DIRECTORY OF TIIE BOROUGH OF CHESTER, g FOR THE YEARS 1859-60i CONTAINING A a FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT TO THE PRESENT TIME; THE NAMES OF ALL THE INHABITANTS, ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED, THEIR OCCUPATIONS, PLACES OF BUSINESS, AND DWELLING HOUSES; A LIST OF THE STREETS OF THE BOROUGH; STATISTICS OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS; THE LOCATION AND TIME OF HOLDING SERVICE IN THE CHURCHES; THE TIME OF ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF THE DIFFERENT LINES OF TRAVEL; THE TIME AND PLACE OF MEETING OF TIlE VARIOUS SOCIE TIES AND ASSO CIATIONS. ALSO, THE CARDS OF TIHE PRINCIPAL MERCHANTS, ARTIZANS AND PROFESSIONAL MIEN OF THE BOROUGH. WVII,LIAI \ WHITEHEAD, Publisher. WEST CHESTER: E. F. James, Steam Power Book and Job Printer. 1359. 1- 1 I I . I of th, ovo,,iigh 0 lb 0 PREFAC:. In presenting to the people of Chester its History and Directory, the author is fully aware of the failure to arrive at perfect accuracy of detail. As it regards the History, he has only attempted its narration. A perfect History of the Borough, embracing varied, and wide ranges of interest, would require time, care, long and thorough research; such as none but an enthusiastic antiquarian would undertake. He can only hope that in pioneering the way, hlie may induce some one of much better investigating and literary ability to carry out to its proper completion the labor that is only begun. W. W. 0 0 0 HISTORICAL SKETCH. THE BOROUGH OF CHESTER, The most ancient town and county seat in Penn sylvania, is situated upon the right bank of the Delaware river, in thesouth-eastern part of the State, 15 miles south-west of the city of Philadelphia. Its latitude north is 39~ 50' 45", longitude from Waslh ington 1~ 39' 27" east, and from Greenwich 75~ 22' 05" west. It was constituted a corporate town as early as 1690. The corporate limits are bounded on the north and west by Chlester township, east by Ridley creek, and south by the Delaware river. Its territorial dimensions are two miles from east to west, and one and a quarter from north to south, containing about 1610 acres. It stands upon a strip of alluvion running from one half to one mile from the river, formed by its receding waters. The upper stratum of clay lies upon a formation of aggregated rock of primitive character, of which Gneiss is the prevailing variiety. Thisgranitic structure crops out upon the banks of the creeks, furnishing solid and compact material for building and other purposes. About half a mile inland, and running( westward from Ridley creek. embracing 40 or 50 acres, immediately beneath the clay lies a stratum of decomposed reeds, intermixed with mud, resembling turf in quality, being fusible like that material. The superstratumn of clay is of fine quality and its depth in some places reaches 14 feet; affording a most abundant supply of material for the manufacture of 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. brick, of which the buildings of modern'date are almost solely constructed. The great highway of travel and communication, previous to the era of railroads, was the broad and sweeping Delaware, whose tides so constantly bear the whitened sails of commerce and throw into the luxurious lap of the more fortunate metropolis of the state, the fabrics and wealth of distant climes. Opposite the town the river is over one mile in width, with a channel thirty-two feet in depth, bordered by a country enriched by the labor of industrious and skillful husbandry. Chester tand Ridley creeks, which empty into the Delaware here, within tihree-fourths of a mile of each other, and into which its tides run for three miles, are available to a profitable extent for the transportation of tonnage; and the former, winding almost through the heart of the town, enables the river craft to enter and land their freights near the center of trade. In the time of the early settlements, the channel of the Delaware ran quite near the northern shore, and vessels could approach the bank and be secured to the trees which grew upon it. As society and its wants increased, this aspect of the shore changed. The main cause of the change was the construction of two piers. The time at which the first were constructed is not known; but about the year 1815, those at Market and Edgmont streets, running out 500 feet beyond high water mark, were constructed. The channel being thus thrown farther from the shore, the space between the piers, as also the spaces upon either side, became the depositories of mud and detritus held in solution, from which has sprung a rank growth of reeds, presenting a view quite uninteresting. Land thus in the process of formation will eventually be reclaimed for useful purposes, and the now unsightly mud yet become localities for the thronged avenues of trade. 0 6 6 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. DELAWARE RIVER-DISCOVERY. The Indians called the Delaware Lenape Wihittuck, or "sthe rapid stream of the Lenape;" the Dutelc called it the South River, in contradistinction to the Hudson, or North River. Its presenit name was given in henor of Lord Delaware, who died at its capes in 1618. In an official report by a Dutch Chamber in 1644, it was claimed that the -South River was visited in 1598, and two forts erected upon it." Sir Walter Raleilgh and Lord Delaware are likewise claimed as discoverers; but it is not probable that the former ever was in the country, and as the latter did not visit the bay until 1610, one vear after the visit of Hudson, his claim could not be recognized. The discovery of its bay, or embouchure, we believe is fairly attributed to Hendrick Hutlson, who entered it in the ship Crescent. on the 28th of August, 1609. It does not appear that he pursued his way up the bay any great distance, thus leaving to other adventurers the exploration of its waters amid the higher regions fringed by primeval forest. Thile river was thus spoken of in 1656-W"This river Delaware is considered the finest of all North America, being wide, deep, and navigable; abounding in fish, especially an abundance of sturgeons, of whose roes a great quantity of cavejar might be made. Though settlements vere made by the Dutch at MIanhattan, now New York city, as early as 1610, no settlements upon the Delaware were known to exist prior to 1623; when Cornelius May, with a colony from Holland, entered the river, and sailed as far up as Gloucester, on the Jersey shore. May built a fort which he called Fort Nassau, for protection against the Indians. The colony failed of its oblject, and its members moved to the vicinity of the North River. The next settlement attempted by the Dutch was under the lead of De Yries, who landed at Lewis' 7 0 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. creek, near Cape Henlopen, in 1631. This settlement wa3 likewise a failul e, its members having been cut off by the vengeance of the Indians. SWEDES. The first colony of Swedes was planted in the spring of 1638, by MIinuit, under the patronage of Queen Chlristina. The colonists landed at Christina, (now Wilmington,) and took the usual precaution of building means of defence. Th(e next in historical order, was a settlement by a few English families at Salem, in 1640, or 1641. But they were soon expelled l)y the united influence and remonstrances of the D,itch and Swedes. In the same year an Englishl exploring party went as high up as the river Schuylkill, and entering that river, took possession and began the cultivation of the soil. As in the former case the Dutch, jealous of their jurisdiction, took successful measures for the expulsion of these settlers. The second effort of the Swedes to plant a colony upon the shores of the Delaware, was in 1643, under John Printz, a Lieutenant Colonel in the service of Queen Christina. lIe fixed upon the pleasant spot known as Tinicum, the present site of the Lazaretto, where its bold shore, broad expanse of river, navig(rable creek and inviting country, courted the stay of the emigrant. The settlement was named New Gottenburg. Printz wasa man of energy and determination, and within a year after his arrival had erected three forts, one at Christina, one at Tinicum and one at Elsinburgh, the latter being at the mouth of Salem creek. At Upland many of the Swedes derived their titles to land firom the Duke of York; as deeds from him are extant. of the date of 1668. The precise time of settlement, or under whose leadership it was effected, no dates, we believe, can verify; but it could not 8 0 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. have been muel later than those of their countrymen east and west of them; and the most truthful supposition is, that the spot was settled by offshoots from New Jersey, Christina and Tinicum: in other words, the Swedes spread themselves'all along shore,' foiundino settlements where localities seemed inviting and eligible. This seems to be confirmed by Day, who, in speaking of the settlement of Printz, says,"small hamlets were settled at various places along the shore and further inland." Controversies between the Dutch and Swedes commenced early for right of possession and possession itself. They spread over many years, requiring too much detail for an extended examination. By right of discovery, settlement and treaties with the natives, the former claimed from Manhattan southward upon both sides of the Delaware river as far as its capes; the latter claimed, likewise, by discovery and settlement, and as they founded colonies upon the river, collisions, with varying success to each party, was the consequence. Notwithstanding this, time and intercourse softened down their mutual asperity, and in all these settlements Dutch and Swedes lived together, the intermixture gradually producing relations of amity and social regard. Whlen Penn arrived at New Castle and Upland, they were found in this condition, and jointly welcomed the new ruler. As the Dutch claimed almost as "large a charter as the wind," when the prevailing power of England dispossessed them of all their American possessions, the latter government also took ample scope and verge, with no boundary southward. The Lion laid his paw with emphatic force upon every rood claimed by former belligerents, and prepared to rule all their previous possessions. The fall of Manhattan was the signal of acquiescence every where, on the part of those who sought the triumph of Sweden or Holland. The Indian name of the settlement at Chester was e 0 9 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. MECOPONACA; the Swedes named it UPLAND, after a province of Sweden, upon the Gulf of Bothnia. Its change to Chester is said to have been under the following circumstances:-Shortly after the arrival of Penn, turning to his friend Pearson, who had been a companion of his voyage, he said, "Providence has brought us here safely; thou hast been the companion of my toils; what wilt thou that I should call this place?" Pearson replied "CHESTER, in remembrance of the city fri-om whence I came." Penn replied, "it shall be called Chester, and when I divide the land into counties I will call one of theil by the same name also." Says Ferris, "it was a considerable town in 1682;" and the Rev. Mfr. Hall,a very candid writer, in speaking of its condition in 1696, says, "Chester is mentioned as one of the four great market towns, and as 'mightily enlarged in this latter improvement.' But it is hardly presumable that at either of these dates, it could have numbered many inhabitants, as in 1672 Ferris states that "the country between Amboy and New Castle was a wilderness, and the site of Philadelphia inhabited by Indians. Travellers, in order to avoid rivers and creeks, passed inland several miles from the Delaware." It is stated, too, in reference to that period, "that the Swedish settleinentat Upland is not mentioned." Campanius says, "there was a fort built there some time after its settlement," and Ferris adds, "But as no mention is made, by any other chronicler, of a fortification or regular military station at Upland,it is probable that fort, in this case, must be understood to mean a strong house, or place of security in case of a sudden attack by the Indians. Such houses are often mentioned by the writers of that time." "The house of defence at Upland" is spoken of in 1677, in which year it was ordered to be fitted for the use of the Court. National and religious ties kept the Swedes a homo 10 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. geneous people in the new settlements, long preserving their habits and customs. Says MIr. Rudman in 1697, "we live scattered amoing the English and Quakers, vet our language is preserved as pure as any where in Sweden: there are about 1200 persons that speak it." They were treated by the Indians with great consideration, in relation to which the Rev. Eric Biork observes-" the Indians and we are a-s one people; we live in much greater friendship with them than with the English; they call the Swedes in their language, their own people." Penn regarded them as among the original settlers of the country; pioneers in the path of adventure and suffering, and received them upon his landing "with great kindness." Upon that occasion Captain Lasse Cock, was deputed by them, as a distinct people, to address the Proprietor on their behalf. He did so, assuring Penn that "they would love, serve and obey him with all they possessed." To show his confidence in them,two of their countrymen, Anders Bengtson and Sven Svenson, were appointed among the members of the first Assembly, and Penn's description of them is, "they are plain, strong, industrious people. They kindly received me, as well as the English, who were but few before the people concerned with me came among them. I must needs commend their respect to authority and kind behavior to tihe English." Whilst the Dutch held a short sway over the settlements upon the Delaware in 1763, they were divded into three counties or judicial districts. The most northern was Upland, its seat having the same name. This division was continued under the English Govnor, Andross. INDIAN TRIBES. The Indian Tribes upon the Delaware river were the Lenni Lenape, signifying original people. The nation was divided into three principal tribes, under 11 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. the respective titles of the Unamis or Turtle, Unalachtgos or Turkeys, and iMonseys or Wolf; which were subdivided into numerous subordinate tribes. The Algonquin was their common language, variously modified by dialects, probably springing from the variations of locality, intercourse with neighboring tribes, and the adoption of phrases from the fragments of stranger tribes that sought their protection or alliance. Among the traditions of the Lenape was one of a character somewhat obscure, yet extant during the early settlements of the Swedes, to the effect that their nation had come from the setting sun, the west, and conquered a people, whose mounds, scattered over the great western valley, give evidence of a nation of higher civilization than could be accorded to the Indian race. The Unamis and Unalachtgos occupied the country along the coast, between the sea and the Blue Mountains; and their settlements extended from the Hudson to the Potomac. Among the settlers they were known as the Delaware Indians, and doubtless were the same whose council fires lig(hted the waves of the lordlv river, the banks of whichl the early pioneers of civilization sought as a homestead. They kindly welcomed the peaceful followers of Fox, and the testimony of Peri,n is, that "In liberality they excel; nothing is too good for their friend; give them a fine gun, coat, or other thing, it may pass twenty hands before it sticks; light of heart, strong affections, but soon spent. The mlost merrv creatures that live, feast and dance perpetually; they never have much, nor want much; wealth circulateth like blood; all parts partake; and though none shall want what another liatlh, yet exact observers of property." ARRIYAL OF PENN. To seek an asylum for the menbers of his faith was prominent among the motives of Penn, in first vis 12 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. itin,_ the New World. Ilis charter for the Province of Pennsylvania, obtained firom Charles II, is dated March 4tlh. 1681. He embarked for his province in 1682, in the ship Welcome, commanded by Capt. Greenaway, and arrived at New Castle on the 27th of October, of that year, where he was welcomed witlh much affection by those who represented the various nations of which the colony was composed. Says Du ponceall, "English, Welsh, Dutch, Gernlans an: In dians, all crowded to hail the great man whom they had been expecting for one long year. and whose fame had already preceded him to these distant regions." The Lenni Lenape, likewise had their representative in the person of the great Tamanend,"who," says the same gifted author, "is said never to have had his equal for virtue and goodness." Penn landed at Upland in the early part of Nov-ember, but a few days after that at New Castle. Here, with his fiiends, he was received with similar demonstrations of regard, and hospitably entertained by Robert WVade, a leading and wealthy Friend, who resided very neat the spot mhlere the landing was effected, and owned land for some distance back into the country. Wade's was known as the Essex House, and stood upon the site of the commodius brick house now at the northwest corner of Penn and Front streets, owned and occupied by Capt. Rich. Ross, and which was built by Jesse M. Eyre. in 1850. The southeast gable of Wade's house fironted the river Delaware, its southwest front was towards Essex street, and its front porch looked out upon Chester creek. It was about two hundred yards fiom wlhere Chester creek now flows into the Delaware, but much nigher in the dayl' of Penn, the creek at that time extending its water's more westward. It stood, though in ruins, until nearly 1800, and its foundations were struck unon in ex. cavating the cellar for the present building. Between WVade's house and the river. stoo( the ancient pines 0 13 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. and walnuts, that waved a welcome to'the peaceful footsteps of a commonwealth's founder. One of the walnuts yet remain, but the last of the pines was felled by a storm in 1846. A holly tree, which grew near the centre of where Penn and Front streets now intersect, likewise flourished in 1682, and was known, subsequently, as Penn's Holly; it died in 1859. The exact spot of the landing is recognized as being near the south front of the residence of J. M. Broomall, Esq., about forty tfeet from the porch, and fifty feet eastward of the line of Penn street. Its locality is preserved by a Pine tree, planted under the auspices of Mir. Broomall and the ][istorical Society of Pennsylvania. This tree is the successor of the last venerable pine, and it is hoped that it may ong flourish upon and shade the consecrated spot. FIRST PROVINCIAL ASSEMBLY. Upon the 4th of December, of the year in which Penn landed, lie convened at Chester the first Assembly that ever gave laws to the Province. It was composed of members of the Province, consisting of Bucks, Chester and Philadelphia counties, and for the three lower counties, New Castle, Kent and Sussex. Thie Assembly chose Nicholas Moore their chairman. An act of union was passed on the 7th of December, annexing the three lower counties to the Province, likewise a firamework of govornnient for the new commonwealth. The Dutch, Swe(les and others who were deemed foreigners, were recognized as citizens, and laws which had been drawn up in England were passed upon. The meeting of the Assembly continued three days, having been characterized by harmony and candor. In this short period of time sixty-nine acts, or rather sections of an act, were passed, entitled "The great law, or body of laws, of the Province of Pennsylvania and the territories thlereunto belonging. a 14 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. In this act, provision is made for liberty of con science, and the preservation of society from the va rious evils and crimes to which a people in the mass are subjected. None of its provisions is believed now to be in force. T'o those who are anxious to examine them, they can be found at length in Hazard's Annals of Pennsylvania, p. 619. The place of meeting of this first legislative body in the Province, was subsequently known as the Old Assembly House. The building stood upon the west side of what is now Edgmont street, about one hundred and twenty feet north of Filbert. on ground nowV owned by Joshua P. & Win. Eyre; it was removedin 1842. It was built of brick and used by the Friends as a place of worship firom 1688 to 1736-the last use, previous to its demolition, to which it was devoted, was for the purpose of a Cooper's shop. Having made Chester the original place of legislation, the people very sanguinely believed that P'enn would make it the metropolis of his Commonwealth. For such a hope there were very substantial reasons. Here, the Delaware, with its wide reach of waters, its deep channel and bold shore, its interior country finely adapted to tillage, and with most eligible mill sites; its tall forests furnishing substantial material for structures; a picturesqueness that in time would give beauty to an extensive landscape; and a colony imbued, for the most part, with his own religious sentiments, already planted by the arts of peace, and vigorous sinews ready to build up and extend improvement, were circumstances, well calculated to weigh upon the mind of the benevolent commoner. But there were other circumstances of a counteracting tendency that prevailed. Though not positively known, two, with propriety may be suggested. Previous to leaving Chester he deputed a commission consisting of Win. Crispin, John Bezar and Nathaniel Allen, "to have the rivers and creeks, sounded on rm~ 15 0 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. side of the Delaware river, especially at Upland, ilii order to settle a great town, and be sure to make your choice where it is most navigable, high, dry and healthy; that is, where most ships may best ride, of deepest draft of water, if possible to load or unload at the bank or key side, without boating and lightering of it. It would do well if tihe creek coming into the river be navigable, at least for boats up into the country." Under these instructions the commission extended their examination up the Delaware, and returned with glowing accounts of the locality in that region. Upon visiting the spot where Philadelphia was afterwards located, it at once challenged the admiration of Penn and determined his purpose. It is true that Chester fulfilled his conditions to a very great extent, but the Schuylkill and the Delaware upon either side of his city, with corresponding advantages, seemed to fulfil them better. The other circuinmstance, likewise of geographical consideration, was in relation to a claim to territory conflicting with his own. Although he had by a formal act annexed to his province the "three lower counties," now forming the State of Delaware, and fully believed that his charter justly covered the country as far south as Cape Cornelius or Hlenlopen, he was aware that Calvert, Lord Baltimore, claimed territory to the 40thl parallel of north latitude. Should hlie found a metropolis south of that line, and fail to establish a title against Calvert, great embarrassment and trouble m'lust have ensued. It was of some consequence, therefore, that the- disputed territory should be avoided. It may be observed, however, in relation to this matter, that Penn barely cleared his distance at Philadelphia, as the southern edge of the city, whlen MIason and Dixon were sent from England to adjust the boundaries between Pennsylvania and Maryland, was in latitude 3'39~ 56' 29.1 " north. 0 1 6 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. SEAT OF JUSTlCE.-COURTS. As the first settlement of Chester County, Chester, or Upland, early became the Seat of Justice, and the boundaries of its jurisdiction defined. During the temporary reversion of the SoulithrRiver province to the Dutch, in 1673, the authorities at Manhattan em powered a majority of the inhabitants to name eight persons for each Court of Justice. These Courts con sisted of -Justices of the Peace, whereof three to make a coram, and to have power of a Court of Ses sions, and decide all matters under ~20, without appeal, unless otherwise agreed among themselves. Above ~20, and for crime extending to life, limb and banish ment, to admit of appeal to Court of Assize." These Justices' courts were courts of record of an inferior grade, yet well adapted to the'yet uncomplicated legal wants of an infant community. We hear of nothing definite relative to these courts until 1676, under Gov. Andros, for the jurisdiction of En(gland,who ordered three courts to be held, one at New Castle, one at Upland and one at WlJoorekills, and that the one at Upland begin upon the second Tuesday of each month. With regard to UpIand, we have the following, to us, very intelligible boundary, by which it will be seen that it was named,in its juridical powers, in 1678, as a county. "This county of Upland to begin from the north side of Oole Fransen's creek, otherwise called Steen-Kill, lying on the bight above the Verdrietige Hoeck, and from the said creek over to the single tree point on the east side of this river." This defines the boundary between Upland and New Castle, whilst the former ran as far northeast as the river Schuylkill. It must be observed that in speaking of the courts of Upland, we ale not to suppose they were always held in the village of that name. In those more primitive days they were held at various 17 a 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. places, to suit the convenience of the inhabitants, and very often in lIrivate houses. Thus in April, 1678, the court for Upland, was held at the house of Justice Peter Cock, on Schuylkill; and ill March, 1681, "in the town of Kinsesse, Upland county;" we find, however, mention made of court horses in the first named year. The clerks of these courts were to be approved by the Governor, and writs, and other law proceedings, were to be in the name of His Majesty, Charles II. The first record at Upland is of a court November 14, 1676, in which matters of both Church and State came within its jurisdiction. In 1677 "the Upland court was held at Niels Laerson's house; the expenses were one- hundred guilders." The same year the court was ordered to levy for expenses of government, twenty-six guilders for each tyable," payable in wheat or other products of the soil: the number of tyables then reckoned in Upland jurisdiction being one hundred and thirty-six. The first record of Chester County Courts at Upland is September 13,1681. The Justices were Win. Clayton, Wm. Warner, Robert Wade, WVm. Byles,Otto Ernest Cock, Robert Lucas, Lassey Cock, Swan Swanson, Andreas Bankson. Sheriff, John Test; Clerk, Thomas Revell. The proceedings could not have been governed by very stringent rules of evidence, as we find that'.Lassey Cock, upon proclamation in this court, that if any had anything against him, they should declare it; whereupon Daniel Brenson and Chs. Brigham, upon solemn attestation, declared that they heard certain Indians speak against lJim; the said L. Cock, upon oath, declared his innocence, and was thereupon cleared by the court." It is not probable that a declaration of innocence would go quite so far with a court in these rogueish times. In the February court, 1682, Chester is named for the first time upon its records. At 0 18 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. the court held there in June, 1683, William Penn, the I'roprictory, presided in person. The first court under the Justices in West Chester, was held in 1786, in which year the Seat of Justice was removed from Chester, and the courts under their authority continued until 1791, when they presided for the last time. In the November term of that year the judges appointed under the Constitution of 1790 took their seats. From 1791 the President Judges have been, William A. Atlee ---------- from November, 1791. Walter Finney -------------------------— 1793. John J. Henry —----------— from February, 1794. John D. Coxe —---------------— from May, 1800. Wm. Tilghman --------------- firom August, 1805. Bird Wilsoi ----------------— from April, 1806. John Ross ------------------ from February, 1818. Isaac Darlington --------------— from July, 1821. Thomas S. Bell —-------------— from Mlay, 1839. John M. Foster (not confirmed) from December, 1846. James Nill (not confirmed) ------— from May, 1847. Henry Chapman ---------------- from April, 1848. Townsend laines, elected under the Constitu tion of 1838, for ten years, from December, 1851. REMOVAL OF SEAT OF JUSTICE. The removal of the court from Upland was ordered in 1680, and Hazard states, that "Upland Creek, where the sessions of the court had heretofore been held, being at the lower end of the county, they resolved,'for the greater ease of the people,' for the future to sit and meet at the town of Kinsesse, on the Schuylkill." Thisremoval,l however, was undoubtedly but temporary, and a part of the system of accommodation of that time, that justice should be had within convenient distances to all. Chester was the Seat of Justice until 1786. Seated up o n the southeastern edge of a widely extended dis a e 19 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. trict, those who lived westward became impatient of so long a travel to the county seat, and resolved to effect a removal to a more central position. In 1784 an Act of Assembly was procured for this purpose; West Chester, better known as the Turk's Head, was determined upon as the site, and public buildin(gs were commenced under the active supervision of Col. Hannum. These proceedings were highly offensive to the people of Chester, who were jealous of what they deemed a prescriptive right to its long standing honors, and active preparations were made to couinteract the proceedings of their more inland neighbors. By their exertions the repeal of the removal act was effected, and some of the citizens of the ancient bailiwick of Upland, who were determined upon a yet more vigorous measure, made preparation to march up and demolish the Court House in process of erection at West Chester. A force, with a field piece, was rallied under Major Harper and marched upon the offending village. Arrived at the Gen. Green tavern, a few miles eastward of West Chester, the Major quartered for the night, resolving upon the ensuing day to effect the work of destruction. In the meantime, advised of Harper's movent, Col. Hannum, and some active confederates, made preparations during the night for the defence of the place. Arms and amunition, with proper quantities of whiskey and other refreshments,' were collected, loopholes for musketry made, and men concentrated in the court rooms. Upon the ensuing morning Harper marshalled his force and planted his piece in the vicinity of an eminence, called Quaker Hill, which commanded the Court House, and prepared to batter the walls. At this juncture, however, some judicious persons got among Harper's me n, and made such representations as induced a cessation of hostilities. Anicable relations were soon established, and the Major, after in e 20 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. specting the defences, and firing his cannon by way of a peace rejoicing, made the Old Turk's Head the theatre of conviviality. A general jollification was an institution for a time, and the besiegers returned home quite mellowed by the refreshments of their hospitable host. Satisfied that no more overt acts would be made to resist a removl, the Court House was finished, and in 1786 another act of removal was procured, under which the transfer of the county government was peacefully consummated. Wm. Gibbons, then Sheriff of the county, removed the prisoners friom the old jail at Chester the same year. Dr. Darlington characterized the old Court House of West Chester, a "miserable specimen of architecture," and he came very nigh the truth. No proceedings were instituted against Harper, the West Chester wags contenting themselves with newspaper squibs, quillets of wit, and lampoons couched in doggrel rhvme. Fate takes hopeful revulsions; flattered by the sagacity of the unfortunate Uplanders, she once more turned a smiling face upon them. Thus, when there seemed to be a general acquiescence in the deprivation of the Seat of Justice, under which the public buildings were sold, the organization of the county of Delaware changed the current of events. The authorities repurchased the public buildings, and Chester, in 1789, suffering a lapse of but three years, found her ancient regime in a great measure restored. The capricious goddess was not yet done with the well satisfied jurors of Chester; though they rejoiced in the restoration of their well sustained judicial honors, and enjoyed them from 1789 until 1851, a period of sixty-two years, the position of the Borough, yet too far eastward, wasmade anew, an argument against her. The agitation commenced, and in 1847 a law for the removal of the Seat of Justice having been put to vote at the October election of that year, the re 21 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. inovalists carried the question by seven hundred majority. In 1851 the courts were removed to Media, and the first court was held the same year at the young metropolis. But a shadow of hope for Chester grew out of a decision given by the Supreme Court of the State, relative to the License Law of 1847, which was declared unconstitutional, in consequence of having been put into operation by a vote of the people. The removalists, finding that the law authorizing removal had effect given it in a similar manner, and that the opposition thereto held it to be ipso facto void, endeavored to procure a remedial act, but were defeated in this movement by the activity of their opponents. The case was then taken to the Supreme Court, which in its wisdom found a distinction between the circumstances under which the people breathed life into the License Law, and those for the removal of the Seat of Justice; whereupon the latter was pronounced constitutional. This closed ulp the controversy forever upon removal, and Chester, having been the seat of judicial power for one hundred and fifty years, was forced to yield to the uncompromising demands of time: l)er ancient hall is destined lo be trodden no more by the footsteps of the thronging multitude, who wait with patience upon the law's delay. COURT HOUSES. Different buildings at various times have been used in which to administer justice at Chester. The first we hear mentioned is in 1677, when "Capt. Jans Jurgin was ordered and desired by the Court to warn his men belonging to his company, and with them to fit up and finish the house of dejfence at Upland fit for the court to sit in, agaiust the next court;" and in 1679, "Neils Laerson is ordered by court to make or leave a lane or street from Uplanl Creek to the house a 22 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. of defence or country house, before nextcourt," wliichl is the building referred to in the first order. This court house is supposed to have stood upon a lot upon the east side of Edgomont street, and nearly opposite the site of the Old Assembly House. The sites of the first two can only be conjectured, and the site of the third, thoulgh known, contains but few remains for recognition. It is believed to have stood thirty feet south of the Old Assemby Building, and part of one of its walls is still standing as part of the wall of a dwelling( owned by Frederic Fairlamb, Esq. The jail was in the cellar, and the bars of its windows are still in their original position. This court house was built by John Hoskins in 1695, and conveyed by him to the Commissioners of the county. The fourth court house, a substantial stone structure two-stories high, was built in 1724, which date may be seen upon its south wall, and is in a good state of preservation. Its position is upon the west side of Market street. between Work and Free streets. The building contains the town clock, and its architecture denotes the olden time, being(r girded above each story with roofed projections. The jail, its necessary companion, stood upon the same lot at the corner of Mtarket and Work streets, and its walls having( been built upon, now resounds to the hum of machinery, hlaving( been merged into a manufactory of cotton goods. The front part, on Market street, which was the Sheriff's dwelling, may still be seen in pretty good preservation. The Court House will long stand, albeit one hundred and thirty-five years have driven their blasts against it, but the eloquent efforts of the forensic aspirant, is forever lost to its walls, its glory having departed by the removal of the seat of justice to Media. It is now used as a Town Hall, and opened for an indefinite variety of purposes; lectures, public meetings, balls, sales of furniture &c. 23 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. REVOLUTION. In the summer of 1777, the invasion of Pennsylvania by the British forces became evident, and Waslhington directed the attention of Congress to the necessary means of defence. Chester and other counties of the State were called upon to forward their quota of men, and under the supervision of General WVayne a camp was formed at the vililage of Chester. Upon the 16th of August, 1000 troops were reported as having arrived at camp. As soon as a hurried discipline formed the concentrating masses into something like order and steadiness, batallions were organized by Gen. Armstrong and despatched uponl the anticipated route of the enemy's approach. A letter from that officer dated Chester, August 29, 1777, states that 1800 men, worked out of the chaos of disorder into something of definite shape for military operations, were forwarded to Wilmington. This labor of recruiting and organizing went on until the eve of the battle of Brandywine. During the 12thl of September, the day subsequent to that disastrous conflict, Chester, from beingr the scene of the marshalling in arms, was pressed t)y the wearied footsteps of the defeated patriots, having been upon the line of retreat, and selected as a point upon which to rally for a renewed defence of Phil,ldelpliia. Unable to effect nmore than the bringing together his scattered batallions, Washington soon1 continued his march northward to be really to cover any approach to that city; and a portion of Sir Wm. fIowe's troops took possession of Chester. The occupation of the town continued virtually until the spring of 1778, when the British army evacuated all their posts in Pennsylvania. During the Rebellion known as the Whiskey Insurrection in 1794, Chester sent a company of Infantry to the scene of disturbance, under the conmmnand of 24 0 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. Capt. WVm. Graham; and in the war of 18i2 she furnished a company for Camp Dupont, under the command of Capt. Samuel Anderson. ORGANIZATION OF DELAWARE COUNTY Having lost the seat of Justice in 1786, the citizens in the eastern part of Chester county endeavored to secure the organization of a new county to be called Delaware. This was effected in 1789, the new county having been taken fromn Chester, and is the least of all the counties in dimensions. Its length is 16 miles, breadth 11; area 177 sq. miles. The population in 1790, 9,483; in 1800, 12,809; in 1810, 14,734; in 1820, 14,810; in 1830,17,323; in 1840, 19,791; ill 1850, 24,679. EARLY SETTLERS AND LANDS. The terms a,,reed upon by Penn whilst in En,glanp in 1681, upon which settlers should possess land, was, "to those who buy, ~100 for 5000 acres, free from any Indian incumbrance, and one shilling quit rent for 100 acres; to those who rent, one pence per acre, not to exceed 200 acres. For servants the master shall have 50 acres per head, and 50 acres to be given to every servant when his time is expired." For cities or towns 100 persons could have 50,)00 acres surveyed and divided to sutit their interests. In 1682 we find some modification of these terms. It became usual to grant 5000 acres to six purchasers, who chose land eligible for towns In this way-, at Chester and other places lands were granted. For purposes of profit, in 1682, Penn granted to H. Moore and others, deeds for large bodies of land, and gave them a charter under the title of the Free Society of Traders, to whom extraordinary privileges were granted. SWEDISH CHURCH. Whether the Swedes ever had a church at Chester 2* 25 0 4b DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. may fairly be questioned. Says, Ferris "in 1681 the Swedes had three places of worship, one at Cranehook, near Christina, one at Tinicum and one at Wicaco." In regard to the erection of these we have definite dates, whilst no mention is made of Upland. They could have had no church edifice in 1675, as it was in that year ordered "that the church at Tinicum Island do continue as heretofore; that it serve for Upland and parts adjacent." Hazard in speaking of that period, says,-,"it is probable there were at this time but three churches in the present Delaware and Pennsylvania." "The Swedes," says Rev. Mr. Hall, "were Episcopal in their order of the Christian ministry, and held to liturgical service," and though hlie surmises that they may have erected a church in 1682, or as early as 1650 or 1660, he very properly evincesdoubts upon that point. In the absence of positive testimony; from the fact that Tinicum church was but about three or four miles distant, and( water communication convenient, and the evident impossibility of every author, who has written upon the Delaware settlements, failing to note the fact of a Swedish Church having been built at Upland, whilst at every other spot, however insignificent, the date of erection and their pastors are minutely given, we cannot avoid the conclusion, that, however apparent it may be to some minds, the Swedes never erected a church at Chester. They probably had a burial place, that now owned lby the Episcopalians, corner of James and Welsh streets, whilst their place of worship was at Tinicuin. It is altogether out of the question to suppose that Mr. Clay, a Swedish minister, in his annals of the Swedes, and which had particular reference to their religious interests on the Delaware, would have overlooked their interests at Upland. 0 26 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. FRIENDS. Friends found their way up the Delaware in 1676, and settled in New Jersey. From thence families, having friendly intercourse with the Sweden, settled at Upland, Shackamaxonr and other places. But there must have been arrivals at Upland previous to this, as another authority states that the Friends had meetings in their houses at Upland as early as 1675, in which year Robert Wade came out; and that they were visited by Wm. Edmundson, the same year, at Wade's house, where the first meeting was held. The first monthly meeting was held at Wade's on the 10th day of 11th month, 1681, and consisted of Friends of Upland and Chichester. It was called Chester Monthlv Meeting. and grew large enough in 1696 to settle meetings at other places, from which sprung the meetings of Springfield, Providence and Middletown. The first meeting house of the society at Chester was the Old Assembly Building, purchased by them in 1688. They held this building until 1736; about that period the present house, on Market street south of James was built, and was the place of worship for the village and surrounding neighborhood, until the division of the sect in 1827. At that time, one party of the dissentients moved its place of worship to Waterville, where it has since continued its meetings, leaving the other in quiet possession of the house at Chester. Though the Friends were the prevailing sect in the surrounding country, at an early p)eriod, their number in thle town was never great; and since 1827 they have very sensibly lessened. John Salkeld was a minister of some note among them in 1750. EPISCOPALIANS. The time at which the Episcopalians first associated together in Chester runs beyond any'record which can now be found. In a notice by the Rev. Mr. Hall, 27 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. he says:-"At this late period nothing can be determined on with respect to the precise time of the erection of the church edifice of St. Paul; we may however venture to say, that the probable date is somewhere about the )-ear 1650 or 60, and that the Swedes were probably the first founders." Their record, extant, extends back to April 14th, 1704, at which time the congregation worshipped in the old edifice that stood in the burial ground directly opposite their present edifice. How long before that date they had occupied it is not known, but Mr. Hall's dates seem to I)e somewhat early. Whenever the time of building the original edifice, it is probable they were conjoined by the Swedes, who worshipped with them. The edifice was repaired in 1702, under the auspices of the "Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in England," and i e find the Rev. Henry Nicholls was pastor in 1704. The ground upon which the first edifice was erected, was owned originally by James Sandelands, a merchant, and owning much property. The probability is that he gave them the ground, as it is stated that he was one of the founders of the church. Sandelands died in 1682, at the age of 56; so that if Mr. HIlall's supposition, with regard to date, is correct, and Sandelands was one of the founders, it is possible that St. Paul may have been founded between 1660 and 1670. In 1835 the church underwent repairs; the numa ber of pews was increased, a new chancel built, belfry erected upon the roof, with a bell, a gallery thrown across the west end of the building, and other improvements made in accordance with the wants of that time. In 1850 still furtlher improvements were effected by the building of the present edifice upon the north side of James street. The style is Gothic, and of the most substantial character. It is built of stone, eighty-four by fourty-four feet, and appears as though an earthquake could hardly disturb its foundations. O 28 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. The old structure, which stood upon the opposite side of the street, and had subserved the holier purposes of primitive days, then yielded to the fiat of time, and the stone that marked the grave of Sandelands, and a few other crumbling ones, are the only mementos of the spot, where 9 ,,The rude forefathers of the hamlet sleep." The first edifice was small, having contained but twenty-four pews. Its style wMas very primitive; one of its gables was occupied by a large window, and exterior to the other was a tower some twelve feet distant from the gable, containing a belfry. The pulpit had its old fashioned sounding board. Among the venerable relics of olden time, which, by the courtesy of Dr. J. M. Allen, we were permitted to handle, are two chalices and their salvers, or plates; the one presented to the congregation by Queen Anne, the other by the Hion. Sir Jefferey Jcffries. The pieces are of very pure silver, but of workmanship somewhat rude, in comparison with the relined skill of our own time. The chalices bear the marks of the workman's hammer, and appear to have received their polish principally by long and frequent handling. The chalice presented by the Queen has engraven upon it Anne Reginal. The time at which these pieces were presented is not certainly known, but it must have been prior to 1702, as they were used at the first communion of the church. They are still regularly used. There are some monumental remains in the church yard of dates subsequent to 1700, and should probably be noticed, under the present head. The oldest of these is inscribed as follows: "Here lyeth ye Body of Charles Brooks Who Dyed (No date.) Also Francis Brooks Who Dyed August ye 9th 1704 Aged 50" 29 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. The next in date runs, "Robert French Obt. Sept. the 9th 1713': This is cut upon an ordinary slab of sienite, six feet long and three and a half feet wide, and made the stepping stone from the front gateway of the present church edifice. The next we propose to notice, is in memory of "Paul Jackson, he was the first who received a Degree in the College of Philadelphia-An. AYt. 38 A. D. 1767" A tomb within the old church yard enclosure, contains reminiscences which cannot, with any degree of propriety, be passed by. The tomb of MORTON is an obelisk of marble, about nine feet in height, without any ornamental carvings or appendages but the arms of the State of Pennsylvania, encircled by laurel. The sides of the obelisk front precisely upon the four points of the compass. The inscription upon the west side, runs: "Dedicated to the Memory of Johii Morton, a member of the first American Congress from the State of Pennsylvania, assembled in New York 1765, and of the next Congress assembled in Philadelphia in 1774, and various other public stations Born A.D. 1724 Died April 1777" Upon the East side: "In voting by states upon the question of the Independence of the American Colonies, there was a tie until the vote of Pennsylvania was given, two members from which voted in the affirmative, and two in the negative. The tie continued until the vote of the last member, John Morton decided the promul. gation of the glorious Diploma of American Freedom." Upon the North side: 0 30 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. "John Morton being censur(ed by some of his friends for his boldness in giving the casting vote fori the Declaration of Independence, his prophetic spirit dictated from his death bed the following message to them: "Tell them that they will live 4o see the hour when they shall acknowledge it to have been the most glorious service that I have ever rendered to my country," Upon the South side: "In 1775 while Speaker of the Assembly of Pennsylvania, John Morton was reelected a Member of Congress, and in the ever memorable session of July 1776, he attended that august body for the last time, enshrining his name in the grateful remembrance of the American People, by signing the Declaration of Independence." Among the most ancient remains of the spot, is the stone that commemorates the death of James Sandelands, merchant, which has been preserved with commendable care by St. Paul's congregation, by being placed against the eastern wall of the vestibule of their present edifice. It was taken from the old church when torn down in 1850; it formed the front part of Sandelands' ])ew, having been placed upon its edge. It was the oldest memento upon the ground, and at once massive and unique. The slab is a grey sand-stone, six feet high, four feet wide, and about six inches in thickness. Upon the face, near the edge, which is rounded, there extends entirely around the slab a raised surface, about two and a half inches wide and half an inch in relief. Upon this relieved border the date of Sandelands' death is cut, as also that of his wife. The style is quaint and runs as follows, commencing at one of the corners of the stone: "Here lies interr-d the bodie of James Sandelands, marchant, in Upland, in Pensilvania, who departed 31 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. this mortall life Aprile the 12 1682 aged 56 years, and his wife, Ann Sandelands." Across the middle of the face of the stone, is a breadth of relief similar to that around the border, but four inches in width, upon which is alatininscrip tion. The relieved border, and the relief across the middle, of which we have spoken as containing the inscriptions, leave the remaining face of the stone equally divided into two depressions, each nearly three feet square. These squares have various insignia in bold relief. As these, in circumstantial detail would require too much space, and as a description would by no means convey an a(curate idea of them, we beg leave to refer the curious in antiquarian research,to the tomb itself, or to an engraving of it made under the direction of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. Sandelands, as his tombstone states, was a merchant, and nian of wealth in the town, possessing in 1681 all the land between Chester and Ridley creeks for a mile inland. He was supposed to have been a Swede, but it is just as probable that he was a Scotchman. The succession of Pastors of the Episcopal chuich from 1704, is enumerated as follows:-Rev. Messrs. Henry Nickolls, George Ross, John Humphreys, Richard Backhouse, Thomas Thompson, George Craig, James Conner, Joseph Turner, Levi Heath, Joshua Reece, William Pryce, Jacob M. Douglass, R. U. Morgan, John B. Clemson, R. D. Hall, M. R. Talbot, G. W. Ridgely, A. B. Hard, Mr. Quick, Mr. Balcli, N. S. Harris, Daniel Kendig, M. R.'r Talbot. METHODISTS. Prior to 1832, no effective efforts had been made b y this sect, their w orshippers having been few in number. Occasional meetings were held in the Court House, and though some attempts were made towards the organization of a church, they did not succeed un 0 32 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. til that year. The faithful zeal, so characteristic of these people, enabled the congregation, under many difficulties, to erect a small edifice in 1834. From that period they grew encouragingly, and in 1846 their present place of worship was erected. A large congregation attest the result of their labors. CATHOLICS. The rapid influx of members of this persuamon, induced by the existing and prospective growth of Chester, necessitated the forming of a congregation, and the erection of a church edifice in 1842. The corner stone was laid on the 29th of September of that year, and on the 25th of June 1843, the house was dedicated, under the patronage of St. Michael, in the presence of a very large assembly. It is a stone structure, in the Gothic style, 72 by 42 feet, with a spire 100 feet high, surmounted by a gilt cross. The tower contains a finely toned bell, weighing 1000 lbs., which is rung thrice a day. To the church edifice has been added a sacristy 12 by 22 feet, and a room for a Sabbath School, 16 by 24 feet. A parsonage 34 feet square, and three stories high, was built on the church lot in 1854, and is the residence of the present pastor, the kindly Father Haviland. PRESBYTERIANS. The first sedulous efforts of the Presbyterians in Chester, are of comparatively recent date, and were commenced by the Rev. Jas. W. Dale, in the fall of 1850. He continued preaching in the Court House for more than a year, and thus laid the foundation bfor ulterior success. In 1852 the edifice in which the congregation now worships, was finished and dedicated; and by the indefatigable and zealous labors of Mr. Dale, a church was organized in 1853, with but 17 persons as members, and a Sabbath School of 30 scholars, with Mr. Robert Benedict as the ruling el 33 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. der. For two years from the organization of the church, the Rev. J. O. Steadman, of Wilmington, N. C., was the stated supply. He was succeeded for two years more, by the Rev. Geo. Van Wyck, in the same capacity. The present pastor, the Rev. A. W. Sproull, entered upon his labors as the first regularly called pastor of the church in the summer of 1856, and was installed in September of that year. The church is now in a flourishing condition, and bids fair to be an instrument of great and extensive usefulness BAPTISTS. The Baptists as yet have no regular organization, but are laboring to form a congregation and build an edifice. In anticipation of this, J. P. Crozer has given for the purpose a very fine lot upon the northwest corner of Penn and Second streets. Upon this Mr. Benj. Gartside has built them a small, but neat edifice, which is used for prayer meetings and lectures. It is probable that not much time will have elapsed ere a respectable edifice will adorn the present vacant space, and a worthy congregation shed good influences around them. ROADS. The most ancient thoroughfare along the Delaware, was that from Philadelphia to New Castle, through Chester. That part of it from Chester to New Castle was early laid out and called the King's road; whilst the part that rani from Philadelphia to Chester, was laid out in the reign of Queen Anne and called the Queen's road. The entire route subsequently was called the King's Highway. This road was the same as the present one through Darby, and in locating it, a direct line would have taken it through Chester, north of where it was placed. It is stated that Jasper Yates, a person of property and influence, a son-inlaw of James Sandelands, diverted it southward along 0 34 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. what is now Market street. and again westward along James street, and over Chester creek upon a chain bridge. In this divergence he was supposed to have some pecuniary interest, as tlhe road thus ran over, or contiguous to his property. Comments were freely bestowed upon Jasper's course, and some one, more bitter than others, remarked, that:"God and Nature intended the road to cross directly acioss the creek, but the Devil and Jasper Yates took it where it was located." Jasper was living in 1701. Filbert street and one between it and the river, were laid out previous to 1690. The now unknown street was eaten away by the tides of the river, and its site is covered with mud and reeds. Market and James streets, forming part of the King's Highway, as likewise Work, Free and Welsh, were laid out previous to 1725. NEWSPAPERS. The Chester and Delaware Coun/'y Federalist, afterwards changed to the Village Record, published by Charles Miner. at West Chester, had the whole weekly newspaper circulation of Delaware county up to Nov. 8th, 1819; when the first number of the Post Boy was published at Chester, by Butler & Worthington. This was the first paper ever established in Delaware county. The size of the paper was 151 by 9~ inches, printed on 4 pages of 4 columns each, with large ty pe. All the work on it, including editing and distributing over the county by ])ost riders, was done by Mr. Worthington and Wim. W. Doyle, the latter then a small boy. After publishing the Post Boy about six years, B. & W. sold out the establishment to Joseph M. G. Lescure, who enlarged the size of the paper, changed the title to the Upland Union, and continued it under that name until the year 1838; when it was purchlased by Williams A; Coates, who were succeeded by 35 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Alexander Nesbit, and afterwards by Alexander McKeever; by whom it was published until 1852, when, for want of patronage, it was discontinued. During most of this time the labor on the Union was performed by the sons of the editor, who were minors. The Post Boy and the Upland Union, were published as neutral papers until the Presidential contest of 1827, when Lescure, who was a Democrat, was charged by the Adams party with Javoring the Jackson interest. Lescure quarrelled with Wm. Russell a resident of the Borough, and an ardent supporter of Adams, which induced him to purchase a press and materials and commence the publication of the Weekly Visitor, which was edited by Strange N. Palmer, who is now a Judge at Pottsville. From the establishment of the Visitor, the Union became a party paper, and was the organ of the Democratic party of the county until its discontinuance. After a few numbers of the Visitor were published, a disagreenment took place between Russell and Palmer, and the establishment was purchased by 30 of the active members of the Adams' party, who called themselves National Republicans. Each of these gentlemen subscribed $20, and Mr. Palmer continued editor and publisher, until after the close of the Presidential campaign, when the paper passed into the hands of Thomas Eastman, who published it until the year 1832, when it was discontinued. During the time Eastman had charge of the paper, the first year the Anti-Masonic excitement arose, and E. inclining to favor that new party, a meeting of the owners was called, (termned by their political opponents the 30 Fathers,) which resulted in the leaders of the Anti-Masonic party purchasing the interests of those who were most dissatisfied with the course the editor had pursued. Some time after the discontinuance of the publication of the Visitor, the materials were purchased and removed to Darby by Y. S. Walter. and on the 31st :;6 *1 0 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. day of August 1833, he commenced the pub)lication of the Delaware County Republican as the organ of the Whig party. In November 1841, Mr. Walter removed the establishment to Chester, where it has continued under his editorship and control, with in. creasing patronage, up to this time. It contains six times the matter of the Post Bov,,the original paper of the county, and is published on the same terms upon which that paper was issued. In the Gubernatorial contest of 1835, a split occurred in the Democratic party, one section advocating the election of Muhlenburg, and the other that of Geo. Wolf. The Upland Union, advocating the cause of the latter, the friends of the former established a paper called The Delaware county Democrat, which was published and edited by Caleb Pierce, but their candidate having been defeated, the paper was sold to Mr. Mooney, and in a few months after was discontinued for want of support. In May 1850 S. E. Cohen commenced the publication of a monthly neutral paper under the title of the Chester Hlerald, which on the 13th of September of the same year, he changed to a weekly, and a few months after for want of patronage it was discontinued. In October 1856, a paper under the title of the Upland Union and Delaware County Democrat, was commenced by J. G. Miclielon, under the patronage of the Democratic party, but after issuing a few numbers it shared the fate of its predecessors. During the years 1857-8, a small Literary paper was issued at irregular periods, called the Evening Star, by the Washing(rton Literary Society, an association of young persons, formed for literary improvement. About the year 1843 a small paper advocating the temperance cause, called the Chariot, was published by Flavill & Jackson, which was shortlived. During 37 a DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. the year 1840, a small comic paper called the Owl, was published at irregular periods by unknown proprietors, and distributed gratuitously at night. It was edited with ability, and created considerable excitement among certain portions of the citizens of the Borough. GENERAL HEALTH. Chester, lying upon an alluvial strip, and washed by the tides of the Delaware, which carry off every source of miasma, is peculiarly exempt from those destructive diseases which render the lower levels objectionable as places of residence. The well water is somewhat impregnated with chalybeate and saline matter. and to these medicated qualities may be owing, in some measure, the avoidance of several forms of disease. A resort to Saratoga, or White Sulphur Springs, would be quite unnecessary to an inhabitant of the ancient bailiwick. The spring water is of the purest kind, and the superiority of Delaware county butter, sought for in the Philadelphia and Baltimore markets, is very much owing to the purity and coldness of this water. Exceptional to the diseases upon water courses,Chester has very few, if any, agues or intermittent fevers; and bodily vigor and health are well attested by the oldest inhabitants, as well as visitors in large numbers. No process of acclimation is needed to keep a sound mind in a sound body, and none found to bear evidence of disease of miasmatic origin. In 1832 the Cholera swept over the town without a case, and other epidemics find no victims. Says the intelligent and observant Dr. Owen,-"We have no erdemic disease, and our epidemics are few and of the mildest form of the prevailing malady. Fever is an element in the disease of man attendant upon almost every instance of aberration from health, even the slightest cold. But whatever its concomitants, it assumes the type and O 38 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. general character of an intermittent, remittent, or continuous fever. But these fevers are believed to be as few and mild here as upon any other inhabited section of the globe; and so well is this supported by experience, that where death occurs from fever, uncomplicated, our citizens are in the habit of suspecting something wrong in tho treatment. Dysentery, one of the grave diseases of our climate, is scarcely known lhere, not averaging one case in two or three years. Bilious fever, too, so much dreaded, is extremely rare, occurring not oftener than Dysentery; and the Typhoid, so tedious, has not given us ten cases within the last ten years. Liver complaints, and bilious diseases generally, find no fitted soil at Chester. "Within a few years the population of Chester has largely increased, and though the writer has had opportunities of observation, he cannot call to mind a solitary case of intermittent fever or chills, contracted by any of the new settlers; notwithstanding some of these, from employment and exposure, are made the most liable to disease. One family, with eight children, living most exposed to the influence of the river, and flattest land, has enjoyed uninterrupted good health over two years. Extending the inquiry along the shore below Chester, embracing therein one dozen farms, some of the houses of which are located on the bank of the river, and none from it a quarter of a mile, including family, numerous city boarders, laboring men in harvest, and servants, the amount of sickness, of every kind, at each of these farms, is not worth to the physician an average of $10 a year at the charge of $1 a visit. The largest and most celebrated boarding house in this section of country, situated near the river, two miles below Chester, every summer filled to overflowing, including a herd of little children, does not average $20 a year for medical aid. On the farm adjoining this, there have been but a 39 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. three cases of sickness within the last eight years; and a farm nearest the river, one mile and a half below Chester, has been exempt from disease for a number of years. At the largest, and best farm in the county, lying one mile above Chester, and about half that distance from the river, there has not been a case of sickness for eight years. Another large farm one quarter of a mile above this, has been blessed with uninterrupted good health for a still longer period. Leaving these more notable instances, and taking a general view of the inhabitants, it is no rare circumstance to find large families in this neighborhood, living one, two, and three consecutive years, without occasion for medical aid for disease; whilst there is no one place that can be given in illustration of much sickness. As localities differ in amount and kind of disease, so do the distinct races of men differ in their susceptibility to particular maladies, and to the influences of particular locations. Yet these. ifferent nations find at Chester, the same freedom from disease, and the same invigorating effects of our pure, bracing atmosphere, as others do. The Irish, with their strong affinity for agues and fevers, live here most exposed with comparative impunity." Even at the period of the early settlements, when, from the uncultivated condition of the country, dis-' ease would be more frequent and virulent, the instances of longevity denote a healthy location. Of the robustness of the Swedes, Penn says, "as they are a people proper and strong of body, so they have fine children, and almost every house full. It is rare to find one of them without three or four boys, and as many girls; some, six, seven and eight sons; and I must do them that right, to say, I see few young men more sober and laborious." Mention is likewise made of Richard Buffington in 1739, who that year had assembled at his father's house, 115 of his father's proper descendants in the persons of children, grandchildren 40 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. and great grandchildren. The father was then 85 years of age and his first born 60. Richard Buffington is said to have been the first one born of English parents in Penns Ilvania-he was born in 1679. TAVERNS. The number of Taverns in Chester at an early date was much greater than at present. About the year 1790, says a venerable resident, almost every house of any size was an inn. Among the most prominent of these were the following: The Inn of Sarah Gill stood upon the property now owned by Rebecca Brobson, on the north side of James street, west of Chester creek, extending to the creek. LThe proprietress married an Englishman named George Gill, who sided with his countrymen, and went with the English army to Halifax. George afterwards returning to Chester was imprisoned, but liberated by an act of pardon. This house has not been a tavern for the last fifty years, and is still the residence of the intelligent and kindly Mrs. Brobson. At the period in which the Inn flourished, the people of Chester made their own malt, and a malt house stood upon the same lot; this was a brick building, and in a dilapidated condition fifty years agfo. Valentine Weaver owned and kept the Inn now known as the National Hotel, at the northeast corner of James and Edgmont streets. This property was conveyed in 1750, by William Preston to Solon Hanley, as the "Blue Anchor Tavern." It was kept by Edward Engle until he died, about 1810, and subsequently by his widow, until 1832 or 1833. During the time of MArs. Engle's proprietorship, it was the popular and fashionable hotel of the place. The house is now kept by Mr. George Wilson. The Blue Ball Inn was kept in the brick building still standing upon the northeast corner of Market and 0 41 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Filbert streets. The sign, a blue ball, was attached to the end of a pole that projected through a hole made in the wall of the house. Samuel Fairlamb was the keeper. No tavern has been kept there for fifty years. For a number of years it was the residence of Sarah Malin, the widow of Francis Malin. Mrs. Malin recently died there. The Washington House, on Market street, was built by Auber Bevan, and kept as an Inn of some note by William Kerlin. Kerlin was succeeded by his son-inlaw, Joseph Piper, who kept the house until he died. It is now owned and kept by John G. Dyer, whose kindness and gentlemanly bearing have deservedly won him many friends. The Columbia Hiotel, at the northeast corner of Market and Free streets, was kept by the widow Witheys, and said to have been in her day the best hotel in the United States. The proprietress was the widow of an English officer, who enjoyed a pension of sixty pounds sterling per annum. Mrs. W. became wealthy, and died at an advanced age. The house is now owned by Mrs. Elizabeth Appleby, and kept by her son, Mr. Francis Appleby. In the building, at the southwest corner of Market and Work streets, now occupied as a grocery by Mr. Minshall, a tavern was kept by James Pennell. James' house became noted by his keeping a tiger for exhibition, which attracted numerous visitors. Pennell subsequently removed to the Black Horse in Middletown, where he continued his exhibition. As he was one day experimenting with the animal, he fell a victim to its ferocity, having been caught by it and so severely lacerated as to cause his death. The property is now owned by F. J. Hinkson, Esq., and no tavern has been kept there within forty or fifty years. The brick house in Edgmont street, north of James, upon the tan yard lot, was likewise a tavern, and kept 42 0 HISTORY-OF THE BOROUGH. by a person named Johnson. The same house is now occupied by Mr. J. S. Bell. In the second house from the corner of Work street, on the east side of Market, was a hotel kept by John Scantling, an Irishman, and the resort of all the sons of the Emerald Isle. For a number of years, -and up to about 1855, it was keptas a tavern by John Irwin and his son, Wm. Irwin. A beer House, called the Globe, aas once kept upon James street, below Market, by a man named Scott, but abandoned as a public house for nearly fifty years. It was burned down in 1830, and the site is now occupied by the Upland Buildings, owned by Samuel A. Price. IMPROVEMENTS. Chester, from its early settlement, grew at a very slow pace. Holm says of it in 1702, "Macoponaca, which is called Chester,lwas a bare place, without a fort, but there was some houses built there." Oldmixon says of it in 1708, that it had "one hundred houses." This would give a population of probably 500 persons. But by the census of 1820, a population of only 657 is given it, and in 1850 had increased to no more than 1667, making an increase of but about 1000 persons in thirty years, averaging about thirtyfour per annum, and in one hundred and forty-two years but about eight persons per annum l From the last period the foundation of her prosperity became enlarged. Her venerable and antiquated appearance began to pass away. Where time and flame had done their work, antiquity was supersceded by modern structures, and but few years can elapse ere the appliances within and around her, must make her a city whose architectural taste, industrial energy, extended trade, and cotemporaneous intelligence, will make her a homestead at once pleasant and profitable, 0 43 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. and a tyro in prophecy might readily hazard for her future a rapid enlargement of area. Until the year 1849, hemmed in by farms, which the possessors did not seem willing to relinquish, but few improvements were made beyond the seeming exigencies of the small population. Though enterprise wished for outlet upon which to exercise its energies, the surrounding land owners did not recognize its claim to a wider scope. From 1839 to 1848, but very few houses were erected. Towards the last of February of the latter year, the store and dwelling of Preston Eyre, comprising all the northwest corner of Market Square, was burnt: and under the ownership of J. MI. Broomall, the site was embellished by that gentleman, with fine stores, of ample dimensions. From this date others multiplied, and a stimulous seemed to have been givnen to building and trade. This was increased by some fortunate circumstances, the most prominent of which was the bringing into market some of the farms that had been a barrier to the growth of the ancient Borough. One ofthese farims waspart of the old Wade property, which, with some additional land, comprised sixty-four acres along the Delaware southwest of Chester creek. Mr. Broomall's enterprise, in conjunction with that of John P. Crozer, induced the purchase of this tract in 1849. Streets of ample width were laid out, and liberal inducements given to all who needed improved dwellings. By building and selling at cost, and in many instances advancing to those without capital three-fourths of the means necessary to build a dwelling, these gentlemen soon dotted the new purchase over with modernized habitations. In 1855 Mr. Broomall bought out tle interest of Mr. Crozer, and has since pursued the same liberal policy to those in need of a home. Upon this purchase there have been built forty-four brick dwellings, two cotton factories, five cotton and wollen factories, one bleaching and 44 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. finishing factory, one dyeing factory, one oil mill, one steam saw and planing mill, one sash and door fac tory, one large seminary, numerous shops, coal and wood yards, three ship yards, and six hundred and ten feet of wharfing, besides other improvements. One year subsequent to this purchase, in 1850, John Larkin, Jr., bought part of the Cochran estate, lying towards the northeastern part of the Borough, and with the laudable spirit of improvement, vigor ously addressed himself to the task of making a new and regularly built town. His policy, likewise, has been of a highly liberal character, by placing the price of lots on a scale so low as at once to enable those in moderate circumstances to buy, and induce the capitalist to seek liberal investments. The old race course, which was upon the property, where feats of agile horsemanship prevailed, and time, money and rough jests, were freely expended, is now the scene of the steady march of improvement. The hum of industry is heard instead of the sportsman's halloo, and the racer and his jockey are supplanted by the steam engine, and swiftly revolving machinery. When Mr. Larkin purchased this property it was in one enclosure, with one small stone house and a stable upon it. At this date it contains two hundred and sixty dwellings, four cotton mills, one machine shop and foundry, two brick yards, one steam sash, door and furniture factory, one market house, one boarding school, one coach maker and one smith shop, two public schools, Odd Fellow's Hall, one bakery, and ten stores. In 1852 Messrs. F. & A. Wiggins, of New York, purchased the balance of the Cochran estate, lying north of Mr. Larkin's improvements, and having opened streets through the new purchase, facilities are afforded to those who wish to purchase eligible sites for homesteads. Of this Bishop Potter haspurchased seventeen acres, upon which is the old mansion 45 0 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. house of the Cochran's, where occasional hours are spent from the arduous field of ministerial labor. MANUFACTURES. Thie manufacturing interests of Chester have received their greatest impulse since 1848. In that year Mr. James Campbell, the most extensive manufacturer of cottons in the Borough, led the way. His mill was the old jail at the corner of Market and Work streets, to which additions were built to some extent along the latter street, to accommodate the various machinery. The same building is at present occupied by the enterprising Mr. Stephens, Mr. Campbell having removed to a more extensive site upon a fine avenue, Broad street, laid out by Mr. J. Larkin. Mr. Campbell has beenfollowed by Messrs. Stephens, Blakely, Green. Eccles, Knowles, Leiper and Irwing, and the Gartsides, all of whom, by their industry and perseverance, bid fair to make Chester eminent in the interest in which they are engaged. So far as we have been able to approximate the real condition of the cotton and woolen manufactures, they may be condensed as follows: No. of Operatives ----------------------— 500. " Looms —------------------------— 518. " "1 Spindles —--------------------— 16260 " i; Yards of fabric manufactured per annum -------------------- 4,000,000. Investments - ------------------------ $362,000Sales per annum —------------------- $529,000. The oldest foundry in Delaware county is located in Chester, having bee n established by Mr. Kitts, in 1836: it is now owned bv Mr. Charles A. Weidner and worked by Weidner & Co., who are at present putting the works in thorough repair, preparatory to extensivebusiness. In the same business, Lewis Miller, on Broad street, and Jacob Haycock, on Fi!bert 46 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. street, are building up the same interest by the conquering power of steam, and human skill and industry. CHESTER LIBRARY COMPANY. The Chester Library Company was established in 1767. Early in that year, according to the records of the Library, "a number of theminost considerable inhabitants of the Borough of Chester, having from Time to Time had in Consideration the good consequences that would result from the Erection of a public Library in the said Borough, for the promotion of useful Knowledge, did at length proceed to enter into Articles, for the forming themselves into a Company for that purpose, agreeable to which Article they met on the tenth day of May, Anno Domini 1767, in order to pay in the sum of money proposed to be advanced by each Member, and to elect and chuse proper Officers for the more effectual carrying their designs into Execution, at which Time were chose Directors-Henry Hale Graham, Elisha Price, David Jackson, Thomas Moore. Treasurer-Thomas Sharpless. Secretary-Peter Steel." The company commenced with 163 volumes. The number of Books in the Library at present is about two thousand. Nearly all the standard works of the day are purchased annually, and the collection is perhaps equal to that of any other Library in any of the Boroughs, outside of the large cities. The present officers of the company are: President-Joshua P. Eyre. Directors-Alexander M. Wright, John 0. Deshong, James Cochran, Frederick J. Hinkson and John H. Baker. Treas?Irer-Job Rulon. Secretary.Y. S. Walter. 47 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. MISCELLANEOUS. ISLANDS.-The changes effected by depositions of land, consequent upon changes of currents, are sometimes quite extensive. Islands now exist where once flowed navigable water. A slight obstruction of the current, causing deposites behind it, forms the nucleous from which solid grounild is afterwards made. The island now opposite Chester may not have been known to the earlier inhabitants, as also many other islands of the Delaware river. WILLIAM PENN, in the explanation of his motives for settling his Province, says -,"I went thither to lay the foundation of a free colony for all mankind, more especially those of my own profession; not that I would lessen the civil liberties of others because of their persuasion, but screen and defend our own from any infringment on that account. The charter I granted was intended to shelter them against a violent or arbitrary government imposed upon us." When Penn visited Chester he was thirty-eight years old, largely endowed with benevolent purposes, and at an age which gave him the spirit and vigor to carry them out. ROBERT WADE was distinguished among the Friends of 1675, and his hospitable mansion, the Essex House, was always open to members of every faith. He it, said to have owned the land upon the southwest side of Chester, or Upland creek, {or some distance. His name is often connected with both the business and religious interests of Upland, and in all the relations connected with the early community he bore a prominent part. JAMES SANDELANDS is spoken of by the writers of annals as a "wealthy Swedish proprietor," at Upland, holding a large tract upon the northeast side of ChIester creek, running one mile from the river. Thile evi a 48 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. dence that he was a Swede does not appear, and it is quite as probable that he was a Scotchliman. He was a member and liberal supporter of the Episcopal Church, giving it donations of land, when needed, and one o(f the most prominent in the establishment of the ancient church of St. Paul. From Sandelands and Wade, all the titles along the creek for some distance, are derived. THE YATE'S or Logan House, was built by Jasper Yates, the son-in-law of Sandelands, in 1700, and afterwards came into the possession of the Log(ran family. It is built of brick, two stories in height, and yet remains a substantial structure. It stands upon the north side of Filbert street, above Edgmont, and previous to the erection of buildings upon the opposite side of the street, commanded a fine view of the Delaware. Its embellishment at the period of its erection, the roofed projection over the first story, is gone, but the evidences yet remain, though partially concealed by paint. THE GRANARY, it is said, was also built by Yates, though some ascribe it to Sandelands. It was built in 1700, upon a somewhat extensive scale, having, depositories for grain in the upper story, whilst the lower was used as a biscuit bakery, and at one period prosecuted a thriving business, receiving its supplies of grain from the country north of the town as far as Lancaster county. The building stood upon the west side of Edgmont street, and where Filbert street terminates; its site is now occupied by the Chester flour mill, conducted by Messrs. Bartram & Sharples. THE PORTER HOUSE, So called from having been the residence of the gallant Commodore. It was built in 1721, by David Lloyd, a lawyer of education, who had been a Captain under Cromwell, but who afterwards became a Friend, and a leader in opposition to proprietory interests; he was somewhat noted as a 3* 49 0 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. refractory adherent, though "amiable in' his social relations." The house stands a short distance east of WVelsh street, and but a few rods from where the river swept its tides, ere the extensive area of marsh, now in front of it, was formed. The surroundings give evidence of having been, in earlier days, a spot the amenities of which made it attractive. The house was altered by Corn. Porter, and a better style observed than in the original structure; but the fingers of time are evidently making havoc among its architecture. It is at present the residence of Dr. James J. Porter. ORIGINAL GRANT.-The original grant for twelve hundred acr(s, to six inhabitants for the "town of Upland," was divided among the purchasers, and we find that the one-sixth part thereof, two hundred acres, belonging to Hans Juriansen Kien, was sold to his brother, Jonas J. Kien, in 1677; this lot "lying between the houses and lots of James Sanderling and Jurian Kien;" Jonas made the same over, at the same time, to John Test, merchant. ASSEMBLY of 1682 at Chester was dissolved by William Penn in person: the Speaker was Nicholas Moore, a lawyer from England. It sat from the 4th until the 7th of December, or about three days altogether. The mass of the acts passed having been agreed upon in England, where they were properly digested, the time of the Assembly was thus economized, ASSEMBLY BUILDING.-An intelligent firiend, from the examination that he has given this historical structure, is of the opinion that the room therein, which has been spoken of by writers as the one in which the Assembly sat, may have been the front, instead of the back room. The two parts of the building were constructed at different periods-the one next to the creek. was of brickl, and the front, next to Edgmont street, was stone, and built, as is supposed, 50 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. at a later date. But the front building bore evidence when taken down, of greater age than the other, was a more commodious structure, and better adapted to the purpose of the Assembly. The brick part bore evidence of having been subsequently added as a kitchen, having had an oven built within and forming part of the original wall. The timbers, too, were in a better state of preseivation. iistory, however, has otherwise stated the case, giving priority of time to the brick structure, and that it was tihe veritable one in which the Assembly was held. SWEDI[sI[ HOUSES.-The houses of the first settlers generally had but one room, with a low door, which required a stooping position to gain entrance. To admit light, holes, with sliding panels, were madesometimes isinglass was used as a covering. The houses were built of logs, the chirks being filled with clay. The chimneys were of stone or clay, as was most convenient, with ovens beside them. These structures in time were superscededby brick, though rude in manufacture, many of them having a black glaze. These made a most durable and substantial wall. TRAVELL[IN.-The earliest inhabitants of Upland travelled mostly by water, this being an easier mode than through the forest. For this reason the Swedes generally settled upon water courses, that intercommunication between the settlements should be easily effected. As paths were opened, journeys were made on horse back, with pillions for females. Time's busy $ hand eventually made the broad highway, over which rolled the light and graceful carriage, withits spirited steeds-the same magician again waved his wand, and into life sprung the iron way, its swiftly rushing engine, defying resistance and space. STATE OF SOCIETY.-In early times the social feelings and hospitality of the citizens of Chester were 51 0 -b DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. well marked. Society, in its more primitive condition, forces its members upon a more general level, and interchanges of kindness become universal. Mrs. Logan's experience was that "the people were simplehearted and affectionate. Little distinction of rank was known, but all were honest and kind." The same lady called the period of lher youth in Chester, -the silver age." The writer of this can add his testimony, to the effect, that in a canvass of the Borough for the Directory of 1859, he was received with a uniform kindness by the citizens, and in no one instance received an insulting or unkind reply to the many inquiries hlie had to make. He states this as a significant fact, strongly indicative of the tone and temperof society. FISH.-Chester, for many years, has been a profit able market for fish. In the Spring of the year the shad and herring fisheries vield their annual tribute, and are brought up Chester creek in boats, to supply the town and surrounding country. In 1683 it is stated that they were "exceedingly plentiful," and the early fishermen could take six hundred at a draught; they were proportionably cheap. Six rock fish could be bought for a shilling, six shad for the same, and oysters for two shillings a bushel. MARKETS.-Meats and vegetables are not sold to any great extent in the open market houses at Chester; the green groceiies furnishing almost every article necessary to the larder. The luscious melons and other fruits of Jersey, its sweet potatoes, &c., may be seen in their season in great profusion, and of the finest quality at these shops. The necessity for regular meat and vegetable markets upon specified days is not felt, as the citizens can purchase them at all hours of the day from the ample supplies of the grocer. This convenience is one of very great impor 52 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. tance, and the custom of constant supply is worthy of support. GAS AND WATER.-Gas was introduced into Chester in the vear 1856, and the business stands of the Borough nightly attract the passer by and furnish a brilliant light for his way, in addition to the lamps upon the corners of the streets. The Citizens not deeming their finances equal to the introduction of the other essential element, water, at the same tirne, light heralded the way, leaving water to follow in due time. Wells and pumps will probably ere long give place to the hydrant, and we may- here mention that Mr. Samuel Eccles, at the corner of James and Franklin streets, has pioneered the way in a different mode of supplying water from that in ordinary use. During the year he has sunk an artesian well, for the supply of his manufactory; at from a depth of about seventy-five feet he has succeeded in obtaining an ample supply of pure water. The boring was easily effected, by steam power, in a very short time, through portions of primitive rock, not difficult to penetrate. STOPPAGES were generally made at Chester, previous to and after Penn's arrival, by vessels bound to colonies higher up the Delaware, and the numbers that sometimes landed for a brief sojourn made the town a lively place. In 1682, quite an influx of visitors arrived, twenty-three ships having stopped there, making a population for the time that would have soon constituted a city, had the visitors made the place a permanent home. But the City of Brotherly Love seduced them to her shore. GAME.-Though the early inhabitants of Chester suffered the privations incident to a new colony, the abundance of game afforded them an abundant supply of provision. It is recorded that wild Pigeons came in clouds, and flew so low as to be knocked down with sticks. Wild Turkeys were exceedingly large and 53 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. fat. The Indians furnished them to the Swedes at very low rates. A turkey weighing thirty pounds, sold for a shilling, deer at two shillings, and fish proportionably low. A letter by Malilon Stacy says —"we have peaches by cart loads-thle Indians bring us 7 or 8 fat bucks of a day-without rod or net we catch abundance of herrings after the Indian manner, in pinfolds-geese, ducks, pheasants, are plenty." Swans then abounded-oysters were abundant six inches in length. We do not hear of the more modern rail and reed birds, which now afford profit and pleasure to the sportsman in the fall season. These birds come in the early part of Autumn in large numbers, to feed upon the seed of the thickly growing reeds of the low shore and half formed islands of the Delaware. The seed in its milky state, is very nutritive, and the birds fatten upon it in a few days, affording a highly palatable food. They are hunted in boats when the tide is sufficiently high to push the craft through the reeds. One person, called a pusher, stands in the stern, and with a pole forces the boat forward, and secures the game for the sportsman, who stands in the bow loading and firing as fast as the objects appear. During the bird season numbers from Philadelphia and other places visit Chester, for the exciting sport thus afforded by the flowing river of the Lenape. WHITFIELD.-This celebrated clergyman preached in Chester in 1739, to about 7,000 people, his fame as a speaker having aroused the country. He was accompanied to town by 150 horsemen. His commanding eloquence was the wonder of his, and his voice had a winnling tone, having been very sweet and possessing great power. PORCHES.-In olden time the necessary appendage to the town dwelling was the porch at the front door. it was of cheap and simple construction, with a floor. ing upon which was a seat at each side of the door at 54 0 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. right angles to the building. Very frequently a roofed projection, either supported by pillars, or without them, afforded protection from the weather. In the pleasant moonlighlt evenings the porch was often the spot where social greetings kept alive the strong kindly relations of the citizens. The friendly front porch is with the past, having been long supersceded by the ample portico, or the more elaborate veranda. FLOOD OF 1843, called the Lammas Flood,did immense damage upon the creeks of Delaware county. It occ'i-red in August, the rain having commenced upon the fifth of that month. More than fifty bridges were swept from their foundations and carried off, and the courses of the creeks were scenes of melancholy desolation. Chester being at the confluence of two large streams suffered in the destruction of property. The railroad bridge and that upon James street were taken away, besides houses having but frail foundations. The loss to the county in bridges alone was estimated at $100,000, and the damage to mill seats was great beyond all precedent. So heavy was this extraordinary flood that the water rose one foot per minute, and according to some statements, six feet in five minutes, and twenty-three feet in two hours. YELLOW FEVER.-During the prevalence of the Yellow Fever in Philadelphia, in 1798, numbers fled to Chester to escape the contagion, whilst others, carrying the disease with them, soon spread it over the town, causing the depopulation of entire houses, and some streets. POPULATION.-The population of Chester cannot be accurately ascertained at the census periods, in consequence of the government failing to give the number of inhabitants in the borough distinct from those in the township. In 1820 it was estimated at 657; in 1830 at 848; in 1840 at 1,000; in 1850 at 1667; in 1859 at 4107. 55 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. NORMAL SCHOOL. — rom the town may be seen this Institution upon a commanding eminence, and it seems to be so identified with the interests of the place, though but a short distance from the Borough line, as to demand a notice. From a distance the beholder can readily recognise its noble front, looming upon his sight,two hundred feet in length and forty feet deep upon the wings. Upon each story a broad hall runs the entire length of the building, and its recitation rooms, library and lecture rooms, parlors, dormitories and eating room, denote the most complete and ample accommodations for two hundred students. It is built of the gneiss rock of the vicinity, and is at once a fine architectural pile, with artistic proportions and strong, massive appearance. The shrubbery and trees of the lawn around it, are not yet fully grown, but the observan eye can at once perceive that it must become one of the most beautiful and delightful spots that could attract the footsteps of the student, or challenge his veneratiou and regard. From the observatory upon the central building, the far distant hills of New Jersey can be viewed, rounded into the dark blue, hazy outline, so charming to the eye of the artist; whilst within a nearer view, the broad Delaware sweeps its gleaming currents until lost to the visitor, its bosom fanned by many a flowing sail. The entire scene is instinct with life and grandeur, and beams with all the fitful feelings of poetic delight. This massive structure was erected a few years since, at a cost of fifty thousand dollars, by John P. Crozer; and it must ever be a most honorable monument, far above heroic blazonry, or the renown of battle fields, to the memory of its founder; not only by its power to defy for centuries the destructive years of time, but in the sending forth to the world those who shall mould the human mind for all the best purposes of life. Such a memorial of true usefulness will endure when all other renown will have oultived hu 0 56 HISTORY OF THE BOROUGH. man applause; and the name of CROZER deservedly live as long as its stately walls endure. This was the second institution built by Mr. Crozer; the Academy upon Second street, a very finely proportioned building of brick, capable of accommodating a large number of students, and being an embellishment to that quarter of the town, was erected by him several years previous to the Normal School. Mr. Crozer has done well for posterity. INHABITANTS in Chester in 1682 were a mixed popuLlation, being Swedes, Welsh, Germans, Dutch and English. The Dutch and Swedes, who had pioneered the way and been kindly received by the Indians, in turn received the English with friendly regard. From this mixture of nationalites we have various names, some of them modified by after generations. Wade, Dunn, Markham, Pemberton, Moore, Yardley, Lloyd, Pusey, Chapman, Wood, Rhoades, Hall, Townsend, Gibbons, Bonsal, Sellers, and numerous others of the English; Stille, Bengston, Kempe, Rainbo, Peterson, Cock, Svensson, Wihler, Kyn, Johannson, Van der Weer, Pehrsson, Longaker, Erickson, &c. of Dutch and Swedes. Svenson is now Swanson; Bonde, Bond; Bengston, Bankson; Nilsson, Nelson; Gostfson, Justice; Jonsson, Johnson; Soccom, Yocum; Wihler, Wheeler; Kyn, Keen; Van der Weer, Vandiver; Pellrsson, Pearson; Paulsson, Poulson; Longaker, Longacre; Lucas,on, Lucas, &c. 57 0 0 LIST OF STREETS. The compiler of the Directory that follows, has taken a liberty, with regard to the names of some of the streets, which, for a stranger, may seem unwarrantable. He has not done so, however, without the approbation and advice of some responsible citizens, and the change of Front to Edgmont street, and part of the Darby Plank Road, to Free street, he thinks will at once appear reasonable and satisfactory. The change of Work street to Clinton, was likewise urged upon him, but as this change, by corporate authority, did not seem so evident, he did not feel warranted in assuming Such a responsibility. The terms above and below are used in reference to the Delaware river. In those streets running parallel to Market, below is in going towards, and above from the river. In those streets running parallel to James., below is down and above up the river. Bevan's Court, from Filbert N between Market and Welsh. Barclay street, from Railroad to Fifth street, E of Concord road. Broad street, from Edgmont to Darby P Road, N of Larkin. Cochran street, from Upland to Plank Road, N of Railroad. Courtland street, from Potter eastward, N of Pros pect Avenue. Crosby street. from Plank Road to Porter, East of Welsh. Concord street, from Railroad, N to Borough line. 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Clinton street, from Welsh to Crosby, S of Free. Deshong street, from Potter to Borough line, North of Courtland. Essex street, from James to Delaware river, West of Penn. Ed(rmont street, from Delaw are river to Borough line, W of Market. Evans street, from Welsh to Crosby, S of James. Filbert street, from Welsh to Chester creek, South of James. Free street, firom Edgmont to Railroad, S of Railroad. Frederick street, froln Edgmont to Potter, N of Gal latin. Franklin street, firom Fifth to Delaware river, W. of Essex. Front street, from Penn westward, S of Second. Fourth street, from Concord Road westward, S of Fifth. Fifth street, from Washington westward, S of Sixth. Fulton street, from Fifth to Water, W of Franklin. Gallatin street, from Edgmont to Upland, N of Logan. Graham street, from Market to Edgmont, S of James. James street, from Crosby to Borough line, S of Fourth and Woik. Jefferson street, from Providence Road east, North of Franklin. Larkin street, from Edgmont to Darby Plank road, N of Cochran. Liberty street, from Edgmont to Darby Plank road, S of Logan. Logan street, from Edgmont to Quarry, N of Liberty. Morton street, from Providence road. to Potter, N of Frederick. Madison street, from Free to Logan, W of Upland. Mechanic street, from Larkin to Liberty, W of Madi son. Market street, from Railroad to Delaware river. North street, from Railroad to Cochran, E of Upland. 60 a LIST OF STREETS. Parker street, from Fifth to Water, W of Fulton. Penn street, from James to Del. river, W of Chester creek. Potter street, from Cochran to Providence road, E of Upland. Providence Road, from Edgmont to Borough line, N E of Edgmont. Prospect Avenue, from Potter east, S of Courtland. Porter street, from Welsh to Crosby, S of Evans. Powell's Court, from Market east, between James & Filbert. Plank Road, from Railroad North to Borough line, E of North, Potter and Quarry. Quarry street, from Broad north, E of Potter. Rail Road street, from Edgmont to Darby Plank road, N of Railroad. Second street, troin Chester creek west, S of James. Sixth street, from Concord road to Wade, S of Rail road. Upland street, from Railroad to Providence road. E of Madison. Work street, from Edgmont to Welsh, N of James. Water street, from Fulton to Parker, S of Front. Washington street, from Railroad to Fifth east of Bar clay. Walnut street, from Prospect Avenue to Borough line, E of Potter. Welsh street, from Edgmont to Delaware river, E of Market. Wade street, from Railroad to Sixth, E of Washing ton. Washington street, from Railroad south, E of Barclay. 61 0 0 NAMES OF INHABITANTS. ABBREVIATIONS. Ab. above; bel. below; carpt. carpenter; gent. gentleman; lab. laborer; gentw. gentlewoman; manuf. manufacturer; merch. merchant; R. R. rail road; wid. widow; col. colored; cord. cordwainer; prop. proprietor; cor. corner; print. printer; lumb. lumber; cab. mak. cabinet maker; att'y attorney; wat. waterman; operat. operative; opp. opposite; A Abbot William, operat, Liberty bel Upland Abbot David, saddler, James ab Edgmont. Abbot Susan, confectionery, James ab Edgmont Abbot Henry, ostler, James ab Edgmont Abel Elizabeth, col wid, Bevan's Court Abel Simon, col lab, do do Ainsworth William, engineer, Second bel Fulton Allen Perry, col lab, Welsh bel James Allen Dr. J. M., Work ab Market Allen Thomas, bricklayer, Essex bel Second Allen Hi. T., sash maker, James ab Franklin Amer John, moulder, Edgmont bel R R Anstey Henry, cordw, Darby R ab R R Anderson Sarah, wid, Broad bel Upland Andrews Edward, lab, cor Filbert & Edgmont Anderson Jas.,grocery & flour store, James bel Market Appleby Thomas, prop Columbia Hotel, cor Market & Free Armstrong Thomas, operat, Welsh bel R R 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Arnold Walter J., printer, Market & Powell's Court Armitage Anna, wid, Second bel Fulton Arthur Andrew, operat, Mechanic ab Broad Armstrong John, plasterer, Madison bel Liberty Ashton Robert, lab, Fulton bel Second Atkinson John, tailor, cor Broad & Upland B Bagshaw William, moulder, Larkin ab Potter Bailey Mr., engineer, Broad ab Mechanic Baker & Eyre, lumber, coal & brick yard Edgmont bel James Baker George & Co., dry goods, grocery& hardware, S E cor Market Square Baker George, merchant N E cor Market Square Baker John, carpt, Welsh ab R R Baker Perciphor, lumb merch, Welsh ab R R Baker & Eyre, brick yard, back of James ab Fulton Baldruff Fred., confectioner, Free ab Market Baldwin W., plasterer, Filbert bel Welsh Barnard Thomas D., gent, Edgmont ab Work Bartram & Shlarpless, Chester flour mills, cor Edgmont & Filbert Bartwell Daniel, confectioner, cor Broad & Upland Barrowclough Joseph, tanner, Free ab Edgmont Barker Joe, pattern maker, Broad ab Mechanic Bardsley Samuel, operat, Liberty bel Quarry Batchel Anthony, tin smith, Free ab Welsh Baum Oley, ship carpt, Front bel Fulton Bazely Jgnes, operat, Larkin ab Edgmont Be-lle Lieut. Edward, U S N, Edgmont ab R R Beatty John E., carpt, Second bel Fulton Beaumont Joshua, photographer, Market bel Work Beaumont Francis, oystersaloon, Market bel James Bell John, operat, Second bel Fulton Bell J. S., tanner, Edgmont ab James Benedict Clarissa, wid, Potter ab Morton Berry Alice, col. wid, Liberty ab Edgmont e 64 NAMES OF INHABITANTS. Berry Washington, farmer, James bel Fulton Berry William, dyer, Market ab Filbert Bickley M. H., druggist, cor Market & Work Birchell Lydia, gentw, James bel Market Birtwell Daniel, baker & confecr, Market bel Work Bird Amos, lab, Broad ab Edgmoat Bird Anna M., operat, Broad ab Edgmont Bird Christiana, operat, Broad ab Edgmont Birggerstaff John, tinman, Work ab Edgmont Big,ins Michael, tailor, Work ab Market Bladen Dr. WV. T., cor Edgmont & Free Blakely Abm., Arasapha mills, cor Liberty & Quarry Blakely Abm., manuf, cor Broad & Upland Blakely Benjamin, manuf, do do do Blakely Joseph, operat, Broad ab Upland Blakely Reuben, manager, cor Potter & Liberty Blagg Ann, wid, Second bel Essex Blizzard William, lab, Upland bel Cochran Boner Ann, wid, Darby R bel Liberty Boner Mary, operat, cor Free & R R Boon Peter, ship carpt, Filbert ab Market Booth William, planing mill, Front & Essex Booth John, carpt, James ab Essex Booth Joseph, wat, Market ab Filbert Booth Levin, wat, Edgmont bel Filbert Booth John, gent, cor Edgmont & Jame3 Booth William, wat, cor Market & Filbert Booth Parker, wat, Market ab Filbert Booth Henry, gardener, Liberty ab Potter Booten, Wm., lab, Upland bel Cochran Borden Wm., tobacconist, Market bel Free Bottomly Geo., operat, Upland bel Larkin Bowers John, operat, Madison bel Liberty Bowker T. W., gas fitter, plumber, stoves, etc, cor Market & James Bowers Joseph, cab maker, Madison bel Liberty Boyle Emanuel, lab, Broad ab Edgmont Boyle Charles, carter, Second bel Fulton 165 0 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Boyle John, operat, North bel Cochran Braden Leonard, carpt, Edgmont ab Providence R Bradley Henry, lab, Market ab Filbert Bramall Frank, operat, Fulton bel Second Bramall John, operat, Front bel Fulton Branton Howard. col lab, Welsh ab Filbert Brandis H., clothier, Market ab James Branson David, carpt, Front ab Essex Brewster John, operat, Potter ab Broad Brewster Wm., operat, do do Brensinger George, teacher, Free ab Welsh Bridges Emerson, machinist, Madison bel Liberty Brierly Emanuel, cordw, Broad bel Mechanic Brierly Thomas, shoe store, do do do Brister Ellis, col cordw, Welsh bel James Brobson Rebecca, wid, James ab Penn Brogan Samuel, carpt, Front bel l'enn Brogan Edward, carpt, Larkin ab Edgmont Brooks John, saddler, James bel Penn Brooks Wmin., operat, Front bel Fulton Brooks John, saddler, Market ab James Broomall John M., attorney, Penn,& Delaware river Brown Benjamin, engineer, cor Penn & Front Brown Richard, wat, Welsh bel James Brown George, col lab, Welsh bel James Brown Samuel, lab, Concord opp Fifth Brown Wm., bricklayer, Essex bel Second Brown Henry, cab maker, Mechanic bel Liberty Brown Thomas, operat, Madison ab Broad Brown Sarah, wid, Edgmont bel Filbert Bucha B. F., sash maker, cor Essex & Second Buck Charity, wid, Franklin ab James Buck James, cordw, Edgmont ab Providence R Buckley John, bottler, Madison ab Broad Buggy Robert, gent, Broad ab Upland Bundy Benah, cordw, Essex ab Front Bunce Thomas, lab, Front bel Parker Bunce Patrick, cordw, do do do 66 0 NAMES OF INHABITANTS. Bunce James, lab, Second bel Paiker B3urke Wm., operat, Work ab Edgmont Burke Samuel, lab, Broad bel Upland Burke Edmund, operat, Liberty bel Upland Burke Joseplh, lab, Edgmont ab Logan Burke J. M., operat, Broad ab Upland Burns Margaret, dry goods, cor Essex & Second Burns George, cordw, Welsh ab R R Barns Morris, boiler maker, Free ab Market Burns James, cordw, Work bel Market Butler John, operat, Upland bel Liberty C Caldwell John, Edgmont ab Providence R (Callahan Edward, quarryman, Mechanic bel Liberty Calvin John, col wat, Free below R R Campbell James, lab, Larkin ab Upland Campbell Joseph, operat, Madison bel Liberty Campbell James, manuf, Broad & Mechanic Cantwell Mary, wid, Filbert bel Welsh Carson Perry, col lab, Welsh ab Filbert Carr Francis, lab, Darby R bel Cochlran Casha Draper, col seaman, Bevan's Court Chadwick James, groc & prov, cor James &t Edgmont Chaffant Jacob, carpt, Work above Market Chriswagoner George, brick mkr, Upland bel Liberty Christer Wm., ostler, Washington Hotel, Market Chipman Simon, col wat, Welsh bel James Clark George, confectioner, Market near Filbert Clark Dennis, baker, Market ab James Clark Wm., gent, Edgmont ab Providence R Clayton Charles, cordw, Work bel Market Clayton Samuel, wat, Filbert ab Market Clayton James, quarryman, Darby R ab R R Clayton Joshua, lab, James bel Fulton Clark John, lab, Upland bel Liberty Cloud Stephen, Jr., boots, shoes and findings, James bel Market 67 0 -b DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Cloud Lewis T., cordw, James bel Market Cloud Charles, cordw, Edgmont ab Liberty Cloud James, ship carpt, Front ab Essex Clyde Henrietta, gentw, Free ab Market Coates J. R. T., att'y, Clinton ab Welsh Coates Dr. I. T., Clinton ab Welsh Coates Annie E., teacher, Clinton ab Welsh Coates Lydia, wid, do do do Coburn Wm., blacksmith, Upland ab Logan Cochran J. E., gent, Clinton bel Crosby Cochran John, real estate agent Market ab James Cochran James, drover, cor Clinton & Crosby Cohen Annie, operat, James ab Franklin Collett Mary A., wid, Edgmont bel Filbert Collins David, carpt, Market ab Filbert Collins Charles, wat, North bel Cochran Collins Daniel, cordw, Darby R ab Broad Collison Peter, gent, cor Filbert & Edgmont collison Isaac, cordw, Filbert ab Edgmont colwell James, col lab, Welsh bel James Congleton Edward, carpt, James ab Franklin Conliff John, engineer, Darby R ab Broad Conly John, lab, Market near Powell's Court Cook Rebecca, col laundress, Bevan's Court Coombe Sarah P., gentw, Edgmont ab Filbert Coppoch Abner, cordw, Edgminont, bel R R Coppoch Wm., plasterer, James bel Franklin coulter Mary, leacher, Broad ab Upland cowden Wm., operat, Work bel Welsh craig Wm., plasterer, Free bel Upland creighton John, lab, do do do crook John, weaver, Welsh bel Edgmont crowder Isaiah, Market ab Filbert crosson Amanda,wid, Welsh bel R R Crosson Wm., quarryman, Darby R by Ridley creek culin Jacob, lab, Work bel Market cullion Michael, lab, Quarry ab Broad 68 0 NAMES OF INHABITANTS. Cunningham James, lab, Upland bel Cochran Curry Wm., wat, James ab Fulton Cutler Wm., F., machinist, James ab Welsh D Danford John, pedlar, Darby R ab R R Darrah Ann H., gentw, Free bel Velsh Darrah Susan, gentw, Free bel Welsh Davis Mary, gentw, Free bel Upland Davis Amos, plasterer, James ab Penn Davis Hannah, gentw, Free bel Upland Davis Benjamin, printer, cor Market & IPowell's court Denton Anna, gentw, Free bel Welsh Deshong Alfred, gent, Edgmont opp Liberty Deshong John 0., gent, Edgmont opp Liberty Devers J. A., grocery & prov store, Market bel James Devolue Samuel, ostler, Powell's Court Dickerson Asbury, wat, Powell's court Dickinson S. A., wid, Providence R Dickerson Wm., bricklayer, James ab Franklin Dobbins J. W., carp, Work ab Edgmont Dobbins W. K., carp, Work ab Edgmoint Donaldson John, operat, James ab Essex Donaldson Henry L., teacher, Broad & Darby R Donaldson Thomas, operat, Upland bel Liberty Dolan Patrick, mason, Logan bel Upland Dolan John, North bel Cochran Dolan James, mason, North bel Cochran Dougherty James, lab, Railroad ab Upland Dougherty Barney, lab, Railroad ab Upland Dougherty John B., wat, Edgmont bel Liberty Dougherty John, lab, Liberty ab Potter Dougherty Philip, pedlar, Liberty ab Darl)y R Dougherity James, brickmaker, Darby R ab Liberty Dougherty John, wat, Edgmont ab Filbert Dougherty James, lab, Larkin ab Edgmont Dougherty John M., watchman, Edgmont bel Railroad Dougherty John, lab, James ab Fulton 69 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Dougherty Michael, gardener, James bel Fulton Dougherty James, wat, Franklin ab James Downs John, col lab, Bevan's Court Doyle L. C., millenery & trimmings, Market ab James Doyle Martha, operat, Work ab Market Doyle Win. W., house & sign painter, Welsh ab R R Dubois B. F., watch maker, Market bel Work Dumont John, operat, Edgmont ab Logan Durborow Charles, wat, Edgmont ab Filbert Duffee Eveline C., dressmaker, Broad bel Upland Duffy John, lab, Second bel Fulton Duffy John, lab, Madison bel Liberty Dunkerley James, machinist, Liberty bel Quarry Durlkin John, lab, Mechanic below Liberty Dutton Samuel, shipcarpt, Second bel Essex Dutton Je(sse, carpt, James bel Penn Dutton William, cord, James bel Penn Dutton Aaron L., grocery & provision, Market ab James Dutton R. R., lumb merch, Free ab Welsh Dutton Caroline, saleswoman, Free ab Market Dutton James, bricklayer, Filbert ab Market Dyer John G., prop, Washington House, James opp Court House Dyer Joshua, clerk, cor Front and James Dyer Samuel, Washington House, Market st Dyson John, operat, Mechanic bel Liberty E Ecc les Samuel, manuf, cor James & Franklin Edwards Mary A., wid, Edgmont ab Railroad Edwards Geo., lab, Edgmont ab Providence R Edwards Thos., operat, Front bel Fulton Elliott Eliz., operat, Fifth ab Concord Elliott Diana, operat, Work ab Edgmont Ellam Geo., tailor, cor Broad & Upland Emery Sol, col lab, Free ab Upland Engle Mary, wid, Edgmont ab R R 0 70 a NAMES OF INHABITANTS. Entwisle Joseph, bleacher, Penn bel James Entwisle & Hall, bleachers, cor Front & Fulton Enos Geo., wat, cor Market & Filbert Esrey Elizabeth T., wid, Welsh ab R R Evans Cadwalader, machinest, James bel Market Evans Abbey A., gentw, James beT Market Ewing Wm., lab, Darby R ab Liberty Ewit Susan, col wid, Bevan's Court Ewing Wm., lab, cor Market & Filbert Ewing Jane, wid, Free ab Edgmont Ewing Joanna, grocery, Filbert ab Market Ewing Hannah, gentw, Penn bel James Eyre Preston I., gent, Edgmont ab James Eyre Sarah, gentw, E(lgmont ab James Eyre Jane, gentw, Edgmont ab James Eyre Elizabeth, gentw, Edgmont ab Jamnes Eyre Joshua P., farmer, Edgmont op Free Eyre Wm., Jr., farmer, Edgmont op Free Eyre Joshua P. Jr., merch, Edgmont op Free F Fairlainb N. W., cab mak & undertaker, Market bel RR Fairlamb Frederick, magistrate, James & Crosby Faith Chas. C., oyster saloon, Market & Powell's court Faraday Martin, lab, Front bel Fulton Fawley Annie, grocery & confec, Janmes bel Market Fawley Thos. K., gent, James bel Market Fawley Samuel, operat, James bel Market Feney John, lab, Market bel Powell's court Feely Thomas, lab Quarry bel Liberty Ferguson Wm., carpt, Penn bel James Ferguson Mrs. A., milliner, Penn bel James Field Frank, merch, Potter ab Morton Fields Geo., col lab, Welsh bel James Fields Basil, col lab, Welsh bel James Fields Benj., col brickmaker, ab R R Finch L. E., dry goods, James bel Market 71 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Flavill Wm. IH., surveyor, build & conveyancer, Free ab Welsh Flavill Jane, milliner, Market near Town Hall Flavill Edwin E., carpt, Free ab Welsh Flood Geo., tobacconist, Edgnont ab Providence R Fogg, Robert, operat, Quarry bel Liberty Forwood Dr. J. L., James ab Edgmont Ford Benj., blacksmith, Filbert bel Market Foster Thos., moulder, Edgmont bel R R Fox Chas., carpt, Work ab Edgmont Fox David, operat, Work bel Market Fox Martha, operat, Work bel Market Fox John, tobacconist, Franklin ab James Franklin Lewis, carter, Liberty bel Upland Freiger Constantine, cord, Fulton bel Second Fricker Jacob, barber, Market bel James Fuller Joseph, lab, Work ab Edgmont G Gaines MAary, col, Bevan's court Gallagher John, lab, Concord op Fifth Gallagher Jesse, cord, Liberty bel Quarry Gallagher Neal, cord, Market bel R R Garrett D. M., merch, James & Penn Garside John, machinist, Upland ab Broad Gartside Robt., plumber, gasfitter, hard, Penn Square Gartside Benj., mnnuf. Fulton & Water Gartside James, manuf, Second ab Fulton Gartside Amos, manuf; Second ab Fulton Gartside John, manuf, Fifth ab Concord Garthwaite James, operat, Front bel Fulton Gardner James, porter, Front & James Geig Isabella, wid, Welsh ab Free Gelston John, gent, James ab Welsh Gelston Mary, operat, James ab Welsh Gelston Sarah, operat, James ab Welsh Gibson Humphrey, farmer, Concord ab R R Gilplatrick Francis, lab, North ab R R 72 0 NAMES OF INHABITANTS. Glasgow I., col lab, Welsh ab Filbert Glanvcy Daniel, dyer, James al) Edgmont Gleason Timothy, lab, Welsh bel Edgmont Glennon Edward, lab, Logan ab Edgmont Glutzbeek Geo., cord, Filbert bel Welsh Goddard Uriah, operat, Potter ab Broad Goff Mary A., Steamboat Hfotel, Market bel Filbert Graham D)r. F. Ridgely, Free & Welsh Grantham Jas., farmer, James bel Welsh Grant Jona., operat, Front bel Fulton Gray Dr. Wm., Market & Free Gray W. C., dry goods & groceries, Edgmonit and James Gray Clhas., blacksmith, James bel Penn Gray H. B., blacksmith, James bel Penn Greig John, books & stationary, MarIket ab James Green Mirs., wid, Cochran bel Darby R Green Wrn. F., carpt, Work ab Market Green Thos., apothecary, Market & Work Green John, manuf, Edgmont bel Lofgan Green John J., manuf, Liberty & Madison Greenwood Jas., grocery, Welsh & R R Greenwood Wm., bottler, Cochran & Darby R Greenwood Stephen, operat, Logan ab Potter Greenwood Jolhn, operat, Logan ab Potter Griffin Daniel, lab, Upland bel Cocliran GrIounsel John, b)lacksmith, James bcl Franklin Groves Joseph, lime & plaster, Market & Del R (rubb Wim., wat, Edg(rmont bel Filbert Grubb H. B., grocery & provisions, James bel MAarket Grubb Wm. L., carpt, Second & Fulton H IaIggerty BaLrney, stone cutter, Larkin ab Potter Ihall Charles, carpt, Larkin ab Upland IIall Joseph A., carpt, Broad bel Darby R Ihall Charles W., operat, James bel Flranklin lIall John, bleacher, Second & Franklin O 0 73 4* DIRECTORY OF CTIESTER. HIampson James, stoves and furniture, Market & Free Ihamilton Robert, lab, Edgmont ab Providence R HIannum R. E., att'y, office Market ab Work Hansel Mary, wid, Liberty bel Quarry Hanley John, Robin Hoodl Rest, James bel Front Hanvas Sarah, wid, Liberty ab Miadison Hard Rev. A. B, Potter ab Morton Hardy Phineas, weaver, Edgmont bel R R IHarden Matthew, engineer, Mechanic bel Liberty Harden John, operat, Front bel Fulton Hargraves Thomas, operat, Second bel Fulton Hargraves George, operat, James bel Fulton Harper Alex., carpt, Edgmont ab Liberty Harper Catharine, wid, Second bel Fulton Harper George, operat, do do do Harris George, col lab, Bevan's Court Hart Wm., manuf, Second & Franklin Hart Alfred, operat, Front bel Fulton Hart James, col wat, Bevan's Court Hatton Hugh, overseer, Edgmnont bel Free IIatfield James, machinist, Liberty ab Potter laverstick John, cordw, James bel Concord Haviland Rev. Arthur, Edginont bel Larkin Hawes James, cordw, Upli nd below Liberty Haycock Jacob & Co., rn achinists, Filbert ab Front Ilaycock Jacob, machinist. Broad bel Upland Healy George C., oyster saloon, James bel Market Heathcote John, cord, Front bel Fulton Heathcote Andrew, operat, Front bel Fulton Heffron John, coachman, at Dr. Young's, James bel Fulton Henderson Charles S., moulder, Filbert ab Edgmolnt Henderson George, cordw, Market bel R R Helms Isaac, lab, back of Second bel Essex Hetzell Wm., clerk, Clinton ab Welsh Hibberd John, att'y, Penn Buildings, Market Hibberd Ellen, wid, Quarry bel Liberty O 74 NAMES OF INHABITANTS. Ilibberd IHenry, lab, Quarry bel Liberty Ilibberd Daniel, operat, (lo do do hlickman J. L., carpt, Free ab Welsh Hi(ggins James, carter, IWork bel Market T-ill Howard, capt, Filbert bel Market Hinkson & Baker, coal & lumber, Edgmont bel R R Hinlison Fred. J., tanner, EdgmQnt ab James HIinkson H. M., gent, E(dginont bel James ftlinkson Orpha, gentw, Edgmnont bel James llinkson & Slawtel, house painters, Work ab Market Ilinkson Joseph, gent, Clinton bel Crosby Ilinkson W., lumber merch, Welsh ab R R Ilinkson John, carpt, Larkin ab Upland Ilitinkson & Bell, tannery, Edgmont ab James HIirosson Wm., operat, Quarry bel Liberty Holt Sarah, wid, Edgmiont & Work Holt Joseph, machinist, Larkin ab Edgmont Holt Joseph, druggist, Broad ab Mechanic Jlolt Amos, tailor, Broad ab Mechanic Ilolt James, operat, Madison bel Liberty Ilolt Elizabeth, gentwl, James & Concord Holmes Eldward, operat, North ab Rt R Hollin Nancy, wid, Upland bel Cochran Ilonnor John, wat, Broad ab Upland Hlood Rachel, col laundress, Free bel R R Ihood Rev. George, Chester Fetn. Seminary, Broad ab Upland Ilorrocks Francis, operat, Liberty bel Upland Ilowes E. S., grocery, Mtarket bel R R Ilowarth James, weaver, R R ab Welsh Howarth John, operat, Front bel Fulton IHowarth Joseph, operat, Second bel do IIui))cll R. IT., Gas VWorks, Free bel Upland I-LugtIes Patrick, miachiiiist, Madison bel Liberty lUll Jamies, col lab, Powell's Coutrt Iluley B., col.lab, Concord opp Fifth Hunatcr Gceore, lab, Larkin aT Edgmont 75 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. THunter Wm., brush maker, Logan ab Edgmont Hunter Wm., cordw, Edgmnont ab Logan Hunter Joseph, wheelwright, Broadl & Upland Huston Esther, wid, Free ab Upland Huston Saml, Quarryinan, Darby R bel Ridley creek I &J Irvino Thomas, paper maker, Welsh ab R R Irving & Leiper. Barndennock mnills,Front ab Franklin Ivins Francis, machinist, Upland bel MIurket Jackson James, operat, Free bel R R Jackson Win., lab, Free ab Edgmont Jackson Washington, operat, Quarry bel Liberty Jester Win. F., h paint & pap hang lidgnmont ab James Jefferson Rev. Benj., col lab, Welsh bel James Johnston John, lab, Concord ab Fifth Johnston Samuel, col lab, James ab Fulton Johnston John, machinist, Mlarket bel Filbert Johnson Samuel, Bevan's Court Johnson John, col lab, WAVelsh ab Filbert Johnstone Ebenezer, mason, Desliong ab E{:gmont Johnstone George, do do do do Jones Samuel, col lab, Welsh ab Filbert Jones Perry, col lab, Welsh bel James Jones George, col porter, -Market rear Powell's Court Jones Jona., col fence mkr, Welsh bel James Jones Mary, operat, Fifth ab Concord K IKane Wlmi., corldw, Edgmont bel Liberty Kay Edward, operat, Upland ab Bro ld Kelley Wm., cordw, James ab Welsh IKelley Esther, wid, Work ab Edgimont Kelley P. P., mail carrier, Work ab Edginont Kelley Esther R., milliner, do d(lo do Kelley MIary, wid, Front bel Fulton Kelley Owen, lab, Darby It ab Cochran Kelley Patrick, quarryman, Darby t bel Ridley creek e 76 NAMES OF INHABITANTS. IKenw-vorthy J. WAV., coal mnerchant, Broad & Darby R Kenwvorthy C',i-tles, clerk, Lrkin bel Mlechlanic Kerlin Vrm., wt, \Work bel \Velsli Kerlin A. L, wid, Etldmont ab R R Kerlin Martl, wid, James ab Penn Kesterl1 Bricld,et, gentw, Broa I ab Miechlnic Kinney Mary, wid(l, E(lg,mont bel Liberty King Rachel, wid, Logan ab Madison Kirk MaIry, wvid, Front bel Fulton Kirk Ellen, operat, tront bel Fulton 1-nipe John, lab, Logant bel Q iarry Knott Wm., machinist, WVels'i ab Work Knowles James, cotton mills, Front bel Essexi Knott James, machinist, Welsh ab Work Koeliler Iichael, clothier, Penn B uildlings Krauch Christian,la,ger beer s loon E,lgimont & Lirkin Kutzhler Jer., op rat, bhxk of Free b)l Miarket L Ladornus Jos., wvatches & jewellery, MAltrket bel Work Ladlue J. WV., miachinist, PIotter bel Liberty Lamiey WVm., cordw, R R ib tplantl Lamplugih S. R., house painter, Work ab Market Lambson \Wm., carpt, Penn & Front Lane Park, cordw, Well-sh ab RI R Lane Hannah, widl, Freeo bel Upland Laine Joel, clerk, do do do Lane Theomas, bla.cksmnith, Second bel Fultoa L-tney Michlael, la), EIdg,,iont &- Liberty Lan aster Sarah, col widtl, Welsh ab Filbert Lt kin J. Mi., druggist, IlMtrket & James L-iikin C. C. & A., steam planing mill, sash factory, Brloal & Potter Li.-kil Nathaa, sasi m ecr, cc., Broa.l bel Upland kial -.T)oirt, Jr., gent, B:ot(d aI) MIa(lison L tr'i L beo'is, m rctY ianit, Bro:[l & Uplan(l L r:liin Chazr1les C., s4.t. mKr, &c., Larlkin bel Ma,lion 77 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER,. Latch George, operat, Workc ab Ed(gmont Latch Lusan, wid, Work bel Market Lear Charles, drover, Free ab Market Lear Sophia, gentw, Free ab Market Lear WnVm., boots & shoes, Market ab James Leary James, operat, Larkin ab Ed,gmont Lebo John, lab, Darby R ab Larkin Leckey Robert, select boarding school, Second bel Franklin Lee Edward, operat, Mechanic bel Liberty Lee John, operat, Potter a b Broad Lees Daniel, operat, Upland ab Logan Lees James, machinist, Broad( ab Mechanic Leiper Thomas J., manuf, James bel Market Lenney James, cordw, Market bel R R Leonard Mary, wid, Front bel Parker Lester John, operat, broad bel Mechanic Lester James, victualler, Larkin ab Upland Lever Edward, operat, Fifth ab Concord Lewis Edward, pattern maker, Edgmont bel Free Lewis Jerry, lab, Powell's Court Linton Matt., lab, Filbert bel Welsh Lindsay HIenry HF., gent, Filbert bel Market Lisle Rebecca, wid, Front bel Penn Little Thomas, tanner, Filbert bel Welsh Liversidge Thos., dry goods & groc,Edgmont & Broad Loatman Martha, col, Welsh bel James Logan John, lab, Providence R ab Upland Lomlbaert H. J., auditor Penna R R Co, Second ab Franklin Long Samuel, Jr., pattern mkr, James ab Welsh Long John, carpt, Free bel Market Long Joshua, do do do do Long Thomas R., carpt, MAechanic bel Liberty Long Teresa, tailoress, Penn a(b Second Longbothom John, victualler, Franklin al) James Longbothom John, meat shop, James bel Market 0 78 0 NAMIES OF INIIABITANTS. Lowve lVm.. cordwl, Upl,and bel Liberty Lukens W. B. carpt, Potter bel Liberty Lyons Crossman, gent, Free & WelsIh Lyon.s Rose W., wvid, Filbert ab Market Lytle Andrew, farmner, Concord ab R R Lytle Samnuel, do do do M -[ackey Ro)t, lab, Upland a Liberty Afacartney Roblt, operat, Work bel MAlarket Madgin Thos, farmier, James bel Fnlton Mag,ravw hartin, carpt, Fulton T)cl Second Mlalany Jas, cord, James ab Welsh Maalony Itannal, groe, a provisions, Market bel Free Malim. Wni, carpt, North ab R R Mann MAlichael, cord, Front bel P'arkler Ma'nuel Jas, operat, Filbert ab Market Mtarshall Alargt, operat, t'rankllin bel Second Maarshlall John, operat, MAechanic bel Liberty MAartine J L, cord, James bel Essex Mlartine Abm., sadldler, James ab Essex Marlslall WVn, operlat, Fralnklin bel Second Marslbmaa Chandler, cord James b)el Market M1arlor Eliz, wid, Work bel Welh 5farlor WiVm., operat, Work bel Welsh Maarlor Joseolb, operat, WAVork bel Welslh Iartin Adeline, tin ware, Miarket ab) James 3iason Thomas, teamster, Front ab Filbert MAlatson Asa, engineer, Penn & Front MI'Arthlur Archibald, ship carpt, Market ab Filbert -t'Arann Wm. A., cordw, James ab Penn lM'Call WYm., cattle dealer, Clinton bel Crosby Mi'Call Robert, tobacconist, Market ab Work M'Clare Hugh, lab, back of Second bel Essex MA'Collum Susan, dry goods & gro Market bel R R MI'Connell Mr., cordw, Market bel R R MI'Connell RIobert, cordw, James bcl Penn MA'Collin J. G., cash. bank Dcl. Co., Market & James 79 0 DIRECTORY OF CIFESTEiR. I'Catlierty Ed(ward, clerk, Fre e & Wel'hi 3['Cluskev- IHenry, coach painiter, Free a]) Welsli M'CIV mont James, pattern an. ei, \Tclsi bel R R I Clav James, lab, Fulton bel Jamies Mi'Clyiimont John, machlinist, WV cisli bel R R AI'Ci1llouhli Michiael, cab mnkr, Work ab EIdginont ML'Collum Francis, wat,'roadcl al) Potter Al'Corimick Jam,es, mnachinist, Broad ab Mechanic M'Cullougli John, lab, Northl ab R R AM'Cabe Francis, machinist, Second bel Fulton M'Cann Vi11n. A., coal yard, James ab Penn MI'Cann Win. A., boot &, shoe store, Jamies bel Market iA'Devitt Win., stone cutter, Market 1)ol R At'Fa(ldgen James, lab, Darby R ab Cocliran AIM'Goneal PIatrick, quarrymnan, Darl)yR bel Liberty AilT'Grathi Henry, grocery, Filbert al) Market AI'Gintv Hugfflh, la), Liberty ab Madison lI'Ginl' AMichael, lab, Cocliran bel Darby R :I'Gorlick MIrs. W., wid, Market ab Filbert Ni'llvain Spcencer, farmier, Daby R near lidlley creek I'Ilvaiin Henry, c d o do d o do 3i'Kinzie John, tailor, Penn bel Jamies AI'Kinney David, qiua rrynian, Darby It near lidleyv cr 3i'Kinley Dennis, quarryman, do do do AI'Kinzey Jolin, tailor, Penn ab Secondl AIM'eever John B., inerclit, Welsli bel Edglinont M'Klenney Patirick, qiari-yman, Darb)y RI al,iberty AM'linlev Catlariine, olerat, do do do A'tiinney James, lal) do do it R M['Keever Nncy, wid, Edg(motit ab Broad AM'lKendiick Cattliarine, operat, Front bel Fulton 1\I kendrick Sarah, do do do AM'Kendrick Annie, do do do MI'Lau,ghlin Daniel, lab, Edgmont ab Welsh iT'Lalohlin Ellen, wid, Edg(lmont ab Filbert I,'Laien lannali, confec, Maiket & Filbert il'Laiil,ilii JoIlln, lab, Free & WAVelshl IM'Leaiv Jolin, lal), MIechlanic boel LilJerty 80 0 0 NAMES OF INHABITANTS. MA'Lay WVm., cordw, Broad bel Upland' -A'Lauhlibn Andrew, lab, Liberty bel Upland MI'Lauhlilin John, stone cuitter, Darby R ab R R MA'Lean John, operat, Fifth ab Concord Al'Maha: Marv, wid, Providence R ab Upland 'Al'Iiniani Daniel, lab, do do do AliNeal Archi., coIrdw, Filbert ab JEdgmont Al'\ all Ar., bricklayer, E(t gm ont ab Filbert Al'Aliniiian Edward, lab, Providence R ab Upland aMeudon James, machinist, Madison bel Liberty Mendon Wm., operat, do do do AMerritt George, blacksmithl, Front bel Essex Mliddleton Eliz., operat, Ecldg,inont bel Rt R 3fills George, cordw, Edi(~mot bel Filbert MIills Samuel, corldw, Mlarket ab Filbert MAills AWm., operat, Darby R ab) Broad MAills James, lab, Second bel Fulton MAills Wm., saddler. James bel Penn Mills Jacob, gent, do do do Millins George, operat, Madison ab Broad Miller Lewis, machinist, Broad ab Upland MJiller Maria, col wid, Bcvan's Court MIiller Lewis, machinist, Broad & Darby R Aliller Richard, merch tailor, Market bel R R Millington Ellen, wid, Work bel WVelsh Milley Wm., operat, James b)el Essex MAlilley John, operat, do ab Franklin Milus Geoig'e, operat, Madaison bet Broad & Lil)erty MIinshlal] Wim. A., cabinet iukr &t undertaker, Free ab Market 3linshlall E. R., groc & prov, MAarket & Work Mirkil Thlomas, agoent, Market ab Filbert AMirkil Isaiahl, collector, do do do Mlitchlell Johln A., hlats, leatlher, shloe findings, James bel lMaket 3Aitchell Manulael col lab, Bevan's Court 3ol-yneaux Johnl, oyster saloon Market bel James Alonroc AWVi. IT., dentist., Aailrket ab Work 81 0 I" I i pi! DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. i[ontgoniery Samuel carpt, Front bel Essex IMontgomeiy Jolhn, carpt, Second bel Fulton Montgoomery Alex., operat, do do do MAoore Thomas, gun & locksmith, James bel Market Mlorris Georgie, moulder, Market bel R R Ailorris J. Hi., miachinist, Second bel Fulton Aforris John, wat, Front ab Essex MIorris AIgt., wid, Front bel Fulton Alorrison James, lab, Free ab Upland Mlorrison D. W., carpt, Penn b)el James Morgan James, operat, Upland bel Liberty MAorgan James, operat. Larkin al] Upland Aorton Dr. Clharles IK., EJdgmnont near Providence R Atorlton Justis, printer. ilarlket & l'owell's Court Moulder James, ship canipt, Front )bel Fulton Maousely Wm., plasterer Providence R bel Potter Mlurray Chlarles, col la), Filbert & WVelsh MAurray Wm., cordwav, ilarket bel R R Alturray Abm., lab, Concord ah Fiftli Mturplley Wim., col la), Free ab Edadmont 3Alrplhey Nickolas, lab, Filbert blel Welsl Mlarshall Ann, oplerat, Franklin bel Second N Neal John, lab, Welsli bel James News Jolhn brickmaker, Liberty bel Uplaind News Wim, brickmuaker, Franklin al) James Newell Robt, dyer, Front bel Fulton Newell Joseph, engoineer, Front bel Fulton Nelson Jas D, wharf builder, James ab Welsh Nol)lit Anna, wid, Edgmont bel R R Noblit Dell, ship carpt, Edgimont bel R R Nol)it Thos, operat, Free al) Market Nodlen Tlihos, opcrat, Front l)el Fulton No(lden Jona, operat, -Front 1)el Fulton Nuttall Titos, gent, Qutary ab Broadl Nuttall Lev-i, gioccey, Welshl bel E(-d'mont tng'ent Ainnie, col, Fwid, Filbcrt I)0l Vclsi e 82 NAMES OF INIIABITANTS. Nugent Leali. col, wid, Began's Court 0 Oat Israel, cord, Concord ab Fifth O'Donaldcison Win\m, lat, Logan ab Quarry O'Donnall Patrick, lab, Second ab Fulton Ogleby Robt, operat, Broad ab AMechanic O'Hara Jas, la]), Broad bel l)arby R Omensetter J It, teacher, Penn a!) Front O'Neil John, carpt, Front bel Fulton O'Rourke Timothy, mason. Darby R bel Cochlran O'Rourke Wm, miason, Filbert hel Market Oreal Thlos J, carpt, Work al) Edgmont Orey Jas, operat, Liberty bel Darby R Ott IHeiyv, tallow chandler, Edgmont al) James Ott Mautrice, do do do do do Ottey Wesley, blacksmitl, Larlkin & Upland Ottev Redmon, carpt, North bel Cochlran Owen Dr. Joshua, Edgmont opp Work Owens Wm., wat, North bel Cochran p Paist Jesse W., carpt, farket ab Filbert Palmer Samuel, brick mkr, Franklin ab James Palmer James, coach trimmer, Free & Welsh Patterson Alex., machinist, Broad ab MIechanic Pattisoii Wm., cordw, James bel Franklin Pennell Edmund, farmer, James bel Fulton Pennell J. L., victualler, James bel Fulton Pennell S. J., wid, James ab Welsh Pennell J. & C. D., lumber & coal, Ed(gmonit ab Jamnea Pennell Jona., lumber merch, do do do PennellC. D., do do do do do Pendergast John, grocery, James ab Edgmont Perkins Abm. R., farmer, do bel Fulton Peterson Joseph, col wat, Welshl bel James Picup Mary, Upland bel Larkin Pickels James C., china & glass ware, Market ab James 83 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Philips Catharine, wid, Front bel Fulton Philips John, wat, Filbert bel Market Platt James, blacksmith, James & Fulton Plummer E. H., cordw, Upland bel Liberty Porter Wm., quarryman, Darby R ab Liberty Porter James, lab, R R ab Upland Porter Charles, wat, Darby R ab Liberty Porter Jenkins, col lab, James ab Fulton Potter Rev. Alonzo, Potter ab Morton Porter Dr. James J., Welsh & Delaware river Potts George WV., col porter, Welsh beTl Jamies Pike Rachel, wid. Wvork ab Market Pike Isaiah, carpt, Filbert bel Market Pike Isaac, engineer, do do do Pike Benj., wat, Edgmont ab Filbert Pratt IH. D., harness mkr, James ab Penn Pratt H. D., saddler, Free ab Market Preston Samuel, lab, Filbert bel Welsh Preston Dr. C., James bel I'enn Preston Henry C., col lab, Welsh ab Filbert Price J. Wade, books & stationery, James bel Market Price Samuel A., gent, do do do Price John C., brickmkr, do do do Price Wm. G., do Filbert bel Market Price J. C. & W. G., brick yard, Liberty & l'otter Price D. T., house painter, Madison ab Liberty Price Elizabeth, wid, James bel Concord Priegoel J. G., house painter, Miadison bel Lilberty Priestly Samuel, operat, Front bel Fulton Pryor WVarner, col lab, Welsh al) Filbert Pullea Samuel, wat, Filbert ab Market Purnsley Rachel, wid, Welsh bel James Pusey Lydia, gentwv, E(igmont opp Free Pyvell Sarah A., wid, Edfgmont ab Welsh ryvell Wmn., agent, Upland bel Larkin Q Quinn Abrm., carpt., Edgniont bel Free O 84 NAMES OF INHABITANTS. R Rambo Wm., lab, AIarket & Filbert Raney Joseph, plasterer, Front bel Penn Rappernecker Wmn,, cord, Liberty ab Upland Rathburn C. W., gent, Welsh bet R RR Rathburn Mirs. Rebecca, private echool, Welsh bel RR Raweliffe James, variety store, Free & Edgmont Reddin Absalom, col lab, Welsh ab Filbert Reed Bradford, lab, Work bel Welsh Reeves Prudence, col wid, Bevan's court Rees Isaac, engineer, Broad & Mlechanic Rex Dr. Geo., Second bel Parker Richards Deborah, wid, Welsh ab Work Riddle Sallie, teacher, Welsh bel R R Riddle James, teacher, Welsh bel R R Riddle Geo. S., wheelright, Welsh bel R R Ritchie Samuel, operat, Fulton bel James Riter Jacob, ship carpt, Edgmont bel Free Rhoads Joseph, col carter, Powell's court Rhodes Joseph, trader, MIladison & Liberty Rhoads Wm., bricklayer, Filbert ab Mlarlket Roach E. W. & T. E., commercial academy, Edgmont & Welsh Roberts Howvard, livery stable, Frec ab Welsh Roan Geo., lab, Cochran bel Darl)y R Roberts Wmn., agffent, Free ab W'elsh Roberts Mary, gentw, Free betl MAlarket Robinson John, Essex bel Second Roach E. W., teacher, Edgmont & Welsh Robinson John S., machinist, Essex bel Second Roachl T. E., teacher, Edgmont & Welsh Roacli Thomas, amibrotypist, Edgmont & Welsh Rodeback Allen., machinist, James ab Franklin Rose Samuel J., brickmaker, Upland & Liberty Rosevelt Jas. E. R., livery stable, Worlk b)l Miarket Rosevelt James, livery stable, James ab MIarket 85 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Rosevelt J. G., Market bel R R Rosevelt Theo. V., tobacconist, MAarket bel R R Ross Richard, carpt, Essex bel Second Ross Thomas, carpt, James bel Essex Ross Richard, capt, Penn & Front Ross Francis, lab, Upland bel Liberty Ross Patrick, carter, Upland bel Liberty Ross John, lab, Providence R ab Upland Ross John, house painter, Edgmont ab Welslh Ross Hamilton, col wvat, Welsh ab Filbert Rothwell Isaac, col lab, Bevan's court Roxburgh S. A., operat, Work ab Market Rulan Job, gent, Edgmont ab James Rumford W,ashlington, bricklayer, James ab Franklin Rumford Absalom, col lab, Bevan's court Rumford Wm., col wat, Welsh ab Filbert Rump Edward, col lab, Bevan's court Russell John, blacksmith, Welsh ab R R Russell Jeremiah, wat, Market ab Filbert Rutter Blythe, wheelwri,ght, Market ab James Rutter Esther A., milliner, Market al) James Rutter John, col lab, Free bel R R Ruth Rev. John, Clinton bel Crosby S Sample Robert, operat, Franklin bel Second Sample Ann, wid, Edgmont ab Providence R Saunders J., lab, Bevan's court Schofield Edward, operat, Edgmont ab Logan Schofield Wim., grocery, Broad & Mechanic Schofield James, operat, Front bel Fulton Scureman WVm., stoves & tinner, MAarket ab James Scureman John, moulder, Free ab Welsh Scott Francis, operat, Larkin ab Edgmont Scott John, engiineer, Free ab Market Scott John, teamster, Fulton bel Second Seal Win. A., plasterer, James ab Penn Scary James, carpt, Free ab Welsh O 86 NAMES OF INHABITANTS. Seyfort John, livery, Work bel Market Sharpless J. M1., packet & lime wharf, Market & Del river Sharpless Wmn., merch, James & Franklin Starrett F. J., print, Market & Powvell's court St,in Eimily, dress maker, Free bel Upland Shaw Samuel, gent., James ab Concord Shaw Arnold, operat, Broad & Potter Shepherd Geo., foundrymnan, WVork bel Welsh Shepherd Wm., watchman, Second bel Fulton Sliepherdson Wm., carpt, Second belT Fulton Sliipps David, groceries & feed, Miarket & Work Shoemaker Fred., cord, Mechanic ab Broad Sliroder Chlas., tinman, Market ab Filbert Simpson James, tailor, Penn ab Second Simpson James, tailor, James bel Market Simpson AMgt., gentw, Penn belT James Sines MAlary, wid, Welsh & Clinton Sinex John A., trader, Fifth ab Corcord Sinex Jacob, ship builder, Front bel Franklin Singleton Wm., weaver, Welsh bel Edgmoint Singles Wm., currier, Front bel Filbelrt Slaughter Lewis, house painter, Broad bel Upland Smedley Geo. L., clerk, Edgmont bel James Smedley Ellis, dry goods, groceries, hardware, Market Square Smith John, victualler, Liberty bel Darby R Smith John, operat, Second bel Fulton Smith Francis, gent, Liberty bel Darby R SmiLhli Rol)ert, o)perat, Free be! Upland Smith Wm., col briclkmaker, Edgmont ab Work Smith Mary, store, Edgmont bel Jamles Smith Geo., operat, Free bel Upland Smith Ailartha, wid, Free & Welsh Smith Jose1)li, tailor, Broad & Upland Smith Salnmuel R., R R House, Market & R R Smith Jose1,h, carpl)t, Second ab Fulton Sneatli G. IH., carpt, Welsh beT R R 0 87 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Snielgrove Geo., baker, Broad & Upland' Spalacy John, lab, Second bel Parker Spane Micheael, cord, Work b(l Market Stacy D1). B., nierch, Market bel Work Starr Samuel, coal & wood, James ab Penn Steel John, bricklayer, Coclhran & North Stephens James, manuf cottons, MIarket & Work Stevenson Jeremiah, victualler, James bel Essex Stephenson Samuel, ship builder, Penn bel James Stewart John, cord, Filbert al) Market Stewart Joseph, col lab, Welsh a) Filbert Stewart Eliz., operat, Madison bel Liberty St Leger Daniel, machinist, Liberty bel Potter Stewart Jacobl), cord, Edigmont ab Providence R Sproull Rev. A. WY., Clinton ab Welsh Sproull Eliz., wid, Fulton bel Second Story Chas. A., tobacconist, Deshong ab Edgmont Stokes Henrietta, dress maker, EdoImont ab Broad Stokely Samuel, ship carpt, Free ab Edgmont Struthers Alex., operat, Franklin a) Front Strickland Amos A., house painter, Work ab Edg mont Sullivan Wm., kerosene oil store, James bel Market Sullivan Sarah, gentw. Free ab Iarket Sullivan John, ship carpt, Free al) Market Sweeny Wmn., box maker, Larkin ab Edgmont Sykes Wm., operat, James bel Fulton Story Chlas. A., tobacconist, Deshlong ab Edgmont Stokes Henrietta, dress nmaker, Edginont ab Broad T Talley James, plasterer, Front bel Peni Taylor Sarah S., operat, cor James & Franklin Taylor Win. J., operat, do do do Taylor Samuel, gent, do do do Tavlor Alfired, teacher, Second ab Franklii Taylor Heniy-B., clerk, do do do Taylor Samuel E., engineer, James bel Essex O 88 NAM.IES OF INHABITANTS. Taylor Wiln., clerk, Peinn bel Second Taylor Win., cordwav, Edg(nont a]) Providence R Taylor Lewis, brickmkr, Upland bel Lib,erty Taylor Charles, gent, Larkin bel Mechanic Taylor Robert S., machiniist, Welsli abl) R R Taylor Richard, gent's ftirnishing,store,lMarket bel RR Taylor Capt R. S., wat, James al) We!sli Taylor Lewis P., bricklayer, do do do Taylor Capt. Luthler M.,wat,do do do Taylor Enos, clerk, Market bel RIt R Taylor Joseph, coach mkr, cor Free & Welsli Taylor W. 1.M., do do do d(lo do Taylor ELdwd, blacksmith, do do do do Taylor Jona., machinist, Broad ab Mechanic Taylor Joseph, agent, railroad station Taylor Joseph, operat, cor' Broad & UL)land Temple John A., fiecight agent, cor ELdgilnout & R It Tingler Lewis, baker, cor Broad & Up)land T''ippin Leonard, operat, James al) Franklin Thatcher Lewis & Wm., sash & door factory, Front & Crosby Thatcher Lewis, sash nikr, James aT) Penn Thomas John col ostler, Free a]) Welsli Thomas Margaret D., teacher, cor Weisli & Work Thorunly Johl, oil inanuf Second bel Parkei Thlomson D. B., house painter, cor Broad & Ecdgcmont Thomnson Georg(re, operat, Front ])el Fulton Todld Jona., operat, Broad )el Madison TrotlI Jacob, bricklayer, James al) Welsh Train James, cordw, James bel Franklin Tranks Benj., col cordw, cor Market& Powell's Court Trout Win., pat mkr, Work bel Market Trout Wm. H., do do do do Turner Samuel, operat, Broad bel Madison Turner Richard, operat, Edg,nont ab) Log,an Turner James. engineer, do do Liberty Turner Stephlen, col lal), Powvell's Colurt Turne lr V, i. s(tlesiant, cor Edg( mo1lt & Broad 89 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Turner George, operat, Upland bel Liberty U Ulrich Samuel, Justice of Peace, James ab Penn Ulrich John, agent, do bel Essex V Valentine T. J., gre n grocery, James ab Peunn Valentine Theo.,col barber,cor James &MIarket Square Vanhorn Wm., operat, Liberty bel MAadison ~anhartsdalc Joseph, clerk, do do do Vandegrift Sarah, wid, MAarket ab Filbert Vanhorn Nathan, operat, Liberty bel Potter Vanzant Jane E., milliner, Penn 1)el James ~anzant N., operat, Front bel Fulton Vanzant Adeline, operat, do do do Vanzant Esther J., do do do do Yanzant Tlleo. A., do do do do Vernon Samuel, carpt, Broad bel Uplandl Vernon J. B., carpt, Front ab Essex W Wagner Jacob, sawyer, Front ab Essex Walter Y. S., E4l Del Co Rep, cor MIarket & James Warren Samuel, furniture store, Penii bel James Warner WmNi., gent, Edgmont ab Liberty Warner Penrose, nmiller, Edgmont ab Liberty Warren John, operat, Larkin al) Edgirnont Wantine Wm., wat, Cochliran bel Darby R Waters Sarah, wid, Potter bel Liberty Watson Jane, col wid, Darby R ab Larkin Watson Benj., col wat, Welsh ab Filbert Waters James, col brickmaker, Potter ab Liberty Wallace Henry, col lab, Bevan's court Wallace Archibald, jr., operat, back of Free bel Market Wallace' " " " West Keziah, gentw, Free bel Welish Weaver Isaac, floir and feedc store O 90 NAMES OF INHflABITANTS. Welshl John, carpt, Work ab) Edg(rmont Weidner Chlas. A. & Co., Chester Iroii Found, Edg mllont bel R R Weidner Chas. A., \Welsh ab R R Wellington Mary, operat, Broad ab Mechanic WVebb James, dry goods, Broad bel Mechanic West Eli, roller coverer, Liberty bel Darby R Welser Benj. B., cordw, cor Upland & Liberty Weaver Joseph, carpt, James al) Fulton Weaver Jane, operat, James ab Fulton West Spencer, col teamster, Bevan's court Weaver Geo. W., postmaster, James bel Market Weaton Mariy, wid, Front ab Filbert Wheaton Joseph, lab, Filbert bel Welsh Wheaton Andw., engineer, White Benj., col lab., Free ab Upland White Nathan, col teacher, Filbert a) Mnarket White Cath., col wid, Liberty ab Edgmont Whiting Geo., produce, cor Clinton & Welsh Whitehead Geo., weaver, cor Filbert & Welsh Whitaker MIargt., wid, Madison bel Liberty Wilson David, col confect, Market bel James Wilson Joseph, clerk, Market ab Filbert Wilson Ann, col, Edgmont bel R R Wilson Geo., National lhotel, cor Edgmont & James Wilson Win., gent., cor Edgmont &d James Wilson Robert, operat, Work bel Welsh Wilson James, lab, Liberty bel Quarry Wilson Jonathan, wat, Wilson George, carpt, MIechanic bel Liberty Wilson Charles, brickmkr, Wilson Jacob, brkmiak, Liberty ab Mechanic Williams Samuel, lab, James bel Fulton Williams John, cordw, James bel Essex Williams Anna B., wid, Upland I)cl Larkin Williams Benjamin, carpt, Edgmoiilt ab Providence Jt Wil!iams Francis, operat, Welsh a) James Williams Chas., tailor, James bel Market 91 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. Williams Ellenora B., saleswoman, James lel Mlarket Williams John, bricklayer, Essex )bel Second WVilliamson John, operat, Quarry bel Liberty Williamson Abigail, gentw, James bel Franklin Wild John, dry goods & g-rocs, Market bel Jamnes Wild Eliz., milliner, cor Edgmont & Liberty Willey William, operat, Franklin ab Front Willey Wm.., " Willey Jesse K., " Willey Margt. K., "', witton John, tailor, Second bel Fulton wilkey James, pat maker, Filbert ab Market Winslow Mary, wid, Welsh ah R R WVilkinson James, operat, Upland I)el Liberty Wiley James, operat, Mechanic ab Broad Wood John, meat store, MIarket b[)el James Wood Margt., laundress, Fulton bel James Wood Thomas, operat, Fourth a) Concord Wood John, col wat, Bevan's court Wolf Martin, lab, Powell's court Wollcot John, grocery, Upland bel Liberty Woodheadcl Alfred, operat, cor James & Franklin Wortington lMr., carter, Providence R ab Upland Worthingoton Nat., lab,, Wrilght Alex., clerk, Broad bel Madison Wrigoht IHarrison, operat, Deshong ab EJ gmont Wright Lucy, wid, Upland bel Larkin Wright James, imaclinist, iNortlh bel Cochran Wunderlich Geo., meat & prov, cor Market & Fr?ee y Young Dr. Wm., James bel Fulton Young Dr. Edward, James ab WVelsli Younker Margt., wid, Edgmont bel Free Younker James, boil mak, " 4 " Younker Bennager, mach, " 4 a 92 0 0 STATIC;TICS. FRIENDs.-Meeting House on Market street, between James and Graham. EPISCOPAL.-Church on James street, between MAarket and Welsh. The Pastor, Rev. James Kendig, having resigned, in consequence the pulpit is supplied pro tempore by Rlev. Mr. Talbot. Number of communicants, 120. Children in Sabbath School, 150. Time of regular Sabbath service in Winter, 101 o'clock, A. M., and 7P.M.; in Summer, 1') A. M., and 71 P. M. Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening. Superintendent of Sabbath School, Dr. J. M. Allen. WVardens.-Senior Warden, John Larkin, Jr.; Junior Warden, Dr. J. M. Allen. Vestrymen-John Larkin, Jr., Dr. J. M. Allen, Charles C. Larkin, J. B. MI'Keever, J. G. Johnson, James Cochran, D. B. Thompson, Crossman Lyons, James Campbell. METHODIST.-Church on Free street, west of MAarket. Pastor, Rev. John Ruth. Regular services are held every Sabbath at 10- o'clock, A. M., and 7 P. A1. Trustees-David Abbot, Daniel Birtwell, Edward Conigleton,Thomas Liversidge, John Hlall,Jacob Sinex, John Sinex, Wln. Sharpless, Joseph Taylor. Stewards.-Davidcl Abbot, John Thompson, Thos. Liversidge, William Sharpless, Daniel Birtwell, John Sinex, Jacob Sinex, John Hall. Superi?tendent of Standay School.-Wm. Flavill. CHURCHES. 0 -b DIRECTORY OF ChESTER. CATIoOLIc.-Church on Edgmont street, soutI of Larkin. Pastor, Rev. A. Haviland. Congregation, 1500. Regular Sabbath service at 7- and 10- o'clock, A. M., and Vespers at 31 P. M. Number of children in Sunday School, 200; teachers, 16; hours of attendance from 8 to 10 A. MI. and 2 to 3 P. M. Superintendent, Rev. A. Haviland. PRESBYTERIAN.-Church corner of Clinton and Welsh streets. Pastor, Rev. A. W. Sproull. Communicants, 110. Children in Sabbath School, 200, having 16 teachers. Regular Sabbath service in WVinter at 101 o'clock, A. M'., and 7 P. M. In Summer, 10 A. M. and 7-2 P. M. Lecture every Wednesday evening at 7-2 o'clock. Prayer meeting every Friday evening. Elders-Jno. Cochran, James Ridley, Joseph Ilinkson, Jno. IIard. PUBLIC SCHOOLS. H-GI OR GRiAMMAR SCIOOL.-Franklin, northli of James street. No. 1, Boys, taught by Mr. J. IHI. Omensetter. No. 2, Girls, taught by Miss Thomas. Branches taught, spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, alg'ebra, mensuration, geographly, grammar, history and composition. SECONDARY DEPARTMIENT.-NO. 1, boys, taught by J. Riddle, corner of Free and Welsh. No. 2, girls, taught by Miss A. E. AVWright, corner of Free and Welsih. No. 3, boys and girls, taught by Miss Sallie Riddle, Franklin, north of Jamnes. No. 4, boys, taught by f1Ir. J. B. Donaldson, corner of Logan and Madison. Branches taullet, spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic and geography. PRIMARY DEPAP TMTENT.-NO. 1, boys and girls, tauglt by Miss C. Boner, corner of Free and cWelsli. 0 96 STATISTICS OF THE BOROUGH. No. 2, boys and girls, taught by Mrs. Harris, Franklin north of James. No. 3, boys and girls, taught by Miss Greig, principal, and Miss Ulrich, assistant, corner of Logan and Madison. Branches taught, alphabet, spelling and reading. COLORED SCHOOL.-BOys and girls, taught by Nathan S. White, Filbert, east of Market. Number of pupils:Grammar school,boys, --—......... 35 " In girls, —----------- Secondary dep., boys. —---------------—. -' " girls, —---------—. —------ Primary " boys, —------------------- "s "s girls, -------------------- Colored " bo) s, —----------------—.. " ";girls, —-------------------- Whole number of pupils, —----------------- 641 School term, 10 months. Averag,e salary of male teachers per month, $36 25 " " "female " " " 27 14 Amount of teacher's salaries per annum 3350 00 expenditure for books, 275 00 "ax levied in 1859, 5194 00 Re(al estate of department valued at 12000 00 ScHOOL DIRECTORS.-Fred. J. Hinkson, Stephen Cloud, Alex. W. Wright, Dr. John S. Morton, Samuel Shaw, %~m. Hinkson. Regular meetings of the Board are held upon the first Wednesday of each month. SCHOOLS.-Public, Franklin north of James; corner of Free and Welsh; and corner of Logan and Madison. Private.-Chester Femnale Seminary, by Rev. Geo. Hood, Broad street, above Upland. Select Boarding School, by Robert Leckey, Second street below FrankliD. 5* 97 57 137 87 133 137 30 25 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. BOROUGH OFFICERS. Chief Burgess-Robert Gartside. Treasurer-John Brooks. Town Clerk-James Riddle. Town Council-James Campbell, Joseph Ladomus, James Bell, John Larkin, Jr., Abm. Blakely, Dr. Wm. Young, Benj. Gartside, Wm. Lear, Robert R. Dutton. .uditor-Job Rulon. Judge-Joseph Taylor. Inspector-Amos Gartside. .ssessor-Isaiah ]a. Mirkle. Constable-Charles Williams. Lamp Lighters-Francis Williams, M. Faraday, Jesse Gallagher. Council meets upon the first Monday of every month. Tax levied for Borough purposes for 1859, $3594 64. Borough debt, $13,000. POST OFFICE. James street, below Market. Office hours from 7 o'clock, A. M. until 7 o'clock, P. M.; on Sundays from 12 M. until 1 o'clock. Arrivals and departures of the mails: Northern mail arrives at 9 o'clock,A. M. and 11.30 P.M. Southern " " "2 "4 P. M. Ridleyville and Leiperville arrives at 1 o'clock, P. M. Northern mail departs at 1.30 P. M., and 8.30 P. M. Southern " " " 8.30, A. M. Ridleyville and Leiperville departs at 9 oclock, A. M. Postmaster-Geo. W. Weaver. BANK OF DELAWARE COUNTY. The Bank of Delaware County, was chartered 21st a 0 98 STATISTICS OF THE BOROUGH. of March, 1814. It is located at the southw n-r of James and Market streets. John Newbold was the first President, Dr. Jonas Preston, second President, Pierce Crosby, third President, Johnl Kerlin, fourth President, Jesse J. Maris, fifth President. Pre.-ton Eyre, was the first Cashier, Charles S. Folwell, second Cashier, F. I. Hinkson, third Cashier, James G. McCollini, fourth Cashier.' Capital paid in, $200,000. Discount day days and Thursdays, at 10 o'clock A. M. C: the fourth of July and Christmas. LINES OF TRAVEL. Philaldelphia and Wilmington Steamboats leave Chester as follows: SUMMER. For Philadelphia, 7.30 A. M., 12 M. and 4 P. M. For Wilmington, 7.30 A. M., 12 M. and 4 P. m. FALL. For Philadelphia, 7.30 A. M. and 3 P. M. For Wilmington, 8 A. M. and 3 P. M. WINTER. For Philadelphia. 8 A. M. For Wilmington, 3.30 P. M. SPRING. For Philadelphia, 7.30 A. M. and 3 P. M. For Wilmington, 8.30 A. Mf. and 4 P. M. Fare to Philadelphia or Wilmington 18. cents; return trips, Tickets 25 cents. Salemn Boats leave Chester as follows: 99 0 . I DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. SUMMER. For Salem, 10 A. M. and 3 P. M. For Philadelphia, 9.30 A. M. and 4.30 P. M. FALL, WINTER AND SPRING. For Salem, 11 A. M. For Philadelphia, 10.30 A. M. Fare to Salem 50 cents, to Pennsgrove 25 cents, New Castle 50 cts., Delaware City 50 cts. PHILADELPHIA WILMINGTON & BALTi MORE RAIL ROAD. President-SAMUEL M. FELTON. Directors-Moncure Robinson, Wm. L. Savage, Joseph C. Gilpin, John A. Duncan, Jesse Lane, Wm. W. Corcoran, Fred. A. Curtis, John C. Groome, J. S. Cohen, Jr.. Thomas Kelso, Columbus O'Donnell, Enoch Pratt, Thomas Donaldson, Edward Austin. Secretary ~ Treasurer-Alfred Horner. .Rgent at Chester-Joseph Taylor. Departure of Trains from Chester. SOUTH: Mail Train, —------------------ 8.45 A. M. Express -----------------— 12.28 P. M. Accommodation Train,. —- -----— 4.33 P. M. Through Freight ----------- 6.31 P. M. Nighlt Mail Train, — ---------— 11.41 P. M. NORTH: Accommodation Train, —-------— 7.44 A. M. Express Train,. —------------— 12.08 P. M. Mail - ---------- -------— 2.27 P. M. Night Mail Train, -----------— 9.18 P. M. BUILDING ASSOCIATIONS. CHESTER BUILDING ASSOCIATION.-Commenced Jan. 100 0 STATISTICS OF THE BOROUGH. 1850. Value of shares, $182 00. Paid in on each share, $117 00. President-Fred. J. Hinkson. Secretary-Joseph Taylor. Treasurer- John K. Baker. PENN BUILDING ASSOCIATION.-Commenced April 1853. Value of shares, $110 00. Paid in on each share, $80 00. President-Percil)hor Baker. Secretary-William Hinkson. Treasurer-Joseph H. Hinkson. WASHINGTON BUILDING ASSOCIATION.-Commenced April, 1854. Value of shares, $93 00. Paid in on each share, $67 00. President-Samuel HI. Stevenson. Secretary-Joseph Taylor. Treasurer-Joseph HI. Hinkson. MASONS. CHESTER LODGE. No. 236, OF ANCIENT YORK MA. soNS.-Instituted Dec. 4th, 1848. Meet on the Thursday evening on or before th2 full moon in each month, in Baker's Hall, Market and James streets. No. of members, 97. Officers Worthy Jlaster-Samuel Cliff. Senior WardEn-James Holmes, Jr. Junior Warden-Daniel B. Thomson. Treasurer-Edward H. Engle. Secretary-William Hinkson. ODD FELLOWS. CHESTER LODGE, No. 92.-Meets in Penn Buildings, Market street, alabove James, every Wednesday evening. Date of Charter, Dec. 8th, 1843. No. ofmembers, 45. Officers: 101 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. J.oble Grand-Jno. A Temple. Vice Grand-T. R. Long. Secretary-James Riddle. JAssistant Secretary-E. R. Minshall. Treasurer —Wm. H. Flavill. UPLAND LODGE, No. 253.-Instituted June 21st, 1847. No. of members, 48. Installations the first meetings of April and October of every year. Meets every Saturday evening, in Penn Buildings, corner of Market Square. Officers: JVNoble Grand-James Gartside. Vice Grand-John Williams. Secretary-William Kelley. JAssistant Secretary —William Hainsworth. Treasurer James Wilkie. LEIPERVILLE LODGE, No. 263. —The hall in which it meets was built by a joint stock company of its members, and dedicated in 1853; it is situated at the corner of Broad and Mechanic streets. The Lodge was instituted Aug. 16th, 1847. Meets every Saturday evening. Installations the first Saturdays in April and May, of each year. No. of members, 114. Officers: J.oble Grand-John D. Scott. Vice Grand-William Brewster. Secretary-Nathan Y. Vanhorn. CHESTER ENCAMPMENT, No. 99.-Instituted April 17th, 1850. No. of members, 25. Installations twice a year. Meets every second and fourth Tuesday evening of every month, in Penn Buildings, corner of Market Square. Officers: Chief Patriarch. —Hugh Hutton. High Priest.-Wm. H. Flavill. Senior Warden-Charles Shroeder. Junior Warden-Wm. L. Grubb. Scribe-James Riddle. Treasurer-James Wilkie. e 102 0 STATISTICS OF THE BOROUGH. RED MEN. TUSCARORA TRIBE, No. 29, OF IMPROVED ORDER OF REn MEN.-Instituted in 1854. No. of members, 90. Installations first Mondays of January, April, July and October. Meetings every Monday evening, at seven o'clock in winter, and eight o'clock in summer. Sachem-Joseph Taylor. Senior Sagamore-Frank Cutler. Junior Sagamore-Francis Beshia. Prophet —Humphrey Sneath. JUNIOR SONS OF AMERICA. Washington Camp No. 20. Instituted Dec. 19, 1854. Number of members 40. Installations the last week of March, June, September and December. Meets every Wednesday evening at Penn Buildings, corner of Market Square. Officers Past President-V-Wm. R. Thatcher, President-J. Henry Reifsnyder. Secretary-Wm. H. H. Taylor. Treasurer-Wm. H. Trout. Master of Forms-Charles A. Story. Ex. Past President-Edward C. Taylor. Board of Correspondence-Wm. R. Thatcher, J. H. Reifsnyder, G. S. Riddle. GAS WORKS. Situated on the east side of Welsh street below James. Was built and put into operation in 1856. In 1858-9 about 1,483,000 cubic feet of gas was manufactured, and supplied to 220 consumers. The officers for the same year were President-Frederick Fairlamb. Managers —Fredk. Fairlamb, John O. Dcshong, Samuel A. Crozier, John H. Baker, Robt. R. Dutton. Secretary & Treasurer-John HI. Baker. 103 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. WHARVES. Pennsylvania Oil Company's wharf, west of Pailker streel. Gartside's wharf, between Fulton & Parker streets. Sinex's wharf, east of Fulton street. Irving's wharf. east of Franklin street. Booth's wharf; west of Essex. Smith's wharf, east of Essex. United States Front street wharf, foot of Edgmont street. United States Market street wharf and Steamboat Landing, foot of Market street. DELAWARE COUNTY. Length 16 m, breadth 11 m. Area 177 square m. Population in 1790, 9,483; in 1800, 12,809; in 1810, 14,734; in 1820, 14,810; in 1830, 17,323; 1840, 19,791; in 1850, 24,679. CENSUS OF CHESTER FOR 1859.-Taken expressly for this work. Whites-Males, -----------------------— 1865 " 4 Females, —--------------------- 1927 Colored-Males, -------------------------- 142 .' Females, ----------------------- 173 Total, —------------------------—. ----- 4107 104 a 0 ADVERTISEM'ENTSI 0 0 107 ADVERTISEMENTS. STATIONERY J. GRE IG, Xarket St., Chester, Pa., HAS ALWAYS ON HAND A FINE STOCK OF SCHOOL AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AND WHICH CAN BE HAD AT TIHE LOWEST TERMS. COUNTRY DEALE48 $UPPLTD AT PHILADELPHIA PRICES. a BOOK, AND Rh AL' 1 4 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. LEllWIS Mr!. LkIIK IN, '~~~~ I North West Corner Broad & Upland Streets, C HE ST ]E ER, PA. DEALER IN GLA ROSSv 6 HOSIERY & TRIMMINGS3 GL SS, EIRIHEN 1N' QUEENSWIRE. ]I~_ _ ][../INIK AND Together with a large Stock of >t 0~01a AND To which we invite the public to call and examine our Stock, which will be disposed of at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. 0 108 FOREKIGN AND] AMKIIICAN ADVERTISEMENTS. 109 JOHN COCHRAN, I REAL ESTATE AGENT; ALSO ATTENDS TO ~oLQE~TIv En WE RENTING HOUSES & COLLECTING RENTS, LOANING DONEY ON CaO,,DOD SECURITIES, (e. OFFICE IN THE PENN BUIJLDINGS, Cpq -U:Llljl —)] J. & C. D. PENNELL, LUMBER & COAL OFFICE ON EDGMONT ST,, Between James & Work, CHESTER, DELAWARE COUNTY, PA. a 110 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. LEWIS MILLER, AND C]ESTER, PA. All kinds of Steam Engines, Shafting, Mill Gearing Agricultural and Machine Work in gen eral made to order, on the most REASONABLE TERMS'! WASHINGTON HOUSE, OPPOSITE THE TOWN HALL. DELAWARE COUNTY, PA. J. G. DYER, Proprietor. a 0 ADVERTISEMENTS. ELLIS SMEDLEY, DEALER IN AND N. W. Cor. Market Square, opposite the Bank of Delaware County, CHESTER, PA. W. C1 CRAY, South East Corner Edgmont & James Streets, CHESTER, PA. HAS AT ALL SEASONS A FULL STOCK OF (blao, lard,'untstf aud (5fdarwartt Wines, Brandies &c.,to which he invites the attention of the public. Give him a call! 111 C,M +04tttte 6 c 9 a 1'2 ~ DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. JOHN BROOKS, I.II, SADDiLEi &HAjRi'NESS MANUFACTURER, Constantly on hand, a general assortment of SIDDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, WHIPS, WHICH WILL BE DISPOSED OF AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. e e 1I ADVERTISEMENTS. MRS, JANE FLAV~LL$ NEXT DOOR TO TOWN HALL, CHESTER, PENNA. Constantly on hand an extensive assortment of BONNETS, RIBBONS AND TRIMMIINGS. AOALINE MAFITIN, MANUFACTURER OF METALLIC ROOFING, SPOUTING AND GUTTERING, I MARKET STREET,EAST SIDE, BELOW WORK STREET, CHESTER, PENNA. LB, F. ODUBOI$ DEALER IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry and Silver Ware, MARKET STREET, CHESTER, PENNA. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. JOHN ATKINSON, (for. Broad &tp ltlltl fftrettoi, (thetotr. Work done at short notice, neat and durable. Your patronage is solicited. 113 ID22[p[gla 9LTJD vaul 0 114 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. 'EfRQE WUNORLICH9 DEALER IN G OCOEPIES, COR. OF MARKET & FREE STREETS, Keeps constantly on hand a supply of all kinds of Groceries, FRESH, PICKLED AND DRIED MEATS, &c., OF THE BEST QUALITY. Hie hopes to merit a share of the patronage of the public. STEPHEN CLOUD, Jr., L!AITHER AND SHOIE'FINDINgS, JAMES STREET, BETWEEN MARKET AND EDGMONT, dDg$TE~s P~l 0 ADVERTISEM NT S. 115 HINKSON & BAKER, Lumber & Coal MIerchants, EDGMONT STREET, (ADJOINING THE P. W. & B. RAILROAD.) Have always on hand a superior article of C Lu, OF ALL THE DIFFERENT SIZES, Prepared for Family and Steam purposes, which they will sell as low as the same article can be purchased elsewhere. Thiey have also a general assortment of Of all kinds for Building, To which they invite the attention of CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS IN W A N T OF A FIRST-RATE ARTICLE, BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE. WILLIAM HINKSON, JOHN HI. BAKER. a 116 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. CEO. BAKER * CO., Market Square, Chester, Penna., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS sea bjetebq~Size ~epetqil~. OUR STOCK IS EXTENSIVE, Purchased for Cash, and will be sold to Cash and prompt paying six months butyers, as low as can be procured at any other place. COUNTRY~P~ODUC~ TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOR GOODS. Please call and examine our Stock. GEO. BAKER, IT. C. TRAINER. CHESTER, PENNA. 0 0 ADVERTISEMENTS. EDWARD R. MINSHALL; GROCER & PROVISION DEALER, COR. OF MARKETS& WORK STREETS, CEESTX —M, Pa. VEGETABLES OF ALL KINDS, FORE]GN AND DOMESTIC FRPUTSI AND A VARIETY OF Notions, Cedar-Ware, Churns, Buckets, Measures; MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, &C. VMe222at Tdo B~6 SE~t Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, MANUFACTURER OF wti Z*ppy & Chs Sin bark; OA t.D C, t AND FOR FACTORIES. GUTTERING AND SPOUTING. COR. OF MARKET & JAMES STS., CHESTER. . 117 0 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. J. C. & W. G. PRICE, CIR. LIBIJTY & PO.TTIR STREIITS, CH1ESTER, PA. A full assortment of Brick always on hand. All orders promptly attended to. CHKRTE!I MAHBLE WOII[. WMI. M'DEVITT, I MANUFACTURER OF MONUMENTS, TOMBS, .:U.:~E j icS cT':fItE',,, ELKT': C. PLAIN AND ORNAM~ENTAL, X1XAllrrvtt Star Ath @too CHESTER, PENNA. House work in general promptly attended to. 0 118 I /2L I AKEIRS 119 WILLIAM He FLAVILL, Surveyor and Conveyancer, All business entrusted to his care will be attended to promptly, satisfactorily, and on reasonable terms. CONFECTIONERY ,AND BAKERY. Supplies FRESH BREAD of all kinds. He has a commodious And will furnish parties with Creams, Cakes, and all other Refreshments, at short notice and on accommodating terms. ADVERTISEMENTS. (%nOESTEB,3 PENNA. a 1% DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. oRn wM. Ho, m'oRGe MAIN STREET, C40X3ST-M3, PERSONA. CABINET MAKER AND UNDERTAKER, RESIDENCE-FREE STREET, CHIESTER, PENNA. BOOT & SHOE MAKER, & VENDUE CRYER, Concord Street, between James and Railroad, CHESTER, PA. CORNER OF EDGMONT AND LARKIN STREETS, CHEST3ER.:P:ENA, AND NO. 308 KING STREET, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE,. 0 120 0 ADVERTISEMENTS. %O V, A No. ARKINI AND Sash, Door and Furniture Factory, COR. BROAD & POTTER STREETS, CHESTER, PENNA. W H:E: I T E i Y ilvxJ'ACwunm Doors, Sash, Shutters, Blinds, Window and Door Frames, Balusters, Hand Rails, Pump Boxes and Tubing, Newell Rollers, Scrolls, Mouldings, Step Ladders, Packing Boxes, &c., &c., Turning of all Kinds FOR CABINET MAKERS AND CARPENTERS. Builders. Lumbermen, &c., can have their LU]BER WORIKED, In large or small quantites, by the thousand or hour. NATHIIAN LARKIN. 6* 121 a 4b DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. ESTABLISH ED IN 1854. 1:1 - W m I One Price Clothing Store. THE undersigned would inform the citizens of Chester and its vicinity, that he has for sale at his STORE IN MAIN STREET, Near the Railroad Depot, a large, new and superior assortment of FAILL AND WIlNTER CLOTHING, Cut out by himself, andmade by the best of workmen on the spot, thus enabling him to offer Clothing better made and superior in every respect to that bought from wholesale houses in the city. He will continue to conduct his business on the same principle that has given such general satisfaction, namely:-To ask the Very Lowest Possible Selling Price at First, Thus saving time in disputing, and gaining the confidence of the public by selling them Clothing actually worth the money. RICHARD MILLER, Market Street, Chester, Pa. okele, & W fet, SOUTH AVENUE, (Three doors above the (,Charter IHouse,") MEDIA, DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNA. Constantly on hand an assortment of STANDARD WORKS. Also, School, Blank and Miscellaneous Books; Bibles, Prayer and Hymn Books, in plain and fancy binding; Letter, Cap, Note and Tissue Papers, by the quire or ream. Orders for BINDING promptly attended to. Subscriptions received for all Daily and Weekly Papers and Magazines. Constantly on hand Parchment and Paper Deeds, Bonds, Seals, &c. SCHOOL DIRECTORS AND TEACHERS Supplied at Philadelphia Wholesale Prices. JOS. G. CUMMINS, South Avenue, U doors above Charter House, Media, Del. Co. O 122 ADYERTISEMENTS. ROBERT GARTSIDE, Sole Right of Delaware County, Pa., FOi DODOE'$ PATENT DOUBLE. AOTtO Force and Lift Pump, The Latest and Best Invention of the Day. Being simple, durable and not liable to get out of order; suitable for extinguish ing in case of fire, and for watering pur poses. Also, PUMPS OF ALL STYLES, FITTED UP FOR WATER OR STEAM. FITTINGS FOR CHURCHES, F.CTORIES, DWELLINGS. Buildings Heated with Steam Coil. The work well executed, and on low terms. AND SPEAKING TUBES, A-I']l)E.I) TO AT SHOIt NX\OTICE. 0)ffice~ —~,tnm1 ~u~litdinf,s, d'sta,ract bqtuar,e NEAR JAMES STREET, CHEI-STEl.[. F)ELAWARIE C(O)UNTY. PA. 123 DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. ti 0 H Ln. a, oq ~' H q.. 4,RuIsT&Ap5TIIA N I -; I: I p'OOltO $TATlOXtYt AND The subseriber has a good assortment of School & Miscellanleous Books and Stationery, Wa ramnt xin & #gt(tStg~ Of the best quality. You will also find all the DAILY & WEEK LY PAPERS, and if you desire them sent to you, leave your order at the Book and Stationery Store of J WADE PRICE, James Street, below Market, Chester, Pa, The Ada,lis' Express ar,rives t Chlester,.: in tie 6rni;g; ~,45 int tl-Ce afternoon. 31 I 124 a2o ad (Z R2 .; N 0P,n C c Z6< o F0W $v.) N .- q 66r. 125 1ROBIN HOOD1 & LITTLE Jilil'S O THE WHARF ADJOINIG ON THE WHARF ADJOINING Center Market, Chestere q',,t %~,% % %.:,%h I',,%". ~'%,,,,%,,, % And other Refreshments served up at short notice. FAMILIES SUPPLIED WITH SUPERIOR OYSTERS Either opened or in the Shel]]. MALT LIQUORS, DOMESTIC WINES AND TEM PERANCE BEVERAGES, ALWAYS ON HAND. JOHN HIWLEY, Jr., Proprietor. WM. M. SCHUREMAN, WHOLESAILE ND RE TAIL TIN & STOVE C T- S- i-,I —— x>-r ADVFRTISEMENTS. M *, i L L - R$- 0 0 DIBECTORY OF CHESTER. MORTIMER H. BICKLEY, (Graduate of Pharmacy) 9rau1 ai n t, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRUGS, M3B~se~rsZ 9 '% "%- * ~ j v 1% Glass, Varnishes, Fluid, Alcohol, Turpentine, Dye Stuffs, Acids, Paint Brushes, Perfumery, Painters & Druggists articles. tornrt of avktt and Work trtrtto CHESTER, DELAWARE CO., PA. Has on hand a large and complete assortment of articles in his line, which he offers for sale at very low prices. Window Glass, White Lead, Toilet Articles, Looking Glass Plates, Linseed Oil, Tooth Brushes, Patent Medicines, Chrome Green, Hair Brushes, Concentrated Lye, Chrome Yellow, Combs, Varnish Brushes, Venet. Red, Pomades, Glue, Lampblack, Extracts, Sponges, Verdegris, Colognes, Plasters, Prussian Blue, Shaving Cream, Spices, Gold Leaf, Soap, &c. Constantly receiving a fresh supply of perfectly pure Drugs and Mfedicines, selected with great care, so that every thing sold will be warranted to be all it is represented. [ Physicians Prescriptions accurately compounded. EL Pure Wines and Liquors for Medical purposes. BICKLEY's DRa-4 STORF. N. W. Cor. Market & Work Sts. 0 126 ADVERTISEMEINTS. 127 THE Delawart ol tnt~ cablitai, Published on FRIDAY MORNING inr by YS.. WALTER. Terms of Subscription —$2.00 per annum. The best medium for Advertising in the County. ALL MINIDS OF Done in a prompt and expeditious manner, and on the MO-ST REASoNA LE TERMS' C- — z S T, DIRECTORY OF CHESTER. PARKER'S EAST GAY ST., WEST CHESTER, PA., One of the largest establishments in the State, WHERE THE LARGEST AND BEST Photographs and Ambrotypes MAY BE OBTAINED AND WARRANTED. Particular attention paid to Copying Pictures of deceased persons. GIVIF US A CAIILL. N. PARKER, Practical Photographer. AGRICULTURAL WORKS Whlere all of the most approved patterns of FARM IMPLEMENTS AND MIACIIINERY, Foundry, Mgill and General Machine Work, Can be hlad on short notice. REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS attended to promptly. DAMION, SPEAKMAN & CO. VWest Chester, Chester County, Pa. O 128 PHIITIIGAPHIC TEMPLE fiF ARTf