Field, Benjamin Cushing, John Burton, Jr., George Taylor, Joseph Harris. 124 1747. May. Portsmouth: William Sanford, Benjamin Hickes, Thomas Shearman, William Earl, Francis Brayton, Caleb Allen,. Jonathan Pearce. Warwick: Jeremiah Lippitt, John Warner, Samuel Greene, John Walton, Elisha Brown, James Greene (son of Wmn.), Jeremiah Randal, Jabez Greene. Westerly: William Babcock, William Hern, Nathaniel Lewis, Joshua Clark, Edward Saunders, William Pendleton. North Kings town: Robert Hall, Edward Dyre, Jr., Thomas Spencer, Joseph Case, Robert Haszard, Thomas Phillips. South Kings town: Isaac Sheldon, Samuel Tift, Jr., John Case, Samuel Babcock, Thomas Haszard (son of Robert), East Greenwich: William Spencer, Peter Mawney, John Olin, Henry Tibbets, Samuel Soul. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Lapham, Thomas Sayles, William Jenckes, Thomas Steere. Scituate: Benjamin Fisk, John Tyler, Gideon Harris, John Edwards. Glocester: Richard Steere, Andrew Brown, John Smith, Abraham Tourtelot. Charlestown: John Hill, William Clark, Jr., John Hicks, James Congdon, Jr., Stephen Richmond, Benjamin Hoxsie. West Greenwich: John Spencer, Samuel Hopkins, Preserved Hall, Charles Carr. Coventry: Abel Potter, John Waterman, Randal Rice, Samuel Bayley. Exeter: Nicholas Gardner, Jeoffry Champlin, Peleg Tripp. Middletown: Thomas Gould, Peleg Smith, Benjamin Weaver, James Gould. Bristol: George Dunbar, Thomas Greene, Nathaniel Pearce. 125 1747. May. Tiverton: Warren: Samuel Durfey, Joseph Mason, Philip Tabor, James Mason, Weston Hix, Benjamin Miller, William Willcox. Joseph Allen, Little Compton: James Smith. William Hall, Cumberland: Robert Taylor, Job Bartlet, Samuel Willbore, Samuel Bartlet, Joseph Wood. Israel Whipple. Aug. Newport: Daniel Russel, in room of John Channing, refusing. Peter Easton, in room of Henry Tisdale, refusing. Preserved Fish, in room of Capt. Thomas Wickham, refusing. Providence: Edward Sheldon. Warwick: Malachi Rhodes, in room of Elisha Brown, refusing. East Greenwich: Jedadiah Jenkins, in room of Col. Peter Mawney, refusing. West Greenwich: Samuel Spencer, in room of Charles Carr, refusing. Exeter: George Reynolds. Middletown: Isaac Smith, in room of Peleg Smith, refusing. Edward Easton, in room of Benjamin Weaver, refusing. Eldest Justice or Warden to be Coroner. Clerks of Courts have liberty to appoint Deputies in their offices. Edward Thurston, General Sealer of Weights and Measures. May. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Feb. Ferry Man South Kingstown and Jamestown: John Gardner. 1748. May. Field Officers of Newport County Regiment: Col. Sain'l Lyndon, Jr., Lt.-Col. Jeremiah Lawton, Maj. Wing Spooner. 126 1748. June. Company Officers-Newport: 1st Comp'y. Capt. Jonathan Heath, Lt. James Fenner, Ensign Christopher Lindsey. 2nd Comp'y. Capt. Benjamin Sherburn, Lt. Kendal Nichols, Jr., Ensign John Simpson, Jr. 3d 'Comp'y. Capt. Daniel Dunham, Jr, Lt. John Pitman, Ensign Henry Bliss. 4th Comp'y. Capt. John Belitho, Lt. Oliver Beer, Ensign Richard Whitehorn. Portsmouth: Capt. Job Lawton, Lt. George Lawton, Ensign John Fish. New Shoreham: Capt. Robert Hull, Lt. John Dodge, Ensign John Littlefield. James town: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. George Franklin, Ensign Edward Carr, Jr. Middletown: Capt. John Barker, Lt. Benjamin Smith, Ensign Nicholas Brown. Bristol: Capt. Nathanael Pearce, Lt. Bennet Munro, Ensign John Throop, Jr. Tiverton: 1st Comp'y. Capt. Giles Brownel, Lt. William Manchester (son of John), Ensign Cornelius Sowle. 2nd Comp'y. Capt. Joseph Stafford, Lt. Jonathan Davel, Ensign William Cook (son of Joseph). Little Compton: Capt. Benjamin Seabury, Lt. Jonathan Brownel, Ensign Edward Irish. Newport County Troop of Horse: Capt. Silvester Woodman, Lt. Richard Grinnel, Cornet Samuel Bayley, of Little Compton. Capt. Walter Chaloner, Fort George, on Goat Island. Lieut. Samuel Freebody, " " Commissary: John Gardner. Capt. James Holmes, Colony's Sloop Tartar. Lieut. Daniel Vaughan, " " Edward Thurston, Gen'l Sealer of Weghts and Measures. May. Field Officers of Providence County Regiment: Col. Benoni Waterman, Lt.-Col. William Brown, Maj. Richard Smith. June. Company Officers —Providence: 1st Comp'y. Capt. Roger Kinnicut, Lt. Benjamin Eddy, Ensign Jacob Hartshorn. 127 1748. June. Providence: 2nd Comp'y. 3d Comp'y. 4th Comp'y. 5th Comp'y. Warwick: 1st Comp'y. 2nd Comp'y. 3d Comp'y. East Greenwich: 1st Comp'y. 2nd Comp'y. Smithfield: 1st Comp'y. 2nd Comp'y. 3d Comp'y. Scituate: 1st Comp'y. 2nd Comp'y. 3d Comp'y. Glocester: 1st Comp'y. 2nd Comp'y. West Greenwich: 1st Comp'y. 2nd Comp'y. Capt. John Clark, Lt. John Warner, Ensign William Dyre. Capt. Jonathan Olney, Lt. John Waterman, Ensign Amos Westcot. Capt. Samuel Byles, Lt. John Dexter, Jr., Ensign Samuel Aborn, Jr. Capt. Mathew Manchester, Lt. Jonathan Knight, Jr., Ensign Daniel Burlingame. Capt. James Carder, Lt. Samuel Warner, Ensign Rufus Barton, Jr. Capt. Thomas Wickes (son of Thomas), Lt. William Arnold (son df Elisha), Ensign Thomas Hill. Capt. Joseph Edmunds, Jr., Lt. Moses Budlong, Ensign William Battey. Capt. Joseph Stafford, Lt. Abiel Hall, Ensign Rufus Spencer. Capt. Caleb Vaughan, Lt. William Spencer, Jr., Ensign Caleb Bayley. Capt. Richard Harris, Jr., Lt. John Angell, Ensign William Brown. Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Thomas Arnold, Ensign Stephen Sly. Capt. Daniel Mowrey, Lt. William Bates, Ensign Resolved Waterman. Capt. Sylvanus White, Lt. Nehemiah Angell, Ensign Eliza Collins, Jr. Capt. James Brown, Lt. Samuel Dorrence, Ensign George Dorrence, Jr. Capt. John Hulit, Lt. Joseph Wilkinson, Ensign Ezekiel Hopkins, Jr. Capt. Timothy Wilmoth, Lt. Silas Williams, Ensign James Cowen. Capt. John Smith, Lt. Ezekiel Smith, Ensign William Callwell. Capt. Ezekiel Whitford, Lt. Daniel Hill, Jr., Ensign John Albro. Capt. John Weight, Lt. Joseph Nichols, Ensign Griffen Sweet. 128 1748. June. Coventry: 1st Comp'y. Capt. William Burlingame, Lt. John Allerton, Jr., Ensign James Greene, Jr. 2nd Comp'y. Capt. Benjamin Nichols, Lt. Alexander Dixon, Ensign John Wickes. Warren: Capt. Benjamin Barton, Lt. John Adams, Ensign Solomon Peck. Cumberland: Capt. Israel Whipple, Lt. Gideon Tower, Ensign Daniel Wilkinson. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Jeremiah Whipple, Lt. John Levally, Cornet Henry Gardner. Aug. Providence: 4th Comp'y. Capt. John Dexter, Jr., Lt. Samuel Aborn, Jr., Ens. Stephen Hawkins. Warwick: 2nd Comp'y. Lt. Thomas Remington, Ensign Joseph Wickes. May. Field Officers of Kings County Regiment: Col. Thomas Haszard, Lt.-Col. William Pendleton, Maj. Richard Bayley. June. Westerly: 1st Comp'y. Capt. Elias Thompson, Lt. Joseph Lewis, Ensign Elisha Clark. 2nd Comp'y. Capt. Benjamin Randal, Lt. Jonathan Wells. Ensign Joseph Maccoon. 3d Comp'y. Capt. Samuel Gavit, Lt. Joseph Crandal (son of Joseph), Ensign Stephen Saunders. 4th Comp'y. Capt. James Wells, Lt. Matthew Green, Ensign Edward Robinson. North Kings town: 1st Comp'y. Capt. Jonathan Allen, Lt. Arthur Aylsworth, Ensign William Dyre. 2nd Comp'y. Capt. Samuel Albro, Lt. Samuel Browning, Jr., Ensign Eber Shearman, Jr. 3d Comp'y. Capt. Robert Havens, Jr., Lt. Samuel Thomas, Ensign Benedict Eldred. South Kings town: 1st Comp'y. Capt. Thomas Browning, Lt. John Steadman, Ensign William Congdon (son of Joseph). 129 1748. June. South Kingstown: 2nd Comp'y. Capt. Latham Clark (son of William, dec'd), Lt. Jirah Mumford, Ensign Tenent Tift. 3d Comp'y. Capt. Samuel Gardner, Lt. Nathan Gardner, Ensign Thomas Taylor. Charlestown: Capt. Peleg Cross, Lt. Enoch Kinyon, Jr., Ensign Samuel Stanton. Exeter: 1st Comp'y. Capt. Samuel Gardner, Lt. George Weight, Ensign John Potter. 2nd Comp'y. Capt. Peleg Thomas, Lt. George Codner, Ensign John Rathbun, 3d. Richmond: Capt. Joseph Enos, Jr., Lt. James James, Ensign Thomas Rogers. Jan. North Kingstown: 3d Comp'y. Capt. Samuel Thomas, in room of Robert Havens, Jr., refusing, Lt. Benedict Eldred, Ensign Ebenezer Brown. May. Judges of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Gideon Cornell, Chief. Stephen Hopkins, Joshua Babcock, Thomas Ward, Clerk. Josiah Arnold, John Howland. June. William Richmond, in room of John Howland, who refused. Aug. Jeremiah Niles, in room of Josiah Arnold, who refused. William Hall, Joha Hann, Special Judges in trial of a case. John Channing, Jan. Joshua Babcock, Chief. Jonathan Randall, William Hopkins, William Richmond, John Walton, Gideon Cornell, Chief, resigning. Stephen Hopkins, " Jeremiah Niles, refusing. Feb. William Hall, of Little Compton, in room of William Richmond. 17 130 1748. Feb. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Session of the Peace: Newport County: Samuel Wickham, Chief. Gideon Freeborn, Edward Scott, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Daniel Gould, Daniel Howland, Joseph Scott, Sheriff. Providence County: Daniel Jencks, Chief. Jeremiah Lippitt, George Brown, Clerk. Job Randall, Joseph Nichols, John Mawney, Sheriff. David Cumstock. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. William Spencer, Benjamin Peckham, Jr., Clerk. Job Tripp, Jr., Thomas Brown, Benoni Hall, Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Bristol County: Jonathan Woodberry, Chief. Jonathan Peck, Thomas Throop, Jr., Clerk. Matthew Allen, Joseph Russell, James Mason, Thomas Green, Sheriff. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Thomas Ward, Abraham Borden, Samuel Collins, Ebenezer Richardson, Barnabas Hargill, Nathaniel Coggeshall, Jonathan Tillinghast, Jeremiah Clark, Joshua Sayer. Providence: Henry Harris, Christopher Harris, Jabez Bowen, Ebenezer Jencks, Zuriel Waterman, Providence: Joseph Potter, Jeremiah Field, John Burton, Jr., George Taylor, Joseph Harris, Henry Paget, Joseph Snow, Edward Sheldon. Portsmouth: William Sanford, Benjamin Hickes, Thomas Shearman, Giles Slocum, Jr., Jonathan Pearce. 131 1748. Feb. Warwick: Samuel Stafford, John Warner, Samuel Greene, John Walton, Jamep Green (son of William), Jeremiah Randal, Jabez Green, Malachi Rhodes. Westerly: William Babcock, William Hern, William Pendleton, Benjamin Randal, Elisha Lewis, Joseph Crandal, Jr. North Kingstown: Robert Hall, Edward Dyre, Jr., Thomas Spencer, Joseph Case, Robert Haszard, Thomas Phillips, James Gardner. South Kings town: Isaac Sheldon, Samuel Tift, Jr., John Case, Thomas Haszard (son Robert), Robert Brown. East Greenwich: William Spencer, John Langford, John Olin, Henry Tibbets, Samuel Sowle, Rufus Greene. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Lapham, Thomas Sailes, William Jencks, Thomas Steere. Scituate: Benjamin Fisk, Gideon Harris, John Tyler, John Edwards. Glocester: Richard Steere, Andrew Brown, John Smith, Abraham Tourtelot. Charlestown: John Hill, James Congdon, Jr., Benjamin Hoxie. West Greenwich: Thomas Carpenter, Samuel Hopkins, Preserved Hall, William Cumstock. Coventry: Elisha Johnson, Randal Rice, Thomas Matteson, John Waterman, Robert Green, Samuel Bayley. Exeter: Nicholas Gardner, Jeoffry Champlin, Peleg Tripp, George Reynolds. Middletown: Thomas Gould, Edward Easton, John Green, Edward Tew. Bristol: Samuel Howland, George Dunbar, Nathaniel Bosworth, Nathaniel Pearce, William Munro. 132 1748. Feb. Tiverton: Warr Joseph Anthony, San Philip Tabor, Job Restcome Sanford, CumE Weston Hickes. Jol Little Compton: San William Hall, Isrn Robert Taylor, Richr Samuel Willbore, Jan Joseph Wood, Job Nathaniel Searls, Jr. Jos Warren: San James Smith, Ste Benjamin Millar, June. Newport: Peter Easton, Kendal Nichols, Jr., Handley Chipman, Andrew Hunter. South Kings town: VBenjamin Potter, in room of Isaac Sheldon, who refused. Portsmouth: Caleb Allen, Daniel Howland, Jr., in room of Thomas Shearman, who refused. Providence: Matthew Manchester, in room of John Burton, Jr., who refused. Warwick: John Holden, Jr., in room of Samuel Green, who refused. Glocester: Richard Smith. Exeter: Robert Moon. Warren: Edward Luther. Richmond: Robert Lillibridge, in room of James Rogers, who refused. Newport: Mathew Borden (son of Joseph). Jan. North Kingstown: John Congdon, in room of Robert Hazard, refusing. en: nuel Low, in Kinnicut. )erland: b Bartlet, nuel Bartlet, ael Whipple. nond: nes Rogers, in Webster, ieph Clark, nuel Teft, phen Richmond. 133 1749. May. Field Officers of Newport County Regiment: Col. Samuel Lyndon, Jr., Lt.-Col. John Burrington, Maj. Wing Spooner. Company Officers-Newport: 1st Co. Capt. Jonathan Heath, Lt. James Tanner, Ensign Christopher Lindsey. 2nd Co. Capt. Benjamin Sherburn, Lt. Kendal Nichols, Jr., Ens. John Simpson, Jr. 3d Co. Capt. Daniel Dunham, Jr., Lt. John Pitman, Ensign Henry Bliss. 4th Co. Capt. John Belitho, Lt. Oliver Beere, Ensign Richard Whitehorn. Portsmouth: Capt. Clark Cornel, Lt. John Fish, Ensign John Shrieve, Jr. New Shoreham: Capt. Robert Hull, Lt. John Dodge, Ensign John Littlefield. James town: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. George Franklin, Ensign Edward Carr. Middle town: Capt. John Barker, Lt. Benjamin Smith, Ensign Nicholas Brown. Bristol: Capt. Nathanael Pearce, Lt. Bennet Munro,'Ensign John Throop, Jr. Tiverton: 1st Co. Capt. Giles Brownel, Lt. William Manchester (son of John), Ensign Cornelius Sowle. 2nd Co. Capt. William Cook, Lt. John Thomas, Ensign Benjamin Hambly. Little Compton: Capt. Benjamin Seabury, Lt. Edward Irish, Ensign Benjamin Simmonds. Newport County Troop of Horse: Capt. Sylvester Woodman, Lt. Richard Greenhill, Cornet Samuel Bayley (of Little Compton). Capt. Walter Chaloner, at Fort George. Commissary: Henry Tisdale. Gen'l Sealer of Weights and Measures: Edward Thurston. Matthew Borden, Master of Sloop Elizabeth, to proceed to Havana to secure Jonathan Child, a Hostage. Field Officers of Providence County Regiment: Col. Benoni Waterman, Lt.-Col. William Brown, Maj. Richard Smith. Company Officers-Providence: 1st Co. Capt. Roger Kinnicut, Lt. Benjamin Eddy, Ensign Jacob Hartshorn. 134 1749 May. Company Officers-Providence: 2nd Co. Capt. John Clark, Lt. John Warner, Ensign William Dyre. 3d Co. Capt. Jonathan Olney, Lt. John Waterman (son of Resolved), Ensign Amos Westcot. 4th Co. Capt. John Dexter, Jr., Lt. Samuel Aborn, Jr., Ensign Stephen Hawkins. 5th Co. Capt. Matthew Manchester, Lt. Jonathan Knight, Jr., Ensign Daniel Burlingame. Warwick: 1st Co. Capt. John Green (son of Peter), Lt. John Wells, Ensign James Arnold, Jr. 2nd Co. Capt. Thomas Wickes (son of Thomas), Lt. Thomas Remington, Ensign John Wickes. 3d Co. Capt. Joseph Edmonds, Jr., Lt. Moses Budlong, Ensign Richard Estis. East Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. Joseph Stafford, Lt. Abiel Hall, Ensign Rufus Spencer. 2nd Co. Capt. Richard Weaver, Lt. David Vaughan (son of Robert), Ensign Colonel Carpenter. Smithfield: 1st Co. 2nd Co. 3d Co. Scituate: 1st Co. 2nd Co. 3d Co. Glocester: 1st Co. 2nd Co. Capt. Richard Harris, Jr., Lt. John Angel, Ensign William Brown. Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Thomas Arnold, Ensign Stephen Slye. Capt. Daniel Mowrey, Lt. William Bates, Ensign Resolved Waterman. Capt. Silvanus White, Lt. Nehemiah Angel, Ensign Eliza Collins, Jr. Capt. James Brown, Lt. Samuel Dorrance, Ensign George Dorrence, Jr. Capt. John Hulet, Lt. Joseph Wilkinson, Ensign Ezekiel Hopkins, Jr. Capt. Timothy Wilmoth, Lt. Silas Williams, Ensign James Cowen. Capt. John Smith, Lt. Ezekiel Smith, Ensign Joseph Olney. 135 1749. May. West Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. Ezekiel Whitford, Lt. Daniel Hill, Jr.,' Ensign John Albro. 2nd Co. Capt. John Weight, Lt. Joseph Nichols, Ensign Griffen Sweet. Coventry: 1st Co. Capt. John Allerton, Jr., Lt. Stephen Colvin, Ensign William Nichols. 2nd Co. Capt. Benjamin Nichols, Lt. Alexander Dickson, Ensign John Wickes. Warren: Capt. Benjamin Barton, Lt. John Adams, Ensign Solomon Peck. Cumberland: Capt. Daniel Wilkinson, Lt. Benjamin Razey, Ensign Nathanael Whipple. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Jeremiah Whipple, Lt. John Levally, Cornet Henry Gardner. June. Smithfield: 3d Co. Lieut. Resolved Waterman, in room of William Bates, who refused, Ensign Enoch Barnes, in room of William Bates,-advanced as aforesaid. May. Field Officers of Kings County Regiment: Col. Thomas Haszard, Lt.-Col. William Pendleton, Maj. Richard Bailey. Company Officers-Westerly: 1st Co. Capt. Elias Thompson, Lt. Joseph Lewis, Jr., Ensign Elisha Clark. 2nd Co. Capt. Benjamin Randal, Lt. Jonathan Wells, Ensign Joseph Maccoon. 3d Co. Capt. Samuel Gavit, Lt. Joseph Crandal (son of Joseph), Ensign Stephen Saunders. 4th Co. Capt. Thomas Foster, Lt. Matthew Green, Ensign Edward Robinson. North Kingstown: 1st Co. Capt. Jonathan Allen, Lt. Arthur Aylesworth, Ensign Philip Card. 2nd Co. Capt. Samuel Albro, Lt. Samuel Browning, Jr., Ensign Eber Shearman, Jr. 3d Co. Capt. Samuel Thomas, Lt. Benedict Eldred, Ensign Ebenezer Brown. * 136 1749. May. South Kings town: 1st Co. 'Capt. Thomas Browning, Lt. John Steadman, Ensign William Congdon (son of Joseph). 2nd Co. Capt. Latham Clark (son of William, Dec'd), Lt. Jireh Mumford, Ensign Tenent Tift. 3d Co. Capt. Samuel Gardner, Lt. Nathan Gardner, Ensign Thomas Taylor. Charlestown: Capt. Peleg Cross, Lt. Enoch Kinyon, Jr., Ensign Samuel Stanton. Exeter: 1st Co. Capt. Samuel Gardner, Lt. Benjamin Lawton, Ensign Joseph Potter. 2nd Co. Capt. Peleg Thomas, Lt. John Rathburn, 3d, Ensign Stephen Austin. Richmond: Capt. Joseph Enos, Jr., Lt. James James, Ensign Thomas Rogers. Judges of Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Joshua Babcock, Chief. Jonathan Randal, William Hopkins, Thomas Ward, Clerk. William Hall, John Walton. John Freebody, Jr., in room of William Hopkins, who refused. Stephen Paine, in room of John Freebody, Jr., who refused. Feb. Benjamin Haszard, 5th to supply vacancy by Death of Stephen Paine, Esq. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Samuel Wickham, Chief, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Edward Scott, Daniel Gould, William Anthony, Jr., Joseph Scott, Sheriff. Caleb Hill. Providence County: Daniel Jencks, Chief. Jeremiah Lippitt, George Brown, Clerk. Job Randal, Joseph Nichols, John Mawney, Sheriff. David Cumstock, 137 1749. June. May. 18 Providence County: Thomas Lapham, in room of David Cumstock, who refused. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Immanuel Northup, Benjamin Peckham, Clerk. John Tripp, Jr., Thomas Brown, Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Benoni Hall. Bristol County: Jonathan Woodberry, Chief. Jonathan Peck, Thomas Throop, Jr., Clerk. Matthew Allen, Joseph Russel, Thomas Green, Sheriff. James Smith. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. 'TI ustices of the Peace: Newport: Abraham Borden, Samuel Collins, Ebenezer Richardson, Barnabas Hargill, Jeremiah Clark, Thomas Ward, Handley Chipman, Peter Easton, Martin Howard. Providence: Henry Harris, Christopher Harris, Edward Sheldon, Jabez Bowen, Zuriel Waterman, Joseph Harris, John Burton, Jr., George Taylor, Joseph Snow, Ebenezer Jencks, John Andrews. Portsmouth: William Sandford, William Hall, Giles Slocum, Jr., Caleb Allen. Warwick: Samuel Stafford, John Warner, James Green (son of William), Jeremiah Randal. Westerly: William Babcock, William Hern, Benjamin Randal, Joseph Crandal, Jr. North Kings town: Edward Dyre, Jr., Joseph Case, Robert IHaszard, James Gardner, John Congdon. South Kings town: Samuel Tift, Jr., John Case, Thomas Haszard (son of Robert), Benjamin Potter, Robert Brown. East Greenwich: William Spencer, John Langford, 138 1749. May. East Greenwich: John Olin, Samuel Sowle, Rufus Green. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Lapham, Thomas Sayles, William Jencks, Thomas Steere, John Aldrich. Scituate: Benjamin Fisk, John Tyler, Gideon Harris, John Edwards. Glocester: Richard Steere, Andrew Brown, John Smith, Abraham Tourtelot, Richard Smith. Charlestown: John Hill, James Congdon, Jr., Benjamin Hoxsey, Nathanael Lewis. West Greenwich: Jeremiah Ellis, Samuel Hopkins, William Cumstock, George Gardner. Coventry: Elisha Johnson, Thomas Matthewson, Samuel Cooper, Caleb Greene, George Hall. Exeter: Nicholas Gardner, Jeoffry Champlin, Peleg Tripp, George Reynolds, Robert Moon. Newport: Elisha Shearman. Providence: Matthew Manchester, Joseph Potter. Middletown: Thomas Gould, Edward Easton, John Green, Edward Tew, Joshua Coggeshall, Jr. Bristol: Sheerjashub Bourn, George Dunbar, Jeremiah Finney, Nathanael Pearce, William Munro. Tiverton: Joseph Anthony, Philip Taber, Abraham Barker, Weston Hicks. Restcome Sandford. Little Compton: Robert Taylor, Samuel Willbor, Joseph Wood, Nathanael Searle, Jr. Warren: Benjamin Miller, Samuel Low, John Kinnecut, Edward Luther. Cumberland: Job Bartlet, Samuel Bartlet, Israel Whipple, John Dexter. Richmond: John Webster, Joseph Clark, Samuel Tifft, Stephen Richmond. 139 1749. June. Portsmouth: Stephen Brayton, Benjamin Fish, in room of Giles Slocum, Jr., who refused. Little Compton: -John Peabody, in room of Robert Taylor, who refused. Smithfield: Abraham Smith, ip room of Thomas Lapham, who refused. Charlestown: John Congdon, in room of James Congdon, Jr., who refused. Aug. To Run the Northern Boundary Line of the Collony: Jonathan Randall, Thomas Lapham, and Richard Steere. Feb. Capt. Joseph Harrison. 1750. May. Field Officers of Newport County Regiment: Col. Samuel Lyndon, Jr., Lt.-Col. John Hunt, Maj. Wing Spooner. Company Officers-Newport: 1st Co. Capt. Jonathan Heath, Lt. James Tanner, Ensign Christopher Lindsey. 2nd Co. Capt. Benjamin Sherburn, Lt. Kendal Nichols, Jr., Ensign John Simpson, Jr. 3d Co. Capt. Daniel Dunham, Jr., Lt. John Pitman, Ensign Henry Bliss. 4th Co. Capt. John Belitho, Lt. Oliver Beere, Ensign Richard Whitehorn. Portsmouth: Capt. Clark Cornel, Lt. John Fish, Ensign Henry Brightman. New Shoreham: Capt. Robert Hull, Lt. John Dodge, Ensign John Littlefield. Jamestown: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. George Franklin, Ensign Benjamin Carr (son of Edward, Dec'd). Middletown: Capt. John Barker, Lt. Benjamin Smith, Ens. Nicholas Brown. Bristol: Capt. Nathanael Pearce, Lt. Bennet Munro, Ensign John Throop, Jr. Tiverton: 1st Co. Capt. William Manchester (son of John), Lt. Joseph Crandal, Ens. Cornelius Soule. 2nd Co. Capt. William Cook, Lt. John Thomas, Ensign Oliver Cook. 140 1750. May. Little Compton. Capt. Edward Irish, Lt. Benjamin Simmonds, Ensign Jonathan Records. Newport County Troop of Horse: Capt. Sylvester Woodman, Lt. Richard Greenhill, Cornet Samuel Bayley (of Little Compton). Capt. Walter Chaloner, at Fort George, ox Goat Island. Edward Thurston, Gen'l Sealer of Weights and Measures. Field Officers of Providence County Regiments: Col. Benoni Waterman, Lt.-Col. William Brown, Maj. Richard Smith. Company Officers-Providence: 1st Co. Capt. Roger Kinnicut, Lt. Benjamin Eddy, Ensign Thomas Olney (son of Thomas). 2nd Co. Capt. John Clark, Lt. John Warner, Ensign William Dyre. 3d Co. Capt. John Waterman (son of Resolved), Lt. Amos Westcot, Ensign Daniel Sprague. 4th Co. Capt. John Dexter, Jr., Lt. Samuel Aborn, Jr., Ensign Stephen Hawkins. 5th Co. Capt. Matthew Manchester, Lt. Jt. Jonathan Knight., Jr., Ensign Daniel Burlingame. Warwick: 1st Co. Capt. John Green (son of Peter), Lt. John Wells, Ensign James Arnold, Jr. 2nd Co. Capt. Thomas Wickes (son of Thomas), Lt. Thomas Remington, Ensign John Wickes. 3d Co. Capt. Moses Budlong, Lt. Richard Estis, Ensign Thomas Rice, Jr. East Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. Joseph Stafford, Lt. Abiel Hall, Ensign Rufus Spencer. 2nd Co. Capt. Richard Weaver, Lt. Benjamin Corey, Ensign John Gifford. Smithfield: 1st Co. Capt. John Angel, Lt. William Brown, Ensign Daniel Wilbore. 2nd Co. Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Stephen Sly, Ensign Jeremiah Cumstock. 3d Co. Capt. Resolved Waterman, Lt. Enoch Barnes, Ensign Abraham Windsor. Scituate: 1st Co. Capt. Amos Hammond, Lt. John Fisk, Ensign Christopher Relph. 141 1750. May. Scituate: 2nd Co. Capt. Samuel Dorrence, Lt. George Dorrence, Jr., Ensign William Tyler. 3d Co. Capt. John Hulet, Lt. Joseph Wilkinson, Ensign Ezekiel Hopkins, Jr. Glocester: 1st Co. Capt. Timothy Wilmoth, Lt. Silas Williams, Ensign James Cowen. 2nd Co. Capt. Ezekiel Smith, Lt. Elias Smith, Ensign John Ross. West Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. Ezekiel Whitford, Lt. Daniel Hill, Jr., Ensign John Albro. 2nd. Co. Capt. John Weight, Lt. Joseph Nichols, Ensign Griffin Sweet. Coventry: 1st Co. Capt. John Allerton, Jr., Lt. Stephen Colvin, Ensign William Nichols. 2nd Co. Capt. Benjamin Nichols, Lt. Alexander Dixon, Ensign Thomas Nichols. Warren: Capt. John Adams, Lt. Solomon Peck, Ensign John Estabrook. Cumberland: Capt. Gideon Tower, Lt. John Nicholson, Ensign David Raze. June. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Joseph Turpin, Lt. Caleb Arnold, Cornet Benjamin Fry. May. Field Officers of Kings County Regiment: Col. William Pendleton, Thos. Haszard refusing, Lt.-Col. Ephraim Gardner, Maj. Latham Clark (son of William, Dec'd). Company Officers-Westerly: 1st Co. Capt. Elias Thompson, Lt. Joseph Lewis, Jr., Ensign Elisha Clark. 2nd Co. Capt. Benjamin Randal, Lt. Jonathan Wells, Ensign Joseph Maccoon. 3d Co. Capt. Samuel Gavet, Lt. Joseph Crandal (son of Joseph), Ensign Stephen Saunders. 4th Co. Capt. Thomas Foster, Lt. Matthew Green, Ensign Edward Robinson. North Kings town: 1st- Co. Capt. Jonathan Allen, Lt. Arthur Aylesworth, Ensign Philip Card. 2nd Co. Capt. Samuel Albro, Lt. Samuel Browning, Jr., Ensign Eber Shearman, Jr. 142 1750. May. North Kings town: 3d Co. Capt. Samuel Thomas, Lt. Benedict Eldred, Ensign Ebenezer Brown. South Kings town: 1st Co. Capt. Thomas Browing, Lt. John Steadman, Ensign William Congdon (son of Joseph). 2nd Co. Capt. Jirah Mumford, Lt. Nathan Tift, Ensign Samuel Babcock, Jr. 3d Co. Capt. Paul Woodbridge, Lt. Henry Gardner, 3d, Ensign Mitchel Case. Charlestown: Capt. Peleg Cross, Lt. Enoch Kinyon, Jr., Ensign Samuel Stanton. Exeter: 1st Co. Capt. Samuel Gardner, Lt. Benjamin Lawton, Ensign John Casey. 2nd Co. Capt. Peleg Thomas, Lt. John Rathburn, 3d, Ensign Stephen Austin. Richmond: Capt. Joseph Enos, Jr., Lt. James James, Ensign Thomas Rogers. Judges of Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Joshua Babcock, chief, Jonathan Randal, William Richmond, John Walton, Thomas Ward, Clerk. Benjamin Haszard. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Samuel Wickham, chief, Edward Scott, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Daniel Gould, William Anthony, Jr., Joseph Scott, Sheriff. Caleb Hill. Providence County: Daniel Jencks, chief, Jeremiah Lippet, George Brown, Clerk. Job Randal, Joseph Nichols, John Mawney, Sheriff. Thomas Lapham. June. Thomas Arnold, in room of Jeremiah Lippet, who refused. Dec. Richard Steere, 5th Justice. 143 1750. Dec. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Immanuel Northup, Benjamin Peckham, Jr., Clerk. Jeremiah Niles, Thomas Brown, Rowland Robinson, Sheriff. Benoni Hall. Bristol County: Jonathan Peck, Chief. Matthew Allen, /Thomas Throop, Jr., Clerk. Joseph Russel, James Mason, Nathanael Bosworth, Sheriff. James Smith. Oct. Kent County, to next General Election: Daniel Howland, Chief. Joseph Nichols, John Walton, Jr., Clerk. John Fry, John Greene, Capt. Thomas Spencer, Sheriff. Rufus Greene. Clerk of House: Josias Lyndon. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Abraham Borden, Samuel Collins, Ebenezer Richardson, Barnabas Hargill, Jeremiah Clark, Thomas Ward, Handley Chipman, Peter Easton, Martin Howard. Providence: George Taylor, Henry Harris, Christopher Harris, Edward Sheldon, Zuriel Waterman, Joseph Harris, John Burton, Joseph Snow, Ebenezer Jencks, John Andrews, Joseph Potter, Matthew Manchester, Richard Waterman. Portsmouth: William Sanford, William Hall, Stephen Brayton, Benjamin Fish, Caleb Allen, Thomas Sisson. Warwick: Samuel Stafford, John Warner, James Green (son of William). Westerly: William Babcock, William Hern, Benjamin Randel, Joseph Crandal, Benoni Smith, John Larkin, Daniel McKoon. 144 1750. Oct. North Kingstown: Edward Dyre, Jr., Joseph Case, Robert Haszard, James Gardner, John Congdon, Samuel Thomas. South Kingstown: Samuel Tift, Jr., John Case, I Benjamin Potter. East Greenwich: William Spencer, John Langford, John Olin, Samuel Sowle, Thomas Spencer (son of John). Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Sayles, Thomas Steer, William Jencks, Thomas Arnold, Thomas Owens. Scituate: Benjamin Fisk, John Tyler, Gideon Harris, John Edwards. Glocester: Richard Steer, John Smith, Andrew Brown, Abraham Tourtelot, Richard Smith. Charles town: John Hill, Benjamin Hoxsey, John Congdon. West Greenwich: Jeremiah Ellis, Samuel Hopkins, William Cumstock, George Gardner. Coventry: Elisha Johnson, Samuel Cooper, Caleb Greene, George Hall, Thomas Matthewson, Randal Rice. Exeter: Nicholas Gardner, Jeoffry Champlin, Peleg Tripp, George Reynolds, Robert Moon. Middletown: Thomas Gould, Joshua Coggeshall (son of Thomas), Joshua Coggeschall (son of James). Bristol: Sheerjashub Bourn, George Dunbar, Nathanael Fales, Nathanael Pearce, William Munro. Tiverton: Joseph Anthony, Philip Tabor, Abraham Barker, Weston Hickes, Restcome Sanford. Little Compton: Samuel Wilbore, Joseph Wood, Nathanael Searl, Jeremiah Brownel. Warren: Benjamin Miller, John Kinnicutt, Edward Luther, Peter Bicknel, Ebenezer Allen. 145 1750. Oct. Cumberland: Richmond: Job Bartlet, Stephen Richmond, Samuel Bartlet, Joseph Clark, Israel Whipple, Samuel Tift, John Dexter. Robert Lillibridge. June. Providence: William Burton, in room of John Burton, who refused. Warwick: Benjamin Arnold. South Kings town: Jeremiah Willcox. Smithfield: John Aldrich. Charlestown: Nathanael Lewis, in room of Benjamin Hoxsey, who refused. Jonathan Clark, in room of John Congdon, who refused. Exeter: Benjamin Mowrey, in room of George Reynolds, who refused. Middletown: Peleg Smith, in room of Joshua Coggeshall (son of Thomas), who refused. Edward Easton. Richmond: Thomas Kinyon. May. Added Commissioner to run Northern Boundary Line: Matthew Robinson. Aug. Ferry Men, North and South, West Side of Jamestown: Stephen Wilcox, Abel Franklin. 1751. May. Field Officers of Newport County Regiment: Col. Samuel Lyndon, Lt.-Col. John Burrington, Maj. Wing Spooner. Company Officers-Newport: 1st Co. Capt. Jonathan Heath, Lt. James Tanner, Ensign Christopher Lindsey. 2nd Co. Capt. Benjamin Sherburn, Lt. Kendal Nichols, Jr., Ensign John Simpson, Jr. 3d Co. Capt. Daniel Dunham, Jr., Lt. John Pitman, Ensign Henry Bliss. 4th Co. Capt. Johh Belitho, Lt. Oliver Beere, Ensign Richard Whitehorn. 19 146 1751. May. Portsmouth: Capt. Clark Cornel, Lt. John Fish, Ensign John Shrieve, Jr. New Shoreham: Capt. Robert Hull, Lt. John Dodge, Ensign John Littlefield. Jamestown: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. George Franklin, Ensign Benjamin Carr, (son of Edw'd, Dec'd). Middletown: Capt. John Barker, Lt. Benjamin Smith, Ensign Joseph Rider. Bristol: Capt. Bennet Munro, JLt. John Throop, Jr., Ensign William Cox. Tiverton: 1st Co. Capt. Matthew Manchester (son of John), Lt. Joseph Crandal, Ensign George Cooke. 2nd Co. Capt. William Cooke, Lt. John Thomas, Ensign Oliver Cooke. Little Compton: Capt. Benjamin Simmonds, Lt. Jonathan Records, Ens. Thomas Brownel, Jr. Newport Troop of Horse: Capt. Sylvester Woodman, Lt. Richard Greenhill, Cornet Samuel Bayley (of Little Compton). Capt. Samuel Freebody at Fort George on Goat Island. Field Officers of Providence County Regiment: Col. Richard Smith, Lt.-Col. Christopher Harris, Maj. Resolved Waterman (son of Resolved). Aug. Company Officers-Providence: 1st Co. Capt. Benjamin Eddy, Lt. John Hoyl, Jr., Ens. Ezra Dean. 2nd Co. Capt. John Clark, Lt. John Warner, Ens. William Dyre. 3d Co. Capt. John Waterman (son of Resolved), Lt. Daniel Sprague, Ens. Samuel Windsor, Jr. 4th Co. Capt. John Dexter, Jr., Lt. Samuel Eborn, Ens. Stephen Hawkins. 5th Co. Capt. Matthew Manchester, Lt. Jonathan Knight, Jr., Ens. Daniel Burlingham. 6th Co. Capt. Isaiah Hawkins, Lt. Charles Olney, Ens. Thomas Olney (son of Thos.). May. Smithfield: 1st Co. Capt. John Angel, Lt. William Brown, Ensign Daniel Wilbore. 2nd Co. Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Stephen Sly, Ensign Jeremiah Cumstock. 14 1751. May. Smithfield: 3d Co. Capt. Enoch Barnes, Lt. Abraham Winsor, Ensign Sylvanus Sayles. Scituate: 1st Co. Capt. Amos Hammond, Lt. John Fisk, Ensign Christopher Relph. 2nd Co. Capt. Samuel Dorrence, Lt. George Dorrence, Jr., Ensign William Tyler. 3d Co. Capt. John Hulet, Lt. Joseph Wilkinson, Ensign Ezekiel Hopkins, Jr. Glocester: 1st Co. Capt. Joseph Winsor, Lt. James Cowen, Ensign Edward Bishop. 2nd Co. Capt. Ezekiel Smith, Lt. Joseph Olney, Ensign John Ross. Warren: Capt. John Adams, Lt. Solomon Peck, Ensign John Eastabrook. Aug. Cumberland: Capt. Gideon Tower, Lt. John Nicholson, Ens. Nathaniel Whipple. May. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. John Hoyle, Lt. William Fenner, Cornet William Dean. Aug. Lt. William Dean, Cornet Eliphalet Filbrook. May. Field Officers of Kings County Regiment: Col. William Pendleton, Lt.-Col. Ephraim Gardner, Maj. Latham Clark. Company Officers-Westerly: 1st Co. Capt. Elias Thompson, Lt. Joseph Lewis, Jr. Ensign Elisha Clark. 2nd Co. Capt. Benjamin Randal, Lt. Hobart Burdick (son of Robert), Ensign John Maccoon, Jr. 3d Co. Capt. Samuel Gavet, Lt. Joseph Crandel (son of Joseph), Ensign Stephen Saunders. 4th Co. Capt. Thomas Foster, Lt. Matthew Green, Ensign Joseph Winter. North Kingstown: 1st Co. Capt. Jonathan Allen, Lt. Anthony Aylesworth, Ensign Philip Card. 2nd Co.- Capt. Samuel Albro, Lt. Samuel Browning, Jr., Ensign Eber Shearman, Jr. 3d Co. Capt. Samuel Thomas, Lt. Benedict Eldred, Ensign Ebenezer Brown. 148 1751. May. South Kingstown: 1st Co. Capt. Thomas Browning, Lt. John Steadman, Ensign William Congdon (son of Joseph). 2nd Co. Capt. Jirah Mumford, Lt. Nathan Tift, Ensign Samuel Babcock, Jr. 3d. Co. Capt. Paul Woodbridge,. Lt. James Shearman, Ensign Mitchel Case. Charlestown: Capt. Peleg Cross, Lt. Enoch Kinyon, Jr., Ensign Samuel Stanton. Aug. Exeter: 1st Co. Capt. George Weight, Lt. John Casey, Ens. Joshua Gardner. 2nd Co. Capt. John Rathbone, Lt. Stephen Austin, Ens. William Eldred. May. Richmond: Capt. Joseph Enos, Jr., Lt. James James, Ensign Thomas Rogers. Aug. Capt. Joseph Woodmancy, Lt. Ezekiel Barber, Ensign Stephen Wilcox. May. Field Officers of Kent County Regiment: Col. Benoni Waterman, Lt.-Col. Joseph Stafford, Maj. John Arnold. Company Officers-Warwick: 1st Co. Capt. John Wells, Lt. Rufus Barton (son of Rufus), Ensign James Arnold, Jr. 2nd Co. Capt. Thomas Remington, Lt. Henry Matthewson, Ensign Ebenezer Green. 3d Co.' Capt. Moses Budlong, Lt. Richard Estis, Ensign Thomas Rice, Jr. East Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. Joseph Stafford, Lt. Rufus Spencer, Ensign Thomas Nichols (son of James). 2nd Co. Capt. Richard Weaver, Lt. Benjamin Corey, Ensign John Gifford. West Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. Ezekiel Whiteford, Lt. Daniel Hill, Jr., Ensign John Albro. 2nd Co. Capt. John Weight, Lt. George Gardner refusing, John Reynolds (son of Sam'l), Ensign Ebenezer Matthewson. Coventry: 1st Co. Capt. John Allerton, Jr., Lt. Stephen Colvin,. Ensign William Nichols. 2nd Co. Capt. Benjamin Nichols, Lt. Adam Cassin, Ensign Thomas Nichols. 149 1751. Aug. Col. Joseph Stafford, in room of Benoni Waterman, refusing, Lt.-Col. Stephen Low. Warwick: 1st Co. Lt. James Arnold, J., in room of Rufus Barton, refusing, Ens. Simon Arnold. East Greenwich: 2nd Co. Lt. John Gifford, in room of Benjamin Corey, refusing, Ens. Benjamin Sweet, Jr. West Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. John Niles, Lt. John Albro, Ens. Nicholas Whitford (son of Pascho). May. Judges of Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Stephen Hopkins, Chief. Jonathan Randal, William Richmond, Joseph Russel, Benjamin Haszard, refusing. Thomas Ward, Clerk. Joseph Clark. Justices of Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions.of the Peace: Newport County: Samuel Wickham, Chief. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Edward Scott, Daniel Gould. Caleb Hill, William Anthony, Jr., Providence County: Daniel Jencks, Chief. Job Randal, Thomas Lapham, Thomas Arnold, Richard Steere. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Immanuel Northup, Jeremiah Niles, Thomas Brown, Benoni Hall. Bristol County: Jonathan Peck, Chief. Matthew Allen, James Mason, Joseph Scott, Sheriff. George Brown, Clerk. David Wilkinson, Sheriff. Benjamin Peckham, Jr., Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Thomas Throope, Jr., Clerk. 150 1751. May. Bristol County: James Smith, Thomas Greene. Nathanael Bosworth, Sheriff. Kent County: Daniel Howland, Chief. John Walton, Jr., Clerk. Joseph Nichols, John Fry, John Greene, Rufus Greene. Thomas Spencer (son of John) Sheriff. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Warwick: Abraham Borden, James Greene, Samuel Collins, Benja. Arnold. Charles Bardin, Westerly: Ebenezer Richardson, William Hearn, Barnabas Hargill, Benjamin'Randal, Jeremiah Clark, Joseph.Crandal, Jr., Thomas Ward, Benoni Smith, Peter Easton, John Larkin, Martin Howard, Daniel Maccoon. Joseph Sylvester, North Kings town: William Heffernan. Edward Dyre, Jr., Providence: Robert Haszard, George Taylor, James Gardner, Henry Harris, John Congdon, Christopher Harris, Samuel Thomas, Edward Sheldon, Elisha Clark. Zuriel Waterman, South Kings town: Joseph Harris, Samuel Tift, Jr., William Burton, John Case, Joseph Snow, Jeremiah Wilcox, Ebenezer Jencks, Immanuel Case. Matthew Manchester, East Greenwich: Richard Waterman. William Spencer, Portsmouth: John Langford, William Hall, John Olin, Stephen Brayton, Samuel Soul, Jonathan Freeborn, Daniel Howland, Jr. Robert Dennis, Smithfield: Caleb Allen. William Arnold, Warwick f Thomas Sayles, Samuel Stafford, Thomas Steere, Charles Holden, William Jencks, Joseph Lippit, John Aldrich, Thomas Owens. . 151 1751. May. Scituate: Benjamin Fisk, John Tyler, Gideon Harris, John Edwards. Glocester: John Smith, Andrew Brown, Abraham Tourtelot, Richard Smith, Timothy Wilmot. Charlestown: John Hill, Nathanael Lewis, Jonathan Clark. West Greenwich: Jeremiah Ellis, Samuel Hopkins, William Cumstock, George Gardner. Coventry: Elisha Johnson, Samuel Cooper, Caleb Greene, George Hall, Thomas Matthewson, Randal Rice. Exeter: Nicholas Gardner, Peleg Tripp, Robert Moon, Benjamin Mowrey. Middle town: Thomas Gould, Edward Easton, Peleg Smith, Joshua Coggeshall. Bristol: Sheerjashub Bourn, George Dunbar, Nathanael Fales, Nathanael Pearce, William Munroe. Tiverton: Joseph Anthony, Samuel Durfey, Restcom Sandford, John Brown, Abraham Barker. Little Compton: Samuel Wilbore, Joseph Wood, Nathanael Searl, Jeremiah Brownel. Warren: Benjamin Miller, John Kinnicut, Edward Luther, Peter Bicknell, Ebenezer Allen. Cumberland: Job Bartlet, Samuel Bartlet, John Dexter, David Whipple. Richmond: Stephen Richmond, Joseph Clark, Samuel Tift, Joseph Enos, Jr., Thomas Kinion. Aug. Warwick: Lt.-Col. Stephen Low. North Kingstown: Capt. Jeremiah Gardner. Charlestown: James Congdon, in room of John Clark, refusing. 152 ~ 1751. Aug. Exeter: Jeoffry Champlin. Tiverton: Philip Tabor. Richmond: Simeon Perry, in room of Capt. Joseph Enos, refusing. To Collect and Publish the Public Laws: Edward Scott, Peter Bours, Edward Easton, Thomas Ward, Sec. 1752. May. Militia of the Colony-Newport and Bristol County Regiment: Col. Samuel Lyndon, Lt.-Col. John Burrington, Maj. Wing Spooner. 1st Newport Company: Capt. Jonathan Heath, Lt. James Tanner, Ens. Christopher Lindsey. 2nd Company: Capt. James Shearburn, Lt. Kendal Nichols, Jr., Ens. John Simpson, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Daniel Dunham, Jr., Lt. John Pitman, Ens. Henry Bliss. 4th Company: Capt. Oliver Beere, Lt. Richard Whitehorn, Ens. Zephaniah Pease. New Shoreham Company: Capt. John Dodge, Lt. Joshua Sands, Ens. Abel Franklin. James town Company: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. George Franklin, Ens. Benjamin Carr (son of Edward, Dec'd). Middletown Company: Capt. John Barker, Lt. Benjamin Smith, Ens. Joseph Rider, 1st Tiverton Company: Capt. William Manchester (son of John), Lt. Joseph Crandal, Ens. George Cooke. 2nd Company: Capt. William Cooke, Lt. John Thomas, Ens. Oliver Cooke. Little Compton Company: Capt. Benjamin Simmonds, Lt. Thomas Brownel, Jr., Ens. Moses Palmer. Newport Troop' of Horse: Capt. Samuel Bayley, Lt. William Briggs (son of Job), Cornet Israel Shaw. Bristol Company: Capt. Bennet Munro, Lt. John Throop, Jr., Ens. Joseph Reynolds, Jr. 153 1752. May. Warren Company: Capt. John Adams, Lt. Solomon Peck, Ens. John Estabrook. Capt. James Sheffield, Fort George. Providence County Regiment: Col. Richard Smith, Lt.-Col. Christopher Harris, Maj. Resolved Waterman. 1st Providence Company: Capt. Benjamin Eddy, Lt. Ezra Dean, Ens. Joseph Bucklin. 2nd Company: Capt. John Clark, Lt. John Warner, Ens. William Dyre. 3d Company: Capt. John Waterman (son of Resolved), Lt. Daniel Sprague, Ens. Samuel Windsor, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. John Dexter, Jr., Lt. Samuel Aborn, Ens. Stephen Hawkins. 5th Company: Capt. Matthew Manchester, Lt. Jonathan Knight, Jr., Ens. Daniel Burlingham. 6th Company: Capt. Isaiah Hawkins, Lt. Charles Olney, Ens. Thomas Olney (son of Thomas). 1st Smithfield Company: Capt. John Angel, Lt. William Brown, Ens. Elisha Sayles. 2nd Company: Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. John Sayles, Ens. Stephen Arnold. 3d Company: Capt. Enoch Barnes, Lt. Samuel Aldrich, Ens. Sylvanus Sayles. 1st Scituate Company: Capt. Amos Hammond, Lt. John Fisk, Ens. Christopher Ralph. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Dorrance, Lt. George Dorrance, Jr., Ens. William Tyler. 3d Company: Capt. John Smith, Lt. Joshua Angel, Ens. Timothy Hopkins. 1st Glocester Company: Capt. James Cowen, Lt. Edward Bishop, Ens. Benjamin Tourtelot. 2nd Company: Capt. Ezekiel Smith, Lt. Joseph Olney, Ens. John Ross. Cumberland Company: Capt. Gideon Tower, Lt. John Nicholson, Ens. Nathaniel Whipple. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. William Dean, Lt. Eliphalet Philbrook, Cornet John Field. 20 154 1752. May. Kings County Regiment: Col. William Pendleton, Lt.-Col. Ephraim Gardner, Maj. Latham Clark. 1st Westerly Company: Capt. Elias Thompson, Lt. John Lewis, 3d, Ens. Joseph Clarke. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Randal, Lt. Hobart Burdick (son of Robert), Ens. John Maccoon, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Samuel Gavit, Lt. Joseph Crandal (son of Joseph), Ens. Stephen Saunders. 4th Company: Capt. Thomas Foster, Lt. Matthew Green, Ens. Joseph Winter. 1st North Kings town Company: Capt. Arthur Aylesworth, Lt. George Whitman, Jr., Ens. Samuel Spink. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Albro, Lt. Samuel Browning, Jr., Ens. Eber Shearman, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. James Boone, Lt. John Brown, Ens. Henry Spencer. 1st South Kings town Company: Capt. John Steadman, Lt. William Congdon (son of Joseph), Ens. William Browning, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. James Shearman, Lt. Jonathan Haszard, Ens. Samuel Steadman. 3d Company: Capt. Jirah Mumford, Lt. Nathan Tift, Ens. Thomas Cottril. Charlestown Company: Capt. Peleg Cross, Lt. Enoch Kinyon, Jr., Ens. Nathaniel Sheffield. 1st Exeter Company: Capt. George Weight, Lt. John Casey, Ens. Joshua Gardner. 2nd Company: Capt. John Rathbone, 3d, Lt. Stephen Austin, Ens. William Eldred. Richmond Company: Capt. Benjamin Barber, Lt. William Potter, Jr., Ens. Nicholas Larkin. Kent County Regiment: Col. Joseph Stafford, Lt.-Col. Stephen Low, Maj. John Arnold. 1st Warwick Company: Capt. James Arnold, Jr., Lt. Simon Arnold, Ens. John Waterman. 2nd Company: Capt. Henry Rice, Lt. Ebenezer Greene, Ens. Benjamin Sweet. 3d Company: Capt. Richard Estis, Lt. Thomas Rice, Jr., Ens. Silas Barker. 155 1752. May. 1st East Greenwich Company: Capt. Rufus Spencer, Lt. Thomas Nichols (son of James), Ens. Preserved Pearce, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. John Gifford, Lt. Benjamin Sweet, Jr., Ens. Silas Jones. 1st West Greenwich Company: Capt. John Niles, Lt. Tibbits Hopkins, Ens. Nicholas Whitford (son of Pascho). 1st Coventry Company: Capt. John Merton, Jr., Lt. Stephen Colvin, Ens. William Nichols. 2nd Company: Capt. Caleb Vaughan, Lt. Adam Cassin, Ens. James Greene (son of Daniel). Judges of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Stephen Hopkins, Chief. Jonathan Randal, William Richmond, Thomas Ward, Clerk. Joseph Russel, Joseph Clarke, Oct. David Comstock, special, in room of Stephen Hopkins, Feb. Philip Greene, special, in room of David Comstock, declining. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace, Newport County: Samuel Wickham, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Edward Scott, Daniel Gould, Caleb Hill, Joseph Scott, Sheriff. William Anthony, Jr. Providence County: Daniel Jencks, George Brown, Clerk. Job Randal, Thomas Lapham, Thomas Arnold, David Wilkinson, Sheriff. Richard Steere. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Benjamnin Peckham, Jr., Clerk. Immanuel Northup, Jeremiah Niles, Thomas Brown, Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Benoni Hall. 156 1752. Feb. Bristol County: Jonathan Peck, Thomas Throop, Jr., Clerk. Matthew Allen, James Mason, James Smith, Nathaniel Bosworth, Sheriff. Thomas Greene. Kent County: Daniel Howland, John Walton, Jr., Clerk. Joseph Nichols, John Fry, John Greene, Thomas Spencer (son of John), Rufus Greene, Sheriff. Aug. John Holden, 5th, Daniel Howland, Dec'd. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Warwick: Abraham Borden, Samuel Stafford, Samuel Collins, James Greene, Charles Bardin, Benjamin Arnold, Ebenezer Richardson, Stephen Low. Barnabas Hargill, Westerly: Jeremiah Clarke, William Hearn, Thomas Ward, Benjamin Randal, Peter Easton, Joseph Crandal, Jr., Martin Howard, Benoni Smith, Joseph Sylvester, John Larkin, William Hefferman. Daniel Maccoon, Providence: Samuel Ward. George Taylor, North Kingstown: Henry Harris, Edward Dyre, Jr., Christopher Harris, Samuel Thomas, Edward Sheldon, Jeremiah Gardner, Zuriel Waterman, James Eldred, Joseph Harris, Stephen Card, William Burton, Nicholas Northup, Jr. Joseph Snow, South Kings town: Ebenezer Jencks, Samuel Tifft, Jr., Matthew Manchester, John Case, Richard Waterman. Jeremiah Wilcox, Portsmouth: Benedict Helme, William Hall, Silas Niles. Jonathan Freeborn, East Greenwich: Robert Dennis, William Spencer, Caleb Allen. John Langford, John Olin, 157 1752. May. East Greenwich: Samuel Sowle, Daniel Howland, Jr. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Sayles, Thomas Steere. William Jencks, John Aldrich, Thomas Owens. Scituate: Benjamin Fisk, John Tyler, Gideon Harris, Charles Harris. Glocester: John Smith, Andrew Brown, Richard Smith, Timothy Wilmot, Joseph Windsor. Charlestown: John Hill, Benjamin Hoxsie, Thomas Brownel. West Greenwich: Jeremiah Ellis, Samuel Hopkins, William Cumstock, George Gardner. Coventry: Elisha Johnson, Samuel Cooper, Caleb Greene, George Hall, Thomas Matthewson, Randal Rice. Exeter: Nicholas Gardner, Jeoffry Champlin, Exeter: Robert Moon, Benjamin Mowrey. Middle town: Thomas Gould, Edward Easton, Peleg Smith, Jbshua Coggeshall. Bristol: Shearjashub Brown, George Dunbar, Nathaniel Fales, Nathanael Pearce, William Munro. Tiverton: Joseph Anthony, Philip Tabor, Restcom Sanford. Little Compton: Nathanael Searl, Joseph Wood, Robert Taylor, Jeremiah Brownel. Warren: Benjamin Miller, John Kinnicut, John Cole, Peter Bicknel, John Adams. Cumberland: Job Bartlet, Samuel Bartlet, John Dexter, Nathaniel Jillson, Jeremiah Whipple. Richmond: Stephen Richmond, John Webster, Samuel Tifft, Joseph Clarke, Thomas Kinyon. June. Scituate: John Fisk, in room of Benjamin Fisk, refusing. 158 1752. June. Charlestown: Capt. Nathaniel Lewis, in room of Thomas Brownel, refusing. Edward Thurston, Sealer of Weights & Measures. Henry Paget, Notary Public of Providence. Towns Committee Men: Westerly: Capt. Silas Greenman, in the stead of Capt. Caleb Church, Dec'd. Little Compton: Jeremiah Brownel, in room of Samuel Wilbore, Dec'd. Feb. Ferry Men for the whole Colony: Joshua Bell, Nicholas Northup, William Martin. 1753. May. Field Officers of Newport and Bristol County Regiment: Col. Samuel Lyndon, Lt.-Col. John Burrington, Maj. Wing Spooner. Company Officers-Newport: 1st Co. Capt. Jonathan Heath, Lt. James Tanner, Ensign Christopher Lindsey. 2nd Co. Capt. Benjamin Sherburn, Lt. Kendal Nichols, Jr., Ensign John Simpson, Jr. 3d Co. Capt. Daniel Dunham, Jr., Lt. John Pitman, Ens. Henry Bliss. 4th Co. Capt. Oliver Beer, Lt. Richard Whitehorn, Ensign Zephaniah Pease. Portsmouth: Capt. Clark Cornel, Lt. John Fish, Ensign John Shrieve, Jr. New Shoreham: Capt. John Dodge, Lt. Joshua Sands, Ensign Abel Franklin. Jamestown: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. George Franklin, Ensign Benjamin Carr (son of Edw'd, Dec'd). Middletown: Capt. William Bliss, Lt. James Barker, 3d, Ensign James Peckham. June. Bristol: Capt. Nathaniel Pearce, Lt. John Throop, Jr., Ens. John Reynolds, Jr. Tiverton: 1st Co. Capt. William Manchester (son of John), Lt. Joseph Crandal, Ensign George Cooke. 2nd Co. Capt. William Cooke, Lt. John Thomas, Ens. Oliver Cooke. Little Compton: Capt. Benjamin Simmonds, Lt. Thomas Brownel, Jr., Ensign Moses Palmer. 159 1753. June. Newport Troop of Horse: Capt. Samuel Bayley, Lt. William Briggs (son of Job), Cornet Israel Shaw. Capt. William Mumford, Fort George. May. Field Officers of Providence County Regiment: Col. Christopher Harris, Lt.-Col. Resolved Waterman, Maj. Samuel Currie. Company Officers-Providence: 1st Co. Capt. Benjamin Eddy, Lt. Joseph Bucklin, Ens. John Field, Jr. 2nd Co. Capt. John Clarke, Lt. John Warner, Ensign William Dyre. June. 3d Co. Capt. Daniel Sprague, Lt. Samuel Windsor, Jr., May. Ensign Joseph Waterman, Jr. 4th Co. Capt. John Hoyle, Lt. John Pain, Ensign William Dexter. 5th Co. Capt. Charles Higginbotham, Lt. Jonathan Knight, Jr., Ensign Daniel Burlingham. 6th Co. Capt. Isaiah lawkin, Lt. Charles Olney, Ensign Thomas Olney (son of Thomas). Smithfield: 1st Co. Capt. John Angel, Lt. William Brown, Ensign Elisha Sayles. 2nd Co. Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. John Sayles, Ens. Stephen Arnold. 3d Co. Capt. Enoch Barnes, Lt. Samuel Aldrich, Ens. Sylvanus Sayles. Scituate: 1st Co. Capt. Amos Hammond, Lt. John Fisk, Ens. Christopher Ralph. 2nd Co. Capt. Samuel Dorrence, Lt. George Dorrence, Ensign John Herrenden. 3d Co. Capt. John Smith, Lt. Joshua Angel, Ens. Timothy Hopkins. Glocester: ist Co. Capt. Edward Bishop, Lt. Hezekiah Bowen, Ensign Abraham Smith. 2nd Co. Capt. Joseph Olney, Lt. John Ross, Ensign Rufus Smith. Warren: Capt. Solomon Peck, Lt. John Eastabrook, Ensign James Brown. June. Cumberland-referred to next session: 1st Co. Capt. Daniel Wilkinson, Lt. Nathanael Whipple, Ens. Benjamin Tower. 2nd Co. Capt. Gideon Tower, Lt. John Nicholson, Ens. Charles Capron. May. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. William Dean, Lt. Eliphalet Philbrook, Cornet James Field. June. Providence: 1st Comp'y. Capt. John Hoyle, Jr. 160 1753. May. Field Officers of Kings County Regiment: Col. William Pendleton, Lt.-Col. Ephraim Gardner, Maj. Latham Clark. Company Officers-Westerly: 1st Co. Capt. Elias Thompson, Lt. John Lewis, 3d, Ens. Joseph Clark. 2nd Co. Capt. Hubbard Burdick (son of Robert), Lt, John Maccoon, Jr., Ensign Roger White. 3d Co. Capt. Samuel Gavet, Lt. Stephen Saunders, Ensign Edward Saunders. 4th Co. Capt. Matthew Green, Lt. Edward Wells, Jr., Ensign Daniel McCoon, Jr. North Kingstown: 1st Co. Capt. Arthur Aylesworth, Lt. George Whitman, Jr., Ensign Samuel Spink. 2nd Co. Capt. Samuel Brownel, Jr., Lt. Eber Shearman (son of William), Ensign John Card. 3d Co. Capt. James Boone, Lt. John Brown, Ensign Henry Spencer. South Kings town: 1st Co. Capt. William Congdon (son of Joseph), Lt. Caleb Haszard, Ensign Nathanael Mumford. 2nd Co. Capt. James Shearman, Lt. John Wilson, Ens. Sandford Case. 3d Co. Capt. Nathanael Tift, Lt. James Barber, Ensign John Babcock, 3d. Charles town: Capt. Peleg Cross, Lt. Enoch ojinyon, Jr., Ensign Nathanael Sheffield. Exeter: 1st Co. Capt. Job Herenden, Lt. Samuel Rogers, Ensign Benjamin Reynolds. 2nd Co. Capt. John Rathburn, 3d, Lt. Daniel Barber, Ensign William Barber. Richmond: Capt. Nicholas Larkin, Lt. William Potter, Jr., Ensign Edward James. June. Major Joshua Clark. Westerly: 1st Co. Capt. John Lewis, 3d, Lt. Joseph Clark, Jr., Ens. Eber Crandal. May. Field Officers of Kent County Regiment: Col. Joseph Stafford, Lt.-Col. Stephen Low, Maj. John Arnold. Company Officers-Warwick: 1st Co. Capt. James Arnold, Jr., Lt. Simon Arnold, Ensign John Waterman. 2nd Co. Capt. Ebenezer Green, Lt. Benjamin Sweet, Ensign James Cooke. 3d Co. Capt. Richard Estis, Lt. Thomas Rice, Jr., Ens. Silas Baker. 161 1753. May. West Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. John Niles, Lt. Tibbit Hopkins, Ensign Nicholas Whitford (son of Pasco). 2nd Co. Capt. Jonathan Matthewson, Lt. Griffen Sweet, Ensign Thomas Weight. Coventry: 1st Co. Capt. Jonathan Nichols, Lt. Thomas Stafford (son of Thomas), Ensign John Johnson, Jr. 2nd Co. Capt. Caleb Vaughan, Lt. John Green (son of Daniel), Ensign Joseph Weaver, Jr. June. Field Officers-Kent County: Col. Stephen Low, Lt.-Col. John Arnold, Maj. James Green (son of Peter). East Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. Preserved Pearce, Jr., Lt. Thomas Nichols, 3d, Ensign Thomas Langford (son of John), 2nd Co. Capt. John Gifford, Lt. Benjamin Sweet, Jr., Ens. Silas Jones. May. Judges of Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Stephen Hopkins, Chief. Jonathan Randal, William Richmond, Joseph Russel, Joseph Clark. Justices of Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Peter Bours, Daniel Gould, Caleb Hill, Joseph Scott, Sheriff. William Anthony, Jr. Providence County: Daniel Jencks, Chief. Job Randal, Thomas Lapham, Richard Smith, David Wilkinson, Sheriff. Richard Steere. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Immanuel Northup, James Helme, 21 162 1753. May. Kings County: Thomas Brown, Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Benoni Hall. Bristol County: Jonathan Peck, Chief. Matthew Allen, James Mason, James Smith, Nathanael Bosworth, Sheriff. Thomas Green. Kent County: Joseph Nichols, Chief. John Fry, John Green, Rufus Green, John Holden, Benjamin Arnold, Sheriff. Oct. Kent County: Thomas Frye, in room of John Frye, lately Dec'd. Maj. John Rhodes, Special Judge, Kent Co. Edward Thurston, Gen'l Sealer of Weights and Measures. Henry Paget, Notary Public, Providence County. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Abraham Borden, Samuel Collins, Charles Bardin, Jeremiah Clark, Thomas Ward, Peter Easton, Martin Howard, Joseph Sylvester. Providence: George Taylor, Henrys Harris, Christopher Harris, Edward Sheldon, Zuriel Waterman, Joseph Harris, William Burton, Joseph Snow, Ebenezer Jenckes, Matthew Manchester, Richard Waterman, James Angel. Portsmouth: William Hall, Robert Dennis, Caleb Allen, Matthew Slocum, Thomas Brownel. Warwick: James Greene, Stephen Low, Othniel "Gorton, Robert Westgate. Westerly: William Herne, Benjamin Randal, Joseph Crandal, Jr., Benoni Smith, John Larkin, Daniel Macoon. North Kings town: Edward Dyre, Jr., Samuel Thomas, James Eldred, 163 1753. May. North Kingstown: Stephen Card, Nicholas Northup, Jr., Elisha Clarke, Samuel Albro. South Kings town: Samuel Tift, Jr., John Case, Benedict Helm, Silas Niles, John Albro. East Greenwich: William Spencer, John Langford, John Olin, Samuel Soul, Thomas Corey. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Sayles, Thomas Steere, William Jenckes, John Aldrich, Thomas Owens. Scituate: Gideon Harris, Charles Harris, John Fisk. Glocester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmott, Joseph Winsor, Benj'a Smith, James Cowen. Charlestown: John Hall, Nathanael Lewis, Robert Potter. West Greenwich: Jeremiah Ellis, Samuel Hopkins, William Cumstock, Philip Greene. Coventry: Elisha Johnson, Coventry: Samuel Cooper, Caleb Greene, George Hall, Thomas Matthewson, Randal Rice. Exeter: Nicholas Gardner, Job Tripp, Benjamin Mowrey, Thomas Casey, Newman Perkins, Middle town: Thomas Gould, Edward Easton, John Barker, Joshua Coggeshall, Jr. Bristol: Sheerjashub Bourn, George Dunbar, Nathanael Fales, Nathanael Pearce, William Munro. Tiverton: Joseph Anthony, Philip Tabor, Restcomb Sanford, Benjamin Durfey, Samuel Hickes. Little Compton: Nathaniel Searl, Joseph Wood, Robert Taylor, Jeremiah Brownel. Warren: Benjamin Miller, John Kinnicut, John Cole, Peter Bicknel, John Adams. Cumberland: Job Baitlet, Samuel Bartlet, John Dexter, Jeremiah Whipple. 164 1753. May. Richmond: Stephen Richmond, Samuel Tift, John Webster, Elisha Babcock, Sylvester Kinyon. June. Newport: Barnabas Hargil. Scituate: Capt. Samuel Dorrance, in room of John Tyler, refused. Portsmouth: Isaac Lawton. Charlestown: Samuel Stanton. Aug. Portsmouth: Weston Hicks. Warwick: William Warner, in room of Stephen Low, who refused. Oct. Bristol: Thomas Throope, Jr. Feb. Charlestown: Benj. Hoxsie, in room of Nathanael Lewis, Dec'd. 1754. May. Field Officers of Newport County Regiment: Col. Samuel Lyndon, Lt.-Col. John Burrington, Maj. Wing Spooner. Company Officers-Newport: 1st Co. Capt. Jonathan Heath, Lt. James Tanner, Ensign Christopher Lindsey. 2nd Co. Capt. Benjamin Sherburn, Lt. Kendal Nichols, Jr., Ensign John Simpson, Jr. 3d Co. Capt. Daniel Dunham, Jr., Lt. John Pitman, Ensign Henry Bliss. 4th Co. Capt. Oliver Beer, Lt. Richard Whitehorn, Ensign Zephaniah Pease. Portsmouth: Capt. Clark Cornel, Lt. John Fish, Ensign John Shrieve, Jr. New Shoreham: Capt. John Dodge, Lt. Joshua Sands, Ensign Abel Franklin. James town: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. George Franklin, Ensign Benjamin Carr (son of Edw'd). Middle town: Capt. William Bliss, Lt. James Barker, 3d, Ensign James Peckham. 165 1754. May. Tiverton: 1st Comp'y. Capt. William Manchester (son of John), Lt. Joseph Crandal, Ensign George Cooke. Little Compton: Capt. Benjamin Simmons, Lt. Thomas Brownel, Jr., Ensign Isaac Simmons. Newport Troop of Horse: Capt. Samuel Bayley, Lt. William Briggs (son of Job), Cornet Israel Shaw. June. Tiverton: ( v 2nd Co. Capt. William Cooke, Lt. Oliver Cooke, Ensign Silvanus Westcott. ~ Bristol: Capt. Joseph Reynolds, Jr., Lt. John Wardwell, Ens. Nathanael Carey. Feb. Newport County Field Officers: Col. Jahleel Brenton, Lt.-Col. Godfrey Mallbone, Maj. Josias Lyndon. Newport Troop of Horse: Capt. Benjamin Sherburne, Lt. Henry Sowle, Cornet Joseph Sowle. Mar. Regiment of Newport County: Col. Godfrey Mallbone, Lt.-Col. Josias Lyndon, Maj. Godfrey Mallbone, Jr. June. Capt. James Sheffield, Fort George. May. Field Officers of Providence County Regiment: Col. Christopher Harris, Lt.-Col. Resolved Waterman, Maj. Samuel Currie. Company Officers-Providence: 1st Co. Capt. Joseph Bucklin, Lt. John Field, Jr., Ensign William Donnoson. 2nd Co. Capt. Richard Sailes, Jr., Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ensign Obediah King. Zd Co. Capt. Daniel Sprague, Lt. Samuel Windsor, Jr., Ensign Joseph Waterman, Jr. 4th Co. Capt. John Pain, Lt. Jonathan Sprague, Ensign Stephen Hawkins. 5th Co. Capt. Charles Higginbotham, Lt. Daniel Burlingham, Ensign Jeremiah Knight. 6th Co. Capt. Isaiah Hawkins, Lt. Charles Olney, Ensign Thomas Olney (son of Thomas). 166 1754. May. Smithfield: 1st Co. Capt. John Angel, Lt. Elisha Sailes, Ensign William Pullin. 2nd Co. Capt. John Sailes, Lt. Stephen Arnold, Ens. Elisha Arnold. 3d Co. Capt. Silvanus Sailes, Lt. Daniel Mowrey, Jr., Ensign Isaac Medberry. Glocester: 1st Co. Capt. Isaiah Inman, Lt. Israel Sailes, Ens. Richard Smith, Jr. 2nd Co. Capt. Joseph Olney, Lt. John Ross, Ensign Rufus Smith. Cumberland: 1st Co. Capt. Daniel Wilkinson, Lt. Nathanael Whipple, Ensign Benjamin Tower. 2nd Co. Capt. Gideon Tower, Lt. John Nicholson, Ens. Charles Capron. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. John Hoyle, Jr., Lt. Eliphalet Philbrook, Cornet James Field. June. Providence: 3d Co. Capt. Samuel Windsor, Jr., Lt. Joseph Waterman, Jr., Ensign Josias Thornton. Scituate: 1st Co. Capt. Amos Hammond, Lt. Thomas Collins (son of Thomas), Ensign John Wight. 2nd Co. Capt. George Dorrance, Lt. John Herrenden, Ensign Thomas Bennet. 3d Co. Capt. Joshua Angel, Lt. Thomas Matthewson, Ensign Oliver Westcott. 4th Co. Capt. Timothy Hopkins, Lt. Hezekiah Walker, Ensign Joseph Weatherhead. Warren: Capt. John Estabrook, Lt. Josiah Humphrey, Ensign Thomas Cole. Cumberland: 2nd Co. Capt. John Nicholson, Lt. Charles Capron, Ensign Samuel Carpenter. Feb. Glocester ~ 1st Co. Capt. Israel Sailes, Lt. Richard Smith, Jr., Ensign Joseph Colwell. 2nd Co. Capt. John Ross, Lt. Rufus Smith, Ens. John Smith, Jr. Cranston: 1st Co. Capt. Richard Sailes, Jr., Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ensign Obadiah King. 2nd Co. Capt. John Paine, Lt. Jonathan Sprague, Ensign Stephen Hawkins. 3d Co. Capt. Charles Higginbotham, Lt. Daniel Burlingham, Ensign Jeremiah Knight. 167 1754. Feb. Providence: 4th Co. Capt Joseph Whipple; Lt. Samuel Thurber, Ensign Stephen Jenckes. May. Field Officers of Kings County Regiment: Col. William Pendleton, Lt.-Col. Ephraim Gardner, Maj. Joshua Clark. Company Officers-Westerly: 1st Co. Capt. Joshua Thompson, Lt. Joseph Clark, Ens. Eber Crandall. 2nd Co. Capt. Hubbard Burdick (son of Robert), Lt. John Maccoon, Jr., Ensign Roger White, 3d Co. Capt. Samuel Gavet, Lt. Stephen Saunders, Ensign Edward Saunders. 4th Co. Capt. Matthew Greene, Lt. Edward Wells, Jr., Ensign Daniel Maccoon, Jr. South Kingstown: 1st Co. Capt. William Congdon (son of Joseph), Lt. Caleb Hasard, Ensign Nathanael Mumford. 2nd Co. Capt. James Shearman, Lt. Samuel Wilson, Ensign Sanford Case. 3d, Co. Capt. Nathan Teft, Lt. Isaac Sheldon, Ens. Moses Barber. Charlestown: Capt. Peleg Cross, Lt. Enoch Kinon, Jr., Ens. Nathanael Sheffield. 'Exeter: 2nd Co. Capt. John Wilbore, Lt. Thomas Gardner, Ensign John Rathbun (son of John). June. North Kingstown: 1st. Co. Capt. Arthur Aylesworth, Lt. George Whitman, Jr., Ensign Samuel Spink. 2nd Co. Capt. Samuel Browning, Jr., Lt. Eber Shearman (son of William), Ens. Jonathan Card. 3d Co. Capt. James Boone, Lt. Christopher Phillips, Ensign Charles Brown. Richmond: Capt. Nicholas Larkin, Lt. William Potter, Jr., Ens. Edward James. Exeter: 1st Co. Capt. Daniel Dawley, Lt. Samuel Weight, Jr., Ensign Stephen Albro. Feb. Westerly: 2nd Co. Capt. John Mackoon, Jr. (in room of the late Capt. Hubbard Burdict, who refused), Lt. Roger White, Ens. John Lewis (son of John Lewis, Fuller). 168 1754. Feb. South Kingstown: 2nd Co. Capt. Stephen Tift. Exeter: 2nd Co. Ensign William Hyams. Jan. Charter granted to Artillery Company, Westerly and Charlestown. May. Field Officers of Kent County Regiment: Col. Stephen Low, Lt.-Col. Samuel Soule, Maj. Henry Rice. Company Officers-Warwick: 1st Co. Capt. James Arnold, Lt. Simon Arnold, Ens. John Waterman. 2nd Co. Capt. Ebenezer Greene, Lt. Pentecost Sweet, Ens. James Cook. 3d Co. Capt. Philip Baker, Lt. Elisha Greene, Ens. Joseph Phillips. East Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. Preserved Peirce, Lt. George Weaver, Ensign Nicholas Spencer. 2nd Co. Capt. John Gifford, Lt. Benjamin Sweet, Jr., Ens. Silas Jones. West Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. Samuel Gardner, Lt. John Case, Jr., Ens. Samuel Niles. 2nd Co. Capt. Jonathan Matthewson, Lt. Griffen Sweet, Ensign Thomas Weight. Coventry: 1st Co. Capt. Jonathan Nichols, Lt. Thomas Stafford (son of Thomas), Ensign John Johnson, Jr. 2nd Co. Capt. Caleb Vaughan, Lt. James Green (son of Daniel), Ensign Joseph Weaver. June. Warwick: 3d Co. Ensign Caleb Gorton, in room of Joseph Phillips, who refused. Feb. Warwick: 3d Co. Lt. William Potter, in room of Elisha Green, Jr., who refused. West Greenwich: 2nd Co. Capt. Abraham Matthewson, Lt. Shebna Spink, Ensign Benjamin Green, Jr. May. Judges of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Stephen Hopkins, Chief. Jonathan Randal, William Richmond, Joseph Russell, Joseph Clarke. 169 1754. May. Clerk for Newport County: " Providence " " Kings " Bristol " " Kent " June. " " " John Grelea, Jr. Samuel Chase. Latham Clark. Thomas Greene, Jr. Joseph Lippet. Latham Clark, Joseph Lippet, refusing. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Peter Bours, Daniel Gould, Caleb Hill, William Anthony, Jr. Providence County: Daniel Jencks, Chief. Job Randal, Thomas Lapham, Richard Steere, Thomas Arnold. June. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Immanuel Northup, James Helme, Thomas Brown, Benoni Hall. Bristol County: Jonathan Peck, Chief. Matthew Allen, Thomas Greene, James Mason, James Smith. Kent County: Thomas Fry, Chief. John Greene, William Spencer, John Holden, Daniel Howland. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Joseph Scott, Sheriff. George Brown, Clerk. John Mawney, Sheriff. David Wilkinson, in place of John Mawney, Dec'd. Benjamin Peckham, Jr., Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Thomas Throop, Jr., Clerk. Nathanael Bosworth, Sheriff. John Walton, Clerk. Benjamin Arnold, Sheriff. 22 170 1754. June. Commissioners to go to Albany to treat with other Commissions in regard to Indians: Stephen Hopkins, John Gardner, Dep. Gov., the latter refusing, Capt Benjamin Wickham, who also refusing, Martin Howard, Jr., of Newport, chosen in his stead. Edward Thurston, Gen'l Sealer of Weights and Measures. Jan. Commissary: Jonathan Nichols. Feb. Council of War: Thomas Cranston, Jonathan Nichols, Peter-Bours, Stephen Hopkins, Daniel Jenckes. Sept., 1756, Lt.-Gov. John Gardner, in place of Jona. Nichols, Dec'd. Company to be raised for His Majestie's Service: Lieut. Robert Sterry, Ensign Joshua Bill. Mar. Four Companies of 100 men in Expedition against Crown Point: Col. Christopher Harris, Lt.-Col. Edward Cole. 1st. Co. Capt. Edward Cole, Lt. Samuel Nichols, Ens. Joshua Bill. 2nd Co. Capt. Robert Sterry, Lt. David Dexter, Ens. Thomas Burket. 3d Co. Capt. Henry Babcock, Lt. Edward Gray, Ens. Ichabod Babcock, Jr. 4th Co. Capt. Abraham Francis, Lt. John Wardwell, Ens. Joseph Potter, of Warwick. Commissary: Christopher Champlin, Jr. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Providence: Martin Howard, Zuriel Waterman, Samuel Collins, Joseph Harris, Charles Bardin, William Burton, Jeremiah Clark, Joseph Snow, Thomas Ward, Ebenezer Jencks, Peter Easton, Matthew Manchester, Joseph Sylvester, Richard Waterman, Barnabas Hargill, James Angel, Daniel Goddard. Samuel Nightengale. Providence: Portsmouth: George Taylor, William Hall, Henry Harris, Weston Hicks, Christopher Harris, William Earle, Thomas Fenner (son of Jeremiah Angel. Joseph), 171 1754. May. Warwick: James Greene, William Warner, Othniel Gorton, Robert Westgate, Daniel Scranton. Westerly: William Hearne, Silas Greenman, Benjamin Randall, Joseph Crandall, Jr., Benoni Smith, John Larkin, Daniel Macoon. North Kings town: Edward Dyre, Jr., Samuel Thomas, James Eldred, Stephen Card, Nicholas Northup, Jr., Elisha Clarke, Samuel Albro. South Kings town: Samuel Tift, Jr., John Case, Benedict Helme, Silas Niles, John Albro, William Hull, Samuel Seager. East Greenwich: John Langford, Giles Pearce, John Olin, Samuel Soule, Thomas Aldrich. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Sayles, Thomas Steere, William Jencks, John Aldrich, Thomas Owens. Scituate: Gideon Harris, Charles Harris, Scituate: John Fisk, Samuel Dorrence. Glocester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmoth, Joseph Windsor, Benjamin Smith, James Cowen. Charlestown: John Hill, Benjamin Hoxie, Robert Potter, Samuel Stanton. West Greenwich: Jeremiah Ellis, Samuel Hopkins, William Cumstock, Philip Greene, Preserved Hall, Isaac Johnson. Coventry: Elisha Johnson, James Colvin, Caleb Greene, George Hall, Thomas Mattison, Randal Rice. Exeter: Nicholas Gardner, Job Tripp, Benjamin Mowrey, Newman Perkins, Joseph Arnold, Daniel Barber. Middletown: Thomas Gould, Edward Easton, John Barker, Joshua Coggeshall. Bristol: Shearjashub Bourn, Nathanael Fales, Leveret Hubbard, John Howland. 172 1754. May. Tiverton: A Joseph Anthony, Philip Tabor, Restcom Sandford, ( Samuel Hicks. Little Compton: Nathanael Searl, Joseph Wood, Robert Taylor, Jeremiah Brownel. Warren: Benjamin Miller, John Kinnicut, John Cole, June. Warwick: Elisha Greene, in stead of James Greene, who refused. Ebenezer Slocum, John Rhodes, Jr. Glocester: ( Israel Arnold. Charlestown: Aug. S Nathanael Sheffield. Exeter: Samuel Rogers. Warren: James Brown, John Adams. Tumberland: Job Bartlet, Samuel Bartlet, John Dexter, Jeremiah Whipple. Richmond: Stephen Richmond, William Clark, Samuel Tefft, Elisha Babcock, Sylvester Kinyon. Cranston: William Burton. 3cituate: Edward Potter. 1755. May. Field Officers of Newport County Regiment: Col. Godfrey Mallbone, Lt.-Col. Josias Lyndon, Maj. Godfrey Mallbone, Jr. Company Officers-Newport: 1st Co. Capt. Joseph Wanton, Jr., Lt. Jonathan Otis, Ensign Caleb Gardner, Jr. 2nd Co. Capt. Benjamin Nichols, Lt. Kendal Nichols, Jr, Ensign Joseph Belcher. 3d Co. Capt. Job Bennet, Jr., Lt. William Rogers, Ensign James Rogers. 4th Co. Capt. Isaac Stelle, Lt. Jonathan Thurston, Ensign Nathanael Coggeshall, Jr. Portsmouth: Capt. John Shrieve, Jr., Lt. Benjamin Cornel, Ensign Peleg Sisson. New Shoreham: Capt. Joshua Sands, Lt. Caleb Littlefield, Jr., Ensign Ray Sands. Jamestown: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. George Franklin, Ensign Benjamin Carr (son of Edward). 1-73 1755. May. Middletown: Capt. William Bliss, Lt. James Barker, 3d, Ensign William Baley. Bristol: Capt. Joseph Reynolds, Jr., Lt. John Wardwell, Ens. Nathanael Carey. Tiverton: 1st Co. Capt. George Cook, Lt. Isaac Manchester, Ens Thomas Corey. 2nd Co. Capt. William Cook, Lt. Richard Durfee, Ensign Sylvanus Westgate. Little Compton: Capt. Benjamin Simmons, Lt. Thomas Brownel, Jr., Ensign Isaac Simmons. Warren: Capt. Josiah Humphreys, Lt. Thomas Cole, Ensign Benjamin Cole. Aug. Newport: 2nd Co. Capt. Kendal Nichols, Jr., refusing, Capt. Job Bennet, Lt. Joseph Belcher, Ens. Daniel Bosworth. 3d Co. Capt. William Rogers, Lt. James Rogers, Ens. Timothy Balch. Sept. Newport: 2nd Co. Ensign Thomas Richardson (son of Eebenezer) in room of Daniel Bosworth, chosen Capt. expedition, Crown Point. Feb. Independent Newport Company chartered. May. Field Officers of Providence County Regiment: Col. Resolved Waterman, Lt.-Col. Daniel Arnold, Maj. John Andrews. Company Officers-Providence: 1st Co. Capt. Joseph Bucklin, Lt. John Field, Jr., Ensign William Donnison. 2nd Co. Capt. Josiah Thornton, Lt. John Waterman (son of Joseph), Ensign John Sweet. 3d Co. Capt. Charles Olney, Lt. Thomas Olney (son of Thomas), Ensign Thomas Whipple, Jr. 4th Co. Capt. Joseph Whipple, Lt. Samuel Thurber, Ensign Stephen Jenckes. Smithfield: 1st Co. Capt. John Angel, Lt. Elisha Sayles, Ens. Christopher Brown; 2nd Co. Capt. John Sayles, Lt. Stephen Arnold, Ens, Elisha Arnold. 3d Co. Capt. Daniel Mowney, Jr., Lt. James Medberry, Ensign Joseph Smith, Jr. Scituate: Ist Co. Capt. Amos Hammond, Lt. Thomas Collins (son of Thomas), Ensign John White. 174 1755. May. 2nd Co. Capt. George Dorrance, Lt. John Herrenden, Ensign Thomas Bennet. 3d Co. Capt. Oliver Westcot, Lt. Benoni Williams, Ensign Nicholas Hopkins. 4th Co. Capt. Timothy Hopkins, Lt. Hezekiah Walker, Ensign Joseph Wetherhead. Glocester: 1st Co. Capt. Israel Sayles, Lt. Richard Smith, Jr., Ens. Joseph Colwell. 2nd Co. Capt. John Ross, Lt. Rufus Smith, Ensign John Smith, Jr. Cumberland: 1st Co. Capt. Daniel Wilkinson, Lt. Nathanael Whipple, Ensign Benjamin Tower. 2nd. Co. Capt. John Nicholson, Lt. Charles Capron, Ensign Nathanael Carpenter. Cranston: 1st Co. Capt. Richard Searl, Jr., Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ensign Obediah King. 2nd Co. Capt. Samuel Byles, Lt. Elisha Weaver, Ens. Stephen Dexter. 3d Co. Capt. Charles Higginbotham, Lt. Jeremiah Knight, Ensign Edward Searl. Aug. Scituate: 1st Co. Capt. Christopher Relph. Glocester: 2nd Co. Capt. Rufus Smith, Lt. John Smith, Jr., Ens. Jonathan Harris. Feb. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. John Randal, 1st Lt. Stephen Whipple, 2nd Lt. Daniel Tillinghast, Cornet Benjamin Bowen. May. Field Officers of Kings County Regiment: Col. William Pendleton, Lt.-Col. Joseph Champlin, Mlaj. Silas Niles. Company Officers-Westerly: 1st Co. Capt. Joshua Thompson, Lt. Joseph Clarke, Ensign Eber Crandal. 2nd Co. Capt. John Macoon, Lt. Roger White, Ens. John Lewis, 3d. 3d Co. Capt. John Crandal, Lt. Samuel Champlin, Ens. James Bliven. 4th Co. Capt. Edward Wells, Jr., Lt. Daniel Maccoon, Jr., Ensign Joseph Wells. North Kingstown: 1st Co. Capt. Arthur Aylesworth, Lt. George Whitman, Jr., Ensign Ishmael Spink. 2nd Co. Capt. Samuel Browning, Jr., Lt. Jonathan Card, Ensign Thomas Douglass. 175 1755. May. North Kingstown: 3d Co. Capt. Christopher Phillips, Lt. Charles Brown, Ensign Seth Eldred. South Kingstown: 1st Co. Capt. John Wilson, Lt. Adam Gould, Ensign Nathanael Mumford. 2nd Go. Capt. Isaac Sheldon, Lt. Moses Barber, Ensign Daniel Teft. Charlestown: Capt. Peleg Cross, Lt. Enoch Kinyon, Ensign John Ladd. Exeter: 1st Co. Capt. Daniel Dawley, Lt. Samuel Weight, Jr., Ensign Stephen Albro. 2nd Co. Capt. John Willbore, Lt. Thomas Gardner, Ensign John Rathbun (son of John). Richmond: Capt. Nicholas Larkin, Lt. William Potter, Jr., Ens; Edward James. Aug. North Kingstown: 2nd Co. Capt. Thomas Douglass, Lt. Jeremiah Gardner, Jr. Ens. Benjamin Gardner, 3d. 3d Co. Lt. Seth Eldred, Ens. Samuel Nbrthup. South Kingstown: 2nd Co. Ens. Gideon Casey. May. Field Officers of Kent County Regiment: Col. Stephen Low, Lt.-Col. Isaac Gardner, Maj. Henry Rice. Company Officers-Warwick: 1st Co. Capt. James Arnold, Lt. Simon Arnold, Ens. John Waterman. 2nd Co. Capt. Silas Gardner, Lt. Nathanael Arnold, Ensign Stephen Arnold. 3d Co. Capt. Philip Baker, Lt. William Potter, Ens. Caleb Gorton. East Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. George Weaver, Lt. Nicholas Spencer, Ensign William Bentley. 2nd Co. Capt. Joseph Carpenter, Lt. Jonathan Corey, Ens. Daniel Vaughan. West Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. Thomas Rogers, Lt. Joseph Dolliver, Ensign Ephraim Howard. 2nd Co. Capt. Clarke Rogers, Lt. Shebna Spink, Ensign Benjamin Greene, Jr. Coventry: 1st Co. Capt. Jonathan Nichols, Lt. Thomas Stafford (son, of Thomas), Ensign John Johnson, Jr. 176 1755. May. Coventry: 2nd Co. Capt. Caleb Vaughan, Lt. James Greene (son of Daniel), Ensign Joseph Weaver. Aug. Warwick: 3d Co. Capt. William Potter, Lt. Caleb Gorton, Ens. Thomas Greene. 3 Companies of 50 men each, including officers, to join Troops already sent by this Government in Expedition against Crown Point: 5th Company: Capt. John Whiting, Lt. Benjamin Hall (son of Nathaniel), Ens. Caleb Hacker, refusing, Benjamin Bosworth in his stead. 6th Company: Capt. Amos Hammond, Lt. Stephen Arnold (of Smithfield), Ens. Joseph Davis (of Cumberland). 7th Company: Capt. William Bradford, Lt. Robert Hopkins (of Exeter), Ens. Jonathan Andrew. Sept. Rhode Island Troops (Four Companies) from Providence Co. as a further Reinforcement of the Army now gone against Crown Point, under the Command of MajorGeneral Johnson: 8th Co. Capt. Daniel Bosworth, Lt. Christopher Hargil, Ensign William Nichols. 9th Co. Capt. John Potter, Jr., Lt. William Richmond, Jr., Ensign James Tew, Jr. 10th Co. Capt. Robert Hopkins, Lt. Ebenezer Cahoone, Ensign Giles Russel. 11th Co. Capt. Barzillai Richmond, Lt. Ebenezer Jenckes, Ensign Nathanael Peck. Feb. Rhode Island Regiment going against Crown Point: Col. Christopher Harris, Lt.-Col. Christopher Champlin, Jr., Maj. Samuel Angel. Col.'s Co. 1st Lt. Thomas Burkit, 2nd Lt. Elkanah Spear. Lt.-Col.'s Co. 1st Lt. William Richmond, Jr., 2nd Lt. Benjamin Bosworth. Maj.'s Co. 1st Lt. Silas Cooke, 2nd Lt. Mark Noble. 1st Comp'y. Capt. George Gardner, Jr., 1st Lt. John Linscomb, 2nd Lt. James Tew, Jr. 2nd Comp'y. Capt. Henry Babcock, 1st Lt. Giles Russel, 2nd Lt. Samuel Hearne. 3d Comp'y. Capt. Barzillai Richmond, 1st Lt. Joseph Davis, 2nd Lt. Nathanael Peck. 177 1755. Feb. 4th Comp'y. Capt. John Potter, Jr., 1st Lt. Grindal Reynolds, 2nd Lt. George Shearman. 5th Comp'y. Capt. Daniel Bosworth, 1st Lt. Christopher Hargill, 2nd Lt. Edward Talby. 6th Comp'y. Capt. Amos Hammond, 1st Lt. Samuel Champlin, 2nd Lt. Samuel Rose. 2nd Lt. Joshua Brown of John Whiting's Company was at Fort William Henry. Commissary, Rufus Hopkins. 1756. May. Adjutant, Giles Russel. 1755. " Justices of Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Francis Willet, Chief. Jonathan Randal, William Richmond, Joseph Russel, Joseph Clark. Aug. His Hon. Gov. Stephen Hopkins, Chief. May. Clerk for Newport County, John 4relea, Jr. " Providence " Samuel Chace. " Kings " Latham Clarke. " Bristol " Thomas Greene, Jr. " Kent " Latham Clarke. Justices of Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: N ewport County: Edward Scott, Chief; Josias Lyndon, Esq., Clerk. Peter Bours, Daniel Gould, William Anthony, Jr., John Allen. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Nicholas Brown, Clerk. Job Randal, Thomas Lapham, Richard Steere, Thomas Arnold. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Benja. Peckhar, Jr., Clerk. Immanuel Northup, Christopher Champlin, Thomas Brown, Benoni Hall. 2:3 178 1755. May. Bristol County: Jonathan Peck, Chief. Thomas Throop, Jr., Clerk. Matthew Allen, Thomas Greene, James Smith, Benjamin Miller. Kent County: Thomas Fry, Chief. John Walton, Jr., Clerk. John Greene, William Spencer, John Holdon, Daniel Howland. Edward Thurston, Sealer of Weights & Measures. War Committee: Providence: Solomon Brown. Charlestown: Joseph Stanton, James Congdon, Jr. Middletown: John Barker, Esq. Little Compton: Jeremiah Brownel. Cranston: Jonathan Randal, Edward Arnold. June. Capt. Edward Cole, of 1st Co. against the French, promoted to Lt.-Col. of Regiment. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Portsmouth: Martin Howard, William Earl, Samuel Collins, Jeremiah Angel, Charles Bardin, John Almy. Jeremiah Clarke, Warwick: Thomas Ward, Elisha Greene, Peter Easton, John Warner, Jr., Joseph Sylvester, Barlow Greene, Barnabas Hargill, Othniel Gorton, Daniel Goddard. Ebenezer Slocum, Providence: John Rhodes, Jr. George Taylor, Westerly: Henry Harris, William Hern, Joseph Snow, Silas Greenman, Ebenezer Jenckes, Benjamin Randal, James Angel, Daniel Macoon, Samuel Nightengale, Joseph Crandal, Samuel Chase, John Larkin, Nathan Pearce. John Macoon, Portsmouth: Stephen Saunders, William Hall, Nathan Babcock, Weston Hickes, Edward Bliven, Jr. 179 1755. June. North Kings town: Edward Dyre, Jr., Samuel Thomas, James Eldred, Stephen Card, Nicholas Northup, Jr., Samuel Albro, William Hall (son of Robert). South Kings town: Samuel Teft, John Case, Samuel Saeger, William Hull, Jeremiah Crandal, Joseph Holway, John Brown. East Greenwich: John Langford, Giles Pearce, Samuel Soule, Thomas Aldrich, George Vaughan. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Steere, William Jenckes, John Aldrich, Thomas Owens, Benjamin Arnold, Stephen Sly. Scituate: Gideon Harris, Charles Harris, John Fisk, Samuel Dorrance. Glocester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Joseph Windsor, Benjamin Smith, Abraham Tourtelot, Israel Arnold. Charlestown: John Hill, Charlestown: Benjamin Hoxie, Gideon Hoxie, Samuel Stanton, Nathanael Sheffield. West Greenwich: Jeremiah Ellis, Samuel Hopkins, William Cumestock, Philip Greene, Preserved Hall, Isaac Johnson. Coventry: Caleb Greene, George Hall, Randal Rice, Thomas Matteson, Stephen Potter. Exeter: Benjamin Mowrey, Newman Perkins, George Sweet, Daniel Barber, Samuel Gardner. Middletown: John Taylor, John Barker, Daniel Gould, Jr., Joshua Coggeshall, Jr. Bristol: Shearjashub Bourn, Nathanael Fales, Leveret Hubbard, John Howland, John Walker. Tiverton: Samuel Hicks, Philip Tabor,. Restcome Sanford, Robert Burrington. Little Compton: Nathanael Searl, Joseph Wood, Robert Taylor, Jeremiah Brownel. 180 1755. June. Warren: Cran John Kinnicut, W: John Cole, Zu James Brown, Jot John Adams, Me Ebenezer Cole. Th Cumberland: JoE Job Bartlet, Ch Samuel Bartlet, Aug. War John Dexter, Jo Jeremiah Whipple. Sciti Richmond: Ed Stephen Richmond, Exet Samuel Teft, Be Elisha Babcock, Cran Sylvester Kinyon, Gi Thomas Kinyon. Sept. Exeter: Benjamin Lawton, in room of Benjamin Bentley, who refused. ston: illiam Burton, Lriel Waterman, seph Harris, atthew Manchester, lomas Fenner, Jr., seph Rhodes,.arles Rhodes. wick: seph Edmunds. late: Iward Potter. er: njamin Bentley. ston: deon Comstock. 1756. Mav. * Field Officers of Newport County Regiment: Col. Godfrey Mallbone, Lt.-Col. Josias Lyndon, Maj. Godfrey Mallbone, Jr. Company Officers-Newport: 1st Co. Capt. Joseph Wanton, Jr., Lt. Jonathan Otis, Ensign Caleb Gardner, Jr. 2nd Co. Job Bennet, Jr., Lt. Joseph Belcher, Ensign Thomas Richardson, Jr. 3d Co. Capt. William Rogers, Lt. James Rogers, Ensign Timothy Balch. 4th Co. Capt. Isaac Stelle, Lt. Jonathan Thurston, Ensign Nathanael Coggeshall, Jr. Portsmouth: Capt. Benjamin Cornel, Lt. Giles Cook, Ensign Benjamin Hall. New Shoreham: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. Caleb Littlefield, Jr., Ensign John Pain. Jamestown: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. George Franklin, Ens. Thomas Bentley. Middletown: Capt. William Bliss, Lt. James Barker, 3d, Ensign William Bailey. Bristol: Capt. Joseph Reynolds, Jr., Lt. John Wardwell, Ensign Nathanael Carey. 181 1756. May. Tiverton: 1st Co. Capt. Isaac Manchester, Lt. Thomas Grey, Jr., Ensign Thomas Corey. 2nd Co. Capt. Richard Durfee, Lt. George Westgate, Jr., Ensign Stephen Tallman. Little Compton: Capt. Benjamin Simmons, Lt. Thomas Brownel, Jr., Ensign Isaac Simmons. Newport County Troop of Horse: 1st Capt. Benjamin Sherburne, Lt. Henry Sowle, Cornet Joseph Sowle, Qr.-Mr. Newby Cooggeshall. 2nd Capt. William Briggs (son of Job), Lt. Israel Shaw, Cornet Thomas Church, Qr.-Mr. William Woodman. June. Little Compton: Capt. Thomas Brownel, Jr., Lt. Isaac Simmons, Ens. James Peirce. Sept. Artillery Company of the Town of Newport: 1st Lt. Samuel Freebody, Ens. Metcalf Bowler, Mar. Capt. Daniel Ayrault, Jr., 2nd Lt. Daniel Russell. May. Fort George: Capt. William Mumford. Aug. Lt. Caleb Carr. Sept. Daniel Vaughan, Gunner. May. Field Officers of Providence County Regiment: Col. Resolved Waterman, Lt.-Col. John Andrews, Maj. Barzillai Richmond. Company Officers-Providence: 1st Co. Capt. John Field, Jr., Lt. William Donnison, Ensign Stephen Rawson. 2nd Co. Capt. Josiah Thornton, Lt. John Waterman (son of Joseph), Ensign Arthur Fenner, Jr. 3d Co. Capt. Charles Olney, Lt. Thomas Olney (son of Thomas), Ensign Thomas Whipple, Jr. 4th Co. Capt. Joseph Whipple," Lt. Samuel Thurber, Ens. Stephen Jenckes. 182 1756. May. Smithfield: 1st Co. Capt. Christopher Brown, Lt. John Wilkinson, Jr., Ensign Richard Sayles, Jr. 2nd Co. Capt. Stephen Arnold, Lt. Elisha Arnold, Ens. Oliver Man. 3d Co. Capt. Abraham Windsor, Lt. Elisha Sayles, Ensign Joseph Smith, Jr. Scituate: 1st Co. Capt. Christopher Relph, Lt. Nicholas Edwards, Ensign Ezekiel Philips. 2nd Co. Capt. George Dorrance, Lt. John Herrenden, Ensign Thomas Bennet. 3d Co. Capt. Oliver Wstt, Lt. Benoni Williams, Ensign Nicholas Hopkins. 4th Co. Capt. Timothy Hopkins, Lt. Hezekiah Walker, Ensign Joseph Weatherhead. Glocester: 1st Co. Capt. Israel Sayles, Lt. Richard Smith, Jr., Ensign Joseph Colwell, to continue in office. 2nd Co. Capt. Rufus Smith, Lt. John Smith, Jr., Ensign Jonathan Harris. Warren: Capt. Josiah Humphreys, Lt. Thomas Cole, Ens. Benjamin Cole. Cumberland: 1st Co. Capt. Nathaniel Whipple, Lt. Benjamin Tower, Ens. John Grant. 2nd Co. Capt. John Nicholson, Lt. Elisha Ballue, Ens. Ariel Ballue. Cranston: 1st Co. Capt. Richard Searle, Jr., Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ens. Obadiah King. 2nd Co. Capt. Samuel Byles, Lt. Elisha Weaver, Ens. Stephen Dexter. 3d Co. Capt. Israel Gorton, Jr., Lt. John Burton, Jr., Ens. Ephraim Congdon. Aug. 1st Co. Capt. William Carpenter, Jr., Lt. Zephaniah Randal, Ens. Joshua Turner, Jr. Johnston: Capt. Israel Carpenter, Lt. Daniel Thornton, Ens. Zebadee Clemence. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. John Randal, 1st Lt. Stephen Whipple, 2nd Lt. Daniel Tillinghast, Cornet Benjamin Bowen. Sept. 1st Lt. Daniel Tillinghast, in room of Stephen Whipple, refused, 2nd Lt. Benjamin Bowen, Cornet John Fenner. 183 1756. Sept. Glocester: East Co. Capt. Edward Bishop, Lt. Ephraim Pearce, Ensign Jeremiah Steere. West Co. Capt. Eliphalet Eddy, Lt. Edward Davis, Ensign Joseph Colwell. Cumberland: 2nd Co. Lieut. Ariel Ballou, in room of Elisha Ballou, who refused, Ensign Daniel Whipple, Jr., in room of Ariel Ballou, advanced as above. Cranston: 2nd Co. Capt. Philip Sheldon, in room of Capt. Samuel Byles, who declined. 2nd Co. Lt. William Waterman,. Ensign William Field. Feb. Providence: 1st Co. Lt. Stephen Rawson, in room of William Donnison, who has gone to sea. Ens. Knight Dexter, in room of Stephen Rawson, advanced as above. May. Field Officers of Kings County Regiment: Col. William Pendleton, Lt.-Col. Joseph Champlin, Maj. Silas Niles. Company Officers-Westerly: 1st Co. Capt. Joshua Thompson, Lt. Joseph Clarke, Ensign Eber Crandal. 2nd Co. Capt. John M'Coon, Lt. Roger White, Ens. Elias Lewis. 3d Co. Capt. Nathan Babcock, Lt. Edward Saunders, Ensign James Bliven. 4th Co. Capt. Edward Wells, Jr., Lt. Daniel M'Coon, Jr., Ensign Joseph Wells. North Kingstown: 1st Co. Capt. Jeremiah Greene, Lt. Samuel Warner, Ensign Christopher Allen. 2nd Co. Capt. Thomas Douglass, Lt. Jacob Pindar, Ensign William Eldred. 3d Co. Capt. Christopher Phillips, Lt. Seth Eldred, Ensign Joseph Congdon, Jr. South Kingstown: 1st Co. Capt. John Wilson, Lt. Adam Gould, Ensign Nathaniel Mumford. 2nd Co. Capt. Gideon Casey, Lt. Samuel Hopkins, Ens. James Rhodes. Charlestown: Capt. Peleg Cross, Lt. Enoch Kinyon, Jr., Ensign John Ladd. 184 1756. May. Exeter: 1st Co. Capt. Samuel Weight, Jr., Lt. Stephen Albro, Ensign John Babcock. 2nd Co. Capt. Oliver Mius, Lt. Amos Gardner, Ens. Job Tripp, Jr. Richmond: Capt. Nicholas Larkin, Lt. Edward James, Ens. John Kinyon (son of Joseph). Sept. Charlestown: Capt. Enoch Kinpon, Jr., in room of Capt. Peleg Cross, who refused, Lt. John Ladd, Ensign Elisha Clarke, in room of John Ladd, advanced. Richmond: Lt. Thomas Potter, in room of Edward James, who refused. May. Field Officers of Kent County Regiment: Col. Stephen Low, Lt.-Col. Isaac Gardner, Maj. Henry Rice. Company Officers-Warwick: 1st Co. Capt. James Arnold, Jr., Lt. Simon Arnold, Ensign John Waterman. 2nd Co. Capt. Silas Gardner, Lt. Nathaniel Arnold, Ensign Stephen Arnold. 3d Co. Capt. William Potter, Lt. Thomas Greene, Ensign Stukely Stafford. East Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. George Weaver, Lt. Nicholas Spencer, Ensign Benjamin Spencer (son of John). 2nd Co. Capt. Silvester Sweet, Lt. Thomas Briggs (son of Benjamin), Ensign Robert Bailey. West Greenwich: 1st Co. Capt. Thomas Rogers, Lt. Joseph Dolliver, Ensign Ephraim Howard. 2nd Co. Capt. Clarke Rogers, Lt. Shebna Spink, Ensign Benjamin Greene, Jr. Coventry: 1st Co. Capt. Jonathan Nichols, Lt. Thomas Stafford (son of Thomas), Ensign Daniel Colvin. 2nd Co. Capt. Caleb Vaughan, Lt. James Greene (son of Daniel), Ensign Joseph Weaver. Sept. Lt.-Col. Henry Rice, in room of late Isaac Gardner, Dec'd. Maj. John Spencer (son of William), in room of Mr. Rice, advanced as above. 185 1756. Sept. Warwick: 1st Co. Lieut. John Waterman, in room of Simon Arnold, who refused. Ensign William Warner, in place of John Waterman, advanced. 2nd Co. Stephen Arnold, in room of Nathaniel Arnold, who refused. William Greene (son of William, Esq.) in place of Stephen Arnold, advanced. West Greenwich: 3d Co. Capt. Robert Campbell, Lt. Simeon Draper, Ens. Philip Aylsworth. Coventry: 1st Lieut. John Bucklin, in room of Thomas Stafford, who refused. May. Justices of Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Hon. John Gardner, Chief. Jonathan Randal, William Richmond, Joseph Russel, Joseph Clarke, Oct. Special Justices: Francis Willet, in room of John Gardner. James Helme, in room of Joseph Clarke. May. Clerk for Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " Samuel Chace. " Kings "( Latham Clarke. " Bristol " John Usher, Jr, Kent " Latham Clarke. Justices of Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: - Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Josias Lyndon, Esq., Clerk. Peter Bours, William Anthony, Jr., Jonathan Freeborn, Job Scott, Sheriff. Thomas Gould. Providence County: - Daniel Jenckes, Chief, Nicholas Brown, Clerk. Job Randal, 24 186 1756. May. Aug. May. Providence County: Thomas Lapham, Richard Steere, David Wilkinson, Sheriff. Tholnas Arnold. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Benjamin Peckham, Jr., Clerk. Immanuel Northup, Christopher Champlin, Thomas Brown, Benoni Hull. Bristol County: Jonathan Peck, Chief. Matthew Allen, Thomas Greene, James Smith, Nathaniel Fales. Kent County: Thomas Fry, Chief. John Greene, William Spencer, John Holdon, Daniel Howland. Caleb Greene, 5th Justice. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Thomas Throope, Jr., Clerk. Nathaniel Bosworth, Sheriff. John Walton, Jr., Clerk. Benjamlin Arnold, Sheriff. Edward Thurston, Gen'l Sealer of Weights and Measures. George Taylor, Notary Public for Providence County. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Providence: Martin Howard, Nathan Pierce, Samuel Collins, Stephen Jackson. Charles Bardin, Portsmouth: Jeremiah Clarke, William Earl, Thomas Ward, Robert Dennis, Peter Easton, Isaac Barker, Joseph Sylvester, John Almy. Barnabas Hargil, Warwick: Daniel Goddard, Elisha Greene, John Grelea, Jr. John Warner, Jr., Providence: Barlo Greene, George Taylor, Othniel Gorton, Henry Harris, Ebenezer Slocum, Joseph Snow, John Rhodes, Jr. Ebenezer Jenckes, Westerly: James Angel,,William Hearne, Samuel Nightin'gale, Silas Greenman, Samuel Chace, Benjamin Randal, 187 1756. May. Westerly: Benoni Smith, Daniel M'Coon, Joseph Crandal, Stephen Saunders, Simeon Perry. North Kingstown: Edward Dyre, Jr., Stephen Card, Nicholas Northup, Jr., Samuel Albro, William Hall (son of Robert), Thomas Eldred, Joshua Greene. South Kingstown: Samuel Teft, John Case, Samuel Seager, William Hull, Jeremiah Crandal, John Sheldon (son of Isaac), John Brown. East Greenwich: Giles Pearce, Samuel Soule, Thomas Aldrich, George Vaughan, Francis Barker. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Steere, William Jenckes, John Aldrich, Daniel Mowry, Jr., Benjamin Arnold, Stephen Sly. Scituate: Gideon Harris, Charles Harris, John Fisk, Samuel Dorrance, Edward Potter. Glocester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Joseph Windsor, Benjamin Smith, Abraham Tourtelott, Israel Arnold, Silas Williams. Charlestown: Robert Potter, Benjamin Hoxie, Gideon Hoxie, Samuel Stanton, Nathaniel Sheffield. West Greenwich: Jeremiah Ellis, Samuel Hopkins, William Curistock, Philip Greene, Preserved Hall, Isaac Johnson. Coventry: Caleb Greene, Stephen Potter, Randal Rice, George Hall, Thomas Matteson. Exeter: Job Tripp, Newman Perkins, Daniel Barber, Joseph Holway. Middletown: John Taylor, John Barker, Daniel Gould, Jr., Joshua Coggeshall, Jr. Bristol: Shearjashub Bourn, Leveret Hubbard, John Howland, Thomas Greene, Jr., John Walker. Tiverton: Samuel Hickes, 188 1756. May. Tiverton: Cumberland: Philip Tabor, Jeremiah Whipple, Restcome Sandford, Robert Aldrich. Thomas Anthony (son Richmond: of Joseph). Stephen Richmond, Little Compton: Samuel Teft, Nathaniel Searle, Elisha Babcock, Joseph Wood, Silvester Kinyon, Robert Taylor, Thomas Kinyon. Jeremiah Brownel. Cranston: Warren: William Burton, John Kinnicut, Joseph Harris, John Cole, Matthew Manchester, James Brown, Thomas Fenner, Jr., John Adams, Joseph Rhodes, Ebenezer Cole. Charles Rhodes, Cumberland: Gideon Cumstock. Job Bartlet, Aug. Portsmouth: John Dexter, Robert Burrington, Jr., John Ward. North Kingstown: Henry Spencer, in stead of Joseph Case, refusing. South Kingstown: Benjamin Rodman. Coventry: John Bucklin, in room of 'Thomas Matteson, refusing. John Rice. Exeter: Abiel Tripp, in stead of Amos Gardner, refusing. Hopkinton: Benjamin Randal. Sept. Newport: John Davis, Jr., in room of Jeremiah Clarke, Dec'd. Exeter: Joseph Rogers, in room of Joseph Holway, who refused. Little Compton: Richard Brownel, in room of Jeremiah Brownel, Dec'd. 189 1756. March. Exeter: Benjamin Lawton, in room of Joseph Rogers, who hath removed from Exeter to South Kingstown.. Sept. To Revise the Public Laws: Edward Scott, Peter Bours, Thomas Ward. Oct. Ferry Man, Jamestown and Newport: John Hull, of Jamestown, upon same terms granted to Thomas Haszard. Mar. Ferry Man, West Side of Jamestown to Narragansett: Benjamin Sheffield, of Jamestown: June: Expedition against Crown Point: Ephraim Starkweather, Chaplain of the Regiment. Dep. Commissary William Thurston Gardner to assist Commissary Rufus Hopkins. Sept. Company of 60 men: Capt. Joseph Windsor, 1st Lt. John Power, Jr., 2nd Lt. Benjamin Butler. Oct. Regiment of 450 Men to be sent to Albany to reinforce the Army gone upon Expedition against Crown Point: Col. Gov. Stephen Hopkins, Lt.-Col. Benjamin Wickham, Maj. Joseph Champlin, Adjutant Caleb Hacker. Col's Company: 1st Lt. James Angell, 2nd Lt. Isaac Olney. Lt.-Col's Company: 1st Lt. Augustus Johnston, 2nd Lt. Benjamin Tayer. Major's Company: 1st Lt. John Taylor (of South Kingstown), 2nd Lt. Henry Shearman. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Belcher, 1st Lt. Benjamin Dunham, 2nd Lt. Josias Rogers. 5th Company: Capt. William Richmond, Jr., 1st Lt. William,Gardner, Jr., 2nd Lt. Jeremiah Briggs. 6th Company: Capt. Joseph Windsor, 1st Lt. Stephen Arnold, 2nd Lt. Benjamin Butler. 7th Company: Capt. Joseph Coggeshall, 1st Lt. Moses Warren, 2nd Lt. Thomas Rathbone, 3d. Feb. Troops for Ensuing Campaign: Chief Officer: Samuel Angel. 1st Company: Capt. George Gardner, Jr., 1st Lt. Christopher Hargill, 2nd Lt. Isaac Wilbore, Jr., Ens. Israel Peck. 190 1756. Feb. 2nd Company: Capt. John Potter, Jr., 1st Lt. Elkanah Spear, 2nd Lt. Mark Noble, Ens. Samuel Saunders. 3d Company: Capt. John Whiting, 1st Lt. James Tew, Jr., 2nd Lt. George Shearman, Ens. Amos Whiting. 4th Company: Capt. Jeremiah Greene, 1st Lt. Giles Russel, 2nd Lt. Samuel Hearne, Ens. Jeoffry Willcox, Jr. 5th Company: Capt. Daniel Wall, 1st Lt. Nathaniel Peck, 2nd Lt Edward Talbee, Ens. Abel Gibbs. Surgeon: William Hunter. Surgeon's Mate: Christopher Nichols. Jan. 2nd Lt William Shean, Quarter-Master at Crown Point. Commissioners to meet Earl of Loudoun at Boston: Gov. Stephen Hopkins, James Honyman, George Brown. 1757. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Godfrey Malbone, Lt.-Col. Josias Lyndon, Maj. Godfrey Malbone, Jr. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Joseph Wanton, Jr., Lt. Jonathan Otis, Ans. Caleb Gardner, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Job Bennet, Jr., Lt. Joseph Belcher, Ens. Thomas Richardson, Jr. 3d. Capt. William Rogers, Lt. James Rogers, Ens. Timothy Balch. 4th. Capt. Isaac Stelle, Lt. Jonathan Thurston, Ens. Nathaniel Coggeshall, Jr. Portsmouth Company: Capt. Benjamin Cornel, Lt. Giles Cooke, Ens. Benjamin Hall. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. Caleb Littlefield, Jr., Ens. John Pain. Jamestown Company: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. George Franklin, Ens. Thomas Bentley. Middletown Company: Capt. William Bliss, Lt. James Barker, 3d, Ens. Samuel Mumford, William Bailey, refusing. Bristol Company: Capt. John Reynolds, Jr., Lt. John Wardwell, Ens. Nathaniel Casey. Tiverton Companies: 1st. Capt. Isaac Manchester, Lt. Thomas Grey, Jr., Ens. Thomas Corey. 191 1757. May. Tiverton Companies: 2nd. Capt. William Cooke, Lt. George Westgate, Jr., Ens. Stephen Tallman. Little Compton Company: Capt David Hillard, Lt. Thomas Burgess, Ens. Henry Wood, Jr. Newport Regiment: Col. Josias Lyndon, in room of Godfrey Malbone, Sr., who refused. Lt.-Col. Benjamin Wickham, in room of Josias Lyndon, advanced as above. Maj. Joseph Wanton, Jr., in room of Godfrey Malbone, Jr., who refused. Newport Company: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Otis, Lt. Caleb Gardner, Jr., Ens. Charles Spooner. Newport Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Sherburn, Lt. Henry Sowle, Cornet Robert Barker, Qr.-Master Peter Mumford. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Church, Lt. William Woodman, Cornet John Bailey, Jr., Qr,-Master Thomas Bailey. June. Newport Regiment: Lt.-Col. Godfrey Malbone, Jr., in room of Benjamin Wickham, who refused. Portsmouth Companies: 1st. Lt. Benjamin Hall, in room of Giles Cooke, removed from Town. Ensign Joseph Shearman, Jr., in room of Benjamin Hall, advanced. 2nd. Capt. John Allen, Jr., Lt. Caleb Hill, Ens. Joshua Allen. Aug. Newport Company: 4th. Lt. Jabez Champlin, in room of Jonathan Thurston, Dec'd. Ens. Timothy Ingraham, in room of Natnaniel Coggeshall, Jr., who refused. May. Capt. William Mumford, Fort George. Lieut. Caleb Carr, Fort George. Newport Artillery Company: Lt. Daniel Russell, Ens. Metcalf Bowler. Providence County Regiment: Col. John Andrews, Lt.-Col. Barzillai Richmond, Maj. John Angel (of Smithfield). Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. John Field, Jr., Lt. Stephen Rawson, Ens. Knight Dexter. 2nd. Capt. Josiah Thornton, Lt. John Waterman (son of Joseph), Ensign Arthur Fenner, Jr. 192 1757. May. Providence Companies: 3d. Capt. Thomas Olney (son of Thomas), Lt. Thomas Whipple, Jr., Ensign Benjamin Whipple, Jr. 4th. Capt. Joseph Whipple, Lt. Samuel Thurber, Ensign Stephen Jenckes. Smithfield Companies: 1st. Capt. Christopher Brown, Lt. John Wilkinson, Jr., Ensign William Whipple, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Stephen Arnold, Lt. Oliver Man, Ensign Arnold Paine. 3d. Capt. Abraham Windsor, Lt. Elisha Sayles, Ensign Joseph Smith, Jr. Scituate Companies: 1st. Capt. Christopher Relph, Lt. Nicholas Edwards, Ensign Ezekiel Philips. 2nd. Capt. George Dorrance, Lt. John Herrenden, Ensign Thomas Bennet. 3d. Capt Benoni Williams, Lt. Nicholas Hopkins, Ensign Bernard Hale. 4th. Capt. Timothy Hopkins, Lt. Hezekiah Walker, Ensign Joseph Weatherhead. Glocester Companies: 1st. Capt. Jonah Steere, Lt. Chad Brown, Ensign Jeremiah Steere. 2nd. Capt. John Smith, Jr., Lt. Jonathan Harris, Ens. Noah Arnold. 3d. Capt. Thomas Barns, Lt. Abraham Waterman, Ensign Eliakim Richmond. Warren Company: Capt. Josiah Humphreys, Lt. Thomas Cole, Ensign Benjamin Cole. Cumberland Companies: 1st. Capt. Nathaniel Whipple, Lt. Benjamin Tower, Ens. John Grant. 2nd. Capt. John Nicholson, Lt. Ariel Ballue, Ensign Daniel Whipple, Jr. Cranston Companies: 1st. Capt. Richard Searle, Jr., Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ensign Obadiah King. 2nd. Capt Philip Sheldon, Lt. William Waterman, Ensign William Field. 3d. Capt. Israel Gorton, Jr., Lt. John Burton, Jr., Ensign Ephraim Congdon. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. Daniel Tillinghast, 1st Lt. Benjamin Bowen, 2nd Lt. John Fenner, Cornet James Hoyle. 193 1757. June. Glocester: 1st. Co. Capt. Chad Brown, in room of Joseph Steere, who refused. Lt. William Hawkins, in room of Jonah Steere, advanced. Aug. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. John Randal, in room of Daniel Tillinghast, who refused. Capt. Benjamin Bowen, " John Randal, " 1st Lt. John Fenner, 2nd Lt. James Hoyle, Cornet Joseph Nash. Scituate: 4th. Capt. Hezekiah Walker, in room Capt. Timothy Hopkins, who refused. Lt. Joseph Weatherhead, in room Hezekiah Walker, advanced. Ensign Robert Davis, " Joseph Weatherhead, May. Kings County Regiment: Col. William Pendleton, Lt.-Col. Silas Niles, Maj. John Weight. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Joshua Thompson, Lt. Joseph Clarke, Ens. Eber Crandal. 2nd. Capt. John Crandal (son of Peter), Lt. Edward Saunders, Ensign James Bliven. North Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. George Whitman, Jr., Lt. Jeremiah Fones, Ensign John Greene. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Douglass, Lt. Jeremiah Northup, Ensign William Eldred. 3d. Capt. Christopher Philips, Lt. Seth Eldred, Ensign Joseph Congdon, Jr. South Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. John Wilson, Lt. Adam Gould, Ensign Nathaniel Mumford. 2nd. Capt. Nathaniel Helme, Lt. Samuel Hopkins, Ens. James Rhodes. Charlestown Company: Capt. Nathaniel Sheffield, Lt. Amos Greene, Ensign Elisha Clarke. Exeter Companies: 1st. Capt. Samuel Weight, Jr., Lt. Stephen Albro, Ens. John Babcock. 2nd. Capt. William Tanner, Lt. William Hyams, Ensign Nathaniel Barber. Richmond Company: Capt. Nicholas Larkin, Lt. Thomas Potter, Ensign John Kinyon (son of Joseph).' Hopkinton Companies: 1st. Capt. John McCoon, Lt. Roger White, Ensign Elias Lewis. 2nd. Capt. Edward Wells, Jr. Lt. Daniel McCoon, Jr., Ensign Joseph Wells. 25 194 1757. June. North Kingstown: 3d. Capt. Seth JEldred, in room of Christ. Philips, Dec'd. Lt. Sylvester Hyams, " Seth Eldred, advanced. Westerly: 2nd Co. Lt. James Bliven, in room of Edward Saunders, who refused. Ens. Stephen Wilcox, Jr., in room of James Bliven, advanced. Aug. Maj. Henry Babcock, in room of John Weight, who refused. Feb. Exeter Company: 2nd Co. Capt. Newman Perkins, in room 6f William Tanner. May. Kent County Regiment: Col. Stephen Low, Lt.-Col. Henry Rice, Maj. John Spencer (son of William). Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. John Waterman, Lt. William Warner, Jr., Ensign John Lippitt. 2nd. Capt. Silas Gardner, Lt. Stephen Arnold, Ensign William Greene, Jr. 3d. Capt. William Potter, Lt. Thomas Greene, Ensign Stukely Stafford. East Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Preserved Pearce, Lt. Benjamin Spencer (son of John), Ensign Benjamin Spencer (son of Walter). 2nd. Capt. Sylvester Sweet, Lt. Thomas Briggs (son of Benjamin), Ensign Robert Bailey. West Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Samuel Gardner, Lt. Ephraim Howard, Ens. Job Spencer. 2nd. Capt. John Weight, Lt. Shebna Spink, Ens. Benjamin Greene, Jr. 3d. Capt. Robert Campbel, Lt. Simeon Draper, Ensign Philip Aylesworth. Coventry Companies: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Nichols, Lt. John Bucklin, Ens. Daniel Colvin. 2nd. Capt. Caleb Vaughan, Lt. James Greene (son of Daniel), Ensign Joseph Weaver. June. Lt.-Col. John Spencer (son of William), in room of Henry Rice, who refused. Maj. Stephen Potter, in room of John Spencer, advanced. Feb. Warwick Company: 2nd Co. Capt. Stephen Arnold, in room of Silas Gardner, removed to North Kingstown. 195 1757. Feb. Lt. William Greene, Jr. (late Ensign), Ens. James Arnold (son of Elisha). East Greenwich Company: 1st Co. Capt. Caleb Sheffield, in room of Preserved Pearce, Jr. Capt. Joseph Rivers, Private, Man of War Abercrombie, in Colony Service. May. Justices of Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Hon. John Gardner, Chief. Jonathan Randal, William Richmond, Joseph Russel, Joseph Clarke. June. Joseph Lippett, 5th, in place of Jeremiah Niles, who refused. James Helme, in stead of Joseph Lippett, who refused to take office. May. Clerk for Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " John Foster, Jr. " Kings " Latham Clarke. " Bristol " John Usher, Jr. " Kent " Thomas Aldrich. Justices of Inferior Court of Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Peter Bours, William Anthony, Jr., Jonathan Freeborn, Thomas Gould. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Job Randal, Thomas Randal, Richard Steere, Thomas Arnold. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Immanuel Northup, Christopher Champlin, Thomas Brown, Benoni Hall. Bristol County: Matthew Allen, Chief. Common Pleas and General Josiags Lyndon, Clerk. George Gardner, Sheriff, Nicholas Brown, Clerk. Allen Brown, Sheriff. Benja. Peckham, Jr., Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Thomas Throop, Clerk. 196 1757. May. Bristol County: Thomas Greene, James Smith, Nathaniel Munro, Nathan Nathaniel Fales. Kent County: Joseph Nichols, Chief. John V Rufus Greene, William Spencer, John Holdon, Benjan Daniel Howland. Oct. Philip Greene, Chief, in room of Joseph Nichols, lately Dec'd. May. Committee of War: Hon. Stephen Hopkins, Hon. John Gardner, Daniel Jenckes, Thomas Cranston, Peter Bours, Robert Potter, of Charlestown, March. Nathan Rice. Justices of Peace: Newport: Port, Martin Howard, Rc Samuel Collins, IsE Charles Bardin, Jo Thomas Ward, Ch Peter Easton, War Joseph Sylvester, Jo Barnabas Hargil, Ba Daniel Goddard, Ot John Grelea, Jr., Et John Davis Jr. Ja: Providence: Ri George Taylor, Wesi Joseph Snow, W Ebenezer Jenckes, Sil James Angel, Be Samuel Nightingale, Jo Samuel Chace, St( Nathan Pierce, Nort Stephen Jackson, Da John Waterman. Sa Portsmouth: Ni William Earle, St( iel Bosworth, Sheriff. Valton, Jr., Clerk. nin Arnold, Sheriff. smouth: )bert Dennis, aac Barker, hn Almy, larles Bowler, wick: hn Warner, Jr., irlo Greene, hniel Gorton, )enezer Slocum, mes Rhodes, chard Estes. terly: 'illiam Herne, las Greenman, 3noni Smith, seph Crandal, 3phen Saunders.;h Kingstown: avid Sprague, muel Albro, cholas Northup, Jr., ephen Card, 197 1757..Mar. Justices of the Peace: William Hall (son of Robert), James Fones, John Spink, Christopher Spencer. South Kingstown: Samuel Teft, John Case. Benedict Helme, William Hull, Jeremiah Crandal, John Sheldon (son of Isaac), John Brown. East Greenwich: Giles Pierce, Samuel Soule, Thomas Aldrich, George Vaughan, - Francis Barker, Thomas Shippee. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Steere, John Aldrich, Daniel Mowrey, Jr., Benjamin A-rnold, Stephen Sly, Samuel Windsor. Scituate: Gideon Harris, Charles Harris, John Fisk, Samuel Dorrance, Jeremiah Angel. Glocester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Joseph Winsor, Benjamin Smith, Abraham Tourtelott, Isaac Arnold, Silas Williams. Charlestown: Benjamin Hoxie, Peleg Cross, Joseph Hoxie. West Greenwich: Jeremiah Ellis, Samuel Hopkins, Philip Greene, Preserved Hall, Pardon Tillinghast, Clarke Rogers. Coventry: Caleb Greene, George Hall, Stephen Potter, Randal Rice, Thomas Matteson, Richard Tree. Exeter: Job Tripp, Newman Perkins, Daniel Barber, Benjamin Lawton. Middletown: John Taylor, John Barber, Joshua Coggeshall, Jr. Bristol: Shearjashub Bourn, Leveret Hubbard, John Usher, Jr., Royal Paine, Thomas Greene, Jr. Tiverton: Samuel Hickes, Philip Tabor, Restcome Sandford, Thomas Anthony (son of Joseph). Little Compton: Joseph Wood, Robert Taylor, William Wilbore, 2nd, Richard Brownel. 198 1757. Mar. Warren: Cranston: John Kinnicut, William Burton, John Cole, Joseph Harris, James Brown, Matthew Manchester, John Adams, Thomas Fenner, Jr., Ebenezer Cole. John Dexter, Cumberland: Charles Rhodes, Job Bartlet, Gideon Cumstock. John Dexter, Hopkinton: Jeremiah Whipple, Benjamin Randal, Robert Aldrich. Daniel McCoone, Richmond: Simeon Perry, Stephen Hoxie, Joshua Clarke. Samuel Teft, Sylvester Kinyon, Thomas Kinyon, Edward Perry. Edward Thurston, General Sealer of Weights and Measures. George Taylor, Public Notary for Providence. June. James Tanner, Justice of Peace for Newport. Samuel Rogers, " Portsmouth. Isaac Johnson, " West Greenwich. Benjamin Reynolds, " Exeter, in room of Benj. Lawton, who refused. Caleb Arnold, Philip Jenkins, " Feb. Commissioners to wait upon the Earl of Loudoun at Hartford, Conn.: Col. John Andrews, Samuel Ward, and his Honor the Governor. (a part of Colony Militia.) Aug. 2nd Expedition to Albany for relief of Fort William Henry: Col. John Andrews, 1st Lt.-Col. Joseph Wanton, Jr., 2nd Lt.-Col. Henry Babcock, Major Stephen Potter. Mar. List of Officers appointed to Command Regiment ordered to be raised for coming Campaign: Col. Godfrey Malbone, Lt.-Col. Henry Babcock, Major Daniel Wall, Adjutant, Lieut. Giles Russel. 4th Co. Capt. John Whiting, 1st Lt. Giles Russel, 2nd Samuel Stoneman, Ensign Tamberlin Campbell. 5th Co. Capt. Ebenezer Jenckes, 1st Lt. Benjamin Eddy, 2nd George Shearman, Ensign Richard Smith, Jr. 111 I Z 199 1757. Mar. 6th Co. Capt. James Tew, Jr., 1st Lt. Valentine Morse, 2nd Abner West, Ensign Thomas Tew. 7th Co. Capt. Samuel Rose, 1st Lt. William Tripp, 2nd Oliver Reynolds, Ensign Caleb Tripp. 8th Co. Capt. Nathaniel Peck, 1st Lt. Joshua Allen, 2nd Edward Talby, Ensign Thomas Rose. 9th Co. Capt. John Potter, Jr., 1st Lt. Edward Smith, 2nd Samuel Saunders, Ensign Thomas Aylesworth. 1st. Col. Malbone's Co.: 1st Lt. William Richmond, Jr., 2nd Lt. Moses Palmer, Ens. Eseck Carr. 2nd. Lt.-Col. Babcock's Co.: 1st Lt. Robert Hopkins, 2nd Lt. Thomas Park, Ens. Mitchel Case. 3d. Maj. Wall's Co.: 1st Lt. Joshua Brown, 2nd Lt. Philip Baker, Ens. Nathaniel Bowdish. 2nd Lt. Abner West, in Col. Angel's Regiment, against the French. 1758. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Josias Lyndon, Lt.-Col. Godfrey Malbone, Jr., Maj. Joseph Wanton, Jr. June. Newport: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Otis, Lt. Caleb Gardner, Jr., Ensign Charles Spooner. 2nd. Capt. Job Bennet, Jr., Lt. Thomas Richardson, Jr., Ensign Ebenezer Davenport, Jr. 3d. Capt. James Rogers, Lt. Timothy Balch, Ens. Edward Simmons. 4th. Capt. Jabez Champlin, Lt. Timothy Ingraham, Ens. Joseph Howland. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Cornel, Lt. Benjamin Hall, Ensign Joseph Shearman. 2nd. Capt. John Allen, Jr., Lt. Caleb Hill, Ensign Joshua Allen. New Shoreham: Capt. George Gardner, Lt. John Pain, Ensign Carder Haszard. Jamestown: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. Thomas Bentley, Ens. Benj. Sheffield, Jr. Middletown: Capt. John Clarke, Lt. Samuel Mumford, Ens. Jonathan Weeden. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. Isaac Manchester, Lt. William Sanford, Ensign Thomas Corey. 200 1758. June. Tiverton: 2nd. Capt. Oliver Cooke, Lt. George Westgate, Jr., Ensign Stephen Talman. Little Compton: Capt. David Hillyard, Lt. Thomas Burgis, Ens. Henry Wood, Jr. Newport Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Sherburn, Lt. Henry Soule, Cornet Peter Mumford, Quarter-Master Isaac Dayton. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Church, Lt. Aaron Wilbore, Lt. Job Almy (son of Samuel), Quarter-Master Peris Richmond. Col. Joseph Wanton, Jr., in room of Josias Lyndon, who refused. Lt.-Col. Job Bennet, Jr., in room of Joseph Wanton, Jr., advanced. Maj. Jonathan Otis. Newport: Capt. Caleb Gardner, Jr., 1st Company, in room of Jonathan Otis. Capt. Joseph Belcher, 2nd Company, in room of Job Bennet, Jr. 1st Co. Lieut. Charles Spooner, in room of Caleb Gardner, Jr., advanced. Ensign John Gardner (son of William) in room of Charles Spooner, advanced. Adjutant Caleb Hacker. Capt. William Mumford, Fort George. Lieut. Caleb Carr, Newport Artillery Company: Capt. Daniel Ayrault, 1st Lieut. Ebenezer Rumseill. May. Providence County Regiment: Col. John Andrews, Lt.-Col. Barzillai Richmond, Maj. John Angel. June. Providence: 1st. Capt. Stephen Rawson, Lt. Knight Dexter, Ens. Bernard Eddy. 2nd. Capt. Josiah Thornton, Lt. John Waterman (son of Joseph), Ensign Arthur Fenner, Jr. 3d. Capt. Thomas Whipple, Jr., Lt. Benjamin Whipple, Jr., Ensign William Brown. 4th. Capt. Joseph Whipple, Lt. Samuel Thurber, Ensign Stephen Jenckes. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Christopher Brown, Lt. John Wilkinson, Jr., Ensign Nathaniel Mowrey. 2nd. Capt. Stephen Arnold, Lt. Oliver Mann, Ensign Arnold Pain. 3d. Capt. Elisha Sayles, Lt. Joseph Mowrey, Jr., Ensign Christopher Angel. 201 1758. June. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Nicholas Edwards, Lt. Ezekiel Phillips, Ens. Robert Potter. 2nd. Capt. George Dorrance, Lt. John Herenden, Ensign Thomas Bennet, Jr. 3d. Capt. Benjamin Slacke, Lt. Bernard Hale, Ens. James Wheeler. 4th. Capt. Hezekiah Walker, Lt. Joseph Weatherhead, Ensign John Pierce. Glocester * 1st. Capt. Chad Brown, Lt. William Hawkins, Ens. Jeremiah Steere. 2nd. Capt. John Smith, Jr., Lt. Jonathan Harris, Ens. Noel Arnold. 3d. Capt. Thomas Barns, Lt. Abraham Waterman, Ensign Eliakim Richmond. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Nathaniel Whipple, Lt. Benjamin Tower, Ens. John Grant. 2nd. Capt. Gideon Tower, Lt. Ariel Ballue, Ens. Daniel Whipple, Jr. Cranston: 1st Capt. Richard Searle, Jr., Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ensign Obadiah King. 2nd. Capt. William Field, Lt. Peleg Arnold, Ens. Nathaniel Sprague. 3d. Capt. Israel Gorton, Jr., Lt. John Burton, Jr., Ensign Ephraim Congdon. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. Benjamin Bowen, 1st Lt. John Fenner, 2nd Lt. James Hoyle, Cornet Joseph Nash. May. Kings County Regiment: Col. Wiliam Pendleton, Lt.-Col. Joseph Haszard, Maj. Samuel Albro. June. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Joshua Thompson, Lt. John Lewis, 3d, Ensign Abraham Lewis. 2nd. Capt. John Crandal (son of Peter), Lt. James Bliven, Ensign Stephen Wilcox, Jr. North Kingstown: 1st. Capt. George Whightman, Jr., Lt. Jeremiah Fones, Ensign John Greene. 2nd. Capt. Jeremiah Northup, Lt. William Northup, Ensign William Eldred. 3d. Capt. Sylvester Hyams, Lt. George Fowler, Jr., Ensign Thomas Phillips, Jr. South Kingstown: 1st. Capt. John Wilson,. Lt. Nathaniel Mumford, Ensign David Babcock, Jr. 26 202 1758. June. South Kingstown: 2nd. Capt. Nathaniel Helme, Lt. Daniel Shearman, Jr., Ensign Job Babcock, Jr. Charlestown: Capt. Nathaniel Sheffield, Lt. Amos Greene, Ens. Elisha Clarke. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Stephen Albro, Lt. Benjamin Weight, Ensign Thomas Wilcox, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Newman Perkins, Lt. William Hyams, Ensign Nathaniel Barber. Richmond: Capt. Nicholas Larkin, Lt. Barnet Sisson, Ens. John Thomas. Hopkinton 1st. Capt. John M'Coon, Lt. Roger White, Ens. Elias Lewis. 2nd. Capt. Edward Wells, Jr., Lt. Lawton Palmer, Ensign Benjamin Randal, Jr. May. Kent County Regiment: Col. Benoni Waterman, Lt.-Col. John Spencer (son of William), Maj. James Arnold, Jr. June. Warwick: 1st. Capt. John Waterman, Lt. Win. Warner, Jr., Ens. John Lippitt. 2nd. Capt. James Arnold (son of Elisha), Lt. William Greene, Jr., Ensign Nathaniel Miller, Jr. 3d. Capt. William Potter, Lt. Thomas Greene (son of Fones), Ensign Stukely Stafford. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Caleb Sheffield, Lt. Henry Tibbits, Jr., Ensign Christopher Vaughan. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Briggs (son of Benjamin), Lt. Thomas Place, Ensign Michael Spencer (son of Abner). West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Tibbits Hopkins, Lt. Job Spencer, Ens. Alex. Hopkins. 2nd. Capt. Shibna Spink, Lt. Benjamin Greene, Jr., Ensign Benjamin Sweet, Jr. 3d. Capt. Simeon Draper, Lt. Benjamin Greene, Ens. Henry Tanner. Coventry: 1st. Capt. Joab Stafford, Lt. Benjamin Colvin, Ensign Elisha Johnson, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Eddy, Lt. Israel Bowen, Ens. Samuel Greene. Lt.-Col. Stephen Potter, in room of John Spencer (son of William), refused. 203 1758. June. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Thomas Greene, Lt.-Col. Nathan'l Pierce, Maj. Josiah Humphreys. May. Warren: Capt. Josiah Humphreys, Lt. Thomas Cole, Ens. Benjamin Cole. Bristol: Capt. John Reynolds, Jr., Lt. John Wardwell, Ens. Nathaniel Carey. June. Warren: Capt. Thomas Cole, in stead of Josiah Humphreys, promoted. Lt. Benjamin Cole, " " Thomas Cole, Ens. James Bowen, " " Benj. Cole, May. Regiment for Ensuing Campaign: Col. Henry Babcock, Lt.-Col. John Potter, Jr. Commissary: Capt. Joseph Coggeshall. Chaplain and Surgeon's Mate: John Bass. June. Acting Capt. 1st Lt. Thomas Burket, in Col. Christ.' Harris's Regiment, in place of Capt. Amos Hammond, Dismissed. Dec. Quarter-Master, Capt. William Sheehan, Expedition against the French. Feb. Regiment against Crown Point: Col. Henry Babcock, Lt.-Col. Daniel Wall, Maj. John Whiting. Col's Co.: 1st Lt. Edward Talbee, 2nd Lt. Joseph Stanton, Jr., Ens. Wi. Bennet. Lt.-Col's Co.: 1st Lt. Tibbets Hopkins, 2nd Lt. Benjamin Carr, Ens. Stukely Stafford. Maj's Co.: 1st Lt. Wm. Sheehan, 2nd Lt. Daniel Byrn, Ens. Thos. Swinburne, Jr. 4th Co. Capt. Thomas Burket, 1st Lt. Jonathan Spear, 2nd Lt. Moses Bowdish, Ens. Arthur Fenner, Jr. 5th Co. Capt. James Tew, Jr., 1st Lt. Thomas Tew, 2nd Lt. Abner West, Ens. George Cornel (son of Clarke). 6th Co. Capt. Samuel Rose, 1st Lt. Caleb Tripp, 2nd Lt. Moses Warren, Ens. Records Tabor. 7th Co. Capt. Nathaniel Peck, 1st Lt. Thomas Rose, 2nd Lt. Solomon Rossey, Ens. Nathan Rice. 8th Co. Capt. Thomas Fry, Jr., 1st Lt. Thomas Jenkins, 2nd Lt. Samuel Watson, Jr., Ens. Asa Bowdish. 9th Co. Capt. Benjamin Eddy, 1st Lt. Samuel Saunders, 2nd Lt. Thomas Collins, Eus. Asa Kimball. 10th Co. Capt. Christopher Hargil, 1st Lt. Samuel Stoneman, 2nd Lt. Tamberlin Campbell, Ens. John Manchester, of Portsmouth. 204 1758. Feb. 11th Co. Capt. Joshua Brown, 1st Lt. Giles Russel, 2nd Lt. Thomas Champlin, Ens. John Beverly. 12th Co. Capt. William Tripp, 1st Lt. Mitchel Case, 2nd Lt. Samuel Weatherby, Ens. Nathan Bliven. 13th Co. Capt. Moses Palmer, 1st Lt. Israel Peck, 2nd Lt. William Pulling, Ens. Peleg Slocum. Adjutant: Lieut. Giles Russel. Surgeon: Thomas Rodman (son of Clarke, Dec'd, Newport, Physician). Surgeon Mates: Benjamin Brown and Thomas Munro. Commissary and Sutler: Joseph Hollway. 11th Co. 2nd Lt. Samuel Champlin, instead of Thomas, by mistake. Corrected May, 1759. Council of War: Dep.-Gov. John Gardner, Daniel Jencks, Thomas Cranston, Peter Bours, Robert Potter, Nathan Rice, Abraham Smith. May. Justices of Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Hon. John Gardner, Chief. Jonathan Randal, William Richmond, Joseph Russel, Joseph Clarke. Clerk for Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " John Foster, Jr. " Kings " Latham Clarke. " Bristol " John Usher, Jr. " Kent " Thomas Aldrich. Justices of Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Peter Bours, William Anthony, Jonathan Freeborn, Thomas Gould. Providence: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Job Randal, Thomas Lapham, Richard Steere, Thomas Arnold. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. George Gardner, Sheriff. Nicholas Brown, Clerk. Allen Brown, Sheriff. 205 1758. May. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Immanuel Northup, Christopher Champlin, Thomas Brown, Benoni Hall. Bristol County: Matthew Allen, Chief. James Smith, Nathaniel Munro, Nathaniel Pierce, John Kinnicutt. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. William Spencer, Daniel Howland, Othniel Gorton, Caleb Greene. Benja. Peckham, Jr., Clerk. Beriah Brown Sheriff. Thomas Throope, Clerk. Nathaniel Bosworth, Sheriff. John Walton, Jr., Clerk. Stephen Arnold, Sheriff. Edward Thurston, Sealer of Weights and Measures. George Taylor, Public Notary for Town and County of Providence. Oct. Hon. John Andrews, Judge of the Court of Vice Admiralty. Dec. Thomas Vernon, Register " Capt. William Mumford, Marshal " Col. Thomas Greene, Committee of War for Bristol County, added. Nicholas Gardner, of Exeter, Committee of War for Kings County, added. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Providence: Martin Howard, Ebenezer Jenckes, Samuel Collins, James Angel, Charles Bardin, Samuel Nightingale, Thomas Ward, Samuel Chace, Peter Easton, Nathan Pearce, Joseph Sylvester, John Waterman. Barnabas Hargil, Portsmouth: Daniel Goddard, William Earl, John Grelea, Jr., Robert Dennis, John Davis, Jr., Isaac Barker, Jonathan Easton. John Almy, Providence: Walter Cornel.' John Andrews, Joseph Snow, A 206 1758. Dec. Warwick: John Warner, Jr., Barlo Greene, Ebenezer Slocum, Richard Estes, Samuel Gorton (son of Samuel). Westerly: William Hearne, Silas Greenman, Benoni Smith, Joseph Crandal, Stephen Saunders, Edward Bliven, Jr. North Kingstown: David Sprague, Samuel Albro, Nicholas Northup, Jr., Stephen Card, William Hall (son of Robert), James Jones, John Spink, Christopher Spencer. South Kingstown: Samuel Teft, John Case, Benedict Helme, William Hull, Jeremiah Crandal, Samuel Casey. East Greenwich: Thomas Aldrich, Giles Pierce, Samuel Soule, George Vaughan, Francis Barker, Thomas Shippey, John Spencer. (son of William). Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Steere, John Aldrich, Daniel Mowrey, Jr., Benjamin Arnold, Smithfield: Stephen Sly, Samuel Winsor. Scituate:, Gideon Harris, Charles Harris, John Fiske, Samuel Dorrance, Jeremiah Angel. Glocester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Benjamin Smith, Abraham Tourtelot, Israel Arnold, Silas Williams. Charlestown: Benjamin Hoxie, Peleg Cross, Gideon Hoxie. West Greenwich: William Cumstock, Samuel Hopkins, Philip Greene, Preserved Hall, Isaac Johnson, Pardon Tillinghast, Clarke Rogers. Exeter: Job Tripp, Newman Perkins, Daniel Barber, Benjamin Reynolds, Caleb Arnold. Middletown: John Taylor, John Barker, Joshua Coggeshall, Jr. Bristol: Shearjashub Bourn, Leveret Hubbard, John Usher, Jr., John Howland, John Walker, Royal Payne. 207 1758. Dec. Tiverton: Richmond: Samuel Hickes, Thomas Kinyon. Philip Taylor, Edward Peary. Restcome Sanford, Cranston: Thomas Anthony (son William Burton, of Joseph), Joseph Harris, Gideon Wilcox. Matthew Manchester, Little Compton: Thomas Fenner, Joseph Wood, John Dexter, Robert Taylor, Charles Rhodes, William Wilbore, 2nd, Thomas Potter (son of Thomas Church, John). Warren: Hopkinton: John Cole, Benjamin Randal, James Brown, Daniel M'Coon, John Adams, Simeon Perry, Ebenezer Cole. Joshua Clarke, Cumberland: Edward Wells, Jr. Job Bartlet, June. Coventry: John Dexter, George Hall, Jeremiah Whipple, Stephen Potter, Robert Aldrich. Randal Rice, Richmond: John Greene, John Webster, John Bucklin. Samuel Teft, Scituate: Sylvester Kinyon, Benjamin Slack. June. Glocester: Josiah Steere, to be the Youngest. Charlestown: John Hill, to be first Justice. Little Compton: Richard Brownel, in room of William Wilbore, 2nd, who refused. South Kingstown: William Brownel, Jr., in room of William Hull, refused. John Lillibridge. 1759. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Joseph Wanton, Jr., Lt.-Col. Job Bennet, Jr., Maj. Jonathan Otis. Aug. Newport Companies: 1st. Capt. Caleb Gardner, Jr., Lt. Charles Spencer, Ensign John Gardner (son of William). 208 1759. Aug. Newport Companies: 2nd. Capt. Joseph Belcher, Lt. Thomas Richardson, Jr., Ensign Ebenezer Davenport, Jr. 3d. Capt. James Rogers, Lt. Timothy Balch, Ens. Edward Simmons. 4th. Capt. Jabez Champlin, Lt. Timothy Ingraham, Ensign Joseph Howland. Portsmouth Companies: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Hall, Lt. Caleb Sisson, Ensign Thomas Cooke. 2nd. Capt. Joshua Allen, Lt. Jonathan Slocum, Ens. Thomas Allen. New Shoreham: Capt. George Gardner, Lt. John Pain, Ensign Carder Haszard. Jamestown: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. Thomas Bentley, Ens. Benja. Sheffield, Jr. Middle town: Capt. Joshua Coggeshall (son of James), Lt. Jonathan Weeden, Ensign Silas Peckham. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. Thomas Gray, Jr., Lt. Wm. Sanford, Ens. Thomas Corey. 2nd. Capt. Oliver Cooke, Lt. Stephen Tallman, Ensign William Durfee (son of Samuel). Little Compton: Capt. David Hillyard, Lt. Thomas Burgis, Ensign Henry Wood. Newport Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Sherburn, Lt. Henry Soule, Cornet, Peter Mumford, Quarter-Master Isaac Dayton. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Church, Lt. Aaron Wilbore, Cornet Job Almy (son of Samuel), Quarter-Master Perez Richmond. Adjutant Benjamin Tayer. May. Capt. William Mumford, Fort George. Lieut. John Beard, " Newport Artillery Company: Capt. Daniel Ayrault, Jr., 1st Lt. Ebenezer Rumseill. Providence County Regiment: Col. John Andrews, Lt.-Col. Barzillai Richmond, Maj. John Angel. Aug. Company Officers-Providence: 1st. Capt. Stephen Rawson, Lt. Knight Dexter, Ens. Bernard Eddy. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Whipple, Jr., Lt. Benjamin Whipple, Jr., Ensign William Brown. 3d. Capt. Stephen Jenckes, Lt. James Olney (son of Joseph), Ensign Ephraim Wheaton. 209 1759. Aug. Smithfield: 1st. Capt Christopher Brown, Lt. John Wilkinson, Jr., Ensign Nathanael Mowrey. 2nd. Capt. Stephen Arnold, Lt. Oliver Man, Ensign Arnold Pain. 3d. Capt. Joseph Mowrey, Jr., Lt. Christ'r Angel, Ens. Noah Smith. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Nicholas Edwards, Lt. Ezekiel Phillips, Ensign Robert Potter. 2nd. Capt. John Herrenden, Lt. Thomas Bennet, Jr., Ensign Nathaniel Herrenden. 3d. Capt. Benjamin Slack, Lt. Bernard Hale, Ens. James Wheeler. 4th. Capt. Hezekiah Walker, Lt. Joseph Weatherhead, Ensign John Round. Glocester: 1st. Capt. Chad Brown, Lt. William Hawkins, Ens. Richard Eddy. 2nd. Capt. Noah Arnold, Lt. Eleazer Ballou, Ens. William Phillips. 3d. Capt. Abraham Waterman, Lt. Benjamin Barrett, Ensign Thomas Collins. Cumberland: st. Capt. Nathaniel Whipple, Lt. Benjamin Tower, Ens. John Grant. 2nd. Capt. Gideon Tower, Lt. Ariel Ballou, Ens. Daniel Whipple, Jr. Cranston: 1st. Capt. Richard Searle, Jr., Lt. William Carpenter, Jr., Ensign Zephaniah Randal. 2nd. Capt. WTm. Fenner, Lt. Peleg Arnold, Ens. Nathaniel Sprague. 3d. Capt. Peter Burlingham, 3d, Lt. Philip Burlingham, Ensign William Knight, Jr. Johnston: Capt. John Waterman, Jr., Lt. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Ens. John Brown. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Benjamin Bowen, 1st Lt. John Fenner, 2nd Lt. James Hoil, Cornet Joseph Nash. May. Kings County Regiments: Col. William Pendleton, Lt.-Col. Joseph Haszard, Maj. Samuel Albro. Aug. Company Officers-Westerly: '1st. Capt. Abraham Lewis, Lt. Matthew Maxson, Ensign Joseph Lewis, Jr. 2nd. Capt. James Bliven, Lt. Thomas Ross, Ens. William Scrivens. North Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Edward Dyre, Jr., Lt. Richard Card, Ensign Zorobabel Westcot. 27 210 1759. Aug. North Kingstown: 2nd. Capt. Jeremiah Northup, Lt. William Northup, Ensign John Sweet (son of Benjamin). 3d. Capt. Sylvester Hyams, Lt. George Fowler, Jr., Ensign Stephen Northup, Jr. South Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Charles Hull, Lt. Jonathan Babcock (son of David), Ensign Jonathan Card. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Shearman, Jr., Lt. Jonathan Babcock (son of John), Ensign Clarke Gardner. Charlestown: Capt. Job Taylor, Lt. Joshua Card, Ensign Tobias Saunders. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Weight, Lt. Job Babcock, Ens. Wm. Gardner. 2nd. Capt. William Hiams, Lt. Nathaniel Barber, Ens. John Lewis. Richmond: Capt. Nicholas Larkin, Lt. Barnet Sisson, Ens. John Thomas. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. John McCoon, Lt. Elias Lewis, Ens. Caleb Wells. 2nd. Capt. Edwards Wells, Jr., Lt. Lawton Palmer, Ens. Benjamin Randal, Jr. May. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Thomas Greene, Lt.-Col. Nathaniel Pearce, Maj. Josiah Humphreys. Aug. Company Officers-Bristol: Capt. Joseph Reynolds, Lt. John Wardwell, Ens. Nathaniel Carey. Warren: 1st. Capt. Thomas Cole, Lt. Benjamin Cole, Ens. John Kelly, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Allen, Lt. James Bowen, Ensign John Low. May. Kent County Regiment: Col. Benoni Watermaii, Lt.-Col. James Arnold, Jr., Maj. James WightmaLn. Aug. Warwick: 1st. Capt. John Waterman, Lt. WVm. Warner, Jr., Ens. John Lippitt. 2nd. Capt. Elisha Weaver, Lt. Nathaniel Miller, Ens. Job Arnold. 3d. Capt. William Potter, Lt. Thomas Greene (son of Fones), Ens. Stukely Stafford. 211 1759. Aug. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Caleb Sheffield, Lt. Henry Tibbits, Jr., Ens. Silas Casey. 2nd. Capt. John Andrews, Lt. Richard Matteson, Ens. Samuel Sweet. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Job Spencer, Lt. Jonathan Hopkins, Ens. Robert Carr. 2nd. Capt. Shibna Spink, Lt. Amos Mattason. Ens. George Dyre. 3d. Capt. Simeon Draper, Lt. Jedediah Aylesworth, Ens. Thomas Tillinghast. Coventry: 1st. Capt. Joab Stafford, Lt. Joseph Johnson, Ens. Elisha Johnson. 2nd. Capt. Israel Bowen, Lt. Thomas Parker, Ens. Samuel Greene. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of -Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Hon. John Gardner, Chief. Jonathan Randal, William Richmond, Joseph Lippitt, Joseph Clarke. Clerk for Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " John Foster, Jr. " Kings " Latham Clarke. " Bristol " John Usher, Jr. " Kent " Thomas Aldich. June. " Kings " Benedict Helme, in room of Latham Clarke, who refused. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Peter Bours, William Anthony, Jonathan Freeborn, Thomas Gould. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Job Randal, Thomas Lapham, Richard Steere, Thomas Arnold. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Immanuel Northup, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. George Gardner, Sheriff. Nicholas Brown, Clerk. Allen Brown, Sheriff. Stephen Haszard, Jr., Clerk. 212 1759. June. Kings County: Christopher Champlin, Thomas Brown, Benoni Hall. Bristol County: Matthew Allen, Chief. James Smith, Nathaniel Munro, Nathaniel Pearce, John Kinnicut. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. William Spencer, Othniel Gorton, Caleb Greene, Joseph Nichols. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Thomas Throope, Clerk. Nathaniel Bosworth, Sheriff. Daniel Howland, Clerk. Stephen Arnold, Sheriff. Edward Thurston, General Sealer of Weights and Measures. George Taylor, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. Aug. Joseph Sherwood, Att.-at-Law, Agent for the Colony at court in Great Britain. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Portsmouth: Martin Howard, Robert Dennis, Samuel Collins, Isaac Barker, Charles Bardin, John Almy, Thomas Ward, Weston Hickes. Peter Easton, Warwick: Joseph Syvester, John Warner, Jr., Barnabas Hargil, Barlo Greene, Daniel Goddard, Ebenezer Slocum, John Grelea, Jr., Richard Estes, John Davis, Jr., Samuel Gorton (son of Jonathan Easton. -Samuel), Providence: Azrikam Pearce. Joseph Snow, Westerly: Ebenezer Jenckes, William Hearn, James Angel, Silas Greenman, Samuel Nighingale, Benoni Smith, Samuel Chace, Joseph Crandal, George Taylor. Elias Thompson, Portsmouth: John Larkin. William Earl, 213 1759. May. North Kingstown: Nicholas Northup, Jr., William Hall (son of Robert), Christopher Spencer, John Spink, Stephen Northup, Samuel Browning, Jr., George Wightman, Jr., Ephraim Gardner, Jr. South Kingstown: Samuel Teft, JohnCase, Job Babcock, William Browning, Jeremiah Crandal, William Weight, John Lillibridge. East Greenwich: Thomas Aldrich, Giles Pearce, Samiuel Sowle, George Vaughan, Thomas Shippey, John Spencer (son of William), Benjamin Sweet. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Steere, Daniel Mowrey, Daniel Mowrey, Jr., Stephen Sly, Samuel Winsor, Joseph Kelley. Scituate: Gideon Harris, Charles Harris, John Fisk, Samuel Dorrance, Jeremiah Angel, Benjamin Slack. Glocester: Andrew Brown, Thomas Barns, Benjamin Smith, Glocester: Abraham Tourtelot, Israel Arnold, Jonah Steere, Jonathan Harris, Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Gideon Harris, Nathaniel Sheffield, Job Taylor. West Greenwich: William Cumstock, Samuel Hopkins, Isaac Johnson, Pardon Tillinghast, Amos Stafford. Coventry: George Hall, Stephen Potter, John Greene, John Bucklin, William Bates. Exeter: Job Tripp, Newman Perkins, Daniel Barber, Stephen Richmond, Benjamin Reynolds. Middle town: John Taylor, John Barker, Joshua Coggeschall, Jr. Bristol: Shearjashub Bourn, Leveret Hubbard, Royal Payne, Hezekiah Usher, Samuel Church. Tiverton: Samuel Hickes, Philip Tabor, Restcome Sanford, Thomas Anthony (son of Joseph), Gideon Wilcox. 214 1759. May. Little Compton: Cranston: Joseph Wood, William Burton, Robert Taylor, Joseph Harris, Thomas Church, Matthew Manchester,_ Constant Southworth. Thomas Fenner, Warren: Charles Rhodes, John Cole, Thomas Potter (son of James Brown, John), John Adams, Joseph Rhodes. Ebenezer Cole. Hopkinton: Cumberland: Benjamin Randal, Job Bartlet, Daniel M'Coon, John Dexter,,Simeon Perry, Jeremiah Whipple, Joshua Clarke, Robert Aldridge. Hezekiah Collins. Richmond: ' Johnston: John Webster, -Henry Harris, Samuel Teft, John Waterman, Sylvester Kinyon, Nathan Pearce. Thomas Kinyon, Edward Perry, Elisha Babcock. Aug. North Kingstown: Joseph Case, in room of Christopher Spencer, refusing. West Greenwich: Philip Greene. Johnston: Thomas Owen, in room of John Waterman, refusing. Committee of War: His Honor the Deputy-Governor: John Gardner. Danel Jenckes, Thomas Cranston, Peter Bours, Robert Potter, Nathan Rice, Abraham Smith, Nicholas Gardner, Thomas Greene. Feb. Gideon Comstock. Regiment to be raised for reduction of Montreal and other places in Canada: Col. Christopher Harris, Lt.-Col. John Whiting, Maj. Thomas Burket. Col's Co.: 1st. Lt. Tibbets Hopkins, 2nd Lt. Thomas Collins, Ers. Peleg Slocum. Lt.-Col's Co.: 1st Lt. Jeremiah Shaw, Jr., 2nd Lt. Daniel Byrn, Ens. John Manchester. 215 1759. Feb. Maj's Co.: 1st Lt. Jonathan Spear, 2nd Lt. Asa Kimbal, Ens. Arthur Fenner, of Cranston. 4th Co. Capt. Samuel Rose, 1st Lt. Caleb Tripp, 2nd Lt. William Eldred, Ens. Records Tabor. 5th Co. Capt. Christopher Hargil, 1st Lt. Samuel Stoneman, 2nd Lt. George Cornel (son of Clarke), Ens. James Pearse. 6th Co. Capt. Nathaniel Peck, 1st Lt. Thomas Rose, 2nd Lt. Solomon Rossey, Ens. Tamberlin Campbell. 7th Co. Capt. Thomas Fry. Jr., 1st Lt. Samuel Watson (of Exeter), 2nd Lt. Asa Bowdish, Ens. Stukely Stafford. 8th Co. Capt. Giles Russel, 1st Lt. Moses Warren, 2nd Lt. Jeffry Wilcox, Ens. Hezekiah Saunders. 9th Co. Capt. Thomas Tew, 1st Lt. Israel Peck, 2nd Lt. Abner West, Ens. Othniel Tripp. 10th Co. Joshua Brown, 1st Lt. William Pulling, 2nd Lt. Mitchel Case, Ens. Thomas Mitchel. Adjutant: Lieut. Samuel Stoneman. Commissary: Oliver Helme. Surgeon: Thoma;s Rodman (son of Clarke, late of Newport, Physician, Dec'd). Ens. Edward Cross, in room of Hezekiah Saunders, who refused. Quarter-Master Andrew Boid. C" James Richardson. 1760. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Joseph Wanton, Jr., Lt.-Col. Job Bennet, Jr., Maj. Jonathan Otis. Newport: 1st. Capt. Caleb Gardner, Jr., Lt. Charles Spooner, Ens. John Gardner (son of William). 2nd. Capt. Joseph Belcher, Lt. Thomas Richardson, Jr., Ens. Ebenezer Davenport, Jr. 3d. Capt. Timothy Balch, Lt. Edward Simmons, Ens. May Davis. 4th. Capt. Jabez Champlin, Lt. Timothy Ingraham, Ens. Joseph Howland. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Hall, Lt. Caleb Sisson, Ens. Thomas Cooke. 2nd. Capt. Joshua Allen, Lt. Thomas Allen, Ens. John Sheldon. New Shoreham: Capt. George Gardner, Lt. Josiah Sheffield, Ens. Nathaniel Littlefield (son of Nathaniel). James town: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Lt. Thomas Bentley, Ens. Benja. Sheffield, Jr. 216 1760. Mav. Middle town: Capt. Jonathan Weeden, Lt. Silas Peckham, Ens. John Card. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. Thomas Gray, Jr., Lt. Wm. Sanford, Ens. Thomas Corey. 2nd. Capt. Oliver Cooke, Lt. Stephen Tallman, Ens. William Durfee (son of Samuel). Little Compton: Capt. David Hillyard, Lt. Thomas Burgis, Ens. Henry Wood, Adjutant Benjamin Tayer. Dec. Newport: 1st. Capt. Charles Spooner, Lt. John Gardner (son of William), Ens. Jethro Spencer. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Richardson (son of Ebenezer), Lt. Ebenezer Davenport, Jr., Ens. Jonathan Davenport. May. Newport Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Sherburn, Lt. Henry Sowle, Cornet Peter Mumford, Q. Master Isaac Dayton. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Church, Lt. Aaron Willbore, Ens. Job Almy (son of Samuel), Q. Master Joseph Taylor. Maj. Benjamin Sherburn, in room of Jonathan Otis, who refuses. 1st. Capt. Henry Sowle, Lt. Peter Mumford, Cornet Isaac Dayton, Q. Master Alexander Bradford. Capt. William Mumford, Fort George. June. Lt. John Beard, May. Providence County Regiment: Col. John Andrews, Lt.-Col. Barzillai Richmond, Maj. John Angel. Providence: 1st. Capt. Knight Dexter, Lt. Amos Atwell, Ens. Bernard Eddy. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Whipple, Jr., Lt. Benjamin Whipple, Jr., Ens. William Brown. 3d. Capt. Stephen Jenckes, Lt. James Olney (son of Joseph), Ens. Ephraim Wheaton. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Christopher Brown, Lt. John Wilkinson, Ens. Nathaniel Mowrey. 2nd. Capt. Stephen Arnold, Lt. Arnold Paine, Ens. Samuel Aldrich, Jr. 3d. Capt. Joseph Mowrey, Jr., Lt. Christopher Angel, Ens. Noah Smith. 217 1760. May. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Nicholas Edwards, Lt. Ezekiel Phillips, Ens. Robt. Potter. 2nd. Capt. John Herrenden, Lt. Thomas Bennet, Jr., Ens. Nathaniel Herrenden. 3d. Capt. Hezekiah Walker, Lt. Joseph Weatherhead, Ens. John Round. Glocester: 1st.,Capt. Chad Brown, Lt. William Hawkins, Ens. Richard Eddy. 2nd. Capt. Noah Arnold, Lt. Eleazer Ballou, Ens. Silas Cooke. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Nathaniel Whipple, Lt. Benj.'Tower, Ens. John Grant. 2nd. Capt. Gideon Tower, Lt. Ariel Ballou, Ens. Daniel Whipple, Jr. Cranston: 1st. Capt. Richard Searle, Jr., Lt. William Carpenter, Jr., Ens. Zephaniah Randal. 2nd. Capt. Wim. Fenner, Lt. Peleg Arnold, Ens. Nathaniel Sprague. 3d. Capt. Peter Burlingham, 3d, Lt. Philip Burlingham, Ens. William Knight, Jr. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. Benjamin Bowen, 1st Lt. John Fenner, 2nd Lt. James Hoil, Cornet Joseph Nash. Aug. Scituate: 3d. Capt. Bernard Haile, Lt. James Wheeler, Ens. Stephen Smith. Glocester: 3d. Capt. Abraham Waterman, Lt. Benj. Barret, Ens. Thos. Collins. May. Kings County Regiment: Col. Joseph Haszard, Lt.-Col. Joseph Stanton, Maj. George Wightman, Jr. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Abraham Lewis, Lt. Matthew Maxson, Ens. Joseph Lewis, Jr. 2nd. Capt. James Bliven, Lt. Thomas Ross, Ens. William Scrivens. North Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Palmer Tanner, Lt. Sam'l Hunt, Jr., Ens. Joseph Clarke. 2nd. Capt. William Northup, Lt. John Sweet (son of Benja., Dec'd), Ens. Samuel Bissel. South Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Charles Hull, Lt. Jonathan Babcock (son of Daniel), Ens. Jonathan Card. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Sherman, Jr., Lt. Christopher Gardner, Jr., Ens. Thomas Gardner, Jr. 28 218 1760. May. Charlestown: 1st. Capt. Tobias Saunders, Lt. Joshua Card, Ens. Elijah Champlin. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Job Babcock, Lt. William Gardner, Ens. Thomas Weeden. 2nd. Captain Nathaniel Barber, Lt.' Joseph Rathbun, Ens. Thomas Bently. Richmond: Capt. Nicholas Larkin, Lt. Barnet Sisson, Ens. John Thomas. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. John McCoon, Lt. Eber Crandal, Ens. Joseph McCoon. 2nd. Capt. Lawton Palmer, Lt. Christopher Wilbore, Ens. John Larkin. Aug. North Kings town: 3d. Capt. Joshua Pearce, Lt. Thomas Phillips, Ens. Stephen Northup (son of Joseph). 2nd. Lt. John Northup, in room of John Sweet, refusing. Exeter: 1st. Lt. Thomas Wilcox, in room of William Gardner, refusing. 2nd. Ens. Caleb Gardner, " Thomas Bentley, " Richmond: Lt. John Thomas, in room of Barnet Sisson, refusing, Ens. Ebenezer Tefft. May. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Thomas Greene, Lt.-Col. Nathan'l Pearse, Maj. Josiah Humphrey. Bristol: Capt. Nathaniel Carey, Lt. Daniel Bradford, Ens Jonathan Peck. Warren: 1st. Capt. Thomas Cole, Lt. Benjamin Cole, Ens. John Kelly, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Allen, Lt. James Bowen, Ens. John Low. Kent County Regiment: Col. Benoni Waterman, Lt.-Col. Jas. Arnold, Jr., Maj. Jas. Wightman. Warwick: 1st. Capt. William Warner, Lt. John Lippitt, Ens. Thos. Stafford. 2nd. Capt. Elisha Wightman, Lt. Job Arnold, Ens. Thos. Sweet, Jr. 3d. Capt. Thomas Greene (son of Fones), Lt. Stukely Stafford, Ens. Ebenezer King. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Caleb' Sheffield, Lt. Ebenezer Herrington, Ens. Thomas Spencer (son of Abner). 219 1760. May. East Greenwich: 2nd. Capt. Elija Johnson, Lt. Samuel Sweet, Ens. Richard Briggs (son of John). West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Job Spencer, Lt. Robert Carr, Ens. Joseph Hopkins (son of William). 2nd. Capt. Shebna Spink, Lt. Amos Matteson, Ens. George Dyre. 3d. Capt. Simeon Draper, Lt. Jedediah Aylesworth, Ens. Sylvester Gardner. Coventry: 1st. Capt. Joab Stafford, Lt. Joseph Johnson, Ens. Jonathan Matteson. 2nd. Israel Bowen, Lt. Robert Love, Ens. Samuel Greene. Aug. Kent County Regiment: Col. James Arnold, Jr., Lt.-Col. James Wightman, Maj. John Waterman. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Robert Carr, Lt. Joseph Hopkins (son of William), Ens. Samuel Hopkins, Jr. Feb. West Greenwich: 2nd. Capt. Elisha Weaver, in room of Shebna Spink, who refused. Ens. Nathan Greene, " " George Dyre, " " 3d. Ens. Palmer Gardner, " " Sylvester Gardner, " May. Justices of Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: His Honor the Dep.-Governor. John Gardner, Chief. Jonathan Randal, William Richmond, Joseph Lippitt, Joseph Clarke. Feb. James Helme, Special Judge, in room of William Richmond. May. Clerk for Newport County, John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " John Foster, Jr. " Kings " Benedict Helme. " Bristol " John Usher, Jr. " Kent " Thomas Aldrich. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: N ewport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Peter Bours, 220 1760. May. Newport County: William Earle, Jonathan Freeborn, Thomas Gould. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Job Randal, Thomas Lapham, Richard Steere, Thomas Arnold. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Immanuel Northup, Christopher Champlin, Thomas Brown, Benoni Hall. George Gardner, Sheriff. Nicholas Brown, Clerk. Allen Brown, Sheriff. Stephen Haszard, Jr., Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Bristol County: Matthew Allen, Chief. James Smith, Nathaniel Munro, Nathaniel Pearce, John Kinnicut. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. William Spencer, Othniel Gorton, Caleb Greene, Joseph Nichols. Dec. John Holden, 3d Justice. Othniel Gorton, 4th Justice. Royal Paine, Clerk. Nathaniel Bosworth, Sheriff. Daniel Howland, Clerk. Stephen Arnold, Sheriff. May. Edward Thurston, Gen'l Sealer of Weights and Measures. Henry Paget, Public Notary for Town and County of Providence. Committee of War: His Honor Dep.-Gov. John Gardner, Daniel Jenckes, Thomas Cranston, Peter Bours, Joseph Haszard, Nathan Rice, Abraham Smith, Nicholas Gardner, Thomas Greene. Aug. To Revise the Laws: Gov. Stephen Hopkins, Augustus Johnston, Martin Howard, Jr., John Grelea, Jr. 221 1760. Aug. Justices of the Peace: Newport: North Kingstown: Martin Howard, Samuel Browning, Jr., Samuel Collins, George Wightman, Jr., Charles Bardin, Ephraim Gardner, Jr. Thomas Ward, South Kingstown: Peter Easton, Samuel Tefft, Joseph Sylvester, John Case, Barnabas Hargil, Job Babcock, Daniel Goddard, William Browning, John Grelea, Jr., Jeremiah Crandal, John Davis, Jr., John Lillibridge, Jonathan Easton. Adam Gould. Providence: East Greenwich: Joseph Snow, Thomas Aldrich, Ebenezer Jenckes, Giles Pierce, James Angel, Samuel Sowle, Samuel Nightingale, George Vaughan, Samuel Chace, Thomas Shippey, John Foster, Jr. Benjamin Sweet, Portsmouth: Edmund Andrews. ]Robert Dennis, Smithfield: John Almy, William Arnold, Weston Hickes, Thomas Steere, John Shearman, Jr. Daniel Mowrey, Warwick: Daniel Mowrey, Jr., John Warner, Jr., Stephen Sly, Barlo Greene,.Lemuel Winsor, Ebenezer Slocum, Joseph Kelly. Richard Estis, Scituate: Samuel Gorton (son of Gideon Harris, Samuel), Charles Harrris, Azrikam Pearce, John Fisk, James Arnold, Jr. Samuel Dorrance, Westerly: Jeremiah Angel, William Herne, Benjamin Slack, John Larkin, Thomas Brown, Richard Berry, Timothy Hopkins. Joseph Crandal, Glocester: Thomas Gardner, Andrew Brown, James Bliven. Thomas Barns, North Kingstown: Benjamin Smith, Nicholas Northup, Jr., Israel Arnold, William Hall (son of Robert), Jonah Steere, Joseph Case, Jonathan Harris. 222 1760. Aug. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Joln Champlin, Job Taylor. West Greenwich: William Cumstock, Samuel Hopkins, Isaac Johnson, Amos Stafford, Oliver Mius, Jedediah Aylesworth. Coventry: Stephen Potter, John Greene, John Bucklin, William Bates. Exeter: Stephen Richmond, Samuel Albro, Benjamin Reynolds, Caleb Arnold, Daniel Barber, Amos Gardner. Middletown: John Taylor, John Barker, Joseph Peabody. Bristol: Shearjashub Bourn, Leverit Hubbard, Royal Paine, Hezekiah Usher, Samuel Church. Tiverton: Samuel Hickes, Philip Tabor, Restcome Sanford, Thomas Anthony (son of Joseph), Gideon Wilcox. Little Compton: Joseph Wood, Thomas Church, John Irish, Constant Southworth. Warren: John Cole, James Brown, John Adams, Ebenezer Cole, Joshua Bicknal. Cumberland: Job Bartlet, John Dexter, Jeremiah Whipple, Robert Aldrich. Richmond: John Webster, Samuel Tefft, Sylvester Kinyon, Thomas Kinyon, Edward Perry. Cranston: William Burton, John Dexter, Matthew Manchester, Thomas Potter (son of John). Hopkinton: Daniel M'Coon, Simeon Perry, Hezekiah Collins, Lawton Palmer, John Latham, John Maxson, Jr. Johnston: Henry Harris, Thomas Owen, Nathan Pearce, Josiah King. South Kings town: John Record, in room of Jeremiah Crandal, who refused. 223 1760. May. In Regiment against Canada: 2nd Lt. William Bennet, in room of Daniel Byrn, Dec'd. c" Walter Clarke, " " Abner West, refused. Ens. John Foster, " " Arthur Fenner, " c" John Gordon, " " John Manchester, " (" Jeremiah Fenner, " " Tamberlin Campbell," Samuel Tobey, " " Othniel Tripp, Mar. Regiment to be raised ensuing Campaign. Col. John Whiting-His Company: 1st Lt. Thomas Fry, 2nd Lt. Andrew Boid, Ens. Israel Peck. Lt.-Col. Samuel Rose-His Company: 1st Lt. William Eldred, 2nd Lt. Moses Warren, Ens. Mitchel Case. Maj. Christopher Hargil-His Company: 1st Lt. Jonathan Spear, 2nd Lt. Samuel Stoneman, Ens. Edw'd Cross. 4th. Capt. Asa Kimball, 1st Lt. Wim. Pulling, 2nd Lt. Arthur Fenner, Ens. William Prior. 5th. Capt. Nathaniel Peck, 1st Lt. Thomas Rose, 2nd Lt. Abraham Hawkins, Ens. Comfort Carpenter. 6th. Capt. Tibbits Hopkins, 1st Lt. Asa Bowdish, 2nd Lt. Hezekiah Saunders, Ens. Joseph Brownel. 7th. Capt. Giles Russel, 1st Lt. George Cornel, (son of Clarke), 2nd Lt. Peleg Slocum, Ens. Elias Burdick. Adjutant: Samuel Stoneman. 1761. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Job Bennet, Jr., Lt.-Col. Isaac Stelle, Maj. Benjamin Sherburne. New Shoreham: Capt. John Pain, Lt. Nathaniel Littlefield, 3d, Ens. Rhodes Havens. June. Lt.-Col. Samuel Freebody, in room of Isaac Stelle, who refused. Newport: 1st. Capt. James Cahoone, Jr., Lt. Jethro Spencer, Ens. Sam'l Yeates. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Richardson (son of Ebenezer), Lt. Ebenezer Davenport, Jr., Ens. Jonathan Davenport. 3d. Capt. Timothy Balch, Lt. Edward Simmons, Ens. Thomas George. 4th. Capt. Timothy Ingraham, Lt. Joseph Howland, Ens. John Launders. Portsmouth: 0,. 1st. Capt. Thomas Cook, Lt. Jeremiah Lawton, Ens. George Sisson, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Joshua Allen, Lt. Thomas Allen, Ens. Wm. Remington. 224 1761. June. New Shoreham: Ens. Thomas Mitchel, in room of Rhodes Havens, who refused. James town: Capt. Benja. Underwood, Lt. Matthew Greenel, Ens. Oliver Haszard, Jr. Middletown: Capt. Jonathan Weeden, Lt. Philip P,eckhar, Ens. William Greene. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. Edward Gray, Lt. Job Cooke, Ens. Walter Cooke. 2nd. Capt. William Cooke, Lt. Joshua Dwelly, Ens. John Durfee. Little Conmpton: Capt. David Hilyard, Lt. Thomas Burgess, Ens. Henry Wood. Newport County Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt. Peter Mumford, Lt. Isaac Dayton, Cornet William James (son of John). Quarter-Master Daniel Whitman Hoockey. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Church, Lt. Aaron Wilbore, Cornet Job Almy (son of Samuel). Quarter-Master Joseph Taylor. Capt. William Read, Fort George. Lieut. Caleb Carr, " May. Providence County Regiment: Col. Benjamin Bowen, Lt.-Col. Josiah Thornton, Maj. Joseph Olney (of Gloucester). June. Providence: 1st. Capt. Knight Dexter, Lt. Amos Atwell, Ens. Barnard Eddy. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Whipple, Jr., Lt. William Brown, Ens. Luther Hawkins. 3d. Capt. Ephraim Wheaton, Lt. David Burr, Jr., Ens. Jabez Gorham. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Christopher Brown, Lt. John Wilkinson, Ens. Nathaniel Mowrey. 2nd. Capt. Stephen Arnold, Lt. Arnold Pain, Ens. Sam'l Aldrich, Jr. 3d. Capt. Joseph Mowrey, Lt. Christopher Angel, Ens. Henry Blackmore. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Ezekiel Phillips, Lt. Robert Potter, Ens. Job Wilbore. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Ailsworth, Lt. William Tyler, Ens. Nathaniel Herrington. 3d. Capt. James Wheeler, Lt. Stephen Smith, Ens. Thos. Salisbury. 4th. Capt. Joseph Wetherhead, Lt. John Round, Ens. James Round. 225 1761. June. Gloucester: 1st. Capt. William Hawkins, Lt. Richard Eddy, Ensign John Eddy. 2nd. Capt. Noah Arnold, Lt. John Whipple, Ens. Edward Inman, Jr. 3d. Capt. Abraham Waterman, 'Lt. Samuel Thornton, Ens. Nathaniel Kimbal. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Nathaniel Whipple, Lt. Benja. Tower, Ens. John Grant. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Brown, Lt. Noah Balloue, Ens. Jeremiah Inman. Cranston: 1st. Capt. William Carpenter, Jr., Lt. Joseph Lockwood, Jr., Ens. Jeremiah King. 2nd. Capt. Nathan Williams, Lt. Thomas Williams, Jr., Ens. Uriah Arnold. 3d. Capt. Richard Knight, Jr., Lt. Ephraim Roberts, Ens. Moses Briggs. Johnston: Capt. William Alverson, Lt. Zackariah Eddy, Ens. Samuel Henry. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. James Olney (son of Joseph), 1st Lt. Edward Fenner, 2nd Lt. George Payson, Cornet Philip Matteson. Providence Artillery: Capt. Joseph Brown, 1st Lt. Eleazer Harding, 2nd Lt. James Green, Ens. Job Smith. May. Kings County Regiment: Col. Nathan Babcock, Lt.-Col. Geo. Wightman, Jr., Maj. John Wilson. Col. George Wightman, Jr., in room of Nathan Babcock, who refused. Lt.-Col. John Wilson, in room of Geo. Wightman, advanced as above. Maj. Edward Bliven, Jr., in room of John Wilson, advanced as above. June. Artillery Company-Towns of Westerly, Charlestown and Hopkinton, approved. Capt. Joseph Stanton, 1st Lt. Daniel Lewis, 2nd Lt. Jos. Babcock, Ens. Jesse Champlin. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Abraham Lewis, Lt. Matthew Maxson, Ens. Joseph Lewis, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Edward Saunders, 1st Lt. Joseph Gavet, Ens. Wm. Greene. North Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Jos. Clarke, Jr., Lt. Dan'l Core6y, Ens. Peter Tourjee, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Joshua Allen, Lt. Samuel Shearman, Ens. Benj. Watson. 3d. Capt. Jonathan Vaughan, Lt. Abraham Havens, Ens. Gilbert Cooper. 29 226 1761. June. South Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Babcock (son of David), Lt. Jonathan Card, Ens. Freeman Perry. 2nd. Capt. William Willson Pollock, Lt. Nathaniel Perkins, Jr., Ens. Peleg Mumford. Charlestown: Capt. Tobias Saunders, Lt. Joshua Card, Ens. John Stanton. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Thos. Wilcox, Lt. Ishmael Wilcox, Ens. Geo. Sunderland. 2d. Capt. William Hyams, Lt. Thomas Bently, Jr., Ens. John Lewis. Richmond: Capt. Simeon Clarke, Lt. William Wilcox, Ens. William Kinyon. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Christoper Babcock, Lt. Caleb Wells, Ens. Matthew Wells. 2nd. Capt. Benj. Maxson, Lt. Benj. Randal, Jr., Ens. Jos. Greene. May. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Nathan Miller, Lt.-Col. Shearjashub Bourn, Maj. Nathaniel Carey. June. Bristol: Capt. Daniel Bradford, Lt. Jonathan Peck, Ens. Rogers Richmond. Warren: 1st. Capt. Caleb Carr, Lt. Benjamin Cole, Ens. John Mason. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Allen, Lt. James Bowen, Ens. John Low. May. Kent County Regiment: Col. JamesWightman, Lt.-Col. John Wells, Maj. Preserved Peirce. June. Warwick: 1st. Capt. Josias Arnold (son of Josias), Lt. Amos Lockwood, Jr., Ens. Thomas Sweet. 2nd. Capt. Nathaniel Arnold, Lt. Peleg Salisbury, Ens. Philip Wightman. 3d. Capt. Stukely Stafford, Lt. Samuel Budlong (son of Moses), Ens. James Convis. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Spencer (son of Walter), Lt. George Vaughan, Jr., Ens. Philip Haines. 2nd. Capt. John Wightman, Lt. Josiah Matteson, Ens. Daniel Briggs. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Sam'l Hopkins, Lt. Thomas Matteson, Ens. Abner Goffe. 2nd. Capt. Benj. Greene, Lt. Jonathan Weaver, Ens. Eleazer Greene. 3d. Capt. Palmer Gardner, Lt. Rob't Haszard, Jr., Ens. Geo. Parker. 227 1761. June. Coventry: 1st. Capt. Isaac Greene, Lt. Nathan Goffe, Ens. Joseph Colvill. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Samuel Ward, Chief. Joseph Russel, William Hall, Thomas Wickham, John Burton. June. Nicholas Easton, in room of Thomas Wickham, who refused. Samuel Nightingale, in room of John Burton, who refused. May. Clerk for Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " John Foster, Jr. " Kings " Benedict Helme. " Bristol " Josiah Finney. " Kent " Samuel Fry. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Peter Bours,, William Anthony, John Shearman, Jr., John Barker. Providence County: David Comstock, Chief. Gideon Comstock, Thomas Owen, Richard Steere, Jeremiah Whipple. Kings County: James Helme, Chief. Thomas Brown, Christopher Champlin, Benoni Hall, Thomas Allen. Bristol County: Matthew Allen, Chief. Nathaniel Fales, John Kinnicut, Leverett Hubbard. Peter Bicknal. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Joseph Wanton (son of Giles), Sheriff. Nicholas Brown, Clerk. Elisha Brown, Sheriff. Benj. Peckham, Jr., Clerk. Gideon Hoxie, Sheriff. Thomas Throop, Clerk. Charles Church, Sheriff. 228 1761. May. Kent County: Thomas Fry, Chief. Capt. Benj. Greene, Clerk. Rufus Greene, John Holdon, John Langford, Rufus Spencer, Sheriff. George Hall. June. George Taylor, Chief Justice, Inferior Court, Providence County, in room of David Comstock, who refused. Simon Davis, Chief Justice, Inferior Court, Bristol County, in room of Matthew Allen, Dec'd. Feb. George Haszard, Justice, Inferior Court, Newport, in room of Peter Bours, Dec'd. June. Committee of War: John Jepson, Elisha Brown, Thomas Cranston, Peter Bours, Robert Potter, Thomas Casey, Gideon Comstock, Nicholas Gardner, Shearjashub Bourn. 1st Lt. Thomas Fry, of Col. John Whitings Comp'y, for present Campaign. Oct. John Bours, one of Committee of War, in room of his father, Peter Bours, Dec'd. Feb. Regiment ordered for Campaign in North America. Col. Samuel Rose-His Company: Capt. Lt. Jeoffry Wilcox, 2nd Lt. Thomas Rose, Ens. Daniel Coggeschall, Jr. Lt.-Col. Christopher Hargil-His Company: 1st Lt. Asa Bowdish, 2nd Lt. William Prior, Ens. Alexander Brown. Major Nathaniel Peck-His Company: 1st Lt. Israel Peck, 2nd Lt. Moses Warren, Ens. Simeon Stevens. 4th. Capt. Abraham Hawkins, 1st Lt. George Cornet (son of Clarke), 2nd Lt. Asa Kimbal, Ens. Jonathan Miller (or Milward). 5th. Capt. Thomas Fry, 1st Lt. Samuel Thornton, 2nd Lt. Andrew Boid, Ens. Ishmael Wilcox. 6th. Capt. Thomas Tew, 1st Lt. Thomas Cottrell, 2nd Lt. William Herrenden, Ens. Beriah Hopkins. 7th. Capt. Giles Russel, 1st Lt. Hezekiah Saunders, 2nd Lt. Edward Cross, Ens. John Tefft. Lt. Asa Kimball, Adjutant. Surgeon: Benjamin Brown. June. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Martin Howard, Charles Bardin, Samuel Collins, Peter Easton, 229 1761. June. Newport: Joseph Sylvester, Barnabas Hargil, Daniel Goddard, John Grelea, Jr., John Davis, Jr., Jonathan Easton, James Milward, John Butts. Providence: Joseph Snow, George Taylor, Samuel Nightingale, Samuel Chace, John Foster, Jr., James Angel, John Comstock. Portsmouth: John Almy, Thomas Shearman, Jr., Robert Burrington, Jr., John Ward, Samuel Peirce. Warwick: John Warner, Jr., John Waterman, Ebenezer Slocum, Samuel Gorton (son of Samuel), Silas Clap, John Greene (son of Peter). Westerly: Benoni Smith, Joseph Crandal, Stephen Saunders, James Bliven, Joseph Clark (son of Thomas), Ichabod Babcock, Jr. North Kingstown: Joseph Coggeshall, William Hall (son of Robert), Caleb Clark, North Kingstown: John Reynolds (son of Peter), John Cleveland, William Smith, Caleb Hill. South Kingstown: Samuel Tefft, John Case, John Sheldon, John Lillibridge. East Greenwich: Giles Pierce, John Ollin, George Vaughan, James Greene, Thomas Shippey, Jonathan Corey, Pardon Tillinghast. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Steere, John Aldrich, John Sayles, Jr., Stephen Sly, Jabez Harris, Ezekiel Comstock. Scituate: Gideon Harris, Benoni Williams, John Fiske, Samuel Dorrance, Thomas Hill, Oliver Westcote, Thomas Brown, James Wheeler. Gloucester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Benjamin Smith, Israel Arnold, Jonah Steere, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris. 230 1761. June. Charles town: Peleg Cross, Samuel Kinyon, Tobias Sauinders. West Greenwich: Samuel Hopkins, Philip Greene, Preserved Hall, Charles Carr, Gideon Ellis, Benjamin Tillinghast. Coventry: Thomas Matteson, John Rice, Adam Kassen, Obadiah Johnson, Edward Casey. Exeter: Stephen Richmond, Benjamin Reynolds, Newman Perkins, Alexander Case, Thomas Josseln, Soloman Brayman, John Congdon. Middletown: William Peckham, Jr., Joseph Peabody, William Baley. Bristol: Shearjashub Bourn, John Howland, John Throop, Jr., Joseph Reynolds, Daniel Bradford. Tiverton: Thomas Anthony, Philip Tabor, Restcome Sanford, Joseph Stafford. Little Compton: Joseph Wood, Richard Brownel, Constant Southworth, Oliver Hilyard. Warren: James Brown, Ebenezer Cole, Ebenezer Adams, Joseph Butterworth, John Wheaton. Cumberland: John Dexter, Job Bartlet, Uriah Jillson, John Gould. Richmond: John Webster, Thomas Kinyon, Thomas LEIibridge. Cranston: William Burton, Nathaniel Williams, James Harris, Thomas Corpe. Hopkinton: Benjamin Randal, Joshua Clarke, John Maxson, Jr., John Whitter, John Latham. Johnston: Edward Sheldon, Abraham Belknap, Joseph Waterman, John Fenner. 1762. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Job Bennet, Jr., Lt.-Col. Samuel Freebody, Maj. Benj. Sherburne. New Shoreham: Capt. John Pain, Lt. Nathaniel Littlefield, 3d, Ens. Thomas Mitchell. 231 1762. June. Newport: 1st. Capt. James Cahoone, Jr., Lt. Jethro Spencer, Ens. Sam'l Yeates. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Richardson (son of Ebenezer), Lt. Ebenezer Davenport, Ens. Jonathan Davenport. 3d. Capt. Timothy Balch, Lt. Edward Simmons, Ens. Thos. George. 4th. Capt. Timothy Ingraham, Lt. Jos. Howland, Ens. John Saunders. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. Earl Westcote, Lt. Jeremiah Lawton, Ens. Geo. Sisson, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Joshua Allen, Lt. Thomas Allen, Ens. Wm. Remington. New Shoreham: John Pain, Nath. Littlefield, Thos; Mitchel, refusing, Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Pain, Ens. John Littlefield. James town: Capt. Benjamin Underwood, Lt. Oliver Hassard, Jr., Ens. Stephen Remington. Middletown: Capt. Jonathan Weeden, Lt. Philip Peckham, Ens. William Greene. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. Edward Gray, Lt. Job Cooke, Ens. Walter Cooke. 2nd. Capt. William Cooke, Lt. Joshua Dwelly, Ens. John Durfee. Little Compton: Capt. David Hilyard, Lt. Thomas Burgis, Ens. Henry Wood. Newport County Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt. Peter Mumford, Lt. Isaac Dayton, Cornet William James (son of John), Q.-Master Daniel Wightman Hookey. 2nd. Capt. Aaron Wilbore, Lt. Walter Wilbore, Cornet Joseph Taylor, Q.-Master Gideon Almy. Sept. Little Compton: Capt. George Simmons, Lt, Stephen Brownel, Ens. Robert Taylor. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. Jeremiah Lawton, Lt. George Sisson, Jr., Ens. Thos. Hall. Newport County Troop of Horse: 2nd. Cornet Gideon Almy, Qt.-Master John Hunt. Newport Artillery Company: Capt. Daniel Ayrault, Jr., 1st. Lt. Metcalf Bowler, 2nd. Lt. Nathaniel Mumford, Ens. Samuel Brenton. June. Capt. William Read, Lieut. Caleb Carr, at Fort George. May. Providence County Regiment: Col. Benjamin Bowen, Lt.-Col. Josiah Thornton, Maj. Joseph Olney (of Gloucester). 232 1762. June. Providence: 1st Capt. Barnard Eddy, Lt. Daniel Snow, Ens. Amos Kinnicut. 2nd. Capt. Benj. Whipple, Jr, Lt. William Brown, Ens. Luther Hawkins. 3d. Capt. Ephraim Wheaton, Lt. David Burr, Jr., Ens. John Gorham. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Richard Sayles, Jr., Lt. Francis Herrenden, Ens. William Pain. 2nd. Capt. Arnold Pain, Lt. John Man, Jr., Ens. Enoch Sprague. 3d. Capt. Daniel Smith (son of William), Lt. Henry Blackmore, Ens. Joseph Mowrey, 3d. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Ezekiel Phillips, Lt. Job Wilbore, Ens. George Wilbore. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Ailsworth, Lt. William Taylor, Ens. John Parker. 3d. Capt. Stephen Smith, Lt. Mason Hulet, Ens. Richard Smith. 4th. Capt. Jas. Round, Lt. John Simmons, Jr., Ens. Squire Bucklin. Gloucester: 1st. Capt. Wm. Hawkins, Lt. John Eddy, Ens. David Burlingame. 2nd. Capt. Noah Arnold, Lt. John Whipple, Ens. Edw'd Inman, Jr. 3d. Capt. Stephen Keach, Lt. Wm. Phillips, Ens. John Wells, Jr. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Benj. Tower, Lt. Noah Butterworth, Ens. Benj. Woolcot. 2nd. Capt. Elisha Ballou, Lt. John Fiske, Ens. Jeremiah Inman. Cranston: 1st. Capt. William Carpenter, Jr., Lt. Joseph Lockwood, Jr., Ens. Jeremiah King. 2nd. Capt. Nathan Williams, Lt. Thomas Williams, Jr., Ens. Uriah Arnold. 3d. Capt. Richard Knight, Jr., Lt. Stephen Knight, Ens. Stukely Hudson. Johnston: Capt. Wm. Alverson, Lt. Zechariah Eddy, Ens.'Nehemiah Sheldon. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Edward Fenner, 1st Lt. Nathaniel Wheaton, 2nd Lt. George Payson, Qr.-Master Arthur Westcote. May. Kings County Regiment: Col. George Whitman, Jr., Lt.-Col. John Wilson, Maj. Elias Thompson. June. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Matthew Maxson, Lt. John Stillman, Ens. Joseph Lewis, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Edward Saunders, Lt. William Greene, Ens. John Bliven. 233 1762. June. North Kingstown: 1st. Capt. George Tibbits, Lt. Carey Clarke, Ens. John Turgee. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Taylor, Lt. Ephraim Haszard, Ens. Jeremiah Smith. 3d. Capt. William Congdon, Lt. Richard Phillips, Ens. John Vaughan (son of Isaac). South Kings town: 1st. Capt. Jeffry Champlin, Lt. Thomas Hawkins, Ens. William Greenman. 2nd. Capt. Nicholas Gardner, Lt. Wm. Wilcox, Ens. Josiah Tanner. Charlestown: Capt. Joshua Card, Lt. John Stanton, Ens. Benjamin Kinyon. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Thomas Willcox, Lt. George Sunderlin, Ens. Job Wilcox. 2nd. Capt. William Hiams, Lt. John Lewis, Ens. Thomas Tanner. Richmond: Capt. Simeon Clarke, Lt. William Wilcox, Ens. Joshua Clarke. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Christ'r Babcock, Lt. Caleb Wells, Ens. Matthew Wells. 2nd. Capt. Benj. Maxson, Lt. Benj. Randal, Jr., Ens. Win. Thurston. Sept. Artillery Company-Westerly, Charlestown, and Hopkinton: Capt. Joseph Stanton, Jr., 1st Lt. Daniel Lewis, 2nd Lt. Joseph Babcock, Ens. Jesse Champlin. May. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Shearjashub Bourn, Lt.-Col. Nathaniel Carey, Maj. John Adams. June. Bristol: Capt. Jonathan Peck, Lt. Samuel Pain, Ens. Nathaniel Waldron, Jr. Warren: 1st. Capt. Caleb Carr, Lt. Oliver Salsbury, Ens. John Mason. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Allen, Lt. James Bowen, Ens. John Willson Low. May. Kent County Regiment: Col. James Wightman, Lt.-Col. John Wells, Maj. Simeon Draper. June. Warwick: 1st. Capt. Josias Arnold (son of Josias), Lt. Amos Lockwood, Jr., Ens. Benjamin Gorton (son of Semuel). 2nd. Capt. Peleg Salisbury, Lt. Thomas Sweet (son of Philip), Ens. John Greene (son of Thomas). 3d. Capt. Samuel Budlong (son of Moses), Lt. Samuel Davis, Ens. James Convis. 234 1762. June. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Philip Haines, Lt. George Vaughan, Jr., Ens. Thomas Middlecomb. 2nd. Capt. John Pitcher, Lt. William Peirce, Ens. William Baley. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Job Herrenden, Lt. William Sweet (son of Nathaniel), Ens. William Matteson. 2nd. Capt. Eleazer Greene, Lt. Jonathan Matteson, Jr., Ens. John Spencer. 3d. Capt.Thos.Tillinghast, Lt. Robt. Haszard, Jr., Ens. Simeon Gates. Coventry: 1st. Capt. Isaac Greene, Lt. Nathan Goffe, Ens. Joseph Colvil, 2nd. Capt. Caleb Gates, Lt. James Gibson, Ens. Daniel Weaver. Sept. Warwick: 2nd Co. Lt. Joseph Arnold (son of Philip), in room of Thomas Sweet, who refused. Lt.-Col. Benjamin Wickham, Naval Officer, 1762. George Gardner, Jr., " 1761. May. Justices of Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Jeremiah Niles, Chief. Joseph Russel, William Hall, Nicholas Easton, Samuel Nightingale, June. Joseph Russell, Chief, in room of Jeremiah Niles, who refused. William Hall, 2nd. Nicholas Easton, 3d. Samuel Nightingale, 4th. Jeoffry Watson, 5th. Sept. Jeoffry Watson, refusing, Joshua Clarke, in his room. May. Clerk for Newport County: Archibald Campbell. " Providence " George Taylor, Jr. Kings " Freeman Perry. " Bristol " Josiah Finney. " Kent " Capt. Thomas Fry. Justices of Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. George Haszard, William Anthony, 235 1762. May. Newport County: Thomas Shearman, Jr., John Barker. Providence County: George Taylor, Chief. Gideon Comstock, Thomas Owen, Richard Steere, Jeremiah Whipple. Kings County: James Helme, Chief. Thomas Brown, John Congdon (of Charlestown), John Chapman, Thomas Allen. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. John Kinnicut, Peter Bicknal, William Munro, John Usher, Jr. Kent County: Thomas Fry, Chief. Rufus Greene, John Holdon, John Langford, George Hall. To Revise the Laws: Joseph Wanton (son of Gideon), Sheriff. John Foster, Clerk. Paul Tew, Sheriff. Benjamin Peckham, Clerk. Gideon Hoxie, Sheriff. Thomas Throope, Clerk. Charles Church, Sheriff. Capt. Benj. Greene, Clerk. Rufus Spencer, Sheriff. Edward Scott, Martin Howard, Henry Ward, Sec. Edward Thurston, General Sealer of Weights and Measures. Henry Paget, Public Notary for Town and -County of Providence. Sept. Committee of War: Johns Jepson, Elisha Brown, Thomas Cranston, John Bours, Robert Potter, Thomas Casey, Gideon Coinstock, Thomas Potter, Jr., Shearjashub Bourn. Aug. Company of 64 Men at Fort Starwick, of Col. Rose's Reg.: Capt. George Cornell. 236 1762. June. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Martin Howard, Samuel Collins, Charles Barden, Peter Easton, Henry Ward, Barnabas Hargill, Daniel Goddard, John Grelea, Jr., John Davis, Jr., Jonathan Easton, James Milward, John Butts. Providence: Joseph Snow, John Foster, James Angel, John Comstock, John Olney, James Thurber, Benoni Pearce, Peter Randal, Amos Atwell. Portsmouth: John Almy, Robert Burrington, Jr., Benjamin Fish, Benjamin Tallman, Samuel Pearce. Warwick: Elisha Greene, John Greene '(son of Peter), Ebenezer Slocum, Samuel Gorton (son of Samuel), Silas Clapp, Hugh Essex. Westerly: Benoni Smith, Joseph Crandal, Stephen Saunders, Abraham Borden, Westerly: Joseph Clarke (son of Thomas), Ichabod Babcock, Jr. North Kingstown: Joseph Coggeschall, Caleb Clark, Charles Tillinghast, John Cleveland, William Smith, James Fones, Caleb Hill. South Kingstown: Samuel Tefft, John Case, Francis Tanner, John Lillibridge. East Greenwich: Giles Pierce, John Olin, Job Comstock, Samuel Warner, Jonathan Johnston, Thomas Corey. Smithfield: William Arnold, Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), John Aldrich, John Sayles, Jr., Jonathan Sayles, Jabez Harris, Ezekiel Comstock. Scituate: Samuel Dorrance, Gideon Harris, Charles Harris, Benjamin Slack, John Fisk, Thomas Hill, Oliver Westcote, John Peirce. 237 1762. June. Gloucester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Benjamin Smith, Israel Sayles, Jonah Steere, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Benjamin Hoxie, Simeon Perry. West Greenwich: Philip Greene, Preserved Hall, Gideon Ellis, Benjamin Tillinghast, Job Spencer, Samuel Hopkins, Jr. Coventry: Thomas Matteson, John Rice, Adam Kasson, Obadiah Johnson, Edward Casey. Exeter: Benjamin Reynolds, Newman Perkins, Thomas Josselyn, Solomon Brayman, James Bliven, John Gardner, John Gardner (son of Ezekiel). Middletown: William Peckham, Jr., Joseph Peabody, William Baley, Gideon Coggeschall. Bristol: John Throop, Jr., Daniel Bradford, Joseph Waldron, John Waldron, John Wardwell. Tiverton: Thomas Anthony, William Willcox, Restcome Sanford, Joseph Stafford, Joseph Bowen. Little Compton: Joseph Wood, Richard Brownel, Constant Southworth, Oliver Hilyard. Warren: John Wheaton, Joseph Butterworth, Matthew Watson, Hezekiah Tiffany, Elijah Rawson, Solomon Peck. Cumberland: John Dexter, Job Bartlet, Uriah Jillson, John Gould, Stephen Brown. Richmond: John Webster, Thomas Kinyon, Thomas fillibridge. Cranston: James Harris, Thomas Corp, Zuriel Waterman. Hopkinton: Benjamin Randal, Joshua Clarke, John Maxson, Jr., John Whitter. Johnston: Edward Sheldon, Abraham Belknap, Joseph Waterman, John Fenner. 238 1762. Sept. Joseph Shearman, Jr., for Portsmouth, in room of Benjamin Fish, refusing. Charlestown: Nathaniel Sheffield, Joseph Champlin, John Gorton. Robert Vaughan, Jr., East Greenwich, in room of Samuel Warner, refusing. Scituate: Philip Matteson. June. Ferry Men at Humphreys Ferry: Nathaniel Martin, and Caleb Carr, of Warren. 1763. Aug. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Joshua Babcock, Chief. Thomas Cranston, John Cole, Thomas Greene, Silas Niles. Oct. John Banister, Chief, in room of Joshua Babcock, who refused. John Cole, 2nd Justice, in room of Thomas Cranston, who refused. Thomas Greene, Silas Niles, Job Bennet. Feb. John Cole, Chief, in room of John Banister, who refused. Thomas Greene, Silas Niles, Job Bennet, JStephen Potter. May. Clerk for Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. ( Providence " Caleb Harris. " Kings " Freeman Perry. " Bristol " Samuel Church. " Kent " Benj. Spencer (son of Wm). Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas,and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Jonathan Freeborn, John Shearman, Jr., 239 1763. May. 4 Newport County: Samuel Durfee, Thomas Gould. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Job Randal, Thomas Lapham, Jeremiah Whipple, Thomas Arnold. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Immanuel Northup, Christopher Champlin, Benoni Hall, Nathan Tefft. Bristol County: William Munroe, Chief. Nathaniel Pearce, Ebenezer Cole, Joseph Reynolds, Josiah Humphry. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. William Spencer, Othniel Gorton, Caleb Greene, Samuel Hopkins. John Wanton, Naval Officer, 1 Samuel Brenton, Sheriff. George Jackson, Clerk. Allin Brown, Sheriff. Stephen Haszard, Jr., Clerk. Beriah Brown Sheriff. Royal Payne, Clerk. John Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Howland, Clerk. Henry Rice, Sheriff. John Andrews, Judge of Vice-Admiralty Court. Notary Public for Providence Town and County: Henry Paget. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Martin Howard, John Butts, Samuel Collins, Jonathan Rogers, Charles Bardin, John Pitman. Peter Easton, Providence: Henry Ward, Joseph Snow, Barnabas Hargill, Ebenezer Jenckes, Daniel Goddard, James Angell, John Grelea, Jr., Samuel Chace, John Davis, Jr., Stephen Rawson, Jonathan Easton, Joseph Nash, James Milward, Benjamin Man. 240 1763. May. Portsmouth: Joseph Shearman, Jr., Samuel Pearce, Jr., Clarke Cornell, Restcome Sandford, Sampson Shearman. Warwick: John Warner, Jr., Barlo Greene, Ebenezer Slocum, Samuel Gorton (son of Samuel), Thomas Rice, Elisha Wightlnan. Westerly: John Larkin, Joshua Thompson, Thomas Gardner, Joseph Crandal, Isaac Babcock. North Kingstown: Nicholas Northup, Jr., William Hall (son of Robert), Benjamin Jefferson, Ephraim Gardner, Jr., Jeremiah Gardner, Jr., Ishmael Spink, Samuel Hunt, Jr., John Congdon, Jr. South Kingstown: John Case, John Lillibridge, John Sheldon, Jeremiah Crandal, Adam Gould. East Greenwich: Samuel Sowle, George Vaughan, Thomas Shippey, Job Comstock, James Wightman, Silvester Sweet, Jonathan Johnson. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Steere, Daniel Mowrey, Samuel Windsor, Stephen Sly, Daniel Mowrey, Jr. Scituate: Gideon Harris, Charles Harris, John Fiske, Jeremiah Angell, Benjamin Slack, Timothy Hopkins, Thomas Brown, Oliver Westcot, Josiah Bennet. Gloucester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Israel Arnold, Benjamin Smith, Jonathan Harris, Israel Sayles. Charlestown: Benjamin Hoxsie, Simeon Perry, Israel Stiles, James Kinyon. West Greenwich: William Comstock, Oliver Mius, Chadadiah Aylesworth, Thomas Rogers, David Hopkins, William Nichols. Coventry: Joseph Bennett, John Rice, Obadiah Johnson, Edward Casey, Ichabod Bowen, Elkanah Johnson, Jr. 241 1763. May. Exeter: Job Tripp, William Weight, Jeoffry Wilcox, David Stanton, William Hall. Middletown: Joshua Coggeshall, Jr., John Barker, Joseph Peabody, Giles Sandford, John Gould, Jr. Bristol: Joseph Read, William Hoar, George Coggeshall, William Cox, Stephen Wardwell. Tiverton: Samuel Hicks, Restcome Sanford, Thomas Anthony, Gideon Wilcox, Oliver Cooke, John Jennings. Little Compton: Constant Southworth, Aaron Wilbore, Henry Wood, William Richmond, Jr. Warren: Thomas Cole, Edward Bosworth, Benjamin Cole, Aug. Exeter: Warren: Joshua Bicknall, Barnet Miller. Cumberland: John Dexter, Job Bartlet, Robert Aldrich, Uriah Jillson, Joseph Davis, Nathaniel Robinson, Stephen Brown. Richmond: Samuel Tefft, Sylvester Kinyon, Edward Perry, Enoch Lewis, William Pettys. Cranston: William Burton, Jeremiah Field, Caleb Potter, John Pain, Stephen Sheldon. Hopkinton: Benjamin Barber, Lawton Palmer, John Latham, Joseph Collins, John Burdick. Johnston: Henry Harris, Edward Sheldon, Josiah King, Abraham Belknap. Newman Perkins, in room of Job Tripp, declines. North Kingstown: George Northup, in room of Ephraim Gardner, Jr., declines. Westerly: Joseph Crandal, 1st, in room of John Larkin, refusing. Stephen Lamphear, 4th, in room of Joseph Crandal, advanced. 31 242 1763. Aug. CharlestoAvn: John Hill in room of Benj. Hoxsie, refusing. Job Taylor, in room of Simeon Perry, refusing. Stanton York. South Kingstown: Oliver Helme. Oct. Hopkinton: Benjamin Randal, in room of Benjamin Barber. John Maxson, in room of John Latham. Westerly: Richard Berry. Feb. Cranston: Zuriel Waterman, in room of John Paine, who refused. Aug. Militia of the Colony-Newport and Bristol Counties Regiment: Col. Benj. Sherburne, Lt.-Col. Jabez Champlin, Maj. Charles Spooner. Newport County Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt. Isaac Dayton, Lt. William James (son of John), Cornet Sanford Gardner, Qr.-Mr. Benjamin Mumford. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Taylor, Lt. Walter Wilbore, Cornet Gideon Almy, Qr.-Mr. John Hunt, Jr. st Newport Company: Capt. John Gardner (son of Wm.), Lt. Anthony Shaw, Ens. John Carr. 2nd Company: Capt. Thomas George, Lt. James Clarke, Ens. Benjamin Baker. 3d Company: Capt. May Davis, Lt. Greene Rogers, Ens. James Carter. 4th Company: Capt. Jethro Spencer, Lt. Ezra Pope, Ens. Samuel Cranston. 1st Portsmouth Company: Capt. Caleb Sisson, Lt. George Cornell (son of Walter), Ens. Job Shearman. 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Allen, Lt. Thomas Allen, Ens. William Remington. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Josias Sheffield, Lt. Nathaniel Littlefield (son of Samuel), Ens. Jeremiah Mitchell. Jamestown Company: Capt. Benjamin Underwood, Lt. James Carr, Jr., Ens. Gershom Remington, Jr. Middletown Company: Capt. Jonathan Weeden, Lt. Philip Peckham, Ens. William Greene. 249 1763. Aug. Bristol Company: Capt. Newby Coggeshall, Lt. William Martin, Ens. Richard Pearce. 1st Tiverton Company: Capt. Thomas Gray, Jr., Lt. William Sanford, Ens. Walter Cooke. 2nd Company: Capt. Jonathan Luther, Lt. Pierce Perry, Ens. Stephen Gifford. Little Compton Company: Capt. Abial Cooke, Lt. John Wood, Jr., Ens. Aaron Davis. 1st Warren Company: Capt. Ezra Ormsby, Lt. Isaac Cole, Ens. Daniel Cole. 2nd Company: Capt. Nathaniel Martin, Lt. Samuel Kent, Ens. Elkanah Humphrey. Oct. 1st Newport Company: Ens. Benjamin Doubleday, in room of John Carr, who refused. 2nd Company: Lt. Robert Lillibridge, Jr., in room of James Clarke, who refused. 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Darrell, Lt. William Prior, Ens. Benjamin Spooner, in room of officers refusing. 4th Company: Capt. William Hammond, in room of Jethro Spooner, refusing. Ens. William Burroughs, Jr., in room of Samuel Cranston, refusing. New Shoreham Company: Lt. Samuel Dunn, in room of Nathaniel Littlefield, who refused. Aug. Capt. Samuel Carr, Fort George. Providence County Regiment: Col. Charles Olney, Lt.-Col. Thomas Angell, Maj. Rufus Smith. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Nathaniel Wheaton, 1st Lt. Benjamin Knight, 2nd Lt. Benjamin Gould, Qr.-Mr. Ephraim Pearce. 1st Providence Company: Capt. Barnard Eddy, Lt. Daniel Snow, Ens. Amos Kinnicut. 2nd Company: Capt. Luther Hawkins, Lt. Ephraim Whipple, Ens. Amos Hopkins, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Nathaniel Balch, Lt. John Hawkins, Ens. Dexter Brown. l1t Smithfield Company: Capt. William Whipple, Lt. Gideon Paine, Ens. Charles Angell. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Aldrich, Lt. Elisha Mowrey, Ens. Samuel Cruff. 3d Company: Capt. Daniel Smith (son of Wm.), Lt. Joseph Mowrey, 3d, Ens. John Smith (son of John). 244 1763. Aug. 1st Scituate Company: Capt. Amos Hammond, Lt. John Edwards, Jr., Ens. Josiah Colvin. 2nd Company: Capt. Nath'l Herrington, Lt. John Randall, Ens. Josiah Herrington, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Stephen Smith, Lt. Thomas Matteson, Jr., Ens. Josiah Kimbal, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Weatherhead, Lt. John Round, Ens. Jonathan Pray. 1st Gloucester Company: Capt. William Hawkins. Lt. Hezekiah Tinkhom, Ens. Elijah Hawkins. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Harris, Lt. William Ross, Ens. Edward Inman, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Barrett, Lt. William Phillips, Ens. William Bowdish. 1st Cumberland Company: Capt. Benjamin Tower, Lt. John Grant, Ens. John Bishop. 2nd Company: Capt. John Fiske, Lt. Jeremiah Inman, Ens. Nathan Arnold. 1st Cranston Company: Capt. Samuel Westcote, Lt. Israel Randall, Ens. John Dyre. 2nd Company: Capt. John Pitcher, Lt. Christopher Williams, Ens. Stephen Arnold. 3d Company: Capt, Thomas Searle, Lt. Thomas Potter, Ens. Lippitt Remington. Johnston Company: Capt. Zechariah Eddy, Lt. William Harris, Ens. Zephaniah Eddy. Kings County Regiment: Col. John Potter, 3d, Lt.-Col. John Crandal, Maj. Elias Thompson. 1st Westerly Company: Capt. Abraham Lewis, Lt. John Cottrell, Ens. Elisha Berry. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Noyes, Lt. Samuel Champlin, Ens. Stephen Gavit. 1st North Kingstown Company: Capt. John Dyre, Lt. Bartholomew Hunt, Ens. John Aylesworth. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Taylor, Lt. Rowse Northup, Ens. Jedediah Kingsley. 3d Company: Capt. Joseph Eldred, Lt. Peleg Briggs, Ens. Joseph Case, Jr. 1st South Kingstown Company: Capt. Christopher Gardner (son of Henry), Lt. William Greenman, Ens. Thomas Carpenter, Jr. 245 1763. Aug. 2nd South Kingstown Company: Capt. William Wilcox, Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ens. Jeremiah Brown, Jr. Charlestown Company: Capt. John Stanton, Lt. Benjamin Kinyon, Ens. Joseph Clarke, Jr. 1st Exeter Company: Capt. Hopson Wilcox, Lt. Nathaniel Cottrell, Ens. Henry Herrington. 2nd Company: Capt. William Hyams, Lt. Samuel Hill, Ens. Thomas Barber. Richmond Company: Capt. David Larkin, Lt. Joshua Clarke, Ens. Job Hoxsie. 1st Hopkinton Company: Capt. Roger White, Lt. Thomas Maccoon, Ens. Nathaniel Wells, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Elisha Maccoon, Lt. Zaccheus Reynolds, Jr., Ens. Wm. Thurston. Oct. 2nd Exeter Company: Capt. Robert Crandal, in room of William Hyams, who refused. Richmond Company: Lt. Benjamin Enos, in room of Joshua Clarke, who refused. Ens. James Clarke, " Job Hoxsie, Aug. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Sylvester Child, Lt.-Col. Thomas Church, Maj. Samuel Pearce. Bristol Company: Capt. Newby Coggeshall, Lt. William Martin, Ens. Richard Pearce. 1st Warren Company: Capt. Ezra Ormsby, Lt. Isaac Cole, Ens. Daniel Cole. 2nd Company: Capt. Nathaniel Martin, Lt. Samuel Kent. Ens. Elkanah Humphrey. May. Kent County Regiment: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. Joab Stafford, Ens. Henry Gardner. 1st Warwick Company: Capt. Thomas Warner, Lt. William Gorton, Jr., Ens. Stephen Greene. 2nd Company: Capt. Peleg Salsbury, Lt. Nathan Miller, Ens. George Briggs. 3d Company: Capt. John Ladd, Lt. Thomas Tibbits, Ens. Peter Lavelly. 1st East Greenwich Company: Capt. Peleg Weaver, Lt. Joseph Cornell, Ens. Silas Spencer. 2nd Company: Capt. Josiah Jones, Lt. Samuel Tarbox (son of John), Ens. Thomas Briggs (son of Francis). 246 1763. May. 1st West Greenwich Company: Capt. William Jenckes, Lt. Jeremiah Greene, Ens. Henry Hopkins. 2nd Company: Capt. John Bass, Lt. Timothy Carpenter, Ens. Thomas Comstock, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Philip Aylesworth, Lt. David Aylesworth, Ens. Thomas Wilcox. 1st Coventry Company: Capt. Matthew Remington, Lt. Oliver Potter, Ens. Joseph Burlingame. 2nd Company: Capt. Caleb Bates, Lt. James Gibson, Ens. Daniel Weaver. 1764. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Benj. Sherburne, Lt.-Col. Jabez Champlin, Maj. Chas. Spooner. Providence County Regiment: Col. Charles Olney, Lt.-Col. Thomas Angell, Maj. Rufus Smith. Kings County Regiment: Col. John Potter, 3d, Lt.-Col. Elias Thompson, Maj. James Babcok. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Sylvester Child, Lt.-Col. Thos. Church, Maj. Newbey Coggeschall. Kent County Regiment: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. Joab Stafford, Maj. Henry Gardner. All Cdmpany Officers continued to June, 1765. Capt. Samuel Carr, Fort George. June. Westerly, Charlestown and Hopkinton Artillery Company: Capt. Joseph Stanton, Jr., 1st Lt. Daniel Lewis, 2nd Lt. Joseph Babcock, Ens. Jesse Champlin. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: John Cole, Chief. Thomas Green, Silas Niles, Job Bennet, Jr., S Stephen Potter, July. Job Bennet, Jr., 3d, in room of Silas Niles, who declines. 4Stephen Potter advanced to 4th. Robert Hazard, 5th. Oct. James Helme, special, in room of Job Bennet, Jr. Feb. James Helme, John Jepson, Nathaniel Mumford, of Newport, special, in room of Thomas Greene, Job Bennet, and Robert Hazard. 247 1764. May. Clerk, Newport County: John Grelea. Providence " Caleb Harris. " Kings " Freeman Perry. " Bristol " Samuel Church. " Kent c Benjamin Spencer. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: ' Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Jonathan Freeborn, John Shearman, Jr., William Anthony, John Barker. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Job Randall, Thomas Lapham, Jeremiah Whipple, Thomas Owen. July. Kings County: Stephen Haszard, Chief. Immanuel Northup, Christopher Champlin, Benoni Hall, Nathan Tefft. Bristol County: William Munroe, Chief. Nathaniel Pearce, Ebenezer Cole, Joseph Reynolds, Josiah Humphrey. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. Wiliam Spencer, Othniel Gorton, Caleb Greene, Samuel Hopkins. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Samuel Brenton, Sheriff. George Jackson, Clerk. Samuel Angell, Sheriff. Baulston Brayton, in room of Saml. Angell, Dec'd. Stephen Haszard, Jr., Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Royal Payne, Clerk. Thomas Throop, Clerk, during sickness of above. John Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Howland, Clerk. Henry Rice, Sheriff. Thomas Gould, Newport, in room of John Shearman, Jr., declines. Kings County: Immanuel Northup, Chief, in room of Stephen Haszard, Dec'd. 248 1764. July. Oct. Kings County: Christopher Champlin, John Throope, Clerk, in Benoni Hall, room Royal Pain, Dec'd. Nathan Tefft, John Case. Newport County: John Tillinghast, Special, in room of Jonathan Freeborn. Benj. Wickham, Special, in room of William Anthony. Evan Malbone, Special, in room of Thomas Gould.. Edward Thurston, General Sealer of Weights and Measures. Henry Paget, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. Lt.-Col. Benjamin Wickham, Naval Officer. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Warwick: Martin Howard, John Warner, Jr., Samuel Collins, Barlow Greene, Charles Bardin, Ebenezer Slocum, Peter Easton, Samuel Gorton (son of Henry Ward, Samuel), Barnabas Hargill, Thomas Rice, Daniel Goddard, Elisha Wightman, John Grelea, Jr., Rufus Barton. John Davis, Jr., Westerly: Jonathan Easton, Joseph Crandall, James Milward, Richard Berry, John Butts, Thomas Gardner, Jonathan Rogers, Stephen Lampheare, John Pitman. Isaac Babcock, Providence: Benjamin Babcock, Joseph Snow, Joseph Gavet. Ebenezer Jenckes, North Kingstown: James Angell, William Hall (son of Samuel Chace, William), Stephen Rawson, George Northup, Joseph Nash, Nicholas Northup, Jr., Benjamin Man. Benjamin Jefferson, Portsmouth: Joseph Arnold, Jr., Joseph Shearman, Jr., Jeremiah Gardner, Jr., Samuel Pearce, Ishmael Spink, Clarke Cornell, Samuel Hunt, Jr., Restcome Sandford, John Congdon, Jr. Sampson Shearman. 249 1764. Oct. South Kingstown: Jonathan Haszard (son of Robert), John Lillibridge, Rowland Robinson, John Sheldon, Jeremiah Crandal, Adam Gould, Oliver Helme. East Greenwich: Samuel Sowle, George Vaughan, Thomas Shippee, Job Comstock, James Wightman, Sylvester Sweet, Jonathan Johnston. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Steere, Samuel Winsor, Daniel Mowrey, Daniel Mowrey, Jr., John Sayles, Jr., Stephen Sly. Scituate: Gideon Harris, Charles Harris, John Fiske, Jeremiah Angell, Benjamin Slack, Timothy Hopkins, Thomas Brown, Oliver Westcoe, Josiah Bennet. Gloucester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Israel Arnold, Benjamin Smith, Jonathan Harris, Israel Sayles, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr. Charlestown: John Hill, Job Taylor, Stanton York, James Oinyon, John Stanton. West Greenwich: William Comstock, Oliver Mius, Judah Aylesworth, Thomas Rogers, Job Spencer, David Hopkins, Samuel Hopkins, Jr. Coventry: Joseph Bennet, John Rice, Ichabod Bowen, Francis Brayton. Exeter: Job Tripp, Newman Perkins, William Weight, Jeffery Wilcox, David Stanton, William Hall. Middletown: Joshua Coggeschall, Joseph Peabody, John Gould, Jr., George Cornell. Bristol: Joseph Read, William Hoar, Nathaniel Carey, William Cox, Stephen Wardwell. Tiverton: Samuel Hicks, Restcome Sanford, Thomas Anthony, Gideon Wilcox, Oliver Cooke, John Jennings. 250 1764. Oct. Little Compton: Richmond: Joseph Wood, Enoch Lewis, Constant Southworth, William Pettis, Aaron Wilbore, Robert Stanton. William Richmond, Jr. Cranston: Warren: William Burton, Thomas Cole, Jeremiah Field, John Wheaton, Caleb Potter, Edward Bosworth, Zuriel Waterman, Benjamin Cole, Stephen Sheldon. Barnet Miller, Hopkinton: Moses Tyler. Benjamin Barber, Cumberland: John McCoon, John Dexter, John Maxson, Joseph Davis, John Burdick, Nathaniel Robinson, Joshua Brown, Uriah Jillson, Joseph Collins, John Gould, Elias Button, Abner Lapham, Joshua Clark. Abial Brown. Johnston: Richmond: Henry Harris, Samuel Tefft, Edward Sheldon, Edward Perry, Josiah Ring, Sylvester Kinyon, Abraham Belknap, John Webster, Jonathan Stone, Richard Bailey, David Sprague. June. Scituate: Samuel Dorrance, in room of Josiah Bennet, who refused. North Kings town: George Thomas (son of Samuel), in room of Nicholas Northup, Jr., who refused. July. Portsmouth: Robert Dennis, William Hall. Oct. John Goddard, in room of Daniel Goddard, Dec'd. June. To Revise the Laws and Publish in one Volume: His Honor, Governor Stephen Hopkins, Edward Scott, Martin Howard, Jr., Henry Ward. 1765. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Joseph Russell, Chief. William Hall, 251 1765. May. Sept. May. Job Bennet, Jr., Benoni Hall, Henry Harris. Clerk, Newport County, John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " Caleb Harris. " Kings " Freeman Perry. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boid. " Newport " Special, Nathaniel Mumford. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Metcalfe Bowler, Thomas Shearman, Jr., William Anthony, John Barker. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Richard Steere, David Comstock, Jeremiah Whipple, Thomas Owen, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Joseph Wanton (son of Gideon), Sheriff. John Foster, Clerk. Paul Tew, Sheriff. t. Philip Matthewson, Sheriff, in room of Paul Tew, resigning. Oct. Samuel Nightingale, Special, in room of Jeremiah Whipple. May. Kings County: IJRobert Potter, Chief. Benjamin Peck Jeffery Watson, John Chapman, Thomas Allen, Peter Phillips, Sylvester Robinson. June. James Helme, Chief, in room of Robert Potter, refusing. May. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. Thomas Throol Nathaniel Pearce, Peter Bicknall, Daniel Bradford, William Coggei John Adams. June. Matthew Watson, 5th, Peter Bicknall, refused.:ham, Clerk. Sheriff. pe, Clerk. 0 shall, Sheriff. 252 1765. May. Kent County: Rufus Greene, Chief. Othniel Gorton, John Langford, George Hall, Samuel Hopkins. To Revise the Laws: James Angell, Silas Providence. Daniel Howland, Clerk. Charles Holdon, Jr., Sheriff. Downer, Oliver Arnold, North Sept. Commissioners to meet in Consideration of Stamp Duty Act: Metcalf Bowler, Henry Ward. Public Notary for Town and County of Providence: Henry Paget. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Portsmouth: Martin Howard, Enoch Butts, Samuel Collins, Samuel Peirce. Charles Bardin, Warwick: Henry Ward, John Greene, Barnabas Hargill, Barlo Greene, Samuel Bours, Ebenezer Slocum, Henry Marchant, Samuel Gorton (son of John Goddard, Samuel), John Grelea, Jr., Silas Clapp, John Davis, Elisha Wightman, Jonathan Easton, Moses Budlong, James Milward, Abraham Chace. Daniel Dunham, Westerly: Jonathan Rogers, Joseph Crandall, John Pitman. Stephen Saunders, Providence: George Sheffield, Joseph Snow, Joseph Clark, Jr., James Angell, Ichabod Babcock, Jr. Stephen Rawson, North Kingstown: Samuel Chace, George Northup, John Olney, Thomas Allen, Jr., John Comstock, George Thomas (son of William Wheaton, Samuel), Samuel Thurber, Jr., Caleb Hill, Benjamin Whipple, Jr. John Cleveland, Portsmouth: Job Card, Joseph Shearman, Jr., Ishmael Spipk, Christopher Cadman, Samuel Hunt, Jr., John Congdon. 253 1765. Sept. South Kingstown: Samuel Tefft, John Lillibridge, Francis Tanner, Samuel Seager, Jonathan Perry. East Greenwich: James Wightman, Thomas Shippey, Jonathan Johnson, Thomas Casey, Benjamin Spencer. Smithfield: William Arnold, Thomas Steere, John Aldrich, John Sayles, Jr., Stephen Arnold, John Farnum, Jonathan Sayles. Scituate: Gideon Harris, Charles Harris, John Fiske, Samuel Dorrance, Jeremiah Angell, Thomas Hill, Oliver Westcote, Thomas Brown, Ezekiel Cornell, Benjamin Carpenter. Gloucester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Jonah Steere, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Rufus Smith, Hezekiah Tinkum, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., John Whipple. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Job Taylor, James Kinyon, Charlestown: John Stanton, William Clarke. West Greenwich: Preserved Hall, Philip Greene, Benjamin Tillinghast, Thomas Rogers, Job Spencer, Samuel Hopkins, Jr., George Dyre. Coventry: Thomas Matteson, John Rice, Ichabod Bowen, Adam Kasson, Elkanah Johnson, Ebenezer King, Caleb Greene. Exeter: Stephen Richmond, Newman Perkins, Thomas Josselyn, George Pearce, Jeffery Wilcox, William Hall, Daniel Sunderland. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, William Baley, William Peckham (son of Sarpuel), Salisbury Stoddard, Edward Easton. Bristol: John Howland, William Hoar, John Peckham, Jeremiah Finney, John Coomer. Tiverton: Thomas Anthony, John Bowen, William Wilcox, 254 1765. Sept. Tiverton: Richmo Joseph Stafford, Samu Restcome Sanford. Edwa Little Compton: Thom Joseph Wood, Georg Richard Brownell, Cransto Constant Southworth, 1ICaleb Jepthah Pearce. Zurial Warren: Stuke John Kinnicut, John Elijah Rawson, Hopkin John Easterbrook, John Benjamin Butterworth, Lawt< Solomon Peck, Thonm Samuel Wheaton. Joshu Cumberland: Joshu John Gould, John Joseph Davis, Johnsto Uriah Jillson, Edwa Nathaniel Robinson, Abral Isaac Kelly. Noah Richmond: Peleg Richard Bailey, Danie John Webster, Josial June. Little Compton: Jeptha Pearce, in room of Constant Southworth, who refused. Nathaniel Searle, Jr., in room of Jeptha Pearce. Warwick: Philip Wightman, 6th, in room of Elisha Wightman, who refused. Warren: Samuel Luther, in room of John Easterbrook, who refused. Smithfield: Baulston Brayton, in room of Thomas Steere, who refused. Samuel Winsor, in room of Jonathan Sayles, who refused. Cranston: James Harris, in room of Caleb Potter, who refused. Thomas Corpe. nd: tel Tefft, rd Perry, Las Lillibridge, re Webb. n: Potter, h Waterman, ly Westcote, Waterman. ton: Maxson, Jr., on Palmer, as Wells, Jr., la Maxson, la Clarke, Jr., Tanner. )n: trd Sheldon, lam Belknap, Matthewson, Williams, Jr., e1 Sprague, h Harris. 255 1765. June. Cumberland: John Dexter. Sept. North Providence: John Foster. Edward Thurber, Jr. Oct. Westerly: Elisha Stillman, Nathan Hisscox. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Benj. Sherburne, Lt-Col. Jabez Champlin, Maj. Charles Spooner. June. Newport: 1st. Capt. Jethro Spencer, Lt. Israel Chapman, Ens. Jos. Vickery. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Dunham, Lt. Ebenezer Davenport, Jr., Ens. Joseph Sanford, Jr. 3d. Capt. Thomas Phipps Darre], Lt. William Davis, Ens. Samuel Davenport. 4th. Capt. Ezra Pope, Lt. N athan'l Gladding, Ens. Jonathan Walker. Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt. Isaac Dayton, Lt. George Cornell, Cornet Benjamin Mumford, Qr.-Master James Cottrell. 2nd. Capt. Gideon Almy, Lt. Philip Dring, Cornet John Hunt (son of William), Cornet Aaron Simon, Qr.-Master Oliver Davenport, Qr.-Master Enoch Briggs. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. John Wilcox, Lt. Francis Brayton, Jr., Ens. John Earl. Lt. John Earle, Ens. William Barden. 2nd. Capt. James Allen, 2nd, Lt. Thos. Allen, Ens. Wm. Remington. New Shoreham: Capt. Edward Hull, Lt. Samuel Dunn, Ens. Tormet Rose. Jamestown: Capt. Benjamin Underwood, Lt. James Carr, Jr., Ens. Gershom Remington, Jr. Middletown: Capt. Jonathan Weeden, Lt. Edw'd Barker, Jr. Ens. Wm. Peckham, Jr. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. Pardon Gray, Lt. Nathaniel Crandal, Ens. Joseph Almy. 2nd. Capt. Dan'l Dwelly, Lt. John Jennings, Jr., Ens. Gideon Durfee. Little Compton: Capt. Ebenezer Church, Lt. Adam Simmons, Ens. William Davenport. Feb. Newport Artillery Company: Capt. Daniel Ayrault, 1st Lt. Metcalfe Bowler, 2nd Lt. Nathaniel Mumford, Ens. Samuel Brenton. May. Capt. Caleb Carr, Fort George. 256 1765. May. Providence County Regiment: Col. Charles Olney, Lt.-Col. John Waterman, Jr., Maj. David Burr, Jr. June. Providence: 1st. Capt. Daniel Snow, Lt. Abial Smith, Ens. Amos Kinnicut. 2nd. Capt. Ephraim Whipple, Lt. Joshua Smith, Ens. Seth Tripp. 3d. Capt. Amos Allen, Lt. Ichabod Jenckes, Ens. Levi Burr. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Gideon Sayles, Lt. Noah Smith, Ens. Abner Harris. 2nd. Capt. John Mann, Jr., Lt. Samuel Cruff, Ens. Jona. Comstock. 3d. Capt. James Appleby, Lt..Robert Latham, Ens. James Angell. Scituate: 1st. Capt. John Edwards, Jr., Lt. Josiah Colvin, Ens. David Relph. 2nd. Capt. Nathaniel Herrenden, Lt. John Randall, Ens. Josiah Herrenden, Jr. 3d. Capt. Stephen Smith, Lt. Thomas Matthewson, Jr., Ens. Josiah Kimball. 4th. Capt. Joseph. Weatherhead, Lt. John Round, Ens. Jona. Pray. Gloucester 1st. Capt. John Eddy, Lt. David Burlingham. Ens. Obadiah Brown, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Albey, Lt. Edw. Inman, Jr., Ens. Joseph Jeppison. Lt. Isaac Wallen. 3d. Capt. Wm. Phillips, Lt. Nathaniel Kimbal, Ens. Seth Richmond. Ens. Thomas Wood. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Tower, Lt. John Whipple, Ens. Christ'r. Brown. 2nd. Capt. Nathan Arnold, Lt. Jeremiah Inrnan, Ens. Enoch Tower. Cranston: 1st. Capt. Asahel Fenner, Lt. Benjamin Reed, Ens. Asa King. 2nd. Capt. Jeremiah Williams, Lt. John Williams, Ens. Oliver Carpenter. 3d. Capt. Stephen Knight, Lt. Job Knight, Ens. Thomas Harris. Johnston: Capt. Zechariah Eddy, Lt. Ephraim Fiske, Ens. Jeremiah Waterman. Ens. Amos Kimbal. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Ephraim Pearce, 1st Lt. Benjamin Knight, 2nd Lt. Benjamin Gould, Qr.-Master William Pain. Sept. Scituate: 2nd. Capt. John Randall, Lt. Josiah Herrenden, Jr., Ens. Samuel Dorrance, Jr. 3d. Capt. Richard Smith. 257 '1765. May. Kings County Regiment: Col. John Crandal, Lt.-Col. Nath'l Mumford, Maj. James Babcock, Jr. June. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Matthew Maxson, Lt. Amos Pendleton, Ens. Elisha Stilman. 2nd. Capt. Edward Saunders, Lt. Wm. Greene, Ens. Stephen Gavet. North Kings town: 1st. Capt. Wm. Slocum, Lt. Arnold Reynolds, Ens. Pearce Spencer. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Taylor, Lt. Rowse Northup, Ens. Gideon Hazard. 3d. Capt. George Thomas, Lt. Stephen Arnold, Ens. John Rathbun (son of Samuel). South Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Jona. Babcock, Lt. Peleg Babcock, Ens. John Hawkins. 2nd. Capt. Zephaniah Brown, Lt. Record Tabor, Ens. Isaac Tanner. Charlestown: Capt. Benjamin Kinyon, Lt. William Ross, Ens. Joshua Kinyon. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Henry Herrington, Lt. John Josselyn, Ens. Jeremiah Eldred. 2nd. Capt. Robert Crandall, Lt. Joseph Mowrey, Ens. Moses Barber. Richmond: Capt. David Potter, Lt. Jonathan Potter, Ens. Nicholas Mosier. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Joseph Babcock, Lt. Jas. Wells, Jr., Ens. Sam'l McCoon. 2nd. Capt. Wm. Thurston, Lt. Stephen Maxson, Ens. Joseph Witter, Jr. May. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Nathaniel Carey, -Lt.-Col. Caleb Carr, Maj. Samuel Allen. June. Bristol: Capt. Billings Throop, Lt. Richard Pain, Ens. Peter Church. Lt. Richard Pairse. Warren: 1st. Capt. Ezra Ormsby, Lt. Ebenezer Luther, Ens. John Kinnicut, Jr. 2nd. Capt. John Lowe, Lt. Enoch Remington, Ens. James Adams. May. Kent County Regiment: Col. John Wells, Lt.-Col. Henry Gardner, Maj. John Johnson, Jr. June. Warwick: 1st. Capt. Benoni Lockwood, Lt. Benjamin Gorton, Ens. Benjamin Arnold (son of Samuel). 258 1765. June. Warwick: 2nd. Capt. Wilbur Carpenter, Lt. Stukely Barton, Ens. Thos. Wood. 3d. Capt. John Ladd, Lt. Mial Pearce, Ens. William Wood, Jr. Ens. Solomon Howard. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Joseph Cornell, Lt. Joshua Godfrey, Ens. Caleb Hall. 2nd. Capt. Willson Spencer, Lt. Jeremiah Sweet, Ens. Mich'l Stafford. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Thomas Manchester, Lt. Thomas Eldred, Ens. Robert Carr (son of Charles). 2nd. Capt. William Waite, Lt. Nathan Matteson, Ens. Uriah Matteson. 3d. Thomas Tillinghast, Lt. Simon Gates, Ens. Thomas Rathbone. Sept. Coventry: 1st. Capt. Ebenezer Johnston, Lt. Ezekiel Potter, Ens. Sam'l Colvin. 2nd. Capt. James Greene (son of Daniel), Lt. Daniel Weaver, Ens. Thomas Knox. 1766. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Benj. Sherburne, Lt.-Col. Jabez Champlin, Maj. Chas. Spooner. Newport County Troop of Horse: 2nd. Gideon Almy. Lt. Philip Dring, Cornet Aaron Simmons, Qr.-Master Enoch Briggs. June. Newport: 1st. Capt. Jethro Spencer, Lt. Israel Chapman, Ens. Joseph Vickery. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Dunham, Lt. Ebenezer Davenport, Ens. Joseph Sanford, Jr. 3d. Capt. Wm. Davis, Lt. Samuel Davenport, Ens. Elisha Lawton. 4th. Capt. Ezra Pope, Lt. Nathaniel Gladding, Ens. Jona. Walker. May. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. John Wilcox, Lt. John Earl, Ens. William Borden. 2nd. Capt. James Allen, 2nd, Lt. Thos. Allen, Ens. Win. Remington. New Shoreham: Capt. Edward Hull, Lt. Samuel Dunn, Ens. Tormet Rose. James town: Capt Benjamin Underwood, Lt. James Carr, Jr., Ens. Gershom Remmington, Jr. Middle town: Capt. Jonathan Weeden, Lt. Edward Barker, Jr., Ens. William Peckham, Jr. 259 1766. May. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. Pardon Gray, Lt. Nathaniel Crandall, Ens. Joseph Almy. 2nd. Capt. Dan'l Dwelly, Lt. John Jennings, Jr., Ens. Gideon Durfee. Little Compton: Capt. Ebenezer Church, Lt. Adam Simmons, Ens. William Davenport. Providence County Regiment: Col. John Waterman, Jr., Lt.-Col. David Burr, Jr., Maj. Thos. Olney, Jr. Providence: 1st. Capt. Daniel Snow, Lt. Abial Smith, Ens. Amos Kinnicut. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Jeduthun Belknap, 1st Lt. Joshua Greene, 2nd Lt. James Thurber, Qr.-Master Barak M'Donald. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Gideon-Sayles, Lt. Noah Smith, Ens. Abner Harris. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Cruff, Lt. Jona. Comstock, Ens. Ebenezer Trask. 3d. James Applebey, Lt. Robert Latham, Ens. James Angell. Gloucester: 1st. Capt. John Eddy, Lt. David Burlingham, Ens. Obadiah Brown, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Albey, Lt. Isaac Wallen, Ens. Joseph Jeppison. 3d. Capt. Nathaniel Kimbal, Lt. Seth Richmond. Ens. Thos. Wood. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Aldrich, Lt. Christopher Brown, Ens. Jeramiah Ormsby. 2nd. Capt. Nathan Arnold, Lt. Enoch Tower, Ens. Enos Jilson. Johnston: Capt. Ephraim Fiske, Lt. Jeremiah Waterman, Ens. Amos Kimbal. North Providence: 1st. Capt. Ephraim Whipple, Lt. Joshua Smith, Ens. Seth Tripp. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Shepherd, Lt. Levi Burr, Ens. Abner Thayer. June. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Andrew Angell, Lt. John Batty, Ens. Joseph Knight. 2nd. Capt. John Randall, Lt. Samuel Dorrance, Jr., Ens. Simeon Herrenten. 3d. Capt. Richard Smith, Lt. Daniel Barney, Ens. Jos. Williams. 4th. Capt. John Round, Lt. John Colwell, Jr., Ens. Asaph Carpenter. Gloucester: 1st. Ens. Anthony Dyre, in room of Obadiah Brown, who refused. Cranston: 1st. Capt. Asahel Fenner, Lt. Benjamin Reed, Ens. Asa King. 2nd. Capt. Uriah Arnold, Lt. Benj. Carpenter, Ens. Zachariah Tucker. 3d. Capt. Stephen Knight, Lt. Mial Salisbury, Ens. Jas. Burlingham. 260 1766. Feb. Cranston: 2nd. Ens. Caleb Sheldon, in room of Zachariah Tucker, who refused. May. Kings County Regiment: Col. John Crandall, Lt.-Col. Nath'l Mumford, Maj. James Babcock, Jr. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Matthew Maxson, Lt. Amos Pendleton, Ens. Elisha Stillman. 2nd. Capt. Edward Saunders, Lt. Wm. Greene, Ens. Wm. Crandall. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Henry Herrington, Lt. Robert Wilcox, Ens. John Sweet. 2nd. Capt. Robert Crandall, Lt. Joseph Mowrey, Ens. Moses Barber. Richmond: Capt. David Potter, Lt. Jonathan Potter, Ens. Nicholas Mosher. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Joseph Babcock, Lt. James Wells, Jr., Ens. Samuel McCoon. 2nd. Capt. William Thurston, Lt. Stephen Maxson, Ens. Joseph Witter, Jr. June. North Kings town: 1st. Capt. Pierce Spencer, Lt. Benjamin Nichols, Ens. James Austin. 2nd. Capt. Gideon Hazard, Lt. Job Card, Ens. Samuel Arnold. 3d. Capt. Stephen Arnold, Lt. John Rathburn, Ens. Daniel Vaughan. South Kings town: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Babcock, Lt. Jonn Hawkins, Ens. Wm. Hull. 2nd. Capt. Zephaniah Brown, Lt. Record Tabor, Ens. Isaac Tanner. Charlestown: Capt. Joshua Kinyon, Lt. John Nash, Ens. Joseph Johnston. May. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Nathaniel Carey, Lt.-Col. Caleb Carr, Maj. Samuel Allen. Bristol: Capt. Billings Throop, Lt. Richard Pearce, Ens. Peter Church. Warren: 1st. Capt. Ezra Ormsby, Lt. Ebenezer Luther, Ens. John Kinnicutt, Jr. 2nd. Capt. John Wilson Lowe, Lt. Enoch Remington, Ens. Jas. Adams. Kent County Regiment: Col. John Wells, Lt.-Col. Henry Gardner, Maj. John Johnston, Jr. Warwick: 1st. Capt. Benoni Lockwood, Lt. Benjamin Gorton, Ens. Benj. Arnold (son of Simon). 261 1766. May. Warwick: 2nd. Capt. Wilbur Carpenter, Lt. Stukely Barton, Ens. Thos. Wood. 3d. Capt. John Ladd, Lt. Wm. Wood, Jr. Ens. Solomon Howard. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Joseph Cornell, Lt. Joshua Godfrey, Ens. Caleb Hall. 2nd. Capt. Thos. Tillinghast, Lt. Yelverton Briggs, Ens. John Ellis. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Thomas Manchester, Lt. Thomas Eldred, Ens. Robert Carr (son of Charles). 2nd. Capt. Wm. Wait, Lt. Nathan Matteson, Ens. Uriah Matteson. 3d. Capt. Thos. Tillinghast, Lt. Simon Gates, Ens. Thos. Rathbone. Coventry: 1st. Capt. Ebenezer Johnston, Lt. Ezekiel Potter, Ens. Sam'l Colvin. 2nd. Capt. James Greene (son of Daniel), Lt. Daniel Weaver, Ens. Thomas Knox. June. Warwick: Lt. Stephen Green (son of John), in room of Benj. Gorton, who refused. Capt. Caleb Carr, Fort George. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Joseph Russell, Chief. William Hall, Job Bennet, Benoni Hall, Gideon Comstock. Oct. Nicholas Easton, special, in room of Job Bennet. Feb. Job Bennet, 2nd, in room of William Hall, Dec'd. Benoni Hall, 3d, in room of Job Bennet, advanced. Gideon Comstock, 4th, in room of Benoni Hall, advanced. Robert Hull, 5th, in room of Gideon Comstock, advanced. William Greene, 6th, in room of Robert Hull, who refused. May. Clerk of Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. Providence " Jonathan Arnold. " Kings " Freeman Perry. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boid. 262 1766. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Metcalfe Bowler, Thomas Shearman, Jr., William Anthony, John Barker. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Richard Steere, David Comstock, Thomas Owen, Jeremiah Whipple. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. Jeoffry Watson, John Chapman, Thomas Allen, Sylvester Robinson. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. Nathaniel Pearce, Daniel Bradford, John Adams, Matthew Watson. Dec. Kent County: Rufus Green, Chief. Othniel Gorton, John Langford, George Hall, Samuel Hopkins. June. Providence County: Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Joseph Wanton (son of Gideon), Sheriff. John Foster, Clerk. William Wheaton, Sheriff. Benjamin Peckham, Clerk. Peter Phillips, Sheriff. Thomas Throope, Clerk. Charles Church, Sheriff. Billings Throope, Sheriff, in room of Charles Church, Deceased. Daniel Howland, Clerk. Charles Holdon, Jr., Sheriff. Thomas Owen, 3d, in room of David Comstock, who refused. Jeremiah Whipple, 4th, in room of Thomas Owen, advanced. Josiah Thornton, 5th, in room of Jeremiah Whipple, advanced. Edward Thurston, Gen'l Sealer of Weights and Measures. Henry Paget, Public Notary for Town and County of Providence. 263 1766. June. Capt., Fort George: Caleb Carr. John Wanton, Naval Officer. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Westerly: Martin Howard, Abraham Borden, Samuel Collins, Joseph Clarke, Jr., Charles Bardin, Nathan Babcock, Jr. Henry Ward, North Kingstown: Barnabas Hargill, George Northup, Samuel Bours, Thomas Allen, Jr., Henry Marchant, George Thomas (son of John Goddard, Samuel), John Grealea, Jr., Caleb Hill, John Davis, John Cleveland, Jonathan Easton, John Congdon, James Milward, Eber Shearman, Daniel Dunham, Samuel Hunt, Jr., Jonathan Rogers, Samuel Brown. John Pitman, South Kingstown: Benjamin Almy. Samuel Tefft, Providence: John Lillibridge, Joseph Snow, Paul Mumford, James Angell, Freeman Perry, Grindal Rawson, Isaac Sheldon. Samuel Chace, East Greenwich: Job Sweeting, Thomas Shippee, David Wilkinson. Jonathan Johnston, Portsmouth: Thomas Casey, Robert Dennis, Samuel Sowle, Joseph Shearman, Jr., William Pearce. William Hall, Smithfield: Samuel Pearce. William Arnold, Warwick: John Aldrich, John Greene, Stephen Arnold, Isaac Tripp, Daniel Smith (son of Ebenezer Slocum, Elisha), Samuel Gorton (son of Stephen Sly, Samuel), Richard Sayles, Jr., Silas Clapp, John Sayles, Jr., Philip Wightman, Enoch Barnes. Amos Lockwood, Jr., Scituate: Philip Baker. Gideon Harris, Westerly: Charles Harris, Joseph Crandall, John Fiske, Stephen Saunders, Samuel Dorrance, 264 1766. May. Scituate: Jeremiah Angell, Thomas Hill, Oliver Westcte, Thomas Brown, Benjamin Carpenter, Alexander Lovell. Gloucester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Jonah Steere, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Rufus Smith, Hezekiah Tinkum, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., John Whipple. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Job Taylor, James Kinyon, John Stanton. West Greenwich: Preserved Hall, Philip Greene, Benjamin Tillinghast, Job Spencer, Samuel Hopkins, Jr., George Dyre. Coventry: Thomas Matteson, John Rice, Ichabod Bowen, Adam Kasson, Elkanah Johnson, Ebenezer King, Jeremiah Fenner. Exeter: Stephen Richmond, Newman Perkins, Thomas Josselyn, George Pearce, David Stanton, William Hall, Daniel Sunderlin. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, William Baley, Salsbury Stoddard, Samuel Peckham, George Cornell. Bristol: John Howland, William Hoar, John Peckham, Jeremiah Finney, John Coomer. Tiverton: Gideon Wilcox, Thomas Anthony, Joseph Stafford, John Bowen, William Wilcox, Restcome Sandford, Benjamin Hambly. Little Compton: Joseph Wood, Thomas Brownell, Jephthah Pearce, Nathaniel Searle, Jr. Warren: John Kinnicutt, Elijah Rawson, Benjamin Butterworth, Solomon Peck, Nathan Miller, Moses Tyler, Samuel Allen. Cumberland: John Gould, Joseph Davis, Uriah Jilson, Joseph Brown, William Gaskill. Richmond: John Webster, Thomas Lillibridge, Edward Perry, Elisha Babcock, George Webb, Joshua Clarke. 265 1766. May. Cranston: Johnston: James Harris, Abraham Belknap, Zuriel Waterman, Noah Matteson, Stukely Westcote, Edward Fenner, John Waterman, Jr., Ebenezer Sprague, John Burton, Jr. Josiah Harris, Hopkinton: North Provid6nce: John Maxson, Jr., John Foster, Lawton. Palmer, Joseph Brown, Thomas Wells, Jr., John Comstock, Joshua Maxson, Edward Thurber, Jr., John Tanner. Edward Tripp, Jabez Whipple. June. Warren: Solomon Peck, 3d, in room of Benjamin Butterworth, who refused. Nathan Miller, 4th, in room of Solomon Peck, advanced. Samuel Allen, Jr. Matthew Watson, Jr. Glpucester: Obadiah Brown, Jr. Johnston: Richard Eddy, 6th. Dec. Bristol: Jonathan Munday, Richard Smith. Sept. Committee to examine the Laws as revised: John Andrew, Henry Ward, John Cole, George Hazard, Joseph Lippitt, William Ellery, Henry Marchant. 1767. June. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: James Helme, Chief. Job Bennet, Benoni Hall, Stephen Potter, Samuel Nightingale, Charles Wickham, Special, in room of Job Bennet. Clerk Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " Jonathan Arnold, " Kings " Freeman Perry, " Bristol " Jonathan Russell, " Kent " Hopkins Cooke. 34 I 4 2 266 1767. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. May. Jonathan Freeborn, Thomas Gould, John Shearman, Jr., Walter Chaloner, Sheriff. May. Barnabas Hargill, refusing, William Stoddard, in his stead. June. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Richard Steere, Job Randall, Jeremiah Whipple, Thomas Lapham. May. Kings County: Immanuel Northup, Ch John Case, Job Tripp, William Robinson, Simeon Perry. June. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. Nathaniel Pearce, Sylvester Child, Joseph Reynolds, Josiah Humphrey. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. Caleb Greene, Thomas Aldrich, Samuel Hopkins, Stephen Arnold. Caleb Harris, Clerk. Paul Tew, Sheriff. May. May. ief. Stephen Haszard, Clerk. May. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Thos. Throope, Clerk. Nathan Miller, Sheriff. May. May. May. Daniel Howland, Clerk. May. Henry Rice, Sheriff. May. Capt., Fort George, Thomas George. Edward Thurston, General Sealer of Weights & Measures. Henry Paget, Public Notary, Town & County of Providence. June. Newport County Regiment: Col. Benjamin Sherburne, Lt.-Col. Benjamin Hall (of Portsmouth), Maj. Charles Spooner. Newport: 1st. Capt. Jethro Spooner, Lt. Joshua Sayer, Jr., Ens. Peleg Barker, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Robert Lillibridge, Jr., Lt. Benjamin Baker, Ens. Joseph Sanford. 267 1767. June. Newport: 3d. Capt. William Davis, Lt. Sam. Davenport, Ens. Elisha Lawton. 4th. Capt. Benoni Peckham, Lt. Nath'l Gladding, Ens. James Davis. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Cornell, Lt. Joseph Borden, Ens. Wm. Cornell. 2nd. Capt. James Allen, 2nd, Lt. Thomas Allen, Ens. William Remington. New Shoreham: Capt. Edward Hull, Lt. Thomas Dickens, Ens. John Mott. Jamestown: Capt. William Martin, Lt. Benj. Carr (son of Thomas), Ens. Samuel Slocum, Jr. Middletown: Capt. Henry Tew, Jr., Lt. William Brown, Ens. Robert Cornell. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. Joseph Tabor, Lt. John Cooke, Ens. Benjamin Sawdey. 2nd. Capt. Pierre Perry, Lt. David Shearman, Ens. John Stafford (son of Joseph). Little Compton: Capt. George Wood, 'Lt. Peleg Wood, Ens. Isaac Southworth. Newport County Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt.Isaac Dayton, Lt. Sandford Gardner, Cornet James Cottrell, Qr.-Master Benedict Dayton. 2nd. Capt. Joshua Brownel, Lt. John Brownel, Cornet Gideon Shaw, Qr.-Master Benj. Crandal. Providence County Regiment: Col. Thomas Angell, Lt.-Col. Abraham Winsor, Maj. Chadd Brown. Providence: 1st. Capt. Henry Bacon, Lt. Elijah Bacon, Ens. Richard Godfrey. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Gideon Sayles, Lt. Benjamin Medbury, Ens. Richard Harris, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Enoch Sprague, Lt. Simon Aldrich, Ens. Israel Mowrey. 3d. Capt. Stephen Keth, Lt. William Potter, Ens. John Smith, Jr. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Andrew Angell, Lt. Joseph Knight, Ens. Jeremiah Fisk. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Dorrance, Jr., Lt. Simeon Herrenden, Ens. Constant Weaver. 3d. Capt. Joseph Kimbal, Jr., Lt. Bays Manchester, Ens. Hanan Hopkins. 4th. Capt. John Round, Lt. John Colwell, Jr., Ens. Ric'd Smith (son of John). Gloucester: 1st. Capt. David Burlingham, Lt. Samuel Steere, Ens. Nathan Pain, Jr. 268 1767. June. Gloucester: 2nd. Capt. Samuel Comstock, Lt. Preserved Herrenden, Ens. William Fairfield. 3d. Capt. John Wells, Jr., Lt. Thomas Wood, Ens. Thomas Bussey. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Jona. Aldrich, Lt. Christ'r Brown, Ens. Timothy Ide. 2nd. Capt. Nathan Arnold, Lt. Enoch Tower, Ens. Enos Jilson. Cranston: 1st. Capt. James Randall, Lt. Robert Briggs, Ens. Ezekiel Warner. 2nd. Gapt. Benjamin Carpenter, Lt. Andrew Williams, Ens. Edward Hawkins. 3d. Capt. Christopher Lippitt, Lt. William Burton, Jr., Ens. Caleb Burlingham. Johnston: Capt. William Latham, Lt. Seth Tripp, Ens. Job Waterman. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. Joshua Greene, 1st Lt. James Matthewson, 2nd Lt. Samuel Potter, Qr.-Master William Williams. Oct. Glocester: 2nd. Capt. John Inman, in room of Samuel Comstock, who refused. Scituate: 3d. Lieut. John Prat, in room of Bays Manchester, who refused. June. Kings County Regiment: Col. Thomas Gardner, Lt.-Col. Nicholas Gardner, Jr., Maj. Nathan Gardner. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Oliver Babcock, Lt. Elkanah Babcock, Ens. Nathan Davis. 2nd. Capt. Sam'l Champlin, Lt. Christ'r Babcock, Ens. Joshua Ross. North Kings town: 1st. Capt. John Allen, Lt. Benjamin Tanner, Ens. Samuel Allen. 2nd. Capt. Benoni Shearman, Lt. Isaac Brownell, Ens. William Cole. 3d. Capt. Richard Updike, Lt. Wm. Spencer, Ens. Richard Boone. South Kings town: 1st. Capt. Samuel Hazard, Lt. Thomas Steadman, Jr., Ens. Wm. Hull. 2nd. Capt. Richard Gardner, Lt. Thomas Hopkins, Jr., Ens. Palmer Sheldon. Charles town: Capt. Joshua Kinyon, Lt. Amos Greene, Jr., Ens. Joseph Johnson, Jr. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Robert Reynolds (son of George), Lt. Oliver Hall, Ens. Abra'm Wilcox (son of Jeff,). 2nd. Capt. Joseph Rathbone, Lt. David Lillibridge, Ens. Joseph Crandall. 269 1767. June. Richmond: Capt David Moore, Lt. Benjamin Stanton, Ens. Giles Kinyon. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Nathan Burdick, Lt. Nathan Sisson, Ens. Elias McCoon. 2nd. Capt. Elijah Lewis, Lt. John Robinson, Jr., Ens. Isaiah Maxson. Aug. Major John Cotterel, in room of Nathan Gardner, refusing. June. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Simeon Potter, Lt.-Col. Joshua Bicknal, Maj. John Waldron. Bristol: Capt. Richard Pearce, Lt. Nathaniel Munro, Jr., Ens. George Pearce. Warren: 1st. Capt. John Child, Lt. Benjamin Barton, Ens. Samuel Pearce. 2nd. Capt. James Bowen, Lt. Elkanah Humphrey, Ens. John Luther. Kent County Regiment: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. Robert Carr, Maj. Edward Gorton, Jr. Warwick: 1st. Capt. John Lippitt, Lt. Benj. Arnold (son of Simon), Ens. Wm. Greene (son of Ric'd). 2nd. Capt. Nathan Milward, Lt. George Briggs, Ens. Wm. Waterman. 3d. Capt. John Tibbits, Lt. Tho. Rice (son of Randall), Ens. Elisha Brown, Jr. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Joseph Cornell, Lt. Joshua Godfrey, Ens. Remington Kinyon. 2nd. Capt. Silas Spencer, Lt. Morgan Carvin, Ens. Job Briggs. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Joseph Case, Lt. Jonathan Matteson, Ens. Benj. Greene. 2nd. Capt. Thomas Comstock, Jr., Lt. Thomas Greene, Ens. Silas Matteson. 3d. Capt. James Baites, Lt. Samuel Potter, Ens. Abel Aylesworth. Coventry: 1st. Capt. David Brayton, Lt. Thos. Colegrove, Ens. James Colvin. 2nd. Thomas Parker, Lt. Joseph Scott, Ens. Francis Bates. Edward Thurston, General Sealer Weights and Measures. Harry Paget, Public Notary for Town and County of Providence. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Martin Howard, Charles Bardin, Samuel Collins, Henry Ward, 270 1767. June. Newport: Barnabas Hargill, Samuel Bours, Henry Marchant, John Goddard, John Grelea, Jr., John Davis, Jonathan Easton, James Milward, Daniel Dunham, Jonathan Rogers, John Pitman, Benjamin Almy. Portsmouth: Weston Hicks, Robert Dennis, William Hall, Restcome Sanford. Warwick: John Warner, Jr., Ebenezer Slocum, John Greene, Isaac Tripp, Thomas Rice (son of John), Silas Clapp, Ephraim Westcote. Westerly: Ezekiel Gavet, Thomas Gardner, Oliver Crarey, Peter States, Simeon Burdick, William Vincent, Thomas Ross. North Kingstown: William Hall, George Northup, Geo. Thomas (son of Samuel), Benjamin Jefferson, Ishmael Spink, Eber Shearman, Samuel Hunt, Jr., North Kingstown: George Thomas (son of John), William Hammond. South Kings town: John Sheldon, Oliver Helme, Adam Gould, Nathaniel Gardner, Jr., WTm. Congdon (son of Joseph), Thomas Gardner, Freeman Perry. East Greenwich: Thomas Shippey, Sylvester Sweet, Thomas Casey, Alexander Nichols, William Spencer, Jr. Smithfield: John Sayles, Jr., Daniel Mowrey, Jr., Stephen Arnold, Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), Richard Sayles, Jr., David Harris. Scituate: Gideon Harris, John Fisk, Samuel Dorrance, Jeremiah Angell, Oliver Westcot, Ezekiel Cornell, Thomas Hill, Thomas Brown. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Job Taylor, Stanton York, James Kinyon. West Greenwich: Oliver Mius, Thomas Rogers, Judah Aylesworth, 271 1767. June. West Greenwich: Job Spencer, David Hopkins, William Nichols, John Boss. Gloucester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Israel Arnold, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Moses Cooper, Caleb Arnold. Coventry: Edward Potter, Ichabod Bowen, James Waterman, Benjamin Greene, Joseph Whipple. Exeter: William Hall, Nicholas Gardner, Jr., Hopson Wilcox, Gideon Mosher, David Stanton, Robert Crandall, William Sweet. Middletown: Joshua Coggeschall (son of James), George Cornell, Thos. Coggeschall, Jr., John Greene, Giles Slocum. Bristol: William Hoar, Joseph Read, Simeon Munro, Jonathan Munday. Tiverton: Samuel Hickes, Restcome Sanford, Joseph Stafford, John Jennings, Tiverton: John Bowen, Isaac Manchester, Joseph Tabor, 2nd, Walter Cooke. Little Compton: Constant Southwarth, Aaron Wilbur, Israel Stoddard, John Wood, 2nd. Warren: John Kinnicut, Ephraim Tiffany, Thomas Cole, Matthew Watson, Jr., Samuel Allen. Cumberland: John Gould, Joseph Davis, Joseph Brown, William Gaskill. Richmond: Samuel Tefft, Sylvester Kinyon, Edward Perry, Simon Smith, Joshua Clarke, James Clarke. Cranston: William Barton, James Harris, Zuriel Waterman, Nathaniel Williams, Thomas Corpe, Peter Burlingame (son of Thomas). Hopkinton: John Burdick, Nathan Burdick, John Larkin, Jr., Zaccheus Reynolds, Jr., Robert Kinyon. Johnston: Edward Sheldon, Abraham Belknap, 272 1767. June. Johnston: Josiah King, Noah Matthewson, Edward Fenner, Robert Williams. Aug. Smithfield: Jeremiah Harris. Coventry: George Hall. 1768. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize; and General Gaol Delivery: Joseph Russell, Chief. Philip Greene, Metcalfe Bowler, Samuel Nightingale. Nathaniel Searle, June. William Greene, in room of Philip Greene, who refused. May. Clerk, Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. ( Providence " Jonathan Arnold. " Kings " Freeman Perry. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. Special Clerk, Newport County: Nathaniel Mumford. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Edward Scott, Chief. William Anthony, John Barker, Edward Gray, Benjamin Underwood. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Richard Steere, Thomas Owen, Josiah Thornton, Thomas Lapham. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. Jeffery Watson, John Chapman, Simeon Perry, Sylvester Robinson, Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. Nathaniel Pearce, Sylvester Child, Joseph Reynolds, Josiah Humphrey. William Ellery, Clerk. Joseph Wanton (son of Gideon), Sheriff. Caleb Harris, Clerk. Paul Tew, Sheriff. Benjamin Peckham, Clerk. Peter Phillips, Sheriff. Thomas Throop, Clerk. Richard Smith, Sheriff, 273 1768. May. Kent County: John Holdon, Chief. Daniel I Caleb Greene, John Langford, Stephen Arnold, Charles ] Benjamin Tillinghast. Sept. Newport County: George Hazard, Chief, in room of Edward Scott, Dec'd. [owland, Clerk. Holden, Sheriff. Edward Thurston, General Sealer of Weights and Measures. Henry Paget, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. Capt. Fort George: Caleb Carr. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Warwick: Martin Howard, Isaac Tripp, Charles Bardin, Thomas Rice (son of Benjamin Greene, John), Henry Ward, Silas Clapp, Barnabas Hargill, Ephraim Westcot. John Goddard, Westerly: John Grelea, Jr., Joseph Crandal, John Davis, Joseph Clarke, Jr., Jonathan Easton, Simeon Burdick, James Milward, William Vincent. Daniel Dunham, North Kings town: Jonathan Rogers, George Northup, John Pitman, William Hammond, James Tew, Jr., Thomas Allen, Jr., James Carpenter. Geo. Thomas (son of Providence: Samuel), Samuel Chace, Benjamin Jefferson, Amos Atwell, Eber Shearman, David Wilkinson, Samuel Hunt, Jr., John Foster. John Cleveland, Portsmouth: George Thomas (son of John Almy, John). Robert Dennis, South Kings town: Thos. Shearman, Jr. Samuel Tefft, Warwick: Freeman Perry, John Warner, Jr., Paul Mumford, Ebenezer Slocum, Isaac Sheldon. John Greene, 35 274 1768. May. East Greenwich: Thomas Shippey, Thomas Casey, Jonathan Johnson, William Pearce, Alexander Nichols. Smithfield: John Sayles, Jr., Daniel Mowrey, Jr., Stephen Arnold, Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), Richard Sayles, Jr., Jeremiah Harris. Scituate: Gideon Harris, John Fisk, Samuel Dorrance, Jeremiah Angell, Oliver Westct Ezekiel Cornell, Thomas Hill, Thomas Brown. Gloucester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Israel Arnold, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Moses Cooper, Caleb Arnold. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Job Taylor, Nathaniel Sheffield, James Kinyon. West Greenwich: Job Spencer, Philip Greene, Judiah Aylesworth, William Nichols, Samuel Hopkins, Jr., George Dyre, James Reynolds, Jr. Coventry: Thomas Matteson, George Hall, John Rice, James Waterman, Joseph Whipple. Exeter: Stephen Richmond, George Peirce, Newman Perkins, Hopson Wilcox, Gideon Mosher, Daniel Sunderlin. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, George Cornell, Salisbury Stoddard, John Greene. Bristol: William Hoar, Joseph Read, Simeon Munro, Jonathan Munday. Tiverton: Restcome Sanford, Joseph Stafford, John Bowen, Walter Cooke, Benjamin Hambly. Little Compton: Thomas Brownell, Aaron Wilbore, Jephthah Pearce, Nathaniel Searle, Jr. Warren: John Kinnicut, James Brown, Thomas Cole, Moses Tyler, Salm. Allen, 2nd. Cumberland: Joseph Davis, George Taylor, Joseph Brown, Peter Darling. 275 1768. May. Richmond: Hopkinton: John Webster, John Maxson, Jr., Samuel Tefft, Lawton Palmer, Edward Perry, Thomas Wells, Jr., George Webb, John Witter, William Tefft. John Larkin, Cranston: Robert Kinyon. William Burton, Johnston: James Harris, Abraham Belknap, Zuriel Waterman, Noah Matthewson, Peter Burlingham, 3d, Edward Fenner, Harman Briggs, Peleg Williams, Benjamin Carpenter. Richard Eddy, Ebenezer Sprague. North Providence: Isaiah Hawkins, John Comstock, Ichabod Jenckes, Thomas Whipple, Edward Tripp, 3d, Sylvanus Sayles, 4th, in room of Ichabod Jendkes, who declined. Newport: ~* Samuel Bours, 6th Justice. June. Smithfield: Welcome Arnold, in room of Jeremiah Harris, refused. Middletown: Joshua Coggeshall, Jr., in room of John Greene, who refused. Sept. Hopkinton: Amos Langworthy, in addition. Johnston: Joseph Borden, Jr., in room of Ebenezer Sprague, refused. Feb. Ferry Man, Portsmouth to Bristol: Joseph Borden, of Portsmouth. May, 1769, prohibited. June. Newport County Regiment: Col. Benjamin Sherburne, Lt.-Col. Benj. Hall, Maj. Jethro Spooner. Sept. Newport: 1st. Capt. Ezra Pope, Lt. Peleg Barker, Jr., Ens. Job Cornell. 2nd. Capt. Benj. Dunham, Lt. Rob't Dunham, Ens. Joseph Pike. 276 1768. Sept. Newport: 3d. Capt. Samuel Davenport, Lt. Elisha Lawton, Ens. Stephen Hawkins. 4th. Capt. Benoni Peckham. Lt. Nath'l Gladding, Ens. James Davis. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. Joseph Borden, Lt. John Earle, Ens. Matthew Cooke. 2nd. Capt. James Allen, 2nd, Lt. Thos. Allen, Ens. WVm. Remington. New Shoreham: Capt. Edward Hull, Lt. Thomas Dickens, Ens. John Mott. James town: Capt. William Martin, Lt. Benjamin Carr, Ens. Samuel Slocum. Middletown: Capt. Matthew Coggeshall, Lt. Elisha Peckham, Ens. Elisha Barker. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. John Cooke (son of Samuel), Lt. Benjamin Earl, Ens. Philip Gray. 2nd. Capt. Dan'l Dwelly, Lt. John Jennings, Jr., Ens. John Stafford. Little Compton: Capt. George Wood, Lt. Daniel Searle, Ens. Isaac Bailey. Newport County Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt. George Cornell, Lt. Sanford Gardner, Cornet James Cotterel, Qr.-Master Benedict Dayton. 2nd. Capt. Joshua Brownell, Lt. John Brownell, Cornet Gideon Shaw, Qr.-Master Benjamin Crandall. June. Providence County Regiment: Col. Knight Dexter, Lt.-Col. Amos Atwell, Maj. Chadd Brown. Sept. Providence: 1st. Capt. Eseck Brown, Lt. Jonathan Arnold, Ens. Richard Godfrey. 2nd. Capt. Bernard Eddy, Lt. Elijah Bacon, Ens. Joseph Martin. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Gideon Sayles, Lt. Benj. Medbury, Ens. Richard Harris, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Simeon Aldrich, Lt. Israel Mowrey, Ens. William Staples. 3d. Capt. Stephen Keth, Lt. William Potter, Ens. William Winsor. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Andrew Angell, Lt. Joseph Knight, Ens. Jeremiah Fiske. 2nd. Capt. Peter Cooke, Lt. Simon Herrenden, Ens. Constant Weaver. 3d. Capt. Joseph Kimbal, Lt. John Pratt, Ens. Philemon Hynes. 4th. Capt. John Round, Lt. John Colvill, Ens. Richard Smith (son of John). 277 1768. Sept. Gloucester: 1st. Capt. David Burlingham, Lt: Sam'l Steere, Ens Nathan Pain, Jr. 2nd. Capt. John Inmnan, Lt. Preserved Herrenden, Ens. Job Binson. 3d. Capt. John Wells, Jr., Lt. Thomas Wood, Ens. Thomas Bussey. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Tower, Lt. Benj. Walcott, Ens. Timothy Ide. 2nd. Capt. Enoch Tower, Lt. Jonathan Mason, Ens. Jeremiah Bartlet. Cranston: 1st. Capt. Robert Briggs, Lt. Ezekiel Warner, Ens. John Fenner. 2nd. Capt. Zachariah Tucker, Lt. James Field, Ens. Meshech Potter. 3d. Capt. Christopher Lippitt, Lt. William Burton, Jr., Ens. Caleb Burlingham. Johnston: Capt. William Latham, Lt. Seth Tripp, Ens. Job Waterman, Jr. North Providence: Capt. Enoch Angell, Lt. Daniel Clarke, Ens. Silas Bundy. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. Nathaniel Jacob, 1st Lt. Andrew Harris, 2nd Lt. Jeriah Hawkins, Qr.-Master Josiah Stone. J une. Kings County Regiment: Col. Joseph Taylor, Lt.-Col. George Sheffield, Maj. James Babcock. Sept. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Oliver Babcock, Lt. Daniel Maxson, Ens. Benj. Stillman. 2nd. Capt. William Crandall, Lt. William Champlin, Jr., Ens. John Gavet. North Kings town: 1st. Capt. Samuel Fones, Lt. Charles Hunt, Ens. Adam Hunt. 2nd. Capt. Joseph Northup, Lt. Carr Northup, Ens. Sweet Hitt. 3d. Capt. Wm. Boone, Lt. Richard Boone, Ens. Roger Rathbone. South Kings town: 1st. Capt. Peleg Babcock, Lt. Thomas Steadman, Jr., Ens. William Hull. 2nd. Capt. Richard Gardner, Lt. Ezekiel Gardner, Ens. Gardner William Mumford. Charlestown: Capt. Joseph Wilcox, Lt. Amos Greene, Jr., Ens. Edward.Crandall. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Christopher Herrington, Lt. Ichabod Mosher, Ens. Nathan Wilcox. 2nd. Capt. John Wilcox, Lt. Jonathan Barber, Ens. Samuel Gorton. Richmond: Capt. Rich'd Bailey, Jr., Lt. Joseph Hoxey, Jr., Ens. Benedict Kion. 278 1768. Sept. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Nathan Burdick, Lt. Nathan Sisson, Ens. Joshua Wells. 2nd. Capt. Abel Tanner, Lt. Josiah Witter, Ens. John Witter, Jr. June. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Simeon Potter, Lt.-Col. Samuel Allen, Maj. John Waldron. Sept. Bristol: Capt. Richard Pearce, Lt. Nathaniel Munro, Ens. George Pearce. Warren: 1st. Capt. John Child, Lt. Benjamin Barton, Ens. Samuel Pearce. 2nd. Capt. John Martin, Lt. Elkanah Humphry, Ens. James Adams. June. Kent County Regiment: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. Thomas Comstock, Jr., Maj. James Arnold (son of Elisha). Sept. Warwick: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Arnold, Lt. John Green (son of Richard), Ens. Job Smith. 2nd. Capt. Nathan Milward, Lt. William Waterman, Ens. Reuben Wightman. 3d. Capt. Caleb Greene, Lt. Joseph Brown, Jr., Ens. Christopher Lavalley. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. James Searle, Lt. Joshua Godfrey, Ens. Remington Kiyon. 2nd. Capt. Benj. Tillinghast, Lt. Morgan Carvan, Ens. Job Briggs. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Eseck Carr, Lt. Pardon Tillinghast, Jr., Ens. George Matteson. 2nd. Capt. Benaiah Corpe, Lt. Jacob Lewis, Ens. Henry Matteson. 3d. Capt. James Bates, Lt. Samuel Potter, Ens. Abel Aylesworth. Coventry: 1st. Capt. David Brayton, Lt. Thomas Colegrove, Ens. James Colvin. 2nd. Capt. Oliver Potter, Lt. Josiah Gibbs, Jr., Ens. Archibald Kasson. 1769. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Benjamin Sherburne, Lt.-Col. William Cooke, Maj. Isaac Dayton. June. Newport: 1st. Capt. Ezra Pope, Lt. Hampton Lillibridge, Ens. Jas. Pitman, Jr. S 279 1769. June. Newport: 2nd. Capt. Benj. Dunham, Lt. Robert Dunham, Ens. Joseph Pike. 3d. Capt. Elisha Lawton, Lt. Stephen Hawkins, Ens. Lemuel Baily. 4th. Capt. Joshua Sayer, Jr., Lt. James Davis, Ens. Joseph Smith. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. Holder Almy, Lt. John Wilcox, Jr., Ens. Job Shearman, Jr. 2nd. Capt. James Allen, 2nd, Lt. Thomas Allen, Ens. Wm. Remington. New Shoreham: Capt. Thomas Dickens, Lt. Tormut Rose, Ens. John Mott. James town: Capt. William Martin, Lt. Benjamin Carr, Ens. Samuel Slocum, Jr. Middletown: Capt. Matthew Coggeshall, Lt. Joseph Rider, Jr., Ens. Jonas Coggeshall. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. John Cook (son of Samuel), Lt. Benjamin Earle, - Ens. Philip Gray. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Dwelly, Lt. John Jennings, Jr., Ens. John Stafford. Little Compton: Capt. Cornelius Simmons, Lt. Ichabod Wood, Ens. Comfort Searle. Newport County Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt. John Forrester, Lt. James Cotterell, Cornet Benedict Dayton, Qr.-Master Nathaniel Sowle, 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Crandall, Lt. Thomas Davenport, Cornet Zebedee Stoddard, Qr.-Master Job Wilbur. Providence County Regiment: Col. Knight Dexter, Lt.-Col. Abraham Winsor, Maj. Chad Brown. Provideice: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Arnold, Lt. Joseph Olney, Jr., Ens. Richard Godfrey. 2nd. Capt. Elijah Bacon, Lt. Zepheniah Andrews, Ens. Asa Franklin. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Gideon Sayles, Lt. Benj. Medbury, Ens. Jeremiah Jenckes. 2nd. Capt. Simeon Aldrich, Lt. Israel Mowry, Ens. Israel Comstock. 3d. Capt. William Potter, Lt. Abraham Matthewson, Ens. Nehemiah Smith. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Andrew Angell, Lt. Joseph Knight, Ens. Jeremiah Fisk. 2nd. Capt. Peter Cooke, Lt. Simeon Herrenden, Ens. Constant Weaver. 3d. Capt. Joseph Kimball, Lt. John Pratt, Ens. Philemon Hynes. 4th. Capt. John Rounds, Lt. John Colvil, Ens. Richard Smith (son of John). 280 1769. June. Gloucester: 1st. Capt. David Burlingham, Lt. Jeremiah Bishop, Ens. Nathan Pain. 2nd. Capt. John Inman, Jr., Lt. Preserved Herrenden, Ens. Job Binson. 3d. Capt. Thomas Wood, Lt. Thomas Bussey, Ens. Arnold Lewis. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Tower, Lt. Benj. Walcott, Ens. Timothy Ide. 2nd. Capt. Enoch Tower, Lt. Jona. Mason, Ens. Jeremiah Bartlett. Cranston: 1st. Capt. Robert Briggs, Lt. Ezekiel Warner, Ens. John Fenner. 2nd. Capt. Zachariah Tucker, Lt. James Field, Ens. Meshech Potter. 3d. Capt. Christopher Lippitt, Ens. William Burton, Jr., Ens. Caleb Burlingham. Johnston: Capt. Seth Tripp, Lt. Israel Angell, Ens. Daniel Waterman. North Providence: Capt. Enoch Angell, Lt. Daniel Clarke, Ens. Silas Bundy. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. John Matthewson, 1st Lt. Jabez Pierce, 2nd Lt. Daniel Manton, Qr.-Master Christopher Olney. May. Kings County Regiment: Col. John Crandall, Lt.-Col. Moses Barber, Maj. Sylvester Gardner. June. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Oliver Babcock, Lt. Daniel Maxson, Ens. Joshua Vose. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Champlin, Lt. Joshua Ross, Ens. John Gavet. North Kings town: 1st. Capt. John Allen, Jr., Lt. Nicholas Spink, Ens. Jeremiah Aylesworth. 2nd. Capt. Carr Northup, Lt. John Congdon, Jr., Ens. David Northup. 3d. Capt. Wm. Boone, Lt. George Congdon, Ens. Anthony Rathbone. South Kings town: 1st. Capt. Sam'l Oatley, Lt. Thomas Steadman, Jr. Ens. Wm. Hull. 2nd. Capt. Richard Gardner, Lt. Ezekiel Gardner, Ens. Gardner William Mumford. Charlestown: Capt. Joseph Wilcox, Lt. Amos Greene, Jr., Ens. Edward Crandall. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Huling Gardner, Lt. Elisha Gardner, Ens. Ezekiel Tripp. 2nd. Capt. Jonathan Barber, Lt. Job Wilcox, Ens. John Bates. 281 1769. June. Richmond: Capt. Joseph Hoxsie, Jr., Lt. Joseph Tefft, Jr., Ens. Samuel Clarke. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Samuel Babcock, Lt. Joshua Wells, Ens. Barker Wells. 2nd. Capt. Abel Tanner, Lt. Josias Witter, Ens. John Witter, Jr. Feb. Richmond: Capt. Richard Bailey, Jr., in room of Joseph Hoxsie, Jr., who resigned. May. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Simeon Potter, Lt.-Col. Samuel Allen, 2nd, Maj. John Waldron. June. Warren: 1st. Capt. John Child, Lt. Benjamin Barton, Ens. Samuel Pearce. 2nd. Capt. John Martin, Lt. Elkanah Humphrey, Ens. Samuel Bosworth. May. Kent County Regiment: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. James Arnold (son of Elisha), Maj. William Matteson. June. Warwick: 1st. Capt. Benj. Arnold, Jr., Lt. John Greene (son of Richard), Ens. Job Smith. 2nd. Capt. William Waterman, Lt. Reuben Wightman, Ens. William Matthewson. 3d. Capt. Caleb Greene, Lt. Christopher Lavalley, Ens. Waterman Tibbits. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. James Searle, Lt. John Pearce, Jr., Ens. William Sweet, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Allen Johnson, Lt. Job Vaughan, Ens. Jonathan Tibbits. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. John Case, Jr., Lt. William Davis, Ens. Robert Godfrey. 2nd. Capt. Jacob Lewis, Lt. Henry Matthewson, Ens. Thos. Gorton. 3d. Capt. Thos. Rathbone, Lt. Sam'l Potter, Ens. Abel Aylesworth. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: James Helme, Chief, Benoni Hall, Nathaniel Searle, Thomas Greene, Gideon Comstock, 36 282 1769. May. Clerk, Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " Jonathan Arnold. " Kings " Freeman Perry. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent H" opkins Cooke. Feb. " Providence " Arthur Fenner, Jr., in room of Jonathan Arnold, who resigned. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: George Hazard, Chief, Josias Lyi Jonathan Freeborn, William Stoddard, William Anthony, Walter Ch Benjamin Underwood. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Caleb Har Richard Steere, Job Randall, Jeremiah Whipple, Paul Tew, Caleb Aldrich. Sept. Joseph Hazard, Special, in room of 'Job Randall. May. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. Stephen H John Case, John Chapman, Simeon Perry, Beriah Brc Sylvester Robinson. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. Thomas TI Nathaniel Pearce, Sylvester Child, Joseph Reynolds, Richard S] James Brown. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. Daniel Ho Thomas Aldrich, Stephen Potter, Stephen Arnold, Henry Ric Job Spencer. ndon, Clerk. aloner, Sheriff. ris, Clerk. Sheriff. [assard, Clerk. own, Sheriff. hroope, Clerk. mith, Sheriff. wland, Clerk. e, Sheriff. June. Benjamin Tillinghast, in room of Job Spencer, who refused. 283 1769. June. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, in room of Sylvester Child, who refused. Edward Thurston, General Sealer of Weights and Measures. Henry Paget, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. Thomas George, Captain of Fort George. Jonathan Wilson, Naval Officer. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Martin Howard, Charles Bardin, Henry Ward, Barnabas Hargill, Samuel Bours, John Goddard, John Grelea, Jr., John Davis, Jonathan Easton, James Milward, Daniel Dunham, Jonathan Rogers, John Pitman, James Tew, Jr., James Carpenter, Thomas Hammond. Providence: Samuel Chace, Amos Atwell, John Foster, David Wilkinson, Joseph Nash. Portsmouth: John Almy, Robert Dennis, Thos. Shearman, Jr. Warwick: John Warner, Jr., Ebenezer Slocum, John Greene, Thomas Rice, Silas Clapp, Ephraim We sjcot, Warwick: Robert Rhodes, Silas Casey. Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Joseph Clarke, Jr., Oliver Crarey, Thomas Thompson, Christopher Babcock, William Babcock. North Kingstown: George Northup, William Hammond, Thomas Allen, Jr., Geo. Thomas (son of Samuel), Benjamin Jefferson, Eber Shearman, Ishmael Spink, John Cleveland, George Thomas (son of John). South Kingstown: John Sheldon, Freeman Perry, Samuel Tefft, Jeremiah Crandall, Richard Gardner. East Greenwich: Thomas Shippey, Thomas Casey, Jonathan Johnson, William Pierce, Alexander Nichols. 284 1769. May. Smithfield: John Sayles, Jr., Daniel Mowrey, Jr., Stephen Arnold, Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), John Farnum, Welcome Arnold. Scituate: Gideon Harris, John Fisk, Samuel Dorrance, Jeremiah Angell, Oliver Westcot, Ezekiel Cornell, Thomas Hill, Thomas Brown. Gloucester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Israel Arnold, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Moses Cooper, Caleb Arnold. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Job Taylor, Stanton Yorke, James Kinyon. Coventry: John Rice, Thomas Matteson, James Waterman, Joseph Whipple. Exeter: Stephen Richmond, George Peirce, Gideon.Mosher, Benjamin Wait, Newman Perkins, Daniel Sunderlin. Middletown: Joshua Coggeshall, Jr. Joseph Peabody, Joseph Peckham, John Barker. Bristol: William Hoar, Joseph Read, Simeon Munro, Jonathan Munday. Tiverton: Restcome Sanford, John Bowen, Walter Cooke, Benjamin Hambly, Thomas Estes. Little Compton: Israel Stoddard, Thomas Brownell, Aaron Wilbur, Jephthah Pearce, Nathaniel Searle, Jr. Warren: John Kinnicut, Ebenezer Cole, Samuel Allen, 2nd, Matthew Watson, Jr. Cumberland: John Dexter, Joseph Brown, Peter Darling. Richmond: Samuel Tefft, Edward Perry, Joshua Clarke, George Webb, Robert Stanton, William Tefft. Cranston: William Burton, James Harris, Zuriel Waterman, Peter Burlingham, 3d, Harman Briggs, Benjamin Carpenter. ,ALLO 285 1749. May. Johnston: Nort] Abraham Belknap, Isa Noah Matteson, Th Edward Fenner, Jo] Joseph Borden, Jr. Jo] June. West Greenwich: Job Spencer, Wi Philip Greene, Da Judiah Aylesworth, Ge Samuel Hopkins, Jr., Jai Little Compton: Philip Taylor, in room of Thomas Browning, who refused. ih Providence: iah Hawkins, omas Whipple, Jr., nathan Jenckes, Jr. hn Brown. illiam Nichols, tvid Hopkins, sorge Dyre, mes Reynolds, Jr. Scituate: Daniel Hopkins, in addition. Exeter: Hopkins Wilcox, Robert Crandall. Johnston: Peleg Williams, Andrew Harris. Westerly: Simeon Burdick, in room Thomas Thompson, refused. North Kingstown: Caleb Hill, in room of Ishmael Spink, refused, Robert Hall, in room of George Thomas (son of John), refused. Coventry: Samuel Wall, in room of James Waterman, refused. Hopkinton: John Maxson, Jr., Thomas Wells, Jr., Nathan Burdick, John Larkin. Portsmouth: John Shearman, in room of Robert Dennis, refused. East Greenwich: Thomas Tillinghast, Sylvester Sweet. 286 1770. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Daniel Dunham, Lt.-Col. Joseph Belcher, Maj. John Forrester. Jamestown: Capt. Benjamin Carr (son of Thomas), Lt. Samuel Slocum, Jr., Ens. William Slocum. Middletown: Capt. Jeremiah Clarke, Lt. Joseph Rider, Jr., Ens. Jonas Coggeshall. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. John Cook (son of Samuel), Lt. Benjamin Earle, Ens. Philip Gray. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Dwelly, Lt. John Jennings, Jr., Ens. John Stafford. Little Compton: Capt. Cornelius Simmons, Lt. Ichabod Wood, Ens. Comfort Searle. Newport County Troop of Horse: 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Crandall, Lt. Thomas Davenport, Cornet Zebedee Stoddard, Qr.-Mr. Job Wilbur. June. Field Officer: Lt.-Col. Isaac Dayton, in room of Joseph Belcher, who declines. Newport County Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt. Benedict Dayton, Lt. Nathaniel Sowle, Cornet William Tew, Qr.-Mr. John Barker, Jr. Newport: 1st. Capt. Benj. Dunham, Lt. Robert Dunham, Ens. Joseph Pike. 2nd. Capt. Elisha Lawton, Lt. Stephen Hawkins, Ens. Timothy Peckham Hill. 3d. Capt. Joseph Sayer, Jr., Lt. James Davis, Ens. Joseph Smith. 4th. Capt. Hampton Lillibridge, Lt. Lemuel Bailey, Ens. Benjamin Spooner. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. George Lawton, Lt. Burrington Anthony, Ens. David Gifford. 2nd. Capt. James Allen, 2nd, Lt. Thos. Allen, Ens. Wm. Remington. New Shoreham: Capt. Thomas Dickens, Lt. Tormut Rose, Ens. John Mott. May. Providence County Regiment: Col. Knight Dexter, Lt.-Col. Abraham Windsor, Maj. Chad Brown. Providence: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Arnold, Lt. Joseph Olney, Jr., Ens. Richard Godfrey. 2nd. Capt. Elijah Bacon, Lt. Zephaniah Andrews, Ens. Asa Franklin. 287 1770. May. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Gideon Sayles, Lt. Benjamin Medbury, Ens. Jeremiah Jenckes. 2nd. Capt. Simeon Aldrich, Lt. Israel Mowrey, Ens. Israel Comstock. 3d. Capt. William Potter, Lt. Abr'm Matthewson, Ens. Nehemiah Smith. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Andrew Angell, Lt. Joseph Knight, Ens. Jeremiah Fish. 3d. Capt. Joseph Kimbal, Lt. John Pratt, Ens. Philemon Hynes. 4th. Capt. John Rounds, Lt. John Colvil, Ens. Richard Smith (son of John). Gloucester: 1st. Capt. David Burlington, Lt. Jeremiah Bishop, Ens. Nathan Paine, Jr. 2nd. Capt. John Inman, Jr., Lt. Preserved Herrenden, Ens. Job Binson. 3d. Capt. Thomas Bussey, Lt. Arnold Lewis, Ens. Eseck Arnold. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Tower, Lt. Benjamin Walcot, Ens. Timothy Ide. Cranston: 1st. Capt. Robert Briggs, Lt. Ezekiel Warner, Ens. John Fenner. 3d. Capt. Christopher Lippitt, Lt. William Burton, Jr., Ens. Caleb Burlingham. Johnston: Capt. Israel Angell, Lt. Daniel Waterman, Ens. Emor Olney. North Providence: Capt. Enoch Angell, Lt. Daniel Clarke, Ens. Silas Bundy. Providence County Troop of Horse: Capt. John Matthewson, 1st Lt. Jabez Peirce, 2nd Lt. Daniel Manton, Qr.-Mr. Christopher Olney. June. Scituate: 2nd. Capt. Peter Cook, Lt. Simeon Herrenden, Ens. Daniel Cole. Cumberland: 2nd. Capt. Levi Tower, Lt. Ephraim Brown, Ens. Elias Philbrook. Cranston: 2nd. Capt. Meshech Potter, Lt. Frederick Williams, Ens. Nathaniel Carpenter. May. Kings County Regiment: Col. John Crandall, Lt.-Col. Moses Barber, Maj. Sylvester Gardner. Charlestown: Capt. Joseph Wilcox, Lt. Amos Greene, Jr., Ens. Edward Crandall. 288 1770. May. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Elisha Gardner, Lt. Abel Potter, Ens. Benjamin Dawley. Richmond: Capt. Joseph Tefft, Jr., Lt. Samuel Clarke, Ens. Thomas Adams. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Samuel Babcock, Lt. Joshua Wells, Ens. Barker Wells. June. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Elkanah Babcock, Lt. Thomas Thompson, Ens. Joseph Pendleton. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Champlin, Lt. Samuel Allen, Ens. Abel Larkin. North Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Joshua Davis, Lt. Job Tibbits, Ens. James Reynolds (son of John). 2nd. Capt. John Congdon (son of Joseph), Lt. Benjamin Gardner, Ens. Stephen Congdon. 3d. Capt. James Cooper, Lt. George Hiames, Ens. Win. Brown. South Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Samuel Wilson, Jr., Lt. Thomas Steadman, Jr., Ens. Augustus Mumford. 2nd. Capt. Powel Helme, Lt. Gardner William Mumford, Ens. Samuel Whaley, Jr. Exeter: 2nd. Capt. Job Wilcox, Jr., Lt. Jonathan Bates, Ens. Abr'm Willcox, 3d. Richmond: Capt. Thomas Kinyon (son of David), in room of.... Joseph Tefft, Jr., who declined. Lieut. Job Moon, in room of Samuel Clarke, who declined. Hopkinton: 2nd. Capt. Abel Tanner, Lt. Josias Witter, Ens. John Witter, Jr. Major John Allen (son of Jonathan), in room of Sylvester Gardner, who declined. May. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Simeon Potter, Lt.-Col. Nathaniel Martin, Maj. Thomas Gray. Warren: 1st. Capt. John Child, Lt. Benjamin Barton, Ens. Samuel Pearce. 2nd. Capt. Elkanah Humphrey, Lt. Matthew Allen, Ens. Samuel Bosworth. June. Bristol: Capt. Jeremiah Ingraham, Lt. Stephen Smith, Ens. Hezekiah Munro. 289 1770. May. Kent County Regiment: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. Isaac Greene, Maj. Benj. Vaughan. Warwick: 2nd. Capt. William Waterman, Lt. Reuben Wightman, Ens. Wm. Matthewson. 3d. Capt.'Caleb Greene, Lt. Christopher Lavally, Ens. Waterman Tibbitts. Coventry: 1st. Capt. William Turner, Lt. Joseph King, Ens. David Goffe. 2nd. Capt.Oliver Potter, Lt. Josiah Gibbs, Jr., Ens. Archibald Kasson. June. Warwick: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Arnold, Jr., Lt. John Greene (son of Richard), Ens. Job Smith. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. James Searle, Lt. Wm. Sweet, Jr., Ens. Thomas Foster, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Allen Johnson, Lt. Job Vaughan, Ens. Jonathan Tibbits. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. William Davis, Lt. John Austin, Ens. Jeremiah Matteson. 2nd. Capt. Benaiah Corps, Lt. Edmund Matteson, Ens. Caleb Green. 3d. Capt. Jonathan Mitchel, Lt. Abel Aylesworth, Ens. Simon Gates. Inspectors of Light House: Charles Spooner, Josiah Arnold, John Maudsley. Edward Thurston, Gen'l Sealer of Weights and Measures. Henry Paget, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. Thomas George, Captain, Fort George. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: George Hazard, Chief. Josias Lynden, Clerk. Jonathan Freeborn, William Stoddard, Thomas Church, Walter Chaloner, Sheriff. Benjamin Underwood. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Caleb Harris, Clerk. Richard Steere, Job Randall, Jeremiah Whipple, June, Paul Tew, Sheriff. Caleb Aldrich, 37 290 1770. May. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. John Case, John Rose, Simeon Perry, Sylvester Robinson. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. William Munro, James Brown, Hezekiah Usher, Josiah Humphrey. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. Thomas Aldrich, Stephen Potter, Stephen Arnold, William Nichols. Stephen Hazard, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Thomas Throop, Clerk. Simeon Munro, Sheriff. Daniel Howland, Clerk. Henry Rice, Sheriff. June. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Stephen Hopkins, Chief. James Helme, Benoni Hall, Metcalf Bowler, Stephen Potter. May. Clerk, (c ~g g~ Newport County: Providence " Kings " Bristol Kent " John Grelea, Jr. Arthur Fenner, Jr. Daniel Rodman. Jonathan Russell. Hopkins Cooke. June. Justices of Inferior Court: Kings County: John Rose, in room of John Case, who declines. Simeon Perry, in room of John Rose, advanced. Sylvester Robinson, in room of Simeon Perry, advanced. John Northup, in room of Sylvester Robinson, advanced. Kent County: Stephen Arnold, in room of Stephen Potter, chosen Justice Superior Court. 4 291 1770. June. Kent County: William Nichols, in room of Stephen Arnold, advanced. John Warner, Jr., in room of William Nichols, advanced. Edward Thurston, General Sealer of Weights and Measures. Henry Paget, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. Capt., Fort George, Thomas George. Sept. Naval Officer: William Wanton.. Deputy Officer: James Clarke. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Martin Howard, Charles Bardin, Henry Ward, Barnabas Hargill, Samuel Bours, John Goddard, Jr., John Grelea, Jr., John Davis, Jonathan Easton, James Milward, Daniel Dunham, Jonathan Rogers, John Pitman, James Tew, Jr., James Carpenter, Thomas Hammond, James Clarke. Providence: Samuel Chace, Amos Atwell, John Foster, David Wilkinson, Joseph Nash. Portsm'outh: John Shearman, John Almy, Robert Dennis, Thomas Shearman. Warwick: John Warner, Jr., Ebenezer Slocum, Warwick: John Greene, Thomas Rice, Silas Clapp, Ephraim Westt, Robert Rhodes, Silas Casey. Westerly: Oliver Crarey, William Babcock, Joseph Noyes, Humphrey Taylor, John Burdick, 2nd. Nqrth Kingstown: George Northup, William Hammond, Thomas Allen, Jr., George Thomas (son of Samuel), Benjamin Jefferson, Eber Shearman, Caleb Hill, John Cleveland, Robert Hall (son of Wm.). South Kingstown: John Sheldon, Freeman Perry, Nathaniel Gardner, Jeremiah Crandall, Richard Gardner. 292 1770. May. East Greenwich: Thomas Shippey, Thomas Casey, Sylvester Sweet, Samuel Sowle, Alexander Nichols, Hopkins Cooke. Smithfield: Daniel Mowry, Jr., Stephen Arnold, Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), John Farnum, Welcome Arnold. Scituate: Gideon Harris, Samuel Dorrance, Jeremiah Angell, Thomas Brown, Oliver Wetcot, Ezekiel Cornell, Daniel Hopkins, John Fiske, Josiah Colvin. Gloucester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Israel Arnold, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Moses Cooper, Caleb Arnold. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Job Taylor, Stanton York, James Kinyon, Samuel Cross. West Greenwich: Judiah Aylesworth, Philip Greene, Gideon Tripp, Samuel Hopkins, Jr., John Hall, West Greenwich: George Dyre, Nicholas Whitford. Coventry: John Rice, Samuel Wall, Joseph Whipple, Nehemiah Potter. Exeter: George Pierce, Jeffery Wilcox, Gideon Mosher, Robert Crandall, Joseph Arnold, Jr., William Sweet. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, John Barker, James Phillips, Jonas Coggeshall. Bristol: John Howland, Jeremiah Diman, Anthony Vandoorn. Tiverton: Restcome Sanford, John Bowen, Walter Cook, Benjamin Hambly, Thomas Estes. Little Compton: Israel Stoddard, Aaron Wilbur, Philip Taylor, Jephthah Pearce, Daniel Wilbur. Warren: John Kinnicut, Samuel Allen, 2nd, William Turner Miller, Moses Tyler. Cumberland: John Dexter, Joseph Brown, Abner Lapham, 293 1770. May. Cumberland: Peter Darling, Nathaniel Shepardson. Richmond: Edward Perry, George Webb, Thomas Kinyon, Robert Stanton, Benjamin Tefft. Cranston: William Burton, Thos. Potter (son of John), Zuriel Waterman, Harmon Briggs. Hopkinton: Francis Tanner, Thomas Wells, Jr., Hopkinton: Nathan Burdick, John Larkin, John Burdick, Joseph Witter, Jr. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Noah Matteson, Josiah King, Peleg Williams, Andrew Harris. North Providence: Edward Tripp, Isaiah Hawkins, Thomas Whipple, Jr., Jonathan Jenckes, Jr. June. Johnston: Joseph Borden. Hopkinton: William Tanner, in room of John Burdick, who declined. Hezekiah Babcock. East Greenwich: Thomas Tillinghast, in room of Sylvester Sweet, who declined. Cranston: Charles Rhodes, in room of Benj. Carpenter, who declined. Oct. Bristol: William Hoar, Warwick: Philip Wightman. 1771. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Daniel Dunham, Lt.-Col. Isaac Dayton, Maj. John Forrester. June. Newport Artillery Company: Capt. Nathaniel Mumford, Lt. Samuel Brenton, 2nd Lt. Thomas Wickham, Jr., Ens. Samuel Goldthwait. Providence County Regiment: Col. Knight Dexter, Lt.-Col. Abraham Winsor, Maj. Chad Brown. 294 1771. May. Kings County Regiment: Col. John Crandall, Lt.-Col. Moses Barber, Maj. John Allen (son of Jonathan). Bristol County Regiment: Col. Simeon Potter, Lt.-Col. Nathaniel Martin, Maj. Thomas Gray. Kent County Regiment: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. Aaron Bowen, Maj. Benj. Vaughan. All Company Officers Continued. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Goal Delivery: Stephen Hopkins, Chief. James Helme, Benoni Hall, Metcalf Bowler, Stephen Potter. Clerk, Newport County: " Providence " " Kings " " Bristol " " Kent " John Grelea, Jr. Arthur Fenner, Jr. Daniel Rodman. Jonathan Russell. Hopkins Cooke. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: George Hazard, Chief. Jonathan Freeborn, William Stoddard, Thomas Church, Benja. Underwood. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Richard Steere, Job Randall, Jeremiah Whipple, Caleb Aldrich. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. John Rose, Simeon Perry, Sylvester Robinson, John Northup. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Walter Chaloner, Sheriff. Caleb Harris, Clerk. Paul Tew, Sheriff. Stephen Haszard, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. 295 1771. May. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. Thomas Throope, C William Munro, June. Daniel Bradford, in James Brown, Thomas Throope, D Hezekiah Usher, John Brown, Sheriff Josiah Humphrey. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. Daniel Howland, C1 Thomas Aldrich, Stephen Arnold, William Nichols, Henry Rice, Sheriff. John Warner, Jr. Henry Paget, Public Notary, Town and County o dence: 'Thomas George, Captain, Fort George. Joint Agents of Colony at Court of Great Britain: Joseph Sherwood, Henry Marchant. James Clarke, Naval Officer. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Portsmouth: Martin Howard, John Shearman Charles Bardin, Robert Dennis, Henry Ward, Thomas Shearr Barnabas Hargill, Warwick: Samuel Bours, Ebenezer Slocu John Goddard, Jr., John Greene, John Grelea, Jr., Thomas Rice, John Davis, Silas Clap, Jonathan Easton, Robert Rhodes James Milward, Silas Casey. Daniel Dunham, Westerly: Jonathan Rogers, Joseph Cranda John Pitman, Oliver Crarey, James Tew, Jr., William Babcoc James Carpenter, Joseph Noyes, Thomas Hamand, Humphrey Tay James Clarke. John Burdick, Providence: North Kingstown Samuel Chace, George Northu Amos Atwell, William Hamm John Foster, Thomas Allen, David Wilkinson, George Thomas Joseph Nash, Samuel), Stephen Rawson, Benjamin Jeffe: Jabez Bowen. Eber Shearman lerk. room of eceased. F. lerk. )f Provi 1', nan. lm, ll, 11, ck, lor, 2nd. 1: Lp, Lond, Jr., s (son of rson, 1, 296 1771. May. North Kingstown: Caleb Hill, Robert Hall (son of William), South Kingstown: Freeman Perry, Samuel Rodman, Ray Sands, Adam Gould. East Greenwich: Thomas Shippey, Sylvester Sweet, Thomas Casey, Hopkins Cooke, Alexander Nichols. Smithfield: Daniel Mowrey, Jr., Stephen Arnold, Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), John Farnum, Welcome Arnold. Scituate: Gideon Harris, John Fisk, Jeremiah Angell, Oliver Westcot, Ezekiel Cornell, Thomas Brown, Thomas Hill, Daniel Hopkins, Josiah Colvin. Gloucester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Israel Arnold, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Moses Cooper, Caleb Arnold. Charlestown: - Peleg Cross, Job Taylor,' Stanton Yorke, Charlestown: James Kinyon, Samuel Cross, Benjamin Hoxie, Jr. West Greenwich: Judiah Aylesworth, Philip Greene, Gideon Tripp, Samuel Hopkins, Jr., Thomas Tillinghast, George Dyre, Nicholas Whitford. Coventry: John Rice, Samuel Wall, Joseph Whipple. Exeter: George Pierce, Hopson Wilcox, Jeffery Wilcox, Gideon Mosher, Joseph Arnold, Robert Crandall, William Sweet. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, John Barker. Bristol: William Hoar. Tiverton: Restcome Sanford, John Bowen, Walter Cooke, Benjamin Hambly, Joseph Tabor, Jr. Little Compton: Israel Stoddard, Aaron Wilbur, Philip Taylor, John Peckham. Warren: John Kinnicut, William Turner Miller. 297 1771. May. Cumberland: John Dexter, Joseph Brown, Peter Darling, Nathaniel Shepherdson. Richmond: Edward Perry, George Webb, Thomas Kinyon Robert Stanton, Benjamin Tefft, Barnabas Hoxie. Cranston: William Burton, Thomas Potter (son of John), Benjamin Carpenter, William Dexter, James Harris. Hopkinton: John Maxson, Jr., Thomas Wells, Jr., Nathan Burdick, John Tanner, Jr., David Randall. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Noah Matthewson, Josiah King, Peleg Williams, Andrew Harris. North Providence: Edward Tripp, Isaiah Hawkins, Thomas Whipple, Jonathan Jenckes, Jr. Barrington: Samuel Allen, 2d., Moses Tyler. 1772. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Daniel Dunham, Lt.-Col. Isaac Dayton, Maj. John Forrester. Providence County Regiment: Col. Knight Dexter, Lt.-Col. Abraham Winsor, Maj. Chad Brown. Aug. Gloucester: 3d. Capt. Aaron Lewis, Lt. Abraham Winsor, Ens. Elisha Brown. May. Kings County Regiment: Col. Thomas Gardner, Lt.-Col. Moses Barber, Maj. Jonathan Vaughan. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Simeon Potter, Lt.-Col. Nathaniel Martin, Maj. Thomas Gray. Kent County Regiment: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. Aaron Bowen, Maj. Benjamin Vaughan. Justices of Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Stephen Hopkins, Chief. James Helme, Benoni Hall, Metcalf Bowler, Stephen Potter. 38 298 1772. May. Clerk Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " Arthur Fenner, Jr. " Kings " Daniel Rodman. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Hopkins Cooke. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: George Hazard, Chief. Jonath. Freeborn, William Stoddard, Thomas Church, Benjamin Underwood. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Richard Steere, Job Randall, Jeremiah Whipple, Caleb Aldrich. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. Joseph Hazard, Simeon Perry, Sylvester Robinson, John Northup. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. William Munro, James Brown, Martin Luther, Josiah Humphry. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. Thomas Aldrich, Stephen Arnold, William Nichols, John Warner, Jr. Dec. Providence County: Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Walter Chaloner, Sheriff. Caleb Greene, Clerk. Paul Tew, Sheriff. Stephen Hassard, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. John Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Howland, Clerk. Henry Rice, Sheriff. Jonathan Freeborn, Special Justice, in room of Job Randall. May. Edward Thurston, General Sealer of Weights and Measures. Samuel Chace, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. Thomas George, Captain, Fort George. James Clarke, Naval Officer. 1772. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Martin Howard, Charles Bardin, Henry Ward, Barnabas Hargill, Samuel Bours, Robert Taylor (son of Peter), John Grelea, Jr., John Davis, Jonathan Easton, James Millward, Daniel Dunham, Jonathan Rogers, John Pitman, James Tew, Jr., James Carpenter, Thomas Hamand, James Clarke. Providence: Samuel Chace, Amos Atwell, John Foster, David Wilkinson, Joseph Nash, Samuel Butler, Jabez Bowen. Portsmouth: John Shearman, Robert Dennis, Thomas Shearman. Warwick: Ebenezer Slocum, John Greene, Thomas Rice, Robert Rhodes. Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Oliver Crarey, William Babcock, Joseph Noyes, Humphrey Taylor, John Burdick, 2d, Joseph Clarke. North Kingstown: William Hammond, Thomas Allen, Jr., George Thomas (son of Samuel), Benjamin Jefferson, Eber Shearman, Caleb Hill, Robert Hall (son of William), Samuel Hunt, Jr. South Kingstown: John Sheldon, Freeman Perry, Ray Sands, Nathaniel Gardner, Immanuel Case, James Parker. East Greenwich: Thomas Shippey, Sylvester Sweet, Thomas Casey, Hopkins Cooke, Alexander Nichols. Smithfield: Daniel Mowry, Jr., Stephen Arnold, Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), John Farnum, Welcome Arnold, William Winsor. Scituate: Ezekiel Cornell, Jeremiah Angell, Oliver Westcpt, Thomas Brown, Thomas Hill, Josiah Colvin, Peleg Fisk, Thomas Harris. Gloucester: Andrew Brown, Timothy Wilmarth, 300 1772. May. Gloucester: Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Caleb Arnold, Moses Cooper, Abraham Waterman. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Job Taylor, Stephen Perry, Tobias Saunders, Thomas Stanton, Jr. West Greenwich: Jedediah Aylesworth, Job Spencer, Gideon Tripp, Thomas Tillinghast. Coventry: John Rice, Samuel Wall, Joseph Whipple. Exeter: George Pierce, Hopson Wilcox, Jeffery Wilcox, Gideon Mosher, Joseph Arnold, Robert Crandall, William Sweet. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, John Barker, Thomas Peckham. Bristol: William Hoar, Daniel Bradford. Tiverton: John Bowen, Walter Cook, Benjamin Hambly, Joseph Tabor, Jr. Little Compton: Israel Stoddard, Aaron Wilbour, Little Compton: Philip Taylor, John Peckham. Warren: John Kinnicut, William T. Miller. Cumberland.: John Dexter, Joseph Brown, Peter Darling, Nathaniel Shepherdson. Richmond: Edward Perry, George Webb, Robert Stanton, Benjamin Tefft, Barnabas Hoxie, Stephen Potter. Cranston: William Burton, Thomas Potter (son of John), Benjamin Carpenter, William Dexter, James Harris. Hopkinton: John Maxson, Jr., Thomas Wells, Jr., Nathan Burdick, Edward Wells, David Randall. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Noah Matthewson, Josiah King, Peleg Williams, Andrew Harris. North Providence: Edward Tripp, Isaiah Hawkins, Thomas Whipple, Jonathan Jenckes, Jr. Barrington: Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler. 301 1772. Aug. Barrington: James Brown, Jr. Newport: George Hazard Peckham. 1773. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Daniel Dunham, Lt.-Col. Isaac Dayton, Maj. John Forrester. Providence County Regiment: Col. Knight Dexter, Lt.-Col. Abraham Winsor, Maj. Chad Brown. Kings County Regiment: Col. Thomas Gardner, Lt.-Col. Moses Barber, Maj. Jonathan Vaughan. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Simeon Potter, Lt.-Col. Nathaniel Martin, Maj. Thomas Gray. Kent County Regiment: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. Aaron Bowen, Maj. Benj. Vaughan. Justices of the Superior Court of 'Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Stephen Hopkins, Chief. James Helme, Metcalf Bowler, Stephen Potter, Job Bennet. Clerk Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " Arthur Fenner, Jr. Kings " Daniel Rodman. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. ' Kent " Hopkins Cooke. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: George Hazard, Chief. Jonath. Freeborn, William Stoddard, Thomas Church, Benjamin Underwood. Providence County: Daniel Jenckes, Chief. Richard Steere, Job Randall, Jeremiah Whipple, Caleb Aldrich. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. Joseph Hazard, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Walter Chaloner, Sheriff. Caleb Greene, Clerk. Paul Tew, Sheriff. Stephen Hassard, Clerk. 302 1773. May. Kings County: Simeon Perry, Sylvester Robinson, John Northup. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. William Munro, James Brown, Martin Luther, Josiah Humphry. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. Thomas Aldrich, Stephen Arnold, William Nichols, James Arnold, Jr. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. John Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Howland, Clerk. Henry Rice, Sheriff. Edward Tliurston, Gen'l Sealer of Weights and Measures. Samuel Chace, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. Thomas George, Captain, Fort George. James Clarke, Naval Officer. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Providence: Martin Howard, David Wilkinson, Charles Bardin, Joseph Nash, Henry Ward, Samuel Butler, Barnabas Hargill, Jabez Bowen, Samuel Bours, Theodore Foster. Robert Taylor (son of Portsmouth: Peter), John Shearman, John Grelea, Jr., Robert Dennis, John Davis, Thomas Shearman. Jonathan Easton, Warwick: James Milward, Ebenezer Slocur, Daniel Dunham, John Greene, Jonathan Rogers, Thomas Rice, John Pitman, Robert Rhodes, James Tew, Jr., Adam Comstock. James Carpenter, Westerly: Thomas Hamand, Joseph Crandall, James Clarke. Oliver Crarey, Providence: William Babcock, Samuel Chace, Joseph Noyes, John Foster, Humphrey Taylor, 303 1773. May. Westerly: John Burdick, 2nd, Joseph Clarke, Stephen Saunders, Phineas Clarke. North Kingstown: William Hammond, Thomas Allen, Jr., George Thomas (son of Samuel), Benjamin Jefferson, Eber Shearman, Caleb Hill, Robert Hall (son of William), Samuel Hunt, Jr. South Kingstown: John Sheldon, Freeman Perry, Ray Sands, Nathaniel Gardner, Immanuel Case, James Parker, Samuel Perry. East Greenwich: Thomas Casey, Hopkins Cook, Pardon Mawney, William Pierce, Alexander Nichols. Smithfield: John Sayles, Jr., Stephen Arnold, Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), William Winsor, Benjamin Smith, Jr. Scituate: Ezekiel Cornell, Jeremiah Angell, Oliver Westcot, Thomas Brown, Thomas Hill, Josiah Colvin, Scituate: Peleg Fisk, Thomas Harris. Gloucester: Timothy Wilmarth, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Israel Arnold, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Caleb Arnold, Moses Cooper, Abraham Waterman. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Job Taylor, Stephen Perry, Tobias Saunders, Jonathan Hazard. West Greenwich: Job Spencer, Judiah Aylesworth, Gideon Tripp, Thomas Tillinghast, Thomas Gorton. Coventry: John Rice, Samuel Wall, Joseph Whipple. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, John Barker, Thomas Peckham. Bristol: William Hoar, Daniel Bradford.. Tiverton: John Bowen, Walter Cook, Oliver Cook, Joseph Tabor, Jr. Little Compton: Israel Stoddard, Aaron Wilbur, Philip Taylor, John Peckham. 301 1773. May. Aug. Warren: John Kinnicut, William Turner Miller, Robert Carr. Cumberland: John Dexter, Joseph Brown, Peter Darling, Nath. Shepperdson. Richmond: Edward Perry, George Webb, Robert Stanton. Cranston: Thomas Potter, Anthony Aborn, Christopher Lippitt, John King (son of Jonathan). Hopkinton: John Maxson, Jr., Thomas Wells, Jr., Hopkinton: Nathan Burdick, Edward Wells, David Randall, Zaccheus Reynolds, Jr. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Noah Matthewson, Josiah King, Peter Williams, Andrew Harris. North Providence: Edward Tripp, Thomas Whipple, Jonathan Jenckes, Hope Angell. Barrington: Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler, James Brown, Jr. Exeter: Newman Perkins, in room of William Sweet, who hath removed out of Town. Nicholas Gardner, Jr., Hopson Wilcox, Joseph Arnold, Jr., Robert Crandall. Johnston: Caleb Harris, in room of Josiah King, who declines. Job Waterman, Jr. 1774. May. Newport County Regiment: Col. Daniel Dunham. Aug. Lt.-Col. Isaac Dayton, Maj. John Forrester. Newport Troop of Horse: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Dayton, Lt. Nathaniel Sowle, Cornet Benajah Dunhamn, Quarter-Master Sam'l Tompkins. Newport: 1st. Capt. Benj. Dunham, Lt. Robert Dunham, Ens. Joseph Pike. 2nd. Capt. Elisha Lawton, Lt. Stephen Hawkins, Ens. Jonathan Simmons. 305 1774. Aug. Newport: 3d. William Tripp, Lt. Lemuel Baily, Ens. Wing Spooner. 4th. Capt. Henry Wyles, Lt. Thomas Dunton, Ens. Wm. Dunham. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. George Lawton, Lt. Burrington Anthony, Ens. David Gifford. 2nd. Capt. James Allen, 2nd, Lt. Thos. Allen, Ens. Win. Remington. New Shoreham: Capt. John Sands, Lt. Samuel Rathbone, Jr., Ens. William Littlefield. Jamestown: Capt. Samuel Slocum, Jr., Lt. John Carr, Ens. Benjamin Carr, Jr. Dec. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. John Cooke (son of Samuel), Lt. Philip Corey, Ens. Philip Gray. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Dwelly, Lt. Gideon Durfee, Ens. John Stafford. Little Compton: Capt. David Hilyer, Lt. Thos. Church, Ens. William Richmond. Militia of the Colony: Major-General Simeon Potter. Committee to Revise Militia Laws: Col. James Angell, Col. Joseph Nightingale, Col. John Mathewson, Major Daniel Hitchcock, Nathaniel Greene, Jr. Aug. 1st Providence County Regiment: Col. James Angell, Lt.-Col. Chad Brown, Maj. Jabez Bowen. Providence Troop of Horse: Capt. Daniel Manton, 1st Lt. Rhodes Wilkinson, *2nd Lt. Christopher Olney, Quarter-Master John Mawney. Providence: 1st. Capt. Comfort Wheaton, Lt. Nehemiah Sweet, Ens. Jas. Arnold. 2nd. Capt. Elijah Bacon, Lt. Nath'l Frothingham, Ens. Jona. Belcher. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Joseph Jenckes, Lt. Sylvanus Bucklin, Ens. Benj. Ballou. 2nd. Capt. Israel Mowry, Lt. Elias Sprague, Ens. Elijah Arnold. 3d. Capt. Abr'm Matthewson, Lt. Nehemiah Smith, Ens. Job Mowry. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Joseph Knight, Lt. Samuel Wilbur, Ens. Nathan Relph. 2nd. Capt. Simeon Herrenden, Lt. Stephen Sheldon, Jr., Ens. Stephen Herrenden. 39 306 1774. Aug. Scituate: 3d. Capt. John Pratt, Lt. Stephen Kimbal, Ens. Joseph Davis. 4th. Capt. John Round, Lt. John Colwell, Jr., Ens. Jeremiah Davis. Gloucester: 1st. Capt. David Burlingham, Lt. Nathaniel Blackman, Ens. Benajah Whipple. 2nd. Capt. John Olney, Lt. Samuel May, Ens. Ezekiel Plettiplace. 3d. Capt. Abraham Winsor, Lt. David Richmond, Ens. Stephen Paine, Jr. Dec. 4th. Capt. Stephen Winsor, Lt. Aaron Arnold, Ens. Joshua Matthewson. Aug. Cranston: 1st. Capt. Nicholas Sheldon, Jr., Lt. Ezekiel Searle, Ens. Daniel Westcot. 2nd. Capt. Mesech Potter, Lt. Frederick Williams, Ens. Nathaniel Carpenter. 3d. Capt. Edward Knight, Lt. Thomas Manchester, Ens. William Field (son of Silas). Johnston: Capt. Israel Angel, Lt. Daniel Wightman, Ens. Emmor Olney. North Providence: Capt. Job Olney, Lt. Charles Oliey, Jr., Ens. Eleazer Jenckes. Oct. 2nd Providence County Regiment: Col. Chad Brown, Lt.-Col. William Winsor, Maj. Abial Brown. Smithfield: 2nd. Capt. Thomas Aldrich, Lt. Elijah Arnold, Ens. Jacob Comstock. Providence: - 1st. Ens. David Lawrence. 2nd. Ens. James Burril. 3d Providence Regiment: Col. Ezekiel Cornell, Lt.-Col. Christ'r Lippitt, Maj. John Colwell, Jr. 1st Providence Regiment: Lt.-Col. Jabez Bowen, Maj. Daniel Hitchcock. Adjutant-Major of Brigade, William Tyler. Dec. Scituate: 4th. Lt. Jeremiah Davis, in room of John Colwell, Jr., advanced. Ensign Isaac Hopkins, in room of Jer. Davis. Aug. Kings County Regiment: Col. Moses Barber, Lt.-Col. James Babcock, Maj. Jonathan Vaughan. 30o 1774. Aug. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Thomas Thompson, Lt. Joseph Pendleton, Ens. Joshua Pendleton. 2nd. Capt. Win. Greene, Lt. John Gavet, Ens. Stephen Saunders, Jr. North Kingstown': 1st. Capt. Joshua Davis, Lt. Job Tibbits, Ens. James Reynolds (son of John). 2nd. Capt. John Congdon (son of Joseph), Lt. Benjamin Gardner, Ens. Stephen Congdon. 3d. Capt. James Cooper, Lt. George Hiams, Ens. William Brown. South Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Ray Mumford, Lt. John Hawkins, Ens. Joseph Peckham. 2nd. Capt. Gardner Win. Mumford, Lt. Samuel Whaley, Jr., Ens. Joseph Hull. Charlestown: Capt. Thomas Sheffield, Lt. John Park, Ens. Jonathan Macomber. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Christ. Champlin, Lt. Jona. Bates, Ens. Nicholas Dawley. 2nd. Capt. John Hoxie, Lt. George Sweet, Jr., Ens. John Greene. Richmond: Capt. Thos. Kinjyon (son of David), Lt. Peter Boss, Ens. Simeon Clarke, Jr. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Joshua Wells, Lt. Barker Wells, Ens. Oliver Babcock, Jr. 2nd. Capt. John Randall, Lt. Wm. Witter, Ens. George Thurston, Jr. Kent County Regiment: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. John Low, Maj. Joseph Fry. Warwick: 1st. Capt. Benjamin Arnold, Jr., Lt. John Greene (son of Richard), Ens. Job Smith. Oct. 2nd. Capt. John Greene, Lt. Abraham Lockwood, Ens. Silvester Wickes. 3d. Capt. Christopher Levally, Lt. Waterman Tibbits, Ens. Stukely Stafford. Aug. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. John Glazier, Lt. Job Pearce, Ens. Joseph Carder. 2nd. Capt. Job Vaughan, Lt. Christopher Nichols, Ens. James Wightman, Jr. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt, John Weathers, Lt. Abel Greene, Ens. Job Straight. 2nd. Capt Nathaniel Brown, Lt. Jeremiah Austin, Ens. Benj. Gorton. 3d. Capt. Job Angell, Lt. John Matthewson, Ens. Josiah Matthewson. 308 1774. Aug. Coventry: 1st. Capt. Edmund Johnston, Lt. Benjamin Greene, Ens. Yelverton Waite. 2nd. Capt. Stukely Hudson, Lt. William Roy, Ens. Archibald Kasson. Dec. Warwick Militia Company: 3d Co. Lieut. Nathan Gorton. Aug. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Simeon Potter, Lt.-Col. Nath. Martin, Maj. Thomas Gray. Bristol: Capt. Jeremiah Ingraham, Lt. Stephen Smith, Ens. Hezekial Munro. Barrington: Capt. Elkanah Humphrey, Lt. Matthew Allen, Ens. Samuel Bosworth. June. Independent Companies-The Cadet Company (late Artillery Co.), in the County of Providence: Capt. Joseph Nightingale, 1st. Lieut. William Russell, 2nd Lieut. Nathaniel Greene, Ens. Ebenezer Thompson. The Light Infantry in the County of Providence: Capt. John Mathewson, 1st. Lieut. Jonathan Ellis, 2nd Lieut. Thomas Freeman, Ens. Asa Franklin. Oct. The Providence Grenadier Company: Capt. Jonathan Arnold, 1st Lieut. Zephaniah Andrews. Dec. 2nd Lieut. Ezekiel Burr, Ens. Simeon Thayer. Oct. The Light Infantry in the Town of Glocester: Capt. Asa Kimball, Lieut. David Inman, Ens. Abraham Tourtellot. Dec. The North Providence Rangers: Capt. Joseph Olney, Lieut. John Angell (son of Stephen), Ens. Joseph Randall. The Providence Fusileers, under special command of Maj. Dan. Hitchcock: The following April united to Providence Artillery Co. as the United Company of the Train of Artillery. The Scituate Hunters: Capt. Joseph Kimball, Jr., 1st. Lieut. Gideon Cornell, 2nd Lieut. Lemuel Morris, Ens. Jonathan Smith. The Artillery Company in Providence: Capt. Dan'l Tillinghast, Capt. Lt. John Crane, 1st. Lt. Christ. Whipple, 2nd Lieut. Elisha Robinson, Lieut. Fire Worker Joshua Hacker. 309 1774. Oct. The Kentish Guards: Capt. James Mitchell Varnum, 1st Lieut. Richard Fry, 2nd Lieut. Christ. Greene (son of Philip), Ens. Hopkins Cooke. Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Samuel Aborn, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Arnold, 2nd Lieut. Rhodes Arnold, Ens. Stephen Greene. Dec. The Newport Light Infantry Company: 1st Lt. Charles Spooner, in room of Capt. Caleb Gardner, who declined. 2nd Lt. Capt. James Tew, in room of Elisha Lawton, who declined. * April. The United Company of the Train of Artillery in the Town of Providence: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lt.-Col. Daniel Hitchcock, Major John Crane, Capt. Levi Hall. June. Conductor of Train: James Gardner. To Consult with Connecticut Assembly upon Measures of Common Defence: Hon. Samuel Ward, William Bradford. April. Nathaniel Greene, in room of Samuel Ward (going to Continental Congress). May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Stephen Hopkins, Chief. Metcalf Bowler, William Greene, Joseph Russell, Job Bennet. Clerk, Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. Providence " Arthur Fenner, Jr. " Kings " Daniel Rodman, " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Hopkins Cook. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: George Hazard, Chief. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Jonath. Freeborn, William Stoddard, Thomas Church, Walter Chaloner, Sheriff. Benjamin Hall. Providence County: Nich'l's Tillinghast, Chief. Caleb Greene, Clerk. Richard Steere, 310 1774. May. Providence County: Ezekiel Cornell, Jeremiah Whipple, Caleb Aldrich. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. Joseph Hazard, Simeon Perry, Sylvester Robinson, John Northup. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. William Munro, James Brown, Martin Luther, Josiah Humphrey. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. Thomas Aldrich, Stephen Arnold, William Nichols, James Arnold, Jr. Paul Tew, Sheriff. Benjamin Peckham, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. John Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Howland, Clerk. Henry Rice, Sheriff. Edward Thurston, General Sealer of Weights and Measures. Samuel Chace, Public Notary for Town and County of Providence. George Cornell, Captain, Fort George. Dec. Delegates to represent Colony at Continental Congress: Hon Stephen Hopkins, and Hon. Samuel Ward. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Providence: Martin Howard, Samuel Chace, Paul Mumford, John Foster, Henry Ward, David Wilkinson, Barnabas Hargill, Joseph Nash, John Grelea, Jr., Samuel Butler, John Davis, Jabez Bowen, Jonathan Easton, Theodore Foster. James Milward, Portsmouth: Daniel Dunham, John Shearman, Jonathan Rogers, Robert Dennis, John Pitman, Thomas Shearman. James Tew, Jr., James Clarke, William Guyse Hagger. 311 1774. May. Warwick: Thomas Rice, Robert Rhodes, Adam Comstock, James Greene, Anthony Low. Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Stephen Saunders, Joseph Clarke, Joshua Vose, Elkanah Babcock, Samuel Berry. North Kingstown: William Hammond, Eber Shearman, Thomas Allen, Jr., George Thomas (son of Samuel), Sylvester Gardner, Caleb Hill, Joshua Davis, Samuel Hunt, Jr. South Kingstown: Nathaniel Gardner, Freeman Perry, Paul Niles, Samuel Perry, James Parker, Samuel Tefft, Adam Gould, Daniel Rodman. East Greenwich: Thomas Casey, Hopkins Cook, Alexander Nichols, Thomas Tillinghast, Allen Johnston. Smithfield: Stephen Arnold, William Winsor, Uriah Alverson, Ichabod Comstock, Jr. Scituate: William West, Jeremiah Angell, Scituate: Thomas Hill, Peleg Fisk, Thomas Harris. Gloucester: Timothy Wilmarth, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Israel Arnold, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Caleb Arnold, Moses Cooper, Abraham Waterman. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Stephen Perry, Tobias Saunders, Jonathan Hazard, Joseph Hoxie. West Greenwich: Job Spencer, Philip Greene, Judiah Aylesworth, Gideon Tripp, Thomas Tillinghast, Thomas Gorton. Coventry: John Rice, Samuel Wall, Jeremiah Fenner, John Greene (son of Thomas). Middletown: Joseph Peabody, John Barker, Thomas Peckham. Bristol: William Hoar, Daniel Bradford. Tiverton: John Bowen, Walter Cooke, Benjamin Hambly, Joseph Tabor, Benjamin Jenckes, Gilbert Devel. 312 1774. May. Little Compton: Israel Stoddard, Aaron Wilbur, Philip Taylor, John Peckham. Warren: John Kinnicut, William Turner Mille: Cumberland: John Dexter, Joseph Brown, Peter Darling, Nath. Shepperdson. Richmond: Edward Perry, George Webb, Robert Stanton. Aug. Exeter: George Peirce, Nicholas Gardner, Jr. Hopson Wilcox, Robert Crandall, Joseph Greene. Aug. Hopkinton: John Maxson, Jr., Thomas Wells, Jr., Nathan Burdick, Benjamin Randall, Francis West. Johnston: r. Abraham Belknap, Noah Matthewson, Caleb Harris, Peleg Williams, Andrew Harris. May. Cranston: Thomas Potter (son of John), Christopher Lippitt, Ezekiel Warner, Anthony Aborn. North Providence:, Edward Tripp, Thomas Whipple, Hope Angell. Barrington: Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler. 1775. May. June. May. Oct. Jan. May. Feb. Committee of Safety: Newport Co.: William Richmond. Providence Co.: John Smith, Daniel Tillinghast. Kings County: John Northup. Capt. Joseph Stanton. Bristol Co.: William Bradford. Metcalf Bowler, in room of William Richmond, chosen a Field Officer. Col. John Cooke, in addition to M. Bowler. Kent Co.: Jacob Greene. Stephen Mumford, in room of Jacob Greene, resigned. * 313 1775. May. Army of Observation: Brig.-Gen. Nathaniel Greene, Jr. Commissary Peter Phillips. June. Surgeon John Martin. Secretary William Blodget. Baker Charles Bowler. May. Newport and Bristol Counties Regiment: Col. Thomas Church, Lt.-Col. Wm. Turner Miller, Maj. John Forrester. Newport and Bristol Colonel's Company: Capt.-Lt. William Ladd, Lt. Nathaniel Church, Ens. Cornelius Briggs. Lt.-Colonel's Company: Capt.-Lt. Matthew Allen, Lt. James Smith, Ens. James Brown, Jr. Major's Company: Capt.-Lt. John Topham, Lt. George Tenant, Ens. Stephen Tripp. Newport and Bristol Companies: Capt. Sion Martindale, Lt. Benjamin Diamon, Ens. James Child, 2nd. Capt. Joseph Tew, Lt. Jonathan Simmons, Ens. Christopher Bennet, Capt. Jonathan Brownell, Lt. Sylvanus Shaw, Ens. Godfrey Brown. Capt. Benjamin Seabury, Lt. Gilbert Manchester, Ens. Israel Church. June. Capt. Ebenezer Flagg, Lt. Joseph Perry, Ens. Noel Allen. Capt. Thomas Gray, Lt. Lemuel Bailey, Ens. William Southworth. Aug. Company of Minute-Men —Portsmouth: Capt. John Earl, Lt. James Peckham, Ens. Cook Wilcocks. Oct. Adjuster of Accounts for Supplies: Paul Allen. May. Captain, Benjamin Tayer, Fort George. Joshua Babcock, Messenger to Conn. Gen. Ass. Naval Officer: James Clarke. June. Officers of Colony's Navy-Of Largest Vessel: Commander Abraham Whipple, with rank and Power of Commodore of 2 vessels, 1st Lt. John Grimes, 2nd Lt. Benjamin Seabury, Master Wm. Bradford (of Providence), Qr.-Mr. Ebenezer Flagg. Of Smallest Vessel: Commander Christopher Whipple, Lieutenant William Rhodes. Commander John Grimes, in room of Christ. Whipple, who refused. 40 314 1775. May. Army of Observation-Providence County Regiment: Col. Daniel Hithcock, Lt.-Col. Ezekiel Cornell, Maj. Israel Angell. Providence Colonel's Company: Capt.-Lt. Simeon Thayer, Lt. John Spurr, Ens. William Potter. Lt.-Colonel's Company: Capt.-Lt. Stephen Kimbal, Lt. Jona. Smith, Ens. Geo. Dorrance, Jr. Major's Company: Capt.-Lt. John Field, Lt. David Richmond, Ens. Samuel Black. Providence Companies: Capt. Andrew Waterman, Lt. William Aldrich, Ens. David Dexter, Jr. Capt. John Angell, Lt. Coggeshall Olney, Ens. Stephen Olney. Capt. Christopher Olney, Lt. Ephraim Bowen, Jr., Ens. Cyprian Sterry. Capt. Jeremiah Olney, Lt. Levi Tower, Ens. Nathaniel Field. Capt. Nathaniel Blackmar, Lt. Sam'l Thornton, Ens. Abr'm Tourtellot. June. Capt. Levi Tower, Lt. Silas Talbut, Ens. Reuben Sprague. Capt. Israel Gorton, Lt. James Williams, Ens. Joseph Harris. Aug. Company of Minute-Men —Smithfield: Capt. Andrew Waterman, Lt. James Aldrich, Ens. Esek Saunders. Oct. Company of Minute-Men-Smithfield: Capt. Joseph Jenckes, Lt. Sylvanus Bucklin, Ens. William Wilbour. May. Army of Observation-Kings and Kent Counties Regiment: Col. James Mitchel Varnum, Lt.-Col. James Babcock, Maj. Christopher Greene. Colonel's Company: Capt. Lt. Archibald Crarey, Lt. John Singer Dexter. Lieut.-Colonel's Company: Capt.-Lt. John Hoxie, Lt. Jonathan Bates, Jr., Ens. Joseph Holloway. Major's Company: Capt.-Lt. Edmund Johnson, Lt. John Reynolds, Ens. John Holden (son of Charles). Kings and Kent County Companies: Capt. Thomas Holden, Lt. Joseph Barton, Ens. Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb). Capt. Samuel Ward, Jr., Lt. Elijah Lewis, Ens. Joshua Collins. Capt. James Gardner, Lt. Thomas Phillips, Ens. Samuel Bissell. Capt. Christopher Gardner, Jr., Lt. Nathaniel Hawkins, Ens. William Potter (son of Ichabod). Capt. John Randall, Lt. Oliver Clarke, Ens. Stephen Wells. June. Capt. Ethan Clarke, Lt. Thomas Cole, Ens. John Woodmansie. 315 1775. June. Kings and Kent County Companies: Capt. Christopher Smith, Lt. Thomas Sweet, Ens. Oliver Tefft. Job Watson, a Post on Tower Hill, to give Intelligence to the. Northern Countles, in case any Squadron of Ships shall be seen off shore. May. Train of Artillery for Army of Observation: Capt. John Crane, Capt.-Lt. Joseph Balch. June. Conductor James Gardner. Jan. Company of Minute-Mlen-North Kingstown: Capt. James Albro, Lt. Eldred Spink, Ens. James Eldred (son of Seth). Feb. Committee to inspect Boats, when about to pass from one part of the Colony to another: Thos. Freebody, John Collins, George Sears, William Ellery. Committee to Direct the Commanding Officer, where to Station Troops, &c.: His Honor Dept.-Gov. William Bradford, William Ellery, John Mathewson, Henry Mlarchant, Gideon Mumford. Oct. Regiment ordered, Commander Esek Hopkins: Col. William Richmond, Lt.-Col. Gideon Hoxie, Maj. Benj. Tallman. 1st Company: Capt. Caleb Gardner, Lt. Benj. Fry, Ens. Jonathan Wallen. 2nd Company: Capt. Peter Church, Lt. Caleb Carr, Ens. Peleg Heath. 3d Company: Capt. Job Pearce, Lt. Malachi Hammet, Ens. Benj. Burlingham. 4th Company: Capt. Thomas Wells, 2nd, Lt. Augustus Stanton, Ens. Peleg Berry. 5th Company: Capt. Christ. Manchester, Lt. Walter Palmer, Ens. Jona. Deval, Jr. Colonel's Company: Capt.-Lt. William Barton, Lt. Charles Lippitt, Ens. Squire Fiske. Lieut.-Colonel's Company: Capt. Peter Wanton, Lt. James Wallace, Ens. John Rogers. Jan. Capt.-Lt. James Wallace, in room of Peter Wanton, who refused, Lt. John Rogers. Ens. William Davis, Jr. 316 1775. Oct. Major's Company: Capt.-Lt. Charles Dyer, Lt. Zerobabel Westcoat, Ens. Roysel Smith. 9th Company: Capt. Josiah Gibbs, Lt. John Holden (son of Charles), Ens. Philip Arnold (son of James). 10th Company: Capt. Cornelius Briggs, Lt. Lemuel Bailey, Ens. Benj. Church. 11th Company: Capt. Benj. Diamond, Lt. James Smith, Ens. Isaac Eastlick. 12th Company: Capt. Samuel Phillips, Jr., Lt. Paul Herrington, Ens. Benj. West. Quarter-Master John Handy. Brigade Major Christopher Olney. Surgeon John Bartlet. Surgeon Mates Joseph Rhodes, Ebenezer Richmond, John Chace. Commissary Nathan Miller. Artillery Company: Capt. Edw. Spaulding, Capt.-Lt. Wm. Bull, 1st. Lt. Joshua Sayer, Jr., 2nd Lt. Ebenezer Shearman, Fire-Worker Lt. Timothy Brown. Mar. Capt. Robert Elliott, in room of Edward Spaulding, resigned. Lt. Fire-Worker John Larcher, Jr. Colonel's Company: Capt. Abimelech Riggs, in room of William Barton, resigned, Lt. Squire Fiske, Ens. Richard Marvin. Oct. Capt. Benj. Page, 1st Row-Galley that shall be equipped. Jan.. Officers of Row-Gallies: Capt. John Grimes, 1st Lt. Thomas Arnold, of East Greenwich, 2nd Lt. Samuel Vial, of Rehoboth. Master John Kelton, of Providence. 1st Lt. Samuel Westcot, in room of Thomas Arnold, refused. Master Francis Bradfeld, " John Kelton, " Oct. Committee to fortify in defense of the Colony: Joseph Brown, Esek Hopkins. Jan. Inspectors of Nitre or Salt Petre: His Honor the Governor Nicholas Cooke, Metcalf Bowler, Joshua Babcock, Jabez Bowen, Hezekiah Usher, Nicholas Paris Tillinghast, Stephen Wigneron, Andrew Balfour, Benjamin Slack. 317 1775. Jan. Committee to remove from Newport Aged People, Women, and Children to Place of Safety: John Collins, John Cooke, Thomas Freebody, George Irish, Daniel Holloway. Committee to act during Recess of Gen. Ass. in case of any Sudden Emergency, &c.: His Honor the Gov. Step. Hopkins, Dept.-Gov. William Bradford, Ambrose Page, James Arnold, Jr., Jonathan Randall, John Sayles, Jr., Henry Ward, Metcalf Bowler, Joseph Anthony, Joshua Babcock, John Jenckes, John Smith, John Mathewson, John Dexter, Stephen Whipple, William Greene, Paul Mumford, John Potter, John G. Wanton, Sylvester Gardner, Thomas Freebody. A Watch of 6 men to be kept in each Town bordering upon the Sea. Artillery Companies to be established in Towns upon the Sea Coast of 14 men each, with 2, 3, or 4-pound Field Peices, &c. Jan. Sess. Additional Regiment for Defence: Col. Henry Babcock, Lt.-Col. Christ. Lippitt, Maj. Adam Comstock. 1st Company: Capt. Job Olney, in stead of John Angell, who refused to serve, Lt. William Drowne, Ens Jacob Williams. 2nd Company: Capt. Jonathan Brownell, Lt. William Jones, Ens. Gilbert Richmond. 3d Company: Capt. James Tew, Jr., Lt. Joseph Belcher, Jr., Ens. Bryant Milliman. 4th Company: Capt. Asa Kimball, Lt. Benjamin Hoppen, Ens. Anan Winsor. 5th Company: Capt. Andrew Waterman, Lt. Nehemiah Randall, Ens. Wilson Rawson. 6th Company: Capt. Loring Peck, Lt. Arthur Fenner (son of Edward), Ens. Stephen Paine. 7th Company: Capt David Dexter, Jr., Lt. Peleg Slocum, Ens. David Sayles. 8th Company: Capt. William Potter (son of John), Lt. Christopher Dyre, Ens. William Potter (son of Ichabod). 9th Company: Capt. Benjamin Peirce, Lt. Simeon Martin, Ens. William Belcher. 318 1775. Jan. Colonel's Company: Capt.-Lt. Augustus Stanton, Lt. Joshua Bliven, Ens. Thomas Noyes. Leut.-Colonel's Company: Capt.-Lieut. John Carr, Lt. Alexander Thomas, Ens. Stephen Borden. Major's Conpany: Capt.-Lieut. Thos. Gorton, Lt. Thos. Arnold, Ens. Michael Spencer. Adjutant William Tyler. Quarter-Master Benjamin Bourne. Feb. Brig.-Gen. William West's Resignation accepted. Mar. To Consider erection of Fortifications at Bristol and Howland Ferries: Hon. William Bradford and Simeon Potter. Feb. Sess. First Regiment in Colony's Brigade: Major Caleb Gardner. 1st Company: Capt. Benjamin Fry, Lt. Jonathan Wallen, Ens. Edmund A. Smith. 2nd Company: Capt. Caleb Carr, Lt. Peleg Heath, Ens. Benjamin Bosworth, 3d. 3d Company: Ens. Jeremiah Pearce. 10th Company: Capt. Nathaniel Church. 2nd Regiment in the Colony's Brigade —st Company: Lt. Arthur Fenner (son of Edward), in place of William Drown, advanced Lt. 6th Co. 4th Company: Ens. Abraham Tourtellot. 5th Company: Capt. Nathaniel Blackmar. 6th Company: Lt. William Drown. March. Lt. William Lawliss, in place of WVm, Drown, who refused. 12th Company: Ens. Ichabod Prentice: Surgeon's Mate of Brigade, John Bartlett Jr., in room of John Chace, declining. Surgeon's Mate of Brigade, Stephen Wigneron, in room of Ebenezer Richmond, declining. Armourer of Brigade, Enoch Stanton. 319 1775. March. Row-Galley " Spitfire": 1st Lt. Samuel Vial, 2nd Lt. Isaac Tyler, Master Joseph Morin. Feb. Washington, Row-Galley: Capt. John Hyers, in room of Capt. Oliver Gardner, resigned. June. Forces of the Colony-Militia: Major-General William Bradford. Oct. Major-General Joshua Babcock. June. Newport County Regiment: Col. John Malbone, Lt.-Col. George Champlin, Maj. John Cooke. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. Burrington Anthony, Lt. David Gifford, Ens. Stephen Borden. New Shoreham: Capt. John Sands, Lt. Samuel Rathbone, Jr., Ens. Wm. Littlefield. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. Christopher Manchester, Lt. Isaac Cooke, Ens. Philip Manchester. 2nd. Capt. Benj. Durfee, Lt. Ebenezer Slocum, Ens. Jona. Devel. Little Compton: Capt. George Simmons, Lt. Samuel Gray, Ens. David Cooke. Aug. Newport County Regiment: Col. Joseph Belcher, Lt.-Col. John Cooke, Maj. William Channing. Portsmouth: 2nd. Capt. Samuel Pearce, Jr., Lt. William Allen (son of William), Ens. George Allen. Jamestown: Capt. Benjamin Underwood, Lt. John Carr, Ens. Benjamin Carr, Jr. Middletown: Capt. Thomas Peckham, Lt. Samuel Baley, Ens. Elisha Barker. Feb. Sess.: Lieut. John Vars, Ens. Thomas Coggeshall, Jr. Feb. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. David Gifford, in room of Burrington Anthony. Mar. Lieut. Thomas Earle, Ens. Cooke Wilcox. 320 1775. June. Militia Force of the Colony-lst Providence Regiment: Col. James Angell, Lt.-Col. Jabez Bowen, Maj. John Innis Clarke. Providence: 1st. Capt. Comfort Wheaton, Lt. Nehemiah Sweet, Ens. John Demont. 2nd. Capt. Elijah Bacon, Lt. Nathaniel Frothingham, Ells. James Burrill. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Joseph Jenckes, Lt. Sylvanus Bucklin, Ens. Samuel Hills. Cranston: 1st. Capt. John King, Jr., Lt. Anthony Potter, Ens. Josiah Potter. 2nd. Capt. Frederick Williams, Lt. Nathanl Carpenter, Ens. John Harris. 3d. Capt. Edward Knight, Lt. Wm. Field, 2nd, Ens. Joseph Potter. Johnston: 1st. Capt. Richard Thornton, Lt. Richard Fenner, Jr., Ens. Daniel Sprague, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Emmor Olney, Lt. Daniel Angell, Ens. Laban Waterman. North Providence: Capt. Job Olney, Lt. Charles Olney, Jr., Ens. Eleazer Jenckes. Aug. 1st Providence County Regiment: Adjutant William Barton. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Samuel Hill, Lt. Thomas Jenckes, Ens. Samuel Day. Feb. North Providence: Capt. Charles Olney, Lt. Eleazer Jenks, Ens. Samuel Olney. June. Militia Force of the Colony-2nd Providence Regiment: Col. Chad Brown, Lt.-Col. Elisha Mowrey, Jr., Maj. John Fisk. Smithfield: 3d. Capt. Nehemiah Smith, Lt. Job Mowry, Ens. James Smith. 2nd, Capt. Thomas Aldrich, Lt. Elijah Arnold, Ens. Peleg Arnold. Aug. 3d. Lt. James Smith. June. Gloucester: 1st. Capt. Benajah Whipple, Lt. Simon Smith, Ens. John Eddy. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Mayes, Lt. Ezekiel Phettiplace, Ens. Daniel Mathewson. 321 1775. June. Gloucester: 3d. Capt. Abraham Winsor, Lt. Stephen Pain, Ens. Richard Lewis. 4th. Capt. Stephen Winsor, Lt. Aaron Arnold, Ens. Isaac Ross. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Enoch Weatherhead, Lt. Elisha Waterman, Ens. Benjamin Wilkinson. 2nd. Capt. Levi Tower, Lt. Elias Philbrook, Ens. Levi Ballou. 2nd. Ens. Reuben Ballou, in room of Levi Ballou, who refused. Feb. Sess. 2nd. Capt. Stephen Jillson, in room of Levi Tower, who resigned. Lieut. Roger Sheldon, " Stephen Jillson, promoted. Ens. Abraham Cooke, " Roger Sheldon, " Militia Force of the Colony-3d Providence Regiment: Col. Christ. Lippitt, Lt.-Col. John Colwell, Jr., Maj. Joseph Knight. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Peleg Fisk, Lt. Nathan Relph, Ens. Nathan Bates. 3d. Capt. Stephen Kimball, Lt. Joseph Davis, Ens. Jas. Williams. 4th. Capt. Jeremiah Davis, Lt. Isaac Hopkins, Ens. Oziel Smith. 5th. Capt. Samuel Wilbur, Lt. Thomas Field, Ens. Wm. Potter. Cranston: 3d. - Capt. Edw. Knight, Lt. Wmn. Field, 2nd Ens. Joseph Potter. Aug. Scituate: 6th. Capt. Stephen Sheldon, Lt. Daniel Howard, Ens. James Wells. June. 1st Kings County Regiment: Col. Joseph Noyes, Lt.-Col. Jesse Champlin, Maj. Jesse Maxson. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Thomas Thompson, Lt. Joseph Pendleton, Ens. Joshua Pendleton. 2nd. Capt. John Gavet, Lt. Stephen Saunders, Jr. Ens. Wm. Bliven. May. 3d. Capt. Geo. Stillman, Jr., Lt. Peleg Saunders, Ens. Silas Maxson. June. Charlestown: Capt. Thomas Sheffield, Lt. Jonathan Macomber, Ens. Caleb Crandal. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Barker Wells, Lt. Oliver Babcock, Jr., Ens. Elnathan Wells. 2nd. Capt. George Thurston, Jr., Lt. Matthew Randall, Ens. Randall Wells. May. 3d. ~ Capt. Nathan Barber, Lt. Jesse Burdick, Ens. Weight Burdick. 41 322 1775. Oct. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Joseph Pendleton, Lt. Joshua Pendleton, Ens. John Pendleton. Charlestown: 2nd. Capt. Amos Greene, Jr., Lt. Beriah Lewis, Ens. Peleg Hoxie. Jan. Westerly: 1st. Ens. Ephraim Pendleton, in room of John Pendleton, appointed by mistake. June. Militia Force of the Colony-2nd Kings County Regiment: Col. Robert Brown, Lt.-Col. George Peirce, Maj. Joshua Davis. North Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Thomas Clarke, Lt. John Manchester, ' TlnstWilliam Reynolds. 2nd. Capt Thomas Cole, Lt. Charles Dyre, Ens. William Taylor. 3d. Capt. Thos. Bissell, Jr., Lt. Timothy Deane, Ens. Robert Potter. South Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Samuel Seagar, Lt. Gideon Babcock, Ens. Dan'l Williams. 2nd. Capt. Abial Brown, Lt. James Parker, Ens. Barber Peckham. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Christ. Champlin, Lt. Abel Fowler, Ens. Isaiah Wilcox. 2nd. Capt. John Hoxie, Lt. George Sweet, Ens. Eber Shearman. May. Richmond: Capt. Simeon Clarke, Jr., Lt. Thomas James, Ens. Thomas Tefft. June. North Kingstown: 3d. Capt. Robert Potter, in room of Thos. Bissell, Jr., who declines. Lieut. Timothy Dean, Ens. Samuel Thomas, Jr, in room of Robert Potter, advanced. Aug. Kings County Regiment: Maj. Charles Dyre. Aug. North Kingstown: 2nd. Capt. William Taylor, Lt. John Cole, Ens. James Albro. Oct. 3d Co. Capt. Joseph Case, Jr., Lt. John Mowry, Ens. John Brown, Jr. March. 3d Co. Capt. Samuel Thomas, Jr., Lt. John Brown, Jr., Ens. Joshua Vaughan. 323 1775. Oct. Richmond: 2nd. Capt Thomas Tefft, Lt. Jona. Maxson, Ens. Newmen Herring. 1st. Ens. Smiting Potter. South Kingstown: 1st. Ens. William Peckham. 3d. Capt. Ray Sands, Lt. Samuel Potter, Jr. June. Militia Force of the Colony-Bristol County Regiment: Col. Nathaniel Martin, Lt.-Col. Thomas Gray, Maj. Benjamin Bosworth. Bristol: Capt. Jeremiah Ingraham, Lt. Stephen Smith, Ens. Hezekiah Munro. Warren: Capt. Amos Haile, Lt. John Ormsbee, Ens. Smith Bowen. Aug. Capt. Ezra Ormsbee. June. Barrington: Capt. Thomas Allen, Lt. Samuel Bosworth, Ens. Vial Allen. Aug. Lieut. Vial Allen, Ens. Daniel Kinnicutt. June. Militia Force of the Colony —st Kent County Regiment: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. John Low, Maj. Joseph Fry. Warwick: 1st. Capt. Abraham Lockwood, Lt. Sylvester Wickes, Ens. Job Randall. 2nd. Capt. Reuben Wightman, Lt. Squire Milward, Ens. Jas. Jerauld. 3d. Capt. Thomas Rice (son of Thomas). Lt. Anthony Holden (son of Charles), Ens. Stukely Stafford, Jr. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Nathaniel Gardner, Lt. Ebenezer Spencer, Ens. Wm. Hall. 2nd. Capt. Allen Johnston, Lt. Michael Spencer, Ens. Stephen Greene. Militia Force of the Colony-2nd Kent County Regiment: Col. Stephen Potter, Lt.-Col. Nath'l Brown, Maj. Archibald Kasson. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Eleazer Carr, Lt. Abel Greene, Ens. Abel Mathewson, 2nd. 2nd. Capt. Jeremiah Austin, Lt. Benj. Gorton, Ens. Joseph Weaver. 3d. Capt. John Mathewson, Jr., Lt. Josiah Mathewson, Ens. Samuel Reynolds. Coventry: 1st. Capt. Yelverton Wait, Lt. Benedict Colvin, Ens. Wm. Greene. 2nd. Capt. Stukely Hudson, Lt. Wim. Roys, Ens. Wm. Burlingame. 3d. Capt. Benjamite Greene, Lt. Benjamin Burlingame, Ens. Langford Weaver. 324 1775. Aug. Kent County Regiment: Major William Arnold. Coventry: 4th. Capt. Joseph Whipple, Lt. Joseph Kinjon, Ens. Asaph Bennet. May. Act to prevent the Hon. Joseph Wanton from acting as Governor. Joshua Babcock to carry Proceedings of R. I. Gen. Ass. to Conn. Gen. Ass. The Company of Light Infantry in the Town of Newport: Capt. Jabez Champlin, 1st Lieut. Charles Spooner, 2nd Lieut. Philip Moss, Ens. Samuel Spooner. June & Aug. Acts disqualifying Jos. Wanton from acting as Governor. Aug. " Suspending " " " Oct. " Declaring the office of Governor vacant. June. Army of Observation under Command of General of American Army. Demands made upon Capt. James Wallace of His Majesty's Ship Rose. June. Independent Companies-Providence Light Infantry: Capt. John Mathewson, 1st Lt. Jonathan Ellis, 2nd Lt. Thomas Truman, Ens. Asa Franklin. Gloucester Light Infantry: Capt. Timothy Wilmarth, Jr., 1st Lt. David Richmond, 2nd Lt. Enos Smith, Ens. Abraham Tourtellot. Scituate Hunters: Capt. Joseph Kimball, Jr., 1st Lt. Gideon Cornell, 2nd Lt. Jonathan Smith, Ens. Bertram Rounds. North Providence Rangers: Capt. Joseph Olney, Lt. Joseph Randall, Ens. Thomas Olney, Jr. Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Samuel Aborn, 1st Lt. Benjamin Arnold, 2nd Lt. Rhodes Arnold, Ens. Stephen Greene. Providence Grenadiers: Capt. Jona. Arnold, 1st. Lt. Zephaniah Andrews, 2nd Lt. Ezekiel Burr, Ens. Simeon Thayer, Adjutant John Spurr. Aug. Providence Independent Company of Cadets: Capt. Joseph Nightingale, 1st Lt. William Russell, 2nd Lt. Nathaniel Greene, Ens. Ebenezer Thompson. Oct. Kingston Reds: Capt. John Gardiner, 1st Lt. Thomas Potter Jr., 2nd Lt. Lt. Rowse J. Helme, Ens. Rowland Brown. 325 1775. Oct. Providence United Artillery Company: Lt.-Col. Levi Hall, in room of Daniel Hitchcock. Maj. Elisha Robinson, " John Crane. Capt. Robert Taylor, " Elisha Robinson. Fire-Worker Daniel Stillwell. March. Newport Watch Company: Capt. Philip Moss, Lt. Augustus Newman, Ens. Joseph Crandel. June. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Stephen Hopkins, Chief. Metcalf Bowler, William Greene, Joseph Russell, Job Bennet. Oct. Special: Joseph Hoxie, in room of Metcalf Bowler. William Richmond, in room of William Greene. John Cooke, in room of Stephen Hopkins, absent. June. Clerk, Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " Arthur Fenner, Jr. " Kings " Daniel Rodman. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Nath'l Greene (son of Richard). Aug. " " " Hopkins Cooke, in room of Nathaniel Greene, resigned. June. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: George Hazard, Chief. Josias Lyndon, Clerk. John Jepson, John Barker, Thomas Church, May. Jabez Champlin, Sheriff. Benjamin Underwood. Providence County: Ambrose Page, Chief. Caleb Greene, Clerk. Richard Steere, Rufus Hopkins, Jeremiah Whipple, May. Paul Tew, Sheriff. Daniel Mowry, Jr. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. Benj. Peckham, Clerk. Simeon Perry, 326 1775. June. Kings County: Sylvester Robinson, John Northup, May. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Carder Hazard. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. Martin Luther, James Brown, Joseph Reynolds, May. Richard Smith, Sheriff. Josiah Humphrey. Kent Cpunty: Philip Greene, Chief. Daniel Howland, Clerk. James Arnold, Gideon Mumford, John Low, May. Henry Rice, Sheriff. Benjamin Tillinghast. Mar. Court for Trial of Maritime Causes: Judge, John Foster, Esq. June. Post-Masters appointed by Colony: Newport: Nathaniel Otis. Providence: John Carter. Bristol: Jonathan Russell. Warren: Shubael Burr. Tower Hill: Ray Sands. Westerly: Joshua Babcock. Newport: Solomon Southwick, in room of Nathaniel- Otis, removed out of the Colony. Aug. Post Riders: John Lasell, Providence to the New London. Benjamin Mumford, Newport to Cambridge. Post Riders from Newport to Providence: Peter Mumford. Newport to New London: Benjamin Mumford. May. Justices of the Peace: Providence: Newport: Nathaniel Wheaton. William Channing, June. Newport: Billings Coggeshall. Henry Ward, Providence: John Grelea, Jr., Samuel Chace, John Davis, John Foster, James Clarke, David Wilkinson, Daniel Dunham, Jabez Bowen, Jonathan Rogers, Arthur Fenner, Jr., John Pitman, 327 1775. June. Providence: James Black, Theodore Foster. Postsmouth: John Shearman, Robert Dennis, Thomas Shearman, Jr. Warwick: Thomas Rice, Robert Rhodes, Adam Comstock, Reuben Wightman, WilliamSGreene (son of Philip). Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Stephen Saunders, Joseph Clarke, Ichabod Babcock, Jr., Samuel Berry. North Kingstown: William Hammond, Eber Shearman, Thomas Allen, Jr.,. George Thomas (son of Samuel), Charles Tillinghast, Caleb Hill, Joshua Davis, Samuel Hunt, Jr. South Kingstown: Nathaniel Gardner, Freeman Perry, Samuel Perry, James Parker, Samuel Tefft, Daniel Rodman, Job Watson, Caleb Tefft. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, Alexander Nichols, Allen Johnson, John Langford, Jr., John Briggs, Jr., Sylvester Greene. Smithfield: Stephen Arnold, Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), Uriah Albertson, Ichabod Comstock, Daniel Comstock, Gideon Mowry, Jeremiah Winsor. Scituate: William West, Jeremiah Angell, Thomas Hill, Peleg Fisk, Thomas Harris, Samuel Dorrance, Stephen Smith. Gloucester: Timothy Wilmarth, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Israel Arnold, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Moses Cooper, Caleb Arnold. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Stephen Perry, Tobias Saunders, Jonathan Hazard, Geo. Hazard Peckham, Ephraim Browning. West Greenwich: Judiah Aylesworth, Gideon Tripp, Thomas Tillinghast, Thomas Gorton, John Hall, Benjamin Johnson. Coventry: John Rice, Samuel Wall, Joseph Whipple, Nathan Goffe, William Stone. 328 1775. June. Exeter: George Pierce, Nicholas Gardner, Jr., David Lillibridge, Robert Crandall, Samuel Gorton. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Thomas Peckham, Joseph Rider. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Josiah Finney, Richard Pearce. Tiverton: John Bowen, Walter Cooke, Benjamin Hamblin, Gilbert Deval. Little Compton: Israel Stoddard, Aaron Wilbur, Philip Taylor, John Peckham. Warren: John Kinnicut, John Child, 2nd. Cumberland: John Dexter, Joseph Brown, Peter Darling, Nath'l Shepperdson. Richmond: Edward Perry, George Webb, Robert Stanton, Joseph Woodmansie,Jr. Cranston: Thomas Potter (son of John), Job Manchester, Ezekiel Warner, Anthony Aborn. Hopkinton: John Maxson, Jr.; Thomas Wells, Jr., Nathan Burdick, Edward Wells, Benjamin Randall, Francis West, Rowse Babcock. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Noah Mathewson, Caleb Harris, Peleg Williams, Andrew Harris. North Providence: Edward Tripp Thomas Whipple, Hope Angell. Barrington: Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler, Elkanah Humphrey. --- Aug. Warren: William Barton, in room of John Child, 2nd, who refused. Feb. Cranston: Nehemiah Knight. Edward Thurston, Gen. Sealer of Weights and Measures. Sam. Chace, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. 1776. May. Militia Force: Major-General Joshua Babcock. Dec. Major-General Joseph Nightingale. 329 1776. May. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Col. George Irish, Lt.-Col. George Sears, Maj. Job Almy, 2nd. June. Newport: 1st. Capt. Wm. Tripp, Lt. Caleb Carr, Jr., Ens. Jonathan Simmons. 2nd. Capt. Henry Wiles, Lt. Robert Dunbar, Ens. Wm. Pendleton. 3d. Capt. Wing Spooner, Lt. Stukely Wyatt, Ens. Lee Langley. 4th. Capt. Wm. Downing, Lt. John Nichols, Ens. Benj. Hammett. July. 4th. Capt. William Champlin, in room of William Downing, who hath refused. May. Portsmouth: 1st. Capt. David Gifford, Lt. Thomas Earle, Ens. Cooke Wilcox. New Shoreham: Capt. John Sands, Lt. Sam. Rathbun, Jr., Ens. William Littlefield. July. Lt. Simon Littlefield, Ens. John Pain. Jamestown: Capt. Edward Carr, Jr., Lt. John Weeden (son of Dan., Jr.), Ens. Samuel Carr, Jr. May. Middletown: Capt. Thomas Peckham, Lt. John Vars, Ens. Tho. Coggeshall, Jr. July. Capt. John Vars, Lt. Oliver Durfee, Ens. Benjamin Cornell. May. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Col. John Cooke, Lt.-Col. David Hilyard, Maj. Pardon Gray. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. Isaac Cooke,. Lt. Philip Corey, Ens. Philip Manchester. 2nd. Capt. Benj. Durfee, Lt. Ebenezer Slocum, Ens. Daniel Deval, Jr. July. 2nd. Capt. George Westgate, Ens. Benjamin Borden. Dec. 2nd Co. Capt. Ebenezer Slocum, Lt. Daniel Deval, Jr., Ens. Jacob Soule. May. Little Compton: 1st. Capt. Gideon Simmons, Lt. Ephraim Simmons, Ens. Wm. Bailey. 2nd. Capt. George Simmons, Lt. David Cooke, Ens. Fobes Little, Jr. 42 330 1776. Aug. Little Compton: 2nd. Lt. John Davis, in room of David Cooke, refused. Ens. Stephen Pearce, in room of Fobes Little, Jr., refused. Oct. Surgeon Stephen Wigneron, Armourer Jonathan Pierce, Pay-Master Metcalf Bowler. May. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Col. Jabez Bowen, Lt.-Col. Amos Atwell, Maj. Ebenezer Thompson. Providence: 1st. Capt. Jona. Russell, Lt. David Lawrence, Ens. Martin Seamans. 2nd. Capt. James Burrill, Lt. William Rhodes, Ens. Nathan Warner. 3d. Capt. John Demount, Lt. James Wheaton (son of Ephraim), Ens. Martin Thurbur. 4th. Capt. James Snow, Lt. Zephaniah Brown, Ens. David Bacon. Dec. Ensign Joseph Fuller, in room of David Bacon, chosen Lt. in Col. Tallman's Regiment. May. Johnston: 1st. Capt. Richard Fenner, Jr., Lt. Daniel Sprague, Jr., Ens. James Fenner. 2nd. Capt. Emmor Olney, Lt. Daniel Angell, Ens. Laban Waterman. North Providence: Capt. Eleazer Jenckes, Lt. Samuel Olney, Ens. Jesse Angell. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Thomas Jenckes, Lt. Samuel Day, Ens. George Streeter. Aug. Capt. Samuel Day, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Benjamin Ballou. May. Cranston: 1st. Capt. Anthony Potter, Lt. Josiah Potter, Ens. Gideon Westcott. 2nd. Capt. Frederick Williams, Lt. Nathaniel Carpenter, r Ens. John Harris, Jr. July. Providence: 2nd. Lt. Samuel Black, in room of William Rhodes, who refuses. North Providence: Ens. James Angell, Jr., in room of Jesse Angell, who refuses. Sept. Ens. Esek Olney, in room of James Angell, Jr., who refuses. Dec. Johnston: 1st. Ens. Rob't Potter, in room of Jas. Fenner,-removed out of Town. S3i 1776. Dec. Providence: 4th. Ens. Joseph Fuller, in room of David Bacon, chosen Lt. in Col. Tallman's Reg. May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Col. Chad Brown, Lt.-Col. Elisha Mowrey, Jr., Maj. John Fiske. Smithfield: 2nd. Capt. David Eddy, Lt. Ebenezer Trask, Ens. Simeon Ballou. 3d. Capt. Nehemiah Smith, Lt. James Smith, Ens. Jesse Smith. Gloucester: 1st. Capt. Benajah Whipple, Lt. Simon Smith, Ens. John Eddy. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Mayes, Lt. Ezekiel Pettiplace, Ens. Daniel Mathewson. 3d. Capt. Abraham Winsor, Lt. Stephen Pain, Ens. Richard Lewig. 4th. Capt. Stephen Winsor, Lt. Aaron Arnold, Ens. Isaac Ross. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Enoch Wetherhead, Lt. Benjamin Wilkinson, Ens. Joseph Razey,.Jr. Aug. 2nd Co. Capt. Reuben Ballou, Lt. Amos Whipple, Ens. Nath'l Gould. Dec. 3d Co. Capt. Amos Whipple, L't. Nathaniel Gould, Ens. Abraham Cooke, Jr. Feb. 3d Co. Ens. Absolom Ballou, in room of Abraham Cooke, Jr. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Col. William West, Lt.-Col. John Colwell, Maj. Joseph Knight. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Peleg Fiske, Lt. Nathan Relph, Ens. Jon. Knight, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Simeon Herrenden, Lt. George Dorrance, Ens. Reuben Read. 3d. Capt. James Williams, Lt. Joseph Davis, Ens. Caleb Potter. 4th. Capt. Jeremiah Davis, Lt. Isaac Hopkins, Ens. Oziel Smith. July. 5th. Capt. Samuel Wilbour, Lt. Thomas Field, Ens. William Potter. May. 6th. Capt Stephen Sheldon, Lt. James Wells, Eas. William Howard. Cranston: 3d. Capt. Edward Knight, Lt. Wm. Field, 2nd, Ens. Joseph Potter. 1st Regiment ---Kings County: Col. Joseph Noyes, Lt.-Col. Jesse Champlin, Maj. Jesse Maxson. 332 1776. May. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Joseph Pendleton, Lt. Joshua Pendleton, Ens. Ephraim Pendleton. 2nd. Capt. John Gavet, Lt. Stephen Saunders, Ens. Wmn. Bliven. Mar. 3d. Capt. George Stillman, Lt. Peleg Saunders. Appointed June session, but not recorded, Lt. Peleg Saunders. Dec. Ens. Asa Maxson. May. Charlestown: 1st. Capt. Tho. Sheffield, Lt. Jona. Macomber, Ens. Caleb Crandall. 2nd. Capt. Amos Greene, Jr., Lt. Beriah Lewis, Ens. Daniel Stafford. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Barker Wells, Lt. Oliver Babcock, Jr, Ens. Elnathan Wells. 2nd. Capt. George Thurston, Jr., Lt. Matthew Randall, Ens. Randall Wells. July. Lt.-Col. Joseph Stanton, Jr., in room of Jesse Champlin, who resigns. Dec. Lt.-Col. Jesse Maxson, in room of Joseph Stanton, Jr., advanced to Col. 2nd Reg., 15 months. Maj. Thomas Sheffield, in room of Jesse Maxson, advanced. July. Hopkinton: 3d. Capt. Nathan Barber, Lt. Jesse Burdick, Ens. Weight Burdick. Oct. Capt. Jesse Burdick, Lt. Weight Burdick, Ens. Phineas Maxson. Feb. Charlestown: 1st. Capt. John Park, Lt. Gideon Hoxie, Jr. May. 2nd Regiment-Kings County: Col. Robert Brown, Lt.-Col. George Pierce, Maj. Charles Dyre. July. Charles Dyre, in room of Robert Brown, who resigns. Lt.-Col. Samuel Seager, in room of George Pierce, who resigns. Maj. Ray Sands, in room of Charles Dyre, advanced. Aug. Maj. Daniel Rodman, in room of Ray Sands, who refused. Sept. Col. Ray Sands, in room of Samuel Seager, gone to Sea. 333 1776. Dec. 2nd Regiment-Kings County: Lt.-Col. Thomas Potter, Maj. Thomas Clarke. Mar. Lt.-Col. Ray Sands, appointed Sept. Sess. Col. by mistake. May. North Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Thomas Clarke, Lt. John Manchester, Ens. Charles Dyre. 2nd. Capt. William Taylor, Lt. John Cole, Jr,7ns. Sylvester Sweet. 3d. Capt. Samuel Thomas, Jr., Lt. John Brown, Jr. Ens. Joshua Vaughan. South Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Samuel Seagers, Lt. Gideon Babcock, Ens. Jonathan Card. 2nd. Capt. Abial Brown, Lt. James Parker, Ens. Barber Peckham. 3d. Capt. Ray Sands, Lt. Samuel Potter; Ens. Daniel Williams. Richmond: 1st. Capt. Simeon Clarke, Jr., Lt. Thomas James, Ens. Smiting Potter. 2nd. Capt. Jonathan Maxson, Lt. John Clarke, Ens. Jeremiah Tefft. June. Exeter: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Bates, Lt. Stephen Wightman, Ens. Henry Reynolds. 2nd. Capt. John Hoxie, Lt. George Sweet, Jr., Ens. Eber Shearman. 3d. Capt. Dan'l Barber, Jr., Lt. Phineas Kinyon, Ens. Geo. Wilcox. Dec. 1st. Ens. Oliver Spink, in room of Henry Reynolds, who refused. 3d. Capt. Phineas Kinyon, in room of Daniel Barber, who refused to sign the test. Lt. Azariah Crandall, in room of Phineas Kinyon, advanced. July. South Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Samuel Potter, in room of Samuel Saeger,'advanced. Aug. 2nd. Capt James Parker, Lt. Barber Peckham, Ens. Hazard Champlin. Feb. 2nd. Capt. Stephen Babcock, in room of Jas. Parker, in 15 months Reg. Lt. Joseph Carpenter, " Barber Pepkham, " Dec. North Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Peter Wright, Ens. Sylvester Peirce. May. Bristol County Regiment: Col. Nathaniel Martin, Lt.-Col. Thomas Gray, Maj. Benj. Bosworth. 334 1776. May. Bristol: Capt. Jeremiah Ingraham, Lt. Stephen Smith, Ens. Hezekiah Munro. Warren: Capt. Ezra Ormsbee, Lt. Smith Bowen, Ens. Amos Haile. Barrington: Capt. Thomas Allen, Lt. Vial Allen, Ens. Daniel Kinnicutt. Aug. Bristol: Capt. Stephen Smith, Lt. William Troop, Ens. Joseph Reynolds, Jr. Dec. Warren: Lieut. Smith Bowen, in room of John Ormsbee, who has left the Government. Ens. Curtis Cole, in room of Smith Bowen, advanced. Barrington: Capt. Vial Allen, in room of Thomas Allin. Lt. Daniel Kinnicutt, in room of Viall Allen, advanced. Ens. James Martin, in room of Daniel Kinnicutt, advanced. May. 1st Regiment — Kent County: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. John Low, Maj. Thomas Tillinghast. Warwick: 1st. Capt. Job Randall, Lt. James Arnold, 5th, Ens. Wim. Lippitt. 2nd. Capt. Reuben Wightman, Lt. Squire Milward, Ens. Jas. Gerrald. 3d. Capt. Thomas Rice (son of Thomas), Lt. Anthony Holden (son of Charles), Ens. Stukely Stafford, Jr. July. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. John Glazier, Lt. Ebenezer Spencer, Ens. William Hall. 2nd. Capt. Allen Johnston, Lt. Michael Spencer, Ens. Stephen Greene. Warwick: 1st. Ens. James Carder, Jr., in room of William Lippitt, who refuses. Nov. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Ebenezer Spencer, Lt. William Hall, Ens. John Shaw. 2nd. Ens. Amos Jones. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Col. Nath'l Brown, Lt.-Col. Archibald Kasson, Maj. Yelverton Waite. July. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Alex. Hopkins, Lt. Joseph Hopkins, Ens. Nicholas Mias. 2nd. Capt. Jeremiah Aston, Lt. Benj. Gorton, Ens. Joseph Weaver. 335 1776. July. West Greenwich: 3d. Capt. Job Angell, Lt. Josiah Mathewson, Ens. Thomas Young.,Sept. 3d. Lt; Joseph Draper, in room of Josiah Mathewson, who refused. May. Coventry: 1st. Capt. Benedict Colvill, Lt. Robert Cooke, Ens. William Collins. 2nd. Capt. WTm. Roy, Lt. Will. Burlingham, Ens. Nicholas Whitford. 3d. Capt. Benjamin Greene, Lt. Langford Weaver, Ens. Jonathan Nichols, Jr. 4th. Capt. Joseph Whipple, Lt. Joseph Kinvou, Ens. Asa Bennett. Dec. 4th. Capt. Asaph Bennet, in room of Joseph Whipple, who hath resigned. Ens. Samuel Parker, in room of Asaph Bennet, advanced. May. Stephen Hopkins, 1st Delegate to Continental Congress. William Ellery, 2nd " Feb. Henry Marchant, May. Independent Companies-Smithfield and Cumberland Rangers: Capt. George Peck, 1st Lt. Nedibiah Wilkinson, 2nd Lt. Edward Thompson, Ens. Levi Brown. June. 1st Lt. Edward Thompson, 2nd Lt. Nedebiah Wilkinson. May. Providence Light Infantry: Capt. John Mathewson, 1st Lt. Jonathan Ellis, 2nd Lt. Daniel Jackson, Ens. Benjamin Tallman. Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lt. Oliver Arnold, 2nd Lt. Sylvester Rhodes, Ens. James Sheldon. Gloucester Light Infantry: Capt. Timothy Wilmarth, Jr., 1st Lt. Daniel Richmond, 2nd Lt. Martin Smith, Ens. Caleb Sheldon. Kingston Reds: Capt. John Gardner, 1st Lt. Thomas Potter, 2nd Lt. Rouse J. Helme, Ens. Rowland Brown. United Company of the Train of Artillery, Providence: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lt.-Col. Levi Hall, Maj. Elihu Robinson, Capt. Robert Taylor, Lt. Daniel Stillwell. Cadet Company, Providence: Capt. Joseph Nightingale, 1st Lt. William Russell, 2nd Lt. Nathaniel Greene, Ens. Ebenezer Thompson. 336 1776. May. Newport Light Infantry: Capt. Jabez Champlin, 1st Lt. Charles Spooner, 2nd Lt. Philip Moss, Ens. Samuel Spooner. June. Kentish Guards: Capt. Richard Fry, 1st Lt. Hopkins Cooke, 2nd Lt. Thomas Holden, Ens. Sylvester Greene. North Providence Rangers: Capt. John Angell (son of Stephen), Lt. Thomas Olney, Jr., Ens. Joseph Hawkins, Jr. Oct. Kentish Guards: 2nd Lt. Christopher Greene, of Warwick, son of Nathaniel, in room of Thomas Holden, who refused. Scituate Hunters: Capt. Joseph Kimbal, 1st Lt. Gideon Cornell, 2nd Lt. Jonathan Smith, Ens. Bertram Rounds. May. Col. Henry Babcock Dismissed from Command. 2nd Regiment in the Colony's Brigade: Col. Christopher Lippitt, Lt.-Col. Adam Comstock, Maj. Christ. Olney. Brigade-Major William Barton. Fort Liberty: Capt. Sam'l Sweet, 1st Lt. Daniel Vaughan, 2nd Lt. Ebenezer Adams. Aug. 1st RegimentContinental Troops: Col. William Richmond, Lt.-Col. Caleb Gardner, Maj. Benj. Talman. Capt. Thomas Wells, 3d, Lt. Peleg Berry, Ens. John Pearce. Capt. Christ. Manchester, Lt. Walter Palmer, Ens. Peleg Simmons, Jr. Capt. James Wallace, Lt. Jonathan Deval, Jr., Ens. Benj. Burroughs. Capt. Josiah Gibbs, Jr., Lt. Philip Arnold, Ens. Elisha Parker. Capt. Benjamin Diamond, Lt. Philip Traffan, Ens. Benjamin Stelle. Capt. Samuel Phillips, Jr., Lt. Benjamin West, Ens. John Handy. Capt. Caleb Carr, Lt. Samuel Stevens, Ens. Samuel Hicks. Ens. James Clarke. Capt. Abimelech Riggs, Lt. Squire Fisk, Ens. Henry Alexander. Capt. Malachi Hamet, Lt. Stephen Hopkins, Ens. Zephaniah Brown. Capt. Royzel Smith, Lt. Ebenezer Macomber, Ens. Joseph Springer. Capt. Lemuel Bailey, Lt. Benjamin Church, Ens. Philip Palmer. Capt. Jona. Wallen, Lt. Edmond Arrow Smith, Ens. Moses Watson. Adjutant Benjamin Stelle. Quarter-Master John Handy. Surgeon John Bartlet. Surgeon's Mate Isaac Ross Bliven. 337 1776. Feb. 1st Regiment Continental Troops: 1st Lt. Sam'l Bissel, in Capt. Sam'l Phillips Company, in room of Christopher Brown, who declines. 2nd Lt. Job Clap, in Capt. Samuel Phillips Company. Ens. Christopher Phillips, in Capt. Samuel Phillips Company. May. Committee of Safety: Newport County: Metcalf Bowler, Col. John Cooke. Providence County: John Smith, Daniel Tillinghast. Kings County: John Northup, Joseph Stanton, Jr. Bristol County: Hon. William Bradford. Kent County: Stephen Mumford. Dec. Kings County: James Congdon, in room of Joseph Stanton. Aug. 2nd Regiment Continental Troops: Col. Christopher Lippitt, Lt.-Col. Adam Comstock, Maj. James Tew. Capt. Nathaniel Blackmar, Lt. Wilson Rawson, Ens. Joseph Bowen. Capt. Jonathan Brownel, Lt. William Jones, Ens. Gilbert Richmond. Capt. David Dexter, Lt. David Searls, Ens. Samuel Dexter. Capt. Loring Peck, Lt. Gilbert Grant, Ens. Joseph Read. Capt. John Carr, Lt. Alexander Thomas, Ens. Brenton Bliss. Capt. Thomas Gorton, Lt. Ichabod Prentice, Ens. Caleb Matthews. Capt. Arthur Fenner, Lt. Jacob Williams, Ens. William Pullen. Capt. Benjamin Hoppin, Lt. Abraham Turtulot, Ens. John Cowen. Capt. Simeon Martin, Lt. William Belcher, Ens. Philip Martin. Capt. Christopher Dyre, Lt. Peleg Hoxie, Ens. John Holden. Capt. Thomas Arnold, Lt. Thomas Noyes, Ens. Benjamin Bourn. Capt. Lemuel Bailey, Lt. Reuben Hewit, Ens. David Melvil. Adjutant John Holden. Quarter-Master Benjamin Bourn. Surgeon Isaac Ross Bliven. Major of Brigade William Barton. Train of Artillery: Capt. Robert Elliot, Capt.-Lieut. William Bull, 1st Lt. Joshua Sayer, 2nd Lt. Nathaniel Gladding, Lieut. Fire-Worker Rhodes Packard. 43 338 1776. April. 1st Lt. Samuel Hicks, in Capt. Thomas Arnold's Company, Continental Troops. Oct. 1st Regiment agreeable to requisation of Congress —st Battalion Field Officers: Col. James Mitchel Varnum, Lt.-Col. Adam Comstock, Maj. Henry Sherburne. Capt. Ebenezer Flagg, 1st Lt. Joseph Arnold, 2nd Lt. Ichabod Prentice, Ens. Zephaniah Brown. Capt. Silas Talbut, 1st Lt. William Belcher, 2nd Lt. John Chapman. Capt. Thomas Cole, 1st Lt. Timothy Lock, 2nd Lt. John Remington. Capt. John Singer Dexter, 1st Lt. Samuel Bissell. Capt. Simeon Martin, 1st Lt. Wilson Rawson. Capt. Jonathan Wallen, 1st Lt. William Potter. 1st Lt. John Handy. 1st Lt. Thomas Noyes. Quarter-Master Clarke Brown. Pay Master Jonathan Haszard. Feb. Pay Master Charles Holden. Oct. 2nd Battalion Field Officers: Col. Daniel Hitchcock, Lt.-Col. Israel Angell, Maj. Christopher Smith. Capt. Jeremiah Olney, 1st. Lt. Stephen Olney, 2nd Lt. Thomas Hughes, Ens. Ebenezer West. Capt. William Tew, 1st Lt. William Allen, 2nd Lt. Duty Jerrald, Ens. Holliman Potter. Capt. Coggeshall Olney, lst Lt. Wm. Littlefield, Ens. Thos. Waterman. Capt. Ephraim Bowen, 1st Lt. Gilbert Grant, Ens. Oliver Jenckes. Capt. William Bradford, Jr., 1st Lt. Joseph Whitmarsh, Ens. Richard Hunniwell. Capt. John Carr, 1st Lt. Daniel Pearce. Capt. Abimelech Riggs, 1st Lt. Amos Crandall. 1st Lieut. Micah Moulton. Quarter-Master Cyprian Sterry. Pay Master Charles Holden. Commissary of Prisoners of War, within this State: Stephen Mumford, of East Greenwich. Examiners of Surgeons and Surgeon's Mates: Hon. William Bradford, Jonathan Arnold, William Bowen, Physicians and Surgeons. Commissioner of Loan-Office: Joseph Clarke. 339 1776. Oct. Inspector of Gun Powder: Caleb Harris. Delegate at Continental Congress: Hon. Wm. Bradford. Nov. Regiment to Serve Three Months: Col. John Sayles, Jr., Lt.-Col. Benj. Talman, Maj. Thomas Potter, Jr. Capt. Wing Spooner, 1st Lt. Samuel Stevens, 2nd Lt. Moses Watson, Ens. Benjamin Cornell. Capt. Christopher Manchester, Jr., 1st Lt. Walter Palmer, ' - 2nd Lt. Thomas Earl, Ens. Job Clap. Capt. Thomas Thompson, 1st Lt. William Coon, Jr., 2nd Lt. Christopher Clarke, Ens. George Wilcox. Capt. Moses Turner, 1st Lt. William Lawless, 2nd Lt. Vial Allen, Ens. Thomas Swan. Capt. Malachi Hammett, 1st Lt. Micah Whitmarsh, 2nd Lt. Job Greene. Ens. Joseph Hopkins. Capt. Asa Kimball, 1st Lt. Squire Fiske, 2nd Lt. Laban Waterman, Ens. Samuel Black. Capt. Stephen Sheldon, 1st Lt. Nathaniel Carpenter, 2nd Lt. Esek Olney, Ens. John Herrington, Jr. Capt, Royzel Smith, 1st Lt. John Cole, Jr., 2nd Lt. Barber Peckham, Ens. Lawrence Pearce. Adjutant Benjamin Stelle. Quarter-Master Solomon Townsend, Jr. Surgeon Stephen Wigneron, also Surgeon to all Forces in Rhode Island. Dec. Council of War: Gov. Nicholas Cooke, Dep.-Gov. Wm. Bradford, Hon. Stephen Hopkins, Ambrose Page, John Tanner, John Dexter, Hon. Joshua Babcock, Cromel Child, Hon. Wm. Greene, Henry Ward, Daniel Cahone. To Confer with Committees of States, Mass. Bay, Conn., and N. Hampshire, upon Matters of General Defence of New England: Hon. Wm. Bradford, Hon. Stephen Hopkins, & Henry Ward. Brigade of Two Regiment of Infantry, each consisting of 750 men, and a Regiment or Train of Artillery consisting of 300 men for the Defence of the United States in general and of this State in particular: Brigadier-General James Mitchel Varnum. Chief Engineer Brig.-Gen. Francois Lellorquis De Malmedy. Asst. Engineer Capt. James Sumner. Linguist to Brig-Gen. Francois Lellorquis De Malmedy: Jonathan Clark, Major. 1st Regiment of Infantry, for 15 months: Col. John Cook, Lt.-Col. Benj. Talman, Maj. William Bradford, Jr. 340 1776. Dec. Capt. Abinelech Riggs, 1st Lt. Henry Alexander. Capt. Caleb Carr, 1st Lt. Ebenezer Macomber. Capt. Reuben Ballou, 1st Lt. Squire Fisk. Capt. James Williams, 1st Lt. Jacob Belknap, 2nd Lt. Benj. Gorton. Capt. James Parker, 1st Lt. Benjamin Church. Capt. Thomas Allin, 1st Lt. William Lawless. Col. Benjamin Tallman, in room of Col. John Cook, who hath resigned. Lt.-Col. Christopher Smith; Surgeon Stephen Wigneron. Capt. Cyprian Sterry. Capt. Reuben Wightman. Capt. Benjamin Church, in room of Reuben Wightman, who declines. 2nd Regiment of Infantry, for 15 months: Col. Joseph Stanton, Jr., Lt.-Col. Archibald Crarey, Maj. Wm. Barton. Capt. Thomas Thompson, 1st Lt. Peleg Berry. Capt. Royzel Smith, 1st Lt. WVm. Coon, Jr., 2nd Lt. Edward Crandall. Mar. Ens. Benjamin L. Peckham, in room of Kinyon, who resigned. Dec. Capt. Malachi Hammett, 1st Lt. Micah Whitmarsh. Capt. George Thurston, Jr., 1st Lt. Beriah Lewis. Capt. Peleg Slocum. Capt. William Roy. Capt. James Albro, in room of George Thurston, Jr., who resigned. Capt. Josiah Gibbs, " William Roy, " Capt. Benjamin West. Capt. Nathaniel Hawkins. Quarter-Master of Brigade Thomas Holden. Capt. James Sumner, Assistant Engineer. Regiment or Train of Artillery for 15 months: Col. Robert Elliott, Lt.-Col. William Wall, Maj. Job Pierce. Capt. Ebenezer Adams. " Capt. Gideon Westcott. Capt. Jabez Westcott, Jr. Capt. Samuel Sweet. Capt. John Tillinghast. Doctor Jonathan Arnold, Director of General Hospitals. Hospital Surgeon: Isaac Center. Mar. Committee to Revise Militia Laws: Dr. Jonathan Arnold, Silas Downer, David Hoel. Dec. Maj. of Brigade: Cyprian Sterry. Officers in Col. Benjamin Tallman's Regiment: Capt. Christopher Manchester in room of Cyprian Sterry, advanced. 341 1776. Dec. Officers in Col. Benjamin Tallman's Regiment: Capt. Reuben Ballou, 1st Lt. William Sayles, in room of Squire Fiske, who declines, 2nd Lt. Benjamin Steward Walcott, Ens. Samuel Whipple. Capt. Abimelech Riggs, 1st Lt. David Bacon, 2nd Lt. William Allen, Ens. Abraham Andrews. Capt. Caleb Carr, 1st. Lt. Ebenezer Macomber, 2nd Lt. Walter Channing, Ens. Daniel Fiske. Capt. James Williams, 1st Lt. Jacob Belknap, 2nd Lt. Zadoc Williams, in room of Benjamin Gorton, who declines, Ens. Daniel Sheldon. Capt. James Parker, 1st. Lt. Benjamin Church, 2nd Lt. Jonathan Maxson, Ens. Barber Peckham. Capt. Thomas Allin, 1st. Lt. William Lawless, 2nd Lt. Thomas Swan, Ens. Thomas Pearce. Capt. Reuben Wightman, 1st. Lt. Henry Alexander, 2nd Lt. David Greene, Ens. Joseph Hopkins (son of Samuel). Capt. Christopher Manchester, 1st Lt. Walter Palmer, 2nd Lt. Robert Rogers, Ens. Joshua Babcock, 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Church, in room of Reuben Wightman, declining, 1st Lt. Rufus Barton. Adjutant Benjamin Stelle. Quarter-Master John Handy. Surgeon Stephen Wigneron. Officers in Colonel Joseph Stanton's Regiment: Capt. Thomas Thompson, 1st Lt. Peleg Berry, 2nd Lt. Matthew Randall, Ens. Daniel Stafford. Capt. Royzel Smith, 1st Lt. William Coon, Jr. Feb. 1st Lt. Barber Peckham. Dec. 2nd Lt. Edward Crandall, Ens. James Cotterel. Capt. Malachi Hammet, 1st Lt. Micah Whitmarsh, 2nd Lt. Job Greene, Ens. William Whipple. Capt. James Albro, 1st Lt. John Cole, in room of Beriah Lewis, who declines, 2nd-Lt. Francis Willet Gardner, Ens. Joseph Manchester. Capt. Peleg Slocum, 1st. Lt. Gabriel Allen, 2nd Lt. David Bentley, Ens. Nathan Westcott Capt. Josiah Gibbs, 1st Lt. Philip Traften, 2nd Lt. Isaac Johnston, Ens. George Briggs. Capt. Benjamin West, 1st Lt. Joseph Springer, 2nd Lt. Charles Dyre, Ens. Asa Kenna. 342 1776. Dec. Officers in Colonel Joseph Stanton's Regiment: Capt. Nathaniel Hawkins, 1st Lt. John Pearce, 2nd Lt. Edward Coleman, Ens. Joseph Rhodes. Adjutant Jonathan Deval, Jr. Quarter-Master Solomon Townsend, Jr. Surgeon Joseph Joslyn. Feb. 2nd Lt. Samuel Woodbridge, in Capt. Nathaniel Hawkins' Company, in room of Edward Coleman, who declines. Dec. Company Officers of Train of Artillery: Capt. Joshua Sayers, Capt.-Lieut. Nathaniel Gladding, 1st Lt. Rhodes Packard, 2nd Lt. William Ham, Lieut. Fire-Worker Edward Price. Capt. Jabez Wetcott, Capt.-Lieut. Philip Morse, 1st Lt. Thomas Carlile, 2nd Lt. Ezekiel Burkett, Lieut. Fire-Worker Cyrus Manehester. Capt. Samuel Sweet, Capt.-Lieut. John Warner, 1st Lt. William Comstock, 2nd Lt. Elijah Babbit, Lieut. Fire-Worker William Page. Capt. Gideon Westcott, Capt.-Lieut. Samuel Angell, 1st Lt. Amos Jillson, 2nd Lt. Uriah Westcott, Lieut. Fire-Worker Benjamin Bickford. Capt. Ebenezer Adams, Capt.-Lieut. John Garzia, 1st Lt. Joseph Crandall, 2nd Lt. John Proud, Lieut. Fire-Worker William Fiske. Adjutant William Donnison. Quarter-Master George Richards. Feb. Surgeon Edward Sands. 1777. June. 2nd Lt. Jonathan Hayes, 3d Lt. Samuel Snow, Capt. Jabez Westcott's Comp'y. Capt.-Lieut. Amos Jilson, 1st Lt. Uriah Westcoat, 2nd Lt. Isaac Pitman, 3d Lt. William Badger, in Capt. Gideon Westcott's Comp'y. 1st. Lt. William Nightingale, 2d Lt. William Page, 3d Lt. Joseph West, in Capt. Garzia's Comp'y. 1st. Lt. John Baker, 2nd Lt. Christopher Robinson, 3d Lt. Squire How, in Capt. Adams' Comp'y. 343 1777. Dec. Row-Galley Washington ' Lt. Timothy Larcher, Master Lewis Larcher, Quarter-Master William Davenport. Row-Galley Spitfire: Capt. Isaac Tyler, 1st Lt. Josiah Simmons, 2nd Lt. Abel Weathers. Committee to procure Two Vessels for Fire Ships: Joseph Brown, Capt. Silas Talbut, to be under command of Capt. Silas Talbut. 1776. Feb. Continental Battalion —First Battalion: Lt.-Col. Archibald Crary in Command until exchange of Col. Greene. Major Samuel Ward, Capt. John Topham, 1st Lt. Joseph Whitmarsh. Capt. Elijah Lewis, 1st Lt. Peleg Hoxsie, Ens. Elias Blanchard. Capt. Oliver Clarke, 1st Lt. Elias Hull, Ens. Elias Thompson, Jr. 1st Lt. James Webb, Ens. Samuel Northup. 1st Lt. Ichabod Prentice, Ens. Richmond Springer. 1st Lt. Edward Slocum, Ens. William Gardner. 1st Lt. William Davis, Jr., Ens. Henry Tew, Jr. Ens. Jonathan Davis. Ens. Daniel Tillinghast. Adjutant John Holden, Jr. 2nd Battalion: Col. Israel Angell, Lt.-Col. Jeremiah Olney, Maj. Simeon Thayer. Capt. David Dexter, 1st Lt. Thomas Hughes, 2nd Lt. Oliver Jenckes, Ens. John Harris. Capt. Christopher Dyre, 1st Lt. Dutee Jerauld, 2nd Lt. Benedict Tew, Ens. Thomas Waterman. Capt. Stephen Olney, 1st Lt. Ebenezer West, Ens. Jabez Arnold. Capt. William Allen, 1st Lt. Thomas Waterman. Capt. William Potter. Mar. Ens. Robert Helme, in room of Allen James, who resigns. Adjutant John Remington. N. B.-lst Lt. Sylvanus Shaw and William Humphrey, as soon as known they are exchanged. 2nd Lt. Matthew Coggeschall and John Finch, as soon as known they are exchanged. Apr. Capt. James Williams, in room of Ephraim Bowen, who declines. Mar. Brigade-Major of the Brigade in the Service of this State: Benjamin Diamond. Major Sion Martindale, care of Forts, Stores, and Ammunition, in Bristol. Moses Turner, Clerk to General West. 344 1776. Mar. Brigadier-General James Mitchel Varnum dismissed from the Service of this State to accept appointment with same rank in Continental Army. Brig.-Gen. W est dismissed from service in this State because Two Generals in Continental Army to take command of Troops here. May. Special Justice, Superior Court: John Gardner, in room of Col. William Greene, now in Military Department. Aug. Justices of the Superior Court: Metcalf Bowler, Chief. William Greene, Shearjashub Bourn, Jabez Bowen, Thomas Wells. Feb. William Greene, Chief. Shearjashub Bourn, Jabez Bowen, Thomas Wells, Perez Richmond. Aug. Clerk, Newport County: John Grelea, Jr. " Providence " Arthur Fenner, Jr. " Kings " Daniel Rodman. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Stephen Mumford. July. " " " Andrew Boyd, in room of Step. Mumford, who resigned. May. John Foster, Judge of Court for trial of Maritime Causes. John Cole, Advocate " Justices of the Inferior Court of Newport County: George Hazard, Chief. John Jepson, John Barker, Thomas Church, Benjamin Underwood. Providence County: Thomas Greene, Chief. Richard Steere, Rufus Hopkins, Jer. Whipple, Dan. Mowrey, Jr. Common Pleas: Josias Lyndon, Clerk. Jabez Champlin, Sheriff. Caleb Greene, Clerk. Paul Tew, Sheriff. 345 1776. May. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. Benj. Peckham, Clerk. Simeon Perry, Sylvest. Robinson, John Northup, Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Carder Hazard. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. John Child, James Brown, Joseph Reynolds, Richard Smith, Sheriff. Josi. Humphreys. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. Hopkins Cooke, Clerk. James Arnold, Jr., Gideon Mumford, John Low, Henry Rice, Sheriff. Benj. Tillinghast. Aug. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. Sylvester Robinson, John Northup, Carder Hazard, Joseph Hoxie. Newport County: John Jepson, Chief. George Hazard. Chief, resigns his Commission. John Barker, Thomas Church, Benja. Underwood, Gideon Wanton. Kings County: Simeon Perry, 2nd Justice, refuses to accept office. Feb. Sylvester Robinson having vacated his seat, Immanuel Case is appointed 5th Justice, his seat. Judges Northup, Hazard, and Hoxie, advanced. May. Billings Coggeshall, Gen. Sealer of Weights & Measures. Henry Ward, Notary Public throughout the Collony. John Grealea, Jr., " Town & County of Newport. Samuel Chace, " " Providence. Henry Ward, Intendant of Trade, District of Justices of the Peace: Newport: John Grealea, Jr., Jonathan Rogers, John Davis, John Pitman, 44 346 1776. May. Newport: William Channing, Billings Coggeshall. Solomon Southwick. Providence: Samuel Chace, John Foster, David Wilkinson, Jabez Bowen, Arthur Fenner, Jr., Nathaniel Jacobs, Theodore Foster, Nathaniel Wheaton. Portsmouth: Thomas Shearman, Jr., John Thurston, Joseph Anthony. Warwick: Thomas Rice, Robert Rhodes, Silas Cooke, Reuben Wightman, William Greene (son of Philip). Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Stephen Saunders, Joseph Clarke, Samuel Berry, Oliver Babcock. North Kingstown: William Hammond, Eber Shearman, George Thomas (son of Samuel), Charles Tillinghast, Caleb Hill, Daniel Hall, Jeremiah Hazard (son Samuel). South Kingstown: Samuel Tefft, Nathaniel Gardner, Freeman Perry, James Parker, South Kingstown: Daniel Rodman, Samuel Perry, Caleb Tefft, Joseph Browning. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, Allen Johnson, John Briggs, Jr., James Searle. Smithfield: Stephen Arnold, Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), Uriah Alverson, Ichabod Comstock, Daniel Comstock, Gideon Mowry, Jeremiah Winsor. Scituate: William West, Jeremiah Angell, 'Thomas Hill, Peleg Fiske, Thomas Harris, Samuel Dorrance, Stephen Smith. Gloucester: Timothy Wilmarth, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Israel Arnold, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Moses Cooper, Caleb Arnold. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Tobias Saunders, Jonathan Hazard, George H. Peckham, Ephraimn Browning. West Greenwich: Judiah Aylesworth, Gidion Tripp, Thomas Tillinghast, 347 1776. May. West Greenwich: Jonathan Comstock, Benjamin Johnson. Coventry: John Rice, Samuel Wall, Joseph Whipple, Nathan Goffe, William Stone. Exeter: George Pierce, Nicholas Gardner, Jr., David Lillibridge, Robert Crandall, Samuel Gorton. Middletown: Thomas Peckham, Joseph Peabody. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, John Waldron, Josiah Finney, Richard Pearce. Tiverton: John Bowen, Walter Cooke, Benjamin Hambly, Gilbert Deval, Joseph Tabor, 2nd. Little Compton: Israel Stoddard, Aaron Wilbour, Philip Taylor, Enos Gifford. Warren: William Turner Miller, William Barton, Daniel Cole. Aug. Cranston: Andrew Harris. Cumberland: John Dexter, Joseph Brown, Peter Darling, Nathan Shepardson. Richmond: Edward Perry, George Webb, Robert Stanton, Joseph Woodmansie, Jr. Cranston: Thomas Potter (son of John),Job Manchester, Nehemiah Knight, Nehemiah Rhodes. Hopkinton: John Maxson, Jr., Thomas Wells, Nathan Burdick, Edward Wells, Benjamin Randall, Francis West, Rouse Babcock. Johnston: Caleb Harris, Abraham Belknap, Noah Mathewson, Peleg Williams, Edward Fenner. North Providence: Edward Tripp, William Bayley, Hope Angell. Barrington: Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler, Elkanah Humphrey. Oct. Newport: Peleg Barker, Jr. Aug. Solomon Southwick, Intendant of Trade, Newport District. Henry Ward, " Providence " 348 1776. Sept. Inspectors of Salt Petre: Rufus Waterman, in room of Jabez Bowen, Providence County. Peter Turner, Bristol County. May. Militia doing War Duty: Kentish Guards and Militia from East Greenwich, on Prudence Island: Capt. Bosworth's Company, 5 Men. Capt. Andrew Waterman's, 7 Men. June. Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Thomas Rice's Company. Capt. Reuben Whitman's Company. Oct. Col. John Cook's Regiment, Newport County. Dec. (Ool. Nath. Brown's Regiment, Kent County. Feb. Col. Slack's Company of Light Horse. March. Col. Christ. Lippitt's Regiment, part of Aug. & Sept. Col. Joseph Noyes' Regiment. Col. Ray Sands' Regiment. April. Newtown Rangers: Capt. George Waite Babcock, 1st Lt. Joseph Spencer Taylor, 2nd Lt. John Slocum, Ens. Christopher Brown. Oct. Inspector of Salt petre: Peter Turner. 1777. May. 1st Regiment-Newport and Bristol County Militia: Portsmouth Company: Capt. David Gifford, Lt. Alexander Thomas, Ens. John Wilcox, Jr. Jamestown Company: Capt. Edward Carr, Jr., Lt. John Weeden (son of Daniel, Jr.), Ens. Samuel Carr. 2nd Regiment —Newport & Bristol County Militia: Col. John Cook, Lt.-Col. David Hilyard, Maj. Pardon Gray. Tiverton Company: ist. Capt. Isaac Cooke, Lt. Philip Corey, Ens. Philip Manchester. Little Compton Companies: 1st. Capt. Ephraim Simmons, Lt. Sam'l Coe, Ens. Wm. Simmons. 2nd. Capt. George Simmons, Lt. John Davis, Ens. Stephen Peirce. Lieut.-Col. Pardon Gray, in room of David Hilyard, who declines. 349 1777. May. 3d Regiment-Newport and Bristol County Regiment: Col. Nathan Miller, Lt.-Col. Peter Church, Maj. Peleg Heath, Bristol Company: Capt. Wm. Throop, Lt. Joseph Reynolds, Jr., Ens. Jonathan Diamond. Barrington Company: Capt. Vial Allen, Lt. Daniel Kinnicut, Ens. James Martin. 1st Regiment-Providence County Militia: Col. Jabez Bowen, Lt.-Col. Amos Atwell, Maj. John Angell (son of Stephen). Providence Companies: 1st. Capt. Jona. Russell, Lt. David Lawrences Ens. Martin Seamans. 2nd. Capt. James Burrill. Smithfield Company: 1st. CGpt. Samuel Day, Lt. Rich'd Sayles, 3d, Ens. William Gully. Johnston Company: 1st. Capt. Rich'd Fenner, Jr., Lt. Daniel Sprague, Ens. Jas. Fenner. 2nd. Capt. Emor Olney, Lt. Daniel Angell, Ens. Laban Waterman. North Providence Company: Capt. Ebenezer Jenckes, Lt. Samuel Olney, Ens. Esek Olney. Cranston Company: 1st. Capt. Frederick Williams, Nathaniel Carpenter, John Harris, Jr. Dec. Smithfield Company: 1st Company attached to 2nd Regiment: May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County Militia: Col. Chad Brown, Lt.-Col. Elisha Mowrey, Maj. George Peck. Smithfield Companies: 2nd. Capt. Ebenezer Trask, Lt. Simeon Ballou, Ens. David Aldrich. 3d. Capt. Joseph Sprague, Lt. Jesse Smith, Ens. Emor Smith. Gloucester Companies: 1st. Capt. Benajah Whipple, Lt. John Eddy, Ens. Stephen Olney. 2nd. Capt. Samuel Mayes, Lt. Ezekiel -Phettiplace, Ens. David Mathewson. 3d. Capt. Abraham Winsor, Lt. Stephen Pain, Ens. Richard Lewis. 4th. Capt. Stephen Winsor, Lt. Aaron Arnold, Ens. Isaac Ross. Cumberland Companies: 1st. Capt. Enoch Weatherhead, Lt. Benjamin Wilkinson, Ens. Joseph Raze, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Amos Whipple, Lt. Nathaniel Gould, Ens. Absolom Ballou. 350 1777.= May. Field Officers: Maj. Simon Whipple, in room of George Peck, who declines. Lt.-Col. Simon Whipple," " Elisha Mowry, " Maj. Thomas Aldrich " " Simon Whipple, promoted. J une. Gloucester Company: 1st. Capt. John Eddy, Lt. Stephen Olney, Ens. Joseph Bowen. July. 3d Smithfield Company: Lt. Samuel Keech, in room of Jesse Smith, who declines. Ens. Resolved Smith, in room of Amos Smith, who declines. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County Militia: Col. William West, Lt.-Col. John Colwell, Jr., Maj. Joseph Knight. Scituate Companies: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Knight, Lt. Angell Sweet, Ens. David Wight. 2nd. Capt. Simeon Herrington, Lt. Geo. Dorrance, Ens. Reuben Read. 3d. Capt. Coomer Smith, Lt. Jabez Angell, Ens. Samuel Angell. 4th. Capt. Jeremiah Davis, Lt. Isaac Hopkins, Ens. Oziel Smith. 5th. Capt. Samuel Wilbour, Lt. Thomas Field, Ens. William Potter. 6th. Capt Stephen Sheldon, Lt. William Howard, Ens. James Wells. Cranston Company: 3d. Capt. Edward Knight, Lt. Wim. Field, 2nd, Ens. Joseph Potter. June. Scituate Company: Ens. Gideon Harris, in room of Samuel Angel, who declines. May. 1st Regiment- -Kent County Militia: Col. John Waterman, Lt.-Col. John Low, Maj. Thomas Tillinghast. Warwick Companies: 1st. Capt. Job Randall, Lt. James Arnold, 5th, Ens. Jas. Carder, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Squire Miller, Lt. James Jerauld, Ens. John Stafford. 3d. Capt. Thomas Rice (son of Thomas), Lt. Anthony Holden (son of Charles), Ens. Stukely Stafford. June. East Greenwich Company: 1st. Capt. William Hall, Lt. John Shaw. Field Officer: Major Ebenezer Spencer, in room of Thomas Tillinghast, who resigns. 351 1777. May. 2nd Regiment-Kent County Militia: Col. Nathaniel Brown, Lt.-Col. Archibald Kasson. West Greenwich Companies: 1st. Capt. Job Straight, Lt. Joseph Hopkins (son of Samuel), Ens. Randal Spencer. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Gorton, Lt. Caleb Greene, Ens. Joseph Weaver. 3d. Capt. Jos. Draper, Lt. Joseph James, Ens. John Tillinghast, Jr. Coventry Companies: 1st. Capt. Benedict Colvin, Lt. Robert Cooke, Ens. John Colvin. 2nd. Capt. Wm. Roy, Lt. Wm. Burlingham, Ens. Nicholas Whitford. 3d. Capt. Langford Weaver, Lt. Jonathan Nichols, Jr., Ens. Silas Westcoat. 4th. Capt. Asa Bennet, Lt. Joseph Kinyon, Ens. Thos. Parker, Jr. Field Officers: Col. Archibald Kasson, Lt.-Col. Benjamin Tillinghast, Maj. Yelverton Weight. 1st Regiment-Kings County Militia: Col. Joseph Noyes, Lt.-Col. Jesse Maxson, Maj. Thomas Sheffield. Westerly Companies: 1st. Capt. Joshua Pendleton, Lt. Ephraim Pendleton, Ens. Simeon Pendleton. 2nd. Capt. John Gavett, Lt. Stephen Saunders, Ens. Wim. Bliven. 3d. Capt. George Stillman, Lt. Peleg Saunders. Ens. Asa Maxson. Charlestown Companies: 1st. Capt. John Parks, Lt. Gideon Hoxsie, Jr., Ens. Christopher Babcock, Jr. 2nd.. Capt. Amos Greene, Lt. Beriah Lewis, Ens. Daniel Stafford. Hopkinton Companies: 1st. Capt. Elnathan Wells, Lt. Henry Wells, Ens. Sylvanus Maxson. 2nd. Capt. George Thurston, Lt. Randal Wells, Ens. Jos. Thurston. 3d. Capt. Jesse Burdick, Lt. Uriah Saunders, Ens. Lebbeus Cotterell. 2nd Regiment-Kings County Militia: Col. Charles Dyre, Lt.-Col. Ray Sands, Maj. Thomas Clarke. North Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. Peter Wright, Lt. John Manchester, Ens. Sylvester Pierce. 2nd. Capt. John Cole, Jr., Lt. James Congdon, Ens. Joseph Northup. 3d. Capt. John Brown, Jr., Lt. Joshua Vaughan, Ens. Christ. Peirce. South Kingstown Companies: 1st. Capt. Samuel Potter, Lt. Gideon Babcock, Ens. Jonathan Card. 2nd. Capt. Stephen Babcock, Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ens. Caleb Chappel. 352 1777. May. Exeter Companies: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Bates, Jr., Lt. Stephen Whitman, Ens. Daniel Tillinghast. 2nd. Capt. David Herrington, Lt. John Bissell, Jr., Ens. Elijah Case. 3d. Capt. Samuel Gorton, Lt. George Wilcox, Ens. Nath'l Pulman. Richmond Companies: 1st. Capt. Richard Bailey, Jr., Lt. John Woodmansie, Ens. Joshua Webb. 2nd. Capt. Jonathan Maxson, Lt. John Clarke, Ens. Jeremiah Tefft. Independent Companies-Gloucester Light Infantry: Capt. Timothy Wilmarth, Jr., 1st Lt. David Richmond, 2nd Lt. Martin Smith, Ens. Caleb Sheldon. Kingston Reds: Capt. John Weight, 1st Lieut. George Tefft, 2nd Lieut. Nathan Taylor, Ens. Samuel Eldred. Providence United Company of the Train of Artillery: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lt.-Col. Levi Hall, Maj. Elihu Robinson, Capt. Robert Taylor. Westerly, Charlestown, and Hopkinton Artillery: Capt. Augustus Stanton, 1st Lieut. Thomas Noyes, 2nd Lieut. William Gardner, Ens Caleb Crandall. Scituate Hunters: Capt. Gideon Cornell, 1st Lieut. Jonathan Smith, 2nd Lieut. Bertram Rounds, Ens. Jonathan Hopkins, Jr. North Providence Rangers: Capt. Thomas Olney, Jr., Lieut. Rufus Angell. June. Ens. Joseph Hawkins. South Kingstown Artillery Company: Capt. William Pollock, suspended. Lieut. takes command till another choice. May. 1st Continental Battalion: Col. Christopher Greene. Ens. Simon Smith. Ens. Luke Greene. Ens. Asa. Miner. Ens. Israel Stoddard. Quarter-Master John Cooke. Surgeon Peter Turner, in room of Doctor Joslyn, who declines. Chaplain Charles Thompson. 353 1777. June. Jonathan Hazard, Paymaster, and Store keeper. May. 2nd Continental Battalion: Col. Angell. Capt. Sylvanus Shaw, 1st Lt. Nathan Olney. Ens. Elijah Hawkins, Jr. Ens. Nathaniel Phillips. Chaplain Ebenezer David. June. Charles Handy, Jr., Paymaster and Storekeeper. Ens. Joseph Cornell, in room of Nathaniel Phillips, resigned. Lt. Thomas Smith, " Nathan Olney, May. William Christopher, to draw Pay and Rations as Ensign. Capt. Joseph Crandall, Row-Galley, Spit Fire. June. Capt. Joseph Mauran, Row-Galley, Washington. Jacques Palliser, Surgeon's Mate at Hospital in Bristol. Capt.-Lieut. Daniel Vaughan, Howland's Ferry, Fort. July. Major Simeon Thayer presented with a Sword. Feb. Dr. Peck Whipple, Ass. Director in General Hospital. May. Council of War to act in Recess of General Assembly: Hon. Nicholas Cooke, Hon. William Bradford, Hon. Stephen Hopkins, Hon. William Greene, John Tanner, Ebenezer Thompson, Daniel Cahoon, James Arnold, Henry Ward, Christopher Ellery, Christopher Lippitt, Immanuel Case, May. Committee of Safety: Newport County: John Cooke. Providence County: John Smith, Daniel Tillinghast. 45 Thomas Wells, Cromel Child, Job Comstock. Oct. Gideon Comstock, John Updike, Thomas Rumreil, Samuel Babcock; Joshua Babcock, Gideon Hoxsie. Dec. Col. Jabez Bowen, Esek Hopkins. 354 1777. May. Kings County: John Northup, James Congdon, 3d. Bristol County: Hon. William Bradford. Kent County: Stephen Mumford. June. Brigade for 15 Months' Service-1st Regiment: Col. Joseph Stanton, Jr., Lt.-Col. Wim. Barton, Maj Nath'l Hawkins. Capt. Peleg Hoxsie, 1st Lt. William Gardner, Ens. John Welch. Capt. Phillips, 1st. Lt. William Whipple, 2nd Lt. Christopher Phillips, Ens. Newman Herring. Capt. Dyre, 1st Lt. - -- 2nd Lt. Samuel Champlin, Ens. Randall Rice. Capt. Thompson, 1st Lt. 2nd Lt. Joshua Babcock, Ens. Andrew Stanton. Capt. Benjamin Hoppin, 2nd Lt. George Tennant. Capt. - Gibbs, Ens. Thomas Parker. Capt. - Hammet, Ens. Arnold Bentley. Aug. Ens. Daniel Wall, in room of Reuben Herrington, who refused, in Capt. Phillips Co. Lt.-Col. Barton and Officers & Soldiers of Expedition for capture of Maj.-Gen. Prescot, allowed $1120 & Thanks. June. Brigade for 15 Months' Service-2d Regiment: Col. Archibald Crary, Lt.-Col. John Topham, Maj. James Williams. Capt. John Carr, 1st Lt. Nathan Olney, Ens. Reuben Read. Capt. Benajah Whipple, 1st Lt. Zadock Williams, 2nd Lt. Daniel Sheldon, Ens. Eleazer Randall. Capt. Riggs, 1st Lt. Nathan Carpenter, 2nd Lt. Alexander Thomas, Ens. Abraham Andrews. Capt. - - Ballou, 1st Lt. Benjamin Walcut, 2nd Lt. Jacob Belknap, Ens. Simeon Dexter. Capt. Manchester, 2nd Lt. Aaron Wilbour, Jr., Ens. Benjamin Willcox. Capt. Parker, Ens. Mathew Maxson, Jr. Capt. Allen, Ens. Elijah Armstrong. July. 2nd Lt. Abraham Andrews, in room of Alex. Thomas, in Capt. Riggs Co. Ens. Joseph Chace, in room of Abraham Andrews, advanced. 355 1777. June. Brigade for 15 Months' Service-2nd Regiment: Adjutant Simeon Martin. Brigade Major John Handy. Armourer of Brigade, Thomas Stephens. Dec. Lt. Peleg Berry resigned. Aug. Train of Artillery: Capt. Jabez Westcoat, 2nd Lt. Jonathan Hayes, 3d Lt. Samuel Snow. Capt. Gideon Westcoat, Capt.-Lt. Amos Jilson, 1st Lt. Uriah Westcoat. 2nd Lt. Isaac Pitman, 3d Lt. William Badger. Capt. John Garzia, 1st Lt. William Nightingale, 2nd Lt. William Page, 3d Lt. Joseph West. Capt. Ebenezer Adams, 1st Lt. John Baker, 2nd Lt. Christopher Robinson, 2nd, 3d Lt. Squire How. Maj. Nathan Munro's Company-Boat Service: Capt. Daniel Duval, Lt. David Gifford. Recruiting Officers-Newport: Henry Dayton, Philip Morse. Providence: Joseph Hoyle, James Beverly. Warwick: Robert Rhodes, Waterman Tibbets. Westerly: Capt. Job Pemberton. North Kingstown: Peter Wright, Maj. Sylvester Gardner. South Kingstown: Col. Thomas Potter, Capt. Samuel Potter. East Greenwich: Col. Richard Fry, William Peirce, Maj. Thomas Tillinghast. Jamestown: Benjamin Underwood. Smithfield: John Angell, Peleg Arnold. Scituate: Timothy Hopkins, Stephen Kimball, Stephen Sheldon, Jonathan Knight, Jr. Gloucester: Capt. Asa Kimball, Nathaniel Blackmar. Charlestown: Capt. Joseph Congdon. 356 1777. Aug. Coventry: William Love, David Brayton, Capt. Thomas Gorton. West Greenwich: Capt. Joseph Hopkins. Exeter: Stephen Wightman, Capt. Samuel Gorton. Bristol: William Throop. Tiverton: Col. John Cooke. Little Compton: Nathaniel Church. Warren: Col. Nathan Miller. Cumberland: Col. George Peck, Enoch Tower. Richmond: Capt. Richard Bailey, Jr., Jonathan Maxson. Cranston: Randall Briggs. Hopkinton: Capt. Thomas Wells. Johnston: Col. John Waterman, Richard Eddy. North Providence: Capt. Thomas Olney. Barrington: Maj. Peleg Heath. Solomon Southwick, Deputy Commissary of Issues. Appointed to Hear Petitions and Make Reports: Newport County: Nathaniel Searle, Jr. Providence County: John Dexter. Kings County: Edward Perry. Bristol County: Josiah Humphrey. Kent County: Thomas Tillinghast. Mar. Providence County: Job Randall, in room of John Dexter. 357 1777. Dec. 2 Battalions and Regiment of Artillery: Brigadier-General Ezekiel Cornell. Regiment of Artillery: Col. Robert Elliot, Maj. Josiah Flagg. Feb. Capt. Joshua Sayer, Capt.-Lt. Nath'l Gladding, 2nd Lt. Edw. Price. Capt. Gideon Westcott, Capt.-Lt. Isaac Pitman, 1st Lt. William Badger, 2nd Lt. John Cleveland. Capt. John Garzia, Capt.-Lt. John Warner, 1st Lt. William Page, 2nd Lt. Oliver Corey. Capt. Ebenezer Adams, Capt.-Lt. Christopher Robinson, 1st Lt. Squire How, 2nd Lt. Champlin Lamphere. Capt. Thomas Carlisle, CaptwLt. Samuel Snow, Is Lt. Seth Barton, 2nd Lt. Benjamin Pitt. Adjutant Robert Carver. Quarter-Master George Richards. Dec. Brigade-Major John Handy. Muster-Master Brig.-Gen. Cornell. Field Officers: Maj. James Sumner. 1st Battalion: Col. Archibald Crary, Lt.-Col. John Topham, Maj. James Williams. Feb. Lt.-Col. James Williams, in place of Col. Topham, Maj: Christopher Manchester. 1st. Lt. Philip Palmer, 2nd Lt. Benjamin Willcox. Dec. Capt. Christopher Manchester. Feb. Capt. Abraham Tourtellott. Dec. Capt. Caleb Carr, 1st Lt. Rufus Barton, 2nd Lt. Sitneon Dexter. Capt. Benajah Whipple, 1st Lt. Benjamin Steward Wallcut, 2nd Lt. Joseph Chase. Capt. John Carr, 1st Lt. Caleb Matthews, 2nd Lt. Elijah Armstrong. Capt. Reuben Ballou, 1st Lt. Dan'l Sheldon, 2nd Lt. Sam'l Northup. Capt. James Parker, 1st Lt. James Potter, 2nd Lt. William Richmond Wares. Capt. Thomas Allin, 1st Lt. Nathaniel Humphreys, 2nd Lt. Thomas Smith (son of John). Capt. Abimelech Riggs, 1st Lt. Eleazer Randall, 2nd Lt. Israel Stoddard, Jr. 358 1777. Feb. 1st Battalion: Capt. Nathan Olney. Capt. Philip Morse. Capt. William Lawless. Dec. Adjutant Nathan Olney. Feb. Adjutant Daniel Singer Dexter. Quarter-Master Abraham Andrews. Aug. Pay-Master Griffen Greene. Dec. Agent Cloathier John Reynolds. 2nd Battalion: Col. William Barton, Lt.-Col. Nath'l Hawkins. Feb. Maj. Samuel Phillips. Col. John Topham, instead of Col. Barton, chosen Col. in Continental Service. Dec. Capt. Samuel Phillips, 1st Lt. James Miller, 2nd Lt. Amos Frink. Capt. Christopher Dyre, 1st Lt. John Welch, 2nd Lt. Lebeus Cotterell. Capt. Benj. Hoppin, 1st Lt. Barber Peckham, 2nd Lt. Chas. Hewitt. Capt. Benjamin West, 1st Lt. William Dyre, 2nd Lt. John Miller. Capt. Peleg Hoxsie, 1st Lt. Clarke Parker, 2nd Lt. Elias Jackson. Capt. Philip Traffan, 1st Lt. Richmond Springer, 2nd Lt. Wm. Helme. Capt. Wm. Whipple, 1st Lt. Andrew Stanton, 2nd Timothy West. Capt. Joshua Babcock, 2nd, 1st Lt. Jos. Springer, 2nd Lt. Dan'l Wall. Adjutant Charles Handy, Jr. Feb. Quarter-Master James Bliven. Capt. Alexander Thomas, in place of Samuel Phillips, advanced. Capt. Malachi Hammett, at his request, dismissed from his command. Samuel Sheffield, of Westerly, granted permission to fit out a Privateer. May. Capt. Joseph Crandall, Captain of the Row-Galley Spitfire. Capt Abraham Whipple empowered to Impress 60 Seamen. July, Repealed. Capt. Joseph Crandall, to Inlist 50 men for Row-Galley Spitfire. June. Joseph Mauran, Capt. Row-Galley, Washington. 359 1777. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature: William Greene, Chief. Shearjashub Bourn, Jabez Bowen, Thomas Wells, Perez Richmond. June. Paul Mumford, in room of Perez Richmond, who resigned. May. Clerk, Providence County, Caleb Harris. " Kings " Daniel Rodman. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas: Providence County: Thomas Greene, Chief. Richard Steere, Rufus Hopkins, Jeremiah Whipple, Daniel Mowry, Jr. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. John Northup, Carder Haszard, Joseph Hoxsie, Immanuel Case. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. John Child, Joseph Reynolds, Josiah Humphreys, Paul Mumford. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. James Arnold, Gideon Mumford, John Low, Benjamin Tillinghast. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Clerk. Theodore Foster, Sheriff. Martin Seamans, in room of Theo. Foster, who resigns. Freeman Perry, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. Richard Smith, Sheriff. Hopkins Cooke, Clerk. John teynolds, Sheriff. Newport County: Held at Friends Meeting-House, Tiverton, 4th Monday in June. Benjamin Underwood, Chief. Christopher Ellery, Josias Lyndon, Clerk. John Coddington, Walter Cooke, Jabez Champlin, Sheriff. Philip Taylor. 360 1777. May. Delegates to Congress: Hon. Stephen Hopkins, Hon. William Ellery, Hon. Henry Marchant. July. Committee to meet Committees of New England and New York States at Springfield: Hon. Stephen Hopkins, Hon. William Bradford, and Paul Mumford. Dec. Hon. William Greene, Col. Jabez Bowen, Commissioners to meet Commissioners of other States. May. Judge of Court for trial of Maritime Causes: John Foster. Jacob Whitman, General Sealer of Weights and Measures. Henry Ward, Public Notary throughout State. Samuel Chace, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. Charles Keene, Inspector of Steel throughout the State. Oct. Nathaniel Mumford, Auditor of Accounts, Council of War. May. Justices of the Peace: Providence: John Foster, David Wilkinson, Arthur Fenner, Jr., Theodore Foster, Nathaniel Wheaton, Robert Taylor, Joseph Martin. Warwick: Thomas Rice, Robert Rhodes. Silas Cooke, William Greene (son of Philip), James Jerauld. Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Joseph Clarke, Samuel Berry, Joseph Maxson, Joseph Pendleton. North Kingstown: William Hammond, Eber Shearman, George Thomas (son of Samuel), North Kingstown: Charles Tillinghast, Caleb Hill, Daniel Hall, Jeremiah Hazard (son of Robert). South Kingstown: Samuel Tefft, Nathaniel Gardner, Freeman Perry, Daniel Rodman, Samuel Perry, Caleb Tefft. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, Allen Johnson, John Briggs, Jr., James Searle. Smithfield: Stephen Arnold, Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), Uriah Alverson, Ichabod Comstock, Daniel Comstock, 361 1777. May. Smithfield: Gideon Mowry, Jeremiah Winsor. Gloucester: Timothy Wilmarsh, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Moses Cooper, Caleb Arnold. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Christopher Babcock, James Congdon, 3d. West Greenwich: Judiah Aylesworth, Thomas Tillinghast, Thomas Gorton, Benjamin Johnston, Jonathan Niles, Jonathan Deane. Coventry: John Rice, William Stone, Joseph Mathewson, Jonathan Olin. Exeter: George Peirce, Nicholas Gardner, Jr., Robert Crandali, Samuel Gorton, Alexander Case. Little Compton: Israel Stoddard, Aaron Wilbur, Adam Simmons, Enos Gifford. Warren: William Turner Miller, Bristol: Jonathan Waldron, dismiss Tiverton: Excepting. John Bowen, dismissed, David HaInbly, " Warren: William Barton, Daniel Cole. Cumberland: John Dexter, Peter Darling, Nathaniel Shepperdson, Jotham Carpenter. Richmond: Edward Perry, George Webb, Robert Stanton, Jos. Woodmansie, Jr., Thomas Tefft. Cranston: Job Manchester, Nehemiah Knight, Andrew Harris, Nathan Williams. Hopkinton: John Maxson, Jr., Nathan Burdick, Edward Wells, Francis West, Rowse Babcock. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Noah Mathewson, Caleb Harris, Peleg Williams, Edward Fenner. North Providence: Edward Tripp, William Bagley, Hope Angell. Barrington: Samuel Allen, Moses Tyler. 46 362 1777. June. Providence: Samuel Chace, 1st Justice of Peace. Warwick: Anthony Low, 5th. East Greenwich: Preserved Pearce, in room of James Searle, who declines. Scituate: Benjamin Slack, Jeremiah Angell, Peleg Fiske, John Westcoat, Silas Burlingham, Thomas Hill. Bristol: Josiah Finney, Benjamin Bosworth, John Howland, Jr. Richmond: Simeon Clarke, Jr. North Providence: Eleazer Whipple. July. Henry Ward, to proceed to Mass. Gen. Ass. for immediate assistance. Sept. Committee to form a Plan of Government for this State: Hon. William Bradford, Henry Ward, William Channing, Jonathan Arnold, Rowse J. Helme. Oct. Nathaniel Mumford, Auditor of Accounts, Gen. Ass. and Council of War. June. Militia in War Service: Capt. Thompson's Company. Aug. United Train of Artillery, Providence. Dec. Capt. Joseph Brown's Alarm Company, Cumberland. Capt. Amos Whipple, Militia " " Mar. Troop of Horse: Capt. Benj. Slack, 1st Lt. Daniel Manton, 2nd Lt. Edward Fenner, Cornet Caleb Harris. Quar.-Mast. William Potter, Commissioned 1775. 363 1778. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Shearjashub Bourn, Chief. Thomas Wells, Paul Mumford, Stephen Potter, Christopher Lippitt. Oct. Gideon Comstock, 5th Justice. May. Clerk, Providence County, Caleb Harris. " Kings " Edward Perry. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. Oct. Hon. John Foster, Judge of Maritime Court. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Held at Tiverton. Benj. Underwood, Chief. Constant Taber, Clerk. Christopher Ellery, Walter Cooke, Philip Taylor, Jabez Champlin, Sheriff. William Taggart. Providence County: Thomas Greene, Chief. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Clerk. Richard Steere, Rufus Hopkins, Jeremiah Whipple, William Rhodes, Sheriff. Daniel Mowry, Jr. Kings County: William Potter, Chief. Freeman Perry, Clerk. John Northup, Carder Hazard, Joseph Hoxsie, Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Immanuel Case. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. John Child, Joseph Reynolds, Richard Smith, Sheriff. Josiah Humphrey. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. Hopkins Cooke, Clerk. James Arnold, Gideon Mumford, Benjamin Tillinghast, Richard Fry, Sheriff. Preserved Pearce. 364 1778. Oct. Delegates to Congress: Hon. Stephen Hopkins, Hon. William Ellery, Hon. Henry Marchant, Hon. John Collins. Jacob Whitman, General Sealer of Weights and Measures. Henry Ward, Public Notary throughout the State. Samuel Chace, Public Notary for Town and County of Providence. Capt. Charles Keene, Inspector of Steel. May. Justices of the Peace: Providence: Samuel Chace, John Foster, Theodore Foster, Joseph Martin, Nathaniel Wheaton, Benjamin Cushing, Jr., James Arnold, Jr. Warwick: Thomas Rice, Adam Comstock, William Greene (son of Philip), James Jerauld. Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Joseph Clarke, Samuel Berry, Joseph Maxson, Joseph Pendleton. North Kingstown: William Hammond, Eber Shearman, George Thomas (son of Samuel), Caleb Hill, Daniel Hall, Joshua Davis. South Kingstown: Samuel Tefft, Nathaniel Gardner, Freeman Perry, Samuel Perry, Caleb Tefft, Adam Gould, South Kingstown: Richard Gardner, James Sheldon. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, Job Comstock, William Pearce, Allen Johnston, Benjamin Tillinghast. Smithfield: Stephen Arnold, Daniel Smith (son of Elisha), Uriah Alverson, Ichabod Comstock. Scituate: Benjamin Slack, Jeremiah Angell, Peleg Fisk, John Westcott, Stephen Kimball. Gloucester: Timothy Wilmarth, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Zebedee Hopkins, Moses Cooper, Caleb Arnold, Aaron Arnold. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Christopher Babcock, James Congdon, 3d, Nathaniel Sheffield, Thomas Ross. 365 1778. May. West Greenwich: Cumberland: Judiah Aylesworth, Nathaniel Shepards, Thomas Tillinghast, Jotham Carpenter. Thomas Gorton, Richmond: Benjamin Johnston, Edward Perry, Jonathan Niles, George Webb, Jonathan Deane. Robert Stanton, Coventry: Jos. Woodmansie, J: John Rice, Thomas Tefft. William Stone, Cranston: Joseph Mathewson, Job Manchester, Jonathan Olin; Nehemiah Knight, Isaac Johnson. Andrew Harris, Exeter: John Pain. George Pierce, Hopkinton: Nicholas Gardner, John Maxson, Robert Crandall. Edward Wells, Bristol: Francis West, Josiah Finney, Rouse Babcock, John Howland, Jr., Robert Burdick. John Coomer. Johnston: Tiverton: Abraham Belknap, Joseph Taber, Noah Matthewson, Benjamin Jencks, Caleb Harris, Gilbert Deval, Edward Fenner, Joseph Almy, Andrew Harris. Joseph Shearman. North Providence: Little Compton:. Edward Tripp, Israel Stoddard, William Bagley, Aaron Wilbur, Hope Angell, Adam Simmons, Jabez Whipple. Enos Gifford. Barrington: Warren: Samuel Allen, William Turner Miller, Moses Tyler. William Barton, Exeter: Daniel Cole. Jonathan Bates, 4th Cumberland: Justice. John Dexter, Oct. Bristol: Peter Darling, Daniel Bradford. 2nd Regiment-Newport County Militia: Col. John Cooke, Lt.-Col. Pardon Gray, Maj. Nathaniel Church. 0r1, r., Jamestown: Capt. Edward Carr, Jr., Lt. John Weeden (son of Daniel, Jr.), Ens. Samuel Carr. 366 1778. May. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. Isaac Cooke, Lt. Philip Corey, Ens. Philip Manchester. June. 2nd. Capt. Ebenezer Slocum, Lt. Benj. Borden, Ens. Jacob Sowle. 3d. Capt. Benjamin Durfee, Jr., Lt. Richard Durfee, Ens. Shearman. May. Little Compton: 1st. Capt. Ephraim Simmons, Lt. Sam'l Cooe, Ens. Wim. Simmons. 2nd. Capt. George Simmons, Lt. John Davis, Ens. Stephen Pierce. Oct. Tiverton: 3d. Capt. Richard Durfey, in room of B. Durfey, who declines, Lieut. Huimphrey Shearman, Ens. Thomas Durfey. May. 1st Regiment-Providence County Militia: Col. John Mathewson, Lt.-Col. Simon Whipple, Maj. Richard Fenner, Jr. Providence: 1st. Capt. Abimelech Riggs, Lt. Hezekiah Dayton, Ens. Jos. Allen. 2nd. Capt. Lewis Peck, Lt. Samuel Hamlin, Ens. Walker Harding. 3d. Capt. Charles Keene, Lt. Benj. Comstock, Ens. Seth Wheaton. 4th. Capt. James Snow, Lt. Zephaniah Brown, Ens. Joseph Fuller. Johnston: 1st. Capt. Daniel Sprague, Lt. Robert Potter, Ens. Isaac Arnold. 2nd. Capt. Emor Olney, Lt. Daniel Angell, Ens. Laban Waterman. N orth Providence: Capt. Eleazer Jenckes, Lt. Samuel Olney, Ens. Esek Olney. Cranston: 1st. Capt. Anthony Potter, Lt. Josiah Potter, Ens. Thos. Congdon. 2nd. Capt. Fred'k Williams, Lt. Nath'l Carpenter, Ens. John Harris. 1st Lieut. Thomas Congdon, in room of Josiah Potter, removed out of the District. 1st. Ens. Moses Warner, in room of Thos. Congdon, promoted. 3d. Capt. William Field, Lt. Joseph Potter, Ens. Nehemiah Burlingame. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Enoch Weatherhead, Lt. Benj. Wilkinson, Ens. Jos. Razee. 2nd. Capt. Amos Whipple, Lt. Absalom Ballou, Ens. Wm. Emmerson. 2nd Regiment-Providence County Militia: Col. Chad Brown, Lt.-Col. John Angell, Maj. Asa Kimball. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Samuel Day, Lt. Richard Sayles, Jr., Ens. Wm. Gully. 2nd. Capt. Ebenezer Trask, Lt. Simeon Ballou, Ens. David Aldrich. 367 1778. May. Smithfield: 3d. Capt. Joseph Sprague, Lt. Daniel Mowry, 4th, Ens. Benjamin Sheldon. 1st. Ens. Solomon Barrows, in room of William Gully, who declines. Gloucester: 1st. Capt. Stephen Olney, Lt. Benj. Burlingame, Ens. Stephen Irons. 2nd. Capt. Sam'l Mayes, Lt. Dan'l Matthewson, Ens. James Colwell. 3d. Capt. Abraham Winsor, Lt. Richard Lewis, Ens. Nath'l Wade. 4th. 'Capt. Stephen Winsor, Lt. Isaac Ross, Ens. Israel Smith. 3d Regiment-Providence County Militia: Col. William West. June. Lt.-Col. John Colwell, Maj. Joseph Knight. May. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Knight, Lt. Angel Sweet, Ens. David Wight. 2nd. Capt. Simeon Herrenden, Lt. Geo. Dorrance, Ens. Jas. Tyler. 3d. Capt. Coomer Smith, Lt. Jabel Angell, Ens. Samuel Angell. 4th. Capt. Isaac Hopkins. Lt. Oziel Smith, Ens. William Walker. 5th. Capt. Samuel Wilbour, Lt. Thomas Field, Ens. William Potter. 6th. Capt. William Howard, Lt. James Wells, Ens. Samuel Perkins. 3d. Ens. Gideon Harris, in room of Samuel Angell, who declines. 1st Regiment-Kings County Militia: Col. Joseph Noyes, Lt.-Col. Jesse Maxson, Maj. Thomas Sheffield. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Joshua Pendleton, Lt. Ephraim Pendleton, Ens. Simeon Pendleton. 2nd. Capt. John Gavit, Lt. Stephen Saunders, Ens. Wim. Bliven. 3d. Capt. George Stillman, Lt. Peleg Saunders, Ens. Asa Maxson. Charlestown: 1st. Capt. John Parks, Lt. Gideon Hoxsie, Jr., Ens. Christ. Babcock. 2nd. Capt. Amos Greene, Lt. Beriah Lewis, Ens. Daniel Stafford. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. Sylvanus Maxson, Ens. Thos. Wells, Jr. 2nd. Capt. George Thurston, Jr., Lt. Randall Wells, Ens. Joseph Thurston. 3d. Capt. Jesse Burdick, Lt. Uriah Crandall, Ens. Lebbeus Cotteref. 2nd Regiment-Kings County Militia: Col. Charles Dyre, Lt.-Col. Thomas Potter, Jr., Ens. Jona. Maxson. North Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Peter Wright, Lt. Edward Dyre, Ens. Samuel Dyre. 368 1778. May. North Kingstown: 2nd. Capt. James Albro, Lt. James Eldred, Ens. Lawrence Pierce. 3d. Capt. John Brown, Lt, Joshua Vaughan, Ens. Beriah Waite. South Kingstown: 1st. Capt. Timothy Lock, Lt. Daniel Tefft, Ens. Wm. Stedman. 2nd. Capt. Stephen Babcock, Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ens. John Weeden. Oct. 2nd. Lt. Jeremiah Knowles, Ens. Elisha Potter (son of Benjamin). Exeter: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Bates, Jr., Lt. Daniel Tillinghast, Ens. John Congdon, Jr. June. Ens. John Nichols, in room of John Congdon, Jr., who declines. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Thomas, Lt. Win. Collins, Ens. Wm. Clarke. 3d. Capt. George Willcox, Lt. John Bates (son of Samuel), Ens. Jonathan Lillibridge. May. Richmond: 1st. Capt. Richard Bailey, Jr., Lt. John Woodmansie, Ens. Joshua Webb. 2nd. Capt. John Clarke, Lt. Jeremiah Tefft, Ens. Pardon Tefft. Regiment-Bristol County Militia: Col. Nathan Miller, Lt.-Col. Peter Church, Maj. Peleg Heath. Bristol: Capt. Wm. Throop, Lt. Joseph Reynolds, Jr., Ens. Jonath'n Diamond. Warren: 1st Lt. Thomas Easterbrooks, in room of Smith Bowen. Barrington: Capt. Vial Allen, Lt. Daniel Kinnicut, Ens. James Martin. 1st Regiment-Kent County Militia: Col. Thomas Holden, Lt.-Col. Thomas Tillinghast, Maj. Job Pearce. Warwick: 1st. Capt. Job Randall, Lt. James Arnold, 3d, Ens. James Carder. 2d. Capt. Squire Miller, Lt. James Jerauld, Ens. John Stafford. 3d. Capt. Thomas Rice (son of Thomas), Lt. Anthony Holden, Jr., Ens. Stukely Stafford. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. William Hall, Lt. Wm. Sweet, Jr., Ens. David Andrews. 2nd. Capt. Allen Johnston, Lt. Michael Spencer, Ens. Geo. Bailey. June. 1st. Lt. Edward Weeden. 2nd. Lt. Amos Jones. 369 1778. May. 2nd Regiment-Kent County Militia: Col. Archibald Kasson, Lt.-Col. Thomas Gorton, Maj. Isaac Johnston. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Joseph Hopkins, Lt. Benjamin Weaver, Ens. Wm. Case. 2nd. Capt. Benjamin Gorton, Lt. Caleb Greene, Ens. Jos. Weaver. 3d. Capt. Jos. Draper, Lt. Jos. James, Ens. Judiah Aylesworth, Jr. Coventry: 1st. Capt. Benedict Colvin, Lt. John Colvin, Ens. William Potter. 2nd. Capt. William Ray, Lt. Wm. Burlingame, Ens. Elijah Weaver. 3d. Capt. Langford Weaver, Lt. Samuel Greene, Jr., Ens. John Bucklin. 4th. Capt. Asa Bennet, Lt. Joseph Kiyqn, Ens. Thos. Parker, Jr. Indpendent Companies-Kingston Reds: Capt. John Waite, 1st Lt. Nathan Taylor, 2nd Lt. Samuel Eldred, Ens. Gardner Tefft. Kentish Guards: Col. Richard Fry, Lt.-Col. William Arnold, Maj. Griffin Greene, Capt. Charles Greene. Smithfield and Cumberland Rangers: Capt. George Peck, 1st Lt. Edward Thompson, 2nd Lt. Levi Brown, Ens. William Bowen. Gloucester Light Infantry: Capt. Timothy Wilmarth, Jr., 1st Lt. Martin Smith, 2nd Lt. Caleb Sheldon, Ens. Ezekiel Smith. Capt. Joshua Sayers Co. in Regiment of Artillery: 1st Lt. Edward Price, 2nd Lt. Reuben Johnston. Letters of Marque and Reprisal issued to William Bentley, of Newport, upon petition of Henry Oman, John Harwood, John Newton, William Pitman, and Richard Thomas. June. Surgeon in Col, Crary's Battalion, Samuel Montgomery. Surgeon's Mate in Col. Crary's Battalion, Stephen Munro. Surgeon in Col. Topham's Regiment, Stephen Wigneron. Oct. Lieut. John Wilcox in Capt. Springer's Co., Col. Topham's Regiment. Commissary, Thomas Greene. Committee to advise with Gen. Sullivan: His Honor Dep'y Gov. Jabez Bowen, John Jenckes, Esek Hopkins. Dec. Gen. Sullivan's Life Guards, by Council of War: Capt. Aaron Man, 1st Lt. Levi Hoppen, 2nd Lt. George Potter, Ens. John Westcot. 47 370 1778. Dec. Swords and Thanks presented to Lt.-Col. Silas Talbot, and Lt. William Helme, as a Testimonial of Regard for Capture of Armed Galley Pigot. May. Council of War: County of Newport: County of Bristol: Henry Ward, Nathan Miller, Thomas Rumreil, Cromel Child, Pardon Gray. Josiah Humphrey. County of Providence: County of Kent: Hon. Jabez Bowen, His Excellency Wnm. Greene, John Sayles, James Arnold, Gideon Comstock, Stephen Potter, John Updike, Oct. His Excellency Wim. Greene, James Lovett, Hon. Jabez Bowen, Esek Hopkins. Pardon Gray, County.of Kings: Esek Hopkins, Hon. Joshua Babcock, John Jenckes, Immanuel Case, John Northup, Rowse J. Helme, Joshua Babcock, Thomas Wells, Jonahan J. Haszard, John Northup, Job Comstock, George Peirce. Josiah Humphrey. Militia at War Service: Col. Thomas Holden's Reg., July & Aug. Col. Archibald Kasson's " " Capt. Charles Keene's Company, April. Capt. George Simmons' " Oct. Capt. Gabriel Allen, Paymaster, Col. Topham's Reg. Capt. Joseph West, " Col. Elliott's Reg. of Art. June. In Expedition against Rhode Island: Capt. Benj. Gorton's Company, West Greenwich. Lt. Joseph James' " " Dec. Militia at War Service: Capt. Alex. Thomas' Comp'y, Col. Cook's Reg., Nov., Dec., Jan. & Feb. Capt. Ephraim Simmons' Company, Co]. Cook's Reg., Nov., Dec., 1777. Capt. Daniel Vaughan's " at Howland Ferry, Dec., Jan., Feb., Mar. Capt. Edward Bliven's Lt. Anthony Holden's Lt. James Arnold's Capt. Samuel Champlin's Capt. Cook's " C Col. Noyes Reg., June. c" Col. Waterman's Reg., Apr., May. <" Col. Holden's Reg., June. c" Guards at Westerly. CC Oct. 371 1778-79. Feb. Brigade Ordered: Brigadier-General Ezekiel Cornell. Regiment of Artillery: Col. Robert Elliott, Lt.-Col. Josiah Flagg. 1st. Capt. Joshua Sayer, Capt.-Lieut. Nathaniel Gladding, 1st Lieut. Reuben Johnson. 2nd. Capt. Gideon Westcot, Capt.-Lieut. Isaac Pitman, 1st Lieut. John Remington, 2nd Lieut. Nathan Carpenter. 3d. Capt. John Garzia, Capt.-Lt. Wm. Page, 1st Lt. Oliver Corey. 4th. Capt. Thos. Carlisle, Capt.-Lt. Sam'l Snow, 1st Lt. Benj. Pitts. 5th. Capt. John Warner, Capt.-Lt. Rob't Carver, 1st Lt. Squire Howe. 1st Battalion of Infantry: Col. Archibald Crary, Lt.-Col. Nathaniel Hawkins, Maj. Christopher Manchester. Capt. John Carr, Lt. Walter Channing, Ens. Simeon Dexter. Capt. Caleb Carr, Lt. Caleb Matthews, Ens. Wm. Richmond Wairs. Capt. Thomas Allen, Lt. James Potter, Ens. Samuel Northup. Capt. James Parker, Lt. Daniel Dexter, Ens. Benjamin Wilcox. Capt. Nathan Olney, Lt. Peleg Simmons. Capt. Abraham Tourtellot, Lt. Eleazer Randall. Lt. Nathaniel Humphreys. Colonel's Company: Capt.-Lieut. William Lawless. Lieut.-Colonel's Company: Lt. Philip Palmer. Major's Company: Lt. Daniel Sheldon. Surgeon Samuel Montgomery. 2 Battalion of Infantry: Col. John Topham, Lt.-Ool. James Williams, Maj, Samuel Phillips. Capt. Benjamin Hoppin, Lt. Charles Handy, Ens. John Miller. Capt. Christopher Dyre, Lt. Gabriel Allen, Ens. Jeremiah Stone. Capt. Benjamin West, Lt. John Welch, Charles Hewet. Capt. Alexander Thomas, Lt. Andrew Stanton, Ens. Daniel Wall. Capt. Philip Traffan, Lt. Clarke Parker, Ens. Elias Jackson. Capt. John Handy, Lt. William Helme. Colonel's Company: Capt.-Lieut. Joseph Springer, Lt. John Wilcox. Lieut.-Colonel's Company: Lt. James Miller. Major's Company: Lt. Barber Peckham. Surgeon Stephen Wigneron. 372 1779. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Shearjashub Bourn, Chief. Thomas Wells, Paul Mumford, Stephen Potter, Gideon Comstock. Clerk, Newport County, Constant Tabor. " Providence " Caleb Harris. " Kings " Ekward Perry. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. Delegates to Congress: Hon. Stephen Hopkins, Hon. William Ellery, Hon. Henry Marchant, Hon. John Collins. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Benj. Underwood, Chief. Constant Tabor, Clerk. William Richmond, Walter Cooke, Philip Taylor, Jabez Champlin, Sheriff. William Taggart William Cooke, Sheriff. Sept. William Davis, Sheriff. Providence County: Thos. Green, Chief. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Clerk. Rihard Steere, Rufus Hopkins, Jeremiah Whipple, William Rhodes, Sheriff. Daniel Mowry, Jr. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. John Child, Joseph Reynolds, Josiah Humphry, Richard Smith, Sheriff. Samuel Allen. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. Hopkins Cook, Clerk. James Arnold, Gideon Mumford, Benjamin Tillinghast, Richard Fry, Sheriff. Preserved Pearce, Gideon Mumford resigns, Thomas Tillinghast. June. 373 1779. June. Sept. Kings County: Samuel Babcock, Chief. John Northup, Carder Hazard, Joseph Hoxsie, Immanuel Case, Robert Brown, 5th. Freeman Perry, Clerk. Beriah Brown Sheriff. May. Judge John Foster, Maratime Court. Henry Ward, Public Notary throughout the State. Samuel Chace, ".Town and County of Providence. Oct. James Mitchel Varnum, Advocate in Court of Admiralty. "cc c " Assistant Attorney General. May. Justices of the Peace: Providence: Samuel Chace, John Foster, Theodore Foster, Joseph Martin, Nathaniel Wheaton, Benjamin Cushing, Jr., James Arnold, David Howel, Dwight Foster. Warwick: Thomas Rice, Adam Comstock, Robert Rhodes, William Greene (son of Philip), James Jerauld. Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Joseph Clarke, Phineas Clarke, Joseph Maxson, Daniel Rogers, Christopher Babcock. North Kingstown: William Hammond, Eber Shearman, George Thomas (son of Samuel), Caleb Hill, North Kingstown: Daniel Hall, Joshua Davis. South Kingstown: Samuel Tefft, Nathaniel Gardner, Freeman Perry, Samuel Perry, Caleb Tefft, Adam Gould, Richard Gardner, James Sheldon. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, Isaac Johnson, Allen Johnson, Benjamin Tillinghast, Richard Mathewson. Smithfield: Stephen Arnold, Daniel Smith, Uriah Alverson, Stephen Brayton, Jonathan Comstock, Abraham Mathewson. Scituate: Benjamin Slack, Jeremiah Angell, Peleg Fiske, John Westcott, Stephen Kimball. 374 1779. May. Gloucester: Timothy Wilmarth, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Zebedee Hopkins, Moses Cooper, Caleb Arnold, Aaron Arnold. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, James Congdoh, 3d, Nathaniel Sheffield, Thomas Ross. West Greenwich: Judiah Aylesworth, Thomas Tillinghast, Benjamin Johnston, Jonathan Deane, Thomas Joslyn. Coventry: John Rice, William Stone, Joseph Matthewson, Jonathan Olin, Isaac Johnston. Exeter: George Pierce, Jeffery Wilcox, Jonathan Bates, Newman Perkins. Bristol: Josiah Finney, John Howland, Jr., John Coomer, Daniel Bradford. Tiverton: Joseph Tabor, Benjamin Jenckes. Little Compton: Israel Stoddard, Aaron Wilbour, Adam Simmons, Enoch Gifford. Warren: William T. Miller, Warren: William Barton, Daniel Cole. Cumberland: John Dexter, Peter Darling, Nath'l Shepherdson, Jotham Carpenter. Richmond: Edward Perry, Robert Stanton, Jos. Woodmansie, Jr., Thomas Tefft. Cranston: Nehemiah Knight, Andrew Harris, William Barton, Elisha Carpenter. Hopkinton: John Maxson, Edwards Wells, Francis West, Rouse Babcock, Robert Burdick. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Noah Matheswon, Caleb Harris, Peleg Williams, Andrew Harris, Edward Fenner. North Providence: Edward Tripp, William Bagley, Hope Angell, Jabez Whipple. Barrington: Moses Tyler, Edward Bosworth. Feb. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, William Peckham (son of Samuel), Thomas Peckham. 375 1779. Feb. Portsmouth: Oct. Newport: John Thurston. Caleb Gardner, Newport: John Malbone, Jabez Champlin. Robert Crooke. Mar. Tiverton: Middletown: Joseph Taber, Nicholas Easton. Gilbert Devol, Portsmouth: Joseph Almy. Thomas Shearnran, June. Hopkinton: George Cornell. Abel Tanner, West Greenwich: Oct. Newport: Jonathan Niles. John Davis, Charles Keene, Inspector of Steel. Henry Ward, Intendant of Trade for Port of Providence. Committee to Revise Fishing laws: Pardon Gray, James Arnold, Rouse J. Helme, Jonathan Haszard. May. State Militia: Maj.-Gen James Mitchel Varnum. Feb. Staff Officers of Militia: Quarter-Master-General James Lovett. Commissary-General Charles Holden. Adjutant-General Archibald Crary. Purvey-or-General to the Medical Department Jonathan Arnold. Physician and Surgeon-General Isaac Senter. May. Brig.-Gen. Nathan Miller-Newport and Bristol County. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Col. John Cooke. June. Lt.-Col. Nathaniel Church, Maj. Lemuel Bailey. Tiverton: 1st. Capt. Isaac Cooke, Lt. Philip Corey, Ens. Philip Manchester. 2nd. Capt. Benj. Borden, Lt. Daniel Deval, Ens. Benj. Howland. 3d. Capt. Richard Durfee, Lt. Humphrey Shearman, Ens. Thomas Durfee. Little Compton: 1st. Capt. Cornelius Briggs, Lt. Wm. Southworth, 'Ens. Benj. Coe. 2nd. Capt. John Davis, Lt. Ichabod Wood, Ens. John Woodman, 2nd. Sept. 2nd. Lt. Stephen Pierce, in room of Ichabod Wood, who declines. Ens. Rouse Pierce, in room of John Woodman, who declines. 376 1779. Sept. Little Compton Alarm Company: Capt. Peres Richmond, 1st Lt. George Wood, 2nd Lt. Gideon Simmons. Jamestown: Capt. Edward Carr, Jr., Lt. John Weeden (son of Daniel, Jr.), Ens. Samuel Carr. Regiment Bristol County Militia: Col. Nathan Miller, Lt.-Col. Peter Church, Maj. Peleg Heath. Bristol: Capt. William Throop, Lt. Joseph Reynold, Ens. Jonathan Diamond. Barrington: Capt. Vial Allen, Lt. Daniel Kinnicutt, Ens. John Short, Jr. May. Brig.-Gen. William West, Providence County Brigade. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Col. Amos Atwell, Lt.-Col. Simon Whipple, Maj. Rich'd Fenner, Jr. Lt.-Col. Richard Fenner, Jr., Major Eleazer Jenckes. Providence: 1st. Capt. Abimelech Riggs, Lt. Hezekiah Dayton, Ens. Joseph Allen. 2nd. Capt. Lewis Peck, Lt. Samuel Hamlin, Ens. Walker Harding. 3d. Capt. Charles Keen, Lt. Seth Wheaton, Ens. Jonathan Yeates. 4th. Capt. James Snow, Lt. Zephaniah Brown, Ens. Joseph Fuller. Sept. 1st. Lt. Joseph Allen, in room of Hezekiah Dayton, who declines. Ens. Isaac Bowen, in room of Jos. Allen, advanced. May. Johnston: 1st. Capt. Daniel Sprague, Lt. Robert Potter, Ens. Isaac Arnold. 2nd. Capt. Emor Olney, Lt. Daniel Angell, Ens. Laban Waterman. June. 2nd. Capt. Daniel Angell, in room of Emor Olney, who declines, Lt. Laban Waterman, Ens. Ezekiel Olney. North Providence: Lt. Esek Jenckes, Ens. Benjamin Cowan. May. Cranston: 1st. Capt. Anthony Potter, Lt. Thos. Congdon, Ens. George Colvin. 2nd. Capt. Frederick Williams, Lt. Nathaniel Carpenter, Ens. John Harris. Oct. 1st. Capt. Thomas Congdon, Lt. George Colvin, Ens. Wm. Warner. 377 1779. June. North Providence Alarm Company: Capt. Thos. Olney, 1st Lt. Charles Olney, Jr., 2nd Lt. Ichabod Jenckes, Ens. John Field. Providence: 1st. Capt. Daniel Stillwell, in room of Abimelech Riggs, who declines. 4th. Capt. Joseph Fuller, Lt. Benj. Gladding, Ens. Joseph Snow. Oct. 3d. Lt. Bennett Wheeler, Ens. Samuel Yeates, Jr. 4th. Lt. Joseph Snow, Jr., Ens. Lemuel Field. June. Providence Alarm Company: Capt. David Howell, 1st Lt. Samuel Black, 2nd Lt. Nathan Warner, Ens. Esek Eddy. May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Col. Chad Brown, Lt. John Angell, Maj. Asa Kimball. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Eber Angell, Lt. Robert Bennett, 'Ens. Stephen Day. 2nd. Capt. Ebenezer Trask, Lt. Simeon Ballou, Ens. Eli Read. 3d. Capt. Dan'l Mowry, 4th, Lt. Benj. Sheldon, Ens. John Carpenter. Aug. Smithfield: 1st. Capt. Benj. Ballou. May. Gloucester: 1st. Capt. Benajah Whipple, Lt. Richard Tucker, Ens. Peter Lewis. 3d. Capt. Abraham Winsor, Lt. Nath'lWade, Ens. Zebulon Wade. 4th. Capt. Stephen Winsor, Lt. Isaac Ross, Ens. Israel Smith. Cumberland: 1st. Capt. Amaziah Weatherhead, Lt. Jeremiah Scott, Jr., Ens. Ichabod Brown, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Amos Whipple, Lt. William Ballou, Ens. Jeremiah Inman. June. 2nd. Lieut. Squire Fisk, in room William Ballou, who declines. Ens. Ariah Cook. " Jeremiah Inman, " Cumberland Alarm Company: Capt. Reuben Ballou, 1st Lt. Levi Tower, Ens. Abraham Ballou. Smithfield Alarm Company: Capt. Job Mowry, 1st Lt. Nehemiah Smith, 2nd Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Absalom Winsor. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Comn. Stephen Kimball, Maj. Joseph Knight. 48 378 1779. May. Scituate: 1st. Capt. Jonathan Knight, Lt. Angell Sweet, Ens. David Wight. 2nd. Capt. Simeon Herrendeen, Lt. Geo. Dorrance, Ens. James Tyler. 3d. Capt. Coomer Smith, Lt. Jabel Angell, Ens. Gideon Harris. 5th. Capt. Samuel Wilbour, Lt. Thomas Field, Ens. William Potter. 6th. Capt William Howard, Lt. James Wells, Ens. Samuel Perkins. June. 1st. Ens. John Potter, in room of David White, who declines. 4th. Capt. Isaac Hopkins, Lt. Isaac Pain, Ens. Philip Walker. May. Cranston: 3d. Capt. Wm. Field, Lt. Joseph Potter, Ens. Nehemiah Burlingame. June. 3d. Capt. Joseph Potter, in room of William Field, who declines, Lt. Nehemiah Burlingame, Ens. Moses Lippitt. Oct. 3d. Ens. Pardon Burlingame. June. Cranston Alarm Company: Capt. John Burton, 1st Lt. William Burton, 2nd Lt. Philip Burlingame, Ens. Nathan Carpenter. Oct. Scituate Alarm Company: Capt. Andrew Angell, 1st Lt. Nathaniel Lovell. Brig.-Gen. Joseph Stanton, Jr., Kings County Brigade. May. 1st Regiment-Kings County: Col. Joseph Stanton, Jr., Lt.-Col. Jesse Maxson, Maj. Joseph Pendleton. Westerly: 1st. Capt. Joshua Pendleton, Lt. Samuel Brown, Ens. Oliver Lewis. 2nd. Capt. John Gavett, Lt. Stephen Saunders, Ens. Wm. Bliven. 3d. Capt. George Stillman, Lt. Peleg Saunders, Ens. Asa Maxson. Sept. 2nd. Capt. William Bliven, Lt. Joseph Peckham, in place of John Gavet and Stephen Saunders, who declines, Ens. Walter White. June. Charlestown: 1st. Capt. John Park, Lt. Christ. Babcock, Jr., Ens. John Taylor. 2nd. Capt. Beriah Lewis, Lt. Peleg Cross, Ens. Thomas Greene, Jr. May. Hopkinton: 1st. Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. Sylvanus Maxson, Ens. Thos. Wells, Jr. 1779. May. Hopkinton: 2nd. Capt. George Thurston, Jr., Lt. Randall Wells, Ens. Joseph Thurston. 3d. Capt. Azariah Crandall, Lt. Lebbeus Cotterell, Ens. George Maxson. June. 2nd. Capt. Randall Wells, Lt. Joseph Thurston, Ens. Joseph Maxson. Hopkinton Alarm Company: Capt. Thomas Wells, 2nd, 1st. Lt. Elias Coon, 2nd Lt. John Pierce, Ens. John Brown. Oct. Westerly Alarm Company: 1st Lt. Joseph Maxson, 2nd Lt. Leleg Berry, Ens. Silas Greenman. May. 2nd Regiment-Kings County: Col. Charles Dyre, Lt.-Col. Thos. Potter, Jr., Maj. Jonathan Maxson. June. Lt.-Col. Jeffery Wilcox, who resigns. Maj. Thomas Clarke. Maj. Jonathan Bates, in room of Thomas Clarke, who resigns. May. North Kingstown: 1st. Capt Samuel Dyre, Lt. William Davis, Ens. Stukely Hill. 2nd. Capt. James Albro, Lt. James Eldred, Ens. Lawrence Pierce. 3d. Capt. John Brown, Lt. Joshua Vaughan, Ens. Beriah Waite. June. 2nd. Capt. Lawrence Pearce, in room of James Albro, who declines. Lt. Henry Northup (son of Joseph), Ens. Bowen Card. May. Exeter': 1st. Capt. Jonathan Bates, Lt. Daniel Tillinghast, Ens. John Congdon, Jr. June. 1st. Capt. Dan'l Tillinghast, in room of Jona. Bates, Jr., advanced, Lt. John Congdon, Jr., Ens. George Bates. 3d. Capt. George Wilcox, Lt. Benjamin Greene, Ens. Asa Gates. North Kingstown Alarm Company: Capt. Joshua Peirce, 1st Lt. Caleb Hill, 2nd Lt. Sylvester Pierce, Ens. Charles Dyre (son of Edward). Aug. Capt. Joshua Pearce, 1st Lt. Caleb Hill, 2nd Lt. Sylvester Pearce, Ens. Charles Dyre (son of Edward). June. Exeter Alarm Company: Capt. Walter Clarke, Lt. David Herrington, Ens. Benjamin Gardner. 380 1779. May. 3d Regiment-Kings County: Col. Thomas Potter, Lt.-Col. Jonathan Maxson, Maj. Stephen Babcock. South Kingstown: 2nd. Capt. Barber Peckham, Lt. Jeremiah Knowles, Ens. Samuel Potter (son of Robert). June. 1st. Capt. Timothy Lock, Jr., Lt. Daniel Tefft, Ens. Wm. Steadman. 2nd. Capt. Paris Gardner, in room of Barber Peckham, who declines, Ens. Stephen Smith. Richmond: 1st. Capt. Richard Bailey, Jr., Lt. John Woodmansie, Ens. Joshua Webb. 2nd. Capt. John Clarke, Lt. Jeremiah Tefft, Ens. Pardon Tefft. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Holden. May. 1st Regiment- -Kent County: Col. Thomas Holden, Lt.-Col. Thomas Tillinghast, Maj. Job Pierce. Warwick: 1st. Capt. Job Randall, Lt. James Arnold, 3d, Ens. Jas. Carder. 2nd. Capt. Squire Miller, Lt. James Jerauld, Ens. John Stafford. 3d. Capt. Thomas Rice (son of Thomas), Lt. Anthony Holden, Jr., Ens. Stukely Stafford. June. East Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Micah Wilmarth, Lt. David Andrews, Ens. Sam'l Brown. 2nd. Capt. Allen Johnston, Lt. Mumford Davis, Ens. Jeremiah Place. Oct. 1st. Ens. Christ. Weaver, in room of Samuel Brown, who declines. 2nd. Ens. Josiah Jones, Jr., in room of Jeremiah Place, who declines. June. Warwick Alarm Company: Capt. Robert Rhodes, 1st Lt. William Waterman, 2nd Lt. Stephen Greene, Ens. Philip Wightman. East Greenwich Alarm Company: Capt. Ebenezer Spencer. May. 2nd Regiment —Kent County: Col. Archibald Kasson, Lt.-Col. Thomas-Gorton, Maj. Isaac Johnson. West Greenwich: 1st. Capt. Sam'l Hopkins, Jr., Lt. Jos. Niles, Jr., Ens. Jos. Dolliver, Jr. 2nd. Capt. Benj. Gorton, Lt. Caleb Greene, Ens. Joseph Weaver. 3d. Capt. Joseph Draper, Lt. Joseph James, Ens. Judiah Aylesworth. 381 1779. May. Coventry: 1st. Capt. Benedict Colvin, Lt. John Golvin, Ens. Joseph Brayton. 2nd. Capt. Wm. Roy, Lt. Wm. Burlingame, Ens. Allen Mathewson. 3d. Capt. Langford Weaver, Lt. Samuel Greene, Jr., Ens. John Bucklin. 4th. Capt. Asa Bennett, Lt. Joseph Rice, Ens. Moses Blanchard. Sept. Coventry Alarm Company: Capt. Samuel Wall, 1st Lt. Abel Bennet, 2nd Lt. Job Greene, Ens. Jonathan Nichols, Jr. May. Independent Companies: Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lieut. William P. Greene, 2nd Lieut. Abner Field, Ens. Israel Arnold. June. Providence United Company of the Train of Artillery: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lieut.-Col. Levi Hall, Maj. Robert Taylor, Capt. John Carpenter, Lieut. Joseph Smith. Kingston Reds: Capt. John Waite, 1st Lieut. Nathan Taylor, 2nd Lieut. Gardner Tefft, Ens. Allen James. North Providence Rangers: Capt. Hezekiah Smith, Lt. Arnold Benchley, Ens. Joseph Benchley. Lt. Chandler Burlingame in Col. Christ. Greene's Regiment. Sept. Committee to inquire into the Conduct of Persons employed in Staff Departments of the Army within this State: Thomas Rumreil, Theodore Foster, Joseph Stanton, Jr., Daniel Bradford, Othniel Gorton. Committee to Revise Militia Laws: His Honor Dep'y Gov. Jabez Bowen, Jonathan Arnold, Adam Comstock, David Howell, Benjamin Bourne. Col. Israel Angell's Battalion: Lieut. John Hubbard, in room of Benedict Tew, who resigned. Lieut. Joseph Wheaton, " Thomas Waterman, who resigned. Dec. William Ellery, to represent this State in Convention at Phila. Capt. Silas Talbot, Sloop of War Argo, to cruise against the enemy. May. Capt. James Parker, of Col. Crary's Reg., in Gen. Cornell's Brigade, resigns. 382 1779. May. 1st Continental Battalion: Lt.-Col. Samuel Ward, Maj. Ebenezer Flagg. Capt. John Holden. Capt. Edward Slocum. Capt.-Lieut. Joseph Arnold, Lt. Charles Pierce. Lt. John Cooke. Lt. Daniel Dexter. Council of War: Excell. William Greene, Joshua Babcock, Hon. Jabez Bowen, Jonathan J. Haszard, Pardon Gray, Preserved Pearce, Esek Hopkins, Paul Mumford, John Jenckes, Gideon Comstock. John Northup, Sub-Clothier for State: Nathaniel Mumford. Col. Archibald Crary's resignation from 1st Battalion, Gen. Cornell's Brigade, accepted. Corps of Light Infantry, 200 Men: Col. William Barton. Feb. Non-Com. officers & privates turned over to Elliott & Topham's Reg. Oct. Council of War: Excell. William Greene, Samuel Babcock, Hon. Jabez Bowen, Jonathan J. Haszard, Esek Hopkins, Peter Phillips, John Jenckes, Paul Mumford, Gideon Comstock, William Bradford, Caleb Gardner, Nathan Miller, Pardon Gray, Thomas Tillinghast, Thomas Rumreill, James' Arnold. Joshua Babcock, Aug. Militia in War Service-Companies of Tiverton & Little Compton: Capt. Allen Johnson's Company at East Greenwich, June, 78. Captain George Simmons' " Tivertou, July, 78. Dec. Serjeant John Pearce's, Guard Shores of North Kingstown. Feb. Ens. Wm. Christopher's, Guard Boat at Bristol, Dec., 78, to Nov. 5th, 79. 383 1780. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Shearjashub Bourne, Chief. William Ellery, Paul Mumford, Peter Phillips, Gideon Comstock. Sept. William Ellery, declines, Paul Mumford, 2nd, Peter - Phillips, 3d, Rufus Hopkins, 4th. Thomas Tillinghast, in room of Gideon Comstock, who resigns. Feb. Jabez Bowen, Chief, in room of Shearjashub Bourne, Esq., Deceased. May. Clerk, Newport County, Walter Channings. " Providence " -Arthur Fenner, Jr. " Kings " Edward Perry. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Benj. Underwood, Chief. Contant Taber, Clerk. William Richmond, William Taggart, Christopher Ellery, William Davis, Sheriff. Walter Cooke. July. Pardon Gray, in room of Walter Cooke, who hath resigned. May. Providence County: Richard Steere, Chief. Jeremiah Whipple, Job Randall, David Howell, Syvanus Sayles. June. Caleb Aldrich, 5th. May. Kings County: Samuel Babcock, Chief. John Northup, Carder Hazard, Joseph Hoxsie, Robert Brown. Sept. Edward Perry, 4th, Abel Tanner, 5th. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Clerk. John Beverly, Sheriff. Freeman Perry, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. 384 1779. May. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. John Child, Josoph Reynolds, Josiah Humphrey, Samuel Allen. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. James Arnold, Benjamin Tillinghast, Thomas Tillinghast, Daniel Bradford, Clerk. Richard Smith, Sheriff. Hopkins Cooke, Clerk. Preserved Pearce, Sheriff. Aaron Bowen, Sept., advanced to 4th, in room of Thos. Tillinghast, Superior Court. Job Pearce, 5th, in room of Aaron Bowen. Jan. Rufus Spencer, 5th, in room of Job Pearce, who declines. Court of Admiralty: July. John Foster, Judge. James Mitchell Varnum, Advocate. Theodore Foster, Register. Commissioner of the Loan Office: Joseph Clarke. Henry Ward, Public Notary throughout State. Samuel Chace, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. Robert Elliott, Intendant of Trade for the Port of Newport. Henry Ward, Intendant of Trade for the Port of Providence. Mar. Freeman Perry, Ass. Secretary. May. Vote of Thanks for great Fidelity and Ability to Brig.-Gen. Ezekiel Cornell, Col, Rob't Elliot, and Col. John Topham. July. John Handy, Auditor of Accounts. Nov. Inspectors of Beef: Joseph Brown, Welcome Arnold. Joseph Alny, of Tiverton, to keep Ferry between Tiverton and Rhode Island, in room of John Almy. Sept. Commissary of Prisoners: Nathaniel Dummer. 1780. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Solomon Southwick, Jabez Champlin, John Pitman, Robert Taylor, William Borden. Providence: Samuel Chace, John Foster, Theodore Foster, Joseph Martin, Nathaniel Wheaton, Benj. Cushing, Jr. 385 1780. May. Providence: James Arnold, Thomas Truman. Portsmouth: Thomas Shearman, John Thurston, George Cornell. Warwick: Thomas Rice, Adam Comstock, Robert Rhodes, William Greene (son of Philip), James Jerauld. Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Joseph Clarke, Phineas Clarke, Joseph Maxson, Daniel Rogers, Christopher Babcock. North Kingstown: William Hammond, Eber Shearman, George Thomas (son of Samuel), Caleb Hill, Daniel Hall, Joshua Davis. South Kingstown: Freeman Perry, Nathaniel Gardner, Samuel Perry, Caleb Tefft, Richard Gardner, James Sheldon, James Helme. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, Isaac Johnson, Allen Johnson, Benj. Tillinghast, Richard Mathewson, Ebenezer Spencer. Smithfield: Stephen Arnold, Uriah Alverson, Jonathan Comstock, Stephen Brayton, Abr. Matthewson, Job Aldrich, Edward Thompson. Scituate: Benjamin Slack, Jeremiah Angell, Peleg Fisk, John Westcott, Stephen Kimball, Samuel Dorrance, William Tyler. Gloucester: Timothy Wilmarth, Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Zebedee Hopkins, Moses Cooper, Caleb Arnold, Elisha Bartlet. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, James Congdon, Nathaniel Sheffield, Thomas Ross. West Greenwich: Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Niles, Jonathan Dean, Thomas Joslyn, Gideon Waite. Coventry: John Rice, William Stone, Jonathan Olden, Isaac Johnson, William Burlingame. Exeter: George Peirce, Jeffery Wilcox, Jonathan Bates, Newman Perkins. 49 386 1780. May. Middletown. John Gould, Joseph Peabody, Thomas Peckham. Bristol: Josiah Finney, John Howland, Jr., John Coomer, Daniel Bradford. Tiverton: Joseph Taber, Gilbert Devol, Joseph Almy. Little Compton: Israel Stoddard, Aaron Wilbour, Adam Simmons, June. Enos Giffard. Warren: William T. Miller, William Barton, Daniel Cole. Cumberland: John Dexter, Peter Darling, Nath. Shepardson, Jotham Carpenter. Richmond: Edward Perry, Robert Stanton, Jos. Woodmansie, Jr., Thomas Tefft. Sept. Cranston: Nehemiah Knight, Andrew Harris, William Burton, Elisha Carpenter. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Noah Mathewson, Caleb Harris, Peleg Williams, Andrew Harris, Edward Fenner. North Providence: William Bagley, Hope Angell, Jabez Whipple, Samuel Olney. Barrington: Edward Bosworth, Moses Tyler, Solomon Townsend. South Kingstown: Samuel Tefft, Scituate: John Harris. Coventry: Jonathan Nichols. Tiverton: Walter Cooke. Hopkinton: John Maxson, Edward Wells, Robert Burdick, Francis West, Rouse Babcock, Matthew Wells. South Kingstown: Robert Potter. Charlestown: Gideon Hoxsie, Joseph Stanton. May. Militia of the State: Major-General James Mitchel Varnum. Adjutant-General Archibald Crary. Quartermaster-General James Lovett. Commissary-General Charles Holden. Director and Purveyor-General Jonathan Arnold. Surgeon and Physician-General Isaac Senter. 387 - 1780. July. Dep. Qr.-Mast.-General Ephraim Bowen, Jr., Oct. Dep. Qr.-Mast.-General Jabez Hatch. Ass. Dep. Qr.-Mast.-General Benj. Bourne. Sept. Barrack-Master at Newport: Jabez Champlin. May. Militia of Providence County: Brigadier-General Christopher Lippitt. 1st Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Eleazer Jenckes, Maj. Charles Keen. June; Providence-1st Battalion.-Troop of Horse: Capt John Mumford, Lieut. Ezekiel Searle, Cornet Solomon Thornton (son of Daniel). 1st Company: Capt. Joseph Allen, Lieut. Isaac Bowen, Ens. Jeremiah Jenckes. 2nd Company: Capt. Peter Taylor, Lieut. Bennett Wheeler, Ens. Grindall Reynolds. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Fuller, Lieut. Joseph Snow, Jr., Ens. Lemuel Field. Cranston-1st Company: Capt. Anthony Potter, Lieut. Thomas Congdon, Ens. George Colvin. 2nd Company: Capt. Frederick Williams, Lt. Nathaniel Carpenter, Ens. John Harris. 3d Company: Capt. Joseph Potter, Lt. Nehemiah Burlingame, Ens. Moses Lippitt. Johnston-lst Company: Capt. Daniel Sprague, Lieut. John Alverson, Ens. Arnold Fenner. 2nd Company: Capt. Laban Waterman, Lieut. Ezekiel Olney, Ens. Pardon Sheldon. North Providence Company: Lieut. Esek-Jenckes, Ens. Benjamin Coman. May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County Militia: Lt.-Col. Commandant Edward Thompson, Maj. William Aldrich. June. Lt.-Col. Commandant Peleg Arnold, in room of Edward Thompson, who declined. Smithfield-lst Company: Capt. Benjamin Ballon, Lieut. Robert Bennet, Ens. Daniel Sayles. 388 1780. June. 2nd Company: Capt. Ebenezer Trask, Lieut. Simeon Ballou, Ens. Eli Read. 3d Company: Capt. Daniel Mowry, 4th, Lieut. Benj. Sheldon, Ens. John Carpenter. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County Militia: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Kimball, Maj. Joseph Knight. June. Scituate —st Company: Capt. Jonathan Knight, Lieut. Angell Sweet, Ens. John Potter. 2nd Company: Capt. Simeon Herrenden, Lieut. George Dorrance, Ens. James Tyler. 3d Company: Capt. Coomer Smith, Lieut Jabel Angell, Ens. Gideon Harris. 4th Company: Capt. Isaac Hopkins, Lieut. Isaac Paine, Ens. Philip Walker. 5th Company: Capt. Samuel Wilbur, Lieut. Thomas Field, Ens. William Potter. 6th Company: Capt. William Howard, Lieut. James Wells, Ens. Samuel Perkins. Surgeon Caleb Fisk, Surgeon's Mate John Wilkinson. May. 4th Regiment-Providence County Militia: Lt.-Col. Commandant Chad Brown, Maj. Asa Kimball. June..O Troop of Horse: Capt. David Burlingame, Lieut. Amos Winsor, Cornet Anthony Dyre. Gloucester-1st Company: Capt. Benajah Whipple, Lieut. Peter Lewis, Ens. Henry Wheeler. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel May, Lieut. James Colwell, Ens. Arnold Smith. 3d Company: Capt. Nathaniel Wade, Lieut. Zebulon Wade, Ens. John Pray. 4th Company: Capt. Stephen Winsor, Lieut. Isaac Ross, Ens. Jeremiah Irons, Jr., Surgeon Reuben Mason. May. Senior Class Regiment of Militia-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Amos Atwell, Maj. George Peck. June. Johnston and North Providence Company: Capt. Caleb Sheldon, Ens. John Viol. 389 1780. June. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. Abraham Winsor, Jr., Ens. Sylvanus Bucklin. Gloucester Company: Capt. John Wells, Lieut. Thomas Collins, Ens. Benjamin Tourtellot. May. Militia of Newport and Bristol Counties: Brigadier-General Nathan Miller. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Peter Church, Maj. Peleg Heath. 2nd Newport County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Nathaniel Church, Maj. Lemuel Bailey. July. Tiverton-lst Company: Capt. Philip Corey, Lieut. Philip Manchester, Ens. Peleg Simmons. 2nd Company: Capt. Jonathan Devol, Lt. Benjamin Howland, Ens. Weaver Osborne. 3d Company: Capt. Richard Durfee, Lieut. - Shearman, Ens. Thomas Durfee, Jr. Middletown Company: Capt. Oliver Durfee, Lieut. Joseph Allen, Ens. John Peabody. Senior Class Regiment-Bristol County: Maj. Jonathan Peck. May. Militia of Kings County: Brigadier-General Joseph Stanton, Jr. 1st Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Jesse Maxson, Maj. Joseph Pendleton. July. Troop of Horse: Capt. George Thurston, —, Cornet Ichabod Babcock, Jr. Westerly-1st Company: Capt. Oliver Lewis. Lieut. Thomas Brand, Ens. Nathan Pendleton. 2nd Company: Capt. William Bliven, Lieut. Joseph Peckham, Ens. Walter White. 3d Company: Capt. George Stillman, Lieut. Peleg Saunders, Ens. Asa Maxson. Charlestown-1st Company: Capt. John Parke, Lieut. Christopher Babcock, Jr., Ens. John Taylor. 2nd Company: Capt. Beriah Lewis, Lieut. Peleg Cross, Jr., Ens. John Greene. Hopkinton-lst Company: Capt. Henry Wells, Lieut. Sylvanus Maxson, Ens. Thomas Wells (3d). 390 1780. July. 2nd Company: Capt. Randall Wells, Lieut. Joseph Maxson, Ens. Billings Burch. 3d Company: Capt. Phineas Maxson, Lieut. George Maxson, Ens. Zaccheus Maxson. May. 2nd Regiment-Kings County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Charles Dyre, Maj. Jonathan Bates, Jr. June. North Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Samuel Dyer, Lieut. William Davis, Ens. Stukely Hill. 2nd Company: Capt. Lawrence Pearce, Lieut. Henry Northup (son of Joseph), Ens. Bowen Card. 3d Company: Capt. John Brown, Jr., Lieut. Beriah Waite, Ens. Joshua Brown. Exeter-1st Company: Capt. Robert Reynolds, Jr., Lieut. William Potter, Ens. James Bates. 2nd Company: Capt. George Wilcox. July. Lieut. Robert Perrigo. June. Ens. Asa Gates. 3d Company: Capt. Walter Clarke, Lieut. David Herrenden, Ens. Samuel Bissell, Surgeon Samuel Watson. July. Troop of Horse: Capt. James Albro, Lieut. James Eldred, Cornet John Vaughan. May. 3d Regiment-Kings County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Potter, Maj. Richard Bailey, Jr. June. South Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Timothy Locke, Jr., Lieut. Daniel Tefft, Ens. William Steadman. 2nd Company: Capt. Paris Gardner, Lieut. James Reynolds, Ens. Elisha Potter (son of Benjamin). 3d Company: Capt. Simon Ray Mumford, Lt. Joseph Congdon, Ens. Wm. Peckham. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Sherman, Lieut. Jeremiah Knowles, Ens. Allen Gardner. 391 1780. June. Richmond —st Company: Capt. Joshua Webb, Lieut. Asa Clarke, Ens. Joseph Enos. 2nd Company: Capt. John Clarke, Lieut. Pardon Tefft, Ens. Samuel Stanton, Surgeon William Chace. Troop of Horse: Capt. John Gardner, Lt. Simeon Clarke, Cornet Barber Peckham: May. Senior Class Regiment-Kings County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Gideon Hoxsie, Maj. Sylvester Gardner. June. South Kingstown Senior Class Company: Capt. Wm. Taylor, Lieut. Gardner Wm. Mumnford, Ens. Jas. Cotterell. Richmond Company: Capt. Thomas Tefft, Lieut. John Woodmansie. Ens. Samuel Clarke. July. Westerly Senior Class Company: Capt. Nathan Barber, Lieut. Joseph Maxson, Ens. Peter Berry. Charlestown Senior Class Company: Capt. Joseph Wilcox, Lieut. Samuel Thompson, Ens. Charles Church. Hopkinton Senior Class Company: Capt. Thomas Wells (2nd), Lieut. Elias Coone, Ens. John Peirce. North Kingstown Senior Class Company: Capt. Joshua Pearce, Lieut. Caleb Hill, Ens. Joseph Eldred. May. Militia of Kent County: Brigadier-General Thomas Holden. 1st Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Tillinghast, Maj. Job Pearce. June. Troop of Horse: Capt. Stukely Hudson, Lieut. Benj. Tillinghast, Cornet Joseph Arnold. Warwick —st Company: Capt. Job Randall, Lieut. James Arnold, Jr., Ens. John Waterman, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Squire Willard, Lieut. James Jerauld, Ens. John Stafford. 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Rice (son of Thomas), Lieut. Anthony Holden, Ens. Stukely Stafford, Jr. East Greenwich-1st Company: Capt. Micah Whitmarsh, Lieut. David Andrews, Ens. Edward Weeden. 392 1780. June. 2nd Company: Capt. Allen Johnson, Lieut. Murmford Davis, Ens. Josiah Jones, Surgeon Gorton Jerauld. May. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Archibald Kasson, Maj. Thomas Gorton. June. Troop of Horse: Capt. Isaac Johnson, Lieut. Jonathan Niles, Ens. Silas Westcot. West Greenwich —st Company: Capt. Samuel Hopkins, Lieut. Joseph Niles, Ens. Joseph Doliver. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Gorton, Lieut. Caleb Greene, Ens. Joseph Weaver. 3d Company: Capt. Jos. Draper, Lieut. Jos. James, Ens. Judiah Aylesworth, Jr. Coventry —st Company: Capt. Joseph Brayton, Lieut. Ichabod Potter, Ens. Stephen Burlingame. 2nd Company: Capt. William Roy, Lieut. Lowry Jenckes, Ens. Oliver Wickes. 3d Company: Capt. Langford Weaver, Lieut. Samuel Greene (son of Nathaniel), Ens. Samuel Whaley. 4th Company: Capt. Asaph Bennet, Lieut. Joseph Rice, Ens. Moses Blanchard, Surgeon Jared Dyer. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Maj. Samuel Wall. June. Senior Class Company-Warwick & East Greenwich: Capt. Robert Rhodes, Lieut. Hopkins Cooke, Ens. Philip Wightman. Coventry Senior Class Company: Capt. Abel Bennet, Lieut. Job Greene, Ens. Jonathan Nichols. West Greenwich Senior Class Company: Capt. Joseph Hopkins, Lieut. Benj. Johnson, Ens. Randall Spencer. May. Independent Companies-Kingston Reds: Capt. John Waite, 1st Lt. Nathaniel Taylor, 2nd Lt. Gardner Tefft, Eus. William Perkins. Kentish Guards: Capt. Rich Fry, 1st Lt. William Arnold, 2nd Lt. Charles Greene, Ens. Job Greene. 393 1780. May. Gloucester Light Infantry: Capt. Timothy Wilmarth, 1st Lt. Martin Smith, 2nd Lt. Elijah Armstrong, Rns. Ezekiel Brown. Providence Grenadier Company: Capt. John Whipple, 1st Lt. Aaron Mann, 2nd Lt. Samuel Clarke, Ens. John Cozzens. July. Brigade of Artillery: Brig.-Gen. Col. Robert Elliot. Jun e. Providence County Company: Capt.-Lieut. Edward Spalding, Lieut. John Carpenter. Scituate Company: Capt.-Lieut. Isaac Medbury, Jr., Lieut. Job Fisk, Jr. Gloucester Company: Capt.-Lieut. Thomas Wood, Lieut. Angell Sweet. July. Westerly, Charlestown & Hopkinton Company: Capt.-Lieut. James Babcock, Lieut. Ichabod Burdick. North Kingstown & Exeter Company: Capt.-Lieut. Richard Updike, Lieut. James Boone. June. South Kingstown & Hopkinton Company: Capt.-Lieut. Henry Gardner, Lieut. Thomas Gardner. Warwick & East Greenwich Company: Capt.-Lieut. Oliver Gardner, Lieut. Oliver Corey. West Greenwich & Coventry Company: Lient. Eleazer Burlingame. May. Providence United Train of Artillery: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lt.-Col. Levi Hall, Maj. Robert Taylor, Capt. Joseph Smith, Lieut. Gershom Jones. July. Three-Months Regiment Ordered, 630 Men: Muster-Master Col. John Topham. Lt.-Col. Commandant Jesse Maxson, Maj. Christopher Manchester. Capt. John Carr, Lieut. Joseph James, Ens. William Bliss, Jr. Capt. Timothy Locke, Lieut. John Miller, Ens. William Kin. Capt, James Miller, Lieut. Rufus Barton, Ens. James Cotterell. Capt. Aaron Mann, Lieut. John Peirce, Ens. Walter White. Capt. William Lawless, Lieut. Peleg Simmons, Ens. Henry Freeborn. Capt. Seth Chapin, Lt. Loring Jenckes. Capt. Lawrence Pierce, 50 394 1780. Feb. Militia of 1200 Men to serve within the State one Month and no longer, and not to be marched out: Brig.-Gen. Nathan Miller. Providence and Kent Battalion: Lieut.-Col. Commandant George Peck, Maj. Job Pearce. Capt. Micah Whitmarsh, Lieut. Thomas Olney, Ens. John Carpenter (of Smithfield). Capt. - Sheldon, Lieut. Caleb Greene, Ens. John Carpenter (of Providence). Capt. Jonathan Knight, Lieut. Mumford Davis, Ens. Gideon Harris. Capt. Squire Millard, Lieut. Isaac Paine, Ens. Joseph Dolliver, Jr. Capt. John Whipple, Lieut. Joseph Snow, Jr., Ens. Zebulon Wade. Capt. Stephen Windsor, Lieut. Jeremiah Scott, Jr. Capt. William Roy, Lieut. Nehemiah Burlingame. Capt. Daniel Mowry (4th), Lieut. Elijah Armstrong. Surgeon Henry Malcolm. Newport, Kings County and Bristol Battalion: Lt.-Col. Commandant Nathaniel Church, Maj. Jonathan Bates, Jr. Capt. Philip Traffan, Lieut. William Belcher, Ens. Robert Dunbar. Capt. Lawrence Peirce, Lieut. John Wilcox, Jr., Ens. Thos. Durfee. Capt. Jona. Deval, Jr., Lieut. Peleg Cross, Jr., Ens. Stephen Pierce. Capt. Timothy Lock, Jr., Lieut. Rowse Pearce. Capt. Vial Allen, Lieut. Joseph Reynolds, Jr. Capt. John Davis,- Lieut. John Pearce. Capt. Phineas Maxson, Lieut. William Stedman. Capt. Walter Clarke, Lieut. Joseph Peckham. Surgeon Joshua Perry. May. Council of War: Hon. William Greene, Sylvester Gardner, Hon. William West, Robert Elliott, John I. Clarke, William Ladd, John Northup, Thomas Rumreill, Esek Hopkins, Nathan Miller, John Jenckes, Benjamin Bourne, Joseph Stanton, Thomas Tillinghast. Delegates to Congress: Hon. Ezekiel Cornell, Hon. John Collins, Hon. Daniel Mowry, Hon. James Mitchell Varnum. Officers resigned-Capt. Garzia's Company of Artillery: Capt.-Lt. Esquire How, Lt. James Crosswell, Gunner Peleg Rice. Col. Topham's Regiment-all who remain: Capt. John Carr, Lt. John Miller. Capt. Philip Traffan, Lt. James Miller. 395 1780. June. Officers appointed upon recommendation of Gen. Washington in State's Continental Battalion, Commanded by Col. Israel Angell: Lt. John Hubbart, to date from May 18th, 1779. Lt. Joseph Wheaton, - " Sept 1st, " Ens. John Morly Greene, " March 1st, Ens. John Rogers, " May 1st, " 'Ens. William Pratt, Ens. Joseph Mashury, Ens. Jeremiah Greenman," " Inspectors of the Markets: Providence: Hon. Jabez Bowen, John Innes Clark. Newport: Caleb Gardner, Robert Elliott, John Topham. Bristol: Benjamin Bourne, Jonathan Russell. Warren: Sylvester Child. July. Officers in Col. Christopher Greene's Regiment: Capt. Phillip Traffan, Lieut. John Millar. Capt. Samuel Snow, Lieut. James Millar. Commissioner to meet Commissioners of other New England States in Convention at Boston: Hon. William Bradford. Capt. Henry Dayton of Light Corps lately commanded by Col. William Barton on his request discharged with men under his command. Brigade-Major Daniel Box recognized as in Continuous service since 1775. Sept. Capt. Phillip Trafforn, of Col. Christopher Greene's Regiment, Resignation accepted. Oct. Hon. William Bradford, Commissioner, to meet Commissioners at Hartford. Nov. Hon. William Bradford, Commissioner, to meet Commissioners at Hartford. 396 1780. Feb. Promotions in State's Continental Regiments-Col. Christopher Greene's Regiment: Capt. Zephaniah Brown, to date from Nov. 11th, 1779. Capt.-Lt. Daniel S. Dexter, " " Col. Israel Angell's Regiment: Capt.-Lieut. Dutee Jerauld, to date from June 24th, 1780. Lieut. John M. Greene. Lieut. Joseph Masury. Lieut. Henry Shearman. Mar. Assistant Secretary Freeman Perry. c" Rouse J. Helme. 1781. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Paul Mumford, Chief. Peter Phillips, Thomas Tillinghast, Ambrose Page, Pardon Gray, 4th Justice. David Howell, 5th, Ambrose Page, declining. Clerk, Newport County, Walter Channing. " Providence " Arthur Fenner, Jr. " Kings " Edward Perry. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Benj. Underwood, Chief. Constant Tabor, Clerk. William Richmond, William Taggart, Christopher Ellery, William Davis, Sheriff. Timothy Waterhouse. Providence County: Richard Steere, Chief. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Clerk. Jeremiah Whipple, David Howell, Caleb Aldrich, John Beverly, Sheriff. Caleb Fiske, Christopher Sheldon, David Howell promoted to Superior Court. 397 1781. May. Kings County: Samuel Babcock, Chief. Freeman Perry, Clerk. John Northup, Edward Perry, Abel Tanner, Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Robert Potter, Sylvester Gardner, 5th, John Northup, Deceased. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. John Child, Joseph Reynolds, Josiah Humphrey, Samuel Allen. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. James Arnold, Benjamin Tillinghast, Aaron Bowen, Rufus Spencer. Delegates to Congress: Hon. William Ellery, Hon. Ezekiel Cornell, Hon. Daniel Mowry, Daniel Bradford, Clerk. Richard Smith, Sheriff. Hopkins Cooke, Clerk. Richard Fry, Sheriff. Hon. James Mitchel Varnum. John Foster, Judge of Court of Admiralty, Theodore Foster Register. Henry Ward, Intendant of Trade for Port of Providence. Robert Elliott, " " " " Newport. Samuel Chace, Public Notary for Town and County of Providence. Charles Keen, Inspector of Steel. Thomas Rumreill, Auditor of Accounts. July. John Demount, Appraiser of Beef. Christopher Ellery, Public Notary, Town and County of Newport. Oct. William Taggart, Intendant of Trade for Port of Newport. Dec. Josiah Flagg, Jr., Commissary of Military Stores. Solomon Southwick, Commissary Gen. of Issues for State. Oct. Capt. Joseph Olney, Sloop Rover. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Solomon Southwick, William Borden, Robert Taylbr, Daniel Halloway, John Pitman, Job Easton. 398 1781. May. Providence: Samuel Chace, John Foster, Theodore Foster, Joseph Martin, Nathaniel Wheaton, Benj. Cushing, Jr., James Arnold, Thomas Freeman. Portsmouth: Thomas Shearman, John Thurston, Thomas Potter. Warwick: Thomas Rice, Adam Comstock, Robert Rhodes, William Greene (son of Philip), James Jerauld. Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Joseph Clarke, Joseph Maxson, Daniel Rogers, Christopher Babcock. North Kingstown: William Hammond, Eber Shearman, George Thomas (son of Samuel), Caleb Hill, Daniel Hall, Joshua Davis. South Kingstown: Samuel Tefft, Nathaniel Gardner, Samuel Perry, Freeman Perry, Caleb Tefft, Richard Gardner, James Sheldon. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, Isaac Johnson, East Greenwich: Allen Johnson, Benj. Tillinghast, Richard Mathewson, Christopher Vaughan. Smithfield: Stephen Arnold, Uriah Alverson, Jona. Comstock, Stephen Brayton, Abraham Mathewson, Daniel Mowry, 4th, Richard Thompson. Scituate: Benjamin Slack, Jeremiah Angell, Peleg Fisk, John Westcott, Stephen Kimball, William Tyler, George Dorrance, Jr. Gloucester: Jonah Steere, Silas Williams, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Caleb Arnold, Stephen Steere, Aaron Arnold, John Smith (son of Benjamin), Timothy Wilmarth. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, James Congdon, Nathaniel Sheffield. West Greenwich: Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Niles, Jonathan Dean, Thomas Joslyn, Gideon Waite. Coventry: John Rice, William Stone, Jonathan Olden, 399 1781. May. Coventry: Cranston: Isaac Johnson, Nehemiah Knight, William Burlingame. Andrew Harris, Exeter: William Burton, George Pierce, Elisha Carpenter. Jonathan Bates, Hopkinton: Newman Perkins, John Maxson, William Hall. Edward Wells, Middletown: Robert Burdick, Joseph Peabody, Francis West, Thomas Peckham, Rouse Babcock, Oliver Durfee. Matthew Wells. Bristol: Johnston: Josiah Finney, Abraham Belknap, John Howland, Jr., Noah Mathewson, John Coomer, Caleb Harris, Daniel Bradford. Peleg Williams, Tiverton: Andrew Harris, Walter Cooke, Edward Fenner, Gilbert Devol, Joseph Borden, Jr. Joseph Almy, North Providence: Benjamin Jenckes. William Bagley, Little Compton: Hope Angell. Aaron Wilbour, Barrington: Adam Simmons, Edward Bosworth, Enos Gifford, Moses Tyler, Isaac Baley. Solomon Townsend. Warren: Newport: William T. Miller, Peleg Barker, Jr. William Barton, Tiverton: Daniel Cole. Thomas Durfee. Cumberland: Dec. Foster: John Dexter, Nathaniel Phillips, Peter Darling, Nehemiah Arnold. Nathaniel Shepherdson, Gloucester: Jotham Carpenter, Jonathan Harris. Levi Ballou. Richmond: Robert Stanton, Jos. Woodmansie, Jr., Thomas Tefft. May. Rhode Island Militia: Adjutant-Gen. Archibald Crary. Quarter-Master-Gen. James Lovett. 400 1781. May. Rhode Island Militia: Commissary-Gen. Charles Holden. Director and Purveyor-Gen. Jonathan Arnold. Surgeon and Physician-Gen. Isaac Senter. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Christopher Lippitt. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Christopher Almy, Maj. James Burrill. Maj. John Whipple, in room of James Burrill, who declined. Artillery Company: Capt.-Lt. Edward Spalding, Lieut. John Carpenter. 1st Company-Providence: Capt. Joseph Allen, Lt. Isaac Bowen, Ens. Jeremiah Jenckes, 2nd Company: Capt. Bennett Wheeler, Lt. Grindall Reynolds, Ens. Rob't Taylor, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. James Wheaton, Lt. Seth Wheaton,, Ens. Simeon Olney. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Fuller, Lt. Joseph Snow, Jr., Ens. Lemuel Field. 1st Company-Cranston: Capt. Thomas Congdon, Lt. George Colvin, Ens. Oliver Roberts. 2nd Company: Capt. Frederick Williams, Lt. Nathaniel Carpenter, Ens. John Harris. 3d Company: Capt. Nehemiah Burlingame, Lt. Pardon Burlingame, Ens. Gideon Manchester. 1st Company-Johnston: Capt. Daniel Sprague, Lt. John Alverson, Ens. Arnold Fenner. 2nd Company: Capt. Laban Waterman, Lt. Ezekiel Olney, Ens. Pardon Sheldon. North Providence Company: Capt. Thomas Olney, Jr., Lt. Ethan Whipple, Ens. Ezekiel Whipple. Oct. 3d Company-Providence: Lieut. Isaac Barker, Ens. Benjamin Keene. Surgeon John Mawney. Surgeon's Mate - Thayer. Jan. 2nd Company-Johnston: Ens. Jonathan Patt, in room of Pardon Sheldon, Deceased. 401 1781. May. 2nd Regiment —Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant George Peck, Maj. Daniel Mowry, 4th. 1st Company-Smithfield: Capt. Benj. Ballou, Lt. Rufus Streeter, Ens. Simon Whipple. 2nd Company: Capt. Ebenezer Trask, Lt. Simeon Ballon, Ens. Eli Read. 3d Company: Capt. John Carpenter, Lt. Samuel Holmes, Ens. William Fuller. 1st Company-Cumberland: Capt. Amaziah Wetherhead, Lt. Christ. Whipple, Ens. Gideon Sprague. 2nd Company: Capt: Amos Whipple, Lt. Squire Fisk, Ens. Noah Ballou, Jr. July. Major Simon Whipple. 1st Company-Smithfield: Ens. Daniel Sayles, in room of Simon Whipple, promoted. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Kimball, Maj. Joseph Knight. Artillery Company: Capt. Isaac Medbury, Jr., Lt. Job Fisk, Jr. 1st Company-Scituate: Capt. John Potter, Lt. Zebedee Snow, Jr., Ens. Oliver Leach. 2nd Company: Capt. George Dorrance, Jr., Lt. Thomas Potter, Ens. John Johnson. 3d Company: Capt. Gideon Harris, Lt. William Brownell, Ens. Caleb Westcot. 4th Company: Capt. Isaac Paine, Lt. John Cole, Jr., Ens. Richard Cole, Jr. 5th Company: Capt. Samuel Wilbur, Lt. Peter Pearce, Ens. Benjamin Wood. 6th Company: Capt. William Howard, Lt. James Wells, Ens. John Hammond. July. 3d Company: Capt. Coman Smith. 5th Company: Capt. Peter Pearce, Lt. Thomas Wilbur. 51 402 1781. July. 2nd Company: Ens. Isaac Blanchard. Surgeon John Wilkinson. Surgeon's Mate John Anthony. Oct. 2nd Company-Scituate: Lt. Joel Aldrich, Ens. Samuel Aldrich. Jan. 4th Company-Foster: Capt. Christopher Colwell, Lt. Squire Bucklin, Ens. John Round, Jr. May. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Asa Kimball, Maj. Stephen Winsor. Artillery Company: Capt.-Lt. Thomas Wood, Lieut. William Arnold. 1st Company-Gloucester: Capt. Peter Lewis, Lt. Henry Wheeler, Ens. Zeph. Keach. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel May, Lt. James Colwell, Ens. Arnold Smith. 3d Company: Capt. Nathaniel Wade, Lt. John Pray, Ens. Esek Brown. 4th Company: Capt. Isaac Ross, Lt. Jeremiah Irons, Ens. Seth Ross. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Amos Atwell, Maj. Reuben Ballou. Senior Class Company-Providence: Capt. Benjamin Hoppin, Lt. Samuel Black, Ens. Gabriel Allen. Senior Class Company-Cranston: Capt. John Burton, Jr., Lt. William Burton, Ens. Elisha Carpenter. Senior Class Companies-Johnston and North Providence: Capt. Caleb Sheldon, Lt. John Viol, Ens. Christopher Whipple. Senior Class Company-Smithfield: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Abraham Winsor. Senior Class Company-Cumberland: Capt. Levi Tower, Lt. Jesse Ballou, Ens. Joseph Raze, Jr. Senior Class Company-Scituate: Capt. Nathan Relph, Lt. Joseph Kimbal, Ens. Nathaniel Lovel. Senior Class Company-Gloucester: Capt. Thomas Wells, Lt. Benjamin Tourtellot, Ens. Jacob Bowen. 403 1781. July. Senior Class Company —Providence: Capt. Joseph Nightingale, Lt. John Mathewson, Ens. Win. Russell. Aug. Senior Class Company-Providence: Capt. Simeon Thayer, Lt. Benjamin Hoppin, Ens. Samuel Black. May. Kings County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Joseph Stanton, Jr. 1st Regiment-Kings County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Jesse Maxson, Maj. Joseph Pendleton. Maj. John Gavet. Artillery Company: Capt.-Lt. Ichabod Burdick, Lt. Nathan Barber, Jr. 1st Company-Westerly: Capt. Oliver Lewis, Lt. Thomas Brand, Ens. Nathan Pendleton. 2nd Company: Capt. William Bliven, Lt. Joseph Peckham, Ens. Edward Ross. 3d Company: Capt. George Stillman, Lt. Peleg Saunders, Ens. Asa Maxson. 1st Company-Charlestown: Capt. John Parke, Lt. Christopher Babcock, Jr., Ens. John Taylor. 2nd Company: Capt. Beriah Lewis, Lt. Peleg Cross, Jr., Ens. John Greene. 1st Company -— Hopkinton: Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. Sylvanus Maxson, Ens. Thomas Wells, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Randall Wells, Lt. Billings Burch. Feb. Ens. Jeffrey Champlin. Lt. Clarke Maxson. May. 3d Company: Capt. Phinehas Maxson, Lt. George Maxson, Ens. Zaccheus Maxson. July. 2nd Company —Westerly: Lieut. Arnold Bliven, in room of Joseph Peckham, who declines. 3d Company: Lieut. Asa Maxson, in room of Peleg Saunders, who declines. Ens. Samuel Clarke. Aug. 4th Company-Hopkinton: Capt. Ichabod Paddock, Lt. Caleb Church; Ens. Amos Stillman. 404 1781. Aug. Artillery Company-Charlestown: Capt. Ebenezer Adams, in room of Robert Burdick, who declines. Jan. 4th Company-Westerly: Capt. Walter White, Lieut. Charles Saunders, Ens. Henry Crandall. May. 2nd Regiment-Kings County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Charles Dyre, Maj. Jonathan Bates. Artillery Company: Capt.-Lt. Richard Updike, Lieut. James Boone. 1st Company-North Kingstown: Capt. Samuel Dyre, Lt. William Davis, Ens. Stukely Hill. 2nd Company: Capt. Lawrence Pearce, Lt. Henry Northup, Ens. Samuel Cole. 3d Company: Capt. John Brown, Jr., Lt. Beriah Waite, Ens. Joshua Brown. 4th Company: Capt. Nathaniel Shearman, Lt. James Owen, Ens. William Browning. 1st Company-Exeter: Capt. Robert Reynolds, Jr., Lt. William Potter, Ens. James Bates. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Gorton, Lt. Robert Perrigo, Ens. Benjamin Brown, Jr. Aug. Artillery Company: Capt.-Lt. James Boone, in room of Richard Updike, who declines, Lieut. Benjamin Reynolds. May. 3d Regiment-Kings County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Potter, Maj. Richard Bailey. Artillery Company: Capt.-Lt. Thomas Gardner, Lt. Allen Gardner. 1st Company-South Kingstown: Capt. Timothy Lock, Jr., Lt. Daniel Tafft, Ens. William Steadman. 2nd Company: Capt. Paris Gardner, Lt. James Reynolds, Ens. Elisha Potter (son of Benjamin). 3d Company: Capt. Godfrey Hazard, Lt. Thomas Champlin, Ens. Joseph Hull, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Shearman, Lt. Jeremiah Knowles, Ens. John Gardner, Jr. 1st Company-Richmond: Capt. Joshua Webb, Lt. Asa Clark, Ens. Joseph Enos. 405 1781. May. 2nd Company: Capt. John Clarke, Lt. Samuel Stanton, Ens. Thomas W. Kiyon. Senior Class Regiment-Kings County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Gideon Hoxsie, Maj. Sylvester Gardner. Senior Class Company-Westerly: Capt. Peleg Berry, Lt. Stephen Saunders, Ens. Nathaniel Lewis. Senior Class Company-Charlestown: Capt. Joseph Wilcox, Lt. Samuel Thompson, Ens. Charles Church. Senior Class Company-Hopkinton: Capt. Thomas Wells, 2nd, Lt. Elias Coon. Senior Class Company-North Kingstown: Capt. Samuel Phillips, Lt. Samuel Northup, Ens. Thomas Bissell. Senior Class Company-Exeter: Capt. David Herrington, Lt. Samuel Bissell, Ens. Benj. Shearman. Senior Class Company —South Kingstown: Capt. William Taylor, Lt. Gardner W. Mumford, Ens. Jas. Cotterel. Senior Class Company-Richmond: Capt. Thomas Tafft, Lieut. John Woodmansie, Ens. Samuel Clarke. Aug. Senior Class Company-North Kingstown: Capt. Samuel Northup, in room of Samuel Phillips, who declined, 'Lt. Thomas Bissell, Ens, Samuel Thomas. Senior Class Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant, Sylvester Gardner, in room of Gideon Hoxsie, who declined, Maj. George Thurston. Jan. Senior Class Company-Exeter: Ens. Oliver Spink, in room of Benajah Shearman, who declines. May. Newport and Bristol Counties Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Nathan Miller. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Lemuel Bailey, Maj. John Davis. Maj. William Southworth, in room of John Davis, who declines. 1st Company-Tiverton: Capt. Peleg Simmons, Lt. Philip Manchester, Ens. Redford Dennis. 2nd Company: Capt. Richard Durfee, Lt. Humphrey Shearman, Ens. Edward Bailey. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Howland, Lt. Benjamin Devol, Ens. Elihu Giffard. 406 1781. May. 1st Company-Little Compton: Capt. Benjamin Coe, Lt. Isaac Wood, Ens. John Bailey. 2nd Company: Capt. Stephen Pearce, Lt. Rowse Pearce, Ens. William Coe. July. 3d Company-Tiverton: Capt. Humphrey Shearman, Lt. Edward Bailey, Ens. Jeremiah Dwelly. 1st Company: Lieut. Joseph Bailey, Ens. Job Gray. May. Regiment-Bristol County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Peter Church, Maj. Peleg Heath. Bristol Company: Capt. William Throop, Lt. Joseph Reynolds, Ens. Jonathan Diman. 1st Warren Company: Capt. Curtis Coe, Lt. Thomas Easterbrooke, Ens. Ichabod Cole. Barrington Company: Capt. Viol Allen, Lt. Daniel Kinnicut, Ens. John Short. Aug. 2nd Warren Company: Capt. David Barton, Lt. Ichabod Cole, Ens. Edward Mason. May. Senior Class Regiment-Bristol County: Maj. Robert Carr. Senior Class Company: Capt. Thomas Allen, Lt. Benjamin Bosworth, Ens. Shubael Kinnicut. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Holden. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant, Thomas Tillinghast, Maj. Job Pearce. Artillery Company: Capt.-Lt. Oliver Gardner, Lt. Oliver Corey. 1st Company-Warwick: Capt. Job Randall, Lt. James Arnold, Jr., Ens. John Warner, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Squire Willard, Lt. James Jerauld, Ens. John Stafford. 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Rice (son of Thomas), Lt. Anthony Holden, Ens. Robert Edmonds. 1st Company-East Greenwich: Capt. Micah Whitmarsh, Lt. Edward Weeden, Ens. John Hall. 407 1781. May. 2nd Company: Capt. Allen Johnson, Lt. Mumford Davis, Ens. Josiah Jones, Jr. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Archibald Kasson, Maj. Thomas Gorton. 1st Company-West Greenwich: Capt. Samuel Hopkins, Lt. Joseph Niles, Ens. Joseph Dolliver, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Gorton, Lt. Caleb Greene, Ens. Joseph Weaver. 3d Company: Capt. Joseph Draper, Lt. Joseph James, Ens. Judiah Aylesworth, Jr. 1st Company-Coventry: Capt. Joseph Brayton, Lt. Ichabod Potter, Ens. Noell Potter. 2nd Company: Capt. William Roy, Lt. Lowry Jenckes, Ens. Oliver Wickes. 3d Company: Capt. Langford Weaver, Lt. Samuel Greene (son of Nathaniel), Ens. Samuel Whaley. 4th Company: Capt. Asaph Bennett, Lt. Joseph Rice, Ens. Moses Blanchard. Dec. 1st Company-Coventry: Capt. Ichabod Potter, Lieut. Noel Potter, Ens. Joseph Burgess. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Maj. Isaac Johnson. Senior Class Company: Capt. Robert Rhodes, Lt. Hopkins Cooke, Ens. Philip Wightman. Senior Class Company-West Greenwich: Capt. Joseph Hopkins, Lt. William Potter, Ens. James Bates. Senior Class Company-Coventry: Capt. Abel Bennett, Lt. Job Greene, Ens. Jona. Nichols. Independent Companies-Gloucester Light Infantry: Capt. Timothy Wilmarth, 1st Lt. Martin Smith, 2nd Lt. Elijah Armstrong, Ens. Ezekiel Brown. Kingston Reds: Capt. John Waite, 1st Lt. Nathan Taylor, 2nd Lt. Gardner Tefft, Ens. Joseph Perkins. Oct. United Company of the Train of Artillery, Providence: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lt.-Col. Levi Hall, Maj. Robert Taylor, Capt. Gershom Jones, Lieut. John Mumford. Lt.-Col. Commandant Archibald Crary. 408 1781. May. Body of Troops ordered to island of Rhode Island, June 5th, for 1 month's service: -One-half Artillery Company of Providence. c" Kentish Guards. " Kingston Reds. " Pawtuxet Rangers. 102 Men of Tiverton and Little Compton for 10 days' service. Battalion 500 Men for Service within the State one month: Col. Archibald Crary, Lt.-Col. Thomas Potter, Maj. John Whipple. Capt. Philip Traffan, Lt. Lowry Jenckes, Ens. Noah Ballou. Capt. Benjamin Howland, Lt. John Vial, Ens. William Bliss, Jr. Capt. George Dorrance, Jr., Lt. Thomas Brand, Ens. Thos. Wells, Jr. Capt. John Parke, Lt. Simeon Ballou, Ens. Joseph Weaver. Capt. Job Randall, Lt. Samuel Bissell, Ens. Thos. Webster Kinyon. Capt. Peter Lewis, Lt. Squire Fisk, Ens. Seth Thomas. Capt. Vial Allen, Lt. Henry Northup, Ens. William Fuller. Lt. Pardon Burlingame. Surgeon John Clarke. Ens. William Ennis, in Col. Christopher Greene's Continental Battalion, from April 1st, 1780. Surgeon's Mate -- Bogart, in Continental Battalion of this State, from May 1st, 1781. Inlisting Officers for completing State's quota of Continental Troops: William Taggart, Col. Archibald Crary, Col. Thomas Potter, Joseph Hoyle, Major Asa Kimball. Council of War: His Excell. William Greene, Hon. Jabez Bowen, Gideon Mumford, Thos. Holden, Win. Taggart. Oct. Jeremiah Clarke, in room of William. Taggart. Aug. State's Battalion of Continental Troops: Lt.-Col. Commandant Jeremiah Olney, 1st Major Coggeshall Olney, 2nd Major John S. Dexter. Capt. Daniel S. Dexter, Lt. Jeremiah Greenman. Capt. Dutee Jerauld, Lt. William Pratt. Ens. Reuben Johnson. Battalion of 500 Men to serve within the State one month: Maj. Richard Bailey. Capt. Paris Gardner, Lieut. Seth Thomas, Ens. William Bliss. Capt. Phillip Traffan, Lieut. Joseph James, Ens. Robert Edmonds. Capt. Viol Allen, Lt. Arnold Bliven, Ens. Eli Read. Capt. Beriah Lewis, Lt. James Wells, Ens. Benjamin Brown, Jr. 409 1781. Aug. Battalion of 500 Men to serve within the State one month: Capt. James Wheaton, Lt. Sylvanus Maxson, Ens. Arnold Fenner. Capt. Peter Lewis, Lt. Thomas Bissell, Ens. Elisha Potter. Capt. Asa Bennett, Lt. George Colvin, Ens. Noah Ballou, Jr. Oct. Company of 100 Men for Defense of State until April 1, 1782: Capt. Henry Dayton, 1st Lt. James Miller, 2nd Lt. John Viall, 1st Ens. William Helme, 2nd Ens. William Bliss, Jr. Dec. Lieut. John Miller, Ens. Olney Stone, Muster-Master Wm. Taggart. Jan. Recruiting Officers for 200 men, U. S. Service: Harry Dayton, Thomas Allen, Simeon Thayer, Michael Whitmarsh. Thomas Potter, 1781-82. Feb. Rhode Island Continental Regiment: Ens. John Walsh, from July 1st, 1781. Ens. Robert Hunter, from July 2nd, 1781. Lieut. John Rogers, in room of Lieut. Oliver Jenckes, Deceased, from Feb. 4th, 1782. Company for 9 Months' Duty upon Island of Rhode Island: Lieut. James Miller, Ens. William Bliss, Jr. Regiments and Companies of Militia doing War Duty: Capt. Isaac Cook's Company, in Lt.-Col. Nath. Church's Regiment, Sept. 1779. Lt. Benj. Borden's, of Company of Capt. Eben Slocum, Col. John Cooke's Regiment, May, 1779. Lt. Philip Corey's Company, Lt.-Col. Nath. Church's Regiment, Oct., 1779. Capt. Rich. Durfee's Company, Lt.-Col. Nath. Church's Regiment, July & Aug., 1779. Lt.-Col. Corn. Stephen Kimball's Regiment, July, 1781. 9" Lemuel Bailey's " Sept., " C" Thomas Tillinghast's " Aug., " c" Christ. Olney's " Oct., Capt.-General's Cavaliers' Company, July, Sept. & Oct., 1781. Capt. Benj. Borden's Company, in Lt.-Col. Nath. Church's Regiment, Sept. & Oct., 1779. Capt. Thomas Allen's Company, Nov., 1781. 410 1782. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Paul Mumford, Chief. Peter Phillips, Thomas Tillinghast, Pardon Gray, Jonathan Jenckes. Clerk, Newport County, Walter Channing, " Providence " Arthur Fenner, Jr. " Washington" Edward Perry. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. Justices of Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of Peace: Newport County: Wm. Richmond, Chief. William T-aggart. Christopher Ellery, Timothy Waterhouse, Thomas Shearman. Providence County: Richard Steere, Chief. Jeremiah Whipple, Caleb Aldrich, Caleb Fisk, Caleb Harris. Washington County: Sam'l Babcock, Chief. Edward Perry, Abel Tanner, Robert Potter, Sylvester Gardner. Bristol County: Nathaniel Fales, Chief. John Child, Joseph Reynolds, Samuel Allen, William Turner Miller. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. James Arnold, Benjamin Tillinghast, Aaron Bowen, Rufus Spencer. Constant Taber, Clerk. William Davis, Sheriff. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Clerk. John Beverly, Sheriff. Geo. Hazard Peckham, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Bradford, Clerk, Richard Smith, Sheriff. Hopkins Cooke, Clerk. Richard Fry, Sheriff. 411 1782. May. Delegates to Congress: Hon. John Collins, Hon. Ezekiel Cornell, Hon. Jonathan Arnold, Hon. David Howell. Judge of Court of Admiralty: John Foster. Henry Ward, Intendant of Trade for Port of Providence. William Taggart " "c Newport. June. John Handy, Auditor of Accounts. Feb. Collectors of Excise: Robert Crooke, Newport County. Silas Talbot, Providence James Helme, Washington " Jonathan Russell, Bristol " Stephen Mumford, Kent May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Westerly: Solomon Southwick, Joseph Clarke, Robert Taylor, Joseph Maxson, John Pitman, ~ Christopher Babcock, William Borden, Joshua Vorse. Peleg Barker, Jr, North Kingstown: John Coggeshall Almy. William Hammond, Providence: Eber Shearman, Samuel Chace, George Thomas (son of John Foster, Samuel), Theodore Foster, Caleb Hill, Joseph Martin, Daniel Hall, Nathaniel Wheaton, Joshua Davis, Benjamin Cashing, Jr., Nathan Brown. James Arnold, South Kingstown: Thomas Truman. Samuel Tefft, Portsmouth: Freeman Perry, Thomas Shearman, Nathaniel Gardner, John Thurston, Samuel Perry, Thomas Potter, James Sheldon, George Brownell. John Sheldon, Warwick: Caleb Tefft, Thomas Rice, Wmi. Wilson Pollock. Adam Comstock, East Greenwich: Robert Rhodes, Hopkins Cooke, James Jerauld, Isaac Johnson, Thomas Greene (son of Allen Johnson, Richard). Richard Mathewson, Westerly: Sylvester Greene, Joseph Crandall, Mumford Davis. 412 1782. May. Smithfield: Stephen Arnold, Uriah Alverson, Jonathan Comstock, Stephen Brayton, Abraham Mathewson, Daniel Mowry, 4th, Edward Thompson, Peleg Arnold. Scituate: Benjamin Slack, Jeremiah Angell, Peleg Fisk, John Harris. Gloucester: Jonah Steer, Jonathan Harris, Silas Williams, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr.. Caleb Arnold, Elisha Bartlet, Aaron Arnold, John Smith (son of Benjamin), Timothy Wilmarth, John Fenner. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, James Congdon, Simeon Babcock. West Greenwich: Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Niles, Jonathan Deane, Thomas Joslyn, Gideon Waite. Coventry: John Rice, William Stone, Jonathan Olin, Isaac Johnson, William Burlingame. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Thomas Peckham, Oliver Durfee. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Josiah Finney, Jonathan Russell. Tiverton: Walter Cooke, Gilbert Devol, Joseph Shearman, Thomas Howland, Joseph Cooke, Lemuel Tabor. Little Compton: Aaron Wilbor, Adam Simmons, Enos Gifford, Isaac Baily. Warren: William Barton, Daniel Cole, Shubael Burr, Joseph Smith. Cumberland: John Dexter, Peter Darling, Nathaniel Shepardson. Richmond: Robert Stanton, Thomas Tefft, Joseph Woodmansie, Simeon Clarke, Peter Clarke. Cranston: Nehemiah Knight, Elisha Carpenter, Richard Knight, Stephen Sprague. Hopkinton: John Maxson, Edward Wells, Robert Burdick, Francis West, Matthew Wells. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Noah Mathewson, Peleg Williams, 413 1782. May. Johnston: Andrew Harris, Edward Fenner, Joseph Borden, Jr. North Providence: William Bagley, Ju: Hope Angell, Benj. Whipple, Jr. Ai Barrington: Edward Bosworth, Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler. Foster: John Westcot; Foster: William Tyler, George Dorrance, Jr., Nathaniel Phillips, Nehemiah Arnold. ne. South Kingstown: Geo. Hazard Peckham. ug. Exeter: George Peirce, Jonathan Bates, Jr., Daniel Sunderlin, Samuel Gorton, Phineas Kinyon.. — ~ Rhode Island Militia: Major-General James Mitchel Varnum. Adjutant-General Archibald Crary. Quartermaster-General Ephraim Bowen, Jr. Commissary-General Charles Holden. Physician, Surgeon, and Purveyor-General Isaac Senter. Newport and Bristol County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Nathan Miller. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Lemuel Bailey, Maj. William Southworth. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Christopher Lippitt. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Christopher Olney, Maj. John Whipple. 2nd Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant George Peck, Maj. Simon Whipple. 3d Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Kimball, Maj. George Dorrance, Jr. 4th Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Winsor, Maj. Samuel Mays. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Amos Atwell, Maj. Reuben Ballou. Senior Class Company-Cranston: Capt. John Burton, Jr., Lt. William Burton, Ens. Elisha Carpenter. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Joseph Stanton, Jr. 1st Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Jesse Maxson, Maj. John Gavet. 2nd Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Charles Dyer, Maj. Jonathan Bates. 414 1782. May. 3d Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Potter, Jr.. Maj. John Clarke. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant George Thurston. 1st Company-Exeter: Capt. Robert Reynolds (son of Geo.), Lt.Wm. Potter, Ens. James Bates. 2nd Company: Capt Samuel Gorton, Lt. Robert Perigo. Ens. Benjamin Brown. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Holden. 1st Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant -, Maj. 2nd Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Archibald Kassbn, Maj. Thomas Gorton. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Maj. Isaac Johnson. Independent Companies: Independent Co. of Artillery-Westerly, Charlestown, and Hopkinton: Capt. Augustus Stanton, 1st Lt. William Gardner, 2nd Lt. Asa Crandall, Ens. John Champlin. United Company of Artillery of Providence: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lt.-Col. Levi Hall, Maj. Robert Taylor. Capt. Gershom Jones, Lt. John Mumford. Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lt. Charles Rhodes, 2nd Lt. Abner Field, Ens. Israel Arnold. Oct. Gloucester Light Infantry: Capt. Timothy Wilmarth, 1st Lt. Martin Smith, 2nd Lt. Elijah Armstrong, Ens. Ezekiel Brown. May. Capt. Thomas Cole, Resigned from Service of United States. Capt. Stephen Olney, " " " Capt. Ebenezer Macomber, appointed from March 17th, 1782. Capt. David Sayles, " May 1st, 1782. Lieut. William Ennis, " March 17th, 1782. Lieut. John Welch, " May 1st, 1782. Nov. Paymaster Lt. Chandler Burlingame, from Aug., 1782. Aug. State's Continental Battalion: Capt. Benjamin L. Peckham, in room of Dutee Jerauld, resigned, from June 22nd, 1782. Ens. Ephraim Kirby. 415 1782. Aug. 40 able-bodied men to do duty at Newport, Four Months: Ens. Peirce. Detachment of Horse doing War Duty, Aug., 1778: Capt. John Gardner. Lt. John Carr's Company doing War Duty at Newport, Sept., Oct., Nov., Dec., 1782. Lt. Jonn Pearse's Company, doing Ward duty at Newport, June, July, Aug., 1782. Lt. James Muller's Company, doing War Duty at Newport, May, 1782. Lt. Philip Corey's Company, Lt.-Col. Church's Regiment, July, Aug., Sept., 1779. Lt. Humphrey Shearman Company, Col. Cooke's Regiment, at Tiverton, May, 1779. Ens. Thomas Durfee Company, Lt.-Col. Church's Regiment, at Tiverton, Oct., 1779. 1783. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Paul Mumford, Chief. Peter Phillips, Thomas Tillinghast, Pardon Gray, Jonathan Jenckes. Clerk, Newport County, Walter Channing. " Providence " Arthur Fenner, Jr. ' Washington" Edward Perry. " -Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and Gen. eral Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: WTm. Richmond, Chief. Constant Taber, Clerk. Christopher Ellery, Timothy Waterhouse, Thomas Shearman, William Davis, Sheriff. Henry Bliss. Providence County: Richard Steere, Chief. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Clerk. Jeremiah Whipple, Caleb Aldrich, Caleb Fisk, Ephraim Bowen, Jr., Sheriff. Caleb Harris. 416 1783. May. June. May. Washington County: Samuel Babcock, Chief. Edward Perry, Abel Tanner, Robert Potter, Sylvester Gardner. Bristol County: John Child, Chief. Joseph Reynolds, William T. Miller, Elkanah Humphrey, Shearjashub Bourne. John Usher, 2nd Justice. Kent County: Philip Greene, Chief. James Arnold, Benjamin Tillinghast, Aaron Bowen, Rufus Spencer. Delegates to Congress: Hon. William Ellery, Hon. David Howell, George H. Beckham, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. Richard Smith, Sheriff. Hopkins Cooke, Clerk. Richard Fry, Sheriff. Hon. Jonathan Arnold, Hon. Henry Marchant. John Foster, Judge of Court of Admiralty. William Taggart, Intendant of Trade, Port of Newport. Henry Ward,. " Providence. Oct. Jonathan Russell, " County of Bristol. Stephen Mumford, " " Kent. May. John Handy, Auditor of Accounts. Collectors of Excise: Robert Crooke, Newport County. Silas Talbot, Providence County. Jonathan J. Hasard, Washington County. John Usher, Bristol County. Stephen Mumford, Kent County. June. Robert Crooke, Newport County. Benjamin Bourne, Providence County. George Thomas (son of Sam'l), Washington County. William Barton, Bristol County. Stephen Mumford, Kent County. Dec. Committee to Revise the laws: Stephen Hopkins, James M. Varnum, Rowse J. Helme. William Martin, Light-House Keeper at Beaver Tail. Feb. Rev. Thomas Fitch Oliver (Episcol) empowered to Join Persons in Marriage. 417 1783. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Solomon Southwick, Robert Taylor, John Pitman, William Borden, Peleg Barker, Jr., Robert Lillibridge. Providence: Samuel Chace, John Foster, Theodore Foster, Joseph Martin, Nathaniel Wheaton, James Arnold, Thomas Truman, Peregrine Foster, James Brown. Portsmouth: John Thurston, William Anthony, Jr., Thomas Potter, George Brownell. Warwick: Thomas Rice, Adam Comstock, Robert Rhodes, James Jerauld, Thomas Greene (son of Richard). Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Joseph Clarke, Joseph Maxson, Christopher Babcock, Joshua Vose. North Kingstown: William Hammond, Eber Shearman, George Thomas (son of Samuel), Joshua Davis, Nathan Brown, Thomas Clarke. South Kingstown: Samuel Tefft, Freeman Perry, Nathaniel Gardner, Samuel Perry, James Sheldon, John Sheldon, Caleb Tefft, William W. Pollock, George H. Peckham. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, Preserved Pearce, Allen Johnson, Mumford Davis, Andrew Boyd. Smithfield: Uriah Alverson, Stephen Brayton, Daniel Mowry, 4th, Peleg Arnold, Edward Thompson, Abraham Mathewson. Scituate: Benjamin Slack, Jeremiah Angell, Peleg Fisk, John Harris, Asahel Harris. 'Gloucester: Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Zebedee Hopkins, Caleb Arnold, Elisha Bartlet, Aaron Arnold, John Smith (son of Benjamin), Timothy Wilmartb, John Fenner. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, James Congdon, Simeon Babcock. 53 418 1783. May. 40 West Greenwich: Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Niles, Jonathan Deane, Thomas Joslyn, Gideon Waite, Thomas Tillinghast. Coventry: John Rice, William Stone, Jonathan Olin, Isaac Johnson, William Burlingame. Exeter: George Peirce, Jonathan Bates, Jr., Daniel Sunderlin, Samuel Gorton, Phinehas Kinyon. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Thomas Peckham, Robert Cornell. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Josiah Finney, Jonathan Russell. Tiverton: Walter Cooke, Thomas Howland, Gilbert Devol, Lemuel Tabor, Thomas Durfee. Little Compton: Aaron Wilbur, Adam Simmons, Enos Giffard, Isaac Baley. Warren: William Barton, Daniel Cole, Shubael Burr, Joseph Smith. Cumberland: John Dexter, Peter Darling, Cumberland: Nathaniel Shepardson, Jotham Carpenter, Levi Ballou. Richmond: Robert Stanton, Thomas Tefft, Jos. Woodmansie, Jr., Simeon Clarke, Jr., Peter Clarke. Cranston: Nehemiah Knight, Elisha Carpenter, Stephen Sprague, Richard Knight, John Stafford. Hopkinton: John Maxson, Edward Wells, Robert Burdick, Francis West, Matthew Wells, William Tanner, Jr., Henry Clarke. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Noah Mathewson, Peleg Williams, Andrew Harris, Joseph Borden, Jr., Israel Angell. North Providence: William Bagley, Hope AngelI, Caleb Jenckes. Barrington: Samuel Allen, Edward Bosworth. Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler. Foster: John Westcot, William-Tyler, Nathaniel Phillips, Nehemiah Arnold. 419 1783. May. Militia of the State: Major-General James M. Varnum. Adjutant-General Archibald Crary. Quartermaster-General Ephraim Bowen, Jr. Commissary-General Charles Holden. Surgeon and Purveyor-General Isaac Senter. Newport and Bristol Counties Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Nathan Miller. 2nd Regiment-Newport: Lt.-Col. Commandant Lemuel Baley, Maj. William Southworth. 1st Company-Tiverton: Capt. Peleg Simmons, Jr., Lt. Joseph Baley, Ens. Sanford Almy. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Howland, Lt. Benjamin Devol, Ens. Elihu Giffard. 3d Company: Capt. Humphrey Shearman, Lt. Edward Baley, Ens. Peleg Sanford. 1st Company-Little Compton: Capt. Benjamin Coe, Lt. Isaac Wood, Ens. John Baley. 2nd Company: Capt. Rowse Peirce, Lt. John Peirce, Ens. Zebedee Manchester. Regiment-Bristol County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Allen, Maj. Curtis Cole. 1st Company-Warren: Capt. Thomas Easterbrooks, Lt. Barnabas Luther, Ens. Allen Cole. 2nd Company: Capt. David Barton, Lt. Ichabod Cole, Ens. Edward Maxson. Barrington Company: Capt. John Short, Jr., Lt. George Salsbury, Ens. Abel Grant. Senior Class Regiment-Bristol County: Maj. Robert Carr. Senior Class Company: Capt. Benj. Bosworth (3d), Lt. Shubael Kinnicut, Ens. Dan'l Kinnicut. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Christopher Lippitt. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Christopher Olney, Maj. John Whipple. 1st Company-Providence: Capt. Joseph Allen, Lt. Isaac Bowen, Ens. Jeremiah Jenckes. 2nd Company: Capt. Grindall Reynolds, Lt. Robert Taylor, Jr., Ens. John Young. 420 1783. May. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Wheaton, Lt. Seth Wheaton, Ens. Simeon Olney. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Snow, Jr., Lt. Lemuel Field, Ens. James Snow, Jr. 1st Company-Cranston: Capt. Oliver Roberts, Lt. Nathan Salsbury, Ens. Peter Stone, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Frederick Williams, Lt. Nathaniel Carpenter, Ens. John Harris. 3d Company: Capt. Nehemiah Burlingame, Lt. Pardon Burlingame, Ens. Gideon Manchester. 1st Company-Johnston: Capt. Arnold Fenner, Lt. Elisha Williams, Ens. Daniel Wilbur. 2nd Company: Capt. Ezekiel Olney, Lt. Jonathan Patt, Ens. Rufus Hawkins, Jr. North Providence Company: Capt. Thomas Olney, Jr., Lt. Ethan Whipple, Ens. Ezekiel Whipple. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant George Peck, Maj. Simon Whipple. 2nd Company-Smithfield: Capt. Ebenezer Trask, Lt. Joel Aldrich, Ens. Samuel Aldrich (5th). 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Kimbal, Maj. George Dorrance, Jr. 1st Company-Scituate: Capt. John Potter, Lt. Zebedee Snow, Ens. Oliver Leach. 2nd Company: Capt. Coman Smith, Lt. William Brownell, Ens. Caleb Westcot. 3d Company: Capt. Peter Peirce, Lt. Thomas Wilbur, Ens. Benjamin Wood. 1st Company-Foster: Capt. Simeon Herredeen, Lt. Isaac Blanchard, Ens. John Perkins. 2nd Company: Capt. Isaac Paine, Lt. John Cole, Ens. Richard Cole. 3d Company: Capt. William Howard, Lt. James Wells, Ens. Samuel Perkins, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Christ. Colwell, Lt. Squire Bucklin, Jr., Ens. John Round, Jr. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Winsor, Maj. Samuel Mayes. 1st Company-Gloucester: Capt. Henry Wheeler, Lt. Simeon Bowen, Ens. Jeremiah Phillips, Jr. 421 1783. May. 2nd Company: Capt. Arnold Smith, Lt. Abner Chillson, Ens. Israel Cooke. 3d Company: Capt. Nathaniel Wade, Lt. John Pray, Ens. Esek Brown. 4th Company: Capt. Isaac Ross, Lt. Jeremiah Irons, Ens. Seth Ross. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Simeon Thayer, Maj. Reuben Ballon. Providence Company: Capt. Benjamin Hoppin, Lt. Samuel Black, Ens. Gabriel Allen. Cranston Company: Capt. John Burton, Jr., Lt. William Burton, Ens. Elisha Carpenter. Johnston and North Providence Company: Capt. Israel Angell, Lt. John Viol, Ens. Christopher Whipple. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Abraham Winsor. Scituate and Foster Company: Capt. Nathan Relph, Lt. Jonathan Hopkins, Jr., Ens. Nathan'l Lovell. Gloucester Company: Capt. Benajah Whipple, Lt. Ezekiel Phettiplace, Ens. Edward Salsbury. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Joseph Stanton, Jr. 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Jesse Maxson, Maj. John Gavet. 1st Company-Westerly: Capt. Oliver Lewis, Lt. Thomas Brand, Ens. Nathan Pendleton. 2nd Company: Capt. William Bliven, Lt. Joseph Peckham, Ens. Edward Ross. 3d Company: Capt. George Stillman, Lt. Asa Maxson, Ens. Samuel Clarke. 4th Company: Capt. Walter White, Lt. Charles Saunders, Ens. Henry Crandall. 1st Company-Charlestown: Capt. John Park, Lt. John Taylor, Ens. Peleg Lewis. 2nd Company: Capt. Beriah Lewis, Lt. Peleg Cross, Jr., William Kinyon. 1st Company-Hopkinton: Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. Sylvanus Maxson, Ens. Thomas Wells, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Randal Wells, Lt. Clarke Maxson, Ens. Jeffery Champlin. 422 1783. May. 3d Company: Capt. Zaccheus Maxson, Lt. Moses Barker, Ens. George Maxson. 4th Company: Capt. Ichabod Paddock, Lt. Caleb Church, Ens. Joshua Tanner. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Charles Dyre, Maj. Jonathan Bates. 1st Company-North Kingstown: Capt. Samuel Dyre, Lt. Win. Davis (son of Benj.), Ens. Stukely Hill. 2nd Company: Capt. John Brown, Jr., Lt. Samuel Phillips, Ens. Phenix Brown. 3d Company: Capt. Henry Northup (son of Joshua), Lt. Hutchinson Cole, Ens. Samuel Allen. 4th Company: Capt. Nathaniel Shearman, Lt. John Havens, Ens. John Shearman (son of Henry). 1st Company-Exeter: Capt. James Gardner, Lt. Philip Tillinghast, Ens. Noah Wilcox. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Gorton, Lt. Robert Perrigo, Ens. Benjamin Brown. 3d Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Potter, Jr., Maj. John Clarke. 1st Company-South Kingstown: Capt. Timothy Lock, Jr., Lt. Daniel Tefft, Ens. William Stedman. 2nd Company: Capt. Paris Gardner, Lt. Elisha Potter (son of Benjamin), Ens. Timothy Peckham. 3d Company: Capt. Godfrey Hazard, Lt. Thomas Champlin, Ens. Joseph Hull, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Shearman, Lt. Jeremiah Knowles, Ens. John Gardner, Jr. 1st Company-Richmond: Capt. Asa Clarke, Lt. Daniel Potter, Ens. Ezekiel.Barber, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Stanton, Lt. Thomas W. Kinyon, Ens. Thomas Potter. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant George Thurston, Maj. Thomas Tefft. Westerly Company: Capt. Peleg Berry, Lt. Stephen Saunders, Ens. Nathaniel Lewis. Charlestown Company: Capt. Joseph Wilcox, Lt.. Samuel Thompson, Ens. Charles Church. 423 1783. May. Hopkinton Company: Capt. Elnathan Wells, Lt. Elias Coone, Ens. Jesse Burdick. North Kingstown Company: Capt. Samuel Phillips, Sr., Lt. SamueLNorthup, Ens. Thomas Bissell. Exeter Company: Capt. David Herrendeen, Lt. Samuel Bissell, Ens. Oliver Spink. South Kingstown Company: Capt. William Taylor, Lt. Gardner W. Mumford, Ens. James Cotterell. Richmond Company: Capt. John Woodmansie, Lt. Smiting Potter, Ens. Christopher Potter. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Holden. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Job Pierce, Maj. Job Randall. 1st Company —Warwick: Capt. James Arnold, Jr., Lt. Adam Lockwood, Ens. Job Whipple. 2nd Company: Capt. John Stafford, Lt. Benjamin Remington, Ens. Nathan Arnold. 3d Company: Capt. Thos. Rice (son of Thos.), Lt Anthony Holden (son of Charles, Ens. Robert Edmonds. 1st Company-East Greenwich: Capt. Micah Witmarsh, Lt. Edward Weeden, Ens. John Hall. 2nd Company: Capt. Allen Johnson, Lt. Mumford Davis, Ens. Josiah Jones, Jr. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Archibald Kasson, Maj. Thomas Gorton. 1st Company-West Greenwich: Capt. Samuel Hopkins, Jr., Lt. Joseph Niles, Ens. Joseph Dolliver. 2nd Company: / Capt. Caleb Greene, Lt. Joseph Weaver, Ens. Peleg Sweet. 3d Company: Capt. Joseph Draper, Lt. Joseph James, Ens. Judiah Aylesworth. 1st Company-Coventry: Capt. Ichabod Potter, Jr., Lt. Noel Potter, Ens. Joseph Burgess. 2nd Company: Capt. William Roy, Lt. Lory Jenckes, Ens. Oliver Wickes. 3d Company: Capt. Langford Weaver, Lt Samuel Greene (son of Nath.), Ens. William Stone (3d). 4th Company: Capt. Asaph Bennett, Lt. Joseph Rice, Ens. Moses Blanchard. 424 1783. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Maj. Isaac Johnson. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Robert Rhodes, Lt. Hopkins Cooke, Ens. Philip Wightman. West Greenwich Company: Capt. Joseph Hopkins, Jr.,. Lt. Benjamin Johnson, Ens. Caleb Greene (son of Benjamin). Coventry Company: Capt. Abel Bennett, Lt. Job Greene, Ens. Jonathan Nichols. Independent Companies-Providence United Train of Artillery: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lt.-Col. Levi Hall, Maj. Robert Taylor. Capt. Gershom Jones, Lieut. John Mumford. Captain-General's Cavaliers-Providence County; Capt. Daniel Manton, 1st Lt. Caleb Harris, 2nd Lt. Richard Eddy, Cornet John King, Jr., Quarter-Master Wim. Waterman (son of John). Gloucester Light Infantry: Capt. Elijah Armstrong, 1st Lt. Ezekiel Brown, 2nd Lt. Ephraim Brown, Ens. Stephen Cooper. Dec. Address of Gratitude presented to Maj.-Gen. Nathaniel Greene. Feb. Address of Esteem, accepting the Standards, to Col. Jeremiah Olney, in behalf of the Officers of the State's Continental Battalion. 1784. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Paul Mumford, Chief. Peter Phillips, Thomas Tillinghast, Pardon Gray, Jonathan Jenckes. Clerk, Newport County, Walter Channing. " Providence " Arthur Fenner, Jr. " Washington" Edward Perry. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Wm. Richmond, Chief. Constant Tabor, Clerk. Christopher Ellery, Timothy Waterhouse. 425 1784. May. Newport County: Thomas Shearman, Henry Bliss. Providence County: Richard Steere, Chief. Jeremiah Whipple, Caleb Aldrich, Caleb Fisk, Caleb Harris. Washington County: Samuel Babcock, Chief. Edward Perry, Abel Tanner, Robert Potter, Sylvester Gardner. Bristol County: John Child, Chief. John Usher, William T. Miller, Elkanah Humphrey, Shearjashub Bourne. Kent County: Stephen Potter, Chief. Charles Holden, Rufus Spencer, Thomas Gorton, William Davis, Sheriff. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Clerk. Ephraim Bowen, Jr., Sheriff. George H. Peckham, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. Richard Smith, Sheriff. Hopkins Cooke, Clerk. Richard Fry, Sheriff. William Greene (son of Philip). June. Thomas Rice, of Warwick, 3d Justice. Charles Holden declines serving. May. John Foster, Judge of Court of Admiralty. Delegates to Congress: Hon. William Ellery, Hon. David Howell, 'Hon. Henry Marchant, Hon. John Brown. Thomas Rumreill, Intendant of Trade, Port of Newport. Henry Ward, " " Providence. Jonathan Russell, " " Bristol. Stephen Mumford, " " East Greenwich. Christopher Ellery, Public Notary, Town and County of Newport. Samuel Chace, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. 54 426 1784. May. Collectors of Impost: Robert Crooke, Newport County. Benjamin Bourne, Providence County. James Helme, Washington County. William Barton, Bristol County. Stephen Mumford, Kent County. John Handy, Auditor of Accounts. Oct. John Manley, " May. William Martin, Light-House Keeper on Beaver-Tail. Henry Sherburne, Deputy Secretary. Justices of the Peace: Providence: Samuel Chace, John Foster, Theodore Foster, Nathaniel Wheaton, James Arnold, Thomas Trueman, James Brown, Daniel Cooke, John Dorrance. Portsmouth: John Thurston, William Anthony, Jr., Thomas Potter, George Brownell. Warwick: Thomas Rice, Adam Comstock, Robert Rhodes, James Jerauld, Thomas Greene (son of Richard). Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Joseph Clarke, Joseph Maxson, Christopher Babcock, Joshua Vose. North Kingstown: Eber Sherman, George Thomas (son of Samuel), North Kingstown: Joshua Davis, Nathan Brown, Thomas Clarke, Benedict Dayton. South Kingstown: Freeman Perry, Nathaniel Gardner, Samuel Perry, James Sheldon, John Sheldon, Caleb Tefft, George H. Peckham. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, Preserved Pearce, Allen Johnson, Mumford Davis, Andrew Boyd. Smithfield: Uriah Alverson, Edward Thompson, Stephen Brayton, Abraham Mathewson, Peleg Arnold, Jonathan Angell. Gloucester: Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Zebedee Hopkins, Elisha Bartlet, Aaron Arnold, 427 1784. May. Gloucester: John Smith (son of Benjamin), Timothy Wilmarth, Amos Winsor, William Arnold. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, James Congdon, Simeon Babcock. West Greenwich: Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Niles, Jonathan Deane, Thomas Joslyn, Gideon Waite, Thomas Tillinghast. Coventry: John Rice, William Stone, Jonathan Olin, Isaac Johnson, William Burlingame. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Thomas Peckham, Robert Cornell. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Josiah Finney, Jonathan Russell. Tiverton: Walter Cooke, Gilbert Devol, Lemuel Tabor, Thomas Durfee, Benjamin Jenckes, John Stafford. Little Compton: Aaron Wilbur, Adam Simmons, Enos Gifford, Isaac Baley. Warren: William Barton, Warren: Daniel Cole, Shubael Burr, Joseph Smith. Cumberland: John Dexter, Peter Darling, Nathaniel Shepardson, Jotham Carpenter, Levi Ballou. Richmond: Robert Stanton, Thomas Tefft, Jos. Woodmansie, Jr., Simeon Clarke, Jr., Peter Clarke. Cranston: Nehemiah Knight, Elisha Carpenter, Stephen Sprague, Richard Knight, John Stafford. Hopkinton: Edward Wells, Robert Burdick, Henry Clarke, Samuel Babcock, William Tanner, Benjamin Crandall. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Noah Mathewson, Peleg Williams, Andrew Harris, Joseph Borden, Jr., Israel Angell. North Providence: William Bagley, Hope Angell, Caleb Jenckes. Barrington: Samuel Allen, Edward Bosworth, Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler. 428 1784. May. Foster: East Greenwich: John Westcot, Benjamin Howland. William Tyler, Portsmouth: Nathaniel Phillips, Benjamin Fisk. Nehemiah Arnold. North Kingstown: June. Exeter: Caleb Hill. George Pierce, Scituate: Daniel Sunderlin, Benjamin Slack, Samuel Gorton, Jeremiah Angell, Phinehas Kinyon, Peleg Fisk, Nicholas Gardner (son John Harris, of George). Asahel Harris, Thomas Mowry. William Martin, Beaver Tail Light House Keeper. May. Militia of the State: Major-General James Mitchel Varnum. Adjutant-General Archibald Crary. Quarter-Master-General Ephraim Bowen, Jr. Commissary-General Charles Holden, Jr. Physician and Purveyor-General Isaac Senter. Newport and Bristol Brigade: Brig-Gen. Nathan Miller. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Lemuel Baley, Maj. William Southworth. 1st Company-Tiverton: Capt. Joseph Baley, Lt. Sanford Almy, Ens. William Sanford, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Howland, Lt. Benjamin Devol, Ens. Elihu Giffard. 3d Company: Capt. Humphrey Shearman, Lt. Edward Baley, Ens. Peleg Sanford. 1st Company-Little Compton: Capt. Benjamin Coe, Lt. Isaac Wood, Ens. John Baley. 2nd Company: Capt. Rowse Peirce, Lt. John Pierce, Ens. Zebedee Manchester. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Allen, Maj. Curtis Cole. 1st Company-Warren: Capt. Thomas Easterbrooks, Lt. Barnabas Luther, Ens. Allen Cole. 2nd Company: Capt David Barton, Lt. Ichabod Cole, Ens. Edward Mason. Barrington Company: Capt. John Short, Jr., Lt. George Salsbury, Ens. Abel Grant. 429 1784. May. Senior Class Regiment-Bristol County: Maj. Robert Carr. Senior Class Company-Bristol: Capt. Benjamin Bosworth, Lt. Shubael Kinnicut, Ens. Daniel Kinnicut. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Christopher Lippitt, 1st Regiment-Providence County: Ll.-Col. Commandant Christopher Olney, Maj. John Whipple. 1st Company-Providence: Capt. Joseph Allen, Lt. Isaac Bowen, Ens. Jeremiah Jenckes. 2nd Company: Capt. Grindall Reynolds, Lt. Robert Taylor, Jr., Ens. John Young. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Wheaton, Lt. Seth Wheaton, Ens. Simeon H. Olney. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Snow, Jr., Lt. Lemuel Field, Ens. James Snow, Jr. 1st Company-Cranston: Capt. Oliver Roberts, Lt. Nathan Salsbury, Ens. Peter Stone, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Frederick Williams, Lt. Nathaniel Carpenter, Ens. John Harris. 3d Company: Capt. Nehemiah Burlingame, Lt. Pardon Burlingame, Ens. Gideon Manchester. 2nd Company-Johnston: Capt. Ezekiel Olney, Lt. Jonathan Patt, Ens. Rufus Hawkins, Jr. North Providence Company: Capt. Thomas Olney, Jr., Lt. Ethan Whipple, Ens. Ezekiel Whipple. Aug. 1st Company-Johnston: Capt. Arnold Fenner, Lt. Daniel Wilbour, Ens. Isaac Fisk. May. 2nd Regiment —Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant 2nd Company-Smithfield: Capt. Ebenezer Trask, Lt. Joel Aldrich, Ens. Samuel Aldrich (5th). June. 3d Company: Capt. Samuel Holmes, Lt. William Fuller, Ens. Zenos Winsor. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Kimball, Maj. George Dorrance, Jr. 430 1784. May. 1st Company-Foster: Capt. Simeon Herrenden, Lt. Isaac Blanchard, Ens. John Perkins. 2nd Company: Capt. Isaac Paine, Lt. John Cole, Ens. Richard Cole. 3d Company: Capt. William Howard, Lt. James Wells, Ens. Samuel Perkins, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Christ. Colwell, Lt. Squire Bucklin, Jr., Ens. John Round, Jr. Aug. 1st Company-Scituate: Capt. John Potter, Lt. Zebedee Snow, Ens. Oliver Leach. 2nd Company: Capt. Coman Smith, Lt. Caleb Westcott, Ens. Stephen Randall. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Wood, Lt. Gideon Austin, Jr., Ens. Thomas Weaver. May. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Winsor, Maj. Samuel Mayes. 1st Company-Gloucester: Capt. Henry Wheeler, Lt. Simeon Bowen, Ens. Jeremiah Phillips, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Arnold Smith, Lt. Abner Chillson, Ens. Israel Cooke. 3d Company: Capt. Nathaniel Wade, Lt. John Pray, Ens. Esek Brown. 4th Company: Capt. Isaac Ross, Lt. Jeremiah Irons, Ens. Seth Ross. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Simeon Thayer. Providence Company: Capt. Benjamin Hoppin, Lt. Samuel Black, Ens. Gabriel Allen. Cranston Company: Capt. John Burton, Jr., Lt. William Burton, Ens. Elisha Carpenter. Johnston and North Providence Company: Capt. Israel Angell, Lt. John Violl, Ens. Christopher Whipple. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Abraham Winsor, Jr. Gloucester Company: Capt. Benajah Whipple, Lt. Ezekiel Phettiplace, Ens. Edw. Salsbury. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Joseph Stanton, Jr. 431 1784. May. 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Jesse Maxson, Maj. John Gavet. 1st Company-Westerly: Capt. Oliver Lewis, Lt. Thomas Brand, Ens. Nathan Pendleton. 2nd Company: Capt. William Bliven, Lt. Joseph Peckham, Ens. Edward Ross. 3d Company: Capt. George Stillman, Lt. Asa Maxson, Ens. Samuel Clarke. 4th Company: Capt. Walter White, Lt. Charles Saunders, Ens. Henry Crandall. 2nd Company-Charlestown: Capt. Beriah Lewis, Lt. Peleg Cross, Ens. William Kinyon. 1st Company —Hopkinton: Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. Sylvanus Maxson, Ens. Thomas Wells, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Randall Wells, Lt. Clarke Maxson, Ens. Jeffery Champlin. 3d Company: Capt. Zaccheus Maxson, Lt. Moses Barber, Ens. George Maxson. 4th Company: Capt. Ichabod Paddock, Lt. Caleb Church, Ens. Joshua Tanner. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Charles Dyre, Maj. Jonathan Bates. 1st Company-North Kingstown: Capt. Samuel Dyre, Lt. Wm. Davis (son of Benj.), Ens. Stukely Hill. 2nd Company: Capt. John Brown, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Henry Northup, Lt. Hutchinson Cole, Ens. Samuel Allen. 4th Company: Capt. Nathaniel Shearman,. Lt. John Havens, Ens. John Shearman (son of Henry). 1st Company-Exeter: Capt. James Gardner, Lt. Philip Tillinghast, Ens. Noah Wilcox. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Gorton, Lt. Robert Perrigo, Ens. Benjamin Brown. 3d Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Potter, Jr. 1st Company-South Kingstown: Capt. Timothy Lock, Jr., Lt. Daniel Tefft, Ens. William Stedman. 432 1784. May. 2nd Company: Capt. Paris Gardner, Lt. Elisha Potter (son of Benjamin), Ens. Timothy Peckham. 3d Company: Capt. Godfrey Hazard, Lt. Thomas Champlin, Ens. Joseph Hall, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Shearman, Lt. Jeremiah Knowles, Ens. John Gardner, Jr. 1st Company-Richmond: Capt. Asa Clarke, Lt. Daniel Potter, Ens. Ezekiel Barber. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Stanton, Lt. Thomas W. Kinyon, Ens. Thomas Potter. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant —. Westerly Company: Capt. Peleg Berry, Lt. Stephen Saunders, Ens. Nathaniel Lewis. Charlestown Company: Capt. Joseph Wilcox, Lt. Samuel Thompson, Ens. Charles Church. Hopkinton Company: Capt. Elnathan Wells, Lt. Elias Coone, Ens. Jesse Burdick. North Kingstown Company: Capt. Samuel Phillips, Sr., Lt. Samuel Northup, Ens. Thomas Bissell. Exeter Company: Capt. David Herrenden, Lt. Samuel Bissell, Ens. Oliver Spink. South Kingstown Company: Capt. William Taylor, Lt. Gardner W. Mumford, Ens. Jas. Cotterell. Richmond Company: Capt. John Woodmansie, Jr., Lt. Smiting Potter, Ens. Christ. Clarke. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Holden. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Job Pearce, Maj. Job Randall. 1st Company-Warwick: Capt. James Arnold, Jr., Lt. Adam Lockwood, Ens. Job Whipple. 2nd Company: Capt. John Stafford, Lt. Benjamin Remington, Ens. Nathan Arnold. 3d Company: Capt. Thos. Rice (son of Thos.), Lt. Anthony Holden (son of Charles), Ens. Robert Edmonds. 1st Company-East Greenwich: Capt. Micah Whitmarsh, Lt. Edward Weeden, Ens. John Hall. 433 1784. May. 2nd Company: Capt. Allen Johnson, Lt. Mumford Davis, Ens. Josiah Jones, Jr. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Archibald Kasson, Maj. Thomas Gorton. 1st Company-West Greenwich: Capt. Samuel Hopkins, Jr., Lt. Joseph Niles, Ens. Joseph Dolliver. 2nd Company: Capt. Caleb Greene, Lt. Joseph Weaver, Ens. Peleg Sweet. 3d Company: Capt. Joseph Draper, Lt. Joseph Weaver, Ens. Peleg Sweet. 2nd Company-Coventry: Capt. William Roy, Lt. Lory Jenckes, Ens.. Oliver Wickes. 3d Company: Capt. Langford Weaver, Lt. Samuel Greene (son of Nathaniel), Ens. William Stone (3d). 4th Company: Capt. Asaph Bennet, Lt. Joseph Rice, Ens. Samuel Gibbs. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Robert Rhodes, Lt. Hopkins Cooke, Ens. Philip Wightman. West Greenwich Company: Capt. Joseph Hopkins, Jr., Lt. Benjamin Johnson, Ens. Caleb Greene (son of Benjamin). Coventry Company: Capt. Abel Bennett, Lt. Job Greene, Ens. Joseph Manchester. Independent Companies-Captain-General's Cavaliers: Capt. Daniel Manton, 1st Lt. Richard Eddy, 2nd Lt. Wm. Waterman, Cornet Ezekiel Searle, Quarter-Master Edward Manton. United Company of Artillery-Providence: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lieut.-Col. Levi Hall, Maj. Robert Taylor, Capt. Gershom Jones, Lieut. Fire-Worker Isaac Barker. Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lieut. Abner Field, 2nd Lieut. Israel Arnold, Ens. Caleb Corpe. Oct. f-S Gloucester Light Infantry: Capt. Elijah Armstrong, 1st Lieut. Ephraim Brown, 2nd Lieut. Stephen Cooper, Ens. Elisha Brown. Address of Esteem presented to Marquis de la Fayette. Resolution upon Baron Stuben's letter. Sergeant's Guard doing War Duty at Point Judith, Oct. & Nov., 1781, Commanded by Roysel Smith. 55 434 1785. June. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: William Ellery, Chief. Peter Phillips, Thomas Tillinghast, Pardon Gray, Thomas Arnold. Feb. David Howell, in room of Thomas Arnold, who declined. May. Clerk, Newport County, Walter Channing. " Providence " Daniel Cooke. " Washington " Nathaniel Helme, Jr. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. June. " Newport " Robert Rogers in room of Walter Channing, who declines. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Wm. Richmond, Chief. Christopher Ellery, Timothy Waterhouse, Thomas Shearman, Henry Bliss. Providence County: Richard Steere, Chief. Jeremiah Whipple, Caleb Aldrich, Caleb Fisk, Caleb Harris. Washington County: Carder Hazard, Chief. Edward Perry, Joseph Hoxsie, Robert Stanton, Sylvester Gardner. Bristol County: John Child, Chief. John Usher, William T. Miller, Elkanah Humphrey, John Waldron. Kent County: Stephen Potter, Chief. Rufus Spencer, Constant Taber, Clerk. William Davis, Sheriff. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Clerk. Ephraim Bowen, Jr., Sheriff. George H. Peckham, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. Richard Smith, Sheriff. Hopkins Cooke, Clerk. 435 1785. May. Kent County: Thomas Rice, Thomas Gorton, Richard Fry, Sheriff. William Greene (son of Philip). Delegates to Congress: Hon John Brown, Hon. George Champlin, Hon. Paul Mumford, Hon. Peter Phillips. John Foster, Judge of the Court of Admiralty. Thos. Rumreill, Intendant of Trade, Port of Newport. Henry Ward, " " " Providence. Jonathan Russell, " " Bristol. Stephen Mumford, " " " East Greenwich. June. Gideon Mumford, " " " " May. Christ. Ellery, Public Notary, Town and County Newport. Sam'l Chace, Public Notary, Town and County Providence. Robert Crooke, Collector of Impost, Newport County. Esek Hopkins, " " Providence" George Thomas (son of Samuel), Collector of Impost, Washington County. William Barton, Collector of Impost, Bristol County. Feb. Thomas Rumreill, Auditor of Accounts. Henry Sherburne, Deputy Secretary. Delegates to Congress: Rev. James Manning, Nathan Miller. May. Justices of Peace: Providence: Samuel Chace, John Foster, Theodore Foster, Nathaniel Wheaton, James Arnold, Thomas Truman, James Brown, Daniel Cooke, John Dorrance, Benjamin Bourne. Portsmouth: John Shearman, John Thurston, William Anthony, Thomas Potter. Warwick: Robert Rhodes, Warwick: James Jerauld, Thomas Greene (son of Richard), Thomas Rice (son of Thomas), John Stafford. Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Joseph Clarke, Joseph Maxson, Simeon Burdick. North Kingstown: Eber Shearman, George Thomas (son of Samuel), Caleb Hill, Benedict Dayton, 436 1785. May. North Kingstown: Thomas Clarke, Joshua Davis, Jonathan Bates. South Kingstown: Freeman Perry, Nathaniel Gardner, Samuel Perry, Caleb Tefft, George H. Peckham, Nathaniel Perkins, Daniel Shearman, Jr. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, Preserved Pearce, Allen Johnson, Mumford Davis, Andrew Boyd, George Tillinghast. Smithfield: Uriah Alverson, Stephen Brayton, Abr. Mathewson, Peleg Arnold, Jonathan Dexter. Gloucester: Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Zebedee Hopkins, Elisha Bartlet, Aaron Arnold, John Smith (son of Benjamin), Timothy Wilmarth, Amos Winsor, William Arnold. Scituate: Benjamin Slack, Jeremiah Angell, Peleg Fisk, Asahel Harris, John Harris, Thomas Mowrey. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Charlestown: James Congdon, Simeon Babcock. West Greenwich: Benjamin JohnSon, Jonathan Niles, Jonathan Deane, Thomas Joslyn, Gideon Waite, Thomas Tillinghast. Coventry: John Rice, William Stone, Jr., Isaac Johnson, Wm. Burlingame, Stephen Greene. Exeter: George Pierce, Daniel Sunderlin, Samuel Gorton, Phinehas Kinyon, Nicholas Gardner (son of Ezekiel). Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Salisbury Stoddard, Joshua Barker. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Josiah Finney, Jonathan Russell. Tiverton: Walter Cooke, Gilbert Devol, Lemuel Tabor, Thomas Durfee, Thomas Howland. Little Compton: Philip Taylor, Adam Simmons, Nathaniel Searle, Enos Giffard. Warren: William Barton, 437 1785. May. Warren: Daniel Cole, Joseph Smith. Cumberland: John Dexter, Nath. Shepardson, Jotham Carpenter, Levi Ballou. Richmond: Thomas Tefft, Simeon Clarke, Jr., James Sheldon, Peter Clarke, Samuel Clarke. Cranston: Nehemiah Knight, Elisha Carpenter, Stephen Sprague, Richard Knight, John Stafford. Hopkinton: Edward Wells, Francis West, Robert Burdick, Henry Clarke. May. Militia of the State: Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Noah Mathewson, Andrew Harris, Joseph Burden, Jr., Israel Angell. North Providence: William Bagley, Hope Angell, Caleb Jenckes. Barrington: Samuel Allen, Edward Besworth, Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler. June. Middletown: Elisha Allen. Foster: John Westcott, William Tyler, William Greene, Jonathan Hopkins, Jr., Feb. Cumberland: John S. Dexter. Major-General James Mitchel Varnum. Adjutant-General Archibald Crary. Quarter-Master-General Ephraim Bowen, Jr. Commissary-General Charles Holden, Jr. Physician and Purveyor-General Isaac Senter. Newport and Bristol County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Nathan Miller. June. Newport County Militia: Brig.-Gen. John Malbone. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Henry Sherburne, Maj. Daniel Rogers. Newport —st Company: Capt. John Handy, Lt. Joseph Gardner, Ens. John Almy. 2nd Company: Capt. Simeon Martin, Lt. John Coggeshall, Ens. William Allen. 438 1785. June. 3d Company: Capt. Edward Simmons, Lt. William Tripp, Ens. Richard Card. 4th Company: Capt. Philip Moss, Lt. Benjamin Nicholls, Ens. Joseph Boss. Portsmouth Company: Capt. Seth Thomas, Lt. William Burrington, Ens. Peleg Shearman. New Shoreham Company: Capt. John Sands, Lt. John Pain, Ens. George Franklin. Middletown Company: Capt. John Peabody, Lt. Joseph Allen, Ens. John Smith. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Lemuel Bailey, Maj. William Southworth. May. 1st Company-Tiverton: Capt. Joseph Baley, Lt. Sanford Almy, Ens. William Sanford, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Howland, Lt. Benjamin Devol, Ens. Philip Briggs. 3d Company: Capt. Edward Baley, Lt. Peleg Sanford, Ens. Godfrey Perry. 1st Company-Little Compton: Capt. Benjamin Coe, Lt. Isaac Wood, Ens. John Bailey. 2nd Company: Capt. Rowse Pierce, Lt. John Pierce, Ens. Zebedee Manchester. June. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Allen, Maj. Curtis Cole. Barrington Company: Capt. John Short, Jr., Lt. George Salisbury, Ens. Abel Grant. Warren Company: Capt. Thomas Easterbrooks, Lt. Barney Luther, Ens. Allen Cole. May. Senior Class Regiment-Bristol County: Maj. Robert Carr. Senior Class Company-Bristol County: Capt. Benj. Bosworth, Lt. Shubael Kinnicut, Ens. Daniel Kinnicut. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Christopher Lippitt. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Christopher Olney, Maj. John Whipple. 1st Company-Providence: Capt. Joseph Allen, Lt. Isaac Bowen, Ens. Jeremiah Jenckes. 439 1785. May. 2nd Company: Capt. Grindal Reynolds, Lt. Robert Taylor, Jr., Ens. John Young. 3d Company: Capt. James Wheaton, Lt. John Mawney, Ens. Job Sheldon. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Snow, Jr., Lt. Lemuel Field, Ens. James Snow, Jr. 1st Company-Cranston: Capt. Oliver Robert, Lt. Nathan Salisbury, Ens. Peter Stone, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Frederick Williams, Lt. Nathaniel Carpenter, Ens. John Harris. 3d Company: Capt. Pardon Burlingame; Lt. Gideon Manchester, Ens. Pardon Gorton. 2nd Company-Johnston: Capt. Ezekiel Olney, Lt. Jonathan Patt, Ens. Rufus Hawkins, Jr. North Providence Company:,Capt. Thomas Olney, Jr., Lt. Ethan Whipple, Ens. Ezekiel Whipple. June. 1st Company-Providence: Lieut. Jeremiah Jenckes, in room of Isaac Bowen, who declines. Ens. Esek Dexter. May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Coggeshall Olney, Maj. Joel Aldrich. Smithfield-1st Company: Capt. Benjamin Ballon, Lt. Daniel Sayles, Ens. Joshua Jenckes. 2nd Company: Capt. Ebenezer Trask, Lt. Samuel Aldrich (5th), Ens. Daniel Arnold. 3d Company: * Capt. Samuel Holmes, Lt. Zenos Winsor, Ens. Thomas Appleby. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Kimbal, Maj. George Dorrance, Jr. Scituate-1st Company: Capt. John Potter, Lt. Zebedee Snow, Ens. Oliver Leach. 2nd Company: Capt. Coomer Smith, Lt. Caleb Westcott, Ens. Stephen Randall. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Wood, Lt. Gideon Austin, Jr., Ens. Thomas Weaver. Foster-1st Company: Capt. Isaac Blanchard, Lt. John Johnson, Ens. John Baker. 2nd Company: Capt. Isaac Paine, Lt. John Cole, Ens. Richard Cole. 440 1785. May. 3d'Company: Capt. William Howard, Lt. James Wells, Ens. Samuel Perkins, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Christ. Colwell, Lt. Squire Bucklin, Jr., Ens. John Round, Jr. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Winsor, Maj. Samuel Mayes. Gloucester —st Company: Capt. Henry Wheeler, Lt. Simeon Bowen, Ens. Jeremiah Phillips, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Arnold Smith, Lt. Abner Chillson, Ens. Israel Cooke. 3d Company: Capt. Nathaniel Wade, Lt. John Pray, Ens. Esek Brown. 4th Company: Capt. Isaac Ross, Lt. Jeremiah Irons, Ens. Seth Ross. June. Cumberland —st Company: Capt. Amaziah Weatherhead, Lt. Benj. S. Walcot, Ens. Jesse Brown. 2nd Company: Capt. Amos Whipple, Lt. John Rogers, Ens. John Fisk. May. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Simeon Thayer, Maj. William Aldrich. Providence Company: Capt. Benjamin Hoppin, Lt. Samuel Black, Ens. Gabriel Allen. Johnston and North Providence Company: Capt. Israel Angell, Lt. John Violl, Ens. Christopher Whipple. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt, George Streeter, Ens. Abraham Winsor, Jr. Scituate Company: Capt. Nathan Relph, Lt. Joseph Kimball, Ens. Nathaniel Lovell. Foster Company: Capt. James Tyler, Lt. Nehemiah Angell, Ens. Hope Smith. Gloucester Company: Capt. Benajah Whipple, Lt. Ezekiel Phettiplace, Ens. Edw. Salisbury. June. Cumberland Company: Capt. Levi Tower, Lt. Gilbert Grant, Ens. Gardner Sprague. May. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Joseph Stanton, Jr. 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Gavet, Maj. George Stillman. 441 1785. May. Westerly —st Company: Capt. Oliver Lewis, Lt. Thomas Brand, Ens. Nathan Pendleton. 2nd Company: Capt. William Bliven, Lt. Joseph Peckham, Ens. James Ross. 3d Company: Capt. Asa Maxson, Lt. Samuel Clarke, Ens. James Stillman, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Walter White, Lt. Charles Saunders, Ens. Henry Crandall. Charlestown-2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Perry, Lt. Joseph Kinyon, Ens. William Kinyon. Hopkinton-lst Company: Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. Sylvanus Maxson, Ens. Thomas Wells, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Randall Wells, Lt. Clarke Maxson, Ens. Jeffery Champlin. 3d Company: Capt. Zaccheus Maxson, Lt. Moses Barber, Ens. George Maxson. 4th Company: Capt. Ichabod Paddock, Lt. Caleb Church, Ens. Joshua Tanner. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Charles Dyre, Maj. Jonathan Bates. North Kingstown-1st Company: Capt. Samuel Dyer, Lt. Stukely Hill, Ens. John Spink.. 2nd Company: Capt. John Brown, Jr., Lt. George Thomas, Jr., Ens. Joshua Brown. 3d Company: Capt. Henry Northup, Lt. Hutchinson Cole, Ens. Samuel Allen. 4th Company: Capt. Nathaniel Shearman, Lt. Robert Eldred, Ens. John Shearman (son of Henry). Exeter —st Company: Capt. James Gardner, Lt. Philip Tillinghast, Ens. Noah Wilcox. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Gorton, Lt. Robert Perrigo, Ens. Nathaniel Pierce. 3d Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Potter, Jr., Maj. Samuel Potter. South Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Timothy Lock, Jr., Lt. Daniel Tefft, Ens. William Steadman. 2nd Company: Capt. Paris Gardner, Lt. Elisha Potter (son of Benjamin), Ens. Timothy Peckham. 56 442 1785. May. 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Champlin, Lt. John Weeden, Ens. Joseph Hull, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Dan'l Shearman, Lt. Jeremiah Knowles, Ens. John Gardner, Jr. Richmond-lst Company: Capt. George Webb, Jr., Lt. Robert James, Ens. Income Potter. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Stanton, Lt. Thomas W. Kinyon, Ens. Thomas Potter. June. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Tefft, Maj. Thomas Wells, 2nd. May. Westerly Company: Capt. Peleg Berry, Lt. Stephen Saunders, Ens. Nathaniel Lewis. Charlestown Company: Capt. Joseph Wilcox, Lt. Samuel Thompson, Ens. Charles.Church. Hopkinton Company: Capt. Elnathan Wells, Lt. Elias Coone, Ens. Jesse Burdick. North Kingstown Company: Capt. Samuel Phillips, Sr., Lt. Samuel Northup, Ens. Samuel Bissell. Exeter Company: Capt. David Herrenden, Lt. Samuel Bissell, Ens. Oliver Spink. South Kingstown Company: Capt. William Taylor, Lt. Gardner W. Mumford, Ens. James Cotterell. Richmond Company: Capt. John Woodmansie, Jr., Lt. Smiting Potter, Ens. Christ. Clarke. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Holden. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Dexter, Maj. Job Randall. Warwick —st Company: Capt. James Arnold, Jr., Lt. Adam Lockwood, Ens. Job Whipple. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Remington, Lt. Nathan Arnold, Ens. Nicholas Arnold. 3d Company: Capt. Anthony Holden, Lt. Josephus Rice, Ens. Arnold Potter. East Greenwich-1st Company: Capt. Micah Whitmarsh, Lt. James Millard, Ens. Stephen Arnold. Feb. Lt.-Col. Commandant John Randall, in room of John S. Dexter, who hath removed out of the County. Maj. Allen Johnson, in room of Job Randall, advanced. 443 1785. May. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Archibald Kasson, Maj. Thomas Gorton. West Greenwich-lst' Company: Capt. Samuel Hopkins, Jr., Lt. Joseph Niles, Ens. Joseph Dolliver. 2nd Company: Capt. Caleb Greene, Lt. Joseph Weaver, Ens. Peleg Sweet. 3d Company: Capt. Joseph Draper, Lt. Joseph James, Ens. Peleg Sweet. Coventry —st Company: Capt. Job Greene, Jr., Lt. Noel Potter, Ens. Jeremiah Fenner, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. William Roy, Lt. Lory Jenckes, Ens. Oliver Wickes. 3d Company: Capt. Langford Weaver, Lt Samuel Greene (son of Nath.), Ens. William Stone (3d). 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Rice, Lt. Abel Gibbs, Ens. Archibald Bates. June. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Maj. Isaac Johnson. May. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Robert Rhodes, Lt. Hopkins Cooke, Ens. Peleg Whitman. West Greenwich Company: Capt. Joseph Hopkins, Jr., Lt. Benjamin Johnson, Ens. Caleb Greene (son of Benjamin). Coventry Company: Capt. Abel Bennet, Lt. Job Greene (son of Charles), Ens. Joseph Manchester. Independent Companies: Providence United Company of Artillery: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lieut.-Col. Levi Hall, Maj. Robert Taylor, Capt. Gershom Jones, Lieut. Isaac Barker. Gloucester Light Infantry: Capt. Elijah Armstrong, 1st Lieut. Ephraim Brown, 2nd Lieut. Stephen Cooper, Ens. Elisha Brown, Jr. 1786. Feb. List of Officers Killed or Died of Disease: Adjutant Augustus Mumford, Killed before Boston, Aug. 28th, 1775. Capt. Sylvanus Shaw, Killed before Red Bank, Del., Oct. 22, 1777. Capt.-Lt. Benajah Carpenter, Killed before Long Island, Aug. 27,1776. Lieut. Nathan Wickes, Killed before Monmouth, June 18, 1778. 444 1786. Feb. List of Officers Killed or Died of Disease: Lieut. Oliver Jenckes, Died, Fever, Phil., Feb. 3, 1782. Lieut. John Waterman, Died, Small Pox, Valley'Forge, April 20, 1778. Col. Christopher Greene, Killed at Poins-Bridge, N. Y., May 14, 1781. Lieut. David Johnson, Died, Fever, on Rhode Island,.Nov. 22, 1780. Major Ebenezer Flagg, Killed, Pions-Bridge, N. Y., May 14, 1781. Lieut. William Jenning, Died, Small Pox, Valley Forge, May 25, 1778. Lieut. Noah Allen, Killed on Harlem Heights, Sept. 16, 1776. Ensign John Thomas, Drowned in attempt to burn Enemies' Ships, Aug., 1776. Ens. Hezekiah Medbury, Died, Small Pox, at Coventry, May 17, 1777. Pensioned Officers: Brig.-Maj. Daniel Box, Left Arm useless at Neshamany Ferry, Pa., Dec., 1776. Capt. Thomas Arnold, Loss of right leg at Monmouth, June 28, 1778. Mar. Committee to examine the Revision of the Laws: William Ellery, George Champlin, David Howell, Moses Brown, Carder Hazard, Simeon Perry, Shearjashub Bourne, William T. Miller, Gideon Mumford, Daniel Howland, and Att.-General. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Paul Mumford, Chief. Joseph Hazard, Thomas Tillinghast, Gilbert Deval, David Howell. Clerk, Newport County, Robert Rogers. " Providence " Daniel Cooke. " Washington" Nathaniel Helme, Jr. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " James Jerauld. June. " " " Andrew Boyd. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Wmin. Richmond, Chief. Thomas Peckham, Clerk. Christopher Ellery, Robert Taylor, Jonathan Freeborn, William Davis, Sheriff. Henry Bliss. 445 1786. June. Providence County: Richard Steere, Chief. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Clerk. Ebenezer Thompson, Caleb Aldrich, John Burton, Jr., Ephraim Brown, Jr., Sheriff. Caleb Harris. Washington County: Carder Hazard, Chief. George H. Peckham, Clerk. Joseph Hoxsie, Robert Stanton, Sylvester Gardner, Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Edward Wells. Bristol County: John Child, Chief. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. John Usher, William T. Miller, -Elkanah Humphrey, Richard Smith, Sheriff. John Waldron. Kent County: Stephen Potter, Chief. Benjamin Howland, Clerk. Thomas Aldrich, Thomas Gorton, 4th, WVm. Greene (son of Philip), 5th. Jonathan Niles, Sheriff. Stephen Arnold, 3d Justice. Delegates to Congress: Hon. James M. Varnum, Hon. Nathan Miller, Hon. George Champlin, Hon. Peleg Arnold. John Foster, Judge of Court of Admiralty. William Taggart, Intendant of Trade, Port of Newport. Henry Ward, " " Providence. George Thomas, " " Wash. Co. Jonathan Russell, " ' Bristol. Gideon Mumford, " " E. Greenw'h. Christopher Ellery, Public Notary, City and County of Newport. Samuel Chace, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. Robert Crooke, Collector of Imposts, Newport County. Caleb Harris, Providence " George Thomas (son of Samuel), Collector of Imposts, Washington County. William Barton, Collector of Imposts, Bristol County. Gideon Mumford, " Kent " 446 1786. June. Commissioners respecting Trade: Hon. Jabez Bowen, Christopher Champlii Sam'l Ward, in room Dec. Thomas Rumreil, Auditor present year. May. Justices of the Peace: Providence: Samuel Chace, John Foster, Theodore Foster, Nathaniel Wheaton, James Arnold, Thomas Truman, James Brown, Daniel Cooke, John Dorrance, Benjamin Bourne, Aaron Mason. Portsmouth: John Shearman, William Anthony, Jr., Elijah Cobb. Warwick: Robert Rhodes, James Jerauld, Thomas Greene (son o Richard), Thomas Rice (son of Thomas), John Stafford. Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Joseph Clarke, Joseph Maxson, Simeon Burdick. North Kingstown: Eber Shearman, George Thomas (son o Samuel), Benedict Dayton, Jonathan Bates, Jr., Samuel Dyre, William Reynolds. [1, of Christ. Champlin, declining. of Accounts for remainder of South Kingstown: Freeman Perry, Caleb Tefft, George H. Peckham, Nathaniel Perkins, Daniel Shearman, Samuel Curtis, Isaac Tanner, Barber Peckham. Gloucester: Silas Williams, Jonathan Harris, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., John Smith (son of Benjamin), Timothy Wilmarth, William Arnold, Stephen Winsor. Coventry: of John Rice, William Stone, Isaac Johnson, William Burlingame, Stephen Greene, Benjamin Arnold. Exeter: George Peirce, Daniel Sunderlin, Samuel Gorton, Stephen Reynolds, Nicholas Gardner (son of of Ezekiel), Phinehas Kinyon, William Potter. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, James Congdon, 447 1786. May. Charlestown: Simeon Babcock, John Collier, Ichabod Burdick. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Salisbury Stoddard, Joshua Barker, Elisha Allen. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Josiah Finney, Jonathan Russell. Tiverton: Walter Cooke, Lemuel Tabor, Thomas Durfee. Thomas Howland. Little Compton: Philip Taylor, Adam Simmons, Nathaniel Searle, Enos Giffard. Warren: William Barton, Daniel Cole, Joseph Smith. Cumberland: John S. Dexter, Jotham Carpenter, Levi Ballou. Richmond: Thomas Tefft, Simeon Clarke, Jr., James Sheldon, Peter Clarke, Samuel Clarke. Cranston: Nehemiah Knight, Elisha Carpenter, Jonathan Sprague, Stephen Knight, John Stafford. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Johnston: Noah Mathewson, Andrew Harris, Joseph Borden, Jr., Israel Angell. Scituate: Peleg Fisk, John Harris, Thomas Mowry, Robert Knight, Thomas Field. North Providence: William Bagley, Hope Angell, Caleb Jenckes. Barrington: Samuel Allen, Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler. Foster: John Westcot, William Greene, Jonathan Hopkins, Jr., Daniel Howard, Angell Sweet. Warwick: Othniel Gorton. Hopkinton: Abel Tanner. June. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, Benjamin Howland, Allin Johnson, Robert Baley, Samuel Tripp, Stephen Greene. South Kingstown: Nathaniel Gardner, Richard Gardner. Gloucester: Nathaniel Wade. Scituate: Josiah Colvin. North Kingstown: Samuel Hunt. 448 1786. June. Smithfield: Gideon Comstock, Stephen Arnold, Stephen Brayton, Duty Winsor. Hopkinton: Francis West, John Maxson, William Tanner, Ross Coon, John Phillips, David Nichols. West Greenwich: Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Deane, Thomas Joslin, - Gideon Waite, Samuel Hopkins, Jr., John Parker, Abel Mathewson. May. Militia of the State: Major-General James Mitchel Varnum. Newport County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. John Malbone. 1st Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Daniel Rogers. 2nd Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Lemuel Bailey, Maj. William Southworth. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Allen, Maj. Curtis Cole. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Christopher Lippitt. 1st Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Christopher Olney, Maj. John Whipple. 2nd Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Coggeshall Olney, Maj. Joel Aldrich. 3d Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Kimbal, Maj. Nehemiah Angell. 4th Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Winsor, Maj. Samuel Mayes. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Joseph Stanton, Jr. 1st Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Gavet, Maj. George Stillman. 2nd Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Charles Dyre, Maj. Stephen Wightman. 3d Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Potter. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Holden. 449 1786. May. 1st Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Job Randall, Maj. Allen Johnson. 2nd Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Archibald Kasson, Maj. Caleb Greene, Jr. Independent Companies-Providence United Train of Artillery: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lt.-Col. Levi Hall, Maj. Robert Taylor. Capt. Gershom Jones, Lieut. Isaac Barker. Oct. Captain-General's Cavaliers: Capt. Daniel Manton, 1st Lt. Wm. Waterman, 2nd Lt. Ezekiel Searle, Cornet Edward Manton, Quarter-Master Rufus Steere. Dec. Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lieut. Israel Arnold, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Corpe, Ens; Oliver Paine. Oct. 120 Men for United States Service: Major William Allen. Capt. John Holden, Lt. Henry Shearman, Jr., Ens. John Rogers. Capt. Thomas Hughes, Lt. William Pratt, Ens. William Tanner (3d). Surgeon's Mate Jeremiah Greene. Dec. Capt. Daniel Sayles, in room of Thomas Hughes, who declined. Lt. Benjamin Sherburne, in room of William Pratt, who declined. Ens. George Tillinghast, in room of John Rogers, who declined. Ens. William Tanner (3d) resigns, and no person in his Stead. Pensioned Officer: Ens. Samuel Black, R. I. Reg., Col. Dan. Hitchcock, 1775. 1787. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Paul Mumford, Chief. William West, Stephen Potter, Walter Cooke, John Waite. Sept. Simeon Clarke, Jr. (of Richmond), 5th Justice, in room of John Waite, who declines. May. Clerk, Newport County, John Grelea. " Providence " Arthur Fenner, Jr. " Washington" Nathaniel Helme, Jr. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Allen Fry. 57 450 1787. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and Gen eral Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Wm. Richmond, Chief. Thomas Freebody, Jonathan Freeborn, Joshua Barker, Gideon Manton. Providence County: Eben. Thompson, Chief. Caleb Harris, Abraham Mathewson, John Burton, Jr., Stephen Steere. Washington County: Freeman Perry, Chief. Sylvester Gardner, Robert Stanton, 'Edward Wells, Benjamin Hoxsie, Jr. Bristol County: Joseph Reynolds, Chief. James Miller, Elkanah Humphry, Jacob Saunders, Newby Coggeshall. Kent County: Stephen Potter, Chief. Thomas Aldrich, Stephen Arnold, Gideon Waite, Anthony Low. Thomas Peckham, Clerk. William Davis, Sheriff. Arthur Fenner, Jr., Clerk. Nehemiah Knight, Sheriff. Elisha R. Potter, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. Shubael Kinnicut, Sheriff. Benjamin Howland, Clerk. Jonathan Niles, Sheriff. Thomas Aldrich, in room of Stephen Potter, advanced, Chief. Stephen Arnold, in room of Thomas Aldrich, 2nd. Gideon Waite, " Stephen Arnold, 3d. Anthony Low, " Gideon Waite, 4th. Delegates to Congress: Hon. Peleg Arnold, Hon. Jonathan J. Hazard, Hon. Daniel Manton, Hon. Sylvester Gardner. Ambrose Page, Judge of the Court of Admiralty. Joseph Tweedy, Public Notary, Town and County of Newport. Samuel Chace, Public Notary, Town and County of Providence. 451 1787. May. Joseph Tweedy, Collector of Impost, Newport County. John Mathewson, " " Providence" George Thomas (son of Samuel), Collector of Impost, Washington County. Cromel Child, Collector of Impost, Bristol County. Job Comstock, " " Kent John Easton, " Excise, Newport " Bennett Wheeler, " " Prov. Bowen Card, " " Wash. Samuel Bosworth, i " Bristol Thomas Arnold (son of Benjamin), Collector of Excise, Kent County. Sept. John Cozzens, Collector of Impost, Washington County, in room of Ge6rge Thomas. who declines. John Jenckes, Commissioner with Rouse J. Helme, to adjust accounts with U. S. Oct. George Olney, Commissioner, in addition to above. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Warwick: Christopher Ellery, Robert Rhodes, Robert Taylor, James Jerauld, Peleg Barker, Jr., Thomas Greene (son of John Grelea; Richard), John Handy, Thomas Rice (son of John Thurston, Thomas), Timothy Waterhouse, John Stafford, William Borden, Peleg Salisbury. George H. Peckham. Westerly: Providence: Joseph Crandall, Samuel Chace, Simeon Burdick, John Dorrance, Peleg Saunders, James Arnold, George Stillman. Daniel Cooke, North Kingstown: Benjamin Bourne, George Thomas (son of John Mawney, Samuel), William Lamed, Peter Burlingame, Samuel Sampson, Jonathan Bates, Jr., Aaron MIason, Samuel Hunt, Joseph Bowen. Samuel Dyre, Portsmouth: William Reynolds. John Shearman, South Kingstown: Elijah Cobb, Caleb Tefft, Gideon Dennis, Nathaniel Gardner, Abraham Anthony, Jr. Samuel Curtis, . 452 1787. May. South Kingstown: Nathaniel Perkins, Daniel Shearman, Jr., Richard Gardner, Barber Peckham, Nathaniel Helme, Jr. East Greenwich: Job Comstock, Benjamin Howland, Stephen Greene, James Sweet (son of Sylvester), Robert Baily, Samuel Tripp. Smithfield: Gideon Comstock, Stephen Arnold, Stephen Brayton, Duty Winsor. Scituate: Peleg Fisk, John Harris, Thomas Mowry, Robert Knight, Thomas Field, Josiah Colvin. Gloucester: John Smith (son of Benjamin), Jonathan Harris, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., Timothy Wilmarth, Stephen Winsor, Nathaniel Wade, Jesse Winsor, John Pray. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Samuel Cross, John Colyer, Stephen Stanton. West Greenwich: Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Deane, Sam. Hopkins, Jr., West Greenwich: John Parker, Abel Potter, Levi Whitford, Judiah Aylesworth. Coventry: John Rice, William Stone, Isaac Johnson, Wm. Burlingame, Stephen Greene, Benjamin Arnold, Joseph Manchester. Exeter: Daniel Sunderlin, Samuel Gorton, Jos. Reynolds, Jr., Stephen Reynolds, Phinehas Kinyon, Jonathan Lillibridge. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Elisha Allen, Parker Hall. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Amos Haile, Joseph Read, John Usher. Tiverton: Walter Cooke, Lemuel Tabor, Thomas Durfee, Thomas Howland. Little Compton: Adam Simmons, Enos Giffard, Thomas Palmer. Warren: Marmaduke Mason, John Kinnicut, William Barton, Benjamin Barton. Cumberland: John S. Dexter, 453 1787. May. Cumberland: Jotham Carpenter, Levi Ballou. Richmond: Thomas Tefft, Simeon Clarke, Jr., James Sheldon, George Webb, Samuel Clarke, Peter Clarke. Cranston: William Warner, Joseph Potter, John R. Arnold, Jeriah Hawkins, Joseph Aborn, Holliman Potter. Hopkinton: Matthew Maxson. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Andrew Harris, Joseph Borden, Jr., Israel Angell. North Providence: William Bagley, North Providence: Hope Angell, Caleb Jenckes. Barrington: Samuel Allen, Solo. Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler. Foster: John Westcott, William Greene, Jona. Hopkins, Jr., Daniel Howard, Angell Sweet. Sept. Charlestown: Jonathan Macomber. Exeter: Nicholas Gardner (son of Ezekiel). Oct. Hopkinton: Francis West, David Nichols, Robert Burdick, Josiah Witter, Thos. Potter Gardner. Smithfield: James Smith, Andrew Waterman. Independent Companies: United Company of Train of Artillery-Providence: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lieut.-Col. Levi Hall, Maj. Robert Taylor, Capt. Gershom Jones, Lieut. Joseph Burrill. Sept. Gloucester Light Infantry: Capt. Elijah Armstrong, 1st Lieut. Ephraim Brown, 2nd Lieut. Elisha Brown, Ens. Benjamin Hawkins. June. Militia of the State: Maj6r-General James Mitchel Varnum. Newport and Bristol County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. John Malbone.. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Daniel Rogers, Maj. Benjamin Brownell. 2nd Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Howland, Maj. John Davis. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant David Barton, Maj. Joseph Reynolds, Jr. 454 1787. June. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Simeon Thayre. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Whipple, Maj. George Waterman. 2nd Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Aldrich, Maj. Joel Aldrich. 3d Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, Maj. Nehemiah AngeIl. 4th Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Winsor, Maj. Samuel Mayes. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Joseph Stanton, Jr. 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Gavet, Maj. George Stillman. 2nd Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Beriah Wait, Maj. James Gardner. 3d Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Potter, Maj. Samuel J. Potter. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Holden. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Allen Johnson, Maj. James Arnold (son of Jas.). 2nd Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Archibald Kasson, Maj. Caleb Greene, Jr. 1788. June. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Othniel Gorton, Chief. William West, Stephen Potter, Walter Cooke, Simeon Clarke, Jr. May. Clerk, Newport County, John Grelea. " Providence " Arthur Fenner. " Washington " Nathaniel Helme, Jr. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Allen Fry. Delegates to Congress: Hon. Peleg Arnold, Hon. Jonathan J. Hazard, Hon. Thomas Holden, Hon. John Gardner. 455 1788. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Thos. Freebody, Chief. Jonathan Freeborn, Gideon Wanton, Oliver Durfee, Fobes Little, Jr. Providence County: Eben. Thompson, Chief. CalebHarris, Abraham Mathewson, John Burton, Jr., Stephen Steere. Washington County: Freeman Perry, Chief. Sylvanus Gardner, Robert Stanton, Edward Wells, Benjamin Hoxsie, Jr. Bristol County: Joseph Reynolds, Chief. James Miller, Elkanah Humphry, Jacob Saunders, Newby Coggeshall. Kent County: Thomas Aldrich, Chief. Stephen Arnold, Gideon Waite, Anthony Low. Archibald Kasson. Thomas Peckham, Clerk. William Davis, Sheriff. Arthur Fenner, Clerk. Nehemiah Knight, Sheriff. George H. Peckham, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. Shubael Kinnicut, Sheriff. Benjamin Howland, Clerk. Jonathan Niles, Sheriff. June. May. Ambrose Page, Judge of Court of Admiralty. John Grelea, Public Notary, Town and County Newport. Sam'l Chace, Public Notary, Town and County Providence. Joseph W. Tweedy, Collector of Imposts, County Newport. John Mathewson, " " Prov. Benedict Dayton, " " Wash. Cromel Child, " Bristol. Job Comstock, " " Kent. Thomas Rumreill, Auditor of Accounts. George Olney, Commissioner with John Jencks and Rouse J. Helme. 456 1788. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Christopher Ellery, Robert Taylor, Peleg Barker, Jr., John Grelea, John Thurston, Timothy Waterhouse, William Borden. Providence: Samuel Chase, John Foster, Nathaniel Wheaton, James Arnold, John Dorrance, Daniel Cooke, Benjamin Bourne, John Mawney, William Lamed, Samuel Sampson, Joseph Bowen, David Howell, Solomon Drown. Portsmouth: John Shearman, Elijah Cobb, Gideon Dennis, Abraham Anthony, Jr. Warwick: Robert Rhodes, James Jerauld, Thomas Greene (son of Richard), Thomas Rice (son of Thomas), Peleg Salsbury, William Waterman, Jr. Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Simeon Burdick, George Stillman, Joseph Clarke, Elias Lewis. North Kingstown: Eber Shearman, North Kingstown: George Thomas (son of Samuel), Jonathan Bates, Samuel Dyer, Bowen Card, Benedict Dayton, William Reynolds. South Kingstown: Caleb Tefft, Nathaniel Gardner, Samuel Curtis, Nathaniel Perkins, Daniel Shearman, Jr., Barber Peckham, Nathaniel Helme, Jr., George H. Peckham, John Banister. East Greenwich: Job Comstock, Benjamin Howland, Stephen Greene, James Sweet (son of Sylvester), Robert Bailey, George Spencer (son of Samuel). Smithfield: Gideon Comstock, Stephen Arnold, Stephen Brayton, James Smith, Andrew Waterman. Glocester: Jonathan Harris, Zebedee Hopkins, Jr., John Smith (son of Benjamin), Timothy Wilmarth, Stephen Winsor, Nathaniel Wade. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, John Collier, 457 1788. May. Charlestown: Samuel Cross, Jonathan Macomber, Ichabod Burdick. Coventry: John Rice, William Stone, Isaac Johnson, William Burlingame, Stephen Greene, Benjamin Arnold, Joseph Manchester. Exeter: Daniel Sunderlin, Samuel Gorton, Stephen Reynolds, Phinehas Kinyon, Jonathan Lillibridge, Nicholas Gardner (son of Ezekiel). Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Elisha Allen, Parker Hall. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Amos Haile, John Usher, Josiah Finney. Tiverton: Lemuel Tabor, Thomas Durfee, Benjamin Jenckes, Philip Gray. Little Compton: Adams Simmons, Enos Giffard, Thomas Palmer, Ezra Chace. Warren: William Barton, John Kinnicut, Benjamin Barton, Marmaduke Mason. Cumberland: John S. Dexter, Jotham Carpenter, Levi Ballou, Simon Wilkinson. Richmond: Thomas Tefft, James Sheldon, George Webb,' Samuel Clarke, Peter Clarke, Edmund Burdick. Cranston: William Warner, Joseph Potter, Jeriah Hawkins, Joseph Aborn, Holliman Potter, Peter Stone.Hopkinton: Matthew Maxson, Francis West, David Nichols, Robert Burdick, Josiah Whitter, Thos. Potter Gardner. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Andrew Harris, Joseph Borden, Jr., Israel Angell. North Providence: Hope Angell, Esek Esten, Gideon Olney. Barrington: Samuel Alien, Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler. Foster: - John Westcot, William Greene, Jonathan Hopkins, Jr., Daniel Howard, Angell Sweet. 58 458 1788. June. Glocester: North Providence: Jesse Winsor, Stephen Jenckes. John Ray. Charlestown: Warwick: Simeon Babcock. Benjamin Barton. Foster: Exeter: William Tyler. Jeffery Wilcox. Cranston: Elisha Williams, in room of Jeriah Hawkins, who declined. Scituate: West Greenwich: Peleg Fisk, Benjamin Johnson, John Harris, Jonathan Dean, Thomas Mowry, Samuel Hopkins, Jr., Josiah Colvin, John Parker, John Wilbur, William Nichols, John Hill. Levi Whitford. Hopkinton: Newport: Daniel White, Daniel Mason. Randall Wells. South Kingstown: Isaac Tanner. May. Militia of the State: Major-General Joseph Stanton, Jr. Adjutant-General William Barton. Quartermaster-General John Mathewson. Commissary-General Charles Holden. Physician and Purveyor-General Peter Turner. Newport County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. John Malbone. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Giles Lawton, Jr., Maj. Benjamin Brownell. Portsmouth Company: Capt. William Burrington, Lt. Peleg Shearman, Ens. Noah Gray. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Pain, Ens. John Gorton. Jamestown Company: Capt. John Franklin, Lt. John Remington, Ens. Peleg Carr, Jr. Middletown Company: Capt. John Peabody, Lt. Joseph Allen, Ens. Pardon Brown. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Howland, Maj. John Davis. Little Compton —st Company: Capt. Joseph Palmer, Lt. Jonathan Taylor, Ens. Isaac Simmons. 459 1788. May. 2nd Company: Capt. Billings Greenell, Lt. Barnabas Clap, Ens. Wm. Richmond (2nd). Senior Class Company-Portsmouth and Middletown: Capt. John Earle, Lt. William Manchester, Ens. Gideon Shearman. John Wanton (son of James), Gunner of Fort Washington. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant David Barton, Maj. Joseph Reynolds, Jr. Warren —st Company: Capt. Barnard Luther, Lt. Allen Cole, Ens. Seth Snell. 2nd Company: Capt. Edward Mason, Lt. Gardner Mason, Ens. Joseph Barton. Barrington Company: Capt. John Short, Jr., Lt. William Kelly, Ens. Sylvester Viall. Senior Class Regiment-Bristol County: Maj. Loring Peck. Bristol: Capt. Solomon Peck, Lt. Benj. Bosworth (2nd), Ens. Nathan Bardin. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Simeon Thayer. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Whipple, Maj. George Waterman. Providence —st Company: Capt. Joseph Allen, Lt. Jeremiah Jenckes, Ens. Esek Dexter. 2nd Company. Capt. Joseph Burrill, Lt. Benjamin Keene, Ens. Ezekiel Burr. 3d Company: Capt. Nathaniel Dummer, Lt. Jacob Whitman, Jr., Ens. Wm. Taylor. 4th Company: Capt. Grindal Reynolds, Lt. Lemuel Field, Ens. Daniel Field. Cranston —1st Company: Capt. Peter Stone, Lt. Israel Manchester, Ens. Jonathan Westcot. 2nd Company: Capt. Jonathan Sprague, Jr.. Lt. Nathaniel Williams, Jr., Ens. Zuriel Waterman. 3d Company: Capt. Pardon Burlingame, Lt. Gideon Manchester, Ens. Sylvester Potter. North Providence Company: Capt. Stephen Abbott, Lt. Hezekiah Olney, Ens. Comfort Jenckes. 460 1788. June. Johnston-1st Company: Capt. Joshua Remington, Lt. Isaac Fisk, Ens. Benjamin Atwood. 2nd Company: Capt. Philip Arnold, Lt. Joshua Kimball, Ens. Abraham Belknap. May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Aldrich, Maj. Levi Barnes. Smithfield-1st Company: Capt. Benjamin Ballou, Lt. Daniel Sayles, Ens. Joshua Jenckes. 2nd Company: Capt. Ebenezer Trask, Lt. Daniel Arnold, Ens. tCaleb Aldrich, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Samuel Holmes, Lt. Zenos Winsor, Ens. Thomas Appleby. June. Cumberland —st Company: Capt. Amaziah Weatherhead, Lt. Nathaniel Scott, Ens. William Kent. 2nd Company: Capt. Stephen Whipple, Lt. Joseph Follett, Ens. Daniel Paine. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, Maj. Nehemiah Angell. June. Scituate-1st Company: Capt. Thomas Relph, Lt. Eleazer Collins, Ens. Jeremiah Baker. 2nd Company: Capt. Nathaniel Medbury, Lt. Joseph Fenner, Ens. Abner Burlingame. 4th Company: Capt. Dean Kimball, Lt. Resolved Smith, Ens. Christopher Smith. Foster —st Company: Capt. Samuel Foster, Lt. John Herrington (son of Samuel), Ens. Caleb Potter. 2nd Company: Capt. Isaac Paine, Lt. Richard Cole, Ens. Simeon Seamans. 3d Company: Capt. John Hammond, Lt. Abraham Phillips, Ens. John Lyon, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Christopher Colwell, Lt. Squire Bucklin, Jr., Ens. Wm. Walker. May. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Winsor, Maj. Samuel Mayes. Glocester —st Company: Capt. Henry Wheeler, Lt. Thomas Mitchel, Ens. Thomas Winsor. 461 1788. May. 2nd Company: Capt. Arnold Smith, Lt. Abner Chilson, Ens. Israel Cooke. 3d Company: Capt. Anan Winsor, Lt. Stukely Turner, Ens. Caleb Arnold. 4th Company: Capt. Jeremiah Irons, Jr., Lt. Peter Aldrich, Ens. Willard Eddy. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Hoyle, Maj. William Potter. Providence Company: Capt. Benjamin Hoppin, Lt. Samuel Black, Ens. Gabriel Allen. Cranston Company: Capt. John Burton, Lt. William Burton, Ens. Elisha Carpenter. Johnston and North Providence Company: Capt. Israel Angell, Lt. John Violl, Ens. Joy Ladd. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter. Glocester Company: Capt. Benajah Whipple, Lt. Ezekiel Phettiplace, Ens. Edw. Salsbury. June. Scituate Company: Capt. Jonathanf Smith, Lt. Samuel Wilbur, Ens. Daniel Fisk, Jr. Cumberland Company: Capt. Levi Tower, Lt. Benjamin S. Walcott, Ens. Gilbert Grant. Foster Company: Capt. John Johnson, Lt. Joseph Davis, Ens. Samuel Perkins. Providence Company, in room of May appointment: Capt. Samuel Black, Lt. Joseph Masury, Ens. Nathaniel Dana. May. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Samuel J. Potter. 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Gavet, Maj. George Stillman. Charlestown —st Company: Capt. Jonathan Macomber, Lt. Jeremiah Taylor, Ens. Ethan Crandall. 2nd Company: Capt. William Card (son of Joshua), Lt. Wm. Kinyon (son of Joseph), Ens. Gideon Holway. Hopkinton-lst Company: Capt. Randall Wells, Lt. John Palmer. Ens. Edward Wells. 2nd Company: Capt. Daniel White, Lt. William Coone, Ens. Robert Burdick, Jr. 462 1788. May. 3d Company: Capt. Ichabod Paddock, Lt. Caleb Church, Ens. Henry Brightman. 4th Company: Capt. James Brown, Lt. Benjamin Barber, Jr., Ens. William West. June. Westerly-3d Company: Capt. Samuel Clarke, Lt. Joseph Davis, Ens. Daniel Babcock. 4th Company: Capt. Walter White, Lt. Charles Saunders, Ens. Henry Crandall. May. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Charles Dyer, Maj. James Gardner. North Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. George Reynolds, Lt. Stukely Hill, Ens. John Pierce. 2nd Company: Capt. John Brown, Lt. Phoenix Brown, Ens. John Havens. 3d Company: Capt. Henry Northup, Lt. Hudson Cole, Ens. Charles Dyre. 4th Company: Capt. Samuel Phillips, Lt. John Shearman, Ens. William Congdon. Exeter —st Company: Capt. Rob't Reynolds, Lt. Daniel Sunderlin, Jr., Ens. John Herrenden. 2nd Company: Capt. Abraham Wilcox, Jr., Lt. John Lewis, Ens. Roger Sheldon. 3d Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Potter, Maj. Timothy Lock, Jr. South Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Paris Garder, Lt. Daniel Tefft (son of Benjamin), Ens. William Steadman. 2nd Company: Capt. Robert G. Sands, Lt. Elisha Potter (son of Benjamin), Ens. Timothy Peckham, Jr. Richmond-1st Company: Capt. George Webb, Jr., Lt. Ezekiel James, Ens. Augustus Sheldon. 2nd Company: Capt. Thomas W. Kinyon, Lt. Thomas Potter, Ens. Weeden Clarke. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Tefft. Maj. (June) Phinehas Miner. Charlestown Company: Capt. James Peckham, Lt. Stephen Stanton, Ens. Joseph Davis. Hopkinton Company: Capt. Elnathan Wells, Lt. Elias Coon, Ens. Jesse Burdick. 463 1788. May. South Kingstown Company: Capt. William Taylor, Lt. Gardner W. Mumford, Ens. James Cotterell. Richmond Company: Capt. John Woodmansie, Jr., Lt. Smiting Potter, Ens. Benj. Hoxsie. June. North Kingstown Company: Capt. Samuel Dyre, Lt. John Cozzens, Ens. John Hiams. May. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Holden. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Allen Johnson, Maj. James Arnold (son of James). Warwick-1st Company: Capt. Adam Lockwood, Lt. Moses Arnold, Ens. Ephraim Arnold. June. 2nd Company: Capt. Nicholas Arnold, Lt. Anthony Arnold, Ens. Othniel Wightman. 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Westcot, Lt. Edward Stafford, Ens. Samuel Gorton (son of Jonathan). May. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Archibald Kasson, Maj. (June) Caleb Greene (son of Philip). West Greenwich-1st Company: Capt. Joseph Dolliver, Jr., Lt. Caleb Carr, Ens. William Henry Davis. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Weaver, Lt. Peleg Sweet, Ens. Thomas Mathewson (son of Uriah). 3d Company: Capt. Samuel Tanner, Lt. Jeremiah Stone, Ens. David Mathewson (son of David). June. Coventry —st Company: Capt. Stephen Greene, Lt. John I. Kilton, Ens. William Johnson. 2nd Company: Capt. William Roy, Lt. Lory Jenckes, Ens. Thomas Arnold. 3d Company: Capt. Stephen Greene. Lt. Job Mathewson, Ens. Jona. Nichols, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Rice, Lt. Silas Westcot, Ens. William Bates. 464 1788. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Robert Rhodes, Lt. Hopkins Cooke, Ens. Philip Wightman. West Greenwich Company: Capt. Joseph Hopkins, Jr., Lt. Benjamin Johnson, Ens. Caleb Greene (son of Benjamin). Coventry Company: Capt. Abel Bennet, Lt. Job Greene (son of Charles), Ens. Joseph Manchester. June. Independent Companies: Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lieut. Israel Arnold, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Corpe, Ens. Oliver Paine. Oct. Captain-General's Cavaliers: Capt. Daniel Manton, 1st Lt. Ezekiel Searle, 2nd Lt. Edw. Manton, Cornet Nehemiah Sheldon, Quartermaster Rufus Steere. Glocester Light Infantry: Capt. Elijah Armstrong, 1st Lieut. Ephraim Brown, 2nd Lieut. Elisha Brown, Ens. Benjamin Hawkins. Dec. Washington Independent Company, of Exeter: Capt. Joseph Hammond, Jr., 1st Lieut. Stephen Waite, 2nd Lieut. Christopher Peirce. North Kingstown Rangers: Capt. Beriah Waite, 1st Lt. Robert Eldred, 2nd Lt. Hutchinson Cole. 1789. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Othniel Gorton, Chief. William West, Stephen Potter, Walter Cooke, Simeon Clarke. Clerk, Newport County, John Grelea. " Providence " Arthur Fenner. " Washington " Nathaniel Helme. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Allen Fry. Oct. " Washington" Adam Helme, in room of Nathaniel Helme, Jr., Deceased. Delegates to Congress: Hon. Peleg Arnold, Hon. Jonathan J. Hazard, Hon. Thomas Holden, Hon. John Gardner. 465 1789. May. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Thos. Freebody, Chief. Jonathan Freeborn, Gideon Manton, Oliver Durfee, Fobes Little, Jr. Providence County: Eben. Thompson, Chief. Caleb Harris, Abraham Matthewson, John Burton, Jr., Stephen Steere. Washington County: Freeman Perry, Chief. Robert Potter, Edward Wells, Benjamin Hoxsie, Ezekiel Gardner, Jr. Bristol County: Joseph Reynolds, Chief. Elkanah Humphrey, James Miller, Jacob Saunders, Joseph Read. Thomas Peckham, Clerk. William Davis, Sheriff. Arthur Fenner, Clerk. Nehemiah Knight, Sheriff. George H. Peckham, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. Shubael Kinnicut, Sheriff. Oct. Samuel Allen, Chief, in room of Joseph Reynolds, Deceased. Kent County: Stephen Arnold, Chief. Benjamin Howland, Clerk. Gideon Waite, Anthony Low, Archibald Kasson, Jonathan Niles, Sheriff. Joseph Fry. Ambrose Page, Judge of the Court of Admiralty. John Grelea, Public Notary, Town and County Newport. Samuel Chace, " " Providence. John Wanton (son of James), Collector of Imposts, County Newport. John Matthewson, Collector of Imposts, County Providence. Benedict Dayton, " " Wash. Cromel Child, " " Bristol. Job Comstock, " Kent. 59 466 1789. Sept. Custom House Officers: John Wanton (son of James), Collector for District of Newport. Gideon Wanton, naval officer for District of Newport. Ebenezer Thompson, Collector " Prov. Theodore Foster, naval officer " " Edw'd Thurston, Surveyor for Port of Newport. William Tyler, " Providence. Zachariah Rhodes, " Pawtuxet. Bowen Card, " N. Kingstown. Thomas Brand, " Pawcatuck River. Samuel Bosworth, " Bristol. Samuel Miller, " Warren and Barrington. Job Comstock, " E. Greenwich. Appointed to receive Interest Bonds: John Sayles, for County of Providence. James Sheldon, " Washington. Jonathan Gorton, " Kent. Henry Sherburne, Dept. Secretary. Daniel Updike, Clerk of House. Oct. George Olney, Sole Commissioner to examine claims against the United States. Inspectors appointed in the several Towns: Newport: George Sears. Providence: Amasa Gray. Portsmouth: Gideon Dennis. Warwick: Israel Arnold. Westerly: Major Thomas Noyes. New Shoreham: John Sands. North Kingstown: George Thomas. South Kingstown: Rowland Brown. East Greenwich: Benjamin Howland. Jamestown: John Howland. Smithfield: Stephen Brayton. Scituate: John Harris. Glocester: Solomon Owen, Jr. Charlestown: Benjamin Hoxsie, Jr. West Greenwich: Samuel Hopkins. Coventry: Jeremiah Fenner. Exeter: Joseph Reynolds (son of Benjamin). Middletown: James Potter. Bristol: Shearjashub Bourne. 467 1789. Oct. Inspectors appointed in the several Towns: Tiverton: Benjamin Rowland. Little Compton: John Davis. Warren: Cromel Child. Cumberland: John S. Dexter. Richmond: James Sheldon. Cranston: Anthony Aborn. Hopkinton: Oliver Davis. Johnston: Andrew.Harris. North Providence: Edward Smith. Barrington: Thomas Allen. Foster: John Westcot. Committee for Settling Disputes among the Indians: Nath'l Helme, Jr., in room of Rowse J. Helme, Dec'd. Sylvester Robinson, in room of George Champlin, refusing. Rowland Brown, in room of Sylvester Robinson. Jan. Joseph Stanton, Jr., in room of Nath. Helme, Jr., Dec'd. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: ' Warwick: John Grelea, Thomas Rice, Peleg Barker, Jr., Peleg Salsbury, Timothy Waterhouse, William Waterman, Thomas Arnold, Benjamin Barton, Henry Sherburne, James Arnold, Jr., John Townsend, Joseph Brown, William Borden. Ray Greene. Providence: Westerly: Theodore Foster, Joseph Crandall, Daniel Cooke, Simeon Burdick, John Mawney, George Stillman, Samuel Sampson, Joseph Clarke, Joseph Bowen, Elias Lewis. Benjamin Bourne, North Kingstown: David Howell, Eber Shearman, Benjamin Turpin, George Thomas (son of Robert Newell, Samuel), William Tyler (2nd). Jonathan Bates, Portsmouth: Samuel Dyre, Giles Lawton, Jr., Benedict Dayton, Elijah Cobb, Bowen Card, Gideon Dennis, William Reynolds. Abra. Anthony, Jr., Tillinghast Almy. 468 1789. May. East Greenwich: Benjamin Howland, Stephen Greene, James Sweet, Robert Bailey, George Spencer (son of Jeremiah). Smithfield: John Sayles, Stephen Arnold, Stephen Brayton. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, John Collier, Samuel Cross, Jonathan Macomber, Ichabod Burdick. Coventry: John Rice, William Stone, Isaac Johnson, William Burlingame, Benjamin Greene, Benjamin Arnold, Joseph Manchester. Exeter: Daniel Sunderland, Samuel Gorton, Stephen Reynolds, Phinehas Kinyon, Jonathan Lillibridge, Nicholas Gardner (son of Ezekiel), Jeffery Wilcox. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Elisha Allen, Parker Hall. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Amos Hail, John Usher, Josiah Finney, Lemuel Clarke. Tiverton: Lemuel Taber, Thomas Durfee, Benjamin Jenckes, Philip Gray. Little Compton: Adam Simmons, Enos Giffard, Thomas Palmer, Ezra Chace. Warren: William Barton, William T. Miller, Benjamin Barton, Edward Chace. Cumberland: John S. Dexter, Levi Ballou, Simon Wilkinson, Elijah Brown. Richmond: Thomas Tefft, James Sheldon, George Webb, Samuel Clarke, Peter Clarke, Edmund Burdick. Cranston: William Warner, Joseph Potter, Peter Stone, Zachariah Rhodes. Hopkinton: David Nichols, Robert Burdick, Josiah Whitter, Thomas Gardner, Daniel White, Randall Wells. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Andrew Harris, Joseph Borden, Jr., Israel Angell. 469 1789. May. North Providence: Gloce Hope Angell, Job Esek Esten, B Gideon Olney. Tim Barrington: Ste] Samuel Allen, Nat Sol. Townsend, Jr., San Moses Tyler, West Asa Bicknall, Ber Josiah Humphrey, Jr. Jon June. Providence: San Samuel Chace, Job James Arnold, Lev Nathaniel Wheaton, Stu John Dorrance. Crans South Kingstown: Elis Nathaniel Helme, Jr., Foste Caleb Tefft, Job George H. Peckham, Wi] Samuel Curtis, Jon Nathaniel Gardner, Da Daniel Shearman, An| Barber Peckham, Wil Isaac Tanner. Newp Scituate: Job Peleg Fisk, Souti John Harris, Ron Gideon Cornell, Oct. Ports Josiah Colvin, Wi] John Wilbur, Smith John Hill. Em Glocester: East Silas Williams, Ho Jan. South Kingstown: Elisha R. Potter, in room of Nathaniel Helme, Jr., Deceased.:ster: in Smith (son of Benjamin), lothy Wilmarth, phen Winsor, Lhaniel Wade, nuel Winsor. Greenwich: ijamin Johnson, lathan Dean, auel Hopkins, Jr., n Parker, {i Whitford, kely Hudson. Iton: sha Williams. r: in Westcot, Iliam Greene, athan Hopkins, Jr., niel Howard, gell Sweet, [liam Tyler. )ort: in Banister. 1 Kingstown: wland Brown. mouth: lliam Anthony, Jr. ifield: oor Smith. Greenwich: pkins Cooke. May. Militia of the State: Major-General Joseph Stanton, Jr. June. Adjutant-General George Waterman. Quartermaster-General John Mathewson. Commissary-General Charles Holden. Physician and Purveyor-General John Gould, Jr. 470 1789. May. Newport County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. John Malbone. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Giles Lawton, Jr., Maj. Benjamin Brownell. Portsmouth Company: Capt. William Burrington, Jr., Lt. George Hall (son of Benjamin), Ens. Noah Gray. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Paine, Ens. John Gorton. Jamestown Company: Capt. John Franklin, Lt. John Remington, Ens. Peleg Card, Jr. Middletown Company: Capt. John Peabody, Lt. Joseph Allen, Ens. Pardon Brown. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Howland, Maj. John Davis. Tiverton —st Company: Capt. Joseph Bailey, Lt. William Sanford, Jr., Ens. Benjamin Cooke. 2nd Company: Capt. Thomas Durfee, Lt. Godfrey Perry, Ens. Peleg Cory. 3d Company: Capt. Richard Durfee, Lt. Edward Bailey, Ens. Jonathan Borden. Little Compton —st Company: Capt. Joseph Palmer, Lt. Jonathan Taylor, Ens. Isaac Simmons. 2nd Company: Capt. Billings Greenell, Lt. Barnabas Clap, Ens. Wm. Richmond (2nd). Senior Class Company-Portsmouth and Middletown: Capt. John Earle, Lt. William Manchester, Ens. Gideon Shearman. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Commandant David Barton, Maj. Joseph Reynolds, Jr. Warren-1st Company: Capt. Barnard Luther, Lt. Allen Cole, Ens. Seth Snell. 2nd Company: Capt. Edward Mason, Lt. Gardner Mason, Ens. Joseph Barton. Barrington Company: Capt John Short, Jr., Lt. Benjamin Drown, Jr., Ens. Sylvester Viall. Senior Class Regiment-Bristol County: Maj. Loring Peck. Bristol County Company: Capt. Solomon Peck, Lt. Benj. Bosworth (2nd), Ens. Nathan Bardin. John Manton (son of James), Gunner at Fort Washington. 471 1789. May. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Simeon Thayer. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Mawney, Maj Wm. Potter (of Cranston). Providence —st Company: Capt. Charles Holden, Lt. John Burrough, Ens. Nicholas Branch. 2nd Company: Capt. Nathaniel Dummer, Lt. Jonathan W. Coy, Ens. Thomas Young. 3d Company: Capt. Philip Martin, Lt. Benjamin Keene, Ens; Charles Smith. 4th Company: Capt. William Brownell. Lt. Pardon Mason, Ens. Charles Sampson. Cranston —st Company: Capt. Peter Stone, Lt. Israel Manchester, Ens. Jonathan Westcot. 2nd Company: Capt. Jonathan Sprague, Jr., Lt. Nathaniel Williams, Jr., Ens. Zuriel Waterman. 3d Company: Capt. Pardon Burlingame, Lt. Gideon Manchester, Ens. Sylvester Potter. Johnston-lst Company: Capt. Joshua Remington, Lt. Isaac Fisk, Ens. Benjamin Atwood. 2nd Company: Capt. Philip Arnold, Lt. Joshua Kimball, Ens. Abraham Belknap. North Providence Company: Capt. Stephen Abbot, Lt. Hezekiah Olney, Ens. Comfort Jenckes. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Levi Barnes, Maj. Amaziah Weatherhead. Cumberland-1st Company: Capt. Nathaniel Scott, Lt. William Kent, Ens. Amos Follett. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Follett, Lt. John Butterworth, Ens. Edward Ballou. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, Maj. Nehemiah Angell. Scituate-1st Company: Capt. Thomas Relph, Lt. Eleazer Collins, Ens. Jeremiah Baker. 2nd Company: Capt. Nath'l Medbury, Lt. Joseph Fenner, Ens. Abner Burlingame. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Wood, Lt. Nathan Walker, Ens. Benajah Knight. 4th Company: Capt. Dean Kimball, Lt. Resolved Smith, Ens. Christopher Smith. 472 1789. May. Foster-1st Company: Capt. Samuel Foster, Lt. Caleb Potter, Ens. Job Johnson. 2nd Company: Capt. Isaac Paine, Lt. Richard Cole, Ens. Simeon Seamans. 3d Company: Capt. John Hammond, Lt. Abraham Phillips, Ens. Abithar Young. 4th Company: Capt. Christopher Colwell, Lt. Squire Bucklin, Jr., Ens. Wm. Walker. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Winsor, Maj. Samuel Mayes. June. Glocester —st Company: Capt. Henry Wheeler, Lt. Thomas Mitchel, Ens. Thomas Winsor. 2nd Company: Capt. Arnold Smith, Lt. Abner Chillson, Ens. Israel Cooke. 3d Company: Capt. Aaron Winsor, Lt. Stukely Turner, Ens. Caleb Arnold. 4th Company: Capt. Jeremiah Irons, Lt. Peter Aldrich, Ens. William Eddy. May. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Hoyle, Maj. Wm. Potter (of Smithfield). Providence Company: Capt. Samuel Black, Lt. Asa Franklin, Ens. Ezekiel Burr. Cranston Company: Capt. John Burton, Lt. William Burton, Ens. Elisha Carpenter. Johnston and North Providence Company: Capt. Israel Angell, Lt. John Violl, Ens. Joy Ladd. Cumberland Company: Capt. Levi Tower, Lt. Benjamin S. Walcut, Ens. Gilbert Grant. Scituate Company: Capt. Jonathan Smith, Lt. Samuel Wilbour, Ens. Daniel Fisk, Jr. Foster Company: Capt. John Johnston, Lt. Joseph Davis, Ens. Samuel Perkins. June. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Samuel Aldrich (5th). May. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Samuel J. Potter. 473 1789. May. 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Gavet, Maj. George Stillman. Charlestown-1st Company: Capt. Jonathan Macomber, Lt. Jeremiah Taylor, Ens. Ethan Crandall. 2nd Company: Capt. William Card (son of Joshua), Lt. Winm. Kinyon (son of Joseph), Ens. Gideon Holway. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Charles Dyre, Maj. James Gardner. Exeter-1st Company: Capt. Robert Reynolds (son of George), Lt. Daniel Sunderlin, Jr., Ens. John Herrenden. 2nd Company: Capt. Stephen Lewis, Lt. Gardner Lillibridge, Ens. John Tefft. 3d Company: Capt. Abraham Wilcox, Jr., Lt. John Lewis, Ens. Roger Sheldon. June. North Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Stutely Hill, Lt. John Peirce, Ens. Hezekiah Remington. 2nd Company: Capt. Henry Northup, Lt. Hutchinson Cole, Ens. Charles Dyre, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. John Brown, Jr., Lt Phoenix Brown, Ens. William Congdon, Jr.* 4th Company: Capt. Samuel Phillips, Lt. John Shearman (son of John), Ens. William Congdon, Jr.*May. 3d Regiment —Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Potter, Maj. Timothy Lock, Jr. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Charlestown Company: Capt. James Peckham, Lt. Stephen Stanton, Ens. Joseph Davis. June. North Kingstown Company: Capt. Samuel Dyre, Lt. John Cozzens, Ens. George Tennant. May. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Holden. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Allen Johnston, Maj. Jas. Arnold (son of Jas.). * The appointment of the same Gentleman in Two Companies is an Error in the original Vote, which the Secretary could not rectify. 60 474 1789. May. Warwick-2nd Company: Capt. Nicholas Arnold, Lt. Anthony Arnold, Ens. Othniel Wightman. 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Westcott. Lt. Edward Stafford, Ens. Samuel Gorton (son of Jonathan). East Greenwich —st Company: Capt. John Fry, Lt. Thomas Hall, Ens. James Peirce. 2nd Company: Capt. William Briggs, Lt. William Gardner, Ens. Amos Vaughan. June. Warwick-lst Company: Capt. Moses Arnold, Lt. Thomas Warner, Ens. John Randall. May. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Archibald Kasson, Maj. Caleb Greene (son of Philip). West Greenwich-1st Company: Capt. Caleb Carr, Lt. William H. Davis, Ens. Obadiah Mathewson. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Weaver, Lt. Peleg Sweet, Ens. Thomas Mathewson (son of Uriah). 3d Company: Capt. Sammuel Tanner, Lt. David Mathewson, Jr., Ens. Hezekiah Gorton. Coventry-1st Company: Capt. Stephen Greene, Lt. John J. Kilton, Ens. William Johnston. 2nd Company: Capt. William Roy, Lt. Joseph Wicks, Jr., Ens. Jonathan Weaver (son of Joseph). 3d Company: Capt. Job Mathewson, Lt. Jonathan Nichols (2nd), Ens. Ben-j. Greene. June. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Rice, Lt. Silas Westcot, Ens. William Bates. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: West Greenwich Company: Capt. Caleb Greene (son of Benjamin), Lt. John Johnston, Ens. Ezekiel Mathewson. Coventry Company: Capt. Abel Bennet, Lt. Job Greene (son of Charles), Ens. Joseph Manchester. 475 1789. June. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Thomas Rice (son of Thomas), Lt. Amos Jones, Ens. Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb. May. Independent Companies: Providence United Train of Artillery: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lieut.-Col. Levi Hall, Maj. Robert Taylor, Capt. Gershom Jones, Lieut. Joseph Burrill. Gloucester Light Infantry: Capt. Elijah Armstrong, 1st Lieut. Elisha Brown, Jr., 2nd Lieut. Benjamin Hawkins, Ens. Eleazer Harris. North Kingstown Rangers: Capt. Beriah Waite, 1st Lieut. Robert Eldred, 2nd Lieut. Giles Pierce, Ens. Gardner Reynolds. Exeter, Washington Independent Company: Capt. Stephen Waite, 1st Lt. Christ. Peirce, 2nd Lt. Vincent Gardner. Charlestown Independent Company: Capt. Jonathan Hazard, 1st Lieut. Ethan Crandall, 2nd Lieut. Joseph Holway, Ens. Henry Greene. June. Coventry Rangers: Capt. John McGregor, 1st Lt. John Randall, 2nd Lt. Wm. Waterman. Oct. Pawtuxet Rangers: Same officers to continue as last election. 1790. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Othniel Gorton, Chief. Daniel Owen, Sylvester Robinson, Walter Cooke, Ezekiel Gardner, Jr. Clerk, Newport County, John Grelea. " Providence " Samuel Eddy. " Washington " Adam Helme. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Allen Fry. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Thos. Freebody, Chief. Thomas Peckham, Clerk. Jonathan Freeborn, 476 1790. May. Newport County: Gideon Wanton, Oliver Durfee, William Davis, Sheriff. Fobes Little. Sept. Wm. Anthony (2nd), Jonathan Freeborn, Deceased, others below advanced. May. Providence County: Caleb Harris, Chief. James Fenner, Clerk. Abraham Mathewson, John Burton, Jr., Stephen Steere, Nehemiah Knight, Sheriff. Andrew Harris. Washington County: Freeman Perry, Chief. George H. Peckham, Clerk. Robert Potter, Feb. Stephen Hassard, during illRobert Stanton, ness of Geo. H. Peckham. Benjamin Hoxsie, Jr., Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Ezekiel Gardner, Jr., Sept. Daniel Sunderlin, in room of Ezekiel Gardner, Jr., appointed on Superior Court. May. Bristol County: Samuel Allen, Chief. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. Elkanah Humphry, James Miller, Jacob Saunders, Shubael Kinnicut, Sheriff. Joseph Read. June. Representatives Congress of United States: Joseph Stanton, Jr., Theodore Foster. Sept. Representative in Congress: Benjamin Bourn. Oct. Theodore Foster, Senator from March next. Benjamin Bourn, Representative May. Kent County: Stephen Arnold, Chief. Benjamin Howland, Clerk. Anthony Low, Isaac Johnson, Joseph Fry, Jonathan Niles, Sheriff. Benjamin Johnson. Ambrose Page, Judge of Court of Admiralty. John Grelea, Public Notary, Town and County Newport. Sam'l Chace, Public Notary, Town and County Providence. John Wanton (son of James), Collector District of Newport. Gideon Wanton, Naval officer " 477 1790. May. Edward Thurston, Surveyor Port of Newport. Ebenezer Thompson, Collector District of Providence. Theodore Foster, Naval officer " William Tyler, Surveyor Port of Providence. Zachariah Rhodes, Robert Eldred, Thomas Brand, Samuel Bosworth, Samuel Miller, Job Comstock, " Pawtuxet. North Kingstown. c" Pawcatuck River. Bristol. C" Warren and Barrington. " East Greenwich and part of Warwick. Oct. Jonathan J. Hazard, Agent to adjust Claims of State upon United States. John S. Dexter, Agent to adjust Claims of State upon United States. June. George Olney, Commissioner of Claims against' United States. Daniel Updike, Clerk of House. Committee for Collecting amount due on Interest Bonds: The General Treasurer for Counties of Newport and Bristol. John Sayles, for County of Providence. James Sheldon, " Washington. Jonathan Gorton, " Kent. Ass. Att.-Gen. William Channing. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: * Providence: John Grelea, Daniel Cooke, Peleg Barker, Jr., John Mawney, Timothy Waterhouse, Samuel Sampson, Thomas Arnold, Benjamin Bourn, Henry Sherburne, Robert Newell, John Townsend, William Wheaton, William Borden, Benjamin Turpin, John Banister, John Dorrance, Robert Taylor, James Arnold, Daniel Lyman, William Tyler (2nd), William Crooke, William Thurber, Thomas Peckham. Daniel Tourtellot, Providence: David Howell, Theodore Foster, Nathaniel Wheaton. Samuel Chace, 478 1790. May. Portsmouth: Giles Lawton, Jr., Elijah Cobb, Gideon Dennis, Abraham Anthony, Jr., Tillinghast Almy, William Anthony, Jr., John Shearman, Job Durfee, William Almy, Joseph Brownell. Warwick; Thomas Rice, Peleg Salsbury, Benjamin Barton, James Arnold, Jr., Joseph Brown, Ray Greene, Anthony Holden, Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb), Peter Greene. Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Simeon Burdick, George Stillman, Joseph Clarke, Phinehas Clarke. North Kingstown: Eber Shearman, George Thomas (son of Sam.), Samuel Dyre, Jonathan Bates, William Reynolds, Benedict Dayton, William Northup. South Kingstown: George H. Peckham, Caleb Tefft, Samuel Curtis, Rowland Brown, Daniel Shearman, Isaac Tanner, Elisha R. Potter, South Kingstown: John Segar, John Gardner. East Greenwich: Benjamin Howland, Stephen Greene, James Sweet, Robert Bailey, George Spencer (son of Jeremiah), Hopkins Cooke. Glocester: Zebedee Hopkins, John Smith (son of Benjamin), Timothy Wilmarth, Stephen Winsor, Nathaniel Wade, Samuel Winsor, Jesse Winsor. Charlestown: Stephen Hoxsie, John Collier, Jonathan Macomber, Ichabod Burdick, Simeon Burdick, Peleg Cross. West Greenwich: Samuel Hopkins, Jonathan Deane, Levi Whitford, John Parker, Ishmael Nichols, Amos Jaqways, George Potter. Coventry: William Stone, Benjamin Arnold, Joseph Manchester Benjamin Greene, Job Greene, Joseph Wickes, Francis Brayton. 479 1790. May. Exeter: Daniel Sunderlin, Phinehas Kinyon, Stephen Reynolds, Jeffery Wilcox, Nicholas Gardner (son of Ezekiel), John Richmond. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Elisha Allen, Parker Hall. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Amos Hall, John Usher, Josiah Finney, Lemuel Clarke. Tiverton: Thomas Durfee, Philip Gray, John Almy, Elihu Hicks, Nathaniel Shaw. Little Compton: Adam Simmons, Enos Giffard, Thomas Palmer. Warren: William Barton, William T. Miller, Benjamin Barton, Edward Chace. Cumberland: John S. Dexter, Levi Ballou, Simon Wilkinson, Ju Elijah Brown. Richmond: Thomas Tefft, James Sheldon, George Webb, Samuel Clarke, Peter Clarke, Edmund Burdiok. Cranston: William Warner, Joseph Potter, Peter Stone, Zachariah Rhodes, Elisha Williams, Stephen Sheldon. Hopkinton: David Nichols, Robert Burdick, Josiah Whitter, Thomas P. Gardner, Daniel White, Randall Wells. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Joseph Borden, Jr., Benjamin Kimball, Pardon Fenner. North Providence: Hope Angell, Esek Esten, Gideon Olney, Caleb Jenckes. Barrington: Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler, Asa Bicknall, Josiah Humphry, Jr. Foster: John Westcot, William Greene, Jonathan Hopkins, Jr., Daniel Howard, Angell Sweet, William Tyler. ne. Johnston: Joshua Remington. Exeter: Jonathan Lillibridge. Little Compton: Ezra Chace. Westerly: Samuel Bliven. 480 1790. June. Glocester: Seth Hunt. North Kingstown: Ebenezer Herrington Coventry: John Rice, South Kingstown: John P. Peckham. Sept. Warwick: James Jerauld. Smithfield: Stephen Arnold, Stephen Brayton, John Sayles, Emor Smith, Benoni Paine. Scituate: John Harris, Gideon Cornell, Scituate: Josiah Colvin, John Wilbur,. John Hill, Daniel Westcot, Richard Smith. Exeter: Benjamin Champlin. North Providence: Ezekiel Whipple. Oct. Providence: Amos M. Atwell, Samuel Eddy. Tiverton: Lemuel Taber, Abraham Barker. Cranston: Elisha Williams. May. Militia of the State: Major-General Joseph Stanton, Jr. Adjutant-General George Waterman. Quartermaster-General John Mathewson. Commissary-General Charles Holden. Physician and Purveyor-General John Gould, Jr. Newport County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. John Malbone. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Arnold, Maj. John Manchester. Portsmouth Company: Capt. George Hall (son of Benj.), Lt. George Sisson, Ens. Job Sisson. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Paine, Ens. John Gorton. Jamestown Company: Capt. John Franklin, Lt. John Remington, Ens. Peleg Card, Jr. Middletown Company: Capt. William Peckham, Lt. Isaac Barker, Ens. Oliver Cornell. Oct. Major-General Thomas Holden, in room of Joseph Stanton Jr., who resigned. Sept. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benj amin Howland, Jr. 481 1790. May. Maj. John Davis. Tiverton-lst Company: Capt. Joseph Bailey, Lt. William Sanford, Jr., Ens. Benjamin Cooke. 2nd Company: Capt. Thomas Durfee, Lt. Godfrey Perry, Ens. Peleg Corey. 3d Company: Capt. Richard Durfee, Lt. Edward Baley, Ens. Jonathan Borden. Little Compton —st Company: Capt. Joseph Palmer, Lt. Jonathan Taylor, Ens. Isaac Simmons. 2nd Company: Capt. Billings Greenell, Lt. Barnabas Clap, Ens. Wm. Richmond (2nd). Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant David Barton, Maj. Joseph Reynolds. Warren-1st Company: Capt. Barnard Luther, Lt. Allen Cole, Ens. Seth Snell. 2nd Company: Capt. Edward Mason, Lt. Gardner Mason, Ens. Joseph Barton. Sept. Bristol Company: Capt. Benj. Wardwell, Lt. Joseph Whipple Greene, Ens. Thos. Church. Barrington Company: Capt. John Short, Jr., Lt. Benjamin Drown, Jr. Oct. Ens. Samuel Barnes. Senior Class Regiment-Newport and Bristol Counties: Maj. Loring Peck. Bristol County Company: Capt. Solomon Peck, Lt. Benj. Bosworth (2nd), Ens. Nathan Bardin. Portsmouth and Middletown Company: Capt. John Earle, Lt. Gideon Shearman, Ens. John Anthony. John Carr, Gunner at Fort Washington. May. Providence County Brigade: 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Mawney, Maj. William Potter. Providence —st Company: Capt. Charles'Holden, Lt. John Burrough, Ens. Nicholas Branch. 2nd Company: Capt. Nathaniel Dummer, Lt. Jonathan W. Coy, Ens. Thomas Young. 3d Company: Capt. Philip Martin, Lt. Benjamin Keene, Ens. Charles Smith. 61 482 1790. May. 4th Company: Capt. William Brownell, Lt. Pardon Mason, Ens. Charles Sampson. Cranston-2nd Company: Capt. Jonathan Sprague, Jr., Lt. Nathaniel Williams, Jr., Ens. Zuriel Waterman. 3d Company: Capt. Pardon Burlingame, Lt. Gideon Manchester, Ens. Sylvester Potter. Johnston-lst Company: Capt. Joshua Remington, Lt. Benjamin Atwood, Ens. Olney Harris. 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Kimbal, Lt. Abra'm Belknap, Jr., Ens. Gideon Brown, Jr. North Providence Company: Capt. Stephen Abbott, Lt. Hezekiah Olney, Ens. Comfort Jenckes. Oct. Cranston —st Company: Capt. Hopkins Hudson, Lt. Samuel Warner, Ens. Randall Smith. May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Levi Barnes, Maj. Amaziah Weatherhead. Cumberland —st Company: Capt. Nathaniel Scott, Lt. William Kent, Ens. Amos Follett. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Follett, Lt. John Butterworth, Ens. Joseph Staples. Sept. Smithfield —lst Company: Capt. Benjamin Ballou, Lt. Daniel Sayles, Ens. Joshua Jenckes. 2nd Company: Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Ens. John Sayles (3d). 3d Company: Capt. Samuel Holmes, Lt. Zenos Winsor, Ens. Thomas Applebee. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, Maj. Nehemiah Angell. Foster —st Company: Capt. Samuel Potter, Lt. Caleb Foster, Ens. Job Johnson. 2nd Company: Capt. Isaac Paine, Lt. Richard Cole, Ens. Simeon Seamans. 4th Company: Capt. Christopher Colwell, Lt. Squire Bucklin, Jr., Ens. Wm. Walker. Sept. Scituate-1st Company: Capt. Thomas Relph, Lt. Eleazer Collins, Ens. Jeremiah Baker. 483 1790. Sept. 2nd Company: Capt. Nath'l Medbury, Lt. Joseph Fenner, Ens. Abner Burlingame. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Wood, Lt. Nathan Walker. Ens. Benajah Knight. 4th Company: Capt. Gideon Harris, Lt. Resolved Smith, Ens. Levi Seamans. Foster-3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Fry, Lt. Abraham Phillips, Ens. Arthur Bennett. May. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Winsor, Maj. Henry Wheeler. Glocester-1st Company: Capt. Thomas Mitchell, Lt. Thomas Winsor. Sept. Ens. William Wheeler. 2nd Company: Capt. Israel Cooke, Lt. Rufus Williams, Ens. Stephen Smith (son of John). 3d Company: Capt. Anan Winsor, Lt. Stukely Turner, Ens. Caleb Arnold. Sept. 4th Company: Capt. William Eddy, Lt. George Hunt, Ens. Pitts Smith. May. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Hoyle, Maj. Win. Potter (of Smithfield). Providence Company: Capt. Samuel Black; Lt. Asa Franklin, Ens. Ezekiel Burr. Cranston Company: Capt. John Burton, Lt. William Burton, Ens. Elisha Carpenter. Johnston and North Providence Company: Capt. Israel Angell, Lt. John Violl, Ens. Joy Ladd. Cumberland Company: Capt. Levi Tower, Lt. Benjamin S. Walcut, Ens. Gilbert Grant. Foster Company: Capt. John Johnson, Lt. Joseph Davis, Ens. Samuel Perkins. Sept. Scituate Company: Capt. Jonathan Smith, Lt. Samuel Wilbur, Ens. Daniel Fisk, Jr. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Richard Sayles, Jr. 484 1790. May. Washington County Brigade: 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Gavet, Maj. George Stillman. Westerly-3d Company: Capt. Samuel Clarke, Lt. George Champlin, Ens. Nathaniel Stillman. Charlestown —st Company: Capt. Jonathan Macomber, Lt. Jeremiah Taylor, Ens. Ethan Crandall. 2nd Company: Capt. Wm. Card (son of Joshua), Lt. Win. Kinyon (son of Joseph), Ens. Gideon Holway. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: Exeter-1st Company: Capt. Daniel Sunderlin, Jr., Lt. John Herrenden, Ens. George Reynolds (son of Robert). 2nd Company: Capt. Stephen Lewis, Lt. Jabez Sweet, Ens. Jeremiah Pemberton. 3d Company: Capt. Abraham Wilcox, Jr., Lt. Roger Sheldon, Ens. Benjamin Lewis. Sept. North Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Stukely Hill, Lt. John Pierce, Ens. Hezekiah Remington. 2nd Company: Capt. Henry Northup, Lt. Hutchinson Cole, Ens. Charles Dyre, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. John Brown, Jr., Lt. Phoenix Brown. 4th Company: Capt. Samuel Phillips, Lt. John Shearman (son of John), Ens. William Congdon, Jr. 3d Regiment-Washington County: South Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Paris Gardner, Lt. Daniel Tefft (son of Benjamin), Ens. William Steadman. 2nd Company: Capt. Robert G. Sands, Lt. Elisha Potter (son of Benjamin), Ens. Timothy Peckham, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Champlin, Lt. John Weeden, Ens. Joseph Hull, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Shearman, Lt. Jeremiah Knowles, Ens. John Gardner, Jr. Richmond-lst Company: Capt. George Webb, Jr., Lt. George James, Ens. William James. 2nd Company: Capt. Thomas Webster Kinyon, Lt. Weeden Clarke, Ens. James Potter. 485 1790. Sept. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas James, Maj. Walter White. May. Charlestown Company: Capt. James Peckham, Lt. Stephen Stanton, Ens. Joseph Davis. North Kingstown Company: Capt. Samuel Dyre, Lt. John Cozzens, Ens. George Tenant. Exeter Company: Capt. Samuel Bissell, Lt. Oliver Spink, Ens. Ebenezer Wilcox. Sept. South Kingstown Company: Capt. William Taylor, Lt. Gardner W. Mumford, Ens. James Cotterell. Richmond Company: Capt. John Woodmansie, Lt. Augustus Sheldon, Ens. Benj. Hoxsie. May. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Holden. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Allen Johnson, Maj. Jas. Arnold (son of Jas.). Warwick —st Company: Capt. John Warner (2nd), Lt. Benjamin Green (son of Benjamin), Ens. George Arnold. 2nd Company: Capt. James Greene (3d), Lt. Benedict Arnold (2nd), Ens. Joseph Arnold (son of Joseph). 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Westcot, Lt. Edward Stafford, ~~- ~ Ens. Samuel Gorton (son of Jonathan). East Greenwich —st Company: Capt. John Fry, Lt. John Hall, Ens. Caleb Coggeshall. 2nd Company: Capt. William Briggs, Lt. William Gardner, Ens. Amos Vaughan. Oct. East Greenwich-1st Company: Lieut., Thomas Hall, instead of John Hall, entered by mistake. May. 2hd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Archibald Kasson, Maj. Caleb Greene (son of Philip). West Greenwich-1st Company: Capt. Caleb Carr, Lt. William H. Davis, Ens. Karmey Whitford. 2nd Company: Capt. Peleg Sweet, Lt. Warren Mathewson, Ens. James Weaver. 486 1790. May. 3d Company: Capt. Sam'l Tanner, Lt. David Mathewson, Jr., Ens. Hezekiah Gorton. Coventry-3d Company: Capt. Job Mathewson, Lt. Jonathan Nichols (2nd), Ens. Benj. Greene. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Rice, Lt. Samuel Blanchard, Ens. Reuben Potter. Sept. 1st Company: Capt. Rufus Brayton, Lt. John Cooke, Ens. Joseph Colvin. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Wickes, Jr., Lt. Jonathan Weaver, Ens. John Weaver. Oct. West Greenwich-3d Company: Capt. David Culver. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Oct. Lt.-Col. Commandant Isaac Johnson, Maj. Jos. Arnold (son of Caleb). May. West Greenwich Company: Capt. John Johnson, Lt. Ezekiel Mathewson, Ens. Job Herrenden. Coventry Company: Capt. Abel Bennett, Lt. Nicholas Whitford, Ens. Joseph Manchester. Independent Companies: The United Train of Artillery-Providence: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lieut.-Col. Robert Taylor, Maj. Gershom Jones, Capt. Nathan Fisher, Lt. John Carlisle, Jr. Glocester Light Infantry: Capt. Elijah Armstrong, 1st Lieut. Elisha Brown, Jr., 2nd Lieut. Benjamin Hawkins, Ens. Eleazer Harris. Coventry Rangers: Capt. John McGregor, 1st Lieut. John Randall, 2nd Lieut. William Waterman, Ens. Job Greene, Jr. Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lieut. Israel Arnold, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Corpe, Ens. Oliver Paine. Exeter Washington Independent Company: Capt. Stephen Waite, 1st Lieut. Christopher Peirce, 2nd Lieut. Vinson Gardner, Ens. Samuel Smith. North Kingstown Rangers: Capt. Beriah Waite, Lt. Gardner Reynolds, 2nd Lieut. John Westcot, Ens. Rowland-Hazard. 487 1790. May. Cranston Blues: Capt. Joseph Potter, 1st Lieut. Abraham Andrews, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Williams, Ens. Joseph Burton. Sept. Captain-General's Cavaliers: Capt. Daniel Manton, 1st Lt. Ezekiel Searle, 2nd Lt. Edw. Manton, Cornet Nehemiah Sheldon, Quartermaster Rufus Steere. 1791. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Daniel Owen, Chief. Sylvester Robinson, Walter Cooke, Ezekiel Gardner, Jr., Thomas Tillinghast. Clerk, Newport County, John Grelea. " Providence " Samuel Eddy. " Washington " Adam Helme. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Allen Fry. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Thos. Freebody, Chief. Gideon Manton, Oliver Durfee, Fobes Little, William Anthony, Jr. Providence County: Caleb Harris, Chief. Abraham Mathewson, John Burton, Jr., Stephen Steere, Andrew Harris. Washington County: Freeman Perry, Chief. Robert Potter, Robert Stanton, John Allen, Daniel Sunderlin. Bristol County: Samuel Allen, Chief. Elkanah Humphry, William Barton, Thomas Peckham, Clerk. William Davis, Sheriff. James Fenner, Clerk. Nehemiah Knight, Sheriff. Stephen Hassard, Clerk. Beriah Brown, Sheriff. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. 488 1791. May. Bristol County: John Howland, Richard Smith, Sheriff. Peter Church. Kent County: Stephen Arnold, Chief. Benjamin Howland, Clerk. Anthony Low, Isaac Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Niles, Sheriff. Stephen Greene (of East Greenwich). John Grelea, Public Notary, Town and County, Newport. Samuel Chace, " " Providence. Henry Sherburne, Commissioner to settle accounts with United States, in room of John S. Dexter, who resigned. Oct. Collectors on Interest Bonds: Joseph Clarke, for County of Newport. John Sayles, " Providence. Edward Perry, " Washington. William Barton, " Bristol. Jonathan Gorton, " Kent. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Providence: John Grelea, John Dorrance, Peleg Barker, Jr., James Arnold, Timothy Waterhouse, William Tyler, 2, Thomas Arnold, William Thurber, Henry Sherburne, Daniel Tourtellot, John Townsend, David Howell, William Borden, Nathaniel Wheaton, John Banister, Amos M. Atwell, Robert Taylor, Samuel Eddy, William Crooke, James Fenner, Thomas Peckham, Asher Robbins, Edmund T. Ellery, Amasa Gray, John Faxon, Wheeler Martin. Oliver R. Warner, Portsmouth: Christopher Ellery. Giles Lawton, Jr., Providence: Elijah Cobb, Samuel Chace, Gideon Dennis, Daniel Cooke, Abraham Anthony, Jr., John Mawney, Tillinghast Almy, Samuel Sampson, John Shearman, Robert Newell, Job Durfee, William Wheaton, William Almy, Benjamin Turpin, Joseph Brownell. I 489 1791. May. Warwick: Thomas Rice, Peleg Salsbury, Benjamin Barton, James Arnold, Jr., Ray Greene, Anthony Holden, Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb), Peter Greene, James Jerauld, James Rhodes (son of Robert). Westerly: Joseph Crandall, Simeon Burdick, George Stillman, Joseph Clarke, Samuel Bliven, Samuel Brown. North Kingstown: George Thomas (son of Samuel), Samuel Arnold, William Corey, Benedict Dayton, William Reynolds, William Northup, Jonathan Bates, William Spencer, Daniel Updike, Thomas Cole. South Kingstown: Stephen Hassard, Caleb Tefft, Samuel Curtis, Rowland Brown, Daniel Shearman, Isaac Tanner, Adam Helne, John Seagar, John Gardiner, John Waite, Samuel Gardiner, Jr., Samuel Helme. East Greenwich: Benjamin Howland, James Sweet, George Spencer, Robert Bailey, Hopkins Cooke, Robert Hall, Thomas Hall. Smithfield: Stephen Arnold, Stephen Brayton, John Sayles, Emor Smith, John Man, John Paine, Elisha Olney. Scituate: John Harris, Gideon Cornell, Josiah Colvin, Daniel Westcot, Theophilus Blackmar, Job Randall, Simeon Arnold. Glocester: Zebedee Hopkins, John Smith (son of Benjamin), Timothy Wilmarth, Stephen Winsor, Nathaniel Wade, Samuel Winsor, Jesse Winsor, Seth Hunt, Richard Steere, Jr., Israel Cooke. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Stephen Hoxsie, James Congdon, Jonathan Macomber, Simeon Babcock. West Greenwich: Samuel Hopkins, Jonathan Deane, 490 1791. May. West Greenwich: Levi Whitford, John Parker, Ishmael Nichols. Coventry: William Stone, Francis Brayton, Joseph Manchester, Benjamin Greene, Job Greene, Joseph Wickes, Jr. Exeter: George Pierce, Stephen Reynolds, Jeffery Wilcox, Nicholas Gardner (son of Ezekiel), John Richmond, Jonathan Lillibridge, Benjamin Champlin, Thomas Albro, Lillibridge Barber, Jeffery jIazard, Stephen Champlin. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Elisha Allen, Parker Hall. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Amos Haile, John Usher, Josiah Finney, Lemuel Clarke. Tiverton: Thomas Durfee, Lemuel Taber, Abraham Barker, Bedford Dennis. Little Compton: Adams Simmons, Enos Giffard, Thomas Palmer, Ezra Chace. Warren: William Barton, William T. Miller, Benjamin Barton, Edward Chace. Cumberland: John S. Dexter, Levi Ballou, Simon Wilkinson, Elijah Brown, Amaziah Weatherhead. Richmond: Thomas Tefft, James Sheldon, Edmund Burdick, George Webb, Jr., Jonathan Kinyon, James Potter, Remington Clarke. Cranston: William Warner, Joseph Potter, Elisha Williams, John R. Arnold, Joseph-Aborn, Jeremiah Randall, John A. Burton, Stephen Sheldon, Jr., Caleb Williams. Hopkinton: David Nichols, Robert Burdick, Josiah Winter, Thomas P. Gardner, Randall Wells, Daniel Babcock. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Joseph Borden, Jr., Benjamin Kimball, William B. King, Cyrus Harris. North Providence: Hope Angell, Esek Esten, 491 1791. May. North Providence: Gideon Olney, Caleb Jenckes, Ezekiel Whipple. Jul Barrington: Solomon Townsend, Jr., Moses Tyler, Asa Bicknall, Josiah Humphry, Jr., Joshua Bicknall. Foster: John Westcot, William Greene, William Tyler, Daniel Howard, Zabar Hopkins, 0 Foster: Caleb Potter, Simeon Seamans. ne. Glocester: William Arnold. West Greenwich: Amos Jaquas, Job Spencer. Smithfield: Timothy Deane. Charlestown: Ichabod Burdick, Nathan Taylor. Warren: James Miller. ct. West Greenwich: Geo. Potter, 8th Justice. Feb. Warren: James Miller, 1st, in room of William Barton, chosen Judge, Inferior Court. May. Militia.of the State: Major-General Thomas Holden. Adjutant-General Simeon Barton. Quartermaster-General John Mathewson. Commissary-General George Waterman. Physician and Purveyor-General John Gould. Feb. Inspector of Militia, Bennett Wheeler. May. Newport County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. John Malbone. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Arnold, Maj. Benjamin Brownell. Portsmouth Company: Capt. George Hall (son of Benj.), Lt. George Sisson, Ens. Job Sisson. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Paine, Ens. John Gorton. Jamestown Company: Capt. John Remington, Lt. Peleg Carr, Jr., Ens. Daniel Howland. Middletown Company: Capt. Isaac Barker, Lt. Oliver Cornell, Ens. Clarke Taggart. 492 1791. May. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Howland, Maj. John Davis. Little Compton —st Company: Capt. John Bailey, Lt. Isaac Simmons, Ens. Nathaniel Simmons. 2nd Company: Capt. Barnabas Clap, Lt. William Richmond, 2nd, Ens. David Hillard, Jr. John Carr, Gunner at Fort Washington. Oct. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Allen, Maj. Joseph Reynolds. Feb. 2nd Maj. Ichabod Cole. Oct. Warren-lst Company: Capt. Joseph Adams, Lt. Benjamin Cole, 2nd, Ens. William Hoar. Barrington Company: Capt. Josiah Humphry, Jr., Lt. Samuel Barnes, Ens. Benjamin Martin. Feb. Bristol Company: Capt. Benjamin Wardwell, Lt. Joseph Greene, Ens. Thomas Church. May. Senior Class Regiment-Newport and-Bristol Counties: Maj. Loring Peck. Portsmouth and Middletown Company: Capt. John Earle, Lt. Gideon Shearman, Ens. John Anthony. Little Compton Company: Capt. Nathaniel Church, Lt. Cornelius Briggs, Ens. Isaac Bailey. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Simeon Thayer. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Mawney, Maj. Wm. Potter (of Cranston). Providence-ist Company: Capt. Joseph Allen, Lt. Jeremiah Jenckes, Ens. Esek Dexter. 2nd Company: Capt. Jonathan W. Coy, Lt. Robert Taylor, Ens. Benjamin Andrews. 3d Company: Capt Philip Martin, Lt. Ezekiel Burr, Ens. George Weeden. 4th Company: Capt. Bennett Wheeler, Lt. Daniel Proud, Ens. Charles Sampson. Cranston —st Company: Capt. Hopkins Hudson, Lt. Samuel Warner, Ens. Nicholas Randall. 493 1791. May. 3d Company: Capt. Pardon Burlingame, Lt. Gideon Manchester, Ens. Sylvester Potter. Johnston —st Company: Capt. Benjamin Atwood, Lt. Caleb Remington, Ens. Caleb Williams. 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Kimball, Lt. Isaac Winsor, Ens. Jeremiah Sheldon. North Providence Company: Capt. Stephen Abbott, Lt. Comfort Jenckes, Ens. -- Whipple. June. Providence-2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Linley, in room of Jona. W. Coy, who declined. 4th Company: Ens. Calvin Wheaton, in room of Charles Sampson, who declined. Cranston-2nd Company: Capt. Jonathan Knight, Lt. Henry Whitman, Ens. Rhodes Fenner. Feb. 1st Regiment-Providence and North Providence: 1st Major Philip Martin, 2nd Major Bennett Wheeler. Providence-2nd Company: Lieut. Benjamin Andrews, Ens. George R. Burrell. 3d Company: Capt. Ezekiel Burr, Lt. George Weeden, Ens. William Snow. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Proud, Lt. Jeremiah Eddy. 1st Company: Lieut. George Tillinghast, Ens. Jeremiah Howell. 5th Company: Capt. Jeremiah Jenckes, Lt. Esek Dexter, Ens. Eber Coleman. May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Aldrich, Maj. Amaziah Weatherhead. Feb. 2nd Maj. Daniel Arnold. May. Smithfield-2nd Company: Capt. Daniel Arnold, Lt. Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Ens. John Sayles, 3d. 3d Company: Capt. Samuel Holmes, Lt. Zenos Winsor, Ens. Thomas Applebee. Cumberland-lst Company: Capt. William Kent, Lt. John Grant, Jr., Ens. John Walcut. 494 1791. May. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Follett, Lt. John Butterworth, Ens. Ziba Ballou. June. Smithfield-lst Company: Capt. Augustus Aldrich, Lt. Nathan Dexter, Ens. Abraham Angell. Oct. Smithfield-lst Company: Capt. Nathan Dexter, Lt. Abraham Angell, Ens Adam Jenckes. Ens. Moses Aldrich, 2nd Company. Ens. Job Angell, Jr., 3d Company. Cumberland-2nd Company: Capt. William Ballou, Ens. Baruch Aldrich. Feb. Smithfield-2nd Company: Capt. Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Lt. Moses Aldrich, Ens. Arnold Paine, Jr. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, Maj. Nathaniel Medbury. Feb. 2nd Maj. Thomas Relph. May. Scituate —st Company: Capt. Thomas Relph, Lt. Eliezer Collins, Ens. Jeremiah Baker. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Fenner, Lt. Stephen Smith, 3d, Ens. John Potter, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Nathan Walker, Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ens. Samuel Wilbur, Jr. 4th Company: Capt Gideon Harris, Lt. Resolved Smith, Ens. Timothy Hopkins. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Winsor, Maj. Henry Wheeler. Feb. 2nd Maj. Thomas Mitchel. May. Glocester-1st Company: Capt. Thomas Mitchel, Lt. Thomas Winsor, Ens. William Wheeler. 2nd Company: Capt. Israel Cooke, Lt. Rufus Williams, Ens. Jesse Cooke. 3d Company: Capt. Amos Winsor, Lt. Jonathan Cowen, Ens. Isaac Wade. 4th Company: Capt. Willard Eddy, Lt. George Hunt, Ens. Pitts Smith. 495 1791. May. 5th Company: Capt. Edward Greene, Lt. Jabez Arnold, Ens. Oliver Cornell. 5th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Nehemiah Angell, Maj. Francis Fuller. June. Foster-1st Company: Capt. Caleb Potter, Lt. Thomas Parker, Jr., Ens. George Baker, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Isaac Paine, Lt. Richard Cole, Ens. Simeon Seamans. 3d Company: Capt. Abraham Phillips, Lt. Ashur Bennet, Ens. Nathaniel Stone. 4th Company: Capt. Hugh Cole, Lt. Levi Round, Ens. Jason Pray. Feb. Cranston and Johnston: 6th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Potter, 1st Maj. Benjamin Atwood, 2nd Maj. Philip Arnold. May. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Hoyle, Maj. Wm. Potter (of Smithfield). Providence Company: Capt. Samuel Black, Lt. Asa Franklin, Ens. Nathaniel Dana. Cranston Company: Capt. John Burton, Jr., Lt. William Burton, Ens. Elisha Carpenter. Johnston and North Providence Company: Capt. Israel Angell, Lt. John Violl, Ens. Joy Ladd. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowfy, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Richard Sayles, Jr. Cumberland Company: Capt. Benjamin S. Walcut, Lt. Gilbert Grant, Ens. Joseph Raze. Scituate Company: Capt. Jonathan Smith, Lt. Samuel Wilbur, Ens. Daniel Fisk, Jr. Glocester Company: Capt. Jonathan Eddy, Lt. Joctan Putnam, Ens. Eliakim Phettiplace. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. George Thurston. 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant George Stillman, Maj. Peleg Cross. 496 1791. Oct. Hopkinton-lst Company: Capt. Benj. Taylor, Lt. Jeremiah Thurston, Ens. Thomas Langworthy. 2nd Company: Capt. Robert Burdick, Jr., Lt. Clarke Wells, Ens. Clarke Burdick. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Barber, Lt. John S. Kinyon, Ens. Gardner Phillips. 4th Company: Capt. Henry Brightman, Lt. Phinehas Edwards, Ens. John Tanner. June. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: North Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Hezekiah Hill, Lt. Benjamin Reynolds (son of John), Ens. Silas Allen. 2nd Company: Capt. Henry Northup (son of Joseph), Lt. Hutchinson Cole, Ens. Nicholas C. Northup. 3d Company: Capt. John Brown, Jr., Lt. Phinehas Brown, Ens. Isaac Hall. 4th Company: Capt. Samuel Phillips (son of Thomas), Lt. Frederick Gardner, Ens. Daniel Congdon. Exeter-Ist Company: Capt. Daniel Sunderlin, Jr., Lt. George Reynolds (son of Robert), Ens. Augustis Sunderlin. 2nd Company: Capt. Stephen Lewis, Lt. Jeremiah Pemberton, Ens. Smith Tanner. 3d Company: Capt. Abraham Wilcox, Lt. Benjamin Lewis, Ens. Samuel Lewis. Senior Class-Washington County: North Kingstown Company: Capt. Stukely Hill, Lt. John Cozzens, Ens. George Tenant. Mav. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Archibald Kasson. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Allen Johnson, Maj. Jas. Arnold (son of Jas.). 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Rice, Maj. Caleb Greene (son of Philip). Coventry-3d Company: Capt. Jonathan Nichols, Lt. Benjamin Greene, Ens. Thomas Phillips. 4th Company: Capt. John Colegrove, Lt. Reuben Potter, Ens. Jonathan Briggs. 497 1791. June. 1st Company: Capt. Rufus Barton, Lt. James Wood, Ens. Samuel Johnson. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Wickes, Jr., Lt. Jona. Weaver, Ens. Ezekiel Whitford. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Coventry Company: Capt. Abel Bennett, Lt. John Greene, Ens. Jonathan Brayton.. May. Independent Companies: Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lieut. Israel Arnold, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Corpe, Ens. Oliver Paine. Coventry Rangers: Capt. John McGregor, 1st Lieut. Job Greene, Jr., 2nd Lieut. Thomas Waterman, 2nd, Ens. Bernard Mathewson. North Kingstown Rangers: Capt. Beriah Waite, 1st Lieut. Gardner Reynolds, 2nd Lieut. John Westcot, Ens. Beriah Brown, 3d. Glocester Light Infantry: Capt. Elijah Armstrong, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Hawkins, 2nd Lieut. Eleazer Harris, Ens. William Gadcomb. Exeter Washington Independent Company: Capt. Stephen Waite, 1st Lieut. Christopher Pierce, 2nd Lieut. Vinson Gardner, Ens. Nicholas Gardner. June. Captain-General's Cavaliers: Capt. Daniel Manton, 1st Lt. Ezekiel Searle, 2nd Lt. Edward Manton, Cornet Rufus Steere, Quarter-Master Israel Manchester. Oct. Cranston Blues: Capt. Joseph Potter, lst Lieut. Abraham Andrews, 2nd. Lieut. Caleb Williams, Ens. Joseph Burton. Smithfield Grenadiers: Capt. Samuel McClellan, 1st Lieut. Zenus Winsor, 2nd Lieut. John Jenckes, Jr., Ens. William Harris. The Governor's Independent Company of Light Infantry, of Providence: Capt. Benjamin Hoppin, 1st Lieut. Peter Taylor, 2nd Lieut. Robert Taylor, Jr., Ens. Thomas Williams. Feb. Scituate Light Infantry: Capt. Samuel Perry, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Boss, Jr., 2nd Lieut. Benjamin Medbury, Ens. Elisha Mathewson. 63 498 1791. Feb. Smithfield Federal Protectors: Capt. Zenos Winsor, 1st Lt. Joab Mathewson, 2nd Lieut. Peleg Peck, Ens. Job Aldrich, Jr. Smithfield Grenadiers: 1st Lt. Joseph Wilkinson, in room of Zenos Winsor, who declined. 1792. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Daniel Owen, Chief. Carder Hazard, Walter Cooke, Ezekiel Gardner, Jr., Thomas Tillinghast. Clerk, Newport County, John Grelea. " Providence " Samuel Eddy. " Washington " Adam Helme. " Bristol " Jonathan.Russell. " Kent " Allen Fry. Justices of the Inferior Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Thos. Freebody, Chief. Thomas Peel Constant Taber, Oliver Durfee, Perez Richmond, William Dav William Anthony, Jr. Providence County: Caleb Harris, Chief. James FennE Abraham Mathewson, John Burton, Jr., Stephen Steere, Nehemiah K John Dorrance. Bristol County: Samuel Allen, Chief. Daniel Brad Elkanah Humphrey, William Barton, John Howland, Richard Smi Stephen Smith. Kent County: Stephen Arnold, Chief. Benjamin H Anthony Low, Isaac Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Ni Stephen Greene (of East Greenwich). kham, Clerk. is, Sheriff. er, Clerk. Mnight, Sheriff. ford, Clerk. th, Sheriff. owland, Clerk. iles, Sheriff. 499 1792. June. Washington County: Syl. Gardner, Chief. May. Stephen Hassard, Clerk. Robert Potter, Robert Stanton, John Allen, May. Beriah Brown, Sheriff, Dec'd Aug. Daniel Sunderlin. Aug. Nicholas Gardner, Sheriff. May. John Grelea, Public Notary, Newport County. Sam'l Chace, Providence " George Thomas (son of Samuel), Public Notary, Washington County. Shearjashub Bourne, Public Notary, Bristol County. Hopkins Cooke, " Kent Oct. Representatives in Congress: Benjamin Bourn, Francis Malbone. 2nd Senator: William Bradford. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: John Grelea, Peleg Barker, Jr., Thomas Arnold, Henry Sherburne, John Townsend, William Borden, John Banister, Robert Taylor, William Crooke, Thomas Peckham, Edmund T. Ellery, John Faxon, Oliver R. Warner, Christopher Ellery, Henry Peckham. Providence: Samuel Chace, Daniel Cooke, John Mawney, Samuel Sampson, Robert Newell, William Wheaton, Benjamin Turpin, Providence: James Arnold, William Thurber, Nathaniel Wheaton, David Howell, William Tyler (2nd), Daniel Tourtellot, Samuel Eddy, James Fenner, Asher Robins, Amos M. Atwell, Samuel Thurber, Jr., James Burrill, Jr., Wheeler Martin. Portsmouth: Tillinghast Almy, Samuel Peirce, Jr., Henry Lawton, Samuel Shearman. Warwick; Benjamin Barton, Ray Greene, James Jerauld, Anthony Holden, 500 1792. May. WTarwick: Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb), Peter Greene, James Rhodes (son of Robert), William Lippitt, George Arnold. Westerly: Simeon Burdick, Rowse Babcock, Samuel Bliven, Joseph Clarke, Samuel Brown, John Sisson, James Sheffield. North Kingstown: George Thomas (son of Samuel), Daniel Updike, William Corey, Benedict Dayton, William Reynolds, William Northup, Oliver Gardner, Isaac Vaughan. South Kingstown: John Waite, Caleb Tefft, Samuel Curtis, Daniel Shearman, Isaac Tanner, John Seagar, Adam Helme, Samuel E. Gardiner, Samuel Helme, Barber Peckham, Samuel Hoxsie, Elisha R. Gardner. East Greenwich: Benjamin Howland, Hopkins Cooke, George Spencer, Robert Bailey, Rober Hall, East Greenwich: Thomas Hall, William Greene (son of Elisha). Smithfield: John Sayles, Stephen Arnold, John Man, John Paine, Elisha Olney, Timothy Dean, Duty Smith, Arthur Latham. Glocester: Zebedee Hopkins, John Smith (son of Benjamin), Timothy Wilmarth, Stephen Winsor, Nathaniel Wade, Samuel Winsor, Jesse Winsor, Seth Hunt, Richard Steere, Jr., Israel Cooke. West Greenwich: Thomas Tillinghast, Samuel Hopkins, Jonathan Dean, Levi Whitford, John Parker, Ismael Nichols, Job Spencer, Caleb Hall. Coventry: William Stone, Joseph Manchester, Benjamin Greene, Job Greene (son of Charles), Joseph Wickes, Jr., Joseph Rice. Exeter: Stephen Reynolds, Christopher Pierce, 501 1792. May. Exeter: Nicholas Gardner (son of Ezekiel), Thomas Albro, Samuel Gorton, Stephen Champlin, Jeffery Hazard. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Elisha Allen, Parker Hall. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, John Usher, Josiah Finney, Newton Waldron. Tiverton: Thomas Durfee, Lemuel Taber, Abraham Barker, Bedford Dennis. Little Compton: Adani Simmons, Enos Giffard, Thomas Palmer, Ezra Chace. Warren: William T. Miller, Benjamin Barton, Edward Chace, Samuel Pearce, Charles Collins. June. Richmond: Thomas Tefft, James Sheldon, Jonathan Kinyon, Edmund Burdick, George Webb, Jr., Remington Clarke, James Potter. Hopkinton: David Nichols, Robert Burdick, Josiah Winter, Thomas P. Gardner, Randall Wells, Daniel Babcock, Moses Barber, Abraham Coon. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Joseph Borden, Jr., Benjamin Kimball, Caleb Alverson, Isaac Fisk. North Providence: Hope Angell, Esek Esten, Ezekiel Whipple, Stephen Abbot. Barrington: Josiah Humphrey, Jr., Moses Tyler, Joshua Bicknall. Foster: William Tyler. William Greene, Daniel Howard, Caleb Potter, Simeon Seamans, Joseph Davis. Providence: George Tillinghast, Portsmouth: Gideon Dennis, Giles Lawton, Jr. Warwick: Samuel Gorton, 3d. North Kingstown: Christopher Gardner, Slocum Hall. South Kingstown: Cyrus French, in room of' Elisha R. Gardner, who declined. 502 1792. June. Scituate: John Harris, Daniel Westcot, John Ranldall, Simeon Arnold, Stephen Harris, Elihu Fisk. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Jonathan Macomber, Ichabod Burdick, William Kinyon. Coventry: Charles Comstock. Exeter: Lillibridge Barber, Jonathan Reynolds, Jr. Cumberland: Levi Ballou, John S. Dexter, Oct. Nathaniel Shepardson, Simon Wilkinson, Elijah Brown, Amaziah Weatherhead, Jotham Carpenter. Richmond: Jesse Larkin. Cranston: William Warner, John Rice Arnold, John A. Burton, Joseph Aborn, Jeremiah Randall, Caleb Williams, Philip Arnold, Ezekiel Searle. North Providence: Hope Angell, Ezekiel Whipple, Caleb Jenckes, Stephen Abbot, Stephen Jenckes, Jr. Johnston: Cyrus Harris. Barrington: Solomon Townsend, Jr. North Kingstown: Henry Congdon, 4th Justice. Charlestown: Simeon Babcock, John Collar, Nathan Taylor. Bristol: Samuel Royal Paine. May. Militia of the State: Major-General Thomas Holden. Adjutant-Gen. Simeon Martin. Inspector Bennett Wheeler. Quartermaster-Gen. John Mathewson. Commissary-Gen. Charles Lippitt. Physician and Purveyor-Gen. John Gould. Newport and Bristol County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. John Malbone, resigned in Aug. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Arnold, resigned in Aug., 1st Maj. Alexander Thomas, 2nd Maj. Benjamin Brownell. Portsmouth Company: Capt. John Wilcox, Lt. Gideon Shearman, Ens. Thomas Shearman (son of Peleg). 503 1792. May. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Paine, Ens. John Gorton. Jamestown Company: Capt. John Remington, Lt. Peleg Card, Jr., Ens. Daniel Howland. Middletown Company: Capt. Oliver Cornel, Lt. Clarke Taggart, Ens. Samuel Peckham. Aug. Brig.-Gen. Jabez Champlin. Lt.-Col. Commandant William Tew. Newport-lst Company: Capt. John Yeamans, Lt. David Melvill, Ens. William Allen. 2nd Company: Capt. Wing Spooner, Lt. Charles Cahoon, Ens. Samuel Thurston. 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Pitman, Lt. James Tilley, Ens. Edward Stanhope. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Boss, Jr., Lt. Peleg Cranston, Ens. John Taylor. John Carr, Gunner at Fort Washington. 2nd Regiment-Newport County' Lt.-Col. Benjamin Howland, Jr., 1st Maj. John Davis, 2nd Maj. Thomas Durfee. Tiverton-1st Company: Capt. Joseph Baley, Lt. William Sanford, Jr., Ens. Benjamin Cooke. 2nd Company: Capt. James Durfee, Lt. Isaac Negus, Ens. William Durfee. 3d Company: Capt. Richard Durfee, Lt. Edward Bayley, Ens. Jonathan Borden. Little Compton —st Company: Capt. John Bayley, Lt. Isaac Simmons, Ens. Nathaniel Simmons. 2nd Company: Capt. David Hilyard, Jr., Lt. Joseph Pierce, Ens. Thomas Richmond. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Allen, 1st Maj. Joseph Reynolds, 2nd Maj. Ichabod Cole. Bristol Company: Capt. Benjamin Wardwell, Lt. Joseph Greene, Ens. Thomas Church. Warren —st Company: Capt. Joseph Adams, Lt. Benjamin Cole, Ens. William Hoar. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Barton, Lt. Samuel Mason, Ens. Samuel Bowen. Barrington Company: Capt. Josiah Humphry, Jr., Lt. Samuel Barnes, Ens. Benj. Martin. 504 1792. Aug. Senior Class Regiment-Bristol County, and Towns of Tiverton and Little Compton: 1st Maj. Loring Peck, 2nd Maj. Christopher Manchester. Tiverton Company: Capt. Isaac Cooke, Lt. Pierce Perry, Ens. Philip Manchester. Little Compton Company: Capt. Nathaniel Church, Lt. Cornelius Briggs, Ens. Isaac Bayley. June. Portsmouth and Middletown Company: Capt. John Earle, Lt. William Lawton, Ens. Walter Cornell. Bristol County: Capt. Matthew Allen, Lt. Benj. Bosworth, 2nd, Ens. Nathan Bardin. May. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Simeon Thayer. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant John Mawney, lst Maj. Philip Martin, 2nd Maj. Bennett Wheeler. Providence —st Company: Capt. Joseph Allen, Lt. George Tillinghast, Ens. Jeremiah B. Howell. 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Linley, Lt. Benjamin Andrews, Ens. George R. Burrill. 3d Company: Capt. Ezekiel Burr, Lt. George Weeden, Ens. William Snow. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Proud, Lt. Jeremiah Eddy, Ens. Calvin Wheaton. 5th Company: Capt. Jeremiah Jenckes, Lt. Esek Dexter, Ens. Eber Coleman. North Providence —st Company: Capt. Stephen Abbott, Lt. Richard Whipple, Ens. Jenckes Rutenburg. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Jenckes, Lt. John Field, Ens. Nathaniel Walker. June. 2nd Maj. Stephen Abbot. Providence-6th Company: Capt. Jabez Olney, Lt. Thomas Williams, Ens. Robert Durfee. May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Wm. Aldrich, 1st Maj. Amaziah Weatherhead, 2nd Maj. Daniel Arnold. Smithfield-lst Company: Capt. Nathan Dexter, Lt. Abraham Angell, Ens. Adam Jenckes. 505 1792. May. 2nd Company: Capt. Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Lt. Moses Aldrich, Ens. Arnold Paine, Jr. Ctimberland-lst Company: Capt. John Walcott, Lt. Isaac Otis, Ens. Barney Clarke. 2nd Company: Capt. William Ballou, Lt. John Butterworth, Ens. Baruch Aldrich. June. Smithfield: Capt. Obed Seaver, Lt. Andrew Waterman, Jr., Ens. Nathaniel Mowry. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, 1st Maj. Nathaniel Medbury, 2nd Maj. Thomas Relph. Scituate-1st Company: Capt. Eliezer Collins, Lt. Lewis Leach, Ens. Samuel Kent. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Fenner, Lt. Stephen Smith, 3d, Ens. John Potter, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Nathan Walker, Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ens. Samuel Wilbur, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Gideon Harris, Lt. Resolved Smith, Ens. Timothy Hopkins. 4th Regiment —Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Winsor, 1st Maj. Henry Wheeler, 2nd Maj. Thomas Mitchell. Glocester-1st Company: Capt. Thomas Winsor, Lt. William Wheeler, Ens. Benajah Sweet. 2nd Company: Capt. Israel Cooke, Lt. Asa Ballou, Ens. Jesse Cooke. 3d Company: Capt. Anan Winsor, Lt. Jonathan Cowing, Ens. Isaac Wade. 4th Company: Capt. Willard Eddy, Lt. Pitts Smith, Ens. Daniel Sayles. 5th Company: Capt. Edward Greene, Lt. Jabez Arnold, Ens. Oliver Cornell. 6th Company: Capt. Benedict Burlingame, Lt. Esek Brown, Ens. James Place. 5th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Nehemiah Angell, 1st Maj. Francis Fuller, 2nd Maj. Hugh Cole. June. Foster —st Company: Capt. Thos. Parker, Jr., Lt. Geo. Baker, Jr., Ens. Southward Griffith. 64 506 1792. June. 2nd Company: Capt. Simeon Seamans, Lt. Stephen Davis, Ens. William Davis. 3d Company: Capt. Abraham Phillips, Lt. Asher Bennett, Ens. Nathaniel Stone. 4th Company: Capt. Levi Rounds, Lt. Jason Pray, Ens. Bertram Rounds. May. 6th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Potter, 1st Maj. Benjamin Atwood, 2nd Maj. Philip Arnold. Cranston-2nd Company: Capt. Jonathan Knight, Lt. Henry Whitman, Ens. Rhodes Fenner. 3d Company: Capt. Jonathan Sprague, Jr., Lt. Nathaniel Williams, Jr., Ens. Zuriel Waterman. Johnston-1st Company: Capt. Caleb Williams, Lt. Peter Briggs, Ens. Joseph Alverson. 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Kimball, Lt. Isaac Winsor, Ens. Jeremiah Sheldon. 3d Company: Capt. Caleb Remington, Lt. Albro Cleveland, Ens. Samuel Randall. 4th Company: Capt. Valentine Sweet, Lt. Robert Thornton, Ens. David Waterman. June. Cranston-1st Company: Capt. Uriah Westcott, Lt. Pardon Sheldon, Ens. Stephen Hudson. May. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Hoyle, 1st Maj. Caleb Westcot, 2nd Maj. Benjamin Fry. Providence Company: Capt. Samuel Black, Lt. Asa Franklin, Ens. Nathaniel Dana. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Richard Sayles, Jr. Cumberland Company: Capt. Benjamin S. Walcott, Lt. Gilbert Grant, Ens. Joseph Raze. Scituate Company: Capt. Jonathan Smith, Lt. Samuel Wilbur, Ens. Daniel Fisk, Jr. Glocester Company: Capt. Jonathan Eddy, Lt. Joctan Putnam, Ens. Eliakim Phettiplace. Foster Company: Capt. John Johnston, Lt. Joseph Davis, Ens. Samuel Perkins. W07 1792. May. Johnston Company: Capt. Israel Angell, Lt. Jonathan Patt, Ens. John Violl. June. Cranston Company: Capt. John Burton, Jr., Lt. William Burton, Ens. Elisha Carpenter. Foster Company: Capt. Isaac Blanchard, in room of J. Johnson, who declined. May. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Samuel Segar. 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant George Stillman, 1st Maj. Peleg Cross, 2nd Maj. William Rhodes. Westerly —st Company; Capt. Nathan Pendleton, Lt. Timothy Chapman, Ens. Simeon Lewis. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Noyes, Jr., Lt. Arnold Bliven, Ens. Nicholas Clarke. 3d Company: Capt. Samuel Clarke, Lt. David Maxson, Ens. Nathaniel Stillman. 4th Company: Capt. Cornelius Stetson, Lt. Thomas Sisson, Ens. George Clarke. -Hopkinton-1st Company: Capt. Benj. Taylor, Lt. Jeremiah Thurston, Ens. Thos. Langworthy. 2nd Company: Capt. James Wells, Jr., Lt. Clarke Wells, Ens. Clarke Burdick. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Barber, Lt. John S. Kinyon, Ens. Gardner Phillips. 4th Company: Capt. Henry Brightman, Lt. Phinehas Edwards, Ens. John Tanner. June. _Charlestown-1st Company: Capt. Ethan Crandall, Lt. Braddock Peckham, Ens. Sam'l Stanton, 2nd. 2nd Company: Capt. Wm. Card, Lt. Wm. Kinyon (son of Jos.), Ens. Joseph Holway. Oct. Capt. Joseph Kinyon, Jr., Lt. Henry Greene, Jr. Feb. Hopkinton-2nd Company: Ens. Russell Maxson, in room of Clarke Burdick, Deceased. May. 2nd Regiment —Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Charles Dyre, 1st Maj. James Gardner. es, 508 1792. June. 2nd Maj. Abraham Wilcox, Jr. May. North Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Benjamin Reynolds, Lt. Caleb Hill, Jr., Ens. Daniel Fones. 2nd Company: Capt. Henry Northup (son of Joseph), Lt. Hutchinson Cole, Ens. Nicholas C. Northup. 3d Company: Capt. James Updike (son of Lodowick), Lt. Lodowick Updike, Jr., Ens. Isaac Hall. 4th Company: Capt. Samuel Phillips (son of Thomas), Lt. Daniel Congdon, Ens Jonathan Hazard. Exeter —st Company: Capt. Daniel Sunderlin, Jr., Lt. George Reynolds (son of Robert), Ens. Augustus Sunderlin. 2nd Company: Capt. Stephen Lewis, Lt. Jeremiah Pendleton, Ens. Smith Tanner. 3d Company: Capt. Abraham Wilcox, Jr., Lt. Benjamin Lewis, Ens. Samuel Lewis. June. Capt. Benjamin Lewis, Lt. Samuel Lewis. Oct. Ens. Asa Wilcox. June. 3d Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Frederick Gardner, 1st Maj. Elisha R. Gardner, 2nd Maj. George James. May. South Kingstown-2nd Company: Capt. Robert G. Sands, Lt. Elisha Potter (son of Benjamin), Ens. William Steadman. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Shearman, Lt. Jeremiah Knowles, Ens. John Gardner, Jr. June. 1st Company: Capt. Augustus Babcock, Lt. John Greenman, Ens. Joseph S. Gould. 2nd Company: Capt. William Steadman, Lt. Jesse Robinson, Ens. Robert Hazard (son of Joseph). 3d Company: Capt. John Weeden, Lt. Palmer Shearman, Ens. John Brown (son of Robert). 509 1792. June. 4th Company: Capt. John Watson, 3d, Lt. John L. Gardner, Ens. John Gardner, 5th. Richmond: Capt. Edward Lillibridge (son of Thomas), Lt. Hezekiah Tefft, Ens. Silas Kinyon. Oct. South Kingstown-4th Company: Capt. Thomas Steadman, Lt. Robert Hazard (son of Joseph), Ens. Robert Babcock. 2nd Company: Ens. Clarke Hopkins. Richmond-2nd Company: Ens. Perry Clarke. May. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas James, 1st Maj. Walter White, 2nd Maj. Thomas Noyes. Westerly Company: Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. James Ross, Ens. Jonathan Sisson. Charlestown Company: Capt. James Peckham, Lt. Stephen Stanton, Ens. Joseph Davis. Hopkinton Company: Capt. Elnathan Wells, Lt. Rowland Thurston, Ens. Jesse Burdick. North Kingstown Company: Capt. Stukely Hill, Lt. George Tenant, Ens. George Thomas, Jr. Exeter Company: Capt. Samuel Bissell, Lt. Oliver Spinck, Ens. Ebenezer Wilcox. South Kingstown Company: Capt. William Taylor, Lt. Gardner W. Mumford, Ens. James Cotterell. Richmond Company: Capt. John Woodmansie, Lt. Benj. Hoxsie, Ens. James Potter. June. South Kingstown Company: Capt. Samuel Stanton, Lt. Daniel Tefft, Ens. Isaac Sheldon. May. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Gorton. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Allen Johnson, 1st Maj. Thomas Westcott, 2nd Maj. Moses Arnold. Warwick-1st Company: Capt. Joseph Batty, Lt. Bennett Low, Ens. Stephen Holden. 510 1792. May. 2nd Company: Capt. James Greene (3d), Lt. Benedict Arnold (2nd), Ens. Joseph Arnold (son of Joseph). 3d Company: Capt. John Gorton, Lt. Pardon Potter, Ens. James Greene, 5th. June. East Greenwich-1st Company: Capt. Michah Whitmarsh, Lt. Stephen Arnold, Ens. Caleb Andrews. 2nd Company: Capt. William Gardner, Lt. John Spencer, Ens. John Place. May. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Rice, 1st Maj. Joseph James, 2nd Maj. Jonathan Nichols. West Greenwich-1st Company: Capt. Caleb Carr, Lt. Henry Davis, Ens. Karmey Whitford. 2nd Company: Capt. Silas Baley, Lt. Joseph Fry, Ens. Richard Sweet. 3d Company: Capt. David Mathewson, Jr., Lt. Hezekiah Gorton, Ens. John Hazard. Coventry —st Company: Capt. Rufus Barton, Lt. James Wood, Ens. Samuel Johnson. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Wickes, Jr., Lt. Daniel Whitford, Ens. Joshua Johnson. 4th Company: Capt. John Colegrove, Lt. Jonathan Briggs, Ens. Josiah Gibbs, Jr. June. West Greenwich-lst Company: Lieut. Karney Whitford, Ens. Ebenezer Hopkins. Coventry-3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Greene, Lt. Thomas Phillips, Ens. Jesse King. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Isaac Johnson, 1st Maj. Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb), 2nd Maj. Benjamin Gorton. Warwick-1st Company: Capt. Joseph Batty, Lt. Bennett Low, Ens. Stephen Holden. West Greenwich Company: Capt. John Johnson, Lt. Ezekiel Mathewson, Ens. Job Herendeen. Coventry Company: Capt. Abel Bennett, Lt. John Greene, Ens. Jonathan Brayton. 511 1792. June. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Robert Rhodes, Lt. Hopkins Cooke. May. Thos. Warner, Ensign. ~- Independent Companies: Captain-General's Cavaliers: Capt. Edward Manton, 1st Lieut. Israel Manchester, 2nd Lieut. Calvin Deane, Cornet Christopher Knight. Scituate Hunters: Capt. Benjamin Boss, Jr., 1st Lieut. Elisha Mathewson, Jr., 2nd Lieut. Samuel Fenner, Ens. Stephen Young, Jr. Exeter Washington Independent Company: Capt. Stephen Waite, 1st Lieut. Christopher Peirce, 2nd Lieut. Vinson Gardner, Ens. Nicholas Gardner (son of Wm.). North Kingstown Rangers: Capt. Beriah Waite, 1st Lt. Gardner Reynolds, 2nd Lieut. Beriah Brown, 3d, Ens. Gardner Browning. Glocester Light Infantry: Capt. Elijah Armstrong, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Hawkins, 2nd Lieut. Eleazer Harris, Ens. William Gadcomb. The Governor's Independent Company of Light Infantry: Capt. Benjamin Hoppin, 1st Lieut. Peter Taylor, 2nd Lieut. Robert Taylor, Ens. Thomas Williams. Smithfield Grenadiers: Capt. Joseph Wilkinson, 1st Lieut. John Jenckes, Jr., 2nd Lieut. William Harris, Ens. Samuel Thayer. Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lieut. Israel Arnold, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Corps, Ens. Oliver Paine. Cranston Blues: Capt. Caleb Williams, 1st Lieut. Joseph Burton, 2nd Lieut. Pardon Potter, Ens. Andrew Potter. June. Coventry Rangers: Capt. John McGregor, 1st Lieut. Job Greene, 2nd Lieut. William Waterman, Ens. Bernard Mathewson. Kingston Reds: Capt. John Waite, 1st Lieut. Gardner Tefft, 2nd Lieut. Samuel Eldred, Ens. William C. Clarke. Federal Protectors: Capt. Zenus Winsor, 1st Lieut. Joab Mathewson, 2nd Lieut. Peleg Peck, Ens. Job Aldrich, Jr. The Washington Cavalry: Capt. John Gardner, 1st Lieut. Rowland Brown, 2nd Lieut. Henry Potter, Cornet Samuel E. Gardner. 512 1792. June. Johnston Rangers: Capt. Nehemiah Hawkins, 1st Lieut. Robert Thornton, 2nd Lieut. John McDonald, Ens. Christopher Brown. Glocester Grenadiers: Capt. Joktan Putnam, 1st Lieut. Elisha Mitchell, 2nd Lieut. Amaziah Harris, Ens. Thomas Steere. Aug. Kentish Troop of Horse: Capt. John Randal, 1st Lieut. Joseph Wight, 2nd Lieut. Preserved Hall, Cornet Benjamin Nichols. Oct. Newport Artillery Company: Capt. Francis Malbone, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Fry, 2nd Lieut. Thomas Russell, Ens. Walter Channing. Providence Independent Light Dragoons for County of Providence: Col. Ephraim Bowen, Jr., Lieut.-Col. John Corlis, Maj. David McLane. Capt. Josiah Gifford, Lieut. Oliver Bowen, 2nd, Cornet Stephen Tillinghast. The Governor's Independent Company of Light Infantry: Capt. John Whipple, 1st Lieut. Robert Taylor, Jr., 2nd Lieut. Jeremiah Eddy, Ens. Thomas Williams. 1793. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Daniel Owen, Chief. William Taggart, Walter Cooke, Ezekiel Gardner, Jr., Thomas Tillinghast. Clerk, Newport County, John Grelea. " Providence " Samuel Eddy. " Washington " James Sheldon. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Allen Fry. Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Constant Taber, Chief. Thomas Peckham, Clerk. Oliver Durfee, Perez Richmond, William Anthony, Jr., William Davis, Sheriff. John Eldred, 513 1793. May. Providence County: Caleb Harris, Chief. Jame Abraham Mathewson, John Burton, Jr., Stephen Steere, Nehe John Dorrance. Washington County: James Rhodes, Chief. Samu Gideon Clarke, Robert Stanton, John Allen, Nich' Oliver Davis, Oct. Daniel Sunderlin, 5th Justice. May. Bristol County: Samuel Allen, Chief. DaniL Elkanah Humphry, William Barton, Stephen Smith, Rich. Joseph Reynolds. Kent County: Stephen Arnold, Chief. Benj. Preserved Pearce, Isaac Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Jonat 3s Fenner, Clerk. Imiah Knight, Sheriff. iel E. Gardner, Clerk. l's Gardner, Jr., Sheriff. el Bradford, Clerk. ard Smith, Sheriff. amin Howland, Clerk. than Niles, Sheriff. Stephen Greene (of East Greenwich). John Grelea, Public Notary, Newport County. Samuel Chace, " Providence " George Thomas, " Washington Shearjashub Bourne," Bristol " Hopkins Cooke, " Kent John Manton (son of James), Capt. Fort Washington. Collectors of Interest on Paper Money Bonds: James Fenner, for the County of Providence. Elisha R. Gardner, " Washington. William Barton, " Bristol. Jonathan Gorton, " Kent. Feb. Committee to Revise Laws: Henry Ward, Ray Greene, Samuel Eddy. May. Justices of Peace: Newport: John Grelea, Peleg Barker, Jr., Thomas Arnold, Henry Sherburne, 65 John Townsend, William Borden, John Banister, Robert Taylor, 514 1793. May. Newport: William Crooke, Thomas Peckham, Edmund T. Ellery, John Faxon, Oliver R. Warner, Christopher Ellery, Henry Peckham, John Bours, Robert T. Shearman. Providence: Samuel Chace, Daniel Cooke, John Mawney, Samuel Sampson, Robert Newell, James Arnold, Benjamin Turpin, William Thurber, Nathaniel Wheaton, David Howell, William Tyler, 2nd, Samuel Eddy, James Fenner, Asher Robbins, Amos M. Atwell, Samuel Thurber, Jr,, James Burrill, Jr., Wheeler Martin, William Richmond. Portsmouth: Tlllinghast Almy, Gideon Dennis, 2nd, Henry Lawton, Samuel Shearman. Warwick: Benjamin Barton, Ray Greene, James Jerauld, Anthony Holden, Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb), Peter Greene, James Rhodes (son of Robert), Warwick: William Lippitt, George Arnold. Westerly: Simeon Burdick, Samuel Bliven, Joseph Clarke, Samuel Brown, John Sisson, Nathan Barber, Joseph Potter. North Kingstown: George Thomas, Daniel Updike, William Corey, Nicholas C. Northup, William Reynolds, William Northup, Oliver Gardner, Isaac Vaughan. South Kingstown: John Waite, Caleb Tefft, Samuel Curtis, Daniel Shearman, Isaac Tanner, John Seagar, Adam Helme, Samuel E. Gardner, Samuel Helme, Barber Peckham, Samuel Hoxsie, Elisha R. Gardner, James Shearman, Jr. East Greenwich: Benjamin Howland, Hopkins Cooke, George Spencer, Mumford Davis, Isaac Carr, David Vaughan, 3d, William Greene, George Nichols, 515 1793. May. Smithfield: John Sayles, Stephen Arnold, John Mann, John Paine, Elisha Olney, Timothy Deane, Edward Medbury, Arthur Latham, Benjamin Sheldon. Scituate: John Harris, Daniel Westcot, Job Randall, Simeon Arnold, Stephen Harris, Elihu Fish. Glocester: Zebedee Hopkins, John Smith (son of Benjamin), Timothy Wilmarth, Martin Smith, Nathaniel Wade, Samuel Winsor, Richard Steere, Jr., Israel Cooke, William Arnold. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Jonathan Macomber, Ichabod Burdick, Simeon Babcock, Nathan Tyler, John Collier, William Linyon, Jesse Crandall. West Greenwich: Samuel Hopkins, Levi Whitford, Ishmael Nichols, Job Spencer, Caleb Hall, Esek Carr, George Potter, West Greenwich: Stephen Wilcox, Nathaniel Pullman. Coventry: William Stone, Joseph Manchester, Benjamin Greene, Job Greene (son of Charles), Joseph Wickes, Jr. Exeter: Stephen Reynolds, Christopher Pierce, Nicholas Gardner (son of Ezekiel), Samuel Bissell, Samuel Gorton, Stephen Champlin, Jeffery Hazard, Lillibridge Barber, Oliver Arnold, Perry Tanner. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Elisha Allen, Parker Hall, Benjamin Gardner. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, John Usher, Josiah Finney, Newton Waldron. Tiverton: Thomas Durfee, Lemuel Taber, Abraham Barker, Bedford Dennis. Little Compton: Adam Simmons, Enos Giffard, Thomas Palmer, Ezra Chace. Warren: William T. Miller, Benjamin Barton, 516 1793. May. Warren: Edward Chace, Samuel Pearce, Samuel Child. Cumberland: Jotham Carpenter, John S. Dexter, Nathaniel Shepardson, Levi Ballou. Richmond: Thomas Tefft, James Sheldon, Remington Clarke, James Potter, Presbury Hoxsie. Cranston: William Warner, John R. Arnold, John A. Burton, Jeremiah Randall, Joseph Aborn, Philip Arnold, Ezekiel Searle, Jt John Wightman. Hopkinton: David Nichols, Robert Burdick, ( Josiah Winter, Thomas P. Gardner, Randall Wells, Daniel Babcock, Moses Barber, Abraham Coon. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Joseph Borden, Jr., Benjamin Kimball, Caleb Alverson, Joseph Fisk, Cyrus Harris. North Providence: Hope Angell, Esek Esten, Ezekiel Whipple, Stephen Abbot. Barrington: Josiah Humphrey, Jr., Moses Tyler, Joshua Bicknall. Foster: William Tyler, Daniel Howard, Caleb Potter, Simeon Seamans, Joseph Davis. ne. Cumberland: Holliman Warner. Glocester: Silas Williams. Oct. South Kingstown: Levi Totten. Smithfield: Joel Aldrich, Elisha Bartlet. Johnston: Joseph Williams. * May. Militia of the State: Major-Gen. Simeon Martin. Adjutant-Gen. Robert Rogers. Inspector-Gen. William Barton. Quartermaster-Gen. John Mathewson. Commissary-Gen. Charles Lippitt. Physician and Purveyor-General John Gould. Newport and Bristol County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Jabez Champlin, resigned. 517 1793. May. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Tew, 1st Maj. Alexander Thomas. 2nd Maj. Benjamin Brownell. Portsmouth Company: Capt. Cooke Wilcox, Lt. Gideon Shearman, Ens. George Brownell. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Pain, Ens. John Gorton. Jamestown Company: Capt. John Franklin, Lt. Peleg Carr, Jr., Ens. Daniel Howland. John Carr, Gunner, Fort Washington. June. Capt. John Manton (son of James), Fort Washington. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Howland, 1st Maj. John Bailey. Tiverton-1st Company: Capt. Joseph Bailey, Lt. William Sanford, Jr., Ens. Benjamin Cooke. Little Compton-1st Company: Capt. Benjamin Simmons, Lt. Isaac Simmons, Ens. Nathaniel Simmons. 2nd Company: Capt. David Hilyard, Jr., Lt. Joseph Pierce, Ens. Thomas Richmond. May. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Allen, 1st Maj. Joseph Reynolds, 2nd Maj. Ichabod Cole. Warren —st Company: Capt. Joseph Adams, Lt. Benjamin Cole, Ens. William Hoar. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Barton, Lt. Samuel Mason, Ens. Samuel Bowen. Barrington Company: Capt. Josiah Humphry, Jr., Lt. Samuel Barnes, Ens. Benjamin Martin. Senior Class Regiment-Newport and Bristol Counties: 1st Maj. Loring Peck, 2nd Maj. Christopher Manchester. Portsmouth and Middletown Company: Capt. John Earle, Lt. William Lawton, Ens. Walter Cornell. Bristol County Company: Capt. Matthew Allen, Lt. Benj. Bosworth, 2nd, Ens. Nathan Bardin. Tiverton Company: Capt. Isaac Cooke, Lt. Pierce Perry, Ens. Philip Manchester. Little Compton Company: Capt. Nathaniel Church, Lt. Cornelius Briggs, 'Ens. Isaac Bailey. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. John Whipple. 518 1793. May. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Philip Martin, 1st Maj. Stephen Abbot, 2nd Maj. Joseph Allen. Providence-ist Company: Capt. Seril Dodge, Lt. Jeremiah B. Howell, Ens. Ichabod Taber, 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Linley, Lt. Benjamin Andrews, Ens. George R. Burrill. 3d Company: Capt. George Weeden, Lt. William Snow, Ens. Jeremiah Whiting. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Proud, Lt. Daniel Field, Ens. Oliver Pearce. 5th Company: Capt. Jeremiah Jenckes, Lt. Eber Coleman, Ens. Amos Warner. North Providence —st Company: Capt. John Stone, Lt. Richard Whipple, Ens. Jenckes Rutenburg. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Jenckes, Lt. John Field, Ens. Nathaniel Walker. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Aldrich, 1st Maj. Amaziah Weatherhead, 2nd Maj. Daniel Arnold. Smithfield-lst Company: Capt. Nathan Dexter, Lt. Abraham Angell, Ens. Adam Jenckes. 2nd Company: Capt. Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Lt. Moses Aldrich, Ens. Arnold Paine, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Obed Seaver, Lt. Andrew Waterman, Jr., Ens. Nath. Mowry. Cumberland —st Company: Capt. John Walcott, Lt. Isaac Otis, Ens. Levi Lee. 2nd Company: Capt. William Ballou, Lt. John Butterworth, Ens. Baruch Aldrich. Oct. 1st Company: Lieut. John Butterworth, Ens. Amos Arnold. 2nd Company: Lt. Baruch Aldrich, Ens. Ezekiel Ballou. 3d Company: Capt. Isaac Otis, Lt. Squire Aldrich, Ens. Thomas Allen. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, 1st Maj. Nathaniel Medbury, 2nd Maj. Thomas Relph. 9 519 1793. May. Scituate —st Company: Capt. Eliezer Collins, Lt. Lewis Leach, Ens. Samuel Kent. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Fenner, Lt. Stephen Smith, 3d, Ens. John Potter, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Nathan Walker, Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ens. Samuel Wilbur, Jr. 4th Company: Capt Gideon Harris, Lt. Resolved Smith, Ens. Timothy Hopkins. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Henry Wheeler, Jr., 1st Maj. Elijah Armstrong, 2nd Maj. Thomas Mitchel. Glocester-1st Company: Capt.. Thomas Winsor, Lt. William Wheeler, Ens. Banajah Sweet. 2nd Company: Capt. Asa Ballon, Lt. William Lapham. June. Ens. Jesse Cooke. May. 3d Company: Capt. James Potter, Lt. Isaac Wade, Ens. John Wells, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Pitts Smith, Lt. Daniel Sayles, Ens. Joshua Winsor. 5th Company: Capt. Edward Greene, Lt. Jabez Arnold, Ens. Oliver Cornell. 6th Company: Capt. Benedict Burlingame, Lt. Esek Brown. Ens. James Place. 6th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Caleb Williams, 1st Maj. Benjamin Atwood, 2nd Maj. Philip Arnold. Cranston-1st Company: Capt. Hopkins Hudson, Lt. Pardon Sheldon, Ens. Samuel Joy. 2nd Company: Capt. Christ. Waterman, Lt. Joseph Williams, Ens. George Field. 3d Company: Capt. Jonathan Knight; Lt. Henry Wightman, Ens. Rhodes Fenner. Johnston-lst Company: Capt. Caleb Williams, Lt. Peter Briggs, Ens. Joseph Alverson. 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Kimball, Lt. Isaac Winsor, Ens. Jeremiah Sheldon. 3d Comipany: Capt. Caleb Remington, Lt. Albro Cleveland, Ens. Samuel Randall. 520 1793. May. 4th Company: Capt. Valentine Sweet, Lt. David Waterman, Ens. William Spear. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: 1st Maj. Caleb Westcott, 2nd Maj. Benjamin Fry. Providence Company: Capt. Samuel Black, Lt. Asa Franklin, Ens. Nathaniel Dana. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Richard Sayles, Jr. Cumberland Company: Capt. Benjamin S. Walcot, Lt. Gilbert Grant, Ens. Joseph Raze. Scituate Company: Capt. Jonathan Smith, Lt. Samuel Wilbur, Ens. Daniel Fisk, Jr. Glocester Company: Capt. Jonathan Eddy. June. Lt. Simeon Steere. May. Ens. Eliakim Phettiplace. Foster Company: Capt. Isaac Blanchard, Lt. Joseph Davis, Ens. Samuel Perkins. Johnston Company: Capt. Israel Angell, Lt. Jonathan Patt, Ens. John Violl. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. George Thurston. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: Lt. Col. Commandant Charles Dyre, 1st Maj. Abraham Wilcox, Jr., 2nd Maj. Daniel Sunderlin, Jr. Exeter —st Company: Capt. George Reynolds (son of Robert), Lt. Benjamin Greene (son of Abraham), Ens. Matthew Clarke. 2nd Company: Capt. Stephen Lewis, Lt. Jeremiah Pendleton, Ens. John Rathbone. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Lewis, Lt. Samuel Lewis, Ens. Asa Wilcox. Oct. North Kingstown-2nd Company: Ens. Hazard Dyre. May. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas James, 1st Maj. Thomas Noyes, 2nd Maj. William Bliven, / 521 1793. May. Westerly Company: Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. James Ross, Ens. Jonathan Sisson. North Kingstown Company: Capt. Stukely Hill, Lt. George Tenant, Ens. George Thomas, Jr. Exeter Company: Capt. Samuel Bissell, Lt. Oliver Spinck, Ens. Ebenezer Wilcox. Richmond Company: Capt. John Woodmansie, Lt. Benjamin Hoxsie, Ens. James Potter. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Gorton. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Allen Johnson, 1st Maj. Thomas Westiot, 2nd Maj. Moses Arnold. Warwick-1st Company: Capt. Joseph Batty, Lt. Bennett Low, Ens. Stephen Holden. 2nd Company: Capt. James Greene, 3d, Lt. Benedict Arnold, 2nd, Ens. Joseph Arnold (son of Joseph). March. 3d Company: Capt. Pardon Potter, Lt. James Greene, Ens. Benjamin Greene. May. 2nd Regiment —Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Rice, 1st Maj. Caleb Carr, 2nd Maj. Jonathan Nichols. West Greenwich —st Company: Capt. Karmy Whitford, Lt. Nathaniel Niles, Ens. Daniel Greene. 2nd Company: Capt. Silas Bailey, Lt. Joseph Fry, Ens. Caleb Bailey. 3d Company: Capt. David Mathewson, Jr., Lt. John Hazard, Ens. Gardner T. Kinvon. March. Coventry-2nd Company: Lt. Ezekiel Whitford, Ens. Joshua Johnson. 4th Company: Lt. Jonathan Briggs, Ens. Josiah Gibbs, Jr. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Isaac Johnson, 1st Maj. Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb), 2nd Maj. Samuel Tanner. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Robert Rhodes, Lt. Hopkins Cooke, Ens..Thomas Warner. 66 522 1793. 'May. Independent Companies: Providence Independent Light Dragoons: Col. Ephraim Bowen, Jr., Lieut.-Col. John Corlis, Maj. David McLane, Capt. Josiah Gifford, Lt. Oliver Bowen, 2nd, Cornet Henry Smith. Providence United Train of Artillery: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lt.-Col. Robert Taylor, Maj. Gershom Jones, Capt. Nathan Fisher, Lieut. John Carlile. Glocester Grenadiers: Capt. Joktan Putnam, 1st Lieut. Elisha Mitchell, 2nd Lieut. John Wood, Jr., Ens. George Shearman. Governor's Independent Company of Light Infantry, Providence: Capt. John Whipple, 1st Lieut. Robert Taylor, Jr., 2nd Lieut. Jeremiah Eddy, Ens. Thomas Williams. Kingston Reds: Capt. John Waite, 1st Lieut. Gideon Babcock, 2nd Lieut. Benedict Eldred, Ens. Sands Perkins. Washington Independent Company: Capt. Nicholas Gardner, 3d, 1st Lieut. Nicholas R. Gardner, 2nd Lieut. Willett Gardner, Ens. Benjamin Greene, Jr. Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lieut. Israel Arnold, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Corps, Ens. Rhodes Greene. Cranston Blues: Capt. Caleb Williams, 1st Lieut. Joseph Burton, 2nd Lieut. Pardon Potter, Ens. Andrew Potter. Kentish Troop: Capt. Preserved Hall, 1st Lieut. John Arnold, 2nd Lieut. Westcott Stone, Cornet Benjamin Nichols. North Kingstown Rangers: Capt. Beriah Waite, 1st Lieut. Gardner Reynolds, 2nd Lieut. Beriah Brown, Jr., Ens. Gardner Browning. Coventry Rangers: Capt. John McGregor, 1st Lieut. Job Greene, 2nd Lieut. William Waterman, Ens. Bernard Mathewson. Johnston Rangers: Capt. Nehemiah Hawkins, 1st Lieut. Robert Thornton, 2nd Lieut. John McDonald, Ens. Christopher Brown. Washington Troop of Horse: Capt. Rowland Brown, 1st Lieut. Henry Potter, 2nd Lieut. Samuel E. Gardner, Cornet Jeremiah N. Potter. June. Glocester Light Infantry Company: Capt. Elijah Armstrong, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Hawkins, 2nd Lieut. Eleazer Harris, Ens. Joseph Steere. 523 1793. June. The Newport Guards: Capt. Wing Spooner, 1st Lieut. John Yeamans, 2nd David Melvill, Ens. Thomas Prior. Oct. The Governor's Independent Company of Light Infantry in the Town of Providence: 1st Lieut. Seril Dodge, 2nd Lieut. Christ. Hill, Ens. George Gordon. March. New Militia Laws to take Effect May 1st next. 1794. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Daniel Owen, Chief. William Taggart, Walter Cooke, Joshua Bicknall, Thomas Tillinghast. Clerk, Newport County, Christopher Ellery. " Providence " William Barton, Jr. " Washington" James Sheldon. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Allen Fry. Justices of the Court of Common Pleas and General Ses sions of the Peace: Newport County: Constant Taber, Chief. Oliver Durfee, Perez Richmond, William Anthony, Jr., Nicholas P. Tillinghast. Providence County: Caleb Harris, Chief. John Burton, Jr., Stephen Steer, John Dorrance, Arnold Paine. Washington County: Peter Phillips, Chief. Gideon Clarke, Robert Stanton, John Allen, / Thomas Peckham, Clerk. William Davis, Sheriff. James Fenner, Clerk. Nehemiah Knight, Sheriff. Samuel E. Gardner, Clerk. I Nich'l's Gardner, Jr., Sheriff. I Thomas Tefft. 524 1794. May. Kent County: Stephen Arnold, Chief. Benjamin Howland, Clerk. Anthony Low, Isaac Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Niles, Sheriff. Stephen Greene (of East Greenwich). June. Bristol County: Sam'l Allen, Chief. May. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. Elkanah Humphry, William Barton, Sephen Smith, May. Richard Smith, Sheriff. Joseph Reynolds. May. Christopher Ellery, Public Notary, Newport County. Samuel Chace, " Providence " George Thomas, " Washington " Shearjashub Bourn, " Bristol " Hopkins Cooke, " Kent June. Printer to the State: Nathaniel Phillips, of Warren. Oct. Representatives to Congress: Benjamin Bourn, Francis Malbone. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Henry Sherburne, Benjamin Sayer, Christopher Ellery, Robert Taylor, Henry Peckham, Jonathan Almy, Peleg Barker. Providence: Samuel Chace, Nathaniel Wheaton, James Arnold, John Mawney, William Tyler, 2nd, James Fenner, Samuel Thurber, Jr., William Richmond, George Tillinghast, William Jones, Obadiah Brown. Portsmouth: Tillinghast Almy, Henry Lawton, Portsmouth: Gideon Dennis, Samuel Shearman, Giles Lawton, Jr., Thomas Hickes, Andrew McCurrie, Jr. Warwick: Benjamin Barton, James Jerauld, Anthony Holden, Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb), James Rhodes, Jr., Peter Greene, John Clap, Henry Arnold, George Greene. Westerly: Simeon Burdick, Samuel Bliven, Joseph Clarke, Samuel Brown, John Sisson, 525 1794. May. Westerly: Nathan Barber, Joseph Potter, Paul Maxson: North Kingstown: George Thomas, Daniel Updike, William Corey, Nicholas C. Northup, William Reynolds, William Northup, Oliver Gardner, Isaac Vaughan, Slocum Hall, Christopher Garnder. South Kingstown: John Waite, Caleb Tefft, Samuel Curtis, Daniel Shearman, Jr., John Seagar, Samuel E. Gardner, Samuel Helme, Barber Peckham, Samuel Hoxsie, James Shearman, Jr., Cyrus French, Levi Totten. East Greenwich: Benjamin Howland, Hopkins Cooke, George Spencer, Mumford Davis, Isaac Carr, David Vaughan, 3d, William Greene, George Nichols, Andrew Boyd. Smithfield: John Sayles, John Mann, Elisha Olney, Joel Aldrich, Edward Medbury, Benjamin Sheldon, Scituate: John Harris, Daniel Westcott, Job Randall, Simeon Arnold, Stephen Harris, Elihu Fisk. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Jonathan Macomber, Ichabod Burdick, Simeon Babcock, Nathan Tyler, John Collier, William Kiyon, Jesse Crandall. West Greenwich: Samuel Hopkins, Levi Whitford, Ishmael Nichols, Job Spencer, Caleb Hall, Esek Carr, George Potter, Stephen Wilcox, Nathaniel Pullman. Coventry: William Stone, Joseph Manchester, Benjamin Greene, Joseph Wickes, Jr., Joseph Rice. Exeter: Stephen Reynolds, Christopher Pierce, Nicholas Gardiner (son of Ezekiel), Samuel Bissell, Samuel Gorton, Stephen Champlin, Jeffery Hazard, Lillibridge Barber, Oliver Arnold, Perry Tanner, 526 1794. May. Middletown: Elisha Allen, Benjamin Gardiner, William Taggart, Jr. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Josiah Finney, Newton Waldron, Samuel R. Paine. Tiverton: Thomas Durfee, Lemuel Tabor, Redford Dennis. Little Compton: Adam Simmons, Enos Giffard, Thomas Palmer, John Davis, Sanford Almy. Warren: William T. Miller, Benjamin Barton, Edward Chace, Samuel Child. Cumberland: Jotham Carpenter, Nathaniel Shepardson, Levi Ballou, Hollman Potter. Richmond: James Sheldon. Jul Remington Clarke, James Potter, Presbury Hoxsie, Jonathan Mlaxson. Cranston: William Warner: John R. Arnold, Jeremiah Randall, Joseph Aborn, John A. Burton, Philip Arnold, John Wightman. Hopkinton: David Nichols, Hopkinton: Robert Burdick, Josiah Winter, Thomas P. Gardner, Randall Wells, Daniel Babcock, Moses Barber, Abraham Coon. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Joseph Borden, Jr., Benjamin Kimball, Caleb Alverson, Cyrus Harris, Joseph Williams. North Providence: Hope Angell, Ezekiel Whipple, Caleb Jenckes, Stephen Jenckes, Jr. Barrington: Josiah Humphry, Jr., Solomon Townsend, Jr. Foster: William Tyler, Daniel Howard, Caleb Potter, Simeon Seamans, Joseph Davis, Christopher Westcot. ne. Glocester: Zebedee Hopkins, John Smith (son of Benjamin), Timothy Wilmarth, Martin Smith, Nathaniel Wade, Samuel Winsor, Richard Steere, Jr., Israel Cooke, Job Steere. Coventry: Job Mathewson, 6th Justice. 527 1794. June. Barrington: Foster: James Martin. Jacob Phillips. Oct. Providence: William Thurber, in room of John Mawney, removed from Town. Little Compton: Barnabas Clapp, 6th Justice. May. Militia of the State: Major-General Simeon Martin. Adjutant-General Robert Rogers. Quartermaster-Gen. John Mathewson. Commissary-Gen. Charles Lippitt. Surgeon and Purveyor-Gen. Isaac Senter. Director and'Purveyor-Gen., Military Hospital, Isaac Senter. Newport and Bristol County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Allen. June. Brigade Inspector, Newport & Bristol County, Thomas Russell. May. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Tew, 1st Maj. Daniel Sheldon, 2nd Maj. Benjamin Brownell. Newport-1st Company: Capt. William Allen, Lt. Samuel Carr, Ens. George W. Tew. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Lyon, Lt. Nathaniel Lyon, Ens. James Anthony. 3d Company: Capt. Charles Davenport, Lt. Thomas Mumford, Ens. William Hall, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Boss, Lt. Peleg Cranston, Ens. Daniel Dunham. Portsmouth-lst Company: Capt. Cooke Wilcox, Lt. Gideon Shearman, Ens. George Brownell. 2nd Company: Capt. Peleg Almy, Lt. Thomas Potter, Jr., Ens. Stephen Cornell. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Paine, Ens. John Gorton. Jamestown Company: Capt. Peleg Carr, Jr., Lt. Daniel Howland, Ens. Thomas Carr. Middletown Company: Capt. Oliver Cornell, Lt. Clarke Taggart, Ens. Samuel Peckham. 528 1794. Oct. Newport-3d Company: Ens. George Waterhouse. Ens. Samuel Watson, in Capt. Pease's Company. Adjutant George W. Tew. May. Capt. John Wanton, Fort Washington. John Carr, gunner, " 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Howland, 1st Maj. John Baley, 2nd Maj. Thomas Durfee. Tiverton-1st Company: Capt. Joseph Baley, Lt. Abraham Manchester, Ens. Benjamin Cooke. 2nd Company: Capt. Richard Durfee, Lt. Baulston Brayton, Ens. Jonathan Borden. 3d Company: Capt. William Durfee, Lt. Nathan Briggs, Jr., Ens. Abner Durfee. Little Compton-1st Company: Capt. Isaac Simmons, Lt. Caleb Church, Ens. Abraham Bayley. June. Capt. Thomas Briggs, Ens. Walter Wilbur. May. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Pierce, Lt. Thomas Richmond, Ens. Jonathan Hilyard. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Reynolds, Jr. June. 1st Maj. Benjamin Wardwell, 2nd Maj. Josiah Humphry. Warren-1st Company: Capt. Joseph Adams, Lt. Benjamin Cole, Ens. William Hoar. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Barton, Lt. Samuel Mason, Ens. Samuel Bowen. Bristol Company: Capt. Joseph Greene, Lt. Thomas Church, Ens. Loring Finney. Oct. Barrington Company: Capt. Benjamin Martin, Lt. Amariah Lilly, Ens. Ebenezer Peck. May. Senior Class Regiment-Newport and Bristol Counties: Lt.-Col. Commandant Loring Peck, 1st Maj. Christopher Manchester, 2nd Maj. Alexander Thomas. Portsmouth and Middletown Company: Capt. John Earle, Lt. William Lawton, Ens. Walter Cornell. 529 1794. May. Bristol County Company: Capt. Benjamin Bosworth. June. Lt. Nathan Carpenter, Ens. John Short. May. Tiverton Company: Capt. Isaac Cooke, Lt. Pierce Perry, Ens. Philip Manchester. Little Compton Company: Capt. Nathaniel Church, Lt. Cornelius Briggs, Ens. Isaac Baley. June. Newport and Jamestown Company: Capt. Samuel Sanford (2nd), Lt. Rob't Dunham, Ens. John Remington. Oct. Little Compton Company: Capt. John Davis, Lt. William Southworth, Ens. Benjamin Coe. May. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Barton. June. Inspector of Brigade, George Tillinghast. May. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Philip Martin, 1st Maj. Stephen Abbott, 2nd Maj. Joseph Allen. Providence —st Company: Capt. George Tillinghast, Lt. Jabez Gorham, Ens. Samuel Arnold. 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Lindley, Lt. Benjamin Andrews, Ens. George R. Burrill. 3d Company: Capt. Geo. Weeden, Lt. Jeremiah Whiting, Ens. Ebenezer K. Dexter. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Proud, Lt. Oliver Pearce, Ens. Payton Dana. 5th Company: Capt. Jeremiah Jenckes, Lt. Eber Coleman, Ens. James Ormsby. North Providence-1st Company: Capt. John Stone, Lt. Richard Whipple, Ens. Jenckes Rutenburg. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Jenckes, Lt. George Robinson, Ens. James Mason. Oct. Providence-5th Company: Capt. Eber Coleman, Lt. Benj. Earle, Ens. Charles W. Tillinghast. 67 530 1794. May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Wm. Aldrich, 1st Maj. Amaziah Weatherhead, 2nd Maj. Daniel Arnold. Smithfield-lst Company: Capt. Nathan Dexter, Lt. Adam Jenckes, Ens. Abraham Angell. 2nd Company: Capt. Caleb Aldrich, Jr., Lt. Moses Aldrich, Ens. Arnold Paine, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Obed Seaver, Lt. Andrew Waterman, Jr., Ens. Nath. Mowry. Cumberland-lst Company: Capt. Isaac Otis, Lt. Squire Aldrich, Ens. Welcome Whipple. 2nd Company: Capt. William Ballou, Lt. Baruch Aldrich, Ens. Ezekiel Ballou. 3d Company: Capt. John Walcott, Lt. Amos Arnold, Ens. Oliver Harris. Oct. Smithfield-lst Company: Ens. Jeremiah Whipple, in room of Abraham Angell, who resigned. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Wilkinson, Jr., Lt. Abraham Ballou, Ens. Eben. Trask, Jr. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, 1st Maj. Thomas Relph. June. 2nd Maj. Gideon Harris. Scituate —st Company: Capt. Benoni Colvin, Lt. Ezra Knight, Ens. Peleg Fisk. 2nd Company: Capt. Stephen Smith, Lt. Reuben Steere, Ens. James Kimbal. 3d Company: Capt. Nathan Walker, Lt. Joseph Carpenter, Ens. Samuel Wilbur, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Resolved Smith, Lt. Timothy Hopkins, Ens. Ezekiel Bishop. May. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Henry Wheeler, Jr., 1st Maj. Elijah Armstrong, 2nd Maj. Thomas Mitchell. Glocester —st Company: Capt. Thomas Winsor, Lt. William Wheeler, Ens. Wm. Hawkins, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Asa Ballou, Lt. William Lapham. 531 1794. June. 2nd Company: Ens. Jireh Ballou. May. 3d Company: Capt. James Potter, Lt. Isaac Wade, Ens. Stephen Cowing. 4th Company: Capt. Pitts Smith, Lt. Daniel Sayles, Ens. Ezekiel Emerson. 5th Company: Capt. Jabez Arnold, Lt. Ezekiel Killy, Ens. James Reynolds. 6th Company: Capt. Benedict Burlingame, Jr., Lt. Esek Brown, Ens. Benj. Harris. 5th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col Commandant Nehemiah Angell, 1st Maj. Francis Fuller, 2nd Maj. Hugh Cole. Foster —st Company: Capt. Thos. Parker, Jr., Lt. Geo. Baker, Jr., Ens. Southward Griffith. 2nd Company: Capt. Simeon Seamans, Lt. Stephen Davis, Ens. William Davis. 3d Company: Capt. Abraham Phillips, Lt. Asher Bennett, Ens. Nathaniel Stone. 4th Company: Capt. Levi Rounds, Lt. Nicholas Potter, Ens. John Eddy. June. 6th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Potter, 1st Maj. Joshua Kimbal, 2nd Maj. Peter Briggs. May. Cranston —st Company: Capt. Hopkins Hudson, Lt. Pardon Sheldon, Ens. Samuel Joy. 2nd Company: Capt. Christopher Waterman, Lt. Joseph Williams, Ens. George Field. 3d Company: Capt. Jonathan Knight, Lt. Henry Whitman, Ens. Rhodes Fenner. Johnston —st Company: Capt. Peter Briggs, Lt. Joseph Alverson, Ens. Laban Latham. 2nd Company: Capt. William Spears, Lt. John Sweet, Ens. John Paine. 3d Company: Capt. Caleb Remington, Lt. Samuel Randall, Ens. Daniel Mann. Oct. 1st Company: Capt. Joseph Alverson, Lt. Laban Latham, Ens. Benjamin Whipple. 532 1794. Oct. 3d Company: Ens. Harris Skelton, in room of Daniel Mann, who declined. May. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Hoppin, 1st Maj. Caleb Westcott, 2nd Maj. Benjamin Fry. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Richard Sayles, Jr. Cumberland Company: Capt. Benjamin S. Walcot, Lt. Simon Wilkinson, Ens. Elijah Brown. Glocester Company: Capt. Seth Hunt, Lt. Eliakim Phettiplace, Ens. Nathan Cooper. Foster Company: Capt. Isaac Blanchard, Lt. Joseph Davis, Ens. Samuel Perkins. Cranston Company: Capt. John Randall, Jr., Lt. Elisha Williams, Ens. Edward Stafford. Johnston Company: Capt. Israel Angell, Lt. Jonathan Patt, Ens. John Viall. June. Provideffce Company: Capt. Peter Taylor, Lt. Daniel Stilwell, Ens. James Burrill, Jr. Scituate Company: Capt. Jonathan Smith, Lt. Samuel Wilbur, Ens. Daniel Fisk, Jr. N orth Providence Company: Capt. Stephen Olney, Lt. Joy Ladd, Ens. Nathan Walker, Jr. Oct. Johnston Company: Capt. Jonathan Patt. Lt. Daniel Wilbur, Ens. Albro Cleveland. May. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. George Thurston. Inspector of Brigade, Cyrus French. 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Peleg Cross, Jr., 1st Maj. William Rhodes, 2nd Maj. Benjamin Taylor. Westerly —lst Company: Capt. Timothy Chapman, Lt. Simeon Lewis, Ens. John Barber. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Noyes, Jr., Lt. Arnold Bliven, Ens. Nicholas Clarke. 3d Company: Capt. Nathaniel Stillman, Lt. Joseph Potter, Ens. Nathan Potter. 533 1794. May. Charlestown-1st Company: Capt. Ethan Crandall, Lt. Braddock Peckham, Ens. Benj. Macomber. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Hoxsie, Jr., Lt. Joseph Stanton, Jr., Ens. Joseph Holway. Hopkinton-1st Company: Capt. Jeremiah Thurston, Lt. Thomas Langworthy. June. Ens. William Tanner. May. 2nd Company: Capt. James Wells, Jr., Lt. Clarke Wells, Ens. Russell Maxson. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Barber, Lt. Nathan Maxson, Ens. John Kinyon. 4th Company: Capt. Phinehas Edwards, Lt. John Tanner, Ens. Ethan Stillman. June. Westerly-4th Company: Capt. Thomas Sisson, Lt. Peleg Peckham, Ens. Ichabod Clarke, Jr. May. 2nd Regiment —Washington County: Lt. Col. Commandant Stephen Wightman, 1st Maj. Henry Northup, 2nd Maj. James Updike. North Kingstown-1st Company: Capt. Benjamin Reynolds, Lt. Caleb Hill, Jr., Ens. Caleb Allen. 2nd Company: Capt. Ezbon Sanford, Lt. George Bissel, Ens. Thomas R. Congdon. 3d Company: Capt. Lodowick Updike, Jr., Lt. Isaac Hall, Ens. Daniel Thomas. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Congdon, Lt. James Shearman, Ens. Henry Congdon. Exeter —st Company: Capt. George Reynolds (son of Robert), Lt. Benjamin Greene (son of Abraham), Ens. Henry Reynolds. 2nd Company: Capt. Stephen Lewis, Lt. Jeremiah Pendleton, Ens. John Maguire. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamin Lewis, Lt. Samuel Lewis, 'Ens. Asa Wilcox. June. Exeter-1st Company: Lt. Henry Reynolds, Ens. Hiams Bates. 534 1794. May. 3d Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Elisha R. Gardner, 1st Maj. George James, 2nd Maj. John Weeden. South Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Augustus Babcock, Lt. John Greenman, Ens. Benjamin Seagar. 2nd Company: Capt. Levi Totten, Lt. Palmer Sheldon, Ens. Silas Clarke. 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Steadman, Lt. Robert Hazard, Ens Robert Babcock. 4th Company: Capt. John Watson, Jr., Lt. John L. Gardner, Ens. Richard Gardner. Richmond-lst Company: Capt. Edward T. Lillibridge, Lt. Silas Kinyon, Ens. Benjamin Barber. 2nd Company: Capt. Thomas W. Kinyon, Lt. Perry Clarke, Ens. Rowse Clarke. Oct. South Kingstown-2nd Company: Lieut. Silas Clarke, in room of * Palmer Shearman, who resigned. Ens. Robert Brown. Richmond-2nd Company: Capt. Perry Clarke, Lt. Rowse Clarke, Ens. Benjamin Wilbur. May. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Noyes, 1st Maj. William Taylor, 2nd Maj. Nathan Pendleton. Westerly Company: Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. James Ross, Ens. Jonathan Sisson. Charlestown Company: Capt. James Peckham, Lt. Stephen Stanton, Ens. Joseph Davis. Hopkinton Company: Capt. Nathan Wells, Lt. Nathan Barber, Ens. Gardner Thurston. North Kingstown Company: Capt. Stukely Hill, Lt. George Tenant, Ens. George Thomas, Jr. Exeter Company: Capt. Samuel Bissell, Lt. Oliver Spink, Ens. Ebenezer Wilcox. South Kingstown Company: Capt. Samuel Stanton, Lt. Daniel Tefft, Ens. Isaac Sheldon. Richmond Company: Capt. John Woodmansie,. Lt. Benjamin Hoxsie, Ens. James Potter. * Written in May sess. Sheldon. 535 1794. Oct. Hopkinton Company: Capt. Nathan Barber, Lt. Gardner Thurston, Ens. George Maxson. May. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Gorton. Inspector of Brigade, Stephen Arnold. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Allen Johnson, 1st Maj. Thomas Westcot, 2nd Maj. Moses Arnold. Warwick —lst Company: Capt. Joseph Batty, Lt. Bennett Low, Ens. Thomas Stafford. 2nd Company: Capt. James Greene (2nd), Lt. Benedict Arnold (2nd), Ens. Joseph Arnold (son of Joseph). 3d Company: Capt. Pardon Potter, Lt. Benjamin Greene, Ens. Dutee Arnold. June. East Greenwich-1st Company: Capt. Michah Whitmarsh, Lt. Stephen Arnold, Ens. Caleb Andrews. 2nd Company: Capt. William Gardner, Lt. John Place, Ens. Peleg Clarke. May. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Samuel Tanner, 1st Maj. Jonathan Nichols, 2nd Maj. Rufus Brayton. West Greenwich-1st Company: Capt. Karmy Whitford, Lt. Nathaniel Niles, Ens. Daniel Greene. 2nd Company: Capt. Silas Baily, Lt. Joseph Fry, Ens. Caleb Bailey, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. David Mathewson, Jr., Lt. John Hazard, Ens. Gardner T. Kinn. June. Coventry —st Company: Capt. Cornell Colvin, Lt. Peleg Arnold, Ens. Edmund Colvin. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Wickes, Jr., Lt. Joshua Johnson, Ens. Joseph Greene. 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Phillips, Lt. William Greene, Ens. Solomon Mathewson. 4th Company: Capt. Josiah Gibbs, Jr., Lt. Reuben Potter, Ens. Johnson Jordan. 536 1794. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Isaac Johnson, 1st Maj. Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb), 2nd Maj. Hopkins Cooke. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Thomas Warner, Lt. Mumford Davis, Ens. James Miller. West Greenwich Company: Capt. John Mathewson, Lt. Silas James, Ens. Simeon Whitford. June. Coventry Company: Capt. Langford Weaver, Lt. Job Mathewson, Ens. John Lewis. May. L/Independent Companies: The North Kingstown Rangers: Capt. Beriah Waite, 1st Lt. Gardner Reynolds, 2nd Lieut. Beriah Brown, Jr., Ens. Gardner Browning. The Cranston Blues: Capt. Caleb Williams, 1st Lieut. Joseph Burton, 2nd Lieut. Pardon Potter, Ens. Andrew Potter. The Glocester Grenadiers: Capt. Joktan Putnam, 1st Lieut. Elisha Mitchell, 2nd Lieut. John Wood, Ens. George Shearman. The Scituate Hunters: Capt. Benjamin Boss, Jr., 1st Lieut. Elisha Mathewson, 2nd Lieut. Stephen Young, Ens. Richard Rhodes. The Newport Artillery Company: Capt. Francis Malbone, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Fry, 2nd Lieut. Walter Channing, Ens. Joseph Boss, Jr. The Washington Independent Company: Capt. Daniel Sunderlin, Jr., Lt. Willett Gardner, 2nd Lieut. Benjamin Greene, Jr., Ens. Phinehas Reynolds. The Newport Guards: Capt. Wing Spooner, 1st Lieut. John Yeamans, 2nd Lieut. Peleg Kaighn, Ens. John Spooner. The Providence Light Infantry: * Capt. John Whipple, 1st Lieut. Seril Dodge, 2nd Lieut Christopher Hill, Ens. Jeremiah B. Howell. The Coventry Rangers: Capt. John McGregor, 1st Lieut. Job Greene, Jr. 2nd Lieut. William Waterman, Ens. John Bowen. A The Glocester Light Infantry: Capt. Elijah Armstrong, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Hawkins, 2nd Lieut. Joseph Steere, Ens. Oliver Armstrong. *The Governor's Independent Company of Light Infantry of Providence. 537 1794. May. The United Train of Artillery in Providence: Col. Daniel Tillinghast, Lieut.-Col. Rob't Taylor, Maj. Gershom Jones, Capt. Nathan Fisher, Lieut. John Carlile, Jr. The Kingston Reds: Capt. John Waite, 1st Lieut. Gideon Babcock, 2nd Lieut. Benedict Eldred, Ens. Sands Perkins. The Johnston Rangers: Capt. Nehemiah Hawkins, 1st Lieut. Robert Thornton, 2nd Lieut. John McDonald, Ens. Christopher Brown. The Washington Troop of Horse: Capt. Rowland Brown, 1st Lieut. Samuel E. Gardner, 2nd Lieut. Jeremiah N. Potter, Cornet Thomas H. Hazard. The Kentish Troop: Capt. Preserved Hall, 1st Lieut. John Arnold, 2nd Lieut. Westcot Stone, Ens. Benjamin Nichols. June. Captain-General's Cavaliers: Capt. Edward Manton, 1st Lieut. Israel Manchester, 2nd Lieut. Calvin Deane, Cornet Christopher Knight. Quartermaster Jeremiah Manton. Providence Troop of Light Dragoons: Col. Ephraim Bowen, Jr., Lieut.-Col. John Corlis, Maj. David McLane, Capt. Josiah Giffard, Lt. Oliver Bowen, Jr., Cornet Henry Smith. Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lieut. Israel Arnold, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Corps, Ens. Rhodes Greene. The Governor's Independent Company of Volunteers: Capt. Robert Taylor, Jr., 1st Lieut. Jeremiah Eddy, 2nd Lieut. Thomas Williams, Ens. Samuel Jackson. The Train of Artillery of Bristol.: Capt. Samuel Wardwell, 1st Lieut William D'Wolfe, 2nd Lieut. Samuel Vial Peck, Ens. John Bradford. Oct. The Governor's Independent Company of Volunteers: * Capt. John Spurr, in room of John Whipple, who resigned. 1st Lieut. Ebenezer Macomber, in room of Seril Dodge, who resigned. Light Company of 1st Regimient —Providence County: Capt. Jeremiah Jenckes, Lt. James Ormsby, Ens. John Eathforth. The Cumberland Light Infantry: Capt. Whipple Lovett, Lt. William Balcomb, Ens. James Arnold. *The Governor's Independent Company of Light Infantry of Providence. 68 538 1794. Jan. The Smithfield Grenadiers: Capt. William Harris, 1st Lieut. Ahab Mowry, 2nd Lieut. Samuel Thayer, Ens. Christopher Dexter. Tiverton and Little Compton Light Dragoons: Capt. William Humphry, 1st Lieut. William Brown, 2nd Lieut. Gilbert Walker, Cornet Job Briggs. Oct. Quota of States Militia Ordered by Congress: 1st Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Tew, 1st Maj. Benj. Wardwell, 2nd Maj. Benj. Taylor. From Newport and Bristol County Brigade: Capt. Samuel Sanford, Lt. Nathaniel Lyon, Ens. William Stall. Capt. Joseph Boss, Jr., Lt. Daniel Howland, Ens. Abraham Baley. Capt. Cooke Wilcox, Lt. Thomas Richmond, Ens. Thomas Cooke. Capt. Joseph Bailey, Lt. Thomas Church, Ens. Ebenezer Peck. Capt. Joseph Barton. Barrington Company, to fill vacancies: Capt. Benjamin Martin, Lt. Amariah Lilly, Ens. Ebenezer Peck. From Washington County Brigade: Senior Class Regiment: Lt. James Ross, Ens. Isaac Sheldon. From 1st Regiment: Capt. Benjamin Barber, Lt. Clarke Wells, Ens. Nathan Potter. Capt. Joseph Noyes, Jr., Lt. Joseph Stanton, 3d. From 2nd Regiment: Capt. Benjamin Reynolds, Lt. George Bissel, Ens. Asa Asa Wilcox. Capt. George Reynolds. From 3d Regiment: Capt. Levi Totten, Lt. Silas IYjnon, Ens. Robert Burdick, Ens. Nathan Barber. 2nd Regiment: Lt.-Col Commandant Philip Martin,.1st Maj. Thomas Westcot, 2nd Maj7 —IHh Cole. From Providence County Brigade: Senior Class Regiment: Capt. Peter Taylor, Lt. Jonathan Patt, Ens. Edward Stafford. From First Regiment: Capt. Joshua Lindsey, Lt. Jabez Gorham, Ens. George R. Burrill. Capt. Jeremiah Jenckes, Lt. Jeremiah Whiting, Ens. Payton Dana. Capt. George Weeden, Lt. George Robinson, Ens. Jenckes Rutenburg. From the 2nd Regiment: Capt. Isaac Otis, Lt. Adam Jenckes, Ens. Ezekiel Ballou. Capt. Obed Seaver, Lt. Moses Aldrich, Ens. Abraham Angell. 539 1794. Oct. From 3d Regiment: Capt. Benoni Colvin, Lt. Reuben Steere, Ens. Ezekiel Bishop. From 4th Regiment: Capt. Benedict Burlingame, Lt. William Wheeler, Ens. James Place. From 5th Regiment: Capt. Thomas Parker, Lt. Nicholas Potter, Ens. Nathaniel Steere. From 6th Regiment: Capt. Hopkins Hudson, Lt. Samuel Randall, Ens. George Field. From Kent County Brigade: Capt. Micah Whitmarsh, Lt. Duty Arnold (son of Benj.), Ens. Thomas Stafford. Capt. Silas Bailey, Lt. James Miller, Ens. Gardner Kinon. Capt. Joseph Wickes, Lt. William Greene (of Coventry), Ens. Edmund Colvin. 2nd Company in Smithfield, to fill vacancies: Capt. Joseph Wilkinson, Lt. Abraham Ballou, Ens. Eben. Trask, Jr. 1795. June. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Peleg Arnold, Chief. Joseph Hoxsie, Walter Cooke, Joshua Bicknall, Thomas Tillinghast. Oct. George Brown, 2nd Justice. May. Clerk, Newport County, Christopher Ellery. " Providence " Samuel Danforth. " Washington " James Sheldon. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Allen Fry. Oct. " Providence " Joseph Fenner. May. Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Constant Taber, Chief. Thomas Peckham, Clerk. Oliver Durfee, Perez Richmond, William Anthony, Jr., William Davis, Sheriff. Nicholas P. Tillinghast. Providence County: Caleb Harris, Chief. James Fenner, Clerk. John Burton, Jr., Stephen Steere, 540 1795. May. Providence County: John Dorrance, Nehemiah Knight, Sheriff. Arnold Paine. Washington County: Peter Phillips, Chief. Samuel E. Gardner, Clerk. Gideon Clarke, Robert Stanton, John Allen, Nich'l's Gardner, Jr., Sheriff. Thomas Tefft. Bristol County: Samuel Allen, Chief. Daniel Bradford, Clerk. William Barton, Stephen Smith, Joseph Reynolds,' Richard Smith, Sheriff. Daniel Cole. Kent County: Stephen Arnold, Chief. Benjamin Howland, Clerk. Thomas Rice, 2nd, Isaac Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Niles, Sheriff. Stephen Greene (of East Greenwich). Christopher Ellery, Public Notary, Newport County. Samuel Chace, " Providence " George Thomas, " Washington " Richard Smith, Jr., " Bristol Hopkins Cooke, " Kent " June. William T. Miller, " Town of Warren. Oct. Samuel Brown, Public Notary, Towns of Westerly, Charlestown and Hopkinton. May. Clerk of House: Samuel Eddy. Oct. " Asher Robbins. Feb. " William Marchant, pro tem. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Henry Sherburne, Benjamin Sayer, Christopher Ellery, Robert Taylor, Henry Peckham, Jonathan Almy. Providence: Samuel Chace, Nathaniel Wheaton, James Arnold, Providence: William Thurber, William Tyler, 2nd, James Fenner, Samuel Thurber, Jr,, William Richmond, George Tillinghast, William Jones, Obadiah Brown. 541 1795. May. Portsmouth: Tlllinghast Almy, Henry Lawton, Gideon Dennis, Samuel Shearman, Giles Lawton, Jr., Thomas Hickes, Andrew McCurrie, Jr. Warwick: Benjamin Barton,> James Jerauld, Anthony Holden, Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb), James Rhodes, Jr., Peter Greene, John Clapp, Henry Arnold, George Greene, Henry Remington. Westerly: Simeon Burdick, Samuel Bliven, Joseph Clarke, Samuel Brown, John Sisson, Nathan Barber, Joseph Potter, Paul Maxson. North Kingstown: George Thomas, Daniel Updike, William Corey, Nicholas C. Northup, William Reynolds, William Northup, Oliver Gardner, Isaac Vaughan, Slocum Hall, Christopher Gardner. South Kingstown: John Waite, Caleb Tefft, Samuel Curtis, Daniel Shearman, Jr., South Kingstown: John Seagar, Samuel E. Gardner, Samuel Helme, Barber Peckham, Samuel Hoxsie, James Shearman, Jr., Cyrus French, Levi Totten, Gideon I. Babcock. East Greenwich: Benjamin Howland, Hopkins Cooke, George Spencer, David Vaughan, 3d, William Greene, George Nichols, Andrew Boyd, Jonathan Pitcher. Smithfield: John Sayles, John Mann, Elisha Olney, Joel Aldrich, Edward Medbury, Duty Winsor. Scituate: John Harris, Daniel Westcot, Stephen Harris. Glocester: Zebedee Hopkins, John Smith (son of Benj.), Timothy Wilmarth, Martin Smith, Nathaniel Wade, Samuel Winsor, Richard Steere, Jr., Israel Cooke, William Arnold, Daniel Tourtellot. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Jonathan Macomber, 542 1795. May. Charlestown: Ichabod Burdick, Simeon Babcock, Nathan Taylor, John Collier, William Kinyon, Jesse Crandall. West Greenwich: Samuel Hopkins, Levi Whitford, Caleb Hall, George Potter, Job Spencer, Stephen Wilcox, Benjamin Nichols, Amos Reynolds, Nathaniel Pullman. Coventry: William Stone, Joseph Manchester, Benjamin Greene, Joseph Wickes, Jr., Joseph Rice, Job Mathewson, Silas Westeot, Job Greene, Jr. Exeter: Stephen Reynolds, Christopher Pierce, Nicholas Gardner (son of Ezekiel), Samuel Bissell, Samuel Gorton, Stephen Champlin, Jeffery Hazard, Lillibridge Barber, Oliver Arnold, Daniel Sunderlin, Jr. Middletown: Elisha Allen, Benjamin Gardner, William Taggart, Jr. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Josiah Finney, Bristol: Newton Waldron, Samuel R. Paine. Tiverton: Thomas Durfee, Lemuel Taber, Redford Dennis, Elihu Hickes, Joseph Durfee, Abraham Burrington. Little Compton: Adam Simmons, Enos Giffard, Thomas Palmer, Benjamin Tompkins. Warren: William T. Miller, Benjamin Barton, Edward Chace, Samuel Child. Cumberland: Jotham Carpenter, Nathaniel Shepardson, Holliman Potter. Richmond: James Sheldon, Remington Clarke, James Potter, Jonathan Maxson, Jeremiah Tefft, Josias Lillibridge. Cranston: William Warner, John R. Arnold, Jeremiah Randall, Joseph Aborn, John A. Burton, Philip Arnold, John Wightman. Hopkinton: David Nichols, Randall Wells, Josiah Witter, Moses Barber, Robert Burdick, 543 1795. May. Hopkinton: Jur Abraham Coon, Samuel Gardner, Jr., Joseph Wells. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Joseph Borden, Jr., Benjamin Kimball, Caleb Alverson, Harding Harris, Joseph Williams. North Providence: Hope Angell, Ezekiel Whipple, Caleb Jenckes, Stephen Jenckes, Jr. Barrington: Solomon Townsend, Jr. James Martin, Asa Bicknall. ne. Scituate: John Wilkinson, Benjamin Angell, Jeremiah Stone. Exeter: Job Wilcox, Thomas Weeden. Middletown: Parker Hall. Cumberland: Levi Ballou. Foster: William Tyler, Daniel Howard, Caleb Potter, Simeon Seamans, Joseph Davis. Jacob Phillips. June. Providence: Wheeler Martin, in place of Samuel Thurber, Jr., who resigned. Oct. Smithfield: Benjamin Sheldon. May. Militia of the State: Major-Gen. Simeon Martin. Adjutant-Gen. Robert Rogers. Quartermaster-Gen. John Mathewson. Commissary-Gen. Charles Lippitt. Director and Purveyor-Gen. of Military Hospital Isaac Center, M. D. Surgeon and Physician-Gen. Isaac Center, M. D. Newport and Bristol County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Allin. Brigade Inspector Thomas Russell. 1st Regiment-Newport County,: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Tew, 1st Maj. Daniel Sheldon, 2nd Maj. Benjamin Brownell. Newport-1st Company: Capt. William Alien, Lt. Samuel Carr, Ens. Samuel Watson. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Lyon, Lt. Nathaniel Lyon, Ens. James Anthony. 544 1795. May. 3d Company: Capt. Charles Davenport, Lt. Thomas Tillery, Ens. Azariah Albro. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Boss, Lt. Peleg Cranston, Ens. Daniel Dunham. Portsmouth-lst Company: Capt. Cooke Wilcox, Lt. George Brownell, Ens. George Cooke. 2nd Company: Capt. Peleg Almy, Lt. Thomas Potter, Jr., Ens. Stephen Cornell. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Pain, Ens. John Gorton. Jamestown Company: Capt. Peleg Carr, Jr., Lt. Daniel Howland, Ens. Thomas Carr. June. Middletown Company: Capt. Caleb Peabody, Lt. Jona. Coggeshall, Jr., Ens. Giles Manchester. John Carr, Gunner, Fort Washington. May. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Howland, 1st Maj. John Baley, 2nd Maj. Thomas Durfee. Tiverton-1st Company: Capt. Joseph Baley, Lt. Abraham Manchester, Ens. Benj. Cooke. 2nd Company: Capt. Richard Durfee, Lt. Baulston Brayton, Ens. Jonathan Borden. 3d Company: Capt. William Durfee, Lt. Nathan Briggs, Jr., Ens. Abner Durfee. Little Compton —st Company: Capt. Thomas Briggs, Lt. Caleb Church, Ens. Abraham Baley. June. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Pierce, Lt. Walter Wilbur, Ens. Sylvester Woodman May. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Reynolds, 1st Maj. Benjamin Wardwell, 2nd Maj. Joseph Adams. Bristol Company: Capt. Joseph Greene, Lt. Thomas Church, Ens. Loring Finney. Warren —st Company: Capt. Benjamin Cole, Lt. William Hoar, Ens. Preserved Alger. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Barton, Lt. Samuel Mason, Ens. Samuel Bowen. 545 1795. May. Barrington Company: Capt. Benjamin Martin, Lt. Amariah Lilley, Ens. Ebenezer Peck. Senior Class Regiment-Newport and Bristol Counties: Lt.-Col. Commandant Loring Peck, 1st Maj. Christopher Manchester, 2nd Maj. Alexander Thomas. June. Newport and Jamestown Company: Capt. Samuel Sanford, 2nd, Lt. Robert Dunham, Ens. John Tew. Portsmouth and Middletown Company: Capt. William Taggart, Jr., Lt. William Lawton, Ens. Walter Cornell. Bristol County Company: Capt. Benjamin Bosworth, Lt. John Short, Ens. Edward Mason. Little Compton Company: Capt. John Davis, Lt. William Southworth, Ens. Benjamin Coe. Tiverton Company: Capt. Isaac Cooke, Lt. Pierce Perry, Ens. Philip Manchester. May. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Barton. Brigade Inspector, George Tillinghast. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Philip Martin, 1st Maj. Stephen Abbot, 2nd Maj. Joseph Allen. Providence —st Company: Capt. Jabez Gorham, Lt. Parker Clarke, Ens. Joshua Rathbun. 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Lindley, Lt. Benjamin Andrews, Ens. George R. Burrill. 3d Company: Capt. George Weeden, Lt. Ebenezer K. Dexter, Ens. Sam'l Smith, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Proud, Jr., Lt. Joseph Snow, Jr., Ens. Job Olney. 5th Company: Capt. Eber Coleman, It. John Eathforth, Ens. Luther Greene. Light Company: Capt. Jeremiah Jenckes, Lt. James Ormsbee, Ens. Oliver Barney. North Providence —st Company: Capt. John Stone, Lt. Emor Whipple, Ens. Daniel Smith. 2nd Company: Capt. Ebenezer Tyler, Lt. George Robinson, Ens. James Mason. Oct. Providence-3d Company: Capt. Ebenezer K. Dexter, Lt. Samuel Smith, Ens. Samuel Staples. 69 546 1795. June. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Amaziah Weatherhead, 1st Maj. Daniel Arnold, 2nd Maj. Nathan Defter. May. Smithfield-lst Company: Capt. Nathan Dexter, Lt. Adam Jenckes, Ens. Jeremiah Whipple. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Wilkinson, Jr., Lt. Abraham Ballou, Ens. Ebenezer Trask. 3d Company: Capt. Obed Seaver, Lt. Nath. Mowry, Ens. James Appleby, 3d. Cumberland-1st Company: Capt. Isaac Otis, Lt. Welcome Whipple, Ens. William Whipple. 3d Company: Capt. Ebenezer Whipple, Lt. Esek Cooke, Ens. Nathan Whipple. June. Smithfield-1st Company: Capt. Adam Jenckes, Lt. Jeremiah Whipple, Ens. Thomas Angell. Cumberland-2nd Company: Capt. William Ballou, Lt. Baruch Aldrich, Ens. Jeremiah Inman. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, 1st Maj. Thomas Relph, 2nd Maj. Gideon Harris. Scituate —st Company: Capt. Benoni Colvin, Lt. Ezra Knight, Ens. Peleg Fisk, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Reuben Steere, Lt. Richard Taylor, Ens. James Kimball. 3d Company: Capt. Nathan Walker, Lt. Samuel Wilber, Jr., Ens. Gideon Angell..4th Company: Capt. Resolved Smith, Lt. Timothy Hopkins, Ens. Ezekiel Bishop. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Henry Wheeler, Jr., 1st Maj. Elijah Armstrong, 2nd Maj. Thomas Mitchell. Glocester —st Company: Capt. Thomas Winsor, Lt. William Wheeler, Ens. Wm. Hawkins, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Asa Ballou, Lt. William Lapham, Ens. Jirehi Ballou. 3d Company: Capt. James Potter, Lt. Isaac Wade, Ens. Stephen Cowing. 5th Company: Capt. Jabez Arnold, Lt. Ezekiel Killey, Ens. James Reynolds. 547 1795. May. 6th Company: Capt. Benedict Burlingame, Jr., Lt. Esek Brown, Ens. Benj. Harris. June. 4th Company: Capt. Ezekiel Emerson, Lt. Caleb Logee, Ens. Christopher Sayles. 5th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Nehemiah Angell, 1st Maj. Hugh Cole, 2nd Maj. Thomas Parker. Foster-1st Company: Capt. George Baker, Jr., Lt. Southworth Griffith, Ens. Josiah Herendeen, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Simeon Seamans, Lt. Stephen Davis, Ens. William Davis. 3d Company: Capt. Abraham Phillips, Lt. Asher Bennett, Ens. Nathaniel Stone. 4th Company: Capt. Levi Rounds, Lt. Nicholas Potter, Ens. John Eddy. May. 6th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Potter, 1st Maj. Peter Briggs, 2nd Maj. Valentine Sweet. Cranston —st Company: Capt. John Westcot, Lt. Joseph Harris, Ens. Benjamin Potter. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Williams, Lt. John Williams, Jr., Ens. Joseph Burgess. 3d Company: Capt. Jonathan Knight, Lt. Henry Wightman, Ens. Rhodes Fenner. Johnston-2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Angell, Lt. Ezekiel Angell, Ens. Olney Angell. June. 1st Company: Capt. Joseph Alverson, Lt. Laban Latham, Ens. Harris Kelton. May. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Ll.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Hoppin, 1st Maj. Caleb Westcot, 2nd Maj. Benjamin Fry. June. Providence Company: Capt. Peter Taylor, Lt. Daniel Stillwell, Ens. James Burrill, Jr. North Providence Company: Capt. Benjamin Jenks, Lt. Richard Whipple, Ens. Nathaniel Walker. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Richard Sayles, Jr. 548 1795. June. Cumberland Company: Capt. Benjamin S. Walcot, Lt. Joseph Follett, Ens. Noah Ballou, Jr. Scituate Company: Capt. Caleb Fisk, Lt. Eliezer Collins, Ens. Jeremiah Baker. Glocester Company: Capt. Rufus Steere, Lt. Nathan Cooper, Ens. Esek Brown, Jr. Cranston Company: Capt. John Randall, Jr., Lt. Elisha Williams, Ens. Edward Stafford. Johnston Company: Capt. Jonathan Patt, Lt. Daniel Wilbur, Ens. Albro Cleveland. Foster Company: Capt. Isaac Blanchard, Lt. Joseph Davis, Ens. Daniel Howard. May. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. George Thurston. Brigade Inspector, Cyrus French. 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Peleg Cross, Jr. June. 1st Maj. Benjamin Taylor. May. 2nd Maj. Benjamin Taylor. Oct. 2nd Maj. Joseph Noyes, Jr. May. Hopkinton-1st Company: Capt. Jeremiah Thurston, Lt. Thos. Langworthy, Ens. Wm. Tanner, 2nd. 2nd Company: Capt. James Wells, Jr., Lt. Clarke Wells, Ens. Peleg Babcock. 3d Company: Capt. Benjamfn Barber, Lt. Nathan Maxson, Ens. John Kinyon. 4th Company: Capt. John Tanner, Lt. Matthew Stillman, Ens. Caleb Church, 2nd. June. Westerly-lst Company: Capt. Timothy Chapman, Lt. Jared Babcock, Ens. Resolved Carr. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Noyes, 2nd, Lt. Arnold Bliven, Ens. George Wells. 3d Company: Capt. Nathan Potter, Lt. Samuel Taylor, Ens. Nathan Stillman. 549 1795. June. 4th Company: Capt. Thomas Sisson, Lt. Ichabod Clarke, Jr., Ens. Arnold Saunders. Charlestown —st Company: Capt. Ethan Crandall, Lt. Braddock Peckham,. Ens. Dennis Taylor. 2nd Company: Capt. Asa Church, Lt. Browning Greene, Ens. James Kinyon. Oct. Westerly-2nd Company: Capt. Arnold Bliven, Lt. George Wells, Ens. Joshua Noyes. Charlestown-2nd Company: Ens. Jeffery Hazard. May. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Wightman, 1st Maj. Henry Northup, 2nd Maj. James Updike. North Kingstown-2nd Company: Capt. Ezbon Sanford, Lt. George Bissell, Ens. Thomas R. Congdon. 3d Company: Capt. Lodowick Updike, Jr., Lt. Isaac Hall, Ens. Daniel Thomas. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Congdon, Lt. James Shearman, Ens. Henry Congdon. Exeter —st Company: Capt. Henry Reynolds, Lt. Hiams Bates, Ens. Jeremiah Smith. 2nd Company: Capt. John Maguire, Lt. Solomon Arnold, Ens. Gideon Arnold. 3nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Lewis, Lt. Samuel Lewis, Ens. Asa Wilcox. June. North Kingstown-1st Company: Capt. Caleb Hill, Jr., Lt. Caleb Allen, Ens. Royal Vaughan. Oct. 1st Company: Capt. Royal Vaughan, Lt. Daniel Hunt, Ens. Joseph Corey (son of William). June. 3d Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Elisha R. Gardner, 1st Maj. George James, 2nd Maj. John Weeden. Adjutant John Hall. May. Richmond-1st Company: Capt. Silas Kinyon, Lt. Benjamin Barber, Ens. John Lillibridge. 550 1795. May. 2nd Company: Capt. Perry Clarke, Lt. Rowse Clarke, Ens. Benjamin Wilbur. June. South Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Augustus Babcock, Lt. Benj. T. Sheffield, Ens. Jeffery H. Browning. 2nd Company: Capt. Levi Totten, Lt. Silas Clarke, Ens. Robert Brown. 3d Company: Capt. Clarke Hopkins, Lt. Enoch Steadman. 4th Company: Capt. John Watson, Jr., Lt. Richard Gardner, Jr., Ens. Silas Gardner. Oct. 1st Company: Capt. Benjamin T. Sheffield, Lt. Jeffery H. Browning. 3d Company: Capt. Enoch teadman, Lt. William Knowles, Ens. John Knowles. Richmond-2nd Company: Capt. Rowse Clarke, Lt. Benjamin Wilbur, Ens. Ezekiel Johnson. May. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Noyes, 1st Maj. William Taylor. June. 2nd Maj. Edward Wilcox. Westerly Company: Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. James Ross, Ens. Jonathan Sisson. Charlestown Company: Capt. Samuel Perry, Lt. Henry Greene, Jr., Ens. Jeremiah Taylor. Hopkinton Company: Capt. Nathan Barber, Lt. Gardner Thurston, Ens. George Maxson. North Kingstown Company: Capt. Stukely Hill, Lt. Win. T. Congdon, Ens. George Thomas, Jr. Exeter Company: Capt. Oliver Spink, Lt. Ebenezer Wilcox, Ens. Jeffery Hazard. South Kingstown Company: Capt. Samuel Stanton, Lt. Daniel Tafft, Ens. Isaac Sheldon. Richmond Company: Capt. Benjamin Hoxsie, Lt. James Potter, Ens. Gardner Phillips. May. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Allen Johnson. Brigade Inspector, Stephen Arnold. 551 1795. May. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Westeot 1st Maj. Moses Arnold, 2nd Maj. Michah Whitmarsh. Warwick-1st Company: Capt. Joseph Batty, Lt. Bennett Low, Ens. Thomas Stafford. 3d Company: Capt. Pardon Potter, Lt. Benjamin Greene, Ens. Dutee Arnold. East Greenwich —st Company: * Capt. Earle Mowry, Lt. William Spencer, Ens. Caleb Andrews. 2nd Company: Capt. William Gardner, Lt. John Place, Ens. Peleg Clarke. June. Warwick-2nd Company: Capt. Benedict Arnold, Lt. Joseph Arnold, 2nd, Ens. Charles Braytbn. East Greenwich-lst Company: Capt. Wm. G. Spencer, Lt. Joseph Stone, Ens. Jonathan Andrews, Jr. Oct. Warwick-1st Company: Capt. Bennett Low, Lt Thomas Stafford, Ens. Remington Arnold. June. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Rufus Brayton, 1st Maj. Silas Bailey, 2nd Maj. Karmy Whitford. May. West Greenwich —st Company: Capt. Rhodes Wightman, Lt. Burton Sweet, Ens. Joseph Matteson. 2nd Company: Capt Joseph Fry, Lt. Augustus Ellis, Ens. Samuel Gardner. 3d Company: Capt. Gardner T. Kinyon, Lt. Job Tillinghast, Ens. William Tanner. Coventry — st Company: Capt. Edmund Colvin, Lt. Peleg Arnold, Ens. John Remington. 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Phillips, Lt. WTm. Greene, Ens. Solomon Mathewson. 4th Company: Capt. Josiah Gibbs, Jr., Lt. Reuben Potter, Ens. Johnson Jordan. June. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Wickes, Jr., Lt. Joshua Johnson, Ens. Joseph Greene. * Resigned, Feb. 552 1795. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Isaac Johnson, 1st Maj. Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb), 2nd Maj. Stukely Hudson. June. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Mumford Davis, Lt. James Miller, Ens. Benjamin Reynolds. West Greenwich Company: Capt. Silas James, Lt. Simeon Whitford, Ens. John Casey. Coventry Company: Capt. Langford Weaver, Lt. Job Matteson, Ens. John Lewis. May. Independent Companies: The Captain-General's Cavaliers: Capt. Edward Manton, 1st Lieut. Israel Manchester, 2nd Lieut. Calvin Deane, Cornet Christopher Knight. Quarter-Master Jeremiah Manton. The Smithfield Genadiers: Capt. Willliam Harris, 1st Lieut. Ahab Mowry, 2nd Lieut. Samuel Thayer, Ens. Christopher Dexter. The Cranston Blues: Capt. Caleb Williams, 1st Lieut. Joseph Burton, 2nd Lieut. Andrew Potter, Ens. Abraham Randall. The Washington Independent Company: Capt. Daniel Sunderlin, Jr., 1st Lieut. Willet Gardner, 2nd Lieut. Benjamin Greene, Ens. Phinehas Reynolds. The Kingstown Reds: Capt. John Waite, 1st Lieut. Gideon J. Babcock, 2nd Lieut. Benedict Eldred, Ens. William C. Clarke. The Glocester Light Infantry: Capt. Benjamin Hawkins, 1st Lieut. Joseph Steere, 2nd Lieut. Oliver Armstrong, Ens. Jonathan Knapp. The North Kingstown Rangers: Capt. Beriah Waite, 1st Lieut. Gardner Reynolds, 2nd Lieut. Beriah Brown, Jr., Ens. Gardiner Browning. The Governor's Independent Company of Volunteers: Capt. Robert Taylor, Jr., 1st Lieut. Jeremiah Eddy, 2nd Lieut. Thomas Williams, Ens. Samuel Jackson. The Light Infantry of the Town of Providence: Capt. John Spurr, 1st Lieut. Ebenezer Macomber, 2nd Lieut. Christopher Hill, Ens. Jeremiah B. Howell. 553 1795. May. The Kentish Troop: Capt. Preserved Hall, 1st Lieut. John Arnold, 2nd Lieut. Westcot Stone, Cornet Benjamin Nichols, Quarter-Master Richard R. Reynolds. The United Train of Artillery in the Town of Providence: Col. Rob't Taylor, Lieut.-Col. Nathan Fisher, Maj. John Carlile, Jr., Capt. Peter Grinnell, Lieut. James Burr. The Cumberland Light Infantry: Capt. Whipple Lovett, Lt. William Balcomb, Ens. Amos Follett. The Coventry Rangers: Capt. John M'Gregor, 1st Lieut. Job Greene, Jr., 2nd Lieut. William Watermank, Ens. John Brown. The Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lieut. Israel Arnold, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Corpe, Ens. Rhodes Greene. The Johnston Rangers: Capt. Robert Thornton, 1st Lieut. John M'Donald, 2nd Lieut. Christopher Brown, Ens. Joseph Mathewson. The Newport Guards: Capt. Wing Spooner, 1st Lieut. John Yeamans, 2nd Lieut. Peleg Kaighn, Ens. John Spooner. The Washington Cavalry: Capt. Rowland Brown, 1st Lieut. Samuel E. Gardner, 2nd Lieut. Jeremiah Potter, Ens. Thomas H. Hazard. The Glocester Grenadiers: Capt. Joktan Putnam, 1st Lieut. Elisha Mitchell, 2nd Lieut. George Shearman, Ens. Enoch Thayer. The Artillery Company in Newport: Capt. Francis Malbone, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Fry, 2nd Lieut. Walter Channing, Ens. Joseph Boss, Jr. June. 7N The Glocester Grenadiers: Capt. Elisha Mitchell, 1st Lieut. Enoch Thayer, 2nd Lieut. Daniel Thompson, Ens. Joseph Putnam. Oct. The Ready Volunteers-Bristol County: Capt. William Coggeshall, 1st Lieut. John M. Coggeshall, 2nd Lieut. Thomas Kinnicut, Cornet Calvin Martin. 1796. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Peleg Arnold, Chief. George Brown, Walter Cooke, Joshua Bicknall, Thomas Tillinghast. 70 554 1796. May. Clerk, Newport County, Christopher Ellery. " Providence " Joseph Fenner. " Washington" James Sheldon. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. Justices of the Court of Common Pleas and General Ses / sions of the Peace: Newport County: Constant Taber, Chief. Oliver Durfee, Perez Richmond, William Anthony, Jr., Nicholas P. Tillinghast. Providence County: Caleb Harris, Chief. John Burton, Jr., John Dorrance, Arnold Pain, William Tyler (of Foster Washington County: Gideon Clarke, Chief. Robert Stanton, Thomas Tefft, William Hammond, John Waite, Thomas Peckham, Clerk. William Davis, Sheriff. James Fenner, Clerk. Nehemiah Knight, Sheriff. ). Samuel E. Gardner, Clerk. Walter White, Sheriff. Elisha R. Gardner, Sheriff, pro tern. Bristol County: Samuel Allen, Chief. Richard Smith, Jr., Clerk. William Barton, Josiah Finney, Joseph Reynolds, Richard Smith, Sheriff. Daniel Cole. Kent County: Stephen Arnold, Chief. Hopkins Cooke, Clerk. Thomas Rice, 2nd, Isaac Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Niles, Sheriff. Stephen Greene (of East Greenwich). Christopher Ellery, Public Notary, Newport County. Samuel Chace, " Providence " George Thomas, ". Washington " Richard Smith, Jr., " Bristol Hopkins Cooke, " Kent Samuel Brown, Public Notary, Westerly, Charlestown, and Hopkinton. 555 1796. May. William T. Miller, Public Notary, Warren. Oct. Theodore Foster, Senator in Congress. Benjamin Bourn, Representative in Congress. Christopher Grant Champlin, " Feb. Committee to Revise the Laws: William Hunter, Caleb Harris, George Thomas, Benjamin Bourne, William Greene (of East Greenwich), Ray Greene, Att.-Gen. David L. Barnes. May. Clerk of House: William V. King. Feb. Clerk of House: William Marchant. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Westerly: Henry Sherburne, Samuel Bliven. Benjamin Sayer, Samuel Brown, Christopher Ellery, John Sisson, Robert Taylor, Nathan Barber, Henry Peckham, Joseph Potter, Jonathan Almy. Paul Maxson, Providence: Abel Larkin. Samuel Chace, North Kingstown: James Arnold, George Thomas, William Thurber, Daniel Updike, William Tyler, 2nd, William Corey, James Fenner, Nicholas C. Northup, Wheeler Martin, William Northup. William Richmond, Oliver Gardner, George Tillinghast, Isaac Vaughan, William Jones, Slocum Hall, Obadiah Brown. Christopher Gardner, Portsmouth: Jonathan Reynolds (son Henry Lawton, of William). James Vinson, South Kingstown: Gideon Dennis. John Waite, Warren: Caleb Tefft, Benjamin Barton, ~ Samuel Curtis, James Jerauld, Daniel Shearman, Jr., Joseph Arnold, South Kingstown: Peter Greene, John Seagar, James Rhodes, Samuel E. Gardner, George Greene, Samuel Helme, Henry Remington, Barber Peckham, Thomas Arnold (son of Samuel Hoxsie, Benjamin), James Shearman, Edward Anthony. Cyrus French, 556 1796. May. South Kingstown: Levi Totten, Gideon J. Babcock. Hopkins Cooke, East Greenwich: George Spencer, Daniel Vaughan, 3d, George Nichols, Andrew Boyd, Thomas Sweet, Jonathan Pitcher (son of Sylvester). Smithfield: John Sayles, Benjamin Sheldon, Edward Medbury, Joel Aldrich, Elisha Olney, Dutee Winsor, Benoni Pain. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Jonathan Macomber, Ichabod Burdick, Simeon Babcock, Nathan Taylor, John Collier, William Kinyon, Jesse Crandall. West Greenwich: Samuel Hopkins, Levi Whitford, Caleb Hall, George Potter, Stephen Wilcox, Benjamin Nichols, Nathaniel Pullman. Coventry: William Stone, Joseph Manchester, Benjamin-Greene Joseph Wickes, Jr., Job Mathewson, Silas Westcot, Job Greene, Jr., Coventry: John Colegrove, Nathan Bowen. Middletown: Joseph Peabody, Elisha Allen, Parker Hall. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Newton Waldron, Samuel R. Paine. Tiverton: Thomas Durfee, Lemuel Taber, Redford Dennis, Elihu Hicks, Joseph Durfee. Little Compton: Adam Simmons, Enos Giffard, Thomas Palmer, Benjamin Tompkins. Warren: William T. Millar, Benjamin Barton, Edward Chace, Benjamin Bosworth. Cumberland: Philip Capron, Jotham Carpenter, Nathaniel Shepardson, Levi Ballou, Ebenezer Carpenter. Richmond: James Sheldon, Remington Clarke, James Potter, Jonathan Maxson, Jeremiah Tefft, Josias Lillibridge. Cranston: William Warner, John A. Burton, Jeremiah Randall, John Whitman, 557 1796. May. Cranston: Richard Knight, Jr., Joseph Harris. Hopkinton: David Nichols, Randall Wells, Josiah Witter, Moses Barber, Robert Burdick, Samuel Gardner, Jr., Thomas Wells, Jr. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Benjamin Kimball, Caleb Alverson, Harding Harris, Joseph Williams, Ezekiel Angell. North Providence: Hope Angell, Ezekiel Whipple, Caleb Jenckes, Stephen Jenckes, Jr. Barrington: Solomon Townsend, Jr. James Martin, Asa Bicknall, Josiah Humphry, Jr. Foster: Daniel Howard, Caleb Potter, Simeon Seamans, Joseph Davis, Jacob Phillips. June. Warwick: Edward Holden. South Kingstown: Josephus Peckham. Bristol: Thomas Swan. Hopkinton: Thomas P. Gardner. Foster: Nehemiah Angell, Hezekiah Simmons. Scituate: John Harris, Daniel Westcot, Stephen Harris, John Wilkinson, Benjamin Angell, Jeremiah Stone. Gideon Austin, Jr., Peleg Fisk, Jr. Glocester: Zebedee Hopkins, John Smith (son of Benj.), Timothy Wilmarth, Martin Smith, Nathaniel Wade, Samuel Winsor, Richard Steere, Jr., Israel Cooke, William Arnold, Daniel Tourtellot, Jesse Armstrong. Exeter: Stephen Reynolds, Christopher Peirce, Nicholas Gardner (son of Ezekiel), Samuel Bissell, Jonathan Lillibridge, Stephen Champlin, Jeffery Hazard, Lillibridge Barber, Daniel Tillinghast, Daniel Sunderlin, Jr., Asa Wilcox, Nathan Rathbun, Robert Crandall. 558 1796. May. Militia of the State: Major-Gen. Simeon Martin. Quartermaster-Gen. John Mathewson. Commissary-Gen. Charles Lippitt. Adjutant-Gen. Robert Rogers. Surgeon and Physician-Gen. Isaac Center. Director and Purveyor-Gen. ( Newport and Bristol County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Allin. Brigade Inspector Thomas Russell. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Tew, 1st Maj. Daniel Sheldon, 2nd Maj. Benjamin Brownell. Newport-lst Company: Capt. William Allen, Lt. Samuel Carr, Ens. Samuel Watson. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Lyon, Lt. Nathaniel Lyon, Ens. James Anthony. 3d Company: Capt. Charles Davenport, Lt. Thomas Tilley, Ens. Azariah Albro. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Boss, Lt. Peleg Cranston, Ens. Daniel Dunham. Portsmouth-lst Company: Capt. Cooke Wilcox, Lt. George Brownell, Ens. George Cooke. 2nd Company: Capt. Peleg Almy, Lt. Thomas Potter, Jr., Ens. Stephen Cornell. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Pain, Ens. John Gorton. June. Newport-3d Company: Lieut. James Anthony, Ens. Joshua Hiscox. Jamestown Company: Capt. Daniel Howland, Lt. Thomas Carr, Ens. John Carr. Middletown Company: Capt. Samuel Coggeshall, Lt. Jona. Coggeshall, Ens. Giles Manchester. May. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Howland, 1st Maj. John Baley, 2nd Maj. Thomas Durfee. Tiverton-1st Company: Capt. Abraham Manchester, Lt. Benjamin Cooke, Ens. Holder Almy. 3d Company: Capt. William Durfee, Lt. Nathan Briggs, Jr., Ens. Abner Durfee. 559 1796. May. Little Compton —st Company: Capt. Thomas Briggs, Lt. Caleb Church, Ens. Owen Greenell. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Pearce, Lt. Walter Wilbur, Ens. Jonathan Hilliard. June. Tiverton-2nd Company: Capt. Baulston Brayton, Lt. Jonathon Borden. 3d Company: Ens. Joseph Cooke. Oct. 2nd Company: Lieut. Thomas Cooke, Ens. Joseph Perry. May. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Reynolds, 1st Maj. Benjamin Wardwell, 2nd Maj. Joseph Adams. Bristol Company: Capt. Joseph Greene, Lt. Thomas Church, Ens. Loring Finney. Warren-1st Company: Capt. Benjamin Cole, Lt. William Hoar, Ens. Preserved Alger. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Mason, Lt. Benjamin Saunders, Ens. Benj. Barton, Jr. Barrington Company: Capt. Benjamin Martin, Lt. Amariah Lilley, Ens. Ebenezer Peck. Senior Class Regiment-Newport and Bristol Counties: Lt.-Col. Commandant Loring Peck, 1st Maj. Alexander Thomas, 2nd Maj. Samuel Sanford. Newport and Jamestown Company: Capt. Robert Dunham, Lt. John Tew, Ens. Michael Moulton. Portsmouth and Middletown Company: Capt. William Lawton, Lt. Walter Cornell, Ens. John Peabody. Bristol County Company: Capt. Benjamin Bosworth, Lt. John Short, Ens. Randall Cole. Tiverton Company: Capt. Isaac Cooke, Lt. Pearce Perry, Ens. Philip Manchester. Little Compton Company: Capt. William Southworth, Lt. Benjamin Coe, Ens. Andrew Taylor. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Barton. Brigade Inspector, George Tillinghast. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Philip Martin, 1st Maj. Stephen Abbot, 2nd Maj. Ebenezer Tyler. 560 1796. May. Providence —st Company: Capt. Parker Clarke, Lt. Joshua Rathbun, Ens. Jesse Whitmore. 2nd Company: Capt. George R. Burrill, Lt. Boone Vaughan, Ens. Haile Gladding. 3d Company: Capt. Jabez Gorham, Lt. Samuel Smith, Ens. Stephen Yates. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Proud, Jr., Lt. Joseph Snow, Jr., Ens. Edward Luther. 5th Company: Capt. Eber Coleman, Lt. Samuql Kempton, Ens. George Sinkins. North Providence —st Company: Capt. Emor Whipple, Lt. Daniel Smith, Ens. Elisha Olney. 2nd Company: Capt. James Mason, Lt. Jesse Salsbury, Ens. Arnold Jenckes. June. Providence-2nd Company: Lieut. Benjamin Howland. North Providence —st Company: Ens. Elisha Smith. May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Daniel Arnold, 1st Maj. Nathan Dexter, 2nd Maj. William Ballou. Smithfield-lst Company: Capt. Adam Jenckes, Lt. Jeremiah Whipple, Ens. Thomas Angell. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Wilkinson, Jr., Lt. Abraham Ballou, Ens. Ebenezer Trask. 3d Company: Capt. Obed Seaver, Lt. Nath. Mowry, Ens. James Appleby, 3d. Cumberland —st Company: Capt William Whipple, Lt. Stephen Dexter, Ens. Jonathan Ray. 2nd Company: Capt. Ariel Ballou, Lt. Joseph Jenckes, Ens. Pelatiah Ballou. 3d Company: Capt. Eleazer Whipple, Lt. Esek Cooke, Ens. Nathan Whipple. June. Smithfield-2nd Company: Lieut. Cyrus Arnold, Ens. Asa Arnold. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, 1st Maj. Thomas Relph, 2nd Maj. Gideon Harris. 561 1796. May. Scituate —st Company: Capt. Benoni Colvin, Lt. Ezra Knight, Ens. Peleg Fisk, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Reuben Steere, Lt. Richard Taylor, Ens. James Kimball. 3d Company: Capt. Gideon Angell, Lt. James Whipple, Ens. Angell Austin. 4th Company: Capt. Resolved Smith, Lt. Timothy Hopkins, Ens. Ezekiel Bishop. Oct. 1st Company: Ens. David Relph. May. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Elijah Armstrong, 1st Maj. Thomas Mitchell, 2nd Maj. Benedict Burlingame, Jr. Glocester-1st Company: Capt. Wm. Hawkins, Jr., Lt. Samuel Steere, Jr., Ens. John Williams. 2nd Company: Capt. Asa Ballou, Lt. William Lapham, Ens. Jireh Ballou. 3d Company: Capt. James Potter, Lt. Mowry Smith, Ens. Jenckes Sprague. 4th Company: Capt. Ezekiel Emerson, Lt. Caleb Logee, Ens. Christopher Sayles. 5th Company: Capt. Ezekiel Kelly, Lt. James Reynolds, Ens. Joseph Richmond. 6th Company: Capt. Esek Brown, Lt. James Place, Ens. John Greene. June. 3d Company: Lt. Nicholas Keach. May. 5th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Nehemiah Angell, 1st Maj. Hugh Cole, 2nd Maj. Thomas Parker. Foster-ist Company: Capt. George Baker, Jr., Lt. Southworth Griffith, Ens. Josiah Herendeen, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Simeon Seamans, Lt. Stephen Davis, Ens. William Davis. 4th Company: Capt. Levi Rounds, Lt. Nicholas Potter, Ens. John Eddy. June. 3d Company: Capt. Abraham Phillips, Lt. Asher Bennett, Ens. Nathaniel Phillips. 71 562 1796. May. 6th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Peter Briggs, 1st Maj. Valentine Sweet, 2nd Maj. John Westcot. Cranston —st Company: Capt. Joseph Harris, Lt. Benjamin Potter, Ens. Edmund Stone. 2nd Company: Capt. John Williams, Jr., Lt. Joseph Burgess, Ens. Benj. Williams. 3d Company: Capt. Henry Wightman, Lt. Seth Keach, Ens. Waterman Burlingame. Johnston —st Company: Capt. Joseph Alverson, Lt. Laban Latham, Ens. Harris Kelton. 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Angell, Lt. Ezekiel Angell, Ens. Olney Angell. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Ll.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Hoppin, 1st Maj. Caleb Westcot, 2nd Maj. Benjamin Fry. Providence Company: Capt. Peter Taylor, Lt. Daniel Stilwell, Ens. James Burrill, Jr. North Providence Company: Capt. Benjamin Jenckes, Lt. Richard Whipple, Ens. Nathaniel Walker. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Richard Sayles, Jr. Cumberland Company: Capt. Benjamin S. Walcot, Lt. Joseph Follett, Ens. Noah' Ballou, Jr. Scituate Company: Capt. Caleb Fisk, Lt. Eliezer Collins, Ens. Jeremiah Baker. Glocester Company: Capt. Rufus Steere, Lt. Nathan Cooper, Ens. Esek Brown, Jr. Foster Company: Capt. Daniel Howard, Lt. Abiathar Young, Ens. Squire Bucklin, Jr. Cranston Company: Capt. John Randall, Jr., Lt. Elisha Williams, Ens. Edward Stafford. Johnston Company: Capt. Daniel Wilbur, Lt. Albro Cleveland, Ens. John Pain. June. Scituate Company: Ens. Gideon Austin, Jr. May. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. George Thurston. Brigade Inspector, Cyrus French. 563 1796. May. 1st Regiment-Washington County Lt.-Col. Commandant Peleg Cross, Jr., 1st Maj. Benjamin Taylor. 2nd Maj. Joseph Noyes, Jr. Westerly-2nd Company: Capt. Arnold Bliven, Lt. George Wells, Ens. Joshua Noyes. 3d Company: Capt. Nathan Potter, Lt. Samuel Taylor, Ens. Nathan Stillman. 4th Company: Capt. Thomas Sisson, Lt. Ichabod Clarke, Ens. Arnold Saunders. Charlestown-1st Company: Capt. Ethan Crandall, Lt. Braddock Peckham, Ens. Benjamin York. 2nd Company: Capt. Asa Church, Lt. Browning Greene, Ens. Jeffery Hazard. Hopkinton-lst Qompany: Capt. Jeremiah Thurston, Lt. Thos. Langworthy, Ens. Win. Tanner, 2nd. 2nd Company: Capt. James Wells, Jr., Lt. Rowland Babcock, Ens. Peleg Babcock. 3d Company: Capt. Nathan Maxson, Lt. John Kinyon, Ens. Samuel Peckham. June. 'Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Taylor, 1st Maj. Joseph Noyes, Jr. Westerly —st Company: Capt. Jared Babcock, Lt. John Barber, Ens. John Fowler. Hopkinton-4th Company: Capt. John Tanner, Lt. Matthew Stillman, Ens. Caleb Church, 2nd. May. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Wightman, 1st Maj. James Updike, 2nd Maj. Daniel Congdon. North Kingstown-2nd Company: Capt. Ezbon Sanford, Lt. George Bissell, Ens. Thomas R. Congdon. 3d Company: Capt. Lodowick Updike, Jr., Lt. Dan'l Thomas, Ens. Thomas Rathbun. 4th Company: Capt. James Shearman, Lt. Henry Congdon, Ens. Beriah Eldred. Exeter-1st Company: Capt. Hiams Bates, Lt. Jeremiah Smith, Ens. Peter Weaver. 2nd Company: Capt. John Maguire, Lt. Gideon Arnold, Ens. Stephen Lewis, Jr. 3nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Lewis, Lt. Samuel Lewis, Ens. Asa Wilcox. 564 1796. June. North Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Royal Vaughan, Lt. Dan'l Hunt, Ens. Joseph Corey (son of Wm.). Exeter-3d Company: Ens. Jonathan Wilcox. Oct. 2nd Major Benjamin Lewis, of Exeter. May. 3d Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Elisha R. Gardner, 1st Maj. George James, 2nd Maj. Gideon J. Babcock. Adjutant John Hall. South Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Jeffery H. Browning, Lt. John Cranston, Ens. John R. Sheffield. 2nd Company: Capt. Levi Totten, Lt. Silas Clarke, Ens. Robert Brown. 3d Company: Capt. Enoch Steadman, Lt. William Knowles, Ens. John Knowles. 4th Company: Capt. Rich'd Gardner, Jr., Lt. Nath'l H. Gardner, Ens. Lodowick Coon. Richmond-lst Company: Capt. Silas Kinyon, Lt. John Lillibridge, Ens. George Kinyon. 2nd Company: Capt. Rowse Clarke, Lt. Benjamin Wilbur, Ens. Ezekiel Johnson. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Noyes, 1st Maj. William Taylor, 2nd Maj. Edward Wilcox. Westerly Company: Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. James Ross, Ens. Jonathan Sisson. Charlestown Company: Capt. Samuel Perry, Lt. Henry Greene, Ens. Jeremiah Taylor. Hopkinton Company: Capt. Nathan Barber, Lt. Gardner Thurston, Ens. George Maxson. North Kingstown Company: Capt. Stukely Hill, Lt. Win. T. Congdon, Ens. George Thomas, Jr. Richmond Company: Capt. Benjamin Hoxsie, Lt. James Potter, Ens. Gardner Phillips. June. Exeter Company: Capt. Oliver Spink, Lt. Ebenezer Wilcox, Ens. Jeffery Hazard. May. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Allen Johnson. Brigade Inspector, Stephen Arnold. 565 1796. May. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Westcot, 1st Maj. Moses Arnold,, —r- 2nd Maj. Michah Whitmarsh. Warwick —st Company: Capt. Bennett Low, Lt Thomas Stafford, Ens. Remington Arnold. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Arnold (3d), Lt. Charles Brayton', Ens. Jonathan Tiffany. 3d Company: Capt. Pardon Potter, Lt. Benjamin Greene, Ens. Dutee Arnold. East Greenwich-lst Company: Capt. Jonathan Andrews, Jr., Lt. Browning Nichols, Ens. Isaac Spencer. 2nd Company: Capt. William Gardner, Lt. John Place, Ens. Peleg Clarke. Oct. East Greenwich —st Company: Capt. Browning Nichols, Lt. Daniel Taylor, Ens. Benjamin Gardner. Feb. Ens. James Sweet, Jr., in room of Benjamin Gardner, who declines. May. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Silas Bailey, 1st Maj. Thomas Phillips, 2nd Maj. Josiah Gibbs, Jr. West Greenwich —st Company: Capt. Rhodes Wightman, Lt. Burton Sweet, Ens. Joseph Mathewson. 2nd Company: Capt. Augustus Ellis, Lt. Samuel Gardner, Ens. Oliver Moon. 3d Company: Capt. Gardner T. Kinyon, Lt. Job Tillinghast, Ens. William Tanner. Coventry-1st Company: Capt. Edmund Colvin, Lt. Peleg Arnold, Ens. John Remington. 2nd Company: Capt. William Bennett, Lt. Joshua Johnson, Ens. Joseph Greene. 3d Company: Capt. Win. Greene, Lt. Solomon Mathewson, Ens. Reuben Knight. 4th Company: Capt. Reuben Potter, Lt. Johnson Jordan, Ens. Samuel Peck. June. Coventry-3d Company: Capt. Solomon Mathewson, Lt. Reuben Knight, Ens. Silas Weaver. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Isaac Johnson, 1st Maj. Joseph Arnold (son of Caleb), 2nd Maj. Stukely Hudson. 566 1796. May. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Mumford Davis, Lt. James Miller, Ens. Benjamin Remington. West Greenwich Company: Capt. Daniel Howard, Lt. John Casey, Ens. Richard Sweet. Coventry Company: Capt. Job Mathewyson, Lt. Silas Westcot, Ens. Joseph Wickes, Jr. Oct. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Job Greene, Lt. Othniel Whitman, Ens. Nicholas Arnold. May. I/ Independent Companies: The Governor's Independent Company of Light Infantry of Providence: Capt. Ebenezer Macomber, 1st Lieut. Christopher Hill, 2nd Lieut. George Lindley, Ens. Samuel W. Bridgham. The Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Benjamin Arnold, 1st Lieut. Israel Arnold (of Warwick), 2nd Lieut. Caleb Corpe, Ens. John Arnold (of Cranston). The United Train of Artillery Company in Providence: Col. Nathan Fisher, Lieut.-Col. John Carlile, Jr., Maj. Peter Grinnell, Capt. James Burr, Lieut. John Howland. The North Kingstown Rangers: Capt. Gardner Reynolds, 1st Lieut. Beriah Bowen, Jr., 2nd Lt. John Northup (son of Lebbeus), Ens. Samuel D. Allen. The Governor's Independent Company of Volunteers: Capt. Robert Taylor, Jr., 1st Lieut. Jeremiah Eddy, ) 2nd Lieut. Thomas Williams, Ens. Samuel Jackson. The Glocester Light Infantry: Capt. Benjamin Hawkins, 1st Lieut. Joseph Steere, 2nd Lieut. Jonathan Knapp, Ens. Jesse Potter. The Washington Independent Company: Capt. Daniel Sunderlin, Jr., 1st Lieut. Willett Gardner, 2nd Lieut. Benjamin Green, Jr., Ens. Robert Shearman. The Coventry Rangers: Capt. William Waterman, 1st Lieut. John Bowen, 2nd Lieut. Ezekiel Fenner, Ens. Stephen Bowen. The Light Company of 1st Regiment-Providence County: Capt. James Ormsbee, Lt. Cromwell Barney, Ens. Win. P. R. Benson; The Kingstown Reds: Capt. John Waite, 1st Lieut. Benedict Eldred, 2nd Lieut. William C. Clarke, Ens. John Caswell. 567 1796. May. The Kentish Troop: Capt. Preserved Hall, 1st Lieut. Westcot Stone, 2nd Lieut. Christopher Weaver, Cornet Richard R. Reynolds. Quartermaster David Greene. The Cumberland Light Infantry: Capt. Whipple Lovett, 1st Lieut. William Balcom, 2nd Lieut. Nathaniel Newman, Ens. Amos Follett. June. The Cranston Blues. Capt. Andrew Potter, 1st Lieut. James Parkerson, 2nd Lieut. Andrew Knight, Ens. David Nicholas. The Johnston Rangers: Capt. John McDonald. 1st Lieut. Christopher Brown, 2nd Lieut. Joseph Mathewson, Ens. Elijah Day. The Captain-General's Cavaliers: Capt. Edward Manton, 1st Lieut. Israel Manchester, 2nd Lieut. Calvin Deane,Cornet Jeremiah Manton. Quarter-Master Jeremiah Knight, Jr. The Artillery Company of the Town of Newport: Capt. Francis Malbone, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Fry, 2nd Lieut. Walter Channing, Ens. Joseph Boss, Jr. The Newport Guards: Capt. Wing Spooner, 1st Lieut. John Aleman,, 2nd Lieut. John Spooner, Ens. Charles Dunham. The Washington Cavalry: Capt. Rowland Brown, 1st Lieut. Samuel E. Gardner, 2nd Lieut. Jeremiah N. Potter, Cornet Thomas H. Hazard. Providence Troop of Light Dragoons: Col. Ephraim Bowen, Jr., Lieut.-Col. John Corlis, Maj. Henry Smith, Capt. Sylvanus Hopkins, Lt. Edw. Dexter, Cornet Christ. Olney. Feb. The West Greenwich and Coventry Light Infantry: Capt. Thomas Phillips, 1st Lieut. Caleb Bailey, 2nd Lieut. Christopher Matteson, Ens. John Remington. 1797. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Peleg Arnold, Chief. George Brown, Walter Cooke, Joshua Bicknall, Thomas Tillinghast. 568 1797. Dec. Thomas Holden, in room of Thomas Tillinghast, resigned. May. Clerk, Newport County, Christopher Ellery. " Providence " Paul Allen, Jr. " Washington " James Sheldon. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. Justices of the Court of Common Pleas, and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Constant Taber, Chief. Thomas Peckham, Clerk. Oliver Durfee, Perez Richmond, William Anthony, Edward Thurston, Sheriff. Nicholas Carr. Providence County: Caleb Harris, Chief. James Fenner, Clerk. John Burton, John Dorrance, Arnold Paine, Nehemian Knight, Sheriff. William Tyler (of Foster). Bristol County: Samuel Allen, Chief. Richard Smith, Jr., Clerk. William Barton, Josiah Finney, Joseph Reynolds, Richard Smith, Sheriff. Daniel Cole. Kent County: Stephen Arnold, Chief. Hopkins Cooke, Clerk. Thomas Rice, 2nd, Isaac Johnson, Benjamin Johnson, Jonathan Niles, Sheriff. Stephen Greene (of East Greenwich). June. Washington County: Gideon Clarke, Chief. May. Samuel E. Gardner, Clerk. Robert Stanton, Thomas Tefft, William Hammond, May. Walter White, Sheriff. John Waite. May. Christopher Ellery, Public Notary, Newport County. Samuel Chace, " Providence " George Thomas, " Washington " Richard Smith, Jr., " Bristol " Hopkins Cooke, " Kent " 569 1797. -June. Samuel Brown, Public Notary, Westerly, Charlestown, and Hopkinton. William T. Miller, Public Notary, Warren. Oct. Senator in Congress: Ray Greene, in room of William Bradford, who resigned. James Burrill, Jr., Attorney-Gen., in room of Ray Greene. Dec. Samuel Eddy, Secretary, in room of Henry Ward, Dec'd. Jan. To Revise the Laws: Hon. Benj. Bourne, James Burrill, Jr., Sam'l Eddy. May. Justices of the Peace: Portsmouth: Henry Lawton, Gideon Dennis, Thomas Hicks. Warwick: James Jerauld, Joseph Arnold, Peter Greene, James Rhodes, Jr., George Greene, Edward Anthony, Thomas Lippitt, Charles Tibbitts. Smithfield: John Sayles, Benjamin Sheldon, Edward Medbury, Elisha Olney, Dutee Winsor, Benoni Paine, Ezekiel Comstock. Glocester: Zebedee Hopkins, Timothy Wilmarth, Nathaniel Wade, Samuel Winsor, Richard Steere, Jr., William Arnold, Israel Cooke, Daniel Tourtellot, Jesse Armstrong, Simeon Steere, Daniel Smith. 72 Coventry: William Stone, Joseph Manchester, Benjamin Greene, Joseph Wickes, Jr., Job Mathewson, Silas Westcot, John Colegrove, Nathan Bowen. Exeter: Stephen Reynolds, Christopher Pierce, Jonathan Lillibridge, Stephen Champlin, Jeffery Hazard, Lillibridge Barber, Robert Crandall, Matthew Clarke. Warren: William T. Miller, Benjamin Barton, Edward Chace. Barrington: Solomon Townsend, Jr. James Martin, Asa Bicknall, Josiah Humphry, Jr. June. Newport: Henry Sherburne, Benjamin Sayer, Christopher Ellery, Robert Taylor, Jonathan Almy. 570 1797. June. Providence: Samuel Chace, James Arnold, William Thurber, George Tillinghast, William Richmond, William Tyler, 2nd, William Jones, Wheeler Martin, Obadiah Brown. Warwick: Henry Remington. Westerly: Samuel Bliven, Joseph Potter, Paul Maxson, Abel Larkin. North Kingstown: George Thomas, Daniel Updike, William Corey, Nicholas C. Northup, Oliver Gardner, Isaac Vaughan, Slocum Hall, Smithfield: Daniel Winsor, in room oJ Dutee Winsor, who declin Scituate: John Harris, Stephen Harris, John Wilkinson, Benjamin Angell, Jeremiah Stone, Gideon Austin, Jr., Peleg Fisk, Jr., Elisha Mathewson. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Simeon Babcock, Nathan Taylor, John Collier. West Greenwich: Samuel Hopkins, Levi Whitford, North Kingstown: Christopher Gardner, Jonathan Reynolds (son of William). South Kingstown: John Segar, Caleb Tefft, Samuel E. Gardiner, Samuel Helme, Barber Peckham, Samuel Hoxsie, James Shearman, Jr., Cyrus French, Levi Totten, Gideon J. Babcock, Josephus Peckham. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, George Spencer, Andrew Boyd, Jonathan Pitcher, Thomas Sweet (son of Sylvester); John Place. ied. West Greenwich: Caleb Hall, George Potter, Stephen Wilcox, Amos Jaqways, Silas James, Hall Mathewson. Coventry: Benjamin Fenner. Exeter: Samuel Bissell, Nathaniel Rathbun, Daniel Tillinghast. Middletown: Elisha Allen, Parker Hall, Clarke Taggart. 571 1797. June. Bristol: Thomas Swan, Samuel Bosworth, Richard Smith, Jr. Tiverton: Thomas Durfee, Lemuel Taber, Redford Dennis, Elihu Hicks. Little Compton: Enos Giffard, Thomas Palmer, Benjamin Tomkins, Isaac Wilbur, John Brown. Cumberland: Philip Capron, Jotham Carpenter, Nathaniel Shepardson, Ebenezer Carpenter. Richmond: James Sheldon, Remington Clarke, James Potter, Jonathan Maxson, Jeremiah Tefft, Josias Lillibridge, Francis Brown. Cranston: William Warner, Jeremiah Randall, John A. Burton, Joseph Harris, ( Stephen Fenner, Jr., Nicholas Congdon, I Samuel Budlong. Hopkinton: David Nichols, Randall Wells, Josiah Witter, Moses Barber, Samuel Gardner, Jr., Thomas Wells, Jr., Thomas P. Gardner. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Benjamin Kimbal, Caleb Alverson, Harding Harris, Joseph Williams, Ezekiel Angell. North Providence: Hope Angell, Ezekiel Whipple, Caleb Jenckes, Stephen Jenckes, Jr. Foster: Daniel Howard, Caleb Potter, Simeon Seamans, Jacob Phillips, Nehemiah Angell, Hezekiah Seamans, Fleet Brown. Providence: William Jones, Wheeler Martin, Obediah Brown. )ct. Westerly: Henry Wells. )ec. Bristol: Daniel Bradford, Samuel Royal Paine. May. Militia of the State: Major-General Simeon Martin. Quartermaster-Gen. John Mathewson. Commissary-Gen. Charles Lippitt. Adjutant-Gen. Robert, Rogers. Director and Purveyor-Gen. of Military Hospital Isaac Senter. Surgeon and Physician-Gen. " " Isaac Senter. 572 1797. May. Newport and Bristol County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Allen. Brigade Inspector Ebenezer Burrill. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Tew, 1st Maj. Daniel Sheldon, 2nd Maj, Benjamin Brownell. Newport-1st Company: Capt. William Allen, Lt. Samuel Carr, Ens. Samuel Watson. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Lyon, Lt. James Anthony, Ens. Joshua Hiscox. 3d Company: Capt. Charles Davenport, Lt. Thomas Tilley, Ens. Azariah Albro. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Boss, Lt. Peleg Cranston, Ens. Daniel Dunham. Portsmouth-lst Company: Capt. George Brownell, Lt. George Cooke, Ens. Noah Gray. 2nd Company: Capt. Peleg Almy, Lt. Thomas Potter, Jr., Ens. Stephen Cornell. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Pain, Ens. John Gorton. Jamestown Company: Capt. Thomas Carr, Lt. John Carr, Ens. Edward Hull. June. Middletown Company: Capt. Giles Manchester, Lt. James Irish, Ens. Christopher Barker. May. 2nd Regiment Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Howland, 1st Maj. John Baley. 2nd Maj. Thomas Durfee. Tiverton-lst Company: Capt. Abraham Manchester, Lt. Benjamin Cooke, Ens. Holder Almy. 3d Company: Capt. William Durfee, Lt. Nathaniel Briggs, Jr., Ens. Joseph Cooke. Little Compton —st Company: Capt. Thomas Briggs, Lt. Caleb Church, Ens. Owen Greenell. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Pearce, Lt. Jonathan Hilliard, Ens. Joseph Brown. June. Tiverton-2nd Company: Capt Philip Sisson, Lt. Peirce Dwelly, Ens. Benjamin Durfee. 573 1797. June. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Wardwell, 1st Maj. Joseph Adams. Bristol Company: Capt. Thomas Church, Lt. Loring Finney, Ens. William Reynolds. Warren-1st Company: Capt. Benjamin Cole, Lt. William Hoar, Ens. Preserved Alger. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Mason, Lt. Benjamin Saunders, Ens. Benj. Barton, Jr. Barrington Company: Capt. Ebenezer Peck, Lt. John Harding, Ens. John Martin. May. Senior Class Regiment-Newport and Bristol Counties: Lt.-Col. Commandant Loring Peck, 1st Maj. Alexander Thomas, 2nd Maj. Samuel Sanford. Newport and Jamestown Company: Capt. Robert Dunham, Lt. John Tew. Ens. Michael Moulton. Portsmouth and Middletown Company: Capt. William Lawton, Lt. Walter Cornell, Ens. John Peabody. Bristol County Company: Capt. Benjamin Boswortb, Lt. John Short, Ens. Randall Cole. Tiverton Company: Capt. Isaac Cooke, Lt. Pearce Perry, Ens. Philip Manchester. Little Compton Company: Capt. William Southworth, Lt. Benjamin Coe, Ens. Andrew Taylor. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Barton. Brigade Inspector George Tillinghast. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Abbot, 1st Maj. Jabez Gorham, 2nd Maj. Jeremiah Whiting. Providence —st Company: Capt. Parker Clarke, Lt. Joshua Rathbun, Ens. Jesse Whitmore. 2nd Company: Capt. Ben. Howland, Lt. Haile Gladding, Ens. Benj. Hoppin, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Abel'Allen, Lt. Thomas Sessions, Ens. Stephen Smith. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Proud, Jr., Lt. Joseph Snow, Jr., Ens. Edward Luther. 5th Company: Capt. Samuel Kempton, Lt. George Sinkins, Ens. Joseph Carlile. North Providence —st Company: Capt. Emor Whipple, Lt. Daniel Smith, Ens. Stephen Williams. 574 1797. May. 2nd Company: Capt. James Mason, Lt. Jesse Salsbury, Ens. Arnold Jenckes. June. Providence-4th Company: Capt. Joseph Snow, Lt. Edward Luther, Ens. William F. Greene. May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Daniel Arnold, 1st Maj. Nathan Dexter, 2nd Maj. William Ballou. Smithfield-lst Company: Capt. Jeremiah Whipple, Lt. Thomas Angell, Ens. William Gray. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Wilkinson, Jr., Lt. Cyrus Arnold, Ens. Asa Arnold. 3d Company: Capt. Obed Seaver, Lt. James Appleby, 3d, Ens. Benj. Mathewson. Cumberland —st Company: Capt. Wm. Whipple, Lt. Jona. Ray, Ens. Joseph Whipple (son of Moses). 2nd Company: Capt. Ariel Ballou, Lt. Joseph Jenckes, Ens. Pelatiah Ballou. 3d Company: Capt. Eleazer Whipple, Lt. Esek Cooke, Ens. Nathan Whipple. June. Smithfield —4th Company: Capt. Stephen Farnum, Lt. David Harris, Jr., Ens. Samuel Mowry. Jan. 4th Company: Capt. John Angell, Lt. Samuel Mowry, Ens. Stephen Angell. 1st Company: Ens. Daniel Jenckes. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, 1st Maj. Thomas Relph, 2nd Maj. Gideon Harris. Scituate —st Company: Capt. Benoni Colvin,' Lt. Ezra Knight, Ens. David Relph. 3d Company: Capt. Gideon Angell, Lt. James Whipple, Ens. Angell Austin. 4th Company: Capt. Ezekiel Bishop, Lt. Daniel Walker, Ens. Nathan Hopkins. June. 2nd Company: Capt. James Kimbal, Lt. Clements Smith, Ens. Elisha Bowen. 575 1797. Oct. 2nd Maj. Benoni Colvin, in room of Gideon Harris, Deceased. 1st Company: Capt. Ezra Knight, Lt. David Relph, Ens. William Randall. May. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Elijah Armstrong, 1st Maj. Thomas Mitchell, 2nd Maj. Benedict Burlingame, Jr. Glocester —st Company: Capt. William Hawkins, Jr., Lt. Sam'l Steere, Jr., Ens. John Williams. 2nd Company: Capt. Asa Ballou, Lt. William Lapham, Ens. Jireh Ballou. 4th Company: Capt. Ezekiel Emerson, Lt. Caleb Logee, Ens. Christopher Sayles. 5th Company: Capt. Ezekiel Kelley, Lt. James Reynolds, Ens. Jonathan Thornton. 6th Company: Capt. Esek Brown, Lt. James Place, Ens. John Greene. June. 2nd Company: Capt. William Lapham, Lt. Jireh Ballou, Ens. Nathan Williams. 3d Company: Capt. James Potter, Lt. Jenbkes Sprague, Ens. Adser Eddy. 6th.Company: Capt. James Place, Lt. John Greene, Ens. Anan Evans. May. 5th Regiment-Providence County: Lt. Col. Commandant Nehemiah Angell, 1st Maj. Hugh Cole, 2nd Maj. Thomas Parker. Foster —st Company: Capt. Geo. Baker, Jr., Lt. Southworth Griffith, Ens. Stephen Bennett. 2nd Company. Capt. Simeon Seamans, Lt. Stephen Davis, Ens. William Davis. 3d Company: Capt. Abraham Phillips, Lt. Asher Bennett, Ens. Nathan'l Phillips. 4th Company: Capt. Nicholas Potter, Lt. John Eddy, Ens. William Potter. 6th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Peter Briggs, 1st Maj. John Westcott, 2nd Maj. Joseph Alverson. Cranston-1st Company: Capt. Joseph Harris, Lt. Benjamin Potter, Ens. Edmund Stone. 576 1797. May. 2nd Company: Capt. John Williams, Jr., Lt. Joseph Burgess, Ens. Benj. Williams. 3d Company: Capt. Henry Wightman, Lt. Seth Keach, Ens. Waterman Burlingame. Johnston-lst Company: Capt. Laban Latham, Lt. Harris Kelton, Ens. Joseph B. Leland. 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Angell, Lt. Ezekiel Angell, Ens. Olney Angell. June. Lt. Olney Angell, Ens. Caleb Bastow. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Caleb Westcot, 1st Maj. Benjamin Fry. May. Providence Company: Capt. John Whipple, Lt. Stephen Randall, Ens. Payton Dana. North Providence Company: Capt. Benj. Jenckes, Lt. Richard Whipple, Ens. Nathaniel Walker. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Richard Sayles. Cumberland Company: Capt. Joseph Follett, Lt. Noah Ballou, Jr., Ens. Ebenezer Carpenter. Scituate Company: Capt. Caleb Fisk, Lt. Eliezer Collins, Ens. Gideon Austin, Jr. Glocester Company: Capt. Nathan Cooper, Lt. Esek Brown, Jr., Ens. Isaac Wade. Cranston Company: Capt. John Randall, Jr., Lt. Elisha Williams, Ens. Edward Stafford. Johnston Company: Capt. Daniel Wilbur, Lt. Albro Cleveland, Ens. John Pain. June. Foster Company: Capt. Daniel Howard, Lt. Abiathar Young, Ens. Squire Bucklin, Jr. May. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. George Thurston. Brigade Inspector Cyrus French. 1st Regiment -Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Tyler, 1st Maj. Joseph Noyes, Jr. Westerly —st Company: Capt. John Barber, Lt. John Fowler, Ens. Peleg Shaw. 2nd Company: Capt. Arnold Bliven, Lt. George Wells, Ens. Joshua Noyes. 577 1797. May. 3d Company: Capt. Nathan Potter, Lt. Samuel Taylor, Eus. Nathan Stillman. 4th Company: Capt. Ichabod Clarke, Lt. Arnold Saunders, Ens. Joel Crandall. Charlestown-2nd Company: Capt. Asa Church, Lt. Browning Greene, Ens. Jeffery Hazard. June. Brig.-Gen. Stephen Wightman. Lt.-Col. Commandant William Rhodes. 1st Maj. Jeremiah Thurston, nnd Maj. Ethan Crandall. Charlestown-lst Company: Capt. Braddock Peckham, Lt. Benjamin York, Ens. James York. Hopkinton-lst Company: Capt. Wm. Tanner, 2nd, Lt. Benj. Langworthy, Ens. Amos Langworthy. 2nd Company: Capt. Rowland Babcock, Lt. Peleg Babcock, Ens. Henry Burdick. 3d Company: Capt. Nathan Maxson, Lt. John Kinyon, Ens. Samuel Peckham. 4th Company: Capt. John Tanner, Lt. Matthew Stillman, Ens. Caleb Church, 2nd. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant James Updike, 1st Maj. Benjamin Lewis, 2nd Maj. Esbon Sanford. North Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Royal Vaughan, Lt. Daniel Hunt, Ens. Joseph Corey, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. George Bissell, Lt. Thomas R. Congdon, Ens. Christ. Northup. 3d Company: Capt. Lodowick Updike, Jr., Lt. George Congdon (son of James), Ens. Nicholas Reynolds. 4th Company: Capt. James Shearman, Lt. Henry Congdon, Ens. Lowry Shearman. Exeter-lst Company: Capt. Hiams Bates, Lt. Peter Weaver, Ens. Reynolds Lawton. 2nd Company: Capt. John Maguire, Lt. Gideon Arnold, Ens. Stephen Lewis, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Samuel Lewis, Lt. Jonathan Wilcox, Ens. John Lewis. May. 3d Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Elisha R. Gardner, 1st Maj. George James, 2nd Maj. Gideon J. Babcock. 73 578 1797. May. South Kingstown-2nd Company: Capt. Levi Totten, Lt. Silas.Clarke, Ens. Robert Brown. 3d Company: Capt. Enoch Steadman, Lt. William Knowles, Ens. John Knowles. 4th Company: Capt. Richard Gardner, Jr., Lt. Nathaniel H. Gardner, Ens. Lodowick Coon. Richmond-1st Company: Capt. Silas Kiyon, Lt. John Lillibridge, Ens. George Kinyon. 2nd Company: Capt. Rowse Clarke, Lt. Benjamin Wilbur, Ens. Ezekiel Johnson. June. Lt.-Col. Commandant George James, 1st Maj. Gideon J. Babcock, 2nd Maj. Levi Totten. South Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Benj. T. Sheffield, Lt. John Cranston, Ens. John R. Sheffield. 2nd Company: Capt. Silas Clarke, Lt. Robert Brown, Ens. Joseph M. Knowles. Oct. 4th Company: Lieut. Lodowick Coon, Ens. Joseph Taylor, 2nd. Richmond-2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Wilbur, Lt. Ezekiel Johnson, Ens. Joseph Maxson. May. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Taylor, 1st Maj. Edward Wilcox, 2nd Maj. Stukely Hill. Westerly Company: Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. James Ross, Ens. Jonathan Sisson. Hopkinton Company: Capt. Nathan Barber, Lt. Gardner Thurston, Ens. George Maxson. North Kingstown Company: Capt. William T. Congdon, Lt. Geo. Thomas, Jr., Ens. Joshua Brown. Exeter Company: Capt. Ebenezer Wilcox, Lt. Jeffery Hazard, Ens. Leonard Ensworth. South Kingstown Company: Capt. Samuel Stanton, Lt. Daniel Tefft, Ens. Isaac Sheldon. Richmond Company: Capt. Benjamin Hoxsie, Lt. James Potter, Ens. Gardner Phillips. June. Charlestown Company: Capt. Samuel Perry, Lt. Henry Greene, Ens. Gideon Burdick.' 579 1797. May. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Allen Johnson. Brigade Inspector Charles Brayton. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Westcot, 1st Maj. Moses Arnold, 2nd Maj. Micah Whitmarsh. Warwick —st Company: Capt. Bennett Low, Lt. Thomas Stafford, Ens. Remington Arnold. 2nd Company: Capt. Charles Brayton, Lt. Jonathan Tiffany, Ens. James Babson. 3d Company: Capt. Pardon Potter, Lt. Benjamin Greene, Ens. Dutee Arnold. East Greenwich-1st Company: Capt. Browning Nichols, Lt. Daniel Taylor, Ens. James Sweet, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. William Gardner, Lt. John Place, Ens. Russell Johnson. Dec. 2nd Major William Gardiner. East Greenwich-2nd Company: Capt. Peleg Clarke, Lt. Russell Johnson, Ens. John Mawney. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Silas Bailey, 1st Maj. Josiah Gibbs, Jr., 2nd Maj. Solomon Mathewson, Jr. West Greenwich-1st Company: Capt. Rhodes Wightman, Lt. Joseph Mathewson, Ens. Amos Hopkins. 2nd Company: Capt. Augustus Ellis, Lt. Samuel Gardner, Ens. Oliver Moon. 3d Companly: Capt. Gardner T. Kin n, Lt. Job Tillinghast, Eus. William Tanner. Coventry —st Company: Capt. Peleg Arnold, Lt. John Remington, Ens. Ezra Ramsdale. 2nd Company: Capt. Samuel Milward, Lt. Asaph Bowen, Ens. Nicholas Whitford. 3d Company: Capt. Benedict Johnson, Lt. Reuben Whitman, Ens. Stephen Mathewson. 4th Company: Capt. Johnson Jordan, Lt. Samuel Peck, Ens. Benjamin Clarke. June. Coventry-1st Company: Ens. Edmund Arnold. 580 1797. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Isaac Johnson, 1st Maj. Joseph Arnold, 2nd Maj. Stukely Hudson. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Job Greene, Lt. Othniel Wightman, Ens. George Greene. West Greenwich Company: Capt. John Tillinghast, Lt. Wn. H. Dayis, Ens. Thos. Mathewson. Coventry Company: Capt. Job Mathewson, Lt. Silas Westcot, Ens. Joseph Wickes, Jr. June. West Greenwich Company: Ensign Thomas Case. Oct. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Othniel Wightman, Lieut. George Greene. May. Independent Companies: The Washington Cavalry: Capt. Rowland Brown, 1st Lieut. Samuel E. Gardner, 2nd Lieut. Jeremiah N. Potter, Cornet Thomas H. Hazard. The Johnston Rangers: Capt. John M'Donald, 1st Lieut. Joseph Mathewson, 2nd Lieut. Elijah Day, Ens. Elisha Waterman. The Kingston Reds: Capt. John Waite, 1st Lieut. William C. Clarke, 2nd Lieut. Samuel Underwood, Ens. Joshua B. Curtis. The Glocester Light Infantry: Capt. Joseph Steere, 1st Lieut. Jesse Potter, 2nd Lieut. Ahab Sayles, Ens. John Hawkins. The Kentish Troop: Capt. Preserved Hall, 1st Lieut. Westcot Stone, 2nd Lieut. Christopher Weaver, Cornet Richard R. Reynolds. Quarter-Master David Greene. The North Kingstown Rangers: Capt. Gardner Reynolds, 1st Lieut. Thurston Northup, 2nd Lieut. John Northup (son of Lebbeus), Ens. Samuel D. Allen. The Cranston Blues: Capt. James Parkerson, 1st Lieut. Andrew Knight, Jr., 2nd Lieut. David Nicholas, Ens. Nehemiah Knight, Jr. The Cumberland Light Infantry: Capt. Nathaniel Newman, 1st Lieut, Benjamin Hall, 2d Lieut. Joseph Mowry. Ens. Stephen Josslin. 581 1797. May. The Coventry Rangers: Capt. John Bowen, 1st Lieut. Stephen Bowen, 2nd Lieut. John Ramsdale, Ens. Caleb Mathewson. The Washington Independent Company: Capt. Daniel Sunderlin, Jr., 1st Lieut. Vinson Gardner, 2nd Lieut. Jeremiah G. Northup, Ens. John Clarke. The Artillery Company of Town of Newport: Capt. Francis Malbone, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Fry, 2nd Lieut. Walter Channing, Ens. Joseph Boss, Jr. The Captain-General's-Cavaliers: Capt. Edward Manton, 1st Lieut. Israel Manchester, 2nd Lieut. Jeremiah Manton, Cornet Jereihiah Knight, Jr. Quartermaster John MIanton. The Governor's Independent Company of Light Infantry in the Town of Providence: Capt. Ebenezer Macomber, 1st Lieut. Christopher Hill, 2nd Lieut. Nicholas D. Greene, Ens. Amos Warner. The Governor's Independent Company of Volunteers: Capt. Robert Taylor, Jr., 1st Lieut. Thomas Williams, 2nd Lieut. Samuel Jackson, Ens. Nathan Angell, Jr. The Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. Israel Arnold, 1st Lieut. Rhodes Greene, 2nd Lieut. Thomas W. Greene, Ens. John Arnold. The Corps of Light Dragoons-Providence County: Col. Ephraim Bowen, Jr., Lieut.-Col. Henry Smith, Maj. Sylvanus Hopkins, Capt. Edward Dexter, Lieut. Christopher C. Olney, Cornet Elisha Dyer. The United Train of Artillery in Providence: Col. Nathan Fisher, Lieut.-Col. John Carlile, Maj. Peter Grinnell, Capt. James Burr, Lieut. Sylvanus Tillinghast. The Light Company of the First Regiment-Providence County: Capt. James Ormsbee, Lieut. Cromwell Barney, Ens. Joseph Baker. June. The West Greenwich and Coventry Light Infantry: Capt. Thomas Phillips, 1st. Lieut. Caleb Bailey, 2nd Lieut. Christopher Matteson, Ens. Samuel Remington. The Artillery Company-Bristol County.: Capt. Samuel Wardwell, 1st Lieut. William D'Wolfe, 2nd Lieut. Samuel V. Peck, Ens. John Bradford. Oct. The Ready Volunteers-Bristol County: Capt. John T. Child, 1st Lieut. Thomas Kinnicut, 2nd Lieut. Calvin Martin, Cornet Daniel Bradford, Jr. 582 1797. Oct. The Kentish Guards: Capt. Micah Whitnarsh, 1st Lieut. Earl Morey, 2nd Lieut. William Greene Spencer, Ens. Jonathan Salisbury. The Kentish Light Infantry: Capt. Job Greene, 1st Lieut. John Arnold, Jr., 2nd Lieut. Thomas Taylor, Ens. Christ. Greene (son of Christ.). 1798. May. Justices of the Superior Court of Judicature, Court of Assize, and General Gaol Delivery: Peleg Arnold, Chief. George Brown, Walter Cooke, Joshua Bicknall, Thomas Holden. Clerk, Newport County, Christopher Ellery. " Providence " Paul Allen, Jr. " Washington" John Hazard, Jr. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. " Newport " William V. King, in room of Christopher Ellery, resigned. Justices of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Constant Taber, Chief. Robert Rogers, Clerk. Oliver Durfee, Perez Richmond, William Anthony, Edward Thurston, Sheriff. Nicholas Carr. Oct. Benjamin Gardiner, 2nd Justice, in room of Oliver Durfee, Deceased. May. Providence County: Caleb Harris, Chief. James Fenner, Clerk. John Burton, John Dorrance, Arnold Paine, Nehemiah Knight, Sheriff. William Tyler (of Foster). June. William Lamed, Special Justice. Sept. Wm. Rhodes, Special Sheriff. May. Bristol County: Samuel Allen, Chief. Richard Smith, Jr., Clerk. William Barton, Josiah Finney, Joseph Reynolds, Richard Smith, Sheriff. Daniel Cole. 583 1798. June. Washington County: Jos. Hoxsie, Chief. May. Samuel E. Gardner, Clerk. Robert Stanton, Thomas Tefft, William Hammond, May. Walter White, Sheriff. John Waite. Kent County: Thomas Rice, Chief. May. Hopkins Cooke, Sheriff. Benjamin Johnson, Stephen Greene (of East Greenwich), Jacob Greene (of East Greenwich), Jonathan Niles, Sheriff. William Greene (son of Philip). Christopher Ellery, Public Notary, Newport County. Samuel Chace, " Providence " George Thomas, " Washington " Richard Smith, Jr., " Bristol Hopkins Cooke, " Kent Samuel Brown, Public Notary, Westerly, Charlestown, and Hopkinton. William T. Miller, Public Notary, Warren. Senator in Congress for next six years ensuing, Ray Greene. May. Justices of the Peace: Newport: - Westerly: Henry Sherburne, Samuel Bliven, Christopher Ellery, Joseph Potter, Robert Taylor, Paul Maxon. Jonathan Almy. North Kingstown: Providence: George Thomas, Samuel Chace, Daniel Updike, George Tillinghast, Nicholas C. Northup, William Richmond, Oliver Gardiner, William Tyler, 2nd, Slocum Hall, William Jones, Jonathan Reynolds (son Wheeler Martin, of William). Obadiah Brown. South Kingstown: Warwick: John Segar, James Jerauld, Samuel Helme, Joseph Arnold, Cyrus French, James Rhodes, Gideon J. Babcock. George Greene, East Greenwich: Edward Anthony, Hopkins Cooke, Thomas Lippitt, Andrew Boyd, Henry Remington. Jonathan Pitcher, Pardon Tlllinghast. 584 1798. May. Smithfield: Elisha Olney, Benjamin Sheldon, Edward Medbury, Joel Aldrich, Thomas Mann. Scituate: John Harris, Stephen Harris, John Wilkinson, Benjamin Angell. Gideon Austin, Jr., Peleg Fisk, Jr., Elisha Mathewson, Gideon Angell. West Greenwich: Levi Whitford, Caleb Hall, George Potter, Stephen Wilcox, Amos Jaquays, Hall Matteson, Clarke Greene. Coventry: William Stone, Joseph Manchester, Benjamin Greene, Joseph Wickes, Jr., Job Mathewson, Silas Westcot, John Colegrove, Benjamin Fenner. Middletown: Elisha Allen, Clarke Taggart, Elisha Barker. Bristol: Thomas Swan, Jonathan Russell, Richard Smith, Jr. Tiverton: Thomas Durfee, Lemuel Taber, Bedford Dennis, Joseph Durfee. Little Compton: Nathaniel Searle, James Brownell, Benjamin Tompkins. Warren: William T. Miller, Seth Snell. Cumberland: Philip Capron, Jotham Carpenter, Nathaniel Shepardson, Ebenezer Carpenter. Richmond: James Sheldon, James Potter, Jonathan Maxson, Jeremiah Tefft, Josias Lillibridge. Cranston: John R. Arnold, John Mawney, Stephen Fenner, Jr. Hopkinton: David Nichols, Randall Wells, Josiah Witter, Moses Barber, Samuel Gardiner, Jr., Thomas P. Gardiner. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Harding Harris, Joseph Williams, Ezekiel Angell. North Providence: Hope Angell, Ezekiel Whipple, Caleb Jenckes, Stephen Jenckes, Jr. Barrington: Solomon Townsend, James Martin, Asa Bicknall, Josiah Humphrey, Jr. 585 1798. May. Foster: Daniel Howard, Simeon Seamans, Jonathan Hopkins, Ji June. Portsmouth: Henry Lawton, Gideon Dennis, Tillinghast Aliny. Warwick: Nathan Arnold. North Kingstown: Benjamin L. Peckhar Glocester: Zebedee Hopkins, Timothy Wilnarth, Nathaniel Wade, Samuel Winsor, Richard Steere, William Arnold, Daniel Tourtellot, Jesse Armstrong, Bazaleel Pain. Oct. Coventry: Charlestown: Benjamin Hoxsie, Peleg Cross, Jr., r., John Collier. Exeter: Stephen Reynolds, Christopher Peirce, Stephen Champlin, Jeffery Hazard, - Lillibridge Barber, Robert Crandall, n. Mlatthew Clarke, Samuel Bissell, Nathaniel Rathbun, Daniel Tillinghast. Warren: Benjamin Barton. Cranston: Rhodes Greene, Matthew Manchester,Jr. Oct. East Greenwich: Thomas Howland. Rufus Mathewson, in room of Joseph Wickes, Jr., Deceased. Newport: Providence: William V. King, James Fnner, Robert Rogers. Paul Allen, Jr. Foster: Silas Slaughter, in room of Simeon Seamans, Deceased. North Kingstown: Feb. Bristol: John Hazard, Jr. Levi D'Wolfe, South Kingstown: Gustavus Baylies. Samuel E. Gardiner. Cumberland: ~' ~ John Rogers. Militia of the State: Major-General Simeon Martin. Quarter-Master-Gen. John Mathewson. Commissary-Gen. Charles Lippitt. Adjutant-Gen. Daniel Sheldon. Surgeon and Physician-Gen. Isaac Senter, M. D. Director and Purveyor-Gen. Military Hospital Isaac Senter, M. D. Newport and Bristol County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Allen. Brigade Inspector Ebenezer Burrill. 74 / 586 1798. Feb. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Tew, 1st Maj. Benjamin Brownell, 2nd Maj. Joseph Boss, Jr. Newport-lst Company: Capt. William Allen, Lt. Samuel Carr, Ens. Samuel Watson. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Lyon, Lt. Joshua Hiscox, Ens. Rowse J. Potter. 3d Company: Capt. Charles Davenport, Lt. Thomas Tilly, Ens. Azariah Albro. 4th Company: Capt. Peleg Cranston, Lt. Daniel Dunham, Ens. William Helme. Portsmouth-lst Company: Capt. George Brownell, Lt. George Cooke, Ens. Noah Gray. 2nd Company: Capt. Peleg Almy, Lt. Thomas Potter, Jr., Ens. Stephen Cornell. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Pain, Ens. John Gorton. Jamestown Company: Capt. Thomas Carr, Lt. John Carr, Ens. Edward Hull. Middletown Company: Capt. Giles Manchester, Lt. James Irish, Ens. Christopher Barker. June. Newport-2nd Company: Lieut. Lawton Burdick, Ens. Edward Davis, Jr. May. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Howland, 1st Maj. John Bailey, 2nd Maj. Thomas Durfee. Tiverton-1st Company: Capt. Abraham Manchester, Lt. Benjomin Cooke, Ens. Holder Almy. 2nd Company: Capt. Philip Sisson, Lt. Peirce Dwelley, Ens. Benjamin Durfee. 3d Company: Capt. Nathaniel Briggs, Jr, Lt. Joseph Cooke. June. Ens. Prince Durfee. May. Little Compton-1st Company: Capt. Thomas Briggs, Lt. Caleb Church, Ens. Owen Grinnell. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Peirce, Lt. Jonathan Hilliard, Ens. Jedediah Wood. 587 1798. May. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Adams, 1st. Maj. Benjamin Cole, 2nd Maj. Thomas Church. Bristol Company: Capt. Loring Finney, Lt. William Reynolds, Ens. Timothy Bosworth. June. Warren —st Company: Capt. William Hoar, Lt. Preserved Alger, Ens. Caleb Carr, 2nd. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Saunders, Lt. Benjamin Barton, Jr., Ens. Seth Cole. Barrington' Company: Capt. Ebenezer Peck, Lt. John Harding, Ens. James Bowen. May. Senior Class Regiment-Newport and Bristol Counties: Lt.-Col. Commandant Alexander Thomas, 1st Maj. Samuel Sanford, 2nd Maj. Benjamin Bosworth. Newport and Jamestown Company: Capt. Robert Dunham, Lt. John Tew, Ens. Michael Moulton. Portsmouth and Middletown Company: Capt. William Lawton, Lt. Walter Cornell, Ens. John Peabody. Bristol Company: Capt. John Short, Lt. Thomas Peirce, Ens. Samuel Child. Little Compton Company: Capt. William Southworth, Lt. Benjamin Coe, Ens. Andrew Taylor. June. Tiverton Company: Capt. William Humphrey, Lt. Philip Manchester, Ens. Wm. Durfee. Oct. Little Compton Company: Capt. Andrew Taylor, Lt. Sanford Almy, Ens. Walter Wilbour. June. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Barton. May. Brigade Inspector Amos M. Atwell. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Abbott, 1st Maj. Jabez Gorham, 2nd Maj. Jeremiah Whiting. 588 1798. May. Providence-1st Company: Capt. Parker Clarke, Lt. Joshua Rathbun, Ens. Jesse Whitmore. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Howland, Lt. Haile Gladding, Ens. Benj. Hoppin, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Abel Allen, Lt. Thomas Sessions, Ens. Stephen Smith. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Snow, Jr., Lt. Edward Luther, Ens. William F. Greene. 5th Company: Capt. Samuel Kempton, Lt. Joseph Carltle, Ens. William Church. North Providence-1st Company: Capt. Emor Whipple, Lt. Daniel Smith, Ens. Stephen Williams. 2nd Company: Capt. James Mason, Lt. Jesse Salsbury, Ens. Arnold Jenckes. June. Providence-4th Company: Lieut. William F. Greene, Ens. John Searle. 2nd Company: Ens. Ebenezer Johnson, in room of Benjamin Hoppin, Jr., iresigned. May. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Daniel Arnold, 1st Maj. Nathan Dexter, 2nd Maj. William Ballon. Smithfield-lst Company: Capt. Jeremiah Whipple, Lt. Thomas Angell, Ens. David Jenckes. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Wilkinson, Jr., Lt. Cyrus Arnold, Ens. Asa Arnold. 4th Company: Capt. John Angell, Lt. Samuel Mowry, Ens. Stephen Angell. Cumberland-1st Company: Capt. Win. Whipple, Lt. Jon'th'n Ray, Ens. Jos. Whipple (son of Moses). 2nd Company: Capt. Ariel Ballon, Lt. Joseph Jenckes, Ens. Pelatiah Ballon. 3d Company: Capt. Eleazer Whipple, Lt. Esek Cook, Ens. Nathan Whipple. June. Smithfield-3d Company: Capt. Daniel Winsor, Lt. Israel Aldrich, Ens. William Foster. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, 1st Maj. Thomas Relph, 2nd Maj. Benoni Colvin. 589 1798. May. Scituate-1st Company: Capt. Ezra Knight, Lt. David Relph, Ens. William Randall. 3d Company: Capt. Gideon Angell, Lt. James Whipple, Ens. Angell Austin. 4th Company: Capt. Ezekiel Bishop, Lt. Daniel Walker, Ens. Nathan Hopkins. June. 2nd Company: Capt. James Kimball, Lt. Clements Smith, Ens. Richard Aldrich. May. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Elijah Armstrong, 1st Maj. Thomas Mitchell, 2nd Maj. Benedict Burlingame, Jr. Glocester-1st Company: Capt. WVm. Hawkins, Jr., Lt. Samuel Steere, Jr., Ens. John Williams. 2nd Company: Capt. Jireh Ballou, Lt. Nathan Williams, Ens. Jesse Inman. 3d Company: Capt. Oliver Owen, Lt. Jenckes Sprague, Ens. Adser Eddy. 4th Company: Capt. Ezekiel Emerson, Lt. Caleb Logee, Ens. Christopher Sayles. 5th Company: Capt. Ezekiel Kelly, Lt. James Reynolds, Ens. Jonathan Thornton. 6th Company: Capt. John Greene, Lt. Anan Evans, Ens. Nicholas Brown. 5th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Hugh Cole, 1st Maj. Thomas Parker, 2nd Maj. Nicholas Potter. Foster-1st Company: Capt. Geo. Baker, Jr., Lt. Southworth Griffith, Ens. Stephen Bennett. 2nd Company Capt. Stephen Davis, Lt. William Davis, Ens. Benjamin Round. 3d Company: Capt. Abraham Phillips, Lt. Nathaniel Phillips, Ens. Jonathan Hill. 4th Company: Capt. John Eddy, Lt. William Potter, Ens. Peleg Round. 6th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Peter Briggs, 1st Maj. John Westcot, 2nd Maj. Joseph Alverson. Cranston-1st Company: Capt. Joseph Harris, Lt. Benjamin Potter, Ens. Edmund Stone. 2nd Company: Capt. John Williams, Jr., Lt. Joseph Burgess, Ens. Benjamin Williams. 590 1798. May. Johnston-lst Company: Capt. Laban Latham, Lt. Harris Kelton, Ens. Joseph B. Leland. 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Angell, Lt. Olney Angell, Ens. Caleb Bastow. June. Cranston-3d Company: Capt. Seth Keach, Lt. Waterman Burlingame, Ens. Peleg Arnold. May. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Caleb Westcot, 1st Maj. Benjamin Fry, 2nd Maj. Joseph Follett. Providence Company: Capt. John Whipple, Lt. Stephen Randall, Ens. Payton Dana. North Providence Company: Capt. Benjamin Jenckes, Lt. Nathaniel Walker. Smithfield Company: Capt. Job Mowry, Lt. George Streeter, Ens. Richard Sayles. Cumberland Company: Capt. Noah Ballou, Jr., Lt. Ebenezer Carpenter, Ens. Amos Arnold. Scituate Company: Capt. Caleb Fisk, Lt. Eliezer Collins, Ens. Gideon Austin, Jr. Glocester Company: Capt. Nathan Cooper, Lt. Esek Brown, Jr., Ens. Isaac Wade. Foster Company: Capt. Daniel Howard, Lt. Abiathar Young, Ens. Squire Bucklin, Jr. Cranston Company: Capt. John Randall, Jr., Lt. Elisha Williams, Ens. Edward Stafford. Johnston Company: Capt. Daniel Wilbour, Lt. Albro Cleveland, Ens. John Paine. June. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Rhodes. May. 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Rhodes, 1st Maj. Jeremiah Thurston, 2nd Maj. Ethan Crandall. Westerly —st Company: Capt. John Barber, Lt. John Fowler, Ens. Peleg Shaw. 2nd Company: Capt. Arnold Bliven, Lt. George Wells, Ens. Joshua Noyes. 3d Company: Capt. Nathan Potter, Lt. Samuel Taylor, Ens. Nathan Stillman. 591 1798. May. 4th Company: Capt. Ichabod Clarke, Lt. Arnold Saunders, Ens. Joel Crandall. Charlestown-2nd Company: Capt. Asa Church, Lt. Browning Greene, Ens. Jeffery Hazard. Hopkinton-2nd Company: Capt. Rowland Babcock, Lt. Peleg Babcock, Ens. Henry Burdick. 3d Company: Capt. John Kenyon, Lt. Samuel Peckham, Ens. Benj. Maxson, Jr. June. N Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Noyes, Jr. Charlestown-1st Company: Capt. Benjamin York, Lt. James York, Ens. Philip Taylor. Hopkinton-lst Company: Capt. Benjamin Langworthy, It. Amos Langworthy, Jr., Ens. Phineas Edwards, Jr. Feb. 2nd Company: Ens. Luke Babcock. May. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant James Updike, 1st Maj, Benjamin Lewis, 2nd Maj, Ezbon Sanford. North Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Royal Vaughan, Lt. Daniel Hunt, Ens. Benjamin Whitford, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. George Birsell, Lt. Thos. R. Congdon, Ens. Christopher Northup. 3d Company: Capt. Lodowick Updike, Jr., Lt. Nicholas Reynolds. 4th Company: Capt. James Shearman, Lt. Henry Congdon. Exeter —st Company: Capt. Hiams Bates, Lt. Peter Weaver, Ens. Reynolds Lawton. 2nd Company: Capt. John Maguire, Lt. Gideon Arnold, Ens. Stephen Lewis, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Samuel Lewis, Lt. Jonathan Wilcox, Ens. John Lewis. June. North Kingstown-3d Company: Lieut. George Congdon, Ens. Nicholas Reynolds. 4th Company: Ens. Robert Shearman. 592 1798. May. 3d Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant George James, 1st Maj. Gideon J. Babcock, 2nd Maj. Silas Kenyon. South Kingstown-1st Company: Capt. Benjamin T. Sheffield, Lt. John Cranston, Ens. John R. Sheffield. 2nd Company: Capt. Silas Clarke, Lt. Robert Brown, Ens. Joseph N. Knowles. 3d Company: Capt. Enoch Steadman, Lt. William Knowles, Ens. John Knowles. 4th Company: Capt. Richard Gardiner, Jr., Lt. Lodowick Coon, Ens. Jbs. Taylor, 2nd. June. Richmond-lst Company: Capt. John Lillibridge, Lt. Jonathan Potter, Ens. Joseph Tefft, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Wilbur, Lt. Ezekiel Johnson, Ens. William Larkin. May. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant William Taylor, 1st Maj. Edward Wilcox, 2nd Maj. Stukely Hill. Westerly Company: Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. James Ross, Ens. Jonathan Sisson. Charlestown Company: Capt. Samuel Perry, Lt. Henry Greene, Ens. Gideon Burdick. Hopkinton Company: Capf. Nath'n Barber, Lt. Gardiner Thurston. June, Ens. Russell Maxson. North Kingstown Company: Capt. George Thomas, Jr., Lt. Joshua Brown, Ens. Thomas Rathbun. Exeter Company: Capt. Jeffery Hazard, Lt. Leonard Ensworth, Ens. Robert Crandall. South Kingstown Company: Capt. Samuel Stanton, Lt. Daniel Tefft, Ens. Isaac Sheldon. Richmond Company: Capt. Benjamin Hoxsie, Lt. James Potter, Ens. Gardiner Phillips. June. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Isaac Johnson. May. Brigade Inspector Charles Brayton. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Westcot, 1st Maj. Moses Arnold, 2nd Maj. William Gardiner. . 593 1798. May. Warwick-1st Company: Capt. Bennett Low, Lt. Thomas Stafford, Ens. Remington Arnold. 2nd Company: Capt. Jonathan Tiffany, Lt. James Babson, Ens. Nathaniel Millard. 3d Company: Capt. Pardon Potter, Lt. Benjamin Greene, Ens. Dutee Arnold. East Greenwich —st Company: Capt. Browning Nichols, Lt. Daniel Taylor, Ens. Thomas Bently. 2nd Company: Capt. Peleg Clarke, Lt. Russell Johnson, Ens. John Mawney. Oct. Warwick-2nd Company: Lieut. Dutee Arnold, Ens. Lowry Chace. Feb. East Greenwich-2nd Company: Ens. Benjamin Cornell. May. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Silas Bailey, 1st Maj. Josiah Gibbs, Jr., 2nd Maj. Solomon Mathewson, Jr. West Greenwich —st Company: Capt. Rhodes Whitman, Lt. Amon Hopkins, Ens. Christopher Hopkins. 2nd Company: Capt. Augustus Ellis, Lt. Samuel Gardiner, Ens. Oliver Moon. 3d Company: Capt. Job H. Tillinghast, Lt. William Tanner, Ens. Noah Parker. Coventry —st Company: Capt. Peleg Arnold, Lt. John Remington, Ens. Edmund Arnold. 2nd Company: Capt. Asaph Bowen, Lt. Nicholas Whitford, Ens. Ichabod Scott. 3d Company: Capt. Reuben Whitman, Lt. Stephen Mathewson, Ens. Langford Weaver, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Johnson Jordan, Lt. Samuel Peck, Ens. Benjamin Clarke. Oct. 1st Company: Ens. Ezra Ramsdale, in room of Edmund Arnold, resigned. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Isaac Johnson, 1st Maj. Joseph Arnold, 2nd Maj. Stukely Hudson. 75 594 1798. May. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Othniel Wightman, Lt. George Greene, Ens. John Place. West Greenwich Company: Capt. John Tillinghast, Lt. William H. Davis, Ens. Thomas Case. Coventry Company: Capt. Job Mathewson, Lt. Silas Westcot, Ens. Joseph Wickes, Jr. June. Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Arnold, Jr:, 1st Maj. Stukely Hudson, 2nd Maj. Job Mathewson. Coventry Company: Capt. Silas Westcott, Lt. Joseph Wickes, Jr., Ens. Joseph Manchester. Oct. Lieut. Benjamin Greene. May. Lx Independent Companies: The Johnston Rangers: Capt. John M'Donald, 1st Lieut. Joseph Mathewson, 2nd Lieut. Elijah Day, Ens. Elisha Waterman. The Kentish Guards: Capt. Micah Whitmarsh, 1st Lt. William G. Spencer, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Jerauld, Ens. Jonathan Salisbury. The Smithfield Grenadiers: Capt. William Harris, 1st Lieut. Ahab Mowry, 2nd Lieut. Christopher Dexter, Ens. Jesse Whipple. The Governor's Independent Company of Volunteers: Capt. Robert Taylor, Jr., 1st Lieut. Thomas Williams, 2nd Lieut. Samuel Jackson, Ens. Nathan Angell, Jr. The Glocester Light Infantry: Capt. Joseph Steere, 1st Lieut. Jesse Potter, 2nd Lt. John Hawkins, Ens. Robert Durfee. The Light Company of the 1st Regiment in Providence County: Capt. James Ormsbee, Lieut. Cromwell Barney, Ens. Joseph Baker. The North Kingstown Rangers: Capt. David Gardiner, 1st Lieut. Thurston Northup, 2nd Lieut. John Northup (son of Lebbeus), Ens. Samuel D. Allen. The Kentish Light Infantry: Capt. Job Greene, 1st Lieut. Alexander Havens, 2nd Lieut. Thos. Taylor, Ens. Christopher Greene (son of Christopher). Oct. 2nd Lieut. Christopher Greene, in room of Thomas Taylor, resigned. Ens. Wanton Rice. 595 1798. May. The Washington Independent Company: Capt. Christopher Peirce, 1st Lieut. Jeremiah G. Northup, 2nd Lieut. Beriah Gardiner, Ens. Joseph Reynolds. The Governor's Independent Company of Light Infantry in the Town of Providence: Capt. Jeremiah B. Howell, 1st Lieut. Nicholas D. Greene, 2nd Lieut. Tristam Burgess, Ens. Amos Warner. The Kingston Reds: 'Capt John Waite, 1st Lieut. Robert F. Noyes, 2nd Lieut. Joseph Babcock, Ens. Joshua B. Curtis. The Cranston Blues: Capt. James Parkerson, 1st Lieut. David Nicholas, 2nd Lieut. Nehemiah Knight, 2nd, Ens. David Randall. The Washington Cavalry: Capt. Rowland Brown, 1st Lieut. Francis Hassard, 2nd Lieut. Jeremiah N. Potter, Cornet Warren Gardiner. The Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. John Arnold, 1st Lieut. Arthur Greene, 2nd Lieut. Elisha Arnold, Ens. John Warner. The Artillery Company of the Town of Newport: Capt. Francis Malbone, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Fry, 2nd Lieut. Walter Channing, Ens. Frederick Crary. The West Greenwich and Coventry Light Infantry: Capt. Thomas Phillips, 1st Lieut. Caleb Bailey, 2nd Lieut. Christopher Matteson, Ens. Samuel Remington. The Kentish Troop: Capt. Westcot Stone, 1st Lieut. Christopher Weaver, 2nd Lieut. David Greene, Cornet Henry Niles. The Captain-General's Cavaliers: Capt. Edward Manton, 1st Lieut. Jeremiah Manton, 2nd Lieut. Jeremiah Knight, Cornet John Manton, Quarter-Master Stephen Sheldon. The United Train of Artillery in Providence: Col. Nathan Fisher, Lt.-Col. John Carlile, Maj. Peter Grinnell, Capt. James Burr, Lieut. Benjamin H. Hall. June. The Independent Company of Cadets in the Town of Providence: Capt. George R. Burrill, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Hoppin, Jr., 2nd Lieut. William Blodget, Jr., Ens. Henry Rice, Jr. The Train of Artillery in the Town and County of Bristol: Capt. Samuel Wardwell, 1st Lieut. William D'Wolfe, ' 2nd Lieut. Samuel V. Peck, Ens. Jacob Babbitt. 596 1798. June. The Newport Guards: Capt. Wing Spooner, 1st Lieut. John Aleman, 2nd Lieut John Spooner, Ens. Charles Dunham. The United Artillery Company of Kent County: Capt. Jeremiah Fenner, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Greene, 2nd Lieut. Samuel Remington, Ens. John Westcott. Oct. The Ready Volunteers: Capt. John T. Child, 1st Lieut. Thomas Kinnicutt, 2nd Lieut. Calvin Martin, Cornet Daniel Bradford, Jr. The Federal Blues-Bristol County: Capt. John Stockford, Lt. Samuel Peck, Ens. Ebenezer Luther, Jr. 1799. June. Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court: Peleg Arnold, Chief. Ezekiel Gardiner, Jr., Walter Cooke, Joshua Bicknall, Thomas Holden. May. Clerk, Newport County, William V. King. " Providence " Paul Allen, Jr. " Washington " John Hazard, Jr. " Bristol " Jonathan Russell. " Kent " Andrew Boyd. Justices of the Court of Common Pleas and General Sessions of the Peace: Newport County: Constant Taber, Chief. Robert Rogers, Clerk. Benjamin Gardiner, Perez Richmond, William Anthony, Edward Thurston, Sheriff. Nicholas Carr. Providence County: Caleb Harris, Chief. James Fenner, Clerk. John Burton, John Dorrance, Arnold Paine, Nehemiah Knight, Sheriff. William Tyler (of Foster), resigned Oct. William Lamed, Special Justice. June. ' Richard Steere, " " David Sayles, " #I 597 1799. May. Washington County: Joseph Hoxsie, Chief. Samuel E. Gardiner, Clerk. Robert Stanton, Thomas Tefft, William Hammond, Walter White, Sheriff. John Waite. Bristol County: Samuel Allen, Chief. Richard Smith, Jr., Cler: William Barton, Josiah Finney, Joseph Reynolds, Richard Smith, Sheriff. Daniel Cole. Kent County: Thomas Rice, Chief. Hopkins Cooke, Clerk. Benjamin Johnson, Stephen Greene (of East Greenwich), Jacob Greene, Jonathan Niles, Sheriff. William Greene (son of Philip). Christopher Ellery, Public Notary, Newport County. Samuel Chace, ( Providence " George Rawson Burrill, " George Thomas, " Washington" Richard Smith, Jr., " Bristol Hopkins Cooke, Kent Samuel Brown, Westerly, Charlestc k. Wil and Hopkinton. c" Warren. William T. Miller, Committee to report on state of Ferry Wharves: John L. Boss, Samuel Wardwell, Benjamin Gardiner. William Cahoon, Inspector of Tobacco, Town of Newport. Zephaniah Andrews, " " Providence. Henry Remington, " "( Warwick. Justices of the Peace: Newport: Henry Sherburne, Christopher Ellery, Robert Taylor, Jonathan Almy, William V. King, Robert Rogers. Providence: Samuel Chace, George Tillinghast, William Richmond, Providence: William Tyler, 2nd, William Jones, Wheeler Martin, Obadiah Brown, James Fenner, Paul Allen, Jr., Benjamin Reynolds, James Utter Arnold. Portsmouth: Henry Lawton, 598 1799. May. Portsmouth: Gideon Dennis, Thomas Shearman. Warwick: James Jerauld, Joseph Arnold, James Rhodes, Edward Anthony, Thomas Lippitt, Henry Remington, Nathan Arnold. Westerly: Samuel Bliven, Joseph Potter, Paul Maxson, Joseph Pendleton. North Kingstown: George Thomas, Nicholas C. Northup, Oliver Gardiner, Slocum Hall, Jonathan Reynolds (son of William), Benjamin L. Peckham, John Hazard, Jr. South Kingstown: John Segar, Caleb Tefft, Samuel Helme, Cyrus French, Gideon J. Babcock, Samuel E. Gardiner, Barber Peckham, Christ. Robinson, Jr., James Shearman, Jr. East Greenwich: Hopkins Cooke, Andrew Boyd, Jonathan Pitcher, Pardon Tillinghast, Thomas Howland, John Vaughan, David Vaughan, Jr. Scituate: John Harsris, Scituate: John Wilkinson, Benjamin Angell, Gideon Austin, Peleg Fisk, Jr., Elisha Mathewson. Glocester: Zebedee Hopkins, Timothy Wilmarth, Nathaniel Wade, Samuel Winsor, Richard Steere, William Arnold, Jesse Armstrong, Bazaleel Pain, Simeon Steere, John Easton, Jr. Charlestown: Peleg Cross, Benjamin Hoxsie, Peleg Cross, Jr., Simeon Babcock, John Collier, Daniel Edwards. West Greenwich: Levi Whitford, Caleb Hall, George Potter, Stephen Wilcox, Amos Jacqways, Hall Matteson, Clarke Greene. Coventry: William Stone, Benjamin Greene, Joseph Rice, Job Mathewson, Rufus Mathewson, Joseph Manchester, Silas Westcott, Lowry Arnold, John Remington. Exeter: Stephen Reynolds, Zebulon Gardiner, 599 1799. May. Exeter: Stephen Champlin, Jeffery Hazard, Robert Crandall, Matthew Clarke, Samuel Bissell, Nathan Rathbun, Daniel Tillinghast, Asa Wilcox. Middletown: Elisha Allen, Clarke Taggart, Parker Hall. Bristol: Levi D'Wolfe, Gustavus Baylies, Daniel Bradford, Joseph Rawson. Tiverton: Thomas Durfee, Lemuel Taber, Redford Dennis, Joseph Durfee. Little Compton: James Brownell, Benjamin Tompkins, Thomas Palmer, Enos Gifford. Warren: William T. Miller, Seth Snell, Benjamin Barton. Cumberland: Philip Capron, Nathaniel Shepardson, Ebenezer Carpenter, June. John Rogers. Richmond: James Sheldon, Jonathan Maxson, Jeremiah Tefft, Francis Brown. Cranston: William Warner, Stephen Fenner, Jr., Cranston: Matt. Manchester, Jr., Samuel Budlong, Christopher Knight. Hopkinton: David Nichols, Josiah Witter, Randall Wells, Moses Barber, Thomas Wells, Samuel Gardiner, Jr. Johnston: Abraham Belknap, Harding Harris, Ezekiel Angell, Isaac Fisk. North Providence: Ezekiel Whipple, Caleb Jenckes, Stephen Jenckes, Jr. Barrington: Solomon Townsend, James Martin, Asa Bicknall, Josiah Humphry, Jr. Foster: Daniel Howard, Jonathan Hopkins, Jr., Silas Slaughter, Hezekiah Seamans, John Johnson, Nehemiah Angell, Caleb Baker. South Kingstown: Jonathan Reynolds, Jr..Smithfield: Elisha Olney, Benjamin Sheldon, Edward Medbury, Joel Aldrich, Thomas Mann, Daniel Winsor, Elijah Arnold. North Providence: Hope Angell. 600 1799. June. East Greenwich: Providence: George Spencer, Nathan W. Jackson. Oliver Wickes. Tiverton: Exeter: Taylor Davenport. Lillibridge Barber. Oct. Johnston: Cranston: Joshua Angel. Benoni Lockwood. 1799. May. Militia of the State: Mayor-General Simeon Martin. Quarter-Master-Gen. William Learned. Commissary-Gen. Charles Lippitt. Adjutant-Gen. Ebenezer Burrill. Director and Purveyor-Gen. of Military Hospital Isaac Senter, M. D. Surgeon and Physician-Gen. Isaac Senter, M. D. Newport and Bristol County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Thomas Allin. Brigade Inspector John Avery Collins. 1st Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Daniel Sheldon, 1st Maj. Benjamin Brownell, 2nd Maj. Joseph Boss, Jr. Newport-lst Company: Capt. William Allen, Lt. Samuel Carr, Ens. Samuel Watson. 2nd Company: Capt. Joseph Lyon, Lt. Lawton Burdick, Ens. Edward Davis, Jr. 3d Company: Capt. Thomas Tilly, Lt. Azariah Albro, Ens. John Adams. 4th Company: Capt. Peleg Cranston, Lt. William Helme, Ens. William Boss. Portsmouth-lst Company: Capt. George Brownell, Lt. George Cooke, Ens. Noah Gray. 2nd Company: Capt. Thomas Potter, Jr.. Lt. Stephen Cornell, Ens. Benjamin Almy. New Shoreham Company: Capt. Edward Sands, Lt. John Pain, Ens. John Gorton. Jamestown Company: Capt. Thomas Carr, Lt. John Carr, Ens. Edward Hull. Capt. John Carr, in room of Thomas Carr, who declines, Lt. Edward Hull, Ens. John Weeden, Jr. Middletown Company: Capt. Giles Mac er, Lt. James Irish, Ens. Christopher Barker. June. Newport-lst Company: Capt. Clarke Cooke, Lt. Lawton Burdick,. Ens. William Cahoone. 601 1799. June. 2nd Company: Capt. Henry G. Champlin, Lt. Joshua Hiscock, Ens. Rowse Potter. May. 2nd Regiment-Newport County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Benjamin Howland, 1st Maj. Thomas Durfee, 2nd Maj. Joseph Peirce. Tiverton-1st Company: Capt. Holder Almy, Lt. Philip Gray, Ens. Pardon Davenport. 2nd Company: Capt. Philip Sisson, Lt. Peirce Dwelly, Ens. Benjamin Durfee. 3d Company: Capt. Nathaniel Briggs, Jr.,- Lt. Joseph Cooke, Ens. Prince Durfee. Little Compton-Ist Company: Capt. Thomas Briggs, Lt. Caleb Church, Ens. Owen Grinnell. 2nd Company: Capt. Jonathan Hilliard, Lt. Jedediah Wood, Ens. John Peirce. June. Tiverton —st Company: Ensign William Hicks, Jr. Mav. Bristol County Regiment: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Adams, 1st Maj. Benjamin Cole, 2nd Maj. Ebenezer Peck. Bristol Company: Capt. Loring Finney, Lt. William Reynolds, Ens. Timothy Bosworth. Warren-lst Company: Capt. William Hoar, Lt. Preserved Alger, Ens. Caleb Carr, 2nd. 2nd Company: Capt. Benjamin Saunders, Lt. Benjamin Barton, Jr., Ens. Seth Cole. June. Barrington Company: Capt. John Harding, Lt. Hezekiah Salisbury, Ens. Joseph Grant, Jr. Bristol Company: Capt. William Reynolds, Lt. Timothy Bosworth, Ens. Stephen Talbee. Oct. Warren —st Company: Capt. Preserved Alger, Lt. Caleb Carr, 2nd, Ens. Jesse Davis. May. Senior Class Regiment-Newport and Bristol Counties: Lt.-Col. Commandant Alexander Thomas, 1st Maj. Samuel Sanford, 2nd Maj. Benjamin Bosworth. 76 602 1799. May. Newport and Jamestown Company: Capt. Robert Dunham, Lt. John Tew, Ens. Michael Moulton. Portsmouth and Middletown Company: Capt. William Lawton, Lt. Walter Cornell, Ens. John Peabody. Bristol County Company: Capt. John Short, Lt. Thomas Peirce, Ens. Samuel Child. Tiverton Company: Capt. William Humphrey, Lt. Philip Manchester, Ens. William Durfee. Little Compton Company: Capt. Andrew Taylor, Lt. Sanford Almy, Ens. Walter Wilbour. Providence County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Allin. Brigade Inspector, Amos M. Atwell. 1st Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Stephen Abbott, 1st Maj. Jabez Gorham, 2nd Maj. Jeremiah Whiting. Providence-Ist Company: Capt. Jesse Whitmore, Lt. William Holroyd, Jr., Ens. George Teel. 2nd Company: Capt. Benj. Howland, Lt. Haile Gladding, Ens. Ebenezer Johnson. 3d Company: Capt. Abel Allen, Lt. Thomas Sessions, Ens. Stepjien Smith. 4th Company: Capt. Joseph Snow, Jr., Lt. William F. Greene, Ens. John Searle. 5th Company: Capt. Samuel Kempton, Lt. Joseph Carlile, Ens. William Church. North Providence-1st Company: Capt. Emor Whipple, Lt. Daniel Smith, Ens. Stephen Williams. 2nd Company: Capt. James Mason, Lt. Jesse Salisbury, Ens. Arnold Jenckes. 2nd Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Daniel Arnold, 1st Maj. William Ballou, 2nd Maj. Eleazer Whipple. Smithfield-lst Company: Capt. Jeremiah Whipple, Lt. Thomas Angell, Ens. Daniel Jenckes. 2nd Company: Capt. Cyrus Arnold, Lt. Asa Arnold, Ens. Israel Arnold. 3d Company: Capt. Daniel Winsor, Lt. William Foster. June. Ens. William Mowry. a 603 1799. Oct. Ens. Gardner Aldrich. May. 4th Company: Capt. John Angell, Lt. Samuel Mowry, Ens. Stephen Angell. Cumberland —st Company: Capt. Wm. Whipple, Lt. Jona. Ray, Ens. Joseph Whipple (son of Moses). 2nd Company: Capt. Ariel Ballou, it. Welcome Jillson, Ens. Elijah Darling. 3d Company: Capt. Esek Cooke, Jr., Lt. Nathan Whipple, Ens. Eleazer Brown. Oct. 2nd Company: Capt. Welcome Jillson, Lt. Elijah Darling. May. 3d Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Knight, 1st Maj. Thomas Relph, 2nd Maj. Benoni Colvin. Scituate-1st Company: Capt. Ezra Knight, Lt. David Relph, Ens. William Randall. 2nd Company: Capt. Clements Smith, Lt. Richard Aldrich, Ens. Gideon Harris. 3d Company: Capt. Gideon Angell, Lt. James Whipple, Ens. Angell Austin. 4th Company: Capt. Daniel Walker, Lt. Junia Young, Ens. John Aldrich. 4th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col-Commandant Elijah Armstrong, 1st Maj. Thomas Mitchell, 2nd Maj. Benedict Burlingame, Jr. Glocester-1st Company: Capt. Samuel Steere, Jr., Lt. Richard Burlingame, Ens. Pascal Paoli Wheeler. 2nd Company: Capt. Jireh Ballou, 'Lt. Nathan Williams, Ens. Jesse Inman. 3d Company: Capt. Oliver Owen, Lt. Jenckes Sprague. Ens. Adser Eddy. 4th Company: Capt. Ezekiel Emerson, Lt. Caleb Logee, Ens. Christopher Sayles. 5th Company: Capt. Ezekiel Kelly, Lt. James Reynolds, Ens. Jonathan Thornton. 6th Company: Capt. John Greene, Lt. Anan Evans, Ens. Nicholas Brown. 604 1799. May. 5th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Hugh Cole, 1st Maj. Thomas Parker, 2nd Maj. Nicholas Potter. Foster —st Company: Capt. Southworth Griffith, Lt. Stephen Bennett, Ens. Stephen Wilcox. 2nd Company: Capt. Stephen Davis, Lt. William Davis, Ens. Benjamin Round. 3d Company: Capt. Nathaniel Phillips, Lt. Jonathan Hill, Ens. Thomas Hill. 4th Company: Capt. John Eddy, Lt. William Potter, Ens. Peleg Round. 6th Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Peter Briggs, 1st Maj. John Westcott, 2nd Maj. Joseph Alverson. June. 2nd Maj. Joshua Angell. May. Cranston-1st Company: Capt. Benjamin Potter, Lt. Edmund Stone, Ens. Nehemiah Knight, 3d. 2nd Company: Capt. Roger Williams, Lt. Job Carpenter, Ens. Arthur M. Potter. 3d Company: Capt. Waterman Burlingame, Lt. Peleg Arnold, Ens. Cyrus Burlingame. Johnston —st Company: Capt. Joseph B. Lealand, Lt. Reuben Mathewson, Ens. Jabez Latham. 2nd Company: Capt. Joshua Angell, Lt. Olney Angell, Ens. Caleb Bastow. June. Capt. Olney Angell, Lt. Caleb Bastow. May. Senior Class Regiment-Providence County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Caleb Westcott, 1st Maj. Benjamin Fry, 2nd Maj. Joseph Follett. Providence Company: Capt. John Whipple, Lt. Stephen Randall, Ens. Payton Dana. North Providence Company: Capt. Benjamin Jenckes, Lt. Nathaniel Walker. Smithfield Company: Capt. John Jenckes, Jr., Lt. Nathaniel Mowry (son of Daniel), Ens. Moses Aldrich. Cumberland Company: Capt. Noah Ballou, Jr., Lt. Ebenezer Carpenter, Ens. Amos-Arnold. Scituate Company: Capt. Caleb Fisk, Lt. Eliezer Collins, Ens. Gideon Austin, Jr. 605 1799. May. Glocester Company: Capt. Nathan Cooper, Lt. Esek Brown, Jr., Ens. Isaac Wade. Foster Company: Capt. Daniel Howard, Lt. Abiathar Young, Ens. Squire Bucklin,Jr. Cranston Company: Capt. John Randall, Jr., Lt. Elisha Williams, Ens. Edward Stafford. Johnston Company: Capt. Daniel Wilbour, Lt. John Paine. June, Ens. Gideon Brown, Jr. Washington County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. William Rhodes. Brigade Inspector Hezekiah Babcock, Jr. 1st Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Jeremiah Thurston, 1st Maj. Nathan Potter, 2nd Maj. Asa Church. Westerly-1st Company: Capt. John Barber, Lt. John Fowler, Ens. Joshua Babcock. 2nd Company: Capt. George Wells, Lt. Joshua Noyes, Eas. Joseph Babcock. 3d Company: Capt. Hosea Barber, Lt. Maxson Lampher. Ens. Maxson Stillman. 4th Company: Capt. Ichabod Clarke, Lt. Arnold Saunders, Ens. Joel Crandall. Charlestown —s Company: Capt. Benjamin York, Lt. James York. Ens. Philip Taylor. Hopkinton-lst Company: Capt. Benjamin Langworthy, Lt. Amos Langworthy, Jr., Eas. Phineas Edwards, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Rowland Babcock, Lt. Peleg Babcock, Ens. Luke Babcock. 3d Company: Capt. Samuel Peckham, Lt. Benj. Maxson, Jr., Ens. James R. Burdick. June. Charlestown-2nd Company: Capt. Browning Greene, Lt. Jeffery Hazard, Ens. William Browning. Westerly-4th Company: Ens. John Larkin. May. 2nd Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant James Updike, 1st Maj. Benjamin Lewis, 2nd Maj. Lodowick Updike, Jr. North Kingstown-lst Company: Capt. Royal Vaughan, Lt. Daniel Hunt, Ens. Benjamin Whitford, Jr. 0 606 1799. May. 2nd Company: Capt. Christopher Northup, Lt. Thomas Cranston, Ens. Stephen Congdon (son of John). 3d Company: Capt. George Congdon (son of James), Lt. Nicholas Reynolds, Ens. Samuel Northup. 4th Company: Capt. Robert Shearman, Lt. Nathaniel Shearman (son of John), Ens. Jonathan N. Arnold. Exeter-1st Company: Capt. Jonathan Shearman, Lt. Win. Champlin, Ens. John Sweet, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Stephen Lewis, Jr., Lt. John Albro, Ens. Eleazer Slocum. 3d Company: Capt. Samuel Lewis, Lt. Jonathan Wilcox, Ens. John Lewis. 3d Regiment-Washington County: Lt.-Col. Commandant George James, 1st Maj. Enoch Steadman, 2nd Maj. Benjamin T. Sheffield. Richmond-lst Company: Capt. John Lillibridge, Lt. Joseph Tefft, Jr., Ens. Caleb Barber, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Ezekiel Johnson, Lt. Thomas Hubbarton, Ens. Jesse Tefft. June. South Kingstown-1st Company: Capt. William Knowles, Lt. John Knowles, Ens. Jonathan Sweet. 2nd Company: Capt. John Cranston, Lt. John R. Sheffield, Ens. Benjamin Peckham. 3d Company: Capt. Robert Brown, Lt. Joseph Knowles, Ens. John G. Clarke. 4th Company:Capt. Richard G. Watson, Lt. Lodowick Goon, Ens. Joseph Taylor, Jr. May. Senior Class Regiment-Washington County: Ll.-Col. Commandant William Taylor, 1st Maj. Edward Wilcox, 2nd Maj. Stukely Hill. Westerly Company: Capt. Henry Wells, Lt. James Ross, Ens. Jonathan Sisson. Charlestown Company: Capt. Samuel Perry, Lt. Henry Greene, Ens. Gideon Burdick. Hopkinton Company: Capt. Gardner Thurston, Lt. Russell Maxson, Ens. Nathan Maxson. North Kingstown Company: Capt. Joshua Brown, Lt. Thomas Rathbun, Ens. William Helme. 607 1799. May. Exeter Company: Capt. Jeffery Hazard, Lt. Robert Crandall, Ens. Benjamin Slater. South Kingstown Company: Capt. Gardiner Tefft, Lt. Isaac Sheldon, Ens. John Hopkins. Richmond Company: Capt. Benjamin Hoxsie, Lt. James Potter, Ens. Gardiner Phillips. June. Westerly Company: Capt. James Ross, Lt. Jonathan Sisson, Ens. Joel Crandall. May. Kent County Brigade: Brig.-Gen. Isaac Johnson. Brigade Inspector Charles Brayton. 1st Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Thomas Westcott, 1st. Maj. Pardon Potter, 2nd Maj. Bennet Low. Warwick-1st Company: Capt. Remington Arnold, Lt. Joseph Burrows. Ens. Thos. W. Greene. 2nd Company: Capt. Jonathan Tiffany, Lt. James Babson, Ens. Nathaniel Millard. 3d Company: Capt. Dutee Arnold, Lt. Lowry Chace, Ens. Randall Carder. East Greenwich —st Company: Capt. Browning Nichols, Lt. Dan Taylor, Ens. Benjamin Cornell. 2nd Company: Capt. Russell Johnson, Lt. John Mawney, Ens. Samuel Wightford. June. Warwick —st Company: Ens. William Greene (son of Godfrey). May. 2nd Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Silas Bailey. June. 1st Maj. Peleg Arnold, 2nd Maj. Reuben Whitman. May. West Greenwich —st Company: Capt. Christopher Hopkins, Lt. Wanton King, Ens. Isaac Johnson, Jr. 2nd Company: Capt. Augustus Ellis, Lt. Samuel Gardiner, Ens. Oliver Moon. 3d Company: Capt. Job H. Tillinghast, Lt. William Tanner, Ens. John D. Convers. 608 1799. May. Coventry-1st Company: Capt. Peleg Arnold, Lt. John Remington, Ens. Ezra Ralmsdale. 2nd Company: Capt. Asaph Bowen, Jr., Lt. Ichabod Scott, Ens. Daniel Cook. 3d Company: Capt. Reuben Whitman, Lt. Stephen Mathewson, Ens. Langford Weaver, Jr. 4th Company: Capt. Samuel Peck, Lt. Benjamin Clarke, Ens. Worden Johnson. June. 1st Company: Capt. John Remington, Lt. Ezra Ramsdale, Ens. Nathan Colvin. 3d Company: Capt. Stephen Mathewson, Lt. Langford Weaver, Jr., Ens. Dan'l Goff. May. Senior Class Regiment-Kent County: Lt.-Col. Commandant Joseph Arnold, 1st Maj. Stukely Hudson, 2nd Maj. Job Mathewson. Warwick and East Greenwich Company: Capt. Othniel Wightman, Lt. George Greene, Ens. John Place. West Greenwich Company: Capt. John Tillinghast. Lt. William H. Davis, Ens. Thomas Case. Coventry Company: Capt. Silas Westcott. Lt. Benjamin Greene, Ens. Henry Whitman. / Independent Companies: The United Company of the Train of Artillery in the Town of Providence: Col. Nathan Fisher, Lieut.-Col. John Carlile, Maj. Peter Grinnell, Capt. James Burr, 1st Lieut. Thomas Greene. The North Kingstown Rangers: Capt. David Gardiner, 1st Lieut. Thurston Northup, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Cranston, Jr., Ens. Samuel D. Allen. The Cranston Blues: Capt. James- Parkerson, 1st Lieut. David Nicholas, 2nd Lieut. Nehemiah Knight, Jr., Ens. David Randall. The Independent Company of Cadets in the Town of Providence: Capt. George R. Burrill, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Hoppin, Jr., 2nd Lieut. William Blodget, Jr., Ens. Henry Rice, Jr. The Johnston Rangers: Capt. Joseph Mathewson, 1st Lieut. Elijah Day, 2nd Lieut. Elisha Waterman, Ens. Nedebiah Hammond. 609 1799. May. The Kentish Troop: Capt. Westcott Stone, 1st Lieut. Christopher Weaver, 2nd Lieut. David Greene, Cornet Walter Spencer. The West Greenwich and Coventry Light Infantry: Capt. Thomas Phillips, 1st Lieut. Caleb Bailey, Jr., 2nd Lieut. Christ. Mathewson, Ens. Joseph Weaver (son of Jona.). The Washington Independent Company: Capt. Jeremiah G. Northup, 1st Lieut. Beriah Gardiner, 2nd Lieut. Joseph Reynolds, Ens. Nathaniel Thurston. The Kentish Guards: Capt. Micah Whitmarsh, 1st Lieut. William G. Spencer, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Jerauld, Ens. Jonathan Salisbury. The Pawtuxet Rangers: Capt. John Arnold, 1st Lieut. Elisha Arnold, 2nd Lieut. John Warner, Ens. Stephen Arnold. The Smithfield Grenadiers: Capt. Ahab Mowry, 1st Lieut. Christopher Dexter, 2nd Lieut. Jesse Whipple, Ens. Nathaniel Mowrey. The Kingston Reds: Capt. Robert F. Noyes, 1st Lieut Joseph Babcock, 2nd Lieut. Asa Fellows, Ens. Joshua B. Curtis. The United Artillery-Warwick: Capt. Benjamin Greene, 1st Lieut, Samuel Remington, 2nd Lieut. Caleb Greene, Jr., Ens. George Whitman. The Artillery Company of the Town of Newport: Capt. Francis Malbone, 1st Lieut. Benjamin Fry, 2nd Lieut. Walter Channing, Ens. Frederick Crary. The Light Company of the 1st Regiment-Providence County: Capt. James Ormsbee, Lieut. Cromwell Barney, Ens. Joseph Baker, The Providence Independent Light Dragoons for Providence County: Col. Ephraim Bowen, Jr., Lieut.-Col. Henry Smith, Maj. Sylvanus Hopkins, Capt. Edward Dexter. Lieut. Christopher C. Olney, Cornet Elisha Dyer. The Kentish Light Infantry: Capt. Job Greene, 1st Lieut. Alexander Havens, 2nd Lieut. Christopher Greene, Ens. Wanton Rice. The Portsmouth Light Infantry: Capt. Peleg Almy, Lieut. Joseph Child, Ens. Joseph Fish. June. The Train of Artillery in the Town and County of Bristol: Capt. Samuel Wardwell, 1st Lieut. William D'Wolfe, 2nd Lieut. Samuel V. Peck, Ens. Ambrose Waldron. 77 610 1799. June. The Company of Light Infantry of the Town of Glocester: Capt. Joseph Steere, 1st Lieut. Jesse Potter, 2nd Lieut. John Hawkins, Ens. Andrew Brown. The Scituate Light Infantry: Capt. Stephen Young, 1st Lieut. Caleb Fenner, 2nd Lieut. Stephen Olney, Ens. John Whidden. Oct. The Governor's Independent Company of Volunteers-name changed to The United Independent Volunteers: Capt. Jeremiah B. Howell, 1st Lieut. Robert Taylor, Jr., 2nd Lieut. Nicholas D. Greene, Ens. Samuel Jackson. The Captain-General's Cavaliers of the County of Providence: Capt. Edward Manton, 1st Lieut. Jeremiah Knight, 2nd Lieut. John Manton, Cornet Stephen Sheldon. Quarter-Master Benoni Lockwood. The Ready Volunteers-Bristol. Capt. John T. Child, 1st Lieut. Thomas Kinnicutt, 2nd Lieut. Matthew Watson, 3d, Cornet Daniel Bradford, Jr. The Foster Safe-Guards: Capt. Francis Fuller, 1st Lieut. Thomas W. Tyler, 2nd Lieut. Nathaniel Stone, Ens. Gardner Smith.. The Tiverton and Little Compton Dragoons: Capt. John Bailey, 1st Lieut. John Cooke, Jr., 2nd Lieut. John Davis, Cornet Gardner Durfee. The Bristol Grenadiers: Capt. John Waldron Bourn, Lieut. Samuel Smith, 2nd, Ens. William Manchester. Feb. Committee to procure Two Portraits of General George Washington, one for each Senate Chamber in Newport and Providence: John Innis Clarke, Senator from Providence. George Champlin, Representative from Newport. Walter Channing, " " Thomas P. Ives, " Providence. INDEX TO CIVIL AND MILITARY LIST. PREPARED BY JAMES N. ARNOLD, COMPILER OF VITAL RECORDS OF RHODE ISLAND. NoTE.-The modern spelling of family names which may appear several times on each page is here given. Abbott, 29, 30, 32, 34, 46, 47, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 61, 63, 65, 69, 72, 75, 78, 459, 471, 482, 493, 501, 502, 504, 516, 518, 529, 545, 559, 573, 587, 602. Aborn, 120, 127, 128, 134, 140,146, 153, 304, 309, 312, 324, 328, 453, 457, 467, 490, 592, 516, 526, 542. Adams, 91, 92, 114, 120, 128, 135, 141, 147, 153, 157, 163, 172, 180, 188, 198, 207, 214, 222, 230, 233, 251, 257, 260, 262, 278, 288, 336, 340, 342, 355, 357, 404, 492, 503, 517, 528, 544, 559, 573, 587, 600, 601. Albee, 256, 259. Albertson, 327. Alborough, v. Albro, vi, vii, 6, 8, 9, 10, 28, 30, 32, 34, 37, 39, 42, 44, 51, 76, 121, 127, 128, 135, 141, 147, 148, 149, 154, 163, 167, 171, 175, 179, 187, 193, 196, 201, 202, 206, 209, 222, 315, 322, 340, 341, 368, 379, 390, 490, 501, 544, 558, 572, 586, 600, 606. Aldrich-Continued. 289, 290, 294, 295, 298, 301, 302, 306, 310, 314, 320, 349, 350, 366, 383, 385, 387, 396, 402, 410, 415, 420, 425, 429, 434, 439, 445, 448, 450, 454, 455, 460, 461, 472, 482, 493, 494, 498, 504, 505, 511, 516, 518, 525, 530, 538, 541, 546, 556, 584, 588, 589, 599, 600, 604. Aleman, 567, 596. Alexander, 336, 340, 341. Alger, 544, 559, 573, 587, 601. Allen, 11, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 36, 39, 41, 43, 44, 46, 48, 50, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 62, 64, 66, 68, 71, 74, 75, 77, 79, 81, 84, 85, 87, 89, 91, 94, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 104, 109, 110, 114, 115, 116, 118, 123, 124, 125, 128, 130, 132, 135, 137, 141, 143, 144, 147, 149, 150, 151, 156, 162, 169, 177, 178, 183, 186, 191, 195, 198, 199, 205, 208, 210, 212, 215, 218, 220, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228, 231, 233, 235, 242, 251, 252, 255, 256, 257, 258, 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, 267, 268, 271, 273, 274, 276, 278, 279, 280, 281, 283, 284, 286, 288, 291, 292, 294, 295, 297, 299, 303, 305, 308, 311, 313, 319, 323, 327, 334, 338, 339, 340, 341, 343, 349, 354, 357, 361, 365, 366, 368, 370, 371, 372, 376, 384, 387, 389, 394, 397, 400, 402, 406, 408, 409, 410, 418, 419, 421, 422, 427, 428, 429, 430, 431, 437, 438, 440, 441, 444, 447, 448, 449, 452, 453, 457, 458, 459, 461, 465, 467, 468, Aldrich, 37, 56, 90, 96, 101, 110, 138, 153, 157, 159, 163, 171, 179, 187, 197, 198, 204, 206, 207, 211, 213, 219, 221, 222, 224, 229, 236, 241, 259, 263, 266, 267, 268, 276, 279, 145, 150, 188, 195, 214, 216, 243, 253, 282, 287,. 612 Allen-Continued. 469, 470, 476, 479, 487, 490, 492, 496, 498, 499, 501, 503, 504, 513, 515, 517, 518, 523, 524, 526, 527, 529, 533, 540, 542, 543, 545, 549, 554, 556, 558, 566, 568, 570, 572, 573, 580, 582, 584, 585, 586, 588, 594, 596, 597, 599, 600, 602, 608. Allenton, 128, 135, 141. Allerton, 148. Almy, 1, 6, 27, 178, 186, 196, 200, 205, 208, 212, 216, 221, 229, 231, 236, 242, 255, 258, 259, 263, 270, 273, 279, 283, 291, 329, 365, 375, 384, 386, 399, 400, 411, 419, 428, 437, 438, 467, 478, 479, 488, 499, 514, 524, 526,.527, 540, 541, 544, 555, 558, 569, 572, 583, 585, 586, 587, 597, 600, 601, 602, 609. Alverson, 225, 232, 311, 346, 360, 364, 373, 385, 387, 398, 400, 412, 417, 426, 436, 501, 506, 516, 519, 526, 531, 543, 547, 557, 571, 575, 589, 604. Andrews, 9, 10, 70, 72, 90, 92, 96, 101, 137, 143, 173, 176, 181, 191, 198, 200, 205, 208, 211, 216, 221, 239, 265, 279, 286, 308, 324, 341, 354, 358, 368, 380, 391, 487, 493, 497, 504, 510, 518, 529, 535, 545, 551, 565, 597. Andros, v. Angell, 34, 37, 39, 42, 44, 50, 58, 64, 65, 67, 70, 72, 78, 88, 90, 93, 99, 104, 107, 109, 113, 120, 127, 134, 140, 146, 153, 159, 162, 166, 170, 173, 176, 178, 186, 189, 191, 196, 197, 199, 200, 205, 206, 208, 209, 212, 213, 216, 221, 224, 229, 236, 239, 240, 243, 246, 247, 248, 249, 252, 253, 256, 259, 263, 264, 267, 270, 274, 276, 277, 279, 280, 284, 287, 292, 296, 299, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 311, 312, 314, 317, 320, 327, 328, 330, 335, 336, 338, 342, 343, 346, 349, 350, 352, 353, 355, 361, 362, 364, 365, 366, 367, 373, 374, 376, 377, 378, 381, 385, 386, 388, 395, 396, 398, 399, 412, 413, 417, 418, 421, 426, 427, 428, 430, 436, 437, 440, 447, 448, 453, 454, 457, 460, 461, 468, 469, 471, 472, 479, 482, 483, 490, 494, 495, 501, 502, 504, 505, 507, 516, 518, 520, 526, 530, 531, 532, 538, 543, 546, Angell-Coutinued. 547, 557, 560, 561, 562, 570, 571, 574, 575, 576, 581, 584, 588, 589, 590, 594, 598, 599, 600, 602, 603, 604. Anthony, 3, 19, 20, 21, 24, 44, 84, 87, 88, 93, 97, 98, 104, 115, 116, 117, 118, 132, 136, 138, 142, 144, 149, 151, 155, 157, 161, 163, 169, 172, 177, 185, 188, 195, 197, 204, 207, 211, 213, 222, 227, 230, 234, 237, 241, 247, 248, 249, 251, 253, 262, 264, 272, 282, 286, 305, 317, 319, 346, 402, 417, 426, 435, 446, 451, 456, 467, 469, 476, 478, 481, 487, 488, 492, 498, 512, 523, 527, 539, 543, 554, 555, 558, 568, 569, 572, 582, 583, 596, 598. Applebee, 256, 259, 439, 460, 482, 493, 546, 560, 574. Armstrong, 354, 357, 393, 394, 407, 414, 424, 433, 443, 453, 464, 475, 486, 497, 511, 519, 522, 530, 536, 546, 552, 557, 561, 569, 575, 585, 589, 598, 603. Arnold, vi, 4, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 39, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 51, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 99, 101, 104, 105, 119, 120, 122, 140, 141, 142, 153, 154, 155, 163, 166, 168, 177, 178, 179, 192, 194, 195, 106, 107, 109, 110, 113, 117, 123, 124, 129, 131, 134, 138, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 169, 171, 172, 173, 175, 176, 182, 184, 185, 186, 187, 189, 196, 197, 198, 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226, 229, 232, 233, 234, 236, 239, 240, 244, 248, 249, 252, 253, 257, 259, 260, 261, 263, 265, 266, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 278, 279, 281, 282, 284, 286, 287, 289, 290, 291, 292, 295, 296, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 314, 316, 317, 318, 320, 321, 324, 326, 327, 331, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 340, 343, 345, 346, 349, 350, 353, 355, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 366, 368, 369, 370, 372, 373, 374, 375, 376, 380, 381, 382, 384, 385, 386, 387, 391, 392, 397, 398, 399, 400, 402, 406, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 416, 417, 418, 423, 426, 427, 428, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 439, 442, 613 Arnold-Continued. 444, 445, 446, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 460, 461, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 471, 472, 473, 474, 475, 476, 477, 478, 480, 489, 490, 491, 493, 500, 502, 504, 505, 514, 515, 516, 518, 526, 529, 530, 531, 541, 542, 546, 549, 555, 557, 560, 563, 569, 570, 574, 577, 584, 585, 588, 590, 596, 597, 598, 599, 609. 482, 483, 485, 486, 488, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 506, 509, 510, 511, 513, 519, 521, 522, 524, 525, 535, 536, 537, 539, 540, 550, 551, 552, 553, 554, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 602, 604, 606, 607, 608, Babcock- Continued. 226, 229, 233, 236, 238, 240, 246, 248, 252, 257, 260, 263, 264, 268, 277, 280, 281, 283, 288, 291, 293, 295, 299, 302, 306, 307, 311, 313, 314, 316, 317, 319, 321, 322, 324, 326, 327, 328, 332, 333, 336, 339, 341, 346, 348, 351, 353, 354, 358, 361, 364, 365, 367, 368, 370. 373, 374, 378, 380, 382, 383, 385, 386, 389, 393, 397, 398, 399, 403, 410, 411, 412, 416, 417, 425, 426, 427, 434, 436, 447, 458, 462, 489, 490, 500, 501, 502, 508, 509, 515, 516, 522, 525, 526, 534, 537, 541, 542, 548, 550, 552, 556, 563, 564, 570, 577, 578, 583, 591, 592, 595, 598, 605, 609. Babson, 579, 593, 607. Ashton, 3, 334. Atwell, 216, 224, 236, 273, 276, 283, 291, 295, 299, 330, 349, 376, 388, 402, 413, 480, 488, 499, 514, 587, 602. Atwood, 460, 471, 482, 493, 495, 506, 519, 557, 561, 562. Audley, 5. Austin, 114, 120, 121, 136, 142, 148, 154, 260, 289, 307, 323, 430, 439, 570, 574, 576, 584, 589, 590, 598, 603, 604. Aylesworth, 86, 90, 96, 128, 135, 141, 147, 154, 160, 167, 174, 185, 194, 199, 211, 219, 222, 224, 232, 240, 244, 246, 249, 269, 270, 274, 278, 280, 281, 285, 289, 292, 296, 300, 303, 311, 327, 346, 361, 365, 369, 374, 380, 392, 407, 423, 452. Ayrault, 85, 116, 181, 200,,208, 231, 255. Babbitt, 342, 595. Babcock, 2, 9, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 52, 54, 57, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 68, 71, 73, 75, 76, 77, 79, 81, 84, 87, 93, 98, 104, 105, 110, 116, 117, 122, 124, 129, 131, 136, 137, 142, 143, 148, 160, 164, 170, 172, 176, 178, 180, 184, 188, 193, 194, 198, 201, 202, 203, 210, 213, 214, 217, 218, 221, 225, Bacon, 267, 276, 279, 341. 286, 305, 320, 330, 331, Badger, 342, 355, 357. Bagley, 361, 365, 374, 386, 399, 413, 418, 427, 437, 447, 453. VBailey, 6, 9, 11, 91, 92, 97, 102, 106, 108, 112, 113, 114, 119, 120, 121, 124, 126, 127, 128, 131, 133, 135, 140, 146, 152, 159, 165, 173, 180, 184, 190, 191, 194, 230, 234, 237, 250, 253, 254, 264, 276, 277, 279, 281, 286, 305, 313, 316, 319, 329, 336, 337, 352, 356, 368, 375, 380, 389, 390, 399, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 412, 413, 418, 419, 427, 428, 438, 447, 448, 452, 456, 468, 470, 478, 481, 489, 492, 493, 500, 503, 504, 510, 517, 521, 528, 529, 535, 538, 539, 544, 551, 558, 565, 567, 572, 579, 581, 586, 593, 595, 607, 609, 610. Baker, 160, 168, 175, 199, 242, 263, 266, 355, 439, 460, 471, 482, 494, 495, 505, 547, 548, 561, 562, 575. 581, 589, 594, 609. 342, 531, 599, Balch, 173, 180, 190, 199, 208, 215, 223, 231, 243, 315. Balcomb, 537, 553, 567. Balfour, 316. Ball, 36, 39, 41, 44, 50, 53, 55, 59, 63, 69, 72. 614 Ballou, 182, 183, 192, 201, 209, 217, 225, 305, 321, 330, 331, 340, 341, 349, 354, 366, 377, 387, 388, 399, 401, 402, 408, 413, 418, 421, 427, 437, 439, 447, 453, 460, 468, 471, 479, 482, 490, 494, 502, 516, 518, 519, 526, 530, 531, 538, 539, 546, 548, 556, 560, 561, 562, 574, 575, 588, 589, 590, 602, 603, 604. Bannister, 238, 456, 469, 477, 488, 499, 513. 232, 357, 409, 457, 505, 543, 576, Barber, 148, 154, 160, 167, 171, 175, 179, 187, 193, 197, 202, 206, 210, 213, 218, 222, 241, 242, 245, 257, 260, 277, 280, 287, 294, 297, 301, 306, 321, 332, 333, 391, 403, 422, 431, 432, 441, 462, 490, 496, 500, 502, 507, 514, 515, 516, 525, 526, 532, 533, 534, 535, 538, 541, 542, 548, 549, 550, 555, 557, 563, 564, 569, 571, 576, 578, 584, 585, 590, 592, 599, 600, 605, 606. Bardin, 80, 83, 87, 93, 98, 104, 110, 116, 150, 156, 162, 170, 178, 186, 196, 205, 212, 221, 228, 236, 239, 248, 252, 255, 263, 269, 273, 283, 291, 295, 299, 302, 459, 470, 481, 504, 517. Barker, 1, 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 19, 23, 24, 25, 29, 33, 35, 37, 40, 43, 45, 47, 48, 51, 54, 57, 61, 65, 66, 69, 71, 89,- 94, 95, 100, 112, 118, 119, 126, 133, 138, 139, 144, 146, 151, 152, 154, 158, 163, 164, 171, 173, 178, 179, 180, 186, 187, 190, r91, 196, 197, 205, 206, 212, 213, 222, 227, 235, 241, 247, 251, 255, 258, 262, 266, 272, 275, 276, 284, 286, 292, 296, 300, 303, 311, 319, 325, 344, 345, 347, 399, 400, 411, 417, 422, 433, 436, 443, 447, 449, 450, 451, 456, 467, 477, 480, 488, 490, 491, 499, 501, 513, 515, 524, 572, 584, 586, 600. Bartlett, 118, 125, 132, 138, 145, 151, 157, 163, 172, 180, 188, 198, 207, 214, 222, 230, 237, 241, 277, 280, 316, 318, 336, 385, 412, 417, 426, 436, 516. Barton, 12, 13, 29, 31, 79, 81, 84, 87, 89, 95, 101, 114, 115, 119, 120, 127, 128, 135, 148, 149, 162, 170, 172, 180, 188, 248, 258, 261, 269, 271, 278, 281, 284, 288, 314, 315, 316, 320, 328, 336, 337, 340, 341, 347, 354, 357, 358, 382, 386, 393, 395, 399, 406, 412, 416, 418, 419, 426, 427, 428, 435, 436, 445, 447, 452, 453, 457, 458, 459, 467, 468, 470, 478, 479, 481, 487, 488, 489, 490, 491, 497, 498, 499, 501, 503, 507, 510, 513, 514, 515, 516, 517, 523, 524, 526, 528, 529, 538, 540, 541, 542, 544, 545, 554, 555, 556, 559, 568, 569, 573, 582, 585, 587, 597, 599, 601. Bates, 113, 120, 127, 134, 135, 213, 222, 246, 269, 278, 280, 288, 307, 314, 321, 333, 352, 365, 368, 374, 379, 385, 390, 394, 399, 404, 407, 413, 414, 418, 422, 431, 436, 441, 443, 446, 451, 456, 463, 467, 474, 478, 489, 533, 549, 563, 577, 591. Battey, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36, 39, 44, 50, 53, 55, 59, 63, 69, 119, 127, 259, 509, 510, 521, 535, 551. Baulston, 3, 4, 5, 6. Baylies, 585, 599. Beard, 115, 208, 216. Beebe, 83. Barnes, 10, 62, 66, 68, 72, 75, 77, 135, 140, 147, Beeres, 106, 112, 118, 158, 164. 126, 133, 139, 145, 152, 153, 159, 192, 201, 213, 221, 263, 460, 471, 481, 482, 493, 503, 517, 555. Barney, 259, 545, 566, 581, 594, 609. Barrett, 209, 217, 244. Barrows, 367. Barstow, 576, 590, 604. Belcher, 172, 173, 180, 189, 190, 200, 208, 215, 286, 305, 317, 319, 327, 338, 394. Belitho, 106, 112, 118, 126, 133, 139, 145. Belknap, 230, 237, 241, 254, 259, 265, 271, 275, 285, 293, 297, 300, 304, 312, 328, 340, 341, 354, 361, 365, 374, 386, 399, 412, 418, 427, 615 Belknap-Continued. 437, 447, 453, 457, 460, 46&, 471, 479, 482, 490, 501, 516, 526, 543, 557, 571, 584, 599. Benchley, 381. Bennett, 2, 14, 23, 34, 37, 39, 42, 44, 50, 53, 55, 56, 59, 63, 69, 71, 73, 79, 80, 83, 166, 172, 173, 174, 180, 182, 190, 192, 199, 200, 201, 203, 207, 209, 215, 217, 223, 230, 238, 240, 246, 249, 250, 251, 261, 265, 301, 309, 313, 324, 325, 335, 351, 369, 377, 381, 387, 392, 407, 409, 423, 424, 433, 443, 464, 474, 483, 486, 495, 497, 506, 510, 531, 547, 561, 565, 575, 589, 604. Benson, 566. Bentley, 51, 53, 108, 175, 180, 190, 199, 208, 215, 218, 226, 341, 354, 369, 593. Blackman, 306. Blackmar, 314, 318, 337, 355, 489. Blackmore, 224, 232. Blanchard, 343, 381, 392, 402, 407, 420, 423, 430, 439, 486, 507, 520, 532, 548. Bliss, 2, 12, 118, 126, 133, 139, 145, 152, 158, 164, 173, 190, 337, 393, 408, 409, 415, 425, 434, 444. Bliven, 121, 122, 174, 178, 183, 193, 194, 201, 204, 206, 209, 211, 221, 225, 229, 232, 237, 318, 321, 332, 336, 337, 351, 358, 367, 370, 378, 389, 403, 408, 421, 431, 441, 479, 489, 500, 507, 514, 520, 524, 532, 541, 548, 549, 555, 7563, 570, 576, 583, 590, 598. Blodgett, 313, 595, 608. Bogart, 408. Boone, 108, 114, 154, 160, 167, 268, 277, 280, 293, 404. Borden, vi, 9, 13, 14, 22, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 52, 89, 90, 95, 103, 110, 116, 123, 130, 132, 133, 137, 143, 150, 156, 162, 236, 258, 263, 267, 275, 276, 285, 293, 318, 319, 329, 366, 375, 384, 397, 399, 409, 411, 413, 417, 418, 427, 447, 451, 453, 456, 457, 467, 468, 470, 477, 479, 481, 488, 499, 501, 503, 513, 516, 526, 528, 543, 544, 559. Berry, 221, 242, 244, 248, 311, 315, 327, 340, 341, 346, 355; 360, 364, 379, 391, 422, 432, 442. Beverly, 204, 355, 383, 396, 410. Bewitt, 2. 336; 405, Bickford, 342. Bicknell, 144, 151,157, 163, 222, 227, 235, 241, 251, 269, 469, 479, 491, 501, 516, 523, 539, 543, 553, 557, 567, 569, 582, 584, 596, 599. Bill, 86, 89, 114, 158, 190. Binson, 277, 280, 287. Bishop, 147,153, 159, 183, 244, 280, 287, 530, 539, 546, 561, 574, 588. Bissell, 217, 314, 322, 337, 338, 352, 390, 405, 408, 409, 423, 432, 442, 485, 509, 515, 521, 525, 533, 534, 538, 542, 549, 557, 563, 570, 577, 585, 591, 599. Black, 314, 327, 330, 339, 377, 402, 403, 421, 430, 440, 449, 461, 472, 483, 495, 506, 520. Boss, 54, 57, 58, 59, 64, 68, 75, 79, 203, 246, 271, 307, 438, 497, 503, 536, 538, 544, 553, 558, 567, 572, 597, 600. 117, 511, 581, 120, 527, 586, Bosworth, 116, 123, 131, 143, 150, 156, 162, 169, 173, 176, 177, 186, 196, 205, 212, 220, 241, 250, 281, 288, 308, 318, 323, 333, 348, 362, 374, 386, 399, 406, 413, 418, 419, 427, 429, 437, 438, 451, 459, 46% 470, 477, 481, 504, 517, 529, 545, 556, 559, 571, 573, 587, 601. 616 Bourne, 138, 144, 151, 163, 171, 179, 187, 197, 206, 213, 222, 226, 228, 230, 233, 235, 318, 337, 344, 359, 363, 372, 381, 383, 387, 394, 395, 416, 425, 426, 435, 444, 446, 451, 456, 466, 467, 476, 477, 499, 513, 524, 555, 569, 610, Bours, 65, 67, 74, 81, 152, 161, 169, 185, 189, 195, 196, 204, 211, 214, 227, 228, 235, 252, 263, 270, 275, 295, 299, 302, 514. Bowdish, 199, 203, 215, 223, 228, 244. 170, 177, 219, 224, 283, 291, Bowen, 51, 53, 56, 60, 64, 70, 72, 79, 81, 83, 86, 87, 89, 93, 95, 98, 100, 104, 106, 110, 113, 116, 123, 130, 137, 159, 174, 201, 202, 203, 209, 210, 211, 226, 231, 233, 237, 240, 249, 271, 274, 284, 292, 294, 295, 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 316, 320, 323, 326. 328, 330, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 360, 361, 368, 369, 370, 376, 384, 387, 395, 397, 400, 402, 415, 416, 419, 420, 425, 428, 437, 438, 439, 440, 446, 451, 512, 517, 522, 528, 536, 537, 567, 569, 574, 579, 581, 587, 182, 192, 193, 217, 218, 224, 253, 264, 269, 296, 297, 299, 310, 311, 314, 334, 337, 338, 350, 353, 359, 381, 382, 383, 408, 410, 413, 429, 430, 434, 456, 467, 503, 544, 556, 566, 593 608, 609. Bradford-Continued. 537, 540, 542, 556, 569, 571, 581, 596, 599, 610. Branch, 471. Brand, 389, 403, 408, 421, 431, 441, 466, 477, 481. Brayman, 230, 237. Brayton, 6, 28, 29, 31, 33, 111, 117, 124, 139, 143, 150, 247, 249, 254, 255, 269, 278, 356, 373, 381, 385, 392, 398, 407, 412, 417, 426, 436, 448, 452, 456, 466, 468, 478, 480, 486, 489, 490, 497, 510, 528. 535, 544, 551, 559, 565, 579, 592, 607. Brenton, 4, 5, 6, 13, 31, 32, 35, 37, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 55, 58, 61, 83, 85, 98, 165, 231, 239, 247, 255, 293. Bridgham, 566. Briggs, 1, 6, 7, 23, 54, 56, 60, 63, 69, 70, 72, 152, 159, 165, 181, 184, 189, 194, 202, 219, 225, 226, 244, 245, 255, 258, 261, 268, 269, 275, 277, 278, 280, 284, 287, 293, 313, 316, 327, 341, 346, 356, 364, 375, 438, 474, 485, 493, 496, 504, 506, 510, 517, 519, 521, 528, 529, 531, 538, 544, 547, 558, 559, 562, 572, 575, 686, 589, 601, 604. Brightman, vi, 139, 462, 496, 507. Brinley, v, 7, 9, 10, 15. Brown, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, '50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 60, 61, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 76, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, Bowler, 181, 191, 196, 231, 251, 252, 255, 262, 272, 290, 294, 297, 301, 309, 312, 313, 316, 317, 325, 330, 337, 344. Box, 395, 444. Boyd, 215, 223, 228, 251, 261, 272, 344, 359, 363, 372, 383, 396, 410, 415, 417, 424, 426, 434, 436, 444, 525, 541, 554, 556, 568, 582, 583, 596, 598. Bradfield, 316. Bradford, 176, 216, 218, 226, 230, 237, 251, 262, 283, 295, 298, 300, 302, 303, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315, 317, 318, 319, 326, 328, 337, 338, 345, 347, 353, 354, 359, 360, 362, 363, 365, 372, 374, 381, 382, 384, 386, 395, 397, 399, 410, 412, 416, 418, 425, 427, 434, 436, 445, 447, 450, 452, 455, 457, 465, 468, 476, 479, 487, 490, 498, 499, 501, 513, 515, 524, 5265 101, 103, 104, 105, 113, 115, 116, 117, 125, 126, 127, 129, 136, 137, 138, 139, 147, 149, 151, 153, 163, 167, 169, 171, 179, 180, 182, 185, 106, 107, 109, 110, 119, 120, 122, 123, 130, 131, 133, 134, 140, 142, 143, 144, 155, 157, 159, 160, 172, 173, 175, 177, 186, 187, 188, 190, 112, 124, 135, 146, 162, 178, 192, 205, 216, 193, 195, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 204, 206, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 213, 214, 617 Brown-Continued. 217, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 232, 235, 237, 239, 240, 241, 243, 245, 247, 249, 250, 253, 256, 257, 259, 260, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 270, 271, 274, 276, 278, 279, 282, 284, 285, 286, 287, 288, 290, 292, 293, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 310, 312, 313, 316, 320, 322, 323, 324, 326, 328, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 343, 345, 348, 349, 351, 359, 362, 363, 366, 368, 369, 373, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 383, 384, 388, 390, 393, 396, 397, 402, 404, 407, 408, 410, 411, 414, 416, 417, 421, 422, 424, 425, 426, 430, 431, 433, 434, 435, 440, 441, 443, 444, 445, 446, 450, 453, 455, 458, 462, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 470, 473, 475, 476, 478, 479, 482, 484, 486, 487, 489, 490, 496, 497, 499, 500, 502, 505, 508, 511, 512, 514, 519, 522, 529, 531, 532, 534, 536, 537, 538, 539, 540, 541, 547, 548, 550, 552, 553, 554, 555, 561, 562, 564, 567, 568, 569, 570, 571, 572, 575, 576, 578, 580, 582, 583, 589, 590, 592, 595, 597, 599, 603, 605, 606, 610. Brownell, 1, 38, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 76, 78, 80, 82, 84, 86, 92, 97, 103, 112, 119, 126, 133, 144, 146, 151, 152, 157, 158, 160, 162, 163, 165, 172, 173, 178, 179, 181, 188, 197, 207, 223, 230, 231, 237, 254, 264, 267, 268, 274, 276, 284, 313, 317, 337, 401, 411, 417, 420, 426, 453, 458, 470, 471, 478, 482, 488, 491, 502, 517, 527, 543, 544, 558, 572, 584, 586, 599, 600. Browning, 36, 97, 102, 108, 121, 122, 128, 135, 136, 141, 142, 147, 148, 154, 167, 174, 213, 221, 285, 327, 346, 404, 511, 522, 536, 550, 552, 564, 605. Bucklin, 153, 159, '165, 173, 185, 188, 194, 207, 213, 222, 232, 305, 314, 320, 369, 381, 389, 402, 420, 430, 440, 460, 472, 482, 562, 576, 590, 605. Budlong, 119, 127, 134, 140, 148, 226, 233, 252, 571, 599. Bulger, 3, 4. Bull, vi, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 22, 26, 27, 28, 29, 78 Bull- Continued. 31, 33, 36, 38, 41, 47, 49, 52, 79, 80, 83, 87, 93, 98, 104, 110, 116, 316, 337. Bundy, 277, 280, 287. Burch, 390, 403. Burden, 14, 20. Burdick, 76, 91, 97, 147, 154, 160, 167, 223, 241, 269, 270, 271, 273, 278, 285, 291, 297, 299, 300, 303, 304, 312, 321, 328, 332, 351, 361, 365, 367, 374, 386, 393, 399, 403, 409, 412, 418, 423, 427, 432, 435, 437, 442, 446, 447, 451, 453, 456, 457, 461, 462, 467, 468, 478, 479, 489, 490, 491, 496, 500, 501, 502, 507, 509, 514, 515, 516, 524, 525, 526, 538, 541, 542, 556, 557, 577, 578, 586, 591, 592, 600, 605, 606. Burgess, 191, 200, 208, 216, 224, 231, 407, 423, 547, 562, 576, 589, 595. Burkett, 170, 176, 203, 214, 342. Burlingame, 30, 34, 36, 39, 42, 44, 45, 50, 101, 107, 114, 116, 120, 127, 128, 134, 140, 232, 246, 271, 323, 366, 367, 369, 378, 381, 385, 387, 388, 392,,393, 394, 399, 400, 408, 412, 414, 418, 420, 427, 429, 436, 439, 446, 451, 452, 457; 459, 460, 468, 471, 482, 483, 493, 505, 510, 531, 539, 547, 561, 562, 575, 576, 589, 590, 603, 604. Burlingham, 27, 146, 152, 153, 159, 165, 166, 209, 217, 256, 259, 267, 268, 275, 277, 280, 284, 306, 315, 335, 351, 362. Burlington, 287. Burr, 224, 232, 256, 259, 308, 324, 326, 412, 418, 427, 459, 472, 483, 492, 504, 553, 566, 581, 595, 608. Burrill, 306, 320, 330, 349, 400, 453, 459, 475, 493, 499, 504, 514, 518, 529, 532, 538, 545, 547, 560, 562, 569, 572, 585, 595, 597, 600, 608. Burrington, 59, 63, 69, 71, 133, 145, 152, 158, 164, 179, 188, 229, 236, 438,-458, 470, 542. 618 Burroughs, 50, 53, 55, 59, 243, 336, 471, 481, 607. Burton, 28, 33, 35, 37, 40, 43, 45, 47, 48, 51, 52, 66, 67, 74, 77, 79, 81, 83, 87, 89, 90, 93, 98, 104, 116, 123, 130, 132, 137, 143, 145, 150, 156, 192, 198, 201, 207, 214, 222, 227, 230, 241, 265, 268, 275, 277, 280, 287, 293, 297, 300, 361, 365, 374, 378, 386, 399, 402, 413, 421, 430, 445, 450, 455, 461, 465, 472, 476, 483, 487, 490, 495, 497, 498, 502, 507, 511, 513, 516, 522, 523, 526, 536, 539, 542, 552, 554, 556, 568, 571, 582, 596. Busicott, 2. Bussey, 268, 277, 280, 287. Butler, 189, 299, 302, 310. Butterworth, 230, 232, 237, 254, 264, 265, 471, 482, 494, 505, 518.Butts, 119, 229, 236, 239, 248, 252. Byfield, 48, 62. Card-Continued. 218, 226, 233, 252, 260, 333, 345, 351, 352, 353, 359, 379, 390, 438, 451, 456, 461, 466, 467, 470, 473, 480, 484, 503, 507. Carder, vi, 15, 17, 119, 127, 307, 334, 350, 368, 380, 607. Carey, 89, 94, 100, 165, 173, 180, 203, 210, 218, 225, 226, 229, 233, 236, 249, 257, 260, 481. Carlisle, 342, 357, 371, 486, 522, 537, 553, 566, 573, 581, 588, 595, 602, 608. Carpenter, 7, 55, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 71, 74, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 87, 89, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 101, 104, 105, 106, 112, 115, 117, 122, 131, 134, 165, 166, 174, 175, 182, 192, 201, 209, 217, 223, 225, 232, 244, 245, 246, 253, 256. 258, 259, 261, 264, 268, 273, 275, 283, 284, 287, 291, 293, 295, 297, 299, 300, 302, 306, 320, 330, 333, 339, 349, 351, 354, 361, 365, 366, 368, 371, 374, 376, 377, 378, 381, 386, 387, 388, 393, 394, 399, 400, 401, 402, 412, 413, 418, 420, 421, 427, 429, 430, 437, 439, 443, 447, 453, 457, 461, 472, 483, 494, 495, 502, 505, 507, 516, 519, 526, 529, 530, 542, 556, 571, 576, 584, 590, 599, 604. Carr, vi, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16,18, 19, 22, 23, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 38, 39, 41, 44, 46, 50, 53, 55, 84, 90, 96, 100, 101, 102, 105, 106, 107, 111, 112, 114, 118, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 133, 139, 146, 152, 158, 164, 172, 180, 191, 199, 200, 203, 211, 219, 224, 226, 230, 231, 233, 238, 242, 243, 246, 255, 257, 258, 260, 261, 263, 267, 269, 273, 276, 278, 279, 286, 304, 305, 315, 318, 319, 323, 329, 336, 337, 338, 340, 341, 348, 354, 357, 365, 371, 376, 393, 394, 406, 415, 4f9, 429, 438, 458, 463, 474, 481, 485, 491, 492, 503, 510, 514, 515, 717, 521, 525, 527, 528, 543, 544, 548, 558, 568, 572, 582, 586, 587, 596, 600, 601. Carter, 242, 326. Carver, 371. Carvin, 269, 278. Byles, 89, 90, 95, 96, 107, 182, 183. Byrn, 203, 214, 223. 113, 119, 127, 174, Cadman, 252. Cahoone, 100,176, 223, 231, 339, 353, 503, 597, 600. Caldwell (see Colwell). 113, 120, 127. Callender, 99, 112. Calverly. 9, 10, 11. Campbell, 185, 194, 198, 203, 215, 223, 234. Capron, 159, 166, 174, 556, 571, 584, 599. Card, 22, 135, 141, 147, 156, 160, 163, 167, 171, 174, 179, 187, 196, 206, 209, 210, 216, 217, 619 Case, 15, 71, 73, 111, 113, 124, 131, 137, 142, 144, 148, 150, 156, 160, 163, 167, 168, 171, 179, 187, 188, 197, 199, 204, 206, 213, 214, 215, 221, 223, 229, 230, 236, 240, 244, 248, 266, 269, 281, 282, 290, 299, 303, 322, 361, 363, 369, 370, 373, 580, 594, 608. Casey, 77, 99, 105, 111, 112, 117, 154, 163, 175, 183, 190, 206, 235, 237, 240, 253, 263, 270, 292, 295, 296, 299, 303, 311, 119, 142, 148, 211, 228, 230, 274, 283, 291, 552, 568. Cassin, Casson, or Kassen (see Kasson), 148, 155. Caswell, 69, 71, 82, 89, 94, 95, 566. Chace, 48, 51, 54, 57, 61, 106, 169, 177, 178, 185, 186, 196, 205, 212, 221, 229, 239, 248, 252, 263, 273, 283, 291, 295, 298, 299, 302, 310, 316, 318, 326, 328, 345, 346, 354, 357, 360, 362, 364, 373, 384, 391, 397, 398, 411, 417, 425, 426, 435, 445, 446, 450, 451, 455, 456, 457, 465, 468, 469, 476, 477, 479, 488, 490, 499, 501, 513, 514, 515, 516, 524, 526, 540, 542, 554, 555, 556, 568, 569, 570, 583, 593, 597, 607. Chaloner, 83, 84, 106, 122, 126, 133, 140, 266, 282, 289, 294, 298, 301, 309. Champlain, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 29, 31, 33, 35, 43, 45, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, 57, 65, 71, 73, 74, 77, 79, 80, 81, 85, 87, 91, 93, 96, 97, 102, 103, 107, 108, 110, 114, 115, 121, 122, 124, 131, 138, 144, 152, 157, 170, 174, 176, 177, 183, 186, 189, 191, 195, 199, 204, 205, 208, 212, 215, 218, 220, 222, 225, 227, 233, 238, 239, 242, 244, 246, 247, 248, 255, 258, 268, 277, 280, 288, 307, 319, 321, 322, 324, 325, 329, 331, 332, 333, 336, 344, 354, 359, 363, 370, 372, 375, 384, 387, 403, 404, 414, 421, 422, 431, 432, 435, 441, 442, 444, 445, 446, 467, 480, 484, 490, 501, 503, 515, 516, 525, 542, 555, 557, 569, 585, 599, 601, 606, 610. Channing, 123, 125, 129, 319, 326, 341, 346, 362, 3,71, 383, 396, 410, 415, 424, 434, 477, 512, 536, 553, 567, 581, 595, 609, 610. Chapin, 393. Chapman, 105, 112, 235, 251, 255, 258, 262, 272, 282, 338, 507, 532, 548. Chappell, 351. Cheeseboro, 100. Child, 133, 245, 246, 266, 269, 272, 278, 281, 282, 283, 288, 313, 328, 339, 345, 353, 359, 363, 370, 372, 384, 395, 397, 410, 416, 425, 434, 445, 451, 455, 465, 467, 516, 526, 542, 581, 587, 596, 602, 609, 610. Chillson, 421, 430, 440, 461, 472. Chipman, 88, 92, 97, 132, 137, 143. Christopher, 353, 382. Church, 74, 158, 181, 191, 200, 207, 208, 213, 214, 216, 222, 224, 227, 235, 238, 245, 246, 247, 255, 257, 259, 260, 262, 289, 294, 298, 301, 305, 309, 313, 315, 316, 318, 325, 336, 340, 341, 344, 345, 349, 356, 365, 368, 375, 376, 389, 391, 394, 403, 405, 406, 409, 415, 422, 431, 432, 441, 442, 462, 481, 488, 492, 503, 504, 517, 528, 529, 538, 544, 548, 549, 559, 563, 572, 573, 577, 586, 587, 588, 591, 601, 602, 605. Claggett, 94. Clapp, 229, 236, 252, 263, 270, 273, 283, 291, 295, 337, 339, 459, 470, 481, 492, 524, 527, 541. Clarke, v, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 63, 65, 66, 67, 69, 71, 74, 76, 78, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 91, 92, 94, 95, 97, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 108, 110, 114, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 124, 127, 128, 129, 130, 132, 135, 136, 137, 138, 146, 141, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 160, 161, 163, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 177, 178, 183, 184, 185, 620 Clarke-Continued 186, 188, 193, 195, 198, 211, 214, 217, 219, 223, 233, 234, 236, 237, 242, 254, 263, 264, 271, 273, 284. 286, 287, 288, 291, 303, 307, 310, 311, 313, 327, 333, 336, 338, 339, 360, 362, 364, 368, 373, 390, 391, 393, 394, 395, 408, 411, 412, 414, 417, 427, 431, 432, 435, 436, 447, 449, 453, 454, 456, 468, 478, 479, 484, 488, 505, 507, 509, 511, 513, 524, 526, 532, 533, 534, 545, 549, 550, 551, 552, 564, 565, 366, 568, 569, 579, 580, 581, 585, 588, 605, 606, 608, 610. Clemence, 106, 182. 199, 202, 204, 207, 225, 226, 229, 230, 243, 245, 252, 253, 277, 280, 281, 283, 295, 298, 299, 302, 314, 320, 322, 326, 343, 346, 351, 352, 379, 380, 384, 385, 398, 403, 404, 405, 418, 421, 422, 426, 437, 441, 442, 446, 457, 462, 464, 467, 489, 490, 500, 501, 514, 516, 520, 523, 535, 540, 541, 542, 554, 556, 560, 563, 571, 573, 577, 578, 591, 592, 593, 599, Cleveland, 229, 236, 252, 263, 273, 283, 291, 357, 506, 519, 532, 548, 562, 576, 590. Cobb, 446, 451, 456, 467, 478, 488. Coddington, vii, 1, 12, 15, 16, 17, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 74, 75, 76, 87, 93, 98, 359. Codner, 115, 121, 129. Coe, 348, 366, 375, 406, 419, 428, 438, 529, 545, 559, 573, 587. Coggeshall, v, vi, 1, 4, 8, 10, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 87, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 117, 130, 138, 144, 145, 151, 157, 163, 171, 172, 179, 180, 181, 187, 189, 190, 191, 197, 203, 206, 208, 213, 228, 229, 236, 237, 241, 243, 245, 246, 249, 251, 271, 275, 276, 279, 284, 286, 292, 319, 326, 329, 343, 345, 346, 437, 449, 455, 485, 544, 553, 558. Cole, 10, 24, 25, 87, 91, 93, 97, 98, 102, 103, 104, 109, 112, 115, 122, 157, 163, 166, 170, 172, 173, 178, 180, 182, 188, 192, 198, 203, 207, 210, 214, 218, 222, 226, 230, 238, 239, 241, 243, 245, 246, 247, 250, 265, 268, 271, 274, 284, 287, 314, 322, 333, 334, 338, 339, 341, 344, 347, 351, 361, 365, 374, 386, 399, 401, 404, 406, 412, 414, 418, 419, 420, 422, 427, 428, 430, 431, 437, 438, 439, 441, 447, 448, 459, 460, 462, 464, 470, 472, 473, 481, 482, 48'4, 489, 492, 495, 496, 503, 504, 505, 508, 517, 528, 531, 538, 540, 544, 547, 554, 559, 561, 568, 573, 575, 582, 587, 589, 597, 601, 604. Colegrove, 111, 115, 122, 269, 278, 496, 510, 556, 569, 584. Coleman, 342, 493, 518, 529, 545, 560. Collar, 502. Collier, 447, 452, 456, 468, 478, 515, 525, 542, 556, 570, 585, 598. Collins, 11, 22, 87, 93, 98, 104, 106, 110, 116, 123, 127, 130, 134, 137, 143, 150, 156, 162, 166, 170, 173, 178, 186, 196, 203, 205, 209, 212, 214, 217, 221, 222, 228, 236, 239, 241, 248, 252, 263, 269, 314, 315, 317, 335, 364, 368, 472, 389, 394, 411, 460, 471, 482, 494, 501, 505, 519, 547, 562, 576, 590, 600, 607. Colville, 227, 234, 276, 279, 287, 335. Colvin, 134, 141, 148, 155, 171 -184, 194, 202, 244, 256, 258, 261, 269, 278, 292, 296, 299, 303, 323, 351, 369, 376, 381, 387, 400, 409, 447, 452, 458, 469, 480, 486, 489, 530, 535, 539, 546, 551, 561, 565, 574, 575, 588, 603, 608. Colwell (see Cauldwell), 166, 174, 182, 183, 259, 267, 306, 321, 331, 350, 367, 388, 402, 420, 430, 440, 460, 472, 482. Coman, 387. Comstock, 5p, 64, 70, 77, 79, 81, 84, 88, 93, 99, 109, 117, 123, 130, 131, 136, 137, 138, 140, 144, 146, 151, 155, 157, 163, 171, 179, 180, 187, 621 Comstook-Continued. 188, 198, 206, 213, 214, 222, 227, 228, 229, 235, 236, 240, 246, 249, 251, 252, 256, 259, 261, 262, 265, 268, 269, 275, 278, 279, 281, 287, 302, 306, 311, 317, 327, 336, 337, 338, 342, 346, 347, 353, 360, 363, 364, 366, 370, 372, 373, 381, 382, 383, 385, 398, 411, 412, 417, 426, 448, 451, 452, 455, 456, 465, 466, 477, 502, 569. Congdon, 45, 71, 73, 74, 91, 111, 117, 119, 120, 121, 124, 128, 131, 132, 136, 138, 139, 142, 144, 145, 148, 150, 151, 154, 160, 167, 178, 182, 183, 192, 193, 201, 230, 233, 235, 240, 248, 252. 263, 270, 280, 288, 307, 337, 351, 354, 355, 361, 364, 366, 368, 374, 376, 379, 387, 390, 398, 400, 412, 417, 427, 436, 446, 462, 473, 484, 489, 496, 502, 508, 533, 549, 550, 563, 564, 571, 577, 578, 591, 606. Convers, 607, Conviss, 226, 233. Cooke, vi, vii, 1, 4, 11, 18, 35, 36, 41, 44, 50, 53, 85, 112, 119, 126, 133, 139; 146, 152, 158, 160, 165, 168, 173, 176, 180, 190, 191, 200, 208, 215, 216, 217, 223, 224, 231, 241, 243, 249, 265, 267, 271, 274, 276, 278, 279, 282, 284, 286, 287, 290, 292, 294, 296, 298, 299, 300, 301, 303, 305, 309, 311, 312, 316, 319, 321, 325, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 335, 336, 337, 339, 340, 345, 346, 347, 348, 351, 352, 353, 356, 359, 360, 363, 364, 365, 366, 370, 372, 373, 375, 377, 380, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 392, 397, 398, 399, 407, 409, 410, 411, 412, 415, 416, 417, 418, 421, 424, 425, 426, 427, 430, 433, 434, 435, 436, 440, 443, 444, 446, 447, 449, 451, 452, 454, 456, 461, 464, 467, 469, 470, 472, 475, 477, 478, 481, 483, 486, 487, 488, 489, 494, 498, 499, 500, 503, 504, 505, 511, 512, 513, 514, 515, 517, 519, 521, 523, 524, 525, 526, 528, 529, 536, 538, 539, 540, 541, 544, 545, 546, 553, 554, 556, 557, 558, 559, 560, 567, 568, 569, 572, 573, 574, 582, 583, 586, 588, 596, 597, 598, 600, 601, 603, 608, 610. Coomer, 121, 253, 264, 365, 374, 386, 399. Coon, - 339, 340, 341, 379, 391, 405, 423, 432, 442, COOn-Continued. 448, 461, 462, 501, 516, 526, 543, 564, 578, 592, 606. Cooper, 120, 138, 144, 151, 157, 163, 225, 271, 274, 284, 288, 292, 296, 300, 303, 307, 311, 327, 346, 361, 364, 374, 385, 424, 433, 443, 532, 548, 562, 576, 590, 605. Corey, 96, 108, 119, 140, 148, 149, 163, 173, 175, 181, 190, 199, 208, 216, 305, 329, W48, 357, 366, 371, 375, 389, 393, 406, 409, 415, 470, 489, 500, 514, 525, 541, 549, 555, 564, 570, 577. Corliss, 512, 522, 537, 567. Cornell, 7, 31, 61, 62, 67,.74, 77, 79, 81, 84, 86, 92, 97, 100, 106, 112, 118, 119, 122, 129, 133, 139, 146, 158, 164, 172, 180, 190, 199, 203, 205, 215, 223, 228, 235, 240, 242, 245, 248, 249, 253, 255, 258, 261, 264, 267, 269, 270, 271, 274, 275, 276, 284, 292, 296, 299, 303, 306, 308, 310, 314, 324, 329, 336, 339, 352, 353, 357, 371, 375, 381, 382, 384, 385, 394, 397, 411, 418, 427, 469, 480,.489, 491, 495, 503, 504, 505, 517, 519, 527, 528, 544, 545, 558, 559, 572, 573, 586, 587, 593, 600, 602, 607. Corpe, 230, 237, 254, 271, 278, 289, 433, 449, 464, 486, 497, 522, 537, 533, 566. Cottrell, vi, 45, 108, 154, 228, 244, 245, 269, 276, 279, 341, 351, 358, 367, 393, 405, 423, 432, 442, 463, 485, 585, 590, 591, 592. 255, 267, 379, 391, 509. 577. Cowen, 127, 134, 141, 147, 153, 163, 171, 337, 376. Cowing, 494, 505, 531, 546. Cox, 146, 241, 249. Coy, 471, 481, 492, 493. Cozzens, 393, 451, 463, 473, 485, 496. Crafts, 7. 622 Crandall, 4, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 33, 122, 128, 131, 135, 137, 139, 141, 143, 146, 147, 150, 152, 154, 156, 158, 160, 162, 165, 167, 171, 174, 178, 179, 183, 187, 193, 196, 197, 201, 206, 212, 213, 218, 221, 222, 229, 236, 240, 241, 244, 245, 248, 249, 252, 255, 257, 259, 260, 263, 267, 268, 271, 273, 276, 277, 279, 280, 283, 285, 286, 287, 291, 292, 294, 295, 296, 299, 300, 302, 304, 311, 312, 321, 325, 327, 328, 332, 333, 338, 340, 341, 342, 346, 347, 352, 353, 358, 360, 361, 364, 365, 367, 373, 379, 385, 398, 404, 411, 414, 417, 421, 426, 427, 431, 435, 441, 446, 451, 456, 461, 462, 467, 473, 475, 478, 484, 489, 507, 515, 525, 532, 542, 549, 556, 557, 563, 569, 599, 605, 607. Crane, 308, 309, 315, 325. Cranston, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 15, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 55, 82, 83, 84, 85, 89, 100, 123, 170, 196, 204, 214, 220, 228, 235, 238, 242, 243, 503, 527, 544, 558, 564, 572, 578, 586, 592, 600, 606, 608. Crary, 270, 283, 291, 295, 299, 302, 314, 340, 343, 354, 357, 369, 371, 375, 381, 382, 386, 399, 407, 408, 413, 419, 428, 437, 595, 609. Crawford, vi, 14, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 106. Crooke, 375, 411, 416, 423, 415, 47, 488, 499, 514. Cross, 114,121, 129, 136, 142, 148, 154, 160, 167, 175, 183, 184, 197, 206, 213, 215, 222, 223, 228, 230, 237, 253, 264, 270, 274, 284, 292, 296, 300, 303, 311, 327, 346, 361, 364, 374, 378, 385, 389, 394, 398, 403, 412, 417, 421, 427, 431, 436, 446, 452, 456, 457, 468, 478, 489, 495, 502, 507, 511, 515, 525, 532, 541, 548, 556, 563, 570, 585, 598. Crosswell, 394. Cruff, 243, 256, 259. Culver, 486. Currie, 107, 121, 159, 165. Curtis, 446, 451, 456, 469, 478, 489, 500, 514, 525, 541, 555, 580, 595, 609. Cushing, 123, 364, 373, 384, 398, 411. Dake, 50. Damer, 82. Dana, 461, 495, 506, 520, 529, 538, 576, 590, 604. Danforth, 539. Darling, 274, 284, 293, 297, 300, 304, 312, 328, 361, 365, 374, 386, 399, 412, 418, 427, 603. Darrell, 243, 255. Davenport, 199, 208, 213, 216, 223, 231, 255, 258, 259, 267, 276, 279, 286, 343, 527, 544, 558, 572, 586, 600, 601. David, 353. Davis, 107, 113, 176, 183, 188, 193, 196, 205, 208, 212, 215, 221, 228, 229, 233, 236, 239, 241, 242, 243, 248, 250, 252, 254, 255, 258, 263, 264, 267, 268, 270, 271, 273, 274, 276, 279, 281, 283, 286, 288, 289, 291, 295, 299, 302, 306, 307, 310, 311, 315, 321, 322, 326, 327, 330, 331, 343, 345, 348, 350, 364, 366, 372, 373, 375, 379, 380, 383, 385, 390, 392, 394, 396, 398, 404, 405, 407, 410, 411, 415, 417, 422, 423, 425, 426, 431, 433, 434, 436, 440, 450, 453, 455, 458, 461, 462, 463, 465, 467, 470, 472, 473, 474, 476, 481, 483, 485, 487, 492, 498, 501, 503, 506, 509, 510, 512, 513, 514, 516, 520, 523, 525, 526, 529, 531, 532, 534, 536, 539, 543, 545, 547, 548, 552, 554, 557, 561, 566, 575, 580, 584, 586, 589, 594, 600, 601, 604, 608, 610. Davol (see Devol), 23, 119, 126, 311, 315, 319. Dawley, 97, 102, 108, 167, 175, 288, 307. Day, 320, 330, 349, 366, 377, 567, 580, 594, 60S. 623 Dayton, 200, 208, 216, 224, 231, 242, 255, 267, 276, 278, 279, 286, 293, 297, 301, 304, 355, 366, 376, 395, 409, 426, 435, 446, 455, 456, 465, 467, 478, 489, 500. Deane, 146, 147, 153, 159, 322, 361, 365, 374, 385, 398, 412, 418, 427, 436, 448, 452, 458, 469, 478, 489, 491, 500, 511, 515, 537, 552, 567. De Malmedy, 339. Demont, 320, 330, 397. Dennis, 49. 115, 150, 156, 162, 186, 196, 205, 212, 221, 250, 263, 270, 273, 283, 285, 291, 295, 299, 302, 310, 327, 405, 451, 456, 460, 467, 478, 488, 490, 501, 514, 515, 524, 526, 541, 542, 555, 556, 569, 571, 585, 598, 599. Devol (See Davol), 328, 329, 336, 342, 347, 355, 365, 375, 386, 389, 394, 399, 405, 412, 418, 419, 427, 428, 436, 438, 444. De Wolf, 537, 581, 585, 595, 599, 609. Dexter, 1, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 39, 41, 48, 49, 77, 79, 81, 84, 120, 127, 128, 134, 138, 140, 145, 146, 151, 153, 157, 159, 163, 170, 172, 174, 180, 182, 183, 188, 191, 198, 200, 207, 208, 214, 216, 222, 224, 230, 237, 241, 250, 255, 276, 279, 284, 286, 292, 293, 297, 300, 301, 304, 312, 314, 317, 328, 337, 338, 339, 343, 354, 356, 357, 358, 361, 365, 371, 374, 382, 386, 396, 399, 408, Dolliver, 175, 184, 380, 392, 394, 407, 423, 433, 443, 463. Donnison, 165, 173, 181, 183, 342. Dorrence, 86, 90, 96, 101, 106, 113, 120, 127, 141, 147, 153, 159, 164, 166, 171, 174, 182, 187, 192, 197, 201, 206, 213, 221, 236, 250, 253, 256, 259, 263, 267, 274, 292, 314, 327, 331, 346, 350, 367, 378, 388, 398, 401, 408, 413, 420, 426, 429, 439, 446, 451, 456, 469, 477, 488, 498, 523, 540, 554, 568, 582, 596. 134, 179, 229, 284, 385, 435, 513, Doubleday, 243. Douglass, 174, 175, 183, 193. Downer, 252, 340.. Downing, 329. Draper, 185, 194, 202, 211, 219, 233, 335, 351, 369, 380, 392, 407, 423, 433, 443. Dring, 255, 258. Drowne, 110, 116, 117, 157, 317, 318, 456, 470, 481. Dudley, 19. Dummer, 384, 459, 471, 481. Dunbar, 62, 118, 124, 131, 138, 144, 151, 157, 163, 329, 394. Dunham, 89, 94, 100, 105, 112, 118, 126, 133, 139, 145, 152, 155, 158, 164, 189, 252, 255, 258, 263, 270, 273, 275, 279, 283, 286, 291, 293, 295, 297, 299, 301, 302, 304, 305, 310, 326, 527, 529, 544, 545, 558, 559, 567, 572, 573, 586, 587, 596, 602. Dunn, 27, 29, 53, 55, 59, 63, 69, 71, 85, 243, 255, 258. Dunton, 305. 412, 418, 427, 436, 437, 439, 442, 457, 459, 467, 468, 477, 479, 488, 493, 494, 502, 504, 516, 518, 529, 545, 546, 552, 560, 567, 574, 581, 609. Dickens, 267, 276, 279, 286. 447, 452, 490, 492, 530, 538, 588, 594, Diman, 292, 313, 316, 336, 343, 349, 368, 376, 406. Dixon, 102, 128, 135, 141. Dodge, 80, 105, 118, 126, 133, 139, 146, 152, 158, 164, 518, 523, 536, 537. 624 Durfee, vi, 55, 59, 63, 80, 81, 84, 87, 93, 112, 115, 118, 119, 125, 151, 163, 173, 181, 208, 216, 224, 231, 239, 255, 259, 305, 319, 329, 366, 375, 389, 394, 399, 405, 409, 412, 415, 418, 427, 436, 447, 452, 455, 457, 465, 468, 470, 476, 478, 479, 481, 487, 488, 490, 498, 501, 503, 504, 512, 515, 523, 526, 528, 539, 542, 544, 554, 556, 558, 568, 571, 572, 582, 584, 586, 587, 594, 599, 601, 602, 610. Dwelly, 224, 231, 255, 259, 276, 279, 286, 305, 406, 572, 586, 600, 601. Dyer, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 23, 30, 39, 54, 57, 61, 65, 67, 74, 76, 78, 80, 83, 107, 108, 114, 121, 124, 127, 128, 131, 134, 137, 140, 144, 146, 150, 153, 156, 159, 162, 171, 179, 187, 209, 211, 219, 244, 253, 259, 264, 274, 285, 292, 296, 316, 317, 322, 332, 333, 337, 341, 343, 351, 354, 358, 367, 371, 379, 388, 390, 392, 404, 413, 422, 431, 441, 446, 448, 451, 456, 462, 463, 467, 473, 478, 484, 485, 507, 520, 581, 609. Eddy-Continued. 461, 472, 475, 480, 483, 487, 488, 493, 495, 498, 499, 504, 505, 506, 512, 513, 520, 522, 531, 537, 540, 547, 552, 561, 569, 575, 589, 603, 604. 494, 514, 566, Earle, 3, 6, 36, 39, 41, 53, 87, 93, 98, 104, 110, 124, 170, 178, 186, 196, 205, 212, 255, 258, 276, 279, 286, 313, 319, 329, 459, 470, 481, 492, 504, 517, 528, 529. 105, 220, 339, Edmunds, vii, 8, 30, 32, 34, 39, 41, 119, 127, 134, 180, 406, 408, 423, 432. Edwards, 110, 124, 131, 138, 144, 151, 182, 192, 201, 209, 217, 244, 256, 496, 507, 533, 591, 598, 605. Eldred, 21, 24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 32, 34, 37, 39, 42, 44, 51, 54, 57, 59, 64, 71, 73, 77, 109, 115, 122, 128, 129, 135, 142, 147, 148, 154, 156, 162, 171, 175, 179, 183, 187, 193, 194, 201, 215, 223, 244, 257, 258, 261, 315, 352, 368, 369, 379, 390, 391, 441, 464, 475, 477, 511, 512, 522, 537, 552, 563, 566. Eldredge, 11, 15, 22. Ellery, 20, 41, 46, 49, 52, 65 67, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 265, 272, 315, 335, 353, 359, 360, 363, 364, 372, 381, 383, 396, 397, 410, 415, 416, 424, 425, 434, 435, 444, 445, 451, 456, 488, 499, 514, 523, 524, 539, 540, 554, 555, 568, 569, 582, 583, 597. Elliott, 316, 337, 340, 357, 370, 371, 382, 384, 393, 394, 395, 397. Ellis, 88, 94, 99, 104, 117, 138, 144, 151, 157, 163, 171, 179, 187, 197, 230, 237, 261, 308, 324, 335, 551, 565, 579, 593, 607. Emerson, 366, 531, 547, 561, 575, 589, 603. Emery, 5. Ennis, 408, 414. Enos, 65, 114, 129, 136, 142, 148, 151, 152, 245, 391, 404. Ensworth, 578, 592. Essex, 236. Easterbrooks, 141, 147, 153, 159, 166, 254, 368, 406, 419, 428, 438. Eastlick, 316. Easton, vi, 1, 2, 6, 7, 10, 13, 33, 35, 37, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 83, 87, 93, 99, 104, 110, 111, 116, 125, 131, 132, 137, 138, 143, 151, 152, 156, 157, 162, 163, 170, 186, 196, 205, 212, 221, 227, 228, 236, 239, 248, 250, 252, 253, 261, 295, 299, 302, 310, 375, 397, 451, Eathforth, 537, 545. Eddy, 113, 120, 126, 133, 140, 146, 183, 198, 200, 202, 203, 208, 209, 224, 225, 232, 243, 244, 256, 259, 276, 320, 331, 349, 350, 356, 377, 145, 171, 229, 263, 598. 150, 178, 234, 291, 153, 159, 216, 217, 265, 275, 424, 433, 625 Estes, 134, 140, 148, 154, 160, 196, 206, 212, 221, 284, 292. Esten, 457, 469, 479, 490, 501, 516. Evans, 575, 589, 603. Fairfield, vi, 268. Fales, 144, 151, 157, 163, 171, 179, 186, 196, 227, 235, 251, 262, 266, 272, 282, 290, 295, 298, 302, 310, 326, 345, 359, 363, 372, 384, 397, 410. Farnum, 253, 284, 292, 296, 299, 574. Faxon, 488, 499, 514. Fayette, Marquis De La, 433. Fellows, 609. Fenner, vi, 4, 8, 10, 11, 16, 17, 20, 21, 32, 34, 36, 39, 42, 44, 45, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 64, 66, 67, 69, 70, 74, 76, 77, 79, 101, 113, 126, 170, 180, 181, 182, 188, 191, 192, 193, 198, 200, 201, 203, 207, 209, 214, 215,9 217, 223, 225, 230, 232, 237, 256, 259, 264, 265, 272, 275, 277, 280, 282, 285, 287, 290, 294, 298, 301, 309, 311, 317, 318, 320, 325, 326, 330, 337, 344, 346, 349, 359, 360, 361, 362, 363, 365, 366, 372, 374, 376, 383, 386, 387, 396, 399, 400, 409, 410, 412, 413, 415, 417, 420, 424, 425, 429, 434, 443, 445, 449, 450, 454, 455, 460, 464, 465, 466, 471, 476, 479, 483, 487, 488, 493, 494, 498, 499, 505, 506, 511, 513, 514, 519, 523, 524, 531, 539, 540, 547, 554, 555, 566, 568, 570, 571, 582, 584, 585, 596, 597, 599, 610. Field, 4, 89, 90, 96, 107, 113, 119, 120, 123, 130, 153, 159, 165, 166, 173, 181, 183, 191, 192, 201, 241, 277, 280, 306, 314, 320, 321, 331, 350, 366, 367, 377, 378, 381, 387, 388, 400, 414, 420, 429, 433, 439, 447, 452, 459, 504, 518, 519, 531, 539. Finch, 343. 79 Finney, 138, 227, 234, 253, 264, 328, 347, 362, 365, 374, 386, 399, 412, 418, 427, 436, 447, 457, 468, 479, 490, 501, 515, 526, 528, 542, 544, 554, 559, 568, 573, 582, 587, 597, 601. Fish, 42, 44, 51, 54, 57, 61, 75, 112, 118, 119, 125, 126, 133, 139, 143, 146, 158, 236, 238, 287, 515, 609. Fisher, 486, 522, 537, 553, 566, 581, 595. Fiske, 58, 62, 66, 68, 77, 84, 88, 90, 93, 95, 96, 99, 101, 104, 106, 110, 113, 117, 120, 124, 131, 138, 140, 144, 147, 151, 153, 157, 159, 163, 164, 171, 179, 187, 197, 206, 213, 221, 229, 232, 236, 240, 244, 249, 253, 256, 259, 263, 267, 270, 274, 276, 279, 284, 292, 295, 299, 303, 311, 315, 316, 320, 321, 327, 331, 336, 339, 340, 341, 342, 346, 362, 364, 373, 377, 385, 388, 393, 396, 398, 401, 408, 410, 412, 415, 417, 425, 428, 429, 434, 436, 440, 447, 452, 458, 460, 461, 469, 471, 472, 483, 495, 501, 502, 506, 516, 520, 525, 530, 532, 546, 548, 557, 561, 562, 570, 576, 584, 590, 598, 599, 604, 608. Flagg, 313, 338, 357, 371, 382, 397, 444. Follett, 460, 471, 482, 494, 548, 553, 562, 567, 576, 590, 604. Fones, vi, 10, 48, 19, 20, 24, 25, 26, 28, 100, 113, 115, 122, 193, 197, 201, 236, 277, 508. Forrester, 279, 286, 293, 297, 301, 304, 313. Foster, 108, 135, 141, 147, 154, 195, 204, 211, 219, 221, 223, 227, 229, 235, 236, 251, 255, 262, 265, 273, 283, 289, 291, 295, 299, 302, 310, 326, 327, 344, 346, 359, 360, 363, 364, 373, 381, 384, 397, 398, 411, 416, 417, 425, 426, 435, 445, 446, 456, 460, 466, 467, 472, 476,477, 482, 555, 588, 602. Fowler, 106, 112, 201, 210, 322, 563, 576, 590, 605. Francis, 170. Franklin, 58, 126, 133, 139, 145, 146, 152, 158, 164, 626 Franklin-Continued. 172, 180, 190, 279, 286, 308, 324, 438, 458, 470, 472, 480, 483, 495, 506, 517, 520. Frazier, 86, 90, 95, 96, 101. Freebody, 87, 93, 98, 104, 110, 112, 115, 126, 146, 181, 223, 230, 313, 317, 450, 455, 475, 487, 498. 136, 465, Freeborn, vi, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 65, 67, 74, 77, 78, 80, 82, 84, 85, 86, 89, 92, 94, 97, 99, 103, 105, 109, 110, 123, 130, 150, 156, 185, 195, 204, 211, 220, 238, 247, 248, 266, 282, 289, 294, 298, 301, 309, 393, 444, 450, 455, 465, 475, 476. Freeman, 308, 398. French, 501, 525, 532, 541, 548, 555, 562, 576, 583, 598.' Frink, 358. Frothingham, 305, 320. Fry, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 40, 43, 46, 55, 58, 62, 66, 67, 77, 84, 88, 93, 114, 115, 141, 143, 150, 156, 162, 1.69, 178, 186, 203, 215, 223, 227, 228, 234, 235, 307, 309, 315, 318, 323, 336, 355, 363, 369, 372,392, 397, 410, 416, 425, 435, 449, 454, 464, 465, 474, 475, 476, 483, 485, 487, 498, 506, 510, 512, 520, 521, 523, 532, 535, 536, 539, 547, 551, 553, 562, 567, 576, 581, 590, 595, 604, 609. Fuller, 330, 331, 366, 376, 377, 387, 400, 401, 408, 429, 495, 505, 531, 610. Gadcomb, 497, 511. Gardiner, vi, 10, 15, 21, 22, 23, 27, 29, 31, 33, 36, 38, 41, 42, 44, 48, 50, 51, 53, 55, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 86, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, 100, 102, 105, 107, Gardiner- Continued. 108, 111, 112, 113, 114, 117, 120, 121, 124, 125, 126, 128, 129, 131, 135, 136, 138, 141, 142, 144, 147, 148, 150, 151, 156, 157, 160, 163, 167, 168, 170, 171, 175, 176, 179, 180, 184, 185, 188, 189, 191, 194, 195, 196, 199, 200, 204, 205, 208, 210, 211, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 228, 233, 234. 237, 241, 242, 245, 246, 248, 257, 260, 267, 269, 270, 271, 276, 277, 280, 283, 287, 291, 297, 299, 301, 303, 304, 307, 309, 312, 314, 315, 317, 318, 319, 323, 324, 328, 335, 336, 341, 343, 344, 346, 347, 354, 355, 360, 361, 364, 365, 373, 375, 380, 382, 385, 390, 391, 393, 394, 395, 398, 404, 405, 406, 408, 410, 411, 414, 416, 417, 422, 425, 426, 428, 431, 432, 436, 437, 441, 442, 445, 446, 447, 450, 452, 453, 454, 455, 456, 457, 462, 464, 468, 469, 473, 474, 475, 476, 478, 479, 485, 486, 487, 489, 490, 496, 497, 498, 500, 501, 507, 508, 509, 510, 511, 512, 514, 515, 516, 522, 523, 525, 526, 534, 536, 537, 540, 541, 542, 543, 549, 550, 552, 553, 554, 555, 557,,56(4, 565, 566, 568, 570, 571, 577, 578, 579, 580, 581, 583, 584, 585, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 598, 599, 607, 608, 609. Garzia, 342, 355, 357, 371, 394. Gaskill, 264, 271. 122, 137, 154, 172, 190, 207, 218, 240, 268, 288, 311, 327, 352, 379, 397, 415, 434, 451, 465, 484, 499, 513, 535, 551, 567, 582, 597, Gates, 234, 258, 261, 289, 379, 390. Gavitt, 97, 102, 108, 114, 121, 128, 135, 141, 147, 154, 160, 167, 225, 244, 248, 257, 270, 277, 280, 307, 321, 332, 351, 367, 378, 403, 413, 421, 431, 440, 448, 454, 461, 473, 484. George, 223, 231, 242, 266, 283, 289, 291, 295, 298, 302. Gibbs, 54, 57, 61, 66, 67, 74, 77, 87, 92, 98, 103, 106, 190, 278, 289, 316, 336, 340, 341, 354, 433, 510, 521, 535, 551, 565, 579, 593. Gibson, 14, 234, 246. Gidley, 85, 94. 627 Gifford, 140, 148, 149, 155, 161, 168, 243, 286, 305, 319, 329, 347, 348, 355, 361, 365, 374, 386, 399, 405, 412, 418, 419, 427, 428, 436, 447, 452, 457, 468, 479, 490, 501, 512, 515, 522, 526, 537, 542, 556, 571, 599. Gladding, 82, 89, 94, 255, 258, 267, 276, 337, 342, 357, 371, 377, 560, 573, 588, 602. Glazier, 307, 334. Glover, 80. Goddard, 170, 178, 186, 196, 205, 212, 221, 229, 236, 239, 248, 250, 252, 263, 270, 273, 283, 291, 295. Godfrey, 11, 83,-258, 261, 267, 269, 276, 278, 279, 281, 286. Goff, 226, 227, 234, 289, 327, 347, 608. Goldthwaite, 293. Gordon, 223, 523. Gorham, 224, 232, 529, 538, 545, 560, 573, 587, 602. Gorton, 7, 9, 23, 27, 30, 38, 40, 42, 44, 50, 53, 56, 59, 60, 89, 95, 99, 101, 102, 104, 106, 110, 111; 114, 162, 168, 171, 175, 176, 178, 182, 186, 192, 196, 201, 205, 206, 212, 220, 221, 229, 233, 236, 238, 239, 240, 245, 247, 248, 252, 257, 260, 261, 263, 269, 277, 281, 303, 307, 308, 311, 314, 318, 323, 327, 328, 334, 337, 340, 341, 347, 351, 352, 356, 361, 365, 369, 370, 380, 381, 392, 404, 407, 413, 414, 418, 422, 423, 425, 428, 431, 433, 435, 436, 439, 441, 443, 445, 446, 447, 452, 454, 457, 458, 463, 464, 466, 468, 470, 474, 475, 477, 480,. 485, 486, 488, 491, 500, 501, 503, 509, 510, 513, 515, 517, 521, 525, 527, 535, 542, 544, 558, 572, 586, 600. Gould, 7, 9, 20, 21, 31, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 57, 61, 65, 67, 74, 76, 78, 80, 83, 87, 93, 94, 97, 98, 103, 105, 109, 111, 117, 118, 123, 124, 130, 131, 136, 138, 142, 144, 149, 151, 155, 157, 161, 163, 169, 171, 175, 177, 179, 183, 185, Gould-Continued. 187, 193, 195, 204, 211, 220, 221, 230, 239, 240, 241, 243, 247, 248, 249, 250, 256, 264, 266, 270, 271, 296, 311, 331, 364, 373, 386, 469, 480, 491, 502, 508, Goulding. 10, 11, 23, 24, 25, 26. Grant, 95, 99, 100, 182, 192, 201, 209, 217, 244, 337, 338, 419, 428, 438, 440, 461, 483, 493, 495, 506, 520, 601. 237, 254, 349, 516. 225, 472, Gray, 170, 181, 190, 208, 216, 224, 231, 243, 255 259, 272, 276, 279, 286, 288, 294, 297, 301, 305, 308, 313, 323, 329, 333, 348, 365, 370, 375, 382, 383, 396, 406, 410, 415, 424, 434, 457, 458, 466, 468, 470, 479, 488, 572, 574, 586, 600, 601. Greene, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 93, 94, 96, 98, 99, 104 105, 106, 107, 110, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 124, 128, 130, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 138, 140, 141, 143, 144, 147, 148, 150, 151, 154, 156, 157, 160, 161, 162, 163, 167, 168, 169, 171, 172, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 183,'184, 185, 186, 187, 190, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 252, 253, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 266, 268, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273,. 274, 275, 277, 278, 280, 281, 282, 283, 285, 287, 289, 290, 291, 292, 294, 295, 296, 298, 299, 301, 302, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 317, 322, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 332, 334, 335, 336, 939, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346, 351, 352, 353, 358, 359, 360, 363, 364, 367, 369, 370, 372, 373, 378, 379, 380, 381, 382, 384, 385, 389, 392, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398, 403, 407, 408, 410, 411, 416, 417, 423, 424, 425, 426, 433, 435, 436, 437, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 449, 451, 452, 453, 454, 456, 457, 463, 464, 467, 468, 469, 474, 475, 478, 479, 481, 485, 486, 488, 489, 490, 491, 492, 495, 496, 497, 498, 499, 500, 501, 503, 628 Greene-Continued. 505, 507, 510, 511, 513, 514, 515, 519, 521, 522, 524, 525, 528, 533, 535, 536, 539, 540, 541, 542, 544, 545, 549, 550, 552, 553, 554, 555, 556, 559, 561, 563, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 574, 575, 577, 579, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585, 588, 591, 592, 593, 594, 595, 596, 597, 598, 603, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 610. Greenhill, 112, 119, 133, 140, 146. 520, 537, 551, 564, 578, 589, 602, Greenman, 13, 25, 26, 71, 73, 158, 171, 178, 186, 196, 206, 212, 233, 244, 379, 395, 408, 508, 534. Grelea, 169, 177, 185, 186, 195, 196, 204, 205, 211, 212, 219, 220, 221, 227, 229, 236, 238, 239, 247, 248, 251, 252, 261, 263, 265, 270, 272, 273, 282, 283, 290, 291, 294, 295, 298, 299, 301, 302, 309, 310, 325, 326, 344, 345, 449, 451, 454, 455, 456, 464, 465, 467, 475, 476, 477, 487, 488, 498, 499, 512, 513. Griffeth, 109, 505, 531, 547, 561, 575, 589, 604. Griffin, 3. Grinnell, 95, 126, 224, 459, 470, 481, 553, 559, 566, 572, 581, 586, 595, 601, 608. Grimes, 313, 316. Gully, 349, 366, 367. Guthridge, vi. Hacker, 176, 189, 200, 308. Hagger, 310. Haile, 192, 201, 209, 217, 323, 334, 452, 457, 468, 490. Hall, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 50, 53, 55, 56, 59, 62, 63, 66, 68, 69, 71, 75, 83, 84, 85, 88, 93, 94, 98, 99, 104, 105, 109, 110, 112, 116, 117, 118, 120, 123, 124, 125, 127, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 136, 137, 138, Hall-Continued. 140, 143, 144, 149, 150, 151, 155, 156, 157, 162, 163, 169, 170, 171, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 187, 190, 191, 195, 197, 199, 205, 206, 207, 208, 212, 213, 215, 220, 221, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 234, 235, 237, 239, 240, 241, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 258, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 268, 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, 281, 285, 290, 291, 292, 294, 296, 297, 299, 303, 309, 323, 325, 327, 334, 335, 346, 350, 352, 360, 364, 368, 373, 381, 385, 393, 398, 399, 406, 407, 411, 414, 423, 424, 432, 433, 443, 449, 452, 453, 457, 468, 470, 474, 475, 479, 480, 485, 489, 490, 491, 496, 500, 501, 508, 512, 515, 522, 525, 527, 533, 537, 541, 542, 543, 549, 553, 555, 556, 567, 570, 580, 583, 584, 595, 598, 599. Halsey, 5, 16. Ham, 342. Hambley, 133, 264, 274, 284, 292, 296, 300, 311, 347, 361. Hamlin, 328, 366, 376. Hammett, 20, 21, 316, 329, 336, 339, 340, 354, 358. Hammond, 140, 147, 153, 159, 166, 173, 176, 177, 203, 243, 244, 270, 273, 283, 291, 295, 299, 302, 303, 311, 327, 346, 360, 364, 373, 385, 398, 401, 411, 417, 460, 464, 472, 554, 568, 583, 597, 608. Hancock, vi. Handy, 316, 336, 338, 341, 353, 355, 357, 358, 371, 384, 411, 416, 426, 437, 451. Hannah, 40, 48, 52, 55, 58, 62, 70, 82. Harding, 225, 376, 573, 587, 601. Hargill, 82, 123, 130, 137, 143, 150, 156, 164, 170, 176, 177, 178, 186, 189, 196, 203, 205, 212, 215, 221, 223, 228, 229, 236, 239, 248, 252, 263, 266, 270, 273, 283, 291, 295, 299, 302, 310. 629 Harris, 1, 3, 7, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 30, 31, 34, ~53, 59, 63, 69, 70, 72, 73, 79, 81, 83, 87, 89, 90, 91, 93, 95, 96, 98, 101, 104, 106, 107, 110, 113, 114, 116, 117, 120, 123, 124, 127, 130, 131, 134, 137, 138, 143, 144, 146, 150, 151, 153, 156, 157, 159, 162, 163, 165, 170, 171, 174, 176, 178, 179, 180, 182, 186, 187, 188, 192, 197, 198, 201, 203, 206, 207, 213, 214, 221, 222, 229, 230, 236, 237, 238, 240, 241, 244, 247, 249, 251, 253, 254, 256, 259, -263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 270, 271, 272, 274, 275, 276, 277, 282, 284, 285, 289, 292, 293, 294, 296, 297, 299, 300, 303, 307, 311, 312, -314, 320, 327, 328, 330, 339, 343, 346, 347, 349, 350, 358, 361, 362, 363, 364, 365, 366, 367, 372, 374, 376, 378, 385, 386, 387, 388, 394, 399, 400, 401, 410, 412, 413, 415, 417, 418, 420, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 434, 436, 437, 439, 445, 446, 447, 450, 452, 453, 455, 456,457, 458, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 475, 476, 480, 482, 483, 486, 487, 489, 490, 494, 497, 498, 502, 505, 511, 512, 513, 515, 516, 519, 522, 523, 525, 526, 530, 531, 538,,539, 541, 543, 546, 547, 552, 554, 555, 557, 560, 562, 568, 570, 571, 574, 575, 582, 584, 589, 594, 596, 598, 599. Harrison, 139. Hart, 119. Hartshorn, 126, 133. Harvey, 109. Hatch, 387. Havens, 2, 23, 27, 51, 60, 64, 71, 73, 91, 97, 102, 108, 121, 128, 129, 223, 224, 225, 422, 431, 462, 594, 609. Hawkins, 5, 113, 128, 134, 140, 146, 153, 159, 165, 166, 193, 201, 209, 217, 223, 224, 225, 228, 232, 233, 243, 244, 257, 260, 268, 275, 276, 277, 279, 285, 286, 293, 297, 300, 304, 307, 314, 336, 340, 342, 352, 353, 354, 356, 358, 371, 420, 429, 439, 453, 457, 458, 464, 475, 486, 497, 511, 512, 522, 530, 536, 537, 546,.552, 561, 566, 575, 580, 589, 594, 610. Hayes, 342, 355. 4Hazard, 8, 14, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 82, 85, 87, 92, 96, 97, 98, 102, 103, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 116, 121, 122, 123, 124, 128, 130, 131, 132, 135, 136, 137, 141, 142, 144, 145, 149, 150, 154, 155, 160, 161, 167, 169, 177, 186, 189, 195, 199, 201, 205, 208, 209, 211, 217, 220, 224, 226, 228, 231, 233, 234, 239, 246, 247, 249, 257, 260, 265, 266, 268, 273, 282, 289, 290, 294, 298, 301, 303, 309, 310, 311, 325, 326, 327, 338, 344, 345, 346, 353, 359, 360, 363, 370, 373, 375, 382, 383, 404, 416, 422, 432, 434, 444, 445, 450, 454, 464, 475, 476, 477, 486, 487, 489, 490, 498, 499, 501, 508, 509, 510, 515, 521, 525, 534, 535, 537, 542, 549, 550, 553, 557, 563, 564, 567, 569, 577> 578, 580, 582, 585, 591, 592, 595, 596, 598, 599, 605, 607. Hazelton, 10. Headley, vi. Heath, vi, 112, 119, 123, 126, 133, 139, 145, 152, 158, 164, 315, 318, 349, 356, 368, 376, 389, 406. Heffernan, 7, 150, 156. Helme, 1, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31, 33, 51, 58, 65, 67, 74, 76, 78, 80, 82, 86, 87, 92, 98, 103, 115, 116, 122, 156, 161, 163, 169, 171, 185, 193, 195, 197, 202, 206, 211, 215, 219, 227, 235, 242, 246, 249, 251, 265, 270, 281, 288, 290, 294, 297, 301, 324, 335, 343, 358, 362, 370, 371, 375, 385, 396, 409, 411, 416, 426, 434, 444, 449, 451, 452, 454, 456, 464, 467, 469, 475, 487, 489, 498, 500, 514, 525, 541, 555, 583, 586, 598, 600, 606. Henry, 225. Herendeen, 86, 90, 96, 159, 160, 166, 174, 182, 192, 201, 209, 217, 228, 232, 234, 256, 267, 268, 276, 277, 279, 280, 287, 305, 331, 339, 367, 630 Herendeen-Continued. 378, 388, 390, 420, 423, 430, 432, 442, 462, 473, 484, 486, 510, 547, 561. Herne, 80, 81, 84, 98, 104, 110, 116, 124, 131, 137, 143, 150, 156, 162, 171, 176, 178, 186, 190, 196, 206, 212, 221. Herring, 323, 354. Herrington, 218, 224, 244, 245, 257, 259, 260, 277, 316, 350, 352, 354, 379, 405, 460, 480. Hewett, 337, 358, 371. Hickes, 2, 5, 33, 55, 90, 94, 99, 104, 110, 111, 118, 124, 125, 130, 131, 132, 138, 144, 163, 164, 170, 172, 178, 179, 187, 197, 207, 212, 213, 221, 222, 241, 249, 270, 271, 336, 338, 479, 529, 540, 542, 556, 569, 571, 601. Higginbotham, 159, 165, 166, 174. Hill, 24, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51, 54, 57, 84, 85, 88, 93, 97, 98, 99, 102, 104, 108, 110, 114, 115, 116, 119, 120, 121, 124, 127, 131, 135, 136, 138, 14], 142, 144, 148, 149, 151, 155, 157, 161, 169, 171, 179, 191, 199, 207, 229, 236, 242, 245, 249, 252, 253, 263, 264, 270, 274, 284, 285, 286, 291, 296, 299, 303, 311, 320, 327, 346, 360, 362, 364, 373, 379, 385, 390, 391, 398, 404, 411, 422, 428, 431, 435, 441, 458, 462, 469, 473, 480, 484, 496, 508, 509, 521, 523, 533, 534, 536, 549, 550, 552, 564, 566, 578, 581, 589, 592, 604, 606. Hilliard, 112, 191, 200, 208, 216, 224, 230, 231, 237, 305, 329, 348, 492, 503, 517, 528, 559, 572, 586, 601. Himes, 168,193,194, 201, 202, 210, 226, 233, 234, 245, 288, 307, 463. Hines, 276, 279, 287. Hiscox, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 91, 97, 102, 108, 255, 558, 572, 586, 601. Hitchcock, 305, 306, 308, 309, 314, 325, 338, 449. Hitt, 277. Hoar, 241,249, 253, 264, 271, 274, 284, 293, 296,. 300, 303, 311, 492, 503, 517, 528, 544, 559,. 573, 587, 601. Hodgson. 8. Holden, vi, 1, 4, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 17, 27, 30, 32,. 34, 37, 38, 39, 42, 44, 48, 53, 56, 59, 63, 68, 69, 72, 75, 77, 87, 92, 98, 103, 115, 117, 132, 150, 156, 162, 169, 178, 186, 196, 220, 228,. 235, 252, 262, 273, 314, 316, 323, 334, 336, 337, 338, 340, 343, 350, 368, 370, 375, 380, 382, 386, 391, 400, 406, 408, 413, 414, 419, 423, 425, 428, 432, 437, 442, 448, 449. 454, 456, 458, 463, 464, 469, 471, 473, 478, 480, 481, 485, 489, 491, 499, 502, 503, 509, 510,. 514, 521, 524, 541, 557, 568, 582, 596. Holdes, 6. Holliman, 1, 3, 4, 12. Holloway, 314, 317, 397. Holmes, 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, 122, 126, 401, 429, 460,. 482, 493. Holroyd, 602. Holway, 179, 187, 188, 204, 461, 473, 475, 484,. 507, 533. Honeyman, 65, 67, 74, 76, 81, 87, 89, 92, 190. Hookey, 55, 59, 63, 69, 71, 95, 99, 224, 231. Hopkins, 3, 12, 15, 16, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41, 50, 52, 55, 56, 58, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 68, 69, 70, 72, 74, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 96, 98, 99, 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 110, 113, 114, 115, 117, 121, 122, 124, 127, 129, 131, 134, 136, 138, 141, 144, 147, 149, 151, 153, 155, 157, 159, 161, 163, 166, 168, 170, 171, 174, 176, 177, 179, 182,. 183, 187, 189, 190, 192, 193, 196, 197, 199,. 202, 203, 206, 211, 213, 214, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 226, 228, 230, 237, 239, 240, 243,. 631 Hopkins-Continued. -246, 247, 249, 250, 252, 253, 262, 264, -267, 268, 271, 274, 284, 285, 290, 292, '296, 297, 300, 301, 303, 306, 309, 310, 315, 316, 317, 321, 325, 327, 331, 334,;336, 339, 341, 344, 346, 350, 351, 352, 355, 359, 360, 361, 363, 364, 367, 369, 372, 374, 378, 380, 382, 383, 385, 388, 394, 398, 407, 412, 416, 417, 421, 423, 426, 433, 435, 436, 437, 443, 446, 447, 452, 453, 456, 457, 458, 464, 466, 469, 479, 489, 491, 494, 500, 505, 509, 510, Z519, 525, 526, 530, 541, 542, 546, 550, 557, 561,-567, 569, 570, 574, 579, 581, 588, 593, 598 599, 607, 609. 266, 294, 311, 335, 353, 370, 392, 424, 448, 478, 515, 556, 585, Hoxsie-Continued. 281, 296, 297, 300, 307, 311, 325, 332, 333, 337, 343, 345, 358, 359, 363, 367, 373, 383, 434, 445, 450, 455, 463, 465, 485, 489, 500, 509, 514, 516, 533, 534, 539, 541, 550, 555, 585, 592, 597, 598, 607. 314, 315, 322, 351, 353, 354, 386, 391, 401, 466, 476, 478, 521, 525, 526, 564, 578, 583, Hoyle, 103, 109, 146, 147, 159, 166, 192, 193, 201, 209, 217, 355, 408, 461,. 472, 483, 495, 506. Hubbard, 48, 171, 179, 187, 197, 206, 213, 222, 227, 381, 395. Hubbarton, 606. Hoppin, 317, 337, 354, 358, 369, 371, 402, 403,.421, 430, 440, 461, 497, 511, 532, 547, 562,.573, 588, 595, 608. Howard, 137, 143, 150, 156, 162, 170, 175, 178, 184, 186, 194, 196, 205, 212, 220, 221, 228,:235, 236, 239, 248, 250, 252, 258, 261, 263, 269, 273, 283, 291, 295, 299, 302, 310, 321, -331, 350, 367, 369, 378, 388, 401, 420, 430, 440, 447, 453, 457, 469, 479, 491, 501, 516, -526, 543, 548, 557, 562, 566, 571, 576, 585, ~590,'599, 605. Howe, 342, 355, 357, 371, 394. Howell, 340, 373, 377, 381, 383, 396, 411, 416, 425, 434, 444, 456, 467, 477, 488, 493, 499,.504, 514, 518, 536, 552, 595, 610. Howland, 79, 81, 84, 122, 129, 130, 131, 132, 143, 150, 156, 157, 169, 171, 178, 179, 186, 187, 196, 199, 205, 206, 208, 212, 215, 220, 223, 230, 231, 239, 247, 252, 253, 262, 264, 266, 273, 282, 290, 292, 294, 295, 298, 302, 310,.326, 362, 365, 374, 375, 386, 389, 399, 405, 408, 412, 418, 419, 428, 436, 438, 444, 445, 447, 450, 452, 453, 455, 456, 458, 465, 466, -467, 468, 470, 476, 478, 480, 488, 489, 492, 498, 500, 503, 513, 514, 517, 524, 525, 527, 528, 538, 540, 541, 544, 558, 560, 572, 573,.585, 586, 588, 598, 601, 602. Hoxsie, 61, 66, 68, 81, 84, 88, 94, 104, 124, 131, 138, 144, 145, 157, 164, 171, 179, 187, 197, -198, 206, 227, 235, 23,.24, 242, 245, 277, Hudson, 89, 95, 232, 308, 323, 506, 519, 531, 539, 552, 608. Hughes, 338, 343, 449. 391, 469, 482, 492, 565, 580, 593, 594, Hulet, 121, 127, 134, 141, 147, 232. Hull, 2, 12, 22, 26, 32, 36, 38, 84, 89, 95, 100, 103, 105, 107, 112, 118, 126, 133, 139, 146, 171, 179, 186, 187, 189, 197, 206, 207, 210, 217, 255, 258, 260, 261, 267, 268, 276, 277, 280, 307, 343, 404, 422, 484, 572, 586, 600. Humphrey, 166, 173, 182, 192, 203, 210, 218, 239, 243, 245, 247, 266, 269, 272, 278, 281, 288, 290, 295, 298, 302, 308, 310, 326, 328, 343, 345, 356, 357, 359, 363, 370, 371, 372, 384, 397, 416, 425, 434, 445, 450, 455, 465, 469, 476, 479, 487, 491, 492, 498, 501, 503, 513, 516, 517, 524, 526, 528, 538, 557, 569, 584, 587, 599, 602. Hunniwell, 338. Hunt, 50, 112, 139, 217, 231, 240, 242, 244, 248, 252, 255, 263, 270, 273, 277, 299, 303, 311, 327, 447, 451, 480, 483, 489, 494, 500, 532, 549, 564, 577, 591, 605. Hunter, 132, 190, 409, 555. Hyers, 319. 632 Ide, 268, 277, 280, 287. Ingraham, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 39, 41, 44, 191, 199, 208, 215, 223, 231, 288, 308, 323, 334, 377. Inman, 50, 53, 72, 90, 91, 96, 101, 102, 107, 120, 166, 225, 232, 244, 256, 268, 277, 280, 287, 308, 546, 589, 603. Irish, 119, 126, 133, 140, 222, 317, 329, 572, 586, 600. Irons, 72, 367, 388, 402, 421, 430, 440, 561, 472. Ives, 610. Jackson, 55, 186, 196, 239, 247, 335, 358, 371, 537, 552, 566, 581, 594, 600, 607, 610. Jacobs, 80, 277, 346. Jacquays, 478, 491, 570, 584, 598. James, 23, 32, 34, 37, 69, 71, 97, 102, 121, 129, 136, 142, 167, 175, 184, 227, 231, 242, 322, 333, 343, 351, 369, 370, 380, 381, 392, 393, 407, 408, 423, 442, 443, 462; 484, 485, 508, 509, 510, 520, 534, 536, 549, 552, 564, 570, 577, 578, 592, 606. Jeffers, 86. Jefferson, 240, 248, 256, 259, 270, 273, 283, 291, 295, 299, 303. Jenckes, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 56, 60, 63, 64, 65, 67, 70, 74, 76, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 98, 99, 103, 104, 107, 109, 110, 113, 115, 116, 117, 119, 123, 124, 130, 131, 136, 137, 138, 142, 143, 144, 149, 150, 155, 156, 157, 161, 162, 163, 167, 169, 170, 171, 173, 176, 177, 178, 179, 185, 186, 187, 192, 195, 196, 198, 200, 204, 205, 208, 211, 212, 214, 216, 220, 221, 239, 246, 247, 248, 251, 256, 262, 266, 272, 275, 279, 282, 285, 287, 289, 293, Jenckes-Con tinued. 294, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 305, 306, 314, 317, 320, 330, 338, 343, 349, 365, 369, 370, 374, 376, 377, 382, 387, 392, 394, 399, 400, 407, 408, 409, 410, 415, 419, 423, 424, 427, 429, 433, 437, 438, 443, 444, 447, 451, 452, 453, 455, 457, 459, 460, 463, 468, 471, 479, 482, 491, 493, 494, 497, 502, 504, 511, 518, 526, 530, 537, 538, 543, 545, 546, 547, 557, 562, 571, 574, 576, 584, 588, 589, 590, 602, 604. 311,. 366, 393, 418,. 439, 458, 492, 529, 560, 599, Jenkins, 48, 52, 55, 58, 62, 66, 68, 75, 78, 80, 82, 125, 198, 203. Jennie, 10. J ennings, 241,249, 255, 259, 271, 276, 279, 286, 444.. Jepson, 228, 235, 246, 325, 344, 345. Jerauld, 323, 334, 338, 343, 350, 360, 364, 368, 373, 380, 385, 391, 392, 396, 398, 406, 408, 411, 414, 417, 426, 435, 444, 446, 451, 456, 480,. 489, 499, 514, 524, 541, 555, 569, 583, 594, 598, 609. Jillson, 157, 230, 237, 241, 250, 254, 259, 264, 268, 321, 342, 355, 603. Johnson, 6, 70, 73, 96, 97, 101, 102, 107, 108, 111, 114, 117, 131, 138, 144, 151, 157, 161, 163, 168, 171, 174, 176, 179, 187, 189, 198, 202, 206, 211, 213, 219, 220, 222, 230, 236, 237, 240, 249, 253, 257, 258, 260, 261, 263, 264, 268, 274, 281, 283, 289, 308, 311, 314, 323, 327, 334, 341, 346, 347, 360, 361, 364, 365, 368, 369, 371, 373, 374, 380, 382, 385, 392, 398, 399, 401, 407, 408, 411, 412, 414, 417, 418, 423, 424, 426, 427, 433, 436, 439, 442,. 443, 444, 446, 447, 448, 449, 452, 454, 457,. 458, 461, 463, 464, 468, 469, 472, 473, 474, 476, 482, 483, 485, 486, 488, 496, 497, 498,. 506, 507, 509, 510, 513, 521, 524, 535, 536, 540, 550, 551, 552, 554, 564, 565, 568, 578,, 579, 580, 583, 588, 592, 593, 597, 599, 602,. 606, 607, 608. Jones, 56, 60, 63, 69, 70, 148, 155, 160, 161, 168, 633 Jones-Continued. 206, 245, 317, 334, 337, 368, 380, 392, 393, 407, 414, 423, 424, 433, 443, 449, 453, 475, 486, 522, 524, 537, 540, 555, 570, 571, 583, 597. Jordan, 535, 551, 565, 579, 593. Joslin, 203, 237, 253, 257, 264, 342, 352, 374, 385, 398, 412, 418, 427, 436, 448, 580. Joy, 95, 96, 101, 519, 531. Kaighn, 536, 553. Kasson (see Cassin), 230, 237, 253, 264, 278, 289, 308, 323, 334, 351, 369, 370, 380, 392, 407, 414, 423, 433, 443, 449, 454, 455, 463, 465, 474, 485, 496. Kay, 48. Keach, 232, 350, 402, 561, 562, 576, 590. Keas, vi. Keene, 360, 364, 366, 370, 375, 376, 387, 397, 400, 459, 471, 481. Keith, 267, 276. Kelley, 6, 210, 213, 218, 221, 254, 459, 531, 546, 561, 575, 589, 603. Kelton, 316, 463, 474, 547, 562, 576, 590. Kempton, 560, 573, 588, 602. Kenney, 341. Kent, 243, 245, 460, 471, 482, 493, 505, 519. Kenyon, 73, 91, 92, 121, 129, 136, 142, 145, 148, 151, 154, 157, 160, 164, 167, 172, 175, 180, 183, 184, 188, 193, 198, 207, 214, 222, 226, 230, 233, 237, 240, 241, 245, 249, 250, 253, 257, 260, 264, 268, 269, 270, 271, 274, 275, so Kenyon-Continued. 277, 278, 284, 288, 292, 293, 296, 297, 307, 324, 333, 335, 340, 351, 369, 393, 405, 408, 413, 418, 421, 422, 428, 431, 432, 436, 441, 442, 446, 452, 457, 461, 462, 468, 473, 479, 484, 490, 496, 501, 502, 507, 509, 515, 521, 525, 533, 534, 535, 538, 539, 542, 548, 549, 551, 556, 563, 564, 565, 577, 578, 579, 591, 592. Kimball, 203, 215, 223, 225, 228, 244, 256, 267, 276, 279, 287, 306, 308, 314, 317, 324, 336, 339, 355, 364, 366, 373, 377, 388, 398, 401, 402, 408, 409, 413, 420, 439, 440, 448, 450, 452, 460, 471, 479, 490, 493, 501, 506, 516, 519, 526, 530, 543; 546, 557, 561, 571, 574, 589. 259, 321, 385, 429, 482, 531, King, 165, 166, 174, 182, 192, 201, 218,'222, 225, 232, 241, 253, 256, 259, 264, 272, 289, 293, 297, 300, 304, 320, 424, 490, 510, 555, 582, 585, 596, 597, 607. Kingsley, 244. Kinnecutt, 113, 115, 120, 122, 126, 132, 133, 138, 140, 144, 151, 157, 163, 172, 180, 188, 198, 205, 212, 220, 227, 232, 235, 243, 254, 256, 257, 259, 260, 264, 271, 274, 284, 292, 296, 300, 304, 312, 323, 328, 334, 349, 368, 376, 406, 419, 429, 438, 455, 457, 465, 476, 553, 581, 596, 610. Kirby, 414. Knapp, 552, 566. Knight, 2, 3, 34, 36, 39, 42, 53, 56, 60, 63, 64, 69, 70, 72, 89, 90, 95, 96, 101, 113, 127, 134, 140, 146, 153, 159, 165. 166, 174, 209, 217, 225, 232, 243, 256, 259, 267, 276, 279, 287, 305, 306, 320, 321, 328, 331, 350, 355, 361, 365, 367, 374, 377, 378, 386, 388, 394, 399, 401, 412, 418, 427, 437, 447, 450, 452, 454, 455, 460, 465, 471, 476, 482, 483, 487, 493, 494, 498, 505, 506, 511, 513, 518, 519, 523, 530, 531, 537, 540, 546, 547, 552, 554, 557, 560, 561, 565, 567, 568, 574, 575, 580, 581, 582, 588, 589, 595, 596, 599, 603, 604, 608, 610. 634 Knowles, 15, 368, 380, 390, 404, 422, 432, 442, 484, 508, 550, 564, 578, 592, 606. Knowlton, 27, 30, 32, 43, 45, 47, 48, 51, 55, 58, 62, 66, 68, 75, 77, 79, 81, 84, 88, 94, 99, 104, 110, 117. Knox, 258, 261. Ladd, 111, 116, 175, 183, 184, 245, 258, 261, 313, 394, 461, 472, 483, 495, 532. Lange, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25. Langford, 25, 93, 99, 104, 117, 131, 137, 144, 150, 156, 161, 163, 171, 179, 228, 235, 252, 262, 273, 327. Langley, 329. Langwprthy, 275, 496, 507, 533, 548, 563, 577, 591, 605. Lanphear, 241, 248, 357, 605. Lapham, 117, 124, 131, 137, 138, 139, 142, 149, 155, 161, 169, 177, 186, 204, 211, 220, 239, 247, 250, 266, 272, 292, 519, 530, 546, 561, 575. Larcher, 316, 342. Larkin, 97, 102, 108, 114, 122, 143, 150, 154, 156, 160, 162, 167, 171, 175, 178, 184, 193, 210, 212, 218, 221, 240, 241, 245, 271, 275, 285, 288, 293, 502, 555, 570, 592, 605. Larned, 451, 456, 582, 596. Lassell, 326. Latham, 222, 230, 241, 242, 256, 259, 268, 277, 500, 515, 531, 547, 562, 576, 590, 609. Launders, 223. Lawless, 318, 339, 340, 341, 358, 371, 393. Lawrence, 306, 330, 349. Lawton, vii, 1, 20, 23, 31, 33, 35, 37, 40, 41, 43, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 54, 57, 61, 62, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 89, 95, 100, 105, 106, 110, 112, 118, 119, 125, 126, 136, 142, 164, 180, 189, 197, 198, 223, 231, 258, 267, 276, 279, 286, 304, 305, 309, 458, 467, 470, 478, 488, 499, 501, 504, 514, 517, 524, 528, 541, 545, 555, 559, 569, 573, 577, 585, 587, 591, 597, 602. Leach, 401, 420, 430, 439, 505, 519. Leake, 6. Learnord, 600. Lee, 20, 518. Leland, 576, 590, 604. Le Valley, 121, 128, 135, 245, 278, 281, 289, 307. Lewis, 76, 91, 92, 97, 98, 99, 102, 104, 108, 110, 114, 116, 121, 145, 147, 151, 174, 183, 193, 226, 232, 233, 281, 287, 297, 341, 343, 349, 402, 403, 405, 441, 442, 456, 508, 520, 532, 577, 591, 605, 124, 128, 131, 135, 138, 141, 154, 158, 160, 163, 164, 167, 201, 202, 209, 210, 217, 225, 241, 244, 246, 269, 278, 280, 314, 321, 322, 331, 332, 340, 351, 367, 377, 378, 388, 389, 408, 409, 421, 422, 431, 432, 462, 467, 473, 484, 496, 507, 533, 536, 549, 552, 563, 564, 606. Lillibridge, 111, 132, 145, 207, 213, 221, 229, 230, 236, 237, 240, 243, 249, 253, 254, 263, 264, 266, 268, 278, 286, 328, 347, 368, 417, 452, 457, 468, 473, 479, 490, 509, 534, 542, 549, 556, 557, 564, 569, 571, 578, 584, 592, 606. Lilly, 9, 528, 538, 545, 559. Lindsey, 126, 133, 139, 145, 152, 158, 164, 538. Linley, 493, 504, 518, 529, 545, 566. Linscomb, 176. 635 Lippitt, vi, 33, 35, 38, 40, 88, 93, 98, 101, 104, 107, 110, 116, 124, 130, 136, 142, 150, 168, 194, 195, 202, 210, 211, 218, 219, 265, 268, 269, 277, 280, 287, 304, 306, 312, 315, 317, 321, 334, 336, 337, 348, 353, 363, 378, 387, 400, 413, 419, 429, 438, 448, 465, 500, 502, 514, 516, 527, 543, 558, 569, 571, 583, 585, 598, 600. Little, 329, 330, 455, 476, 487. Littlefield, 53, 55, 59, 63, 69, 72, 112, 118, 126, 133, 139, 146, 172, 180, 190, 215, 223, 230, 231, 242, 243, 305, 319, 329, 338. Locke, 338, 368, 380, 390, 393, 394, 404, 422, 431, 441, 462, 463, 473. Lockwood, 90, 95, 101, 106, 113, 225, 226, 232, 233, 257, 260, 263, 307, 323, 423, 432, 442, 600, 610. Logee, 547, 561, 575, 589, 603. Loudoun, Earl of, 190. Love, 219, 356. Lovell, 264, 378, 386, 402, 421, 440. Lovett, 370, 375, 399, 537, 553, 567. Low, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 43, 45, 47, 96, 101, 113, 132, 138, 149, 151, 154, 156, 161, 162, 164, 168, 175, 184, 194, 210, 218, 226, 233, 257, 260, 307, 311, 323, 326, 334, 345, 350, 359, 362, 450, 455, 465, 476, 488, 498, 509, 510, 521, 524, 535, 551, 565, 579, 593, 607. Luther, 132, 138, 144, 151, 243, 254, 257, 260, 269, 298, 302, 310, 326, 419, 428, 438, 459, 470, 481, 560, 573, 574, 588, 596. Lyman, 477. Lyndon, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 57, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80, 82, 86, 87, 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 103, 105, 109, 111, 115, 116, 118, Lyndon-Continued. 122, 123, 125, 130, 133, 136, 137, 139, 142, 143, 145, 149, 152, 155, 158, 164, 165, 169, 172, 177, 180, 185, 190, 191, 195, 199, 200, 204, 211, 219, 227, 234, 238, 247, 251, 262, 266, 282, 289, 294, 297, 301, 309, 325, 344, 359. Lyon, 85, 89, 94, 95, 460, 527, 538, 543, 558, 572, 586, 600. Lytherland, 3. Maccoon, 23, 54, 57, 60, 64, 71, 73, 102, 104, 108, 114, 121, 128, 135, 141, 143, 147, 150, 154, 156, 160, 162, 167, 171, 174, 178, 183, 187, 193, 198, 202, 207, 210, 214, 218, 222, 245, 257, 260, 269. Macomber, 307, 321, 332, 336, 340, 341, 414, 453, 457, 461, 468, 473, 478, 484, 489, 502, 515, 525, 532, 537, 541, 552, 556, 566, 581. Maguire, 533, 549, 563, 577, 591. Malavary, 101, 106, 113, 120. Malbone, 103, 108, 165, 172, 180, 190, 191, 198, 199, 248, 319, 375, 437, 448, 453, 458, 470, 480, 491, 499, 502, 512, 524; 536, 553, 567, 581, 595, 609. Malcolm, 394. Mallett, 12, 13, 14. v/lVanchester, 105, 106, 113, 118, 119, 120, 126, 127, 132, 133, 134, 138, 139, 140, 143, 146, 150, 152, 153, 156, 158, 162, 165, 170, 173, 180, 181, 188, 190, 198, 261, 267, 268, 271, 328, 329, 333, 336, 351, 354, 357, 361, 393, 400, 405, 419, 439, 443, 452, 457, 474, 478, 480, 486, 504, 511, 515, 517, 199, 207, 214, 222, 258, 306, 313, 315, 319, 322, 339, 340, 341, 342, 348, 365, 366, 371, 375, 389, 420, 428, 429, 433, 438, 459, 464, 468,' 470, 471, 490, 492, 493, 497, 500, 525, 528, 529, 537, 542, 544, 545, 552, 556, 558, 559, 567, 569, 572, 573, 584, 585, 586, 587, 594, 598, 599, 600, 602, 610. 636 Manley, 426. Mann, 182, 192, 200, 209, 232, 239, 248, 256, 369, 393, 489, 500, 515, 525, 531, 532, 537, 541, 584, 599. Manning, 435. Manton, vi, 56, 114, 280, 287, 305, 362, 424, 433, 449, 450, 464, 465, 470, 487, 497, 511, 513, 517, 537, 552, 567, 581, 595, 610. Marchant, 252, 263, 265, 270, 295, 315, 355, 360, 364, 372, 416, 425, 540, 555. Marsh, 14. Martin, 52, 53, 62, 66, 68, 75, 88, 89, 92, 97, 99, 100, 111, 158, 239, 243, 245, 267, 276, 278, 279, 281, 288, 294, 297, 301, 308, 313, 317, 323, 333, 334, 337, 338, 349, 355, 360, 364, 368, 373, 384, 398, 411, 416, 417, 426, 428, 437, 471, 481, 488, 492, 493, 499, 502, 503, 504, 514, 516, 517, 518, 527, 528, 529, 538, 543, 545, 553, 555, 557, 558, 559, 569, 670, 571, 573, 581, 583, 584, 585, 596, 597, 599, 600. Martindale, 13, 14, 313, 343. Marvin, 316. Masury, 395, 396, 461. Mason, 118, 125, 130, 143, 149, 156, 162, 169, 226, 233, 277, 280, 388, 406, 428, 446, 451, 452, 457, 458, 459, 470, 471, 481, 482, 503, 517, 528, 529, 544, 545, 559, 560, 573, 574, 588, 602. Mathewson, 35, 39, 42, 45, 56, 60, 64, 138, 144, 148, Mathewson-Continued. 498, 502, 510, 511, 513, 516, 521, 522, 526, 527, 535, 536, 542, 543, 551, 553, 556, 558, 565, 566, 567, 569, 570, 571, 574, 579, 580, 581, 584, 585, 593, 594, 598, 604, 608, 609w Matteson, 88, 90, 94, 96, 101, 131, 187, 188, 197, 211, 219, 225, 226, 230, 234, 237, 238, 244, 253, 258, 261, 264, 265, 269, 274, 278, 281, 284, 285, 289, 293, 551, 552, 567, 584, 595, 598. Matthews, 337, 357, 371. Maudesley, 289. Mauran, 353, 358. Mawney, 35, 37, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 53, 56, 60, 62, 63, 66, 69, 70, 72, 75, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 89, 90, 93, 95, 99, 100, 104, 106, 113, 115, 117, 124, 125, 130, 136, 142, 169, 173, 303, 305, 400, 439, 451, 456, 467, 471, 477, 481, 488, 493, 499, 504, 514, 524, 527, 579, 584, 593, 607. Maxson, vi, 13, 23, 42, 45, 50, 73, 74, 76, 91, 97, 102, 108, 209, 217, 222, 225, 226, 230, 232, 233, 237, 242, 254, 257, 260, 265, 269, 275, 277, 280, 285, 297, 300, 304, 312, 321, 323, 328, 331, 332, 333, 341, 351, 352, 354, 356, 360, 361, 364, 365, 367, 373, 374, 378, 379, 380, 385, 386, 389, 390, 391, 393, 394, 398, 399, 403, 409, 411, 412, 413, 417, 418, 419, 421, 422, 426, 431, 435, 441, 446, 448, 453, 457, 507, 525, 526, 533, 535, 541, 542, 548, 550, 555, 556, 563, 564, 570, 571, 577, 578, 583, 584, 591, 592, 598, 599, 605, 606. May, 306, 388, 402. Mayes, 320, 331, 349, 367, 413, 420, 430, 440, 448, 454, 460, 472. McClelland, 497. McCurrie, 524, 541. McDonald, 259, 512, 522, 537, 553, 567, 580, 594. 151, 157, 161, 163, 166, 168, 171, 254, 256, 268, 272, 275, 279, 280, 289, 297, 300, 304, 305, 306, 307, 315, 317, 323, 324, 328, 331, 335, 365, 366, 367, 373, 374, 381, 385, 399, 403, 411, 412, 417, 418, 426, 437, 447, 448, 450, 451, 455, 458, 179, 251, 281, 287, 308, 312, 349, 361, 386, 398, 427, 436, 463, 465, 469, 474, 476, 480, 485, 486, 487, 491, 497, 637 IMcGregor, 475, 486, 497, 511, 522, 536, 553. McKay, 25. McLane, 512, 522, 537. Medbury, 166, 173, 267, 276, 279, 287, 393, 401, -444, 460, 471, 483, 494, 497, 505, 515, 518, -525, 541, 556, 569, 584, 599. Melville, 106, 112, 337, 503, 523. Menzies, 47. Merton, 155. Middlecomb, 234. Miles, 91. 4 Millard, 394, 442, 593, 607.. Milleman, 317. Miller, 116, 123, 125, 132, 138, 144, 151, 157, 163, 172, 178, 202, 210, 226, 228, 241, 245, 250, 264, 265, 266, 292, 296, 300, 304, 312, 313, 316, 347, 349, 350, 356, 358, 361, 365, 368, 370, 371, 374, 375, 376, 380, 382, 386, 389, 393, 394, 395, 399, 405, 409, 410, 413, 415* 416, 419, 425, 428, 434, 435, 437, 444, 445, 465, 466, 468, 476, 477, 479, 490, 491, 501, 515, 526, 536, 539, 540, 542, 552, 555, 556, 566, 569, 583, 584, 597, 599. Millward, 229, 236, 239, 248, 252, 263, 269, 270, 273, 278, 283, 291, 295, 299, 302, 310, 323, 334, 579. Miner, 352, 462. Mitchell, 23, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41, 44, 50, 215, 224, 230, 231, 242, 289, 460, 472, 483, 494, 505, 512, 519, 522, 530, 536, 546, 553, 561,.575, 589, 603. Mius, 184, 222, 240, 249, 270, 334. Montgomery, 369, 371. Moon, 103, 108, 115, 132, 138, 144, 151, 157, 288, 565, 579, 593, 607. Moore, 269. Morin, 319. Morris, 1, 2, 5, 308. Morse, 199, 342, 355, 358. Mosier, 257, 260, 271, 274, 300. Moss, 324, 325, 336, 438. 277, 284, 292, 296, Mott, vi, 267, 276, 279, 286. Moulton, 338, 559, 573, 587, 602. Mowry, vi, 3, 23, 32, 34, 50, 56, 58, 60, 64, 68, 70, 90, 95, 97, 101, 102, 106, 108, 113, 120, 127, 134, 145, 151, 157, 163, 166, 171, 179, 187, 197, 200, 206, 209, 213, 216, 221, 224, 232, 240, 243, 249, 257, 260, 267, 270, 274, 276, 279, 284, 287, 292, 296, 299, 305, 320, 322, 325, 327, 331, 344, 346, 349, 350, 359, 361, 363, 367, 372, 377, 388, 389, 394, 397, 398, 401, 402, 412, 417, 421, 428, 430, 436, 440, 447, 452, 458, 461, 472, 483, 495, 505, 506, 518, 520, 530, 531, 538, 546, 547, 551, 552, 560, 562, 574, 576, 580, 582, 588, 590, 594, 602, 603, 604, 609. Mumford, 10, 15, 16, 18, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 54, 57, 61, 92, 98, 103, 107, 109, 117, 121, 129, 136, 142, 148, 154, 159, 160, 167, 175, 181, 183, 190, 191, 193, 199, 200, 201, 205, 208, 216, 224, 226, 231, 242, 246, 251, 255, 257, 260, 263, 272, 273, 277, 280, 288, 293, 307, 310, 312, 315, 317, 326, 337, 338, 344, 345, 354, 359, 360, 362, 363, 372, 382, 383, 387, 390, 391, 396, 405, 407, 408, 410, 411, 414, 415, 416, 423, 424, 425, 426, 432, 435, 442, 443, 444, 445, 449, 463, 485, 509, 527. Munday, 265, 271, 274, 284. MlluUer. 638 Munro, 112, 118, 123, 126, 131, 133, 138, 139, 144, 146, 151, 152, 157, 163, 196, 205, 212, 220, 235, 239, 247, 269, 271, 274, 278, 284, 288, 290, 295, 298, 302, 308, 310, 323, 334, 355, 369. Nash, 193, 201, 209, 217, 239, 248, 260, 283, 291, 295, 299, 302, 310. Negus, 503. Newbury, v. Newdigate, 26, 47. Newell, 467, 477, 488, 499, 514, 567. Newman, 325, 580. Newton, 15, 369. Nicholas, 567, 580, 595, 608. Nichols, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 40, 41, 43, 46, 47, 48, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 88, 89, 93, 94, 95, 97, 99, 102, 104, 105, 107, 108, 109, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 139, 141, 142, 145, 148, 150, 152, 154, 155, 156, 158, 161, 162, 164, 168, 170, 172, 173, 175, 176, 184, 190, 194, 196, 212, 220, 240, 260, 270, 271, 274, 283, 285, 290, 291, 292, 295, 296, 298, 299, 302, 303, 307, 310, 311, 327, 329, 335, 351, 368, 381, 386, 392, 407, 424, 438, 448, 453, 457, 458, 463, 468, 474, 478, 479, 486, 490, 496, 500, 501, 510, 512, 514, 515, 516, 521, 522, 525, 526, 535, 537, 541, 542, 553, 556, 557, 565, 571, 579, 584, 593, 599, 607. Nichplson, 141, 147, 153, 159, 166, 174, 182, 192. Nightingale, 170, 178, 186, 196, 205, 212, 221, 227, 229, 234, 251, 265, 272, 305, 308, 324, 328, 335, 342, 355, 403. Niles, vi, 19, 61, 65, 71, 73, 74, 76, 78, 80, 81, Niles-Continued. 82, 84, 87, 88, 92, 93, 97, 98, 102, 108, 129,. 143, 149, 155, 156, 163, 168, 171, 174, 183,. 193, 195, 234, 238, 246, 311, 361, 365, 375, 380, 385, 392, 398, 407, 412, 418, 423, 427, 433, 436, 443, 445, 450, 455, 465, 476, 488, 498, 513, 521, 524, 535, 540, 554, 568, 583, 595, 597. Nenegret, 46. Noble, 176, 190. Northup, 38, 44, 49, 51, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 64, 65, 67, 71, 73, 74, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 88, 91, 92, 96, 97, 98, 102, 103, 107, 108, 109, 114, 121, 123, 137, 143, 149, 155, 156, 158, 161, 163, 169, 171, 175, 177, 179,. 186, 187, 193, 195, 196, 201, 205, 206, 210, 211, 213, 217, 218, 220, 221, 239, 240, 241, 244, 247, 248, 250, 252, 257, 263, 266, 270, 273, 277, 280, 283, 290, 291, 294, 295, 298, 302, 310, 312, 326, 337, 343, 345, 351, 354,. 357, 359, 363, 370, 371, 373, 379, 382, 383, 390, 394, 397, 404, 405, 408, 422, 423, 431, 432, 441, 442, 462, 473, 478, 484, 489, 496, 500, 508, 514, 525, 533, 541, 549, 555, 566, 570, 577, 580, 581, 583, 591, 594, 595, 598,. 606, 608, 609. Noyes, 15, 16, 17, 244, 291, 295, 299, 321, 331, 337, 338, 348, 351, 352, 466, 507, 509, 520, 532, 534, 538, 550, 563, 564, 576, 590, 591, 595, Nye, 27, 30, 32, 34, 37. Oatley, 280. Olden, 385, 398. 302, 31S8, 367, 370,. 548, 549, 605, 609.. Olin, 111, 124, 131, 138, 144, 150, 156, 163, 171,. 229, 236, 361, 365, 374, 412, 418, 427. Oliver, 416. Olney, 1, 4, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, 23, 27, 32, 33, 35, 36, 90, 96, 101, 106, 113, 119, 120, 127, 134, 140, 146, 147, 153, 159, 165, 166, 173, 181, 189, 192^ 20S, 216,, 224, 225, 231, 236, 243,, 639 Olney-Continued. 246, 252, 256, 259, 279, 280, 286, 306, 308, 314, 316, 317, 320, 324, 838, 339, 343, 349, 350, 352, 353, 358, 366, 367, 371, 376, 377, 386, 397, 400, 408, 409, 413, 414, 419, 429, 438, 439, 448, 451, 455, 457, -469, 471, 477, 479, 482, 489, 491, 515, 525, 532, 541, 545, 556, 560, -581, 584, 599, 60b, 610. Oman, 369. 287, 305, 330, 336, 354, 356, 387, 394, 420, 424, 459, 466, 500, 504, 567, 569, Ormsbee, 243, 245, 257, 259, 260, 323, 334, 529, -537, 545, 566, 581, 599, 609. Osborne, 389. Otis, 172, 180, 190, 191, 199, 200, 207, 215, -216, 326, 505, 518, 530, 538, 546. Owen, 144, 150, 157, 163, 171, 179, 214, 222, 227, 235, 247, 251, 262, 272, 404, 466, 475, -487, 498, 512, 523, 589, 603. Packard, 337, 342. Paddock, 403, 422, 431, 441, 462. Page, 316, 317, 325, 339, 342, 355, 357, 371, 396, -450, 455, 465, 476. Paget, 116, 130, 158, 162, 220, 235, 239, 248, 252, 262, 266, 269, 273, 283, 289, 291, 295. Paine, 11, 69, 72, 89, 95, 136, 159, 165, 166,' 180, 190, 192, 197, 199, 200, 206, 208, 209, 213, 216, 220, 222, 223, 224, 230, 231, 232, 233, 239, 241, 242, 243, 247, 248, 256, 2574 267, 277, 280, 287, 306, 317, 321, 329, 331, 349, 365, 378, 388, 394, 401, 420, 430, 438, 439, 449, 458, 460, 464, 470, 472, 480, 482, 486, 489, 491, 494, 495, 497, 500, 502, 503, -505, 511, 515, 517, 518, 523, 526, 527, 530, 531, 540, 542, 544, 554, 556, 558, 562, 568, 569, 571, 572, 576, 582, 585, 586, 590, 596, 598, 600, 605..Painter, vii. Palliser, 353. Palmer, 83, 85, 110, 116, 117, 152, 158, 199, 202, 204, 210, 218, 222, 241, 254, 265, 275, 315, 336, 339, 341, 357, 371, 452, 457, 458, 461, 468, 470, 479, 481, 490, 501, 515, 526, 542, 556, 571, 599. Park, 199, 307, 332, 351, 367, 378, 389, 403, 408, 421. Parker, 3, 23, 211, 226, 232, 269, 299, 303, 311, 322, 327, 333, 335, 336, 340, 341, 346, 351, 354, 357, 358, 369, 371, 381, 448, 452, 458, 469, 478, 490, 495, 500, 505, 531, 539, 547, 561, 575, 589, 593, 604. Parkerson, 567, 580, 595, 608. Parsons, 6. Partridge, 1, 24, 29. Patt, 400, 420, 429, 439, 507, 520, 532, 538, 548. Payson, 225, 232. Peabody, 29, 31, 105, 139, 222, 230, 237, 241, 249, 253, 264, 274, 284, 292, 296, 300, 303, 311, 328, 347, 374, 386, 389, 399, 412, 418, 427, 436, 438, 447, 452, 457, 458, 4684 470, 479, 490, 501, 515, 544, 556, 559, 573, 587, 602. Pearce, 17, 18, 20, 43, 45, 47, 48, 54, 66, 67, 73, 79, 81, 84, 88, 96, 101, 106, 107, 112, 118, 124, 126, 130, 131, 133, 138, 139, 144, 151, 152, 155, 157, 158, 161, 168, 171, 178, 179, 183, 187, 194, 195, 205, 210, 212, 213, 214, 215, 218, 220, 221, 222, 236, 239, 240, 243, 245, 247, 248, 251, 252, 253, 254, 256, 257, 258, 260, 262, 263, 264, 266, 269, 272, 274, 278, 281, 282, 284, 288, 292, 307, 315, 318, 319, 328, 330, 336, 338, 339, 341, 342, 347, 362, 363, 364, 368, 372, 379, 382, 384, 390, 391, 394, 401, 404, 406, 415, 417, 426, 432, 436, 501, 513, 516, 518, 529, 559, 572. Peary, 207. 640 Pease, 158, 164, 528. Peck, 114, 116, 118, 120, 123, 128, 130, 135, 137, 141, 143, 147, 149, 153, 156, 159, 162, 169, 176, 178, 186, 189, 190, 198, 199, 203, 204, 215, 218, 223, 226, 228, 233, 237, 254, 264, 265, 317, 337, 349, 350, 356, 366, 369, 376, 388, 389, 394, 401, 413, 420, 459, 470, 481, 492, 498, 504, 511, 517, 528, 537, 538, 545, 559, 565, 573, 579, 581, 587, 593, 595, 596, 601, 608, 609. Peckham, 23, 36, 39, 41, 44, 82, 91, 92, 94, 95, 100, 105, 109, 110, 111, 123, 130, 137, 143, 149, 155, 158, 164, 169, 177, 186, 195, 205, 208, 216, 224, 227, 230, 231, 235, 237, 242, 251, 253, 255, 258, 262, 264, 267, 272, 276, 284, 296, 300, 301, 303, 307, 310, 311, 312, 313, 319, 322, 323, 325, 327, 328, 329, 333, 339, 340, 341, 371, 374, 378, 380, 386, 389, 390, 391, 394, 399, 403, 410, 412, 413, 414, 416, 417, 418, 421, 422, 425, 426, 427, 431, 432, 434, 436, 441, 444, 445, 446, 450, 451, 452, 455, 456, 462, 465, 469, 473, 475, 476, 477, 478, 480, 484, 485, 487, 488, 498, 499, 500, 503, 507, 509, 512, 514, 523, 524, 525, 527, 533, 534, 539, 540, 541, 549, 554, 555, 557, 563, 568, 577, 585, 591, 598, 605, 606. Peirce, vi, 29, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 51, 52, 57, 61; 181, 186, 196, 197, 201, 203, 205, 206, 221, 226, 229, 234, 236, 274, 280, 283, 284, 287, 292, 296, 300, 303, 312, 317, 322, 330, 332, 333, 340, 347, 348, 351, 355, 361, 365, 366, 368, 370, 374, 375, 379, 380, 382, 385, 391, 393, 394, 399, 413, 415, 418, 419, 420, 423, 428, 436, 438, 441, 446, 462, 464, 473, 474, 475, 484, 486, 490, 497, 499, 500, 503, 511, 515, 517, 525, 528, 542, 544, 557, 569, 585, 586, 587, 595, 601, 602. Pemberton, 355, 484, 496. Pendleton, vi, 57, 61, 65, 75, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84, 86, 87, 91, 117, 121, 124, 128, 131, 135, 141, 147, 154, 160, 167, 174, 183, 193, 201, 209, 257, 260, 288, 307, 321, 322, 329, 332, 351, 360, 364, 367, 378, 389, 403, 421, 431, 441, 507, 508, 520, 533, 534, 598. Perkins, 163, 171, 179, 187, 194, 197, 202, 206,. 213, 226, 230, 237, 241, 249, 253, 264, 274, 284, 304, 367, 374, 378, 385, 388, 392, 399, 407, 420, 430, 436, 440, 446, 452, 456, 461, 472, 483, 506, 520, 522, 532, 537. Perrigo, 390, 404, 414, 422, 431, 441. Perry, 3, 24, 52, 54, 57, 61, 66, 68, 75, 77, 79, 80, 1, 84, 88, 93, 94, 98, 104, 110, 111, 116, 152, 187, 198, 207, 214, 222, 226, 234, 237, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 247, 250, 251, 253, 254, 261, 263, 272, 273, 275, 294, 296, 297, 310, 311, 312, 356, 359, 360, 374, 383, 384, 410, 411, 415, 436, 438, 441, 481, 487, 488, 264, 265, 266, 267, 270, 271, 282, 283, 284, 290, 291, 293, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303, 304, 313, 325, 327, 328, 345, 346, 361, 363, 364, 365, 372, 373, 385, 386, 394, 396, 397, 398, 416, 417, 424, 425, 426, 434, 444, 446, 450, 455, 465, 470, 497, 504, 517, 529, 545, 550, 559, 564, 573, 578, 592, 606. Pettis, 241. Phelps, 90, 96. Phetteplace, 55, 58, 75, 96, 101, 107, 113, 120, 306, 320, 331, 349, 421, 430, 440, 461, 495, 506, 520, 532. Philbrook, 147, 153, 159, 166, 287, 321. Phillips, 42, 44, 46, 56, 59, 63, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 75, 77, 79, 98, 116, 124, 131, 167, 168, 175, 182, 183, 192, 193, 194, 201, 209, 217, 218, 224, 232, 233, 244, 251, 256, 262, 272, 292, 313, 314, 316, 336, 337, 353, 354, 358, 371, 382, 383, 396, 399, 410, 413, 415, 418, 420, 422, 423, 424, 428, 430, 432, 434, 435, 440, 442, 448, 460, 462, 472, 473, 483, 484, 495, 496, 506, 507, 508, 510, 523, 524, 527, 531, 535, 540, 543, 547, 550, 551, 557, 561, 564, 565, 567, 571, 575, 578, 581, 589, 592, 595, 604, 607, 609. Pike, 275, 279, 286, 304. Pindar, 183. 641 Pinnegar, 56, 100. Pitcher, 234, 244, 541, 556, 583, 598. Pitman, 106, 112, 118, 126, 133, 139, 145, 152, 158, 164, 239, 248, 252, 263, 270, 273, 278, 283, 291, 295, 299, 302, 310, 326, 342, 345,.355, 357, 369, 371, 384, 397, 411, 417, 503. Pitt, 357, 371. Place, 202, 380, 505, 510, 519, 535, 539, 551, 561, 565, 575, 579, 594, 608. Pococke, 10. Pollock, 226, 352, 411, 417. Pope, 14, 15, 242, 255, 258, 275, 278. Porter, 2, 4. IPotter, 1, 3, 23, 27, 28, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 60, 61, 64, 65, 71, 73, 74, 76, 78, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 114, 115, 116, 117, 119, 120, 123, 124, 129, 130, 132, 136, 137, 138, 154, 160, 163, 167, 168, 170, 171, 172, 175, 176, 177, 179, 180, 184, 187, 190, 193, 194, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 202, 203, 204, 207, 209, 210, 213, 214, 217, 222, 224, 228, 235, 238, 241, 244, 246, 251, 254, 257, 258,:260, 261, 262, 265, 267, 268, 269, 271, 272, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 287, 288, 289, 290, 292, 293, 294, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 305, 306, 308, 310, 312, 314, 317, 318, 320, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 328, 330, 331, 333, 335, 338, 339, 343, 345, 350, 351, 355, -357, 359, 362, 363, 366, 367, 368, 369, 370, 371, 372, 376, 378, 379, 380, 386, 387, 388, 390, 392, 397, 398, 401, 404, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 414, 416, 417, 420, 422, 423, 425, 426, 430, 431, 432, 434, 435, 439, 441, 442, 443, 445, 446, 448, 449, 450, 452, 453, 454, 457, 459, 460, 461, 462, 463, 464, 465, 466, 468, 469, 471, 472, 473, 476, 478, 479, 481, 482, 483, 484, 486, 487, 490, 491, 492, 493, 494, 495, 497, 499, 501, 505, 506, 508, 509, 81 Potter- Continued. 510, 511, 514, 515, 516, 519, 521, 522, 525, 526, 527, 531, 532, 534, 535, 536, 537,^ 538, 539, 541, 542, 543, 544, 546, 547, 548, 550, 551, 552, 553, 555, 556, 557, 558, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 570, 571, 572, 575, 577, 578, 579, 580, 583, 584, 586, 589, 590, 592, 593, 594, 595, 598, 600, 601, 604, 605, 607, 610. Power, 26, 28, 29, 39, 41, 44, 46, 48, 50, 53, 56, 59, 189. Pratt, 268, 276, 279, 287, 306, 395, 408, 449. Pray, 244, 256, 388, 402, 421, 430, 440, 452, 495, 506. Prentice, 318, 337, 338, 343. Prescott, 354. Price, 342, 357, 369. Prior, 223, 228, 243, 523. - Proud, 342, 492, 493, 504, 518, 529, 545, 560, 573. Pullen, 166, 204, 215, 223, 337. Pullman, 352, 515, 525, 542, 556. Putnam, 495, 506, 512, 522, 536, 553. Ramsdale, 579, 581, 593, 608. Randall, 53, 56, 59, 60,,63, 64, 69, 70, 72, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84, 87, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 102, 103, 104, 107, 108, 109, 110, 114, 117, 121, 123, 124, 128, 129, 130, 131, 135, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 143, 147, 149, 150, 154, 155, 156, 161, 162, 168, 169, 171, 174, 177, 178, 182, 185, 186, 188, 193, 195, 198, 202, 204, 207, 209, 210, 211, 214, 217, 219, 220, 226, 230, 233, 236, 237, 239, 242, 244, 247, 256, 259, 266, 268, 282, 289, 294, 297, 298, 300, 301, 304, 307, 308, 312, 314, 317, 321, 323, 324, 328, 332, 334, 341, 350, 354, 356, 357, 642 Randall -Con tinued. 368, 371, 380, 383, 391, 406, 408, 423, 430, 432, 439, 442, 449, 474, 476, 486, 489, 490, 492, 502, 506, 512, 515, 516, 519, 525, 526, 531, 532, 539, 542, 548, 552, 556, 562, 571, 575, 576, 589, 590, 595, 603, 604, 605, 608. Rathbone, vi, 27, 30, 32, 34, 86, 89, 92, 97, 102, 108, 111, 117, 121, 129, 136, 142, 148, 154, 160, 167, 175, 189, 192, 218, 257, 258, 260, 261, 268, 277, 280, 281, 305, 319, 329, 337, 338, 520, 545, 557, 560, 563, 570, 573, 585, 588, 592, 599, 606. Rawson, 181, 183, 191, 200, 208, 237, 239 248, 252, 254, 263, 264, 295, 317, 599. Ray, vi, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41, 369, 458, 560, 574, 495, 588, 603. Razee, 331, 349, 366, 402, 506, 520. Read, 224, 231, 241, 249, 256, 259, 271, 284, 331, 337, 350, 354, 377, 388, 401, 452, 465, 476. 274, 408, Reynolds-Continued. 453, 455, 456, 457, 459, 462, 465, 466, 467, 468, 470, 473, 475, 478, 479, 481, 484, 486, 489, 490, 492, 496, 497, 500, 502, 503, 508, 511, 513, 514, 515, 517, 520, 522, 524, 525, 528, 531, 533, 536, 538, 540, 541, 542, 544, 546, 549, 552, 553, 554, 555, 557, 559, 561, 566, 567, 568, 569, 573, 575, 577, 580, 582, 583, 585, 587, 588, 589, 591, 595, 597, 598, 599, 601, 603, 606, 609. Rhodes, vi, 5, 18, 21, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 42, 43, 44, 45', 47, 48, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 68, 74, 77, 84, 87, 89, 93, 95, 98, 100, 104, 110, 116, 125, 131, 162, 172, 178, 180, 183, 186, 188, 193, 196, 198, 207, 214, 283, 291, 293, 295, 299, 302, 311, 313, 316, 327, 330, 335, 342, 346, 355, 360, 363, 372, 373, 380, 385, 392, 398, 407, 411, 414, 417, 424, 426, 433, 435, 443, 446, 451, 456, 464, 466, 468, 477, 479, 489, 500, 507, 511, 513, 514, 521, 524, 531, 532, 536, 541, 555, 569, 577, 582, 583, 590, 598, 605. Rice, 27, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 50, 51, 53, 56, 59, 60, 63, 64, 67, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 87, 88, 90, 92, 93, 94, 98, 99, 101, 103, 105, 106, 107, 109, 110 111, 113, 114, 115, 117, 119, 120, 123, 124, 131, 140, 144, 148, 151, 154, 157, 160, 163, 168, 171, 175, 179, 184, 187, 188, 194, 196, 197, 203, 204, 207, 214, 220, 230, 237, 239, 240, 247, 248, 249, 253, 264, 266, 269, 270, 273, 274, 282, 283, 284, 290, 291, 292, 295, 296, 298, 299, 300, 302, 303, 310, 311, 323, 326, 327, 334, 345, 346, 347, 348, 350, 354, 360, 361, 364, 365, 368, 373, 374, 380, 381, 385,. 391, 392, 394, 398, 406, 407, 411, 412, 417, 418, 423, 425, 426, 427, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 442, 443, 446, 451, 452, 456, 457, 463, 467, 468, 474, 475, 478, 480, 486, 489, 496, 500, 510, 521, 525, 540, 542, 554, 568, 583, 594, 595, 597, 598. 608, 609. Richards, 342, 357. Richardson, 26, 78, 80, 83, 98, 104, 110, 116, 116, 123, 130, 137, 143, 150, 156, 173, 180, 190, 199, ~208, 215, 216, 223, 231. Richmond, 5, 6, 7, 8, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 48, 52, 54, Reepe, 6. Relph, 50, 96, 101, 113, 120, 140, 147, 153, 159, 174, 182, 192, 256, 305, 321,381, 402, 421, 440, 460, 471, 482, 494, 505, 518, 530, 546, 560, 561, 574, 575, 588, 589, 603. Remington, 6, 50, 53, 56, 59, 69, 72, 86, 100, 107, 111, 128, 134, 140, 148, 223, 231, 242, 246, 255, 257, 258, 260, 267, 276, 279, 305, 338, 343, 371, 423, 432, 442, 458, 470, 471, 473, 479, 480, 482, 484, 491, 493, 503, 506, 519, 529, 531, 541, 551, 565, 566, 567, 570, 579, 581, 583, 593, 596, 597, 598, 608, 609. 110, 244, 286, 460, 492, 555, 595, Reynolds, vi, 7, 11, 42, 44, 64, 71, 91, 92, 97, 99, 102, 107, 114, 125, 138, 144, 145, 148, 152, 158, 160, 165, 173, 177, 180, 190, 198, 199, 203, 206, 210, 213, 222, 229, 230, 237, 239, 245, 247, 257, 266, 268, 271, 272, 274, 282, 285, 288, 304, 307, 314, 322, 323, 326, 333, 334, 345, 349, 358, 359, 363, 368, 372; 376, 384, 387, 390, 394, 397, 400, 404, 406, 410, 414, 416, 419, 429, 439, 446, 450, 451, 452, 643 Richmond-Continued. 57, 61, 66, 68, 75, 77, 79, 81, 84, 87, 93, 118, 124, 129, 131, 138, 142, 145, 149, 151, 155, 157, 161, 164, 168, 172, 176, 177, 180, 181, 185, 188, 189, 191, 192, 195, 199, 200, 201, 204, 208, 211, 213, 216, 219, 222, 226, 230, 241, 250, 253, 256, 259, 264, 274, 284, 305, 306, 312, 314, 316, 317, 318, 324, 325, 335, 336, 337, 344, 352, 359, 372, 376, 383, 396, 410, 415, 424, 434, 444, 450, 459, 470, 479, 481, 490, 492, 498, 503, 512, 514, 517, 523, 524, 528, 538, 539, 540, 554, 555, 561, 568, 570, 582, 583, 596, 597. Rider, 146, 152, 279, 286, 328. Ross, 48, 50, 54, 57, 60, 141, 147, 153, 159, 166, 174, 209, 217, 244, 257, 268, 270, 280, 321, 331, 349, 364, 367, 374, 377, 385, 388, 402, 403, 421, 430, 431, 440, 441, 509, 521, 534, 538, 550, 564, 578, 592, 606, 607. Rossey, 203, 215. Rounds, 140, 146, 209, 217, 222, 224, 232, 256, 259, 267, 276, 279, 287, 306, 324, 352, 402, 420, 430, 440, 495, 506, 547, 589, 604. 244, 336, 561, Riggs, 316, 336, 338, 340, 341, 376, 377. Rivers, 195. 354, 357, 366; Roberts, 225, 400, 420, 429, 439. Robbins, 488, 499, 514, 540. Robinson, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 88, 91, Roy, 308, 323, 335, 340, 351, 381, 392, 394, 407, 423, 433, 443, 463, 474. Rumreill, 200, 208, 353, -370, 381, 382, -394, 397, 425, 435, 446, 455, Russell, 59, 63, 69, 71, 116, 123, 125, 130, 137, 143, 149, 155, 161, 168, 176, 177, 181, 185, 190, 191, 195, 198, 204, 215, 223, 227, 228, 234, 250, 251, 261, 265, 272, 282, 290, 294, 298, 301, 308, 309, 324, 325, 326, 330, 335, 344, 349, 359, 363, 372, 383, 395, 396, 403, 410, 411, 412, 415, 416, 418, 424, 425, 427, 434, 435, 436, 444, 445, 447, 449, 454, 464, 475, 487, 498, 512, 523, 527, 539, 543, 554, 558, 568, 582,.584, 596. Rutenburg, 504, 518, 529, 538. 92, 114, 121, 128, 135, 141, 143, 249, 250, 251, 254, 262, 266, 269, 290, 294, 298, 302, 308, 310, 325, 342, 345, 352, 355, 357, 467, 475, 529, 538, 545, 598. 145, 241, 272, 282, 326, 335, 487, 508, Rodman, 76, 78, 80, 83, 188, 204, 215, 290, 294, 296, 298, 301, 309, 311, 325, 327, 332, 344, 346, 359, 360. Rogers, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 14, 15, 17, 23, 27, 29, 31, 33, 36, 39, 42, 44, 50, 54, 56, 57, 60, 65, 71, 82, 89, 94, 97, 102, 105, 108, 112, 118, 119, 123, 129, 132, 135, 136, 141, 142, 148, 160, 172, 173, 175, 180, 184, 188, 189, 190, 197, 198, 199, 206, 208, 239, 240, 242, 248, 249, 252, 253, 263, 270, 273, 283, 291, 295, 299, 302, 310, 315, 326, 341, 345, 373, 385, 395, 398, 409, 434, 437, 440, 444, 448, 449, 453, 516, 527, 543, 558, 571, 582, 585, 596, 597, 599. Rose, 86, 177, 199, 203, 215, 223, 228, 235, 255, 258, 279, 286, 290, 294. Salisbury, 224, 226, 233, 245, 259, 419, 429, 430, 438, 439, 440, 451, 456, 478, 489, 560, 574, 582, 588, 594, 609. Sampson, 451, 456, 467, 471, 477, 482, 493, 499, 514. 421, 428, 461, 467, 601, 602, 488, 492, Sands, 5, 19, 23, 86, 89, 95, 100, 152, 158, 164, 172, 180, 190, 231, 296, 299, 303, 305, 319, 323, 326, 329, 332, 333, 342, 348, 351, 458, 462, 466, 470, 480, 484, 491, 503, 508, 517, 527, 544, 558, 572, 586, 600. Sanford, vi, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 644 Sanford- Continued. 66, 67, 69, 74, 77, 79, 81, 84, 87, 93, 95, 98, 99, 104, 105, 110, 116, 124, 130, 131, 137, 138, 143, 144, 151, 157, 163, 172, 179, 188, 197, 199, 207, 208, 213, 216, 222, 230, 237, 240, 241, 243, 248, 249, 254, 255, 258, 264, 266, 270, 271, 274, 284, 292, 296,-419, 428, 438, 470, 481, 503, 517, 529, 533, 538, 545, 549, 559, 563, 573, 577, 587, 591, 601. Saunders, 6, 9, 11, 12, 19, 20, 21, 22, 31, 33, 35, 38, 91, 97, 102, 108, 114, 116, 122, 124, 128, 135, 141, 147, 154, 167, 178, 183, 187, 190, 193, 194, 196, 199, 203, 206, 210, 215, 218, 223, 225, 226, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 236, 252, 257, 260, 263, 300, 303, 307, 311, 314, 321, 327, 332, 346, 351, 367, 378, 389, 403, 404, 405, 421, 422, 431, 432, 441, 442, 450, 451, 455, 462, 465, 476, 549, 559, 563, 573, 577, 587, 591, 601, 605. Savage, 48. Sawdry, 267. Sawyer, 112, 115, 122. Sayer, 130, 266, 279, 286, 316, 337, 342, 357, 369, 371, 524, 540, 555, 569. Sayles, 3, 4, 34, 36, 39, 41,42,44, 50, 53, 58, 60, 62, 66, 68, 79, 81, 84, 88, 93, 99, 104, 110, 117, 124, 131, 138, 144, 147, 150, 153, 157, 159, 163, 165, 166, 171, 173, 174, 182, 192, 200, 229, 232, 236, 237, 240, 249, 253, 254, 256, 259, 263, 267, 270, 274, 275, 276, 279, 284, 287, 303, 317, 339, 341, 349, 366, 370, 383, 387, 401, 414, 439, 449, 460, 466, 468, 477, 480, 482, 483, 488, 489, 493, 495, 500, 505, 506, 515, 519, 520, 525, 531, 532, 541, 547, 556, 561, 562, 569, 575, 576, 580, 589, 590, 596, 603. Schrieve, 133, 146, 158, 164, 172. Schrivens, 209, 217. Scott, 23, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36, 39, 41, 42, 59, 63, 69, 70, 89, 93, 97, 99, 103, 109, 111, 112, 115, 123, 130, 136, 142, 149, 152, 155, 161, Scott-Continued. 169, 177, 185, 189, 195, 204, 211, 219, 227, 234, 235, 238, 247, 250, 251, 262, 266, 269, 272, 273, 377, 394, 460, 471, 482, 593, 608. Scranton, 171. Seabury, 126, 133, 313. Seager, 171, 179, 187, 253, 322, 332, 333, 478, 489, 500, 507, 514, 525, 534, 541, 555, 583, 598, Seamans, 330, 349, 359, 460, 472, 482, 483, 491, 495, 501, 506, 516, 526, 531, 543, 547, 557, 561, 571, 575, 585, 599. Searle, 132,138,144,151, 157, 163, 172, 174, 179, 182, 188, 192, 201, 209, 217, 244, 254, 264, 272, 274, 276, 278, 279, 281, 284, 286, 289, 306, 337, 346, 356, 360, 362, 387, 433, 436, 447, 449, 464, 487, 497, 502, 516, 584, 588,. 602. Sears, 315, 329, 466. Seaver, 505, 518, 530, 538, 546, 560, 574. Senter, 340, 375, 386, 400, 413, 419, 428, 437, 527, 543, 558, 571, 585, 600. Sessions, 573, 588, 602. Shaw, 152, 159, 165, 181, 214, 242, 267, 276, 313, 334, 343, 350, 353, 443, 479, 576, 590. Shean, 190. Sheehan, 203. Sheffield, 13, 14,15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, 31, 33, 39, 42, 44, 50, 54, 57, 59, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 72, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 83, 85, 153, 154, 160, 165, 167, 172, 179, 187, 189, 193, 195, 199, 202, 208, 211, 213, 215, 218, 238, 242, 252, 274, 277, 307, 321, 332, 351, 358, 364, 367, 374, 385, 398, 500, 550, 564, 578, 592, 606. Sheldon, 62, 66, 68, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84, 88, 90, 91, 93, 96, 98, 104, 107, 111, 113, 117, 119, 645 Sheldon —Continued. 120, 124, 125, 130, 131, 132, 137, 143, 156, 162, 167, 175, 183, 187, 192, 197, 229, 230, 232, 237, 240, 241, 249, 254, 263, 268, 270, 271, 273, 283, 291, 299, 305, 306, 321, 331, 335, 339, 341, 350, 354, 355, 357, 364, 367, 369, 371, 373, 385, 387, 388, 393, 396, 398, 400, 402, 417, 426, 437, 439, 447, 453, 457, 462, 466, 467, 468, 473, 477, 479, 484, 485, 490, 492, 493, 501, 506, 509, 512, 515, 519, 523, 525, 526, 527, 531, 534, 538, 542, 543, 550, 554, 556, 558, 568, 569, 572, 578, 584, 585, 592, 595, 599, 600, 610. Sheperd, 259. Sheperdson, 293, 297, 300, 304, 312, 328, 361, 374, 386, 399, 412, 418, 427, 437, 502, 526, 542, 556, 571, 584, 599. Sherbourne, 112, 118, 126, 133, 139, 145, 152, 164, 165, 181, 191, 200, 208, 216, 230, 246, 255, 258, 266, 275, 278, 338, 426, 437, 449, 466, 467, 477, 488, 499, 513, 540, 555, 569, 583, 597. 150, 215, 260, 303, 352, 377, 411, 464, 487, 516, 539, 571, 607, 365, 516, 158, 242, 435, 524, Simmons, 133, 140, 146, 152, 158, 165, 173, 181, 199, 208, 215, 223, 231, 232, 255, 258, 259, 279, 286, 304, 3i3, 319, 329, 336, 343, 348, 361, 365, 366, 370, 371, 374, 376, 382, 386, 389, 393, 399, 405, 412, 418, 419, 427, 436, 438, 447, 452, 457, 458, 468, 479, 481, 490, 492, 501, 503, 515, 517, 526, 528, 542, 556, 557. Simon, 255. Simpson, 118, 126, 133, 139, 145, 152, 158, 164. Sinkins, 560, 573. Sisson, vi, 14, 15, 143, 172, 202, 208, 218, 223, 231, 242; 269, 278, 480, 507, 509, 514, 521, 524, 533, 534, 550, 555, 563, 564, 572, 578, 586, 606, 607. Skelton, 532. 210, 215, 491, 500, 541, 549, 592, 601, Slack, 201, 207, 209, 213, 221, 236, 240, 316, 348, 362, 364, 373, 385, 398, 412, 428, 436. Slater, 607. 249, 417, Sherman, vii, 45, 51, 54, 57, 60, 64, 71, 73, 84, 87, 95, 100, 105, 108, 118, 124, 128, 130, 132, 135, 138, 141, 147, 148, 154, 160, 167, 177, 189, 190, 191, 198, 199, 202, 210, 217, 221, 225, 227, 229, 235, 238, 240, 242, 247, 248, 251, 252, 262, 263, 266, 267, 268, 270, 273, 279, 283, 285, 291, 295, 299, 302, 303, 310, 311, 316, 322, 327, 333, 346, 360, 364, 365, 366, 373, 375, 385, 389, 390, 396, 398, 404, 405, 406, 410, 411, 412, 415, 417, 419, 422, 425, 426, 428, 431, 432, 434, 435, 436, 438, 441, 442, 446, 449, 451, 452, 456, 458, 459, 462, 467, 469, 470, 473, 478, 481, 484, 488, 489, 492, 499, 500, 502, 508, 514, 517, 522, 524, 525, 527, 533, 534, 536, 541, 549, 553, 555, 563, 566, 577, 591, 598, 606. Sherwood, 212, 295. Shippee, 56, 197, 206, 213, 221, 229, 240, 249, 253, 263, 270, 274, 283, 292, 296, 299. Short, 376, 406, 419, 428, 438, 459,470, 481, 529, 545, 559, 573, 587, 602. Sloaghter, 585, 599. Slocum, 14, 17, 22, 86, 88, 89, 95, 99, 104, 105, 111, 112, 116, 118, 126,130, 133, 137, 139, 146, 152, 158, 162, 164, 172, 178, 180, 186, 190, 196, 199, 204, 206, 208, 212, 214, 215, 221, 223, 229, 236, 240, 248,-252, 257, 263, 267, 270, 271, 273, 276, 279, 283, 286, 291, 295, 299, 302, 305, 317, 319, 329, 340, 341, 343, 348, 366, 382, 409, 606. Sly, 101, 106,113,120,127, 134,140, 146,179, 187, 197, 206, 213, 221, 229, 240, 249, 263. Smith, i, Vi, vii, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 42, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 62, 64, 65, 66, 67, 69, 70, 74, 75, 70, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 90, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 99, 101, 103, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, ~ 646 Smith-Continued. 110, 111, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 124, 125, 126, 127, 131, 132, 133, 134, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 143, 144, 146, 147, 150, 151, 152, 153, 156, 157, 159, 161, 162, 163, 166, 169, 171, 173, 174, 178, 179, 182, 186, 187, 192, 196, 197, 198, 199, 201, 204, 205, 206, 209, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 220, 221, 224, 225, 229. 232, 233, 236, 237, 240, 243, 244, 246, 249, 253, 256, 259, 263, 264, 265, 267, 270, 271, 272, 274, 276, 278, 279, 281, 282, 284, 286, 287, 288, 289, 292, 296, 299, 303, 305, 307, 308, 312, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 320, 321, 523, 324, 236, 327, 331, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 345, 346, 349, 350, 352, 353, 357, 359, 360, 363, 364, 367, 369, 372, 373, 377, 378, 380, 381, 384, 388, 393, 397, 398, 401, 402, 407, 410, 412, 414, 416, 417, 418, 420, 421, 425, 427, 430, 433, 434, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 445, 446, 447, 452, 453, 456, 460, 461, 467, 469, 471, 472, 478, 480, 481, 482, 483, 486, 488, 489, 494, 495, 498, 500, 505, 506, 513, 515, 519, 520, 522, 524, 526, 530, 531, 532, 537, 540, 541, 545, 546, 549, 554, 557, 560, 561, 563, 567, 568, 569, 571, 573, 574, 581, 582, 583, 584, 588, 589, 597, 602, 603, 609, 610. Smiton, 6. Snell, 459, 470, 481, 484, 599. Spaulding, 316, 393, 400. Spear, 9, 176, 190, 203, 215, 223, 520, 531. Spencer, 9, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 59, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 84, 87, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 99, 102, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 110, 111, 113, 117, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 127, 130, 131, 134, 137, 140, 143, 144, 148, 150, 155, 156, 160, 163, 168, 169, 175, 178, 184, 186, 188, 194, 196, 197, 202, 205, 206, 207, 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, 218, 219, 220, 223, 226, 228, 231, 234, 235, 237, 238, 239, 242, 245, 247, 249, 251, 253, 255, 257, 258, 260, 264, 268, 269, 270, 271, 274, 282, 285, 300, 303, 311, 318, 323, 334, 350, 351, 368, 380, 384, 385, 392, 397, 410, 416, 425, 434, 456, 468, 478, 489, 491, 500, 510, 514, 515, 525, 541, 5421 551, 556, 365, 582, 584, 600, 609. Spink, 39, 42, 45, 51, 53, 86, 102, 111, 167, 168, 174, 175, 184, 194, 197, 211, 213, 219, 240, 248, 252, 270, 285, 315, 333, 405, 423, 432, 441, 509, 521, 534, 550, 564. 154, 160, 202, 206, 280, 283, 442, 485, Snow, 130, 137, 143, 150, 156, 162, 170, 186, 196, 205, 212,'221, 229, 232, 236, 243, 248, 252, 256, 259, 263, 330, 342, 357, 366, 371, 376, 377, 387, 394, 395, 401, 420, 429, 430, 439, 492, 493, 504, 545, 560, 573, 574, 588, 602. 176, 239, 355, 400, 518, Soule, 90, 95, 101, 106, 107, 112, 119, 124, 126, 131, 133, 138, 139, 144, 150, 151, 163, 165, 168, 171, 179, 181, 187, 191, 197, 200, 206, 208, 213, 216, 221, 240, 249, 263, 279, 286, 292,304, 329, 366. Southwick, 326, 346, 347, 356, 384, 397, 411, 413, 417, 419, 428, 448. J Southworth, 214,.222, 230, 237, 241, 250, 254, 267, 271, 313, 375, 405, 438, 529, 545, 559, 573, 587. Spooner, 105, 112, 118, 119, 125, 133, 139, 145, 152, 158, 164, 191, 199, 200, 215, 216, 242, 243, 246, 255, 258, 266, 275, 286, 289, 305, 309, 324, 329, 336, 339, 503, 523, 536, 553, 567, 596. Sprague, 11, 13, 14, 17, 29, 31, 33, 50, 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 62, 66, 68, 75, 77, 79, 81, 140, 146, 153, 159, 165, 166, 196, 201, 206, 209, 217, 232, 254, 365, 267, 275, 305, 314, 320, 330, 349, 366, 367, 376, 387, 400, 401, 412, 418, 427, 437, 440, 447, 459, 471, 482, 506, 561,575, 589, 603. Springer, 336, 341, 343, 358, 369, 371. Spurr, 314, 324, 537, 552. Stafford, vi, 23, 34, 37, 39, 42, 48, 50, 51, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 63, 66, 67, 69, 72, 75, I 647 Stafford-Continued. 77, 88, 89, 90, 93, 94, 95, 98, 99, 100, 101, 104, 105, 110, 111, 112, 113, 116, 117, 119, 120, 126, 127, 131, 134, 137, 140, 143, 148, 149, 150, 154, 156, 160, 161, 168, 175, 184, 185, 194, 202, 203, 210, 211, 213, 215, 218, 219, 222, 226, 230, 237, 245, 246, 254, 258, 264, 267, 271, 274, 276, 279, 286, 305, 307, 323, 332, 334, 341, 350, 351, 367, 368, 380, 391, 406, 418, 423, 427, 432, 435, 437, 446, 447, 451, 463, 474, 485, 532, 535, 538, 539, 548, 551, 562, 565, 576, 579, 590, 593, 605. Stall, 538. Stanhope, 503. Stanton, vi, 21, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 41, 44, 46, 48, 49, 50, 54, 57, 60, 64, 65, 67, 71, 73, 74, 76, Steere-Continued. 229, 235, 237, 240, 249, 251, 253, 254, 262, 264, 266, 267, 272, 277, 282, 289, 294, 298, 301, 309, 325, 344, 359, 363, 372, 383, 396, 398, 410, 412, 415, 425, 434, 445, 449, 450, 455, 464, 465, 476, 487, 489, 497, 498, 500, 512, 513, 515, 520, 522, 523, 526, 530, 536, 539, 541, 546, 548, 552, 557, 561, 562, 566, 569, 575, 580, 585, 589, 594, 596, 598, 603, 610. Stelle, 172, 180, 190, 223, 336, 339, 341. Sterry, 113, 115, 122, 170, 314, 338. Stetson, 507. Steuben, 433. 78, 80, 82, 83, 86, 91, 92, 98, 99, 109, 110, 123, 129, 136, 142, 148, 178, 179, 187, 203, 217, 225, 226, 245, 246, 249, 253, 264, 269, 271, 297, 300, 304, 312, 315, 318, 328, 340, 341, 342, 352, 354, 358, 361, 374, 378, 381, 386, 389, 391, 394, 405, 412, 413, 414, 418, 421, 422, 432, 434, 440, 442, 445, 448, 450, 455, 458, 462, 467, 469, 473, 476, 487, 499, 507, 509, 513, 523, 533, 103, 104, 164, 171, 233, 241, 284, 293, 332, 337, 365, 371, 399, 403, 427, 430, 452, 454, 480, 485, 534, 538, Stiles, 240. Stillman, 102, 108, 114, 232, 255, 257, 260, 321, 332, 351, 367, 378, 389, 403, 421, 440, 441, 448, 451, 454, 456, 461, 467, 478, 484, 489, 495, 507, 532, 533, 548, 577, 590, 605. 277, 431, 473, 563, 540, 550, 554, 568, 578, 583, 592, 597. Staples, 276, 482, 545. Starkweather, 189. States, 270. Steadman, 92, 97, 102, 108, 121, 128, 136, 142, 148, 154, 268, 277, 280, 288, 368, 380, 390, 394, 404, 422, 431, 441, 462, 484, 508, 509, 534, 550, 564, 578, 592, 606. Stevens, 5, 69, 71, 228, 336, 339, 355. Steere, 37, 39, 42, 44, 55, 80, 81, 84, 88, 94, 99, 104, 110, 117, 124, 131, 138, 139, 142, 144, 149, 150, 155, 157, 161, 163, 169, 171, 177, 179, 183, 186, 187, 192, 193, 195, 197, 201, 204, 206, 207, 211, 213, 220, 221, 224, 227, Stillwill, 325, 335, 337, 532, 547, 562. Stockford, 596. Stoddard, 253, 264, 266, 271, 274, 279, 282, 284, 286, 289, 292, 294, 296, 298, 300, 301, 303, 309, 312, 328, 347, 352, 357, 361, 365, 374, 386, 436, 447. Stone, 113, 277, 327, 347, 361, 365, 371, 374, 385, 398, 409, 412, 418, 420, 423, 427, 429, 433, 436, 439, 443, 446, 452, 457, 459, 463, 468, 471, 478, 479, 490, 495, 500, 506, 515, 518, 522, 525, 529, 531, 537, 542, 543, 545, 547, 551, 553, 556, 557, 562, 667,-569, 570, 575, 580, 584, 589, 595, 598, 604, 609, 610. Stoneman, 198, 203, 215, 223. Straight, 115, 122, 307, 351. Streeter, 330, 377, 401, 402, 421, 430, 440, 461, 648 Streeter-Continued. 472, 483, 495, 506, 520, 532, 547, 562, 576, 590. Studson, 28, 29, 31, 33, 35, 38, 41, 45, 46, 47, 49, 52, 55, 58, 62, 66, 68. Stutson, 75, 79, 80, 82, 89. Sullivan, 369. S umner, 339, 340, 357. Sunderland, 226, 233, 253, 264, 274, 284, 413, 418, 428, 436, 446, 452, 457, 462, 468, 473, 476, 479, 484, 487, 496, 499, 508, 513, 520, 536, 542, 552, 557, 566, 581. Swan, 339, 341, 557, 571, 584. Sweet, 51, 53, 56, 59, 60, 63, 66, 68, 69, 75, 77, 79, 81, 84, 88, 93, 102, 103, 106, 107, 108, 111, 113, 121, 127, 135, 141, 149, 154, 155, 160, 161, 168, 173, 179, 184, 194, 202, 210, 211, 213, 217, 218, 219, 221, 226, 233, 234, 240, 249, 258, 260, 270, 271, 281, 285, 289, 292, 293, 296, 299, 300, 304, 305, 307, 320, 322, 333, 336, 340, 342, 350, 367, 368, 378, 388, 393, 423, 433, 443, 447, 452, 453, 456, 457, 463, 468, 469, 474, 478, 479, 484, 485, 489, 505, 506, 510, 519, 520, 531, 547, 551, 550, 562, 565, 566, 579, 606. Sweeting, 116, 263. Swinbourne, 203, 223. Sylvester, 100, 105, 106, 116, 150, 156, 162, 170, 178, 186, 196, 205, 212, 221, 229. Taggart-Continued. 411, 416, 445, 491, 503, 512, 523, 526, 527, 542, 545, 570, 584, 599. Talbee, 177, 190, 199, 203, 601. Talbot, 338, 343, 370, 381, 411, 416. Tallman, 4, 54, 57, 61, 66, 67, 74, 77, 79, 181, 191, 200, 208, 216, 236, 315, 330, 331, 335, 336, 339, 340, 341. Tanner, 102, 108, 112, 118, 133, 139, 145, 147, 152, 158, 164, 193, 194, 198, 202, 217, 233, 236, 253, 254, 257, 260, 265, 268, 278, 281, 288, 293, 297, 339, 353, 383, 396, 410, 416, 418, 422, 425, 427, 431, 441, 446, 447, 448, 458, 463, 469, 474, 478, 486, 489, 496, 500, 507, 508, 514, 515, 521, 525, 533, 535, 548, 551, 563, 565, 577, 579, 593, 607. Tarbox, 245. Tayer, 189, 208, 216, 313. Taylor, 8, 68, 77, 81, 83, 89, 93, 98, 103, 108, 110, 111, 118, 123, 125, 129, 136, 137, 138, 139, 143, 150, 156, 157, 163, 170, 172, 178, 179, 186, 187, 188, 196, 197, 198, 205, 206, 207, 210, 212, 214, 216, 222, 224, 228, 229, 231, 232, 234, 235, 242, 244, 249, 253, 257, 264, 274, 277, 284, 285, 291, 292, 295, 296, 300, 302, 303, 312, 322, 325, 328, 333, 347, 348, 352, 359, 360, 363, 369, 372, 381, 384, 387, 389, 391, 392, 393, 397, 403, 405, 407, 411, 414, 417, 419, 421, 424, 429, 432, 436, 439, 442, 443, 444, 449, 451, 453, 456, 458, 459, 461, 463, 473, 475, 477, 481, 484, 485, 486, 488, 492, 496, 497, 499, 502, 503, 507, 509, 512, 513, 522, 524, 532, 534, 537, 538, 542, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 552, 553, 556, 559, 561, 562, 563, 564, 565, 566, 570, 573, 577, 578, 579, 581, 582, 583, 590, 591, 592, 593, 594, 597, 602, 605, 607, 610. 105, 132, 162, 189, 213, 233, 270, 299, 335, 378, 400, 423, 447, 470, 491, 511, 540, 555, 569, 587, 606, Tabor, 118, 125, 132, 138, 144, 152, 157, 172, 179, 188, 197, 203, 213, 215, 222, 257, 260, 267, 271, 296, 300, 303, 311, 363, 365, 372, 374, 375, 383, 386, 396, 412, 415, 418, 424, 427, 434, 436, 447, 457, 468, 480, 490, 498, 501, 512, 515, 523, 526, 539, 542, 554, 556, 568, 571, 584, 596, 599. 163, 230, 347, 410, 452, 518, 582, Teel, 602. Tefft, 92, 97, 99, 102, 104, 108, 110, 114, 117, Taggart, 363, 372, 383, 396, 397, 408, 409, 410, 649 Tefft-Continued. 121, 122, 124, 129, 131, 136, 137, 138, 144, 145, 148, 150, 151, 154, 156, 157, 163, 164, 167, 168, 171, 172, 175, 179, 187, 188, 197, 198, 206, 207, 213, 214, 221, 222, 228, 229, 236, 239, 241, 247, 250, 253, 254, 263, 271, 273, 275, 281, 284, 288, 293, 297, 300, 311, 315, 322, 327^, 333, 346, 352, 360, 361, 364, 365, 369, 373, 374, 380, 381, 385, 386, 390, 392, 398, 399, 404, 405, 407, 411, 412, 418, 422, 426, 427, 431, 436, 437, 441, 446, 447, 451, 453, 456, 457, 462, 468, 473, 478, 479, 484, 489, 490, 500, 501, 511, 514, 516, 523, 525, 534, 540, 541, 550, 554, 555, 556, 568, 571, 578, 583, 592, 597, 599, 606, 607. 142, 160, 180, 218, 248, 283, 323, 368, 391, 417, 442, 469, 509, 542, 584, Tennant, 313, 354, 473, 485, 496, 509, 521, 534. Terry, 5. Tew, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 100, 105, 106, 112, 118, 131, 138, 176, 190, 199, 203, 215, 228, 235, 251, 266, 267, 272, 273, 282, 283, 286, 289, 291, 294, 295, 298, 299, 301, 302, 309, 310, 313, 317, 325, 337, 338, 343, 344, 381, 503, 517, 527, 528, 538, 543, 545, 558, 559, 572, 573, 586, 587, 602. Thayer, 259, 308, 314, 324, 343, 353, 400, 403, 409, 421, 430, 440, 454, 459, 471, 492, 504, 511, 538, 552, 553. Thomas, 42, 44, 51, 54, 57, 58, 62, 65, 66, 68, 71, 73, 75, 77, 78, 79, 81, 82, 84, 85, 91, 92, 97,.102, 114, 115, 121, 128, 129, 133, 135, 136, 139, 142, 144, 146, 147, 150, 152, 156, 158, 162, 171, 179, 202, 210, 218, 250, 252, 257, 263, 270, 273, 283, 285, 291, 295, 299, 303, 311, 318, 322, 327, 333, 337, 346, 348, 354, 358, 360, 364, 368, 369, 370, 371, 385, 398, 405, 408, 411, 416, 417, 426, 435, 438, 441, 444, 445, 446, 451, 456, 466, 467, 470, 473, 478, 489, 499, 500, 502, 509, 513, 514, 517, 521, 524, 525, 528, 540, 541, 545, 549, 550, 554, 555, 559, 563, 564, 568, 578, 583, 587, 592, 597, 598, 601. Thompson, 17, 18, 22, 24, 26, 27, 30, 32, 34, 37, 38, 39, 82 Thompson-Continued. 49, 42, 45, 50, 54, 57, 122, 128, 135, 141, 147, 154, 160, 167, 174, 183, 193, 201, 212, 232, 240, 244, 246, 283, 285, 288, 307, 308, 321, 324, 330, 335, 339, 340, 341, 343, 352, 353, 354, 362, 369, 385, 387, 391, 398, 405, 412, 417, 422, 426, 432, 442, 445, 450, 455, 466, 477, 553. Thornton, 32, 53, 56, 59, 63, 66, 67, 69, 70, 74, 77, 78, 80, 82, 85, 87, 166, 173, 181, 182, 191, 200, 224, 225, 228, 231, 262, 272, 314, 320, 387, 506, 507, 509, 512, 520, 522, 537, 553, 562, 563, 564, 568, 575, 589, 603. Throope, 112, 116, 118, 123, 126, 130, 133, 137, 139, 143, 146, 149, 152, 156, 158, 164, 169, 178, 186, 195, 205, 212, 227, 230, 235, 237, 247, 248, 251, 257, 260, 262, 266, 272, 282,. 290, 295, 334, 349, 356, 368, 376, 406. Thurber, 167, 173, 181, 200, 236, 252, 255, 259, 265, 330, 477, 488, 499, 514, 524, 527, 540, 543, 555, 570. Thurston, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 26, 28, 29, 58, 84, 88,. 94, 99, 105, 125, 126, 133, 140, 158, 162,. 170, 172, 178, 180, 186, 190, 191, 198, 205,. 212, 220, 233, 235, 245, 248, 257, 260, 262, 266, 269, 273, 283, 289, 291, 298, 302, 307, 310, 321, 328, 332, 340, 346, 351, 367, 375, 379, 385, 389, 398, 405, 411, 414, 417, 422, 426, 435, 451, 456, 466, 477, 465, 496, 503, 531, 533, 534, 535, 548, 550, 576, 577, 578, 582, 590, 592, 596, 605, 606, 609. Tibbetts, 9, 11, 15, 63, 68, 69, 72, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 90, 110, 117, 124, 131, 202, 211, 233,, 245, 269, 281, 288, 289, 307, 355, 569. Tiffany, 237, 271, 565, 579, 593, 607 -Tilley, 503, 544, 558, 572, 586, 600' Tillinghast, vi, vii, 11, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 37, 40, 41, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 52, 53, 58, 85, 88, 90, 93, 95, 114, 120, 121, 130, 174, 182, 192, 193, 197, 206, 211, 213, 229, 230, 234, 236, 237, 248, 253, 258, 261, 264, 278, 282, 285, 293, 296, 300, 303, 308, 309, 311, 312, 316, 326, 327, 334, 335, 337, 340,, 650 Tillinghast-Conti nued. 343, 345, 346, 350, 351, 352, 353, 355, 356, 359, 360, 361, 363, 364, 365, 368, 372, 373, 374, 379, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 391, 393, 394, 396, 397, 398, 406, 407, 409, 410, 414, 415, 416, 418, 422, 424, 427, 431, 433, 434, 436, 441, 443, 444, 449, 453, 475, 486, 487, 493, 498, 500, 501, 504, 512, 522, 523, 524, 529, 537, 539, 540, 545, 551, 553, 554, 555, 557, 559, 565, 567, 568, 570, 573, 579, 580, 581, 583, 585, 593, 594, 597, 598, 599, 607, 608. Tinkham, 244, 253, 264. Tisdale, 123, 124, 133. Tobey, 223. Tompkins, 304, 542, 556, 571, 584, 599. Topham, 313, 343, 351, 357, 358, 369, 374, 370, 382, 384, 393, 394, 395. Torrey, 5, 6, 7. Tosh, 41, 44, 50, 53, 55, 59, 63, 69, 72. Totten, 516, 525, 534, 538, 541, 550, 556, 564, 578. Tourgee, 225, 233. Tourtellot, 70, 72, 104, 117, 124, 131, 138, 144, 151, 153, 179, 187, 197, 206, 213, 308, 314, 318, 324, 337, 357, 371, 389, 402, 477, 488, 499, 541, 557, 569, 585. Tower, 114, 120, 128, 141, 147, 153, 159, 166, 174, 182, 192, 201, 209, 217, 225, 232, 244, 256, 259, 268, 277, 280, 287, 314, 321, 356, 377, 402, 440, 461, 472, 483. Townsend, 12, 87, 89, 300, 304, 312, 328, 339, 342, 386, 399, 413, 418, 427, 437, 447, 453, 457, 465, 467, 469, 477, 479, 488, 491, 499, 502, 513, 526, 543, 557, 569, 584, 599. Traffan, 336, 341, 358, 371, 394, 395, 408. Trask, 259, 331, 349, 366, 377, 388, 401, 419, 429, 439, 460, 530, 539, 546, 560. rripp, 1, 9, 46, 48, 66, 68, 75, 79, 81, 84, 88, 89 92, 93, 95, 97, 98, 99, 104, 105, 110, 111, 116, 124, 130, 131, 137, 138, 144, 151, 163, 171, 184, 187, 188, 197, 199, 203, 204, 206, 213, 215, 223, 241, 249, 256, 259, 263, 265, 266, 268, 270, 273, 275, 277, 280, 292, 293, 296, 297, 300, 303, 304, 305, 311, 312, 313, 327, 328, 329, 346, 361, 365, 374, 438, 447, 452. Tree, 197. Truman, 324, 385, 411, 417, 426, 435, 446. Tucker, 109, 259, 260, 277, 280, 377. Turner, vi, 5, 16, 89, 97, 117, 182, 289, 339, 343, 348, 352, 458, 461, 472, 483. Turpin, 141, 467, 477, 488, 499, 514. Tweedy, 450, 451, 455. Tyler, 110, 117, 124, 131, 138, 141, 144, 147, 151, 153, 157, 164, 224, 250, 264, 274, 292, 297, 300, 304, 306, 312, 318, 319, 328, 343, 361, 365, 367, 374, 378, 385, 386, 388, 398, 399, 413, 418, 427, 428, 433, 437, 447, 453, 457, 458, 466, 467, 469, 477, 479, 488, 491, 499, 501, 514, 515, 516, 524, 525, 526, 540, 543, 545, 554, 555, 559, 568, 570, 576, 582, 583, 596, 597, 598, 610. Underhill, 2. Underwood, 23, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36, 39, 44, 50, 53, 55, 59, 63, 224, 231, 242, 255, 258, 272, 282, 289, 294, 298, 301, 319, 325, 344, 345, 355, 359, 363, 372, 383, 396, 580. Updike, 15, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49, 81, 87, 92, 268, 353, 370, 393, 404, 466, 477, 489, 500, 508, 514, 525, 533, 541, 549, 555, 563, 570, 577, 583, 591, 605. Usher, 185, 195, 197, 204, 206, 211, 213, 219, 222, 235, 290, 295, 316, 416, 425, 434, 445, 452, 457, 468, 479, 490, 501, 515. 651 Vandoorn. 292. Varnum, 309, 314, 338, 339, 344, 373, 375, 384, 386, 394, 397, 413, 416, 419, 428, 437, 445, 448, 453. Vars, 319, 329. Vaughan, 90,'96, 97, 101, 102, 108, 113, 122, 126, 127, 134, 155, 161, 168, 175, 176, 179, 181, 184, 187, 194, 197, 202, 206, 213, 221, 225, 226, 229, 233, 234, 238, 240, 249, 260, 281, 289, 294, 297, 301, 306, 307, 322, 333, 336, 351, 353, 368, 370, 379, 390, 398, 474, 485, 500, 514, 525, 541, 549, 555, 556, 560, 564, 570, 577, 591, 598, 605. Vernon, 10, 47, 245. Viall, 316, 319, 388, 402, 408, 409, 421, 430, 440, 459, 461, 470, 472, 483, 495, 507, 520, 532. Vickery, 255, 258. Vincent, 270, 273. Vinson, 555. Vose, 280, 311, 411, 417, 426. Wade, 367, 377, 388, 394, 402, 421, 430, 440, 447, 452, 456, 469, 478, 489, 494, 500, 505, 515, 519, 526, 531, 541, 546, 557, 569, 576, 585, 590, 598, 605. Waite (See Waight, Weight, also), 323, 334, 351, 352, 368, 369, 379, 381, 385, 390, 392, 398, 404, 407, 412, 418, 427, 436, 448, 449, 450, 454,. 455, 464, 465, 475, 486, 489, 497, 500, 511, 514, 522, 525, 536, 537, 541, 552, 554, 555, 566, 568, 580, 583, 595, 597, 599. Walcott, 232, 277, 280, 287, 341, 357, 440, 461, 472, 483, 493, 495, 505, 506, 518, 520, 530, 532, 548, 562. Waldron, 233, 237, 269, 278, 281, 347, 361, 434, 445, 501, 515, 526, 542, 556, 609. Walker, 53, 93, 166, 174, 179, 182, 187, 192, 193, 201, 206, 209, 217, 255, 258, 367, 378, 388, 460, 471, 472, 482, 483, 494, 504, 505, 518, 519, 530, 532, 538, 546, 547, 562, 574, 576, 588, 589, 590, 603, 604. Wall, 190,198, 203, 285, 292, 296, 300, 303, 311, 327, 340, 347, 354, 358, 371, 381, 392. Wallace, 315, 318, 324, 336. Wallen, 256, 259, 315, 336, 338. Walton, 87, 93, 99, 116, 124, 129, 131, 136, 142, 143, 150, 156, 169, 178, 186, 196, 205. Wanton, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 27, 29, 31, 33, 36, 38, 41, 43, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 57, 58, 61, 62, 65, 66, 67, 68, 75, 99, 100, 112, 172, 180, 190, 191, 198, 199, 200, 207, 215, 227, 235, 239, 251, 262, 272, 290, 315, 317, 324, 345, 455, 459, 465, 466, 476, 528. Ward, vi, 9, 10, 11, 22, 26, 31, 33, 38, 40, 43, 46, 47, 83, 87, 89, 93,-98, 99, 104, 110, 111. 116, 122, 123, 129, 130, 136, 137, 142, 143, 149, 150, 152, 155, 156, 162, 170, 178, 186, 188, 189, 19.6, 198, 205, 212, 221, 227, 229, 235, 236, 239, 248, 250, 252, 263, 265, 269, 273, 283, 291, 295, 299, 302, 309, 310, 314, 317, 326, 339, 343, 345, 347, 353, 360, 362, 364, 370, 373, 375, 382, 384, 397, 411, 416, 425, 435, 445, 446, 513, 569. Wardwell, 165, 170, 173, 180, 190, 203, 210, 237, 241, 249, 481, 493, 503, 528, 537, 538, 544, 559, 573, 581, 595, 597, 609. Wares, 357, 371. Warner, 1, 2, 40, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 54, 57, 59, 61, 85, 89, 90, 95, 101, 106, 119, 124, 127, 131, 134, 137, 140, 143, 146, 153, 159, 164, 171, 178, 183, 185, 186, 194, 196, 202, 206, 210, 212, 218, 221, 229, 236, 238, 240, 245, 248, 268, 270, 273, 277, 280, 283, 287, 652 Warner-Continued. 291, 295, 298, 312, 328, 330, 342, 357, 366, 371, 376, 377, 406, 453, 457, 468, 474, 479, 482, 485, 488, 490, 492, 499, 502, 511, 514, 516, 518, 521, 526, 536, 542, 556, 571, 581, 595, 599, 609. Warren, 109, 189, 203, 215, 223, 228. Warwick, Earl of, vii. Washington, 395, 610, Waterhouse, 396, 410, 415, 424, 434, 451, 456, 467, 477, 488, 528. Waterman, vi, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50, 53, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63, 66, 67, 69, 72, 74, 76, 77, 79, 81, 83, 84, 87, 88, 89, 90, 93, 95, 96, 98, 99, 100, 104, 105, 107, 110, 113, 116, 117, 119, 120, 123, 124, 126, 127, 130, 131, 133, 134, 135, 137, 140, 143, 146, 148, 149, 150, 153, 154, 156, 159, 160, 162, 165, 166, 168, 170, 173, 175, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 191, 192, 194, 196, 200, 201,:202, 205, 209, 210, 214, 217, 218, 219, 225, 229, 230, 237, 242, 245, 246, 254, 256, 259, 265, 268, 269, 271, 274, 275, 277, 278, 280, 281, 284, 285, 287, 289, 293, 294, 297, 300,.-301, 303, 304, 307, 311, 314, 317, 320, 321, 323, 330, 334, 338, 339, 343, 348, 349, 350, -356, 366, 370, 376, 380, 381, 387, 391, 400, 424, 433, 444, 449, 454, 456, 459, 467, 469, 471, 475, 480, 482, 486, 491, 497, 505, 506,.511, 518, 519, 520, 522, 530, 531, 536, 553, 566, 580, 594, 608. Watson, 11, 33, 35, 41, 203, 215, 225, 234, 237, 251, 262, 265, 271, 272, 284, 315, 327, 336,:339, 390, 509, 528, 534, 543, 550, 558, 572, 586, 600, 606, 610. Weatherbee, 204. Weatherhead, 166, 174, 182, 192, 193, 201, 209, 217, 224, 244, 256, 321, 331, 349, 366, 377, 401, 440, 460, 471, 482, 490, 493, 502, 504, 518,.530, 546. Weathers, 307, 343. Weaver, vi, 32, 35, 37, 39, 42, 44, 45, 48, 50, 51, 60, 63, 64, 69, 72, 73, 96, 101, 112, 113, 118, 124, 125, 134, 140, 148, 161, 168, 174, 175, 176, 182, 184, 194, 210, 219, 226, 234, 245, 246, 258, 261, 267, 276, 279, 323, 334, 335, 351, 369, 380, 381, 392, 407, 408, 423, 430, 433, 439, 443, 463, 474, 485, 486, 497, 536, 552, 563, 565, 567, 577, 580, 591, 593, 595, 608, 609. Webb, 254, 264, 275, 284, 293, 297, 300, 304, 312, 328, 343, 352, 361, 365, 368, 380, 391, 404, 442, 453, 457, 462, 468, 479, 489, 490, 501. Webster, 117, 132, 138, 157, 164, 207, 214, 222, 230, 237, 250, 254, 264, 275, 484. Weeden, 1, 12, 18, 59, 63, 69, 83, 86, 89, 105, 106, 109, 199, 208, 216, 218, 224, 231, 242, 255, 258, 329, 348, 364, 365, 368, 376, 391, 406, 423, 432, 442, 484, 493, 504, 508, 518, 529, 534, 538, 543, 545, 549, 600. Weekes, 2, 21. Waight, Weight, Waite, 54, 60, 64, 71, 73, 77, 81, 84, 86, 88, 90, 91, 92, 93, 98, 103, 115, 117, 118, 120, 121, 127, 129, 135, 141, 148, 154, 161, 167, 168, 175, 184, 193, 199, 202, 210, 213, 241, 249, 258, 261, 284, 308. See Waite also. Welch, 107, 114, 354, 358, 371, 409, 414, Wellington, 6. Wells, 102, 108, 113, 114, 115, 121, 128, 134, 135, 140, 141, 148, 160, 167, 174, 183, 193, 202, 207, 210, 226, 232, 233, 245, 254, 257, 260, 265, 268, 275, 277, 278, 281, 285, 288, 293, 297, 300, 304, 307, 312, 314, 315, 321, 328, 331, 332, 336, 344, 350, 351, 353, 356, 359, 361, 363, 365, 367, 370, 372, 374, 378, 379, 386, 388, 389, 390, 391, 399, 401, 402, 403, 405, 408, 412, 418, 420, 421, 423, 427, 430, 431, 432, 437, 440, 441, 442, 445, 450, 455, 458, 461, 462, 465, 468, 479, 490, 496, 501, 507, 509, 516, 519, 521, 526, 533, 534, 538, 542, 543, 548, 549, 550, 557, 563, 564, 571, 576, 578, 584, 590, 592, 599, 605, 606. 653 'West, 199, 203, 215, 223, 311, 312, 316, 318, 327, -328, 331, 336, 338, 340, 341, 342, 344, 346, 350, 355, 358, 361, 365, 367, 370, 371, 374, -376, 386, 394, 399, 412, 418, 448, 449, 453, 454, 457, 462, 464. Westcott, vi, 3, 4, 23, 30, 32, 70, 72, 106, 107, 113, 119, 120, 121, 122, 127, 134, 140, 165, 166, 174, 182, 209, 229, 231, 232, 236, 240, 244, 249, 253, 254, 264, 265, 270, 273, 274, 283, 284, 291, 292, 296, 299, 303, 306, 316, 330, 340, 341, 342, 351, 355, 357, 362, 364, 369, -371, 373, 385, 392, 398, 401, 413, 418, 420, 428, 430, 437, 439, 447, 453, 457, 459, 463, 467, 469, 471, 474, 479, 480, 485, 486, 489, 491, 497, 502, 506, 509, 515, 520, 521, 525, 526, 532, 535, 538, 541, 542, 547, 551, 556, 557, 562, 565, 566, 575, 576, 579, 580, 584,.589, 590, 592, 594, 596, 598, 604, 607, 608. Westgate, l 162, 171, 173, 181, 191, 200, 329. \1( Whalley, 288, 307, 392, 407. Wharton, 18. Wheaton, 208, 216, 224, 230, 232, 237, 243, 250, 252, 254, 262, 305, 320, 326, 330, 346, 360, 364, 366, 373, 376, 381, 384, 395, 398, 400, 409, 411, 417, 420, 426, 429, 435, 439, 446, 456, 469, 477, 488, 493, 499, 504, 514, 524, 540. Wheeler, 201, 209, 217, 224, 229, 377, 387, 388, 400, 402, 420, 430, 440, 451, 460, 472, 483, 491, 493, 494, 502, 504, 505, 519, 530, 539, 546, 603. Whidden, 610. Whipple, vi, 10 21, 23, 27, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 37, 39, 41, 44, 45, 49, 56, 59, 60, 64, 65, 67, 70, 72, 74, 76, 90, 95, 101, 106, 107, 114, 117, 118, 120, 121, 125, 128, 132, 135, 138, 145, 147, 151, 153, 157, 159, 163, 166, 167, 172, 173, 174, 180, 181, 182, 183, 188, 192, 198,.200, 201, 207, 208, 209, 214, 216, 217, 222, 224, 225, 227, 232, 235, 239, 243, 247, 251,.252, 253, 256, 259, 262, 264, 265, 266, 271, -274, 275, 282, 284, 285, 289, 292, 293, 294,.296, 297, 298, 300, 01, 303, 304, 306, 308, Whipple-Continued. 310, 312, 313, 317, 320, 324, 325, 327, 328, 331, 335, 341, 344, 347, 349, 350, 353, 354, 357, 358, 359, 362, 363, 365, 366, 372, 374, 376, 377, 383, 386, 388, 393, 394, 396, 400, 401, 402, 408, 410, 413, 415, 419, 420, 421, 423, 425, 429, 430, 432, 434, 438, 439, 440, 442, 448, 454, 459, 460, 461, 480, 491, 492, 493, 501, 502, 504, 512, 516, 517, 518, 522, 526, 529, 530, 531, 536, 537, 543, 545, 546, 547, 557, 560, 561, 562, 571, 573, 574, 576, 584, 588, 589, 590, 594, 599, 602, 603, 604, 609. White, 120, 127, 134, 160, 167, 173, 174, 183, 193, 202, 245, 378, 389, 393, 404, 421, 431, 441, 458, 461, 462, 468, 479, 485, 509, 554, 568, 583, 587. Whitehorne, 112, 118, 126, 133, 139, 145, 152, 158, 164. Whitford, 91, 96, 101, 121, 127, 135, 141, 148, 149, 155, 161, 292, 296, 335, 351, 452, 458, 469, 478, 485, 486, 490, 497, 500, 510, 515, 521, 525, 535, 536, 542,.551, 552, 556, 570, 579, 584, 591, 593, 598, 605, 607. Whiting, 47, 176, 177, 190, 198, 203, 214, 228, 518, 529, 538, 573, 587, 602. Whitman, 53, 55, 66, 68, 79, 81, 84, 87, 91, 93, 98, 102, 114, 154, 160, 167, 174, 193, 232, 308, 352, 360, 364, 443, 459, 493, 506, 531, 556, 566, 579, 593, 607, 608, 609. Whitmarsh, 338, 339, 340, 341, 343, 391, 394, 406, 409, 423, 432, 442, 510, 535, 539, 551, 565, 579, 582, 594, 609. Whitmore, 560,-573, 588, 602. Wickenden, 1. Wickes, 38, 42, 89, 95, 101, 120, 127, 128, 134, 135, 140, 307, 323, 392, 407, 423, 433, 443, 474, 478, 486, 490, 497, 500, 510, 515, 525, 535, 539, 542, 551, 556, 566, 569, 580, 584, 585, 594, 600. Wickham, 19, 62, 66, 68, 74, 75, 76, 78, 80, 82, 83, 664 Wickham-Continued. 86, 92, 97, 99, 103, 109, 112, 115, 123, 125, 130, 136, 142, 149, 155, 170, 189, 191, 227, 234, 248, 265, 293. Wight, 57, 166, 350, 367, 378, 512. Wightman, 44, 47, 50, 56, 58, 59, 60, 62, 73, 99, 103, 108, 201, 210, 213, 217, 218, 219, 221, 225, 226, 233, 240, 248, 249, 252, 253, 254, 263, 278, 281, 289, 293, 306, 307, 323, 327, 333, 334, 340, 341, 346, 356, 380, 392, 407, 424, 433, 448, 463, 464, 474, 516, 519, 526, 533, 542, 547, 549, 551, 562, 563, 565, 576, 579, 580, 594, 608. Wigneron, 316, 318, 330, 339, 340, 341, 369, 371. Wilbour, 1, 6, 9, 66, 68, 75, 77, 79, 80, 81, 118, Wilkinson-Continued. 200, 209, 216, 299, 302, 305, 349, 360, 366, 498, 502, 511, 560, 570, 574, 224, 263, 273, 283, 291, 295, 310, 321, 326, 331, 335, 346, 388, 402, 457, 468, 479, 490, 530, 532, 539, 543, 546, 557, 584, 588, 598. 125, 132, 138, 140, 144, 146, 175, 189, 197, 200, 507, 208, 231, 232, 241, 242, 250, 271, 286, 292, 296, 300, 303, 305, 328, 331, 347, 350, 354, 361, 378, 386, 388, 399, 401, 412, 429, 458, 461, 469, 472, 480, 505, 506, 519, 520, 528, 530, 546, 548, 550, 559, 562, 564, 587, 590, 592, 602, 605. 151, 158, 167, 216, 218, 224, 274, 279, 284, 312, 314, 321, 365, 367, 374, 418, 420, 427, 483, 494, 495, 532, 534, 544, 571, 576, 578, Willard, 391, 406. Willett, 12, 15, 33, 35, 38, 40, 42, 43, 46, 49, 55, 74, 76, 78, 80, 81, 82, 87, 92, 116, 177, 185. Williams, 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 73, 87, 93, 96, 98, 101, 104, 106, 107, 110, 113, 119, 120, 127, 134, 141, 174, 182, 187, 192, 197, 206, 225, 229, 230, 232, 237, 244, 253, 254, 256, 259, 264, 268, 271, 272, 274, 275, 284, 285, 287, 292, 293, 296, 297, 300, 303, 304, 306, 311, 312, 314, 317, 320, 321, 322, 327, 328, 330, 331, 333, 337, 340, 341, 343, 346, 349, 354, 357, 361, 364, 366, 371, 374, 376, 385, 386, 387, 398, 399, 400, 412, 417, 418, 420, 426, 427, 429, 436, 439, 446, 458, 459, 469, 471, 479, 480, 482, 483, 487, 490, 492, 493, 494, 497,.502, 504, 506, 511, 512, 516, 519, 522, 526, 531, 532, 536, 537, 543, 547, 548, 552, 557, 561, 562, 566, 571, 573, 575, 576, 581, 584, 588, 589, 590, 594, 602, 603, 604, 605. Wilmarth, 113, 120, 127, 134, 141, 187, 197,206, 229 237, 240, 249, 253, 264, 271, 274, 284, 292, 296, 299, 303, 311, 327, 335, 346, 352, 361, 364, 369, 374, 380, 385, 393, 398, 407, 412, 414, 417, 427, 436, 446, 452, 456, 469, 478, 489, 500, 515, 526, 541, 557, 569, 585, 598. Wilmot, 151, 157, 163, 171, 179. Wilson, 6, 7, 9, 160, 167, 175, 183, 193, 201, 225, 232, 283, 288. Winsor, 140, 146, 147, 153, 157, 159, 163, 165, 166, 171, 179, 182, 187, 189, 192, 197, 206, 213, 221, 240, 249, 254, 267, 276, 279, 286, 293, 297, 299, 301, 303, 306, 311, 317, 321, 327, 331, 346, 349, 361, 367, 377, 388, 389, 394, 402, 413, 420, 421, 427, 429, 430, 436, 439, 440, 446, 448, 452, 454, 456, 458, 460, 461, 469, 472, 478, 482, 483, 489, 492, 493, 494, 497, 498, 500, 505, 506, 511, 515, 519, Wilcox, 45, 48, 50, 54, 57, 60, 65, 71, 73, 91, 92, 103, 112, 119, 125, 145, 148, 150, 156, 190, 194, 201, 202, 207, 213, 215, 218, 222, 226, 228, 233, 237, 241, 245, 246, 249, 253, 255, 258, 260, 264, 268, 271, 274, 277, 279, 280, 285, 287, 288, 292, 296, 300, 304, 312, 313, 319, 322, 329, 333, 339, 348, 352, 354, 357, 368, 369, 371, 374, 379, 385, 390, 391, 394, 405, 422, 431, 432, 441, 442, 458, 462, 468, 473, 479, 484, 485, 490, 496, 502, 508, 509, 515, 517, 520, 521, 525, 527, 533, 534, 538, 542, 543, 544, 549, 550, 556, 557, 558, 563, 564, 570, 577, 578, 584, 591, 592, 598, 599, 604, 606. Wiles, 305, 329. Wilkinson, 16, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55, 56, 58, 62, 86, 94, 100, 114, 115, 120, 122, 127, 128, 134, 135, 141, 147, 149, 155, 159, 169, 174, 182, 186, 192, 655 Winsor-Continued. 526, 530, 541, 546, 556, 557, 569, 570, 585, 588, 598, 599, 692. Winter, 147, 154, 490, 501, 516, 526. Winterton, 13. Witter, 230, 237, 257, 260, 275, 278, 281, 288, 293, 307, 453, 457, 468, 479, 542, 557, 571, 584, 599. Woddell, 9, 10. Wood, 125, 132, 138, 144, 151, 157, 163, 172, 179, 188, 191, 197, 200, 207, 208, 214, 216, 222, 224, 230, 231, 237, 241, 243, 250, 254, 256, 258, 259, 261, 264, 267, 268, 271, 276, 277, 279, 280, 286, 375, 376, 393, 401, 402, 406, 419, 420, 428, 430, 438, 439, 471, 483, 497,.10, 522, 536, 586, 601. Woodbridge, 122, 142, 148, 342. Woodbury, 116, 130, 137. Woodman, vi, 10, 112, 119, 126, 133, 140, 146, 181, 191, 375. Woodmansee, 148, 314, 328, 352, 361, 365, 368, 374, 380, 386, 391, 399, 405, 412, 418, 423, 427, 432, 442, 463, 485, 509, 521; 534. Woolley, 5. Wright, 51, 333, 351, 355, 367. Wyatt, 329. Yates, 560. Yeamans, 503, 523, 536, 553. Yeates, 223, 231, 376, 377. York, 242, 249, 270, 284, 292, 296, 563, 577, 591, 605. Young, 335, 419, 429, 439, 471, 472, 481, 511, 536, 562, 576, 590, 603, 605, 610. i INDEX TO OFFICERS IN ACTIVE SERVICE DURING COLONIAL AND REVOLUTIONARY WAR PERIODS. Against the French, 11, 16, 17, 20, 103, 105, 109, 115, 122, 170, 173, 176, 177, 178, 189, 190, 198, 199, 203, 204, 214, 215, 223, 228, 235. Against the Spanish, 83, 85. Against Great Britain-For Defence of the Colony, 312, 316, 317, 318, 336, 337, 339, 340, 341, 342, 354, 355, 357, 358, 369, 371, 381, 382, 393, 394, 408, 409, 415. Army of Observation, 313, 314, 315, 324. Continental Troops, 315, 336, 337, 338, 339, 343, 344, 352, 353, 358, 381, 382, 395, 396, 408, 409, 414. Militia, 348, 362, 370, 382, 409, 415, 433. Privateer or Naval Service, 2, 3, 8, 16, 83, 84, 100, 109, 113, 115, 122, 126, 195, 313, 316, 319, 343, 353, 358, 369, 381, 397. General'Sullivan's Life Guards, 369. Minute-Men, Portsmouth, 313. Minute-Men, Smithfield, 314. North Kingstown, 315. Watch Post, Tower Hill, 315. Watch Company, Newport, 325. Alarm Company, Little Compton, 376.. North Providence, 377.. Providence, 377. Cumberland, 377. Smithfield, 377. Cranston, 378. Scituate, 378. Hopkinton, 379. Westerly, 379. North Kingstown, 379.. Exeter, 379. Warwick, 380. East Greenwich, 380. Coventry, 381. Officers Killed or Died of Disease, 443> 444. Ferry Men: 13, 14, 19, 38, 46, 94, 112, 116, 125, 145, 158, 189, 238, 275, 384. Additional Ferry Men for Seven Years: 1698. Aug. Rhode Island to Bristol: Thomas Durfee and John Burden. 1700. Mar. ' Conanicut alias Jamestown and Narragansett: Josias, 1705. June. Arnold. Rhode Island to Bristol: Abial Tri2p and John Burden. Post Riders: 326. Post Masters: 326. Additional Militia in Active Service: 1776. Jan. and May. Kingston Reds: Capt. John Weight. Mar. Col. John Waterman's Regiment. Capt. Abial Brown's Minute-Men. Capt. Michael Spencer's MIinute-Men. Capt. Samuel Seager's Company. Col. George Pierce's Company. 1777. May. Continental Battalion:Col. Henry Sherburne's 3 companies, 86 men each. Sept. One-half of Militia, Alarm, Independent, and Artillery Companies called into active service. Oct. Remaining half called out under command of General Spencer. Dec. Privateer American Tartar: Capt. John Grimes. Sloop Providence: Lt. Esek Hopkins, Jr. Jan. Capt. Ezra Ormsbee's Company, Warren. Lt. Henry Gardner's Guard at Boston Neck. Orders, Lt. Ephraim Weeden's Alarm Company, East Greenwich. Feb. Col. Wm. West's Regiment, Col. Charles Dyre's Regiment. Jan. Quartermaster Thomas Cored. Feb. Quartermaster John Potter, Jr. 1779. INDEPENDENT CHARTERED COMPANIES OF MILITIA IN THE ORDER OF CHARTERS RECEIVED. Newport Artillery, 86, 181, 191, 200, 208, 231, 255, 293, 512, 536, 553, 567, 587, 595, 609. - Providence Artillery, 105, 225, 308. Name changed to Cadet Company of the County of Providence, 308, 324, 335. Westerly and Charlestown Artillery, 168, 225, and Hopkinton, 233, 352, 414. Providence County Light Infantry, 308, 324, 335. Newport Light Infantry, 309, 324, 335. Providence Grenadiers, 308, 324, 393. Kentish Guards, 309, 335, 348, 369, 392, 582, 594, 609. Pawtuxet Rangers, 309, 324, 335, 348, 381, 414, 433, 449, 464, 475, 486, 497, 511, 522, 537, 553, 566, 581, 595, 609. Glocester Light Infantry, 308, 324, 335, 352, 369, 393, 407, 414, 424, 433, 443, 453, 464, 475, 486, 497, 511, 522, 536, 552, 566, 580, 594, 610. Scituate Hunters, 308, 324, 335, 352, 497, 511, 536. (Scituate Light Infantry) 610. Providence Train of Artillery, 308. United as Providence Fusileers, 308. United Company of the Train of Artillery, 308, 309, 325, 335, 352, 362, 381, 407, 414, 424, 433, 443, 449, 453, 475, 486, 522, 537, 553, 566, 581, 595, 608. North Providence Rangers, 308, 324, 335, 352, 381. Kingston Reds, 324, 335, 352, 369, 381, 392, 407, 511, 522, 537, 552, 566, 580, 595, 609. iSmithfield and Cumberland Rangers, 335, 369. Newtown (Updike's Newtown) Rangers, 348. South Kingstown Artillery, 352. Captain-General's Cavaliers, 424, 433, 449, 464, 487, 497, 511, 537, 552, 567, 581, 595, 610. Washington Independent Company (Exeter), 464, 475, 486, 497, 511, 522, 536, 552, 566, 581, 595, 609. North Kingstown Rangers, 464, 475, 486, 497, 511, 522, 536, 552, 566, 580, 594, 608. -Charlestown Independents, 475. {Coventry Rangers, 475, 486, 497, 522, 536, 553, 566, 581. Cranston Blues, 487, 497, 511, 522, 536, 552, 567, 580, 595, 608. ASmithfield Grenadiers, 497, 498, 511, 538, 552, 594, 609.,Governor's Independent Company of Light Infantry in the town of Providence, 497, 511, 512, 522, 523, 536, 537, 552, 566, 581, 595. Providence Light Infantry (same as above), 536, 537, 552..Smithfield Federal Protectors, 498, 511. Washington Cavalry, 511, 522, 537, 553, 567, 580, 595. 659 Glocester Grenadiers, 512, 522, 536, 553. Johnston Rangers, 512, 522, 537, 553, 567, 580, 594, 608. Kentish Troop of Horse, 512, 522, 537, 553, 567, 580, 595, 609. Providence Independent Light Dragoons, 512, 522, 537, 567, 581, 609. Newport Guards, 523, 536, 553, 567, 596. Bristol Train of Artillery, 537, 581, 595, 609. Light Company of 1st Regiment, Providence County, 537, 566, 581, 594, 609. Cumberland Light Infantry, 537, 553, 567, 580. Governor's Independent Company of Volunteers, 537, 552, 566, 581, 594, 610. Tiverton and Little Compton Light Dragoons, 538, 610. Ready Volunteers (Bristol County Troop), 553, 581, 596, 610. West Greenwich and Coventry Light Infantry, 567, 581, 595, 609. Kentish Light Infantry, 582, 594, 609. Providence Independent Cadets, 595, 608. United Artillery of Kent County, 596, 609. Federal Blues, Bristol County, 596. Portsmouth Light Infantry, 609. Foster Safe Guards, 610. Bristol Grenadiers, 610. THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN DATE DUE I j Ii~ 4 kiVU~ 4 1995 OCT 291984 '-iliE PA il it"* r r I 4%4 we cooked N\JG 16 so I UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3 9015 00824 1278 i... I tiZ- ~ I ~* 4 I.4 A,* 11 DO NOT REMOVE OR MUTILATE CARD A ~~l.1 '.. 'tll-i "a 1 - - - -7 --, a I I I