ï~~KN- F- - 150OFfY Al lz If, v ol oo. W 14 44 M, 45 'Ar,Av TRANSP011TATION LIBRARY A 0 -q A, 40 e t A *-4 itk*7 Vi 7j"," t A 4 vo t, 4,7 Al, 72 x - ", 4wo Af ï~~w 4 A ^II ' -Z):1 ï~~y. " '' f t.. ï~~ ï~~Â~ -' ï~~w w ï~~TME.'O HIO AND MISSISSIPPI CONSISTING OF,,ShT OF CHARTS OF THOSE RIVERS,::kEPRESENTING THEIR CHANNELS, ISLANDS, -RIPPLES, RAPIDS, SHOALS, BARS, ROCKS, &C. ACCOMIPANIED WITH DIR PECTIONS FOR THE USE OF NAV[GATORSi TO WHICH IS ADDED OVE THE STATE S AND TERRITORIES, WEST AND SOU rti, OF THE.ALLJ'GHENY MOUNTAINS. BY J.C. GILLELAND". TITTSBt3RGH, VUBLISHED BY 11. PATTERSON & LA.MBDIM1 BUTLER & LAMBDIl Printers. 1820, ï~~Trasportatiab WESTERN DISTICT F C EYY TJ l ToIp BE IT REMEMBM RED, that on the tenth day of' M'arch, Mi ti forty fourthi yea-,r of the Independaiice of the. Uuited Slates of Ai-Ascr_ FlT. S I; N ica in the year of our Lord, one thousand eight huindred and tweet., 4*,) f ty; I. PATTERSON &LA-MBDIN, of' the said district, have deposited in tis Office, tlse TITLE olti Book, the right whereof they claim) as proprirtore, in the words following to wit: The Ohio and Misssippi PILO 1', conesistine ofa set of Charts of those R'livers representtiw, their ChIanniels, Is handl, Ilipples,Itapids, Shoals, Bars, Rocks, 8c. accompanied wvith directions for the use oif navigatorsTo wisich is added a GEOGRAPHtY of the states and tereltories, Wecst and South of the Allegheny Mlountains. By J. C. Gilleland. Iu conformity to the Act of the Co-,gress of the United States, cotitled, " An Act fo r the encouragement of learning, hy securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Jiooks,to the authors and Vropr* tosrs, of such copies, doring the timec therein mentioncd.'-And also to the, Act, entitled, " An Act flor the encourageueent of learning, hy securing the copies of Maps,' Charts, and 13ooks, to the authors and proprietors of' such copies, during times therein mientioned,' andl extending the henefits thereof to the arts of dcsigningt, engraving, and etching historical and other primts D. S. WALKER.,C7 rl (fthe 10"(,vtrn istrirt of Fcnnsylvalteie ï~~CONTLNTS. Pagg. The Ohio Pilot - - S - - 18 (ieography of West Pennsylvania - - 49 of Ohio state..--- - - 73 of Indiana state -..-- - - 99 of Illinois state..---- 11 of Missouri state - - - - 122 of the Kanzaw, Naudocssee, and Upper Missouri countries - - - 132 of the North Western Territory - 141 of Mlichigan Territory - - - - 154 Sketch of West Virginia.----- - 165 Geography of Kentucky state.. 168 of Tennessee state- ---- --- 183 of Arkansaw Territory - 190 of Louisiana state - -.. - 194 of Mississippi State - 213 of Alabama state.. 226 Sketch of Florida -- - - - --- - 236 Antiquities of the Western Country - - - - 239 Systems of Surveying and Selling Public Lands - - - 245 Trees of the Western Country, and the soils they indicate 253 Diseases of warm marshy districts-mode of treatment, &c. 253 Navigation Tables-of the rivers Allegheny, Monongahela, part of Mississippi-French creek - - - - 270 Rates of fare in the Mississippi steam boats - - 272 ï~~ ï~~PREFACE. IT was a remark of the celebrated John Dunning (Lord A bufton) that " Geography is so very necessary in-common life tihat there is less credit in knowing thian dishonour in being unacquainted with it:" and certainly we mlist regard as most important the geography of that country which affords an asylum to the people ofall other. Countnries. To the people of Europe the growth of new towns, and cities, and states, in regions whose very names were a few years ago scarcely known to them, must seem like geographical discoveriesand far more interesting than the discovery of wildernesses infest. ed with wild beasts, and wild men: it presents a civilized people apparently rising all at once, like the race of Deucalion, in full maturity from the earth. It behoves the statesmen of every government to observe well the result of these astonishing changes. However lowly our national rank may be estimated-abroad; however powerless we may now in fact be; yet the period seems fast appaching when the full settlement of our vast fertile territories, id the cultivation of our infinite resources may develope a stupendous political consequence, sufficient to unsettle the old balances of national power, and open a more extraordinary era.than has ever happened in the destinies of the word. Every description of the western country must surely be a sub. ject of high.interest to the emigrant flying. from oppression or want; when he arrives within its boundaries and becomes confoun. ded with the infinite variety of choice it affords-presenting unap. propriated bIeautiful and fertile tracts which he knows not where to find, and danger on every hand which he knows not how to shun: perhaps with the ruin or welfare of a family dependent upon his individual fate. Having, as usual, quitted his old home with his heart buoyed up by extravagant hopes and the consciousness of good intentions; and, as usuMal, findingit daily sink as he approaches the realities-the hardships and perils that gather around him-and probably meeting little to fortify his spirits against the terrible responsibility of the risks hlie has plunged into, how cheering to him at such a time will be every ray of light cast across the darkness of his path. Another circumstance gives an interest to every picture of our country through everycivilized. nation of Europe. I mean among that numeaous class whose hearts arewith us though they themselves may never hope to visit us-they, who wanting resolution to meet the perils of roads-and seas; or fortitude to break the personal and local attachments which fastened them to their old homes; have been able to accompany, only with their prayers, the sons, or bro. thers, or friends, that have adventured forth to form new settler ments in the bosom of our woods: to such the very name of a vil. lage or a stream may give a throb of pleasure, as it denotes the rei dence of some long separated members of their family. BUt this work is not written to catch the sympathies of seavtiaa2 ï~~PREPACE. tality; nor has it any fine descriptions for the poets or the novelwriters. It is simply a manual, a pocket companion for those who come to this country with the intention of purchasing land; for which reason, the principal part of my attention in writing it was devoted to those items, in the geography of each state and territory which are given under the title-"Face of the country, soil, &c." As most of those who migrate to the western country come by the way of Pittsburgh, and from thence descend the Ohio; it has been deemed adviseable to prefix to this book a set of charts of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, with directions for navigating, &c. The Ohio Pilot is executed from the drawings and memorandums of Mr. Alexander Boyle, who has for several years beeri employed in navigating that river as a pilot and as a freighter of merchandise and was, during a great part of the 4time, in the habit of noting down his observations relative to its channels, bars, shoals, &c. So far as I can learn his drawings and remarks have been made with extraordinary accu-,racy. The publishers having found that a set of charts of the sissippi river could not be executed soon enough for inser in the first edition of this work, have determined to postpone them until the second is given-and it will probably be given in the course of the present year. As to the materials of the geographical part of the book, I have been indebted for so much of them to others-to so many ethers that it would be a tedious and difficult task to make suitable acknowledgments upon that subject. After the article Indiana had passed through the press an excellent and ample description of Jeffersonville was furnished to me by Neville B. Craig, Esq. of Pittsburgh, but it has somehow been mislaid or it would have been inserted at the end of the volume. I have not been able to obtain any information of value relative to the present condition of New Albany, Salem, or Madison, which are among the first towns of Indiana: but I trust that some of the public journalists of that state will supply whatever is requisite in regard to them. I have made some alterationis i the unsettled orthography of names which are becoming localized on the borders of the new settlements. I wish some person of common sense could be authorized to reject one, or two hundred names which have been given to the new towns in the western country, and substitute others in their stead. In Ohio state alone there are sixteen or seventeen Jeffersons, about fourteen Unions; Madisons, Monroes, Jacksons, &c. by the dozen-and the same ridiculous system of nomenclature is extending through every one of the new states. T le savages are beyond all comparison superior to us in the business of manufacturing names. Therq ï~~PREFACE vi are scarcely any well sounding names in the country except those they have given. I have presumed to impose two names on districts which had no names-the Kanzaw country and the Naudoessee coun. try; bat I only borrowed them-one from a river find the other from an Indian tribe. I have proposed two others. The Green-Bay country for the eastern portion of the North Western Territory, and Sauteau country for the western, as that territory is large enough to constitute two or three states, and will probably be divided into two portions in the course of four or five years. A description of the country would be very incomplete were it not to include some notice of the character and condition of the people; and as the subject could not be divided into states or districts I determined to treat it en masse in a separate article. But a professed exposition might involve matters of delicate detail which I am fain to shun; I therefore finally resolv. ed to sketch the outlines of the picture lightly, within the space of the nine pages which the printer says must now be written out after the fashion of a preface. Every body acknowledges that great improvement is to be derived from travel. To say nothing of the good things the traveller learns, he derives inestimable advantage from having unlearned much. The absurdity of bad habits strikes him when he beholds them under circumstances which he has been unaccustomed to; and he readily feels inclined to expose what he so strongly perceives. Therefore foreign travel must be the most improving sort. From all this I infer that whatever may be the present condition of society amongst us we possess the means-the school, calculated to render us superior in manners, in morals, and in information to any nation in the world. We have the advantages of foreign travel brought home to our firesides. People from all the most civilized nai tions mingle here together in the participation of the same public privileges; in the common exercise of the same public duties; in the management of the same businesses; in acts of neighbourship and in social enjoyments; and that not under the supremacy of old customs which travellers meet in every other foreign country, and which they must conform to or becohme ridiculous. Here there cannot be such a formidable unanimity in favour of national bad habits. Here instead of the ridiculous nationality which naturally grew up, and was even assiduously cultivated amongst the people of Europe, our esteem for our own nation is inseparably connected with a regard for the nations out of which it is composed. We have daily before our view-the Frenchman all gaiety and complaisance; the Englishman sensibile, high minded, ambitious, haughty, thoughtful but not reflective, enthusiastically pursuifig utility even into the precincts of whim and folly; the Dutchman plain, honest, industrious and economical-scorrig new experiments but always accomplishing what he proposes ï~~ii PREPACE to do: the Scotchman full of profound sagacity and reflectIoig velling his high hot spirit under a prudence which is utterly intactable. The Irishman without reflection or suspicion, rashly brave, open, warm hearted- and generous. The Yankee restless, coolly bravw and persevering, gentle in demeanor and sweet tongued, all things to all men and to all occasions, inexhaustible in resources and in patience;. but seldom remarkably scrupulous when good principles stand in his way-these, together with the natives of the back woods, descended from them, are the raw materials which constitute our population. As I belong to the latter class I do not consider myself entitled to say what I conceive their general character to be. Now it cannot be pretended that the people of the western country possess a union of all that is good in the characters of those different nations; or that so many repungnant principles could be combined. I even admit that at present there is dis advantage resulting from the discordance of those materialsyet it is a fact that. society is most agreeable in those places where the most intimate mixture of different- nations is to be met with. We are as yet far inferior to some of the European nations in most of the essential requisites of civilization, and we may continue to be so for an-age; but we have the materials and the scope for building a higher character than any of them. We have no prophets, however, to predict whether or not the nation will avail itself of its natural and accidental advantages. By civilization I mean knowledge of the useful arts and of the sciences; the establishment of good systems of civil polity; the prevalence of good moral and religious habits; knowledge and talent in literature, and skill in the fine arts. In a knowledge of the useful arts we are greatly deficienteven in the primitive arts; while in those that minister to the luxuries of refinement we hardly hope for ages to rivalthe people of Europe. The medical art is the only one that is ably cultivated in this country. Of all the sciences law is the one thlmt is studied most thoroughly. The other ethical ones though lying immediately wvithin the scope of ordinary occasions, particularly in a repub' lic, are here little attended to. The mathematical and philo. sophical sciences meet with the same general neglect. Of the literary sciences grammar and rhetoric have become popular studies, particularly the former, while logic even in our colleges attracts no attention. The historical science, geography, is more generally studied than any other one. Our political institutions are as good as those of any other country. The m.ral character of the nation, since the commencement of the late era of speculatior, may have become somewhat. doubtful. Mbidern literature is little valued-amongst us: ancient literature is better appreciated but less studied. Native literature we have none and can have none for a long period. It does not lie within the scope of our views or of our occasions. When we have.. ï~~PREFACE. i ihtersected the country in every direction with turnpike roads.-built bridges over all our streams, connected our most distant ones by canals, and burdened them with steam boats from the Appalachian to the Cordilera mountains-when every tract of present wilderness becomes a civilized settlement, then and not till then, may we sit down and amuse ourselves with singing epics and drowing pictures. The religious character of the people in the western country has been much misrepresented. None of the old settlements, except in the southern states, are destitute of preachers, orneglectful of religion. If the case is otherwise in the new settlements it is scarcely imputable to a want of ability to support preachers. We are constrained to believe that the generality f our emigrants are not very anxious about the subject. The pious whose edification has-been derived from. the" dead masses of divinity"as a Londonjournalist not inaptly calls the gentlemanly, fashionable preachers of the established church in England and Ireland, need feel no apprehensions here for the want of religious instruction amongst our humble zealous pastors whose cares extend'to all parts ofthe country; andwho are continually making arraigements for supplying-preachers to every new settlement in which thcy may be desired. The condition of political affairs claims some noste and hasoccasioned several discussions even in EFurope. Many people affect to regard the existence of political parties as an evil. If men think at all there must arise differencesof opinion amongst them; and if they are permitted to express their opinions they will inevitably become divided into parties. But were it possible that party spirit could be laid asleep among a free enlightened people, what would be the consequence? If the people possess the power of self government and do not generally attend to the duties which, the privilege involves, the management of public affairs will fall into the hands of the few who have a direct interest in attending to it-and only a few in any country can have such a direct interest. That few-that oligarchy would be composed of angels and not of men if, while unchecked, they refrained from abusing their power. Through what motives then shall the mass of the people participate with the interested few in order to keep a check upon them in the management of their affairs? A sense of public duty:but that implies a knowledge of the duty. What enquiry, and labour, and study, are necessary to acquire that knowledge.?' Take for instance the case that an official agent is to be chosen from amongst a hundred thousand persons, each one of whom is entitled to be chosen. What a task would the man have to perform who should undertake to select from that number the most wise, the most honest, and the best informed in regard to the duties of the station. That task is to be performed through a sense of public duty. But whoever saw such a sentiment strong enough to make any one perform the least irksote duty t 1te wh9 renders it powerful enough to keep in ï~~PRZ FACE operation the nighiy systemn of nationn self gfvernment may become a good citizen in Utopia, and will deserve to be canonized along with the inventors of the perpetual motion and philosophers' stone. The advantages and disadvantages of what is caled the cacus system in this country have afforded subject of dispite amongst the statesmen of Europe. Those public meetings wMich are exchs.ie qfthe popdar voice have thie most pernicious tendencies, and the republicans of "reat Britain need not trouble themselves with disingenuous defences of them. It cannot be expected tlhat foreigners wil; unders'and all our political systems while many of tie most important principles of our constitutions are subjects of dispute among. ourselves, For instance it has, until lately, been a contested matter whether there exists in our constitutions any self pireserving principle-or if it exists in what department is lodg I1 the rirht otf making an authoritative declaration of the nuliity o' unconsttutional legislative acts. It ir new a standing question, vhetli'er in our eontituions tle people have reserved to themselves,ny porIon of the leiislative poiwer for the purpose of exercising it in the last reort upar such occasions as they may deem wortlv o. ts eir in ter cfreAce. At the present period the great -biet 'occer-n An tits count ry is the want of a circulatint medium. v:y business and every inleresT in the cam.nuity has shored in.he eils wich hIave been produced by the late excessive extension if r Th extension and the punishment have arisen through the operation of one of these systems called "Bubble0"in Great Brtain. COr ivortex of speculation has been a great baiting s cstem, grawing ut from the prostitution of legislative power to tie rivate it crests (_f the legislators. It was formed fr enablig companes icof men to sell teir credit and contract debts upon a -ypothecated capital, without having any of their property responsible f0r tle debts bey ondl the amount of capital so invested; and without being bmited in their assumptions of debt to the amount of thie responssible capital Thus were monopolies of the worst'. sort established--monopolies of unjust priivileges-exemptions from the co troul of honest prinhcipIs. The operation of the s stem and its resilts have been draining the community of specie, supplyinag is place with paper, enabling merchants to commnand the specie for the purchase of foreign goods, while the people felt no inconveiene from it dearture-the inundation and consumption of tl, foreign goods, the rise in the nominal value of dl hiings, indicating to the unre flecting an increase ofwealth, consequent luxurious iidulgences-finally the bursting of the Bubble, the responsible linds not appearing to be forth coming to meet the inundation of the paper currency, the majority of the banks becoming bankrupt and their paper worth little or nothing-the solvent one-s retracting their p iper, and thus leaving a circulating medium utterly insufficient for the ti ransaction of ordinary business, and immense debts to be liquidated by the sacrifice of lands and chattels. The general character of our climate seems not to be understood in Europe, nor even in the Atlaptic states. I had collected materials for a dissertation upon this subject-or rather for instituting a omparison between this climate and that of several European coun' ï~~PIoEF ACE. 'A tri;cs; but finding it would be very extcensive it Was deemed advisable not to add it to tbis work. Climate is a tentl of ambiguous meaning used in reference sometimes to the temperature of a country, and sometimes to its healthiess; yetc the relation between lhealthiness and temperature seems to be 1cenerally mlaunderstood. I should have undertaken to prove tfat warm regions are mrost favourab!e to hea ti.: lit Ihe rule if admitted would have to pass under so ma-ny limittatons and exceptions that afxer all, tie reader mg'ithardly know where to find itsapplication To be fealKihy in a warm climate we Abust be exposed to no extraneous causes of disease-to niio animal or vegeable mAtter in a state of decompoition-0 or as it will b lbetter understood to no putrid air irom marshes or rice fields, or iigo naiufactorie, or the like: there must be no dirtiness abo.t our pers',ns or our" housets--noting improper in ti c qiatily or quaty our fod. Iii hardly any country iall we sind the people exempted by nature and by habit fom these sour.ej,,di'ea1e, and where they exist we perceive very distinctly how the increase if teperaiture exasperatts themn-often so greatly that some tropical regions are rendered by tiem not only more unhealthy than a y cold onies, bLut absolutely uninihabitable. Large po tiots of the western couintry present no marshes and are as healthy as any part of Lurope. Even in'the imnuediate neighbourhood of marshes, dry ele vatcd tracts are found entirely exempt from tlhe common effects of marsh eilnia. The tokens of unheaithiness in any district are, 1st. In warm weather the days becoming suddenly cool after sunset, so that the temperature of the day is a great many degree higher than that of the niLht.r 2d. thick fogs, Often having a disagreeable smell and rising regularly ii the valleys every eveninig immediately after sunset, 3d. numerous insects. particularly musquitos and flies. 4th. f'res meat becoming putrd more readily than can be accounted for from mere heat. ThoIse W11ho drink river water should have it cooled by being kept in bottles hung in the shade and wrapt round with wet cloths.Lukewarm water should never be drank alone-those who are com)elled to drink it should mix it with beer or cider, or some stimuant. Travellers should never drink spring water until they have reviously filtered it through sand. In a warm climate to which,nes constitution has not been sufficiently naturalized, fishing along lie muddy shores of streams is a very dangerous amusement; and:o such persons fresh fish is an unwholesome food. Emigrants should supply themselves with rich nourishing victuals and plenty of warm clothing. The best articles will cost less than bickness would. It called u.on for my opinion whether the people of any class of any country io Europe would be generally benefited by emigrating to this country, I should hesitate to answer in the affirmative. A. great many individuals would find their condition improved by it no doubt. Many advantages are to be found here which can be found no where else: but so many die in travelling to attain them, and in the process called seasoning, so many survive those dangers to struggle during their whole lives against the ruinous consequences of a single imprudent step.-So many who have greatly improved their ï~~Xil PR"FACE. condition yet remain miserable with a kind of chronic incurable home sickness. So many after they have succeeded in the world beyond their merits, are yet unhappy, because their fate has kept no pace with their brilliant expectations. Emigrants wvith great capital almost invariably ruin themselves -Now-pondering these things I would say to the people of Europe, if ye have bread to eat, stay at home-ifye have none and can come here, come and welcome. Thousands of foreigners have been unsuccessful in this country, because they would not stoop to the means through which they might have reached prosperity. It is related that two irishimen having heard a report of money being so plentiful in this country that one might gather up the dollars in handfuls along the highways; they both prepared good leather knapsacks, forming the moderate philosophic resolution that they would come here and fill them with dollars, and then return to their native homes contented with that trifling amount. It accordingly happened the day after they landed, that one of them did see a dollar lying upon the road, and he began to unbuckle his knapsack-. when the other exclaimed "Sorrow till you ye spalpeen, would you be so minane as to stoop down for to pick up a single dollar-cant you wait to we come till where they're plenty? An appeal to an Irishman's honour was of course sufficient, and the dollar was past by. Now no one regards this as a fact, but the story contains more,truth than a solitary fact could give it. It is a good parable, and every good parable presents the spirit of innumerable facts. ï~~THE ORIO PILOT. '1 GENERAL DIRECTIONS. Most of the difficulties which oCur in navigating the Ohio are occasioned by the shallowness of its channels in times of low water'; the following charts and directions areAherefore particularly intended for those who descend it at such periods. When tie river is moderately high, as it usually is during the spring season, your boat will need but little attention except-that you must sometimes row it to avoid being throwna-shore by head winds or inlirect cur. rents. When it is flooded there isat right,dangerfruaningagaiast trees on the shores. Wlhen it is lowyou must row continuall. In the early spring,floods boats are often ov-ertaken by floatihg ice. In such ease land if you can below some proj6ctlng shore where you may lie in an eddy. If you cannot reach such a place, land at aleVeritaandform an eddy by falling trees into the river; bfor. yu can seldom depend safely upon one tree. Let them be chop. ped entirely oi one sidc-the land side; that they may adhere tothe stumps; and tie them with hickory withes whether they adhere or no, in order to prevent them from being carried down by the ice against your* boat. Some rely upbon a canoe moored above their boat, as a defence against the ice, but it is no defence. If you carry goods and are hear a warehouse when overtake9 y ice, it will, under common circumstances, he advisable to unloa'. If your boat gets frozen itn, cut her loose daily. If the river rises, indicating a break up, clear out the ice between your boat anmr thte shore that you may moor her closer if ieed be. If the river falls; be continually on the watLh to ke- p her afloat;_ for if one end or one side stick utpon the shore she will probably be sunk. '['he same atten. tion is necessary while loading. linher carefully-that is load so that her sides may be level with the water. Landing requires great caution for unskillful hands are apt to fill below the place they at. tempt to landat. Unless you are a good judge in these malters do not think of buying a boat without getting one of skill to examine her. Lay in your provisions at Pittsburgh. No town below this except Wheeling and Cincinnati will afford you a god supply, or in fact any' article, but at exorbitant prices. Always carry somne oakum for it will often be in requisition. EXP AJVITIOV: In the following chartsa black line marks the low water channel That channel which is preferable in high water is sometimes mark. by a dotted line. Sand and gravel bars are marked with dots. Rocky bars with diagonal lines. Low willow islands with diagonal lines encircled by a marginal or shore line-. Common islands by horizontal lines within a shore line. DIRECTIONS FOR CHART L hn the Monongahela keep the town shore until within 100 yards of the point; then cross and keep within 50 yards f the left shore. In h gh water dn into the Allegheny cur to avoid being thrown by it against the left shor&e. Saw-mill run (L side, of a mile down) keep to the tight. No. 1 Bruwt' island, Ch. R. side. Opposite the bar near its head keep withlin 20 yards of the right short vthen cress B ï~~14 11 OH0 PILOT. over-pass within 20 yards of its foot: then keep nearest to the right side. No.2,.evroiita's or Long island, Ch. R. side. Keep 6 yards 5 from the point of the dam which extends from the right shore. Run towards the mill-pass it 10 yards, then turn to the left. Keep 30 yards from the island shore till you approach Lowry's rooks which lie beside a sand islaind on thie left. Turn to the right round them. Below the said island, 150 yards, turn to the left sound the head of Duff's bar, 20 yards from Long island shore. Above the foot of this island, 14 miles, commences Mer6msmn's bar, rountid which you run within t irty yards of the right shore. There is a current drawing over its point. Round the point of White's bar you run towards Hog island (which is at the foot of L. island.) Middletn bai' just below. In moderate water keep the right side; in low water keep to the left, 40 yards from the foot of Hog island. A current here draws over theb bar, Run 25 yards from tneleft shore. Wilrey's trap [4 a mile below) keep * of the riveron your right. After entering the chute turn to the left, to avoid the breakers in it. A nurrent draws over the right shoil. No. 3. Dead man's island, Chl R. side, near the head bar of the island, inclining towards the right: then turning to the left rouniU the point of a bar. Run within 10 yards of the island shore; then cross to within -20 yards of the right shore in the bend. Then run towards the foot of the island, round a long bar which extends fromthe right. esckly Cr. (R. side.) Its bar and a long break below' throw you within 70 yards of the left shore. Logstown bar throws you within five yards of the right shore. The rock and logs in its upper chute, you keep on your right; then run into the right hand bend. In the lower chute kqep the rock on your right and logs on your left, runting over a tree top; then turning to the right.. Nos. 4 & 5 Grow's islands, ch. R. side, near the head of the 4 island at first. A rocky bar approaches the foot of No. 5.. itchesons bar, 14 miles above Beaver Cr. Ch right side. Big Beaver Cr (R. side) Ch. near the lfit shore-the breakers below the point of the creek bar on your right. Opposite 4 the town keep between Johnston's bar on your right and another on your left-close to the breakers *hich lie near the foot of t4e latter., Turn a little to the left to avoid the right hand 4oal To land at Beaver you run round the foot of Johnston's bar. Below Beaver Cr. 3j miles, a bar extends from the right side two thi:'ds across the river. Turn to the right round its point to avoid a rocky) bar on the left. Racoon creek (L. side) Ch, in the middle between two bars. No 6. Ch. left side Opposite its head bar you run within 12 6 yards.of the left shore; then towards the foot of the island throug~h ry dangerous pass, keepwoggjog in iton your right. No 1. v4e's sand. o. a' first clese to the right shore then areo past the foot of the island. "No 8 O island. Ch. left side, between breakers atits 5 a X W"rt e middle of it youkeep a breaker on your right. Total 351 ï~~PITTSBURGIH L 1 2 Beaver Bfl e T. ï~~'1 THE 0HIO PILOT. Ge rgeeovn, L side. Below the town you incline to the left i to avoid Little Beaver bar.. Io. 9. ill creek islad. Ch. L. side. Th-er'e is a dangerous bar between the island and the shore. Run very close to the snags on the left hand side -t the head of the chute. Turn to the right round the bar and run along the island shore some di.tance:then turn to the left to avoid a ledg*of flat rocks. No. 10. Ch. left side and nearest to the island shore. Fawcetsto'wn, R side, Ch. in the bend nearest the left shore. 4 2j miles below this town there is a bar in the middle of the river. Channel either side Opposite the foot of it is Little Yellow creek on the right side. No. 11.I Baker's island: Ch. right side, After passing the bar on the right side that runs above the head of the island, turn in and run within 10 yards of the right shore: then cross out past the foot of the island to avoid Yellow creek bar 4 No. 12 Kneas ey's cluster: Ch. right side. Keep half way between the island and the shore until you approach the head of the second in the cluster; then turn abruptly to right. In the lower chute keep the great breaker on your left; then for about 15 yards keep more closely to the right shore and then incline a little tothe left. In the fobt of this chute is a large rock which you keep on your right; 10 yards distant. No 13. Black's island, with a willow bar or island at the foot. 3 Â~h. left side. Opposite its head bar keep 15 or 20 yards from the left shore; then turn towards the island to avoid a tree which you keep on your left. Black Horse tavern left side. a King's creek. You first run towards the right shore andthen turn round the point of the creek bar to the left. No 14. Broxn's island, Ch. left side, 12 yards from the left# shore opposite the head bar of the island. You then run to. wards the island and keep close along its shore till ) ou approach the bar that lies half way down it-Then cross over to the left shore. You then run out near to the foot of the litte island w~hich is connected with the foot of Browns island. A ledge of tocks comes up from the left shore within 150 yards of it WiUs, creek, R. side. A rocky bar extends half across the 4 river, and three fotburths of a mile down it, from the mouth of this creek. After passing this, the Ch. is in the middle of the river until you pass Steubenville. HKlf a mile below Steubenville incline to the right and pass close to the point of the bar at the moutlsof Wells' run. No 15.Mingo island; Ch L. side. Froi thence till you 3 pass Indian and Virginia Cross creeks it is in the middte: then it is nearest the right shore till you arrive opposite the head of Wellsburgh. At fWelsburgh the Ch. approaches the left shore. Bufaloe Cr. L side, just below the town. There is a large 24 bar at its mouth. Ch near the poi of to* bar. Beach bottom bar, near the mki:dleof the river. Best Ch. near the right shore. Below that the Clih. is nearest the left shore. W arren, (R. side above the motth of Indian Short Cr.) Ch. 5 runs to the left, close to the bar of Virginia Short creek. A 4oa cztens V for a aile belkw this on the right sid. Total 70. ï~~9 12 13 14 Stezibonvile ï~~18 TTHE OHITO PILOT. No. 16. Pike island, OC. right side. No 17. Twin islands, Ch right side. Keep within 12 or 14 lards of the snags which lie at the lower point of the first twin. Keep close to the bar of Glen's run on the right, in order to avoid another which approaches it from the left. After-pass. ing the point of the latter incline to the left and keep that side. No. 18 Wheeling island, Ch. left side. At the head keep 5 within 15 yards of the left shore till you arrive opposite the upper end of the town; then bear across to the island round a large rocky bar which runs out from the town shore. After passing the point of this bar turn in again to the town shore and run down it till you approach the bar of Wheeling Cr. Turn out; wind round the point of that bar, and then turn in abruptly for the left shore. Run down it 100 yards; then turn out and pass by the foot of the island No. 19. Bogg'e island. Ch. left side. Opposite the upper end 2 of the island you run near the left shore and then incline out past the island foot. M Mahon's Cr. (R. side.) Its bar extends two thirds of the 24 way across the river. Keep near the point of the bar and then incline a little to the right. Putne/y-a little village on the right side. As soon as you Come in view it, begin to keep the left shore. In the bank just opposite to the village, and below a large rock, are two fine springs at which boats are usually landed. Little Grave creek, (L. side,) Ch. to the right. Big Gra,,e Cr. (L. side.) Its bar runs near the right shore, & pass close to the point of it, and then turn in to the left. No. 20. Captina island, Ch. left side. When you are 200 a yards from the foot of the island turn to the left round a bar full of snags, and run within 12 or 15 yasds of the left shore: then turn out quick and pass by the point of the iland. In moderate water the right side of the island is the best channel. Captina Cr. Keep three fourths of the river on your right $ 2$ you pass its bar Below that keep the middle. No 21. Piah.creek island, OCh. right side. In low water keep a within 15 yards of the right shore until you pass half down the islahd; then turn out and pass near the foot of it. No22. Is a low willow island or bar lying near the right 2 shoe Ch. past it near the left shore. Sutn.flsh Cr. (R. side.) As you approach it turn to the left to 3 avoid its bar and another rocky bar one fourth of a mile below. Opossum Cr. (R. side.) Its bar runs three fourths across tihe 4ver. In the chute round its point there lies.a tree which you keep on your left. Provctor's run, (L. side.) Keep two thirds of the river on your " left. kt a bar on the same side three fourths of a mile below keep the same distane. Total 1961 ï~~N 0 ~3 -t ï~~THE OHIO PILOT. FisMhng Cr rfid Martin's station, (L. side ) Below its mouth 5 there is a large bar in the middle of the river. At its head keep near the right sore and pass out close to its lower point. No 23. PedW island; Ch. right side. Here commences the 4 Long Reach. No. 24. Wiamsen's island, Ch. right side. A bar lies be- 2 tween the foot of it and the right shore; Oh. on the right of the bar within 12 yards of the shore Two and a half miles be. low this on the left side is the town of Sistersville. No, 25. Purekleaya island; Ch. right side from 20 to 30 yards 4j frOm the right shore 'till you get two thirds of the way down the island; it then turns out and passes 30 yards from the island foot. No 26. Wilon's island, oh. right side. Keep close to the 2 head bar of the island to avoid a bar and rock which extend out towards it from thÂ~ mouth of Mill Cr. No, 27. Grandriew island, Ch. right side. After passing this 2 island keep two thirds of the river on your left fr tiree and a half miles: then incline to the left as you approach Petticoat ripple until you have three fourths of the river on your ri ht. 'At the head of the ripple you turn tothe right running towards a dead tree on the right shwre till you approach within 25 yards of the shore. No 28. Grape and Ba islandsjoined by a bar, Ch. right side, 91 running out towards thefoot. No. 29..Middle island lying close to the left shore, Ch right 1.3 side, till you pass French Cr. it then turns towards the island to avoid a break of rocks on the right side. Total 137 ï~~3odxo. 0 0 ï~~Li THE O IO PILOT?, Nos. 30, 31 & 32. Tfree roth r islands, Ch. right side of 5 them all. A bar extends out from the foot of No 31 which forces you within 12 yards of the right shore. In passing the third Brother, and a willow bar half a mile below it, keep near the right shore.. S Bull Cr. (L. side.) From half a mile above it to three fourths 7 of a mile below it, yout keeptwo thirds of the river on your right. Carpenter's bars. You pass betweeni the two of which that on 4 the right is the least, Yau then turn to the right and approach within 40 yards of the right shore. Keep that side to the mouth of Little Muskingum; then turn out to avoid the logs on the right. 2 No. 33. Duva's island; Ch. right side.. Duck creek enters 1 opposite the middle of it anid the bar throws you near the island shore. Ther you turn to right round the point of the bar..Marietta. In low water keep the right shore till you pass 8 the centre of the town; then turn anid run directly across the river, between two large bars, one of which extends from IDuval's island, and the otherefrom the mouth of the Big Musking.um. After passing above two thirds of the way across the river turn to the right round the point of the latter bar to avoid a little sand bar on the left shore. No. 34. Muskingum island; Ch. right side inclining to the 3 right to avoid the bar at the middle of it. No. 35. Ch. left side and nearest to the island. 3 No. 36. fame's island, opposite Vienna. Ch. right side and 21 near the head bar of the island. Parkeraburgh, above the mouth of little Kenhawa, & Belpre 3 opposite to it. After passing the toww incline to the right. No. 37. Blannerhassett's island; Ch. right side. Above the 3 head of the island is a tree whichl you keep on your right. Op. Loite to the head are sunken trees which you keep on your e, and run into the bend of the right shore. Near the foot of the island is a bar, or little island, which throws the channel close to the right shore. Little Hockhocking (RIt. side.) A rocky bar extends from its 5 mouth above half way acrosi the river. 8fter passing this bar 100 yards turn to the right to avoid a bar on the left No. 38..NV'ewbery island-a kind of willov bar Ch. right side. Take care to avoid a bar that approaches its head from the ri,,ht shore No. 39.Mustapha's island, near the right shore; Ch. right 2 aide in low water. A bar extends from the foot of the island to. wards the point ot a rocky break on your right. Big Hockhocking R. (R. side.) Three miles below this river, 11 and one above Belleville, a batr extends from the left throwing the channel near the right shore. You turn abruptly round its point to avoid a bar on th6 right which reaches two thirds of the way across the river. Rain towards the head of Belleville town. No. 40 Beltillke island, Ch. right side. After passing half a \ mile down it you turn to te right, and'run within 50 yards of the right shore to avoid a bar at tihe foot of the island. Total 1W5 ï~~ac V ï~~' 4 THE 01110 PILOT. hade River, (R. side.) Keep near the point opposite this Sriv.r to avoid being thrown against the rocks below its mouth. One mile below this there are two bars opposite to each other Ch. between them; rather nearest the right shore. Below this re two large sand bars, on the left side, which throw the chan7 el tvo thirds across the river. No. 41. Bujngzqn', island, Ch. right side. It lies near the 5j tight shore, below a bend of the river, so that you will not ob. serve it until yd~u are near its head. The channel is hfill oflegs and dangerous. Keep your boat under good head-way through it Keep a rock which is at the Mowerend ofthe island on your right. When the river is at middling height keep to thie left of this island. Big Sandy creek, (L. side.) A ledge of.rocks commeces on the right shore, above the mouth of this creek, and terminates in a bar halfa mile below it In passing its point you run within 3. yards of the left shore, in the bend; and then turn quick out to avoid a great ledge of rocks on the left. Keep two thirds of the river on your left for nearly three miles No. 42 Old-town bar, or island, Ch right side. Old-town Cr. is opposite to it on the right side. Just below itthere is a rocky bar on the right side Tanner's run, R side. Just below this there is a bar on the -eft side, Ch to the ri: lit of it N., 43. George's or Goose island, C. right side. A large bar 4 comes out from tne right hand point, near to the head bar of the iand \fter passing near the island, one third of the way down it, you turn to the right and run within 20 yards of the right shore, to avoid a bar which lies near the foot of the island. &o9 44 & 45. Ch. right side, and nearest the rilht shore. 44 At the foot of No. 44 a bar extends out 200 yards-keep be. tween it a A a shoal which lies on the right, bearing towards the bot of No. 45 Leart's rapids, half a mile below No. 45. Keep two thirds.of the river on your left so as to enter the sheet of smooth wva. ter between the left hand bar and right hand dam; the inmine, a little to the left A mile below the rafids there isa saad bar vn the right ' The Rock of Antiquity," at the water edge on the R. shore. 34 Wolf's bar, near the lef. shore. Oh right side, near the point 3 -of the bar, West Cr. enters on the left at the foot-of the bar Secrease's ripple, a mile below the foot of Wolf's bar. Keep two thirdsof the river on your right. From this to eight mile island the river is deep and gentle. Allum rocks two mriles above the mouth of Leading creek 84 No 46. Eight mile jsland, Ch right side, within 30 yards of 3 lthe right shore, at the head, and near the island at the foot of it. No: 47. Six mile island lies close to the left shore, Ch. right 2 6ide, and near tie island at the foot of it Geat Kenha-iva river, (. side.) iown of Point Pleasant 44 above the miah After paningit keep in to the right shore until ycu approach No. ta48.l Total 239 ï~~0. Wsodo1N ff7 ï~~6 THE OHIO PILOT. No 48. Galliopolis island, Ch. left side. At first near the head 2ir bar of the island. When you run half way down it, turn qick to the left to avoid a bar tnat lies between the foot of it and the left slore. After passing the bar turn to the right. Galliopoli. R side Three milies below the town there is a I rocky bar on the right. No 49 Racoon island. Ch. left side, and near the island t at the foot; as some snags lie on the left side. Racoon Cr. enters one mde below. Meridian Cr. (L. side) Eighteen Mile Cr. (R. side) Just below this there is a ripple, Ch. in middle of the river. Little Guyundot Cr (L. side) Below this, 5 miles, at the 11j benl of the river, is Green bottom ripple. In passing it, keep two thirds of the river on your right. There is a rocky bar on one hand, and a gravel bar on the other. Federal Cr. (R. side) 1 mile. Nine Mile Cr. (L. side) 4 miles. 10 A g Guyundot River, (L. side) Guyundot Town just 6' above its mouth. When you approach within a mile of this, keep two thirds of the river on your right, until you come opposite the lower end of the town; then turn out quick, and pass above half across. One mile belovy, you enter a straight reach of 9 miles. Syrmmes' Cr. (R. side) 3 miles. Bufaloe Cr. (L. side) 2 miles. Ten pole Cr. (L. side) 1 mile. Twelve pole Cr. (L. side) 1 mile. 7 Big Sandy river, (L. side) Ch. through the bar here is in the middle of the river. 3 Hood's Cr.(L. side) Ice Cr.(R. side) Stoners Cr. (R. side) 10 Ferguson's bar, Ch. (R. side. Here is a long shallow. 21 Little Sandy Cr. (L. side) Ch. nearest tire right shore. 5 Hale's, or Pine Cr. (R. side.) 10 Little Sciota river, (R. side) From a mile above its mouth 2 to a mile and one half below it, you keep Iths of the river on your right, to avoid a great ledge of rocks. There is a little bar on the left, below the point. Tyger's Cr. (R. side.) 7 Big Sciota river, (R. side) A bar commences on the left Z above the mouth of the Sciota, and throws the Ch. near the right side, opposite Portsmouth; but when you pass the Sciota, you turn to the left to avoid a bar, and snags opposite Alexandria. Total 3271 ï~~z 92 U in t~ U ï~~28 THE OHIO PILOT. Connaconeque Cr. (L. side.) 6 No. 30. Ch. left side. Keep at first near the island bar until you pass the Cr. bar; then as you pass the mddle of the island turn quick to the left to avoid the foot bar, which rutis three fourths across the river At'ter running half a mile along the left shore, turn out to the middle. Twin Creeks, (R. side) At their mouths there is a large bar winch runs three fourths across the river. Salt Cr. (L. side) Ch. near the right shore; In high water, there is a whiri-pool on the tef. 9 No. 51. Wilson's, or Brushcreek island, Ch. right side. 10] Opposite to its head there is a bar with logs which you keep oa your right; and then incline to the right shore, at the mouth of Brush creek. You then turn out a little to the left, and pass between logs which lie near the foot of the island. Nos. 52, and 3. 7 nchester islands, Ch. left side of both. 8 As you, approach them, keep near the left hand point, to avoid b:ing thirown on the bar between the islands. Ch. is in the middle all through. Crooked C r (L. side.) Cabin Cr. (L. side.) S miles. Brook', Cr. (R.side) three miles. Below this is a large bar on the right side, Ch. nearthe left shore..imeatone Creek, tndl Town, (14. side.) 11 Charleston (L. Side.) Opposite to i'the town there is a $ Parge bar in the middle of the river; Channel, left side, near the town at the head, and neafiest the bar at the foot. Ea ge, creek, (R. side) 4 mile. Ripley, (R. side) 4 mile. 13 L-vaina. (R. side) 2 miles. Straight creek (R. side) 24 Jics. At its mouth there is a large sand bar, which throws the channel near the left shore. 7 Adlugusta, (L. side) Below the mouth of Bracken creek, a 3 large bar opp6site tue town throws the channel near the left shore. When you pass the townturn out. Total 388 ï~~%2 3 C%4lhester ï~~iS THE OHIO PILOT. Bullkin creek (R. side) Ch. round its bar is near the left ir $hore. Below this there are two bars, one on each side..Mechanicsburgh (R. side) 34 miles. Ntville (R. side) 5 miles. 8 Bear creek R. side 24 miles. Big Indian creek R. side 6 miles a Lttle Indian creek, R. side 9 miles. 104.Vew Richmond R. side. A large bar throws the channel close to the right shore from 14 miles above, until you pass below the town. Below this, 4j miles, there is a large bar in the middle of the river Ch. left side and near the shore. Below this, where the river turns to the right, there is another bar on the righrt hand point, which throws the channel nearthe left shore. Little.Miami river, I. side. At its mouth, and below it, are 9 logs; and below them a sand bar, which throw the channel nearest the left shore. About a mile below L Miami the channel turns to the right, and keeps near the right shore until past Cincinnati Crawfish creek (R side.) Below this 14 miles a great bar commences on the left, running more than half across the river. Deer creek (right side). INCCINN VATI, opposite Licking river. Newport stands above, 7 and Covington below Licking. Mill creek (R. side) A large sand bar on the left throws the channel within 30 2# rards of the right shore..NXorth Bend towa (R side) 15 Great.Miami river. A lirg'e bar at its mouth throwsthe Ch. 41 near the left hand point. After passing it 100 yards turn to the right, and keep two thirds of the river on your left tll you approach Lawrenoeburgh. Petersburgffh (L. side) opposite Tanner's creek. taugham's creek (R. side) Parnasus (R aide.) ougherys creek (R side.) Opposite to tts there is a bar on & -e:ft side which reaches about two-thirds across the river. No. 54 Laughery/s island. Ch. left si. AWsing Sun ( Rt. side). Opposite to this re is a large bar on the left side which throws you within 30.of the right shore. bnpoder creek (L side). Big Bone Lick (L side) Opposite to this is a rocky bar in 14 the middle of the river Ch. left side, and near a rocky break on the left, opposite the head of the bar Frederickeurgh. (L. ide). A mile above it there is a bar on 9 46e right..fbtl 4 79* ï~~' Irv Aft a N. E a 5 1 w!..' b +r rr r O. t w 54 R ï~~.15 THE OffTO PILOT. No. 55 Ane ndmite island. Channel left side, and near the 10 left shre at the head About three-fourths of a milk below N 55you incline to the right to avoid a large sand bar w ich ies opposite Vevay. Keep about 300 yards from Vevay land. ing alnd, after passing about that distance beyond it, turn ab. rupfly to the right, and run within 20 yards of the right shore for about one quarter of a miile; then turn out to the middle to avoid Sa little bar on the right. The town of Ghent is on the 2 Kentucky sidet, opposite Vevay. About three and one half 3f miles below Vevay, op, csite the first high hills on the right, there is a large sand bar-Ch -right side. Kentucky river, and town of Poe ITfiiam (L. side). Little 6 Kenjtucky river-about half a mile below. Five miles below Kentucky river there is a large sand bar. Qh, right side, close to the shore. Madison, (R side). 9 Cooper's Ferry. About 5 miles below Madison there is a sand bar on the left,; extending above two-thirds across the river. Ch. close right tore..Vrew London (right side.) I esport (L. side). 14 No 56 Eighteen mile island. Ch. right side, kee ing about aree-fourths of the river on your left. totW 53+J ï~~wU _ X - 1N I ï~~34 THE OHIO PILOTP. No. 57 'Twelve mile island. channel right side. N s. 58 & 59 Six mile islands, ch. between them. Prom this 10 till oi i approaci Jt ffersonville the ch. is rather neairest t, the 4 right side Here you pass to the right of a large sand bar, and then run across just above the hlead of the falls, frtinom Jeflfersonville to Gray's large brick warehouse below the mouth of Beargr.ss creck For the F \LLS see pages 36 & 37. Island No 66 is near the left shore at the foot of Louisville; 6 and No 61 is a little below that in the middle of the Falls. No. 62 Sandy island, opposite the lower pa, t of Smipping- 2k poi t. cb. left sihe, close to the island, keeping two large breakers on your lft Portland (L. sid, ) O posite to this town there is a sand bar in the middle of the rivei '-C. left sd near the left shore until you pass below Albay, Lwvich is oni th rightit side.) you 4 then cross over to- the right to avoid a sand bar which cmmeiices on the left side three-.fotrtlis of a mile below Albany. Below this bar yout keep nearest to lie left shore for' about 12 Inmiles: you then run near tie left s ore to avoid a bar which lies oni the right After passing round it you keep nearest to the right shor for about 4 miles, ana then nearest to the left shore as fir as Salt river. Salt River, I. side. Opposite to its mouth there is a bar on 20. the righ side which throws you close min to the left. Keep the left side for half a mile. and then inciiie gradually over towards the right hand bend. from whence you run into the left hand beno below Fifteen miles below Salt river. and two miles above Branden. 1$ burgh's ferry, a sad bar coimmences on the left shore which reaches below the ferry. Ch riglt side. When opposite the ferry you run in close to the rigiit. The Falling Springs are just below the ferry. Three miles below there is another sand bar which you keep on your right. JV'orthamptn (R side.) Two mit s below this ihere is a shoal on the right. Nos. 63 & 64 lilue river islands Ch. left side of the first 16 and right side of the second. You keep near to the head bar of the. latter, and likewise near to is foot, as there is a rocky br, ak at te moutth of Blue river wiiich enters just below it. Blue River right side. 2 Leavv.worth righlit Aide. total 616 ï~~0~l SAL' T' ï~~56 THE OHIO PILOT. FALLS OF THIE OHIO. There are three channels for passing the Falls. The first, called the Itdiana Chute. pase, round the windings of the right had shtre: 1 is the deepest, and generalty the safrst oft e three. The Jliddle chute is on the right side of Corn island. (No 60) In running this it is necessary to keep close to the shoal or bar of the islind, and pass in near to the left shore below its toot. asthe'e is a ciurie t which tends to c.rry boats across to the Indiana side and wh U, if it were not resisted would,ccasioa them to b, wck i up n the chain of rocks that occupi s the middL of the river t0rough the whole extent of the Falls. Thie third. channel called the Kentucky chute, can be l)assed only in times if ii a water. It hies on thie left side of Corn island and runs atross the point before Shippingport At the west corner of Slhippingport there is an eddy whichli forms an excellent harbouir When the river is flooded boats nma pass on the right side of Sa,.dy isiand, No. 62, but in low waer it is impr icticablePilots are appointed by the courts of.Jeffrsonville and Lou. isville, and as,umbers of them are al axr to be had at a momnent's warning, it is rare that ant bat descends the Fails without taking one aboard. The Falls or Rapids of the Ohio are caused by great beds of stratified limestone rock whicii pass entirely acr,,ss the river; presenting a descent of twenty two feet in the distance of two and a half miles The project d canal of Louisville is indicated upon the print in the opposite page by tie dix aricated white lines that pt)ss froam tie harb)our be low tihe mouth of Bear-gra:,ss creek across the point toe ards Sandy i Tled. 'he straight line on the Indiana side, pasisig ovvr the great ledge of rooks, indicates a waV or mii-dam. ï~~'4 ï~~38 THE OHIO PILOT. Little Blue river (R. side.) About three-fourths of a mile be -14 low his a sand bar commences on the left side and extends round the left point. No. 65 Flint island. Cb. right side Below it there is a sand 9 bar in- thte middle of the river which you keepr) on your left; though someC, following the directionis of Cramer's Navigator, pass thirough a shallow, bad channel between this bar and Flint island. Half a mile below this there is another bar on the left. - Roun round its point unto the right hand bend. Five miles below Flint island there is a bar in the middle of 5 the river. Ci. left side, and near the left shore until you approach within half a mile of the first right hand point: you then tur quickly over to the right side to avoid the bar on tlie left. Sinking cr. (L. side.) Below tlis, on the Kentucky side, 6 is the vilage of btepiiensport, and opposite to it (on the indiana sid ) tne town of Rome or vV ashington. \bout one and a half miles above them there is a shoal. Ch. left side Clover creek (L. side.) Below this about 8 miles, there is a 10 dan gerous ledge or rocks o;n the right (call d Rock island by some) which extends one third across the river. About 5 miles below this tihere is a sand bar on the left. The town of Troy just above the mouth of Anderson's river, (R, side) Anderson's ferry one and a hailf miles below. There 19 the channel is in the midde; but three-fourths of a mile below you turn to the right to avoid Anderson's bar, which extends 3 miles down the river on the. left side. At the foot of it, where the river inclines to the right, you cross over into the left hand bend to avoid another bar which extends along the right hand point. Bayou Cr (it. side.) 9 Rockport (R. side.) When you coime within three-fourths 6 of a mile of the town, begin to keel) two-thirds of the river on your right, in order to avoid the bar above the town Nos. 66 & 67 Yellow Bank islands. Ch left side of both. 6 The first is a small one close to the right shore. The town of Yellow Banks is on the left side opposite the foot of the second island. There is a little bar in the left hand bend. No 68 Little Hurricane island. Cn. right side, near the right 6 shore. Nose 69 & 70 lie near the right shore. Ch. left side of them. 7 Nos 71 & 72 French islands. As you approach them keep 5 twarest to the right side until you come near their head bar; then cross over to the left. There are rapids opposite the head of the small one. Total 71 ï~~ANDERSON R.~ AN 71 2 ï~~40 THE OHIO PILOT. After passing the foot of the main French island about three-fourths Uf a mile, run acros to the right shore, passing a bar or shoal that lies near the right Sde. Ran down that side 3 miles, then cross over to the left and run down it 2 mil( s. No. 73, Three mile island. Ch left side, close to the island. & After passing it the cannel ison the right as far as Green tR. Green river (L. side). 5 No. 74, Green ri',er islands. Ch. left side of both, and 2 near the left shore. After passing them the channel inclines to the right to avoid a bar at the left point, opposite Evansville. S Two miles below this town there is a rocky bar on the right side. 5 miles below this there is a sand bar on the right, Redbanks or Hendersonville (L. side.) 10 No. 75, Redbank island. Ch. right side: Opposite to the 2 foot of it there commences a great bar on the right, 5 miles loan'. Ch, past it is close to the left shore. After passing it you keep nearest to the right side. No. 76, Diamond island. Ch It side, and near the right shore. 12 After passing it and a willow island just below it, crIss to the leftto avoid a bar 4 miles long which commences here on the righ, Below this bar there is another on the same sile. No. 77 Straight is:an:. Ch. right side, close to the island. 9 As you approaco to the foot of it turn to the right to avoid a bar below, that runs two-thirds across from the left side, Mount Vernon (R. side,) 3 No 78, Slim island. Cih. right side until yon approach the 5 riht; arid point, where you turn out to avoid a ba: and willow island which extend about two miles round the point C". keeps well to the lIft side to avoid them and a ledge of rocks in ti-e right hand ban:I below them- 2 miles below these there is another ledge on the right. Highlandcreek, antid the town of Carthage (L. side.) One 7 mile tietow this a rocky bar runrks half across from the left side. No 79 Wabash isiand Ch right side and near the R. shore. 4 Wabash ri rer (,. side.) Hlere steam boats us ally obttia fiel. No. 80, Browns' island, consists of three small islands united 5 by a bar, and lies close to the right siore. Ch. left side, andl near the left shore until you approach within a mile of Shawaneetown: there you cross over to the right Shawancetown (ItR. side) can be seen at the distance of 4 5 mile.s Opposite to the town there is a bar on the left side. 4 miles lower down you again run near the right shore to avoid another bar on the left. No. 81, Stevn.son, island. Ch. rightside. After passing it 4 cross over to the left side to avoid the bar below. Total 804 ï~~r2$ENl IL RZDl B3AAk, Ighityd. r. WABASHI 80 81 ï~~.i R uis sing Page ï~~two Irm.-a 0 ï~~44 THE OHIO PILOT. No. 82, a small double island near the left shore. Ch. R. side. 2 Saline river (R. side.) One mile above its mouth a bar com- 2 ynences on the right, and extends below it In passing it keep two-thirds of the river on your right-taking care not to fail on the little left hand bar opposite to it. Below this about two miles, there is another bar on the same side. No. 83 Trade-water island, opposite the mouth of Tradewater 6 river Ch. right side, and near the right shore. No. 84 Cave zn rock island, opposite the "Cave in Rock." 7 Ch. right side. Hurricane bar begins 2 miles below the cave, and extends 2 miles along the right shore. After passing it you cross over to the right side to avoid Walker's bar on the left, which approaches within 200 yards of the right shore Its lower point is opposite to a high rocky bluffbank on the right, called the Tower Rock Here you turn round the point of Wa ker's bar, and run almost backwards in order to make the left side of Hurricane island, (No. 85) between the head of which and the bar there is a narrow, c. ooked channel. You keep all the logs and snags in it.n your left-except two When you pass the head of the islad vot must work against a current that tends to throw you on the left shore. Kirksville is just below (L. side). 8 No. 86, Golconda island. Ch right side. Half a mile below 11 is the town (of Goiconda on i he ri;ht side. Nos. 87, 88 & 89 The i'hree Sisters. Ch. right side of them 3 all One mile below No. 89 a sand bar runs three foburths across from the left side. Ch. close to the right shore in the bend. No 92, Ste-wart'sisland-Ch. left side. Below this 11 miles 7 there is a bar which throws the channel near the left shore No. 91. Dog island-a sma1 double one near the right shore. 5 Oh. left side No 92_, Cumberland island, at the mouth of the Cumberland 3 river Ch. right side, and near the right shore, until you pass below the island half a mile; then cross over to the left side, and run near tof the left shore round Cumberland bar. When you approach some willows in the left bend turn out -to the right93, Tennessee island, at the mouth of Tennessee river Ch. 13 right side and nearest the right shore. Fort Massac (R. side.) Three milles below this there i 9 rocky bar in the middle of the river-Ch right side Five milW further is the Little chain. Oh. in the middle. Seven furtier Wilkinsonville. Ch. near the right shore. 15 The Grand Chain of rocks (R. side). Ch. left side. 3 Total 898 ï~~0 62 90 St ï~~Gfeat Chain MISSISSIPPI After passing the last breaker of the Great Chain incline over towards the right shore. Vew.merica town (R. side). There is a bar opposite to it 15 which throws the channel towards the left shore. No. 94, Cash is!and. Ch. right side. Cash river (R. side). Froa this to the mouth of the Ohio 1 the channel is near the right shore. PIISSISSIPP1 RIVER. Town of Cairo at the confluence -5 Total miles 929 Jote. The first six of the preceding lcharts were drawn Opon the scale offve miles tothe inch; and all the rest on the sclae of eight miles to the( inch except that of the falls This proportion, however, is observed only lenglthwise; beoanuse. from the necessity of tle case, the river is made to appear muci wider than it is in reabty. ï~~OF THE STATES AND TERRITORIES, WEST AND SOUTH OF THE ALLJEGH.ENY MOUINTAIS8. ACCOMPANIED WP1T8 ADVICE TO EMIGRANTSt UPON T1X3 817ICTS OP LA1XD4XTLES, PVECBAS1),.TflZ RrCATr(IN 01? 00010 &MO BADl SOILS, THE 1flaEIALT1l3ES OF IWATJIctLAII GITV. ATIONJ90 RfLEAUTION(S TO HE OBBkBILYD WIUE TRALULLYS& B~Y 1. C. 6 1 LL EL AND6 PITTSIUEGH, PUBLISHIII By ~PATTERISON & LAMEBDIN. B3UTLER & LAMBID;Vo Printer. ï~~'(.. ï~~t },. ï~~t ï~~WEST PENNSYLVANIA. NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. EXTVCT. BoUsnnIEs. RIVERS. FACE OF TaE COUNTRY, sI, &C. NATURAL RnoDucTioxns. GEOLOGY. NATURAL CUImOSITIES. Pennsylvania is 306 miles in length, and 158 in breadth, except at the N.A est corner, where it is 175. it is,'unded on the south by the line of N. latitude 390 43, which separates it from Maryland and Virginia: on the west by the line of longtudle 30 37' west from Washington, which separates it from Virginia and Ohio: on the north by lake Erie for 44 miles-thten by a line running south 18 miles to N. lat. 42-and then by the line of latitude 42; which two latter lines separate it from New-York. Its eastern boundary is the Delaware river, whiich separates it from New Jersey until it approaches within 22 miles of Newcastle, in Delaware: then a quarter circle drawn at the same distance from Newcastle cuts off the S. E. corner of this state, and separates it from.Delaware state. The Allegheny mountain is here arbitrarily made the division between East and West Pennsylvania. RIVERs. This part of the state is watered by the Allegheny, Monongahela, a part of the Ohio, and some of the head waters of the Susquehannmah. The Allegheny rises about 20 miles from the north boundary of the state, near the sources of the Sinnemahoning branch of S&squehannah. It runs at first a northerly course, until it crosses the state line; it then passes about 40 miles through N. York, and returns to this state. After leaving New-York, its main course is S. W. as far as the mouth of French creek, at the town of Franklin. From thence it runs a south easterly course above 80 miles, to the mouth of Crooked creek; and from thence a south westerly course about 45 miles, to Pittsburgh, where it unites with the Monongahela. Their confluence constitutes the Ohio. The A4llegheny is a cool, clear, rapid river; affording excellent navigation for barges through the greater part of its extent, and communicating with lake Erie by short portages through two routes. One is by French creek, which the boats ascend as far as Le Bceuf lake. From thence the portage to the town of Erie, ch lake Erie, is 15 miles over a perfectly level road. The other route is up the main branch of the river, and from it up the Conewongo creek, through part of New-York state, to Chatauque lake. From that there is a E ï~~WEST PENNSYLVANIA. portage of nine miles to Portland, (a town situated upon lake Erie shore, at the mouth of Chatauque creek,) which is 30 miles north east from the town of Erie. The name of this river, says Harris, has been derived from that of the Allegawe or Tallegawe Indians, a tribe which was exterminated by the Delawares. Amongst the aborigines this river is called Allegawennick, or the place of the Allegawes. 'he streams which enter the Allegheny on the east side are the Tunongwant and Xenzua creeks, neat' its source-Tonerwista creek, 35 miles above Franklin- Toby's, or Stump creek, 40 miles bNlow Franklin. Sandy-lick creek, Mahoning, Crooked creek, and the Conemaugh or IKiskeminetar river. Sumpfi creek communicates with the Sinnemahoning branch of the Susquehannab. It is little used as a channmel of commnerce, except by the farmers in that quarter, who tr,Isport their grain min that way to the Baltimore market; but it is thought by those who have examined the road that a canal nmight be easily constructed there, connecting the great easterni and western rivers of the state. The Ccn mauth river rises near the main source of the west branch of Susquehannah, and likewise near the Juaiata, but 'no examination has been made relative to the practicability of uniting either of these rivers. It breaks through the Laurel mountain by a chasm which presents a scene full of interost and sublimity. Conecvango creek, which enters the Allegheny on the west side at Warren, is navigable to its source at Chatauque lake. Od creek (about 10 miles above French creek) receives its name from the mineral oil which is plentifully collected frem it. French creek enters at Franklin, and is likewise navigable to its chief source, which is Le Bceuf lake, 78 miles from the Allegheny. No other important streams flow into the Allegheny on the west. Scub-grass, Red-bank and Lull creeks, though well suited for mills, are not at all navigable. The Monongahela river rises in Virginia, near the sources of the Elk branch of Kenhawa. It is navigable for boats as far as Morgantown, about 100 miles-but for smlll craft 40 miles furthtr; and is above 400 yards wide at its mouth. Its course is at first nearly N. East, to the line which separates this state from Virginia: From thence it is north as f-r as the mouth of Turtle creek; and from thence to Pittsburgh, which is about 13 miles, its course is west. Its current is very gentle, and it is no where obstructed by falls or rapids. Its waters are- seldom clear, from which cir cumstance it is said to have derived its name, meaning, in some Indian language, the river with "falling-in-banks." So sa.ys Judge Brackenridge. On the west side, the Monongahlela receives no considerable branches. On the east side is a large creek talled the East ï~~NATURIL GEOGRAPHY. Branch. Further east the Cheat river rises along the Laurel hill in Virginia, and enters the Monongahela 4 miles north of the state boundary, and 55 from Pittsburgh. Youghiogheny rises in this state, between the Laurel hill and Allegheny mountain, and running a S. XV. course, debouches.18 miles from Pittsburgh. When it passes through a gap of the Chesnut ridge, it presents a very beautiful romantic cataract, about 20 feet in perpendicular height, called the falls of Ohiopily. Ohio. This river, after running 37 miles in a 'westerly direction, passes the state line, and from that point becomes the boundary between the states of Oaiio and Virginia. The name, in some Indian tongue, means blood, or the bloody river. The French called it La Belle Riviere-the beautiful river; a name which it well nmerits, particularly for the charming scenery of its shores. As it has been deemed advisable to assign a separate portion of this work to the delineation and description of it, there remains nothing of the detail to be here added. The 0 io receives no important stream within thi, state, except the Big Beaver, which is a small river formed by the union of the Aiahoning, Pyamnunting, XJshannock or Slifieryrock, and Canoquenesing creeks. A short distance from the mouth of Beaver there are rapids on which several mill dams have been erected, and thus the navigation has been entirely obstructed. FACE OF THE COUNRY, SOIL, &c. The land along the head waters of the Allegheny is generally very barren, particularly that on the east side of the river, and near the New-York lne. The surface is uneven and often rugged; the timber is chiefly pine and hemlock; at least tracts of this sort are found there some hundred thousand acres in extent, through which there is scarcely any variation of appearance. The trees, however, are very large, and excellent of their kinds, and will afford a perpetual supply of lumber, &c. for the country southward. Near the streams, the beech, birch, maple, oak, and hickory, appear, tho' in small quantities. On the west side of the Allegheny the pine tracts are small; and through the greater part of that district the sugar tree and beech are the trees most abundant. Ash, locust, oak and hickory, occupy the better parts; and chesnut the elevated gravelly ground. The soil of the pine tracts consists of stones or gravel with clay, passing into clay slate: that of the oak land is chiefly a good loam, and that of the beech and maple a loamy clay, too moist for grain, but apparently rich, and in fact excellent for meadow. One portion of the Allegheny mountains terminates in this district, presenting irregular and insulated ridges of considerable elevation. One of these, which is near the town of Warren, affords a grand view of the country about 80 miles wide. West of this, towards the Ohio state line, the country is rather flat, and frecquently marshy, well suited for grass, but unfit ï~~A2 WEST PENYSThLVANA for grain: the timber being chiefly beech, sugar tree and nVra pie, but mixed with poplar, linn, cucumber, white ash, butternut, hickory; and, in the more sterile parts, hemlock, with scarcely any underwood. Weeds, however, are luxuriant, particularly the flax nettle, (Urtica Whitlowi) and an indigenous species of the potatoe. The bottoms of French creek and its tributaries, which water this tract, are generally rich and wide. The trees are oak, black walnut, linn, sugar tree and honey locust. In the rear of these bottoms are broken ridges of hemlock and pine. The size and qpantity of the trees which cover this range of country render it very difficult to clear, but it has proved valua le for the production of potash; and the land is perhaps the best of any in the state for raising stock. Though it is in general flat and wet, it is table land considerably elevated. It terminates on the north side, at an average distance of about three miles from lake Erie; leaving a beautiful stripe of bottom land, the soil of which consists of a thin vegetable stratum with a light sandy loam, and sometimes gravel; the trees, chesnutt, hickory, oak, black walnut and liI: that is, possessing second rate fertility, well suited fov small grain. In the lighter parts there is hemlock; but no iDcech is seen beyond the table land. On the south side of the beech country the land becomines broken, and covered chiefly with pine, particularly along the Allegheny. Until you approach within 40 miles of Pittsburgh, scarcely any thing is to be seen alonag the river but barren knobs covered with scrubby bushes, and pine trees. At some distance from the river the pine is of great growth, and presents forests of impenetrable shade. As an exception to this, there is a large body of good land at the mouth of Stump creek. Westward, toward the Ohio border, there is oak land degenerating into scrubby barrens, intersected by good bottomsc along the head waters of the Beaver, and some tracts of tolerable hill land well timbered. As we proceed southward towards the Ohio river, the number of barren tracts increases, but the bottom land of the streams improves: the surface becomes more hilly, and the characters of the soil more varied; In the glades, as the barrens are there called, scarcely any fruit can possibly be raised on account of the frosts; and in general they are unsuited for grain. In some parts they are covered with scrubby bushes, ground oak, whortleberry, &c.; in other places they are wet, producing cranberries and grass. From the head waters of Beaver to the south border of the state, nine tenths of the trees belong to the oak family; even on the rich bottoms, among the black walnuts and grape-vines, the oak generally predominates. Along the Allegheny, for about 40 miles from its mouth, there is much of rich bottom land, which gradually assumei the character that distinguishes the Ohio-alluvion. ï~~NATURAL GEOGIAPILtY. The country south of the Ohio and Allegheny-that is, the south west corner of the state, is uniformly but moderately fertile There are indeed some small tracts, both of bottom and hill land, as richly productive as the climate will allow, and there is not in this whole extent a single spot of barren soil, excepting the declivities of hills too steep for cultivation. But with regard to surface, it presents little else than groups of irregular ridges, all rising nearly to the same elevation, which is about 450 feet above the level of the great rivers. There are a few isolated points above the usual range. One of these, about two miles east of Washington, affords a view of the Chesnut ridge, above 30 miles distant. About 8 miles east of Pittsburgh the view again opens widely ot the same mountain chain where the nearest part of it is at the distance of 35 miles. But the highest point in this country, west of the Allegheny mountains, is a peak called the " Round Knob," in Beaver county, about five miles eastward from Beaver town. It eLhibits apanorama of sublime extent and singular beauty. 4 There is a chain of hills rising in oblique and broken lines, commencing in Virginia, and extending north, nearly parallel with the Ohio river, at the average distance of 20 miles from it. In that direction it passes into this state, and reaches the great bend of the Ohio to the east of Beaver town. 1The most western chain of the Appalachian mountains is the Chesnut rilge. It is a continuation of the Cumberland mountains of Tennessee, and retains that name in Virginia. In this state it is' divided into two distinct ranges; the eastern one of which is usually called the Laurel mountain. It passes entirely across the state, and terminates in New-York. Its course in every part is about N. N. E. As the Clhesnut ridge approaches the central latitude of this state, it spreads into a wide succession of irregular hills and can be traced no further. The Allegheny mountain is the highest of the Appalachian ranges within this state It forms the grand line of division between the rivers which flow eastward into the Atlantic and those that flow west-ward into the Mississippi. It is however cut through by the west branch of the Susquehaunah; and exhibits no very regular chain of elevation on the north side of that river. It is nearly parallel with the Cumnberland or Laurel mountain through its whole course; the distance between them being greatest at the south border of Virginia. There are no marshEs in the south west quarter of this state, but they are numerous in the north yest. CLIMATE. There is a great differetnce between the northern and southeri parts of West Pennsylvania in -egardto ternperature-far greater than the differer ce of latitude.would warrnt us in supposing. South.of Pittsburgh the snows seldom fall more than four or five inches-very rarely a foot in depth. It is also rare to sve thefruit trees injured by frosts, E2 I i ï~~54 WEST PENNSLVANIA. But forty or fifty miles north of Pittsburgh very little fruit of any kind can be raised, and even the Indian corn is liable to be injured both in spring and autumn. Snows four or five feet deep are seen almost every winter. In these respects it differs very little from the mountain country. The glades are affected by frost in a remarkable manner. When glade and woodland are included in the same field, and the trees entirely removed from the latter, the frosts will still indicate most strikingly the part which had been glade. In some seasons those glades suffer frost every month through summer. The snows and cold winds are supposed to visit this quarter from the northern lakes; but in the immediate neighbourhood of those lakes there is hardly ever very deep snow. The seasons of cold are more regular there, and the fruit trees are seldom injured A similar anomaly, more striking, is observed in Upper Canada, where the spring begins late, but suffers no return of frost for that season; and there fruit grows abundantly. That the snows are lighter along the lake shore than they are in the interior, is attributed to violent winds which usually prevail on the lakes, and which are supposed to drive the snow clouds beyond the expanse on which they are most powerful, suffering them to fall by degrees as they become checked by the hills and woods. There is an opinion generally prevalent in the western country, particularly in this end of Pennsylvania, that the summers are hotter and winters colder now than they were in early times; and this change is imputed to the clearing of the land, by reason of which the earth is less skreened from the sun's rays in summer, and the cold winds less impeded in their course during the winter. Whatever may be the cause-whether it he permanent or not, the fact seems to be incontestible. This part of the state has been more exempted from hurricanes than any other part of the western country. Within the memory of its old inhabitants the south west corner of it has been visited by two or three, but they did very little damage. The extreme unevenness of its surface has apparently been one cause of its security. In winter the thermometer here sinks sometimes 10 or 1I degrees below zero, but such paroxysms are thought extraordinary and never last long, hardly ever more than a day or two. As great a severity on the other extreme will raise the thermometer to 94 or 95, (some say 100, which is very ques-.. tionable) and after falling each evening it may return to the same point two or three days in succession, but after that there will hardly be much very warm weather during the same season. When the summer heat approaches to 90 degrees in the Atlantic cities, it causes an oppression of the feelings, a pros-.. tration both of mental and muscular energy, such as is never experienced in this country--and that state of the weather, varyiig ii its degrees, wil Often continue a month at one period. ï~~N.ATURAL gEOGRAP YIV. S3 The south west part of the state has always been remarkable for healthiness. The country north and west of the Ohio and Allegheny was considered rather unhealthy for several years after the first settlements commenced. T"he cause of the unhealthiness probably was the fatigue and exposure which people always undergo in new settlements. But many think that the salubrity universally acknowledged at present, has been caused by the clearing and cultivation of the land. NATURAL PRODUCTIONS. COAL abounds through this portion ofthe state, particularly in the country around the head of the Ohio for the distance of 40 or 50 miles in every direction; and for a still greater distance along the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers. It is most abundant in the immediate vicinity of Pittsburgh, the strata being generally about five feet thick. They are horizontal, and at the elevation of 340 feet from the usual level of the water in the rivers. About 30 miles north of Pittsburgh it is near the common level of the waters, and in strata generally about two feet thick. It is likewise near the bases of the hills at the distance of 20 pr S30 miles south froni Pittsburgh, but in strata nearly three feet thick It is not always perfectly horizontal, for it is not always at the same point of elevation in different hills of the same neighbourhood. The Pittsburgh coal is a species of the Newcastle or Cannel coal; but its leading character is that it contains more bitumen than any other coal in the world. - Cannel coal has usually two thirds charcoal, nearly one third bitumen, and the balance of. or 4 per cent. silex and argil: but the Pittsburgh coal has about 60 per cent. charcoal, near 40 per cent. bitumen, and the remainder J or 4 per cent. earth and metallic matter, chiefly oxvd of iron, together with an indefinitely small quantity of sulphur. Its colour is pure black, passing into greyish black; sometimes externally tinged yellowish with pyritical matter. Its longitudinal fracture is slaty-cross fracture uneven, passing into flat and conchoidal; but always indicating its cubical chrystallization. Its lustre is resinous and splendent, and its cross fracture often beautifully irridescent. Specific gravity from 1. 20. to 1. 65. The texture of its constituent vegetable substances appears sometimes in it, though rarely. It differs very little from the Virginia (Richmond) coal, extept in the beauty of its appearance; but it differs from the Lehigh coal greatly, as the latter consists almost entirely of charcoal. With occasional intervals the bed of what is called Pittsburgh coal extends from the northern lakes through all the countries watered by the Mississippi and its tributaries, varying frequently in its position and in the thickness of its layers, but hardly any in the proportions of its constituents. IRox is found in the greatest abundance through the whole 'range of the Appalachian mountains, and in smaller veins ï~~A WEST PENNSYLVANIAi through almost every part of West Pennsylvania, anid in everysituation from the transition rocks to the depositions of recent. alluvion. In the former it is generally pyritical, and in the latter it is in the state of bog-ore. The sort usually worked is a clay-iron stone, always containing limestone and sulphur. Where the latter abounds it is reckoned of little value, and ia many places, particularly along the Allegheny, there are immense beds of it that degenerate into perfect sulphuret of.iron -presenting sometimes cubical crystals and sometimes irregular lumps. Iron in the form of yellow and red ochres has been found abundantly in many places through this end of the state, and as a paint has supplied the western country largely. Sulphate of iron is contained in large proportion in the alurminous shale which forms the basis of many of our hills. Sometimes it is found mixed with earth, but tolerably pure, and originating in the decomposition of sulphuretted stones. GALENA, lead ore, has lately been discovered upon the Conoquenessing, about 26 miles fr'om Pittsburgh. The mine in early times furnished the Indian tribes of this quarter with a supply of that metal; but no arrangements have yet been made for working it. SILVER ore in small veins, and not rich, exists in several parts of the Allegheny country. Several years ago a hunter having lost himself in the dark, trackless and almnost impenetrable pine forests on the east side of Allegheny, near its head streams, discovered a silver mine apparently of great extent. A quantity of the ore which he brought to Pittsburgh proved to be unusually rich in metal. He has since made several attempts to find the mine, but always without success. LIiMESTONE. Towards the heads of the Allegheny the stones are almost entirely siliceous, but the calcareous character becomes apparent as we proceed southward to the Monongahela countr'y: hence arises the superior fertility of that quarter The common limestone stratum is below the coal, but the best kind is above it. It is sometimes in reniform nodules; sometimes shistose, and sometimes in irregular masses which no doubt had been broken off from beds of the floetz formation. Its colour is grey, passing into light blue, deep blue and black, and the lime produced from it has a dark grey tint-a circumstance occasioned by the black oxyd of manganese it contains, which causes it to fuse into a bright black enamel at a high heat. Limestone, containing petrified marine shells, such as cornu ammonis, escallop, with corals, &c. is found in great quantities in many places, particularly along the head waters of the Allegheny. It is always impure, being chiefly silex, and evidently formed by the lime in water oozing through beds of sand and beconling carbonized in that state. The formation of the Brec ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. Pa cia (which is abundant through this country) is similar, coffsisting of pebbles united by lime. The pebbles in it are generally washed ones of quartz, sand stone, and sometimes ribandjasper, green, grey, red and yellow. MARBLE has been found here in small veins, but impure, tontaining silex and being coloured with manganese or iron. White and transparent calcareous spar is often found in fi,sures of the common limestone. SULPHATE OF LIME (plaster of paris) has been discoverei in extensive beds in several places along the Conoquenessing creek, a branch of the Beaver. It is impure, passing into alumuinous shale. Some varieties of marl have been observed in this quarter, but I have seen no instance of their application as a manure. SLATE-an argillaceous shist-is common, but seldom solid enough to be of any use. The steatite (soap-stone) is generally near the coal stratum. It is greenish white, containing silex, magnesia, a little iron, artnd a portion of argil unusually great. AMIANTHUS has been fornd near Brownsville. It is yellowish white, of a silky lustre-fibrous, loose, soft and flexiblW. [From this mineral an incombustible cloth is produced.] NITRATE OF POTASH (salt petre) is found in small quantities in many of the hills near Pittsburgh. SULPHATE OF MAGNESIA (Epsom salts) is found, not very pure, in some of the Monongahela hills. MINERAL OIL is procured abundantly from several springs near the heads of the Allegheny river. The most remarkable of these are at Big and little Oil creeks, in this state; and at Oil creek, a branch of the Olean creek, in Cattaraugus county, of New-York state. This oil, unlike the bitumen generally found in other countries, is perfectly liquid and transparent; but slightly tinged with brown. It rises to the surface of the water in a blue looking pelicle, and is generally collected by placing woolen cloths upon the water, and wringing them out again. It is said to possess many valuable medicinal properties; at any rate, it enters largely into commerce as a medicine. The great oil spring is eleven miles north east from Franklin, in the bed of Big Oil creek, about one mile from its moutr SALT is obtained from wells bored at several places upon the Conemaugh river. The supply is already great, and the number of works is still encreasing. More lately the borings 4i Youghiogheny have produced strong salt water in &rpt. ï~~WEST PENNSYLVA1NIT. abundance, and it is generally supposed that it may be obtained any where west of the great transition range of the Appalachian mountains. A considerable quantity of salt has been made upon the Conoquenessing (near Butler) by forming a kind of basin in the bed of the creek where the salt water rises without boring. tOEOLOGY. To understand this subject clearly it is necessary to take notice of the extent of all the several formations which constitute the bases of the.country. The whole region is of secondary formation, which lies between the Appalachian mountains on the east, the Missouri mountains on the west, the great lakes on the north, and the gulf of Mexico on the south; except the southern parts of the states of Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana, which are alluvia as far north as Coweta and Point Comfort in Alabama, Homochit.to river in Mississippi, and the Masserne hills in Louisiana. This secondary tract is bounded on the east by a transition range which commences near the centre of Alabama state, and kxtends north eastwardly, designating the eastern boundaries of Tennessee and Kentucky-passing through Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont, and terminating on the east shore of lake Champlain. It is above a hundred miles broad in Pennsylvania; occupying here the chief part of the mnountain range, but becoming regularly narrower as it extends from the centre of the state both northward and southward. It is bounded on the east by the great primitive range of the mountains. The top of the Allegheny mountain is the dividing line between the transition and secondary formations on the southern side of this state, and as far north as the Juniata turnpike. Beyond this their limits have not been well ascertained. The mountains of transition rock are distinguished from the irregtular, peaked, pimitive mountains, by the straight, long, level, unbroken ranges of their summits. They are chiefly composed of quartzy aggregates, called country burr, or mill- stone rock -sandstone with a flinty cement, in masses and in strata-rocks approaching to the nature of porphyry--grey-wacke, with pebbles and fieldspar crystals in it, united by a cement of chlorite slaLe. These chiefly occupy the ridges. In the vallies are grey-wacke, grey-wacke slate, limestone, (the small grained transition kind) lime-spar disseminated and in veins; sandstone with a lime cement alternating with the grey-wacke, &c. The metals in this formation are iron and lead-the latter scarce. The secondary formation consists of sandstone and clay slate, alternating with compact limestone in beds of nodules and in solid slate- It is of various shades from light grey to blue or black; and often mingled with pieces of a kind of black flint Called chert. Towards the lakes the limestone generally containris much silex, argil, manganese, &c. but becomes purer as it extends southward, until, in some parts of Kentucky, it passes into good marble. Through several portions of this region the ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPtY. $9 coal beds extend: Plaster of paris and salt rock are supposed to exist in every part of it. At Niagara the old red sandstone appears as the basis of the limestone strata. Besides the new flketz sandstone, which is chiefly formed from the disintegration of micaceous rocks, a more free kind is found in masses. Between the Conoquenessing and lake Erie are found large detached masses of grtanite, resembling sienite; originating, no doubt, in the destruction of some primitive mountain. The range of it extends nearly to the centre of Ohio state. In the same range masses of white stone are found. Soap-stone, potstone and other varieties of magnesian rocks are found, but seldom in extensive strta, at least on the east side of the Mississippi. In West Pennsylvania the limestone beds are mostly thin, and frequently interrupted. There is no coal of independent formation. In some places there are coal strata at different depths in the same hills. On the Youghiogeny there is coal some hundred feet beneath the level of the river. The detail of this subject will be given in the geography of each state. NArTURAL CuaRIOSITIEas. In Fayette and Washington counties there are large cares containing stalactites and petrifactions, but no scientific person has examined them. There are likewise two caves in Butler county as yet unexplored. About 40 miles north east from Pittsburgh, on the west side of the Allegheny, there are numerous deep conical holes, so steep that it is with difficulty any one can descend into them. At the bottom of almost every one of them there is a fine pure spring. On the Monongahela shore, at the mouth of Ten Mile creek, (near Brownsville) there are carvings or impressions upQn rocks, resembling beasts, birds, fishes, plants, &c. ï~~CWIL AND POLITICM~ GIXOGRAP11V OF WVEST PENNSYLVANIA. P1 IOX.4, 'TOWNS, POPULATION, fIMPUGVx)SENTS, &C -COHY3!tC5 S " XA1q UFA CTUBINS-HISTORY OF SETTLEMEN1T, C0NSTITLTTI0N. (Grene.0bunlies Wsigo wdjoining asngo the west,-rn.. *ouridary I Beaver le, Mercer Crawford F ayette ~2dRane, Westmorelan or couiities Allegheny riext adjoi!)-i ing to the Butler latter. jVenango 'Somerset f Idiana 30 Range, - Armnstrong Jefferson LM'Kean Cambria 4th Range. Clearfield. (Potter Census of 1810. Towns. 112,544 WAaynesboro,'Morrisville, I 5Washington, Cannonsburg, 3629 Williamsport, Frederick. town. 12,168 Beaver, Sbaron,Greersburgli, 8,277 Mercer. 5J18 Nfeadville, 0,758 Erie, Waterford, Lexington. 24,714 Uniontown, Brownsville. i 26,3 92 Greensburgh, Hlannabstown, ( Prrrssuiwa, ElizabethitowQ, 25,3017 M'Keesport,Lawrencevillp, ( Birmingham,Wilkinsburgh. 7,346 Butler Ilarmonie, Zelienople. 3),060 Franklin. 3,827 Warren. 11284 6,215 6,14-k 16t 142 2%117 80 29 lomerset, Berlin, Eli. Kittaning 3!nethport Thensburg. Joudersport. TowxS. Pittsburgh is situated in X. latitude 430 35' and 56 8' W. long, from Washington; between the Monongahela and Allegheny A'vers, where they unite to form the Ohio. Its scite is a triangular tract of alluvion ground, the greater part of which is nearly level, and elevated about forty feet above the low water nv.Ark. It has been di minished in breadth -by the loss of a rangre of lots Cat the Allegheny shore, which were -washeid away n~early forty years ago. It was first occupied as ï~~GMIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY a military post by the French, in the spring of 1754; and was then called fort Du Quesne, in honour of the French naval commander of that name. It was one of the line of posts through which communication was established between their Canadian and Mississippi possessions. The British after some unsuccessful attempts succeeded in expelling the French from this country, in the autumn of 1758; and the fort, which had been partly demolished by its late occupants, was repaired by General Forbes, who called it Fort Pitt, in honour of the Earl of Chatham. It was then garrisoned and retained by a British force for several years. The first houses of *his town were built about the year 1760; and in '62 its population was estimated at 200 souls. In the following year hostilities commenced between the Indians and the white people of the frontier, which compelled the inhabitants of the town to retire within the fort. They were then besieged there for several months, but finally relieved by a detachment under Colonel Bouquet, after having been reduced to great distress. The town was first surveyed offin 1765, upon a plan somewhat different from its present one; but for several years there was little addition to it, either of buildings or of population. A row of its best houses, which had occupied the Allegheny shore, were demolished by freshets about the year 780. JudgeBrackenridge relates that when he first visited it (in 1781) it consisted of a few miserable houses situated around the walls of tha garrison. A re-survey was made of the town by George Woods, in May, 1784, by order of Tench Francis, Esq. attorney for John Penn, Jr. and John Penn. It retains at present the plan then adopted, which was that of a right angled triangle (or a figure nearly such) having its longest side nearly a mile in length. It now contains 30 streets, 26 alleys, and one public open square. Two i-anges of squares run parallel with the Allegheny; the others range with the Monongahela, forming triangular lots at the intersections. In 1810 there were 767 houses (besides the stables, kitchens, &c.) to wit, 11 of stone; 283 of brick; 473 of frames and logs; with a population of 4,740. In 1811 there were 953 houses, and about 6000 inhabitants. In 1815 there were 1303 houses, and about 8000 inhabitants. On the 18th of March, 1816, it was incorporated as a city. Several houses have since been built, but the population has been diminished. There are no buildings, public or private, in Pittsburgh, which deserve particular attention. The court honse is a massive brick structure, of whimsical, irregular architecture.-. There are three market houses of ordinary appearance; but two of them of late have fallen into utter neglect. The gaol was lately presented by a grand jury to the Mayor's court as a Pualic nisance. F ï~~02 WEST PEN4SYLVAMIAi There Are eleven places of public worship. Two of thiem are occupied by congregations ofCGeneral Assembly Presbyterians-'two by Methodists-one by Associate Reformed-one by Rpman Catholics--one by Episcopalians-one by Scotch Seceders-one by Covenanters-and one by German Lutherans. An act has been passed for the establishment of a university, but probably an age may elapse before the project can be car. ried into execution. Here are three banks, kept in comnmon dwelling-houses; one of them, however, has lately determined to close its business. The structures most likely to arrest the attention of travellers are the two bridges lately built over the Monongahela and Allegheny rivers. The Monongahela bridge consists of eight arches placed upon seven piers of rough massive stone work, and two handsome abutments of cut stone. It is 36 feet from the flooring to low water mark; 37 feet wide, and 1500 feet in length between the abutments; entire length about 1800 feet. The Allegheny bridge consists of seven arches upon six rough piers with rough abutments. It is likewise 36 feet in height, 37 feet in width, and 1122 feet in length, between the abutments; entire length about 1600 feet. These bridges were executed by -contraot; the former for the sum of S110,000-the latter for 5100,000. About the year 1798 a wharf was erected upon the left shore oCf the Allcgheny, to prevent that stream from eqcroaching upon the town; but in the great freshet of 1813 it was almost entirely demolished. A smaller one was in consequence built on its scite Upon the Monongahela shore a kind of wharves have been raised for the purpose of forming inclined ways from the streets to the water edge., T'Fhe British fort occupied the extreme point between the two rivers; bit it was chiefly destroyed, and surveyed into (town lets. T'he United States military post called fort Fay,ette wRs a k nd of stockade fortification without ditches, construicted near the north east anqle of the town. Its scite was sold off at auction, in 1813, and the present station at Lawrenceville was then purchased. The villages united to Pittsburgh as its suburbs are-ist, the SNorthern Liberty," or Bayard's town; which is on the east shore of the Allegheny, near the northeast angle of the city--. 2d, Allegheny town, on the north side of the same river, about 500 yards from the shore, opposite to the centre of the city, and at present connected with it by the Allegheny bridge. It is the scite of the Penitentiary for West Pennsylvania.-3d, Birrningham, on the south shore of the Monongahela, about half a mile above the bridge of that river. It contains about fifty lIouses. Lawrenceville is on the soutlh shore of the Allegheny, about two and a half miles north' east from Pittsburgh. It is connected with the United States garrison, arsenal, &c. The ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. public buildings at this place are spacious, and have a very handsome appearance. The valley of'Pittsburgh is almost entirely walled round with steep) hills, which have a disagreeable effect in its landscape. The natural expansion of the city is greatly checked on the east side by two beautiful eminences, called Grant's hill and Boyd's hill. From every point within this range the eye is displeased with its want of scope; but in no other respect is the natural situation unpleasant. From all the elevated points around it we are presented with beautiful views -many of them highly picturesque, combining, the varietIes of hill, grove and river scenery-green lawn-precipitous bare rocks-deep flats-cultivated fields-neat cottages-with the city itself all dark, dimly discovered through the wreaths of its smoke-its detached buildings and adjacent villages-and every part animated with all the moving objects that the lovers of the graphic art could wish to find here. Nevertheless, almost every stranger enters this city disappointed and disgusted; but what is worse, the most of theni leave it with sentiments not much more favourable. They find it, not indeed wrapt in a cloud of such sublime gloom as they expect to behold over a place that aspires to the name of Brummag'mn, but theiey find its streets sheeted with mud or dust, its houses swart with lampblack, and the inhabitants. not much better in that respect. iiow many travellers would be apt to conclude that agreeable people could not be found in such an unsightly receptacle! Its political and commercial importance-its rise and decline, are well exhibited at the following document reported 1by a cotrmmittee specially appointed by a public meeting of its.citizens. fonmparaive zextent and value of the Manufactories of Pittsburgh and itM vicinily in the years 1815 and 1819-via, 0030 Steam Engine Factories,. 290 $300,000 24 S40,000 Foundries and Iron Castings, 163 190,000 40 80,000 Iron and Nail Pactories, - 65 241,20(a 30 40,500 Blacksmiths aud Whitesmiths, 90 90,000 39 40,000 Glass Manufactories and Glass Cutting,*. 169 235,000 40 35,100 Hat Manufactories, 69 122,000 SO 50,200 Woollen Factories and Hosie, 63 48,500 16 16,150 Saddlers, a W s - 68 90,100 28 36,000 Breweries, -. 28 91,050 18 35.000 White and Red Lead Factories, 25 110,000 9 35,000 Tplbacconists,. 48 45,850 27 27,550 ï~~WEST PENNSYLVANIA, Drass Foundries, S35 Ropemaking, - - - 18 Saddletree Factories. 28 Tin Factories and Coppersmiths, 100 Chair Factories and Cabinet Making,. - - 66 Silver Plating,. - - 30 Cotton Factories, - - 42 Plane Making, - - - 20 Wire Weaving, - 10 Wire Making, - 8 Button Making,. - 6 Umbrella Making, - - 2 Piano Forte Making, - 4 Taylors, - -.. 66 Shoemakers, - - - 140 Patent Balances, Scale & Steelyards,. - - 10 Yellow Queensware, - 9 Pipe Making,. - - 3 Linen Factory,. - - 20 Wagon Making &Wheelvrights, 40 Paper Making, - - 50 Auger Makers, Bellows Makers, Brush Makers, Cotton Spinners, Weavers, Curriers, Cutlers, Locksmiths, Spin-. uing Machine Makers, Tan. nets, Tallow Chandlers, Pat. tern Makers, Silversmiths Gunsmiths and Soap Boilers, 49,633 30,000 29,900 -200,000 90,000 32,450 42,000 25.000 12.000 21,000 6,250 1,600 2,000 65.000 123,500 0,000 10,000 1,800 25,000 40,000 40,000 19 15 12 40 40 8 10 7 0 3 0 1 29 50 4 0 0 0 20 30o 11,700 15,000 14,000 45,000 24,500 8,500 0 9,500 6,000 0 2,100 0 700 28,500 49,000 3,500 0 0 0 18,500 30,000 195,000 90 130,000 1960 $2.61t,833 672 $832,000 SOn Flint Glass alone the reduction has been g8s,000. (Signed) GEORGE SUTTON,) HENRY DOANE, Committee. RO.PATTERSON. Pittsburgh, December 24th, 1819. ERIE is situated upon the shore of a beautiful bay, formed by two peninsulas, which project into lake Erie. The largest of these, called Presque-isle, is 7 miles long, and above a mile -broad. It is a mere heap of sand, covered with ponds, cranberry marshes, dwaiff oaks, cedars and pines. Th& bay has a bar across its mouth, which will not allow a passage for large ships. The town now contains only about 100 houses, but will no doubt become a place of considerable commerce. It is a port of entry, but hitherto it has had little trade of any kind except what was connected with the salt carrying business. Originally the scite of the town belonged to New-York state; but this, together with the projection at the N. W. corner of Pennsylyania, was purchased by this state. It is ï~~CIVIL AND POLUITICAL GOGRAPHY. 136 miles north from Pittsburgh; 100 miles east from Cleveland; and 97 miles S. W. from Buffalo (at the east end of the lake.) The neighbourhood of the town is supplied with a geat number of streams remarkably well suited for mills and other: machinery. BRoWNsViLLE (which may be understood as including Bridgeport, on the opposite side of Dunlap's creek frors Brownsville proper) is rising rapidly into importance. It is situated on the east shore of the Monongahela, where the great Cumberland turnpike, leading from Washington city to Wheeling, crosses that river-220 miles from Washington-. 57 from Wheeling-and 56, by the river, from Pittsburgh. It occupies the face of a hill nearly 300 feet in height; which, though an inconvenient scite for bdisiness, is beautiful and pieturesque. Heretofore the flour trade from the neighbouring parts of Washington and Fayette counties constituted the principal business of this place; and the boat-building as connected with that trade; but of late it has made progress in man. ufactures generally, and promises to claim a large share of the entrepot business in the great commerce between the eastern and western countries. It is in the midst of a fertile body of land, very extensive and well cultivated; but the best security for its prosperity (which is not always opulence) is in the sober, industrious habits of the people who inhabit it and its vicinity. WASHI NGTON.iS likewise upon the Cumberland road; about 25 miles north of V heeling, and 26 south from Pittsburgh. It is not favourably situated for trade but is surrounded by a rich settlement. It has a College'(bearing the same name) which is usually attended by 50 or 60 students. The town contains several manufactories, and about 300 houses. GREENSBURGA is situated on the Philadelphia turnpike road, 32 miles east of Pittsburga. It is inhabited chiefly by Germans, as is the greater part of the county it belongs to. This circumstance may be sufficent to vouch for its prosperity. FRANKLIN, at the mouth of French creek, is an inconsiderable town but promises well to become a place (f trade in a few years Its poverty is no doubt owing to the barrenness of the country around it. BEAVER, or Mackintosh, is situated about 1 mile below the mouth of Beaver river, upon a level shore, so verymuch elevat ted that it renders the scite extremely inconvenient for trade the town accordingly possesses little. CA:-_iNoSBUJRGH is situated on an unimportant road, leading from Pittsburgh to the town of Washington. It owes its xcm ï~~WEST PENNSYLVANIVA. and support to its literary seminary, called Jefferson Colleg'e', an institution whichhad some celebrity when it was an academy. The healthiness of the situation, cheapness of living, and sober habits of the people, renders this place more suitable than any other in thikend of the state for a great literary establishment, MEADVLLE is surrounded by a thriving settlement; and it seems to bein -an improving condition, which is not the case witW all towns in that quarter. HARMONIE was formerly the residence of a colony of Germans, who in 1815 were removed to the Wabash Country.-- They had several manufactories of fine cloths, cottons, linens, sweet oil, wine, whiskey, beer, flour, pottery, and other less important articles. They had likewise considerable flocks of sheep, and horned cattle. Their town was rendered remarkable by a vineyard formed with immense labour upon parapet walls, a garden of medicinal plants, a labyrinth, and a numbe of other curiosities. Since the departure of the Harmopites the place has almost become a deserted village. THa COMMERCE ANDY MANUFACTURE3 Of every town in West Pennsylvania, except Pittsburgh, have been inconsiderable; and even that town has been chiefly distinguished as an entrepot for the trade carried on between the western country and the Atlantic cizies. The principal articles of export furnished by this part of the country, were flour, whiskey, apples, cider, glass ware, pine and cherry boards and scantling, porter, peach brandy, corn, butter, fowls; thread, onions, beans, mineral oil, ironmongery, cabinet work, saddlery, paper, pottery, shoes and boots The market for these articles has been in the lower Missisippi country, the West Indies, Europe, and sometimes in our a*stern cities: but that market has been so precarious that it afforded very little encouragement at any time, even for the production of the raw articles, In former times the list of exports was much longer by the addition of such items as bacon, lard, beef, tallow, potatoes, venison, cheese, soap, and many others; but at present, very few even of the first Smentioned articles can find a market. Some years ago, line. and bags were exported largely to the eastern towns and cities, but that trade, never very profitable, is worth nothing now.Of domestic manufactures for domestic use, the principal are linens, woolens, cottons, brown sugar, articles in iron, glass and leather, porter, shoeshats, &G. In quantity they werereguJarly progressive untii the termination of the late war, but since that period they have graduall declined. The quantities and kinds of articles produced in Pittsburgh will be best understood by reference to the accounmt of the manufactures in that place. The furnaces, and other iron manufactories of West Penusy ï~~CIVIL ANDPOLITIOAL GEOGRAPHY. VAnia Atre numerous, but we have no statement of their iumber, The salt made at Conemaugh and Youghioghehy, hitherto has not been sufficient for this quarter of the state; but the number of wells is continually increasing. Asjo the importation and entrepot business, the value of the goods cait only be estimated from the amount paid for the car riage of them. From 1812 to 1817 the annual amount of waggonage for goods has -been stated 1,200,000 dollars annually; and the carriage of families and household articles if paid for would have amounted to 300,000 dollars annually. In 216 the number of waggons that passed between Pittsburgh and the Atlantic cities exceeded 12,000. The amount paid for waggonage that year must therefore have been about two millions of dollars. HiSTORr or SETTLEMENTr. The French began to accupy this country in 1753 by establishing a millitary post at Le Bceaf, under the superintendance of Le Gardeur de St. Pierre. The greater part of West Pennsylvania being then included within the limits of Virginia, Mr. Din widdie, the governor of that state, sent to St Pierre a remonstrance, the delivery of which was entrusted to maj. WVashington (since genr, Washington.) This message produced no effect; whereupon the Virginialeg. islature raised a regiment of 300 men to establish their claims. Mr. Fry was appointed colonel, and George Washington lieutenant colonel of the troops. In April (1754) col. Washington advanced with two companies to the Great Meadows, and commenced hostilities, though war had not been declared between France and Great Britain. In a dark rainy night he surprised the French encampment at thie Great meadows; captured their party all, except one man, ad killed their commxander Jumonville, who was afterwards much lamented. Col. Fry died soon after this event, and the command of the Virginia troops devolved upon Washington Having received reinforcements from New-York and S Carolina, he marched to attack fort Du Qupsne, which had recefitly been established; but, upon the receipt of some unfavourable intelligence, he returned to the Great Meadows, and constructed there a little fortification called " Fort Necessity." De Villier, the commandant of fort Du Quesne, presently at. tacked Washington's detachment of colonists Jn fort Necessity, and after an engagement of 8 or 9 hours, with little or no blood. shed, he compelled them to surrender. He conceded to them' the honours of war, and suffered them to retreat to the Vir&ila settlements with their arms and baggage. The governmet of Great Britain then agreed to participate in the contest; and early in the succeeding spring (1753) Gen. Braddock was despatched to America with two regiments, andi ordered tb take possession of the " Ohio c auntry Upon ï~~$. WEST PEN1YLVANIA. arrival he invited col. Washington to join him as a volunteer aid-de camp. Washington accepted the invitation, and joined him at Alexandria. A detachmentof Virginia troops being added to the British force, they marched against fort Du Quesne, by the way of -Xills creek and the Little Meadows, and on the 9th of July crossed the Monongahela at the mouth of Turtle.creek. At that potint they were attacked by a body of French and ladians who lay in ambush, anticipating all the adverse movements. t'lhe British fought'the battle most unskib* fully, and were completely defeated. Gen. Braddock received a wound of which he died in a few days at Camp Dunbar. Of his 'fficers, amounting in number to 85, all except 20 were either killed or wounded. When the route commenced thte Intiianis employed themselves in plundering the dead, and suffered Washington to conduct the retreat of the British and Virginians across the Monongahela without molestation. The remnant of thL defeated army fell back upon camp Dunbar; and having destroyed there as much of their baggage as they could spare, they returned over the mountains. During the three succeeding years the frontier settlements of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia, along the east border of the mountains, were left exposed to the depredations of the savages, and suffered greatly. A third expedition against fort Du Quesne was planned in 1758; and the command of the force collected for that purposeb was assigned to gen. Forbes. When he approached the fort he permitted col. Grant, a Serttish officer, to advance with 800 Highlanders to reconnoitre the position. When this detachment arrived upon the beautiful little eminence, which now bears the name of that gallant colonel, it was sunrise, and the reveille was beat. The French and Indians in the fort sallied out, surrounded the reconnoitering party-killed the greater part of them and captured the rest. Among theprisoners was coL. Grant. SWhen gen. Forbes arrived on the 5th of November he found the fort evacuated and nearly demolished. He repaired it; garrisoned it with a part of his troops, and called it fort Pitt. When peace was thus restored the white people extended their settlements over the mountains as far westward as the Ohio and Allegheny rivers; but the indian warfare which commenced in 1763 nearly depopulated the country again. Those who had lived around fort Pitt then retired within it, and were besieged there for several months In the mean time lieut. col. Bouquet was despatched by Sir Jeffery Amherst with troops and provisions for the relief of the besieged. When within about 20, miles of the fort he was met by the besieging party.of Indians, whom, after a severe engagement, he dispersed. He arrived at fort Pitt on the 12th of August, and found the people in it reduced to the utmost distress. From that period until the conclusion of the revolutionary war the Indians were kept well in check; during which time ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. the country east of the Ohio and Allegheny received a considerable population. After that war the imbecile government of the old confederation suffered the Indans to ravage this coun* try repeatedly with impunity. In 1789 col. Crawford marched a detachment against them, and was defeated at Upper Sandusky In 1791 gen. Harmar took the field and was defeated on the Sciota. In- the autumn of the same year gen. St. Clair with the American army penetrated the Indian country as far as fort Jefferson, and was there completely defeated The savages were emboldened by these successes to spread massacre along the whole line of the western frontier, forcing the white people either to retire back or to resort to their block houses. The hostile tribes of that period were the Wyandots, Delawares, Shawnoese, Miamis, Ottowas, Chippewas, Pottowattamies, Kickapoos, Weaws, Elks and Piankashaws. After the boundaries of this state were settled, that part of it which lies north and west of the rivers Ohio and Allegheny and Conewango creek still remaining unappropriated, arrangements were made for a general disposal of it. It was put up at auction, and a few small districts were sold, but at prices so k-w that it was soon deemed expedient to close the sales. The state legislature then passed the famous act of 1792, granting tracts of 400 acres with allowances for roads, &e. to each person who should make actual settlement thereon for five years, and execute a specified improvement: but allowing no one to hold in that way more than one tract. As settlements could not then be made with safety, on account of the savages who occasionally annoyed the people in this quarter, a provision was made permitting any one to appropriate as many tracts as he might choose, by purchasing warrants for them, and making a small improvement specified: allowing such warrants to secure the land to the warrantees for the term of two years from their date, in the same manner as actual settlements would have done. In this way almost all the lands which had not been disposed of at the public sales were ppropriated. In co-operation with theseplans the general government determined to effect a complete pacification and settlement of the coMuntry.-Gen. St. Clair resigned the commanl of the army whict was destined to act against the Indians, and gen. Waytne was appointed in his stead. After two years of marching antd preparation, this popular general and his army were found upon the frontier and in face of the enemy. While the Indians were avowing most unequivocally their hostility, and making open preparations for battle, by a determination of singular folly, gen. Wayne sent to them two officers-col. Harden and maj. Freeman-to treat for peace. The proposal was treated with contempt, and the two officers were immediately massacred. On the 20th bf Aug. 1794 a general engagement tbok place at the Rapids of M:mmee. The American force was stated to be little more than 3000, and that of the Indians conjeotured toot ï~~70 WEST PENNSYLVANIA. 2000--it could not have been so great. General Wayne by a rapid charge gaiined the battle; but prevented the destruction of the Indian army. The American loss, in killed and wounded, was reported to be 107. The Indians had 30 killed, but the niumber of their wounded isyet unknown. Sorte of those killed, who appeared to be Indians, were washed after the battle, and were discovered to be white men in disguise. -Though the Bitish retained possession of military posts within our territories, they ceased to furnish the Indians with supplies When the American army found that their enemies were not in a condition to make war any longer, then the battle of Maumee seemed to assume a new character, and.was, long after the event, represented as a decisive victory. The pepple are always glad to acknowledge victories, and to honour successful rMen. Poor old gen. St. Clair, who had never done much good or harm, Was consigned to popular odiumin, and the idol of the day was gen. Wayne; a man who had really acted gallantly during the revolutionary war, and who, on this occasion, with the armry of the Republic, had dispersed some savages-killing a fewof them, with about an equal expeaditure of human existence on our part, and at the cost of five millions of dollars-.A sum sufficient to have bought fairly all the lands that these Indians ever claimed or infested. For nearly a year after the battle of Maumee the Indians continued to solicit assistance from the British; but receiving none, they at last agreed to make peace. On the 3d of August 1795, they concluded a treaty at Gieenville with gen. Wayne by which they ceded to the U. States the south and east parts of Ohio state, and all unceded lands south and east of that; together with 17 small tracts in different places (most of which are included within more recent cessions) and in payment for the same they received large quantities of goods at the time; and stipulated for the sum of S 10,000 to be paid annually for ever. The warranted lands west of the Allegheny heing now vacant, according to the unanimous apprehension of the peoplethe two years allowed 1o the warrants having expired without any attempt being made to continue the rights by actual settlenent: therefore in the spring of 1796 a rapid emigration commenced, which soon settled the whole country as far as the western state boundary. Scenes of contention, violence and misery ensued, which even yet have not terminated. In the depth of winter many families were, without process of law, turned out of their houses barefooted and half naked to seek the charity of a shelter, The greater part of the officers of our courts in this state being interested in those land speculations, they obtained, after much delay, a few decisions, which allowed to the original warrants a validity for two years from the date of Wayne's treaty; pon the principle that the two year which were a provisif ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOORAPHY. I1 for a period of war should take their commencement with the period of peace! There were still some Cases that this latitude of allowance could not include, and they were entered by the land speculators for trial in thle United States' courts, which, sitting at the distance of three hundred miles from the settler's homes, granting continuances from year to year, presented as complete a denial and perversion of justice as can be imagined. An attempt was made by the state legislature to remedy this evil, but the principle of the remedy was disapproved by Gov. M'Kean. Other efforts, more direct, were made by the same body to afihbd relief to the settlers; but they have all proved inefficient. Finally a district federal court has been established in the west end of the state for the purpose ot taking up their auses; but, as there is an appeal allowed fr-om it to the circuit court at Philadelphia, the original evil, in all its worst features, Las been magnified by the arrangement..That part of the state upon which this system operates is unprosperous of course. Emigrants are deterred from settling in a country where the highest courts, in the most important particular, resemble so much thie lamentable cabldos and judicial audiences of Cohauila and Texas. XVe gladly add, that many ihonorable land speculators have redeemed themselves from popular odium by their liberal arrangements; and have thus avoided every dispute. CONSTITUTIN. The governor is elected by a general ballot every three years; but the same person is not entitled to hold that office longer than nine years in any term of twelve years. He must be at least thirty years of age, and have bee" a citizen of this state at least seven years. Heis ex-officio commander of the naval and military force of the state, except when they are engaged in the service of the U. States. No member of congress, nor any one holding an office uinder the U. States, shall be allowed to exercise the functions of this office. In case of the governor's death, resignation, or removal from office, the speaker of the senate shall act as governor. The representatives are chosen annually by a general ballot. They must be at least 21 years of age, and must have been citizens of the state at least 3 years previous to their election; and, at least oue year immediately preceding the same, they must have been resident within the districts for which they dre elected. Their number is, from time to time, regulated by law. In establishing the districts to be represented, each county must be allowed at least one representative. The senaton are elected every 4 years; except that at the first organization of that body they were divided iato 4 classes-the term of the first class expired at the end of the first year: of the second at the end of the second year &c. The number of senators shall never be more than one third, nor less than one fourth of the number of representatives. A senator must be at least 25 yearsof age, and must have beep a citizen of this state at least ï~~72 WEST PPNNSYLVANIA. 4 years, and at least one year immediately preceding his election he must have been resident within the district for which he is elected. The regular period for the meeting of the general assembly is the 1st Monday of l)ecember. The judicial power is vested in a supreme court, city courts, courts of oyer and terminer and general gaAl delivery, courts of common pleas, orphan's and register's courts,-courts of quarter sessions and in justices of the peace. All these courts, except the two former, are held by the same judges. They exercise chancery powers for the 1-erpetuation offestimony. Sheriffs are elected for the term of three years, and the same person may not be re-elected until one term has elapsed. Coroners are also elected for the term of three years, but may at any time be re-elected. An elector must be a citizen, freeman, at least 21 years of age, who has resided within the state 2 years immediately preceding the election, and within that time has paid a state or county tax, assessed at least six months previously But the sons of qualified electors, between the age of 21 and 22 years mtay vote without having paid any tax All elections are by ballot. ï~~STATE OP OHIO. NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. EXTENT, BOUNDARIES, RIVERS, LAXVS, ISLANDS. FACIE OF TE COUNTRY, SOIL, &c. GEOLOGY, OLLKATE, NATURAL PRODUCTIONS AND CURIOSITIES. The state of Ohio is 216 miles from east to west, and 228 front north to south-extending from north lat. 389 30' to 41 50; and from 40 37' west long. to 70 47': containing about 40,000 square miles, or 25,600.000 acres. It is bounded on the south by the river Ohio, which separates it from Virginia and Kentucky; on the west by a line running directly north from the mouth of the Miami river until it touches latitude 410 50' which separates it from Indiana; on the north partly by the line of N. lati-ude 410 50' which separates it from Michigan territory, and partly by lake Erie. It is bounded on the east partly by the Ohio river, and partly by a line commencing at the mouth of Mill creek, below Georgetown; and running directly north until it touches lake Erie-which line constitutes the western boundary of Pennsylvania. " In 1817, the surveyor general caused a line to be surveved "from the southern extremity of lake Michigan, to the most northerly cape of the Miami Bay," conformably to the proviso in the sixth section of the seventh article of the constitivtion of this state; and in 1818, in obedience to instructions received from the President of the United States, subsequent to the survey of the former line, the surveyor general caused another line to be surveyed, in strict compliance with the act of Congress of the 50th of April, 1802, enacted for the organizatio of the state, which line crosses the Miami river, about tea mniles south of the most northerly cape of the Miami Bay,' and intersects lake Erie about 15 miles east of said river. The govr ernor of the territory of Michigan claims and exercises jutrisdiction in the government of that territory, to the last mentioned line. By the oi'dinance of Congress of the 13th of July, 1787, and bW the before mentioned act of Congress. the northern boundary of that portion of the north western territory, proposed by said act of congress to be erected into a state, was declared to be "am east and west line drawn through the southerly extreme of lake Michigan, running east after intersecting the due north line," from the mouth of the Great Miami, until it shall intersect qake Erie, or the territorial line." Report of Commit 0 ï~~STATE OF OHR All the early maps of these territories represent the southet extremity of lake Michigan as being north of Maumee bay. From these circumstances it would appear that congress intened to include that bay within the boundaries of Ohio state. RIvama s. The Ohio extends along the southern and eastern borders of this state 404 miles receiving by the way the following rivers: 1st. Mueskingum deboaches at Marietta about 160 miles below Pittsburgh. It is 250 yards wide at its mouth, and is navigable for large batteaux to Coshocton-100 miles; and for small vessels about 100 miles further, to a small lake which ommunicates, by a portage of one mile, with the Cuyahoga of lake Erie. There are falls in it at Zanesville which considerably obstruct the navigation; but a company was established in 1814, called the I Zanesville Canal and Manufacturing Company," who have made considerable progress in constructing a canal there. The chief branches of this river on the east side are Elk-eye, Sandy, and Will's creek. The latter rises about 4 miles from the Muskingum, and about 40 miles from Marietta. It runs northerly about 60 miles, and en.ters the Muskingum 8 miles below Coshocton. Thus, after a course of 150 miles, its waters are within 4 miles of their source. The branches of Muskingum, on the west side, are White-womrnane and Licking creeks, besides Mohiccan and KillBuck creeks which are tributaries of the White-womans. The general course of this river is south. The main stream of the Muskingum, above White-womans creek, is sometimes called Tuscarawas, 2 Hockhocking river enters the Ohio at Troy, 22 miles belaw the Maskingum. It is about 80 miles in length and 50 yards widkle at its mouth. Its navigation is obstructed by rapids and mill.dams. It presents a beautiful cascade 40 feet in height, about 7 miles north west from New Lancaster. Its branches are Sunday, Monday, Rush, 3 argarets and Federal creeks. 3. &iota river enters the Ohio 142 miles below HockhockIpg, It is 170 miles long-133 navigable, and 150 yards wide at its mouth. It communicates by a portage of 4 miles with the Sandusky of lake Erie, but the navigation is not practicable to that point except in times of high water. Its main course is south. Its principal branches on the east side are Whetstone river, dlum, Big- Walnut, Lower- Walnut and Sat oreeks; on the west Darby and Paint creeks. 4. Little Mhtami river is above 100 miles in length. it runs a south west course, and enters the Ohio 1 miles above Cincinnati. It is not navigable on account oaf its falls and rapids, but ï~~?JATURAL GEOGRXPHY. 76 is well suited for mills. In Green county it presents a series nf falls, over layers of limestone rock, which altogether include a descent of 200 feet. Its branches on the east side are Sugar, Alaseies and Eat- Fork creeks. On the west there are none of importance. 5. Miami river isabout 200 yards wide at its mouth. It is a rapid stream, but unobstructed by falls, and is navigable almost to its sourdes. It communicates with the Au Glaize of Mannee by a portage of 5 miles. Mad river is its principal branch on the east side-a stream named frv* the wild rapidity of its current. The western branches are Loranie creek,t-tfUwert,-, and St. Clair creeks This, like al the preceding streams, runs a southerly course. Those above enumerated are all the large streamns that enter the Ohio river in this state. The smaller ones are Little B1aver, Yellow creek, Indian Wheeling,-Capteena, and Surnfish creeks, Little Muskingum river, and Duck creek-all between the eastern boundary and the mouth of the Muskingutn. Between that and the Great lockhocking is the Little Hock" hocking From that to the Scioto there are no creeks of consequence, except Shade River, Raccoon creek, and Little Scioto. On the west border of the state is the Massasinnewa branch of the Wabash. The northern portion of the state is watered by the following streams which flow into lake Erie* 1. The Maumee or Afurice river runs across the north west corner of the State. It is 105 miles in length and 200 yards wide near its mouth At all seasons it is navigable for vessels of 60 tons burden as far as the lower part of the rapids at fort Meigs, 18 miles from Lake Erie. For 15 miles above that there is a continuation of rapids, of considerable descent, but such as boats can pass without much danger. The name of this river was originally spelled Miami; and to distinguish it from the other Miami, it was called Miami of the lake; but this name appearing inconvenient, late writers have attempted to recover the Indian pronunciation of it, while the other Miami is generally pronounced as if the name lad been spelled according to the English. Its chief branshes on the south side are the St. Mary's and the Adu Glaize. The union of the former with the St. Joaeph's river constitutes the Maurice. The St. Joseft's rises in Mich igan territory. It is 250 miles in length, is navigable above 50 miles. The St. Mary*s, i) times of high water,is navigable 150; that is, as far as old fort St. Mary's. 2. The Tou aint enters the lake 20 miles south east of the Maurice. It is a kind of inlet of the lake - broad and stagnant; choaked up with wild rice, grass and water fillies. It rises near the lake shore, and winds through a chain of ponds an4 marshes. It is much frequented by ducks and geese in the.e season, and abounu at all tims with otgers and u-r ï~~WSTATE OF 01110. 3. Portage or CARIRYIxG river exhibits a character very simi. 1ar to that of the '1 Ioussaint. It is navigable almost to its -ource, being wide deep afd sluggish. 4. Sandusky river, rises near the source of the Scioto, and after running a northerly course 70 or 80 miles, enters the San. - dusky bay 15 miles from the mouth of Carrying river (but 47 along the lake coast) and approaching within two miles of it at the Portage. Its chief branches are Tyemochtee, Honey, and Wolf creeks, Pipe and Cold creeks flow into the south side of Sandusky Bay. The latter is a remarkIable stream, ris ng about 4 niles from tho 6uYy i a:prnlg which is about an acre and a tair in e)fent. 5. Huron river is about 40 miles in length and 50 yards wide t its mouth. It enters the lake 11 miles east of Sandusky bay, and is navigable about 18 miles. F. Vermillion river which debouches 10 miles to the east of the latter, and is somewhat smaller. 7. Black river 12 miles further east, is about the same size. 8, Rocky river, 18 miles further east is a rapid stream, about 50 miles in length, and forms, at its mouth an excellent har. bour for boats. 9. Cuyahoga river is, after the Sandusky, the largest tributary of lake Erie. It rises near the source of the Tuscawaras branch of the Muskingumn, and running northerly with a brisk current 60 or 70 miles, enters the lake at Cleaveland, 7 miles east of Rocky River. It is navigable nearly to its sources. 10. Chagrin is a small rapid river, 20 miles east of the latter. 11. Grand river, 10 miles further east, is a fine pure stream not navigable, but abounding in mill seats. The banks are gen. erally high, rocky and often precipitous. 12 and 13. 1shtabula, or,dshtibula, and Conneaut rivers, are rapid, pure, small streams in the northeast angleof the state. The principal head waters of the Big Beaver (of Pennsylvanla) are within the borders of this state between the heads of Orand river, and the little Beaver. LAKEs. Erie is about 300 miles long and 70 wide. It has sufficient depth of water for vessels of any size, though much shallower than any of the upper lakes, with the exception of lake St. Clair. It contains no good anchorage, out of the bays, as its bottom consists of smooth limestone and argillaceous schist. It has no harbour for ships except at Erie town, (in Pennsylvania,) and in the bays of Maumee, Sandusky, and Malden The shores are dangerous for vessels, particularly the northern 6ne, the greater part of which consists of high prelpices of limestone rock. It is subject to sudden squalls that ~oasion what the sailors call a short, quick sea; which is very disagreeable and dangerous. The great northern lakes have an easy sea, like a mountaiihous roll, in stormy weather. ISLANDs. There are 45 islands in that part of the Ohio whioh constitutes the border of tis state; the most remarkable ï~~N ATrUR4L GBORAPHVo;~ of these is called Blannerhassetts'. It contains about S0 acres; and, though the descriptions of it were generally exaggerated, it is really rich and beautiful. At the head of Lake Erie there are several clusters otislands, chiefly small, They are called the Put in Bay Islands. The names of subdivisions, are The" Three Sister,"the "Old Hen and her ChickenR,"Sthe "Old Sow and her Pigs.' Sandusky isle is near the mouth of Sandusky bay: A.u Plait isfurther north. The Three Sisters are west of these. Cedar isle lies further westward at the mouth of Maumee bay. The name Put-in-bay is also applied to a single island, one of the longest in the group. They are calcareous and supply limestone to the district along the lake shore. Some of them are rich and well timbered. Before the late war C61ol. Edwards had a fine farm on one of them. There is said to be a curious caveinit which a late anon. ymous traveller describes thus-" This cave is difficult of access, admitting but of one person, of moderate compass, at a time. After sliding down feet foremost, on the damp earth, for about seven yards, we find ourselves on a table rock of limestone, arched and roofed by the same material, which originally composed one mass, but whose foundation has been undermined by the deep water, leaving the upper stratum to be supported by the surrounding rocks. Its area is about 20,000 square feet, seven feet in height, and of an oblong form. At its extreme end there is a descent of several steps, of flag stone, tp a small lake or spring of transparent cool water."' FACE OF THE COT,NTRY, SOIL, &c. The eastern and southern parts of the state are hilly; the middle, moderately level j and the north western part flat with numerous marshes..There are no mountains in the state. The hills are a continuation of that range which proceeds from the Allegheny mountains. In the east side of the state the hilly region is from 60 to 70 miles broad; the most broken and elevated parts bf it being where it adjoins the Ohio river, along which it extends, becoming narrower and less elevated, until it approaches the Miami, where it almost entirely disappears. The Ohio bottoms are generally fertile, but subject to inundation in the richest parts. The whole breadth of them (from hill to hill,) seldom exceeds one mile, though in a few instancer it is several miles. The trees are chiefly sugar tree, honey locust, black walnut, beech, buckeye, hackberry, sycamore, elm, oak, hickory, ash, with underwood ofspicewood, pawpaw, dogwobd, plumb tree, crab tree and grape vines. The hills have oak, hickory, chesnut, ash, black locust, maple, &c. with little underwood. - Proceeding down the Ohio we find the country between it.nd the Muskingum becomim more broken, the hills less fertile and the bottoms along the streams narrower,. On the west side of the Muskingum the country near the Qhio (comprelhendlu ï~~8 TATE OF O liU. five or six counties) is Very hilly and poor; the ridges being d light gravel, the trees, oak, chesnut, and sometimes yellow pine, This tract is from 40 to 50 miles broad at the eastern part, but it becomes less sterile, and much narrower near the Scioto, though the hills still appear the soil of them changes entirely, and they are covered with a heavy forest oak, hickory, maple, black elm, and occasionally black walnut. The Scioto bottoms are broad and rich; but in many parts liable to be overflown. There are a few pine hills in that quarter, and a very few barren bushy ridges. Beyond the hilly range on the west side of the Scioto we meet with some flat marshy land; and west of that an agreeable undulating surface of fertile soil, highly suited for agriculture, and in fact well cultivated. The greater part of the Miami country, or south west corner of the state, presents thesame character. As we proceed north we find thecountry become more level. Upon the head waters of the Miami it is chiefly prairie inter spersed with small groves. The northwest quarter of the state now called the "New Purchiase," (that is the country watered by the Mauriee, Sandusky, Au Glaize and St. Joseph's,) which has lately been ceded by the Indians, is chiefly flat and much of it marshy. The greater part of it is prairie, and it is represent. edas fertile and beautiful but unhealthy. It is full of small groves onds, and lakes, with a few ranges of landsomewhat elevated, bordering upon the rivers.. Many of the ronds and streams in it contain wild rice. The black swamp between Croghansville and fort Meigs, is four miles wide.. South west of this lie the prairies called the Great Meadows. The following description of this " New Purchase," is ex, tracted from a letter written by the celebrated James Riley, who has lately been employed as surveyor of public lands ia that district. The soil is in general, excellent, and appears to have beenr formed by alluvial deposit. In digging a well near the St. Ma* ry's river, on the summit level, they passed through different strata of blue and yellow clay, very fibrous, to the depth of thirty- five feet without coming either to rock or gravel, or finds, ing good water, Along the banks of all the streams and rivers the land is good and dry; every quarter section may afford a good farm: all the country (except part of the Sandusky plain) is well timbered, with oak, hickory sugar-maple, white and blue ash, tech elm, poplar black and white walnut, &c,--the tnderVvwth is pawpaw, hazle, spicewood and some prickly ash, ape vines, pruvine, 8c. On receding from the banks of the -srams and rivers,some wet land is met with, such as swhmpsard wet prairies; most of these, however, will drain themselves when the-land around becotmes %altivatgd, and the others afhtr aexcellent mreadowla& ï~~NATURAL GEOGR PHY~: ' All the rivers of this district take their rise in swamps on wet prairies, and are not produced by springs, so that in dry seasons they afford but little water; and as few springs are met with, on the summit level, that extends in breadth from N. to S. 20 miles, the inhabitants must depend on wells for their supply of water at all seasons of the year. But as we proceed north towards the lake shore, the country assumes a gently rolling aspect, springs and branches are more frequent, andt the whole surface inclines gradually, northward to the margin of Lake Erie. The rivers and streams flowing to the north, soon become rapid, and abound with excellent fish, &c; millseats are very numerous, where machinery to any amount may be kept in constant operation." The country east of this, along the south shore of lake Erie, extending to the Pennsylvania line, and lying north of lat. 41, is still called New Connecticut. It is watered by the Huron, Vermillion, Black, Rocky, Cuyahoga, Chagrin. Grand and Ashtabula rivers. The western portion of this district contains several prairies and wet flats; too wet for cultivation and of course unhealthy. The land along the heads of the rivers is undulated and becomes quite hilly as we approach the east boundary of the state. Most of the large streams have wora down deep, precipitous valleys; particularly those east of Rocky river. From the mouth of the latter stream, eastward, there is a flat border along the lake shore about three miles broad, extending i*il New-York state, with little variation. It presents a black mould upon a sandy or gravelly subsoil, and is well timbered with hickory chesnut, oak, and some walnut of both species. It is well suited for the cultivation of grain, but is too dry for meadow. The country in the rear of this is elevated and for a considerable distance rather flat. It is fertile but too wet for raising grain. The trees on it are chiefly beach and mapie, occasionally interspersed with tulip tree, cucwmber, and black walnut; all indicating a moist, deep, clayey soil: It therefore produceshay abundantly, and is good for pasture. 'There are afew small districts of tolerably good land west of the Cuyahoga river, but the principal part is wet, approaching the marshy character. Several miles from the lake it is said to be healthy. This may be true comparatively, or it may be true of the hilly tracts. The lake shore is particularly unhealthy though gen erally dry. This anomaly is attributed to the surf of the lake, which fills the estuaries of the streams, often for the distarin( of some miles, with decaying v egetables. The road from Erie in Pennsylvania to Cleveland in thi$ state, is upon a little ridge of alluvion ground, like the ridge of a turnpike, consisting of sand, rolled pebbles, shells, &c. like the lake shore, and, though now so elevated, seems tohave beet* the beach of the lake at some remote period. The central parts of the state remain to be described-the region watered by the head branches ofthe uski ngum, ock.okboking and' Seiota. The land upon theforer is chieft hilly ï~~7p STATE OP OIff and not iery rich; but tolerably good for small grain: the up!land trees being oak, hickory, and chesnut, with some walnut,. but pine more commonly. The bottoms along the large streams are generally broad and very good, presenting maple, sugartree, sycamore, elm, ash, buckeye, wild plum, with grape vines. Such land is well suited both for grain and meadow. There is not much prairie here, and less marsh land; but a great many dry, sterile ridges particularly along the largest streams. The hill country terminates on the head waters of Licking and Hockhocking; presenting at the transition -some very remarkable features. Beyond the regular hill ranges there are small insulated hills, from 400 to 500 feet in height, and very precipitous on every side, but level on the summit; looking as if they had once been islands in a great lake whose bottom was the wide, deep plain which extends westward across the state. The chief of these detached hills is about a mile from New Lancaster. It there receives the name of Mount Pleasant. It is about a mile and a half in circumference, and is said to be 500 feet in perpendicular height. These peaks have seldom any trees; but little herbage, and consist of rocks alternating with beds of sand The plain country is gently diversified along the Sciota, but westward it is nore flat, the prairies larger, and the soil more fertile. Below Chilicothe there is a great body of broken land bordering upoi the west shore of the Sciota, but it is chiefly very poor. On the west side of this comme s the rich country already noticed. c The west end of the state generally presents beneath the vegetable layer a rich loam verging towards the sandy character; passing from light red into ash colour. The hills towards the east end of the state, particularly those along the Muskingum, have but a thin vegetable soil, with a poor yellowish clay beneath. The bottoms have a much better loam and a deep black mould above it. This character varies little until we approach lake Erie where the beech and maple uniformly indicate a greyish clayey loam: There the yellow and reddish soil, which belongs to the oakand chesnut land, is more friable than in the southern parts of the state. Mr. R. Granger gives the strata of N. Connecticut as follows: 1st. Black vegetable mould, except in places near the lake-2Sd. loam or clay of great thickness-orange, yellow, or grey-Sd. gravel or sand--4th, ash coloured free-stone, or else compact blue clay-below this water-generally at the distance of from 12 to 20 feet.-The water which passes under the sandstone is good-that under the clay is bad. In the claySthere are marine productions found. GEOLOGY. C. Atwater, Esq. of Circleville has given somt dtetached facts upon this subject. The attrition of water upoa ithe rocks of Mackinaw, more than 100 feet above the preset ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. 8.1 level of the lake-the indications of a washed beach around lake Erie, at the same height above the present level of that lake-petrifications in alluvion, representing sticks, frogs and fishes, such as now exist in the lake, are found in wells 300 ft. above the lake. From these he infers that Erie once held the elevation thus indidated, and that it debiuched through the Ohio river. The discovery of trees, sticks, &c.in situations far below the present surface of the earth, but far above the level of the lakes or rivers, may be accounted forby lands8lif s, volcanoes, earthquakes, or in many other ways. As to petrified fishes, --fter consilerable enquiry and examination, I am led to doubt whether animal flesh has ever been petrified-though I have sden many things that passed for such. Lake Erie has been ascertained to be 70 feet above the Ohio at the mouth of Beaver in Pennsylvania; and 558 above the tide water at Albany. The head of the Ohio is therefore 628 feet above the Atlantic. This allows to the Ohio and Mississippi an average descent of about 4 inches per mile. There are 22 feet of descent at one place-the Falls of the Ohio-besides the Atlantic is probably not level-What is the descent of the gulf stream? By another statement lake Erie is 564 feet above the tide at Albany, 83 above the Ohio at the mouth of Kenhawa, which latter point is 481 above tide water at Richmond. Therefore from thence to the mouth of the Mississippi the descent is 481, if the gulf stream is level The east part of this state appears to be chiefly sandstone and clay-slate, in level strata alternating with limestone. The main basis of the western part seems to be limestone occasionally covered with clay slate and sandstone. The layers of limestone are distinctly marked, and each layer is divided into masses of various sizes by perpendicular and irregular fissures. CLIMATE. WVith regard to temperature and weather this state is as agreeable as any other one; but as to healthiness it is difficult to give it a distinct character; for probably no two townships in the state are precisely alike in this particular. Perhaps about one third of the whole is perfectly healthy, or nearly so,-another third ought to be considered as uninhabitable, and the remainder only moderately sickly, so as to suit that numerous class of people who are always willing to put life into a little jeopardy for the purpose of growing rich. The country has no peculiar disetses-.those most prevalent being such as belong to alluvion and marshy land. Some complaints not well defined are frequently attributed to the frequent use of sulphuretted water, which is the only kind that can be procured in some places. NATURAL PRODUCTIONS. Limestone has beeTf found ir1 almost every, county of the state and is supposed to extlen tJroughla ei ery one, ï~~At STATE OF o01110, Coal has been found through all the eactern Dortion of the state, fromlake Erie to the Ohio. It is of the Pittsburgh spe. Cies, Bog and stone iron ore are found in most parts of the state; very rich in some places and generally abundant. Quartzy rocks suitable for mill stones, and said to be equal to French burrs, are found in great masses at several places but best and most abundant along Racoon creek, which flows into the Ohio below Gallipolis. Occasional masses of granite present themselves through New Connecticut. That at Cuyalhoga and Rocky rivers, according to Mr. Granger of Warren, tontins garqets imbedded in it..dium is found sometimes very pure and crystalized, but gent rally contained in the aluminous schist and shale, which is a principal part of the basis of this country. Sulphir impregnates so many of the springs, particularly in the northern part of the state, that it constitutes a very serious and general inconvenience. Many of the sulphuretted waters are chalybeate (i. e. contain carbonate of iron) and generally they present earthy solutions. Sulphuretted iron is common. Salt water is obtained at the depth of 2 or 300 feet along the south shore of lake Erie in many places-..in Clumrnbiana, along I ellow creek, at the depth of 150 or 2,90 feet, a d at Sa't creek in Jackson-wcounty. (This stream flows into the Sciota 15 miles below Chillicothe.) Here the salines are called the "Sciota ealt works," and are the principal ones in the state. There are others on Kill-buck, in Wayne county; and on the Mus, kingum below Zanesville. Clay (argil usually called crucible clay) is procured in Mus. kingunm county. Aineraloil. On the shore of Deer creek, there is a natural well, feet in diameter at the top, and 42 feet deep, It continually overflows with oil which runs into the creek. The produce is about six barrels per week, Silver is at present supposed to be abundant in the neighbourhood of Zanesville. but the fact has not yet been perfectly ascertained. NAtrxUAL CURIOSITIES. In Sunbury township (Delaware county) near the Big Waln:t branch of the Sciota there is a spring which produces petrifactions. The falls of the Little Miami are well worth the traveller's notice. They cons.st of a series of cataracts, presenting altogether a descent of about 200 feet-..breaking through rugged profound chasms. Massies creek, a branch of the Little Miani, has some very interesting cascades in the same county (Green) and about even miles N. E. from the town of Xedt. ï~~,GIVIL AI'POLITICAL 1EGUAQRPH' OF 111OHIO STATE. P.1l5oxs, PODPLATION, TowNS, SchnooLs, INPROVEMZNTS, 00o MERCE, CONSTITUTION, FINIANCES,. Besides the common governmental divisions of counties and toN nships, there are others frequently refered to. They are hie Connecticut reserve,-Fire lands,- Ohio Compfany'sf purclhase,-Donation tract,-Frencl Grant,--R fugee tract,Symmes' patent,- Virginia Mitary tract,- United States Military tract, and Congress or Public lands. CONNECTICUT RESERVE. By the charter of Charles II. made in the 14th year of his reign. " all the lands between the.~south boundary of Massachusetts and north lat. 41", extending from the west boundary of Rhode Island to the Western ocean," were granted to the colony of Connecticut. The claims founded on this gave rise to great contention which has beeu entirely settled. So much of the claim as included th. north part of Pennsylvania was, after some strife; relinquw'hecd. A part which extended through Othio state was, in part, surrendered to the United States, and in part reserved The Reserve includes seven counties-about 3,000.000 of acres, and extends along the south shore of lake Erie, from, the wcst boundary of Pennsylvania to 5 deg. 41 min., eat, a few miles west of Hurom river. This relinquishment was made in May 1786, and accepted by the act of Congress September 14 1786. By the act of congress, April 28, 1800, it was provided that the government of CIo-uecticut should hold the Reserve land as a corporation or individual, vesting all territorial jurisdiction in the U. Statesk and extinguighing the Indian claim at their own cost. That state did accordingly renounce jurisdiction, and accepted patents for the land from the President of the U. States. "'x FIRE LA:,DS were 500,000 acres at the west end of the above Reserve. They were given by the government of Connecticut to persons ofthat state who had suffered by fire during the Revolutionary war. THE OHIo COMP.,N'S PURcHASEwasa tract of 1V5O00,000 acres, conveyed by the act of congress April 21, 179, to I,, Cutler, R. Oliver, -nd G. Green, through the!-gency of u'e and Winthrop Sargeant. It extended along the Ohio river fProm the mouth of Bull creek (a few miles above Marietta) to Indian Guyandot, below Gallipolis., ï~~14 STATE OF OHIO. THE DONATION LANDS were a tract of 100,000 acres gtantedbv the United States to the same Ohio Cempiany, at the tiIe of the above purchase, on condition thtit it should revert again at the expiration of5 years, unless it should oe conveyed free of expense in tracts of 100 acres to each male person, not less than 18 years of age4 being an actual settler thereon at the tine of such conveyance." The condition was not complied with, and the land reverted to the U. States. This included the laid bought by the first settlers of Gallipolis, who thus lost their property. THE FRENCH GRANT is a tract of 24 000 acres granted by the U. States to the first settlers of Gallipobs, in consequence of their losses and sufferings. It is located on the Ohio river, opposite the mouth of the Little Sandy river. THE REFUGEE ''RACT contains 100,000 acres granted by congress to certain persons who, d!ri ig the RIv lutionory war, had fled from the Blritish provinces. It is four and a hat miles broad, and extetds from the Sciota river, at the town of Columnibus, east ward 43 miles.; SvYr-MEs' PATENT is a tract of 411,682 acres, conveyed by the United States in 1794 to John Cleves Symmes, for 67 cents per acre. It is the south west angle of the state, and extends along the Ohio 27 miles-from the Gre-t to the Little Miami. One section (No. 16) in each township was reserved for the use of schools; and section No. 29 fr thle support of religious institutions. Fifteen acres around fort Washington (in Cincinnati) were also reserved for the use of the pblic. VIRGINIA MILITAiiY TRACT. '[te state of Virginia by its darter formerly claimed the whole of Ohio state, and ten timies as much land beyond it; but relinquished to the United States all its claims north of the Ohio, reserving a tract which will be found described in our.rticle upon public surveys-and appropriated it as a fund for paying soi: tiers of that state who had served during the Revolutionary war. UNTEDn STATES MILITARY LANDS were a similar appropriation of a tract which is hkewise described in the article on public surveys. CONGRESS LAND ijs a general title applied to all the unreserved land in the state-implying that which has bden sold, or tfs held for sale, by the U. States. ï~~Squ are 1 les. ' Miami. Montgowery, cr [Green. 432 600 480 400 820 3,304 5,941 7,722 5-870 2,674 Population. IWhite mnales over 5,509 1,067 11500j 1815, 798P6601 0,301963 1,388,2261 714.6801 Eaten. Greenville* Troy, Dayton, Zenia. Wi lmington. Pofiihg. tion 1814 S00 40 60 100 39 3117,81 40 21730o 39 587-6 50 427 4 39 45 6 47 89-2616 43 13,700 8,00 4,000 2%047 920 40 1,810 'Pic a way. 470 72124- 9,26 1,5I,4i4T rcieviiie. SJRoss. 650 15,514 18,000 3,1 3,681,6391Chillicothe, 3,0001 400 39 14j5 531t796 16t- Pike. 400 2,300 43 Piketon,. 1815 SIJackson. 512 s000 jJackson. 39 8 5 ~ ~Gallia. 600 4,81 6,000 1,326 I553,520 Gallipolis, I 75 33 54 5 71 pe jLawrenc. 400 Burlington, 3 8 34 5 27~ L817 Scoo 10,419 '380 2,08 1,4819 Worsmthn 38 45 6 24 Adamt. 575 34 30,870 9774 x466,498 Porsmth jon 38 48531 H jighland. 420 1_______f591 888,19.0,Hillsborough. 60.8 5116 30.r Cuyahoga. Geauga. Ahtabula'. Trumbull.,Medira 60 700 8.75 750 760 1,459 2;917 8,671 p2j995 2,500 3000 3,200 10,000 6,000 494 523 639 19361 1,1153 1,347,048 Cleaveland, 1,1116,5031 Chardon, 8773Jefferson, 74,115,080 Warren. 2,495,5641 Ravenn~i M ecg.,' 250~ 41 31 4 44 41 364 i6J181C 41 45 13 5Q 41 173 56 411 1114 1 ï~~rWan es lIluron.. F Co;;'! C 0..' SMu,,-igum. XWasmington. SIPerry. S1Licking. r Colunibiaria. SjJefferson. SIHarrison. ~)Belmont. Monroe. Gerisey. Tskwaras. O~tark, 6.gure 'Popula.. ls 1810. 7%0 9(-)0 900 660 10,036 568 600 5,991 886 2s791 432 540 4,31 402 700 3,852 2,4149 500 17,2-60 450 555 119097 480 4 71 3,051 680 3,045 800 %T34 Population41 1815. 7,100 3,900 1,500 11,200 S.,800 3,960 13,660 6,400 3,000 lo,600o 15,000 7,300 12-200 1,200 4,80() 3,880 6,625 White v altia*02 rnaies over 1815. 21. 1816, 759 610,77 591 2951,33 58 709,768 91 2238 1,671,301 1,419 792 7031538 519,1f82 2,733 12,5059142 Chief Town%. Wooster. Mansfield. Huron., Za1nesville. Marietta, Athens. Logan., New Lancaster. Somerset. Newark. Mount Vjernon. New Lisbon. Steuhenville. Cadiz. St., Clairsville. Woodsfleld. Cambridg-e. New'Philadelphia. Cantons. 3,0 40 47f5 S3 -41 251~ 1-250 317 139 585.2 100 39 304 2,8 40 139 2315 It 6,50 130 BS9 45 5 25 400 39 52!5 20 40 70.40 415,9,6 420 80 j40 24,5 52 150f40O 49!3. 5%) 2032 453 }40 25 3 40 80' 40' 8144 4A 700 j40 83S 55 47J40 "4.4, 30 50.40 324 50 70 140 5014 20 1,26T 2,937 1,458 2,439 271 953 776 1133.5 ell 121!29,618 1,030,260 2)064,315 2,083,759 1,370,495 13663,810 5872690 777,707 1787 1805 ï~~mirt flistriet Sixth Distrlo,roil t::C. 0 el c. C.4)) 1 0 [0 IN Cioco 01 I UA4 0t0 -A to Cf U,01 O bu Ni0C Xt C~~ 6-00 Dwetfing Houses 00 o 01 I* 00 tt A zo m I 4, j North C N1 " N Q 4; Q1 Q =~ongitudc4 to west NI ced, ï~~88 S'ATE OP~ OfltQ. The populatilon of the N. Western Tertitovy (of~ which- this, state is a part) amounted to 43,365 in the year 1800.-Trhis state in 1810 had a population of 230,760. The number, of mnales exceeded that. of the femnales by 10,000. By a census in -1,315, the number of voters (free white males abov-e the age of 21) was 64,814; which would indicate a total population abiove, 300,000. In 1817 thert~ were nearly 4%~000 names upon the6 muster: rolls of the statteCOUJNTIES. TOWAT 5 Adams 6 West-Union, Manchester, Adamsville'.. Ashtabla 13Jeffierston, Harpersfield, MatherstownMi gan, Windsor, Sharon, Williamsfleld. Athens!9 Athens, Steadmansville, Troy, Nelsonville. St. Clairsville, Barnesville,, Burlington, CaniBelmont 13ton, Flushing, Wrightstown, Jacobstowij, ' Shepherdstown, Brown 7 R-ipley, Decatur,. Higginsport. ~tl ~ Hamilton, Rossville, Middletown, Oxfari4, Z MilordPrinceton. Urbanna, Harrison, Mechanicsburgh, Leeg~hapig 013 burgh, Winchester, New-York, Springhaniign - 4field, Lisbon. 'Clark 8 prin gfiel, Boston. Williamisburg, Milford, Neville, Stanton, %I. Clermont sanna, Bethel, Levina, Goshenj, MNechar_ Clenon j icsburgh, Batavia, New Richmond, Mdk (.Cow, Feestown, Clinton 7 Wilmington. rNew Lisbon, West Union, New Alexandria, ISalem, Fairfield, Columbiana, Bellefont, Colu.mbiana 19 < Portsmouth. Hanover, Clarkson, PottsSgrove, Petersburg, Achorsto wn, Foulks1town, FAwcettstown. Cosh0cton 6 Coshocton, Oxford. Ctayahoga 8 Cleveland Granger..Dark 4 Greenville, Madison, Mina, ]Delaware Delaware., Milford,, Norton, Sunbury, Zoar. SNew LJancaster, Rushiville, Jacksonville, Fairfield 14 Greencastle, Centreville, Somerset, CliniI ton, New Lebanon, Royaltown. Fayette 6 Washington, Duffs-foxk. Frankin ~ COLUMBU Franklinton, Worthington, Frankin 1 Geoge~vlleDublin. 1 Oallia 113 Gallipolis,, Fairhaven. Geauga ~Chardon, Paine~sville, Champion, Grandoir, ï~~cIVIL AND POIAtCAL GEQGRAPIIX "89 COU NTIES. TOWNS. SZenia, Fairfield, -Bellbrook, Jamestown Green 9 t Winchester. Cambridge, PFrakfort, Washington, Wine Guernsey 2 chester, Fairview, Iondonderry, New LibCL erty. (Cincinnati, Harrison, Columbia, Newton, Reading; Montgomery, Springfield, Cole.. Hamilton 12 -rp~in, Crosby, Cleves, Madison, Miami, L Middletown - Harrison 9 Cadiz, Hanover, Freeport, Harrisville, New SAthens, New ium ley. Hillsborobgh, Newmarket, Greenfield, LeesHighland 9 burg, Middleton, Newton, Monroe, Sink Hiilshrounh Sg-Spring.. Hlocking Logan. Huron 7 Huron, Sandusky, IJessup, Berlin, Bloomingrille. Jackson ackson. ' Steubenville Mount Pleasant, Jeffersorn, Jefferson 11 KnoXville, Somerset, Smithfield, Warri Stown, New Salem, Philipsburgh. Mount Vernon, Clinton, Fredericktown, Knox 8 Winchester, Williamsburgh, Harrisor, New Lexington, Danville, Lawrence Burlingtobn. Licking 4 ewark, Granville, Johnstsown, Fairfield. Logan Belville. Madison $New London, Lawrenceville. Medina 4Medina. Miami 9 ITroy, Piqua, Staunton, Washington, Milton. Monroe 4Woodsfield. Dayton,- Union, Centreville, North-Dayton, Montgomery 8 Woodbourne, Alexandervi le, York, Unido town, Germiantown, Salem.Morgan Olivetown. Muskingum 7I Zanesville, Irville, Putnam, Dresden, Haymarket, Uniontown. err Somerset, New Lebanon, Thornville, New P Reading, Lexington, Burlington. Pickaway 12 (ircleville, Jefferson, Livingston, Tariton, ay Bloomfield, Westfall. " Pike 6piketon. SRavenna, Rootstown, Hudson, Manteau, NelPortage 25 son, Stow, Shalerville, Sharon, Suffield,. Springfield, Thorndike, Tallmage. &i2 ï~~STATE OP 0HIM, COUNTIES. I Preble Richiand 12 ScIota Shelby Stark Trumbull $0 Tuscarawas 9 Warren Washington 15 TOWNS..A aton, Lexington Mansfield, New Lexington Belville, Trucks,,17. ville, Perrysville, Green. { Chillicothe, Adelphi, New Riclhond, Bairn: bridge, IGngston, (Oldtown. P ortsmouth, Alexandria. Hardin. { Canton, Osnaburgh,. Kendall, LemingtoN SGreen,, amburgh. W arren, Mesopotamia, Hartford* Greenr,. Canfield, Poland, Youngstown, Miltonj Weathersfield, Vienna. New Philadelphia, Goshen, Winchester, Leesburgh, Gnaddenhutten, Westchester, Sandyville, Lawrenceville, Dover, New. 1 Hagerstown. Lebanon, Deerfieldi Waynesville, Franklinj SShakerstown, Ridgeville, Shanesville. Freeport. Ilarietta, Belpre, Waterford, Newport. Wooster, New Brownsville,, Wilmigtoe, Moscow, Paintville, Jeromesville, romestown, Jacksonburgh,.Bloomfield. Wayme 18 b Towns in the undivide& north west angle of the state. Croghansville, on the Sandusky,18 milesfronlake Erie. Venice, on the Sandusky. Fort Stephenson, onthe Sandusky. Perrysburgh, on the Maumee, 18 miles from lake Erie. Port Lawrence, on the Maumee bay. *Roundheads town, an Indian village, near the'head of-ti Sciotf. -Solomonstown, an Indian village near the source of the Great Miami. Tawa town, an Indian village near the source of the Au Olaize. Wapakouetta, an Indian vilage on the Au.Glaize above Tawa. Fort Wayn, at the conflutence of- Sft. Josephs and Maurice rive., ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. 9Â~ COXCINNAT is the principal town in this state beyond competition. It is in N. lat. 39, 6', 30". W. long. 70, 24' 45.-300' miles (by the road) from Pittsburgh, 105 from Louisville, 275 from Detroit, 85 from Lexington, Ky, and 400 from Baltimore. It is situated on the north shore of the Ohio river, between the Greatand the Little Miami rivers, and opposite the mouth of Licking river. It occupies 3 miles ofthe shore-from Deer creek td Mill creek. The part adjacent to the river is a flat 80 feet wide and 70 feet above low water mark. The rest of the town, called the hill, is50 feet above the level of the lower part, and extends to the neighboring hill range, which is about a mile distant from the river. There are 8 streets parallel with the shore--Water st. Front st. Second st. Third st. &c. and lastly Northern street. These are intersected by nine others at right angles; that is north 44 deg. west, commencing at the east end of the town they are Broadway, Sycamore, Miami, Walnut, Vine, Race, Elm, Plum and Western streets. Their General breadth is 66 feet. The greater part of the squares are divided each into eight lots of 99 feet by 198, and they have no alleys. A settlement was commenced at this place inothe-year 1780, by the erection of a block house. In 1788 a rude fort was built and garrisoned by the United States. At the same time, John C. Symmes, the original patentee of the scite, surveyed thq town around the fort, and brought a small colony from New England and New Jersey to settle it. As a town, it made no progr-ess until after the year 1794 when Gen. Wayne first held the Indians in check. From that period it flourished modetately untilinl814-.. 15&c. when the hot bed of the banking system began to operate completely upon it, bloating it with an astonishing and unnatural growth; giving it a commerce and a splendor which have filled all strangers with astonishment. The demon of speculation has visited so many places in our country that Cincinnati cannot perhaps claim any exclusive notice for the grand entertainment which she has given to him. Amidst daily changes it is difficult even to estimate the pres. ent condition of Cincinnati. In the year 1815 it contained nearly 1100 buildings-- 2 of stone, 250 of brick, and 800 of woy, Of these 660 were dwelling houses. The population was 650(.X There were 60 stores for the Sate of dry goods and groceries generally; and ten for the sale of books, drugs, iron and shoes. Mr. Brown, who visited it in 1816, estimates the population at that date tobe 8000, and the houses 1300. Kilbornin states the population of 1818 at 11000, which must be anexaggeration. The principal establishments are a Lancasterian school; calculated for the reception of $100 scholars. It consists of two parallel wings, each 30 feet in frontby 80 in depth, and 30 feet apart, united near tie front by stair cases, and iurmounted by a dovne capped penstile. As a fact characteristic of the liber. ality of the people of this town, it should be noted that they ï~~S17T ~y OF' OHiO. subscribed 12,000 dollars for its establishment. Within two weeks from the opening of it, there were above 400 scholars admitted. The steam flour mill belonging to the Evans Co. stands U p on the beach of the river, and in times of high water is quite insulated. It is 62 by 87 feet at its base, and 110 feet in height. It contains 9 stories, two of which are above the eaves. The walls were commenced ten feet thick, but they gradually diminish, inclining on the outside, until they arrive at the height of 40 feet. It required 6620 perches of stone. 90,000 bricks 14,000 bushels of lime, and 81,200 cubic feet of timber. It cost 12J,000 dollars, and is estimated to weigh 15,655 tons. There is a cotton and woollen factory with 3.300 spindles for cotton and 400 for wool. A woollen cloth manufactory, producing 60 yards per day, Four cotton spinning shops, altogether numbering 1500 spindles Several wool carding and cloth dressing shops. Two rope walks said to produce 6 ton per week. Two glass manufactories. A saw mill wrought by oxen treading an inclined wheel. Two large founderies on the common construction, and another on a new one, Three or more distilleries and breweries. There are three market houses and market open four times a week. A court house 56 by 66 base and 100 feet high. Ieeting houses for Presbyterians, Quakers, Baptists and Methodists. A University in an incipient state. A literary society-Museum of minerals. Two newspapers. 9 mails weekly, and lastly a land Office. CHILLICOTHE is situated upon the west bank of the Scioto, 70 miles from the mouth of that river; but only 45 in a direct line. It occupies a flat between the river and a steep hill nearly 300 feet high. It is perfectly regular, and laid out on a large scale. The streets are 66 feet wide, and cross one another at right angles. The alleys are 16 feet wide, and cross each other so as to divide all the squares into equal quarters. This town was laid out in 1796. It flourished greatly until it ceased to be the seat of government, yet it has not declined in consequence of losing that advantage; on the contrary, its position and the fertility -of its neighbourhood insure its prosperity. It has 3 newspaper offices, 30 stores, 4 cotton and linen factories, a steam mill, paper mill, oil mill, fulling mill, together with several saw mills and flour mills in its vicinity. It contains about 400 houses, and a population of 3.000 From this place a very extensive plain, or rather a tract gently undulating, extends eastward and southward; which, together with the river, the northeastern hills-and in fact a ï~~CIVIL AND POLIIICAL GEOGRtAPiV' 9;3 c0niplete panorama-constitute a noble view from the eminence behind the town. When this town was laid out, there was an artificial antique mound within it, which, in levelling the streets has been demolished. COLUMBUS was, at its first establishment (in 1812) constituted the seat of government. In 1818 it contained above 200 houses, and 1500 inhabitants. It is situated on the east shore of the Scioto, 45 miles north from Chillicothe and about 20 miles south west from the centre of the state. In the south west corner of the town there is a square of ten acres, upon which the Penitentiary has been erected. Another square of the same extent is reserved for a public promenade near the centre of the town; and on the south west corner of this the state house and public offices are built. It is somewhat more elevated than the surrounding squares, and from the Capitol affords a good view of the river and the surrounding country, including the town of Franklinton, which occupies a flat on the Scioto one mile westward from Columbus,. The Capitol is a brick building 75 feet by 50, surmounted by a ballustrade walk, a belfry and spire. The streets are at angles of 12 deg. 30 min. from the carditial points, following the variation of the compass. Opposite the mouth of broad street there is a bridge across the Scioto. ZANESVILLE is situated on the east shore of the Muskingum, opposite to the town of Putnam, and nearly opposite the mouth of Licking river: 50 miles north from Marietta. It is a thriving town; has 3 glass factories, 22 stores, a nail factory, paper mill, several oil mills, saw mills, flour mills, &c.--two newspaper offices, and a land office. At this place the Muskingum presents falls-.not a cascade, but a regular descent of six feet in a few rods. Below this the navigation is at all times practicable. This town, together with Chillicothe and New Lancaster, were founded by Mr Zane of Virginia, who certainly shewed great discernment in selecting these positions. This says Mr. Birkbeck, will be a grand station for manufactures at a future period. The country around it is hilly, and very pleasant'; not rich, but dry and tolerably fertile. It abounds in coal and lime and water power for machinery. Iron is also plentiful. STEUBENVILLE is a handsome flourishing town, the third in the state both in regard to population and commercial importance. It has about 40 stores, six taverns, a woolen factory worked by steam, a cotton factory, steam paper mill, steam flour Pill, brewhouse, distillery, newspaper office, &c. It is situated on the shore of the Ohio, 36 miles (by the road) westward from Pittsburgh. Its appearance is agreeable but the view of the country around is pot very exten~ive pr pic r esque. ï~~94 STATE OF 0110. GALLIPOLIS is beautifiully. situated on tle Ohio share three miles below the mouth of the Great Kenhawa. The scite of this to wn, and the lands around it, were purchased by persons in France from the "Ohio Company" in 1788-89. In the succeeding year they shipped themselves--50CO in number to settle it, md descended the Ohio in 1791. There they suffered pri, vations and distress such 'as none but back-woods men may weljl conceive of. The grant made by the United States to the Ohio Company became forfeited by their neglect to comply with its conditions, in regard to the making of settlements.Thus the half starved French colony lost their lands and being obliged to abanidon the town, they removed down the river to other French settlements. In March, 1795, Congress made the free grant above noticed of 4000 acres to J. G. Gervais, and 20,000 acres to be divided equally among the other settlers of allipolis. This town however made but little progress, unt of late years, after the possession of it was acquired principally by Americans. Some unfavourable and false representations have been made against it in consequence of a part of its lower bank falling into the river-an accident which happened several years ago. In the neighbourhood of this town there is a vineyard of six acres at which wine is produced. MAiIETTA, at the mouth of the Muskingum was a place of great promise a few years ago, but it has not been prosperous, because it is very dangerous for people to expect too much - It contains about one hundred houses and has business scarcely proportioned to that number. On the opposite shore of the Muskingum, where Fort Harmar once stood, there are 30 or 40 houses, but they can scarce be recognised as belonging to Marietta. From 1799 to 1806 ship building was carried on here. It was then discontinued, but recommenced again in 1816. CIRCLEVILLE is within an antique fortification in the Pickaway bottom, about half a mile from the Sciota river, on the east side. The two moumds which at present include it, contain, each, about ten acres One of them is a circle, or rather two concentric circles, the summits of which are about 50 feet asunder. The other is a regular square, about the same size, and included within one line of mound..--The greater part of the houses (which amount to 250) are within the circle. In the centre of that part there is a small circle left open. From that the streets diverge as radii, and at equal distances pass the circles. The mounds are about 15 feet above the surface of their bases. This town has few advantages with regard to trade, but is thriving, as the rich Pickaway plains, and the richer bottoms of Walnut creek, are in its immediate vicinity. LEBAN o is called an inland town in this country because it four mi4es from the nearest J~re stream-the Little Miami ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. 1A7t is situated between two branches of Turtle creek. " It is Si)t," says Mr. Birkbeck " a mountain of cedars, but a valley so beautiful and fertile, that it seemed, on its first opening to or view, enriched as it was by the tints of evening, rather a,region of fancy than a real back-woods scene." Â~ Lebanon is itself one of those wonders which are the nataral growth of these back-woods. In fourteen years, from two or three cabins of half savage hunters, it has grown to be the x sidence of a thousand persons, with habits and looks no way d tfering from their b -ethren of the east." CLEVELAND is situated on lake Erie, at the mouth of the Cayahlioga. It seems likelyv to become a place of trade from the advantages of its local position; but it is supposed to be unhe.Ilthy, on account of the stagnation caused by the lake in the estuary of the river. PAIN:SVI.LE on lake Erie; at the mouflth of Grand river, has lately attracted much attention on account of its deep, capacious harbour. It contains scvcr'al manufactories for v oolen, cotton, &c. ALEXAND)RIA, below tlhe mouth of the Sota, has ben partly abandoned on account of an inundation (of the Ohio which. did much damage, although the bak is 70 feet above the surtace of the rivei' at its common heigiht. It is represented b.. Mr. Brown as a place of idleneas and dissipation. Portsmouth, on the opposite side of the Sciota, has very lately r8en into some importance. / ATHENs is situated in a peninsula formed by the Ilockhocking river. It is th e scite of the state university, being within the two townslinps reserved by the U. States for that institutVio- These were rented on perpetual leases. and produce au annual revenue of 2300 doliars. DAYTON stands upon the east shore of the Great Miami, just below the mouth of Mad river. It is a place of considerable trade and great promise; likely to becomne thie thir:l in rank amongst the towns of this state. It has already a handsome bridge across the Miami, 250 feet long. and 26 wide consisting of two wooden arches upon a pier and abutnients of stone. FORT WAYNE is situated upon a bluff below the confluence of the St Josephs and Maurice rivers; possessing great natural advantages and almost sure of becoming an impitant town. SCA OtLs. Gharters have been granted for three Universities-dre Ohio University at Athens, the Cinc'nnati University. and the Mtanti University at Oxford. They are not organized ï~~90 STATE OF OHIO. and probably will not be organized as universities for half an age. Acts have been passed for the establishment of ten academies. Houses have been built for some of them.-at Steubenville, Chillicothe, Marietta, Gallipolis, New Lisbon, Worthing.. ton, Burton, and Dayton; but no regular systems of liberal education have yet been commenced in them. Common schools are numerous and the different branches of a common education are uniformly acquired by the children of all classes. COMMERCE AND MANUFACTURES. Woolens, cottons, line, glass ware, articles in cast and wrought iron, pottery, cordage, white and red lead, salt, sugar, furniture of various kinds, spirits, porter, beer and a little wine, are maiiufactu ed for domestic use, and of many of those articles a sufficiency for the sup. ply of the state. The greater part of the export trade passes through Cincinpnati, including the following articles: flour, corn, beef, pork, butter, lard, bacon, whiskey, peach-brandy, beer, porter, pot and pearl ashes, cheese, soap, candles, hats, hemp, spun yarn, saddles, rifles, cabinet ware, chairs, cherry and other kinds of boards, staves and scantling. Lead is obtained from Missouri; coffee, rum, molasses, &c from New Orleans-dry goods chiefly from Philadelphia and Baltimore-salt in considerable quantities from Kenhawa. IMPROVEMENTs. Arrangements have been made for con-.necting Cincinnati with the Great Miami by a canal-and it is intended likewise to conniect this river with the Maumee. The head of navigation upon the Miami is at the town of Piqua. It is 30 miles from that to the highest point of navigation on the St. Marys, a branch of Maumee, and the same distance to Wapakanetta on the Au Glaize. The route by Au Glaize is the shortestt but that by St. Marys the most safe. The governor of this state, in his message (of January 1820) uapon the practicability of uniting by canals some of the streams which flow into the Ohio river with some of those which flow into lake Erie, recommends the following routes as affording great facilities for that purpose. 1st That between Grand river and the Mahoning branch of Beaver-crossing the west boundary of Pennsylvania, and passing through a swamp on the table land which divides these streams. 2d. The portage between the Cuyahoga and Tuscarawas. 3d. The portage between the Loramies branch of the Great Miami and the St. Marys branch of the Maurice. 4th. Through a swamp about 18,000 acres in extent, situated ini the south-west corner of the Connecticut Reserve, connecting the Huron and Lower Sandusky rivers with the Whetestone branch 9f the Sciota. The summit level is here stated to be ï~~2VIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPH~. ' 940 feet above lake Erie, requiring at one place about 16 feet of cutting, but with an average cutting of only 8 feet. 5th Through the prairie in which the Great Miami, Sciota, and Au Glaize have their principal sources, and through a beau. tiful lake which discharges itself into Mad river, on the south side of that prairie. 6th A continuation of the latter route, passing between the Great and Little Miamis, through the vallies of Mad river into the Beaver branch of Little Miami; or through Mad river to Dayton. 7th Through the Great Miami to its mouth, or else leaving it at Middleton and cutting across to Cincinnati by the way of Mill creek. &c. In order to create a fund for the execution of these projects, it is proposed to purchase upon credit from the United States 4,000,000 acres of land, under the expectation of being able to sell it again at a considerable advance of price. It is intimated that such a speculation, besides defraying the expences of the main canal between Miami and the Maurice, would leave a clear gain to the state of at least 10,000,000 of dollars. CONSTITUTION. The executive officer is a governor elected every two years. He is commander in chief of the militia-issues all commissions, but makes no appointments. He must be at least 30 years of age, and must have resided at least 4 years within the state. When the office of governor becomes vacant the speaker of the senate succeeds as a lieutenant governor during the co nplement of the official term. The legislature is composed of two parts-a senate and house of representatives. The members of the latter are chosen yearly: Any citizen is eligible as a representative who has resided above one year in the state, is more than 25 years of age, and has paid a tax. The number of members in this house must not be less than 36 nor more than 72. The senators are elected every two years-they must be at least 30 years of age and have resided two years within the district for which they are chosen, besides having paid a tax. The number of members in the senate must not be less than one third, nor more than one half of the number in the other house. These two houses have the entire power of passing laws without requiring the assent of the governor, or any other person thereto, The judicial powers are exercised by a supreme court, a court of common pleas, and by the common justices of the peace. There are four supreme judges who hold court once a year in each county of the state. There are seven judicial districts for the courts of common pleas, criminal cases, &c. In each district there is one president, and three puisne judges assistants for each county. These circuit courts are held three times a year. All the judges are elected by the legislature, and receive their offices for the term of seven years. The justices are elected by the people every three years. A justice I ï~~98 STATE OF OHIO. is a conservator of the peace for the county to which he b:longs, but has no judicial power out of his own township. The qualification of a voter is a years residence in the state, and the payment of a tax, besides being a free, white, male citizen above the age of 21 years. Slavery is not allowed in this state. FINANcps. The auditors report for 1818 wasAmount paid into the treasury for that year 8 130,190 45. Expenditures during the same - 119,007, 22. Leaving a balance of - - - 11,183 23.,Land of nonresidents taxed- acres, 4,556,204 do. residents taxed do. 7.102,294 11,714,493. Amount of taxes levied on land for 1818 8 169,184 Which, after defraying all governmental expcnces, left in the treasury - 38,820 28, ï~~STATE OF INDIANA. NATUR AL GEOGRAPHY. EXTENT, BOUNDARIES, RIVERtS, LAKES, ISLANDS. FACE OF THE COUNTRY, SOIL &c. CLIMATE, NATURAL PRODUCTIONS. Indiana is 284 miles in length, (from north to south) and 155 miles in breadth; containing 39,000 square miles-or 24,960,000 acres. It is separated from Kentucky, on the south, by the Ohio River-from Ohio state, on the east, by the line of Long. 70 47' west from XAWash. which commences at the mouth of the Great Miami and runs north to Lat. 410 50'-from the Michigant and North western territories on the north by the line of N. Lat. 410 50'-and from Illinois state on the West by a line running directly south, until it touches the Wabash river 40 miles above Vincennes-and then following the middle of that river until it reaches the Ohio. The act of Congress which authorized the organization of this State, required that its northern boundary should include 10 miles of the south end of Lake Michigan, whatever the latitude of it be. RIVERs. The Ohio waters the southern boundary of this state for the distance of 345 miles, from the Miami to the Wabash; between which it receives no streams of importance on the north side, because the south branch of the White river runs nearly parallel with it for the chief part of the way, and generally about 50 or 60 miles distant from it. The tributaries it does receive are as follows: 1. Tanner's Creek, 30 miles long. 2. Houghan's Creek about the same size. 3. Laughery's Creek, 40 miles long, 4. Venoge (or Indian) creek, so called by the Swiss settler's of that quarter after a small river in the Pays de Vaud (Switzerland. 5. Indian Kentucky; 6 Silver creek; 7 Indian Creek. 8. Big Blue river, so called from its clear blue waters which notwithstanding their tint are good and pure. 9. Little Blue river, debouches 13 miles below the latter. 10. Anderson River. 11. Little Pigeon Creek. 12. Beaver Creek. 12. Big Pigeon Creek. All the above named streams have considerable current and aford many good situations for mills. ï~~STATI1 01 1NDIANAO The I Wabash waters the central and western parts of the -tate. It is three hundred yards wide at its mouth; and is, according to some, above 500 miles in length. At its confluence with the Ohio, the French, regarding it as the principal stream, applied the name Ouabache, likewise to that part of the Ohio which extends from this to the Mississippi. The northern portion of this river is little known as it runs through Indian rands that have been but partially explored. Its current is very gentle from the falls at -Witanon (below the mouth of Tippacanoe) down to Vincennes, but between that and the Ohio there are some rapids though they do not impede its navigation. The principal branch rises near old fort St. Mary's, passing in its course the Portage road between Loramis creek and the St. Mary, and in floods uniting its stream to that river. Another-head branch called Little River, rises near fort Wayne. A third one called the 1assasinnewva, rises in Darke county between fort Greenville and fort Recovery. The Eel river regarded as another head branch, issues from a cluster of little lakes that lie 18 miles westward of fort Wayne. The rivers below this wh-ch flow into the Wabash on the west side, are1 Richard's creek. 2 Rock river. 3 Tippacanoe river, 8 miles below the latter, and 18 below the former of these. It has been rendered famuous by the bat-. tle fought near it (November, 1811) between the Indians and United Statps troops. Its principal source is about 30 miles westward of fort Wvayne. Some of the head branches arise from small lakes which are united to the head waters of the St. Josephs of Maurice. 4. Pine creek-5. Red-wood creek. 6. Rejoicing, or Vermillion or Jaune river, 85 miles below the mouth of the Massasinnewa. 7. Little Vermillion. 8. Etabliere river. 9. Duchat river. 10. Bruette river. These four latter rise in Illinois, and all the other streams that flow into the Wabash belong entirely to that state. The rivers that enter on the east side of the Wabash are, after passing some small waters whose vocabulary is not yet settled. 1 Rocky river 125 miles below the mouth of Massasinnewa. It rises near the head waters of White river. 2. Busseron creek is about 50 miles long and enters 20 miles above Vincennes. 3. Maria creek enters just above Vincennes. 4. White river enters 25 miles below Vincennes. It is a large stream passing nearly across the state. Thirty-five miles above its mouth is the confluence of its two main branches, the West Fork and East Fork. The former, at the distance of -about 55 miles from its mouth, receives the Eel river branch on the west side. The East Fork, at the distance of about 100 miles from the Wabash, is formed by the confluence of the Driftwood and Muscakituck rivers. On the north side it receives Guthrie's creek,' Salt creek, and First ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. creek-on the south Lost river or Salt Lick. Some of the head waters of the Muscakituck rise within three miles of the town of Madison on the Ohio. The Driftwood is a considerable river which rises in the Indian country and has been lit' tle explored. 5. Petoka or Patoka river debouches 3 miles below White river. It is about 90 miles in length. 6. Big Creek debouches 12 miles above the mouth of the Lit-.. tle Wabash. Whitewater river rises 12 miles west of fort Greenville near the head waters of the Driftwood, and flows into the Great Miami, 4 miles'from the Ohio. It received its name on account of the purity and clearness of its waters, as it is said a pebble dr a fish can be seen ifn it at the depth of 20 feet. The people who live on its shores say that its waters are not so buyant as those of common rivers, which is absurd, but the idea may have arisen fromn their unusual coldness, Some of the north eastern parts of Indiana are watered by the St. Josephs of Maurice. Further westward are the head waters of the river Raisin, Black river, St. Josephs of lake Michigan, and Eel river. Still westward are the Gveat and Little Kennomic and Chemin rivers which also flow into the Michigan lake after passing the chief part of their courses through Indiana. The Great Kennomic (marked in some maps the Calumet) has its source about 30 miles south of lake Michigan. It approaches within a few miles of the lake, and then takes a westerly course for some miles,-then turns eastwardly, keeping, for several miles, close along the lake shore. After expanding ilto a small lake itbreaks through the range of sand hills Which had separated it from the Michigan, and debouches about 30 miles east from Chicago. The north western angle of the state is watered by the Kenf. kakee and Kickapoo rivers and a small part of the main heac branch of the Illinois river, together with a part of the Vermillion of Illinois. LAKEs. Indiana includes the southern extremity of lake Michigan. It also contains an immense number of small lakes, many of which, however, may be called ponds--the largest being from 8 to 10 miles long, and the small ones frequently rot more than one mile. In the late maps 38 lakes are designated in the northern half of the state; but Brown supposes that the actual number may exceed 100. Several of them have double outlets-that is they flow into the northern lakew and into the tributaries of the Ohio and Mississippi. The greater part of themin are in that tract of country from which arise the head waters of the St. Josephs, Black river, Tippacanoe, Raisin and Eel riVers. ï~~; STATE OF INDIANA ISLANDS. There are 25 islands in that part of the Ohio which constitutes the southern boundary of Indiana, and there are a few others in the Wabasa, but the number belonging to this state has not been ascertained. FACE OF THE COUNTRY, SOIL, 8c. Indiana has no mountains. The northern part of the state is flat and full of ponds. The southern border along the Ohio as far down as Blue river, presents a range of rugged, unfertile hills, and narrow bottoms on the river, most of which are subject to inundation, The middle region is prairie interspersed with groves that extend in stripes along the streams-passing occasionally into wide forest tracts. These are the general features. We pass the following counties in our course down the Ohio shore, to wit: Dearborn, Switzerland, Jefferson, Clark, Harrison, Crawford, Perry, Spencer, Warrick, Vanderburgh and Posey. The first five are much broken into hills where they adjoin the river, and along the creeks that flow through them. In the first the hill land is more unfertile than it is in the others, but it is of less extent. In Switzerland it has been found tolerably productive. The Ohio bottom through those five counties is too low where it is broad enough to be of much value, but it presents a rich soil which may perhaps be found suitable for some valuable purposes hereafter. The three first of these counties extend northwardly into a large tract of land called the " Flat Woods." It commences near the Ohio river, and reaches across the centre of the state as far as Witanon at the mouth of Tippacanoe-It is of a rich, excellent soil. The " knobs"or hilly ranges begin at Blue river and spread in a north-westerly direction towards White river-leaving along the Ohio, through the counties of Perry, Spencer, Warrick, Vanderburgh, and Posey, a tract of high dry land, chiefly prairie, boundles to the view and in most places rich and valuable. But the river bottoms are even worse in these than in the upper counties, particularly in Posey county, whose borders are overflowed both by the Wabash and the Ohio. North of Posey county lie the counties of Gibson and Knox watered by the Patoka and White rivers, and bounded on the west by the Wabash. In Posey is the celebrated German Harmony establishment, and in Knox is the town of Vincennes. The chief part of this range of country is first rate land, with scarce one acre unfit for cultivation. In some wells that have been dug in this quarter the black vegetable mould extended to the depth of twenty-two feet. To the north of Vincennes lies the Indiana" New Purchase." It is rather too level; and besides the elevated dry prairies similAr to those in the southern parts of the state, there are found in this district, along the shores of the streams, small low prairies, or rather savannahs, which are too wet for agriculture though they appear to have been cultivated at some remote period. The great body of prairies which extend along the west border of the state are dry even ï~~NATLTR$AL GEOGRA 'PHY. to a faunt; for springs are seldom found in genuine prairie, For some time after a period of rains the water which falls upon them collects into rivulets, sluggish brooks and ponds, but never forms regular water courses. Through this district the banks of the streams are high; generally well wooded, except towards the north, where the strips of wood-land sometimes look like mere hedge row borders round the prairies. The Wabash, for the distance of 100 miles above its mouth, passes through a wide, low, marshy bottom, the greater part of which is uninhabitable on account of the annual inundations. Like the Mississippi bottoms it is intersected by numerous bayous and ponds. The little groves and clumps which are found where there is neither stream nor lake, are called the " Islands" of the prairies. In many places they are of great extent, and consist of trees large and closely set-chiefly oak, but mingled with hickory, ash, elm, poplar, &c. The bottoms mostly contain walnut, sugar tree, buckeye, elm, sycamore and maple-but always oak. There is generally less underwood here than in, the country around the heads of the Ohio-though all the vegetables found upon it are more luxuriant. In many districts the greatest inconvenience which the farmers experience arises from the untamable exuberance of the vegetation; and in such places the farms which have been cultivated 20 or 30 years pro-. duce the best grain with the least labour. The soil and climate are particularly suited for corn; as the centre of this state may be regarded as the termination of the cane lands. In this quarter-that is between White river, Rocky river and the Wabash, lies that body of land, about 3,000,000 of acres in extent, called "Harrison's Purchase." It was selected for the Canadian volunteers; and after they had chosen the best parts of a dlistrict little, if any, inferior to the best lands in the world, their necessities or their folly occasioned most of them to part with their claims, for almost nothing, to the demons of speculation. East of this, and adjoining the Ohio state line, are the counties of Franklin and 'Wayne. The former which lies on the north side of Dearborn county is watered by the Whitewater river and its branches; and the latter, which lies further north, by the head branches of the Wabash, Rocky river, White river and Whitewater river, These two counties are considered the best in the state, being fertile in the highest degree, well woooded, and with a surface sufficiently undulating to prevent the stagnation of the waters. The soil is a rich, black loam, sometimes several feet deep, resting on clay or gravel-seldomn on rock, except at unsearchable depths. The hill timber is oak, walnut, hickory, sugar-tree and poplar, in general, but iu the lighter soils oak, hickory, elm and beech are the com mon kinds-and all these of fine growth. The bottoms, which are of great magnitude, present walnut, with grape vines, hickory, sugar-tree, sycamore, elm, honey-locust, buckeye, cotton wood &c. The great depth to which the vegetable mould occasion ï~~104 14StAtE 6P II4ANA., ally extends proves the land tobe alluvion; as decomposed vegetables could not have accumulated so high Another proof how recent the soil is in some places is the number of.N'atural wells found in this district. They originate from sycamore trees around which soil has been floated, frequently 13 and even 15 feet deep upon the ground in which they had first taken root. The greater part of these trees decay internally, and become perfectly hollow. At last they fall down, leaving the lower part of their trunks firmly encircled by the earth, and in most places containing water at the bottom df thile excavation. Of the plants which belong to this region we know little.The ginseng (an indication of a very rich soil) is found in great quantities, but it is likely to be entirely extirpated by the hogs. Indian corn, the grand article of subsistence in new settlements, arrives here to its highest state of perfection, short of spontanebus reproduction. Both the sweet potato and common potato (ignorantly called the Irish potato) grow luxuriantly with little culture. Tobacco grows as well as in Kentucky-but grass is the natural product of the soil, and even the highest parts afford luxuriant pasture. The ldian lands which lie north and west of this district are supposed by many to be of a quality still superior, because those shrewd children of nature always choose the best lands.-For hunting no doubt their part of the country is the best;-and even for farming it may contain a great many 8)nall tracts of superlative land; but, according to the best authorities that we can refer to, the whole northern section of the state presents appearances very uninviting to white men. In those appearances there is such general uniformity that one part cannot be distinguished from another. Grand prairies becoming more low and level the further we travel north: long strips and little " islands" of woodland, with still longer and larger strips and tracts of marsh land-ponds, lakes, and stagnating streams-some of which when flooded seem to rival the great lakes of the north-such is the scenery of northern Indiana In these wilds, wearied as the traveller becomes of the monotonous wastes of grass and water, hlie meets sometimes with combinations of grove, lake, and prairie scenery, highly beautiful and even picturesque. But these romantic spots seem fortified for ever against the progress of civilization by the chains of ponds, and grass grown streams, and natures grand process of destruction-the putrescence of the marshes. It is true that the miasma of vegetable decomposition in the waters is not near so fatal in northern as in southern climates. But the disadvantages caused by the flatness of the country and the excess of water, are,tin some degree, counterbalanced by the advantages of the safe, easy communication which may be established throd..h it between the northern and southern interior states Natural cahals already tr Averse these regions in every direction, and, at very trifling expense may be rendered fit for every requisite purpose of commerce. ï~~NATUR.L GEOGRAPHY. Many of the lakes and ponds which flow at once into the northern lakes and into tributaries of the Ohio, present natural channels too shallow for perogues (the kind of boats mostly used there,) so that the traders are as yet obliged to make use of those streams, which require portages to enable them to pass. The portage chiefly used beween the Wabash and lake Erie is nine miles in length, connecting the St. Mary's with the Little river branch of the Wabash. It is over a road perfectly level, and excellent in dry se.-sons. Teams are constantly kept upon it, and boats as well as goods regularly transported each way. May not the superabundance of water in the north end of this state (and of the two states on each side of it) be owing to the body of compact clay which constitutes in general the substratum of the soil? THE CLIMATE is in all respects the same as that of Illinois and Ohio states, having the same latitudes, the same soil, and a surface more level in general, but very little different--It has the same exposure as regards atmospheric currents; and what is More material, the facts of experience which the travellers and settlers in it, and in those two sister states have furnished, are altogether similar, and unluckily they are of a character somewhat alarming to emigrants. But I shall treat this subject in detail in its proper place. The termination of the cane region is in the south end of this stateor near its centre-a circumstance which marks both its temperature and its fertility. NATURAL PRODUCTIONs. Much mineral wealth can hardly be expected in a couatry so flat as this A silver mine was,aid to have been discovered near Witanon on the Wabash. Iron ore has been found in several places, and is supposed to be in quantity sufficient for the supply of the state. Copperas exists in the banks of Silver creek (in Clark county) and impregnates a great many springs in that quarter. Lime is plen, tiful at least along the eastern border of the state; but towards the Wabash clay-slate and miciceous sand-stone form the ba., sis of the country. Near New Lexington (in Jefferson county) there is an excellent salt making establishment, and there are salt springs in the Indian lands to the north of the New Purchase. The west end of the state is chiefly supplied with this article from the U. States' works near Shawnacetown in Illinois state. Below the forks of White river there is a coal mine, and there are mIany iudications of valuable minerals in that district. ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GtOGUtAPIkV* OF INDIANA STATE* DTz~stois, Towws,'POPULATIOW, SETTLEMENiTS, CONDITION OF THE INH1AB3ITAN5TS, CONSTITUTION. COUNTIES. Population TOWN S. o)f 1815. W7'ayne 6,290 Salisbury, Centreville. Franklin ~7,970 Brookville, Harrison. Dearborn 4)426 Lawrenceburgh, Wilmington, Parnassus, Rising-Sun, Hartford. Switzerland 3,500 Vevay. Jefferson!4,093, New -Lexington, Madison, New London. Clark 1vOICharleston, Jeffersonitle, New Albany, I,000 Clarksville. PHarrison Ir6,Z69 CORYDON. Crawford FTredonia. Perry *3jooo Rome, Troy. Spencer IRockport. Warrick.3,000 Darlington. Vanderurgh~ Mount Vernon, Harmony, Springfield, Posey 13,000, Blackford* Gibson S33Priceton. Pike DUDois Orange Paoli, Orleans. Washington:6,606,Salemh, Fredericksburgh Jennings Vernon, Ripley Jackson jBrownstown. L.awrence --Bono. Daviess Liverpool. Knox J6,800 ViNcEKNNxE. Sullivan Monroe Vincenne-9, though no longer the seat of government, may yet claim precedence among the towns. In 1817 it contained ftbout 100 houses, built in the outre style of architecture which is common in French and German villages.-that is roofs acute, aud walls composed of frame work, filled int with maud, Tltere ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. * are a few good brick buildings of modern date and style, There is a literary institution under the direction of a Presbyterian clergyman of the name of Scott, and a monied one called the "B ank of Vincennes." A newspaper called the " Western Sun," is edited by Mr. E. Stout. Apptndant to the town there is a common field which contains about 5000 acres: besides this almost every house in town has a picketed garden attached to it. General Harrison is one of the principal proprietors of the place. The inhabitants were originally French who emigrated hither from Lower Canada about a century ago. Corydon, in Harrison county, is at present the seat of government It is about ten miles from the Ohio river; a circumstance which will prevent it from being made the permanent capita of the state. It was commenced in 1809, and has risen rapidly into consequence, particularly during the last three years. In it the" Indiana Gazette" is pubhlished. Jeffersonsvile. in Clark county, is situated ona the shore of the Ohio, nearly opposite Louisville (at Falls of the Ohio.) It is the largest town in the state, and from the advantages of its situation will probably continue to be so. Charleston is the seat of justice f4or Clark county. It is situ. ated about three miles from the Ohio and fourteen from the falls. It is likewise a town of great promise and recent establishment In the same county are tie towns of Clarkesville immediately below the falls, and New Albany a short distance below it. The former was founded in 17Q3, and has made little progress: the latter is new but not very thriving. Brookville of Franklin county, is a very flourishing town. It was commenced in 1812 though it had been surveyed the prieceding year. In 1817 it contained 80 buildings exclusive of stables, shops, &c. It is agreeably situated at the confluence of the north and south branches of the White Water (about 30 miles from the Ohio.) It made little progress until the conclusion of the late war, but since that period it has exhibited an extraordinary degree of prosperity. The newspaper called the "Plain Dealer," edited by B. F. Morris, Esq. is published here. Harrison, in Franklin county, is situated on the north shore of Whitewater, about 8 miles from its mouth. The west end of the village is in, Indiana and the east end in Ohio state. It is extending rapidly as the lands around are eminently fertile. Harmony, in Gibson county, is one of the most extraordinary towns in the state. It is inhabited altogether by Germans from Swabia, who emigrated to America about the year 1802. They ï~~108 STATE OF INDIANA. first established themselves in Butler county, in Pennsylvania, about 26 miles to the north of Pittsburgh, at a little town called Zelienople, besi.de the Conoquenessing creek. They had some dispute with Mr. Basse the proprietor of the town, and grow. ing discontented abandoned their dwellings. Having traveled a whole day they fixed upon the scite of a new town in the evening. Instead of 20 miles (as they judged) it was not half a mile from their late residence. Before they discovered their error they had built a number of cabins and called their town Harmony. They afterwards purchased the place which they had thus chosen, enlarging their bounds from time to time until they had acquired about 9000 acres of beautiful land. T'o mitigate the hardships of their poverty they resolved to live in common, and to abstain from all conjugal intercourse with their wives; and finding pecuniary advantage in this abominable system of political economy, they have continued it to the present day although they are now rich. They chose a leader called George Rapp, who had assuimed, or somehow possessed, a kind of priestly character: and who has kept them ever since in the vilest state of slavery by the po wver of a mysterious superstition. Rapp's only son had a child, lawfully, however, that is by his wife, and he was so persecuted for it by his father that he died of grief. Another person, now called Frederick Rapp, was then adopted as a son of the old priest; and thispoliticprotege has ever since been prime manager of the establishment. This society encreased in wealth rapidly, and thereby became a-econciled to evils that might seem intolerable. Sometimes, however, they were driven by acts of unusual harshness to the 'brink of dissolution, but the crafty Frederick always contrived to reconcile the majority. Some of them attempted to sue for the money they had deposited into the common fund, but, after some fruitless efforts, finding that no suits were entered for them, they concluded that no lawyers could be found in this country proof against the cash of the Harmony treasury, of which Rapp held the possession; and they returned hopeless to their servitude. A few occasionally deserted and abandoned all claim against the society. In one instance the number of deserters amounted to 30 or 40, and they were chiefly trades. men. Old Rapp became alarmed at this, and determined to remove to the country which seemed to be seducing all his subjects away. Accordingly, in 1-15. he sold all his land, with the appurtenances, and carried his people, and the rest of the moveable property, to the Wabash. Here he carries on the manufacture of woolens, cottcns, linens, &c. in the same manner as he had done upon the Conoquenessing. A similar colony-a branch of the society of Shakers-has been established on the XV abash, 15 miles to the northward of Vincennes, They are the dupes of an unnatural superstition so0mewhat similar. They practise the same system of abstinence from all sexual intercourse; live in common, and,ubmit to the unlimited control of a master. Their prosperity ï~~CIViYLL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPkI. aikewise affords a wonderful example of the advantageous 're. sults of united efforts. But, as Mr. Birklgeck observes, people do not care-to imitate those they despise. Vevay in Switzerland county was-urveyed in:1813,-and commenced in 1814. In 1817 it contained 80 dwelling houses besides several public buiJdings. It is finely situated upon the upper bank, or " second bottom" of the Ohio river, and pre-sents a view of that noble stream for about eight miles. It is slaid to be very healthy; and the land around though uneven, is very productive. The" Indiana Register" is published here. New Lexington, of Jefferson county, is celebrated -as the scite of a fictitious bank, called " The Lexington Indiana Manufacturing Company," an institution which has somewhat exceeded the generality of banks in the business of swindling. - The seat.of justice for this county is in Madison which lies about 20 miles west of Vevay. New, Switzerlani,-This settlement was commenced in 1805 -by a few emigrants from the Pays de Vaud in Switzerland, It is situated on the shore of.the Ohio at the mouth of the Venoge creek; and immediately below the town of Vevay. Three thousand seven hundred acres of land were purchased of the United States, by J.J. Dufour and his associates, -at a credit of twelve years upon condition of introducing there the cultivation of the vine. More land has since been purchased, adjacent to the first, and, besides a very considerable increase of members by gradual emigration, a great accession was made by the int.. portation of a whole colony in 1816, conducted thither by Mr. Dufour. In 1810 they had eight acres-of vineyard, and produced the same year 2,400 gallons of wine. The vineyards have been since greatly extended, but we have no account-of the product. They likewise raise grain and other vegetables; anid manufacture a variety of articles, particularly straw bonnets and hats of -peculiar construction. Their language is pure French. Ia every respect they are a highly intevesting society. &zlishury is the county seat of Wayne, but will -probably be supplanted in that honour by a new village called Centreville, Princetoni is.the county seat of Gibson county. It lies about 35 miles south of Vincennes, 2 miles from the Petoka, and 1 from the Wabash. Mr. Birkbeck, in 1817 observes, "One year ago the neighbourhood of this very town of Princeton was clad in buckskin,' now thle men appear at church in good blue -cloth, and the women in fine calicoes and straw bonnets"-a very good proof of their prosperity; for though trade may be kept up and even extended on mere credit it must commencr upon actual resources. ï~~110 STATE OF INDIANA. Lawrenceburgh is situated upon the Ohio shore two miles below the mouth of Big Miami. It i- unprosperous on account of it being frequently overflown by the rver; and it will probably be outrivalled by a new town called Edinburgh, on an elevated scite half a mile from Ohio Rising Sun is in same county (I)earborn) between the latter and Vevay. It is built on a high second bottom, and bids fair to be of consequence. In the south western corner of the state several new towns have risen suddenly into notice. These are Darlington near the mouth of Little Pigeon creek; Evansville at the mouth of Great Pigeon creek; Mount Vernon, on the Ohio, directly south of Harmony; Springfield on Big Creek, north of Mount Vernon, and illackford about six miles from the Ohio, to the eastward of Springfield. Condition of the inhabitants. This is so rapidly progressive that it is difficult to mark its characteristics. Thbse who have resided there for some years are emerging from the condition of hunters or else from that of Indian traders; but even when society was at its lowest stage they had in that region of plenty a large portion of rude satisfaction which they regarded as comfort. Constitution. The executive power is vested in a Governor and Lieutenant governor, who are elected every three years. The same persons may be reelected to the same offices once. The governor's salary is 1000 dollars pe annum-the lieutenant governor's is 2 dollars per day during the session of the legislature The legislature consists of a senate and house of representatives. The members of the latter are elected annually. They must be free, white, male citizens, and at least 21 years of age. The senators are elected for the term of three years. In addition to the above qualifications they must be at least 25 years of age. The legislative sessions commence every year on the first Monday of December. The judicial power is vested in a supreme court-.in circuit courts, and in justices of the peace. The supremee court is held by three judges who are appointe 1 by the governor and senate for the term of seven years. They have appellate jurisdiction: -they hold their sessions at the seat of government-and each,one receives a salary not exceeding 800 dollars per annum. A circuit court is held in each county by a presidentjudge and two associates. The president judges are elected for seven years by a joint ballot of the legislature. Two associate judges are elected in each county by a general ballot, for the term of seven years. The sheriffs are elected every three years by a general ballot. Clerks of the courts and justices of the peace are elected in the same manner and for the term of seven years. Slavery is excluded from this state. ï~~STATE OF ILLINOIS. NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. EXrENT, 3BOT-NDARIES, RIVERS, LAREs, ISLANDS. FACE OF THE COUNTRY, SOIL, &c. CLI3ATE, NATURAL PRODUCTIONS AND CURiOSITIES. The State of Illinois is 374 miles in length and 150 of aver'age breadth. It is between 370 and 42-30 of N. latitude, containing about 52,000 square miles or 33,280,000 acres. On the north it is separated from the North Western Territory by the line of at 42 30'---on the west side it is separated from the -NNaudo-wesse ntry and from Missouri state by the ssissippi ri~er---vn the smeth itis separated from Kentacky by the Ohio rnver---on the ewst it, is separated from In&iaa boy a line runing up the middle of the Wabash 40 miles above Vincennes; (or 16 below fort Harrison) and thence running directly north to lat. 41Q 50'-thence along tiat parallel of latitude to the middle of lake Michigan, and thence north to lat. 42" 30'. RIVERS. The rivers are those already mentioned as constituting its boundaries and their tributary streams. Those Which flow into the Mississippi within this state are 1. Rock river which is 300 yards wide. It rises near lake Michigan. 2 Sand Bay river. 3. Illinois river which debouches in N. latitude 390 10'-18 miles above the mouth of the Missouri and 200 above the mouth of the Ohio. It affords a most important route for navigation as its channel is unobstructed and its current very moderate. It traverses the state for above 400 miles in a south westerly direction, its total length being 500. At its mouth it is 400 yards wvide. It arises in Indiana from the confluence of the Plein and Kenkaki rivers.(min N. lat. 41-48) five miles below lake Depage (an expansion of the Plein.) The rivers which enter the Illinois to the north side are 1. Fox river rises near the sources of Rocky river, and after running towards lake Michigan about 50 miles approaches within two miles of Plein river and then turning southward enters the Illinois to the east of Illinois lake. It is navigable 130 miles, 2. La Marche. 3. Seseme-Quain is navigable about 60 miles. ï~~112 4TATE OF iLLtNOIS. 4. Demi-Quain debouches 30 miles below the latter. It is navigable 120 miles. 5. Sagamond river debouches 28 milesbelow the latter, (130 miles from the Mississippi.) It is 100 yards wkide at its mouth and is navigable 150 miles. 6. The Mine river debouches 75 miles from the Mississippi. The streams which flow into the Illinois on the south side are 1. Rainy Island river or rather creek. 1. Vermilhon river which is too minuch obstructed for navigation. 3. Crow Meadow river, the source of which is near the Knobs at the head of Vermillion of the Wabash. 4 Little Michilimackinac which is navigable for 90 miles and debouches 200 miles from thp Mississippi. 5 Macopin river, or creeks which is 20;miles from the Mia. sissippi. SWood river enters the Mississippi opposite to the mouth of the Missouri. Cahokia enters the Mississippi 40 miles below the Illinois; that is 12 below the Missouri. Kaskaskia enters the Mississippi 110 miles b'low the Illinois (103 above the Ohio.) It is navigable 130 miles. Itreceives, "on the west, Shoal creek, Sugar creek, Silver creek and Richland creek: on the east Crooked creek, Elkhorn and Plumb. creeks. Four miles below the Kaskaskia is Marys river. Au Vase river debouches 70 miles above the mouth of the Ohio antd is navigable 60 miles. Its main branches, on the north side, are Little Muddy and Beaucmup creek. The rivers which water the eastern section of the state are the Great and Little?Wabash and their tributaries. The Great Wabash is connected with this state, as a boun, dary, about 240 miles. On the west side (within Illinois) it receives, from fort Harrison to Vincennes, the Tortue, St. Germain and Moscantin rivers-from Vincennes to the Ohio, the Embarrass, the Bon-Pas and the Little Wabash: the latter of which is, at its mouth, 60 yards wide. The rivers which flow into the Ohio (within Illinois) are The Saline (8 miles below Shawnee town.) It is 150 yards wide at its mouth and is navigable 30 miles. Upon this are salt works belonging to the United States. Its two main brao" ches are called North Fork and West Fork. Cash river debouches 6. miles from the Mississippi., ï~~NATURAL GEOA APHY. It' Navigatol Mississippi - - - - - - 620 iei1 Ohio. - - - 123 VWFash -240 tribitars - - - - 600 Illinois- - -.---320 tributaries-:, - - - - 75' Kaskaskia and branches - - - 300 Au Vase, Maria, Cash, and the other small rivers 200 3053 LAKES. The Illinois river expands (about 200 miles from its mouth) into a lake called Ilinois or Peoria lake. A similar one called Depage is in the Plein river. Many of thestreams in this state have their sources in small lakes' Demiquain lake is near the Illinois river just above the mouth of Demiquaip river. Marrodizua lake, in the Great American Bottom 12 miles below the mouth of Wood river, is 5 miles long and flows by a small outlet into the Mississippi. Eight miles above the Au Vase there is a lake 6 miles long. Bonds lake is about 24 miles below St, Louis. The Illinois river, 40 miles above its mouth, receives on its east side an outlet from a long chain of small lakes. ISLANDS. The islands which belong to Illinois are principally in the Mississippi river and have not yet been designated. That portion of the Ohio bordering on this state contains 15 islands-and in the Mississippi from the mouth of the Ohio to the mouth of the Illinois there are 68. Between that and the north boundary line of the state the islands are very numerous, according to Lieutt-Pike, but the actual number is not mentioned. FACE OF TiE COUNTRY. There are no mountains in Illinois, but there are several large districts of hilly land, particularly in the northern part of thestate along the Illinois river and at the sources of the streams which flow into the Wabash, with occasional portions along the whole western border; approaching generally close to the Mississippi river. Some of the southern border, along the Ohio, is likewise much broken. But the interior is, in general level, consisting of grand prairies interspersed with groves of very good timber No part of it presents a desert character like the upper Missouri country. The prairies are generally fertile, beautiful and gently undulating. Where they are quite level they are marshy-r particularlx those that lie near the sources of the streams, but much the greater part of them are dry. Beginning at the north west angle of the state and passing southward along the Mississippi we find a gradual but great improvement in the qualities of the soil. About the Mouth of K2 ï~~Roct4vinv the greater part is prairie land which sometimes: approches to within sight of the Mississippi. At intervals we see barren hills covered with cedar and pine. Between tl__eranges thereis found different kinds of brottom. Some nevtluvion where the trees are sycamore; black, willow, American lin, water maple, swamp oak, cottonwood, water-ash, waterelm, &. The soil producing these is generally second rate, and suchsituations are- always unhealthy. The next kind ofbottomr has black; walnut, honey locust, peecarr, and other 'kinds of hickory, buckeye, papaw, &c. This is the best possible soil for thisclimate and'is rarely unhealthy. Alternate porticns of the above sorts are seen until we arrive at the mouth of the Illinois; and proceeding up that river we find the country nearly similar. Between those two rivers and at a considerable distance fromiboth are found districts of1 "rooling land,"' that is moderately hilly, and chiefly wooded with different kinds of oaktogether with hickory, beech, ash, &c. or such as-is commonvlycalled small grain land. It is between the Mississippi and Illinois, immedlately above their confluence, that the United States have appropriated 3,500,000 acres of bounty land for the soldiers who served in the late war against Great Britain. Below the mouth of the Illinois commences the ' Great Ame* rican Bottom:' it extendsa hundred miles-nearlyto Kaskaskia, containingabout.6O:square miles of land equal, it is. said, tr any in the western country. It also contains lakes, as has been observedl upon whose shores there are views inconceivably delightful. The country adjoining this bottom is elevated rol lingland verYtvaluable and, well suited for agriculture, The bottom terminates at eachend with a country of a very different character; less valuable but not less agreeable to the eve of a tAsteful traveller On the shores of the Kaskaskia and Illingis:wemeet. hills broken,rocky and precipitous: and com. bined in the same view with them are the deep swails, the wideks savannahs with their clumps and groves, the lake and river scenery, all.t varietieaand contrasts that constitute the pireturesque.. turs Kaskaskia ta the mouth of the Ohio the country i, chiefly barren and.often dreary; hilly in some parts but generally flat and iwet.' At the confluen.e of the Ohio and Mississippi the shores are marshy and uninhabitable. The point of land between those two rivers is 90feet above the usual height ofthe water, but in times of floods-it is inundated several feet. EN cry year bhre is somewhat addedto its height by slimeand sand deposited during the inundations. The shores of the Ohio below the Wabash are generally flat and wet; intersected occasionally with lines of sterile hillsi The countryalong the Wabash issmuch better. With-the exception of its wet bottoms it isinmany parts excellent: chiefly' "rolling land" covered, with trees of great magnitude. The shores of the creeks and rivers in thatquarter are marshy and liable to be inundated. The country at a distance front th. ï~~NAXTURAL GEOGfRXPT1 1Yt great streams isin many places destitute of timber but mostl~ fertile. The trees however are unlike those far westward and northward in--the Missofri country, for here; wherever they appear, they are large, and of good kinds. Mr. Birkbeck whose settlenment is between the Great and Little Wabash says the' land it his neighbourhood is equal or superior to any in Ohio or Indiana: "It is8a fine black mould inclining to sand, and is from one to-four-feet deep." The country westward of his establishment, along the Little Wabash, and particularly that on the "Skillet Fork" he calls dreadful. It is generally either prairie or heavy woodland rendered almost impervious by the wild exuberance of undergrowth and by marshy flats. along the stagnating streams. The interior of the state consists chiefly of prairie, the north end of the state is little known, and as yet belongs to the Indians,. The large Prairies of Illinois are remarkable for sink holesf; as they are called. They are excavations sometimes 150 feet wide, in-the shape of an inverted cone-and at the bottom of each one there is-a spring of pure water. CLIMATE. In this respect Illinois cannot differ much fromn the settled parts of Missouri state. The actual difference seems to be rather in favout of Missouri. The dy, elevated di'stricts of Illinois, we have every reason toregard as perfectly healthy, and the superior average fertility of its soil, together with the advantages of its situation;, must, for-a long time, render it. place of great attraction to-emigrants. NATURAL PRODUCTIODNS. Lead and copper hnve been, found in several parts of the state. Upon Mineriver there is said to be a hill of allum. Coal is found on the Au Vase river and upon the Illinois above Peoria lake. Below the coal mine of Au Vase there are two ponds-of yellowish, stagnant- water, from which the Indians and French of that country used to make excellent salt. On the Saline river (below the Wabash) at th U States' saline is made the chief part of the salt required at-.. present for the supply of Illinois and Indiana. Lime is the ba. sis of the greater part of the hills, and wrlite clay is found ot, the-Tortue and Illinois rivers, "Sand predominates in the soil of the south-easterrit quarterof Illinois. The basis of the country is sand-stone, lying, I believe, on clay slate. The bed of the Ohio at Shawheetown is sand-stone:. forty miles north-east, near HfIrmony, is a quarry of the same stone on the banks of Big Wabash. The shoals of the Little Wabash, and of the Skillet-fork, twenty, forty and sixty miles up, are of the. same formation. No limestone has. yet been discovered in the district. I have heard of coal in severa! places, but have not seen a specimen of it. Little, howev -.. er, is known of the surface of many parts of the country; and the wells, thoulh aumerous, rarely reach the depth of thirty ï~~116 STATE OF ILLINOIS. feet, below which, I presume, it hqs in no instance been explo% red." [Birkbeck's Notes] The-same writer afterwardsobserves in his Letters that there is excellent limistone in that quarter. The peccan or Illinois nut is abundant, and has constituted an article of export for many years. It is a species of hickory which is not plentiful in any other part of the United States; and from it this state derived its name--(1sle of nuts). Grapes grow wild in great quantities; and the French have continued to make wine of them ever since they occupied this part of the country. Upon the head waters of the Illinois there are numerous lakes of wild rice the sesort of wild geese and ducks. The hunters find plenty of deer, bears, wolves, foxes, and, above all, turkies; but buffaloes. once the supreme occupants of the Illinois prairies, are seen there no more, having receded from the settlements of white men. NATURAL CURIOSITIEs. On the Ohio shore, 1V miles below Saline river, there is a cave 20 feet above the common height of the river. The mouth of it is semicircular passing through the perpendicular face of a rock 30 feet in height. A few yards from the entrance is a room 60 yards long and nearly the same in width. Near the centre of the roof there is an aperture like a chimney, which, according to Ash, opens into another room like a Gothic cathedral, with a vault of immense depth at the end of it-But Ash is already celebrated for false - hood and villany. This cave was the refuge of Mason's famous gang of robbers in 1797. Battery Rocks are a great range of perpendicular rocks upon the Ohio shore 8 miles above the "Cave in the Rock"?' The Devil's Oven is a rock resembling, an oven, projecting into the Mississippi from a precipitous bluff, 15 miles below the mouth of the river Au Vase. ï~~IVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPIIt OF ILLINOIS STATE. Dixistoixs, Towxs, POPULXTIOW, SETTLYIENTS1 INDIANS) IPRaoVEMENTS, CONSTITUTION, STATE Bi sCOUNTIES. Population TowNs. of 1810. Randolph 7,275 Kaskaskia, Prairic-de-Rochlie St. Clair 3,007 Cahokia, Bellville. Gallatin Edward Johnson MIadison Edwardsville, Alton. Bond Ripley, Perryville, Independence, Poe. Monroe Harrisonville, St. Philipe. Washington Covington. Jackson Brownsville. Union Jonesburgh. Alexander America, Cairo. The whole population of the state in 1818 was 40,154 ToWNss Kaskaskia is situated on the west side of the Kaskaskia river, eight miles from its mouth, but only four from the nearest part of the Mississippi. It is 150 miles southewest from Vincennes, and 900 from Was'hington city. It was first estab1ished by French emigrants from Lower Canada about 100 years ago; and their descendants still constitute a lare proportion of its population. In 181 7 the houses, many of which are stone, were 160 in number, scattered over a wide plain. They have acute roofs, and the odd, clumsy general appearance which distinguishes the French and German villages. In the rear of the houses are a large picketed gardens, from which the chief part of the vegetable food of the inhabitants is produced. They likewise keep great numbers of cattle, swine, poultry, &c. This town contains the land-office of its district, and a printing office where the "Illinois Herald" is published. The neighbouring country is well cultivated. Prairie du Roche in the Great Bottom 11 miles north of Kas,-askia, contains sixty or seventy families, chiefly French, and ï~~0 STATE OF ILLINOi. they have a Roman Catholic chapel. The land around it is beautiful and of the richest kind of prairie. Near this village, on the south side, is situated the monastery of La Tr ppe, so much celebrated in the annals of superstition. Its monks are devoted to perpetual silence, and have no employment, except that of digging their own graves. This austere institutution was founded at Perche in France, in the year 1 40, by Rotrou of Per.he, and was modified into the extreme of its severity in 1664 by the once gay, but love lorn Abbe Rance. From France it was long afterwards removed to the wilds of Illinois. Four miles to the northward of Prairie du Roche are the venerable and romantic ruins of fort Chartres which was built by the French at the expense of 100,000 dollars. St. Philipe is an agreeable village about 10 miles to the north of Prairie du Roche. Cahokia is situated one mnile from the Mississippi on Cahokia river, and five fron St. L bis, It has 160 houses which are ccupied chiefly by Frenach. Formerly it earried o a considerable trade in furs, but at present it is rather on the dechne-- as many of its inha tants have removed to bet ter situations. It is said to be unhealthy: for, althottgK built on elevated ground, it is flt and wet. It contains a Roman Catholic chapel, a court house, &c. Eight miles from the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi, above the marshes, a town has oeen laid out, which, in the true American style of nomenclature, has been called the "city of America. W ikinsonville stands on the shore ofthe Ohio, about 25 miles from its mouth. Formerly a garrison was kept here, and since its removal the village has somewhat declined. It is almost surrounded by a small, beautiful prairie. It has a fine harbour for vessels by an eddy in the Ohio. Fo Massac is abeut 25 miles higher upon the river. It was built'by the French and occupied by them until about the year 1756. After the Revolutionary war it was used as a military post by the United s;tates for several years; but has been suffered to fall into ruin. Shawneetown is on the Ohio shore 9 miles below the mouth of the Wabash At this place is the land office for the district, including the south eastern angle of the state Its scite is low and liable to be ov( rflown. " Once a year," says Mi- Birkbeck, "for a se ies of successive springs the river has carried away their fences from the cleared lands, till at length these tly have surrendered and ceased to cultivate. Once a year the inhhaitants either make their escape to the higher lands or tAkc ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. 119 refuge in the upper stories until the waters subside, when they recover their position on this desolate sand bank'." Edwardsville is a new town 20 miles north east of St. Louis. It is at present the seat of government for the state. Vandalia has been designated as the seat of government. It is situated on the Kaskaskia river, 60 miles east from the mouth of the Missouri. i The city of Alount Carmel" is situated on the west side of the Wabash, opposite the mouths of White river and Patoka. It was commenced in 1819 by a company of Episcopal methodists..4Albion is in "the British settlements, between Great and Little \WVabash, about 12 miles from the former and 6 from the latter" It was commenced in 1819 by Mr. Flower, and during that year 30 houses were built in it. Messrs. Richard and George Flower, had, in the fall of 1819, between 3 and 400 cattle and 500 sheep. The scite of Mr. Birkbeck's settlement has been already noticed. Descriptins of it have been given in his " N otes on a Journey in Aincrica" and " Letters from Illinois;" and as these highly interesting works have been very extensively circulated, it can ha.rdly be necessary to make extracts from thenm. Sincc the paulca ti,.n of theii maniy people have busied themselves in representing the EKnglish pra rie as unhealthy, and the condition of its settlers as deplorable in every respect. Those false reports occasioned Mr. Birkbeck to address to Mr. Bakewell of Pittsburgh a letter, lated Dec. 14 1818, n which he observes: " We now iumber about 300, where 18 months ago there were two families. We have good health and good spirits; good w-iter, good land, an: good provisions. We have probably suffered less by sickness than any se tlement under similar circumstances, certa'nly less than any settlement under my observation, and this we may fairly attribute to the superior salubrity of the situation My own family has enjoyed extratordinary health, and I h:tve n t beent confined in the house by sickness of any kind since I entered the territory. We have only had three fatal c: ses, and those were of p rsons who came to us labouring under disease, either constitutional or occasioned by the journey, and who died soon after tacit' arrival." Indians. The northern part of Illinois is yet owned and occupied by Indian tribes Part of the country upon the borders of Sand Bay and Rock rivers is claimed by a partron of the Sauk nation who reside there ii three villages. ihe United States placed an agricultural establishment there (4 milew ï~~STATE or ILLINOIs. ibelow Rock river) under the superintendance of a certain Mri Ewing, for the purpose of teaching the savages to become farmers; but they treated it contempt, and it was at last aban4loned, Between the Kaskaskia and Illinois rivers there are remnants of the Kaskaskia, Illinois, Cahokia and Peoria tribes. Somne of them killed the Sauk chief Pontiac, and in conse*quence of that act the Sank nation made war with them and nearly exterminated the whole of them. At present they count only 250 warriors. The Piankashaws and Mascontins reside oa the Tortue and Rejoicing rivers (branches of the Wabash).and some of the Delaware and Shawncese nations have their summer hunting ground on the An Vase, four miles below the mouth of which their lodgers are situated. By a treaty concluded at Edwaidsville on the 31st of July, 1819, the Kickapoos ceded to the United States all their lands.south-west of the Wabash. The boundary of the ceded tract commences at the north angle of the cession of 1809-raning from that eastwardly to the line which divides Illinois from Indiana-thence along that line north to the Kenkakee river--then.down that rivejr to the Illinois river, and then down it to the Mississippi-thence to the Vincennes tract-thence along its western and north-western limits to the place of beginning. The tract thus ceded contains between 13 and 14,000,000 of acres. In addition to the Osage lands the Kickapoos are to xeceive 2000 dollars per annum for 15 years. Improvement,8, &c. There is a good road through the American Bottom from Kaskaskia to Cahokia. Emigrants pass to Kaskaskia either by the rivers, or by the road from Vincennes, or by that below Shawnoetown, or by that past Lusk's ferry, 16 mniles above Cumberland river. The United States have leased lands along these routes, requiring of the tenants, as rent, to keep the roads in good condition. Still however travelling is dlisagreeable in this country, for in many places the travellers are obliged to " camnp out;" but so great has been the influx of sojourners hither, that this inconvenience may have ceased to exist before this book can pass through the press.,CONSTITrturToN. The governor is elected every 4 years, and until the year 1824 his salary is to be 8 1009 per annum. There is also a lieutenant governor, elected every 4 years-to administer the government when the governor happens to be absent, or when the governor's office is vacant; at other times (during the session of the legislature) he is to be speaker of the senate. The supreme court is to consist of 4 judges elected by a joint ballot of the two branches of the legislature. The judges are to retain their offices during good behaviour-until the year 1824, at which time new appointments are to be made, during good behaviour and for life. These judges form a council with the governor, and have an equal voice with him in the approval of all new laws. Their salary is 1000 dollars per annim. ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GROGRAPtY. 1 The legislature is to consist of a senate and house of representatives. The senators to be elected ey ery 4 years. It is necessary that they be at least 25 years of age and have resided within the state at least one year. The members of the representative house are to be elected every two years-They must be at least 21 years of age. Sheriffs and coroners are be elected every two years. The qualifications of voters are, 1st to be at least 21 years of age, and 2nd to have resided at least six months within the state. The introduction of slaves into the state will be toleratod only within the "lick reserve" and there only until the year 1825. The original French settlers are suffered to retain their slaves; and the legal indentures of negroes intwr6duced before the adoption of the constitution are valid, but the offspring of them shall be ftee-males at the age of 21, anid females at 18. No contract that may be entered into hereafter between a negro and a white person shall be valid for a longer period than one year. The first session of the General Assembly was held on the first Monday in October 1818, but hereafter thqir sittings are to commence on the first Monday in December every yenr. By an act of Congress of March 3d 1819 Illinois was constituted a State; and a judicial district with a district court organized. STr&E BANK. The legislature of Illinois in 1819 authorized the establishment of a new bank with a capital of 9 4,000,000; of which S 2,000,000 are to be taken on behalf the state, It is to go into operation as soon as 8 15,000 are paid in; and shall not issue notes beyond the amount of 8 8,000,000. Whether we call this madness or swindling we presume it has no modern parallel. ï~~STATE OF MISSOURI. NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. 4 OTDARIES, hIVE"S, FACEF OF THlE COUNTRY, Soi, &c. NATUIA. PRODUCTIONS, GEOLOGY. CLIMATE. NATIUTAL CURIOSITIES. On the south it is separated from the Arkansaw territory by the parallel of 360 of north hLatitude; beginning at the Mississippi river and extending west to the St. Francis river; thence by a line running up the middle of the main channel of that river to the latitude of 360 30'; thence, west, along that line of latitude to a point where it is intersected by a meridian line passing through the middle of the mouth of Kanzas or Kanz*w river. On the west it is separated from the Knazaw country by the same meridian line, extending north to the parallel of latitude that passes through the rapids of the river Des Moines; making this line correspond with the Indian boundary line: On thile north it is sepArated from the Naudoessee country by the said parallel of latitutde, extending east to the middle of the channel at the mai fork of the river Des Moines; thence, down the middle of the main channel of 1)es Moines, to where it enters the Mississippi river: On the east it is separated from the Illinois, Kentucky and Tenessee states by a line passing down the middle of the main channel of the Mississippi to the place of beginning. RIVERs. The Missouri passes through the middle of this state, from west to east, and enters the Mississippi in lat. 38q 50'. As its entire length is above 3000 miles, and as the porion of it included in this state is only about 900, the general description of it is reserved to be given. in the sketch of the Kanzaw, Upper Missouri and Naudoessee countries. The rivers which enter the Missouri on the left (north side) within this state are 1 Little Platte, 2 Tyger river, 3 Grand river, 4 Chariton, 5 Goodwomans river, 6 Little Manitou, 7 Great Mapitou, 8 Cedar river, 9 May river, 10 Otter river, 11 Cherette, 12 Feme-Osage river. The three latter are below the mouth of the Osage. None of them large. On the south side of the Missouribelow the Kanzas are Blue river, and Mine river. The Salt Fork of the latter st-eam is generally, during the summer months, as strongly impregnated with salt as sea wat-r is:. It receives a creek about 20 feet wide which, it is said, never varies as to the volume of water it supplies; and it is formed entirely by salt springs. ï~~NATtTRAL GIOGRAPI-Y. 2 1 3 Little Saltwater river, which likewise abounds with salines. 4 Osage (Wasash) enters the Missouri 133 miles from its mouth in lat. 38 22'. It is said to be navigable 600 miles, but it contains an unusually great number of shoals and sand bars. Its main sources are in the Black mountains which divide its waters from those of the Arkansaw. Its chief branches on the south side are the Grand Fork, Buckeye river, Cardinal ri. ver, Park river, and Yungar or Nehemgar, so called on account of the great number of springs from which it rises. It is sa'd to be navigable for canoes 100 miles. It enters thd Osage about 140 miles from the Missouri. Twenty-five miles further down the Great Gravel river enters, likewvise on the south side. The northern branches of the Osage are Vermillion, East Fork, and Grand rivers. 5 & 6 Gasconade enters the Missouri about 120 miles from the Mississippi, and the Bonhommne about 70. Thle rivers that enter the Mississippi on the west side, between the Des Moines and Missouri, are I the Wyaconda, 2 the Jaustioni, 3 Wahah,h or Salt river, which has salines 30 or 40 miles from its mouth; 4 Burr river, 5 Buffadoe river. " The Merrimack" says Mr. Schoolcraft, " is the only considerable stream which enters the Mississippi on the west, from the mouth of the Mis,;ouri to the mouth of St. Francis, a distance of nearly 500 miles. It is 100 miles in length and joins the Mississippi 18 milesbelow St. Louis where it is only 1.00 yards in width. Its depth is not great, being navigable only ~0 miles with common sized boats, except in the spring and fall when its principal tributaries may be ascended. It waters the country of the lead mines and affords some facilities for the transportation of lead to the Mississippi, which do not appear to be known or appreciated, and have not been improved." A branch of one of its tributaries, the Negro Fork, nearly encircles Mine A Burton. Its two main branches are the Fourche a Curtois and Osage Fork rivers which rise near the heads of the St. Francis. The following streams debouche between the Merrimack and the mouth of the Ohio; to wit, 1 Platine, 2 Gabourie, and 3 Saline creeks, 4 St. Lora, 5 Amite, 6 Obrazo, and 7 La Pomme rivers, and 8 Tyawatia creek. St. Lora is the largest of them and is remarked as a beautiful stream. Chepousa river is about 70 miles in length and has its source in a lake It enters the Mississippi 90 miles below the mouth of the Ohio, A considerable portion of the St. Francis river and several of the head branches of the White river water the souithern parts of this state. FACE OF THE COUNTRY. The part of this state, watered by the lower Missouri and its tributaries is generally fertile and ï~~124 STATE OF MISSOtRL dry, with woodland sometimes level and sometimes hilly; prairies chiefly level or slightly undulating; and with no marshes, ponds or lakes worthy of notice. There are no mountains within peveral hundred miles of the Mississippi on the west side. The Missouri bottoms are not greatly varied in quality from the Mississippi to the Kanzaw. They are generally rich and dry, covered luxuriantly with large timber, of which cottonwood is the most common kind Besides this are the sugar tree, pecan, black walnut, sycamore, locust, hickory, the ustal varieties of oak, elm, ash, &c. with close undergrowth of vines and shrubbery. The cane is found in many parts but does not eccupy aty extensive districts. The bottoms of the Missouri and its tributaries are generally of much greater proportional breadth than those of the Ohio. The uplands north of the Missouri are rather more level than those on the south side, and have less timber but in general greater fertility. So far as the country between the Mississippi and Missouri is known, it consists chiefly ef rich level prairie with woodland borders of various breadth, sometimes several miles wide along the streams. Where there are hills they are mostly of very gentle inclination; seldom rising into the boldness or variety of what is called " rolling land." On the south side of the Missouri the district between the Kanzaw and Osage called the "Boone's Lick country" (Howard county,) is very fertile and beautiful. It is somewhat hilly but not rugged. From the central parts, prairies of unknown limits extend southward and spread into dreary sublimity towards the borders of the Arkansaw territory. All the prairies here (unlike the smooth grassy lawn prairies of the Upper Missouri) are covered with tall coarse grasses, and a superb variety of wild flowers; being the most agreeable and valuable portions of the country, so far as they are intermingled with woodland. The bottoms of the Osage are rich and extensive, particularly on the north side, though generally, the woodland here is - of less breadth than it is along the Missouri. Gen. Pike says " the country round the Osage villages is one of the most beautiful the eye ever beheld?' The greater part consists of prairie, but the numerous groves present a heavy growth of large trees, chiefly of the most valuable kind. The land is seldom either level or hilly, but mostly sloping and agreeably varied. Passing the Osage to the Mississippi across the Gasconade and Bonhomme rivers the ctountry differs little from that already noticed, except that in some parts it is more hilly and better supplied with springs. A tract of elevated and uneven land extends southward from the mouth of the Missouri along the west shore of the Mississippi leaving narrow bottoms interrupted with bluff limestone banks. It terminates twelve miles below Cape Girardeau; and from that to the gulf of Mexico the high land no where approa ï~~N~ATURAL (GEOGAAPHiY. ches the Mississippi on that side. Below the mouth of the Ohio the bottoms on the west shore of the Mississippi become of in..determinate width, being rich and low, interspersed with la goons, ponds, marshes and bayous, and extending with little change westward to the river St. Francis. The country along the head waters of the White river and St. Francis is chiefly hilly and sterile; consisting of prairies alternating with tracts of woodland,sometimes of pine and sometimes scrubby oak, with a poor soil, consisting of clay intermingled with fragments of hornstone, quartz, jaspery flint and limestone. The bottoms of the streamsiare generally rich and well timbered, but they are in many places walled in by sublime precipices of limestone rock which constitutes the chief basis of this district. The tributaries of White river present an immense number of salt petre caves,-some of them very extensive and branch. ed into avenues or rooms like the caves of Kentucky. The cane region terminates upon the head of this river aid is ir. some places intersected with marshy flats. NATURAL PRODUCTIONS. Missouri is celebrated for its minerals. Of these the lead is at present considered the most valuable and is found in abundance sufficient for the supply of the whole world. The great lead district is about 50 miles in length and 25 in breadth, extending across the head waters of the rivers Merrimack and Gouberie. The principal mines now woiked are Mine a Burton, Mine la Motte, The New Diggings, American Mine, &c. I have seen specimens of carbonate of lead from those mines, but I suppose the common ore of it is Galena, (the sulphuret of lead.) It is rich, producing often 80 and 90 pounds of metal from 100 of ore. It is found not only in every part of this lead district but extends to the St. Francis and to Washita. It is in veins of every size under three feet in diameter, commencing from 3 to 12 feet beneath the surface of the earth. The utmost depth of the veins has r.ever be'en ascertained, as the miners never penetrate far, but quit their diggings whenever the water begins to incommode them, though it is said by some that the best ore could be procured from those abandoned mines, if regular shafts were sunk and machinery constructed for pumping out the water. There is no complete furnace for smelting, except at Mine a Burton, as the miners generally, in order to reduce the org build it up in alternate layers with wood between two rude 'walls 5 or 6 feet high The product ot those mines has been about a thousand tons annually. Mineral coal has been found in great abundance in several places, and is believed to extend through all the country bordering on the Missouri, at least within several hundred- miles of its mouth., lear the shore, about 15 miles from the MissisL2 ï~~126 STATE OF MISSOURI, sippi, there is a hill called La Charboniere which is entirely a solid mass of coal. The country between the Missouri and the Mississippi presents beds of clay very white and fine, but its qualities have not been examined. There is also a black hard clay from which the Indians make cooking utensils. In several places there are found large masses of a soft compact red sort of stone which hardens by exposure to the air, and is cut into pipes and similar articles. It is, probably, a variety of steatite or of pot stone. Limestone extends through the whole state generally in strata of great thickness. Iron ore is abundant, and is said to be of an unusually good quality. iuc is found in masses in the lead mines, and in quantity amore than sufficient for the supply of Umnited States. Allum and copperas are frequently found here in extensive beds. Salt springs are numerous and highly impregnated, particlarly in the south end of the state. White stone, or a fossil suspected to be kaolin, is found in many places along the Missouri river. Saltpetre appears to be as abundant in the numerous caves of the White river country as it is in Kentucky. GEOLOGY. This state appears to be all of secondary formation. Its chief basis is limestone, sometimes alternating with sand stone. In the southern districts the limestone often appears without intermediate layers, rising, stratum super stratum, to the height of several hundred feet. At one place it has been observed to rest upon a basis of ribband jasper. Flint and other quartzy stones are abundant in many parts. Clay slate does not seem to be common, but there are numerous bed4 of soap stone and other varieties of magnesian fossils. The metallic veins though not greatly varied are generallyrich and extensive. Mr. Schoolcraft states that the ranges of hills, which separate the tributaries of the Missouri from those of White river and St. Francis, present primitive rock (cry stalized limestone) but whether in detached masses, or as an unbroken formation, -is not mentioned. CLIMATE. A great portion of the country including the St. Francis, White river, Arkansaw and heads of Washita, give rise annually to dissentery, ague, and bilious complaints. The Mississippi flats south of New Madrid are considered extremely unhealthy. All the country which includes the Missouri and its tributaries is celebrated for healthiness. The air in it is remarkably dry and clear. The only complaints that are frequent here are colds of that kind absurdly called in. fluenza. ï~~NATIRAL GEOGRAPHY. 127 NATURAL CURIOSITIES. The numerous caves in the south end of this state will probably be found well worthy of examination. Most of them contain salt petre. The sides and ceilings of many are ornamented with stalactites and masses of stalagmite. A large creek flows out of the mouth of one of them. They are all calcareous. ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRARIIY OF MISSOURI STATE. DVIStows, TOWKS, POPULATIOlI, AxGRICULTURE, COMMxERCL Census I COUNTIES. of 1813. 5,2 TOWNS. -]ovwiard 3386 St. Charles 2866 St. Louis 4725 St. Genevieve 12205 Washington 12451 Cape Girardeau 2303 New Madrid I669 Lawrence. 1592 386 Franklin. 366 St. Charles, Belle Fontaine, 23I Ferinsand., 2351 St. Louis, Carondelet, St. 205 St. Genevieve, Bourbon. 245 Potosi. 95 Cape Girardeau. 1691 New Madrid. 29 Thus the territory (exclusive of Arkansaw) had 19,218 free white males in 1818. Census of 1810. St. Charles - - St. Louis - - St. Genevieve - Cape Girardeau - 3,505 New Madrid - - 5,657 St. Francis - - 4,260 District of Arkansaw - 3,100 Whole population - 3,103 188 874 20,845 Divisions under the act of 1820. COUNTIES Representatives. TowNs. Howard 5 Washington Cooper 3 St. Genevieve Pike 1 Madison Lincoln 1 Cape Girardeau St. Charles 3 New Madrid. Franklin 1 Part of Lawrencej St. Louis 8 Wayno 5 Jefferson 1 Rep. 3 4 1 2 1 ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY; 129 The population of Howard county in 1819 was stated at 8000 -which is questionable. Towns. St. Louis is the largest town in Missouri, and though at the border of the state it is at present the seat of government. It is situated on the shore of the Mississippi upon a high plain composed. of rock, 18 miles below the mouth of the Missouri, in N. lat. 330 39'. It was founded by the French in 1764 and intended as a depot for the Indian trade. It consists of three parallel streets which extend along the river nearly two miles. The houses are chiefly of stone-plaistered or whitewashed on the outside. Many of them are large and handsome, and have fine gardens attached to them, which are enclosed by high stone walls. The population was estimated, three years ago, at 5000; and it still continues to increase rapidly. When the United States first acquired possession of the territory including this state, the inhabitants were chiefly French, and strongly characterized by peculiar habits, in which the suavity and gaiety of French manners was mingled With the indolence, liberty and equality of savage life. Of late years Americanism prevails in every town and tract of this country, through the overwhelming influence of the new settlers. The neighbourhood of St. Louis is a beautiful prairie highly cultivated. FTranklin has risen in about two years to be the habitation of above one thousand people, and will no doubt soon be a place of great trade and consequence. It has a respectable nedwspaper the press of which was the first that ever crossed the Missouri. It is situated on Missouri shore-lat, 380 57' 9" long. from Washington 15 58' 6', St. Genevieve is situated upon a second bank of the Mississippi, 124 miles above the mouth of the Ohio and 55 below St. Louis. It was founded by the French in 1774. It is the chief depot of the lead t adje, being at the mouth of the river Gouberie which flo ws tl:.h the great lead district. It has an acaderqy and above 300 4se. Adjacent to the town there is a rich bottom in which there is a field containing about 7000 acres, held in common and cultivated by all the citizens. JNew Madrid is situated on the Mississippi shore about 70 miles below the mouth of the Ohio. It was founded in 1787, and was at first a place of great prdmise and some celebrity. Its scite has a grand and imposing effect, but it has made little progress as it has beent annually unhealthy, being surrounded by muddy creeks and marshy flats. A great part of it has been washed away by the river; the rest has been sunk several feet by the earthquake of 1812, and shaken repeatedly since. On the west side of the town there is a beautiful lake, and a fine harbouy in the mouth of Chepousa creek above it. ï~~1 30 STATE OF MISSOURI. St. Charles8 is upon the north shore of the Missouri, 24 miles above its mouth, and 18 (by a a direct course) from St Louis. It was founded in 1780, and is now a fine flourishing town, containing (in 1818) about 200 houses and 1000 inhabitants. Cape Girardeau is upon a high bluff bank of the Mississippi 45 miles above the mouth of the Ohio, and 70 below St. Genevieve. It is but a small village and is occupied chiefly by Germans and French. Belle Fontaine is at the month of the Missouri and on the south shore. It contains a garrison and is the head quarters for the ninth military department. Villepouche, or Videpoche, is a French village on the Mississippi shore 6 miles below St. Louis. It contains 60 or 70 houses. New Bourbon is a village of about the same size,-situated on a bluff bank of the Mississippi twvomiles below St. Genevieve. Carond le't is a small French-village about 6 miles, in a western directiop, from St. Louis. St. F rdinand is situated in an open plain about 14 miles northwest from St. Louis. Hlerculaneum is an American village which has risen around the sh6t manufactory of Mr. Matlock, on the Mississippi shore 28 miles below St. Louis. Florissant is on the north shore of the Missouri 12 miles above Belle Fontaine. Portage de Sioux is on the Mississippi shore six miles above the Missouri. AFladdeneville is likewise on the Mississippi shore nearly opposite the mouth of the Kaskaskia. Potosi, formerly called the village of Mine a Burton, is growing into a town of importance. It is surrounded by the great lead mine district, and is situated in a beautiful valley upon a branch of the Merrimack, 40 miles west from St. Genevieve, and 60 south west from St. Louis.. Besides a courthouse, jail, &c. it has an academy and several mills. It is stated that between the years 1798 and 1816 the lead smelted here amounted to 9,360,000 pounds. ï~~GIViYt AND POLITICAL GEOGRNPHY. 131 AGRtCULTURE. Maize, rye, wheat, oats, buckwheat, in fact all kinds of grain grow as luxuriantly in Missouri as in any part of the United States. -Cotton, flax and indigo can be cultivated to good advantage. It is remarkable however that tobacco does not thrive here even on soils equal to the best tobacco lands of Kentucky or Tennessee. Hemp is said to be indigenous here; sweet potatoes and common potatoes, and all the common esculent roots succeed very well. GOMlMERCE. Lead is at present the great staple of this country, and it is estimated that the produce of the mines is 1000 tons annually. An extensive trade in furs and peltries is carried on with the Indians who live in the region north and \vest of this, but it is monopolized by the United States establishments; the depot of it having been lately transferred to Washington city, greatly to the injury of this state. ï~~KANZAW,NAUDOESSEE AND UPPER MISSOURI COUNTRIES. NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. BOVARIE9s, RIvEts, LAKES. FACE OF1 THE COUNTRY, SOL, &C. PRODUCTIONS. ANIMALS. INDIANS. ACT PROHIBITING SLAVERY. The names above are chosen to designate different portions of the undivided territory north and west of Missouri state. They include part of the country purchased from France under the name of "Louisiana;" but as that name has been appropriated to the state lately formed from "Orleans territory" it would be improper to allow any extension of it beyond that state. The name Kanzaw is here applied to the country watered by the river Kanzas, which should be pronounced Kanzaw. On the east it is bounded by Missouri state; on the north by the Upper Missouri country; on the west by the Cordilera mountains; and on the south by the Arkansaw territory. The Naudoessee country is inhabited chiefly by the Sioux or Naudoessee Indians It is bounded on the south by Missouri state; on the east by the Mississippi river; on the north partly by the same; and on the west by the Missouri river. The Upper Missouri country lies north west of the territories here indicated. On the north it is bounded by the British North Ainerican possessions, and on the west by the Cordilera mountains. As the two former of these divisions will probably become states in eight or ten years it may be well to settle their nomenclature early. The Indian name of the St. Pierre should be ascertained, and if it is a good one it should be applied to the country watered by that river. The nanft of the Platte or La Platt and Yellow Stone should also be ascertained for a like purpose. Almost all the well sounding names which we have in this country are aboriginal ones. RIVERs. The Missouri, though regarded as a branch of the Mississippi, is in fact the principal stream; because above their confluence the Missouri extends 3100 miles, and the Mississippi little more than one third of that distance (say 1100 miles.) The Missouri at the mouth is 700 yards wide, and 1888 miles from thentce it is 527 yards. Its current is rapid ï~~NATURAL GEOGRNkPHY. -f uand deep, affording good navigation as far as fort Mandan, which is.1600 miles from its mouth. At the distance of 970 miles beyond that are the great falls, which extend 18 miles along the river through a total descent of 362 feet. The first fall is 98 feet, the second 19, the the third 48, the fourth 26. The remainining 171 feet of descent is through numerous rapids. This river is remarkable for the yellow coloar and saline taste of its water. Near Its source it is divided into three branches nearly equal; and Capt. Clark, instead of applying the name of Missouri to the principal one, called the north branch Jefferson, the middle one Mladison, and the south one Gallatin. From the confluence of these streams the Missouri runs northerly about 250 miles to the great falls. From thence its main course is eastward 900 miles (nearly to fort Mandan.) From thence it is southward about the same distance. Afterwards it runs chiefly in a south eastern directioR until it reaches the Mississippi. Its lesser windings are too numerous and unimportant to be noticed here. Of its tributary waters those that enter it on northern side are as follows, commencing nt the mouth of Jefferson river. I Dearborns, 2 Medicine river, near the falls, and 3 Mariae river just below them. Between these and the Mandans oi the same side are 4 Brattons river, 5 Milk river, 6 Porcupine river, 7 WhiteCash river. Below the Mandans are 8 Warreconne river, 9 Otter river, 10 Jaque river, 11 Great Sioux, 12 Little Sioux, 13 Soldiers river, 14 Little Platte, 15 Tyger river, 16 Grand river, 17 Charrton, 18 Goodwomans river, 19 Little Manitou, 90 Great Manitou,.1 Cedar river, 22.May river, 23 Lower Otter, 24 Cherette, and 25 Femme-Osage rivers. The rivers that join the Missouri on the left or south side, proceeding from the mouth of Gallatin river, are 1 Muscleshell river, 66 miles above fort Mandan. 2 Yellow Stone, which deb6uches 27V8 miles above the Mandan villages (i. e. 1488 firomn the mouth of Missouri.) At its mouth it is about half a mile wide; and rapid though rather shallow. The water is clear e'xept just after rain; and then it is remarkably muddy with the earth that is wathed into it from the bare hills which extend along its shores. It receives severa- rivers some of them of tonsiderable size--the largest is Big-IA rn. It has its source in a lake near the Cordilera mountains. 'Besides this there are the Tongue riveor, Afarahacap and others. 3 Thef-ttle Missouri, 186 miles below Yellow-Stonre, st 90 mile&above the Mandans. The name arose from itsresemblance to the great Missouri both inieolour and tas" 4 BatterautÂ~ river is about 104yar ide, 5 Weterhoo river 6 &zarcGraiver. ï~~134 KANZAW, NAUDOESSEE, &c. COUNTRIE. 7 Chien or Dog river, which is about half a mile wide. 8 White river is about 150 yards wide and is navigable 100 miles. 9 Teton, 10 Quicoure, (1026 miles from the mouth of Missouri.) 11 Platte is a large river and flows through a level country. It is navigable several hundred miles and it head waters lie near those of the Arkansaw. 12 Weeping river, 13 Great.Nemahaw, (190 yards wide) 14 WTVolf river, 15 Independence. 16 The Kanzas is supposed to be 1200 miles in length. It enters the Missouri 300 miles below the mouth of the Platte, and about the same distance above the mouth of the Missouri. At its confluence it is about 230 yards wide. It rises near the Arkansaw and is navigable to within a short distance of that river. Several of the head branches of the Arkansaw river pass through the west end of the Kanzaw coun ry, but scarcely any thing else is known relative to the geography of that part. The rivers that enter the Mississippi on the west are 1 Leach-lake river which flows out of Leach lake, one of the main sources of the Mississippi. 2 Lake Winn'peque river. 3 Pike river, which runs, for the greater part of its court, parallel with the Mississippi (i. e. directly south.) 4 Pine river which communicates with Leach lake by a chain of little lakes anid a short portage. 5 De Corbeau river which enters with the Mississippi in Lat. 450 47' 50" north, 575 miles above the falls of St. Anthony. It is nearly equal in size to the Mississippi, and they have their sources within a short distance of each other. In ascending the western main branch of the Corbeau we approach near to the St. Pierre river. The eastern branch affords the best cominunication with the Red river-of Hudson Bay. On this route they ascend the Corbeau (about 180 miles) to the mouth of the 4Aux Feuilles river; and then ascend the Aux Femilles 180 miles to the head of navigation; from thence by a portage of one mile they enter the Otter Tai la ke, which is the main source of Red river.. Neither The Corbeau nor the Aux Feuilles present any rapids or obstructions of consequence. 6 Elk river. - 7 ac river which joins the Mississippi near the Grand Rapids. 8 St&. Pierre which is a large river; running the greater part of its ours., south eastwardly; i. e. nearly parallel with the:Rssissip i. It debouches just below the falls of St. Anthony. Thetraders ascend the St. Pierre to the Sauteaux river, and up the latter to a portage of four miles, whirh leads to a large take, from that they proceed down a creek to asmall lake, which affords an outlet into the Elk -4ver. 9 Cannon iver 40 miles Above lake Pepin. ï~~NATmtAL CEOGRtAP1IT..1~ 135 4Au Boeuf which flows into the lower end of lake Pepin. 11 Riviere de Montaigne qui trompe dans l'eau debouches opposite to an insulated hill which bears the same foolish name. 12, 13, 14, The le Clair, the Embarras, and the Upper Iowa rivers all enter the Mississippi together, at the distarce of 35 miles from the Prairies des Chiens. 15 Yellow river, 16 Turkey river, 17 Cat Fish river, 18 Little Macaketh, 19 Great Macaketh, 20 Wabisinekan. 21 Iowa river which is about 150 yards wide and is navigable to where it receives the Turkey-foot-forks, a distance of 300 miles nearly. About 36 miles from its mouth it receives the Red Cedar rivers. 22 De ]Ioyen which is about 200 yards wide at its mouth, and is supposed to be 7 or 800 miles long. It rises near the Sioux (of the Missouri) and receives the following tributaries; Rustand, Teton, Buffaloe, Point, Grand and Village rivers. The northern border of the Upper Missouri country, for a considerable distance, is watered by the Red River of Hudson and its branches the Pasquayah and Assinnibion. LAKEs. The Pepin lake is only an expansion of the Mississippi river. Lake Despice is the scurce of the little Sioux, lalke Biddle of the Big Horn river-and la;ike Ennis of the Yellnw Stone. Wnnipiq w, Packagamu, Leach, Upper Red Cedar and Muddy lakes constitute the principal sources of the Mississippi. Otter-tail lake is the main source of the Rled river of Hudson. There is an immense number of small lakes in the northern parts of this territory which have been little explored by white men. Face of the Country, &oil, Lec. This region which is perhaps as large as all the American states reckoned together, and jin many parts highly fertile, is nevertheless very little knowneven to the government that purchased it. Nearly all the very valuable lands along the Missouri river are included within the present limits of the Missouri state. If we commence at the mouth of the Kanzas-the point where the last Indian cessions terminate, we find the land generally much inferior to that which borders the lower part of the Mlissouri: though some tracts here are exceedingly beautiful, yet the soil is much thinner than that of the flat bottom land near the Mississippi. The shores of all the streams are lined with fine groves, presenting a great variety of trees many of the species of which are as yet non-descripts. But the whole interior of the country consists of prairie, intersected by lines of dry bar'ren ridges, thinly wooded with juniper, pine, cedar, &c. As we pass up the Missouri we find the soil deterio'ating and the timber becoming more scarce. The trees on the shores are chiefly willows and cotton-wood become dwarfish-a few oaks pa lum trees equally diminutive Thore is some good la.l ï~~36 I&ANZA.W, NArDOE9SEEI, &. CO6NTRIE% at the mouth of the Platte, which is understood to extend along that river a hundred miles or upwards. From thence to the Yellow stone the whole region is very uninviting, with the ex-.ception of a few very beautiful tracts. These however are too small, and too much insulated to be suitable for civilized settlements. Even the river shores are here generally destitute of trees, with the exception of a few straggling oaks like apple trees and. plum trees, like currant bushes. These prairies appear boundless on every side, though not barren. The ground is covered by a kind of grass tolerably luxuriant, and much better for pasturage than the hard rank grass of the southern prairies. The country on the east side of the Cordilera is, for two or three hundred miles in breadth, at the heads of Red river and extending to six or seven hundred above the heads of the Missouri, totally barren and chiefly very rugged. The very shores of the streams are nearly destitute of herbage; and the best soils produce little else than hyssop and prickly pear. There is said to be good land at the Yello w-stone but probably it is not of greatextent. The vegetable soil, which naturally and regularly accumulates in co: un.on situtations, seems to be here as regularly washed off into the rivers. Tracts of what had once been high table land are seen intersected in many places with numerous perpeudicular chasms of great depth, crossing each other in different directions; all apparently cut down hy the rains. The earth thus carried away is often impregnated strongly with minerals, and thus it communicates to the Missouri its remarkable taste and colour. Some of those washed hills look at atdistance like cities with their streets and towers, with steeples, spires and minarets too; for such we might easily fancy the evergreens and junipers upon their summits to be, when we approach them through the gloom of evening, or view them through the blue duskiness of the atmosphere upon the furthest boundary of a wide horizon. They are in truth the greatest curiosities that the whole couLntry presents. There are no marshes in this country,-the greater part of it is much too dry, and in many parts good springs are scarce, The Kanzaw country is level, fertile and beautifil, but deficient in timber. After receding from the banks of the streams, which are uniformly well wooded, we emerge into prairies, some of which are 20 miles in breadth. The strips of woodland are generidly from two to five miles in breadth. The Naudoessee country, from the mouth of the river De Mayen to the falls of St. Anthony, along the Mississippi, on the west side, greatly resembles the Kanzaw. The bottoms aretofa deep rich sandy soil, producing pecan, poplar, honey locust, cotton-wood, ash, black oak and cucumber, besides many unknown trees. The interior consists of grand prair'es intersected with sycamore groves, 4long the streams. Many of the bottoms are bounded by precipitous bluffs which have ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. fdw trees except pine and cedar. As we proceed rnorthfiward the land becomes worse, the trees that begin to be most preva-. lent are ash, elm, cotton-wood, sugar tree, birch, &c. The St. Pierre river, which debouches a little below the falls of St. Anthony, is said by Carver to "flow through a most delightful country, abounding with all the necessaries of life, that grow spontaneously." His account appears to be exaggerated. Lieut. Pike speaks favourablp of the part which he visited; but the interior of the country is probably s4erile, destitute of timber, level and dry. Immediately north of this the pine country commences, and extends into the British provinces. The interior of that great district which lies between the Mississippi and the Missouri has not been explored by white men, but it is said to consist chiefly of prairie. In all the regior here under review good springs are rare, even more rare tlin in Illinois, and this deficiency will probably constitute the greatest evil that settlers, in this country, will have to meet. However it is understood that good water can be obtained almost every where through it by digging to the depth of 30 or 40 feet. PRODUCTIONS. Salt licks are abundant. Masses of rock salt are found at tlhe heads of the Arkansaw. Salt petre caves are found on the southern border. The extent of the lead mines is unknown but probably is very great. Coal may reasonably be expected as It is plentiful in Missouri state. Iron if no doubt abundant. There are every where numerous indications of mineral wealth through this country, but they hive been little investigated. Virgin copper is found in masse oa11 the St. Peter river. The Cordilera mountains are a contiliuatiolt of the Andes of South America; and as this range is rich in silver and gold and other minerals from Chili through Peru, Mexico, to Texas, (beyond which it has not been examined) there is almost a certainty that its composition and contents are similar in that portion which extends through the territories now owned by the United States. A kind of stone as white as snow is found in many places along the Missoutd and Mississippi. Near the mouth of the St. Pierre river tlere is a hill composed entirely ot it, having its surface crumbled into sand or dust. Travellers conjecture that it is the fossil called kaolin, the principal ingredient of Chinese porcelain. -I suspect it to be what mineralogists call 'white-stone, which is composed of compact feldspar with a small portion of mica.* There are in this territory beds of a 'In the hope that some one mraay make the examination I here ad the neessuary directions. A chemical analysis is not necessary. Reduce the stone to a ae powder. If it does not form an adhesive paste with water it cannot be turned in the lather without the addition of some clay. Place a piece of the stone (or if its powderforms a paste, place a lump of it) in a commnon blacksath's futrnace, and give t 2 ï~~1$3 KANZAW, NAUDOESSEE, &c. COVXTRTE., clay purely white, which might be a needful addition to the white stone in the manufacture of earthen wares. ANIMAiS. Bufkfiloes, deer, andcbears are the most common animals, The former are often found in droves of a thousand and upwardsin number. This is the country which Brackenridge calls the. Paradise of the hunters." The grizzly or white bear and the browaear are peculiar to this region, as are the gopher, the antelope (an animal which has no distinctive name yet given to it) the gorss-corne, or sheep of the rocky mountains, which is a species of fine wooled goat: the prairie dog, a kind of squirrel that burrows in the ground. Elks, wolves, lynxes, panthers, wild cats,inuskrats, martins and emines, are numerous. it the ighest degree of heat that cau % produced itthat (which may be about 30degrees of Wedgewood above weldingh5mstyIf the stone or lump od paste is not meited at that heat it is kaolin or something bettc- Ifit preserves its whiteness it Sinvraluable. Ifitecquires a brownish or reddish tint, which may be expected, it then contains iron, Nevertheless, the iron may be extracted Sam it by a chemical proces. In the western country many people have taken great trouble to little purpose is searching for crucible clay. All that is requisite for the manufacture of crucibles is a clay that will stiek it a mass,and bear the highest heat of a blacksmith's furnace. Pure clay, that is argil,is no where to be fou NAstural state. Those soft duetile substances called clays, contain silex (whlih is pure flint or rock crystal) either in the state ofsander in more minute division. Any portion. of this less than 70 per cent will do littleor no iujury. lut among other substances the clays always c Itan liane,and if it is present in the proportion of$ per cent or upwards it cause thie to iAelt at the heat of a glass-urnaee. No clay well suited for the finer kinds of earthenware has yet been discovered in Wiorth America (unless it be in the Naudoessee country.) In Europe, ground ftint is.* aud mixed with elayto xen4er it du tle. Flint sel4oal evattins more than a cenat ofa'4taltsration, ï~~INATfIMAL G1tOGRAPiWSL INDIAN TRIBES. Sioux or Nau- 1 doessee Osages Wetapahatoes and Kiawas 5 Pawnees Assinibions Castabanas Chippewas Quehatsas Paunch Indians Sauks Ricaras Knisteneaux Foxes Kanzas Kenenavish Iowas Chiens Mandans Mahas Ottos Kites Poncars Ahwhawas Minatores Katas Nemausins Dotames 21,675 3,835 6 10,500 2,500 4 11,850 5,250 - 7,500 2,500 4,500 1,250 7 5,005 2,300 - 3,200, - 3,560 960 - 2,850 860 - 2,850 750 4 2,500 550 - z,450 550 - 1,750 440 4 1,650 465 2 1,570 450 - 1,400 300 3 1,250 350 - 1,200 350 -- 750 350 - 600 250 21 470 120 - 250 50 -250 50 -250 25, 75 220 50 -120 3: RIVERS WHERE THEY IVR. Mississippi both sides. Dsage,Arkansaw White river Padouca fork of the Platte, Kanzas, Ninmehaw and Arkansaw. Between Pasquayah and the Rocky mountains. Between Yellowstone & Plattet Heads of the Mississippi. Yellowstone. Yellowstone and Big horn. Mississippi below the Iowa. Missouri below the Mandang. North & west of lake Superior, Mississippi above De Roche and on Turkey river. Kanzas river to Arkansaw. Head of the Padouca. De Moines and Iowa.Red river of Hudson. Missouri. leads of the Platte. Platte 45 miles from its moutb. Heads of the Platte. Loncar river. Above the Mandans. Knife river above the MandarLs. Head of Chien river. South fork of Chien river., Heads of Chien river. The Sioux claim a tract of country greater in extent than any of the states. It includes both sides of the Mississippi river from the heads of the Des Moines -river to the St. Pierre: the western part being that designated as the Naudoessee country, at the commencement of this article, excepting the. Iowa lands between the De Moines and the Mississippi. The eastern part extends an undefined distance into the North, Western Territory and Illinois. This nation is divided into 10 tribes; 1 Yanktons, 2 Yanktons Abnah, 3 Sussetongs, 4 Minowa Kantong, 5 Washpetong, 6 Wahpacootos, 7 Tetons Bois Brule, 8 Tetons Okandadas, 9 Tetons Minnekineazo. The four latter (the Tetons) are even amongst the Indians regarded as a kind of roving outlaws.. ï~~d KIANZAW, NAUDOESSE E, &c. COUNTMIES The Sioux are more warlike than any other nation of North American Indians The Chippeway~nation claim a considerable territory west of the Mississippi, and north of the Sioux Indians. They are sober, timid, vagrant and selfish: dark in complexion and homely. They possess a copious and difficult language, which has been modulated by different tribes into several dialects. The Knisteneaux live tp the north of the Chippeways, and extend their claims far into the British dominions. They are generally handsotme, active and well dressed, for Indians. They have fine piercing black eyes, a light copper colour, and agreeable countenances. Their women are more comely than any other Indian women in this country. They do not regard chastity as a virtue; and the offer of their persons to strangers is observed among them as a common and creditable act of hospitality. The Assinibions or Osinipoilles once constituted a part of the Sioux nation. The Foxes or Reynards live in three villages above the rapids of the river De Roche. They attend to agricultural pur; suits. The lowas reside between the De Moines and Iowa along the Mississippi. They live in alliance, or rather under the protection of the Sauks and Reynailds. The Osages are a very large, tall, well formed, fierce, war like race. They have dark brown eyes, large aquiline noses and dark olive complexions, PtOHIBITION OF SLAVERY. By the act of 1820, passed for the organization of Missouri state, it is provided " that, in all that territory ceded by France to the United States, under the name of Louisiana, wifif-h lies north of 36" 30' north latitude, excepting only such part thereof as is included within the lirnmits of Missouri state, slavery and invokuntary servitude, otherwise than in the punishment of crimes whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall be for ever prohibited: P ovi ded atlways. that any person escaping into the same, from whom labour or service is lawfully claimed in any state or terripqry of the United States, such fugitive may be lawfully reclaimed, and conveyed to the person claiming, his or her labour or set-vice as aforesaid." ï~~NO1T-WESTERN TERRITORY. NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. EXTENT, BOUNDARIES, RIVERS, LAxEs, ISLANDs, FACE oN THE Cou*TRYi CLIMATE, PRODUCTIONs, NLATuRAL URIOSITIES. The extent of the North-Western territory is not yet known with precision. According to our gazetteers its extreme points of limitation are included between 42, 30 and 49 of North latitude, and 8-20; and 18-80 of west longitude. It is bounded on the east by the lakes Huron, Green Bay and Michigan; on the south it is separated from Illinois state by the line of lat. 42D 30' running from lake Michigan to the Mississippi riverwhich is 161 miles. The river Mississippi forms the western or rather south western boundary, and divides this territory from the Naudcgssee and Upper Missouri countries. The British claimsin Caiada, the lake Superior, and the strait of St. Mary are the northern boundaries. The eastern portion of this territory may be called the Green Bay, and the western the Sauteau country. In afew years they will probably constitute separate states. RIvERs. The AIlissisfzfi waters the south-western border of this territory for the distance of 8 or 900 miles. Its principal source lies west of lake Superior, in Upper RedCedar lake, or rather in a chain of ponds and marshes that raut into that lake on the N. W. side. Within a few miles of this lake are the sources of the Red River, which runs int liudson's Bay; and of the St. Lawrence, though that name is commonly applied only to the outlet of the grand chain of Ameri. can lakes. The rivers that enter the Mississippi within this territory aa 1 Le Croix sometimes ealled "FThe Cross" or -- Le Cross," and 2. the Deer river. Neither of them have been described to us, but it has been ascertained that their head waters are near those of the St. Louis river (of lake Supprior.) They both join the Mississippi below "The Forks" of the Leech lake branch. 3. Akeadowv river which enters the Mississippi three miles below the falls of Packagamu (in N. lat. 46-20 ) Its main course is S. W. and it is navigable for canoes about 100 miles. 4. Swan river, which runs westerly, and is boatable about 9a miles to Swan lake. 5. Sandy-lake river which is 40 miles below Swan river. It i t4e Qoutlet of Sandy lake. This lake receives several small ï~~142 NORTH-AVESTERN TERRITORY. rivers, among which the Savanna is the most important. There are only 4 miles of portage between it and the St. Louis of lake Superior, and throutgh this route the N. Western Company convey their goods for the supply of the Upper Mississippi country. 6. Muddy river which is about 70 or 80 miles below Sandy lake river, is only about 20 yards wide. 7. Red- Cedar river (the lower) is about 6 miles in length, being only an outlet from Red-Cedar lake. 8. Clear river is a beautiful stream about 80 yards wide, running out of a cluster of little lakes and swamps. 9. Lake river, which is an unimportant stream about 15 yds. wide at its mouth. - 10. Leaf river is about the size of Lake river. It is distinguished as being the point of termination to the travels of Carver and of father Hennepin on this route; and was named by them the St. Francis. 11. Rum river is about 50 yards wide. It flows out of Le Mille Lacq (the thousand lakes) a cluster about 25 miles south of lower Red Cedar lake. 12. St. Croix is only 80 yards wide at its mouth, but at the distance of 500 yards it enlarges into a lake that bears the same name, and extends 36 miles with an irregular breadth, from half a mile to three miles. This river rises near l.ake Superior, there being a portage of only half a mile between it and urnt river, and not one fall or rapid in its wliole"tourse. It is therefore h most eligible channel of trade, and as such is used by the Indians and the N. W. Company- traders. After passing the falls of St. Anthony, in our downward tourse, we next arrive at. 13. 8auteau, or Chipfieway river which enters the Mississippiat the lower end of lake Pepin. Jt is a deep majestic stream about half amnile wide at its confluence, having its sources near those of Montreal river (of lake Superior) and Menomonce of Green-Bay. Its principal tributaries are the Rufus, Vermillion and Copper rivers. The navigation of it in some parts is much obstructed by islands. 14. The river Au Buf or the Bufaloe, is only about 26 yds. Wide. 15,. The river of the Montaigne qui trompe dans 1' eau is a small stream Which enters the Mississippi opposite to a hill of the same name. - 16. Black river, which is about 200 yards wide at its mouth, has its source near that of Fox river (of lake Michigan). 17. The Wiconsin is 180 miles in length and about half a mile wide at the Prairie Des Chiens, where it enters the Mississippi. It is the grand route of trade between this post and Mackinaw-passing, in times of low water,.by.. portage of two miles into Fox river, and thence through Green Bay into lake Michigan. In times of high water, however, the two rivqlS nite at the portage and permit loaded boats to pass. ï~~NATUIRAL GEiOGRAPIXY. 1~ 143 18. Rock river likewise rises near Green Bay, and after running a distance of 450 miles (for 400 of which it is navigable) it falls into the Mississippi 10 miles below Prairie des Chiens-- 390 miles above St Louis. Commencing at the sources of St Lawrence, and proceeding round the northern and eastern boundaries of the territory, we pass the following streams: 1. St. Louis, which falls into the west end of lake Superior at West bay or Fond-du-Lac. It is large and navigable for 30 miles, having connexion with the hea l waters of Mississippi as already described. The others which enters this lake are2. Strawberry river. 3, Goddard's river. 4. Burnt (or Burnt-wood) river communicating with St. Croix. 5. Bad river. 6. Mlontreal river communicating with the Sauteau. 7. Fair river. 8. Ontonagon river. We now comte to the great peninsula of Shagomigon which projects into the lake Superior upwards of 60 miles. From this to the east end of the lake, at the head of St. Mary Strait--a distance of 370 miles, the following rivers enter in the order that they are here named. 9 Porcupine, 10 Little Garlic, 11 Great Garlic, 12 Carp, 13 Dead, 14 Corn, 15 Grande Marais, and in this list we omit the mention of 14 or 15 important streams, called rivers, which occur in the route. 16. Sault de Marie or St. Mary Straits is the outlet which connects lake Superior with lake Huron. It is about 50 miles in length, and is divided into several chanhels-or rather it contains several islands, and is deep enough to admit of large ships. Vessels cannot pass from Huron to Superior on account of the Falls of St. Mary, which are near the latter lake, but boats and canoes may safely descend. These falls are not perpendicular, but consist of rapids that extend about three, fourths of a mile down the straits. The still water below theie faUlls is probably the best fihing place in the world, as it is the resort of incredible quantities of white fish. The rivers which enter the strait are-.17 The Great Bou chitaouy, 18 Afiscorntisaki, and 19 AAinaston., From the debouchure of St. Mary's strait to Makinaw we pass the St. Zgace and the Little Bouchitaogy, both of which fall into lake tHuron. 22 The Mio Cockien is a large river which enters lake Mi chigan about 35 miles S. W. of Mackinaw. 23 The Ministique has its source in a large lake near the head waters of the Great Bouchitaouy, and enters the Michigan thirty miles north of the Detour or mout.h of Green Way,' 24 Sandy river enters ' _oquet' bay which is the name now applied to the north end of GAreent Bay; and w14ormrht p, plied to the whole bay. ï~~14d NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. 25 The Menomonie enters Green Bay and communicates, by a short portage,,vith the Rufus branch of the Sauteau. S6 The Gaspard enters to the south of that river. 27. The Rouge river. 28 The Fox river enters 20 miles south of the latter. It unites with the Wisconisin of the Mississippi by a navigation which will be described in the sequel. The whole distance from the mouth of Sandy river to that of Fox rivers (following the coast) is about 130 miles. On the west side of lake Michigan the following rivers enter 29 Fourche, 30 4faurice, 31 Skabayagan, 32 Sauke, 33 -Alilsakee. 34 Roaring river is so called from a " rumbling noise like distant thunder, whichis heard every two or three days during the warm season, occasioned by the vast quantities of copper which attract the electric fluid!" This river is approached with awe by the Indians, and regarded as the residence of the Great Spirit: the waters being poisonous with the impregnation of copper, and the fish in it unfit for use.-Ignorance can worship nothing but what is bad and terrible. 35 Cedar river, 36 Masquedon, 37 WVakayah, 38 Tanahan and 39 Chicago. According to Major Long, United States Topographical Engineer, the Chicago is only "an arml of the lake (Michigan) dividing itself into two branches at the distance of one mile inland from its communication with the lake. The north branch extends along the westerly side of the lake about 30 miles, and receives some tributaries. The south branch has an extent of only five or six miles and receives no supplies extept from the lake at its source." It is united with the Plein river (a branch of the Illinois river) by a little sort of canal which admits cag ues and little boats to pass, thus opening a cornmplete water communication between lake Michigan and the Mississippithrough the river Illinois-. for the Plein river through its whole course resembles a chain of lakes or ponds, without any rapids or ripples except at one place about 30 miles ftom its mouth; and there they are not observable except in times of 4ow water. It is proposed by Major Long to render -the canal navigable for large boats by raising the head waters f Plein and Chicago, at their junction, with dams and locks; and in that way little or no digging will be requisite for the purpose. Along the south boundary of this territory, there are several branches of the Illinois river, the chief of which is the Depage that rises near the head of the Plein (on the west of it) runs almost parallet with it and falls into the Ilinis about 70 miles from the Mississippi. LAt zs. Superior is the largest bland expanse of water in the world of all that bear the title of lake. Its extent is not ecisely known, rbut has been generally suppose, (uponthe ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. 145 authority of Carver and the French charts) to be about 1500 miles in circumference. But Darby, in his Northern Tour, states its length at 381 miles, breadth 161, and circum-. ference 1152. The bottom of the lake anid the coasts are chiefly composed of rocks-probably limestone, for this whole region is calcareous. Its waters are pure and always clear. Darby estimates its medium depth at 900 feet. It receives its principal rivers on the north side. The largest is supposed to be the Michicopoten. With lake Huron only a small portion at the north eastern angle of this territory is connected. For lake Michigan see Michigan territory. Green-Bay is about 120 miles long, and from 6 miles to 30 wide. Where it joins lake Michigan it is nearly 50 miles in actual breadth, but is there chiefly occupied with islands. This junction, the Detour is oil the west shore of Michigan, about 100 miles from its northern extremity, and 150 from Makinaw. Green-Bay lies nearly parallel with Michigan, and distant from it generally about 40 miles. On its west shore there is a regular tide which ebbs and flows from a foot to 18 inches. The name Green-Bay is properly applied to the principal part of the lake, which extends southward, for that part which projects northward from the Detour is called Noquet's baya name by which the whole lake was formerly designated. As the niavigation of this lake requires caution and a knowledge of the route, directions concerning it will be given ii Our tables of navigation. Besides the lakes at the sources of several of the rivers, which have been already noticed, there is an immense number of others to be found in the territory, little knownii and probably of little importance. Lake Pepin at the mouth of the Sauteau river may be regarded as belonging equally to this territory and to the Naudoessee country. NAVIGABLE WATERs-RECAPITULATION. Miles of Navigatioi Rivers that enter the Mississippi above the falls of St. Anthony -50 Rivers that enter the Mississip below the falls of St. Anthony,. - 200 take Superior (U. States shore) from the Grand Portage -. - 600 Tributaries of Superior (on U. S. shore). 1500 Strait of St. Mary - - - 0 Tributaries of St. Mary's strait - 150 West Side of Huron - - 0 Tributaries of do. (St. Ignace and little Bouchitaouy) 120 Whole weAt coast of Michigan - 260 Tivitutaries of do. 0 -N ï~~146 NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. 'NAVIGABLE WATERS. Milegf xavigatien. Green Bay - - - 120 Tributaries of do. - - - - 350 Plein and Depage (of Illintois river) - - 100 Interior small lakes probably - - - 150 ISLANDDS. Thle principal island of lake Superior has been conceded to the Great Spirit, as it is uninhabitable on account of snakes. It is on the British side, as are the others in that lake probably. In St. Mary's strait there are three-St. Josephs on the British side, Nibish parallel with it on the American side, and sugur island. In lake Huron, at the west end of Makinaw, and within view of that port, lies St. Helens. Near this is another small dlevated, pine covered isTand called Epouvette. Several others lie south of this, down the Michigan. At the mouth of Green Bar, at the Detour, is Isle au Detour. Further up Green Bay are three islands, Brule, Verte, and De Pou, Isle Racro lies 30 miles to the south and is resorted to as a harbour. Beside it there are several large islands little known. Beyond this lies Vermillion isle, and a few miles further near the shallows, is Isle La Baye. FACE OF THE COUNTRY. There are no mountains within this territory, though the elevated land, between lake Superior and the Mississippi, has been represented as such. The actual height of the hills, is no doubt, above the level of the whole United States, as the three principal rivers of the continent rise within it: nevertheless its surface is chiefly very flat and in many parts inundated with stagnant waters. The whole country around the heads of the Mississippi, says Lieut. Pike (since General Pike) " has the appearance of an impenetrable morass, or boundless savanna." On the shore of lake Leech the sugar maple abounds and is intermixed with oak. After passing the river Le Cross you see only savannas, or meadows of wild grass, and pine swamps. At Meadow river the appearance is slightly improved; the land being more dry; the timber is pine, pinenet, hemlock, and sap-pine. Below Sandy Lake river only the heights present pines, while the timber of the low lands is elm, linn, and maple, the indications of alluvial soil. At Red Cedar lake river the heights have various sorts of pine, t6gether with red cedar; the dry bottoms, elm, ash, oak and maple, while the swamps are timbered with pinenet, sap-pine, and hemlock. Chains of little ridges extend along the streams, but towards the interior the surface is all4 flat. Though the pine marks the distinctive character of the country, as far south as the falls of St. Anthony, yet a gradual improvement is perceptible as we travel south. The red or yellow pine begins to supplant the white. The ï~~NAkTURAL GEOGRAPHY. 147 soil of the prairies becomes lighter, more sandy, and the ash becomes more common amongst the oak and linn on the bottom lands. Below the Falls, the timber of the bottoms is maple, sugar tree and ash, while cedar appears only on the cliffs. Passing lake Pepin we find the bottoms as rich as those of Ohio; there the cotton-wood begins to appear. The river ridges are of considerable height, but the interior consists chiefly of those dry savannas properly called prairies. From thence to the southern boundary the land is fertile, and particularly well suited for raising Indian corn. A great portion of the country at a distance from the Mississippi is dry, level, elevated prairie, full of little groves. The timber of the bottoms is of the best kind; to wit, black walnut, hickory, maple, pecan, and oak-the soil sandy and deep with vegetable mould. The bottoms of the Mississippi, and of most of the rivers iti this territory, and in Illinois, are generally much broader than those of the Ohio and of its tributaries. Proceeding northward one perceives the height of the bluffs or hills along the river borders gradually decreasing-that is, the surface Of the country preserves its level, and does not incline with the descent of the streams. The central parts of this territory are described by no traveller except Carver. He says,- the country around the falls of St. Anthony is extremely beautiful. It is an uninterrupted plain where the eye finds no relief, but composed of many gentle ascents, which in the summer are covered with the finest verdure, and interspersed with little groves, that give a pleasing variety to the prospect. From Pikes account it would seem that it was rather barren and uninteresting, consisting chiefly of prairie " with scarcely any timber but small groves of scrub oak." Carver, speakig of the interior, says that above the falls, "he found the country very uneven and rugged, and closely wooded with pine, beach, maple, and birch." At the Chippeway river he says "the country is level and almost without any timber, and on its banks lie fine meadows." Wf must regard the meadows as marshes and the boundless prairies as worthless barrens. The high land which forms the division between the waters that enter the Mississippi, and those that enter the great lakes is covered with forests of pine and hemlock. Proceeding northward we find the country gradually improving in soil and appearance, until we reach the shores of lake Superior. From the Foud du lac, or western point along the southern coast, the soil is" a strong clay mixed with stones," as far as the peninsula of Shagomigon. From thence to the outlet of the lake a sandy character prevails, and the precipices which occur at interv4ls on the shore consist of limestone. 'he bottoms are fertile, the timber being chiefly oak and sugar tree while the.Jiglt a id sandy hills present pine and are of course barreo. ï~~148 NORTH-.WESTERN TERRITORY. The shores of St. Mary's strait are wild meadows and groves of sugar maple. Proceeding southward, along the western shore Of Greeni Bay, we find the co.untry generally fertile. In some places there are prairies, or rather savannas interspersed with small tracts of woodland; but the greater part is covered with fine forests of oak, walnut, sugar tree, poplar, elm, honey-locust, and on the poorer parts pine. Near the mouthl of Fox river the land is low and flat, but at the distance of two or three miles from the lake it is elevated table land, and the river bailks, as far as Winnebago lake, are from 80 to 100 feet above the level of the water. Thus far it is a forest of oak, hickory, and maple with pine occasionally. Grapes and plums are plentiful on the shores through this region of country. Indian corn, pumpkins, beans, &c. are cultivated,here by the Indians, and grow well; and such is the exuberance of natural grasses that stock can be raised with very little trouble or expense. Southward of Fox river the wild rice lakes are more numerous, and the prairies more extensive. The marshes where wild rice does not grow are generally filled with long grass. That part of the territory along the head waters of Illinois presents a great extent of hilly country, sterile but not absolutely barren, as the timber consists of stunted oak and hickory. Those ranges of hills seldom approach nearer than from 10 to 15 miles of the Wisconsin river-leaving a kind of valley, beautiful, and tolerably rich, along almost the whole extent of that stream. At the mouth of the river, around the town of Prairie des Chiens, the ridges are bleak and barren, and the valley only a mile and a half in width. It has been estimated that one sixth of the whole surface of this territory is covered with water; that on fifth is woodland, and that the remainder consists of fiat prairies and barren hills. CLIMATE. All those situations that have been hitherto occupied in this territory, by white people, are reported to be remarkably healthy; a fact which we cannot doubt though it cannot be clearly accounted for. On Green Bay and Fox river they impute the salubrity of the air to its regular currents, which generally blow to them from the great lakes, and over tracts of country comparatively dry. Something may likewise be ascribed to the temperature of the latitude. Notwithstanding the experience of certain districts we are constrained to believe that the marshy portions of the country will generate fevers, dysentery, &c. NATURAL PRoDucTIoNs. It has been stated that inexhaustable quantities of pure native copper have been discovered on the shores of lake Superior, and through a wide tract of country around it; and so many persons of the highest credibility have coincided in affirming the fact that we cannot ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. 149 doubt it any longer. Gen. Pike, Alex. Henry, Esq. Gen. Witkinson, Capt. Carver, Mackenzie and others corroborate the accounts. At the Ontonagon Mr. Henry saw masses of the copper up. on the surface of the ground. One piece weighed 20 pounds: and about ten miles.from the lake he saw a block, which appeared to have fallen from the hiil side, and which he estimated at five tons. So malleable was it that with an axe he cut off a portion weighing 100 pounds. Upon the island of Nanibojou, between Mamance and Michicopoten. that is on the British side Df the lake, nearly opposite to the copper vein along the Ontonagon, he found a variety of curious pieces weighing from an ounce to three pounds. They had fantastic resemblances of leaves and animals, but otherwise were composed; of metal equally pure. At the same place Capt. Norburg, a Russian gentleman commissioned in the British service, fouhd veins both of copper and lead; the latter containing silver in the proportion of 40 ounces to the ton. The copper likewise contained a very inconsiderable portion of silver. Norburg erected a furnace at Point au Pins. He found on the U. States side of the lake, near Point aux Iroquois, 15 miles from the rapids of St. Mary, a ahod of silver ore which he took to England It produced in the proportion of 60 pounds of pure silver for each hundred pounds of the ore. It is believed that only a small part of the copper vein extends to the British side of the lake, and that the principal body of it lies a considerable distance from the southern shore, in the chain of hills that run westward from Green Bay. Near the mouth of Roaring river masses of pure copper have been found weighing from 7 to 25 pounds. Still greater quafftities appeared at Middle island, which lies near the west coast of lake Michigan, and Carver says it was equally plentiful upon the St. Croix river. Lead is found in the interior; but through what extent of country is not known. Mr Dubuque's lead mines, betweeA the Wisconsin and Rock rivers, are said to be as good as the best mines of Missouri. Their annual produce has been from 20 to 40.000 pounds. Upon Depagc river this mineral is said to be eqully abundant. Iron ore, copperas, and allum are found along the shores of the lakes Huron and Superior. Amongst the vegetable productionrs the wild rice (avenafatua called folle avoine by the French, and Menomen by the Indians,) claims I artcultsr attention. It grows, in inexhaustible abuijdmnce, through all parts of the territory, in almost ev. ery one of its innuierable lakes, ponds, bays, rivers and creeks. It is said to be as palatable and as nourishing as common rice, and if so it will be incO mprably more valuable. It grows where the water is from four to six or seven feet deep, and where the bottom is not hard or sa ndy. It rises ab:)ove the surface of the water fr-om four to eight feet, and is oftei so ï~~"140 NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. thick as to prevent canoes from passing through amongst it. The stalk is soft, like the bulrush, but grows in joints like the reed cane, which it much resembles. It is usual for the Indians to force their canoes through it (just before it ripens) and tie it in large bunches for the purpose of preventing the wild ducks and geese from breaking it down and destroying it. When it is fully ripe they pass through it again and spreading blankets in the inside of their canoes, they bend the bunches of of wild rice over them, and thresh off the grain with sticks; an operation which requires little time, and is generally performed by the women. After drying it in the sun they put it into skins, for future use. This singular spontaneous grain grows no where south of the Illinois river, nor east of the Sandusky bay. All the northern lakes and their tributary streams are celebrated fdr the Ticamang, or white fish, but they are much larger, finer, and more numerous in the lakes Huron and Superior than in Erie or St. Clair. Henry says, that at St. Mary, where ihe lived several winters, he, and the people with him, subsisted wholly on them; and there a skilful fisherman might, with a scoop net, catch 500 of them in two hours. In the river Ontonagon, at the rapids, where he lived during the winter of 1815, he says that sturgeon were so abundant that a months subsistence for a regiment could have been taken in a few hours. There is likewise through all the streams and lakes of this territory, great abundance of a kind of trout (which usually weigh 40 or 50 pounds) together with black bass, carp and many other kinds of fish of less value, Every autumn and spring the wild ducks and geese resort to the wild rice lakes in flocks incredibly numerous. A letter from Green Bay, dated July 19, 1819, gives the fol. Jlowing account of an extraordinary visitation which, must have resembled the plagues of Africa, if the statement is true. * Within the last four or five days the fly has appeared-a non-descript perhaps in natural history-and covered the face of the whole earth, obscuring the sun, moon, and stars. I write literally, and without exaggeration. The heavens are darkened by them, as in a densely cloudy day; as far as the eye can discern, they fill the air in every direction, as closely as a thick swarm of bees. Cornfields, &c. are prostrated with the clouds that settle upon them; trees are covered, and the branches bent and broken down. The barracks and buildings in the vicinity, at the ends and sides not exposed to the sun, are entirely covered with the insects piled one upon another. These creatures, with their feelers, that protrude from head and tail,,are about three inches in length, slough their skins daily, it is said, by the inhabitants here; and, in performing this operation, and in dying by millions every hour, infect the atmosphere so that it becomes unfit to breathe in. Cattle, swine, and Indians are said to feed and fatten upon them. The Frenchmen,call them mp~euito hawks because they make their appear ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPHY.- 131 ance when mosquitos are most numerous, and, as ig supposed, prey upon and drive them away. The flies themselves remain but six or seven days." NATURAL CURIOSITIEs. Carver describes a cave on the eastern shore of the Mississippi, about 30 miles below the falls of St. Anthony, which the Indians call Wakon-teebe, or the Dwelling of the Great Spirit. The entrance is about 10 feet wide and five feet high, but at a short distance within it is 15 feet high and 30 feet wide. The floor is fine clear sand. At the distance of 20 feet from the entrance is the shore of a lake of unknown extent; and which, by reasoi of thq darkness, rn nle has qxplored, ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY OF THE NORTH-WESTERN TERRITORY. MILrrARY POSTS, SETTEMENiTS, CONDITIOIK OF TUB INHABITANTS, COMMERCE, Fort Dearborn at the mouth of Chicago was destroyed by the Indians in August, 1812, but was rebuilt again in 1816 by a U. States' detachment under captain Bradley. It has not, as yet, attracted any considerable number of white settlers. About a mile from the mouth of Fox river, at Green Bay, a fort was erected under the direction of captain Gratiot, upon the ruins of the old French fort Le Bay. This will, no doubt, soon become a flourishing settlement, as the land around it is highly fertile, and the situation said to be even more healthy than Mackinaw so celebrated for its salubrity. There are about 50 farms in the vicinity of the garrison; but the occupants nearly all are French. Almost all marriages amongst them are contracted for short periods; and those who live together without a new engagement, after the expiration of the term bargained for, are considered guilty of fornication. Wives amongst them are frequently sold or exchanged, and they generally live very faithfully and contentedly with their purchasers. The greater part of the women are either squaws or half whites. They are generally remarked for the modesty, dignity, and strong cast of French good manners which they possess. At Prairie des Chiens (mouth of the Wisconsin) there is a U. States' fort of considerable strength. The village or rather settlement around it is somewhat larger than that at Fox river, but in all other respects similar. The ordinary population has usually been about 400, but in the trading seasons the assemblage of white people and Indians amounts to more than double that number. The village contains a few Indians and Americans, and the rest are French. Amongst them the policy of temporary marriages is almost universally practized. What is called the annual Fair of the traders is held in the spring. The old French villa;e of Prairie des Chiens was about a mile below the present Village (or two miles from the Mississippi shore.) It was occupied as long as the F rench government held possession of the country Afterwards (1783) Messrs. Giard, Antaya and Dubuque purchased the present scite from the Fox Indians (Reynards or Des Chzeny) and established the town under British protection. ï~~NORTIT.WESI'ERN TERRITORY. 151 The French built a fort at the falls of St. Mary, but at the termination of the war of 1756 it was abandoned. The United States' government have made arrangements for erecting another upon the same scite in the course of thepresent year (1820). INDIANS. The Menomonies (Folles Avoines or Rice eaters) and the Winnebagoes, are the only tribes whose lands are entirely included within the territory. " The former have 8 or 10 villages which are situated on Menomonie river, (15 miles from Green Bay) on Fox River near its mouth; at the Kakalin and grand Menomonie port*ages,-on Winnebago lake-behind But de Mort, and near Mlilles Lace." They have at present only 250 warriors, and by permission of the Sioux and Chippeways, they hunt between the Mississippi and lake Superior. They are distinguished for their comliness. The Winnebages (whom the French call Puants) have nine villages situated as follows-One at each end of Green Bay1 on an island in lake Michigan-2 at Winnebago lake-i1 above that Lake 6 miles-1 on on lae a Puckaway-1 at the Wisconsin portage-and 2 at Rock River. The Chippeways and Sauteaus reside on the south shore of lake Superior, and at the head waters of Chippeway river.They have 1000 warriors. The larids in this territory formerly claimed by the Sauks, Reynards, (or foxes,) and lowas, have been ceded by treaty to the United States. Portions of the Kickapoo, Pottawattamrnie, and Ottawa nations reside near the west shore of Lake Michigan. Two chiefs of the Naudoessee nation sold to Capt. lonathan Carver, the celebrated traveller, a tract extending from the Falls of St. Anthony, along the east bank of the Mississippi, to the mouth of the Chippeway, thence 100 miles east-thence north 120 miles, and from thence to the place of beginning.This grant was made May 1st. 1767, and if Carver procured a confirmation of it from the British government, the fight of his heirs may be good, if not it is certainly good for nothingCOM,:ERCE. Hitherto thisiterritory has only furnished a trade of furs, skins, and lead-the ltater from Dubuques mines before mentioned. / ï~~SMICHIGAN TERRITORY. NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. XTENT, BOUNDARIES, FACE OP TUE COUNTRT, SOILt, RivEns, LArEsi ISLANDF, CLIMATE, PRODUCTIONS, &C. Michigan is 125 miles in length, that is from the northern to the southern extremity, and is 154 in breadth: containing 34, 320 square miles, or, 22,284,000 acres. It is between 41, 50, and 450 20' of N. Latitude; and between 5' 12')" and 8 16' of West Longitude. Its boundaries were established by an act of Congress in 1804.--5, thus-A line running directly north from the most southetn point of Lake Michigan; through that lake until it meets the line which separates the British territories in Canada from the United States: then following that line through lake Huron, lake St. Clair, and Detroit river to lake Erie.-- The southern boundary which divides it from Ohio and Indiana, is the line of latitude 41Q 50' extending from lake Michigan to lake Erie. The latitude of the southern point of Michigan lake has not yet been ascertained, and some say it would not touch lake Erie. RIVERs. Beginning at the south point of Lake Michigan and passing north, then east, south, and soon round the water boundaries of the territory they are 1st. St. Josephs which arises in Indiafla, having its sources amongst those of Black river. St, Josephs of Maumee, Eel-river and Tippecanoe. It is navigable 150 miles..: ind is 200 yards wide at its mouth. About 40 miles of its course are within that territory. It enters lake Michigan only a few miles to the north of the Indiana territory. 2 Black river, which the PFrench call Le Noir, has its source in small lakes near the Maunimee. It interlocks its course with the two St. Josephs rivers, Grand river and the river Raisin; and after running parallel with the St. J.osephs for nearly seventy miles, it debouches about fourteen miles further north. It is an excellent smooth stream for navigation, but how far navigable is not well known. 3 Marame enters the same lake about ten miles north of the latter, forming a capacious bay at its mouth. Its whole length is about 45 miles. 4 Barbue is about the same size and runs the same course. West-Raisin is about 50 miles in lengkh. It has a bay or estuary at its mouth like the Marame, about 16 miles to the north of Barbue. Grand river is the largesttributary stream of take Michigan. It has its source in lakes and ponds near the S. E,, corner of the ï~~NATURAL GEOGRfAPHY. 1 Wrritory, and after interlocking its branches with those of the "East Raisin, Black river, Mastigon and Saganaw, it falls into the Michigan about 20 miles north of the West Raisin. It is navigable for small boats to its very source, and, in times of high water, the perogues and boats pass from it into lake Erie, through the river Huron. 7 The Mastigon, rises in ponds and marshes near the centre of the territory; and, after running a westerly course, enters the Michigan about 20 miles to the north of Grand river. 8 The White, 9 Rocky, 10 Beauvuis, called rivers by courtesy, are only large creeks the estuaries of which are from ten to fifteen miles apart. 11 St, N.ichzolas, is about 50 miles long, and at its mouth about 50 yards wide. It is about equally distant from the first named St. Josephs and the island of Makinaw, at the head of the lake. 12 Marguerite is navigable for boats,nd iterlochs its head waters with those of Saganaw, St. Nicho rand rivers. Between this and the straits of Mackina* other small streams enters the same lake: they are 13 -Manw 4u01 Sables, -15 Laisette and 16 Grand Terverse. 17 Chagahagun, enters lake Huron about 35 miles to thd eastward of Makinaw. 18 Thunder river enters the same lake at Thunder bay, which is about equally distant from Makinaw and the out-let of the lake. 19 Sandy river enters Saganaw bay, the estuary of a river bearing the same name. 20 Saganaw river, in size, ranks next to Grand river, with the sources of which it is almost joined. It is stated by Judge Woodward that at a very small expense these two rivers might be united, and in that way, a perfect navigation established through the centre of the territory. 21 St. Clair strait, or river, is the outlet by which lake Hurcan passes into lake St. Clair. The distance between the two lakes is about 26 miles. Its depth is *hardly sufficient to admit a 20 gun brig. 22 Belle or Flint river enters lake St. Clair, about 9 milet from the debouchure of St. Clair straits. 23 The Huron river enters the same lake about 14 miles further south. 24 Buttermilk creek enters about 8 or 10 miles further. 25 Tremblee is another creek between this and Detroit* 26 Detroit river, or strait, is about 24 miles long. It is the outlet of lake St. Clair, conveying the waters of lakes Superior, Michigan, Huron, &c. into lake Erie, It is from half a mile to two miles wide, with a current of 3 miles an hour; and depth sufficient to admit the largest vessels. 27 The river Rouge rises about 40 miles to the south west of Detroit, and enters the straits about 15 miles miles below the town. It is 600 yards wide at the mouth; forming an estusxy ï~~15 6 MICHIGAN TERRITORY. or bay deep enough to admit vessels of 150 tons as far as Contey's ship yard, five miles from the strait. For boats it is navigable upwards of 30 miles. 28 Ecorce or Bark, river enters the strait three miles below the Rouge. It is about equal to it in size, and is similar in appearance. Between this and the village of Brownstown are two creeks called laguaga and Brownstown. 29 Little Huron enters lake Erie about 7 miles to the south of Malden. At* its source it communicates with Grand river by a chain of ponds and marshes navigable for canoes. The estuaries of the four last mentioned streams are obstructed with wild rice, and other aquatic plants. 30 Swan creek, or.4ux Cignes river, which enters lake Erie 6 miles to tile south of the Little Huron, contains even greater quantities of wild rice than the others. In summer its stagnating water, charged with vegetable substances in solution, becomes putrid and absolutely ropy, yet in that abominable state, it is drank by those who inhabit its shores. 31 Rocky creek, "la riviere aux Rochers," enters the lake 3 miles further south, This presents mill seats and considerable rapidity of current. The rocks in its bed are limestone; a kind of roek which abounds through the whole territory. 32 Two miles beyond thisis the mouth of Sandy creek; Petite riviere ttux Sables. 33 The eastern river Raisin enters Erie seven miles to the south of the latter. At the mouth it is about 45 yards wide, and is navigable for boats nearly to one of the branches of the Black river. Fifteen miles from the lake it receives the river Macon. 34 Otter creek or riviere Le Loutre empties 4 miles further south; and lastly-. 35 Swan creek, which rises near the head of Otter creek, enters the Maumee four miles from the mouth of that river. LAKES, BAYS, ISLANDS. The Michigan lake is 262 miles in length, 15 min width, and 731 in circumference. On the north west it opens into Green Bay, which is regarded as a distinct lake. Michigan is superior to any of the other lakes for navigation, being every where deep and unobstructed. According to Darby its medium depth is 900 feet. Near its northern extremity are several islands little known and probably not very important. In the strait which connects this lake with lake Huron is situated the island and port of Makinaw, formerly called Michilimackinac (the big black turtle, which animal it is supposed to resemble.) The whole island is a mass of limestone nearly solid. On the south side is a flat or bottom formed of gravel washed up by the waves of the lake. Upon this the village is built, Immediately above it, upon the brow of a towering bank or rock, stands fort Makinaw. At the distance of about half a mile from this, upon a still more elevated point, is another fort, which was built by the British during the last ï~~NAT4JRAL GEOGRAPARY. 10 war. It was called by them fo-rt George; but since the cessiot of these posts to the U. States, it has been repaired and named fort Holmes. It commands fort Makinaw, but having no supply of water it is supposed to be untenable by an enemy. The hlarbodr is well sheltered from all but eastern winds, and the anchorage excellent. " Sometimes Makinaw may be discerned at the distance ot 40 miles, hanging like a cloud above the horizon. On your nearer approach it assumes a pyramidical form,until you arrive within 18 or 20 miles, during which it seems to be gradually growing or rising from the water, and you now suppose yourself within half that distance of it; its great height and perpendicular sides tending to create this deception."* In lake Huron, about two miles to the south of Makinaw, is another called Round island, and another to the south east cal. led Bois Blanc or White Wood island. Further eastward but within the U. States lines, there has been discovered another which contains immense bodies of the purest kind of Paris plaster. The Huron lake is the largest of all the American lakes ex-cept lake Superior. Its greatest length, which is from east to west, is 218 miles, its greatest breadth, from fort St. Clairto its northern shore, 200 miles, and its circumference 812. It is navigable for ships of any size, being generally above 900 feet in depth. Com. St. Clair, in his expedition against Makinaw in 1814, sounded for bottom and could not findsoundings with 500 fathoms of line. During a great part of the voyage through it to Makinaw the land is far out of sight, which, in olear weather, is never the case in Erie or Michigan. The 19anatoulin islands form a.great chain, 'ex-tenfing from the peninsula of Cabots head to the strait of St. Mary's, dividing the Huron lengthwise into two4akes. Thunder bay, upon the western share ot Huron, at the mouth.of Thunder river, is about 100 miles south of Makinaw. It receives its name from the remarkable rurnibling noise which the mariners generally hear as they approach it. It is a fine harbour, and is protected by a cluster of small islands at its mouth which bear the same name. Saganaw or Saganaum bay is about 75 miles south of this. It is about 40 miles wide at the mouth, and nearly 100 miles long. Some parts of it are very deep but it is full of shoals and utterly unfit for a harbour. It caanot be even approached with safety on account of the violent wind which almost continually issues from it. There are, along the west coast of this lake, several convenient harbours frequented by those who trade-to Makinaw. Lake St. Clair is about f0 miles in diameter each way. It is stated that through its whole extent (excepting along its shores) it is invariably 21 feet deep. Its bottom being a perfect Plain ofsmooth tenacious clhy. Its islands are Ule aux Pe*, S* ihurgh GaM~te, ï~~8 MTCfHIGAN TERRITORY. thes, Thomson's island, Hay island, Cheval Ecarte, and Horsen's island. On the British side it receives Buskin, Thamnes, Belle, and Bear rivers. Its shores are all low and level. fn the Detroit river there are some islands. That which is opposite Maguaga creek is called Grosse isle; and the one before Malden, Bois-blanc. In the west end of lake Erie, about 30 miles from the mouth of Detroit river, is the very numerous cluster of,. islands called Put-in-bay islands, which have been noticed in the article upon Ohio state. Those who sail from Erie town to Makinaw have generally to stop for some time in Put-in-bay, opposite those islands; because the same wind which brings vessels up the lake will not take them up the Detroit river..Navigacle Waters of Michigan Territory. Lake Michigan - - -,--- Huron - - - - -St. Clair and straits -... - - Detroit river - - - - Rivers emptying into the Michigan - - Do. do. do. Huron - - Do. do. do. Detroit river and St. Clair strait and river - - - - Rivers emptying into lake Erie - To which may be added the navigation of lake Erie ies: 260 250 56 26 700 150 100 175 1717 250 FACE oF THE COTNTRY, SOIL, &c. This territory has not Yet been sufficiently explored by Americans to enable us to give a,mplete description of it. It is mostly level, and even in the hilly parts there are no considerable elevations. The interior is flat and interspersed with lakes, ponds and marshes. Towards the borders, in almost every direction, the face of the country is diversified; in many parts much broken, but, jn general, apparently excellent for cultivation. The shores of the lakes Michigan, Huron,:St. Clair, and Erie, as well as those of the Detroit river, are low and frequently swampy; ful of little lakes and ponds, but generally rich, and in many places beautiful. The shores of lake Michigan present a range of little sand hills, supposed to be formed by the waves. The rivers and creeks, here are obstructed at their outlets, and remarkably narrow where they enter the lake; but immediately behind that range of hills they are, by reason of-the obstruction, formed into circular bays or lakes. These bays are generally full of wild rice, and at certain seasons covered with immense flocks of ducks and wild geese, which resort there to live upon -the aice. ï~~NATURAL OEOGRAPIY." 15, A great number of prairies, most of them small, extend across the southern and central parts of the country, from the Michigan lake to St. Clair. They present great varieties of soil; some are highly fertile, while others consist of barren sand. Those that lie low are generally of no value, on account of their wetness. The uplands towards the interior are mostly well covered with timber; the barren parts with cedar and pine, chiefly of the long leaved species, but the principal part with oak, beach, sugar-tree, ash, poplar and hickory, and in the richer land, black-walnut, cherry, bass-wood, buckeye, cucumber, crab-apple, black locust and honey locust. The latter kind of locust is found as far north as the rich bottoms of Huron, \vhlile on the east side of the Allegheny mountains it does not grow in higher latitude than upon the shores of Delaw are. The most elevated part of the country is near the south eastern boundary, for the table land of the interior seems generally to descend as you proceed northward, and westward from the high lands near Detroit. If we pass round the border of the territory, commencing at the Maumee Bay, on lake Erie, we find at first mill seats and mills upon the creeks and rivers; but nine or ten miles north of the river Raisin we find tie currents of the streams becoming luggish, winding through mnarshles fied with Wild rice an * ater lily. As we approach the town of Detroit the land appears still more flat, and the water more stagnant: but at a short distance from the estuaries of the little rivers, 10, 12, and 15 miles westward, we find excellent black walnut and sycamore bottoms, amidst what the yankies call fine rolling land. Around Detroit the country is beautiful and naturally rich. North of Detroit, along the Huron river, at Machonee's village, the land is of the best quality, producing corn and other grain as abundantly as the richest parts of the Ohio country. T'he Huron bottoms are the best in the territory and are unusually wide. The new alluvion timber is, sycamore, elm, maple, &c. the dry bottom land has black walnut, and the timber which generally accompanies it, to wit; hickory, black locust, honey locust, cherry, basswood, &c. the highland has oak, hickory and ash. All these are of large growth, indicating a soil and climate more genial than one could expect in this latitude. Along the straits of St. Clair, as we approach lake Huron, we find much barren pine covered country, interspersed with prairies and large tracts of good walnut land. The district on. the shores of lake Huron presents the same varied character, but generally good. As we proceed north we find sugar tree the prevailing timber. CLIMATE, DISEASES, &c. With regard to temperature, Mishigan territory is far mnore moderate both in winter and sum, mer than any place in the same latitude east of the Allegheny wountain In winter there is & longer 4luration of reguls ï~~MIIG~AN TERRTOXP. eold than is usual in Pennsylvania;:and this is more observable along the coasts-of Huron-and St. Clair, but the intensity of the cold is not generally greater than it is at Pittsburgh. Judging "from a series of observations made by Gen. Wilkinson in 1817, we must believe that the summers are remarkably mild. From the 4th of Aug. to the 4th of Sept. the thermometer (Fahren.) never stood higher at noon, than 70 degrees, while in the mornings and evenings it often fell to 46. General Hull represents it as superior to Massachusetts, both with respect to the moderation of the seasons and the healthiness of the climate. But such innumerable and immense bodies of stagnating water must, during summer, in any habitable latitude be unhe4lthy. Accordingly we find prevalent there the diseases naturally tobe expected; fevers, jaundice, and dysentery, particularly the latter. PR nTJTI ON S, &c. This territory is superabundantly supplied with excellent fishi. The most plentiful is the white fish or Ticamang or salmon trout. There are'besides great quantities of an admirable kind of black trout, (a small species) of black bass, carp, and many other inferior sorts. In some of the settlements the people do little else than catch fish and drink whiskey, Lncks ana wiia-geese, during spring and autumn, resort here in millions to feed upon the wild rice (folle avoine) and any quantity of them may be shot without difficulty. All kinds of game, particularly the fur-bearing animals are plentiful. Orchard trees thrive and bear well wherever they have been planted in this territory; and common grain grows as -well here as in Ohio state. Potatoes grow remarkably well, better perhaps than in any other part of the United States; 4nd many of the wretched, lazy French, who live along the shores, use no other condimentto theirfish., ï~~GiVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHIY OF MICHIGAN TERRITORY. DivisisONs TowiNs, POPULITrio, SETTLEMENTS, CONDITIO 7 01r INHAITATS, C0iERCE, HISTORT. Counties. Whites in 1810. Slaves. Ghief Toun.& Detroit - - 2114 17 Detroit I The whole popur Erie - - 1327 4, pation, at present, Huron (of St. Clair) 570 2 must be about Michilimackinac 5991 1 Mackinaw J 14,000. In 1807 Gen. Hull purchased for the United States the Indian claim for 7,000,000 acres in the south east corner of the territory. This purchase extends from Maumee along the shore of lake Erie, Detroit river and St. Clair lake and strait as far as Saganaw bay, with the exception of the following Indian reservations-- A tract 6 miles-square on the Maumee above Roche de Baeuf. 1 do. 3 miles square on the same above the old U. States' cession. I do. 4 miles square at the mouth of the Maumee, inclu. ding Wogan and Mishkemau's villages. 1 do. 3 do. do, at the mouth of the river Macon an4 Raisin. 4 do. 1 do. do. on the river Rouge-Seguisavin's and Tanquish's villages. 1 do, 3:do. do. on lake St. Clair, above the mouth of Huron, including Machonee's villages. 6 Sections to be chosen hereafter by the Indians in any uns- 'tied land: besides considerable reservations. at Brownsto, and Maguaga, the village of Myeerahi (Walk-in-the Wat The Indian claim to some small tracts in other parts o territory has been extinguished, for the sake of gaining cet military positions. The body of lands ceded: by the treaty of Nov. 17, 1807, was bounded on the west by a line running directly north from fort Defiance. Two millions of acres of bounty lands were ordered by government to be surveyed on the east side of that boundary; but the land being found not good for cultivation, by reason of the number of its ponds, lakes and swamps, the surveying w a* discontinued. The tract of country lying immediately east oS that "military district" has since been surveyed for pluI Saleand is said to be of good quality. ï~~1 Q 1~2 I~ICHIGAN TERIIRTORIY. In 1819 governor Cass purchased the claim of the ChPIp ways for a district containing about six millions of acres-ly ing at the north end of Hull's purchase. It includes the Saganaw and several of its tributaries, extending from Saganaw bay northward to Thuader bay and westward 60 miles. TOWNS. Detroit, called by courtesy a city, stands upon the shore of Detroit river, about 6 miles below lake St. Clair, and 18 miles north of the British fort Malden. It was founded by the French above a hundred years ago; but was totally burnt down in 1805, and has been since rebuilt upon an improved plan. It now contains about 300 buildings-two-thirds of them frames; the rest brick and stone with a few of hewn logs. It. has three streets parallel with the shore, intersected at right angles by six streets, and several alleys. There is no street -upon the shore, a circumstance which injures the appearance of the town;: notwithstanding which its situation renders it agreeable and even picturesque. There is a line of pickets enclosing the town; a work executed by gen. Hull when he held it during the last war. It has several wooden wharves. One of them, which was erected by the United States, is 140 feet long, and will admit vessels of 400 tons to lie beside it. The United States' store is a large handsome house. There is a kind of nunnery here, and a Roman Catholic chapel. Detroit carries on a considerable trade, chiefly with the Indians, to whom goods are generally sold at exorbitant profit. The French, who constitute probably a majority of the inhabitants, have no enterprize in business, but are excessively fond of amusements, particularly music, dancing, and smoking. With regard to complexion a great part of those who, through habit or compliment, are called white people, differ little from theirPottawatami neighbours, a circumstance owing to their frequent exposure upon the wateis. Volney observes that the ladies in gent ral resemble the Arabian Bedwins, paricularly in their shark shaped (low cornered) mouths and tyger teeth.,~4ost of them have lively, expressive, agreeable countenances.. SDetroit fort stands upon a low ridge about 200 yards in the e*r of the town. On every side of it the ground is low anihy. kackinaw; the scite of which has already been described, is the great mart of Idian trade. Annually goods to the value of.1alf a million of dollars or upwards are shipped to this town, and from thence distributed in boats or canoes around all the north-western lakes and their tributaries. Some of those boats require two years to go to their places of destination, dispose of their cargoes and return. Here, as at Detroit,the people are oorbcause they are incomparably indolent. The wages of.mmon labourersare often as high as two dollars a day. Poatoes may be raised with culture incredibly slight; and yet. they raise litle* "They eettheir nets.at night and draw the%, ï~~CI, AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. K6_* ii the mornihg,iand drink whiskey the balance of the day. They keep great numbers of dogs which they frequently use for draw. ing their sleighs. These animals live like their masters upon fish. A Frenchman at Detroit, some tiWne ago, complained to an officer that the soldiers had killed all his dogs but nine." On the north side of Mackinaw island there are a few small half cultivated spots called farms, which furnish a supply of potatoes, and the wild meadows on the neighbouring mainland afford them plenty of hay. There are no settlements of white people in the whole territory except those along the eastern shores; and that at Macki. naw; and some now commencing on the shore of Michigan. At some places, particularly on St. Clair river, the habitations. are so close along the shore that they look like a continual village for many miles. Monroe is the name of a town lately commenced on the river Raisin. The Indian villages are-. INIABJTrANTs. HOUSES, Brownstown on Bitownstown river Wyandots 25 Maguaga on Moguaga river do. - - 19 Tendaganees village on Maumee do. Ottowas at Roche de Bxf Wagon's village on Maumee do Mishkemaus on do do Makonee's at the river Huron do A village at L' Arbre Cruche do Roman Catholipt, A Chippewa village on Saganaw river lately sold 4 or 5 villages on Black river Miamies 2 villages on the Rouge river Pottawatamies Several villages on the St. Josephs do A village on river Raisin at the mouth of Macon. Pottawatimles The whole number of Indians in the territory is estimatet at 3,000. COMMERCE. This territory exports furs, chiefly of the Beaver and muskrat; besides these the skins of the otter, racoon, fox, wild-cat, martin, rabbit, bear, wolf, elk, and deer. The annual amount is about F 150,000. In exchange they receive British goods. Their white fish will no doubt hereafter constitute an important article of commerce as they can supply the whole western country with that article. There are strong reasons fdrbelieving that the wild rice may be founda valuableproduction, and a.stapli in their trade. Their imports are salt, flour, pork, beef, corn, butter, cheese, lard and whiskey; which. are received chiefly in exchange for fish, apples, cider, &c. The shipping amount* to about 600 tons. Htsmonr, About the year 1683 the French established mi - litary trading posts at Detroit and Michilimakinac. fheir tCanadianpossessios were never extendedfurthernorth-west ï~~MIC!I11AN' TERRITORtV; ward than to the latter place; and both of these posts wf& occupied for the purpose of communication between their es, tablishments upon the Mississippi, then forming or projected, and the towns of Quebec and Montreal, which they held upon the St. Lawrence. No remarkable event occurred in this quarter so long as the Frrench authorities remained here, so perfect was the peac that subsisted between them and all the Indian nations. In 1759 the British army under gen. Wolfe captured Quebec; and in the succeeding year France ceded to Great" Britain all their claims in Canada, including therein the two forts of Detroit and Michilimakinac. In 1763 the latter place.wastaken thrbough stratagem by a combined army of Hurons, Miamis, Chippewas, Ottoways, Pottowitamies, Saukes and Missasangies, and some of other tribes, amounting in all to about 3000 -warriors, and commanded by the great Saukee (called by some a Miami) chief Pontiac. Few lives were lost on the occasion, and the prisoners were sent to Montreal. Pontiac, emboldened by success, proceeded against Detroit-and proposed to treat for peace with the commandant-Iajor- Gladwin. Under this pretence he was permitted to enter the fort, accompatied by a select band who had guns cut short and concealed with other arms under their blankets, It had been agreed among them that, upon a concerted signal, they were to comnqence a general massacre. However Major Gladwin obtain_d from a squaw some intimation of their design, and by a seasonable precaution he prevented the catastr:phe-suffering the delegates to march back without any other punishment than a reprimand. They immediately laid siege to the place, and conk tinued it for several months; during which many skirmishes. happened, and the garrison became greatly reduced. In one of those rencontres, which occurred at a place since called Bloody Bridge, captain Delzil and the principal part of his detachment consisting of 200 men fell the victims of savage cunning and cruelty. Shortly afterwards a British schooner entered the strait with a reinforcement; but at the head of what has since been called Fighting island she was attacked by a large body of Indians in canoes. They attempted to board-- but some ofthe sailors called out to set fire to the magazine, which immediately dispersed the assailants,. and the schooner was suffered to proceed. The siege was then raised. The Revolutionary war caused alliances to be formed between the British and Indians, which have never since been entirely broken. After the termination of that warthe British held the Michigan posts until the ratification of Jay's treaty (in 1796) and since which period they remained in the possession of the U States, until the 15th August 1812, when Detroit was surrendered by gen. Hull to the British and Indian army under the command of gen. Brock. Shortly after that Mainaw was captured by stratagem. ï~~CIVIL AND POLTIICAL GEOGRAPHY. 16-5 In October 181l general Harrison defeated the British army at the Thames or Mo'avian towns, and recovered possession of the whole territory, with the exception of Makinaw which was not delivered mtil tha conclusion of the war in r 1315.. SKETCH, OF WEST YIRGINIAA. The south boundary of Virginia is the line of north latitude '60 30'. On the west the Big Sandy river and a part of the Cumberland mountain separate it from Kentucky. On the north-west the Ohio river separates it from Ohio state. It is separated from Pennsylvania by a line running direct!y south from Mill creek near Georgetown, to the line of lat. 390 431, and then from that point directly east until it touches a line run. ning north from the main source of tlhe Potomac river. This latter line together with the river PotomaQ and Chesapeake bay separate it from Maryland. The remainder of its east border is upon the Atlantic. In this sketch I refer only to that part which is west of the Allegheny mountain proper-the spine of the Appalachian range. That part includes -early 20,000,000 of acres. West Virginia is watered by the following streams, all of which flow into the Ohio: 1 Cheat river, a branch of the Monongahela. 2 East branch of the Monongahela. 3 The West or mamin branch of the Monongahela. From the west boundary of Pennsylvania to the town of Parkersburgh, below Marietta, the largest streams which flow into the Ohio on the Virginia side are only creeks. 4 Little Kenhawa, which rises near the heads of the Monongahela, debouches three miles above Blannerhasset's Island at Parkersburgh. 5 The Great Kenhawa rises in North Carolina, and, after running 40 or 50 miles north, enters this state through the Allegheny valley;it then runs north-westerly about 60 miles and then passing into the Cumberla nd valley it runs north about 70 miles to the junction of the Green Briar river. From that point it runs north-west, and at the distance of about 50 miles passes the Cumberland mountain by a cataract. From that it continues nearly the same course 80 or.90 miles to the town of Point Pleasant where it enters the Ohio. Green Briar river likewise waters the Cumberland valley, running Si S. W. and 1$eeting the Kenhawa nearly in a direct line. Elk river rises sear the sources of the, Monongahela, and after running south ï~~166 MICHIG AN tERRITOR. vwest near 100 miles along the west side of the Cumberland mountain, enters the Kenhawa. On the south side the Keahawa receives the Yellow river and Louisa river, both of which are inconsderable streams. 6 Big Guyandot river rises in the Cumberland mountains, and enters the Ohio about 13 miles above the Big Sandy. 7 Big Sandy river is the boundary between this state and Kentucky. It rises in the Cumberland mountains, and runs generally a north course. It is about 100 miles in length. FACE OF THE COUNTRY, SOIL, &c. This end of the state cgnsists almost entirely of mountains and hills. Between the Cumberland and Alleghe-ny mountains there is a valley or range of low country which reaches quite across the state, bat very little of it is flat. In this valley, along the south branch of the Kenhawa, is a tract of laud called tlhe Great Meadows. North of the Kenhawa the Green Briar division of the valley is narrow and broken. XVest of the Cumberland mountain the basis of the country is chiefly calcareous, and the soil is fertile even upon the tops of the most rugged ridges. The Ohio bottoms. are uniformly rich except where they are marshy. It has been remarked that all the best bottoms of the Ohio are subject to inundation, which is rarely the case with marshy bottoms. The greater part of West Virginia is equal to any part of the U. States for producing most kinds of small grain. NATURAL PRODUCTIONS. Coal abouinds through the greater--.probably through the whole of this region. Iron has been found in many places, and it is supposed that all the schistose part of the mountains contain that metal. Salt water of very unusual strength has been obtained very copiously, and at sev.eral different places near the Kenhawa river. The lowest borings are at Thirteen mile creek, (13 miles from the Ohio) but the most extensive establishments are about 70 miles from the Phio. The product of the differeht wells is from 90 to 130 galIons of the water for each bushel. The price of that indispensible article has been reduced nearly 50 per cent in the market along the Ohio since the establishment of the Kenhawa balt works. NATURAL CUaiOSITrIEs. In the flats of Kenhawa, about 67 miles from the mouth of that river, there is a large hole or basin in the ground from which a strong current of bituminous vapour continually issues, and occasions an agitation of the sand around the edge of the hole. On presenting a torch within 18 inches of the orifice the vapour takes fire and burns sometimes for 2 or 3 days, and sometimes not longer than 20 minutes, and asit ceases seems to be at that time exhausted. Sometimes the hole contains water which is very cold, but is kept in continual ebullition by the vapour. When the vapour is ignited the wa - V Oecomes heated, and soon entirely dissipated into steaig. ï~~CIVIL AND POLITIC AL GEOGRAPHY" This hole is large enough to tontain 30 or 40 gallons. On the Sandy river there is another similar one which is much smaller. " On the Great Kenhawa near the mouth of Elk river there is a large mass of black (1 suppose vegetable) earth, so soft as to be penetrated by a pole ten or twelve feet deep; cut of the hole so made there frequently issues a stream of hydrogen gas which will burn for a time; and in the vicinity of this place there are constant streams of that gas which, it is said, when once lighted will burn for several weeks." A.aclure, Towns. Wheeling is about 50 miles (by the road) distant from Pittsburgh and 25 from Steubenville. Being situated at the point where the national road from Washingion city to Ohio statetouches the Ohioeriver, it will probably soonbecome a place of trade and importance. Otherwise its scite is inconvenient as it is built on an elevated but narrow flat at the foot of a steepet fidge, which allows only breadth of ground for one stre along the shore. There is a piece of handsome bottom below the town, but it is subject to frequent inundations, and the ridge above is almost precipitous on both sides, with scarcelybreadth of ground on its top sufficient for the road which now occupies it Charlestown is pleasantly situated on the Ohio shore aboiut 15 miles above Wheeling, and half a mile above the mouth o Buffalo creek. It has little trade, but is a plate of considerable (tmbarkation for the flour and other productions of the surrounding country. It has a manifactory of stone ware, another of queens ware, and one of glass ware. There are several excellent merchant mills in its neighbourhood. The supply of coal is inexhaustable and remarkably convenient. The mar. ket is very cheap for all the common articles of subsistence-: in short it seems better suited for the establishment of manufactures than any other town in the western country. There is another town of the same name upon the Kenhawa river, 60 miles from the Ohio, which contains the courthouse of Kenhawa county. Point Pleasant, at the mouth of Kenhawa, is a small village containing about 20 or 30 families, but its scite appears to be well chosen. It is generally thought that the best communicatio between the Atlantic and the Ohio may be establishel through this state. The Jams river is navigable to the mouth of Dunlap's creeki from that point to the Green Briar river near its mouth is 50 miles; or to the Kenhawa 100 miles. The portage road across the Allegheny mountain, which separates these two rivers, could be made without any declination greater than 5 degrees. The junction of the Delawzre and Chesapeake by the Rarito. canal woul4 in that way establish a connection between Philadelphia and the western country of inestimable importance t both, ï~~STATE OF KENTUCKY. NATURAL GEOGRAIPHY. EXTElT, BotVDAnis, &c. RIVERns, FACE OF THE CO NTRT, SoIL, &C. GSOLOGr, NATURAL PRODUCTIONS, 'CrIIATE, CURIOSITIEs. Kentuicky is 417 miles in length, (from West Long. 40 44' to 120 10' and 170 miles in breadth that is from North Lat. 360 30' to 390 121, Its area is 40,110 square miles, or 25,670,000 acres. It is bounded on the north by the Ohio river, which separates it from the states of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois: on the west by the Mis. sissippi river, which separates it from the Missouri State, on the south by the line of North Lat. 360 30' which separates it from the State of Tennessee: on the South East by a part of the Cumberland chain of mountains, and on the east by the Great Sandy River, both of which limits-separate it from the state of Virginia. A dispute has arisen between the states of Tennessee and Kentucky, with regard to the. line which separates them. It was first surveyed 10 miles further north than the prescribed latitude of 360 30', and east of the Cumberland river it has been occupied by settlers loca. ted under the authority of N. Carolina, (as the rest of Tennessee was.) The tract included between the Cumberland and Mississip. pi rivers, has lately beenpurchased from the Chickasaws, and there the government of Kentucky has taken possession as far as the true chartered line of latitude; whether it can claim to the same on th e east side of the Cumberland is questionable. RiVEts. The 'Ohio passes along the north border of the state 650 tiles, and receives in that distance on the southside, seven large rivers, besid s several small ones. The large ones are Great San. dy, Licking, Kentucky, Salt, Greene, Cumberland, and Tennessee rivers. Great Sandy rises in Virginia, between the Allegheny and the Cumberland mountains, near the head waters of Cumberland River, It is 200 yards wide at its mouth, and is about 150 miles in length. It is navigable as far as the Wasciota mountains,-about 60 miles. Its main, course is north. The west fork of it, which is "the main river, receives on the west side, Shtelby, Bear, Bartle's, Point, and Dlane creeks. On the east side it receives no streams worthy of inotice. Licking river likewise rises near the head waters of the Cumberland, and after pursuing a north west co rse about 200 miles, -enters the Ohio at Newport, opposite the town of Cincinnati. It receives the little Li.king about 40 miles from its mouth. Its other tributaries are remarkably few and small considering length. It runs over a bed of limestone through the fissures of which it almost en4irely disappears in dry weather. Kentucky river has its main source between those of the Licking sad the Cumberland rivers. It is above 200 miles in length; is ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. I, i6) navigable about 150 miles, and is about 150 yards wide at its mouth. Its head waters are called "South Fork, Middle Fork, and North Fork," Elkhorn river, and Eagle Creek. On- the west side it r& ceives Midd'e Fork, Red bird Fork, and Dick's river. Salt river, which enters the Ohio 28 miles b lw the Falls, is navigable about 150 miles. On the north it receives Brasheer's creek and Floyd's Fork. On the south it receives Rolling Fork, of which Beech Fork is a considerable branch. Greene river has its source near Dicks river, and after running nearly a west course above 200 miles it enters the Ohio 67 miles above the mouth of the Wabash. On the north side it receives Nelin's creek, Rough creek and Panther creek. On the south side it receives Little Barren river, Great Barren river, which rises near where the Cumberland river intersects the Tennessee line, Muddy river and Pond river. Tradewater rises in a bend of the Cumberland and flows into the Ohio 100 miles below Greene river. Cumnberland river rises near the east end of the state. After a course of about 200 miles it enters Tennessee state-runs about 200 hundred miles through it and returns to~Kentucky through which it then runs about 80 miles and debouches into the Ohio, 67 miles from the Mississippi. It is 300 yards wide at its mouth and is navigable for ships 200 miles to Nashville in Tennessee; and for boats 200 miles further. As far as Nashville it generally has 20 feet of water from November to June, with an unobstructed channel and very gentle current. On the north side it receives Laurel, Rockcastle, Red and Little rivers. On the south Obie's river of which Wolf river is a branch. Tennessee river crosses the west end of the state nearly parallel with the Cumberland, and debouches into the Ohio 13 miles below it. Kaskinamp2as is a small river which flows into the Mississippi about 2-5 miles below the mouth of the Ohio. There are no lakes in Kentucky except the one called the Pond in Jefferson county. It is about 4 miles in length and two in breadth. It contains one island. FACE OF THE COUNTRY. Kentucky has so often been called the garden of the world, that most people overrate its fertility. It is true that no tract in the Atlantic country is at all comparable to it; yet there are many millions of acres west of the Allegheny mountains quite as rich, and in some places possessed of greater natural adiantages. The bdittoms of the Ohio have already been described in the geography of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois states. In the rear of the bottoms and parallel with them, there is a tract from five to twenty miles wide, extending the whole length of the state, much broken by the deep rugged vallies of the streams which pass from the interior through it. -To account for this, and for most of the striking features of this part of the Missisippi valP ï~~160 STATE OF KENTUCKY,. ley, it must be remembered the soil of Kentucky and Tennessee, and some parts of the adjoining states, rests upon strata of so&condary or flat limestone. In some places a great many successive layers of limestone and earth have been worn through by the streams until the banks have become abrupt precipices of great depth. The borders of such streams are dry and compatratively sterile. Through the greater part of the state, and particularly all along the Ohio, the most elevated tracts are the richest, excepting the brows of the river hills. The central part of the state, called the " Elkhorn Tract," that is, the country immediately south of the range of broken land above mentioned, is the celebrated rich part of Kentucky. This tract which is about 150 miles long and 100 at its greatest breadth, includes the counties M Ison, Fleming, Bath, Montgomery, Woodford, Clark, Bourbon, Nicholas, Fayette, Scott, Harrison, Franklin, Mei cer, Jessamine. Madison, Garrard, Casey, Lincoln, Washington and Greene it lies between Little Sandy and Salt rivers, and is watered chiefly by the Licking, Kentucky, and Salt rivers and their branches. The surface of this part is gently undulating without any tarshy flats, and without any steep ascents The soil is generally black, but sometimes red and sometimes the colour of ashes. On the summits of ridges the vegetable mould is frequently found twenty feet deep; but it becomes gradually thinner as you approach the borders of the streams. The bottoms are narrow, but the oak land which comrnmonly skirts them, often extends to the breadth of two or three miles. In such plao s the soil is dry, hard and comparatively poor. The trees of the uplands are black walnut, black cherry, honey-locust, buckeye, pawpaw, sugar tree, mulberry, cotton-wood, elm, ash, with great quantities of grape vines. There is little or no underwood. Formerly the ground was covered with reed Gene, but this has been destroyed by the cattle, as it constituted a luxuriant pasture. Its place has been suplplied by a natural grass called " nimble will," which is rather slhort but very nutritious and much better than the cane. Scarcely any fallen timber is to be seen on the ground, but the growing trees are chiefly young, small and in most places thinly set. There are in fact, many circumstances which strongly indicate that the country has but recently emerged from the prairie condition. One of the great evils felt herethe only very important one, is the scarcity of water in the dry seasons; whereas the poorer pat ts of the state are supplied with springs sufficiently numerous and durable. in the central parts the brooks, and even so tne of the small rivers are dried up occasionally. WVithin the limits which I have here assigned to the fertile region, there is a tract, principally included in Nelson county, and lyin between Greene river and the Rolling For! of Salt ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. 171 river, a great part of which is considerably different from the surrounding country; being rather broken and barren, but good for pasturage. Originally it was covered-with grass, and not with cane like rich lands. Small grain therefore grows well in all the arable parts of it. The east and south east quarters of the state present a range of mountainous country, along the boundaryk and a still wider range of hilly land between that and the interior. In these ranges the Big Sandy, Licking, Kentucky, and Cumber land rivers have their sources. Here we see nothing but steep irregular ridges through which the streams have formed deep dark glens and rugged precipices; the fronts of which (sometimes three or four hundred feet in height) present the edges of alternate layers of earth limestone, and often rolled pebbles, sand, &c. down to their very bases. Some of the breaks rise in deep circular glens called cover, each of which has a gap at one side for the stream to pass out Their bottoms are perfectly level, and sometimes 50 acres in extent, but generally less than half that size. The sides of the hills which surround them, arr covered with oak, chestnut, hickory, poplar and gum but thq trees of the cove bottoms are beech, black walnut, sugar tree, elm, poplar, and hackberry; closely set and of enormous size, with no undergrowth but cane Poplars are often found in such places eight feet in diameter. Those dismal gloomy retreats, which not a breath of air ever disturbs, are often chosen for places o' residence. The southern part of Kentucky, particularly that part which lies between the Greene and Cumberland rivers, is called ' the Barrens,' ' the Oak,' ' the Knob district,' &c. The northern part of it is watered by the Great Barren river and its branches; the south part by the Rd river, a branch of the Cumberland, and its numerous branches; the east part by Rock-castle river, Buck creek, Putman's creek,and other head branches of the Cuimberland. It includes the counties of Rockcastle, Wayne. Logan, Pulaski, Adair, Knox, Whitley, Cumberland, Greene, Warren, Butler, Barren, Allen, Christian, Caldwell, Hopkins, Muhlenberg and Ohio. This tract was called Barrens by the people on the north side of the Greene river, because it was at first destitute of cane, and because the trees did not indicate first rate land, being only oak, chestmnut, hickory, gum, linn, poplar and cucumber-in short it bore tokens of having been prairie land more lately than the other parts of the state. In 1800 the Kentucky legislature granted it gatuitously to actual settlers-400 acres to each one; which grants have since been called' Head Rights,' almost the only certain rights in the state. At first those grants were little esteemed, and some were sold at a dollar; and some eveh as low as 25 cents per acre: but as soon as the land was brought into ciltivation the prices rose to 15, 20 and 50 dollars an acre. It is excellent for pasture, though like the other parts of the state no meadow grasses will grow upon it ï~~172 STATs,. OF KVTtrCXtY. Small grain of every kind produdeÂ~ very well; hIndian corn is obtained 50 bu'hels per acre: and in the best parts; that is on the poplar land near the Cumberland, 100 bushels to the acre. Tobacco grows as well in the "deep swai!s as in any part of the state; and stock is raised with much less trouble. But after all, it is evident that the fertility will not be as durable in it as it is iii the cane country. In this quarter it is said that "dis. eases and physicians are almost unknown;" but Brown describes the part bordering on Tennesse.e as being in a remarkable manner annoyed by the frequency and violence of lightfiing strokes. Gr OOGY. The basis of Kentuicky consists almost entirely of limestone placed stratum super stratum, and extending to a depth that has no where been ascertained. The soluble nature of this rock has caused it to be pertorated into innumerable caverns. Some parts of the country seem to be almost entirely undermined. South of Greene river, travelling is dang'erous, on account of the caves breaking down occasionally into deep chasms. Cattle and even people have sometimes been killed by the earth suddenly giing way beneath them. The great depth of tle black vegetable mould which overlays thelimestone rock, proves that it must have been formed from submerged forests, like the coal strata around Pittsburgh; because the gradual decomposition of tihe vegetables that grow on any soil can never accumulate to a greater depth than six or eight inches: and in Kcntuckv it could not be the al'uvion of rivers, for the rmost elevated lands have generally the deepest soil. On the summits of the hills there is often above 20 feet of vegetable mould. CLIaMTE. Every part of Kentucky i healthy but not very dif. ferent in this respect from the other parts f the country east of the Ohio and Allegheny rivers. NATmnIAL PnonvrCTIONs. Salt petre is-found in almost all the numerous caves of the state. It is contained in the earth dug out of those caves, sometimes-in the proportion of s50 lbs. for every 100. This earth is leached, that is washed, and if returned to the caves again, it will in a few years become as strongly impregnated again as itwas at first. The greatest quantity has been produced from Wayne county: next to this from Barren, Rockcastle, Montgomery, Knox, Estil), Warren and Cumberland. In 1810, the whole state pro uced 201 937 lbs. During the war the quantity was esteemed at 400,000 lbs. and since that at 300,000 lbs. annuslly. The carth in the caves contains both the -nitrate of potash, (i. e. salt petre,) and the nitrafe of lime. It is therefore dissolved in water, s td filtered through wood ashes, which decomposes the nitrate ofitime: the nitric acid of which unites with the alkali of the ashes, thus forming nitre and passing off irr the lixivium wvith the rest of the dissolved nitre. Tiere is a kind of sand stone common in this state, called rock ore. It is richly impregnated with nitre, yielding from 10 to 20,lbs. 4 bushel. It is extracted by pounding the stone into small bits and ï~~fAThE OF KENTUCKIt then throwing it into warm water, which soon causes it to fall into sand. The nitre procured thus, is generally preferred as it is the purest, seldom containing any nitrate of lime. "Masses of native nitre" are frequently found amongst the nitra-. ted sand stone, some of them it is said have weighed several hundred pounds. There are several salt springs from which a part of the supply of salt for the state is produced. Lead Ore has been found at Drennon's Creek in Henry county: likewise near Monticello in Wayne County, but the veins of it were small. Very good marble is obtained on the Kentucky river, about 30 milts fiom Frankfort, and at some other places. Beds of Coal are found along the Kentucky river, above Frankfort, NATURAL GCURIOSTIEs. The salt petre caves are the greatest curiosities of Kentucky. The "Mammoth Cave" in the North east corner of Warren coun. ty, 2 miles from Green River, has been amply described by Doctor Ward: and his account though doubted by many, has been lately confirmed by several travellers. I substitute the following brief description of it for the minute one given by the Doctor At its mouth there is a pit 48 feet deep and 120 in circumference. At the south side of it a passage or "avenue" as it is called, leads to a room six miles distanit. At first, for about 40 rods this avenue it 30 feet wide, and 40 or 50 high. Then for a few rods it contracts to 10 feet in width, and 5 in height., At the distance of a mile frora the entrance, there is a place called the First hoppers, where salt petre is manufactured. From thence to the Second hoppers, which is about another mile, the avenue is 40 feet wide and 60 feet high. From the second hoppers it runs west one mile, and then south (as before) for three miles. At that point itopens in a room called the "Chief City," which is upwards of eight acres in area, and 100 feet in height. From that central room, five other avenues pass in diG ferent directions. They are from 40 to 80 feet high, and from 60 to 100 feet wide. The first three of them which lead southwardly,. have not been explored through their whole length. It is not known whether or not they lead to other rooms, but they seem to communicate with each other.. The fourth leads nearly northwards; that is towards the mouth of the cave, and at the distance of some. what more than two miles opens into a room 200 feet high called the "second city;" about equal in eAxtent to the first one -- From this second room two avenuessiverge: one on the east side opens, at the distance of 300 yards hto the "Third City," which is about 200 feet square & 60 feet high. A cascade of water issue, from the side of this room at the height of about 20.feet and disappears through the loose stones of the floor.. Between this.-room and the former, another avenue proceeds southwards- out ofthe one last mentioned, and at the distance of *re than a mile, through a steep passage, into the Fourth City," a r~om about six acres in extent. The Fifth avenue which leads from the First City. has an eastward course, and at the distance of about 900 yards opens into the. Pifth City," a roonm tour acres in extent Upon the floor of it were observed "fire beds" with extinguished fire brands round them. rom, this an avenue runs southward, about 500- rods, and. then ï~~M'ATE OF. XtTVClt0 thr-cogh a narrow vertical passage of 40 feet called the Chimney i3 opens into a chamber 1800 feet in circumference and 150 in height, In this were found soda, glauber salts, epsom salts, flint, yellow ochre, spar of various kinds and some petrifications. From this chamber other avenues as lar. e as te preceding ones diverge. but they have not been explored. Near the mout4 ofthe cave there is an opening which decends 16 or 18 feet, and gradually passes to a level avenue which winds under the main avenue and finally opens into it beyond the "second hoppers." It has several expansionsone called the "Sick room," one the " Bat room," another the 0"Haunted chamber," on account of its echo. The ceiling of this one consists of spar: and on its sides there are columns of spar, knobbed and fluted with brilliant stalactites. There is a dome in it 50 feet high, ornamented with coloured spars of great splendour. At one side of the "haunted chamber, there is a deep narrow *hasm, amd through it the sound of a waterfall is heard, apparently at a great distance. From this chasm an avenue leads westward, and terminates at a reservoir of pure water, called the "pool of CUitorius," from the fabled classical fona Clitormus, said to be so pure, that, whosoever tasted it, never relished wine afterwards.-.. FromAthe latter avenue there is another, leading northward, which has columns -of brilliant spar aloag the sides, and terminates in a ohamber of pure white. From this ceiling great numbers of bats are seen hanging by their hind claws. Three of tke avenues of the Mammoth Cave, are supposed to pass under Greene River. There is a very remarkable nitre cave in; Madison County, on Crooked creek, about 60 milesS. East of Lexingten. It is 646 yards long, with an average breadth of almost 40 feet, and height of 10 feet, extending entirely through a hill, and affording a passage for waggons. There are many streams in the state which sink into savs,a some of theumdo not appear above ground agau ï~~CIVIL AND) POLITICAL GBOCRAAVH1 - OF KENTUCKY.0 1hyvirs, Towxs, POPULATIOXn, SCHOOLS, COMMERCE AioMA~NUFACTURU,, HIsTORY- OF SETTLEMENT, CONSTITUTION, Adair Allen Barren Bath Roone DrackenBrockenridge Bourbon Butlerotillitt' Clark. Casey, Campbell Christian Ctimberland Clay Caldwell' baVes Estill Payette Franklin F eming Floyd Gallatin Grenup Glreene Grayso.Garrard llen ry Harrison Rndersrn M2nr" n..0,0.6,011 Columbia t75 N-ew'Market. Scottsvill Thorpkinsville,.Monroes11,286 Glasgow 244. Chaplinton,, Voodsocr Owingsville 3,608 'Bu rligton Bellevue, Petersburg., 3-451 -Augusta 255 Germantown. 3,430 H-ardinsburg Steph~ensport. 18,009 Paris.;83&I Millersburg, Patesvi~g. 24181 M4organtown 4,311 11,519 Winchester 5%38 Iniantowiw3-285 Liberty '53 Causeyville' 3.060 Newport 413 'Covington 11,020 flopkinfiville.131 6V191 Burkesville 106.238Mancheste-r.4,268 -Eddyville. Pinceton or, Edcdygtvq Owensboro Vienna. 2,081 Irvine 21,0'7u LEXINOTON 5230 CrossPlan. 8,013 -FULAIKFORT 1099 ',8,947. Flemingsburg3,485 Prestonburg 32 3,307 Port William 120 2,369 Castleburg Grenupsb ig. 6, 73 5 Greensburg 132 1jpllvli, 0mg 91t; 6 Lancaster 260.6,7-17 Newcastle 125 7,752 Cynthiana 369 Leesburg.: 4,703 Henderson 159 7t531 EBlizabethtow'i 18.8 Fbiladelia. New Have* ï~~1v&STATD OF KENTrCKY. Hopkins Jessamne Jefferson Knox Livingston Lewis LincolnLogan MasonMercer Mkuhlenbiirgh Montgomery )licholas, N$elson Ohio Pulaski Pendleton, Rockeastle Scott Shelby' Union Wayne Washington Warren NWoodford hitle,0 S00 2,964 8137i 13,399 5,875 3,674 2,357 8,676 14123 12,630 14,078 14,837 5143U 13,248 11,937 Catar Towiis. Nfadisony ille, Nicholasville Louisville Blarboursville Smithlaiid Clarksburg Stanford- I Ilusselsville Washington Danville Richmond 'Greensville Mountsttq:ling Beardstown Hartford Stomerset Falmouth Georgetown Shelbyville Carthage lMonticello Sprilngfield 13 )Vin greeii T( S 0 37 158 1357 55 99 432 366 325 821 121 529 124 371 154 488 Lxssaan TowNS,. Salem, Kirksville, Cex. Vanccbtirg. Crab.Orctiard. 'Thakertown. Maysville, Uharlestoib, Willianisburg. Harradsbiirg, Perryville,, Shakertown, Whashing,, ton. Miltord. Lewisburg, Morgonifield, Raleigh..Nfewmarket, Lebanon.* Malidle. Leesburg, Mloxtonsville., This list includes the towns c9xnmenced since the, year 1810,. PorULATION of. 1790,. whites 61,133, slaves 12,430, freeblacks 114,, of 1800, 1rF9,8759 40,343, 741, of 1810', 224,1237, 80,561, 1,713, total 731,671k 22'0,954 Tpwws. Lexinton, though not the seat of government, is ~the first towni in Kentucky. it- is situated on both sides of at small branch, of the Elkhorn river, called Town Fork; in N. lat.,38 deg. 5 mmi. W. long. 7 deg. 11 -mou. about 335 miles (by, the road) from Pittsburgh.Ia 1797, says Brown, it contained only about 50 wooden houses.b'These howeverbLave almost entirely disappeared; and now it cona. Udns nearly a thousand houses whicb are chieffy brick. in 18'7 itIhad 2,400 inhabitants, in 1810 it fiad 5,230, and the number has ro bably increased sinte to about 8,000. During the same period thov, *amt of the Place has mores' leahw uredfuld. At- XW1. ï~~CIVIL AND POLOTICAL GEOGR APRY. 177 sent it is nearly stationary in this respect, as is the case with most of the towns of the western country; through the influence of the Sbanking system. Near the centre of the town is a public square surrb oAnded with elegant buildings. Main street (along the creek) is 80 feet wide, and little inferior to the streets of the Atlantic cities. There is a handsome court-house, a masonic hall, and a bank-. a beautiful. building: four hotels, two of which are considered eqtual, in regard to the luxury and elegance of their accommodations, to any of the hotels of the eastern cities. The Tranylvania University is located here. There are besides a public library, three newspaper offices; one ofwhich, the olanitor, is the only one in the state that belongs to the federal party. The oti:ers are the Reporter and Kentucky Gazettee. In 1816 there were 4 nail faetories, 2 copper and tin factories, 10 saddlers' shops, 5 cabinet shops anumbrella factory, 2 sto.cking weavers' shops, 3 steam grist mills, 2 steam paper mills, seve l cotton and woolen factories, besides b;eweries, distilleries, and tanneries, with the usual proportion of other manufacturing establisi ments. The town is on a plain which gently inclines towards the creek. The country around it is slightly undwlated, very beautiful, rich, and highly cultivated. The neighbourhood is ornamented with fifty or sixty fine villas or country seats. Louisville is situated at the Falls of the Ohio, N. lat. 38 deg. 16 min. and W. long. 8 deg. 30 rin. about 555 miles (by the river) below Pittsburgh, 560 from the mouth of the Ohio, and 50 west from Frankfort. It is built on an inclined bottom of 70 feet elevation, which leaves a narrow piece of ground, about 17 feet in height, along the shore of the river It was the scite of a fort, or stockade blockhouse, built in 1774 by Gen. Clark, who was sent for that pur. pose by Gov. Dunmore (of Virginia), The town had little trade for a long time, except what arose from the impediment of the river navigation at that point. The marshy lands in its neighbourhood caused intermittents and bilious complaints. Of late years these evils have been removed and the town has since exhibited tokens of prosperity truly astonishing. The common opinion is that it wdl henceforth be, of all the towns in the Mississippi valley, second only to New-Orleans. There is a good boat harbour in the mouth of Beargrass creekc. at the upper end of the town; and still water along the river shore as far as the town extends. Below the als, about a mile from Iutis. ville proper, lie the towns of Shippingsport and Portland. Clarkesville and Jeffersonsville (in indiana state) together with a fine expanse of water up and down the Ohio, and a flourishing country around, present themselves at once to the view from Louisvihie aid form a noble landscape. In 1816 Mr. L. Baldwin, engineer, was sent by government to bore the ground along Louisvile shore, and ascertain the practicability of making a canal there. From his examinations it appears that by digging about twenty feet i,,vdepth (three and a halt of which will in some places be limeL.otie rock) a canal sufficent for vessels of 490 tons can be made. Arrangements have been made ï~~178 1rI STAX, OP., KENTUCKY.' for that purpose between the legislatures of the states of Kentucky, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Ohio. The trade of this place will probably be greatly injured, by the circumstance that its landing places, both above and below the falls, are private property. at which exorbitant charges for whar. fage, &c. are imposed upon all boats and other vessels mooring, loading-or unloading; while there are excellent landing places on thile Indiana side, all pubic property and free from every charge. The harbour at the mouth of Beargrass creek (above the falls) is owned by the house of Gray, commission merchant of Louisville, We have not been able to procure a statement of his rates of wharfage; but those of Mr. Tarascon (which are nearly similarl I insert here at length, as it is highly important that they should be known to all Ohio traders. Tarascon's landings extend from Rock island to the foot of Shippingport. Vessels under 50 tons shall pay 25 cents per day Vessels above 50 and not over 100 tons 37 1-2 100 - 150 50 150 - 200 - 621-2 200 250 - 75 2i0 - 300 - 871-2 300 - 350 - 100 - 350 - 400,, 1121-2 S 400 500 * 125 % above 500 - 137 1-2 ON VEsSaLS FOR CARGOES. The wharfage for eargoes is intended to be a charge against the goods only; but John A Tarascon will charge it against the vessels, and recover it from then, their conrnmander, or vessel'W owners, as an express condition of his letting vessels load or unload on his property. The vessels to be reimbursed from the shippers or con. Signees. Every vessel shall pay oi-e cent fer every hundred pounds weight of goods that she shall load from the aforesaid wharves or landing places; aod one cent for every hMundred pounds weight that she shall discharge on them Halfa cent for every hundred pounds that vessels do deliver by ater, to lighters or receive from them when tied t(; the aforesaid w harves or landing places. Regulation.-The captain or commander of every vessel, will, on the day of her arrival at the wharf or landing places, provide John A Tarascon with a manifest of the tonnage of goods she has to unload, to enable him to make out his bill of wharfa e of goods; and also with a certificate of her tonnage by measurement, in order to enable him to make out his bill of whartage of the vessel. And if the said captain or commander shadl fail to provide him with said manimfst and certificate as afobresaid, then John A. Tarascon will consider the vessel as fully loaded, and will charge the said vessel her captain or commander and her 'owners with the wharfage for the goods, equal to thie fill f, 'page of said vessel. The captain,r commaude,'1f every vessel loaded at any of the aforesaid wharves or landing places, will also, before leaving it, delver to John A. Tarascon, a manifcst of the tonnage of the good ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPiY. 179.she has taken on board, and if she does fail to deliver itas aforesaid, John A. Tarascon willch arge said vessel, her captait or commtnanders and owners, for her cargo, p wharfage equal to her t1 tonnage. Every captain or commander of any such vessel shall, before learing the wharf or landing place, pay John A. Tarascoi his bills of wharflage agreeable to the afbresaid rates, and if lie shail fail paying it at the aforesaid time, then J o n X. 'arascoi will require and exact from said vessel, her ca: tain or commander and owners, as an expresscotndition of his whait e, twice as much as the aforesaid rates. Vessels employed in discharging or receiving cargoes are to have the preference in birthi. Idle boats to lay outside at half daily rates. Wagons, drays, carts, &c. employed at hawling to or from the wharves or landing places, to fiolow the direc ions prescribed by the wharf keeper; Idle ones to keep out of the way until wanted. J. A. T'AuAscox. Shipphingport, (Ken.).March 4, 1820..Jlfaysville, formerly called Limestone, is situated below the mouth of Limestone creek, 66 miles above Cincinnati, and 283 (by the river),elow Pittsburgh. It has long been a point of great comnmunication between Pittsburgh and tu.e interikr of Kentucky; and of course its trade is almost exclusive-ly that of an entrepoi. It is situated on an elevated irregular shore, about 50 rods wide; at the bottom of a steep hdl 450 feet in he:iit In 1f16 it had about 400 houses. There are mone prnmtiig office and one glass ftctory in it. Opposite the town there is a good land.ng place, and a good boat harbour in the mouth of Limestone creck. Just above the town there is a ship-yard, at whic several vessels have been built. The hill above the town presents a beautiful prospect of the rivers and of fine flourishihg portions of the states of Ohio and Kentucky on each side. Washinghton is sitiated upon the upland, three miles to the southwest of Maysvile, in the centre of a rich settlement. Paris is situated upion a little hill on the right bank of Stoner fork (of Licking river) above the mout' h of Haston creek. It is about equal in size to Maysville. It is 20 miles to the eastward of Lexington. The road between these two towns passes through a most delightful district If we set picturesqu effect out of the que-stion, and regard only the united circumstances of fertility and improvement; it is propably not rivalled by any other portion of the new world. Georgeto- n is situated at the Royal Spring, about a mile from itÂ~ 9oufluence with the North Eikhorn,-13 miles north of Lexington. It has claimed some notice on account of its manufactories, Bairdstown or Bardstown, is situated nar the Beech Fork (of Salte River,) 35 miles south of Frankfot. In 1816 it containedabout 200 houses., ï~~180 ST.ATE OF KENTUCKY. CCotington and je-wport, are chiefly distinguished for being sitti. ted op)usite to Cincinnati, and affording a fine view of the beauties of that neighbourhood. Senoots. The university of Transylvahia was first incorporated by the Virginia legis!ature, when Kentucky belonged to that state; again in 1798 it was incor orated by the Kentucky legislature It has been lIttle attended to, until lately; but now it may perhaps claim some reputation, as a comp)lete board of professors in the dif. ferent branches ef the Medical art has be n addedto its other pro. sors of matheniatical, philosophical and classical learning. There are several acadcmies in this state, but neither their situa. tion, nor even their number are correctt3 known. Of late years the business of education, seems to have attracted the attention of the Kentuckians in an exemplary degree. Coascr, and MANUFACTrn-s. The following table of articles proditced, and their value for one year, is atp abstract of a return made to th< secretary of state in 1810. Tanneries,, 255,212 1 Saltpetre 33,648 Distilleries, 740.242 j Paper Mills, 18,600 Looms, 2,057,081 Rope walk,, 393,400 Hemp, 690,600 J Cotton bag-? 1594 Mlaple Sugar, 308,932 J ging nanutac S 5 Powder Mlls, 38,561 15 Spinning Machines. Fulling Milis, 78,407 J 3 Forges. Salt Works, 324,870 j 4 Iron Foundaries. The Chief articles of export, are, Hemp, I obacco, Wheat, Maize, *Bacon, Saltpetre, and Whiskey. HIs"sRui or SETTLEIFENT. Kentucky, it has been said, was settled in tears and blood, and was forbmnierly known by the name of 9 the Bloody Ground." Tihe first white man who visited it was John Finley, who, having been on a trading expedition in the 1\ estern Country, among the Indians, returned through some part of this state on his way home to North Crolina, in the year 1766 He describted the beauty an( fertility o'f the country to the celebrated Col. Daniel Bon, who agxed to attemrpt a settlement in it with him. In May, 1709, they set oi for this purpose, accompanied by John Stewart, J(setph Holden, James Moray, and Win. Coal, and on the 7th of June, of tihe same year, they arriied at a place which they called Boonsborough. It was on the Kentucky river, about 80 miles above Frankfort. The party was attacked by the savages, and all of them were plundered and killed, except Boon, who remained in solitude in the wilderness until the year 1771. He removed his Nmily from the Yadkin river, but was prevented by the Indians from bringing it fitrther than the Clinch river. In 1775 he went with others and built a fort at Boonsborough, and then returned for his family. They were accompanied in their journey back to the bfort by five other families from N. Carolina, and 40 men from Powel's Valley. During that year and the two succeeding ones, they had severaitengagements with the Indians without being taken. But in Jan. 1778, while Boon was along with 27 of his men, making salt t the Blue Licks, he was met by a party of 102 Indians. He capit ï~~OJVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. iiated and was carried along with the rest of his men, first to Old Chillicothe (on the Littla Miami) and afterwards to Detroit. Some of the British there offered 100 pounds for his liberation but the Indians refused it. They had become attached to him, and one of the chiefs adopted him as a son. In the mean time, his wife believing him to be dead, returned with her family to her father in N. Carolina. The rest of the people at Boonsborough remained there, having been rehifforced by 100 men from Virginia, under Col. Bowman, and 45 men from N. Carolina. Boon in the mean time, lived as an Indian, and on the 15th of April of the same year returned with his captors to Old Chillicothe. Being absent with a salt making party for seven days he found on his return 450 warriors prepared to march against his establishment in Kentucky. He escaped on the 16th of June, and on the 20th arrived at Boonsborough: a distance of 160 miles-eating only one meal on the journey. The fort at Boonsboroagh was immediately put to repair, and, after sustaining several slight attacks from small parties of Indians, they beheld on the 8th of August, the Chillicothe army of 444'warriors, whose delay had been caused by Boons desertion. They were commanded by Capt. Du Quesne, and 11 other Frenchmen, and some savage Chiefs. The fort being required to surrender, Boon asked two days to deliberate, which were granted. Continuing his defensive preparations, at the expiration of the time he bid them defiance. They however contrived to draw him, and 8 others, out of the fort, under pretence of treating with him; but when he perceived their object was to take him, he and his companions broke from amongst them, & with the loss of 1 man regained the fort. A furious attack and siege was then commenced by the savages, and continued for nine days without effect, atthe end of which time they departed, having had 37 of their men killed and seve.ral more wounded. Of Boon's party two were killed, and 4 were wounded. Similar scenes frequently occurred afterwards in this state, down to the period of peace in" 1795. We have little room for details, but the personal ifate of Col. Hoott claims some notice After Kentucky was settled he was dispossessed of his lands by some one who had purchased the right from government. Thus he was compelled to remove in poverty and in his old age, into the bosom of the wilderness. He located himself upon the Missouri at the mouth of the great Osage, 100 miles frort the habitation of a white man. The place has since been known by the name of Boon's Lick-now Howard County There he has discharged creditably the duties of a magistrate and a legislator, but is distinguished only as a hunter. In this occupation hie twice a year makes aj urney of several days into the wildest part of the wilderness, accompanied by a man 'who is bound in articles to take care of him, and bring him back again dead or alive. He has passed his 80tn year, and is now nearly incapacitated from hunting by reason of his loss of sight. This singular man has been most actively envaged in every American war that has happened since Gerh Braddoc's defeat in 1755. ï~~182 STATE OF KENTUCKY. CONSTrTUTO. The governor is elected by thl citizens every four years, and the same person may not be re-elected for the term of seven years. lie must be a citizen of the United States at least 35 years of age, and must have resided within this state for six years immediately preceding his election. If he disapproves a bill of the legislature it may pass into a law by a reconsideration of both houses, and a vote of a majority in each. There is a lieutenant governor elected for the same period as the governor, and he must possess the same legal qualifications. When not called to exercise the ofice of governor he is ex-officio president of the senate. The legislature (called the General Assembly) consists of a senate and house of representatives. The senators are elected by districts, and hold their offices for four years. They are divided iuto four classes, and the term of one class expires every year They must be citizens of the United States, at least 35 years of age, and must have resided, for the six years immediately preceding their election, within the districts for which they are elected. The number of senators must not exceed 38. The representatives are elected by counties and towns for the term of one year. They must be citizens of the United States; at least 24 years of age; and must have resided within the state two years-and the last year preceding their election within the town or county for which they are elected. The state elections take place on the first Monday of August, and the Assembly convenes on the first Monday of November annually. ï~~STATE OF TENNESSEE. NATtJRAL GEOGRAPHY. EXTENT, BOUNDARIES, RIVERS, FACE OF THE COUfTRT, CLIM ATE, NATURAL PROeDUCTIONS AND CURIOSITIEs. Tennessee is 470 miles in length and 13& miles in breadth. On the west it is separated from Missouri and Arkansaw by the Mississippi river. On the east it is separated from North Carolina by an irregular line running in a north-east direction along a range of the Allegheny mountains from the Hiwassee river. Its northern boundary is the line of 36 degrees 30 minutes of north latitude, which separates it from Kentucky and Virginia. Its south boundary is the line of the 35th degree 'of north latitude which separates it from the States of Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia-striking the Mississippi river seven miles below the mouth of Wolf river-or four and a half miles above Fort Picketing, which is on the lower Chickasaw Bluffs. Riv s. 7Tnn,ss1ec is the lrgest stream that flows into the Ohio-the actual lengnth being estimated at 1100 miles, though our maps do not exhibit it more than about 800. I't rises in Georgia state near the head waters of the Alabama river (which flows into the gulf of Mexico) and likewise near those of the Savannah river (which flows into the Athmtic ocean.) After passing the Georgia line it runs west and somewhat northerly until it approaches the Cumberland mountains. It then runs along those mountains south- west until it crosses the southI boundary line of the state at the Black mountain, wvhich point is the north-western angle of Georgia state. It then runs nearly 200 miles through the Alabama state, returning into Tennessee at the point which divides the Alabama from the Mississipp)i state., It then runs nearly north through the Tennesse state, and passing across the south- vwest corner of Kentucky state enters the Ohio 60 miles above its confluence with the Mississippi, and 13 miles below the mouth of Cumberland river. For more than 400 miles from its mouth it receives no large stream except Duck river, which enters abouc 100 miles from the mouth. Hiwassee euters in East Tennessee about 50 miles from the Georgia line. This is the only river which flows into it on the left (or south) side, through the Whole extent of its passages twice across the state. On the right side it receives Holston, whlich seems to be properly the main stream. Its principal sources are in Virginia. Four miles below Knoxwille it receives the French-Broad river (which comes from North Garolina) and about 60 miles below Knoxville it unites with the ï~~STATE OF ThENNRSSE; Tennessee proper.. Clinch river likewise rises in Virgina amongst the Cumberlind mountains, Powel's mountain and Clinch mountain, and flows into the Holston at Kingston. The broad shallows of the Tennessee river, caled Muscle shoals, are nearly 250 miles from its mouth, and are included within the limits of Alabama state. The great Whirl is in this state 180 miles above the shoals. Thirty miles above the Whirl is the Shallow ford, a shoal at which the river is 1200 yards broad. All the head branches of the Tennesse are greatly obstructed by rocks In 1819 a number of persons were employed in remnioving the obstructions of the Holston brancl. Cunberlanc., or 'SVawznee or Shavoranz river is next in size t6 the Tennessee. It rises in Kentucky near the sources of the Â~reat Sandy, and enters Tennessee state near the town of Vrice. After running S. NV. it turns and runs north-west, pre-,serving some parallelism with the Tennessee river--the range *f Cumberland mountainslying between them throfugh the chief part of their course. On the right or north side it receives no karge str-eam in this state except Red river, which enters near le Kentucc.ly line at Clarksville-ninety miks from the Ohio. On tlhe left side it receives Obies or Oby river, Caney-Fork, Stone river, Harpath and Licking r:vers, all of which, besides a very great number of ci;eeks, have thleir sources in the Cumberland mountains. The part of Cumberland river included in Tennessee is estimated at 200 miles. The Mississippi receives-within this state-Bayou river Pear the northern boundary, and Wolf or Alargot river near the southern. FACE OF THE COUNTRY. About three-fourths of Tennessee consists of mountains generally irregular and rugged, but often beautifully picturesque and sublime. The eastern half of the state is almost entirely mountainous, but there are many level and fertile vallies in it, particularly along the Tennessee river, The western half, though intersected with mountains in every direction, presents large districts of level land, extremely rich and finely situated;. particularly in the country, around Nashville. Towards the western border the country becomes rolling and in many places flat. The mountains of rTennessee form the southern termination of the great Appalavhian chain which separates the Atlantic portion of the United I8tates from what we call the " 'Vestern Country" or Valley of the Mississippi." The lines of its ridges are not only more broken and irregular, but they are likewise more fertile and less elevated than the central parts of the range in Kentucky, Virginia, Penifisylvania or New-York. Many of the wildest, steepest " knobs" present a fine black mould, and are covered with beech, tulip tree or poplar, sugar tree and oak, all of great iise; while the plants are ginseng and others indicative of a dkep rich soil. 'the Dark!ens ca led Coves, are numerous all ï~~XATtIRAL GPMOGAPHfV_ 8 18 over the east end of the state. They are filled with cane brakes and trees of the greatest magnitude, and often exhibit on their sides the alternate strata of earth and limestone which encircle them. Nothing can be more wild and lonesome than the appearance of such places where not even a breath of air disturbs the silence of the solitude. In the summits of some of the mountains there are large conical holes resembling the cra. ters of volcanoes, and which probably had been caves whose roofs were broken down. They are called.s~inks in the flat lands, because in some places the streams sink through their openings, and afterwards pursue subterraneous courses. They are found only where limestone rock is the substratum of the soil-but that is the case over the greater part of the state as in Kentucky. There is a great number of caves in this state, some of which contain salt petre abundantly; one of them--on a peak of the Cumberland mountains-is so deep that a stone thrown into it returns no sound. The central parts of East Tennessee-that is the country around Knoxville, present wide rich vallies much diversified and abounding more in fine picturesque scenery than any other part of the United States. There are no swamps in Tennessee, at least none large enough to deserve notice. The river bottoms resemble the rich lands of Kentucky, both as to fertility, dryness and productions-being generally covered with cane. The second rate soil has black walnut, hickory, beech, linn, sycamore, elm, black-locust and honey-locust, oak, poplar, wild cherry, papaw, spice-wood, with grape vines, smilax, &c. On the most barren hills and high plains there are generally pine, cedar and oak. CLIMATE. Tennessee is regarded as the healthiest state in the union, and, with regard to temperature, it is probably the most agreeable. There is however a very great difference, in this respect, between the northern and southern parts of it. The chain of the Cumberland mountains passing, as was said, between the two great rivers of the state, and dividing the north from the south side, presents, even within the distance of a few miles, the climate of Kentucky with its frosts and snows on the north and the climate of Alabama on the south. NATURAL PRODTUCTIONS. Limestone constitutes the chief basis of this state. Plaster of Paris has been obtained abundantly in Greene and Carter counties, aTrd probably may be found in many other parts of the state. Copperas is manufactured in West Tennessee. Iron is abundant through the whole state, and some lead mines have been discovered. CutalOSITIES. "There is a remarkable ledge of rocks in the Cumberland mountains, about 30 miles in length and 200 feet thick, with a perpendicular face to the south-east." "The *Ahirl is more grand than the irruptiop of the Potomac throuyh %42 ï~~186 STATE OF TENNESSEE. the Blue ridge. The Tennessee, which a few miles above is half a mile wide, contracts here to one hundred yards, and forces its way through the outer ridge of the Appalachian, forming a pool by striking against a large rock." So says Barton on the authority of Morse. Loaded boats ascend the river at this whirl or suck by towing-a process which boatmen call 'cordelling." The salt-petre caves are many of them remarkable. Several contain petrifactions and stalactites. Some of them contain streams of water. In White county there is a water-mill in one of them. The Enchanted mountain is near the head waters of Tennessee river, about 100 miles south from Knoxville, and about 2 miles south from Brasstown. It presents numerous rocks of steatite which are covered with tracks of turkies, bears, horses and people. The impressions are as distinct as if formed in clay or snow, and with such resemblance to real tracks. that if they were sculptured they must have been the labour of the most exquisite art. In one of the prints the foot seems to have slipt aside, and again recovered its hold in a substance which at the time must have been clay. The human tracks are very large--one of them 16 inches in length, and all of them present six toes, except one which seems to have been the track of a negro. The tracks made by one of the horses are 8 inches by l 0 in size. ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHlYi OF TENNESSEE. DxVxsioys, Towiqs, POPULATIoN, SCHOOLS, AGUICULTUI1E AN~D CoXXXaUCE, SETTLEMENT, CONSTITUTION Population of 1810. CHIF TOWNS. East Tenr COUMTES. r Anderson Bledsoe Blount Campbell Carter IClaiborne Cocke IGranger essee {Green IHawkins Jefferson Knox Roane Sevier 1Sullivan WNashington 3,959 8,839 3,259 2,668 4,190 5,154 9,713 7,64'3 10,171 2,504 5,5 71 4,59.5 6,8477 7,740 ['otal 101,367 Marysville Maryville Efizabethtown Tazewell Newport Rutlege Greenville Rogersville Dandridge K(NOXVILLEW-ashington Kingston:.-evierville 3llountsvillle Jonesborough West Tennessee - -Bedford Davidson Dickson Franklin Giles Hickman Humphrey Jackson Lincoln 1Montgomery Maury Overton Robertson Rutherford Sumner Smnith Stuart Wilson White LWarren 8,242 Shelbyville 15,60(- NASEiVILLE 4,516o 5,370 Nvinchester 4,546 Pulaski 1, 51 5,40' Williamson 6,104 Fayetteville 8,0 __I Clarkesville 10,351, 'f'.umbia '5,64 14onroe 7 27('pringfield 10,26,--, lefferson 11,64" lixons-Springs 4,26. 1 -,K cbanon 1315Is %r; nklin 5,71'.41 vlcMinnVille. 160.360 ï~~STATt OP_ TENNESSEFro TowNs. Nashville is the largest town in the state and cori tains about 3000 inhabitants. It is in lat 360 4' N. and longitude 100 west from Washington. It is situated within a large bend of the Cumberland river-on the south side-upon an elevated plain; and is surrounded by beautiful groves of cedar. It i's perfectly healthy; and enjoying great commercial advantages in the midst of rich settlements, it must soon become an important city. Cumberland college, the only literary establishment in the state worthy of notice, is located here. Knoxville is the chief town of East Tennessee, and is nearly as large as Nashville. It is in N. lat. 35Q 55' and W. longitude 6. 51'. It is situated on the north shore of Holston river, near the mouth of French-Broad river, in the midst of a country whose scenery is delightfully and romantically diversified. Its great advantage will be that the route of communication between the great Atlantic sea ports and the lower Mississippi and Alabama sountry must pass through it SGHOOLS. While Tennessee was a territory three colleges were incorporated in it-one in Washington county called Washington college-one in Greene county called Greenxille college-and one in Knox county called Knoxville college. The U. States made a donation of 1005000 acres of land for their support; but they are not in a flourishing condition. The new college at Nashville will no doubt ecome a very respectable institution. Its property is valued at 50,000 dollars. The U. States made a donation to thlis state of 100,000 acres. for the purpose of establishing academies in all of the counties which were at the time organized.AGRICULTURE AND COIMMxTERcE. Cotton is the great staple oftrade. It is cultivated to as much advantage here as in any part of the United Statets; but it is inferior in quality to that which is produced in warmer climates-bc; too short in the fibre. Hemp grows luxuriantly here, and has of late been raised it large quantities. Flax grows well, but is raised only for domnestic use. No part of the United States is better suited for Indian corn, and it is largely cultivated here for the supply of the southern countries. Wheat, rye, oats, barley and buck-wheat are also produced sufficient for the use of the state, and generally in considerable quantities for exportation. Apples, peaches, and most kinds of fruit are abundant and, good. Salt-petre from their caves, crude and manufactured, is besoming an article of export. Salt is made at several springs, but not in quantity sufficient to supply the state. Coal abounds in many parts. Bacon, beef, pork, lard, butter, tallow and leather are exported to Natches and New-Orleans. Allumi copperas, lead ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. 189 and iron are said to be in quantity sufficient for domestic supply. SETTLEMENT. Tennessee was included in the second charter granted to the proprietors of Carolinaby Charles II. At the division of that province, which took place subsequent to the second charter, the territory constituting this state was included in the part called North Carolina. The first settlements of white people were commenced at the Watauga river about the year 1770. The settlers lived' under laws and regulations of their own enactmentreceivinvg no protection from the government of N. Carolina, and remnaiing entirely unnoticed. They took part in the revolutionary war in concert with the settlers of Kentucky-which then belonged to Virginia. They were invited to Join the British standard. but rejected the proposition unanimously. In consequence of that decision they were invadedby an army of Cherokees in 1776; but by united efforts and great bravery they defended themselves and completely defeated the savages. Tennessee was pl-ced under a territorial government in 1790, and in 1796 it became a state-the sixteenth in the unioni CONSTI'rlTUTION. The-governoris elected by the people for the term of two years; but may not be elected more than three times within any term of 8 years. He is commander in chief of the militia and navy (if there be any) of the state, except when they are in the service of the U. States. Contested elections for governor are to be decided by the legislature. The general assembly consists of a senate and house of representatives. The senators and representatives are elected every two years. To be eligible to either house a man must be a citizen of the U. States, at least 21 years of age, and must have resided within the state 3 years-one year immediately preceding the election in the county for which he is elected. The number of representatives is to be fixed by the general assembly once every sevep years. The number in the senate shall not be less than one third, nor more than one half of the numher in the lower house; the nunber in the latter shall not exceed 26 until the number of taxable inhabitants in the state amounts to 40,000. Bills may originate in either house. When vacancies happen in either of them the governor shall issue writs of election. The representatives have the power of impeaching, and the senate the power of trying. The judicial power is vested in courts of law and courts of chancery. When two-thirds of the general assembly shall deem it expedient to alter the constitution, they are to recommend to the people to signify their opinion by a negative or affirmative vote at the general election next ensuing. If the affirmatives prevail the general assembly, at the session following, must proceed tocall a convention for the purpose%, which must conrsist of as many members as the general assembly, and be elected, ia the same manner, ï~~SKETCH OF ARKANSAW TERRITORY. BOUVNDARIES, RIVERS, FACE OF THE COU NTRY, PRODUCTIONS. Arkansaw is bounded on the south by the line of N. lat. 330 which separates it from Louisiana state; on the east by the Mississippi river, which separates it from the states of Mississippi and Tennessee; on the north by the line of N. lat. 360 be. ginning at the Mississippi river, and running west to the river St. Francis, and by a line running up the middle of that river to lat. 360 30'; then by that line of latitude running west to the meridian, that intersects the mouth of the Kanzas river, which latter lines separate it from the state of Missouri. On the west the boundaries are undefined. RltvEris. The St. Francis is navigable about 600 miles, run. Siiing neairly parallel with the Mississippi, and at no great distance from it. Near its heads it is a beautiful stream, but for 3 or 400 miles of its lower part it flows through a flat marshy country, has little current, inundates its banks, and communicates with numerous lagoons and lakes in its course; so that navigators unacquainted with it are often liable to be carried out of its main channel. Its mouth is about 900 miles below the mouth of the Ohio. White river enters the Mississippi about 75 miles below the St Francis. It is navigable about 1000 miles, but is remarkably crooked. It presents ho shoals or rapids, and in depth varies very little with the change of the seasons, as the springs it rises from are generally of great magnitude and purity. Its western branch rises in the Black mountains which divides it from the Arkansaw Its northern branch rises near the heads of the Osage, Gasconade and Merrimack rivers. Its principal branches are, Rapid river, John river, James river, Red river, and Black river. The latter enters on the eastern side, about 400 miles from the Mississippi, and is navigable 4 or 500 miles. Spring river, one of the branches of Black river, is formed out of a f'ew grand fountains which rise contiguous to each other, and unite into a kind of lake. At first it is 250 yards wide, but gradually diminishes to the fourth part of that breadth. It is however navigable for boats to its source. Those springs afford great abundance of most excellent fish, and during the winter months are resorted to by immense flocks of wild geese and ducks. The -4rkansalv debouches V0 miles below the White river, ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPIHY. 191 and communicates with it by a lagoon through which a current ruMs from the one to the other alternately, according as either one happens to be surcharged. This is a larger stream than the Ohio, and of all the branches of the Mississippi is inferior only to the Missouri. It rises near lat. 41? in that part of the Caous or Cordillera mountains which give rise to the Rio del Norte of Texas, the Colorada of California, the Platte and Yellow-Stone branches of the Missouri, and the Red river of Louisiana. It is 2000 miles or upwards in length, though the distance from its source to its mouth is only 11 or 1200. It is generally very shallow near its mouth in summer and autumn; but for 4 or 500 miles its upper part affords good navigation in the driest seasons. The same is observable of several rivers south of this. The reason of it is, that the country bordering the mountains at its source, is clayey and gravelly for a breadth of 7 or 800 miles; but between that and the Mississippi there is a sandy region which absorbs the rivers. Its chief branches are, 1 the Nagracka. 2 Neskalonka, 3 Grand Saline or Newsewketonga, 4 Strong Saline, 5 Verdigris, 6 Grand river, 7 Des Illinois, 8 Canadian river or West Arkansaw, 9 Pottoe, 10 Riviere au Millieu, 11 Bayou Marcallin. For several hundred miles the Washita flows through this territory before it enters the state of Louisiana, receiving the Bayou Cerne, Cypress, Saline and Hachias branches. This territory is likewise watered by se, eral unimportant streams which flow into the Big Red river on the north side. FACE OF THE COUNTRY. Two ranges of hills extend through territory, from the Chippewan mountains (a portin ot the Cordilleras) The first, called the Masserne ridges, divide the waters of White river fi'rom those of Big Red river, and terminate near the the centre of Lot;isiana. 'T['he second, impro. perly called the Black mountains, divide the waters of White river from those of the Missouri. The eastern portion of the territory consists chiefly of marshy flats of great breadth extending along the St. Francis, the White river, the Arkansaw, and their tributaries The land at a distance from these great streams consists of level sandy prairies, intersected with dry gravelly ridges and occasional tracts of rolling woodland. A great portion of the flats are subject to annual inundation, and are extremely unhealthy. The south side of the territory is mostly hilly, rugged, bare, and sterile; presenting a gravelly soil and stunted timber. The r iver bottom r rich, and generallybroad; there are few tracts of fertilk id. The interior an iwest side of the territory consists of prairie intersected by strips ot woodland along the streams, and dry barren ridges, with a few rich flats. Towards the north the bottom -land is chiefly rich and welt timbered, but full of thickets, cane brakes, and marshes.. The trees are walnut, oak, ash, maple, sycamore and mulberry. At ï~~193 ARKANSAW TERRITORY. a distance from the rivers are wide beautiful prairies, encircled by heavy wooded plains, or sterile limestone ridges often irregular and precipitous, with many agreeable sloping vallies of considerable fertility. The basis of the territory is chiefly stratified limestone, resting probably upon quartzy rocks, seldom alternating with clay slate, and containing few magnesian fossils. PRODUC'rTIONS. Salt is, in many parts of the territory, pleni tifultoexcess. On some of the northern branches of the Arkansaw the hills are penetrated with beds of rock salt, sometimes pure and white, and sometimes of a reddish tint. The salt plains of Arkansaw are great natural curiosities. One of them, which has been mirntely described by Dr. Sibley is situated about 280 miles south of fort Osage. It is about 30 miles in circumference, and is encircled by a narrow marshy prairie. It is level, hard and dry, being composed of a reddish coloured sand. When the weather is dry and warm it is covered with beautiful white salt from two to six inches in depth, slightly encrusted upon the surface. When the sun shines upon it in the morning, the watery vapour which ascends, magnifies to an astonishing degree the view of all the objects seen through it. In the same quarter there are several other similar plains, and some which are occasionally covered with salt petre. Some of the springs of this country are, from their taste and operation, supposed to contain Glauber's salts(sulphate of soda) many are said to contain sulphur, probably sulphuretted hydrogen. Chalybeate waters (that is springs containing carbonated oxide of iron) are numerous every where, and many,other minerals are conjectured to exist in the springs of this territory, though none except the Hot Springs of Washita have been analysed. Most mineral substances dissolved in springs, are of course precipitated when they emerge into the atmosphere; but here so many are still retained in solution that the rivers are often very sensibly impregnated by them. The Hot Springs are regarded as the main source of the Washita, and are in N. lat. 340 3f and W. long. 18 30'. They are much resorted to, both by the white people and Indians of the Mississippi and Arkansaw countries, and are celebrated for curing chronic pains and paralytic affections. They are six in number, all issuing from the same hilL Their water varies i6 temperature and quantity with the temperature of the season, being coolest and most abundantin winter. It rises nearly to boiling poiit in summer. It is clear, tastele s, without smell and in every respect more pure than sprin er is in general. It contains a very small portion of kitchen less of carbonic acid and sulphate of lime than is commonly found in springs; i portion of iron which Dr. Mitchell says was scarcely perceptible; which of course we would suppose to be less than the fiftieth part of a grain in each gallon. In this water, near boiling heat, Dr, Hunter found a green plaut growing (a species ï~~CIVIL ANb POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY. 193 of confervano doubt) and aa animal of the shell-fish kind adhering to it and living. Near the Arkansaw river, in the side of a hill, there are five holes about 18 inches in diameter and two feet deep, WhiCh are continually filled with salt water without ever overflowing, nor can one diminish the quantity in them by lading ever so 4nuch out. Salt-petre caves, similar to those of Kentucky, abound in the western parts of the territory, and many of tihem contain stalactites and stalagmites. Considerable mineral wealth may be expected in the Ar. kansaw country, particularly in the northern and western por. Â~Tions of it. CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGR1APHY. The Vltlage of Arkansaw is in lat. 330 58' onthe north side 4f the xiver Arkansaw, about 60 miles above its conflu ence withl the Mississippi, and about 40 miles from the mAouth of the White river by the way of the cut-off, or 25 by the overland route, which is practicable only in times of low water. It was established above 40 years ago by the French, but made little progress until of late, since it has become theseat of the territorial government. It is situated upon the first highi land which we meet in ascending tihe river. At two places below this the Spanish attempted to establish garrisons, " but they were drowned out by the high water " In the rear of the town, at the distance of -3 miles, a prairie comimences which extends 90 miles towards the head of the White river. The land where the village is built consists of a dry sandy clay which is washed by the rains into deep ravines that. greatly incommode the inhabitants, and injure the appearance of the place. The trade of this quarmter is increasing rapidly, and must become important, as the river is navigable for steamboats for a great distance beyond the village, through a tract of country abounding in furred animals, and probably in valuable minerals. At the late census there were, in this territory, 10,000 males: and at thelast election for delegates 1263 votes were given, R ï~~-STATE OF LOUISIANA. NATUR AL GEOGRAIHY. EXTENT, BOUNDARIES, RIVERS, BAlYous, LAKES, BAYS, FACE OE TIlE COUNTRY, SOIL, &C. NATURAL PRODUCTIoNs, GEOLOGY, CIMIATE. Louisiana lies between N. lat. 290 and 33. It is 300 miles,in length, from east to west, and 240 in breadth; having an area of 48,220 square miles, or 30,860,000 acres. On the west it is separated from the province of Texas by the Sabine river, as far north as lat. 32 degrees; and by a line running from that point directly north to lat. 33. On the north it is separated from the Arkansaw country by the line of the 33d degree of latitude. The division between this.tate and Mississippi state is the Mississippi ri,ver, from the point of lat. 33 deg. to lat. 31 deg. thence the line of lat 31 as far east as the P1earl river f and through that river to its mouth. The south boundary is thile Gulf of Mexico, RIVERS. The Afisstssi/jiii waters this state about 700 miles, but only constitutes its eastern boundary for a part of that distance-i. e. above the mouth of Red river. As this river and most of its tributaries have been already described in separate portions, a better idea of its extent may be communicated by the following list of its main branches. Of the streams that flow into it either immediately or through those branches, the whole number large enough to be entitled rivers, may amount to about five hundred. Miles lo1g. Mississippi 2400 The first column of figures shows Red river 1500 354 the length ofthediffarent rivers. The XVashita Z 400 30 second shows the distance of their Arkansaw 1100 650 nmouths from the mouth of the MisWhite river 800 670 sissiplpi; but those included in bracSt. Francis 600 945 kets beng tributaries of the Red riOhio 920 1250 ver, Ohio and Missouri, the second Tennessee 1100 60 column shows how far the mouth of Cumberland 4 0 71 each of them is from the mouth of WVabash J 460 136 the river which receives it. Kenhawa 300 693 It is to be remarked concerning Allegheny 300 920 the extent of the great rivers west Monogahela L 180 920 of the Missisippi, that the best late Mlissouri 3100 1445 maps and the best descriptions of sage 600 133 thei are very coutradictorv. JCanzas 1200 300 Platte 2000 6.0 Yellowstone L 1100 1800 Illinois 500 1463, WVisconsin 600 1800 ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPHYt Thus it appears that the Mississippi is the largest river in the world, though Pinkerton and the cther geographers have assigned that distinction to the Maranon of South America and have even contended that the Kian-ku of China, and the Ob of Siberia, are lorger than any river in North America. Neither of the latter can exceed 2000 miles. Pinkerton estimates the IMaranon at 2300-but, even admitting Ulloa's conjecture that it is 2200, still the Mississippi exceeds it by more than 1100 miles; for counting from its mouth, at the Balize, to the source of its main branch (the Missou i) it is 4545 miles in length. It is likewise probable that it evolves a greater quantity of water than anyv other river. Admitting the Moaranon to be 60 miles wide at its mouth; the St. Lawrence, which is far inferior to any of those greatrivers referred to, is 90 miles wide at its mouth. But those mouths are estuaries with scarcely any perceptible current, and with all the characteristics of inland seas. The wideness of a river's estuary only proves the barrenness of the country it flows through. The width of ithe Maranon proper may be assumed at three niles I is or 6500 feet deep for several hundred miles above its mouth, yet it has but little current in that distance, and the tide reaches above 600 miles from its mouth. The current of a river is always greatest at the surface. WVhen it is of very great depth it has little or no current near its bottom. The average width of the Mississippi, from St. Louis to its mouth, is aboTit oue mile, though in nmany places it is only half that distance. For the last two hundred miles it is from 150 to 200 feet deep, and its current 4, 5 and 6 miles an hour. From thle mouth of the Ohio to the Baton RougeC its depth v -ries from 30 to 60 and 70 feet. That impetuous current is its great evil, and the cause of almost all its dangers and incoveniencies; yet with all it;s indisputably the most importtIt liver on cur globe. " It wa.. ters with its tributaries" says Melish, " nearly 1,500,000 squar' miles," that is "above two thirIs of the whole United Sitecs' territory:" a part of which exceeds the rest even more in fertility than in extent. It is a singularity in this'river that in asce inding from itfs mouth to the mouth of the Ohio we find its average width regularly increasing. Notwithstanding the immense volumne of water afforded by the.Red river and the other large lower branches, its rise in timnes of floods is far less near its mouth than it is several hundred miles above. At the outlets the rise is scarcely perceptibie; at Orleans (10 miklcs:) it is usu.Il' 12 feet; at Baton Roue '200 miles) about 30 feet; and at iNatches (300 miles) about 50 feet. Every year, about te mnontL o.i May, it rises slowly and relarly to the same height-at least. never varying more than a few inclhes. Of late years it has been a little higher than it had been formerly; a change evident-.ly c -aised by the clhalmnel of its great outlet, the Atchaf1aya being nearly fille(t up. 'This coutlet, or bayou, or river, usually car-. ï~~190 - STATE OF LOUISIANA. ried off to the ocean three fourths of the surplus water which the MiLssissippi received from the spring floods of its tributaries. The crevasse (or bursting of the embankments) which did so much damage at Orleans in 1816, was attributed entirely to this cause. The Mississippi has frequently changed its channel. The most remarkable places of its change are at the mouth of the Yazoo river, at the mouth of Hlomochitto, and at Pint Coupee, about 30 piles above Baton tRoualge. The first of these is small; the Cut-off at Homoeiitto has formed.an island seven leagues.in circumference. At point Coupee the river, a few years ago, formed nearly a circle, somewhat larger than the latter; and son-e Canadian traders dug a small chamcl ac,si the n.ck of the peninsula. The river soon opened a passage for the whole volume of its water; and now the old bed is filled utp, being dry land except iwhen the river is flooded. Somn,Jd(rging fromn these ftacts, maintain that this river has been coiti- ually making great changes in its c urse, and that the lakes, lagoons, and nmarshes so tnumerous through all its bottoms have each in turn constituted its main channel. But Mr. Darby, whose authority should have -reat weight, contends that the bed of that iver has never made any material alteration at least in regard to l s loca ion. It has evidently debouched, at some remote period, throuigh an imm n se estuary, for its bottoms ounsist of the same mniaterials which 8ts watlt4l, still continue to deposit on its shores: that is sand and gross particles in the utpper portion, and a fine tenacious black clay iiear its mouth. When the rver is low the water has a milky tint, but in the time of floods it is very muddy. So impure is it when the floods are abating, that by filling a glass with it, and letting it stand still a few minutes, it deposits a muddy sediment nearly equalto the one eighth of the whole quantity. The immense mass of matter thus Carried downward has therefore formed its flats and still continues to raise them higher. It has likewise protruded its shores above a hundred miles into the gulf; and has besides bformed shoals which have embarrassed vessels fhr at sea, From its mouth there is a perpetual current tending westward to the Texas coast. This -is evident by the direction of the gulf shoals, and still more by the inconceivable quantity of driftwood which covers the shores many hundreds of miles westward; while not an atom is ever carried eastward. Besides thie numerous lagoons which leave the Mississippi far from its mouth and carry its surplus waters to the sea, there are six. outlets edledfasse,, through which the main stream discharges itself. They are the west, southwest, south, southeast, nortl, and Passe a Loutre. Befpre the mouths of these there are curved bars which are still eba ging their positions and their depth. The sduth east is usually called the main pass; and its mouth the Balize. Of late years its bar has gener4ily been about 12 feet deep. The south west pass is the longest and narrowest. For several years its bar had 18 feet water, but it rose until it had only 8-but of late it usually has had about 12. The Passe a Loutre has about 8 feet, and, on account of its direction, is often taken by the smallest sort of eastward, bound vessels. ï~~1ZITR ARL GEOGRAPHY 197 The iars of these passes consistentirely of earth deposited formth tie water of the river. It is a hard dark coloured tenacious clay, somewhat resembling pitch. Several persons of infrnmation have recommended a plan fbr destroying them-it is thus: rendering the mouth of the passes very narrow by piers composed of piles driven into the ground; compelling the current to wear a deep channel for itself. This plan has succeeded completely at St. Johns river, where the bars had become impassable. St. Johns is the pass from New Oicans to lake Ponchartrain. Vessels ascending the Mississippi are often long detained at the Bend Plaquemine, or Perssinon, the site of fort St. Philip, 70 miles below New Orleans; and again at the English turn 11 miles below New Orleans, because the same winds which enable them to arrive at these turns will not carry them any further. Red river is the only large stream that enters the Mississippi on the west side within this state. I have stated its length at 1500 miles, upon the authority of Darby; but Mr.,Brown says it is navigable for that distance. It rises in the Caous mountains, near the sources of the Rio del Nort6.. Its waters are always muddy, of a reddish tint, though most of its tributaries that have been examined are clear. Salt springs', are abundant in the country through which it flows, Its water is in consequence so brackish that it cannot be used for either drinking or cooking. It is deep, with a current comparatively gentle, and from its connections with numerous lakes in its neighbourhood, is excellent for navigation; but in time of low water it is somewhat obstructed at a bar, called the Rapide, which is 95 miles above its mouth. This bar is a ledle of sandy soapstone, nearly of the consistence of pipe clay, and could be easily cut into channels- Beyond the state line there is another similar Rapide. A great raft of drift wood has for some years been stationary upon this river, about 300 miles above Nachitoches, but it is said that aoats can pass by it, though no floating timber can. This is by reason of the number of indirect channels through which the river flows. The general course of the Red river is south east. The point where it crosses the line of lat. 33 degrees, is the north west angle of the state. It is-there 400 yards wide. About 30 miles below the state boundary it separates into several branches, and runs through chains of lakewand swamps which have communications with the main stream; but no where below this are its waters all included in ene chatnnelpexoept at Natchitoches, andthere only in time of low water. After passing that town the river breaks into wha t has not inaptly been called a labyrinth of bayous. No niain stream can be well distinguished, and thp channels are very numerous;besides many of them being very crooked, and some often obstructed with drift wood; for which reasons every hpat passing either up or down' this river, must be conducted by an experien iced pilot This evil can be easily remedied by thte publication of a good chart, as the proper route presents no dangers. Several small outlets flow into the Compty river, andinto what is salled the Grand Ecor, near Natchitochies. These channels enter Saline and Black bake rivers, adi again return to Red river by the Rigolet de boan Dieu. Othier outlets leave this Rigolet and enter the Itietan river. Thus latter is likewise a tributary of Red river; RZ ï~~84'.ATE OF LOt1ISIAXA. but before it debouches it discharges a part of its water, when hbigh, by the Bayou Rapide, which enters Red river below the town of Alexandria. Hemnphill creek enters the bayou Rlapide, and wheln the rivers are low one part of its water passes out at the west end of the bayou, at Alexandria; and the remainder is discharged at the east end. But without maps it is impossible to convey any distinct ideas of this net work of natural canals. It is understood that the lied river will afford a channel for a trade of very great importance between these states and the Spanish silver districts around Santa Fe. A great many small streams enter the Red river within this state, and-they all debouche by forming lakes and ponds along the border of the river flats. Its larger tributaries are the Dacheet, Saline, Hietan, and Black Lake rivers. These all enter on the north side. Washita or Black Lake river flows into the Red river 30 miles from the Mississippi. About 50 miles above its mouth it eceives ihe Oeatahoolu on the west side, and the Tensaw on the east; both at the same place. Below that it is usually called Black-lake river or Black river, and Washita river above; but the same name sh.ou'd be applied to the whc le of it. Its current is gentle, and its channel unobstructed; its water generally clear and its shores interesting. It is said to bear great resemblance to the Ohio; but during the latter part of summer it is too shallow even to admit large boat,. T'he main course is easterly until it receives the hot springs creek; from that it is south nearly 390 miles. Only the last 200 are included within this state. On the west receives the Derbane and OcatatLoolu rivers, the latter is formed by the union of the Dugda. mini and Little rivers. On the east it receives the larthelemy, Bonidee, Beuf, and Maon rivers..*chafalaya is a sort of great bayou which leaves the Mississippi on the west side, two miles below the mouth of Red river. That it once constituted the bed either ofthe Red river or of the Mississip. pi is maintained by every one who has visited it. It is perfectly stagnanjt except as it is affected by the tide near its nmouth, and iVhen it receives the surcharge of the Mississippi, during the spring floods Its outlet has been gradually filled up, so that at present it does not receive a very great volume of water. About 12 milesbelow its efflux there is an immense raft of driftwood extending sbout 20 miles along it, and covegring its entire surface for about the one half of that distance. The position and;Appearance of this raft is continually changing. It began to form between 40 and 50 years ago. and it still increases. Tiie greatest depth is about eight feet, and it is estimated by Mr Darby that it contains 2,250,000 of solid cords. Towards the close of summer the greater part of it becomnes covered with plants and flowers; and tht n the hum of tLe wild bees upon it, in some measure, relieves the dreary lonlincss of the scen.e. Five miles below this great raft the Courtableau enters on the west side. Immediately below its confluent.e there is a small r f through which the people of Opelousas have several times cut a )assag; but it is still liable to be closed. Cow island is 20 mil s further south, and is about five miles in length. Ti e Atcndfits l a here diverges into different channel, and about 15 miles be'ow Cow island it receivs on the east side ano tier outlet of the Mississippi, called Plaquemine. Ten miles below this con ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPwv. 199" fluenee is the lower raft. At this place there is an outlet which leads into lake Natchez. The lower end of that lake returns another into the main river; 20 miles below that is the lake Chetimaches, and 3 miles lower down the Teche river enters on the west side. The Atchafalaya flows into the gulf of Mexico 20 miles below the mouth of the Teche, being in the entire length about 190 mdiles. Its main course is at first south, but the great part inclines two or three points eastward. When it is flooded its cur* rent is often at the rate of ten or twelve miles an hour above the Great Raft. The name o" Big river" is sometimes applied to that part of the Atchafalava which lies between the mouth of Plaquemine and Cow island. One of the outlets which leave it here, separates into two branches: one of these branches is the common route to Opelousas, and the other leads by bayou Fusilier, to the landing at the Acadien Point. The latter bayou is one of the branches of the Teche, As the Plaquemine, like the Atehafalaya, receives no supply from the Mississippi in time of low water, the point of its efflux being then a dry bar, there is a portage for four miles from the parent stream to the head of the tide water in that bayou. About 70 miles above New Orleans there is another eftux called Lafourche river, or the Forks. It generally had a little current in the times of lowest water. Its extent, from the Mississippi to the gulf of Mexico, is about 60 miles. Thus, when the Msissippi is flooded the surcharge of water is first thrown through small outlets and lagoons into the Bayou Maon atid Tensaw river; from them into the Black-lake river; and from that into the Red river, which returns it again to the parent stream. From that it is immediately regorged, partly into the efflux of Atchafalaya, and partly into those of Plaquemine, Iberville, and Lafourche; and through their branches above described it is then conveyed into the gulf of Mexico. Bayou Rapide is connected with Hemphill creek, one of the branches of the Red river. Several outlets leave this bayou and unite to form Bayou Boeuf, which sends forth other branches that unite with the Bayou Crocodile, and by that junction form Courtableau river. This has already been noticed as a branch of the Atchafalaya, etering on the west side four miles below the great raft. Teche river is another branch of the Atchafalaya which enters on the west side below lake Natchez. The Teche, Courtableau, Vermillion, and Mermentau rivers appear to have their main sources at the same place. There is a wood called Isle au L'Anglois, isolated within a prairie, a few miles north west of Opelousas church. From a marsh beside this wood the water runs past tie church and there divides-one part running eastward into Bayou Bourbee, contributes t) form the Vermillion; while the other runs weX st ward into Bayou Plaquemine Brulee, and from thence into the M rr entatt The Bayou Grand Louis has its sources 20 ndiles north west of Opelousas church. After receiving a stream fromn the prairie at Isle au L'Anglois, it is called Bayotu Canron. Frort thence there is 4 bayou discharging into the Courtableau, and below., that another ï~~400 STATE OF LOUISIANA. ireturning from the same. Below this confluence the united streanis called Bayot Bourbee. Eight miles below Opelousas church it receives Chretiene Bayou. From this point it runs south east a fw miles, and then divides, The east branch is called Bayou Fusilier. The west unites with a branch of the Atchafalaya, and forms the Teche. The whole lengthl of this river, from its mouth to the source of the Grand Bayou St. Louis, is about 170 miles. It is a very extraordinary stream, having, through its whole course, the appearance ofa canal both in the regularity of its banks and its current. The branch of Bayou Bourbee which separates fiom the Fusilier runs south, and, after receiving the Hayou Carrion Crow, it is called the Vermillion river, It runs south; and when it approaches the Culfcoast it expands into a wide shallow lake, from which there is, a short narrow outlet into the Gulf. Two bays or inlets of the Gulf, are connected with this, and they, together with the lake aforesaid, are called the bays of Vermillion.,-- est of these is the Mfermento whose sources, as already noticed, are connected with those of the 'eche. Its tributaries are the Bayou Piaquemine,.lRilde Oane,.'Vexpique and Queue Tortue. Betore it enters tle Gulf it expands into a large shallow lake which bears the same name and debouches like the Vermillion by a short narrow stream. The Calcasi-, on the west side of the latter river, rises in lat. 310 30/, near Nochitoches (of Red River) and running south forms a latke before it enters the Gulf, in every respect similar to the others. The Sabine w hich forms-the principal part of the west boundary of the state, is larger than either of the four above named rivers; At its mouth it has a lake about 30 miles long and 8 wide, & in general only 3 feQt deep. Above the lake its channel is about 200 yards wide. On the east side of the Mississippi Bayou Sara enters, 5 miles above Point Coupee, and Thonqipson's creek 12 miles further down. The lbe!ville or bayou MauLchac is discharged from the M-ssissip. pi 15,.iles below lBaon Rouge. It is navigable for boats generally three months every summer, while the Mississippi is flooded, Und ig dry all the rest of the year. It flows eastward into lake Mautepas which discharges itself into lake Ponchartrain. This last eommu nicates with lake Borgine which opensinto the Gulfof Mexico. 1 his chain of lakes receives on the north side, the rivers qmite, TiZckjfah Ckfuncti, 'angipaho and Pearl. Of these the two irst flow nto Maurepas, the third and fburth into lake Ponchartrain, and the last divides into several mouths called the Rigolets which join the latter lake with lake Borgne. The 4mite rises in the M:ssissippi state and is navigable far north of the bouidary. The 'licAfah rise near the line (lat. 31.) The Pearl river though it has only 9 feet of water at the Rigolhts is in general very deep and is navigable about 150 miles It rises near the centre of Lssissipl)pi state, and constitutes the boundary between these two tates from lat. 31 to the Rigolets. LAKES.. laurepas is about 20 miles north west from New Orleans. It is 12 n mes long and 8 wide. P'onchartrain is directly north of New Orleans, and communi - eates with it by the Bayou St. John's which runs out of the swamps that lie 4ehind, the, city, and into which a canal passes from the ï~~NATURAL GEOGR PIHY. 201 basin behind the N. Orleans Charity Hospital. This Lake is a. miles long, 25 wide, and-ii general from 10 to 15 feet deep. Besides the St. Johns it receives the Ba) ous, Castain, Lacombe, and BMucafouca. Borne is 35 miles Tong and 12 wide, but much deeper than Ponchartrain. Its communication with New Orleans is by a bayou to which Vileres' canal is Joined. It was through this the British forces passed in 1814 to attack the city.. The Pearl river enters it by several mouths, called the Rigolets, which form a connection be. tween it and lake Ponchartrain. Besides the Itigolets there is another pass between these two lakes, called. the Chetmenteur; but it is of little impor-tance as it has several bars which generally present only about four feet of water. The lake itself is hin general no more than two feet deep, except in the channel along the northern shore. I have stated its length (i. e. from Bayou Bie'nve. on the west, to Cot island on the east) as 35 miles upon the author. ity of Darby, but according to Brown it is only 23. It has three passes into the Gulf: viz. 1 Christian, 2 Marianne. and 3 the south east pass. BJarratatria lake is on the Gt" coast, west of the Mississippi. It is an inlet of the, sea opposite the island of Barrataria. Vermillion, A.ernewatn, Calcaoiu and Sabine lakes (each at the mouth of a river bearing the same name) have been ahlready noticed. Ch:timnaches lake, is.in expansion of the Atchafdaya, and is no. ticed in the description of that river.. Ocasse lake is in the Red River bottom 40 miles Natchitoches, It communicates with the river by a bayou. Between this aind Nachitoclies there are two other lakes the largest of which is about 50 miles in circumference. Lake Noiz is 10 miles above Natchitoches. It is likewise about 50 miles in circumference. Along its shores are numerous salt licks the water of which is remarkably strong. All the salt used in the Red River country is manufactured here, and the supply might be incalculably increased. The outlet of this lake is called the Rigolet de Bon Dieu. It is navigable during the greater part of the year Spanish lake 8 miles above this is about the'same size. Lake Bietinean (60 miles above the latter) is about 50 or50 miles in length, extending along Red River at a distance varying tifrom 3 to 15 miles. The Dacheet river flows through it, or rather it is an expsnsion of that stream. Its medium depth is from 15,to 20 feet, and it is never lower than 12, though there now stands in it the remains ofa cypress forest, tie trees dead and generally with their tops broken off.i No tree, not even the cypress, can live, if its roots are covered with water during the whole year,-an incontestible proofthat this lake wap once dry lanLd. The same plienomonon characterises other lakes in this quarter. A similar forest submerged by the sinking of the ground was observed by Lewis at the Uilumbia river. Bistinau has two outlets, the Bayou Dacheet, and Bayou Channa. Cattahoola lake, near the mouth of Washita, is about 40 miles in circumference. BArs. Barrataria and Vermillion bays anr the only ones consid-. ered of any value in thisstate, ï~~'STATE OF LOUISIANAl Chanddeleur bay is a kind of Bayou, north east of New Orleans-- extending into the marshes f"lalke Borgne. IsLAx S. Barratarta lies between the mouth of the Atchafalaya andi the Mississippi. It is encircled by the two outlets through which lake Barrataria communicates with the gulf. Itis remarkable for its healthiness, its natural means ofdefence against invasion, and the abundance of shell-fish contained in its waters. In 1811 it was bfortified by a band-of pirates under the command ofthe celebrated M. La Fitte, who for a long time greatly annoyed the southern com. merce of the United States. It has a fine harbour for small vessels. In Lake Borgne, and along the gulf coast opposite to it, there are several islands, but the most of them are included within the limits assigned to this state, and likewise within these of Mississippi state. They are 1hiarr'anne island, Cat island. Ship island, Dog island, Hornt island, Isle at.ux Petites Bois, and Dauphin island. They are composed chiefly of sand apparently bi ren, vet in faict tolerably fertile. At the Rigolets (mouth of Pearl river) there are a few other small islands, which also seem to be composed of clean sand, though they produce corn, cotton, tobacco, sugar, &c. in rich luxuriance. FACE OF TrIr. COUTtr. That part of Louislana which lies on the east side of the Mississippi, is naturally divided into two parts by the Iberville outlet, and the chain of Lakes through which it passes Maurepas, Ponchartrain, and Borgne. The southern part being completely insulated is generally called the island of Orleans. The northern part being much the largest shall be first described. The hill ranges which limit the bottoms of the Mississippi, and form the bluffs along its eastern shore do not enter this state, but terminate near the line (lat. 31.) The country along the east of that river from lat. 31, as far south as the lberville, and for the breadth of 40 or 50 miles, is rich and gently undulating, chieffy covered with large timber-oak, hickory, magnolia, sassafras, black walnut and poplar: with undergrowth of cane. It is excellently suit. ed for the cultivation of sugar cane, long staple cotton, rice, tobacco, &c. The bottoms along the streams aremostly liable to inundation, and in many plades marshy. Good springs are rarely to be found. Thatdistrict called Feliciaais considered the best part of the state. There are a few prairies here but they are chiefly dry and rich.Between this and Baton Range there is one 6 miles long and a mile wide, beadtifully bordered with groves and plantations. The country east of this extending across the rivers Amite, Tick. fah, Chefunedi & Tongpaho, as far as the Pearl has in general a sterile appearance. The most elevated.parts are chiefly timnbered with yellow pine, very lofty, and in some places having, unaerwood of oak, &c. The soil is sand with a subsoil of marly clay, but often at great depth. Naturally it is covered with wire grass, 'and when cultivated it is tolerably fertiie, by reason of the genial climate; The bottoms of the streams are mostly low and either marshy or else subject to annual inundation. The dry bottoms and the bordets of the marshes are very rich and filled with cane brakes. Between these andm the pine lands there are intervening tracts, timbered with I!umn cotton wood, magnolia, 4Â~h, live oak, sweet gum, sweet bay,,. ï~~NATURAL GEOGR APHIY. -o3 Ac. with willow and cypress along the flats. Portions of" Hammock land" occur frequently: ti-at is, such as has oak with a variety of timber in patches distinctly limited amidst the wide pine forests. They are generally along the lines where the the declivities descend pon the flats-for hills there are none. Good springs are rare in this tract, and the wells.ire usually impregnated with nitre; probably because i.hey are seldom deep. The low prairies are apparently richer than the pine land, and are covered with a exuberance of a moderately good kind of meadow grass. They often present pools and spots of copse wood of ihawthorn and other shrubbery. 'iThey are composed of sand lying upon clay, and are apt to become very sterile when drained. T'he dry prairies are rich, of a deep vegetable mould and intermingled with marl, chalk, flint. They generally have natural springs. The prairies of the Boguechitto (a branch of the Pearl) are perhaps the best in this state. That part of the district which extends along the northern shores of the lakes Borgne, Ponchaitrain, &e. is dry, fertile and pe:fectly level for the breadth of 10, 15 and 20 miles. But like the rest of the country it contains too much sand. The south shores of those great lakes are chiefly morasses intersected with boyous, lakes and lagoons, and timbered with 'cpress. The only part of the island of Orleans fit for cultivation is the inmmediate shore of th MI sis p9pI, which s dry and very fertile. The sugar plantations oc-upy bath sh.res ( which are similar) in uninterrupted succession as far down as Pointe le Hache. Below that there is some more rich land in a settlement which extends along an old outlet of the river, and is called Terre aux Pleufs (Ox land.) Just below this is the English Turn. There are some detache'd fa'ns furthler downas far as fort St. Phillip, at which place th- great swampy district approaches almost to the margin of tie river. From that to the Baltize there are no farms-vtie land being a wild, wide, irreclaimable morass, except upo the very siorc which consists of barren sand baniw scarcely elevated above high tide. The miserable huts of fishermen a_ n p"tots appear at long intervals-relieving the loneliness of the unvaried, dreary scene. In passing northward along the gulf coast, towards the outlets of lake Borgne, there are some pine tracts, but no land fit for cultivation. On the west side of the Mississippi the gulf coast generally resembles that at the Balize-a flat sandy desert full of lakes, lagoons and morasses, with clumps oL cypress and myrtle. The shore, for hundreds of miles, is covered with trunks of trees which have been thrown in be the sea surf, and forever forbids the approach of commerce pa the one side or human habitation on the other. The traveller's eye finds along it no limits to the level waste that surroulnds him. At rare intervals he starts a straggling deer, and seldom ever sees any other animal, except the sea birds whose unceasiig screams hardly cheer the solitude of a region more disheartening than any uthl r which our whole continent presents. Passing froat the ï~~24 STA.TE OF LOUISIANA. shore towards the interior we begin to meet with pine and oak fobrest, changing occasionally into richl cane brake land. The part of this state which is on the west side of the Mississippi and Alchafalaya is divided into four quarters The south east corner (adjoining the' Alchliafalaya an-1 the gulf) is called Attacapas or Tuckapaw; the south-west corner (adjoining the Sabine river and the gulf) is called Opelousas. The Red river country on the north-west, and the Washita country on the north east, constitute the whole northern portion of the state. The district between the Alchafalaya and the Mississippi differs very little from the island of Orleans. Though full of bayous and lakes it contains a great deal of land extremely rich, and highly suitable for all the most valuable productions of this climate. That part of it however which borders the gulf coast is like all the rest of the western coast. Mr. Darby states the extent of the Attacapas district at 510 square miles. It extends 115 miles along the coast (i. e. from east to west) and 90 miles from the coast towards the centre of the state. Attacapas consists of elevated rich plains surrounded by immense tract$ of morass which are diversified as usual with lakes, bayous, ponds, pine forest, cypress swamps, cane brakes 'and palmnetto brakes-with stripes of water cane (arundo aquatica) along the borders of the streams. The principal streams of this district are Vermillion and Teche. Along the former there is much fertile land, but the immediate shores consist chiefly of inundated flats; the banks of the Teche are, on the contrary, rich, dry and elevated-generally with a slight descent backwards, in short, they every way resemble those of the Mississippi. In passing north- westward from the mouths of these two rivars we emerge from dismal marsh, and tangled wet-flat-forest land into prairies of unparallcled beauty, which extend with occasional interruptions, westward far beyond the boundaries of the state. The first large one in this range is the Attacapas prairie. It lies between the Teche and the Vermillion rivers: is about 40 miles in length and from 2 to 25 miles wide. It commences about $0 miles south of New lberia, and extends northward to the confluence of the Teche and Bayou Fusilier. A great part of the prairie is too wet for cultivation; but its soil is naturally rich, and in the dry parts highly productive-,Along its borders there are several bcautiful hills from 70 or S0 to 100 feet in height, which k.eing very different from the plain both in soil and timber, greatly resemble islands in a wide sea. The most remarkable of thera are the Petite nse, Cote lanche, Grand Cote, Cote Carline, ile Cy/:riere, Belle Isle and Point Perdue The trees upon them are live oak, walnut, hickory, sweet-gum, dog-wood, iron- wood, hornbeam, with a variety of shubbery scarcely any of which is to be seen elsewhere in ithis quarter, These islamnds (for they are so called) ï~~AIATIRAL G0EOGRAPIRY. a.6 have-been converted into farms; and thoughthey are all surrounded by marsh land they are the most healthy portions of the district. The Prairie Grand Chevreuil is on the east side of the Teche nearly opposite to the latter. It is $2 miles long and only 2 miles wide upon an average. It is likewise fertile, chiefly dry; allof it fit for cultivation, and most of it-cultivated. North-west of this lies the Prairie Laurent inctlded betweetn #he Teche, Bayou, Bourbee and Bayou Fusilier it is it miles long and 3 wide. The soil of this is drier and therefore more valuable than that of the preceding two. North of these are several small prairies--ARomaine, Petite Bais, Bare, dAlabamma, fPickoff's Carro's Le Aelle'ls and some vthers. Ofielousas district extends from the south-west corner nearly to the centre of the state, bounding a part of the Attacapas district on the north. Darby estimates its extent at 7600 square miles. It consists chiefly of prairie and morass in the south part, and pine forest on the north. The Opfelousas prairie extends northward near 80 miles, containing about 1,200,000 acres, and occupying the greater part of the country between the Vermillion and Mermentat rivers. Thesouthern part of it--about 30 miles squarea.is the marsh of the gulf shore. It contains long lines of low ridges, running parallel with the shore, covered with live oak and apparently fertile; but it is with reat difficulty that they can be approach-. ed, as they are not joined to any tracts either of good dry land or fair water. On the north side of this marshy land the praivrie rises in a regular line of elevation which seems to have r onstituted the gulf coast at some remote period. All the grand expanse ntorth of this affords abundantpasturage for i. mense herds of cattle, buffaloe and deer, lat is in general t6 wet for cultivation. Several long lines of prairie, which are "called Bays, extend from the main Opelousas prairie. These are Pellevue and Queue. Tortue prairies, the Cove Plaque'nine Brule and Prairie Mellet. The Bellevue is about 30 miles long and-6 wide; extending eastWard past St. Landres church to the Penault settlement in Tuckapaw. The others are still smaller. They Treceive their names itom the several streami to which they are adjacent. Grand prairie is on the north 6T the Opelousas prairie. It is about 200 square miles in extent. It is moderately dry and fertile. Like prairies in general it is destittteof springs, but affords excellent well water. It is surrounded by wide groves -of oak, ash, hickory, dog-wood, pine, magnolia, lin, cherr Atd auple. Maron prairie is on the weSt sideofthe latter, anMid is about iqutA in size, though inferior in soil and situation. It is tncd. -ed between the Noezpique aud Plaqueaine Brulc-t* a bravhes-o the M wermeta rivewt. ï~~WO:ISTATE OF LOUISIANA. Calcaoaiu prairie occupies the greater part of the space be. tween the Mermentau and Calcasiu rivers. It is about 20 tiiles wide, and extends from the gulf northward about 70 miles, comprehending 1400 square miles, that is 896,000 acres, of which above 600,000 are supposed to be drr enough for cultivation. However the best parts are more sterile than the country -east of it already described. The groves around it consist of oak, hickory, &c. passing northwardly into wide tracts. of pine. The &Sbine prairie extends from the Calcasiu to the Sabine river, and differslittle from the latter in any respect--proba, bly it is somewhat inferior with regard to fertility. Â~Thedistrict which extends northward, frori the great prai.. Ties of Opelousus to the bottoms of the Red river, is occupied chiefly by pine forest, with occasional tracts of oak and other timber. Near the prairies it is level; passing northward it becomes undulated, and then divides itself with a chain of ridges, called the hills of St Saba, which separates the tributaries of the Red river from those of the Sabine. This district is sterile, and nearly destitute of good springs. Near the head waters of tihe Sabine-theland varies in its appearance, spreading into broken ridges, covered with black jack and other poor oaks, but pine rarely. Between the St. Saba hillsand Red river the country is generally rugged-the hills sterile, and the few streams bordered by fiats that cainnot properly be cated bottom land. The alluvion of the Red river seems tobe too new for culti-vation - It is all low and fiat, so that during the 'spring floods it presents the appearance of a wide lake extending hundreds of aniles aorth-wdstward from the Mississippi. The country on the east side of the river is much superior to that of the west. The hills are mnore elevated, but regular and gerrtly inclined-forming no barren cliffs. The soil is rmoder-ately fertile, as the trees are oak, ash, hickory, dog-wood, &c with but few tracts of pine. The bottoms.along the streaas iz this quarter are the only ones in the state that resemble Lhe -,bottoms of the Ohio country. In this part and through the -whole Washita district good springs are generally abundant. The Masserne hills separate the tributaries of the Red river from those of the Washita. They'cross the north boundart f the state (lat. 30D) at about 16" of W. longitude from Washtngtoh, and at that point preserve a single line, but presently di4vide into three Iranches. The westerai branch separates the waters of the Jlack-lake river from those of the a cheet and take.Bistineau, and terminates near the Red river flats at lat s,2'. The middle branch passes between the Black lake river ad the Saline, bar-ly parallel with the meridian. The south4astern branclh iagain 'divides-One range extends to the Red 'river and terminates at Ecor a Cheve, 15 miles S. E. of AlexjAndria: the other passes between' the waters of the Derbane l otiao idet and those 4l the Dugdomioi and Little rivers o ï~~NXTUfRAL GEOGRAPHY.r 20 207 the other-terminating near the court house of Ocatahoola in. latitude 3S1 4V. Massernes are sometimes called.mountains though improperly, for their elevation cannot be any where very gl-eat They are generally rugged and sterile, as is the country for a considerable distance on each side of them. The greater part of the good land watered by the Washita is included within this state. The n~orthera portion is much varied with small prairies. rich bhottoms, barren hills, marshes, lakes, poor pine tracts, and good upland, with.oak, hickory, w.alnut, beach, elm, locust, ash, &,.- Nearly all the good land is in the vicinity of the large streams. The centre of the state (including 200 miles of the lower part of the Washita, with its tributaries, and a still greater length of the Red river from its mouth, together withrits numerous bayous, &c.) resembles, in every respect, all the grand bottoms of the lower Mississippi; being flat, chiefly marshy, submnerged by the spring floods, and having its highest, driest, richest soil upon the immediate margins of the streams. As to elevaion,.a very few exceptions may be made of the inland isles -on the south side of the Red rive.r, which differ little from the Petity Anse and little Cotes ol Tuckapaw. The bottoms of the Tensaw and lower Washita (Black-lake) appear to be only expansions cf the Mississippi bottoms which are of very great breadth on the west side through the whole of this state. On account of their numerous lakes, marshes, &c,. they have been liftle explored. NATURAL PRODUGTCIONS. These are few, and with the ex.,ception of the salt they are unimportant. There are hardly any metalic indications, except of iron-no coal, no limestone, except perhaps it existsin small portions through the hills between the Amite and Pearl, which is questionable. A mass of native iron was found in the St. Saba hills near Red river which weighed 3000 pounds. It is 3 feet 4 inches in length, and 2 feet 5inches in. breadth. The specific gravity is 7. 40. It contains nickel and therefore it is probably meteoric. It is not as easily oxidated aÂ~ common iron. In some parts it is very soft and in others nearly as hard as steel. JIts interior contains octahedral crystals, the largest of which is above hialf an inch long. They are striated like magnetic iron, and are so soft that they may be easily cut with a knife. The shape of the mass is irregular-the surface debply indented, and the whole covered with a dark crust. Salt licks aie so numerous along the tributaries of the Red and Saline rivers that it would be superfluous to describe any of them. The best, it is said, are on the shores of lake Noiz, and the supply of salt for the state is chiefly manufactured there. It is a curious fact that a salt lick has been found upon thle.Petite Anse at which a salt manufactory is establishede, ï~~SRI sVxT OF LOUISIANA. Few anitdals, if any, are peculiar to this state; the mostremarkable of those found in it is a species of alligator in theMississippi, whiek doctot Barton, following the phraseology of the bohatmen, calls the Hllbender.. GEOLOGY. The geological tructure of thiq statet is very imple. The Masserne and St. Saba hills-with alltheir branches are secondary-probably composed of sandstone more or less miitaceous. altetrnating witk clayrslate, without even any vrimitive masses. It is questionable whether any of the sandy 1ills between the Amite and Pearl are secqndary; but at leash itis certain that all the rest of the stat& south of these consists f. alluvion chiefly very resent. It has already been noticed that the Masserne hills are the,bordary, in this state, between the secondary and allevial for spations. CLIMATE. The average temporature appears to be higher en the east side of the state than on the west, at the same latitude. On the Mobile the live oak extends as far north as lat 31. At the Mississippi itreaches only to 3,0 30': On the Al4hafalava to 30 20'. The line of its disappearance passes zearly in the samte course to the Mermentau, and terminates a few miles beyond that river.. This difference is apparently owing to the exposure-as the west side of the state, and the legion beyond it consists chiefly of prairies bordered with pine woods.- Tracts of this sort are peculiarly frosty in all climates, iout here they have a double effect by affording a wide open scope to the cold north-west winds.. The live oak mark the limits of the country in which snow is not to be expected: Lowever snow and sevee frost do sometimes- appear there. The late instances were in 1779, 1807, 1812, 1814, 1817; for' no part of the United States can be compared with this in regard to the extreme irregularity of its seasons. It is said that snow is never seen along the gulf coast, though frosts are fre-. quently. In the north part of the state snow falls.almost every winter, and often remains upon the ground several days at * time.' Sugar cane cannot be cultivated advantageously north of the live oak region, and it is understood that the olive will be limit,a4 by the same boundary. The Orange tree is liable to annua damage by frost, even along the cbast; and for the same reason peaches are a more precarious fruit here than upon the tonfines of Canada. The change of teriperature is regularlfr very great betwixt the pight and day. It may be said winter and summer retutj& every 24 hours: Otherwi e the winters here in general resemble the mild autumns of the northern states. The heat of the summer here never rises perceptibly higher th in &Ja F pAud IM its svnon ea l ï~~i ATTIAL GEOGRkPHY. 2O With regard to salubrity we must draw some very strong lines of distinction-between the different parts of the state. The parts most valued and best settled; to wit,lthe borders of the Mississippi, are unhealthy as they have grassy, weedy marshes through almost the whole of their extent: of course intermittents, &c. prevail in the latter months of every summer. The same places produce musquitoes in swarms that infest all the neighbouring regions, and make it impossible for any one to sleep exposed to them. It has long been held that the effluvia of stagnating water do not cause disease unless they contain vegetable or animal water. In accordance with this old opinion we find the country westward and eastward of th- Mississippi bottoms as healthy as any other part of the United States-for the lagoons, lakes and ponds along the gulf coast contain no vegetables. The same is the case along the northern shores of lakes Maurepas Ponchartrain and Borgne. As for the inundated lands along the Red river they become dried and even parched up during the summer. The marshes of Teehe and Vermillion differ little from those of the Mississippi; How far the influence of marsh miasmata extends is yet a. matter of doubt. The distance cannot be very great. Elevated situations, it is said, have been found healthy at th distanw of less than a mile from large unhealthy marsheq. ï~~COWL AND?OEflIAt GtOCNZ2fMIV xMuONS, POVULLTXOW, &c. Git AND) YILL*GS &ntrXZXt,lFDiAfl, 1IOlOVKXlT4 AtaiccZttt, WrATOT-M&L TA3LZ. (Esttaett (with some alteraftis-)from.Darby's Eigrats Guidej1 Piarsss., &154oAreass Towlls. ue~ineWO IJ40$001,549, Orleans- 1,3 83290 9830604,5 Stilernwrc or- Get~a cp~t400 256,000- 302,480 1,020 St Charles or Boo 0 90 2 6 net.Quarre so 12'0 2,6 3,2.1 St..John Bfptilste'140,9 or Canttdls 150 9,0 1,3,9 St. jam es' or thc 170 108,0 12543,5 Acadieb coast,0,854 o-5 Acension 350. 224,000 264i670 2,2191 Therville 350 224,000 264,670 2,679 lst Bfaton Rouge 50U 320,000 378,000 Bat. Roug 'West Baton R1ouge 850 554,000 642,770 1,463 Poinat Coupee 60x 384,00 453,720 4,539 Arnyelles 700, 448,000, 529,340 1,109 oerda 201 1,344,000 1,588,020 2,875 Concordia. New Feliciana 1,050 672,9000, 794,010 -St. Helena 11,300 832,000 983,060: St. Tammany 2,00c~ 1,280,000 1,512,400 La Fourcee 2,500 1,600,000 1489401500 1,99 Assumption. 50o 320,000 378,100 2,7 S9t Mary's and St. New~1beeis MAi' in Atta- 5,100,264,000.3j856,620 7,0069 St. MartinsStLandre (Ope- 7,0 4600 ' e8S.Loadre lousas)? 75,747 Opelousas..W - 4 Natchitoche. 1060 6,78400 8,0169,720 2,7 aebtee Rapides 2,30u, 11,472,00 1 6392& 2,300 AlexandriaOcc.atahoola %,OOu:1,280,000U,512,40 1,1164 Waita 14200, 2,560,W 3,024.jW00 1,077 Fort Miro. &22t 3086OC S643,6 5,54 ___ The first 14 parishes-in this table extend along the Mississipj beginni ngC at th e'14o1%ett part fseeeta fort St. 1hillip.. The country east of the. Mississippi and north ofihe lakes Mdaure-, pisPanehartratf and Borgie, comprising the 4- parishes of X&. Ba-,emR~eN.Felici: a, St. Helena and St.T T-an a dA~ ï~~cram. AIL xb PoLrrIt. GCOGRAm HY Ttt Cvrr OF NEw ORLEANS was founded in theyear 17204 It is on the east side of the Mississippi, 109 miles from the Ba. tlize, or mouths of the river; and in N. lat. 290 57 27". The present size and condition of this place isnot well known: as no good account has been published since that of Major Stoddad, which appears to have been written ten or twelve years ago. In 1803 (when purchased from France) it contained 1000 houses and 8000 inhabitants;;including all classes. In 1816 it was a mile and a half long, and a mile wide; with a population estimated at 30,000: and it has since increased more rapidly than during any preceding period. In 1818 its popu. lation was estimated at 40,000. The streets are thirty-seven and a half feet wide. The longest ones are parallel to the river These are crossed at right angles by others which run north 32 degrees east. The ground is an inclined plain which descends about six feet from the shore to the palisades in the rear of the city; and from thence about three feet to the level of St. Johns' creek at low water mark. The old houses were chiefly built of cypress logs, one story high; and had an ordinary appearance. A considerable portion of the north west end of the town was burnt in 1794, and has since been rebuilt'in a much better style. The new buildings are generally of brick, and they constitute a large proportion of the city on river side. On account of the hurricanes which are so frequent in the south end of this state there are hardly any of the houses raised higher than two stories, and as the brick used here is all ill burnt they are commonly preserved by a coating of stucco or plaster; sometimes white and sometimes coloured. As the ground on which the city stands is extremely wet there are no cellars dug as inlother towns. The first floors of the houses are elevated, generally five or six feet above the level of the streets, and beneath them they have apartments, above ground, which are called cellars. The most remarkable public buildingsare the cathedral, thetown-house, three banking houses, the gpvernors'house, or pa lace as it is cated; a theatre, convent, hospitals, arsenal, jail, custom houses, two churches, barracks, et. The cathedral i of brick, 90 feetby 1.20--having two towers,on the corners of the west end. It has an organ, but is in other respects ill decorated. Between it and the river there is at pen square about 400 feet long. The revenues of its establishment are derived from some southern bishopric. The bishop receives an annual salary of 400 AdoRar,% the canon,. 7.20 doll1ars, and the priests 360. The convent is a large brick structure, builtrby the French., It has a small chapel attached to it.--a schbo* where female children are taught gratuitously by the nuns: and. another sTrall house divided by a partition, with double grating. tioiaj which strangrs may converae on business with ï~~s TAT& OI-t ouiswAk nuns or boarders. The nuns belong to the order of St. Ursula-- the number of them is generally 40 or 50, There are always, several young ladies in the convent boarded there for education. Public worship is regularly held in the chapel of the convent, but the nuns are separated from the audience in it by a partition of lattice work. Eachenun on taking the black veil deposits, if she is able, 1500 dollars, which are added to the common fund. The batracks are at the lower end of fthie convent. They have a large area surrounded by a brick wall, and a handsome parade ground extending from the area to the river. The " King's Hospital" was originally intended for sailors and soldiers but it has become a common-asylum. It is fitted for the accommodation of 150,patients. The Charity Hospital adrits gratuitously the poor of the city, and even sometimes strangers, if they are utterly destitute --otherwise those who are able are required to pay 50 cents a day for their maintenance. The city was fortfied during the administration of Carondelet (from 1791 to 1796.) It had five bastions with banquettes, parapets, covert ways,,glacis, &c. The ramparts inclosed the. whole city. They were of earth and had a curtain of palisades. These works were said to be ill constructed, ill supplied with ordnance, and very inadequate for the defence of theplace against any powerful attack. The Levee in front of the city is a public promonade, and is crouded every evening with citizens andstrangers from all nations. In early times the citizens of the place, and the traders who resorted to it, bore a very bad character, both as to manners.and morals: but the causes may be chiefly attributed to the demoralizing territorial government then established here. The creole character will soon be extinguished, and few evils will then remain but the grand insuperable ones connected with slavery. The class of mulattoes are remarkably numerous. The vgrious degrees of " mixture in their blood" are accurately specified by uncouth terms of classification as far as they can be ascertained; though a great many of the "best blooded" cannot.be distinguished from.he white people by their colour. The females of purest blood constitAte a regular professional order different in their mode of life frov any class of peple in this country, though, they resemble the te mporary squaw wives of the North.Western Territory. They are maintained by the traders, and by many of the regular residents of the'. city, in a kiiad of concubinage, entered into for stipulated periods-.sometimes for a few weeks, sometimes for years, according to the convenience of their keepers.. They are said to be r~uarkably faithfid during the time bargained for; but as soon a it expires they have no scruples about accepting the offers of er ~eper They are educated, for this profession fro. ï~~CIVIL AND POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY 218 eir infancy, and are distin.uished from those who sell indiscriminate favours, by a public respect which we hardly know how to account for. The excuse for them is, that from a variety of circumstances and prejudices it is almost impossible for any one born of that class ever to get regularly maried; an they are so numerous that they could not in any less exceptionable way be tolerably supported., The men of the mixt boisods. generally either become boatmen, or sailors, or herdsmen in the prairies, when their situationa does, not permit them to keep. wives. After New Orleans there are few places in the state that can with propriety be called towns-most of those which courtesy has so entitled are only villages. The reason of this it that the farmers of this country generally carry their own produce to. New Orleans, and procure in return the goods they need; so that the shopkeepers and handicraftsmeniso neces-. sary to the formation of towns find no einploymient here,.atchitochs is situated on the right bank of Red river, 16& miles from its mouth, and 407 from New Orleans, by the river. Formerly it had considerable trade as an entrepot between the Mississippi country and Texas. That communication has been interrupted since 1811, by the disturbances. which then corn menced in the northern Spanish provinces. In 18i7 fort Clairborne was built here by the United States, upon a hill in the rear of the town..Alexandria is at the rapids of Red river, aboutt 100 miles from its mouth, Its importance is owing to the circumstance that it is at the head of barge navigation dining the periods of low water. In 1818 it contained 20stores, anda proportionat population which is rapidly increasing. Madisonville is on the north shore of lake Ponchartrain, op posite to New Orleans; and upon the important route from that city to St. Stephen. Packet vessels daily ply acros the lake from this town to the canaL Baton Rouge is situated on the east shore of tIle lffasTh. stppi, 115 miles above New Orleans. It has long been well known though an inconsiderable village. The district around it is beautiful and highly cultix ated. From this place to New Orleans the farms adjoin each other along the shore uninterruptedly. On the west side they extend 30 miles hligher-t.., P6int Coupee. St. Martinsville, in the porish of St. Martins in Attacapa, is a fine flourishing village, situated upon the Teche. N'ew Iberia is likewise upon the Teche, a few miles-south of St- Martinsville. It is inferior to the latter in size and cor. merce, but much superior as to the beauty of its situation., ï~~(4 STATE'OF LOUISINAX. SETTLEMENTS. A great portion of the state remains yet unsettled, and emigrants will bedeterred from coming hither until all the great disputes relative to claims obtained from the Spanish government and from the Indians shall be completely decided Nearly all the settlements extend along the borders of the rivers-pr:opably Cone half the population will found up. on the shores of thle Mississippi. The rest is chiefly along the Red river, the Teche, Vermillion, Washita, Tensaw, bayou Nlanchac, and the north shore of Ponchartrain. There are some ranges of farms on the eastern side of Opelousas; but nearly all that extensive district is occupied by people who live a pastoral life exclusively, keeping herds of cattle upon the prairies. Many of the planters of the Attacapas keep stock farms (vacheries) along the Mermentau and Calcasiu. The herdsmen are chiefly blacks or mulattoes who generally receive a stipulated portion of the produce for their care and labour. Three or four men, with six or eight horses, are able to manage a flock that produces annually four or five hundred calves, The keepers almost entirely subsist upon the meat, milk, cheese, &c of the cattle; while the natural grasses of the prairies furnish abundance of food for the herds and horses in every season. TNIDIANS. Most of the aboriginal tribes are somewhat mina gled in blood with the French; and as they are daily becoming more dispersed and diminished in number it is at present a difficult matter to ascertain their number or condition. They may be enumerated thus1 The Natchitoches who formerly livedinear the town of Natchitoches, but of late near the lake De Muire, 25 miles further up the Red river. They number about 30 souls. 2 The Conshattas at the Sabine, about 400 souls. 3 The Alibamies at Opelousas, near thle Caddo towns, about70 familiesi 4 Pacanas on the Quelquechose, about 30 warriors. 5 Tunicas at Avoyelles, about 140 souls. 6 Pascagolas, on Red river, 24 warriors. 7 The Houmas formerly owned the island of Orleans. They are now united with the Attacapas, and infest the neighbourhood of New Orleans-amounting altogether to about 200 souls. 8 The Opelousas, at the prairie so named, about 150 souls. 9 The Boluxas (from Pensacola) at the mouth of the Rigolet de bon Dieu, about 30 warriors, a quiet friendly race. 10 The Tensaws at Bayou Boeuf. 11 The Appalaches at Bayou Rapide, 14 families. 12 The Chactoos at Bayou Boeuf where they have alway s resided. 13 The Wachas, five or six individuals who live as servantg la some of the female families, 411 of thse Indians have cmigrated at different periods A ï~~,;I'VIL AND POL!TICAL-GEOGR APHY. this state from the Floridas, except the Natchitoches, Chactoos, Houmas, Attacapas and VWachas. IMPROV~VMENTS. Nature has done much in establishing facilities for connecting together every part of the state by internal navigation, but the inhabitants of it, though plethoric with wealth, have dne little. T'he city of New Orleans conimmunicates with the great line of lakes Ponchartrain, Borgne, &c. by the canal of Carondelet, which is two miles in length; extending from a basin behind the Charity Hospital of that city to the bayou St. Johns. It is about 20 feet wide and, according to the changing of the winds, its depth varies from three to nine feet. From the m nouth of the canal the bayou passes about 6 miles through beautiful rarges of country seats and orange groves to the late Ponchartrain. It then debouches over a batr' which of late years has been deepened by the increase of current caused by two piers that approach each other upon it froam the opposite shores. The L vrrs are artificial embankments or mounds of clay gener ally faced with cypress palings. At present they extend up the riv. er to Point Coupee-190 miles above New Orleans. l'ey are con ctructed after the manner of the embankments made along the DelawAvr'e for excluding the tide from the fiats of that river. Those on the Mississippi vary in bei;ght irom 3 to 12,feet, and at one place M'Carthy's, 6 miles above New Orleans, they are 15 feet high, 30 'feet broad at the fi'ee and 6 feet on the top. The usual size how. ever is 5 feet of height with.a base i2 feet, and a flat top, wide enough for a commron foot path. 'hey are uniformly highest and strongest at the bends of the riv r, on the ccncav s'hore, as the cur. Tent is always most violent at sieh places. WYhen tue river is flooded some water oozes through the levee, some breaks in rills throughl the holes that craw-fish make iii it, and hrough places rendered porous by the rains. Tis water is collected in the ditch immediately behind the levee, and is c rried off'in covered drains or sewers, across the fields to the nmarshes in the rear ofthe river bottom. The levee follows the sinuosities of the river; in nma'ny places changing its cpurse every 30 or 40 yards. When first constructed, its general distance was about 30 yards from the shore, but in some places the river has receded from it, and at others approached and even undermined it. When the river washes its shore close to the levee another one is raised in the rear'of the first. These double levees as they are called, appear in a great many places. The plantations extend along the river the whole length of the levee, with scarcely an interval; leaving between the fence- sand the ditch of the levee a space through which the great public road passes Every plantation owner is required to keep the ievee opposite to his land in good repair. In each parish there are commissioners hound to examine it at stated periods; and, if necessary to repair it at the expense of those who happen to be negh ent in regard should to it; and duringtheseasonsof floods itis guarded by watchmen day and night. When the river rises above the levee, or obtains a passage throq ï~~STATE OF' LOUISIANA. fi e perforations made by craw-fish, the current soon washeg away Isever'al rod, ntonlyof the levee, but of thesolid g: cund* fo-r a greetidepth beneath it, and bursts tLnrou aIi with inconceivable violence an1d rapi1dity, foaing and ro.iring like a cataract;- swveejing away houjse.s and eve~ry thing that h(appens to be ini thie way; inundating the neighouring country, anud causing iinmei~se destruiction of prop. erty. The river continues to flow through the crevase Until the ifoods -Jbate. It then le'aves the bottomn after havinig washed away 1treat quardities of the richest of, the soil, aiid covered them with huge piles of drifft wood. When the alarm1-t of Ia crevasse is given the people collect from thl~e surrounding.. c-ountr~y, and atm-etimes, though rarely, they sticceed In closing up) the breach. When the water is just beginnijng' to beakthrugh evey elbr ismad, hut if they d,) not check i,in a very short time, they presently abandoni all ide., of resisti ng it, AGRI C ULTRrs, &C. The suar cane is the rmost profitable article that has yet been producedci this state;- but there only a few sn,~ia Jisircts tha~t ar-e well suitedl f it; it is easily destroyed by ft'.,st, and it (Cannot thrive upon a figiht ora wet soil. Upon richt,dy.&li 'Vion ii produce-s abou t two hogrshenis,' of stiar and 50 gallons Of rLlr per acre. The osha geeal otissmweait nmore than 1010, pounds. Twventy tight hlands htave? been knowni to raise, rmanfacl ure and 1xaiopot to m1arkllet 200 hogsheads in one season;bait th s is much1 abovt the Aaverage quant ilty. A mill extensive enough to grind cane for 200 hogslheads per a-ia is one wtirkinl~ at the ra,1te oif 200 g'4i ns per hoir, can b, rce froebt oefa JtJ0Q dollars. The price of slaves is variable a nd caninot he stAed. From Darby'si stati-Atical accout Of Louisiana, -accompanying his mnap of thie state, the following table it e,trncted, 10Rq/t jinfr t't enplymn wff tolnen (slaves I suppo)O' upon' (I fa'in oai in inclvting eithier of tief Jie greatl staple fftl(#e fI4ttr - ~ of aeres IWh1ole IAnnual'Rer jin thle suiue ITAPLE. quantity. Price# Am-iounitt. lv im_ oo ruif Acres Isirilto } ________J ______ j _______easch 4:1ai, J jach staple, &ia 6, b &b. 12 1 '0 250,0'00 b~to 0 1), lb.7 b. "'.O18 20 2 9000 It~cei -0h 0 ll,0 4 10 25000 Indi'- ( 7,900 l bs. 1,001b 700 4 )00,000 "Voacc( Jt 1W)dO, w.' 7 2.70~(( The same, aut-lor supposes that of the whole state one fifthi may be de(ductcd for swampi-s, rivers, lac-kes, pine b-arrens, besides other tracts w~ifit for cultivation anid iri-eclaimbie. Sugar cane requires the richest soil,ind warme~st climnate. Tobacco needs as rich a soil but thirives ini a cooder climate. Indi-,digo is not of good quality exceptL in the warmlest climate, and,,oni a soil at Ileast moderately rich. Cotton also imiWroves iR isle withe heat of the climate, but~doesaiot reqtairc theC ï~~trIVIL AD POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY, Z riclhest soil. Rice is grown onlyh a warm climate and on in., undated land. The sugar cane is reproduced from layers. Every year, about the middle of October, the quantity 6f cane intenled for the crop of the succeeding year is placed in stacks to p4perve it from the frost..Early in the spring they are laid in fhirows, and young canes then grow from every joint. Cotton is the article next in importance. Good land in thir state yields from 500 to4 1000 pounds of seed-cotton per acre. Every four pounds of cotton with the seed produces one pound of clean cotton wool. It has been thouh4.L by,,napy that the cultivation of the olive along the gulf coast wouldbe an object of great national importance; and there is strong reason toAelieve that both the climate and soil are perfectly suited to it. A great portion of Darby's Emigrants' Guide is occupied with statements and conjectures relative to this subject, but ourn.imitv.ill hot permit us to give even a moderately lbr-ief expositiorrof it. The chief advantages of rice arethat itwill grow upon inundated land that can produce nothing else; in fact it cannot be profitably raised on any other kind of land. The water is not needful for the growth of the. rice, but it saves the trouble 6f weeding, as rice is. the onlyplant which can grow upon ground immersed ina- water. Hardly any kind of gMain is raised 1hre-excgpt Indian corn and therei4a very little of that. COMMERCE. Theexports 6f Louiiana:consist-.lmot exr elusively of sugar, cotton, iice, indigo and tobacco. Of sugar the annual quantity, of "late years, has been estimated at 10000,000 pounds. Of cotton.20,000 -bales were exported in 1812. In the amount.eofeach staple, there has yearly been a regular increase. The exports from New Orleans alone were estimated at 20,000,000 dollars for.the year,1818. Froarthe.:st of June to the 1st of.Sept. in thatt year the total export: of tobacco was -8,526 hogsheads-of cottorn81,469 bales. The imports from'Europe need not'tbe~enum, ated. The articles -obtained from the-states and-territories north of this are flour, corn, oats,,potatoes, carrots, peas, bacon, beef, pork, lard, candles, tallow, butter, cheese, whiskey, beer ad, porter, cider, 4hgs, horses, horned cattie, peltries, bear.skins and Other hides,,soap, -beese-wax, flaxseed oil,.Zinserg pecan nuts, cordage, rope yarns, linens, bagging, paper,.guns, tastingM grind stones,: powder, and salt petre..From the Floridas and Mbbile country timber, plaiks, &c, 'rosin, pitch, tar, turpentine, bark,- coal-s, sand, lime, shell corn, peltries, hides, &c. ï~~STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. OXTENT, BoVNDlARlEs, RIvns, IsLANDS, BAYS,FACE OE THE Co XT&Ix, SOIL, &c. NATURAL P1ODrUCTI0NS, NATURAL Cuniosiris. Mississippi is about 340 miles in length, from north to south, and 150 in breadth; coitaining about 45,000 square miles, or 30,000,000 of acres. It is bounded on the north by the 35th degree of latitude,, which separates it from the state of Tennessee; on the east by the Tennessee river as far as the mouth of Bear creek and from thence by a line running nearly south, to the northeast corner of Washington cournty of Alabama, and from thence directly south to the gulf of Mexico. These constitute the dividing line between it and Alabama state. From the later named point the gulf of Mexico, is the boundary as far as the mouth of Pearl river (all islands within six leagues of the shore included.) The boundary between this state and Louisiana is the Pearl river as far north as lat. 310-then that line of latitude continued west to the Mississippi river-lastly that river is the west boundary from lat. 31 deg. to 35 deg. and separates this state from Louisiana and tie Arkansaw territory. RIVERS. The Misisaippi waters the western border about 7i0 miles. For nearly two thirds of that distance-that is from the Tennessee line to the mouth of Yazoo river, it receives no considerable stream on the east side. Yazoo river rises near the Tennessee line, intermingling its sources with those of the Tombigby. Its general course is nearly west by south. It is navigable for a great distance, but it is little known, as a great part of it is included in a country which belongs to the Chickasaws, and has not been explored by whitemen. At its mouth it is about 280 yards wide and has several considerable tributary atreams. Black or Lousachitto river enters the Mississippi at the Grand Gulf about 60 miles.gabove the Yazoo, and 50 above Natchez- It is about 170 miles in length and runs nearly a south west course. Between the latter river and Natchez are Bayou Pierre, Cole' creek and Fairchild's creek; and 20 miles below Natchez is St. Catharine's creek. Each'of these is about 40 yards widkle. - Iomochito river is about 70 miles in length, and 60 yards 'ide at its mouth, It flows a south west course, and enters ï~~NX*'URAL GEOGRAPHY. 219 the Mississippi 14 miles above the south west angle of thestate. Near its mouth is a kind of lake which was once the channel of the Mississippi. Six miles below of Homochitto is the mouth of Buffalo creek A.mnite river rises in this state, and in two branches runs nearly south; uniting two miles below the boundary line (lat. 31.) The other streams east of the Amite which rise in this state, and pass the same line into Louisiana are Tickfaw, Pongipaho, Chefuncti, Boguechitto, Pearl, Benasouah, 14atcha-Leecha, and Pascagola. The Pearl river rises near the centre of the state. It may be rendered important but at present it is obstructed by shoals and driftwood. Pascagola river, though not so long as the Pearl, is a far more important stream, containing a greater volume of water and navigation for schooners drawing six feet far as the confluence of Chickasawhay and Leaf rivers. Beyond that point it loses its name. From its estuary, the bay of Pascagola, there is boat navigation 150 miles. The geaeral course of the streaM is south. Chickaacwvhay, is the largest branch of the Pascagola, rising near the heads of the Pearl. Its general course is south east. The Le- f river runs generally south. The Hatcha-Loccho enters the Patscagola on the west side about 20 miles from the gulf of Mexico. Dog river rises in the Alabama state. Many of the western tributary streams of the Tombigby rise within the eastern border of this state. BAYs, That part of the gu!f of Mexico bordering this state presents the three bays of St. Louis, Biboxi, and Pascagola, which are resorted to as summer retreats by the people of N. Orleans; and are remarked for their healthiness. Small vessels sail -to these from the city through the lakes Ponchartrain and Borgne. At the east end of the latter, beyond the pass Christian, is the bay of St. Louis. ISLANDS. There are a great number of islands in the Pascagola bay and along the gulf coast, but they are chiefly barren banks of sand, scarcely, if at all, inhabitable; as they exhibit no vegetables except "a few dwarf pines and sea-myrtle bushes;" but they are important as they afford a perfectly safe well sheltered passage for small vessels along the coast. That coast channel leads through Pass-aux-Herons inito Mobile bay. It communicates with the gulf by navigable passes between Cat island (the most western) and Ship island; between Dog and Horn islands; and between Horn island and Petite Bois. East oitihese is Dauphin island which however affords no pass. The two clusters of islands in lake Borgue called Malheureux and Marianne, together. with St Josephs and Cat islands (opposit. ï~~STA.Th OPUM1S9I3S1PW. 1pke Borgne, are included within the limits assigned'to- Louisiana&ate, and within thoso lately assigned to this state. LAKrES. There, are.alng the gulf Coast, nnmerous small lakes passing into marshes andz, wet weather. ponds.. The east end bf 4ke Borgne bidongs-to this-state. PFsE or T0S CONTaUr. There are no mountains in this state. The northers parts (is fir as they have been explored) are hilly; the middle region greatly diversifred with tracts very dissimilar ta each other; the southern part in general little elevated and not ve ry uneven. The range of hi19 -which passessacross thi north of, Alabama state, separating the waters of,-the Tennessee river from those of the Coasa, Cahaba, Black river and Tombigby, turnssouthward after it enters this state, and passes towards the gulf of Mexico nearly parallel with the. Tombigby, dividing the streams that enter theTombigby firom those that flow west into the Missis. - sippi. About the middle of the state this hilly range divides. 'lThe Inain branch of it passes between the Pascagola and Toimbigby, til approaching towards the latter, andatlast it terminates at Mo. bile bay near thetown of Mobile. Another branch lies between the Pearl and Pascagola rivers., Another runs ito diffarent lines beween the Pearl aud3Black rivers; and 'another separates the Black river from the Yazoo. The, bottoms of the Mississippi-th&t flat land, subject to periodical and at least partial inmundation, has been stated at an average breadth f 20 mi!es. "The hill ranges wlich includ' this pi:in run. pearly in straight lines. The river is generally near-the east side of' the bottom, never approaching the west hill range, but running in several places abruptly against the hills-on the east side; forming p~recipices which are here. called bluffs. They are the Walnut bills, Grand and Petit Gulf, Natchez cliffs-and Loftus' heights-,-alli felow the.mouth oftheYazoo. Through the Mississippi bottom there are numerous bayous. lakes,, lagoons, ponds; swamps. and marshes, but the soil is very rich, and generally too dry, even to the very marginis of the ponds, eept in the season ofthe floods. It is a deep mixture ofsand and vegetable mould, with a clay base in the more elevated parts, The trees are-willow, box elder, waterelar, water ash, cotton wood, pawpaw, honey locust, sycamore, and buckeye, with long cane on Abe dryest richest parts,, and cypress in the swamps,.-though rare in the northein districts. The shores are fringed with willows, scrub. grass, rushesand other grasses. The great breadth of these botomis, together with their uniformity, render their appearance very dreary to those who descend this river. The cypress ponds and 3narshes usually occupy that part-,of the bottom most distant from the river, and are fatr more dreary than any of the scenes which a boat voyage presents to view. The extent of the Mississippi bot. toms in this statewhich are subject to occasional inundations Mr. Darby estimates at 600 square miles. The northern section of the state is much the most fertile besides. being perfectly healthy; but as yet it is retained by the lndias. Aor the distatce of a hundred miles poathwAd of the Tennessea ï~~XATURIAL GEOGRAPIFH. $81 boundary no marshy land, or scarcely any, appears, The greater part of the country is covered with tall cane. The more hilly parts have poplar, oak, hickory, elmn, buckeye, hackberry, mape and walnut The cane chiefly occupies that upland portion of the state which is nearest to the Mississippi, which gradually decreases in breadth as well as in fertility as we proceed south towards the mouth of the Yazoo river. With the exception ofa tract 20 or 30 miles in breadth along the Mississippi river the south half of this state is chiefly a sterile pine forest. II one instance the pine land approaches within three miles of the river, above Natchez, but it is the pitch or yellow pine, the best of the pine family, ald the soil is better than usually t longs to it, indicating that oak would soon supplant the present timber. The Mississippi boirder above mentioned is generally fertile, possessing a great variety of trees, and very great diversity of soils. Like Louisiana and labama states the pine districts are diversified with " hammock land" (tracks of oak, gum, dogwood, &c.) on the hill slopes, together with prairies, savannahs (or low wet glades) cypress swamps and bay galls. As we proceed towards the gulfcoast the land becomes more flat, the prairies more extensive, and scarcely any trees appear but the pi e and the cypress of the marshes. The country though level is in general dry. The wet land is generally near the streams, and no where in ext nsive bodies as in Louisiana, The line of lat. 33 deg. and tie Pearl river very accurately separate the flat lands of Louisiana from the dry pine forest of the state.- The gutf cn.ast east of the Pearl, though poor for agricultural purposes is perfectly healthj, aid is annually resorted to on that account. GEOLOGY. The northern and eastern parts of the state no doubt have like Alabama a base chiefly of limestone. With regard to the western part the subject admits of many doubts, Mr. Hutchins says that " betweeD Pet t Gaufre, 32 miles ab've Natchez and the Ba ze (mnouth of the Mississippi) there us not a stone to be seen any where near the river." Mr. Cramer. in his Navigator, says that " there are considerable rocks of the granite kind, at the lower end of Natctiez. seen at low water, but which app ar t, be of recent growth and probably fbrmed since Mr. Hut chin' survey of the ri. ver " Granite of recent growth is a geological bull. Granite is the oldest kind of primnitive rock. W en 'he sam mvterials-feldspar, quartz, and mica enter into the o!dest kind of s'rai fled rock they lose that name and are called gnetss. Mr. Cra er ray h stone is about an inch thick- hen it is Aetz; he adds that the earth above and btlA w it is fine sand and clay. Then it s grey sandstone, such as is commnon in,est PL nnsylvania being a flf.x very nef lorma. tin of materials which had once constituted ncacecous tuck. It has already been noticedi that the nothern part of this state is of secondary firmation, and that the south is aifuvial. M,. 1)arb r, whise observations are erutit'eil to mich credit says, that sti ral fied stone is seen no where alone t e NM sss ppi below the Lpftus' htight- (at thessouti wes; corner of iis state. It is there the same kind of stone whic is found in all the bluff below the mouth of the Ohio. He says it is a breccia or puddin6 stone of e ï~~22 S'IATE, OF MISSISS'PPt, cent formation, with an argillaceous cement, and generally mingle4 with petrYfactions. This he concludes is the base of all the west side of the state. This pudding stone then must have been formed in the preseAce /of metalic bases, that abstracted from its materials, some of the substances with which they had been saturated. In some instances, says Mr. Darby, it is hard enough to form millstones. Numerous springs emerge immediately ahove the padding stone, and though they are clear and look well they are said to be unwholesome. The surface of the country is chiefly sand lying upon clay. Near the Mississippi the clay and sand are often found mingled into a good loam, and in such places generally covered with a layer of vegetable mould, as in the northern states. Over the greatest part of this state, however, the sand is very purely separated from the Olay, and frequently in that clean condition it is found highly fertile: but in such instances the clay beneath it is at no great depth; and thus the nutriment of the vegetables is preserved near the sur4 NxATtVAL PaonucTXoZs. If mineral wealth exists within this state no one knows where to find it. There may be some iron in the northern parts, and in the southern there is plenty of clay suit, Ie for the best kinds of pottery. But manufactures cannot be jexpecte4 to f&arish north o lati- u4 35. ï~~CIVIL XND POLITICAL GBOGRAKaT:OF 4iiows, Tow.Ns, POI'ULATIOV, SEITrEEXT9, Au1ic,ULTuis1h AND COMMERsCE, SLA.-ar LAWV. C-OUNIFS.,6 rWarren V4Clairborne V- Jefferson, Adams ro Frank~n IWilkinson (-P~ike Lawrence 0 Hancock G7reene 41. 396 540 414 378 612 972 1,$80C 720 1,000 828 2,100 0.00 lgso Towitu, 3,0 4s001 -10)002 2'016 53068 4,750 1,253 -157C 3,50C 4,90C 10,00(l 21,70L 7,270 5,060 2,086 2,620 1.780 1,700 1,000 2,080 W arrenton. GreeevileHuntston, U.. nion. NATC1RT, Washingtoni, Selset. ton., Liberty. Woodville, Fort Adams, Pinik. neyville.- Sligo.. Liberty. Winchester. Jacksonville. Monticello, St. Louis, flilo1i. T1owws. NVatchez, which is dignified with the title of city, is thd only con siderable town in this state. It contains about 3000 inhiabi. tants and above 000 houses, It* is situated in N. lat, 31 deg. 33 min. and W. long. 14 deg. 20 mm.n- upon one of the Mississipi bluff hills about 200 feet high. It declines from the river and therefore does not afford a view of it except upon the brow of the blu. The -houses are chiefly of frame wvork one story high, and contain numnerous windows for the admission of fresh air in times of' hot we&. there- The streets are regular and intersect eac 'h other at right an. gles. but the ground is uneven. The new, houses- are chiefly brick Be.* tween the hill and the river there is aflat. about 200, yards wide, cal. led "6the landing;" it is occtipied principally, by, taverns, grog shops, and trading houses. As this shiore, like most of those on the lower Mississippi, is composed of a loosle sandy soil it will, proba~y be soon washed- quite away by the river. The roaid from the landing to the ity has rows of or~use and liquor shops up the ill side O~at scam ï~~224 STATE OF MISSISSIPPI. to stand on the brink of destruction. In 1815 some of the bluff slided down and overturned a parcel of them. Natchez is a valuable commercial depot, but, judging front its position, we must conclude that other towns tnbot yet laid out in this state will rise and eclipse it, when the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Cherokees' clain s shall be purchased. Washington is six miles east of Natchez, and within the same county. It is an agreeable summer residence, upon the shore of St. Catharine's creek. It contains about 1000 inhabitants, and is in the midst of a rich beautiful settlement. For 15 years this place was the seat of the territorial government. Montitello is at present the seat of the government. It is directly east from Natchez, and about 95 miles distant fronm it. It is situated upon the Pearl rivtr. The other towns of this state are very small and not vefy promising. They are chiefly the seats ofjustice for the counties to which they belong. SETTLEMENTS. About three fourths of this state is yet.owned and occupied by Indians. The United States' possessions are in the south west corner of it and on the gulf coast. The Chickasaws claim the country on both sides of the south boundary of Tennessee. They have eight towns in that quarter, and live chiefly by keeping cattle and hogs. They are very hospitable, considerably civilized, and many of them rich in black slaves and in stock. They count about 1800 warriors, and 4000 women and children. One of them " George Colbert, is proprietor of the ferry where the road leading from Nashville to Natchez crosses the Tennessee river. It is worth 2000 dollars a year His charge is 50 cents foi a footman, and a dollar for a man and horse "* Besides the ferry he owns a fine tract of land four miles square. His bill aga:nst the Unit6d States, says Mr. Brown, for ferriage, horses, provisions,.&c. furnished to the Tennessee militia, during the last war, amounted to 75,000 dollars. The Cherokees claim the north eastpart of t'is state. They were 12,359 in number according to a census taken in 18 9, by R. J. Meigs, sen. Indian agent for that quarter. He estimates their present number at 14,500, and the r warriors at 4.000. This number however is iuclusive -of a colony that emigrated from this state to settle in the Arkansaw territory. They raise great quantities of horses, horned cat.e, hogs, sheep, and poultry. They likewise attend to agricature and manufactures. They not only raise grain but eotton and indigo Fwo years ago they had " upwards of 500 looms; most of which they had themselves ma e. Ttey had about the same number of ploughls They perform all theprocesses from the first prdduction of the materials to the dying and finishing of their cot*Brow s' Gazetteer. ï~~CIVIL ANDPOLITICAL GEOGR.APITY. 225 ton and woolen fabricks. Many of the men and all of the women dress after the fashions of the white people, and are even more cleanly thai the generality of the white*- Bathing was formerly a religious rite among them; it is now practised from habit, and as a domestic duty. They have several schools which have been established.- by the United States, and most of their children have acquired, some knowledge of reading, writing, and arithmetic. They are at least equal to the whites indocility and ingenuity,-andin general mush sulterior th them in the elegance of their persons. Among he tribes in the northemrn territories, though the men have fine forms the women are uniformly clumsy.; rendered someno doubt by the heavy burdens which they have almc* continual" hoppast'upon their backs. The Chactaws claim the miMidle and southeasterly parts of the state. They are more numerous than the Cherokees, but their number h now not well known. A.few years ago they had 43 towns. 4,041 warriors, and a population of 12,123 Their increase of. late years has been very considerable.. Their country is-not very rich-extending along-the Chicjasaka as Chickasawhay, Yazoo, Pearl and Pascagola. rivers, but their farms are numerous and in good condition,. Along the roads they keep taverns most of which are little inferior to thq inns of Ohio and Kentucky, and superior to the greater part of the road taverns-of West-Pennsylvania.. During the disturbances which of late years have occurred. along our southern border, these three nations have con peted the mselves towards the Americans in the most peacefuiT and friendly manrer; and truly they are in all respects an honour to the Indian race. Their condition is the more surprising, and the more creditable to them, whenit iscompared with the uncomfortable and abominable habits of. living., so general-k, amongst the other tribes. CULTIVATION- AND CowAM aCE. Cotten, tobacco, indigo, hemp, rice, flax and peas are the only articles cultivated here to advantage. The two first constitute the nine tenths of the export trade. The sugar cane has been often triedbut always without success: the gulf coast is too sterile, and the Mississippi coastis-too cold for that plant. SLAVE LAWS. In 1819 an act was passed requiring every slave imported into the state -to be registered in the county clerks office, and exacting from the importer an oath that such slave has not been guilty of-any capital crime. For neglect of this regulation there is a penalty of 500 dollars. For every slave imported into the state for sale there isa tax of 20 dolI lars; but citizens may import their-own slaves free from the tax, unless they bring them from Louisiana or Alabama. A' negro emigrating to Mississippi state must give security for, his good behaviour in the sum of 500 dollars or else he is Iiadwa trbe sol! at auction for the term of oue4eat4 ï~~STATE OF ALABAMA. NATURAL GEOGRAPT11Y. EXTESNT, BOWiTDARTt1, RIVErM, LAKJSz IS LA l)S, FACE OF TMCoUNTit', &c. NATURtAL PFaOiTCT1ONS, Alabama is 3215, miles in length and about 150 in breadths" It lies between N. lat. 35c and 300 20'. Longitude not correctly ascertained. It is bounded by a line "begining at the point where the 31st degree of north latitude iuterseCts the Perdido river; thence east to the western! bundary line of the state of Georgia; thence along said line to the western boundary line of the state of Tennessee; thence west, along said boundary line, to the Ten essee river; thence, up the same, to the mouth of Bear reef; thence by a direct line to the north-west corner of Washington county; thence, due south to the Gulf of Mexico thence, eastwardly, including all islands within six leagues of the shore, to the Perdido river; thence up the same to the be. ginning.".-[ Act of Congress, March 2, 1819.] R VRS. This state is watered almost entirely by the Alabama and Tombigby rivers and theirtributaries, and by the Mobile which is formed by their confluence..dlabama, is the eastern one of the two great rivers that unite to form the Mobile. The name like most of names of rivers in this state has not yet been definitely located. Under the present acceptation the two rivers Tallapoose or Okfuskee on the east, and Coosa or Cahawba on the west unite just below fort Jackson and form the Alabama. The name Coosa is ap. plied by some to a river which enters the Alabama on the north.--40 or 50 miles from its mouth. Melish and others apply the Okfuskee to the whole of the eastern branch of the Alabama, but others call that river the Tallapoose and apply the name Okfuskee to a large branch of it which enters on the east side. By Jackson's treaty the name Coose or Coosa is a applied to the great western branch of the Alabama, and of course the name Cahawba or Cahaba must beapplied to the river which flows through the dountry between the Coosa and Tombigby. The Coosa, Tallapoose and ()kfuskee (under the last location) rise in the western parts of Georgia state and all flow nearly a south west course. The names Estenaury, Connesangah and Hightour are sometimes applied to the Coosa; but Connesangah is properly only a branch of this river which rises near the Tennesse border, ainis connected with the Amoy, a branch of the Hiwassee. of. ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. Tennessee river, by a portage of about ten miles. Boats can descend the Tallapoose with some risk, but cannot by any means ascend it on account of the falls of Wetumke above fort Jackson. From these falls there is a continuation of rapids for about 50 miles to fort Williams, but it is supposed that the navigation might be rendered very good at a trifling expense. The Alabama is navigable for boats through its whole length, and for schooners for about 40 miles-to the head of tide wa - ter; at which place the town of Fort Claiborne has lately been built. Tombigby or Tombeckbee rises near the Tennessee line and flows nearly south. Near its junction with the Alabama it recAves the Basse-Bagrie river-and about 40 miles above that the Opalee. About 40 miles above that stands fort St. Stephens. This is the head of tide water, and is the highest point of schooner navigation. In low water the Megrois shoals (7 or 8 miles above this" interrupt the passage of boats. About 80 miles above St. Stephens the Black Warrior river enters the Tombigby on the east. This has lately been made a channel of commerce. Boats ascend to the falls, which are about 120 miles distant from Huntsville-a new town on the north side of the Tennessee river. The Tombigby, above the mouth of Black Warrior, has by some been improperly called the Natarchucky. The ignorance of the Indians has occasioned con. fusion in ou-f geography by giving different names to several portions of the same river. The whole length of the Tombigby is estimated at 450 miles. The Senelee, Nooxabba an alabtmaby are branches of it, but are little known at present.-- In fact the geography of this state is very imperfect, particularly with regard to the Tombigby country. These rivers, rising from a country whose chief basis is limestone, are therefore greaitly changed by the changes of the seasons..Vobiie river is -45 miles in length and its estuary, called Mobile bay, is 30 miles-that is 75 miles from its commencement at fort Stoddart to its mouth at fort Bowyer or Mobile point. Its main course is south. Sx miles below fort Stoddart it divides, one branch retaining the name Mobile whike the other is called Tensaw or Appalachee river-a gross improprietyas they aTe different parts of the same.stream. Six miles firom the head of Tensaw it divides again and sends off a bayou *r branch called Lizzard creek which runs into the west branch of the Mobile. Lizzard creek sends out anotherbayou, called Middle river or bayou Mathieu, which unites vith the Tensaw *j ust above the town of BlMakely. There are six long narrow islands in the northern end of what should properly be called Mobile bay, but the several channels which surrould them are.called rivers. The town of Mobile is on the western shore, just opposite to the largest of these islands, and the most western channel by it is called Mobile, while that on the,ast side is called Spanish river. Just below the junction of the Tensaw and Middle river a bayoucalled the Raft river runs offwest ï~~28 STATE-OF ALABAMA. ward and enters Spanish river; another enters in the- same manner a little further south, arid is now the main channel through which vessels pass up the Tensaw from the bay. At the mouth of the bay there is a louble islandcalled Dauphin and two others opposite its east end called Pelican islands. The whole cluster is surrounded by a shoal or sand bar. The coasters from lake Ponchartrain and bayou St. John, enter the bay on the west side of Dauphin islanrid, through a channel which has only six feet water. The only other channel is on the east Side of the isand, between it on Mobile point, the scite of fort Bowyer. This lassage is only a few.rods in breadth, but it draws.18 feet of water. ''rom thence passing upwards the channel is through the middle of -he bay and has generally 14feet of water. The Mobile channel as only 8 feet at its mouth, for which reason it is usual for the veslels bound to Mobile, to. pass up the-Spanish river, which has 13 eet of water, and entering the Mobile to drop down to the town. the lower part of the bay is 14 miles wide, but-as you proceed up.. ards it contracts to 8 miles. Of the vessels bound for any of the towns in the T'ombigby or Llabama rivers some take the eastern channel-the Tensaw river, oy going past the town of Blakely. For this purposethey take the 'owest right, hand branch of Spanish river. But the greater part of he vessels keep up the Spanish river,-and from that take the west )r Mobile braich, because themvind best suited for ascending the bay will always be most favourable for that route. From that they enter Lizzard's creek, the mouth of which is about 20 miles above:he town Of Mobile) because the Mobile channel has ashokl 6f1 about 7 fe fwater just above that creek. They thelkpass through Mid. dle *er into the Tensaw. On the west-side of Mbbile bay there are *three small. streams ealled Dog river, Riviere Au Chervenil, and Aux Poules. On the east side just below Blakely, is Miset.creek; and below the bluffi of the east shore,:Fish. river. Further south is the Bon Secours which has a large estuary or bayat its mouth. Bayou Batrie enters the Gulf to the west of Mobile Bay. I'erdido river enters the Gulf of Mexico 20 miles east of the Mobile, forming a lurge,ay which febouches into thegalf by; a narrow crooked channel only 3 feet deep. Further east are the head waters of thetEcambia, Cunecuh and Rio del Almirante;-all of which flow into the nbble bay of Pensacola within thebawdaries of Florida. Wear the south. east corner of the state are!'the head waters of the St. Rose which likewise flows throughtke-west o d of Floridaaad debouches into the bay of St. Rose. The Tennessee river enters this state at the north east angle and leaves it at the north west angle. Forty or-fifty mile* from the latter it is 8 miles in breadth,-shallow atndl full of islands for the distance of 7 miles, and thereit receives the same ofthe muscle shoals. Bearcreek or Occachoppa enters it just above the Chickasaw land. ing. From the moath of thatereA k the western boundary comnivences, 4Acva or 'rn CoUWTrJY, SoIL, &c. The country along the Gulf 70 or 80 miles in breasth is all.a neary alike, cousisting Ot ï~~NATURAL GEOGRAPHY. z close forests of long leaved pine and loblolly, interspersed with tracts of cypressswamps, generally a smalldistance from the streams, and rich cane land between the swamps and shores, or directly in the rear of the swamps. The pine land is apparently a barren sand but by reason of the genial climate is tolerably productive. For a distance of 20, and il some places 30 miles from the Gulf shlore, the country is quite flat, and in the rainy seasons almost entirely covered with water, so as to make travelling very disareeable in it. The water is retained upon the sand by a deep compact body of clay which forms the subsoil wherever there is pine and cypress To that clay is im. puted the portion of fertility which the pine sands possess. The cy. press and bay galls are wet at all seasons and good for nothing, be. sides being unhealthy. Through the greater part of this flat tract there is live oak found near the ponds, with dwarf saw palmetto and other evergreens. In some parts the margins of the swamps and ponds are elevated several leet, and in suco places though the pine prevails the soii ischiefly clay and gravel covered with wiortleberry bushes. This is irreclaimably sterile, but seldom of great txtent, for it gradually recedes into the sandy pine flats covered with wire grass and saw-palmetto. Small portions of it are one degree better and txInbit the sour orange tree. The boiders of the rivers have generally tall cane and the creeks reed cane with cot on wood, magnolia, laurel and gum Such land isalwa. dry though always near to wet land( and it i unifiormly and inexaustibiy fertilez. Sometimes it is of a black mould, and sometimes of the colour of strong ashes; and the latter sor is considered rather the test. The rich lands produce poplar, hickory, cherry, oak of arious kinds and sometimes walnut, with China briar and other rich weeds: sometimes gass, and in some places friiged with range trees. Cane however is the chief vegetable in the very best so6il. There are tfew cane tracts near the Gulf but they btcome more numerous as we proceed north through th ole extent of tue state. lThe river bottoms are generally firom nille to two or thiree miles in breaddh throughi the northern an ati le parts of the state, but. min the flat country now descrii)bed thc e times txtend eight or ten miles. The mostelevated parts them are aloTg the shores-tha is the cane land: ut from the sAIores they dec.ne gradually and near the ustmual level of the water they become cypress swamps, with bay galls. &c. Along the gulf snore tuic is little else tan dry sand banks with pine and narsues of this c aracter. Nothwithsaoding tlhe unpromising general appearance of that region, ther- are along the shores of Perdido and tie Mobile bays, particularly on the former, many delightful situations suflicieitly remote from marshes to be perfectly healthy, and enjoying local advaotages (with regard to commerce) wuich bive themn inestiua* ble value. The termination of the coast country is not very distinctly marked but at 70 or 80,iles fromthe gulf the surface of the land becomes u. dulain, the soil better, and the tracts of oak gaound numerous, and of extent sufficiently inviting The country becomes still more ueven as we proceed northward so that the central part of the state may be reckoned hily, and the U ï~~-STATE OF ALADBAMA Porthern border rugged: yet the greatest average quantity of riph land livs to the north. All the rivers and creeks through the middle and northern sec. tions, present rich beautiful bottom, seldom exceeding two miles on the largest streams, and pro!ortionab'y rarrow on the smaller ones. These bottoms differ very little ii. the diffierent parts being generally a deep black, or else an ash coloured mould, inexhaustable to cul tivation and generally dry at least along the immediate shores.The timber, black walnut, poplar, cherry, hickory,0totton-wood and mulberry, with luxuriant fields of the tall cane, and occasionally eed caie. Where there is no cane the ground s covered with pea vine, and an almost impenetrable growth of rich weeds. The up. lands, partIcularly between the Alabama and Tombigby, are chiefly of good soil, with oak; hickory, chesnut and dog-wood; but there are large bodies of pine forest, and several prairies, with some savannais or flat wet glade lad min that quiarter. Through the most extensive tracts of pine country there are stripe s of oak land, generally near the streams, and on the slopes of fills. Such insulated portions are there called 'h'mmock laid.' The timber there is post Th iiethere is post oak, black oak, white oak, cesnut, hickory, &c and like oak land in the northern states they seem tolerably fertile when first cultivated but they are easily exoansted. Along the eastern border of the state, and south of the Ala'ama, there are immense districtsof pine country and prairie, with -hammock land' occasionally, and.swamps, but with little cane or walnut land. A range of hills extends from near the eastern boundary, running at first south-west, and finaly westward, separating the waters of Alabama and Tallapoose on the north friom the Conecab anid Escam. ia on the Florida side. The country on the south and east of these hills is chiefly pine forest intewspersed with swamiips and ponds. On the margin of the streams there are generally stripes of land, from a quarter to a half a mde wide., bearing oak, hickory antd ash. In the rear of this are reed marshes, and in some places ponIds, toat beccoe dry periodically.. Much of the marsy laid is sufficiently dry toear trees, white oak, beech, mnaple, swamp red oak, very lr and beautiful,-poplar, guni andl cy press, with undergrowth of china briar, reed, palmettos, atan and grape vines b nctimea there is on the borders of thee fla s, pine lorests tolerably r ch, interspersed with oak and hftckor From the neighbourhood of the creeks large tracts of what are called "reed brakes" exteta toward -the pine lands. As we approach the eastern boundary, little else than pine eoun..try and swamnps is to be sCe. Tht quarter has been little expls. ed but it is generally beheved to be unsuitable f or settlement. The land on the north and west side of e above mentioned range of hills is chiefly of the best quality, containing numerous tracts of rich cane land, several prairies fertite and beautiful, covered with grass and flowers; and aso, as is tusual with prairies, de. ficient in spring&. Water however is generally obtained by digging a little depth. There is little pine land in this part but severl beech swamps, wet-weathier pontids, ani reed brakes. Tne up. land bears black oak, post oak, dogwood, hickory, buckeye, popar, &c. the soil black or brown, and very rich. T'his district be. t nrrow r as we proceed westward, uutd at last it terauinato ï~~NATMAL GEMOftA, 28X near the mouth of the Cahaba, where the Alabama m~kes a great bend southward, cutting across the hill range. On the north side of the river that range receives the ftiaume of the "Alabama heights.'* A district of very elevated hill land extends across the state, between the waters of the Tennessee river and the head waters f the Tombigby and Coose rivers, which though it approaches the lountainous character, presents tracts of great fertility. There is a large body of land south and west of the M. iscle Shoals, extending from thence along the heads of the Tombigby, which is represented as superior in fertility to any other part of the United States. That district whichl lies on the south side of the Tennessee boundary and within the great bend of the Tennesse river is very hilly and very deficient of springs, but extremely rich, and has of late attracted great attention. According to Mr. Darby, the pitch pine tovers two thirds of the whole region including the states of Mississippi, Alabama, and the western parts of Georgia and Florida. The live oak which is no where plentiful, is found no further north in this quarter than the latitude of 31 degrees, which is the extretne limit of the flat gulf coast country. NATURAL PnonvucTrIoNs Limestone abounds in ahnost all parts of the state. In the -prairies south of the Alabama river, there has been'found blocks of it very pure and beautifully white; some of them minarked with marine shellso There 'is a bank of shell lim stone which commences in N. Caroli. na, passes through S. Carolina, Georgia, part of this state, and termi. nates at the gulf past. hi some plades the calcareous matter qf this formation is washed out, leaving the silex which had formed its ce. ment. Thisporous flinty rock is used for millstones, and is very suit able for that purpose. Indications of iron have been observed in many places, particulars ly along the chain of Alabama hills. In the same quarter a black *to pe resembling lava has been found. Coal is found through all the northern parts of the states that hrave been examhined, and it Is only in that quarter that mineral wealth,ay be expect d ï~~4rVIL, AITM POL1TIC-At %G1OGRAMIY' OF ALABAMA, fliyisorns by the act of ISO~. CO UNTI Es S Free Infiabia18s TO-WNs. Ii i toi, 11 1XA.hnti TIklos Lawre nc Franlin Coata uo 4 43-)07 3 3229 2 3464 2 2147 a2 2365 2 2 2253 2 2101 2 67 4 1 50"4 1 106 14 1698 44 435,8 71 F ort. Nim, Fort Montgomery. Fort St. S5tephens., Fort StoddeIrt. Mobiie. Divisions at the Cenuis of 1816. Counlties. Whites. Slaves, Total-,. CelsIs ofl18, Population, Madison 10,0001 4,200114.200 White males over 21 9,974 Monoe 2,593 1,6031" 5,2a 96 do. o ndr2 14,749 Clake 2,631 1,3 38w 4,196 do. femnales, ovecr 21 7,549 WaNSh1 jIng t onI 1,88 6711 2,'559 do. do under 2-1 13,599 AN Ile 115661 5171 2,083 total, whites 45,67 G~reene 9 729: 1.,7 21 1total slaves 21384 Jjackson 714 2551 969 Baldwin 411 '75.2 11,1629 total inhaitants 67,6930 NOTE,,. Thiosecounlties opp~osite thlankl -inesar~e new onecs and have their population, enume rated in, tlie couin ticv out of -li11 they were forni4.,. ï~~CIVIL Al;D PO)LITICAL GEGRAPI{ 1-1 TwNs. Mobile stands at the head of Mobile bay-on the west side, in N. lat 300 40' immediately above Fort Conde. It is upon elevated dry ground in a commanding situation, but otherwise not favourably placed with regard to trade, as the larger vessels have to approach it through a circuitous channel. The harbour is good, well sheltered, and safe from attacks. It is surroundtled by a sterile, unhealthy, unsettled pine country. This circumstance, together with the rivalship of Blakely and other well situated towns in that quarter, will prevent it from ever rising into importance. It was one of the first towns established by the French.in Louisiana. By the census of 1818 it was inhabited by 604 whites, 149 people of colour, and 375 slaves-total 1127. But it was almost depopulated by the fever in 1819. Blakely is situated on the east side of Mobile bay, nearly opt, posite to the town of Mobile. It appears likely to become a place of great trade. Its main advantage over Mobile is that the same wind which enables a vessel to enter the bay will carry her to its wharves, but not to those of Mobile It was surveyed offin 1816; in 1817 it had one house. In 1818 it had 10 large warehouses, 80 dwelling houses,. above 300 inhabitants; a newspaper printed twice a week-(The Blakely Sun and Alabama advertiser) 80 vessels with an aggregate tonnag of 4000 tons. Fort St. Stephens is at present the seat ofrgovernment. It is situated on the west shore of the Tombigby, in N. lat. 31? 33'. Besides its other advantages of position, it is the head of schoo. ner navigation, which is a circumstaace of the utmost importance, and will no doubt in a short period render it a fine cotnmnercial city. The country round it is tolerably fertile in most p rts, and in some places highly so. The numtber of inhabitants in the neighbouring counties of Clark, Baldwin and Washington is alre;dy considerable and rapidly increasing. Cahaba has been designated as the seat of government. It is situited at the confluence of the rix er of th~vt niame with th# Alabama river. At the May sales (1819) 183 half acre lot* in this town were put up and " 101 of them were bid offfor a4, aggregate of upwards of 96,000 dollars.. The highest price given for a lot was 5,025 dollars, another soldjfor 5,000; none sold. for less than 500 dollars, with the exception of one, which be" ing low and wet went a little under 300 dollars." Fort Claiborne is likewise a very new town, located on the Alabama river at the head of tide water, or the point where schooner navigation terminates; that is about 60 miles fromn the mouth of the river. It is said to be a place of promise, nearly equal to St. Stephens, but as yet the country around it containr few inhabitants, though the lands are generally of xcell~e uality. v 2 ï~~STATE OF 4LATWMA. Fort toddart is situated on the west shore of the Mobile, 3 miles below the confluence of the Tombigby and Alabama. It enjoys little trade, as the country around is neither rich nor well settled. Huntsville is situated upon Indian creek Tin Madison county, between the Tennessee river and the Tennesse boundary. It has lately attracted great notice; but the geography of that part of the state is very imperfect. The people of tis town in 1818 subscribed 7,200 dollars for rendering Indian creek navigable. Fort Jackson is situated just below the rapids of the Coose and near the Tallpoose. Fort William is likewise on the Coose 50 miles further north-.at the head of the rapids of that river. From Mobile to fort Stoddart (mouth of Alabama) is 40 miles; from thence by land to the Alab tna heights (fort Claiborne) 60 miles; from thence by land to Cahaba 70 miles; from thence to the confluence of the Coose and Tallapoose 60 miles. POPULATION. The increase of population in one year. (1818) is stated at 15,000. During 1819 the emigration was still greate.r, and the increase it was supposed would be at least 40,000. The eagerness e. inced by so many to acquire property in this state has, in some measure, retarded the settlement of it by raising excessively the price of lands At the sales held in May 1819 at Cahaba the prices of upland were from 15 to 5 dollars per acre-choice river tracts 80 and 90 per acre. At the Tonmbighy sales, in the preceding April, the prices of river land were from 20 to 40 dolars per acre.-of upland from 15 to 20 dollars, and choice tracts from 80 to 90 dollars per acre. ALABAMA COL.LEGE. A tract of 20,000 acres adjoinng the Tennessee river, was granted by the U. States for the support of this institution. The value is estimated at 500,000. CVLTIVATIoN. This state has no cultivated hay or pasture; what is called the range (that is the cane and natural grasses, w eeds' &c) is still very abundant, so that stock costs nothing ecept the trouble of looking after. Small grain is grown, but not to much advantage. Wheat is less suited to this soil and climate than any other sort of grain. Corn grows very luxuriantly, particularly on the bottoms. Fields of 4 and 500 acre4 have already been seen here bearing corn from 18 to 22 feet in height. Rice is raised in the wet flats, and no doubt an imnense supply could be produced from the district of the gulf coast. In the central and southern parts the cotton plant grows lue times as high as it does in Kentucky and Tennessee. That this hlimate is much better suited for the production of that article than any countries northward is evident from the irculstance that here the greea seed cotton has a perpetu ï~~CIVIL ANTI POLIrICA&L GthOGRAPTY. tendency to turn into black seed, while the reverse takes place in Tennessee, Kentucky and Illinois. It is much to be wished that some attempts were made to cultivate the vine and olive on the dry sandy ridges of Tombigby and Alabama. Co TERCE. In 1817, 209 vessels were entered at the port of Mobile, and 152 cleared. In 1818, 280 were entered and 360 cleared. The amount of inaportatios in 1819 were estimated at 8 3,000,000. CONSTIrTUTrrion. The governor is to be elected every two. years, but is not eligible fo" more than four years in any period of six. In cases of vacancy occurring -n ofifices at the disposal of the legislature durio. their recess he shall grant commissions which are to expice at the end of the session ensuing. If he returns a bill as disapproved it may be reconsidered and passed by a majority of the number elected to both houses. The representatives are elected annually (on the first Monday of August). The qual fications are-reing a white male citizen of the U. States, who has resided two years within the state, the 1ist year within the district for wthich he is chosen-- and at least 21 years of age. Their number must not be less than 44 nor more than 60. 1The senators are elected for the term of three years-The qual'fications the same asabove, except that they must have attained the age of 27 years. Taie number of senators shall not be less than one-fourth nor more than one-third of the number of the lower house. None shall be eligible to the general assembly wh y lucrative offices, excepting post-masters, justices of or militia officers without annual salaries Delinque tors or holders of public monies are exclu led. The judicial power is vested in superior and inferio curts. The superior to have appellate jurisdiction--the judges of it hold also the district courts Sheriffs to be elected by the people every three yeairs. Clerk& of the courts to be chosen by the courts. All elections are to be vive voc-. Sold.ers, seamen and marines are excluded from the privilege of suffrage. A voter mInust be a male citizen of the U. States--at least.1 years of age, and must have resided within this state one year inmmned -,tely antecedent to the election, ï~~SKETCH OF FLORIDA BoUNaDAIs. Florida is bounded on the east by the Atlanti ocean, on the south by the gulf of Mexico, on the west partly by the same, and partly by the river Perdido The north boundary is, 1st, the line of North latitude 31, extendin; r tm the Perdido to the Chittahoochee. 2d. by tiat river from latitude 31 thile point where it unites with the PFbht river,o for, the Appadh ola. 3d by a line extending from the mouth of Fiiti river to th(ie anl source of the river St. Mary's, and then down that river to the Atlantic.Its extreme length is about )00 miles. Following the sinuosities of the shores it has about 1000 miles of sea coast. It lies between 25 deg. a4,d 31' of N lat. RIVREaR1. St. Mary's and St John's are the chief rivers on the east side of Florida The former rises in a swamp upon the north boundary. The latter rises in a marshy tract near the centre of east Florida, and after runnming southward debouches about 40 miles south of St. Mary's. There are several expansions, or rather lakes in its course and in general it has very little current. Th Gulf of Mexico receives several considerable streams from east Florida but they are little known. The rivers of West Florida are Perdido, ELscambia or Cunecuh and Appaechicola. BATs. Pens-cola bay is well land.locked, with good anchorage and water of sufficient depth for the largest frigates. Its entranlce is narrow between the Point St. Rose and fort Blarancas, and might be easily rendered impregnable. The bay of Tampa, or Spirito Santa, on the west coast of east forida is stated to be the largest and best harbour in the world. The inlet at St. Augustines is beautiful,, but shallow. FACE OF TaHE COUNTaY, SoIL, &c.- This country is very level, conn. sistig chuiefly of prairies intersected with marses, lakes, slugglish streams, and small tracts of forest land. There are somei distr.~cts highiz fertile, on the borders,t the rivers where walnut and mulberry trees are abuida.t but a great portion of the dry lands pro. duce pine, live oak aiid cedar; wote c -press, is of course the most plent ft tree in the marshes The piine of Florida is celebrated as being far superior to that of any otoer countr for the purposes of ship boilding. In the iterior of the peninsula there is a prairie 50 nailes in circumfetrence encircled by a hilly forest. Bartram descr bes the Indian town of Cuscowilta, in the same quarter, its being amidst scenery of exquisite beauty. Palms are commonly tbfound along the borders of the streams and lakes; and they, like most other trees in this genial chimte, attain to a great magnitude. It is here only that the pride of American trees, the grand-fl )wering magnolia flourishes in all the magnificonc of its perfecti on. The live oak, whih in Louisiana beÂ~omavi ï~~SKETCH OF FLORIDA. 23 dwarfish, is here obtained from 12 to 18 feet in circumference. In the rich flats and in the islands of the lakes and rivers there are groves of orange trees, while the indigenous figs, lemnons, peaches, limes and prutnes, mingle as an under.rowth in the fo ests. The greater part of the sea coa.st is sandy, barren, and almost destitute of timber. Even the better portions of the country has an excess of sand in the soil. The light loamy earth generally lies upon a bed of clay. In the richest parts it lies upon marl, chalk; or shelly limestone. GsoLonr. The whole of this country is alhavion, interrupted per haps with lines of secondary formation Ls basis is C iefly calca. reous, and consists of marine productions, partly decoiposed and reposing in great beds or masses. PTonUcTIOrNs. These cannot be well estimated as its resources have, been little drawn upon. Its hlamiber will be of immens im. portance, partly fromi its superiority in quality, but chiefly from its contigui.y to the We t Indies. 'Turp'n ine, tar, r sin, pitch, &c. willalso be abundant, 1tuli there has been no trade in thlese articles the se 20 years. \hen the florias were in the possession of G eat Btritain, one contracior sopped 20,000 barrels of turpentine 'from the river St. Johns it oni sason. i the interior it will be equai or superior to any of' the saates for producg sogar, tobac. co, cotton, ijidigo, rice. oI' oi, wile &C. toan corn, and many other grains grow luxuria tly. me as pu:Apk 5s, potai wo s, and variols otber eata!.le r(ot3 a'. already cutivted, and n abo ance Among ihese th re is an indig( nois species of aruni-aruna quinatunm perhaps?-resembling yams in taste and turnips li ap. pearance. Thc southern portion of Florida will no doubt be found suitable for the growth of coffee, as it extends three hundred tales further south than the lowest habitable parts of Louisiaea. This country acquired its name from the u. aval ed beauty and variety of its plants, but as yet they are little known in commerce. CLIMATE. It is much warmer than Gor kia in winter, but on ac.count of the sea breezes it is far co ler mn summer; Many pares of it will probably he unhealthy, but St. 4ugustine and some otoer piaces on the sea coast are celebrated for healthiness, and for thiat reason resorted to in summer by the opulent inhabitants of Cuba. Towns. St. Augustine is situated upon the sea shore at the in. let of Mantansies, a few miles south fromn the mouth of the ro er St. Jo;ns. Itsscitc is a massive solidrock composed ofs's elly coticretions. On the north side of the city this rock is considerably ele'vated and is occupied by the garrison of St Marks. T' e houses amount to about 500, and are chiefly built of the chalky limestoie whico com.poses the shore. The populat:on is sta ed at 5000 souls, but the number seems to have been diministung for' sev ral ears. The most of the famlies in it originally erograted from Minorca. There is a respectable looking old Roman Cahoic chapel, and some oter monuments of their d, parted sp endou;. The city is se parated fromn the interior and nearly 'usulated, by an impenetrable mnar h wmeh is fortified by six redoubhts* The fort is a regular square with b4. ï~~SKtETCHT OF FLORIDX-.tions at each cortierandl encompassed with a griacis. The WANl arc 20 fecet high anid 12 feet thick, On these are are mounted 36 gui~s,' of 24 pound ball. Stt..Miu'k.' is an inconisiderabie town situated-at the bay of Apa. lache-the north eastern termination of' the Gulf of' Mexico; 180' mniles west ofUSt Augustine.. Mr. lBartram gives the route between them as follows;-. From11 St. Agtneto fort Thcolata on the river St, Johns, 27 From thence across the St Johns to Poopoa fort, 3 Ptom thenlce to the Xlachua savannah 45 From thecec to Talahasochte on the riiver little St. John's, 75 Jvomtbence down that river to St. Mlarks%, 3a ï~~ANTIQUITIES OF TUB WESTERN COUNTRY. I omitted to notice antique mounds, fortresses, ruins, &c. when describing the districts where they have been found, in order to present all the most important facts and circumstanees relative to them in one succinct view. This subject has been treated in a very interesting manner by H. M. Brackenridge, in a letter addressed to Mr-. Thorr.as Jefferson, and lately published in the transactions of the American Philosophictd Society: However I cannot well enter here into discussions about the antiquity of these mounds and dikes, the purposes for which they were intended, or the people by whom they were constructed. The barrows or little mounds, constitute by far the most numnerous class of antique mohuments in this country: there is scarcely a plantation upon which they may not be found. They are mere heaps of earth and stones, generally from one to three feet in height, and containing probably in every instance the bones of people. It is so natural to conclude that they bave been the common burial places of the Indians who last inhabited this region, that it seems absurd to force conjecture any Fhrther Of themselves they certainly afford no proof that the country was ever possessed by a race different from those who have been dispossessed of it by the Europeans. The breastworks, or lines of circumvallation, are far less numerous and suggest far more doubt, at least in regard to their antiquity. They are dikes of various height, from one or two to twenty feet and even more-generally surrounded by some traces of ditch. ' Some are ro-ad, some square, but the greatest number are of shapes veiy irregular, though there are few instances in which there is any apparent reason for their irregularity. Some are only four or five rods in diame ter, and others are a hundred acres in extent. The great enagnitude of many of them is suppossed to indi-cate high antiquity. By whomsoever they may have been con4tructed it is certain that some of them are yet occupied by the Indians of the present day. The villages of Mandan and Arikara are enclosed within breastworks similar to those in Ohio state, except that they are surmounted by palisades. Proba_b no one has carefully investigated whether or not there e ï~~440 ANTIQUITIES OF any vestiges of palisades in any of the old fortifications of the Ohio countrv. Mr. Rice Jones states that he was informed by the old chief lu Coin, that the great mounds and dikes in the American Bottom were raised as fortifications, by the Kaskaskias in their wars with the Iroquois. This testimony might be of no weight if it sood alone, but it is important when it concurs with incontestible facts. In an old work written by one Lafitan, a Jesuit, there is a plate which represws a mound garrisoned and assaulted by indians. It is firtLed with palisades upon the flat summit, and by beams extending down to the base around it. The rn7und, s have attracted more notice than any other kind Of American antique mionuments. They are circular heaps of earth, from ten to a hundred feet in height; the largest about sex en or eight h ud red feet in dian'ter, and the smaller ones of the same pioprcon. S-ne are round on the top, otheis fat, or more irecoonly dish shaped. Phe sides of the smaler ones are generauy of regular conic ii ascent; but most of the larger ones ai e encircled by tla olfsets-that is, they consist of small mounds placed tupon the cenitre of broad low flat ones. Some ha'e two of those circular ofisets or stages, and others three c" mo. In almost every instance they stand upon level ground; generaly npoi alluvnn where, of course, I natural elevation could have been taken to have raised them on In every groupe of mounds there are two which are much larger than any 01 the others. M(st of them are coiposed of materials different from the soil ot the p ns they occuny. At Bayou Manchac there is one wich colsas alnost eiitirely of shells. The nie Ar ot many of them have been carefully examined. Soie have been entirely deoishd. Their contents app ear to have been various and very ddlei ently disposed in different ones. Iii lyneral they contain human bones-s ometimes ininged with the bones oif other animals, but in some no 6ones o any kind c!n be diacovered The quantity of bones dug frm some t theum has beeii great enough to warrant the eonclusioo that a single one mar have contained a hundred skeletons i othei s only two or mhree skeletons have appeared. Besmdes' these there have been found in tem pieces of pottery, appai ently bioken cooking utensis, pieces of copper, all of which s -m to ha Vc been orIn uiental-beacs of bone and shell -a kind of prcelii beads; arrow heads oflint, axe heads of Iroa orc, &c. hones carved, shells cut into diff. rent shapesashes and charcoal, wrought peces of c) vst i, jasper, grante, &c. at oie near Cincinnati oieces of wr ught canel coal, insinglass ( c memr in ice d ) g len t (lead ore;) at one near Harrison, in in ban i, a 11t piece if smooth glass, lens shaped: quere, anght it not have been rck crystal? It.s undei stood that no article of iron, gold, or silver, has been discovered iin any AmenIcan mound. ï~~TIHM WESTBRN COUNTR. In sotae of the large mounds of Ohio, the earthenware foun4 Is precisely similar in mterial and manufacture to the ware now in use amongst the Indians of the Upper Missouri coun.try. From all which facts I conclude that neither their anti-.quity, their size, nor their contents indicate any thing inconsistent with the known habits and characteristics of savage life. iOpon some of them -there are trees four or five hundrel years old or upwards; and this is the only unequivocal proof of their high antiquity which we know. Some people have undertaken to guess that thetvees upon them are second growths, What are the facts that authorise such a conclusion? There is a sort of minds which always show an inclination to magnifyevery thing that seems wonderful. It can hardly be questioned that this country was inhabited by some people thousands of years ago. While that people still remained, some of their forts or villages may have been suffered to fall into ruin. They may have changed their habits of warfare, of sepulture, or of worship. Trees may have been planted, or suffered for ages to grow on those places event wvhile the people were in the actual occupation of them. The nations of Palestine and the country aiound it resorted to "high places" for the purpose of worship; and thiey planted trees or groves upon them- The trees of our mounds therefore prove only how long they have stood, but not how long they have been abandoned. Artificial mounts or mounds are spoken of in five passages of the Old Testament, and they all have reference to military operations, in Jeremiah, vi. 6. Ezekiel, iv 2. xxi. 22. xxvi. 8. and Daniel, xi. 15. That these mounds have been used as places of birr'al does not prove that they were merely monumental, nor does it preclude the idea that even a principal intention-of their erection might have been for purposes of war, of worship, or of both, or of something else. In Siberia, in Russia, and in Ireland there are mounds similar to those in America; but as there does not exist even a trailitionary account of their use in those countries they can throw little light upon this subject. When Mexico was first discovered by the Spaniards, every considerable town in it contained mounds, similar in shape and size to those on the Ohio and M!ississippi, except that they' were encased with brick or stones, and -surmnounted with temples. These Solis describes as they appeared at that period, and Hlumboklt Is they appear at present. They were places of burial, of worship, and of defence. Unuquestidnably those Mexicans were a civilized people. Their unrivalled gar-.dens, their grand cities, their magnificent palaces and temples; their exquisite ornaments, -utensils and furniture in different retals; their books or rolls-every thing known of th1ern is reditably proof oftheir arts and their literature. XI ï~~ANTIQUITIES OP From their civilization, Mr. Brackenridge concludes that,ounds in our western country were the works of a civilizep aeople, "The great mound of Cahokia," says he, "is evidently onstructed with as much regularity as any of the Teocalli of 'ew Spain, and was doubtless cased with brick or stone, an:rowned with buildings, but of these no traces remain." And why should there be no doubt as to a fact of which there is no proof-of which there is neither tradition, trace nor token of any kind? But the people whom the Spaniards found in Mexico did not raie any new adoratorios or teocalli. None of their mounds had been foimed within the memory of any one then living. There was only a tradition among them that they had been raised by a different race of people, whom they called Toultees or Olmees; conjecturing that they had emigrated from the Mississippi country Thus we return in this matter to the same utter muneertality from which vwe set out. Besides the ei rtlen b icatw:oeks there arc sonme of stone; the most remarkable one of theise is upon the level summit of a high hill near Paint creek, 11 or 1 miles west of Chiihcotle in Ohio. It is circular and contas about outa hundred acres The wall seems to have been ori inahy 2 or. feet thek, and 12 or 14 in height, but at preseot the s1oes which had composed it nre tumbled into a rude heap. It has ten gateways situated at egular distances fe,n eachl other. On the otside of one of hem there is a well which is walled, but filled up with earth. At the foot of the hill are.the rins of a town, the houses in which had likewc been buit of stone. The fomundatvons and llars still appear very dci tinctly. Beside the town there is o mound of eatht like the comiwn mounmds. It is to be observed that in all the old walls ard oth r stone Sorks which have been found in this cc.ntry taere is no appeaance of lime or mortar, or cemeitt of any kind; nor are the tones hammered or dressed in any way. The common opinion reative to these antiquities is that they **ere executed by a race of people difR'rent from the Indians ho have been found in this ce intry. This seas to be mainUined by Jeffvrson, Bishop Madison, Dr. Cutler, and sevral ther respectable writers, animng whom is Mr Brackenridge, A.ho knew more of the subject than any ofthem. As I am not, the habit of papg much }efference to the authority of great almesI cannot acdedeto the opinion. I think that the ques-,ons involved in its discussion are very doublful and not very.uportav. There cannot be allowed room here for descriptions or eves fr an enumeration of all those works which have been noticred; in fact almost every new settlement gives some additiot to the number of discoveries that have been made of the kind. I subjoin a list of those best known. 1 Mounds at the Menomonic river (N. W. Territory.) 2 Do. on the Gaspard river (N. W. Territory.) ï~~THiI WESTERN COUNTRY. 2 3 Do. at the Huron river, 30 miles from Detroit. 4 Do. at lake St. Clair (Michigan.) 5 A fortress near the mouth of St. Clair. 6 Three small mounds at Spring Wells, 3 miles below Do troit, and two fortresses near them. 7 A fortress near lake Pepin (N. W. Ter.) 8 In the Naudoesse country. 9 At the Wabisipinekan. Missouri. 10 Near the mouth of the Platte. 11 At the St. Pierre river. 12 At the mouth of the Osage river. 13 Mounds at the mouth of the Missouri. 14 I)o. two groupes and fortresses at Cahokia (Illinois state*) 15 At the mouth of the Merrimack (Missouri) 16 At St. Genevieve. 17 At Bois Brue, fifteen miles below St. Genevieve. 18 Two groupes of mounds, 20 miles further down the Misiissippi, on same side. 19 One groupe at Black river. 2J A groupe at New Madrid. 21 Between the Arkansaw and St. Francis. 22 At Red river not described. 23 Near Washington (Missouri state.) 24 At Baton Ronge (Louisiana.) 25 At Bayou Minchac (do.) 26 At Pittsburgh, and two miles below it. 27 At Big Grave creek, 14 miles below Wheeling. 28 At Little Grave creek. 29 Several along the Great Kenhawa (Virginia.) 30 At Marietta. 31 Mounds and fortresses at Granville (Ohio.) 32 Do. do. at Circleville (do.) 3 Do' do. at Chillicothe (do.) 34 )Do. do. near Paint creek (do.) 35 Do. do. at the Little Miami (do.) 36 Mounds at Franklinton (do.) 37 Do. at Worthington (do.) 38 At Athens (do.) 39 Some 20 miles south of Athens (do) 40 At Gallipolis (do.) 41 At the mouth of the Miami (do.) 42 At Cincinnati (do.) 43 Some opposite the mbuth of the Little Sandy. 44 Opposite the mouth of the Sciota, in Kentucky. 45 At White river, in Indiana. 46 At Lexington, in Kentucky. We do not know that the exact number at any one of these places has been ascertained: it cannot be confidently stated here how many there are even in the vicinity of Pittsburgh The following paxticulars may be.added,. ï~~.IQUITtS 09 W. 801Tt. 1 The fortress at the Mississippi, near lake Pepin, is aboat half a mile long. 2 In the Amerioan Bottom, near Cahokia, the mounds ar6 erhaps one hundred in number, the largest that have yet beet discovered in this country. The principal one is one hundred fet high and eight hundred pacesi m circumference. 3 The largest mound near the head of the Ohio is at Little Grave creek. It is 75 feet high, and 180 in diameter at its base, 4 At the Big Grave creek there is one 70 feet high, 180 feet in diameter at its base, with a flat summit 50 or 60 feet in diameter.,5 At Marietta there is one 50 feet high and 160 feet in diamter at its base. The Mllummi found in the caves of Kentucky are the next most remak ble class of American antiquities. Some hundreds were lounid in one cave near Lexington, but the greater }art if not all of them have been lost. They were removed by the early settlers of the country and were not preservedperhaps could not have been preserved out of their caves. These mummies appear to have been Indians like the present race. They were generally wrapped in cloth or matting made ef some kind of bark, and had ornaments about them similar t those which have ben found in the mounds, ï~~NSTE MS OF SURVEYING ANDI SELLING PUBLIC LANDS. The public lands are now surveyed according to an admirable system which originated with colonel Mansfield, late surveyor general of the United States, and now professor of Natural Philosophy in the Military academy at West Point. Any suitable point is selected, and from that a line is run directly north or south as far as the tract of country extends which is intended to be surveyed together. This line is called a Principal Meridian, and to render it correctly meridional the variation of the compass at the place is ascertained by astronomical observation, and the sights of the compass are adjusted to the true meridian. It is therefore required that the compasses used by the surveyors be of Rittehouse's construction, with a nonius division and moveable s&ghts From a point chosen on the principal meridian another line is run directly east and west: that is crossing the meridian at right angles.-.his is called the base line. The principal me, ridian and base line are made to intersect each other near the centre of the body of land proposed to be surveyed, thrat the ranges of surveys may extend in every direction from them. Along these standard lines, as they are measured fromn the point of inttrsection, each point of six miles is marked, either upoi trees or, where no trees are found, exactly at the point (as is generally the case,) then a post is fixed into a mound of earth heaped up at least two and ah if feet hgh for that purpose. Oth r s bdivisional p onts are marked in the same nm neir every nite alOng the In s The six mile points cotstitute the corners of townships and the mile points the corners of sections. All those standard lines are thena crossed by others at the marked points; the six mile intcrsectiois design ting tle town. ships and the one mile points the sectios: each township corprising 36 sections, and each section, being a mile square, contains 640 acres. Those tcwnsLip I nes, whichl run Iarallei with the principal Meridian are called ra ge lines. The rarges are numbered, beginning I, II, III, &c. both e' stward and westward from the principal meridia n; and the several townships are numbered as they extend both north and south from the base line; each township which joins the base line being No L. through the whole state or district-each township which i~six miles distant from the base line is No. 2, &c. 'ThusX 2 ï~~PUBLIC LARNDS-. Division of a District. Division of a Townships. V IVli 111 1 Iz I' 1.. SIV I n I i I 6I IV 4 1 j3 2 1 53313313 '1 51 313 3I2I S 3 -- 71 8 910 1 11 12 2121 21 i: 212121 2 181 17 161 151141 13.... ' 19 1 201 211221231,241 Ii 111 1;| 1 1 1 E 3o 29 128 127 126 125 -'- 31 1 321 33 j 34 135 3 22 1 2 - -12121 -44 4 41 4 41414141 In referring to particular sections they are designated thus 'Section No 1 of township No. 1 south, of range No. 1 east: andI. -so of all other numbers. 1ractiornal sections and townships are formed by state boundaries, rivers, lakes, early located claims, &c.-the latter sort -are numerous in Louisiana state, the former every where; and the same numbers are marked on them as would have beed had they been complete. The fractional sections are measured round the irregular parts and calculated: afterwards they must be sold for what they contain without division. Full sections are divided into quarters-that is tracts of 160 acres; and sold either entire or in separate quarters, as the purchasers thoose. By an act of 1817 the sections numbered 2, 5, 20, 23, -0 and 33 mn each saleable township are divided into halfquarar section.-tracts of 80facres to suit such as may choose them. Notwithstanding all practicable care in measurement by offsets, by traverse and by trigonometry where necessary, the lines seldom close at the regular estimated distances--a result owing to the unevenness of the ground. As the lines running parallel. with the meridional line are commenced ul-wvays at the east sides of the townships, and the lines parallel with the base line at the south sides, of course all the deficient or redundant sections lie along the north and west sides of each township. Such irregular sections are not divided, but their d ficiency ov excess is ascertained and they are sold, like fractional sections. according to theircontents. By reason of the irregularities in actual measurement it frequently happens that the points marked along the north and west boundary lines of the townships, as corners of sections irv one range, are not the corners of sections in the townships adL joining, but these may have distinct corner posts or trees a few feet or sometimes a few qerche& distant, As all the cornes' ï~~VMLIC LAlD. 2 aj marked and numbered those persons who examine the surveys upon the grouud should carefully attend to this circumstance. The marks are done thus-the posts at the township corners are cut with six notches-or if there be trees at the corner points they are cut in the same manner. The section corners are cut with as many notches as they are miles distant from the township corners. Courses are also taken to two trees, one on each side of the corner post or tree and as nearly in opposite directions as conveniently may be, and the distance to them meaured and noted down. These are called " bearing trees," and they are marked with a blaze notched in the centre on the sides which are towards the corner tree, that its position may be found in case it should be destroyed. The bearing trees are chosen as near as well may be to the actual corner. In prairies and where trees cannot be found, mounds with posts are used. At the section corners a large blaze is made on a tree, or a post is used where there is no tree, and the number of the town* ship, range and section is marked upon it (with a marking irow such as are used in mills and warehouses) thusR 4 W This would read-Section No. 20, of Townw IT S ship No. 8 South, of RanPe No. 4 West. j 20 Quarter section corners are marked in the same manner, ex sept that I S is added. The deputy surveyors are required to note and enter upon their field-books-Ist the courses and distances of all the liner they run; 2d the names and estimated diameters of all corner aid " bearing" trees, with the courses and distances of the latter from the corners and the marks placed on them; 3d th* names and diameters of the station or line trees; 4th all streams their courses,. size, &c. whether rapid, navigable or otherwise J, 5th all cascades and falls; 6th all lakes, ponds, swamps, peat ground and other peculiarities of soil: 7th salt licks and springs, mines of metals, coal and of other minerals; stone quarries x uncommon productions; 8th mounds, ancient fortifications, &c 9th Face of the country-if mountainous, level, or precipitous; 10th the kinds of trees and their undergrowth. Thus if these instructions be in any tolerable degree compli ed with, the surveying of the new states and territories will furnish materials for a very perfect geography of them. Former Methods of Surveying Public Land8,. The first public land ever surveyed in this country was th district called the ", Old Seven Ranges" ivhich lies in the eastrn part of Ohio state. This wasdone in pursuancv of the aop ï~~PUBLIC LANDS of congress of May 20th 1785. It has 7 ranges of townshp s lying parallel with the east boundary line of the state, whicht, was a meridian line. The east range is No, 1, the next westward No. 2, &c. These ranges widen west:ward-the 1st having one township and the seventh fifteen. The sections of these townships are each one mile square, and are numbered thusS36 j 30 1 24 18 12 ' 6 The next body of public land su've, ed was the " United I 3 j29. 3j 17 I 11 j States' M t ry Tract or 43 j 28 22 16 j 10 4 Army land." It lies immej 33 27 21 15 9 31 diately west of the first tract amid north of N. lati132 26 20 1L1 8 2 tude40. j 31 j 25 J 19 131 71 Its boundaries begin 1st at the N. V. corner of the 7 ranges and runs south 50 rlics; 2d west to the main branch of the Sciota river; 3d northward along that branch to the Old Indian boundary l 1ne; 4h alon g that boundary to the Tuscarawas branch of the Muskingum; (that is to the crossings above fert Lawrence) 5th up that river to where a due west line from the place of beginning touches it. The tract appropriated by an act of congress, June 1st 1796, for satisfying land warrants granted for military servicrs, was surveyed into townships!,ve miles square. In this tract the ranges are marked 1, 2, 3, &c. proceeding westward from the east boundary: and the Nos of the townships are marked in the same manner proceeding northwa ird from the south bomndary. In pursuance of an set of cougress of March 1st, 1800 the secretary of the tre eury chose by lot 5 quartr townsIit s; adding to them the fractional sections and res rx them for the mihtary clannts he remainder of this district was surveyed into mile square sections and eposed to public sale. The townships in it are muaked in the new method beginning at the N. E corner and counting 1, 2, 3, 4 &c, to the west line, and then counting the next tier back towards the east line thus- 5, 4, 2, 1 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, & c. The third body of public surveys was also in Ohio state, between the Great and Little Miamis. In this the ranges run east and west; their Nos. commencing at-the south boundary: therefore the Nos. of the townships begin at the Great Miami and proceed eastward. The fourth body of surveys lies on the west side of the Great Miami, extending from those last described as far west as the old Indian west boundary-a line which ran from the mouth of the Kentucky river nearly north to fort Recovery Part of t1sbody is ia Indiana and part in Ohio state-the line. which ï~~P1BLIC LANDS. 2. 49 separates the two states, being what is still called " the frats' firincipal meridian." The old mode of numbering the townships northwardly was adopted here. In each of those surveys numerous errors exist, and they were accumulating in each successive one until a change had become absolutely necessaryr. In the fourth body of surveys the present system (which is described at the begimnning of this article) was adopted. It was in the " Old Vincennes tract;" a district of country lying east of Vincennes in Indiana, and, unconnected with any surveyed public lands- By the direction of CoL Mausfield, a standard line, called the second principal meridian was run through the tract. It touches the Ohio river 3 miles below the mouth of Blue river.. A Base line was run at right angles to that meridian, beginning at the west line of" Charles's Grant,?' and running eastward until it touches the Ohio a mile above the east corner of that grant. Continued westward it crosses the Wabash about 3 miles above the mouth of White river. It has since been continued through Illinois state, and at the distance of 121 miles from the 14th range (i. e. 133 fr-om the W abash) it touches the Mississippi, about 10 miles below St. Louis. In his fourth body of surveys the number ot rmnges westward from this meridian line is 14, which extend to thersouth of the Wabash. For the Illinois state the third principal meridian was run north from the confluence of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, and from that are 10 ranges westward and 10 eastward toward the Wabash. But these ranges do not exactly close with the Indiana ranges (those numbered from the second meridian) for a strip one mile wide is left between the fourteenth range of the second meridian and the tenth range of the third meridian,. which slip is called, on eleventh range, the extension of Mans deld's System. The seventh body of public land is the " military tract," between the Mississippi and Illinois rivers. The fourth principal of meridian has been located there. It commences at the mouth of the Illinois and runs north 72 miles, at which point it crosses that river From that point the base runs westward 62 miles, at which point it touches the Mississippi. The surveys in this tract include about 2,500,000 acres. Fr the Missouri state and the Arkansaw territory a standard called the fifth principal meridian has been run, beginning at the mouth of the Arkansaw. At the distance of 318 miles it crosses the Missouri, 35 miles west of St. Louis; continued north it touches the Mississippi a little above the mouth of the Illinois. Its Base line begins atthe mouth of the St. Francis At the distance of 27 miles it crosses the fifth meridian; 52 miles from the mouth of the Arkansaw; and 58 miles west of the meridian it strikes the Arkansaw. The sixth principal meridian is in the Michigan territory. It runs north from fort Defiance 114 miles; and constitutes the wet boundary of t)- lads cedrd by tht. treaty of Nov4 17, ï~~W PVBLTC LANDS. 1807. From a point on this line, 78 miles north of fort Defiance, the Base line runs east until it touches lake St. Clair, 7 miles from the outlet of Detroit. This district was apprcpriated for military claims but was foiund unsuitable, and m consequence was reserved..~Iodes of elling Public Lands. When the lands of any unsold district seem likely to be in demand they are surveyed as above described; and the President of the U. States gives at least three months notice by piclamation of the time an place of sale, and the particular tract tht will be ofered for sale. In pursuance of this the land is sold to the highest bidder in sections, half or quarter sections, according as they may choose. But no sales can in this way be made except at prces above one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre; therefore when there are no bids, above th.t sum, the sales close, and the same laud is not exposed to public sale again unless first sold at private sale, but it remans open for entry at the land offices of each district. Hitherto the price of the public land disposcd of at private sale has been fixed by law at the sum of two dllars per acre; payable in four yearsat equal yearly instalments; but by a law passed at the late session of Congies (18-0) inrnediate payment is required in every instance, and tue price is settled at one dollar and twenty-five cents per acre. Notwithstanding the abolition of the formner complicated and dangerous system, it may be to the interest of many emig ants to acquire a knowledge of it; as its terms must yet be complied with, in regard to millions of acres that have heretofore been purchased under it; and it behoves every man, buying from private individuals, to enquire, in regard to the land he buys, how far.the requisitions of that system have been complied with. When any one wished to enter a tract according to the late mode, he enquired of the Register for te district if it is unsold: for the Register keeps a map of t e district, and marked A. P" (for Advance Paid) upon every tract sold in it. The applicant then delivered a written application, signed by himself, stating the number of the section, township, and range which he wished to enter; he then went to the office of the Receiver for the district, and paid ten cents for every acre he entered-thatis one fifth of the first instalment, for which he obtained a receipt. He then took the receipt to thie register's office and had it filed, and the transaction stated in the registry book. If the applicants required a copy of.the entry was given to him, together with a map and description of the land ntered. Within 40 days the remainder of the first instalment was to be 'Pid, or if not paid the hland might have been sold to another: and if not paid within three months, the 10 cents per acre first Vaid was forfeited to the U. S. When the first instahnent "f ï~~PVUUC" L-k'.NTDI# 251.1Q cents per, acre was paid anti the Receiver's receip t th ereror deli-o vered to the Register, 'le dtL livered the purch'asei, a certificate *of purchase, describing the tiract, the sum paid on account, the balanice due,l aiv the tirut. wiLCO each of tareet r~oraining; instalnients wvere to becomev due. The three retninii. pa.tymenis here to be inade yearly, paying.59 cents per acre elton year; but if the Whole sum" were not paid within l* ve Ny -ur the land, was liable to be exkposed again to public sale; and, it' it jprodtcd more than two dollars per crtogether wiih coats of sale, &c. the. balance would be returned to the purchaser; butt if the tract we,-re not sold it reverted to the UJnited States:.01 oriial payments-bueiot forfeited, and it mighit be entered again by an person. Bxt at such s:'Ae it has not been usual for any pri;u to l1,;_Al 2gist the first purchaser.L It has hithrtohte usuna S ovelIIn t 'to 1r!a" remission from yea r to yeart, uiti t Lst if t,,eera to be Ga or~ ndtepol have bc eidip'-XahitmLigp-AtyrnenIt at all. Whien p npnaldrt opy wtth 1 h laa he each payMAe of ficeneIv e mtcetthe raeceiP2ls of the -F.eceiver are cairried to the 4ceof' thc;1eglister adhdwith him: at the same tirve tihle ceCrt'icaNte of porchasIJe IS Produced] by the buiyer, and the Re, ster indors.,s the stim p'A'I& upon it. Ut iit suits the conhveiiieince of the boyci he 171A pIAY anN or kil ci the instalments to the Treasurer of heJi t%.fnc at Vt ashtigton city. The purcilaset, inl rok"ing his pa) mnerts under the late -system 'was 'not, -and is not ubliged to prodluce a ceivam amlovnt of Cir envy at ea f toehen pay in mnafl s uis 4 t'i t Iis convenine and th ey aiust 1-e credlited to hin as " oi ic countiv;-" aid if he Chose to pay tIe whole awnoiiit at once he obtainod,( a discounit at the rate of' ei, ht per ceo' t pei ainnum on two d& Ilars per acre. Lis coonted ota the four ariatal mstalments-t at is lie ebtainied the laud for one lollar and sily-four cents per acre if hie made imnmediate payment A, thlat at~luut.t the ti.u of entry. I k hen the purchaser has complet,2d all his pa~yments the books of he land o~icers are b1alantced aud closed as to him, and th e Regrister rats him a "1firial certificate" cxbibil iug a transcript of his account and staung that on presentation of suchi certificate to the Conmnissioners of the Gentral LandtIie a patent w ill be granted for the anid. 1 the Register likewise trassnited by the purchaser the previous cert,,ficates givn and the lpurch~aser delivered them to the tGeieral Cominnssioner, who compared them with the final, certificate; and if all were found correct the patent w.as givenW0, ncd -by the Presiden t of the U. States, and countersigied by th~e General Commissioners of the LuAd Office,. Through the whole cnurse of the land office transactions 'io freei for any services whatever -could be required of the purchaser-the ofies are all remunerated in another way. if tie man who has enitered land -assignts his right to another anefore the payments are completed, the assignment must be ac-. knowledged before a justi ce of the peace, or other judicial officer and there must b e adde~d the certificate of th1e cl erk of the coun ty (or district) in which the justice or other judicial officer reside%, who takes such acknowledgment, stating ids official capacity to do the same: and the certificate must-be authenticated by the clerk's Seal. Then the fart -Ceiiate givwe to the one who entered the ï~~252 PUBLIC LANDS. land must be carried along with the authenticated assignment to the Register of the land office, and be deposited with him; and when the assignee completes the payments, the final certificates isue to him, and he procures a patent upon it in the same manner as the first purchaser would have done. REsRuvtro Ns MnD GRANTS. Besides the public lands which are or may be sold there are others which are reserved and can only be leased. One section (No. 16) in every township is uniformly reserved to be?IJd in perpetuity by the whole township for the support of schools. All salt springs and lead mines are also reserved to the U. States. Seven entire townslhips each containing 23,000 acres were reserved by the United Staes "' fr the support of seminaries of learning, viz. 2 in hio state, 1 in Indiana, 1 in tliiois. 1 in Michigan, Sin Mississippi, and 1 in Orleans territory (now Louisiana state.) In Ohio Indiana, Illinois and Michigan, the U. States have gran. ted 13 townshlips,. e. 299,520 acres for the establishment of colleges or schools of the highest grade. In Tenmmessee 200,000 acres were granted for the samule purpose. In 1819 the amount ofpublic lands surveyed was 60,000,000 of acres; the school sections in that.quand v would be 1 666,666 acres. Forierliy three sections were reserved by the U. States in each township. but by the act of 26 March, 1804, the number was reduced to one. One section in each township included within the grants to the Ohio company, and that to J. C. Symmes, was reserved for religious purposes; the only reservation of the sort in the U. Stat(-s. The navigable rivers have been likewise specially reserved, to be used in common by every person. U SrT'rrAs' Ls&n AccovtuT Public lands sold in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan, from the opening the offices to the 30th of Sept. 1818, acres 10,175.637 Produce 21,545,797 dollars, of which sum there was due 7,575,092. No returns from three districts of Mle same. Sold in Mississippi from Jan. 1st. 1817 to Sept. 30th, 1819, acres 060.595. Produce 1,457,208-total amount due up to 1818, 2,12,342. So d in Alabama during the same period, acres 638,485. Produce 3 3,995,717-total amount due up to Sept. 30, 1818, 3,079,393 4ohars. No returns from the great Huntsville sales. No returLs ftom Louisiana or Missouri., ï~~-TREES OF THE WESTERN COUNTRY. W7it/ remarks de~ignating the soils and situations uipo; hich thdey are generally found. The following article is exceedingly imperfect asfahr, as regards the p urposelfor which it was written. Few kindsoftrees, Ipresume, will be found in this country that are not noticed in the subjoined list; but I am not sufficiently acquainted with their habits to be able to treat this subject as I could wish to see it treated. It is of little importance in Europe, and in this country it has been hardly at all attended to, even by our most assiduous botanical collectors; but it is understood, almost to perfection, by many of our unlettered backwoodsmen. They can tell at once, from the trees, the precise qual. ities of the land they travel over, and the agricultural purposes fog which it is most suitable; but few or none of them are capable of communicating their knowledge to the public in a proper manner. Therefore I have sketched here the outline of the subject; hoping that it will be amplified into a volume; illustrated and explain-. od, so that it may be comprehended by every class of men-for all classes here are dealers in land. I am not aware that there is ia the whole circle of the soiencesany one that would be of more gen. oral practical utility, in the presentcondition of the world, thmn this which yet remains uncultivated. If this subject be further pursued it may be advisable to give i~ a systematic shape. I haverreferred the trees to their classes in the Linnean system-that which arranges them accordmg to the num. ber of their sexual organs: but I had another thing in view, whick was to distinguish those that are rare, from those that are common.The most common genera have priority, as have the most commoa common species of each genus. It is however to be observed that the most rare species of the most common genera are more rare than the most common species of the most rare genera. Though ther -are 40 genera, yet a few species of about 25 gene. ra are all that need be particularly attended to. Rare kinds, or solitary individuals seldom appear to indicate any thing: as on the other hand a tree universally diffused, like the white oak, by occupying almost every variety of soil and situation indicates very little.Some trees that are not greatly diffused-such as sweet gum and persimon, being found on situations extremely dissimilar, may be suspected to indicate some peculiar principles in the soils on which.they grow. There are trees that are not produced by any degree of fertility, for thle existence of some evidently depends upon temperature-some upon moisture. Of such theconnoisse*ur of land. takes hlittle notice; Inough is found on every soil, that bears trees at 411 to prove its character unequivocally. Trees and plants often change their coustitutionsand appearancess Some exotics which at first are kept alive with difficulty min a cliuimate or soil different from tftose they have been accustomed to, yet ac quire in time all reqasite hardihood anl thrive and rqproduce Iit nautives. ï~~5$4 TREES IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY. Trees never exhaust, but always improve the land they occupy, until at last it becomes too good for the particular kinds it has suported: they then disappear and are replaced again by others of etter families. As the ministeralists in England tell the emigrating class that they leave the country because it has become too good for them. Among young thriving trees there is generally little or no n6lergrowth, and the soil is the weakest that can belong to the kinds of trees which 9ccupy it. As the forest grows old the vegctabl soil accumulates, and a young generation of undergrowth rises, ur"~t formly presenting better sorts than those which had preceded. '1n this way the process of improvement goes on In this way tihe oak 4s exterminating the pine fromn the continent, to be in its turn ob!iged to give place to ash, elm, hickory, locust, poplar. cherry, walnut, buckeye, &c. In some of the great pine tracks--particilarly in the southern states, the oak is rising as an undergrowth amniong the pines: in other parts it only occupies the open spaces wher, the pines have have died or where they have been cut away. Where here are very old oaks the.' are associatcd with young trees ofa better kind grown to fiull hcl:ht. This shows a trarsition in the soil from the strength requisite for the production of oak to a degree or two of greater fertility. Generally hos, soils are richest which present the greatest variety of trees miig'ed together.J3ut there are t-xceptiois to this rule. An extremely ich soil, like one extremnel: oor. will sometimes give birth only to one or two sorts. So in K.entucky. in some o(f the best tracts. buck-e e or Iho. aey locust have almost entirely excluded all the ot er kinks of trees. In preparing the Geograpl)y of the western country, the little knowledge which I happen to possess of this subject prevented me in many instances from being led into error by 1 he stamenments of others. When a man talks of rich land and trees upon it utterly inconsistent with fertility we learn to appreciate his accounts. So when we read that cedars grew at Leba n x e know that Lttle else could grow there; and we perceive tie force of the passage in Isaiah xxix. 17, where the prophet, speaking of the wonders which would be wroighlt by the Almighty, says, "Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field." But it will be asked by some, how shall those Who are not botanists learn to distinguish oa.e tree fom another Country peopleI mean Americans, ge erally know tem well enouigh; but miost foreigners and townsmen w und no doubt be staggered at the threshold of the subject. The lithographic art might do somethiig for us, but engiravings are too costly for a book of this sort, and w itiout them it would be fhr more difficult to acquire a knowledge of the cumbrous system ofdefinition a.opted by tihe botanists, than to become acquainted with tue severa kinds of trees, as mucli as is requisite, by actual unspection. And atter all this occular acquamita ce would be necessary, for a man's knowledge would answer litice pur. pose unless lie could distinguish thevaretiesat great distances. ny one of tolerable meuory aight by travelu two or turee days with a backwoodsman, a!d e, 1,I to recognise again eachi kA d of tree that belongs to any one cimate. If any one of my reade.s knowing th s, will ask for the techinical desciptions, I itall oe apt to suspect tihat lie is not aware of the terri ï~~TREES IN THE WESTERN COUNTI'. 25 ble host of tall dark-visaged words which his request might call up to stalk between him and the light--the heteremorphus, subvertscillate subpseudopinnatifid, subfastigiate, setaceously mucronulate. and inappendiculate, &c. THE OAK is of the class Monoecia and order Polyandria ofLinneus. It is the most generally diffused tree in N. America, although the whole of the globe south of the equator produces only one spe. cies and it is anomalous, (the Quercns.Molucca.) 1 QuFacus alba (white oak) In all soils except those extremely rich and those extremely barren: generally increasing in size with the increase of fertility. Sometimes it is exclusive or nearly so, and then it indicates 2d or 3d rate land. When associated with other trees it is scarcely characteristic of any thing. 2 Q. nigra (black oak) with a variety called the Q nigra pumila (dwarf black oak) On soils moderately fertile but not of great depth except where it mingles with a variety of other trees. 3 Q. falcata L.spanish oak) of this there is one variety called the Q. tribola. This first is almost uniformly within the limits of old allu vion4 Q. tinctoria (quo rcitron black oak) Generally on level upland or dry land which is fertile or at least moderately so. 5 Q rubra (red oak) On land of Medium quality. 6 Q. illicifolia (black jack) Chiefly in sandy bottom land not very rich 7 Q. phellos (willow oak) On poor soils. 8 Q. aquaticu or Q. hemivphenrica or nana (swamp oak) In wet flats as its name indicates, rar ly in those places cald swamps, but oftelt on the borders of them. 9 Q. prinus (chesnut white oak) On poor gravelly or stony hilh. 10 Q. MAichauxii (swamp white oak.) 11 Q. palustris (swamp spanish oak.) 12 Q. macrocarpa (over cup white oak) On the dry alluvial soil along the lower Mississippi 13 Q cinerea (grey oak or upland willow oak) On poor soils. 14 Q. pumila or Q. sericea (running oak) On stony dry barreis on the borders of glades, &c. 15 Q. rirens (live oak) No where north of latitude 31. large and plentiful in Florida: diminishing in size and becoming more scarce as we proceed westward and terminating on the gulf coast near the west border of Louisiana. Occupies poor soils in Florida but it at-. tains better soils westward. 16 Q. imbricaria (shingle oak.) 17 Q. lyrata (swamp post oak) On poor wet southern fats in the Mississippi country. 18 Q. oliveformis (mossy cup oak) Rare and oply in the southern states. 19 Q montana (mountain oak) On poor stony ridges. 20 Q. chinquapin (dwarf chesnut oak) On the driest soils, rare west of the mountains, but common in the Atlantic country. 21 Q. castanea (yellow oak) On poor dry soil. 22 Q. marifimi (marine oaK) Along the sandy coasts. 23 Q. catesbei(barrea scrub oak In dry sandy b ren situatiohlti jik the southerngstptee ï~~2410; myrtifol*a. Peculiar (probably) to Cumberland ishlnd, I-lorida. 25 Q. dzhseotar-: 26 Qi coccinea; 27 Q, obtwr-iloba (upland white oak) with a variety called Q. 6 ' ieprlessa pecu!iar to the barren hills near the Cordilera mountains of" 'U Mssissippi. tt seldom exceeds X~ feet in heighbt. Thu British oak (Quercus peduneulata) does,not -belong to any 'part of our continent. R9ICKORY has been gerrerally classed with the Juglans genuis. It is -of the 'class, mloecia, order polyandria. The whole family, indivtes fertility. 1 CAUTA rulcaa or squarnosa (shell bark hickory) Generally ot rijch bottoms, particularly those subject to inundation. 2C. alba (whrlite hickory) Both on hill and bottom land where flhe soil is at least moderately fertile. 3C. porcznaa (pig nut hickory) Chiefly on dry hill land-not Vest;richI 4 C. amara (bitternut hickory.), 5 C.'aquetica (swamp hickory.), 6 C. myrticceformis (niutmeg hichory.)7 C. olivafris (pecan nut hickory) Abundant in the rk~h foreslx -ofllinois and! the Missouri state. 8-ji;LAws ftigra (black walnut), Indicates a deeper richer soil than,any other vegetable except cane, Grows both on hill and bottomA innwl but is veencrally assticiated with several other kinds of trees. 91 J. cineea or J. cat lar:ica (white walnut or butter nut) On modf erate-ly rich land-generally onl hills. 10 J. fraxinfolia (red walnut). In the. Mississippi and Missoudi -vountries, on rich land. PINE. [class monoecia, order monadelphiaj. This whole genus Thidicates sterility. Scarcdly ever fojund on bottoms., 1 Pixus strobur (White-or Weymnouth 'pine) Often exclusive, covering wide bairen tracts.: occasionally met with from Canada tq 'loridA., 2 P. rliida (black pine), On the better kind of pine land., 3 P. resinosa (pitch pine) Indicates the best soil of any of th.q,pine family-yet such~ as is hardly fit for agriculture. 4 P. variabilis (yellow pine.) 5 P. palustis (broom, or long leaved or, yellow pitch pinhe) Inp'et southern flats. 6 1P? teda (oldfield or loblolly pine) Peculiar to the southern state~l ~jnwet sandy,- flats. The larix and abies are subgenera of the pine family. 7 LAWuX 7nicrocarpa (american -larch) L. peundula 8 4 aras- canadenis (hemlock spruce), Chiefly on the brow's 'f' yrecipites. 9 A. alha (white spruce.) 10 V. nigra, Iblack spruce,) 11 A. rubra (red spmice.) 12 %. eaxzfiolia (v-ewl.eaved spruce.), Nearly u. 1ed to which are, thlo cypress an4 c dar,, bot4& of tim.anc vlws asnd. ordekl, ï~~ThEES IN THE WESTERN CQUNTRY~I Cruassus thyoides (white cedar.) 2 C. disticlia (cy press) Pt culiar to the southern states and to', maarshy tracts. With a variety Called C. imbricaria in the ponds of Florida. Tiiuja occidentalis (called sometimes white cedar.) 1 JUNIPhRus COMMUnio (Common jumper.) 2 J1. virgirdana (red cedar) A.lways on the most barren soils or oxx rocks almost witnlott soil. Chic-fly along the Mi1ssissiPpi-wexten4jv ing fromu Canada to FioridA., J..refieos i"creepin,! janiper.) 43J. prostrata (dwa, fjuniper) "on the sandy shores of lake LuroDn and on the sterile 461ls of upper Missouri. 5 J. saibifla? (savin.) 6 J. excelsa, kt the h-eads of Missouri. 7 J. barbadc-usis, in Florida. Toie yew Is also related to the above in the same class, &. T1AXts canadensis, near lake Frie. T. baccata. in thfe islands of lake Huron and Makinaw. ELiAv [class Peritrandria, order iDigynizi.] It is seldom touiid on dry situations, most commonly on WO~ flats. 1 JJLMU S Amiericana, (black elm) chiefly along the river shores. Oo new alluvloa at least of mnedium fertility. 2 U.fulva (slippery elm) on hills and bottoms indifferently~ o n soil rather rich 3 U. aquatica (water elm) in marshes, generally in the rear of rich hottorms. 4 U. nermorali&. 5 U. alata Cw inged elm) peculiar to the shores of Frenchi Broad river in 'Tennessee. ASH [class Diocca, order Diandria.3 It is ntver exclusive, but mingled with varieties of trees, genr erally are the better sorts of soils; often on very rich. 1 FRAXIN USPUb -cefls (white ash.) 2 F. 8oinbrccfolia ( black ash.) 3 F. quarangu ata (blue ash) named fr-om the blue colour it$ wood gives to witer. 4 F. acuminata, 5 F-juglandfblia, 6 F. epi/ztera, 7 F.platy-; da rp a MAPLEB (class Octandria, order Monogynia.1 1 Aio.A sacrharinu-m (sugar maple) on hills and bottoms, but chiefly on bottoms. Genterally in a rich soil, modyte ly dry, but frequently- 90 lands subject to inuidation,'1 'bundant near the iiort'.ern lakes, rare in the southern stat, 3 A rubrurn (red flowvering map~le) gener iily on neyt lju - pn, rare in hil14s.' Mist abundant on wet situations./ 3 A. nigrum (h)1a k ma-ple,) 4 AV barbatuian 5 V -qtriafUm, 6 A. montanum. 7r X. da carfu, peculiar to the Upper Missouri country. Asi a sub genuswe may add ï~~,2&TREES 114 THE& WE~STERtN COtJNTRYV - 8 A. negundo (box elder) almost peculiar, to the Mississip I,shores. 9 A. fraxin/'ohium, far up the shores of the Missouri river., BEECH [class Monoecia, order Polyandria.] Appears always- to indicate a clavey soil. Sometimes on dry: hills, even precipices, and sometimes on wet flats. On the lat-, ter generally mingled with maple. Soil, good for past cre. 1 FAGLYS &vylVatiCa (white beech-4 with a variety called Z3' (.Inricana. 2 F.ferrugina(reel beech, CHESTNUT i-s of the same class and- order w ith -the beeci', -and is otherwise nearly related to it. On dry stoney hills where the surface seems somewhat feri tile, but where the soil is early exhausted. Sometimes on rib,-..ces very steri1le. 1 CA STANJEA ve~ca or americana (common chesnut. 9 C. Pumila (chinquapin)) on poor dry hills. LINN, or Lindep, or Lime tree [class Polyandria, order M4 -Viogynia.] On new alluvion, on good'soils, very rarely on hill. 1 TILIA g/abrum (bass, wood or black hann.),.2 T. fiubescens (downy leaved linden.) 3, T. Iaxiflora, 4_ T. hcterop~hyllla BUTTON-WOOD or Sycamore [class-Mo'ndecia, order NO., lyanciria-] There is but one species of it in America the PL.A'TANIUS Occidentalis. There are three other species in the Lev'ant. It is seldom.,found but on new alluvioni, chiefly the margins of the rivers and, large creeks. IIn rich land subje ct to Mh -undation. Of the TULIP tree (improperly called the poplar) there 0 'Lut one "'pecies in America, the Lirl'dendron tulip~frra, It i$ of the class Polyandria, order Polygynia. Generally on rich land, but. as often on hills as in bottoms4 eems to affect moisture. LOCUST (class Diadelphia, order Decandria.]. Seldom S, ev-erpipoor lan~d Usutlly on dr'y hills. -1 VJU N 1A frseudacacia (white flowering locust.), S~ia It L{viucasa, 'The iONEY-LOCUST isof -another faily [class Dioecinu on-der Pentandriai.1 In the richiest soilF; gejerally in bottom% 'Rarc in, uplanil, cxcept in Kenitucky. I GLJDITSCI) A triacant1o), comwuon honeY- locust) _rsei* sebigthe gleditsclia /zorrzda,of C.hina. ï~~TRES OP TI1 WES'TFIRS,OINT. M WILLOW [class Dioecia, order Diandria.) Seldom any of the genus are found but on low wet shores; generally in poor sand. I SALIx angustata (narrow leaf willow) the most commom on the west sandy shores of the Mississippi, and all its brani ches excepting the Missouri. 2 S. nigra (black willow) the most common on the wet shores of the Missouri and its branches. 3 S. candida (white willow.) 4 S. longifolia (long leaved willow ). 5 S. tritis, 6 S. obovala, 7 S. cordfolia,. 8 S.. lucida, 9 S. rigf. da, 10 S. /iedicellaris, 11 S. viminalis, 12 S.recurvata, 13 S. uv4 grsi, 14 S. myricoides, 15 S. discolor, 16 S. repens. The weeping willow (salix babylonica) seems not to be indi, genous in this country. There are 130 species of the willow but they belong chiefly to the northern countries of Europe. POPLAR [class Dioecia, order Octandria.] I POPULUS trepida (aspin) sometimes on dry stony hills hometimes in wet flats. 2 P. angulata (cottonwood) chiefly on the rich shores of the Mississippi, and its large tributaries-, but most plentiful along the Missouri. No where north of Pittsburgh. 3 P. candicans, 4 P heteroplzylla. 5 P. balsamifer (balsam poplar) 6 P. grandidentata..7 P. pendula (weeping poplar) on the Allegheny: mountain. 8 P. lxvigata, 9 P. betulfolia, 10 P. monilifera. KALMIA (laurel or calico bush) [class Decandria, order Monogynia.] On dry barren ridges and rocky declivities. Sometimes though rarely on dry stony bottoms; usually assoiated with spruce pine and -mountain tea. - KALMIA latifolia (broad'eaf laurel) 2 K angustfolia (narrow leaf laurel.). 3 K glauca (grey laurel.) Related to this is the Rhododendron (mountain laurel) c which there are two species in the western country. Rno,-. ENDRtOx maximum and R. punctatum. LAURUS [class Enneandria, order Monogynia] 1 L. catesbmi, 2 L. caroliensis, growing in the swamps of Florida; both species rare. The most plentiful, trees of this family are of a sub-genusw called Euosmus. 1 Evosmus.assafras (red sassafras),on land of medium quality, generally on dry hills. A shrub in the northe n states, but rising to a tree in the south. 2 E. albzda (white sassafras) with habits similar to the red %ssafras, and generally associated with it., e nzoin (spicewood) or rich soils In great varieti~, ï~~TREES IN THE WESTERN COUNTRY situation from dry hills to wet bottoms. Always a shrub, s6A9 dom more than six or eight feet high. 4 E. astivalis, 5 E. dioslzyrus. 6 E. geniculata. in wet sands, and on the shores of ponds itr the southern states. PRUNUS (plum and cherry) [class Icosandria, order Monogynia.] 1 PaRuNus viginiana (comnion wild cherry) Chiefly in bottoms: always in rich land, but often on situations too wet fo6 agricultural purposes 2 P. pennsylvanica (red wild plum) chiefly on bottomsT. Most frequently in wet situations 3 P canadcnsis (choak cherry) chiefly on rich wet bottoma. 4 P borealis, 5 P. nigra. 6 P pygmxa, 7 P. /2umila (dwarf cherry.) 8 P. chicasa (Indian red plur-) only in the southern states, generally near tle gulf coast: the original situation not known: apl),rentl cultivated by the Indians. 9 P. de pressa ( Missouri plum) generally producingt fruit at the height of three or four inches from the ground. Growing on the sterile hills of the Upper M ssouri and lake Huron counti, es; cons derably larger in the latter. 10 P. pubescens, 11 P. nmaitimi. CORNEL or dogwood [class Tetandria, order Monogynia.] 1 Co Nus florida (white flowering dogwood) generally diffused, but seldom or never exclusive, even on the smallest tracts. On dry soils; chiefly on hills that are not very fertile. 2 (. canadensis, 3 C. circinata, 4 C. asperifulia, 5 C.stricta, 6 C. serice'a. 7 C alba (swamp dogwood) with a bitter sort of berries eat. en by the Indians. Only in the middle and southern states. 8 C. sanguina. CAIIviNUS americana (horn beam or iron wood) class M-o. loecia, order Polyaudr.i.) Chicfly on the borders of small streams, and on moist soils. Osix i, virginica (hop horn beam) same class and order. BIRCH [smine class and order of the latter] 1 BE FULA lenta (sweet birch) its bark hlits the taste of mountain tea (gaultter a procumbens) and is likewise used as a ten. Chiefly onj the po orest soils; otten on the dry rocky brows of ridges. 2 B. nira (bleck birch) 3 14. /ip/nrac a (canoe birch) the Indian canoes are generally m.lde of toe b uk of this tree. It is most abundant along the porthe rn bL es 4 B excelsa (all birch ) 5 B. glanduluvo, 6 B. pjzpulVfoia, 7 B. iumila, 8 B. nanv, ï~~TREE'S IN "TRE WSTME1rNV coTimRY 2 26_1 BUCKEYE or HORSE CHESTNUT (class Heptandria, order Monogynia.] 1. IESCULUS Izavia fcommorrbuckeye) On the richest soils, -chiefly on river bottom'sm in Ohio and Virginia, becoming rareas we proceed north. O11 upland in Kentucky- and, southw,%ardt. 2. AEjYava (Ohio buckeye). Nearly like the comnmon btickreye in its-habits. 3. A. Pallida. 4. YE. macra8taclzya (dwarf buckeye.) 5. XE. glabra. 6. IE. discolor. GUM and TUPELO [c. Dioecia ord. Pentandria.] This whole genus belongs to the southern states, and gene,-" rally appears on good land-. 1. NYS SA 7illo-ga (sour gum). 2.N. aquatica, or l;iflora (tupelo~y 3. N. candican8 (ogechee lime tree.y 4. N. tom-entosa (wild- olive,) 5. N. Den ticukita. PAPAW [c. Poly andria, orde r Polyginia.]- In rich land-f-. generally in bottoms. Most common in the lower Mississippi country. It be.,rs no fruit north of Kentucky. 1. PORCELIA triloba (com mon papaw.) 2. P._parvjflora. 3. P. grandi/1ora, 4. P. py1gm ea. There is another kind of Papaw In' Florida called the carick Papiaya [~c. Dioecia o. Decandria)3 PYRUS angustifolia (wild crab apple) [c. Icosandria ord'..,Pentagynia.] In rich wet bottorn,$: on, hills rarely-generally o4 the new. alluvion. of small, streams. HAWTHORN. [c Icosandria, ord. Digynia.] On almost: very variety of situation and soil, but ini rich tracts. I. CROTAMGJs, aifolid, 2. C., coccineaj 3. C. glandulosa, 4. C. pyrioflia, 4. C. fla-va, 6. C. flarvlfolia; 7; C.. elipti. ca, 8. C. popul~olia, 9. C. spatliulata, 10. C. cru8 gal4, It C. piunctala, SUMACH [c. Pent 'andria, ord. Trigynila.] Most cominonv in bottom s that are, rich or at least, moderately so. 1. RHUS ty/zhinum, 2. R. glabrumn, 3. R. fiumnlum [pot.' son sumach] 4. R. viridjfloruwn, 5. R. vernix, 6. R. cohallinum, 7. R, radicane, [poison vinej 8.. R.* aromaticum-othe only species found-in the Mistiouri country., CERCIS canadensis, (red bud or Judas tree,) [c. decandria, o. Monogynta.], There is but this on species-in America, anf&', another one in Europe. Chiefly on dryghills. 4UIBERRY (co, Motiecia Qrd,_ retrmndriY ï~~lk2 62 TREES IN THlE WNESTERN COVNTRY. MORus rubra (common red mulberry) Chiefly on rich hills:niost abundant in the middle and southern states. M. 8cabra (Spanish mulberry) Only in the southern states. The Bermudian mulberry is of another genus (CALICARPA americana) [c. TIetandria, ord. Monogynia.] DioSPRx~Us vairginiana (Persimon or data-plum [Dioccia Octandria] gro vs in all situations-dry, barren hills, marshy flats, and dry, rich bottomns. Most coimon in the southern states., I. CJILTIS occidentlis (nettle tree) [C. Pentandria, ord. Trigynia] of this tree there is a sub-species (c. integrifolia) on the banks of the Mississippi near St. Louis. 2. C. cra88fo/ia (hackberry.) S. C. tenuilblia (dwarf nettle tree.) 1. ZANTIIOXYLUM fraxineum (prickly ash) [c. Dicecia, ord. Pentandrial, 2. Z, elava Htrculio& (tooth ache tree.) SORDLJ s amflricana (mountain, ash) [c. Icosandnia, o. Digyniaj) I MYRJcA carolinsic, (Pennsylvania wax tree,) [c. Dioccia, ord. Tetrandia most common on the shores of lake Erie, 2 M. cerifera, candleberry myrtle, chiefly upon sandy shores 3 M. gale,(gl) LzQnrus&A t s~f~ AweI t gumn, [Mlonoel Polyatidriaj most 'cormoo in the slwtcru stevs but vaindiial e foun d evell a far north as the gr~eat lakes Grows in) all varieties of land, ricbh *ncl poor, high and.0w, (my and wet. HOLLY, [I'etrandria Tetragynia.] I I-Lax opitca, (common holly,) with a sub-species-l. laxiflora. 2 1. cassife. 3 1. alsguslifolia 4 1. dalzoon. 5 1. Prinoides. 6 1. canad!ensisq CORAL TREE [Dialphia 1)ecandria.] 2. ERiYTHRYNA /wrbace'a, and 2 E. corallodendron; both pe. culiar to Florida generall),.near the sea, and as an undergrowth in the forests.g MACLTJRA aurantiaca (bow wood or yellow dye wood) [Dioecia FetranIvdria) Chie-fl y on the 'west side of the Mississippi from the Mijssouri to near the gulf coast, SIHEP~lk RN A argenziea (raboit Pberry [Doecia Enneandnia] Along the shores oit tue Upper Missouri on sterile land, S. canadnsni& Along the shores of the northern lakes. OL EA apw-,ricana (Amierican olive) [Diandria nonggyniajl Chiecfly aogthle utca. CATAJI PA cI/i (cattalpa tree) [same class and order] pec-- ulia (pobab) rtt'v lilnois state, where it be UiOs a tr (,ltiv 'ted in thle Dortl~oIl states, ï~~DISEASES INCIDENT TO M.ARSHY TRACTS IN A WARM CLIMATE. Ague, or intermittent fever, as an original disease, is always caused by the bad air which arises from marshes or new alluvion, and by nothing else. There are other fevers which somnetimes, for a while before their termination, become intermittent, and in that stage must be treated as original agues. When vegetables arc decomposed in water by heat, they evolve mnixtures and combinations of hydrogen & carbonic acid, & together with smal portions of hydrogen combined wIth nitric, phosphoric, and sulphuric acitts. None of these appear to possess any virulence but they are probably ac. companied by a virus too subtle for chemical analys s, diffused through thie air in loose combination with wate cry vapour. It is useless to notice here the varieties of agnes-the Quotidian, or daily the Tertian, returiing every sec, nd day-quartan-double tertian, &c. as they all arise from the same cause and require the same treatment. When a fever commences you cannot know whe. ther it will intermit or not. When the first cold fit coimences go to bed: take an ounce of chalk in a gill of vinegar. Drink them as soon as they are mixed and while ttafi y are fermenting. If' you can. not swallow them take a- tea spoon fud of sptrit of tart.born-or take balin tea or any kind ot tea twat ray make y)ou s, eat it'wrm teas will not affect this purp -se have warm or.cks placed at youtir ft t. If the hot fit is severe it is usual to lay a blister upon the back-or to take 2 or 3 grais of tartar eml tic a id aoi'r it operates to take a few drops of laudanumn. If delirium comes on (which it rait ely does in this country) it is usual besides blistemring and Lotini, to bleed the patient, but bleeding is a dangerous resort and should uot be attempted if there are any tokcns of a remissioti. Laudaumn is most to be relied on in this case, a grown person may take frons 25 to 30 drops of it. A counuation of the fever generay) produces dropsy or jaundice. If the hot fit is not unusually severe you ne l not take any thing while it continues, nor even during th. first chill. Vvhen thle se. cond fever is past, if you feel sick take a voiunit, and then a purse of calomel and jalap: or if yon are not verY sick the purge wil be sufficient. Whien it has operated take the Peruviai bark kN hici is the grand specific in cases of ague. It is generally given in thle fo i of powder-fiom one to two tea spoo frt s every ho)ur or as i n.:ch the stomach will bear; particularly if the hot fis'had beL n severeo and the intervals short between them It is best when taken in spirituous liquors, but K ast disagreeable when taken in milk and swallowed as son as it is nixed. If um.useated in every form it must be given clysterwise. \Vhen the fver has run high, eVt n as much as five ounces iave been g, ven during the first interval. Note that the bark must in no case be g.veu du. ring thie hot fits. Children are usually purgi d with ma- nesia as a preparatitive for the bark. They generally -nauseate the bark, and in s4ci cases you ï~~262 DISEASES, &C. 4nust rub their backs with opium and soap linnament-before the, proach of the chill, and give clysterwise a tea spoonfull of the bark in powder or halfa tea spoonful of its tincture alongwith 6 or 8 drops of laudanum: or apply a poultice of the bal k with camphor to their atomachs and wrists; or boil a large quantity of the bark in water and bathe them in it. XVhen the bark does not effect a cure in two or three days take another vomit and purge; or at least a purge, and recomnenne.again with the bark. When the ague is cured continue the use of the bark in small doses for 2 or 3 weeks or more. Ague is often followed by a complaint called the aogue cake, which is a h a3dness of the liver or spleen or of both; supposed to be caused by a congestion of blood in these viscera, occasioned by the premature use of bark in remittent and intermittent fevers, &c. The British writers agree in refmmending the bark to be used immediately after an emetic. Senac, a late celebrated French physician, has exposed the error of this practice, and enjoins the use of calomel to stimulate the li*er, in all such cases, as a preparative for the bark. The peruvian bark obtained from the different species of Cinchona is thought by many physicians inferior to a mixture of the barks of our common willow with that of oak-either black oak or white oak. The willow was celebrated as a febrifuge long before the virtues of the cinchona were known: but instead of using its bark physiaAs had the beds of patients in fever hung round with its branches. Such was suppo-sed to be its power in cooling the blood that chair cushions and pillows were stuffed with the down of the salix pubescens as a preservative of virtue. Hence the willow is con-crated to celibacy. If you live in situations which cause ague you should sleep in upper rooms, keeping your doors and windows closed-even during the day keeping those closed which overlook the marshy tracts. Use strong nourishing food-chiefly flesh, highly spiced Drink wine or spiritous liquors with the infusion of bark, particularly in the morning. I am not unaware of the terrible evils of this habit: but is better to adopt it than to be sick. Never go to work in the morning before eating. Learn to chew abundance of garlic and a little rhubarb. During summer and autumn it maVbe well even to chew tobacco; though I think the general use of that poisonous powerful narcotic an evil of greater magnitude to the human race than all the bene6ts which have resulted from the discovery of America. Put plugs of tobacco in your nose..Never swallow your spittle. Avoid all changes from heat to cold or from cold to heat. Avoid fogs, east winds and night dews. If you are sublject to ague, though not sick of it, take gentle purges at night, two or three times a week during the ague season 1 and a dram of spirits ontaining bark every morning. If you dislike tobacco, stop yor nose, as oftea as you go out of doors, with plugs of tow ï~~ISRE ASES, &C.! 15* 4ipt in vinegar in which camphire is dissolved. Wash you-r mouth with vinegar frequently. Wear camphire and garlic i a girdle round your body. BILIOUS COMPLAINTh. Of all the complaints incident to marshy tracts in hot cli" mates the most dangerous are those called Bilious. Thie proximate cause of them seems generally to be a deficiency of bile -sometimes its vitiated condition and rarely a redundency of it. The remote causes are various-putrid air; the excessive use of ardent spirits; drinking luke warm water without spirits or other stimulants; want of exercise or of rest; meagre diet; food hard to digest, or such as does not contain a proper proportion of animal and vegetable aliment. The usual symptoms are head-ache, costiveness, squeamishness, inclination to vomit, heart burn, flatulency--the three first being the most common As these are easily exasperated -into violent fever by drinking, by fatigue or by exposures, &c. it is of the utmost importance that they should be removed a soon as they are perceived. No medicine perhaps can better be depended on in this case than calomel. Its peculiar power in stimulating the liver is generally indispensible for a complete cure; as the indolent state of that part appears to produce the complaint. The usu. al dose is 10 grains of calomel and 15 or 20 ofjalap; but if the symptoms do not seem urgent it is better totake S or 4 grains of calomel, and 8 or 10 grains of jalap daily for a few days. The decoction of white walnut bark boiled to a consistency seems preferable to jalap; but a mixture of both will be better than either Pills made of the dried bile (gall) of cattle are said to be generally beneficial in bilious afflictions. Where there is great want of appetite, and other tokens of extreme weakness of stomach, it may be advisable to use warnm spices, such as ginger or pepper, to stimulase the stomach and pylorus: or a decoction of oak or peruvian bark may be taken. When the bilious symptoms are very severe it will be advisable to take a vomit of tartar emetic. Three grains are a full,dose; but the safest way is to dissolve twice that quantity in warm water, then divide it into 5 or six equal parts, and take portion by portion at intervals-of 12 or 15 minutes until it operates. Ipecacuana is perhaps preferable, because if it does not cause vomiting it passes off insensibly-or as purgezor sweating medicine;. while the tartar emetic, and -theother aatimonial preparations, gre. tly distress thepatient where they fail of their intended tffect. West of the Allegheny mountains there are, in abundance, two species of Indian physic (Gillenia trifoliata and G. stipulacea) which the country people knew well, and generally prefer al-a vomit, to the antimonial vomits and to ipefsuan. For a ï~~6 DISEASES, Vc, coloured figure of the plant see Dr. W. Barton's Medical Botany, p. M, tab. 6. The usual dose is the decoction of a handfil of the roots. Pearl ash has been recommended as an excellent medicine to be taken in the commencement of bilious complaints. I have very frequently takenit, and uniformly with the most prompt and decisive success; so that 1 have not, since I adopted it, had occasion to use any other medicine on such occasions. It neutralizes the acid and acrid contents of the stomach and bowels; restoring their proper tone and condition by the neutral stimnulating salts it produces. The dose is half a tea spoonful dissolved in half a gill of water, and repeated at the ecd of two hoari if it is not at first efficient. Those whose stomachs do not become sour; or whose intestines or stomachs may be disordered by excess of bile, should occasionally take a few drops of vitriolic acid or elixer of vitriol in a glass of water. It will decompose the bile. XWhen fever is produced by the disorder of the stomach, &c. -Consequent upon the vitiated condition of the bile, or its deficiency or redundancy, there are generally large quantities of it vomited off, even before a vomit is given; and hence arose the juame of this class of complaints. In fevers of this kind bleeding is resorted to, but is generally considered perilous, as they are apt to sink suddenly from a higk inflammatory stage into typhus; in which event the bleeding usually kills the patient off It is better to begin by cleansing the bowels with a vomit and then a gentle purge. If the skin is moist after their operation take 10 or 15 drops of antimonial wine; or from a quarter to half a grain of tartar emetic. If the stomach is irritated take 8 or 10 drops of laudanum-or if the irritation be violent omit the tartar emetic, and encrease the laudanum even to 20 drops. If perspiration comes on, or an intermission of the fever is obtained, give peruvian bark as iu the case of common ague. Instead of using tartar emetic for a vomit in the first instance it is usual to take Dr. James's fever powders (phosphate of antimony and lime) when they can be procured. They are purchased in made up papers each containing a dlose. When they cause vomiting, promote it by drinking wurni water or camomile tea: if they cause looseness check it with opium or laudanum. The liver complaint is allied to the preceding ones. It is usually cured by bleeding, and by applying blisters upon the region of the liver; or what is preferable rubbing that part with mercurial ointment even until it produces salivation; like wise taking calomel in small doses FLUX. Dysentery or bloody flux is most common and most dangerts in the ueighbourhood of marshes, yet it is sometimes. prev~t ï~~DISEASES, 0. 262 lent in dry situations. It consists of griping pains in the bowels, remitting and returning frequently, with evacuations of roucus-sometimes with the fxeces in small indurAtedt portions. In the progress of the disorder the discharges are apt to become bloody, It is usually accompanied with a little fever and consequent loss of appetite-sonTetimes with vomiting. It is caused by putrid air, spirituous liquors, acid or unripe fruit, acrid food ormedicines, by whlatevr irritates the intestioes; and one species is caused by exposures which check the perspiration. Sometimes it precedes and sometimes it accompanies fevers, but it is most common as an original disease. The usual remedies are a dose of tartar emetic, and a purge of Epsom or Glauber's salts, followed by 2 or 3 grains oF ipecacuan powder to cause sweating, and 8 or 10 drops of laudanum to allay the irritation of the bowels. Opium or laudanum if used too freely, or if used before the intestines are evacuated of their acrid contents, have a tendency to check the cure, and even to produce an exasperated return of the complaint. Vegetable jellies of starch, or sago, or marsh mallows, are of great service, by sheathing the intestines. Boiled rice alone has often eflkcted the cure. Tonic astringent medicines, such as columbo root, peruvian or oak bark, &c. often produce much benefit after lurgatives havefully operated. The cold bath is resorted to far the same reasons, but it would be injurious before the purging has ceased. Pearl ash if taken early appears to be superior to every other medicine for this complaint. It rapidly neutralizes the acrid contents of the bowels, and excites them in such a manner that they sheath themselves with mucus. The dose may be half a tea spoonful in half a gill of water, and repeated every two or three hours until it effects a cure. Supercarbonated soda (the prepared natron of the shops) may be preferred br some, but it diflers little from the pearl ash in its operation. When taken they both leave a uauseous taste upon the palate, but that may be instantly removed by washing the mouth with vinegar. The vinegar must not be swallowed. Along with the pearl ash I think it adviseable to use a purge, and after that a little opium together with jellies, &c. While the flux was prevalent in West Pennsylvania in 1819 the common people, from a few accidental cases, beganto conceive an extravagant opinion of the virtues of myrtle wax, which is boiled from the berries of all the species of the myrica. As a medicine it is precisely like the common bees wax. its whole effects result from the circuk stance of its being indijestible: in other words its action is mechanical. It is of some service in the last low stages of flux when the bowels are almost empty, and irritated by the emptiness: it produces an agreeable distention in them, and by that means enables them in somd measure to recover their natural tone. Bees. wax was a favourite remedy with old Dr. Barton (of Philadelphia) but it has ot ben very highly esteemed by other physicians, It produqfs ï~~4o benefit in the first stages of the complaint. to be taken it shaved thin and supped with milk. When in flux the pulse becomes quick, small and hard, with an increase of fever; the urine high coloured, and a fixed pain in the'bowels, there is reason to suspect that they are inflamed. The patient should then be bled freely and placed in a.tub of warm water, or what is prcferable, have a large blister laid upon his belly. It may also be well to give a clyster of 30 or 40 drops of laudanum in starch jelly. In such a situation medical aid should if possible be procured.immediately. In flux where the fever is subsiding or has sunk into the low Tiervous kind (typms) where the pulse after having been full, hard, and gtrong, has become weak, then the patient cannot be bled but at the peril of his life. Of late years in this country the fevers in dysenteric cases have often sunk rapidly, so that bLc(lin in such cases requires a careful attention to circum. etaces. Where fluz commences as a cholera morbus, that is with vomniting, promote the vomiting with warm drinks, such a% camomile or mint teas; to vwhich may be added a few drops of" spirit of hartshorn-if the stonmach rejects this let it be given clvsterwise. When the stomach and bowels are cleansed take a small pill of opium. If the stomach rejects it let it be given lystcrwise until the vrniting be checked. Even as much as ii 11an emu,.e of opium has been an1instered in that way be-.Iore this purpose be accomplished. In obstinate cases it is usual to bathe the feet, blister the legs, or belly, or to bathe it with wine, opium, and camphor or spices. Expsures to cold often cause a sort of dysentery obstructing the perspiration, through that means producing inflamnimation. of the bowels even when their contents are not at first acrid. Those who have slept upon the ground, or who have been chilled by rains, or by fording streams, or the like; if they are aU4 tacked by dysentery immediately after such incidents may conclude that it is of this kind. In such cases let blood, and lay a liAter upon the belley; or as a substitute for a blister take the warm bath, or foment with wine or spirits, opiShU, camphor, acc as in cholera morbus. Give a clyster of 30 or 40 drops of laudanumim in starhjelly: or it may be safest to precede these Semedies with an emetic and purge, togethea with the pearl ash. For a habitual flux take small dose s of rhubarb or ipecacuan. If they do not remove it take zinc finely powdered, 8 or 10 grains at a dose. The water of the springs and wells in the western country is often so much impregnated with lime that it is apt to give a. lax to newly weaned children; and in that way many lives are lost through ignorance of the cause. Boiling the water will prevent this effect, as it will precipitate the lime by expelling the excess o acid which holds it in solution. Hence tea and -offie are recommended, kut milk is preferable. If the purg ï~~-BSSESS, l 249V& i~ is obstinate paregoric may be given two or three times a day; 15 or 20 drops at a time, until the complaint be removed, And now gentle reader of mine if you are migrating to out, " land of promise," though I tremble at the responsibility under which I write every word of this article, yet for your sake; I shall add one word more; conscious that it is full ofjeopardy to myself, seeing that I do not belong to that class of men who in this country have monopolized the title of Doctor. If you become sick in yourjourney in any of our cities or large towns you vwill of course apply to a physician. As for those medical practitioners whom you will find in the new settlements; called doctors by courtesy, I am not sure that I can conscientiously recommend them upon an average. However if you should be forced to apply to some of them, probably you will find frequent occasion to admire the wisdom of that passage in the ancient scriptures, which saith "Whoso sinneth before the Lord M him fall into the hands of a p hysiciat." ï~~NAVIGATION.TABLES. miles. ALLEGHENY RIVER. 1hamilton North bend of the Allegheny - 20 Allegheny enters Pennsylvania, - - 23 45 Warren-mouth.of ConewangQ20 65 Mlouth uf Tonewista, creek 35 100U Franklin at the mouth. of French creek, 25 125 Sandy cr. U. S. 1 lv135 Scrubgrass cr. It. S. 8 143 Falling springs 3 146 Montgomery'9s fatls 4 150 Here is a large rock in the mniddle of the iver; ch. ont L. side Ewalt's Defeat, rocky, L. S 3 153 Patterson's falls 4 159 Nicholson's eddy - 2 161 A3 strong rippl)e here, chi. R.S&. Stump cr. L. S. a 8 169 Parke r's or Ainberson's falls, 3 112 ch. on L.. S. Catfish. falls, ch. on L. S. 8 1801 lied-bank er. ch. L. S. 7 187 Cumming's -rock, ch. R.$. 5 192 Mlahoning cr. E. S.- 2 194 cli. onl R.-S. Sloan's ferry - 14208 Crooked cr. E. S.. - 3 A2 lcholson's falls, ch. R. S. 3 1 5 Jittanning - - 7221 -Owing's island, ch. on R. S. 4 12 6 Bull cr W. S. ch. on L 5.& 3 22, Logan's ferry, mtnf)th of Puicket), ch, on L. S. 4J23' illards island,, cli. on L.S. 41237 J'hsrn cr. F. S. - 325u t~nycl. E. S. - 2124 Vncr Wn,S. - of heisan Vic. n L S. of theisan W0i lson's. islands ch. on L. S. 4 251 Pittsurg12 FRENCH CREMI. Mls W~aterford or be iltruf Outlet of be Brauf lake 4, Muddy creek 4 21 Dead water point - 14 3 Mleadville - - 18 48 Wilson's bend - 6 54 Little Sugar creek 8 62 Big Sugar creek W 12 74 Franklin - 4 78 MONONGAHELA RIVER. Clarksburgh M lorgant(.wn - 40 Virinia line - 4 44 Cheat river enters R. S. 4 4t Hfere is a dangerous -shoal, and boats are usually pi. loted through it. DL11nkard's cr. enters L. S. 2 50 George's cr. It. S. 10 6l,,iNew. Geneva.,jGreensburgh, opposite. IBig Whitely cr. L. S. 4, 64 Little, Whitely Cr. L. S. 2 66 ch. -middle. lBrown'r run, R. S. 2 68 Middle run, it. S. - 2 70 ch. near L. S. Cats run, ch. in mid& 2 72 Muddy cr..L. S. 4 76, Ifere are t-wo fish dams, ch. oj the I1st near middle; of the 2dlR. AS, len mile creek, L. S., 7 83, cli. is a chute in the mid. 1'redrick town - 1 84, James Crawford's ripple 1 85 ch, near the mid. Josiah Crawford's ripple 3 88 ch..near the mid. Dunlap's cr. R. S, - 3,91 BRaOWNSVILLE, Redstone..1edlstone cr. R. S. 1 9 ï~~N AV!GATION TABLES. Williamsport, Parkinson's mill, R* S, cr. in the mid. MFarland's ferry - Elizabeth town Peter's creek L. S. ch. close to L. S. M'Keesport, R. S. Turtle creek Just above the mouth there is, a long ripple-at the head of it ch. is R. side. near the middle ch. is. L. side, at the lower end it returns to the R. side Braddock's fields, R. 8. Nine mile run Gordon's ferry, now Calhoun's F'our mile bar, ch. R-. until Pittsburgh - files. 0 113 6119 2121 124 5 129 5134 136 138 140 143 147 MISSISSIPPI RIVER From the mouth of the Illinois to6 the mouth of the Ohio.An isaxid opposite the mouth of the Illinois Island 2. ch. left side. Islad 3. do. Island 4. ch. right side,. Isand 5. do. Island 6 ch. both sides. A lissouri river - 18 Dli Bois, or Wood river left side. - - 1 Islands 7 and- 8. between Sancere's ouse- R. 8, 3 lIe'e is a large sand bar ch. both sides Island 9 ch. right side 1 Mess river, do. St. Louis. 1t) bland Itch. both sides. Cahokia river V 'tepush, ch right side 6 Island 12 do. ------ 13 do. Philip Fines's. 8 Merrimack, right side 3 Islands 14 & 13 ch between little Plateen; rock and ree. - 5 Mi Island 16 ch. left side - 17 ch. right side 18 do. Here is a bar at the foot of the island. ch. right side Herculaneum - 6 Islands 19 & 20 ch R. side Big Piatteen; rock and cr. 5 Island 21 onrkft side a bar opposite, ekh bef-ween Fort Chartres - 15 St. Genevieve, right side 8 island 22 ch. left side r----23 ch. both sides 34 ch. right side Gabarre creek do. Islands 25 & 26 ch. R. S. Ferry Kaskaskias Islands 27, 21 & 29, ch. L. S. Camp Roudy S. L, ora river, right side Islands 30& 31 ch. L. S Kaskaskias, or Occoa river, oh. left side 18 Flin's ferry Islands 32 & 33 ch. R. side River St Mary left side 4 Island 34 near do. ---- 35 - 36 & 37 ch. between 38.ch. both sides Xmite river, right side 14 Island 39 ch. do. - 40 ch. both sides - 41 ch. do. Calvin's creek do. Obraz,, river do. 4 Grand tower, a rock near right side ch. L, side of the rock,. Island 42 near right side. and bar ch. between them Riviere de la Pomme R. S. 2 M1uddy o, Au Vase river, left side - 1 Shawnee town, right side,land 43 oh. do. - 44 ch. do. - 45 ch. do. - 46 ch. do. Devil's island, ch. do. 1E tape Girardeau, do 4 le. 64 69 81 92 - 114 128 -138 19 22. 23 26 36 42 50 53 58 140 143" 144 146 64-1 ï~~rr K~AVIGATIN TABLE1 Miles.. 1 Island 48 ch. right side A cluster offive islands - 49 ch. both sides ch. left side - 50S ch. right side Island 61 at the Grand Turn Cape La Bruchlie right side 4172 eh. both sides - 15 195 Islatid 51 close to right side Fhrea islands, 52 ch. both sides ch. round both sides -- 53 ch. left side Three islands - 54 do. cl. both sides - 55 ch. both sides. Island 68 ch. right side Tyawapatita or. right side 8 180 Mouth of the Ohio 18 21 Bates of Fare established by the.Mlississippi Steam Boats Upward passage. Mile. dollg, New Orleans to N*atchez -... 315 5 0 to Warrenton - 413 35 to the mouth of the St. Francis - 845 75 to Fort Pickering - - 906 80 to the Little Prairie - - 1045 85 to New Madrid - - - 1078 90 to the mouth of the Ohio - 1140 95 to the mouth of Cumberland river 1215 100 to Shawneetown - - 1300 105 to Henderson (Red Banks) 110 to the Falls of the Ohio - 125 Children under 2 years of age quarter price; from 2 to 10 half price; servants half price: way passengers 121 cents per mile. Downward Passage. From the Falls to Henderson - 10 to Shawneetown - 12 $0 to the mouth of Cumberland 15 to the mouth of the Ohio - 20 to New Madrid - - 22 to Little Prairie - - 25 to Chickasaw Bluffs (in fort Pickering) 30 to St. Francis - 35 to WVarrenton - 5O0 to Natchez -. to New Orleans - - - ildren, servants and way passengers as above. ï~~ERRORS AN"D CORRECTIONS 11N THE ORiTO PLOT. Page 14, line 15, the direction. is to. cross over the river to the left shore below the foot of Hog island. Tiiat channel has been closed up. by sand since this was printed. After passing the point of Whites' bar you must now run parallel with the right shore-keeping to the right of Middleton bar. Page 14, line 29, it i# stated that hogstowzt bar throws within 5 yards of the itR. shore, It should be 25 yards. Page 15, line 19, the directions-in passin, the lower part of Kneas' lys' cluster should run thus-i n the lower chute keep the large rock on your right 10 yards distant: then for about 15 yards, &e The last part of the paragraph relative to the rock in the foot of the chute is a mistake. Page 18, line 26. Little Grave creek (S1 milos below Putney) thlere is no bar at its mouth as is rep-rcsented in the chart bult there is a bar in the middle oftthie river half a mile above it. Channel on the right side. Page 28. line 11. 'lThe logs opposite the head of Brush Creek 1sland. do not lie on a bar, as is siated; T"hey lie in deep water. P3 re 30, 5 lines from the foot. Instead of a rocky bar oppolite B13I 0one lick-read a large sand bar. Page 33. The chart is here turned the upper end down. ERRORS, &c. IN THE GEOGRAPIIY. Page 47, line 9, West Ion!itude of Pennsylvania instead of 30 should be stated 40 37. Page 51, line 21. Pyamunting creek. The name is thus spelled in our books and maps, but I am told by a person from the neighbourhood of it that it should be Pymatuning. Page 75, line 25. Maumee or Maurice diver-call it always Maumee, for there is another Maurice river in the N. W. Territory. Page 99, line 12. T'he line which runs west from the south end of lake Michigan is stated as separating Indiana from the N. Western territory. It did so; but by the last act of congress on that subject it is made to separate Indiana from llinoins. Page 107, line 20. Jeffersonville is not the largest town in Indianabut the third or fourth in size. Page 107, line 3 from the bottom. Harmony is not in Gibson coun. ty, but in Posey, as is stated in the statistical table, page 106. Page 128, line 9 from the bottom. In some of the copies the word Towns was put at the head of the right hand column instead of CorNTIEs. Page 137, line 2 friom the bottom, for latter read lathe. Vage 147, line 7 from the bottom, for Fouddu lac read Fond du Iat ï~~274 PAtRO1S AND CORI CTIONS Page 153, line 11 fiom the bottom, for Nandoessee read Naudoessee. Page 166. The head line Michigan Tier itory ruMis by mistake ol er the arlicle WV. Virlinia in smnie of the copies. Page 171, line 15, for breaks read creleks. Page 172, line 11 fro'om the bottom, for esteemed read estimated. Page 193, last line, for delegates read delegate. Page 194, line 10 from the bottom. The distance of the mouth of thlL Kenhawa fomr te moudi of the Ohio is stated at 693 miles. It is 685. Page 200, line IS from the bottom, for Tangipaho read TIongipaho. Page 201, line 18 for Cot island read Cat island. Page 202, ine 14 fromrn the bottom. for Batoa Range read Baton Rouge. Same page line 11 from the bottom, for T'ongpiaho read T)ngipalio. Page 204 lines 4. 5. and 10, for Alchlafadaya read Atchafalaya. Page 206, line 3 from the bottom, for El.hor a Chere read Ecor C hene. Page 209, ine 11, for waler read matter. Page 212, line 26, for promionale read promenade, Page 213, line 9, for when read where. Page 215, line 3 from the bottom, dele should. Same page line 2J for face read base. Page 216, line 11 from the bottonm, price of cotton, for 75 cts. per lb. read 15. Page 218, line 9 from the bottom, for above real below. Rage 219, line 8, for Pongipaho re ad foogipaho. Page 220, line 12, for Coasa read Coosa-or rather should be spelled Coozah. Page 222, last line, for north read south. tin printing the article on Kentucky, the following description of Frankfortwas somehow overlooked. It should have beemn given; in page 179 immediately before Maysville.] FRANKFORT is situated on the Kentucky river, 60 miles from its confluence with the Ohio, in N. lat. 380 14', W.,long. 70 40'. It is the seat of the state government, but not otherwise a place of much conse quence. The country arund it is far inferior tb the vicinity of Lexngton, both in beauty and fertility. The river bottoms near it are low, broad and su:ject to inundation-of course the stagnating waters in the warm seasons cause bilious complaints-but since the flats have been dramined the place is perfectly healthy. This change seems to have great influence on the present prosperity of the town.. it has a state house of rough marble 86 feet by 54, and three stories in ticeight, besides a court house, jail, &jc. superior to the generality of buildings of the kind in this country. The Penetentiary covers one acre of ground and us ally contains firom 40 to 80 convicts.Three newspapers--the Palladium, Argus, aid Pulse are printed here. A chain bridge has been erected over the river ppoite to the towA; ï~~ ï~~ ï~~6 ï~~ ï~~ ï~~,.. ï~~*, ï~~,/&,s~ A IL 4 0 W-1 A ~ 4 ~'~0